/ & 3 *•" "A QiCU-g^ r FAMILY PRAYERS ©tier)’ JWorntng anti (Stoning THROUGHOUT THE YEAR. ADDITIONAL PRAYERS FOR SPECIAL OCCASIONS. BT JOHN MORISON, D.D. FISHER, SON, & CO. THE CAITON PRESS, ANGEL STREET, ST. MARTIFS-LE-GRAND, LONDON; POST-OFFICE PLACE, LIVERPOOL; PICCADILLY, MANCHESTER. Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2015 ■ I D https://archive.org/details/bookoffamilyworsOOmorr 5 V SLllcS PREFACE. The following Manual does not lay claim to any special originality, either in design or execution ; but if it shall prove, by God’s blessing, a suitable aid to Family Devotion, where, from timidity or choice, a form of prayer is required, the object of the Editor will be fully answered. Nothing could more gratify him, in a dying hour, than the thought of having contributed in any measure, however humble, to swell the current of domestic piety, and to impart to its stated ordinances a character of scriptural simplicity and godly fervour. As the undertaking, he trusts, has been begun and prose- cuted in the spirit of prayer and dependence on the Author of every good and perfect gift, the Editor would humbly hope that his labour will not be in vain in the Lord. A few circumstances respecting the character and arrangements of the work may be stated for the guidance of the Christian public. And, first of all, it may be necessary to observe, that the Editor did not deem it advisable, in preparing a Domestic Manual for the circuit of a year, to draw exclusively upon his own resources. He chose rather that it should exhibit that species of variety which is the result of the combined efforts of several minds. With one exception, the Prayers for Sundays are all original, and about two-thirds of the whole work may be entitled to the same distinction ; but the remaining portions have been selected either from the writings of the living or the dead, and have been altered, or preserved entire, according to the judgment of the Editor. To many of his reverend brethren in the ministry, of high standing, he has been indebted for several valuable contributions, particularly to Messrs. Harris, Campbell, Morris, and Atkinson ; and to the authors of various works on Family Devotion, from whom he has derived most valuable aid, he takes this opportunity of presenting his most grateful acknowledgments. In no case, however, has he trenched on the laws of copyright, by such an undue use of any man’s labours as might in the slightest degree affect the value of existing property. Upon referring to this Manual, it will be found that as much brevity has been aimed at as comported with the full efficiency of domestic worship. It has often occurred to the Editor, that pious families have been lamentably forgetful, on this head, of what is due to children, young people, and servants. If extremes were in any case justifiable, he would have no hesitation in saying that that of undue brevity in family worship is decidedly to be preferred. Besides, it has been his studious effort to avoid such an enlargement of this volume as might swell it to an inconvenient size, or make its price such as to put it beyond the reach of the less wealthy classes in the middle walks of life. In no case, therefore, has any prayer of the seven hundred and twenty-eight required for Jifty-two weeks, been extended beyond the limits of a full imperial octavo page. It is hoped also, that the course of Scripture reading suggested at the top of each page, will be found edifying to those who adhere to it ; and that it will conduct them to such an impartial acquaintance with the Sacred Oracles as will endear to Christiau families the great charter of our eternal hopes. 1 A2 iv PREFACE. The Occasional Prayers, which form the last part of the volume, with four excep- tions, consist of selections from the writings of other men, and are divided into four distinct sections : those which are appropriated to certain domestic exigences — those which relate to special religious occasions — those which may be combined with the ordinary diet of family devotion — and those which are general, and are to be used only on some rare occurrences in life. It is hoped that a reference to the spirit which has been conscientiously maintained throughout the work, will not be regarded either as unnecessary or obtrusive. It is the fixed opinion of the Editor, that family devotion should be conducted upon principles common to all enlightened and spiritual minds; and that every thing savouring of denominational peculiarity should be rigidly excluded. Upon this view, as in his own family circle, the Editor has proceeded in the construction of every prayer. He is not aware, indeed, that a single phrase has been employed which could give just offence to any one embracing the evangelical scheme of doctrine. He has written neither as a Church- man nor as a Dissenter, but as a Christian ; believing, as he does most firmly, in the unity of Christ’s Church, and longing for that happy period when all the families of the earth shall be associated in the bonds of one common and endearing fraternity. If in any instance the principle of strict neutrality, in ecclesiastical matters, has been violated in this Manual, it has been in the second part of the work, where prayers have been introduced for Good Friday and Christmas Day. Such a concession, however, seemed reasonable to pious members of the Established Church, in a case where the forms in question may be used or omitted according to the religious tastes and predilections of particular families. The Editor cannot close these prefatory remarks without expressing his lively sense of obligation to those reverend and learned persons who have borne such honourable testimony to his humble labours. His devout prayer is, that their pious solicitude for the diffusion and growth of family religion may realize a cordial response in the bosoms of multitudes who shall be ready to exclaim with the ancient leader of Israel, “ As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.” Fully sympathizing with them in all that they have so well expressed on a theme so vital to the well-being of families, the prosperity of the church, and the stability of our country, the Editor would entreat, as a particular favour, that all who may be disposed to use this Manual will kindly read the “ Preliminary Dissertation,” in which he has briefly developed his views as it respects the duty, the advantages, and the pleasures of a well-regulated and ardent family devotion. May it please the gracious Disposer of men’s hearts so to bless his undertaking, as that it may be the means of rearing many a domestic altar for God, and of fanning the flame of pure devotion where already the sacrifices of a broken and contrite spirit are daily presented to Him, through the all-prevailing offices of the Great High Priest of the Christian profession ! PRELIMINARY DISSERTATION ON FAMILY RELIGION. SECTION I. ITS OBLIGATION. The light of nature, however glimmering and imperfect, is not altogether silent on the subject of family religion. The domestic, or household, gods of the heathen were so many acknowledgments of the duty of families, as such, to recognize some principle of religious compact, and to offer some kind of religious homage. If it be admitted that the service of God is the great business of individuals, it must follow, as a consequence, that families are bound to acknowledge and adore him day by day. The absolute dependence of all men upon God, for “ life, and breath, and all things,” is a consideration which ought of itself to draw every reci- pient of his goodness to the throne of his mercy. And when it is remembered that the divine command, that the example of our Saviour, and that a long train of most animating promises, all conspire to urge this duty upoti the attention of the children of men, it is awfully certain that none can live in habitual neglect of God without contracting guilt of the deepest dye. Our existence, the mercies we are constantly receiving, the invisible providence by which we are upheld, the deliverances wrought on our behalf, the grace and mercy which we ever need, — all unite to place the duty of prayer in the light of an imperative obligation. Where the fear of God has taken possession of the mind, where there is any impressive sense of the true state of the heart, where Christianity exerts any thing like a conscious influence, where, in short, there is any genuine feeling of the power of vital godliness, — there must, and there will, be the spirit of prayer. No man can be regarded as a Christian who does not habitually call upon God. We are solemnly enjoined, in a variety of the most touching injunctions, to draw near to the Fountain of our being, and the God of our salvation ; and he who in such circumstances restrains prayer before the Lord, must rank in the condition of one who habi- tually violates the demands of his revealed will, and who is chargeable with most manifest rebellion against the mandates of his throne. Nor is this vi FAMILY RELIGION. all; — the prayerless man is in the awful state of one who is “ alienated from the life of God he is absolutely without any intercourse with the Source of all excellence : he is guilty, but he never implores divine forgiveness ; he is consciously sinful, but he asks not the renewal of an unholy nature ; he is a being made for God, but all his possessions and pursuits are restricted to this perishable scene. How can he hope to dwell with God at last, when the thought of him is now so utterly banished from his mind ! How vain the dream of heaven, when every purpose, every affection, every habit of mind, tends to earth ! If he were a Christian, he would know his true dignities, and would lay claim to them. “The spirit of adoption” would spring up in his mind, and he would often cry, “ Abba, Father ! ” Oh ! the sad state and prospects of a prayerless mind ! To rise in the morning, and retire to rest at night, without any sincere or heartfelt acknowledgment of Him “ in whom we live, and move, and have our being;” surely this is to be a practical atheist — to live, in all respects, as if there were no God. But will not that omniscient Spirit, who suffers long with the impenitent, at last resent the affront which has been offered to his character and to his laws by those who say unto him, “ Depart from us ; for we desire not the knowledge of thy ways : what is the Almighty, that we should serve him ? and what profit should we have, if we pray unto him?” # Will he not reason thus with such persons at last, “ Because I have called, and ye have refused ; I have stretched out my hand, and no man regarded : but ye have set at nought my counsel, and would none of my reproof ; I also will laugh at your calamity, and mock when your fear cometh ; when your fear cometh as desolation, and your destruction cometh as a whirlwind ; when distress and anguish cometh upon you ; then shall they call upon me, but I will not answer ; they shall seek me early, but they shall not find me.”f It will undoubtedly be an act of most righteous retribution on the part of the Most High, to shut out those eternally from his mercy, who refused to seek an interest in it when it was fully and freely offered to them. We may be sure of this, that those who now refuse to pray, will hereafter be impelled to the duty when prayer will be as unavail- ing to salvation as the imprecations of the lost. The spirit and exercise of prayer are essentially interwoven with the feeling of true religion. To be religious is to be prayerful, and to be prayer- ful is to be religious. He who is quickened to spiritual life, has entered into the element of prayer. It has become his relief and solace, as his mind opened to the discovery of its moral distempers, and as it began to perceive the source of its health and deliverance. “ A hungry man might as well be • Job xxi. 14, 15. t Prov. i. 24 28. ITS OBLIGATION. Vll expected to abstain from food, or a thirsty man from drink, as a Christian from prayer. Prayer is the breath on which Christianity lives, and from which it derives peculiarly its power, activity, and enjoyment.”* The first dawnings of spiritual life are connected with prayer, and the last utterance of the expiring Christian will be an act of fervent and believing devotion. When the duty and importance of personal prayer are once established, it is easy to make manifest the obligation of families, in their congregated capacity, to render homage and thanksgiving to the Parent of all their mercies. He it was who instituted the various relations of husband and wife, parent and child, master and servant. He it was who drew individuals toge- ther into the closest bonds, who had once, perhaps, little prospect of meeting in this vale of tears. By his good providence, that little society has been formed, whose interests, wants, enjoyments, and sufferings are common to all. Out of this endearing compact there arise duties to each other, and to Him who has ordained and sanctioned it. Nor is it hazarding too much to affirm, that the duties which relate to man will be but partially discharged, where those which pertain to God are overlooked or trampled upon. The best security of all the domestic relations is the fear of God, combined, as it will ever be, with those exercises of piety which tend to soften the asperities of life, and to spread a hue of sanctity over human character. Mere natural affec- tion is too slender a tie, in a fallen state, by which permanently to bind together the various members of a family. It was the thought and the feeling of God, which cemented the relations of paradise ; and when the sacred link which bound the first pair to the throne of the Eternal was severed, then followed the sad disruption of all social ties. The family that would be happy in each other, must seek first to be happy in God. This is the dictate of enlightened reason, and it is the express doctrine of scripture. A family without any distinct and habitual method of acknowledging God, acts precisely as a society of atheists. Yet how much would many such families shrink from any thing like an admitted sympathy with those who deny the existence and perfections of God ! should not every approach, then, to the atheistical principle be dreaded and shunned ? should not an altar for God be erected in every habitation, where it is not intended to shut out the belief of his providence, to exclude his enriching blessing, and to draw down his awful frown ? When we trace the history of the wise and the good in former times, we see how much the religion of families contributed to the prosperity of the church, and to the well-being of society. In the patriarchal age, we find * Dwight’s Theology, Vol. V. p. 13. Vlll FAMILY RELIGION. the Most High pronouncing upon the father of the Jewish nation an enco- mium never to be forgotten, on account of his conscientious attention to the duties of family religion. “ For I know him, that he will command his children and his household after him, and they shall keep the way of the Lord, to do justice and judgment; that the Lord may bring upon Abraham that which he hath spoken of him.” # It was thus, too, that the patriarch Job “ sanctified ” his house, “ and rose up early in the morning, and offered burnt-offerings, according to the number of them all ; and thus did Job continually." f It is next to certain that the very first manifestation of social religion was exhibited simply in the domestic form. After the birth of Enos, it is said by the sacred historian, that “ then began men to call on the name of the Lord.”J Some of the most approved critics have considered this rendering incorrect, and have translated the passage “ then began men to be called after the name of the Lord.” If this version should be admitted, the meaning will obviously be, that after the birth of Enos the family of Seth began to be called by the significant appellation of the “ sons of God,” in contradistinction to the apostate and ungodly family of Cain, who had cast off the several forms of domestic piety, and sunk down into the condition of practical atheism and neglect of God. When we examine the history of Jewish times, we find abundant proof of the prevalence of domestic religion. To what but this can we trace the noble resolution of Joshua, when he had settled the ancient tribes in the promised land ? “ Choose you this day,” said the veteran leader of Israel, “whom ye will serve; but as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.”§ To what else can we attribute the practice of Elkanah in gathering his family, with so much care and punctuality, to offer sacrifice at Shiloh ?|| And what but to the settled habit of domestic prayer, can the conduct of David be referred, when, after one of the most public solemnities of religious worship, he “returned to bless his house?” Surely, if ever mortal could have been excused for neglecting this imperative duty, it must have been the son of Jesse, after having been engaged in the laborious undertaking of settling the ark in the city of David, pouring forth one of the loftiest of his inspired odes, and adjusting the order of the priests and officers who were to be attend- ants upon the public service of God’s house. But, no ; the solemnities of such a day were not to be closed without a due attention to the duties of domestic religion. He had been trained in the house of Jesse, who had taught him from his earliest days to make the worship of God, in his own habitation, one of the primary objects of his existence. • Gen. xviii. 19. t Job 5. $ Josh. xxix. 15. || 1 Sam. i. 3. 21. 1 Gen. iv. 6 If 1 Chron. xvi. 43 ITS OBLIGATION. IX It was while the ancient dispensation existed, that the sweet singer of Israel uttered that memorable oracle — “ The voice of rejoicing and salvation is in the tabernacles of the righteous.”* And how realizing the description of a praying and devout family to the present moment ! would that it were the memorial of every family under the face of the whole heavens ! O it is a delightful thing, amidst the calm of a summer’s evening, as the devout tra- veller passes along, to hear “ the voice of rejoicing and salvation,” as it ascends to heaven from the habitations of the righteous ! Nor is the New Testament wanting in instruction upon the subject of family religion, and the devotions which are an essential part of it. We are there enjoined to “ pray always with all prayer, ”f an injunction which it were difficult to interpret upon any theory that should deny the duty of family prayer. There, too, we have a train of exhortations addressed to the several domestic relations, which proceed upon the principle of religious compact, and which suppose the existence of the ordinance of family devo- tion. Husbands and wives, for instance, are called to walk together “as being heirs of the grace of life, that their prayers be not hindered Now, this sup- poses social and domestic prayer, and suggests a rule for the profitable exercise of it. Parents, likewise, are exhorted to “ bring up their children in the nurture and admonition of the Lord.”§ which it would be impossible to conceive of in a house where no altar for God had been erected, and where the discipline of the family was conducted upon a principle which excluded the hallowing influence of devotion. The conduct of our Lord with his apostles, the worshipping households of which we read in the Acts and in the Epistles, and the entire spirit of apostolic precept and example, combine to sanction and commend the devout worship and the religious training of families. How little can those heads of families know of the spirit and power of true religion, who would excuse the atheistical neglect of God’s worship, upon the principle that family prayer is nowhere enjoined in scripture in express and definite terms. Is it not enough that this delightful duty has found an advocate in the conduct of all the wise and good ? that the most eminent of God’s servants were the most devoted in its observance ? that, from the very beginning, it distinguished the families of the righteous from those of the wicked ? that it finds a sanction in the entire spirit of revealed truth ? that it is a dictate of reason to all who acknowledge the dependence of families on God, and who feel that families, as such, are guilty of many offences against him ? In one word, is it not enough, that families that call not upon * Psalm cviii. 15. f 1 Thess. v. 17. X 1 Pet. iii. 7. § Eph. vi. 4. B X FAMILY RELIGION, the name of the Lord, are ranked in scripture with heathen tribes, and are involved with them in their doom ? “ Pour out thy fury, ” said the prophet Jeremiah, “upon the heathen that know thee not, and upon the families that call not on thy name.”* SECTION II. ITS PLEASURES AND ADVANTAGES. Were these duly considered, there would be no more dubious reasoning as to the immediate divine authority of family devotion. Who that ever honestly proved the benefits connected with this ordinance was disposed to call in question its validity? “ What a live coal is applied to devotion, when the solitary My Father and My God, is exchanged into the social Our Father, Our God !” f Say, ye happy families, who have long walked in harmony and love at a throne of grace, whether all your social enjoyments have not been heightened a thousand-fold by the sweet blending of hearts at the mercy- seat? Have not the asperities of life been thereby softened? Have not temporary misunderstandings been thereby healed ? Have not domestic trials and sorrows been thereby mitigated ? And have not family mercies been thereby enhanced ? What has been the influence of family devotion on children and domestics ? Some children and servants there may have been, who have failed to profit by this blessed ordinance ; and some there doubtless are who have treated it with scorn and contempt ; but these are but rare instances of human depravity, amidst innumerable examples in which family religion, consistently main- tained, has proved the means of salvation both to children and servants. It may be well to place in order a few of the more obvious advantages which connect themselves with the conscientious and devout observance of family religion, particularly family prayer. 1. The divine blessing will thereby be secured. When a family habitually assembles, morning and evening, to acknowledge God’s providence, to thank Him for his mercies, to implore forgiveness for offences committed, it thereby honours God in his existence, perfections, and paternal government. And what has God said concerning those who thus honour him ? “ Them that honour me I will honour, and they that despise me shall be lightly esteemed. The general laws of heaven, in reference to * Jer. x. 25. t Dr. H. Hunter. I 1 Sam. ii. 30. ITS PLEASURES AND ADVANTAGES. xi prayer, is, “Ask, and it shall be given unto you ; seek, and ye shall find nor shall it fail to be realized in praying families, in many an obvious bestow - ment both of providence and grace. It is the blessing of God that maketh rich ; and in a thousand ways he can impart his mercies to those families who glorify his name in their daily fellowships at a throne of grace. It is with him to pour the ingredients of happiness into the cup of life, and to enhance all the enjoyments of the domestic compact, by associating them with his secret but life-giving smile. It should be a settled conviction with the heads of families, that “ except the Lord build the house, they labour in vain that build it.” f Nothing ought to be regarded as true prosperity which bears not with it some unequivocal token that God has sanctified it by his grace and Spirit. It is the united fervent supplication of a family devoted to God, that is destined to draw down upon all its members, and upon all its states and conditions, of prosperity or adversity, that blessing in which alone hap- piness is to be found. “ Behold, thus shall the man be blessed that feareth the Lord. The Lord shall bless thee out of Zion : and thou shalt see the good of Jerusalem all the days of thy life. Yea, thou shalt see thy children’s children, and peace upon Israel. 2. The order of families will thereby be promoted. The very habit of meeting at stated periods, morning and evening, for the worship of God, is itself an instance of order and settled arrangement, which essentially contributes to the establishment of orderly habits in a family. It is impossible to say how many blessings have sprung to the families of the godly from the order and regularity which religion and religious worship have introduced into them. “ The regular returns of an employment distin- guished by its importance, communicate to the business connected with it, and to those who perform it, a character of regularity, unavoidably felt and universally prevailing. The worship of God is always of the highest import- ance. The spirit of religion, which dictates it, is, in its nature, a spirit of order. Its returns take place every morning and evening, after short intervals, and with exact regularity. Its influence is, therefore, necessarily diffused through the day ; operates with an efficacy wholly peculiar ; and controls, with a supe- rior authority, both the mind and the life. No influence is equally felt ; and no minds are equally prepared to be acted upon by influence. The method established is invested with unrivalled solemnity, enforced by the sanctity of religion, regarded with singular veneration, and submitted to without a ques- tion, even in thought. But method is the soul of business — especially of complicated business — and peculiarly of buisness in which numbers are • Luke xi. 9. t Psa, cxxviL 1. t Psa. cxxviii. 6. Xll FAMILY RELIGION. concerned. The method here produced is formed with perfect regularity, with supreme ease, without the consciousness of any difficulty, and without a thought of any resistance. Its nature is delightful ; its efficacy is complete. ” * 3. The mutual love and harmony of families mill thereby be essentially guarded. In the present imperfect state, circumstances will often arise tending to produce irritation of mind, and to interrupt for a time the love and gentleness which ought ever to obtain in the intercourses of domestic life. What a pre- servative against the occurrence of such evils, for evils they are, is the daily habit of family devotion, in which all the members of the domestic circle bow down before the Almighty, to confess their offences against him and against one another, and to implore the exercise of his forgiving mercy. And when at any time differences and asperities do arise, how are they dissipated on the return of the morning or evening sacrifice ! We cannot ask for blessings on behalf of an individual, and yet suffer any thing like alienation to reign in our bosoms towards him. Our contentions will drive out prayer, or prayer will drive out our contentions. Happy family ! where the prevalence of religious affections is such as to excite in every bosom the desire to repress all that is irascible and unkind, and where each vies with another in acts of friendship and love ! “ Blest is the pious house Where zeal and friendship meet ; Their songs of praise, their mingled vows, Make their communion sweet. “ Thus on the heavenly hills The saints are blessed above, Where joy, like morning dew, distils, And all the air is love.” 4. Domestic sorrows and trials mill thereby be mitigated. Our blessings lie very near our trials ; and though the comforts and advan- tages of domestic life are great, it is, at the same time, the source of some of our acutest sorrows. We cannot contemplate the affliction or the loss of a beloved object, — a husband — a wife — a parent — a child, without emotions of the keenest anguish. And what is to fortify the heads or members of families, amidst such dispensations ; what is to preserve them alike from levity and fainting ; what is to inspire them with courage and hope when earthly comforts fade ; what is to reconcile them to the will of God, and to prevent all sinful arraignment of his inscrutable ways ?— Oh ! will not the blending of hearts, in sweet fellowship, at the throne of grace, tend to secure these benefits, and to bring down those influ- Dwight’s Theology, Vol. V. 19. ITS PLEASURES AND ADVANTAGES. xiii ences upon the heart which will enable the wounded and desolated spirit to say with Eli, “ It is the Lord : let him do what seemeth him good.”* Contrast the thoughtless and the praying family, in the day of grief and of desperate sorrow. In the one, you behold the wildness of despair ; in the other you trace, amidst the conflict of many a creature-feeling, the calm which prayer and dependence on God can create. Here you see oppressed and rebellious nature prostrate in anguish, or raging in blasphemous pride ; — there you see the heart softened, indeed, and sorrowful ; but hope mingles in the scene, and the sun of peace shines through the clouds of darkness and distress. What relief has family prayer brought to the sorrowful and bereaved widow, as she has looked into the grave of her dearest earthly friend, and as she has turned to the fatherless babes who looked to her for solace and protection ! Oh, the unspeakable value of family religion in such a moment ! How it soothes the troubled bosom ; how it combines the sympathies of all that survive ; how it leads the mind from earth to heaven ; how it supplies that balm which none but God can convey ! If all families knew the power of religion to sup- port in seasons of calamity and grief, surely all families would be Christians. 5 . The salvation of children mill thereby be favourably influenced. Whatever attention may be paid by families to the more public ordinances of religion, if there be no acknowledgment of God in the domestic circle, children will ordinarily grow up in utter neglect of every thing sacred. They will naturally conclude, in such circumstances, that whatever is said by their parents on the subject of religion, but little can actually be felt. It is utterly improbable that piety should be fostered in the hearts of the young, where family religion has no existence. On the other hand, what can be more fitted to form and impress the tender mind of youth, than the well-sustained and devout exercises connected with the domestic piety? “ If family religion,” said Baxter, “ was duly attended to and properly discharged, I think the preaching of the word would not be the common instrument of conversion. ” He must have principally referred to children in this remark, and the effect which religious instruction, salutary discipline, and fervent prayer, are likely, by God’s blessing, to exert on them. How many of the rising generation have had to trace their earliest concern about religion and eternity to the prayers and instructions of the domestic circle ! Jehovah has here verified, in innu- merable instances, his own promise, — “ I will be a God to thee, and to thy seed after thee.” f * 1 Sam. iii. 18. f Gen. xvii. 7. / XIV FAMILY RELIGION. 6. The happiest influence will thereby be exerted on servants. Heads of families are under the most sacred obligations to care for the souls of their servants ; and if they neglect their duty in this particular, they may expect to reap the fruit of their own folly and thoughtlessness. The effect of family religion upon the domestics in a household, when con- sistently maintained, is often most salutary. It fosters respect and confidence in the officiating head of the family ; it keeps the thought of God, and human responsibility, continually before the mind ; it combines ordinary duties with the sacred pleasures of devotion ; it places masters and servants in one com- mon posture of dependence on God, confession of sin and unworthiness before him, and prayer for his promised blessing. In one word, it throws around all social ties and obligations the sacred sanctions of religion, doing away with “ eye-service and men -pleasing,” and teaching all “in singleness of heart to do service as unto the Lord and not to men, knowing that of the Lord they shall receive the reward of the inheritance, for they serve the Lord Christ.”* SECTION III. THE MODE OF CONDUCTING IT. It is not necessary that a strict uniformity should obtain in the modes of conducting domestic piety. Nor is it necessary that the same family should always pursue one and the same plan. Nay, it were easy to shew, that an occasional deviation from established rule might be calculated, in certain cases, to rouse attention in the minds of the thoughtless, and to keep up a lively feeling of devotion where it exists. A certain outline of procedure ought not, however, to be deviated from, lest the spirit of the exercise should evaporate. 1. The Scriptures should be uniformly read. The word of God should be raised to supreme regard in every family. Children and servants should be taught, by all the actions of the heads of families, to treat it with profound respect. It should stand out distinctly in the family from every other Book ; it should be handled with reverential awe, it should be read with the solemnity due to a revelation from the God of heaven ; its lessons of terror and mercy should be marked ; it should often furnish the ground of an appeal to the consciences of the domestic group. A long or formal exposition is not required ; but a question, a remark, a solemn reflection, may be extremely useful. * Col. iii. 22— 24. THE MODE OF CONDUCTING IT. XV The Bible should be read in the family from beginning to end, with a very few exceptions, and these should not be passed over without a sentence or two to explain the reason, as, for instance, that they are full of names, or that they relate to peculiar institutions which have long since been abrogated. Where the head of a family is capable of expounding the scriptures, it is his duty to do so briefly. It will soon repay his toil, in the interest which it excites, and in the intelligence it promotes. Many find it good to read portions of our best commentators ; and 1 verily believe God has in many instances sanctioned the practice. All such exercises should be brief, however ; as tediousness is very apt to weary both servants and children, not to say any thing of the other members of a family. 2. It is very desirable to connect praise with family worship, where there exists a physical adaptation for the discharge of the duty. Were our sanctuary engagements to be dissociated from praise, we should instantly feel the incongruity ; and why is it that we are not more struck with the absence of this joyful and animated exercise in the worship of the family ? It is nothing surely but unwarrantable habit that has reconciled us to a neglect which indicates no small degree of inattention to the proper spirit and form of family devotion. If sentiments of praise exist in the heart, they ought surely to have utterance from the lips ; and, with so many “ psalms, and hymns, and spiritual songs” at our command, we are, beyond doubt, inexcusable in not employing them in the family circle. Besides, it should be remembered that children and young people are in general much interested in this part of family worship, and that a more constant use of it might tend to win their hearts to the love of prayer, and to the choice of “ that better part which shall not be taken from them.” 3. Prayer is the principal part of family worship. It is in this exercise that a family adores the God of providence and grace ; confesses and deplores personal and family sins ; deprecates the merited wrath of Heaven ; pleads for mercy and grace through the divine and only Redeemer ; looks up for guidance in the path of life ; pours forth gratitud'e for mercies received ; and ascribes all glory and honour, dominion and power, “ to Him that sitteth on the throne, and to the Lamb, for ever and ever. ” Many heads of families feel great timidity and reluctance to engage in this exercise. They fear to lead others, they tremble before the tribunal of their own children and servants. They hesitate ; they put off the duty from day to day, from week to week, and from year to year ; they forget that they are riveting the impenitence and irreligion of their families ; they are in doubt, in perplexity, and almost in despair. But why this amazing difficulty ? XVI FAMILY RELIGION. Is there not pride in it ? is there not a want of reverence for God in it ? Is there not manifest neglect of the best interests of a family in it ? I would entreat such persons to break through the barriers by which they have hitherto been confined ; to cast away from them that fear of man that bringeth a snare ; to open their mouths to God, and for God, in their families. If, upon trial, over and over again, they find themselves embarrassed, and without expression and devout feeling, I would advise them to resort to that kind of aid which the following domestic manual is intended to supply ; as it is better far to read a scriptural form of prayer, than to suffer frequent confusion in the presence of others, from the want of power to lead the devotions of those around them. But I would not by any means advise a uniform use of this or any other manual. Let it now and then be dispensed with ; and let additional words and phrases be introduced while using it, whenever the mind finds itself at liberty. Above all, let fervour of spirit distinguish all the prayers of the family ; and let the tones, gestures, and general accompaniments of the exercise bespeak the reverence and solemnity of all who take part in it. Watch carefully against that species of formality which is apt to assail the mind in the discharge of oft-returning duties. If he who conducts the family devo- tions is unimpressed, it will be next to a miracle if children or domestics feel the presence of God in the discharge of the solemn duty. The head of a family, about to assemble those around him to worship God, should feel as the minister of Christ would desire to feel, about to ascend the Christian pulpit. He should think of his responsibility ; of the near relation in which he stands to those over whom he presides ; of the account which he and they must render to the great Judge of all ; of the benefit or injury they may receive, and of the necessity of fidelity and affection in the exercise. He should collect his scattered thoughts ; lift up his heart to God in secret for a bless- ing ; and then come forth to bless his house. If the preceding thoughts should be of any real service to the souls of men, in establishing the authority of family religion, in pointing out some of its most prominent advantages, and in supplying certain hints for its more profitable observance, the author will greatly rejoice, and God shall have all the praise. / AN OPENING PRAYER. G OD of the families of the whole earth, condescend to meet with this family whenever it shall assemble at the mercy-seat, to present its morning and evening oblations. Conscious of their unspeakable unworthiness, may all its members prostrate themselves before thy throne with sentiments of heart-felt penitence, and humble confession of sin. Thine it is, by the power of thy grace, to quicken in every heart the fervour of true devotion, and to make the exercises of domestic piety a blessing to all who engage in them. To thee, O Lord, as the hearer of prayer, we would look up for such tokens of thy presence as shall constrain each member of the family to acknowledge and feel the riches of thy love. In every age thou hast been pleased to sanction the religious fellowship of those families who have called upon thy name ; and we rejoice to know that thine ear is not heavy that it cannot hear, and that thine arm is not shortened that it cannot save. Thou who didst meet with Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, and who didst confer on them the blessings of thy covenant, wilt meet with us, and cause us to rejoice in thy great salvation. All our springs are in thee. Thou art the fountain of our being, thou art the upholder of our life, thou art the deliverer of our souls. For all thy gifts, we bless thee; but for redemption through the blood of the Lamb, we would offer our unceasing praise. May the benefits which flow from the one great sacrifice for sin be ours, by the powerful application of thy Holy Spirit; and whenever we assemble around the domestic altar, may it be to adore thee for the gift of thy Son. Never let the flame of devotion expire in our cold and lifeless hearts, but, ever fed by thee, may it burn brighter and brighter till it shall kindle into the purer and loftier devotion of the skies. These mercies we ask for the sake of Him who has taught us to pray, “ Our Father which art in heaven, hallowed be thy name ! Thy kingdom come; thy will be done on earth, as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread, and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive them that trespass against us. Lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil : for thine is the kingdom, the power, and the glory, for ever and ever. Amen.” 17 c FIRST ^unHaK iBmnms, WEEK. Genesis, Chapter i. O MOST Blessed God, who didst from the beginning appoint the rest of the Sabbath, grant that thy holy purposes in this institution may be fulfilled in us this day. Call our minds away from earth to heaven, and cause us to take delight in all our acts of approach to thee. Let the Spirit which raised up Christ from the dead dwell in us, and quicken in our hearts all the affections and sensibilities of the spiritual life. Forbid, gracious Lord, that this day should witness the renewal of former provocations ; forbid that we should, as in times past, grieve thy Holy Spirit; forbid that any worldly object or pursuit should stand between us and thee. As a family, we meet to adore thee for the mercies of the past week, and to bless thee for the return of a day which brings with it innumerable blessings to our souls. O that our hearts may overflow with gratitude to thee for all the expressions of thy undeserved regard. We would ever feel that sin has exposed us to thy righteous displeasure, and that it is of the Lord’s mercies that we are not consumed. Enter not into judgment with us, for if thou shouldst mark iniquity, who could stand ? We rejoice that with thee there is mercy, that thou mayest be feared; and plenteous redemption, that thou mayest be sought unto. O pardon our iniquity, for it is very great; heal our backslidings, and love us freely. Turn away from us the fierceness of thine anger, and comfort us with the sense of thy forgiving love. Prepare us for the meek reception of those precious truths which may be addressed to us this day from the lips of thy servants. May we be filled with earnest desires after the provisions of thy house. May prejudice be subdued; may unbelief be repressed, and may the mind be open to all the holy appeals of the everlasting gospel. May we be satisfied with the goodness of thy house, even of thy holy place. Let a divine blessing rest on the labours of all Christ’s faithful ministers. Baptize their spirits with the Holy Ghost’s power. Enlarge their views of divine truth ; and help them to speak of Christ and his excellencies as those who have tasted, and felt, and handled the good word of life. May many this day be turned from darkness to light, and from the power of Satan unto God. May the hearts of impenitent men be smitten with the force of truth ; make thy word quick and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword. Let thy dear Son see of the travail of his soul, and be satisfied. Let there be joy in heaven over many a repentant and believing sinner. We beseech thee, O Lord our God, to make each member of this family a partaker of divine grace. Let the exercises of the sanctuary this day unite all our hearts in thy love and fear. May we joy when it is said unto us, let us go into the house of the Lord. May there be no distraction in our worship ; but may the word of the Lord fall in a soil prepared by his blessed Spirit for its reception ; and may it bring forth in some thirty, in some sixty, and in some an hundred-fold. Grant this, 0 Lord, for the sake of Him who died for us and rose again, and who is worthy to receive the unceasing honours of all in heaven and on earth. And to God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Ghost, be glory for evermore. Amen. 18 FIRST ^untiaia tiHmtftig* Matthew, Chapter i. Ver. 17 — 25 . WEEK. O UR Father and our God, through thy great mercy we have been indulged with the privileges of another Christian Sabbath, and we are now met, as a family, around thy throne, to acknowledge our manifold obligations. O that our minds may be permanently affected by the solemn services of this day. Let not the deceitfulness of our hearts prevail to deprive us of the benefit of thy pure and life-giving word. Fix, by thy grace, the holy lessons of the gospel in our forgetful spirits. Help us to forsake those sins which have this day been reproved, and which we have set ourselves to confess in the public devotions of the sanctuary. May we now watch and pray, that we enter not into temptation. May we reduce to practice what we have learnt of thy most holy word ; and may the prevalence of Christian tempers, and the steady maintenance of a Christian walk, abundantly prove that the grace of God is in us of a truth. We humbly beseech thee, O Lord, to grant us divine forgiveness of all the imper- fections which have mingled in the sacred engagements of this day. Alas ! that there should have been so little gratitude in our songs of praise ; so little fervent devotion in the prayers which we have presented to thee ; and so little faith in the hearing of thy word. Lay not the abuse of Sabbath-mercies to our charge; but grant us that deep and powerful sense of all our short-comings, which will stimulate us to greater diligence in the cultivation of all our future advantages. The night is far spent, the day is at hand ; O grant that our loins may be girt, and our lamps burning, that we may stand prepared to meet the Bridegroom of the church. How slothful have we been in seeking to reach the eternal prize ! O banish the indifference of our minds to spiritual things ! Awaken us to a deep sense of responsibility. Suffer not our present convictions of duty to expire. Diminish the influence of the world and of sensible objects upon our too earthly minds ; and grant that henceforward eternal realities may appear in their own proper fight and grandeur, and may exert over us their own legitimate and holy influence. O Lord God of the families of thy people, thou hast planted us as a family, thou hast made us the objects of thy paternal care, thou hast appeared for us in many an hour of sorrow, thou hast surrounded us with innumerable mercies. Grant, we beseech thee, that, as with one heart, we may devote ourselves to thy service, and be as a kind of first-fruits of thy creatures. In retiring to rest, we pray that our solemn responsibility to thee for the privileges of another Sabbath, may be deeply felt. May our profiting appear unto all men ; and may the secret confessions and heart-felt dedications of the closet, prove that all our minds are softened and sanctified by thy grace. O may the holy exercises of this day be to each of our spirits a foretaste of the joys of heaven; and may we, at last, form a part of the one great family, who shall swell the praises of redeeming grace to all eternity. This we beg for the Saviour’s sake. And now may the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the com- munion and fellowship of the Holy Spirit, be with us all evermore. Amen. 19 C 2 FIRST iHtmtrag Marumi*. WEEK Genesis, Chapter u. 0 LORD, our heavenly Father, it becomes us to assemble ourselves this morning at the footstool of the heavenly throne, and to adore thine infinite majesty and gr^ce. It is in thee we live, and move, and have our being. Our lives are in thy hands, and they have been forfeited by sin. But thy mercies are new every morning, and we desire to bless thee for thy fatherly care of us during the silent watches of another night. We lay down, and slept; we have risen in safety; for thou, O God, hast sustained us. Under the shadow of thy wings, we desire continually to trust. Thou makest the outgoings of the morning and of the evening to rejoice ; great is thy faithfulness and thy loving-kindness to the children of men. It is to thee, O our heavenly Father, we are indebted for the food we eat, the raiment we wear, and the comfortable habitation in which we dwell. Blessed be thy name for these and all other mercies pertaining to the present life. May we feel and acknowledge how unworthy we are, as sinners, of the least of them. But, above all, awaken gratitude in our hearts for the wondrous provision thou hast made for the sal- vation of our fallen and guilty spirits, — for the gift of Revelation, for the public ordi- nances of Divine grace, for the death and sacrifice of thy dear Son, and for the pro- mised influences of thy quickening and renewing Spirit. For these inestimable mercies, we hope to celebrate thy praise through eternal ages. Lord, help us now to begin the song of just men made perfect, in this the house of our pilgrimage. Open thou our lips this morning, that our mouths may shew forth thy praise ; and help us to proclaim thy goodness not only with our lips, but in our lives, by giving ourselves up to thy service, and walking before thee in holiness and righteousness all our days. In all the duties, temptations, and sorrows of this day, may we realize thy presence, thy assistance, and thy blessing. Make us watchful and circumspect in all our walk and conversation. Put thy fear into our hearts, O God, that we may not sin against thee. Increase our anxiety to know thy blessed will, and our desire in all things to comply with it. Make us ever sensible of the evil of sin still lurking in our bosoms, that we may shun all incitement to rebellion against thee, and that we may never trust to the strength or goodness of our own resolutions; but may continually depend on the aids of thy sustaining and sanctifying grace. Help us to preserve a conscience void of offence, both towards God and towards men ; and to evince that meekness, gentleness, and humility, which become the disciples of the meek and lowly Redeemer. Cheerfully may we yield ourselves to all the dispensations of thy holy providence. May we not be lifted up in heart, and forget thee in prosperity ; and may we never murmur in the day of adversity. That all these lessons may be written on our hearts, we pray, O most gracious God, that the solemn engagements of the past Sabbath may be held in sacred remembrance, and that the Holy Spirit may bless them to the entire sanctification of our souls. Hear us in these our prayers, for His sake who loved us and gave himself for us ; and to Him with thyself, O Father, and the Holy Ghost, be ascribed all honour and glory world without end. Amen. 20 FIRST iHontmg (^bentnfl, Matthew, Chapter ii. WEEK. 0 LORD God Almighty, the creator of the heavens and of the earth, the supporter and governor of all things, we would approach with reverence thy sacred footstool. O may our prayer come before thee as incense, and the lifting up of our hands as the evening sacrifice ! Blessed, for ever blessed, be thy name, thou never-failing source of goodness and mercy, for the preservation and manifold comforts of another day. We adore thee, that, instead of being dispersed and scattered by adverse and trying provi- dences, instead of being confined to our beds by sickness and pain, we are permitted to meet together in thy name, to pour out our spirits in prayer to thee, the God of our salvation, and to strengthen, by the exercise of family devotion, all the holy purposes of our hearts, and all our determinations against the sins which do so easily beset us. O Lord, how numerous and aggravated are our offences, as committed against the clearest light, the strongest convictions, and the liveliest demonstrations of Divine goodness. We hasten to the throne of thy love, that we may find mercy to pardon, and grace to help in time of need. Have mercy upon us, O God, according to thy loving- kindness ; according unto the multitude of thy tender mercies, blot out our transgressions. We confess that in thought, word, and deed, we have this day offended against thee ; we have neglected many incumbent duties, we have committed many known evils. If we say we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us ; but if we confess our sins, thou art faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. May we be washed in atoning blood. May our consciences be purified from guilt by an application of the virtue of the Redeemer’s sacrifice. Clothe us in the spotless robe of his righteousness, fill us with his good Spirit, and number us with his sincere and faithful followers. May we, above all things, be concerned to stand approved in thy sight, both now and hereafter. O that as the shadows of one evening after another are stretching themselves over us, we may be more steadily fixed in serious thoughtfulness of, and preparation for, the night of death, and the succeeding day of judgment. Thy word assures us, that when that awful morning shall dawn, many shall wish to have lain still in everlasting night ; and shall call to the mountains and rocks to fall on them, and hide them from the face of Him that sitteth on the throne, and from the wrath of the Lamb : for the great day of his wrath will then be come, and who shall be able to stand? Forbid O God, that any who mingle in this family circle should thus rank with the fearful and the unbelieving. Help us to examine ourselves now : may we never be satisfied with any course which will be found inconsistent with the sincerity and holiness which will be demanded at thy tribunal. May we be thine by an entire consecration of heart ; and when death overtakes us, may it be to us the messenger of eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord, to whom, with the Father and the Holy Spirit, be ascriptions of endless praises. Amen. s N. 21 FIRST Cucstiag itftonttng, WEEK. Genesis, Chapter iii. H OW excellent, O Lord, is thy name in all the earth; and what encouragement dost thou give us, thy unworthy creatures, to put our trust under the shadow of thy wings ! Thou art the bountiful giver of the good that our souls desire, and the merciful withholder of the evil that our sins deserve. From thee cometh all our help ; and in thee may we repose all our hope. We would be impressed with the sense of thy daily goodness ; we would humbly acknowledge our entire unworthiness of the least of all thy mercies. We desire to take shame and confusion of face unto ourselves, that we have so little improved, and so greatly abused, thy patience with us, and the various instances of thy bounty towards us. Our ingratitude to thee has been aggravated by the exceeding greatness of thy love toward us. We have been unmindful of our God, and forgetful of the Rock of our salvation. Make us deeply sensible of our sin. Awaken ingenuous contrition in all our hearts. Extend to us thy pardoning mercy in Christ Jesus, the Son of thy love. We bless thee that we have not slept the sleep of death, that we have not been called away into eternity during the silent hours of another night. For the mercies of refreshing sleep, of bodily health, and of unimpaired reason, we desire to express our unfeigned thanksgiving. Bless the Lord, O our souls, and all that is within us bless his holy name. We would enter upon the engagements of another day in thy fear. O may we experience the strongest aids of thy heavenly grace, that we may not be permitted to fall a prey to our spiritual enemies ; but that, upheld by thee, we may be enabled to withstand all the fiery darts of the wicked one. Amidst innumerable expressions of thy fatherly benignity, give us hearts more sensible of thy love to us, more inflamed with love and gratitude to thee, and more disposed to cultivate every feeling of holy devoted- ness to thy service. Weak in ourselves, we throw ourselves upon the promised aids of thy grace and Spirit. Be thou our shield, our hiding-place, and the strong tower of our defence. Prepare us for the active duties of life. May we honour thee in our lawful callings. Prosper the work of our hands upon us, yea, the work of our hands prosper thou it. Make us useful and happy in our several spheres. May our eye be single, that our whole body may be full of light. Regard graciously all the families that call on thy name ; meet with them, and bless them. Pity, in thine infinite mercy, every prayerless family. How many such are there in the midst of us ! Shew them the guilt and ingratitude of living without any acknowledgment of Thee. Quicken our devotions as a family. May they be more fervent and believing, and may they tend to unite us one to another in bonds of holy friendship. To thy mercy we humbly commend ourselves this day ; and as thou addest days and mercies, do thou add repentance and amendment to our days; that in proportion as we draw nearer to the grave, our souls may grow fitter for heaven. And this we entreat for the sake of the divine Mediator, while we ascribe to the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost, undivided and eternal praises. Amen. 22 FIRST CucsthU) <£benntjj, WEEK. Matthew, Chapter iii. 0 LORD, thou hast been our dwelling place in all generations; thou art from everlasting to everlasting, God ; thou art the same yesterday, to-day, and for ever. To whom can we go but unto thee, thou hast the words of eternal life? It is our imperative duty, and O may it be our highest happiness, to draw near unto thee. The day which has closed has borne fresh testimony to thy faithfulness and grace. Thou hast delivered our souls from death, our eyes from tears, and our feet from falling. We are still the living to praise thy name. Cause our hearts to overflow with gratitude to thee, for the rich fulness of blessings vouchsafed to us. Surely the lines have fallen to us in pleasant places, and we have a goodly heritage. Let us not be unmindful of thy mercies ; and let us not be guilty of abusing thy goodness ; but may the loving-kindness of our God lead us to repentance. Alas ! that we should be so little impressed with the sense of thine infinite goodness. Surely our hearts are deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked. O take from us the hard and stony heart, and give us hearts of flesh. Open our minds to the perception of thy great love in Christ Jesus. Let the sight by faith, of his cross, awaken godly sorrow for sin ; and let the boundless extent of redeeming mercy be a perpetual motive to love, gratitude, and new obedience. We long for some token of thy gracious presence. Thou dost meet with the families that fear thee, and that hope in thy mercy. Meet with us this evening. Let the scene of our worship be as the house of God and the gate of heaven. Kindle in each heart the flame of holy love. Make our communion with thee, and with each other, sweet. Let there be the blending and the melting of hearts before the Lord. O may we prove thee, by pleading in faith thine own promise. May the great hinderance of unbelief be removed out of the way. Our souls cleave to the dust, quicken us according to thy word. Lord, increase our faith. May unseen and eternal things exert a more sensible influence over our minds. Every day may the world, and all present objects, have less power over us. Pour upon each of our hearts the healthful Spirit of thy grace. May prayer in the family and in the closet be our delight, our solace, and our strength. Guide us by thy counsel, and afterward receive us to glory. We would review the day with deepest humility. Our iniquities have taken hold of us, so that we are unable to look up. God be merciful unto us, and bless us, and cause his face to shine upon us. Make us to taste the blessedness of the man whom thou choosest, and causest to approach unto thee ; whose transgression is forgiven, whose sin is covered, and unto whom the Lord will not impute iniquity. Our hope is in thee. May thy Spirit witness with our spirits that we are thy children. Make us more anxious to enjoy the tokens of thy approbation than for any earthly blessing whatsoever. O God of our salvation; hear the voice of our supplication, have respect unto thy cove- nant, and bless us now and for ever more, for Jesus Christ’s sake. Amen. 23 FIRST OTetmosfoag iilonuncj. WEEK. Genesis, Chapter iv. M OST merciful and gracious God, the light of another morning has fallen upon our habitation, and we desire to look up to thy throne, that the light of the Sun of righteousness may fall upon our souls. We adore thee as a God in Christ, reconciling the world unto thyself, and not imputing unto men their trespasses. See, O God, our shield, and look upon the face of thine Anointed. Where can guilty and perishing sinners look, but unto Him who came to seek and to save that which was lost ? O may he be made of God unto each of us wisdom, righteousness, sanctification, and redemption. Whatever may be our privations in this earthly vale, may we have sure evidence of an interest in the blessed and glorious Redeemer. Help us to regard him as that friend that sticketh closer than a brother. May he appear invested in his own loveliness and grace, the chief among ten thousand, and altogether lovely. May we count all things but loss for the excellence of his knowledge. Whatever would hinder our approach to him, or our decision in his cause, let it be for ever removed out of the way. Make us willing to forsake all things for Christ. May we view him as the chief among ten thousand, and altogether lovely. May the influence of his love counteract every irre- solute and unholy feeling ; and may the remembrance of what he has done and suffered on our behalf, prompt us to unreserved and cheerful obedience. It is a good thing, in our family union, to draw near into thy most holy presence. Thine is the good providence by which we have been sustained and succoured during another night. Thou hast been near to us, in our sleeping moments, for our defence. The angels of the church have been appointed to keep watch over us. We have been preserved from evil men, and evil spirits. No accident has befallen us, neither has any plague come nigh our dwelling. O that we may be enabled to praise the Lord for his goodness to us and to the children of men. Many are friendless and without habitation, and destitute even of food and raiment ; but blessed be thy name, we have been sheltered from the wintry blast, we have been fed with the finest of the wheat, and the warm greetings of domestic friendship and love have been our happy portion. O cause us to adore and love thee for thy merciful kindness, and ever to say with the patriarch of old, “ We are less than the least of all thy mercies.” O God of the spirits of all flesh, do thou remember the dark places of the earth, that are without the illumination of thy holy word, and do thou send them the light of life. O that all the dwellers upon earth may be blessed with the knowledge of the true God, and of Jesus Christ whom thou hast sent. Hasten the period when there shall be a church in every house, and when family religion shall universally prevail. Bless children and servants in families, and put thy fear in their hearts, that they may never depart from thee. Watch over and keep us this day. May all that we do meet thy holy approval. And all that we ask is in the name of our only Saviour and Mediator Jesus Christ. Amen. 24 FIRST ©BctJiusiiai) Abating Matthew, Chapter iv. WEEK. H OLY, Holy, Holy Lord God Almighty, who wast, and art, and art to come, thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory everlasting. We adore thee as God over all, and blessed for evermore. We would raise our minds to the loftiest conceptions of thy character and infinite perfections. But, alas ! our highest thoughts of thee are mean and grovelling. We too often regard thee as a being altogether like ourselves. We forget thy spirituality, thy omniscience, thy spotless purity, the self- existence and eternity which essentially belong to thee. O teach us this evening to cultivate worthy apprehensions of the glory which belongs to thee as the God who made us, who sustains us, and who redeemed us. May we look to thy throne with hope and confidence, while we behold it as a throne of grace. Let the consideration that Jesus our high priest has gone within the veil on our behalf, awaken sentiments of exalted praise. Worthy is he that was slain, and hath redeemed us from our sins by his own blood. May we strive to comprehend with all saints what is the height and breadth, the depth and length, and may we know the love of Christ which passeth knowledge. What debtors must we eternally remain to thy sovereign and distinguishing grace ! O teach us to feel our weight of obligation to this grace. Not unto us, O Lord, not unto us, but unto thy name do we give glory, for thy mercy and for thy truth’s sake. Another day has but enhanced the ever-accumulating score of gratitude to thee, for mercies which can never by us be repaid. We have leaned on thine almighty arm, and thou hast sustained us ; we have lived on thy bounty, and thou hast fed us with food convenient for us ; we have trusted in thee, and thou hast not put us to shame ; we have set thee before us, and thou hast directed our steps. Thou hast blessed us in our sitting down and rising up, in our going out and coming in. Do thou now accept our evening song of praise ; do thou suffer the voice of our prayer to ascend into thine ear. We cast ourselves on thy gracious care. We believe that thou carest for us. Let the hours of repose be undisturbed and refreshing; and let body and mind be invigorated by the sweet blessings of sleep. But ere we resign ourselves to the unconsciousness of this state, we desire to seek the entire purification of our consciences by a fresh application of the blood of Christ. O apply, by thy Spirit’s power, the virtue of this vital stream. Help us, one and all, to look up to thee as to our Father in heaven, reconciled to us by the death of Jesus. For his sake do thou cancel all our guilt, and receive us into thine eternal friendship. And as we need forgiveness at thy hand, may we forgive all men their trespasses against us. Quicken our diligence in the divine life. As we are fast hastening to eternity, may we be gradually preparing for it. When the night of death approaches, may it find us prepared to triumph over all its terrors. Grant these great mercies for the sake of Him who is death’s destroyer. And to the Father, to the Son, and to the Holy Ghost, be all honour and glory, now and for evermore. Amen. 25 D FIRST dmrjefoag iHonttng WEEK. Genesis, Chapter vi. G RACIOUS and most merciful God, the eyes of all wait upon thee, and thou givest them their meat in due season. Thou art the confidence of all the ends of the earth, and of them that are afar off upon the sea. Thou art not far from every one of us, for in thee we live, and move, and have our being. Thou givest us life, and breath, and all things ; thou takest care of us, and watchest over us ; thy mercies are daily renewed, thy goodness is repeated every morning; and every evening dost thou give us fresh occasion of praise and thanksgiving. From our earliest infancy we were cast upon thy care ; and thy watchful eye has ever been upon us for good. What shall we render unto the Lord for all his mercies ? Surely our debt of gratitude is too great for sinful mortals ever to repay. Accept the offering of praise which we now bring to thee ; and grant that the surrender of our hearts to thy service may be sincere and unfeigned. Search us, O God, and try us, and see if there be any wicked way in us, and lead us in the way which is everlasting. Enable us, O Lord, and ours, in the strength of thy grace, to love thee truly, to serve thee faithfully, and to depend on thee without wavering. In all our ways may we acknowledge thee, and do thou direct our steps. We beg thy heavenly direction, thy sanction, and assistance. Choose thou the lot of our inheritance for us : dispose of us and of all that concerns us to the glory of thy great name. Visit not our past offences by leaving us to ourselves and giving us up to the d.ominion of our sins ; but give us penitent hearts for the evil committed by us, and thy merciful discharge from all the guilt which we have already contracted. Grant us, O Lord, the comfortable sense of thy free acceptance of us, and of thy gracious intention towards us, in the Son of thy love, that our hearts may bless thy holy name. Subdue as well as pardon our iniquities ; and herein may we exercise ourselves, to have a conscience void of offence toward God and toward man. Grant us, while upon earth, a due supply of all things needful for us. Sanctify to us our callings and our enjoyments, our comforts and our trials, — every condition which we may be in, and every event that may befall us. Help us this day to live to thy honour and glory; and so to pursue the lawful avocations of life, that we may neither forget nor forfeit blessings of eternal moment. If thou lead us not, we run into error; if thou keep us not, we fall into danger. Let thy good providence be our defence and security, and thy Holy Spirit our comforter, guide, and counsellor in all our ways, until, through the merit and intercession of thy dear Son, we are introduced into thy presence, where there is fulness of joy, and to thy right hand, where there are pleasures for evermore. Grant these blessings for the sake of Jesus Christ, our strength and Redeemer. Amen. 26 FIRST CJwsfoag <£bmut& WEEK. Matthew, Chapter v. F ATHER of lights, who hast given us thy holy word to enlighten our under- standings, and to deliver us from our natural blindness and ignorance, make us thankful to thee for this thine inestimable gift, and send down thy Holy Spirit into our hearts to guide us by it into all truth. It is thy blessed will, manifested to us for the knowledge of salvation ; and if we do not study it, to the end that we may know thee, the only true God, and Jesus Christ whom thou hast sent, whom to know is life eternal — it is because we reject the counsel of God against ourselves. O save us from such blind- ness and infatuation, such hardness of heart and contempt of thy word. Thine it is to take from us the hard and stony heart, and to give us hearts of flesh. Thine it is to bless us with a new heart and a right spirit; and to cause thy grace to reign in us through righteousness unto eternal life, through Jesus Christ our Lord. O that thy mighty power may be exerted in us, that we may be the children of God without rebuke, in the midst of a crooked and perverse generation, amongst whom thou hast called us to shine as lights in the world. Especially, O Lord our God, give us grace to value, as we ought, thy law and thy gospel. So may we read and hear them, as to discover, more and more, the depth of our misery, and the height of thy mercy; the greatness of our danger and the glory of our deliverance. Incline our wills to receive the heavenly instructions which thou hast given us ; do thou say to the blind eyes and to the deaf ears, be opened : for, without thy help, we shall see and not perceive, hear and not understand, and can never be brought to true conversion. Thou, O Lord, didst cause thy blessed Son to be made of a woman, made under the law, to redeem them that were under the law, that we might know to whom to fly for refuge from the guilt which is upon us, and the condemnation to which we are liable. We beseech thee to preserve in our souls such a lively sense of the great evil of sin and of our own sinfulness ; such a remembrance of thy dread majesty, of thy infinite purity and justice, and of thy unspeakable love to us in the gift of thy Son, that we may repair to the Saviour for pardon in his blood, adore and embrace him as Immanuel, God with us, obey him as our Lord and Master, honour him as our Judge, and imitate him as our great Pattern and Exemplar. O Lord, so transform us and ours into thine own image, that our heart and theirs being established with grace, we may trust in thee, love thee, fear thee, serve thee, live to thee, delight ourselves in thee, choose thee for our portion, and long for the full knowledge and enjoyment of thee in heaven. We leave these our prayers and thanksgivings before thy mercy-seat, praying for acceptance, forgiveness, and eternal life, through the great and glorious Redeemer. And to the Father, to the Son, and to the Holy Ghost, one God, be ascriptions of ceaseless praise. Amen. D 2 27 FIRST dJVteK iHorntng * WEEK. Genesis, Chaffer vii. G REAT God, who hast made the day and the night, and who rulest both, we beseech thee that every day may bring us nearer to that day which has no night, and every night to that rest which remaineth for the people of God. Thou mightest justly forsake and condemn those, who are already condemned of their own consciences; but while to us belong shame and confusion of face, to thee we desire to ascribe mercy and grace everlasting. Worthy art thou, O Lord of heaven and earth, to receive glory, 4 and honour, and power, and might, and majesty; for thou hast created all things, and for thy pleasure they are and were created. Thou hast made heaven, the heaven of heavens, with all the hosts of them — the earth and all things therein ; and the host of heaven praiseth thee. Glory be to thee, O Lord God Almighty, for creating man after thine own image, and forming so many creatures to minister to his use and happiness. Glory be to thee, O heavenly Father, for our being and preservation, health and strength, understanding and memory, friends and benefactors, and for all our abilities of mind and body. Glory be to thee for the means of our subsistence, for the advantages of our education, for all our known or unobserved deliverances, and for the guard which thy holy angels keep over us ; and, above all, glory be to thee for giving thy Son to die for our sins, and for all the spiritual blessings which flow to us through him. *Glory be to thee, O Lord, the only begotten Son Jesus Christ, for thine inexpressible love to lost mankind, in undertaking the wonderful work of our redemption, and rescuing us from the slavery of sin and the dominion of Satan ; for descending, in order to our redemption, from heaven, and putting on the form of a servant ; for the heavenly doctrine which thou didst preach for our instruction, the undoubted miracles which thou didst work for our conviction, and for thy unblameable example to be our rule and pattern ; for thine agony and bloody sweat ; for the torments and anguish of thy bitter passion ; for thy precious death and burial; and for thy resurrection from the dead, thine ascension into heaven, and intercession for us at the right hand of the Father. Glory be to thee, O blessed Spirit, for the miraculous gifts and graces thou didst bestow on prophets, apostles, and evangelists, to fit and prepare them as thy messengers ; for inspiring them to write the Holy Scriptures; for bringing the glad tidings of salvation to this our land ; and for all those ordinary gifts of thy operation which are to abide in the church, for the instruction, conviction, and sanctification of mankind. O may thy saving power rest on the hearts of all this family, that, deriving life from thee, we may give ourselves up to the service of God as those who are alive from the dead. Blessing and honour, thanksgiving and praise, be unto thee, O adorable Trinity, Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, from all angels, all men, and all creatures, for ever and ever. Amen. 28 FIRST jfrfoag Cbming, WEEK. Matthew, Chapter vi. O THOU who hast borne so long with us, and done so much for us ; of whom alone cometh our salvation, and by whom we escape death : — moved by the sense of our own necessities, and encouraged by thy gracious promises, we, as a family, desire afresh to shelter ourselves beneath the shadow of thy wings, and to present our supplications at the throne of thy grace ; most humbly entreating thee, who fashionest the hearts of all the sons of men, that thou wouldest prepare our minds to come into thy presence, and to call upon thy blessed name. O pour out upon us the grace of supplication, and let thy good Spirit help our infirmities, and teach us how to pray. We, who are but sinful dust and ashes, have taken upon us to speait to thee, the Sovereign majesty of heaven and earth; we, who have too much cause to fear lest our great and manifold sins might provoke thee to hide thy face from us, and to shut up thy loving-kindness in displeasure against us, presume to approach thee in the name of thy dear Son. O Lord, be merciful unto us sinners, for the sake of him whom thou hast exalted to be a Prince and a Saviour, to give repentance and remission of sins. Save our souls, which have greatly sinned against thee ; heal our backslidings, and love us freely ; take from us all our secret and presumptuous sins. Renew us daily unto repentance ; establish our hearts in thy faith and love ; and hold thou up our goings in thy paths, that our footsteps slip not. Cause us, m the strength of thy grace, to go on from conquering to conquer, till we have overcome all the enemies of our salvation, and till Satan himself is bruised under our feet. We are weak, and feeble, and exposed; but do thou uphold us by the right hand of thy righteousness; do thou quicken our diligence in the Christian life, that we may so run as to obtain the eternal prize. Preserve us from that sloth which endangers the peace, holiness, and safety of the soul. Make us afraid of sinning against thee ; but, O let our fear be that of a child, not of a slave. Teach us to remember our former transgressions, and all the circumstances and events which led to their commission ; and help us to watch and pray, lest we enter into temptation. We would fervently bless thee for all thy benefits and comforts, spiritual, temporal, and eternal. Thou, Lord, alone makest us to dwell in safety. Uphold us this night and for evermore. May we find thee to be indeed the God of hope, of peace, of truth, of love, of consolation, and of grace to our souls. Dispose of us, we beseech thee, and of all that concerns us, to the glory of thy name. Keep us at all times, in all places, and in all companies, from the evil of sin, and from all other evils to which the greatness of our sins renders us liable. Take thou, O heavenly Father, the entire charge of us, for health, for sickness; for prosperity, for adversity; for life, for death. Guide us by thy counsel ; seal us by thy Spirit ; and save us by thy grace, for the sake of thy tender mercy in Christ Jesus thy Son, to whom, with thyself and the Holy Spirit, be all honour and glory, world without end. Amen. 29 FIRST WEEK. Genesis, Chapter viii. O LORD, before the mountains were brought forth, or ever thou hadst formed the earth and the world, even from everlasting to everlasting thou art God. How shall we draw near this morning to thy sacred throne — how make known our wants to thee, in a way becoming finite creatures in approaching the infinite Creator and Preserver of all. Thou art all purity and holiness — we are all unholy and impure ; we dare not come before thee as those who have any merit of their own, but as those only who must confess their guilt and unworthiness, and cast themselves on thy mercy in Christ Jesus. We thank thee, O God, for the many precious promises that are recorded in thy holy word : we adore thee for putting us in possession of such a blessed volume of consolation and hope. O may we search the Scriptures more diligently than ever ; for by them are we pointed to Christ and to heaven ; by them we learn that our blessed Saviour yielded up his life for sinful men, amidst the bitter taunts and cruel exultings of men and devils, with agonies so excruciating, that he was at length constrained to break silence, and to exclaim, “ My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me !” O may we be anxious to make some return for compassion so vast and unparalleled. Though our sins deserve thine eternal wrath, yet we adore thee that thy Son has died for us. For his sake, then, do thou justify us by thy grace, adopt us into thy family, and make us partakers of a divine nature. Enable us clearly to perceive the Divine method of acceptance, through the obedience and death of Jesus. May we be divested of all hopes of justification by the works of the law : and may grace reign in us, through righteousness, unto eternal life. Daily may we live by faith upon the Son of God, who loved us, and gave himself for us. May every fresh view of Christ, and him crucified, call forth fresh sentiments of love and gratitude to our divine Benefactor, Deliverer, and Friend. Let thy Holy Spirit fill our minds with strong faith and heavenly wisdom ; let him fill our hearts with holiness and love. O teach us to redeem the time, because the days are evil. May we be constantly employed in laying up treasures for heaven. May we seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and then may we trust the promise, that all other things shall be added thereto. Help us to bear all our sufferings and trials with resignation to thy holy will. May faith, hope, and patience be the inseparable companions of our earthly sojourn. Make us superior to every temptation, and preserve us to thine eternal kingdom. Thou hast spared us during another night. Thy hand has been upon us for good. O may the mercies of our God excite in us the warmest emotions of gratitude , and may the blessings of this present life be associated in our happy experience with peace of conscience, joy in the Holy Ghost, and the transcendent hopes of a blessed immortality. Hear and answer us, in all our imperfect petitions and supplications, lor the sake of our all-prevailing Intercessor, Jesus Christ. Amen. 80 FIRST «#>aturtrag (^bertin#, Matthew, Chapter vii. week. FTlOMORROW, O most merciful Father, is the rest of the Sabbath; may our hearts be JL attuned to its sacred joys ! Never may we expect the full advantage of thy institutions, without seeking a meetness of spirit for engaging in them. As our six days’ labour for the body have closed, O may we now anticipate the wants of the soul, and seek to attain that holy calm, that separation from worldly interests, that heavenly frame, which will invest the approaching day with all the solemnity, and all the influence, of a Christian Sabbath. May we be assisted by thy grace in collecting and fixing our scattered thoughts, which, having been occupied about earthly and perishable objects, have contracted too much of that worldliness which unfits for communion with thee. W e pray for a spirit of holy meditation, and deep devotion ; that in the closet and its solemn exercises, we may realize the nature, objects, and blessed design of the day set apart to the commemoration of Christ’s resurrection from the dead. May we be taught to put the highest value upon the ordinances of the Sabbath. We would deeply feel that if little is expected from it, little can be realized. May we know and believe, that He who is Lord of Sabbath will not fail to make it a blessing to those who look up for his gracious smile on its sacred engagements. O our heavenly Father, we bless thee that the week about to close has been associated with so many tokens of thy unmerited regard. We thank thee for assistance in our worldly callings, for any measure of prosperity in the affairs of life, for the continuance of our various faculties of labour and enjoyment, for domestic quiet, for peace of mind, for health, for reason, for friendship, and for all the blessings which belong to the state of society in which we mingle. O may we trace all our mercies to the fountain of thy paternal benignity ; and, while we meditate on our own unworthiness, may we think with gratitude and love of the sacred channel through which our mercies flow. May we connect every bestowment of thy goodness with the gift of thy Son, and see every mercy enhanced and sweetened by its relation to the Cross. The day has closed upon us, never to return ; 0 let its sins be cast behind thee into the depths of the sea. Upon each heart in the family circle do thou seal the sense of pardoning mercy. What are we without an interest in thy favour, which is better than life ? O let none of us rank with thine enemies, or perish in their doom. If any are estranged from thee, open their hearts to the all-subduing feeling of thy love. And may those who know thee, put their trust beneath the shadow of thy wings. We wait for thy salvation. O cause the light of thy countenance to shine upon us. Protect us in our defenceless moments. Grant us the rest which thou givest to thy beloved. Place beneath and around us everlasting arms ; and when we awake, may we find ourselves still with thee. We implore these, and all our mercies, for the sake of Jesus Christ, our Lord and Saviour. Amen. 31 SECOND Jmntrag JHontm& WEEK. Genesis, Chapter ix. Ver 1 — 19 . O LORD, who, though unseen by our bodily eyes, art about our bed and our path, and in whom we live, and move, and have our being ; who art the author of all the comforts we enjoy, and to whom we look for all future benefits — we would this morning bow down before thee, and implore thee to grant us thy Holy Spirit, to help our infir- mities, that we may worship thee in spirit and in truth. We would approach thee in the all-prevalent name of Jesus Christ, the great Mediator between God and man , and we would adore thee, as a family, that we are again permitted to behold that day which is consecrated to thy special service. Enable us, we beseech thee, to hail its approach, and to employ it in such manner as is suited to its high and holy character. May we each and all of us this day consider our ways, and examine our true condition. O may the language of our hearts be, Search us, O God, and try us, so that no wicked way may be found in us. O let not self-love deceive us in this most momentous inquiry; hut grant us thy grace to quicken every spiritual perception, and to soften our hard hearts, that we may feel what it is to offend against that God who has such innumerable claims on our gratitude and love. O fill us with a lively sense of thy goodness, forbearance, and long-suffering ; and may we delight, in the morning of thy blessed day, to call to mind all the various mercies which we have received at thy hands, from the first moment of our being, to the present hour. Above all, may we remember thine infinite love in sending thine own Son, the very partaker of thy glory, to die for guilty sinners such as we are ; and in calling us, we humbly trust, to the knowledge of the truth as it is in him. Enable us, we beseech thee, on this day to be more diligent in running the race that is set before us. May we detach ourselves, as much as possible, from all worldly conversation and solicitudes, and may we endeavour to set our affections, in a pre-eminent degree, on things above. May we be sensible of the comparative vanity of all earthly good. May we seek that portion which is substantial, and which endureth for ever. May every member of this family be filled with thy love ; may all angry passions and evil desires be rooted out of us ; and may we be rendered more fit for the inheritance of the saints in light, and be endowed with those dispositions and graces which shall be perfected in glory. May we, this day, read thy holy word, in private and in public, with fixed attention ; and may we listen to a preached gospel with humility, and without weariness ; remembering that whosoever plants or waters, it is God only who giveth the increase. Bless thy servant whom we expect to minister to us this day in holy things. Although he may draw the bow at a venture, do thou direct the arrow of conviction to the heart of the sinner ; and may many this day flee for refuge to the hope set before them in the gospel. — And now to the Father, to the Son, and to the Holy Ghost, be all honour and glory, both now and ever. Our Father, which art in heaven, hallowed be thy name ; thy kingdom come ; thy will be done in earth, as it is done in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread ; and forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors ; and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil; for thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, for ever. Amen. 32 SECOND atutfrag iHcirmncj ■WEEK. Genesis, Chapter xvi. W E adore and bless thee, O Lord our heavenly Father, as the author of our being, the God of our life, and the length of our days. We acknowledge our manifold obligations to thee for all that thou hast done for us, in our creation, preservation, and redemption. May the due consideration of all thy mercies awaken us to zeal and fidelity in thy service. And do thou bestow on us that grace which will sanctify all the disposi- tions of our hearts, and incline us to love thee, and to delight in thy wavs. In thy continued care and kindness would we cheerfully confide, and quietly acquiesce in all thy disposals ; being convinced of thy absolute right to rule over us, and to do with us as thou pleasest ; and that what thou appointest is fittest and best. Accordingly, to thee our heavenly Sovereign do we this morning lift up our eyes, earnestly desiring to learn thy holy will, to seek thy face, and to obtain thy favour. It is not in man that walketh to direct his own steps. Without thy guidance, we can do nothing aright ; and without thy blessing, we can neither be prosperous nor happy. All our springs of life, enjoyment, and purity are in thee. The whole creation could yield us nothing worth possessing, if thy smile should be withheld from us. Cause the light, then, of thy recon- ciled countenance to shine upon us, and we shall be both safe and happy. We thank thee that thou hast given us a law to be the rule of our life and conduct; that thou hast by the light of reason and scripture taught us what is good, and what thou the Lord dost require of us — even to do justly, love mercy, and walk humbly with thee our God. We bless thee that thy laws are most reasonable and excellent in them- selves, and that they are enforced by motives suited to our nature, full of tenderness, and associated with our highest interests. Most deeply would we humble ourselves, while we confess our guilt and folly, in having lived so unmindful of thee and thy laws ; in having despised thine authority, abused thy goodness, and counteracted thy gracious and benevolent intentions for our good. Mercifully forgive what has been amiss in our past temper and conduct; and enable us in future to watch over the movements of our hearts with greater diligence, and to pursue a course more consistent with supreme love to thee, and entire submission to the claims of thy grace. We desire to renounce all other lords who may have had dominion over us ; and we would now consecrate ourselves without reserve to thee. All we are and have, the members of our bodies and the faculties of our souls, our worldly possessions, our time, talents, and influence, we devote to thee, that they may be employed in thy service, and devoted to thy glory. Preserve us in thy fear all the day long; and in all our concerns do thou direct, prosper, and keep us, for Jesus Christ’s sake. Amen. 44 SECOND WEEK. Matthew, Chapter xiv. 0 MOST blessed God, the Father of mercies, and the God of all grace and consolation. Thou art love — the parent of all benevolence, the great and eternal fountain of all happiness. Thou, and thou only, art originally, perfectly, and essentially good in thyself . and thou ever delightest in doing good. Thou art good unto all, and thy tender mercies are over all thy works. All thy works praise thee, O Lord ; and it becomes thy saints to bless thee. We would rejoice in all the displays of thy goodness in the creation around us ; but more especially would we praise thee for the wonderful acts and instances of thy loving-kindness to the children of men, and for the experience which we ourselves have had of thy bounty and benignity. We adore thee, as the former and the Father of mankind; thou hast strangely arrayed us in body and mind ; thou hast made us capable of knowing, loving, and adoring thee ; thou didst form us in thine own image ; but, alas ! we have contracted the sad stain of sin; we have rebelled against thy righteous government; we have become guilty and ruined in thy sight ; and were the sentence of wrath to be executed against us, we could not arraign thy righteous procedure. Adored be the riches of thy sovereign grace, as manifested in sending thine only begotten Son into the world, to seek and to save that which was lost ; to recover guilty rebels, such as we are, to thyself ; and, by his obedience and sacrifice, resurrection and glory, and the power of his kingdom, to effect the pardon, sanctification, and final salvation of all who believe in his name. We bless thee for any knowledge thou hast imparted to us of this wondrous love. May thy Spirit take of the things of Christ, and shew them unto us. May he open our blind eyes, and turn us from darkness to light, and from the power of satan unto God. May he conduct us to a saving acquaintance with the entire mystery of redeeming love. While we would recognize the displays of thy matchless love and parental ten- derness, we would, with shame and confusion of face, mourn over our past ingratitude, and confess with penitence the sad returns which we have made for thy great and un- merited goodness. But, O cast us not off from thy presence, we beseech thee, and take not thy Holy Spirit from us ; but, in the multitude of thy tender mercies, remember and visit us. Do thou blot out all our transgressions ; do thou wash us thoroughly from our iniquity ; do thou cleanse us from our sins. Draw us effectually to thyself, by the cords of love, which are the bands of a man ; and cause us to run in the way of thy command- ments with hearts enlarged, and full of gratitude and praise. Take charge of us this night. From all evil do thou defend us. Refresh us with sleep. Prepare us for the Sabbath; and let the dawning of that blessed day bring the light of heaven to our spirits. Hear us in heaven, the habitation of thy throne and of thy glory, for Christ’s sake. Amen. 45 THIRD «#>untrag WEEK. Genesis, Chapter xvii. T HIS, O Lord, is the day which thou hast made, we will rejoice and be glad in it. Our Saviour and King is risen indeed, and we would adore him as the Son of God with power. We bless thee that he is now highly exalted, and that thou hast given him a name which is above every name ; that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, of things in heaven and things in earth, and things under the earth ; and that every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father. O that we may know Christ this day in the power of his resurrection. May we rise by that power to all the reality and to all the enjoyment of the spiritual life. May the Spirit that raised up Christ from the dead be in us, as the earnest and foretaste of eternal life. We would remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy. O help us to withdraw our minds from all worldly thoughts and pursuits, that we may be prepared to wait on thee in the sacred institutions of thy grace. Bring upon our spirits a deep sense of the divine wisdom and mercy displayed in the appointment of the Sabbath. May the entire day be devoted to the great object of preparation for heaven. Do thou mercifully assist our private de- votions, that they may prove a suitable introduction to the more public exercises of thy house. As a family, may we all be prepared with the preparation of the sanctuary for waiting before thee. As we enter thy holy courts, may the language of our hearts be, “ We have loved the habitation of thy house, and the place where thine honour dwelleth. ” May we, indeed, desire to see Jesus. As the hart panteth after the water-brooks, so may our souls pant after thee, O God; that we may see thy power and thy glory, so as we have seen thee in the sanctuary. Because thy loving-kindness is better than life, our lips shall praise thee : thus will we bless thee while we live ; we will lift up our hands in thy name. Hear our united supplications for all Christ’s ministers, and richly endow them with the precious gifts of thy Holy Spirit. Open to their minds the hidden treasures of thy word. Help them to proclaim Christ and the resurrection. May the mysteries of redeem- ing love prove their darling theme ; and while they speak of sprinkled blood, may the Floly Spirit apply the mystery to the human conscience. Upon thy servant who is to minister to us in holy things, do thou cause the choicest influences of thy grace to descend. O help us to receive him in the name of a prophet, that we may receive a prophet’s reward. We would regard him as thy servant, who is to shew unto us the way of salvation. Make him thine own messenger to our souls, and grant that we may so receive thy word from his lips, as that we may be fed by it even to life eternal. Deliver us from all those states of mind which would hinder our spiritual edification, and growth in grace. Banish from our thoughts the world and its concerns. May we lay aside every weight, and the sin which doth so easily beset us, and run with patience the race that is set before us, looking unto Jesus, the Author and Finisher of our faith. May we behold the King in his beauty, and see that land which is yet afar off. Let thy work appear unto thy ser- vants, and thy glory unto their children ; and let the beauty of the Lord our God be upon us, and establish thou the work of our hands upon us, vea, the work of our hands estab- lish thou it. These mercies we implore in the all-prevailing name of our most gracious Advocate, Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. 46 THIRD Matthew, Chapter xv. WEEK. T RULY our souls wait upon thee, O God, from whom cometh our salvation ; do thou hear our cry, and attend unto the voice of our prayer. Be merciful unto us, O God, be merciful unto us ; for our souls trust in thee. We will cry unto God most high, unto God who performeth all things for us. Thou hast said in thy word, that the voice of rejoicing and salvation is in the tabernacles of the righteous ; and we desire, as a family, to give thanks unto the Lord, for he is good ; because his mercy endureth for ever. It is a good thing to show forth thy loving-kindness in the morning, and thy faithfulness every night And on the evening of thy day in particular, would we call upon our souls, and all that is within us, to bless thy holy name. May it appear, for a long period to come, that this has been a high day to our souls. O let not thy word return to thee void ; but may it accomplish that which thou pleasest, and may it prosper in the thing whereunto thou hast sent it. Our hearts, O God, are deceitful, and we dare not trust them ; hut do thou make us the subjects of an influence which shall counteract their levity, their proneness to forget thy word, their tendency to the love of earth, and their too great sympathy in the unbelieving principle. O let the power of conscience be called in to aid the solemn appeals of the Christian ministry, that Christ’s words may abide in us, and that we may be sanctified through thy word, which is truth. Cause us to remember those lessons which we have so often forgotten ; the lessons which relate to our easily besetting sins ; which call on us to pluck out the right eye, and to cut off the right hand. How slow is our spiritual progress, even in those cases where the path of duty is clear to the mind. O deliver us from the infatuation of those who sin presumptuously, who are ever learning, and yet never able to come to the knowledge of the truth. Suffer us not to impose upon ourselves, by imagining that we are the partakers of a character which does not belong to us. Help us faithfully to examine ourselves, that we may know whether the faith of Christ be in us. Let us not imagine ourselves to be something, when we are nothing, thereby deceiving ourselves ; but do thou enable us to prove our own work, and then shall we have rejoicing in ourselves alone, and not in another. We are prone to think of ourselves more highly than we ought to think. Destroy, O Lord, this unhappy tendency; and teach us to judge ourselves, that we may not be judged. May we ever regard the state of our motives ; and call to remembrance the solemn fact that nothing is right in the sight of God, that is not right in motive. Purify the fountains of thought and feeling within us. Take from us the love of sin, and implant in our hearts those holy affections which thou wilt approve. Into thy hand, Father of mercies, we commend our spirits this night. We will both lay us down in peace, and sleep ; for thou, Lord, only makest us to dwell in safety. Surround our dwelling, and watch over the couch on which we repose ; and when the morning dawns, may sweet thoughts of thy love possess our souls. Hear, answer, and forgive us, for Christ’s sake. Amen. 47 TUI HD JMmttmg iHorntwj. WEEK. Genesis, Chapter xviii. IVE ear to our words, O Lord, consider our meditation. Hearken unto the voice of our cry, our King and our God ; for unto thee will we pray. Our voice shalt thou hear in the morning, O Lord ; in the morning, will we direct our prayer unto thee, and will look up. They that know thy name will put their trust in thee ; for thou, Lord, hast not forsaken them that seek thee. The needy shall not be forgotten, and the expectation of the poor shall not perish for ever. The Lord is the portion of our inheritance, and of our cup ; thou maintainest our lot. The lines are fallen unto us in pleasant places ; yea, we have a goodly heritage. We will call upon the Lord, who is worthy to be praised ; so shall we be saved from our enemies. Lead us, this day, in thy truth, and teach us ; for thou art the God of our salvation ; on thee will we wait all the day. Remember, O Lord, thy tender mercies and thy loving-kindnesses unto us ; for they have been ever of old. Remember not the sins of our youth, nor our transgressions ; according to thy mercy re- member thou us, for thy goodness’ sake, O Lord. Good and upright art thou, O Lord, therefore wilt thou teach sinners in the way. The meek wilt thou guide in judgment ; and the meek wilt thou teach thy way. All thy paths are mercy and truth unto such as keep thy covenant and thy testimonies. For thy name’s sake, O Lord, pardon our iniquity, for it is great. Enable us to wash our hands in innocency ; and so to compass thine altar, O Lord. O gather not our souls with sinners, nor our life with bloody men ; but help us to walk in our integrity: redeem us, and be merciful unto us. Heal our souls, for we have sinned against thee. O send out thy light and thy truth : let them lead us ; let them bring us unto thy holy hill, and to thy tabernacles. Then will we go unto the altar of God, unto God our exceeding joy. If we have forgotten the name of our God, or stretched out our hands to a strange god ; shall not God search this out ? for he know- eth the secrets of the heart If our heart condemn us, God is greater than our heart, and knoweth all things; but if our heart condemn us not, then have we confidence toward God ; and whatsoever we ask, we receive of him, because we keep his command- ments, and do those things that are pleasing in his sight And this is his commandment, that we should believe on the name of his Son Jesus Christ, and love one another, as he gave us commandment. Hear, O Lord, when we cry with our voice ; have mercy also upon us, and answer us. When thou saidst, “ Seek ye my face,” our heart said unto thee, “ Thy face, Lord, will we seek.” Hide not thy face far from us; put not thy servants away in anger; thou hast been our help; leave us not, neither forsake us, O God of our salvation. Teach us thy way, O Lord ; and lead us in a plain path, because of our enemies. Do thou instruct us, and teach us in the way that we should go. Do thou guide us with thine eye. Be thou our hiding-place ; do thou preserve us from trouble, and do thou compass us about with songs of deliverance. Prosper the work of our hands upon us, yea, the work of our hands pros- per thou it. See, O God, our shield, and look upon the face of thine Anointed. For his sake be merciful to us and bless us, both now and for evermore. Amen. 43 THIRD JHmiOag tiftmting. WEEK. Matthew, Chafi’er xvr. O LORD, thou hast searched us, and known us. Thou knowest our downsitting and our uprising ; thou understandest our thought afar off. Thou compassest our path and our lying down, and art acquainted with all our ways. For there is not a word in our tongue, but, lo, O Lord, thou knowest it altogether. Whither shall we go from thy Spirit ? or whither shall we flee from thy presence ? If we ascend into heaven, thou art there ; if we make our bed in hell, behold, thou art there. If we take the wings of the morning, and dwell in the uttermost parts of the sea ; even there shall thy hand lead us, and thy right hand shall hold us. If we say Surely, the darkness shall cover us ; even the night shall be light about us. Yea, the darkness hideth not from thee; but the night shineth as the day ; the darkness and the light are both alike to thee. When we reflect on thine infinite research, on the all-penetrating glance of thine omniscient eye, we are constrained to prostrate ourselves in the dust before thee, and to entreat thee that thou wilt not visit us for one of a thousand of all the iniquities which thou hast beheld in us. May the thought that thou art ever present to mark our conduct, in the darkness and in the light, in retirement and in society, in the house and in the world, in the closet and in the sanctuary, infuse into our spirits a solemn dread of that evil and abominable thing which thou hatest. But, O let not the mere apprehension of a slave deter us from sinning against thee ; may our fear of offending against thy majesty be filial; may we be restrained from sin because of its unspeakable turpitude, and because we love and reverence thee as our Father in heaven. How often have we been kept from the commission of evil by the presence of our fellow-creatures, while we have been utterly forgetful of thy purity and of thy presence. O may thoughts of thee attend us when we wake and when we sleep, when we are in the society of others, and when we are solitary and alone. Never let our weaker passions control or blind our judgment; but may con- science, the word of truth, and the Spirit of grace, regulate all our thoughts, desires, and actions. Behold, O our God, in great mercy, this family, prostrate in humble adoration and prayer before thy throne. Look, in tender compassion, upon each of its members. O let all their names be recorded in the Lamb’s book of life. May Christ be formed in each of their hearts, the hope of glory. We beseech thee to make our communion with each other and with thee, at a throne of grace, divinely sweet. May we know somewhat of the joys of heaven even upon earth. Endear us, as a family, to one another, by drawing us to thyself in the bonds of thy saving grace. Make us sensible of the value of all family mercies — of health, peace, and quiet habitation ; but, O grant that they may be associated with the far richer blessings of the everlasting covenant. For food and raiment, we desire to bless thee; but may these be connected with the bread of heaven which shall never perish, and with that robe of righteousness which shall cover our defenceless souls in the day of wrath. Take us all beneath the shelter of thine almighty providence, and defend us from all the dangers and perils incident to the night season. May our souls be at peace wdth thee through the blood of Jesus. May we all rest in thy love, through the mediation and advocacy of our divine and adored Redeemer: to whom, with thee, O Father, and the Holy Ghost, w r e would ascribe present and endless praises. Amen. 49 G THIRD Cuestmg iHratmcj. WEEK. Genesis, Chapter xix. 12 to 30. W E will extol thee, our God, O King ; and we will bless thy name for ever and ever. Every day will we bless thee, and we will praise thy name for ever and ever. Enable us this morning to abase ourselves in thine awful presence, and to adore thine infinite majesty. Earnestly would we implore the forgiveness of all our sins, for the sake of thy well-beloved and only-begotten Son, Christ Jesus. With grateful hearts would we celebrate thy goodness, for all the blessings of life and godliness with which we have been indulged. We praise thee, O Lord, with joyful lips, for the quiet and refreshing rest of the past night, and for the cheering light of another sun. Grant, O most merciful Father, that every hour of this day may be devoted to thee, in the humble and conscientious discharge of the several duties allotted to us in the arrangements of thine all-wise providence. In all our thoughts, words, and actions, may we have a single eye to thy glory ; and may our great aim, in all things, be, to secure the testimony of a conscience enlightened and purified by thy grace. To this end, vouchsafe to us thy Holy Spirit, that by his blessed influence the spiritual blindness of our minds may be dissipated, our sinful hearts may be purified, our corrupt affections may be subdued, and our entire character may be brought under the regulation and control of thy holy and unerring truth. Thou God of our life, do thou bless and prosper all our undertakings this day; and grant that, amidst the numerous engagements which pertain to the present passing scene, we may not be permitted to lose sight of the great realities of an approaching eternity. May we be diligent in business, fervent in spirit, serving the Lord ; that, while we seek to provide things honest in the sight of all men, we may not fail to labour, with full pur- pose of heart, for that meat which endureth unto everlasting life, and which the Son of man came down from heaven to confer on a perishing world. Be thou the protector of our bodies, and the guide of our souls. Fortify us against all the temptations of our great adversary, and shield us from every rising evil. ■ Clothe us with the whole armour of God, and make us more than conquerors through him that hath loved us. Have mercy on the whole family of man. Visit, in thy great love, the church of the living God. Unite all Christ’s true disciples in the bonds of holy love and concord; and let thine enemies perceive the force and tenderness of those spiritual. ties which bind thy children together in one holy and indissoluble fraternity. Mercifully succour all that are in distress. Be the husband of the widow, the father of the fatherless, and the stay of the orphan, in thy holy habitation. Shed the copious effusion of thy Holy Spirit upon us all, and upon our neighbours, friends, relations, and Christian brethren. Lord, increase our faith, confirm our hope, inflame our love, and grant us zeal to promote thy cause and interest in our sinful world. Finally, O Lord, make us faithful unto death ; that while thousands draw back unto perdition, we may be of that happy number who believe, to the saving of the soul. And at last, through thy great mercy, may we receive that crown of life which has been won for us by our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ; in whose name and words we would further pray, Our Father, &c. 50 THIRD WEEK. t* Cuestmj) Orbntuuj. Matthew, Chapter xvi. G REAT is the Lord, and greatly to be praised ; and his goodness is unsearchable. One generation shall praise thy works to another, and shall declare thy mighty acts. We will speak of the glorious honour of thy majesty, and of thy wondrous works. The Lord is good to all ; and his tender mercies are over all his works. All thy works shall praise thee, O Lord ; and thy saints shall bless thee. They shall speak of the glory of thy kingdom, and talk of thy power ; to make known to the sons of men thy mighty acts, and the glorious majesty of thy kingdom. O Lord, our heavenly Father, we fall down before the throne of thy grace, to acknow- ledge our guilt and pollution, and to adore thy long-suffering and tender mercy towards us. Thou hast not dealt with us according to our sins ; but hast spared us when we were deserving of nothing but thy wrath, and hast loaded us with the benefits of thy love. Pardon, we beseech thee, O most merciful Father, for the sake of the divine Mediator, all the sins that we have committed this day, or at any former period of our life. Wash us in the fountain opened for sin. Cov6r us with the garments of salvation. Enable us to believe in Jesus, to the saving of the soul. Grant us copious effusions of divine grace, that upon our future life may be incribed “holiness to the Lord,” and that we may walk before thee in love, gratitude, and new obedience, to the close of our earthly pilgrimage. The enemies of our salvation are waiting for our halting, and plotting our ruin ; but hold thou us up, and we shall be safe. In thee alone do we put our trust ; be thou our strength and deliverer, our high tower, and the rock of our salvation. Teach our hands to war, and our fingers to fight. Enable us to put on the whole armour of God, that we may stand in the evil hour. Grant us victory through the blood of the Lamb. Shield and defend us this night. Give to us such quiet repose as may refresh our frail and wearied bodies. O let us lie down with a sweet sense of thy love in our consciences. When our eyes are locked in sleep, may thine angels watch around our beds. Enable us to commit ourselves, and all that we love, into the hands of thy gracious Providence, casting all our care upon thee, believing that thou carest for us. — Above all, most gracious Father, do thou fit and prepare us for our last great change. Whenever death shall come upon us, may we be found watching. Grant, that in that awful hour we may know and rejoice in our victory by Jesus Christ, and may meet death, not as the king of terrors, but as the messenger of peace. Extend, we beseech thee, thy blessing to all our friends, relations, and acquaintance. Make them monuments of thy grace here, and partakers of thy glory hereafter. Be gracious to all the afflicted and distressed, and sanctify thy visitations to the good of their souls. Have compassion on the whole race of mankind, and hasten the time of their con- version unto thee. Hear, O Lord, and answer, for the sake of our only Saviour Jesus Christ. Amen. 51 G 2 U. OF ILL LIB. THIRD Wetmestrag iHornmg. WEEK. Genesis, Chapter xx. AIJSE us to hear thy loving-kindness, O Lord, in the morning; for in thee do we trust ; teach us to know the way wherein we should walk ; for we lift up our souls unto thee. O let not the number or the aggravations of our transgressions shut the heavens against us ; but may copious showers of heavenly influence descend, to soften all our hearts, and to make our souls as a garden which the Lord himself hath watered. We lament our great unprofitableness in the Christian life, amidst innumerable advantages. But, O Lord our God, withdraw not thy culture from us, notwithstanding the little fruit that we have brought forth unto perfection ; and let not thy Spirit cease to strive with us, though we have so often grieved him, and repressed his sacred monitions within us. We would not abuse the patience and the long-suffering of our God, but would take encourage- ment, from the remembrance of them, to look afresh to thy mercy-seat. May thy goodness, O Lord, lead us to repentance. Surely if aught can melt our hearts into ten- derness, it must be the lively recollection of the goodness and mercy which have followed usamidstallour rebellions in the wilderness. But, O let not the thought of thy past mercy tempt us to presume ; let us not provoke thee to swear concerning us, that we shall not enter into thy rest ; for thou, even thou, art to be feared ; and who may stand in thy sight when once thou art angry? We would not, amidst all the proofs of divine mercy and for- bearance, forget that our God is a consuming fire, — that he is jealous for his honour, and that he will not give his glory to another. Teach us to tremble, even while we rejoice, and to mingle confidence and hope with filial reverence and godly fear. Never let us cease to watch and pray, lest the enemies of our salvation should surprise us in an evil hour, and overwhelm us in temptation and guilt. We unite this morning at the throne of thy grace, to present unto thee the reverential worship which is due unto thy name. We mourn our individual and our family sins ; we adore thee for the full stream of thy mercy which has hitherto followed us ; we desire to trust our heavenly Father for all future supplies. When we assemble at the family altar, may there be no division of interests, no separation of hearts among us ; but may we know how good and how pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in unity of faith and worship. Give to the heads of this family all that grace which is necessary to enable them to fulfil the duties of their responsible station. O may they walk before their house with uprightness of heart and with blameless life. May their efforts to preserve religion in the family be crowned with thy blessing; and may all who compose this endeared circle be found in the great day on the right hand of Christ. Accept our praises for the mercies of the past night, — for repose, for protection, and for refreshment. Be with us in the engagements and trials of a new day ; and let thy mercy in Christ Jesus cover all our sins; may we be numbered with thy saints, both now and in glory everlasting : we beg these great and manifold blessings for the Redeemer’s sake. Amen. THIRD TOebnefifflagt <0b mfttg* WEEK. Matthew, Chapter xvii. B OW down thine ear, O Lord, and hear us ; O be merciful unto us, for we cry unto thee daily. Rejoice the hearts of thy servants, for unto thee, O Lord, do we lift up our souls ; for thou, Lord, art good, and ready to forgive, and plenteous in mercy unto all them that call upon thee. Give unto us as a family, we beseech thee, the true spirit of prayer, the fervent desire of that which we implore at thy hand. Convince us of the vanity and insufficiency of all earthly endowments, in comparison with the exceeding great value of heavenly treasures, that we may not spend our days in the pursuit of what will not profit us, but wisely make choice of Thyself for our present and eternal portion. Great is our misery in forsaking thee, the fulness of grace, the fountain of light and life, and the source of all blessedness — while we seek death in the error of our ways. Deliver us from this blindness. Give us the single eye and the upright heart, that, knowing thee as a reconciled Father, we may commit ourselves to thee in faith and patience; humbly depend on thee, as thy children, for the supply of our necessities; covet earnestly the best spiritual gifts ; do in all things thy will here below; and be made heirs according to the hope of eternal inheritance. Cause us increasingly to enter into the life of faith ; to die unto sin, and to live unto holiness ; to give up our whole souls to thy service ; to make spiritual realities the objects of our pursuit; to triumph over the devil, the world, and the flesh ; to make progress in the attainment of every Christian grace and virtue ; and thus to aim, day by day, at a growing meetness for the kingdom of heaven. O strengthen every holy resolution, confirm every upright purpose, and, since this is thy will, even our sanctification, enable us to follow holiness, without which no man can see the Lord. Our hearts are deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked; we dare not, therefore, trust them ; but with a godly jealousy would watch over and keep them all the days of our life. Send down, O Lord, thy Holy Spirit to help our infirmities ; for we know not what we should pray for as we ought. Thou, who didst deliver up thine own Son for us all, and wilt with him also freely give us all things, grant us a right judgment, engage and fix our volatile affections, bend our refractory wills, give us prayerful hearts. Fill us with the love and esteem of thy own blessed self; be thou our hope and refuge in the land of the living; teach us in the Spirit of adoption to call thee our Father, — to hallow thy blessed name, — to desire the coming of thy kingdom of grace in our own souls and in the world at large, as the way to thy kingdom of glory ; — to imitate the holy angels in doing readily, exactly, and steadfastly thy will, — to rely on thee for every needful and bounteous supply, — to forgive, as we hope to be forgiven, — to expect thy succour and support in all dangers and temptations, and thy deliverance from all evil; so ascribing to thee the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, for ever and ever. Hear us, O Lord, for the sake of Chrsit, thy dear Son, in whom thou art always well pleased, and accept us to thy mercy in him, the Beloved, our blessed and only Saviour. Amen. 53 THIRD CJwrsftrag Jltontmg. WEEK. Genesis, Chapter xxi. LORD, how manifold are thy blessings to usward. i hou hast preserved us from all evil during the past night, and visited us once more with the light of day. Our lives, our health, our domestic comforts, our reason, our liberty, are all continued to us, and we are again permitted to approach thy throne of grace. What shall we render unto thee, O Lord, for these and all thy benefits. Let our souls bless thee ; let all that is within us praise thy holy name, who thus preservest our lives from destruction, and crownest us with mercy and loving-kindness. We confess and deplore our vileness in thy sight; we acknowledge with shame and confusion of face our abuse of thy mercies. We have not rendered unto thee, O Lord our God, according to thy goodness ; we have not glorified thee as God, neither have we been thankful. O Lord, pardon our iniquities, and heal our backslidings. Look upon the face of thine Anointed. Remember his sufferings, and hearken to his intercessions in our behalf. Shew us thy mercy, O Lord, and grant us thy salvation. O let the peace of God, which passeth all understanding, keep our hearts and minds by Christ Jesus. Vouchsafe to us the influence of thy good Spirit, to enlighten, direct, comfort, sanctify, and preserve us. Endue us with zeal for thy glory, and with unfeigned love and goodwill towards all mankind. Make us humble and patient in our temper, upright and sincere in all the transactions of life, and holy in all manner of conversation. Ever may we be diligent in business, fervent in spirit, serving the Lord our God. Help us to understand, and enable us to fulfil the duties of our respective callings and stations, that herein we may study to glorify thy holy name, and prove that we have not received the grace of God in vain. We implore thy fatherly care and protection this day. Keep us from the evils that are in the world, and from the still more subtle forms of evil which lurk in our own hearts. 0 shield us in every moment of temptation. Let thy grace be sufficient for us, and let thy strength be made perfect in our weakness. Deliver us from that self-con- fidence which is the ruin of thousands; and suffer us not to think more highly of our- selves than we ought to think. Let past failures warn us of future dangers, and let the remembrance of former transgressions teach us to walk humbly with our God. Be merciful, O God, unto all men, and shed abroad the light of thy truth in their hearts. Bless, keep, and defend thy Church, and add to it daily such as shall be saved. Be very gracious to all our relatives and connexions according to the flesh, and unite them together in the bonds of the everlasting covenant. O look in compassion on all the afflicted and distressed; more especially on such as mourn in Zion. Give unto them beauty for ashes, the oil of joy for mourning, the garment of praise for the spirit of heaviness. Hear our supplications, O Lord, and accept our services, through the death and intercession of thy dear Son Jesus Christ; to whom, with thyself and the Holy Spirit, be glory everlasting. Amen. 54 THIRD tEJursfoag (Dbnunij. WEEK. Matthew, Chapter xviii. 0 THO U infinitely glorious and merciful God ; thou art great, and doest wondrous things ; thou art God alone. O teach us thy way, and we will walk in thy truth ; unite our hearts to fear thy name. Thou art a God full of compassion, and gracious, long-suffering, and plenteous in mercy and truth. Among the gods there is none like unto thee, O Lord; neither are there any works like unto thy works. The heavens are thine, the earth also is thine ; as for the world and the fulness thereof, thou hast founded them. Justice and judgment are the habitation of thy throne; mercy and truth shall go before thy face. We rejoice to hear thee saying from thy throne, “ I have laid help upon One that is mighty, I have exalted One chosen out of the people.” We bless thee that thou hast made Him thy first-born, higher than the kings of the earth ; that his seed shall endure for ever, and his throne as the sun before thee. O may He see in us of the travail of his soul, and be satisfied ; and by his knowledge, as thy righteous servant, may we be jus- tified, because he hath borne our iniquities. Thou, O Lord, lookest down from heaven ; thou beholdest all the sons of men ; from the place of thy habitation thou lookest upon all the inhabitants of the earth; thou fashionest their hearts alike; thou considerest all their works. We, O Lord, would acknowledge our sin unto thee, and our iniquity would we not hide. We have said that we will confess our transgressions unto the Lord ; and do thou forgive the iniquity of our sin ; that, from the example of thy mercy unto us, every one that is godly may pray unto thee in a time when thou mayest be found. Thou, O Lord, art our hiding-place ; as a family, thou shalt preserve us from trouble ; thou shalt compass us about with songs of deliverance. Give thine angels charge concerning us this night. Be a wall of fire round about us for our defence ; be the glory, also, in our midst. Let the peace of God rule in all our hearts. Make us all sons and heirs in Christ Jesus. Grant us the feeling of adoption. May the spirit of our risen Lord dwell in us. May we know in whom we have believed. May every member of this family be a member of the mystical body of Christ May we walk together in love, as Christ also hath loved us, and hath given himself for us, an offering and a sacrifice to God for a sweet-smelling savour. O let us know how good and how pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in unity. Let us study one another’s happiness, let us aim to promote one another’s salvation. Let us so walk together on earth, that we may cherish the sweet hope of dwelling together in heaven. Cast the sins of this day behind thee into the depths of the sea. Fill us all with joy and peace in believing. May new mercies awaken fresh gratitude. Enhance our comforts by a sense of their variety and greatness, and of our own unworthiness even of the least of them. May our rest be sweet and refreshing ; and whether sleeping or waking, living or dying, may we be thine, for Jesus Christ’s sake. Amen. THIRD J’rttsag JHanttng. WEEE. Genesis, Chapter xxii. W E will bless the Lord at all times ; his praise shall continually be in our mouths. O help us to magnify thee the Lord, and to exalt thy name together. May we taste and see that thou art good ; and be constrained to say, blessed is the man that trusteth in thee. We rejoice that the eyes of the Lord are upon the righteous, and that his ears are open to their cry. But we would never forget that the face of the Lord is against them that do evil, to cut off the remembrance of them from the earth. May the thought of thine infinite holiness fill our minds this morning with sacred awe; may we contrast with thy purity our own sinfulness, by nature and practice, and lie down in the dust before thee. May we mourn and be in bitterness for our sins; may we confess them with penitent hearts; and do thou, O Lord, seal upon our spirits a sense of thy forgiving mercy. Thou hast said from thy throne, “ I, even I, am He that blotteth out thy transgressions.” Help us, then, to look to thee as a pardoning God ; and may our hope of mercy be derived from a believing view of the Redeemer’s cross, and from a sense of the fulness and perfection of his glorious undertaking. O Lord, rebuke us not in thine anger, neither chasten us in thy sore displeasure. We deserve nothing but the severest judgments at thy hand; but in the midst of merited wrath do thou remember mercy. Let all the afflictions which thou shalt see fit to allot to us here below, be received by us as fatherly corrections ; may they all wean us more and more from the world, and draw our souls into more intimate communion with thyself. Let submission to thy holy will mark all our sentiments and conduct. Shall we receive good at the hand of the Lord, and not evil ? shall a living man complain, a man for the punishment of his sins? shall not the Judge of all the earth do right? O may our wills be lost in thy will, and may every event of life be received as from the hand of our Father in heaven, who is too wise to err, and too good to act unkindly. While called to mingle in the scenes of life, O preserve us from a worldly spirit. Suffer no object to obtain that place in our hearts which is due only to thee. Amidst innumerable temptations, do thou enable us to keep our garments unspotted. And in order to this, may our hearts be right with thee, and sound in thy statutes ; and may we keep them with all diligence, since out of them are the issues of life. Quicken our dead and insensible spirits by the power of thy grace. Teach us how to live by the faith on thy dear Son. May we perform all our ordinary actions with a single eye to the glory of God. Be with us this day, in going out and in coming in. Make our way prosperous, and teach us to render unto the Lord according to his mercies, and to keep ourselves in thy fear all the day long. Do thou forgive us all our iniquity, receive us graciously, and love us freely, for Christ the Redeemer’s sake. Amen. 50 THIRD Jtttmg o?bmmg, WEEK. Matthew, Chapter xix. 0 LORD God of our salvation, let our prayer come before thee, and do thou incline thine ear unto our cry. Thou art the righteous Lord, who lovest righteousness and hatest iniquity. Thy countenance beholdeth the upright with favour ; but thou hast no pleasure in wickedness, neither shall evil dwell with thee. Thou art, nevertheless, kind and compassionate to returning sinners ; thou art slow to anger, and of great mercy ; thou art not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance. With hearts deeply smitten with sorrow for all our past sins, and more especially for what we have thought, or said, or done amiss this day, would we now humble ourselves before thee. We would admire that patience and goodness which we have so ungratefully abused ; and we would entreat an interest in thy forgiving mercy, and a restoration to thy forfeited favour. O help us to resolve, in the strength of thy promised grace, to depart from all iniquity, and to regulate our future temper and conduct in a manner more agreeable to thy holy nature and will. O enable us to purify ourselves, even as thou art pure ; to hate all sin with perfect hatred ; to renounce and forsake every wicked way ; and to return to the Lord our God with our whole hearts. O grant us grace that we may cleanse ourselves from all filthiness, both of the flesh and of the spirit, and that we may perfect holiness in the fear of the Lord. Who can understand his errors ? Lord, do thou cleanse us from secret faults, and keep back thy servants also from all presumptuous sins. Give us, O Lord, such views of thy greatness and goodness, and especially of thy love and mercy to a lost world, through thy dear Son Jesus Christ, as may fill our souls with reverence and admiration, with love and gratitude, with hope and confidence ; and as may draw out our strongest desires after thee, and the remembrance of thy name, and engage us to repose on and delight our- selves in thee. O let us ever live and act under a sense of thy presence, and be careful to keep up such a daily intercourse and communion with thee, as may tend to cherish every pious disposition and affection, and to fit us for nearer approaches to thee, and for the uninterrupted enjoyment of thee in the world of spirits. For all the varied mercies of this day, be pleased, O Lord, to accept our humble and grateful tbanks. Thou hast been very gracious to us in going out, and in coming in. Thou hast shielded us from innumerable evils ; thou hast given us all things richly to enjoy. Humble us under a sense of unworthi^.ess, and let the thought of thy goodness lead us to repentance. Into thy hands we commit the keeping of ourselves, and of all most dear to us, this night. Protect us, if it be thy will, from every evil and danger; grant us quiet and refreshing sleep ; raise us up in peace and safety on the approaching day ; and preserve us to thy heavenly kingdom, through the mediation of thy dear Son. Amen. 57 H THIRD iBormng, Genesis, Charter xxiii. week. G REAT God, who hast so loved the world as to give thy only begotten Son for its redemption, that whosoever believeth on him might not perish, but have everlasting life, mercifully look upon us for his sake, and grant us an interest in thy pardoning mercy. We bless thee that he has entered into the holiest of all, and that he appears within the veil as our forerunner and advocate. May there exist between our souls and him a vital union by faith, that, deriving life from him, we may abound in all the fruits of holiness which are by Jesus Christ to the praise and glory of God. O teach us to consider the true nature of our immortal spirits, and to set a high value upon them. What will it avail us to gain a world, and lose our own souls ? and what can we give in exchange for our souls ? Conscious of the dignity and importance of the immortal part, may we strive to secure its eternal interests ; and be willing to resign present gratifications, and to endure present sufferings, in order to this momentous object. O help us to seek an increasing knowledge of Divine things; and may we so govern our affections, passions, and appetites, as that we may answer the ends of our being, prove blessings to our fellow-creatures, and attain to that happiness which springs from the right government of the mind. May we be clothed with humility; may we possess the ornament of a meek and quiet spirit, which is in the sight of God of great price. May we be temperate in all things ; may we strive after purity of heart ; may our conversation be as becometh the gospel; and may we maintain a steady and fixed abhorrence of all known evil. And in whatever state we are, therein may we learn to be content; let patience have her perfect w'ork, that we may be perfect and entire, wanting nothing. May we take pleasure in doing good unto all men, especially unto the household of faith. May those in immediate relation to us feel the happy influence of our temper and character. May we ever act under the influence of that wisdom which cometh from above, which is first pure, then peaceable, gentle, and easy to be entreated of, full of mercy and of good fruits, without partiality, and without hypocrisy. Take from us all anger, envy, malice, and uncharitableness, and teach us ever to do to others as we should wish that they should do unto us. May thy Spirit help our infirmities, and subdue our corruptions; may our easily besetting sins be overcome; and may grace reign in us through righteousness unto eternal life, by Jesus Christ our Lord. Extend thy pity, O Lord, to all mankind. O send the light of thy gospel to every nation under heaven. Make it everywhere more effectual. Bless the land of our nativity. Be the watchful guardian of our rights and liberties. Reclaim us from our sins. Relieve and comfort all that are in distress. Succeed the labours of the honest and industrious ; and satisfy thy poor with bread. Lord, hear us in these our humble requests, and grant the pardon of all our sins, for Jesus Christ’s sake. Amen. 58 THIRD <0bmmg* "WEEK. Matthew, Chapter xx. O THOU supremely great, and incomprehensibly glorious Being ! Thou infinite and eternal Spirit, who art the only living and true God ; unchangeable in thy nature, universal in thy presence ; uncontrollable in thy dominion ; of whom, and through whom, and to whom, are all things ! Thy glories shine forth in creation, providence, and redemption, and we would desire to meditate upon them with high and sacred delight. Enable us, O our Father, to worship thee in spirit and in truth; to revere thine Almighty power; to admire the depths of thy unsearchable wisdom, and to rejoice in all the com- munications and displays of thy exuberant goodness. Forgive us, O most gracious God, that our thoughts have been no more fixed upon thee ; that our affections have been no more drawn out after thee ; that we have been so unlike to thee, the pattern of all perfection ; and have taken so little care to serve and please thee. Under a deep and humbling sense of our past sin and folly, may we hence- forward cultivate a growing acquaintance with thee, and more suitable dispositions towards thee ; a greater conformity to thine adorable excellences in the spirit of our mind ; and a more entire submission to thy holy precepts, in a life of unreserved obedience to thy blessed will. Blessed be thy name for the Holy Scriptures, which unfold thy cha- racter, set forth our duties, and reveal the bliss thou hast destined for us in the gospel of thy Son. We praise thee that thou didst send Him into the world, not to condemn the world, but that the world through him might be saved. Through Him thou dost offer pardon to the guilty, and free salvation to the chief of sinners. We bless thee that by his death and blood-shedding all the blessings of the new covenant are sealed and made over to them that believe. We adore thee that by his resurrection from the dead, the blessing of our justification is freed from every obscuring cloud, that thereby we may have the full assurance of our acceptance with thee, through him; and know that because he lives we shall live also. We rejoice that he now sits upon the throne of glory in the heavens ; that all power and dominion belong to him ; that he must reign till his enemies are made his footstool; that to him every knee must bow, and every tongue confess; and that all the ends of the earth shall see his glory, and taste his great salvation. O prepare us for the holy Sabbath. Help us so to arrange our worldly affairs this evening, as that we may be released from all anxious care on thy day. Be with Christ’s ministers in those studies which are preparatory to their public labours. O fill their earthen vessels with thy heavenly treasure. Give them a message for us all; and prepare us meekly and submissively to receive it. For the great benefits of the week about to close, be pleased, O Ford, to accept our grateful acknowledgments. Indivi- dually, and as a family, we are brought under the weightiest obligations. What shall we render unto the Lord for all his benefits ? Bless the Lord, O our souls, and all that is within ns, bless his holy name. Receive the gratitude of our hearts for all thy mercies, and pardon all our sins and short-comings, for the sake of the only Mediator, Jesus Christ. Amen. H 2 59 FOURTH WEEK. #untiag iHarnmg. Genesis, Chapter xxiv. W HO in the heavens can be compared unto the Lord ? who among the sons of the mighty can be likened unto the Lord ? God is greatly to be feared in the families of his saints, and to be had in reverence of all them that are about him. We draw near to thy footstool, most blessed God, with holy awe, remembering that thou art a consuming fire, and that thou art of purer eyes than to behold iniquity. Adored be thy Majesty, we are not summoned before the tribunal of thy justice, but invited to the throne of thy mercy. Thou hast proclaimed thy name as the Lord, the Lord God, merciful and gracious, long-suffering, and abundant in goodness and truth, keeping mercy for thousands, forgiving iniquity, transgression, and sin, and yet by no means clearing the guilty. On this bright and merciful disclosure of thy name, we repose our everlasting hopes. We see it distinctly inscribed over the cross of Immanuel, God with us. O may the thought of thy love to us in Christ Jesus, by whom thou hast made known thy name, fill us with lofty sentiments of gratitude and praise. May the day on which Christ rose from the dead be employed by us for the purpose of exalting our sense of obligation to him who loved us even to the death. How amazing was that compassion which prompted him to lay down his life for the sheep ! O the height and depth, the breadth and length, of the love of Christ, which passeth knowledge ! May this love constrain us this day in all the holy exercises of the sanc- tuary. May it animate all our hearts in drawing near unto thee. Thou hast so loved us as to give thine only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him might not perish, but have eternal life. O prepare our minds this day for hearing the joyful sound. May we be of the happy number who know and appreciate the merciful provisions of the everlasting gospel. May we have joy and peace in believing. May the word preached greatly profit us, being mixed with faith. May it be fight to our darkness, strength to our weakness, holiness to our corruption, joy to our sorrow, and fife to our death. May all prejudice, all thoughtlessness, all unbelieving suggestions, pass from our minds ; and may simplicity and godly sincerity rule every thought, word, and action this day. We have too often been unprofitable hearers. How little have we remembered, how little have we felt ! Forgive and remove our unprofitableness. Stand by and strengthen thy servant who is to minister to us in holy things. May he hear the sound of his Master’s feet behind him. May his bow abide in strength, and the arms of his hands be made strong by the hand of the mighty God of Jacob. Help him to speak a word in season to us, and to all who may hear him. O guide his judg- ment, his heart, and his tongue. Make him thine own messenger to all our souls. Give us ears to hear, and a heart to understand. May many this day flee to the cross, and be saved. We bless thee for the fight of this morning; O may the Sun of righteousness arise on our souls with healing in his beams. We ask these blessings, with the pardon of our innumerable transgressions, in the name and through the mediation of our only Saviour Jesus Christ. Amen. GO FOURTH Anting Matthew, Chapter xxi. week. O GOD of peace and love, teach us to enjoy the calm connected with the evening of the day of rest. May solemn reflections, suited to the nature and employments of the Christian sabbath, spring up in our minds. Sanctify all the powers of our souls, that we may profit, in the highest degree, by the gracious appointments of thy love. How many days of the Son of man have we failed to improve. The most solemn instructions have been slighted by us ; the most salutary and devout resolutions have been forgotten ; we have been unprofitable servants, amidst manifold means of spiritual culture and enjoyment. We would not add another mispent Sabbath to the number recorded against us in the book of thy remembrance. O God of mercy, do thou refresh our spirits by the dews of thy heavenly influence, that we may feel the unspeakable importance of the revelation of thy mercy in Christ Jesus, and that the several appeals which have been made to our under- standings and hearts this day may be sanctified to the promotion of the life of godliness in our souls. We bless thee, 0 Lord, for the ministry of the word. O may it be quick and powerful, to the salvation of guilty and perishing men. May there be joy in heaven over multi- tudes of repentant sinners. May the ministers of Christ have reason to rejoice over the triumphs of this day. Pardon the listlessness, the unbelief, the worldly-mindedness, the vain thoughts, by which our religious observances have been hindered and marred. If we have entered on the strait and narrow path which leadeth unto life, O grant that we may be enabled, by thy grace, to persevere unto the end ; if any of us are yet in our sins, we beseech thee to quicken our dead souls to a life of faith and obedience. Thine only is the power by which we can rise from our low estate. All means will be in vain with- out thy blessing. We know that Paul may plant, and Apollos water, but that God only can give the increase. O let not our unbelief and sin stand in the way of thy sovereign and efficacious blessing. Let us not operate as hinderances to the work of God. We tremble at the thought of grieving thy Holy Spirit. We would not oppose ourselves to his sacred intimations. Alas ! that ever we refused to obey his voice. Thou mightest have sworn in thy wrath that we should not enter into thy rest But thou art slow to wrath, and plenteous in mercy, and wilt not retain thine anger for ever. We would renew our vows this evening at a throne of grace. Let no member of this family perish at last. May we all be born again. May we all know and love the Saviour of sinners. Our family sins and short-comings, do thou forgive. Let the fellowships which obtain at a throne of grace, cement us in one bond of holy union. May the intercourses of the earthly sanctuary, in which we have this day met, be preparatory to a more perfect com- munion in the temple above. May we meet there an undivided family, and behold the face of our redeeming Lord, and mingle with all the spirits of the just. Into thy hands, O Lord, we commend our spirits. Be thou our God and our guide even unto death, and our portion for ever more, for Christ’s sake. Amen. 61 FOURTH WEEK. Genesis, Chaffer xxv. .4 LMIGHTY and most merciful Father, by thy good providence we are spared to behold the dawning of another day. In the defenceless hours of sleep thou hast spread the wing of thy protection over us; and we are this morning the living to praise thy holy name. Many have been called into eternity since we retired to rest ; but we are yet the monuments of thy sparing mercy. O that the lives which thou hast made the objects of thy care may be devoted to thy glory. We are thine by creation, and by a thousand tender and gracious providences ; may we be thine by redeeming mercy and quickening grace. Thou art the Father of our spirits, and the former of our bodies, O may we know and love thee as the God of our salvation. What is life without thy favour and blessing? By nature we are alienated from thee; we are children of disobedience and of wrath. We adore thee for the provision thou hast made for our deliverance from the curse. Thou hast not withheld thy Son, thine only Son, but hast delivered him up to the death for us all. O thanks be unto God for his unspeakable gift. Through the blood of the everlasting covenant, we desire this morning to approach into thy presence. May that blood be upon us, and upon our children, to cleanse from guilt and sin. We pray to be taken off from every other dependence but Christ. May He be made of God unto us wisdom, righteousness, sanctification, and redemption. May the divine Spirit take of the things which are Christ’s, and shew them unto us. We would begin this day with thee. Put thy fear, then, into our hearts, that we may not depart from thee. Help us to set a watch on our mouths, that we offend not against thee with our lips. Assist us in our lawful callings; and while we are in the world, may we shew to all that we are not of the world. In all our ways may we acknowledge thee, and do thou direct and prosper our undertakings. Whether in retirement or activity, may the sense of thine infinite perfection and majesty dwell on our spirits. May the blessing of communion with Heaven be granted to each of us, that life, in all its joys and sorrows, may be sanctified to us. To us to live, may it be Christ, that to die may be gain. O teach us to die daily unto sin, and to live unto holiness, that the end may be everlasting life. We would humbly confess our family sins before thee, and would earnestly implore thy forgiving and sanctifying mercy. O enter not into judgment with thy servants, for in thy sight no flesh living can be justified. Pardon the unbelief of our hearts, the coldness of our affections towards spiritual objects, our want of zeal for thy glory, the sad misimprovement of mercies vouchsafed. Command thy blessing on the religious ordinances of the past Sabbath. Abundantly succeed and comfort thy servant who ministers to us in holy things. Make him an instrument of good to us and to multitudes. Let the lessons of the sanctuary be treasured up in cur memories and in our hearts. On the guidance of thy providence and the teaching of thy Spirit, we now desire to cast every member of the family. May the heads of it be wise to walk before their house with a perfect heart, and may all who belong to it give diligence to make their calling and their election sure. Hear us, O Lord, in these our imperfect prayers, and grant us acceptance and forgiveness through the blood of the Lamb : and to the Father, the Son, and the Ploly Ghost be all honour and glory, world without end. Amen. 62 FOURTH iitontiag aftmttttfl ■WEEK. Matthew, Chapter xxii. A T the close of another day, we would assemble, as a family, around the mercy-seat, to praise thee for thy goodness and loving-kindness to us, and to all men. As the shadows of the evening have closed in upon us, O teach us to anticipate that night of death which is fast approaching, which will terminate the labours of the day of life, and usher us into the presence of our God and Judge. May we seek an habitual preparation for our final account; may we stand ready to meet our Lord; may our loins be girt, and our lamps be burning. Deliver us from that sloth which would lull our souls in carnal security. While so many are dead to spiritual interests, may we be roused to activity and prayer. Preserve us from the undue influence of present and passing scenes. O help us to redeem the time, because the days are evil. As with the heart of one man, may we unite in pre- senting our evening sacrifice. We are not worthy to take thy name into our lips; but we look to One who is infinitely worthy, and who bears the character of our sympathizing High Priest, and all-prevailing Advocate. May we stand complete in Him. May his righteous- ness be our shelter from merited condemnation, and may his grace be our deliverance from the pollution and misery of sin. May his Spirit work in us all thy holy will, and the work of faith with power. May we attain a growing meetness for thine everlasting kingdom, and a greater deadness to all the objects of time and sense. 0 most merciful God, what shall we render to thee for the manifold and unspeakable acts of thy benignity to the several members and connexions of this family ! Though we have often provoked thee to thy face, and grieved thy Holy Spirit, thou hast borne with patience our aggravated offences, and hast not consumed us in the fierceness of thine anger. 0 let thy goodness lead each of us to repentance. Let the time past of our lives be more than sufficient for us to have wrought the will of the Gentiles. Pour out upon us a spirit of grace and supplication. Humble us for past offences. Cause us to feel that our strength is alone in thee. Quicken us to a sense of danger, and lead us to the only refuge. Our trust, O God, is in thee ; let us not be put to shame. Other lords beside thee have had dominion over us, but by thee only will we make mention of thy name. Lord, thou wilt ordain peace for us; for thou also hast wrought all our works in us. Thou art the only stay of families. Helpless and forlorn are they, without thy blessing. We would prize that blessing above all earthly good. There be many that say, Who will shew us any good ? but, Lord, lift thou upon us the light of thy countenance, and that shall cause us more joy than when corn, and wine, and oil abound. In the silent watches of night, let holy angels hover round our bed ; and let our sleep prove sweet and refreshing beneath thy guardian care. We would look with fresh confi- dence to the fountain opened for sin. O wash and purify us in that fountain. Seal upon our spirits a sense of thy forgiving mercy. Let thy peace rule in our hearts ; and whether in life or in death, may we be thine, accepted and blessed in Christ Jesus the Son of thy love; for whom we bless thee, and to whom, with thyself, O Father, and the ever-blessed Spirit, be glory everlasting. Amen. 63 FOURTH Cutting iBonrutg WEEK. Genesis, Chapter xxvi. 0 LORD God of heaven and earth, who hast defended us from evil, and who hast raised us up to behold the light and to enjoy the mercies of another day; grant that our souls may be prepared to approach thy throne with reverence and with godly fear, and that our prayer may come up before thee as incense, and the lifting up of our hands be as the morning sacrifice. We laid ourselves down in peace, we slept in safety, for thou, Lord, didst sustain us; and now, O most gracious Father, we draw near to thee as to the fountain of our being, and as to the God of our salvation, beseeching thee to look upon us in the face of Jesus Christ, and to vouchsafe to us the gracious aids of thy Holy Spirit, that we may offer to thee the prayer of faith, and that our souls may be refreshed with the sense of thine unchanging love. Without thee we are nothing, and can do nothing. Fallen and guilty creatures, it becomes us to deprecate thy just displeasure, and to entreat an interest in thy forgiving mercy. Thou didst originally form us in thine own image, the partakers of thy bliss ; but we have polluted our way, and dashed the cup of happiness from our lips. Adored be the riches of thy sovereign grace, thou hast not left us, without remedy, to perish in our apostacy; but hast declared to us, that thou hast no pleasure in our death, but rather that we would repent and live. O that the news of redemption by the blood of Christ may be welcomed to our hearts. We bless thee, that while we were yet without strength, in due time Christ died for the ungodly. Herein is love, not that we loved thee, but that thou hast loved us, and sent thy Son to be the propitiation for our sins. May we believe in the name of the only begotten Son of God, that we may have everlasting life. And, believing in his name, may we have peace with thee through our Lord Jesus Christ, and draw near to thee in the Spirit of adoption, crying, Abba, Father. O may that gospel which has brought good news to us, be proclaimed to all the families of mankind. May it spread far and wide, to earth’s remotest bounds ; and may a mighty effusion of the Holy Spirit accompany and render effectual its universal publication. Bless abundantly the ministry of the word in this land. Raise up many more faithful labourers in Christ’s vineyard. May many run to and fro, and may knowledge be increased. Let there be a shaking among the dry bones. Let fresh life and energy spring up in thy church. Purge Jerusalem from her remaining dross. Let the watchmen upon Mount. Zion see eye to eye, and do thou bring again the captivity of Jacob. We long for the happy days predicted, when the earth shall be filled with the knowledge of the Lord, as the waters cover the channel of the deep. O hasten this glorious period in thine own time. May this house be as a church for God. May all its members belong to Christ. May \ oung and old be taught the fear of the Lord. May we walk in love one toward another, and may all that we do prosper. Preserve us from the temptations which await us this day. May we proceed to our several callings in the strength of God. May our' eye be single, that our whole body may be full of light. Pardon the sins of the past night and of this morning, and do more for us than we ask or think, for the Redeemer’s sake ; to whom, with the Father, and the Holy Spirit, be equal and endless praises. Amen. G4 FOURTH CuesfoaK (gffmtmg. WEEK. Matthew, Chapter xxiii. E TERNAL and ever-blessed God, we, thy unworthy and guilty servants, do give thee most humble and hearty thanks for preserving us in well-being during another day, and for permitting us to assemble in peace and comfort at thy gracious footstool. Every morning and every evening brings some token of thy love along with it. Day unto day uttereth speech, and night unto night sheweth knowledge. While all thy works praise thee, may thy saints bless thee. Bless the Lord, O our souls, and all that is within us bless his holy name. Spared by thee, may we be prepared to shew forth thy praise. Help us to adore thy wisdom, thy power, thy holiness, thy justice, thy goodness, thy mercy, and thy truth. Who by searching can find out God ? Who can find out the Almighty unto per- fection ? While angels adore and tremble, may we bow with humility and contrition before thy throne. Lord, what is man that thou art mindful of him, and what is the son of man that thou shouldest visit him ? Surely we are less than the least of thy mercies, and are not worthy to take thy name into our lips. O be mindful of the promises of thy love in Christ Jesus, and have respect unto the covenant of thy grace. Behold, O Lord, we are vile in thy sight; and what shall we say unto thee, thou preserver of men? We will say, Father, we have sinned against heaven, and in thy sight, and are no more worthy to be called thy children. Our sins testify against us. We have not requited thee, the Lord our God, according to the mercies done unto us. We have been stiff-necked and rebellious. We have refused to wear Christ’s gentle yoke, and have become slaves to sin and Satan. O Lord, have mercy upon us, have mercy upon us, and turn our hearts into thy fear. Draw us unto thyself, and we will run after thee. Quicken us, for our souls cleave unto the dust. Deliver us from sloth, indifference to divine things, and carnal security. Make us sensible of our danger, and teach us to flee from it. Never let us forget that we are in an enemy’s country, and that evil is near to us often when least suspected. In the events of this day, we would recognize the gracious providence of our God. Thou hast watched over us, and kept us in all our ways. Thy hand and thine eye have been upon us for good. Our bread has been given us, and our water has been sure. We thank thee for the blessings of the life that now is, and we adore thee for the glorious hopes of immortality brought to light by the gospel. O that time may be viewed by us in its connexion with eternity ; and O that every day may be spent by us as if it were the last. Strengthen our resolution against every evil and forbidden course. Give us power to combat our spiritual enemies. Subdue the pride, selfishness, and corruption of our hearts. O make us joyful in thee, the Rock of our salvation. Take from us the fear of man which bringeth a snare, and help us to make thee our fear and our dread. We commit the entire family circle to thee and to the word of thy grace ; do thou keep us from falling, and pre- sent usi at last faultless before thy throne with exceeding joy. May all our hearts be right with thee, and sound in thy statutes ; and when we part in death, may it be to meet in heaven. And now to God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Ghost, be glory everlasting. Amen. 05 FOURTH OTtfmesfoag Movnin& WEEK. Genesis, Chapter xxvii. M OST holy, most wise, and most merciful God, thine, O Lord, is the greatness, and the power, and the glory, and the victory, and the majesty; for all that is in the heaven and in the earth is thine ; thine is the kingdom, O Lord, and thou art exalted as head above all. Both riches and honour come of thee, and thou reignest over all ; and in thine hand is power and might; and in thine hand it is to make great, and to give strength unto all. Now, therefore, our God, we thank thee, and praise thy glorious name. But what are we, O Lord, that we should come before thee, or that we should pronounce thy great and dreadful name ? We know, O Lord, that thou triest the heart, and hast pleasure in righteousness. But our hearts are not clean in thy sight, neither have our ways been directed to keep thy precepts. From our youth up, we have wandered from the right way, like lost sheep, and have forsaken the fold of God. O thou gracious Shepherd, do thou reclaim us from all our wanderings, and do thou lead us in paths of righteousness for thy name’s sake. O thou that hearest prayer, unto thee shall all flesh come. To whom can we go but unto thee ? thou hast the words of eternal life. The whole creation, without thee, must prove a blank and a wilderness to our souls. Thou hast made us for thyself, and we can only find our happiness in thee. May we draw near to thee in thine own appointed way. May the mediation of thy Son be our only plea, and may our language and our posture be those of humble and broken-hearted penitents. Send down thy good Spirit to kindle and animate our devotion. Make us conscious of the dignity and happiness of our present engagement. May we worship thee in the beauty of holiness. May the finished work of the great Redeemer be the foundation of our hopes for pardon, justifying righteousness, and eternal life. O make us Christians, not in name only, but in demonstration of the Spirit, and with power. Most blessed God, thou knowest what is truly good for us. We would not ask great things for this life ; but we pray for a good hope through grace, and for a calm, resigned, and peaceful mind in all the changing scenes of mortality. May we live to thy glory, and for the good of our fellow-men. May we adorn thy gospel in the stations in which thou hast called us to move. We would regard our time, our talents, our property, our influence, as all belonging to thee. Save us from seeking our rest in any of the objects or pursuits of time. May we be weaned from a present evil world. May the great objects of futurity fill up and engage our thoughts. On the duties of this day, we would enter in thy strength. O give us grace to please and glorify thee in all the works of our hands. Suffer us not to lean to our own under- standing, but may the wisdom which cometh from above largely rest upon us. Bless every member of the family, and all related to us by the ties of blood and friendship. May they all share in thy love. Watch over and keep them in all their ways ; and when thou hast accomplished thy wise and merciful purposes with us here below, receive us into those everlasting mansions which thou hast prepared for them that love thee. And this we beg for the sake of our only Redeemer and Mediator, Jesus Christ. And to the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost, be praise and glory evermore. Amen. 66 FOURTH WEEK. Matthew Chapter xxiv. W E hasten, O gracious Lord, to thy throne of grace ; but we would draw near with holy awe, remembering that thou art great as well as good, just as well as merciful, and holy as well as kind. We are creatures, and thou art the infinite Creator; we are sinners, and thou art of purer eyes than to behold iniquity ; we have nothing, and thou art the possessor of all things. Deign, O most merciful Father, to look down upon us while prostrate in deep humility at the footstool of thy throne- Another day has borne testimony to thy watchful care, thy matchless goodness, and thy long-suffering mercy. In going out and coming in, thou hast been near to us, our Protector, our Guide, our almighty Friend. What shall we render unto the Lord for all his benefits, who has deli- vered our souls from death, our eyes from tears, and our feet from falling ? With the voice of thanksgiving and of praise would we draw near to thee, the God of grace and salvation. Lord, teach us how to approach thee, and what to say in thy presence. Our necessities are all known to thee ; and our sins are not hid from thee. Thou art seated on a throne of love, and thou delightest in shewing mercy to the guilty. Thou hast given the most indubitable of all proofs, that with thee there is mercy that thou mayest be feared, and plenteous redemption that thou mayest be sought unto. In the cross of thy dear Son, we see mercy and truth meeting together, righteousness and peace embracing each other. We rejoice that thou art both just, and the justifier of the ungodly; that in shewing mercy to sinners, thou hast suffered no stain to fall on thy moral administration. May we glorj- in the wondrous plan of our redemption by our Lord Jesus Christ, in which thou hast abounded towards us sinners in all wisdom and prudence. May we see how great is the mystery of godliness, God manifest in the flesh. And O may our hearts be transformed, while our minds are filled with holy awe and wonder. While we bless thee for spiritual mercies in heavenly places in Christ Jesus, we would not be unmindful of the comforts and enjoyments of this present life. We have been pensioners on thy bounty during another day ; and thou hast not failed to supply all our need according to thy riches in glory by Christ Jesus. O for hearts to thank thee for every benefit we enjoy. Alas ! how unmindful are we of the source whence our mercies flow. We are ever receiving blessings from thee, but how few and feeble are our songs of praise ; and how little do we use thy mercies to thy glory. O forgive our ingratitude, and visit not our forgetfulness of Thee, the source and spring of all that we enjoy, and all that we hope to possess. In the greatness of thy mercy, watch over us during the night on which we have entered. May those who are dear to us be dear to thee. Let a kind providence surround and bless every member of our domestic circle. May all beneath this roof know and love the Saviour of sinners. May, we be born both of water and of the Spirit; and when torn asunder oy death, may we remain in unbroken union to Him who is the resurrection and the life. Thus, O Lord our God, may we walk together as heirs of immortal glory, and as the happy expectants of that rest which remaineth for the people of God. These blessings we ask for the sake of Jesus Christ, our Lord and Saviour. Amen. I 2 67 FOURTH Cljursfaag iBonuitg, WEEK. Genesis, Chapter xxviii. 0 LORD God of salvation, let our prayer come before thee, and do thou incline thine ear unto our cry. In the morning shalt thou hear our voice, O Lord, in the morning will we direct our prayer unto thee, and will look up. May we offer unto thee the sacri- fices of righteousness, and put our trust in the Lord. Thou art the portion of our inheritance, and of our cup ; thou maintainest our lot. The lines are fallen unto us in pleasant places, yea, we have a goodly heritage. We would set the Lord always before us ; He is at our right hand, therefore we shall not be moved . As the light of a new day has fallen on our bodily organs, so in like manner may the light of thy grace fall on our spirits. May we first give ourselves to thee, and then to the duties of life. May we ask counsel of the Lord, and then walk all the day long in the light of his countenance. May nothing be concerted in our own wisdom, or executed in our own strength ; but may all our engage- ments and avocations be begun, continued, and ended in thee. May we deeply feel that it is thy blessing that maketh rich. Wean us from self-confidence, in all its forms. Let us be willing to become fools, that we may be wise. The meek wilt thou guide in judg- ment, and the meek wilt thou teach thy way. O strengthen us to run in the way of thy commandments. Remove all impediments out of the path in which thou wouldst have us to go. Make the course of duty plain before us. May we at all times prefer thy glory to our own ease or happiness. Never let us consult with flesh and blood, but, however difficult and perplexing may be the path of holy obedience, may we listen to him who says, “ This is the way, walk ye in it. ” The night is thine, and thou hast granted unto us the blessings suited to it. Our bodies have enjoyed a seasonable repose, and our minds have been recruited by the interruption of their wonted efforts. We have been pi’eserved from the intrusion of the midnight robber, and from every fatal accident and alarm ; our eyes have opened again on this fair world in circumstances of peculiar mercy. O may the holy flame of devotion be kindled on the altar of our hearts. May we see in every object that surrounds us an argument for our Maker’s praise. Nor let us forget the sacred channel in which our mercies flow. Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who hath blessed us with all spiritual blessings in heavenly places, in Christ Jesus. May life, with all its scenes of light and darkness, joy and sorrow, prosperity and adversity, be sanctified to us by faith ! Give us to see that all things are working together for our good. May we aim at an habitual preparation for eternity and heaven. As strangers and pilgrims in the earth, may we seek a city which hath foundations, whose builder and maker is God. O God of mercy, do thou cancel all our sins in atoning blood. No more do thou remember our iniquity against us. In the day of inquisition, when it is sought for, let it not be found. May Christ, and him crucified, be all our salvation and all our desire. May he be in each of our hearts the hope of glory. O guide us this day by thy counsel, take away all our iniquity, receive us graciously, and love us freely for the Redeemer’s sake. Amen. 08 FOURTH Cfjurstmg tiRmring Matthew, Chapter xxv. week. O GOD of Abraham, of Isaac, and of Jacob, we approach thee as our God and Father in Christ Jesus. Thou dost hear the desire of the humble ; thou wilt pre- pare their heart; thou wilt cause thine ear to hear. In thee, O God, are all our springs. In thy favour is life. We have trusted in thy mercy ; our heart shall rejoice in thy salva- tion. We will sing unto the Lord, because he hath dealt bountifully with us. Give ear unto our prayer, that goeth not out of feigned lips. Show unto us thy marvellous loving- kindness, O thou that savest by thy right hand them that put their trust in thee. We will call upon the Lord who is worthy to be praised. Thou makest the outgoings of the morning and of the evening to rejoice. We meet as a family, to acknowledge thy Provi- dence, and to cast ourselves on thy love and mercy in Christ Jesus. It is a good thing to give thanks unto the Lord, and to sing praises unto thy name, O Most High ; to show forth thy loving-kindness in the morning, and thy faithfulness every night. In lively remembrance of thy manifold mercies, we would raise our Ebenezer, and would inscribe on it, “ Hitherto hath the Lord helped us.” We have proved afresh, this day, thy faithfulness in accomplishing thy promise, “ As thy day is, so shall thy strength be.” Thy protection and blessing have been vouchsafed in the various duties and trials of the day; and it is now our happiness to meet together as a family to record thy goodness, and to show forth thy praise. We acknowledge that all the events of our earthly pilgrimage are regulated and ordained by thee. Enable us to trace thy hand in all that befalls us here below. May we be willing to suffer affliction with the people of God, rather than enjoy the pleasures of sin, which are but for a season. By all the events of life may we be meetened for the inheritance of the saints in light. If prosperity attend our path, let not our hearts be exalted above measure ; and if adver- sity is permitted to cloud our prospect, let us not sorrow or despond as those who have no hope. May we expect trials, and prepare to meet them with becoming fortitude, and resignation to the will of our Father in heaven. May we see mercy in all thy dealings. Keep us humble, as sinners, at thy footstool, that we may be prepared to say, with the patriarch of old, “ Wherefore doth a living man complain, a man for the punishment of his sins?” In the night-watches, O God of our life, do thou keep and defend us, May we repose in safety beneath the shadow of thy wings. Let no evil befall us, nor any plague come nigh our dwelling. Enable us to dismiss from our anxious minds every distracting and unhappy thought, and to cast all our care upon God, believing that he careth for us. Purify our consciences by a fresh application of the blood of sprinkling; and say to each of us, I am thy salvation, and the portion of thy soul. For Jesus, and the pro- visions of the new covenant, we desire to bless thee. In him may we be found; to him may we be devoted ; and by him may we be acknowledged. And now, to God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Ghost, be glory, as it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be, world without end. Amen. 69 FOURTH dFrfrag JHantutg. AVEEK. Genesis, Chapter xxix. Verse 1 — 20. O UR souls wait for the Lord ; he is our help and our shield. O let thy mercy be upon us this morning, according as we hope in thee. From the image of death we are once more restored, and our lips would sing of thy preserving mercy. The angel of the Lord encampeth round about them that fear him, and delivereth them. O may we taste and see this day that the Lord is good ; may we know that blessed is the man that trusteth in him. We would not enter upon the duties and cares of another day, without acknowledg- ing Thee, the Author of our being, and the length of our days. We are deeply sensible that it is in thee we live, and move, and have our being. On thy providence were we cast in helpless infancy, and, from that period till now, thou hast sustained and comforted us. Amidst dangers seen and unseen, thou hast been our shield and deliverer ; and by thy great mercy we continue to the present moment, while thousands and tens of thou- sands, who entered on life’s career with ourselves, have been removed into an eternal world. O that it may be seen and felt by ourselves and others, that we are spared for good, and that we are deeply conscious of our obligations to love, and serve, and honour our Divine Preserver and Benefactor ; and to exert ourselves for the temporal and spiri- tual welfare of those with whom we are associated in life. We would remember that no man liveth to himself, and that no man dieth to himself ; we pray, therefore, that whether we live, we may live unto the Lord, or whether we die, we may die unto the Lord, so that whether living or dying we may be the Lord’s. O God of mercy, we pray that thou wouldst take up thy sacred abode in this house, and that, like the house of Obed-edom of old, it may be blessed by reason of the ark of the Lord. May we love Christ’s ministers and Christ’s cause, and may the progress of the Redeemer’s kingdom in the world lie very near to our hearts. We pray for the good estate of the Catholic Church, that all Christ’s disciples may be one in appearance as well as in heart, and that every hinderance to the approaching glory and felicity of the latter day may be removed out of the way, — that Christ may speedily be all in all, in the lofty praises of a redeemed world, — that all nations whom thou hast made may come and worship before thee, — and that the kingdoms of this world may become the kingdoms of our Lord and of his Christ, that he may reign for ever and ever. Holy Father, may thy gracious smile rest on us in the lawful callings of this day. Whether we eat or drink, or whatsoever we do, may we do all to the glory of thy name. If sorrows await us, may we bear them with cheerful serenity ; if the sun of prosperity should shine on our path, may we still feel as strangers and pilgrims in the earth; and if our principles are put to the test, by some severe trial of our integrity, may our prayer be, Hold thou me up, and I shall be safe. Grant us singleness of heart, and uprightness of aim ; and make us deeply sensible at all times, and in all circumstances, that thou God seest us. Into thy hands we commend our spirits. Do thou keep us, by thine own mighty power, through faith unto salvation, for Christ the Redeemer’s sake. Amen. 70 FOURTH jfntmg afbmmg. WEEK. Matthew xxvi. H OLY, holy, holy Lord God Almighty, who wast, and art, and art to come. Thy years are from everlasting, and thou art the same yesterday, to-day, and for ever. Thy throne, O God, is for ever and ever : the sceptre of thy kingdom is a right sceptre. O Lord, righteousness belongeth unto thee, but unto us confusion of face, because of the trespasses that we have trespassed against thee. But to thee, O Lord our God, belong mercies and forgivenesses, though we have rebelled against Thee. Deal not with thy servants in anger, and chasten us not in thy sore displeasure ; but see, O God, our shield, and look upon the face of thine Anointed. Vouchsafe to us the aid of thy good Spirit, while we assemble around the domestic altar, and offer to thee our evening sacrifice. Without His gracious influence, our devo- tions will be cold, and formal, and offensive in thy sight ; but by his inward teaching we shall wrestle with thee in prayer, and shall prevail. May our approach into thy pre- sence be realizing and transforming. May we prove thee as the hearer of prayer, and retire from the sacred mount of communion with hearts overflowing with joy and peace. Behold what manner of love the Father hath bestowed upon us, that we should be called the children of God. We bless thee for the wondrous medium of our access into thy presence ; and we pray that our reliance on the Redeemer’s sacrifice may be simple, firm, and undivided. As guilty and perishing sinners, we have no hope but in his finished work. O that his peace-speaking blood may be applied to our consciences, through the mighty power of the Holy Ghost, that we may look on thee as our reconciled God and Father, and that our hearts may rejoice in thee as our unchanging and everlasting portion. Work in us, O most merciful God, all thy holy will ; brighten our perceptions of the character and work of our Divine Redeemer ; make us willing to forsake all things for him ; increase our love of prayer and spiritual exercises in general ; diminish the influence upon our minds of a present evil world, and teach us to aspire, with greater ardour, after eternal realities. We are too prone to seek our happiness in objects which cannot yield it. O destroy this unhappy tendency of our fallen and guilty nature. Open upon our view more fully the visions of faith, and foster within us those tastes which will secure the ultimate triumph of the spiritual and holy principle. Let the offences, the infirmities, the sinful wanderings of mind from thee the Fountain of good, with which we have this day been chargeable, realize thy forgiveness. Make us deeply penitent for every discovered transgression, and let no iniquity obtain dominion over us. We know that if we regard iniquity in our hearts, the Lord will not hear our prayers. But if we confess our sins, thou art faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. May we sleep in Jesus this night, as we shall hereafter desire to sleep in him when we put off this body of mortality ; and when we awake, may we find ourselves still with thee. Hear, O our God, these our imperfect supplications, and accept of us in Christ the Beloved. Amen. 71 FOURTH e#aturtm£ iEtornfttg. Genesis, Chapter xxx. Verses 25 — 43 . WEEK. L ORD, thou art God alone, who hast made heaven, and earth, and the sea, and all that in them is. Thy perfections are infinite and unsearchable ; and thy ways are past finding out. There is none like unto thee, O Lord : thou art great, and thy name is great in might. Who would not fear thee, O King of nations ? Thou art the true God • Thou art the living God, and Thou art an everlasting King. At thy wrath the earth trembles, and the nations shall not be able to abide thine indignation. The gods that have not made the heavens and the earth, shall perish from under the face of the heavens ; but thou hast made the earth by thy power, thou hast established the world by thy wisdom, and thou hast stretched out the heavens by thy discretion. May we look up to thine awful throne, this morning, with holy reverence and dread. Thou sittest upon the circle of the earth, and the inhabitants thereof are but as grasshoppers before thee. How vast is thy condescension, in deigning to look on mortals, and to listen to the voice of their supplications. We bless thee, O our God, that, though thou art high, yet hast thou respect unto the lowly. Thou wilt regard the prayer of the destitute, and wilt not despise their prayer ; the sighing of the contrite heart thou wilt mercifully pity and relieve. O God of grace and salvation, we would humbly confess before thee the sin which cleaves to us. We would not attempt to hide our iniquity in thy presence. Thou searchest the heart and the reins. Convince us effectually, by thy word and Spirit, of the exceeding sinfulness of sin. Discover to us its turpitude, as it lurks in our fallen and apostate hearts. May we sigh after the renewing influence of thy grace. May we never be happy till we have evidence that we have passed from death unto life. We pray to be born again of the Spirit of our God. Show us the utter insufficiency of our own righteousness. May we feel that we are condemned by the sentence of thy pure and unchanging law. And while, as sinners, we look only for judgment and fiery indignation, may we listen to the invitation of thy mercy addressed to us from the cross of our adorable Redeemer. O bring us to a settled and happy conviction of our interest in thy forgiving mercy, as pardoned rebels. Pluck from our bosoms the enmity which reigns in them, and implant thy love in every heart. Make us Christians indeed. Our privileges have been great ; but, alas ! we are unprofitable servants. O may we be more diligent in the use of means. May we remember our responsibility to the Lord Jesus Christ. May we prepare for his second coming. And may we watch and pray, that we enter not into temptation. Blot out, O merciful God, from the book of thy remembrance, the sins of the past night. Apply to our consciences the healing virtue of atoning blood ; and teach us to forgive others the trespasses which they have committed against us. From the untried evils of this day, do thou guard and defend our souls. Make us wise to know, and faithful to discharge, every incumbent duty. And all we ask is in the name and for. the sake of our only Mediator, Jesus Christ; to whom, with the Father, and the ever- blessed Spirit, be all honour and glory world without end. Amen. 72 FOURTII <#>aturimE canting* WEEK. Matthew, Chapter xxvii. 0 LORD our God, we cry unto thee ; let our prayer be set forth before thee as Incense ; and the lifting up of our hands as the evening sacrifice. In thy faithfulness answer us, and in thy righteousness. Enter not into judgment with thy servants ; for in thy sight shall no man living be justified. We would remember the days of old, we would meditate on all thy works. O hide not thy face from us, lest we be like unto those that go down unto the pit. Cause us to hear thy loving-kindness in the evening, for in thee do we trust ; cause us to know the way wherein we should walk, for we lift up our souls unto thee. Teach us to do thy will, for thou art our God ; thy Spirit is good, O lead us into the land of uprightness. Thou, Lord, art gracious, and full of compassion ; thou art slow to anger and of great mercy. Thou art good to all, and thy tender mercies are over all thy works. All thy works shall praise thee, O Lord, and thy saints shall bless thee. We will praise the Lord, for it is good to sing praises unto our God. Thou, Lord, dost build up Jerusalem ; thou gatherest together the outcasts of Israel. Thou healest the broken in heart, thou bindest up their wounds. Great is oar Lord, and of great power ; his understanding is infinite. Let the high praises of our God be in our mouth ; yea, let every thing that hath breath praise the Lord. O Lord our God, thou takest pleasure in thy saints, and thou wilt beautify the meek with salvation. Thou art nigh unto all them that call upon thee, to all that call upon thee in truth. Thou wilt fulfil the desire of them that fear thee ; thou also wilt hear their cry, and wilt save them. May the confidence of our minds be awakened by the con- templation of thy revealed character. May we behold and adore thee as a God in Christ Jesus, reconciling the world unto thyself, and not imputing unto men their trespasses. Cause us to partake the blessedness of the man whose transgression is forgiven, and whose sin is covered. O receive us into thy favour, and bless us with thine heritage. To-morrow, O gracious Lather, is the rest of the Sabbath. May our minds be pre- pared for its holy and refreshing engagements. Teach us to look on it as a foretaste of eternal bliss, and an appointed preparation for it. Enable us to realize, in prospect of it, a separation of mind from worldly objects. Quicken in all our souls the energies of pure and spiritual devotion. Pour upon us the blessed influences of thy Holy Spirit ; and cause us to await the dawning of thy day with joyous and grateful expectation. Into thy merciful hands, O God, we commit every member of this family. Watch over us all for good. Shield us by thy providence, and save us by thy grace. May we all be thine, when thou shalt make up thy jewels. Our hope and trust are in thee. Be thou the strength of our hearts, and our portion for evermore. We beg all these blessings for the sake of the only Mediator. Jesus Christ; to whom, with the Lather and the Holy Ghost, be glory everlasting. Amen. 73 K FIFTH WEEK. Genesis Chapter xxxi. Verse 17 — 55. O LORD our Lord, how excellent is thy name in all the earth, who hast set thy glory above the heavens. Teach us to remember this morning that thou art in thy holy temple ; that thy throne is in heaven ; that thine eyes behold, and that thine eyelids try, the children of men. As this is the day on which Christ rose from the dead, may an unusual solemnity and devotion pervade our minds. May we feel the influence of his rising power. May our spirits triumph in the redemption finished by him on Calvary’s Mount. May we say, in answer to every unbelieving thought that may spring up in our bosoms, — The Lord is risen indeed. May we follow our Almighty Conqueror to his throne, and contemplate him as seated at the right hand of Power in the heavens. May we think of the office he executes, and of the blessings he has promised to bestow. O thou divine and glorious Redeemer ! thou hast ascended on high ; thou hast led captivity captive ; thou hast received gifts for men, — yea, for the rebellious also, that the Lord God might dwell among men. Do thou spread the banner of thy love over all the assemblies of Zion this day ; and do thou create an unwonted joy and felicity in all the dwellings of Jacob. From thy high throne, do thou send down the royal gift of thy Spirit, and, in his gracious descent, may he look on the valley of vision below, and breathe upon the slain that they may live. Do thou create upon every dwelling-place of Mount Zion, and upon all her assemblies, a cloud of glory, and the bright shining of a flaming fire — the blessed tokens of thy presence ; and upon all the glory let there be a defence. O our heavenly Father, the God and portion of those families who take hold of thy covenant, do thou grant that this day of sacred rest may be improved by each of us for the great purposes of its institution. May it be a day of heart-felt devotion, of separation from worldly objects and pursuits, of faithful self-scrutiny, of impartial review of past life, and of close and prayerful study of thy holy word. May the public ordinances of the sanctuary be doubly influential upon our minds by reason of the meditations and devout exercises of the closet and the family. We earnestly beseach thee, O God of grace, that a message may come to us this day from the Lord, and that our minds may be prepared to receive it. May our hearts be as a soil fitted by thyself for the reception of the good seed of the kingdom. Impart to the minister of Christ, who shall break to us the bread of life, a message suited to our respective cases ; and, while he speaks as becomes the oracles of God, may the divine and quickening Spirit apply it with saving power to the heart. May thy kingdom come ; may thy will be done on earth, as it is done in heaven. Let the glorious Messiah see of the travail of his soul this day, and be satisfied. Let all the churches know that it is he who searches the heart, and tries the reins of the children of men. Let them hear, with profound humility and submission, what the Spirit saith unto the churches. We place all our offerings upon that altar which sanctifieth alike the giver and the gift, praying that we may be pardoned and accepted through the blood of the atoning Lamb, who is worthy with thyself, O Father, and the eternal Spirit, of ceaseless praises. Amen. 74 FIFTH ^untrag SIXTH Cuestsag iHonttns WEEK. Genesis, Chapter xliii. P ERMIT us, gracious God, again to bow our knee before thee, in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ; and, for his sake, teach and help us to pray; that we may ask such things as it may please thee to bestow upon us, and that we may ask them in faith, believing that we shall receive them. Blessed God, thou hast preserved us in peace and safety through another night, thou hast raised us up in comfort, and surrounded us with all our daily and ordinary mercies. O let not the recurrence and continuance of thy benefits, tempt us to forget their value, or our unworthiness even of the least of them. O let us not cease to be grateful, because thou dost not cease to be merciful. O Lord, our Creator, our Preserver, our Benefactor, our God, our Judge, our Saviour, make us deeply thankful, and help us to praise thee not only with our lips but with our hearts, and by a life devoted to thy fear. O fill us with a holy and salutary dread and terror of offending thee, and with the most earnest desire of knowing and doing thy will. May thy Holy Spirit be poured out upon us ; may He dwell within us ; and may He fill us with supreme love to thee, with godly sorrow for all our sins, and with an evangelical and devout purpose of turning from every evil way. Lead us, O Lord, in thy righteousness, and because of our enemies make straight thy way before our face. Strengthen us especially against those sins to which we are most inclined ; and never, O Lord, for a moment suffer us to forget, that Thou God seest us. Let neither our own depravity, nor that of others around us, tempt us to lose sight of thine infinite purity, of thy intense hatred of sin, of thy determination to punish it ; but grant, O Lord, that every renewed contemplation of thy character, thy govern- ment, and thy holy law, may inspire with the dread of evil, and with the love of holiness. Pardon, most gracious God and Father, our sins, and blot out our transgressions; and not only pardon, but subdue our iniquities. O Lord ! we have no strength ; let, we pray thee, thy strength be perfected in our weakness. Reveal to us more of the glory and excellency of Christ, and enable us to cleave to him with a more firm and unshaken faith. O may we henceforth abide in him, and so walk in humility and holiness, that our life may be hid with Christ in God. These blessings, which we ask for ourselves, we would entreat Thee also to bestow upon those for whom we desire unceasingly to pray, especially upon those who desire an interest in our prayers. May we all have a spirit of prayer, and all be under the effectual teaching of the Holy Ghost. May our separate and peculiar wants be supplied this day out of thy riches in glory by Christ Jesus ; and more especially in affliction and suffering, may we find thee to be our refuge and our strength. Lord, we desire to commend all our fellow-creatures, with ourselves, to thy protection and mercy this day ; most earnestly beseeching thee, that those who as yet are wanderers from thy flock, may be brought, in humility, and penitence, and faith, to the cross of the Saviour of mankind. May it please thee, O God, mercifully to receive this our poor and sinful sacrifice of prayer and praise ; and to send us answers of peace, for the sake of thy dear Son, Jesus Christ, our Lord and Saviour. Amen. 92 SIXTH CuesimK (0bmmg, WEEK, Mark, Chapter ix. E TERNAL Majesty, with humility and reverence would we prostrate ourselves before thee, under a deep and affecting sense of thy majesty and of our own meanness ; of thy bounty and our indigence ; of thy holiness and our sinfulness. Without thee, O Lord, we are nothing, we have nothing, and can do nothing. Upon thee do we constantly depend for life, and breath, and all things. We need the perpetual exertions of thy power, to continue us in existence, and to support our faculties. We need thy wisdom, to guide our erring and uncertain steps ; thy goodness, to supply our daily wants ; thy mercy, to pardon our numberless sins ; and thy grace, to assist us in the discharge of all our duties. Blessed be thy name, thou art ever ready to aid and befriend us. Hitherto, O Lord, thou hast helped and sustained us. Thou hast provided for our necessities, both of soul and body ; thou hast caused thy goodness daily to pass before us ; thou hast furnished us with a plentiful supply of the means of grace ; thou hast placed before us in the gospel of thy Son the hopes and prospects of eternal life. Bless the Lord, O our souls, and all that is within us, bless his holy name. Bless the Lord, O our souls, and forget not all his benefits ; who forgiveth all our iniquities ; who healeth all our diseases ; who redeemeth our life from destruction ; who crowneth us with loving-kindness and tender mercies. What reason have we, O God, to lament that our hearts have been so little impressed with a sense of thy goodness. How often, alas ! have we foolishly slighted, and, in many instances, abused thy mercies ! We have neglected thy service, and acted in direct oppo- sition to thy holy nature and will. We have neither obeyed thee nor loved thee as we ought ; but have rebelled against thy sovereign authority, and made the most unworthy returns for all the expressions of thy paternal tenderness. O Lord God, gracious and merciful, do thou pity our infirmity, and do thou pardon our sins. And though we have so long, so often, and so ungratefully offended against thee ; yet cast us not off from thy presence, but effectually recover us from our wanderings to thyself. Help us to renounce and detest whatever is displeasing in thy sight ; and with our whole heart to return and cleave unto thee. Accept our thanksgivings for the mercies of the day which is now about to close, and which thou hast added to the sum of all thy past favours. Long as we live, we would praise the Lord, and magnify thy holy name while we have any being. Pardon all that has been amiss in our disposition or behaviour this day; and enable us to be doubly watchful for the future. And now, Lord, what wait we for ? Truly our hope is in thee ; and under the shadow of thy wings do we put our trust. Watch over us this night. Suffer no evil to come nigh this dwelling. May we compose ourselves to rest in thy fear ; may we be refreshed with comfortable sleep ; and may we awake in peace, beneath the shadow of thy wings. Grant, O Lord, that every day which thou shalt please to add to our existence on earth, may be so spent and improved by us, as to increase our fitness for the joys and felicities of the heavenly state, through the mediation of Jesus Christ thy Son; for whom we bless thee, and to whom, with Thyself and the Holy Spirit, be all honour and glory, world without end. Amen. 93 SIXTH TOetmegtiag iHooimg. WEEK. Genesis, Chapter xliv. 0 THOU infinitely great and adorable Majesty of heaven and earth. Thou art ever present in all parts of thy vast dominions, and art not far from any of thy creatures. Thou knowest our down-sitting and our uprising; thou understandest our thoughts afar off; thou compassest our path, and our lying down ; and art acquainted with all our ways. Whither, O Lord, shall we go from thy Spirit? or whither shall we flee from thy presence? We know, O thou searcher of hearts, that it is as impossible to escape the notice of thine eye, as it is to subsist without thy supporting hand, or to be happv without an interest in thy favour. For even the darkness hideth not from thee ; but the night shineth as the day : the darkness and the light are both alike to thee. O that we may be therefore careful to set the Lord always before us ; to remember, wherever we are, and whatever we are about, that thou God seest us ; to live under a constant sense of our necessary dependence upon thee, and of our numberless obligations to thee ; and accordingly to seek thy favour with our whole heart, and to dread thy frown above all things. We would express our deep obligations to thee for that goodness which at first called us into being, and which has hitherto upheld our frail and exposed fives ; preserving us from dangers seen and unseen, and giving us so many days of comfort and nights of repose. How precious, O God, are thy thoughts of kindness and acts of mercy unto us ! How great is the sum of them ! If we attempt to count them, they are more in number than the sand. When we awake, we are still with thee ; and see new occasions every morning to meditate on thy unwearied tenderness and care. But our highest obligations are due to Thee for thy sovereign grace ; for supplying us with the means of religious instruction; for affording us the most desirable aids and advantages both for knowing and doing thy will ; and for setting before us the hopes of immortal fife and happiness, in the gospel of thy Son Jesus Christ. Lord, help us to fall in with thy merciful designs ; and let us not frustrate them by our own carelessness, ingratitude, and inveterate rebellion. Keep us this day from sinning against thee. Teach us to five in thy fear all the day long, and to be always on our guard against the many snares and temptations with which we are surrounded. Help us to keep our hearts with all diligence ; knowing that from thence are the issues of fife. Let no vain thoughts, or corrupt imaginations, be harboured in our minds. Let us not give way to any unruly passions or inordinate affections. Let us set a watch at the door of our lips, and take heed that we offend not with our tongues. May we walk with thee in a course of holy living ; so as to approve ourselves in thy sight. May we be influenced not only by the principle of godly fear, but by the still nobler one of love. Make it our supreme delight to serve, imitate, and please thee. Prepare us for all the occurrences of the day. Teach us to see and own thy hand in every mercy and enjoyment. Or if thou sufferest any trouble or affliction to befall us, help us, in a becoming manner, to submit to thy will, believing that it is good for us to be afflicted ; and endea- vouring, by a wise improvement of thy chastisement, to become partakers of thy holiness. All this we humbly beg for thy mercy’s sake in Christ Jesus ; through whom we would ascribe to thy Divine Majesty all honour and glory, thanksgiving, and praise, both now and evermore. Amen, 94 SIXTH OTetmetftrag <£bemng< WEEK. Mark, Chapter x. Verses 1 to 34. F ATHER of all mercies, the Author of our being, and the Source of all our hope, and joy, and comfort; by whose goodness we have been upheld through another day ; behold us prostrate before thee this night, and enable us to worship thee in spirit and in truth. We are conscious of manifold transgressions, and of unnumbered sins. Thou hast been all mercy and compassion to us, but we have been all ingratitude and rebellion to thee. Look not on us as we are in ourselves, stained with guilt and polluted with sin ; but look upon us in the face of thine Anointed. We shelter ourselves beneath the Redeemer’s cross ; and, looking to the divine and only Surety, we venture to come with boldness into thy presence. O may we rejoice to know that we are complete in Jesus — that he is our wisdom, our righteousness, our sanctification, and our redemption. We would desire to make humble and sincere confession of our sins before thee. We have indeed erred and strayed from thee like lost sheep, having no will of our own to return. We loved to depart from thee; we desired not the knowledge of thy ways; we plunged into the gulf of sin ; and delighted ourselves in a vain and sinful world, which lieth beneath thy heavy curse. In the time of our ignorance thou didst wink at our transgressions, and didst not visit them with the tokens of thy wrath. We believed not that thy ways were ways of pleasantness, and that all thy paths were peace. We believed not that holiness was happiness; we tried to be happy without thee, and we failed. We have tried the pleasures of the world, and found them wanting ; we acknowledge that we have never enjoyed a moment’s true peace in the way of sin. O thou most gracious and merciful Father, we turn unto thee. Thou mightest justly spurn us from thy presence, and send us to reap the fruit of our doings. But thou art God, and not man, therefore we are not consumed — therefore have we hope towards God — therefore do we now return unto thee, and say — Enter not into judgment with thy servants; pardon all iniquity, and receive us graciously, for the sake of thy beloved Son. O Lord our God, we disclaim every hope of acceptance, now or hereafter, except through the blood of Christ. No merit, no righteousness, no goodness have we to plead ; we cling to the cross of Jesus, as our only refuge from the wrath to come. And now, Lord, our desire is to serve thee more devotedly for the days wherein we have wrought such sin and folly. We desire to ; redeem the time that remains, from every unhallowed pursuit; yea, from every lawful pursuit, which may not be consistent with the spiritual welfare of our souls. We would retain nothing, spare nothing, however dear to us, however pleasing to flesh and blood, which thy word condemns, or which interferes with our growth in the divine life. Yea, Lord, whatever has even the appearance of evil, we would most cheerfully sacrifice, lest we should cause the weak to offend, or lest we should bring discredit upon the service of our God. Sanctify, guide, and fill us with thy Spirit. May that divine Teacher lead us into all truth. To thy protection we commend ourselves this night, O Lord. Keep us in safety both of body and soul, and seal us with thy Holy Spirit unto the day of redemption, for Jesus Christ’s sake. Amen. 95 SIXTH Clnu’stmj) iBonu'ng. WEEK. Genesis, Chapter xlv. 0 LORD, thou only art absolutely holy. The purest of thy creatures derive their sanctity from thee. With holy angels, and the spirits of just men made perfect, we would unite this morning in adoring thee as glorious in holiness. Although we are deeply conscious of our own pollution and unworthiness, we would celebrate that feature of thy character which induces the most exalted intelligences to exclaim, Holy, holy, holy is the Lord God of hosts, the whole earth is filled with thy glory. Alas ! we have defiled ourselves by sin. We have defaced and broken thine image. We are no longer worthy to be called thy children. Our understandings have been darkened, our affections have been debased, our wills have been perverted, our consciences have been seared ; and our bodies, instead of being temples of the Holy Ghost, have become instruments of unrigh- teousness unto sin. Our sins, O Lord, are many and aggravated. They are more in number than the hairs of our head, or than the sands upon the sea-shore. In magnitude they rise to the very heavens, and seem to provoke the thunders of the sky. O how should we stand before thee if there were no Mediator, no sympathizing High Priest, no Advocate on high. We must then hide our heads in eternal shame, and prepare ourselves for the kindlings of thy wrath. Blessed be thy name, even sinners may draw near to thy throne. Thou hast invited our approach ; thou hast prepared the way of access ; thou hast laid our help on One mighty to save. We bless thee for the gift of Christ, for his atoning sacrifice, for his all-prevailing intercession, for his infinite compassion and grace. Help us to draw near to thee with boldness and confidence, and yet with reverence and godly fear. In thee are all the springs of our earthly and spiritual existence. May we seek and find our happiness in thee, as a God in Christ, reconciling the world unto thyself, and not imputing unto men their trespasses. May we know and feel more and more of the power of redeeming love. May we be enabled to comprehend with all saints what is the height and breadth, and depth and length, of the love of Christ, which passeth knowledge. Forgive us, that we think so little of our obligations to the Saviour of sinners. May we gaze with wonder on that cross on which the Prince of glory died. May we see ouv pardon and salvation secured to us by the death of Christ. May the Spirit of Christ dwell in us, to kindle ardent love to our glorious Deliverer in our bosoms, and to conform us to his holy image and pure example. Every day may we grow in the knowledge of Christ; and every day may we become more and more like to him ! We pray that in all the engagements of this day, we may think of Him who died for us. May sin be imbittered and duty endeared by the love of Christ. In our lawful callings, may we remember what is due to Christ. If trials arise, may we bear them, for Christ’s sake, with uncomplaining resignation. If temptations assail us, may we think of Him who is able to succour them that are tempted ; and, in every position, may the life which we live in the flesh be by the faith of the Son of God, who loved us, and gave himself for us. May Christ be in us the hope of glory; and may he be magnified in us, whether by life or by death. On thy gracious care we would cast ourselves, with all dear to us. Lord, hear our prayers, and accept our feeble offerings, for Christ the Redeemer’s sake. Amen. 96 SIXTH AVEEK. Mark, Chapter x. Verses 35 to 52. 0 GOD, thou art the First and the Last, the greatest and the best of beings. Thy power created us, thy mercy spares us, thy bounty supplies our returning wants, and thy word encourages a hope full of immortality. It becomes us to approach thee with the deepest humility and the most solemn awe ; to offer thee our thanksgivings and adorations ; to implore thy favour ; to repose in thee unlimited confidence ; to imitate thy character ; to obey thine authority ; to submit to thy chastisements; and, whether we eat or drink, or whatsoever we do, to do all to thy glory. How wise are thy counsels ! how just are thy commandments ! how rich are thy promises ! If, from our earliest youth, we had loved thee with all our heart, and mind, and soul, and strength, we should only have rendered the tribute which was due to thee ; and thy condescension in accepting it would have exceeded our warmest praise. But we have reason to look back upon the years that are past with sorrow and self-reproach. For we are made to recollect our estrangement, our alienation, and our disobedience; the blessings we did not acknowledge, and the opportunities of receiving and doing good which we did not embrace. Even now our iniquities testify against us ; we sin daily ; and, therefore, instead of being worthy to be called thy children, we deserve to be rejected and punished as thine enemies. Still thou continuest thy goodness, forbearance, and long-suffering, and art always inviting us to draw nigh, that we may receive pardon and renewing grace. Blessed be thy name for every assurance of thy willingness to save us, and to make us happy ; more especially for the gift of Jesus Christ, thy beloved Son, whom thou hast set forth as a propitiation through faith in his blood. Through faith in Him, do thou restore us to thyself ; rooting up our evil propensities ; inspiring us with the love of what is holy, just, and good; and convincing us that thou wilt be our friend for ever: thus may our communion with thee be established upon a sure and solid basis, which can neither be disturbed by the accusations of conscience, nor by the decisions of the judgment-day. Pour out the spirit of grace and supplication upon us; make us watchful and circum- spect; constrain us habitually to remember that thou hearest our words, and seest our actions, and knowest our thoughts. Produce in each member of the family a dislike of falsehood and guile, injustice and oppression, impurity and frivolity. Work in us both to will and to do of thy good pleasure. Then shall we be devout, diligent, zealous, peaceable, candid, compassionate, bountiful, and heavenly-minded. Preserve us from disease and other calamities ; fit us for our present and future stations ; engage us in scenes of useful- ness; increase our acquaintance with thy truth; stimulate us to the faithful discharge of every duty ; promote our best interests ; sanctify all the circumstances which we shall either experience or witness ; and, finally, bring us into the presence of thy glory, through Jesus Christ, our adorable Redeemer. Amen. U7 N SIXTH dfnUii> iHontms WEEK. Genesis, Chapter xlvi. 0 THOU infinite Source of light and love, permit us, ignorant and alienated creatures, to draw near to the footstool of thy gracious throne. Enlighten our darkness by thy Spirit, and stay our rebellion by the discovery and the feeling of thy forgiving mercy. We have wandered far from thee, the fountain of happiness; but do thou cause our wanderings to cease, and reconcile us to thee through Jesus Christ, the Son of thy love. Behold what manner of love thou hast bestowed upon us, that we, sinful and hell-deserving mortals, should be called the children of God. We acknowledge the guilt and pollution of our apostate state ; and we look to thy sovereign mercy, displayed in the sufferings and death of Christ, as our only hope and plea. May we believe in the name of thy only begotten Son, and thereby become the partakers of eternal life. May we sit as humble penitents, and willing disciples, at the feet of Him who shed his most precious blood to redeem us from everlasting death. May his doctrines be received by us with unhesitating faith ; may his promises form the material of our hopes ; may his commandments become the rule of our life ; may his cause be the object of our zealous and self-denying regard ; may his friends be the chosen associates of our earthly sojourn; and may his cross be the theme of our admiration, and the object of our perpetual boast. As we have been privileged to see the light of day, O may we be blessed with the superior light of thy illuminating and life-giving Spirit. We adore thee, that we have not been cut down as cumberers of the ground. We might this morning have awaked in hell, being in torment ; but, blessed be thy name, we are in the land of the living, and are once more permitted to meet around thy mercy-seat. Let each heart be penetrated with a sense of thy mercy. May we be impressed with the recollection of all the acts of thy boundless grace. May we offer to thee the sacrifices of devout supplication and thanksgiving. Thou hast been very gracious to us as a family. The lines have fallen to us in pleasant places, and we have a goodly heritage. Thou hast cheered us in sorrow, thou hast upheld us in affliction, thou hast shielded us in danger. Every member of the family has something to record of thy sleepless providence, and unmerited benignity and grace. In youth and age, in health and sickness, in prosperity and adversity, in life and death, thou art our only stay and refuge. To thee we surrender this family. We are thine by creation; we are thine by providential care: make us thine by redeeming mercy and converting grace. On the duties, responsibilities, and trials, of this day, we would enter in thy fear. Be near to us, to influence, to protect, to comfort, and to bless us. In all our ways we would seek to acknowledge thee. Thine it is to direct and keep our erring steps. We are ignorant, do thou teach us ; we are feeble, do thou uphold us ; we are sinful, do thou sanctify us ; we are exposed, do thou spread the shield of thy omnipotent grace around us. We go forth to the combat in thy strength. O put thy fear into our hearts, that we may never depart from thee. Wash our polluted souls in atoning blood. Impart to us thine own peace. And, though utterly unworthy in ourselves, accept and bless us for the sake of the only Mediator, Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. SIXTH jfrfoag drbnttng, WEEK Mark, Chapter xi. 0 THOU that hearest prayer, deign to bow thine ear to the voice of our supplications. We meet at the close of the day, to adore the name of our God. Thy mercies are ever new ; O that we may ever be prepared to proclaim and celebrate them. We are deeply sensible that we shall never feel the true value of thy mercies, until we are more sensibly affected with the consciousness of our own unspeakable unworthiness. Shew us by thy Spirit’s teaching how undeserving we are of the least of all thy mercies. We have no right to life itself, or to any of its comforts ; and but for thy wonderful grace, we should never have heard of the hopes of a better life. May we feel what debtors we must be to sovereign mercy. Shew us our sinfulness, that we may thence discover the immeasurable extent and the rich provisions of thy love. We come to thee, not because we have any claim upon thy paternal benignity, but because thou hast invited the most unworthy, the most sinful, and the most miserable, to draw near to the throne of thy grace. We plead not our own righteousness in thy presence, but that of the adorable Surety ; we draw near to thee, not in our own strength, but in that of the promised Spirit. We look to thy throne, through Him who bled, and groaned, and died for the guilty ; and we ask the teaching of that Spirit who maketh intercession within us, though it may be with groanings which cannot be uttered. O may we ever seek his aid, in drawing near to thy throne. Cause us to feel that no prayer can spring from faith and love, that is not dictated by his blessed influence. We know not what we should pray for as we ought ; but the Spirit searcheth all things, yea, the deep things of God ; and what we ask under his guidance, we know that we shall receive, through our adored Mediator and Intercessor. Most blessed God, let the ordinance of family devotion be the means of promoting and strengthening thy fear in all our hearts. We are conscious of innumerable short- comings this day, and we meet to confess them. Forgive our wandering and sinful thoughts, our rash and foolish words, and all our actions which have been contrary to thy holy law. We need a fresh application of atoning blood ; and we look to the fountain that was opened on Calvary’s cross. Where we have offended against our fellow-crea- tures, we pray that we may be made deeply sensible of the violation of the law of love and kindness ; and where any have offended against us, may we forgive them their trespasses, as our Father in heaven hath forgiven us. We thank thee for preservation, for friendship, for domestic comforts, for any measure of health, for assistance in our lawful callings, and for all that makes the present life happy or desirable. And now that we are about to retire to rest, we beseech thee to guard us from all evil ; to take charge of our bodies and of our minds ; to bless all who are dear to us, with all needed and desirable good; and to make our whole family circle partakers of thy saving grace. Into thy hands we commend our spirits; sleeping or waking, living or dying, may we be thine. Our whole trust is in Christ crucified. May He be all our salvation and all our desire. And to the Father, to the Son, and to the Holy Ghost, be all honour and glory, world without end. Amen. N 2 00 SIXTH &*tntirag JHomutg, WEEK. Genesis, Chapter xlvii. G REAT and adorable Majesty, thy throne is in the heavens, and thy kingdom ruleth over all. Angels and archangels continually adore and celebrate thy wonderful perfections, and thy glorious works. With the highest orders of created intelligences we would unite in shewing forth thy praise. O tune our hearts to acts of adoring love and gratitude. How excellent is thy name in heaven above, and in the earth beneath. All worlds and all creatures proclaim thine eternal power and godhead. Thou hast impressed the indubitable marks of thy skill, and grandeur, and benevolence upon all the works of thy hands. Great and marvellous are thy works, Lord God Almighty ; just and true are thy ways, O thou King of saints. Who shall not fear thee, O Lord, and glorify thy name ? for Thou only art holy. We adore thee, O most blessed God, that, though the heavens declare thy glory, and the firmament sheweth forth thy handiwork, there are other departments of thine infinite and unsearchable conduct, which yet proclaim to sinful men more of thy boundless glory. In the cross of thy dear Son thou hast caused mercy and truth to meet together, righte- ousness and peace to embrace each other. In the whole creation, we could never have learned the method of forgiveness and reconciliation ; but in the face of Jesus Christ, thine Anointed, we behold thee reconciling the world unto thyself, not imputing unto them their trespasses. God forbid, then, that we should glory, save in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ, by whom the world is crucified unto us, and we unto the world. We beseech thee to affect us deeply and permanently with a sense of thy love in this won- drous scheme. May we feel the subduing and transforming influence of the Redeemer’s cross. Beholding, as in a glass, the glory of the Lord, may we be changed into the same image from glory to glory, as by the Lord the Spirit. May we be of the happy number that believe to the saving of the soul; and may we have joy and peace in believing. Deliver us from the influence of a present evil world. Make us holy, and watchful, and spiritually minded, which is life and peace. In all the avocations of this day, we would look up to thee for the direction and influence of thy Spirit. Help us to look well to the state of our hearts. Let not any temptation overcome our holy principles. May we have a sense of thy presence on our minds, at once to awe and comfort us in the path of duty. Thine it is to succeed and bless the work of our hands. Without thee we can do nothing either happily or pros- perously. O make us diligent in business, fervent in spirit, serving the Lord. May each member of this family be the object of thy special regard. Implant thy grace and fear in all our hearts. Never let true religion depart from this house. Make us far more anxious for spiritual than for temporal mercies. May the fellowship of a throne of grace be preparatory to our eternal union and fellowship in heaven. These, and all other mercies, we ask in the all-prevailing name of Jesus, our Redeemer and Advocate. Amen. 100 SIXTH <#aturtmg <£benntjj, Mark, Chapter xii. WEEK. I NFINITE and eternal God, as the creatures of thy power, we bow down before thy throne, to acknowledge our entire dependence upon thee for existence and all its blessings. We adore thee as the Lord of angels and of men. Thy glory cannot be fully celebrated by the highest created intelligence ; for thou art exalted above all blessing and praise. Help us to approach thee with holy fear and dread, and to cherish the humility and self-abasement which are suitable to our condition as guilty and apostate children. We adore thee, that thou hast made thyself known to us as the hearer of prayer. To whom can we go but unto thee, thou hast the words of eternal life. All our happiness for time and eternity is bound up in thy favour ; but as sinners, we feel and know that we deserve nothing but thy wrath and displeasure. Blessed be thy name for the revelation of a way of pardon through the blood of atonement. Enable us to draw near to thee through that new and living way, which thou hast consecrated through the veil, that is to say, the Redeemer’s flesh. May Christ and him crucified be the object of our confidence and love. May we draw near to thee through Him, with true hearts, in full assurance of faith. For his sake pardon our iniquities, and grant us the light of thy reconciled countenance. We would humbly confess the short-comings of this day. Many sinful and vain thoughts have passed through our minds ; our words have not been with grace, seasoned with salt ; and our conduct has not been such as in all things to glorify thee and to edify one another. Enter not into judgment with thy servants ; but do thou heal our backslidings, and do thou love us freely. It is thy gracious smile alone that can subdue our enmity, and inspire our hearts with love to thee. O reveal to us, by thy Spirit, the riches of thy grace and mercy in Christ Jesus, that our hearts may be drawn into perpetual love and gratitude. We desire to be deeply impressed with a sense of the mercies of this day, both provi- dential and spiritual. Thy goodness is ever new ; O may lively gratitude spring up in our hearts. May we feel that we are thine by ties of deepest and tenderest obligation. What shall we render to thee for all thy mercies ? Accept our tribute of humble praise ; and O quicken every feeling of devotion, love, and obedience in our hearts. We desire to be humbled, as a family, that we have served thee with so little ardour of mind. O forgive our sloth, our want of spiritual affections, our misimprovement of innumerable mercies. Unite us as the heart of one man in thy blessed service. May we all be born again of the Spirit of God. Let none of us die in our sins ; let none of us rank with Christ’s enemies ; let none of us prefer a present world to the friendship of Jesus and the blessings of heaven. To thy watchful providence we commend ourselves through the dark and silent hours of this night. Do thou mercifully preserve us from all evil, both of body and of mind. May we lie down in peace, and sleep in safety beneath thy gracious shelter. Our hope is in thee, O Lord. Be thou our God and our guide, even unto death, and our portion for evermore, for Christ’s sake. Amen. 101 SEVENTH Jmntrag iHontutg, WEEK Genesis, Chapter xlviii. 0 THOU that hearest prayer, whose ear is ever open to the cry of thy children, con- descend to look in mercy from thy throne upon our family circle ; and so to influence us by the grace of thy Holy Spirit, that we may worship thee in spirit and in truth. As the day of sacred rest has dawned, we pray that the frame of our minds may be in unison with its blessed design and holy exercises. May we dwell with complacency on the sublime event which it is intended to commemorate. May the resurrection of our blessed Lord be seen by us in its relation to his sufferings and death, and to the evidence and confirmation of our holy faith. O enable us to keep holy this day unto the Lord, and to spend all its hallowed hours in exercises of piety and devotion. May we feel the value of a day devoted to spiritual pursuits ; and may we be helped by thy grace to enter into the true rest of the sabbath. Prepare us, by the engagements of the closet and the family, for the more public exercises of the Christian sanctuary. Enable us to lay aside all worldly thoughts and habits, and to familiarize our minds to the contemplation of spiritual and eternal realities. Pour out upon our hearts the rich unction of thy Holy Spirit, that we may enter into the element of prayer and praise, and that the word and ordinances of God may be sources of instruction and impression to our souls. God of the assemblies of Zion, we earnestly entreat of thee that thou wouldest meet with thy church this day, and that thou wouldest shed upon all its members the refreshing dews of thy grace. Thine it is to bless Zion’s provision, to clothe her priests with health, and make all her saints to shout aloud for joy. Let the horn of David this day be exalted. Thou hast ordained a lamp for thine anointed ; His enemies wilt thou clothe with shame, but upon himself shall his crown flourish. Give testimony by thy Spirit this day to the faithful preaching of the word. Let error, and prejudice, and sin give way before the energy of that message which is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword. May multitudes be pricked to the heart, and constrained to exclaim — what must we do to be saved ? and grant, O most merciful God, that the awakened may be led to Christ, and that they may find joy and peace by believing in his name. Most merciful God and Father, as we are about to repair to thy house of prayer, do thou prepare our hearts for its sacred solemnities. May we be disposed with all readiness of mind to receive the engrafted word, which is able to save our souls. Pour out upon thy ministering servant, whom we expect to proclaim to us the message of salvation, the copious effusion of thy Holy Spirit. May his tongue be as the pen of a ready writer ; may he speak with power to the conscience; and may the hearing ear, and the obedient and penetrated mind be vouchsafed to us, and all who may listen to his important message. May we esteem him very highly in love for his work’s sake, and ever remember that he watches for our souls as one that must give account. To thee and the word of thy grace we commend ourselves, and all our fellow-worshippers, praying that this may be a day of great refreshment and joy from the presence of the Lord. And now to God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Ghost, be glory everlasting. Amen. SEVENTH &utffiag <£benmft WEEK. Mark, Chapter xiii. F ATHER of all mercies, we give thee humble and hearty thanks for the privileges and enjoyments of another Christian sabbath ; for the opportunity of assembling in thy house of prayer ; and for the word of eternal life which we have been permitted to hear. O that the messages of thy saving truth may abide for ever in our hearts, and may bring forth fruit in each of us to life everlasting. May we now watch with assiduous care, lest the great enemy of our souls should deprive us, by some of his manifold wiles, of the benefits arising from Christian ordinances. Our hearts, too, are deceitful and desperately wicked. O help us to guard against their unhallowed workings, and to call in, by prayer, the aids of thy Spirit, that we may ever abide steadfast in thy truth, and that our profiting may appear unto all men. While we reflect on our own highly-favoured lot, we would deeply sympathize with the mini ons of the race who are without thy blessed word and ordinances ; to whom there are no days of sacred rest, no ministers of peace and reconciliation, no animating fellowships of redeemed and holy men. Have mercy, O God, upon the dark places of the earth, which are full of the habitations of cruelty, and speedily visit them with the glorious light of the everlasting gospel. And, O merciful Father, do thou pity and save the multitudes of practical heathens in this highly-favoured land, who, amidst innumerable advantages, are living without God, and without hope, and without Christ, in the world. O subdue their prejudice, enlighten their minds, arouse their consciences, and bring them to see the vanity and guilt of preferring present and sinful objects to the peace, holiness, and eternal purity of the mind. We most earnestly beseech thee, O God, to pour out thy Spirit from on high on the churches of Christ already planted, and cause them to shine forth in the beauty of holiness; that a dark world may rejoice in their light, and thereby be led to glorify our Father who is in heaven. O may the example of Christians become every day more accordant with their holy profession, that they may be the instruments in thy hand of turning many from darkness to light, and from the power of Satan unto God. Grant, O most merciful Father, that we of this family may diligently attend to the things which belong to our peace, lest they should be for ever hid from our eyes. Suffer us not to substitute the forms of religion for its power ; but may all our hearts be right with God, and sound in his statutes ; and may the morning and evening sacrifices of prayer and praise tend to increase in our minds the influence of true piety, and the love and practice of every holy and Christian virtue. Make us kind and dutiful in all the relations of life; and enable us so to walk together in time, as to foster the hope of an eternal and infinitely happy fellowship in heaven. We thank thee for all of heaven we have this day enjoyed in the services of the earthly sanctuary; and we pray, that when we are called from the church below, it may be to join the general assembly and church of the first-born which are written in heaven ; and this we beg for the sake of Him who has gone as our forerunner within the veil, to whom, with the Father and the Holy Ghost, be all honour and glory now and for evermore. Amen. 103 > SEVENTH JHantmj) fflontmcj, WEEK. Genesis, Chapter xlix. LMIGHTY and most merciful God, we draw near to thee with confidence, as the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, remembering that thou wiliest not the death of the sinner, but rather that he would repent and live. Our sins are innumerable and highly aggravated, but thy mercy is above the heavens, and the blood of Jesus Christ, thy dear Son, cleanseth from all sin. We could have no hope in thy presence, were it not for what our great Surety has effected ! If thou shouldst mark iniquity, our destruction must inevitably follow. Thy law condemns us, in thought, word, and deed ; and the decisions of conscience correspond with its unerring sentence. But, as the transgressions of thine ancient people were carried into the wilderness, into a land not inhabited, so may Christ our great Surety bear all our sins away ; may our guilt be imputed to him, and may his merit be reckoned unto us ; and thus may we enter into the meaning of that blessed portion of thy word — “ He hath made Him to be sin for us who knew no sin, that we might be made the righteousness of God in him.” But, O most blessed God, teach us ever to remember and deplore that unspeakable evil which nothing but the blood of Christ could remove. Though thou art pleased to bind up the broken in heart, and to remember no more our transgressions against us, may we never cease to lament and abhor that which has so deeply dishonoured thee, and so filled our own hearts with sorrow and dismay. May we retain, through life, a sense of the exceeding sinfulness of sin, and ever think of our guilt, while we meditate on the glorious method of our deliverance by the sufferings and death of thy dear Son. We adore thee for access into the holiest of all by the blood of Christ. May we know and prize this inestimable privilege, and come boldly to a throne of grace, that we may find mercy to pardon, and grace to help in time of need. Grant us this morning the light, and teaching, and sanctifying influence of thy Holy Spirit. May the flame of pure devotion be kindled on the altar of our hearts. May the pleasures of communion with heaven be combined with the duty of family worship ; so that our happiness and our obligations may be sweetly blended. We unite, O Lord, to praise thy name for the blessings of the past night, and of the opening morning. Thy hand has sustained us, thy bounty has supplied our various wants, and we are before thee, the monuments of thy providential care. O may the remembrance of all the way in which the Lord hath led us, to prove us and to try us, excite in us sentiments of devout and holy gratitude. May we enter on a new day with solemn feelings of our responsibility to God, with deep convictions of our inability to serve or please thee in our own strength, and with an entire reliance upon thy aid and blessing in our several callings, duties, and trials. Sanctify our hearts by thy grace ; cause thy holy truth to abide in us ; and ever influence us by the solemn and awful consideration — that thou God seest us. Be with us in going out and in coming in, and teach us in all our ways to acknowledge thee, the author, sustainer, and comforter of our life. These and all other mercies we implore for Christ’s sake. Amen. 104 SEVENTH JBontrag Abetting. Mark, Chapter xiv. Verses 1—42. WEEK. 0 MOST glorious and eternal Majesty, who art the Creator of heaven and earth, the Source of all good to thy creatures, look graciously upon thy unworthy servants, who would now draw near into thy presence, and would offer to thee the humble tribute of sincere and grateful praise for all thy unmerited bestowments. With hearts truly and deeply moved with a sense of thine infinite and unspeakable goodness, would we prostrate ourselves before thee, and call to remembrance thy loving-kindness and thy tender mercies. Give ear, O Lord, unto our prayer, and attend unto the voice of our supplica- tions. Be merciful unto us, O Lord, for we cry unto thee daily. Rejoice the hearts of thy servants; for unto thee, O Lord, do we lift up our souls. For thou, O Lord, art good, and ready to forgive ; and plenteous in mercy unto all them that call upon thee. We will praise thee, O Lord our God, with our whole hearts ; and we would glorify thy name for evermore ; for great is thy mercy towards us ; and thou preservest us from the lowest hell. We worship and adore thee as the God of salvation. We bless thee that mercy and truth have met together, and that righteousness and peace have kissed each other. Thou hast forgiven the iniquity of thy people; thou hast covered all their sin; thou hast turned thyself from the fierceness of thine anger. Turn us, then, O God of our salvation, and cause thine anger towards us to cease. May we perceive and embrace the method of forgiveness, through our Lord Jesus Christ. Shew us thy mercy, O Lord, and grant us thy salvation. Hide thy face from our sins, and blot out all our iniquities. See, O God, our shield, and look upon the face of thine Anointed. Having boldness to enter into the holiest of all by the blood of Jesus, by that new and living way which he hath consecrated for us, through the veil, that is to say, his flesh ; and having an High-Priest over the house of God, we would draw near with true hearts in full assurance of faith, having our hearts sprinkled from an evil conscience, and our bodies washed with pure water. O may we contemplate and confide in thee as a reconciled God in Christ Jesus. We look to thee for the gracious forgiveness of the sins of this day. We believe that we have an Advocate with thee, Jesus Christ the righteous. Through Him we would view all the blessings of life and godliness as flowing to us. O that we may ever feel and act as the children of so many rdercies. We would be humbled for our ingratitude ; we Would deplore our misimprovement of unnumbered advantages ; we would confess ourselves to he unprofitable servants ; we would entreat thee to wash us throughly from our iniquity, and to cleanse us from our sin. To the merciful protection of thy good providence we consign each member of this family during the silent watches of this night. May the angel of thy presence watch around our sleeping bed. May sweet and refreshing rest be vouchsafed to us. Preserve us from evil men and evil spirits. Our hope is in thee. Be thou our God and our guide even unto death. Into thy hands we commend our spirits. Do thou keep, redeem, and bless us for evermore, for Christ the Redeemer’s sake. Amen. 105 o SEVENTH Cuetffcag iHorntng WEEK. Genesis, Chapter l. O LORD, open thou our lips this morning ; and our mouth shall shew forth thy praise. Thou desirest not sacrifice, else would we give it ; thou delightest not in burnt-offering; the sacrifices of God are a broken spirit: a broken and a contrite heart, O God, thou wilt not despise. Teach us to remember that thou desirest truth in the inward parts; that thou art a Spirit, and must be worshipped in spirit and in truth. Hide thy face this morning from our sins, and blot out all our iniquities. Create in us a clean heart, O God ; and renew a right spirit within us. Cast us not away from thv presence ; and take not thy Holy Spirit from us. Suffer us not to wander in thy service : may we be awed by the thought of thy presence, and encouraged by the sense of thy mercy and grace. Let us not serve thee in a cold and formal and lifeless manner ; but may the flame of pure and spiritual devotion burn with ardour on the altar of a renewed and sanctified heart. May we long after communion with God ; and truly may our fellowship be with the Father, and with his Son Jesus Christ. May each member of this family be consecrated, by an act of personal surrender, unto the Lord. Let our union, day by day, at the throne of grace, be both the emblem and the foretaste of an eternal and blessed fellowship in the skies. O let none of us be rejected of Christ at last. Now, O Lord, may we be vitally united to him, that in the great day we may be received and treated as the members of his mystical body, the church. Grant that we may belong to the happy company who are born again, and who have passed from death unto life. May we all be clothed in the robe of the Redeemer’s righteousness, and all be adorned in the graces of his Spirit. Let holiness to the Lord be inscribed on all our characters. May we present our bodies a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable unto thee, which is our reasonable service. O let us not be conformed unto this world ; but may we be transformed, by the renewing of our mind, that we may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect will of God. Make us thankful for the manifold mercies of the present life, and teach us to submit to its trials, as those who require fatherly chastisement. Thou hast brought us safely to the beginning of this day, and hast surrounded us with fresh tokens of thy gracious care. We would begin the day with thee. O take possession of each of our hearts, by thy Holy Spirit’s influence ; and preserve us all the day long in thy fear. Enable us to serve and honour thee in the duties of the day. May we each regard the obligations that press upon us. O shield us from the power of temptation. Let not the enemies of our sal- vation prevail against us. Help us to watch and pray, that our souls may dwell in safety. Prosper and bless us in our lawful callings. May we be diligent in business, fervent in spirit, serving the Lord. Our hope and confidence are in the Lord alone. O smile gra- ciously on all our souls. Comfort us with the sense of thy love. Uphold us with thy free Spirit. Sanctify us wholly, body, soul, and spirit ; and preserve us unto the day of eternal redemption, for the sake of Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. 103 SEVENTH Cuestrag <£bntmg, WEEK. Mark, Chafi'er xiv. Verses 43 to 72 . E TERNAL and ever blessed God, we meet around the throne of thy grace, to adore thee for the mercies of another day. By thy gracious hand upon us, we have been upheld, and kept in going out and coming in. No accident has befallen us, and no plague has come nigh our dwelling. Thou hast preserved our souls from death, our eyes from tears, and our feet from falling. It becomes us to adore and bless thee as the God of our life. Let not our evening sacrifice proceed out of feigned lips ; but may sincerity and godly simplicity mark our approach to thy footstool. We dare not draw near to thee in our own name; but in the name of the great High Priest of our profession. We have no righteousness that we can plead before omnicient purity. We have sinned; we have lost thine image; we are altogether as an unclean thing in thy sight. But we rejoice that there is a Day’s-man between thee and us, who has interposed for our redemption from the curse of a broken law, who has borne our griefs, and carried our sorrows, who has opened a fountain in his blood, that can cleanse from all sin, and who ever lives to intercede for us at thy right hand. Though we are guilty and unworthy, we rejoice that with him and his perfect work thou art always well pleased. We rely on his sacrifice for the remis- sion of sins. We pray to be justified freely by thy grace, through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus. Baptize us with thy Spirit ; make us partakers of a new and holy nature ; quicken us from our death in sin ; and raise us to all the influences and enjoyments of the spiritual life. As this day has closed upon us, teach us to remember that the day of life will ere long terminate with each of us. O let it not terminate while the great work of the day is incomplete. Let us not be tempted to procrastinate the awful business of preparation for death and eternity ; but may we now consider the things which belong to our peace, before they be for ever hid from our eyes. O do thou deliver us from that thoughtlessness which so much abounds. Let not our only anxiety be what shall we eat, what shall we drink, and wherewithal shall we be clothed ; but may we choose the one thing needful, — that better part that shall not be taken from us ; and may we labour for that meat which endureth to everlasting life, which the Son of man shall give unto us. O may the soul and its concerns engage our daily and constant care ; for what will it avail us to gain the whole world and lose our own souls, and what can we give in exchange for our souls ? We commit ourselves to thy benignant and gracious care through the darkness of this night. Lord, keep us from all evil ; more especially from sin, that it may not darken and becloud our minds, and grieve thy Holy Spirit. Bless and keep all dear to us. Regard, in mercy, all the sons and daughters of affliction. Shine forth graciously upon every praying family. Pity the families that call not upon thy name. O shew them their guilt and misery, and teach them speedily to cry for thy mercy. Do thou hear these our feeble and imperfect supplications, and do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think, for the Redeemer’s sake. Amen. o 2 107 SEVENTH Wetwt£tia| iHontutg. Exodus, Chapter i. week. O God of the morning, to thee would we direct our prayer, and would look up. Thou art not a God that hast pleasure in wickedness, neither shall evil dwell in thy sight. O impress us with a deep and awful sense of thine infinite and spotless purity. May we feel, that as sinners we cannot stand before thee. O Lord, enter not into judgment with us. Thy law condemns us ; and our own consciences bear ample testimony to the justice of its sentence. Behold, we were shapen in iniquity, and in sin did our mothers conceive us. Our transgressions have been great in number, and highly aggravated in degree. We have sinned against light ; we have violated the most sacred resolutions ; we have long persisted in our rebellion against thee. It is of thy great mercy that we are not consumed. God be merciful unto us, sinners. O make us truly penitent for all our offences. By faith may we look to Him who is exalted a Prince and a Saviour, to give repentance unto Israel, and the remission of sins. May we share in the benefits of his death and resurrec- tion. May he be our deliverer from guilt and sin ; and may we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ, by whom we have now received the atonement. We earnestly entreat thee to bestow upon us that grace which will fit us for the duties, responsibilities, and trials of this day. We are not sufficient of ourselves to think even a right thought. It is not in man that walketh to direct his own steps. We would not, as in times past, lean to our own understandings. We humbly ask that wisdom which cometh from above. May thy word be a light to our feet, and a lamp unto our path. May thy Spirit dwell in us, to illuminate, sanctify, and bless. May all our steps be ordered by thee. May we keep our hearts with all diligence, since out of them are the issues of life. Strengthen every holy principle, and O weaken in all our hearts the power of unbelief. We are feeble, but thou art almighty ; we are sinful, but with thee is the residue of the sanctifying Spirit ; of ourselves we can do nothing ; but through Christ strengthening us, we can do all things. Teach us daily to live upon the fulness that is treasured up in Him ; that we may be ready to every good word and work ; that sinful principles may be weakened in our bosoms ; and that grace may reign in us through righteousness unto eternal life, by Jesus Christ our Lord. We long to be more peaceful and happy in the frame of our minds ; and, in order to this, we pray that we may be made more holy in all manner of conversation ; for without holiness no man can see the Lord, either in the fellowships of time, or in the fruition of eternity. Accept our grateful praise for the light and comfort of this day. Cause the light of thy grace to shine into all our hearts. Keep us near to the fountain of all holy and happy influences. Make and keep us thine. Upon all the labour of our hands, and upon all the counsel of our minds, we ask thy blessing. Be thou very near to us, and bless us with a lively sense of interest in thy favour, through Jesus Christ. Amen. 103 SEVENTH Wetmesfoag <£bntmg. Mark, Chapter xv. WEEK. W E will sing of mercy and judgment; unto thee, O Lord, will we sing. We are this day the living witnesses of thy faithfulness and mercy. O that we may have hearts full of gratitude and love, to praise thee for the innumerable and abundant expressions of thy love and goodness vouchsafed to us who are undeserving of the least mark of thy favour. O raise our thoughts this morning to the adoring contemplation of thine infinite perfections. May we worship thee as the Creator and upholder of all worlds. May we unite with the most exalted intelligences in ascribing unto thee the glory which is due unto thy name. From everlasting to everlasting thou art God. Thou art without beginning of days or end of years, the same yesterday, to-day, and for ever. Who would not fear thee, and glorify thy name ? for thou only art holy. The whole creation proclaims thine eternal power and Godhead ; all thy works praise thee, and thy saints shall bless thee. Inspire our minds with pure and elevated devotion; repress our listlessness ; awe our irreverence ; subdue our unbelief ; bring down our self- righteous pride, and place us low at the footstool of mercy, as humble penitents suing for mercy through a crucified Redeemer. Thou hast been very gracious to us this day, in all our engagements and pursuits. We desire to record thy great goodness, and to call upon our souls, and all that is within us, to bless and magnify thy holy name. Though we have been cumberers of thy vineyard, thou hast continued to exercise patience and forbearance towards us, and hast bestowed upon us fresh means of spiritual culture. O let not all opportunities and privileges he lost upon us, through the deceitfulness of our depraved hearts. Lord, awaken us to a deep sense of responsibility. O may the weighty matters of eternity press upon our spirits ; may we seek to live for God in future. O teach us to feel the vanity of the world ; forbid that it should prove our only portion. Convince us of sin, and lead us to the feet of Jesus. May he be our Prophet, our Priest, and our King. Let his service become the conscious spring of our happiness. Other lords have had dominion over us ; but henceforward may He be the sovereign of our hearts, and the lord and ruler of our entire conversation. Prone to evil, we beseech thee to impart to us copious measures of thy restraining and sanctifying grace. O shield us in the hour of spiritual conflict ; deliver us from temptation ; uphold us in the path of duty ; and fit us for the glories of thine eternal kingdom. We would retire to rest with the feeling that we know not what a night may bring forth. Should it please thee to call us out of time into eternity, may we stand prepared for our Lord’s summons ; but, should it please thee to spare us, and to refresh us with sleep, may our waking moments be with thee, and may our song of praise ascend with acceptance to thy throne in the heavens. Forgive all the sins of this day, and wash our guilty spirits in atoning blood, through Jesus Christ our Lord and Saviour. Amen. SEVENTH CljunStmg iSSormttor WEEK. Exodus, Chapter ii. “ /T\ THAT we might have our request this morning, and that our God would grant W us the thing that we long for.” What is life without thy favour ? and what are all things under the sun, if thou art set to be our enemy? Thy smile is the joy of heaven, and what is earth, if thy gracious countenance is withheld? We entreat thee, O Lord, to grant us an interest in thy forgiving mercy. If sin is pardoned, we feel that nothing under the sun can permanently injure us. Hast thou not said — I, even I, am he that blotteth out thy transgressions ? Thou hast revealed thyself as the Lord, the Lord God, merciful and gracious, long-suffering, and abundant in goodness and truth, keeping mercy for thousands ; forgiving iniquity, transgression, and sin ; and that will by no means clear the guilty. We come unto thee, for thou art the Lord our God. Unto whom can we go but unto thee ? thou hast the words of eternal life. We bless thee that thou hast made known the designs of thine infinite love in the person and work of Jesus Christ. O that we may be found in Him, not having on our own righteousness, which is of the law, but that which is through faith in his precious blood. We rejoice in that satisfaction which he has made to law and justice, and in those blessed fruits which spring from his glorious undertaking to all them that believe. O help us to shew our gratitude for his amazing condescension and grace, by living under the influence of his cross. May the love of Christ constrain us ; because we thus judge, that if one died for all, then were all dead ; and that he died for all, that they who live should not henceforth live unto themselves, but unto Him who died for them and rose again. In all the duties of life, may we feel the power and restraint of redeeming grace. May we ever remember that we are not our own, because bought with a price. O may the Holy Spirit stamp Christ’s image upon us, and cause us to delight in the law of the Lord after the inner man. May we have grace to vanquish and overcome our easily besetting sins, and to cultivate and fulfil those duties to which, through our depravity, we are most disinclined. O help us to regard with conscientious integrity the obligations which belong to us in the family compact. If we are in authority, as heads of the family, may we mildly, and firmly, and in the fear of the Lord, maintain our rule, and discountenance all sin in ourselves and those committed to our care. If we are in subjection, as children or servants, O may we have wisdom and grace to regard our peculiar duties, and to discharge them in such manner as to honour God, and to promote the welfare and happiness of those whom our heavenly Father has placed over us. We entreat a blessing upon the avocations of this day. Put thy fear into our hearts, that we may not depart from thee. Grant success to our lawful pursuits. Make us watchful against the temptations of life. O guard us from the sins of the heart. Let not our intercourse with our fellow-creatures prove a snare to us. Keep us by thine own mighty power. Supply us with pure motives, and help us ever to act under their influence, looking forward constantly to that solemn hour when our account will be required by the Judge of quick and dead. May we all obtain mercy of the Lord in that day, for Christ’s sake. Amen. no SEVENTH CJmrtftrag <£bmtng WEEK. Mark, Chapter xvi. M OST glorious and ever-blessed Jehovah, thy throne is in the heavens, and thy kingdom ruleth over all. Thou art the Creator and Preserver of all the ends of the earth; who faintest not, neither art weary. Before the mountains were brought forth, or ever thou hadst formed the earth and the world, even from everlasting to everlasting thou art God. We would adore thee as possessed of all possible perfections. Who by searching can find out God, who can find out the Almighty to perfection ? Thy wisdom is unsearchable, thy power is unlimited, thy holiness is unspotted, thy sovereignty is a mighty deep, and thy goodness and mercy are over all thy works. May we approach into thine awful presence with sentiments of deepest reverence and humiliation. As creatures, how mean and insignificant are we before the infinite Creator and upholder of all things ! And as sinners, how vile and abominable are we before Him in whose sight the heavens are not clean. We could not presume to look unto thy throne, if thou hadst not been pleased to invite our approach. Thou hast assured us, that thou hast no pleasure in the death of the sinner ; thou hast seated thyself upon a throne of mercy ; thou hast opened up a way of access into thy presence ; thou hast appointed a Mediator, through whom we may draw near to thee with assured confidence that thou wilt listen to our prayers, and grant us our requests. With holy awe we would meet around the domestic altar this evening, to worship the Lord our God. Thou hast condescended this day to make us the objects of thy special and gracious care. In the house, and in the various avocations of life, thou hast spread the wing of thy gracious protection over us. We are the living to praise thee, while death has invaded many a dwelling, and while sickness and disease have wasted many a frame. O kindle in our bosoms a flame of holy love, that we may approach thee with filial confidence, and that we may adore thee with lively and childlike gratitude. We are undeserving of thy mercies : for we have sinned against thee, and thereby provoked thy righteous displeasure. But thy mercy is above the heavens, and thou retainest not thine anger for ever. O deal not with us in judgment, but in mercy. Thy promises we have taken as our heritage for ever. We rejoice in their number, their variety, their adaptation, and their unchanging truth. Help us to plead them in faith, and to feel the unspeakable consolation they are fitted to administer. And, above all, help us to rejoice in their sanctifying power, and to feel that we are made, through their instrumentality, partakers of the divine nature. Graciously, O our Father in heaven, take charge of us through the silence and the darkness of this night. Preserve us as in the hollow of thy hand. Let our sleep be undisturbed, and let our refreshment be such as to fit us for the duties of the approach- ing day. Pardon all the offences of this day. Seal upon our spirits a sense of forgiving mercy. May we have peace with God through Jesus Christ our Lord, both now and evermore. Amen. m SEVENTH Jlitmg Morning, WEEK. Exodus, Chapter iii. REAT God, thou art in heaven, and we upon earth ; let our words, then, be few and well-ordered, in thy sight. O do thou teach us by thy Spirit how to pray in an acceptable manner. Our minds are dark, and need the teaching of thy grace; our hearts are cold, and need the quickening influence of thy love. Suffer us not to provoke the Lord our God by the sacrifice of fools. May we pray with the understanding, and with the heart. May we worship thee in the beauty of holiness. May all that is within us be stirred up to praise and magnify thy great and holy name. We bless thee that thou mayest be approached by sinners. With thee, O God, there is mercy that thou mayest be feared, and plenteous redemption that thou mayest be sought unto. We would not attempt to hide our offences in thy presence. Thou hast seen us, and known us altogether. We mourn our original and our actual sin before thee. Thou didst form us at first in thine image, but we have degraded ourselves into the image of the wicked one, whose suggestions we have obeyed, and whose rebellion we have imitated. We have become alike the children of disobedience and of wrath. We have indeed, destroyed ourselves ; but in thee, O Lord our God, is our help found. Blessed be thy name, thou hast not suffered us to go down alive into the pit, but hast provided redemption for us through the blood of the Lamb. For Jesus, the Son of thy love, we bless thee. We adore thee for that unspeakable mystery — God manifest in the flesh. O that the great love with which thou hast loved sinners may melt our hard and stony hearts, that they may become hearts of flesh. We renounce, before Thee, all pretension to any such righteousness as thou wilt accept Our nature is corrupt, and all our thoughts and actions have partaken of the most lamentable rebellion against thy holy law. We are self-condemned before thee, the Judge of all ; we must lay our hands on our mouths, and our mouths in the dust, and acknow- ledge before thee that we are unclean. Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who hath begotten us again to a lively hope by the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead. Had he not died, and risen, and revived, we must have perished for ever in our iniquity. We pray, O Lord, that as he lives, we may live also — in the present life, spiritually, and in the life to come, eternally. And while by faith we live upon the fulness that is in Him, may we be enabled, through grace, to live to his praise, yielding ourselves up to his service as those who are alive from the dead. May this day witness our devotion to the honour of our Divine Master and Lord. In the ordinary business and occupation of life, may we strive to maintain a conscience void of offence both towards God and man. If we are tempted to evil, suffer us not to fall beneath its power. If trial and sorrow should overtake us, may the comforts of God within us delight our souls. If arduous duties press, may we perform them in the strength of the Lord. Grant us a calm and humble mind, a spirit set free from earthly care. Prosper the work of our hands upon us ; yea, the work of our hands, prosper thou it. Forgive the manifold sins with which in thy pure eyes we are chargeable. We would direct the eye of our faith afresh to the Lamb of God which taketh away the sin of the world. For his sake, accept and bless us, now and for evermore. Amen. 112 SEVENTH Jlfoag aftmtutg. WEEK. Luke, Chapter i., Verses 1 — 38 . 0 LORD God Almighty, who dwellest in the highest heavens, in thee do we live, and move, and have our being. Deign from thy throne to behold us prostrate at thy footstool, in humility and godly sorrow for sin ; and while in duty we turn to thee, do thou in mercy look upon us, and cause the sunshine of peace to rest upon our tabernacle. By thy good providence, we have been planted together in the family compact ; O may all the members of our little circle have grace to fulfil their respective obligations as in thy sight. Teach us to walk towards each other as those who fear the name of the Lord, and hope to dwell together in the happy fellowships of eternity. May we aid one another in our journey heavenward, and thus anticipate by the way the joys which await thy faithful servants at the close of their earthly course. Cleanse us from the pollution of our family sins, and teach us all to follow that holiness without which no man can see the Lord. May the privilege of thus meeting together for purposes of devotion be highly prized by each of us ; and may we, as the heart of one man, lift up our souls to Thee, the hearer and answerer of prayer. Let none of us fail to honour God in this exercise ; for what, O Lord, is the homage of the lip, if the heart is far off from thee. Thou desirest truth in the inward part, and in the hidden part thou wilt make us to know wisdom. Thou art entitled to the noblest and purest services we can render unto thee, and thou abhorrest the sacrifice in which the heart is not found. O most blessed God, may we know that it is a good thing to give thanks unto the Lord, and to sing praises unto thy name, O Most High; to shew forth thy loving- kindness in the morning, and thy faithfulness every night. Cause us to feel that the secret of the Lord is with them that fear him; and that to such he will shew his covenant. At the close of another day, we delight to meet around thy mercy-seat. Daily mercies call for daily offerings of praise. We are sensible that all our springs are in thee, — that life and all its blessings are the gifts of thy goodness. Thou hast been very bountiful and kind to us in the arrangements of this day. Thine eye has been upon us for good. Thou hast mercifully watched over our goings. Our wants have been the objects of thy care. Our bread has been given us, and our water has been sure. Neither disease nor accident has invaded our dwelling ; and by the good hand of our God we meet in holy fellowship, to render thanks to Him for all his acts of benignity and grace. We humble ourselves in thy presence on account of innumerable sins and short-comings. O deal not with us according to our deserts ; but in the midst of wrath remember mercy. Look graciously, O Lord, on all our connexions and friends. Make them all partakers of the great salvation. To thee, O Lord, we commit our bodies and our spirits this night. From all evils incident to night-season, do thou defend us. Hear our prayers, and accept our thanksgivings for Christ’s sake. Amen. 113 p SEVENTH <#atur&a|) iEtormng. WEEK. Exodus, Chapter iv. 0 LORD, thou art glorious in thy holiness, thou art fearful in thy praises, ever doing wonders. Thou sittest on the throne of the universe, and the inhabitants of the world are as grasshoppers before thee. Will God, then, in very deed dwell with men ? Will he look down upon feeble worms of dust ? Will He deign to regard the voice of their cry ? Surely, O Lord, thy ways are not our ways, neither are thy thoughts our thoughts. Though thou art exalted infinitely above the highest orders of thy creatures, yet thou humblest thyself to behold the poor and the needy, and the prayer of the destitute thou wilt not despise. We acknowledge ourselves to be less than the least of all thy mercies, and that we are not worthy to take thy name into our bps. We are fallen, guilty, and impure in thy sight. Our hearts are deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked. Our very best actions are tainted with much imperfection and sin. We have nothing that could commend us to thy favour ; yea, we have every thing that would expose us to thy wrath. It is of the Lord’s mercies that we are not consumed, and because his com- passions fail not. We are monuments of thy goodness ; make us all subjects of thy grace ; constitute us the children of thy love ; save and keep us from sin ; preserve us to the day of eternal redemption. Glory be to thy name, there is another and a better way of access than that of our own righteousness, to thee, our offended God. We draw near to thee through the right- eousness of our adored Surety. We approach to that fountain which was opened in his blood. O cleanse us, gracious God, in that fountain. Take from us all our guilt, create in us a clean heart, renew within us a right spirit, and take not thy Holy Spirit from us. O Lord, we come afresh this morning into thy presence, anxious to express our faith and confidence in thee, as our reconciled God and Father in Christ Jesus. Let the merit of the great Sacrifice cover all our sins ; and let the intercession of our divine Advocate avail to draw down upon us the blessings of the great salvation. For his sake blot out our iniquities, heal our diseases and backslidings, and love us freely. O remember not against us the sins of our youth, nor those of our riper years ; but seal upon our spirits the sense of thy pardoning mercy, and fill us with exalted sentiments of thy love and favour, which are better than life. Our affections too much cleave to earth ; we are too prone to obey the impulses of our fallen nature ; our hearts are too often estranged from thee ; but, O Lord, do thou enable us by thy grace to overcome every sinful propensity, to crucify the flesh with its affections and lusts, and to bring our entire character into a state of subserviency to thy holy will. Lord, baptize us with thy Holy Spirit, that this day, and all the days of our life, we may die unto sin, and live unto righteousness ; and that, governed and influenced by the love of Christ, we may manifest the power and excellence of true religion, in all the duties, relations, and intercourses of life. To thee, O God, we look for thy blessing ; be with us in every engagement of the day, to keep us from evil, and to prosper our way. Graciously hear our prayers, and mercifully forgive our sins for Christ’s sake. Amen. m SEVENTH <#>attirtrag <£bentng- WEEK. Luke, Chapter i., Verses 39 to 80 . M OST blessed Lord, by whose gracious providence we have been brought in peace and safety to the close of another week, and are now permitted, as a family, to worship towards thy holy temple, through Jesus the Son of thy love, — do thou meet with us in thy great mercy, and manifest to our waiting spirits the riches of thy sovereign and efficacious love. We bow before thee with holy awe, and with filial gratitude. We would address thee, O our Father, with humility, and yet with confidence. Thy love to thy dear Son is inef- fable, and thy love to returning sinners for his sake is beyond what our feeble thoughts can conceive, or our feeble words can utter. For His sake, then, O Lord, do thou bless us, for through Him alone do we approach into thy presence. Hadst thou never inter- posed through Flim for our redemption, thou wouldest have been deserving of the highest praise for thine eternal excellence. We love to think of what thou art, as well as of what thou hast done. We would contemplate thine infinite and unchangeable perfections. We would think of thy holiness, thy justice, thy goodness, and thy truth. But these thine attributes would fill us with terror and dismay, if we did not know that thou delightest in shewing mercy to the guilty. Though thou hatest sin, yet it is thy prerogative to have mercy upon sinners. We rejoice to view ourselves as objects of thy compassion; for we are poor, and miserable, and wretched, and blind, and naked. O work in our hearts by the mighty power of thy grace ; subdue and win us to thyself; exalt us to thy holiness ; get glory to thyself in and by us ; make us monuments of thine eternal and almighty love. Empty us entirely of self ; and fill us with all the fulness of God. Breathe a new and holy fife into those among us who may yet be dead in trespasses and sins. O let none of us, now kneeling in thy presence, be wanting at last among the number of those who shall appear with thy Son in his glory. O heavenly Father, we confess that we are too much occupied with the things of time and sense ; that we do not shake off the world and its ties, as thy word requires, and our consciences approve. Do thou so disclose to us, by the power of thy Spirit, the glories of the unseen world, that the objects of time may appear in their own diminutive character. Occupy us so much with divine things, that we may neither find leisure nor inclination for such pursuits as are unprofitable. We feel, O Lord, our weakness; we are easily tempted by our fellow-creatures ; our own hearts are evil ; our great adversary is constantly watching for our halting. But do thou interpose for us. Strengthen us, with might, by thy Spirit, in the inner man; that Christ may dwell in our hearts by faith ; that we, being rooted and grounded in love, may be able to comprehend, with all saints, what is the length, and breadth, and depth, and height, and that we may know the love of Christ, v.hich passeth knowledge. O may the approaching Sabbath be a blessing to each of our •souls — a day in which the Lord may be magnified among us. Take charge of us, this night, O Lord; and refresh our weary bodies with needful rest. To thy blessing, O heavenly Father, we commend ourselves, in the name of Jesus Christ Amen. 115 P Z EIGHTH «#>tmtrag iHflntutjgr, WEEK. Exodus, Chapter v. O MOST merciful Father, who knowest what we need, even before we ask it; and who hast assured us that what we ask in Christ’s name, according to thy will, it shall be granted unto us ; fulfil, O Lord, the desires and petitions which we now present unto thee ; and bestow upon us, on the morning of thy day, such blessings as shall realize to us the comforts and enjoyments of a Christian sabbath. We hail the dawning of thy day with great delight. As Christ is risen from the dead, may we rise with Him, by the power of his Spirit, to newness of life. Prepare our minds for a holy and devout use of thine own blessed institution. Cause us to enter into thy bene- volent design in its original appointment. O let us not say in our hearts — what a weariness is it ! but may we esteem it as holy of the Lord, and honourable. Let private devotion and secret study of thy word fit us for the due and profitable observance of public ordinances. May we long for thy service, and rejoice when it is said unto us — let us go into the house of the Lord. We have often failed to improve thy day. We have been sluggish and supine in the use of the most sacred advantages ; and, without thy grace, we shall repeat our former provocations. Our hearts are still deceitful ; our disinclination to spiritual exercises is still powerfully marked ; the world still allures ; satan still desires to have us, that he may sift us as wheat : — O help us, merciful Father, to shake off every incumbrance, and to run in the way of thy commandments with enlargement of heart. Assist us in the personal study of thy word ; subdue those corruptions which tend to veil the meaning of its blessed truths ; may we see light in thy light ; let it be quick and powerful in the detection of the sin of our heart ; may we explore it as a mine full of spiritual treasure ; and may it be profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, and for instruction in righteousness. O Lord God of the assemblies of Zion, deign to attend us in our approach to thy house, and to be present with us in the devotions and ministrations of the sanctuary. May we keep our feet when we go into the house of God, and be more ready to hear than to offer the sacrifice of fools. May deep solemnity pervade our spirits when we go up to worship the Lord God of our fathers. Open our ears, and our hearts, to thy messages, whether of terror or of mercy. Let us hear what the Spirit saith unto the churches. Let us apply the truth to our own individual cases. Suffer us not to deal deceitfully in thy covenant; but may we remember that the Lord our God is a jealous God, and that he will not accept the forms, for the spirit and power of genuine worship. Remember, O Lord, in infinite mercy, the ministers of thy truth. Impart largely to them, that they may be enabled to give forth largely to the people. May they be blessed with a realizing sense of Christ’s presence and glory. May the doctrines they preach be the joy of their own hearts, and may they be conveyed by the power of thy Spirit to the consciences of their fellow-men. Help them to speak a word in season to them that are weary, and give them the tongue of the learned, that they may address themselves to all men in the power of God. May thy good Spirit descend ; may the glory of the Lord be revealed; and may all flesh see it together. These great mercies we ask for Christ’s sake. Amen. 116 EIGHTH «g>tmtiaE <£beuutfl Luke, Chapter ii. week. H OLY Lord God Almighty, who hast exalted thy Son Jesus Christ to the throne of glory in the heavens, condescend, for his sake, to behold us prostrate, in his name, at thy footstool, and to listen to the voice of our prayer. With a holy and divine prepa- tion may we come before the Lord. Teach us to fear thy great and dreadful name. O suffer us not to think lightly of thine awful perfections. May we reverence and adore thee as our Creator, our Preserver, and the God of our salvation. We would not presume because of thy mercy ; but would rather contemplate with holy dread the wonders of that cross on which the Prince of glory poured out his soul an offering unto death. O how awful is sin, when we look at Gethsemane and Calvary ! May the effect of the religious observances of this day be to increase in our minds a sense of the evil of sin. We now meet at the family altar, to implore a blessing on the several engagements of the sanctuary. Let not the things which we have heard escape from our deceitful memories ; and, above all, let not their influence cease to be felt in our hearts. Our responsibility is great ; may we be deeply sensible of it, and may we attend with diligence to the things which belong to our peace. We would think of all the reproofs, cautions, warnings, and instructions which have been addressed to us this day ; and we would earnestly pray that the fruit of them may be a holier walk, and a more spiritual and heavenly mind. Our times are in thy hands ; and we know not if we shall again be privileged to go up to thy house. Have we then worshipped thee this day as if we should never again mingle in the sanctuary? Alas ! how many vain thoughts have passed through our minds. How little have we realized the power and presence of God. How feeble has been our impression of eternal realities. In what a slender degree have we felt the power of redeeming love. Merciful God, forgive our misimprovement of mercies that can never return ; and cause us, by reflection and prayer, to gather up the fragments of truth which, by unprofitable hearing, we have lost. Pour thy good Spirit into our hearts ; let his grace quicken every holy principle within us, and repress all that is contrary to thy blessed will; then shall “holiness to the Lord” be inscribed on all our banners. May this day be gratefully remembered as a day of salvation by thousands and tens of thousands of the human race. May the number of Zion’s converts be greatly increased ; may there be joy in heaven over repenting sinners; may the Redeemer see of the travail of his soul, and be satisfied; may Christ’s ministers and people rejoice to see many coming forward to testify what God has done for their souls by the powerful appeals of this day. O may this family be sensible of its privileges, and anxious to improve them. May we meet in holy unity and love at the mercy-seat, there to pour out our hearts before God, and there to strengthen all our purposes of new obedience and holy walking. Let the time past of our fives be more than sufficient for us to have wrought the will of the Gentiles, and let all the future be devoted with prayerful earnestness to the glory of thy name. Hear, O most merciful Father, these our united and humble prayers, and pardon the sins which provoke thy displeasure, because we ask all for Christ the Redeemer’s sake. Amen. / 117 EIGHTH i$lontm£ iSfornthg- WEEK. Exodus, Chapter vi. W E rejoice, O Lord, to know that we are not come to the mount that might be touched, and that burned with fire ; but that we are come to mount Zion, and to the city of the living God — to Jesus, the Mediator of the new covenant — and to the blood of sprinkling, that speaketh better things than the blood of AbeL Since we have received a kingdom which cannot be moved, may we have grace whereby we may serve thee with reverence and godly fear, for our God is a consuming fire. O help us to feel the awfulness of that presence, into which by prayer, and the reading of the scriptures, we are now approaching. May we stand in awe of Him who reads the thoughts and intents of our hearts ; may we listen with reverence to Him who now speaketh to us from heaven. As thou hast declared that Christ shall be exalted and extolled, and be made very high, help us to honour the Son even as we honour the Father. Thou hast commanded us to behold thy Servant whom thou hast chosen, thine Elect in whom thy soul delighteth ; O enlighten our eyes, that we may see his glory, and that we may put our whole trust in Him for salvation, — that the blood wherewith he was sanctified, instead of being regarded by us as a common thing, may be confided in as that atoning, that peace-speaking blood which can cleanse from all sin. Enable us to comprehend with all saints the immeasurable extent of the love of Christ — the breadth and length, the height and depth, which belong to it. Enlarge, day by day, our views of the Divine love ; and impart to us a growing evidence of the fruit and effect of that love in our own hearts. May our affections be raised to heaven, where Christ sitteth at thy right hand; and may we, every day, become more dead to the world, and more alive to the things which pertain to the honour of Christ, and the salvation and happiness of his church. May the excellency of the knowledge of Christ Jesus dwelling in us be evinced by our Christian courage, the decision of our character for God, our unflinching avowal of holy principle, our subjugation of corrupt affections, our victory over the world, our moderate use of lawful comforts, our meekness and quietude under trials, our cheerful resignation to the will of our heavenly Father. Whatever temptations we may meet with, arising from business, from intercourse with our fellow-creatures, from constitutional temperament, from satanic influence, enable us to overcome them. Banish from this habitation all vari- ance, whisperings, heart-burnings, and evil-surmisings, with all coldness and indifference. Let peace and gentleness, meekness and goodness, be exercised by all of us one towards another ; and let the only contention of the family be this, — who shall conform most to the will of God, by abounding in brotherly kindness and fervent charity. Continue, we beseech thee, if it seemeth good to thee, the voice of health and strength among us, and the favour of thy gracious providence. Give us grace, amidst all our present privileges, to expect, and to prepare for, the changes incident to this sorrowing state. Accept our praises for our daily preservation ; for the peaceful slumbers of the past night ; for the return of day after the shades of darkness ; for the continued use of reason ; for the comfort of this opportunity of worshipping thee ; and, above all, for the fight of fife, the rising upon our dark world of the Sun of righteousness. For Christ Jesus we bless thee, as for thine unspeakable gift; through Him we commend to thee all our services ; and to Him, with Thyself and Holy Ghost, one God over all, be honour and praise, love and obedience, for evermore. Amen. 118 EIGHTH week; Luke, Chapter iii. O LORD our God, it is a good thing to give thanks unto thee, and to sing praises unto thy name, O most High ; to shew forth thy loving-kindness in the morning, and thy faithfulness every night. At the close of this day we present ourselves before thee, and, pleading the merits of Jesus, thy beloved Son, would make known our requests unto thee. Adored be thy name, that thou hast granted us so great a privilege. Pardon us, O our God, wherein we have hitherto neglected, or abused it by drawing near to thee with our lips while our hearts have been far off from thee. Now, O God, may we worship thee in spirit and in truth. Thou knowest our necessities before we implore any thing at thy hand ; yet, O Lord, we would open before thee the trials and wants which press upon us. We make humble confession of those transgressions of which our consciences accuse us. Our services have been lamentably defective, our hearts have wandered from thee, our love has been cold and inactive. Look on us, not as we are in ourselves, but as we appear in Christ Jesus our Surety ; O regard us as complete in Him. Blessed be thy name for such a Saviour, through whose work thou art just, and yet the justifier of the ungodly. We rejoice that all who believe in Him are justified from all things, from which they never could be justified by the law of Moses. But, O let not thy mercy diminish our sense of the evil of sin, but rather increase it. We would loathe and abhor ourselves, because we are so little what we ought to be. May we follow on to know the Lord ; may we never rest satisfied in past attainments, but press forward towards the mark of the prize of our high calling of God in Christ Jesus. We long, we trust, for the perfection of holiness; we desire to be filled with all the fulness of God. We rejoice to think, that when this mortal shall put on immortality, we shall then be like Thee, for we shall see Thee as thou art. O give us patience to wait for thine own time, when thou shall set us free from this body of sin and death. O may we know what it is to sorrow for sin ; may we groan beneath its burden ; may we pant for deliverance. Day by day may we obtain victory, by thy Spirit, over indwelling corruption. May we spare no lust ; may we make no provision for the flesh ; may no sin obtain dominion over us. Sanctify us all by thy grace. Baptize us with thy Holy Spirit. O Lord, we have too often walked unworthy of our high calling. Our faith is weak; O make us strong in the Lord, and in the power of his might. We have greatly restrained prayer before the Lord; may we awake, and call upon the name of our God. W r e have neglected thy blessed word; may we henceforward address ourselves to its diligent study. We have leaned on the wisdom of man; may we now seek the teaching of thy Spirit. Lord, enable us to cease from man ; and to throw ourselves upon God. O teach us, guide us, lead us by thy good Spirit. Incline us to follow the Lamb whithersoever hegoetb,andmake us meet for an abundant entrance into thine everlasting kingdom and glory. Grant us, gracious God, thy blessing in retiring to rest. May thy peace, which passeth all understanding, keep our hearts and minds in thy knowledge and love, and in those of thy Son Jesus Christ. And may the blessing of God Almighty, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, be with each of us this night, and for evermore. Amen. 119 EIGHTH Cucstm^ iBontms Exodus, Chapter vii. WEEK. W E desire, O Lord, to bless thee for thy fatherly care through the past night, and ■for the returning light and comfort of another day. Thou makest the outgoings of the morning and evening to rejoice. Great is thy faithfulness and thy mercy to the children of men. Justly mightest thou have made our beds our graves, and our eyes might have opened in outer darkness. Instead of being permitted to lift up our souls unto thee in prayer, we might have been lifting up our eyes in hell, being in torment. It is of thy great mercy, O Lord, that we are not consumed. O let grace be imparted to every one of us, that we may all turn to our stronghold as prisoners of hope. May we seek the Lord while he is to be found, and call upon him while he is near. We adore thee that thou art nigh unto all that call upon thee, unto all that call upon thee in truth ; and that thou hast never said to any of the seed of Jacob, seek ye my face in vain. We would now, O Lord, worship thee, who art a Spirit, in spirit and in truth. O hide not thy face from us ; but do thou lift upon us the light of thy countenance, and cause thy face to shine upon us. Regard us, O God, with the love and favour which thou bearest unto thy chosen, and make us glad with the joy of thy people, that we may triumph with thine inheritance. We confess before thee, O Lord, our great unworthiness, our multiplied trans- gressions, our aggravated guilt. We have all offended against thee, and deserve nothing but everlasting banishment from thy presence. Father, we have sinned against thee, and in thy sight, and we are not worthy to be called thy children. We are indeed utterly undeserving of so high a privilege ; but behold what manner of love the Father hath bestowed upon us, that we should be called the sons of God. Though we are unworthy, we rejoice that worthy is the Lamb that was slain, and who hath redeemed us from our sins in his own blood, and made us kings and priests unto God. We desire, O Lord, to commit ourselves this day to thy guardian care. Do thou continually watch over us for good. Do thou preserve us in our going out and coming in ; keep us from all evil , strengthen us in all duty ; help us to acknowledge thee in all our ways, and to set thee the Lord continually before us, that so we may walk in thy fear all the day long. We desire, heavenly Father, to remember at thy throne of grace all with whom we are connected, whether by the ties of nature, friendship, or grace. May our friends be the friends of the Redeemer, and may they realize in him a friend that sticketh closer than a brother. May our relations belong to that happy family that are named in Christ. May our benefactors receive out of His fulness in grace for grace. May our enemies, perse- cutors, and slanderers obtain forgiveness through the blood of sprinkling, and may we also, even from the heart, be enabled to forgive them. Let the widow and fatherless share in thy tender pity. Sanctify the afflictions of the afflicted, and prepare the dying for their great change. And now, O Lord, we would go forward in thy strength, making mention of thy righteousness, and of thine only. And unto Him who is able to keep us from falling, and to present us faultless before thy presence with exceeding joy, we would ascribe all glory, honour, praise, world without end. Amen. _ 120 EIGHTH Cuesfoag aiming. wek. Luke, Chapter iv. H AVE mercy upon us, O God, and according to the multitude of thy tender mercies blot out our transgressions. Wash us thoroughly from our iniquity, and cleanse us from our sin. We acknowledge our offences against thy holy majesty to be many and aggravated; yea, to be more in number than the hairs of our head. We are ashamed to look up to thy throne, or to take thy name into our lips. It would be righteous in thee, O Lord, to abhor our prayer, and to condemn us to perish everlastingly. But we approach unto thee in the name of Jesus Christ, trusting in the merits of his death, and in the prevalency of his intercession. Look upon the face of thine Anointed, and for his sake remember us, O Lord, with divine favour and compassion. Thy loving-kindness is better than life — thy displeasure is a sorer evil than death itself. O give peace to our consciences, assuage the tumult of our anguished bosoms, and say to each of our souls, “ I am thy salvation.” Make us sensible of the manifold mercies of this day. Thou hast been near to us, to preserve us from evil, and to prosper our undertakings. As in days past, thy goodness and mercy have followed us. Thou hast delivered our soul from death, our eyes from tears, and our feet from falling. Innumerable blessings, temporal and spiritual, have been conferred upon us, though we acknowledge ourselves to be less than the least of them all. Be very gracious, O God, to all our friends, relations, and acquaintances ; and do thou lead them in the way everlasting. Our hearts’ desire and prayer to God for them all is, that they may be saved. God forbid that death should eternally separate between us and them ; but, O grant that by common union to the ever-blessed Redeemer, we may entertain the happy prospect of dwelling with each other for ever in heaven. May the things which accompany salvation be manifest in each member of this family. May true religion prosper in eveiy heart. May sanctified friendship obtain among young and old. May we strive to promote one another’s peace, happiness, and prosperity ; and may the God of peace and love be with us. Merciful Father, do thou comfort the children of sorrow and affliction; do thou enlighten and save them that are ignorant and out of the way ; do thou restore them that have wandered from thy paths ; and do thou bind up such as are broken in heart. Have pity on those who are bereaved ; be the husband of the widow, and the father of the fatherless ; say to such as are of a broken heart, “ Fear not, I am with thee : be not dismayed, for I am thy God : I will strengthen thee ; yea, I will help thee ; yea, I will uphold thee with the right hand of my righteousness.” God of our life, protect us this night from all evil. May we lie down at peace with thee, and at peace with all mankind. Never leave us, nor forsake us ; but keep us by thy mighty power through faith unto salvation. Into thy hands we commend our spirits. Thou hast been our guide ; under the shadow of thy wings would we shelter ourselves till the storm of life is overpast. Hear, O Lord, the voice of our supplication, and pardon our sin, for the great Redeemer’s sake. Amen. 121 Q EIGHTH raetmestmg iHonung, WEEK. Exodus, Chapter viii. O LORD, we would bless thee for the grace and protection thou hast hitherto afforded us. Deliver our souls from the guilt and pollution of sin. Let thy great mercv, in Christ Jesus, come upon us. May the salvation which he has wrought be ours, that we may be glad and rejoice all our days. O satisfy us early with thy mercy. Make us glad according to the days wherein thou hast afflicted us, and the years wherein we have seen evil. Let thy work appear unto thy servants, and thy glory unto their children. And let the beauty of the Lord our God be upon us ; and establish thou the work of our hands upon us, yea, the work of our hands establish thou it. Put thy fear and love, O Lord, into our hearts, that we may never depart from thee. Turn away our eyes from beholding vanity, and quicken us in thy way. Grant us strength from on high to support us in all dangers, and to enable us to overcome all temptations. O preserve us from the influence of prevailing wickedness, and from the pernicious examples of those around us, that we may never follow a multitude to do evil. Ever sensible of the snares which are laid for us by the enemies of our salvation, may we watch and pray that we enter not into temptation. O teach us, on all occasions, to endure as seeing Him who is invisible, and to act as becometh the gospel of Christ. Make us upright and kind in all our dealings, temperate in all our enjoyments, gentle and lenient in the exercise of power and authority, patient under all our provocations, and content with all the trials and sorrows of our earthly lot. We would recognize thy Providence in appointing the bounds of our habitation, and in placing us in those spheres where we are called to move. Make us industrious in discharging the duties which belong both to our temporal and spiritual callings, and do thou aid us by thy blessing in all our several undertakings. Impart to us, by thy grace, a grateful sense of thy goodness ; and help us to shew forth thy praise not only with our lips but with our lives. O let the Saviour whom thou hast sent to redeem us, be ever precious to our souls ; and cause us ever to cleave to him in love and confidence. Dispose us, with uprightness of heart, to confess Christ before men. Never let us be ashamed of Him who submitted to ignominy and death for us. May his example and his authority be as dear to us as his salvation. Never let us separate his offices ; but help us to adore and submit to Him in them all. May we follow Him in the regeneration, that we may be owned by Him in death, and that we may walk with Him in the light. May the love of Christ constrain us to all holy obedience. May we strive against sin, and follow holiness, from the impulses of a nature renewed and purified by the Holy Ghost. May the pleasures of true piety and vital godliness be far more influential than the struggles of corruption, and the suggestions of evil. Sanctify us by thy truth, — thy word is truth. O Lord, hear ; O Lord, forgive ; O Lord, hearken and do, for thy name’s sake, and for Jesus Christ’s sake, our only Redeemer and Mediator ; to whom, with thyself, O Father, and ever-blessed Spirit, be all power and glory, now and evermore. — And may the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy Ghost, be with us all. Amen. 122 EIGHTH Wetme£foa& aFbrmna "WEEK. Luke, Chapter v. 0 LORD, our Creator and Preserver, we bless and adore thee for thy protection and care during the past day ; for our health, our food, our raiment, and all our earthly comforts. Surely the lines have fallen to us in pleasant places, and we have a goodly heritage. When we think of the misery and destitution of thousands and tens of thousands, we cannot but wonder at the goodness of God to us his unworthy servants. Thou givest us all things richly to enjoy; thou loadest us with thy benefits; thou hast been doing us good all the days of our life ; we are monuments of thy fatherly care. But we would, in a particular manner, bless and adore thy name for the inestimable benefits of the gospel ; for the glorious Saviour whom it reveals ; for the method of pardon it unfolds to the human conscience ; for the renovating power which it promises to confer ; for the joyful views of immortality which it opens up beyond death and the grave. O may we bind this gospel to our hearts, and may all the light, and peace, and joy which it conveys to believing minds, spring up in our benighted and death-stricken souls. We confess with shame and penitence our multiplied and deeply aggravated sins against thy law and thy gospel. By nature, we are children of disobedience, and of wrath. We have richly deserved thy curse ; and, but for thy mercy in Christ Jesus, we must long ere now have been subjects of thy perpetual displeasure. But do thou look upon us for his sake. His blood can cleanse from all sin ; O do thou apply its healing virtues to our consciences, and bring us into the liberty and peace of thy children. Pardon our iniquity, for it is great. Wash us in the fountain of atoning blood. Clothe us in that righteousness which is unto all and upon all them that believe. Renew and quicken our dead souls by thy Spirit. Stimulate us by thy grace to love and to good works. Let holiness to the Lord be our great and commanding distinction. May sinners be awed, while they perceive the operation of principles which teach us to live above all the grossness and corruption of a world lying in the wicked one. Dispose us fully, and in all things, to follow Christ. May we renounce all other lords who have had dominion over us, and henceforward give ourselves up entirely to Him, who has an undisputed claim to the love, gratitude, and obedience of our whole existence. Take us, we beseech thee, into thy gracious care this night. Keep and defend us, sleeping and waking, living and dying. Guide us by thy counsel while here below, and afterward receive us to thine eternal glory. Let the choicest of thy mercies be upon all our friends and relations. Regard them with favour in their worldly and spiritual concerns. O have mercy upon all men. Add daily to thy church such as shall be saved. Build up thy redeemed people in their most holy faith. Relieve the oppressed, succour the tempted, and preserve the rich and prosperous from the snares which most easily beset them. Grant these mercies, O Lord, for the sake of our only Mediator and Advocate, Jesus Christ, in whose words we further call on thee, saying, Our Father, &c. Q 2 123 EIGHTH JUtittfflag i^lormng, WEEK. Exodus, Chapter ix. H EAVENLY Father, we unite as a family to offer praise to thee for thy manifold mercies to us, especially for shielding us from evil during the past night, and for once more causing us to behold the light of day. We lift our eyes to thee as a reconciled God and Father in Christ Jesus; we look to the Lamb of God as our only sacrifice for sin, as Jehovah, our righteousness and strength. We plead no other name before thee but his ; in him we trust, as all our salvation and all our desire. As thou art well pleased for his righteousness’ sake, because he hath magnified thy law and made it honourable, do thou look upon us, thy guilty children, for his sake, and grant us pardon and peace, and all need- ful spiritual blessings. As we feel the burden and pressure of corruption within, do thou cleanse us by thy grace from all pollution, and do thou enable us to serve thee with a new and willing mind. As the day on which we have entered will bring new temptations and dangers along with it, do thou supply us with grace suited to our circumstances. Suffer us not, from sloth or unwatchfulness, to fall into the hands of our spiritual enemies. Let us not fall into sin, nor run in to any kind of danger. Help us to set a strict watch over our thoughts, and to guard the inward movements of our affections. When mingling with others, may we guard against what is evil in their example, and imitate what is good. Cleanse us, O Lord, from secret faults; keep back thy servants also from presumptuous sins, — let them not have dominion over us. Amidst the changes and vicissitudes of this transitory scene, may we stay ourselves upon an unchanging God. Suffer us not to set our affections supremely upon any sub- lunary object. May the frailty and uncertainty of the creature induce us to seek our portion and our happiness in Thee. While so many are saying, Who will shew us any good ? Lord, lift thou upon us the light of thy countenance, and grant us the joys of thy salvation. O teach us to remember, that, while the world is passing away and the lust thereof, he that doeth the will of God abideth for ever. May every thing be weighed by us in the balance of eternity. We pray that all the members of this family may be devoted in heart and way to the Lord. Let none of them halt between two opinions. Let none of them be engaged in the service of sin. Let none of them perish among Christ’s enemies. O sanctify all the dispensations of thy holy will to us, whether of prosperity or adversity, whether of light or darkness, whether of joy or sorrow. Thou afflictest not willingly, nor grievest the children of men. Mercy and truth are all thy ways, and the end of all thy discipline is to take away sin, and to prepare thy servants for the pure and permanent enjoyments of heaven. Let the same blessings which we implore for ourselves be extended to all that are near and dear to us. Look in compassion on all mankind, and visit them with thy light and truth. Let those who know thee rejoice and be glad in thee, and all such as love thy salvation say continually — the Lord be magnified. These great and inestimable blessings we implore in the name and for the sake of thy dear Son, Jesus Christ our Lord, who graciously taught us thus to pray: Our Father, &c. 12-1 eighth ClmrsfoaK Abating. Luke, Chapter vi. week. O GOD of our salvation, do thou bow thine ear to the voice of our supplication, and let our prayer come up before thee with acceptance. What shall we render to thee, 0 Lord, for all thine unmerited mercies ? Thou hast preserved us in health, while others pine in sickness ; thou hast blessed us with plenty, while others perish through want. Thou hast revealed to us the character and offices of the great Physician, while others sink under the awful miseries of spiritual death. O that our hearts may praise thee and love thee for thy unspeakable mercies. Set thy love before us in all its impressive characters ; reveal its height and breadth, and depth and length, by thy blessed Spirit. Enlarge the powers of our souls, to sing thy praise, and to feel thy love constraining us no longer to live to ourselves, but to Him who loved us, and gave himselt for us. But, O Lord, we feel that we cannot do the thing that we ought. To will is present with us, but how to perform that which is good we know not. Let thy strength be made perfect in our weakness. Be thou merciful to our infirmities, and graciously supply us with thy Spirit, that we may be enabled to perform what our consciences approve, and what thy holy word enjoins. O Lord, we cannot move without thee. We are weak and helpless children. Be thou our Father. Art thou not our Father? Give us then thy children’s portion. Feed us with food convenient for us. Let the manna of thy word, and the refreshing influences of thy Spirit, be given for our daily nourishment ; and may our souls be abundantly satisfied with thy great goodness. We desire to grow more in grace, O Lord ; to advance in the knowledge of our own hearts ; of thy love in Christ Jesus ; and of the power of the Divine Spirit. Make thy church a temple of the Holy Ghost ; and may we, of the great spiritual body, manifest the mighty power of an indwelling God. May our flesh be crucified ; may self be conquered ; may the world be overcome ; and may heavenly peace be enjoyed by us, through thy Spirit. Be thou glorified in us, and by us, as thou seest best. Lord, thou knowest all hearts ; thou seest whether we are all born again of thy Spirit, and walking with thee in newness of life. We may deceive one another, we may deceive ourselves, but we cannot deceive thee. O thou searcher of hearts, who canst read our most secret thoughts, give us to know our true state and character before thee. Let not our own hearts deceive us, nor let us vainly dream of safety while we sin against conscience, and walk in any path of indulged iniquity. Teach us all in this family to walk as brethren ; to be of one heart and one mind, striving together for the faith of the gospel. Remove from amongst us all envy, anger, selfishness, and unkindness ; and teach us to bear one another’s burdens, and so fulfil the law of Christ. We beseech thee mercifully, O Lord, to incline thine ear to us, who have now made our prayers and supplications unto thee, and to grant that those things which we have faithfully asked, according to thy will, may be graciously obtained, to the relief of our necessities, and to the setting forth of thy glory, through Jesus Christ our Lord ; to whom, with thyself, and the Holy Ghost, be equal and eternal praises. Amen. 125 EIGHTH dfrftrag dHonting. WEEK. Exodus, Chapter x. 0 LORD God Almighty, be pleased in mercy to look down upon us, unworthy- sinners, and, for the sake of Jesus Christ the righteous, to accept our prayers and thanksgivings. May we regard it not only as a duty, but a privilege, to draw near unto thee. O make us sensible that we are unworthy of such a favour, and thankful that we are nevertheless indulged with it. We have grievously sinned against our heavenly Father. We have abundant reason to take shame and confusion of face unto ourselves, when we reflect upon our innumerable offences against thee in thought, word, and deed. O give us true repentance unto salvation, not to be repented of. Forgive us, we beseech thee, our manifold sins, negligences, and ignorances. Pardon, O Lord, and heal our souls ! Endue us with the grace of thy Holy Spirit, and help us to regulate our lives according to thy holy word. Awaken our gratitude to thee, O Lord, for the renewed mercies of the past night, and for the gracious benefits of this morning. We bless thee for our health, our peace, our safety. Be our guardian and our protector this day. We would not forget that we live in a world where dangers ever threaten both our bodies and our souls. To thee alone we would look for defence and safety. J take us beneath thine own care. Watch over us for good : and in all our lawful undertakings be pleased to vouchsafe to us thy blessing. O teach us to set thee continually before us. In all our ways may we acknowledge thee ; and do thou in mercy direct our steps. Grant, Lord, that our necessary engagements in this world may never make us unmindful of another, or cause us to loiter in our spiritual course ; but may we have grace so to pursue things temporal, that we lose not finally the things which are eternal. O create in us a hungering and thirsting after righteousness. Make us sincerely anxious to know more of thee, the only true God, and Jesus Christ whom thou hast sent, which is life eternal. O leave us not foolishly to confide in the name of Christian, while we may be destitute of the spirit and power of vital godliness, and strangers to the blessed and purifying hope of eternal life. O give us to see and to feel our need of Christ, in all His saving oflices, and make us ever mindful of our entire dependence upon his grace and strength. Keep us, this day, O Lord, in thy fear, and in the path of humble and appropriate duty. May our thoughts, words, and actions be under thine immediate direction and control. Let our conversation be as becometh the gospel of Christ, in all sobriety, god- liness, and honesty. And whatsoever we do, whether in word or deed, may we do all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks unto God and the Father through Him. Lord, make us grateful for all thy mercies, providential and spiritual. May the streams of goodness which flow from thee, lead us to thyself, the ever-blessed fountain, in love and gratitude unfeigned. Hear us, O most gracious God, for the sake of Jesus Christ, our only Lord and Saviour, in whose name we present all our supplications and thanks- givings; and to whom, with thyself, and the Holy Spirit, be all honour and glory, world without end. Amen. 126 EIGHTH dfrttmg tiHmtmg, WEEK. Luke, Chapter vii. Verses 1 — 23. A LMIGHTY and ever-living Jehovah, upheld and comforted by thy good providence, we once more bow the knee at the footstool of thy throne. For the sake of the divine and blessed Mediator, incline thine ear to the voice of our supplication, and grant us the privilege of access into thy presence, as our reconciled God and Father. O let our prayer come before thee as incense, and the lifting up of our hands as the evening sacrifice. We are not worthy indeed to bring our offerings before the Lord ; we are not worthy even to come into thy presence, or to take thy name into our polluted bps ; but, adored be the riches of thy sovereign grace, thou hast provided a way of access into the holiest of all, by the blood of Jesus. Through him thou not only permittest us to draw near unto thee, but encouragest us to come boldly to the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy, and find grace to help in time of need. Blessed Lord, as guilty and offending creatures we need mercy; and as weak and fallen creatures, we need grace and strength, to sustain our helplessness, and to purify our natures. O remember and visit us according to the faithful promises of thy word. Open upon our souls the stores of thy benignity ; for thou givest unto all liberally, and upbraidest not. We come before thee, O Lord, in all our emptiness, beseeching thee to fill us with all the fulness of God. In Jesus, the Mediator of the new covenant, thou hast treasured up rich stores of spiritual blessings ; out of his fulness may we all receive in grace for grace. Our several cases and necessities are perfectly known to thee ; thou knowest, as our heavenly Father, the things that we need, even before we ask them ; thou only canst determine what is best for us. What is good thou wilt give, and no good thing wilt thou withhold from them that walk uprightly. Whatever is needful to promote our real growth in grace and holiness ; do thou mercifully bestow, even though we through ignorance should fail to ask it. With entire resignation and filial confidence, may we commit ourselves, with all our interests and cares, into thy hands. With becoming patience may we bear all the trials which may be allotted to us in this our earthly pilgrimage. Help us to believe that all things shall work together for good to them that love thee, and are called according to thy purpose. O inspire us with a grateful sense of past mercies. How great is the sum of them ! If we should count them, they are more in number than the sand. We have fresh blessings to be thankful for this evening. We adore thee for the continuance of our forfeited lives. We might have been suddenly cut off and sent into eternity, as in a moment. We bless thee for the degree of health we enjoy; we might have been groaning on the bed of sickness, as many of our fellow- creatures are. We have to thank thee for the continued use of our reason and bodily limbs : how many, from the loss of these, are a distress to themselves and their friends around them. Lord ! what are we, that thy mercies to us should be so many and great ! O that we could love thee more, and serve thee better. Of thy tender mercy in Christ Jesus, forgive what thou hast seen amiss in us in the course of the past day. Take us beneath thy gracious care through the silent hours of another night, and do more and better for us than we ask or think, for Christ the Redeemer’s sake. Amen. 127 EIGHTH «#>aturtmg iHonring. WEEK. Exodus, Charter xi. M ERCIFUL Father, by whom we have been preserved and kept through the past night, we come before thee this morning with the voice of thanksgiving and praise, and would rejoice in thee as the Rock of our salvation. Thou art to be feared, and to be had in reverence by all that are about thee ; thou art a great God, and a great King above all gods. O may we know, adore, and love thee as our God, and the portion of our souls. May we magnify the riches of thy grace, in sending thy Son into the world to die for us. O let us not provoke and grieve thy Holy Spirit, by resisting his claims, and by trampling upon his blood; but, cheerfully embracing Him in all his saving offices, may we realize the tokens of thy love, and be ranked with thy redeemed servants in glory everlasting. We avail ourselves of the advocacy of Jesus Christ this morning, in drawing near to thy throne. We rejoice that he appears in thy presence for us ; and that he ever lives to plead our cause. We have no hope of pardon or acceptance but through Him. May his blood cleanse us from all sin, and may his Spirit work in us all thy holy will, and the work of faith with divine power. We bless thee, gracious God, that thou hast brought us in peace and safety to the beginning of this day, and that we are permitted to surround the throne of the heavenly grace. O that gratitude and love may be inscribed on every heart, and that an offering in sincerity and truth may be placed on that altar which sanctifieth the giver and the gift. We desire to consecrate ourselves afresh to thine honour and glory; — body, soul, and Spirit, may we be thine. May the duties of the day be entered upon in thy fear and love ; and may all its trials be sustained in the spirit of meekness, and resignation to the will of our Father in heaven. May thy word abide in us a preservative against sin, and may the thought of thine all-seeing eye prove a support to every holy and devout prin- ciple. In our lawful callings may we have that blessing which maketh rich, and to which no sorrow is added. Prosper thou the work of our hands ; yea, the work of our hands prosper thou it. Keep back thy servants from presumptuous sins, let them not have dominion over us. We are prone to evil; may we feel it, and shun every false and wicked way. May we watch over the state of the heart, and guard against all rash and offensive words and actions. May we be fervent in spirit, while we are diligent in business, serving the Lord. Let us not be ensnared or entangled by the imperfections and vices of our fellow-creatures ; but may we seek, in all our intercourses with men, to promote their best interests, and to guard against the evils which may arise from their imperfect fellowships. To thee we look for grace and strength to serve thee in the duties of the day. Uphold us in the path of integrity. Grant us a sense of thy presence in all our engagements. Forgive our sins, and bless our souls, for the sake of the only Mediator Jesus Christ. And may the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, the love of God our heavenly Father, and the fellowship and communion of the Holy Ghost, be with us all both now and ever- more. Amen. I2S EIGHTH &aturtrag Cbmmg* Luke, Chapter vii. Verse 24 — 50. WEEK. 0 GOD, thou art our God, and we will bless thee ; thou art our fathers’ God, and we will exalt thee. Bless the Lord, O our souls ; and all that is within us, bless his holy name. With hearts deeply sensible of thy great goodness, we would look up to the throne of thy love. Deign to regard our cry, and to visit us with tokens of thy compassion and grace. Though we have erred and strayed from the right path like lost sheep, we bless thee that thou art still ready to regard us with favour, and to deal with us as the children of thy love. Help us, with grief and sorrow of heart, to confess our numerous and aggravated transgressions ; and to apply, by faith, to that blessed fountain which cleanseth from all sin ! We rejoice, that if any man sin, we have an Advocate with the Father, Jesus Christ the righteous, who is the propitiation for our sins. We adore Thee for all that he has done and suffered, to testify the evil of sin, and his love of sinners. May the thought of the agonies of Gethsemane and of Calvary impress us with a conviction of the intensity of that love wherewith the Saviour loved us ; and may we learn to hate that sin which wrung with anguish his spotless soul. While we look for acceptance to the blood of Christ, we would at the same time look to the Spirit of Christ for sanctifying grace. May we be as anxious to escape from the pollution of sin, as from the punishment of it. O let the burden of inward corruption be more and more felt by us ; and may we be increasingly anxious to obtain victory over that body of sin and death which we carry about with us. We bless thee, O Lord, for the gracious discoveries of thy holy word. Though thou hast there disclosed our ruin, thou hast also made known the means of our recovery. May we prize the volume of thy love, and may the method of salvation which it reveals be applied, in all its healing power, to our hearts, by the life-giving energy of thy Spirit. May we know the truth, and may the truth make us free. Suffer us not to deceive our- selves by a speculative faith; but may we possess that faith which purifies the heart, works by love, and overcomes the world. O teach us diligently to improve our religious privileges, and to remember that the period of our stewardship is hastening to a close, when our account will be required by the Judge of quick and dead. On the last evening of another week, we would record our sense of Thy fatherly goodness, in preserving us from the evils to which we have been exposed. Every day, and every hour of the week, we have experienced fresh tokens of Thy care. Thou hast been our protector by day and by night, and hast made our humblest wants the objects of thy notice and regard. We adore Thee for every individual comfort, and for every family mercy. We especially bless Thee for every religious advantage we possess, and earnestly beseech Thee that we may have grace to walk worthy of our high vocation. May the ordinance of family prayer be blessed to every member of this house, in advancing in all our minds the fear and love of God, and in promoting mutual esteem, affection, and good-will. In retiring to rest, we pray that our minds may be elevated to becoming and just views of the Christian Sabbath. Help us to call in the aids of that grace which will separate our minds from common to sacred objects. Pardon the iniquity of our holy things, and accept both our persons and offerings for the sake of the Divine and blessed Mediator, Jesus Christ Amen. 20 U .NINTH Morning, WEEK Exodus, Chapter xii. Verse 1 — 28. M ANY, O Lord our God, are thy wonderful works which thou hast done, and thy thoughts which are to usward; they cannot be reckoned up in order unto thee: if we would declare and speak of them, they are more than can be numbered. Help us to draw near to thy footstool with the voice of thanksgiving and of praise ; and to adore thee for what thou art in thyself, and for what thou art to us, in the revelation and in the exercise of thy boundless mercy and grace. This is the day which thou hast made, we will rejoice and be glad in it. Let the news of redemption, freely purchased by the blood of Christ, inspire us with sentiments of gratitude and love ; and let the evidence of our Redeemer’s resurrection and exaltation lead us to exult in the security and glory of our hopes. O let the day which commemorates the victory of our Almighty Conqueror be employed by us in exercises befitting its original design, and calculated to secure in each of our souls the benefits of our Lord’s resurrection from the dead. May we see the new covenant sealed and ratified by his blood ; and may we see in his rising glories the acceptance of his vicarious offering, the proof of his Messiahship, the full evidence of his being the Son of God with power. From the throne of his mediatorial dominion and power, may he send down the promised influences of his Spirit upon our hearts, that we may be taught to seek those things which are above, where Christ sitteth at the right hand of God. Give us grace, O most merciful Father, to abstain from all those exercises which are inconsistent with the sanctity of thy day. Flelp us to consecrate its sacred hours to thee. May this be a day of much self-scrutiny with each of us. May we survey, and lament, the manifold short-comings of the past week ; and, filled with the remembrance of many unprofitable and misspent Sabbaths, may we watch and pray lest this should be added to the number. Bless, to the good of our souls, the reading of the holy Scriptures. May the portion to which our attention has been called, fall with power on the conscience and on the heart ; may it be profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, and for instruction in righteousness. May all realize in thy word a bright mirror, reflecting with fidelity their own character; and may thy Spirit write its truths upon the fleshly tables of our heart. O God of Zion, praise waiteth for thee this day in thy sanctuary, and unto thee shall the vow be performed. May we long for the refreshment of public ordinances ; and go up to thy house with hearts full of holy and devout expectations. Meet with the congregating thousands of thine Israel this day. Fulfil thine own promises, and reveal thy glory to thy waiting people. We have loved the habitation of thy house, and the place where thine honour dwelleth. O that a message may come to us this day from thyself. Give power to thv servants rightly to divide the word of life, and cause their doctrine to drop as the rain, and to distil as the dew ; as the small rain upon the tender herb, and as showers that water the earth. Meet with us where we hope to assemble for public worship. Prepare us meekly to receive thy holy word. Be mouth and wisdom to thy servant whom we expect, in thy name, to address us. These manifold mercies we implore in the name of Plim who has risen from the dead, and who sits at the right hand of power in the heavens : and to Father, Son, and Holy Ghost be all honour and glory world without end. Amen. 130 NINTH ,#>untmg (0b rntus. WEEK. Luke, Chapter viii. Verse I — *25. E will sing of mercy and judgment; unto thee, 0 Lord, will we sing. Thou art not a God that hast pleasure in iniquity, neither shall evil dwell with thee. O teach us to worship thee in the beauty of holiness ; and to remember that thou art great, and greatly to be praised, and that thou art to be feared above all gods. We have seen thy goings this day in the sanctuary ; may the remembrance of thy truth dwell in our hearts, and may the lessons of holiness and piety be seen in our lives. May we take good heed to the things which we have heard, lest at any time we should let them slip ; for if the word spoken by angels was steadfast, and every transgression and disobedience received a just recompense of reward, how shall we escape if we neglect so great salvation ! We thank thee, O Lord, for all the solemn instructions, warnings, reproofs, and encouragements which have been addressed to us this day ; and we humbly pray, that they may lead, by thy confirming grace, to the most salutary and permanent results. May we survey our state and character in the light of thy faithful word. O let us not resemble the man who beholds his natural face in a glass, and goes away, straightway forgetting what manner of man he was ; but may we look into the perfect law of liberty, and therein continue, not being forgetful hearers, but doers of the work, that we may be blessed in our deeds. Confirm every holy purpose in each of our hearts. Teach us to lay aside every weight, and the sin which doth so easily beset us, and to run with patience the race that is set before us, looking unto Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith ! Let not Satan be permitted to rob us of the privileges of another Sabbath. We know that he watches for our fall, and that he tries to accelerate it. O disappoint his dark designs, and make us more than conquerors through Him that hath loved us. 0 most blessed God, do thou enable us to guard against the snares of the world, and to shun those associations and those habits which would weaken our religious principles, and impart fresh energy to the depraved tendencies of our fallen nature. May the feeling of our constant exposure to evil drive us to our true and only resource ; and may the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be sufficient to uphold and strengthen us in every hour of necessity and danger. Never let us forget past weakness and failure ; lest we should again presume, and again be overcome. O enable us to hide the blessed truths of thy word, which we have this day heard, in our hearts, that we sin not against thee. May the effects of this day be long manifest in the hearts and lives of thousands. Let thy truth abide in many a conscience, and let multitudes of sinners find rest and peace by believing in Jesus. Pity the dark places of our sinful world. Send to them, by whom thou wilt send, the light and consolation of the gospel. May the kingdom of Christ come ; may his will be done on earth as it is done in heaven. Increase the number of faithful ministers, and pour thy Spirit from on high on all the churches of Christ Forgive the imperfections of this day. Seal on our spirits a sense of thy pardoning mercy. Comfort us with some tokens of thy love. Heal our backslidings, and love us freely. Let every member of this family be an object of thy care, and a partaker of thy grace. Mercifully accept and bless us, for Jesus Christ’s sake. Amen. 131 R 2 HI NTH JUmiimg iHontmg. Exodus, Chapter xii. Verse 29 — 51. WEEK. O GOD of the spirits of all flesh, we approach into thy presence with holy awe, remembering our own sinfulness and thy spotless and infinite purity. Let not thy terrors make us afraid ; but help us to believe that thou delightest in mercy, and that iudgment is thy strange work. Take from us the slavish fear of guilt, and inspire us with the freedom and confidence of those who are reconciled to thee through the death of Jesus, and who feel the bliss and comfort of their happy lot. O may the sense of pardoning mercy fill us with joy that is unspeakable, and full of glory; and may the wonders of that cross on which the Prince of glory died, draw forth the love and gratitude of our redeemed souls. We desire more and more to devote ourselves to Him who bore our sins in his own body upon the tree. May we increasingly feel our obligations for love so amazing, so divine. O may that which we trust will be our song in eternity, be the theme of our joy and praise in this the house of our pilgrimage. We bless thee, O most merciful Father, for thy care and preservation of us during the past night. In the silent hours of darkness thou hast spread the wing of thy protection and love over us. No evil has befallen us, no plague has come nigh our dwelling; we are the living — the living, to praise thy name. For individual, and for family mercies, we desire to bless thee. As we have been permitted to see the light of the sun, O may the light of the Sun of righteousness shine upon our souls. May we be prepared by thy grace for the duties and trials of the day. Lord, save us from trusting to our own under- standings ; deliver us from self-confidence, in all its unhappy forms ; and impart to us a childlike dependence on thy character as our Father in heaven. Do thou order all the circumstances of our earthly lot as seeineth good in thy sight. Grant us only that measure of prosperity which thou knowest to be for our good ; and when trials are allotted to us, help us to bear them patiently, and to use them as means of our increased sanctification. O Father of mercies, our earnest prayer to thee is, that every member of this family may be a partaker of saving grace. How distressing the thought, that any of us should part in death never to meet again. May salvation be our individual, our eternal portion. May we all, young and old, attend to the things which belong to our everlasting peace. May prayer bring down upon us the gifts and graces of thy Spirit. If any of us are yet afar off from thee, bring us nigh by the blood of Jesus, and by the quickening energy of thy Spirit. May we feel that all is insecure unless we are born from above. May we pray for this great change, and may the evidence of it be such, that we may be enabled to rejoice in the privilege of our adoption by faith into the family of God. We beseech thee, O Lord, to meet with all praying families, and to hear and answer their prayers. Bless and prosper the true church, consisting of all sincere believers in Christ Jesus. Flave mercy on the thoughtless and impenitent, and pluck them as brands from the everlasting burnings. Bless and keep us this day. Forgive the sins which thy pure eyes have discovered in us. Wash us in that precious blood which cleanseth from NINTH iUmt&ag OFbenmg. Luke, Charter viii Verse 26 — 56 . ■WEEK. W HEN we think of Thine eternal and infinite glories, we are constrained to exclaim — Lord, what is man that thou art mindful of him, or the son of man that thou shouldst visit him ? By sin, we have made ourselves not only mean, but vile in thy sight. We have defaced thy image, and broken thy righteous laws, and have rendered ourselves in every way unworthy of thy regard. Wert Thou to deal with us in strict justice, we feel that nothing but wrath and indignation could be our lot. We dare not plead before Thee our own righteousness, which is altogether as an unclean thing in thy sight. It becomes us rather to renounce it, and to pray that sin may not be laid to our charge. We bless Thee that we have not been left to feel the consequences of our rebellion in that world where thou forgettest to be gracious. Thou mightest have banished us from thy presence, and from the glory of thy power; but Thou waitest to be gracious. Thou wiliest not the death of the sinner, but rather that he would repent and live. We adore Thee for the gift of a Saviour, and for the free promise of pardon and salvation through his blood. We rejoice that Thou hast made the exercise of forgiveness consistent with the strictest claims of thy justice and truth ; and that through the atonement and death of Christ, all who believe may be received into favour and friendship with Thee. O unite us, then, by faith, to Christ the living Vine, that, though dead in ourselves, and deserving eternal death, we may have life and peace through Him. We mourn, O Lord, the many offences of this day in thought, word, and deed. In a world so full of temptation, we lament that we so often forget our exposure to evil, and lay ourselves open to the assault of the enemy. May the infirmities of the past warn us against that self-complacency -which has proved so injurious to our highest and best interests. O teach us to distrust ourselves, and to trust only in Thee. May our besetting sins be more and more subdued, that no iniquity may obtain dominion over us. Make us increasingly anxious that the work of sanctification may be advanced in our souls. Help us diligently to employ all the means which Thou hast vouchsafed to us for carrying on in our hearts the designs of Thy sovereign grace. May we work out our salvation with fear and trembling, since it is God who worketh in us both to will and to do of his good pleasure. Strengthen our faith in the existence and glory of the unseen world. May eternity with its dread realities exert a more powerful influence over us. O let us not have our portion in the present life ; but may our treasure be in heaven, and may our hearts be there also. Quicken our diligence in prayer, in the mortification of sin, in the cultivation of the graces of thy Holy Spirit, in the performance of good works, in all the active and benevolent manifestations of the religious life. Into thy hands, Father of mercies, we commend ourselves during the silence and darkness of this night Fill our minds with that divine peace which passeth all under- standing. May we forgive men their trespasses, even as our Father in heaven hath forgiven us. Place beneath each member of this family thine everlasting arms. Make us all objects of thine immediate regard. Forgive our innumerable sins and sbort-comings, and accept of us, through the Divine Mediator, Jesus Christ. Amen. NINTH Cuestia|> Morning, wh.uk. Exodus, Chapter xiii. G IVE ear, O Lord, unto our prayer; and attend to the voice of our supplication. We would come and worship before thee, O Lord, and would glorify thy name ; for thou art great, and doest wondrous things ; thou art God alone. We will praise thee, O Lord our God, with all our heart ; and will glorify thy name for evermore ; for great is thy mercy toward us ; and thou hast delivered our soul from the lowest hell. Thou art a God full of compassion and gracious, long-suffering, and plenteous in mercy and truth. Thou wilt not always chide, neither wilt thou keep thine anger for ever. Thou hast not dealt with us after our sins, nor rewarded us according to our iniquities. Turn us, O God of our salvation, and cause thine anger toward us to cease. Shew us thy mercy, O Lord, and grant us thy salvation. We will hear what God the Lord will speak ; for he will speak peace unto his people, and to his servants ; but let them not turn again unto folly. We rejoice, O Lord, that mercy and truth are met together; that righteousness and peace have kissed each other ; that truth has sprung out of the earth ; and that righteous- ness has looked down from heaven ; that by the incarnation and death of Jesus, thou hast opened a channel in which the full tide of Divine compassion and grace may flow to the chief of sinners. Blessed are the people that know the joyful sound ; they shall walk, O Lord, in the light of thy countenance. In thy name shall they rejoice all the day; and in thy righte- ousness shall they be exalted. Tor thou art the glory of their strength ; and in thy favour shall our horn be exalted. May we this day walk in the light of thy countenance. Suffer us to fall into no state of mind, and no train of conduct, that would tempt thee to hide thy face from us, or that would tend to grieve thy Holy Spirit. May we value above all things the approbation of God, and the testimony of a good conscience; and, amidst a thousand temptations to what is contrary to thy holy will, may we ever be ready to say — “ How shall we do this great evil, and sin against God !” Lord, we are prone to wander from thee, the fountain of living waters; we forget the true sources of enjoyment; we worship and serve the creature more than the Creator. Call us away from created good. Teach us to see and to feel that the creatures are nothing to us without thyself. Help us to say with one of old, “ Whom have w r e in heaven but thee? and there is none upon earth that we desire beside thee. Though flesh and heart should fail us; yet thou, O Lord, art the strength of our heart, and our portion for ever.” Holy Father, do thou direct, bless, and keep us this day. Prosper the work of our hands. Be with us in all our lawful callings. May no unlawful course be pursued by us, or obtain the sanction of our minds. Sustain us in all our religious duties. Influence and control the motives upon which we act. Give inward peace of mind. Make us happy ourselves, and make us the medium of happiness to others. Cleanse the thoughts of our hearts by the inspiration of thy Holy Spirit. Wash us this morning in atoning blood. Take charge of us, and all dear to us. Hear the voice of our supplication. Send us answers of peace from the throne of thy love, and infinitely exceed our utmost desires, for the sake of Jesus Christ, our only Mediator and Redeemer. Amen. 134 NINTH Cuesftaj) <0benmfl "WEEK. Luke, Chapter ix. Verse 1 — 27. G REAT and eternal Majesty, thy throne is in the heavens, and thy kingdom extends through all worlds, and all space. Thou inhabitest eternity, and to thee are all its praises ascribed. Who in the heavens can be compared unto the Lord? Who among the sons of the mighty can be likened unto the Lord ? Thou clothest thyself with light as with a garment ; to thee the darkness and the light are both alike. Thy piercing eye penetrates the secret recesses of the heart ; and thou wilt bring every hidden thing into judgment. O Lord, thou hast searched us, and known us : thou knowest our down- sitting and our up-rising, and art acquainted with all our ways. There is not a word in our tongue, but, lo, O Lord, thou knowest it altogether. O God, thou knowest our foolishness, and our sins are not hid from thee. Against thee, thee only, have we sinned, and done evil in thy sight, that thou mightest be justified when thou speakest, and be clear when thou judgest. Behold, we were shapen in iniquity ; and in sin did our mother conceive us. O purge us with hyssop, and we shall be clean ; wash us, and we shall be whiter than snow. Make us to hear joy and gladness, that the bones which thou hast broken may rejoice. Hide thy face from our sins, and blot out all our iniquities. Create in us a clean heart, O God ; and renew a right spirit within us. Restore unto us the joys of thy salvation ; and uphold us with thy free spirit. We rejoice to know, that the sacrifices of God are a broken spirit; a broken and a contrite heart, O God, thou wilt not despise. Though we have mournfully rebelled against thee, yet thou art ever waiting to be gracious. Thou hast not requited us according to the ungrateful manner in which we have dealt with thee; but hast been long-suffering, and of tender mercy, not willing that any should perish, but that all should be saved, and come to the knowledge of the truth. We rejoice, that as there is one God, so also there is one Mediator between God and man, the man Christ Jesus ; who gave himself a ransom for human guilt. By Him we desire this night to draw near to thee with true hearts in full assurance of faith. We bless and adore thee that His sacri- fice for sin has been accepted, and that He has gone into heaven, there to appear in thy presence for us. May we be washed in his precious blood, and clothed for ever in the robe of his righteousness. O send down thy good Spirit into each of our hearts, that, by his illumination and quickening power, we may know the Saviour, and be united to His sacred person by a living and transforming faith. Teach us, O Lord, with deep humility and contrition to review the sins of this day. O remove the burden of them from our consciences. May thy Spirit witness with our spirits that we are thy children. Look on each member of this family, now prostrate at thy footstool. May we be one in heart, in the exercises of devotion and praise. Pardon our family offences and transgressions ; accept our grateful acknowledgments for innu- merable family mercies. Bless all our connexions, and unite us all in one faith and hope. May we rest this night in thy love. All our springs are in thee. Keep and redeem us, O God of our salvation. Our prayers are before thee. Hear and answer them for the sake of our only Advocate and Saviour, Jesus Christ. Amen. 13 '. NINTH OTetsnfjSfcag Corning, WEEK. Exodus, Chapter xiv. A LMIGHTY and everlasting God, who' dwellest in immensity, but who lookest down in pity upon feeble mortals here below, deign to visit, in thy great mercy, this family now prostrate at thy footstool. Impute not our sins and our transgressions unto us ; remember not against us the follies of our youth, nor the iniquities of our riper years, but, for the sake of thy well-beloved Son, Jesus Christ, pardon and heal our diseased souls. In the multitude of thy tender mercies do thou hear our prayers that we make unto thee this morning; and incline thine ear to the voice of our supplications. We look to thee alone for help and comfort ; O disappoint not our hope, and send us not empty away. Thou know'est, O Lord, our necessities better than we do ourselves. Thou art acquainted with our ignorance in asking ; for we know not what we should pray for as we ought. Have mercy upon us, and grant that those things which for our unworthiness we dare not, and for our blindness we cannot ask, may be imparted to us for the sake of His infinite merit who loved us so as to die for us. Blessed be thy name, O gracious Father, that in Him all fulness dwells ; that from him we may receive pardon, peace, holiness, and, finally, eternal life. Do thou supply our wants out of his fulness, and cause us daily to receive from Him all needful grace and strength. Forgive us, O Lord, that we are so little disposed to ask for spiritual blessings ; humble us for our past indifference about spiritual things, and our too great eagerness about the things of a present world. Truly, O Lord, we must confess, that our souls cleave to the dust. O send down upon us thy quickening grace, that we may live to thee ; that our sluggishness in the spiritual life may pass away, and that, henceforward, we may feel our responsibility, and act up to our privileges. As thou hast raised us up this morning from the bed of sleep, do thou, in like manner, rouse us from our spiritual slumbers, from our sloth, our negligence, our dead- ness, our carnality, our undue attachment to a present world. Breathe, heavenly Spirit, upon our expiring graces. Impart life to us in every duty ; and cause us to take delight in thy ways. Enable us to lay aside every weight, and the sins which do SO' easily beset us, and to run with patience the race that is set before us, looking unto Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith. O may our eyes be ever directed unto Him as our atonement, our righteousness, our pattern, our guide, our eternal all. Accept this, O God, our morning tribute of praise, for the favours of the past night. We might have awoke in the agonies of pain, or have been roused from our beds, as mul- titudes have, by some melancholy and distressing tidings ; but, blessed be thy name, we are in health and peace, and surrounded by innumerable mercies. Into thy hands we now desire to commit ourselves. May we be shielded by thy power and grace from all sin and danger. Guide us, most gracious God, in the path of duty. Keep our tongues from evil, and our lips from speaking guile. Uphold us, that our footsteps slip not. Disappoint the designs of our spiritual adversaries, and make our souls joyful in thy salvation. We implore these various great mercies, for the sake of Him who died for the guilty ; and to Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, be glory everlasting. Amen. isc NINTH OTetmestsag Abating* Luke, Chapter ix., Verse 28 — 62 . WE UK. W E will bless the Lord at all times ; his praise shall continually be in our mouth. Our souls shall make their boast in the Lord, the humble shall hear thereof, and be glad. Great and glorious art thou, O Lord ; help us now, and at all times, to approach thee with solemnity, with reverence, and with godly fear. Thou art the sovereign Lord and disposer of all. Thou madest all things, and for thy pleasure they are, and were created. Thou upholdest all things by thy mighty power. Thou rulest in the armies of heaven, and amongst the inhabitants of the earth. Thou puttest down one, and settest up another ; and none may say unto thee, what doest thou ? We are lost in wonder, when we reflect upon thy greatness and majesty; and still more so when we think upon thy goodness and mercy. Lord, what is man, that thou shouldst be mindful of him? or the Son of man, that thou shouldst visit him? Yet hast thou been mindful of us in a most wonderful manner, and hast most graciously visited us in our helpless, lost, and ruined state. Thou hast given thy only-begotten and well- beloved Son to be a ransom for our sins, to suffer death upon the cross, the just for the unjust, to bring us near unto God. Glory be to thee, O Father, that when we were cut off and separated from thee by sin, thou didst devise means whereby thy banished ones might be brought back unto thee. Glory be to thee, thou eternal Son of the Father, that thou wast pleased to take upon thee our nature, to become a man of sorrows and acquainted with grief, in order that we guilty sinners might be rescued from eternal damnation. Glory be to thee, thou ever-blessed Spirit of all grace and truth, that thou hast been pleased to reveal these things unto us, that we might have access by faith to a reconciled God, and rejoice in hope of everlasting glory. O holy, blessed, and glorious Trinity, three Persons and one God ! what shall we render to thee for the wonderful things thou hast done for the children of men ? O stir up thy mighty power, and come and save us. Give us a more lively sense of thy mercies, and hearts more grateful to thee for them. We confess, with deep shame, that we are too much attached to things below; that earthly trifles so engage us as to rob our souls of much divine comfort. Truly, O Lord, through our sins and wickedness, we are much hindered in running the heavenly race. O let thine arm of power be stretched out speedily for our help and deliverance, lest we should be like unto those who go down alive into the pit. Grant, O most merciful God, that the old man of sin and death may be overcome in us, and that the new man, which, after God, is created in righteousness and true holiness, may spring up with fresh vigour in our souls. Be pleased graciously to accept our thanks for the continuance of thy kindness through another day. To thee we are indebted for every comfort we have received, and every peril we have escaped. Take us, merciful Father, under thy care this night. Pardon the sins of this day, and of our whole lives. Grant us ever to have fellowship with thee, O heavenly Father, and with thy Son Jesus Christ our Lord, through the Eternal Spirit Amen. 137 s NINTH CJuirgHag JHonung, WEEK. Exodus xv. 0 THOU who makest the outgoings of the morning and evening to rejoice, fill our hearts with joy and gratitude this morning, for surely we have cause to bless thee, and to rejoice in thy love. Thou hast, in thy abundant goodness, been pleased to deliver us from the perils of darkness, and spared us to see the light of another day. Many calamities might have befallen us ; but thou hast in mercy preserved us from them all. Accept our aim at thankfulness, and help us to praise with a warmer heart, and a more ardent song of praise. We desire to begin this day with thee, and to commit ourselves afresh to the guardian care of thy good providence. Be thou, O Lord, our defender and comforter this day. Direct us in the path of duty. Protect us from dangers, seen and unseen ; and cheer our minds with the light of thy countenance, and with the gracious witness of thy Spirit. In all things, make us anxious to please, and fearful of offending thee. Cause us to exercise a holy jealousy over our own evil and unbelieving hearts. Teach us to walk in all godliness and honesty, not as fools, but as wise, redeeming the time, because the days are evil. May we walk circumspectly, because many are waiting for our halting. Deliver us from idleness, both in our temporal and spiritual concerns. Let us not be slothful in business ; but fervent in spirit, serving the Lord. Deliver us from covetous- ness and a worldly mind. Incline our hearts to seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, trusting to thy faithful promise, that all other things shall be added unto us. Deliver us from a proud look and a haughty carriage. Thou knowest, O Lord, that we have nothing to be proud of. Make us humble, courteous, and kind, and in lowliness of mind may we esteem others better than ourselves. Deliver us from peevishness and fretfulness of spirit, from violent passion and anger, from secret sullenness and resentment, and from every other unbecoming and unchristian temper. O grant that we may be truly renewed in the spirit of our minds, that we may put on the new man with all the gifts and graces by which he is distinguished. May the fruits of the Spirit abound in us. Give us an increase of love, joy, and peace in believing. May we be strong in faith, giving glory to God; and may our hope be as an anchor of the soul, both sure and stead- fast. Grant that our outward walk and conduct may prove that we are true disciples of the Lord Jesus. Teach us to shew all long-suffering, gentleness, and goodness. Make us upright in our dealings with all men; sober and temperate in every enjoyment, kind and tender-hearted towards our fellow-creatures ; forgiving, as we hope for Christ’s sake to be forgiven of thee. Listen to our prayers for thy church and people. Let Zion arise, shake herself from the dust, put on her beautiful garments, and become a praise in the whole earth. Look down in mercy upon such as languish on beds of sickness, or are in any other kind of affliction. Relieve those that are destitute ; be the Father of the father- less, and the God of the widow. Sanctify the sorrows of mankind, and give them reason, in the issue, to bless thee for them. Hear us, Father of mercies, pardon our unworthiness, and send us an answer of peace, for Jesus Christ’s sake, our only Lord and Saviour. Amen. 138 NINTH CJnirstmj> gftmting, week: Luke, Chapter x, E XALTED Lord of heaven and earth ! it is our greatest honour and happiness to bow before thy throne. O teach us to approach thee with the reverence and love which thou requirest, and to which thou art for ever entitled. Thou art the only living and true God, the only fit object of religious worship and confidence. It is our sin that blinds us to the glory of thy character, and that hides from us the majesty of thy spotless purity. Take from our minds that veil of darkness which interposes between thee and us. Con- vince us that thou art a Spirit, and that those who worship thee must worship thee in spirit and in truth. Make us both sincere and reverential in thy worship. O enable us to take hold by faith of thy covenant of mercy and salvation, and to plead with thee thine own promises in Christ Jesus to the fallen and ruined sons of men. We adore thee that there is hope in Israel concerning us ; that a way of access to thy throne has been opened up through the blood of the cross'; that Jesus has gone as our Advocate within the veil; that prayer may now ascend to thee with acceptance, even from the guilty ; and that thou waitest to receive, with favour and pity, all that call upon thee in sincerity and truth. As another sun has shed his evening rays upon our world, we desire, at the close of the day, to meet in unity and love at the throne of the heavenly grace. May we feel that it is good for us thus to assemble for the purposes of prayer and holy consecration. We have many mercies to acknowledge, as a family ; and we desire to record them with unfeigned gratitude and love. We pray to feel that life and all its blessings have been forfeited; and, that it is by an exercise of Thine unbounded goodness and loving-kindness, that we are in such favourable and happy circumstances before Thee. Thou hast this day upheld and strengthened us in the path of duty. From evils which might have proved fatal to our life or happiness, Thou hast preserved us. Thou hast prospered and blessed the work of our hands. Thou has shielded us from disease and death ; and we are now permitted to surround the throne of thy love, and to praise the riches of thy sovereign mercy. We are humbled before Thee, that the day has been distinguished by so slender a sense of thy love, and by such feeble acknowledgments of our obligations to thee, the Giver of every good and perfect gift. Our thoughts have been too much occupied about earth, and too little about heaven. If we have been diligent in business, we have been too little fervent in spirit, serving the Lord. If we have laboured for the bread that perisheth, we have been too little concerned about that bread which endureth to everlasting life. If we have been willing and obedient at the call of fellow-creatures, we have been too little sub- missive to thy holy will, and too little observant of thy mind and purpose concerning us. O gracious Lord, enter not into strict judgment with us. Our only plea is thy mercy in Jesus the Son of thy love. Regard his perfect oblation for the sins of the people. Clothe us in the spotless robe of his righteousness. O quicken, renew, and sanctify us by his blessed Spirit. To Thee we surrender ourselves with cheerful gratitude this night. Be our God and our guide, even unto death, and our portion in the world of spirits. Let these our prayers come up before Thee with acceptance, through the Divine and glorious Mediator, to whom with Thyself, O Father, and the Holy Spirit, be all honour and glory both now and evermore. Amen. S 2 139 NINTH jfiitsae iBornmg* WEEK. Exodus, Chapter xvi. LORD, our heavenly Father, it becomes us to assemble, as a family, at the begin- ning of this day, and to present unto thee our morning sacrifice. We would prostrate ourselves before thee, and would adore thine infinite Majesty and goodness. Thy mercies are new every morning, they follow us through every day, and they meet and prevent us every evening. Through the whole of our earthly pilgrimage, thy goodness has thus attended us, supplying our wants, preserving our lives, and comforting our hearts. What, then, shall we render unto the Lord for all his benefits! Bless the Lord, O our souls, and all that is within us bless his holy name ; who forgiveth all our iniquities, who healeth all our diseases, who crowneth us with loving-kindness and tender mercies. Make us thankful, O Lord, for thy fatherly care through another night. While others have been tossing in anguish, we have reposed in ease and comfort; and while not a few have been called away into an eternal world, we are the living to praise thy name. We laid ourselves down and slept, we have arisen in safety; for thou, Lord, hast sustained us. To thee, O our Father in heaven, we are indebted for life, and breath, and all things; may we ever feel that in thee we live, and move, and have our being ; and may we ever act as those who are receiving all things in the character of forfeited mercies. We have entered on a new day, and know not what may be its temptations, its sorrows, its cares, its perplexities. Do thou, O God of our life, undertake for us. Strengthen every holy principle and purpose of our minds. Hold thou us up, and we shall be safe. Let no iniquity obtain dominion over us. Teach us the divine art of watching over our thoughts, as the springs and fountains of action. Give us an increased control over our easily- besetting sins. Strengthen us by thy might in the inner man, that we may overcome all evil, and that we may attain to a more settled conformity to thy holy will. We mourn the low state of our devotion before thee. We long to be more spiritually minded, which is life and peace. We pant for victory over the world. Send down thy Holy Spirit upon our dead and lifeless souls ; then shall we live to thee, and then shall the life of faith and holiness become the element of our being. As a family, we desire to be humbled for the slender degree in which heart-felt piety has obtained amongst us. How cold and languid have been our devotions, how formal often our approaches to the throne of thy grace. We have not prized, as we ought, the ordinance of family worship. We have regarded it too much as a matter of custom and habit, and too little as an actual prostration of soul and spirit before the Lord. We pray that we may be reproved and humbled by the remembrance of the past ; and that we may more diligently improve all our future opportunities. Help us to address ourselves with diligence to the all-important work of sanctification. May we be prepared to give up all for Christ; and may we be owned and accepted of Him, when he shall come the second time without sin unto salvation. Bless every member of this endeared circle. May our hearts be as the heart of one man, in our approach to thy throne. May we all look up to thee for a blessing, and may we each receive from thee the answer of our prayer. In the multitude of thy tender mercies, do thou regard the voice of our supplications, for the sake of our only Mediator and Saviour Jesus Christ Amen. 140 NINTH dFritrag a?benmg. Luke Chapter, xi. Verse 1 — 28. ■week. E TERNAL and ever-blessed God, who art from everlasting to everlasting, and who art the same yesterday, to-day, and for ever. We bless thee for that good providence which has watched over us during another day, and brought us in peace and safety to its close. Before we retire to rest, we desire to commend ourselves to thy gracious protection, body and soul, and to implore grace of thee to acknowledge with gratitude the innumerable benefits which we have received at thy hand. Let the blessings we have received inspire our gratitude, and call forth our liveliest praise. Bless the Lord, O our souls, and forget not all thy benefits. We mourn the tendency of our hearts to ingratitude; O fill us with holy love to thee, the fountain of our mercies. Through the all-prevalent merits of our adorable Redeemer, we draw near to the throne of thy mercy, and pray that, for His sake, we may be cleansed from the defilement which we have contracted in our intercourse with men, and our walk in life, this day. 0 most merciful Father, do thou blot out as a cloud our transgressions, and as a thick cloud our sins. O enter not into judgment with thy servants, for in thy sight shall no flesh living be justified. If we say we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us ; but if we confess our sins, thou art faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. May we prove thee in thy faithful promise, and may the guilt which lies upon each of our consciences be washed away in the peace- speaking blood of the atoning Lamb. O God of love and mercy, suffer us not to be contented with deliverance from the curse and from the punishment of sin ; but may we long to be rescued from its power and prevalence in the heart. O may the law of sin, which is in our members, be the burden and distress of our souls. Alas ! O Lord, when we would do good, we find that evil is present with us ; and that the evil that we would not, that we do. But let us not rest contented in this unhappy state. O may we have the testimony of conscience, that we long to be delivered from sin, and that we groan, being burdened, under its sad pressure. We would not only implore mercy to pardon, but grace to help in time of need. If another day should be added to our lives, grant us thy power, to enable us to crucify every sin. Send thy Holy Spirit into our hearts, that we may be sanctified by his influence, and set apart to the glory of our redeeming Lord. Bless us, O Lord, in our several stations. Bless those who rule in this family ; and bless those who serve. May we, in our respective callings, adorn the doctrine of God our Saviour in all things ; and, while we profess the name of Christian with our lips, suffer us not to contradict it in our lives by any habit or practice that is hateful in thy sight. Lord, we would be wholly thine. We yield ourselves submissively and gratefully into thy hands. Make us vessels meet for the Master’s service. Fill us with all the fruits of the Spirit. May he purify, illuminate, sanctify, and seal us, that we may perfect holiness in the fear of the Lord. And now, to the Father, to the Son, and to the Holy Ghost be ascribed all praise, majesty, and domi- nion, for ever. Amen. 141 NINTH ^aturimg iHanung week: Exodus, Chapter xvir. 0 THOU eternal Jehovah, the Creator of all the ends of the earth, who faintest not, neither art weary, be pleased, in the greatness of thy condescension and mercy, to regard the voice of our supplication this morning. Thou art the Father of our spirits, and the former of our bodies ; thou didst create us in thine own image ; and though we have destroyed ourselves, yet in thee is our help found. We must confess, with shame and contrition of spirit, that our nature is defiled ; that all the faculties of our souls are cor- rupted by sin ; that we are altogether as an unclean thing in thy sight ; that our iniquities, like the wind, have taken us away ; that we are alike without righteousness and strength. We would not justify, but would condemn ourselves. We deserve nothing at thy hands but the marks of thy displeasure. If we are saved, it must be through the abundance of thine unmerited mercy. Blessed be thy name, we are not left without hope, to perish in our apostacy. Thou hast provided deliverance for us through the blood of the cross. Thy thoughts, concerning us, have been thoughts of good and not of evil. Though our consciences have depicted thee as an avenger, and have filled us with forebodings of wrath, we adore thee that thou art the Lord, the Lord God, merciful and gracious, long- suffering, and abundant in goodness and truth, keeping mercy for thousands, forgiving iniquity, transgression, and sin, though by no means clearing the guilty. We bless thee for the plans of thy love and mercy in Christ Jesus; for the rich and gracious provisions of the everlasting covenant ; for a Mediator between thee and us ; for the perfection of Messiah’s sacrifice; and the prevalency of his intercession within the vail. We rejoice that justice is satisfied, that holiness is displayed, that the law is magnified, that mercy and truth are met together, and that righteousness and peace have kissed each other. On that sure foundation which thou hast laid in Zion, we would for ever build. May we never rest satisfied till we can say that Christ is ours, and that we are Christ’s. May our personal interest in Him be put beyond all reasonable doubt. May we take up the language of the ancient prophet for ourselves, — Surely he hath borne our griefs, and carried our sorrows ; the chastisement of our peace was upon Him, that by his stripes we might be healed. May we know that in the Lord Christ we have righteousness and strength ; that we are blessed in him with all spiritual blessings ; that we are justified by his blood, and saved by his life. While we glory in his cross, may we bow to his sceptre, and long to have the same mind in us which was also in him, knowing, that if any man have not the spirit of Christ, he is none of his. In all his offices may we adore and love Him. May we take him as our Prophet, Priest, and King. May his word and Spirit continually direct us in the path of duty. May our life be hid with Christ in God, that when He, who is our life, shall appear, we may also appear with him in glory. O keep us this day from all evil. Make straight before us the path of duty; shield us from temptation ; sustain us amidst the conflict and the sorrows of life. May our eye be single, that our whole body may be full of light. Put thy fear in our hearts, that we may never depart from thee ; forgive the sins of the past night ; accept our thanks for its manifold mercies ; and do more and better for us than we ask or think, for the Redeemer’s sake. Amen. 142 NINTH <£bnuncj. Luke, Chapter xi., Verse 29 — 54 . WEEK. 0 THOU that hearest prayer, unto thee shall all flesh come. Thou hast opened a way of access into the holiest of all by the blood of Christ, and it is both our duty and privilege to draw near to thee in thine own appointed way. Lord, pardon our sad neglect of this reasonable and delightful service. Pardon our backwardness in coming to a throne of grace, and our formality when engaged in the exercise of prayer. Oh, how often have we provoked the Lord by such services as he could not accept at our hands. We would not presume, this evening, to draw near to thee trusting to our own right- eousness, but would place our whole dependence on the merit and righteousness of the adored Surety. We rejoice that where even two or three meet together in his name, he is in the midst of them, and that to bless them. We plead his own gracious promise ; we rely on his all-sufficient grace. Thou only art the portion of our souls ; thou only canst satisfy the desires of them that put their trust in thee. O manifest thyself to our waiting minds. Satisfy us early with thy mercy ; and make us glad in thee all our days. By thy merciful providence, we are brought in safety to the close of another day. Through the whole of our past life, thy goodness and thy mercy have followed us. Unnumbered blessings have been heaped upon us ; deliverances great and manifold have been wrought on our behalf. O inspire us with gratitude, and teach us with love and thankfulness to sing thy praise. May the recollection that we are one day nearer eternity stir us up to serious reflection and fervent prayer. Lord, teach us to redeem the little span of existence which yet remains to us, and to number our days so as to apply our hearts unto wisdom. O quicken us in the pursuit of unseen and eternal things. Make us more lively and active in the discharge of every appointed duty. Forgetting the things which are behind, may we reach forth to those which are before, and press toward the mark of the prize of our high calling of God in Christ Jesus. May thy grace subdue every sinful temper, and cause the fruits of thy Spirit to appear and abound in our whole walk and conduct, that we may adorn the doctrine of God our Saviour in all things. Be thou, O Lord, our keeper and preserver this night; graciously give charge to thine angels of us, and all dear to us. Let them pitch their tents around our sleeping beds. And when we awake in the morning, may it be with fresh vigour to run the way of thy commandments without weariness, and to walk in the paths of holiness without fainting. Hear our prayers on behalf of our fellow-men, and our fellow-Christians. Let thy blessing be upon them, according to their several necessities. Remember the land in which thou hast cast our lot. Bless the Sovereign of these realms, and every branch of the Royal Family. Give wisdom and uprightness to the Privy Council, and to all the judges and magistrates of the land. Bless the poor and the needy; increase the number of thy true servants daily; let thy faithful ministers? of all denominations, have a double portion of thy Holy Spirit, and be greatly blessed in their labours. Remember the sick and afflicted, the aged and infirm, the widow and fatherless ; support and comfort them as their cases may require. Finally, bless and keep all our friends ; forgive our enemies ; and receive these our unworthy prayers, for the sake of Jesus, the only Mediator. Amen. 143 TKrmi , Manilas iHontutg. wk RK . Exodus, Chaffer xviii. G ETERNAL and Almighty God, we thine unworthy servants do, this morning of thy day, look up to the hills whence cometh our aid. We welcome, with lively emotion, the return of this sacred season ; and we pray to be in the Spirit on thy day. Thou hast established the holy rest of the Sabbath ; and we would honour it as thine own ordinance, appointed for our good. May every hour of it be consecrated, in private and in public, to the pursuits of piety and the duties of religion. We would think, with gratitude, of the blessings which in every age have attended its observance ; and we would call to remembrance the unspeakable benefits which we ourselves have derived from it. We thank thee that the Patriarchal, the Jewish, and the Christian Church have each been called to keep sacred a day unto the Lord; and we rejoice to know that thou hast met with all, under every dispensation, who have hallowed thine own gracious appointment. We humbly pray, O Lord, that we may be enabled this day to rest from all secular avocations ; and not only so, but to withdraw our very minds and hearts from the pursuits of this transitory life. May our conversation be in heaven, from whence we look for our risen Saviour; and may the thoughts of his glory, his grace, his kingdom, his truth, expand and animate all our hearts. In the closet may self-examination, fervent prayer, and the diligent reading of thy blessed word, delightfully obtain. May we guard against every feeling and every habit that might interfere with the personal sanctification of thy day. And in our family devotions may we aspire to unwonted measures of the spirit of prayer ; and may we with one heart and one voice glorify our God and Saviour. Let the hour of public worship be hailed by us with conscious delight, and let us go up to the house of the Lord with more ardour of mind than ever dwelt in the bosoms of the ancient Israelites, when they approached the sacred symbols of thy presence in the tabernacle and temple in days of old. We pray especially that our spirits may be prepared to receive with meekness the engrafted word which is able to save our souls. May we regard the ministry and the worship of thy house as stamped with thine own authority. O that thy servant who breaks to us the bread of life may be clothed with thine own power this day, that his message may be health and salvation to our souls. Help him to speak a word in season to weary and heavy-laden sinners, and to warn men of their danger, whether they will hear or forbear. Deliver us from all hardness of heart, and contempt of thy holy word. O take from us all unbelief, all indifference to thy truth, all coldness in thy service ; and quicken us by thy Holy Spirit. Hasten the glory of thy kingdom, and the full ingathering of thy church. May thy word have free course in every land, and may the great and expected jubilee of the church speedily dawn. O Lord, hasten the downfall of satan’s empire, and the universal triumph of truth, and righteousness, and peace. O impart to us a calm and holy frame of mind, that we may wait before thee without distraction, and that thy word may fall as in a prepared soil. These inestimable blessings we ask in the name of our risen and exalted Lord ; and ascribe to the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, one God, the kingdom, power, and glory. Amen. 144 TENTH ^uittraK <£bnring. Luke, Chapter xii. Verse 1 — 30. WEEK. M OST gracious and blessed Lord, who hast added to all our other mercies the pri- vileges of another Sabbath, do thou now meet with us, in compassion, at the foot- stool of thy throne, and vouchsafe to us that grace by which we may be enabled to enter into holy communion with thee. We have been privileged this day to hear the full and free announcement of salvation by the blood of Christ, and we earnestly pray that our family devotions may tend to give effect to the messages of thy love which have been addressed to us. We are deeply sensible how prone we are to lose the best impressions, to suffer the things which we have heard to escape from our deceitful memories, and to fail in bringing forth any fruit to perfection. May we therefore give the more earnest heed to the messages of thy grace, and may the powerful influence of thy quickening Spirit descend, to confirm every holy purpose of the soul. As life and death, blessing and cursing, have been set before us, O do thou strengthen us to reject the evil, and to choose the good; and wherever conscience leads the way, may we be disposed cheerfully to follow and obey. If we have seen the evil of any of our ways, may we be enabled promptly to forsake them ; and if any purpose of good has sprung up within us, may we, without delay, hasten to its accomplishment. O let not the enemy of our souls be suffered to pluck up the good seed of the kingdom ; but may all his dark and cruel designs be frus- trated, and may our desire of living to thee evince itself in all the forms of an active and devoted piety. We pray, O Lord, that thou wouldest soften and subdue our hard and stony hearts, and give us hearts of flesh. O suffer not the cares of life, as so many weeds, to choke the growth of thy word within us. We are humbled before thee for the slender progress we have made in the divine life, amidst innumerable means of spiritual culture. Lord, lay not this great sin of unfruitfulness to our charge, but quicken us to greater diligence in the future, that we may make our calling and our election sure. Vfliile we would abase ourselves before thee for the misimprovement of past mercies, we would he thankful for any benefit we have derived from the ordinances of thy day. We bless thee for every ray of holy light which has fallen on our path ; for every feeling of contrition which has been awakened in our bosoms ; for every perception we have had of the glory and grace of Christ; for every discovery of the vanity of the world as the resting-place of the soul. May we more and more perceive that we are strangers and pilgrims in the earth ; that this world is not our rest; that the ordinances of the sanctuary should he as foretastes of heaven ; and that if we would have a good conscience towards God, we must not attempt to serve two masters, but must give ourselves without reserve to the honour and service of Him who loved us even to the death. Help us to take up our cross, and to follow Christ May we rejoice to know, that if we suffer with Him, we shall also reign with Him. But, O let us not forget, that if we deny Him, He will also deny and reject us before His Father, and before the angels of God. Deign, O Thou Hearer of prayer, to regard these our earnest supplications, and to grant us answers of peace, for the sake of Him who gave himself a ransom for our sins, and to whom, with thyself, and the Holy Ghost, he glory everlasting. Amen. 145 T TEXTH iHontiag iBonttng. Exodus, Ciiah'er xix. WEEK. H OLY, holy, holy Lord God Almighty, impress our minds with the solemn convic- tion that thou art a Spirit, and that of all who approach thee thou requirest spiritual worship. May entire singleness of heart mark our devotions this morning, while, through the mediation of our only Saviour, we draw near to thy mercy-seat. With that glorious work which Jesus has accomplished, thou art ever well-pleased; and for His sake thou art ready to pardon, accept, and justify every returning sinner. Be not strict, O Lord, to mark iniquity against us ; for we cannot stand before thee, if thou art angry. In thy sight we have become chargeable with guilt ; yea, our sins are more in number than the hairs of our head, so that we are unable to look up with confidence to thy throne. With thee, O Lord, there is forgiveness for the chief of sinners. Thou hast opened a fountain for sin and uncleanness. Thou hast made the exercise of mercy to the guilty consistent with the claims of thy law and justice. Pardon, O Lord, our iniquity ; purge us, and we shall be clean ; wash us, and we shall be whiter than the snow. O hide thy face from our sins, and blot out all our iniquities. Remember us with the love . which thou bearest unto thy chosen, and visit us with the blessings of thy great salvation. May we taste and feel the happiness of the people who know the joyful sound ; and may we know continually what it is to walk in the light of thy countenance. In the multitude of thy tender mercies, O God, thou hast spared us during the dark- ness and silence of the past night. We would express our gratitude for daily and hourly mercies ; and would not be guilty of forgetting thy favours because they are common. Grant us, 0 Lord, thy gracious presence through the day upon which we have entered. Without thy presence the brightest hour of life will be dark and gloomy ; and with it, the dreariest season of our earthly pilgrimage will be cheered with the light of life. What is life without thy blessing ? If thou art not with us, we shall walk amidst shadows, and disquiet ourselves in vain ; but if thou art with us, our peace will be as a river, and our righteousness as the waves of the sea. Give us grace to discharge with fidelity the several duties of this day ; so that we may in all things acquit ourselves as the disciples of Christ, and the servants of the Most High God. Deliver us from idleness and trifling, that we may not give the tempter an advantage over us, nor disgrace the cause which it is our duty to honour and sustain. Whatsoever our hands find to do, may we do it with our might, since there is no work, nor device, nor knowledge, in the grave whither we all are hastening. Save us from un- due attachment to any earthly object or pursuit, and teach us so to use this world as not abusing it, seeing that the fashion thereof passeth away, and that in a little time the place that now knows us shall know us no more for ever. Bless us as a family ; regard our several states and conditions ; implant thy fear in each of our hearts ; write thy law in our minds ; he thou our God and our portion, and make us all the children of thy love in Christ Jesus. Regard our dear friends and connexions; and all others whom we ought to remember at the throne of thy grace. Grant unto them all, for Jesus’ sake, every needful and promised blessing. Lord, hear, forgive, and accept us for Christ’s sake. Amen. ]46 TENTH JHontiag <£benfttg. WEEK. Luke, Chapter xii. Verse 31 — 59. O LORD God of our salvation, day and night we will cry unto thee. Let our prayer come up before thee with acceptance, and incline thine ear to the voice of our supplication. We are not worthy to pronounce thy great and dreadful name, or to look to the place where thine honour dwelleth. But thou, Lord, art good, and ready to forgive, and great in mercy to all that call upon thee in the name of thy beloved Son. It is in his name only that we dare to approach thee ; his merits we would plead ; his righteousness we would regard as the hope and refuge of our guilty spirits. Look not then upon us in thine anger, though we justly deserve it; but turn unto us, and have mercy upon us. O comfort and animate the souls of thy servants, for unto thee only do we look. Who is a God like unto thee, that pardonest iniquity, and passest by the transgression of the remnant of thy heritage, that retainest not thine anger for ever, because thou delightest in mercy? We are deeply sensible that we have rebelled against thee, and therefore justly deserve to experience thy displeasure ; but O let not thine anger burn against us for ever ; but, for the sake of our Divine Surety, do thou turn in mercy to us, that thy people may rejoice in thee. What cause of gratitude have we, O Lord, for what thou hast done for us, and art still continuing to do. It is thy power that protects us, thy bounty that feeds us, thy goodness that supplies us with every blessing that tends to make life a source of enjoy- ment For thy unnumbered mercies, we desire to adore thee ; and more especially for the gift of thy love, in the redemption of the world by our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. O that salvation may be the theme of our wonder and gratitude, not only in time, but throughout an endless eternity. Accept our grateful thanksgivings for the blessings of this day; for life and health, for food and raiment, for every comfort and enjoyment of exist- ence. Mercifully forgive what thy pure eyes have seen amiss in us, in the duties and engagements of the day. In many things we have offended against thy holy Majesty. Our consciences tell us of many short-comings ; and Thou that searchest the heart must have discovered much, which, from our ignorance, or the deceitfulness of our hearts, has been concealed from us. In retiring to rest, we would repose on Thine almighty protection, and would confide in Thy gracious providence. Shield us from the alarm of fire, from the sons of violence and plunder, from the approach of evil spirits, from sudden and threatening disease, and from every other evil incident to night-season. Let our sleep be refreshing, and, if we are spared till the dawning of the approaching day, may we rise from our beds to praise thy name, and to devote ourselves to thy service. Hear our prayers for all men. Extend thy compassions far and wide. Spread thy gospel to earth’s remotest bounds, till all the king- doms of this world shall become the kingdoms of our Lord and of his Christ. Regard all faithful ministers, and bless and prosper their labours to convert sinners, and to build up the church of the living God. Let thy blessing rest on the sick and afflicted ; sanctify, and in due time remove, their trials. These, and all other blessings, for them, for us, and all mankind, we humbly beg in the name and mediation of Jesus Christ, our Strength and Redeemer. Amen. 147 T 2 TENTH Cuegtrag JHontmg. 'week: Exodus, Chapter xx. 0 MOST merciful God and Father, who hast promised that wherever two or three are gathered together in thy name, thou wilt be in the midst of them, grant unto us that we may prove the truth and consolation of this sweet and blessed promise, and that we may know that God is with us, to hear our prayers, to comfort our hearts, and to pardon our sins. We are come to worship thee in the name of thy dear Son, may we realize immediate access into thy presence, and feel that our fellowship is with the Father, and with his Son Jesus Christ. Thou hast added another night to our existence, and we are the living to praise thy name. O God, thou art our God, early will we seek thee ; our voice shalt thou hear in the morning, O Lord ; in the morning will we direct our prayer unto thee, and will look up. We trust that the desire of our hearts is to follow thee fully. But without thee we can do nothing. We are surrounded by temptations, and our own evil hearts are our deadliest foes. We implore thee to have mercy on us, and to send down upon us the influence of thy Holy Spirit, to confirm us in the love and practice of all godliness. We are greatly hindered in spiritual exercises by the depravity of our fallen natures; and we earnestly pray that thou wouldest so quicken and uphold us by thy grace, that we may run the Christian race with ardour and success, and that every step we advance may be con- nected with holy triumph and joy. O most blessed Redeemer, who knowest what sore temptations mean, do thou pity and succour us in the path of duty, that whatever difficulties we may have to encounter, they may not be suffered to draw us aside from our integrity ; but that we may be preserved upright and blameless unto the coming of the great and awful day. Leave us not to our- selves this day ; but may Omnipotence be our defence. Fill us with such desire to promote thy glory, as shall enable us to bear any reproach or contempt which may be connected with following thee fully. Enable us to count all things but loss for Christ; and grant that our great aim in life may be to glorify thee. While multitudes are careful and troubled about many things, may we feel that one thing is needful ; and may we choose that good part which cannot be taken from us. Inspire us this day with a watchful spirit. May we guard our thoughts, our words, and our actions. Put away from us all evil-speaking, falsehood, and slander ; and deliver us from folly, levity, and unholy mirth. Grant unto us a spiritual mind, a heart weaned from the world, and raised to the love and enjoyment of spiritual things. Help us to seize on every opportunity of doing good to our fellow- creatures. May the ignorant, the needy, the afflicted, share in our sympathy. In our lawful callings, enable us to exhibit the power and influence of true religion. Help us to regulate our desires, to subdue our evil propensities, and to rule our hearts in thy fear and love. And now, gracious God, we pray that thou wouldest be with us in all the scenes and duties of this day. May we undertake nothing that is not lawful. May we never cease to aim at thy glory. May the thought of thy presence be a preservative against sin, and a stimulus to every holy and upright course. Grant to us the light of thy countenance, and then all will be peace and happiness. And to God the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost, be all honour and glory, for ever and ever. Amen. 148 TENTH Cueg&ag (£bntutg. > WEEK. Luke, Chapter xiii. B LESSED God, may we regard thee as unspeakably happy in thyself, and as the Source of happiness to all thy creatures. Whom have we in heaven but thee ? and let there be none upon earth that we desire beside thee. O let no creature have thy place in the affections of our hearts ; but may we love thee above all, and make thy glory the chief end of our existence. We acknowledge, O Lord, that, by our fall, our minds have been alienated from thee the Fountain of purity. We have departed from thee, the Rock of ages, and have sought our happiness in a vain and deceitful world. For ever blessed he thy name for the glorious means of our recovery by Christ Jesus, for the means of grace, and for the hope of glory. We will arise, and go to the Father; we will say, Father, we have sinned against heaven, and in thy sight, and we are no more worthy to be called thy children. But do thou stretch forth the arm of thy might, to save us. Thou hast provided a ransom for our sins ; thou hast said concerning us, Deliver from going down to the pit ; O may we feel the virtue of atoning blood, and have peace with thee through our Lord Jesus Christ. We meet this evening at the mercy-seat, to acknowledge and adore that providence which has watched over us during another day. The eyes of all thy creatures wait on thee, and thou givest them their meat in due season; thou openest thine hand, and satisfiest the desire of every living thing. We acknowledge thy bounteous and gracious care of us, as our Creator, our Preserver, and our Benefactor. Thou hast given us all things richly to enjoy; and though we have often been unmindful of thee, yet thou hast never forgotten us. We bless thee, in particular, for our spiritual mercies, for the care thou hast taken of our souls, for the provisions of thy love in Christ Jesus, for the means of grace, and for the hope of glory. We adore thee that the method of salvation is so simple and effica- cious — that he that believeth shall be saved; and that whosoever cometh to Christ, he will in no wise cast out. May we obey thy call to repentance and faith. Suffer us not to perish in the midst of plenty. O let us not fall from the threshold of mercy to the gulf of perdition. Let not the conduct of others tempt us to delay our surrender to the Saviour of sinners. Never let us follow a multitude to do evil. May our need of Christ induce us to apply to him without delay. May we never expect peace till we are washed in the fountain of his blood. O let us not be ashamed of his cross, nor afraid to confess him before men. May we rejoice, if we are at any time counted worthy to suffer shame for his sake ; but let none of us suffer for our own rashness, imprudence, and incautious walk. If we have been with Jesus, may it be seen in our meekness, temperance, deadness to the world, and zeal for the glory of God. Let the power of religion reign within ; let faith obtain the victory over sin, Satan, and the world. O sanctify and save every member of this family ; let young and old be thine, in the bonds of the everlasting covenant. Into thy hands we commend our spirits. Let omnipotence be our shield and defence this night. Pardon our iniquity, for it is great ; and grant us peace of conscience, and joy in the Holy Ghost, for the sake of our only Mediator and Redeemer, Jesus Christ. Amen. 1 49 TENTH WEEK. Exodus xxi. E VER-blessed Lord, who requirest sincerity and truth in all who draw near to thy throne, grant unto us the quickening and powerful influence of thy Spirit, that we may present to thee that undivided homage which thou demandest, and that we may offer acceptable service to thee, through Jesus Christ, the great High Priest of our profession. Thou art our Father and our God, infinitely exalted above all blessing and praise, and worthy to be feared and to be had in reverence by all thy intelligent creatures. Thou art entitled to our best and noblest affections ; O may they centre in thee, the chief good, and find their rest and their dwelling-place in the God of our salvation. We rejoice that we are privileged to address Thee, and that we are invited to put our confidence under the shadow of thy wings. We bless thee that the throne on which thou sittest is a throne of grace ; that thou hast infinite treasures of spiritual blessings at thy command; that thou art more willing to dispense these treasures, than we are to ask them ; that we have an Advocate at thy right hand, who is clothed in our nature, and who has shed his blood for the remission of our sins. O may we draw near to thee, then, in full assurance of faith ; believing that thou wilt hear our prayers, and grant us the desires of our hearts. While thou art saying, Seek ye my face — let our hearts respond, Thy face, Lord, will we seek. Suffer not our prayers to degenerate into an empty and lifeless form ; but may they partake the character of lively and animated devotion. May we wrestle with God, and may we obtain the blessing. Remove every cloud of ignorance or sin, which would interpose between thee and us. O let the light of thy Spirit shine into our hearts. Beholding thy glory, may we feel towards thee, as we have never felt towards any creature ; and be brought to acknowledge that there is none in heaven or on earth to be compared with the Lord. Nor would we pray for ourselves alone ; but would regard it as our happiness that we are permitted to intercede for our fellow-creatures. We would bear on our hearts the condition of a world that lieth in wickedness, — of multitudes of immortal and rational beings like ourselves, who are living as if there were no God, and who are strangers to the hopes and consolations of the gospel of Christ. O look in infinite compassion upon the dark places of the earth, which are full of the habitations of cruelty. Command the light to shine out of darkness. May thy word and thy Spirit every where dispel the gloom that sin has spread over the minds of men ; and may the light and glory of thy truth every where be displayed. To thy fatherly regard we earnestly commend all who are united to us in the ties of nature and affection. O let none of them remain estranged from thee ; let none of them rank with thine enemies at last. Unite them by faith to thy Son. Make them partakers of the regenerating influence of thy Spirit. Help us to aim at their good. May we be useful in turning them all from darkness to light, and from the power of Satan unto God ; and may they, in return, become the means of strengthening our faith, and confirming our hope and love. O hear these our feeble prayers, and let thy blessing be upon us this day. And all that we ask is in the name of Jesus Christ, to whom, with thee and the Holy Spirit, be all honour and glory, world without end. Amen. 150 TENTH TOetmeiftrag aiming. WEEK. Luke, Chapter xiv. A LMIGHTY God, the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of all mercies, and the God of all grace, we unite to render thee praise for thine unspeakable Gift, and to entreat that, with this greatest and best of gifts, thou wouldest bestow upon us all things necessary to life and godliness. Look with tender pity, we pray thee, upon thy unworthy servants, who would now desire to draw near unto thy throne, and to present their evening sacrifice of prayer and praise. O Lord, we could not have come before thee, if thou hadst not assured us of thy willingness to receive us. Thou art a God of spotless holiness, and we are sinful creatures. But while we were yet without strength, Christ died for the ungodly. Blessed be thy name, He, our Surety, died, the just for the unjust, that He might bring us unto God. Such, however, is the pride and unbelief of our hearts, that we should never have drawn near to thee, even as a reconciled God, if thou hadst not overcome, by thy grace, the opposition and rebellion of our wills. O breathe, still more and more, into our souls, the living and quickening energy of thy Spirit, that we may die unto sin, and that we may live unto holiness. We want not merely to know thy truth, but to be made free by it from the love and practice of all sin. To will is present with us, but how to perform that which is good we know not. O impart to us the gift and power of thy Spirit, that sin may be condemned in us, that holiness may triumph in us, that Christ may be revealed in us, that we may have the inward and blessed witness that we are thy children. We confess that we are but babes in knowledge, and in spiritual character. We long to grow in grace, and in the knowledge of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. O deliver us from that sloth and indolence which have marked our past conduct. Rescue us from all habits of carnal indulgence, from the pampering of the flesh, from the love of ease, from all those unholy tendencies which grieve thy Spirit, and weaken the power of godliness in our hearts. Never let us forget that we are in an enemy’s country, and that we should endure hardness as good soldiers of Jesus Christ. Aid us by thy grace in practising self-denial. May we keep our bodies under, and bring them into subjection, lest, after having professed thy truth, we should be castaways. May we strictly obey the dictates of conscience ; may we yield to thy voice, at whatever hazard of property, com- fort, and even life itself O subdue the evil tempers of our hearts ; let not anger, malice, revenge, or uncharitableness, appear in us, but may we be followers, in all things, of the meek and lowly Saviour. O teach us the unspeakable value of time, that we may never waste that for which dying men would give worlds. May we give diligence to make our calling and election sure ; that so an abundant entrance may be ministered unto us into thine everlasting kingdom and glory, through Christ Jesus. Again, O Lord, we look for thy gracious protection through another night Make us thankful that we are not exposed to the sufferings which many endure from cold and nakedness. Who are we, that we should be protected, while others perish through want ? O give us hearts to feel for the miseries of others, and to deny ourselves, that we may contribute to their relief, Hear and answer our prayers, O Lord, for the sake of Jesus Christ Amen. 151 TENTH Cfiurstmir iilornms, Exodus, Chapter xxii. WEEK. A DORED Majesty, thou humblest thyself to receive the adorations of angels and glorified saints ; but, oh, how wondrous is that condescension which inclines thee to listen to the cry of penitence from thy footstool. Thou art ready, for the sake of the adored Mediator, to welcome sinners into thy presence, and to bestow upon them the choicest blessings of thy love. With full confidence in thy mercy as the God of grace, we draw near to thee this morning, and would offer to thee the sacrifices of a broken and contrite heart, which thou, O God, wilt not despise. We bless thee for the protection and comfort of the past night ; we lay down in peace, and we awoke in safety. When we reflect on the condition of thousands — their pain, their sorrows, their destitution, the manifold evils of their lot — we are constrained to adore thee for the goodness and mercy which thou hast caused to pass before us. O how many have been in want and wretchedness, while we have been in ease and comfort ; — how many have been stretched on beds of anguish, while we have been blessed with refreshing sleep ; — how many have slept the sleep of death, while we are still in the land of hope and mercy, and are permitted to draw near to the throne of grace, to supplicate afresh the blessings of tby love. Some there are now lifting up their eyes in torment, who bid fairer for life than ourselves when they retired to rest on the past night ; but to us the door of mercy is still open, Jesus is still waiting to be gracious, free pardon is still offered to us through the blood of His cross. O may this be a day accepted, and a day of salvation to our souls. Awaken lively gratitude in our hearts for thy sparing mercy, and for all the comforts and blessings of our lot. Let all that is within us bless and magnify thy holy name. Had death seized us during the past night, what might have been the lot of some of us ! Were we prepared — are we now prepared — to give in our account? O search us, and try us, and see if there be any wicked way in us, and lead us in the way everlasting. If any in this family circle are in a state of rebellion against thee, O bring them to repentance and the acknowledgment of the truth. Let them not trifle with the offers of thy mercy, let them not halt between two opinions ; let them not live another day regardless of eternal interests ; let them not put off the great concerns of salvation to a future and more convenient period, which may never arrive. Convince them that thou art now willing to receive them ; that the only obstacle in the way of their salvation is their own unbelief. Pour thy Holy Spirit from on high upon us all. O our God, we want to be more holy ; we want to give up sin, to forsake the \yorld, to leave the society of those who would tempt us to evil ; but without thy quickening power, we shall attempt all this in vain. We know not how soon we may be called to stand before the judgment-seat of Christ. Our stewardship may be near a close. O arouse us from sloth and indolence. Let conscience speak within us ; let the warnings of thy word be heard and obeyed. Let us flee from the wrath to come. Keep us each day, each hour, in a state of sleepless watch- fulness; and so let us live in thy presence, that we may rejoice at the prospect of thine appearing. All our prayers and praises are presented unto thee, O Lord, in the name of Him through whom alone thou canst accept us, even Jesus Christ, Amen. 152 TENTH €1nir£trag «£benmg, Luke, Chapter xv. WEEK. 0 THOU who art glorious in holiness, and of purer eyes than to behold iniquity, we prostrate ourselves before thy Majesty with deepest reverence and humility. We are not worthy to come before the Lord, or to take his thrice holy name into our polluted lips. Thou mightest, in strict justice, spurn us from thy throne, and cast us for ever into scenes of darkness and wo. But, though guilty in ourselves, we rejoice that there is One who appears before thee, the Advocate of sinners. To Him we look, and on his perfect oblation we rely. May we be accepted in the Beloved, and clothed for ever in the spotless robe of his righteousness. Our sins are a burden too heavy for us to bear ; but we look to Him who died upon the cross, and who bore our sins in his own body upon the tree. We have no righteousness of our own ; but we place our whole trust in Him who is the Lord our righteousness. We deserve thy wrath and displeasure ; but we commit our never- dying souls to Him who bore our griefs and carried our sorrows, who was wounded for our transgressions, who was bruised for our iniquities, upon whom the chastisement of our peace was laid, and by whose stripes we are healed. May Christ crucified be all our salvation and all our desire. But while we look to Jesus for deliverance from the wrath to come, and for acceptance with thee our offended God and Father, we would never forget, that in his sufferings and death we have the most awful demonstration of the evil of sin the universe has ever beheld. In our joy in believing the glad tidings of salvation, may we never lose sight of that humi- lity and self-abasement which the sight of a suffering Saviour is fitted to inspire. How unspeakable must have been the turpitude of sin, when nothing could expiate it but the precious blood of Him who was in the bosom of thy love from everlasting. O let not our faith degenerate into presumption, nor our hope of pardon into a feeling of indifference as to the folly, ingratitude, and moral evil of sin. As much has been forgiven us, may we love much. Remembering the price which has been paid for our redemption, may we cherish a godly fear lest we should be again entangled by the yoke of bondage. Looking on Him, whom by our sins we have pierced, may we mourn and be in bitterness, as one that mourneth the loss of an only son. May we see sin as evil in itself, apart from all its consequences. May we regard it as hateful to our Benefactor and our Redeemer , as crucifying the Lord of glory afresh; as doing despite to the Spirit of grace; as the degra- dation of our moral and spiritual nature ; and as inconsistent with habitual communion with the God of holiness and love. Most merciful Father, take all of us under thy gracious protection and care this night. Look in mercy on each member of the family. May we all be born again. Unite us all in Christ Jesus, as one household and one family. Bless all the family of the redeemed scattered through various parts of the globe. Increase the number of those who fear thee, who hope in thy mercy, and who call on thy name. May they be united in the bonds of a common faith and love ; and may they forget their minor distinctions in the recognition of common and grand principles. May thy kingdom come ; may thy will be done in earth, as it is done in heaven. And all that we ask is for Christ’s sake ; to whom, with the Father, and the Holy Spirit, be glory everlasting. Amen. 153 u TENTH dfrftiag iHontmg. Exodus, Chapter xxiii. week. O GOD of the morning, we bless thee for the light of day ; we especially bless thee for the light of thy word, and for the bright and cheering beams of the Sun of righteous- ness. We thank thee that the silence of night has not been disturbed by any of those disastrous events which might have overtaken us, and which have actually befallen thousands. In peace and comfort we meet around the throne of thy grace, to offer praise to thee for all thy mercies, and to consecrate ourselves afresh to thy holy and blessed service. We would begin this day with thee, conscious that without thee we can do nothing, and that without thy blessing life can yield us neither security nor enjoyment. We are impelled by our necessities to draw near unto thee. Our life, our comforts, our supplies, of whatever kind, are with thee. Our dependence on thee is absolute, both for existence and all its blessings ; O may our reliance on thy fatherly benignity be such as becomes the children of thy love, and the partakers of thy grace. Help us to express, with hearts overflowing with love, our sense of thine unmerited benignity. What shall w'e render unto the Lord for all his mercies ? They are new every morning, they are repeated every evening — great is thy faithfulness. We adore thee for a continuance of reason, of health, of domestic comfort, of friendship, and of manifold other blessings. We pray for grace to receive them thankfully, and to use them to the glory of thy name. May we learn to prize spiritual mercies above all others ; and, as the soul is of more value than the body, we pray that it may have that additional care and culture which it demands. O Lord God of our life, we beseech thee this day to prosper us by thy blessing. Be near to us in the hour of danger. Let not any sin have dominion over us. O let not temptation overwhelm us. Let not the afflictions of life unduly depress us. Let not Satan triumph over us. Be thou, O Lord, at our right hand, then shall we not be moved. May a sense of redeeming love dwell upon our spirits, to restrain us from evil, and to prompt us to every holy and consistent act. Thou knowest where we dwell, and thou canst guard us from the evils of our particular lot. May we neither be entangled by the sin of others, nor by the depravity of our own hearts ; but may the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be sufficient for us, and may his strength be made perfect in our weakness. We pray that this whole household may be set apart to thy glory. Renew every heart by thy grace, and cause every member of the family to feel the joys of spiritual worship. May the heads of the family feel their responsibility, and walk before their house in a holy, loving, and consistent manner. May those who serve do it with singleness of heart, as unto the Lord. And may the young fear the Lord God of their fathers, and taste the sweet consolations of religion in the morning of their being. May our dear relations be all united to the Saviour of sinners. -May our friends be one with ns in Christ Jesus. May the world be blessed with the light of salvation. May the church shine forth in the beauty of holiness. May the glory of the Lord be revealed, and may all flesh see it together. These blessings we ask in the all-prevailing name of Jesus, the great High-priest of our pro- fession ; and to the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost be glory everlasting. Amen. 164 TENTH dfrtoK (Anting, Luke, Chatter xvi. WEEK. O UR soiils wait for the Lord; He is our help and our shield. Let thy mercy, O Lord, be upon us, according as we hope in thee. O let us magnify the Lord, and let us exalt his name together. We rejoice that the angel of the Lord encampeth round about them that fear Him, and delivereth them. We have proved thy tender and watchful care, in the blessings of another day : and we hasten to the footstool of thy throne, to record our sense of thy goodness and mercy as displayed towards us. We would call to remem- brance, at the close of this day, that the evening of life is fast approaching. O let not the darkness of eternal night overtake us ; but by a timely regard to our immortal interests, we pray that we may be prepared for rendering our account to the Judge of quick and dead. O let not death surprise us in the midst of our sins ; but may it find us waiting and watching for our Lord’s coming. With sin pardoned, and hearts renewed, may we, without fear and without presumption, await the appearance of Him who giveth victory to all his humble followers. Blessed God, we rejoice that thine eyes are upon the righteous, and that thine ears are open to their cry. O may our prayers come up before thee with acceptance, per- fumed with the much incense of the Redeemer’s sacrifice. We confess with deep peni- tence our innumerable offences against thy Majesty. We are chargeable with sins of omission and of commission ; we have to mourn the rebellion and corruption of our nature, and we have to confess with penitence the sin of our life. We have neglected and abused the choicest advantages, and have remained unfruitful amidst the fairest opportunities. O Lord, deal not with us after our sins, nor reward us according to our iniquities. In the midst of deserved wrath, do thou remember mercy. Impart to us thy Holy Spirit, that our natures may be sanctified, and that obedience to thy holy will may become the element and the delight of our souls. May sin be the object of our detestation, and may holiness to the Lord mark our entire conduct. As we are about to retire to rest, may we review with gratitude thy mercies, and with penitence our sins. Thou hast been very gracious, notwithstanding our ingratitude, and forgetfulness of thee. O may a sense of the goodness of our God lead us to repentance. Wash us, and we shall be clean ; purge us, and we shall be whiter than the snow. Create in us a clean heart, O God ; renew within us a right spirit ; and take not thy Holy Spirit from us. Apply to our consciences the healing virtue of a Saviour’s blood. May the sense of guilt be removed, and may the peace of God take possession of our hearts. May the consciousness of forgiving mercy prompt us to forgive every one who has offended against us. May all who mingle in our fellowship, feel the benefit of our example, and prove that we have been with Jesus. O let this whole circle be dear to thee. May the blessings of the new covenant be their everlasting portion. May they be justified and sanctified in the name of the Lord Jesus, and by the Spirit of our God. Into thy gracious hands, O Lord, we commend our spirits. Be our God and our guide even unto death, and our portion for evermore, for Christ, the Redeemer’s sake. Amen. 155 u 2 TENTH ,#>aturtrag iHantutg* WEEK. Exodus, Chapter xxiv. 0 THOU who art the King of kings, and the Lord of lords, deign to look down from the seat of thy Majesty upon us, feeble worms of the dust. Thou humblest thyself to listen to the cry of the poor and needy ; thou receivest the humble adorations and praises of thy servants upon earth. Behold us prostrate at thy footstool this morning, in the name of thy beloved Son. We come to mourn, and humbly to confess our sin. We come to ask thy benediction. We come to celebrate thy praise. Our hope is in thee. Thou hast the words of eternal life. Thou art the God of our salvation. Thou hast given thy Son to die for us. We look to our High Priest, while we lift up our eyes to thy throne, and while we contemplate the purity and justice of thy nature. We have no refuge but the Cross — no hiding-place but the atonement of our blessed Surety. May we count all things but loss for the excellency of the knowledge of Christ Jesus our Lord. Our own righteousness is utterly defective, and we desire for ever to renounce it. By faith may we lay hold of the work and sufferings of Him who laid down his life for the guilty. We bless thee that His vicarious sacrifice is all-sufficient to meet the claims of thy government, and to answer the demands of conscience. Adored be thy name, thou hast accepted His oblation; thou hast raised Him from the dead; thou hast exalted Him to the right hand of power ; thou hast promised for His sake to pardon and accept every returning prodigal. O teach us, gracious God, to value the privilege of access to thee, through the glorious Mediator. May we individually be taught how to pray, and what to pray for. May a sense of need and exposure to evil draw us to the throne of thy grace. Let not one member of this family remain in a prayerless condition before thee. Grant that our union at the family altar may be the result of an individual prostration of mind before thee, and of an individual conviction of the benefits to be derived from prayer. Lord, send down into each of our hearts the blessed influence of thy Spirit. Sanctify us by thy word ; thy word is truth. May we taste and see that the Lord is gracious, in pardoning our sins, in comforting our hearts, and in sanctifying our characters. Upon the various engagements of this day, secular and spiritual, we implore thy gracious smile. Without thy blessing there can be no prosperity, no peace, no happi- ness. We are unable to regulate any of our affairs without thy counsel and guidance. We are prone to err, even when we desire to pursue the right path. Grant us divine teaching, and divine influence. Purify our motives ; make us single-hearted in all our pursuits. May sincerity of character mark our entire intercourses in life. May the thought that thine all-seeing eye is upon us, make sin hateful, and stimulate us to every holy and consistent action. On thy care we cast ourselves in all the scenes and duties of this day. Be near to us, as our defender and our guide. Put thy fear into our hearts, that we may not depart from thee. Guard us against all the devices of our spiritual enemies. And now to God the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost, be all honour and glory, both now and for evermore. Amen. 15G TENTH ,#attu:trag <£bmtn& WEEK. Luke, Chapter xvii. 0 THOU that dwellest in the highest heavens, in whose presence angels veil their faces with their wings, in whose sight even the heavens are not clean, condescend to look down upon us feeble and sinful mortals, and to listen to the prayers that we now make before thee. We draw near to thee with holy awe ; we would smite upon our breast, saying, God be merciful unto us, sinners. Our sins are innumerable, and they are highly aggravated. They are a burden too heavy for us to bear. And yet, Lord, we adore thee, that thou hast not shut out our appeal — thou hast not spurned us from thy presence — thou art yet waiting to be gracious. May we draw near to thee as thy prodigal, but reclaimed children. May we pour out the prayer of faith and penitence before thee. May we lay hold of thy covenant ; and plead its faithful and unchanging promises. We bless thee, O God, that we may come to thee as angels cannot. We rejoice that we can draw nigh to thee with the freedom and confidence of children ; that we may look on thee as our forgiving God and Father in Christ Jesus, by whose all-perfect offering we have access even into the holiest of all. May all now surrounding thy mercy-seat, be reconciled to thee through Him. Oh, if any are yet in a state of enmity against thee, may it be subdued by a believing view of the Redeemer’s cross, and by a vital and saving application of his atoning blood. May the privileges of communion with thee be as much present to our minds as the obligation of the sacred duty. May we know the bless- edness of the man whom thou choosest, and causest to approach unto thee. In the true spirit of adoption, may we cry unto thee, Abba, Father. And, O most gracious God, do thou own the kindred name, and deal with us as the children of thy grace, and as the heirs of an everlasting and glorious inheritance. Bless to us greatly the ordinance of domestic worship. May we feel ourselves drawn by it into bonds of love and holy friendship. May it soften all the asperities of life. May it strengthen every heavenly principle, and every godly affection. Let it stimulate us in the path of duty; let it cheer us amidst the sorrows of life; let it throw a rampart of pro- tection around us, when the enemy would come in upon us like a flood. May we go from the family altar to the post of business, and to the duties of religion, with increased alacrity, and with a more holy and heavenly temper of mind. Help us, O Lord, in this family to aim at one another’s edification and salvation. May we never rest contented while one member of the family is in a state of moral distance from God. Let prayer avail to the conversion of every individual in this endeared circle. O may we be as a church in the house. Let every member of our little community know his appointed place, and discharge with diligence and fidelity his appropriate duty. In the multitude of thy tender mercies, blot out the sins and infirmities of this day. We approach that sacred fountain which cleanseth from all sin. We cannot retire to rest with guilt on our minds. We have said we will confess our transgressions unto the Lord, and do thou forgive the iniquity of our sin. Take charge of us all, body and soul, through the silence and darkness of this night. Hear the voice of our supplication, and accept our persons and offerings for the sake of the only Mediator, Jesus Christ. Amen. 157 ELEVENTH e#untmg iBnrnhtg, WEEK. Exodus, Chapter xxv. G RACIOUS and blessed Lord, we welcome, with grateful hearts, the return of this sacred day. Teach us to remember the Sabbath, and to keep it holy. Suffer us not to think our own thoughts, to speak our own words, to do our own actions, upon this day, which has been set apart by thee for spiritual and holy purposes. The preparation of the heart, and the answer of the tongue, are both alike from thee. Do thou graciously prepare us for drawing near to thee, and do thou grant us the desires and petitions of our hearts. May an unwonted feeling of devotion take possession of our spirits this day. May we wrestle with the God of Jacob, and may he pour down upon us the richest blessings of the new covenant. Let thy Spirit take up his abode in our hearts, and may we all become temples of the Holy Ghost. Banish every idol from that sacred habitation in which he deigns to dwell. May a flame of pure and spiritual devotion be kindled upon the altar of our hearts. Alas ! for the coldness of our affections in reference to spiritual and eternal objects ! Bring us near this day to the cross of Jesus. Let a believing view of his sufferings and death melt the iciness of our hearts. May we see him bearing our griefs, and carrying our sorrows, and may our souls glow with ardent and holy love to our divine and glorious Deliverer. Prepare us for a humble, solemn, and edifying approach to the sanctuary of our God. How amiable are thy tabernacles, O Lord of hosts, our King and our God. We have loved the habitation of thy house, and the place where thine honour dwelleth. Here our best friends, our kindred, dwell; here God our Saviour reigns. We delight in the thought of congregated thousands addressing themselves to the solemn acts of prayer, and praise, and holy meditation upon thy blessed word. We mourn that multitudes should be found trampling upon the institution of the Sabbath, and upon the ministry of the word. Come not, O our souls ! into their secret, and with their assemblies let not our honour be united. We adore the riches of thy grace, if we have been taught to prize thy holy day. Once we were without any spiritual tastes, and said in our hearts — what a weariness is it ! But we would now regard it as holy to the Lord, and honourable, and would consecrate all its hours and duties to thee. We earnestly implore, O God, that we may be brought into a frame of mind favourable to the reception of thy blessed truth. May thy servant, who is to deliver thy message to us, be richly furnished from the precious stores of thy word, that he may be helped to address himself to all our several cases and necessities. Let not the unbelief or the self-righteous pride of our hearts stand between us and the reception of the messages of thy love ; but grant that, with humility, and devotion, and a sincere desire to know and do thy will, we may listen to truths upon which our eternal all depends. Presence thyself this day in all Zion’s assemblies. Bless her provisions, clothe her priests with health and salvation, and let all her saints shout aloud for joy. Have mercy on the dark places of the earth. Send the light of truth unto them. Pour thy Spirit upon all flesh. Hasten the glory of the latter day. Give the heathen to thy Son, and the uttermost parts of the earth for his inheritance. For his sake, we implore every mercy ; and to Him, with thyself and the Holy Spirit, be all honour and glory, both now and evermore. Amen. 15S ELEVENTH ^tmtrag WEEK. Luke, Chapter xviii. O THOU King eternal, immortal, and invisible, the only wise God, we bow before thee in holy and reverential worship. Thou art every where present, to behold all the circumstances of thy creatures, and to regard all their necessities. In the great con- gregation, thou hast this day looked upon us ; and now that we are prostrate around our domestic altar, thou art searching our hearts and trying our reins. Cause us to remember that thou art a Spirit, and that all who worship thee, must worship thee in spirit and in truth. Suffer us not to pay to thee the mere homage of the lip. Draw forth our hearts towards thee in devout adoration and praise. Let the closing scenes of this Sabbath be deeply solemn and edifying to our souls. We pray for that blessing which will render the public engagements of thy house a source of lasting good to our minds. We are prone to forget the best lessons, and to suffer the decay of the holiest impressions. Do thou fix the holy lessons of the gospel in our volatile minds. Awaken conscience to a due measure of susceptibility, as to the responsibility which rests upon us amidst advantages so numer- ous and so precious. O Lord, let us not be forgetful hearers of the word, but doers of the work. May we remember that whosoever doeth the will of Christ shall know of the doctrine that it is of God. May we examine ourselves by the tests of thy holy gospel. May we lay aside easily besetting sins. May more powerful impressions of the importance of unseen and eternal things arise in our minds. Suffer us not to rest in past attainments in knowledge, in holiness, and in conformity to thy holy will. We are slow of heart to acquire spiritual lessons ; but too prone, alas ! to fall in with those suggestions of evil by which we are constantly plied. We lament our unbelief and hardness of heart We pray for a new heart and a right spirit. May our consciences be more tender, and our walk more holy. And may we ever act as in the presence of Him who searches the hearts, and tries the reins of the children of men. Help us solemnly to review the manner in which we have received and employed the hours of this sacred day. O lay not the sin of our holy things to our charge. Our thoughts have been vain, our attention has been diverted, our affections have been earthly, our imaginations have wandered, our consciences have been dead and lifeless. Lord, we deserve to have the candlestick removed out of its place; we have been unprofitable servants amidst the greatest advantages. Lord, have mercy upon us, and incline our hearts to keep thy holy law. Let the time past more than suffice to have wrought the will of the gentiles ; and let our future days, whether many or few upon earth, prove the sincerity and depth of our repentance, and our anxiety to redeem the time because the days are evil. Bless all who have worshipped with us this day. May we meet them at last in heaven, redeemed by Christ, and sanctified by his Spirit. Let it be found that multitudes have been called out of darkness into marvellous light, and that Jesus has seen of the travail of his soul, and has been satisfied. Let there be joy in heaven over multitudes of repentant sinners. Listen, O most gracious God, to these our unworthy prayers, and in the multi- tude of thy tender mercies blot out all our sins. Our hope is in Jesus crucified. And to the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost be everlasting glory and dominion. Amen. 159 ELEVENTH JEtontmg iHcinumj* WEEK. Exodus, Chapter xxvi. E VER-blessed Lord, our God, we would look up this morning to that throne from which, in every age, thou hast been dispensing mercy to the guilty and unworthy. We dare not plead in thy sight any excellence of our own ; for our righteousness before thee is but as filthy rags, and our iniquities like the wind have taken us away. Holy Father, deign to regard our prayer which we make unto thee, and to send help and deliverance out of Zion. We would begin the day with humble and grateful acknowledg- ments of our dependence upon thee, and with earnest entreaties for the light and teaching of thy Holy Spirit. O meet with us in mercy, while we look up to thee in duty ; and cause us to experience the happiness which springs from fellowship with the Father and with his Son Jesus Christ. Thou hast raised us up this morning from the image of death, refreshed and comforted, and we are now the living to praise and bless thy holy name. Bless the Lord, O our souls, and forget not all his benefits, who forgiveth all our iniquities, who healeth all our diseases, who crowneth our lives with loving-kindness and tender mercies. May our hearts expand with sacred joy while admitted into communion with thee our God and King. May we feel the value of a privilege which awakens the grati- tude of angels and glorified saints ; and may we exercise a measure of their reverence and humility, while we remain in thine awful presence. O God, we acknowledge our own weakness, and insufficiency for the engagements, responsibilities, and conflicts of this day. Be thou our defence, as well as the portion of our souls. Let thy grace be sufficient for us, amidst all our sense of weakness. While in ourselves we feel that we can do nothing, yet, through Christ strengthening, may we find that we can do all things. Help us to resist temptation, to endure trial, to perform incumbent duty, in the strength of the Lord. Guard us, O Lord, against that self-confi- dence which has so often beset and overcome us, and thousands. May we ever remember our danger, and watch against it. O help us, by thy blessed Spirit, to keep our hearts with all diligence, since out of them are the issues of life. Put thy fear into our hearts, and never let us depart from thee. We bless thee, O God of our life, for thy preserving goodness ; for our health, for sound- ness of. mind, for all our personal and domestic comforts. Thy care of this family has been most unremitting and gracious. Every member of this house has to tell of thy fatherly goodness. Inspire us with gratitude and love; and help us to express our obligations by a life of unreserved devotion to thine honour. Command thy blessing on the labours of the past Sabbath, that it may be seen that thy servants have not been without the, gracious smile of their divine Lord and Master. May it appear that many souls have been bom to God, and that not a few have been strengthened and encouraged in their Christian course. May our minds retain the impressions which have been made in us* by the blessed truths of thy word. May sin be rebuked in us, and may every grace of thy Spirit be brought into livelier exercise. Let our prayer come up before thee with acceptance, through our only Mediator, Jesus Christ. Amen. 1G0 ELEVENTH (gpbmfttg. WEEK. Luke, Chapter xix., Verse 1 — 27. LMIGHTY God, the Father of all mercies, we give thee most humble and hearty thanks for the great and varied blessings of this day. May we now approach thee, as the children of thy care and love, to adore thee for what thou art in thyself, as God over all and blessed for ever, and for what thou art to us, as our Creator, Preserver, and Redeemer. Thou art entitled to our supreme love, and to our undivided praise and obedience. May we worship thee with reverential fear, and experience all the confidence and happiness attached to spiritual worship. Grant unto us, O Lord, the aids of thy “blessed Spirit, in drawing near to thee, that we may form right conceptions of thy character, that the true spirit of devotion may be kindled in our hearts, and that we may take hold, by faith, of the promises and grace of thy covenant. We bless thee that creatures so unworthy may draw near to thy Majesty, and may receive from thee blessings of unspeakable and eternal value. Seated on the throne of thy love, thou art ready to receive, even the chief of sinners, and to bestow upon them all the benefits which Jesus died to confer. May we come before thee with self-loathing and abhorrence, renouncing every meritorious plea, and casting ourselves upon the riches of thy sovereign grace, as revealed in the person and work of thy dear Son. We confess, with deep sorrow, the dreadful stain which sin has brought upon our nature, and the sad guilt in which it has involved us; and we earnestly pray that our iniquity may be pardoned, and that our characters may be renewed and sanctified by the power and grace of thy Holy Spirit, — that we may be freed from condemnation, and meetened for heaven. Aid us, gracious God, this evening in attempting to honour thy name. Let it be our meat and drink to serve thee. Let a holy and divine principle constantly stimulate us in the path of duty. Let our ordinary acts be done with a view to thy glory. Make us conscious of our high privileges, and enable us rightly and diligently to improve them. We pray for a great increase of the spirit of prayer. May we be distinguished by large measures of family devotion and piety. Our responsibility is great, O may our feeling of it daily increase. We would remember that the period of our probation is hastening to a close, that death and eternity are at hand, that all our opportunities of doing or receiving good will speedily terminate. May our past failures teach us caution and humility for the future. O let the quickening grace of thy Spirit descend upon us, that sin may be subdued, that holy principles may be implanted or strengthened, and that we may run with alacrity and delight in the way of thy commandments. Greatly bless and comfort every member of this domestic circle. May those of us at the head of the family be enabled to sustain the rule and government of the house in the fear of the Lord. May the young before thee love and serve the Lord God of their fathers. May the domestics be taught to honour and serve thee, and to regard their several duties as performed unto their Master in heaven. Be with us, gracious God, through this night, to preserve us from all evil, to refresh us with comforting sleep, and to fill us with thy holy peace. Accept our united praises for all the unmerited bestowments of another day ; forgive our various sins and short-comings ; and do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think, for the Redeemer’s sake. Amen. 161 X ELEVENTH Cuesfoag Morning, Exodus, Chapter xxvii. WEEK. W E thank thee, O Father, Lord of heaven and earth, that thou hast upheld and preserved us through another night, and that we are permitted, in health and comfort, to behold the light of this day. O satisfy us early with thy mercy, that we may rejoice and be glad in thee all the day long. In the morning would we lift up our souls unto thee, and would implore the gracious communications of thy Holy Spirit. Without the aids of thy grace, we cannot serve and honour thee in the duties of the day. We have no strength of our own wherewith to do any thing well-pleasing or acceptable in thy sight. We are ignorant; Lord, do thou teach us: we are sinful and imperfect; Lord, do thou sanctify us: we are guilty; Lord, do thou pardon and accept us, for the sake of our blessed Mediator : we are weak and helpless ; Lord, do thou strengthen us with might, by thy Spirit, in the inner man : we are exposed to manifold temptations ; Lord, do thou guard and keep us from the devices and suggestions of our spiritual enemies. We earnestly pray that thy word, which we have now been permitted to read, may abide in us as the seed of holy principles and actions. Teach us to hide it in our hearts, that we may not sin against thee. If tempted to any evil course, may the language of our hearts be, How shall we do this great wickedness, and sin against God ? Never let us forget that we are prone to rebel against the Lord, that we have evil hearts of unbelief, that there is a law in our members warring against the law of our minds, and bringing us into captivity to the law of sin and death. Make us watchful of all the inlets to tempt- ation, whether they relate to the flesh or the spirit. As we are in an enemy’s country, may we ever stand in a posture of defence, and equip ourselves in the whole armour of God. Inspire us with holy courage, while we call to remembrance that we are fighting under the banner of the great Captain of salvation. May his victory animate us with the hope of final conquest ; and may every fresh triumph over the enemy increase our courage, and weaken his future onsets. Heavenly Father, we long to be more holy, more spiritually minded, more dead to the world, more alive to the great concerns of an eternal state, more entirely devoted to thy holy and blessed service. We enter on a new day with fear and- trembling, when we reflect on our liability to wander from the right path. Draw our hearts to thee, in love and new obedience. Let the great ends of the death of Christ be accomplished in us ; that while guilt is removed from the conscience, the love of sin may be subdued in the heart. Assist us graciously in the humble path of duty. Let no corrupt communication proceed out of our mouth ; but may our conversation be seasoned with salt, that it may minister grace unto the hearers. If sorrows await us, may we bear them with holy fortitude and resignation ; and if the candle of the Lord should shine upon our path, may our hearts be kept humble in the midst of prosperity. Preserve us from anger, malice, and all uncharitableness ; and enable us to cultivate all benevolent and amiable affections. Let thine eye be upon each of us for good. Preserve us from accident, from fatal disease, and from every distressing occurrence. To thee we look, as our Father in heaven, for all the blessings of life and godliness ; and pray for acceptance and forgiveness through the only Mediator, Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. 162 ELEVENTH Cittsfoag <£benmfl WEEK. Luke, Chapter xix., Verse 28 — 48 . 0 LORD, the high and lofty One, who inhabitest eternity, and whose name is holy ; when we consider the awful glories of thy nature, we have cause exceedingly to fear and tremble, as mean and sinful creatures, in drawing near into thy presence. But, encouraged by thy promises, and by the discoveries of thy grace, our guilty spirits are re-assured in looking up to the place where thine honour dwelleth. Thou hast taught us that, though thou dwellest in the high and lofty place, thou wilt look on him who is of an humble and contrite spirit — that the needy shall not always be forgotten, and that the expectation of the poor shall not perish. Lord, remember the word upon which thou hast caused thy servants to hope. Dwell, O Lord, in this house, and make the heart of each of its members a temple of the Holy Ghost. Cause all thy glory to pass before us, while we meet to celebrate thy praise, and to call upon thy name. Thou, O Lord, hast done great things for us, whereof we are glad. We would call upon our souls to bless the name of the Lord. Thou hast preserved us in going out and coming in. Thou spreadest our table, and our cup runneth over. Goodness and mercy have followed us all the days of our life. Lord, what shall we render to thee for personal, domestic, and relative blessings? We would especially bless thee that thou eausest the heavenly manna to fall in such rich abundance around our tents ; that thou continuest to us the precious light of the gospel; that thou conferrest on us the means of knowledge, purity, and happiness. We have been privileged above multitudes of the human race, and even above many of our fellow-christians. But, Lord, we confess, to our shame, that we have not rendered unto thee according to the benefits we have received. We have abused thy mercies. We mourn over our personal iniquities and family sins. We confess the prevalence of vain and sinful thoughts ; our unprofitable conversation, our neglect of relative duties ; our misimprovement of time ; our sad indifference to the right use of talents which have been committed to our care, for our own good, and the good of others. Look upon us, O Lord, in the riches of thy pardoning mercy, in Christ Jesus, who gave himself a ransom for our sins. Cover us in the robe of his righteousness ; and enable us to believe that with Him thou wilt freely give us all things. Pardon, for his sake, the offences of the day ; and notwithstanding our great unworthiness, continue thy protection to us through this night. Because thou hast commanded thy loving-kindness in the day-time, therefore in the night shall thy song be with us, and our prayer to the God of our life. Let thine angels encamp around our bed, that we may not be afraid of any terror by night; and be pleased to refresh us with sufficient rest, that we may be fitted for the duties of the ensuing day. Watch over our family continually, and send down such blessings upon it as thou didst on the house of Obed-edom for the ark’s sake. Banish sin from us. Implant thy fear in all our hearts. Let us dwell together in unity, and do thou command thy blessing upon us, even life for evermore. Bless all our relations and friends ; forgive our enemies, and turn their hearts. May our ways please the Lord, that he may cause our enemies to be at peace with us. Lead us not into temptation ; but deliver us from evil ; for thine is the kingdom, the power, and the glory, for ever. Amen. X 2 163 ELEVENTH Wetimsfoag iHornutg. Exodus, Chapter xxviii., Verse-1 — 21. WEEK. O LORD our God, unto thee would we lift up our souls. Quicken us to call upon thy name. Assist us by thy Spirit in our approach to thy mercy-seat, and raise our hearts to thyself. Teach us to approach thee as becometh creatures, and do thou draw near unto us as the God of grace. Thou art God, and there is none else ; thy name alone is Jehovah. All nations before thee are as nothing, and they are accounted in thy sight less than nothing and vanity. Thou art the blessed and only Potentate, King of kings, and Lord of lords. All things are naked and open before thine eyes. Thy power is infinite. Thou art of purer eyes than to behold iniquity. Thou art slow to anger, abundant in goodness, thy mercy is everlasting, and thy truth endureth to all generations. As thou art glorious in thyself, so by thy works thou hast manifested thy glory to us. The whole creation is the work of thy hands. Thou rulest among the armies of heaven, and doest what thou pleasest among the inhabitants of the earth. While we give glory unto thee, we would humble ourselves in thy presence. Our being is but of yesterday, and our foundation is in the dust. We are not only mean in our original, but we are guilty and depraved. We confess before thee the iniquities of our thoughts, of our lips, and of our lives ; our sins of omission and commission ; the sins of our childhood, and of our riper years ; our sins against the law and against the gospel. We mourn before God our pride and vanity of mind ; our earthliness, and love of a present world ; our sensuality, and indulgence of the flesh ; our carnal security, and unthankfulness for our many mercies ; our fretfulness and impatience, our sinful dejection in times of trouble ; our neglects of duty, and want of love to thee ; our unbelief, and hardness of heart ; our slothfulness and decay in religion ; the dishonour we have brought on thy name, and all our miscarriages in the eyes of our fellow-creatures. We lay our hands on our mouth, and our mouth in the dust, and exclaim before thee — unclean, unclean. But there is forgiveness with thee, and ‘with thee is plenteous redemption. Gracious God, we beseech thee to take away the guilt of our sins, through the atone- ment of thy Son ; let our persons be justified through his righteousness ; and let the power of our sins be subdued by his Spirit. O deliver us from the natural darkness of our minds, from the corruption of our hearts, and from the perverse tendency of our appetites and passions ! Do thou form our hearts according to thy will, and after the image of thy Son. Fortify us against the temptations, and free us from the snares, which daily attend us. Preserve thy word and gospel among us. Sanctify all the dispensations of thy pro- vidence. May thy mercies, as cords of love, draw us nearer to thyself; and let the strokes of thine afflicting hand wean us from sin, mortify us to the world, and make us ready for our departure hence, whensoever thou art pleased to call us. While we are here in the body, give us such things as are necessary to the support and comfort of our lives. Let our health, our strength, and our peace be maintained, and let holiness to the Lord be inscribed upon them all, that whatever we receive from thine hands may be improved for thine own honour and our best advantage. Hear and answer us, pardon, accept, and bless us, for thy mercy’s sake in Jesus Christ, through whom, by one Spirit, be ascribed to the only living and true God everlasting praises. Amen. 1G4 ELEVENTH OTeUmsfoaK <£tmuncj;. Luke, Chapter xx. Verse 1 — 26 . WEEK. O GOD, the infinite and eternal Spirit, most perfect in power, wisdom, and goodness ; though mortal eyes cannot behold, nor any created understanding comprehend thee, thou art ever present with us, and seest the secrets of our hearts ; all our sins, and all our wants, are known to thee ; but thou requirest our confessions as the expression of our repentance, and our petitions and thanksgivings as the utterance of our desires, and the acknowledgment of our dependence and gratitude. We confess our unfitness for com- munion with thee. O meet us not, in thy justice, as a consuming fire, but accept us in thy great mercy through thy beloved Son. Thou, O Lord, who art the Creator of all things, didst make us in thine image, to know, love, and serve thee. But sin hath corrupted all our powers, and perverted them from the ends for which they were made. And though thou hast provided a Redeemer for us, whose amazing interposition on our behalf is the astonishment of the angelic host ; yet we have been chargeable with unbelief, and a stupid neglect of this great salvation. O how little have we been affected with the love and sufferings of a dying Saviour, and how often have we made light of Christ and his gospel. Justly mightest thou deny us the mercy which we have so lightly esteemed. But deal not with us, O Lord, according to our deserts ; but according to our necessity, and thy great goodness. Where sin hath abounded, let thy grace much more abound. There is enough in the merits of thy Son’s obedience and sacrifice, to expiate our guilt, and to justify penitent believers in thy sight. We would, therefore, encourage ourselves in the Lord our God, and cheerfully rely upon thy pardoning mercy. Give us more of the spirit of adoption, inspire us with all child- like affections towards thee, as our reconciled God and Father in Christ Jesus. Teach us to make thee our ultimate end, and to seek thy glory in all that we do ; and let thy exceeding love and mercy to us, engage us to love one another ; to love all mankind ; yea, to love even our enemies themselves. Be with us, gracious God, in all the changing scenes of this mortal life ; and O forsake us not in our last extremity, but inspire us with hope in a dying hour, and take our departing spirits to be with Christ in everlasting glory. Bless all the members of this family, together with all that are near and dear to us ; and help us to serve one another in love. We thankfully acknowledge thy fatherly good- ness manifested to us this day. Be pleased graciously to continue it through the night- watches. Give us such rest of body and mind, as may fit us for the duties of the approaching day. Set thy glory, O Lord, above the heavens, and let thy name be sanctified in all the earth. Convert heathen and infidel nations to the faith of thy Son. Let the gospel of Christ go forth, as the sun, to enlighten every nation under heaven. Cast down the tyranny and ungodliness which exclude knowledge, peace, and holiness from the habita- tions of men. Preserve, bless, and revive the churches of the Reformation, especially in these kingdoms. Make our rulers faithful to their trust; teach our teachers; give all churches faithful and diligent pastors ; and make thy people fruitful in knowledge and holiness, in peace and charity. We ask all in the name of Jesus Christ, our only Saviour and Mediator. Amen. 165 ELEVENTH tEUtirsfoag dStormug, Exodus, Chapter xxviii. Verse 23 — 43. WEEK. G REAT and Eternal Majesty, thou art exalted above all the conceptions and all the praises of finite beings. Angels cannot comprehend thy nature, thy perfections, thv designs. Clouds and darkness are round about thee ; and none can find out thee, the Almighty, unto perfection. We are overwhelmed with a sense of our own insignificance, and still more so with a feeling of our unworthiness, in thy sight. Lord, what is man, that thou art mindful of him ; or the son of man, that thou visitest him ? We ought to have served thee with our whole hearts from the earliest dawning of reason; and to have employed our time, our thoughts, our tongues, and all our faculties, for thy glory, and the good of man : but, alas ! we have often neglected, or trifled with thy worship ; we have hypocritically served thee with our lips only ; and have taken thy dreadful name in vain, by presenting to thee the mere homage of the outward man. In our imaginations, we have been guilty of vanity, folly, and impurity; with cur lips, we have uttered idle, revengeful, and injurious words. We have not loved our neighbour as ourselves, nor sought each other’s welfare, temporal or spiritual, with that zeal and affection which our relation to each other, and thy love to us, required. We have mournfully abused the talents committed to us, and done hut little good in the world in comparison with what we might have done. Grant us the grace of true repentance, that we may sorrow after a godly sort ; that sin may be truly imbittered to us ; that the corruption of our nature may be discovered and deplored ; and that we may strive against all future entanglement of evil. And while, in the exercise of faith, we earnestly implore the forgiveness of past sins ; we pray that we may be enabled cheerfully to return to thee, in the path of holy duty, and that we may humbly give ourselves up to thee, our God and Father, our Redeemer and Sanctifier, to be received and dealt with by thee upon the gracious terms of the everlasting covenant. O renew and purify us by thy Holy Spirit. Take from us the heart of stone, and give us hearts of flesh. Impart to us a divine and heavenly nature, and transform us into the image of thy dear Son. Enable us to devote ourselves, and all that we possess and enjoy, to thee, and to thy glory. Bring all the powers of our souls and bodies into a full and hearty subjection to thy government. Shed abroad thy love in our hearts, by the power of the Holy Ghost. Shew us more of thine infinite good- ness and perfection, and more of thy wonderful love bestowed on us in Christ Jesus. Let the bright beams of thy love so shine into our hearts, that we may love thee with our whole souls ; and that we may taste the beginning of the heavenly felicity, where we shall love thee more than heart can conceive or tongue express. We beseech Thee to enlarge the borders of Messiah’s kingdom. Spread thy gospel among the heathen, and make the name of Christ glorious from the rising to the setting sun. Gather thine ancient people the Jews into the fold of Christ, and, with the fulness of the Gentiles, may they mingle in thy church. We pray for our relations and friends, that thou wouldest deliver them from all the evils they experience or dread ; and that thou wouldest bestow upon them all the good we wish for ourselves, here or hereafter. O Lord, do thou regard these our unworthy prayers, for the sake of our Divine and only Mediator, Jesus Christ. Amen. 166 ELEVENTH dranfflag <£b muter, WEEK. Luke, Chapter xx. Verse 27 — 47 . M OST holy, blessed, and glorious Lord God, whose we are, and whom we desire to serve. Thou hast made us, and not we ourselves ; we are, therefore, thine, and not our own. Thou art the adored Benefactor of the whole creation. Thou givest unto all life, and breath, and all things. Thou art our Benefactor ; the God that has fed us, and kept us all our life long unto this day. Having obtained help of thee, we continue hitherto the monuments of thy mercy, and witnesses for thee that thou art gracious. It is because thou art God, and not man, that we are not consumed. Day unto day uttereth speech, and night unto night sheweth knowledge of thy goodness and loving-kindness unto us, and unto all men. Thou makest the outgoings of the morning and of the evening to praise thee ; and wilt never fail those who seek thee and trust in thee. It is through the good hand of our God upon us, that we are brought in safety to the close of another day ; and that, after the various engagements of the day, we are permitted to meet in holy fellowship, to celebrate the praises of our God, who is good, and whose mercies endure for ever. Day by day we have been receiving benefits from thee, fast as our necessities have returned ; and though we have often neglected the duties of the day, thy goodness and mercy have been unfailing toward us. We bless thee, O Lord our God, for the constant ministration of good angels, both when we sleep and when we wake ; for the serviceableness of inferior creatures to us ; for our bodily health and ease ; for the comfort vouchsafed to us in our dear relations ; for a secure and quiet dwelling-place ; for the continued use of reason; and for the inward peace and composure of our minds. Above all, we bless thee for a Mediator between God and man ; for the covenant of grace, and all its precious promises and privileges ; for a throne of mercy to which we may repair in every time of need ; and for the blessed and glorious hopes of eternal life. We confess, most blessed and holy Majesty, that we have sinned against thee this day; thou hast seen our foolishness, and our sins have not been hid from thee. We mourn our misspent time, our duties neglected, the lying vanities which we have followed, by which we have forsaken our own mercies. We have offended with our tongues; we have been carnal, and have walked as men ; we have forgotten our Christian character and obliga- tions. Lord, who can understand his errors ? cleanse thou us from secret faults. Keep back thy servants also from presumptuous sins ; let them not have dominion over us. O impart to us the grace of true repentance ; let our daily sins and infirmities be confessed and forsaken ; and let the blood of Christ, which speaketh better things than that of Abel, be sprinkled upon all our consciences, that we may rejoice in thee our God, as reconciled to us in Christ Jesus. Do good to us by all the dispensations of thy providence, whether prosperous or adverse; give us grace, at all times, to yield ourselves to thy gracious will ; and, by all the events of this earthly pilgrimage, may we be meetened for the pure and eternal enjoyments of heaven. We commit ourselves to thy gracious care this night, and desire to dwell in the secret place of the Most High, and to abide under the shadow of the Almighty. We entreat thee, merciful Father, to do for us above all that we ask or think, through Jesus Christ, the Lord our righteousness ; to whom, with the Father and eternal Spirit, be glory and praise now and for ever. Amen. 167 ELEVENTH dfrftmg iHontmg, WEEK, Exodus, Chapter xxix. Verse 1 — 28 . B LESSED God, thou art the sole Fountain of being and happiness. Our existence is not more from thee, than are the peace and comfort of our minds. The nearer we approach to thee in holy fellowship, the purer and sweeter will be those consolations which we derive from the Fountain of bliss. With thee are the springs of life; in thy light may we see light. The desire of our hearts, and our final hope, is to dwell with thee for ever. O give us some foretaste of the joys of heaven; impart to us the blessed- ness of that man who feareth the Lord, and who delighteth greatly in his commandments : so form our hearts by thy grace, from day to day, that we may always set the Lord before us, and be in thy fear all the day long. To thee may our early thoughts be daily directed; and, with the first ray of light that visits our eyes, do thou lift up upon us, O Lord, the light of thy countenance. When our faculties are roused from sleep, may our first actions be consecrated to thee, O God, who givest us light, and every morning impartest to us, as it were, a new life. Our voice shalt thou hear in the morning, O Lord, in our retirement, and in our family : in the morning will we direct our prayer unto thee, and will look up. O enable us to pour out our hearts before thee with filial reverence, freedom, and endearment. With hearts full of gratitude, would we praise thee for past mercies ; and in the exercise of a lively faith, would we implore fresh blessings, which every returning day requires. We desire with cheerfulness daily to renew the dedication of ourselves to thee, through Jesus thy beloved Son. With holy satisfaction, may we read and hearken to the instruc- tions of thy holy word, that we may know what thou wouldest have us to do. Enable us to hide thy word in our hearts, that we may not sin against thee, and earnestly to seek fresh supplies of thy blessed Spirit, whose influences are the life of our souls, that we may be quickened in all the duties to which we are called. Being thus prepared, do thou, O Lord, lead us forth to the duties of the day. In the several callings to which thou hast directed us, may we abide with thee ; not being slothful in business, but fervent in spirit, serving the Lord. Keep us, O Lord, from the temptations to which we are daily exposed ; and with every temptation do thou make a way of escape. Make us deeply sensible of our own weakness, that our hearts may be raised to thee for needful supplies of strength. When we are mingling in the society of others, may it be our desire and our care to do and receive as much good as possible. May all our companions and friends be the better for our fellowships. May we be daily solicitous to answer the great purposes of life, by honouring thee, and by going about doing good continually. Help us, O Lord, to spend this day as if it were our last. If death comes to us by slow advance, may it find us prepared for its gentle summons ; and if on a sudden we are called to meet our Lord, may we be as those who are waiting for his coming. Whenever or however we are called from this state of trial, may we have a sweet and easy passage from the services of time to the infinitely nobler services of an immortal state. May we watch and pray this day, that we enter not into temptation. Let our hearts be right with thee, and sound in thy statutes. Lord, pardon our sins, and accept our thanksgivings, through our only Mediator, Jesus Christ. Amen. 1C8 ELEVENTH dfrftrai> OFbntmfi Luke, Chapter xxi. week. I NFINITE and eternal God, we bow down, as a family, before thy throne, to adore thee for the mercies which have attended us during another day. O that with con- trite hearts we may mourn over and confess our manifold offences in thy sight, in thought, word, and deed. As every day brings us nearer to our final account, teach us so to number our days as to apply our hearts unto wisdom. Lord, let this family be blessed in Him, in whom all the believing families of the earth are to be blessed. Grant us health and prosperity, and all needful temporal blessings ; but especially let our souls prosper, and be in health. Let all that belong to us belong to Christ, that we, who dwell together on earth, may dwell together for ever with the Lord. Make a hedge of protection about our house, and about all that we possess, that no evil may befall us, nor any plague come nigh our dwelling. Refresh our frail bodies this night with seasonable sleep. Deliver us from distrustful cares and disquieting fears. Especially do thou refresh our souls -with the sense of thy love, and with the light of thy countenance ; for thy favour is better than life. When we awake on the coming morning, may we find ourselves still under the shadow of thy wings ; may we remember thee on our beds, and meditate upon thee in the night-watches. Restore us to another day in peace and safety ; prepare us for its duties and events ; and by all the supports and comforts of this life, let our bodies be fitted to assist our souls in thy holy and blessed service. O do thou look with pity upon a lost world. Set up Christ’s throne where Satan has had his seat. Send the glorious gospel where it has not yet penetrated ; make it more and more successful where it is faithfully proclaimed. Let it be mighty, through God, to the pulling down of strongholds. Cause the church of Christ greatly to flourish in all lands. Let not the gates of hell prevail against it, nor suffer the rod of the wicked any where to rest upon the lot of the righteous. Let the land of our nativity be still the peculiar care of thy providence. In the peace thereof may we have peace and joy. Let glory dwell in our land, and upon all the glory let there be a defence. Rule the heart of our most gracious Sovereign. May all those who are placed in situations of public trust be faithful to the public interest; and may those who wear the sword be a terror to evil-doers, and a praise to them that do well. Own Christ’s ministers in their work; give them skill, ability, and zeal in directing souls to heaven. May the rising generation be such as thou wilt own, and do more and better service in their day than has been done in ours. Comfort and relieve all that are in poverty and affliction. Teach us to sympathize with them, and dispose us to do what we can for their relief. Into thy gracious hands we commend our spirits. Be our God and our guide even unto death, and our portion for ever more. Hear, O Lord, the voice of our supplications, and grant us answers of peace, for the sake of our exalted and glorious Redeemer; to whom, with the Father and the ever-blessed Spirit, be glory everlasting. Amen. 169 Y ELEVENTH Exodus, Chapter xxix. Verse 29 — 46. WEEK. 0 LORD, our heavenly Father, high and mighty, King of kings, and Lord of lords, enable us to adore and reverence thine infinite perfections. Great fear is due unto thee in all the assemblies of thy servants ; and thou art present wherever two or three are met together in thy name. May we realize thy presence ; may all unworthy considera- tions be banished from our minds ; may we be filled with holy awe in the contemplation of thine infinite purity ; may we discover and mourn our depravity ; may we put forth a prayer for renewing and sanctifying grace ; and may we find access into the holiest of all by the blood of Jesus. We adore thee that we have been spared to see the light, that time and space are yet afforded us for repentance, that the throne of mercy is yet acces- sible, that thine ear is open to our cry, that thou art still waiting to be gracious. Lord, hear us in heaven, the habitation of thy throne and of thy glory; stretch forth the arm of thy power, and save us ; send us help and deliverance out of Zion, and cause us to taste and see that the Lord is gracious. O teach us this day the value of time. Enable us ever to employ it to the best advan- tage. May we devote it to such duties as thou hast assigned to us ; and may we never become weary in the path of humble obedience. To thy glory, O Lord, may all the labours of life be pursued; and for the same object may its refreshments and comforts be sought after and enjoyed. Whether we eat or drink, or whatever we do, may that end be kept sacredly in view, and may it ever be attained. May every recruital of our bodily and mental powers, induce us to devote ourselves with greater ardour of mind to thy blessed service. May our eyes be ever watchful to observe the descent of mercies from thee ; and may a grateful sense of thy hand and thy love in them, add a tenfold savour and relish to them all. While in this world of trial, may we accustom ourselves to expect afflictions; and, when they come, may they be welcomed by us as blessings in disguise. May we submit to them as from thy hand, and firmly believe that the same love which appoints them will overrule them for good. May we learn to take up our cross, and to follow our Lord with a measure of that temper which he displayed when ascending the hill of Calvary on our behalf. Like Him may we say, in all circumstances of trial, “ The cup which my Father hath given me, shall I not drink it ?” Help us, O Lord, to spend this day in thy fear. May we conduct ourselves in all the duties of the day, whether at home or abroad, whether in company or alone, whether active or at rest, so as to be able at the close of it to review all its hours with satisfaction and delight. May our prayers come up before thee as incense, and the lifting up of our hands as the morning and evening sacrifice. O give us to enjoy the testimony of our consciences, that we have lived to thee, so that when the evening arrives, we may, with sweet calmness and serenity, resign our bodies to rest, under a cheerful persuasion that we are accepted of thee in Christ Jesus our Lord, and humbly hoping in thy mercy through Him, whether our days on earth be prolonged, or cut off in the midst. Listen, O Lord, to our feeble and imperfect breathings, for the sake of our only Saviour and Mediator, Jesus Christ. Amen. 170 ELEVENTH .^attirtrag aFtontutg. Luke, Chapter xxii. Verse 1 — 38. WEEK. O LORD our God, at the close of another day, and of another week, permit us to approach thy throne, and to present our prayers, praises, and thanksgivings in the name of Jesus, our great High Priest. We have much to praise thee for, and much to implore at thy hand. We would be thankful for continued assistance; for exemption from sickness, suffering, and want ; and for all the blessings of a kind and watchful Providence. We bless thee, that when thou hast afflicted us, it has been in mercy ; that thou hast not dealt with us after our sins, nor rewarded us according to our iniquities ; and that all thy chastisements have been tempered with love. How manifold, O Lord, have been the expressions of thy goodness and mercy towards us. What could have been done for us, O Lord, that thou hast not done? O subdue our stubborn hearts; smite the flinty rock, and cause it to send forth tears of godly sorrow for sin. May we feel sin to be our misery, our burden, the object of our constant loathing. Pour upon us the grace of thy Holy Spirit, that we may become more spiritually minded, that holy love may spring up in our souls, that we may be more happy in serving God, and that heaven may be begun on earth with us. Destroy in us those carnal and worldly affections which separate us from thee, and bring us to love thee entirely, and to serve thee with an undivided heart. Deliver us from all undue carefulness about the things of this present life, and help us to believe that all things shall work together for good to them that love thee, and are called according to thy purpose. Let the desire of our souls be to glorify thee, to live at all times in the light of thy countenance, and to bear witness for thy truth in this world of rebellion and sin in which we dwell. O make the path of duty plain before our eyes ; leave us not to the counsel of our own hearts ; give us not over to the will of our spiritual enemies ; let us not lean to our own imperfect understandings. Enable us to maintain a determined struggle against all our spiritual enemies, Endue us with strength for the holy warfare. Make us more than conquerors through Him that hath loved us. O let grace reign in us through righteous- ness unto eternal life. Most merciful Father, we look up to thee for that grace which will prepare us for the duties of the approaching Sabbath. We would look forward to it as a day of rest, a day of holy exercise and spiritual enjoyment. Help us this night to disburden ourselves of all worldly cares, and so to arrange the affairs of this life, that they may not interfere with the business and pursuits of eternity. Give to the ministers of thy truth the abundant and copious effusion of thy Spirit, that they may be fitted for the faithful and effective discharge of their great and arduous duties ; and if we are spared to see the light of thy day, and to repair to thy house of prayer, may an unction from the Holy One rest upon our spirits, and meeten us for a meek and spiritual reception of thy truth. Preserve us from all evil through the silent and defenceless hours of this night. Be thou the Guardian of our life, our health, our comfort. Let all dear to us be sheltered beneath the shadow of thy wings. To thy gracious protection we commit our bodies and our souls. O let the voice of our cry reach thy throne, and bring down all needful blessings upon each member of this family, through Jesus, our only Saviour and Advocate. Amen. 171 Y 2 TWELFTH «#>untmg iBmntng, Exodus, Chapter xxx. WEEK. G OD of the spirits of all flesh, we worship Thee as the Father of our spirits, and as the Former of our bodies ; and we would call upon our souls, and all that is within us, to bless and magnify thy holy name. Thou art God alone, and art worthy of the undivided and eternal praises of all thy intelligent creatures. Thou didst fit man origin- ally for serving thee ; thou didst form him in thine image ; thou didst impart to him the happiness arising from thy gracious smile. But, alas ! the crown has fallen from our brow; and wo unto us, for we have sinned. From Thee, the fountain of all holiness, our supreme love has been withdrawn ; and we have transferred those affections to the creature which were due to thee alone. O Ford our God, we acknowledge the rectitude of that sentence of condemnation which has gone forth against us. We deserve the visitations of thy wrath. We cannot plead any thing in our own conduct, in mitigation of the severest penalties of a broken law. Our original rectitude is lost, and our actual sins are more in number than the hairs of our head, or the sands upon the sea-shore. But, oh, how boundless is thy love to lost and perishing sinners. Thou hast caused mercy to triumph over judgment. The purposes of thy grace have been of old, even from everlasting. Thou hast pitied us, and raised up an horn of salvation for us in the house of thy servant David. We rejoice that the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us, and that his glory was beheld as the glory of the only begotten of the Father, full of grace and truth. We bless thee that He was wounded for our transgressions, that He was bruised for our iniquities, that the chastisement of our peace was upon Him, that by His stripes we might be healed. With joy would we welcome the day in which He rose victorious from the grave, the first-fruits of them that sleep, and the fulfiller of his own truth and faithfulness. Fet Zion this day be joyful in her King; O let the whole church unite in one song of praise to her redeeming and victorious Lord. This is the day thou hast made, we will rejoice and be glad in it. W T e bless thee that the Ford is risen indeed; that atonement has been made for sin; that the claims of Messiah have been justified; that He who died to redeem us from the curse of the law, is exalted to the right hand of power, “ a Prince and a Saviour, to give repentance unto Israel, and the remission of sins.” Cause us all to feel the rising power of the Son of God. May he exert his divine mercy in our souls. Because he lives, may we live also. May the Spirit of our risen Lord be poured out upon us, that the Christian Sabbath may be a day of holy joy to our souls, and that the messages of thy truth may come with power to our hearts. O thou exalted Saviour, do thou make bare thine arm this day. Send the rod of thy strength out of Zion, and rule thou in the midst of thine enemies. Clothe the message of thy truth with Almighty power. Let faithful pastors every where find that thou art with them, to uphold them in their integrity, to give them favour in the eyes of the people, and to convey their message to the reason and the conscience. Go with us, in the power of thy Spirit, to thy house of prayer. Send us gracious help from thy throne. Make us willing to hear what the Spirit saith unto the churches. O deliver us from vain, sinful, and unbelieving thoughts; and seal us by thy Spirit unto the day of eternal redemption. These blessings we implore for the sake of Jesus Christ, our only Advocate. Amen. 172 TWELFTH ,#>unim8 (turning, WEEK. Luke, Chapter xxii. Verse 39 — 71 . M OST blessed Lord, by thy good hand upon us, we are once more privileged to surround the throne of thy grace. O inspire our hearts with the true spirit of devotion ; deliver us from that coldness and formality in thy service which we are so prone to cherish; give us a real sense of need in drawing near to thee; kindle in our bosoms those filial affections which thou delightest to honour; and grant that we may rise up from the exercise of prayer more happy, more spiritually-minded, and more prepared for the Christian conflict. It is good for us, at the close of this Sabbath, to draw near to the God of our life. Thou hast fed us this day with the finest of the wheat ; our souls have been conducted into green pastures ; we have been led by the still waters of the sanc- tuary ; O that the benefit derived by us may be equal to the means of culture bestowea. Lord, we are lamentably prone to relapse into our wonted state of coldness and indiffer- ence, after the most sacred seasons of holy excitement. We cannot trust hearts which have so often and so constantly deceived us. Exert thine own saving and sanctifying power in us, and then shall we never depart from thee. Where we have been reproved this day, O teach us to bow submissively to the holy chidings of thy truth. Where we have been instructed, grant that the lessons may abide as in a soil prepared for them. Where we have been comforted, may consolation issue in the more enlarged sanctification of our souls. May we feel that every renewed privilege is an augmentation of our respon- sibility to Thee. And as our religious opportunities are hastening to a close, O that we may give diligence that we may be found of our Lord in peace. Help us narrowly to inspect the state of our hearts, to look with holy scrutiny at all our habits, and to lay aside every weight, and the sins which do so easily beset us. Sanctify all the members of this family. Set them apart for thyself. Make them thine in the bonds of a covenant that can never be dissolved. May young and old know and love the Saviour of sinners, and be devoted with their whole hearts to his blessed service. Let the religion of this family be a bond of love and friendship among its several members. O let holiness to the Lord be distinctly inscribed upon all our characters ; and let the solemn engagements of the Christian Sabbath greatly contribute to this holy and happy result. Sanctify all our family trials. May they teach us dependence on God ; may they sweeten the consolations of the promise ; may they endear the hope of heaven. Let all our mercies be received with adoring gratitude. May we feel our unworthiness of the least of them, and may we regard them as all secured to us by the death and sufferings of our blessed Redeemer. Into Thy gracious hands we fall at the close of this day. Thou, whose eye is ever upon the righteous, and whose ear is ever open to their cry, look down upon us as we are now prostrate before thee, and graciously listen to the prayers which we make in thy presence. Thou knowest what we need, even before we ask it ; but thou wilt be inquired of by thy servants, even concerning those things which thou hast promised to do for them. Take us beneath thy guardian care; blot out our sins of omission and commission; wash us in the atoning blood of the Lamb ; send down thy good Spirit into each of our hearts ; hear, answer, forgive, and accept, for the sake of the Lord Jesus. Amen. 173 TWELFTH JKtoitirag iHonting, WEEK. Exodus, Chapi'er xxxi. 0 I.ORD God of our salvation, let our prayer come before thee, and incline thine ear unto the voice of our cry. Shew us thy mercy, and grant us thy salvation. Speak peace unto thy people, and to thy saints ; but let them not return again unto folly. How can man he justified with thee ? or how can he be clean that is born of a woman ? Against thee, O Lord, have we sinned, and done evil in thy sight. Our iniquities are more than the hairs of our heads ; and therefore our hearts do fail us. If thou, O Lord, shouldest mark iniquity, who could stand in thy sight? But there is forgiveness with thee, that thou mayest be feared. Have mercy upon us, O God, according to thy loving-kindness ; according unto the multitude of thy tender mercies, blot out our transgressions. Grant unto us the joys of thy salvation, and uphold us with thy free Spirit. Cause us to hear thy loving-kindness in the morning, for in thee do we trust : cause us to know the way wherein we should walk; for we lift up our souls unto thee. Teach us to do thy will; for thou art our God: thy Spirit is good; lead us into the land of uprightness. Grant that our love to thee, and our fellow-creatures, may abound more and more in knowledge and in all judgment. May we approve things that are excellent, and be sincere and without offence till the day of Christ. Let us be filled with the fruits of righteousness, which are, by Jesus Christ, unto the glory and praise of God. It is thou only who workest in us both to will and to do of thy good pleasure. Give us the will and ability to work out our own salvation with fear and trembling. Help us to mortify our members which are upon the earth, and to bring forth all the fruits of the Spirit — love, joy, peace, long-suffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness, and temperance. Grant that we may walk in the Spirit, and not fulfil the lust of the flesh. O may our light so shine before men, this day, that they may see our good works, and glorify our Father which is in heaven. Let us be blameless and harmless, the sons of God, without rebuke, in the midst of a crooked and perverse nation. Let us shine as lights in the world, holding forth the word of life. O save us from all anxious cares about this present world. Let us not be saying in our hearts, What shall we eat ? or, what shall we drink ? or, wherewithal shall we be clothed ? Thou knowest that we have need of all these things ; and thou carest for us. May we seek first the kingdom of heaven, and His righteousness, knowing that all these things shall be added unto us : and having food and raiment, therewith let us be content. O continue thy loving-kindness unto them that know thee ; and thy righteousness to the upright in heart. Cause the wicked to forsake his way, and the unrighteous man his thoughts, and let them return unto the Lord, and he will have mercy upon them, and to our God, for he will abundantly pardon. Deal with thy servants according to thy mercy, and teach us thy statutes. Give us wisdom and grace proportioned to the calls of duty or trial which may be upon us, that in all circum- stances we may honour thee. Bless us, O Lord, and with thy favour compass us as with a shield, both now and evermore, through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. J74 TWELFTH ifttoniiag tiftmtfttg' Luke, Chapter xxiii. Verse 1 — 26. WEEK. 0 LORD, who is a God like unto thee, glorious in holiness, fearful in praises, doing wonders ? Thou art merciful and gracious, slow to anger, and plenteous in mercy. Thou wilt not always chide, neither wilt thou keep thine anger for ever. Let our prayer come unto thee in an acceptable time ; and in the multitude of thy tender mercies hear us, and vouchsafe to us the blessings of thy great salvation. Lord, what is man, that thou takest knowledge of him ! or the Son of man, that thou makest. account of him ! Man is like to vanity ; his days are as a shadow that passeth away. We spend our years as a tale that is told. Lord, make us to know our end, and the measure of our days, what it is ; that we may know how frail we are. Behold, thou hast made our days as an handbreadth ; and our age is as nothing before thee ; verily every man in his best state is altogether vanity. And now, Lord, what wait we for? our hope is in thee. Deliver us from all our transgressions. This is a faithful saying, and worthy of all acceptation, that Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners. Let us go forth unto him without the camp, bearing his reproach, and looking unto him as the Author of eternal salvation unto all them that obey him. We are strangers, O Lord, in the earth ; hide not thy commandments from us. Make us to understand the way of thy precepts ; so shall we talk of thy wondrous works. Through thy precepts may we get understanding, and therefore hate every false way. Uphold us according unto thy word, that we may live, and let us not be ashamed of our hope. Hold thou us up, and we shall be safe ; and we shall have respect unto thy statutes continually. We adore thee, that thou hast given us all things that pertain to life and godliness. Thou hast given us exceeding great and precious promises ; that by these we might escape the corruption that is in the world through lust, and might he partakers of a divine nature. O help us, as faithful servants, to occupy till our ' Lord shall come ; let us give diligence to make our calling and our election sure ; adding to our faith courage ; to courage, knowledge ; to knowledge, temperance ; to temperance, patience ; to patience, godliness ; to godliness, brotherly kindness ; and to brotherly kindness, charity. Let these things be in us and abound, that we may not be barren or unfruitful in the knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ. Enable us, O Lord, to hold fast the profession of our faith without wavering ; and let us consider one another, to provoke unto love and to good works ; not forsaking the assem- bling of ourselves together, as the manner of some is ; but exhorting one another daily ; and so much the more, as we see the day approaching. Thus let an entrance be ministered unto us abundantly into the everlasting kingdom of our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ. Mercifully look upon us this night in retiring to rest. Let angels guard us in our sleeping moments. To thee, O Lord, we commit all our interests, for time and eternity. Be thou the strength of our hearts, and our portion for evermore. Hear us, gracious God, and pardon all our iniquities, for the sake of our only Mediator and Redeemer, Jesus Christ Amen. TWELFTH € uestiag iBnrnutg WEEK. Exodus, Chapter xxxii. O UR voice, O God, shalt thou hear in the morning ; in the morning will we direct our prayer unto thee, and will look up. May our souls wait for thee, O Lord, more than they that watch for the morning, yea, more than they that watch for the morning. O help us to sing aloud of thy mercy, and to tell of all thy wondrous loving-kindness to the children of men. Thou hast commanded the morning, O God, and caused the day- spring to know its place. The day is thine, the night also is thine ; thou hast prepared the light of the sun. With the opening blessings of this day, do thou cause the Day-spring from on high to visit us, to give us the knowledge of salvation, through the tender mercy of our God ; that the Sun of righteousness may arise upon our souls with healing in his wings, and that our path may be that of the just, shining more and more unto the perfect day. It is of thy great mercy, O Lord our God, that we are not consumed ; it is because thy compassions fail not. Thy blessings are new every morning, great is thy faithfulness. We have found thee a present help in many a time of trouble ; and while weeping has endured for a night, joy has come in the morning. Thus, O Lord, let it be with each of us, when the night of this world’s sorrow has closed. Then, O Lord, let the joys of an eternal day break forth upon our emancipated and happy spirits. Lor this bright and blessed consummation do thou graciously prepare us by all the dispensations of thy pro- vidence, by all the ordinances of thy house, and by all the influences of thy Spirit. We bless thee that we have been permitted to repose in peace and safety through another night. Though our blessed Lord had not where to lay his head, thou hast permitted us to lie down upon the couch of ease and comfort. While many have been wandering without a home and without friends, we have been blessed with shelter and sympathy. We have been refreshed with sleep, and have not been, as many, full of tossings to and fro till the dawning of the day. We rejoice that he that keepeth Israel neither slumbers nor sleeps. Cause us to hear thy loving-kindness this morning, for in thee do we trust ; cause us to know the way wherein we should walk, for we lift up our souls unto thee. O keep us from evil this day ; yea, do thou preserve our souls. Thou who art the God of all the families of Israel, be thou the God of this family ; and grant that whatsoever others do, as for us and our house we may serve the Lord. Let thy blessing rest on us from the beginning of the year unto its close. Bless us, and we shall be blessed indeed. We humbly thank thee for all the mercies of the past night, and of this morning. Influ- ence and keep us in all the duties of the day. Preserve us from all worldly entanglements. Suffer us not to burden ourselves with unnecessary cares. O let us not be wanting in the duties of our particular relations; but let us seek to promote one another’s best and highest interests. Let us provoke one another to love and to good works. May we have a single eye to the glory of God. Let benevolence of temper and disposition mark our whole conduct to our fellow-creatures. Let the thought of God’s presence ever abide with us, in duty, in trial, in conflict ; when we go out, and when we come in, when we sit in the house, and walk by the way. Graciously listen to these our feeble breathings, and accept of us and our imperfect offerings, for the sake of our glorious Advocate, Jesus Christ the righteous. Amen. 176 TWELFTH Cttofrag aiming WEEK. Luke, Chapter xxiii. Verse 27 — 56. I NFINITELY exalted Majesty, we bow before thy throne with sentiments of holy awe and reverence. Though thou art the God of love, thou art also a consuming fire, and great fear is due unto thee in all the assemblies of thy servants. As a family, we prostrate ourselves in deep humility at thy mercy-seat. Deign, most gracious God, to look upon us, and to pour upon our hearts the Spirit of grace and supplication. We know not how to pray, nor what to pray for ; but do thou vouchsafe to us the aids of that Divine Comforter and Instructor, who can pour the feelings of devotion into our hearts. Make us sensible of the greatness of our present privilege. Give to us the feeling of adoption, that we may draw near to thee as the children of thy love ; and that, with freedom and confidence, we may express our w r ants in thy presence. We bless thee for thy gracious invitations, which encourage us to draw near unto thy throne. Thy promises are both numerous and faith- ful; help us to believe them, and to take encouragement from them in our present approach into thy holy presence. We rejoice that the guilty and the unworthy may draw near to thee as the God of grace ; and that whosoever believeth in the Lord Jesus shall be saved. May our faith and penitence be sincere and unfeigned ; may we worship God in spirit and in truth; may we rejoice in Christ Jesus, and put no confidence in the flesh. O Thou that hearest prayer, enable us to confess, with deep sorrow of heart, the transgressions of this day. We have not lived under an habitual sense of thy presence ; we have been chargeable with many vain and sinful thoughts ; we have not ordered our conversation aright before thee ; we have not in all things shunned the appearance of evil ; we have been forgetful of Thee our chief good ; we have too eagerly pursued the vain and perishable objects of a present world; we have been too little anxious about spiritual and eternal things ; O deal not with us in judgment, but in mercy. Have respect unto the covenant of thy love ; blot our sins out as a cloud, and our iniquities as a thick cloud ; wash us in atoning blood ; O receive us graciously, and love us freely. God of our life, we bless thee for the merciful providence which, amidst all our short- comings, has attended us throughout the day. Thou hast watched over and preserved us in all our goings. In the domestic circle, and in the walks of business, thou hast been our Preserver and our Guide. Our various wants thou hast abundantly supplied ; from disease and death thou hast shielded our persons, and the persons of those dear to us ; and by thy good hand upon us, we meet around the domestic altar, to present to thee our evening sacrifice. Fill, O Lord, our hearts with gratitude and love, that we may praise and adore thee as our Benefactor and our Friend. We lament our insensibility of thy mercies. Our souls cleave to the dust; Lord, quicken us according to thy word. May we retire to rest more than ever conscious of the goodness of God. In the hours of sleep, may we be defended from all evil ; and in the morning, when we awake, may gratitude and praise be the first sentiments of our minds. We leave our humble offering on that altar which sanctifieth alike the giver and the gift, and pray for acceptance and forgiveness through the atoning sacrifice of the Lamb : and to the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost, one God, be glory everlasting. Amen. 177 z TWELFTH TOetmesfoag Stowing, Exodus, Chapter xxxiii. WEEK 0 ALMIGHTY and Eternal God, whose throne is in the heavens, whose footstool is the earth, and whose dominion extends to all worlds and all creatures, permit us, at the opening of a new day, to present unto thee the homage that is due to thy name, as the Creator and Sustainer of the vast universe, as the bountiful Source of all the blessings we either possess or hope to enjoy. Prepare our hearts for rendering unto thee that spiritual homage which thou demandest. Thou art our God, early will we seek thee ; thou art our fathers’ God, we will exalt thy name together. O accept our thanksgivings for all thy mercies ; and lead us by thy Spirit in the way everlasting. Give us to know thee and Jesus Christ whom thou hast sent, that eternal life, with all its blessings, may be ours. We adore thee for the liberty of access which we have to thy throne, through the death and mediation of our blessed Surety. O may we rejoice and exult in this unspeakable mercy ; and may the meditations of our hearts, and the words of our lips, be acceptable in thy sight, through Him who is our strength and Redeemer. Suffer us not to mock thee, O Lord, with forms of devotion, while our hearts are far off from thee. May the prostration of our souls be both sincere and deep. Shew us the malignity of our sin, and lead us to the blood of sprinkling. Thine it is to fan the spirit of devotion in our cold and lifeless hearts ; thine it is to reveal to us the glory of thy character, as it shines in the face of Jesus Christ; thine it is to make prayer and praise the delight and solace of our spirits. O send down upon each of us the quickening energies of the Holy Ghost, that we may pour out our hearts before thee in all the fervour of spiritual prayer. We would enter on the engagements of another day in the fear of the Lord. It is in thy strength only that we can keep ourselves from evil, and discharge the obligations under which thy providence has placed us. Warn us of every danger; keep us back also from presumptuous sins ; make us sensible of our exposure to temptation ; fortify us, by thy grace, against all the devices of the great adversary ; implant thy fear in our hearts ; and let motives of piety and holiness triumph over every sensual, worldly, and depraved habit. May we strive to become blessings to each other and to the world. To us to live may it be Christ, that to die may be gain. Let no member of this family prove indifferent to eternal interests ; let none of them perish at last ; may we all be born again ; may we all be united to Christ ; may holiness to the Lord be inscribed on all our banners ; may our hearts sweetly blend in all the hallowed exercises of domestic piety. Give to the heads of the family wisdom and uprightness, to walk before their house in the fear of the Lord ; O may the younger branches of this endeared circle exhibit all the symptoms, and feel all the happiness, of early piety ; let the domestics honour and serve the Lord in the station in which thou hast placed them ; let this house be a nursery for heaven ; and let us all strive, as the heart of one man, to build one another up in holiness and comfort, through faith unto salvation. Prosper the work of our hands this day ; yea, the work of our hands prosper thou it. Let us meet duties with diligence, trials with resignation, and tempta- tions with courage and resistance. These mercies we implore, for the sake of our only Advocate, Jesus Christ, who is worthy, with Thyself and the Holy Spirit, of glory ever- lasting. Amen. 178 TWELFTH aftmung. Luke, Chapter xxiv. Verse 1 — 35. WEEK. O LORD, the great and dreadful God, who keepest covenant and mercy with them that love thee, and with them that keep thy commandments ; receive us into thy favour, and teach us to rejoice in thy service, that we may know, in our happy experience, that blessed are the men whom thou choosest, and causest to approach unto thee. Give us grace this evening to seek thee, in the reading of thy word and in prayer, and to feel the power of thy love constraining us to acts of devotion and obedience. May our spirit be solemn ; may our understandings be enlightened, may our affections be quickened, may our desires be spiritual and fervent, may we seek the things which are above, where Christ sitteth at the right hand of God. O God, we have sinned, we have committed iniquity, we have done wickedly, we have rebelled against the Lord our God. We confess that we have departed from thy precepts, and that we have disregarded thy judgments. We have not hearkened unto thy servants, who have spoken unto us in thy name ; but have hardened our hearts against thy counsel, and would none of thy reproof. We have not obeyed the voice of the Lord our God, to walk in his laws which he has set before us. Thou hast commanded us to be holy, as thou art holy ; thou hast told us that sin was no less hateful in thy sight, than it was ruinous to our own souls ; and yet we have not scrupled to provoke thee to anger by our trans- gressions, and to act in such a manner as if we had been bent on our own destruction. O Lord, righteousness belongeth unto thee, but unto us confusion of face ; for we have grievously sinned against thee, and provoked thy righteous displeasure. To thee, O Lord, belong mercies and forgivenesses, though we have rebelled against thee. Thou hast borne with us amidst a thousand provocations. Fresh instances of thy goodness and mercy have been vouchsafed to us every morning and every evening. Thy mercy is as freely offered to us this evening as at any past period of our existence ; thou art a God in Christ Jesus, reconciling the world unto thyself, and not imputing unto men their trespasses. Our souls would take refuge in the covenant of grace. Thou wiliest not the death of the sinner. We would lay hold on the hope set before us in the gospel. We bless thee for Jesus, whom thou hast made unto us wisdom, righteousness, sanctification, and redemption. While we repose upon him alone for acceptance, may we feel the quickening power of the Holy Ghost, creating in us a clean heart, and renewing within us a right spirit ; teaching us to deny ungodliness and worldly lusts, and to live soberly, righteously, and godly in this present world, looking for the blessed hope, and the glorious appearing of the great God and our Saviour Jesus Christ, who gave himself for us, that he might redeem us from all iniquity, and purify us unto himself a peculiar people, zealous of good works. We desire, O Lord, to look up to thee this night as to our Father in heaven, and to commit ourselves to thy holy keeping, through the silence and the darkness of night. Bring us to the light of a new morning in safety and peace, and prepare us for all that thou hast reserved for us. Cause us ever to live near to thyself, and daily to advance in holiness, and in preparation for an eternal world. O Lord, hear ; O Lord, forgive ; O Lord, hearken and do ; for all that we ask is in the name, and relying upon the intercession, of Christ Jesus our Lord. Amen. 179 Z 2 TWELFTH dmrsfoag iHornmg. Exodus, Chapter xxxiv. WEEK. A LMIGHTY and most merciful God, who art the same yesterday, to-day, and for ever, thy glory is infinite, and thy tender mercies are over all thy works. O that our hearts may be stirred up to praise and magnify thy holy name ; to love thee supremely ; and to serve thee with undivided purpose of mind all the days of our life. Aid us, in holy unity to draw near to thy mercy-seat; and let the meditations of our hearts, and the words of our lips, be acceptable through our only Mediator, Jesus Christ. We adore thee as the Almighty Maker of all things in heaven and earth ; as the Governor of all worlds; as the Sustainer of all things visible and invisible; as the Father of our spirits, and the Former of our bodies. Thou sittest upon the throne of thy glory, and beholdest all that is done and thought by thy creatures. Thou art without beginning of days or end of years ; thy presence is every -where ; thy nature is unchangeable and incomprehensible ; thou art essentially happy in thyself, and thou art the Source and Fountain of happiness to all thy creatures. We worship thee with reverence and gratitude, as God over all, and blessed for ever. Adored be thy name, we are permitted to address thee as the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ. We thank thee for this thy unspeakable gift. May we see in him the brightness of thy glory, and the express image of thy person ; may we see in him the substitute of the guilty, the character of the atoning Lamb, the fulfiller of the law, the satisfier of Divine justice, the Days-man by whom we may draw near to thee. O that we may be clothed in the spotless garment of his righteousness ; may his Spirit quicken us from our death in sin ; may we rise with him to newness of life ; may we know him in the power of his resurrection, in the fellowship of his sufferings, and be made conformable to his death. We bless and adore thee for the light of this day, and we pray that the inward light and teaching of thy grace may be vouchsafed to our souls. We confess that sin has darkened every chamber of our mind. O cause the light of life to shine upon us. Make us thankful for providential mercies, but let us not rest contented with them. May we seek the proper food of the soul ; may we be fed with that bread which came down from heaven. May we be nourished by the words of eternal life. Bless us, O Lord, and make us a blessing. May we serve thee with singleness of heart, in all the duties of life, and in all the exercises of religion. Prosper our lawful callings. Make us superior to the power of our enemies. Let our conversation be holy ; let our tempers be benevolent and kind; let us do good to all, especially to the household of faith. Watch over, and defend us from danger. Supply all our wants. Help us to rely on Thy faithful providence. Let us not be left to distrust Thy fatherly goodness. May we believe that all things shall work together for good. May we see light in darkness, joy in sorrow, and life in death. Rescue us from temptation, and give us to know the joy of thy salvation, and the quickening of thy free Spirit, for Jesus Christ’s sake. Amen. 180 TWELFTH CJtirsitrag fbmmfl. Luke, Chapter xxiv. Verse 36 — 53. WEEK. M OST gracious and infinitely exalted Lord God, help us with becoming solemnity and reverence of mind, to draw near into thy holy presence, and to look up to the hills from whence cometh our salvation. Without thy aid, we cannot so much as think a right thought; but, by the assistance of thy good Spirit, our prayers and thanksgivings will rise up in memorial before thy throne, perfumed with the incense of the Redeemer’s offering, and will bring down the blessings of thy covenant upon our waiting spirits. We adore Thee, that, though thou dwellest in the highest heavens, thou art not disinclined to extend thy pity and thy regard to our fallen world. Though thou receivest the lofty praises of eternity, yet, to that man wilt thou look, and with him wilt thou dwell, who is of an humble and contrite spirit, and who trembleth at thy word. We confess before Thee our utter unworthiness of thy notice. We have been transgressors from the womb; we have rebelled against, thy holy Majesty; and have opposed ourselves to thy pure and spotless law. Lord, have pity upon us, lost and perishing sinners ; and while we he buried in the ruins of the fall, unable to help or deliver ourselves, do thou stretch forth the arm of thy mercy, and save us. Behold, we are as an unclean thing in thy sight, and our iniquities like the wind have taken us away. We have neither righteousness nor strength before thee. It becomes us to stand afar off, and to smite upon our breasts, crying, “ God be merciful unto us, sinners.” Lord, we are unworthy to lift up our eyes to heaven, and far more so to dwell in that high and holy place. But do thou interpose for us, and we shall be saved ; grant us an interest in the death of thy Son, and we shall escape from merited condemnation. Seeing that thou hast found out a remedy, and opened a Fountain for sin and uncleanness, we humbly entreat thee, for the sake of Christ Jesus the Son of thy love, to send down thy Spirit, to heal our souls, to cleanse our hearts, to renew our minds, to subdue our wills, to purify our natures, and to consecrate us, in body and soul, as temples of the Holy Ghost, in which he may for ever dwell. Shew us the absolute necessity of Jesus Christ, the Saviour of lost sinners, that we may without delay flee to Him for the pardon of all sin, and reconciliation with thee our offended God. May we all be found in Him, not having on our own righteousness, which is of the law, but that which is through the faith of Christ, the righteousness which is of God by faith. Blessed God, protect us from all dangers and enemies this night, both spiritual and temporal. Keep us from that great adversary, who goes about like a roaring lion seeking whom he may devour. Protect us under the shadow of thy wings, and place beneath us thine everlasting arms. Thou who art the watchful Shepherd of Israel, guard us in our defenceless moments ; command thine angels to pitch their tents round about us ; let no evil befall us, nor any plague come nigh our dwelling. Hear us, own us, and bless us, for Christ’s sake; and let the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, the love of God the Father, and the consolation and fellowship of the Holy Ghost, be with us this night, and for evermore. Amen. 181 TWELFTH dfrfrag iHo riling, Exodus, Chapter xxxv. •week. O UR Father and our God, permit us the exalted privilege of drawing near into thy presence, through the glorious mediation of thy dear Son. We rejoice that he is exalted on his mediatorial throne, and that thence he is dispensing repentance and remis- sion of sins to thousands and to tens of thousands of our guilty and apostate race. May we be of the happy number who submit to his gracious rule, who are made willing in the day of his power, and who receive out of his fulness in grace for grace. O may we kiss the Son, lest he be angry, and we perish from the way ; for if his wrath begin to burn but a little, blessed are all they that put their trust in him. We mourn that ever there was a period in our existence, in which we were ready to say in our hearts, We will not have this man to reign over us. We bless and adore thy name, if our opposition to Christ has been overcome ; if we have been brought to submit to his claims ; if we have seen our need of him ; if we have found peace by believing in his precious name. Not unto us, O Lord, not unto us, but to thy name would we give glory, for thy sovereign and distinguishing grace. If we are yet strangers to Christ ; if we have seen no beauty in him, that we should desire him ; if we are going about to establish our own righteousness ; if the world, and not Christ and his claims, is occupying our hearts, — O remove our blindness, take from us our impenitence, quicken us to a holy sensibility, and bring us with weeping and suppli- cation to the foot of the cross. We would begin this day, gracious God, by humble acknowledgments of thee and of thy good providence. In thee we live, and move, and have our being. Thou hast shielded us from danger during the past night, and we are the living this day to praise thee. Goodness and mercy have ever followed us during the past periods of our existence. From dangers, seen and unseen, thou hast preserved us. May the thought of thy tender care awaken sentiments of unfeigned gratitude and love. May all the blessings of life be con- nected in our minds with the sovereign and gracious plan of salvation by our Lord Jesus Christ, that their true value may be perceived by us, and that they may be received with double relish and with tenfold sweetness. We beseech thee to accept our humble acknowledgments for the blessings of another night. We have been preserved and recruited; and we are monuments of thy mercy. Bless the Lord, O our souls, and all that is within us bless his holy name. Let all our hearts be filled with gratitude and love. Help us to serve thee uprightly and devoutly in the duties of the day. Grant us all needful assistance in the path in which thou wouldst have us to go. Guard us from evil ; influence us to every good word and work ; restrain us from all that is rash, imprudent, or inconsistent. Make us watchful against the devices of our spiritual enemies. Give us power to subdue evil thoughts and affections. Enable us to shun all the sins of the tongue. To thee we commit every member of the family. Be Thou our God and our portion for evermore, for the sake of our only Mediator and Redeemer : and may the grace of our Lord Jesus, the love of God, and the communion of the Holy Ghost be with us now and ever. Amen. 182 TWELFTH jfrfoag (^bntutfj John, Chapter i. week. F ATHER of all mercies, who art reconciled to believing sinners in Christ Jesus, O teach us to pray unto thee in the Spirit, and grant us the answer of those prayers which thou dost teach us to present unto thy Divine Majesty. Our only plea before thee is the merit of thy dear Son; for his sake bow thine ear to the voice of our prayer, and bless us with the light of life, and the joys of salvation. Thy gracious hand has sustained us during another day, and the shadows of the evening have closed upon us in peace and comfort. We would assemble around the mercy-seat, to adore thee for that watchful and kind providence by which we have been upheld and blessed. For every blessing of our earthly pilgrimage, we desire to thank thee. Thou hast loaded us with thy benefits ; thou hast given us all things richly to enjoy. Every moment of our past being has brought fresh tokens with it of thy fatherly care. We desire chiefly to adore thee for spiritual blessings ; for the hopes of the glorious gospel ; for the Mediator of the New Covenant ; for the Gift of thine unspeak- able love; for Jesus, the Redeemer of a lost world. We rejoice to know that He who was holy, harmless, undefiled, and free from sin, was made a sin-offering for us. We bless thee that he gave himself a ransom for many ; and that the sacrifice he offered has been accepted on our behalf; that thou art now waiting to be gracious; that thou art ready to accept and forgive all that come unto thee through Him ; that thou art pacified towards us, notwithstanding all that we have done unto thee ; and that through Jesus we have access with boldness into the holiest of all. We rejoice that in Him all fulness dwells ; that he is Head over all things to his body the Church ; and that he must reign in divine glory till all his enemies shall be made his footstool. O Lord, thou art the searcher of all hearts. Thou knowest all things, thou knowest if we love thy blessed Son. Teach us to remember, that if we love not him, we must perish in our sin. Or if any of us are strangers to his Divine excellence and grace, send forth thy Spirit into our hearts, and teach us that heavenly affection without which we can never see thy face in peace. O awaken every one of us from the slumbers of sin ; quicken us from our spiritual death ; give us grace to walk in newness of life. Speak thou the word, and thy servants shall be healed ; and O let our renovated powers be entirely devoted to thee. And now, Lord, we commend ourselves to thy gracious care and keeping this night. Thou, the Shepherd of Israel, neither slumberest nor sleepest. Watch over us, and guard us from all harm, both of body and soul. Keep us in the continued enjoyment of thy presence, and in the sense of thy love. Cause us to live as strangers and pilgrims in the earth. Wean us, more and more, from a present evil world, and reveal to us, more and more, the glories of the world to come. We know not how soon the wonders of that world may break forth on our view. Let not death overtake us in an unprepared condition; but may we be found watching for the coming of our Lord. Grant these our petitions, O heavenly Father, for the sake of Jesus Christ, our only Saviour and Redeemer. Amen. 183 TWELFTH .^atmtiag JEtontmg Exodus, Chapter xxxvi. WEEK. O UR souls wait for thee, O Lord ; be thou our help and our shield. Thou lookest down from heaven, and beholdest all the sons of men ; from the place of thy habita- tion thou lookest upon all the inhabitants of the earth ; let thy mercy be upon us, O Lord, according as we hope in thee. We rejoice to know that thine eyes are upon the righteous, and that thine ears are open unto their cry ; they cry unto thee, and thou hearest them, and deliverest them out of all their troubles. Thou art nigh, O Lord, unto them that are of a broken heart, and savest such as are of a contrite spirit ; and though the afflictions of the righteous are many, yet, O Lord, thou wilt deliver them out of them all. We will sing unto the Lord, and give thanks at the remembrance of his holiness. Thine anger, O God, endureth but for a moment ; but in thy favour is life : weeping may endure for a night, but joy cometh in the morning. Into thy hands, O God, we commit our spirits, for thou hast redeemed us, O Lord God of truth. O satisfy us early with thy mercy this morning, that we may rejoice and be glad in thee all the day long. Let thy work appear unto thy servants, and thy glory unto their children ; and let the beauty of the Lord our God be upon us ; and establish thou the work of our hands upon us ; yea, the work of our hands establish thou it. We will say of the Lord, He is our refuge and our fortress ; our God, in him will we trust. Let our confidence be unshaken in thy faithful promise, amidst all the sorrows and conflicts of this mortal scene. O suffer us not to seek our rest in a present world ; but while many are saying, Who will shew us any good? may the language of our hearts be, Lift thou upon us the light of thy countenance. Teach us, O God, to seek our happi- ness in thee. Thou hast made us for thyself, and we can never be happy till we come to thee as the chief good, till we are restored to thy lost favour, till thy grace is implanted in our hearts, and till thy holy image is put upon us. We adore thee for that dispensation of mercy whereby fallen creatures may be delivered from the wrath to come, and may be brought to love thee, to delight in thee, and to resemble thee. O may the unspeakable benefits of this dispensation be ours, through faith in the Redeemer of a lost world. Lord, thou art greatly to be feared, and we look up to thy throne this morning with holy awe. O deal with us as the children of thy love. Take from us the hard and stony heart, and give us hearts of flesh. Incline our depraved wills to keep thy holy laws ; make our duty a source of pleasure to us ; and let sin be the grief and burden of our souls. We know not what may await us this day ; but we look to thee for grace and strength suffi- cient to the duties and trials that may spring up in our path. We bless thee for thy gracious care of us through the past night. As a family, we have much to be thankful for in thy presence. O give us grateful hearts ; make us observant of thy providence ; suffer us not to forget all thy benefits. Let the eye of thy love rest upon us this day. May we take delight in thee; and O do thou take delight in us. Forgive our unnumbered sins; bestow upon us the gifts and graces of thy Holy Spirit; and let these our petitions be heard and answered for Jesus Christ’s sake. Amen. 184 TWELFTH &atur&ag Cbenntg, John, Chapi’er ii. WEEK.. 0 LORD God, our Creator and Preserver, who hast conducted us in safety to the close of this day, and who hast upheld us all our life long, though we have proved ourselves to be unworthy of the least of all thy mercies. We adore and praise thee for the varied blessings of this present life ; for the stream of thy bounty which has followed us, for our refreshment, through the wilderness. When we think of our manifold rebel- lions, we feel that thy goodness to us has been unspeakable. Surely the lines have fallen to us in pleasant places, and we have a goodly heritage. In infancy and childhood, and in riper years, thy watchful Providence has constantly attended us. We bless thee for the care of parents, for the sympathy of friends, and for all the favourable circumstances of our lot. For health, for food and raiment, for the gift of reason, and for all other benefits, we desire to bless thee. We rejoice especially that we were not born in some heathen land; that we were not left without thy word, and the various means of religious instruction. We adore thee that ever we heard of the precious name of Christ. We approach thee, this evening, to implore an interest in those spiritual and eternal blessings which thou hast provided for us in the person and work of thy dear Son, and which thou hast treasured up in him for the supply and comfort of all them that believe. Cause us to hunger and thirst after righteousness, that we may be filled. O feed us this evening with the bread which came down from heaven. Enable us to draw water out of the wells of salvation. May the consolations of the Divine Spirit be poured into our souls. We feel that the world cannot satisfy our longing desires. Let us not seek our portion where it is not to be found. May we regard this world as a wilderness ; and may we be as those who are travelling through it, as strangers and pilgrims, to the heavenly Canaan. O imbitter all those things of earth which tempt our hearts from thee. Wean us more and more from created good, that our affections may rise to their native element, that they may be set on things above, where Christ sitteth at the right hand of God. Inspire us with growing hatred of all iniquity ; may the indwelling corruption of our hearts be subdued ; may we long and ask for sanctifying grace ; may we strive against the sins which do most easily beset us. O give us a tender conscience. Make us alive to the evil of every temptation that might disturb the peace of our minds. Manifest thy glory to us, that we may be dead to the fading glories of the world, and that we may live upon the blessed and glorious hopes of eternal life through Christ Jesus. O prepare us for the holy rest of the Sabbath. Help us to lay aside the cares of the world ; and, by meditation and prayer, may our thoughts and affections soar to the blessed abode of our risen Lord. For all the comforts and blessings of the week, and of the day, be pleased to accept our grateful and united acknowledgments. Our sins and short- comings, do thou mercifully forgive. Our prayers do thou hear and answer, for the sake of our only Mediator, Jesus Christ. Amen. 2 A 185 THIRTEENTH ,#>untrag iHonimg* Exodus, Chapter xxxvii. WEEK, 0 OUR heavenly Father, we look up to thy throne for a blessing upon the exercises of this sacred day. Thou hast appointed one day in seven for thine immediate service, and thou hast been pleased, under this dispensation, to ordain, that the day on which Christ rose from the dead should be thus devoted to thee. Grant, that all the members of this family may remember the Sabbath day to keep it holy ; may we call upon our souls and all that is within us to enter upon acts of prayer and devout meditation ; may we rouse every spiritual energy and affection of the mind ; may we regard thy day as a season for the accumulation of spiritual treasure ; and may we be diligent in seeking after those things which make for our eternal peace. We rejoice that Christ has risen from the dead, that he is exalted to the throne of his glory in the heavens, that all power is committed into his hands, that with him is the residue of the Spirit, and that he is able to save to the uttermost all that come unto God by him, seeing he ever liveth to make intercession for them. Help us to meditate with sacred delight on his person and work this day. May we contemplate him as our Prophet, Priest, and King; may we think of his disinterested love, of his tender sympathy, of his watchful care, of his unchanging friendship. May we think especially of the power of his resurrection and of the fellowship of his sufferings, that we may be made conformable to his death, and that the ends of his obedience and sacrifice, of his resurrection and glory, may be achieved in us. We rejoice that this is the day of Christian assembly; we have loved the habitation of thy house, and the place where thine honour dwelleth. O do thou make the place of thy feet glorious this day. We will go into thy tabernacles, we will worship at thy foot- stool. Arise, O Lord, into thy rest, thou, and the ark of thy strength. Let thy priests be clothed with righteousness; and let thy saints shout for joy. For thy servant David’s sake, turn not away the face of thine Anointed. Thou, O Lord, hast chosen Zion ; thou hast desired it for thy habitation. This is thy rest for ever ; here wilt thou dwell, for thou hast desired it. Do thou abundantly bless her provision ; do thou satisfy her poor with bread. O let the arm of Messiah be made bare this day, in the conversion of souls. May he take to himself his great power, and reign in the hearts of willing and grateful multitudes. May his gospel prove the wisdom of God and the power of God to salvation, unto thousands who shall this day embrace its life-giving message. Great Lord of the church, send forth labourers into those fields which are already white to the harvest; the harvest is great, but the labourers are few. Pity the nations that are without a vision, and where the people perish. Hasten the glory of Messiah’s kingdom. May all ends of the earth see the salvation of God. Pour out thy Spirit upon all faithful ministers, and upon all Christian churches. Revive thy work in the midst of the years. Give times of refreshing from thine own presence. Be pleased, O Lord, to accom- pany the members of this family to thy house. Prepare us by thy grace for meekly receiving thy word. Bless thy servant who is to speak to us in thy name. Give him the tongue ot the learned, that he may speak a word in season to them that are weary. We leave our offering upon that altar which sanctifieth the giver and the gift, and pray for pardon, acceptance, and all spiritual blessings through Jesus Christ, our only Saviour. Amen. 18G THIRTEENTH ^unirag Oftmttng, John, Chapt'er iii. WEEK. O THOU that dwellest in the heavens, unto Thee do we lift up our eyes. As the eyes of servants look unto the hand of their masters, and as the eyes of a maiden unto the hand of her mistress ; so our eyes wait upon thee, O Lord God, until that thou shalt have mercy upon us. We were glad when it was said unto us, Let us go into the house of the Lord ; our feet have stood within the gates of the spiritual Jerusalem ; we have heard the messages of thy love ; we have seen thy glory in the sanctuary ; and now, O Lord, what wait we for ? Do not our souls long for thy blessing ? Is not our hearts’ desire and prayer to God, that we and thousands may be saved ? As the rain cometh down, and the snow, from heaven, and returneth not thither, but watereth the earth, and maketh it to bring forth and bud, that it may give seed to the sower, and bread to the eater ; so let thy word he that hath this day gone forth out of thy mouth ; let it not return unto thee void ; but let it accomplish that which thou pleasest, and let it prosper in the thing whereto thou hast sent it. As the earth bringeth forth her bud, and as the garden causeth the things that are sown in it to spring forth ; so do thou, O Lord God, cause righteousness and praise to spring forth before all nations. Pardon, O Lord our God, the unprofitable hearing of thy word, with which we have this day been chargeable. Forgive us, that we have felt, in so slight a degree, the sense of thy presence while engaged in thy worship. Forgive us, that our thoughts have wan- dered in prayer, in praise, and in hearing the word of life. Forgive us, that our under- standings have been so dull of perception, that our hearts have been so cold and lifeless, and that our consciences have so feebly witnessed for thee and thy truth. O send down thy Spirit to quicken our dead souls, that the seed sown may be vivified, and that it may yet spring up, first the blade, then the ear, and then the full corn in the ear. O grant, most blessed God, that the fruits of holiness may be produced in each of us ; that sin may be vanquished ; that the graces of thy Spirit may be matured ; and that, by all our advan- tages and opportunities, we may be meetened for heaven. Blessed Lord of the Sabbath, we adore thee for its high and sacred privileges. May we be refreshed by them for the journey of life. How blessed must be the exercises and fellowships of heaven, when such joys can be felt in the sanctuary below. Teach us to look for the glory that is yet to be revealed. May we be as those who are waiting and longing for its bright and hallowed disclosures. O teach us to watch for the coming of our Lord. The night is far spent, the day is at hand ; let us not sleep as do others, but let us watch and be sober. May we have grace to take up our cross, and to follow Christ, through evil report, and through good report. We rejoice, that if called to suffer for Christ, we shall also reign with him ; while those who refuse to take up his cross, and to confess him before men, shall be denied by Him, before his Father, and before the holy angels. O Lord, hear us ; O Lord, answer us ; O Lord, abundantly bless us, for Jesus Christ’s sake. Amen. 187 2 A 2 THIRTEENTH Ston&ag iBonttnfl. WEEK. Exodus, Chapter xxxviii. LMIGHTY and Eternal God, who hast commended thy love to us, in that while we were yet sinners, Christ died for the ungodly ; we bless thee for this unspeakable testimony of thy boundless grace. Since thou hast not withheld thine only Son, but hast delivered him up to the death for us all, we are warranted to conclude, that with him also thou wilt freely give us all things. We approach thee, this morning, in his all-prevailing name ; we trust alone, and for ever, in his atoning blood. We recognize him as the only Mediator between Thee and us. All our hopes of acceptance, of forgiveness, of justifying righteousness, and of everlasting joys, are derived from his finished work and never-failing advocacy within the veil. Be pleased, then, mercifully to shed on us the light of thy countenance, to comfort our hearts by the sense of thy love, and to grant that our fellow- ship with thee may be sweet in this approach to thy mercy-seat. How great is that love wherewith thou hast loved us ! Help us to adore and praise Thee for the riches of thy sovereign grace. When there was no eye to pity, and no hand to deliver, thine own eye did pity us, and thine own arm did bring us salvation. We acknowledge that we were rebels against thy government ; that we had provoked thy just displeasure ; that we had trampled on thy holy laws ; and that thou wouldest have been just in condemning us to the vengeance of eternal fire. We adore Thee for the disclosure of thy plan of grace and salvation by Christ Jesus. Thou wiliest not the death of the sinner, but rather that he would turn unto thee and live. Turn us, O Lord, and we shall be turned, for thou art the Lord our God. Let us not perish in the midst of plenty ; let us not die while the cup of life is presented to our bps. If our hearts are not changed by thy grace, we shall reject Christ, and sink beneath the weight of the threatened curse. We bless Thee for all who believe in this house, and who have turned unto the Lord ; and we pray for the true conversion of those who have not yet believed unto the saving of the soul. Let the light of the knowledge of the glory of God, in the face of Jesus Christ, shine into their hearts. Cause the Day-spring from on high to visit and bless them ; and may they be one with us in Christ Jesus, the Son of thy love. Shew us a token for good, in the union of all our hearts to Him in whom the whole family in heaven and in earth is named. We unite to praise thee, O Lord, for the repose, the protection, and all the other blessings of the past night. May we think of thousands who have been less favourably circumstanced than ourselves, and may we pity and sympathize with them. O give us hearts to feel for the miseries of others, remembering that we are yet in the flesh. Be near to us this day, to assist us in its several duties, and to keep us from all its dangers. Let thy word dwell in our hearts, and let it be the rule of our lives. May we follow the Lord fully, and have his Spirit as our Teacher and our Guide. Whether we eat or drink, or whatsoever we do, may we do all to the glory of God. O shine upon our spirits, gracious God, at this time, and fill us with heavenly peace, for the sake of Him who has shed his blood for the remission of our sins : and to the Father, to the Son, and to the Holy Ghost be glory everlasting. Amen. 188 THIRTEENTH JHantiag tiftmtutg, WEEK. John, Chapter iv. Verse 1 — 26. B LESSED be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who hath blessed us with all spiritual blessings in heavenly places in Christ Jesus. We would prize above life itself the privilege of access into the holiest of all by the blood of sprinkling. O teach us to draw near to thee with true hearts, in full assurance of faith, having our hearts sprinkled from an evil conscience, and our bodies washed with pure water. Almighty Father, the Maker and Judge of all, we acknowledge and bewail our mani- fold sins and wickednesses committed against thy Majesty. Have mercy upon us, according to the multitude of thy tender mercies: wash us thoroughly from our iniquities, and cleanse us from our sin ; create in us new and contrite hearts ; and take not thy Holy Spirit from us. Grant us, O Lord, the aids of thy grace, that we may flee from those evils which we discover and confess, and that our future life may be holiness to the Lord. Without thee we can do nothing ; but through Christ strengthening us we can do all things. Let his grace always prevent and follow us ; so that we may continually feel as in thy presence, and that, loving thee supremely, we may bring forth those fruits of the Spirit which are by Jesus Christ to the praise and glory of God. Help us, blessed Lord, to withstand the assault of our spiritual enemies' — the world, the flesh, and the devil ; that with hearts full of love and submission to thee, we may walk in all holy obedience to thy commands. Grant, that being grafted into Christ, the true Vine, we may be enabled to abound in all goodness, may love the things which thou commandest, may desire that which thou hast promised, and may live in the daily and animating hope of living with Christ, and being perfectly conformed to Him. Teach us, O Lord, so to number our days as to apply our hearts unto wisdom; help us to press onw r ard toward the mark of the prize of our high calling of God in Christ Jesus. With faith and patience, with meekness and humility, with mortification and self-denial, with charity and kindness, help us to pursue our heaven-ward course ; that so, when we quit this transitory life, we may sleep in Jesus, and enter into the glorious rest w hich remaineth for the people of God. Take us, O Father of mercies, under thy gracious protection during the silent hours of darkness ; defend us from all the evils incident to night-season ; keep us outwardly in our bodies, and nwardly in our souls ; let the peace of God rule in our hearts. May we Tetire to rest conscious of love to God, and to all our fellow-creatures. May great grace be on all whom we love. May every member of this family be a member of Christ. May we spend eternity in holy fellowship and unceasing praise. Teach us to express our thank- fulness for all thy mercies, by submitting ourselves entirely to thy holy will and pleasure, and by studying to serve thee in holiness and righteousness all the days of our life. Accept, O Lord, of these our prayers and praises, in and through the mediation of Jesus Christ, our blessed Saviour and Redeemer. Amen. 389 THIRTEENTH Ctustia^ iKanttitg, WEEK. Exodus, Chapter xxxix. G REAT God, we adore thee as the high and holy One that inhabitest eternity, whose name is holy, and who receivest the praises of countless myriads of pure and happy spirits. Thou sittest upon the throne of the universe, and thy dominion is for ever and ever. But though thou art exalted above the conceptions of the loftiest of thy creatures, yet thou condescendest to look upon the poor and the needy. Deign, then, to look upon us feeble worms of dust, and to bow thine ear to the voice of our prayer. In the name of our exalted Redeemer we draw near to the throne of thy grace, and implore forgiveness of our sins, the acceptance of our persons and offerings, and all needful bestowments for life and godliness. Do thou receive us graciously, do thou love us freely, and do thou bless us with tokens of thy most gracious favour, though Him that hath loved us, and given Himself for us. - Lord, thou knowest all our hearts. If there be any guile in us, do thou remove it, and enable us to worship thee in spirit and in truth. We give thanks to thee, O Lord, for thy preservation of us during the past night. We desire to be deeply sensible of the manifold mercies of this morning. Truly we are monuments of thy sparing goodness. In thee we live, and move, and have our being. All our springs are in thee ! Be thou the portion of our souls for evermore. Enable us to enter on this day in thy fear. May thy grace strengthen and prepare us for every duty, and may the consolations of thy Spirit attend us in every trial. Help us to set the Lord ever before us, and to hide his word in our hearts, that we may not sin against Him. We are prone continually to fall into sin ; but do thou uphold us, day by day, in the path of holy obedience, and supply us with such motives as thou wilt approve and own. Let integrity and uprightness preserve us in all the circumstances through which we are called to pass. Amidst the changing and chequered scenes of life, may we possess our souls in patience, believing that what we know not now, we shall know hereafter. Let us never set our affections supremely upon any earthly or perishable object, but, remembering that this is not the rest of our souls, may we raise our thoughts and desires to heaven, and have our hearts where our treasures are. We pray for direction in all the engagements of the day. Be at our right hand, that we may not be moved. Prosper and bless us in every lawful undertaking, and restrain us from every act or habit which would be offensive in thy sight, which would grieve thy Holy Spirit, or which would disturb the peace of our minds. Consecrate all the members of this household to thy blessed service. With full purpose of heart may they all give themselves to the Lord. We thank thee for such of them as know thee, and pray that the time may speedily arrive when they shall all know thee, from the least of them even to the greatest. May we not be permitted to forget, in any of the events of the day, that thou God seest us. Hear these our feeble and unworthy breathings, for the sake of Jesus, the great High Priest of our profession, who is worthy, with thyself, O Father, and the Holy Spirit, to receive all honour and glory, world without end. Amen. 190 THIRTEENTH Cuttftmg Abating. John, Chapter iv. Verse 27 — 54. WEEK. M OST blessed God, who givest unto all men liberally, and upbraidest not, we come to thee confessing our need of all things. All our mercies have been forfeited by sin. At thy hand we deserve nothing but thy displeasure. We bless thee that thou delightest in shewing mercy even to the guilty and the unworthy. We plead the merits of thy Son : see, O God, our shield, and look upon the face of thine Anointed. O help us, in a filial temper of mind, to draw near to thy Divine Majesty. O thou that hearest prayer, unto thee shall all flesh come. How great the privilege of access with boldness and confidence into the holiest of all. May we know and prize our privilege ; and whenever the hour of prayer returns, may our spirits long after communion with thee. We mourn in thy pre- sence the sins of this day. O enter not into judgment with thy servants : wash us, and we shall be clean ; purge us, and we shall be whiter than the snow. Grant us thy Spirit, to witness with our spirits that we are the children of God : take from us the spirit of bondage, and enable us to cry unto thee, Abba, Father. For all needful blessings of this life, we most cheerfully cast ourselves upon thy fatherly wisdom and goodness, O Lord God who hast redeemed us. Do thou grant us what will be most convenient for us, and what will best promote thy glory. Deliver us from all sinful anxiety about the cares or possessions of this present and passing scene. Help us daily to cast all our care upon God, believing that He careth for us: and in every thing, by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, may we make known our requests unto God, that the peace of God, which passeth all understanding, may keep our hearts and minds by Christ Jesus. In the joyful confidence of thy love and favour, may we leave all inferior interests in thy gracious hands, believing that what is good the Lord will give, and that no good thing will he withhold from them that walk uprightly. Thou hast been our guide in times past ; leave us not, neither forsake us, O God of our salvation, who art the confidence of all the ends of the earth, and of them that are afar off upon the sea. Accept, we beseech thee, O Lord, our thankful acknowledgments for the mercies which thou hast this day added to all thy former gracious bestowments, and accompany thy temporal benefits with the richer and better blessings of thy grace. Let our souls live before thee. Let us all be born of water and of the Spirit. Bless all our dear friends and connexions ; forgive our enemies, persecutors, and slanderers : requite all the kindness of our benefactors ; comfort all the desolate and afflicted ; turn their mourning and heavi- ness into gladness and joy. And now that we are about to retire to rest, keep us, we beseech thee, and all dear to us, in peace and safety: refresh our wearied bodies and spirits with comfortable sleep : if we are spared to see the light of a new morning, let our thoughts and affections ascend to thee, and help us to employ all our renewed strength to thy honour and glory, according to thy will declared by Christ Jesus ; in whose blessed name and words we commend ourselves to thy infinite mercies. Our Father, &c. 191 THIRTEENTH WEEK. Exodus, Chapter xl. 0 MOST glorious and mighty Lord, the sovereign possessor of heaven and earth. Ail the holy angels worship and adore thy incomprehensible Majesty with the humblest reverence, and rejoice in rendering praise, and honour, and thanksgiving to thee the Father of their spirits. We would feel it to be our happiness and our duty to unite with the heavenly host in adoring thine infinite perfections as our Creator and Preserver, and in celebrating thy matchless love to our lost and fallen race in Christ Jesus. We can never sufficiently admire that love which gave Him up to the death for us all, and which constituted Him the Lord of life and glory, that He might be the author of eternal salva- tion to all that believe in His precious name. Our highest praises fall infinitely short of thy most excellent Majesty, and we are ashamed of our warmest gratitude when we think of thy boundless and unmerited mercies. What reason have we to be ashamed of our mournful ingratitude and rebellion. Enable us to loathe and abhor ourselves in dust and in ashes before thee. Pardon us, O Lord, and receive us into thy mercy. Accept of our renewed vows to study and to perform our duties conscientiously towards thee, and towards our fellow-men. Grant unto us the blessed influences of thy Spirit, to confirm and strengthen every holy purpose, and to raise us above our own weakness and corruption. Cherish in us every rising motion of goodness which may present itself to thine omniscient eye, and prosper all our endea- vours to attain to higher measures of holy conformity to thy blessed will. And since, at best, we are but unprofitable servants, and can do nothing more than is our duty to do, enable us to aim at every part of obedience with cheerfulness, and to perform it under the constraining influence of thy love. We would ever approach unto thee with delight and pleasure, and feel it to be the joy of our hearts to think of thee, to praise thee, to give thee thanks, and to offer ourselves with absolute resignation to thy will. O that mercy may always prove delightful to us as it does to thee ! That we may be strictly just and righteous, may cheerfully pass by injuries, readily deny all sinful desires, willingly submit to thy fatherly corrections, and per- form the duties of our several stations with singleness of heart. Render us so mindful of the great love of our Lord and Master Jesus Christ, that we may be zealously concerned for his glory, and use our utmost diligence to promote the success and honour of his religion in the world. May we delight to commemorate His death and passion, to make a joyful sacrifice of our souls and bodies to Him, and to pray most earnestly that His kingdom may come, and that all mankind may submit themselves to His peaceful and happy government. Fulfil, most merciful God, all our petitions; and as thou hast gra- ciously protected our dwelling during the past night, do thou spread the shield of thy pro- tection over our persons this day. Be thou at our right hand, that we may not be moved. Suffer us not to trust to our own erring and sinful hearts. Bless us, and we shall be blessed; bless us, and make us a blessing, for the sake of our only Mediator, Jesus Christ Amen. 192 THIRTEENTH OTrtmegtmg Abetting, WEEK. John, Chapter v. W E will praise thee, O Lord, with our whole heart, and will shew forth thy marvellous works. The heavens declare thy glory, and the firmament sheweth thy handi- work; day unto day uttereth speech, and night unto night sheweth knowledge. All thy works praise thee, and thy saints shall bless thee. We worship thee, O Lord our God, as our Creator, our Lawgiver, and our Judge. We are deeply sensible, in approaching thee, that we need a Mediator; and we adore thee, that such a Mediator has been provided, by whom we may draw near to thee without terror or dismay, addressing thee as our Father in heaven. For this most merciful provision we are indebted to thy sovereign grace, abounding through Christ Jesus to the chief of sinners. Help us to draw near to thee with true hearts, in full assurance of faith, believing not only that thou art, but that thou art a rewarder of all them that diligently seek thee. May we feel the privilege of access into the holiest of all by the blood of Christ. May the liveliest sentiments of gratitude and love spring up in our minds, while we disclose to thee the desires of our hearts, and look up to thee for all needful supplies of grace and strength Let our evening sacrifice come up before thee with acceptance. May it be distinguished by sincerity, spirituality, and faith. Lord, we confess the sin of our nature ; we were shapen in sin, and in iniquity did our mother conceive us. The imagination of our heart is evil, and only evil, and that continually. We bless thee, if thou hast discovered to us, in any measure, our lost and ruined state. By nature we were blind to our awful condition : we called evil good, and good evil; we put darkness for light, and light for darkness. We chose destruction in the error of our ways; we sought happiness in the creature, and forsook thee, the Fountain of life and enjoyment. We bless thee, if thou hast restored us from our guilty wanderings ; humbled us for our sin, original and actual ; brought us in penitence to the foot of the cross ; emptied us of all self-righteous confidence ; and taught us to feel that sin is misery, and that holiness is bliss. Blessed Lord, if there are any, in this endeared circle, yet sunk in the darkness and folly of impenitence, do thou visit their souls with the day-spring from on high. O quicken them to spiritual life ; bring them out of the bondage of sin into the glorious liberty of thy children ; and suffer them not to deceive themselves with the hope of safety, while they are without God, without hope, and without Christ in the world. We would review with gratitude the mercies of another day. Thou hast graciously preserved us from eviL Our various wants have been the objects of thy care. Our bread has been given us, our water has been sure. We are the living, to praise thee. Bless the Lord, O our souls. Remember not against us the sins of the day. With godly sorrow may we confess our manifold offences against thy Majesty. Create in us a clean heart, and renew within us a right spirit, and take not thy Holy Spirit from us. Spread the shield of thy mercy over us during the silent hours of night; grant us sweet and refresh- ing sleep ; and do more for us than we ask or think, for the Redeemer’s sake. Amen. 193 2 I> THIRTEENTH CJjursfoag iBontmg, Leviticus, Chapter i. WEEK* E VER-blessed and eternal God, behold us prostrate this morning at thy mercy-seat. As a family, we desire to call upon thy name, and to adore thine infinite perfections. O our Father in heaven, do thou instil into our hearts suitable affections of reverence and love. In thy favour is life ; may we live as in thy presence ; may we know the privilege of habitual communion with thee ; and may we dwell beneath the smile of thy countenance each hour of our pilgrimage on earth. Help us to anticipate and to prepare for that world, where we hope to be blessed with a morning without clouds, and to see thee in all the fulness of glory which shall satisfy our utmost desires. We mourn our undue love of present and sensible scenes. Enable us to elevate our grovelling affections, and to aspire after more solid and substantial bliss. May we cherish and improve the hopes of the gospel; and while our faith surmounts the cloudy regions of earth, may we have our conversation in heaven, from whence we look for the Saviour. Suffer us never to regard the exercise of spiritual affections, and the pursuit of heavenly objects, as incon- sistent with the claims of present duty, and the constantly returning obligations of social life. Help us to regard the return of another day as a fresh opportunity for receiving and imparting good. Make us contented with our earthly lot, and give us grace to know and to do thy holy will. Vouchsafe, O Lord, to open the path of duty before us this day, and to shew us what thou wouldest have us to do. Impart to us a prompt and ready inclination to fulfil all the responsibilities of our respective stations. Let thy grace be sufficient for us, and let thy strength be made perfect in our weakness. We rejoice in the numerous promises of Divine assistance to those who feel their insufficiency to think even a right thought. May we rely on the truth and faithfulness of those promises, and feel ourselves equipped for the spiritual conflict by their mighty and animating influence. By their holy tendency may we be made partakers of a divine nature, and escape the corruption that is in the world through lust; that thus we may be gradually meetened for the glories and felicities of the heavenly inheritance. We would not enter on the engagements of this day without acknowledging our inability, without Divine assistance, to discharge them aright. Without that aid, we are unable to perform the meanest duty of life ; but, upheld and strengthened by thee, we can do and suffer all thy holy will. Give us grace to flee from the very appearance of evil ; and, in a humble, upright, and benevolent temper of mind, to fulfil every responsibility of life. In our lawful callings, may we be careful to maintain a conscience void of offence both towards God and towards man. May we be both diligent and devout, upright and pious, that all who have intercourse with us may feel the influence of our characters, and may be compelled to think well of religion for our sake. Bless us all, and make us blessings. Let us enjoy the protection of thy good providence, and the influence of thy quickening grace; and accept of us, and our poor imperfect offerings, for the sake of our only Mediator, Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. 194 THIRTEENTH Cljursftajj <2?bnintjj. John, Chapter vi. Verse 1 — 31 . "WEEK. G OD of the spirits of all flesh, enable us, in this approach to thy mercy-seat, to call in our wandering thoughts, and to fix them upon thyself, the infinite and adorable object of worship. May we lose sight of every pursuit in which we have been engaged throughout the day, except so far as it may have been connected with thy glory, and the promotion of our own highest and best interests. Elevate our minds, O Lord, above all low and grovelling objects, that our souls may converse with thee, and that our emanci- pated and happy spirits may be stayed upon the glorious objects which present themselves to our faith. We adore thee as the omniscient and omnipresent God; we would call to our remem- brance the solemn fact, that thou lookest into our very hearts, and that thou beholdest all our ways. We would acknowledge thee in the infinite majesty of thy perfection, and would animate our minds with the lofty confidence which that perfection is fitted to inspire. May we neither approach thee in presumption, nor in despair : but while we are awed by thy greatness, thy holiness, and thy justice, may we be encouraged by thy mercy, thy condescension, and thy grace. May we look to thee as the hearer of prayer, and pour out our hearts before thee, in this exalted and endearing character. Impart to us the spirit of prayer, and grant us answers of peace. Let our duty and our happiness be sweetly blended in our present approach to thy mercy-seat. We bless thee, that there is One clothed in all divine perfection, who appears in thy presence for us. By His mediation would we draw near to thee, regarding Him as the way, the truth, and the life. We would not forget the awful distance which sin has created between thee and us. We confess our utter ruin and apostacy, and the impossi- bility of a sinful creature finding acceptance with thee, by reason of any thing that he can do to secure an interest in thy lost favour. O Eternal Saviour, it is in the depth of thy humiliation, that we see the ground of our exaltation to an immortal crown. Hadst thou not come down from heaven to earth, we could never have expected to ascend from earth to heaven. Thou hast revealed and opened a way by which thy banished ones may rise to the glories and felicities of the Divine presence. Thou hast shed thy most precious blood, to take away our sins ; thou hast opened the kingdom of heaven to all believers. Thou art now in thy kingdom, and all power in heaven and in earth is thine. May we sit at thy feet ; may we adore thy person ; may we bow to thy sceptre ; may we be clothed in thy righteousness ; may we be taught by thy Spirit ; may we be numbered with thy disciples ; and may we be animated with thy love. We desire, most gracious God, to bless thee for the unnumbered and undeserved bestowments of this day. Give us a deep sense of thy watchful and tender providence. May we feel ourselves to be objects of thy unremitting care and sympathy. O forgive our ingratitude, and our forgetfulness of thee. Cancel the sins of this day in atoning blood. Fill our hearts with a sense of redeeming love. Take gracious charge of us through the ensuing night. Be thou our God and our guide even unto death, and our portion for evermore, for Christ’s sake. Amen. THIRTEENTH dftitiag JBormng "WEES. Leviticus, Chapter ii. 0 THOU King eternal, immortal, and invisible, the only wise God ; enable us to behold thy glory as it shines in the face of Jesus Christ. As sinners, we can- not look upon thee without a Mediator : thou art of purer eyes than to behold iniquity; and sinners shall not stand in thy presence. But thou hast promised to regard us with favour, for the sake of thine only begotten Son. Thou hast given Him up to the death, even the accursed death of the cross, for sinners. Herein is love, not that we loved thee, but that thou lovedst us, and sent thy Son to be the propitiation for our sins. O Jesus, Saviour of lost and ruined souls, what do we not owe thee ! what hast thou not effected for us ! We bless thee, thou crucified, glorified Lamb of God, that by thy shame and suffering, by thy cross and passion, by thy blood and righteousness, thou hast redeemed us to God. O may we love thee supremely, and serve thee with undivided hearts. We desire to know more and more of thee, as the blessed medium of communication and intercourse between earth and heaven. By thee may we draw near to the Father, by that one Spirit who animates all the prayers of thy servants on earth. Most merciful God, grant us some happy pledge this morning, that we are remembered of thee ; and let the tokens of thy covenant love descend upon our hearts by the effectual operation of the ever-abiding Comforter, even the Holy Ghost. Bless us, O Lord, with his gracious teaching and influence, may spiritual prayer ascend from all our souls to thee in the heavens. Thou knowest all the workings of the contrite heart. May they be seen in us ; and may they rise as incense, through the all-prevalent intercession of thy dear Son. O make us fully alive to the unspeakable privilege of communion with thee, and never let the act of prayer be separated from the feeling and the delight of it in the mind. We would not be guilty of the awful crime of mocking God. We would not draw near to thee with our lips while our hearts are far off from thee. O our heavenly Father, we come to thee this morning for the supply of pur manifold wants. On thee we are dependent for all things pertaining to life and godliness. Give us faith to rely on thy word of promise, and to realize our interest in that Providence which numbers the hairs of our head, and regulates all the events of our earthly pilgri- mage. We bless thee for the cheerful light of another day ; for the returning bounties of thy hand; for the enjoyments of domestic life; for the inestimable blessings of health and reason ; above all, for the continuance of existence, and for the means of grace and salvation. May this day witness our devotion to thee. Let us not swerve from the right path. O let us not fall a prey to temptation ; let us not, by any unwatchful habit, expose ourselves to the devices of our great adversary. Be thou near to us in the duties, con- flicts, and sorrows of life. May we stay ourselves upon God, and find solace and protec- tion in thoughts of thy love and presence. Bless us all with grace to live to thee. We pray for a renewed sense of pardoning mercy in entering upon the duties of the day. Lord, hear us, and answer us, for the sake of our divine and only Mediator, Jesus Christ Amen. 196 THIRTEENTH jmHaK Cbnrntg, WEEK. John, Chapter vi. Verse 32 — 71 . 0 THOU that hearest prayer, and who despisest not the sighings of the contrite heart, look, we beseech thee, upon us, and prepare our minds for holy acts of communion with Thee. Enable us, by thy quickening Spirit, to shake off all drowsiness and for- mality of mind, and to cultivate the delightful gift of spiritual prayer, that our fellowship may be with the Father, and with his Son Jesus Christ. Strengthen every divine prin- ciple within us, that we may appear before thee in all the vigour and activity of the new and spiritual life. O fill our noblest and best affections with thyself, the God of love, the fountain of all purity and goodness. O help us to worship thee, who art a Spirit, in spirit and in truth. O impart to us the power of true prayer, for it is thine own act to confer it. Bow down thine ear to the voice of our supplication, and let our prayer come up before thee with acceptance, through our Divine Mediator and Advocate. Pour upon us the spirit of grace and supplication, and help us to converse with thee as a man does with his friend. Bless to us, O God of truth, the reading of thy most holy word. Make it a light unto our feet and a lamp unto our path. Give us grace to listen to its counsels, and to yield to its rebukes. Cause it to dwell richly in us in all wisdom and spiritual understanding. Give it an abiding place in our hearts and consciences. Open before us its glorious mysteries, and make us obedient to its holy precepts. Teach us to submit our reason to its sublime discoveries ; and, above all, give us, by thv grace, to embrace that divine Saviour whom it reveals. Lord, open to us the full view of our depravity and sin. By nature, we are outcasts and wanderers from thee ; and it is only in thy blessed word that we discover the method of return. We bless thee that salvation has been brought nigh to us in the offers of the gospel ; that Christ and all his blessings are proclaimed to the chief of sinners. O that we may come to thee empty, that we may be filled with all the fulness of God ; guilty, that we may be pardoned and accepted ; polluted, that we may be cleansed from all our filthiness and from all our idols ; weak and helpless, that we may be strengthened with all might by thy Spirit in the inner man. We would be humbled, O Lord our God, for the many offences of this day. Our thoughts and imaginations have wandered on forbidden objects; O do thou cleanse the thoughts of our hearts by the inspiration of thy Holy Spirit. Our words have not been with grace, seasoned with salt; Lord, forgive the sin of our conversation. We have not aimed in all things at thy glory : Lord, lay not this culpable neglect to our charge. We have not sought, as it became us, the good of others ; Lord, forgive this selfishness — this want of benevolence — this indifference to the salvation and happiness of those around us. Purify our consciences, in retiring to rest, from all distressing sentiments of guilt. Reveal thy love to us in Christ Jesus. Make every member of this domestic circle an heir of glory. Encircle us all by the arms of thy love. Defend us through the perils of this night, and be pleased to accept both our persons and offerings, for the sake of our adored Redeemer ; to whom, with Thyself and the Holy Spirit, be glory everlasting. Amen. 197 THIRTEENTH ^attirfcag iHnntmjg;, Leviticus, Chapter iii. week. O THOU ever-blessed God, teach us, with humble adoration, to bow before thy throne, and to call upon thy holy and reverend name. We have passed the silent watches of the night under thy sleepless and gracious care ; O let the day also on which we have entered bring with it fresh tokens of thy love and kindness. Enable us to walk in the light of thy countenance all the day long, and to realize our interest in thy forgiving mercy through Christ Jesus. We desire to bless thee for thy never-failing goodness, and to ascribe all the glory of our salvation, from first to last, to thy sovereign and distin- guishing grace. Mean and unworthy as we are in ourselves, thy loving-kindness endureth for ever; and, in the midst of our ruin and misery, we are permitted to rejoice and triumph in the great deliverance which thou hast wrought for us, through the gift and sacrifice of thy Son. Though our apostacy, by reason of our relation to the first Adam, is total and complete, we adore thee that we may have life, and that we have it more abundantly, by the second Adam, the Lord from heaven. O the height and breadth, the depth and length, of that love which passeth knowledge ! We pray that this love may never be forgotten by us ; that we may ever retain a lively sense of our obligations for redeeming mercy ; and that we may see all our comforts as flowing to us in the sacred channel of Messiah’s blood. O God of our life, we desire to express our thanksgiving for the refreshment vouch- safed in sleep ; and we pray that our redeemed bodies and souls may this day be con- secrated to thy holy and blessed service. We beseech thee for morning mercies, suited to the condition and prospects of every member of this family. May we receive from thee the gifts of thy love, the tokens of thy favour, the all-quickening Spirit of thy grace. Let us not enter on the responsibilities of another day, without the guidance of thy good pro- vidence — without the aE-powerful aids of thy directing and sustaining grace. We dare not trust ourselves amidst surrounding temptation, without that help which cometh from above. We are weak and irresolute, but do thou strengthen and confirm every holy principle, and make us more than conquerors through Him that hath loved us. Make us strong in the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ. As a family, we pray for mercy to cover all our family sins. They are many, they are aggravated, and they are all naked and open to the eyes of that God with whom we have to do. Make us truly repentant for aU our family sins. Open to us their malignity, and fill us with godly sorrow in the review of them. Let each member of the family separate himself and herself from all the rest, and look, with penitence, at the indivi- duality of their transgressions. Help us this day to walk in thy fear, and, from love, to keep thy commandments. Give us a single eye to the glory of thy name. Restrain us from besetting sins ; deliver us from prevailing temptation. In all our ways may we acknowledge God, and may he direct our steps. Under the shadow of thy wings may we trust. Blot out our sins as a cloud, and our iniquities as a thick cloud : and do more and better for us than we ask or think, for Jesus Christ’s sake. Amen. 198 THIRTEENTH <#aturtiag aiming, John, Chapter vii. Verse 1 — 31. week. E VER-BLESSED Lord, by thy merciful providence we are spared to see the closing day, and to meet in holy concert at thy heavenly throne. As thou didst refresh thine ancient church with living streams in the desert; so, O Lord our God, do thou refresh and comfort us by copious showers of heavenly and gracious influence. It is not for the water by which the body is refreshed, that we chiefly plead ; but for that water of salvation, which will be in us a well of water springing up into everlasting life. O grant us, in our wilderness journey, the blessed teaching and consolation of thy Spirit, that we may know the peace and happiness of thy children, and that our souls may be fully sanctified and cleansed, by the washing of water, and by the word. Never let us grieve or tempt thy Holy Spirit ; for if He depart, our souls must then be plunged in darkness and sin. May we honour and confide in his gracious offices in the covenant of redemp- tion ; and may we know, from heart-felt experience, that he takes of the things of Christ, and shews them unto us. Without his teaching, all must be confusion and darkness within. May he pour upon our benighted minds the light of life ; that we may see light in thy light, and that spiritual and eternal things may be estimated by us according to their intrinsic and divine importance. In the holy exercise of prayer may we feel his quickening and animating power. May he make intercession within us, that our supplications and thanksgivings may be the in-wrought prayer of the heart. May we rely on his assistance, while we regulate all our desires according to the directions and promises of thy word ; and may we yield up our minds to his sacred impulses in all the duties of the day. During the engagements which may press upon us, and the trials which may befall us, may we be cheered and com- forted by his holy and blessed influences. Incline our hearts, amidst the duties of a fleeting world, to turn aside, and refresh our spirits by drinking fresh draughts of the waters of life. O Lord our God, when we call upon thee, do thou speedily and graciously hear and answer the prayer which we make unto thee. May we watch as well as pray, that w r e may know when thou art pleased to regard the voice of our supplication. We are too negligent in this duty ; we ask and receive not, because we have no heart to accept and improve thy blessings. Cause us to feel our need of spiritual mercies, and to long for them as those who hunger and thirst after righteousness. May we prize the light of thy countenance above all outward prosperity. We desire to present the grateful homage of our hearts for the new mercies of this day. Thou hast been with us, to guard and comfort us during the varied scenes of the day. O humble us amidst recollections of infirmity and short-coming. Wash us in the fountain of atoning blood. Seal upon our spirits the sense of forgiving mercy ; and take us all beneath the shadow of thy wings, both now and for evermore, for Jesus Christ’s sake. Amen. 199 fourteenth <#untmg iBornmg, WEEK. Leviticus, Chapter iv. M OST gracious and merciful God, help us to contemplate thee, this morning, as the God of peace, who hast brought again from the dead the Lord Jesus Christ, that great Shepherd of the sheep. We rejoice that he is no longer in the tomb which received him after his crucifixion ; but that he has been raised by an Almighty power, and is exalted in the heavens, at the right hand of the Majesty on high. May this blessed day be sacred to the contemplation of his character and work, and may we regard it as holy of the Lord and honourable, not doing our own actions, nor speaking our own words, nor thinking our own thoughts. Kindle in all our bosoms an unwonted flame of devotion, that our communion with thee may be sweet, and that we may receive instruction and impression from the scenes and duties of the day. O help us to regard all that pertains to this day as sacred ; may we spend it for eternity. May it prove the foretaste of heaven. May we rise to lofty contemplations, and feel the excitement and delight of heavenly affections. As a family, may we give diligent heed to the duties of the Christian Sabbath. Aid us, by thy Spirit, in the private study of the word. May we see an unwonted beauty in its life-giving discoveries. May its messages of mercy sink deeply into our hearts. Let it be quick and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword. May it prove the food and medicine of our souls. Open thou our understandings, that we may behold wonderful things contained in thy law. Assist us in the solemn work of meditation and self-scrutiny. May we be anxious for the removal of all error and misconception respecting our true state before thee. Lord, search us and try us, and see if there be any wicked way in us, and lead us in the way everlasting. Let us not be deceived by a fond conceit of our own security, while thou art weighing us in the balance of the sanctuary, and pronouncing us to be wanting. May we examine ourselves by the tests of thy word, that we may know our true state before thee, and that we may rejoice in ourselves alone, and not in another. Grant that from the church in the house, we may proceed to that of the sanctuary, prepared, by all the exercises of the closet and the family, for the more public institutions of thy grace. May we long to mingle in the assemblies of Zion. May we rejoice when it is said unto us, let us go into the house of the Lord. Open wide our hearts to the lessons of thy holy truth. Let the gospel be to us the wisdom of God, and the power of God, to the salvation of our souls. May it be mighty, through God, to the pulling down of strong-holds. O apply it by thy Spirit’s power to the conscience. May we all hear this day what the Spirit saith unto the churches. Assist thy servant, our pastor, in rightly dividing the word of life, that he may give to every one a portion of meat in due season. May his doctrine distil as the dew, and drop as the rain. O may it prove, by thy mighty power, the life of thousands. Keep us, through the whole day, in the spirit of humility and watchfulness. Pardon all our sins ; and grant us that peace which passeth all understanding, for the sake of our risen and exalted Lord, to whom, with the Father, and the ever-blessed Spirit, be glory everlasting. Amen 200 FOURTEENTH John, Chaffer vie Verse 32 — 53. WEEK. I NFINITE and Eternal Majesty, we are graciously permitted, after the public engage- ments of another Sabbath, to assemble, as a family, for the purpose of holy worship. Inspire us with deep reverence of thine awful perfections, and enable us to enter into the spirit of earnest and believing prayer. We would prostrate ourselves, in deep humility, before thy sacred throne. When we call to remembrance the corruption and sin with which we are chargeable in thy sight, we must loathe and abhor ourselves in dust and in ashes before thee. We could not look to the place where thine honour dwelleth, were there not a way of access provided for the guilty. We bless thee for the offices of the glorious Mediator, for the blood of sprinkling which speaketh better things than the blood of Abel, for the advocacy of One whose plea must ever prevail. Most humbly would we confess that we have no righteousness of our own, in which we can stand before thine infinite purity. We have lost our original integrity; sin has stained all our actions, and polluted the very fountains of action in the heart. We are altogether as an unclean thing in thy sight, and our iniquities, like the wind, have taken us away. But we adore thee, that, in the riches of thy grace, thou hast provided a method of recovery from the ruin of the fall; thou hast revealed a righteousness which is unto all and upon all them that believe ; thou hast taught us in thy word how we may recover thy love and image in our souls, how our natures may be purified, how our grovelling affections may be elevated, how our rebellious wills may be subdued, how we may be meetened for the glories and felicities of the heavenly state. We adore thee, gracious God, that these blessed realities of heavenly truth have been brought before our minds this day; that we have heard of Christ and his great salvation ; that we have been called to repentance and faith ; that we have been warned to flee from the wrath to come ; that we have been urged to lay hold on eternal life ; that the duties and responsibilities of the Christian character have been set before us. 0 that the impression of these glorious verities may long abide with us, and that a holy and devout walk may demonstrate the attention paid by us to unseen and eternal things. How prone are we to forget the instructions of the sanctuary, and to fall back into our wonted carelessness and neglect. We beseech thee, O Lord, to aid us in carrying out the instructions of the sanctuary to all their practical results. May they be seen in their happy effects upon personal cha- racter, upon domestic life, upon social intercourse. May they be felt in religious duties, and moral obligations. May the whole tenor of our future walk proclaim the benefit derived from a day spent with God. May the servant of Christ who has ministered thy truth to us, have reason to say, that he has not laboured in vain, nor spent his strength for nought and in vain. We now retire to rest, in the firm belief of thy watchful and gra- cious providence. Shield us by omnipotence. Guard us from temptation. Refresh our frail and dying bodies with sleep. Blot our sins out of the book of thy remembrance, and accept of us in the Beloved, both now and for evermore. Amen. 201 2 c FOURTEENTH iHmtimj) Orienting, Leviticus, Chapter v. WEEK. W E bow before thee, O God, the blessed Three in One, Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, our covenant and reconciled God and Father, through the great propi- tiation. We lift up our voices with our hearts to thy heavenly throne. Thou art entitled to our purest and loftiest homage ; thou hast won and claimed our best affections. As creatures, thou hast a right to us and our never-ceasing obedience and love. But, alas ! we have violated our relations as creatures ; we have risen in rebellion against thee our Creator ; and nothing but destruction awaits us, as breakers of thy righteous laws It is, therefore, in the more endearing character of the God of grace and salvation, that we venture to approach thee. We look to thee as our forgiving Father in Christ Jesus, the Son of thy love ; and in this most tender and inviting relation we rejoice to know that thou carest for all our wants. By thee, the necessities of our bodies are not forgotten. With Christ thou hast promised freely to give us all things, and we rejoice to know that in all our journey through the wilderness, our bread shall be given us, and our water shall be sure. For all our temporal and bodily necessities we desire to throw ourselves upon thy benignant care, believing that what is good the Lord will give, and that no good thing wilt thou withhold from them that walk uprightly. Let us not indulge any thing like anxious care in reference to any of the interests of time ; but may we eat our food with gladness and singleness of heart, praising God. Lord, we are once more about to enter upon the avocations of life ; may we discharge every duty in the fear of the Lord. With becoming moderation, may we pursue all our secular engagements, not setting our hearts supremely upon any of the perishable objects of time and sense. Whatever of worldly good thou art pleased to bestow on us, therewith may we be content; and whatever thou art pleased to withhold, may we feel that thy dis- posals are best. But, O let us not be contented with a small portion of spiritual blessings. Teach us to covet earnestly the best gifts. Fill our hearts with the most ardent desires after heavenly and eternal things. We know that all present interests are fading and evanescent ; but we rejoice that there are treasures which can never be taken from us, that there are hopes which can never perish, that there are joys that can never die. Feed us with the true manna which cometh down from heaven ; give us to drink of the water of life, enrich us with all spiritual blessings in heavenly places in Christ Jesus. O look upon this family in covenant-love. Make us all thy children. Help us to address thee with filial confidence and holy boldness. Enable us to ascertain our adop- tion, and give us the witness that we are thine. If there be one in this circle estranged from the hope of eternal life, O may that poor benighted soul be brought out of darkness into the marvellous light of the gospel. Unite us all in the love of truth, and in the prac- tice of holiness. Keep us this day from the subtle devices of the enemy. Guard and defend us from besetting sins and temptations. Let the path of duty be plain before our eyes. Receive these our prayers and thanksgivings, and accept of us through Jesus Christ. Amen. 202 FOURTEENTH iHmifcag OFbnung* John, Chapter viii. Verse 1—32. WEEK. G OD of love and peace, let our prayer come up before thee as incense, and let the lifting up of our hands be as the evening sacrifice. Thou hast taught us that we are always to pray, and not to faint. We draw near to thee, that we may find refreshment to our souls ; thou hast often met with us in this exercise : repeat those seasons of holy intercourse with thyself, that our souls may live, and that feelings of unwonted joy may spring up within us. May we taste the unutterable happiness of communion with the supreme Object of our love. May duty and enjoyment be combined. O relieve us from every incumbrance that may stand in the way of a believing and earnest application to thy mercy-seat. Deliver us from the burden of unbelieving doubts and fears. Grant us a holy liberty of spirit in pouring out our hearts before thee. The clouds of sin have risen up between us and thy throne. O let them be dispersed. Let the Sun of righte- ousness arise, and scatter the gloom which rests on our prospects ; may we see light in thy light ; may the peace of God, which passeth all understanding, keep our hearts and minds by Christ Jesus. May we know what it is to pour out our hearts before thee in lofty adoration, and in grateful praise. Let the meditations of our hearts and the words of our lips be acceptable in thy sight, O Lord, our Strength and our Redeemer. We need thy aid in offering to thee a spiritual homage. Let not that aid be withheld. Teach us, by thy good Spirit, how to pray, and what to pray for. May He help our infirmities, and make intercession within us, though it may be with groanings which cannot be uttered. O Father of mercies, may we love thee, as the chief good, with undivided hearts. May we adore thee as holy, and omnipotent, and kind. May we delight in thee as our portion, our reconciled God and Father, our exceeding great reward, the object of our eternal hopes. O satisfy the desires of our hearts, by imparting to us the blessings of communion with thyself. May we know that there is a reality in prayer, that it gives light, and peace, and joy, and purity to the mind. May we come near, even to thy seat, in the way appointed. O may the eye of faith be fixed on the glorious Mediator, through whom only we can find access, with boldness, into thy presence. Accept us in his name, and clothe us in his righteousness. For his sake may all the blessings of the everlasting covenant be ours. Establish thy love in our hearts, that the love of sin may be subdued, and that all heavenly tempers may find a place within us. In the review of this day, there is much to humble us. We have come short of thy glory in all things ; and we have been chargeable with many wilful offences in thy sight. But thou hast borne with our manners in the wilderness, and we are the monuments of thy sparing mercy and grace. We would think of thy loving-kindness, O God, in the blessings of the day. Thy hand has been upon us for good. Our wants thou hast graciously regarded. Thou hast given us all things richly to enjoy. O write sentiments of gratitude on each of our hearts. May we trust thee for all the future. The night is thine, and we pray for protection in its silent and defenceless hours. Hear these our unworthy petitions, for the sake of our only Mediator, Jesus Christ. Amen. 203 2 C 2 FOURTEENTH Cncstrag iBomtng, AVEEK Leviticus, Chapter vi. 0 LORD God of salvation, when we read the great and precious promises of thy Avord, we are encouraged to plead with thee as a man does with his friend. We know that we are welcome to thy throne in the name of Christ. May we prize the exalted privilege, and draw near to thee with the confidence of children approaching a father. Thou needest not such feeble and unworthy services as ours ; but thou hast said, “ Draw near to me, and I will draw near unto thee.” Our safety, our happiness, our pre- sent and eternal welfare, depend upon intercourse with thee. We cannot live without thee, By thee the life of the body is sustained, and from thy bounty all our temporal mercies flow ; and it is from thee especially that the life of the soul is derived. O help us to behold and adore thee as our reconciled God in Christ Jesus, dispensing from thy throne the blessings of eternal life. May we contemplate thee in all the inviting characters of thy love. May we rejoice to hear that thou art love ; and may we know that he that dwelleth in love, dwelleth in God, and God in him. O fill our minds this morning with the most reverential sentiments of thine infinite and uncreated perfection. May we realize thine awful presence in all the duties, con- flicts, and sorrows of the day. May we address ourselves to the engagements of our several callings Avith a single eye to the glory of thy name. Let holy and upright motives be the spring of all our actions. Suffer no sin to gain dominion over us. Let the very appearance of evil be shunned by us. May gratitude prompt the most cheerful and unreserved obedience. O let us not grieve the Spirit of holiness. May our minds be open at all times to his peaceful and holy suggestions. Cause thy word to take deep root in our hearts, that it may be in us as the seed of holy principles and actions, and that it may be the means of guarding us from the approach of every spiritual evil. As a worshipping family, unite all our hearts in thy blessed service. Let none of us be strangers to the spirit or to the habit of prayer. May we ever come forth from the devotions of the closet to those of the family. Let our hearts be as the heart of one man, bound together in love to thee, and in love to one another. Give to the heads of the family all that grace which they need to sustain them in the path of duty. May they do justly, love mercy, and walk humbly with their God, fulfilling all their obligations in daily anticipation of their last account. May the young begin to fear the Lord betimes, and choose the God of their fathers. May the domestics live in all diligence and integrity, serving the Lord Christ, as their Master in heaven. May this whole circle devote them- selves to the Lord. When thou shalt make up thy jewels, let not one in thy presence be found wanting. We tremble at the thought of a final separation at death; but if we are not all united in Christ, we must then part for ever. O help us all to attend to the things Avhich belong to our peace, lest they should be for ever hid from our eyes. May we give diligence to make our calling and election sure, that so an entrance may be ministered unto us abundantly into the everlasting kingdom and glory of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. Our prayers are before thee. Lord, hear and answer them, for the sake of our only Advocate, Jesus Christ. Amen. 204 FOURTEENTH Ousting Abating* John, Chapter viii. Verse 33 — 59. WEEK. O THOU that hearest prayer, we supplicate for the liberty of access which thou hast ever granted to thy people. Take from us every sentiment of bondage and fear, and animate us with the true spirit of adoption, that we may call thee our Father in heaven, and that filial confidence may spring up in our hearts. But let not our holy freedom degenerate into presumptuous boldness. May we rather smite upon our breasts, and cry, God be merciful unto us, sinners. We bless thee that our guilt, if mourned and confessed, is not a barrier in the way of our approach to thee. Thou hast said, I, even I, am he that blotteth out thy transgressions ; and if we confess our sins, thou art faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. O may we see our guilt cancelled in the blood of atonement ; and may we behold thee smiling in love from thy throne, as a reconciled God. May we have peace with thee, through our Lord Jesus Christ, and walk all the days of our life in the light of thy countenance. We pray for large measures of divine influence. Without thy quickening grace we cannot pray with fervour or with faith. May thy Spirit help our infirmities. May he bring such things to our remembrance as will form the substance of prayer, and may he pour into our hearts the deep sentiments of devotion. We pray also, that by his grace our entire characters may be moulded into a heavenly form. May he subdue indwelling corruption. May he take away the stony heart, and give us hearts of flesh. May he unfold to us more of the Redeemer’s glory, and cause the attractions of his love to draw us into more striking conformity to his image. Give us that grace which will teach us the right use of all providential dispensations, and that will enable us to acquire the lessons taught us by every passing event. May we see thy hand in all things, in the light and in the darkness, in the joy and in the sorrow of life ; and ever be enabled to say — the will of the Lord be done. Subdue our pride, our worldly-mindedness, our love of carnal ease, our undue attachment to creature-comfort. Grant that we may be spiritually- minded, which is life and peace. O teach us the momentous habit of self-government. Make us willing to sacrifice every sinful indulgence at the call of duty. Into thy hands, O thou Shepherd of Israel, we commit ourselves, and ad dear to us this night. We would seek the relief and the purification of conscience by a fresh appli- cation of atoning blood. O accept and save us in the Beloved. His merit and advocacy are our only plea. May we all know what it is to take shelter in his blood and right- eousness. May none of us live without God, without Christ, and without hope, in the world. We cannot endure the thought of eternal separation after death, in the world of spirits. But we must part for ever, unless we now meet in Christ, the way, the truth, and the life. For his name’s sake, extend the blessings of salvation to our guilty minds; that so we may be for ever with the Lord. These blessings we implore in the name of our only Mediator: and to the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost, be glory everlasting. Amen. •205 FOURTEENTH Wetme^tfag iilormitfl, Leviticus, Chapter vii. WEEK. O LORD God Almighty, the Sovereign and glorious Potentate of heaven and earth. Though thou art high, yet hast thou respect unto the lowly. Thou wilt not despise the prayer of the destitute, but wilt regard their cry. O enable us, with hearts unfeigned, to draw near to thy Divine Majesty, and to spread our wants before thee. It is thy grace only that can quicken us in the holy exercise of prayer. Without faith, it is impossible to please thee ; for he that cometh to thee must believe that thou art, and that thou art a rewarder of all them that diligently seek thee. Implant this faith in each of our minds, that we may have the most realizing sense of thine existence and perfections ; and that we may confide in thee as the bountiful and munificent dispenser of all those blessings which can enrich, and comfort, and save our souls. We would begin this day with humble and grateful acknowledgments of thee. Thou hast spread the wing of thy protection over us during the past night. No evil has befallen us, and no plague has come nigh our dwelling. Our bodies have been comfortably refreshed with sleep, the hours of repose have not been disturbed by any distressing alarms ; no hand of violence has seized upon us ; no devouring element has ravaged the scene of our peaceful slumbers. We lay down in comfort, we slept in safety, for thou, Lord, didst sustain us. We are the living this morning; O may we be the living to praise thee. In entering on a new day, may we deeply feel the need of thy grace to keep us from its dangers, and to stimulate and influence us in its several duties. O suffer us not to lean to our own understandings ; for it is not in man that walketh to direct his own steps. Save us from the evil devices of our sinful hearts, and from the subtle and mali- cious wiles of our great adversary. May the fear of the Lord be our great protection ; and may his word be hidden in our hearts, that we may not sin against him. We adore thee for all the favourable circumstances of our providential lot; the lines have fallen to us in pleasant places, and we have a goodly heritage. We thank thee for the light of the gospel, and for all the means of grace, public and private. Above all, we bless thee if thy saving power has accompanied the outward means, and rendered them effectual to the salvation of our souls. If the good work of grace has been begun in our hearts, we pray that it may be triumphantly carried on until the day of Jesus Christ. Let us not be soon hindered, as is the case with many who begin to run well in the Christian life. Keep us by thine own mighty power, through faith, unto salvation. Make us humble, and watchful, and diffident of our own power to resist evil. Impart to us a more spiritual and heavenly taste. Let us seek and find our happi- ness in thee. Bless every member of this little circle. May we improve our mercies, and constantly feel our responsibility to God. Regard all our dear relations. May they all be introduced into the glorious liberty of the children of God. Mercifully forgive the sins and short- comings of this day. May we all make fresh application to the blood of atonement. Accept us in the Beloved ; clothe us in the spotless robe of his righteousness ; and do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think, for Christ’s sake. Amen. 206 FOURTEENTH TOctmirstiag Anting. John, Chapter ix. WEEK. O MOST holy and blessed God, receive the prayer which we make to thee this night, in that Name which is above every name, at which every knee shall bow, and every tongue confess. And, since our High Priest ever lives to make intercession for us, grant us that blessed access into thy presence, which will fill us with joy unspeakable and full of glory. Behold us sprinkled with the blood of the atoning Lamb ; and while the holy symbol is seen upon our guilty souls, let the destroying angel have no commission of wrath to execute upon us. While we rely on the all-perfect righteousness of the adored Surety, may we enter into thy presence with holy boldness, and may we find mercy to pardon, and grace to help in time of need. Without an interest in thy favour, there is nothing in life that can be worth possessing. Thy favour is life ; and without it the whole creation is a blank. We come to thee, for thou art the Lord our God. To whom can we go but unto thee ? thou hast the words of eternal life. May the great salvation which thou hast devised, revealed, and executed, be ours in all its rich and merciful provisions. We adore thee for thine unspeakable Gift ; for Him who came forth from the bosom of eternal Love, to make known thy will, and to give his life a ransom for the sins of men. May the redemption wrought out by Him, in all its inestimable blessings, be applied by thy Spirit to our souls, that, being justified freely by thy grace, through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus, we may have in us the peace of God, and the hopes of eternal life. O may Christ, and him crucified, be all our salvation and all our desire ; may he be in us the hope of eternal glory. May we be united to him by a living and transforming faith ; may his cross be the object of our admiration, and the theme of our boast. God forbid that we should glory, save in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ, by which we are crucified to the world, and have the world crucified unto us. We would be deeply abased before thee for the sins of this day. How little have we acted under the impression of our solemn responsibility to thee ! — how little under the sence of thine all-seeing eye being upon us ! — how little under the feeling that we are not our own, but bought with a price ! Forgive our thoughtlessness, our ingratitude, our worldly spirit, our deadness to the things of God. Create in us a clean heart, renew within us a right spirit, and take not thy Holy Spirit from us. O seal upon our hearts the sense of thy love, and grant us an interest in thy pardoning grace. We pray for the salvation of all that dwell beneath this roof. Unite every member of this household to the living and glorious Redeemer. O let family religion prosper among us, in all its branches. Make us holy in all manner of conversation. Teach us all to seek our happiness in conformity to thy will. May we aim at one another’s comfort in life, security in death, and bliss in eternity. These mercies we ask in the all-prevailing name of him who gave himself a ransom for the lost : and to the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost, be glory evermore. Amen. 207 FOURTEENTH CJmrsflag iStommg. WEEK. Leviticus, Chapter viii. M OST glorious and highly exalted Lord, enable us with becoming reverence to adore thine infinite perfections, and to join with Cherubim and Seraphim, saying, “Holy holy, holy Lord God Almighty, which wast, and art, and art to come.” Thou needest not the feeble services of sinful mortals ; for thou art independent of all the works of thy hands. The most exalted of thy creatures cannot add to thy happiness. Thou givest unto all fife, and breath, and all things. O teach us our entire dependence on thee, for all the blessings of this life, and for all the hopes of a better. We rejoice in the existence and fatherly character of thy government. Thou hast cared for us all our journey through, to the present moment. “ We give thee thanks, O Lord God Almighty, because thou hast taken unto thee thy great power. Rejoice, ye heavens, for the Lord God Omnipotent reigneth.” We bless thee that there is nothing so mean as to escape thy notice, and that there is nothing so great as to be beyond thy control. All in heaven, in earth, and in hell are subject to thee. May our minds repose, with confidence and delight, on thy revealed character, as the God of mercy and love, — as God over all, and blessed for ever. We meet around our domestic altar this morning, to praise the riches of thy grace, for thine inestimable love in the redemption of the world by our Lord Jesus Christ. We adore thee for that way which has been opened into the holiest of all by the atoning sacrifice of our great High Priest. May we come before thee with boldness and confidence, that we may obtain mercy, and find grace to help in time of need. Pour upon us the Spirit of grace and supplication. May our approach into thy presence be humble, penitent, and believing. May we lay hold, by faith, of the promises of thy word. With joy may we draw water out of the wells of salvation. O refresh our spirits with some token of thy love. Cause us to feel a sacred delight in prayer. Let our spiritual strength be renewed. Invigorate us for the spiritual conflict. Give us a holy superiority to the world; and yet enable us, with wisdom, and prudence, and integrity, to perform every duty of life. Though we are in the world, may we prove that we are not of it. As we have been spared to see the dawning of a new day, may we enter upon its engagements, its sorrows, and its conflicts in thy fear ; in dependence upon thy guidance ; and with the desire of enjoying thy blessing. We thank thee for the favourable circum- stances of our lot, for any measure of bodily health, for every degree of domestic comfort, for food, for raiment, and friendship. O may we use all thy mercies to thy glory. May we occupy with our several talents, till the Master shall come. Bless us all with saving grace. Make us all children of thy love. Let thy good providence encamp around us ; may it be a wall of fire for our defence, and may it be the glory in our midst. These mercies we implore in the all-prevailing name of Him who loved us and died for us : to whom, with thyself, and the Holy Spirit be glory everlasting. Amen. And may the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, the love of God, and the communion and fellowship of the Divine Spirit, be with this family, and with all the families that call upon thy name, both now and for evermore. Amen. 208 FOURTEENTH tEJmatmg aiming WEEK. John, Chapter x. H OLY Father, permit us to draw near to thee in the spirit of adoption. Thou art our Father, though Abraham be ignorant of us, and though Israel acknowledge us not. We rejoice that all are the children of believing Abraham, who partake of his faith, and who follow in his steps. Teach us to remember that circumcision availeth nothing, nor uncircumcision, but faith which worketh by love. Make us new creatures in Christ Jesus ; take from us the hard and stony heart, and give us hearts of flesh. Put the spirit of prayer into all our minds, that we may present an offering in truth and righteousness before thee, and that the lifting up of our hands may be as the evening sacrifice. We are all before thee in the naked simplicity of our individual characters. We cannot disguise ourselves before the Lord. Thou lookest into our hearts; thou tellest all our motives; thou understandest our thoughts afar off. O let us not deceive ourselves by any feigned acts of devotion; but may we confess our sins with deep contrition; may we implore mercy with the earnestness of those who are ready to perish ; may we express gratitude with hearts deeply affected with a sense of the divine goodness. Bless the Lord, O our souls ; and all that is within us, bless his holy name ; who for- giveth all our iniquities, who healeth all our diseases, who crowneth us with loving- kindness and tender mercies. Let the thought of thy goodness dwell upon our spirits, and stimulate us to every good word and work. May we fear to offend thee, our divine Benefactor and Friend. May we remember that the eye of thy love is upon us, and may we say, in every moment of temptation, How can we do this great wickedness, and sin against God ? In the various scenes of this day, we have had fresh reason to witness the display of thy wisdom, faithfulness, and grace. Thou hast appeared for us in the ordinary events of life. Thou hast shielded us from danger, thou hast blessed the labour of our hands, thou hast made our wants thy care, thou hast delivered our souls from death, our eyes from tears, and our feet from falling. Having food and raiment, therewith let us be content. Give us neither poverty nor riches, feed us with food convenient for us. Do thou choose the lot of our inheritance, let thy providence be our guide and our protector. Thou hast been very gracious to us, all our life long : for the past we bless thee ; for the future we would trust thee. Pour upon us the healthful Spirit of thy grace, that the rest of our days may be more holy, more happy, more useful, and more devout. We beseech thee, O Lord, to take charge of all the members of this family during the hours of repose and darkness. May the ministering angels of the church pitch around our dwelling. Let there be an individual surrender of ourselves to thy gracious care. Pardon all the sins of the day, whether in thought, word, or deed. Into thy hands we commend our spirits. Be our God and our portion for evermore. Hear us, O Lord, in heaven, the habitation of thy throne and of thy glory; and accept of us in the Beloved. Amen. 2 D 209 FOURTEENTH dfritmg iStonting. Leviticus, Chapter ix. WEEK. M OST holy and righteous Father, we look up to the hills from whence cometh our aid. Thou art the God of our salvation, our hope is in thee. How excellent is thy name in all the earth, who hast set thy glory above the heavens. We would begin this day with thee. Without thee we can do nothing. Let thy grace be sufficient for us, and let thy strength be perfected in our weakness. In all our ways may we acknowledge thee, and do thou direct our steps. Make us sensible of our inability to resist evil, and of our need of divine grace to quicken and influence us in thy service. We would humble ourselves in the very dust before thee. Behold, we are vile in thy sight; and what shall we say unto thee, thou preserver of men ? If we say we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us ; but if we confess our sins, thou art faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. O wash us in atoning blood ; sprinkle clean water upon us, that we may be cleansed from all our filthiness, and from all our idols. We lament our depravity, we confess the sin and folly with which we have been chargeable in thy sight. Enter not into judgment with thy servants, for in thy sight there can no flesh living be justified. O may the light of this morning be connected with the light and joy of salvation. May we behold thee reconciled to us in Christ Jesus. We rejoice in Him as our Medi- ator and Advocate. We bless thee that he is touched with the feeling of our infirmities. May our prayers come up before thee with acceptance, perfumed with the incense of his meritorious offering. Send down thy Holy Spirit into all our hearts, to enlighten, to purify, to comfort, and to guide us into all truth. May we address ourselves to the duties of this day under a becoming sense of our own weakness. Let not any temptation be suffered to overwhelm us. O help us to put on the whole armour of God. May the spirit of prayer be in our hearts, and may the language of prayer be on our lips. Quicken us in the path of duty, and restrain us from every evil and sinful course. May our eye be single, that our whole body may be full of light. Make us sincere, upright, and kind in all the duties and relations of life. O enable us to hide thy word in our hearts, that we may not sin against thee. Nothing can restrain us effectually from evil, or urge us to the performance of good, but thy sanctifying grace. May it be largely and seasonably imparted to us. We pray for a blessing upon our lawful callings. Grant us that measure of prosperity which thou knowest to be for our good. May we acknowledge thee in all our ways, and do thou direct our steps. Elevate us above the spirit and the maxims of the world. Give us a holy superiority to every evil course. May we be in the fear of the Lord all the day long. May we have a conscience void of offence both towards God and towards men. Hear us in heaven, the habitation of thy throne and of thy glory, and do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think, for Christ’s sake. Amen. 210 FOURTEENTH dfrfoag <£bnting. John, Chapter xi. Verse 1 — 46. WEEK O UR Father, which art in heaven, hallowed be thy name ; thy kingdom come ; thy will be done in earth as it is done in heaven. Enable us to worship and adore thee under a deep sense of thy glory and excellence. Let us not rush into thy presence in a thoughtless or irreverent manner, but may we lie low at thy footstool, and with holy wonder may we meditate on thy condescension and grace, in permitting us to approach thee with confidence, and to call thee our Father and our God. We adore thee as God over all, and blessed for evermore. Thou hast set thy glory above the heavens. The works which thou hast made proclaim thine eternal power and Godhead. The whole universe is but as a mirror, reflecting thy glorious and ineffable perfections. Who is a God like unto thee, glorious in holiness, fearful in praises, continually doing wonders ? Teach us with filial confidence to bow before thy mercy-seat. We are sinners in thy sight, and might justly stand afar off, and tremble at the thought of approaching into thy presence; but we rejoice that even our guilt, when perceived and confessed, does not stand in the way of our access to thy throne. We bless thee that we are invited to come boldly into thy presence, by that new and living way which thou hast ordained. O dis- cover to us the all-sufficiency of that method of salvation which thou hast revealed ; inspire us with true faith in thy promise, and in thy covenant. May we trust with unshaken confidence in the efficacy of the Redeemer’s sacrifice, the perfection of his righteousness, and the prevalence of his intercession. Confiding our cause to the Saviour of the lost, may we feel persuaded that He is able to keep that which we have committed to Him ; and, in full assurance of his ability to save to the uttermost, may we rise above every slavish fear, and joy in God through our Lord Jesus Christ, by whom we have now received the atonement. Regarding thee as our God in covenant, may we welcome every opportunity of serving and glorifying thee. May we hesitate at no act of self-denial, and repine at no degree of suffering, by which the strength of our attachment to our God and Saviour may be proved. We adore thee for the many proofs we have already experienced of thy paternal goodness. Thou hast nourished and brought us up as children; and though we have rebelled against thee, thou hast borne with us as with children, and not cast us off as our iniquities have deserved. We thank thee for the daily tokens of thy merciful regard ; but, above all, we bless thee for the unspeakable benefits of the gospel, for the rich display of thy grace in Christ Jesus, the Son of thy love. Let thy good hand be around us this night. Under a confiding sense of thy goodness as the God of provi- dence, we commit our bodies, our spirits, all our concerns, into thy gracious hands. Be with us, and all dear to us, in the defenceless hours of darkness. Be our God and our guide for evermore. And all that we ask is in the name and for the sake of the only Mediator, Jesus Christ. Amen. And may the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God our heavenly Father, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit, be with us both now and for evermore. Amen. 211 2D 2 FOURTEENTH .imturtmy JItorntng AVEEK. Leviticus, Chapter x. W E worship and adore thee, O Lord, as the Most High over all the earth. Thou art infinitely exalted above all our conceptions, and all our praises. Teach us, with holy awe, to meditate on thy greatness. All thy works praise thee, and thy saints shall bless thee. Bless the Lord, O our souls, and all that is within us, bless His holy name ; who forgiveth all our iniquities, who healeth all our diseases, who crowneth us with loving-kindness and tender mercies ; so that our youth is renewed like the eagle’s. Help us to lift up our hearts with our voices in thy praise. May the deepest reverence characterize our worship. May we tremble with holy awe, even while we draw near to thee with humble confidence. May we fear the great and dreadful name of the Lord. We offer thee our united thanksgivings this morning, for the discoveries of thy mercy in Christ Jesus to our lost and ruined world. Thou hast made thyself known to us as the God of salvation. We adore thee, that thou art not only great, but good; that thou not only dwellest in eternity, but also in every humble and contrite heart ; that thou art not only the Lord of angels and of men, but the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of mercies, and the God of all grace and consolation. May we be deeply affected by the contemplation of thy revealed character. With godly sorrow may we reflect on our own fallen and ruined state as sinners. Thou didst make man upright, but he hath sought out many inventions. We have wandered at an awful dis- tance from thee ; we have lost thy favour, thy image, the desire to know, the heart to love, and the will to glorify thee. We are altogether fallen and guilty in thy sight ; we are without righteousness and strength before thee ; and might reasonably expect the tokens of thy wrath. But what shall we say, O Lord, when we think of thine abounding mercy and grace ? Thou wiliest not the death of the sinner, but rather that he should repent and live. Where our sin hath abounded, thy grace hath much more abounded. Thou hast made our very guilt and apostacy the occasion of displaying the boundless riches of thy sovereign love. O may we individually become the monuments, of restoring and pardoning mercy. As we have borne the image of the earthly, may we in like manner be made to bear the image of the heavenly. Let the time past of our lives be more than sufficient to have wrought the will of the gentiles. May eternal realities more than ever occupy our thoughts and our pursuits. For all thy past mercies, we desire to be deeply grateful. We are conscious that we are less than the least of them. May we live and act as the children of so many mercies. Be with us, we humbly beseech thee, through this day. May all the members of this family share in thy fatherly blessing. May they experience the care, and enjoy the bounties, of thy good providence ; and may they be enriched with the still better blessings of thy grace. Let goodness and mercy follow us all the days of our life ; and let us dwell in the house of the Lord for evermore. Accept of these our humble but unworthy prayers, for the sake of our only Saviour Jesus Christ. Amen. 212 FOURTEENTH .#>aturtrag <£bentns. John, Chapter xi. Verse 47 — 57 . week. 0 THOU Holy One of Israel, who inhabitest eternity, and receivest its unceasing praises, permit us to enter into thy more immediate presence, and to offer to thee our evening sacrifice of prayer and praise. In thee we live, and move, and have our being ; and by thy good hand we have been upheld during the day which is now closed. Give ear, O Lord, unto our words ; consider our meditation : hearken unto the voice of our cry, our King and our God, for unto thee will we look up. With a deep sense of thy goodness and mercy would we prostrate ourselves before thy Majesty; we acknowledge thy protection and guidance ; we are thankful for the circumstances of our lot ; we rejoice in the privilege of drawing near to the throne of the heavenly grace. Blessed be the Lord, who daily loadeth us with benefits. May we taste and see that thou art gracious. The Lord is our shepherd, we shall not want ; he maketh us to lie down in green pastures ; he leadeth us beside the still waters ; he restoreth our souls ; he leadeth us in paths of righteousness for his name’s sake. Thou hast spread a table before us in the wilderness ; thou hast covered our heads in the hour of danger ; thou hast made all thy goodness to pass before us. O that our hearts may be attuned to sing thy praise. Deliver us from ingratitude ; and save us from the abuse of thy mercies. What are we, O Lord, or what is our father’s house, that thou shouldest have dealt so mercifully with us ! We acknowledge our unspeakable unworthiness. We have been transgressors from our youth ; yea, we were shapen in iniquity, and in sin did our mother conceive us. We have been unmindful of thee, the Rock of our salvation. We have fol- lowed after strange gods ; we have worshipped and served the creature more than the Creator, who is blessed for evermore. Hadst thou executed the sentence of thy wrath against sinners upon us, we could not have uttered a single just complaint. We have greatly abused thy long-suffering and forbearance, and have in ten thousand instances failed suitably to acknowledge and improve thy mercies. But, O most merciful Father, we adore thee, that, while to us belongeth shame and confusion of face, unto thee belong mercies and forgivenesses. Thou hast not only spared us when we might have been con- demned, but thou hast dealt with us in infinite mercy and kindness. All thy ways towards us have been ways of goodness and truth, of gentleness and love. Into thy hands, Father of mercies, we commit ourselves during the defenceless hours of this night. Fill our minds with thine own peace, and impart to us a feeling of love and kindness to all our fellow-creatures. Raise our minds to the privileges and enjoy- ments of the Christian Sabbath. Refreshed with sleep, and gratefully sensible of thy manifold goodness, may we rise up, on the approaching day, to adore thee for another day of the Son of man, and to devote ourselves to the duties and delights of the Sabbath. These prayers, confessions, and thanksgivings we present to thee in the name of Christ : and to the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost, be all honour and glory, both now and for evermore. Amen. 213 FIFTEENTH <#untm|> JHonuitjj. WEEK. Job, Chapter i. A DORED and ever-blessed Majesty, we unite to worship thee, this morning, as the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ. Thou hast given Him freely for the life of the world ; yea, thou hast delivered Him up to the death for us all. We rejoice that he could not be held by the bands of death, but that on the appointed morning he was declared to be the Son of God with power, according to the Spirit of holiness, by the resurrection from the dead. Glory be to thy name for the bright evidence of this event which thou hast placed before us. May we triumph in the victory of our risen Lord ; yea, may we rise with him to newness of life, and feel and acknowledge the power of his kingdom. May that power be exerted in us all this day, that we may live to God, and for eternity. We thank thee for a day consecrated to the memory of Christ’s victory over death and the grave. Enable us to keep it holy unto the Lord ; and to enter with vigour and delight into all those lofty and devout exercises of mind which will constitute this a Sab- bath of rest to our souls. May we be more assiduous than on other days, in the active and earnest culture of the heart, in the private study of the word, and in fervent sup- plication at a throne of grace. May we review, with fidelity, all the infirmities, neglf- gences, and offences of the past week ; and may we humble ourselves before the Lord, on account of all discovered evil. O give to our family devotions a more than wonted mea- sure of humility, affection, and solemnity. May we strive together, as the heart of one man, for a blessing suited to this hallowed day. Vouchsafe to hear and answer our prayers, and to impart to us a token for good, that our hearts may rejoice in Thee, and that we may greatly renew our spiritual strength. From the hallowed scenes of closet and domestic piety may we repair to the sanctuary of our God. Here may we meet with our gracious Master according to his promise. In the assemblies of Zion, may we realize a foretaste of the exalted fellowships of heaven. May we blend spirits with all who worship thee in spirit, rejoice in Christ Jesus, and put no confidence in the flesh. O may a deep and chastened devotion mark all our engage- ments in the house of prayer. Prepare us for a meek submission to the messages of thy truth and grace. Let no prejudices, preconceived opinions, or corrupt habits, stand between us and the authoritative declarations of thy will. Make us willing that thy truth should detect what is evil and perverse in us. May we receive the reproofs and warnings of thy word without gainsaying or self-justification. Enable thy servant to address him- self to the consciences of all. May he cry aloud, and spare not ; may he lift up his voice like a trumpet, and shew thy people their transgression, and the house of Jacob their sins. May the Spirit be poured out from on high on him, and on all thy faithful servants, that the waste places of Jerusalem may be refreshed, and that the wilderness and the solitary places may rejoice and be glad. Bless us all, and make us a blessing. Listen graciously to these our prayers and thanksgivings, and accept us for the sake of our only Mediator and Redeemer, Jesus Christ, our strength and refuge for evermore. Amen. 214 FIFTEENTH oftmttns John, Chapter xii. WEEK. G RACIOUS and ever-blessed God, we unite in humble adoration at the footstool of thy throne. We worship thee as the self-existent and eternal Jehovah. Thou art infinitely glorious above all our finite and limited conceptions. O that we may be enabled to give to thee the glory which is due to thy name. We deserve not the high privilege of access into thy presence. Our sins have provoked thy righteous displeasure ; we have incurred the penalty due to transgression ; and it is because of thine infinite clemency and forbearance that it has not been carried into effect. O Lord, enter not into judgment with us, for in thy sight no flesh living can be justified. Our only hope of acceptance is through the glorious Mediator. We rely on his finished work, we triumph in His rising power. This is the day thou hast consecrated to the memory of His great work ; we would rejoice and be glad in it. We have gone with the assemblies of Zion this day to thy house : we have mingled in their devotions ; we have joined in their vows ; we have listened with them to the declarations of thy truth ; we have heard the tidings of the common salvation. O most blessed Lord, let thy Spirit seal His own testimony upon our hearts. May we never lose the impressions which have this day been conveyed to our spirits. We are prone to fall back into our wonted state of carelessness and neglect. Do thou preserve us from this sad and grievous inconsistency, and enable us to give dili- gence to make our calling and election sure. O thou great Searcher of Hearts, enable us to review, with deep humility, the manner in which we have attended upon the ordinances of thy grace this day. Give us repentance for all our short-comings, both in private and public. O enable us to treasure up the lessons of thy word, and to carry out into practice all the instructions and admonitions which have been addressed to us. As the time is short, may we be active and devoted in the cultivation of the several branches of Christian and relative duty. Raise us far above the spirit of the world. Impart to us the temper of strangers and pilgrims in the earth. May we remember that here we have no continuing city ; and may we seek one to come, whose builder and maker is God. Thus may the solemn services of thy day leave us in a state of greater meetness for the heavenly inheritance ; and may the Sabbath on earth become the foretaste of an endless and triumphant one in heaven. We mourn the number of Sabbaths which we have failed to improve. Let them not rise up in judgment against us. We are conscious that we might have been cut down as cumberers of the ground Alas ! we have brought forth little fruit to perfection. While we might have been teachers of others, we need that one should teach us what be the first principles of the oracles of God. Do thou pardon our iniquity, for it is great ; and, in the midst of deserved wrath, remember mercy. These great blessings, with the forgiveness of all our sins, we ask, in the all-prevailing name of Jesus, our adored High Priest. And may the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ? the love of God, and the communion and fellowship of the Holy Ghost, be with us alL Amen. 215 FIFTEENTH JKtontiag iHmnmci, WEEK. Job, Chapter ii. G REAT and eternal God, thou sittest upon the circle of the earth, and the inhabit- ants thereof are as grasshoppers before thee. Thou takest up the islands as a very little thing ; Lebanon is not sufficient to burn, nor the cattle thereof sufficient for a burnt-offering. Thou desirest not sacrifice, else would we give it thee ; thou delightest not in burnt-offering. The sacrifices of God are a broken spirit ; a broken and contrite heart, O God, thou wilt not despise. We adore thee, that the humble penitent is welcome to thy throne. May this be our true character. May we have a soft and broken heart for sin. May we loathe and abhor ourselves in dust and in ashes before thee. O God, be merciful unto us sinners. Take from us the hard and stony heart, and give us hearts of flesh. We acknowledge that salvation is of the Lord; we have destroyed ourselves, but in thee only is our help found. We bless thee for the discovery of a Saviour, able to save to the uttermost. May we know Him that is true ; yea, may we be in Him that is true ; this is the true God, and eternal life. Merciful and gracious God, thou makest the outgoings of the morning and of the evening to rejoice. We bless thee for the light of this new day. O may its hours be spent in the faithful and conscientious discharge of those duties which have been devolved upon us by thy holy providence. We thank thee for continued existence, and for fresh opportunities of serving and glorifying thee. We desire not to live to ourselves but unto Him that died for our sins, and that rose again for our justification. Preserve us from the snares and temptations of the world. Many are the evils which beset our path : make us sensible of them, and enable us to escape them. Help us to watch the secret movements of our hearts, and to put a guard upon every avenue to temptation. Espe- cially do thou teach us to set a watch upon the door of our lips, that we offend not against thee with our tongues. We have often provoked thee by our rash, angry, and uncharitable words ; and out of the abundance of the heart, our mouth has spoken. We pray, O Lord, for the individual and for the eminent sanctification of this family. Our privileges are great, our responsibility is awful : O may our profiting appear unto all. May religion have a temple in every heart ; may our consecration to the Lord be registered in heaven ; may all our mercies and all our trials constrain us to acknowledge thee, and bring us into stricter conformity to thy holy will. Let our fellowships at the divine throne be both sweet and refreshing : may our hearts be one in serving thee. Prosper our worldly undertakings, in so far as it shall promote thy glory, and our own good ; and grant that whatever trials we may be called to endure, they may be borne with fortitude, with resignation, and with uncomplaining submission to the all-perfect will of God. We would remember that there is a needs-be for affliction. Thou affiictest not willingly, nor grievest the children of men. Like as a father pitieth his children, so the Lord doth pity them that fear him. He knoweth our frame, and he remembereth that we are dust. And now, Lord, what wait we for ? our hope is in thee. Hear, accept, and bless us, for the sake of Jesus, our Strength and Redeemer. Amen. 216 FIFTEENTH JBontmg (fiHmtmg. WEEK. John, Chapter xiii. E thank thee, O Father, Lord of heaven and earth, that, by thy good hand upon us, we continue to the present moment — the wards of thy Providence, and we trust, the monuments of thy grace. Bow thy gracious ear to the voice of our supplication, and let our evening sacrifice be acceptable in thy sight, through Jesus the Mediator of the new covenant. We have no worthiness of our own to plead before thee ; all our righ- teousness is but as filthy rags, and our iniquities, like the wind, have taken us away. If thou shouldest appear as an avenger, we could not stand before thee. Mercy is our only plea. We are verily guilty in thy sight. We can plead no excuse before thee for our offences. They have been voluntary ; they have been innumerable ; they have long been persisted in, they have been greatly aggravated. Give us true repentance for them all ; and bring us out of every refuge of lies, that we may trust alone for salvation in the Redeemer of the lost. In Him may we be found, living, dying, and through all eternity. Clothe us in the perfect robe of his righteousness ; put thy Holy Spirit within us, and cause us to walk in thy statutes, and to keep thy judgments, and to do them. We desire to express our unfeigned gratitude for the great mercies of this day, provi- dential and spiritual. We adore thee for protection, for social comforts, for health, for the quiet enjoyment of our various mercies. With humility we desire to acknowledge our grievous offences against thy Majesty. O lay not our sins to our charge; for if thou shouldest enter into judgment, we must be condemned. Apply to our consciences the healing balm of atoning blood. Speak peace to our souls by the peace-speaking blood of Jesus. May we stand complete in Him who is our wisdom, righteousness, sanctification, and redemption. May the grace of Christ be sufficient for us, and may his strength be perfected in our weakness. May we five to Him who died for us ; may the fife which we live in the flesh be by the faith of the Son of God, who loved us, and gave himself for us. O may our life be hid with Christ in God, that when he who is our life shall appear, we also may appear with him in glory. We have too long lived unto ourselves, and not to God. We have mispent time, abused mercies and privileges, and lost sight of our responsibilities to thee and to our fellow-creatur^S. Deal not with us after our sins, nor reward us according to our iniquities. Purify our motives, and cleanse the thoughts of our hearts. May our future zeal, and diligence, and activity, in the ways of God, prove the deep sense which we entertain of our past negligences and offences, and our anxiety to redeem the time because the days are evil. O let the time past of our fives be more than sufficient to have wrought the will of the gentiles. Holy Father, to thee we commit our bodies and souls through the silent watches of this night Be thou our portion, our strength, and our deliverer for evermore. In thee we confide all our interests ; to thee we devote all our souls ; be thou our God and our guide even unto death, and our everlasting rest in eternity. And now, to God, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost, be glory everlasting. Amen. 2 E 217 FIFTEENTH Cutiftmg iBcinung Job, Chapter iii. week. A LMIGHTY God, upheld by thy power, we see the opening of a new day. O let us not be unmindful of thy mercies, or unthankful for thy goodness. Be thou our preserver and guide throughout this day ; for without thee we can do nothing. Assist us by thy Holy Spirit, to call upon thy blessed name, and to do thy gracious will. Undertake for us in all our duties, conflicts, and trials ; and be at our right hand, that we may not be moved. Be light to our darkness, wisdom to our folly, and strength to our weakness. Be very gracious to us in our approach to thy mercy-seat this morning, and make us to feel that it is indeed good for us to draw nigh unto thee. While we approach thee in duty, do thou visit us in mercy. May our souls live before thee. May we know the high pri- vilege of access into the holiest of all, by the blood of Jesus. May we feel that it is good for us to draw near unto God. Grant us a renewal of spiritual strength. May every power and faculty of our souls be called into lively and devout exercise. Deliver us from all coldness and formality in thy worship. Save us from wandering thoughts, from sinful imaginations, and from self-righteous confidence. Direct us, O God, this day, in all our affairs. Bless us in all our pursuits and engagements. Preserve us from every act upon which we could not call down thy bene- diction. Cause us to feel that thy favour is life, and that nothing is good which is not regarded and pronounced by thee to be such. In all our ways may we acknowledge thee, and do thou direct our steps. The preparation of the heart and the answer of the tongue, in man, are both alike from thee. Teach us, then, how to pray, and graciously regard the voice of our supplication. May we wrestle with thee for a blessing ; and may we determine not to let thee go till a blessing has been vouchsafed. Thou hast all spiritual riches at thy command,* O may we feel our poverty, and seek to be enriched for eternity. Greatly bless to us all the means of religious instruction and improvement which we possess. Look with thy heavenly favour on those whom thou hast called to break to us the bread of eternal life. While they teach us the way everlasting, give us grace to receive with meekness their life-giving message. Direct all their efforts to train us up for heaven and glory. May thy love be implanted in all our hearts, that our obedience, in all things, may flow from the highest principles ; and that following thy holy will in so far as we know it, we may daily increase in the profitable knowledge of the things of God, and be filled with all joy and peace in believing. Do thou send thy blessing upon our friends and connexions in life. Regard, and forgive our enemies ; and enable us heartily and sincerely to forgive them. We beseech thee, O Lord, to wash away all our sins in the precious blood of Christ, and to grant us such a measure of divine influence as will enable us to hate and overcome them. Guide us by thy counsel until thou hast brought us to thine everlasting kingdom, for the sake of the abundant merits of Jesus Christ, our blessed Redeemer. Amen. 218 FIFTEENTH Ctiesfoag Abetting, John, Chapter xiv. WEEK. W E rejoice that thou, Lord, art nigh unto all them that call upon thee ; to all that call upon thee in truth. Thou wilt fulfil the desire of them that fear thee ; thou also wilt hear their cry, and wilt save them. Help us to adore thee, this evening, as our Creator and Preserver ; and to draw near to thee as the portion of our souls, and as the Rock of our salvation. We would be thankful for all the mercies of this day. We acknowledge, with deep humility, that it is not owing to our own wisdom, prudence, or watchfulness, but to thy care, protection, and gracious providence, that we still continue to enjoy the numerous blessings, by which we are surrounded. O let us not forget all thy benefits ; let us not be ungrateful for mercies, to which we have no claim but thine own unmerited benignity and grace ; let us not overlook the hand that guides us, and that crowns us with loving-kindness and tender mercy. O forgive the sins with which we have this day been chargeable, whether they have been obvious to the eyes of our fellow- creatures, or seen only by thine own. Thou, O God, art acquainted with all our sins, and our folly is not hid from thee. Teach us to know and to mourn our depravity; and let no wicked way obtain dominion over us. We implore the grace of thy Holy Spirit, to enable us to correct and amend all that is amiss in our thoughts, words, and actions. Give us an understanding to know thy will concerning us, and a heart cheerfully to perform it. O let thy love reign in our hearts, and do thou subdue within us every evil and unruly passion. Save us from pride, vain glory, and every deceitful way. Enable us to do to others, in all things, as we should wish them to do unto us. Make us kind, charitable, and obliging, ready not only to forgive injuries, but to overcome evil with good. Enable us, by all compassionate and benevolent actions, to heap coals of fire on the heads of those who have sought to injure us. May we imitate Him who, when he was reviled, reviled not again, when he suffered, threatened not, but committed himself to Him that judgeth righteously. We bless thee, that he bore our sins in his own body on the tree ; that he might redeem us from all iniquity, and purify to himself a peculiar people zealous of good works. May the great and blessed ends of Christ’s death be accomplished in us ; that we may die unto sin, and live unto holiness, and that the end may be everlasting life. O God of grace, impart to us more of that spirit of prayer which will meliorate and improve all the tempers and dispositions of the soul, and prepare us for every good word and work. It is thine to bestow upon us the grace of prayer, and to enable us fully to exercise it. May we so ask, that it may be given unto us ; may we so seek, that we may find ; may we so knock, that it may be opened unto us. Perfect thy work of mercy in our hearts, and make each of us, both in mind and outward conversation, such as thou wouldest have us to be, that we may enjoy thy peace here below, and be meetened for thy glorious inheritance in heaven. Let us hold fast nothing that thou disapprovest, and let us lose nothing that thou hast taught us to regard. Defend us, O Lord, this night from all evil, and do more and better for us than we ask or think, for Christ’s sake. Amen. 219 2E2 FIFTEENTH TOetme^SJag iHontmg, WEEK, Job, Chapter iv. W E bless thee, O Lord, for the encouraging assurance, that thou wilt be very gracious unto us at the voice of our cry ; and that when thou shalt hear us, thou wilt answer us from thy glorious throne. We desire this morning reverently to surround thy mercy-seat, and to bless thee for watching over us during the past night, and raising us up from the image of death in health and safety. May thy favour rest on us through the whole of this day, and may the care and guardianship of thy good providence be the portion of our souls. May we feel the blessedness of the man whom thou choosest, and causest to approach unto thee, whose transgression is forgiven, whose sin is covered, and to whom thou wilt not impute iniquity. O give us true and heartfelt repentance for all our past sins ; work in us that genuine faith which will unite our souls to the living and life-giving Redeemer ; kindle that holy love to Christ in our bosoms, which will break forth in all appropriate acts of humble and grateful obedience. In all the pursuits of this day, may we be enabled to cherish a solemn and awful sense of thy presence, that all our intercourses with our fellow-men may distinctly prove, that we endure and act as seeing Him who is invisible. Let the frame of our minds be right in thy sight, that thus there may be a vital source of holy action within us ; and that out of the abundance of the heart we may both speak and act, and thus do all things to the glory of God. Holy and blessed Father, let thy quickening grace descend upon our hearts, to raise us above all earthly desires and sensual affections ; to keep us from the sins which do most easily beset us ; to enable us to discern and to lay aside all unholy tempers and wrong dispositions ; and to render us meek, and humble, and holy, and devout, and patient, and forgiving, in thy sight. Teach us, O Lord, to delight in thy law after the inner man ; yea, do thou write thy law upon our hearts, that sin may be the object of our intense abhorrence, and that holi- ness to the Lord may be the delight and the constant pursuit of our entire existence. Enable us to war a good warfare with the devil, the world, and the flesh, and to overcome by the blood of the Lamb, and by the might of thy Spirit. We mourn our sad imper- fections in thy sight. We have evil hearts of unbelief, prone at all times to depart from Thee the living God. O subdue the sin of our hearts. Grant us both restraining and sanctifying grace. Enable us to guard against every besetting sin, and to walk circum- spectly, remembering that the enemies of our souls are waiting for our halting. Bless us, O Lord, in all our engagements and pursuits. In all our undertakings, may we remember our own weakness, and implore that strength which cometh from above. O Father of lights, do thou guide and keep us ; make us wise, faithful, and happy in all the duties of life. Continue to us thy lovingkindness and tender mercies ; pardon all our iniquities ; graciously supply all our wants ; grant us all things necessary to life and godliness, for the sake of our only Redeemer, Jesus Christ. Amen. 220 FIFTEENTH TOrtmesfoag a?lmtutg. WEEK. John, Chapter xv. T the close of another day, we bow the knee to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who is the Father of mercies, and the God of all grace and consolation. May our hearts overflow with love and gratitude, while we prostrate ourselves before thy throne, and call to remembrance all thy mercies. We confess, O Lord, that we are weak, erring, and sinful creatures ; that in many things we all offend, and that in all things we come short of thy glory. We have opposed ourselves to thy holy will, and have neither loved thee, nor served thee, nor obeyed thee, as we ought. Extend to us, most gracious God, thy pardoning mercy; heal our backslidings, and love us freely. Thou delightest in mercy, and judgment is thy strange work; let mercy triumph over judgment; and let the covenant of thy peace be established between thee and us. O create in us a clean heart, and renew within us a right spirit, and take not thy Holy Spirit from us. Endue us with true humility, that we may see our sin before thee, and that we may mourn over it after a godly sort. We confess that the pride of our hearts has often hid from us our true character, and that we have thought ourselves rich and increased with goods, and standing in need of nothing, while we have been poor, and miserable, and wretched, and blind, and naked. With humility in thy sight, grant us a becoming feeling towards all our fellow-creatures. May we esteem others better than ourselves ; may we love them with sincere affection ; may we be ready to do them all the good in our power; may we rise superior to all envy, jealousy, and unworthy passions; may we live for the good of our brethren and friends ; and may our hearts’ desire and prayer to God be, that they may be saved. Give us grace even to love our enemies ; to bless them that curse us ; and to do good to them that despitefully use us, and persecute us; that we may be children of God, without rebuke, in the midst of a crooked and perverse generation. Teach us to overcome evil with good; to be more ready to forgive than to resent injuries; to be pitiful and courteous; to do good unto all men, especially to the household of faith ; to walk circumspectly, not as fools but as wise, redeeming the time, because the days are evil. When difficulties arise in our path, may we have wisdom and grace to overcome them; and may we stand fast in our integrity amidst all that would tend to vitiate our principles, and to corrupt our conduct. God of grace and salvation, do thou strengthen and confirm every holy purpose ; do thou weaken and eradicate every evil principle; do thou enable us, with child-like confidence, to commit ourselves to thy gracious guidance, and to submit to thy holy disposal. Be merciful to all mankind. Extend thy gospel to every nation under heaven. Pour thy Spirit upon all flesh. Be gracious to our country. Bless our sovereign, our senators, our judges, our magistrates, and all the ministers of thy truth. Take charge of us, and all dear to us, this night. Shield us from all evil ; bless us with all needful good. Into thy hand we commend our spirits. Hear us, accept us, and bless us, for the Redeemer’s sake. Amen. 221 FIFTEENTH Cfcurstmj) JBorntn& "WEEK, Job, Chapter v. W HEN we call upon thee, 0 Lord, then do thou answer; and when we cry unto thee, may we hear thee saying unto us, “ Here I am.” We worship thee this morning in the beauty of holiness ; look down from thy sanctuary upon our waiting spirit. Enable us to adore thee with pure affection, and to exalt thy glorious name. Thou art the Almighty Maker of all things in heaven and earth ; at thy command the darkness flees, and the cheering light of day breaks in upon the habitations of men. We bless thee, that we are spared to behold the rising sun, and that we are yet in the land of the living, and in the place of hope. Upon all the pursuits and avocations of the day we implore thy special and peculiar blessing. Nothing can truly prosper without thee ; even the fairest prospects in life, without thy blessing, would prove a snare to our souls. We feel that thy favour is life, and nothing is good or happy without it. Let us not lean to our own understandings, or trust to our own counsels ; but, ever confiding in thy heavenly wisdom, and trusting in thy preventing grace, may we know from happy experience, that blessed is the people whose God is the Lord. O let not our sins separate between thee and us ; but blot them out as a cloud, and our iniquities as a thick cloud. May our reliance on Christ’s finished work be simple and sincere ; and may thy Spirit witness with our spirits, that we are thy children. O inspire our minds with a more fervent desire to please and honour thee in the stations which thou hast called us to occupy. May we desire to know thy will, for the purpose of doing it with our whole hearts. Help us to shun all appearance of evil; and to do justly, to love mercy, and to walk humbly with thee our God. Conform us to thine own holy image, and make the path of duty increasingly our delight and our choice. May we be patient, meek, humble, and submissive under all the dispensations of thy holy and unerring providence. Assist us to overcome all besetting sins ; and when conscience and duty call, may we readily, cheerfully, and unhesitatingly obey. Teach us to count all things but loss for Christ; and to follow him fully in the regeneration. O God, the Father of heaven, view us with complacency and delight in thy dear Son. Accept us in Him, and for his sake bless us with all spiritual blessings and all eternal hopes. Helpless and undone in ourselves, may we stand complete in Him. May he be wisdom, righteousness, sanctification, and redemption to our souls. Interest us in his death, animate us by his Spirit, conform us to his example, fill us with his love, and devote us to his glory. In light and darkness, in joy and sorrow, in life and death, may we be His who loved us, and gave himself for us. Remember and bless all who are near and dear unto us. Bring them within the bonds of the everlasting covenant. Enrich them with all heavenly grace, .‘save them from the evils that are in the world, and preserve them to thine eternal kingdom. Let thy presence be vouchsafed to us in all the duties, trials, and conflicts of this day. May we be in the fear of the Lord all the day long. Hear us graciously, and pardon our sins for the Saviour’s sake. Amen. 222 FIFTEENTH dmrstmg Abating. WEEK. John, Chafter xvi. 0 GOD of our life, thou hast said to thy people, that when they lie down they shall not be afraid ; yea, they shall lie down, and their sleep shall be sweet. May our belief in thy good providence be such as to deliver us from all anxious care, and to prompt us to leave all our affairs in thy faithful hands. In the multitude of thy tender mercies we assemble this evening, to praise and magnify thy holy name. Inspire us with feelings of sincere and elevated devotion. May a sense of thy majesty and glory awe and humble our spirits. We are not worthy to bow down in thy presence. We are feeble dependent creatures, and thou art the infinite Creator; we are fallen and guilty sinners, and thou art the infinitely holy God. We adore thee that beings so insignificant and so worthless may draw near into thy presence. Thou hast not only permitted, but even invited our approach. Thou art ready to hear and answer prayer. Teach us to know and prize our privilege. Impart to us the true spirit of prayer. With penitent hearts, enable us to mourn over and confess our sins, and to lay hold upon the glorious sacrifice of our divine Redeemer and Advocate. We have no righteousness of our own ; but to Him we would look for righteousness and strength. We rejoice that he is now exalted a Prince and a Saviour, to give repentance unto Israel and the remission of sins. May the royal gifts of his kingdom descend upon our hearts, that we may have an individual and blessed evidence that he has power on earth to forgive sins, and that his grace can quicken our dead souls in his holy and happy service. Most merciful Father, we desire, as for spiritual, so likewise for temporal mercies, to adore thee in thy great goodness. We are monuments of thy tender and parental care. Thine eye has been upon us for good, from our youth up until now. We pray for hearts full of gratitude and love. Alas ! that we should be so slenderly impressed with the sense of thy wonderful lovingkindness and grace. We bless thee for our creation, our preservation, and all the favourable circumstances of our earthly being. We acknowledge, that even all our trials have been ordered in wisdom and in mercy. We have been gainsaying and rebellious children ; and there has been a necessity for all the sorrows and afflictions which have passed over us. May all our mercies and trials be overruled for the spiritual and immortal benefit of our souls ; that the result of all thy dealings with us here below may be the meetening of our souls for thine eternal and glorious kingdom. O Lord God of our salvation, look down with an eye of fatherly pity and compassion on the several members of this family. As their day is, so let their strength be. Make us individually anxious to share in thy favour, which is better than life. O let our hearts le right with thee, and sound in thy statutes. May there be union, ardour, and faith in our domestic worship. Let all know their relative duties and obligations, and let all perform them with zeal, affection, and fidelity. Into thy gracious hands we commend our spirits this night. Thou that keepest Israel, and who never slumberest nor sleepest, be thou our keeper and our guide. May we all be accepted in the Beloved, both in life and in death. As we know not what a night may bring forth, may we be prepared for rendering an account of our stewardship, that we may do it with joy and not with grief. Hear and answer us, for the Redeemer’s sake. Amen. 223 ■FIFTEENTH dftitmg iBonums WEEK. Job, Chapter vi. 0 LORD God Almighty, the King of eternal glory, we look up to the throne of thy majesty, rejoicing that it is now a throne of grace. When we reflect upon our sad apostacy from thee, we have reason to wonder that thou waitest to be gracious. Thy thoughts are not our thoughts, neither are thy ways our ways. Thou delightest in mercy, and judgment is thy strange work. If thou shouldest visit our iniquities in thy wrath, we should be for ever condemned. Behold us prostrate in deep penitence before thy throne. We would abase ourselves in thy sight, and would take shame and confusion of face unto ourselves because we have sinned. We dare not justify our conduct before thee, for our transgres- sions have been voluntary, and they have been committed against the light of conscience, and the faithful remonstrances of thy word. We have nothing to plead in opposition to the sentence which has gone forth against us, but the promise of thy mercy in Christ Jesus. We bless thee that we have such an effectual plea to urge. May we be enabled to urge it in faith, and to cast our eternal interests upon Him who died for our offences and rose again for our justification. While we prostrate ourselves at the foot of his Cross, and rely on his merit, do thou look with tender compassion on our souls, and say to us, Son, daughter, thy sins, which are many, are all forgiven thee. O let thy Spirit witness to the blessed privilege of our forgiveness. May our pardon and acceptance be ratified by that feeling of inward peace which it is the happiness of those who are reconciled to tb.ee to experience. Remove from us the spirit of bondage, and enable us, in the spirit of adoption, to cry unto thee, Abba, Father. Help us, O Lord, this day to walk in the light of thy countenance. And let the sense of thy love, and the feeling of thy presence, restrain us from evil, and stimulate us to the performance of every holy duty. Vouchsafe to us such assistance in our ordinary callings as may be needful, and grant such a blessing on the work of our hands, as shall conduct to a useful and happy result. Liable as we are to temptation, we entreat thee to shield us from its occurrence, or to defend us from its power. With every temptation, be pleased to make a way of escape ; and grant us grace to uphold our principles, and to resist all incitements to evil. If sorrows and afflictions await us, enable us to endure them with patience and with fortitude. Let us neither despise the chastening of the Lord, nor faint when we are rebuked ; for whom thou lovest thou chastenest, and scourgest every son whom thou receivest. Let afflictions draw us nearer to thyself, and wean us more and more from a vain world. Abundantly bless each member of this domestic circle. Make us all partakers of divine and saving grace. Keep us from the evil that is in the world. Defend us from the power of our spiritual enemies. Uphold us in the humble path of duty. Bless us in all our inter- courses and relations. May we hide thy word in our hearts, that we may not sin against thee. Make us useful in our sphere. Let our eye be single, that our whole body may be full of light. Listen, most gracious God, to these our feeble and unworthy prayers, and accept us through the Divine and only Mediator, Jesus Christ. Amen. 224 FIFTEENTH dfiitmg Oftmifotg, WEEK. John, Chapter xvii. 0 THOU most blessed God, the Father of mercies, the God of all grace and conso- lation, we give thee most humble and hearty thanks that we are spared to see the close of this day, and that we are permitted and privileged to assemble around the mercy- seat, and to present to thee our evening sacrifice of prayer and praise. Accept the free- will offerings of our hearts, we beseech thee, O Lord, and pour down upon our waiting minds the Spirit of grace and supplication. Lord, teach us to pray, for we know not how to order our speech aright by reason of that darkness which sin has brought upon us. We rejoice in that fulness which thou hast treasured up in Jesus, the Mediator of the new covenant, for the supply of all our wants ; and we pray that out of that fulness we may receive in grace for grace. O wash us in the blood of atonement, that the guilt of our souls may be removed, and that we may find access to thee as our reconciled God and Father. Make us to partake of the blessedness of the man whom thou choosest, and causest to approach unto thee ; may we know that happy is the man whose God is the Lord, whose transgression is forgiven, and whose sin is covei'ed. Teach us to pour out our hearts before thee in humble and believing prayer. May we have the Spirit of adop- tion, while we address thee as our Father in heaven. We look back on the various scenes of this day with mingled emotions of gratitude and contrition ; of gratitude, when we reflect on all thy mercies, and of contrition, when we think of the sin of our hearts, and the short-comings of our lives. We adore thee for all thy gracious care of us, and of those dear to us. Thou hast preserved our souls from death, our eyes from tears, and our feet from falling. We are still the living to praise thee, while thousands have this day been summoned before the Judge of quick and dead. We humble ourselves before thy throne under a sense of manifold infirmities and short- comings. We beseech thee not to lay to our charge the sin even of our holy things. Behold us in the face of Jesus Christ. Blot our sins out before thee as a cloud, and our iniquities as a thick cloud. Wash us, and we shall be clean; purge us, and we shall be whiter than snow; and take not thy Holy Spirit from us. Without thee we are nothing, and can do nothing. Teach us how unworthy we are in thy sight ; how entirely we depend on thy mercy for pardon, and on thy grace for help in every time of need. Increase our faith ; strengthen our confidence in thy fatherly government; uphold us in our weakness ; and make us more than conquerors, through Him that hath loved us. We are about to enter on the silent watches of another night; do thou guard us from all evil, in body and soul. Let those angels who are ministering spirits, sent forth to minister to those who shall be heirs of salvation, watch over and defend us in our sleeping moments. Refresh our bodies with seasonable repose. Preserve us from the subtle devices of our spiritual enemies. May we have peace with thee our God, through our Lord Jesus Christ. And to the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost, be glory ever- lasting. Amen. 2 F 225 FIFTEENTH ^aturtmK iBornunj, Job, Chapter vii. week. M OST holy, righteous, and blessed God, we adore and magnify thy great and dread- ful name. Thou art Jehovah alone, and none in heaven or in earth can be com- pared with thee. Thou hast life in thyself, and thou givest unto all life, and breath, and all things. Enable us this morning to enter into thy more immediate presence with sen- timents of reverential fear. Thou art worthy of the loftiest adoration of all intelligent creatures. In thee we live, and move, and have our being. We are this morning the monuments of thy sparing mercy; grant that our hearts may overflow with gratitude to thee, the Fountain of life and all its blessings. Look down from heaven, the habitation of thy glory, and visit our souls with tokens of thy love. We rejoice in that freedom of access which we enjoy into the holiest of all by the blood of Christ. May we draw near to thee with true hearts, in full assurance of faith. We acknowledge our guilt in thy sight, and we accept, with joy and gratitude, the provisions of thy love. Thou delightest in mercy; thou hast no pleasure in the death of sinners; thou art a just God, and yet a Saviour. We pray for the free pardon of all our sins; may we be accepted in the Beloved; and may the Spirit that raised up Jesus from the dead dwell in us. In entering upon a new day, we implore grace from thee to guide us in the way in which thou wouldst have us to go. O save us from the power and influence of our spiritual enemies. In ourselves we are weak and helpless, but through Christ, who strengthens us, we can do all things. May we have wisdom to fulfil every incumbent duty, and to shun all appearance of evil. In all our relative stations, may we act under right and holy motives, and be enabled to promote one another’s peace, happiness, and true welfare. Amidst temptations to evil, may we find, through thy grace and providence, a way of escape. If thou shouldst see fit to try us in the furnace of adversity, may we neither despise thy chastening rod, nor faint when we are rebuked of thee. In patience may we possess ourselves, and wait the issue of dispensations which are all working together for good. May we keep the end of faith, even the salvation of our souls, constantly in view; and through evil report, and good report, may we have grace to persevere even to the end. We pray for all devout and worshipping families. O let the time speedily arrive when the voice of praise shall be heard in every habitation throughout our land. Have mercy on those families who call not upon thy name. Let heads of families learn their obligations to thee the great Lord of all, and to those for whose spiritual welfare they are bound to care. Pity nations without the light of the gospel. Hasten the period when the knowledge of the Lord shall cover the earth, as the waters cover the channel of the great deep. Pour thy Spirit upon all Christian churches and pastors. Revive thy work in the midst of the years, and let times of refreshing come from thine own gracious presence. Mercifully pardon all our sins ; lift upon us the light of thy countenance, and give us peace. Our prayers are now before thee ; O hear and answer us, for the sake of Jesus, our Advocate and Redeemer. Amen. 226 FIFTEENTH ^aturtmg (£bnthtg, John, Chapter xviii. WEEK. 0 LORD, thou art great, and greatly to be praised ; thou art to be feared above all gods. All the gods of the nations are idols ; but thou, Lord, hast made the heavens. Honour and majesty are before thee, strength and beauty are in thy sanctuary. May we give unto the Lord the glory due unto his name ; may we bring an offering, and come into his gracious presence; may we serve Him in the beauty of holiness. We would worship and bow down, we would kneel before the Lord our Maker ; for thou art our God, and we are the people of thy pasture, and the sheep of thy hand. With simple faith may we draw near to thy mercy-seat, relying upon the merit and advocacy of our adored Surety. We plead no other name but his. May He be made of God unto us wisdom, righteousness, sanctification, and redemption. We rejoice that he has gone into heaven, there to appear in thy presence for us. May our faith take hold of his advocacy within the veil. With boldness and confidence may we draw near into thy presence, that we may find mercy to pardon, and grace to help in time of need. In reviewing the various scenes of this day, we desire to be humbled under a sense of our numerous imperfections. We have been too forgetful of our highest obligations ; we have not been influenced suffi- ciently by the sense of thy presence ; we have not glorified thee as God. Many sinful thoughts and imaginations have passed through our minds, and all our duties have partaken of our characteristic infirmity and short-coming. Deal not with us in judgment, but in mercy. To the fountain of a Redeemer’s blood we would now apply. There do thou wash us from all guilt ; and grant that our consciences may be reassured by the witness and testimony of thy Spirit. For all the blessings of another day, both for the body and the soul, we desire to be unfeignedly thankful. Thou hast been mindful of all our necessities, and hast cared for all our wants. We adore thee for that gracious providence which has attended our steps during the whole of our past journey through life. Amidst much ingratitude, and many provocations, thou hast never suspended the exercise of thy beneficence. O that thoughts of thy goodness may lead us to true repentance, and may stir up in us sentiments of holy love and gratitude. Keep us, in the future, from repeating our former provocations. Let us not trust our own hearts, which are deceitful above all things and desperately wicked. Help us to call in, with greater earnestness, the aids of thy sovereign grace ; and open our hearts to all the softening and purifying influences of thy blessed Spirit. May we be blessed with a tender conscience, — a conscience void of offence both towards God and towards man. Cause us to shun the very appearance of evil. Father of mercies, into thy hands we commend our spirits during the silence and darkness of this night. Let omnipotence be our shield; let thy grace dwell in all oul* hearts. Vouchsafe to us the refreshment of seasonable sleep. Strengthen us in body and mind for the duties of the ensuing day. Blot out all our sins, and accept both our persons and offerings for the sake of our only Mediator, Jesus Christ; to whom, with Thee and the Holy Ghost, be all honour and glory, now and for ever more. Amen. 227 2 F 2 SIXTEENTH iHornuts WEEK. Job, Chapter viii. E XALTED and ever-blessed Lord, permit our humble approach this morning in the name of Jesus, our great High Priest. Thou hast revealed thyself from the mercy- seat ; deign from thence to look down upon this assembled family, and to vouchsafe some token of thy grace. We adore thee for the privilege of access with boldness into the holiest of all ; may we prize this great mercy, and worship thee with filial love and reverence. Lord of the Sabbath, we bless thee for the dawning of this sacred day. We pray for a frame of mind accordant with its original design and its hallowed pursuits. We rejoice that Christ is risen from the dead, and has entered into his kingdom and glory. May the same quickening Spirit which dwelt in Him, dwell in us, to impart to us the blessings of the spiritual life, to raise us from our death in sin, and to invest us with all the attributes of a new and heavenly existence. We adore thee, O Lord, for that confirmation which our faith derives from the resur- rection of Him who died to take away our sins. We bless thee, that by this event thou hast declared the acceptance of his all-perfect sacrifice, hast verified his claims as Messiah, hast fulfilled his own prophetic testimony, and hast declared that he is mighty to save even to the uttermost. We rejoice likewise to know that because he lives, we shall live also ; that death is destroyed ; and that his victory shall be shared by all who believe in his name. May we this day feel the earnest of that power, by which all who sleep in Jesus shall spring up into everlasting life, and vigour, and beauty. In the reality and energy of the spiritual resurrection, may we be enabled to anticipate the majesty and glory of that day when our mortal shall put on immortality, and when death shall be swallowed up of victory. Clothe thine ordinances this day with an influence resistless and divine. Let a preached gospel be mighty through God to the pulling down of strong holds. Let the kingdom of heaven suffer violence, and let the violent take it by force. May thousands of perishing men press into that kingdom, and may Christ’s house be filled. Give strength to the messengers of truth to declare thy whole counsel, and to keep back nothing that may be profitable. Whether men will hear or forbear, may they fully testify the gospel of the grace of God; and commend their message to every man’s conscience in the sight of God. We pray, O our heavenly Father, that a double portion of thy Holy Spirit may rest on us in our approaches to thee, both in public and private, this day. Bless Zion’s provisions to our souls ; clothe thy ministering servants with health, and make all thy saints to shout aloud for joy. Meet with us especially in the Christian sanctuary. May we keep our feet when we go into the house of God, and be more ready to hear than to offer the sacrifice of fools. Call away our minds from the fleeting vanities of time, and fix them upon eternal realities. Let the word preached be exceedingly profitable, being mixed with faith in them that hear it. Accept our grateful praise for the mercies of the past night, pardon our manifold sins, and do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think, for Jesus Christ’s sake. Amen. And may the grace, &c. 228 SIXTEENTH <#un*rag <£bntms. John, Chapter xix. week. H OLY Father, we desire to meet around thy throne, at the close of another Sabbath, to adore thee for its privileges, and to implore a blessing on its several engage- ments. We have gone with the thousands of thine Israel to the tabernacle of thy house, and have there united in the most solemn acts of prayer and praise. We have listened to the messages of thy love, and have heard what the Spirit saith unto the churches. Grant, O most merciful God, that we may not be permitted to harden our hearts as in the provocation, as in the day of temptation in the wilderness, when thine ancient church tempted thee, proved thee, and saw thy works ; when thou wert grieved with that genera- tion, and saidst, it is a people that do always err in their hearts, and they have not known my ways ; unto whom thou didst swear in thy wrath, that they should not enter into thy rest. O let us therefore fear lest, a promise be left us of entering into rest, any of us should seem to come short of it. Thou art a jealous God, and wilt not give thy glory to another. Where much has been given, thou wilt require much. How, then, shall we escape, if we neglect so great salvation ? Impress our minds with a deep sense of responsibility; and enable us to give all diligence to make our calling and our election sure. May we take good heed to the things which we have heard, lest at any time we should let them slip; and may we hide thy word in our hearts, that we may not sin against God. We earnestly pray for an increase of family piety. Our advantages are great, — may our improvement be in some happy proportion. When we meet to read thy word, and to call upon thy name, may we all partake the character of spiritual worshippers. Let there be no division of mind or feeling when we look up to thy mercy-seat. As the heart of one man, may we pour our supplications into thine ear, and wait in humble expectation for thy gracious reply. Let our peace and holiness be increased by waiting upon the Lord. May it soothe every sorrow, mitigate every trial, and render easy and pleasant every path of duty. Vouchsafe to the heads of this family all that grace which is necessary for the discharge of the duties of their solemn trust. May they honour God in all their plans and arrange- ments, and may he direct and bless their efforts. To the other branches of the family do thou impart grace to enable them to fulfil all their relative and personal obligations. May the young consecrate themselves to the Lord in the days of their youth. O shield them from the power of temptation ; guard them from the devices of Satan ; early possess their minds with the power of Divine grace. May they grow up a seed to serve thee. Make the domestics of the house faithful, upright, and devout. May they honour God in their station in life, and prove a blessing to all around them. May all beneath this roof be saved in the Lord with an everlasting salvation. Regard, in great mercy, all who are related to us by the ties of nature : bring them all to the knowledge of thy ways ; guide and support them in all the trials of life ; appear for them in all their perplexities ; may we and they meet in heaven, to recount all thy mercies. Listen, O Lord, to these our united supplications, pardon our great iniquities, and far exceed our utmost desires, for the Redeemer’s sake. Amen. 229 SIXTEENTH JHontrag iHornuts. Job, Chapter ix. week. 0 LORD, thou hast been the dwelling-place of thy children in all generations; our fathers trusted in thee, and thou didst not put them to shame. Thou art the same gracious God now as in days of old, when thou didst meet with Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob ; when thou didst commune with the chosen tribes from off the mercy-seat, and from between the cherubims of glory. We adore thee, that the way of access into thy presence is now more clearly revealed than it was under the ancient covenant ; and that in every place we may lift up holy hands without wrath or doubting. Enable us this morning to entertain clear and affecting views of thy spirituality, thy glory, and thy grace. May we be influenced by feelings of childlike confidence and love, in drawing near to thy throne. Help us to regard thee as a reconciled God in Christ Jesus, and to feel that we are welcome, through his glorious mediation, to the throne of thy love. We rejoice that thou art well pleased for his righteousness’ sake, because he hath magnified the law and made it honourable. O may his finished work be the object of our wonder, and the ground of our confidence for evermore. We cannot sufficiently adore the riches of that grace which hath made us accepted in the Beloved. How deep the abasement from which we are raised, how high the glory to which we are to be hereafter exalted ! May we think with wonder and gratitude of our deliverance, and of our hopes ; and may a life of cheerful and unreserved obedience demonstrate that we are thine. We offer to thee, the God of our life, our united praise for that good providence which has watched over and kept us during the past night. How many who retired to rest as full of hope as we, have slept the sleep of death, and closed their eyes, to wake no more till the dead shall hear the voice of the Son of God. May we truly estimate the value and importance of life, and devote its precious hours to thee. As we are still spared in the land of the living, O that we may be more anxious than ever to live to some good purpose. Grant us all needful assistance and direction in the several engagements of this day. May we distrust our own wisdom, and confide in thine. May a holy fear of offending thee dwell in our hearts. Enable us cheerfully to address ourselves to every duty of life, conscious that we are where thou hast placed us, and make us anxious that thy blessing may be granted in answer to prayer. We would not enter upon the duties of another day without acknowledging our weakness, our ignorance, our depravity, our liability to wander from the right path. In prayer we look up to thee for the fulfilment of those promises which encourage us to put our trust under the shadow of thy wings. Help us to plead them in faith, and to derive strength and courage from their never-failing truth and consolation. In all our relative positions in life, may we have grace to walk circumspectly, not as fools but as wise, redeeming the time, because the days are evil. Remove from our consciences this morning every stain of guilt, and fill us with heavenly peace, that we may walk all the day long in thy fear, and that at its close we may meet in joy and hope at thy mercy-seat. These inestimable blessings we ask for the sake of Him who shed his most precious blood for our redemption: and to the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost, be glory ever- lasting. Amen. 230 SIXTEENTH iUmt&ag c^beimtg WEEK. John, Chapter xx. F ATHER of mercies, do thou deign to listen to the voice of our prayer, and to send help to us out of Zion. Do thou teach us how to pray, and enable us to pour out our hearts before thee. We rejoice that we are invited to thy throne, and that we have an Advocate with thee, even Jesus Christ the righteous, who is the propitiation for our sins, and in whom are hid all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge. We yield up our minds to the teaching of thy Spirit : give us to know thee, and Jesus Christ whom thou hast sent ; for this, and this only, is life eternal. Cause us, O Thou hearer of prayer, to know something of the blessing of communion with thyself. Open the fountains of thy love upon us, and pour down copious streams of salvation upon our souls. Enrich us with all spiritual blessings in heavenly places in Christ Jesus. May we taste and see that thou art good. May our fellowship be with the Father and with his Son Jesus Christ. May the life of prayer be our delight ; and may the answer of prayer be the joy and strength of our hearts. O fill us with true and lofty sentiments of devotion. Thy goodness has conducted us in safety to the close of another day. We meet around the family altar, to praise thee for thy watchful and gracious providence, and for all the unmerited bestowments of this life, with which we are indulged. We are less than the least of all thy mercies, and deserve nothing at thy hands but the tokens of thy righteous displeasure. But thou hast done great things for us, whereof we are glad; thou hast loaded us with thy benefits; all thy ways towards us have been ways of goodness and truth. We adore thee above all thy mercies, for the provisions of the everlasting gospel; for that method of salvation which has been opened up to us in the blood of Christ. We bless thee that He who knew no sin, has been made sin for us; and that his doing and dying have been accepted as the meritorious cause of our redemption. We rejoice that our divine Surety has been released from the bonds of death, and that, in token of the perfection of his work, he has been exalted to the right hand of Power in the heavens. May we look to Thee as reconciled to us through the blood of the cross ; may we regard thine anger as turned away from us ; and may we come near, even to thy seat, reposing our eternal hopes on Him who poured out his soul on our behalf an offering unto death. May we see all fulness dwelling in Christ, and out of it may we by faith receive in grace for grace. And, now, O most blessed God, accept the surrender which we make of ourselves to thee this night. We rejoice that he who keepeth Israel neither slumbers nor sleeps. Mercifully watch over us, and keep us from all evil. May we lie down without fear, believing that whether sleeping or waking, living or dying, we are the Lord’s. Wean us more and more from this present life, reveal to us more clearly the glory of the world to come ; teach us to live as strangers and pilgrims in the earth ; and when the summons to quit this world shall reach us, may we fall asleep in Jesus, and enter into the joy of our Lord. Grant these our petitions, O heavenly Father, for the sake of Jesus Christ, our only Saviour and Redeemer. Amen. 23 L SIXTEENTH Cuesfo ag iHornutg WEEK. Job, Chapter x. E TERNAL Fountain of all happiness, permit us to draw near to thee as to our chief good. Thou art the abiding and the everlasting portion of our souls. In thy favour is life. We look up to thee this morning for life, and breath, and all things. Behold us in the face of Jesus Christ thine anointed, in whom thou art always well pleased. We rejoice that there is all in him that we can possibly need or desire. We entreat thee, for his sake, to pity the weakness and infirmity of thy poor children upon earth; and to grant us such a bountiful supply of thy Holy Spirit, as shall raise our drooping and earthly minds to the blessedness of spiritual enjoyment. Cause us to relinquish our wonted thirst after earthly and perishable objects, and to pant after thee the living God. We acknowledge that the world has never been able to satisfy our longing desires. We have found all its objects and pursuits to be vanity and vexation of spirit. O may we find such delight and repose in communion with thee, as shall for ever banish the desire of seeking rest and happiness in any of thy creatures. Come, blessed Lord, and take full possession of us by thy grace. Give us victory over the world, the flesh, and the devil. Drive out all thine and our enemies from our hearts. There do thou establish thy throne, and reign over every affection and purpose of the soul. Subdue our stubborn wills to thy holy will; work in us by the mighty power of thy Spirit ; give us strength to resist the sinful impulses of our depraved hearts ; may Christ be formed in our hearts, the hope of glory; may the life which we live in the flesh be by the faith of the Son of God ; may divine grace mould us to the image of Christ ; may the mind that was in him, be also in us ; may the fruits of the Spirit, in all meekness, love, joy, peace, and holiness, shine forth in our lives, so that all who see us may be con- strained to say that Gcd is with us of a truth. We pray that this day may witness our decision for God. May we set the Lord always before us ; and may he be at our right hand, that we may not be moved. Thou knowest all hearts ; thou seest whether we all have been taught by thy Spirit to love the Lord Jesus, and to lay hold upon Him for eternal life. If any in this circle are strangers to themselves and to the Saviour of sinners, O send forth thy Spirit into their hearts, that they may all be saved, and come to the knowledge of the truth. Awaken them from the slumber of carnal security, and raise them from their death in sin, that they may walk in newness of life ; that old things may pass away, and that all things may become new. Speak but the word, and they shall be healed; so shall they praise and magnify the riches of thy sovereign grace. Most blessed Father, do thou watch over us for good this day. Pour upon us the dew of thy blessing. Order all our steps in thy ways. Bless our every undertaking. Prosper the work of our hands upon us, yea, the work of our hands prosper thou it. May we live to thee in the duties of the day ; let our eye be single, that our whole body may be full of light. Let no sinful or rash communications proceed out of our Ups ; but may we be wise, and circumspect, and holy. Forgive the sin of this approach to thy mercy-seat- Cancel all our guilt in the atoning blood of the Lamb, and infinitely exceed all that we ask or think, for Jesus Christ’s sake. Amen. 232 SIXTEENTH CueStmg Cbmtng, John, Chapter xxi. week. LMIGHTY Father, the Maker of heaven and earth, teach us by thy grace, that it is a good thing to draw near unto thee. Without thy promised aid, we can feel nothing of the happiness of approaching into thy presence. May the Spirit help our manifold infirmities. May he teach us how to pray ; may he open to us the beauties of thy word ; may he animate us with filial desires. Look upon us in infinite compassion ; quicken our dead and lifeless souls ; may we behold the wonderful things contained in thy law ; may our desires be towards thee, and the remembrance of thy name ; may thy grace constrain us to love and serve thee with our whole hearts. We worship thee this evening, as the source of all good, the overflowing fountain of every blessing, the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, and the covenant -God and portion of all who know and love Him, who is the brightness of thy glory, and the express image of thy person. Help us to pray with the understanding and the heart. May we draw near to thee with the love and confidence of children. O may we find rest to our weary souls in thy love. May we open up before thee all the desires of our hearts, and find a sure lodgment for all our sorrows in thy faithful bosom. We adore thee for what thou art in thyself, as uncreated, self-existent, infinitely happy, eternal, and unchangeable. We bless thee for what thou art to us, as our Creator, Preserver, and Redeemer. Fill us with adoring reverence of thy character and perfec- tions ; and enable us to behold thee in all thy glory, as thou art revealed to us in the person and work of Jesus, the Son of thy love. We rejoice in the privilege of thus assembling around thy throne of grace. Thy mercies are new every morning ; they are repeated every evening; great is thy faithfulness. We thank thee that we meet in peace and safety at the close of the day, to celebrate thy praise, and to call upon thy holy name. Thou hast been our refuge and our defence, and thou hast made the outgoings of the morning and evening to rejoice. Bless the Lord, O our souls, and all that is within us bless his holy name, who forgiveth all our iniquities, who healeth all our diseases, who crowneth us with loving-kindness and tender mercies. Let gratitude henceforth be a pervading element in our characters, and let our gratitude ever express itself in acts of holy and cheerful obedience to thy revealed will. For redemption by the blood of Christ, we give thee especial, as we hope to give thee eternal praise. We adore thee that in the great mystery of the Cross, we see mercy and truth meeting together, righteousness and peace embracing each other. We rejoice that here thy justice and holiness, thy love and mercy, thy power and grandeur, are all richly displayed, and displayed in our salvation. May we view thee, and confide in thee, as the just God, and yet the Saviour. O how unworthy are we of such boundless manifestations of love and goodness. May our hearts melt into tenderness at the thought of the great love wherewith thou hast loved us poor sinners in Christ Jesus ; and may faith in his name purify our hearts, work by love, and overcome the world. In the name of Jesus we present these our humble prayers, confessions, and thanksgivings, imploring acceptance, forgiveness, and all spiritual blessings through his mediation: and to the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost, be all honour and glory, both now and for evermore. Amen. 2 G SIXTEENTH raetmesfoaK iHonmtg, Job, Chapter xi. week. A LMIGHTY Father, who art wise in counsel and excellent in working, permit us to look up to thee, at this time, for the teaching of thy good Spirit, that we may address thy throne in the true feeling of prayer, and that our morning sacrifice may be presented with the understanding and the heart. We desire highly to prize the privilege of access into thy presence, and would never lose sight of the medium of our approach. Let our faith in the Divine Mediator be simple and realizing. Let all our hopes of acceptance be founded on his finished work. We adore thy Majesty for thine infinite condescension and grace. We are not worthy to take thy name into our lips. Thou mightest have banished us from thy presence, and from the glory of thy power; but thou hast dealt with us in love and mercy, and we are invited to draw near to thee as children of thy care. Deign to listen to the voice of our supplication, and to send us answers of peace in thine own good time and way. We come to thee for the supply of our spiritual wants, conscious that none but thyself can meet the desires and necessities of our souls. Thou art intimately acquainted with all that pertains to us ; and thou hast given assurance to thy people, that all their need shall be supplied according to thy riches in glory by Christ Jesus. Vouchsafe to us the inestimable blessing of forgiveness, and grant us the perception and the feeling that the blessing is ours. Impart to us that grace which will sanctify us wholly in body, in soul, and in spirit. O lift upon us the light of thy reconciled countenance, and give us peace, that peace which the world cannot give. Make us happy in thy love and favour, which are better than life. In all our ways may we acknowledge thee, and do thou direct our steps. We look up to thee, O Lord, for guidance and protection this day. We are not sufficient of ourselves to think or do any thing that shall be acceptable in thy sight, or useful to our fellow-creatures ; but by thy help and thy blessing, we can do all things. We would not lean upon our own understandings, but would seek the wisdom that cometh from above. Be near to us in all our duties and conflicts, that we may be enabled to aim supremely at thy glory, and that the happiness of a good conscience may be the stay and solace of our minds. Bless every member of this family with saving grace and providential direction. In all our relative duties, may we aim at advancing one another’s best interests. Make us wise to surmount evil, and diligent in the cultivation of all that is lovely and of good report. O may we be anxious as a family to possess and display large measures of vital godliness. Let not the many advantages we possess be lost upon us through negligence, worldly-mindedness, and impenitence. Pour out thy Spirit upon each of us, that we may be quickened to the exercise of all holy and heavenly tempers, and that we may increasingly feel our responsibility to thee for the right use of all the privileges and opportunities we possess. Forgive our great family imperfections and sins; accept of our thanksgivings for unnumbered and unmerited mercies. Be our God and our guide in all the future stages of our earthly pilgrimage ; and at last receive us to thine eternal kingdom, for Jesus Christ’s sake. Amen. 234 SIXTEENTH OTetmesfoag tiftmtutg Acts, Chapter i. week. M OST holy and blessed Lord, who art the fountain of all being, and the God of all grace, suffer us to draw near to that throne from which thou art ever dispensing mercy to the guilty and undeserving. We dare not come unto thee as worthy, but as sinners. If we say we have no sin, we but deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us ; but, if we confess our sins, thou art faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. We bow before thee with deepest reverence and abasement. Lord, have mercy upon us, for we have greatly offended against thy majesty, and grieved thy Holy Spirit. We have done those things which we ought not to have done, and have left undone those things which we ought to have done, and there is no help in us. Spare thou them, O God, which confess their sins; restore thou them that are penitent; let thy tender pity and compassion be extended towards us, for we hope in thy mercy. In reviewing the several scenes of this day, we have to deplore innumerable imperfec- tions and short-comings. We have been sadly forgetful of thee our chief good, we have too little acted under a sense of thy presence, we have lost sight of the one thing needful, we have not honoured thee our God. The cares of life have too much absorbed our attention, and the business of the soul and eternity has been lamentably overlooked. Forgive the worldliness of our dispositions, our want of devotional habits, our neglect to cultivate the spiritual mind which is life and peace. O stir up in all our hearts a greater concern after those things which make for our eternal peace. Enable us to give all dili- gence to make our calling and our election sure. Make us watchful against the enemies of our salvation. Never let us forget that we are exposed to the wiles of Satan, the allure- ments of the flesh, and the deceits of the world. Clothe us in the armour of light ; and make us more than conquerors through Him that hath loved us. May we fight the good fight of faith, and lay hold on eternal life. Let no sin have dominion over us ; let no secret corruption lurk in our hearts. O enable us to keep our garments unspotted from a present evil world. We pray for all whom duty binds us to remember at thy throne. We commend to thy gracious care all our dear connexions in life. Shield them from all danger, and bless them with all things necessary to life and godliness. Have mercy upon all praying families. May their numbers be greatly multiplied, and may the influence of religion extend itself on the right hand and on the left, from the habitations of the righteous. Pity and forgive prayerless individuals and families. O shew them what an awful thing it is to live with- out God and without hope in the world. Bless the preaching of the everlasting gospel. The harvest is great, but the labourers are few; O send out many more faithful labourers into thy vineyard, that the harvest of the world may be gathered in. Be with us this night, to protect us from all evil, and to refresh us with seasonable sleep. Mercifully look upon each member of the family, and accept of us all through our only Mediator and Saviour, Jesus Christ Amen. 235 262 SIXTEENTH Cimnfflag JEorntna WEEK. Job, Chapter xii. W E worship thee, O God, as the infinite Creator of heaven and earth. Thine we are, and thee we desire to serve. Thou art our Lawgiver, and we desire to subject our- selves to thy government ; thou art our Saviour and Redeemer, and we would be filled with love and gratitude ! Alas ! we are and have been unprofitable servants ; we have drank in iniquity like water ; our provocations against thee are increased ; and our tres- passes are grown up unto the heavens. We have lived to ourselves rather than unto Him who died for our offences, and who rose again for our justification. We have not glorified thee in our bodies and spirits which are thine. We have utterly destroyed ourselves, but in thee is our help found. We are unable to recover ourselves; but do thou teach us to look to thee for salvation. We adore thee for laying help on One mighty to save; for committing thy people, and the great work of their redemption, into the hands of Him who has finished transgression, made an end of sin-offering, and brought in everlasting righteousness. In his all -prevailing name we draw near to thee this morning, that we may obtain mercy, and find grace to help in time of need. For the sake of our exalted Mediator, we entreat thee to favour us with the light of thy countenance, to receive us into a state of reconciliation, to grant us that peace which passeth all understanding ; that we may look on thee as the Father of mercies, and as the God of all comfort and consolation. Lord, enable us this day to walk as becometh those who call upon thy name, and dedi- cate themselves to thy praise. Make us followers of Thee, as dear children ; and enable us in all things to adorn the doctrine of God our Saviour, who hath redeemed us from all iniquity, and purified to himself a peculiar people, that they might be zealous of good works. May thy quickening and almighty Spirit so inscribe the law of holiness upon our hearts, that it may be our meat and drink to do thy will. Cause us, by thy grace, to hate every false and wicked way; and ever to follow the blessed Saviour as our pattern, while we look to him as our righteousness and our propitiation. While we live, may we live unto the Lord ; and when we die, may we die unto the Lord ; so that, whether living or dying, we may be the Lord’s. As long as we are in the world, do thou keep us from the evil thereof, and preserve us from the snares and dangers to which we are continually exposed in our passage through it. Be merciful to us this day. Keep us in all our ways ; bless all our lawful undertakings ; and grant that we may not be permitted to do any thing contrary to thy holy will. Set thy fear before our eyes ; put thy love into our hearts ; and suffer us not to depart from thee. Bless and preserve us in our going out and coming in. May the angel of thy presence save us from all sin and danger. Hear and answer us, O Lord, for the sake of Him who died for us, and who ever lives to plead our cause : and to the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost be all honour and glory, both now and evermore. Amen. 236 SIXTEENTH CJjurstmg tiftmtfttg* WEEK. Acts, Chapter ii. H OW excellent is thy name, O Lord, in all the earth, who hast set thy glory above the heavens ! Thy tender mercy is over all thy works ; and thou hast given unto us, sinful worms of dust, the most gracious encouragement to put our trust beneath the shadow of thy wings. Thou art the bountiful source of the blessings which our souls desire, and thou art the merciful withholder of the evils which our sins deserve. From thee cometh all our help ; in thee may we repose all our hopes, according to the promises of thy word. We acknowledge thy daily goodness to us ; and we confess our unworthiness of the least of all thy mercies. We take shame and confusion of face unto ourselves, that we have so little improved, and so greatly abused, thy patience and forbearance, thy benignity and grace. Thy mercies have greatly aggravated the amount of our guilt ; we have been gainsaying and rebellious children amidst unnumbered acts of fatherly kindness. We have lifted up the arm of opposition against thee, while thou hast been continually doing us good. We would, O Lord, be deeply humbled for sin in thy sight; and would entreat thy gracious favour in Christ Jesus. Grant us acceptance through his perfect work, and an interest in his atoning blood. Being justified by faith, may we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ, by whom we have now received the atonement. As we would pray for an interest in thy pardoning mercy, so would we entreat thee to conform us to thy holy image. Work in us, by thy Holy Spirit’s power, all that is well- pleasing in thy sight. Thou knowest our weakness and our temptations ; our exposure to the great enemy of our souls ; our liability to the influence of evil examples ; our struggle with inward corruption : we pray, therefore, that thou wouldst arm and defend us from all spiritual evil, that thou wouldst uphold us by thy free Spirit, and watch over us for good all the days of our life. Being made free from sin, and become servants of God, may we daily have our fruit unto holiness, that the end may be everlasting life. May an abounding progress in the work of the Lord be the result of an enlarged concep- tion, and a happy experience, of the liberty wherewith the Saviour makes his people free. O let us not again be entangled by any yoke of bondage. Let us understand clearly, and cherish fully, and maintain steadfastly, the principles of the doctrine of Christ. Viewing our salvation as complete in him, may we adhere to him, rely on him, and ever receive out of his fulness. Help us to order our conversation aright, and to shew forth the praises of the Lord. May we experience the strongest aids of thy grace ; and may we every day become more sensible of our obligations to thee, for the abundant and varied supplies of thy goodness. To thy mercy we humbly commend ourselves and ours, this night; beseeching thee to visit our souls with the choicest blessings of thy love. May our repose be peaceful and refreshing, and may we awake on the approaching morning better fitted to serve thee according to thy will. Do thou take charge of all dear to us. Be a wall of fire round about us, and the glory in our midst. Keep us all by thy mighty power, through faith, unto salvation; and all we ask is for Jesus Christ’s sake. Amen. 237 SIXTEENTH dfritrag iHornutcj, WEEK, Job, Chapter xiii. B LESSED and mereiM God, thou art the fountain of all being and of all happiness. From thee we derived our existence at first, and by thee our fife has been supported to the present moment. May we draw near to thee with true hearts, in full assurance of faith, having our hearts sprinkled from an evil conscience, and our bodies washed with pure water. With thee is the fountain of life ; in thy light may we see light. May the object of our final hope be, to dwell with thee for evermore ; and in prospect of such a glorious consummation, may we purify ourselves even as Christ is pure. Grant us, we beseech thee, the blessedness of that man who feareth the Lord, and who greatly delighteth in his commandments. So influence our hearts daily by thy grace, that we may set the Lord always before us, and that his fear may be the governing and restraining principle of our lives. To thee may our first thoughts be directed this day; with the opening light of the morning, may we enjoy the cheering beams of the Sun of righteousness. Our voice shalt thou hear in the morning, O Lord, in the morning will we direct our prayer unto thee, and will look up. Enable us at this time to pour out our souls before thee with filial reverence, freedom, and endearment. With hearts full of gratitude would we praise thee for past mercies, and in the exercise of a lively faith would we implore those renewed benefits which a new day has rendered necessary. To Thee, O Lord, who art all-powerful, we at this time come with all our weakness and infirmity, and we implore of thee, not only mercy to pardon, but grace to help us in our time of need. Make thy grace sufficient for us, and perfect thy strength in our weakness. Convince us that of ourselves we cannot think a right thought, or perform a sincerely holy act ; but that through Christ strengthening us we can do all things. We would cheerfully renew our dedication to thee through Jesus the Son of thy love, and would listen with submission to the voice of thy Spirit in that portion of thy holy word which we have been permitted to read. O that we may know what thou wouldest have us to be and to do. Teach us to hide thy word in our hearts, that we may not sin against thee. Help us with earnestness to implore the teaching of thy Holy Spirit, that we may by him be led into all truth. Thus prepared, do thou lead us forth to all the duties of a new day. In the callings to which we have been directed, may we abide with thee ; not being slothful in business, but fervent in spirit, serving the Lord. Teach us the value of time, and enable us to improve it to the best advantage. To thy glory, Lord, may all the labours of our life be directed. Whether we eat or drink, or whatsoever we do, may we do all to the honour of thy great name. With gratitude we acknowledge the mercies of the past night; we adore thee that we are in the land of the living, and in the place of hope. Kindly watch over us this day. Prosper our every undertaking. Keep us near to thy throne, and guide us with thine eye. Hear us in heaven, the habi- tation of thy throne and of thy glory. And do more and better for us than we ask or think, for Jesus Christ’s sake. Amen. 238 SIXTEENTH jFritmK <£bntmg. WEEK. Acts, Chapter iii. W HEREWITHAL shall we come before the Lord, and bow ourselves before the Most High God ? Grant that we may draw near in faith, according to thy word, pleading the name and the righteousness of our adorable Mediator, Jesus Christ. In him may we be found, and through him may we find acceptance in life, in death, and in the great and awful day of the Lord. We feel and acknowledge, that there is none other name given under heaven among men, whereby we must be saved ; and we pray that he may be all our salvation, and all our desire. Adored be thy name for the mercies of the day which is now closed. For the bestowments of thy providence, and for the provisions of thy grace and mercy, we desire to offer thee our tribute of grateful praise. Thou hast shielded us from dangers which might have proved alike injurious to body and soul. Thou hast preserved our souls from death, our eyes from tears, and our feet from falling. Bless the Lord, O our souls, and forget not all his benefits. We confess our sinfulness before thee, and our iniquities would we not hide. Cause us to remember, that if we regard iniquity in our hearts, the Lord will not hear us. May we desire and seek deliverance, not only from the guilt of sin, but also from the love and practice of it. Through the effectual operation of thy grace in our hearts, may we be enabled to subdue every evil and unholy propensity, and to grow in conformity to thy all-perfect will. Mercifully cancel the offences of this day ; cast them as a stone into the depths of the sea ; and purify our consciences by an appli- cation of the blood of sprinkling. Have respect unto the covenant of thy love in Christ Jesus ; blot out the handwriting that is against us ; purge us with hyssop, and we shall be clean ; wash us, and we shall be whiter than snow. We mourn before thee the sad imperfection of all our services. Shouldest thou deal with us in strict justice, we must be condemned. Our prayers, our praises, all our religious and common actions, if weighed in the balance of thy sanctuary, must be pronounced to be wanting. Our only hope of favour in thy sight is derived from thine abundant mercy in Christ Jesus. Though we are vile and unworthy in thy sight, we rejoice that thou art infinite in grace and compassion ; thou hast invited penitent sinners to thy throne ; thou hast provided a ransom for sin, and hast appointed an Advocate and an Intercessor within the veil. Grant us an interest in the sure mercies of David ; and let thy Spirit witness with our spirits that we are thy children by adoption, by inward renewal of the heart, and by a justifying righteousness. Vouchsafe to us thy protection and blessing through the silent watches of this night. May we rest securely in thy defence, and abide under the shadow of the Almighty. Suffer not the enemy to gain an advantage over us; neither let the sons of wickedness approach to hurt us. Be with all thy children everywhere ; and visit those in particular with thy salvation whom we desire to bear upon our hearts before thee. May our dear connexions in life have an interest in Christ ; and, however far we may be separated from any of them in this world, grant that we may meet them all hereafter in joy at thy right hand, in the day when thou shalt make up thy jewels. Hear these our feeble prayers, and accept of us through Christ Jesus- Amen. 239 SIXTEENTH Jsaturfcafc iBontmg Job, Chapter xiv. week. F ATHER of lights, from whom cometh down every good and perfect gift, behold what manner of love thou hast bestowed upon us, that we should be called the children of God. We adore thee for sending thy Son into the world to die for us, and for the privilege of sonship which we derive through faith in his name. In him thou art the Father of all that believe, whom thou hast destined to the adoption of children, and into whose hearts thou hast sent forth the Spirit of thy Son, enabling them to cry unto thee, Abba, Father. To as many as receive Him whom thou hast sent forth from the bosom of thy love, thou hast given the right and title to become the sons of God, even to them that believe in his name, who are born not of blood, nor of the will of the flesh, nor of the will of man, but of God. O may the true marks of the spiritual birth be found in us. As we were born in sin, may we be born from above ; as we have exhibited the image of the earthly, may we exhibit the image of the heavenly; as we have been children of disobe- dience and of wrath, may we become children of God, and heirs of immortality. We draw near to thee under a humbling sense of infirmity and guilt. Thou mightest well say to us, “ If I am a father, where is mine honour?” We come to thee as prodigal children, who have wandered from our Father’s house into a far country; but we will arise and go to our Father, for in his house there is bread enough and to spare. We know that if we continue at a distance from thee, we must perish with hunger. Father, we have sinned against heaven, and in thy sight, and are no more worthy to be called thy children ; but we would prefer the meanest place in thy house to the high places of iniquity, and would eat of the crumbs which fall from thy table rather than enjoy the pleasures of sin, which are but for a season. Grant, O Lord, that we, receiving the adoption of sons, may act as thine obedient children, not fashioning ourselves according to the former lusts in our ignorance, but according to the holy and perfect example of Him in whom the whole family in heaven and in earth is named. Make us followers of thee as dear children, and do thou conform us to the image of thy Son, who is the first-born among many brethren. Enable us, in the Spirit of adoption, to approach thee with humble boldness, as a tender and com- passionate Father, who hath spared us as a man spares his son who serveth him. May we feel all that confidence which the advocacy of our divine Mediator is fitted to inspire. May we believe in the reality of that love wherewith thou hast loved us ; and may we come to thee as fully conscious that thou hast the words of eternal life. Heavenly Father, let thy name be glorified in us and by us. Pour out thy Spirit upon this whole house; yea, do thou pour out thy Spirit upon all flesh. Let the word of Christ dwell richly in us, in all wisdom and spiritual understanding. Help us this day to walk in the fear of the Lord, and in the comfort of the Holy Ghost. May Christ be magnified in us, whether by life or by death. Father, glorify thy Son, that thy Son also may glorify thee. For his sake do thou receive us graciously, and do thou love us freely; and to the Father, the Son, and Holy Ghost, be all honour and glory, both now and for evermore. Amen. 240 SIXTEENTH ^aturtiag <2£bmtnfl, WEEK. Acts, Chapter iv. A LMIGHTY God, and most merciful Father, who of thy never-failing goodness and mercy hast protected us in the engagements of this day, and hast brought us safely to its close, be pleased to accept our evening sacrifice, which we now bring to thee, and to bestow upon us the gracious aids of thy Spirit, that we may present unto thee the inwrought prayer of the heart, and may commune with thee as a man does with his friend. Defend us, we pray thee, by thy mighty power, and so prevent us with thy gracious favour, and further us with thy continual help, that in all our works, begun, continued, and ended in thee, we may ever seek thy honour and glory ; and, finally, by thy mercy obtain everlasting life, through Jesus Christ, our blessed Lord and Saviour. For his sake we humbly beseech thee to blot out of the book of thy remembrance all our past sins and provocations, and to work in our hearts a godly sorrow and a sincere repentance, with anxious desires to rectify and amend every thing in our temper, speech, and behaviour contrary to thy holy will. In order to which, do thou vouchsafe to us the grace of thy Holy Spirit, that by his mighty power we may vanquish and overcome the depravity of our nature, and may be fully set apart to thy holy and blessed service. May our minds be more fully enlightened in every part of the truth as it is in Jesus ; and may our hearts and wills be cast into the mould of the gospel. Let us not be con- formed unto this present evil world, but may we be transformed by the renewing of our minds, that we may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect will of God. May we know and delight to do thy will ; yea, may thy holy law be written in our hearts and in our inward parts, that w r e may never depart from thee. May we know Jesus Christ in the power of his resurrection, in the fellowship of his sufferings, and be made conform- able unto his death. May we live in him, and may he live in us. Let the same mind be in us which was also in Christ Jesus. Help us to crucify the flesh, with its affections and lusts. Make us perfect, O Lord, in every good work, to do thy will, working in us that which is well pleasing in thy sight, through Jesus Christ. To thee, and to thy merciful protection, we now commend ourselves this night Under a grateful sense of all the goodness we have experienced this day, we now commit our bodies and our spirits into thy gracious hands. Forgive the sins we have committed. Accept the services we have attempted to perform. Humble us on account of all our infirmities; and wash us in the peace -speaking blood of Christ. Gracious Lord, grant us a holy and happy preparation for the Christian Sabbath. So release our minds this night from worldly cares, that we may be enabled without distrac- tion to look forward to its sacred duties and privileges. Purify our minds from that sense of guilt which a deep sense of the imperfections of the past week has brought upon us. May we anticipate with delight the rest of thy day ; and, if spared to its dawning, may we find our souls disposed to holy and heavenly exercises both in private and in public. And now to the Lamb that was slain, and hast redeemed us to God by his blood, be glory, dominion, and praise, for ever and ever. Amen. 241 2 H SEVENTEENTH ^rnttrag iBonuns WEEK. Job, Chapter xv. M OST holy and blessed Lord, deign to look upon us in mercy this morning, for the sake of Him who this day triumphed over death and the grave, and who now reigns in glory on our behalf. May his quickening Spirit take possession of our cold and lifeless souls, and animate us with filial love in drawing near to thee, the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ. May we this day enter into the joy of Him who has destroyed death, and taken possession of his eternal crown. As he has entered into his rest, may our faith follow him to the glories of his heavenly reward, and may we enter with him into that joy for which he endured the cross, despising the shame, that he might sit down at the right hand of the Majesty on high. We pray for a large measure of the influence of divine grace this day. May we realize the peace, the calm, the holy aspirations, of a Christian Sabbath. May we rise with Christ to newness of life, and serve thee in the beauty of holiness. Thy kingdom come this day ; thy will be done on earth as it is done in heaven. May our souls become temples of the Holy Ghost, that he may delight to dwell in us, and that he may implant all his holy graces within us. Suffer us not to grieve thy Holy Spirit of promise by resisting the messages of thy love, or by indulging in any kind of sin. Help us to make great progress this day in the divine life, and to obtain some marked victory over our spiritual enemies. When we repair to the house of prayer, grant that holy reverence may mark our conduct ; and that our hearts may be opened to attend to the things which are spoken to us from thy word. May we be watchful over our spirits this day, lest the things we may hear should escape from our deceitful hearts. Make us willing to listen to reproof no less than to consolation, and may we learn to hide thy word in our hearts that we may not sin against thee. Impart, O Lord, to thy ministers grace and strength, that they may be faithful to Christ and to souls. May they glory in their own inability and weakness, that the power of Christ may rest upon them ; may they rejoice that the treasure is put into earthen vessels, that the excellency of the power may be of God, and not of them. Baptize them with large measures of the Spirit of Christ. Fill them with holy ardour in their work. Cause them to melt with tenderness over lost and perishing souls. Make them faithful to their awful trust. Raise them superior to the fear of man, and help them to cry aloud and not to spare. Bless thy servant whom we expect to minister in holy things to us. Be mouth and wisdom to him. Incline us to receive his message with readiness and love. Touch his lips with a live coal from off the altar. Give him souls for his hire, who shall be his joy and rejoicing in the day of the Lord. May the glory of God rest this day on all Zion’s assemblies. May the word of the Lord have free course, run, and be glorified. May sinners be converted, and saints be edified. May Christ take to himself his great power, and reign in the hearts of thousands. Listen to these our imperfect supplications, and pardon our numerous sins and inffrmities, for the sake of Jesus, thy dear Son, to whom, with thyself and the Holy Ghost, be glory everlasting. Amen. 242 SEVENTEENTH WEEK. Acts, Ch. v. 1 - 28 . H OLY Father, permit us to lift up our eyes to the place where thine honour dwelleth, and to pour out our hearts to thee, the hearer of prayer. With holy reverence may we adore thine infinite perfections, and with simple faith may we take hold of thy covenant. INI ay thy Spirit help our infirmities, and may we find access with boldness into the holiest of all, through the blood of Christ. Impart to us a feeling of the happiness connected with drawing near to God. May we know that our fellowship is with the Father, and with his Son Jesus Christ. At the close of this day of sacred rest, we would review the character of its several engagements. We have reason to be humbled for our want of spirituality in thy service. The world has too much obtruded itself upon our holy things. We have been too cold and lifeless in thy worship. We have been slow of heart to believe thy testimony; we have too little gloried in the cross of Christ ; we have too little felt the power of unseen and eternal things ; we have too little participated in the spirit of devotion ; we have been too little affected by the inestimable value of the soul. We pray, O Lord, that thou wouldest now pour out thy Holy Spirit upon our minds, that we may be enabled to lay to heart the solemn truths which ,we have been permitted to hear, and that thy word may dwell richly in us, in all wisdom and spiritual understanding. O help us, as the result of the appeals of thy gospel, to lay aside every weight, and the sins which do most easily beset us. May we feel the influence of thy truth in all our personal and relative spheres. Make us more holy, more happy, and more useful. God of all grace, grant that the public ministrations of this day may issue, by thy Spirit’s power, in the conversion of multitudes of precious souls. Fix the messages of thy love in the hearts of thousands of the children of men. Let Messiah see of the travail of his soul, and be satisfied. Let Satan’s kingdom sustain vital injury from the labours of thy faithful servants. Hasten the universal triumph of the Son of God. May thy kingdom come, may thy will be done in earth as it is done in heaven. Let the word of the Lord run very swiftly, and let the ends of the earth see the salvation of God. Pity the dark places of the earth, that are full of the habitations of cruelty. Send out thy light and thy truth, let them lead and let them guide the children of men to thy holy habitation. Visit in great compassion the dwellings of thy people, who, by thy providence have been prevented from waiting upon thee in the service of thy house. May they feel that where there is the sincere desire to seek thee, there thou hast a dwelling of thy love. Look in mercy also, we beseech thee, upon those who despise thy Sabbaths and neglect thine ordinances, and who, by their ungrateful contempt of the means of grace and the institutions of thy worship, have been this day forsaking their own mercies, and provoking thy righteous displeasure. Lay not their sin, O Lord, to their charge, but shew them their guilt and danger. Merciful Father, receive this whole family under thy gracious care this night. Protect us from all evil. Let our rest be sweet and refreshing. Let angels guard our sleeping moments. Pardon all our iniquities, receive us graciously, and love us freely, for the sake of our only Mediator and Redeemer, Jesus Christ. Amen. 243 2 H 2 SEVENTEENTH JHrm&ag fiftornmg- WEEK. Job, Chapter xvi. L ET not the Lord be angry with us, while we, who are but dust and ashes, presume to open our lips before Him. Though thou art high, yet hast thou respect unto the lowly. To tnat man wilt thou look, and with him wilt thou dwell, who is of an humble and contrite spuit, and who trembleth at thy word. Thou only canst pardon sin; thou only canst create within us the new heart and the right spirit. O let the mercy of the Lord be great towards us, according as thou hast spoken, saying, “ The Lord is long- suffering and of great mercy, forgiving iniquity and transgression.” We would draw near to thy footstool, and would plead with thee the promises of thy love. We pray to be found in Christ, not having our own righteousness, which is of the law, but that which is through faith in his blood. We would renounce all confidence in ourselves, and in our own doings, and seek shelter in the work of our adored Surety, who has answered every demand of law and justice, and who ever lives to make intercession for us. As thou hast mercifully spared us to see the light of this day, we pray that thou wouldest defend us in the same by thy mighty power, and that thou wouldest graciously influence us to the performance of all thy holy will. We thank thee for the quiet repose of the past night. Thou hast watched over, and comforted us in the defenceless hours of sleep. Thou hast suffered no evil to befall us, nor any plague to come nigh our dwelling. We are the living this morning to praise thy name. Give us a heart to celebrate thy mercy, and to show forth thy loving-kindness and truth. Help us to enter on the duties of this day in thy fear and love. Teach us to set the Lord before us in all things, and may he be at our right hand that we may not be moved. We are not sufficient of ourselves to think even a right thought; but do thou take possession of our spirits by thy grace, and influence us to do all that is well-pleasing in thy sight. We bless thee, O Lord, for the privileges of the past Sabbath. May the remembrance of the truths we were permitted to hear, follow us during the whole course of this week ; and may we be enabled to put in practice every lesson of thy holy word, and to be faithful to every engagement, under which our appearance in thy house has brought us, so that we may neither be barren nor unfruitful in the knowledge of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. We entreat thee, gracious God, to accompany, both in our own experience and in that of all in whom we are in any way interested, the dispensation of thy word with thine effectual blessing. May the principles of the gospel of Christ daily take the place of evil, selfish, and worldly principles, under which we are all naturally too prone to act. We pray that, as a worshipping family, we may realize all the blessings connected with communion with God. Let our prayers come up before thee as a memorial. Let graee, mercy, and peace, from God our Father, and the Lord Jesus Christ, descend upon each of us. May we all be subjects of thy grace, and may we all be devoted to thy glory. Let thy good providence be our protection and our guide through all the journey of life. Be with us this day, to direct us in duty, to support us in trial, and to succour us in temp- tation. Hear us in heaven, the habitation of thy throne and of thy glory, and do exceeding abundantly, above all that we ask or think, for Jesus Christ’s sake. Amen. 244 SEVENTEENTH fflxm&ag aFbenmjj, WEEK. Acts, Ch. v. 29-42. O THOU great Shepherd of Israel, who neither slumberest nor sleepest, we would prostrate ourselves this evening before the throne of thy grace, fully confident that thou wilt hear our prayers, that thou wilt pardon our sins, and that thou wilt supply all our need according to thy riches in glory by Christ Jesus. In the plenitude of thy good- ness deign to look upon us, thy unworthy children, now engaged in supplicating thy mercy. We have erred and strayed from thy ways like lost sheep; and hadst thou not followed us in our wanderings, we should have been utterly lost ; hadst thou not folded us in the arms of thy love, we should, long since, have been devoured. To thee, O Lord, we would look as our almighty protector and guide. With broken and contrite hearts would we draw near to thee, the God of grace and salvation. Deign to listen to our cry, and to send us help from the throne of thy love. O thou who art the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of mercies, and the God of all grace and consolation, do thou vouchsafe to us the Spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of the Redeemer’s person and offices, of his love and power towards all who hear his voice, and follow in his footsteps. May he be precious to us, as he is to all them that believe. May we regard him as the chief among ten thousand, and altogether lovely. Enable us to comprehend with all saints what is the height and breadth, what is the depth and length, of the love of Christ which passeth knowledge. O that he may always be in our thoughts and in our hearts ; that he may be both our pattern and our hope. May the holiness, the meekness, the goodness, the humility, the patience, which he displayed, be copied by us. Like him, may we trust in thee, resign ourselves to thy holy will, and delight in thy blessed commandments. We know, O Lord, that there is no other way of acquiring an experimental possession of spiritual privileges, but through vital union to thy dear Son. May the Eternal Spirit effect this union between our souls and Christ ; that he may be our salvation, our refuge, and our defence. O may we ever be anxious to preserve a lively assurance of our interest in Christ, and the blessings which he died to impart. And may we never be suffered so to act as to bring suspicion upon the evidence of our relation to Him who is the first-born among many brethren. Quicken, O God, our diligence, our circumspection, and our watchfulness; that the enemies which wait for our halting may be disappointed in their cruel designs, and may leave us, without hope of drawing us aside from our integrity. May the hope of eternal life be more habitually present to our minds. Fix our thoughts more steadfastly on that glory with which thou hast crowned thy dear Son, as the result of those sufferings which he voluntarily sustained. When we think of him who endured the cross, despising the shame, may we never become weary or faint in our minds, but, continuing steadfast and faithful to the death, may we at last receive the crown of eternal glory. We commit to thee this night both soul and body, beseeching thee to watch over us, and to keep us from evil. We pray that the peace of God, which passeth all understanding, may keep our hearts and minds by Christ Jesus. Let our sins be blotted out of the book of thy remembrance, and let our souls be sealed to the day of eternal redemption. These blessings we ask for the Redeemer’s sake. Amen. 245 SEVENTEENTH Cucstiaj) iBontutg. WEEK. Job, Chapter xvii. A LMIGHTY and most merciful God, suffer us to approach the footstool of thy throne this morning, and to present our family oblation of adoration and praise. Accept Doth our persons and offerings, for the sake of Him who died to take away our sins, and who lives to plead our cause. Let nothing be suffered to stand between thee and us, but may our hearts be cheered by the light of thy reconciled countenance in Christ Jesus. Thy favour is better than life ; and nothing under the sun can be compared therewith. May it be more welcome to us than the returning light ; and may we long, above all things, for peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ, by whom we have now received the atonement. We would draw near to thee this morning as the portion of our souls ; and would implore of thee strength and grace suited to the duties of the day. We would not trust in our own wisdom, nor lean on our own strength ; for we confess that our wis- dom is but folly, and that our strength is but weakness. But may thy grace be sufficient for us, and may thy strength be perfected in our weakness ; that in all things we may be enabled to glorify thee in our bodies and spirits which are thine. We plead nothing that we can bring, O Lord, to induce thee to be favourable unto us. We are altogether as an unclean thing in thy sight ; misery and sin are our only inherit- ance; and in ourselves we can only present what would prove an offence in thy sight. We would, therefore, utterly relinquish all pleas but one, even Christ Jesus the Mediator of the new covenant. In and through Him, we beseech thee, O God, to bestow upon us all needful grace, and to fill us with the glorious hope of eternal life. We look to Him as the ordained High Priest of the Christian profession, by whom alone we can draw near to thy throne. We lament that we ever resisted his claims, or neglected his great salvation. We would deeply humble ourselves before thee for this great sin, which has aggravated all our other transgressions. We adore thee, that where sin hath abounded, thy grace hath much more abounded ; in the midst of wrath thou hast remembered mercy. O help us now to bow submissively to the Redeemer’s sceptre, and to accept of his offered grace. Exert thy saving power in all our hearts, and make us entirely willing to be saved by sovereign grace, through Him who loved us and died for us. Bring down every high thing which would exalt itself within us against the Son of God ; may his kingdom be established within us, and may the prayer of our hearts be, that he may reign till all his enemies be made his footstool. In the several engagements of this day, we ask thy promised and gracious blessing. Prosper the work of our hands upon us, yea, the work of our hands prosper thou it. If temptations assail us, may we be enabled to preserve our integrity. May we follow the dictates of conscience, enlightened by thy word and Spirit. May we ever remember our exposure to evil, and watch and pray that we enter not into temptation. May no iniquity obtain dominion over us. May we shun the very appearance of evil ; and may we give no offence to Jew or Gentile, or to the Church of Christ. Make us both useful and happy; and may others be benefited by their intercourse with us. Listen, O Lord, to these our feeble and unworthy breathings, and do more and better for us than we can ask or think, for Jesus Christ’s sake. Amen. 246 SEVENTEENTH Cuwfoag a^benuts, WEEK. Acts, Chapter vi. H EAVENLY Father, impart grace to us to review with gratitude the mercies which we have this day received at thy hand. We adore thee for all the evils we have been enabled to escape, and for all the goodness and mercy which have passed before us. We bless thee for our creation, preservation, and all the blessings of this life ; but, above all, for thine inestimable love in the redemption of the world by our Lord Jesus Christ. Enable us truly to believe in thy Son to the saving of the soul. Make known to us his power and willingness to save even to the uttermost. Fill our minds with lofty concep- tions of his person, as Emmanuel, God with us ; may we trace and feel the infinite virtue of his blood to cleanse from all sin. May we firmly believe that he who gave himself for us, cannot he unwilling to accept, to pardon, and to bless us ; may we obey his gracious invitation, come unto him, and find rest unto your souls. We bow before thee under a deep and afflictive sense of our utter unworthiness; we are conscious of innumerable offences against thy majesty, and of a nature fallen and corrupt in thy sight. We can have no claim in ourselves upon thy notice; we deserve nothing but the tokens of thy wrath. Jesus, thou son of David, have mercy on us. Thou didst die that we might live ; thou canst save and deliver all who come to thee. May the sins of unbelief, impenitence, and worldly-mindedness, which we confess, be forsaken by us. Impart more to us of the Spirit of Christ ; may we be meek and lowly in heart ; patient under suffering ; resigned to thy all-perfect will ; kind, charitable, and forgiving; true, upright, and just in all our dealings; free from anger, envy, jealousy, discontent, and all that is hateful in thy sight. Lord, our hearts are sinful, but thou canst make them clean; we are weak, but thou canst make us strong in the grace which is in Christ Jesus; we are exposed to evil, but thou canst encompass us as with a shield. Turn us, O God, and we shall be turned; for thou art the Lord our God. Help us al- ways to live and act under a sense of thy presence. May we feel the influence of thy holy word upon our minds — its awful threatenings, its glorious promises, its pure and heavenly precepts. Dispose us to read it more frequently, to pray over its contents more fervently, and help us ever to regard it as the truth of the living and eternal God. We beseech thee, O Lord, to be gracious to all the dwellers upon earth. Bless them all with the saving health of thy countenance. Pity the nations that sit in moral and spiritual darkness. Send them the glorious light of thy gospel. Regard, in infinite mercy, every family that calls upon thy name ; and let this family share in all the bless- ings of the new covenant. We pray for our friends, our neighbours, and our country. Forgive those who have sought to injure us, and teach us a truly forgiving spirit. As we need forgiveness at thy hand, may we forgive all men their trespasses against us. Into thy hands we commit all our interests for time and eternity this night. Our hope is in thee. Be our God and our guide even unto death, and our happy and everlasting portion in eternity. Guard and protect us in our sleeping moments; grant us refreshing rest, forgive whatever thy pure eyes have discovered amiss in us this day, and mercifully hear and accept us for the Redeemer’s sake. Amen. 247 SEVENTEENTH SUrtmesftag JHornmg. WEEK. Job, Chapter xviii. W E adore thee, O God, as the high and lofty One who inhabitest eternity, and whose name is holy. We look up with grateful praise to thy throne of grace, and rejoice in our access with confidence into thy presence, through the blood of Jesus. See, O God, our shield, and look upon the face of thine Anointed. We would enter upon the duties, trials, and conflicts of this day in thy fear, in dependence upon thy quickening and pre- serving grace, and with anxious desires to walk in accordance with thy holy commandments. Uphold us in the path in which thou wouldst have us to go. O let us not wander in counsels of our own ; let us not follow the devices of our own evil hearts ; let us not enter into any doubtful or forbidden course ; may our eye be single, that our whole body may be full of light. If the enemy should come in upon us like a flood, may the Spirit of the Lord lift up a standard against him. Teach us to watch and pray, that we enter not into temptation. We thank thee for the blessings of the light, for all the undeserved mercies of a new morning. As we are the living before thee, may we be the living to praise thy name. We pray to be wholly thine. Save us from the sin of living to ourselves. Implant holy and devout principles in our hearts, and cause us to delight in thee, and in thy holy ways. When we go forth to our several callings, may it be in the strength of the Lord, and with an earnest desire to share in his blessing, and to devote ourselves to his glory. Prosper the work of our hands upon us ; yea, the work of our hands, prosper thou it. Without thee, we can do nothing. Hold thou us up, and we shall be safe ; be near to us, and then shall we be protected from all the assaults of our spiritual enemies. O Lord, thou knowest the real state of every one that is now bowing before thy throne. If there be one unbelieving careless soul in thy presence, let thy quickening Spirit come, and reveal the awful truth to his heart — that they that are far off from thee shall perish. We pray, as a family, for the privilege of being embraced and accepted by thee as spiritual wor- shippers. Make us all of one mind and one heart in thy service. May we strive for one another’s spiritual edification, and be actuated in all things by holy and Christian motives. Bless us all, O Lord, and make us blessings. Lead, guide, keep, and rule us for evermore. We pray that grace, mercy, and peace may rest upon each member of this family. Make us thy children by adoption and justifying righteousness. As the heart of one man may we be united in thy holy service ; and, at the close of our earthly career, may we meet to praise thee in thy heavenly temple. Enable us to comfort and assist one another in the spiritual struggle. May we pray for one another ; may we sympathize with one another ; may we be examples to one another. Be very gracious to all dear to us. O look in mercy on any of our relations who may yet be enemies to God. Turn their hearts towards thyself. Pity a world lying in the wicked one. Hasten the universal triumph of the Son of God. Pour thy Spirit upon all flesh. Send times of refreshing from thy presence. Hear thou our poor imperfect breathings, and accept us and our offerings for the sake of the only Mediator, Jesus Christ. Amen. 248 SEVENTEENTH. Wetmegtmg oftmttng. Acts, Chapter vii., Verse 1 — 36. WEEK. O THOU who art of purer eyes than to behold iniquity, before whom the wicked shall not stand, and who hatest all that follow after the devices of their own sinful hearts ; we beseech thee to look upon us in our low and lost estate, for we have destroyed ourselves by our iniquities, and are altogether as an unclean thing in thy sight. Enable us, O God, by the aids of thy grace, to look on him whom, by our sins, we have pierced ; and to mourn as one that mourneth the loss of an only son, and to be in bitterness as one that is in bitterness for his first-born. No humiliation of ours can be proportioned to our fall, no expressions of penitence can be equal to our guilt. Thou didst create man in thine own likeness, but we have lost our holy resemblance to thee. Thou art still our rightful sovereign, but we have risen in rebellion against thy government, and have broken thy holy commandments. Thou hast exercised love towards us, transcending that of the tenderest earthly parent : but the carnal mind in us has been enmity against thee. Thou didst form us capable of holding communion with thyself, the fountain of light, and love, and holiness; but we, alas ! have forsaken the Fountain of living waters, and have hewn out unto ourselves cisterns, broken cisterns that can hold no water. We have been but little affected by thine unspeakable gift, and have not only made light of the plenitude of thy grace, but even abused the gifts of thy providence. O enter not, most merciful Father, into judgment with us, for in thy sight no flesh living can be justified. Deal not with us according to our sins; but, according to the multitude of thy tender mercies, blot out our transgressions. Where our sin has abounded, let thy grace much more abound. But while we thus implore an interest in thy forgiving mercy, we would with equal earnestness entreat the bestowment of thy quickening and purifying Spirit. While we would look to Christ as our High Priest and Redeemer, we would look to him equally as our Prophet and King. May his kingdom be within us ; may we be made partakers of a divine nature ; may holiness to the Lord be inscribed on all our banners. Shed abroad the love of Christ in our hearts, and that shall kindle ours. Control and subdue the evil propensities of our fallen nature. Keep us from every thing, in thought, word, and deed, that would provoke thy displeasure, or grieve the Spirit of all grace. Quicken us in all our duties, whether personal or relative, secular or religious. Make us a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, a peculiar people, that we may shew forth the praises of Him who hath called us out of darkness into marvellous light. We bless thee, O thou Preserver of men, for the mercies of this day. We would humble ourselves for its innumerable imperfections. We entreat thee to forgive its sins. Let this house be a tabernacle of the righteous. Ever fill it with the voice of rejoicing and praise. Let every heart be right with thee, and sound in thy statutes. Make us temples of the Holy Ghost — monuments of saving mercy and grace. Make us to dwell in safety beneath the shadow of thy wings, during the silence and darkness of this night. O Lord, hear ; O Lord, forgive ; O Lord, hearken and deliver ; defer not for thine own sake, O our God ; so will we praise and magnify thy name, through the great and glorious Mediator, Jesus Christ : who is worthy, with Thyself and the Holy Ghost, to receive all honour and glory, both now and for ever more. Amen. 2 I 249 SEVENTEENTH Cfjurstraj) iilnntmg, WEEK. Job, Chapter xix. I T is a good thing to give thanks unto the Lord, and to sing praises unto thy name, O Most High ; to shew forth thy loving-kindness in the morning, and thy faithfulness every night. Thou makest the outgoings of the morning and of the evening to rejoice. We are the living this day, may we be the living to praise thee. Bless the Lord, O our souls; and all that is within us, bless his holy name; who forgiveth all our iniquities, who healeth all our diseases, who crowneth us with loving-kindness and tender mercies. We will bless the Lord at all times; his praise shall continually be in our mouths. O come let us sing unto the Lord; let us make a joyful noise to the Rock of our salvation ; for he is our God, and we are the people of his pasture, and the sheep of his hand. May we trace the goodness of the Lord, in the patience and forbearance which he has exercised towards us ; and may his goodness lead us to repentance. O quicken our sense of thy mercies, by deepening the conviction of our own unworthiness. Thou hast done great things for us, whereof we desire to be glad. May the remembrance of thy love and goodness affect us with sentiments of gratitude, and may gratitude prompt us to unreserved and cheerful obedience. We confess before thee the utter apostacy of our nature. Our earliest infancy gave token of our depravity. Too soon, alas ! did we discover tendencies to pride, anger, envy, and discontent. O remember not against us the sins of our youth; and let not the transgressions of our riper years be visited with thy displeasure. We confess our mis- improved time and talents, our perverted privileges and opportunities, our neglect of Christ, and the offers of his grace. Have mercy upon us, O Lord, and, according to the multitude of thy tender mercies, blot out all our transgressions. Let thy good hand be still upon us; and never let us learn the value of our mercies by their judicial removal. Impress us with a deep sense of our responsibility; may we remember that for every talent we possess we must hereafter render an account. Let us not be dealt with at last as wicked and slothful servants ; but may we give diligence, that w r e may be found of our Lord in peace, without spot, or blemish, or any such thing. Grant us grace this day to keep our hearts with all diligence, since out of them are the issues of life. Sustain us by thy grace in every path of duty. Hold thou us up, and we shall be safe. May the devotions of the family have an important influence in preparing us for the engagements of life. May we go to our several duties in the strength of the Lord our God. While diligent in business, may we be fervent in spirit, serving the Lord ; while we labour for the meat that perisheth, may we strive with still greater diligence for that which endureth unto everlasting life. Let our aim in all things be, to glorify thy name. May singleness of heart characterise all our conduct, whether in the church or in the world. May we keep the end of life steadfastly in view, and ever endure and act as seeing Him who is invisible. In all things may we do to others as we would wish that they should do unto us. Make us kind and faithful in all our trusts ; and whether we eat or drink, or whatsoever we do, may we do all to thy glory. May we feel and act as those who are the expectants of a better country. These mercies we implore, for the sake of our divine and only Redeemer, Jesus Christ. Amen. 250 SEVENTEENTH tEIjurstmj) aftmttng WEEK. Acts, Chapter vii. Verse 37 — 60. W E adore thee, O Lord, as the only living and true God. The gods whom the nations have served are but dumb idols. They have eyes, but see not ; they have ears, but hear not ; they have arms, but cannot save or deliver. But thou art the Creator and upholder of all things, the source of being and happiness, the God of grace and salvation. We come unto thee, for thou art the Lord our God. In thy favour is life. Thou hast proclaimed thy name as the Lord, the Lord God, merciful and gracious, long- suffering, and abundant in goodness and in truth, keeping mercy for thousands, forgiving iniquity, transgression, and sin, and yet by no means clearing the guilty. We adore thee for the gift of thine unspeakable love, for Jesus the Mediator of the new covenant, and for all the hopes of pardon and immortality which come to us through him. May we believe in the Lord Jesus to the saving of the soul ; may his righteousness be imputed to us through faith ; and may he be in each of our hearts the hope of glory. Enable us to look to him as our Teacher, our Saviour, and our King. O may we be enriched with all spiritual blessings out of his fulness. Cause us to live by faith upon his revealed character, and daily to devote ourselves to his service and glory. We desire with gratitude to record the unnumbered mercies of this day. Thine eye and thy hand have been upon us for good. Thou hast fed us with food convenient for us ; thou hast blessed us with a measure of health ; thou hast sustained us in our various avocations ; thou hast preserved us from dangers seen and unseen ; thou hast continued to us the use of our reasonable faculties ; thou hast ministered to the peace and comfort of our minds; thou hast made the objects of our love the subjects of thy gracious care and keeping. We unite to praise thy name for all thy providential and spiritual mercies. We are monuments of thy surprising and untiring benignity. What shall we render unto the Lord our God for all the mercy and goodness which he has caused to pass before us. Bless the Lord, O our souls ; and all that is within us, bless his holy name. Lord, imbue us with holy and devout principles, that we may be entirely consecrated unto thee. Whatever may be our particular lot in this world, O enable us in all circum- stances to witness for thy truth ; make us living and expressive examples of the power and efficacy of sovereign grace. May we be ranked with those who walk by faith, not by sight. Let our conversation be in heaven, from whence we look for the Saviour, who shall change our vile bodies, and fashion them like to his own glorious body, by that power whereby he is able to subdue all things to himself. Great God, we would mourn over our family sins. May we see them, and confess them with penitent hearts. Let them not provoke thy displeasure, nor withdraw from us the tokens of thy love and favour. Let true religion and the fear of God more abound among us. May we know our several duties, and perform them with a single eye to thy glory. May those who are at the head of the family preside in wisdom and in the fear of the Lord ; and may children and domestics have grace to obey and love those who are placed over them in the Lord. Forgive all the sins of this day, in thought, word, and deed. Wash us all afresh in the blood of sprinkling. Be our God and our guide even unto death, and our portion for evermore, for Christ the Redeemer’s sake. Amen. 251 2 12 SEVENTEENTH JVfaag iBmimig. WEEK. Job, Chapter xx. B LESSED be the Lord God of Israel, our Father, and our portion for evermore. Thine, O Lord, is the greatness, and the power, and the glory, and the victory, and the majesty; for all that is in heaven and earth is thine; thine is the kingdom, O Lord, and thou art exalted as head above all. Thou receivest the homage of ten thousand times ten thousand, and thousands of thousands, around thy throne. Thou hast set thy glory above the heavens ; thy kingdom ruleth over all ; from everlasting to everlasting thou art God. Permit us this morning to look up in humble expectation to thy throne of mercy in the heavens. Thou art the hearer of prayer, and unto thee shall all flesh come. Unworthy in ourselves to approach into thy presence, or to take thy name into our lips, we plead the merit and intercession of thy dear Son, whom thou hearest always, and for whose sake thou hast promised freely to give us all things. O thou who art the God of all the families of the earth, who didst favourably notice Abraham’s commanding his children and his household after him, to keep the way of the Lord; be thou present with us now, and enable us, by thy Holy Spirit’s assistance, to worship thee in spirit and in truth. We come before thee, acknowledging that we were all born in sin, that we are children of wrath, and have in common a corrupt nature, and a continual propensity to depart from thee. Our actual transgressions are more than can be numbered; we have sinned against thee in thought, word, and deed. We have incurred thy displeasure, and grieved and vexed thy Holy Spirit. Our only refuge and hope are in Christ Jesus as crucified. We cast ourselves wholly on thy mercy as displayed in his death. Fixing our eyes on his cross, we confess and mourn our guilt, and earnestly pray that the blood of Jesus Christ, thy dear Son, may cleanse us from all sin. O impart to us the comfortable assurance that our sins, which are many, are all forgiven. Let thy Spirit bear witness with our spirits that we are the children of God. O may the fruits of the Spirit abound in us ; may love, joy, peace, gentleness, goodness, meekness, long- suffering, forbearance, and temperance, have their perfect work in us. May we so imitate the example of our Saviour, that we may be the epistles of Christ, known and read of all men. We pray for strength to resist and to overcome all the enemies of our salvation. Help us to fight the good fight of faith, and to lay hold upon eternal life. Though faint, may we be still pursuing ; though tempted, may we be faithful unto death, that we may at last receive the eternal crown. Bless, O Lord, all that are near and dear unto us. Many beloved relatives are separated from us ; may they be near to thee ; be with them graciously, and supply all their wants. Impart to them thy grace ; guide them by thy counsel ; and let none of them be excluded from thy heavenly kingdom. We adore thee for the infinite mercies of redeeming love. We bless thee for the knowledge of thy salvation, and for the light of thy truth ; for protection from every danger during the night, and provision for all our wants by day. Thou hast spread our table with food, and thou givest us every needful blessing. Accept these our prayers and praises, which we offer up in and through Jesus Christ, our only Mediator and Advocate. Amen. 252 SEVENTEENTH dfcfflag Grbnuns Acts, Chapter viii. week. M AY we know the blessedness of the man who delighteth in the law of the Lord, and who meditateth on his law day and night. Thou hast said, that he shall be like a tree planted by the rivers of water, that bringeth forth his fruit in his season, whose leaf never withereth ; and that whatsoever he doeth shall prosper. Lord, bless us in our attempt this evening to meditate on thy law, and to call upon thy most holy name. Let thy word be sweet unto our taste, sweeter also than honey and the honeycomb. Cause us to feel thine own authority as there displayed ; and let thy love and mercy call forth our gratitude and our joy. Elevate our minds, we beseech thee, O Lord, that they may not be occupied about earth, while heavenly things ought to engage our attention. Suffer us not to draw near to thee with our lips, while our hearts are far from thee. Thou canst not be deceived, and thou wilt not be mocked. Cause us to remember that thou art a Spirit, and that they that worship thee must worship thee in spirit and in truth. Save us from formality and hypocrisy, and make us to know the blessedness of the man whom thou choosest, and causest to approach unto thee, that he may dwell in thy house. Lord, meet with us in mercy this night, while we draw near to thee in duty. Reveal thy Son in us, and grant us acceptance through his righteousness and finished work. Teach us to pour out our hearts before thee with filial confidence, that we may know that it is good for us to draw near unto God. Thou knowest what things we need, even before we ask them. Fill us with all joy and peace in believing. May we know Christ in all his saving offices, and confide in him as our wisdom, righteousness, sanctification, and redemption. May we commit to him our eternal all. Make us wholly his ; may we be as a kind of first-fruits of the creatures of God, entirely dedicated to his glory. To us to live may it be Christ, that to die may be gain. Thou hast a sovereign right, O Lord, to all that we have and are. As our Creator, Preserver, and Redeemer, thou hast an undis- puted claim on the love, gratitude, and obedience of our entire existence. We lament that ever we have alienated our hearts from thy service. We feel our sin to be as much our misery as our condemnation. May we regard it as our heaviest burden, and cry daily to thee for delivering grace. O let no secret lust reign in our hearts ; but may we be strengthened to lay aside every weight, and the sins which do most easily beset us, that we may run with patience the race that is set before us, looking unto Jesus, the Author and Finisher of our faith. We would humbly confess, O Lord, the numerous offences of this day. Deal not with us in judgment, but in mercy. Take away our iniquity, receive us graciously, and love us freely. Cast our sins as a stone into the depths of the sea. Wash us in the blood of the Lamb ; sanctify us by the Spirit of holiness ; keep us by thy mighty power to the day of eternal redemption. Father of mercies, listen to these our humble but earnest supplica- tions. Be very gracious to us through the defenceless hours of this night. May the ministering spirits of the Church watch around our sleeping beds : and may God, even our own God, bless us now and evermore, for Christ’s sake. Amen. 253 SEVENTEENTH «#>aturtiag JBonung. Job, Chapter xxt. WEEK 0 LORD, we are less than the least of all thy mercies ; for in heart and life we are fallen and sinful creatures. But we bless thee that even sinners may draw near to thee through the mediation of thy dear Son. We adore thee for the Holy Scriptures, which are able to make us wise unto salvation, through faith which is in Christ Jesus. May we ever read them with reverent attention, with a desire to understand their import, and with fervent prayer to partake the wisdom and grace which they reveal. Let thy word dwell richly in us in all wisdom and spiritual understanding ; let it be a light unto our feet, and a lamp unto our path ; let the great salvation it makes known be ours in all its varied and happy provisions ; let its eternal hopes be the stay and solace of our minds. We pray for the illumination and quickening influence of thy blessed Spirit ; without his teaching we can know nothing, we can feel nothing aright. Most deeply would we mourn the blindness and the corruption of the carnal mind, in us and in all men. It discerneth not the things of the Spirit, and it is enmity against God. Give to us the new heart and the right spirit ; take away the stony heart, and give us hearts of flesh. Cast us into the mould of the gospel. Make us to bear the image of Christ; clothe us in the robe of righteousness ; and adorn us with the garments of salvation. We bless thee for the comforting light of another day. O may the Sun of righteous- ness arise on this family with healing in his beams. We thank thee that our lives, which are forfeited by sin, are spared ; and that a fresh opportunity is afforded us of drawing near to the mercy-seat. Pour upon us the spirit of grace and supplication. Put new and heavenly desires into our hearts this morning, and let the voice of our prayer be accept- able in thy sight. Behold us in our individual and relative capacities, and pour thy blessing upon us according to our several necessities. To thee all our fears and hopes, all our joys and sorrows, are perfectly known. May we pour out our hearts, with childlike confi- dence, into thy bosom ; and do thou regard our cry, and send us help from thy throne. Teach us, O Lord, the way in which we should walk ; unite our hearts to fear thy great and holy name. May we suffer no sin to have dominion over us ; but may we be made holy in all manner of conversation. Multiply every where the number of thy faithful people ; accompany the ordinances of thy grace with power from on high ; and hasten the time when the wilderness and the solitary place shall be glad, and when the desert shall rejoice and blossom as the rose. Diffuse among all ranks and classes of men the prin- ciples of pure and undefiled religion ; and pour thy Holy Spirit upon all flesh, that the glory of the Lord may be revealed, and that all flesh may see it together. Upon the labours of this day, we implore thy fatherly benediction. Uphold us in the strait and narrow path of duty. Let not any sudden gust of temptation prostrate our principles, and pollute our characters. May we be in the fear of the Lord all the day long. Comfort our minds with a sense of thy blessing and of thy presence. Regard us all according to our several states of mind, and according to the duties that may devolve upon us. Forgive all our iniquities ; receive us graciously, and love us freely, for the Redeemer’s sake. Amen. 254 i SEVENTEENTH «#aturtrag <£bentn& WEEK. Acts, Chapter ix. 0 LORD God Almighty, which wast, and art, and art to come; thou whose name alone is Jehovah, and who art the Most High over all the earth. While angels and archangels adore thee, and multitudes of thy faithful servants in this lower world magnify thy glorious perfections ; deign to behold this household, humble and unworthy as it is, and accept the tribute of our lips and of our hearts. We know that it is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning us, that in every thing we should give thanks ; we would therefore be grateful to the Lord who hath done such great things for us, whose mercy is everlasting, and whose truth endureth throughout all generations. We have once more to record thy goodness in the bounties of thy providence; thou hast caused the outgoings of the morning and of the evening to rejoice over us ; and notwith- standing our numberless provocations, thou art still bending over us in paternal love, and urging us to implore the greatest of thy gifts. May we gladly and gratefully improve this privilege, amazed at thy willingness to regard us, and exulting in thine ability to bless us. O Lord, give to each of us an interest in Him whom thou hast provided for our deliverance from all the effects of sin, for the justification of our persons, the sanctifi- cation of our natures, and our perseverance in the path which leadeth to heaven. We are exposed in consequence of transgression to the terrors of the law; but may we believe that there is now no condemnation to them that are in Christ Jesus, who walk not after the flesh, but after the Spirit. And, constrained as we are to lay our hands on our mouths, and our mouths in the dust, and to cry, unclean ! unclean ! may we expe- rience the healing and purifying efficacy of his most precious blood; and may we henceforth live in him, and he in us. Though many around us seek pleasure in the vanities of this world, may we feel that they are as unsatisfying to our souls as they are unsuitable; and may the joy of the Lord be our strength, may our peace be as a river, and our righteousness like the waves of the sea. As this night our souls may be required of us, make us individually solicitous to know whether we have yet believed on Him without whom we must perish. O God, quicken us, and urge us irresistibly to this all-important inquiry. If we are still far off, suffer us not to give sleep to our eyes, nor slumber to our eyelids, till we have entreated thee to bring us nigh ; and if we have been thus distinguished, O do thou enrich us by still larger communications of thy grace and love. In a state of mind suited to its solemnities, duties, and privileges, may we look forward to the Christian Sabbath. May we leave every thing worldly at the foot of the mount, while we go up to worship the Lord our God. Remember, we pray thee, those from whom thine ordinances have been withdrawn; the Israelites, to whom pertained the adoption, and the glory, and the covenants, and the giving of the law, and the serving of God, and the promises ; whose are the fathers, and of whom, as concerning the flesh, Christ came. O take the veil from their hearts, and bring them in with the fulness of the Gentiles. Let the world which lies in the wicked one, be visited with the light and joy of salvation. These mercies we beg, for His sake who is over all, God blessed for ever. Amen. 255 EIGHTEENTH «#untmg iHonmtg, WEEK. Job, Chapter xxii. I NFINITELY glorious Jehovah, we are feeble creatures in thy sight, and ought to come before thee with submissive awe, and holy fear. Let not the Lord be angry with us, while we pronounce his great and dreadful name, and lift up the eye of humble hope to his throne in the heavens. If angels veil their faces with their wings, while they behold the ineffable glories of thy dwelling-place, with what profound abasement ought we to prostrate ourselves before thine infinite Majesty ! We rejoice that though thou art great beyond all that we can conceive or express, thy goodness and thy mercy are over all thy works. Let not thy terrors make us afraid ; but while we contemplate thee as a consuming fire, may we confide in thee as the God of love, and offer prayer to thee as the God of salvation. We look up this morning to the hills from whence cometh all our help. We rejoice to know' that thou art the hearer of prayer. Let thine ear be open to our cry, and let the blessings of the new covenant descend upon our waiting spirits. We plead accept- ance through the blood of the atoning Lamb, who has gone into the holiest of all on our behalf; and who ever lives to make intercession for us at thine own right hand. For his sake pardon our iniquity, and send down thy good Spirit into our hearts. We rejoice in his exaltation to the throne of mediatorial dominion and glory; and we pray that the blessings of his gracious reign may descend on all our hearts. This is the day which thou hast made, we will rejoice and be glad in it. Help us to welcome the day of sacred rest, and to enter into its holy engagements in the exercise of deep humility, lively faith, and fervent love. May we seek intimate communion with thee in all the ordinances of this day. As Christ is risen and gone into heaven, may we feel the quickening energy of his grace. Constrain us by his love to all devout affections, and all holy actions. Let the private meditation of thy word be instructive and refresh- ing to our souls. May our communion with heaven be unusually elevated and invigor- ating. Help us fully to enter into the design of Christ’s death, fully to feel the importance of his resurrection, and fully to estimate the blessings connected with his mediatorial reign. We rejoice that he is exalted a Prince and a Saviour, to give repent- ance to Israel, and the remission of sins. May these blessings be vouchsafed to us, that we may have a practical demonstration of the power and grace of our redeeming Lord. O most merciful and blessed God, do thou open our minds to the cordial reception of thy saving truth. May we look forward to the engagements of the sanctuary with devout expectation. May we long for communion with Christ in the institutions of his grace. Let the word be spoken with power from on high. Strengthen thy ministering servants to declare the whole counsel of God. May they speak from the heart to the heart. May multitudes be called out of darkness into marvellous light. May the holiness of thy church be advanced. May there be joy in heaven over many that have repented and turned unto the Lord. Remove all prejudice from our minds, and cause us to receive with meekness the engrafted word which is able to save our souls. Baptize our minds with thy Holy Spirit, and grant us every needful and saving blessing, for Christ the Redeemer’s sake. Amen. 250 EIGHTEENTH (KHmttng. WEEK. Acts, Chapter x. P ERMIT us, O Lord our God, at the close of another Sabbath, to meet around our domestic altar, and to present unto thee the sacrifices of a broken and contrite spirit, which thou, O God, wilt not despise. What reason have we for humiliation in thy sight, when we call to remembrance our abuse of thy mercies, and the ungrateful manner in which we have requited thee for the innumerable advantages thou hast conferred upon us. How many Christian Sabbaths mispent have borne their awful testimony against us to thy throne. How many warnings have we failed to improve. How many messages of thy love have we either slighted or despised. O have mercy upon us, miserable sinners, and deal not with us in justice, but in compassion and grace. We tremble before thee, O Lord, lest this day should be added to the many which stand recorded in the book of thy remembrance against us. Our hearts are so deceitful, that we dare not trust them ; and our own resolutions are so feeble, that we cannot rely on them. Hear us, O God, when we cry to thee for the aids of thy gracious Spirit ; and, amidst our own felt and acknowledged weaknesses, do thou place thine everlasting arms beneath us. Let past negligence arouse us to future diligence ; and let lost opportunities teach us to redeem the time because the days are evil. Bless to us, in a pre-eminent degree, the ordinances of the Christian sanctuary which we have this day been privileged to attend. May thy truth abide in us, and may it bring forth fruit to life eternal. Let the doctrines of reconciliation through the blood of Jesus melt our cold and icy hearts, and fill us with love and gratitude to our adorable Deliverer. O enable us to comprehend with all saints the height and breadth, the depth and length, of that love which passeth knowledge. Purify all the affections of our hearts; and thence let a hallowing influence extend to all the actions and intercourses of human life. May we walk circum- spectly, not as fools, but as wise ; redeeming the time, because the days are evil. May we be upright, and kind, and forgiving, in all the relations we are called to sustain. May the God of peace sanctify us wholly; and we pray God that our whole body, and soul, and spirit may be preserved blameless unto the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. Grant, O most gracious God, that the message which has been heard by us this day, and which it becomes us diligently to improve for ourselves, may be applied with almighty power to the hearts of thousands and tens of thousands of the children of men : that Messiah may see of the travail of his soul, and be satisfied; that the subjects of Satan’s empire may be diminished ; and that peace and happiness may be diffused throughout the habitations of men. In retiring to rest, may we feel a more powerful impression than ever, of unseen and eternal realities. May the peace of God which passeth all understanding keep our hearts and minds by Christ Jesus. Cast the mantle of thy love over all the infirmities of the day. Wash our guilty souls in atoning blood. Grant us the witness of thy Holy Spirit, that we are thine. Guard us this night from all evils incident to night season. May we sleep securely and peacefully beneath the shadow of thy wings. Hear us in heaven, the habitation of thy throne and of thy glory, and exceed our utmost desires, for the sake of Jesus, our strength and Redeemer. Amen. 2 K 257 EIGHTEENTH iBrntirng iHjmtuuj, WEEK. Job, Chapter xxiii. 0 THOU God of mercy and of truth, in the protection and repose we have enjoyed through another night, we have proved again thy faithfulness ; and we would remember that the partakers of thy favour should become the celebraters of thy praise. Enable us, individually, to exclaim, Bless the Lord, O my soul ; and all that is within me, bless his holy name. Bless the Lord, O my soul, and forget not all his benefits ; who forgiveth all thine iniquities, who healeth all thy diseases, who redeemeth thy life from destruction, who crowneth thee with loving-kindness and tender mercies. And, O forbid that we should ever be satisfied with verbal acknowledgments of thy goodness ; but let our sense of obligation be exhibited in obedience to all the requirements of thy holy wilL To this end, graciously fulfil thine ancient promise: sprinkle clean water upon us, and we shall be clean ; from all our filthiness, and from all our idols, do thou cleanse us. Take away the stony heart out of our flesh, and give us hearts of flesh; put thy Spirit within us, and cause us to walk in thy statutes, and to keep thy judgments and do them. Impute to us the merits of the Redeemer, that we may be justified in thy sight ; and impart to us the influences of the Holy Spirit, that we may be new creatures in Christ Jesus. Suffer us never to suppose that we are interested in him, while we continue in sin ; but may we look for the evidence that we are his, in our love of righteousness and in our hatred of all iniquity 7 . Search us, O God, and know our hearts ; try us, and know our thoughts ; and see if there be any wicked way in us, and lead us in the way everlasting. Instead of being dead in trespasses and sins, and lulled by the tempter into awful insensibility, may we feel that there is a warfare within ; that corruption is weakened and subdued by the power of divine grace ; and that the Spirit ever triumphs over the flesh. As we advance in life, may the evidence that we have a title to a mansion above, be made more clear and satisfactory by our increasing meetness for it We lament that we possess so little of that spiritual mind which is life and peace ; so little of that holy love which is both the beginning and the fruition of heaven ; so little of that dead- ness to the world which is the proof that our life is hid with Christ in God. Hearken unto our petitions, O Thou that hearest prayer, when we intercede for others. Have pity on the ignorant, and those who are out of the way. Compassionate those who mourn for sin : save such as are of a contrite spirit. Reclaim the wan- derers. Shouldst thou visit their offences with the rod, and their iniquity with stripes, take not thy loving-kindness utterly away, nor suffer thy truth to fail. Sympathize with all the sons and daughters of affliction : thou knowest their frame, thou remem- berest that they are dust; give them the support and consolation they need; and, under thy benediction, may their trials be numbered amongst their greatest mercies. Let grace, mercy, and peace be with all them that love our Lord Jesus Christ in sincerity. Enable them, O our Father, to give thanks unto thee, who hast delivered them from the power of darkness, and translated them into the kingdom of thy dear Son. And now unto Him that is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that worketh in us, unto Him be glory in the church, by Christ Jesus, throughout all ages, world without end. Amen. 25S EIGHTEENTH JHou&ag gffmtfttg. WEEK. Acts, Chapter xi. 0 LORD, our heavenly Father, on whom we continually depend, we thank thee that thou hast spared us during another day, and preserved to us uninterrupted those mercies and privileges for which we had reason to bless thee when we last met together in thy presence. We acknowledge that we are less than the least of thy mercies, and that it is because thy compassions fail not that we are not consumed. But while we acknowledge our sinfulness, we rejoice in the extent of thine unfailing goodness, and would magnify the riches of thy long-suffering patience and forbearance. We rejoice that thou hast no pleasure in the death of the wicked, and that thou art daily affording the most expressive proofs in our own experience of thine unwillingness to pronounce that sentence, and to execute that wrath which our iniquities have deserved. To the Lord our God belong mercies and forgivenesses, though we have rebelled against him. Forbid, we pray thee, that thy goodness should have the effect of hardening our hearts. Forbid that because sentence against an evil work is not executed speedily, any of us should set our hearts in us to do evil. Let us not misconstrue thy forbearance, and imagine that we shall have peace, though we walk in the sight of our own eyes, and after the counsel of our own hearts. O may we be of those whom thy goodness leads to repentance, who, melted by a love they have never deserved, by a forbearance and mercy they had no reason to expect, throw down the weapons of their rebellion; blush and are ashamed to think of their opposition to that God who made them, and is willing to redeem them ; and resolve that in time to come, whether they live, they will live unto the Lord, or whether they die, they will die unto the Lord, so that whether they live or die, they will be the Lord’s. For this purpose, open our eyes, we beseech thee, to the great love thou hast manifested in Jesus Christ, whom thou hast not spared, but delivered up to the death for sinners, and through whom thou art now reconciling the world unto thyself, not imputing unto men their trespasses. According to thy promise, pour out upon us the spirit of grace and of supplications, that, looking upon him whom we have pierced, we may mourn on his account as one mourneth for an only son, and be in bitterness for him as one that is in bitterness for a first-born. Thus may the love of sin be crucified within us ; and may its iron yoke be broken. Let us not continue in sin, that grace may abound ; but may we be redeemed from all iniquity, and set apart to the glory of Him who gave his life a ransom for our sins. To thy watchful providence we commend ourselves this night. May we, and all whom thou hast connected with us by the ties of nature or of affection, enjoy sweet and refreshing rest, and repose with comfort beneath the shadow of thy wings. Spare us and them, if it please thee, to see the fight of another day ; and with thankful hearts, and a renewed determination to be faithful and diligent in thy service, may we and they enter on the duties of our respective stations, assured of thy favour, and believing that in due season we shall reap if we faint not. Hear us, we be beseech thee, gracious God, and accept of us, and bless us, for Christ’s sake. Amen. 259 2 K 2 EIGHTEENTH Cucstmg iHornmcj WEEK. Job, Chapter xxiv. W E adore thee, O Lord our heavenly Father, as the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ. We worship thee as the First and the Last, who sittest upon the circle of the earth, and spreadest out the heavens as a tent to dwell in, whose kingdom is an everlasting kingdom, and whose dominion endureth throughout all generations. We come before thee this morning, not only acknowledging thee to be essentially glorious and perfect, but blessing thee for all the goodness and mercy we have experienced during the past period of our being. Thou, O Lord, art our Creator, the Author of our exist- ence, the source of our comforts, and the object of our hopes. Nothing which we possess flows to us from any but thee. Thou hast given us kindred, and friends, and home, and food, and raiment; and to thee and to thy mercy we owe our social enjoyments, our personal distinctions, our religious advantages, and our eternal prospects. Blessed be thy name that our sins have not induced thee to cast us off. In justice thou mightest have withdrawn all thy gifts, resumed all the fruits of thy liberality, dried up all the channels of our enjoyment, and left us to a bitter sense of the emptiness of the creature, forsaken by the God we have offended and provoked. But thy ways are not as man’s ways. Thy patience, thy forbearance, thy love, exceed all our thoughts. Not only hast thou forborne to visit us with the just consequences of our sins ; thou hast looked upon us in infinite and ineffable compassion, and sent thy Son into the world to seek and to save that which was lost. We rejoice in Him who laid down his life a ransom for many; we rejoice in him as mighty to save ; and we pray that all of us may have grace to believe in him to the saving of our souls. Under a lively sense of personal helplessness and misery, may we raise our eyes to Him who, even as Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness, has been lifted up, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. May we gratefully accept of salvation on the terms on which thou hast been graciously pleased to offer it to the children of men. Nor let our faith and hope ever be moved from this sure foundation. Assured that while sin hath deprived us of all personal righteous- ness, and emptied us of all personal strength, it hath pleased the Father that all the blessings of which we are personally destitute should be treasured up in Christ; may we daily be applying to him, that we may be accepted through his worthiness, enriched by his fulness, comforted by his presence, and carried forward in the way to Zion by the continual supply of his good and promised Spirit. Let not our attainments as Christians betray us into any fancied notions of our own sufficiency, or into any self-righteous confidence in our own merits. If we are alive unto God, may we remember that it is by Jesus Christ ; and if we are accepted, may we remember that it is only in the Beloved. At every step of our progress may we remember that we are sinners. As saved by grace, may we be clothed with humility ; and as branches grafted into the true Vine, may we daily afford evidence of our experimental conviction of the truth, that all our fruitfulness is owing to our connexion with the Saviour ; and that, as the branch can- not bear fruit of itself except it abide in the vine, no more can we except we abide in him. Grant us these blessings, for the sake of Jesus Christ, our only Saviour. Amen. 260 EIGHTEENTH CucstiaE <£bmm& Acts, Chapter xii. WEEK. 0 THOU King of glory, we desire to approach thy divine Majesty with reverence and godly fear, and to worship Thee in the beauty of holiness. Every perfection adorns thy nature, and sustains thy throne. The heavens are thine ; the earth also is thine ; the world is thine, and the fulness thereof. Thy power drew the universe from nothing. Thy wisdom has managed all its multiplied concerns, presiding over nations, families, and indi- viduals, and numbering the very hairs of our head. Thy goodness is boundless : the eyes of all wait upon Thee, and Thou givest them their meat in due season. Thou openest thine hand, and satisfiest the desire of every living thing. How precious are the thoughts of thy mercy and grace ; and so excellent is thy loving-kindness, that even the children of men put their trust under the shadow of thy wings. Thou art the glorious and blessed God. O teach us to place our happiness in thyself. May we never seek the living among the dead, nor ask, with the deluded many, Who will shew us any good ? but may we prize the light of thy countenance, implore the joy of thy salvation, and, passing by the attractions of creatures, be able to say, Whom have I in heaven but Thee ? and there is none upon earth that I desire beside Thee. Thou hast been infinitely more attentive to our happiness than we ever have been, or ever can be. Thou madest man upright, and when by voluntary transgression we fell away from Thee, Thou didst not treat us with the severity or the neglect we deserved. In thy love and pity Thou wast pleased to provide for us a Saviour, who bore our griefs, and carried our sorrows, and put away sin by the sacrifice of himself. Apply this redemption to our hearts, by the justification of our persons and the sanc- tification of our natures. We confess our transgressions — have mercy upon us. We are weary — give us rest. We are ignorant — make us wise unto salvation. We are helpless — let thy strength be made perfect in our weakness. We are poor and needy — bless us with all the unsearchable riches of Christ. Having begun a religious course, may we run and not be weary, and walk and not faint. We would feel the connexions which unite us to others, and, by sympathy, and prayer, and praise, make their miseries and mercies our own. We would rejoice with those that rejoice, and weep with those that weep. Provide support and employment for the poor, and may their hands be sufficient for them. Make the widow’s heart to sing for joy; and in thee may the fatherless find mercy. Visit those that are on beds of sickness, and pre- pare them for thy pleasure ; that if they live, it may be to serve Thee ; and if they die, it may be to enjoy Thee. Bless our rightful Sovereign. May righteousness and peace be the stability of our times , and the people of these realms be a happy people, whose God is the Lord. Do good in thy good pleasure unto Zion ; build thou the walls of Jerusalem : and may all our churches, like the original disciples, continue steadfastly in the apostles’ doctrine, and in fellowship, and in breaking of bread, and in prayers. Protect and refresh us through the night-season ; and then cause us to hear thy loving-kindness in the morn- ing; for in Thee do we trust: cause us to know the way wherein we should go, for we lift up our souls unto thee. We implore it through the intercession of Thy dear Son, and our Saviour. Amen. 261 EIGHTEENTH Wetmwfoai) iHonung. WEEK. Job, Ch. xxv.-xxvi. 0 THOU who art of purer eyes than to look upon sin, we humble ourselves before thee on account of our manifold iniquities and provocations. We acknowledge the change that hath passed upon our nature since it came from thy creating hand. We lament our fall from innocence. We lament our preference of false to real good : we lament our natural aversion to thy holy and blessed will. And, O Lord, we would especially lament the hardness of our heart, notwithstanding the means thou hast taken to soften and renew it. With shame we remember how often we have turned a deaf ear to the reproofs of thy providence, to the warnings of conscience, and to the entreaties and promises of thy word. What can we say, O Lord, in excuse for our guilt ? What can we say in explanation of feelings and conduct which, if manifested towards an earthly benefactor, would be pronounced the most aggravated ingratitude ; and which, if displayed in reference to the ordinary concerns of this life, would be charac- terized as madness and folly? Our inquities testify against us. Our own hearts condemn us : our conscience, our understanding, our reason, our own sense of what is right and becoming, bear witness to our infatuation and guilt. We have sinned, O Lord; and what shall we say unto thee, O Thou Preserver of men ? We will cast ourselves upon thy mercy. We will look with the eye of faith toward thy holy temple : we will remember the days of the right hand of the Most High : and while our sins rise up before us like everlasting barriers, through which no cry of mercy can ascend to thy throne, and no ray of favour can penetrate from thee to us, we will rejoice and be glad in the thought that thy mercy is in the heavens, and that thy faithful- ness reacheth unto the clouds; that thou comest over mountains of provocations; and that, as the heavens are above the earth, so are thy ways above our ways, and thy thoughts above our thoughts. O may our souls be united to Christ really, vitally, and indissolubly. May the Spirit of Christ dw r ell in us richly, effectually, and for ever. As members of his body, may we be partakers of his life ; and being filled with the knowledge of his will in all wisdom and spiritual understanding, may we walk worthy of the Lord unto all well-pleasing, fruitful in every good work, and increasing in the knowledge of God. Our weakness is great, our corruptions are strong, and our enemies are many; but let him strengthen us with all might, according to his glorious power, unto all patience and long-suffering, with joyful- ness. Amidst the difficulties of our way, may his presence cheer and his grace sustain us ; and when at length our appointed course is finished, may he receive us unto himself, and perfect our blessedness by being with us for ever. To thy mercy we commend ourselves this day. May past mercies induce us to serve thee, and encourage us to confide in thee. Let all our friends share in thy bounty and grace ; and let all whom we ought to remember in thy presence, be remembered by thee with that blessing which maketh rich, and with which thou addest no sorrow. We leave thy throne in thy strength, making mention of thy righteousness, even of thine only. And all we ask is for Christ’s sake, to whom, with the Father and the Holy Spirit, be everlasting glory. Amen. 262 EIGHTEENTH rartmesfoag <£bentng« WEEK. Acts, Chapter xiii. O GOD of all grace and consolation ! who hast so loved this fallen world, that thou hast given thine only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life : enable us, through him, to draw nigh unto thy mercy-seat with humble hope and filial confidence ; that we may obtain the supply of all our wants, out of that infinite fulness of grace which is treasured up in him. Thou resistest the proud, but givest grace to the humble ; we beseech thee, therefore, to humble us in thy sight. Strip us of every thought that would exalt itself against thy rich and sovereign grace. Discover to us our utter helplessness, and our innumerable acts of rebellion against thee. O let us never try to dissemble or palliate our guilt ; but do thou bow down our hearts in the deepest self-abasement ; that we may with true humility, and not with feigned lips, confess — “ Against thee, thee only, have we sinned, and done evil in thy sight.” Most gracious God, we adore thee, that though we are cut off from all hope of accept- ance with thee on account of any thing we have done, or ever can do, — yet, thou art in Christ reconciling the world unto thyself, not imputing unto mankind their trespasses. On Jesus, that tried corner-stone, that sure foundation laid in Zion, we build all our hopes of acceptance with thee : we look to him as our merciful High Priest, who has presented the perfect sacrifice of himself upon the altar of the cross ; as our all-sufficient Advocate, who perpetually appears before thy throne on high, to make intercession for us ; as the propitiation for our sins, whose blood speaketh better things than that of Abel. O Lord, let a sense of thine unspeakable love be shed abroad in our hearts by the Holy Ghost ; let it call forth our gratitude and praise to thee ; and may it constrain us to employ our time and talents in thy service and to thy glory. And now, gracious Father, we commend to thy mercy all who are united to us by the ties of kindred or friendship. Be favourable to them ; protect them from all evil ; surround them with the mercies of thy providence ; and enrich them with the blessings of thy covenant-love in Christ Jesus. Look on the face of thine Anointed, and for his sake visit them with thy salvation ; and, O God, in tender compassion stretch out thine arm to save those whom thou knowest to be under the power of their spiritual enemies. Shew them the dreadful precipice on which they stand ; suffer them not to fall into the pit of destruction ; lead them into the way of peace ; and enable them to flee tor refuge to the Saviour of sinners, that they may obtain pardoning mercy through him. And we pray thee to diffuse the light of the glorious gospel among the children of men throughout the whole earth. Take us under thy gracious protection this night. Refresh our wearied bodies with comfortable sleep ; and if thou permittest us to see the light of another day, may we rise in the morning with grateful hearts for thy goodness to us ; and O grant that day by day we may live to the glory of thy name. May we continually derive from Thee, the inexhaustible fountain of grace and truth, such manifestations of the glory of the great salvation which has been wrought out by thine incarnate Son, as may encourage us to run with patience the race which is set before us, until we finish our course, and enter into the joy of our Lord. In his name, and relying on his all-prevailing merits, we further address thee as — Our Father which art in heaven, &c. 203 EIGHTEENTH Cljurstiajj iBontuijj. WEEK. Job, Chapter xxvii. O THOU ever-blessed and merciful God, who givest us all things richly to enjoy, and who art the source of all happiness to thy creatures, we would thank thee that thou hast preserved us through the past night, and hast raised us up this morning, and given us another opportunity of meeting together before thy throne of grace. Lord and Giver of life, shine upon our souls ; incline our hearts to follow Him who is the light of the world, that we may not abide in darkness, but have the light of life. May we, by the teaching of thy Holy Spirit, obtain from day to day a deeper conviction of our own guilty and lost state, and a more lively faith in thy abundant mercy, and in the exceeding riches of thy grace in Christ Jesus our Lord. And, O blessed Spirit, the Comforter of the church of God, fill our souls with all joy and peace in believing ; and grant that our love to God may abound more and more, in knowledge and in all judgment ; that we may approve things that are excellent ; that we may be sincere, and without offence, till the day of Christ ; being filled with the fruits of righteousness, which are, by Jesus Christ, unto the glory and praise of God. Look down in mercy upon our native land. Turn us, O God of our salvation, and so shall we be turned. Pour out the influence of thine illuminating Spirit upon us ; that we may still be a favoured nation, fearing thee, and working righteousness. Make us a holy people unto thee, the Lord our God. We beseech thee, O most merciful Father, to save and defend thy servant our sovereign the Queen : let her throne be established in righteousness ; and so rule her heart, that she may above all things seek thy honour and glory. Direct all the measures of her govern- ment to the preservation of domestic concord, the maintenance of peace among the nations, and the furtherance of the Redeemer’s kingdom. May the continual dew of thy blessing be sent down upon all pastors and teachers, and upon all congregations committed to their charge. May thy ministers be mighty in the scriptures. Open to them an effectual door of usefulness. Let thy hand be with them, and let thy word be accompanied with thine own almighty power in the hearts of sinners, that many in our day may believe it, and be turned unto thee. We humbly beseech thee to bless the rising generation ; may the youth of our land be brought up in the nurture and admonition of the Lord ; may the principles of faith and love, and of the fear of thy name, be early implanted in their hearts ; and as they advance in years, may they grow in grace, and in the knowledge of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. May grace, mercy, and peace be multiplied unto all that love our Lord Jesus Christ. Heal all the divisions of thy church. Shew to them that are in error, the light of thy truth. Visit with thy mercy the sons and daughters of affliction, and overrule the dispensations of thy providence for their good. Strengthen the weak in faith ; and comfort all that mourn. Bless all our dear relations and friends ; may they be members of thy familv on earth, and heirs of thy glory in heaven. Let none of them perish, but may they all be saved and come to the knowledge of the truth. We offer these our supplications and intercessions at the throne of thy grace, in the name of Jesus Christ, our most blessed Saviour and Redeemer. Amen. 2G4 EIGHTEENTH Cftunftajj Gift emits, WEEK. Acts, Chapter xiv. A LMIGHTY and everlasting God, who art always more ready to hear than we are to pray ; and art wont to give more than either we desire, or are worthy to receive ; help us to draw near to thee at this time with humility and thankfulness ; for truly we have much for which to be humbled, and much for which to be thankful. Thou art ever mindful of us, though we are often forgetful of thee ; thou art inviting us by daily mercies to gratitude and love ; but, alas ! our deceitful hearts are continually apt to start aside like a deceitful bow : we are ever ready to go backward, and to depart from thee, the living and true God. Lord, have mercy upon us ! Turn thou us, and we shall be turned; draw us, and we will run after thee. Blessed be thy name, that there is forgiveness with thee in Christ Jesus ; for his sake exert thy mercy and pardon to us ; heal our backslidings ; receive us graciously ; and love us freely. Create in us a clean heart, O God; and renew a right spirit within us. Make us more humble, more thankful, more holy. Turn our feet into the way of thy testimonies. Give us an increasing love to thy holy word. Dispose and incline us to read it more frequently, to meditate upon it more seriously, and to pray over it more fervently. Open the eyes of our understanding, that we may see and admire the wonders it contains. May we firmly believe its important declarations, rejoice in its precious promises, and order our walk and conversation by its holy precepts and instructions. O graft on our hearts the love of thy name ! Increase in us true religion, nourish us in all good- ness ; and of thy great mercy keep us in thy fear and love. Remember thy church and people, wherever dispersed, and however afflicted. May thine abundant grace be with all them that love the Lord Jesus, by whatever name they are distinguished among men. Bless all who labour in thy word and doctrine ; make them wise to win souls ; give them zeal and patience in the discharge of the duties of their important office ; and, after having preached to others, may they not themselves be cast away. Pity the nations that yet he in darkness and the shadow of death. May it please thee to send forth thy fight and thy truth, that thy way may be known upon earth, thy saving health among all nations. — Remember the afflicted and distressed ; sanctify their trials, and in due time remove them. Thou affiictest not willingly, nor grievest the children of men. — Bless all our friends, and forgive our enemies ; take us all into the arms of thy mercy this night. Pardon the sins of the day, and make us heartily thankful for all its mercies. O that we may lie down with gratitude in our hearts, and thy blessing upon our heads ; and if we rise again, may it be to praise and serve thee, through Jesus Christ our Lord. ‘Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name ; thy kingdom come ; thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven ; give us this day our daily bread ; and forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive them that trespass against us ; and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil : for thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, for ever and ever. Amen. The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, the love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy Ghost, be with us for ever. Amen. 2 L 265 EIGHTEENTH dfritms iltanutg, WEEK. Job, Chapter xxvii. L ORD God of hosts, the King eternal, immortal, and invisible, whom no man hath seen or can see, and live ; thou dwellest in that light unto which no mortal eye can approach ; deign to look down upon us, and to behold us from the habitation of thy holiness, and of thy glory. But look not upon us, O God, as we are in ourselves, for if thou shouldst thus view, we should neither hope for pardon, nor favourable accept- ance. Behold, O God our shield, and look upon the face of thine Anointed : he is our only Mediator and Advocate ; and he has ascended up on high, and has received gifts for men, even for such rebellious creatures as we are ; that we may be reconciled and brought nigh, and that the Lord God may dwell among us. Through him, by one Spirit, would we come to thee with holy boldness and confidence, even as children would draw near to a father ; although, alas ! we have lost all title to the appellation of children. We are guilty in thy sight; behold, we were shapen in iniquity, and in sin did our mothers conceive us. 0 enable us to put off the old man with his deeds, to lay aside every weight, and the sin which doth so easily beset us, and to come to thee believing that thou art, and that thou art a rewarder of them that diligently seek thee. Thou art seated on a throne of love, and thou wilt cast off none that come unto thee in the way that thou hast ordained. As humble penitents we bow before thy majesty, confessing our sins, original and actual, and laying the hand of faith upon that atoning Lamb which taketh away the sin of the world. Pity us as we lie in our guilt and apostacy before thee : say concerning us, deliver from going down to the pit, I have found a ransom. In the fountain opened for sin may we wash and be clean ; and when the destroying angel shall wing his flight through a guilty world, may he have no power to hurt us while he beholds the blood of the covenant sprinkled upon us and ours. O Lord, thou art the searcher of all hearts ; it would be in vain for us to plead our own righteousness, for thou seest that it is altogether defective. Times and ways without number have we offended against thee. In our flesh there dwelleth no good thing. Our transgressions, O God, have been highly aggravated ; we have sinned against light and con- science — against the most astonishing mercy and love — after the most solemn professions and voluntary engagements — and, although we have been repeatedly warned, reproved, and chastened, yet have we continued to rebel against the Lord our God. O Lord, how wonderful thy love ; how boundless thy compassion and grace ! It is of thy mercy that we are not consumed. We desire to thank thee for the blessings of the past night. We laid ourselves down and slept, and we have again awaked, because the Lord sustained us. Let this house be a Bethel, where the God of Jacob may take delight to dwell; and where all its inha- bitants may be interested in that covenant which is well ordered in all things and sure. Keep us this day from the dangers that may beset our path. May we shun the very appearance of evil. Help us ever to set the Lord before us, that he may direct our steps. Uphold us in the path of duty. Let thy word dwell in us richly in all wisdom and spiritual understanding. All this we implore, and humbly expect, for the sake of Jesus Christ; to whom, with the Father and Holy Spirit, be everlasting praises. Amen. 26 G EIGHTEENTH WEEK. Acts, Chapter xv. M OST holy and blessed Lord, great fear is due unto thee in all the approaches of thy feeble and sinful creatures. The distance between thee and us is infinite. We are the work of thy hands, and thou art to be adored as our almighty Creator. We are dependent on thy bounty and care, and Thou art to be worshipped as our benefactor and friend. We are guilty sinners, and it becomes us to deprecate thy wrath, and to throw ourselves on thy grace and mercy in Christ Jesus. We would mourn over our original and actual transgressions. We have erred and strayed from thy ways like lost sheep. We have rebelled against thee, our rightful Sovereign, from the very womb. Our iniquities are more in number than the hairs of our head, or the sands on the sea-shore. Lord, have mercy upon us, miserable sinners. Pity us in our low and lost estate. Look upon us in our fall, and, though we have destroyed ourselves, be thou our help and deliverer for evermore. Thy mercy, O Lord, is above the heavens. Neither thought can conceive, nor tongue utter, the infinity of thy love to guilty sinners in Christ Jesus. Thou hast found out a remedy for all our misery and all our pollutions. Thou hast opened a fountain for sin and uncleanness. Thou hast no pleasure in the death of the sinner, but wouldst rather that he should repent and live. May we look to Him who has been pierced for our sins, and may we mourn over them in sight of his cross. Pour upon us thy Holy Spirit, to heal our souls, to purify our hearts, to renew our minds, to subdue our wills, to create in us all holy dispositions, and to consecrate us, body, soul, and spirit, as his temples. Open our eyes to behold the infinite glory, suitableness, and grace of the Lord Jesus Christ. May we see in him all that we need for pardon, peace, and sanctifying grace. May we lay hold upon him for eternal life, and know, by happy experience, that all the benefits of the great redemption are ours. Let the graces of the ever-blessed Spirit be implanted in us, and adorn our characters, that we may be the living epistles of Christ,* known and read of all men. We desire to be deeply sensible of the goodness of our God in the various bestowments of this day. Thou hast watched over us in all our goings, and hast preserved us from evils which might have proved alike fatal to our safety and our peace. Our several necessities thou hast graciously regarded ; our bread has been given us, and our water has been sure. Thou hast been with us in our domestic and other callings, to suoceed our endeavours, and to promote our comfort. O that our hearts may overflow with gratitude to Thee, the bountiful giver of every good and perfect gift. As we desire to express our gratitude for the mercies of this day, so would we exercise fresh confidence in thy fatherly care, through the darkness of another night. Keep us from all hurtful temptations. Vouchsafe to us the repose and refreshment of sleep. Prepare us for the sleep of death, and for the coming of our Lord, that we may not be surprised as by the approach of an unwelcome foe, but that we may stand ready to enter into the joy of our Lord. These mercies we solicit in the name and for the sake of Jesus Christ, to whom, with the Father and the Holy Ghost, be glory everlasting. Amen. 267 2 L 2 EIGHTEENTH «#aturtmg iBonmtg WEEK. Job, Chapter xxviii. O THOU infinite and eternal Jehovah, who art, from everlasting to everlasting, God. The heaven is thy throne, and the earth is thy footstool. Thine eye goes to and fro through the universe ; thou triest the hearts and the reins of the children of men. We would remember that thou seest the frame of our minds in drawing near to thy mercy- seat. As we cannot deceive thee, let us not impose upon ourselves. In simplicity and godly sincerity may we look up to the place where thine honour dwelleth. We know that if we regard iniquity in our hearts, the Lord will not hear us. Cleanse the thoughts of our hearts by the inspiration of thy Holy Spirit. We would cherish the solemn thought that the pure in heart only can see God. With fervour, as well as sincerity, we would entreat thy blessing. In thy favour is life ; may we seek it with our whole hearts. Blessed are the people that know the joyful sound; they shall walk, O Lord, in the light of thy countenance; in thy name shall they rejoice all the day; and in thy righteousness shall they be exalted; for thou art the glory of their strength, and in thy favour our horn shall be exalted; for the Lord is our defence, and the Holy One of Israel is our King. We adore thee, O God, for the mercies of our lot ; surely the lines have fallen to us in pleasant places, and we have a goodly heritage. Enable us to enter upon the duties and trials of this day in the strength of the Lord. We are not sufficient of ourselves to think or to do any thing that shall be pleasing or acceptable in thy sight. Do thou strengthen us by thy Spirit’s power in the inner man ; make us strong in the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ ; through him may we be more than conquerors over all the deceits of the world, the flesh, and the devil. Make us watchful against all the evils by which we are surrounded. Help us to fight the good fight of faith, and to lay hold on eternal life. In the several spheres in which thou hast placed us, may we adorn the doctrine of God our Saviour, by an upright and faithful discharge of incumbent duty, and by an active resistance of every evil and unholy practice. We are weak, O Lord, but thou art mighty ; hold thou us up, and we shall be safe. May we carry with us a solemn conviction of thy presence into every scene of duty and trial. May the thought that Thou art with us comfort us in all that is afflictive, and restrain us in that which would endanger our religious principles, or our moral integrity. God of the families of the whole earth, be thou the covenant God and portion of this house. May we live in fellowship with thee, and in holy communion with one another, in all the acts, exercises, and habits of pure and undefiled religion. When we meet at thy mercy-seat, may it be to pour out our hearts in humble adoration, in fervent supplication, and in grateful thanksgiving. We rejoice in the free access which we are permitted to enjoy into thine immediate presence, as the hearer of prayer. O send us not empty away this morning from the footstool of thy throne; but do thou replenish our souls with the blessings of thy grace. Accept our thanks for the manifold mercies of the past night. Be with us through this day. Guide us by thine unerring counsel. Pardon our great and aggravated sins, and accept of us through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. 2G8 EIGHTEENTH <#aturtmi> (fflintmcj Acts, Chapter xvi. WEEK. H EAVENLY Father, we adore thee for the revelation which thou hast given us of thy character and designs as the God of grace and salvation, in thy most holy word. Let it be a light unto our feet, and a lamp unto our path. Teach us by thy good Spirit to know and love the Saviour whom it reveals, and to place all our hopes of salvation upon his finished work. Bless to us the portion of it we have been permitted to read this evening. Open thou our understandings, that we may understand the scriptures ; and our hearts, that we may love and cherish their blessed truths. We lament that we have so often read the sacred page without feeling any adequate impression of its divine authority and saving power. Our understandings have been blinded, and our hearts have been hardened. We have read the most solemn appeals both of judgment and mercy without having been duly affected. Deliver us from this folly and madness, and cause us to listen -with reverence, faith, and love to what the Spirit saith unto the churches. We beseech thee, O Lord, to prepare us for the exercises of the holy Sabbath ; help us this night to lay aside all worldly thoughts and cares, that we may stand ready to ascend the mount of communion with God. O enable us to acquire a spiritual and heavenly frame of mind, and to be as those who expect to meet with the great Master of assemblies on the morrow. Be very gracious, O Lord, to thy Zion ; build up the walls of Jerusalem. Let the time come, yea, the set time, to favour her. Let thy servants take pleasure in her stones, and favour the dust thereof; so the heathen shall fear the name of the Lord, and all the kings of the earth thy glory. When thou shalt build up Zion, thou shalt appear in thy glory. Let thy kingdom come ; let Satan’s empire fall as lightning from heaven ; let the Sun of righteousness arise on all the dark places of the earth ; let the glory of the Lord be revealed, and let all flesh see it together. Bless and prepare thy ministering servants for the solemn work which lies before them ; make them as burning and shining lights in the midst of a dark and perverse world ; direct them to let down the net on the right side of the ship, that a great company of souls may be enclosed and brought safe into the arms of Jesus. We lament that, hitherto, we have been so little concerned for the salvation of sinners. Alas ! that prayer should so often have been restrained on this most important of all subjects ! We have too frequently lost sight of the highest act of love to our neighbour — deep concern for his spiritual and eternal interests. Suffer us not to repeat this sin against our fellow- creatures, this worst of all cruelty to those whom we are bound to love. As the week has closed, and as the day of life is far spent with us all, may we so number our days as to apply our hearts unto wisdom. As we lie down to rest, may we think of the bed of death on which we must ere long be stretched, and of that eternal world into which we must soon enter. O Shepherd of Israel, into thy hands we commend ourselves, with all dear to us. Take gracious charge of our bodies and souls this night; command thine angels to pitch their tents around us, that no evil may befall us, and that no plague may come nigh our dwelling. Hear us, O Lord, in heaven, the dwelling-place of thy presence and glory, and accept us through Jesus our Mediator and Saviour. Amen. 209 NINETEENTH ^irntrag iHcinttng Job, Chapter xxix. .♦ WEEK. 0 MOST righteous and blessed Lord, we look up to thy mercy-seat, and would implore the promised assistance of thy Holy Spirit; may he help our infirmities, and teach us how to pray. As Jesus is risen from the dead, and has entered into his glory, may we acknowledge him as Mediator and Lord of all, and may we feel the might and influence of his spiritual reign. Thou hast, in infinite wisdom and goodness, set apart one day in seven for immediate acts of religious worship ; and hast, in every age, accompanied the solemn observance of this sacred day with signal tokens of thy favour. Teach us to hallow the Sabbath, and to keep it holy. Let a deep thoughtfulness take possession of our spirits ; and let all folly and vanity be banished from our minds. May the things of God and eternity engage our most serious and devout contemplations, and may the business and pursuits of time be, for a season, hid from our view. God of all grace, we cannot without thine aid extricate ourselves from the concerns and sympathies of a fleeting world. Our souls cleave to the dust, do thou quicken us according to thy word. Grant that with utmost diligence we may this day labour for that bread which endureth unto eternal life, and that we may lay up for ourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust can corrupt, and where thieves cannot break through or steal. Deliver us from worldly thoughts and affections ; save us from all sinful prejudices; give us victory over unbelief, impenitence, and all obduracy of heart. Let the spirit of prayer enter into our souls, and there abide as a source of holy and devout influence in connexion with the duties and services of this day. Fill us with the love of spiritual realities ; let the mysteries of redeeming love exert a powerful control over our reason, our conscience, our affections, and all the powers of our immortal minds. Endear, by every consideration of duty and love, the house of prayer. May we go from the family altar to the place of Christian assembly with devout affections and enlarged expectations. May we mingle with our fellow-worshippers in the spirit of com- munion with the God of ordinances. May the Spirit of grace and supplication fill every heart with devout aspirations. May we listen to the word as read and preached, with the reverence due to a communication from the God of love. May it be quick and powerful, as applied by thy Spirit’s power to the conscience. Let thousands this day be gathered to Christ ; let him see of the travail of his soul, and be satisfied. Bless and prosper the Messengers of grace to guilty men. Deliver them from that fear of man which bringeth a snare. Enable them to comfort all that mourn, to bind up the broken in heart, and to proclaim the acceptable year of the Lord, and the day of vengeance of our God. Let every member of this family become obedient to the saving truth of thy word. O let us not be in the condition of those who are ever learning, and yet never able to come to the knowledge of the truth. Forbid that mercies abused and privileges neglected should rise up in the judgment to condemn us, and should render our eternal state less tolerable than that of Sodom and Gomorrah. Pardon, O Lord, our family sins ; accept of thanks for our family mercies. Listen to the voice of our prayers, and accept of us through Jesus, the Mediator of the new covenant; to whom be glory for ever and ever. Amen. 270 NINETEENTH <£benmg, WEEK. Acts, Chapter xvii. M OST blessed Lord, do thou quicken us by thy Spirit to call upon thy holy name. Mav the meditations of our hearts, and the words of our lips, be acceptable in thy sight, O Lord, our strength and our Redeemer. Help us to look to thee as our almighty helper, and as the willing and gracious hearer of our prayers. Encourage us to draw near to the footstool of thy throne, by the promises of thy word, by the advocacy of our great High Priest, by the answers which thou hast ever granted to the prayer of faith, and by our own recollections of thine infinite goodness and mercy. May we approach thee with fili al confidence, and lift up our hearts unto thee as our Father in heaven, reconciled to us through the death of thy Son. We feel it to be an unspeakable privilege, at the close of another Sabbath, to assemble at thy mercy-seat. Great have been the privileges of this day, and awful must be the responsibility we have contracted. O how shall we escape if we neglect so great salvation. May the seed sown this day appear hereafter to have been cast into a fruitful soil. Let the early and latter rain of thy Spirit descend, to fertilize the barren soil of men’s hearts. May we take good heed to the things which we have heard, lest at any time we should let them slip. O let us not be forgetful hearers, but doers of the work. If we love Jesus, teach us to keep his commandments. Let us not deceive ourselves by a name to live, while we are dead. Thou desirest truth in the inward part. Thou art a Spirit, and they that worship thee must worship thee in spirit and in truth. O help us to lay to heart the things which belong to our peace, lest they should be for ever hid from our eyes. Our days are hasten- ing to a close, and we must all soon stand before the judgment-seat of Christ. May we find mercy of the Lord in that day ; and in that season of dread disclosure, may it appear that the engagements of this sacred day have had an important influence on the sanctification and happiness of our characters. We desire, more and more, to view all our privileges and obligations in the light of eternity. Alas ! that we have so habitually looked at objects as they stood related to present and passing interests ! O help us to realize our rapid progress to a world where nothing will appear to be important that has not advanced the sanctity of our moral being. We beseech thee, O thou God of mercy, to take the veil of ignorance and prejudice from off the minds of men, by which they are prevented from beholding their own lost and ruined state, and the glory of Him in whom dwelleth all the fulness of the Godhead bodily. Let Satan’s usurped dominion in our fallen world be speedily overthrown. Let the gospel of Christ be mighty to the pulling down of strong-holds. May the messengers of the Cross be faithful to their trust ; and, whether men will hear or forbear, may they warn heedless sinners of their approaching doom. Have mercy on the dark places of our world ; extend to them the fight of the glorious gospel ; and let the whole earth be filled with the knowledge of the glory of the Lord. Let not one in this family at last rank with thine enemies. May we all be born of the Spirit of God. May the image of Christ be put upon us : and may we be ranked with his disciples in glory everlasting. In great mercy forgive the sin of our holy things, pardon all our short-comings in duty, and accept our persons and offerings through our only Redeemer and Advocate, Jesus Christ. Amen. 271 NINETEENTH ^Bantrag iHflntwtfl WEEK. Job, Chapter xxx. H OLY and reverend is thy name, O Lord, our God and King ; heaven and earth are full of the majesty of thy glory. Thou fillest immensity with thy presence. The heaven, and the heaven of heavens, cannot contain Thee. And wilt thou in very deed dwell with man upon earth ! How infinite is thy condescension, how boundless is thy grace ! Though thou art high, yet hast thou respect unto the lowly. Thou delightest in the exercise of compassion and tender mercy. Bow thy heavens this morning, and manifest thyself to us otherwise than thou dost unto the world. May the Spirit of prayer descend upon all our hearts ; and may we ask in faith the blessings of thy love. We make mention of that name which is above every name, even the name of Him who has gone into the holiest of all on our behalf. Behold, O God our shield, and look upon the face of thine Anointed. We rejoice that even sinners may draw near to thee in his all-prevailing name. We adore thee that in every age thou hast heard prayer for his sake. We have no worthiness in ourselves, but we bless thee that He is infinitely worthy, for whose sake we beseech thee to pardon our iniquity, to receive us graciously, and to love us freely. Remember the sufferings which he bore, the sorrows which he endured, the reproach and ignominy to which he voluntarily submitted. We rejoice that when He was made a curse, it was that we might inherit the blessing ; that when He was made a sin- offering, it was that we might be made the righteousness of God in him ; that when He was humbled to the accursed death of the cross, it was that we might be exalted with him to his throne of glory in the heavens. May the great ends contemplated in his humiliation be effected in us ; may we be redeemed from all iniquity, and purified to himself a peculiar people zealous of good works. Blessed be thy name, that He who was delivered for our offences was raised again for our justification. We have not believed cunningly-devised fables ; for He who was dead is alive again, and behold he liveth for evermore, and hath the keys o f hell and of death. From his mediatorial throne may he send down upon us the quickening influences of his Holy Spirit ; that we, being born from above, may live in newness of life, and manifest the power and efficacy of redeeming grace. Accept, O most merciful Father, of our devout thanksgivings for the mercies of the past night. Thou hast been near to us for our defence and safety ; we are the living to praise thee, and are surrounded by unnumbered tokens of thy fatherly care. Upon the various engagements of this day we implore thy fatherly benediction. May we have strength equal to our day. Lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from all evil. O bless to us the portion of thy word which we have now been permitted to read. Let neither the cares of this life, nor the deceitfulness of sin, render it unfruitful. May it abide in us, and powerfully operate in our hearts. May it attend us in all the occupations of the day, that we sin not against Thee ; and whether we eat or drink, or whatsoever we do, may we do all to the glory of God, our Father; to whom be glory in the church, by Christ Jesus, throughout all ages, world without end. Amen. 272 NINETEENTH iBon&ag (£bnumj. WEEK. Acts, Chapter xviii. E TERNAL and ever-blessed God, thou art exalted above all blessing and praise ; thou art possessed of all possible perfection and glory ; thou inhabitest eternity, and receivest its unceasing praises ; the most perfect of thy creatures are filled with wonder and awe, in the contemplation of thy boundless excellence ; heaven and earth are full of the majesty of thy glory. We are sinful dust and ashes before thee ; may we have grace to serve thee with reverence and godly fear, for thou art a consuming fire. Let not thy mercy, as revealed in Christ Jesus, the Son of thy love, tempt us to presume ; but, remembering thy majesty, thy holiness, and thy terrible justice, may we enter with solemn awe into thy more immediate presence, and lift up our eyes with meekness and fear to the place where thine honour dwelleth. 'When we reflect upon our own utter guilt and unworthiness in thy sight, we cannot but rejoice that thou art good and ready to forgive, and plenteous in mercy to all that call upon thee. With thee, O God, there is mercy that thou mayest be feared, and plenteous redemption that thou mayest be sought unto. Have mercy upon us according to thy loving-kindness ; according to the multitude of thy tender mercies, blot out all our transgressions. Thou delightest in mercy, and judgment is thy strange work. Thou hast given the most stupendous proof of thy love to sinners, in the gift and sacrifice of thine only begotten Son. We adore thee that he came to seek and to save that which was lost, and that he gave his life a ransom for the sins of many. By faith may we look to him, and be saved ; may the righteousness which he wrought out be put upon us, and may the efficacy of his blood cleanse us from all sin. Teach us to rejoice in Christ Jesus, and to put no confidence in the flesh. May we glory in his cross, and count all things but loss for the excellency of his knowledge. Extinguish every hope of salvation in our bosoms, which does not spring from that glorious work which he accomplished upon Mount Calvary. Apply, by thy Spirit, the virtues of the Redeemer’s sacrifice to our conscience ; and give us that peace which passeth all understanding ; that we may be happy in Christ’s service, and that, being happy, we may become holy in all manner of conversation. Let the sense of thy love sweeten every mercy, and sanctify every trial. God of our life, thou hast watched over us this day, and kept us from all evil. To thee we are indebted for the preservation of our lives, and for the continuance of all our blessings. We thank thee for assistance in our lawful callings, for every personal and domestic favour. May we have hearts to praise thee for all thine unmerited bestowments, and may we be enabled to trust thee for all the future. We pray that every member of this family may be an object of Divine favour, and a partaker of saving grace. May the young begin to fear the Lord betimes ; may the servants partake of the liberty wherewith Christ makes all his servants free ; and may the heads of the family walk before their house in the fear of the Lord, and in the comfort of the Holy Ghost. Sanctify every family trial ; let fresh mercies stimulate to renewed gratitude. Guard us this night from evil men and evil spirits ; from the alarm of fire, and from fatal disease. Graciously pardon all our iniquities. Wash us in the blood of the Lamb : and to the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost be glory, as it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be, world without end. Amen. 273 2 M NINETEENTH CtieStmg iBonttns Job, Chapter xxxi. WEEK. F ATHER of our spirits, and Former of our bodies, help us to approach thee under a lively sense of thine abundant mercy and grace, as the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ. May we stand in awe before the throne of thy glory, but may we at the same time be filled with hope while we think of thine infinite condescension, and thy tender pity as the God of love. Deliver us from the spirit of bondage, and let our only fear be lest we should offend against our most gracious Benefactor, and lest we should grieve the Holy Spirit of promise, by which we are sealed unto the day of redemption. It is the feeling of thy goodness alone that can banish our slavish fear, and that can draw us with filial confidence to the footstool of thy throne, there to unfold all our sorrows, and humbly to confess all our sins. We rejoice that thou waitest to be gracious, and that thou art far more willing to receive sinners than they are to come unto thee. Thou givest unto all liberally, and upbraidest not. Thou hast magnified thy word above all thy name ; therein revealing to lost and perishing men the riches of thy love in Christ Jesus, our divine and only Mediator. Make us willing to be saved in thine own all-perfect way. May we cease to seek deliverance by methods of our own ; may we feel ourselves shut up to the faith of Christ, and, self-condemned, may we flee to him for refuge, as the hope set before us in the gospel. May the influence of divine grace in our hearts be as a well of water springing up into everlasting life ; may we not only embrace Christ as a Saviour, but also walk in him, that we may be rooted and built up in him in all things. Make us followers of God, as dear children ; help us to press forward towards the mark of the prize of our high calling of God in Christ Jesus. May the love of Christ be constantly in our heart, and may heaven be ever in our eye. O God of our life, by thy good hand upon us we continue to the present moment. We thank thee for the light of a new day. For every continued favour, we would desire to be thankful, as conscious that we are less than the least of all thy mercies. Teach us to improve every talent we possess to thy glory. In the several duties of this day, we entreat thy guidance and blessing. Preserve us from every snare; guard us in every moment of temptation ; comfort us in all our sorrows ; make us useful and happy in our relative spheres ; and help us ever to watch for the coming of our Lord. As we have often lived carelessly and negligently, we pray that this day we may be enabled to walk circumspectly, not as fools but as wise, redeeming the time, because the days are evil. As we are yet in an enemy’s country, we beseech thee to aid us in the struggle with all his dark and cruel devices. Help us to put on the whole armour of God, and thereby to resist all the fiery darts of the wicked one. We humbly pray for a blessing this morning to rest upon all our dear connexions in life. Meet with them in their several circumstances and trials. May they make thee their fear and their dread; and be thou the portion of their souls for evermore. Look on the sons and daughters of affliction everywhere; be near to them as their Sanctifier and their Comforter. Prepare the dying for their great change ; and as we know not what a day may bring forth, may we set our house in order, and prepare to meet our Judge. Listen to these our humble prayers, and exceed our utmost desires, for the Redeemer’s sake. Amen. 274 NINETEENTH Cuegfcag (Anting, WEEK. Acts, Chapter xix. DORED Majesty of heaven and earth, who lookest down in tender compassion on sinners prostrate at thy footstool; we come to thee in the name of Jesus, our Mediator and Advocate. Enable us to pour out our hearts before thee in humble prayer ; and let the lifting up of our hands be as the evening sacrifice. We acknowledge with gratitude that merciful providence which has watched over us during another day, and which has so wisely and beneficently regulated the circumstances of our personal and domestic lot. Multitudes have fallen victims to disease, accident, and death; but thou hast preserved our souls from death, our eyes from tears, and our feet from falling. Stir up within us sentiments of adoring gratitude and love ; and enable us to trace every stream of mercy to Thyself, the Fountain of every good and perfect gift. Thus far thou hast led us on in our wilderness journey, and hast caused mercy and goodness to follow us all our days. May the pillar and cloud attend us to the close of our journey, and conduct us in safety and joy into the promised land. While we bless thee for providential mercies, we desire especially to be thankful for the provisions of thy love and mercy in Christ Jesus. Though we are guilty and miserable in ourselves, thou hast not consigned us to despair, hut hast offered pardon, peace, and eternal life to us in the gospel of thy Son. We come to thee in that new and living way which thou hast consecrated through the veil, that is to say, the Redeemer’s flesh ; our only plea is the work that was finished on Calvary ; our only righteousness is that of the adored Surety ; look upon us, then, for the sake of Him who died for us, and who ever lives as our Advocate at thy right-hand. Send down thy Spirit into our hearts, to conform us to the image of Him who is the First-born among many brethren; that as he who hath called us is holy, so we also may be holy in all manner of conversation. May we imitate the humility, the self-denial, the devotion, the forgiving spirit, the zeal, the beneficence, and the unruffled gentleness of our blessed Master. And, in order to this, create in us a clean heart ; rectify the state of our affections ; subdue our stubborn wills ; and promote within us the spiritual mind which is life and peace. 0 let that mind be in us which was also in Christ Jesus, who when he was reviled, reviled not again ; when he suffered, threatened not; but committed himself to Him that judgeth righteously; who his own self bare our sins in his own body on the tree, that we, being dead to sins, should live unto righteousness; by whose stripes we are healed. As we have all been like sheep going astray, may it be recorded of us in heaven, that we have returned to the Shepherd and Bishop of souls. We desire to surrender ourselves, with all dear to us, to thy gracious protection and care this night. Thankful for the unmerited mercies of the day, we rejoice to cast ourselves once more upon thy ever watchful providence. Sleeping or waking, living or dying, we would be wholly thine. Surround us by omnipotence, and let not any evil come nigh unto us. Impart those blessings which we have been asking for ourselves to those who are dear to us ; may they receive from thee all needful direction, support, and consolation; and out of thy riches in glory by Christ Jesus do thou supply all their need. In his name, and for his sake, we pray to be accepted now and for evermore. Amen. 275 2 M 2 NINETEENTH OTetmesRmg iBonmig. WEEK. Job, Chapter xxxii. G REAT Searcher of the hearts of the children of men, enable us to draw near to thy Majesty with the solemn feeling that thou God seest and knowest us altogether. Teach us to remember that if we regard iniquity in our hearts, the Lord will not hear us. May sincerity and godly simplicity mark our approach; may faith in thy revealed character inspire our devotion, and may the offices sustained by our great High Priest awaken our confidence and secure our acceptance. It is by the mercy of thy good providence that we are spared to the present moment, and are permitted to see the cheering light of another sun. Our lives have been forfeited by transgression, and we owe their preservation to the continued exercise of Divine mercy. Help us to adore and bless our gracious preserver and benefactor, and to give praise to thy name for the various blessings of our lot. Thy mercies are new every morning ; great is thy faithful- ness. Bless the Lord, O our souls; and all that is within us, bless his holy name. Impart to us this day the ornament of a meek and quiet spirit, which is in thy sight of great price. Deliver us from the love of a present evil world, and teach us to remember the awful declaration of thy word, that “ if any man love the world, the love of the Father is not in him.” Cast down every imagination in our souls, that would exalt itself against the knowledge of God ; and bring into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ. May we be constrained, by the discovery and by the sense of his boundless love, cheerfully to present our bodies a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable unto thee, which is our reasonable service. Help us to prove to all around us that we are humble and faithful followers of the Lamb; that we have partaken of his Spirit; and that the genuine fruits of divine grace are manifest in our dispositions, tempers, speech, and behaviour. Enable us, O our God, in whatsoever condition we are placed, therewith to be content. In all times of our affliction, cause us to look to Him who was a man of sorrows and acquainted with grief, and who for our sakes became poor, that we, through his poverty, might be rich. During the whole of our passage through life, may we ever be looking unto Jesus, the Author and Finisher of our faith, who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is set down on the right hand of the Majesty on high. Teach us ever to think of him as touched with the feeling of our infirmities ; and confirm us in the belief that he will not suffer us to be tempted above that we are able to bear, but with every temptation will make a way of escape. We beseech thee, gracious Lord, to be with us and to keep us this day. In all our ways may we acknowledge God, and may he direct our steps. Prosper the work of our hands upon us, yea, the work of our hands, prosper thou it. May we go forth to the post of duty in the strength of the Lord ; and, hiding thy word in our hearts, may we not sin against thee. Forgive the iniquity of our holy things; forgive our personal and domestic transgressions. Apply to our consciences the healing balm of atoning blood, and accept of us and our free-will offerings in the name and through the mediation of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ; to whom, with the Father and the Holy Spirit, be all honour and glory, world without end. Amen. 276 NINETEENTH TOrtmesstmg tiHmtntg. WEEK. Acts, Chapter xx. O UR Father and our God, permit us to draw near to thee, and to supplicate thy mercy-seat. While we call thee Father, may we partake the sentiments of filial love. We have not received the spirit of bondage again to fear, but the Spirit of adoption, whereby we would cry, Abba, Father. Thou art slow to anger, abundant in goodness and truth, and thy mercy endureth for ever. It is because thy compassions fail not, that we are not consumed. Lord, have mercy upon us, and turn every one of us away from our iniquities. We would trace the evil of sin, not only in the requirements and sanctions of thy holy law, but also in the shame and sufferings of Him who died the just for the unjust, that he might bring us unto God. May the thought of forgiveness enhance our conviction of the guilt and turpitude of all moral evil ; and may we be constrained to love and new obedience by the mighty power of redeeming mercy and grace. Merciful Lord, send down upon us the healthful Spirit of thy grace, to remove from us all ignorance, all hardness of heart, all unbelief and contempt of thy holy word ; and to enlighten us more fully in the truth as it is in Jesus, that we may behold and admire the freeness and perfection of that great salvation which he has wrought out. May we see our own emptiness, and Christ’s great fulness ; our own guilt, and his perfect righteousness ; our own pollution, and his sanctifying grace ; our own weakness, and his almighty strength. And grant that, by a constraining view of his boundless love, and of the infinite price which he has paid for our redemption, we may be led to surrender ourselves entirely to his service and glory. O suffer us not to rest in the Christian name ; but may we aspire after the realities of genuine faith and love ; may we not only possess the form, but the power of vital godliness ; may we not only receive Christ’s doctrine, but follow in his holy footsteps. Let our religion be seen and felt in every relation of life, that wherever we are found, or in whatsoever we engage, we may be the living epistles of Christ, known and read of all men. Deliver us from the folly of those who say, Lord, Lord, unto thee, and yet do not the things which thou commandest. Let us not be as whited sepulchres, outwardly fair, but inwardly loathsome and corrupt. May our outward conduct be what thou approvest, as the result of our hearts being right with thee, and sound in thy statutes. May holy motives ever influence us ; may love to our Saviour who died for us constrain us not to live to ourselves, but unto Him who has won the right to the obedience and gratitude of our entire existence. O may his doing and dying be ever before our eye and our heart. Never suffer us to forget that we are not our own, but bought with a price. Almighty God, Father of all mercies, we adore thee for the grace vouchsafed to us this day, in the various duties, trials, and temptations of life. Thou hast shielded us from natural and spiritual evils ; and by thy good hand upon us we continue, to the present moment, the monuments of thy distinguished mercy. We commit ourselves, and all that we have, to thy protecting care this night. Thou hast formed the darkness for rest, as well as the light for labour. Grant us refreshing sleep, and thereby prepare us for the duties of the coming day. Send us answers of peace to these our feeble supplications, for the sake of thy beloved Son, Jesus Christ, to whom be glory, both now and for ever more. Amen. 277 NINETEENTH Cijtirsiia|) JHflrnmg, WEEK. Job, Chapter xxxiii. 0 THOU that hearest prayer, to thee would we lift up our hearts with our voices in the heavens. Behold us, a company of sinful and dependent, but highly privileged creatures, prostrate at the footstool of thy throne. We dare not plead before thee our own merit, for we possess none in thy sight. Our righteousness is but as filthy rags, and our iniquities like the wind have taken us away. If we say we have no sin, we but deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us. Our consciences testify against us ; but thy pure eyes must have discovered infinitely more evil in us than we have ever yet beheld. Our fellow- creatures have only looked on our outward actions, but thou hast beheld our hearts. Thou regardest the motives from which our actions spring ; and thou seest more defile- ment in our best services, than ever we beheld in our worst sins. The very heavens are not clean in thy sight, and thou chargedst even thine angels with folly. How great is thy condescension in deigning to look upon us sinful worms of the dust. Thou mightest have banished us from thy presence, and from the glory of thy power ; thou mightest have appointed us our portion with hypocrites and unbelievers, in the place where thou forget- test to be gracious. But thanks be to God for his unspeakable Gift, and for all the hope and deliverance which come to us in this sacred channel. May our hearts expand with gratitude for thy great mercy toward us in Christ Jesus, and may a life of new obedience demonstrate the sincerity and fervour of our attachment to our Almighty Deliverer. What shall we render unto the Lord for all his benefits ! our lives have been one con- tinued scene of mercy. We deeply lament that they have been so much stained by trans- gression. We have been unmindful of Thee, the Rock of our salvation ; and have hewn out unto ourselves broken cisterns in the creature, that could hold no water. Thou mightest have abandoned us to our folly and impenitence, but in the midst of deserved wrath thou hast remembered mercy. We can never discharge the obligations we are under, but we pray that we may be deeply sensible of them ; and though we can make no adequate return for blessings so vast and unmerited, yet we pray for hearts to praise thee, and a disposition ever to do thy holy will. May we ever identify our happiness with the approval of our God, and with the testimony of a good conscience. Make us more holy, that we may enter into thine own views of happiness. Deliver us from the thraldom of sin, that we may know and feel the liberty wherewith Christ makes his servants free. Let no iniquity obtain dominion over us ; let no secret sin obscure the light of thy coun- tenance, or grieve thy blessed Spirit. We entreat thee to revive thy work in our souls, and to keep us from those spiritual declensions which would ultimately endanger the life of faith in our hearts. Speak the word, Lord, and thy servants shall be healed. Help us to shew forth thy praise this day, not only with our lips but in our lives ; may we speak well of thy name, and seek to induce others to love and serve thee. Bless all the members of this family. May our children, our servants, our friends, our neighbours, and even our enemies, be visited with thy salvation. Keep us all this day in thy fear and love. Pardon the sins of the past night and of this morning. Be our God and our guide even unto death, and our portion for evermore, for Christ’s sake. Amen. NINETEENTH Clmrsftiag (0bemng WEEK. Acts, Chapter xxi. M OST gracious and merciful God, who art of purer eyes than to behold iniquity, but who hast promised forgiveness to all those who confess and forsake their sins, we come before thee under a humbling sense of our own unworthiness, acknowledging our manifold transgressions against thy righteous laws, in thought, word, and deed. We have every day been doing those things which are contrary to thy holy will, and leaving undone the things which thou hast commanded ; so that when we look back upon our past lives, and reflect that thou hast been privy to our most secret sins, we are afraid of thy judgments, and ashamed to lift up our eyes unto thy throne in the heavens. But, O most gracious Father, who desirest not the death of sinners, look upon us, we beseech thee, in thy Son Jesus Christ, and, for the merits of his sufferings, be thou merciful unto us. Make us deeply sensible of the great evil of our sins, and work in us a hearty contrition; may the remembrance of them be more grievous and afflicting to us than all other evils beside. But lest, through our own frailty, or the temptations that encompass us, we should be drawn again to our former sins, vouchsafe to us the direction and assistance of thy Holy Spirit ; and as thou hast put into our hearts these desires and resolutions of amendment, so by the help of thy grace do thou bring the same to a happy result, in a godly, righteous, and sober life. Reform whatever thou findest amiss in the temper and disposition of our souls ; and suffer not any vain thoughts, unlawful purposes, or inordinate desires, to lurk in our hearts. Purge our souls from envy, hatred, and malice, that we may never suffer the sun to go down upon our wrath, but be in peace, charity, and good-will with all our fellow-men. To our prayers we add our unfeigned thanksgivings for all thy benefits, which this day, and from time to time, thou hast conferred upon us. For our being, our reason, and all other endowments and faculties of soul and body ; — for our health, friends, food, raiment, and all other comforts and conveniences of life, we render thee our united and hearty praise. Above all, we adore thy tender mercy and compassion for sending thy only-begotten Son into the world, to redeem us from sin and eternal death, and for giving us the knowledge of salvation by the remission of sins through his blood. O that our hearts may be inspired with lively and never-ceasing gratitude to our Divine Deliverer. Let him see in each of us of the travail of his soul, and be satisfied. May we be counted as a generation to fear the Lord. Let this house have inscribed on all its inhabitants, Holiness to the Lord God. Let none of us perish, neither let any one pluck us out of the Saviour’s hands. By thy mighty power, keep and defend us from all evil ; and do thou impart to us that grace by which we may be preserved unto the day of eternal salvation. We bless thee for thy patience with us, notwithstanding our many and great provo- cations ; for the direction, assistance, and consolation of thy Holy Spirit ; and for thy unceasing care of us through the whole course of our lives. We beseech thee to continue these thy blessings to us, and to make us duly sensible of, and deeply grateful for them all ; and let our gratitude be evinced in a hearty obedience to His laws, through whose merits and intercession we receive them all — even thy dear Son, our Saviour Jesus Christ. Amen. 279 NINETEENTH Jtt&ag JBormng, WEEK. Job, Chapter xxxiv. O GOD, by whom the whole world is governed and preserved, we give thee humble thanks for thy fatherly care over this family, in preserving us day by day, and night by night. We gratefully acknowledge our dependence on thee for all the necessaries, conveniences, and comforts of our lives ; for all the means of our welfare in this world, and for the hope of everlasting happiness in thy heavenly kingdom. Blessed be thy name for the light of thy gospel, and the aids of thy grace ; for thy promises of pardon through thy Son Jesus Christ, for the call to repentance, and for all the inducements to faith and obedience. Give us, we beseech thee, such a sense of thy mercies as may make us truly thankful to thee for them all. We entreat of thee, O Loi'd, grace to walk as in thy sight, in reverence and godly fear ; and to be kept from falling again into the sins from which we have been delivered. Enable us to resist and overcome temptation by the grace of thy Holy Spirit; to be serious and devout in our lives, true and just in our dealings; to be watchful over our thoughts, words, and actions; to be diligent, contented, temperate, and mindful of the wants of others. Cause us, O God, anxiously to improve all the talents which thou hast committed to our trust ; and let no worldly pleasures divert us from the concerns of that life which is everlasting. May present objects and pursuits be regarded by us as far inferior to those which are future and eternal. Let our faith triumph over sense ; let conscience obtain the victory over passion; and let thy Word and Spirit prevail over all the devices and opinions of men. Put thy fear into our hearts, that we may never depart from thee. May thy blessing, O heavenly Father, be upon our relations and friends ; upon our persons, upon our labours, upon our substance, and upon all that belongs to us ; and, that we may never undertake any work which we dare not beg thee to prosper, fix in our hearts this weighty truth, that here we have no continuing city, but that we should seek one to come — that we may seriously and diligently prepare for another world. Grant that this great pursuit may make us very desirous to learn our duty, and to do what thou requirest of us. Thanks be to God that we have the scriptures, sabbaths, ordinances, sanctuaries, pastors and teachers. O Lord, prosper our endeavours, and give us grace to profit by all thy dispensations, that so we may enjoy an endless rest with thy saints in heaven. To that better country may we be daily looking forward ; and by all the events of fife, all the means of grace, and all the influences of thy good Spirit, may we gradually be meetened for its pure and endless enjoyments. Teach us that superiority to the world, which will declare plainly that we seek a city which hath foundations, whose builder and maker is God. May we have more of the temper of heaven while we remain in this world. May our hearts be where our treasure is. While we live, may we live unto the Lord; and when we die, may we die unto the Lord ; so that, whether living or dying, we may be the Lord’s. These blessings we implore in the name and for the sake of Jesus Christ, our only Saviour and Redeemer: to whom, with the Father and the Holy Ghost, Three Persons but one God, be all praise, and honour, and glory ascribed, by angels and men, by all in heaven and all in earth, both now and for ever more. Amen. 280 NINETEENTH Jcttiaj) Abating, WEEK. Acts, Chapter xxii. O LORD God, who hast given us thy Son Jesus Christ to heal all the diseases of our souls, give us grace to believe in him as our Saviour and Almighty Deliverer. Open our eyes, and the eyes of all who are dear to us, to see the greatness of thy mercy, and loose our tongues to speak thy praise. Take from us all ignorance, error, unconcern, remissness, proneness to doubt or delay, and all unbelief, that, remembering the wonders which Christ wrought by the power of the Holy Ghost, we may be led, by the same Spirit, to commit our souls to him, to trust in his name for the pardon of sin, and to receive from him strength against it — knowing that he only can enlighten and quicken us, subdue the perverse opposition of our wills, and set us at liberty from the might and malice of our spiritual enemies. Turn, O Lord, our eyes to him, that we may look for the energy of his grace in us. Though by nature, like the corrupt tree, of which the fruit is evil and only evil continually ; yet make us aware of our misery and necessity, and graft us into Christ, that, partaking of his nature, and being rooted and grounded in him, we may grow up into him in all things, abound in every good word and work, have our fruit unto holi- ness, that the end may be everlasting life. Thou, O Jesus Christ the righteous, as the only-begotten Son of God, art able to save us; and, as the Son of man, canst wash us from our sins in thy blood, and unite us to the divine nature. Make us, O Saviour, we beseech thee, and form us thine own children, by similitude of nature, in the spirit of regeneration, that, following thy example in doing the will of God, we may all be adopted into thy family, and thou mayest not be ashamed to call us brethren. Let no wrong desires, corrupt affections, nor selfish purposes, either keep or take possession of us ; but enable us to repent at thy call, to believe and obey thy gospel, and to continue in thy truth. May the ever-blessed Spirit, whom with the Father and the Son we adore, dwell in us, strengthen and comfort us, keep and uphold us, sanctify and seal us by his divine influence. Thus give us the victory over all the enemies of our salvation, making us to be beloved of God for thy sake, and accepted, through thy all- sufficient merits, as our blessed Saviour and Redeemer. Bless to us, O Lord, even to all in this family, the opportunities afforded us of daily approaching thy Divine Majesty, imploring thy favour, and celebrating thy praise, in these acts of social worship. Let the promise of thy Son, that where two or three are gathered together in his name, there will he be in the midst of them, be fulfilled to us. May the blessings of thy love descend in copious streams from thy heavenly throne. May we be invigorated in the path of duty, and enabled to run in the way of thy commandments with enlarged and joyful hearts. And now, we beseech thee, take us, and all whom we should remember in our prayers, into thy gracious keeping for the ensuing night. Guard us against our great spiritual enemy; succour us in every temptation; enable us ever to live as Christians ought to do, striving to do all in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, and in all things to walk worthy of Him who hath called us to his kingdom and glory. We ask all in the name and for the sake of Jesus Christ, our Saviour. And may the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy Ghost, be with us all evermore. Amen. 281 2N NINETEENTH ^aturtrag iBontmg, WEEK. Job, Chapter xxxv. B LESSED Lord, who hast manifested thyself to the world in Jesus Christ as the Father of mercies and the God of all grace and consolation, and wouldest have all men to be saved, and to come unto the knowledge of the truth, grant that thy word, thy sabbaths, thy sacraments, thy ministers, and all the means of thy grace, may be precious in the esteem of this family ; and not only be possessed and enjoyed by them, but improved by them to the salvation of their souls. We have long been accustomed, O Lord, to confess that there is no health in us. Naturally we are all dead in trespasses and sins, the children of wrath even as others. Yet thou quickenest us together with Christ, renewest us in the spirit of our minds, and createst us in him unto good works; thus saving us by grace through faith. May it please thee more and more to enlighten the eyes of our understanding ; to reveal and form thy Son in us ; to strengthen us with might by thy Spirit in the inner man ; to shed abroad thy love in our hearts; to fill us with all joy and peace in believing; to fulfil in us all the good pleasure of thy goodness, and the work of faith with power, that the name of our Lord Jesus Christ may be glorified in us, and we in him. Give us, O Father, an entire confidence in the merits and mediation of thy Son, and a prayerful dependence upon the influence of thy Holy Spirit. Forbid that we should put our trust in any thing that we do, much less in any vows or purposes of amendment, saying to ourselves, peace, peace, when there is no peace. But let the blood of Christ purify our consciences from dead works, to serve thee, the living God; and having received Christ Jesus the Lord, may we also walk in him, rooted and built up in him, and stablished in the faith, as we have been taught, abounding therein with thanksgiving. Make, O Lord, all grace abound toward us, that we who do lean only upon the hope of thy heavenly grace, may be replenished with the supply of the Spirit of Christ Jesus. We would not enter on another day without casting ourselves upon the aids of thine all- sufficient grace. Keep us as the apple of thine eye. Shield us from the power of our spiritual enemies ; and prosper and bless all our undertakings. Make us anxious that the blessings we implore for ourselves may be vouchsafed to others. Q teach us 'to love our neighbour as ourselves; and to lay aside envy, hatred, malice, and all uncharitableness. Impart to us the wish to live for the good of others, that they may have reason to bless God on our behalf for the happiness which we have been the instruments of conveying to them. May we often examine our circumstances, our talents, our responsibilities, our opportunities, that we may know what thou requirest of us, and how we may be useful to our fellow-men in our day and generation. O Lord, we beg of thee to bless our dear relations and friends, and all those who claim an interest in our prayers, with whatever thou seest to be best for them, for time and eternity, through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. 282 NINETEENTH «#aturtmg aftmttng. WEEK. Acts, Chapter xxiii. W E desire, as a family, to adore and magnify thee, O God our Father, for the daily bounties of thy good providence ; for our creation and preservation ; and for all the blessings of this present life. But chiefly we beseech thee to fill our hearts with a due sense of thy unspeakable love, in the redemption of our souls by our Lord Jesus Christ. Knowing that thou, O Lord, canst not be deceived by outward appearances, and that thou wilt not be mocked by them, but that thou requirest the homage of our hearts ; never let us trust to a form of godliness, while we deny the power thereof. O make us faithful and upright, earnest and devout, in thy service ; not slothful in business, fervent in spirit, serving the Lord. Though we walk in the flesh, yet let us not war after the flesh ; but the weapons of our warfare, being mighty through God, may we cast down imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God, and bring into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ. Vouchsafe to prevent us, in all our doings, with thy most gracious favour. Bestow on us whatever thou seest to be needful and expedient for the present life ; but cause us to take heed and beware of covetousness, and the too great anxiety about earthly things. May we have that godliness which, with contentment, is great gain; and always remember that our life consisteth not in the abundance of the things which we possess. Give us grace to withstand the temptations of the world, the flesh, and the devil, that we may, with pure hearts and minds, follow after Thee, the portion of our souls. Enable us, O Lord, faithfully to perform our duty towards our neighbour. Make us just and true in all our dealings, providing things honest in the sight of all men ; render- ing unto all their dues — tribute to whom tribute is due, custom to whom custom, fear to whom fear, honour to whom honour. Help us to lay aside all malice, and all guile, and hypocrisies, and envies, and all evil-speakings ; and grant that, as thine elect, holy and beloved, we may put on bowels of mercies, kindness, humbleness of mind, meekness, long- suffering — forbearing one another, and forgiving one another, if any man have a quarrel against any ; even as Christ forgave us, so also may we. Whether we are called to do or to suffer thy will, may we have grace to glorify thy name, and ever feel that our help is in the Lord who made heaven and earth. Amidst the onset of spiritual enemies, enable us to put on the whole armour of God ; and do thou teach our hands to war, and our fingers to fight, that we may be more than conquerors through Him that hath loved us. As members, O Lord, of the same household, and heirs together of the grace of life, may we dwell in love one with another; in all things approving ourselves thy servants — giving diligence to make our calling and election sure, that so, doing these things, we may never fall ; but that, whenever we depart hence, an entrance may be ministered unto us abundantly into the everlasting kingdom of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ Lord, keep us this night from all evil. Grant us refreshing repose. Preserve us from evil men and evil spirits ; and when we lift up our eyes in the morning, may it be to that throne of mercy whence cometh all our help. Hear, accept, and bless us, for the Saviour’s sake. Amen. 283 3 N 2 TWENTIETH iHonunij WEEK. Job, Chapter xxxvi. 0 LORD God of the spirits of all flesh, we adore thee for the infinitely wise and merciful appointment of the day of sacred rest. We rejoice in the dawning of another day of the Son of man. O may it be seen that it is given in mercy to us and thousands. Let an unusual joy spring up in our minds, while we think of the glory and grace of our rising Lord. May we behold him as the law-fulfiller, as death’s destroyer, as the accepted and glorified Mediator. We rejoice to know that a propitiation for sin has been made ; and that the kingdom of heaven has been opened to all believers. May we avail ourselves of the provisions of Christ’s glorious mediation, this morning, and draw near to thy throne with true hearts in full assurance of faith, having our hearts sprinkled from an evil conscience, and our bodies washed with pure water. O that the same Spirit which raised Christ from the dead may descend upon our dead and lifeless souls, that we may be quickened to all the realities of spiritual perception and heavenly feeling. We earnestly pray for grace to set apart all the hallowed hours of this day to exercises of godliness and pure devotion. Both in private and in public may we seek and enjoy intimate communion with heaven. May we partake the Sabbath of the mind. May we anticipate the rest which remaineth for the people of God. Let a spirit of devout meditation be poured out upon us. Help us to explore the rich treasures of thy word ; and may its truths dwell richly in us, in all wisdom and spiritual understanding. Open up to us the mysteries of redeeming love. Cause us to glory in the cross of Christ ; and to count all things but loss for the excellency of that knowledge which involves the hope and the fruition of eternal life. Go with us from the scenes of domestic prayer and fellowship to the house of God. May we love the habitation of thy house, and the place where thine honour dwelleth. In the spirit of self-renunciation and devout supplication, may we repair to the ordinances of thy grace. We pray that a double portion of thy Spirit may rest upon him who shall be called to minister to us in holy things. Baptize his mind with love to Christ and the souls of men. Enlarge his conceptions of the glorious scheme of redemption by our Lord Jesus Christ. Touch his lips with a live coal from off the altar of God. Make him the instrument of good to us and all our fellow-worshippers. Let there be joy in heaven over multitudes of rescued and repentant sinners. Pour thy Holy Spirit upon those who have embraced thy truth, that they may this day be enabled to make rapid progress in divine knowledge and conformity to Christ, and that their peace and joy in believing may greatly abound. We rejoice that the tabernacle of God is with men ; and we bless Thee that Thou hast said, “ In all places where my name is recorded, there will I meet with you, and bless you.” We are now to go from the retirement of the closet, and the family altar, to the habitation of thy house; may we behold the beauty of the Lord, and inquire in his temple. Save now, O Lord, we beseech thee : O Lord, we beseech Thee, send now prosperity. Hear, most gracious God, these our imperfect supplications, and grant us acceptance, forgiveness, and all spiritual blessings, for the sake of our adorable Mediator, Jesus Christ; to whom, with the Father and the Holy Ghost, be glory ever- lasting. Amen. 284 TWENTIETH ,#>untmg <£benmg. Acts, Chapter xxiv. WEEK. 0 THOU that hearest prayer, look down upon us this night, as we bow the knee of humble worship and adoration at thy footstool. We are not worthy of thy notice, or of thy blessing ; but thou art as full of mercy as of power, and thou art as conde- scending as thou art glorious. We come before thee in the character of sinners, humbly confessing our guilt, and earnestly imploring acceptance and forgiveness through the divine Mediator. We have this day been listening to the message of reconciliation; we pray that the comfort and the peace of it may enter into our souls, and that we may rejoice in God through our Lord Jesus Christ, by whom we have now received the atonement. We look up to thee, O thou God of grace and salvation, for such a measure of thy Holy Spirit as shall be needful to render effectual to our spiritual welfare the solemn and instructive ordinances of this day. We know that thou only canst give the increase. The best means will prove ineffectual without thy blessing. We dare not trust our own resolutions ; we would not lean on our own understandings. But do thou quicken us by thy grace, that the seed of truth deposited in our minds may spring up, and bear fruit abundantly. O Lord our God, do thou subdue in our minds, by thy grace, the power of indwelling corruption; let not sin have dominion over us; let us not crucify the Lord afresh, and put him to an open shame ; let us not bring discredit on the holy name and cause of our blessed Master ; let us not prove a stumbling-block in the way of the salvation of our fellow-creatures. But do thou elevate within us the spiritual mind; take from us the heart of stone, and give us hearts of flesh ; make us humble, holy, watchful, and diligent in the Christian life ; and help us to press onward towards the mark of the prize of our high calling of God in Christ Jesus. We pray for the revival of pure and undefiled religion in this our native land. Pour thy Holy Spirit upon all ranks and classes of men amongst us, from the most exalted to the humblest in the land. Quicken the holy energy of those who stand between the living and the dead, to proclaim salvation to lost and perishing men. Bless all institutions formed for the diffusion of the Scrip- tures, and for the spread of the everlasting gospel. Remember those who have gone far hence among the gentiles, to proclaim the unsearchable riches of Christ. Preserve their life, their integrity, their zeal, and their usefulness ; be a little sanctuary unto them, and make them ensamples to the heathen, and to the flock of God. We pray, O Lord, that this family may be eminent in all the graces which adorn the Christian character. Let our improvement in religion be in some proportion to our privileges. We have hitherto been unprofitable servants. O Lord, do thou quicken our zeal and diligence in thy ways. May the young give themselves, in their best days, to the service of the compassionate Redeemer. May the servants yield themselves unto God in the station in which he has placed them. And may those of us at the head of the family have grace to fulfil our sacred trust, and to promote the salvation and comfort of those committed to our care. Forgive the sin of our holy things ; accept the surrender that we make of ourselves to thee ; and do more and better for us than we ask or think, for the Redeemer’s sake. Amen. “ And may the grace,” &c. 285 TWENTIETH iUmttmg Morning WEEK. Job, Chapter xxxvii. A LMIGHTY and most gracious God, who art infinite in all perfections. All thy works are wonderful, and declare thy power, wisdom, and goodness. Thy law is holy, just, and good ; and it is both our duty and interest to obey it. Thy gospel is the pattern of truth and purity, love and mercy. But, O Lord, we confess with shame and confusion of face, that we have not duly observed the many obligations under which we are placed, to love and fear thee, to trust in thee, and to obey thy commandments. We have followed the corrupt customs and sinful maxims of this world ; felt too much distraction of mind and indifference of spirit, even in our religious exercises; deceived our- selves with mere shadows of piety and devotion, instead of the substance ; and, retaining the form of godliness, have often denied the power thereof. Proneness to evil attends us ; and, having our understandings darkened, and our affections defiled by sin, our whole life has been very inconsistent with our Christian profession, and we have been defective alike in the sense and practice of our duty. O Lord, we are not able to give any satisfactory account of our time, our talents, our advantages and opportunities, the dispensations of thy providence, the means of thy grace, or the struggles of our own consciences. But thou, 0 heavenly Father, who knowest our frame and rememberest that we are dust, have compassion upon our infirmities, and shut not up thy tender mercies in displeasure against us. Be not strict, we beseech thee, to mark the many follies and vanities of our childhood and youth, nor the innumerable transgressions of our riper years, in thought, word, and deed, against thy Divine Majesty. Pour down upon us, O Lord, thy Holy Spirit, that old things may pass away, and all things may become new. Raise in us a perfect enmity against whatever is contrary to thy blessed will, and an entire and hearty affection to all thy commandments at all times ; that we may walk more circumspectly for the future, set the Lord always before us, and adorn the doctrine of God our Saviour in all things. Bless to us all the means of thy grace, and give us the grace of the means. Sanctify to us all the dispensations of providence ; make us humble in prosperity, patient in adversity, thankful and contented in every condition of life. Never leave us to the unbelieving surmises of our own deceitful hearts ; never suffer us to arraign any part of thine all-wise procedure ; but grant that we may trust thee where we are unable to trace thee, and that we may look forward with hope and confidence to the disclosures of a world, which will unravel the mystery of providence, and demonstrate the wisdom and goodness of all thy dealings with us here below. Impart to us a holy feeling of superiority to the pleasures and possessions of a present evil world. Never let us seek our rest in any thing under the sun; may our treasure be in heaven, and may our hearts be there also. Finally, O Lord, may we and all the other members of this family walk in love, as Christ also hath loved us ; may the younger submit themselves unto the elder, yea, may all of us be subject one to another ; and may we be clothed with humility ; for God resisteth the proud, and giveth grace to the humble. Hear us, O Lord, for Jesus Christ’s sake. Amen. 28G TWENTIETH JWmttmg c^bnims WEEK. Acts, Chapter xxv. M OST holy, blessed, and glorious Majesty, who hast commanded and encouraged the prayers of thy people, permit us, with humble adoration and grateful thanksgiving, to lift up our eyes and our hearts to thy mercy-seat in the heavens. Grant unto thy unworthy servants the spirit of grace and supplication, that we may know what it is best for us to ask, and that we may ask in faith, nothing doubting. O enable us to choose that good part which shall never be taken from us, and to learn, amidst a thousand pur- suits, that one thing is needful. Conform the desires of our hearts to the dictates of thy revealed will, and help us to relinquish every affection and every purpose of mind con- trary to the prescribed and infallible rule of prayer in thy gracious and faithful promises. Enable us this evening to sanctify the Lord God in our hearts, and to make him our fear and our dread. Impart to us the humility and submission, as well as the hope and con- fidence, of thy children, that with self-abasement and love we may address the throne of the heavenly grace. God of all grace, enable us to extricate ourselves from every anxious care, in drawing near to thy Majesty. Let no unworthy affection, or unbelieving suspicion, interrupt our filial approach to thy gracious throne. Grant us the promised and quickening influences of thy Holy Spirit. May he enlighten all that is dark in us, and enkindle in our bosoms the fervour and importunity of true devotion, that wrestling, as Jacob did with the Angel of the Covenant, we may, like him, prevail, and obtain the blessing. O let our prayers come up before thee as incense, and let the lifting up of our hands be as the evening sacrifice. But suffer us not to trust to any thing in our own feeble prayers as a ground of acceptance with thee ; since we can have no hope of their being heard or ansv/ered, save through the all-prevailing intercession of our great High Priest. O let our suppli- cations and thanksgivings be hallowed and accepted by the merits of the atoning Lamb ; through him may they ascend to the place where thy glory dwells, and from whence mercy and eternal benediction descend upon thy church. Almighty and most merciful God, we give thee thanks for the manifold blessings and comforts of another day, and for the privilege at its close, of drawing near to thy mercy-seat. O may our intercourse with thee, the Father of our spirits, be sweet and refreshing ; may our souls, and all that is within us, be stirred up to bless and magnify thy holy name ; may we feel ourselves reconciled to thee through the great atonement ; and may we, with one heart and one mind, pour forth our confessions, prayers, and thanksgivings in thy presence. Remember not against us, O Lord, our family offences ; visit not upon us our ingratitude for mercies received ; enter not into judgment with us for our misimprovement of unnumbered privileges ; but in the midst of deserved wrath remember mercy. Beneath the shadow of thy wings cause us this night to rest ; protect us from the several evils to which we may be exposed ; grant us refreshing repose ; may we feel ourselves at peace with thee, and with all mankind ; let the peace of God which passeth all understanding keep our hearts and minds by Christ Jesus ; let our sins be forgiven, and our persons and services be accepted, through the Divine Mediator; to whom with thee, O Father, and the ever-blessed Spirit, be glory everlasting. Amen. 287 TWENTIETH Cufg&ag JMmitmg WEEK. Job, Chapter xxxviii. 0 HOLY, blessed, and glorious Trinity, three persons and one God, have mercy upon us, miserable sinners. When we reflect on our unworthiness in thy sight, we tremble to lift up our eyes to the place where thine honour dwelleth. But thou hast no pleasure in the death of the sinner, but wouldest rather that he should repent and live. Turn us, O God, and we shall be turned; draw us by thy grace, and we will run after thee; quicken us by thy Spirit, and we will call upon thy holy name. Lord, we know not what to pray for as we ought ; but do thou help our infirmities, according to the promises of thy faith- ful word; and enable us to offer up a spiritual sacrifice to thee, holy and acceptable by Jesus Christ. We -worship thee, O God, with holy reverence, as the Author and Giver of life, as the Source of every present mercy, and every expected good. We bow before thee as the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, through whom all blessings come to our fallen and guilty race. We bless thee for thine unspeakable Gift. Thou hast not withheld thy Son, thine only Son, but hast delivered him up to the death for us all. Wilt thou not, O Lord, with Him also freely give us all things ? We adore thee that he appeared in our world clothed in human flesh ; that he offered his life a ransom for the sins of many ; that he answered the demands of law and justice ; and that he opened the kingdom of heaven to all believers. We rejoice that he is now seated at the right hand of the Majesty on high, and that all power in heaven and in earth is vested in his hand. We bless thee that He must reign till his enemies shall be made his footstool. May it be our privilege, in time and in eternity, to rank with his followers. May we partake of the regenerating power of his kingdom; may we follow the Lamb whithersoever he goeth; may we bear much of his holy image ; may we breathe much of his lovely spirit ; may we copy his perfect example ; and, though we come infinitely short of his excellence, may we press forward towards the mark of the prize of our high calling of God in Christ Jesus. We pray, O Lord, for divine direction this day in the path of duty. We live in a sinful and ensnaring world ; O help us to surmount its temptations, and to keep ourselves from its evils. Suffer us not to swerve from the course of action which conscience and thy word would prescribe. May thy fear restrain us from every act of disobedience, and may thy love abide in us as an ever fruitful source of cheerful submission to thy holy will. We thank thee for the mercies of a new morning; may we see thy hand in the blessings of our daily lot Whether we eat or drink, or whatsoever we do this day, may we do all to thy glory. Prosper the work of our hands upon us; yea, the work of our hands prosper thou it. In all oux ways may we acknowledge thee, and do thou direct our steps. Bless every member of the family with the light of thy providential guidance. Make us all thy children by adoption and grace. May we all, in our several stations, glorify God in our bodies and in our spirits which are his. Be our God and our guide even unto death. Hear these our humble and earnest supplications, for the sake of our adored Mediator and Redeemer; and to the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost, be all glory and honour, both now and for evermore. Amen. 288 TWENTIETH Cttesfrag (Cimung WEEK. Acts, Chapter xxvi. 0 LORD our God, thy mercy endureth for ever, and thy tender compassions are to a thousand generations. Though we are so utterly unworthy in thy sight, we have deeply participated in the riches of thy sovereign goodness, and we now offer to thee the tribute of our humble praise. In thee, O God ! we live, and move, and have our being. To thee we are indebted for existence, and for all the blessings of salvation, through the mediation of thy Son. We have destroyed ourselves, but in thee is our help found. Thou hast provided for the redemption of our souls from the guilt, the punishment, and the dominion of our sins, and for raising us to the possession and blessedness of eternal glory. We th ank thee that our lot has been cast in a land of vision, that we have been placed within the reach of the means of spiritual culture, that we have had line upon line, precept upon precept, here a little and there a little. O suffer us not to trifle with opportunities so precious, and with privileges so sacred. Help us to lay aside our wilful negligence, and to improve thy offered mercies. May we obey thy gracious invitation to repentance, and may we exercise lively faith in the person and work of the Lord Jesus. We desire, O God, to be thankful for thy restraining grace, by which we have been kept back from many aggravated iniquities ; but we pray for the communication of thy saving grace, that we may be delivered from the love of sin in our hearts, and that we may serve thee from love and gratitude all the days of our life. May the pleasure of true reli- gion be felt by us, that we may serve thee, not in the spirit of bondage, but in that of filial gratitude and attachment. Help us to carry into all our religious engagements the exercise of genuine faith, that we may believe, not only that thou art, but that thou art a rewarder of all them that diligently seek thee. Make us to know the blessedness of the man whom thou choosest., and causest to approach unto thee ; of him whose trans- gression is forgiven, whose sin is covered, and unto whom thou wilt not impute iniquity. Most merciful Father, thou hast this day sustained us by the right hand of thy righte- ousness. From dangers which we could neither have foreseen nor prevented, thou hast protected us. We are monuments of thy sparing mercy, and we desire to render thee our united thanksgivings for the various blessings which have crowned our lot. For health and friendship, food and raiment, and all the comforts and necessaries of fife, accept our united offering of praise. And though our sins have provoked thy righteous judgments, deal not with us in anger, but extend to us the blessings of thy tender pity and compassion. We thank thee for that mercy by which thou hast sweetened and allayed those trials which thou hast not seen fit wholly to remove. Continue to us the guidance and blessing of thy good providence. Let thy favour be upon us according as we hope in thy mercy. Watch over us for good this night. Let angels guard us in our sleeping moments. May our rest be undisturbed and refreshing. May body and mind be recruited and invigorated by the blessings of peaceful sleep. Purify our consciences from all feelings of oppressive guilt, and inspire us with sentiments of filial love and gratitude at the remembrance of all thy mercies. Accept this our offering of humble praise, pardon what thy pure eyes have seen amiss in us this day, and infinitely exceed our most enlarged expectations, for the sake of our only Saviour and Redeemer, Jesus Christ; to whom be glory everlasting. Amen. 289 2 O TWENTIETH ©Ketmasfoag Anting, WEEK. Job, Chap, xxxix. M OST holy and righteous God, who art of purer eyes than to behold iniquity, we, thy sinful creatures, bow down at the footstool of thy throne, to acknowledge our transgressions, and to confess that we justly deserve to be forsaken of thee, and to be cast off for ever from thy gracious presence. Our hearts, which should have been temples of the Holy Ghost, have become deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked ; instead of loving thee with pure and supreme affection, we have loved and served the creature, and our hearts have followed after their own idols. In thought, word, and deed we acknow- ledge ourselves to be offenders against thy holy Majesty. We have done those things which we ought not to have done, and we have left undone those things which we ought to have done, and there is no health in us. We have even despised that goodness which was intended to lead us to repentance, and have hardened our hearts against that love and mercy which were intended to soften us into holy tenderness and submission. And now, Lord, what can we look for at thy hand, but judgment and fiery indignation, which shall devour the adversary. We could not arraign thy government, if thou wert to banish us from thy presence and from the glory of thy power. But thou, O Lord, art slow to anger, and of great kindness ; thou wilt not always chide, neither wilt thou keep thine anger for ever. Thou hast not dealt with us after our sins, nor rewarded us according to our iniquities. Thy thoughts are not our thoughts, neither are thy ways our ways ; for as the heavens are high above the earth, so are thy ways higher than our ways, and thy thoughts than our thoughts. O prepare us to enjoy an interest in thy forgiving mercy, by granting us sincere and deep repentance for all our sins. Let thine anger be turned away from us, and behold us with tender compassion in the face of Jesus Christ. For His sake, who died for the guilty, send down thy Spirit into all our hearts, to form in our souls the principles of the new and heavenly nature, and to carry on that work of sanctification within us, without which no man can see the Lord. Subdue our remaining corruptions, give us victory over every besetting sin. Make the path of duty plain before our eyes, and teach us to run with alacrity and cheerfulness in the way of thy commandments. Enable us to delight in the law of the Lord after the inward man ; and to war a good warfare against all the corruptions of a deceitful heart. Thou, O Lord, knowest our dangers, do thou preserve us from falling a prey to them. Thou knowest where we dwell, let thy grace be sufficient for us, and let thy strength be perfected in our weakness. Subdue our spiritual enemies under our feet. Grant us all needful direction in the discharge of incumbent duty. May we seek and enjoy the direc- tion of thy good Spirit. Suffer us not to lean to the counsel of our own hearts. Disap- point the great enemy of our souls. Enable us to go forth to the engagements of this day in the strength of the Lord. We beseech thee to stand by and strengthen us. Make us wise as serpents and harmless as doves. Purify all our motives of action, and give to us the testimony of a good conscience, that in simplicity and in godly sincerity we have had our conversation among men. We implore these inestimable blessings for the sake of our only Saviour, Jesus Christ; to whom, with the Father and the Holy Ghost, be all glory and honour, both now and ever. Amen. 290 TWENTIETH raetmejjfoag WEEK. Acts, Chapter xxvii. E TERNAL and unchangeable God, who art the same yesterday, to-day, and for ever, we rejoice in thy permanent and unchanging character, and pray that we, thy changing and inconstant creatures, may be made steadfast, unmoveable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, forasmuch as we know that our labour is not in vain in the Lord. Establish our minds in the truth and excellence of thy word ; and keep us from all those snares and temptations which woidd draw us aside from the faith once delivered to the saints. May we be cast into the mould of the gospel, that our goodness may no longer be as the morning cloud, and as the early dew which passeth away ; but that we may cleave steadfastly unto the Lord, may abound in every good word and work, and may be preserved blameless unto the coming of our Lord. Thou, O Lord, knowest our weakness, the number and strength of our temptations, the enemies with which we have to contend, the corruptions which strive within ; O leave us not to ourselves, give us not over to those who would wait for our halting, cover our defenceless heads in the day of battle, and make us more than conquerors through him that hath loved us. Let neither the terrors nor the allurements of the world tempt us to swerve from the right path ; but may we stand fast, quit ourselves like men, be strong in the grace of our Lord and in the power of his might; so that, by patient continuance in well-doing, we may seek for glory, honour, immortality, and eternal life, and at last obtain that crown of victory which shall never fade away. Gracious and blessed God, we would be thankful for the unnumbered bestowments of another day. Thou hast upheld us in being, while thousands have been called into eternity ; thou hast blest us with health, whilst many have been laid on beds of sickness and pain ; thou hast richly provided for our bodily necessities, while many have been pining with hunger and want ; thou hast surrounded us with friendship and love, whilst many have been alone and friendless in the world. What shall we render unto the Lord for all his mercies ! we would call upon our souls, and all that is within us, to bless his holy name. We rejoice in another opportunity of approaching the throne of thy grace. Vouchsafe to us the blessings which thou hast promised in answer to prayer ; impart spiritual health to our souls ; fill us with sentiments of holy love ; enable us to realize our acceptance with thee through a crucified Redeemer ; grant us all spiritual blessings in heavenly places in Christ Jesus. May he dwell in our hearts by faith, that we being rooted and grounded in love, may be enabled to comprehend, with all saints, the height and breadth, the depth and length, of that love which passeth knowledge. Into thy gracious hands we commend all the members of this family this night. We rejoice in the existence and watchful care of thy good providence ; that it numbers the very hairs of our head, and takes charge of all our joys and sorrows. May we acquire increasing conviction of the wisdom, faithfulness, and loving-kindness of our Father in heaven. May past mercies inspire future confidence. Mercifully forgive the trans- gressions of this day ; heal all our backslidings, receive us graciously, and love us freely, so shall we render unto thee the calves of our lips. Listen to the voice of our prayers, and accept our persons and offerings for the Redeemer’s sake. Amen. 291 2 0 2 TWENTIETH Cimrsftag iitornmg, WEEK. Job, Chapter xl. LMIGHTY and most merciful God, thou art the Father of our spirits, and the former of our bodies ; thou art the giver of all present good, and the source of our everlasting hopes ; thou art worthy of our supreme love, and of our unreserved obedience ; thou art the God of angels and of men. Enable us to come before thee in the true spirit of prayer. We have sinned, and come short of thy glory. May we humble ourselves in the dust, while we lift up the eye of humble expectation to thy throne. We are not worthy to take thy name into our bps ; like the publican of old, it becomes us to smite upon our breast, and to cry, God be merciful unto us, sinners. Thou hast seen all the wanderings of our past life, and thou hast marked all our backslidings in heart. We confess that we were born in iniquity and conceived in sin. Our natures are altogether as an unclean thing in thy sight. We have no righteousness in which we can stand before thee, our righteous Judge. But we adore thee, that we are not left to feel the remediless consequences of apostacy. When we lay in our blood, thou didst say, Deliver from going down to the pit, I have found a ransom. O that redemption, freely purchased by the blood of the Lamb, may be the theme of our song both now and for evermore. Apply the virtues of the Redeemer’s sacrifice to our guilty minds ; by faith may we rely on his finished work. In all things pertaining to our salvation, may he have the pre- eminence to which he is entitled, and be made of God unto us wisdom, righteousness, sanctification, and redemption. Help us to live a life of faith on the Son of God, to conquer our easily besetting sins, to vanquish and overcome the spirit of the world, and to abound in all suitable manifestations of the Christian temper and deportment. Make us sensible of the dangers which lurk in our path, as arising from inward depravity and outward temptation. May we watch and be sober, since our adversary the devil goeth about like a roaring lion seeking whom, he may devour. Enable us to put on the whole armour of God, and to stand with firmness and decision in the evil hour. Though weak in ourselves, may we be strong in the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ. Deliver us alike from despondency and presumption. Never let us expect victory in mere human strength ; but may we be strong in the Lord and in the power of his might. We look up this morning to thy throne for all needful supplies of grace, that as our day is, so our strength may be. In ourselves we are weak and feeble, but in the Lord Jehovah is everlasting strength. We would go forth to the duties of the day under a deep sense of our responsibility to God. Enable us diligently and faithfully to act our part in all the relative spheres of life. If temptations occur, suffer us not to yield to them ; if corruption struggles, enable us to subdue it ; if cares arise, may we cast them upon God ; if sorrows press, let not our hearts despond as to the goodness and mercy of our heavenly Father. May all things work together for our good. Let a sweet feeling of thy love abide in our hearts. Take charge of us, and all dear to us. From all evil in body and soul do thou defend us. Let our morning sacrifice come up before thee with acceptance, perfumed with the incense of the Redeemer’s offering. And to the Father, to the Son, and to the Holy Ghost, be glory and dominion now and for evermore. Amen. 292 TWENTIETH Cimrafoag (£bnttwj WEEK. Acts, Chapter xxviii. 0 GOD, deign to look down upon us this evening as a family, while we prostrate ourselves before the throne of thy grace. Thou art the Giver of every good and perfect gift, and thou art the Father of all our mercies temporal and spiritual; and we, thine unworthy servants, desire, with our whole hearts, to praise thy name for all the expressions of thy bounty towards us. We bless thee for thy love in giving thy Son to die for our sins ; for the covenant of redemption sealed to us in his blood ; for the means of grace instituted by him here ; and for the hopes of glory revealed through him hereafter. We also bless thee, that after all our wilful refusals of thy grace, thou still hast patience with us, and hast added this one day more to our probation on earth. Grant, O Lord, that we, while it is called to-day, being renewed unto repentance, made steadfast in faith, fervent in love, and joyful through hope, may finish the work set us to do. Pardon, good Lord, all our former sins and abuses of thy forbearance, which we would humbly confess : and give us grace to lead a godly, righteous, and sober life ; to be diligent in improving all our future opportunities ; to watch as they that must give account ; to shun the very appearance of evil ; to be diligent in business, fervent in spirit, serving the Lord. Enable us to walk circumspectly, not as fools, but as wise, redeeming the time because the days are evil. Thus, O Lord, do thou preserve us to thine eternal kingdom. Holy Father, make thyself always present to our minds, and let thy love and fear rule in our souls, in all places and in all fellowships. Keep us pure in our thoughts, temperate in our enjoyments, humble in our opinions of ourselves, charitable in our speeches about others, meek and peaceable under provocations, firm and faithful to our professions. When thou bestowest good on those around us, let us not envy them, but rejoice in their prosperity ; and when thou conferrest any on ourselves, let us acknowledge our own unworthiness, magnify thy mercy, and give thee all the praise. Afford us convenient supplies in all our real necessities, and protect us against all dangers and adversities. Extend also, we beseech thee, O God our Father, thy grace to all men in all circum- stances, however exalted or depressed. More especially bless and defend our rightful sovereign the king ; may his reign be prosperous and happy ; make him a nursing father to thy church. Remember for good our native country, with all orders and ranks of men among us. Give a double portion of thy Spirit to the ministers of thy holy word and sacraments, that they may be burning and shining lights in the midst of a crooked and perverse generation. Be favourable to our relations, friends, and benefactors ; bless and keep every member of this endeared circle ; let the saving health of thy countenance rest upon us all ; let thy grace dwell in all our hearts ; let us be dedicated wholly to thy glory. O never let us serve thee with a divided heart, but may we be thine, and thine only, both now and for evermore. Into thy gracious hands we commend ourselves this night, watch over and keep us by thy good providence. Let no evil befall us, nor any plague come nigh our dwelling ; may the Munition of Rocks be ours ; and do thou infinitely exceed all that we ask or think, or are worthy to receive, for the sake of Jesus, our High Priest and Redeemer. Amen. 293 TWENTIETH JHorntng* WEEK. Job, Chapter xli. M OST holy and blessed Lord our God, the source of all good, the only fit object of our supreme love, the only true rest and satisfaction of thy creatures, who art infinitely greater than all we can see, or all we can conceive ; we bow ourselves before thee, and humbly worship thy incomprehensible Majesty. It was thy goodness which at first brought us into being, and it is thy patience which has continued us in the same unto the present moment ; thy mercy, and thine alone, it is, which has not suffered our existence to be the source of perpetual misery to us, but has bestowed upon us innumerable benefits and comforts. Yet we confess that we have forsaken thee, and have not known thy ways. We have been insensible of thy grace, and unmoved under the greatest importunities to return to thy forsaken fold. Even if thou hast prevailed with us to devote ourselves to thee, we are too much inclined to content ourselves with a small degree of likeness to thy image, and are apt to find out pretences and excuses for doing our own will rather than thine. Though, alas ! we have been so solemnly consecrated to thee, have been so long instructed in thy holy law and gospel, and have so frequently engaged and professed cheerful obedience to thee in all things, yet we have been too often gainsaying and rebellious children, and always unprofitable servants. Blessed be thy name, O most merciful God, for the inestimable gift of thy dear Son to lost and perishing men. With full purpose of heart we would draw near to thee through him, making mention of his righteousness, even of his only. For ever adored be the riches of thy grace, which has given us so many assurances of thy truth and love, and so many opportunities of making known to thee the desires and petitions of our hearts. Thou art pleased, not only by thy word, and promise, and oath, to give us ground of hope ; but, even by outward and sensible signs, to encourage our weak and stumbling faith. We cannot but tremble when we reflect on innumerable sins, and short-comings in thy sight. Yet we cannot but hope, when we hear the voice of thy Son, inviting us to come unto him, and to thee through him, promising a full pardon to returning sinners, and sealing his testimony with his own precious blood. We adore thee for the assurance, that whoso- ever cometh unto thee through him, thou wilt in no wise cast out. Draw us, O God of love, and all those for whom thou knowest we are most concerned, more powerfully to thee, and fill us with thy mighty and blessed influence, that our minds may more clearly discern between good and evil ; our wills become more devoted to all that is good, and more resolute against all that is evil; and that every affection and passion of our souls may be more submissive to thy holy government and laws. Our necessities and infirmities, afflictions and temptations, with the several circumstances of our friends and connexions, are all before thee ; and we beg, both for ourselves and them, all needed favour, all sufficient grace, and all suitable consolation. May we all be mutually interested in the blessings of that covenant which is ordered in all things and sure ; may we walk together in love and harmony while here below, and hereafter may we meet in the perfect fellowship of the sky. Thus may we serve thee as thy family, in the spirit of thy children, and be made wholly thine, through Jesus Christ our Lord and only Saviour. Amen. 294 TWENTIETH dfritiaK Anting, Romans, Chapter i. week. G THOU who hearest and answerest prayer, we again draw nigh unto thee, and desire to return thee our unfeigned thanks for thy goodness towards us during the past day. Thou hast crowned us with loving-kindness and tender mercies. Thou hast preserved us from dangers seen and unseen ; and whilst pursuing the avocations of the day, amidst all the perplexities and anxieties of life, we have been consoled by the pleas- ing reflection, that thou wilt guide thy people by thy counsel ; and that, though flesh and heart may fail, yet that thou wilt be the strength of their hearts, and their portion for ever. Such, O Lord, is thy gracious promise, and from it we derive a consolation which the world can neither give nor take away. O may our hearts ascend up to thee in prayer in every moment of difficulty, fear, or temptation ; and let every new mercy awaken new songs of thanksgiving and of praise. Save us, O Lord, from all the fascinations and allurements of a sinful world. Teach us to remember that the friendship of the world is enmity with God. Let not Satan gain an ascendency over us ; but mercifully make a way for our escape. Thou didst, O Lord, create us after thine own blessed image, in a holy and happy estate ; but we have polluted ourselves; we are averse to good, and prone to evil; and it is beeause thy mercies fail not, that we are not consumed. But thou hast so far declared thy willingness to be reconciled even to thine enemies, that thou hast sent thine only Son into the world, to lay down his life a ransom for the sins of men ; that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. O Lord, we believe, help thou our unbelief ; grant us genuine repentance towards God, and true faith in our Lord Jesus Christ, that we may be of the number of those who repent and believe to the saving of the soul. May the message of thy love be to us the savour of life unto life : O teach us the things that belong to our peace, lest they should be for ever hid from our eyes. Pour upon us the healthful Spirit of thy grace, that we may more carefully improve all our opportunities of spiritual cul- ture, and that we may more diligently occupy till our Lord shall come. Let not sloth and carnal ease take possession of our souls ; but may we strive to enter in at the strait gate, since many shall seek to enter in, and shall not be able. As the night is far spent, and the day is at hand, may we be as those who are watching for the dawning of the morning. Hear us, O God, for all whom we would bear on our minds before a throne of grace. Bless with the choicest of thy blessings such as are allied to us by the endearing ties of blood, and in an especial manner look down upon those of them who are strangers to the pardon- ing grace of our gracious Redeemer. Convince them of the error of their way, and lead them to the fountain that is opened for sin and uncleanness. Bless the whole human race, but more especially our native land. Forgive our manifold negligences and offences, forgive especially our distrust of thy kind providence. O may we love and serve thee more faith- fully than ever, and may we find wisdom’s ways to be ways of pleasantness, and all her paths, paths of peace. Take us under thine Almighty protection this night ; and to thee we will ascribe everlasting praises world without end. We ask all for the sake of Jesus Christ, our Lord and Saviour. Amen. 295 TWENTIETH ^attirtmg JHormng* WEEK. Job, xlii. O LORD God, thou sear chest all hearts, and triest the reins of the children of men. Search us, O Lord, and know our hearts, try us, and know our thoughts ; and see if there be any wicked way in us, and lead us in the way everlasting. O present sin to our eyes in all its odious colours, that we may feel a mortal and irreconcileable hatred to it ! O present to our view thy majesty and thy mercy, as the ever-blessed God, in such striking lights, that our hearts may be deeply moved ; yea, that they may be melted into tender- ness : smite the rock, that the waters may flow out, — waters of genuine, undissembled, and sincere repentance ! Convince us, O thou blessed Spirit, of sin, of righteousness, and of judgment ! Shew us that we have undone ourselves ; but that our help is found in God only, in God through Christ, in whom alone he will extend compassion and help to us. May we know what it is to have our whole hearts subdued by love ; so subdued as to be crucified with Christ, to be dead to sin, and dead to the world, but alive unto God through Jesus Christ : in his power and love may we confide; to him may we without any reserve commit our spirits ; his image may we bear ; his laws may we observe ; his service may we pursue ; and may we continue through time and eternity monuments of the efficacy of his gospel, and trophies of his victorious grace. O blessed God, if there be any thing wanting towards constituting us sincere Christians, discover it to us, and work it in us. Beat down, we beseech thee, every false and pre- sumptuous hope, how costly soever that building may have been which is thus built upon a sandy foundation, and how proud soever we may have been of its vain ornaments ! If there be any secret sin yet lurking in our souls, which we have not sincerely renounced, discover it to us, and bid it all depart. Accomplish in us all the good pleasure of thy goodness, and the work of faith with power : enrich us, O heavenly Father, with all the graces of thy Spirit; form us to the complete image of thy dear Son; and then, for his sake, come unto us, and manifest thy gracious presence in our souls, till they are ripened for that state of glory for which all thy holy influences are intended to prepare us ! Blessed are the people who know the joyful sound ; they shall walk, O Lord, in the light of thy countenance : in thy name shall they rejoice all the day, and in thy righteousness shall they be exalted ; for thou art the glory of their strength, and in thy favour shall our horn be exalted May we this day enjoy these inestimable blessings ; may we prove thee concerning thy promise ; may we taste and see that thou art gracious : may our hearts glow with love and gratitude to thee, while we recount thy mercies, and think of our boundless and still increasing obligations. Vouchsafe to us this day the light of thy countenance upon all our engagements; may they be begun, continued, and ended in thee. Leave us not, O God, neither forsake us. It is not in man that walketh, to direct his own steps; but may the wisdom which cometh from above, which is pure and peaceable, be imparted to us, that so we may walk in the way in which thou wouldst have us to go, and may continually enjoy the guidance and direction of thy good Spirit. G raciously hear, accept, and pardon us, for the Redeemer's sake. Amen. 296 TWENTIETH <#>aturtiag Benins. WEEK. Romans, Chapter ii. 0 THOU that hearest prayer, unto thee would we again lift up our souls in grateful praise for thy care over us during the week that has now reached its close. It is good for us to draw near unto thee ; for thou, Lord, art good, and ready to forgive, and plenteous in mercy unto all them that call upon thee. Give ear unto the voice of our prayer this evening, and keep alive upon our minds a sense of thy being and infinite perfections. We would know and feel in our minds, that the Lord he is God, in the heaven above, and in the earth beneath, and that the Lord our God is one Lord : thy name is Jehovah, and thou changest not; before the mountains were brought forth, or ever thou hadst formed the earth or the world, even from everlasting to everlasting thou art God, the same yesterday, to-day, and for ever. We adore thee as every where present, as infinite in knowledge, as unlimited in power, as never-failing in acts of beneficence and kindness. All thy creatures manifest thy perfections, in their formation, sustenance, and various enjoyments. But we, above all thy creatures, have reason to declare that the Lord is good, that his mercy is everlasting, and that his truth endureth unto all genera- tions. Thy distinguished goodness, to us in particular, appears in our wonderful preserva- tion from infancy to riper years ; in our constant supplies of food and raiment both necessary and convenient; and in those numerous privileges and comforts which we enjoy above others of our fellow-creatures. O that our gratitude to thee, most indulgent Father, bore some proportion to the unmerited gifts which thou hast so bountifully bestowed upon us. O Lord, impress us deeply with the necessity of regeneration ; shew ms how greatly we have fallen ; and let us flee to the arms of our crucified Redeemer. We rejoice in the free offer of salvation through his blood and righteousness. Enable us to accept it with grati- tude, and to lay hold upon him for eternal life. May he be formed in our hearts the hope of glory ; may we see in him wisdom, righteousness, sanctification, and redemption ; may he be all our salvation and all our desire. Unite us by a living faith to his sacred person ; may we be in him as the branch is in the vine, that we may derive from him a living and vital power, and prove that he is mighty to save unto the uttermost all that come unto thee through him. We pray thee, O Lord, to prepare our minds for the duties and privileges of the approaching Sabbath. Command thy blessing on the engagements of a day specially set apart to thy glory. We know that neither is he that planteth any thing, neither he that watereth ; but God, that giveth the increase. Be pleased, O Lord, to second the preaching of thy word with the powerful influences of thy grace and Holy Spirit, that it may be the savour of life unto life to our souls, and the power of God unto our salvation. May we so hide thy word in our hearts, that we may not sin against thee ; that we may walk more humbly and closely with our God, and be so obedient to the holy precepts of thy word, that, finally, we may enjoy that glorious reward of which it gives us the blessed and reviving prospect. And now may the God of grace and hope be with us, and fill us with all peace and joy in believing, that we may abound more and more in the love and practice of every grace that shall make us happy here and hereafter ; we ask all for the sake of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ Amen. 2 p 297 TWENTY-FIRST &tmfcag iBonmtcj WEEK, Psalms i. ii. A LMIGHTY and eternal God, we prostrate ourselves before thee on the morning of thy day, with earnest desires to enjoy access into thy presence, to spread our wants before thee, and humbly to confess our manifold sins. Blessed God, we are wholly undeserving of our present privilege ; and when we think of our misery and of our guilt, we feel as if our prayer must be silenced for ever. But when we call to remembrance thine infinite mercy in Christ Jesus, the Son of thy love, our guilty fears are dispelled, and we are enabled to look up with hope and confidence to thy throne. Enable us, we beseech thee, O Lord, to think of Him who was delivered for our offences, and who rose again for our justification. We bless thee that he is exalted a Prince and a Saviour, to give repentance unto Israel, and the remission of sins. May the royal gift of the Spirit be poured out from on high, that all the blessings of the new and spiritual life may descend upon our souls — that we may be in the Spirit on the Lord’s day — that we may partake the true rest of the Christian Sabbath — that heavenly objects may occupy our thoughts and affections — that the world and its concerns may recede from our view, and that heaven and things eternal may occupy our supreme regard. We pray, O Lord, for a suitable preparation for the public ordinances of divine grace. Make them abundantly refreshing and invigorating to our souls. May we repair to thy sanctuary in the spirit of prayer. May thy word be quick and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword. Subdue the unbelief of our minds; fix our wandering thoughts and affections ; may we know the truth, and may the truth make us free ; let us behold as in a glass the glory of the Lord, that we may be changed into the same image ; and let the results of this sacred day be marked by us and thousands in the annals of eternity. Stand by and strengthen the ministers of thy word. Let them neither court the smile, nor fear the frown, of their fellow-creatures. May they warn sinners of their danger, whether they will hear or forbear. Make them wise to win souls ; O that the cry may arise from many hearts, What must we do to be saved ! Let a copious effusion of thy Spirit descend upon the assemblies of Zion this day, that the souls of men may be quickened to seriousness and to prayer ; and that the word of eternal life may fall in a soil prepared for its reception. God of the families of the whole earth, take up thine abode under this roof. Make each member of this family a temple of the Holy Ghost. Teach the young, that the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom. Let the ordinance of domestic worship prove the source of spiritual edification to us all; may it unite us in the fear, love, and service of God ; may it lead to serious impression where it does not exist, and may it strengthen it where it is already felt. Pour out a Spirit of grace and supplication upon us all, and let our fellowships at the domestic altar tend essentially to meeten us for the perfect and happy intercourses of heaven. To thee we look for protection and guidance in the several engagements of this day. Forgive the sin of this approach to thy mercy-seat. Blot out our sins as a cloud, and our iniquities as a thick cloud, and accept both our persons and offerings for the sake of the Lord Jesus. Amen. 298 TWENTY-FIRST (Brlmunjj. WEEK. Romans, Chapter iii. H EAVENLY Father, at the close of this day we offer to thee our tribute of praise, for the preserving care thou hast exercised over us, for the great mercies thou hast vouchsafed to us, and for the comfortable circumstances in which we meet at thy mercy- seat. It is good for us to draw near unto God ; we committed ourselves to thee and the word of thy grace this morning, and thou hast heard and answered our prayers, and granted us the exalted privileges of another day of the Son of man. Enable us to make a full surrender of ourselves to thee ; pour upon us the unction of thy Holy Spirit ; breathe upon our souls, that we may live, and that we may praise thy holy name. Suffer us not to insult thy majesty either by formal or hypocritical acts of religious service. Teach us to remember that thou lookest on the heart, that thou desirest truth in the inward part ; that thou art a Spirit; that thou canst not be deceived, and that thou wilt not be mocked. We pray for an eminent blessing in connection with the religious opportunities and privileges of this sacred day. O let the word of Christ dwell richly in us in all wisdom and spiritual understanding ; may we take heed lest at any time we should let the word which we have heard escape from our deceitful hearts ; for if the word spoken by angels was steadfast, and every transgression and disobedience received a just recompence of reward, how shall we escape if we neglect so great salvation ? Teach us, O Lord, an increasing sense of our responsibility to thee: we would remember that the night is far spent, and that the day is at hand ; let us not sleep as do others, but let us watch, and be sober. A few more Sabbaths, at most, and we shall have gone the way of all flesh. O may we be diligent, that we may be found of our Lord in peace. Teach us to walk circumspectly, not as fools, but as wise, redeeming the time, because the days are evil. As there are so many evil examples around us, may we dread their influence, and flee from their contagion. Exposed on the right hand, and on the left, to the enemies of our salvation, may we put on the whole armour of God, that we may be enabled to stand in the evil day. O teach us more and more to live for the good of others, and for the glory of thy name. May we seek the advancement of our own spiritual interests, in promoting, by every means in our power, the salvation of our fellow-creatures ; and thus, in seeking to water others, may our own souls be abundantly watered and refreshed. Yet let us never substitute any act of outward zeal, for the cultivation of personal sanctity and devotion, lest we should be keepers of other men’s vineyards while we are neglecting our own. Most blessed Lord, hear our united and earnest prayers for all the ministers of the ever- lasting gospel, especially for thy servant who breaks to us the bread of life. Let a double portion of thy Holy Spirit rest upon him; let his bow abide in strength, and the arms of his hand be made strong by the hand of the mighty God of Jacob ; let him be wise to win souls to Christ, and to build up thy children in their most holy faith. The harvest is great, but the labourers are few ; we pray the Lord of the harvest that he would send forth labourers into his vineyard. Bless and pity the dark places of the earth. O gather the nations to our glorious Shiloh; and in the day of his glorious victory over all his enemies, may we be owned by him as subjects of his spiritual empire. These blessings we ask for his name’s sake. Amen. 299 2 P 2 TWENTY-FIRST iHontoag Jitomtng. WEEK- Psalms hi. iv. O THOU high and lofty One, — thou searcher of hearts, to whom every secret thought and desire is known, behold us prostrate before the throne of thy grace this morning, anxious afresh to take hold of thy covenant and strength, that we may have peace with thee, and that thou mayest smile upon us in love and mercy. Look down, O God of grace, upon us ; and for thine own sake, and according to thine own express word of promise, blot out our transgressions, and remember our sins and our iniquities no more. Thou hast taught us, that the just shall live by faith, but, that if any man draw back, thy soul shall have no pleasure in him. We have abundant reason to regret that we have too often drawn back from thee, the only source of happiness. May the good Lord heal our backslidings, and pardon our numberless transgressions. Thou hast said, Return, thou backsliding Israel, and I will not cause mine anger to fall upon thee. Turn thou us unto thee, O Lord, and we shall be turned ; and from this day enlighten and renew, more and more, every faculty and power of our mind and heart, that we may give all diligence to add to our faith, virtue, knowledge, temperance, godliness, brotherly-kindness, and charity ; that these things being in us, and abounding, we may neither be barren nor unfruitful in the saving knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ. For that protection which thou hast afforded us during the past night, and the refreshing sleep which our bodies have enjoyed, we desire, O God, to be thankful before thee. To thy care and keeping, we again commit ourselves this day. Compass us about with thy favour as with a shield. Keep us near the footstool of thy throne. O suffer us not to stray from the right path. May we be in the fear of the Lord all the day long. Let not our spiritual enemies prevail against us. Enable us to put on the whole armour of God, that we may withstand all the fiery darts of the wicked one. May we fear nothing so much as to sin against God, and to grieve thy Lloly Spirit. Help us to watch the secret movements of our hearts, and to keep them with all diligence, since out of them are the issues of life. We thank thee, O Lord, for thy sparing mercy toward us. While many have been suddenly snatched from time into eternity, we are yet in the land of the living, and. in the place of hope. We are deeply conscious, O most merciful Father, that we have not been spared by reason of any merit which has attached to us ; for it is because thy compassions fail not, that we are not consumed. Thou hast not dealt with us after our sins, neither rewarded us according to our iniquities ; but thou art still extending to us thy mercy, thou art still continuing to us the means of grace and salvation, and thou art still inviting us to attend to the things which belong to our peace, before they are for ever hid from our eyes. Seeing, O Lord, that the great day of final account draweth nigh, make us anxious to lay aside every weight, and the sin which doth so easily beset us, that we may run with patience the race that is set before us ; and, forgetting the things which are behind, and reaching forth unto those which are before, may we press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus ; to whom, with thee, O Father, and the Holy Ghost, be glorv and honour for ever and ever. Amen. TWENTY-FIRST fflmtHag aiming. WEEK. Romans, Chapter iv. E XALTED and ever-ble&sed Majesty, we are assembled as a family to worship and adore thy holy name ; we come, as strangers and pilgrims, to seek refreshment in our wilderness journey. We know not how long we may enjoy such opportunities; but do thou teach us to draw near to thee, as if this were our last approach to thy mercy- seat. We pray for a more lively and affecting sense of the uncertainty of life ; and for grace more seriously and diligently to improve our mercies. O let not our returning seasons of devotion be mere matters of cold and lifeless form ; but may we worship God in spirit, rejoice in Christ Jesus, and have no confidence in the flesh. We beseech thee to preserve us from that coldness and formality in thy worship, to which our fallen nature is so lamentably prone. Our souls cleave to the dust, quicken thou us according to thy word. To this end, O Lord, grant us the illuminating and purifying influence of thy Holy Spirit. May our thirst for spiritual blessings be such, as that nothing can satisfy but the enjoyment of thyself. Bless to us the portion of thy holy word which we have now been permitted to read; by mixing faith therewith, may it greatly further in our souls the interests of the spiritual life ; may it abide in us as the source of comfort and holiness ; may it cheer us amidst the sorrows and darkness of this fleeting world ; may it he the food and nourishment of all the Christian graces ; and may it be a sacred preservative against the corruptions of our own hearts, the evils of a sinful world, and the wiles and devices of our great adversary. O Eternal Spirit, speak in thine own word, with a quickening energy, to our souls. Suffer not the cares, occupations, and manifold afflictions of this present life so unduly to occupy our minds. Seeing we are compassed about with so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which doth so easily beset us, and let us run with patience the race that is set before us, looking unto Jesus, the Author and Finisher of our faith, who, for the joy that was set before him, endured the cross, despising the shame, and is now set down at the right hand of the Majesty on high. Never let us lose sight of our great example. May we study it daily, and aim at growing conformity to it. And may the Spirit of Christ dwell in us, that we may be rooted and built up in him in all things ! May we follow him in his devotion, his zeal, his holy submission to thy will, his deadness to the world, his benevolence, his active exertions to do good to the souls and bodies of men. Never let us live to ourselves, but to him that loved us and gave himself for us. Enable us by thy grace, O most merciful Father, to make more rapid progress in the religious life, and more especially in the grace of self-discipline, that all our sinful appetites maybe subdued, that we may keep under the body, and bring it into subjection; so that whenever the Bridegroom cometh, our lamps may be trimmed, and we may go out with joy to meet him. When we lie down to rest this night, do thou speak peace to our souls ; let the blood of sprinkling be upon our consciences ; let the Spirit’s seal be upon our hearts ; and, waking or sleeping, may we be the objects of thy perpetual care, as the purchase of the Redeemer’s blood. And to the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost be glory everlasting. Amen. TWENTY-FIRST Cucsfrag intoning WEEK. Psalms v. vi. L ORD and Giver of life, accept our morning vows, and listen to the voice of our early cry. Teach us to worship thee in spirit and in truth, to adore thee in the beauty of holiness. Impart to us an awful sense of thine infinite perfections. Who by searching can find out God? who can find out the Almighty to perfection? We adore thee that thou hast revealed thyself in the condescending attitude of the God of grace and salvation. In this inviting character we draw near to thee. Thou art the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, and in him art reconciling sinners unto thyself, not imputing unto men their trespasses. In him may we have redemption through his blood, even the forgiveness of sins, according to the riches of his grace. By faith in his name may we be justified, accepted, and saved with an everlasting salvation. O Lord our heavenly Father, we feel ourselves encompassed in an evil world by the very examples of which thou hast taught us to beware: we see thousands around us buried in the pursuits of time and sense, while the higher and nobler objects of existence are utterly neglected; amidst the gratifications of the flesh, the joys of the Spirit are mournfully quenched. Lord, save us from surrounding infection ; deliver us from the corruption of our own evil hearts; rescue us from every sinful habit and practice; and help us constantly to live in the prospect of our final account, and with judgment and eternity fully in our view. O give us to understand how to prosecute our own great concerns ; may we watch and pray, lest the coming of our Lord should overtake us as a thief in the night. Vouchsafe to us large supplies of the Spirit of Christ, that we may be preserved from spiritual declension, and from the deadening influence of a present evil world. May we advance in the exercise of the spiritual mind, as we approach nearer to the grave. Wean our hearts from the perishable objects of time and sense ; forgetting the things which are behind, and reaching forth to those which are before, may we press toward the mark for the prize of our high calling of God in Christ Jesus. May our love to one another grow day by day ; may our attachment to the gospel, our interest in its truths, our delight in its precepts, our faith in its promises, our sympathy with all its true friends, our conformity to its spirit, and our zeal for its honour, undergo a constant and a perceptible increase. Amidst the numerous interests which now occupy thy professing church, and in which we may be called to take a part, suffer us not to neglect the government of our own hearts. In cultivating the vineyards of others, let us not neglect our own. While we attempt to further thy kingdom in the hearts of our fellow-men, may it be felt with power in our own. Gracious Lord, preserve us from all distracting hurry and confusion of mind; keep us from all disorder, irritation, and self-seeking ; fill us with vigilance against the attacks of our spiritual enemies; and let thy Spirit abundantly descend on us, to invigorate our faith and love. We know that our righteousness will avail us nothing for justifi- cation; yet we pray for grace to live to thy honour in the world, that we may be meetened for thine immediate fellowship in the glories and felicities of heaven. These great mercies we ask for the Redeemer’s sake. Amen, 302 TWENTY-FIRST Cuesfoag <£lmtmg Romans, Chapter v. WEEK. W E fall down, O most merciful Father, before the throne of thy grace, to present our evening sacrifice upon that altar which sanctifieth alike the giver and the gift. Thou knowest all the secrets of our hearts, and unto thee would we lift up our grateful song of praise. Impart to us a realizing sense of thy presence, and enable us to behold thee as a God reconciled to us in Christ Jesus ; that though we lie in the dust before thee under the conviction of unworthiness, we may plead in faith the promises of thy mercy to the guilty, in Christ Jesus; for the sake of his atoning sacrifice and all-prevailing intercession, vouchsafe to us the -pardon of all our sins, and an abundant supply of the gifts and graces of thy Holy Spirit. We deplore and humbly confess in thy presence the sins, many and aggravated, of this day; enable us to make a fresh application to the blood of sprinkling, that we may be conscious of the renewed tokens of thy forgiving love, and that a sense of deep and lively gratitude may spring up in our hearts. We bless thee, who art rich in mercy, for the great love wherewith thou hast loved us ; even when we were dead in sins, thou hast quickened us together with Christ, and hast raised us up together, and made us sit together in heavenly places, in Christ Jesus. Deeply impress us, O Lord, with a conviction of our individual short-comings ; teach us to deplore our sins of omission and commission; — our misimprovement of our time, our talents, our influence, our example, our various faculties, both of body and mind. To thee, O Lord, we owe all we have, and all we are ; thou hast bound us to thyself by ten thou- sand obligations ; and, above all, when we had ruined ourselves, thou didst graciously pro- vide for us, at no less a price than the blood of thine own Son, the means of escaping from the wrath to come, and of laying hold on eternal life. Grant us, we beseech thee, thy heavenly grace, to take away the stony heart, and give us hearts of flesh. May we each of us look back upon the state of our own heart and ways, that we may truly repent of all our sins, and turn unto thee with full purpose of heart. Enable us, we beseech thee, to live above this world, and to have our conversation in heaven, from whence we look for the Saviour. May we remember the great account which we must one day give at the judgment-seat of Christ. Dispose us to run with diligence the race set before us, and to press toward the mark for the prize of our high calling of God in Christ Jesus. And now, Lord, we beseech thee to look upon all dear to us by the ties of nature and friendship. Bless them wherever they may be dispersed, and grant that we and they may be tending to the same blessed point, and may meet at last in our Father’s kingdom. Grant thy blessing, we beseech thee, to such of them in particular as are suffering either in mind, body, or estate ; comfort them under their afflictions, in due time give them relief, and let thy strength be made perfect in their weakness. We beseech thee, O Lord, to take us, and all whom we should remember in our prayers, into thy gracious keeping for the ensuing night. Guard us against our great spiritual enemy ; succour us in every season of temptation. And, if it please thee, give us this night such refreshing sleep that we may rise in the morning desirous of devoting to thy glory the powers and faculties which thou hast given us. We ask all in the name and for the sake of Jesus Christ our Saviour. Amen. 303 TWENTY-FIRST raetmestmg JHnnung WEEK. Psalms vii. viii. 0 LORD our heavenly Father, high and mighty, King of kings, and Lord of lords, we bow down before thy Majesty with sentiments of holy awe and deep submission. In thee we live, and move, and have our being. Thou art the Creator of all worlds; thou art the Father of our spirits, and the former of our bodies; thou art the Lord of angels and men. Once more, with the opening day, we offer to thee the tribute of our praise. Let the light and teaching of thy Spirit descend upon us, that we may offer to thee the sacrifices of the heart, and that we may enter into that intimate and endearing communion with thee, which the promise and covenant of thy love would war- rant us to expect. How great are thy mercy and condescension in permitting such guilty mortals as we are to draw near unto thy throne. What are we, O Lord, or what is our father’s house, that thou shouldest deign to look upon us, and to shew us such tokens of thy regard. O impart to us the Spirit of adoption, that as thou art acting toward us as a father, we may draw near to thee as the children of thy love. Lord, we confess, with deep contrition of heart, that we have forfeited all claim on thy regard. Our sins testify against us ; and as for our iniquities, we know them. We would neither attempt to hide nor extenuate our guilt. We have lost thy perfect image; we have broken thy holy laws ; we have alienated ourselves from the Fountain of all good ; we have essentially contributed to our own misery and ruin. Lord, have mercy upon us, miserable sinners. Thou hast no pleasure in the death of the wicked, but wouldest rather that he should repent and live. We rejoice in the free offer of pardon and life in Christ Jesus. May we have grace to believe in him to the saving of the soul. May we build our hopes for eternity on his finished work, and be delivered from all those self- righteous views which would hide from us the glory and grace of our Redeemer. May we account all things but loss, for the excellency of the knowledge of Christ Jesus our Lord. To his glory who died for us may we devote our entire existence. Living or dying, may we be the Lord’s. God of our life, to thee we look for guidance and happiness in the path of duty. We would undertake nothing without seeking thy direction, and imploring thy blessing. In our ordinary occupations, we would acknowledge God, and seek his approving smile. Keep us this day from evil. Support us in the upright discharge of our incumbent duty. Purify all our motives of action. O let thy love rule in our hearts. Bless all dear to us. Let every member of this family be a child of God, and an heir of glory. Forgive our family sins ; sanctify our family trials ; accept of thanks for our family mercies. Regard us according to our several necessities. Thou knowest what is best for us. Teach us to yield ourselves with cheerfulness to thy holy will. Guide us with thine eye. Be our portion evermore. Lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. Help us to flee from every spiritual danger. Never let us trust to our own strength, which is per- fect weakness ; but may the grace of Christ be sufficient for us, and may his strength be perfected in our helplessness. Hear these our imperfect prayers; and when thou hearest, send us gracious answers from thy throne, for the sake of Christ our only Mediator and Saviour. Amen. 304 TWENTY-FIRST WetweStiaE <£bemng. WEEK. Romans, Chapter vi. 0 LORD our God, at the close of this day we approach thee under a lively sense of the value of that office which Jesus Christ exercises, as the great High Priest of our profession. We could not dare to look unto thee amidst our weakness, ignorance, and guilt, with the recollection of past unworthiness, if we had not a Mediator between thee and us. We plead his perfect oblation, his all-prevailing intercession, his compassion for sinners, his sympathy and tenderness, in our appeal to thy mercy-seat. How great is thy mercy, in granting us an High Priest who can have compassion on them that are ignorant and out of the way, and who was in all points tempted as we are, though without sin. When we think of our Redeemer as encompassed with sore afflictions, cruel assaults, and bitter temptations ; we feel assured that he is able to succour and solace them that are tempted, and that he is touched with the feeling of our infirmities. We draw near with confidence and boldness to thy throne, remembering that He, in whose name we plead with thee, is able to save to the uttermost all that come unto thee through him, seeing he ever liveth to make intercession for us. Grant unto us, O most merciful Father, the teaching of thy Holy Spirit, that the prayers, which we put up to thee in the name of Christ, may proceed from unfeigned lips, may be the result of lively faith, and may flow from hearts deeply smitten with a sense of redeeming love. May we know what it is to look to thee as a reconciled God and Father, and with filial confidence may we pour out our hearts before thee. As the privilege of communion with thee is one of the greatest that mortals can enjoy, may we feel it to be such; and may we converse with thee as a man does with his friend, and realize that invigoration and refreshment of spirit which only those can feel whose fellowship is with the Father and with his Son Jesus Christ. Lord, quicken every holy sensibility and affec- tion within us ; lift us above the spirit of a present evil world ; give us victory over inward corruption ; let Satan be trampled under our feet shortly ; and let all the graces of thy Holy Spirit find a place in our hearts, and be there within us in liveliest exercise. O God, who rulest in all the events and periods of our earthly pilgrimage, we bless thee for the new mercies of this day. We would recognize that providence which num- bers the hairs of our head, watches even the falling sparrow, and is ever busy about our good. Thou hast cared for us, and blessed us all our life long. Every moment of our being has proclaimed the goodness and loving-kindness of our heavenly Father ; and though we have often, alas ! forgotten thee, thou hast never been unmindful of us. We are monuments, not only of thy sparing mercy, but of thy patience, long-suffering, and forbearance. O may thy goodness lead us to true repentance, and to a sincere and earnest dedication of ourselves to thy glory. O may all the members of this family be humbled for the sins and infirmities with which they have been chargeable ; and may we in future devote ourselves more to the glory of our heavenly Father, who has caused mercy and goodness to follow us all the days of our life. Pardon, in infinite mercy, the transgressions of this day. Grant us individual acceptance through the adored Mediator. Preserve us from all eviL Refresh us with seasonable repose, and do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think, for the Redeemer’s sake. Amen. 305 2 Q TWENTY-FIRST CJmrStrag iBonung, WEEK. Psalm ix. E NABLE us, O Lord, to lift up our hearts unto thee, and let thy Holy Spirit help our infirmities, that we may not merely use the posture and language of prayer, but that we may worship thee in spirit and in truth. We come before thee, the continual depen- dants on thy goodness. In thee we five, and move, and have our being. Thou didst first bring us into existence; thou didst support us during the helplessness of infancy, and the childishness of our early years. Thou didst bear with us during the levity of youth; thou hast carried us through the various periods of our fives ; and hast now brought us, through numerous vicissitudes and dangers, to see the fight of this morning. Let us look up to thee as the Author and Giver of all our blessings, and may we acknowledge thy goodness and long-suffering, which have borne with our provocations, and have continually returned us good for evil. O Lord, let us praise thee for thy goodness to us, in casting our lot in a land in which we are exempted from so many of the evils and sufferings incident to human fife in other countries and in other times. Thou hast cast our lot in that little spot, of all the earth, where the greatest degree of spiritual fight is combined with every temporal comfort We might have been living in this land at a period when we should have been in pagan darkness, subject to all the evils of barbarism and cruelty, the victims of war or captivity, of uncertainty and terror ; whereas we have been passing week after week, year after year, in security and comfort, in abundance and peace. Lord, we have not been duly thankful to thee for all thy mercies, but may we be more so than we have ever yet been. May we delight to speak good of thy name. May we examine our hearts and fives, and compare the poor returns which we make with the various mercies which thou dost so profusely pour out upon us. May we thus be humbled under a sense of our own base ingratitude, and may we more earnestly desire to have the love of God shed abroad in our hearts, that we may love thee more, and be warmed with more fervent and continual gratitude to thee. And now, Lord, we beseech thee, accept our thanks for the mercies of the past night, for having preserved us in peace and safety, and raised us up again to see the fight of another morning. Grant that we may endeavour to make the only return we are able for all thy goodness, by giving up ourselves to thy service. May we cheerfully make the petty sacrifice of inclination or of interest which thou requirest of us. May we be ashamed of being unwilling to make them, when we think of all which thou hast done for us. But, above all, impress our hearts, we beseech thee, with a sense of thine infinite love in sending thine own Son, the partaker of thy nature and of thy glory, into this world, to be made man for our sakes, not to condemn the world, but that the world through Him might be saved. May the love of Christ henceforth constrain us to five no longer to ourselves, but to Him who died for us. May we more and more consider ourselves not as our own, but as bought with a price ; and may we use the blessings which thou hast given us, in thy fear and love, with gratitude to thee, the Giver of them all. Thus, whether we eat or drink, or whatever we do, may we do all to the glory of God. All we ask is for the Lord the Redeemer’s sake. Amen. 300 TWENTY-FIRST C&tirsiirag (flftenutg, WEEK. Romans, Chapter vii. W E praise thee, O God; we acknowledge thee to be the Lord. All the earth doth worship thee, the Father everlasting. To thee all angels cry aloud, the heavens and all the powers therein. To thee cherubim and seraphim continually do cry, Holy, holy, holy, Lord God of Sabaoth. We are indeed unworthy worshippers, but we adore thee, that we are not unwelcome. All the fitness thou requirest is to feel our need of thee. And we trust we do. We require thine hand to uphold our souls in life, to give us the food that perisheth, and to put from us the evils of which we shall otherwise be the prey. We want the wisdom which cometh from God, to direct us in the affairs of this world, that we may be kept from the dishonour into which many fall — that all our goings may be established, and that we may have a good name, which is better than great riches. But, spiritually destitute as we are, to whom can we go but unto thee ! Thou hast the words of eternal fife. Lord, save, or we perish ! God be merciful to us, sinners ! O thou who didst say in the last, the great day of the feast, If any man thirst, let him come unto me and drink ; behold, we come — give unto us of the fountain of the water of life freely. O be it ours to choose that good part which shall never be taken from us. May the name of Christ be to us as ointment poured forth. May the person of Christ be in our esteem the perfection of loveliness. May the atonement of Christ be the only basis of our confidence. May the Spirit of Christ be a resident in our souls. May the statutes of Christ be our song in the house of our pilgrimage, and may the anticipation of his presence be the death of every murmur, and the fuel of every joy. O that we may be complete in him, as the all- sufficient Saviour, and may this be witnessed to ourselves, and to others, by our likeness to him ! We rejoice that while he pitied our necessities, he came to restore us from the ruins of the fall. We cannot be happy here, nor could we be happy hereafter, if thy grace were to leave us as it finds us. We look for present and future blessedness, to the sub- jugation and destruction of sin. O deliver us from this our greatest foe ! Take from us all our iniquity, and give us a sure and certain hope that we shall be found among those who are before the throne of God, and serve him day and night in his temple. Then shall we hunger no more, neither thirst any more, neither shall the sun light upon us, nor any heat; for the Lamb which is in the midst of the throne shall feed us, and lead us unto living fountains of waters, and God shall wipe away all tears from our eyes. O Lord, we commit our bodies and souls to thy care, as weak and unworthy creatures* unable to defend ourselves, and undeserving thy protection. Accept our thanks for the favours we have received, and bring us, we humbly beseech thee, in safety to the beginning of another day, with an increased sense of obligation to thy providence and thy grace. Graciously command thy blessing to fall on our relations, and neighbours, our friends, and, if there be such, our enemies. Bless thy ministers, and prosper thy people. Succour the distressed, and in the time of their wealth save the prosperous. Let thy grace, O Lord our Saviour Jesus Christ; thine unchanging love, O thou Father of our mercies; thy delightful communion, O holy, blessed, and eternal Spirit; be with us and ours, and the whole Israel of God, this night, and for evermore. Amen. 307 2 Q 2 TWENTY -FIRST jftitiag iBormns WEEK. Psalm x. 0 LORD God of the spirits of all flesh, thou art the high and lofty One inhabiting eternity ; thou art of purer eyes than to behold iniquity ; thou dwellest in that light which is inaccessible, and full of glory ; thou receivest the exalted homage of all unfallen intelligences ; thou art worthy to be feared, adored, and loved by all who have reason and immortality. With holy awe would we draw near this morning to the footstool of thy throne, ever remembering, that though thou art the hearer of prayer, and the Father of mercies, thou art also a consuming fire. O suffer us not to rush into thy presence, or to forget the infinite majesty and glory of thy character. As sinners, it becomes us to lie prostrate before thee in deep abasement. O deal not with us after our sins, nor reward us according to our iniquities. See, O God our shield, and look upon the face of thine Anointed. By him, as the only Mediator, we draw near into thy gracious presence ; we rejoice that his name is all-prevailing in heaven, and that whosoever cometh to thee, through Him, thou wilt in no wise cast out. And now what shall we say, who are but sinful dust and ashes, and who have taken upon us to speak to thee, the Sovereign Majesty of heaven and earth? Justly might our great and manifold sins provoke thee to hide thy face from us, and to cast us away from thy presence. We have done wickedly, in not regarding the works of the Lord, in not hearkening to the calls of his word. Our transgressions are a sore burden, too heavy for us to bear. If thou, O Lord, shouldst enter into judgment with us, we could not answer thee for one of a thousand ; our mouths must be stopped, we must all stand guilty before God. How wonderful is the long-suffering that has been exercised towards us ! how- amazing the mercy to which we are encouraged to look with humble confidence ! Thou hast said, let the wicked forsake his way, and the unrighteous man his thoughts, and let him return unto the Lord, for he will abundantly pardon ; we, therefore, earnestly pray that thou wilt be pleased to stretch forth thine hand, and to relieve us, tied and bound as we are by the chain of our sins. May our souls, freed from every yoke of bondage, be fitted to serve thee with that sincerity, readiness, and gladness which thou requirest of thy people. Help us to forsake as well as to confess our iniquities, so that we may have a well-grounded hope of thy forgiveness, and acceptance in the Beloved. Regulate our unruly passions, purify our corrupt affections, and renew all our faculties, that they may be instruments of thy glory, as they have been of thy dishonour. Let the work of thy grace be daily advancing in our hearts, that we may be better fitted for the engagements of life, and continually ripening for the full enjoyment of thy glory. Bless us, O Lord, as a family, with every thing suited to our several circumstances. Give us all wisdom, to know the duties of our respective stations ; and grace, that they may be faithfully discharged. May integrity and uprightness preserve us. Let the beauty of the Lord our God be upon us ; and establish thou the work of our hands upon us, yea, the work of our hands establish thou it. Be pleased, gracious God, to watch over and bless us this day. In all our ways may we acknowledge thee, and do thou direct our steps. Without thee we can do nothing aright. Preserve us from temptation. Shield us from all evil, and infinitely exceed all that we ask or think, for the Redeemer’s sake. Amen. 308 TWENTY-FIRST jfritra& <£bntfng* WEEK. Romans, Chapter viii. O GOD, thy greatness is unsearchable, and thy ways are past finding out. Before thee we are nothing; less than nothing, and vanity; worse than nothing, and iniquity. With shame and sorrow we acknowledge our degraded and perishing condi- tion ; for sin has forfeited thy favour, stripped us of thy image, banished us from thy presence, and exposed us to the curse of thy holy law. And from this condition we have no power to deliver ourselves ; and we must lie down in despair, unless a refuge be found in thyself, from whom we have so deeply revolted. But Thou, even Thou, without our desert, without our desires, and ages before our existence, wast pleased to accomplish a plan, extending from everlasting to everlasting, honourable to all thy perfections, and which the angels desire to look into. And the word which announces all the glory of this goodness is nigh us, and invites and beseeches us to partake of all the fulness of God. O let us not turn away from Him that speaketh from heaven, and reject the counsel of God against ourselves; but, as convinced and self- despairing sinners, may we receive it as a faithful saying, and worthy of all acceptation, and find it to be the power of God unto salvation. And as the Cross of our Lord Jesus Christ is the centre of all the parts, and the source of all the blessings of the Gospel, may we repair to it, and there be relieved from a burden too heavy for us to bear — and there be crucified to the world — and there become dead indeed unto sin, but alive unto God. There may we sink into the deepest humiliation ; there may we find motives to patience, self-denial, active benevolence : there may hope lift up its head ; and faith lay hold on eternal life ; and love bind us, not to live unto ourselves, but to Him that died for us, and rose again. Enable us to rejoice in Him whom thou hast sent, not only as the Redeemer, but the Sanctifier. We want holiness ; and not only the reality of the principle and the practice, but the increase. May we be more thankful for thy mercies, more humble under thy corrections, more zealous in thy service. Make us more constant in duty, more watchful against temptation, more contented in our stations, more exemplary in our conduct, more useful in our day and generation. We know that thou wilt bring us to death, and to the house appointed for all living: may we also know, that when the earthly house of our tabernacle shall be dissolved, we have a building of God, a house not made with hands, eternal in the heavens. O Thou whose mercies are over all thy works, have pity upon all men. Smile upon our country, and fill our churches with thy glory. Bless all the magistrates of the land, and all the ministers of thy word. Be a father to the fatherless : plead the cause of the widow ; comfort the feeble-minded ; support the weak ; be the guide of the young, and the solace of the old. In a peculiar manner regard all those who are near and dear to us; be their sun and their shield; give them grace and glory, and withhold no good thing from them. In how many dangers hast thou preserved us, and by how many comforts hast thou indulged us through another day. Let the night also praise thee, and the morning rejoice, as we implore it through the intercession of Him in whose words we address thee as. Our Father, &c. 309 TWENTY-FIRST ^atuitaj) Morning WEEK. Psalms xi. xii. O GOD our Creator, Preserver, and constant Benefactor ! help us with reverence and godly fear to bow our knees before thee, deeply feeling our unworthiness, and trusting alone in our blessed Advocate, for acceptance with thee. For his sake, grant us thy Holy Spirit, to help our infirmities. Great is thy loving-kindness to us, unworthy sinners. Great are the mercies thou hast bestowed upon us, both spiritual and temporal. Fill our hearts, we pray thee, with love and thankfulness, and with earnest desires of living to thy glory. Take from us pride, vanity, and self-righteousness. May we be under the blessed teaching of thy Spirit, and, being convinced of our own blindness and helplessness, may we be willing and obedient to follow his holy dictates, and be led, in humble penitence and lively faith, to the Cross of our adored Redeemer. O God, we beseech thee to shew us our duty this day, and to guide us in the path of life. Strengthen us in what is good ; subdue in us what is evil ; purify our motives of action ; help us to keep our hearts with all diligence, knowing that out of them are the issues of life ; and O let nothing corrupt us from the simplicity which is in Christ Jesus. Bless to us, we beseech thee, O Lord, the daily perusal and study of the Holy Scrip- tures, that we may ever receive their heavenly lessons with profit and delight. O let us never stagger at thy promises through unbelief, but may we be strong in faith, giving glory to God ; and since our divine Master has left us an example that we should follow in his steps, may we daily endeavour, through the aids of thy Holy Spirit, to follow him in humility, devotion, zeal for thy glory, deadness to the world, meekness, and gentleness, and holiness both in heart and life ; so that our evidence of union to him, and interest in the blessings of his mediation, may be clear to our own minds, and to the minds of all who mingle with us. Make us the living epistles of Christ, known and read of all men. Put his image upon us, and his Spirit into our hearts, that we may never depart from his ways. Let all men take knowledge of us that we belong to Christ, Let the glory of his name be the grand motive of our existence, and let his holy laws be the rule and guide of our life. O God, who hast told us to make prayers and supplications for all men, we would plead thy glorious promise, that the knowledge of the Lord shall cover the earth as the waters cover the sea. Do for us those great things for which thou hast commanded us to pray. Stir up thy power, descend in the midst of us, and with great might do thou succour us. Now, in these latter days, open the eyes of the blind, awaken the careless from their sleep of death, and pour out thy Spirit upon all flesh. Gather in thy flock, we pray thee, from the north and from the south, from the east and from the west. Take away the vail from the hearts of thine ancient people : may they return to thee with weeping and with supplication. May they look upon Him whom they have pierced, and mourn. Hear, we beseech thee, the prayer of thy servants who call upon thee, and supply our wants according to thy wisdom and thy love, for the sake of thy well-beloved Son, Jesus Christ. Amen. 310 TWENTY-FIRST «#>aturtrag aiming, WEEK. Romans, Chapter ix. B LESS the Lord, O our souls ; and all that is within us, bless his holy name. Bless the Lord, O our souls, and forget not all his benefits. Father of mercies, receive graciously the evening sacrifice of praise and thanksgiving, which thy unworthy servants desire to offer thee for the innumerable blessings of the past week. O Lord, thou art merciful and gracious, slow to anger, and of great kindness. Thou hast not dealt with us after our sins, nor rewarded us according to our iniquities, but thou hast been kind to the unthankful and the evil. O that the remembrance of thy patience and forbearance, and of thy unwearied goodness to us, may melt our hearts into deep and godly sorrow, and fill us with firm resolutions of living henceforward a life of holiness. O Lord, we confess our iniquities, and we would be sorry for our sins. How often have we acted against the checks of our consciences, and provoked thee to anger. How' perpetually have we forgotten thee, in whom we live, and move, and have our being. We have done that which we ought not to have done, we have left undone that which we ought to have done. God be merciful to us, sinners. Enable us to repent and turn to thee. Pardon our sins, we beseech thee ; let them be washed away in the blood of Jesus, and for his sake give us thy grace and Holy Spirit, to help us against the devil, the world, and the flesh. Subdue our iniquities. Take away the evil dispositions of our hearts. Make us real Christians, and humble followers of our blessed Master. Help us daily to press forward toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus. And herein may we exercise ourselves, to have always a conscience void of offence toward God and toward men. Lord, to-morrow is the rest of the Sabbath. O may it be a day of blessing to our souls, and to the souls of our beloved friends. May it be a day of blessing to our country, and to the world in general. May all who have received from thee the com- mandment, obediently remember the Sabbath-day to keep it holy. May the bright beams of the truth shine into the hearts of those who as yet know and love thee not ; and may those who do know and love thee be enabled to seek thee more earnestly, to the strengthening and comforting of their souls. By prayer, by self-examination, by the private study of thy word, may we separate ourselves this night from the spirit of the world, and look forward with holy anticipation to the pleasures of a day devoted to Christian worship and Christian intercourse. Enable us to discharge all those secular duties, before retiring to rest, which might interfere with the sanctity of thy day, that it may be wholly devoted to Thee. We pray for the ministers of the gospel. May those who are in darkness, or halting between two opinions, be brought to see and preach the truth as it is in Jesus ; and may thy faithful ministers receive strength to remain steadfast, and come forth to-morrow in the fulness of the blessing of the gospel of Christ. Merciful God, watch over us this night, and all belonging to us, we beseech thee ; and hear our prayers, for the sake of Him who ever liveth to make intercession for us. Amen. 311 TWENTY-SECOND iHontmg WEEK. Psalms xiii. xiv. 0 GOD of love and mercy, we would hail the return of this day of rest with senti- ments of unfeigned gratitude and praise. May we enter into the true spirit of thine own sacred appointment, and thus partake the sabbath of the mind. We earnestly beseech thee to pour out upon us copious effusions of thy Holy Spirit, that we may be prepared to wait upon thee in all the institutions of thy grace, both in private and public. O raise our minds this day to the lofty and animating theme of redemption purchased by the blood of the cross. May we triumph in the obedience and death, the resurrection and glory, of our divine Lord. As he is now seeing of the travail of his soul, in the salvation of countless multitudes of our fallen race, may we enter with him into the joy of his heart, and identify our peace and happiness with the progressive extension of his peaceful reign. May we know that his kingdom is within us ; and that though the throne of his mediatorial glory is in the heavens, yet that the power of his grace reigns within. O may the flame of pure devotion be kindled this day on the altar of all our hearts ; may we individually seek a closer walk with God ; may our closets witness to the fervour of our intercourse with heaven; may family piety breathe a sweeter fragrance than on other days ; and may we all be sensitively alive to the interests of the spiritual and eternal world. Holy Father, we pray for the lively tokens of thy blessing upon the public ordinances of thy grace. Thou lovest the gates of Zion more than all the dwellings of Jacob. Meet with the thousands and tens of thousands who shall this day assemble in thy house of prayer. Let thy glory rest upon all the tribes of the spiritual Israel. Let power from on high attend the administrations of the Christian sanctuary. May the ministers of Christ be delivered from the fear of man, and be enabled to speak the word with all boldness and fidelity. May many souls be gathered to Christ this day. Let the kingdom of darkness suffer great and permanent injury. Take from men's minds the vail that hides from their view the glory of Christ. Subdue the obstinate enmity and the inveterate unbelief of the human mind. Destroy the undue influence of present things. Awaken the powers of enlightened conscience. Let there be joy in heaven over multitudes of repentant and converted men. O that the word of the Lord may run, have free course, and be glorified, that Christ may be glorified and souls saved. Lord, bless this family. May we all diligently improve the opportunities which this day brings within our reach. Suffer none of us to rank with those who despise, and wonder, and perish. May young and old belong to Christ, and share his choicest blessing. Sanctify all our family trials, and all our family mercies. Help us to recognize thy hand in both. Bless our dear relations this day, and grant unto them the mercies suited to the Christian Sabbath. Regard thy ministering servant who breaks to us the bread of life. Set his heart and his tongue this day at happy liberty. May he have a message from thyself to all our souls ; may we have an ear to hear and a heart to feel thy gracious appeal. Lord, hear these our feeble and unworthy prayers, for the sake of our only Redeemer and Advocate, Jesus Christ. Amen. 312 TWENTY-SECOND ,#>tmirag <£bntmg WEEK. Romans, Chapter x. G REAT is the Lord, and greatly to be praised, in the city of our God, in the moun- tain of his holiness. Our feet have this day stood within the gates of the spiritual Jerusalem ; and we pray that the feelings of those who have been spiritual worshippers mav be ours. We feel ourselves in the condition of those unto whom much has been given, and from whom therefore much will be required. Surely it will be more tolerable for Sodom and Gomorrah, in the day of judgment, than it will be for us, if we neglect so great salvation. How many Sabbaths, and opportunities, and warnings, have we mis- improved ! O let not the sacred privileges of this day be treated with the same culpable neglect. Inscribe thy truth on the memory, the heart, and the conscience; let it abide in us as a spiritual leaven, which shall in due time leaven the whole lump ; let its lessons both of terror and hope be received with equal readiness and grateful submission ; and O grant that the word preached may truly profit us, being mixed with faith, and embraced as that truth of God which is able to save our souls. Enable us, O Lord, faithfully to examine our hearts, that we may know our true state before thee, and that we may not be as those who have a name to live, while they are dead. Suffer no arts or devices of our great adversary to deceive us as to our state and prospects for eternity; may we know that Christ Jesus is in us, except we be disapproved of God ; search us, O God, and try us, and see if there be any wicked way in us, and lead us in the way everlasting ; may we know that neither circumcision nor uncircum- cision availeth any thing, but a new creature, and faith which worketh by love. Let thy Spirit’s power quicken all that is dead and lifeless within us ; may he fix the message of thy love in our hearts, and thus enable us, as the result of the sacred instructions of this day, to bring forth fruit unto life eternal. We would call to remembrance that the day of culture and opportunity will soon be over ; and that the day of final account draweth nigh. As the Judge is ever at the door, may we stand prepared to meet his call, and to render an account of our stewardship. O prepare us to give in our account with joy and not with grief ; let us not sleep as do others, but let us watch and be sober; for in such an hour as we think not, the Son of man cometh ; and blessed is that servant whom his Lord, when he cometh, shall find watching. We would humble ourselves as a family for the misimprovement of family mercies. Enter not into judgment with thy servants, for in thy sight none of us can be justified. Deal not with us in thine anger, but pity and forgive us in the tenderness of thy great mercy. Quicken our spiritual diligence, and let the time past of our lives be more than sufficient for us to have wrought the will of the Gentiles. Unto thy gracious hands we commend ourselves, and all dear to us, this night. Let our souls be precious in thy sight, and let our frail bodies be refreshed with sleep ; and whether waking or sleeping, living or dying, may we be the Lord’s. These mercies we ask in the name, and for the sake, of our only Advocate and Redeemer Jesus Christ; to whom, with the Father and the Holy Ghost, be all honour and glory both now and evermore. Amen. 313 2 R TWENTY-SECOND JHmttrag iBatmug* WEEK. Psalms xv. xvi. M OST gracious God, we present to thee our humble and hearty thanks for permitting us to attend upon thee in the duties of thy worship, to offer up our praises and prayers to thy Divine Majesty. Pardon, O Lord, all the wanderings and distractions of our minds, and whatever else thou seest amiss in us, in any of our thoughts, words, or actions; forgive the iniquities of our holy things, and graciously accept our sincere though feeble endeavours to serve thee. Help us, by the use of all the appointed means of sal- vation, to grow in grace, and in the knowledge of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, that we may be fitted more and more for the enjoyment of thee our God, and our blessed Redeemer, in the world to come ; and, O grant that, when we shall cease to worship with thy saints on earth, we may enter on this blessed employment with the spirits of just men made perfect, in heaven. In the name of Christ alone we draw near to thy Majesty. In him, and for his sake, thou art ever well pleased. May we repose our every hope, for present and eternal acceptance, on his finished work. Elevate our conceptions of the dignity of his person and the perfection of his work. May he appear to us in all his glory, as God manifest in the flesh ; the brightness of thy glory, and the express image of thy person. In him dwelleth all the fulness of the Godhead bodily. May we adore him as the Mighty God, the everlasting Father, and the Prince of peace. May we rest in him as the Lord our righteousness ; as the Alpha and the Omega, the beginning and the ending, the first and the last. May he be made of God unto us wisdom, righteousness, sanctification, and redemption. O Thou who fillest all things living with plenteousness, and who feedest the young ravens that call upon thee, be merciful unto us and ours in the supply of those necessities which we daily feel and acknowledge. Keep us in health and comfort, grant us food and raiment, and such competence as may be needful to maintain us in that station to which thou hast called us, that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and honesty. Thus, O our Father, may we use this world as not abusing it, seeing that the fashion thereof passeth away, and that in a little time the place that now knows us shall know us no more. May we pass the time of our sojourning here in fear, till it shall please Thee to summon us to Thy glorious courts above. O fit and prepare us for every event of life, but especially for our last great change. Invigorate our faith in every time of sickness and pain, and forsake us not when our strength faileth. O leave us not in that hour of deep and solemn interest, when all creature aid will fail us. Give to us an unfeigned repentance for all our sins; inspire us with supreme love to Thyself, and never- failing charity to our neighbour ; bless us with entire submission to thy holy will, and with a happy foretaste of heavenly bliss, — a sweet assurance of eternal life. But if such lively confidence of approaching bliss should be denied to us ; yet, O gracious Father, let us not fall short of the promised reward of thy servants, nor fail, in the great day, to hear that joyful sentence pronounced upon us, Come, ye blessed of my Father, inherit the king- dom prepared for you before the foundation of the world. Grant this, O most gracious God, for thy mercies’ sake in Christ Jesus our Lord. Amen. 311 TWENTY-SECOND fflontiag 0bntmg, WEEK. Romans, Chapter xi. A LMIGHTY and eternal God, who didst at first create man in thine own image, and who didst form him capable of knowing, loving, serving, and enjoying thee, we lament that alienation of mind and feeling which has come upon us by apostacy. O may we see whence we have fallen, and seek with full purpose of heart to return to thee, the fountain of living waters. Constrain us to lay aside the vain pursuit of happiness in the creature, and to seek it, where alone it can be found, in Thyself, the infinite Creator. It is of thy boundless mercy that any way of escape from the consequences of our rebellion has been devised. Behold what manner of love the Father hath bestowed upon us, that ever we should hope to be called and treated as the sons of God. Thou hast so loved the world as to give thine only-begotten Son, that whosoever believeth on him should not perish, but have everlasting life. O our God, upon whom all creatures depend, we acknowledge that we possess nothing which is not the effect of thy unmerited bounty. We humbly praise thee for all the favours which thou hast conferred on us, especially for redemption by the blood of Christ, for the promise of the Holy Spirit, and for all the various means of grace and salvation. Let not our mercies rise up in judgment to condemn us ; but may we have grace diligently to attend to the things that belong to our peace, lest they should be for ever hid from our eyes. How shall we escape, if we neglect so great salvation. Surely it will be more tolerable for heathen nations than it will be for us, if we neglect our opportunities, and lose our souls. We have known the Master’s will, and, failing to comply with it, we must be beaten with many stripes. Teach us to remember that now is the accepted time, and that now is the day of salvation. Let us not put off the great business of eternity to a more convenient period ; but may we be up and doing the will of God, since the night is fast approaching in which no man can work. Having been so slothful and negligent in the past, may we now give diligence to make our calling and our election sure, that we may never fall from our steadfastness. We would not be unmindful of our obligations for the daily and hourly blessings of thy providence. Thou feedest us with food convenient for us, thou repairest the infirmities of our frail and dying bodies ; thou guardest us from innumerable evils, both by night and by day ; thou preservest our souls from death, our eyes from tears, and our feet from falling. O may we always delight to praise and glorify thy name, and may we love Thy Blessed Self above all our creature comforts. O Father of mercies, withhold not thy compassion from us, sinful and apostate creatures. O despise not the work of thine own hands, the purchase of thy Son’s blood. We most humbly implore the pardon and forgiveness of all our sins. Cause us deeply to repent on account of them ; to hate them as displeasing in thy sight ; and to flee from them under the powerful influence of redeeming love. We dedicate ourselves afresh to thee this evening, body, soul, and spirit ; spread the wing of thy protection and love over us during the hours of darkness ; refresh and invigorate our faculties both of body and mind, and accept of us through our only Mediator and Advocate, Jesus Christ. Amen. 315 2 R 2 TWENTY-SECOND Cucstiaij iBonmig, WEEK. Psalm xvn. G OD of infinite wisdom, power, and goodness, we prostrate ourselves before thee, under an affecting sense of our own unworthiness, and of thy incomprehensible majesty and purity. We contemplate with solemn awe the glories of thy nature, thine eternal power and Godhead, thy ever-watchful and universal providence, thy benignity and goodness as displayed in all the works of thy hands. Who is a God like unto thee, glorious in holiness, fearful in praises, ever doing wonders ? Teach us to look up to thy throne with reverence and godly fear. We acknowledge, with shame and contrition of mind, that we have not rendered unto thee the glory that is due to thy name. We have worshipped and served the creature more than the Creator, who is blessed for ever more. Our best affections have been withdrawn from thee, the Source of all good. We have not lived and acted as those who profess to believe in thy existence and infinite perfection. We have been chargeable with innumerable failures, omissions, and neglects. Our offences, in thought, word, and deed, are many and aggravated; and shouldst thou be extreme to mark, or severe to punish, what we have said, and thought, and done amiss, we could not stand in thy sight. But, O let thy love, revealed to us in thy Son, encourage us to plead with thee the. pardon and remission of all our transgressions. In his name we approach thee this morning, beseeching thee to cancel all our guilt, to receive us graciously, and to love us freely. O strengthen us, blessed Lord, this day by the gracious aids of thy Holy Spirit. By his mighty power subdue the infirmity of our nature, preserve us from the dominion of sin, fortify us against the influence of temptation, assist us in the path of duty, and make us faithful and diligent in thy service. Enable us, with livelier experience, to know thee, the only true God, and Jesus Christ whom thou hast sent. Cause us to live according to the light which we possess. Make us sincere penitents, steadfast believers, and devoted Christians. May we better than ever answer the ends of our existence, and more adorn the doctrine of God our Saviour in all things. Direct our undertakings, prosper our honest endeavours, and rule our hearts in thy fear and love. We would enter upon no duty, we would prosecute no labour of our hands, in our own strength. Without thee, O Lord, we can do nothing. We are altogether insufficient to our own happiness. Be thou our guide, our counsellor, our never-failing portion. When the enemy comes in like a flood, may the Spirit of the Lord lift up a standard against him. In every hour of danger may we look to the Rock that is higher than we, and find shelter for our weary and exposed souls beneath the shadow of thy wings. Let thy blessing he upon this house. Let returning mercies engage us to fresh acts of gratitude and praise. Let the prospect of future glory raise our minds above the sordid views of this world. Let the remembrance and sense of thy love teach us constantly to submit to all the dispensations of thy providence. Let our hopes and affections be immoveably fixed upon the heavenly reward. And when the last hour of life shall approach, may we know whom we have believed, and fall asleep in Jesus. And to the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost be all honour and glory world without end. Amen. 31G TWENTY-SECOND Cuesfoag <£bntmjj. WEEK. Romans, Chapter xii. A LMIGHTY God, the Father and Preserver of all, we give thee most humble and hearty thanks that we are spared to the present hour, and that we are permitted at the close of another day to assemble around the throne of the heavenly grace. By thee we were at first fearfully and wonderfully made, and by thy blessed providence we have been upheld and comforted to the present moment. We would praise and magnify thy glorious name for thy great goodness and mercy towards us, the most unworthy of thy creatures, and would humbly beseech thee for those special bestowments of thy grace, whereby we may be taught so to number our days as to apply our hearts unto wisdom ; that we may know the true ends of existence, and may glorify God in our bodies and spirits, which are his. Grant us sinners repentance for all our sins, true faith in the Lord Jesus, and love to him who shed his precious blood to redeem us from everlasting death. Baptize us with the Holy Ghost, that the Spirit of Christ may dwell in us, that old things may pass away, and that all things may become new. Suffer us not to rest in any of the outward forms of piety, but may we be renewed in the spirit of our minds, that we may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect will of God. We humble ourselves, O God, in thy sight for the infirmities and short-comings of this day. We confess our undue love of present things. Our affections have been too much engrossed with the cares of life. We have acted too little as seeing Him who is invisible. But amidst all our forgetfulness of thee, thine eye has been upon us for good. Thou hast shielded us from dangers seen and unseen. Thou hast made our necessities the objects of thy care ; thou hast blessed and prospered the work of our hands ; thou hast made good- ness and mercy to follow us through all the occupations of the day. Bless the Lord, O our souls ; and all that is within us, bless his holy name ; who forgiveth all our iniquities, who healeth all our diseases, who crowneth us with loving-kindness and tender mercies. O let not thy favours be buried in an ungrateful heart ; but may they be remembered and improved. We know not how long our opportunities may be continued to us ; let us never learn the value of them by their removal. Thou mightest justly have been provoked by our iniquities to hide thy face from us, and to deal with us in righteous judgment. Thou art God and not man, and therefore it is that we are not consumed. Turn us unto thee, O God, and we will run after thee. Draw us to thyself with cords of love as with the bands of a man. With an undivided heart may we be taught to love and serve thee, and to delight in thy ways. Create in us a clean heart, renew within us a right spirit, and take not thy Holy Spirit from us. And now, O our Father and our God, we commit all our interests for time and eternity into thy hands. We are thine by every tie which duty or gratitude can suggest ; may we with full purpose of heart consecrate ourselves unto thee. Be thou our God and our por- tion for evermore. Make us the temples of the Holy Ghost. Set us apart to thy glory. Make us happy in thy love. Let all dear to us share in thine unchanging love. May all who mingle in this act of devotion meet in the fellowships of heaven. Pardon the iniquity of our holy things •, and accept of our persons and services for the sake of our only Saviour and Mediator, to whom be glory everlasting. Amen. 317 TWENTY-SECOND OTetimstfag Manting, WEEK. Psalm xviii. M OST holy and righteous God, thou hast declared that without holiness no man shall see the Lord ; enable us, under the solemn impression of this sentiment, to approach into thine awful presence. And as thou hast pronounced thy blessing on the pure in heart, and hast promised that they shall see God ; O do thou wash us thoroughly from our iniquity, and cleanse us from our sin ; do thou create in us a clean heart ; do thou renew within us a right spirit ; and O take not from us thy Holy Spirit. Make us, O Lord, to love and fear thee above all, to reverence thy holy name, and to be diligent in the discharge of every incumbent duty, whether pertaining to this life or to that which is to come. Make us kind and affectionate towards all men, slow to anger, and ready to forgive; tender of the reputation of others ; faithful and upright in all our dealings ; true and sincere in all our words and actions ; full of pity and compassion to the needy and afflicted ; and ever ready to do unto all men as we would that they should do unto us. Clothe us with meekness and humility ; make us sober and temperate in the use of all creature enjoyments ; give us patience and submission under all the trials of our lot ; and teach us in whatever state we are therewith to be content. Llave mercy, O Lord, on all mankind. Preserve and defend thy church. Bless our rightful Sovereign, and all that are in authority under him ; with all orders and degrees of men among us. Give us thy grace, O Lord, faithfully to serve thee in our several callings; that our eye being single, our whole body may be full of light; and that, after the trials, duties, and sorrows of this changing scene, we may, through thy grace, be made partakers of thy heavenly kingdom. We entreat a blessing, O Lord, upon our lawful callings. May we blend the wisdom of the serpent with the harmlessness of the dove. Ever make us sensible of our exposure to evil, and teach us to watch continually against its influence. Above all, enable us to keep our hearts with all diligence, since out of them are the issues of life. Let us not fall into the snares which may be laid for us by our fellow-creatures ; and, O never suffer us to become the tempters of any with whom we may be called to mingle in life. May we strive to promote the salvation and happiness of all around us. Teach us to derive a large share of our enjoyment from the effort to be useful to the bodies and souls of men. O blessed Redeemer, who didst suffer death upon the cross for the sins of men, we rejoice that thou hast mercifully promised, Him that cometh to me, I will in no wise cast out. Unto thee, O Lord, may we come, weary and heavy laden with the burden of our sins, that we may find rest unto our souls. Forgive the many and great offences with which we are chargeable in thy sight this morning ; purify and invigorate our minds by thy Holy Spirit; enable us to approach thee with deep and hearty repentance, with faith unfeigned, and with fervent love ; cause us to experience the full benefit of that atonement which thou hast made for our sins by thy precious blood ; that, henceforth walking in the way of thy commandments, we may be prepared, by divine grace, to meet thee with joy when thou shalt come in the glory of thy kingdom. And now to God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Ghost, be glory and dominion, now and for evermore. Amen. 318 TWENTY-SECOND OTefcnetftiaE Anting. WEEK. Romans, Chapter xiii. M OST blessed God, thy will is perfect ; thy law which expresses it, is holy, just, and good ; and thou hast, in love to us, set it plainly before us, that we may know our real obligations, and may seek conformity to thy image. But, alas ! we have acted contrary to thy will ; we have broken thy laws, and have swerved from thy commandments. — Enter not into judgment with thy servants, O Lord; for in thy sight shall no flesh living be justified. O let thy Spirit convince us of sin, and bring us to true repentance and the acknowledgment of the truth, that we, meekly confessing our unworthiness, may be received into thy divine favour and mercy, through Jesus Christ, our Lord, and may rejoice in that salvation which he has wrought out for perishing sinners. Thou, O Lord, hast taught us, that, except we be converted, and become as little children, we cannot enter into the kingdom of heaven ; O make us aware of our natural blindness, and thankful to thee for thy holy and heavenly instructions. Unite us to Christ by faith, and to thyself in him, that we, loving thee above all, may yield ourselves unto thee as those that are alive from the dead, and our members as instruments of righteous- ness unto holiness. Let gratitude as well as love constrain us to walk worthy of thee unto all well-pleasing ; and since thou didst not spare thy dear Son, hut didst deliver Him up to the death for us all, and wilt with him also freely give us all things ; O impart to us a lively sense of our unutterable obligations, and crown all thy gifts with that of thy Holy Spirit. Grant, O Lord, that in the faith of thy mercy for Christ’s sake, we may learn to for- give others, as we hope ourselves to be forgiven of thee ; and as much as in us lies, may we live peaceably with all men; and follow holiness, without which no man can see the Lord. We adore the riches of thy grace in the forgiveness of that immense debt which we owed to thee, and for discharging us, through faith, from the penalty due to our sins, by making thine own Son a propitiation for the sins of our guilty race. Let this wonderful inter- position be to us an irresistible inducement to hate and forsake the sins for which he suffered and died ; and to present our bodies a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable unto thee, which is our reasonable service ; that, while we live, we may live unto the Lord ; and that, when we die, we may die unto the Lord ; so that, whether we live or die, we may be the Lord’s. As a family, we meet to praise thy name for the manifold mercies of another day. Thou hast been near to us as our protector and our guide. Thy goodness and thy mercy have followed us. We sought thy blessing in the morning, and thou hast not withheld it. We thank thee for food and raiment, and all other earthly comforts. May we see all thy mercies in their relation to the scheme of thy love in Christ Jesus. May we look on thee as our Father in heaven; and as children of thy love, help us to receive and use all the blessings with which thou art pleased to crown our earthly lot. O suffer us not to abuse any of thy creatures ; but teach us to regard them as lent us for a season, soon to be recalled. Under the shadow of thy wings may we sleep securely this night. Lord, hear and accept us in the name of Jesus Christ ; to whom, with Thee and the Holy Ghost, be all honour and glory, world without end. Amen. 319 TWENTY-SECOND drartfmg iBontmg WEEK. Psalm xix. 0 LORD our God, we desire to bless and praise thee as the great Creator, Preserve, and Governor of all things ; our Saviour, Deliverer, and continual Benefactor. We would reverence thine infinite perfections ; we would worship thy holy name as God over all, and blessed for evermore. We render thanks to thee for the innumerable mercies conferred * on us, thy guilty and unworthy creatures ; we bless thee for our being ; for our various powders of body and mind ; for thy incessant care of us, and watchful providence over us, notwithstanding our frequent and heinous offences against thy Majesty. More especially we bless and magnify thy name for thy tender mercy towards us, and all mankind, in sending thy dearly beloved Son into the world, to redeem us from sin and misery, and, by suffering in our nature, and dying in our stead, to secure for us the inestimable blessing of eternal life. May the obedience and suffering^ of the Lamb of God be the resting-place of our souls, in prospect of standing before thee at the great tribunal. Let us have no confidence in the flesh,— no dependence upon our own imperfect righteousness, — no reliance upon the works of the law ; but may Christ be made of God unto us wisdom, righteousness, sanctification, and redemption. Teach us to glory in his cross, and to feel ourselves drawn by its constraining influence into all holy and cheerful obedience to his will. We humbly beseech thee, O God, to have pity and compassion upon all mankind. Bless and preserve thy whole church ; remove out of it all formality and ungodliness, all error and corruption, all strife and division ; and do thou restore to it primitive purity and simplicity, truth and holiness, peace and charity. Let not those who profess the same faith any longer bite and devour each other, lest they be consumed one of another; but do thou incline them to love as brethren, and to walk together as fellow-heirs of the grace of life, and as partakers of the common salvation. Take into thine almighty protection our most gracious Sovereign : may wisdom be given from above, that our civil government may be conducted in thy fear, and to thy glory, and for the welfare of the whole nation. Endue all the ministers of thy truth with the spirit of their office, that they may with zeal and diligence watch for souls as they that must give account, and that they may so administer the laws of Christ in his church, as at last they may hear from his gracious lips the joyful plaudit, Well done, good and faithful servants, enter ye into the joy of your Lord. Direct and dispose aright all in authority, inclining also the people to be obedient. Be mindful of any who are in affliction or distress ; who labour under poverty, persecution, or captivity ; who suffer from bodily pains and diseases ; or who are subject to temptation and sorrow of any kind. Be pleased to support and deliver them, according to thy great goodness and mercy. O Lord God, thou only knowest the circumstances of our friends, acquaintance, and neighbours, and of all around us everywhere, for whom we would supplicate thy favour. Keep us and them in thy fear and love this day. Let thy word dwell in us as a preserv- ative against evil, and as a source of holy and devout action ; vouchsafe to us all whatever thou deemest most needful, according to our several necessities, and thine own exceeding great and precious promises, through Jesus Christ thy Son our Lord. Amen. 320 TWENTY-SECOND Cljurstiajj tiptoning. WEEK. Romans, Chapter xiv. 0 THOU high and loft} 7 One that inhabitest eternity, whose name is holy, who dwellest in the high and holy place, we humble ourselves before thy glorious Majesty. Thou, even thou, art greatly to be feared ; and who may stand in thy sight when once thou art angry ? Make us at all times afraid of thy wrath, which thou hast revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who hold the truth in unrighteousness. O let not our portion be with thine enemies, nor with those unprofitable servants who shall be cast into outer darkness. We do, indeed, justly deserve thy holy displeasure ; and if thou shouldst deal with us according to our iniquities, we could have no hope of escaping the severity of thy judgments. But blessed be thy name for the hope set before us in thy gospel, for the gift of him who suffered for our sins, the just for the unjust, that he might bring us unto God. Grant that, being justified freely by his blood, we may be saved from wrath through him. Give us true repentance towards thee, and lively faith towards our Lord Jesus Christ. Unite us to him by that living faith which purifies the heart, works by love, and overcomes the world. We feel that we have no inclination of our own to turn unto thee, or to prepare our hearts for the exercise of repentance and calling upon thy name. It is only through thy grace influencing us, that we can have a right will ; and thine it is to regulate and control our will, when it is brought under the power of thy grace. Work in us both to will and to do of thy good pleasure. Subdue the power of indwelling sin in our hearts. Make all sin hateful to us, whether in principle or in action, whether in ourselves or others, whether in the church or in the world. May rivers of water run down our eyes because men keep not thy law. Cause us to remember that Jesus died for us, to redeem us from all iniquity, and to purify to himself a peculiar people, zealous of good works. May we feel the purifying and ennobling influence of the doctrine of the Cross. Let the sight of a crucified Saviour be the death of sin in our hearts ; may we die daily unto sin, and live unto righteousness, that the end may be everlasting life. Let the evidence of our accept- ance become daily more manifest, in the entire consecration of our character to the honour of our God and Saviour. Turn thou us, O Lord, and so shall we be turned. Be favourable, O Lord, to thy people who hope in thee ; for thou art a God full of compassion, long-suffering, and of great pity. Thou sparest when we deserve punishment, and in thy wrath thou remem- herest mercy. Spare thy people, good Lord, spare them : and let not thy heritage be brought to confusion. Hear us, O God, for thy mercy is great, and in the multitude of thy mercies look upon us, and blot out our offences. Deliver us, we beseech thee, O heavenly Father, not only from the wrath to come, but from all the evils of this present life. Under the shadow of thy wings may we seek refuge, till all the calamities of life be overpast. Grant, if it be agreeable to thy holy will, that the voice of joy and health may be heard in our habitation ; and that no plague may this night come nigh our dwelling. Or, shouldst thou think fit to correct us, may it be good for us to be afflicted : for thou, Lord, art good, a strong-hold in the day of trouble, and thou knowest them that trust in thee. Hear us, O our God, for Jesus Christ’s sake. Amen. 321 2 S TWENTY-SECOND Jtttmg iBontutfl WEEK. Psalm xx. xxi. U NDER a deep sense of Thine unspeakable glory and majesty, we look up to thy throne in the heavens. Who by searching can find out God ? Who can find out the Almighty unto perfection ? It is as high as heaven, what can we do ? deeper than hell, what can we know? The measure thereof is longer than the earth, and broader than the sea. But though thou art thus exalted above our finite conceptions, and it is impossible for us to scan thy nature, or to comprehend thy perfections, yet we rejoice that the invisible things of God are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even thine eternal power and Godhead ; so that all who do not worship and serve thee, the only living and true God, are for ever without excuse. We adore thee that thou hast not left us to form our conceptions of thy character from the scenes of creation and providence which surround us, but that thou hast given us a revelation of thyself in thy written word, far surpassing, in clearness and impression, all that could be gathered by our dark and apostate minds from any of thy works. We bless thee for a distinct discovery of our fall, for the gracious disclosure of the plan of mediation by thy dear Son ; for the invita- tion to be reconciled to thee through the blood of the Cross ; for the promise of the Holy Spirit to renovate our corrupt and apostate natures ; and for the hope of eternal life in Christ Jesus. O let not heathen men, we beseech thee, rise up in judgment against us, upon whom such distinguished advantages have been conferred. Give us grace to feel our responsi- bility, and to improve our mercies. Let thy Spirit so quicken our dead souls, that we may awake up to the consciousness of our peculiar privileges, and that we may give all dili- gence to make our calling and election sure. Help us, O Lord, to value this hour of prayer, and to wrestle with thee for the pro- mised blessing. We would not let thee go, except thou bless us. May we taste and see that thou art gracious. May the pardon of sin, and the sense of that inestimable gift, be vouchsafed to us. Make us instant in prayer. May we ask, and receive ; may we seek, and find; and may we knock, that the door of mercy may be opened to us. O help us this morning to proclaim thy loving-kindness and tender mercies. Thy hand has upheld us in being; thy bounty has supplied our every want; thy fatherly care has watched over us in the defenceless hours of the past night, and brought us safely to the beginning of this day. Fill our hearts with gratitude, and our tongues with praise. Let streams of divine mercy lead us to thyself, the fountain ; let the gifts of thy love be as fresh cords, to bind us to thy service. With willing minds may we serve and glorify thee in the duties of this day. We pray for thy special guidance and direction in all the labour of our hands. Keep us humble and watchful amidst the devices of our spiritual enemies. May we call in the aids of thy sustaining and sanctifying grace ; may we keep our hearts with all diligence, since out of them are the issues of life ; may we walk in the strait and narrow path which leadeth unto life ; may all we do prosper, being begun, continued, and ended in thee. Hear, O most gracious God, these our imperfect supplications, and accept of us and our free-will offerings for the sake of our only Mediator, Jesus Christ; to whom, with the Father and the Holy Spirit, be all honour and glory, world without end. Amen. 322 TWENTY-SECOND dfrttraK tiftnttng. WEEK. Romans, Chapter xv. O UR Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name ; help us, as the children of thy love, to adore thee for the merciful bestowments and gracious provisions of the past day ; and as we are still needy and dependent creatures, do thou undertake for us during the silent hours of another night. Indulge us, we beseech thee, with near access to thyself, the hearer of prayer. And whatever thou art pleased to withhold or to bestow, deny us not an interest in thy favour, which is better than life. Such an unspeakable blessing we could not dare to ask, if thou hadst not revealed thyself as a God in Christ Jesus, recon- ciling the world unto thyself, not imputing unto them their trespasses. May we receive Christ Jesus by faith, and with him all things necessary to life and godliness. We rejoice that through him we may be freely justified and accepted in thy sight; and that he is the sacred medium of all those mercies which are to enrich and bless us for eternity. As a family, we have to deplore innumerable short-comings. In our individual and in our associated capacity, we are chargeable with much that is offensive in thy sight. O lay not our iniquities to our charge, but in the midst of deserved wrath do thou remember mercy. Turn each of us away from our transgressions; heal our backslidings ; create in us a clean heart, renew within us a right spirit, and take not thy Holy Spirit from us. Be thou on our right hand, that we may not be moved. Amidst dangers seen and unseen, may we be safe in thine embrace ; and while our confidence is fixed upon thee, let our minds be preserved in perfect peace, and our hopes surmount this vain and dying world. Save us, O God, from tempting thee to depart from us. Suffer us not to grieve thy Holy Spirit, whereby we are sealed unto the day of redemption. Help us to shun the very appearance of evil. Let not the cares of this world, the deceitfulness of riches, or the lust of other things, choke thy word, and render it unfruitful in our hearts. May we watch daily at wisdom’s gates, and wait at the posts of her doors. Enable us to work while it is day, since the night cometh in which no man can work. Let difficulties and dangers but increase our diligence; and while we hear the voice saying to us, My grace is sufficient for you, may we hold on our way rejoicing, and wax stronger and stronger. Thus may our path be as the shining light, which shineth more and more unto the perfect day. Never let us become weary in our divine Master’s service ; but, ever looking to him for succour in our heavenly course, may we find, that as our day is, so also is our strength. With the great Captain of salvation as our leader, may we maintain the struggle and the conflict till we are more than conquerors through him that hath loved us. Have mercy, O Lord, upon all men : upon kings, and all in authority over us, that we may lead quiet and peaceable lives, in all godliness and honesty; — upon the sick and afflicted, that their souls may be known by thee in adversity ; — upon the sorrowful and distressed, that their mourning may be turned into joy ; — upon the poor and needy, that their bread may be given them, and their water may be sure ; — upon those who are ready to give up the ghost, that they may depart in peace; — upon all whom duty would bind us to remember, that they may be united with us in one faith here, and in one song through eternity. And now to God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Ghost, be glory everlasting. Amen. 323 2 S 2 TWENTY-SECOND ^aturtrag iHonmtg. WEEK. Psalm xxii. 0 THOU who art the great and holy One of Israel, look down upon us feeble worms of the dust, and aid us by thy grace in presenting to thee our morning sacrifice of prayer and praise. We implore acceptance through the great High Priest of our profession, who has gone into heaven, and appears in thy presence for us. Look upon his perfect oblation ; regard his voluntary humiliation and sufferings ; let him see of the travail of his soul, in our salvation, and be satisfied. For his sake vouchsafe to us the pardon of all our sins, and grant us the abundant and gracious tokens of thy love. We are not worthy of the least of all thy mercies ; but worthy is the Lamb that was slain, and has redeemed us by his blood from our sins, that we might be kings and priests unto God. Pour upon us copious measures of Divine influence, that our morning sacrifice may be the inwrought prayer of the heart. Make us sensible of the privilege of communion with thee. Grant us a soft and a broken heart for sin, which thou, O God, wilt not despise. Help us devoutly to acknowledge thee in all our ways, and do thou direct our steps. As thou didst lead thy people Israel in safety through the wilderness, going before them, by day in a pillar of cloud, and by night in a pillar of fire, be thou mercifully pleased to lead, guide, and protect us in our journey towards the heavenly Canaan. Enable us so to regulate our temporal affairs, as that they may not enslave and injure our souls. Moderate all our earthly desires, that we may not be so much occupied about the things of time and sense, as to distract our better thoughts, and to disqualify us for the exercises and enjoy- ments of the spiritual life. Save us from those foolish and hurtful lusts which drown men’s souls in perdition. In circumstances of perplexity, may we choose distress rather than dishonour ; and instead of seeking relief by unlawful means, may we learn to cast our burden on the Lord, and call upon thee in the day of trouble. May we trace both our mercies and trials to the allotment of thy providence, and may we be diligent in business, fervent in spirit, serving the Lord. We pray, O Lord, for submission to thy holy will, in all the trials of life. Let us not judge of our state by the outward aspects of thy Providence, but by the inward frame of our minds under all thy holy and varied discipline. Teach us to remember that, whom thou lovest thou chastenest, and that thine enemies have often their good things in this life, and are afterward tormented in the life to come. If sorrows await us, may we be enabled to say, Good and upright is the will of the Lord. If days of sunshine and pros- perity await us, save us from thinking that our mountain standeth strong, and that we shall never be moved. Grant that in light and darkness, joy and sorrow, we may feel ourselves in thy gracious hands. As this is the last day of another week, give us grace so to arrange our worldly affairs as that they may not interrupt or hinder our spiritual duties on the approaching Sabbath. Increase and confirm in us, more and more, every Christian grace ; implant what thou know- est to be wanting in us, and perfect that which is weak and ready to die. Make our hearts sincere in thy sight, and our fives holy and upright before our fellow-creatures. Deign to regard and answer these our humble supplications, for the sake of our adored Mediator ; to whom, with thyself, O Father, and the eternal Spirit, be equal and immortal praise. Amen. TWENTY-SECOND ^aturtiag (gffmung. WEEK. Romans, Chapter xvi. E VER-blessed Lord, our God, may we have grace this night to serve thee with reverence and godly fear. May we neither approach thee in our own strength, nor in our own righteousness. Teach us that there is no wisdom like thy wisdom, no power like thy might, and no dependence equal to that of making thee our trust. Impart to us the Spirit of faith, that we may rely for acceptance on the Redeemer’s sacrifice ; and ani- mate us by the Spirit of grace and supplication, that our prayers may come up before thee as incense, and the lifting up of our hands as the evening sacrifice. May we trace all our blessings to the love and care of our Father in heaven; may we know that every good gift and every perfect gift cometh down from thee, the Father of lights, with whom is no variableness, neither the shadow of turning. May we use all thy mercies to thy glory, remembering that we are stewards of thy bounty, and that thou wilt speedily require an account at our hands, of the manner in which we have employed every talent and advan- tage committed to our care. Impress on our spirits, O Lord, the unspeakable value of time ; let it not be enough for us to be preserved from mis-spending it, but may we be desirous continually of improving it for the best of purposes. May we appreciate minutes as well as hours, redeeming them, by a watchful diligence and perseverance, from all that is vain and unprofitable ; and ever estimating their worth by their intimate connection with an approaching eternity. O let us neither squander them in what is useless nor injurious; but may we employ them in promoting thy glory, prosecuting our own best interests, and in advancing the good of our fellow-creatures. We acknowledge, O Lord, that much of our past life has been misspent. Truly we have been unprofitable servants. We have not rendered unto thee according to thy mercies. Thou mightest have dealt with us as cumberers of the ground. O enter not into judgment with us, but graciously pardon our iniquities, and heal our backslidings. We have long sat beneath the droppings of the sanctuary; but, alas ! how cold and barren are our souls, and how little fruit have we brought forth to perfection ! Lord, quicken us by thy Holy Spirit’s power, that we may live more to thee in the future than in the past ; and that our life being hid with Christ in God, we may know that when He who is our life shall appear, we may also appear with him in glory. Strengthen us, O Lord, by thy gracious Spirit, that we may be more vigilant against temptation, and more successful in vanquishing inward corruption. Destroy in us every vicious inclination, every sinful habit, and whatever would exalt itself against the know- ledge of God, and of Jesus Christ our Lord. Prepare us, blessed God, for the solemn exercises and enjoyments of the Christian Sabbath. Stir up within us an ardent thirst after communion with thee. Help each of us to set our hearts in order for thy holy and blessed service. May we expect, may we seek, and may we enjoy a blessing. O Lord, regard in much mercy all the members of this household. Set us apart one and all to thy glory. Save us all in the Lord with an everlasting salvation ; and let the happy intercourses of time be succeeded by the pure and endless fellowships of eternity. Let these our humble prayers, confessions, and thanksgivings be accepted through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. 325 TWENTY-THIRD iHornutfl WEEK. Psalms xxiii. xxiv. E TERNAL Jehovah, thou art from everlasting to everlasting, God. Thou art happy in thyself, and thou art the source of happiness to all thy creatures. Enable us to adore and bless thy holy Name, and to offer to thee the homage which is due to thine infinite perfections. Thou art God alone ; none of thy creatures may usurp thy place, or claim thy praise. Thou art a jealous God, and thy glory wilt thou not give to another. Alas ! that ever our affections should have been alienated from thee, the chief good. May we he restored from our sinful wanderings, and brought to seek our happiness in God alone. We bless thee for the return of a day which yields us special opportunities for spiritual contemplation. May we devote all its precious hours to the great business of preparing for eternity. Aid us, by thy grace, in the private study of thy word, and in all the exercises of self-examination arid prayer. We thank thee for the institution of the Christian Sabbath ; may we regard its authority as divine, and its sanctions as peculiarly solemn and binding. And though we are relieved from the ceremonial of the Jewish Sabbath, yet may we enter with mind and heart into all those contemplations and pursuits which arise out of the new covenant, and which stand connected with the incarnation, death, and glory of Messiah. May our souls be filled with joy and triumph in meditating upon a finished redemption ; and may the thought of interest in this unspeakable blessing awaken songs of praise which shall rise to the very heavens. We pray, O Lord, for a copious effusion of thy Holy Spirit, that we may be prepared to enter, with profit and delight, upon the public ordinances of thy grace. May we long to mingle with the assemblies of thy people, and to pour out our hearts to thee in the devotions of the sanctuary. Open our ears and our minds to the messages of thy truth and love. O cause us to hear what the Spirit saith unto the churches. Let thy servants be directed to speak a word in season to us and to all who may repair to the place of prayer. With wisdom, fidelity, and tenderness may they direct the appeals of thy truth to the understandings, the hearts, and the consciences of men. May they be blessed with a spirit of holy discrimination, to enable them to separate between the precious and the vile ; and may they commend themselves to every man’s conscience in the sight of God. O make us willing to receive the faithful rebukes of thy truth. Let us not be contented with smooth things, but may we love that message which shews us the deformity of our sinful hearts. Heavenly Father, do thou bless with special tokens of thy favour the several members which compose this endeared circle. As with one heart, may we look up to thy throne of grace in the heavens, and plead with thee the promises of thy love and mercy in Christ Jesus. Our individual state is known to thee. If any of us are strangers to the life of prayer, O may we begin in good earnest to call upon the name of the Lord. Let us not be separated for ever from each other in death. Teach us all to know and love the Saviour of sinners. Save us all from the guilt and power of sin. Make us humble and faithful followers of the Lamb. Forgive the sins of the past night. Accept our grateful acknowledgment for the mercies of a new day; and do more and better for us than we ask or think, for the Redeemer’s sake. Amen. 32G TWENTY-THIRD hunting <£bmtng. 1 Corinthians, Chapter 1, WEEK. 0 THOU that hearest prayer, unto Thee shall all flesh come. To whom can we go but unto Thee ; thou hast the words of eternal life. With deep humility we bow before thy mercy -seat. In ourselves we are alike guilty and unworthy; but we plead the name and the meritorious undertaking of our all - compassionate High Priest, who ever lives to plead our cause, and to secure the acceptance both of our persons and offerings. We bless thee that we have been permitted this day to hear so much of his person and work ; that we have been reminded of his power to save ; that the efficacy of his atoning blood has been placed before us ; that we have been taught to glory and triumph in his rising power. O may he be more precious to us than he has ever yet been; may he appear as the chief of ten thousand, and altogether lovely. Receiving him as a Teacher and a Saviour, may we submit to him as a King and Ruler ; that grace may be seen to reign in us, through righteousness, unto eternal life. O impress, by thy Spirit’s power, the lessons of divine truth upon our hearts ; that we may not be as those who are ever learning, and yet never able to come to the knowledge of the truth. Let us not be forgetful hearers, but doers of the work. May holiness to the Lord be inscribed on all our banners, that it may be seen by all that we have been with Jesus, and that we have felt the power and influence of his kingdom. In reflecting upon the various engagements of this sacred day, may we endeavour minutely to trace the influence of thy truth upon our minds. May we lay aside every weight, and the sin of unbelief which doth so easily beset us, that we may run with patience the race that is set before us, looking unto Jesus, the Author and finisher of our faith. O let no iniquity, from this time forward, have dominion over us. May we be more diligent and devoted in the Christian life, than we have hitherto been. Let our profiting appear unto all men. Inspire us with holy courage, zeal, and decision in thy cause. Never let us be ashamed of Him who bore the shame and ignominy of the cross, to deliver us from eternal death, and to raise us to the glories and felicities of heaven. May we deem it our highest honour, and our greatest privilege, to have a name and a place among the sincere and faithful, though despised, followers of Jesus of Nazareth. And grant, O Lord, that we may not be left, by any part of our conduct, to tempt the enemies of our Lord to blaspheme. May we walk circumspectly, not as fools, but as wise, redeeming the time, because the days are evil. Let the power of religious principle pre- vail over all the influence of the devil, the world, and the flesh. In the day of the Lord, we pray, O God, that it may be seen in the presence of assembled worlds, that many souls have this day been born to God. Fix thy truth in the hearts and consciences of all those who have been privileged to listened to it. Make it quick and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword. May the sinner tremble and repent under its faithful rebukes. Let the Redeemer see of the travail of his soul, and be satisfied. Let holy angels rejoice over the conversion of souls. Let the Church on earth and in heaven have reason to mark and to record the glorious transactions of this memorable day. Hear, most gracious God, these our feeble and imperfect breathings, for the sake of Jesus our strength and Redeemer. Amen. 327 TWENTY-THIRD iHmitmg iBornmg, WEEK. Psalm xxv. 0 MOST holy and merciful God, the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, and our Father in him; we desire as a family to acknowledge that we have all grievously sinned against thee, from our youth up until now. We are chargeable with ingratitude, with wilful rebellion, with presumption, and with innumerable negligencies and infirmities. For these we not only have deserved sore punishment in this world, but eternal perdition in that which is to come. But thou art a God of love, and wilt have mercy on whom thou wilt have mercy ; thou wiliest not the death of the sinner. If we confess our sins, thou art faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteous- ness; thou art just, and the justifier of every one that believeth in Jesus. For his sake foTgive us all that is past ; and grant that we may ever, hereafter, serve and please thee in newness of life. O Lord, who searchest the heart and triest the reins of the children of men, we confess the sad frailty and corruption of our nature ; how prone we are to that which is evil, how averse to that which is good. O take from us, we beseech thee, all blindness of mind, all hardness of heart, and all contempt of thy holy word and commandments. O suffer us not to grieve the Holy Spirit of promise, whereby we are sealed to the day of redemption, but incline our hearts to yield to his pure dictates, as conveyed to us in the testimony of the written word. Deliver us from the power, malice, and subtlety of our great adversary the devil, who goeth about like a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour. He.p us to resist all his fiery darts, and cause us to prove the truth of thy word, that if we resist him he will flee from us. Grant us victory also over a present evil world, which is enmity with God, and which displays only the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eye, and the pride of life, which are not of the Father, but of the world. Do thou mortify and subdue all sin in our hearts, till thou shalt bring into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ. Let us not rest contented while there is one corrup- tion unsubdued, one sin indulged, one duty neglected, one holy affection unattained. O quicken us by thy Holy Spirit, that holiness may be our delight, and that sin may be the object of our perpetual loathing. O God of love and mercy, help us with feelings of charity and kindness to look upon the faults of others, but with diligence and severity to judge ourselves ; and where we have offended against any of our fellow-creatures, in thought, word, or action, make us willing and anxious, so far as in us lies, to repair the injury inflicted. We confess and mourn our tendency to pride, envy, malice, uneharitableness, and selfishness. O suffer us not to go beyond and defraud our brother in any matter, knowing that the Lord is the avenger of all such ; but may we love one another, and, in so doing, increase more and more, study- ing to be quiet, and to do our own business, and to work with our own hands, that we may walk honestly, and have lack of nothing. Upon all the labours and pursuits of this day we implore thy fatherly benediction. O keep us from evil, that it may not provoke thy displeasure, and bring darkness and confusion into our own minds. Prosper us in our lawful callings ; shield us from temptation ; support us in trial ; bless us, and make us blessings. These mercies we beg for Jesus Christ’s sake. Amen. 32S TW ENTY-TH1RD iHontfag a?bcm'ng, WEEK. 1 Corinthians, Chapter ii. 0 LORD God, the God of all grace and consolation, and the Father of all mercies, look upon us unworthy sinners who now look up to the throne of thy grace. If we think of thy law, let it keep us from presumption ; or if of thy gospel, let it keep us from despair. Our resolutions, we confess, are, like ourselves, changeable ; neither can we of ourselves fulfil our promises and vows to thee. Therefore we beseech thee, by thy grace, to confirm and settle us in a right course of obedience, that we may serve thee, even from this time, in those duties which Satan, and the world, and the flesh would tempt us to defer till a future and more convenient period. Grant that we may resist the devil, overcome the world, and crucify the flesh, with its affections and lusts ; so that, forsaking every wicked way, we may follow holiness, without which no man can see the Lord. O Lord, though we are utterly unworthy to pray for ourselves, yet we would also intercede with thee for others. Hear us for them, and them for us, and thy Son for us all. Bless the universal church with truth, peace, unity, and godly discipline. Have mercy on this sinful land and nation ; and let us exceed other nations as much in religion, piety, and virtue, as in liberty, plenty, and prosperity. Give to our king a kingly heart ; to our counsellors, the spirit of counsel; to our judges, the spirit of judgment; to our ministers the spirit of doctrine ; to our people, the spirit of obedience. Shew a vast difference between thy servants and thine enemies, as thou didst between the Israelites and the Egyptians, that they who serve thee not, may come over to thy service, seeing no God can bless besides thee — none can pardon, sanctify, and save but thou alone. What, O Lord God, shall we answer thee, for that which our conscience condemns ? Day by day are we drawing nearer to our last account, and must of every day give account to the Judge that standeth before the door. Yet he is our Redeemer, Mediator, and Advocate, who, as he once paid the ransom by shedding his most precious blood, and suffering and dying on the cross, so he now ever liveth to make intercession for us. Sprinkle our hearts from an evil conscience with his blood — purge our conscience by that blood from dead works, to serve thee the living God. Let our meeting together this evening be the communion of saints ; let our worship be a spiritual sacrifice ; let our observance of thy will be an offering in righteousness, that we may all in this family love one another, and all be loved of thee. O unite us all, by one spirit, unto Christ, that none of us may perish, but have everlasting life. Forgive our family sins, which have been great and aggravated ; and grant that family mercies may engage us to acts of grateful and cheerful obedience. O let us not at last rank with families that never call on thy name. Let not our devotions degenerate into formality or hypocrisy ; but may they be distinguished by the animating graces of faith, hope, and charity. We are humbled for the imperfection of this appeal to thy mercy-seat, — our under- standing is weak, our memory treacherous, our affections fickle ; we are unworthy to ask, and much more unworthy to receive. But we commend both our persons and services, and all that are dear to us, to thy mercy in Christ Jesus, for whose sake thou art ever well pleased; and to whom, with the Father and the Holy Spirit, be all honour and glory, world without end. Amen. 2 T 329 TWENTY-THIRD Cufstraj) JKtorm'na, WEEK. Psalms xxviii-xxix. A LMIGHTY God, the source of all wisdom and grace, who knowest our necessities before we ask, and our ignorance in asking, we beseech thee to have compassion on our infirmities this morning ; and to grant that the meditations of our heart and the words of our mouth may be acceptable in thy sight, O Lord, our strength and our Redeemer. And in order to this, do thou teach us by thy Spirit how to pray. O enable us to remember in whose presence we now stand. And may we sanctify the Lord God in our hearts, and make him our fear and our dread. May we never forget that the God with whom we have to do is clothed with glory and honour, and is of purer eyes than to behold iniquity. May we ever recollect that we are but dust and ashes before thee, and that as sinners we are most vile and unworthy in thy sight. Let then thy. merciful ears, O Lord, be open to the prayers of thy guilty servants, who now call upon thee ; and grant that those things which we have no right or title to receive at thy hands, may be vouchsafed to us for the sake of the infinite merit of thy dear Son, whom thou hast set forth to be a propitiation for sin, and who is able to save to the uttermost all who come unto God by him, seeing he ever liveth to make intercession for them. Heavenly Father, who of thy great mercy hast promised forgiveness of sins to all who believe in Jesus; grant us grace, that we may arise and go to our Father, and say unto him, Father, we have sinned against heaven, and before thee, and are no more worthy to be called thy sons ; and while we thus prostrate ourselves in deep humility before thy throne, do thou deal with us as children of thy love, and rejoice over us, that though we were dead we are alive again, and though lost we are found. Thou hast commended thy love towards us, in that while we were yet sinners Christ died for us. We adore thine infinite goodness that thou hast given him to be a ransom for our sins, and to suffer death upon the cross for our redemption, that we might be constituted thy children, and might be exalted unto everlasting life. Teach us to long after the perfection of our moral being, and diligently to cultivate all those means and opportunities which tend to advance the work of God in our hearts. We lament the deadness and coldness of our spiritual affections; we mourn over the undue influence of a present evil world; we confess that in us, that is, in our flesh, there dwelleth no good thing. Raise us from our low estate ; exalt in us all holy prin- ciples and heavenly affections ; subdue all that is unworthy or impure. Weak in our- selves, may we call in the aid of thy efficacious grace, and find that, through Christ strengthening us, we can do all things. When most we feel our own weakness, may we then be most deeply sensible of the power of Christ resting upon us. We pray, O Lord, that the ends of Christ’s death and sacrifice may be accomplished in us; that it may he seen in us, that he has purchased to himself a peculiar people zealous of good works. O help us by thy grace to walk worthy of the Christian calling, and to adorn the doctrine of God our Saviour in all things ; that at last we may be made meet to be made partakers of the inheritance of the saints in light, and may receive that crown of glory which is promised to all thy humble and faithful servants, through Christ our Lord. Amen. 330 TWENTY-THIRD Cuesftmg OFbnriita, WEEK. 1 Corinthians, Chapter iii. F ATHER of mercies, we bless thee for the light of the sun, for the light of reason, for the light of scripture, and for Him whom it reveals as the light of the world. As thou hast caused all holy scriptures to be written for our learning, grant that we may in such wise hear, read, mark, learn, and inwardly digest them, that, by patience and comfort of thy holy word, we may embrace and ever hold fast the blessed hope of everlasting hfe, which thou hast given us in our Saviour Jesus Christ. O bless to the illumination, comfort, and sanctification of our minds, the portion of inspired truth we have now been permitted to read. May we receive it meekly and humbly as the mind of the Spirit. May we not only read, but search the scriptures with care and diligence, that in them we may learn thy holy will, trace the wondrous designs of thy grace, and know of a truth that they are they which testify of Christ, and that in them we have eternal hfe. Open our understandings, that we may understand the scriptures, and that we may behold wonderful things contained in thy law. May we mix faith with the reading of thy word, and so reverence its contents, as a discovery of thy will to the benighted and guilty children of men, that we may no longer hesitate in receiving its testimony as the engrafted word which is able to save our souls. What reason have we for shame, and confusion of face, on account of our culpable indifference to that precious record, which is able to make us wise unto salvation, through faith which is in Christ Jesus. O Lord, we have been deaf to thy voice, speaking to us through the Patriarchs, Prophets, and Apostles of the Church. We have treated the living oracles as a common thing ; and because the manna has fallen around our tent in such rich profusion, we have looked on it as light food, and have rejected it by reason of our depraved appetite for other, and less wholesome, provisions. O stir up within us a more ardent desire for that bread of life which is set before us in thy word, for the life of the world. We lament, O Lord, that we have hitherto perused the volume of inspired truth with so little desire to understand and embrace its precious doctrines. O that we may be humbled for our past neglects, and excited to such a spirit of devout and humble inquiry, as shall lead us on to ampler and more satisfactory discoveries of thy mind and will O let thy word dwell richly in us, in all wisdom and spiritual understanding ; let it be a light to our feet, and a lamp unto our path ; let it be the man of our counsel, in this the house of our pilgrimage ; let it be profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, and for instruction in righteousness ; let it abide in us, as the seed and principle of eternal life. May the young in this family take thy word as their heritage for ever. By w r hat means shall a young man cleanse his ways ? By taking heed thereto according to thy word. Here let children learn the obedience, love, and gratitude due to their parents ; let servants here be taught to honour and submit to their earthly master ; and here let the heads of the family learn the responsibility which belongs to that sphere in which God has placed them. Into thy hands, most gracious Father, we commend ourselves, and all dear to us, this night. Hear our prayers, pardon our sins, and accept our persons and services, for the sake of Jesus Christ, our strength and Redeemer, Amen. 331 2T2 TWENTY-THIRD ^£Ictmr5tiai2 Morning, WEEK. Psalms xxx. xxxi. G REAT God, how excellent is thy name in all the earth ; thou hast set thy glory above the heavens : the earth also is full of thy goodness ; thy tender mercies are over all thy works. Help us with reverence to adore thine infinite perfections, as displayed in thy works of creation, providence, and grace. Lord, what is man that thou art mindful of him, and the son of man that thou visitest him ? We are not worthy of the least expression of thy favour ; we are not worthy to take thy name into our lips ; we are less than the least of all thy mercies, and deserve nothing favourable at thy hand. By nature we are children of wrath, even as others ; and it is because thy compassions fail not, that we are not consumed. But thou waitest to be gracious ; judgment is thy strange work, and thou delightest in shewing mercy to the chief of sinners. Thou hast revealed thy name as the God of love ; thou hast made thyself known as a God in Christ; thou hast entreated and beseeched sinners to be reconciled unto thee through the death of thy Son ; thou hast erected a throne of mercy, and hast invited the most guilty and unworthy to draw near to it. May we come unto thee with our whole hearts, pleading thy promise, obeying thy call, and laying hold by faith on the great sacrifice of the Lamb. Guilty as we are in ourselves, may we partake of that justifying righteousness which is revealed in the person and work of thy dear Son ; depraved and polluted as we are by sin, may we be renewed and sanctified by thy Holy Spirit’s power ; weak and helpless as we are in ourselves, may we be strengthened and animated by the promised grace of our living and life-giving Redeemer. We bless thee, O thou God of grace, that thou hast cast our lot amidst the full blaze of gospel light. We might have been born in a land of idols. We might have been without the scriptures, without the ministry of the word, without the privileges of Christian society, without the high advantages of returning sabbaths. Surely the lines have fallen to us in pleasant places, and we have a goodly heritage. O impart to us that grace which will prompt us to improve our invaluable opportunities, and to give diligence that our calling and election may be sure. Deliver us from all blindness of mind, all hardness of heart, and all contempt of thy holy word ; and let our lives express the deep sense which we entertain of all thy mercies. In entering upon a new day, we would be deeply sensible of our need of thy sustaining grace. We are liable at all times to wander from the right path. Our hearts are prone to evil ; we are in danger of being overcome by the slightest temptations. Hold thou us up, and we shall be safe. May we apprehend danger, and may we be enabled to flee from it. May all our duties, whether common or sacred, be performed in the strength of the Lord. Let our eye be single, that our whole body may be full of light. Teach us to shun the very appearance of evil, and to hate the garment spotted with the flesh. Assist us in discharging our duties to one another, and to all with whom we may be called to have intercourse. May we steadily aim at our own salvation, and that of all with whom we are connected. Bless and prosper all our undertakings, in so far as it shall be for thy glory and our good; and do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think, for Christ’s sake. Amen. 332 TWENTY-THIRD OTetmegtmg gffmtmg. WEEK. 1 Corinthians, Chapter iv. 0 LORD our God, teach us to remember that the period of our earthly probation is fast hastening to its close; the night is far spent, the day is at hand, let us, therefore, cast off the works of darkness, and put on the whole armour of light. Enable us to recollect that it is high time to awake out of sleep, for now is our salvation nearer than when we believed. O grant us grace to lay aside all carnal and worldly affections, that we may evermore be prepared to follow the light of thy holy word, the dictates of thy blessed Spirit, and the suggestions of a conscience enlightened and purified by thy grace. O help us to walk honestly, as in the day, not in rioting and drunkenness, not in chambering and wan- tonness, not in strife and envy ; but may we put on the Lord Jesus Christ, and make no provision for the flesh, to fulfil the lusts thereof ; that in the last day, when our Lord shall come again in his glorious majesty to judge both the quick and the dead, we may rise to life eternal, and be acknowledged by Him, before assembled worlds, as those who have followed him in the regeneration. Endue our souls with grace and strength to work the works of Him that sent us while it is day; that so, at that awful hour, when this world and all that is therein shall be burnt up, we may be enabled to lift up our heads and to rejoice. Ever may we live under a sense of our accountableness to the Great Master, that w r hen the night cometh, in which no man can work, we may look with confidence and hope to him whose glory has been the end of our life, and whose salvation has been the anchor of our soul both sure and steadfast. We mourn our mispent time. We feel that eternity is fast approaching, and that we have made but little provision for its awful disclosures. We have been occupied too much about the present, and too little about the future. Turn away our eyes from beholding vanity, and quicken us in thy way. O look upon us, and be merciful unto us, as thou usest to do unto those that love thy name. Order our steps in thy word ; and let not any iniquity have dominion over us. Cause thy face to shine upon thy servants, and teach us thy statutes. Uphold us according unto thy word, that we may live ; and let us not be ashamed of our hope. Thy hands have made us, and fashioned us ; O give us understanding, that we may learn thy commandments. Unite us, O God, as a family in the faith and hope of the gospel. May we be perfect; may we be of good comfort ; may we be of one mind , may we live in peace ; and may the God of love and peace be with us. Give us victory over our spiritual enemies. Increase in all our hearts the love of God. Qualify us more and more for the duties of our several stations. Make us both useful and happy. Destroy every selfish principle, and teach us to live for the good of others. O humble us in thy sight, for our individual and family sins. Sanctify all the dispensations of thy holy providence to the good of our souls. Mercifully watch over, keep, and bless us this night. Let our evening sacrifice come up before thee perfumed with the incense of the merits of the Redeemer’s offering ; and to the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost, be all honour and glory world without encL Amen. S33 TWENTY-THIRD €$ut£irag iHorm'ncr. AVEEK. Psalm xxxii. 0 LORD of all power and might, who art the Author and Giver of all good things, graft in our hearts the love of thy holy name, and increase in us the experience and love of true religion. Let the solemn ordinance of family devotion be made, by thy blessing, the instrument of advancing in our hearts the power of vital godliness, and of extending its influence to all those with whom we are connected in life. O suffer us not to rest in the form, while destitute of the spirit of true worship ; but may thy quickening grace kindle in our bosoms the flame of pure and ardent devotion, that we may be regarded by thee as spiritual worshippers, and may rejoice in Christ Jesus, putting no confidence in the flesh. May we watch, as well as pray; for we know neither the day nor the hour wherein the Son of man cometh. Pour into our hearts the oil of divine grace, that we may not take comfort in an empty profession of godliness ; but that, when the midnight cry is made, Behold the bridegroom cometh ! we may go forth to meet him, as those whose loins are girt, whose lamps are burning, and who are waiting and longing for the appearance of their Lord. And when we shall knock at the door of the marriage supper, and cry, Lord, Lord, open unto us, may he then unbar the portals of his mercy, and admit us to sit down as guests at his table in the kingdom of heaven. O Lord of life and glory, give us grace, we beseech thee, to remember, that as days, and months, and years pass over us, we are approaching nearer to the house appointed for all living, to that world where we shall have passed beyond the reach of repentance, and where we shall eternally remain in that state in which we passed out of the body. O grant us wisdom and grace to understand this, and to consider our latter end, that so, by redeem- ing the time which we have lost in folly and vanity, and by leading a new and heavenly life, we may finally be prepared to enter into the blessed society of j ust men made perfect, and may for ever rank with the trophies of redeeming mercy and grace. May we ever be looking for that blessed hope, and the glorious appearing of the great God, and our Saviour Jesus Christ ; who gave himself for us, that he might redeem us from all iniquity, and purify unto himself a peculiar people, zealous of good works ; and may the expectations and hopes of the coming glory cheer and animate us amidst all the darkness and sorrow of our earthly pilgrimage. O Lord, in the multitude of thy tender mercies are we permitted to meet around the domestic altar this morning. We adore thee for the repose and refreshment of sleep ; for the preservation of our various faculties of body and mind ; for the opportunity and the inclination of drawing near to the throne of thy grace ; for the continued offices of the great High Priest of our profession, through whom alone we venture to come into thy presence. Look on us, as now prostrate before thee,' with an eye of fatherly compassion. Supply all our need according to thy riches in glory by Christ Jesus. Heal all our back- slidings, receive us graciously, and love us freely, so shall we render unto thee the homage and gratitude of our hearts. Let our transgressions be forgiven, and let our sins be covered, that we may have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ, by whom we have now received the atonement : and to the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost be glory everlasting. Ames. 33 i TWENTY-THIRD dwrStiag 0bnttng, WEEK 1 Corinthians, Chapter vi. A LMIGHTY God, and most gracious Benefactor, thou hast established the heaven and the earth according to thine own infinite wisdom, causing day and night to succeed each other for the comfort and refreshment of mankind. We make our humble approach to thy Divine majesty this evening, entreating thee to extend towards us thy continued care and gracious protection, through the night on which we have now entered. Pardon all the sins of the past day — our vain thoughts, our rash words, our inconsiderate actions ; and, notwithstanding all that we have done to provoke thy displeasure, be thou pacified towards us, through the blood of the everlasting covenant. Behold, O God, our souls deeply afflicted at the remembrance of our sins, and of the frailty and corruption of our fallen nature, subject as it is to manifold temptations. We earnestly beseech thee to assist us, by thy Holy Spirit, to mortify and subdue every sinful inclination, vain desire, and unholy passion ; that henceforth we may wholly dedicate ourselves to thy service, in the duties and pursuits of a life consecrated to thy honour. Convince all, O Lord, who belong to this family, of the extreme folly and danger of sm ; and constrain every one of us to value thy love above all things, and to esteem thy ' favour as better than life itself. Grant that we may pass through all the temptations of this world with an integrity unspotted, and in the full possession of joy and peace. Enable us mercifully to oppose our great adversary the devil, who is ever lying in wait to delude or to destroy. Suffer us not to be led away by any vain and sinful customs or mistaken opinions, nor to be seduced from our duty to thee by the society and example of others. Let thy law, O God, and not the fallible opinions and practices of men, be the rule of our conduct: and O may it be our constant and most zealous endeavour to realize thy approbation, and faithfully to discharge our several trusts in the stations in which thy good providence has seen fit to place us. May we act for God at all times and in all circum- stances; and, in order to this, may our hearts be right with thee, and sound in thy statutes. Never leave us to the sinful bias of our own corrupt and deceitful hearts ; but do thou so influence us by thy grace, that we may always incline to do thy will, and may acquire a holy courage in resisting every sinful affection and unholy practice. May we keep the end of faith, even the salvation of our souls, constantly in view. Teach us, O most gracious God, so to number our days that we may apply our hearts unto wisdom. Make us deeply sensible that thou art every where present, that thou art privy to all our thoughts, that thou lookest upon our very hearts ; and, with these solemn convictions on our minds, may we never dare to do any thing that thou disapprovest, and of which we know that we shall be ashamed in the day of the Lord. Let us, O Lord, and all that are dear to us, be numbered in the great day with thy sincere, faithful, and devoted servants ; and may we all, when we come to appear before the Judge of quick and dead, be found among those upon whom he shall then pronounce his gracious plaudit, Well done, good and faithful servants, enter ye into the joy of your Lord. Hear and accept these our feeble and imperfect prayers, O Lord, for the sake of our only Saviour and Redeemer. Amen. 335 TWENTY-THIRD Jtftiag iHorm'ns. WEEK. Psalm xxxiii 0 LORD God, we have resolved, and through thy grace we will perform it, that we will keep thy righteous judgments : of ourselves indeed, we can do nothing, for we are not sufficient of ourselves to think any thing as of ourselves ; but our sufficiency is of thee. No sooner do we rise from devotion, than we are sometimes tempted to those very sins which we have solemnly renounced ; and such temptations will assuredly prevail, unless thou, O Lord, dost seasonably interpose thy grace to succour and uphold us. Yet we can do all things through Christ strengthening us : do thou then, O blessed Saviour, perfect thy strength in our weakness ; for in thee only do we put our trust. O our God, thou hast promised to give thy Holy Spirit to them that ask Him. Behold, Lord, we now humbly and earnestly ask the Lloly Spirit of thee. Fulfil thy gracious promise to us ; vouchsafe to us that Divine Spirit for whom we pray, to purify our corrupt nature, to strengthen our weakness, to comfort us in afflictions, to support us amidst discouragements, to succour us under temptations, and to assist us in all parts of our duty, that we may ever hereafter five in thy fear and love, and in constant, entire, and universal obedience to all thy righteous laws. Thou, O searcher of hearts, knowest the sins to which every one of us is most inclined ; and, O God, we entreat a double portion of thy promised aid against them. Hold thou up our goings in thy paths, that our footsteps slip not. Work in us that divine faith by which we may overcome the world, the devil, and our own corrupt nature. Though there may be many sins, O Lord God, which through thy grace we have been restrained from committing ; yet not unto us, O Lord, not unto us, but to thy name we give glory. Alas ! there is in our apostate hearts so awful a proneness to evil, so lamentable a tendency to try what sin is, that, without thy restraining grace, the smallest temptation will be sure to draw us from our obedience, and to overthrow all our better purposes. Never let us trust to our own feeble purpose to resist sin ; but may we call in the aids of Omnipotence, and seek increasingly to feel the holy constraints of redeeming love. We have sufficiently proved our weakness and our folly in the past : O may we henceforward partake the wisdom which cometh from above ; and evince the power of those principles which will triumph over sin, death, and hell. Our help, O God, is in thee alone, who hast made the heavens and the earth ; and we commit our souls to thy gracious keeping. O Thou who art faithful as well as almighty;, keep that securely which we have committed to thy care ; be near to us, that we may not be beguiled by the deceitfulness of sin, nor betrayed by our own treacherous hearts, nor surprised by our spiritual enemies ; and O give us grace constantly to w r atch and pray lest we enter into temptation. From all the dangers and snares which may lie in our path this day, do thou mercifully preserve us. In all our ways may we acknowledge thee, and do thou direct our steps. Hear, Lord, in heaven the habitation of thy throne and of thy glory, and succour us evermore with the saving strength of thy right hand, that we may be preserved to thine eternal kingdom and glory, through Jesus Christ: to whom, with the Father and the Holy Spirit, be all honour and glory world without end. Amen. 336 TWENTY-THIRD Mmn (Kftmtmg* 1 Corinthians, Chapter viii. WEEK 0 LORD our God, we adore thy goodness for all the mercies, both temporal and spiritual, which from time to time thou art bestowing upon us. We bless thee for all the good things of this life, and for the hope of eternal happiness in the life to come. We unite to render thee our humble praise and thanksgiving for thy preservation of us through another day. If we have escaped any sin, it is the effect of thy restraining grace ; and if we have been shielded from any danger, it is thy hand which has upheld and succoured us : to thy holy name, therefore, we would ascribe all the praise and glory. O Lord, let thy unwearied and tender care of us awaken our generous and watchful sympathies on behalf of all those whom thou hast placed within the reach of our daily influence. Make us zealous to promote their health and safety, their peace and comfort ; and make us prompt to succour, relieve, and pray for all whom thy love, or their own necessities and miseries, would recommend to our charitable and friendly regard. Make us peaceful and forgiving, always ready to return good for evil, to repay injuries with kindness; and easy to be entreated of, full of mercy and good fruits, without partiality and without hypocrisy. O cause us more to resemble Thyself, — that we may be all meekness and benignity, all goodness and gentleness, all forbearance and long-suffering. And, O Thou who lovest souls, let thy love excite in us a compassionate zeal to save the never-dying souls of those around us ; and, by faithful and timely advice, exhortations, and reproof, may seek to reclaim the wicked, and to win them to thy love and service. Save us from that awful selfishness which would lead us to say with the first murderer — “ am I my brother’s keeper ?” Let us not look every one on our own things, but everyone also on the things of others. Incline us to do good unto all men, especially unto the house- hold of faith. May others have reason to bless God in eternity, for ever having mingled in our fellowships here below; and, O God, forbid that any should ever curse the day that introduced them to our unprofitable acquaintance. Show mercy, O Father of all, to the whole world. Let the gospel of thy Son run and be glorified throughout all the earth ; let it be made known to all heathen and Mahomedan nations, and cause it to be more fully obeyed in countries called Christian. Be merciful to this nation to which we belong; grant that we may be so humbled and reformed, that we may be pardoned and spared. Multiply thy blessings upon our Sovereign and all in authority, that they may excel as much in goodness as in greatness ; and that they may be signal instruments of thy glory, and the public good. Be gracious to all those who minister in holy things, that they may diligently watch over the souls committed to their care ; instructing them in saving knowledge ; guiding them by their holy example ; praying for them and comforting them ; exercising spiritual discipline in thy church ; and faithfully administering thy word and ordinances. Visit in mercy all the children of affliction, relieve all their necessities, lighten all their burdens, give them patience and submission to thy righteous will; and, in thy due time, deliver them out of all their troubles. These and all. other needful favours we ask in the name, and for the sake, of Jesus Christ. Amen. 2 U 337 TWENTY-THIRD «#>aturtrag iHontmg. WEEK. Psalm xxxiv. I NFINITE and eternal Majesty, the Creator, Preserver, and Governor of the universe, we, thy guilty and dependent creatures, would humble ourselves before thy throne, and would implore an interest in thy mercy through a crucified Redeemer. See, O God our shield, and look upon the face of thine Anointed. Unworthy as we are in ourselves, do thou have respect unto Him who is now exalted to thy right hand in the heavens, and who ever lives to make intercession for us. We would plead in faith his all-prevailing name, and would draw near to thee through him as children of thy love. Most blessed God, our obligations to thee are great and unspeakable. In thee we live, and move, and have our being ; thy providence has upheld and blessed us to the present moment ; thy goodness and mercy have never forsaken us. But, alas ! O God, we have been both ungrateful and unprofitable servants ; thou hast nourished and brought us up as children, but we have broken thy holy laws, and cast off our allegiance to thy throne ; we have eagerly pursued the sinful pleasures and vanities of a present world ; we have followed the imaginations and devices of our own sinful hearts ; we have too much acted as if there were no God to be feared, no soul to be saved, no hell to be escaped, no heaven to be expected. Yet, amidst all provocations, thy patience and forbearance have never become weary; thou hast still been waiting to be gracious; thou hast fol- lowed us with invitations and warnings ; and hast proved, by thine entire conduct towards us, that thou hast no pleasure in the death of sinners. Forbid, O most mer- ciful God, that we should ever, without sorrow of heart and confusion of face, reflect upon our base ingratitude amidst mercies so great, so repeated, and so utterly unde- served. We beseech thee, O God of love, to look down upon us in tender pity and compassion, and, for thy name’s sake, to forgive us all our past iniquities, to work in us true and hearty repentance for sin, and to unite us by a lively and transforming faith to the living and life-giving Redeemer. We pray that the life of Christ may be in us ; that the power of his Spirit may quicken us; that the efficacy of his Cross may be felt by us ; that we may know the height and breadth, the depth and length, of that love which passeth knowledge ; and be filled with all the fulness of God. We pray, O Lord, that as we are weak and insufficient of ourselves to resist sin, or to perform duty, that thou wouldst bestow upon us large measures of thy grace, to fortify our minds against all the assaults of evil, and to sustain and succour us in the path of holy obedience. O renew us in the spirit of our minds ; subdue and mortify the corruptions of our hearts ; create us anew unto good works ; may we yield ourselves unto God as those who are alive from the dead ; work in us that which is well-pleasing in thy sight ; make us diligent that we may be found of thee in peace, without spot, and blameless, at the coming of our Lord ; and grant that, while we live we may live unto thee, and when we die, we may die unto thee, so that whether living or dying we may be wholly thine. Grant, O Lord, these our humble requests, for the sake of our only Saviour and Advocate ; who is worthy, with thyself and the Holy Spirit, of equal and endless praises. Amen. 338 TWENTY-THIRD afbnriwj WEEK. 1 Corinthians, Chapter ix. T RULY, 0 God, our soul waiteth upon thee, thou only art the Rock of our salvation and our defence ; we would trust in thee at all times : we would pour out our hearts before thee ; for thou art a refuge for us. Thou hast spoken once ; twice have we heard this — that power belongeth unto God. Also unto thee, O Lord, belongeth mercy, for thou renderest unto every man according to his work. Because thy loving-kindness is better than life, our bps shall praise thee : thus will we bless thee while we live ; we will lift up our hands in thy name ; because thou hast been our help, therefore in the shadow of thy wings will we rejoice. Praise waiteth for thee, O God, in the habitation of the righteous, and unto thee shall the vow be performed. O thou that hearest prayer, unto thee shall all flesh come. Iniquities prevail against us ; as for our transgressions, thou shalt purge them away. Blessed is the man whom thou choosest, and causest to approach unto thee, that he may dwell in thy courts ; we shall be satisfied with the goodness of thy house, even of thy holy temple. Have mercy upon us, O God, according to thy loving-kindness ; according unto the multitude of thy tender mercies, blot out our transgressions. Wash us throughly from our iniquity, and cleanse us from our sin ; for we acknowledge our transgressions, and our sin is ever before us. O purge us with hyssop, and we shall be clean ; wash us, and we shall be whiter than the snow. Hide thy face from our sins, and blot out all our iniquities. Restore unto us the joy of thy salvation, and uphold us with thy free Spirit. Against thee, thee only, have we sinned, and done evil in thy sight; that thou mightest be justified when thou speakest, and be clear when thou judgest. We acknowledge our sin unto thee, and our iniquity would we not hide ; we will confess our transgressions unto the Lord, and may he forgive the iniquity of our sin. Cause us to know the blessedness of the man whose transgression is forgiven, whose sin is covered ; unto whom thou wilt not impute iniquity, and in whose spirit there is no guile. Heal our wounded consciences by an application of the blood of sprinkling. O Lord, open thou our lips, and our mouth shall shew forth thy praise ; for thou desirest not sacrifice, else would we give it ; thou delightest not in burnt-offering. The sacrifices of God are a broken spirit ; a broken and a contrite heart, O God, thou wilt not despise. Help us to look on Him, whom by our sins we have pierced, and to mourn and be in bitterness as one that mourneth the loss of an only son ; that, looking for for- giveness to the blood of Christ, we may see sin in all its aggravation, and may hate it with perfect hatred. To-morrow, O Lord, is the rest of the Sabbath ; let our minds be prepared for its holy solemnities. Deliver us from worldly cares, that we may wait before thee without distrac- tion, and worship thee in the beauty of holiness. Do good in thy good pleasure unto Zion; build thou the walls of Jerusalem. Accept, O Lord, our humble thanks for the mercies of the week and day which are now closed ; pardon all our sins, both of omission and commission ; pour the grace of thy Spirit into all our hearts ; dedicate us one and all to thy glory and praise ; and accept us, through our only Mediator, Christ Jesus. Amen. 330 2 U 2 TWENTY-FOURTH Jwntmg iSooimg, WEEK. Psalm xxxv. H OLY, holy, holy, Lord God Almighty, we are deeply sensible that in approaching thee, as sinners we need a Mediator; and we rejoice that One all-sufficient has been appointed, through whom we may at all times draw near to thee with accept- ance. We adore thee for the tender and effectual offices of our great High Priest. We repose on his atonement and intercession, as our glorious plea in looking up to the place where thine honour dwelleth. By nature, O our God, we are far off from thee ; but may we be brought nigh by the blood of the everlasting covenant, and by the quick- ening and renewing Spirit of our Lord. Though condemned and guilty in ourselves, do thou look upon us in Jesus, the Son of thy love ; though without any true righteousness of our own, may we find acceptance in Him whose righteousness is unto all arid upon all them that believe. We bless thee if thou hast emptied us of all self-dependence, and brought us as humble penitents to the foot of the cross, there to confess our guilt, and to lay the hand of faith on the great Sacrifice. We adore thee, O God, that we are not come this morning unto the mount that might be touched, and that burned with fire; nor unto blackness, and darkness, and tempest, and the sound of a trumpet, and the voice of words ; but that we are come unto mount Zion, and unto the city of the living God, the heavenly Jerusalem, and to an innumerable com- pany of angels, to the general assembly and church of the first-born, which are written in heaven, and to God the Judge of all, and to the spirits of just men made perfect, and to Jesus the mediator of the new covenant, and to the blood of sprinkling, that speaketh better things than that of Abel. Suffer us not to refuse Him who now speaketh from heaven ; but may we hear and obey His voice, and know the day of our merciful visitation. We bless thee that he is now exalted to the right hand of Power; that he is Head over all things to his body, the Church ; that with him is the residue of the Spirit ; and that he must reign till all his enemies be made his footstool. O let him reign, with undisputed sway, in all our hearts. Let no other lord beside him have dominion over us. Let his kingdom, which is peace, and righteousness, and joy in the Holy Ghost, be within us. May his fruit be sweet unto our taste, and his banner over us be love. O thou victorious Redeemer, gird thy sword upon thy thigh, and ride forth this day in the chariot of salvation ; let thine arrows be sharp in the hearts of thine enemies ; let thy people be willing in the day of thy power ; let thine arm be made bare, and let all flesh see it together. Long let the triumphs of this Sabbath be remembered ; let there be joy in heaven over multitudes of repenting sinners ; let the church on earth and in heaven be joyful in their King. Let the rest of the Sabbath be sweet and refreshing to all our spirits. Cause us to walk all the day long in the light of thy countenance. In all thine ordinances, both in private and public, may we seek and enjoy communion with thyself. May we rejoice when it is said unto us — let us go into the house of the Lord. May we love the habitation of thy house, and the place where thine honour dwelleth ; may we hear what the Spirit saith to the churches : and may the solemn engagements of this day be remembered by us in eternity. Hear us, O Lord, in these our imperfect prayers, for the Redeemer’s sake. Amen. 3 !0 TWENTY-FOURTH WEEK. 1 Corinthians, Chapter xi. O UR Father in heaven, enable us to surround the throne of thy grace with reverence and godly fear. Animate us by the Spirit of adoption, that we may cry unto thee, Abba, Father. May sincerity and godly simplicity mark our approach. Deliver us from wandering thoughts, from corrupt affections, and from unbelieving suspicions. Cause us to realize the privilege of communion with thee, the Father of our spirits, the former of our bodies, and the God of our salvation. As sinners, we could not draw near to thee with hope, but for the mediation of thy dear Son. We rejoice that he has accomplished the work which thou gavest him to do ; that he has offered himself a sacrifice for the transgressions of men : that he has triumphed over sin, death, and hell ; and that he has passed victoriously into the celestial regions, as the King of glory. We have united this day with the thousands and tens of thousands of the spiritual Israel, in adoring Him as Lord of all. We have bowed to his authority as King in Zion ; we have heard the animating messages of his love ; we have mingled in the fellowships of his church ; we have looked forward to the glory that shall hereafter be revealed ; grant, O most merciful God, that these solemn exercises of mind may be succeeded by such blessings as shall extend their benign and happy influence into a never-ending eternity. Look, O Lord, in great mercy upon all the members of this family. Teach us to value and diligently to improve our inestimable privileges. Cause the truths of thy gospel to abide in our hearts as the sources of joy, peace, and unhesitating obedience to thy holy will. Let us not resemble those who are ever learning, and yet are never able to come to the knowledge of the truth ; let not our souls be as a barren wilderness and a land oi drought, amidst the culture peculiar to the garden of the Lord. O save us from all hard- ness of heart, from all judicial blindness, and from all impenitent rejection of the life- giving message of thy truth. Conscious that our hearts are deceitful, suffer us not to trust in them ; knowing that our great adversary is active and cruel, may we resist him, steadfast in the faith ; remembering that the world is enmity with God, may we oppose its evil maxims, and rise superior to its corrupt and sinful examples. O let not our portion be that of the world ; with thine enemies let not our honour be united ; give us a name and a place in thy church, both on earth and in heaven ; O may we be numbered with thy saints in glory everlasting. We pray, O Lord, that copious effusions of thy Holy Spirit may descend on thy whole Church. Let the time, yea, the set time, to favour Zion speedily arrive ; let thy servants take pleasure in her stones, and favour the dust thereof; so the heathen shall fear the name of the Lord, and all the kings of the earth thy glory. Pity dark and unenlight- ened nations ; and visit them with the glorious light of the everlasting gospel. Bless our own highly favoured country, and revive the interests of pure and undefiled religion in the midst of us. Raise up a growing number of faithful pastors in the land, and let all Christian churches hold fast the truth, and shine forth in the beauty of holiness. Forgive our misimprovement of the mercies of this day; take charge of us, and all dear to us, during the silent watches of the night ; and infinitely exceed all that we ask or think, for the Redeemer’s sake. Amen. 341 TWENTY-FOURTH JilontmK iBonmici, WEEK. Psalm xxxvi. 0 GOD, unto whom all hearts are open, and from whom no secret desire is hidden, grant that we may be enabled to offer unto thee the sacrifices of a broken and con- trite spirit, which, thou, O God, wilt not despise. Through thy tender mercy, O our heavenly Father, we have been spared to see the light of a new day, and are now permitted to approach the throne of the heavenly grace ; enable us by thy Spirit’s teaching to pray in faith, and, by his sanctifying influence, to enter in a right state of mir^d upon the duties of another day. We confess, O God, our guilt and helplessness in thy sight, and pray that our souls may be truly humbled, and that we may be taught to mourn over our sin with a godly sorrow. To the fountain of a Redeemer’s blood we would make a renewed application this morning ; wash us, O God, afresh in that fountain, that we may have peace with thee through our Lord Jesus Christ. We adore thee that he came into our world to seek and to save that which was lost ; may we by faith have an interest in the blessings which flow from his incarnation and death, from his resurrection, and glory at the right hand of Power. We would not cloke or dissemble our sins before thee, nor would we extenuate our guilt and disobedience in thy sight. We acknowledge with deep humility our utter apostacy, the corruption of our wdiole nature, and the ruin and misery which we have brought upon ourselves. Teach us to remember, that thou resistest the proud, and givest grace to the humble. O subdue in each of our hearts that pride and self-righteousness by which w-e are distinguished, and dispose us to accept, as deserving nothing good at thv hand, of the provision of grace and mercy revealed in the gospel. May thy Holy Spirit truly convince us of sin, and bring us, in humble and grateful submission, to the feet of Jesus. Convinced of the perfection and all-sufficiency of his righteousness, may we flee to him for refuge from impending wrath, and lay hold by faith on his finished work for eternal life. Thus may we know him, in the power of his resurrection, in the fellowship of his sufferings, and be made conformable unto his death; if by any means we may attain unto the resurrection of the dead. As thou hast spared us to enter on a new day, we pray for grace to serve and glorify thee in its various occupations and pursuits. We would enter upon no duty in our own strength. Teach us to feel our responsibility to thee at all times and in all circumstances. May we seek thy blessing, which maketh rich, upon all our lawful callings. May every relative tie be cemented by the fear and love of God. If trials arise, may we meet them with fortitude and submission. If temptations assail, may we resist them in the promised strength of divine grace. If perplexities and unforeseen dangers spring up in our path, may we cast ourselves upon the resources of everlasting wisdom and strength. Purify all our motives of action. Whether we eat or drink, or whatsoever we do, may we do all to thy glory. Make us watchful against the devices of our spiritual enemies, diligent in the discharge of every known duty, and anxious in all things to conduct ourselves as the children and servants, of the Most High. We leave our sacrifice upon that altar which sanctifieth the giver and the gift, praying for present and eternal acceptance, through Jesus, our only Mediator and Redeemer. Amen. 312 TWENTY-FOURTII 1 Corinthians, Chapter xii. WEEK. F ATHER of mercies, and God of love, we meet as a family at the close of this day, to offer to thee our humble tribute of praise, and to look up to thee for fresh supplies of grace and mercy. We acknowledge that kind providence which has attended us in all the events of the day, and by which all our necessities have been regarded and supplied. We thank thee that neither accident nor death has invaded our dwelling ; in the house, and by the way, thou hast preserved us from evil ; from the fountain of thy love thou hast poured forth rich streams of refreshment upon our souls and upon our path. What shall we render unto the Lord for all his benefits ? Truly, O God, we are less than the least of all thy mercies. O inspire us with lively gratitude, and help us to sing of the mercy and goodness of the Lord. Not a day of our past existence has been suffered to tran- spire, without bringing along with it innumerable tokens of undeserved regard. O for hearts to feel the weight of unnumbered and unspeakable mercies ! Help us, O Lord, by thy grace to examine ourselves, and to compare our dispositions and habits with the pure and spiritual demands of thy holy law; that thereby we may be awakened to suitable feelings of humility, and that the sense of our infinite short-comings may bring us afresh to the fountain opened for sin. Discover to us our sins of omission and commission ; and grant that, in the spirit of true penitents and humble believers, we may lay aside every weight, and the sins which do most easily beset us ; and henceforward run with patience in the neglected path of duty. O save us from making this world our por- tion ; let nothing under the sun have that place in our hearts which is due to thee. Make us willing to forsake all, and to follow Christ ; and animate us with such hopes of eternal life as shall impress us with the bitterness and vanity of all things under the sun. Yet let us never repine at any of the crosses or disappointments of life; may we regard them all as fatherly discipline ; may we be filled with submission to thy unerring and gracious will; may we rejoice that the season of trial is hastening to a close, and that the day of our redemption draweth nigh. Let the bright hopes of eternal life dispel the darkness of our earthly pilgrimage ; and let the peace of God within keep our hearts and minds by Christ Jesus. We pray, O gracious Lord, for a sensible and great increase of the spirit of vital god- liness. May each member of the family strive, by prayer, to bring down a blessing from thy throne. When we meet at thy mercy-seat, may the spirit of holy love descend, and may we wrestle together as with one heart till we obtain a blessing. Let not our devo- tions degenerate into formality ; but may the spirit of grace and of supplication be poured into every heart. Fill the minds of the young with the sweet and constraining influence of redeeming love; let holy consistency and heavenly wisdom ever mark the conduct of those who rule in this house ; may the domestics discharge the duties of their humble calling in thy fear ; and grant that we may assemble as an undivided family in the kingdom of our God. Give thine angels charge concerning us this night ; let our rest be sweet and refreshing. Forgive, in infinite mercy, the sins of the day; and far exceed our utmost desires, for the Redeemer’s sake. Amen. 343 TWENTY- FOURTH CtifstJdii Corning, WEEK. Psalm xxxvii. ver. 1 to 20. THOU, whose name alone is Jehovah, and who art the Most High over all the earth, thou art of purer eyes than to behold iniquity ; yet for as much as we have a great High Priest, that is passed into the heavens, Jesus the Son of God, we would come with boldness unto the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy, and find grace to help in time of need. Lord, we know not what we should pray for as we ought ; but let thy Holy Spirit help our infirmities, and make intercession for us with groanings which cannot be uttered. It is of thy mercies, O God, that w r e are not consumed, yea, it is because thy com- passions fail not : thy goodness is new every morning ; great is thy faithfulness. But to us, O Lord, belong shame and confusion of face, because we have sinned against thee. We know that if we say we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us; but thy word assures us that if we confess our sins, thou art faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. We now, O Lord, acknowledge our transgressions, and would set our sins before us. We confess that we have within us a carnal mind, which is enmity against thee ; that our souls cleave unto the dust ; and that out of the evil treasure of our hearts, we have brought forth many evil things. We acknowledge that we have followed after lying vanities ; and that whilst we have made provision for the flesh, to fulfil the lusts thereof, loving this present evil world, we have forsaken the fountain of living waters, for cisterns, broken cisterns, that can hold no water. We acknowledge, also, that we have been guilty concerning our brother ; for the bowels of our compassion have often been shut up from those that were in need ; and instead of following after the things which make for peace, and things wherewith one may edify another, we have sat in judgment upon others, not considering ourselves, lest we also should be tempted. We acknowledge, also, our pride, and our evil heart of unbelief, as the source of all our sins. We have not walked humbly with thee, our God ; but have leaned to our own understanding, and have gone about to establish our own righteousness, refusing to submit to the righteousness of Christ. Enable us to cry out, in the spirit of the publican, God be merciful unto us, sinners ! And, O Lord, do thou justify us freely by thy grace, through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus. In him we believe ; O help thou our unbelief. With Thomas, may we adore him as our Lord and our God. With Paul, may we count all things but loss for the excellency of the knowledge of Christ Jesus our Lord. With Peter, may we in sincerity say, To whom shall we go but unto thee ? thou only hast the words of eternal life. With the beloved disciple, may we ascribe unto Him that loved us, and washed us from our sins in his own blood, glory and dominion for ever. In the spirit of love to Christ, and earnest desire to promote his glory, may we address ourselves to the several occupations and pursuits of this day. If tempted to evil, may we think of his cross and passion, and stand fast in our obedience to his holy will. Listen to these our feeble and imperfect prayers, for His name’s sake. Amen. 344 TWENTY-FOURTH Cufstmj2 (Abating, WEEK. 1 Corinthians, Chapter xiii. 0 MOST blessed God, who hearest and answerest prayer, be pleased this evening to bow thine ear to the voice of our supplication, and to grant us those blessings which we ask in accordance with thy revealed will. We worship thee with reverence and gratitude, as the Author and end of our being ; as the Giver of every good and every perfect gift ; as the Disposer of all the events of our earthly pilgrimage ; as the bountiful Source of all the mercies which we either possess or hope to enjoy. We adore thee, O our God, that thou hast made us capable of knowing, loving serving, and enjoying thee; and we lament that in forsaking thee, the chief good, we should have so mournfully lost sight of the great ends of existence. May faith in the mediation of Christ not only restore us to thy lost favour, and introduce us to the blessings of pardoning mercy ; but may it reinstate thy love in our hearts, and assimilate us to thy holiness, truth, and goodness. O let the pure precepts and the perfect example of the holy Saviour engage us to live as becometh his disciples, and to imitate bis spotless and benevolent example. Like Him, may we cherish towards all men sentiments of good-will, and endeavour to promote their true happiness. With fidelity and holy jealousy may we judge respecting ourselves; but with charity and forbearance may we form our estimates of others. Let the remembrance of our own great imper- fections induce us to put a candid construction upon the words and deeds of our fellow-creatures ; and may the sense of thy goodness and mercy towards us prompt us to be kind and forbearing towards those who may in any instance offend against us. O enable us to cultivate a kind and forgiving spirit towards all men; may we follow peace and holiness, without which no man can see the Lord. As God for Christ’s sake hath for- given us ; so, in like manner, may we forgive one another. We pray, O Lord, for entire submission to thy will, in what pertains to our outward lot. Amidst all the discipline of thy providence, we are constrained to say, that the lines have fallen to us in pleasant places, and that we have a goodly heritage. May we learn thy will in all the dispensations which attend us here below. In adversity may we consider, and in prosperity may our hearts be lifted up to thee in gratitude and praise. Help us to cast all our care upon God, believing that he careth for us. Let us be anxiously careful about nothing, but in every thing, by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, may we make our requests known unto God ; and may the peace of God, which passeth all understanding, keep our hearts and minds by Christ Jesus. We bless thee for the gracious tokens of thy favour vouchsafed to us this day. We would be thankful for food and raiment, and for all the blessings of this life; but, above all, for thine inestimable gift in the redemption of the world by our Lord Jesus Christ, for the means of grace, and for the hope of glory. May all the members of this family have an interest in the blessings of the great salvation. Unite us all by a true and living faith to Christ ; may we rank with his happy followers here, and in glory everlasting hereafter. Pardon the sins of this day, and bless and keep us through this night, for the Redeemer’s sake. Amen. 2 x 345 TWENTY-FOURTH Wetmoefoag iHonriwj, WEEK. Psalm xxxvii. ver. 21 to 40 0 HOLY, blessed, and glorious Majesty, permit us, a company of feeble and unworthy creatures, to draw near to thy mercy-seat, and to present to thee our morning sacrifice of adoration and praise. We would, as a family, begin every day with thee. Thou art the God of our life; in thee are all our springs; thou only makest us to dwell in safety ; thou hast been our God and our guide unto the present moment. We are the living to praise thee, while thousands who retired to rest in peace and safetv, last night, have suddenly been called to give in their account to the Judge of quick and dead. O may our spared lives be consecrated to the Giver and Upholder of existence, and may fresh mercies call forth loudest songs of praise. Thou hast said, that where two or three are gathered together in thy name, thou art in the midst of them ; fulfil thy gracious assurance to this family this morning. May we be as a church in the house, and may the presence of Christ be our glory and our security. Look upon us individually, as now prostrate before thee. Thou knowest the state of each heart, and thou canst adapt thy mercies to our various conditions and prospects. Enrich each of our souls with spiritual blessings. Suffer us not to seek our portion in a vain and fleeting world. Though in the world, let us not be of it. Impress us with the conviction that the friendship of the world is enmity with God. O enable us to engage in its pursuits, and to mingle in its fellowships, as those who belong to the citizenship of heaven. May we seek those things which are above, where Christ sitteth at the right hand of God. May w r e be distinctly known and recognized as those who are the expectants of a better country. Impart to us more of that spiritual taste which will prompt us to seek our happiness in the constant endeavour to please thee, and in the habitual exercise of religious affections. Depress and vanquish all sensual and worldly desires, by fostering in our breasts the love of what is spiritual and heavenly. Lord, quicken us by thy grace, that we may die daily unto sin, and live unto God, that the end may be everlasting life. We invoke thy blessing upon the several occupations and events of this day. Smile upon all our endeavours to glorify thee, whether in the immediate duties of religion, or in the ordinary pursuits of life. May the fear of God rule all our thoughts, words, and actions. God be merciful to us, and bless us, and cause his face to shine upon us. May our rejoicing be this, that in simplicity and godly sincerity we have had our conversation in the world. O shield us from the power of temptation, that we may not dishonour thee, and grieve thy Holy Spirit. Let the thought of thy presence, and the sense of thy love and goodness, ever dwell upon our spirits, to keep us from yielding to any suggestions or habits of evil, contrary to thy holy and blessed will. O teach us ever to hide thy word in our hearts, that we may not sin against thee ; may it be a light unto our feet, and a lamp unto our path. Look upon us, O Lord, as now prostrate at thy throne, and send us answers of peace from thy mercy-seat. Forgive all that thy pure eyes have seen amiss in us since we last assembled around the family altar. Accept our grateful praises for the mercies of the past night, and do more for us than we ask or think, for the Redeemer’s sake. Amen. S46 TWENTY-FOURTH Wetmoeftrag <£bmfttg. 1 Corinthians, Chapter xiv. week. O LORD, we worship thee as the high and lofty One who inhabiterth eternity, whose name is Holy. We adore thee also as the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ ; and we rejoice in thee as the God who dwelleth with every one that is poor and of a contrite spirit, and that trembleth at thy word. Help us, we beseech thee, now to draw near to thee with reverence and with con- fidence, under a deep sense at once of thy greatness and of thy goodness. Unite our hearts, that we may fear thy name : collect our scattered thoughts ; restrain our wandering imaginations ; elevate and fix our wayward and grovelling affections ; and grant that we may present to thee the sacrifice of a broken and a contrite spirit, which thou wilt not despise. Cast us not away from thy presence, O Lord ; neither take thy Holy Spirit from us. Though our sins are great, and manifold, and highly aggravated ; though we have offended against thy holy laws, and defaced our original resemblance to thy pure and blessed image ; though we have done the things which we ought not to have done, and have left undone the things which we ought to have done, and have no spiritual health in us ; yet do thou, mbst gracious and merciful Father, have mercy upon us, and send down thy Holy Spirit to quicken, to renew, and to sanctify us ; to form us again after thy image, to write thy law upon our hearts, to put thy fear in our inward parts, and to restore us, in disposition and in character, to the place in thy family which we have lost by the fall. We give thee thanks, gracious God, for the discoveries thou hast made of thyself in Jesus Christ our Lord. We bless God that the Day-spring from on high hath visited us, to give light to them that sit in darkness and in the shadow of death, and to guide our feet into the way of peace. May all the benefits of that salvation which hath been procured for us by the sufferings and death of thy dear Son, be made ours by living faith. Especially, we pray that our hearts may be divinely open to the reception of the truth in all its simplicity and power ; that our understandings may apprehend it, that our affections may take an interest in it ; and that our feelings, desires, and conduct may be subjected to the influence, and governed by the authority, of the principles of the gospel of Christ. Under the influence of thy word and Spirit, may we all, in our respective spheres and rela- tions, exhibit the same mind that was also in Christ Jesus ; and walk, in the view of the church and of the world, as he also walked. To thy gracious care we commend ourselves during the future period of our lives. Be with us, we pray thee, during this night ; be with us while we sleep, and when we awake. Be with us every day and every night of our appointed time. Let goodness and mercy follow us all the days of our life ; and may we dwell in the house of the Lord for evermore. With ourselves, we would be mindful in thy presence of all our brethren of mankind. We commend to thy fatherly goodness the poor and the destitute, the afflicted and the dying. We pray that all our friends may be objects of thy friendship ; that thy people throughout the world may be blessed and multiplied; that our native land may enjoy thy favour and protection ; and that all men may see thy great salvation. All that we ask is in the name, and for the sake, of Jesus Christ; to whom, with the Father and the Holy Spirit, be glory for ever. Amen. 347 2X2 TWENTY- FOURTH WEEK, Psalm xxxviii. LMIGHTY and everlasting God, who art without beginning of days or end of years, we acknowledge that we are but of yesterday, and know nothing. All existence is derived from thee ; in thee all creatures live, and move, and have their being. There was a period when thou didst exist alone, and when no act of creative power or skill had been exerted. In thine own eternity thou didst exist, and in thine own perfections thou wert happy, ere yet men or angels had any being. But though we are but of yesterday, thou hast formed us immortal, and we must live for ever in happiness or wo. When we came forth from thy creative hand, we were alike holy and happy ; but, alas ! sin has dashed the cup of bliss from our lips ; and we are now the victims of guilt and apostacy, outcasts from our God, and fit subjects of his awful displeasure. We mourn our sad revolt. We confess that we have been the authors of our own ruin. We have destroyed ourselves. Thou art not the author of our sin; neither dost thou will the death of the sinner. Though we have brought the tremendous evils of the fall upon ourselves, thou hast yet interposed for our escape, and hast said concerning us — Deliver from going down into the pit, I have found a ransom. We bless thee now, and hope to bless thee through eternity, for the mighty wonders of the Cross ; for the rich and sovereign provisions of thy boundless grace. O the height and depth, the breadth and length, of that love which passeth knowledge ! May we feel its all-quickening power upon our cold and sinful hearts. May a Redeemer crucified be the object of our wonder, our admiration, and our love. May his gospel be the power of God and the wisdom of God to the salvation of our souls. Let us not be left to trample on the blood of sprinkling, or to do despite unto the Spirit of grace. O let us not perish in sight of the city of refuge ; let us not incur the guilt of those who despise so great salvation. Bring us out of nature’s blindness, and nature’s alienation. Subdue the pride and unbelief of our hearts. Bring us as little children to the feet of Christ. May his love constrain us, because we thus judge, that if one died for all, then were all dead, and that he died for all, that they who live should not henceforth live unto themselves, but unto him who died for them and rose again. We bless thee for the light of a new morning. May the light of life shine into our souls. We adore thee for the protection and refreshment of our bodies during the past night ; O take charge of the immortal — the better part — and fill it with the light and influence of thy saving grace. We bless thee for the ordinary supports of fife ; O feed our souls with the bread which cometh down from heaven, and of which if we eat we shall never hunger or die. We desire to be thankful for shelter and clothing, of which thousands are destitute ; but we pray, above all, to be covered with the robe of righteousness, and to be clad in the garments of salvation. However little or much we may possess of the perishable treasures of earth, grant us the durable riches of eternity. Make us, at the same time, poor in spirit, and rich in faith towards God. Keep us this day in thy fear. Defend us from every outward and spiritual evil. Spread the shield of omnipotence over us. Pour thy grace into our hearts. Be near to us — our Father — our Friend — and the God of our salvation. All we ask is for Jesus Christ’s sake. Amen. 348 TWENTY-FOURTH CijtirStsag gftmung* 1 Corinthians, Chapter xv. Ver. 1 — 34. WEEK. 0 FATHER of spirits, and Father of lights, from whom all wisdom, and every good and perfect gift, descend. O Son of the living God, who art the light and life of men ! O blessed Spirit of all grace, given to convince the world of sin, of righteousness, and of judgment, and to lead thy people into all truth ! Give light and life, we beseech thee, to our dead and dark souls. O shine, with beams of vital and heavenly light, into minds which lie grovelling in the dust, and which are sadly beclouded by the mists and darkness of sense. We lament our ignorance of things unseen and eternal; we pray that in thy light we may see light, and that by a realizing view of futurity, and its approaching realities, we may be enabled to moderate our love of a present evil world, and to prepare with diligence for our final account to the Judge of all. O help us to view death and all its consequences in their own proper and solemn lights, and without any thing of that disguise \vith which, through our earthliness and unbelief, we are so prone to invest them. May we, with all diligence and earnestness, seek to prepare for the coming of our Lord, Accepted for his sake, and renewed by his Spirit, may we stand, in the great day, complete in Him. Vouchsafe to us this night the true spirit of prayer. Quicken our dead hearts in thy service. Raise us to the dignity of communion with thyself. Our wandering thoughts do thou reclaim, our grovelling affections do thou elevate, our expiring devotion do thou rekindle and animate. We need thy Spirit’s grace, to summon all our powers into the frame of spiritual worship. We desire to condemn ourselves in thy presence, and to justify thee in the sentence which has gone forth against us. We are verily guilty before the Lord. In thy sight no flesh living can be justified. May the blood of Christ, which cleanseth from all sin, be applied to our guilty consciences ; and may that righteousness be ours, which is unto all and upon all them that believe ; that we, being divinely accepted in thy presence for the sake of the Great Surety, may walk daily in the light of thy countenance, and may feel that in all things thou art dealing with us as children of thy love. We rejoice to know that if thou art for us, none can be against us. If thou hast not withheld thy Son, thine only Son, but hast delivered him up to the death for us, thou wilt surely with him also freely bestow upon us all things necessary to life and godliness. Mercifully hear the prayer which w r e make to thee on behalf of this worshipping family. May we know the blessedness of the man whom thou choosest, and causest to approach unto thee. In all our family trials, may we submit ourselves to thy gracious disposal; and, amidst unnumbered mercies, may we feel the most lively gratitude. Our family sins and provocations, do thou graciously forgive ; and let health and salvation be our portion. In the night-watches do thou keep and defend us by thy mighty power ; and grant that we may be blessed with such refreshment of body and mind, as shall fit us for the duties of the coming day. Let thine eye and thy heart be upon us for good, and graciously exceed the utmost desires of our minds, for the Redeemer’s sake. Amen. 349 TWENTY-FOURTH dfrttrag iffljmfttg. WEEK. Psalm xxxix. E VER-blessed Lord, teach us to feel the inestimable value of a throne of grace. Lead our early thoughts to the contemplation of those themes which the return of a new day is fitted to suggest. May we think of the hand which has upheld us, and of the gratitude we owe to thee for unnumbered mercies, providential and spiritual. May we reflect on multitudes cut down in the midst of their days, and adore thee for thy goodness in sparing us. While the light of the opening day breaks in upon our habi- tation, may we bless thee for the light of life, and feel ourselves enlightened and cheered by the vivifying rays of the Sun of righteousness. Cause us to feel that a new day has brought with it fresh responsibilities ; and enable us to enter upon them in the spirit of self-diffidence, and of earnest dependence upon the aids of thy grace. We are not sufficient of ourselves to think or to do any thing as of ourselves ; but our sufficiency is of thee. O strengthen us, by thy Spirit’s power, in the inner man, that we may run in the way of thy commandments, and so act in all things as to please thee, and to maintain the testimony of a good conscience. We humbly confess before thee, O Lord, the sins with which we are chargeable in thy sight. Behold, we were shapen in sin, and in iniquity did our mother conceive us. Our actual transgressions are more in number than the hairs of our head, or the sands upon the sea-shore. We dare not plead our own righteousness before thee. We are altogether as an unclean thing in thy sight, and our iniquities like the wind have taken us away. God be merciful to us sinners. Look upon the all-perfect righteousness of Him who was made sin for us, that we might be made the righteousness of God in him. In his precious blood, we pray that all our sins may be cancelled. Grant us a sense of interest in thy forgiving mercy. Purify our consciences by an application of the blood of sprinkling. Accept and bless us in the divine and glorious Mediator. Impart to us a growing sense of the evil of sin, and a more earnest desire of deliver- ance from its thraldom and corruption. Let no habit of evil obtain dominion over us. May we remember that one sin unsubdued will be the ruin of our souls. O sanctify us by thy truth, thy word is truth. Let all religious ordinances, and all the dispensations of thy holy providence, contribute to the advancement of our holiness and happiness ; our deadness to the world ; and our meetness for heaven ; our religious consistency ; and moral conformity to the image of our blessed Lord. Pour out thy Spirit upon each member of this family, that, quickened by his grace, we may all live to thee ; and that, walking in the footsteps of our blessed Lord, we may hope to spend eternity in the fellowships of just men made perfect. Grant us all needful direction in the engagements and pursuits of this day. Make straight the path of duty before us ; and incline our hearts to walk therein with undeviating step. Give us not over to the will of those spiritual enemies who wait for our halting. Lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil ; and grant us present and eternal acceptance, through Jesus Christ, our Lord ; to whom, with the Father and the Holy Spirit, be glory everlasting. Amen. 350 TWENTY-FOURTH jfrft lag €bmn\Q. 1 Corinthians, Chapter xv. Verse 35 — 58 . WEEK. 0 LORD our God, thou art good unto all, and thy tender mercies are over all thy works ; day unto day uttereth speech, and night unto night sheweth knowledge. All thy works praise thee, and thy saints shall bless thee. We adore thee for the knowledge of the way of acceptance through the atoning sacrifice of the Lamb ; and for free access into thy presence, for ourselves and others, as the hearer of prayer, and the God of mercy and salvation. We beseech thee to extend the blessings of thy great salvation to the whole human race. O let the bright and cheering light of the gospel shine into every corner of the habitable globe, that those who sit in darkness may come to the knowledge of thy character and the practice of thy laws, and that the souls of perishing multitudes may be saved in the great day of the Lord Jesus. More particularly, O Lord, be merciful to the highly favoured land to which we belong ; bring us unto repentance, pardon our great iniquities, and avert from us the judgments which we have so justly deserved. Put a stop to the profaneness, irreligion, and impiety which abound ; heal all our divisions, and let truth and righteousness, brotherly kindness and charity, continually prosper and abound. Be gracious to thy whole Church, and especially to that portion of it which thou hast planted in the land of our nativity; put an end to envy and strife among the disciples of the one Master; and grant that the spiritual Zion may increase in wisdom and knowledge, piety and goodness, peace and holiness. Bless our sovereign the King; protect his person, direct his counsels, prosper his government ; and make him an instru- ment, in thy hands, of great good to this nation, and all the kingdoms of the earth. Inspire all Christian pastors with a spirit of eminent devotion to the service of Christ ; make them zealous, diligent, and indefatigable in promoting the spiritual and immortal interests of all who are committed to their care. Bless the magistrates, the nobility, the gentry, and all others the subjects and inhabitants of these realms : grant that they may all study to serve thee, and to discharge the duties of their several stations ; ever remem- bering the solemn account which they must one day render to the Judge of quick and dead. Be merciful, O God, to all that are in affliction or distress ; that labour under poverty or persecution ; that are exercised by temptation or mental conflict ; be pleased at all times to support, comfort, and stand by them ; and in thy good time to deliver them, according to thy great mercy. Send down the graces of thy Holy Spirit upon us, and upon all our friends and relations ; unite our hearts in mutual affection to each other ; and vouchsafe to every one of us, and to all others who either pray for us or desire an interest in our prayers, whatever thy infinite wisdom knows to be most needful and expedient, both for the soul and body ; for the life that now is, and for that which is to come ; for all present and future exigencies ; through Jesus Christ, thy dear Son, who loved us, and gave himself for us ; and to whom, with the Father and the Holy Ghost, be all honour and glory, in the church below and in the church above, world without end. Amen. And may the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, the love of God, and the commu- nion of the Holy Spirit, be with us all Amen. 351 TWENTY-FOURTH «#aturtJaji) &tornftt& WEEK. Psalm xl. O GOD, the Author of our being, and the supporter of our lives, we would this morning raise our hearts and voices unto thee. It is good for us to draw near to thy throne, and thou hast enjoined that men pray every where, lifting up holy hands without wrath or doubting. But how shall we give unto thee the honour that is thy due ? Our best offerings serve only to remind us of thy condescension and goodness in accepting them. Not for our sakes, O Lord, not for our sakes, dost thou pardon and bless us from day to day, but because thy mercy is from everlasting ; and because thou hast a constant regard to the ransom which Christ has paid for our souls. For his sake, O Lord, continue to us all our blessings, and be gracious to us, even as thou art wont to be to thy chosen people. Grant, we beseech thee, that the greatness of thy compassion in Christ Jesus may ever triumph over the multitude of our sins, and that our prayers and praises, defiled as they are, may, through his most precious blood, daily enter with acceptance into thine ears, O Lord of hosts. Awaken us to anxious, inquiry as to our actual condition before thee our God. Keep us from the delusion of supposing ourselves Christians, from our birth, or our baptism, or our outward communion with the godly. Never may we confound the external observance of thine ordinances, with that grace of which they are only the channels and the means. Teach us that in Christ Jesus, neither circumcision availeth any thing, nor uncircum- cision, but faith that worketh by love. Unite us, O God, to all those who worship thee in the Spirit, rejoice in Christ Jesus, and have no confidence in the flesh. And grant us more realizing views of the fulness that is in Christ Jesus. Preserve us from the suppo- sition that in Him all blessings are to remain ; and enable us to look to him as the source from whence we may receive whatever is good. Make it our joy that he is not only to possess, but to bestow. From him may we obtain grace for grace. By his stripes may we be healed; in his righteousness may we be exalted; and in his name may we rejoice. Give us, O God, the victory over all our spiritual foes. O shelter us in the time of danger ; place underneath us thine everlasting arms in the hour of deep distress ; and through all the changing scenes of life, may we prove that in thee, the Father of lights, is no variableness, neither shadow of turning. Forget not, O God of providence, to supply our temporal wants. We need thy favours as creatures, as well as sinners. If it please thee, let thy blessings rest upon our toils. Give us the precious things of the earth and the fulness thereof, which are brought forth by the rains and dews of heaven, and are put forth by the sun and the moon, through their influence on the mountains, the hills, and the valleys. But this we would ask with reservation ; for we know not what is good for us. If thy favours increase, let our humility and gratitude be augmented also ; and if they are diminished or denied, help us to believe that it is in mercy to our souls. Favourably regard our beloved connexions, and let thy bestowments be adapted to their various necessities. And may each of us join, both now and in heaven, in ascribing blessing, and honour, and glory, and power, unto Plim that sitteth upon the throne, and unto the Lamb for ever. Amen. 3->2 T W E N TY-FO URTH ^aturtras Anting: WEEK. 1 Corinthians, Chapter xvi. A T the dose of another week, we would come into thy presence, O Lord our God, with feelings appropriate to thy holy and blessed service. A thousand thoughts rush into our minds as we review the days that are past, and we would entreat that they may be acceptable before thee, and profitable to us. How numerous have been our mercies ! The powers of our bodies, and the faculties of our minds, have been the objects of thy care. Our domestic comforts and our social advantages are secure, because thou hast preserved them from every disturber and destroyer. Not one good thing hast thou taken from us ; while thou hast poured blessings upon us numerous as our moments. And shall we forget thy long-suffering and thy goodness, O our Father? Enkindle our gratitude, awaken us to thankfulness, and let not thy benefits die without praises. Unworthy are our offerings, O make them sincere ; polluted are our sacrifices, but we trust we would yield thee all we possess. We would this night, O God, remember our faults. How much have we omitted that ought to have been done ! We have not rendered thee the love thou demandest, nor im- proved the privileges thou hast granted us, nor discharged the duties committed to our care. And, alas ! we have done much that is evil. So corrupt have some of our thoughts and feelings been, that we could not tell them to our dearest earthly friends. What then shall we say unto thee, O Lord, who hast been near us, who hast seen us altogether, and who hast penetrated the deep recesses of our hearts, and beheld all that has arisen there? and all that has been matured ? Truly we are vile, so grievously to transgress ; and most righteously might we, whose sins partake of so many aggravations, be driven from tby pre- sence. But, O indulge us with another proof that thou art boundless in mercy. Favour us with a token for good. Say to our souls, I am thy salvation. Sprinkle us afresh with pardoning blood. Purify us wholly in that all-cleansing fountain which thou hast opened. Our experience teaches us that around us is an evil world, and within us many corrup- tions. We are not only rational, but animal creatures ; we have not only an immaterial spirit, but a material body having many inlets to the soul, and susceptible of impression from every thing external : give us grace to keep our senses diligently. O let us habitually feel our weakness, and look to the Strong for strength. In danger as we are from our dress, our food, our calling, our connections — from what is sinful and from what is lawful — may we not be high-minded, but fear. May it not be enough for us to bow the knee, and to employ the language of devotion ; but may we hold the most intimate, delightful, and purifying communion with God. And now, as we have done with an ensnaring world professedly, let it be shut out from our minds, and let our hearts be preserved from its influence. For a season we cannot do what remains undone, or repair that in which we have erred ; may we therefore guard against cares which are both useless and criminal. Take charge of all our affairs, O Lord our God ; and be with us as a family, and with all our connections, as a protector and a friend. Indulge us with the light of thy countenance in the morning, and with a day of rest after a night of repose, for the sake of our exalted and gracious Intercessor. Amen. TWENTY-FIFTH «#unt*ag iBontmg, WEEK. Psalms xli. xlii. 0 LORD God Almighty, permit us, with humble confidence, to surround the throne of thy grace, and to plead with thee the promises upon which thou hast caused us to hope. Though thou art ever ready to listen to the prayers of thy children, thou hast ordained that their faith, and importunity in asking, shall precede the bestowment of thy mercies. Affect us, then, most gracious God, with a deep sense of thy condescension and love, in making our feeble prayers the means of bringing into accomplishment the purposes of thy sovereign and efficacious mercy. On the morning of thy holy day, may we taste and see that thou art good. Let some peculiar expression of thy mercy be vouchsafed to us, suited to the design and character of this day. Raise our souls to lofty and holy contemplations. May the powers of the world to come break in upon the thoughtlessness and vanity of our ordinary pursuits. Let the Spirit of grace and supplication be granted to us in an unwonted degree. Lord, meet with thy people this day in their closets, at their family altars, and in the house of prayer. Bestow upon them copious measures of Divine influence. Baptize them with the Spirit of their risen and exalted Lord. May they see the King in his beauty, and gaze with delight and joy on the land which is yet afar off. Invest the public ordinances of divine grace this day with peculiar energy. May they prove the source of health and salvation to thousands and tens of thousands of the children of men. Go forth with the messengers of the Cross, and enable them to speak with interest and success of the virtues of redeeming blood. While they proclaim the great mystery of godliness, may the divine Spirit unfold the excellence and grandeur of the doctrine to the trembling conscience ; and may multitudes find peace and joy by believing in Jesus. Help thy servants rightly to divide the word of life, and to address themselves with wisdom and adaptation to the several cases of their hearers. It is thy Spirit alone that can direct the arrows of truth to the human conscience ; O may his mighty and quickening energy be exerted in the hearts of men ; may he prepare the barren and unfruitful soil of apostate nature for receiving the good seed of the kingdom ; and when the word of eternal life has been cast into it, may he pour down his refreshing and vivifying influence, and cause it to take deep root, to spring up in full vigour, and to bear fruit in great abundance. Lord God of the families that put their trust in thee, we pray that this household may be consecrated in an eminent degree to thy glory. May there be such unity in thy worship, such individual submission to thy truth, that we may be as a church in the house. May one and all be partakers of thy saving grace. O let not our great privileges be lost upon us ; let them not rise up against us in the great day to our condemnation. Pour upon us the dew of thy blessing, that we may know the day of our merciful visitation, and that we may attend, with full purpose of heart, to the things which belong to our peace. Go with us this day to the house of prayer. May a solemn and devout frame of mind be vouchsafed to us. May the world, and the things of the world, be banished from our view ; and may eternity, with all its mighty interests, press with full energy upon our hearts. Be pleased, O Lord, to listen to the voice of our feeble prayers, to send answers of peace from the throne of thy love, and to vouchsafe to us all things necessary to life and godliness, for the Redeemer’s sake. Amen. 354 TWENTY-FIFTH ^unang (Bbcm'ns WEEK. 2 Corinthians, Chapter i. O THOU that hearest prayer, deign to regard our humble cry this night, and to send down upon our waiting spirits the blessings of thy grace. We rejoice, at the close of another Sabbath, to assemble, as a family, around thy mercy-seat. O inspire our hearts with love, and our tongues with praise; and grant that the impressions of the Christian sanctuary may not be speedily effaced from our too forgetful minds, but that they may abide in us, and bring forth fruit to life eternal. We know that Paul may plant, and Apollos water, but that God only can give the increase. We look up in earnest prayer for that increase. We plead thine own promise, that thy word shall not return unto thee void ; but that it shall accomplish that which thou pleasest, and prosper in the thing whereto thou hast sent it. It is thine to dispel the darkness of the human understand- ing, and to impart the power of spiritual discernment. It is thine to subdue prejudice, and to make men w illin g in the day of thy power. It is thine to eradicate unbelief, and to quicken the soul to the exercise of lively faith in thy dear Son. Exert then, O God of grace and salvation, thy mighty power, and let the blessed results of this day, and its solemn engagements, be marked in the annals of eternity. Let it be seen, in the great day, that many a trembling penitent has found rest and peace by believing in the only Saviour of the guilty. Let Messiah see of the travail of his soul, and be satisfied. Let the church on earth and in heaven be made glad by the mighty triumphs of the Cross. We earnestly implore an increase of all the evidences of vital godliness in this family. We lament our misimprovement of past opportunities ; and entreat that we may not, as in days past, provoke thee to jealousy, because of the hardness and impenitence of our hearts. Without a copious effusion of thy Holy Spirit’s influence, we have reason to fear that the future will be as the past. Stir up in each of our souls an anxiety and a desire for a closer walk with thee. May we remember that public ordinances will utterly fail in accomplishing their destined ends, if they are not followed up by meditation, prayer, watchfulness, and earnest self-examination. Make us diligent in cultivating the religion of the heart, without which all public expressions of piety and devotion must prove an abomination in thy sight. Impress us with the deep conviction that thou desirest truth in the inward part, and that without true faith it is impossible to please thee. O Lord, it is a good thing to give thanks unto thee, and to sing praises unto thy name, O most High; to shew forth thy loving- kindness in the morning, and thy faith- fulness every night. We assemble around thy throne, to adore thee for the great mercies of the day, and to commit ourselves to thy gracious care and benediction through another night. Defend us from all evils, outward and spiritual. Grant us refreshing rest, and such recruital of our bodily and mental faculties, as shall prepare us for the duties and responsibilities of the coming day. Guide and keep us through the whole of the week upon which we have entered ; and let a sweet savour of the Christian Sabbath, and its exercises, dwell upon our spirits. Mercifully forgive all our sins ; sanctify us by thy truth — thy word is truth ; keep us by thy mighty power, through faith, unto salvation ; and all we ask is for the sake of the Great High Priest of the Christian profession ; to whom, with the Lather and Holy Spirit, be glory evermore. Amen. 355 2 V 2 TWENTY -FIFTH iiloittiaj) Mcrantg. WEEK.. Psalms xliii. xliv. G REAT and Eternal God, by thine almighty power we were formed, and brought into being. We adore thee for every good and perfect gift; but, above all, for the unspeakable gift of thine only-begotten Son. O lead us to that precious fountain which was opened in his blood, which can cleanse us from all sin, and wash us white as snow. O bring us to the foot of the Cross, and teach us to say, in the confidence of true faith, My Lord and my God. Thou hast declared, O Lord, that whosoever cometh unto thee thou wilt in no wise cast out. Give us faith to lay hold of thy promise, and to set to our seal that thou art true. Teach us, O Lord, to acknowledge, with the deepest humility, that inward cor- ruption of heart which manifests itself daily and hourly in so many forms of rebellion against thee. Preserve us this day in our various avocations from the contaminating influence of the world. Let not Satan gain an advantage over us; but, O Lord, our Helper and Preserver, deliver us, we beseech thee, from all evil. In thee do we trust, for thou art our Hope and our Salvation. Our faith is fixed on thine immutable word. O increase its strength, that we may overcome all our spiritual enemies, and that, at last, we may enjoy peace and felicity in thine eternal kingdom. Hear us, O Lord, in behalf of those to whom we are allied by the tenderest ties of affection ; and more especially for such as are yet strangers to the influence of thy grace. O draw them to thee by the cords of love. Convince them that thou alone canst give rest to the weary mind; and do thou speak peace to their consciences, by the blood of Jesus. Set a watch, O Lord, before our mouth ; keep the door of our lips, that nothing may thence proceed but that w r hich is good, for the use of edifying. O Lord, open thou our lips, and our mouth shall shew forth thy praise. Make us wise and faithful to speak for thee — for thy cause, thy truth, and the honour of thy name. Fill our souls with thy grace, that out of the good treasure of our hearts we may bring forth that which is good. O Lord, restrain those who set their mouths against heaven, and who dishonour and blaspheme thy holy name. Grant that the transgressions of the wicked may more deeply affect our minds, while we reflect on the dishonour done to thy name. May we aspire after the piety of him who said, Rivers of waters run down mine eyes, because they keep not thy law. O that we may be taught to hate and abhor sin, wherever we may discover it, whether in ourselves or others. Let no secret sin obtain dominion over us ; keep back thy servants also from presumptuous sins ; and grant that we may have grace to shun the very appearance of evil. May we keep our hearts with all diligence, since out of them are the issues of life. Let redeeming mercy and dying love continually prompt us to follow holiness, without which no man can see the Lord. Now the God of peace and consolation grant all of us in this family to be like- minded one toward another, according to Christ Jesus, that we may, with one mind and with one mouth, glorify God, even the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ. We ask all in the name and through the intercession of Jesus Christ our Lord and Saviour. Amen. 356 TWENTY-FIFTH iBontiay Abetting. 2 Corinthians, Chapter ii. week. 0 THOU that dwellest in the heavens, bow down thine ear to the voice of our suppli- cations ; and have respect to us and our offerings, for the sake of Him who gave himself a sacrifice for human guilt, who was delivered for our offences, and raised again for our justification. Meet with us in mercy, who desire to approach thee with reverence and godly fear ; and let thy throne be a throne of grace to us, through the mediation and intercession of thy dear Son. For the sake of our great Surety, look down, O Lord, upon us, while we look up to thee our Father in heaven ; and be merciful unto us, as thou art wont to be unto those that love thy name. O visit not upon us our original sin; nor the sins of our hearts and lives, which are more than we can number, and greater than we can express. Sprinkle us from an evil conscience, by the application of our Redeemer’s most precious blood, which cleanseth us from all sin ; and seeing that there is in him an infinite fulness of all that ever we can need, to render us holy and to make us happy, grant us to receive out of his fulness in grace for grace. May we have grace to pardon our sins, and to subdue our iniquities ; to justify our persons, and to purify our souls. Begin and carry on the new creation within us ; advance in us that mighty transformation of heart, which may, by the power of thy Spirit, more and more conform us to thy blessed image, and make us meet to be partakers of the inheritance of the saints in light. Order, O Lord, all our steps in thy vrord, and let no sin have dominion over us. Teach us to use this world as not abusing it ; and may that portion of it which thou shalt assign to us, be sanctified by the word of God, and by prayer. Whatever we may be without, leave us not destitute of the- things that accompany salvation ; but replenish us with the sense of thy love, assure us of thine eternal inheritance, and adorn us with the graces of thy Holy Spirit. We adore thee for that goodness which has renewed our lives and thy mercies day by day. Lord, grant that all thy bounties, being received with gratitude, may be returned to thee in praise and cheerful obedience. Let our past negligences deeply humble us in thy sight, and call forth sentiments of unfeigned contrition, and godly sorrow for sin. O revive thy work in all our hearts, that the future may be more productive of spiritual fruit than the past, and that our progress in holiness may correspond, in some measure, to our advantages. May the Angel of thy presence save us this night, and may the God of angels be our shield and exceeding great reward. May we desire, resolve, and endeavour to live in obedience to thy holy will, and to the honour of thy sacred name. Restrain us from the sins and follies into which we are prone to fall ; and quicken us to the performance of all those duties which we ought to regard, but which we are apt to neglect. Grant that we may think and speak, will and do, the things which are pleasing in thy sight ; and have the approval of a good conscience, and the evidence of acceptance with thee. Visit us with thy salvation, O Lord, and supply us with thy grace. Extend to us evermore thy mercy ; carry us through all the dangers of this life ; and grant that our souls may bless thee, not only in life, but in death, at the day of judgment, and through all eternity. All which we beg for Jesus Christ’s sake. Amen. 357 TWENTY-FIFTH Cunftnj) iHonttnjj WEEK. Psalms xlv. xlvi. MOST gracious and blessed Lord, we entreat thee to prepare our hearts for the holy exercise of communion with thee this morning. Enable us to lay aside all drowsy and listless feelings, and to call upon our souls, and all that is within us, to bless and magnify thy holy name. Quicken within us every sentiment and feeling of true devotion ; exalt our conceptions of thy glorious character and perfections ; cause us to feel all that solemnity of mind which arises from the thought of thine omniscient inspec- tion ; vouchsafe to us that grace which will enable us to worship thee in spirit and in truth ; and grant that each of us may derive spiritual strength and refreshment from waiting upon thee in the appointed ordinances of thy grace. Greatly bless to us the portion of inspired truth which we have now been permitted to read ; may it prove a light to our feet, and a lamp to our path, this day ; may it abide in us as a source of holy thoughts and affections, as a preservative against temptation, as a solace in trial, and as a practical directory in the discharge of personal and relative duty. We feel, O Lord, how prone we are to wander from the right way; too often have we felt the sad effects of leaning to our own understandings ; we pray, therefore, for such guidance and influence this day as thou knowest to be needful ; that we may walk all the day long in the light of thy countenance, and that all our steps may be ordered for the glory of thy name, and for the comfort and welfare of those with whom we are associated in the endearing and responsible ties of life. As we have too often sought our happiness in objects which promised fair only to deceive, we pray that henceforward we may look to thee as the source and spring of all our joys. In all our wanderings and follies, thy watchful and paternal eye has never lost sight of us ; thy purpose of mercy has ever followed us, and has ever been seeking its fulfilment in our happiness. But, O Lord, we would seek to realize our interest in something still more endearing than thy providential goodness ; for thou causest thy sun to shine, and thy rain to fall, upon the evil and upon the good. We would desire to know our interest in the promises and provisions of thy love. Let each of us attain some happy evidence of our being born from above, of our union to Christ Jesus, of our, call out of darkness into marvellous light, of our title to, and meetness for, the everlasting inheritance. O our heavenly Father, if any in this family are strangers to this happy experience, mercifully awaken them to a timely inquiry into their state, that none of us may at last be ranked with thine enemies, but that we may possess the marks of thy children, and may become the humble and devoted followers of the Lamb. We ask not, O Lord, for any earthly greatness, we look not for an exemption from earthly cares ; but we implore thee to bestow upon us a large measure of spiritual blessings, — the light of thy countenance, the teaching of thy Spirit, and the lively hope of eternal life. Now accompany us, blessed God ; go with us this day ; fill our hearts with a sense of thy love ; strengthen the weak among us ; comfort the sorrowful ; and promote, in all our hearts, feelings of mutual love and peace. These mercies we solicit in the name, and for the sake, of Jesus, our Strength and Redeemer. Amen. 358 TWENTY-FIFTH Cuesfoag <£bntftt$ WEEK. 2 Corinthians, Chapter iii. W E approach with humble confidence, most blessed God, the footstool of thy throne, to offer to thee our evening tribute of praise, and to solicit the continued tokens of thy fatherly regard. We worship thee as the God of our life, and as the Author of our salvation. Animate us by the power of thy quickening Spirit, that we may present to thee the offering of our hearts, and that faith in our Lord Jesus Christ may secure to us the answer of our prayers. We adore thee, O God, that we have access with boldness into the holiest of all, by the blood of Jesus. O kindle upon our family altar the flame of pure devotion. May we feel it an honour and a privilege to be permitted as a family to profess thy holy name. We learn in thy holy word that thy servants in former ages set up thy worship in their habitations ; thou didst meet with them, and didst impart to them thy blessing ; we are solemnly convinced that thy claim on us is the same as on them ; and we believe that thou art as ready to bless and comfort us as in days of old. O teach us to glory in being followers of them who through faith and patience are inheriting the promises ; and may we feel it our highest honour upon earth, to enrol ourselves amongst the faithful con- fessors of thy truth. While multitudes of families are neglectful of thy worship, and are disposed to scoff at thy righteous judgments, may we reverence and fear thy great and dreadful name, and believe that verily thou art a God that judgest in the earth. May we realize more and more the approach of that awful day when all the families of the earth shall stand before the judgment-seat of Christ, when thy church shall be glorified, and when thine enemies shall be punished with everlasting destruction from the presence of the Lord, and the glory of his power. Thou hast warned us of the gathering storm, of that deluge of wrath which will overwhelm a guilty world ; may we betake ourselves into the sacred ark of thy church, that when the flood-gates of divine vengeance shall be opened upon thine enemies, we may ride securely upon the tempestuous flood, till the waters thereof shall assuage, and thy people shall be saved, to sin no more. Blessed God, whenever we assemble as a family around thy throne, do thou meet with us, and cause the light of thy reconciled countenance to shine upon us. Protect and comfort all that are near and dear to us this night. O suffer not our relations and friends, our children and domestics, to mingle in these solemnities without entering into the true spirit of devotion ; but may all hearts blend in one common act of humble and grateful prostration at the footstool of thy throne. Forbid that any of us should rank with thine enemies ; O take from us all the hard and stony heart, and give us hearts of flesh. Mercifully unite us in the mystical body of Christ, that these fellowships in prayer and praise may be perpetuated in the exalted and blissful communion of the skies. We cannot endure the thought of being separated for ever from each other in death ; may we be one in Him who is the resurrection and the life, and who will exalt all his followers to everlasting glory and felicity in the mansions of the blessed. We beseech thee to bestow upon us and ours, all those blessings which thou knowest to be needful for us ; granting us in this life knowledge of thyself, and in the world to come life everlasting, for the Lord the Redeemer’s sake. Amen. 359 TWENTY-FIFTH Wetmestmg iHorntmj, WEEK. Psalms xlvii. xlviii. M OST holy and blessed God, do thou sanctify us wholly, body, soul, and spirit, this morning ; and grant that we may present ourselves before thee as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable, which is our reasonable service. Let us not attempt to serve thee with a divided heart ; let us not bring to thine altar the torn, the lame, and the sick ; but may we remember that thou desirest truth in the inward part ; and in the hidden part do thou make us to know wisdom. Sprinkle clean water upon us, that we may be cleansed from all our filthiness and from all our idols. Pour upon us the dew of thy blessing ; accept the early tribute of our praise for the mercies of the past night, receive the renewed consecration of our lives to thy glory ; and teach us to remember that we are wholly thine. Our hope of acceptance with thee, O God, must for ever rest upon the finished work of our adored Surety. We make mention of that name which is above every name. We rely for pardon, and all spiritual blessings, on Him who shed his most precious blood for the sins of the world. We bless thee that he is able and willing to save to the uttermost all that come unto thee through him. It hath pleased thee that in Him all fulness should dwell ; may we out of that fulness receive in grace for grace ; may we be blessed in him with all spiritual blessings, and all eternal hopes. Create us anew in Christ Jesus unto good works ; bring us out of the bondage of sin, into the glorious liberty of the children of God ; O seal us, by thy Holy Spirit’s power, unto the day of eternal redemp- tion ; and grant that neither life nor death, nor things present, nor things to come, nor height, nor depth, nor any other creature, may ever separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus, our Lord. Heavenly Father, undertake for us in all our circumstances this day. We would not enter upon its duties or trials in our own strength. We are continually liable to err from the right path. O raise us above the influence of our ignorance and depraved inclinations. Inspire us with such motives as thou wilt approve. Prosper all our lawful undertakings, and preserve us from every device of our spiritual enemies. Enable us to keep our hearts with all diligence, and to shun all appearance of evil. As thine eye is ever upon us, teach us to endure and act as seeing Him who is invisible. Bless all the members of the family with grace to serve and honour thee in the stations in which they are placed. May we all seek the honour which cometh from God; and may we all become increasingly happy and useful in our day and generation. Promote vital godliness in all our hearts. May the power of religious principle more prevail in all our engagements and intercourses. May it be seen that we belong to Christ; may we be humble, and holy, and upright, and kind, in the whole of our social deportment. We pray for an interest in thy forgiving mercy. Let not our sins rise up in judgment against us. Heal all our backslidings ; receive us graciously, and love us freely. Pour upon us the dew of thy blessing — the quickening energy of thy Spirit. May we live more to Christ, and less to ourselves. Make us Christians indeed. Into thy hands we commend our spirits. Keep us by thy mighty power ; and do more and better for us than we ask or think, for the sake of our only Redeemer and Mediator, Jesus Chsist. Amen. TWENTY-FIFTH raetmestmg (£b muter WEEK. 2 Corinthians, Chapter iv. 0 LORD our God, we desire to praise thy glorious Majesty for the great mercies we are permitted to enjoy ; for life and being, for food and raiment, and for all other comforts and necessaries thou art pleased to confer upon us. We bless thee for preserving and defending us from all fatal accidents and dangers this day, and for permitting us to meet in peace and harmony at the throne of the heavenly grace. Above all, we magnify and adore thy name for that wonderful instance of thine abundant love to us and all mankind, in sending thy Son to suffer and die for us, that we might obtain everlasting life. O Lord, we can never sufficiently praise thee for this expression of thine infinite grace and compassion towards us. Deign to accept our humble acknowledgments and our most hearty thanksgivings for this thine unspeakable love and mercy. Remember not, O Lord, our offences, but receive us with that love and favour thou bearest unto thy chosen. Have mercy upon us, and forgive us all our transgressions, for the sake of Him who gave his life a ransom for our sins. Look not upon our grievous transgressions, but look on the perfect oblation of our Redeemer ; and, by his death and sufferings, deliver us from the miseries of eternal death. O Lord, regard our prayers, and forgive our iniquities, that our souls may not perish. Look upon the tears and sorrows of every true penitent, and give grace to the impenitent, that they may sorrow unto repentance. O God, thou knowest the utter corruption of our nature, and that, without thy merciful assistance, none of us can turn effectually to thee. Grant us such measures of divine influence as shall draw our souls into a state of holy love and obe- dience. O consider our weakness, and as thou hast been our help, so leave us not, neither forsake us, thou God of our salvation. We pray thee, O Lord, to be gracious and merciful to this family; to pardon our innumerable sins, and to avert from us the judgments which we have so justly deserved. We beseech thee to continue to us our spiritual and temporal blessings. May the truth and purity of thy Gospel be preserved in the midst of us. Let peace be within our walls, and prosperity within our palaces ; let plenty be in our cottages, and let all our civil and religious liberties be perpetuated. Bless our beloved Sovereign, and all the Royal Family; grant that all those who fill exalted offices in the state may endeavour to promote thy honour and glory, and the best interests of the people. Comfort the afflicted, whether in mind, body, or estate. Be thou, O God, to them a very present help in time of trouble ; and mercifully deliver them out of all their distresses. Bless and preserve all our friends and relations, and turn the hearts of all our enemies. Guard us from all evil this night : may we sleep securely and peacefully beneath the shadow of thy wings. Be thou our Keeper and our Guide for evermore. We desire to take thee as our portion and our heritage for time and for eternity. Order our lot as seemeth best to thee. We know not what is before us, but we leave all that pertains to us in thy gracious and fatherly hands : in life and in death may we be thine. These, O Lord, our praises and prayers which we offer unto Thy divine Majesty, be pleased to accept, in the name and for the sake of Jesus Christ, thy Son, our Mediator .and Advocate at thy right hand, who ever liveth to maue intercession for us. Amen. 3G1 2 Z TWENTY-FIFTH iBonuitg WEEK. Psalm xlix. A LMIGHTY God, sanctify our hearts at this time, that we may fear nothing so much as to offend thee, desire nothing so much as to please thee, and delight in nothing so much as to obey thy holy will. Thy nature is unspeakably pure, thy law is holy, and just, and good; thou hast ordained it for our eternal good; we only become miserable by transgressing it, and can never be happy till we are made to delight in it after the inward man. Teach us to reverence thy word and will; impart to us a wise and understanding heart ; and guide our steps into the way of truth and holiness. O be thou the sole Lord and supreme object of our affections; and bring every thought into subjection to thy divine will. Grant that we may attain to this holy and happy state, by having thy love in Christ Jesus always effectually shed abroad in our hearts, that so we may be constrained to live to Him who died for our sins and rose again for our justification. O Lord, for his sake have mercy upon us and help us ; heal all our backslidings, pardon all our infirmities, and supply all our wants ; renew us, we beseech thee, in the spirit of our minds ; make us new creatures in Christ Jesus, that old things may pass away, and all things become new. We are utterly unworthy of the least of thy mercies ; and such is our great defilement, that the sight of it is apt to hinder us from approaching thee, and thus to hinder its ulti- mate cure by thy sovereign grace. But, O Lord, thou knowest that we plead the merits and grace of thy dear Son before thee, who invites us to look to his healing and saving power. Let the sense of thy goodness be above all our fears, and lead us to that repent- ance which is not to be repented of. Bring us also, O Lord, by repentance to faith, and by faith to love, and by love, not only to good works, but to the lively experience of all the graces of thy Holy Spirit. Thou hast set life and death before us — for thy name’s sake, incline us to choose that good part which shall never be taken from us. Enable us to embrace, with thankfulness, the invitation of thy beloved Son, and to come unto him for that rest which he promises, and only can give, to weary and heavy-laden souls. May we so learn of him as to take upon us his easy yoke and light burden ; and thus may we find rest unto our souls. Cause us to resemble our gracious Lord in the spirit of devotion and prayer ; may we delight in rising up to call upon thee with the morning’s dawn, and may we return to thee in the evening hour, ever finding refreshment to our souls in communion with thee. O may it be our meat and our drink to do the will of our Father in heaven, and may the desire of our heart be to glorify thy name. Let the Divine Spirit work in us every holy temper and grace ; may he conform us to the image of Christ ; and make us fruitful in every good word and work. We pray especially for an increase of the grace of faith, that we may believe and live upon thy promise, that our hearts may be purged from the love of sin, and that we may obtain victory over a present evil world ; and may thereby have the hope of eternal life strengthened and invigorated in our bosoms. Now unto Him that hath chosen us to salvation, through sanctification of the Spirit and belief of the truth, to which he hath called us by the Gospel, to the obtaining of the glory of our Lord Jesus Christ, be glory and dominion, both now and fo" evermore Amen. TWENTY-FIFTH Clnirstiaj) gftmtfttg. WEEK. 2 Corinthians, Chapter v. 0 GOD of all truth and holiness, who art a jealous God against all impenitent sinners, but a most compassionate Father to them that fear thee, and that hope in thy mercy ; let thy gracious ear be opened to the petitions of this worshipping family, who would confess with sorrow and shame their sins unto thee, and would entreat, in the name of thy dear Son, favour and acceptance, and would look up to thee for grace and heavenly benediction. Alas ! O God, we have loved the world, not thee ; we have obeyed the desires of our own hearts, not thy holy laws and commandments ; we have left our most sacred duties unfulfilled, but have not ceased to please ourselves in the pursuit of vanity and folly. Thou hast commanded us to love our brethren ; but instead of loving them as ourselves, we have slandered and reproached, injured and provoked them, envied their good, and rejoiced in their calamity. We plead guilty to that sentence of thy holy law which condemns us. We have neither loved thee, the Lord our God, with all our hearts, nor our neighbour as ourselves. In many things we have all offended ; in all things we have come short of thy glory. O enter not into judgment with us; for in thy sight no flesh living can be justified. May we he in the dust before thee, and acknowledge that thou art just even in pronouncing sentence of condemnation upon us. If we say we have no sin, we but deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us ; but if we confess our sin, thou art faithful and just to forgive us our sin, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. O blessed God, we are humbled before thee, when we remember our innumerable follies, our unsubdued passions, our peevishness and pride, our vain thoughts and idle words, our uncharitable or unprofitable conversation ; and though our sins are so many that they cannot be numbered, yet are we so little sensible of them, that we neither forsake them utterly, nor heartily deplore them. But, O God, thou art our Father in Christ Jesus, and hast revealed to us in him thy love passing knowledge ; be pleased, for his sake, to give us true repentance for our sins, and free pardon of them ; and grant that, our souls being renewed and sanctified by thy Holy Spirit, we may live a holy, and devout, and quiet, and peaceable life, in all godliness and honesty. We long, gracious God, for more of that holy and happy state of mind, which is preserved through the fellowship of thy Spirit with ours, and which springs from com- munion with the holy and blessed Redeemer. Look upon us, individually and particularly, according to our several states of mind, and the situations in which we are placed in thy holy providence. Send grace from on high suited to our necessities. Consecrate us without reserve to thy glory. Fulfil in us all thy holy will, and the work of faith with divine power. Constitute us living members of Christ’s mystical body; and make us faithful witnesses for thee and thy truth, in our day and generation. If any of us are strangers to the power of renewing grace, do thou raise us from our spiritual death, and impart to us the power of a living faith, that shall unite us to Christ the head of all spiritual influence, and that shall purify our hearts from sin, and raise us to victory over a present evil world. Listen, O most gracious God, to the voice of our humble supplications, and exceed our utmost and most fervent desires for the Redeemer’s sake. Amen. 2 Z 2 303 TWENTY-FIFTH J'n'&ag iHormhft WEEK. Psalm l. 0 THOU Father of all ! the Creator of the universe, who formedst man out of the dust of the ground, and didst breathe into his nostrils the breath of life ; Thee we adore — to Thee we give thanks — and to Thee we this morning raise our Ebenezer, and inscribe on it, Hitherto hath the Lord helped us. Thou, O Lord, art good, and doest good continually. Thy goodness endureth for ever. The eyes of all thy creatures look up unto thee, and thou givest them their meat in due season. Thou openest thine hand, and satisfiest the desire of every living thing. How great is thy goodness, O Lord, which thou hast laid up for them that fear thee, which thou hast wrought for them that trust in thee, before the sons of men ! Who would not fear thee, O thou King of nations, for unto thee alone doth it appertain ? We pray for that fear of the Lord which is the fountain of life, the beginning of true wisdom, and which causeth those who possess it to depart from evil. May we partake of a filial fear, a child-like dread of offending thee, and grieving thy Holy Spirit. Enable us, as a family, to live together as children of God ; to be kind and courteous one towards another. May we never fail to evince that meekness and forbearance which circumstances and events may render necessary. May we live in a constant sense of thy presence, and ever feel that to thee we are indebted for all the blessings of this life, and all the hopes of a better. May we ever feel our own weakness, and implore of thee that strength which can alone sustain us. Holy Father, we desire to give ourselves afresh to thy service this day. May we commence and prosecute its engagements under a conviction that thine ail-seeing eye is upon us. It is thy blessing which maketh rich, and to which no sorrow is added. Without thee we can do nothing. Let thy grace dwell in our hearts as a pre- servative against evil, and as a holy excitement to all that is well-pleasing in thy sight. Suffer no corrupt communication to proceed out of our mouths. Guard us from the power of temptation ; O let not our great adversary gain the victory over us, but may we resist him that he may flee from us. May the happiness which springs from a desire to please God be eminently ours. In our common actions may we seek to glorify thy ijame. Help us to aim at the good of those around us, that they may be the happier and holier for our intercourse and example. Bless, O Lord,' the whole human race, and more especially those to whom we are allied by the tenderest ties of affection. Make us thankful for that domestic peace and safety our nation still enjoys. Bless the person of our beloved Sovereign, and may the throne be established in righteousness. May both houses of Parliament be directed by thee, to promote the public good : and may all inferior magistrates administer impartial justice, as knowing that they judge not for themselves but for thee. O Lord, if it be consistent with thy will, let Britain flourish to the end of time, and let her be the minister of salva- tion to all the ends of the earth. And now let blessing, and honour, and glory, and power he unto Him that sitteth upon the throne, and unto the Lamb for ever and ever. , Amen. TWENTY-FIFTH Jtftmg (Abating. WEEK. 2 Corinthians, Chapter vi, LORD our God, hear our cry, and attend unto the voice of our prayer. We bless thee that ever we have heard of thee as a God hearing and answering prayer. We rejoice in the assurance that if we ask, we shall receive; if we seek, we shall find; and if we knock, the door of divine mercy shall be opened unto us. Lord, teach us then how to pray, and what to pray for. With filial confidence may we pour out the desires of our hearts before thee, and may they enter with acceptance into the ear of the Lord God of Our necessities and our guilt, our helplessness and our miseries, impel us to thy throne. We are destitute of all things, and come to thee for all promised supplies. Pity us, O Lord, as we appear before thee, the children of apostacy, and let thy revealed mercy in Christ Jesus overshadow our exposed and polluted souls. When we look within we see nothing but cause for despair ; but when we look up to thy throne, when we think of our Advocate within the veil, when we behold the fountain which was opened for sin, when we listen to the repeated and earnest invitations of thy grace, we are ready to exclaim, Return unto thy rest, O my soul, for the Lord hath dealt bountifully with thee. We adore thee, that through Christ Jesus, the Mediator of the New Covenant, we may draw near into the presence of an infinitely holy God, and may look for mercy to pardon, and grace to help in time of need. Our consciences are this evening burdened with a sense of guilt — wash and purge them in the blood of the atoning Lamb; help us to regard thee as reconciled unto us through the death of thy Son; help us to wash away our guilty stains in that fountain which is opened for sin ; to rely with unshaken confidence on the merit of the great sacrifice ; and to draw fresh life and vigour from that divine fulness which is treasured up in Christ, the Mediator of that covenant which is ordered in all things and sure. In waiting upon thee, O Lord, may we renew our spiritual strength. We come to thee to implore a Father’s blessing, O send us not empty away. Many are the sorrows and perplexities of this vale of tears, but we would pour them into thine ear and into thine heart, praying that in the multitude of our thoughts within us thy comforts may delight our souls. Thou art the exhaustless fountain of all happiness. Whom have we in heaven but thee? and there is none upon earth that we desire beside thee. We rejoice that there is a rich fulness of grace in Jesus, the Son of thy love ; that it is free to all, and adapted to all. O let nothing stand in the way of our being enriched from the fulness of Christ. Let not unbelief, our want of spiritual taste and discernment, our manifold provocations, interrupt the flow of thy mercy towards us. Grant us, we beseech thee, large measures of thy quickening Spirit, that we may duly appreciate the value of spiri- tual blessings, and that we may seek thee with our whole hearts. Let Christ be precious to us in all his exalted and endearing offices. May the life that we live in the flesh be by the faith of the Son of God, who loved us, and gave himself for us. We pray this night to be accepted in him. Look upon us in mercy and loving-kindness, for his sake. And now to God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Ghost, be glory everlasting. Amen. Sabaoth. 305 TWENTY-FIFTH Jmturtrag JEtonung. WEEK. Psalms li. lii. W E rejoice, 0 Lord, in the permission to draw near to thee at the opening of another day. In the multitude of thy mercies, we are spared to see another sun, and to enter on the pursuits of another period of our earthly existence. Enable us to worship thee in thy fear, and let our prayers and praises be presented in sincerity and truth. O let not the words of devotion be separated from the thoughts and feelings of devotion in the heart. Cause us to take delight in approaching thee ; may we regard thee as our Father and our friend; may we confide in thee as the Rock of our salvation. May filial affection and importunity mark our address to thy throne. O humble us under a sense of sin ; may we mourn the corruption and fall of our nature. May we lie in the dust of self-abasement before thee ; may the language of each of our hearts be — Unclean, unclean ! God be merciful unto us sinners. We adore thee that thou dost not spurn us from thy throne ; thou waitest to be gracious ; thou delightest in shewing mercy ; thy ways are not our ways, neither are thy thoughts our thoughts. Thou hast magnified thy word above all thy name ; and thou wilt cast off none that come unto thee. To whom, O God, can we go but unto thee? Thou hast the words of eternal life. Lord, save, we perish. Deliver from going down to the pit, thou hast found a ransom. See, O God, our shield, and look upon the face of thine Anointed. Thou hast so loved the world as to give thine only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. We adore thee, that he is clothed in human flesh ; that he has placed himself in our room and stead ; that he has shed his precious blood as an atonement for our sins ; that he has finished transgression, made an end of sin-offering, and brought in an everlasting righteousness. By faith may we be interested in his mediatorial undertaking; unite us to his glorious person; and let all the blessings of the new covenant be imparted to us, while we repose our unshaken and undivided faith in his finished work. We earnestly implore grace to serve and glorify thee in the duties of a new day. Teach us in all things to set thee before us, that we may not trust in our own hearts, nor lean to our own understanding. O shield us from the evils that are in the world, through unbelief of thy blessed word, and through contempt of thy holy commandments. Suffer us to have no sympathy with the corruptions that abound on the right hand and on the left. While we are surrounded with evil examples, may we be enabled to keep our garments unspotted. O let the eye of thy love be ever upon us, that when the enemy would come in like a flood upon us, thy Spirit may lift up a standard against him. Give us grace to discharge all the duties of our particular station, to thy glory, and for the good of those connected with us. Enable us to preserve our integrity amidst a thousand temp- tations. If trials arise, do thou support and comfort us. Help us to keep our hearts with all diligence, since out of them are the issues of life. We bless thee for the mercies of the past night. Thou hast graciously watched over and kept us from evil. May oui sustained and recruited powers be devoted to thee. Hear, O Lord, our imperfect suppli- cations, and accept us for the sake of the only Mediator. And to the Father, the Son. and the Holy Ghost be glory everlasting. Amen. sec TWENTY-FIFTH <#aturticU> <£bcnfng. 2 Corinthians, Chapter vii. WEEK. O LORD, we cry unto thee ; do thou make haste to help us ; let our prayer be set before thee as incense, and the lifting up of our hands as the evening sacrifice. We are not deserving of the high privilege we now enjoy ; we are guilty and condemned in thy sight ; and hadst thou dealt with us in strict and awful justice, we must have been cast off 1 for ever from thy gracious presence into outer darkness, where there shall be weeping, and wailing, and gnashing of teeth. But who is a God like unto thee ? Thou pardonest iniquity, and passest by the transgression of the remnant of thy heritage ; thou retainest not thine anger for ever, because thou delightest in mercy. Thou wilt turn again ; thou wilt have compassion upon us; thou wilt subdue our iniquities; thou wilt cast our sins into the depths of the sea, if they are confessed, and hated, and forsaken. O that thou wouldst pour upon us a spirit of true penitence, and godly sorrow for sin, that we may approach the footstool of thy throne, pleading for mercy, and for mercy alone. May the things which were gain to us be counted loss for Christ ; yea, may we count all things but loss for the excellency of the knowledge of Christ Jesus our Lord. O that we may win Christ, and be found in him, not having on our own righteousness, which is of the law, but that which is through the faith of Christ, the righteousness which is of God by faith ; that we may know him, and the power of his resurrection, and the fellowship of his sufferings, being made conformable to his death. Impress us, O Lord, most solemnly with the importance of seeking thee, habitually, in the retirements of the closet. May we feel that our real state before thee must be determined not by any occasional excitement in religion, but by our daily and ordinary habit of mind ; and, shut out from the gaze of our fellow-creatures, and seen only by thee, may we read thy word, meditate on its truths, examine ourselves, and pray unto our Father who seeth in secret, that, according to his promise, he may reward us openly. Teach us, O God, that no ordinary circumstances can exempt us from the obligation thus to serve thee. May we always connect with religious growth and spiritual prosperity, the necessity of habitual and constant fellowship with God in the closet. Smile, O God, upon the various occupations in which we have been engaged this day. Own and bless our humble endeavours to make suitable provision for ourselves, and to reserve something for the necessities of others. If in any of the avocations of life, our minds have been disturbed, give us a happy feeling of tranquillity at the footstool of thy throne. May we judge ourselves, and look with leniency and tenderness on the failings of others. Dispose us to obey the command, Judge nothing before the time, until the Lord come, who will bring to light the hidden things of darkness, and make manifest the counsels of the heart, and then shall every man have praise of God. Remember those for whom we are specially solicitous. Nature binds us to many, and grace to more. The Lord be the defender and benefactor of them all. Are any of them in sickness ? we pray that in all their afflictions they may see thy hand, and may the an gel of thy presence save them. Are any of them in prosperity ? Lead them not into temptation, but deliver them from evil, for thine is the kingdom, the power, and the glory, for ever and ever. Amen. 367 TWENTY-SIXTH «#>untrag iBtommg. WEEK. Psalms liii — liv. O THOU Lord of the Sabbath, who hast set apart this sacred day to thyself, we would unite to adore thee for the return of its hallowed privileges. We express our gratitude for an institution, which proves thy concern for our present and everlasting welfare ; may we be in the spirit on the Lord’s day, and enter, with an undivided purpose of mind, upon its refreshing and life-giving exercises. May we be blessed with the love of thy day, and rejoice when it is said unto us, Let us go into the house of the Lord. Grant, O most merciful Father, that a holy and devout awe may take possession of our minds. O impress our spirits with the salutary conviction, that our privileges will not leave us as they find us ; that, improved, they will be our greatest blessings ; and that, abused, they will bring upon us a heavy, a grievous curse. Purify, O Lord, by thy grace, the springs of thought and feeling in our minds ; and so direct and influence all our powers, that all the engagements of this sacred day may contribute to thy glory and our good. O preserve us from the sin of those who think that a part only of this day is to be devoted to the immediate pursuits of eternity ; and who imagine that external observances will meet the demands of thy word. May we yield thee, O God, all its hours and moments, and call on our souls, and all that is within us, to bless thy holy name for such a season of separation from the pursuits of a vain world. May the Eternal Spirit present to us the truths which relate to the mediation of Christ, and the riches of his grace, in so penetrating and transforming a manner, as to render them vital, operating principles, the food and the solace of our souls. Cause us to eat of that true bread which cometh down from heaven. With joy may we draw water out of the wells of salvation. May we hunger and thirst after righteousness, that we may be filled. Greatly assist thy servants, O Lord, who shall minister this day in holy things ; make them eminently successful in their efforts to instruct and edify the souls committed to their care. May they watch in all things, endure afflictions, do the work of evangelists, and make full proof of their ministry. Smile upon those who have been long num- bered among thy faithful people. Increase their faith, revive their hope, animate their joys; enable them to look upon death without trembling, and on the grave without dismay. Overlook not the prisoners of thy providence ; follow those who are unable to follow thee ; and while forbidden to hear the preaching of the word, may they hear the voice of the rod, and acknowledge that affliction is good. Bless, O God, our sovereign, and all in authority over us. May those that rule over men be just, ruling in the fear of the Lord. Grant, O most merciful God, that by the ordinances of religion, and the dispensations of thy providence, that period may speedily arrive, when the church which Jesus has purchased shall appear, not, as it does now', distinguished by the imperfection of its members, and wounded in the house of its professed friends, but fair as the moon, clear as the sun, and terrible as an army with banners : and to Him who is its head and support, its defender and Lord, be honour endless as his being. Amen. 368 TWENTY-SIXTH hunting; (£imtmg. WEEK. *2 Corinthians, Chapter viii. 0 LORD, thou art very great, thou art clothed with might; none can resist thy power, or say unto thee, what doest thou ? May a sense of thy greatness, as associated with thy grace and mercy, inspire us with hope and confidence in drawing near to thy throne. To assure our hearts in approaching thee, thou hast not only commanded us to seek thy face, but thou hast furnished us with words, wherewith to express the desires of our hearts ; for this we bless thee. And as thine ancient people brought unto thee the best of their flocks and herds, enable us, O Lord, to yield unto thee our bodies and our spirits this evening a living sacrifice. We thank and adore thy name, O Lord, if thine ordinances have not been unprofitable to our souls : we are deeply sensible that they would have yielded us more of instruction and of holy consolation, if more of faith had been mixed with our attendance on them. May we ever regard them as channels through which thou dost replenish the souls of thy people, and as means by which they enjoy fellowship with the Father of their spirits, and with his beloved Son. We have been mournfully guilty this day of robbing thee of the honour due to thy name. By indolence, by formality, by worldliness, by wandering thoughts, by unholy affections, by inattention to thy messages of love, by unbelief, by selfishness, we have been guilty of robbing God. O pardon our great unworthiness, and lay not our sins to our charge. Forgive us, that we have seen so little this day of the glory of Christ, and that we have been so little transformed into his image. Bless, O our God, those of us who are placed at the head of this family, and qualify us for the discharge of all our duties. O that religion may prosper in our own souls, that we may be useful as well as happy. By precept and example, by government and discipline, by attendance on public means, and by domestic worship, may we train up our children in the way that they should go. Preserve from the sin of Eli, whose sons made themselves vile, and he restrained them not ; and from the offence of David, who never displeased Adonijah by saying, Why hast thou done this? Save us from provoking them to wrath, lest they be discouraged ; and honour us as instruments of introducing them to the strait and narrow path which leadeth unto life. We ask not great things for them of a worldly nature ; give them, if it please thee, health of body, soundness of mind, and food and raiment: but bless them, O bless them with all spiritual blessings, and let us embrace them at the right hand of the Judge of the whole earth. Hear, O Lord, the supplications that have ascended to thee this day from our closets, our family altar, and thine house. Return into the bosom of thy servant, to whom we have listened, a thousand-fold for his work of faith and labour of love, and grant we may greatly profit by all his instructions, warnings, and consolations. Blot out, O most merciful Father, the imperfections and sins of our holy things from the book of thy remembrance. Be our preserver and our refuge, through the darkness of another night. Let our souls repose with sweet security and confidence on the Redeemer’s sacrifice. We ask all for the sake of our great and only Mediator, Jesus Christ. Amen. 3 A 3G9 TWENTY-SIXTH Montrag Mooting. WEEK. Psalm lv. W ITHOUT faith, O God, it is impossible to please thee, and therefore we come to ask of thee that faith which is thy gift. Lord, help our unbelief, and greatly increase our faith. Whatever thou hast revealed, may we receive it upon the veracity of thy word ; and where we have thine own gracious assurance, let us not stagger at the promise through unbelief, but firmly confide in thee, that it shall be as thou hast said. O bless and enrich our souls this morning with such lively and unfeigned faith, as shall fill us with peace, purify our hearts, and influence our whole conversation. May we have such a faith as shall enable us to embrace Jesus Christ as our Saviour, and heartily to surrender ourselves to his authority and grace as our Lord ; that so we may be ruled and sanctified by him in this present life, and may at last be saved and glorified by him in that life which is to come. May our assent to the truths of thy word be firm and unshaken, that our submission to the terms of the gospel may be unhesitating and unreserved. O work in us that effectual faith which ever works by love, and which will enable us to overcome the world, and to live above its corruptions, and to look forward in confidence and hope to the glorious realities of a better world, which, though now unseen, are yet eternal in the heavens. In our greatest darkness and distress, O let us trust in the name of the Lord, and stay ourselves on the Rock of our salvation, committing our ways unto thee, and casting our burden upon the Lord, who careth for us ; though thou shouldest slay us, yet may we humbly trust in thee. May we confide in thine almighty power to help and save us ; in thy tender sympathy, to compassionate and relieve us. May we take fast hold of those promises which thy love hath made, and which thy faithfulness will assuredly make good unto all that wait upon thee, and that call upon thy holy name. Do thou this morning remember the word unto thy servants, upon which thou hast caused them to hope ; and fill our souls with exceeding joy at the remembrance of thine unchanging love. And though we may not receive an immediate answer to the wishes of our hearts, O let us tarry and wait patiently for the salvation of the Lord; and ever have our eyes upon the Lord our God, till he have mercy upon us. Yea, may we be so firm and settled in the faith, that our confidence may never fail ; but that it may be found to praise, and honour, and glory in every time of trial, and at the great appearing of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. Let thy blessing, O Lord, follow and rest upon us this day ; do thou preserve us in our going out and our coming in. O never leave us nor forsake us, but be our God and our guide this day, and in every future period of our existence. Our life is but a pilgrimage through this world, in which we are continually hastening to our eternal home — to the place where we must take up our everlasting abode ; let every step bring us nearer to heaven. O gracious God, make us continually mindful of our progress to eternity ; keep us all from falling, and present us faultless before thy throne with exceeding joy, through the greatness of thy mercy to us in thy dear Son, our gracious Lord, and only Saviour, esus Christ. Amen. 370 TWENTY- SIXTH iHmtirag 6bntmg WEEK. 2 Corinthians, Chapter ix. I T is thy will, O our Father in heaven, that they who believe in God should believe also in Christ, the only Mediator between God and man. We would remember that none can come unto thee but by him ; neither is there salvation in any other, for there is none other name given under heaven, among men, whereby we must be saved. We rejoice that he counts it not robbery to be equal with God ; yea, that he is over all, God blessed for ever. We bless thee that it is life eternal to know him, and that none shall perish that believe in his precious name. O the riches of that grace and mercy which led thee to give up thy dear Son to the death for perishing sinners ! Blessed for ever be thy holy name, O thou God of love ! who, of thine abundant mercy, hast provided such a glorious and suitable remedy for our sin and misery, to save us through faith in Christ, when we could never have been saved by any merits or performances of our own ; yea, when we were under condemnation and wrath. Holy and blessed Lord, in all that we ever do, we cannot but feel our extreme need of a Saviour, and must ever confess that we are undone without an interest in thy free grace abounding towards us in Christ Jesus. We pray to be delivered from all self- righteous confidence, that we may be found in him, not having our own righteousness, but that which is through faith in him. O enable us to sit down under the shadow of that tree of life, which yields the richest fruit, and which is most sweet to the taste of all truly enlightened from above. O that Christ, who is the end of the law for righteousness to every one that believeth, may be the Lord our righteousness ! May his righteousness be imputed to us by faith ; with the heart may we believe unto righteousness ; may we so repose on Jesus Christ, that we may be justified by faith, and have peace with God through him. May we look to him as our life and strength, our wisdom and riches, our health and joy, our glory and our all. There is no healing for our souls, but in his blood ; no peace for our consciences, but in the great reconciliation ; no resting-place for our minds, but in that most perfect atonement which has satisfied every demand of law and justice. Let the language of our hearts be, None but Christ ! none but Christ ! Without him we are lost and undone for ever. We beseech thee, therefore, O Lord, what- ever else we may want, not to leave us destitute of an interest in Christ ; but to unite us by living faith to his sacred person, that we may be one with him, and may be enriched by his fulness and grace. Mercifully look upon all the members of this family, now prostrate at thy mercy-seat. Be pleased to shed upon each of us, and all dear to us, the dew of thy blessing. Inspire us with lively gratitude at the remembrance of all thy mercies. We adore thee for the unnumbered and unmerited bestowments of this day; truly, goodness and mercy have followed us all the days of our life to the present moment. Suffer us not to remain unim- pressed with a sense of thy great goodness. O deliver us from the awful sin of ingratitude, that we may not rank with the evil and unthankful. Pardon our past ingratitude ; cancel all our sins in the atoning blood of Christ ; take charge of us through the silent hours of this night; invigorate and refresh our bodies with seasonable sleep, and far exceed our utmost desires, for the Redeemer’s sake. Amen. 371 3 A 2 TWENTY-SIXTH (Tticstsa?) Montms WEEK. Psalm lvi. lvii. W E bless thee, O Lord, for that mercy which is held forth in Christ Jesus to the most sinful and unworthy of our race ; and seeing that thou art a God in him, reconciling the world unto thyself, and hast given him to be a propitiation for our sins, may we come to thee through him with filial confidence and boldness. We adore thee that he came to seek and to save that which was lost, and to call sinners to repentance ; we rejoice that he invites to him the weary and heavy-laden ; yea, that he bids all that are athirst to come to him, and to take of the water of life freely. Be pleased, O Lord, to shine into our hearts by thy heavenly light, to reveal thy Son in us, and to show us his all-sufficiency for us, and our own happy interest in him. O make us better acquainted with thy way of saving sinners by Jesus Christ, and help us for ourselves to acquiesce in it, and thereby to submit to the righteousness of God. Help us, O our Father, to pray in faith, believing that we shall receive the things which we ask in the name of Christ Make us to know and to believe the love thou hast towards sinners; yea, that thou hast loved them with an everlasting love. 0 let this love bear us up under all our trials, fortify us against all temptations, and quicken us in the performance of all our duties. May we know whom we have believed, and look to the Lord Jesus Christ as our strength and our Redeemer. O that Christ may dwell in our hearts by faith ! and may the life which we now five in the flesh, be by the faith of the Son of God, who loved us, and gave himself for us ; in whom, though now we see him not, yet, believing, may we rejoice with joy unspeakable, and full of glory. It is thy gracious promise, O Lord, to blot out thy people’s transgressions for thine own name’s sake, to heal their backslidings, and not remember their sins any more for ever ; fulfil thine own blessed assurance in our experience. O give to thy servants a new heart and a right spirit; teach us, and quicken us by thy Holy Spirit; yea, do thou put thy Spirit within us, and cause us to walk in thy statutes, to keep thy judgments, and to do them. Perform in each of us thine own work ; put thy fear into our hearts, that we may not depart from thee ; preserve us to thy heavenly kingdom, and at last do thou confer on us the blessing of eternal life. Let the exceeding great and precious promises of thy word be the daily refreshment of our spirits. We rejoice, that faithful is He that hath promised, who also will do it. Thy word is ratified in heaven ; and not one jot or tittle thereof shall pass away till all be fulfilled. O enable us to believe that we ourselves shall see the glory to be revealed ; and what time we are afraid, may we trust in thee, and give glory to God in believing his gracious promises, though we know how unworthy we are to receive the blessings they contain. Enable us to treasure up thy gracious words of promise, O our Father, in our hearts as our richest inheritance, and to lean on them as our surest ground of confidence for eternity, counting nothing so firm and immoveable as what thou hast said. Help us to treat with indifference the wealth, honours, and pleasures of the world, when compared with Thyself and Christ Jesus our Lord— Thy Spirit, thy love, thy grace, and the glory to be revealed. These blessings we earnestly entreat at thy bountiful hand, for Jesus Christ’s sake. Amen. 272 TWENTY-SIXTH Cun&aj) <£btmng. 2 Corinthians, Chapter x. week. A LMIGHTY and most merciful God, thou only canst speak with power to our rebel- lious hearts 5 with thee it is to give the new heart and the right spirit ; to take from each of us the stony heart, and vouchsafe to us hearts of flesh. O do thou display the power of thy quickening grace, by awakening each of us to feel the evil of our sins, and the necessity of those things which belong to our peace. O impart to us such a sight of our sins, and such humiliation of spirit and brokenness of heart on their account, as shall prepare us to embrace with ardour thy promised mercy in Christ Jesus, the Son of thy love. O Lord our God, be pleased not so to punish our past sins, as to leave us to commit all iniquity with greediness. Give us not over to that blindness of mind, and hardness of heart, which would render us either senseless or incorrigible. But O do thou quicken our dead souls to a more lively sense than ever of the exceeding sinfulness of sin, and do thou impart to us a growing tenderness of conscience, and a prevailing conviction of the importance of unseen and eternal interests. Make us ever jealous of our own hearts, ever vigilant over all our ways, ever fearful of offending, and ever anxious to please thee our Father in heaven. O enable us to keep our hearts with all diligence, lest at any time they should be hardened through the deceitfulness of sin ; and standing at that distance which thy holy word enjoins, from all appearance of evil, may we keep our souls in the fear and love of God, waiting for the coming of our Lord. O suffer us not to continue in sin that grace may abound, nor to trifle with that mercy which has so long borne with our manners in the wilderness; but grant to us, O our God, such an accession of spiritual life as shall beget in us a greater quickness of holy sensibi- lity, and a more tender conscience in all things pertaining to thy glory, and our own immediate obligations. Give to us a heart so soft and tender, as to smite and correct us for every even the least deviation from the path of duty. Restrain us not only from all that is gross and scandalous, but from all that is doubtful, or that may tend to sin ; pre- serve us from the occasions, no less than the act of falling. Let the eye of our faith be fixed on thee with childlike tenderness and awful regard, all the days of our life, that we may be prepared in every hour of temptation to say, How can we do this great evil, and sin against our Father in heaven? Lord, do thou mercifully forgive the sins and imper- fections of this day ; accept of thanks for all its mercies ; and grant that in the day of thy wrath, when thine enemies shall flee before thee, we may receive the portion of thy chil- dren, and be ranked with those who have been looking and preparing for the coming of their Lord. O Lord God of the spirits of all flesh ! thy word requires us to pray for others as well as for ourselves. And though we are unworthy to address thy heavenly Majesty, yet we take upon us to supplicate thy throne on behalf of all who desire an interest in our prayers ; O that they may share in thy rich mercies, according to their several wants and necessities. Bless them, gracious Father, with so much of this world’s good as thou knowest to be good for them, but especially remember them with the love which thou bearest to thy children. Bless them with thy favour which is better than life, and with all spiritual blessings in heavenly things in Christ Jesus. Amen. 373 TAVENTY- SIXTH TOetmesftmg iHantnt#, WEEK. Psalms lviii. lxix. 0 LORD, the great and dreadful God, who keepest covenant and mercy with them that fear thee. Thou, even thou, art to be feared; and who may stand in thy sight when once thou art angry! Teach us that the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom; and that happy is the man that feareth always ! Never, O Lord, let us harden our hearts against thy fear, since none ever did this and prospered. We have reason to tremble before thee, because we have feared thee no more, but have often trifled with thy glorious Majesty, and with thy holy laws. We would remember that thou canst, whenever thou pleasest, avenge thee of thine adversaries, and visit them in awful and endless displeasure. Alas, O God, that we should have been so fearless often in the ways of folly and sin, and so timid and shrinking in the cause of God. Forgive, we beseech thee, O Lord, this our guilt that lies upon us, and so establish thy fear in our hearts, that we may never expe- rience what a fearful thing it is to fall into the hands of the living God. Stimulate our hearts more and more to fear thy name ; and let thy fear be ever before our eyes, to restrain us from the evil of our ways. Let us not be so much afraid of any man that shall die, as of Thee the Almighty and everliving God ; — not so much dread any loss or suffering, that may deprive us of any earthly good, as we do that evil and abominable thing which would deprive us of everlasting happiness at thy right hand. O let us fear the Lord, and depart from evil ; and have thee in such constant and awful reverence, that we may never dare wilfully to violate thy holy laws, but may fear to dishonour thy name, to rebel against thy word, or to rest short of what we know to be thy holy will. Grant that our fear of thee may not only restrain us from outward sin, but that it may also regulate our dispo- sitions, and powerfully influence our very hearts, that we may know what it is to do thy will from inward principles, and that we may perfect holiness in the fear of the Lord. O may we fear thy name, and never take it in vain; may we fear thy wrath, and never provoke it ; may we fear thy word, and never trifle with its warnings ; may we fear thy goodness, and never be left to abuse it ; may we fear thy omniscience, and never indulge in secret sins ; may we fear thy omnipotence, and never strive with our Maker. Grant, O our God, that fear and confidence may be duly blended in our minds, that we may nei- ther presume nor despair ; that none of the afflictions of life, and that none of the suc- cesses of life, may lift up our hearts against God, or tempt us to forget our continual dependence upon thee, in whom we live, and move, and have our being. O Lord, we beseech thee, bless this house, and preserve it from all sin and ungodliness, and from all disorders and dangers ; and make it a nursery of piety, and of all that is exem- plary, and of good report. Direct, O God, and help us every one in the discharge of our several offices ; that we may employ ourselves as we ought, and with quietness do our own business ; never forgetting, but above all valuing and pursuing, those great concerns of salva- tion for which thou didst send us into the world. Keep us all, we entreat thee, in thy fear and love ; may we seek and obtain thy guidance, and be upheld in, that holy path which conducts to thy heavenly kingdom, through thy mercy promised to us in our common Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. For him we bless thee, as for thine unspeakable gift; and to him, with thyself, O Father, and the ever-blessed Spirit, be glory everlasting. Amen. 374 TWENTY-SIXTH Wetmestmg Abating, WEEK. 2 Corinthians, Chapter xi. 0 LORD, thou art high above all nations, and thy glory is above the heavens. Who is like unto the Lord our God, who dwelleth on high, who humbleth himself to behold the things that are in heaven and in the earth ! From the rising of the sun, unto the going down of the same, thy name is to be praised. Enable us this evening to join the general song of praise which is rising to thee from every part of thy creation. Forbid that we should ever come to thy throne with unthankful hearts ; for thou hast ever been showering on us the blessings of thy providence, and offering to us the richest benefits of thy grace. How many favours hast thou bestowed on us during the present day ! Every hour has borne testimony to thy goodness. Every moment has brought with it a fresh mercy. May God grant that our gratitude and love may go on in like manner increasing. And O enable us to remember with godly sorrow, that our sins have been multiplied also. How constantly are we incurring fresh guilt ! Every hour testifies against us. Whenever we come to thy mercy-seat, we bring with us a new burden of guilt. It is of the Lord’s mercies that we are not consumed. When we think of our sins, and our constant need of forgiveness — when we think of our obligations to thy grace, and of our momentary dependence on thy mercy — we wonder that we can ever feel the least disincli- nation to approach thy footstool, and call upon thy name. We wonder that we do not always feel impatient for the stated hour of communion with thee,, and hail its return as the season of our highest enjoyment. O God, we entreat thee to forgive this our sin. But Oh, while conscience most loudly accuses us of guilt, may we remember that the greatest guilt we can contract is that of neglecting to believe in Christ for free and full forgiveness. Grant us then, we entreat thee, a Spirit of grace and supplication, that whatever our unworthiness and fears may be, we may daily make a believing application to thy grace through Christ. And, O enable us to walk worthy of the Christian vocation wherewith we have been called. May we put on the Lord Jesus Christ; and make no provision for the flesh, to fulfil it in the lusts thereof. Let no impure and unholy thought be allowed a place in our hearts ; but let thy holy fear, and the consciousness of thy presence, regulate all the movements of our thoughts and desires. May the hope of the gospel animate all our obedience; arm us with fortitude in the hour of temptation; and make us willing to resist even unto blood, striving against sin. And may the Captain of salvation be served and honoured by a greater number of faithful and devoted followers. Gird thy sword upon thy thigh, O most Mighty ; and in thy majesty ride prosperously, because of truth, of meekness, and of righteousness. Go J? orth into all the earth, conquering and to conquer, till all the strongholds of darkness are destroyed, and all thine enemies have submitted unto thee. Let it be our unspeakable happiness to adorn thy triumphs as the trophies of thy grace ; and to aid thy conquests over others, by our activity in thy service. Hear us, O God, in these our supplications ; accept us through Jesus Christ, and grant that we may be thine in life, in death, and for ever. Amen. 375 TWENTY-SIXTH Cj&ursfoag iHornutfi WEEK. Psalms lx. lxi. 0 LORD our God, who art infinitely wise and good, who teachest man knowledge, and givest him understanding and power to accomplish whatever is pleasing in thy sight, we look to thee for a blessing upon all the engagements of this day. We know not how to act in the affairs of life, without the guidance of that wisdom which cometh from above ; but our eyes are directed to thee, and all our expectation is from thee. We desire to wait upon thee, to call upon thy holy name, and to depend upon thee for all needful supplies of grace and strength. We feel that the duties of another day have returned upon us; but, Oh, how little fitness do we possess for their right discharge. All our sufficiency is of thee, who workest in us to will and to do of thy good pleasure. Thou hast been our help : leave us not, neither forsake us, O God of our salvation ; but let us be taught of God what we have to do, and do thou cause us to understand what is thy pleasure concerning us. O that our ways may be directed to please thee, that we may have the light of thy countenance shining continually upon our path. Never let us lean on our own understandings, or trust in an arm of flesh ; but may we seek the wisdom which cometh from above, which is first pure, then peaceable, gentle, and easy to be entreated, full of mercy and good fruits, without partiality and without hypocrisy. O Lord our God, leave us not to our own counsels, nor to the direction of our own foolish and deceitful hearts, but do thou lead us in the way that we should go, and do thou guide us continually, that discretion may preserve us, and that understanding may keep us. O make our way prosperous, and give us thy blessing, and such success as thou knowest to be for our good. Bring all needful motives of right action to our remembrance ; and where we may not possess the presence of mind, nor power of performance, do thou magnify thy power in our weakness ; and let us go forth in thy name and strength, and prosper by thy grace and blessing. Let thy good providence so defend, and thy Holy Spirit so guide and counsel us, that we may wisely choose, and rightly manage, and successfully accomplish, the lawful objects Avherein we have engaged. Let thy will be done, O Lord, however we are succeeded or crossed. May we ever aim at thy glory, whatever may be the issues of thy Providence concerning us. Be, thou still our gracious Father, and our merciful Provider; and grant us ever the comfortable assurance of our acceptance with thee, and of our interest in the bestowments of thy grace. Be thou pleased to vouchsafe to us thy fatherly care and blessing, and to preserve us from the evils into which we are so prone to fall ; and O quicken us in the performance of all that is pleasing and acceptable in thy sight. Establish thou the work of our hands upon us ; yea, the work of our hands establish thou it. Our God and Guide, our Helper and Strength, if thou dost not lead us, we shall run into evil ; if thou dost not keep us, we shall fall into danger; but hold thou us up, and we shall be safe. O let us experience thy power and presence with us ; cause thy goodness to pass before us, that we may so pass through all the affairs of this transitory life, as that we may be cheered, through thy grace, with the blessed hope of entering into the joy of our Lord, and may praise thee for ever- more for the conduct of thy grace and providence, through Jesus Christ our Lord and Saviour. Amen. , 376 TWENTY-SIXTH CTjurstuu? <£bentng, WEEK. 2 Corinthians, Chapter xii. O LORD, thou art the eternal and uncreated Light, who hast not left thyself without witness to thy rational creatures : thy word and works, in our consciences within us, and in all the objects which surround us on every side, exhibit marks of thy presence, thy power, thy wisdom, and thy goodness. It is, therefore, to our shame that we have no clearer knowledge of thee our God, and of the things which belong to our peace. We must attribute our ignorance, not to the absence of the means of knowledge, but to our own sinful dulness and negligence, and to our sad indifference to that which most intimately and eternally concerns us. O Lord, we have not improved in divine wisdom in proportion to the light which thou hast caused to shine upon us, nor according to the means of instruction wherewith thou hast blessed us. We have need to be taught ourselves the things whereof we might have been qualified to teach others. For this our sad negligence, we desire, O Lord, to humble ourselves, and to entreat thy forgiveness. We cannot see or know thee, O Lord, but in the light in which thou art pleased to reveal thyself to the children of men. Vouchsafe to us, we beseech thee, more fully the knowledge of thyself to our souls; and teach us to know thee aright, the only true God, and Jesus Christ whom thou hast sent ; let the blessed Sun of Righteousness arise upon us with healing in his beams, to scatter all the clouds of folly, and ignorance, and error, and prejudice, that overspread our souls. Open our eyes that we may behold wondrous things out of thy law ; open our understandings, that we may understand the scriptures, and that we may no longer remain in darkness concerning any thing that is necessary to be known in order to our present peace and duty, or to our eternal joy and felicity. That the soul be without knowledge, is not good. O incline our ears to wisdom, and our hearts to understanding; that we may follow on to know the Lord, and increase in the knowledge of God. Shew us thy ways, O Lord, and lead us in thy truth. And whatever else we are ignorant of, unto us let it be given to know the mysteries of the kingdom of God; and to know what we are to believe, and how we are to think and feel in reference to thy blessed self, and all the things of God which concern us. O thou who art our light, do thou give us understanding in the way of godliness, a holy discern- ment in the things of thy Spirit ; that we may become wise even to salvation. O give us the Spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of thy will ; the eyes of our under- standing being enlightened, that we may know what is the hope of our calling, and what is the riches of the glory of thy inheritance in the saints, and what is the mighty power of thy Spirit, who worketh in all them that believe. O that our ways may be directed to keep thy statutes. In doing thy holy will, may we know the scriptures to be of God, and have the witness in our own hearts of their divinity and heavenly power. And, though now we see but darkly as through a glass, and know but in part, yet we rejoice in prospect of a world where we shall know as we are known, and where there shall be fulness of joy for evermore. Keep us, gracious God, from all evil this night ; pardon the sins of this day, and do exceeding abundantly for us above all that we ask or think, for the Redeemer’s sake. Amen. 3 B 377 TWENTY-SIXTH WEEK. Psalms lxii. lxiii. H OLY, holy, holy Lord God, against thee, thee only have we sinned, and done evil in thy sight. Thou art most justly displeased on account of our sins ; and hast revealed thy wrath from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who hold the truth in unrighteousness. Thou hast solemnly assured us from thy throne, that except we repent we must all perish. Though Jesus came into the world to save sinners, yet would we never forget that he will not save any who do not repent. But we adore thee that thou hast provided, through his mediation, for the exercise of repentance, and that if we now return unto thee, and humble ourselves before thee, thou wilt show us thy compassion, and grant us thy salvation. O gracious Lord, how great is thy mercy in providing for our free pardon and acceptance through the blood of Christ. May we be deeply humbled when we think of our awful offences in thy sight. May thy grace be vouchsafed to us for this purpose ; for, alas ! we cannot repent in our own strength. Thou Searcher of hearts knowest that our hearts are so hardened through the deceitfulness of sin, that as soon may we fetch water out of the flinty rock, as godly sorrow out of them, if thou, the God of all grace, dost not soften them by thy holy fear, and dissolve them by thy all-subduing love. We can no more turn with our whole hearts unto the Lord, than we can turn the streams of water back to the fountain, unless thou draw us by thy grace, and give us power from on high to turn from our sins. O Thou who of old didst cause water to gush out of the rock in the desert, wilt thou break and melt our flinty hearts into such contrition as will work repentance unto salvation. Thou who fashionest all the hearts of the sons of men, take away from us the heart of stone, and give us hearts of flesh — hearts broken and contrite, such as thou wilt not despise, that we may look upon Him whom our sins have pierced, and mourn, and be in bitterness for all the sad offences that we have committed against thee, the God of love, who art the source of all our mercies. May we repent, and be converted, that our sins may be blotted out, when the times of refreshing shall come from the presence of the Lord. Turn thou us, O God of our salvation, and so shall we be turned, and bring forth fruits meet for repentance. What we cannot recall, yet, Lord, give us grace to repent of in thy sight ; and though we never can be regarded as innocent, yet, Father of mercies, may we be regarded and treated by thee as truly penitent in thy sight. Touch our hearts with such a powerful sense of thy loving-kindness, that it may operate upon our obduracy, so as to soften our hearts for sin, and to turn us from it. Affect us with deep concern that ever we should have committed offences so great against a God so infinitely gracious. Make us anxious, in the time to come, to keep ourselves in thy fear and love, that we may never again live at such a distance from thee, nor entangle ourselves in our former course of rebellion and unbelief. O our Father, and our God; let thy goodness lead us to such repentance, and so to crucify all our sins, and to cleave unto thee, that thou mayest have mercy on us, according to thy word, and abundantly pardon all our aggravated sins, through the infinite riches of thy grace and goodness in the Son of thy love, our only Saviour Jesus Christ. Amen. 378 TWENTY-SIXTH Jtftiaj) (BbmittQ. WEEK. 2 Corinthians, Chapter xiii. H OLY and gracious God ! they that know thy name will put their trust in thee. For thou hast not only taught us that thou art , but that thou art the rewarder of those that seek thee. Thou hast proclaimed thy name to us as the Lord, the Lord God, merciful and gracious, long-suffering, and abundant in goodness and truth. Thou hast revealed thy character to us in Jesus Christ, and hast proved that thou art love. Enable us frequently to strengthen our confidence in thy grace, by reviewing the history of thy love to us through Jesus Christ. We bless thee that we carry about with us proofs of thy kindness in our own personal experience. Had not thy goodness been infinite, thou wouldst not have made us in thine own image, capable of living with thee, and enjoying thee for ever ; thou wouldst have destroyed us on the commission of our first transgression; thou wouldst not have spared us after years of accumulated guilt, and continued to load us with thy benefits. But chiefly do we rejoice in God, through our Lord Jesus Christ, by whom we have now received the atonement. We were enemies against thee by wicked works ; we evinced no penitence, made no entreaties, desired no reconciliation. Yet such is the fulness of thy grace, that even then thou didst say concerning us, Deliver them from going down into the pit, for I have found a ransom for them. Never may we forget, that to provide that ransom, God became man, a man of sorrows, a sacrifice on the cross ; that, to redeem us from the curse of the law, Christ became a curse for us. And having given thy Son to redeem us, thou art now offering thy Spirit to bring us to the enjoyment of redemption, to renew, and inhabit, and dwell in us for ever. Forbid, O God, that a single day should pass in forgetfulness of the great love where- with thou hast loved us. May we be able to comprehend with all saints what is the breadth, and length, and depth, and height ; and to know the love of Christ, which passeth knowledge, that we may be filled with all the fulness of God. Often may we fix our attention on the cross, as the grand illustration of thy love ; and let the sight engage our hearts, and fill us with joy and peace in believing. Let it render our religion lively and vigorous, joyful and pleasant. Let it relieve our hearts from care, cause our heaviest afflictions to sit light, powerfully draw us into communion with thee, and impel us to run with delight in the way of thy commandments. Never may we disobey the Almighty Friend who hath loved us with an everlasting love. Never may we doubt the grace of him who spared not his own Son, but delivered him up for us all. Never may we think of living to ourselves, while we know that Jesus died for us, and rose again, that he might be Lord both of the dead and the living. May we glorify God, whether it be by our life or by death. But if thou, O God, hast so loved us, enable us also to love one another. May we love thy image wherever we behold it. Let all selfishness, envy, and strife be put away from all thy professing people ; and, in the exercise of a large, liberal, and fervent charity, may they anticipate the happiness, and breathe the air, of heaven. May the prayer of Christ for his people be speedily answered, when they shall all be one in him. And let this our evening sacrifice be accepted, and our prayers be answered, for his sake ; and we will ascribe unto the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, everlasting praise. Amen. 379 3 B 2 TWENTY-SIXTH e#aturtiag iBonung. WEEK. Psalms lxiv — lxv. 0 LORD God Almighty, thou givest power to the faint, and to them that have no might thou increasest strength. We confess that without thee we can do nothing ; not so much even as to will or to think any good, or to keep ourselves from any evil. By thy gracious assistance alone it is, that we are fitted for the performance of any duty that may devolve upon us. Our help is in the name of the Lord, who made heaven and earth. Thou only, O God, art able to keep us from falling, and to make us perfect in every good work, to do thy will ; working in us that which is well-pleasing in thy sight, through Jesus Christ. We adore thee that thou hast encouraged us to come boldly to the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy, and find grace to help in time of need. God of all grace and strength, we come to thee trusting in thy Almighty aid ; reposing on thy infinite goodness, and pleading thy gracious promise. We entreat thee graciously to supply all our need, according to thy riches in glory by Christ Jesus ; and to bestow upon us that grace which will cause us to be and to do what is pleasing in thy sight. O our God ! let thy grace be sufficient for us ; let it be ever present with us ; and may thy good Spirit help our infirmities and strengthen us with might in the inner man, that we may be strong in the Lord, and in the power of his might ; and do all things according to thy will through Christ which strengtheneth us. O our God, thou hast manifested thyself hitherto graciously on our behalf, and hast brought us thus far on in the journey of life; never leave nor forsake us. We beseech thee, never abandon us to ourselves, for we are only as a reed shaken with the wind, a leaf driven to and fro ; but may we ever experience thy gracious aid, and may our God perform all things for us. We will go forth this day in the strength of the Lord our God, and trust in the Lord Jehovah, in whom is everlasting strength. Stand by us at all times, to defend and succour us ; ever show thyself as our helper ; carry us on in the path of duty, far beyond our own strength, and let all that we think, and speak, and do, be acceptable in thy sight. O enable us to stir up the grace of God that is in us, and grant us such fresh supplies of strength from on high, that we may see our desires accomplished, our endeavours prospered, and may ever rejoice in the Lord, and glory in thy holy name, through Jesus Christ our Strength and our Redeemer. To thee, as thine, we this day commend ourselves. We bless thee for the sleep of the past night, and for all the comforts of our waking hours. Let goodness and mercy continue to follow us all our days, and may we dwell in the house of the Lord for ever- more. Be the God of our friends : reward our benefactors : forgive our enemies. Look in compassion upon the poor and the friendless, the afflicted and the dying. Be very gracious unto them, and unto all whom we should remember in thy presence. May great grace be upon them and upon us. Lord, guide us by thy counsel, and afterward receive us to glory. These, and all other needed blessings, we implore in the name and for the sake of our only Lord and Redeemer; to whom, with the Father and the Holy Spirit, be glory everlasting. Amen. 380 TWENTY-SIXTH ,#>attirtiag Abetting. WEEK Galatians, Chapter i. O THOU infinite, eternal, and unchangeable Jehovah ! In Thee we live, and move, and have our being. Thou hast been our dwelling-place in all generations. Before the mountains were brought forth, or ever thou hadst formed the earth and the world, even from everlasting to everlasting thou art God. And it is our happiness to know that through the grace given to us in Christ Jesus, we can take refuge in thy power, and partake of thine own immutability. O let the rapid flight of time, the changing scenes around us, and the vicissitudes which we ourselves may be called to experience, endear to us the presence and the promises of Him whose glory it is that he changeth not. By thee our days have been multiplied, and the years of our life have been increased. Temptations have beset us, dangers have thronged our path, evils innumerable have threatened us, but, though a thousand have fallen at our side, and ten thousand at our right hand, we have been upheld and sustained, neither has any plague been allowed to come nigh our dwelling. O what a rich variety of blessings have met upon our unworthy heads ! What a vast concurrence of mercies have been necessary, in order to bring us thus far on the journey of life ! Even during the week which is now closing, every attri- bute of thy character has been exercised and illustrated in our personal history. Thy power has sustained and preserved us ; thy bounty has supplied our wants ; thy holiness, faithfulness, and love have combined to bless us from day to day, and to fulfil the promises on which thou hast caused our souls to hope. What shall we render unto the Lord for all his benefits towards us ? We will take the cup of salvation, and call upon the name of the Lord. We will offer to thee the sacrifice of thanksgiving, and will call upon the name of the Lord. We will pay our vows unto the Lord in the presence of all his people. And in addition to all the privileges of the past, thou art graciously affording us the cheering prospect of another Sabbath. O Thou that givest thy beloved sleep, enable us to lie down in peace, and sleep, for thou, Lord, makest us to dwell in safety. Let us not lie down under a burden of unpardoned guilt. But may the blood which cleanseth from all sin be sprinkled afresh on our hearts ; and may we fall asleep under the sweet consciousness that we are interested in thy favour. May we long for the hallowed engagements of thy house. Casting away our worldly anxieties and cares, may Christ have all our thoughts, our affections, and our homage. May our prayers be the breathings of penitence, gratitude, and holy desire. And may we listen to the truths of the gospel of Christ, as if they were addressed personally and exclusively to ourselves. And, O that we may live more in the prospect of that eternal Sabbath which awaits thy people above. Let the glorious anticipation impart dignity to our character, and earnestness to our endeavours after holiness. Enable us to think of death, and to prepare for it, as the event which shall conduct us into thy presence where there is fulness of joy, and to thy right hand where there are pleasures for evermore. While we live, let our habitation be as the house of God ; and when we die, let it be to us the gate of heaven. Let each before thee be a habitation of God through the Spirit, that heaven may be commenced in us here below; and through eternity will we magnify the riches of thy grace. Amen, and Amen. 381 TWENTY-SEVENTH &uifflag hunting WEEK. Psalms lxvi — lxvii. 0 THOU that inhabitest the praises of eternity ! Thine angels find their happiness in adoring thee ; and the spirits of the just count it their highest honour to cast their crowns at thy feet. But though thou art high and lifted up, yet hast thou respect unto the lowly. Thou hast erected a throne of grace, and hast called us to approach it, in order that thou mayest receive the adorations of earth. Bless the Lord, O our souls, and forget not all his benefits. Thou hast given us Sabbaths, that we may publicly unite in thy service, and enjoy a foretaste of the rest which remaineth for the people of God. This is the day which the Lord hath made; may our hearts rejoice and be glad in it. And, O thou Preserver of men, thou hast allowed us to behold the return of its hallowed hours, that we might enjoy its privileges, perform its duties, and thus increase in prepara- tion for the worship and the joys of heaven. We adore thee that thou art in Christ, reconciling the world unto thyself. Were it not for this encouraging truth, we could not think of thee without terror, nor approach thee without fear and trembling, for we are conscious of deserving the most awful proofs of thy displeasure. But thou hast clothed thyself with love. Thou hast given us Jesus Christ to intercede for us, and hast offered thy Holy Spirit to help our infirmities. So that now we can come boldly to thy throne, for it is the throne of grace. And we can repair to thy house with delight, for it is the house of salvation. And we can listen to all thy divine communications with confidence and joy, for they tell us that thou hast so loved the world as to give thine only begotten Son for our redemption. May we belong to the number of those who worship God in the Spirit, who rejoice in Christ Jesus, and have no confidence in the flesh. Let us not add to our other sins, the sin of hypocrisy and formality in thy worship. Let us not draw near to thee with our mouth, while our heart is far from thee. Let not the praises of our lips reproach the ingratitude of our hearts ; nor the love we profess to thy most holy name, reproach the inconsistency of our lives. Allow us not in any respect to trifle with sacred things. But may we enter into the spirit of our religious exercises ; may we draw near with a true heart in full assurance of faith; and may our consciences be purged from dead works. Let this holy day be distinguished for the spiritual benefit which shall accrue to man, and the glory which shall redound to thee. Let many run to and fro, and the knowledge which maketh wise unto salvation be greatly increased. Arise, O Lord, into thy rest ; thou, and the ark of thy strength. Abundantly bless the provision of thy house ; and satisfy thy poor with bread. Clothe thy priests with salvation ; and let thy saints shout aloud for joy. Especially, do thou assist and bless thy servant who will testify to us of the gospel of the grace of God. May we receive the truth from his bps as a message from God unto us. And may all our fellow-worshippers be impressed, and instructed, and blessed. O Thou who art every where present, be present to-day to thy people by the witness of thy Spirit, and to sinners by the testimony of thy word in their consciences. And let the words of our mouth, and the meditations of our hearts, find acceptance in thy sight, through Jesus Christ, our Strength and our Redeemer. Amen. TWENTY-SEVENTH <£benms, WEEK. Galatians, Chapter ii. F ATHER of mercies, and God of all grace, how can we sufficiently thank thee for the rich privileges of another Sabbath ! We might have been bowing down before stocks and stones, the workmanship of our own hands : but he that is our God is the God of salvation. For this is life eternal, to know thee, the only true God, and Jesus Christ whom thou hast sent. We might have been left to inquire, and to inquire in vain, Wherewithal shall we come before the Lord ? or bow ourselves before the High God ? But we have boldness to enter into the holiest by the blood of Jesus ; by that new and living way which he hath consecrated for us through his flesh. Or our lot might have been cast where Christianity has been corrupted into superstition, and where nothing but the form of godliness remains. But thou hast fixed the bounds of our habitation where thy word is circulated, and thy gospel proclaimed, and where the means of salvation are accessible to all. And we bless thee that we have not been left to our evil propensities, to profane thy Sabbaths, to forsake the assembling of ourselves together, as the manner of some is ; and that we have not been confined to our house by sickness, or been debarred from enjoying the advantages of public worship by any calamity, or other impediment. But we have been blessed both with the disposition and the opportunity of assembling with thy people who keep holy day, and have had salvation placed within our reach. Almighty God, we feel our responsibility. Let not our privileges condemn us. Have we heard of salvation through Christ? May He be made of God unto us wisdom, and righteousness, and sanctification, and redemption. May his word dwell in us richty. — Have we called upon his name ? May we watch unto prayer, that we may obtain the blessings we have sought. — Have we sung his praises ? Let the devoted obedience of our fives more loudly express our gratitude than any words we can utter. We entreat thee in the behalf of our fellow-worshippers. Let them not only he hearers of thy word, but doers of the same, that they may be blessed in their deed. And God grant that those of us who worship together on earth, may not be separated in the last great day ; but may it be our unspeakable happiness to be eternally associated in the worship of the temple above. Bless thy ministering servant who has addressed us in thy name ; and let his message prove a savour of fife unto fife to many of his hearers. And wherever thy gospel has this day been faithfully proclaimed, let it prove the power of God to the salvation of numbers. We pray for our country. Bless, Lord, our Sovereign ; and may all our rulers govern in the fear of God. May those invested with authority remember their responsibility, and implore thy guidance. Let our laws be in happy accordance with thy laws. Our privileges are great; enable us, as a nation, to improve them to thy glory. May thy Sabbaths be hallowed, thy name be revered, and thy gospel be valued. From us, as from a centre, may the word of salvation sound forth in all directions, till the Sabbath shall bring with it, to all nations, the same spiritual privileges which it brings to us. And now, may the Lord bless us, and keep us. The Lord be gracious to us, and cause his face to shine upon us; may the Lord lift up his countenance on us, and give us peace, for Christ’s sake. Amen. 383 TWENTY-SEVENTH Mov&u# iHornmg. WEEK. Psalm lxviii. O UR eyes are up unto Thee, O thou that dwellest in the heavens. Our help is in the name of the Lord, who made heaven and earth. We bless thee that thou hast watched over us during the past night ; hast refreshed us with sleep ; and hast raised us up to pursue the duties, and enjoy the mercies, of another day. Enable us to begin it by an act of communion with thee. And thus may the hours of this, and of every other day, be enriched with thy blessing, and consecrated to thy service. We thank thee, O God, for the means of grace enjoyed by us on the past Sabbath. May the spiritual good which we then received prove practical and lasting. On reviewing the past, we have to confess and deplore that our religious attainments should bear so small a proportion to our religious advantages. How many divine impressions have we lost ! How many holy resolutions have w r e seemed to form, only that we might break them ! What strong convictions of sin have we felt — but which have led to no corre- sponding penitence ! What clear perceptions of duty — but no increased endeavours after holiness. On the Sabbath, we have sometimes felt as if our religious desires could never abate, but our goodness has departed like the morning dew ; for our hearts are deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked. But we are cheered by the conviction that thou canst conquer even our instability, and canst enable us to give all diligence to make our calling and election sure. We beseech Thee, send thy Holy Spirit to our aid ! May he shew us that for all the guilt of the past, there is forgiveness with thee ; and that for all the duties of the future, our sufficiency is of thee. May he breathe into our souls the breath of a spiritual life, quickening our insensibility, deepening our religious impressions, imparting efficacy to our religious knowledge, and fixing our heart in an earnest pursuit after divine things. We profess to believe that the gospel is intended to accompany and guide us through all the scenes of life ; may He enable us to reduce our belief to practice. Whether at home or abroad, in private or public, may he graciously restrain us from evil, sanctify our tempers, regulate our steps, and stimulate us to the performance of every thing good. We know not, O God, what may await us in the path we have to tread. But w,e know that our times are in thy hand ; and that thou wilt keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on thee, because he trusteth in thee. O that thou wouldst keep our souls from death, our eyes from tears, and our feet from falling. If trials await us, let thy strength be made perfect in our weakness. If temptations beset us, enable us to resist the devil that he may flee from us ; or graciously make a way for our escape. In every season of duty, let the recollection of thy presence and the hope of thy favour induce us to aim at thy glory. We bless thee for the holy example of Jesus Christ. As we have received Christ Jesus the Lord, so may we walk in him. May we imbibe his heavenly spirit, tread in his sacred footsteps, and have grace given us to make him the object of our constant imitation ; that as we know no hope of salvation but that which his merit supplies, so we may know no happiness like that of being conformed to his image. And the very God of peace sanctify us wholly; and we pray God that our whole spirit, and soul, and body be preserved blameless unto the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. Amen. 384 TWENTY-SEVENTH iBontmg <£bmfttg, WEEK Galatians, Chapter iii. G REAT and eternal God, who dwellest in that light which no man can approach unto, whom no man hath seen, nor can see and live ; in thine infinite goodness thou hast condescended to reveal thyself in the face of Jesus, who is the brightness of thy glory, and the express image of thy person. We adore thee for this great mystery — God manifest in the flesh ; and pray that, though guilty and unworthy in ourselves, we may be enabled to look up with confidence to thy throne, while we plead the merit of thy beloved Son. Let us enjoy the presence of our Redeemer this evening, according to his promise — that where two or three are met together, he will be in the midst of them, and that to bless them. We confess, O Lord, that we have not been sufficiently affected by the infinite love of Christ, neither have we rejoiced as we ought in the blessed gospel ; nor have we loved Christ’s commandments, nor feared his threatenings, nor reposed on his promises, as it became those who looked to him for eternal life. Alas ! that our lives should be so little in accordance with the faith which we profess. O teach us to remember, at all times, our dependence upon thee as our Creator, and our subjection to thee as our sovereign Lord. We have sinfully forgotten thy great love in sending thy Son to dwell among us, and his tender compassion to us in the sufferings which he endured for our sake. We confess that we have been guilty of the great sin of listening to the dictates of our own carnal minds, rather than to the intimations of thy Holy Spirit. We have been chargeable with many neglects, and injuries to our fellow-creatures. We have been too little concerned for the honour of religion in the world, and for the good and increase of thy church. We have not glorified thee in our bodies and in our spirits, as those who expected the resur- rection of the dead, who looked for forgiveness of sins through the atonement, and inheritance among them which are sanctified by faith in the great Redeemer. Grant, O Lord, that our hearts may be more affected with a feeling of what we utter with our mouths. Awaken in us a deeper conviction of all our sins — a godly sorrow, that worketh repentance to salvation, not to be repented of. Impart to us that precious faith which is of the operation of thy Holy Spirit. Let it not be thy pardon alone which we desire ; but that we may be throughly renewed and transformed in our understandings, wills, and affections, into the image of God. May we desire a more settled and filial fear of thee, to overawe, control, and rule us in every thought, word, and action of our lives ; for a more steadfast love of thee, which may move us willingly and cheerfully to obey thee ; and for a more active hope in thee, that may constantly excite us to purify ourselves, even as Christ is pure. O let the blood of Christ wash away all our defilement ; let his righteousness hide and cover all our sins ; let his death and passion be accepted as the true ground of our pardon and acceptance in thy sight. Give us, Lord, thy grace, that our faith in the great salvation may never waver, that our hope in thy mercy may never faint or decay, that our love may never wax cold, and that the weakness of our sinful nature may not be overcome at last by the fear of death. Make us steadfast, unmoveable, always abounding in the work of the Lord ; for as much as we know that our labour is not in vain in the Lord. All we ask is for the sake of Christ Jesus our Lord. Amen. TWENTY-SEVENTH CueSHag iBonttncj: WEEK. Psalm lxix. 0 GOD, thou art our God; early will we seek thee. Truly our souls wait upon God; from him cometh our salvation. He only is our Rock, and our salvation ; he is our defence ; we shall not be greatly moved. Enable us, O God, to begin the day in heartfelt communion with thee. And to this end, may the Holy Spirit, who alone can lead our hearts to thee, quicken our devotions, and enable us to approach thee through Jesus Christ, as the foundation of all our hopes and enjoyments. We would look upon this, and each returning day as a new grant of time, a new period of probation for eternity. May we pass every moment of it as in thy sight ; and by a patient continuance in well- doing, may we seek for glory, and honour, and immortality — eternal life. Whatever our duties may be, may we be diligent in the discharge of them ; improving our time as a talent for which we must render an account unto thee. Lead us forth to all the engagements and events of the day ; and so far from being slothful in business, may we be fervent in spirit, serving the Lord. Bless our temporal refreshments and enjoy- ments ; and enable us to take heed that they do not estrange our hearts from thee. May we use them only in subordination to thy honour, and as a preparation for serving thee with greater alacrity and vigour : so that, whether we eat or drink, or whatsoever we do, we may do all to thy glory. Teach us to be wisely observant of all the providences of the day. In the regular return of ordinary mercies, may we behold the operation of thy fatherly government, and be thankful. And in every interruption of them, may we find an occasion for communing with thee, who couldst render us happy, were every inferior good withdrawn. Graciously guard us against all the temptations of the day. May we remember that our path lies through numerous snares and dangers ; hold thou us up, and so shall we be safe. Enable us to ponder our goings, that our footsteps slip not. Wherever we have reason to apprehend danger, may we have grace to walk circumspectly, and to abstain from the appearance of evil. If we see the way of transgressors, may we avoid it, and pass away. Keep us in a humble, dependent, and devotional frame of mind : looking for seasonable impartations of Divine influence, suited to the various scenes we may be called to pass through. When our thoughts are not necessarily engaged about present duties, let them not be given to vanity and sin, but to thee. And wherever we may be, let the words of our mouth, as well as the meditations of our hearts, be as carefully guarded, and adapted for usefulness, as if thou, Lord, wert visibly present. O may the blessed example of Christ engage our admiring attention; may a sense of our vast obligations to his dying love, constrain us to copy his example ; and may his Holy Spirit enable us to succeed. In humble imitation of his divine benevolence, we pray for thy blessing upon others. May all our relatives and friends know the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ experimentally. May all thy people be drawn nearer to each other, by being drawn nearer to Christ, their common centre and Head. May thy kingdom come, and thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Now unto Him that is able to keep us from falling, and to present us faultless before the presence of his glory with exceeding joy; to the only wise God our Saviour, be glory and majesty, dominion and power, both now and ever. Amen. 3S6 twenty-seventh Cuaefoag <£bnrinjj, Galatians, Chap. iv. WEEK. H OLY, holy, holy Lord God Almighty, we worship thee as the omniscient and omni- present Jehovah. Thou hast searched us and known us ; thou knowest our down- sitting and our uprising, and thou understandest our thoughts afar off. Whither, O Lord, shall we go from thy Spirit, or whither shall we flee from thy presence ? If we ascend up into heaven, thou art there ; if we make our bed in hell, behold, thou art there ; if we take the wings of the morning, and dwell in the uttermost parts of the sea, even there shall thy hand lead us, and thy right hand shall hold us. If we say, surely the darkness shall cover us, even the night shall be light about us : yea, the darkness hideth not from thee, but the night shineth as the day; the darkness and the light are both alike with thee. O let the thought of thine omniscient research fill us with holy awe in approaching to thy glorious Majesty; let it excite us to sincerity; let it teach us reverence; let it convince us that thou knowest and regardest the most secret desires of our hearts. As thou art not far from any of us, we rejoice that all our necessities, fears, and sorrows are naked and open before thee ; and, as thou art the Almighty God, the Lord, the Creator of the ends of the earth, who faintest not, neither art weary, we adore thee that we can repose on the strength of thine arm, and that we can betake ourselves to thee as the high tower of our defence, in every hour of danger and trial. We would encourage ourselves in the conviction that thou art with us at this hour of devotion ; and though we cannot behold thee with our bodily eyes, nor perceive any outward symbol of thy glorious presence, we would take hold of thy gracious promise, and would believe with our whole hearts, that thou art in the midst of us, to bless us, and to do us good. We mourn, O Lord, our destitution of those affections of mind which thou requirest in thy service. We are lamentably under the influence of a depraved and rebellious nature. We confess with shame the disorder and corruption of our minds ; we deplore the imper- fection of our services which must meet thine all-seeing eye ; and we acknowledge that thou mightest justly turn away from our prayers in anger, and shut up the fountains of thy mercy for ever against us. Thou art God, and not man, and therefore it is that we are not consumed. We rejoice to approach thee as the God of love ; we plead with thee thine own gracious assurances ; we throw ourselves on the resources of thy boundless love ; we ask mercy to pardon, and grace to help us in time of need. Impart to us thy Holy Spirit. May he enter into our sinful hearts, take up his abode within us, and make us his own temples. Let our whole characters be changed by his mighty power, and let the moral transforma- tion effected by Him be so great, that thou mayest look upon us with complacency and delight, as changed from glory to glory into the image of thy Son. Never leave, never forsake us, O God of our salvation. Without thee we can do nothing. Let thy grace be sufficient for us. As our day is, so let our strength be. Be thou our shield and our defence. Guide and guard us all our journey through, and may we at last sing the song of deliverance and triumph on mount Zion above. These mercies, for ourselves and others, we ask in the all-prevailing name of the great High Priest of our profession ; and to the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost be glory everlasting. Amen. 387 3 c 2 TWENTY-SEVENTH TOe&nesffiag iHornmij. WEEK. Psalms lxx. lxxi. 0 THOU who didst command the light to shine out of darkness, and who graciously restorest the light to us day by day — shine, we beseech thee, into our hearts, and give to us the light of the knowledge of thy glory in the face of Jesus Christ. O God, how great is the privilege of holding communion with thee ! may we have all the dispositions necessary to enjoy, and to profit by it. And, while we are imploring and enjoying the light of thy countenance, may we remember that we are indebted for it to the sufferings and the desertion of Him who had to say, My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me ? But we rejoice to know that he who died for our sins, hath been raised again for our justification, and is now exalted at thy right hand, Head over all things to his church. In his blessed name we now come into thy presence. Though we are not worthy the least of all thy mercies, yet for his sake thou hast encouraged us to ask the greatest. Enable us to ask, and receive, that our joy may be full. And may we have the divine wisdom to ask first, and to ask most earnestly, for those spiritual blessings which are most essential to our happiness. We trust, O God, that were we permitted to ask only one blessing, we should have grace to choose that holiness which is the commencement of heaven in the soul, and which brings all other blessings in its train. But we bless thee that thou dost not limit our desires. At this moment thou art placing before us all spiritual blessings in Christ Jesus, and art saying to us, — ask, and ye shall receive. And even the desire to receive them, is thine own production in the heart. O that thou wouldst graciously fill our hearts with all holy desires, and then do thou abundantly satisfy them. Blot out, we beseech thee, all our manifold offences. Subdue the power of sin, and let the blood of Jesus cleanse us from all its defilement. Justify us freely by the * righteousness of Christ. Adopt us into thy family, and give us power to become the sons of God. Send forth the Spirit of thy Son into our hearts, that we may cry, Abba, Father. And, O let the gospel be made the instrument of our complete sanctification. May we feel that it is transforming our characters, pacifying our consciences, purifying our hearts, elevating our hopes, and saving our souls. May we find that it is changing, not only our own character, but also the character of the scene through which' we are passing, that it is turning our trials into blessings, converting all the events of thy pro- vidence into a course of salutary discipline, assuring us that all things are working together for our good, and cheering us with the thought that our light afflictions, which are but for a moment, are working for us a far more exceeding and eternal weight of glory. Grant, O God, that in each of the occurrences of this day, we may be enabled to recog- nize thy hand, or to hear thy voice. May we behold in one, a call to be useful ; and in another, a motive to gratitude ; and in another, an excitement to greater diligence in thy service ; and in all, the means of our spiritual improvement and usefulness. Bless us, and make us blessings. May we walk all day in the fear of the Lord, and in the comfort of the Holy Ghost, looking for that blessed hope, and the glorious appearing of the great God and our Saviour, Jesus Christ. And unto Him that is able to keep us from falling, and to present us faultless before the presence of his glory with exceeding joy, to the only wise God our Saviour, be glory and majesty, dominion and power, both now and ever. Amen. 388 TWENTY -SEVENTH OTfeUnesfoaK (Cteiung, WEEK. Galatians, Chapter v. THOU that hearest prayer, unto thee shall all flesh come. We bless thee that thou hast made thyself known to us in this endearing character ; and we rejoice in the assurance thou hast given us, that the prayer of faith shall not fail in securing the promised blessing. May we ask in faith, nothing doubting; and may we prove thee concerning the truth of thy word, in which thou hast said, Ask, and ye shall receive ; seek, and ye shall find ; knock, and it shall be opened unto you. We approach unto thee, O Lord, with all our necessities and infirmities ; we come to thee confessing our sins, and founding all our hopes on thine infinite mercy, and on the merits and intercession of thy dear Son. While we look upon our own guilt and unwor- thiness, there is nothing that is not calculated to fill us with despair ; but we call to remembrance, with gratitude and praise, that we have an Advocate at thy right hand, Jesus Christ the righteous, with whom thou art ever well pleased. Through him who is che Lord our righteousness, we now venture to present ourselves at thy footstool, and to lift up our eyes to the place where thine honour dwell eth. Truly, O God, our soul waiteth upon thee ; from whom cometh our salvation. Thou art our Rock and our portion, our defence, and we shall not be greatly moved. Thou art the inexhaustible fountain of all our mercies, and we rejoice that all fulness is treasured up in Christ Jesus, that we may receive out of that fulness in grace for grace. Let not our unbelief stand in the way of thy gracious bestowments, but, deeply convinced of their matchless worth, and anxious above all things under the sun to possess them, may we count all things but loss, for the excellency of the knowledge of Christ Jesus our Lord. O grant us, we beseech thee, thy Holy Spirit, to reveal Christ in our hearts; to convince us of sin, of righteousness, and of judgment; to open our eyes to the misery of our state without him ; and to enable us to receive and accept him in all his saving offices and relations. We rejoice that the Spirit of truth is to abide with Christ’s disciples for ever, that when at any time they may be tempted to lose the impression of their depen- dence on him, they may be restored to a true sense both of their danger and of their duty, and may be taught to live upon Him as their wisdom, their righteousness, their sanctification, and their redemption. O let thy Spirit be to us daily as the refreshing dew. Under his influences may our souls, which are by nature as the parched desert, become as a fruitful field, as a garden which the Lord himself hath watered. May the principle of grace in our hearts gather strength in our experience day by day, that our path may be that of the shining light, which shineth more and more unto the perfect day . that we may hold on our way, and wax stronger and stronger ; so that when the youths shall grow weary, and the young men shall utterly fail, we may mount up on wings as eagles, run without weariness, and walk without fainting, and at last obtain the mark of the prize of our high calling of God in Christ Jesus. O give us grace and strength to persevere even unto the end. Listen, O Lord, to these our humble prayers for ourselves and others ; spread the wing of thy mercy over us this night. Make all dear to us sub- jects of thy grace, and special objects of thy care ; and infinitely exceed all that we ask or think, for the Redeemer’s sake, Amen. 389 TWENTY-SEVENTH tEtrar&rag iBontmg, WEEK. Psalm lxxii. 0 LORD our God, thou hast placed us in our various stations, and thy word enjoins us, wherein we are called, therein to abide with God. Enable us in this to yield ourselves to thy holy will, and, next to the care of our immortal souls, to study to be quiet, and to do our own business, that we may provide for ourselves, and those under our care ; render to all their dues ; and not be burdensome but helpful to our fellow-creatures. Thou only canst give us skill and ability for the performance of the several duties to which thou hast called us ; we look up to thee, therefore, that thou wouldst qualify us for the right discharge of our various trusts, and for grace that we may be both useful and happy. Gracious Lord, do thou pardon all our past unfaithfulness and negligence in the path of duty ; and do thou direct, bless, assist, and accept us, in the better discharge of our personal and relative obligations, for the time to come. O make us so contented with what we acquire by our honest industry, as that we may never dare to go beyond or defraud our neighbour in any matter, but that we may be punctually upright in all our transactions, and may conscientiously perform all our relative duties as in the sight of God. Teach us to conduct ourselves as we ought towards every one with whom we are in any way connected in the world, whether superior, equal, or inferior ; let us act offensively to none ; but, as we have power and opportunity, let us do good and be useful to all, especially to the household of faith. Suffer us not to walk disorderly, nor to be busy- bodies in other men’s matters, neglecting the cares of home, and intermeddling with the affairs of others ; but may we keep our own proper stations, and with quietness work, and eat our own bread, and provide things honest in the sight of all men, following after that which is lovely and of good report; and herein exercising ourselves to have always a conscience void of offence towards God and towards men. And grant, O Lord, that whatever any may justly expect from us, we may be prepared, in thy promised strength, to yield it faithfully and uprightly. Command a blessing, O Lord, upon all our honest labours and efforts, and make them successful to promote our own and our fellow-creatures’ real and eternal good, and to advance the glory of thy blessed name and cause in the world. Lorgive us, we beseech thee, blessed Lord, all that we mourn and confess before thee, and heal those spiritual distempers of our souls which make thy service a weariness to us ; and so renew our spirits, and draw and unite our hearts to thy blessed self, that we may not serve thee from constraint or unwillingly, but with our whole heart, and strength, and mind. O deliver us from that slavish and tormenting dread which makes us uneasy in thy service, and give us a filial disposition, a heart set upon heavenly pursuits, and such a fervent love to thee as shall sweeten all our obedience, that we may never count it a weariness, but the delight of our souls, and our exceeding joy. O let us not serve thee our God in the spirit of bondage as slaves, but with the cheerfulness and alacrity of ingenuous and grateful children. Hear us, O our Lather, in these our imperfect suppli- cations, and grant us acceptance, and all spiritual blessings, for the sake of our divine and glorious Advocate ; to whom, with Thee and the Holy Ghost, be glory and dominion, both now and for evermore. Amen. 390 TWENTY-SEVENTH Cfjtirstiag {footing WEEK. Galatians, Chapter vr. W E would adore thee, O most blessed God, at all times ; thy praise shall continually be in our mouths. Our soul shall make her boast in the Lord, the humble shall hear thereof, and be glad. We would be grateful for all the past dealings of thy providence towards us as a family; we give thee praise for all the blessings of our present lot. We rejoice in the glorious hopes of eternal life brought to light in the gospel. We feel our- selves to be the individual monuments of thy care ; thou didst sustain us when we hung upon our mother’s breast ; thou didst guard our helpless infancy ; thou hast conducted some of us to riper years ; thou hast followed us with mercies to the present hour. We bless thee that thou hast cast our lot in a land of religious light and privilege ; we adore thee for thy holy word ; we would not be unmindful of that patience which has borne with our manners from our youth up until now. For many gracious arrangements in the circumstances of our being, we desire to render thee unfeigned thanksgiving. Every moment of our past existence has proclaimed the loving-kindness and tender mercy of our God and Father. Nor would we forget to adore thee for the greatest of all thy gifts. Thou hast given us thine only-begotten Son, to redeem us from going down to the pit ; and with him thou wilt freely give us all things necessary to the completion of our bliss, and the perfection of our moral being. We bless thee for every impression which divine grace may have made upon our fallen nature, whereby we have been enabled to discern, and to feel, the value of unseen and eternal realities. If thou hast taught any of us to choose the better part, what shall we render unto thee for thy sovereign and discriminating grace ! By nature, O God, we slumber in carnal security ; we neglect the chief good ; we pursue vanity and shadows ; we seek destruction in the error of our ways ; thanks be to thy name, if we have been taught by divine grace to seek for glory, honour, immortality, and eternal life, through Him who has laid open, by his blood-shedding, the way into the holiest of all. May all our impressions of divine things be daily strengthened ; may we not only desire to escape from the wrath to come, but ever seek to lay hold upon the hope of eternal life, and live as the expectants of the bright and glorious inheritance of heaven. May we know in whom we have believed, and count all things but loss for the excellency of the knowledge of Christ Jesus our Lord. Though our hearts, O Lord, are deceitful and desperately wicked, yet we would look up to thee for restraining and renewing grace ; that we may not be under their sinful con- trol, that they may not be suffered to deceive us, and to lead us astray from the right path ; that our indifference to spiritual things may pass away; that pride, unbelief, and all worldly affections may be subdued and eradicated. O save us from trusting in any equivocal signs of grace; and bring forth in our experience all the happy evidences of the new-birtb. What thou hast begun in us, be pleased to carry on and to perfect. Superintend thine own work, supply what may be lacking in it ; and at last crown it with eternal glory. Preserve us from evil, we entreat thee, this night. Keep us, and all dear to us, as in the hollow of thy hand. And all that we ask is for Christ’s sake ; to whom, with the Father and the Holy Spirit, be glory everlasting. Amen. TWENTY-SEVENTH .fntJdij Jltoottnfi. WEEK. Psalm lxxiii. 0 MOST holy and blessed God, the Author and Giver of all good, we humbly beseech thee to grant us grace that we may worship thee, at this time, in spirit and in truth. Save us from the sin of those who draw near to thee with their lips, while their hearts are far off from thee. Enable us, in all our approaches to thee, to remember that thou lookest on the heart, and that thou desirest truth in the inward part. We thank thee for a renewed opportunity of drawing near to thy throne ; let the meditations of our hearts and the words of our lips he acceptable in thy sight, O Lord, our Strength and our Redeemer. As thou hast brought us to the light of a new day, we pray for divine assistance, that we may rightly discharge our several duties to thee, our neighbour, and ourselves. Make us just and faithful, honest and industrious, kind and courteous, humble and charit- able, in all the relations of life. Keep us from all pride and envy, all hatred and malice, all cruelty and revenge. Endue us with a patient and contented spirit, that, under all the dispensations of thy providence, we may be resigned to thy holy will. By the habitual exercise of Christian tempers, graces, and habits, may we stand prepared for death and judgment, that we may be always ready to meet the call of our blessed Lord whenever he may be pleased to remove us hence. We beseech thee, of thy bounty and care, to give us so much of the necessaries, con- veniences, and comforts of this life, as thou, in thine infinite wisdom, knowest to be expedient for us ; and grant that w'hatever temporal blessings thou shalt be pleased to confer on us, we may have grace to use them with temperance, moderation, and charity, to thy honour, and the good of those around us. Grant, O God, that by thy good provi- dence we may be this day defended from all evil, and supplied with ail needful good. In all our difficulties and sorrows, give us grace patiently to submit to thy will. If thou art pleased to withhold thine affiicting hand from us, let thy merciful goodness engage us more and more to a cheerful obedience to thy holy will and commandments, that we may serve thee with greater care and diligence. But, O teach us ever to say, under all thy fatherly chastisements, — not our will, but thine be done. Extend, O Lord, the knowledge of thy gospel to the whole human race, that all nations may believe in thee the only true God, and in Jesus Christ whom thou hast sent. Bless the universal church with the spirit of truth and unity, peace and concord. May all who know and love the common Saviour be anxious to prove to the world that thy church is one. Bestow an abundant measure of thy Spirit upon our Christian pastors, that, by their wholesome instructions and pious examples, they may faithfully discharge the duties of their ministry, and be wise to win souls to Christ. Bless our beloved country, pardon our many and great national sins, and shield us from thy merited judgments. Make us a holy and happy people ; and settle us upon the firm foundation of truth, righteousness, and peace. We commend to thee all the afflicted, distressed, persecuted, impoverished, and dejected, beseeching thee to have compassion upon them, and to grant them the seasonable aids of thy providence and grace. Hear these our humble prayers and thanks- givings, for the sake of our only Saviour; to whom, with the Father and the Holy Spirit, be all honour and glory, now and for evermore. Amen. 392 TWENTY- SEVENTH Jntmg tiPfaetring. Ephesians, Chapter i. week. 0 LORD, under a deep sense of our sins, we cry unto thee, as our Almighty and gracious Deliverer. Look upon us, O merciful Father, in our low and lost estate, and let our prayer ascend unto thee with acceptance through our only Mediator. Turn not away thine ear from our humble supplications, and O let not our sins provoke thee to shut the heavens against us. We acknowledge before thee, O Lord, that if thou shouldst mark iniquity, we could not stand. Our iniquities testify against us ; our own hearts condemn us ; and thou art greater than our hearts, and knowest all things. Wert thou, O Lord, to enter into judgment with us on account of our sins, we must be overwhelmed with the remembrance of duties neglected, mercies despised, and opportunities abused. We would mourn before thee the bitter consciousness of aggravated guilt, and inexcusable folly and wickedness. How cheering the reflection that thy thoughts towards us are thoughts of mercy. We bless thee that judgment is thy strange work, and that mercy is thy delight. Grant, O our God, that the thoughts of thy mercy may soften our hard hearts, may subdue our rebellious wills, and may accomplish in us what the terrors of justice could never effect. O transform our enmity into love, and our fear into confidence, and constrain us with our whole hearts to love Him who has first loved us. While we reflect on the debt of gratitude under which we are brought by redeeming love, may we be inspired with an anxious and fervent desire to testify our deep, and lasting, and practical sense of such infinite and unspeakable obligation. May we think of the height and depth, the breadth and length, of that love which passeth knowledge ; and never, O Lord, may we be inattentive to the voice of that Redeemer, who loved us to the death, and who lives to defend and save us. Suffer us not to tempt the Lord our God, by presuming on his goodness. Let not our confidence in thy mercy degenerate into unholy boldness, nor let the enjoyment of our privileges as thy children make us careless of thy displeasure. While rescued from the burden of our guilt, may we be brought more powerfully under the influence of that holy and filial fear which shall induce us to shun the very appearance of evil. We pray for others, as well as for ourselves. O let thy mercy extend to the remotest boundaries of the habitable earth ; let it include within its wide range all whom sin hath covered with guilt, misery, pollution, and ruin. God of compassion, do thou raise up the fallen, and cheer the disconsolate. Enlighten the ignorant, direct the wandering, and save the lost. Let thy grace be richly manifested within the circle of our relations, our friends, and our acquaintance. Redeem Israel from all his iniquities; gather thine ancient people into the fold of Christ; let the church of Christ, the true Israel of God, be as when the Lord commanded the blessing, even life for evermore. Let that portion of thy church with which we are connected daily enjoy fresh tokens of thy protection and blessing ; and let all whom thou hast united to us by the ties of nature and of friendship, walk in the light of thy countenance, and share the joys of thy salvation. We ask these inestimable favours in the name, and for the sake, of Jesus Christ Ajid to the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit be glory everlasting. Amen. 393 3 n TWENTY-SEVENTH Morning, WEEK. Psalm lxxiv. O UR Father in heaven, look upon us this morning; and if it shall please thee this day to try us by temptation, let it be for thy glory and our good. Thou, O God, art faithful, and wilt not suffer us to be tempted above that we are able, but with the tempta- tion wilt make a way of escape, that we may be able to bear it. May we be taught our own weakness to do any thing that is right in thy sight ; but suffer not our fears to triumph over our faith, and our sense of danger to repress our confidence in thy Almighty protection and grace. Make us, O Lord, contented with our lot in providence according to thy blessed will ; that prosperity may not elate us, and that adversity may not depress us, beyond what is suitable in thy children. If those with whom we mingle should tempt us to evil, give us wisdom to perceive it, care to avoid it, fortitude to overcome it, and zeal to witness against it ; and O never let the pleasures of sin, which are but for a season, prevail over thy favour, nor any interests of this world endanger our eternal peace and welfare. Increase our skill in detecting, and our faith in resisting and overcoming, the force and malice of Satan. Let sin ever appear to us to be exceeding sinful. Never let us look on it as good ; never let us desire, choose, or tolerate it. We confess that some- times the spirit is willing while the flesh is weak, and that in our flesh there dwelleth no good thing; so that, unless thou shouldest help us, O most mighty Father, we shall surely rebel against thee. O God, though we are unworthy so much as to lift up our eyes to the place where thou dwellest, much more to receive any favour or benefit which we ask ; yet, O most merciful Father, for the sake of Jesus Christ, who never offended against thee, but obeyed thee fully in our room and stead, and in whom thou art always well pleased, have mercy upon us, pardon and deliver us from all our sins, and so direct the course of our earthly pilgrimage here below, that we may spend and terminate it in thy fear. May we pass the time of our sojourning here in fear, and at last receive the crown of immortal life. As no sphere in life is exempt from the temptations and sorrows which belong to a fallen state, we pray that we may be enabled so to pass through them all, as never to lose sight of the eternal crown. May we serve thee while life endureth, may we cleave fast unto thee in the hour of death, and enter at last, with triumph, into the glories and felicities of heaven, being more than conquerors through him that hath loved us. To thee, O thou King of kings, we commend the rightful sovereign of these realms. Protect, prosper, and increase thy church. Have mercy upon this kingdom, and forgive our national sins ; turn unto us, O God, and bless us, and cause thy face to shine upon us. Comfort all the sons and daughters of affliction ; relieve the widow and fatherless > and pity those who have no help of man at all. Bless all our friends and relations, Forgive all, if there be any, who are our enemies ; give us grace, that for their hatred we may return nothing but love ; that for their cursing, we may render nothing but blessing ; and for their injuries, we may manifest nothing but kindness ; — that so we may ever extend to others that forgiveness which we need ourselves, and which we must ever implore thro’ the merit and intercession of our great High Priest ; to whom, with Thyself, O lather, and the ever blessed Spirit, be all glory and honour, world without end. Amen. 394 TWENTY-SEVENTH (CbnmtQ Ephesians, Chapter ii. week. O UR Father and our God, thou art from everlasting to everlasting, — from generation to generation the same. We are as nothing in thy sight ; we are but of yesterday ; and our foundation is in the dust. All flesh is grass, and all the goodliness thereof is as the flower of the field : the grass withereth, the flower fadeth ; but the word of our God endureth for ever. O may this view of thine eternity and of our frailty be sanctified to make us humble and dependent ; may the great uncertainty of life lead us diligently to prepare for an approaching eternity, and to regard the present life in its immediate relation to the great and final end of our being. Teach us so to number our days as to apply our hearts unto wisdom. At the close of every day and every week may we solemnly reflect on the end of our mortal life, when we shall bid a lasting farewell to all that is dear to us under the sun. May the anticipation of death and eternity prompt us to employ the present and passing hour as if it were the last. Never suffer us to forget that there is no knowledge, nor work, nor device in the grave, whither we are fast hastening. Enable and incline us to work while it is day, since the night cometh in which no man can work. In the midst of activity, and health, and friendship, may we often think of the dark mansion of the tomb, to chasten the eagerness of earthly pursuits, and to repress the indulgence of our unruly appetites and passions. May we follow the example of those wise virgins who trimmed their lamps, and went out to meet the Bridegroom of the church. O let none of us be found speechless, and without the wedding garment, when our Lord comes to view the guests that sit at his table. When we are summoned to thy great tribunal, may we go forth apparelled in the spotless robe of the Redeemer’s righteousness, and shining resplendently in the beauty of that holiness with which he has invested us. Visit in great mercy every member of this family ; may we be the objects of thy constant care. Be our preserver from all the calamities of life, seen and unseen. If trials are allotted to us, help us to bear them with patience and with fortitude. By all thy varied discipline, do thou meeten us for that great and solemn event which will soon happen to us all, which will separate us from time and all its concerns, and usher us into the presence of our eternal Judge. Abundantly bless and prosper, especially in their souls, all the members of this family. And now, O Lord, we render thee our hearty thanksgiving for the mercies of another week, and for our near approach to the day of sacred rest. O let thy day be the sabbath of the mind to our weary souls. May we look forward to it with prayer and with hope ; and when it dawns, may the light of the glorious Sun of righteousness arise on our spirits with healing in his beams. Prepare the servants of Christ for their solemn work ; look in mercy on him who ministers to us in holy things. Be mouth and wisdom unto him. Teach us to profit by what we hear ; and while thy ministers are planting and watering, be thou pleased, O God, to give the increase. Cause thy word to come with life and energy upon our hearts ; and let multitudes of souls be gathered to our glorious Shiloh. Bless and protect us this night, that in the morning we may adore thee as the God of our life, and the length of our days. All we ask is for Christ’s sake. Amen. 393 3 D 2 TWENTY-EIGHTH &untiag iHmnutg WEEK. Psalms lxxv. lxxvi. H ELP us, O Lord, to say with one of old, Whom have we in heaven but thee, and there is none upon earth that we desire beside thee. When our heart and our flesh shall fail us, be thou the strength of our hearts, and our portion for evermore. We worship thee, this morning of thy holy day, as the only living and true God ; as the exhaustless Fountain of existence, and of happiness; as the God of grace and salvation to the guilty, the depraved, and the wretched. Thou hast not spurned us from thy throne, hut hast invited us to draw near, and to receive a Father’s blessing; and, though laden with guilt, enfeebled by sin, beset with dangers, oppressed with infirmities, thou hast encouraged us to come unto thee, that we may find rest unto our souls. Be thou, then, our refuge and our hiding-place until all the storms and conflicts of this mortal life are overpast. We rejoice that, in drawing near to thee, there is One ineffably dear in thy sight, who represents us as our Surety, and who pleads for us as our Advocate. In him it hath pleased thee that all fulness should dwell ; and we pray that out of his fulness we may receive in grace for grace. Especially do thou bestow upon us, for his sake, thy quickening and life-giving Spirit, that, raised by his energy to newness of life, we may serve thee this day in the beauty of holiness, and may enter into the holy rest and lofty triumph of the Christian sabbath. In the return of this sacred day, we would recognize the wisdom and beneficence of thy appointments. Thou hast set it apart to the commemoration of events which will fill heaven with everlasting songs, and which will prove the burden of the church’s joy on earth, till her militant state shall cease, and the assembly of the redeemed is but one. We bless thee that we can this day proclaim the victory of the Cross ; that we can glory in redemption finished ; that we can rise with our reviving Lord, and sit down with him in those heavenly places where he is the King of glory for ever. Let his power and energy be felt in all the churches this day ; may Satan feel the rebuke of his word, and recede into his dark abode ; may conscience own his gracious sway, and thousands of willing captives throw aside their chains, and put on his easy yoke, and wear it with delight. Go forth, O thou Captain of the Lord’s host, with the armies of the spiritual Israel, this day ; from conquering to conquer, do thou advance amidst the ranks of thine enemies, that willing thousands may own thy rightful sceptre, and that a prostrate world may crown thee Lord of all. Clothe thy ministers with health, and let all thy saints shout for joy. Let the acceptable year of the Lord be proclaimed, and let multitudes, whom Satan has led captive at his will, own him who is Lord of angels, and who has entered with shoutings of joy and triumph into the everlasting doors, as the King of glory. Go with us, O most blessed Lord, to thy house of prayer ; preside over our understandings, our affections, and our wills while there. Banish the world from our very thoughts. Let Messiah take to himself his great power, and reign ; let all the churches know that thou art he who searches the hearts and tries the reins of the children of men. Our prayers are before thee : deign to regard them, and to send answers of peace from thy throne, for the sake of Jesus Christ, our Strength and Redeemer. Amen. 396 TWENTY-EIGHTH «#tmtiag Abetting, WEEK. Ephesians, Chapter iii. G REAT and glorious Lord, we desire with humble minds to approach the throne of thy grace, in the name of Jesus, our exalted Mediator and Lord. With deep penitence we mourn and confess in thy presence the apostacy of our nature, and the manifold offences of our lives. Pour upon us the spirit of true repentance and godly sorrow for sin, that we may sincerely mourn as true penitents before thee, and loathe and abhor ourselves in thy sight. We bless and adore thee, O our God, that thou hast cast our lot in a land of vision, where we are so abundantly favoured with the means of grace. We thank thee for the benefits of another Sabbath — for the opportunity once more of hearing the joyful sound. We rejoice to know, from the testimony of thy word, that there is forgiveness with thee, that thou mayest be feared, and that with thee there is plenteous redemption. We bless thee that thy dear Son came into the world to seek and to save that which was lost ; and that he gave his life a ransom for the sins of many. May we have faith to believe thy faithful testimony, to accept thy gracious offer, to rely upon thy unchanging promise, and to set to our seal that thou art true. For the sake of Him who died for us, and rose again for our justification, do thou pardon all our sins, receive us graciously, and love us freely as thy children. Teach us sincerely to hate all sin, especially our easily besetting sins. Let not sin reign in our mortal bodies, that we should obey it in the lusts thereof; but may we all, in our respective stations, adorn the doctrine of God our Saviour; and may our light so shine before men, that they, seeing our good works, may glorify our Father who is in heaven. Extend thy forgiving mercy to us, O God, for all the sins and imperfections which have mingled in the holy duties of this sacred day. O visit not with tokens of displeasure the wanderings of our minds, the coldness of our affections, and the forgetfulness of our memories. O let not all we have heard be in vain : let our intercessions be answered ; let our songs of praise be accepted; and let not thy word return unto thee void, but may it be as good seed, sown in good ground, that it may bring forth fruit in each of us to life eternal. O that the careless and profane may be awakened, that the secure and impenitent may be alarmed, that the thoughtful and inquiring may be comforted, that the wavering may be esta- blished, that the backslider may be reclaimed, and that all thy people may be joyful in their King. May it appear that none of thy servants have laboured in vain, or spent their strength for nought. Look upon all our connexions, friends, and neighbours, and turn their hearts into thy fear. Comfort such of them as are afflicted in body, mind, or estate. Grant them patience under sufferings, and in due time a happy issue out of all their troubles. Regard in much mercy our rightful sovereign, and all the branches of the Royal Family. And when the days of our appointed time on earth are finished, may we be supported in the trying hour of death, and graciously received into thy glorious presence above, there to keep an everlasting Sabbath, to sing thy praise, and to enjoy thy glory for ever- more. These great mercies we beg, for the sake of Jesus Christ, our great High Priest and Redeemer, to whom, with the Father and the eternal Spirit, be equal and undivided praises. Amen. 897 TWENTY-EIGHTH JHontiag JBtirmng WEEK. Psalm lxxvii. 0 LORD our God, it is good for us to draw near unto thee, and to give thanks at the remembrance of thy name: thy mercy is from everlasting to everlasting to them that fear thee, and thy goodness extendeth even to children’s children. Under a deep sense of infinite obligation, we would this morning show forth thy loving-kindness, and would sing of all thy wondrous acts to the children of men. Let the effects of the past Sabbath be felt by us in all the engagements of a new week. May they appear in our temper, our speech, and the whole of our deportment. Let us not resemble the man who looks into a glass, and straightway forgetteth what manner of person he was ; but, having looked into the perfect law of liberty, may we continue therein, not being forgetful hearers of the word, but doers of the work, that we may receive blessing of the Lord. Let not the Sabbath be forgotten when its exercises have closed ; but may thy truth and grace be remembered, and may salvation come to us and our house. May we bind thy word to our hearts ; may it be as a sign upon our hand, and as frontlets between our eyes : where we go, may it lead us; when we sleep, may it keep us; when we awake, may it be as the light of day on our path. We implore thy grace, O Lord, to enable us to live habitually in thy fear. Let thy Spirit bring the truths of thy word seasonably and powerfully to our remembrance, that while we are engaged in the business, and exposed to the temptations of life, we may keep our garments unspotted from a present evil world. Regulate all the trials of our earthly lot, so as that we may be enabled to endure to the end ; and in whatever state we are, therewith may we learn to be content. O let us not forget, gracious God, that we are not our own. Thou hast redeemed us, not with corruptible things, such as silver and gold, but with the precious blood of thy dear Son. As it was while we were yet enemies that Christ died for us, may his unspeakable and disinterested love constrain us to give ourselves without reserve to his service and glory. Having freed us from the thraldom of sin, do thou consecrate our earthly existence to the honour of his name, and the advance- ment of his cause. While the world and Satan would seek to divide our affections, may our allegiance to God our Saviour remain firm and unshaken; and if at any time we should be tempted to give place to other lords, O may the thought of the dishonour we are about to put upon Him who bore our sins in his own body on the tree, restore our wavering purpose, and enthrone our blessed Redeemer in our wandering and divided hearts. O Lord, let not our footsteps slide in any of the dangers of this day or of this week. May thy mercy and truth never forsake us ; may integrity and uprightness preserve us. Be gra- cious to all our friends and benefactors ; extend thy forgiveness to our enemies. Implant and cherish in us all kindly affections, and make us the happy medium of blessings to all around us. Hasten the hour when all the families of the earth shall fear thy great and dreadful name ; when in every place incense and a pure offering shall be presented unto thee ; when the earth shall be filled with the glory of the Lord ; when all men shall be blessed in Messiah ; and all nations shall call him blessed. Accept our humble and united praise for all thy mercies; pardon the sins of our holy things; and do more than we ask or think, for the Redeemer’s sake. Amen. 398 TWENTY-EIGHTH iHmttmg 0bnttng, WEEK. Ephesians, Chapter iv. 0 THOU who meetest with those families who worship thee in spirit and in truth, prepare our hearts this evening, that we may draw near to thee in the exercise of lively faith and devout affection. Thou didst favourably notice Abraham com- manding his children after him to keep the way of the Lord, mercifully look on us while we seek to imitate his example ; and be a God unto us and ours, as thou didst promise to be to thine ancient servant. We confess that we have many family sins to aknowledge, when we look up to thy throne in the heavens. We confess that we were shapen in sin, that we are children of wrath, and that we have in us a continual tendency to depart from thee, the living and true God. We have not only to mourn the sin of our nature, but to acknowledge and to deplore many, yea, innumerable, actual transgressions ! Our thoughts, our words, our deeds, have all been corrupt in thy sight. We cannot look back on this day, or on any day of our past existence, without feeling that we must have grieved thy Holy Spirit, and increased thy displeasure by many acts of lamentable rebellion against thy holy will. If thou shouldst enter into judgment, we must be condemned ; our refuge is in thy mercy, as revealed in the cross. We have no other hope but in Christ crucified. We would lay the hand of faith on the great sacrifice, while we confess our guilt, and entreat thee to cast our sins behind thee into the depth of the sea. By believing in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, may we not only be accepted and forgiven, but may we attain to a delightful sense of interest in these blessings. If we are thy sons and daughters, do thou send forth the Spirit of thy Son into our hearts, enabling us to cry, Abba, Father. Let the fruits of the Spirit, which are love, joy, peace, gentleness, goodness, meekness, long-suffering, forbear- ance, and temperance, be in us and abound. May we adore and imitate our Saviour as an example, while we trust in him as a Saviour. May all who compose this circle belong to thy redeemed family, and be numbered with thy children in glory everlasting. O Lord our God, may all that are dear to us share in thy favour. If any of them are yet in their sins, do thou deliver them from the wrath to come, and bring them within the bonds of the everlasting covenant. May we have a good hope of meeting them in heaven; and while they are continued to us here, may we be useful to them, and they to us. We pray for the coming of Christ’s kingdom in the world. May he take to himself his great power, and reign. Let Satan’s empire fall. Let the reign of thy grace and Spirit be universal. Bless all evangelical efforts for the diffusion of saving knowledge at home and abroad. Regard in much mercy our beloved sovereign, and all the function- aries of government. Bless and prosper our country, and have mercy upon all men. Thanks be to thy name, O our God, for the mercies of another day. We would sing of thy goodness and loving-kindness, O Lord. We would adore thee for thy patience and forbearance towards us. Protect us, we beseech thee, from all the evils incident to night-season, and bless us with holy serenity and peace. We would enter on another night with humble reliance on that paternal care that has hitherto guarded us. What shall we render unto thee for all thy mercies ! Lord, accept the prayers and praises which we offer to thee, for the sake of Jesus Christ, our only Mediator and Advocate. Amen. TWENTY-EIGHTH Cue^tiag irlonmig. WEEK. Psalm lxxviii. 0 LORD, let the spirit of prayer ever accompany the act of professed worship ; may we come from the closet to the family altar ; and may we, as the heart of one man, lift up our desires to thee in the heavens. May this morning witness the sincerity and the fervour of our devotions ; and may the prayer of the heart be followed with tokens of thy blessing as the God of grace. Give us that preparation of mind for thy service, which we feel to be so needful in all our approaches to thy throne. May we be assisted by thy good Spirit, that we may neither presume nor despair. Let our sense of duty and our feeling of delight be sweetly blended in thy worship. O enable us to enter on this day in thy fear ; and help us to record, with grateful sensibility of heart, the mercies of the past night, and to look up to thee for a blessing upon all the engagements and pursuits of this day. Shield us, O Lord, from the evils, natural and moral, to which we may be exposed. Attend us in our going out and in our coming in. Be with us in our path, in our callings, and in all the several circumstances of human life. Whether we eat or drink, or what- soever we do, may we do all to thy glory. Let us engage in nothing that is contrary to thy will, — nothing upon which we could not implore thy blessing. May the fear of the Lord ever abide with us, to keep us from evil ; let thy grace be sufficient for us in every moment of danger, that we may escape all pollution of conscience, and all stain of character; and that holiness to the Lord may be the motto and the rule of our existence. We adore thy name, most gracious God, for all the blessings of our lot, that thou hast hitherto protected us, and that we have been upheld so far in the journey of life. Hitherto the Lord hath helped us. We would look back on the past, that we may be humble and grateful. Goodness and mercy have ever followed us ; and though thou hast seen fit to try us, thou hast chastened us not in wrath, but in mercy. May all that is bitter and sweet in life be regarded by us as proceeding equally from thy fatherly care. Never suffer us to arraign the wisdom or goodness of those providences which may be dark and per- plexing to our finite minds. But may we be still, and know that thou art God ; and recollect that what we know not now, we shall know hereafter. When afflictions press, may we hasten to thy throne of love, that we may obtain mercy, and find grace to help in every time of need. The future, O Lord, is with thee. We know not what a day or an hour may bring forth. We bless thee for what thou hast hid, as well as for what thou hast revealed. Ever may we trust in the Lord, believing that sufficient to the day is the evil thereof. Teach us to acquire a growing confidence in the equity and goodness of thy disposals. May we firmly believe that thou carest for us. Guide us by thy counsel, and afterwards receive us to glory. Prepare us for the felicities and joys of thine eternal kingdom, that when the night of death shall overtake us, we may anticipate our entrance into the invisible world as the period of release from all sorrow and sin, and as the commencement of joys that shall never end. We humbly implore these mercies in the name of Him who has encouraged us to say, Our Father, &c. Amen. 400 TWENTY-EIGHTH CtieStmj) Orimtmg Ephesians, Chapter v. WEEK. W E would worship Thee, O Lord, as the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, and would rejoice that we have access with boldness and confidence into the holiest of all through the blood of the Lamb. Thou hast encouraged us to make known our requests unto thee, and hast given us assurance that what we ask in faith, according to thy will, it shall be done unto us. May thy Spirit kindle in our hearts the flame of pure devotion, and may we wait before thee in the posture of humble and grateful expec- tation. We confess our inability to pray; we mourn the absence of a devotional frame. Lord, teach us to pray ; make us sensible of what we need ; and animate us with holy confidence in thy faithful and unchanging promise. Let our hearts burn within us, while we think of our high privilege, and converse with thee as a man does with his friend. Subdue in our hearts all that is opposed to thy holy will ; may we esteem all thy commandments as right concerning us ; and may we learn to take delight in those parts of thy word which condemn our sinfulness, and urge us to crucify the flesh with its affec- tions and lusts ; that we may be the children of God without rebuke, in the midst of a crooked and perverse generation, amongst whom may we ever shine as lights in the world. May strong affection urge us to thy throne this night ; and O do thou satisfy our longing desires with the provisions of thy grace. Our wants are many ; our enemies are power- ful : do thou both supply, and defend us. Be a wall of fire around this house, and be the glory in its midst. Fulfil, O Lord, the word unto thy servants upon which thou hast caused us to hope. Let thy mercy and goodness ever follow us in the journey of life. Supply all our need according to thy riches in glory by Christ Jesus. It hath pleased thee, that in him all fulness should dwell ; through him may we receive pardon, sanctifying grace, strength equal to our day, and such comforting sense of thy love as shall enable us to go on our way rejoicing. In our perplexities, do thou direct us ; in our wanderings, do thou restore us ; in our backslidings, do thou chasten us. In all our ways may we acknowledge thee, and do thou vouchsafe to us the conduct of thy Spirit. By all that happens to us under the sun, may we be meetened for the rest, the purity, and the bliss of heaven. We entreat thee to be very gracious to the young of this family. Early possess their hearts with thy love. Save them from this untoward generation, and make them useful in the church and in the world. Bless the heads of this family with all needful communications of grace and strength from on high. Help them to rule their house in the fear of the Lord. Regard the servants in this family, and enable them to act with the singleness and integrity of the servants of Christ. May all our relations and friends know the Lord, from the least of them even unto the greatest. Look on such of them as are in years and infirmity, and sustain them even to old age and hoar hairs. May the circle of our Christian acquaintance become every day more devoted to thy service, and may our intercourse with them be more spiritual, more profitable, and more holy. To thy gracious care we commend ourselves this night. Be with us, to defend, to comfort, and to bless us. And all we ask is for Christ’s sake ; to whom, with the Fathei and the Holy Spirit, be glory for evermore. Amen. 401 3 E TWENTY -EIGHTH OTetmesfoag JEtontmfl, WEEK. Psalms lxxix. lxxx. G RACIOUS and merciful Father, teach us to look up to thy throne with the reverence which is due to thy name. Thou art the First and the Last, the greatest and the best of beings. Thy hands have laid the foundations of the earth. By the word of thy power the heavens and all their hosts were created. Thou upholdest all worlds, and all creatures ; thou art the lofty One, inhabiting eternity, and receiving its praises : before thee all nations are as nothing ; yea, less than nothing, and vanity. May we feel our utter insignificance in thy sight. We are but of yesterday, and know nothing. We are feeble worms of the dust, and are crushed as the moth. May we look to the place where thine honour dwelleth, with sentiments of holy awe. Blessed be thy name, thou hast not rejected our approach ; neither our meanness nor unworthiness have excluded our prayers. Though thou art the holy One of Israel, thou wilt in no wise cast off any that come to thee, confessing their sins, and sueing for mercy through a Redeemer. We rejoice that we have an Advocate at thy right hand, who lives to plead our cause ; may his righteous- ness be imparted to us through faith ; may we rely on his sacrifice for present and eternal salvation, and may the Spirit effectually take of the things which are His, and shew them unto us. We adore thee that he has appeared in our nature, and in our stead ; that he has set forth thy glory in the redemption of lost sinners ; that he has magnified that law which we had broken ; that he has borne the penalty due to human guilt ; that he has illustrated the harmony of all thine attributes, in dispensing pardon, through an atonement, to the very chief of sinners. Vouchsafe to us, O God, this morning, a copious supply of the divine Spirit. Make us temples of the Holy Ghost. May he enlighten our darkness, subdue our corrupt affections, and shed peace and joy on our distracted minds. In the struggle with remaining corruption, may we realize his mighty and resistless aid ; and, under his gracious teaching, may the good work begun in any of us be carried on till the day of Jesus Christ. O may we be enabled to five more than ever for the good of others. Let us not live to ourselves. Having tasted that the Lord is gracious, may we long to impart our happiness to our fellow-creatures, and more especially to those who are united to us by the ties of nature or friendship. We pray for all who reside under this roof. May they be one and all devoted to the service of the ever-blessed Redeemer. Let not one of them be wanting when thou shalt make up thy jewels. We thank thee for the protection of the past night : thou hast not suffered us to sleep the sleep of death, but we are still in the land of the living and in the place of hope. Let thine eye and thine heart be upon us this day for good. In all our ways may we acknowledge God, and may he direct our steps. May we feel and act as in thy presence. Lead and guide us by thy good Spirit ; may we be preserved from all evil, and guided in the path of truth and uprightness. May the principles of divine grace rule in our hearts, and may our conduct afford evidence of the holy and happy state of our minds before thee. Listen to our prayers, we beseech thee, for ourselves, for our dear connections, and for all mankind ; and all that we ask is in the name and for the sake of our great High Priest ; to whom, with the Father and the Holy Spirit, be glory for ever. Amen. 402 TWENTY-EIGHTH raetmtstmg <£foenutg< week. Ephesians, Chapter, vi. E TERNAL and glorious Majesty, we adore thee as the Creator of all things visible and invisible. We would contemplate with wonder the glorious signatures of thy power, and wisdom, and goodness, in the heavens above, and in the earth beneath. But more especially would we reverence thy name as declared to us in the mysteries of the Cross, and in the person, and work, and glory of thy dear Son. We rejoice to know that in him thou art reconciling the world unto thyself, not imputing unto men their trespasses. In thine own appointed and all-sufficient way, would we draw near unto thee this evening. Let our prayers come up before thee as incense, and the lifting up of our hands as the evening sacrifice. Though guilty in thy sight, may we find acceptance through the merit and intercession of our only High Priest and Redeemer. Our Father in heaven, we bless thee for all the tokens of thy care and bounty vouchsafed to us this day. Thou hast preserved us from evil, and brought us in peace and safety to its close. When we compare our lot with that of thousands around us, we desire to feel that the lines have fallen to us in pleasant places, and that we have a goodly heritage. Though dangers seen and unseen have surrounded us, and have overtaken multitudes of our brethren of mankind, we desire to bless thee that no evil has befallen us, and that no plague has come nigh our dwelling. Thou art daily loading us with thy benefits ; thou feedest us with food convenient for us ; thou takest gracious charge over our health, our comfort, our friends, and all that pertains to us. O that our hearts may overflow with gratitude, and that our fives may be devoted to thine honour. As we are about to retire to rest, enable us to commit ourselves and all dear to us to thy fatherly care and blessing. May our sleep be sweet and refreshing, and may the approaching morning find us in health and safety, in peace and comfort. Amidst the shadows of the evening, may we seriously reflect upon that night of fife which is fast approaching, and in which no man can work. O let not the darkness of an eternal night overtake any of us ! Let us not spend the precious hours of existence regardless of that final hour when we must render our account to the Judge of quick and dead. Let not the day of fife close with any of us, while the great business of the day remains unaccom- plished. May eternal interests take a deeper hold of all our minds ; and may the things of time and sense be viewed by us in their own true and proper fights. Teach us all to remember that it will avail us nothing to gain a world, and to lose our own souls. O have mercy on those who neglect eternal interests ; who have opportunities of turning to thee, but who utterly neglect them. Pity those who are without the means of salvation, and visit them with the fight of fife. Look on the perishing millions of the heathen in pagan lands ; O save the deluded followers of the false prophet ; bring into the fold of Christ thine ancient people the Jews ; and let the whole earth be filled with thy glory. Let grace, mercy, and peace be with all who love the Lord Jesus Christ in sincerity and truth. Bless abundantly all our relations and friends ; remember them with the love thou bearest to thy chosen people. Support and comfort the afflicted; save the poor and needy, the fatherless, and such as have none to help them. Hear us in heaven, the habitation of thy throne and of thy glory, and accept us through the divine Mediator. Amen. 403 3 E 2 TWENTY-EIGHTH €$ur&mg Anting WEEK. Psalms lxxxi.lxxxii. 0 LORD our God, may we feel that it is indeed good for us to draw near into thy presence, and to call upon thy holy and reverend name. We would shew forth thy loving-kindness every morning, and thy faithfulness every night. Our voice shalt thou hear, O Lord, in the morning; in the morning will we direct our prayer unto thee, and will look up. Help us, by thy Spirit’s aid, to utter the memory of thy great goodness, to proclaim the truth of thy promise, and to talk of all thy wonderful works. As a family, we have to sing of mercy and judgment. Thou hast seen fit at times to afflict us ; but it has been in measure far less than our sins have deserved ; and chastisement has been so uniformly blended with expressions of thy fatherly love, that we are constrained to say, goodness and mercy have followed us all the days of our life. May we often employ ourselves in meditating upon the special instances of thy love and goodness unto thy children. Thou hast opened and shut the heavens at their call; thou hast made all nature minister to their protection ; thou hast restrained the wrath of men for their sake, and hast made the remainder thereof to praise thee. And though the miracles of old are not now wrought on their behalf; yet we bless thee that thou dost equally appear for them in their time of need, and that thou wilt never leave nor forsake them. It becomes us to record the blessings vouchsafed to us, who are less than the least of all thy mercies. Thou hast upheld and comforted us all the days of our pilgrimage on earth ; and having obtained help of thee, we continue to the present hour, the monuments of thy mercy. We thank thee for the light of a new day; for a measure of health and strength ; for an opportunity of drawing near to the throne of thy grace ; above all, for any disposition to pour out our hearts before thee, the hearer of prayer. O enable us to call upon thee in sincerity and truth, to enter into the feelings of spiritual worshippers, and to feel the delights of communion with God. Enable us to make greater progress in the Christian life. Our privileges and responsibilities are great, let our improvement bear some happy proportion. Increase our humility, our deadness to the world, our self-denial, our diligence, our watchfulness, our temperate use of all creature comforts and enjoyments. While we live in the world, let us not be of the world. In all afflictions and temptations, prompt us to cast ourselves upon thine omnipotent aid, that we may neither faint when we are rebuked of the Lord, nor fall from our steadfastness when our principles and our hopes are assailed. May we be wise to discern the moral evils which threaten our peace and purity ; and may we betake ourselves to the stronghold which thou hast prepared for our defence. And grant, O Lord, that when thou hast tried us, we may come forth out of the furnace as gold seven times purified. Bless and prosper the universal church. Let peace be within her walls, and prosperity within her palaces. May the word of the Lord have free course, run, and be glorified. Let Messiah take to himself his great power, and reign from the rising to the setting sun. May all nations be blessed in Him, and may all unite to call Him blessed. Keep us all this day in thy fear and love. Hold thou us up, and we shall be safe. May we know and feel that the eye of God is upon us. May thy grace influence us to do all to the glory of thy name, for Christ the Redeemer’s sake. Amen. 404 TWENTY-EIGHTH Cljurstmg <£bmm& Philippians, Chapter i. week. 0 LORD our God, how excellent is thy name in all the earth ; yea, thou hast set thy glory above the heavens. Thy perfections are unsearchable, and thy ways are past finding out. No man hath seen thee at any time, neither can any man see thee and live. Thou art the living and true God. Thou art the only fit object of religious adoration and praise. May we worship thee as a Spirit, in spirit and in truth. We are not worthy to take thy name into our bps. We have forfeited all title to thy favour, and have exposed ourselves to thy most righteous displeasure. O enter not into judgment with us, but in the midst of deserved wrath remember mercy. We humble ourselves in the dust before thee ; we are ashamed and confounded in thy presence ; we would smite upon our breasts, and say, God be merciful to us, sinners. Our iniquities are more than we can number, and our guilt has reached unto the heavens. Enter not into judgment with thy servants, for in thy sight can no flesh living be justified. We rejoice to know that thou delightest in mercy, and that mercy may be extended to us, through our glorious Mediator, in perfect consistency with thy justice, thy holiness, and thy truth. O let sin, repented of, be not only forgiven, but forsaken. May grace reign in us through righteousness unto eternal life. May we feel all the mighty and constraining influence of redeeming love ; and ever feel that He who is our Redeemer is also our Lord and our Master, our pattern and our example. Sweetly influenced by thy pro- mises, may we go forward in the path of obedience, relying on that grace which is sufficient for us, and on that strength which is perfected in our weakness. Feed us daily with the bread of life ; refresh us with the influences of thy quickening Spirit ; supply all our need, according to thy riches in glory by Jesus Christ. We know not what is best for us ; but thy wisdom and knowledge are infinite, and thou ever lookest on thy children with a Father’s love. Thou art our refuge and our hiding-place : be thou at our right hand, and we shall not be moved. We stand in perpetual need of the teaching and quickening energy of thy Spirit, and thou hast assured us that if we ask we shall receive, and if we seek we shall find. We plead thy promise ; send us not empty away from thy throne. Accomplish thy holy will in us by all the dispensations of thy providence, whether pros- perous or adverse, whether joyous or grievous, whether pleasing or painful. May afflic- tions humble us ; may they rebuke the sin of our hearts ; may they subdue our rebellion ; may they wean us from the world ; may they meeten us for heaven ; may they purge us from our dross ; may they conform us to thy holiness. Enable us to commit our way unto thee ; with unfeigned submission may we yield ourselves to thy holy will. O strengthen our faith, that it may penetrate every dark cloud which rests on our path, that we may see light in thy light ; that our souls may be full of hope and peace ; and in whatever state we are, therewith may we learn to be content. Enable us to trust in the Lord, for in Jehovah is everlasting strength. We would now yield ourselves into thy gracious hands this night. Thou hast been our help, therefore under the shadow of thy wings will we repose. We plead no merit but that of Christ ; hear and accept us, for his name’s sake : and to Father, Son, and Holy Ghost be glory and dominion for evermore. Amen. 405 TWENTY-EIGHTH dfrtiiag JHornfnjj. WEEK. Psalms lxxxiii. lxxxiv. F ATHER of lights, we come to thee amidst our darkness and sin, praying for the light and grace of thy Spirit, — that we may not walk in darkness, but may have the light of life. If we say that we have fellowship with thee, and walk in darkness, we lie, and do not the truth ; but if we walk in the light, as thou art in the light, we have fellow- ship one with another, and the blood of Jesus Christ, thy Son, cleanseth us from all sin. While we approach the throne of thy grace this morning, send forth thy light and thy truth ; let them lead, let them guide us unto thy holy habitation. Unfold to us the infinite glories of thy character, the rich fulness of thy grace, the real happiness of thy children. May we return unto the Lord with our whole hearts ; may we take with us words, and may we receive mercy to pardon, and grace to help in time of need. In waiting upon thee may we renew our strength, mount up as on the wings of eagles, run without weariness, and walk without fainting. Brighten our conceptions of the method of salvation by our Lord Jesus Christ. Shew us the completeness of his sacrifice, and the infinity of his compassion and love ; let our reliance upon his finished work be entire and unshaken; and let our hearts overflow with love and gratitude to our almighty and gracious Deliverer. How disproportionate has been our sense of obligation to Christ, as compared with his love and grace to us ! We mourn the coldness of our affections to Him who endured the agonies of Gethsemane and Calvary on our behalf. O melt our hearts in tenderness, while we think of the shame and suffering to which he voluntarily submitted, that he might redeem us from all iniquity, and purify to himself a peculiar people, zealous of good works. Increase daily, O Lord, our knowledge of thy saving plan ; may we better apprehend all the doctrines, precepts, and promises of the everlasting gospel. Let our experience of its vital power, as the medicine of the diseased soul, as the balm of conscience, as the support and succour of tempted and sorrowful minds, as the grand instrument of our sanctification, constantly increase. O bring us under the entire control of thy holy truth ; cast us into the mould of the gospel ; cause us to bear and to reflect the image of Christ. May all men take knowledge of us, that we have been with him. Help us to be very watchful of an evil heart of unbelief ; may we never forget that thou desire st truth in the inward part. O let us not rest satisfied of any thing short of the power of vital godliness. May it be manifest to ourselves and others that we have passed from death unto life. Keep us near to thy throne. Uphold us by thine omnipotent arm. Strengthen every grace of thy Spirit implanted within us, and let our light so shine before men, that they, seeing our good works, may glorify our Lather which is in heaven. We implore thy blessing upon all the engagements of this day. May we be in the fear of the Lord all the day long. Make us sensible of the dangers which beset our path, and help us to watch and pray that we enter not into temptation. We would ever recollect that time is short, that death is at hand, and whatsoever our hands find to do, we would do it with our might, since there is no work, nor device, nor knowledge in the grave, whither we are fast hastening. Lord, hear these our imperfect supplications, and accept both our persons and offerings in the name and for the sake of our only Saviour, Jesus Christ. Amen. 406 TWENTY-EIGHTH JTntiag <£benmfl. Philippians, Chapter ii. WEEK. F ATHER of our spirits, and former of our bodies, the Source and Spring of all our enjoyments for time and eternity, permit us to lift up the eye of humble hope to thy throne of glory in the heavens. Let not thy terrors make us afraid, and let not thy condescension and grace tempt us to presume. May we feel our duty and our privilege combined in the effort to worship thee, the only living and true God. We know that all who are far from thee shall perish. Thou, O God, art the fountain of life. None can prosper that are estranged from thee. Bring us nigh to thyself by the blood of Christ, and by the power of thy Spirit. May we find mercy to pardon, and grace to help in time of need. We do not approach thee as if we had any claim on thy regard. Behold, we are vile in thy sight; and what shall we say unto thee, thou preserver of men? We dare not urge any plea before thee, but that of the perfect righteousness of our adored Surety. We rejoice that His righteousness is unto all and upon all them that believe. We are saved by grace, through faith, and that not of ourselves, it is the gift of God. Regard the perfect oblation which was offered on the cross, and listen to the voice of His pleadings who has gone within the vail. O may the blood of Jesus Christ, thy dear Son, cleanse us from all sin. May we have joy and peace in believing in his precious name ; and through Him may we realize the gracious answer of all our prayers. We would be humbled for the offences of this day. If thou wert strict to mark iniquity, we feel that we should be righteously condemned. But with thee, O Lord, there is mercy that thou mayest be feared, and plenteous redemption that thou mayest be sought unto. Cancel all our guilt, and shed abroad a Saviour’s love in our hearts, and that shall kindle ours. We have served thee with great imperfection in the duties of the day ; cast the mantle of thy love over all our short-comings. In great mercy visit this worshipping family. Put thy grace and thy fear into all our hearts. O never let us depart from thee ; never let religion become extinct in the midst of us ; never let the spirit of the world prevail over the habits and the principles of vital godliness. May children and children’s children be a seed to do Thee service. In all the circumstances and events of our being, may we acknowledge the Lord our God, and may he direct our steps. Let thy good providence be the guide and guardian of our future days. May we desire to live more to thee in the time coming, than we have ever done in the past. Order all our steps ; take charge of all our affairs ; do with us as seemeth good in thy sight. Make us more holy, more useful, more happy. Teach us to redeem the time, because the days are eviL Let us give diligence that our calling and election may be sure. To us to live may it be Christ, that to die may be gain. May we desire to depart and to be with Christ, which is far better ; nevertheless, may we wait all our appointed time till our change shall come, and feel ourselves at thy sovereign disposal, whether for life or for death. And now, O Lord, we desire to yield ourselves again to thy merciful care through another night. Accept our thanks for the mercies of the past day. Continue to us thy forfeited goodness, and bring us in peace and safety to the dawning of a new day, that we may rise up refreshed, and praise the God of our life. Hear and answer us, accept and bless us, for the Redeemer’s sake. Amen. 407 TWENTY-EIGHTH «#atmUa|> Anting WEEK. Psalms lxxxv. lxxxvi. E VER-blessed God, unto thee do we lift up our souls ; for thou art our portion, and our inheritance for evermore. We adore thee for revealing thyself as the hearer of prayer ; thou hast often met with us in our approaches to thy throne ; thou hast heard our prayers, and shewn us a token for good. May past mercies awaken confidence and gratitude. Because thou hast been our help, therefore under the shadow of thy wings will we trust. Let thy goodness excite us to renewed acts of devotion, and call forth songs of praise, in this the house of our pilgrimage. When we contemplate our own unworthiness, we cannot but be impressed with a deep sense of thy unmerited bestow- ments. We are fallen and guilty creatures ; children of apostacy, descended from a corrupt and degenerate stock. We are utterly mean and vile in thy sight : Shew us our sin ; grant us thy Holy Spirit, that by his teaching we may loathe and abhor ourselves in dust and in ashes before thee. Shut us up to the faith of Christ. May we seek no deliverance but in his Cross. Let a full and free salvation, as made known through faith in his sacrifice, be ours in all its mighty and gracious provisions. May we go to him for wisdom, for righteousness, and for strength. May he be all our salvation, and all our desire. We pray not only for the pardon of our sins, but for the sanctification of our natures. Deliver us from the power, no less than from the punishment, of our sins. May the Son make us free, that we may be free indeed. O let not sin reign in our mortal bodies, that we should obey it in the lusts thereof. Enable us this day to fight the good fight of faith, and to lay hold on eternal life. They are many who oppose our spiritual progress, and who menace our eternal interests; but we rejoice, that greater is he who is for us than all that can be against us. When the enemy comes in like a flood upon us, may the Spirit of the Lord lift up a standard against him. Let neither the frown nor the smile of the world tempt us to turn aside from the path of holy integrity. May we put on the whole armour of God, that we may stand in the evil day. May we resist the devil, that he may flee from us. Make us more than conquerors through Him that hath loved us. Weak and helpless in ourselves, may we be strong in the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, and in the power of his might. As our day is, so let our strength be ; as temptation abounds, let thy grace more and more abound to us. In entering upon a new day, we pray for such wisdom and such influence as thou seest to be needful. We are insufficient of ourselves so much as to think a right thought. Help us to recognize thy hand in all that befals us, whether of joy or sorrow, light or darkness, prosperity or adversity. Fit us for the duties and responsibilities of our several relations and callings. Make us blessings to all connected with us. Enable us to sympathize with the sorrows and sufferings of others. May we weep with them that weep, and rejoice with them that rejoice. Sanctify all the dispensations of thy holy providence to all the members of this family. Assist us in every engagement; succour us in every temptation ; and support us in every trial. Forgive our manifold offences in thought, word, and deed ; and do more and better for us than we can ask or think, for the Redeemer’s sake. Amen. 403 TWENTY-EIGHTH WEEK. Philippians, Chapter hi. 0 THOU that hearest prayer, unto thee shall all flesh come. Enable us this evening to place our trust in thee, and to pour out our hearts before thee. Thou art the refuge of thy children, and under the shadow of thy wings will we rejoice. What are we, O Lord, that we should draw near unto thy presence, or that we should take thy name into our lips ? We adore thee for thy condescension in permitting us to address thee as our Father in heaven, and in appointing a Mediator, through whom we may speak to thee with boldness and confidence. O that we may worship thee in the beauty of holiness ; let our prayers come before thee as incense, and the lifting up of our hands be as the evening sacrifice. We desire to look back on the mercies of the week that has closed with sentiments of unfeigned gratitude to thee, the God of our life. Thou hast upheld us in being, while multitudes have been called into eternity ; our health, our comfort, the peace of our minds, the welfare of those around us, have all been objects of thy care. May thy mercies urge us to present our bodies unto thee as living sacrifices, holy, acceptable, which is our reasonable service. May we look back with feelings of lively thanksgiving upon all the way in which thou hast led us, to prove us and to try us ; and may we raise our Ebenezer, inscribing on it, Hitherto hath the Lord helped us. We would be humbled in the recollection of all our provocations against the Lord our God in the wilderness. Alas ! like ancient Israel, we have often tempted the Lord to his face. We have been full of murmurings, and complainings, and rebellions, and it is because his compassions fail not that we have not been consumed. In prospect of the day of sacred rest, we implore the life-giving energy of thy Holy Spirit, to separate our minds from the spirit of the world, and to draw forth our affections and desires towards Thyself, and spiritual and eternal objects. Help us now to lay aside worldly cares and pursuits ; to purge our hearts from all those thoughts and affections which would stand in the way of a full and unreserved consecration of ourselves to thy holy and blessed service. Grant us endearing fellowship with thee at a throne of grace, in the closet and in the family, that we may feel that preparedness of heart for the engage- ments of thy holy day, which will lead us to anticipate it with joy, and to long for its peaceful dawning. About now to retire to rest, we desire, amidst grateful remembrances of past mercies, to commit all the members of this family to thy fatherly care during the defenceless hours of another night. May our belief in thy good providence be individual and realizing. Let us never doubt that thou art near to us in lying down and in rising up. If we are spared to the dawning of the blessed Sabbath, may we enter on its engagements in the spirit of holy and devout consecration to thy service. Look upon thy Zion, and do thou build up the walls of Jerusalem. Pour thy Holy Spirit upon all the sections of the visible church. May all dear to us be members of the true church, and united to the living and life- giving Redeemer. We leave ourselves and all our dear connexions in thy gracious hands ; be our God and our guide even unto death, and our portion for evermore. Hear us, for the Saviour’s sake. Amen. 3 F 409 TWENTY-NINTH &utfflag Corning WEEK. Psalms lxxxvii. lxxxviii. 0 LORD of the Sabbath, let the first hours of this sacred day be devoted to thee. Thou art our God, early will we seek thee ; our soul thirsteth for thee, our flesh longeth for thee, in a dry and thirsty land, where no water is. This is the day thou hast made, we will rejoice and be glad in it. We will praise thee, O Lord, for thou hast heard us, and art become our salvation. The stone which the Jewish builders refused, is become the head-stone of the corner ; this is the Lord’s doing, and it is marvellous in our eyes. Blessed is He that cometh in the name of the Lord. Save now, we beseech thee, O Lord ; O Lord, we beseech thee, send now prosperity. Thou art our God, and we will praise thee ; thou art our God, and we will exalt thee. We would give thanks unto the Lord, for he is good, for his mercy endureth for ever. Thou hast fulfilled the word which thou didst speak unto thy servant David, and hast raised up for him a horn of salvation. We rejoice that Jesus has come in the flesh, and that the Seed of the woman has bruised the head of the serpent. O help us to enter into the joys and triumphs of that day on which our mighty Deliverer was declared to be the Son of God with power by the resurrection from the dead, through the Spirit of holiness. We rejoice that the holy prophets spake of the sufferings of Christ, and of the glory that should follow ; and we bless thee that he who humbled himself, and became obedient unto death, is now exalted far above all principality, and power, and might, and dominion, and every name that is named, not only in this world, but in that which is to come ; and that thou hast given him to be Head over all things to the church, which is his body, the ful- ness of Him that filleth all in all. Let Messiah’s power be manifest this day in all the churches of the saints. May he see of the travail of his soul, and be satisfied. May he go forth conquering and to conquer. Let a people be willing in the day of his power. Let the songs of heaven proclaim the joys of earth. We pray that the kingdom of Christ may come, and that his will may be done on earth as it is done in heaven. Let the people praise thee, O God, yea, let all the people praise thee ; then shall the earth yield her increase, and God, even our own God, shall bless us ; God shall bless us, and all the ends of the earth shall fear him. We entreat, O God, a blessing in repairing to thy holy courts. As new-born babes, may we desire the sincere milk of the word, that we may grow thereby. Take from us all blindness of mind, all unholy prejudice, all impenitence, and obduracy of heart. Let the message of reconciliation appear in its own native majesty to our minds ; let it be felt by us as the word of the living God, by which we must be saved or lost. May thy ministering servant, whom we expect to hear, enjoy thy blessing and feel thine assist- ance, in every part of his solemn duty. Give to him, that he may be enabled to impart to others ; and through his labours may thy name be glorified, thy church edified, and sinners converted from the errors of their ways. Hasten the glorious day, when the mountain of the Lord’s house shall be established upon the top of the mountains, and shall be exalted above the hills, and when all nations shall flow into it. We implore these blessings for the sake of our great High Priest : to whom, with the Father and the Holy Spirit, he equal and endless praises. Amen. 410 TWENTY-NINTH <£bcnmg. WEEK. Philippians, Chapter iv. H OLY Father, at the close of thy day we meet around the mercy-seat, to praise thee for the sacred privileges we have been permitted to enjoy, in private and in public. O that our hearts and lives may be permanently affected by the truth we have heard, and by the devotions in which we have engaged. Let thy Holy Spirit seal the heavenly mes- sage on our minds, and turn the recollections of the day into abiding principles of holy and useful action. Let us not be forgetful hearers of thy word, but doers of the work; that we may share thy promised blessing, and that in obeying the Saviour’s will, we may know of the doctrine that it is of God. How prone are we, after the most solemn excite- ments of the Christian sanctuary, to sink down into our wonted state of apathy and indif- ference. May we know the deceitful tendencies of our unbelieving hearts, and guard against their former declensions. We mourn and confess the imperfections which have mingled in our religious duties this day. Forgive our wandering thoughts, our vain and sinful imaginations, our inattention to the blessed truths of thy word. O enter not into judgment with us ; for our holy things would condemn us in thy sight. We thank thee for the instruction, warning, reproof, and consolation which have been administered to us this day. Let not thy word be as seed sown upon the barren rock ; but may it be so watered by the dew of thy blessing, that it may bring forth fruit abundantly in each of us unto life eternal. Bless with all needful consolation and support, the faithful ministers of thy word. May they see that their divine Lord and Master is with them, giving testimony to the message of his grace and love. Never let them labour in vain, nor spend their strength for nought. Give them souls for their hire, that they may be a crown of rejoicing to them in the day of the Lord. May they live more and more in the affections and prayers of the faithful ; and may they have an abiding witness in the consciences of all who hear them proclaim the truth as it is in Jesus. Greatly succeed the labours of thy servant who has this day broken to us the bread of life. Let him ever be a messenger from heaven to our souls. Grant that his bow may abide in strength, and that the arms of his hand may be made strong by the arm of the mighty God of Israel. We feel that if we had prayed more earnestly for a blessing on his ministry, it would have been productive of more impression, and more holiness in our souls. O may we remember that thou hast put the treasure in earthen vessels, that the excellency of the power may be of God, and not of man. Who then is Paul, and who is Apollos, but ministers by whom we have believed? — so, then, nei- ther is he that planteth any thing, neither he that watereth, but God that giveth the increase. We pray for a blessing on the world, as the result of the sacred ministrations of this day. Let there be joy in heaven over multitudes of repentant sinners. Father of mercies, be mindful of us, and all dear to us, this night. In the shadow of thy wings may we and they rejoice. Bless and keep the young, solace and support the aged, give wisdom to them that rule, and submissiveness to them that are called to obey. Let this whole family be devoted to thy honour and glory. Hear us in these our humble prayers, and let the words of our mouths, and the meditation of our hearts, be acceptable in thy sight, through Christ, our Strength and our Redeemer. Amen. 411 3 F 2 TWENTY-NINTH fflontiag iHontutjx WEEK. Psalm lxxxix. H OLY, holy, holy Lord God Almighty, who wast, and art, and art to come. Thou abidest in thy love, and thou changest not. We committed ourselves to thy gra- cious care on the evening of the past day, and thou hast caused us to repose under the shadow of thy wing in safety and in peace. We are the living this morning, before thee; may we be the living to praise thy great and holy name. Our bodies have been refreshed with comfortable sleep, and our minds have been recruited and cheered by the sense of thy goodness. O help us to present an offering this morning to thee in righteousness and truth, and to lay hold upon that covenant of which Christ is the Mediator and Head. Draw forth the desires of our hearts toward thee and the remembrance of thy name. Fill our mouths with arguments such as shall prevail to draw down thy blessing upon our waiting souls. May we have unshaken confidence in thy revealed character, as the hearer of prayer ; and may all our recollections of the past tend to inspire our hope in looking up to thy mercy-seat. We adore thee for the mediation of thy dear Son, by which we may ever draw near to thee with true hearts, in full assurance of faith. Let the Spirit of Christ rest upon us, that we may cry unto thee with our whole heart, Abba, Father. Thou knowest what is best for us this morning. Enrich us with all spiritual blessings ; and teach us, in what- soever state we are, as it respects the present life, therewith to be content. Keep us this day from the snares of the world. Inspire us with holy motives and affections. Make sin distasteful to us. Enlarge our hearts, that we may run with alacrity and delight in the path in which thou wouldest have us to go. Make us watchful against those enemies who wait for our halting. Never let us yield to fear or despondency in the career of duty. Let the sense of thy presence, and the feeling of thy approval, stimulate us to every good word and work. May we keep the end of life in view, amidst all its pur- suits, temptations, and conflicts ; and let the hope of the final and glorious reward be an anchor for our souls both sure and steadfast. We pray for all the families of the earth. Commiserate all the sons and daughters of affliction. Send help and deliverance to the poor and the needy. Let their bread be given them, and let their water be sure. Be the Husband of the widow, and the Father of the fatherless, in thy holy habitation. Prepare the dying for their great change. O have mercy upon the dying sinner, and teach him to look with faith to a dying Saviour. Look upon the church of the living God. Enlarge her borders ; strengthen her stakes ; multiply her converts ; remove her defilements ; and hasten her predicted glory. Bless our highly favoured country. Reform us from our national sins. Diffuse the light of truth through all our borders. Regard in mercy our beloved Sovereign; bless and prosper her reign. Look on the ministers of the everlasting gospel ; increase their num- bers, and bless their labours. Smile on every institution framed for thy glory, and for the good of our fellow-creatures ; and hasten the time when the people shall be all righteous, and when all shall know the Lord, from the least of them even unto the greatest. Hear us, for the sake of our adored High Priest; and to Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, one God, be glory everlasting. Amen. 412 TWENTY-NINTH Colossians, Chapter i. week. 0 LORD, thou hast been our dwelling-place in all generations. Before the mountains were brought forth, or ever thou hadst formed the earth and the world, even from everlasting to everlasting thou art God. Thou sittest upon the circle of the earth, and beholdest the inhabitants thereof as grasshoppers before thee ; but thou sittest also upon the throne of thy grace, and hearest the cries of thy needy, dependent, and guilty children. Thou waitest to be gracious. We have indeed sinned against thee, and done evil in thy sight ; but we rejoice that we have an Advocate with thee, Jesus Christ the righteous, who is the propitiation for our sins ; and not for ours only, but also for the sins of the whole world. Help us with deep penitence and godly sorrow to confess our sins, while we lay the hand of faith upon the great sacrifice, and look unto him who says from his throne of glory in the heavens, “I am God, and there is none else.” O create in us a new and contrite heart, that we may mourn our sins after a godly sort, and that we may seek and obtain mercy to pardon, and grace to help in time of need. O satisfy us early with thy mercy, that we may rejoice and be glad in thee all our days. May we be strengthened with might, by thy Spirit, in the inner man. May Christ dwell in our hearts by faith ; that, being rooted and grounded in love, we may be able to comprehend, with all saints, what is the breadth, and length, and depth, and height, and to know the love of Christ which passeth knowledge, that we may be filled with all the fulness of God. Thy hand has graciously upheld us, O our heavenly Father, during the engagements, and trials, and joys of another day: thou hast blessed us with all needful good; nothing has been wanting to demonstrate thy fatherly care. In going out and coming in, thou hast been with us. We know not what a day may bring forth, but we are comforted in the thought, that thou orderest our lot, that thou appointest the bounds of our habitation, and that goodness and mercy shall follow us all the days of our life. Listen, O God, to the prayers we present unto thee for our fellow-creatures. Have mercy on the impenitent and ungodly ; put thy fear into their hearts ; shew them their danger, and teach them to flee from the wrath to come. Let all those who trust in thee rejoice, because their redemption draweth nigh, and their salvation is nearer than when they believed. Be gracious unto such as are suffering heavy calamities and trials. May thy rebukes wean them from sin, teach them the vanity of the world, and effectually meeten them for thine eternal kingdom. Into thy hands, most gracious God, we commend our spirits this night. Take charge of us, and of all dear to us. May those whom we love be loved of thee, and be made partakers of thy saving and sanctifying grace. Let none of them perish in their sins. O warn them of the danger of being without God, without hope, and without Christ in the world. Let personal religion more and more prevail in this house. May we ever come from the communion of the closet to the communion of the family altar. Wash us in atoning blood, and sanctify us by the Spirit of all grace, that we may at last be presented, in the presence of Christ, without spot or blemish, or any such thing. Hear these our feeble and unworthy supplications, for the sake of Jesus, our Strength and Redeemer. Amen. 413 TWENTY-NINTH Ciscstsaj) i&Tontmg, WEEK. Psalm xc. I NFINITE and eternal Jehovah, thou art the Most High over all the earth; thou art the Former and Sustainer of all worlds; thou art the Creator of angels and of men; thou art entitled to the adoration, love, and obedience of all thy rational creatures. The heavens declare thy glory, and the firmament sheweth forth thy handiwork ; day unto day uttereth speech, and night unto night sheweth knowledge ; all thy works praise thee, and thy saints shall bless thee. We would call upon our souls, and all that is within us, to bless and magnify thy holy name. Our being, our happiness, all our springs, are in thee ; and when we had destroyed ourselves, thou didst interpose for our salvation. Thou hast revealed thy name as the Lord, the Lord God, merciful and gracious, long-suffering, and plenteous in goodness and truth. Thou hast given thy dear Son for the redemption of the world. Thou hast offered pardon, through his blood, to the chief of sinners. We come to thee in his all-prevailing name ; we implore acceptance through his finished work. We adore thee that we were born in a land of vision, and that from our earliest days we were accustomed to hear of Him who is the way, the truth, and the life. Whilst millions are sitting in pagan darkness, the dayspring from on high hath visited us ; O may the light of thy saving truth shine into our hearts, that we may behold thy glory in the face of Jesus Christ. Let it not be our condemnation, that light is come, but that we have loved darkness rather than light, because our deeds were evil. May our improve- ment bear some proportion to our advantages, that we may not be dealt with at last as among the Saviour’s enemies, who would not that he should reign over them. Let us not be deceived by a name to live, while we are dead. May we never have a form of godliness, while we deny the power thereof. Teach us solemnly to remember that to whom much is given, of them much will be required. Our responsibility is great and awful ; may we lay to heart our true state and condition before thee, and have grace to walk worthy of the high vocation wherewith we are called, and to live as those who are the legitimate expectants of an eternal and gracious reward. We are deeply sensible that our highest mercies will be abused by us, without the sovereign and efficacious aids of thy Spirit. Such is our inward depravity, that no system of means can save us, without the quickening and renewing energy of thy Spirit. But we ask his gracious influence. Make us partakers of a new and spiritual birth. Let the new creation spring up, in all its moral beauty and loveliness, in our souls. Impress the Saviour’s image on our hearts. Graft us into the true Vine. Make the tree good, and the fruit will also be good. Bless to us all the ordinances of thine appointment in private and in public. Bless especially the ordinance of family worship. We thank thee for the privilege of meeting this morning around the footstool of thy throne. Make our com- munion sweet and refreshing with thee and with one another. Be very gracious to us all, as we severally need thy blessing. Help us to sanctify the Lord God in our hearts, and to make him our fear and our dread. In all the pursuits of the day, may our Father’s smile rest upon us. We thank thee for the protection and repose of the past night ; we commend all dear to us to thy gracious care. Hear and accept us, for the sake of our only High Priest and Mediator, Jesus Christ. Amen. 414 TWENTY-NINTH CuestiaE Cbmutfl* Colossi anSj Chapter ii. WEEK. 0 LORD God of our salvation, at thy footstool we prostrate ourselves this evening, to acknowledge thy mercies, and to supplicate thy grace. Bow down thine ear, we beseech thee, and listen to our prayers. Thou hast a claim upon our adoring gratitude and undivided homage. Thou art the Author of all our mercies. By thy sustaining power we exist, by thy bounty we are fed, and every comfort we enjoy flows from thy goodness. We are surrounded with memorials of thy love; we are encompassed with proofs of thy care. Thy tender mercies are over all thy works. We praise thee for thy providential kindness, and pray that thine unwearied munificence may deeply affect our hearts. Thou hast given us still richer tokens of thy love for us. Thou hast given us thy Son. Thanks be unto God for his unspeakable gift ! Bless the Lord, O our souls ; and all that is within us, bless his holy name. Vouchsafe unto us, we beseech thee, thy Holy Spirit, to impress our hearts with a deeper sense of thine ineffable love. We are ashamed of our ingratitude ; we lament our coldness; we bewail our apathy. We pray for warmer affections, and a more animated faith. May we have a quicker perception of the beauty of Christ, a more enlarged view of his excellence, and a brighter evidence of interest in his redeeming love. May we see more and more of the evil of sin, and of the worth of that sacrifice by which it is expiated. May our humility deepen, while our hope rises; and let a sense of our unworthiness inflame our love, and excite our devotion. May we not be unduly depressed by the corruptions of our nature and the deficiencies of our life ; but with humble gratitude may we look to Jesus, by whose crucifixion the body of sin and death is destroyed, and in whose meritorious obedience we are accepted. But, O never let us live in sin that grace may abound. May we shun even the appearance of evil, and prize that truth which detects every corruption, and rebukes every violation of the holy law of God ; and thus may we follow holiness, without which no man can see the Lord. In every season of temptation and conflict may we fly to our Saviour for help, and rejoice in the assurance that through his strength we shall be more than conquerors. Preserve us, we beseech thee, from confidence in ourselves, and from distrust of thee. May we have an unshaken affiance in thy covenant love. May we sing of the mercies of the Lord for ever; with our mouth may we make known thy faithfulness to all generations. We would not limit our supplications to ourselves. We pray for the whole church. May she arise from the dust, put on her beautiful garments, and shine with the grace and holiness of truth before a sinful world. Bless the means employed for the diffusion of divine knowledge ; let thy way be known upon earth, and thy saving health among all nations. Support the afflicted; give consolation to the sorrowful; and a good hope through grace to the dying. Accept our united and grateful thanks for the mercies of another day ; watch over us for good this night ; be our God and our guide even unto death : and all we ask is for the Redeemer’s sake ; to whom, with Thee the Father, and the Holy Spirit, be equal and endless praises. Amen. 415 TWENTY-NINTH raetmes&aE iBonmtfi WEEK. Psalms xci. xcii. 0 LORD our God, we adore thee for all the encouragements thou hast given us to call upon thy name. Thou hast made thyself known to us as our Father. Pour out thy Holy Spirit upon us, we beseech thee, that we may approach thy footstool in the exercise of child- like feelings, and enjoy communion with thee through Jesus Christ, thy dear Son. Thou art not only the object of our worship, but the inspirer of our devotion; and we wait upon thee no less for the Spirit of supplication, than for the blessings thou hast promised in answer to prayer. Dwell in our hearts, Holy Comforter; bear testimony to Jesus, whom thou hast promised to glorify; and lead us through Him to the Father. Thus shall our fellowship be with the Father, through his Son Jesus Christ. We can never sufficiently praise thee for the revelation of thy Son, as the way to thy throne, and the medium of our acceptance. Sinful and polluted in ourselves, we could not invoke thy presence, celebrate thy perfections, cherish the hope of thy favour, or expect the communications of thy grace, but for the assurance that Thou dost regard us in Him. We come to thee in his name; we place our reliance in his finished work; we build upon him as our Rock; we fly to him as our refuge. He is the source of our hope, the basis of our confidence, and the well-spring of our joy. For his sake be gracious unto us, and hear our prayers. We look up to thee, O heavenly Father, for renewed supplies of grace for this day.; keep us in thy fear ; guide us by thy hand ; and in the multitude of our thoughts within us, let thy comforts delight our souls. May we commit our way unto the Lord, and believe that he will direct our steps. Let not the lawful occupations of life estrange our affections from thee, or efface the impressions of thy love from our hearts. May we cultivate a devotional temper, and make the influence of our religion visible in all our engagements in the world, and in all the relations of life. May we seek the honour that cometh from God ; and be more anxious to share his approbation than to possess the favourable opinion of our fellow- creatures at large. May our consciences be purified by the application of the blood of Christ ; that we, being delivered from dead works, may serve thee, the living and true God, in holiness and righteousness all the days of our life. To thee we commend ourselves this day. Let thy presence and blessing cheer and animate our path ; and let thy Spirit guide us into all truth. Grateful for the mercies of the past night, we look afresh to the hills whence cometh our aid. O leave us not, neither forsake us. In all our ways teach us to acknowledge thee, and may the pillar and cloud attend us all our journey through. May we recognize the hand of God in all the events which compose our history ; and, committing ourselves unreservedly to the guidance of his wise providence, may we be submissive to his will, and assured that all things shall work together for our good. Give us a growing interest in the prosperity of Zion, and a more lively zeal for the advancement of the Saviour’s glory. To us to live, may it be Christ, that to die may be gain. These mercies we implore in the name, and for the sake, of our once crucified, but now glorified Redeemer: and to the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost be all honour and glory, world without end. Amen. 410 TWENTY-NINTH WEEK Colossians, Chapter iii. 0 THOU who art from everlasting, be pleased to bow thine ear to the cry of feeble mortals at thy footstool. Though thou art high, yet hast thou respect unto the lowly; and the prayer of the destitute thou, O God, wilt not despise. We have nothing but sin that is not thine own gift. O may we feel our entire dependence on thee for all things pertaining to life and godliness ; and may our confidence in thy wisdom, care, and benignity be in proportion to the number, variety, and truth of thy promises. We rejoice that a way of access to thy throne has been made known to guilty sinners by the blood- shedding of the Lamb of God. May we draw near to thee in thine own way, and receive at thy hand the gracious supply of all our spiritual necessities. Lord, what is man, that thou art mindful of him? or the son of man, that thou ' shouldest visit him? Wert thou strict to mark iniquity, O Lord, who could stand before thee ? Impart to us a broken and contrite heart for sin, which thou, O God, wilt not despise. May we lay aside all confidence in the works of the law, and simply trust in the merits of our adored Saviour. How prone are we to cling to our own righteousness, though thou hast pronounced it to be utterly wanting. O empty us of all delusive hopes, and shut us up with entire complacence to the hope of eternal life revealed in the gospel. May we feel the enmity of our minds subdued by a powerful application of redeeming love to our hearts. Contemplating thee as love, may we cease to regard thee with slavish dread, and confide in thee as our reconciled God and Father. At the close of another day we approach thy heavenly throne, that we may find mercy to pardon, and grace to help in time of need. We have been the recipients of many tokens of thy providential care and benignity; we desire to be thankful for mercies so undeserved, and so seasonably and graciously bestowed. Thine eye has been upon us for good ; thou hast watched over us, and kept us from evil ; thou hast fed us with food convenient for us ; the work of our hands, thou hast been pleased to bless and prosper. Bless the Lord, O our souls ; and all that is within us, bless his holy name ; who forgiveth all our iniquities, who healeth all our diseases, who crowneth our lives with loving-kindness and tender mercies. Help us to cherish lively feelings of gratitude, in the recollection of all the mercy and goodness which thou hast caused to pass before us. May we live under the habitual sense of our unnumbered obligations. Let our happiness spring in an increasing degree from our gratitude to God, from the holiness of our dispositions, from our submission to thy will, from our victory over sinful self, from our growing superiority to a present evil world. Mercifully regard all the members of this family. Grant them grace and strength suited to their circumstances. O set them apart to thyself, that they may shew forth thy praise. We pray that pure and undefiled religion may be the ornament of our circle, and the great bond of our union. Let the spirit of grace and supplication be poured into all our hearts, that our prayers may ascend, as with one consent, in one fervent aspira- tion to thy throne in the heavens. Hear these our earnest and humble supplications, for the sake of our once crucified but now glorified Lord and Redeemer, who is worthy, with Thyself and the Holy Ghost, to receive all honour and glory, both now and ever. Amen. 417 3 G TWENTY-HINTII Cljurstiuj) iBcnnng. WEEK. Psalms xciii. xciv. O LORD, what are we, or what is our father’s house, that we should draw near into thy more immediate presence ? O humble us under a deep sense of unworthiness. Behold what manner of love the Father hath bestowed upon us, that we should be called the sons of God. Send forth the Spirit of thy Son into our hearts, and enable us with filial love and confidence to address thee as our Father in heaven. We would enter upon a new day in the strength of God, and in dependence on his promised blessing. Qualify us for the faithful, happy, and useful discharge of the several duties which may devolve upon us. Thou hast placed us in our several spheres, and to thee we look for grace to occupy them to the glory of thy name, and for the good of those connected with us. Suffer us not to live to ourselves, but to Him that loved us, and gave himself for us. Thou hast conferred on us our several talents and opportunities, and to thee we must at last render our account. May we give diligence, that we may be found of our Lord in peace. Alas ! that hitherto we should have been such unprofitable servants. We have not rendered unto the Lord according to his benefits. O quicken us to a livelier sense of our responsibility to thee. May we ever feel that we are thine, and walk before thee as dear children. O Lord our God, we feel that life is full of snares and temptations, and that thou only canst uphold us in the holy path of duty. We cast ourselves on the direction of thy providence, on the infallible instructions of thy word, and on the aids of thy Holy Spirit. We would in no instance trust to our own hearts, or lean on our own understandings. By such folly we have too often been ensnared in the past, and would learn wisdom by the things which we have suffered. We would go forth to the occupations of this day in the strength of the Lord, praying that thine eye may be upon us for good, that our way may be greatly prospered, that our hearts may be set in us to glorify thy name, and that the evils which beset our path may not be suffered to injure us, while we resist them, steadfast in the faith of our Almighty Redeemer and Lord. We commend to thy merciful protection and blessing all the families that call upon thy holy name. We pray that the number of such families may be greatly increased. Do thou meet with them, and cause thy face to shine upon them, and give them peace. Let domestic religion become a growing source of piety in our land ; let it strengthen the hands of Christ’s ministers, and render the instructions of the sanctuary more influential, by gathering together in thy name a people prepared of the Lord. O increase the devotional frame of all in this house. May it be our glory and our felicity to walk with God. Let prayer be our refuge in every time of trouble, our protection in every moment of spiritual conflict, our solace when heart and flesh shall fail us ; and when we are called to pass through the dark valley of the shadow of death, may we fear no evil, because thou art with us, and thy rod and staff comfort us. O thou Shepherd of Israel, into thy hands we commend our bodies and spirits this morning. Hear us, for thy mercy’s sake. And now to the Father, to the Son, and to the Holy Ghost be glory and domi- nion for evermore. Amen. 418 TWENTY-NIJJTH drarg&ag <£benfttg ( WEEK. Colossi ans, Chapter iv. T HOU art God alone ; and by thee the thoughts and actions of the children of men are weighed. Impress us with a sense of thine omniscient inspection ; and help us to adore thy glorious perfection, and to rejoice in the existence of thy fatherly govern- ment. Who is a God like unto thee ? glorious in holiness, fearful in praises, ever doing wonders ? We rejoice that our God is the God of salvation. Thou hast said, I, even I, am he that blotteth out thy transgressions. May we approach thee this evening as a God in Christ, reconciling the world unto thyself, not imputing unto men their trespasses. We draw near to thee in the character of humble penitents. We have sinned ; we have done evil in thy sight; our iniquities like the wind have taken us away. O deal not with us in judgment, but in mercy. Conduct us to the fountain of redeeming love ; wash us in a Saviour’s blood ; apply to our consciences the healing virtue of that vital stream which flows from Calvary. May the Spirit of Christ reveal his glory and grace to our minds. We rejoice that the method of thy mercy, as displayed in the Cross, is fitted to draw forth our love and confidence, as well as our admiration and praise. May we adore thee, in Christ Jesus, as the just God, and yet the Saviour — as the vindicator of thy holiness, and yet the tender and compassionate friend of sinners. We bless thee, O our Father in heaven, that another day has borne witness to thy faithfulness and mercy as the God of providence. Every day of our past life has brought with it some token of thy watchful and unremitting care. May we never fail to mark and to record thy mercies, and to think of our own unworthiness of the least of them. As a family, we have much to be thankful for, and much for which it becomes us to be humbled in thy sight. O fix our attention deeply and solemnly on our family sins. May we individually mourn the degree in which we have contributed to swell the amount of our family guilt. O grant us the spirit of true repentance, that we may not only confess, but forsake our sins. Make us watchful to detect the sources whence spring our tendencies to evil. May we never trust in our evil hearts of unbelief, so ready to depart from the living God. May every inlet and temptation to evil be guarded against ; and may our easily besetting sins be vanquished by the power of divine grace. O work in us, gracious God, all thy holy will, and the work of faith with divine power. Pour upon our spirits copious effusions of divine influence. Sanctify us by thy truth, thy word is truth. May we follow after holiness, as the means of happiness. Never let us expect to be happy while any sin remains unsubdued. Make us temples of the Holy Ghost; living epistles of Christ; followers of God as dear children. At the close of this day, we would review all thy dealings with us in the spirit of lively gratitude and devout praise. Accept our acknowledgments for the goodness and mercy thou hast caused to pass before us. Take us under thy gracious care during the silent watches of this night. Preserve us in safety to see the light of another day. When we awake, may we be still with thee, sensible of thy goodness, and anxious to devote ourselves with renewed energy to thy holy and happy service. Hear us, we beseech thee, O Lord, and accept us, for the sake of Jesus Christ, our Lord and Saviour. Amen. 419 3 G 2 TWENTY-NINTH jtWtrag iHommg, WEEK. Psalms xcv. xcvi. G IVE ear, O thou Shepherd of Israel, thou that leadest Joseph like a flock ; thou that dwellest between the cherubim, shine forth. Impart unto us thy Holy Spirit, and teach us how to pray. It is written for our encouragement, “ If ye then being evil know how to give good gifts unto your children, how much more shall your heavenly Father give the Holy Spirit to them that ask him.” Deeply feeling our incapacity for thy service without help from above, we implore this special gift. We would not present ourselves before thee to comply with custom, or simply to yield to the dictates of con- science ; but that we may adore thy perfections, obtain renewed supplies of grace, and in communion with thee find our hopes strengthened, and our souls refreshed. May we exclaim with the apostle, “ Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who hath blessed us with all spiritual blessings in heavenly places in Christ, according as he hath chosen us in him before the foundation of the world, that we might be holy, and without blame before him in love.” Let us realize with more impressiveness our interest in Christ. May we give all diligence to make our calling and election sure. May we live in the enjoyment of a well-grounded confidence that we are accepted in the Beloved. Say unto us, “ I am thy salvation.” Bid our fears cease ; and in the assurance of faith let us sing, “ My beloved is mine, and I am his.” Let us triumph in the Saviour, and cheerfully devote ourselves to his service. As we have received him, may we walk in him; and while we rejoice in his salvation, may we imitate his example. May we set the Lord always before us, do those things which are well-pleasing in his sight, and cherish the hope of his coming and of his glory. Rule in our hearts, we beseech thee. Sway thy sceptre over our affections; and constrain us to humble and self-denying obedience. Let us not dishonour thee by levity, pride, worldly-mindedness, or avarice. May thy grace influence us in all the relations of life. May we be kind and courteous ; willing to distribute, and ready for every good word and work. May we be epistles of Christ, known and read of all men. Be favourable to our country; let our people fear God and honour the Sovereign. Sup- ply the wants of the indigent ; give impulse to commerce ; and let there be no complaining in our streets. O save us from national pollution and crime, that our sin may not prove our ruin, and that our rebellion against the Lord our God may not bring upon us the fierceness of his wrath, and the tokens of his righteous indignation. We are a sinful nation, a people laden with iniquity; O God, be merciful unto us, and turn us to thyself in deep penitence and godly sorrow for sin. Prosper the institutions of our land. Let the numerous and diversified agencies employed for the advancement of truth and righteousness, be accompanied with that blessing without which all human instrumentality is impotent. Have mercy upon the sick, the sorrowful, the bereaved, and the dying, and open upon them those sources of support and consolation which are contained in thy gospel, and promised to all who believe. Guide and keep us this day. Be at our right hand, that we may not be moved. Pardon our sins, and accept our humble offering of thanks, for the Redeemer’s sake. Amen. 420 TWENTY-NINTH Jilting ©betting. Thessalonians, Chapter r. WEEK. A T the close of this day we assemble, O Lord, as a family at thy throne of grace, to acknowledge our continued obligation and dependence, and to supplicate fresh mercies at thy hand. By thy good providence we are spared to the present moment, while multitudes have this day been called to give in their account to the Judge of quick and dead. Thou hast kept our souls from death, our eyes from tears, and our feet from falling. We would unite to praise His name, whose goodness and mercy endure for ever. Grant us, O Lord, the spirit of prayer, while we bend the knee at thy throne, and implore of thee the blessings of thy grace. Forbid that we should mock thee with solemn words upon a thoughtless tongue ; or that we should rush into thy presence, in the absence of that devout consideration which ought ever to be felt in drawing near to our Maker and our Judge. Inspire us with an awful sense of thine infinite perfections; and though thou art the God of love and mercy, may we have grace to serve thee with reverence and godly fear, since thou art a consuming fire. We bless thee, 0 most merciful Father, for all the past tokens of thy care. Pardon, we beseech thee, the lukewarmness of our affections in thy service, and our want of sincerity in many of our approaches to thy footstool. O teach us more and more the value of spiritual blessings, and to ask them with greater earnestness of mind. May we seek first the kingdom of God, and the righteousness thereof ; and then may we believe that all other things will be vouchsafed according to thy riches in glory by Christ Jesus. We lament, O Lord, the many infirmities of this day. We have not aimed in all things at thy glory; we have sought our own things, not the things which are Jesus Christ’s. Our thoughts, our words, our actions have been far short of the spiritual demands of thy holy law. We are self-condemned in thy sight; and Thou art greater than our hearts, and knowest all things. We would prostrate ourselves before thee in deep self-abasement ; we would lay our hand upon our mouths, and our mouths in the dust, and cry out before thee, Unclean, unclean. We dare not justify ourselves in thy sight; our own righteousness is as filthy rags before thee; O enable us to submit ourselves to the righteousness which is of God by faith ; that, renouncing all confidence in the works of the law, we may come unto thee, through Him who is the way, the truth, and the life, and who is able to save to the uttermost all that come unto thee through him. Take from us that slavish fear which guilt inspires, and animate us by the Spirit of adoption and of love. Save us also from the power and dominion of sin ; let it not reign in our mortal bodies, that we should obey it in the lusts thereof. O subdue the power of indwelling corruption, and cause us to know, that if the Son shall make us free, then shall we be free indeed. May we fear more to sin against God, than even to endure the punishment that awaits thine enemies. We commit all our concerns into thy hands. Sanctify all the events of life to the good of our souls. Let thy holy will be accomplished in us and by us, whether living or dying. Hasten the triumph of thy truth ; accomplish the number of thine elect ; and let the whole earth be filled with thy glory. These mercies we ask, for the sake of thy dear Son Jesus Christ; to whom, with the Father and the Holy Spirit, be glory for ever. Amen. 421 TWENTY-NINTH iBontmg WEEK. Psalms xcvii. xcviii. 0 LORD God Almighty, the King eternal, immortal, and invisible, the only wise God. Of thee, and through thee, and to thee, are all things ; and to thee be glory for evermore. Thou art the Father of mercies, and the God of all grace. All our hopes centre in thee. Thou art our Creator, our Preserver, our Redeemer, and our Lord. We would praise thee for the privilege of approach to thy mercy-seat. May we be impressed with a sense of our own unworthiness, and of thy boundless love. Help us to sing of the mercy of the Lord ; with our mouth may we make known thy faithfulness unto all genera- tions ; for who in the heavens can be compared with the Lord ? who among the sons of the mighty can be likened unto the Lord ? God is greatly to be feared in the assembly of his saints, and to be had in reverence by all them that are about him. Open thou our lips, and our mouth shall shew forth thy praise ; for thou desirest not sacrifice, else would we give it ; thou delightest not in burnt-offering : the sacrifices of God are a broken spirit ; a broken and contrite heart, O God, thou wilt not despise. O lead us to the fountain of redeeming love. We are thine, O Lord, for thy hands have made and fashioned us ; thou art the Father of our spirits, and the former of our bodies. Thou givest us life, and breath, and all things. Our infancy, our youth, our riper years, proclaim thy watchful care, thy fatherly benignity. In health and sickness, in joy and sorrow, in light and darkness, thou hast been with us, to succour or to shield, to comfort or to restrain, to direct or to stimulate. Let the remembrance of the past, humble and cheer. All thy dealings have been in mercy and truth, though we have been unprofitable servants. May we be led by thy goodness to repentance, to godly sorrow for sin, to think upon our ways, and to turn unto the Lord. Make us thankful for every blessing of our lot ; and may we praise thee not only with our lips, but with our fives. We mourn the sad ingratitude of our unbelieving hearts. Oh, what feeble returns have we made for mercies so great, so varied, so long enjoyed, and so undeserved. Smite the flinty rock, that streams of godly sorrow may flow out. Let a sense of pardoning mercy melt our spirits into tenderness ; and let the hearts of rebels become the dwelling-place of loyal and grateful affection to our rightful Lord and King. Other lords beside thee have had dominion over us; but by thee only will we make mention of thy name. Clothe us in the armour of God, that we may be enabled to resist all the fiery darts of the wicked one. O preserve us from the contamination of evil exam- ple, and from the indwelling corruptions of our own hearts. Make us diligent in business, fervent in spirit, serving the Lord. Enable us to discharge every incumbent duty in the fear of the Lord, whether it relates to thee, to ourselves, or to our fellow-creatures. We look for thy gracious smile on all our lawful undertakings, and we pray to be kept from every thing, in thought, word, and deed, which thou disapprovest. We wait, Lord, for thy blessing. Our hopes and confidence are in thee. Bless us, and make us blessings. Into thy hands we commend our spirits. O Redeemer and Saviour of Israel, be the portion of our souls for evermore. O Lord, hear ; Lord, hearken and do ; defer not. for thine own sake, O our God. And to the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost be glory and dominion for ever and ever. Amen. 422 TWENTY- NINTH ^atuitiag (£imun&. 1 Thessalonians, Chapter ii. WEEK. O UR Father in heaven, hallowed be thy name ; we bless thee, at the close of another week, that we are still the monuments of thy care ; that day by day, and week by week, we are proving the truth of thy promise, and the sleepless energy of thy pro- vidence. We approach thy throne with the voice of praise, and would call upon our souls, and all that is within us, to magnify that mercy which endureth for ever. What are we, O Lord, that thou shouldst have borne with our manners so long in the wil- derness, while thousands and tens of thousands, who entered on the career of life with us, have been summoned into the presence of their Judge. Many who began the week with us, and who were as full of hope as ourselves, are now silent in death ; but we are spared, and in great mercy are permitted in peace and joy to surround the throne of the heavenly grace. Let us not forget our mortality, amidst the fulness of health and prosperity ; but may we call to recollection, that life is but a vapour, which appeareth for a little time, and then vanisheth away ; and may we be taught so to number our days as to apply our hearts unto wisdom. Nor let us forget that this is the day of our merciful visitation ; and that we are now called to attend to the things which belong to our peace, lest they should be for ever hid from our eyes. O enable us all to seek and find refuge in Christ. In the anticipation of the Christian Sabbath, we look up to its divine Lord for grace suited to its holy solemnities. May his Spirit be poured out upon each of us, that we may be extricated from the troubles and cares of the world, and that with devout affection and spiritual desire we may look forward to its sacred hours. Enable us, as a family, to make a full surrender of ourselves to thee, in prospect of the day of sacred rest. Pour upon us large measures of the Spirit of prayer. We would enter with holy delight into communion with our Father in heaven; we would pour out our hearts before thee, and would seek, in devout and earnest supplication, those communications which shall enrich and bless us for eternity. We would be humbled while we reflect on the infirmities of another week. Alas, that present things should have exerted such an undue influence over us ! and that unseen and eternal things should have been to faintly before our minds. In labouring for the meat that perisheth, we have too little sought after the meat which endureth unto everlasting life. We have been too much oppressed with worldly cares, and have too slenderly realized the existence and paternal character of thy providence. To thy gracious benediction we this evening commend every member of this endeared circle. Unite us all in love to one another, and especially in love to our adored Redeemer. Make thy service the delight and solace of our minds. Make us helpers of one another’s spiritual joy. May our conversation and example be mutually beneficial, so that, when death shall separate us, we may hope to meet in the kingdom of heaven. Take gracious charge of all dear to us this night. Defend us from all evil of body and soul. Fill us with holy peace by believing in Jesus. For his sake, pardon all the sins and imperfections of this day. Hear us, O God, in heaven, the habitation of thy throne and of thy glory, and do exceeding abundantly above all we can ask or think, for the Redeemer’s sake. Amen. THIRTIETH JmntmR iHontutg* WEEK. Psalms xcix. c. ci. I N the name of Jesus Christ, thy dear Son, we present ourselves before thee, O Lord our God, and entreat thee for his sake to bless us and keep us, to make thy face shine upon us, and be gracious unto us ; to lift the light of thy countenance upon us, and to give us peace. Thou hast preserved us during the hours of unconsciousness ; thou hast recruited our bodies, and refreshed our minds with sleep. We have now entered upon another day, a day set apart for our spiritual improvement, and consecrated to the Saviour’s glory. May we be spiritual and devout on this the Lord’s day. May our hearts be affected with heavenly things, and our thoughts and desires bear some becoming reference to the hopes and joys of our pilgrimage. May we have a pleasing evidence of our union and resurrection with Christ, in the elevation of our affections from earth to heaven. We adore thee, O most merciful Father, that thou hast not entered into judgment with us for our sins, but in the plenitude of thy grace hast directed us to Him whom thou hast constituted the High Priest of our profession, and by whose perfect sacrifice our sins are expiated. Let us now behold thee, O our Father, in Him; and let thy perfections cheer and gladden us, as they beam from his countenance. Thou art in Him reconciling the world unto thyself, not imputing their trespasses unto them. Let us rejoice in the conviction that thou wilt not impute our trespasses unto us. Let us realize the blessedness of the man to whom the Lord will not impute sin. Engrave upon our hearts the promise of thy covenant, “ Their sins and iniquities I will remember no more.” Let the eye of faith be lifted up to our divine Saviour, who knew no sin, but was made a sin-offering for us, that we might be made the righteousness of God in him, our Substitute and Head. Thus may thy mercies constrain us to devote ourselves more unreservedly to thy service and glory. We hope to be found in thy courts this day, to unite with thy servants in celebrating thy perfections, hearing thy word, and seeking thy grace. May we be prepared for the solemn assembly. May we he prayerful, humble, and teachable. May no worldly thoughts distract us; may we listen with believing attention to the truth as it is in Jesus. Open our eyes, that we may behold the wondrous things which are contained in thy law. May thy word be a light unto our feet and a lamp unto our path. May we take thy testimonies as our heritage for ever, and may they be the joy and the rejoicing of our heart. Bless thy servant whom we expect to address us in thy name. Let an unction from the Holy One rest upon him. Let his own heart be gladdened with the tidings he pro- claims to others ; and let the work of the Lord prosper this day in the hands of Messiah. May the congregation be attentive and devout. May their hearts be opened to receive the things which shall be spoken. May sinners hear, and five ; may inquirers be directed ; may the fearful be soothed; may the tempted be succoured; and may the word of God have free course run, and be glorified. We implore these mercies, with all others which thou knowest to be needful for us, in the all-prevailing name of Jesus, our Strength and our Redeemer. Amen. 421 THIRTIETH «#>tntiiag (Abating. W E EK. 1 Thessalonians, Chapter iii. A LMIGHTY and everlasting God, the Father of all mercies, and the Fountain of life and salvation, we thine unworthy servants surround thy mercy-seat, and implore, in the name of Jesus Christ, thy merciful ear. Listen, we beseech thee, to the voice of our supplication, and accept the tribute of our praise. We have been permitted this day to enter thy sanctuary, to mingle our devotions with the true worshippers in Zion, and to listen to the proclamation of the glad tidings of the gospel. We have heard of the love of the Father, of the power of the Spirit, and of the unsearchable riches of Christ. We have been instructed in the truth as it is in Jesus. We have been exhorted, encouraged, and warned. We praise thee for the means of grace: suffer us not, through unbelief, inattention, or captiousness, to lose the grace which the means were intended to secure. Pour out thy Spirit upon us, and impress our hearts with a sense of thy mercy. May the truth abide in us ; may it refresh us in trouble ; may it restrain us in temptation ; may it soothe us in anxiety ; may its conso- lations fill our hearts with gladness ; and may its sanctifying influences be visible in our whole deportment. Suffer not the good seed of the kingdom to be caught away from our hearts. Water it with the dew of thy Spirit; let it vegetate, and bear much fruit. We dare not put our trust in our own strength ; our resolutions fail us, and our best efforts are scattered by the first temptation, when we are left to our own resources. In the prospect of worldly engagements and pursuits, we beseech thee to keep us. By the word of thy lips preserve us from the paths of the destroyer. Maintain our spirituality. Let not the life of faith languish. In earthly employments, may we exhibit heavenly principles ; and may we manifest to all, that, though in the world, we are not of it. Teach us to live in the Spirit, to put off the old man, and illustrate our relation to Christ by our devotedness to his service. Forgive us for the coldness of our affections in spiritual exercises. We have neither watched nor prayed as it became us. We have partaken too largely of the spirit of the world, and have too much resembled those who seek their portion in this present and passing scene. Do thou recall our sinful wanderings from thee ; do thou heal our back- slidings, and love us freely ; do thou draw us to thyself by the powerful ties of thv grace and mercy. May the labours of thy ministering servants be crowned with thy blessing. May the solemnities of this day leave a salutary impression upon thy believing people ; and be greatly prospered to the interests of Zion. Give us a more ardent hope of thy coming, O heavenly Saviour, and a more animated desire for the reign of glory. Let heaven and earth be filled with thy praise. We commend each other afresh to thy fatherly care; be our protector during the night-watches ; and by thy good providence let us rise in health and strength, to prosecute in thy fear the duties to which we may be called. And now, O Lord God, we beseech thee to receive us for the sake of Jesus Christ, to cleanse us from all our sins in his precious blood, and to grant us answers of peace. And to the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost be all honour ascribed, world without end. Amen. 425 3 H THIRTIETH JHmttmg iHormng. WEEK. Psalm cii. O LORD our God, permit us to address thee as our Father in heaven; and while we employ the language of adoption with our lips, may we feel the true spirit of it in our minds. If we are thy children, do thou send forth the Spirit of thy Son into our hearts, that we may cry unto thee, Abba, Father. May we entertain a firm belief in thy fatherly character, in thy readiness to hear our united prayers, and in thy promises, which so abundantly encourage our approach to thy mercy-seat. Let the eye of our faith be fixed on our great High Priest. Sprinkle atoning blood on our consciences, that we may be purged from guilt, and that we may serve thee in the spirit of love and confidence. We would look to Him who is mighty to save ; who loved us even to the death ; and who ever lives to plead our cause in the heavenly sanctuary. By a true faith may we be united to him, as the Lord of life and glory ; that we may be true members of his mystical body, and that we may derive from him those vital influences which will prompt us to live to the glory of thy name. We desire, O Lord, to express our gratitude to thee as the God of our life. Thou hast spared us through another night, and brought us safely to the light of this day. May we enter on its engagements in thy fear, conscious of our weakness, and casting ourselves upon the promised aids of thy grace. Deliver us from undue anxieties about what we shall eat, or what we shall drink, or wherewithal we shall be clothed, and teach us to remember that our heavenly Father knoweth that we have need of all these things. O never let us act as rebellious children to thee our Father in heaven, who art constantly doing us good, and supplying all our daily and returning necessities. Blessed God, we long, as a family, to be more devoted to thy glory. Our mercies and our responsibilities are great. In all the trials allotted to us, may we find thee a constant refuge, and an unfailing friend. Prepare us for all thy holy will concerning us ; above all things, fit us for a dying hour, and for an eternal world. Grant, O Lord, that when we are stretched on a bed of death, we may know whom we have believed, and feel persuaded that he will keep that which we have committed to him. When heart and flesh shall fail us, may the smile of our gracious Redeemer dispel every doubt and fear, and irradiate the dark valley of the shadow of death. Be with all our dear connexions in life, may we be comforts and blessings to each other on earth, and at last be united in the joys and felicities of heaven; make us pillars in thy temple, that we may go out no more for ever ! Follow with thy blessing the labours of the past Sabbath. O let not thy word appear to have been dispensed in vain. Water the seed sown by the dews of thy blessing ; let it spring up, first the blade, then the ear, and then the full corn in the ear. May it grow and prosper in our hearts, may it bring forth fruit abundantly in each of us unto eternal life. Hasten the universal triumph of thy dear Son. Spoil Satan of his usurped dominion ; fill the whole earth with thy glory; may all nations hail Messiah as the Prince of life — the Lord of the universe — the King of glory. Constitute us the willing subjects of his reign; let his kingdom, which is peace, and righteousness, and joy in the Holy Ghost, be within us. And all we ask is in his name, and for his sake. Amen. 420 THIRTIETH iHontJnj) aiming. 1 Thessai.onians, Chapter iv. WEEK. 0 THOU who hast caused it to be written for our encouragement, that men ought always to pray and not to faint, grant us, we beseech thee, the Spirit of supplication. We praise thee that thou art always ready to hear our prayers, and we take shame unto ourselves, that we are so slow to ask, and so reluctant to approach thy throne. What couldst thou do more to attract our hearts, and awaken our confidence, than thou hast done ? What more endearing representations of thy character couldst thou give, than thou hast given? What greater promises couldst thou make, than thou hast made? What more tender considerations, and merciful encouragements, could be vouchsafed, than thou hast presented, to stimulate and quicken our devotion ? Thou art waiting to be gracious. Thou delightest in mercy. Thou art full of compassion. Remove, we beseech thee, the carnality of our minds, and the unbelief of our hearts ; and enable us to spread our requests before thee, in the confidence of faith, with the love of children, and the peaceful joy of holy fellowship. May we be animated with the delightful persuasion that thou art our Covenant God and Father, and that we are accepted in thy Son. May we be gladdened with the light of thy countenance, and cheered with the expressions of thy favour. May we have a clear and steady view of the provision which thou hast made for our guilty souls. May our eye be fixed upon Him who hath borne our sins, and in whose righteousness we are justified. May we be delivered from all vain confidence, and saved from every refuge of lies. May the sure foundation which thou hast laid in Zion be the resting-place of our faith. May we have a delightful perception of Jesus, as the source of all our hope, and the centre of all our joys. May we draw, from the plenitude of his resources, grace to supply all spiritual wants, to relieve our anxieties, and to stimulate us in the path of self- denial and faith. We beseech thee, O Lord, to fulfil our desires ; and say to our souls, I am thy salvation. Keep us steadfast in the faith. May we hold the doctrines of grace with firmness and gratitude ; may we never be seduced from the simplicity of the gospel by the flatteries of the world or the wiles of Satan. May our walk be holy, consistent, devoted. Suffer us not to discredit our profession, to forget our true dignity, or dishonour our vocation. May we reckon ourselves dead indeed unto sin, but alive unto God through Christ Jesus our Lord. May the life which we live in the flesh be by the faith of the Son of God, who loved us, and gave himself for us. Make us wholly thine, and separate us for ever from a world which lieth beneath the weight of thy displeasure. We have reason to be humbled on the review of this day ; we have been too forgetful of our obligations and our hopes ; our hearts have not cherished that love which we ought to feel ; and our lives have not been characterized by that devotedness which they ought to exhibit. Cleanse us, we entreat thee, in the fountain opened for sin. Quicken us to greater diligence. Unite our hearts to fear and love thy name. Bless all thy people. Let all those that seek thee rejoice and be glad in thee ; and let such as love thy salvation say continually, The Lord be magnified. Hear the voice of our prayer, and accept of us in the Beloved. Amen. 427 3 H 2 THIRTIETH Cuesftrag JHonttng, WEEK. Psalm ciii. G REAT and eternal Majesty, we would adore thee as God over all, and blessed for ever. How unsearchable are thy judgments, and thy ways are past finding out. How excellent is thy name in all the earth, who hast set thy glory above the heavens. From everlasting to everlasting thou art God : in thy favour is life ; thou hast been the dwelling- place of thy children in all ages ; they have trusted in thee, and thou hast never put them to shame. May our confidence be in the Lord, who made the heavens and the earth; may we believe in the paternal character of thy providence, and ever feel disposed to confide all our interests in thy hands, as into the hands of a faithful Creator and Redeemer. May we ever feel that thou art near to us, the witness of our thoughts and actions, and the rewarder of all them that diligently seek thee. We bow before thy throne this morning with reverence and godly fear. We worship thee as the Author of our being, and as the length of our days. Thou sustainest all worlds, and doest according to thy will in the armies of heaven, and among the inhabitants of the earth. O teach us to reverence thy great and dreadful name ; and while we draw near to thee with the confidence of children, may we cherish all that solemnity of spirit which the thought of thy boundless glory is fitted to inspire. Unworthy in ourselves, we pray to be accepted and justified through what he has done and suffered for the guilty. Look upon his all-perfect oblation for sin, and cast our iniquities behind thee into the depths of the sea. May joy and peace in believing, take the place of that spirit of bondage and of fear which has so long prevailed in our souls. Teach us this day assiduously to labour for that meat which endure th unto eternal life, that, while we are diligent in business, we may be fervent in spirit, serving the Lord. In the pursuits and engagements of the day, we would seek the favour that cometh from God ; we would ever remember thine own solemn declaration, Them that honour me, I will honour, and they that despise me shall be lightly esteemed ! Bless, O Lord, with all needful good, the several members of this family. We would express our lively gratitude for the care thou hast hitherto taken of us ; thou hast done great things for us, whereof we are glad. Graciously accept the humble tribute of prayer and praise, which as a family we present to thee at thy footstool this morning. Regard in great mercy all our dear kindred and friends. Prepare us, by all thy discipline here below, for meeting together in the glories and felicities of the heavenly state ; and grant that it may be our united privilege at last to sit down with Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob in the kingdom of our God and Father. Go with us this day into all the walks of duty and usefulness. May we live to God, and may his blessing succeed and prosper all our undertakings. Guard us, O our heavenly Father, from temptation. To thy gracious care we commit ourselves, and those dear to us, this day. Watch over us for good; be to us a Father, and make us thy children. Extend thy mercy to all men: for thou hast made of one blood all that dwell upon the face of the earth. Let crooked things be made straight, and rough places plain; and let the glory of the Lord be revealed, that all flesh may see it together. Spread the shield of thy love and power over us. Hear our prayers, and accept our humble praise, for the Redeemer’s sake. Amen. 428 THIRTIETH Cuesfoag <0bntut(j. 1 Thessalonlans, Chapter v. WEEK. M OST holy and blessed God ! permit us, worms of the dust, to bow before the foot- stool of thy grace ; and to make mention of the name of our all-prevailing Advo- cate, who ever lives to plead for us in the heavenly sanctuary. For his sake do thou give ear to the voice of our supplication, and send help and deliverance out of Zion. We worship thee with profound awe and reverence as our Almighty Creator and Preserver ; in thee we live, and move, and have our being ; and to thee would we look up in humble and grateful praise. Enable us to adore thee in all thy glorious perfections, and in all thy wondrous works. Heaven and earth are full of the majesty of thy glory. Thou art wor- thy to be feared and loved by all thy rational creatures ; let thy praise be continually in our lips. We bless thee for all thy past mercies, from our youth up to the present hour. In infancy and childhood, as well as in our riper years, thou hast done great things for us, whereof we desire to be glad. We adore thee, at the close of this day, for the renewed expressions of thy fatherly care and love. Thy hand has upheld our goings, thy bounty has blessed us with all things necessary to our preservation and comfort; our forfeited lives are monuments of thy watch- ful and benignant providence. In all our approaches to thy mercy-seat may we draw near to thee with profound reverence, and with that self-abasement which becomes fallen and guilty creatures approaching their infinite Creator and their awful Judge. Impart to us the aids of thy Holy Spirit, that we may pray with the understanding and the heart. Cause us to feel the holy delight of approaching thee. May we come as children to a father. May the Spirit of adoption be in our hearts. Let spiritual blessings appear in their own commanding light, and let earthly things be regarded by us as subordinate and comparatively unimportant. Withhold what thou pleasest, as it respects the things of this life, but, O indulge us with thy presence, with the gifts of the Spirit, with the blessed hope of eternal life. Quicken our perceptions of the beauty of holiness, and of the evil of sin. Help us to escape the pollutions of the world, and ever to live as the inheritors of a better world. May we lay aside every weight, and the sin which doth so easily beset us, and run with patience the race that is set before us, looking unto Jesus, the Author and finisher of our faith, who for the joy that was set before him, endured the cross, despising the shame, and is now set down on the right hand of the Majesty on high. Regard, we beseech thee, with the choicest of thy mercies, each member of this family. Preserve and comfort us this night, as thou hast graciously been our keeper and defender this day. In the night-watches, may we be blessed with holy serenity and peace, and let each returning morning witness our fresh dedication to thy honour and praise. To thy mercy we commend all our dear friends and connections in life. May we be helpers of each other’s faith and joy, that parents and children may rejoice in each other, and all in thee, the Author of our being, the length of our days, and the God of our salvation. Merci- fully regard the prayers which we now present to thee; let not our unworthiness stay the current of thy grace, but in the midst of deserved wrath do thou remember mercy, for the sake of our adored and sympathizing High Priest, who is worthy, with Thyself and the Holy Spirit, to receive equal and endless praises, both now and for evermore. Amen. 429 THIRTIETH TOctmegtJag iHmiimtj, AVEEK. Psalm civ. 0 GOD. thou art infinitely great, and holy, and good. Thou art exalted above all that is called god. Among the objects whom men have adored, there is none like unto thee ; neither are there any works like unto thy works. Enable us, this morn- ing, to render unto thee the glory due unto thy name ; may we bring an offering to thee in righteousness, and worship thee in the beauty of holiness. Fill us with reverential sentiments of thy holy majesty. Let us not rush into thy presence in an unthinking man- ner; but may we remember that the ground on which we stand is holy; and may we sanctify the Lord God in our hearts, and make Him our fear and our dread. Deliver us, at the same time, from the spirit of bondage, and enable us to look to thee as the God of love and mercy, as the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ. Grant us the teaching of thy Holy Spirit, that we may pray in faith, and that a holy fervour and importunity may characterise our devotions. We are, indeed, less than nothing and vanity in thy sight. Yea, we are guilty and condemned sinners before thee, and have rendered ourselves obnoxious to thy displeasure. We cannot profit thee by any of our poor imperfect services. There is nothing in us wor- thy of thy regard, or fitted to remove from us that awful sentence which our sins deserve. But thou art gracious, and long-suffering, and full of compassion ; thou delightest not in the death of sinners : thou hast assured us that whoso cometh to thee shall not be cast out; we rely on thine own invitation and promise, and place our entire and simple depen- dence on him who is our Advocate with the Father, Jesus Christ the righteous; and whose death and sacrifice have been accepted as an atonement for our .sins. Though we are unworthy of any good thing at thy hands, we rejoice that He is worthy, for whose sake we beseech thee to pardon all our iniquity, to receive us graciously, and to love us freely. Teach us in his name to come boldly unto thy throne of grace, and to ask of thee all the blessings of thy covenant. Through him thou canst, consistently with thine own arrange- ments, freely give us all things. In him, O Lord, we pray to be found, — clothe us in the spotless robe of his righteousness. We have destroyed ourselves, but in him is our help. Let us not merely know the truth concerning Christ, but believe it with our whole hearts, as the message of eternal life, and rejoice in it as good news, and glad tidings of great joy. May we count it a faithful saying, and worthy of all acceptation, that Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners : though our sins are great, and aggravated beyond conception, may we nevertheless feel the worth and power of the Saviour’s blood, to wash us from all our sins, and to cleanse us from all our iniquity. May we rely on all the fulness of merit and grace residing in him, and may we daily come to him in lively faith, that out of his exhaustless fulness we may receive in grace for grace. Be with us, we beseech thee, during this day on which we have entered ; in all our ways, help us to acknowledge thee. Bless and prosper, sanctify and keep all our dear connections in life. Hasten the period, when all the ends of the earth shall see thy sal- vation. Let our prayers come up before thee with acceptance, perfumed with the rich incense of the Redeemer’s sacrifice ; and to the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost be glory everlasting. Amen. 430 THIRTIETH OTetmesftaB Cbenutg, 2 Thessalonians, Chapter i. WEEK. O LORD our God, we feel, in our approach to thy Majesty, that we have no strength of our own wherewith to serve thee. We cannot so much as think a right thought without the aids of thy grace. O deliver us from all insincerity, all unbelief, all coldness of heart in thy worship. Take from us our sad aversion to spiritual exercises, and quicken us according to thy word. Put the new heart and the right spirit into each of us. Help our infirmities by the promised effusion of thy Holy Spirit. May he implant spiritual desires and affections in our souls, and enable us to enter into communion with thee our Father in heaven. Let the words of our lips and the meditations of our hearts be in strict and happy correspondence with each other, that we may not be chargeable with the sin of ancient Israel, by drawing near to thee with our lips when our hearts are far off from thee. We pray for a lively sense of the privileges and advantages connected with prayer, especially with united and social prayer. O let the returning hour of devotion be hallowed by all those feelings of delight and pleasure which spiritual minds must ever feel in thy holy service. May we come to thee with the deep consciousness of our innumerable wants, and with the firm belief that thou wilt hear and answer our believing prayers. Let not our sins so far darken and cloud our conscience as to tempt us to doubt thy promise, or to question the efficacy of the blood of Christ May we think of past mercies vouch- safed in answer to prayer, and may we look up to the throne of grace with the unfaltering confidence of those who know and believe that thine ear is open to their cry. O shed upon us copious showers of divine grace this evening ; and let thy Spirit abide with us, and all dear to us, for ever. May all the good purposes for which he is promised, be accomplished in our hearts and lives. Let the light of heavenly truth irradiate all our darkness ; let holiness to the Lord be written upon the fleshly tables of our hearts ; let the image of our Lord and Saviour be put upon us ; let his word dwell richly in us, in all wisdom and spiritual understanding ; let us be dedicated wholly unto the Lord, body, soul, and spirit. May we every day become better acquainted with the character and offices of our Redeemer. Powerfully impress us with a sense of the dignity of his person, the efficacy of his atoning blood, the freeness of his invitations to the chief of sinners, the tenderness of his compassion to all who come to him, and the power of his grace to vanquish the pride and unbelief of the most rebellious heart. May we experimentally know the Saviour’s worth, by what he has done in us, and for us. May he conquer sin, in our depraved hearts, and enable us to take his yoke upon us, and wear it with delight Into thy gracious hands we commend our spirits this night. Our life, our peace, our happiness are all with thee. May we realize thy paternal character, and repose in it with unshaken confidence. Thou hast hitherto cared for us, and we believe that thou wilt never be wanting to any that put their trust in thee. Let the word of the Lord run, have free course, and be glorified. Let thy gospel be preached as a witness among all nations. Let the Redeemer speedily be crowned Lord of all. Be merciful to our king, our country, and to all the churches of Christ planted in the midst of us. Pouf thy Spirit upon all flesh. Hear, O Lord, in heaven thy dwelling-place, and grant us answers of mercy and peace, for the Lord the Redeemer’s sake. Amen. 431 THIRTIETH CJjurgtmg iHonting WEEK. Psalm cv. 0 THOU God of the families that call upon thy name, and that hope in thy mercy, be the God and portion of this family ; and let our morning sacrifice find acceptance with thee through the mediation of thy dear Son. Grant unto us the Spirit of grace and of supplication in our approach to thy footstool, that we may pour out our hearts before thee in believing confidence, and that we may seek a Father’s blessing in the Spirit of adoption. Thou art our Father, though Abraham be ignorant of us, and though Israel acknowledge us not By faith in Jesus, thou receivest Jews and Gentiles into covenant with thee ; and in Him we know that circumcision availeth nothing, nor uncircumcision, but a new creature, and faith which worketh by love. O suffer us not to depend upon any external privileges that we may possess, hut may we seek the true renovation of our heart, and that union to Christ without which there can be no life in us. Give us this morning an exalted conception of the privilege of access into the holiest of all, and enable us to draw near to thee with true hearts in full assurance of faith, having our hearts sprinkled from an evil conscience, and our bodies washed as with pure water. We implore grace to serve thee in all the duties of a new day. We would not lean upon our own wisdom, in the ordinary affairs even of this present life. There is enough of temptation in every walk of life, to overcome our feeble resolutions, if we are not upheld and directed by thy promised and all-sufficient grace. Enable us in all our pursuits, secular as well as spiritual, to aim at thy glory. Purify and elevate all our principles and motives of action, so that we may have a conscience void of offence towards God and towards man. If our hearts condemn us, thou art greater than our hearts, and knowest all things ; but if our hearts condemn us not, then have we confidence toward thee ; and whatsoever we ask, we receive of thee, because we keep thy commandments, and do those things which are pleasing in thy sight. And this is thy commandment, that we should believe in the name of thy Son Jesus Christ, and love one another, as thou hast given us commandment. O suffer us not, then, to regard iniquity in our hearts ; for if we regard iniquity in our hearts, the Lord will not hear us. O Lord our heavenly Father, be with us this day in all our undertakings, that we may fall into no course of action that would grieve thy blessed Spirit, or dishonour thy holy name. Let grace, mercy, and peace be multiplied unto all who are united with us in the tender and endearing ties of life. May all our dear relations have an interest in Christ, and be devoted heart and soul to his service. Keep the younger branches of this family from the evils that are in the world. Inspire them with a sense of danger, and fortify them by the principles of thy grace. Make the servants faithful to their trust, diligent in the discharge of their duty, and meek and gentle in their temper and deportment. Give to the heads of the family the wisdom that is profitable to direct, that they may rule their house in thy fear, and, like Abraham of old, command their children after them. Guide and bless us all, O Lord, according to our several duties, temptations, and trials. Pour thy Spirit from on high upon our hearts. Lead us in the way everlasting, and finally receive us to thy glory, for the sake of Jesus, the great High Priest of our profession; to whom, with thee, O Father, and the ever-blessed Spirit, be glory everlasting. Amen. 432 THIRTIETH CJurstmg tiPfcenftig. 2 Thessalonians, Chapter ii. WEEK. O UR Father in heaven, may we this evening prove the truth of our Saviour’s promise, that where two or three are gathered together in his name, he will be in the midst of them. We rejoice that not one of all the praying families of the earth is neglected by Him; that he is equally present with all; that all their necessities are open to his inspection ; and that his sympathy, his care, and gracious aid will not fail to he vouchsafed in their time of need. May we draw near to thee in full confidence, that the word upon which thou hast caused us to hope will be fulfilled, and that our souls shall be refreshed and strengthened by waiting upon thee. With deep humility may we bow before thy throne, remembering thy glory and our meanness, thy spotless purity and our sinfulness. Lord, what is man that thou art mindful of him, or the son of man that thou visitest him ? We are less than the least of thy mercies, and are not worthy to take thy name into our lips. God be merciful to us, sinners. O let not thine anger be kindled against us, but look upon the face of thine Anointed. We adore thee for the promise of mercy to the guilty who believe in Jesus, and we pray that we may be enabled to lay hold on him for eternal life. Empty us of all self-righteous confidence, that we may rest with complacency on his finished work, that we may find acceptance in the Beloved, that our consciences may be relieved from guilt, and that we may have peace with thee through the blood of the everlasting covenant. With gratitude we would acknowledge the continuance of our spiritual mercies. We thank thee for permission at the close of this day to meet around thy mercy-seat. May we as with one heart adore and bless thy name for all the blessings of life and godliness with which we are indulged. We confess and mourn our family sins. May we each of us look within, and see what evil thing there is in our hearts, and may we lay aside every weight, and the sin which doth so easily beset us. Let every part of thy providential dealing with us be sanctified to the good of our souls. Make us humble and grateful in prosperity ; and when thy hand is upon us, may we bow with submission to thy holy will. May we trust thee where we are unable to trace thee, and believe with assured confidence that all things shall work together for good to them that love God. Thou hast dealt well with us in all the past ; may we treasure up the remembrance of thy mercies, and confide in thee with childlike confidence for all the future. Holy Father, look on each member of this family, and on all related to us by the ties of blood or friendship. Make us all partakers of precious faith. Undertake for us in all the events of our earthly pilgrimage. Thou only knowest what awaits us in our passage to the tomb ; but grant that, in all the trials and vicissitudes of life, we may feel that thou art with us, and that thy rod and staff they comfort us. Fit us for that solemn hour which shall separate us from time and all its concerns ; that we may then know whom we have believed, and feel persuaded that he will keep that which we have committed to him. Guide us, O Lord, by thy counsel, and afterward receive us to glory. Mercifully pardon all the sins of this day, and accept our persons and offerings for the sake of our only Redeemer and Advocate; and to the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost be glory eternal. Amen. 3 I 433 THIRTIETH iftfirag dHorntng, WEEK, Psalm cvi. 0 LORD, thou art God alone, and blessed for evermore. Thou inhabitest eternity, and receivest the praises thereof. Thou art from everlasting, and thy years fail not. We bless thee for thy condescension to the sinful children of men. Though thou art high, yet hast thou respect unto the lowly, and the prayer of the destitute thou wilt never fail to regard. We are dependent upon thee for life, and breath, and all things. We adore thee, that thou hast made prayer the medium of communicating thyself and thy blessings to mankind. May we more and more seek and enjoy the benefits connected with believing prayer. As thou hast promised to hear and answer our supplications, may we never fail to draw near to thee in thine own appointed way, and to plead with thee the assurances of thy love and mercy in Christ Jesus. We rejoice in the provisions of the new covenant, and we bless thee for him who is its glorious Mediator. O that we may he accepted and blessed in him, and rank with those who regard and call him blessed. O Lord our God, thou hast raised us up this morning in circumstances of peace and comfort, and hast permitted us to assemble at thy throne, to record our sense of thine inestimable mercies. May the lives which thou hast spared be consecrated to thy praise, and may fresh gratitude and love spring up in our minds, while we review the path through which thou hast led us in the wilderness, and think of all the goodness and mercy which thou hast caused to pass before us. With the returning light of the morning, do thou vouchsafe to us the holy and cheering consolations of thy Spirit Refresh us with some tokens of thy love, while we look up to thee as our Father in heaven, and express our dependence on thee for all that is cheering in the present, and hopeful for the future. We earnestly pray for grace to fulfil the duties of the day in thy fear. Prone as we are to err, we beseech thee to uphold us in the path of holy obedience, and to make the way of duty plain before our eyes. Influence us by such motives as thou wilt approve, and let thy love abide in our hearts. In our ordinary occupations, may we have a single eye to the glory of thy name ; and may we so walk before each other and the world, as to show that we are born from above, and that we are the expectants of a better country. Be very gracious this morning to all whom it becomes us to remember in our suppli- cations at the footstool of thy throne. Have mercy upon all men, and give them true repentance, to the acknowledgment of the truth. Pity nations without the light of thy gospel, and visit them with the Dayspring from on high. Let those who are blessed with a dispensation of the grace of God, remember their responsibility, and think of their doom, if they neglect so great salvation. Bless the land of our nativity, and grant that our mercies abused may never involve us in thy judgments. Regard all the churches of Christ, and cause them to shine forth in the beauty of holiness. Raise up many more faithful ministers amongst us. Bless our rightful Sovereign, and may the throne be estab- lished in righteousness. Look upon all ranks and classes of men in this land of liberty ; and grant that sin, ashamed, may hide its face, and that holiness may become the glory and stability of our times. Mercifully forgive our individual and family sins. Let our morning sacrifice be acceptable in thy sight, through Jesus Christ, our Strength and Redeemer. Amen. 434 THIRTIETH jftitiag <£bnu'ng< WEEK. * 2 Thessalonians, Chapter iii. O GOD of heaven and of earth, we would humbly rejoice in the permission thou hast given us, in every thing by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving to make known our requests unto thee. Thy word teaches us that perfect spirits, when they approach thee, veil their faces, and cry, Holy, holy, holy is the Lord of hosts, the whole earth is full of his glory ! With what reverence, then, should we enter thy presence, who are but sinful dust and ashes ! Give us grace whereby we may serve thee acceptably with reverence and godly fear. We bless thee for the inestimable privilege of communion with thee through Jesus, our great High Priest ; by him thou hast encouraged us to approach into the holiest of all. We would draw nigh in full assurance of faith, believing that thou art ready to dispense thy richest blessings without any personal worthiness in those who seek them. We come, O gracious God, pleading the merits of thy well-beloved Son, and the invitations of thy holy word ; we not only submit to that scheme of mercy revealed in the gospel, but we would call upon our souls, and all that is within us, to bless thee for it ; for here we behold that thou art a just God, and yet a Saviour. We glory in the cross of Christ, for in it we see justice satisfied, the honour of thy government upheld, thy holy law magnified, while sinners are delivered from the just consequences of their guilt. What shall we render unto the Lord for all his benefits towards us? May we shew forth our gratitude, not only with our lips but in our lives, by giving ourselves up to thy service, and by walking before thee in holiness and righteousness all our fives. Accept our thanks for the mercies of this day : thy hand has protected and fed us — thy goodness has continued to supply us with those blessings which make fife comfort- able and useful. We would be deeply humbled, that, notwithstanding all thy goodness and care, we should so often forget thee, and so continually sin against thee. O pardon the sins of this day; for in many things we offend, and in all things we come short of our duty. Our own consciences, imperfect as is their fight, and partial as are their decisions, accuse us of many failings and sins; but thou art greater than our hearts, and knowest all things ; for thou searchest the hearts and triest the reins of the children of men. O help us to come, with renewed penitence and faith, to the fountain that is opened for sin and unclean- ness. May the Saviour’s precious blood not only atone for our sins, but be also sprinkled upon our consciences, purging us from dead works, to serve the living and true God. Grant, O Lord, that we may grow in grace ; becoming daily more conformed to thy will. Let every grace of the Spirit be in lively exercise : may our faith be strengthened, our hope invigorated, and our whole course, like the path of the just, shining more and more unto the perfect day. Take us under thy gracious protection this night; watch over us, suffer no evil to approach us or our dwelling ; may our weak and perishing frame be invigorated with necessary repose, and help us to remember that ere long we shall sleep in death, to wake no more till the last trumpet shall call us to meet our Judge. When that night shall come, may we sweetly sleep in Jesus, and awake to a joyful resurrection. Mercifully hear us — pardon, accept, and bless us — for the Redeemer’s sake. Amen. 435 3 1 2 THIRTIETH &aturl>ag i'Bcnsmg. WEEK. Psalji cvii. I T is a good thing to give thanks unto the Lord, to sing praise unto thy name, O most High; to shew forth thy loving-kindness in the morning, and thy faithfulness every night. For thou art rich in mercy, and from thine inexhaustible fulness all thy creatures are fed, and all thy saints are blessed. Summer and winter, day and night, are made to subserve our welfare, and equally manifest thy care and kindness. We would view our social affections, our health and strength, and all the comforts of this life, as the gifts of thy bounty and love ; calling for the continued exercise of our gratitude and obedience. But great as are these mercies, the gift of thy dear Son to be our Saviour infinitely surpasses them all. O lead us to adore the wisdom that contrived, and the grace, and power, and love that executed, the mighty plan of redemption, by which justice and mercy, righteous- ness and peace, are made to harmonize ; by which God is glorified, and man is restored to the possession of his image, and the enjoyment of his favour. We bless thee for the good news of salvation by Jesus Christ ; for the declaration of thy word, that thou wouldst have all men to be saved, and to come to the knowledge of the truth ; that whosoever cometh unto thee, thou wilt in no wise cast out. Let the importance and the power of religion be more continually and more deeply felt by each one now bowing before thy mercy-seat ; that the world may lose all that undue influence which it has been accustomed to exert over us ; that the corruptions of our nature may be subdued ; that it may be our grand aim to live for eternity, striving to glorify God ; exercising ourselves always to have a conscience void of offence towards God and towards man. Help us to lay aside every weight, and the sin which doth most easily beset us, and to run with patience the race that is set before us, looking unto Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith. To him may we continually look, as our atonement, our righteousness, our pattern, and our guide. Let thy gracious presence attend us throughout the day upon which thy providence has permitted us to enter; without this, we shall neither improve nor enjoy life: but lift thou up the light of thy countenance upon us, and that shall give us peace. Make every mem- ber of this family a member of Christ, a servant of God, an heir of glory ; and let all our friends and neighbours be broughtunder the converting and sanctifying influence of thy grace. May all whom we love, prosper and be in health ; especially may their souls prosper. Thou hast taught us, O God, in all our ways to acknowledge thee, and thou wilt direct our paths. Direct us this day in the discharge of our several duties. May all our thoughts, words, and actions be under the direction of thy word and Spirit. May no tempt- ation prevail against us ; but may all our conversation be as becometh the gospel of Christ. May his gentleness, meekness, purity, and love be ever before us, and always imitated ; that, as the elect of God, we may put on bowels of mercies, kindness, humbleness of mind, meekness, long-suffering, forbearing one another and forgiving one another : and above all these things, may we put on love, which is the bond of perfectness. We ask all in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ ; to whom, with Thee, O Father, and the Holy Spirit, be ascribed all honour and glory, dominion and praise, for ever and ever. Amen. 436 THIRTIETH ^aturtmg OFbenmg. 1 Timothy, Chap. i. WEEK. O THOU Giver of every good gift, thou Father of mercies and source of consolation ; we would close this day with an act of solemn worship to Thee. Accept, we beseech thee, our unfeigned thanksgivings for the continuance of our lives, health, senses, and rational powers ; for the protection and provision thou hast hitherto afforded us, and for all the general and special benefits we enjoy. We would consider them as coming from thy hand, and as proofs of thy unmerited kindness to us thy sinful creatures. But, above all, we are bound to bless and thank thee for the redemption of the world by thy beloved Son, and for all the blessings of that new covenant which he has secured to us by his death, and is exalted at thy right hand to bestow on all that believe. We thank thee for thy written word, and thy preached gospel, and all the abundant spiritual advantages with which we are favoured. We praise thee for thy long-suffering toward us when we disregarded the message of reconciliation, and continued in disobedience ; for delivering us in dangers, and recovering us in sickness, when we were wholly unprepared for death, and even when we employed our health and strength in sinning more and more against thee ! It is of thy mercies we are not consumed ! And if at length we have been renewed to repentance, and enabled to embrace thy gospel, and to love thy holy ways ; to thee, O Lord, we would ascribe all the glory of this blessed change. What shall we render to the Lord for all his benefits ? Help us, we humbly pray thee, not only to offer at thy mercy-seat our feeble sacrifices of praise and thanksgiving, hut to present ourselves also as living sacrifices devoted to thy glory, and to honour thee with the homage of an unreserved obedience. And, while we rejoice in our privileges, consolations, and prospects, help us, O Lord, to remember the inexpressible sufferings of that Saviour, who bore our sins in his own body on the tree, that we, being dead unto sin, should live unto righteousness ; that, looking to him whom we have pierced, we may mourn for our crimes with unfeigned sorrow, become more deeply penitent, and be more determined in crucifying the flesh with all its affections and lusts. At the cross of Immanuel may we daily learn self-denial, deadness to the world, patience, meekness, forgiveness, and humility ; and thus find our hearts prepared to renounce our own ease, interests, and indulgence, in order to honour our Redeemer, and subserve the comfort of those whom he condescends to call his brethren. May we learn to keep the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace; and, looking to Him who endured the cross and despised the shame, may we never be weary or faint in our minds. Remember, O our heavenly Father, with thy choicest mercies, all that pray for us, or desire a place in our supplications ; and whenever we meet with our dear absent friends, may we see new cause, and feel renewed dispositions, for thankfulness. And now, O gracious Father, while we commend ourselves and each other to thy special protection this night, teach us so to number our days that we may apply our hearts unto wisdom ; and grant that, whether we live or die, we may be thine for ever. Hear us, we humbly entreat thee, and exceed all we ask, or can conceive, according to the riehes of thy mercy in Christ Jesus ; for whom we bless thy name, and to whom, with Thyself and the eternal Spirit, we would ascribe all glory, praise, adoration, and thanksgiving, both now and for evermore. Amen. 437 THIRTY-FIRST ^untraK iBomutg< WEEK. Psalm cviii. A LMIGHTY and most merciful Father ! Thou who art of purer eyes than to behold iniquity, whose government is righteous, and whose law is holy, and just, and good. How may guilty sinners presume to approach Thee ? To thee all things are naked and open, and our defilement and unworthiness are fully exposed to thy view. We have sinned against thee, our Creator, our Preserver, and our kindest Benefactor, who hast every claim to our love and obedience. If we justify ourselves, our own mouth will condemn us ; if we say we are perfect, it will also prove us perverse : for innumerable evils have compassed us about ; our iniquities have taken hold upon us, so that we are not able to look up ; they are more than the hairs of our head, and therefore our hearts fail us. Thy law, O most holy and righteous God, condemns us. It denounces death against every soul of man that doeth evil. It declares that the wages of sin is death. But we have often transgressed thy holy law ; and our transgressions have been accompanied with circumstances of great aggravation. When we look back upon our past lives, we see that we have failed throughout, and come short of thy glory. We have lived and thought and acted as if thou, the God of our mercies and of our lives, hadst no claim to our grateful affections, and no right to rule over us and in us. In opposition to thy command, to seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, we have given our hearts to the vanities and the pleasures of this evil world. O God, we adore thee for thy patience, and forbearance, and long-suffering goodness. It is of thy mercy that we are not consumed, and because thy compassions fail not ; for they have been multiplied towards us every moment. Thou hast made goodness and mercy to surround and to follow us ; and, above all, thou hast sent unto us the word of thy salvation, to assure us that the saying is faithful, and worthy of all acceptation, that Jesus Christ came into the world to save sinners. For ever blessed be the Lord God of Israel, for he has visited and redeemed his people ! We rejoice that the great salvation, spoken of by the prophets, has been accomplished by the obedience and the sacrifice of thine own dear Son ; that he has finished transgression, made an end of sin, made reconciliation for iniquity, and brought in everlasting righteousness. We bless thee that, in testimony of thine approbation of Christ and of his sacrifice, and to assure us that in our stead he had magnified the law and made it honourable, thou, O God, hast raised him from the dead, and hast given him glory, that our faith and hope might be in Thee. We desire to come unto thee, O Lord, in this new and living way of thine appointment, entreating thee to pardon the iniquities of our holy things. Let our numerous failings in religious duties be all forgiven. Enable us to wait upon thee this day with composure of spirit, and may our hearts be raised from the vanities of earth to meditate on the great realities of eternity. Grant unto us, and unto all thy people, times of refreshing from thy presence. May we hear thy word in faith, that it may profit our souls. May it be as a lamp to our feet, and a light to our path ; directing us through the darkness of this world, to the land where God shall be our everlasting light, and where the days of our mourning shall be ended. We entreat these great mercies for the Saviour’s sake. Amen. 438 THIRTY-FIRST OJbmtng, WEEK. 1 Timothy, Chapter ii. O GOD, thou hast searched us and known us ; thou understandest our thoughts before they are known to ourselves ; there is not a word in our tongue with which thou art not acquainted. When we behold the mighty works of thy hand, and contemplate the wonders of thy providence, the thought arises in our mind, Lord ! what is man that thou shouldst regard him? For we have sinned against heaven, and in thy sight. Thou mightest justly swear in thy wrath, that we should never enter into thy rest : but deal not with us as our sins deserve ; cause us to partake of thy forgiveness and loving- kindness, for in thee do we put our trust. Let thy Spirit teach us in all things which concern our salvation, and may the word of Christ dwell richly in us. Put thy fear in our hearts, that we may never depart from thee. We acknowledge that we have lived but little like those who are the children of the Most High God : we have not glorified thee ; we have leaned to our own understanding, and trusted to our own hearts. O wash us thoroughly from our iniquity, and cleanse us from our sin ; for who is a God like unto thee, that pardonest iniquity, and that retainest not thine anger for ever, because thou delightest in mercy? Hast thou not sent thy Son Jesus Christ to be a propitiation for sin, that thou mightest be just, and yet the justifier of the ungodly ? We would now receive the atonement : we would desire to believe ; O banish that unbelief which yet lurks in our bosom. Justify us by faith, that we may have peace with God by our Lord Jesus Christ, and through him have access into that grace wherein believers stand, and rejoice in hope of the glory of God. Clothe us with humility, and help us to learn of Christ to be meek and lowly in heart ; to be content in whatever circumstances we may be placed, still saying, under all trials, The will of the Lord be done. Enable us in all things to approve ourselves unto God, and then to feel indifferent to honour and dishonour, to evil report and good report ; that, being clad in the armour of righteousness, we may consider it a small thing to be judged by man’s judgment, because God is Judge of all. Lord, make us to increase and abound in love one towards another, and towards all men ; that our hearts may be established unblameable in holiness before God ; and let all our daily, and especially our Sabbath privileges, advance our conformity to thy will, and our meetness for thy heavenly kingdom. May the truths of thy word, to which we have attended this day, abide in our memories, and become principles of action ; that we, being not forgetful hearers, but doers of the work, may be blessed in our deeds. Cause all thy faithful servants to rejoice in the progress of their labours, and in the triumphs of the gospel ; that sinners may be set free from the bondage of Satan, and the kingdom of Christ visibly and extensively prevail. More especially we pray for thy servant upon whose ministry we have this day attended, that thy presence may support and delight his soul, and that his efforts to do good may be crowned with abundant and constant success. Soon may our country and the whole world be entirely subjected to the Redeemer’s power, that truth and righteousness, peace and joy, may pervade the earth, and the kingdoms of this world become the kingdoms of our Lord and of his Christ. Hear us, O Lord, in these our feeble supplications, for the Redeemer’s sake. Amen. 439 THIRTY-FIRST JHontmg iilcrnmcj WEEK. Psalm cix. W E adore thee, O Most High, as a Being of infinite wisdom, power, and love ; the Governor of the world, in whom we live, and move, and have our being; from whom cometh every good and perfect gift ; from whose unmerited favour flow all the blessings we enjoy. Teach us by the Spirit how to worship thee aright, that the words of our mouth, and the meditations of our heart, may be acceptable in thy sight. We acknow- ledge our unworthiness to come into thy presence, but, encouraged by the directions and promises of thy word, we would draw nigh unto thee in the exercise of faith and gratitude, rejoicing in Christ as the new and living way, the Mediator between God and man, the all-prevailing Intercessor, through whom we may come with holy boldness to the throne of the Divine Majesty, that we may receive mercy to pardon, and grace to help us in every time of need. Let a sense of our numerous and aggravated sins inspire us with godly sorrow. We confess, O Lord, that we have sinned against light and knowledge ; against innumerable mercies and invaluable privileges ; against our own vows and solemn resolutions. We would not attempt to justify ourselves, but would confess before thee that we are utterly unclean ; that our affections are depraved, our will perverted, and our whole nature destitute of spiritual good. Glory be to thy grace, that there is forgiveness with thee ; that a fountain has been opened for sin and uncleanness ; that pardon and purity are offered to sinners through thy dear Son. Purge us, and we shall be clean ; wash us, and we shall be whiter than the snow. Hide thy face from our sins, and blot out all our iniquities : renew us in the spirit of our minds, that we may put on the new man, which after God is created in righteousness and true holiness. Keep us this day in thy fear. Turn away our eyes from beholding vanity, and quicken us in thy way. Let the emptiness of the present world, and the glorious realities of eternity, be continually remembered, that we may learn to live above the world, seeking for those better things which God hath prepared for them that love him. Amidst the lawful engagements of life, may we feel thy presence, and be preserved from the spirit and conduct of those that fear thee not ; that we may never grieve thy Spirit, or wound our own consciences by unhallowed compliances with the customs of the world. And while we pray for the mercies we need, we would thank thee, O Lord, for the blessings we are continually receiving; for thy mercies are new every morning, and every moment of our being : great is thy faithfulness. We acknowledge, O heavenly Father, thy goodness and care by which we have been preserved through the dangers of another night, and are permitted to begin another day in health, peace, and comfort. Preserve us from all evil, especially keep us from sin ; and let the young in thy presence remember that thou art ever with them ; and as they grow in years, may they increase in knowledge and holiness. Bless our parents, and all our relations and friends. May they all love God, and follow the example of Christ, that they may be happy on earth, and may dwell with thee for ever in heaven. And now unto Him that is able to keep us from falling, and to present us faultless before the presence of his glory with exceeding joy ; to the only wise God and our Saviour, be glory and majesty, dominion and power, both now and ever. Amen. 440 THIRTY-FIRST JHmiftag Cbmntfi, WREK. 1 Timothy, Chapter iii. W E would humbly adore thee, O Lord, as our God, and as the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ. With reverence and holy fear would we this evening attempt to worship thee ! O receive us as thy children, and look upon us in the face of thine Anointed. Thy mercy, O Lord, is in the heavens, and thy faithfulness reacheth unto the clouds. Thy righteousness is like the great mountains: thy judgments are a great deep; thou presefvest man and beast. How excellent is thy loving-kindness, O God, therefore the children of men put their trust under the shadow of thy wings. Thou art the fountain of goodness ; and thou givest unto all life, and breath, and all things. Oh that men would praise the Lord for his goodness, and for his wonderful works to the children of men. We, both as individuals and as a family, have peculiar cause to bless thee, O our God, for thy great mercy toward us : and we have also reason to confess and to mourn over our ingratitude toward thee, and the many sins which we daily commit against thee. We lament that our nature is so defiled by sin, and that our hearts are so prone to forget and forsake thee, the living God. Though thou hast nourished and brought us up like children, how often and how grievously have we rebelled against thee ! Blessed be thy name, that there is forgiveness with thee in Christ Jesus : for his sake, stretch forth thy hand to save us ; pardon our sins, heal our backslidings, receive us graciously, and love us freely. Thou hast encouraged, and even commanded us to seek thy face, assuring us, that they that seek the Lord shall not want any good thing ; therefore, while we acknowledge that we have forfeited all claim to thy regard, we would humbly plead the promises of thy word, and through Jesus Christ would ask that we may receive, and seek that we may find in thee all that we need for the life that now is, and for that which is to come. Grant, therefore, we beseech thee, that the sins and follies of this day may all be forgiven us. Look with compassion upon a world still lying under the dominion of the wicked one. Let the fight of thy glorious gospel remove the darkness of heathenism, and let all the kingdoms of the world become the kingdoms of our Lord and of his Christ. Especially have mercy upon those who have the fight of the gospel, but love darkness rather than light because their deeds are evil. Give them repentance unto salvation, that they come not into aggravated condemnation. We praise thee, O God, for the protection of another day ; for the supplies of thy bounty by which we have been fed, and the comforts by which we are still surrounded. Bless the Lord, O our souls, and forget not any of his benefits ; who forgiveth all our iniquities; who healeth all our diseases; who redeemeth our fives from destruction ; who crowneth us with loving-kindness and tender mercies. Take us now under thy care during this night. Suffer no evil to approach us, nor any danger to come nigh our dwelling. Refresh our bodies, and renew our strength by necessary repose ; and if we are spared to enter upon another day, may it be to fear God, to love him more, and serve him better, than we have hitherto done ; through our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, to whom be glory for ever and ever. Amen. 441 3 K THIRTY-FIRST Cucgtrag iBtornma WEEK. Psalms cx. cxi. O LORD our God, thou art infinite and unsearchable, thou dwellest in that light which cannot he approached by feeble mortals. Thou art the King eternal, immortal, and invisible, the only wise God, and our Saviour. Deign to look down upon us in condescension and mercy, now that we are prostrate at the footstool of thy throne. We rejoice that thou art more ready to bestow mercies upon us than we are to implore them at thy hand. Thine ear is ever open to the prayer of faith ; teach us, then, to ask of thee in faith, nothing doubting the promises of thine infallible word — nothing hesitating as to the freeness and riches of thy grace in Christ Jesus. Heavenly Father, we would be deeply solicitous for the aids of thy grace, in commencing a new day. We would not lean, in its engagements, on our own wisdom or strength. We are prone to err from the right way ; hold thou us up, and we shall be safe. Let thoughts of thy holiness, omniscience, and love be continually before our minds, that we may not allow ourselves to swerve from the path of duty, but that we may be in the fear of the Lord all the day long. If temptations arise, may we successfully resist them in the strength of thy promised grace ; if sorrows darken our path, may we submit to them with cheerfulness, knowing that they are for our good ; if perplexing events press upon us, may the wisdom which cometh from above be seasonably imparted to us. In all the circumstances and events of human life, enable us to walk circumspectly, not as fools, but as wise, redeeming the time, because the days are evil. We bless thee for the assurance, that if we commit ourselves unto thee, and acknowledge thee in all our ways, thou wilt direct our steps. We would therefore humbly place ourselves under thy gracious care, and would seek to be led by thy Holy Spirit, would follow the dictates of thy word, that in all things we may glorify thee in our bodies and in our spirits which are thine. We pray, O Lord, if we have entered on the path which leadeth unto life, that we may be enabled to proceed with energy and perseverance in our Christian course, looking unto Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith. Suffer us not to turn aside from the holy commandments of our blessed Lord; but to hold on our way rejoicing, and to wax stronger and stronger in the love and practice of godliness. With fervent gratitude we would adore thee for the great mercies of the past night. For the repose of sleep, for the light of the morning, for any measure of health and strength, for all personal and domestic comforts, and especially for all spiritual blessings in heavenly places in Christ Jesus, we rejoice to render thee our united and grateful praise. Give us a heart to love thee, to delight in thee, and to walk in thy ways. Set us free from all unholy care, and vouchsafe to us such a delightful feeling of the reality and tenderness of thy fatherly care, as shall prove an anchor for our souls both sure and steadfast. Help us to live to thee this day. Be near to us, as our Defender, our guide, our never-failing friend. Give us that due sense of all thy mercies, that our hearts may be unfeignedly thankful, and that we may shew forth thy praise, not only with our lips but in our lives, by giving up ourselves to thy service, and by walking before thee in holiness and righteousness all our days, through Jesus Christ our Lord : to whom, with thee, O Father, and the Holy Spirit, be glory everlasting. Amen 442 THIRTY-FIRST Cisesftajj C'bnuits 1 Timothy, Chapter iv. week. 0 LORD our heavenly Father, thou art good to all, and thy tender mercies are over all thy works. Thou art nigh unto all them that call upon thee, to all that call upon thee in truth. By thy protecting care and kind providence we have been preserved through another day, amidst the dangers seen or unseen to which we have been exposed. We desire this evening to present ourselves at thy footstool with feelings of devout gratitude and praise. Thou hast not dealt with us after our sins, nor rewarded us accord- ing to our iniquities. Accept, we beseech thee, our thanks for the many blessings thou hast been pleased to confer upon us; for the comforts and privileges we continue to enjoy. Alas ! we have not honoured thee as we ought to have done ; nor devoted ourselves to thee with the grateful zeal which the greatness of thy mercy demands. In too many instances we have sought our happiness apart from God, and have loved and served the creature more than the Creator. For thy name’s sake, O Lord, pardon our iniquity, for it is great. We come in the way thou hast thyself appointed, even through Jesus Christ, the Mediator of the new covenant, in whom thou hast declared thyself to be ever well pleased; in whom thou canst be just, and yet the justifier of the ungodly. For his sake, look in mercy upon us; hide thy face from our sins, and blot out all our iniquities. May we be made partakers of the righteousness of Christ, by the possession of which we become heirs of the heavenly inheritance ; and may his Spirit dwell in our hearts, that we may be not only pardoned but renewed, and may become daily more meet to be partakers of the inheritance of the saints in light. Make us more spiritually minded, that we may more constantly and more surely commune with God, that our souls may continually ascend to thee as to our exceeding joy. May our devotedness to thy service become daily more entire ; that, while we live we may live unto the Lord, and when we die, may die unto the Lord, that living and dying we may be the Lord’s. And while we seek our own spiritual prosperity, may we ever be concerned for the salvation of our fellow-men and the improvement of our fellow-Christians. Thou hast commanded us to make supplication, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks, for all men ; for kings, and for all that are in authority ; that we may lead a quiet and peace- able life, in all godliness and honesty. Let our country be protected by thy power and favour as with a shield. Establish the throne in righteousness. Give to the Sovereign a wise and understanding heart, with length of days on earth, and eternal life when all earthly glory shall be obscured in death. Bless every branch of the royal family, and all the nobles of the land. Make it appear that thou art with our rulers; and when our senators are gathered together, may it be evident that the God of Israel is among them. Pour down thy Spirit in copious showers upon the ministers of the gospel, that by their efforts, truth and holiness, religion and piety, may prevail against every form of error, pre- judice, and sin. And now, O heavenly Father, we would resign ourselves to thy merciful care and pro- tection. May we rest in safety this night under the shadow of thy wings; and if spared to the returning day, may we rise with recruited strength, to serve thee with renewed vigour. Hear us, merciful Father, for the' sake of thy dear Son, to whom be glory for ever. Amen. 443 3 K 2 THIRTY-FIRST Moznin& W K ii K . Psalms cxil cxiii. cxiv. A GAIN would we desire to bow before thy throne, O most High, and call upon thy name : we would this morning exalt the Lord our God, and worship at His foot- stool, for He is holy. Blessed be thy name for thy infinite goodness to the children of men. If we explore the volume of nature, we read in thy works that the Lord our God is Almighty; if we mark the dispensations of thy providence, we. are constrained to exclaim, Oh the depths of the riches both of the wisdom and knowledge of God ! how unsearchable are his judgments, and bis ways past finding out ! But the gospel of thy Son reveals thee as a God of love ; so loving the world as to give thine only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him might not perish, but have everlasting life. May we be so taught of God as to approach thee under the full influence of the encouragements which this full revela- tion of thy character affords; we are not left to nature’s voice, to bid us know and serve thee ; the way of access to thee is clearly described, and we are assured that because Jesus died for our sins, and lives to intercede for us, Thou art ready to forgive, and plenteous in mercy unto all them that call upon thee. We humbly acknowledge our unprofitableness and ingratitude ; much has been given us, but we have often been unthankful, and have little improved our privileges to the purposes for which they have been given. Thy word has been neglected; the great salvation of the gospel has been despised; the remonstrances of conscience and the strivings of the Spirit have been withstood, and justly mightest thou have taken from us all these blessings, and left us to reap the consequences of our rebellion and folly. While we confess our guilt, let godly sorrow and self-abhorrence be increased, that we may now offer to thee the sacrifices of a broken heart and a contrite spirit. Deeply conscious of our guilt, and the misery we have deserved, we come pleading the merits of our Saviour, and seeking relief alone from him who died the just for the unjust, that he might bring sinners to God. May we all believe in him, to the saving of our souls. Looking to him by faith, may we know that he bore our sins in his own body on the tree, and that by his stripes we are healed. Let the Spirit of him that raised up Jesus from the dead dwell in us, to destroy the dominion of sin, to purify our thoughts, to rectify and exalt our affections, to regulate our conduct, and to bear witness with our spirit that we are the children of God. Hitherto thou hast helped us. While many have been removed in impenitence, we are continued amidst the provisions of thy mercy, by which eternal life may be secured ; while many have declined in their Christian profession, and returned to the weak and beggarly elements of the world, we are yet continued, to cleave unto thee with more affec- tion than ever ; for, Lord, to whom can we go but unto thee ? thou hast the words of eternal life. Never leave us nor forsake us ; guide and support us through all our journey ; strengthen us for every difficulty, and prepare us for every trial, especially for our last change ; and when heart and flesh shall fail, be thou the strength of our heart, and our portion for ever. And now, unto Him that loved us, and washed us from our sins in his own blood, and hath made us kings and priests unto God and the Father ; to Him be glory and dominion for ever and ever. Amen. 444 THIRTY-FIRST WctmesfaaE oftmitng. WEEK 1 Timothy, Chapter v. W HAT shall we render unto thee, O merciful and gracious God, for the blessings we are continually receiving from thee. Day unto day proclaims thy goodness, and night unto night declares thy loving-kindness and tender mercies. By thy kind providence we are brought to the close of another day, in circumstances of comfort which demand renewed expressions of gratitude and joy. We would, therefore, be humbled and ashamed when we remember our folly and sin in forsaking thee, the fountain of living waters, and seeking to find our happiness in temporal enjoyments. May the time past suffice to have wrought the will of the flesh, and henceforth may we walk not after the flesh, but after the Spirit. May we die unto sin, and live unto righteousness ; remembering that we are not our own, that we are bought with a price. Teach us to depart from all iniquity, to abstain from the very appearance of evil, that, instead of bringing reproach upon the sacred name of Christ, those who witness our conduct may glorify God on our behalf. Quicken us, O Lord, in the pursuit of those things which belong to our eternal peace. Forgetting the things that are behind, may we press forward to those which are before, that, through thine infinite grace, we may obtain the prize of our high calling of God in Christ Jesus. Hear us when we pray for others ; let all our fellow-men be brought to the knowledge of the truth, that every form of error and prejudice may be removed, and that peace and happiness, religion and piety, may soon fill and bless the whole world. May those who are placed in stations of authority, and power be under thy special care ; that they may have grace given them faithfully to discharge their respective duties, to thy glory, and the well-being and happiness of their fellow-men. Look with tender compassion upon the poor and needy, the afflicted and the destitute, the aged and infirm. Bless them according to their several necessities, sanctify their trials, and make them heirs of that glorious inheritance where all weakness, and change, and death shall be unknown. Let thy blessing rest upon our Sovereign and every member of the royal family ; preserve them from the snares of the world, and give them grace to practise righteousness and maintain truth. May all our magistrates fear God, and be a terror to evil-doers, and a praise to them that do well. Let the church of Christ increase in knowledge, purity, zeal, and love ; and may all who are called to preach the gospel of Christ, possess the spirit of their Great Master, and commend themselves to every man's conscience in the sight of God. And may all who bear the Christian name be their helpers in the gospel, deeming it their honour to be em- ployed for God, as instruments in carrying on his merciful purposes to the children of men. Forgive the imperfections and sins of another day, and make us thankful for its numberless blessings. Continue thy fatherly protection and care through the night, and in the morning may we rise, with renewed strength and enlivened gratitude, to love thee more and serve thee better than we have done this day. Accept this our evening sacrifice, which we humbly offer in the all-prevailing name of our adorable Redeemer, who is worthy, with the Father and the Holy Spirit, to receive all honour and glory, dominion and praise, both now and for ever. Amen. 445 THIRTY-FIRST dronfoag ^Horning WEEK. PSALBIS CXV. CXVI. O THOU King eternal, immortal, and invisible, who dwellest in the light which no man can approach unto, whom no mortal eye has seen, or can see and live. Thou hast taught us in thy word that they that worship thee must worship thee in spirit and in truth. Enable us, therefore, by thy Spirit, to approach thee in a manner which shall be pleasing in thy sight, and useful and happy to ourselves. We have need to cry, Lord, teach us to pray : for the language of our lips has not always been accompanied with the feelings of the heart ; and often have we asked for those things which would have injured our souls, rather than subserved their real good. We know that the way of man is not in himself ; it is not in man that walketh to direct his steps ; and we know not what we should pray for as we ought. We bless thee, that as thou best knowest what will advance our welfare, so thou hast graciously taught us to commit our way unto Thee. We rejoice in thee as our Father ; we would say, with unfeigned submission — here we are, do with us as seemeth good in thy sight: for though clouds and darkness are round about thee, though thy dealings to us may appear mysterious and trying, yet what we know not now, we shall know hereafter ; and the full development of thy conduct will constrain us to exclaim with holy admiration and gratitude, He has done all things well. Teach us, therefore, to seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness; to estimate all things according to their connexion with eternity ; to aim continually at the advancement of thy glory, and the growth of the divine life in our souls. Blessed be thy name for the assurances thou hast given us, that, if we seek thee as a God of grace, we shall also be enabled to rejoice in thee as the God of providence, who providest all necessary good for thy children, while they are journeying to their Father’s home, and causest all things to work together for good to them that love thee. Having taken hold of thy covenant, and given ourselves to thee, may we cheerfully depend upon thy word, that thou wilt never leave us nor forsake us, but wilt guide us by thy counsel, and afterwards receive us to glory. Make us more sensible of our obligations to thee for thy past mercies. Oh, how great is the sum of them ! If we would count them, they are more in number than the sand. Another night has borne witness to thy kind and watchful providence ; and we have this morning to praise thee for the continuance of life, and health, and reason. But, above all, we desire to bless thee for Jesus Christ, and for salvation through him. Thanks be to God for his unspeakable gift. Oh ! help us to receive him into our hearts, that he may reign in us, and form us unto himself a peculiar people, zealous of good works. May he dwell in our hearts by faith ; may he rule us by his word and Spirit ; may we be his in that day when he shall come and make up his jewels. Let that portion of thy word, to which we have now attended, abide in us, and, by an honest and prayerful endeavour to conform our lives to the precepts of the sacred volume, may we have the witness in ourselves, that it is given by God, and is profitable for doctrine, reproof, correction, and instruction in righteousness. Into thy hands we now commit ourselves. Keep us from sin and danger ; lead us in the way in which we should go; and do for us more than we either ask or think, for Christ’s sake. Amen. 44C THIRTY-FIRST C|mr£tiag <£benutg< WEEK. 1 Timothy, Chapter vi. E TERNAL and ever-blessed God, who hast encouraged us to seek thy face ; our heart would joyfully respond to the invitations of thy word, Thy face, Lord, will we seek. We acknowledge that we have sinned against heaven, and in thy sight, and have rendered ourselves unworthy of thy regard ; but we would return with humility and deep contrition, admiring the riches of thy grace, that thou hast condescended so often to invite us to return, and to assure us of thy love, though we have been reluctant to enter into thy family, and to subject ourselves to thy government. We bless thee if our rebellious spirits have been subdued, if thou hast enabled us to receive the kingdom of God with the humility and teachableness of little children. We bless thee, that, having given thine own Son to be our Saviour, and to fulfil thy designs of mercy, thou dost, for his sake, impart to sinners the gift of the Holy Spirit, to subdue the enmity of their hearts, and make them willing in the day of thy power. Let us no more grieve the Spirit of God, by indulging in sin, or cherishing unbelief ; may we walk not after the flesh, but after the Spirit. Suffer us never to trifle in the things which pertain to the soul and eternity : but let more of the Saviour’s holiness, devotion, and zeal be possessed and displayed. We thank thee, O God, for the mercies of another day : how many comforts have surrounded us ; but how great has been our forgetfulness of thee, and unthankfulness for thy favours. Truly thou hast not dealt with us after our sins, nor rewarded us according to our iniquities. If our days are lengthened out, may they witness our gratitude and devotedness. May we no more seek our rest in this changing and sinful world, but desire a better country, that is, an heavenly ; and be followers of them who through faith and patience are inheriting the promises. We pray for our fellow-Christians of every name and in every nation. Grace and peace be multiplied unto all them that love our Lord Jesus Christ in sincerity. May the joys of thy special presence be richly possessed by them ; build them up in the faith and hope of the gospel; and let their light so shine before men, that they seeing their good works, wrought in them by thy Spirit, may glorify thee our Lather who art in heaven. Have mercy upon those parts of the world which are yet full of the habitations of cruelty. Long has Satan enslaved and deceived the nations : O deliver them from their bondage. Let the Prince of peace govern among the gentiles ; in every place let incense be offered unto his name, and a pure offering ; yea, let his name be great among the heathens, Restore thine ancient people, the Jews, to their long-lost privileges. Turn them unto thyself, and take away the veil which is upon their heart. Regard with thy merciful favour the land in which we dwell. Let those who are in stations of authority and influence consider their accountability, and aim at the advance- ment of thy glory and the well-being of their fellow-men. May the poor, the afflicted, and the bereaved receive from thee all that support and consolation their circumstances require. Bless all our friends and relatives ; make them partakers of thy grace here, and inheritors of thy glory hereafter. We present these our supplications and thanksgivings unto the God of our salvation, the Lather, the Son, and Holy Spirit; to whom we desire to ascribe equal and ceaseless praises. Amen. 447 THIRTY-FIRST dfrffiag iHnntuig W HER. Psalms cxvii, cxviii. O UR voice shalt thou hear in the morning, O Lord ; in the morning will we direct our prayer unto thee, and will look up, in the exercise of faith, to thy throne, whence only cometh our hope. When we meditate upon thy glorious excellencies, we are ashamed and confounded that we should have forsaken thee, and chosen the friendship of the world rather than thy favour. O how great our folly and our guilt ; for thou hast the first claim upon our affections and obedience : thy smile is heaven ; and thy favour is better than life. Blessed be God, that he has not left us in unmingled and hopeless sorrow, to mourn over our rebellion and wretchedness ; that God was in Christ, reconciling the world unto himself, not imputing their trespasses unto them. O that the condescension and love of the Most High may win all our hearts to ready and entire submission. Too long have we slighted the invitations of Divine love, and justly might the door of mercy be closed against us for ever ; but we rejoice to hear that the Redeemer still waits to receive us ; and to be assured by his ministers, and his word, that all things are now ready, and that yet there is room. If there is still in any of our hearts a reluctance to be saved in thine own way, condescend, O gracious Saviour, to remove it for ever from us, and let a cordial and immediate reception of thy gospel lay the foundation for holiness, peace, and joy. May the Holy Spirit sanctify our natures, for we are polluted and defiled. Sprinkle clean water upon us, and we shall be clean ; from all our filthiness, and from ail our idols, do thou cleanse us. Create in us a clean heart, O God, and renew a right spirit within us ; take away the stony heart out of our flesh, and give us a heart of flesh. May the eyes of our understanding be enlightened, that we may know what is the hope of his calling, and what the riches of the glory of his inheritance in the saints ; and may the believing expect- ation of this unchanging glory render us superior to both the allurements and the powers of the world ; make us patient under suffering, and diligent and self-denying in every work of faith and labour of love. May we reckon that the sufferings of this present state are not worthy to be compared with the glory which shall be revealed in us. Make us ever to remember the dignity of our calling — that we are heirs of God, and joint-heirs with Christ Jesus; that we may be kept from an undue attachment to earthly things ; and that our conversation may be in heaven, even while engaged in our lawful and necessary concerns in the world. Regard, O Lord, in mercy those who are dear to us in the bonds of nature and friendship. We would not seek for ourselves, or for them, great things in this changing and dying life ; but, O do thou honour us all with thy favour. Let none of them die without an interest in Christ, but number them with thy saints in glory everlasting. Bless the church of Christ universally ; extend her boundaries ; increase her purity ; let a spirit of prayer be more general and more fervent, that the time to favour her may come. Remember in mercy those who suffer for conscience sake. Sustain them in a vigorous resistance of all sin ; and give them in patience to possess their souls. Break the iron rod of oppression, and let the law of love be written upon every heart, that thy w ill may be done on earth as it is done in heaven. And to God, the only wise, be glory and dominion for ever and ever. Amen. 448 THIRTY-FIRST dfriMg WEEK, 2 Timothy, Chapter i. O THOU everlasting God, the Creator of heaven and earth, the Father of our spirits, and the giver of all good ; before thy throne we bow with reverence and shame. Thou art good, and doest good continually, but we have rebelled against thee. We have destroyed ourselves, but in thee is our help found. In us, that is, in our flesh, dwelleth no good thing : our spiritual and immortal powers are degraded, and, had we been left to ourselves, we must have perished ; and if we are saved, it must be by grace through faith, and that the gift of God. We adore thy mercy and grace that thou hast provided for our redemption ; that thou hast laid help on One who is mighty to save ; and whose love is equal to his power. We adore the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, that though rich he became poor, tabernacled amongst men, endured the contradiction of sinners against himself, and suffered the punishment due to our transgressions, till upon the cross he cried, It is finished. We rejoice that in his sacrifice justice is satisfied, truth is established, the law magnified, and an immoveable foundation laid for the hope and salvation of the sinner. We bless thee for the gift of the Holy Spirit, to apply the great salvation of the gospel. O may we all seek a personal interest in Christ, and be satisfied with nothing less than the testimony of our conscience, and the witness of thy word and Spirit, that we are born again, and are made new creatures in Christ Jesus. While we seek his mercy, may we hear his gracious voice, saying unto us, Him that cometh to me I will in no wise cast out ; Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me, for I am meek and lowly in heart, and ye shall find rest unto your souls. May we, without delay or reserve, commit ourselves into his hands, knowing that he is able to keep all that we commit to him until that day. May we cheerfully take up our cross, and go forth to him without the camp, bearing his reproach. And if we be esteemed foolish and vile, may we rejoice that we are counted worthy to suffer shame for him; and remember his words, The disciple is not above his Master, nor the servant above his Lord. Enable us to estimate more correctly the privileges of discipleship, the grace of Christ in receiving us under this character, and the glory which shall follow ; that we may count all but loss for Him. Receive our grateful acknowledgments for the mercies of another day. Fresh favours from thy hand call for renewed praises. The lines have fallen unto us in pleasant places ; may our gratitude be more proportioned to our blessings, and our obedience to our obligations. Enable us now to commit our bodies and spirits into thy hands ; protect us from the dangers of the night, and in every future period be thou our shield, and our exceeding great reward. And all these blessings which we have sought for ourselves, we earnestly implore for all who are dear to us. Supply all their necessities, guide them by thy Spirit, and prepare them for thy heavenly kingdom. Let the triumphs of the gospel be extended. Let thy ministers be clothed with salvation, and all thy people shout aloud for joy. Let the people praise thee, O God; let all the people praise thee. And may the grace of our Lord Jesus, and the love of God our heavenly Father, and the communion of the Holy Spirit, be with us all for ever. Amen. 449 3 L TUIRTY-FIRST Jmtm’fcag iHmiung, WEEK. Psalm cxix. Verse 1 — 32. G LORIOUS and ever-blessed God ! Thou art the source of all excellence and hap piness. With thee is the fountain of life. In thy presence is fulness of joy, and at thy right hand there are pleasures for evermore. Blessed be thy name that thou hast made that our first duty, which is our greatest honour and highest privilege, even to draw near to thee in the exercise of grateful and humble confidence. We have made ourselves degraded and miserable by alienating our hearts from thee, and neglecting to seek thy favour and to continue in thy service ; and our truest wisdom is to seek restoration to thy family, and divine communion with thee. We bless thee that thou hast invited us to enter into a covenant of peace ; that thou hast opened a new and living way into the holiest of all by the blood of Jesus, who has once suffered for sins, the just for the unjust* that he might bring us unto God. We bless thee if thy Spirit has convinced us of our enmity, subdued it by his mighty and gracious power, and restored us from our wanderings. O how awful the distance from God, to which sin has led us. Give us to feel that we are brought back by divine grace, that we are now reconciled to God. Henceforth may his service be our business and our delight ; may Satan no longer command us, nor sin prevail within, but may the language of thine apostle be descriptive of our state, — truly our fellowship is with the Father, and with his Son Jesus Christ. O for more conformity tc the blessed God ! We would not be satisfied with restoration to thy favour, without the reproduction of thine image in our souls. Let the Spirit of God dwell in us, to uphold all our goings in thy ways, and to quicken us in the divine life ; that we may honour thee, and may enjoy that real happiness which is connected with the life of God in the soul. We would sigh and cry before thee for the iniquity of our land. We have long been exalted by our peculiar privileges ; but how is thy word despised, how are thy Sabbaths profaned, how awfully does sin abound; O let thy grace much more abound. Forbid that the abuse of our privileges should prove our ruin. May true religion prosper among us ; may the aged seek to abound in the fruits of righteousness ; may those who are in the vigour of life devote their energies to God ; may the young be secured from the snares of life, and early enter the field of Christ. O that the world, which is full of thy goodness, may be soon filled with thy praise ; O that men would praise the Lord for his goodness, and for his wonderful works to the children of men. We entreat thy continued blessing to rest upon this family. May we all be thankful for thine undeserved goodness, and sincerely desirous of living unreservedly to thee. May those of us who are at the head of it, walk within our house with a perfect heart; setting an example of consistency and exalted piety ; may the servants delight to study thy word, and conform themselves to it ; in all things serving the Lord Christ. Give us grace to train up our children in the nurture and admonition of the Lord, and may we have the unspeakable pleasure of seeing them walking in the truth. And now 7 to the God of our mercies we would anew devote the lives thou hast spared. Our time, our health, our reason, our all, we would consider as talents committed to our trust, with which we are to glorify God, and serve our generation. Enable us to be faithful, that we may at length be raised unto the joy of our Lord. Amen, and amen. 450 THIRTY-FIRST <#>attirtrag (filming, WEEK. 2 Timothy, Chater ii. B EFORE thy footstool we would now bow ourselves, O thou most High ! We adore thee as our Creator, Preserver, and Governor ! and we believe that thou wilt be our Judge. How, then, shall we appear before the Lord, or bow ourselves before the most High God ? Blessed be thy name, thou hast thyself taught us how to come with acceptance ; even through Jesus, the Saviour of sinners ! Help us now to come boldly to the throne of grace, there to obtain mercy, and find grace to help us according to our need ; that we may be prepared to stand before the throne of thy glory with exceeding joy. May we never forget thy majesty, or thy condescension; thy justice, or thy mercy; thy holiness, or thy love — that, while we draw near unto thee with filial confidence and sacred delight, we may be sensible of the vastness of the distance at which as creatures we must ever stand from thee ! Blessed be the Lord God of Israel ; for he hath visited and redeemed his people, and hath raised up an horn of salvation for us in the house of his servant David ; as he spake by the mouth of his holy prophets, which have been since the world began ; that we, being delivered out of the hand of our enemies, might serve him without fear, in holiness and righteousness before him, all the days of our life. We would glory in the cross of Christ, and bow to his sceptre ; we would remember that he came not only to die, but to reign ; to govern in the hearts of his people, and make them happy by making them holy. O give us grace to walk in his ways ; to submit to his appointments ; to trust to his example ; to promote his glory. Thy grace alone is sufficient for us ; for without thee we can do nothing. But we rejoice that that grace is promised ; that our God is not only able, but willing to supply all our need, according to his riches in glory by Christ Jesus. Work in us both to will and to do, according to thy good pleasure. Fulfil in us all the good pleasure of thy goodness, and the work of faith with power. Make us more sensible of our liability to error and our proneness to sin, that we may constantly and earnestly implore divine guidance and support, and may look forward with holy anticipation to that world of purity and perfection, where the redemption of believers shall be complete, and the full glory of their salvation shall be revealed. Accept our thanks for all the mercies of the week ; and graciously forgive our multi- plied follies and sins. Let the rapid flight of our days and weeks remind us how soon the days of our mortal life shall close in that night of death which approaches. May we know how frail we are, how short a time we have to live. Whatsoever our hand findeth to do, may we do it with our might. Prepare us for the approaching Sabbath ; may we esteem it a delight, holy to the Lord, and honourable ; and may we honour thee in it, not doing our own ways, nor finding our own pleasure, nor speaking our own words. May we delight in the assembly of thy saints, and enjoy thy special presence in the ordinances of the sanctuary. Let the private and social hours of the day be preserved sacred to God and religion, that our earthly Sabbaths may bear some delightful resemblance to the ever- lasting Sabbath of rest. And now to the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, the God of our salvation, be praise and glory everlasting, Amen. 451 3 L 2 THIRTY-SECOND «#>tmtra£ iBonumj Psalm cxix. Verse 33 to G4. WEEK. I T is a good thing to give thanks unto the Lord, and to sing praises unto thy name, O most High ; to shew forth thy loving-kindness in the morning, and thy faithfulness every night. On the morning of thy holy day we desire to enter into thy presence with the voice of thanksgiving and of praise. We would call upon our souls, and all that is within us, to bless the Lord for his great and continued goodness towards us. Especially we would bless thee for the light of the gospel, for the means of grace, and the hopes of glory afforded us, and for the regular return of the hallowed day that reminds us of the resurrection of our Lord and Saviour, and gives us the opportunity for the more con- tinued and solemn worship of God. We desire to come unto thee, O Lord, relying on the righteousness of our Saviour and Advocate. Grant that, both in our domestic worship and in thy church, we may this day be assisted, accepted, and blessed. As we were formed for thy glory, and to shew forth thy praise, may we regard it as the noblest employment, to be engaged in thy service. We bless thee that thou hast made us but a little lower than the angels ; that there is a spirit in man, and the inspiration of the Almighty giveth him understanding ; that our bodies are capable of being the temples of the Holy Ghost, and our souls of possessing the knowledge, and love, and image of God. We bless thee that the Son of man came to seek and to save that which was lost — to give eternal life to as many as believe on him, and to leave us an example that we should follow his steps. We thank thee also for the cloud of witnesses with which we are compassed about, for the example of those who are now inheriting the promises. Help us to follow them, as they followed Christ. Let thy good Spirit be ever poured out upon us, to direct us in all our paths ; to enlighten our minds, and purify our hearts ; that the love and power of sin may be subdued ; that we may be dead to the world, and alive to the glory of God, the concerns of our own souls, and the salvation of mankind. Look with compassion upon the whole earth ; and let those who are now without God in the world, be brought to the service of the living and true Jehovah. Let all the kingdoms of the earth become the kingdoms of our Lord and of his Christ. May the descendants of thy chosen people be turned unto the Lord ; let the veil be taken from their hearts, that they may believe in Jesus as the Saviour of whom Moses and the Prophets did write. Awake, O arm of the Lord, awake as in ancient days, as in the generations of old, and let all those be undeceived who are still under the dominion of error. Let thy word have free course this day, and be glorified ; and let all thy ministers enjoy thy presence and blessing in the dispensation of the gospel. Bless all those who may be unable to attend the ordinances of the sanctuary. Make them thankful that thou hast given them the inclination, though thou hast for a time deprived them of the power, to go up to the house of the Lord. Sanctify to them their afflictions, and make their abode none other than the house of God, and the gate of heaven. May this Sabbath leave us all in a state of greater meetness for serving thee before thy throne, and without ceasing. Hear thou our prayers, O Lord, for the sake of our Lord Jesus Christ. Amen. 452 THIRTY-SECOND tiPbmtng. WEEK 2 Timothy, Chapter iii. E VER-gracious and merciful God, the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, and, through him, the God and Father of all them that believe in his name; before thy throne we desire to present ourselves with unfeigned humility and with lively gratitude. We are unworthy of the least of thy mercies, and yet they are multiplied every moment; we would therefore praise thee for all thy goodness to us in providence, but especially for the blessings of thy grace, the privileges of another Sabbath, — thy word which we have read and heard, the ministry of thy glorious gospel, and the opportunities we have enjoyed for public and private worship. Alas ! how prone are we to neglect those important purposes for which the Sabbath is given us ; we would look upon this as a humbling proof of our fallen and sinful state. But while we take shame to ourselves for our backwardness to engage in spiritual duties, and our formality and coldness in the discharge of them ; we would be unfeignedly thankful if thou hast taught us to value our religious privileges, and caused us, in our attendance upon them, to renew our spiritual strength. Of a truth, the lines are fallen unto us in pleasant places, and we have a goodly heritage ! Thou hast granted us the retirement of the closet, the pleasures of the family altar, and the delightful and holy engagements of thy house, where thy power and glory are more manifestly displayed. But, amidst all our advantages, we must confess that w r e are unpro- fitable servants. The impressions produced upon our minds too frequently resemble the morning cloud and the early dew. O let thy Spirit deepen and perpetuate every salutary impression which may have been made this day upon our minds. Let the prayers in which we have united this day, on behalf of the afflicted, the poor, the bereaved, the fatherless, and the widow — our neighbourhood — and the church of Christ universally — be graciously heard, and abundantly answered. Hear us while we implore thy mercy to be manifested towards the millions who have never heard the glad tidings of salvation by a crucified Redeemer. Let the earth be filled with thy glory. Forgive, we beseech thee, whatever thou hast seen unworthy and sinful in our services, and all in our conduct or motives that has been inconsistent with our holy profession. Iniquity cleaves to our holy things ; but we entreat the acceptance of our services in Jesus, thy well-beloved Son. We pray thee to take us under thy care through the coming night. Defend us from all dangers ; and if it be thy will to continue our lives to another day, may our health and strength be invigorated, that we may render thee the homage of a grateful heart, and shew our love to thee by unreserved obedience to thy will. If thou shouldst be pleased to remove us from this world, may the close of an earthly and imperfect Sabbath be the dawn of that day of glory, whose sun shall never set in darkness. And now let the Lord our God be with us ; let him never leave nor forsake us ; may he incline our hearts unto him, to walk in all his ways, and to keep his commandments, and his statutes, and his judgments. O Lord, hear ; O Lord, forgive ; O Lord, hearken and do ; defer not, for thine own sake, O our God ; for we do not present our supplications before thee for our righteousness, but for thy great mercies. May the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit, be with us all. Amen. 453 THIRTY-SECOND iBontfajj iHnrnmg, WEEK. Psalm cxix. Verse 65 — 96. THOU who makest the out-goings of the morning and evening to rejoice ; fill our hearts with joy and gratitude this morning; and enable us to approach thee through faith in the atoning Lamb. Thou hast in mercy spared us through the dangers of another night, and permitted us to behold the light of the returning day, surrounded with the tokens of thine unmerited and forfeited regard. Thy mercy, O Lord, is in the heavens, and thy faithfulness reacheth unto the clouds. Thy righteousness is like the great mountains ; thy judgments are a great deep ; O Lord, thou preservest man and beast. We bless thee for the assurance that thou didst send thy Son into the world, not to condemn the world, but that the world through him might be saved; that for his sake thou wilt pardon the guilty, and restore the penitent to the forfeited blessings of thy family. We rejoice that the number and aggravated nature of our offences form no insurmountable barrier in the way of our salvation; that the blood of Jesus Christ thy Son atones for all guilt, and cleanses from all sin. Graciously remove our guilt. Set us free from the condemning and ruling power of sin. Let thy word and Spirit, and our own consciences, unite to prove that we are justified by faith; thus may we have peace with God, and rejoice in the glorious and holy liberty wherewith he makes his children free. Preserve us from all self-deception, hypocrisy, and formality. May we ever remember that if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature ; that if we are born of the Spirit, we shall mind the things of the Spirit; that faith will produce love, and love obedience. May we judge of our religion, not by our professions, but by the prevailing state of our heart towards God — by our fear to offend thee — by our desire to please thee — by our willingness to deny ourselves, and take up our cross and follow Christ in the regeneration. By thy kind providence we have entered upon another day ; but we know not what is before us — what may be its difficulties, its sorrows, or its temptations : nor would we disturb ourselves with anxious cares; for thou hast graciously encouraged us to be careful for nothing, to commit ourselves to thee in well-doing, to cast all our care upon thee, because thou carest for us. While we bless tbee for this manifestation of thy fatherly love, we beseech thee to enable us to resign ourselves entirely to thy disposal, in every duty and event of life. Whatever we may desire or dread, may we submit all to thine infinite wisdom, saying from the heart, concerning ourselves and all connected with us, The will of the Lord be done. By recognizing thy all-wise and merciful hand in every scene of our earthly existence, may we be prepared to suffer affliction without murmuring, and to enjoy prosperity without danger. Increase, we beseech thee, the knowledge of thy truth in every part of our land, especially in our own neighbourhood. May we behold the triumphs of the gospel. Let the standard of the cross be uplifted in the sight of all people, and the Saviour’s declaration be fulfilled, And I, if I be lifted up, will draw all men unto me. Pardon the infirmities and sins of our attempts to worship thee ; hear thou in heaven our prayers and our supplications, seeing that we call upon thee through the righteousness and intercession of our Lord Jesus Christ ; to whom, with Thee and the Holy Spirit, be all honour and glory. Amen. 454 THIRTY-SECOND iEfontmg ORmu'ng, 2 Timothy, Chapter iv. WEEK. G REAT and glorious God, may we ever remember that the preparation of the heart in man, and the answer of the tongue, are both alike from thee. Let thy Spirit now assist our infirmities, and teach us how to pray, and what to pray for as we ought. We bless thee that thou not only invitest us to come nigh unto thee, but hast also promised all the aid that we need, to hold communion with our heavenly Father. May we ever delight in this communion, esteeming it the greatest privilege we can enjoy, and the highest honour we can receive, on this side heaven ; approaching thee not only as the sovereign Ruler, but as our God in the covenant of thy Son, — our Father, our Friend, our exceeding joy ; the strength of our heart, and our portion for ever. We acknowledge that we are utterly unworthy thus to draw nigh unto thy throne, for our iniquities are great and numberless, but thou art rich in mercy; the blood of Jesus Christ thy Son cleanseth from all sin, and thy Holy Spirit can cleanse our corrupted nature, and subdue our most powerful corruptions. O make us more willing to receive from thine inexhaustible fulness the blessings which as guilty creatures we need. Take away all unbelief from our minds, all hardness from our hearts ; and may we mourn with godly sorrow over our folly, ingratitude, and pride. Enable us to acquire a more impartial and accurate knowledge of ourselves, a more extensive and spiritual insight into thy holy law, a more enlightened and experimental acquaintance with the provision which thou hast made for the glory of thy own name in the salvation of sinners ; that our humility and gratitude, our admiration and devotedness, may be continually increasing in extent and faithfulness. We acknowledge thy goodness, O God, in bringing us in safety thus far on our pilgrimage. We thank thee for the mercies we have received at thy hands in the course of this day ; and we beseech thee to forgive whatever thou hast seen in us inconsistent with our profession, or with thy holy will. May the close of each day remind us how soon this mortal life shall end ; how soon, even at the longest term of our existence, the night of death must come ; may we also be always mindful of the uncertainty of life, that we may diligently seek by thy grace to be prepared for a better world. We commend to thy blessing all our fellow-creatures, whatever may be their character or circumstances. May all men be brought to the knowledge of the truth. Let the poor and needy find in thee a very present help in time of trouble. Preserve them that are rich from worldly-mindness and forgetfulness of thee. Make all our magistrates men of God; give them grace to execute justice, and maintain truth. Have mercy upon our soldiers and seamen ; too long has their eternal welfare been neglected by Christians ; cause the efforts which are now made for their good to be very successful, that those classes of our fellow-men, who are more particularly exposed to danger and sudden death, may be prepared, by the possession of true piety, for that world where no storms shall arise, nor any evil be known. Bless the whole world with peace ! let the nations of the earth learn war no more. Forgive all that we have asked amiss. Supply us with all needful good, especially bless us with thy presence and favour, for Christ the Redeemer’s sake. Amen. THIRTY-SECOND CucsDaj) iHontutg. WEEK. Psalm cxix. Verse 97 — 128 . LORD God Almighty, thou art the King eternal, immortal, and invisible; thou art very great; thou art clothed with honour and majesty. Enable us to approach thy throne with reverence and godly fear ; and to worship thee, who art a Spirit, in spirit and in truth. We confess how unworthy we are to come before thee ; we have erred and strayed from thy ways like lost sheep ; we are altogether defiled by sin ; we can only cry with the publican, God be merciful to me, a sinner. We adore thy condescension and grace, that, instead of removing us for ever from thee, thou hast invited us to draw nigh, that we may receive pardon, and reconciliation, and eternal life. We rejoice in the declarations of thy word, that thou hast no pleasure in the death of him that dieth; that the chief of sinners maybe justified through faith in thy dear Son ; and that, having freely delivered him up for us all, thou wilt with him also freely give us all things, and that we may be constrained, by the mercies of God, to present our bodies a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to God, which is our reasonable service. And having given ourselves to God in a perpetual covenant, may we ever remember that the vows of God are upon us, and strive both to discharge the obligations and to enjoy the privileges of thy peculiar people. In all our approaches unto thee, may we have boldness and access with confidence by the faith of Him through whom we are restored to thy family. May we be ready to make every sacrifice which a conscientious adherence to truth and duty may require, rejoicing in the promise, that as our day, so our strength shall be ; that he who calls us to suffer will give strength to endure, and will eventually make us more than conquerors, and bring us safe to his eternal kingdom. But while we seek divine wisdom for ourselves, we would not forget our kindred and connexions. Let none of our friends remain in a state of enmity to thee, but may ail whom we love have the love of God implanted in their hearts. O may our children live before thee. Pour thy blessing upon our seed, and thy Spirit upon our offspring ; that they may delight in the law of the Lord, and be like a tree planted by the rivers of water, that bringeth forth his fruit in his season. Let our servants be the servants of God, doing his will from the heart ; humbly and diligently seeking to be prepared for that world, where all the distinctions that are now necessary shall be unknown, and where all the redeemed shall unite to adore His grace, who once appeared in the form of a servant, and came not to be ministered unto, but to minister. Thou, O God, knowest our several characters and conditions ; mercifully adapt the gifts of thy providence and grace to our necessities, that our conduct may ever be consistent ; that we may be preserved from temptation, or kept from falling by it. May the privileges of our condition be gratefully received, its duties be conscientiously discharged, its difficulties and trials be met with resignation and composure, and its opportunities of personal improvement and relative usefulness be seized with decision and thankfulness. And in all that we do, may we strive to please God. Receive our morning tribute of praise for the favours of the past night, and for the mercies which now surround us. Keep us through the day by thy mighty power from sin and danger. Uphold us in our goings, that our footsteps slip not. We ask all in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. Amen. i5G THIRTY- SECOND Ctie£&a£ <£bntin& Titus, Chapter i. week. W E acknowledge with thankfulness, O our God, thy fatherly care and tenderness, in bringing us safely through another day. For when we remember the many and various dangers to which we are exposed by reason of our ignorance or weakness, we are constrained to admire the watchful providence of the good Shepherd. He holdeth our soul in life, and suffereth not our feet to be moved. But if the gifts of thy providence call upon us for renewed thanksgiving, how much more do the inestimable blessings of redeeming love demand our adoring gratitude and praise ! We have erred and strayed from thy ways like lost sheep. We have followed the devices and desires of our own hearts. We have offended against thy holy laws. We have left undone the things which we ought to have done ; and we have done those things which we ought not to have done. And yet thou assurest us of thy readiness to forgive. Thou hast given thine only begotten Son, to be the propitiation for sins — the Mediator between God and man — the Lamb of God that taketh away the sin of the world. O give us faith to receive him ; may we hunger and thirst after the righteousness which he alone can confer upon us. We confess that we are fallen, guilty, ruined creatures; that there is no hope for us but in the gospel ; no Saviour to deliver, but Jesus Christ the righteous : we confess that His mercy and assistance we have forfeited by long-continued neglect of his invi- tations, and repeated disobedience to his kind and holy precepts ; that we have nothing to recommend us, except it he our guilt and misery. But thy word tells us that he died for the ungodly, that he makes intercession for transgressors, and that whosoever •cometh unto him, he will in nowise cast out. We come therefore to thee, O thou adorable Saviour, with shame and sorrow, yet with humble boldness and devout gratitude. We plead the merit of thy sacrifice, the prevalency of thine intercession, the freeness of thine invitations, the fulness of thy grace. O send us not empty away. Hold out to us the sceptre of peace, and bid us come to thy throne, and ask with freedom all that we need. We bless thee that thou hast given us this liberty of access to thee, that thou hast declared, Ask, and ye shall receive ; seek, and ye shall find ; knock, and it shall be opened unto you. Give us, therefore, deliverance from the power of sin. This is our worst enemy, and especially are we sensible of this when we look to the cross of Christ, and see what it merits ; or when we endeavour to commune with God, and feel sin separating between thee and our souls. O suffer sin no more to obtain dominion within us. Make us new creatures in Christ Jesus. Uphold us with thy free Spirit; for where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty. Too long have we been led captive by Satan and by the lusts of the flesh ; and we know that freedom from the law of Christ is the worst bondage, that submission to him is the most glorious freedom. Make us, therefore, steadfast in his service; followers of him, as dear children. Into thy hands would we now commit our bodies and our spirits. Let no evil befall us, nor any plague come nigh our dwelling. Grant us the repose which our frailty renders necessary, and renew our strength for thy service. We implore all through the inter- cession of Christ our Saviour. Amen. 3M 457 THIRTY-SECOND Wetmesfoag Stonuntj- WEEK. Psalm cxix. Verse 129 — 160 . L ORD, thou hast been our dwelling-place in all generations. Before the mountains were brought forth, or ever thou hadst formed the earth and the world, even from everlasting to everlasting, thou art God. They that know thy name will put their trust in thee ; for thou hast in all ages manifested thyself to be as a shield and high tower for the defence of the poor and needy. It is under this character that we come to thee ; and to whom should we go, but unto thee ? Thou hast the words of eternal life. Thou art able to supply all our need, and, blessed be thy name, thou hast declared thyself willing to impart every blessing, hast never sent away empty those who have humbly sought thy mercy, but, in the gift of thy beloved Son to be our surety, hast given us the strongest assurance and pledge that thou wilt give all good things to them that ask thee. We would not come into thy special presence with worldly minds, seeking an abundance of those things which will not satisfy the soul, and which perish in the using. Too long have we joined in the cry, Who will shew us any good? May our heart’s desire now be, Lord, lift thou up the light of thy countenance upon us ! While we see that anxious care about the treasures of earth is inconsistent with our character as Christians, may we be so sensible of the worth of spiritual blessings, as to rejoice that in their possession we have all that is truly desirable ; a treasure in heaven that faileth not, where neither moth nor rust doth corrupt, and where thieves do not break through nor steal. May we never forget that we are hastening towards the period when the vanity of all earthly pursuits and pos- sessions must be felt, and awfully felt by those who are not rich towards God. Grant, O most merciful God, that we may all seek immediately and constantly those objects which, however despised by the multitude, will appear in our dying moments of eternal importance. May we now mourn over sin, hunger and thirst after righteousness, receive Christ Jesus as our Lord, love him in sincerity and truth, and glory in his cross. Fill us with wisdom and spiritual understanding. May we walk circumspectly; may love to Christ animate our zeal ; and may that zeal be so governed by prudence, that our good may not be evil spoken of. May integrity and uprightness preserve us; may we exercise ourselves to have always a conscience void of offence towards God and towards man. O sustain us by thy grace, and employ us in thy service ; that at last, while taking a solemn and grateful review of a life of faith on the Son of God, we may be enabled through divine mercy to say, I have fought a good fight ; I have finished my course ; henceforth there is laid up for me a crown of glory, which the Lord the righteous Judge will give me in that day. Take us this day under thy protection : preserve us from all evil, and condescend to use us for thy glory. We thank thee for the mercies of the past night, and the blessings of the morning. May thy compassionate regard still be manifested towards us, and towards all for whom we should pray. Let our friends be the friends of Christ. Let our land be pervaded with the spirit of the gospel. Bless our beloved Sovereign, and let all who have the direction of our affairs be under thy continual guidance ; and that real pros- perity, and, above all, true religion, may be advanced. Graciously accept our prayers and thanksgivings, our persons and services, in and through our blessed Redeemer: to whom he honour and glory for ever. Amen. 458 THIRTY-SECOND 8BrBn«fflag <£bnung WEEK. Titus, Chapter ii 0 THOU infinite, eternal, and unchangeable Jehovah ; who art present in every place, beholding the evil and the good; with whom the night shineth as the day, and to whom the darkness and the light are both alike. Impress our minds with the solemn conviction, that there is no place where the workers of iniquity may hide themselves from thy presence, neither is there any creature that is not manifest in thy sight ; for all things are naked and open unto the eyes of that God with whom we have to do. Thou knowest the very secrets of our hearts, and thou understandest our thoughts afar off. O may we approach thee with that reverence which becomes creatures under thy constant inspection, and with that sincerity of mind which thou, as the God of truth, requirest. Thou art a Spirit ; may we worship thee in spirit and in truth. O Lord, pardon our great unworthiness ; help our manifold infirmities by thy good Spirit ; and enable us to approve ourselves to thee, the searcher of hearts, and the trier of the reins of the children of men. At the close of another day, we present ourselves as a family at thy throne, to record the mercies we have received at thy hand, and to adore Thee, the Author and Giver of life. It is thy good providence, though unseen, which has conducted us thus far safely in the journey of life ; thou hast watched over us with a Father’s care, in our going out and in our coming in ; thou hast continued to us the blessing of health, and hast guarded our life from all evil ; thy bounty has supplied our returning wants ; and, by thy good hand upon us, we now meet around the mercy-seat, to offer our united song of praise. But, alas ! O our God, though thou art so gracious to us, how unsuitable are our returns to thee ! In reviewing this day, we find just cause for repentance and godly sorrow in thy sight. How many have been our short-comings in the estimate of omniscient purity ! How irregular have been our tempers, how earthly our affections, how negligent our pursuit of spiritual and eternal things! Lord, enter not into judgment with us; remember not against us the follies, negligencies, and transgressions of the day ; but do thou pardon, accept, and justify us in thy dear Son, that we may lie down at peace with our God, and sweetly sleep in Jesus, as we hope to do when the sleep of death shall overtake us. While it shall please thee, O God, to continue us in this world, be ever near to us, as our defender and refuge. May we ever five as those who declare plainly that they seek a kingdom which cannot be moved ; may we ever shew that we prefer things unseen and eternal, to those which are sensible and present. Make us more earnest than we have hitherto been in pursuing the one thing needful, and securing that better part which can never be taken from us. Preserve us from the power, malice, and subtilty of our spiritual enemies. Leave us not to ourselves ; but ever assist us by thy good Spirit to persevere in the way which is everlasting ; that we may at last receive the end of our faith, even the salvation of our souls. Bless all dear to us, whether immediately under our roof, or separated from us in person. May the saving health of thy countenance rest upon them. Hear us, O God, we beseech thee, and accept us, through Jesus Christ, our only Mediator and Advocate. Amen. 439 3 M 2 THIRTY-SECOND CJmrstiag iHontmg, WEEK. Psalm cxix, Verse 161 — 176 . 0 LORD our God, we are the creatures of thy power, the continual objects of thy care, and the subjects of thy moral government; we would assemble at the footstool of thy throne, this morning, to adore and magnify thy holy name, and to realize afresh our obligations to serve and glorify thee, the God of our salvation. Blessed be thy name, thou hast caused us once more to taste thy loving-kindness in the morning ; our voice, therefore, shalt thou hear in the morning, O Lord; in the morning will we direct our prayer unto thee, and will look up. Thou art not a God who hast pleasure in wickedness, neither shall evil dwell with thee. The foolish shall not stand in thy sight ; and thou hatest all the workers of iniquity. Suffer us not, then, to regard iniquity in our hearts ; for if we regard iniquity in our hearts, thou wilt not hear our prayers. Enable us to wash our hands in innocency, and so to compass thine altar, O God. Let sincerity and upright- ness of mind mark our devotion ; that we may not bring to thee the torn, and the lame, and the sick, which thou wilt not accept at our hands. We confess and deplore our guilt and apostacy in thy sight ; we have sinned against thee, and have exposed ourselves to thine anger; but, though we cannot approach thee as unfallen and holy beings, we rejoice that we may call upon thee as penitent and self-abased sinners, pleading the merits of thy Son, and sueing for mercy through his atoning and all-perfect sacrifice. In entering upon a new day, we would make a fresh surrender of ourselves as a family to thy service. We are not our own, but thine. Thou hast made us, thou hast upheld us, thou hast bought us with a price, even the precious blood of thy dear Son. Thine therefore we are, and we desire to love and serve thee as long as we live. Take and keep us under the holy guidance of thy Spirit ; make us what thou wouldest have us to be ; form us by thy grace, to shew forth thy praise. We would implore thy blessing and protection this day. We beseech thee to prosper us in all our lawful undertakings. Make us diligent, upright, and kind in the discharge of all our duties. Impart to us that wisdom which is so necessary for our preservation in a world where temptation so much abounds ; may we guide our affairs with discretion ; may we employ our talents more for thy glory and the good of those around us. Most gracious Father, do thou look down in mercy on every praying individual, and every worshipping family. Multitudes are this morning prostrate at thy footstool; do thou meet with them, and bless them. Vouchsafe to them the aids of thy Holy Spirit, and let their prayers come up before thee as a memorial. O increase the number of thy true worshippers, and let thousands and tens of thousands of impenitent families bow to the sceptre of thy grace. Visit this family with a true revival of vital godliness. May the young devote themselves to Christ in the morning of their being; let them not presume upon lengthened days, but prepare to meet their God in the bloom and loveliness of youth. Impart grace to the servants, that they may honour thee in their humble but important calling; and that they share the approbation of their conscience, and their God. Bless the heads of the family, and enable them to set forth the power and excellence of religious principle in all their conduct. We commit ourselves afresh to thy care and blessing. Lord, hear, accept, and bless us, for the Redeemer’s sake. Amen. 460 ✓ THIRTY-SECOND Cfmrgtrag WEEK. Titus, Chapter iii. A LMIGHTY and most merciful Father, by whose tender care we have been preserved through another day ; accept, we beseech thee, the tribute of gratitude we desire now to render, through the mediation of Jesus Christ. Let our prayer be put forth before thee as incense, and the lifting up of our hands as the evening sacrifice. We bless thee for our creation, preservation, and all the blessings of this life; but, above all, for the redemption of the world through our Lord Jesus Christ ; that in Him sinners may find pardon, acceptance, and eternal life. We would be deeply humbled when we remember how long we have abused thy mercy, neglected thy service, and undervalued his friendship. Truly it is of the Lord’s mercies that we are not consumed, and because thy compassions fail not. Thy justice might long ere this have cut us down as cumberers of the ground ; and yet thou hast spared us — O may it be to bring forth much fruit. We would not only be satisfied with thy providential arrangements, but truly thankful for the undeserved mercies of our lot, though we possess not the riches or honours of this world : but we would covet earnestly the best riches— to be justified by thy grace; to be sanctified by thy Spirit ; to be adopted into thy family ; to be blessed with all spiritual blessings in heavenly places in Christ Jesus. We adore the riches of thy grace, that in Him are treasured up all the gifts which sinners can want to make them holy, useful, and meet for heaven. To Him therefore may we continually repair, and from his fulness receive grace upon grace, till every sin be subdued, till every want be supplied, till our sanctification be completed, and we ourselves be filled with all the fulness of God. Let thy goodness continue to be manifested towards us as a family. May the language of kindness be ever upon our lips, and the law of love be written upon our hearts. In our different stations may we glorify God by a conscientious and prayerful regard to his will ; striving in all things to approve ourselves to Him, before whose tribunal masters and servants, parents and children, must soon give up their account. We commend to thee our friends, and all who are dear to us. We rejoice to remember that their wants are all known to thee, that thou art able and willing to supply them. Provide them with all things necessary for the present life, but especially give them richer blessings than earth can yield. Make them the subjects of thy heavenly kingdom ; may they enjoy thy favour now, and hereafter be admitted to dwell in thy glory. If any are suffering affliction, support and console them under it, and sanctify it to their good. May all who are in difficulty, distress, or pain be led to seek the improvement of thy fatherly corrections, that they may have cause to be thankful even for their sorrows. Bless our native land in all her interests : let the throne be established in righteous- ness. May wisdom and knowledge be the stability of our times; and strength of salvation, and the fear of the Lord, our treasure. Gather together the Jews with the fulness of the Gentiles. Say to the north, give up, and to the south, keep not back ; bring my sons from far, and my daughters from the ends of the earth. Let the people praise thee, O God ; let all the people praise thee. And now to God, the Father, Son, and Spirit, the God of our salvation, be all honour and glory, dominion and praise, for ever. Amen. 401 THIRTY-SECOND dTritrag iHcntmcj. WEEK. Psalms cxxi. to cxxiv. 0 LORD our Lord, how excellent is thy name in all the earth, who hast set thy glory above the heavens. When we consider thy heavens, the work of thy fingers, the moon and the stars which thou hast ordained ; what is man, that thou art mindful of him ? and the son of man, that thou visitest him ? We do not come before thee because we are worthy of thy notice, for we have forfeited every claim to thy regard, and merited thy dis- pleasure by our aggravated offences. But while our poverty and wretchedness as sinners convince us that there is no other refuge to which we can flee, thy gracious declarations of mercy encourage our approach unto thy throne of grace. Thy word teaches us, that though thou art high, yet hast thou respect unto the lowly ; that with thee there is plente- ous redemption ; that if we seek pardon and acceptance through the Redeemer, thou wilt be merciful to our unrighteousness, and our sins and iniquities thou wilt remember no more. May we approach thee with that humble confidence which a sense of thy all- sufficiency, a belief in thy promises, and a remembrance of thy goodness and grace to others, ought to inspire. Lord, we believe; help thou our unbelief! We confess that it is unreasonable, that it is exceedingly sinful ; suffer it no longer to separate between thee and us. May we rely upon the word of the God of truth, and believe the record, that thou hast given to us eternal life, and that this life is in thy Son. To him alone we would look for deliverance from our state of condemnation and guilt. O, for his sake, pardon all our sin, and grant us joy and peace in believing. Make us thy free-men, that sin may have no more dominion over us ; that we may be restored to thy image, as well as to thy favour ; that thy law may be put into our minds, and written upon our hearts ; that obedience to thy will may become natural and delightful to us, that we may exclaim with thy servant, I delight in the law of God after the inner man. May the doctrines of thy word become princi- ples of action, and motives to gratitude and devotedness ; that religion may be practised as well as professed ; and that we may be the epistles of Christ, known of all men as the production of the finger of God. Thus, while we are reaching forth to those things which are before, while seeking to bear more and more the image of the heavenly, may we become more prepared to be instruments of mercy, dispensers of thy grace, to others. Succeed with thy blessing every effort to do good, by whomsoever it is made. Let the ministers of the gospel have their hands strengthened in their work by those who have received the truth, and who feel it an honour to be their helpers in Christ Jesus. Receive our grateful thanks for the mercies of the past night, and for the proofs of thy care and bounty wdiich surround us this morning. Take us this day under thy protec- tion; suffer us to fall into no sin, neither to run into any kind of danger. Employ us for thy glory, and make us, while diligent in business, to be fervent in spirit, serving the Lord. Be gracious to our kindred and friends ; to our fellow-Christians, and to all man- kind : as they are all the creatures of thy power, make them the children of thy grace. We ask all in the name of thy well-beloved Son ; to whom we ascribe, with thee, O Father, and the Holy Spirit, equal and everlasting praise. Amen. THIRTY-SECOND dfrftiag <£bnung WEEK. Philemon. E adore thee, O Most High, as the Creator of all things, possessing in thyself perfect excellence and unchanging glory. Thou, Lord, in the beginning hast laid the foundation of the earth ; and the heavens are the works of thy hands. They shall perish, but thou remainest ; and they all shall wax old as doth a garment, and as a vesture shalt thou fold them up, and they shall be changed ; but thou art the same, and thy years shall not fail. Alas ! we are frail and dying creatures : man cometh forth as a flower, he fleeth also as a shadow, and continueth not. But we would be especially humbled, when we remember that this frailty is the effect of sin; that we are not so far removed from thee as creatures, as by our guilt as sinners. We bless thee for the condescension thou hast manifested in permitting us to approach thee ; for that medium of access provided by thy wisdom and grace, which is so honourable to thy justice and purity, and yet so suit- able to our weakness and guilt Enable us to come unto thee by this new and living way, in full assurance of faith, believing that, though altogether unworthy, we are welcome, and that we can ask for no real blessing which thou art not ready freely to bestow. We would ask the blessings of pardon, restoration to thy favour, and conformity to thyself ; and we rejoice that thou hast taught us to expect that thou wilt take away all iniquity, receive us graciously, and love us freely. But ! alas ! how slow are we to believe what thou hast spoken ! how ready are we to question- thy willingness to receive us, rather than our willingness to return unto thee ! Lord, search us and try our hearts, discover to us every evil that is hidden there ; that, instead of cherishing it, we may seek its destruction. May we know that our heart is right in the sight of God, because we love what he loves — hate what he hates — and desire nothing so much as to resemble, glorify, and please him. O let us know that we have passed from death unto life. Let thy Holy Spirit bear witness with our spirits, that we are the children of God. Let those fruits which can only be produced by a vital union to Christ be brought forth abundantly in us, that it may be no matter of doubt, either with ourselves or with others, whether we are possessors of true religion. May faith, love, humility, gratitude, and new obedience, have each their perfect work in us. We rejoice in the permission we have to intercede for others ; and we would pray, not only for our kindred according to the flesh, but for all those who are related to us in the bonds of the gospel. Let all them that love thy name rejoice in thee ; let a spirit of prayer, enlightened sympathy, and Christian affection, increase exceedingly among the avowed disciples of Christ. Let that carnality which in every age has brought division and strife into the church of Christ, be removed by a more abundant effusion of his Spirit ; until his prayer may be answered in its full extent — that they all may be one. Greatly enlarge and bless that portion of thy church with which we are connected ; add to its numbers daily such as shall be saved. Bless thy servant whom thou hast placed over us. May all his labours be crowned with success; that we, and all who enjoy his ministrations, may flourish in the courts of our God. Mercifully forgive the sins of the day. Take us all under thy care during the darkness of the night, and grant us to awake in health, in peace, and, above all, in thy fear. We ask all for Christ’s sake. Amen. 4G3 THIRTY-SECOND &atnr?mg iBormng. WEEK. Psalms cxxv. to cxxviii. LORD, open thou our lips, and our mouth shall shew forth thy praise. For thou desirest not sacrifice, else would we give it ; thou delightest not in burnt-offering. The sacrifices of God are a broken spirit : a broken and contrite heart, O God, thou wilt not despise. We know that our worship, to be acceptable to thee, must be spiritual and sincere ; but thy grace alone can enable us to render such worship : create in us, therefore, a clean heart, and renew a right spirit within us. Make us humble on account of sin ; give us godly sorrow and true repentance ; that, through faith in Christ Jesus, we may now present unto thee a sacrifice that shall come up before thy throne with acceptance. Enable us to take a more correct view of our ingratitude and guilt ; we often acknowledge that we have erred and strayed from thy ways like lost sheep ; that our sins are numerous and aggravated ; but, alas ! how little are we sensible of the awful defilement of sin, and the infinite abhorrence with which it must ever be regarded by thee. We unite to bless thy name that thou hast provided a way of return to thyself; that a Mediator has been appointed and manifested, who has once suffered for sin, the just for the unjust, that he might bring us unto God. By frequent and prayerful contemplation upon the work of Christ in the redemption of sinners, may we become more alive to the evil of sin, to its hatefulness in thy sight, and to the awful punishment it deserves ; that we may abhor ourselves, and repent in dust and ashes ; and that ardent gratitude may take full possession of our souls, constraining us to yield ourselves, without reserve, to Him who freely gave himself for us. We bless thee that thou hast commanded us to ask and receive, that our joy may be full. We ask that the Spirit of Christ may more richly dwell in us, that we may manifest more decision, consistency, and zeal, in all our deportment ; that we may make it our meat and our drink to do the will of our heavenly Father. Strengthen us for the discharge of every duty to which thy providence may call us, that we may occupy, with faithfulness and diligence, the talents committed to our trust ; that when our Lord shall call us to give an account of our stewardship, we may receive his approval, and enter into rest eternal. Thou hast commanded us to pray for all men. Hear, therefore, the supplications we offer for those who are in sorrow and distress. In the multitude of their thoughts within them, may thy comforts delight their souls. Teach us all to feel that this is not our rest, because it is polluted ; that settled peace and lasting happiness are only to be found where sin is not ; may we therefore labour to enjoy as much of heaven now as the imperfection of our natures will allow. Alas ! how far have we lived below our privileges, below the holiness attained, and the spiritual peace enjoyed, by many who have possessed fewer advantages than ourselves. Quicken us, O our God, that our souls may not cleave unto the dust : and the very God of peace sanctify us wholly, and may our whole spirit, and soul, and body be preserved blameless unto the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. Accept our united thanks for the mercies of the past night, for the health and strength we now enjoy, and for the unnumbered mercies by which we are distinguished from millions of our fellow-creatures. Keep us through the day from all evil, and lead us not into tempta- tion ; for thine is the kingdom, the power, and the glory for ever. Amen. THIRTY-SECOND Jmturtmg aftmting. WEEK. Hebrews, Chapter i. T RULY our soul waiteth upon God; from Him cometh our salvation, — he is our defence. In God is our salvation and our glory; the rock of our strength, and our refuge, is in God. Trust in him at all times, ye people; pour out your hearts before him. God is a refuge for us. We admire thy condescension and grace, O Lord, that the chil- dren of men, guilty and ruined as they are, are allowed to come and put their trust under the shadow of thy wings ; to approach thee with confidence ; to spread before thy throne all their wants and their desires. We are not worthy of the least of thy mercies, for we have been disobedient and ungrateful. Thy providential care, and thy boundless love in Christ Jesus, have alike been neglected and abused. O may we deeply feel how guilty we are, that we may be filled with self-abhorrence ; that we may confess that we have destroyed ourselves, and that in thee only is our help found. But enable us to believe thy willing- ness to save us. May we hear the voice of divine compassion, Behold the Lamb of God, that taketh away the sin of the world. May we return unto thee through him, and be rescued from all the dreadful consequences of our guilt. O let his blood be sprinkled upon us, that we may be purged from dead works, to serve the living and true God. Deliver us from the bondage of corruption, and bring us into the glorious liberty of the children of God, that, being free from sin, we may serve God in holiness and newness of life. We acknowledge thy goodness in bringing us in safety, not only through another day, but to the close of another week. Dangers, seen and unseen, have encompassed us ; hun- dreds and thousands of our fellow-creatures have been brought into scenes of suffering, or into the valley of the shadow of death, while we are surrounded with the tokens of thy bounty, and are yet the living to praise thee. Enable us anew to surrender to thee the lives which thou hast spared. May we remember that every day adds to our immense obligations, and brings us also nearer the solemn account. Give us grace to make a wise use of every gift thou bestowest, that at last, through infinite mercy, we may enter into the joy of our Lord. Let thy land providence protect us through this night; refresh our bodies, and pre- pare our minds for the holy engagements of the ensuing day. May worldly cares and conversation be laid aside, and may we possess much of the sacred delight expressed by thy servant, “ How amiable are thy tabernacles, O Lord of hosts ! my soul longeth, yea, even fainteth, for the courts of the Lord; my heart and my flesh crieth out for the living God. As the hart panteth after the water-brooks, so panteth my soul after thee, O God.” Clothe thy ministers with salvation, and let thy saints shout aloud for joy. Especially bless thy servant from whose lips we shall hear thy message. May the Spirit of God be richly poured out upon him ; and while he breaks to us the bread of life, may we all by faith eat thereof, and live for ever. Now our Lord Jesus Christ himself, and God, even our Father, which hath loved us, and hath given us everlasting consolation and good hope through grace, comfort our hearts, and stablish us in every good word and work : and to the Father, Son, and Spirit be praise and glory for ever. Amen. 465 3 N THIRTY-THIRD •#uitimg Wonting WEEK. Psalms cxxix. to cxxxii. 0 LORD our God, this is the day which thou hast made, we will rejoice and be glad in it. Blessed be thy name, that Jesus has risen from the dead, and become the first-fruits of them that slept. O may we know him, and the power of his resurrection, and the fellowship of his sufferings, being made conformable unto his death. We rejoice that, as the God of peace, thou hast brought again from the dead the Lord Jesus Christ, that great Shepherd of the sheep, through the blood of the everlasting covenant. Do thou, therefore, make us perfect in every good work, to do thy will, working in us that which is well-pleasing in thy sight, through Jesus Christ; to whom be glory for ever and ever. Bestow upon us, O Lord, the aids of thy grace, that we may be helped this day to walk in thy ways, and that we may draw near to thee, the Father, through the mediation of thy dear Son, by that one Spirit who dwells in all thy children. As thou hast appointed the Sabbath as a day of holy rest, grant that we may truly feel it to be such ; that, while we cease from worldly toil, we may enter on the true rest of the mind, in communion with Thyself, and in the blessed exercises of prayer and praise, and fellowship with thy church. We would earnestly seek a blessing upon all the engagements of thy day, whether in private or in public. Suffer us not to insult thy Majesty by the vain sacrifices of mere bodily homage, but do thou enable us to present unto thee the incense of spiritual worship, and to pour out our hearts before thee in lofty adoration, fervent supplication, humble confession, and grateful praise. To this end do thou vouchsafe to us the promised influences of the Holy Spirit, that we may be raised above our infirmities, and may serve thee in that strength which thou art pleased to impart. O lead our minds away from the pursuits, anxieties, and pleasures of a vain world, and fix them supremely upon the con- cerns of that better life which endureth for ever. May we increasingly desire the know- ledge of thy true character, as the God of grace and salvation, and more diligently than ever improve our means and opportunities of attaining to that surpassing knowledge. O make us attentive this day to the instructions of thy sacred word; enable us to mix faith with the hearing of it ; and so to bind our minds to the message of eternal life, that we may feel its power on the heart and conscience. We pray, O Lord, for a blessing on the means and ordinances of divine grace which may this day be dispensed; may the thousands, and tens of thousands, of thy spiritual Israel, who shall this day assemble in thy holy courts, find that the Master of assemblies is with them. May the word of the Lord be spoken with the Holy Ghost sent down from heaven. Let the ministers of thy truth be strengthened, to speak a word in season to all who may come under their ministrations ; may they be helped to declare the whole counsel of God, and to keep back nothing that is profitable. O make them wise to win souls ; grant them a double portion of Christ’s Spirit, that they may weep over lost sin- ners, and may beseech thee, in Christ’s stead, to be reconciled unto God. Let all the members of this family be attentive to eternal interests. Save us from sluggishness, for- mality, impenitence, and unbelief; make us all partakers of salvation, and heirs of ever- lasting life, through Jesus Christ, our only Saviour and Lord; to whom, with the Father and the Holy Spirit, be ascribed unceasing praises. Amen. 406 THIRTY-THIRD <#>tmtrag <0bmmg. WEEK. Hebrews, Chapter ii. 0 LORD our Lord, how excellent is thy name in all the earth ! who hast set thy glory above the heavens. Under the shadow of thy wings shall the children of men put their trust. Thou hast been our dwelling-place in all generations; before the mountains were brought forth, or ever thou hadst formed the earth and the world, even from everlasting to everlasting thou art God. Do thou bless us, and keep us; do thou make thy face to shine upon us, and be gracious unto us ; do thou lift up the light of thy countenance upon us, and give us peace. Enable us to magnify thy holy name, for thou art our strength and our hope. Thou hast graciously promised that where two or three meet together in thy name, thou wilt be in the midst of them, and that -whosoever cometh unto thee, through Christ Jesus, the Son of thy love, thou wilt in no wise cast out ; may we draw near to thee with true hearts, in full assurance of faith, and find access into the holiest of all by the blood of Jesus. We praise thee, O Lord of the Sabbath, for the sacred opportunities of another day of the Son of man. We have again been permitted to hear the truths of the gospel, and the offers of salvation ; impart to us that grace by which we may be enabled to feel the inestimable value of those advantages which we possess, and that we may be strengthened to use them to thy glory, and to the promotion of the best interests of our immortal spirits. O let thy word abide in us as the seed of holy principles, and devout affections ; that it may produce the fruits of holy living in an upright and Christian walk. O help us to grow in grace, and in the knowledge of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ; that by means of these earthly Sabbaths we may be gradually meetened for the exercises of one that shall never end. May we and thousands have reason to bless God in eternity, that we repaired this day to the sanctuary of our God. O Lord God of the families of Israel, be thou the covenant God and portion of this house ; bless us, and all our friends and connexions, with the choicest of thy blessings, O put thy fear into all our hearts, and teach us to know, and love, and serve thee, as the portion of our souls. Grant us grace to walk together in holy concord and love, to forgive one another all trespasses, and to look forward with hope and joy to the eternal and glorious intercourses of the heavenly world. We beseech thee to strengthen us by thy might for the holy and upright discharge of the duties of a new week ; may the w'isdom profitable to direct be imparted to us ; make us diligent in tbe performance of those obligations which pertain to our several callings; and grant, that in all the vicissitudes of our earthly pilgrimage we may submit ourselves with uncomplaining resignation to thy holy will. In tribulation, may we be patient; in prosperity, may we be humble and watchful ; and in temptation, may our holy principles be brought into vigorous and successful operation. Bless all who have heard thy truth this day. Lead into the way of life all who are wandering in the paths of error and sin. Let holiness to the Lord distinguish all the professed disciples of Christ. Let the number of devout families be increased a thousand-fold. Let the earth be filled with the knowledge of the Lord, as the waters cover the sea. Let us all be numbered with thy saints in glory everlasting, for Christ’s sake. Amen. 467 3 N 2 THIRTY-THIRD iHmttmg JEtontutg, week. Psalms cxxxiii. cxxxiv. cxxxv. B LESSED be thy name, O God, that thou hast given us a revelation of thyself, which invites and commands us to seek thee as the hearer and answerer of prayer. In every age hast thou delighted to manifest thyself as the Lord God, merciful and gracious, slow to anger, abundant in goodness and in truth. But we bless thee, especially, that in the gospel of thy grace we behold thee as the God of love; giving thy only begotten and well-beloved Son, that we might be delivered from all the effects of sin ; that we may be justified by his righteousness, sanctified by his Spirit, and brought at length to the enjoyment of perfect holiness, and everlasting glory, in thy presence. We would not attempt to conceal or extenuate our guilt, for all our perverseness and depravity is open to thee : we confess our desert of thy displeasure, and of everlasting punishment ; for we have often sinned against knowledge, and light, and conscience ; and the law which declareth that the soul which sinneth it shall die, is holy and unim- peachable : how, then, can we sufficiently magnify the grace that has provided a refuge, in which every sinner may hide, assured that there is no condemnation to them that are in Christ Jesus. While we are compelled to acknowledge that our enmity to thee has called for vengeance, we would plead the meritorious sacrifice and the prevailing inter- cession of our Redeemer, and humbly ask to be restored to thy favour and thy family : that, as obedient children, we may not fashion ourselves according to our former lusts in our ignorance, but as He who hath called us is holy, so we may be holy in all manner of conversation ; remembering that it is written, Be ye holy, for I am holy. We rejoice that the great salvation offered to us provides for our restoration to holiness, for it is this which makes it so suitable to our fallen and sinful state. May we not only believe in the all-sufficiency of Christ to save us from perdition, but feel the all-sufficiency of the Spirit to subdue our corruptions ; that, being set free from the law of sin and death, we may have our fruit unto righteousness, and the end everlasting life. Thanks be to thee, O Lord, that we are encouraged to seek thy guidance and blessing in our daily occupations. We delight to think that thy hand moves in every event — that thy providence is kind and large, extending to all thy creatures, and to all their movements. May the belief of this, together with faith in the promises of thy word, preserve us from all undue and distressing anxiety. May we diligently use all the means thou art affording us of procuring what is necessary or desirable for the present life, and then cast all our care upon thee, believing that thou carest for us. In every station we are called to sustain, give us wisdom to glorify thee, and to promote the welfare of others. Look, we beseech thee, in pity, upon those who are living without God in the world. Pour thy Spirit upon them, that he may convince them of sin, of righteousness, and of judgment to come ; that, trembling under a sense of guilt and exposure to ruin, they may gladly embrace that Saviour whose grace they now reject. O may he reign from sea to sea, and from the river unto the ends of the earth, that all forms of idolatry, superstition, and error maybe subverted, and that thy truth be manifestly known and loved. Let thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. For thine is the kingdom, the power, and the glory, for ever Amen. 408 THIRTY-THIRD iHmttrag <£bmtng, AVEEIC. Hebrews, Chapter hi. W E desire, O most merciful Father, to draw nigh unto thee, relying on thine own faithful promise, that, if we ask any thing according to thy will, it shall be done unto us. Bestow upon us that faith which is of the operation of thy Spirit, that we may have freedom of access, through Jesus Christ, into the holiest of all. Blessed be thy name, justice has received its full satisfaction, and mercy now looks down with complacency upon every repenting and believing sinner. O impart to us the quickening aids of thy grace, that we may feel it to be our highest privilege to dedicate body, soul, and spirit, all we have and are, a living sacrifice to our Redeemer and Lord. O, if there be any idol in our hearts, enable us to part with it for Christ’s sake ; if any secret sin lurks within, help us to discover and abandon it ; make us jealous for thine honour ; search us, and try us, and see if there be any wicked way in us ; vouchsafe to us that holy decision which will prompt us to crucify every corrupt affection and habit, and to follow the Lamb whither- soever he goeth. O God of infinite holiness and truth, how can such sinful and polluted creatures as we are stand in thine awful presence ! What are we in thy sight, as creatures ? — less than nothing, worse than nothing, because of our sins. How unspeakable are thy patience and forbearance, that have caused thee to lay aside the vengeance we so richly deserve, and to continue to us those mercies which we have forfeited times and ways without number. Do thou make us deeply sensible what a privilege it is that we are still within the reach of Divine mercy. We thank thee that we are not in that place where thou forgettest to be gracious, and where mercy is clean gone for ever. May thy goodness, in sparing us, and in still continuing to us our privileges, lead us to repentance. Suffer us not to remain as cumberers of the ground, in the midst of so much culture and so many opportunities. May we remember that the time will soon come, when we must give an account of all our sins and negligences ; and when patience abused will rise up in awful vengeance to plead its own cause. O may we have a good hope, through grace, that when the Master cometh, we shall be found with that happy company who are looking and longing for his appearance. We beseech thee that we may so “pass through things temporal, that we lose not the things which are eternal and that, amidst all the vicissitudes of this mortal life, our hearts may be surely fixed where true joys can alone be found. We would be grateful to our heavenly Father, for the gracious bestowment of another day. All thy ways towards us have been ways of mercy and truth. Our bread has been given us, and our water has been sure ; thou hast watched over us with an eye of paternal love ; omnipotence has been our defence ; we are monuments of thy sparing mercy. Let every heart in this domestic circle be lifted up to thee in grateful praise. As a family may we live to thee. With one heart may we pour out our supplications and thanksgivings at thy throne. O pardon our family sins. Send down upon us the copious effusion of thy Holy Spirit. Strengthen every holy principle ; subdue every reigning corruption ; be our God and our portion for evermore. Keep us this night from all evil ; may our rest be peaceful and refreshing ; and may we all be accepted and blessed in Jesus, our Strength and Redeemer. Amen. THIRTY-THIRD &tonttng. WEEK. Psalms cxxxvi., cxxxvii. cxxxviii. UR Father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name ! It becomes us to adore thee with profoundest reverence, and to celebrate thine infinite perfections. Thou art God alone ; there is no God like unto thee ; neither are there any works like unto thy works. Thou art without beginning of days, or end of years ; thou art the same yesterday, to-day, and for ever. Thou art in every place beholding the evil and the good ; thine omniscient inspection reaches to the thoughts and intents of the heart ; all things are naked and open unto the eyes of that God with whom we have to do. Under a deep sense of insignificance and guilt, we draw near to thy majesty. Let not the Lord be angry with us, while we, who are but dust and ashes, venture to look to the place where his honour dwelleth. Though thou art high, yet hast thou respect unto the lowly. Look upon us in the face of Jesus Christ. We plead his perfect righteousness as the ground of our hope before thee. We rely upon his bloodshedding for the remission of all our sins, and for the acceptance both of our persons and services. We would begin this day with a fresh surrender of ourselves to thy service and glory. Conscious that we need thy direction, we would look up for the teaching of thy Spirit; sensible of the many evils to which we are exposed, we would call in the aids of thy grace, that we may be preserved in the straight and narrow path which leadeth unto life. Help us to preserve a conscience void of offence towards God and towards man. Teach us to live for the good of others ; and enable us to feel that the path of duty is that of safety and happi- ness. Make us content with all the allotments of thy providence, and anxious to improve them to thy glory. Keep us humble at the footstool of thy throne ; never let us trust to our own hearts, nor lean on our own understandings. May we redeem the time because the days are evil. May we shun the very appearance of evil, and give no occasion to the enemies of our Lord to blaspheme, by reason of our want of holy circumspection. Enable us to cultivate with greater diligence the religion of the heart, and ever to act with a single eye to the glory of thy name. We thank thee, most gracious God, for the light and comfort of a new day, and for all the mercies, temporal and spiritual, of which we find ourselves the recipients. Give us a heart to praise thee, — a heart sensible of the value of thy blessings, and deeply impressed with a sense of our guilt. Impress us with an habitual sense of our accountableness in thy sight. Keep us ever mindful of the hour when we must stand before the judgment-seat of Christ. Cause us to remember that minutes and hours, quickly as they pass, make up the measure of our days ; and that, when once they have passed away, they can never be recalled. Preserve us from every state of mind by which we might be tempted to neglect eternal interests ; let our besetting sins be vanquished by the power of thy grace ; let a sense of forgiving mercy, through the blood of Christ, be shed abroad in our hearts by thy Holy Spirit ; may w'e have wisdom to feel our own weakness, and to flee to thee for - strength and succour. Bless us, and all belonging to us, this day ; keep us, O Lord, in health and safety. Under any dispensation of providence, may we be entirely resigned to thy will. Guide and protect us in our earthly journey, and finally receive us to thy eternal kingdom, through the infinite merit of thy dear Son ; to whom be glory everlasting. Amen. JIIIRTY-TIIIRD Cuestrag tiHmtmg. WEEK. Hebrews, Chapter iv. 0 LORD God Almighty ! we bow before thy throne under a deep sense of our utter unworthiness in thy sight. Were it not for the advocacy of our great High Priest, -we should tremble to look to the place where thine honour dwelleth. O deal not with us in judgment, but in mercy. If thou shouldst be extreme to mark iniquity, who could stand before thy righteous tribunal? We rejoice that thou delightest in shewing mercy ; that thou art long-suffering, slow to anger, and of great kindness. Turn us, O God, away from our iniquities, heal our backslidings, receive us graciously, and love us freely. Give to us the new heart and the right spirit ; O take away from us the hard and stony heart, and give us hearts of flesh. Pour upon us the Spirit of grace and supplication, that we may present unto thee the prayer of faith, and may find mercy to pardon, and grace to help in time of need. We bless thee for the kind providence which permits us to meet in peace and safety, in this act of devotion, at the close of another day. We thank thee that we are still on praying ground, and that thou art yet waiting to be gracious. Many have this day been called away into eternity, without a moment’s warning ; but we are still spared, and are still permitted to urge our humble suit at the footstool of thy gracious throne. Thou knowest what we need, and what will be best adapted to our state. Vouchsafe to us all those blessings which thou perceivest to be for our good ; granting us in this life know- ledge of thyself, and in the world to come life everlasting. Enable us to feel more and more the inestimable value of spiritual blessings. May we prize them above all others, and seek them daily with all the fervour and importunity of those who regard them as more precious than life and all its joys. We lament, O Lord, before thy throne the misimprovement of past advantages. How much of our precious time has been squandered in vain and useless pursuits ! how much has been employed in attending to the interests of the perishable body ! O let the time past of our lives be sufficient for us to have wrought the will of the Gentiles, and may we, henceforward, give diligence to make our calling and election sure. If we have hitherto been too dead to spiritual and eternal interests, may we now labour in good earnest for the bread which endureth unto eternal life ; and work out our salvation with fear and trembling, since it is God that worketh in us both to will and to do of his good pleasure. Quicken us, by thy holy Spirit’s power, that we may run with greater ardour in our heaven- ward course. Into thy gracious hands we commend all the members of this family during the defenceless hours of the approaching night. Do thou mercifully preserve us from all evil ; take charge of our bodies and souls ; and grant us such refreshment as shall strengthen and prepare us for the duties of the coming day. Bless all related to us by the ties of nature, friendship, or grace. Regard, in much mercy, the whole Israel of God. Pour thy Spirit from on high upon all flesh. Let thy kingdom come ; let thy will be done on earth, as it is done in heaven : and all we ask is in the name, and for the sake, of our only Advocate and Redeemer, Jesus Christ; to whom, with the Father and the Holy Spirit, be glory everlasting, Amen. THIRTY-THIRD OTetmesfaag iHonuncj WEEK. Psalm cxxxix. 0 FATHER of mercies ! who hast in thy gospel taught us the way by which those who are guilty must come for pardon, and those who are weak must come for support ; we come before thee in all humility and thankfulness, at the beginning of another day, praying thee to be about our path, as thou hast been about our bed. Thou hast saved us from the dangers of the night ; save us, O merciful God, from the yet greater dangers of temptation and sin. Bless with thy favour the creatures thou hast preserved, and guide us, we pray thee, by the influence of thy Holy Spirit, to that wisdom which alone can lead us to eternal happiness. Enable us to obey thy righteous laws, and grant us grace to use the abilities and time which thou hast given us, that when at the last day we shall stand before thee, to receive our final judgment, we may, through thy mercy, and the merits of our Saviour, be accepted by thee. Give us cheerful, contented, and grateful hearts. If we are in prosperity, may we be humble and thankful ; if in adversity, enable us to be patient and submissive ; if we are threatened with any evil, may we look to thee as our refuge ; if reproached, may we be meek ; if poor, contented ; and in all circum- stances may we remember, that it is thou who dost govern the world, and that those among us who have least, have much more than they deserve. Enable us, as a household, to live as brethren ; to be kind and courteous one towards another, neither forgetting what is due to those who instruct or assist us, nor failing to show the meekness and forbearance of Christians towards those who may injure or offend us. Make us in all things honest, just, and true, and guard us from passion, evil temper, and pride. May we live in a constant sense of thy presence, and acknow- ledge that to thee we are indebted for all we have, and all we hope for. In all we undertake, may we remember our own weakness, and ask of thee that strength which alone can help us. Bless, we pray thee, all who are most near and dear to us ; be gracious to all who are under affliction ; may their sorrows bring their sins to remembrance with true contrition of heart; and in the multitude of their griefs, may thy peace and comfort visit their souls. Let the light of thy word shine upon all who are in ignorance of it ; change the hearts of those who are yet unsubdued by the gracious offers of thy Gospel, and are unwilling to live by its sacred rule ; assist them, by thine especial grace, to think on their ways before it be too late, and grant to them, and to all of us, true repentance and amendment of life. O God of all power ! strengthen us, we pray thee, by thy might; uphold us this day in thy righteousness, that we may not only be kept from falling, but may proceed from grace to grace, and strength to strength, in our Christian course ; and, finally, may we arise to everlasting glory, through the merits of Jesus Christ our Saviour ; to whom, with thyself, O Father, and the ever-blessed Spirit, be all honour, and glory, world without end. Amen. And may the grace of the Lord Jesus, the love of God, and the fellowship and communion of the Holy Ghost, be with us all for evermore. Amen. 4 72 THIRTY-THIRD gftenfttg, Hebrews, Chapter y. week. 0 THOU infinite and eternal Jehovah, who art, and wast, and art to come; the eternal, unchangeable, and ever-blessed God. Thou needest not the services of men or angels, to add to thy glory or bliss. We cannot be profitable unto thee ; our goodness extendeth not to thee, the Most High God. But, in infinite condescension and love to our souls, thou art pleased to invite us to wait upon thee in the duties of prayer and praise. Thou humblest thyself even to behold the things that are done in heaven, and to take notice of the worship of the glorious hosts above. O how great is thy con- descension, then, to look down upon us, sinful worms, who dwell in cottages of clay, and whose foundation is in the dust. Lord, what is man, that thou takest knowledge of him ? and the Son of man, that thou visitest him ? Thou standest in no need of us, or of any of our feeble services ; but we all continually depend on thee, our only portion and hope. Let the desire of our souls, then, be to Thee, O Lord, and to the remembrance of thy name. Our eyes are towards thee, and all our expectations are from thee. We would wait, and call, and depend upon thee, till thou have mercy upon us, according to our several necessities, and according to the riches of thy grace, and the multitude of thy tender compassions. O remember not against us our former iniquities. O enter not into judgment with us, according to the desert of our sins, but according to thy mercy remember thou us for thy goodness’ sake. O Lord, blot out our transgressions as a cloud, and justify us freely by thy grace, through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus. Quicken us, O Lord, to hear thy voice while it is called to-day, that we may make haste, and not delay to keep thy commandments. O keep us constantly and seriously mindful of the shortness of time,, the frailty of life, and the uncertainty of our continuance in this mutable world, where we have no continuing city, but are as strangers and sojourners with thee, as all our fathers have been. O let the remembrance and consi- deration of this have such a prevailing influence upon us, as to crucify the world to us, and to make us more concerned for our everlasting welfare, and more careful to improve every present enjoyment, and to grow more holy as we advance towards eternity, till we are meetened for the glory and felicity of thy kingdom. These blessings also we beg in behalf of all who ought to share in our prayers. O forgive the sins and relieve the miseries of thy creatures every where. Enlarge the borders of thy church, and add daily to it of such as shall be saved. The church which thou hast planted among us, Lord, watch over it for good night and day, that no weapon formed against it may prosper. Give thy judgments, O God, to our beloved Sovereign, that the people may receive righteous judgment, and return a ready and cheerful loyalty. Make all our magistrates men fearing God, and eschew- ing evil. And O that all who are called to serve at thy altar may be blessed with love to Christ and souls. Make them wise to win souls, and faithful, industrious, and successful in their sacred office, as workmen that need not to be ashamed. Give unto all that mourn in Zion, beauty for ashes, the oil of gladness for mourning, and the garments of praise for the spirit of heaviness. So deliver us from guilt, and supply us with thy grace, that we may finish our course with joy, and be received at last into thy glory : this we beg, for the all-sufficient merits of our only Redeemer, Jesus Christ. Amen. 473 3 O THIRTY-THIRD C!jurctia|) iHoinutfl. WEEK. Psalms cxl. cxli. cxlii. 0 GOD of the spirits of all flesh, to thee we desire to lift up our souls. We adore thee, as our Creator, Preserver, Benefactor, and Redeemer. Thou hast upheld us in being to the present moment, and hast blessed us with all things necessary to life and godliness. Thou art worthy to receive the united homage of all intelligent creatures ; thou hast created all things, and for thy pleasure they are and were created. How manifold are thy works, O Lord, in wisdom hast thou made them all ; the earth is full of thy riches : the heavens declare thy glory, and the firmament sheweth thy handiwork ; day unto day uttereth speech, and night unto night sheweth knowledge. When we consider thy heavens, the work of thy fingers, the moon and the stars which thou hast ordained; what is man, that thou art mindful of him? and the son of man, that thou visitest him? We adore and bless thy name, that thy greatest glory is displayed in our redemption by the Lord Jesus Christ. Blessed be thy name for the purposes of salvation which were of old, even from everlasting. For ever blessed be thy name, for the wonderful method by which thou hast accomplished these purposes, in the incarnation, obedience, death, and resurrection of thy dear Son. We rejoice that through him, glory to God in the highest, peace on earth, and good-will to men, have been proclaimed. While the law came by Moses, grace and truth have come by Jesus Christ. We adore thee for Him who is the light of life, a light to lighten the Gentiles, and the glory of thy people Israel. O Thou who didst command the light to shine out of darkness, do thou shine by thy Spirit into our hearts, and give us the light of the knowledge of thy glory in the face of Jesus Christ. May we see thee, as thou art in him, reconciling the world unto thyself, not imputing to men their trespasses. Work in us true repentance and faith, that we, being humbled in the dust at the discovery of our sinfulness, may look to Him who is the way, and the truth, and the life, and that thus our fellowship may be with the Father and with his Son Jesus Christ Remember us, O Lord, this morning with the favour which thou bearest unto thy chosen, and visit us with thy salvation. May we walk all the day in the light of thy countenance, and in thy name may we greatly rejoice. Open thou our lips, and our mouths shall shew forth thy praise ; for thou desirest not sacrifice, else would we give it ; thou delightest not in burnt-offerings : the sacrifices of God are a broken spirit ; a broken and a contrite heart, O God, thou wilt not despise. In our approach to thy mercy-seat, do thou grant us some token for good. Vouchsafe to us a sense of forgiving mercy, while we implore this inestimable blessing ; give us the witness of thy Spirit, that we are thy children; strengthen us for duty and trial, and cause us to taste and see that the Lord is gracious. Impart to us all needful direction in the path of duty ; aid us in our lawful callings ; fortify us against temptation ; make us happy ourselves, and the instru- ments of imparting happiness to others. Guide us by thy counsel amidst the difficulties and dangers of our earthly pilgrimage, and at last receive us to the glory and felicity which thou hast prepared for them that love thee ; for Jesus Christ’s sake. Amen. 474 THIRTY-THIRD CJurgirng Orbenmcj WEEK. Hebrews, Chapter vi. E TERNAL and ever-blessed Jehovah ; thou art, and beside Thee there is no God. In thy presence there is fulness of joy, and at thy right hand there are pleasures for evermore. May we partake the blessedness of the man whom thou choosest, and causest to approach unto thee ; may we feel the joy of pardoned sin, and draw near to thee in the Spirit of adoption. Help us to supplicate thy throne with earnestness, and with believing confidence. Fix our minds on thy promises, and on the covenant of thy mercy in Christ Jesus. May we feel that we are welcome to thy mercy-seat, while we plead that name which is above every name. Let thy good Spirit help our infirmities, and teach us how to pray, and what to pray for. It becomes us, O Lord, to lie low in the dust before Thee, and to confess our guilt in thy presence. We have sinned against heaven, and in thy sight, and are no more worthy to be called thy children. W T e mourn our original and actual transgression. The whole head is sick, the whole heart is faint ; there is no soundness in us ; we are altogether as an unclean thing in thy sight; and our iniquities, like the wind, have taken us away. O deal not with us in wrath, but in mercy. We would not cloke our sin before thee, but would confess it with a lowly, penitent, and obedient heart ; beseeching Thee to cover us with the mantle of thy love, and to grant us acceptance through the atoning sacrifice of the Lamb. Let the sins of this day be blotted out of the book of thy remembrance ; let the blood of Jesus be sprinkled on our consciences, that we may be delivered from dead works, and may serve thee, with confidence and love, as the only living and true God. Make us grateful for the prolonged and renewed expressions of thy love and goodness. What shall we render unto the Lord for all his mercies ! Suffer us not to forget all thy benefits. Let the thought of our own unworthiness of the least of all thy mercies enhance our feeling of obligation for all thine unmerited bestowments. We desire to be thankful for all the ordinary blessings of life, — for health, for domestic fellowship, for the constant supports of the body, for the advantages of social intercourse, for the possession and exer- cise of reason, for the various advantages and blessings connected with our lawful callings. May we use all thy mercies as not abusing them, seeing that the fashion of this world passeth away, and that in a little time the place that now knows us shall know us no more for ever. And, O suffer us not to rest satisfied in the possession of mere earthly good ; but may we prize and earnestly seek those spiritual blessings which can alone enrich the soul for eternity. May we daily seek communion with God, enjoy forgiveness and accept- ance through the only Mediator, be led by thy Spirit into all truth, and possess a sweet and cheering hope of eternal life. O bless to us the reading of thy most precious word, and the ordinance of family religion. When we meet around thy throne, may it be in unity, and faith, and love; and may the answers of prayer we receive stimulate us to fur- ther and continued acts of devotion. We implore thy protection and blessing through the night on which we have entered. Keep us from all evil, and bless us with all neces- sary good. Forgive our manifold offences, and especially the sin of our holy things; and do more and better for us than we can ask or think, for the Redeemer’s sake. Amen. 475 30 2 THIRTY-THIRD .frtfmg Morning, WEEK. Psalms cxliii. cxliv. O THOU Father of lights, we bless thee for the returning light and comfort of this day. Be pleased graciously to bestow upon us the light and consolation of thy Spirit, and to grant us an encouraging and impressive view of thy character, as the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, as reconciling sinners to Thyself, and not imputing unto thefn their trespasses. If thou, O God, shouldest mark iniquity, who could stand before thine awful tribunal ? We rejoice that with Thee there is mercy, that thou mayest be feared; and plenteous redemption, that thou mayest be sought unto. We come afresh to thy throne, pleading the merit and intercession of our great Surety; we would lay the hand of faith upon the head of the atoning Lamb, and would confess with sorrow and shame the sin which brought upon him the agonies of Gethsemane and Calvary. O may we see the wonders of that plan of free and sovereign grace, by which the believ- ing sinner is justified and accepted, for the sake of the righteousness of Him whom thou hast set forth to be a propitiation through faith in his blood. Holy Father, we look up to thee, this morning, for grace to walk in thy fear in all the duties of a new day. May a sense of thy presence, and of thy love and mercy, dwell upon our spirits, to guard us from sin, and to stimulate us to all acts of holy obedience to thy will. May we perform our ordinary duties under the influence of religious motives ; and while we are in the world, let us not be of it. We pray for a blessing on our several avo- cations; and whether we eat or drink, or whatsoever we do, may we do all to thy glory. O let our eye be single, that our whole body may be full of fight. Let no corrupt com- munication proceed out of our mouth ; but that which is good for the use of edifying, that it may minister grace unto the hearers. And, O suffer us not to grieve the Holy Spirit of God, whereby we are sealed unto the day of redemption. We earnestly beseech thee, O God of mercy, to look upon all the sons and daughters of sorrow and distress. Many whom thou lovest are sick ; make all their bed in their sickness ; place everlasting arms beneath them ; impart to them the consolations of thy Spirit ; and fill them with the glorious hopes of eternal fife. If it be thy will, raise them up from their afflictions, and employ them for further usefulness in the church and in the world ; but if thou hast otherwise determined, may they be prepared for a happy and peaceful exchange of worlds ; and when absent from the body, may they be present with the Lord. Look on the dying sinner, who, in all his guilt and impenitence, stands on the brink of an eternal world. May he look to Him who heard the prayer of the dying thief, and find mercy through the blood of Christ, though it may be at the eleventh hour of existence. We pray for the extension of Messiah’s kingdom; for the diffusion of the word of fife; for the speedy approach of the latter-day glory; for the gathering all nations to Shiloh. Lord, bless our native country ; hear prayer for our rightful and beloved sovereign; and let the fight and glory of the Gospel penetrate into every corner of the land. Regard, in much mercy, every member of this family. Unite us all to the living and glorious Redeemer. Pardon our family and individual sins, and accept of us in the name and for the sake of our only Saviour and Advocate, Jesus Christ: to whom, with the Father and the Holy Ghost, be all honour and glory world without end. Amen. 476 THIRTY-THIRD dTritmg (Anting. Hebrews, Chapter vii WEEK. H OLY, holy, holy Lord God Almighty, we worship thee with reverence and humility, as the high and lofty One who inhabiteth eternity. May we feel our own nothing- ness and unworthiness in thy presence, and be enabled to realize all the grace and compassion of thy character, as the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ. We adore thee, that, though guilty and sinful, we are welcomed by thine own invitation to the footstool of thy throne. O help us to obey thy gracious call, and to draw near to thee with hearts deeply affected with a sense of thy goodness. O impart to us the Spirit of grace and of supplication, that we may pray in faith, and that the affections of our hearts may be drawn forth towards thee in all the ardour of devout supplication and praise. May we have that fixedness of mind in thy worship, which will enable us to banish the world and its concerns, and will prepare us to receive such answers of peace as thou mayest think fit to impart. May we watch as well as pray, that when thou givest us the desire of our hearts, we may be enabled to trace and to acknowledge thy hand. Make us grateful for past mercies, while we look up to thee for future bestowments ; and while we plead and believe thy promise, help us to confide in thy gracious care. We confess before thee, O Lord, the sins with which we are chargeable in thy sight. We cannot look back upon a single day without shame and confusion of face. O cast us not away from thy presence, O Lord, neither take thy Holy Spirit from us. Though our sins are great, and manifold, and highly aggravated ; though we have offended against thy pure laws, and defaced thy holy image in our souls ; yet do thou have mercy upon us, and pour out thy Holy Spirit upon us, to quicken, to renew, and to sanctify us. Do thou write thy law in our hearts ; and do thou restore us to thy lost favour and image. We adore thee for the wondrous gift of thy Son, for that life and immortality which are brought to light by the gospel ; for all the glorious hopes connected with the day- spring from on high. Let us not be contented to hear of Christ, merely, but may we know him in the power of his resurrection, in the fellowship of his sufferings, and be made conformable unto his death. May the Spirit of Christ dwell in us, to enlighten us in his saving knowledge, to inspire us with love to his sacred person, and with gratitude for the great love wherewith he hath loved us. O may we feel the sanctifying power and influence of the cross of Christ, that we may die daily unto sin and live unto holiness, that the end may be everlasting life. Make us grateful for tbe unmerited bestowments of another day. Thou hast watched over us, and kept us from evil. Thou hast graciously regarded our several necessities, and vouchsafed to us many great comforts and blessings. We would recognize thy hand in all the circumstances of our providential lot, and in all the events of our earthly pilgrimage. Bless the Lord, O our souls ; and all that is within us, bless his holy name. Regard, O Lord, in much mercy every member of this family. Bless young and old in it. Pour out thy Spirit from on high on all our hearts. Help us to promote one another’s best interests. Into thy hands we commend our bodies and spirits this night. Cancel all our guilt in the blood of atonement ; and grant us acceptance and all spiritual blessings, for the sake of Jesus Christ our Lord and Saviour. Amen. 477 THIRTY-THIRD J^atur&ag iHornutfl. ■WEEK. Psalm cxlv. 0 LORD God of our salvation ! Thou art the hope and confidence of all the ends of the earth, and of them that are afar off upon the sea. Thou givest unto all life, and breath, and all things. In thee we live, and move, and have our being. Upon thee we con- tinually depend for all the good that we possess, or hope to enjoy. Thou carest for us, thou watchest over us for good, both when we wake and when we sleep — when we have not so much as any thought of caring for ourselves. Thou daily renewest our lives, and thy mercies every morning give us fresh cause for gratitude and praise. We adore thee for the assurance of thy word, that if we commit our affairs to thee, and acknowledge thee in all our ways, thou wilt establish our hearts, and direct our goings. We desire, therefore, O Lord, still to place ourselves under thy gracious guidance, and fatherly protection. Vouchsafe to us the direction and aid of thy Holy Spirit; choose for us the lot of our inheritance, and dispose of us, and all that concerns us, to the glory of thy holy name. O Lord our God, withhold not thy tender mercies from us ; deny us not the comforts of thy presence, nor the assistance of thy Spirit, because of our manifold abuses of thy grace and goodness. O visit not our past sins by giving us over to a reprobate and depraved heart. May our repentance for sin be genuine and heartfelt ; and through faith in the Redeemer’s sacrifice may we have thy merciful discharge from all the guilt that lies upon us. Impart to us, O our heavenly Father, the comfortable sense of thy gracious acceptance in the Son of thy love, that our souls may bless thee, and that all within us may praise thy holy name. O may we ever find that the Lord is our defence against all moral and spiritual evil, and especially against those sins to which we are most prone, and whereof we are in greatest danger. May this happy feeling also make us more ready to every good work, and better disposed for all the duties of piety, integrity, charity, and sobriety, which we owe to thee our God, to our fellow-creatures, and ourselves ; and herein may we exercise ourselves, to have always a conscience void of offence towards God and towards men. O help us to walk circumspectly, not as fools, but as wise ; carefully redeeming the time that we have lost, and conscientiously improving all those seasons and opportunities of grace which thou art pleased to vouchsafe to us, for the lasting advantage of our immortal souls. While we remain here below, O grant us all things necessary and suit- able to our earthly pilgrimage, and sanctify to us all our enjoyments, all the states and conditions through which we may be called to pass, and all the events that may befall us in our journey to eternity ; till, through the merits of thy dear Son, and the multitude of thy tender mercies, we are conducted in safety into the presence of our Lord. O gracious Father, keep us, we beseech thee, this day in thy fear and love, and help us in all things to live to thy honour and glory. If thou dost not keep us, we shall run into evil ; if thou preserve us not, we shall fall into danger. O let thy good providence be our defence and security, and let thy Holy Spirit be our guide and coun- sellor, in all our ways. Grant that we may pursue that path which will be consonant with thy holy will, and pleasing in thy sight, through Jesus Christ, in whose sacred name and words we close up these our imperfect requests to thee : Our Father, &c. 478 THIRTY-THIRD ,#>aturtmg <£fcnttn& Hebrews, Chapter viii. week. LMIGHTY God, Father of all mercies, and Giver of all good ; we, thine unworthy and sinful creatures, would bow before thy throne with gratitude and praise. Through another week has thy kind providence watched over us ; and, notwithstanding our forgetfulness of thee, and frequent transgressions against thy holy commands, thou hast encompassed us with thy goodness ; shielding us from the dangers, and supplying the wants, inseparable from our present state. Bless the Lord, O our souls ; and all that is within us, bless his holy name. Bless the Lord, O our souls, and forget not any of his benefits ; who forgiveth all our iniquities ; who healeth all our diseases ; who redeemeth our life from destruction ; who crowneth us with loving-kindness and tender mercies. — Make us deeply sensible of our obligations to thee, that we may devote our lives to thee, as those who are not their own. Especially may we feel and acknowledge the claims of redeeming love : we are thine by creation, by preservation, but thou hast bound us to thee with more tender, and still stronger ties, for thou hast bought us, O gracious Saviour, with thy most precious blood, that we may be redeemed from destruction, and from the service of sin, and become a peculiar people unto thyself, zealous of good works. O suffer not this grace to be bestowed upon us in vain. Draw us to thee. Make us to behold thy beauty and glory, that we may joyfully part with all earthly good for thee; esteeming all things but dross, if we may but live to Christ, and be found in him, having on his perfect righteousness. We bless thee for the volume of divine truth ; for the ministration of the gospel ; for the throne of grace ; for the house of God ; for the opportunities afforded us continually of withdrawing from the world, to hold more intimate and uninterrupted communion with God. We thank thee that in thy providence we are brought so near another day of sacred rest. Prepare us for its solemn engagements and hallowed pleasures ; and may it be a day of great joy to thy people, and great usefulness to all who may be permitted to assemble in thy courts. Clothe thy ministers in the garments of salvation; carry their message to the consciences of sinners ; that they may be pricked to their hearts, and cry out, Men and brethren, what must we do to be saved ? And may thy good Spirit seal instruction and impression upon the minds of men, that thy truth may abide in them, and may bring forth fruit in abundance to thy praise and glory. Have compassion upon those parts of the world that are yet sitting in darkness, and in the region of the shadow of death ; let the glorious light of thy truth soon enlighten them, and the blessings of redemption be known and enjoyed. Sustain and comfort all that are in affliction, danger, necessity, and tribulation ; bind up the broken-hearted ; liberate the captive ; and grant that all the sons of men may be taught to fear and love thee. We commit ourselves to thee as our Shepherd and keeper ; favour us with refreshing rest, that we may be strengthened for the duties of thy holy day. Prepare us for all thy will here, and bring us all to thy kingdom, through Jesus Christ our Lord ; to whom, with Thysel and the Holy Spirit, be all glory and praise. Amen. 479 THIRTY-FOURTH <#>tmirag Wanting. WHHK. Psalms cxlvi. to cxlvii. H EAR our prayer, O Lord ; give ear to our supplication : in thy faithfulness answer us, and in thy righteousness. And enter not into judgment with thy servants; for in thy sight shall no man living be justified. We bless thee that thou dost permit and command us to approach thee with humble confidence, that our sins may be forgiven, our vi ants supplied, and our souls blessed by waiting upon thee, through faith in our great Redeemer. Thanks be unto God for his unspeakable gift ; for the manifestation of his love in Christ Jesus, who, though rich, yet for our sake became poor, that we through his poverty might be rich. We rejoice in the return of the sacred day which saw him triumph over death ; which calls upon us to resemble him in a resurrection to holiness and newness of life ; and which has been set apart, by thy grace and mercy, for thy more solemn and continued worship. May w'e be in the Spirit on the Lord’s day ; and be enabled, in the family and in the church, to worship thee in spirit and in truth. May we esteem it indeed a delight, holy of the Lord, and honourable ; may we feel thy presence, especially in thy house of prayer ; may we be preserved from all levity, worldliness, and unbelief, that our sacrifice may be acceptable to thee, and profitable and delightful to ourselves. Prepare our hearts to receive thy word ; that, like good seed cast into good ground, it may produce fruit abundantly. Too long have we been heedless and unprofitable. Blessed be thy name that thou hast not cut us down, but art continuing to us our religious privileges. Let not spiritual apathy be any longer allowed to hinder our prosperity, nor worldliness to choke the seed that it becometh unfruitful. May we be as a tree planted by the waters, and that spreadeth out her roots by the river, whose leaf is green, and that ceaseth not from yielding fruit. Let thy blessing rest abundantly upon all the assemblies of thy people, that they may be made joyful in thy house of prayer; that the mourner may be cheered, the waver- ing decided, the believing established. Clothe the message which thy servants shall deliver, with divine energy ; that multitudes may find the word preached to be the power of God unto salvation. Especially bless thy servant who shall address us in thy name. May he come in the fulness of the blessing of the gospel of peace ; and by demonstration of the truth, commend himself to every man’s conscience in the sight of God. Look in mercy upon those who shall be prevented entering thy sanctuary, and what- ever may be the nature of their afflictions, cause them to promote thy glory by the advancement of their holiness. Pity those who are destitute of the means of grace ; and put it into the hearts of those who possess the gospel, to extend the knowledge of the truth around them, until all the wanderers shall be reclaimed, and the whole family of man be restored to the family of God. Accept our thanks for the unmerited mercies we have received as a family, and graciously continue thy goodness and care. Bless also our relations and friends ; forgive our enemies ; give them repentance, and let peace and love be universally established. We present our supplications and thanksgivings to thee in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ; to whom, with the Father and the Holy Spirit, be all glory for ever. Amen. 480 THIRTY-FOUR'I'U aFbtnmg, Heerews, CHAPTER IX. WEEK. M ANY, O Lord our God, are thy wonderful works which thou hast done, and thy thoughts which are to usward : they cannot be reckoned up in order unto thee : if we would declare and speak of them, they are more than can be numbered. We would be deeply humbled, under a sense of our coldness and ingratitude, and our frequent misimprovement of the distinguished privileges thou hast bestowed upon us. We adore thy patience and forbearance, in continuing to us the means of grace and the hopes of glory. We render our united thanks for the blessings of this day; for communion with thy people in prayer and praise ; and for the opportunities afforded us of hearing thy messages of mercy and love. Grant that the words which we have this day heard with our outward ears, may be grafted inwardly in our hearts, that we may bring forth the peaceable fruits of righteousness, to the glory of thy name, and the furtherance of the great work of our sanctification. Our own consciences reprove us for numberless sins and imperfections which have mingled with our religious exercises ; our thoughts have wandered, our hearts have often been insensible to thy presence, and the fire of love has not always enkindled our sacri- fices. And yet thou art greater than our hearts, and knowest all things, even the hidden iniquity which cleaveth to our holy things. Cleanse us, O God, by thy Holy Spirit ; and accept us and our services through the merits of our great Redeemer, whose blood cleanseth from all sin. Let thy blessing follow the labours of all thy faithful servants this day ; that multitudes of sinners may be turned from the error of their ways, be led to believe on the Son of God, and to submit with holy delight to the King whom thou hast set upon thy holy hill of Zion ; and may all who have avowed themselves on the Lord’s side be quickened to more watchfulness and greater diligence in their Christian course ; that they may adorn their profession by a conversation becoming the gospel; and grow in grace, and in the know- ledge of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ Look in mercy upon the land of our birth : long has she been distinguished among the nations by the possession of thy favour and a profession of Christianity. But, alas ! we have not rendered unto thee according to thy dealings towards us. O Lord, to us belongeth confusion of face, to our kings, to our princes, and to our fathers, because we have sinned against thee. To the Lord our God belong mercies and forgivenesses, though we have rebelled against him. Let thy forbearance and continued mercy lead us to true and genuine repentance ; that true religion may prosper ; and that we may be a regenerated, and not a destroyed people. Accept, O God, our renewed thanks for the mercies of the day : goodness and mercy are following us continually, so that every day adds to our obligations, which are already unspeakable : what shall we render unto the Lord for all his benefits towards us ! we will take the cup of salvation, and call upon the name of the Lord ; desiring to know his will, and to yield all our powers to his command. Accept this renewed surrender of ourselves to thee, though we are unworthy of thy notice, since we present ourselves and our services to thee in the name of thine Anointed One, and our High Priest and Advocate, to whom be glory for ever. Amen. THIRTY-FOURTH JHonfcag iHonung, WEEK. Psalms clxviii. to cl. W E adore thee, O Most High, as the preserver of heaven and of earth ; whose great- ness, wisdom, and goodness are every where visible. But we rejoice more especially in the revelation thou hast made of thyself in the sacred volume ; which teaches us that thou art as willing as thou art able to bless us, and to do us good. We bless thee for the free access afforded us to thy throne of grace ; that we are not only permitted to come, but are furnished with arguments, derived from thine infinite attributes which remain unchangeable. We are not straitened in thee. O suffer us not to be straitened by the darkness of our own minds, or the carnality and unbelief of our own hearts. Enlarge our desires ; increase our humility, strengthen our faith, that we may be prepared to receive more abundant communications of spiritual good, for we know that thou waitest to be gracious, and delightest to satisfy the longing soul. May the sacred engagements of the past day be blessed to the promotion of real religion in all our hearts. Let not the savour of divine things be lost by our return to the necessary occupations of this life. May we be deeply sensible of the dangers to which we are exposed from a world lying in wickedness, and take heed unto our ways and our thoughts, lest we sin against thee. May we remember the admonitions of thy word, and order our steps by them ; that we may adorn the doctrine of God our Saviour. Enable us to crucify the flesh with its affec- tions and lusts ; to mind the things of the Spirit ; to live continually as those whose con- versation is in heaven. Suffer us not to rest satisfied with our present attainments in knowledge or in holi- ness : for little do we yet know as we ought ; and of that which we know, how much have we neglected to perform ! Our advantages have been great, but our progress has been slow, and often interrupted. Quicken us to greater diligence, that we may ever press forward, reaching forth to those things which are before. We have been in too many instances unprofitable servants, cumberers of the ground. Lord, revive thy work in our hearts, and suffer us never more to depart from thee. Look in mercy upon us as a family ; grant to us who are placed at its head, wisdom and grace to walk before thee in all purity, sobriety, and godliness, that those who follow our example may continually walk with God. May our children and servants be taught by thy Spirit to know and love thee, that they may enjoy thy favour on earth, and be growing daily in meetness for thy heavenly kingdom. Pour down thy blessings upon our country, that she may prosper in all her com- mercial, civil, and religious interests. May all the institutions that are formed among us to promote the glory of God and the well-being of men, be succeeded with thy blessing, that peace and happiness, religion and piety, may dwell in our land, and that she may be a praise in the whole earth. Accept, we beseech thee, our morning sacrifice of praise : thou hast not dealt with us after our sins, nor rewarded us according to our iniquities, but hast spared our lives, and art still crowning them with loving-kindness and tender mercies. O let our powers be entirely consecrated to thee, through faith in our blessed Redeemer ; and to the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit be ascribed all honour and glory. Amen. 482 THIRTY-FOURTH iHontmg gftntfttg. Hebrews, Chapter x. WEEK. T HY throne, O God, is established in the heavens, and thy kingdom ruleth over all ; we would therefore present ourselves before thee with reverence and unfeigned humility. We acknowledge our unworthiness to approach thee, or to ask any of the bless- ings we need ; but we come in the way appointed by thy wisdom and grace, pleading the greatness of thy compassion, and the worthiness of our adorable Redeemer and Advocate. Behold, O God, our shield, and look upon the face of thine Anointed. We would make mention of his righteousness, even of his only : look, therefore, upon us in mercy, though we deserve thine anger : remember us, O Lord, with the favour that thou barest unto thy people. O visit us with thy salvation, that we may see the good of thy chosen, that we may rejoice in the gladness of thy nation ; that we may glory with thine inheritance. Suffer us never to rest in the possession of religious advantages, or in a profession of devotedness to thee ; but may we feel the power of religion daily increasing within us, regulating our dispositions, exalting our affections, and producing more of the likeness of Christ in our whole characters : that we may know that we have passed from death unto life, and that those who know us best may be satisfied of our sincerity, and may take knowledge of us that we have been with Jesus. Grant that we may thus be his disciples indeed ; rooted and built up in him, and established in the truth, walking worthy of God who hath called us unto his kingdom and glory We acknowledge with humility and sorrow how often we have forgotten thee, notwith- standing all that thou hast done for us ; how often we have slighted thy proffered friend- ship; how often the prospect of eternal things has been obscured, or altogether hidden, by the vanities of the present life. May we be more watchful against every temptation to depart from thee, or to take up with this world as our portion. Fill our minds with that sense of the grandeur and nearness of heavenly objects, that there may be no room in our souls for the lodgment of worldliness or sin ; that, instead of cleaving to the dust, we may desire to depart and to be with Christ. We commit ourselves and all our concerns to thy providential care and fatherly good- ness. Suffer no evil to approach us, nor any plague to come nigh our dwelling. Grant us to rest in peace and quietness, that our bodies may be strengthened, and our minds invigorated for thy service ; that we may arise to thank thee for the continuance of that mercy, of which we have so long and so richly partaken. Amidst the lawful pursuits of this world, suffer us never to neglect the one thing needful ; but may we daily live as expectants of a heavenly inheritance and an eternal crown, and ever anticipate the account we shall be called to render in the great day of Christ’s appearing in glory. Hear our prayers for the neighbourhood in which we dwell; pardon and subdue the iniquity over which we mourn; bring all men to the knowledge of the truth, that the reign of Christ may become universal, and all may be blessed in him. Look in mercy upon the seed of thy servants, Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob: may they look upon him whom they have pierced, and mourn ; that they may receive remission of their sins through the tender mercy of our God. All we ask, for ourselves and others, is in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, to whom be everlasting praise and glory. Amen. 483 3 p a THIRTY-FOURTH Cuestiaj2 iHontmcr WEEK. Proverbs, Chapter i. A LMIGHTY and everlasting God, who dwellest in light inaccessible and full of glory. we adore thine infinite condescension, in permitting such unworthy and sinful crea- tures to draw nigh unto thee: those who have sought thee can bear testimony to the truth of thy word. The Lord is good unto them that wait upon him, to the soul that seeketh him. It is good that a man should both hope and quietly wait for the salvation of the Lord. We have transgressed and rebelled; but thou hast displayed thy mercy; thou hast in infinite compassion and love given thy dear Son to be our Saviour, and we rejoice that with him thou wilt freely give us all things. But how often does sin separate us from thee ! How often does unbelief deprive us of the promises and consolations of thy word ! O leave us not to ourselves : make us more and more sensible of the wickedness of our hearts, of their utter defilement, that we may cry earnestly to thee, Create in us a clean heart, O God, and renew a right spirit within us : take away the stony heart out of our flesh, and give us a heart of flesh. Deliver us from every sinful passion ; from every unholy bias of the will ; from all hardness of heart, and contempt of thy word and ordinances. May we have a holy fear of thee, which may pre- vent us from offending thee, and prepare us to make every sacrifice to which our unshrink- ing obedience to thy commandments would expose us. If we are called to suffer for the cause of Christ, may we consider Him who endured the contradiction of sinners against himself, lest we be wearied, and faint in our minds. Suffer us not to be driven from Christ, and from the path of duty, by the powers, nor let us be allured by the smiles, of the world : for who can harm us, if we be followers of that which is good ? and what can bless us, if we have not the presence and approbation of Christ? May these considerations make us steadfast and unmoveable, that we turn not aside from thy ways. Help us to review our past lives with humility and with thankfulness. May we think of thy mercies and our sins, of thy love and our ingratitude — that we may feel how con- stantly and how greatly we need thy Spirit to teach and uphold us. If left to ourselves, our future course will be but a repetition of our follies and crimes ; therefore leave us not, O God, neither forsake us. Uphold us in our goings, that our footsteps slip not, and let all our ways be directed to keep thy statutes. Let thy word be hid in our heart, that we may not sin against thee. May it be a light unto our feet, and a lamp unto our path ; may it be the man of our counsel in the house of our pilgrimage. We would take encouragement from thy past goodness and care, to commit ourselves to thee during the day upon which thy providence has permitted us to enter. Be thou a wall of defence round about us. Suffer us to fall into no sin, neither to run into any kind of danger. In all our undertakings may we seek thy glory, and in all our engagements may we enjoy thy blessing. Succeed any attempt that is made to promote the interests of truth and godliness, especially in our neighbourhood. May those with whom we are more immediately connected in Christian fellowship, be favoured with spiritual prosperity, that they may daily grow in happiness and usefulness. Graciously hearken to our suppli- cations, receive our praises, and bless us, for Christ’s sake. Amen. 484 THIRTY-FOURTH CueStiag (Abetting, Hebrews, Chapter xr. WEEK. E NABLE us to approach thee, O Most High, with holy reverence and delight ; and let the words of our mouths, and the meditations of our hearts, be acceptable in thy sight, through Jesus Christ, our strength and our Redeemer. We bless thee that we have his name and righteousness to plead before thee, for in ourselves we are only deserving of thine anger ; for we have done those things we ought not to have done, and have left undone that which we ought to have done. Nor would we forget that our sins have been committed under circumstances of peculiar aggravation : for thou hast given us a revelation of thy will, and the promise of thy Spirit, to incline and enable us to perform it. We have also lived upon thy bounty and love ; and thou hast never been unmindful of our wants, but hast crowned our lives with loving-kindness and tender mercies. Pardon our iniquity, for it is great; blot out our transgressions, and give us true repent- ance, that we may be truly sorry for our sins ; that we may have a broken heart and a contrite spirit ; for truly such a disposition becomes us. Blessed be thy name, that thou wilt produce such a disposition in us, and then accept us, rather than the most costly sacrifice. Enable us to present this sacrifice unto thee, by faith in our Lord Jesus Christ, through whose atonement and intercession thou hast invited us to approach thee. If thou hast taught us by thy Spirit to look to the cross of Christ for pardon, carry on thine own work in our souls, till we shall stand before thee complete in righteousness. May we never be satisfied with a hope that we are interested in the salvation of the gospel, except as that hope urges us to improve with diligence all the means afforded us of purifying ourselves even as He is pure. May we all with open face, beholding as in a glass the glory of the Lord, be changed into the same image, from glory to glory, by the Spirit of the Lord. Thus may we shew forth the praises of Him who hath called us out of darkness into marvellous light, and recommend religion to those who are around us. We would acknowledge with thankfulness thy continued goodness to us through another day. How undeserved are thy mercies — how great is the sum of them ! If we would count them, they are more in number than the sand. Fill our hearts with gratitude ; and enable us to manifest it by giving up ourselves to thy service, and by walking before thee in holiness and righteousness all our days. O thou Shepherd of Israel, who never slumberest nor sleepest, protect us during the silent hours of darkness ; preserve us in safety and peace. Refresh our bodies and invigorate our minds with sleep, that, if we are spared to enter upon another day, we may discharge its duties with vigour and delight. Prepare us especially for the night of death, and for a perfect and ever-cloudless day : that whenever the summons shall be heard, “ Arise and depart, for this is not your rest,” we may resign our spirits into thy hands ; and our flesh rest in hope, assured that he who raised up Jesus from the dead shall also quicken our mortal bodies, and make them like unto his glorious body. Bless all for whom we should pray : may the afflicted find strength and consolation in thee : may the rich be poor in spirit, and the poor rich in faith. These mercies, for ourselves and others, we humbly beg in the name and for the sake of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ; to whom be praise and glory for ever. Amen. 485 THIRTY-FOURTH OTetmesfaag iHormnjg;, WEEK. Proverbs, Chapter ii. U NTO thee, O Lord, do we lift up our soul. O our God, we trust in thee, let us not be ashamed : shew us thy ways, O Lord, teach us thy paths. Lead us in thy truth, and teach us, for thou art the God of our salvation, on thee do we wait all the day. How justly dost thou demand the gratitude, confidence, and obedience of thy creatures; for in thee we live, and move, and have our being. We bless thee for our creation, preservation, and all the blessings of this life, but above all for thine inestimable love in the redemption of the world through our Lord Jesus Christ, for the means of grace, and for the hope of glory. Oh, how unspeakable thy love ! How infinite are our obligations ! May a remembrance of them urge us to spend and to be spent in thy service. May we continually ask what shall we render to the Lord for all his benefits towards us ? we will take the cup of salvation, and call upon the name of the Lord. Constrained by the mercies of God, we would present our bodies and our spirits a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable unto Him, which is our reasonable service. We bless thee that thou hast provided a salvation altogether suited to our condition and character : apply it by the work of the Holy Spirit in us ; that the blood of Christ may cleanse us from all sin : that the grace of God may subdue all our iniquities ; that we may be delivered from the bondage of corruption, and brought into the glorious liberty of the children of God. Though conscious of the power of corruption, and the power and malice of our spiritual adversaries, we would rejoice in this confidence, that He who hath begun a good work in us will perform it until the day of Jesus Christ. But suffer us not to deceive ourselves concerning our real character: search us, O God, and know our hearts ; try us, and know our thoughts ; and see if there be any wicked way in us, and lead us in the way everlasting. If there be one amongst us whose heart is not yet subdued by the grace of God, who is not daily exercising godly sorrow for sin, let that heart now become subject to Christ. O let him rule in all our hearts: may we daily learn of him, and more perfectly resemble him ; that our conversation may be as becometh the gospel. Let all bitterness, and wrath, and anger, and clamour, and evil-speaking, be put away from us, with all malice : and may we be kind one to another, tender-hearted, forgiving one another, even as God for Christ’s sake hath forgiven us. May we be fallow r ers of God as dear children ; and walk in love, as Christ also hath loved us, and hath given himself for us, an offering and a sacrifice to God for a sweet-smelling savour. Accept the tribute of praise we would offer for the mercies of the past night, and for the health and strength we now possess. Watch over us for good throughout this day, and enable us in all our undertakings to glorify thee, and advance the present and ever- lasting welfare of our fellow-men. Bless all who are dear to us. May they all be the children of thy grace. Have mercy upon all who are living without God : teach trans- gressors thy ways, and let sinners be converted unto thee. Let the power of Satan over the minds of men be destroyed : deliver them from all forms of error and prejudice, and let the true light shine into their hearts. Let thy kingdom come, and thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven : for thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, for ever and ever. Amen. 4S6 THIRTY-FOURTH OTetmegtrag Anting. Hebrews, Chapter xii. WEEK. O THOU, who art the hearer and answerer of prayer ; give us at this time the spirit of prayer, and enable us to approach thee with humility and thankfulness. We have reason to be humble, for, notwithstanding all thy goodness and-loving kindness towards us, we have forgotten thee, and rebelled against thee ; and we have reason to be thankful, for thou hast continued to supply our wants, and art yet inviting us to receive pardon and eternal life. Make us truly to repent of our ingratitude ; and enable us henceforth to devote ourselves without reserve to Thee, that we may do only that which is well-pleasing in thy sight. Teach us, O Lord, the way of thy statutes, and we shall keep it unto the end. Give us understanding, and we shall keep thy law ; yea, we shall observe it with our whole heart. May thy word be more sincerely loved ; more carefully read ; more diligently obeyed; that it may not hereafter rise up in judgment against us. We plead thine own promise ; for thou hast said, This is the covenant that I will make with them, After those days, saith the Lord, I will put my law into their hearts, and in their minds will I write them ; and their sins and iniquities will I remember no more. Blessed be thy name for the grace displayed in this covenant ; enable us by faith to take hold of it, that all its rich and heavenly blessings may become ours ; that we may be freed from condemnation; that we may enjoy freedom from the dominion of sin; that we may walk not after the flesh, but after the Spirit ; that the Spirit of God may bear witness with our spirits that we are the children of God, and abide in us as the earnest of our future inheritance ; that we may increasingly take delight in communion with thee ; that we may be consecrated without reserve to thine honour ; that our light may so shine before men, that they seeing our good works may glorify our Father who is in heaven. And while we thus seek to grow in grace, and in the knowledge of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, may we be instrumental in leading our fellow-creatures to be partakers of the same blessings. May we faithfully improve whatever talents are intrusted to us, remembering our obligations, the danger of the impenitent, and the infinite worth of the soul. Look in mercy upon the aged and infirm ; and call them by thy grace, though they have remained idle, so far as their souls are concerned, even to the eleventh hour. May those who are in the vigour of life resolve that whatever others do, they will serve the Lord. And may the young be brought early to feel the power of true religion, and give themselves up to the guidance and care of the Great Shepherd. Bless our country; may peace be long enjoyed ; may trade and commerce flourish, that there may be employment for the diligent, and bread for the hungry ; and that there may be no complaining in our streets. Bless our rightful sovereign, and all the branches of the royal family. Establish the throne in righteousness. Bless all the families that call upon thy name ; may they find that it is good to wait upon the Lord ; and may family religion be more general and more eminent, that, instead of the fathers there may be the children, a seed to serve thee, a generation to call the Redeemer blessed. And now, to Thee, O heavenly Father, would we commend each other: — be our God, our Guide, our Shield, and our exceeding great reward ; we ask it for the Redeemer’s sake. Amen. 487 THIRTY-FOURTH drar&mg Minting. WEEK. Proverbs, Chapter iii. E will extol thee, our God, O King; and we will bless thy name for ever and ever. Every day will we bless thee, and we will praise thy name for ever and ever. Great is the Lord, and greatly to be praised ; and his greatness is unsearchable. Blessed be thy name, that thou hast revealed thy condescension and love, as well as thy power and glory ; so that while we approach thee with holy fear, we may also come with humble boldness, assured that we are welcome, though unworthy; and that thou wilt withhold no good thing from them that sincerely seek thee, and walk uprightly. Enable us to realize thy presence, and to exercise that faith in the glorious excel- lencies of thy character, which shall increase our delight and confidence in thee. O teach us to seek happiness alone in thee : too long have we sought it elsewhere ; too often have we joined in the restless inquiry, Who will shew us any good? May our prayer now be, Lord, lift thou up the light of thy countenance upon us ! Grant us the joy of thy salvation, that we may be enabled to say, Whom have I in heaven but thee? and there is none upon earth that I desire in comparison of thee. May we ever be sensible of cur danger : that our hearts are prone to forsake thee ; that they are deceitful above all things; that we are therefore unable to keep ourselves. Help us to watch and pray, that we enter not into temptation. Hold up our goings in thy paths, that our footsteps slip not. Enlighten our understandings, that we may not walk in darkness ; purify our affec- tions, that we may not incline to that which is evil. Nor would we be satisfied to maintain a conscience void of offence ; we would desire to be living epistles, declaring to others the holy tendency of the principles of the gospel. Enable us by thy grace to adorn the doctrine of God our Saviour ; to hold forth the word of life; that we may help them that labour in the gospel, yea, that we may be workers together with God. We unite to thank thee for the mercies of another night; for the rest we have enjoyed, and the measure of health and comfort we now enjoy. Let thy blessing rest upon us throughout the day upon which we have entered. We know not what may be its duties or trials. Prepare us for them by shewing us our nearness to eternity ; for this shall make us to weep as though we wept not, and to rejoice as though we possessed not ; seeking that prosperity or adversity may lead us nearer to thee, and make us more meet to be the partakers of the inheritance of the saints in light. Bless all our friends and connexions ; make them all partakers of thy grace ; that they may serve thee on earth, and at length be received into thy glory. Bless the church of Christ universally ; may she arise, and shine in all the purity and glory of her Saviour, that the darkness of the world may be removed, and the Redeemer’s kingdom be spread. Bless all those who are afflicted or distressed in mind, body, or estate : may the correc- tions of thy hand be wisely and prayerfully received, that they may have to say hereafter, It was good for me that I was afflicted. All we ask is through the atonement and intercession of our Lord Jesus Christ, who gave himself for our sins, that he might deliver us from this present evil world, according to the will of God our Father; to whom be glory for ever and ever. Amen. 488 THIRTY-FOURTH CJtirsfoag gnmtfng. Hebrews, Chapter xiii. WEEK. W E adore Thee, O God, as the high and lofty One who inhabiteth eternity, wnose name is holy. Blessed be thy name that thou condescendest to him who is humble and contrite ; that thou hast declared, Therefore will the Lord wait, that he may be gracious unto you; and therefore will he be exalted, that he may have mercy upon you; for the Lord is a God of judgment: blessed are all they that wait for him. He will be very gracious unto thee, at the voice of thy cry ; when he shall hear it, he will answer thee. We thank thee that thou hast not only permitted us to approach thee, but hast furnished us with arguments wherewith to plead with thee, assured that thou wilt not fail to fulfil the desire which thine own word and Spirit have created. We would acknowledge with shame our backwardness to engage in the reasonable duty and exalted privilege of seeking thy face : we have been separated from thee, not by thy just severity, or thine awful grandeur, but by the coldness and insensibility of our own hearts. Increase our gratitude and love, that out of the fulness of our hearts our tongues may declare thy praises, and tell of thy salvation from day to day. May the desire of our souls be drawn forth after thee : may our best affections be centered in thee, that we may have this testimony, that we pleased God. Pardon the numerous and aggravated sins of our past lives. In many things we • have offended, and in all things have we come short of our duty; and if thou, Lord, shouldest mark iniquity, we must be condemned. Remember not against us our trans- gressions, but, for the sake of thy dear Son, receive us into thy favour, and love us freely. We bless thee for the declarations of thy mercy, and thy readiness to pardon ; on these we would rely with humble gratitude and joy, believing that where sin has abounded — grace shall yet much more abound. Again, therefore, would we come to the fountain that is opened for sin and uncleanness, that all the guilt we have contracted this day may be purged away. Give us a sense of pardoned sin, that we may rejoice in thee as our reconciled God, our Father, and our portion. Suffer us not to make light of sin because there is a remedy provided, and freely offered ; may we feel how hateful it is in thy sight ; may we loathe it, and be much more careful to avoid its contagion, than to escape from the worst disease to which the body is subject. Let holiness to the Lord be visibly depicted in all our actions, and in the whole of our deportment. Graciously accept our thanks for the continuance of thy kindness and care through another day, and take us under thy protection for this night. Spread around us thy wings of love, that no evil may harm us. Bless all for whom we should pray. Let all who love the Lord Jesus grow in holiness, love, and usefulness; let the ministers of the gospel be perpetually and abundantly watered with the dew of thy Holy Spirit, that their own souls may be replenished, and that their labours in thy vineyard may be very successful. Let all those that seek thee rejoice, and be glad in thee ; and let such as love thy sal- vation say continually, Let God be magnified. All we ask is in the name of Jesus Christ, our most blessed Lord and Saviour; to whom, with the Father and the Holy Spirit, be all praise and glory. Amen. 3 Q 489 THIRTY- FOURTH dfcfoag iilormng, WEEK. Proverbs, Chapter iv. G REAT art thou, O Lord, and greatly to be feared ; for thy power, and holiness, and justice are infinite. But thou hast encouraged our approach unto thee by the declarations of thy word, that thou art plenteous in mercy to all them that call upon thee. We bless thee, that in the life and death, the resurrection and ascension, of our Lord Jesus Christ, we can behold all that is necessary to secure the salvation of penitent sinners, while the honour of thy law, and the integrity of thy government, are preserved. We rejoice to behold in him, mercy and truth meeting together, righteousness and peace embracing each other. We bless thee for thine unspeakable love to us in him ; for the clear revelation of this love in thy holy word: there we behold him laying aside his glory that he might suffer for our sins, be delivered for our offences, and raised again for our justification. May we feel more deeply our need of this salvation, that we may desire deliverance from the power as well as from the condemnation of sin. O may the blood of Christ, who through the eternal Spirit offered himself without spot to God, purge our consciences from dead works, to serve the living God. May we thus reckon, that if one died for all, then were all dead, and that he died for all, that they which live should not henceforth live unto themselves, but unto him that loved them and died for them. Suffer us not so to rest in any hopes of forgiveness and acceptance which we may have cherished, as to cast off watchfulness, and restrain prayer before God : but may every hope we indulge make us more jealous of ourselves ; more vigilant in resisting sin and the inward corruptions of our nature. Thus may we be conscious of progression in the divine life, and know that our hope is the hope of the gospel, by its purifying and exalting effects. Pour out thy Spirit abundantly upon us, that there may be in us more spiri- tuality, more decision of judgment, more fervour of prayer, a greater elevation of zeal, and a continual increase with all the increase of God. May we be strong in the Lord, and in the power of his might. May we give diligence to make our calling and our elec- tion sure ; may we be steadfast, unmoveable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, for as much as we know that our labour is not in vain in the Lord. And while we are advancing in the knowledge of the truth, and in the experience of its sanctifying influence, may we become more useful to our friends and our fellow-men. Make us more sensible of their perilous state while they remain undecided for God. May we labour as for those who are fast sinking beyond the reach of recovery, so that while life lasts, and hope remains, we may be diligent, working with our might, yet with entire dependence upon thy blessing, without which no saving good will be accomplished. Especially bless thy servant upon whose ministrations we statedly attend. Make him a burning and shining light, that we may have cause to bless thee for his labours. Regard us as a family, and mercifully continue to us the bounties of thy providence, but especially the blessings of thy grace. Watch over us, and keep us this day from all evil, and enable us to glorify thee in all we do : we ask it, for the Redeemer’s sake Amen. 490 THIRTY-FOURTH ■tfritmg (£bnimfj James, Chapter i. WEEK. I N the multitude of thy tender mercies are we again permitted to bow before thy throne of grace. Enable us, O Cod, to worship thee in spirit and in truth, that our prayer may come before thee with acceptance, through the mediation of our Lord Jesus Christ. We confess that we are unworthy to approach thee ; for we have sinned against thee con- tinually : and if we say we have not sinned, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us. But, alas ! we do not feel so humbled as we ought on account of sin. Make us, there- fore, more sensible of its awful character : may we behold how defiling it is ; and then, beholding more of the loveliness and glory of holiness, may we abhor ourselves, and repent as in dust and ashes. We bless thee that thy word reveals thy condescension and grace ; thy great mercy to all that call upon thee in Christ Jesus : it is in His name we now come before thee ; we plead his merits. Look, therefore, upon us in mercy: turn away thine anger, though we justly deserve it: return unto us in love, and visit us with the joys of thy salvation. We rejoice in the promises of thy word, that thou wilt not cast away any who thus come unto thee; that thou art waiting to become our God, our Father, and our portion. Take away all unbelief, receive us graciously, be merciful to our unrighteousness, and our sins and iniquities remember no more. Thus may we know the blessedness of the man whom thou choosest, and causest to approach unto thee, whose transgression is forgiven and whose sin is covered, and unto whom the Lord will not impute iniuqity. Accept our thanks for the mercies of the day; for the continuance of life and health; for the supply of food and raiment ; and for all those social blessings which distinguish us from millions who are not less deserving than ourselves. May we ever behold thy hand in all these gifts; that our gratitude may be increased, and our devotedness to thee may become as constant as thy goodness towards us. Graciously pardon the sins of the day, for who is he that sinneth not ? If we have been preserved from gross sins, it is thy grace that has kept us; but, Oh how numerous are the sins and deficiencies of which our consciences accuse us ; and yet Thou art greater than our hearts, and knowest all our secret faults, even those which have escaped our own notice. We come to the cross of our Lord Jesus: we beseech thee, for his sake, to blot out our iniquities as a cloud, and as a thick cloud our sins ; let us not be chargeable with them, nor be in future brought under their domi- nion. Cleanse us from secret faults, and keep back thy servants from presumptuous sins. Receive us under thy providential care during the darkness of the night : preserve us from all its dangers. Give us refreshing sleep, and prepare us to re-enter upon the duties of our stations, and to discharge them in thy fear. Hear our prayers for others. Pity those who are living without God in the world : make them sensible of their folly, ingra- titude, and danger ; bring them to a knowledge of themselves and thee, that they may repent, believe, and be saved. God be merciful unto us, and bless us ; and cause his face to shine upon us, that thy way may be known upon earth, thy saving health among all nations. Let thy people praise thee, O God, let all the people praise thee ; then shall the earth yield her increase, and God, even our own God, shall bless us ; and all the ends of the earth shall fear him. Amen, and amen. 491 3 Q 2 THIRTY-FOURTH «#aturS3ag iHontmg AVEEK. Proverbs, Chapter v. F| LESS the Lord, O our souls : O Lord our God, thou art very great, thou art clothed JJ Avith honour and majesty: who coverest thyself with light, as with a garment; who stretchest out the heavens like a curtain. We adore thy condescension in admitting such unworthy and sinful creatures into thy presence; especially that thou permittest us to call thee, Our Father ! We confess that we have sinned against heaven, and in thy sight, and are no more worthy to be called thy children : but we desire to return unto thee in the exercise of godly sorrow and deep contrition, pleading the greatness of thy mercy and the freeness of thy grace. Turn us again, O God of hosts; cause thy face to shine upon us, and give us peace. Enable us, with lively faith, to embrace the spiritual blessings offered to us in Christ Jesus : in him thou hast caused all fulness to dwell, that out of his fulness we may receive in grace for grace. Blessed be thy name, that the joyful sound of pardon and restoration has reached our ears : pardon for the most aggravated sins, and restoration, not only to thy favour, through the atonement of Christ, but also to thine image, by the influences of the Holy Spirit. We would be humbled, when we remember how often that joyful sound has been disregarded; how long have we abused thy forbearance, and' how unprofitable we have been even since we have known something of the value of the GospeL Descend, O thou Spirit of God, into our hearts, and mould us according to thy will : enlighten what is yet dark, purify what is still unclean, exalt what is grovelling ; that in all things we may be conformed to the image of God. Dwell in us as thy temples; suffer us not to grieve thee by the indulgence of any dispositions that are impure or worldly : make us spiritually minded, that we may possess and enjoy life and peace. We acknowledge with thankfulness thy watchful care over us through another night : accept our tribute of praise, and suffer us not to forget thy mercies because they are so continually poured down upon us. Grant us thy presence and blessing through the day upon which we are entering: we cannot prepare ourselves for its trials or its duties; for it is not in man that walketh to direct his steps. Guide us, therefore, by thy wisdom, uphold us by thy mighty power; keep us in all our ways, and enable us so to discharge our several duties as to glorify thee, and do good to those who surround us. May we remember that we are but stewards ; and that it may be said to us soon, and in a moment that we think not, “Give an account of thy stewardship.” Whatever our hand findeth to do, that is the dictate of truth or conscience, may we do it with our might. Bless every member of this family : may thy fear be impressed upon our minds, and thy law be written upon our hearts ; be thou our Father, and make us all thy children. Look in mercy upon our coun- try: we have forfeited all claim to thy favour, and have merited thy judgments, for we are a sinful people : yet spare us, O Lord, spare us in thy mercy, and let all our advantages be improved, that real religion may increase until all shall know thee. Bless our King, and all the royal family. Give wisdom to his counsellors, and all our magistrates : that they may administer justice, and maintain truth. And now unto the King eternal, immortal, invisible, to the only wise God and our Saviour, be honour and glory, dominion and praise, for ever. Amen. 492 THIRTY-FOURTH &aturirag <£bnttn& WEEK. James, Chapter ii. I NFINITE and everlasting God, we would approach thy throne in the spirit of unfeigned humility and thanksgiving. We feel, not only that as creatures we stand at an inconceivable distance from thee, but that by our manifold sins and transgressions we have incurred thy displeasure, and have unfitted ourselves for spiritual communion with thee. Help us now to bow in worship at thy footstool with the self-renunciation of conscious unworthiness and guilt : help us to say with heartfelt emotion, God be merciful to us, sinners : help us to realize the extent of our depravity, and the awful amount of our actual transgression in thy sight. But, O Lord, whilst we would thus acknowledge our deep depravity and guiltiness, we would remember the unnumbered expressions of thy condescension and goodness, by which we have at all times been surrounded. Although we have forfeited every claim on the watchfulness of thy providence, and the manifestations of thy grace, thou hast caused the mornings and the evenings to rejoice over us — thou hast mingled all thy judgments with mercy — thou hast bestowed upon us the unspeakable privilege of the gospel. O Lord our God, deeply impress our hearts with feelings of gratitude for all thine unmerited mercies of a temporal and spiritual kind. May we live not to ourselves, but to thee ; may all our energies, both of body and mind, be consecrated to thy service ; may we be constrained by the love of Christ to forget the things which are behind, and to reach forth to those which are before, by walking in his footsteps and imitating his example. In the exercise of much forbearance, O Lord, and in the bestowment of manifold blessings, thou hast brought us to the close of another week. Enable us, we beseech thee, to reflect on the past with feelings of self-abasement, gratitude, and confidence. We must confess, with shame and confusion of face, that amidst the thousand proofs of thy goodness, our hearts have been unimpressed, our affections have been cold, and our praises have languished on our bps. We pray thee, O Lord our God, to forgive us, and to impart to us the thankfulness and calm dependence of thine adopted children. Let all the events of thy providence, which have passed before us throughout this week, be sanc- tified to us, and promote our spiritual and eternal interests. May we ever remember that every good and every perfect gift cometh down from thee, and that all things, whether painful or pleasing, shall work together for the everlasting happiness of them that love thy name. We would especially implore thee to pour upon us the healthful Spirit of thy grace, to prepare us for the sacred solemnities of the Sabbath. May the peacefulness of that holy day be to us truly emblematic of the rest of heaven, and may its worship prepare us for the duties of this life, and for eternal communion with thyself hereafter. Let all thy minister- ing servants be clothed with salvation, that thy saints may shout aloud for joy. Let the Redeemer see of the travail of his soul, and be satisfied. Help us now, O merciful Father, to commit ourselves, in the spirit of childlike con- fidence, to thy keeping. Watch over us, we beseech thee, during the night; let no evil or plague come nigh our dwelling; and to Thee, and the Son and Holy Spirit, we would ascribe endless praises. Amen. 493 THIRTY-FIFTH ^tmtrag iHcirm'ng, Proverbs, Chapter vi. WEEK P RAISE the Lord, O our souls. While we live, will we praise the Lord ; we will sing praise unto our God, while we have any being ; for Thy loving-kindness towards us, and the glorious excellencies of Thy character demand our perpetual praise. But how grovelling are our thoughts, and how unworthy and mean are our highest conceptions of thee ! We adore thee that thou stoopest to hold converse with us ; that thou hast appointed duties to be performed and ordinances to be observed, for this very purpose, that we may have more immediate and holy fellowship with the Father, and with his Son Jesus Christ, by the teaching of the Holy Spirit. Blessed be thy name for the great encouragement we have, to draw nigh unto thee ; that the appointed medium of commu- nication between heaven and earth harmonizes with the view which thy word gives us of thy purity and glory, and also with the imperfections and weaknesses of which we are conscious in ourselves. We rejoice to behold in Christ Jesus the holiness and power of divinity, with the sympathy and compassion of humanity ; for we have not an High Priest who cannot be touched with the feeling of our infirmities, but was in all points tempted like as we are, yet without sin. Let us, therefore, come boldly unto the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy, and find grace to help in time of need. We bless thee for the day of sacred rest, upon which thou hast now permitted us to enter ; for the solemn engagements and delightful services connected with it, and which thou hast promised to attend with thy special blessing. How unworthy are we of such privileges ! how unfitted for such spiritual employments ! for our minds are often wandering, our affections worldly, and our hearts insensible. O prepare us for thy worship, by pouring out thy Spirit upon us, to quicken and elevate our souls, that we may enjoy some foretaste of the blessedness possessed by those who have entered the heavenly temple. Give us the spirit of prayer, of praise, and of humility ; that every part of divine worship may be engaged in with our whole hearts, that the Sabbath may leave us more fitted for heaven than it found us. Bless all the ministers of thy word ; may they be zealous, faithful, and successful. While the greatness of their work often makes them exclaim, Who is sufficient for these things ? may they rejoice that thou art with them ; and, beholding the triumphs of the cross, exclaim, Now thanks be unto God, which always causeth us to triumph in Christ, and maketh manifest the savour of his knowledge by us in every place ! Bless, especially, thy servant our pastor ; may he labour under the smiles of thy countenance : bring all our fellow-worshippers to the saving knowledge of the truth ; and may those who have avowed themselves the disciples of Christ depart from all ungodliness, and adorn their profession by a humble, holy, consistent deportment. Have compassion upon those who are deprived of the ordinances of thy house ; especially upon those who have never heard the gospel, and are yet in nature’s darkness. O send out thy light and thy truth ; let them lead them to thy tabernacles, even to thy holy hill. Accept our grateful thanks for the mercies of the past night ; continue thy providential care over us, and grant us all the richer blessings of thy grace. We ask all in the name of our adorable Redeemer and Advocate. Jesus Christ. Amen. 494 THIRTY-FIFTH ^untrag <£bntfttg< WEEK. James, Chapter iii. W E beseech thee, O Lord God of heaven, the great and terrible God, that keepest covenant and mercy for them that love thee, and keep thy commandments ; let thine ear now be attentive, and thine eyes open, that thou mayest hear the prayer of thy servants, who desire to fear thy name. We bless thee, that thou hast promised to hear and answer the voice of our supplications, though we have deserved thy displeasure by our repeated transgressions. Let the petitions which have this day been presented by thy people be graciously regarded by thee, and pour down upon them all those spiritual blessings which shall tend to the advancement of their holiness and comfort, and to thy glory. Revive thy work in the hearts of them who love thee, and fear thy name ; that the holy and exalting tendency of the gospel may be more and more evident even to those who neglect it, that they may be constrained to say, We perceive that the Lord is among you. Wilt thou not revive us again, that thy people may rejoice in thee i Shew us thy mercy, O Lord, and grant us thy salvation. Let not the labours of thy servants this day be in vain, but fulfil thine own promise ; that thy word shall not return unto thee void, but that it shall accomplish that which thou pleasest, and proper in the thing whereto thou hast sent it. We bless thee for the privileges we have enjoyed this day, for the declaration of thy mercy conveyed to us by thy word and by thy ministers ; especially if thou hast given us any disposition to value and improve our privileges ; if thou hast enabled us to embrace the offers of thy love, and to devote ourselves to thee as those who are not their own. But, alas, how imperfect has been the surrender of our powers to thee ! how feeble our resolutions ! how inconstant our affections ! how unworthy of thine acceptance are all our services ! O suffer not our privileges to rise up in judgment against us hereafter; but may thy Spirit produce such impressions, and perpetuate them, as shall cause us to grow in in the grace and knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ. Grant, we beseech thee, Almighty God, that the words which we have heard this day with our outward ears, may through thy grace he so engrafted inwardly in our hearts, that they may bring forth in us the fruits of good living, to the honour and praise of thy holy name, through Jesus Christ our Lord. Let us not be forgetful hearers, but doers of the work, that we may be blessed in our deeds. Forgive all the sins and imperfections that have attached themselves to our holy things: all our wanderings of thought, our coldness and formality, and whatever thou hast seen in us contrary to thy holy will ; and grant us the assistance of thy holy Spirit, that henceforth we may more entirely yield ourselves to God, and walk before thee in holiness and righteousness all our days. Mercifully receive us under thy care this night ; preserve us from all the dangers to which we may be exposed. May our bodies and spirits be refreshed ; and if our lives are continued, may we enter upon the necessary engagements of life in a humble and prayerful spirit, remembering how vain and transitory are all earthly things, that we may be prepared to hear with joy our final summons, Arise and depart, for this is not your rest. This we beg for Christ’s sake. Amen, and amen. 496 THIRTY-FIFTH iHmt&ag Minting, WEEK. Proverbs, Chapter vii. W E adore thee, O most High, as our Creator, Preserver, and Benefactor ! Thou hast every claim to our homage ; for in thee we live, and move, and have our being ; and to thee are we indebted for every hope we cherish of pardon and happiness. We thank thee, that thou hast made that to be our first duty which is our greatest privilege; for blessed is the man whom thou choosest, and causest to approach unto thee ! Thanks be unto God for his unspeakable gift. Adored be the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, that he voluntarily undertook our cause ; magnified the law by his obedience and death; paid the full price of our redemption, and then ascended on high, that he might intercede for all who draw nigh unto God through him; and reign as universal Governor, overruling all things for the advancement of his glory, and the safety and welfare of his people. While we profess to seek redemption through his blood, even the forgiveness of sins, may we as earnestly desire to be sanctified by his Spirit, and to be governed by his laws. Forbid it that we should any longer go about to establish our own righteousness; may we submit, with all cheerfulness and gratitude, to the righteousness which is of God ; and strive against all sin, that we may more perfectly reflect the image of God. We bless thee for our religious privileges, that they have been continued to us, although we have long undervalued and misimproved them. Thou mightest justly have cut us down as cumberers of the ground ; but instead of this, thou hast borne with our unfruitfulness, and we are yet favoured with the care and culture of the great Husbandman. O may we bear much fruit: being planted in the house of the Lord, may we flourish in the courts of our God. May we remember what we heard on the past day, and examine ourselves by it, that we may be sensible of our past sins and deficiencies, and watch against them ; and may our future course be in more complete accordance with the principles of thy word. May we never lean to our own understanding, but acknow- ledge thee, and seek thy direction ; aiming at thy glory in all we undertake, and seeking to approve ourselves to thee. Pardon, O Lord, we beseech thee, the sins of our past lives ; blot out all our trans- gressions ; lift up the light of thy countenance upon us, and give us peace. Cast us not away from thy presence, and take not thy Holy Spirit from us. We acknowledge, with thankfulness, the continuance of thy mercy towards us through another night : we thank thee for the health and strength we possess, and for the comforts that surround us. To the same watchful and gracious providence would we commit our- selves during the engagements of the day. Sanctify to us all the dealings of thy hand, and prepare us for the rest that remaineth for the people of God. Let the labours of all thy faithful ministers of the past day be followed with thy blessing ; for without this, even Paul would plant, and Apollos water, in vain ; but with this, the feeblest instrument shall be effectual. Bless all our connexions ; forgive their sins ; supply all their wants ; bring them to a knowledge of thyself, and adopt them into thy family. Graciously hear and pardon, accept and bless us, through Jesus Christ, ouy Redeemer Amen. 496 THIRTY-FIFTH iBonfcajj <0benmg. WEEK. James, Chapter iv. LMIGHTY God, Father of all mercies ; we thine unworthy and sinful creatures would draw nigh unto thee as the hearer and answerer of prayer. We bless thee that thou revealest thyself to us under a character so gracious, and that we are encouraged to ask, that we may receive; to seek, that we may find. But the preparation of the heart and the answer of the tongue are both alike from thee ; for we know not what we should pray for as we ought. May thy Spirit help our infirmities, inspiring in our souls those ardent and holy desires after thee, which a perception of thy glorious excellencies would enkindle. Give us that delight in thee which thy servant David had, even under a darker dispen- sation. As the hart panteth after the water-brooks, so panteth my soul after thee, O God: my soul thirsteth for God, for the living God; when shall I come, and appear before God? One thing have I desired of the Lord ; that will I seek after ; that I may dwell in the house of the Lord all the days of my life, to behold the beauty of the Lord, and to inquire in his temple. We would confess with shame that our desires after God are often cold, notwithstanding the clearer revelation he has made of himself as the God of love; that our religious exercises have little of that holy ardour manifested by many of whom we read in the sacred volume. Justly might the Saviour upbraid us, “Ye have not, because ye ask not, or because ye ask amiss ;” but we would admire his grace and tenderness, that he pities our weakness, invites us to pour out our hearts with freedom and confidence ; to ask in his name, that we may receive, and that our joy may be full. May we all be taught to delight more and more in this holy exercise ; that our souls may be quickened, and prepared for communion with thee ; that our fellowship may be with the Father, and with his Son Jesus Christ. Graciously pardon all the sins of this day ; for we must acknowledge that we continually transgress. Blessed be thy name, thou waitest to be gracious; and the blood of Jesus Christ cleanseth from all sin. May we remember, that if we continue under the condem- nation or the pow r er of sin, it is because we will not come to Christ for pardon, and welcome his Spirit as our Sanctifier. Deeply conscious of our frequent departures from thee, may we seek and try our ways, and turn again to the Lord. Let us lift up our hearts, with our hands, to God in the heavens ; and, receiving fresh assurances of forgiveness and reconciliation, may we go on our way rejoicing. We commit ourselves to thy fatherly protection through the night. Suffer no evil to befall us, or danger to approach our dwelling. Prepare us for all thy will here ; fit us for the evening of life, that, when the night of death shall come, we may lie down in peace, assured that them which sleep in Jesus will God bring w r ith him. Look in mercy upon all who are dear to us ; may they all be dear unto thee, being adopted into thy family, and made heirs of thy kingdom. Bless all the churches of Christ throughout our own land, and those established among the heathen. Prosper them all by enlarged measures of thy Spirit, that they may arise and shine, to shew the world its darkness, and the glory of the Saviour ; and let the whole earth soon submit to the sceptre of the Prince of peace : for thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, for ever. Amen. 3 R 497 THIRTY-FIFTH CutsSai) iMonmtcf WEEK, Proverbs, Chapter viii. T HOU art worthy, O Lord, to receive glory, and honour, and power, for thou hast created all things, and for thy pleasure they are, and were created. All thy works praise thee, and thy saints delight to bless thee. Enable us to approach thee with the humility and reverence which a remembrance of thy greatness and purity ought to inspire, and also with that confidence and joy which thy word requires. We bless thee that we can behold thee in Christ Jesus to be a just God, and yet a Saviour; that while we see in his sufferings and death the awful consequences of sin, we can also see the condemnation of sin taken away, and its power subdued by faith in Him. Enable us to receive him as our wisdom, righteousness, sanctification, and redemption, that we may be delivered from the bondage of corruption, and be brought into the glorious liberty of the sons of God. May we receive Christ as our teacher, and so walk in him as to manifest to ourselves and others that we are indeed his disciples. May we be followers of him as dear children, that we may enjoy true peace, and a hope full of immortality. But how far above our own strength is the work to which we are called. We have often resolved to serve thee, to follow fully the example of Christ, but our resolutions have often been vain ; temptation has taken hold of our corruptions, and we have yielded, when we ought steadfastly to have resisted. Sensible of our own weakness, may we look to the Strong for strength, and by watchfulness and prayer stand fast in the Lord. While we are in the world, may we not be of the world. Keep us from evil. Enable us to remember thy gracious promises ; and as our day is, so may our strength be. We thank thee that thou hast continued our lives, and spared us to enter upon another day: we pray for grace to renew our surrender to thee, that we may be the sheep of thy pasture — guided, fed, and protected by infinite wisdom, tenderness, and power. In all our ways may we acknowledge thee, and do thou direct our paths. In all that we do, may the glory of God be our great object; in all our intercourse with others, may we aim at their spiritual improvement : may we remember the unspeakable joy which attends the conversion of a sinner from the error of his way, and strive by all the means we possess to save a soul from death, and to hide a multitude of sins. Suffer us not to be contented with low attainments in religion ; but may we be always pressing forward, that we may not only give no offence, but present religion in a lovely and attractive form, that many may glorify God for our good conversation in Christ Jesus. Bless all the churches of Christ ; may they walk in the fear of the Lord, and in the comfort of the Holy Spirit, and be established and multiplied. May true religion every where increase, that the kingdom of Satan may be weakened and destroyed, and the reign of Christ become universal. Take from the hearts of the Jews that unbelief which has caused them to be so long scattered, and graft them again into their own olive-tree, that they with us may be partakers of its fatness. Now unto Him that is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that worketh in us ; unto Him be glory in the church, by Christ Jesus, throughout all ages, world without end. Amen. 498 THIRTY-FIFTH Cuesftmg Abating James, Chapter v. WEEK. W E would bow before thy throne, O most High, with the voice of thanksgiving and praise, for, unworthy and sinful as we are, thou invitest us to thyself, declaring that to this man wilt thou look, and with him wilt thou dwell, who is of an humble and a contrite spirit, and who trembleth at thy word. Blessed be thy name, for the condescension and grace thou hast ever manifested to those who have sought thee. Thou, Lord, hast heard the desire of the humble : thou wilt prepare their heart, thou wilt cause thine ear to hear. O prepare our hearts, that we may worship thee in sincerity and truth, and may renew our spiritual strength by waiting upon thee. Make us deeply humble on account of our past neglect of thee, the contempt with which thy gracious offers of friendship were long treated, and the coldness of our love even since we have professed to give ourselves to thee in the covenant of thy dear Son : we have been rebellious children, we deserve not the privileges that we yet enjoy; but we would desire to return with contrition of heart : O turn us, and we shall be turned ; heal us, and we shall be healed ; for thou art our only hope. Teach us by thy Spirit, that we may discover more of the depravity of our nature, the evil of sin, the glory of thy character, and the aggravation of our sin, as committed against a God of boundless goodness and grace ; that we may exercise that godly sorrow which worketh repentance. And, while conscious of our ruined condition by nature, may we receive the declarations of thy word concerning the Saviour of sinners. Enable us by faith to receive him as our only hope ; and may we know that he has graciously received us ; that he bare our sins in his own body on the tree ; and that by his stripes we are healed. Hear us when we pray for our fellow-men : we desire to see them all brought to the knowledge of the truth ; may the various means that are used to accomplish this great and glorious object, have thy gracious and abundant blessing. Enable us to do something to advance the cause of truth and godliness every day we live ; may we remember how much of our time, and how many opportunities have fled for ever ; and how quickly the night cometh in which no man can work : whatever our hand findeth to do for the promo- tion of religion in our own souls, or around us, may we do it with our might, knowing that there is neither work, nor device, nor knowledge in the grave whither we are hastening. Regard in mercy all who are allied to us in the bonds of nature and friendship. Teach them to know and love thee. If any are aged, prepare them for their change ; support and cheer them while flesh and heart fail, and cause them to bring forth fruit in old age, to shew to succeeding generations that the Lord is upright. May the young seek thee in their early days, and consecrate their youth to God. Keep them from the snares of the world ; render them superior to its frowns; and from this time may they cry unto thee, Be thou my Father, and thou the guide of my youth ! Accept our united thanks for the mercies of another day; pardon all our sins; take us under thy care through this night; and if we are spared to enter on another day, may it be to live nearer to thee than we have ever yet done, and to adorn the doctrine of God our Saviour in all things. And now to the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit be ascribed all praise and glory for ever. Amen. 400 3 R a THIRTY-FIFTH Wtiinegftag iilonmtg, WEEK. Proverbs, Chapter ix. B LESSED be the Lord our God for ever and ever, and blessed be thy glorious name, which is exalted above all blessing and praise. Thou, even thou, art God alone ; thou hast made heaven, the heaven of heavens, with all their host, the earth and all things that are therein, the seas and all that is therein; and thou preservest them all; and the host of heaven worshippeth thee. And yet thou stoopest to regard sinful man upon the earth ! Help us to admire thy condescension, and, with holy diligence and humble joy, avail ourselves of the inestimable privilege conferred upon us ; that we may continue in prayer, and watch in the same with thanksgiving. We adore thee, O Lord, for that manifestation of wisdom, grace, power, and love, which thou hast made in our Lord Jesus Christ : in Him we behold all that was necessary in the character of the Mediator who should reconcile God to man, and man to God. Thy word declares that in Him thou art ever well pleased ; and we rejoice in his resurrec- tion, as the seal of heaven to the perfection of the salvation he died to effect. We bless thee if he has reconciled us to God; removing our enmity, and implanting the love of God in our souls. O make this work more evident in our hearts : may we know that we are freed from all condemnation, because old things are passed away, because we have new principles and motives, and walk not after the flesh but after the Spirit. We desire to thank thee for all the blessings of thy providence that encompass us : we have forfeited every temporal as well as spiritual blessing ; for we have been evil and unthankful. Thou art God, and not man, therefore we are not consumed. Teach us to view thy hand in all the blessings of life, that they may all increase our gratitude and devotedness. May we use this world as not abusing it, neither undervaluing nor idolizing the gifts of thy hand ; but improving all for thee, and for the good of others as well as our own ; that we may not be cast away with the unprofitable servant, who hid his Lord’s talent in the earth. Bless to us every trial which thy all-wise providence may bring upon us : may we neither despise the chastening of the Lord, not faint when we are rebuked of Him. May we be strengthened with all might according to his glorious power, unto all patience and long-suffering with joyfulness; giving thanks unto the Father, who hath made us meet to be partakers of the inheritance of the saints in light. Bless, we entreat thee, our native land. Long hast thou exalted her by thy bestow- ment of providential and spiritual blessings ; but we are sinful children, a people laden with iniquity : we, our princes, and our fathers have rebelled against thee ; we have done wickedly. Spare us, O Lord, spare this nation : revive thy work amongst us. May the rich and the noble be brought to fear God ; to honour his name, to delight in his Sab- baths, and to obey his word; that their influence may no longer be used to uphold rebellion against the King of kings. May the poor and ignorant be rescued from their degradation and guilt, and become rich in faith, and heirs of the kingdom of God. Let thy mercy, O Lord, be upon us, according as we hope in thee. Now unto the King eternal, immortal, invisible, the only wise God ; to him be glory and honour, dominion and praise, for ever and ever. Amen. 500 THIRTY-FIFTH TOetmegtrag (Pbnttng WEEK. 1 Peter, Chapter i. E TERNAL and ever-blessed God, encouraged by the gracious invitations of thy word, we would now draw nigh unto thee, that we may present our supplications and thanksgivings through the mediation of Jesus Christ. Behold, O God, our shield, and look upon the face of thine Anointed : for his sake blot out all our transgressions ; and restore unto us the joy of thy salvation. Blessed be thy name that thou hast laid help upon One who is mighty to save; enable us to obtain correct and exalted views of his character; that lively gratitude, cheerful con- fidence, and entire obedience may be produced and maintained in our souls. Make us more sensible of our need of Him in all the gracious offices he sustains : and give us that faith in Him which produces holiness, peace of conscience, joy in the Holy Ghost, and the attainment of eternal life. May we be found in him, not having our own righteousness, which is of the law, but that which is through the faith of Christ, the righteousness which is of God by faith ; that we may know him, and the power of his resurrection, and the fellowship of his sufferings, being made conformable unto his death. Thou knowest, O Lord, the worldliness of our affections, and the deceitfulness of our hearts : make us jealous over ourselves, and help us to watch and pray, that we enter not into temptation. May we advance daily in the knowledge of ourselves : search us, O God, and know our hearts ; try us, and know our thoughts ; shew us any wicked way that may be in us, and lead us in the way everlasting. Make us deeply humble at our past indifference, ingratitude, and unprofitableness, and, sensible of our unspeakable obligations to thee, may we present our bodies and spirits a living sacrifice to thee : yielding all our powers to be governed by thy good Spirit, and rejoicing that thou wilt accept of the surrender, and wilt form us a people for thyself, zealous of good works. We desire this evening to present our united thanksgivings for the mercies of the day which is now closing upon us, and for all the blessings of which we have been the recipients. Goodness and mercy have followed us all the days of our lives. Our sins have been numberless, but thy mercies have even surpassed them in number ; and great as has been our guilt, thy grace has been yet more abundant. O may we never forget the loving-kindness of the Lord ; but shew forth our gratitude, not only with our lips, but in our lives ; saying with holy alacrity, Lord, here we are ; do with us as seemeth good in thy sight. Continue to this household thy fatherly protection and care : defend us from all evil ; especially keep us all from sin ; make us all witnesses for thee and thy truth ; and preserve us from conformity to a present evil world. All these blessings, which we have sought for ourselves, we earnestly implore for those who are dear to us : guide, protect, and bless them by thy providence ; make them the children of thy grace, and bring them at length to thy heavenly kingdom. Bless the church of Christ throughout the world: cause its purity, and love, and zeal to abound, and add unto it daily such as are saved. Accept, we beseech thee, these our supplications and thanksgivings in and through Jesus Christ, the righteous, who died for our sins, and rose again for our justification; and who is worthy to receive with the Father, and the Holy Spirit, equal and everlasting praises. Amen. 501 THIRTY-FIFTH €$argimg iHnntma Proverbs, Chapter x. week. G REAT and glorious God, in the multitude of thy tender mercies, we are once more permitted to surround the family altar, to present our united prayers and thanks- givings unto thee. Mercifully look upon us ; and as we are unable to worship thee aright, pour upon us the promised influence of thy Spirit, to remove all insensibility, formality, and unbelief, and to render this approach to thy throne of grace acceptable in thy sight, as well as useful and delightful to ourselves. We admire thy condescension, that thou wilt permit us to come so near to thee, expect- ing the communications of thy grace; for by our transgressions we have rendered ourselves altogether unworthy of thy notice, and obnoxious to thy dreadful wrath. But thou delight- est in mercy: therefore we are not consumed. While we adore thine infinite compassion and tender mercy, make us conscious of our degradation and defilement, that we may abhor ourselves, and repent as in dust and ashes. Especially make us deeply humble on account of the sins which have accompanied us to the mercy-seat, where thy grace and holiness have been specially manifested. How often have our thoughts wandered ; how often have our affections been unmoved — even while we have employed the language of prayer and praise ! Justly mightest thou have forbidden us to take thy name upon our lips, and commanded us to bring no more vain oblations, declaring even our holy things abominable in thy sight. Blessed be thy name, there is forgiveness even for these sins, for the blood of Jesus Christ thy Son cleanseth from all sin : O blot out all our sin, for his sake; and grant that we may hate sin more and more; that we may watch, and strive, and pray against it; and be ready to make any sacrifice of pleasures, advantages, or friendships, in which we have been accustomed to delight, if by retaining them w r e should be more liable to sin against thee : and may this be cheerfully done, knowing that in heaven we have a better, and an enduring substance ; that the pleasures of true religion are more noble and lasting, and that the friendship of Jesus is infinitely valuable, and eternally the same. May the love of Christ constrain us ; and may we thus judge, that if one died for all, then were all dead ; and that he died for all, that they who live should not henceforth live unto themselves, but unto Him that loved them, and gave himself for them. We thank thee, O Lord, for thv kind providence during another night. Let us not be unmindful of thee, from whom all our blessings come ; but as Thou displayest towards us more than a Father’s tenderness and bounty, may we manifest to thee the love, reve- rence, and obedience of dear children. Bless all who are dear to us : make them par- takers of thy grace. Let thy favour rest upon our country: upon all her rulers; especially our Sovereign and the privy council : endue them with wisdom and integrity, and may sue h measures be pursued, as shall tend to the establishment and increase of peace and harmony, and the advancement of thy kingdom. Pour out thy Spirit upon all thy ministers; that that may feed the flock of God which he hath purchased with his own blood; and may all who are training for this sacred w r ork, be under thy special teaching and blessing, that they may become eminent for wisdom, piety, and zeal. Be merciful to all mankind ; and do for us, and for them, more than we can ask or think, for Christ’s sake. Amen. THIRTY-FIFTH CJurstmg <£bnttng. WEEK. 1 Peter, Chapter ii. B OW down thine ear, O Lord; hear us ; for we are poor and needy. Be merciful unto us, O Lord, for we cry unto thee daily. Rejoice the soul of thy servants : for, unto thee, O Lord, do we lift up our eyes. For thou, Lord, art good, and ready to forgive; and plenteous in mercy unto all them that call upon thee. Give ear, O Lord, unto our prayer, and attend to the voice of our supplication : for thou hast revealed thyself as a God of grace, and invited our approach to thee, through thy dear Son, whose name and righteousness alone we plead. We feel that we are guilty, and deserving only of thy dis- pleasure : we therefore bless thee for the manifestation of the exceeding riches of thy grace, in thy kindness towards us by Christ Jesus. Enable us to approach thee through Him, in full assurance of faith ; earnestly seeking the pardon of our sins, and the sancti- fication of our natures; that we may be delivered from condemnation, and may also be pre- pared for the spiritual services and holy pleasures of the heavenly world. We bless thee if thou hast created any holy desires within us ; if thou hast begun to set us free by making us sensible of our natural bondage, and leading us to cry for deli- verance; for we know thou wilt not leave any a prey to their own corruptions or to Satan, in whom thy Spirit has excited an earnest desire for salvation from sin. As thou art the author, so be thou the finisher of our faith : perfect that which concerneth us : enable us to behold the fulness and grace of thy promises ; to use the means of grace with humble diligence ; that by the study of thy word, with watchfulness and prayer, we may be strengthened to resist sin, and to grow in holiness ; and thus may we increase in useful- ness as well as in happiness, adorning the doctrine of God our Saviour in all things. May we be followers of God as dear children ; and walk in love, as Christ also hath loved us, and hath given himself for us, an offering and a sacrifice to God for a sweet-smelling savour. Forgive the manifold sins of this day: we confess our continual departures from thy ways, and desire to be more deeply sensible of our guilt and defilement; that we may come to thee with greater earnestness and humility, imploring the exercise of thy sovereign mercy, in the forgiveness of sins. O how great is thy goodness, notwithstanding all our ingratitude and rebellion : never let us forget our obligations to thee, but may we be con- strained by the mercies of God to present our bodies and our spirits a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to God as our reasonable service. Continue thy merciful care through this night; preserve us from all its dangers; grant to us the rest that our weakness and infir- mities render necessary, that we may be prepared for the active and cheerful discharge of our several duties ; and that we may be strengthened in body and mind for thy service. And O, when the last night of life shall approach, may we fall asleep in Jesus, and he forever with the Lord. Regard, in mercy, all whom it is our duty and privilege to pray for : may our friends be the friends of the Lord Jesus; our neighbours be subjects of his spiritual kingdom; and our fellow-men, universally, be partakers of his great salvation. These and all other mercies we humbly beg in His name, to whom with thee, O Father, and thee, O eternal Spirit, we desire to ascribe everlasting praises. Amen. 503 THIRTY-FIFTH dfrftrag JStanting, WEEK. Proverbs, Chapter xi. M OST merciful God and Father, under the shadow of thy wings we have reposed in safety and peace during the past night; be pleased this morning to accept the tribute of praise which we now bring to thee; and let the words of our lips, and the meditations of our hearts, come up before thee as the morning sacrifice. It is of thy great mercy that we are still in the land of the living, and in the place of hope. May we feel that our prolonged existence belongs to thee, and that the day which thou hast given us is to be consecrated to acts of holy obedience to thy will, in the several stations in which thou hast called us to move. Grant us grace, that we may be enabled so to act in all things, as to realize thine approbation, and to maintain the testimony of a good conscience. Let a sense of renewed obligation to the Author and Preserver of life dispose us to ask of thee this morning, “ Lord, what wilt thou have us to do ? Alas ! we are too little affected at the thought of perpetual and ever-accumulating obligation. Our thoughtless ingratitude is a marked feature of that depravity which belongs to our apostacy : O deliver us from it by thy grace, and quicken us to a lively sense of daily mercies. Enable us to spend this day in a manner becoming rational and accountable creatures; and especially in a manner becoming sinners redeemed by the blood of Christ. We would deeply humble ourselves in thy sight, for all the offences with which we are chargeable, in thought, word, and deed. Unto us belong shame and confusion of face, while unto thee belong mercy and forgiveness. We approach thy throne this morning, not only for pardon, but also for sanctifying grace. O make us more than ever anxious for progress in holiness ; may we look on it as the ornament of our nature, the only sure means of happiness, and the conformity of our moral being to thine. We deserve for our sins to be ever abandoned to thy wrath; but, O cast us not away from thy presence, and take not thy Holy Spirit from us. Leave us not to the depravity of our own hearts, and suffer us not to wander in counsels of our own. Let our past failures warn us against trusting to our own fleeting purposes of good ; and let thy grace be ever sufficient for us, and thy strength be perfected in our weakness. May we cherish an awful sense of thy presence, that, when tempted to sin, we may ever be ready to exclaim, How can we do this great evil, and sin against God ! O restrain us from presumptuous sins, let them not have dominion over us; let us not harden our hearts against God, by any course of secret or open transgression ; but let all sin be hateful to us, and let easily besetting sins be vanquished by the power of thy grace. Be near to us this day, amidst its duties, temptations, and sorrows. Bless and prosper us in our lawful callings. Grant us such measures of success in our undertakings as will be for thy glory and our good. Look upon the heads of the family, and impart to them wisdom and grace suited to their responsible sphere. Implant holy principles in the minds of the young ; convince them of the peace and loveliness of true religion. Rule the servants of this house in thy fear. May we with one heart be devoted to the Lord. Listen, most gracious Father, to these our imperfect supplications, and grant us answers of peace, for the Redeemer’s sake. Amen. 504 THIRTY- FIFTH jrrtajj netting. WE UK. 1 Peter, Chapter hi. 0 GOD of our life, who hast brought us in peace and safety to the close of another day, we desire again to unite in adoring thy perfections, and in praising thee for thy great goodness to us and all the children of men. Day unto day uttereth speech, and night unto night sheweth knowledge of thy fatherly benignity and love. Thy tender mercies are oyer all thy works. All thy creatures wait on thee, and thou givest them their meat in due season ; thou openest thy hand, and satisfiest the desire of every living thing. Another day has borne ample testimony to thy loving-kindness and faithfulness. Thy hand has upheld us, and thy bounty has supplied our every want. We are still, amidst the ravages of mortality, the living to praise thee. May all that is within us be stirred up to magnify thy great and holy name. Grant us the spirit of prayer while we engage in the solemn act of prayer ; and let the words of our lips, and the meditations of our hearts, be acceptable in thy sight, O Lord, our strength and our Redeemer. We adore thee, O Lord our God, for all the blessings of this present life : thy mercies are new every morning and evening ; great is thy faithfulness. Suffer us not to remain unmindful of the debt of gratitude we owe to thee, for the rich fulness and variety of thy benefits. Help us to recognize the sacred medium of all our mercies; and to bless thee for Jesus, the Son of thy love. We adore thee that thou hast not spared thine only Son, but delivered him up to the death for us all. O the height and depth, the breadth and length, of thine unmeasurable love ! Let the thought of such love melt our hearts into tenderness, that, while we contemplate him who is the brightness of thy glory, and the express image of thy person, stooping to the humiliation of the cross, we may be prepared to surrender ourselves without a single reserve, to the honour and glory of our redeeming Lord. We pray, O Lord, that our sense of relationship to Christ, and interest in his death, may operate powerfully in the subjugation of our sinful nature. May love to our blessed Lord prompt us to hate what he hates, and to love what he loves ; may it sensibly urge us to the keeping of all his holy commandments, and thus manifest itself as the great principle of new obedience. Let us not love Christ in word and in tongue only, but in deed and in truth. Keep us near the foot of his cross, that we may be full of hope, and peace, and gratitude, and willing consecration to his cause. We pray for a double portion of his Spirit, that we may see his glory, and feel the lively emotions of his love. Let this whole family be under the teaching and grace of Christ’s Spirit, that all may know the Lord, from the least of them even unto the greatest of them. O bless to us our continued and distinguished privileges ; let them never aggravate our condemnation in the great day ; let it not be said of us, at last, that light came amongst us, but that we loved darkness rather than light, because our deeds were evil. Mercifully forgive the sins which we humbly confess, and earnestly desire to forsake. Wash us in the fountain of a Saviour’s blood, and fill us with peace in believing. Into thy gracious hands we commend ourselves during the approaching hours of another night. May the ministering spirits of the church watch over us, and guard us from evil. Be thou our God and our portion for evermore, for the sake of Jesus, thy dear Son, and our only Redeemer and Advocate. And to the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost, be glory everlasting. Amen. 505 • 3 s THIRTY-FIFTH iHornutg, Proverbs, Chapter xii. WEEK. M OST blessed God, enable us this morning to adore and magnify thy holy name, and to approach with reverence thy gracious throne. With hearts overflowing with gratitude and love, may we approach thee, as the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ. Let thy Spirit quicken our devotion, and let our morning sacrifice be perfumed with the incense of the Redeemer’s offering. We lament the coldness and the deadness of our spiritual affections. O suffer us not always to remain in our present languid state of devotional feeling. Raise us from our low estate, and cause us to mount up on the wings of faith and love to the celestial throne, that we may taste and see that thou art gracious. Enable us at this time to draw near to thee with true hearts, in full assurance of faith, having our hearts sprinkled from an evil conscience, and our bodies washed with pure water. May we contemplate thee as the just God, and yet the Saviour ; as just, and yet the justifier of the ungodly. Through Christ, our divine Mediator, may we have access, by one Spirit, unto thee, our Father in heaven. Deeply affect us with a sense of our guilt before thee : the sacrifices of God are a broken spirit ; a broken and contrite heart, O God, thou wilt not despise. It becomes us to lie in the dust before thee ; and to confess our original and actual sin, — saying, God be merciful unto us, sinners. Impart to us the loftiest conceptions of that love which brought Christ from heaven to earth ; may we know its height and depth, its breadth and length ; and while we contem- plate thy glory in the face of Jesus Christ, may we be transformed into the image of Him who is the first-born among many brethren, and be changed from glory to glory as by the Lord the Spirit. As the trophies of redeeming love, may we display its boundless efficacy in redeeming us from all iniquity, and in constituting us a peculiar people, zealous of good works. May we reckon ourselves to be dead indeed unto sin, but alive unto God through Christ Jesus. Since we are not redeemed with corruptible things, such as silver and gold, but with the precious blood of the atoning Lamb, may we give ourselves without reserve to the service of Him who loved us even to the accursed death of the cross. O may the sight, by faith, of Calvary make sin hateful in our eyes ; and may the life we live in the flesh testify our daily sense of obligation to Christ for redeeming love. We mourn and confess the natural blindness and corruption of our minds, that we are prone to love darkness rather than light, and that it is only as we are taught and influenced by thy Spirit, that we approach into the light and liberty of the children of God. May we remember that this is life eternal, to know thee, the only true God, and Jesus Christ whom thou hast sent. Open thou the eyes of our understanding, that we may behold the light of the knowledge of the glory of God, as it shines in the face of Jesus Christ. We entreat thee, O Lord, to keep us this day from all those evils which may beset our path. Aid us in every duty. Comfort us in all our sorrows. Be near to us; uphold and strengthen our principles ; and preserve us from the devices of our great adversary. Bless us in our several stations, and in the discharge of our relative obligations in life. May we walk in the fear of the Lord, and in the comfort of the Holy Ghost. We implore all in the name of Jesus, our Strength and Redeemer. Amen. 50G THIRTY-FIFTH &aturtrag <£bntfn& 1 Peter, Chapter iv. W E K K . O LORD, who is a God like unto thee, pardoning iniquity, and passing by the trans- gressions of the remnant of thy heritage, because thou delightest in mercy? We come unto thee, for thou art the Lord our God. O deign to listen to our prayers, and to send us answers of peace from thy mercy-seat. We are not worthy to take thy name into our polluted bps. Merciful Father, lay not our iniquities to our charge, but be pleased to cancel them in the atoning blood of the Lamb. We feel that the sins of this day would be sufficient to condemn us; but do thou blot them out of the book of thy remembrance, and cast them behind thee into the depths of the sea. Let the peace of God, which passeth all understanding, keep our hearts and minds by Christ Jesus. We depend entirely on thee. To thy holy will, as our reconciled God in Christ Jesus, may we ever submit ourselves. May we hear and obey thy voice in thy word and in thy providence. Whether we are called to perform duty, or submit to thy chastening rod ; whether we are warned to avoid that which is evil, or to cleave to that which is good ; whether we are urged to do or to suffer thy holy will, — may we be animated by the Spirit of adoption, — the confiding, affectionate, and happy temper which ought to characterize those who know whose will they are performing, and by whose appointments they are tried. Having seen so much of thy goodness in the past, we would trust thee for the future. Never let us doubt thy watchful care of those who fear thee, and hope in thy mercy, when we call to remembrance that thou art kind even to the evil and unthankful, and that thou makest thy sun to shine and thy rain to fall on the just and on the unjust Thou, O Lord, art good unto all, and thy tender mercies are over all thy works. O keep us from unthankfulness, and ever enable us to watch the springs of good and evil in the heart; to guard against the very appearance of evil, and to hate the garment spotted with the flesh. Teach us to walk circumspectly, not as fools, but as wise, redeeming the time, because the days are evil. Make us sensible of the corruption and depravity which lurk within, and of the temptations and evil example which abound without ; and enable us to give diligence that we may be found of our Lord in peace, when he shall demand an account of our stewardship, and when he shall say to each of us, thou mayest be no longer steward. With gratitude we would record the mercies of another day. Thou hast been very gracious to us in the supply of our wants, in the preservation of our persons, and in the care thou hast exercised over those who are dear to us. Give us a heart to love and praise thee ; and enable us to testify our gratitude by a fresh act of surrender to thy service. We would be thine, entirely thine, living, dying, and for evermore. To thy good providence we commend ourselves during the silent watches of another night Prepare us for the holy rest of the Christian Sabbath. Deliver us from worldly thoughts and affections ; and raise our minds to the contemplation of spiritual and eternal things. O pour upon us the healthful Spirit of thy grace, that our souls may live before thee in the rich enjoyment of all spiritual mercies. Hear us, accept us, and bless us, for the Redeemer’s sake. Amen. 507 3 S 2 THIRTY-SIXTH &untiag iBtormng, Proverbs, Chapter xiii. week. A LMIGHTY and most merciful Father, thou art the fountain of all true blessedness, and the proper object of all spiritual adoration and praise. It is from the holiness of thy nature, and the revealed perfections of thy character, that the happiness of thine intelligent offspring in heaven and earth must for ever flow. It is because thou art seen clothed in the beauties of holiness, and art worshipped with unmingled and everlasting devotedness in the regions above, that angels, and the spirits of just men made perfect, enjoy the blessedness of a perpetual sabbath. Help us then, O thou Most High, to discover, in some measure, thy majesty, as filling immensity with thy presence, and upholding all things by the word of thy power. Help us, we humbly beseech thee, to perceive the sanctity of thy character, that we may present to thee now, and throughout all the solemnities of this sacred day, not the sacrifice of fools, but the offerings of spiritual worshippers. We adore thy holy name, that thou hast permitted us to behold the light of another Sabbath ; that thou hast inclined us to bow down before thy throne in the attitude of thanksgiving and supplication ; and that we are again invited to enter the courts of thy house, to hear the glad tidings of salvation. O let not the talents thou hast com- mitted to our care, be left to slumber unimproved ; nor let the manifold privileges by which we are distinguished, be treated with indifference or neglect. Forbid it, O Lord, that being exalted to heaven by the number and value of our spiritual advantages, we should sink beneath an accumulated burden of guilt and condemnation by the abuse of them. O thou Bestower of all that can bless and save our fallen world, impart to us the influences of thy Holy Spirit, that the rich and abundant means of grace which we enjoy may prove to each of our souls the savour of life unto life. O thou great Master of assemblies, we beseech thee to bow thy heavens and come down this morning ; and let every sanctuary be filled with thy presence and power. May all the ministers of the everlasting Gospel feel the awful solemnity and importance of their charge : under a sense of the responsibility attaching to their office as watchmen on the walls of Zion, enable them to declare the whole counsel of God, whether men will hear, or whether they will forbear. We would most earnestly pray thee, O Lord, not only to suit the communications of thy grace to the diversified circumstances and per- plexities of thine own people, who are exposed to temptations and sorrows, but that thou wouldst carry conviction to the hearts of sinners — that thou wouldst pluck them as brands from the burning, and number them with the children of thine adoption. Pour out upon us, O God, and upon thy servants who shall this day declare to us the words of everlasting life, an influence from on high, that our hearts may be filled with joy unspeakable, and full of glory ; that thy word may be quick and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and may prove itself to be a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart. Forgive, O Lord our God, the imperfections of our present approach to thy throne ; take away our manifold sins and transgressions ; and do for us more than we ask or conceive, for the Redeemer’s sake. Amen. 508 THIRTY-SIXTH 0bnung WEEK. 1 Peter, Chapter v. 0 LORD our God, thou art infinitely exalted above our highest conceptions. The earth is full of thy glory, the heavens are the habitation of thy majesty, and all that is pure and holy is the everlasting distinction of thy nature. All things around bear testimony to thy power and wisdom. The Scriptures declare thy holiness and unbending justice, and the dictates of an enlightened conscience assure us that thou art of purer eyes than to behold iniquity. But we bless thy great and glorious name, that although thy perfec- tions are infinite, and although the heaven of heavens cannot contain thee, thou hast pro- mised to dwell with the man who is of an humble and contrite spirit, and trembles at thy word ; thou hast promised that wherever thy people assemble for thy worship, thou wilt be in the midst of them, to bless them. We have, this day, O Lord, been permitted to enter the sanctuary. We have united in celebrating thy praise, in supplicating thy grace, and in listening to the words of eter- nal life. O may these privileges be accompanied by the sanctifying influences of thy Spirit. Let not the instructions to which we have attended be forgotten ; let not the impressions which we may have experienced, pass away; let not the views of thy character, and the provisions of thy Gospel, presented to our minds, be obscured by the duties of life to which we may be called, or the temptations to which we may be exposed. We pray that the truth we have heard this day may prove mighty and powerful in our sanctification. O may it, in the hand of the Holy Spirit, become instrumental in purifying our hearts, in cleansing all our ways, and in leading to more uniform and unreserved devotedness to thy service. May the manifold privileges bestowed upon us be so richly crowned with thy blessing, that we may yield all the peaceable fruits of righteousness, and may at last be admitted into thy temple above, where our worship shall be ceaseless, and our devotedness pure and everlasting. Let thy blessing, O thou Giver of every good and every perfect gift, rest on the labours of all thy servants, who have this day faithfully preached the everlasting Gospel. Where the conscience of the sinner has been awakened, let it not again slumber, but may we be constrained, under a deep sense of guilt and danger, to flee to the Redeemer, who came to bind up the broken-hearted, and to proclaim liberty to the captives. And we beseech thee, O Lord, to sanctify abundantly to all thy people the words of counsel, admonition, and encouragement which have been addressed to them. Let them be led to adorn their profession, and to rejoice with joy unspeakable and full of glory. We pray, O Lord, that Christ’s kingdom may come; that his will may be done on earth, as it is done in heaven; that all nations may be subjected to his peaceful sway; that the earth may be filled with his glory; that the number of his redeemed church may be gathered in; that his glory may be revealed, and that all flesh may see it together. Now, thou Keeper of Israel, who slumberest not, we commit ourselves, and all whom we would bear upon our spirits, to thy care. May we all rest in safety and in peace ; may no evil nor plague come nigh our dwelling ; and to thee shall all glory be ascribed, both now and for evermore, through Christ Jesus. Amen. 509 TIIIRTY-SIXTH iltontrag iHontmg. WEEK. Proverbs, Chapter xiv. LMIGHTY God, the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, and through him the God and Father of all them that believe ; enable us, with the confidence and affection of obedient children, to approach thy throne of grace, and to pour out our hearts before thee. Thou hast given us abundant encouragement thus to draw nigh unto thee ; for thy word reveals to us Jesus, the High Priest of our profession, exalted to have mercy, pleading the merit of his sacrifice, and him thou hearest always ; so that if we are straitened, it must be by the coldness of our own desires, or the unbelief of our own hearts. Lord, we would believe ; help thou our unbelief. May we both trust thy promises, and realize the great- ness of the blessings they offer, that holy desire may be awakened, and that persevering prayer may be followed by ardent and joyful expectation. We must acknowledge that we have often professed to ask, but have forgotten to wait for the blessing, and therefore concerning us it may be said, Ye have not, because ye ask not, or because ye ask amiss. Lord, teach us to pray with the importunity and holy desire of him who said, I will not let thee go, except thou bless me. We desire to thank thee for the privileges of the past Sabbath : O suffer not the savour of divine things to be lost, now that we are returning to the necessary, but often distracting scenes of the present life. We rejoice to recall the intercession of our Redeemer for his disciples : may it be heard and answered on our behalf. Keep us from the evil : may we not be of the world, even as he was not of the world. Sanctify us through thy truth ; thy word is truth. In all things may we seek direction from thee, and aim at thy glory as our grand end, and thy favour as our chief joy. Lift up the fight of thy countenance upon us, to give us peace. May we walk as children of the light; proving what is acceptable unto the Lord. May we not be conformed to a present evil world, but transformed by the renewing of our minds. Bless all who heard thy word on the past day ; suffer not the good seed of the kingdom to be snatched away, or to be choked with the cares of the world ; but cause it to take root, to spring up, and bear fruit, in some thirty, in some sixty, and in some an hundred-fold. Especially we pray for those with whom we were associated in thy worship : let a double portion of thy Spirit rest upon them, that multitudes may be savingly related to thee, and that vital godliness may continually increase among those who have acknowledged themselves the servants of Christ. We commend to thy gracious protection and blessing our friends and relations, our neighbours and fellow-countrymen, especially those who are called to fill honourable and important stations. May our Sovereign enjoy thy favour, and may the throne be established in righteousness. Make all our magistrates a terror to evil-doers, and a praise unto such as do well. Have mercy upon all mankind : may crime be diminished ; may the principles of the gospel become daily more prevalent, until all shall be governed by them ; till violence and destruction are no more heard, till there are none to hurt or destroy. All these blessings, for ourselves, our kindred, the church, and the world, we implore in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ ; to whom, with the Father and the Holy Spirit, be glory for ever. Amen. 510 THIRTY-SIXTH JEtontiag (KRmtfttg. 2 Peter, Chapter i. WEEK. O LORD, thou hast searched us and known us. Thou knowest our down-sitting, and our up-rising, thou understandest our thoughts afar off. Thou compassest our path and our lying down, and art acquainted with all our ways : for there is not a word in our tongue, but, lo, O Lord, thou knowest it altogether. While thine omnipresence is terrible to thine enemies, to all the workers of iniquity, it secures the good of thy chosen, and affords unspeakable joy to those who regard thee as a reconciled God and Father through Jesus Christ. O may we have thee for our Friend and our portion, that we may rejoice in thy constant presence, assured that although thou seest numberless imper- fections and sins in us, thou wilt yet have compassion upon us, supply all our need, and lead us by a right way to the city of habitation. May we never be satisfied with low attainments in religion : but, placing continually before us the example of Christ, may we strive to walk closely with him. Suffer us not to bend to the practices of the world, or the dictates of our corrupt and depraved nature. Enable us to strive earnestly for the attainment of holy principles and affections. Give us victory over all selfish and unworthy passions. Make us spiritually-minded, which is life and peace. May we have grace to feel and exhibit the power of vital godliness, and to walk as children of the light and of the day. May we never expect to wear the crown without first bearing the cross ; and, keeping in view the glorious reward of grace, may we without hesitation take up our cross daily, and follow Christ fully ; remembering that he who loveth father or mother, or kindred, or possessions, more than Christ, is not worthy of him. O how often have the men of the world surpassed us in decision, self-denial, and perseverance, though they have fought but for a corruptible crown ; while we behold our Redeemer waiting to give us one that is incorruptible. May we ever hear his voice, To him that overcometh will I give to sit with me in my throne, even as I also overcame, and am set down with my Father in his throne. Sustain us by thy power ; animate us by thy grace ; and then, though power- less in ourselves, we shall triumph over every foe, and become more than conquerors through him that hath loved us. Accept our thanks for the mercies of another day : thy hand has been stretched over us for good, and by thy bounty and love our wants have been supplied; fill our hearts with gratitude, and our lips with praise ; and enable us to surrender ourselves again, with- out reserve, to thee. Take us under thy watchful care this night. Suffer no evil to approach us, nor any plague to come nigh our dwelling. Prepare us by refreshing repose for the engagements of another day, and, if spared, may we go forth to them with cheerful diligence, seeking in all things to glorify God. But we desire especially to be prepared for the occupations and pleasures of another world, where all is spiritual and holy : when the night of death shall come, may we calmly and joyfully sleep in Jesus, and be blessed. Bestow the same blessings also upon all who are dear to us ; that they may improve the present life, and be prepared for a better ; that we may all at length meet around thy throne, to ascribe glory to the God of our salvation for ever and ever. Amen. 511 THIRTY-SIXTH WEEK. Proverbs, Chapter xv. LMIGHTY God, tlie Creator and Preserver of all mankind ; upon whom we depend for all we are, and all we enjoy ; before thy throne would we bow ourselves with reverence, and holy fear, and sacred joy; for thy mercy and condescension are equal to thy justice and greatness ; and the union of these glorious attributes encourages and demands our humble and cheerful confidence. O send forth thy Spirit into our hearts, that we may call thee, Abba, Father; and, realizing this relationship, enjoy the peace which passeth all understanding. We acknowledge our unworthiness and guilt ; we have sinned against thy law, and against thy gospel ; we have done that which we ought not to have done, and have left undone that which we ought to have done, and there is no health in us. But while we confess our past guilt and present unworthiness, we would call to mind the provision of mercy which thy word unfolds, while it declares that thou waitest to be gracious, and art exalted to have mercy. Make us more sensible of our exceeding sinfulness, that our hearts may be broken and contrite, and that we may earnestly long to be delivered from our sins, and to be led in the paths of righteousness. Blessed be thy name, 0 glorious Redeemer, for the revelation of divine love thou hast made to us. Thy blood cleanseth from all sin ; thy grace can subdue all our iniquities ; we would therefore resign ourselves to thee, that thou mayst reign over us ; that we may be delivered from the bondage of corruption, into the glorious liberty of the sons of God. How often have we professed to surrender ourselves to thee, as those who are not their own ; but, alas ! we have soon forgotten our vows, and backslidden from thy ways. May a remembrance of weakness, and liability to err, make us more watchful against the first risings of corrup- tion, more distrustful of ourselves, and more earnest in prayer for Divine guidance and support. Be pleased to accept our thanks for the mercies of another night, and for the blessings which encompass us this morning. Thy mercies are new every morning, and fresh every moment : may our love and obedience be as constant ; that we may be in thy fear, all the day long ; that we may walk with God ; and that at the close of life, reviewing the way in which infinite mercy has conducted us, we may be enabled to adopt the words of the apostle, 1 have fought a good fight, I have finished my course, I have kept the faith ; henceforth there is laid up for me a crown of glory, which the Lord, the righteous Judge, will give me in that day. Bless all who are dear to us ; may they be the objects of thy care, and the children of thy grace. Have compassion upon the afflicted, and upon all prisoners and captives ; make their sorrows the means of their salvation, that they may be prepared for that land where spiritual liberty and unfading joy shall be universally possessed, and where the inhabitant shall never say, I am sick. Look in mercy upon our country and all her colonies : may peace and plenty crown us; but especially pour upon us thy Holy Spirit, that the love and practice of sin may be subdued, and that true religion may continually prosper. These and all other mercies we humbly implore in the name of Jesus Christ ; to whom, with the Father and the Holy Spirit, be everlasting praises. Amen. THIRTY-SIXTII Cunftmg <£b*iung WEEK. 2 Peter, Chapter ii. G RACIOUS and merciful God, thou art good, and thou doest good continually; thy tender mercies are over all thy works : another day has witnessed to thy providential care and kindness ; for amidst the dangers, seen and unseen, that have encompassed us, we have been preserved in safety and comfort, and again are we permitted to bow around the family altar, to acknowledge thy goodness, and to implore a continuance of thy favour.— W e would not forget how unworthy we are of thy notice ; that every temporal as well as spiritual mercy has been forfeited by sin ; and that all our hope arises from thy free and unmerited grace. Make us truly humble under a sense of our defilement and guilt ; may we feel that we have both merited thy displeasure, and rendered ourselves unfit for communion with thee ; that by sin we have not only made ourselves strangers, but enemies to God ; that we need sanctification as well as pardon, to deliver us from the con- sequences of our rebellion, and to prepare us for thine eternal friendship. We bless thee that the great salvation which is offered to us in the gospel is in every way suited to our wants ; that it is both honourable to God and safe to man : there mercy and truth meet together, righteousness and peace embrace each other. May we by faith in Christ Jesus secure all the blessings which as guilty, depraved, and helpless creatures we need: may he be made of God to us wisdom, and righteousness, and sanctification, and redemption ; and thus, instead of roaming abroad in search of earthly happiness, and crying with the restless multitude, Who will shew us any good ? we may say from the heart, Whom have I in heaven but Thee? and there is none upon earth that I desire in compari- son with Thee. We would be deeply humbled before God when we remember the number and greatness of our religious advantages, and the little improvement we have made in knowledge and holi- ness; when we endeavour to estimate the value of our blessings and the glory of our prospects, and contrast with these our coldness, indifference, and neglect. We have been planted in thy vineyard and received the wise and constant culture of the great Husbandman ; but we have produced little fruit. We adore thy forbearance and mercy, that we have not been cut down as cumberers of the ground. Suffer us not to receive the grace of God in vain ; but may we adorn the doctrine of God our Saviour in all things. Bless each member of this family, and make us all the children of God through faith in Jesus Christ ; that we may together serve thee on earth, and at length be all admitted to share in the honours and glories of thy redeemed family in heaven. May all our friends and relations enjoy the same blessings which we possess; and let all our neighbours and fellow-men be brought to the knowledge of the truth as it is in Jesus. Destroy the dominion of Satan, and deliver those who are still led captive by him at his will. Let the Redeemer’s name be exalted, that men may be blessed in him, and all nations call him blessed. Into thy hand we commit ourselves during the darkness of the night ; suffer no evil to befall us : — favour us with refreshing repose, and prepare us for the duties, privileges, and trials of another day : while we live, may we live to God ; and when death shall come, may it be a welcome messenger, bidding us depart in peace ; for Christ’s sake. Amen. 513 3 T THIRTY-SIXTH OTetmetftmg iKonting. WEEK. Proverbs, Chapter xvi. G REAT and glorious Lord, permit us, sinful worms of the dust, to call thee our Father in heaven. Give to us the Spirit of adoption, that we may approach thee with confidence and love. We rejoice that with thee there is forgiveness that thou mayest be feared, and that with thee there is plenteous redemption. We bless thee that our Redeemer’s name is called Jesus, because he saves his people from their sins. We rejoice that no sinner, desirous of being saved, need fear to throw himself upon the merit of the great sacrifice, or to believe that Jesus is mighty to save. In his name we approach thee this morning ; for his sake we beseech thee to wash us from our iniquity, and to cleanse us from our sin. Let all our guilt be for ever removed, through faith in his blood. Cast our iniquity behind thee into the depths of the sea, and enable us to look up to thee as our reconciled God and Father. We pray, O Lord, that the news of salvation by the death of Christ may be published to all the dwellers upon earth; that all the families of mankind may rejoice in the redemption executed on Calvary. We would mourn over the desolations of the fall ; we lament the guilt and misery which apostacy has spread over the habitations of men ; Oh, when shall the earth be filled with the knowledge of the Lord, as the waters cover the sea ! We rejoice that the reign of sin in our world is not to be perpetual, and that the time, yea, the set time to visit Zion, shall at last dawn. Let thy kingdom come ; let thy will be done in earth, as it is done in heaven. We adore thee for a plentiful supply of the means of grace ; for the glorious gospel of the blessed God ; for Sabbaths, ministers, and the fellowship of thy church. We pray for the gift of thy Spirit, to render outward means effectual to salvation. Open our eyes to behold the glory of Christ. Let his name and his work be precious to us. By a living faith may we be united to his sacred person. May we know him that is true ; yea, may we be in him as the branch is in the vine ; that, as he lives, we may live also. May we repose for salvation on his cross ; and have joy and peace in believing. Increasingly conform all that believe in Christ to his image. If when we were enemies we were recon- ciled to God by the death of his Son, much more, being reconciled, we shall be saved by his life. O may we know him in the power of his resurrection, in the fellowship of his sufferings, and be made conformable to his death. We would express our gratitude for all the blessings of our earthly lot. The lines have fallen to us in pleasant places, and we have a goodly heritage. Let not the abuse of any of thy mercies provoke thee to withdraw them from us. Guard us especially from the misimprovement of spiritual privileges. Save us from the sin of unfruitfulness under our numerous opportunities of gracious culture. Make our souls as a well- watered garden. Let all the fruits of thy Spirit be in us, and abound. O strengthen us in the spiritual conflict, that the enemies of our souls may not prevail. Bless and keep us this day. Let us not lean upon our own understandings ; let us not trust to our own hearts. Uphold us in the path of duty. Make us blessings to each other, and all around us. Pardon our iniquities, and accept us through our only Redeemer, Jesus Christ, to whom, with thee, O Father, and the Holy Spirit, be glory everlasting. Amen. 514 TIIIRTY-SIXTH TOetmaftrag (Jrbnttiig, WEEK. 2 Peter, Chapter iii. 0 FATHER, Lord of heaven and earth, permit us to worship towards thy holy temple, and to adore thine infinite perfections. Thou art God alone. Who in the heavens can be compared unto thee, and there is none upon earth that we desire beside thee ? Thou art the strength of our hearts ; be thou our portion for evermore. In drawing near to thee, may thy Spirit help our infirmities. O teach us how to pray, and what to pray for. May we renounce all dependence upon self, and cast ourselves, with implicit confidence, upon the atoning sacrifice of the Lamb. Wash us in that blood which cleanseth from all sin ; purify the thoughts of our hearts by the inspiration of thy Holy Spirit. Take from us all blindness of mind, all unbelief, all insensibility to Spiritual objects ; and cause us to feel all the responsibility of those who have been raised to the possession of privileges the most sacred and distinguished. We would humble ourselves as sinners before thy throne. When we think of thy purity and of our own sinfulness, we tremble before thine awful majesty. May we bow before thee as penitent sinners ; that though we cannot look to thee as innocent, we may plead with thee as guilty, and realize our interest in those promises which thou hast made to the fallen and ruined, in Christ Jesus. Send down upon our souls this evening the quickening Spirit of thy grace, that we may draw near to thee with holy fervour, and that, by the help which our infirmities receive, we may pour out our hearts with filial confidence and love. Regard us, we beseech thee, in Jesus, the Mediator of the New Covenant. May his righteousness be put upon us, and may his Spirit direct us evermore. We pray, O our Father, for suitable views and feelings in reference to all the dispen- sations of thy holy providence. Let us not be unduly elevated or depressed by any of the occurrences of life. We know that here we have no continuing city, but we would seek for one to come, whose builder and maker is God. Suffer us not to set our affections supremely on any object under the sun ; but teach us to raise them to things above, where Christ sitteth at the right hand of God, and ever to remember that we are strangers and pilgrims in the earth, as all our fathers have been. May we demean ourselves in this world as becometh those who profess to regard themselves as travellers to the heavenly Canaan. Enable us to repress and subdue the corrupt propensities of our sinful nature ; to vanquish our easily besetting sins ; to live above the spirit and habit of a present evil world. May we live in the immediate prospect of eternity, and be waiting daily for the coming of our Lord ; for in such an hour as we think not, the Son of man cometh. We would adore thee, most gracious Father, for the new mercies of this day. Thou hast been mindful of our several necessities. Great is thy faithfulness to us, and all the children of men. Impress us with a deep sense of our manifold obligations. Suffer us not to forget or to abuse thy mercies. Blot out our sins from the book of thy remem- brance. Seal upon our hearts, in retiring to rest, a sense of thy forgiving mercy. Accept us in the Beloved ; clothe us in the spotless rope of his righteousness ; and let us stand complete in him, both now and for evermore : and to the Father, the Son, and the Spirit be glory everlasting. Amen. 51.5 3T2 THIRTY-SIXTH Cljurstmjj iHonunjj VEEK. Proverbs, Chapter xvii. 0 LORD, thou art great, and greatly to be feared; thou art great, and greatly to be praised. From everlasting to everlasting thou art God. All thy works praise thee, and thy saints shall bless thee. Enable us this morning to give unto thee the glory due unto thy name ; may we bring an offering into thy presence, and present it in sincerity and truth on that altar which sanctifieth alike the giver and the gift. . Awaken feelings of pure and lively devotion in all our hearts. Stir up the spirit of prayer within us. Deliver us from all formal worship ; and let the meditations of our hearts, and the words of our lips, be acceptable in thy sight, O Lord, our strength and our Redeemer. We make mention of the all-perfect oblation of thy dear Son. He is our peace, who hath broken down the middle wall of partition between Thee and us. We adore thee that he died for our offences, and was raised again for our justification; that he ascended to the right hand of power on our behalf ; that all our interests are committed into his hands ; that he governs all things in this lower world, for the good of his body the church ; that with him is the residue of the Spirit ; that he ever lives to plead our cause ; that he is ready to supply the members of his mystical body with all needful grace ; and that he will crown them hereafter with glory eternal. Increase our love and devotion to our redeeming Lord. Help us to imitate his example, and to breathe his Spirit, while we rely on his atonement, and glory in his cross ; and while we follow him in the regeneration, may we look forward to the glorious period when we shall walk with him in the light; when he shall appear the second time without sin unto salvation, when we shall see him as he is, and never more be defiled by the pollutions of sin. May we be anxiously careful for nothing, but in every thing, by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, may we make our requests known unto thee ; that the peace, which passeth all understanding, may keep our hearts and minds by Christ Jesus. O rescue our minds from the undue love of present things. Never may we seek our portion in a present world. Teach us that it is passing away with the lust thereof, but that he that doeth the will of God abideth for ever. Let no sin obtain dominion over us; lest we should grieve thy Holy Spirit, and bring darkness and confusion into our minds. May we serve thee from a principle of love and gratitude ; and every day become more and more conscious of the influence of devout and holy affections. We lament the prevalence of an evil and unbelieving heart. Sanctify us by thy truth, thy word is truth. Invigorate us in the path of duty by copious effusions of thy grace ; may we live by faith on the Son of God, that all our steps may be ordered in truth and righteousness, and that we may so run as ultimately to obtain the heavenly prize. Upon the labours and engagements of this day we implore thy fatherly and promised benediction. Keep us as in the hollow of thy hand. Guard our steps from all evil. Defend us, by thy mighty power, from all the devices of our spiritual enemies. Help us to watch over the thoughts of our hearts. Influence us by thy grace to all that is well- pleasing in thy sight. Prosper the work of our hands, yea, the work of our hands prosper thou it. Regard every member of this family with the love which thou bearest unto thy chosen, and do more for us than we ask or think, for the Redeemer’s sake. Amen. tig THIRTY-SIXTH Cfmrstfag GFbenfttg. 2 Peter, Chapter iii. WEEK. E VER-blessed God, we look up to the hills from whence cometh all our help. Thou hast said, ask, and ye shall receive ; seek, and ye shall find ; knock, and the door shall be opened unto you. May we believe thy promise, and set to our seal that thou art true. Let us not draw near to thee in a doubting or unbelieving spirit ; but may we think of the great love wherewith thou hast loved us, and fix the eye of faith on our great High Priest. O never let us doubt or distrust his sympathy or love. May we confide in him with unshaken confidence, and fully anticipate the glory and perfection of our being, in the day of his promised revelation, when he shall come to be glorified in his saints, and to be admired in all them that believe. Let the word now read operate power- fully on our affections and lives. May it ever be seen that we are Christians indeed ; and may the life we live in the flesh be by the faith of the Son of God, who loved us, and gave himself for us. Accept our grateful praises, O Lord, for all thy mercy vouchsafed to us during all the past period of our existence. Impress us with lively sentiments of obligation for the benefits of the day which is now about to close. Help us to erect with holy gratitude our Ebenezer, and to inscribe on it, Hitherto hath the Lord helped us. Thou art our God, and we will bless thee; our father’s God, and we will praise thee. Be thou the God of our children, and of our children’s children. O let thy fear never depart out of this family ; may there always be an altar for God in the midst of us ; and may the pillar and cloud attend us in all our wanderings through the desert. Blessed be the Lord our God, who has encouraged us to trust in him at all times and for all things, and who never disappointed the hopes of any that sought him, and put their trust in him. O that we may ever repose our confidence in thee our covenant-keeping and unchanging God. Thou hast never forgotten us amidst all our sad forgetfulness of thee. O forgive our unbelief, in having so often distrusted thy word of promise, and failed to lean on that providence which numbers the very hairs of our head, and takes charge of all the circumstances and events of our earthly pilgrimage. We would be deeply humbled in thy sight for the innumerable shortcomings of this day. Lay not, we beseech thee, our iniquities to our charge ; but in the midst of deserved wrath do thou remember mercy. Forgive us, O Lord, that our thoughts have been so little set upon spiritual and eternal realities ; that the world and its concerns have held such an undue place in our affections ; that we have been so anxious for the bread that perish- eth, and have laboured with so little assiduity for that bread which endureth unto eternal life. Make us thankful for the mercies which have crowned our lot. We would see and acknowledge thy hand in all the blessings of fife ; we would be sensible of that kind providence which has attended all the steps of our past existence. Though we have been so full of ingratitude and rebellion, thou hast never been unmindful of us. O let thy goodness lead us to repentance ; let the recollection of innumerable mercies draw forth our hearts in love and gratitude to thee our divine Benefactor. Hear, O Lord, in heaven, the dwelling-place of thy glory, our unworthy supplications, and accept us, both now and for evermore, in Christ, our Lord and Redeemer. Amen. 51.7 THIRTY-SIXTH jfrtirag JHornmg WEEK. Proverbs, Chapter xviii. W E meet around thy throne, O God, this morning, to acknowledge and adore thy infinite and glorious perfections. Thou art, and besides thee there is no God. We bow before thee as the King eternal, immortal, and invisible, the only wise God. Thou hast made us, and not we ourselves ; thou hast upheld us in being to the present moment. We are monuments of thy care ; may we be trophies of thy grace. Bow thy heavens this morning, and touch our hearts by the power of thy quickening grace, that we may call upon thee in sincerity and truth, and that the sense of thy love may kindle in our bosoms the liveliest gratitude. In thee, O God, we live, and move, and have our being; and from thee derive every good and perfect gift We bless thee, O God, for the great and unspeakable gift of thy love. What shall we render unto thee for such a wondrous demonstration of thy boundless compassion ! When there was no eye to pity, and no hand to save, thou didst behold us from thy throne, and thou didst say concerning us, Deliver from going down to the pit, I have found a ransom. Enable us, then, to comprehend with all saints what is the height and breadth, the depth and length, and to know the love of Christ which passeth knowledge, that we may be filled with all the fulness of God. Mercifully bestow upon us the teaching of thy Spirit, that he may convince us of sin ; that he may make us more sensible of our need of the blessings of the gospel ; that he may take of the things of Christ, and shew them unto us that we may embrace the offered mercy, and rejoice in a personal interest in that blood which cleanseth from all sin : — that He may bear witness with our spirits, that we are the children of God. We entreat thee, O gracious God, to qualify us for greater usefulness in our several spheres. Let us not live to ourselves, but to Him who gave his life a ransom for our sake. May the life we live in the flesh be by the faith of the Son of God, that we may ever testify our gratitude for redeeming love ; and may we be the living epistles of our Saviour, known and read of all men. Subdue by thy grace those inward corruptions which, in various forms, are manifesting themselves in our daily habits and conduct. Enable Us to follow holiness, without which no man can see the Lord. Impart to us that purity of heart which will regulate all our affections and desires, and manifest itself in all the actions and intercourses of our earthly pilgrimage. Be with us, O our Father, in the engagements to which we may this day be called. We would ever set thee before us; we would ever seek the teaching and guidance of thy good Spirit. Leave us not to wander in counsels of our own. Possess us deeply with a sense of thy presence ; be at our right hand, and we shall not be moved. Make every path of duty straight before us ; may we hear a voice behind us, saying, This is the way, walk ye in it. Regard in tender compassion every member of this family. Make us all thy children by adoption and grace. Sanctify all the dispensations of thy providence to each of us. Give us wisdom to act for thee in all the relations of life. Keep us by thy mighty power, through faith, unto salvation ; and all we ask is for the Redeemer’s sake. Amen. 518 THIRTY-SIXTH dfrftrag <£bmutuntmg <£bem'ng, WEEK. 1 John, Chapter iii. H OLY and ever-blessed God ; we would desire again to present ourselves before thee in the exercise of prayer and praise : Let our cry come before thee with acceptance, and the lifting up of our hands be as the evening sacrifice. We bless thee for the institution of the Christian Sabbath; which sets us free from the cares and occupa- tions of a perishing world, and calls us to contemplate thy wisdom and goodness in the crea- tion of the world, and especially in the new-creation, by which man is restored to his real dignity, fitted for communion with God, and trained up for the worship of the heavenly world. Pardon us, that these great and merciful ends of the Sabbath have been so often forgotten, and therefore so seldom attained by us : we must acknowledge that the iniquity of our holy things cleaveth unto us, and would justify the infliction of immediate and everlasting punishment. But, blessed be thy name, thou delightest in mercy, and hast provided a High-priest who by his one offering takes away all our guilt, and by his con- tinual and powerful intercession renders our persons and services acceptable in thy sight. To his advocacy may we commit our cause, believing that he is able to deliver to the uttermost — that none can perish whom he undertakes to save — that he is indeed the mighty God, the everlasting Father, and the Prince of peace — that all who believe in him shall be justified and blessed for evermore. To Him would we now come in the exercise of humble faith: we confess our sins upon the head of this Sacrifice, and would believe that he bore our sins, and that through his stripes we shall be healed. We adore the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, that he freely gave himself up for us all ; endured the contradiction of sinners against himself ; and was made a curse for us, that he might redeem us from the curse of the law. Teach us to hate that sin more and more, which estranged us from God, and rendered such a sacrifice necessary: may we never make light of it; may the glorious but awful light which beams from tbe Cross, discover to us the native deformity and the awful consequences of sin ; that we may both abhor ourselves on account of it, and feel the infinite obligations under which we are laid to love thee with all our heart and serve thee with all our powers. We desire to thank thee for the mercies of this day; that we have been permitted to enter thy sanctuary, and listen to the joyful sound of the gospel; suffer not thy word to pass away without accomplishing that for which thou hast sent it. If we have received any good impressions, may they be deepened and perpetuated ; if any of us have remained careless and hardened, O let a review of our privileges and our conduct lead us to true repentance. May we examine ourselves, and see whether we be in the faith, whether we are growing in grace, and in the knowledge of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. Suffer us not to deceive ourselves, or to remain in a cold and barren condition. Quicken us by thy Spirit, and enable us ever to live as we shall wish to have done when we come to die Follow with thy blessing every effort that has this day been made to extend the kingdom of Christ, and advance the real welfare of man : hasten on the accomplishment of thy promises, and fill the world with thy glory. Forgive all our sins ; take us under thy watchful care ; prepare us for all thy will on earth ; and at length bring us to thy heavenly kingdom, for Christ’s sake. Amen. 523 3 U 2 THIRTY-SEVENTH JHcmtmg anting, WEEK. Proverbs, Chapter xxi. 0 THOU that hearest prayer, may this morning witness our fervent and adoring surrender at the footstool of thy throne. Enable us to worship thee in the beauty of holiness. O suffer us not to mock thee with the forms of devotion, while our hearts are far off from thee ; but may we draw near to thee in full assurance of faith, having our hearts sprinkled from an evil conscience, and our bodies washed with pure water. We would begin the day with thee. Let the cheering light of the Sun of righteousness shine sweetly upon our souls. Dispel the darkness of sin; shed joy and peace upon our benighted spirits ; take from us the hard and stony heart, and give us hearts of flesh. Quicken us, O God, and we will call upon thy name. May we behold thy glory in the face of Jesus Christ. Transform us into the image of thy Son ; make us a kind of first- fruits of thy creatures. Purge us with hyssop, and we shall be clean ; wash us, and we shall be whiter than the snow ; make us to hear joy and gladness, that the bones which thou hast broken may rejoice. We pray for an increasing blessing on the institution of family worship. Whenever we meet around the domestic altar, may we with one heart pour out our supplications before thee. Let there be none in this circle alienated from the life of God. Unite us all in thy fear and love. Grant that our domestic fellowship in the duties of religion may tend to increase the influence of the ordinances of thy house upon our minds and hearts. Follow with a divine blessing the sacred services of the past Sabbath. May we watch and pray, lest the enemy of our souls should deprive us of the benefit arising from thy word. May we give the more earnest heed to the things which we have heard, lest at any time we should let them slip. May we not be forgetful hearers of the word, but doers of the work, that we may be blessed in our deeds. Oh, how many Sabbaths have we either directly abused, or suffered to pass without any solid improvement ! We have been indeed unprofitable servants. Our progress in divine knowledge and holiness has borne no proportion to the means of spiritual culture we have enjoyed. Lord, enter not into judgment with us for our sluggishness, our unbelief, our worldly spirit, our sad forgetfulness of eternal interests. Quicken all our spiritual ener- gies ; rouse us to the exercise of a holy diligence ; may we be up, and doing the will of God. Let thy good Spirit descend upon us, that we may serve thee in a strength derived from above. We beseech thee, O Lord, to bless and prosper us in our lawful callings. Keep us from a worldly spirit in the engagements of life. If riches increase, suffer us not to set our hearts upon them ; if adversity shall be our lot, may we resign ourselves to thy sovereign disposal, conscious that thou doest all things well ; and ever think of Him who had not where to lay his head. Abundantly bless all our dear connexions in life. Meet with them in their several circumstances. Comfort such of them as may be in sorrow ; succour those of them that are tempted; uphold those of them that are aged; and keep, by thy mighty power, those of them that are young. Into thy hands we commend our spirits this day ; be with us and bless us, and lift the light of thy countenance upon us, and give us peace, for Christ the Redeemer’s sake. Amen. 524 THIRTY-SEVENTH JHontiag tiftenmg. 1 John, Chapter iv. week. H OLY Father, permit us to surround the throne of thy grace, and to adore thee for the mercies of another day. Kindle, by thy Spirit’s power, a flame of pure and spiritual devotion upon the altar of our hearts, that we may present a sacrifice in righteousness to thee, the God of our life, and the Author of our salvation. We have this day proved afresh the truth of that gracious assurance, As thy day is, so shall thy strength be: thy goodness and thy mercy have followed us in streams of providential and gracious supply ; in all the engagements and events of the day, we have seen indubitable proofs of thy paternal benignity and care. O enable us to adore thine infinite perfections, and to sing of thy loving-kindness to us and all the children of men. Thus far, O Lord our God, thou hast led us on in the journey of life ; help us to raise our Ebenezer, and to inscribe on it — Hitherto hath the Lord helped us. We adore thee, this night, for the great privileges we yesterday enjoyed in thy sanctuary, for the intercourse of Christian minds, for the opportunities of devotion, and for the word of life. We bless thee for the day of sacred rest; and would recognize in it a proof of the grace and love of Him, who has appointed it as the instrument of creating and reviving impressions, by which we are raised above the spirit of a present evil world, and are meetened for the exercises and enjoyments of an endless Sabbath in heaven. O let the holy design of thy day be fully answered in its influence upon our minds and characters. Elevate our earthly minds to spiritual contemplations and pure affections. May we have fellowship with our ascended and glorified Redeemer, and fully participate in the great and holy designs of his death and resurrection, his exaltation and glory at thy right hand in the heavens. Help us, O most gracious God, this evening so to examine our ways, and renew our repentance, that we may have peace with thee and with our own consciences, through the atoning blood of the Lamb, before we close our eyes in sleep ; and do thou extinguish every emotion of resentment or corrupt affection which the events of the day may have excited, that we may go to rest in sweet charity with all mankind. While we bless thee for the mercies we have received, and implore the blessings that we still need, we would not forget the afflicted and distressed. Give to those who mourn the garments of praise for the spirit of heaviness. Under thy gracious smile, may the widow’s heart sing for joy; and in thee may the fatherless find mercy. Prosper the cause of our blessed Redeemer in the world. Let the borders of thy church be enlarged, and let all its members increase in knowledge and holiness, in peace and love, until it shall become a praise in the whole earth. Abundantly bless and prosper all the ministers of the everlasting gospel. Increase their number at home and abroad, and quicken their zeal and devotion in the cause of souls. May those also who are preparing for this great work be replenished with every good and perfect gift from the Father of lights. Bless all those who, by their prayers, and labours, and sacrifices, are seeking the spread of the Redeemer’s cause. Let many run to and fro, and knowledge be increased, till all shall know thee, from the least even to the greatest. Hear us, and bless us, for the Redeemer’s sake. Amen. 525 THIRTY-SEVENTH tEnesfflag iHorning WEEK. Proverbs, Chapter xxii. O UR voice shalt thou hear in the morning, O Lord; in the morning will we direct our prayer unto thee, and will look up. For thou art not a God that hath pleasure in wickedness, neither shall evil dwell with thee : thou hatest all workers of iniquity. Enable us, therefore, to approach thee with true repentance ; earnestly desiring to have sin subdued as well as forgiven, and pleading with faith the promises of thy word— I will sprinkle clean water upon you, and ye shall be clean ; from all your filthiness and from all your idols will I cleanse you. A new heart will I also give you, and a new spirit will I put within you ; and I will take away the stony heart out of your flesh, and I will give you an heart of flesh. And I will put my Spirit within you, and cause you to walk in my statutes, and ye shall keep my judgments, and do them; and ye shall be my people, and I will be your God. These are the great blessings we need : we bless thee, there- fore, that thou hast promised to give them to those who seek thee uprightly. O give us the ardour of desire, which the greatness of our necessity and the magnitude of these blessings unite to dictate ; and that confidence and hope, which the inviolable truth of thy promises demand. We are not straitened in thee; we have not, because we ask not, or because we ask amiss. May we no longer be straitened by the insensibility or unbelief of our own hearts : enlarge our desires ; rectify our wills ; exalt and quicken our affections ; and make us spiritually-minded, which is life and peace. Grant that we may ever walk in the Spirit ; that the life we live in the flesh, we may live by faith on the Son of God, who loved us, and gave himself for us : thus may we not only be preserved from dishonouring the name of Christ, and from proving injurious to others, but may we shine as lights in the world, holding forth the word of life, and shine more and more unto the perfect day. May the word of Christ dwell in us richly in all wisdom and spiritual understanding, that we may be thoroughly furnished unto every good word and work. We know that thou needest not our services: we cannot be profitable unto thee as a man may be profitable to his fellow ; but as thou condescendest to carry on thy purposes of mercy and grace by the instrumentality of man, may we all aspire to the honour of being workers together with God. And though our sphere of operation may be limited, or our talents inconsiderable, may we remember that even a Paul might plant and Apollos water in vain, for God alone giveth the increase. May we therefore be steadfast, immoveable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, forasmuch as we know that our labour shall not be in vain in the Lord. We adore thee, O most gracious God, for the great benefits of another night. Thy goodness and thy mercy have followed us. Thou hast supplied our every want, and given us all things richly to enjoy. God be merciful unto us, and bless us, and cause thy face to shine upon us, and give us peace of mind through faith in the great atonement. Set us all apart to thy glory. Make us instruments of good to one another, and to all around us. Keep us this day in thy fear and love. Preserve us from the power of our spiritual enemies ; deliver us from the evil of our own hearts ; keep us by thy mighty power through faith unto salvation, for the sake of our only Mediator and Saviour Jesur’ Christ ; to whom be glory everlasting. Amen. 526 THIRTY-SEVENTH Cucstmg <£benmg* 'WEEK. 1 John, Chapter v. W E bless thee, O Lord, that thou hast revealed thyself to us as the hearer and answerer of prayer ; and that we have free permission to approach thy footstool, assured that thou art ever ready to accept and bless those who come unto thee confess- ing their sins, and seeking pardon, reconciliation, and eternal life, through faith in Jesus Christ. We are altogether defiled, unworthy to approach thee, and unable of ourselves to present any acceptable sacrifice. Look therefore upon us in the Son of thy love ; receive us for His sake, and pour upon us the continual dew of thy Holy Spirit ; so shall we find it good to wait upon the Lord. Blessed be thy name for the knowledge imparted to us in thy holy word : we behold thy wisdom, power, and goodness in the works of nature ; but we rejoice especially in the manifestation which thou hast made of thy justice and mercy, thy holiness, truth, and love, in Christ Jesus our Lord. Herein is love ; not that we loved God, but that he loved us, and sent his Son to be the propitiation for our sins. O let that love be shed abroad in our hearts yet more and more, that every power and feeling may be brought into willing captivity to Christ. Too long have we served divers lusts and pleasures; too frequently have we been led by the opinions or customs of the world ; henceforth may we not only be called by thy name, but be also governed entirely by thy will. Make us more humble on account of our worldly-mindedness. When we think of the shortness of time, of the vanity of earthly objects, and of the unspeakable, and lasting, and satisfying pleasures to be enjoyed in heaven, we are sometimes ashamed that we can grovel amidst the things of the present world, forgetful of our heavenly origin and destiny. Suffer us not to remain such strangers to thee, and to those glories of eternity which thy word unfolds. Increase in us a holy desire to depart and to be with Jesus : and teach us to regard our continuance here but as a prolonged opportunity of preparing for heaven, and of being useful to the souls of others. Never let us regard this world as our rest, or our home ; but may we aspire after heavenly realities, and cultivate the feel- ings of strangers and pilgrims in the earth ; that we may be ready to quit this transitory scene whenever an account of our stewardship shall be demanded of us. We would again acknowledge with gratitude our obligations for the protection of thy hand and the bounties of thy Providence. Teach us to view thy Providence in all our com- forts and in all our trials, and, regarding them all as proofs of a Father’s tenderness and love, may they increase our filial confidence and obedience, and work together for good. Bless all our friends and relations ; suffer none of them to remain in a state of enmity and rebellion against thee ; make them the subjects of thy kingdom, and impart to them all the temporal and spiritual blessings they require. Bless the neighbourhood in which we dwell : may righteousness and truth prevail, until all shall know thee, from the least even unto the greatest. May mercy be upon the children of thy servant Abraham; make them partakers of his faith, that they may be brought back again to thy favour and to the privileges of thy church. Graciously hear our supplications, and accept our praises through Jesus Christ, our Mediator and Advocate, to whom be glory for ever. Amen. 527 THIRTY-SEVENTH OTetmeS&aK &tanrin& WEEK. Proverbs, Chapter xxiii. T HE heavens shall praise thy wonders, O Lord ; thy faithfulness also in the congre- gation of the saints. For who in the heavens can be compared unto the Lord ? who among the sons of the mighty can be likened unto the Lord? God is greatly to be feared in the assembly of the saints, and to be had in reverence of all them that are about him. O Lord of hosts, who is a strong Lord like unto thee? or to thy faithfulness round about thee? Justice and judgment are the habitation of thy throne; mercy and truth shall go before thy face. Blessed is the people that know the joyful sound; they shall walk, O Lord, in the light of thy countenance. We adore thy grace, that this revelation of thy character is possessed by us : that we have the way of salvation clearly described, and the promise of thy Spirit, to make us sensible of our defiled and ruined state by nature, and then to apply this salvation, by producing faith, love, and obedience; a faith which justifies us in the sight of God; a principle of love which regulates our conduct towards God and towards man; an obedience which proves our justification and adoption. Oh, what reason have we to be ashamed and confounded before thee, when we think of the ample provision thou hast made for our return to thy friendship, and our restoration to thine image, and then remember how often we have undervalued and neglected thy friendship, and how little we bear of thy glorious image. Pardon, O Lord, our ingratitude and folly, our worldliness and sloth ; and quicken us to a new and divine life — that we may daily advance in knowledge of thee, that our faith may increase, that our love may abound, and that we may grow up into Him in all things, who is the head, even Christ. By thy providential care and goodness we are beginning another day ; but we know not what is before us; through what scenes of danger, temptation, or sorrow, we may be called to pass : we need thy wisdom to guide us, and thine arm to uphold us. Leave us not, neither forsake us, O God of our salvation : keep us in all our ways ; hold up our goings in thy paths, that our footsteps slip not. If thou seest meet to try us with adversity or affliction, give us patience and resignation : may we cheerfully acquiesce in all the arrangements of thy providence, remembering that this is not our rest, and that thou knowest best what discipline we need, to prepare us for a brighter, purer, happier world. Only fulfil thy gracious promise, and we will rejoice — I will instruct thee, and teach thee in the way in which thou shalt go ; I will guide thee with mine eye. Have mercy upon all our kindred : convince those who are yet strangers to thee, of their folly and guilt ; bring them to a knowledge of themselves and of thee, that they may seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness. Bless our fellow-Christians of every name and rank: may all that love the Lord Jesus Christ enjoy grace, mercy, and peace. More especially we pray for those with whom we are accustomed to unite in thy worship and service, and for thy ministering servant who is over us in the Lord. May we all walk in unity and love, being earnest in prayer one for another, and ready to assist, establish, and comfort one another. Increase the number of faithful labourers in thy vineyard, and then crown their labours with success, until the wilderness shall rejoice, and the whole earth appear as the garden of the Lord. And now to the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit be glory everlasting. Amen. 528 THIRTY-SEVENTH OTtUnrStrag 4R>mfng. WEEK. 2 John. VER-blessed and glorious God, in the way which thou nast appointed we would now draw nigh unto thee, seeking the forgiveness of our sins, and the supply of our numerous wants. Conscious of our guilt and unworthiness to approach thee, we would adopt the cry of the publican, God be merciful to us sinners ! We bless thee that there is forgiveness with thee, that thou mayest be feared ; that thou hast given thine only- begotten and well-beloved Son to be the propitiation for our sins, and declared thy willingness to receive all who return unto thee through faith in him. Enable us truly to repent of our sins, to embrace the offers of the gospel, to yield ourselves to thee as those who are not their own, and to make thy glory the constant business of our lives. May we be jealous over ourselves with a godly jealousy, lest we should be satisfied with a name that we live, while we are still dead in trespasses and sins; lest, while we maintain the form of godliness, we should be strangers to its power. May we prove our own selves, and know our own selves, and have the testimony of our consciences, and the witness of thy Spirit, that w r e are the children of God without rebuke in the midst of a crooked and perverse generation. We have reason to be humbled on account of our indecision and worldliness ; some- times we have appeared on the Lord’s side, ready to exclaim with Peter, Though all men should be offended and forsake thee, yet will / never be offended ; but in the hour of temptation and danger, if we have not forsaken thee, we have followed afar off. Pardon our weakness, and selfishness, and guilt, and enable us to feel our obligations to the Saviour, and the security and blessedness of the faithful, that we may say, amidst all the trials to which we may be exposed, None of these things move me ; neither count I my life dear unto me, that I may finish my course with joy. We unite to thank thee, O Lord, for the mercies of this day; goodness and mercy follow us continually, the lines are fallen unto us in pleasant places, and we have a goodly heritage. But we must acknowledge that often we forget our obligations to thee, and behold not thy merciful and indulgent hand. Teach us to be grateful, and enable us to shew forth our gratitude, not only in our lips, but in our lives, by giving up our powers to thee, to be employed in thy service. Mercifully take us under thy care during the darkness of the night; give us needful and desirable repose; and if we are spared to begin another day, may it be in the fear of God; but if thou shouldst call us away from earth, may we sleep in Jesus. Thus, whether we live or die, may we be the Lord’s. Bless us as a people who have long enjoyed a divine revelation and the means of grace : revive thy work, O Lord, amongst us, and bring all men to a saving knowledge of the truth. Bless our Sovereign, and every member of the royal family. Endue them with true wdsdom, that they may glorify thee on earth, and be prepared to reign with thee in heaven. May our senators and magistrates be directed by thee, that they may adopt and execute those measures which shall tend to perpetuate peace, and extend truth and godliness. Send the rod of thy strength out of Zion ; rule thou in the midst of thine enemies. Now, unto the King eternal, immortal, invisible — to God only wise — be glory and dominion. Amen. 3 x 529 THIRTY-SEVENTH £!nu*stm!> Momtn& Proverbs, Chafi'er xxiv. week. E LESSED be the name of the Lord, from this time forth and for evermore. From the rising of the sun unto the going down of the same, the Lord’s name is to be praised The Lord is high above all nations, and his glory above the heavens. Who is like unto the Lord our God, who dwelleth on high, who humbleth himself to behold the things that are in heaven and in the earth ? We adore thy condescension, that thou stoopest to regard such mean and guilty creatures ; that thou hast taught us to seek our happiness in thee, assuring us that to this man wilt thou look, and with him wilt thou dwell, who is of an humble and contrite spirit, and who trembleth at thy word. Enable us to behold more clearly the glorious excellencies of thy nature which thou hast graciously revealed in thy word, that we may never worship an unknown God, but, beholding thy glory in the works of creation, in the movements of providence, and in the wonders of grace, we may admire, adore, and love, and, like thy servant Moses, bear upon our countenances the effect of communion with God. We would humble ourselves before thee when we contrast the attainments we have made in spiritual knowledge, with the abundant means with which we have been furnished ; our conformity to thee, with the assistances afforded us, and the professions we have made. O Lord, enter not into judgment with us ; but give us to know the things which belong to our everlasting peace, and to pursue them with the watchfulness, and diligence, and prayer, which a proper estimate of their importance, and a sense of our own weakness and folly, would inspire. May we walk circumspectly, not as fools, but as wise, redeeming the time. Too often have we sown to the flesh, and reaped only disappointment and vexation ; henceforth may we sow to the Spirit, that we may reap life everlasting. Accept our morning sacrifice of praise and thanksgiving for the renewed mercies of a another night, for the rest we have enjoyed, and the measure of health and strength we now possess. May every faculty thou hast given us be consecrated to thee; may we occupy our talents with faithfulness and diligence ; remembering how soon we must render an account, and receive according to the deeds done in the body, whether they have been good or bad. Preserve us this day from all evil, especially from sin, either in thought, word, or deed. As members of Christ, may we be crucified with him, and live by virtue of our union to him, receiving continual supplies of grace, that we may bring forth much fruit. Look in compassion upon the poor, and destitute, and afflicted ; sanctify to them their trials, and bring them to that world where there shall be no more sorrow or crying, neither shall there be any more pain. Look upon the dark parts of the earth, that are still the habitations of cruelty ; cut short the triumphs of Satan ; subvert his kingdom, extirpate every form of idolatry and superstition ; let the true light shine upon the whole world ; and thy will be done on earth, even as it is in heaven. Bless every member of this family, and all who are dear to us ; may we all know the grace of God in truth ; may the young fear thee in their early days, and our servants be the servants of the Lord Jesus Christ. Hear us in these our supplications and thanks- givings, in the name and for the sake of thy dear Son, our Lord and Saviour ; to whom be glory for ever. Amen. 530 THIRTY-SEVENTH CfmrafoaK OFbenmg WEEK, 3 John. W E adore thee, O most High, as our Creator, and constant Benefactor. Thou art good, and thou doest good continually. With unwearied bounty and mercy thou suppliest the wants of the whole creation. Thy mercy, O Lord, is in the heavens, and thy faithfulness reacheth unto the clouds. Thy righteousness is like the great mountains ; thy judgments are a great deep; O Lord, thou preservest man and beast. How excellent is thy loving-kindness, O God ; therefore, the children of men put their trust under the shadow of thy wings. We bless thee for the bounties of thy providence, but more especially for the blessings of thy grace, for the rich provisions of mercy made for sinners in Christ Jesus our Lord. We rejoice to behold in Him the perfect harmony of all thy glorious attributes ; so that justice and mercy, holiness, truth, and love combine to render the security and happiness of the believer perfect and everlasting. May we not only believe thy word — that there is no other name under heaven given amongst men, whereby they can be saved— but may we behold and feel the entire adaptation of the salvation offered to us in Him, that we may glory in the Cross as the fullest manifestation of the manifold wisdom of God, and count all things but loss and dung that we may win Christ, and be found in him. We bless thee for the promises of thy word, especially for the promise of the Holy Spirit as a teacher and sanctifier. O may he dwell richly in us, to remove our darkness, to subdue our corruptions, and to change us into the image of Christ; that, while we profess to be looking to heaven as our home prepared for us by the Redeemer, we may be conscious of increasing meetness for its worship and its joys. Nor would we be satisfied with this ; we desire to feel that our own happiness is intimately connected with the prosperity of the cause of Christ in the world. Let the number of real disciples daily increase ; and the purity and love, the devotedness and usefulness, of thy people be continually advancing. Give thy Son the heathen for his inheritance, and the uttermost parts of the earth for his possession. Say to the north, give up ; and to the south, keep not back ; bring my sons from far, and my daughters from the ends of the earth. Let the people praise thee, O God ; yea, let all the people praise thee. Bless with thy continued favour our native land. While thou hast poured upon us thy rich mercies, we have sinned with an high hand, and thou mightest justly humble us among the nations, and strip us of privileges which we have misimproved and despised. But spare us, O Lord, and continue to us thy Word and Sabbaths, and cause thy Spirit to strive effectually with us, that all may soon know thee, from the least even unto the greatest. Look especially upon the young, and preserve them from the evil that is in the world. May they very early feel the power of religion, and be brought into the fold of Christ; and may every succeeding generation be more distinguished by eminent piety and enlarged use- fulness, until the mystery of God be complete, the number of thine elect perfected, and God he all and in all. Again would we commit ourselves and commend each other to thy providential care. Watch thou over us for good ; prepare us for every duty and every trial, that for us to live may be Christ, and to die gain. Now, unto God and our Father be glory for ever and ever. Amen. evil 3X2 THIRTY-SEVENTH Jrfaay iHurnms, WEEK. Proverbs, Chapter xxv. A LMIGHTY God, the blessed and only Potentate, the King of kings, and Lord of lords ; who only hath immortality, dwelling in the light which no man can approach unto , whom no man hath seen, nor can see : to whom be honour and power everlasting. Angels, who have remained in obedience and purity, how before thy throne with reverence, while they cry, Holy, holy, holy is the Lord of hosts; the whole earth is full of his glory. How then shall we who are so defiled come before thee with acceptance? Blessed be thy name, thou hast taught us in thy word to come with humble boldness, through faith in Jesus Christ thy dear Son, who once offered himself to take away our sins, and now lives and reigns at thy right hand, to give repentance and remission of sins, and to render our persons and services acceptable by the incense of his intercession. Make us more and more sensible of our guilt, that we may seek pardon from Him who alone can bestow it : by faith may we behold him as dying for the ungodly, as dying for our sins : may we have this evidence of a personal interest in him, that He has given us repentance, that he has communicated new views, and principles, and affections : may we know that we are jus- tified by his blood, because he has sanctified us by his Spirit. May we hate sin more and more ; Lord, deliver us from its power : may we avoid even the appearance of evil, and cultivate holiness in the fear of the Lord : may we not fashion ourselves according to our former lusts in our ignorance ; but as He which hath called us is holy, so may we be holy in all manner of conversation; because it is written, Be ye holy, for I am holy. We bless thee for these commands; instead of esteeming them burdensome, we would rejoice in them as a sufficient proof that thou wilt communicate the divine strength by which alone they can be fulfilled. We would delight in the law of God after the inner man; but we find a law in our members warring against the law of our mind, and bringing us into cap- tivity to the law of sin which is in our members. Blessed be God, this war shall at length cease, and the principle of grace be made triumphant : make us faithful unto death, that through infinite mercy we may receive the crown of eternal life, and be perfected in bliss and holiness before thy throne. Again hast thou refreshed our bodies and invigorated our minds with needful repose : preserve us throughout this day from every evil : may we acknowledge thee in all our ways, and seek direction in the discharge of our various duties ; and whether we eat or drink, or whatever we do, may we do all to thy praise and glory; that the longer we live in the flesh, the more spiritually-minded and useful we may become ; so that when sum- moned to leave this world, we may with joy obey, and rise to hear that welcome to eternal felicity, Come, ye blessed of my Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from before the foundation of the world. Hear us wdien we pray for our connexions, our neighbours, our country, and the whole world. Shower down spiritual blessings upon us, that peace and happiness, religion and piety, may universally prevail, until all flesh shall see the sal- vation of our God. These, and all other mercies thou seest we need, we humbly implore in the name, and for the sake, of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ ; to whom, with the Father and the Holy Spirit, be all glory and honour ascribed both now and for ever Amen. TIURTY-SEVENTII jfnUij) Abating W V. E K Jude. T HE heavens declare thy glory, O Lord, and the firmament sheweth thy handiwork. Day unto day uttereth speech, and night unto night sheweth knowledge. At the close of another day would we appear before thee with the language of gratitude and praise. Kindle in each of our hearts a flame of love to Thee, in whom every excellence dwells, and from whom cometh every good and perfect gift: and enable us to worship thee in spirit and in truth. Often have we bowed to thee before thy footstool, and employed the language of confession, entreaty, and praise, while our hearts have been unaffected with a sense of thy presence and thy glory, or with a feeling of our own wants. O pre- serve us from bringing to thee anymore such vain oblations: grant us the promised aid of the Spirit, that we may offer the sacrifice of a broken and contrite heart ; which thou, O God, wilt not despise. Pardon, we beseech thee, all the sins and follies of this day: if we say we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us. But though conscious of many sins, others have escaped our observation ; yet thou art perfectly acquainted with them all : enter not into judgment with us, O Lord ; but cleanse us from secret faults : take away all our iniquity, receive us graciously, and love us freely. Though we have sinned against heaven, and in thy sight, and are no more worthy to be called thy children, yet, for the sake of thy well-beloved Son, adopt us into thy family, and restore us to thy image. Let thy Holy Spirit take full possession of our hearts, that we may run in the way of thy commandments. May we abhor and flee from every thing that would grieve him, and may our highest ambition be to possess the honour that cometh from God, and to have this testimony — that we please God. Fulfil all the good pleasure of thy goodness, and the work of faith with power ; that the name of our Lord Jesus Christ may be glorified in us, and we in him, according to the grace of our God and the Lord Jesus Christ. We bless thee, O Lord, for all the mercy and grace which thou hast already displayed towards us : our spiritual enemies, though powerful and malicious, have not been allowed to triumph over us : too often have we relaxed our efforts, and given them an advantage by our heedlessness or neglect of prayer : too often have our corrupt passions regained their ascendancy, or burst forth in an unguarded hour, to the grief of our own souls and others, and yet thou hast not forsaken us, nor left us to reap the consequences of our folly. May we ever remember that we are still surrounded with enemies, and need the same counsel to direct, the same strength to uphold, the same consolations to cheer us, as when we first began our warfare with the world, the flesh, and the devil ; and may we therefore keep our eye ever fixed on the Captain of our salvation, who is able and willing to supply all our need. Let the peace which the gospel gives be proclaimed and enjoyed throughout the whole earth. Bring back to thy fold thine ancient people, who have so long wandered in unbelief, and may the fulness of the Gentiles be brought in, that there may be one fold and one Shepherd. And now unto Him that is able to keep us from falling, and to present us faultless before the presence of his glory with exceeding joy. To the only wise God, our Saviour, be glory and majesty, dominion and power, both now and for ever. Amen. 533 THIRTY-SEVENTH ,#attirtrag iHornnuj« •WEEK. Proverbs, Chapter xxvi. 0 LORD God Almighty, thou art greatly to be feared, and to be had in reverence by all them that are round about thee. Enable us, with spirituality, with holy fear, and sacred delight, to worship thee : we are unworthy of thy notice, but we come in fche name of thy well-beloved Son ; we plead the merits of his death, the perfection of his righteous- ness, the constancy and efficacy of his intercession ; for, while conscious of our meanness and defilement, we behold in him all that thy holy law requires, all that justice demands, and all that we need to renew us in the image of God, and to prepare us for his service and his glory. Teach us by thy Spirit to receive him in all the characters and offices he sustains, that he may be our wisdom, righteousness, sanctification, and redemption; and may the life that we henceforth live in the flesh be by the faith of Him who loved us and gave himself for us. May we become conquerors over all evil, through Him who is mighty to save. May his grace be sufficient for us, and his strength be perfected in our weakness. Grant, O Lord, that we may thus grow up into Him in all things who is the head, that our union to him may be evident to ourselves and others, that we may have joy and peace in believing, and that they, beholding our good conversation in Christ, may glorify God on our behalf. We fear that too often we have proved hinderances rather than helps to others, in the way to heaven. Our indecision, and worldliness, and sloth have been calculated to dishonour the cause we profess to have espoused, to encourage sinners in their course, and to scandalize the weak and timid ; when our decision, spirituality, and holy zeal ought to have shamed the sinner, encouraged the wavering, and rejoiced the faithful. O Lord, leave us not to our own barrenness, but pour out thy Spirit upon us, quicken us in thy way, and cause us to run in the way of thy commandments. Again hast thou watched over us during our sleeping hours, and restored us to vigour by refreshing repose. We have laid ourselves down and slept; we have awaked, because the Lord sustained us: may we now with exalted gratitude renew the dedication of ourselves to thee. O take us for thine own ; truly we are thy servants, for thou hast redeemed us, O Lord God of truth. Direct all our steps this day ; may thy presence go with us; give us all things that are good for us, and prepare us by the discipline of earth for the unfading joys of eternity. May every member of this family be under thy special care ; may we fear thee all the day long ; may every heart be thine ; that we may all be children of thy family, and heirs of thy kingdom. Look in mercy upon our fellow-men ; bring them all to the knowledge of the truth. Have compassion upon them that are still sitting in darkness, bowing down to stocks and stones, the workmanship of their own hands : may they see their folly and guilt, and be brought to worship the only living and true God. Be with all thy servants who are labouring among the heathen, and raise up and qualify many more for this great and important work. The harvest is great, and the fields already white unto harvest ; Lord, thrust forth many labourers into thy harvest. Let thy kingdom come, and thy will be done on earth, even as it is done in heaven. For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, for ever and ever. Amen. 5Si THIRTY-SEVENTH <#>aturtiai> Abating. Revelation, Chapter i. WEEK. 0 LORD our Lord, how excellent is thy name in all the earth ! who hast set thy glory above the heavens. When we consider thy heavens, the work of thy fingers, the moon and the stars which thou hast ordained, what is man, that thou art mindful of him ? and the son of man, that thou visitest him? But though unworthy of thy notice, and deserving of everlasting wrath, we come to thy throne of grace in the name of our Mediator and Advocate, rejoicing that in him thou art ever well pleased; that for his sake thou wilt hear our prayers, and grant us all the blessings that we need for time and for eternity. O thou ever-blessed Son of God, hearken to the voice of our cry, and sweeten our sacrifices with the incense of thy prevailing intercession, that they may come up before God with acceptance. Teach us, O thou divine Spirit, to worship in spirit and in truth ; make intercession in us according to the will of God : without thy gracious influences we can do nothing aright; but thou canst remove our ignorance, and purify and exalt our affections. We rejoice in the promise, that thou wilt hear the desire of the humble, that thou wilt prepare their heart, that thou wilt cause thine ear to hear. Another week has almost passed away, and we have to confess innumerable sins, and to acknowledge the greatness of thy mercy. We desire to be more sensible both of thy goodness, and of our ingratitude and sinfulness. If thou, Lord, shouldst mark iniquity, O Lord, who could stand ? Blessed be thy name, thou art ready to pardon ; thou waitest to be gracious : therefore at the close of another day and week would we implore forgive- ness, for the sake of thy dear Son ; cleanse us by his blood ; look thou upon us, and be merciful unto us, as thou usest to do unto those that love thy name. Order our steps in thy word, and let not any iniquity have dominion over us. Watch over us, we beseech thee, and preserve us from all evil this night; may our powers of body and mind be invigorated, and may we be prepared for the solemn and delightful engagements of thy day. May we be in the Spirit on the Lord’s day, that our services may be acceptable, and that we may find it good to wait upon the Lord. Prepare thy people, especially thy ministers, for duties and privileges so important ; and may the coming day be kept holy by multitudes who have hitherto profaned the Sabbath and neglected the means of grace. Bless the provisions of thy house, and satisfy thy poor with bread. Let thy priests be clothed with salvation, and let thy saints shout aloud for joy. Regard in mercy the neighbourhood in which we reside ; we mourn to see so many living without God and without hope, while the means of salvation are so near them. O Lord, incline the hearts of many to hear thy word ; may their consciences be alarmed, may thy Spirit convince them of sin, of righteousness, and of judgment, that they may be prepared to receive with adoring gratitude the news of pardon and peace through a crucified Redeemer. May we use whatever influence we possess with prudence and holy zeal, remembering that they who are wise shall shine as the brightness of the firmament, and they that turn many to righteousness, as the stars for ever and ever. Graciously hear our prayers, and accept our persons and services, through Jesus Christ, our most blessed Lord and Saviour. Amen. 535 THIRTY-EIGHTH «#>uittrag iHontmg ■WEEK. Proverbs, Chapter xxvii, H E that dwelleth in the secret place of the Most High, shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty. I will say of the Lord, He is my refuge and my fortress : my God, in him will I trust. May this holy confidence and joy in thee be produced in our hearts, O God ; for while thy glorious attributes demand such a remembrance of thee, we know that without faith and joy in God it is impossible to please him, or to delight in those services for which the Sabbath was divinely hallowed. We thank thee that our unworthy lives have been spared through another night, and that the day of the Lord returns with its rich and varied blessings, calling upon us to enter into his gates with thanksgiving and into his courts with praise ; to be thankful unto him, and bless his name. We are glad when it is said unto us, Come, let us go up to the house of the Lord: for there thou hast been wont to meet with thy people, and to bless them. We desire to be sensible of thy amazing condescension and grace in permitting us to expect thy presence and to plead thy promise that they ^ that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength, and that thou wilt make them joyful in thy house of prayer. Fulfil, O Lord, the promises upon which thou hast caused us to hope ; and may we not only have a name and a place in thy church, but be made pillars in thy temple to go no more out. But we desire also to feel how unfit we are to approach unto the Lord, how unable to present unto thee any spiritual and acceptable sacrifice. O teach us by thy Spirit to draw nigh unto thee through faith in Christ Jesus, and to worship thee in spirit and in truth. Preserve our thoughts and affections from wandering: too often have they been going after the vanities of the world, while we have been professing to hold communion with thee. O let the words of our mouths, and the meditations of our hearts, be this day acceptable in thy sight, through Jesus Christ, our Strength and Redeemer. May thy word have free course, and be glorified : like a sword in the hand of the Spirit, may it pierce the conscience of sinners : like a hammer, may it break in pieces the rocky, or like fire melt the iron heart; that it may evidently be the power of God unto salvation. May all thy faithful servants administer thy word with remarkable success : that, instead of taking up the complaint of the prophet, Who hath believed our report, and to whom is the arm of the Lord revealed ? they may break forth with the apostle, Now, thanks be to God, who always causeth us to triumph in Christ, and maketh manifest the savour of his name in every place. More especially we pray that thy blessing may rest upon thy servant upon whose ministry we hope to attend: may he come unto us in the fulness of the blessing of the gospel of peace ; may he feel that his Master is with him, and may the presence of God be felt by all the assembly; that many may have cause to regard this Sabbath as their spiritual birth-day ; and that those who have before followed Christ may experience a more quickening and sanctifying communication of divine grace, so that, like the disciples of old, they may exclaim, Did not our hearts burn within us, while he talked with us by the way, and while he opened to us the Scriptures ? Succeed every effort that shall be made to extend our Redeemer’s kingdom, and hasten on the glorious period when the whole earth shall be filled with thy glory. Hear us in heaven thy dwelling-place, and, when thou hearest, forgive, for Christ’s sake. Amen. THIRTY-EIGHTH ^untrag Revelation, Chapter ii. WEEK. W E bless thee, O Lord, tor the religious privileges with which we have this day been favoured. What multitudes have never heard the sound of the glorious gospel, and how many in our own land have devoted this thy day to purposes of folly and sin. Conscious that by nature we are the children of wrath even as others, and that our sins are peculiarly aggravated by the superior advantages we have possessed, we desire with unfeigned gratitude to acknowledge thy grace in the gift of thy word, and the con- tinuance of the means of grace ; especially would we bless thee, if thou hast given us a heart to know thee, and to delight in thy service. But if thou hast made us to differ in this respect from others, what cause for shame do we feel, when we consider the man- ner in which our past days have been spent; the dispositions we have cherished, the actions we have performed, and the motives by which we have been governed. Or, if we confine our inquiry to this day, if we think of our coldness, thoughtlessness, and want of spirituality, we are compelled to cry out, Enter not into judgment with us, O Lord, for in thy sight we cannot be justified. We desire to come again this night in the exercise of faith, to the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ : we would lay our hand upon the head of that divinely appointed Sacrifice, and while we confess our guilt, we implore pardon througn his blood. Cleanse us from all our sin ; take away all iniquity, receive us graciously, and love us freely, so shall we render unto thee the praise and gratitude due to thy name. Bestow on us copious effusions of thy Holy Spirit, that thy truth may abide in us for evermore. May we lie down upon our beds at peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ, and be prepared either to arise to the engagements of this life in the fear of God, or to enter upon that world where an everlasting Sabbath shall be enjoyed, free from all the imperfections and sins that attend us here. As we know not what a day or an hour may bring forth, may we ever keep the end of life in view ; and as we draw nearer to that world of bliss, may its glories become more and more evident and influential, that the flame of love may burn brighter and brighter, till at last our souls shall ascend in that flame to God, to dwell for ever in the embraces of his love. Have compassion upon those who have been deprived of the ordinances of thy house this day : suffer them not to be deprived of the blessings of the Sabbath ; follow their medita- tions upon thy word with an abundant blessing, and sanctify to them the causes of their absence ; that their souls may prosper and be in health, even if their heart and flesh are failing them. Pity the heathen of Great Britain and other lands ; may those who are living without God in the world be taught their folly and danger : cause them to return unto thee from whom they are wandering, and bring them into the fold of the great Shepherd, under whose care alone they can be safe from the destroyer of souls. Bless all who are dear to us : forbid it that any should remain strangers to themselves and thee : bring them all to a knowledge of the gospel : may they all walk with God on earth, that they may be admitted to dwell with him in heaven. And now to the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit be ascribed equal and undivided praises : Amen, and amen. 3 Y 537 THIRTY-EIGHTH i®lontra£ iBontmcj WEEK. Proverbs, Chapter xxviii. 0 LORD, to us belongeth confusion of face, because we have sinned against thee. To the Lord our God belong mercies and forgivenesses, though we have rebelled against him. O our God, incline thine ear and hear ; for we do not present our supplications before thee for our righteousness, but for thy great mercies. Blessed be thy name, that we are encouraged to expect pardon and acceptance through the mediation of thy beloved Son, who is exalted to have mercy, to give repentance and remission of sin. In His name alone we come before thee. His righteousness we plead, as the only ground of our con- fidence before God ; and we rejoice that it is all-sufficient, that he has magnified the law and made it honourable ; and now assures us, that whosoever believeth in him shall not come into condemnation. We adore the riches of thy grace, if thou hast taught us our guilt, and need of his great salvation, if thou hast enabled us to believe to the saving of our souls. Lord, increase our faith ; carry on thy work in our hearts, that sin may be more and more subdued ; that the principles of holiness may possess more constant and entire control over all our dispositions and actions ; that beholding, as in a glass, the glory of the Lord, we may be changed into the same image, from glory tc glory, by the Spirit of the Lord. We thank thee for the religious privileges of the past day ; suffer not the good seed to be snatched away by our great enemy, nor to be choked by the cares of this world ; water it with the gracious influences of the Holy Spirit, that it may take deep root, spring up, and bear abundant fruit. Wherever convictions were produced, cause them to abide and increase; may they fasten like arrows in the heart, to be extracted or healed only by the great Physician of souls ; apply to the wounded the balm of divine consolation ; bid the captive go free, that the power of Satan over the minds of men may be weakened and at length utterly destroyed, and the throne of the Redeemer be set up in every heart. May all those, with whom we united in thy worship, be blessed of thee, that they may be budded together for an habitation of God through the Spirit. Receive our humble thanks for the renewed mercies of another night, and for all those blessings by which we are now distinguished from thousands of our fellow-men. We deserve not more than they, but thy grace has made us to differ ; may we remember that superior advantages and blessings call for more ardent love, and more zealous obedience ; and, having had so much forgiven and so much bestowed, may we love thee much. Bless all our connexions by the bestowment of those spiritual gifts which shall make them truly rich and everlastingly happy. Continue to bestow upon our country the bounties of thy providence ; may our civil and religious blessings be increased and perpetuated ; may harmony and love pervade the whole Christian world, that Ephraim may not envy Israel, nor Judah vex Ephraim, and as all are really, so may all evidently be one in Christ Jesus. Let thy kingdom come ; let thy will be done on earth as it is done in heaven. We yield ourselves now to thee ; — mercifully accept the surrender : may thy presence go with us ; give us grace to avoid or overcome the temptations of the world, and to glorify thee in all that we do : and to the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit be all honour and glory for ever and ever. Amen. ;>38 THIRTY-EIGH I II iBmttJai) <£bnttns< Revelation, Chapter iii. WEEK. E VER-blessed and glorious God ! we adore thee as the only perfect and independent Being ; before the mountains were brought forth, or ever thou hadst formed the earth and the world, even from everlasting to everlasting thou art God. Thou didst form man from the dust of the ground ; yet endowed with spiritual powers which fitted him for com- munion with thee. But man being in honour abode not ; by sin he rendered himself unworthy of thy notice, and unfit for thy service ; and thy justice would have been honoured in the infliction of spiritual and eternal death. We bless thee that, instead of this, thou didst give thine only-begotten and well-beloved Son to become the surety for sinners. We adore the grace and love of our Lord Jesus, that he freely gave himself up for us all ; that he ( rendered complete satisfaction to the divine law, and wrought out a righteousness available for the justification of all them who should believe in him. Enable us with holy gratitude to receive him as our atoning Sacrifice, our prevailing Advocate, our Teacher, Sanctifier, and Guide. May our knowledge of him increase daily, that our faith and love, our devotedness and zeal, may abound yet more and more, becoming more proportionate to that infinite love which he has displayed. We would be humbled to remember the readiness with which he endured the contra- diction of sinners against himself, and yielded up his life upon the cross for us ; and how reluctant we have been to take up our cross, or endure reproach or shame for Him ; how zealous He was for the glory of God, how unwearied in doing good ; and yet how seldom we have been actuated by the same spirit. Quicken us, O our God, that we may walk more closely in his steps ; and by this may we know that we are his disciples, because he has given us of his Spirit. May we have evidence ourselves, and give evidence to others, that we are the children of God ; may we become the epistles of Christ, known and read of all men. Forgive, we beseech thee, the sins of this day : we acknowledge our continual short- comings and offences, and desire to come by faith to the fountain which is opened for sin and uncleanness, that our sins be washed away. Receive us into thy family ; show unto us that our sins are forgiven, that we may go in peace, rejoicing in Christ Jesus. Graciously continue thy watchful care over us through another night ; suffer no evil to approach us ; may we rest in peace and comfort ; and, if spared to enter upon another day, may we have wisdom to guide and strength to uphold us in thy ways, that we may live to thy glory, and become more meet to dwell with thee in the heavenly world. Bless also our friends and relations ; teach them all to love and serve thee ; that, after having walked with God on earth, they may hereafter rise to the possession of eternal glory. Bless all the institutions which are formed for the purpose of promoting thy glory, and increasing the happiness of man ; let the miseries occasioned by sin be everywhere alleviated by the remedies provided in the gospel of Christ. Destroy the dominion of sin and Satan, establish the kingdom of our blessed Redeemer, and may all the children of men love righteousness. We present these our imperfect supplications and thanksgivings through the righteousness of our Mediator and Advocate ; and would ascribe to the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit all glory and honour, dominion and blessing, both now and for ever. Amen. 3 Y 2 THIRTY-EIGHTH CuesfoaK iPiontm#. WEEK. Proverbs, Chapter xxix. H AVE mercy upon us, O God, according to thy loving-kindness ; according unto the multitude of thy tender mercies, blot out our transgressions. We acknowledge with shame that they are numerous and aggravated, for, notwithstanding all thy goodness and me^cy, we have often forgotten thee, slighted thy friendship, and broken thy com- mands. Thou wouldst have been just in the execution of that awful sentence, Cursed is every one that continueth not in all things written in the book of the law to do them. But while we confess our ruined condition, and that by the deeds of the law can no flesh living be justified; we rejoice in the testimony of thy word, that God was in Christ reconciling the world unto himself; not imputing their trespasses unto them: that Jesus the Son of God obeyed the law which we had broken ; satisfied the demands of justice ; manifested the ‘holiness and truth of God ; and thus provided a way by which God could be just, and yet the justifier of the ungodly; by which man might be restored to the divine image as well as the divine favour, and thus be prepared for communion with God on earth, and the glorious presence of God in heaven. Teach us by thy Spirit rightly to hear and truly to receive these glad tidings, that they may not only rejoice our heart, but renew our natures. May we thus reckon that if one died for all, then were all dead; and that he died for all, that they who live, should not henceforth live unto themselves, but unto him that loved them and gave him- self for them. Thou hast indeed every claim upon our affections and obedience ; we are thine by creation, by preservation, by redemption : O may we be thine by our own solemn and cheerful consecration. If we have not yielded ourselves to God before, enable us all to do so now : if we have said unto Jehovah, Thou art my Lord, may we now solemnly renew the dedication; may we love the Lord our God, and obey his voice, and cleave unto Him, for He is our life, that it may he well with us. Whatsoever others do, as for us may we serve the Lord. Let every member of this house be a member of the household of faith. Before we go forth to the business of another day, we humbly implore thee to prepare us to discharge its duties, to resist its temptations, and to spend all its hours to thy glory, and for the great purpose for which we were sent into the world. May we fill up our several stations with propriety and honour, in all things serving thee, and seeking the advancement of our Redeemer’s kingdom. If thou bestowest upon us a sufficiency to supply the wants of nature, may we be content and thankful: if thou givest us abun- dance, may we remember that it is to qualify us for more extended usefulness : and may we be preserved from worldly-mindedness. If thou triest us with poverty, adversity, or affliction, let us neither despise the chastening of the Lord, nor faint when we are rebuked of him; but seek that our trials may be sanctified rather than removed. Teach us in every event to view the hand of our covenant God and Father, that we may be prepared to declare with the prophet — though deprived of all creature-good, yet I will rejoice in the Lord, I will joy in the God of my salvation. Now, to the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit be ascribed all glory and dominion. Amen. £40 TIIIRTY-EIGHTH CuesfoaB (fifoeniiuj. WEEK. Revelation, Chapter iv. GOD of all power and grace, to thee we come as the Source of our being, and the Giver of all good. Ever blessed in thyself, thou delightest in conferring blessings upon thy creatures : the earth is full of thy riches : the eyes of all wait upon thee, and thou givest them their meat in due season. But we adore thee especially for the mani- festation of benevolence and love, in the provision of a scheme of salvation in every way suitable, perfect, and glorious. Blessed are the people that know the joyful sound; they shall walk, O Lord, in the light of thy countenance. We would humble ourselves before thee upon a remembrance of our ingratitude, our folly, and our guilt, in neglecting this great salvation : thou hast called us to glory and honour, but we have chosen to wander in search of happiness elsewhere, and justly have we reaped disappointment and vexation. Blessed be thy name, if we have at length learned that true happiness dwells only with thee; and that man can possess it, only as he renounces the world to walk with God. But how slow of heart are we to believe this, although the declarations of thy word, the recorded experience of thousands, and the disappointments and pleasures we have ourselves tasted, unite to prove, that, having forsaken the fountain of living waters, the whole world can supply nothing better than broken cisterns which can hold no water. May we therefore no longer pursue a search so hopeless; and henceforth, instead of crying, Who will shew us any good? may our fervent desire be, Lord, lift thou up the light of thy countenance upon us? Give us that impressive view of thy glorious attributes, that we may sincerely add — and that shall put gladness in our hearts more than in the time when corn and wine increase. May the example of Christ be continually before us, that we may be deeply humbled at what we are , and may behold what we ought to be. Give us grace to imitate his deadness to the world, his love to God, his zeal for his glory, his compassion for the souls of men. Hereby may we know that we dwell in him, and he in us, because he hath given us of his Spirit. Amidst all our weakness, infirmities, and fears, may we be enabled to say with thy servant, Nevertheless, I live, yet not I, but Christ liveth in me. Pardon the sins of this day, and accept our thanks for all thy mercies : continue thy watchful and gracious care, and suffer no evil to approach us or our dwelling. Bless all our connexions, by the bestowment of every temporal and spiritual mercy they may need ; make them all partakers of thy grace, and fit them for thy heavenly kingdom. Bless all who are afflicted or destitute ; relieve their distresses, and grant that their sorrows may lead them to thee, that they may have to say with holy gratitude, It was good for us that we were afflicted ; for before we were afflicted, we went astray, but now we have kept thy word. Bless the church of Christ universally ; especially that section to which we belong. May all that is unscriptural in the faith or practice of professors be purged away : work by whom thou wilt work, only let the cause of our blessed Redeemer prosper, and we will rejoice in the triumphs of the Cross. Bless our native country: continue to us our religious privileges, and cause them to be valued and improved : let the people praise thee, O God, yea, let all the people praise thee. These, and all other mercies, for ourselves, for thy whole church, and for the world, we ask in our Redeemer’s name. Amen. THIRTY-EIGHTH OTrtme£trag iHonumj. WEEK. Proverbs, Chapter xxx. M OST blessed and highly exalted Majesty, thy throne is for ever and ever, the sceptre of thy kingdom is a right sceptre. All worlds, and all the beings which inhabit them, have been formed by thy mighty power, and are sustained by thy gracious Providence. Thou art the First and the Last, the greatest and the best of beings. Thou art the Fountain of all purity, and thou art the God of all grace. In thee we live, and move, and have our being. We were originally made in thine image, but we have debased ourselves by sin, and exposed ourselves to that sentence which attaches to disobedience. Lord, deal not with us in justice, but in mercy. Regard the all-prevailing plea of a Redeemer’s sacrifice. Wash our polluted and guilty souls in the fountain of his blood. Let that righteousness which is unto all and upon all them that believe, be ours by faith. May we be justified freely through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus ; may we be renewed in the spirit of our minds ; may we be numbered with thy children in glory everlasting. We adore thee, O God of our life, for the light of a new morning ; and for the com- fortable refreshment of the past night. May we begin the day with thee. Let our spared lives be consecrated afresh to thy glory. May the life which we live in the flesh be by the faith of the Son of God, who loved us, and gave himself for us. Let the thought cf redemption by the blood of the Lamb stimulate us to all holy conversation and god- liness. May we die daily unto sin, and live unto holiness, that the end may be ever- lasting life. Enable us to prepare for the coming of our Lord, that we may be found of Him in peace, without spot, or blemish, or any such thing. May we press towards the mark, for the prize of our high calling of God in Christ Jesus. Giving all diligence, may we add to our faith virtue, and to virtue knowledge, and to knowledge temperance, and to temperance patience, and to patience godliness, and to godliness brotherly kindness ; and to brotherly kindness charity; and may these things be not only in us, but abound, that we may be neither barren nor unfruitful in the knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ. May we labour for that meat which endureth unto everlasting life ; and seek the honour that cometh from God only. Forbid it that we should be drawing our principles and motives from the world ; or that we should be carried down the stream of worldly practices ; but may we take the principles of thy word to guide us, its motives and spirit to animate us, and, with a humble and holy boldness and courage, confess the Redeemer before men, avow ourselves his disciples, and strive to commend him to others. We bless thee that we are not straitened in thee ; suffer us not to be straitened by the contractedness of our own desires, the weakness of our faith, the feebleness of our hope; but may we honour thee by the exercise of entire confidence, humble and cheerful dependence, and enlarged expectation, knowing that eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, nor the heart of man conceived what God hath prepared for them that love Him. We entreat a blessing this day upon all the labour of our hands, and upon all the devisings and purposes of our minds. Lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from all evil; for thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, both now and for ever- more. Amen. THIRTY-EIGHTH OTetmesfoaK Cbmtttfl, WEEK. Revelation, Chapter v. I N the multitude of thy tender mercies, O our God, are we permitted, at the close of another day, to surround the footstool of thy throne, and to present our bodies and our spirits a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable in thy sight, which is our reasonable service. Accept the surrender which we now make of ourselves in thy presence ; and let a deep sense of thy boundless mercies draw our hearts towards thee in gratitude and love. We confess before thee our utter unworthiness of the benefits we are permitted to enjoy. By our sins we have forfeited all title to thy favour, and have exposed ourselves to thy wrath and displeasure. O God, be merciful to us, sinners. Convince us of the pollution as well as the guilt of our sin ; that we may feel our need of cleansing, as well as pardon ; that we may abhor ourselves, and repent in dust and ashes. May we mourn over our sin, not only because it deserves awful and everlasting punishment, but also because it unfits us for communion with thee ; for thou art of purer eyes than to behold iniquity, and canst not look upon sin but with abhorrence. O teach us to feel how guilty we are in thy sight. We need thy mercy and forgiveness, thy grace and direction, thy blessing and aid, without which we can never hope to escape the condemnation and misery which are the due wages of our sins, or anticipate that glory and felicity which are the free gifts of God in Jesus Christ. Thy tender mercies, O God, are over all thy works ; thou causest thy sun to shine on the evil and the good, and sendest rain on the just and the unjust. Let our country be blessed with thy continued favour, and all the churches of Christ prosper greatly. Bring the heathen to a knowledge of thy name, and let the whole earth be filled with thy glory. O may we be more concerned for the salvation of men, and especially for our own sal- vation, than we have ever yet been. Never let us lose sight of the great ends of existence. Bless us, and then make us a blessing. As the whole world lieth in wicked- ness, may we seek to become ministers of peace and salvation to our fellow-men ; and live chiefly for that grand purpose for which Jesus Christ shed his blood. And in every work of faith and labour of love, may we persevere, steadfast, immoveable, always abound- ing in the work of the Lord ; willing to spend, and to be spent, to endure any reproach, or loss, or evil, if we may but save a soul from death, and hide a multitude of sins. As a family, pour upon us all the dew of thy blessing. Teach us to walk in love one with another. Let all bitterness, and wrath, and anger, and clamour, and evil-speaking, be put away from us, with all malice ; and may we be kind one to another, tender-hearted, forgiving one another, even as God for Christ’s sake hath forgiven us. Regard, in much mercy, all whom duty would urge us to remember at thy throne. Be the comforter of the sorrowful, the supporter of the afflicted, the portion of the dying. Bless all ranks and classes of men, among whom we dwell ; and hasten the period when all the families of the earth shall be blessed with the light of thy saving knowledge. Into thy hands we commend our spirits : hear our feeble and imperfect prayers ; pardon the iniquity of our holy things; and accept both our persons and offerings in the all-prevailing name of Jesus, our strength and Redeemer. Amen. 543 THIRTY-EIGHTH CJ unftmg iBornuuj. Proverbs, Chapter xxxi. week. O THOU King eternal, immortal, and invisible, the only wise God, enable us to adore thine infinite perfections, and to draw near with reverence and confidence to thy throne. Thou art God alone : thou hast made us, thou hast upheld us, and thou hast sent thy Son to redeem us. Deliver us from all blindness of mind, and all hardness of heart, in drawing near to thy mercy-seat. May the Spirit help our infirmities ; may he pour into our hearts the feeling of earnest prayer ; may he kindle a flame of sacred love in our bosoms ; and inspire us with confidence in the promises of the gospel, and in the mediation of thy dear Son. Merciful Father, we adore thee that we are raised up once more from the image of death ; that thou hast permitted us to see the light of the sun ; that our forfeited lives are still the monuments of thy care ; that new mercies are spread before us in our path ; that we are privileged to meet in holy fellowship to pour out our hearts before thee, the hearer and the answerer of prayer. May we duly estimate our mercies, and with one heart and voice adore thee as the giver of every good and perfect gift. Vouchsafe to us a measure of that blessedness which springs from communion with thyself. Cause us to taste and see that thou art gracious, in forgiving our sins, and in bestowing upon us the aids and consolations of thy good Spirit. May we know, from happy experience, that it is no vain thing to draw near unto God. Let our spiritual strength be renewed, and let grace be imparted to us according to our day. O impart to us the Spirit of grace and supplication, that we may have fellowship with thee our Father in heaven. We pray, O most gracious Father, that thou wouldst increase in our minds a sense of the inestimable value of spiritual blessings. May we seek after them with a diligence and zeal proportioned to their importance. Let worldly objects appear in their owil native insignificance. Suffer us not to set our hearts supremely upon any created good ; but O be pleased to strengthen our faith in unseen and eternal realities. Make us spiritually minded, which is life and peace. Cause us to die unto sin, and to live unto holiness. While we rely on the Redeemer’s cross for pardon, may we depend on his kingly power for sanctifying grace ; while we embrace him as a Saviour, may we copy his example, and breathe his spirit. In entering on a new day, we would be sensible of our need of Divine protection and holy influence. We are ever prone to wander from the right path, and to forget our better principles. Uphold us in all our goings, that we offend not against thy holy law, and that we fall not into any kind of danger. Preserve us from the temptations of the world, and from the influence of every evil example. Let sin be the object of our loathing, and let holiness to the Lord be impressed on all our thoughts, words, and actions. Impart to every member of this family the vital principles of thy saving grace. Clothe us all in the spirit of humility and love. May young and old be thine, in the day when thou shalt make up thy jewels. Write thy law upon all our hearts, that we may never depart from thee. Forgive, O most merciful God and Father, the sins with which we are chargeable in thy sight, and accept us and our free-will offerings through Jesus Christ, our strength and Redeemer. Amen. 541 THIRTY-EIGHTH Cfmrsffl&g oftnttitg. WEEK Revelation, Chapter vi. M OST holy, righteous, and blessed God, in the multitude of thy tender mercies are we permitted once more to surround the throne of thy love. We would worship and adore thee as the God of love, who hast so loved our sinful world as to send thy only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him might not perish, but have eternal life. We bless thee that he came not to condemn, but to save, — that he came not to be ministered unto, but to minister, and to give his life a ransom for many, — that he came to seek and to save that which was lost, — and that he is able to save to the uttermost all that come unto thee through him, seeing he ever liveth to make intercession for them. We look to him as our Advocate within the veil. We rely on the perfection of his sacrifice as our only plea. Hear us for his sake. Have respect unto his sufferings in the garden and on the cross. See, O God our shield, and look upon the face of thine Anointed. With godly sorrow we would mourn the sins of this day. O enter not into judgment with thy servants, for in thy sight no flesh living can be justified. Give us a soft and a broken heart for sin ; take away from us the hard and stony heart, and give us hearts of flesh. Impart to us a tender conscience, that we may stand at the greatest distance from all that would grieve thy Holy Spirit, or darken the evidence of our acceptance with thee, through thy dear Son. Renew us more and more in the spirit of our minds ; may we every day feel more sensibly our obligations for redeeming mercy and grace. With- draw our affections from the things of time and sense, and fix them supremely upon thyself, and upon the glories of thy heavenly kingdom. May we grow in grace, and in the knowledge of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, and daily become more and more meet for the inheritance of the saints in light. On reviewing the mercies which have attended our past life, we would raise our Ebenezer, inscribing on it, “ Hitherto hath the Lord helped us.” Thou hast been better to us than our fears, and hast done great things for us, whereof we are glad. In sorrow thou hast comforted us ; in spiritual conflict thou hast been our defence ; in duties far above our feeble strength, thou hast upheld us by the right hand of thy righteousness. Surely goodness and mercy have followed us all the days of our life, and we shall dwell in the house of the Lord for evermore. We would be thankful for all the gracious bestowments of this day. Thou hast been mindful of all our necessities; from evils of various kinds thou hast preserved us ; and in the multitude of thy tender mercies we meet at the close of the day, to render thanks to thee for all the displays of thy goodness and grace. Look upon us as prostrate at thy footstool, and forgive all our sin. M; ke each of us grateful for the benefits we have received at thy hands. May we ha\ e an interest in thy favour, which is better than life ; may Christ be formed in each of our hearts, the hope of glory; because he lives, may we live also. Let angels guard the hours of our repose; may we sleep in peace and safety beneath the shadow of thy wings. Hear us in heaven the dwelling-place of thy glory, and let us find acceptance and forgiveness through the mediation of thy dear Son, Jesus Christ; and to him, with thyself, O Father, and the Eternal Spirit, be glory everlasting. Amen. THIRTY-EIGHTH dfrtirag iHonrtng, WEEK. Isaiah. Chapter i. 0 LORD God, we adore thee as the Creator and Sovereign of the universe; the Author of our life, and the length of our days ; as the Father of our spirits, and the former of our bodies. On thee we depend for all things; and to thee we owe not only our existence, but all our present comforts, and all our eternal hopes. When we take a retrospect of thy providential dealings, we are constrained to call upon our souls, and all that is within us, to bless and magnify thy holy name. Thou hast made our wants thy care ; in infinite compassion thou hast sustained our weakness ; with a patience nothing less than divine, thou hast borne with our waywardness; with a father’s kindness, thou hast arranged all the circumstances of our lot, and watched over us for good. From infancy till now, thou hast never forsaken us. At those periods when we have been wholly insensible of thy care, thou hast regarded us with watchful solicitude. When the help of man has been vain, thine arm has sustained us, and thy mercy has succoured us. When thou mightest justly have left us, by reason of our sins, to our own hearts’ lusts, which might have urged us on to ruin, thou hast stretched forth thine arm of power to save us. O what shall we render unto the Lord for his great goodness in sparing us to the present moment, and still waiting to be gracious to beings so guilty and undeserving ! God be merciful to us, and bless us, and cause thy face to shine upon us, and give us peace. We adore thee for thine unspeakable gift; for Jesus, the Son of thy love; for access into the holiest of all by the blood of sprinkling. We might have been left to perish in our sins. But thou hast no pleasure in the death of sinners. Enable us to magnify the riches of thy sovereign grace. Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who hath blessed us with all spiritual blessings in heavenly places ; who hath so loved us, as to give his only begotten Son for our redemption, and who has promised with him also freely to give us all things. Teach us to glory in Christ, to count all things but loss for the excellency of his knowledge, and to take up our cross and follow him. In order to this, pour upon us, we beseech thee, thy Holy Spirit, to give effect to all those views of thy love in Christ Jesus, which are presented to us in thy word. May he take of the things of Christ, and shew them unto us. May he enlighten our darkness, and subdue our unbelief, and bring every thought into subjection to the Saviour’s gracious sway. Let sin be the object of our aversion ; and let holiness be that of our constant pursuit. Give us victory over the world, by the power of a living faith. Deliver us from subjection to the great adversary of our souls. May we resist the devil, that he may flee from us ; and demonstrate to the satisfaction of our own consciences, as well as to the conviction of all who know us, that we have passed from death unto life, and have the love of God shed abroad in our hearts by the Holy Ghost given unto us. Thus, O Lord, may we this day feel and walk. And may all our friends participate with us in thy saving grace, and shine with us in the light of thy countenance. May they and we be thankful for every past mercy, and be remembered by thee in time to come, with the favour which thou bearest to thy chosen. And all that we ask is for Christ’s sake; to whom withThee, and the Holy Spirit, be glory for ever. Amen. 5 Hi THIRTY-EIGHTH Jttbag <£bmtng. Revelation, Chapter vii. WEES F ATHER of mercies, from whom cometh down every good and perfect gift, we give thee most humble and hearty thanks, that we are spared once more to approach thy throne, and to implore of thee those blessings which thou hast promised to bestow. We are not worthy to come into thy presence, or to take thy thrice holy name into our lips ; but we adore thee that we may draw near to thee in the name of Jesus, who is the sinner’s friend, and with whom thou art ever well pleased. For his sake forgive us all trespasses, and bestow upon us the blessings of life and godliness. May we draw near to thy throne under the influence of godly fear, and in the exercise of a firm and confiding faith. Pour upon us, we beseech thee, thy Holy Spirit, as a spirit of prayer; deeply and sensibly may we feel our wants and our sinfulness: humble us under a conviction that in us, that is, in our flesh, there dwelleth no good thing ; and enable us to throw ourselves upon thy grace and mercy in Jesus Christ, for all the blessings of a free and full salvation. May we have just views of the exceeding sinfulness of sin ; may we be sensible of its awful malignity, and its infinite deformity in thy sight ; and may we lie low at the Cross, and renounce every method of pardon and acceptance, but the meritorious death and the all-perfect righteousness of the Lamb of God, who gave himself for us, a sacrifice and an offering of a sweet-smelling savour unto God. Relying on him who died the just for the unjust, may we have peace and joy and security in believing. O suffer us not to rest contented in the mere enjoyment of forgiving mercy; but may we long to be sanctified wholly, body, soul, and spirit. May the Spirit of Christ rest upon us abundantly, not only as an enlightener and comforter, but also a refiner and purifier ; that we may not only perceive the foundation of a sinner’s hope, but the rule of a believer’s duty. Let us not only look to Christ for deliverance from the wrath to come, but depend on him for that life-giving power by which we may be made meet for the inheritance of the saints in light. May we be conformed to Christ in his death and resurrection, that we may die unto sin, and live unto holiness, and that the end may be everlasting life. O let sin no longer reign in our mortal bodies, that we should obey it in the lusts thereof; but as Christ Jesus has risen from the dead, to die no more, so may we reckon ourselves to be dead indeed unto sin, but alive unto God through Christ Jesus our Lord. We bless thee, most gracious Father, for all the comforts and enjoyments of the past day. Mercifully uphold and keep us during the darkness and silence of the approaching night. Spread over us the wing of thy protection. If spared to see the light of another day, may we awake with minds impressed with a sense of thy goodness, and be prepared by thy grace for the future duties of life. May all our dear friends and relations, and all others dear to us, share in thy blessing. Make them partakers not only of the bounties of thy good providence, but of the riches of thy saving grace ; and when they have done and suffered thy will here below, may they and ourselves be admitted into thy heavenly kingdom, to behold thy face, to share in thy love, and to reflect thine image for ever and ever And now to the Father, to the Son, and to the Holy Ghost, be glory everlasting. Amen. 547 3 Z 2 THIRTY-EIGHTH «#atui*trag 4$tomtng« WEEK. Isaiah, Chapter ii. E would remember thy mercies, O Lord, with sacred delight and gratitude — how great is the sum of them ! If we should count them, they are more in number than the sand; when we awake, we are still with thee; still surrounded with thy goodness and mercy; not only unworthy of the least of thy mercies, but unable to utter the memory of thy great goodness. Accept, we beseech thee, O Lord, our tribute of praise and thanksgiving : and may a sense of our obligations abide with us ; that throughout this day, and as long as we live, we may act as those who are not their own ; whose first duty and highest happiness it is to serve the Lord. But, alas ! our hearts are deceitful, unthankful, and prone to wander from thee : leave us not, therefore, to repeat the follies and sins by which our past conduct has been marked : but shed abroad thy love in our heart, that, after the example of our blessed Redeemer, it may be our meat to do the will of our heavenly Father, and to finish his work. May the eye of our faith be continually fixed upon his Cross ; thence may our hope take its rise ; knowing that he died the just for the unjust, that he might bring us to God. Thence may we derive renewed devotedness and zeal; reckoning, that if one died for all, then were all dead, and that he died for all, that they which live should not henceforth live unto themselves, but unto Him that died for them and rose again. Purify our conscience from all those doubts and suspicions which guilt generates in the soul; and, assured that the blood of Jesus Christ cleanseth from all sin, and convinced of our warrant to embrace all the consolations of the everlasting gospel, may we rejoice in hope of the glory of God. Bless us this day in all our undertakings : let thy presence go with us ; may our ruling motive be to advance thy glory, and our great happiness be derived from an assurance of thy favour. Bless also all for whom it is our duty or privilege to pray : may our friends and neighbours share in the blessings of thy providence and grace ; be the children of God through faith in Christ Jesus, and heirs of thy heavenly kingdom. Let all the ministers of thy gospel be especially blessed this day : make their meditations upon thy word delight- ful and useful to their own souls ; that they may be prepared to utter, from the abundance of the heart, that which shall be the means of strengthening and establishing believers, causing them to increase in spirituality, holiness, and zeal ; while sinners are pricked to the heart, and compelled, by the power of truth and the strivings of conscience, to cry out, Men and brethren, what must we do to be saved? Look in much mercy upon our native land. Long may peace and prosperity be enjoyed : especially cause them to be diligently and wisely improved, by the dissemination of know- ledge, truth, and piety. Let the Prince of Peace be exalted, and all men own his authority, and enjoy the blessings which he alone can bestow. May civil and religious liberty be extended to the remotest nations of the earth, and be continued to the latest period of time. May conscience every where be unfettered, and may all men be taught to read the scriptures for themselves, and to receive the messages of salvation, not as the word of man, but as they are, in truth, the word of God. Let the people praise thee, O God; yea, let all the people praise thee. Amen, and Amen. THIRTY-EIGHTH &attnftag (Abating, WEEK. Revelation, Chapter viii. A LMIGHTY God ; before thy sacred footstool would we bow ourselves this evening rejoicing that, unworthy and sinful as we are, we are permitted to call thee, Our Father who art in heaven. As thy children, may we delight in thee, and be obedient to thy commands. Too long have we abused thy love, slighted thine offers of friendship, and rejected thine authority. We have sinned against heaven, and in thy sight, and are no more worthy to be called thy children : still we would plead the invitations and pro- mises of thy word ; for thou hast said, Take with you words ; and turn to the Lord, say unto him, take away all iniquity, and receive us graciously. I will heal their backslidings ; I will love them freely; for mine anger is turned away. I will dwell in them, and walk in them ; and I will be their God, and they shall be my people. We desire to be truly humbled, and ashamed that we have sinned against so much grace and love, as well as against so much authority and justice. O may we behold the evil of sin ; that we may earnestly desire to be cleansed as well as pardoned ; that we may strive to escape from the defiling, as well as from the condemning power of sin. We bless thee, that ample provision has been made for this, in the salvation of the gospel ; we rejoice in the declarations of thy word, that the obedience and sacrifice of Christ magnified the law and made it honourable, and that his blood cleanseth from all sin. May it be applied by the Holy Spirit, that we may be purged from dead works, to serve thee the living and true God. Accept our humble and hearty thanks for all thy goodness and care, of which we have been the objects through another day and another week. Dangers have surrounded us, but we have been preserved ; often have we been unmindful of thy presence, but never hast thou been unmindful of our wants. May a becoming sense of our dependence ever constrain us to devote ourselves to thee ; and may that devotedness be rendered entire and cheerful, by a remembrance of thine infinite excellence and boundless love. Thus may we be constrained, by the mercies of God, to present our bodies a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable unto thee. May we be as a kind of first-fruits of the creatures of God ; and shew that we are born again of the incorruptible seed of the word, which liveth and abideth for ever. Watch over us through the dangers of the approaching night; suffer no evil to come nigh our dwelling : may we sleep in peace and comfort, and rise in the morning with our bodies refreshed, and our minds invigorated and prepared for the sacred engagements of the Sabbath. May we be in the Spirit on the Lord’s day, and find it good to wait upon thee. Bless all the means that shall be adopted, to advance the knowledge of the truth as it is in J esus. May the word of the Lord have free course, and be glorified. Especially we pray that thy word, as administered among us, may be very successful; that thy servant our pastor may be greatly encouraged in his work. Awaken the careless ; establish the believer ; and cause all who love thee to be joyful in thy house of prayer. Bless our country and the whole world ; bring all men to the knowledge of salvation by Jesus Christ ; that thy name may be glorified from tne rising to the setting sun. We ask it for Christ’s sake. Amen. 519 THIRTY-NINTH ^untrag iHontutg, Isaiah, Chapter iii. "WEEK B LESSED be the Lord, who daily loadeth us with benefits, even the Cod of our sal- vation. He hath not dealt with us after our sins, nor rewarded us according to our iniquities. For as the heaven is high above the earth, so great is his mercy towards them that fear him. Enable us now to approach thee under a due sense of all thy good- ness; that our souls may be filled with gratitude and love, and that we may render to thee the praises of our lips and the homage of our hearts. We have reason at all times to call upon our souls to bless thee for the continuance of mercies which by rebellion we have forfeited ; but, O what cause for thankfulness have we that another Sabbath dawns upon us, not only setting, us free from the absorbing engagements of the present wo. Id, but giving us an opportunity of attending upon the ordinances of the sanctuary, and affording a pledge of the rest that remaineth for the people of God. Enable us to wait upon thee this day in a manner which shall be well- pleasing to thee, and profitable and delightful to ourselves. Manifest thyself unto us as thou dost not unto the world ; causing us to behold more clearly the glorious excellencies of thy character, and taste of the pleasures which flow from thy right hand ; that with thy servant we may exclaim, How amiable are thy tabernacles, O Lord of hosts ! my soul longeth, yea, even fainteth for the courts of the Lord : my heart and my flesh crieth out for the living God. For a day in thy courts is better than a thousand : I had rather be a door-keeper in the house of my God, than to dwell in the tents of wickedness. Bless to us the word we may hear this day : may we receive it as a message from the Lord ; examine ourselves by it ; and, being mixed with faith, may it nourish us up unto eternal life. Be with thy servant upon whose ministry we attend; enlighten, support, and cheer him amidst his all-important and arduous labours ; and give him many who shall be his joy on earth, and his crown of rejoicing in the day of the Lord. Let him not labour in vain, nor spend his strength for nought ; but may he feel that God is with him ; that the Saviour is giving testimony to the word of his grace; that sinners are converted; that believers are edified ; that God in all things is glorified through Christ Jesus ; that the Redeemer is seeing of the travail of his soul, and is satisfied. Bless all thy faithful servants, and crown with abundant success the efforts they make to advance the glory of God, and the real welfare of man. May the messages which shall this day be delivered, be carried with divine energy to the consciences of those who hear them, that they may be compelled to flee to Jesus as the only refuge for sinners. Incline multitudes to attend the ordinances of thy house, who have hitherto neglected them ; and let the number of Sabbath-breakers and profaners of thy holy name be daily diminished. Instead of the general carelessness we see around us, may there soon be an universal attention to the claims of the gospel. May the unholy prejudices of men be surmounted, until the truth, as it is in Jesus, shall be published and received throughout the whole world. Forgive all our sins; supply our numerous wants; and accept our persons and services, through Jesus Christ our Redeemer. Amen. 550 THIRTY-NINTH ^untiai) Abetting, WEEK. Revelation, Chapter ix. O UR Father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Blessed be the name of the Lord, from this time forth, and for evermore. From the rising of the sun unto the going down of the same, the Lord’s name is to be praised. But while we feel it to be our first duty, and the source of our purest happiness, to engage in thy worship, we desire to be sensible how unworthy we are to approach thee, and how unfit for an engagement so spiritual and holy. The iniquity of our holy things, which cleave th to us, would justify the infliction of everlasting punishment; for we have often presented a vain oblation: we have employed the language and the attitude of devotion, but our heart has been far from thee ; and even at our best moments, how far do we fall short of the humility, spiritu- ality, and purity with which a God of infinite excellence ought to be worshipped. Blessed be thy name for the repeated assurances of thy word, that Jesus the Son of God, by his one offering, atoned for the sins of the whole world ; and, by his continued and prevailing intercession, renders acceptable to Thee the services of all who present them through faith in him. O, for His sake, receive the praises, and hearken to the sup- plications, in which we have united this day. Send us gracious answers of peace : that we may all grow in grace, and in the knowledge of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ ; that the churches of Christ may be increased and multiplied, and that the world at large may speedily be converted to thee. Wherever the good seed of the kingdom has this day been scattered, water it abundantly with thy gracious influences, that a rich harvest of praise to God may everywhere be reaped. Especially we beseech thee to bless that portion of thy church with which we are more intimately connected. May our love to Thee and to one another abound yet more and more. May a spirit of prayer be increased amongst us, until we are prepared to act upon the condescending expostulation of thy word — Ye that make mention of the Lord, keep not silence ; and give him no rest, till he establish, and till he make Jerusalem a praise in the earth. Let thy kingdom come, let thy will be done on earth as it is done in heaven. Let the people praise thee, O God ; let all the people praise thee. O let the nations be glad, and sing for joy; for thou shalt judge the people righteously, and govern the nations upon earth. Let the people praise thee, O God; let all the people praise thee. Then shall the earth yield her increase ; and God, even on 1, '«m God, shall bless us. God shall bless us ; and all the ends of the earth shall fear him. Bless thy servant, our pastor : while he is made a blessing to others, may his own soul prosper and be in health ; may every member of his family walk with God, and enjoy the light of his countenance ; and may the people of his charge be his helpers in Christ. We would also commend to thee all our friends and relations, beseeching thee to bring them all to seek thee with true repentance, and with faith in our Lord Jesus Christ. Sanctify them by thy truth ; thy word is truth : and thus may they be prepared to serve thee on earth, and to dwell with thee in glory. And now into thy hands would we resign ourselves, and all our concerns : guide, and protect, and bless us, while we continue to sojourn here, and at length may we enter upon the everlasting and perfect Sabbath ; for Christ’s sake. Amen. THIRTY-NINTH JHontmg iHmittng WEEK Isaiah, Chapter iv. REAT and glorious God, the former of our bodies, and the Father of our spirits, we bless thee that w'e are permitted and commanded to seek thy face, for thou art not only able to supply all our necessities, but in thee dwells every excellence; and out of the fulness of thy grace and glory, may we receive all that we need to render us truly blessed. May we be more and more sensible of this; that, instead of joining any longer in the vain cry of the world, Who will shew us any good ? our one desire may be, Lord, lift Thou up the light of thy countenance upon us. Too often have we sought our happiness in the creature, while the offers of thy friendship, and the substantial blessings of thy covenant, have been undervalued and neglected. Make us duly sensible of our folly and guilt; enable us to return to thee in the exercise of sincere humility, ardent affection, and entire obedience, that through Jesus Christ, thy dear Son, we may obtain pardon, acceptance, and eternal life. We thank thee for thy kindness towards us through another night; that we have been preserved in safety, that we have enjoyed refreshing sleep, and are permitted to begin another day with prayer and praise, and the study of thy word. Graciously revive, and deepen, and perpetuate, the hallowed impressions of the past Sabbath. Let an unction from the Holy One pervade our minds, throughout every engagement of the day upon which we are entering, that while in the world w r e may not be of the world. May our walk be so close with God, and our converse with heavenly realities and glories be so intimate and constant, as to elevate us above either the smiles or the frowns of the world, and to prepare us to exchange things earthly for those which are eternal, whenever and however thou art pleased to call us : thus may our life be hid with Christ in God, that when He who is our life shall appear, we also may appear with him in glory. Bless every member of this family, and all our connexions: make us the subjects of thy kingdom, and the heirs of thy glory. May the young be under thy special guidance and care : preserve them from the snares that are laid for them in this world of sin : enable them to give their youthful hearts to thee, that through Jesus Christ thou mayest become their Father, their Friend, and their Patron. May the servants of this household be taught to love and serve thee, that all may be prepared to unite in that glorious and perfect service, where the necessary distinctions of the present life shall be unknown, and where all shall be made kings and priests unto God, even our Father, for ever and ever. In prospect of the fellowships of that high and holy state of existence, may we all seek to promote one another’s spiritual interests. May we pray for one another, and may each individual be anxious to contribute to the welfare of the entire domestic circle. May no enemy of God be found in the midst of us. Look in great mercy upon our country. Bless our sovereign, and every member of the royal house. Bless our senators and magistrates : give them wisdom to frame and execute those laws which shall tend to promote the glory of God and the best interests of man; and may all ranks and all nations of mankind be brought under the hallowed influence of the Redeemer’s reign. Now unto the King eternal, immortal, invisible, to the only wise God, be glory and honour, dominion and praise, for ever. Amen. 552 THIRTY-NINTH iHoittiaji c£bntmfl. WEEK. Revelation, Chapter x. ORD, we cry unto thee, give ear unto our voice : let our prayer be set forth before thee as incense, and the lifting up of our hands as the evening sacrifice. We have continual cause for gratitude and praise, for every moment thy mercies are renewed, though we are often unmindful of thy unspeakable goodness. How rich and varied are the blessings of thy providence ; yet of the least of all thy mercies we are altogether unworthy : but the blessings of thy grace are infinite, and freely offered to us through Jesus Christ. O how great has been our guilt and folly in neglecting thee ; we must confess we have deserved thine everlasting displeasure, and it is only because thou art God, abundant in goodness and mercy, that we are not consumed. Teach us by the Spirit to feel our obligations to thee, that we may be constrained to yield ourselves to thee as those w r ho are alive from the dead. We bless thee for the revelation of mercy contained in thy holy word; for the exceed- ing great and precious promises which are confirmed in Christ Jesus: may we receive them with faith, and may our progress in religion correspond in some measure with the peculiar advantages we enjoy. May we abound in all the fruits of holiness, which are by Jesus Christ, to the praise of His grace who hath called us out of darkness into his marvellous light. May the principles we profess be brought forth into more constant exercise, that we may be the epistles of Christ, known and read of all men. Pardon all that thou hast seen in us this day opposed to our professions, or to thy wall concerning us. If we say we have no sin, we deceive ourselves and the truth is not in us ; and yet we are not so sensible of our continued transgressions as we desire to be : we would feel how constantly we need the pardoning and cleansing power of the Saviour’s blood to be applied by the Holy Spirit. We would be found in Him, not having on our own righteousness, which is worthless, but having on the righteousness of Christ, in which alone w r e can stand before thee with acceptance. Grant that the knowledge of his great salvation may be extended throughout the world. Let the darkness of heathenism be dispersed by the light of truth : let all forms of error be exploded, and all men be brought to see the vanity of every system which does not recognize the lost and ruined state of man by nature, and his recovery by the atoning blood of Christ and the renewing influences of the Holy Spirit. Take away the vail which yet remains upon the heart of thine ancient people : may they speedily be gathered in with the fulness of the Gentiles, that there may be one fold under one Shepherd. Awaken thy church to feel her obligations to her redeeming Lord. May she arise, and shine ; may she put on her beautiful garments, and become a praise in the whole earth. May she increasingly feel that she is the light of the world — a city set on a hill, that cannot be hid. Accept our thanksgivings for all the mercies of the day, and mercifully continue thy goodness and care towards us through this night. Grant us refreshing repose, and may we arise in the morning with increased desires to serve and glorify thee. We present these our supplications and thanksgivings through our Lord Jesus Christ ; to whom be glory for ever Amen. THIRTY-NINTH Curstiaj) iHormitg WEEK Isaiah, Chapter v. T HOU art worthy, O Lord, to receive glory, and honour, and power ; for thou hast created all things, and for thy pleasure they are and were created. All thy works praise thee ; may we be taught to bless thee, to delight in thy glorious excellences, and to render that love and praise and obedience, which a becoming remembrance of thee will inspire. Too often have we thought thee such an one as ourselves, and at all times our conceptions have been too grovelling and limited : for who by searching can find out God ? who can find out the Almighty unto perfection ? We bless thee for the condescension and grace by which sinners are encouraged to draw nigh unto thee, that they may have their sins forgiven, their souls renewed, and all their wants supplied : may we be sensible not only of our wants, but of the richness and freeness of divine mercy, that, while deeply humbled, we may also be filled with sacred peace and joy ; knowing that Jesus is the sinner’s friend, that he is able to save to the uttermost all those who come unto God by him, and that blessed are all they that put their trust in him. Make us truly thankful to thee for all the temporal mercies we are daily receiving; may we regard all the necessaries and comforts of life as the gifts of a Father’s hand, secured to us by the obedience and death of Christ, in whom alone we who were enemies to God by wicked works can be treated as his friends and children. And while this con- sideration adds incalculably to the value of every gift, may we be constrained by it to present our bodies a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to thee as our reasonable service. May all our powers be consecrated to thy service ; for as in thee we live, and move, and have our being, so ought thy glory to be the grand end of all our actions. May our rejoicing be this, that in simplicity and godly sincerity, by the grace of God, ,we have our conversation among men ; so that when we draw near the close of our earthly pilgrimage, we may look back upon the way in which thou hast led us, with holy gratitude and triumph, saying, I have fought a good fight, I have finished my course, I have kept the faith ; henceforth there is laid up for me a crown of glory, which the Lord the righteous Judge will give me me in that day. Thanks be unto God which giveth us the victory, through our Lord Jesus Christ. We bless thee for the mercies of another night, and for the comforts by which we are surrounded this morning : thy mercies, O Lord, are new every morning, and fresh every moment ; great is thy faithfulness. O that we were but as faithful to thy service, as thou art kind and gracious to us, who are less than the least of thy mercies ! Give us grace to love thee more fervently, and to serve thee with more constancy and zeal. Throughout this day may thy hand be upon us for good ; in every movement may thy providential guidance be sought ; may our grand aim be to approve ourselves to thee, and to promote thy glory, that others may be brought to know and love thee. Bless all who are dear to us : supply all their wants ; make them partakers of thy grace, and fit them for thy heavenly kingdom. These mercies, with all other blessings that we need, we ask in the all-prevailing name of our Lord Jesus Christ, to whom be glory in the church, throughout all ages, world without end. Amen. 554 \ THIRTY- NINTH Cuesftag <£benftts> Revelation, Chapter xi. week. H AVE mercy upon us, O God, according to thy loving-kindness : according unto the multitude of thy tender mercies, blot out our transgressions. We confess that they are both numerous and aggravated : we have committed iniquity, we have done wickedly, and thy justice would have been magnified in our destruction. But, blessed be thy name, there is forgiveness with thee, that thou mayest be feared. Although we have committed two evils, by forsaking thee the fountain of living waters, and by hewing out unto ourselves cisterns, broken cisterns, that can hold no water ; still we are invited to return to thee, that we may receive pardon, and find that happiness which all created objects cannot afford. May this amazing display of condescension and love win our affections, soften our hearts, and constrain us to yield ourselves to thee without reserve, that thy will may guide us, and thy Spirit sanctify our natures, that we may be employed as instruments in advancing thy glory, and become daily more meet to be partakers of the inheritance of the saints in light. Spared by thy goodness through the dangers of another day, we unite in ascriptions of praise and thanksgiving around the domestic altar, for thou only makest us to dwell in safety. We would be deeply humbled to think how cold has been our love to thee, how insensible we have often been to thy presence and care, and how unprofitable has been our whole course. Adored be thy forbearing goodness, that we have not been cut down as cumberers of the ground, that our religious privileges have not been taken away, or that thou hast not sworn in thy wrath, My Spirit shall no more strive with them. May we now be enabled to renew the penitential and entire dedication of ourselves to thee, that every power and faculty we possess may be used for thee, and that we may no longer live to ourselves, but unto Him that loved us, and gave himself for us. May the discovery of thy love in Christ Jesus lead us to consecrate ourselves with an unreserved mind to his honour. May we feel that we are not our own, but bought with a price ; and may we glorify God in our bodies and spirits, which are his. Be pleased in mercy to continue thy watchful care over us through the approaching night ; may we lie down in peace, and may our sleep be sweet unto us. If there are wakeful hours of darkness, may we commune with our own hearts and with thee, and receive both instruction and happiness. If we are permitted to arise in the morning, may it be to devote whatever health and strength we may possess to thee : if we should close our eyes in death, may the morning of eternity open upon us with the glory and felicity which shall be the everlasting portion of those who have fled to the Redeemer for pardon and purity. O that all who are dear to us by the ties of nature or friendship may walk as children of the light and of the day, that we may all meet where our sun shall no more go down, where our moon shall not withdraw itself, and where the Lord shall be our everlasting light, and the days of our mourning shall be ended. We humbly beg these mercies, and look for this blessedness, through Jesus Christ our Lord;. to whom, with the Father and the Holy Spirit, be ascribed all blessing and praise, both now and for ever. Amen. 55.1 4 A 2 TIIIRTY-NINTH OTetmnftaE iHornutg WEEK. Isaiah, Chapter vi. W E thank thee, O God, that through another night thou hast watched over us, pre- served us from evil, and granted us refreshing rest. Thy mercies are new every morning, and fresh every moment: great is thy faithfulness. We desire to recognize thy hand in our social comforts ; for upon thee do we depend for all that we are, and all that we enjoy. Continue thy undeserved goodness towards us : preserve us from the dangers of the day upon which we are entering, and supply all our returning wants. But we feel that we need richer blessings than these ; that the wants of the soul are infinitely more important than those of the body : we bless thee, therefore, for the ample provision thou hast made for the supply of our spiritual necessities, by giving thy dear Son to become our Surety, our Intercessor, and our Sovereign. Teach us to feel more deeply our degraded, polluted, and ruined state by nature, that we may receive with more exalted joy, and more entire renunciation of ourselves, the pardon and sanctification which thy gospel offers : that we may no longer go about to establish our own righteousness, being ignorant of the righteousness of God ; but, submit- ing ourselves to the grace of Christ, may He be made unto us wisdom, and righteousness, and sanctification, and redemption. O may thy Holy Spirit dwell in us as his temples. If there be any sin allowed, if there be any corruption lurking in the heart, which would grieve him, and cause him to depart from us, enable us to search it out, to subdue or expel it. May we live in the Spirit, and walk in the Spirit, that our increasing confor- mity to the Divine likeness may justify us in adopting the words of the apostle, Truly our fellowship is with the Father, and with his Son Jesus Christ. Carry on thy work -with power within us, till we stand complete in Christ; clothed with all the graces of the Spirit, and made meet to be partakers of the inheritance of the saints in light. Bless all the disciples of our Lord Jesus Christ : may grace, mercy, and peace be granted to them. Remove the mutual jealousies by which they are separated one from another, and teach us all to preserve the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace. May there be more zeal for Christ , and less for party distinctions; more for vital godliness, and less for external forms. Take away every thing that would prevent the perfect harmony for which our Saviour prayed, That they all may be one, as thou, Father, art in me, and I in thee; that they also may be one in us, that the world may believe that thou didst send me, and that thou hast loved them as thou hast loved me. Bless our native land : long may we enjoy peace and prosperity; especially may our religious privileges be perpetuated : and pour out upon the community at large, the abun- dant influences of thy Spirit, that they may improve the day of their visitation, and become exalted by the possession of true piety. And let all the nations of the earth soon enjoy the same advantages that we possess. Overturn all forms of superstition, idolatry, infi- delity, and irreligion : let the mountain of the Lord’s house be established upon the top of the mountains, and let all people and languages flow unto it. Make thy name to be remembered in all generations : so shall the people praise thee for ever and ever. May the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the communion of the Holy Spirit be with us all evermore. Amen. 55G THIRTY-NINTH OTetmoStiag (fifbmmg. WK EK. Revelation, Chapter xii. W E bless thy name, O most High, for the encouragements thou hast given us, to draw nigh to thee as the hearer and answerer of prayer ; especially for the revelation thy word contains of thy grace in Christ Jesus, who ever liveth to make intercession for us. Seeing that we have a great High-priest, that is passed into the heavens, Jesus the Son of God; that we have not an high-priest who cannot be touched with the feeling of our infir- mities, but was in all points tempted like as we are, yet without sin ; may we come boldly unto the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy, and find grace to help in time of need. May our faith and hope correspond to the freeness and faithfulness of thy promises ; that we may appropriate to ourselves the blessings which flow to repenting sinners through Jesus Christ, and be filled with joy and peace in believing. We confess that our sins are multiplied and aggravated beyond our conception ; for who can understand his errors ? We cannot measure the extent of thy holy law, nor behold in all its deformity the iniquity that cleaveth to us. Our hearts would entirely fail us, we should altogether despair of pardon and purification, but that thou hast laid help on One who is mighty to save. Thou hast exalted the Redeemer, to have mercy : his blood cleanseth from all sin. This is the foundation of our hope. Guilty, weak, and ruined, we come to Him , whom in infinite wisdom and love thou hast appointed to be our deliverer : we plead the merit of his death : we plead thine own word, that with Him thou art ever well pleased ; and that whosoever cometh unto thee through him, thou wilt in no wise cast out. O heal all our backslidings, receive us graciously, and love us freely. Adopt us into thy family, and regard and bless us as thy children. Make us more and more sensible of our obligations to divine grace, that holy gratitude may continually urge the inquiry, What shall I render to the Lord for all his benefits towards me ? May we consider that we are not our own, that we are bought with a price, and that we ought to glorify thee in our bodies and in our spirits which are thine. We would be ashamed of our past ingratitude and rebellion; henceforth may we he entirely thine, and may love to God be the ruling principle of our lives. Employ us as instruments in advancing thy glory in the world: may we ever remember that this is the great end of our creation, and that no higher dignity can be conferred upon us, than to be made workers together with God. Bless all those who are seeking to extend the knowledge of thy glory, whatever may be the character of their labours, or the sphere of their opera- tions. May the careless be awakened to serious inquiry; cause the terrors of thy holy law to drive men, or the manifestations of thy love to allure them, from their sins ; may they be compelled by the judgments, or constrained by the mercies, of God, to present their bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is their reasonable service. Regard especially every member of this family: may we all be the children of God through faith in Christ Jesus. As obedient children, not fashioning ourselves according to our former lusts, in our ignorance; but as He who hath called us is holy, so may we be holy, in all manner of conversation. Gracious God, hear us in these our supplications, pardon all our sins ; and grant us thy continual blessing, for the sake of our Lord Jesus Christ, to whom be ascribed all honour and glory, world without end. Amen. THIRTY-NINTH tEJurgtmg iHontmo;. WEEK Isaiah, Chapter vii. NTO thee, O Lord, do we lift up our voice : graciously hearken to our cry, and let thine ears be attentive to the voice of our supplications. If thou, Lord, shouldst mark iniquities, O Lord, who should stand ? But there is forgiveness with thee, that thou mayst be feared. We rejoice therefore to acknowledge our sins before God ; to humble ourselves on account of our transgressions ; to seek pardon and acceptance through our exalted Mediator. His righteousness is our only plea ; for thy law, which is holy, just, and good, condemns us. We have done that which it forbids, and neglected that which it enjoins. But we bless thee that a Surety has been provided ; that in the fulness of time he appeared, to satisfy the utmost demands of thy law ; that he finished the work which was given him to do : so that now there is no condemnation to them that are in Christ Jesus, who walk not after the flesh, but after the spirit. Too long have we lived after the flesh, following our own corrupt desires, and walking in the way of the multitude to do evil : but we would return unto thee from whom we have departed, surrendering ourselves without reserve, anxious henceforth to be governed as the subjects of thy kingdom and the children of thy family. Enlighten our minds, O thou blessed Spirit, that we may behold more clearly the glory of God as it shines in the face of Jesus Christ, and that our knowledge of God may become more sanctifying and ennobling in its influence. May we be changed into the same image, from glory to glory. Herein may our love be made perfect, that we may have boldness in the day of judgment; because as he is, so are we in this world: and thus may we know that he abideth in us, by the Spirit which he hath given us. We present our thanksgivings unto thee, O heavenly Father, for all the mercies thou art continually bestowing upon us. We thank thee for food and raiment, for health and strength, and for all the comforts which render our nights peaceful, and our days pleasant. May we never forget that these all have been forfeited by sin : may all be received with humble gratitude, and diligently improved in thy service. But while we thank thee for these gifts of thy providence, we especially bless thee for the inestimable mercies which relate to the soul and to another world ; that we can hope for pardon — for thy favour — for complete deliverance from the power as well as from the punishment of sin : for thy word teaches us that as we have borne the image of the earthly, so shall we also bear the image of the heavenly ; that when He who is our life shall appear, we also shall appear with him in glory. May this divine hope raise us above the improper influence of the world ; may we never fear it, while greater is He that is for us than all that can be in the world ; may we never love it, while we possess the friendship of God, and a title to an inheritance incorruptible, undefiled, and that fadeth not away. Having this hope in us, may we purify ourselves even as He is pure ; and by the influence of the promises may we be made partakers of a divine nature, having escaped the corruption that is in the world through lust. Graciously preserve us through the day upon which we have entered : lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil : for thine is the kingdom, the power, and the glory, for ever and ever. Amen. 5G8 THIRTY-NINTII Cfiut^HaK tiftmiing. WEEK Revelation, Chapter xiii. LMIGHTY God, the Creator and Preserver of heaven and earth, thou art worthy to receive the love and worship of all intelligent creatures, for thou possessest in thyself every perfection, and art ever ready to communicate blessedness to those who seek thee. We have reason to be deeply humbled when we remember how ungrateful and rebellious our past conduct has been. We have forsaken thee, disregarded thy will, and aimed at pleasing ourselves rather than glorifying thee ; the charge might well be brought against each of us, Thou hast not humbled thine heart, but hast lifted up thyself against the Lord of heaven ; and the God in whose hand thy breath is, and whose are all thy ways, hast thou not glorified. O Lord, make us truly ashamed before thee on account of our guilt. May we see the grace and glory of Him whom we have slighted and dishonoured, and the awful deformity of sin, in which we have sought to find pleasure, that we may abhor ourselves, and repent in dust and ashes. Leave us not to reap the consequences of our folly and guilt ; heal all our backslidings : create in us a clean heart, and renew a right spirit within us. Cherish within us that holy love to thee which shall influence all our future conduct, that thy will may be our guide, and thy glory the grand end of our lives : that while we live, we may live unto the Lord ; and when we die, we may die unto the Lord; so that whe- ther we live or die, we may be the Lord’s. By thy mercy are we spared to surround the family altar at the close of another day ; we would therefore call upon our souls to thank and praise thee for all thy goodness and care. Enable us to view thy hand in all the gifts of thy providence, and may we be pre- pared to bear adversity or affliction by enjoying prosperity or comfort aright, regarding all events as the arrangements of infinite wisdom and never-failing goodness. May we weep as though we wept not, and rejoice as though we rejoiced not, knowing that the time is short, that eternity is near, and that all is well if Christ be our Saviour, God our Father and Friend, and Heaven our everlasting portion. Enable us to grow in meetness for heaven, as rapidly as we are travelling towards it, that we may not have to regret the flight of time, but rather to rejoice, knowing that our redemption draweth nigh. Hear us when we pray for our relations and friends : may those who have received Christ Jesus the Lord, walk in him, rooted and built up, and established in the truth. But we fear some are yet in darkness, strangers to God, and the power of his grace. O Lord, reveal thy power, and bring them back to thee, with repentance, faith, and true devotedness, that they may be thine, the subjects of thy spiritual kingdom, and the heirs of heaveidy glory. Bless, we beseech thee, our neighbours and fellow-countrymen; bring them all to the knowledge of the truth as it is in Jesus ; guide and sanctify them by thy good Spirit, and lead them in the way everlasting. Send out thy fight and truth to the utmost regions of the earth ; let all the nations exchange the bondage of Satan for the liberty of Christ, that his kingdom may become universal, and peace, love, and true religion reno- vate and bless the world. Into thy hands would we now commit ourselves ; guard us from all evil ; fit us for life, and prepare us for death ; and at last receive us to thyself, for the Redeemer’s sake. Amen. THIRTY-NINTH Jrttiaj) iHontmcj WEEK. Isaiait, Chapter viii. O UR Father and our God, thou art the hope and confidence of all who trust in thee ; teach us by thy Holy Spirit to look up to thee with confidence, as able and willing to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think. We would be thankful for the repose of the past night, for the light of this morning, and for all the comforts of our earthly lot. We bless thee for reason, for accountableness, for health, for friends, for smiling providences, and for all the favourable circumstances attendant upon the past part of our pilgrimage through this dying world. O impress our minds with a sense of thy great goodness, and let the gratitude of our hearts be seen in the consecration of our lives to the honour and service of our God and Saviour. Forbid that we should forget the bountiful Giver of our mercies, while surrounded by the tokens of his manifold care. May we raise our thoughts from the streams to the fountain ; and seek that happiness in thyself, w hich none of thy creatures can yield. May the great salvation revealed in the gospel, in all its rich provisions, be the theme of our contemplation, the object of our choice, and the ground of our hope. Inspire us with genuine faith. May we set to our seal that God is true. May we confide in Him who laid down his life a ransom for us, and rejoice that we are invited to believe in him as the resurrection and the life, and to come unto him that we may have life through his name. Believing in Christ, may we rejoice with joy unspeakable and full of glory. May we take thy promises as our heritage for ever, yea, may they prove the joy and rejoicing of our hearts ; that, amidst the trials and sorrows of this present life, we may possess our souls in patience, and look forward in glorious hope to the day of eternal redemp- tion ! We would exult in the thought, that the hour is at hand when all that are in their graves shall hear the voice of the Son of God, and when all his humble followers shall be acknowledged by him at his coming, and shall be admitted to his presence, where he is, to behold his glory, and to sing his praise. Let these glorious prospects support and animate us while we remain in this world; that, as here we have no con- tinuing city, we may cherish the spirit, cultivate the habits, and exhibit the character, of strangers and pilgrims upon earth. Amidst the trials and conflicts of this vale of tears, may we habitually feel the influence of the joys to come, and reckon that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory that shall hereafter be revealed. May things unseen and eternal exert their mighty energy in our characters, and may we press forward towards the mark of the prize of our high calling in Christ Jesus. We lament our sloth and negligence in the pursuit of spiritual objects. Lord, quicken our diligence in the Christian life, and enable us to prosecute with greater vigour and earnestness the things which belong to our peace. May we this day act under the influence of high and holy principles. While in the world, may we feel and act as not of it. To thy gracious care and promised grace we commend ourselves, and all whom we ought to remember before thee. Let grace, mercy, and peace from God our Father, and the Lord Jesus Christ, be multiplied abundantly to us and them. Mercifully hear us in these our feeble prayers, and accept of us, for the Redeemer’s sake ; to whom, with the Father and the Holy Spirit, be glory for ever. Amen. 500 THIRTY-NINTH .frtttajj eimnncj; w i:uk. Revelation, Chapter xiv. 0 LORD, thou art very great ; thou clothest thyself with light as with a garment ; thou art God alone. We worship thee as infinite, eternal, and unchangeable ; we would seek to render unto thee the glory due unto thy name. O fill our minds with lofty conceptions of thine essential and uncreated excellence. Thou art from everlasting to everlasting ; thou didst exist alone ere any of thy creatures had a being ; thou art the fountain of all bliss, and of all purity. We would be awed at the thought of thy bound- less majesty ; we would be humbled in the dust, while we reflect on thy spotless holiness. We are fallen and polluted creatures in thy sight; thou didst make man in thine image, but he has sought out many sinful inventions. The crown of glory has fallen from our brow, and we are utterly lost and degenerate in thy sight. We have destroyed ourselves; but in thee, O Lord, is our help found. We would ever adore and bless thy name, O thou God of all grace, for the wonderful expression of thy love in the gift of thy dear Son. When there was no eye to pity, and no arm to save, thou didst look upon us in tender compassion, and thou didst then send us help from thy throne. We rejoice in the incarnation and death, the resurrection and glory, of him who is the Lord our righteousness. Thou hast set forth him as the propitia- tion for our sins. Enable us to see his glory and his grace, and to believe in his precious and all-prevailing name. Unite us by faith to his blessed person, that we may be one with him, that our life may be hid with Christ in God ; and that when he who is our life shall appear, we may also appear with him in glory. Awaken, us, O God, by thy grace to a lively sense of our privileges, both spiritual and temporal. We live by thy mercy ; we are enriched by thy bounty. Make us sensible of all the gracious acts of thy benignity vouchsafed to us this day. We thank thee that our forfeited lives are still spared. Help us to devote all we have and are to thee, by a fresh act of believing surrender to thee, our Creator and Redeemer. Impart to us a sense of interest in thy forgiving mercy. Seal upon our spirits the blessed fulness of adoption into thy family. Impart to us the disposition of children. May we be entirely resigned to all thy disposals, and say, under all thine arrangements, — the will of the Lord be done. Give to every member of this family a large portion of the Spirit of grace and sup- plication. May we know what it is to walk with God. Suffer none of us either to rest in the forms of piety, or to neglect them. May we wait on God, may we seek his face, and may we enjoy his blessing. May we not only aspire to the possession of piety, but become eminent in its exercise, that we may be a family whom thou wilt deign to honour and bless. Into thy hands we commend our bodies and our souls this night. Watch over us for good ; preserve us from all evil. May we repose in safety and peace under the shadow of thy wings. May all dear to us be embraced in the arms of thy mercy ; and if spared to see the opening morning, may our hearts be full of grateful emotion for all the rich blessings of thy love. Our prayers are before thee, O God of our salvation ; do thou hear and answer us, for the sake of the Great High Priest of our profession ; and to the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost, be glory everlasting. Amen. 561 4 13 THIRTY-NINTH ^aturtrag Morning Isaiah, Chapter ix. WEEK. 0 LORD God, teach us to pray. It ought to be enough to secure the most fervent expression of our desires, to know that thou art willing to bow down thine ear and listen to our petitions. But we confess that sin disqualifies us for thy service, and without thy gracious influence we are unable to call upon thy name. Mercifully help us. Our hearts are open to the impressions of thy grace ; soften them, we beseech thee, and dispose them for holy communion with thee. Let us enjoy a sense of thy love ; of that love which thou hast manifested in the gift of thy dear Son. Vouchsafe unto us a tran- quillizing assurance of interest in his mediatorial work. May we find rest in him. May we experience the blessedness of the man to whom the Lord will not impute sin ; of him who is freed from sin, and, being made the servant of God, has his fruit unto holiness, and his end everlasting life. We owe it to thy sovereign grace that we are permitted to draw near to thee, and that we desire the enjoyment of thy presence. We rejoice to know that thou wilt fulfil the desires of them that fear thee. Help us to pour them forth at thy footstool. Give us enlargedness of heart, filial confidence, and holy boldness. Keep our eye fixed upon the Lamb of God, upon that one offering which perfects for ever them that are sanctified. Raise our affections above earth. May we have the delightful consciousness that our treasure is in heaven. Let our thoughts ascend to the joys of thy right hand. Let celestial prospects awaken our sympathies, and animate our spirits. May we sit down with Christ in the heavenly places ; and let the thought refresh us, that when Christ who is our life shall appear, then shall we also appear with him in glory. May we desire to be clothed with his perfections, and exhibit the beauties of his image. May we be for ever with the Lord. We pray for hearts set free from worldly care. 1 May we live far less to ourselves, and far more to Christ. Enable us to derive our greatest happiness from the exercises and delights of true piety, from communion with God, from the fellowships of the good ; from daily meditations on the approaching realities and glories of eternity. Teach us to exhibit a holy superiority to the world, to walk circumspectly, not as fools, but as wise, redeeming the time because the days are evil. O enable us to give all diligence to make our calling and our election sure. May we watch and pray, that we enter not into temptation ; may we fight the good fight of faith, and lay hold on eternal life. We are now about to enter upon the duties of another day. Suffer us not to walk unworthily of our high vocation. May we not forget our relationship to thee, nor the claims which thou hast upon our hearts and lives. While we are in the world, may we endeavour to do good, to further thy cause, and, by all scriptural means, to promote the interests of truth and piety. Look down in tenderness upon the afflicted, and comfort them ; upon the bereaved, and sustain them ; upon the dying, and give them peace. Bless thy ministers at home, and missionaries abroad, and let thy kingdom come through Jesus Christ ; to whom be glory for ever. Amen. 602 THIRTY-NINTH ^aturtrag <£bmtna Revelation, Chapter xv. WEEK. 0 THOU that sittest in the heavens, thy greatness is unsearchable, and thy mercy infinite. We praise thee for putting thy fear into our hearts, and for disposing us to call upon thy name. May thy good Spirit enable us to pray, and O do thou grant us, through Jesus Christ, access into thy presence. We adore thee that thou hast not per- mitted us to remain in the darkness and alienation of our fallen state ; but in the riches of thy sovereign grace hast communicated to us the knowledge of thy character, and inspired us with hope in thy mercy. While all people walk every one in the name of his god, we will walk in the name of the Lord our God for ever and ever. We are ashamed that thy name should exert so little influence over us, — that it should operate so feebly upon our affections, our temper, our habits, and our life. O that we may cherish an habitual recollection of its sweetness and purity — its greatness and saving strength. May we meditate upon its perfections, as they are disclosed in the person and work of thy dear Son ; and connecting it with thy covenant, thy promises, and laws, may we obtain rich consolation, and abound in holiness. We desire larger measures of divine knowledge, and more comprehensive views of thy character, that we may repose with unshaken confidence upon thy merciful regards ; for they that know thy name will put their trust in thee. Vouchsafe unto us thy Holy Spirit, to instruct us in thy grace, and to reveal thy love; that, growing in holy acquaintance with thy covenant, character, and fatherly relation, we may banish our fears, and pursue our course with alacrity and joy. May our communion with Heaven be more steadfast and frequent, and may its influence upon our hearts be more powerful in subduing corruption, and upon our lives in promoting devotedness to thy service. Regard us in tiie relations in which we stand to each other, to thy church, and to the world. May thy grace sanctify, uphold, and direct us : may thy peace rule in our hearts : may our duty be our pleasure, and thy will our delight : may we set thee always before us, and walk in thy fear : may we cheerfully co-operate with thy people in the advancement of thy cause, and finally enter into thine everlasting kingdom. Let every day witness to our devotion to thy cause. May we be wholly thine. May the other lords who have had dominion over us relinquish their usurped claim, and may He rule over us whose right it is. Suffer no enemy of our Saviour to lurk in our bosoms ; may we count all things but loss, that we may win Christ, and be found in him ; give us fortitude and decision sufficient, that we may forsake all, and follow the Lamb whither- soever he goeth. Bless, we beseech thee, thy ministering servants of every class and denomination , and may thy word, which they shall publish on the coming day, be accompanied with divine power, that it may fulfil the gracious designs of thy love and mercy. Hear us in these our humble supplications, and accept our thank-offerings, seeing we prefer them in the name of Jesus Christ, our only Mediator and Advocate; to whom, with the Father and the Holy Ghost, be ascribed all honour, and power, and glory, now and for ever- more. Amen. 503 4 B 2 FORTIETH Morning. WEEK. Isaiah, Chapter x. NTO thee do we lift up our eyes, O thou that dwellest; in the heavens. We look up to thee with the assurance that thine eyes and thine heart are directed towards us ; for never hast thou said unto the seed of Jacob, Seek ye my face in vain. Lift on us at this time the light of thy countenance, and grant us thy salvation. O let us not come to thy throne without sincerely desiring thy blessing. May we remember that a sense of thy presence and favour is that which constitutes heaven. There thy saints see thee as thou art ; they can stand in the full light of thy presence, and lose themselves in the contemplation of thy glory. How then can we expect to be happy on earth, without the enjoyment of that which alone makes heaven desirable ! Whom have we in heaven but thee ! and there is none upon the earth, that we desire in comparison with thee. Hast thou not promised to manifest thyself unto us as thou dost not unto the world? We beseech thee, shew us thy glory; cause it to pass before us; proclaim thy good- ness to us ; and as we think of thy wisdom and power, thy faithfulness and grace, may the persuasion that this God is our God for ever and ever, captivate our hearts, and fill us with holy delight. Enable us clearly to perceive hoiv it is that salvation comes to us through the cross of Christ; and, beholding the amazing manner in which he hath provided for our redemption, may we love him, rejoice in him, and devote ourselves to him. Oh, if at this moment we were duly sensible of our dreadful demerits as sinners, and yet saw no way of forgiveness, — if we were now standing before thee in our sins, with nothing but guilt behind us, and hell before us, and the fearful clouds of thy displeasure suspended over us, and yet saw no deliverer near, — how intolerable would our anguish be ! Shall we not then rejoice in thy Son “whom thou hast raised from the dead, even Jesus, who hath delivered us from the wrath to come !” Enable us to joy in God, through our Lord Jesus Christ, by whom we have now received the atonement. May we prove that we belong to the true circumcision, by worshipping God in the Spirit, rejoicing in Christ Jesus, and having no confidence in the flesh. We would feel that there is no salvation in any other, — that there is no name given under heaven among men, whereby we must be saved, but that of Christ. May that name be precious to us this day in thy sanctuary, as it is to all them that believe. Let it be to each of us as ointment poured forth. Let it banish all our guilty fears, and animate us with a hope full of immortality. And may the joy of the Lord be our strength. May we cultivate it as a Christian characteristic, duty, and privilege. Let it excite us to holy activity in every good work, as well as in the immediate acts of devotion. May it prepare us to attend on the ordi- nary duties of our station with cheerfulness and alacrity, to escape the snares of prospe- rity, and to rise superior to the pressure of adversity. May it fortify our souls against temptation, and enable us to withstand the manifest attacks of our spiritual enemies. Especially may it assist us to recommend religion to those around us, and enable us to meet the king of terrors with composure and joy. Then, through the grace given to us in Christ Jesus, may we enter into the joy of our Lord, to go no more out for ever. Amen. 5 04 FORTIETH Jmntjag <£tmung. Revelation, Chapter xvi. WEEK 0 THOU who art worthy of all blessing and honour, open thou our lips, and our mouth shall shew forth thy praise. May we be actuated, at this and at all times, by a spirit of gratitude and praise. Thou hast commanded us in every thing to give thanks, declaring that this is thy will in Christ Jesus concerning us, and that whoso offereth praise glorifieth thee. May we think of thy past loving-kindness, and rejoice. We were pursuing a course of our own choosing, but thou didst mercifully interfere ; and we can now perceive, that if thou hadst not, our own way would have inevitably led to destruction. Thou didst choose our inheritance for us, and, after leading us by a way that we knew not, didst determine the bounds of our habitation. Thou hast given us friends, and formed connexions for us which have yielded us many a solace, and rendered events which we had dreaded the means of our lasting benefit. When we think of our sins, we might well be filled with anguish, and be covered with confusion of face. But the effects even of these thou hast mercifully counteracted. Unto Him that hath loved us, and washed us from our sins in his own blood, and hath made us kings and priests unto God and his Father, to him be glory and dominion for ever and ever. And when we think of our trials — of the way in which thou hast mitigated their severity, or given us strength to bear them — of the use which thou art making of them now to promote our holiness, and of the addition which they are to make to our glory hereafter — we will sing of judgment as well as of mercy ; unto thee, O Lord, will we sing. May we survey our present state, and be grateful. Thou didst preserve us in life until we became the subjects of thy renewing grace, or we should certainly have fallen a prey to the evils to which we were exposed, and have perished in our sins. Thou didst arrange the providential circumstances by which we were brought under the saving influ- ence of the truth. And all the means by which our characters have since been improved, by which holy purposes and desires have been kept alive in our hearts, by which we have been kept from wandering into forbidden paths, or reclaimed when we have so wandered, have been of thy providing ; and now thou art guiding us by thy counsel, blessing us in thine ordinances, meeting us at thy throne, training us by a peculiar discipline suited to our respective characters, and crowning us with thy loving-kindness and tender mercies. Bless the Lord, O our souls ; and all that is within us, bless his holy name. And how can we sufficiently bless thee for the prospect of heaven, and the hope of glory ! Even when that hope is at its lowest point, we would not relinquish it for all that earth contains ; but often may it rise, and carry us with it to the very gate of heaven. May it purify us even as thou art pure, and prepare us for the happy moment when it shall be changed into perfect fruition. To this end may we be daily conversant with Christ, contemplating his character, and admiring his work, imitating his example, pleading his merits, and imploring the sanctifying influence of his Holy Spirit. And grant, O God, that we may never cease to bless thee on earth, till the moment in which we begin to sing, in the ranks of the redeemed above. Blessing, and honour, and glory, and power, be unto Him that sitteth upon the throne, and unto the Lamb, for ever and ever. Amen. 505 FORTIETH iHoit&ai) Jltommg, Isaiah, Chapter xi. week. 0 GOD, the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of glory; thou givest, grace aud glory, and no good thing wilt thou withhold from them that walk uprightly. Thou hast graciously determined to make numbers of those who were heirs of wrath, heirs of glory. Multitudes of our guilty race, pardoned through Christ, and prepared by his Spirit, have already arrived in thy kingdom, and taken possession of the promised inheritance. They have fought a good fight, they have finished their course, and have kept the faith. They have escaped out of great tribulation, and have washed their robes, and made them white in the blood of the Lamb : therefore are they before the throne of God, and serve him day and night in his temple, and He that sitteth on the throne shall dwell among them. They shall hunger no more, neither thirst any more, neither shall the sun light on them, nor any heat. For the Lamb who is in the midst of the throne shall feed them, and shall lead them unto living fountains of waters ; and God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes. We bless thee, O God, for the faith which sustained, and the hope which cheered them ; and now we rejoice in their exaltation. We glorify God in them. O make us followers of them who, through faith and patience, are now inheriting the promises. But in addition to those who have already arrived in thy courts above, thou art now conducting many unto glory. Some of them have reached the valley of the shadow of death, and are just encountering the last enemy. O Thou, who hast thyself tasted death for every man, sustain them in their last conflict. Bring glory to their final hour, and let their final hour bring glory to their God. And, O God, let thy richest blessings come down and rest upon us, whose hour is not yet come. We are still travellers in the wilderness : let thy guiding presence go with us, and daily may we watch and follow its movements. As strangers and pilgrims, may we abstain from all those fleshly lusts which war against the soul ; may all our tempta- tions tend only to exercise and strengthen our holy principles, and all our conflicts end in victory. We are still in the body; but 0 5 in spirit may we be often with the Lord. We are still waiting or acting in thy service ; may we walk worthy of our vocation. Daily may we gird up the loins of our mind, be watchful, and hope unto the end for the grace that is to be brought unto us at the coming of Christ. As the eyes of servants look unto the hands of their masters, and as the eyes of a maiden unto the hand of her mistress ; so may our eyes wait upon the Lord our God, until that he have mercy upon us. And grant, O Lord, that when the hour of our departure shall arrive, we may fall asleep in Jesus, and calmly and joyfully take possession of the eternal prize; that death may be to us a destroyed enemy, and that, absent from the body, we may be present with the Lord. May our dying experience exhibit to others the sufficiency of religion in the trying hour. May we be able to leave behind us a testimony to the excellence, the precious- ness of Christ ; and then, O most merciful God, through thine infinite grace, may an entrance be ministered unto us abundantly into the everlasting kingdom of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, Amen. 566 FORTIETH JHontiaK <£bemng. WEEK Revelation, Chapter xvii. O THOU who art the great object of prayer, teach us, we humbly entreat thee, how to pray. Let a sense of our personal guilt and unworthiness induce us to draw near unto thee, through Him alone who is the way, the truth, and the life. And let a conviction of our spiritual impotence induce us to look for the promised aid of the Holy Spirit. Let us not approach thy throne in the spirit of despondency or formality. Suffer us not to mock thee with solemn words upon a thoughtless tongue ; let us not look to thee in the spirit of bondage, but in the spirit of adoption. May we pray in faith and in sincerity. May we be awed by a sense of thy holiness and justice, and encouraged by the revelation of thy mercy and grace. We rejoice to know that thou hearest prayer, and that all flesh may draw near unto thee. Thou art more ready to listen to our supplica- tions than we are to present them at thy mercy-seat. O help us to avail ourselves with freedom and confidence of this exalted privilege, and to worship thee in the beauty of holiness. When tempted to despair on account of the aggravation of our guilt, may we be cheered by our Lord’s assurances, that his blood cleanseth from all sin, and that he will cast out none that come to him. May we remember that he has pardoned some of the chief of sinners, and has left their names on record in his word; and that he hath done this, to shew forth all long-suffering, for a pattern to them who should hereafter believe in him to life everlasting. Encouraged by his conduct, and character, and pro- mises, may we hasten afresh to the foot of the Cross ; and while beholding the Lamb of God who taketh away the sin of the world, may the burden of our guilt be removed, and our joy in Christ be greatly increased. If tempted to presume on his grace, and to indulge in sin, may a glance at the Cross be sufficient to check us. Let the thought that if we have redemption, we have it through his blood, operate, with the force of a thousand arguments, to hold us back from pre- sumptuous sins. Or, should we be tempted to rely on our past experience, to the neglect of present duty, may the solemn truth, that without holiness no man can see the Lord, shew us the necessity of constant diligence ; and may the Holy Spirit enable us to maintain that diligence unto the end. May we regard obedience as the activity and exercise of the renewed soul, and find that in keeping thy commandments there is great reward. May we esteem holiness as the beauty of the soul, and labour to adorn the doctrine of God our Saviour in all things. May we pant after conformity to thy will as essential to our happiness, and daily enjoy the delicious satisfaction which attends the consciousness of pleasing thee, of successfully resisting sin, making advances in holiness, and enjoying thy gracious smiles. Nor let us enjoy this happiness alone. We desire to see others, and especially those belonging to us, tasting and seeing that thou art gracious. May this desire grow on us, and shew itself in a tender and earnest concern for their spiritual welfare. And O hasten the promised day, when, through the instrumentality of thy church, the world shall have become obedient to the faith. Let these our supplications find acceptance in thy sight, through Jesus Christ. Amen. 567 FORTIETH Cuestoag iBnnnng, WEEK Isaiah, Chapter xii. xiii. T HY name, O Lord, endureth for ever, and thy memorial, O Lord, throughout all generations. Blessed is every one that feareth thee, that walketh in thy ways. In the exercise of that holy filial fear, we would now lift up our eyes unto the hills whence cometh our help; our help cometh from the Lord who made heaven and earth. Lord, hear our voice ; let thine ear be attentive to the voice of our supplications. If thou, Lord, shouldest mark iniquities, O Lord, who shall stand? But there is forgiveness with thee, that thou mayest be feared. Therefore will we wait on the Lord, and hope in his word. A sight of our guilt shews us the necessity of an atoning sacrifice for sin ; we come before thee pleading the death of Him whom thou thyself hast graciously set forth as a propitiation through faith in his blood. A sense of our depravity shews us the absolute need of regeneration. When we think of our natural alienation from thee, our aversion to every thing spiritual and divine, we marvel not that Christ should have said, Except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God. Lord, grant, we entreat thee, that we may be renewed in the spirit of our mind. Let old things pass away, and all things become new. May we begin and end every day with thee, and be in the fear of the Lord all the day long. Daily may thine eye behold us taking a fresh survey of our duties; aiming to discharge them to thy glory; avoiding every thing calculated to grieve thy Holy Spirit ; keeping our heart with all diligence ; ordering our conversation aright; walking in the midst of the paths of righteousness; repairing to the fountain opened for sin and uncleanness ; and devoting ourselves afresh to the service of Christ. Enable us constantly to realize the idea that our affairs are in the hand of our God and Father ; to use this world as not abusing it ; not cleaving to the dust ; not embracing the objects of earth, as if they were our all; but setting our affections supremely on those things which are above, where Christ sitteth at thy right hand. May we love to read of them, to think of them; and earnestly may we desire to be with Christ where he is, that we may behold his glory. Perfect that which concerneth us, O God : thy mercy endureth for ever ; forsake not the work of thine own hands, but bring us, through Christ, to thy kingdom of glory everlasting. While we remain in a present world, help us, O God, to serve thee faithfully and diligently in the stations wherein thou hast placed us. May we ever have a single eye to thy glory and the good of ourselves and others, in the fulfilment of all those duties to which we are called. Bless our daily labours, and all our temporal exertions ; to this end make us diligent in business, fervent in spirit, serving the Lord. O God, if it be thy holy will, preserve and continue to us health, the most precious of all earthly blessings ; but if it should be necessary that thou shouldest visit us with pain of body, or with distress of mind, oh stand by us, to support and comfort, and in thy due time to deliver. We unite to give thee unfeigned thanks for the refreshment of another night, and for bringing us in safety to the light of another day ; be present with us through the same. May we still abide under the shadow of the Almighty. And may the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God the Father, and the communion of the Holy Ghost, be with us all, now and for ever. Amen. 508 FORTIETH Cuegtmg (0b muter. WEEK. Revelation, Chapter xviii. 0 GOD of our life, we look up to thy throne of grace, from whence cometh our aid. Deign to listen to the voice of our prayer, our King and our God. Thou art not a God who hast pleasure in iniquity, neither shall sinners stand before thee. May we be awed by the sense of thy purity, and yet encouraged by the revelation of thy love and mercy in Christ Jesus. Guilty in ourselves, we look to the fountain opened for sin and uncleanness. May Christ’s righteousness be put upon us ; may his Spirit dwell in us, to enlighten all that is dark, to elevate all that is mean and grovelling, to purify all that is unholy, to strengthen all that is weak, and to confirm us unto the day of God. We rejoice in another opportunity, at the close of this day, of drawing near into thy presence. May we prize our exalted privilege, and be blessed with nearness of approach to thee the Fountain of life. Truly may our fellowship be with the Father, and with his Son Jesus Christ. We would be deeply humbled on account of the sins of the day. In many things we have offended against thy Majesty; in all things we have come short of thy glory. O deal not with us in judgment, but in mercy. Wash us, and we shall be clean ; purge us, and we shall be whiter than the snow. Sprinkle atoning blood on our consciences; vouchsafe to us the witness of thy Spirit; adopt us into thy family; and grant us the inheritance of them that fear thee. Another day hath passed over our heads, never to return : a day which we shall be called upon to give an account of. But have we acted as accountable creatures ; as those who are daily receiving innumerable benefits ; as those who are bought with the blood of thy dear Son ? Upon the shedding of his precious blood rest all our hopes and expectations. Father of mercies, we would return this night to thee, in the firm resolution of being henceforward more faithful to our sacred vows and holy engagements. We would be more watchful over our thoughts, more circumspect in our conversation, and more attentive to every duty that may be incumbent upon us. Make us thankful for all the dispensations of thy holy providence. We would see thy hand in all the darkness and in all the light of our earthly lot. Thou doest all things well. Never suffer us to repine at any of the trials of life. Shall we receive good at the hand of the Lord, and not evil likewise ? We are sinful, and need thy chastening rod ; but do thou chasten us in love, and not in thy sore displeasure. May the light of thy countenance sanctify every sorrow, and sweeten every mercy. May all things work together for our good. In our daily avocations may we recognize the providence of our Father in heaven, and be wise to know the purposes of thy government concerning us. Save us from vain confidence in our own skill, power, or goodness, and help us to trust only in thee. We would enter on another night in humble reliance on that gracious care which has hitherto been extended over us. May we lie down to rest under the shadow of thy wings. May our sins, which are many, be all forgiven us; and may we find acceptance and all needful grace, through Jesus Christ, the great High Priest of our profession; to whom, with the Father and the Holy Ghost, be all honour and glory, world without end. Amen. 4 c 569 FORTIETH iHonmtcj WEEK. Isaiah, Chapter xiv. O LORD our God, in the multitude of thy tender mercies we are again permitted to present to thee our supplications and thanksgivings. Throughout the past night we have rested in safety and peace, because thou hast sustained us ; and now we are the living to praise thee, because thine everlasting arms have been around and underneath us. We would always remember, that it is in thee we live, and move, and have our being. All that we enjoy, both of a temporal and spiritual nature, is the unmerited gift of thy sovereign goodness. The life we possess, the health we enjoy, the food we eat, the raiment we wear, and the blessings of social and domestic life by which we are surrounded, are all the expressions of thine unwearied mercy and fatherly care. For these manifold tokens of thy mercy bestowed upon us, we would now present to thee our united and heartfelt thanksgivings. But not only hast thou mingled a thousand temporal blessings in our cup, thou hast also bestowed upon us the communications of heavenly truth, and the promises of eternal life. Thou hast not left us, like multitudes of our fellow-beings, to wander amidst the darkness of nature, ignorant of thee and of thy Son Jesus Christ; but hast given to us the everlasting gospel, by which thy purposes of mercy are unfolded, and life and immortality are brought to light. For this unspeakable boon we would desire especially to bless and adore thy holy name. When we remember that no skill of man, or effort of any created mind, could answer the momentous question, “ How should man be just with God ?” we would call upon our souls, and all that is within us, to bless and to praise thee for the assurance given us in the Gospel of thy Son, that thou art just, and the justifier of him who believeth in Jesus. But, O most indulgent Father, notwithstanding the clear light of truth by which we are surrounded, and the manifold spiritual privileges which thou hast bestowed upon us, we must acknowledge that we have been unprofitable servants. We have not yielded to thee that homage and gratitude which thy greatness and thy goodness have demanded ; we have not given to thee that place in our affections which belongs to thee as our Creator and our God ; we have not produced those spiritual fruits, which ought to have adorned our lives as the possessors of unnumbered blessings. O enter not into judgment with us ; mark not our iniquities against us, for they are very great. Quicken us by thy free Spirit. Awaken us to a deep and abiding sense of the obligations under which we are laid, not to live to ourselves, but to Him who died for us and rose again. Help us to remember, that as to us much has been given, of us much will be required. Leave us not, we beseech thee, to sink down into a state of spiritual sloth or insensibility; let thy love be shed abroad in our hearts by the Holy Ghost. Now, O Lord our God, we implore thee to watch over us throughout the day on which we have entered. When left to ourselves, we are helpless and unprotected ; our feet are ready to slip, and our souls are exposed to death. Leave us not then, O Lord, nor forsake us. Be our guide throughout all the days of our earthly pilgrimage, and our exceeding great and eternal reward hereafter. We beg these blessings for the Redeemer’s sake. Amen. 570 FORTIETH TOrtmegtmK 0imung. Revelation, Chapter xix. WEEK. E TERNAL and ever-blessed God, thou art great, and greatly to be feared by all who approach thee. In the beginning thou didst lay the foundation of the earth, and the heavens are the works of thine hands ; they shall perish, but thou remainest, and they all shall wax old as doth a garment ; and as a vesture shalt thou fold them up, and they shall be changed; but thou art the same, and thy years shall not fail. We cannot by searching find out God ; we cannot find out the Almighty unto perfection. Thine attri- butes, O Lord, are high as heaven, what can we do ? deeper than hell, what can we know? the measure thereof is longer than the earth, and broader than the sea. Enable us, therefore, O our Father, to bow before thee now, and at all times, in the exercise of the profoundest reverence and humility. May we be deeply conscious of the infinite distance at which we stand from thee, as everlasting in thy being, and incomprehensible in all thy ways ; and may we feel still more deeply our guiltiness and degradation in thy sight, as perfectly holy and just, as dwelling in light inaccessible, and full of glory. Suffer us not to enter into thy presence, or to take thy holy name into our lips, without prostrating our spirits before thee in the very dust of self-abasement. Let every vestige of self-righteous- ness and self-dependence be for ever removed from us, and let that deep consciousness of our own depravity and wretchedness, and of the Redeemer’s power and righteousness, ever be experienced by us, which shall lead us to cry out with heartfelt emotion, “ God be merciful to us, sinners.” Give to us, O God, the spirit of lively devotion, that we may always worship thee in that way which thou requirest, and with that simplicity and fervour in which thou delightest. We would now, O Lord our God, confess that we have sinned grievously in thy sight. Whilst light has been around us, we have walked in darkness ; whilst unnumbered tokens of thy mercy have been enjoyed by us, we have remained ungrateful; and whilst the tenderest pleadings of thy love have been addressed to us, we have continued unmoved. We acknowledge, that in justice thou mightest long ere now have cut us down as cumberers of the ground, and assigned us our portion with hypocrites and unbelievers. But we bless thy holy name, that judgment is thy strange work, and that in the midst of wrath thou dost remember mercy. We beseech thee, therefore, O most indulgent Father, to lift upon us the light of thy reconciled countenance, and to pardon our iniquity, for it is great. Sprinkle our guilty consciences with the blood of Immanuel, and sanctify our souls by the influences of thy Holy Spirit. Wean our affections from all vain and forbidden enjoyments, and direct our desires to those pleasures which are at thy rigrht hand for evermore. Enable us to labour for the meat which endureth unto ever- lasting life ; and to lay up treasure in heaven, where neither moth nor rust doth corrupt, and where thieves do not break through nor steal. We desire now, O Lord, to present to thee our thanksgivings for the goodness and mercy which have followed us throughout the day. It is thy power which has sustained us, and thy bounty which has fed and clothed us. Let thy protection be continued to us, and to all our friends and relations, throughout this night, for Christ’s sake ; and to the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit we would ascribe endless praises. Amen. 571 i c 2 FORTIETH CfiuistmK iHonttng, WEEK. Isaiah, Chapter xv. 0 LORD of hosts, God of Israel, thou art the God, even thou alone, of all the kingdoms of the earth; thou hast made heaven and earth. Incline thine ear, O Lord, and hear ; regard the voice of our supplications, for we do not present them before thee for our righteousness, but for thy great mercies. Blessed be thy name that thou hast revealed thyself to us as a God of mercy, as the hearer and answerer of prayer ; and that in Christ Jesus we can behold thy mercy exercised in full harmony with that hatred to sin, and inviolable regard to justice and truth, which is inseparable from thy nature. Thanks be unto thee that we are also permitted to see, that although sin pollutes our best services, it is not inconsistent with thy holiness and perfection to manifest thy favour to us, or to admit us to communion with thyself. Look upon us, not as we are in ourselves, but as united to Jesus, to whom we flee for refuge, and upon whom, by faith, we live. Accept us in him the Beloved, our Advocate with the Father, who once made an atonement for our sins, and ever liveth to make intercession for us. We acknowledge that we have not fulfilled thy holy law ; but He has satisfied its utmost demands. Make us therefore complete in him ; and though evil dwells with us, and we cannot of ourselves think a good thought, may the abundant fruits of the Spirit be graciously produced in us, that we may not be barren or unfruitful. Having the prin- ciple of love as the spring of action, the glory of God as our grand aim, and his favour and image as the supreme object of our desires, may we press forward, fight the good fight of faith, and, supported by almighty power, prevail over all our enemies, and secure the crown of victory. Thanks be to God for the exceeding great and precious promises of his word : may we never forget them ; may we never be left to act unworthy of them ; but having such promises, may we cleanse ourselves from all filthiness of the flesh and the spirit, perfecting holiness in the fear of the Lord. Permit us not to forsake the path of duty this day ; O suffer us not to run into any kind of danger. Conduct our minds into channels of profitable thought. May we meditate and converse on the, love of Christ, who died for us, and who lives in heaven to plead our cause. May all our steps be ordered in thy fear. Bless and keep us through the day upon which we have entered. To thee we consecrate anew our lives and our all ; use us for thy glory, and teach us to consider it our highest honour, as it is our first immediate duty, to shew forth thy praise. May we ever feel how sinful, and unprofitable, and weak we are ; that we may be kept from all pride and self-sufficiency. Direct us in all our ways ; uphold us in our goings ; may we feel thy presence, and thus be strengthened to resist sin, and to persevere in the ways of truth and righteousness. Regard in mercy all who are dear to us, and pour into their cup all the blessings of the new covenant; that on earth they may have peace with God, and a good hope through grace; and finally, after this life, enjoy the perfection and glory of heaven. Graciously pardon all our sins ; accept our praises, and hearken to our supplications, lor the sake of Jesus Christ, our Lord and Saviour; to whom, with the Father and the Holy Spirit, be glory and honour for ever. Amen. 572 FORTIETH Cfjtirgfcag tfbntfttg. WEEK. Revelation, Chapter xx. NTO thee, O Most High, would we now come, with the language and feeling of true repentance and sacred joy. Shame and confusion of face becometh us, because we have sinned against thee ; but unto the Lord our God belong mercies and forgiveness ; we therefore approach thy footstool with humble confidence through faith in Jesus Christ our Lord, who died for our sins, and then rose to thy right hand, there to intercede for us, that our persons and services may be acceptable in thy sight. Suffer us not to remain strangers to the character and grace of Christ ; may we know him, and the power of his resurrection, and the fellowship of his sufferings, being made conformable to his death. Nor may we be satisfied with a limited knowledge of the excellencies of his person, or the designs and effects of his work; but may we be filled with the knowledge of his will in all wisdom and spiritual understanding ; that we may walk worthy of the Lord unto all pleasing, being fruitful in every good work, and increasing in the knowledge of God. Grant that we may thus be not only furnished unto every good work, so as to adorn the doctrine of God our Saviour by a conduct becoming the gospel, but be prepared to give a reason of the hope that is in us with meekness and fear, that we may convince gainsayers, and be instrumental in advancing the cause of truth and godliness. While we rejoice in the freeness of that salvation which the gospel reveals, we would also delight in its holy tendency. May we look on sin as our w r orst enemy, and may we welcome our Redeemer, because he saves his people from their sins. Let the new creation be accomplished in us ; O put thy fear in our hearts, that we may never depart from thee ; uphold us by thy free Spirit ; and keep us by thy mighty power through faith unto salvation. Pardon all our unfruitfulness, all our forgetfulness of the claims which arise from thine infinite goodness and mercy, or of the cries which have issued from the ignorance, degradation, and misery of those who are around us. Soften our hearts by thy grace, that we may with holy and lively gratitude respond to these claims ; and that the spiritual wants of our fellow-men may more deeply impress us, and urge us forward to more constant, self-denying, and prayerful efforts for their salvation. While we give due attention to the duties of our several stations, that thy name in all things may be glorified, may our time, our property, our influence be consecrated to thee, to be employed at least in some measure for spiritual purposes, that we may not have to regret, at the close of life, that all its energies were spent in things which relate only to a frail body and a perishing world. We desire to present to thee, O our Father, renewed and unfeigned thanks for the continuance of thy providential and gracious mercies. O fill our souls with gratitude and our lips with praise, that we may continually ask, What shall I render to the Lord for all his benefits towards me ? Take us under thy care, and suffer no evil to approach us this night ; grant us needful repose, and prepare us for all thy will concerning us : while we live, may thy word be our guide, and thy presence our joy; and when our earthly course shall close, may there be an entrance ministered unto us, abundantly into the everlasting kingdom of our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ. Amen, and Amen. 573 FORTIETH dfritmg forums, WEEK. Isaiah, Chapter xvi. W E adore thee, O most High, as the blessed and only Potentate, the King of kings and Lord of lords, who only hast immortality, who dwellest in the light which no man can approach unto, whom no man hath seen, nor can see; and to whom be honour and praise everlasting. We acknowledge our unworthiness to approach thy throne: as creatures, we are mean ; but as sinners, we are degraded, helpless, and ruined. Make us more sensible of our condition, that we may be truly humble and contrite ; that we may be prepared to receive pardon and eternal life as the free and sovereign gift of God through Christ Jesus, and with sacred gratitude devote ourselves to thee as those who are not their own, but bought with the precious blood of the Redeemer, to be a peculiar people, zealous of good works. Help us faithfully to compare ourselves with the holy precepts of thy word, and the perfect example of our great Pattern, — that we may understand our errors, and correct them ; that we may see what is the will of God concerning us, and become more conformed to it in our dispositions and outward deportment. May the same mind be in us which was also in Christ Jesus. Shed abroad thy Holy Spirit in our minds, to implant and nourish every Christian grace and virtue ; to maintain spirituality of mind amidst the infirmities that are within us, and the temptations that are around us ; and to increase and perpetuate that love towards thee and towards our fellow-creatures, without which there can be no satisfactory evidence of our interest in the unspeakable blessings of the gospel of Christ. Enable us to maintain a constant sense of thy presence : may we remember that every feeling, as well as every action, is open to thee ; and that the most secret sins will separate between thee and us. May we, therefore, guard against the first risings of sin, and shun every approach to its commission. Keep us from temptation, by filling our hearts with thy presence. Dwell in us, and walk with us, and let our bodies be the temples of thy Holy Spirit. Bless this family; may those of us who are at the head of it be enabled to walk within our house with a perfect heart, and set no wicked thing before our eyes. Let this be our rejoicing, even the testimony of a good conscience, knowing that, in simplicity and godly sincerity, not with fleshly wisdom, but by the grace of God, we have our conversation in the world, in the family, and in the church. May thy love be shed abroad in our hearts, that none of thy commandments may be grievous ; but may we esteem all thy precepts in all things to be right, and hate every false way. We unite in thanksgivings for thy kindness towards us during another night : we have laid ourselves down in peace — we have slept in safety — we have arisen in comfort — because thou, O God, hast sustained us. To thee would we anew devote ourselves, for thou hast every claim upon our gratitude, affection, and obedience. Be thou our guide, our guard, and our portion ; for then shall it be well with us in life, in death, and for ever. To thee would we affectionately commend our kindred and neighbours : give them all repentance towards God, and faith towards our Lord Jesus Christ; establish them in the truth ; make them happy and useful on earth ; and fit them for thy heavenly kingdom. We ask all in our Redeemer’s name. Amen. 574 FORTIETH dfritrag ipnttns. Revelation, Chapter xxi. WEEX. 0 THOU who searchest all hearts, and triest the reins of the children of men, search us, O Lord, and know our heart ; try us, and know our thoughts ; and see if there be any wicked way in us, and lead us in the way everlasting. Although we may have exercised repentance, we desire the gift of the Holy Spirit, to increase this godly sorrow for sin. O may we see how hateful sin is in thy sight — how odious is its nature, and how dreadful its consequences — that irreconcileable hatred to it may take possession of our hearts, that we may feel our ruined condition by nature, and thus be prepared to discover the riches of thy grace in the subjugation and forgiveness of sin. O thou blessed Spirit, take of the things of Christ, and shew them unto us. Shew us his power to save, and his willingness to save ; may our faith embrace him as the Friend of sinners, who possesses in himself, and is ready to bestow, all that we need. May his love subdue our hearts, that we may be crucified with him ; that we may be dead unto sin, and to the world, but alive unto God through Jesus Christ. Into his hands may we give up our souls ; may his service be our business and delight ; may we bear his image, that, after having served him on earth, we may unite in the song of the redeemed, Unto him that loved us, and washed us from our sins in his own blood, and hath made us unto our God kings and priests ; to him be glory and dominion for ever and ever. Spared by thy goodness to surround the family altar at the close of another day, we would humbly and thankfully acknowledge thine unmerited mercy : we have often been forgetful of thee, but thy hand has been over us for good : make us more sensible of our obligations to thee, that our heart’s desire may be, whether we live, to live unto the Lord, or whether we die, to die unto the Lord ; that, living or dying, we may be the Lord’s. Continue, we beseech thee, thy goodness and care through the approaching night : suffer no evil to approach us ; may refreshing sleep invigorate our bodies and minds, and fit them for renewed activity in thy service ; and if we are spared, may we begin and end the ensuing day with thee. Help us, O most gracious God, this evening so to examine our ways, and renew our repentance ; that we may have peace with thee and our consciences, through the atoning blood, before we close our eyes in sleep: and do thou extinguish every emotion of resentment, or corrupt affection, which the events of the day may have excited ; that we may go to rest in sweet charity with all mankind. Bless all whom we should pray for : may all kings and governors be under thy special direction and blessing, that while they improve the power and influence they possess, they may also seek preparation for the unfading honours and joys of eternity. Extend the knowledge of thy holy word, till its principles shall gain the ascendancy in every mind, giving it freedom from the shackles of ignorance, prejudice, and error, and causing it to rejoice in the liberty wherewith Christ makes his people free. Succeed every effort that is made at home or abroad to extend the kingdom of our Lord Jesus Christ, and grant that the time may soon come when every knee shall bow to him, and every tongue confess that he is Lord, to the glory of God the Father. Now unto God, even our Father, be glory and honour, dominion and praise, for ever and ever. Amen. 675 FORTIETH ^aturtiag JEonting, Isaiah, Chapters xv:i. xviii. week. 0 THOU great Creator and Sovereign Ruler of heaven and earth; thou God in whose hand our breath is, and whose are all our ways, we confess that we have not glorified thee, nor submitted ourselves to the government of thy word and Spirit. We have followed our own corrupt desires, seeking the gratification of our unhallowed passions, and forgetting that it is our first duty and only source of real happiness to love and honour and obey thee. We therefore adore thy patience and forbearance that thou hast not cut us off from the land of the living ; that we are not now lamenting our folly where no repentance can avail, where no hope can be cherished. O thou blessed Spirit, whose work it is to convince of sin, of righteousness, and of judgment, and to glorify Christ by shewing the necessity of his death, the perfection of his obedience, the efficacy of his atonement — descend into our hearts with all thine enlight- ening and sanctifying influences: make us thy living temples; transform us into the Divine image, and give us abiding consolation by witnessing with our spirits that we are the children of God. We thank thee, O God, that we have been spared through another night, and per- mitted on the morning of another day to read thy holy word, and draw nigh unto thy throne of grace. For all thy condescending care and kindness, for all the bounties of thy providence and the richer blessings of thy grace, we desire to present our unfeigned thanksgivings : we would also take encouragement to seek a continued supply of all the mercies we need ; go with us wherever thy providence shall direct our steps ; in every engagement may we aim simply at thy glory, and, under a deep impression of thy sacred presence, may our one desire be to approve ourselves to thee. O direct us in thy way, and uphold us by thy free Spirit ; leave us not to wander from thee, and to injure our own souls, by the indulgence of any unholy dispositions, or the practice of any sinful actions, but may our conduct and temper be as becometh the gospel of Christ. We praise thee for thy long-suffering towards us, when we disregarded the message of thy mercy, and continued in disobedience ; for delivering us in dangers, and recovering us in sickness, when we were wholly unprepared for death, and even when we employed our lives and our health in sinning against thee ! It is surely of thy mercies we are not consumed ! Give us every blessing which we need in the different stations we are called to fill : may those who are placed at the head of this family walk before thee in holiness and righteousness all their days, setting before others an example of sobriety, godliness, and zeal in every good work. May the children be the subjects of thy renewing grace, be brought early into the Saviour’s fold, and become useful members of the church of the living God. May the servants of the household serve the Lord Jesus, and be partakers with us of that blessed hope which thy word inspires. Bless our country in all her social, commercial, and religious interests ; may peace be long enjoyed, and widely improved for the extension of knowledge and true piety ; that thy way may be known upon earth, thy saving health among all people. Hear us, and accept our praises ; forgive our sins, and grant us gracious answers to our supplications for Christ’s sake. Amen. 57fi FORTIETH <#aturtmg <£bmmg« WEEK. Revelation, Chapter xxii. B LESSED God ! with thee is the fountain of life, purity, and happiness ; thou art possessed of every possible excellence, and art ever ready to communicate to thy creatures the various blessings of which they stand in need. We bless thee that thou hast made us intelligent and immortal creatures ; that thou hast given us powers of mind which qualify us to understand something of thy perfections, to engage in thy service, and promote thy glory. Especially would we bless thee if thou hast given us a desire to glorify thy name, and taught us to seek our happiness in thy favour, and in obedience to thy revealed will. We desire to humble ourselves before thee, that the various faculties with which we have been endowed, have been misimproved and abused ; that the friend- ship of the world has been chosen in preference to the friendship of God, and the service of sin delighted in rather than the pursuit of holiness. May we consider the time past of our lives more than sufficient to have followed the will of the flesh ; henceforth may alb our faculties be under the guidance of thy word, and may we do only that which is well- pleasing in thy sight. Pardon all the sins and follies of this day : if we attempt to compare ourselves with the precepts of thy word, or the bright example of our blessed Redeemer, how numerous and great do our sms appear ! But who can understand his errors — who can tell how oft he offendeth ? Cleanse us, O God, from secret faults ; let no sins be hidden in our hearts, but shew us our guilt, while the fountain is open in which alone we can be cleansed. We bless thee for the assurance of thy word, that the blood of Jesus Christ thy Son cleanseth from all sin. Give us that living faith which purifies the soul, by which we become the children of God, and the heirs of unfading glory. May the life we live in the flesh be by the faith of the Son of God, who loved us, and gave himself for us. Prosper, O Lord, all our undertakings, as far as our good and thy glory may be promoted thereby. Remember with thy choicest mercies all that pray for us, or desire a place in our supplications. While we commend ourselves and each other to thy special protection this night, teach us so to number our days that we may apply our hearts unto wisdom; and grant that, whether we live or die, we may be thine for ever. And while we seek the prosperity of our own souls, we would earnestly implore on behalf of others the abundant communications of thy grace.. May all who love the Lord Jesus Christ be edified and comforted. May a spirit of prayer, and union, and zeal be cherished among all those who are called by his name ; that it may be more evident to themselves and to the world, that they are his disciples, and that they possess the love of God. Succeed all the attempts that are made to evangelize the world; may every barrier to the progress of divine truth be taken out of the way ; may the rights of con- science be every where respected, and its voice heard and obeyed; and hasten the accomplishment of thy promise, that the earth shall be filled with the knowledge of the glory of the Lord. These and all other mercies, for ourselves, for thy church, and for the whole world, we humbly beg in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ ; to whom, with the Father and the Holy Spirit, be all honour and glory for ever. Amen. 4 D 677 FORTY-FIRST «#untiag iHontmcj, Jsaiah, Chapter xix. week; 0 THOU, who dwellest in light inaccessible and full of glory, and art adored by the homage of spotless spirits, but hast condescended to regard the pleadings of the humble and the penitent amongst men ; to thee would we now lift our waiting eyes ; to thee would we address our supplications. In ourselves we are unworthy, and our purest services are so tainted with sin, that they cannot meet with acceptance before thee, unless they are cleansed by the blood of the Redeemer, and sanctified by the merits of his death. Help us then, O Lord our God, to address thee at this time, and at all times when we approach thy throne, in the name of our great Mediator, whose sacrifice thou hast accepted, and whose intercessions thou hearest always. O may we now be enabled to take hold of thy strength, and to plead thy promises in the all-prevailing name of our ascended Saviour, in that spirit of holy and childlike confidence that will not let thee go until thou hast vouchsafed to us thy blessing. Thou hast, in the abundance of thy mercy, permitted us to behold the light of another Sabbath ; whilst multitudes have been cut off in the midst of their days, and in the neglect of their privileges, we are still the monuments of thy forbearing goodness. Give us grace, we beseech thee, O Lord, to value our manifold privileges, and to improve them for thy glory and our own eternal salvation. Let not thy word, which we possess, and thy gospel, which we are permitted to hear, prove to any of us the savour of death unto death, but may they prove to us all the savour of life unto life. We implore thee, O thou Fountain of all goodness, to command thy blessing to attend thy word, which we have now read. May its sacred truths sink deeply into our hearts, convincing us of sin, of righteousness, and of judgment. May it be regarded by us, not as the word of man, but as the word of the everlasting God. And when we repair to the sanctuary, to unite with the assembled people in singing thy praise, in pleading for thy mercy, and in listening to the message of peace ; O may an unction from the Holy One rest upon us ! May impressions be made upon our minds, which neither the duties nor the temptations of the world shall erase : may such lessons of heavenly truth be learned by us, as will, under the teaching of the Holy Spirit, enlarge our views of thy character and perfection, and lead us to comprehend, with all saints, the love of Christ which passeth knowledge. Open our hearts wide to the reception of the blessed message of reconciliation through the blood of the Cross. Accept our thanksgivings for all the spiritual benefits which have been derived by us from the preaching of the gospel and the ordinances of thy house. May we at all times be impressed with a sense of gratitude for the blessings of salvation through Christ, and with a sense of our responsibility as more highly favoured than multitudes of our fellow- men. Let thy Spirit guide and strengthen all thy faithful ministering servants this day. Let thy word be spoken every where with simplicity, affection, and power. May the Redeemer see of the travail of his soul, and be satisfied in the edification of thy people, and in the conversion of sinners. May thy kingdom come, and may thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven : and to Thee, to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit, shall the glory be ascribed, world without end. Amen. £ 7 S FORTY-FIRST Matthew, Chapter ii. week. A LMIGHTY and most merciful Father, we approach thee as the Creator of all things, and as the Omniscient Searcher of all hearts. The blessings and bounties of providence are the offspring of thy goodness, and the better blessings and bounties of salvation are the offspring of thy mercy and love. For all these, but especially for the unspeakable privileges of the everlasting gospel, we would now, and for ever, adore thy name. Enable us, O Lord, to be truly grateful to thee for the distin- guished mercies which we have been permitted to enjoy this day. When thou mightest justly have cut us down as cumberers of the ground, and mightest have assigned us our portion with the impenitent and unbelieving amidst the blackness of darkness, thou hast visited us with the tokens of thy mercy, and hast spoken to our souls the language of peace and consolation. But, O our Father, we would confess that we are unprofitable servants — that, amidst the manifold enjoyments of thy house, our affections have wandered — and that, amidst the tenderest expressions of thy love, as displayed in the sufferings and death of thy beloved Son, our hearts have not been sufficiently melted into penitence, or kindled into adoration and gratitude. Forgive, we beseech thee, O Lord our God, the sins and imperfections which have mingled in our services throughout this Sabbath. They are all naked and open in thy sight: to thee, then, would we confess them, supported by the assurance that if we confess our sins, thou art faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. Let thy blessing, O Lord, rest on all the efforts which have been made this day, for the counsel and encouragement of thy people, and for the conviction and conversion of sinners. May thy truth, in its own simplicity, have free course, and be glorified in destroying all delusive hopes and false opinions. Where solemn impressions have been made, may they be deepened; where the conscience has been awakened, let it not slumber until the penitent has found peace and joy in believing. And to us may thy word, which has been declared in our hearing, be accompanied with a rich and effectual blessing. May we carry with us into all the duties and engagements of life a deep sense of the evil nature of sin, of the shortness and uncertainty of time, of the importance of eternity, and of the value of redemption through the blood of Christ. Hear us, O Lord, on behalf of all men. Have mercy, we beseech thee, on the thoughtless, and worldly, and profane, who desecrate thy Sabbaths, and set at nought all thy counsels. Lead them, in the exercise of repentance and faith, to flee from the wrath to come. Have mercy on all the afflicted and the tempted. Grant them the consolations and support of thy Spirit Have respect to thy promises with regard to the universal diffusion of the gospel; let the time soon come when all shall know thee, from the rising to the setting sun — when the earth shall be full of the knowledge of the Lord as the waters cover the sea. And now, O thou great Preserver of all men, we would commit ourselves and all our friends and relatives to thine almighty protection. And when thy gracious will is accomplished respecting us in this life, may we all enjoy an abundant entrance into thy kingdom and glory, for Christ’s sake. Amen. 570 \ D 2 FORTY-FIRST JBcmtmg iStonting. WEEK. Isaiah, Cfiapter xx. xxi. X NFINITE and Everlasting God, we now bow down at thy footstool, encouraged by the assurance that thou wilt dwell with that man who is of an humble and contrite spirit, and who trembles at thy word; and that thou wilt not turn away his supplications from thee. In all generations thou hast made thyself known as the hearer of prayer, and as the re warder of them that diligently seek thee. To thee, then, O Lord, would we come, as children to a father, to present our thanksgivings for thy past goodness, to acknowledge our unnumbered sins and short-comings, to plead for thy pardoning mercy, and to ask for the enlightening and sanctifying influences of thy Spirit. Every day of our past life hears witness to thy bounty and providential care in meeting our ceaseless necessities and shielding our defenceless heads ; but every day, alas ! we would confess, with shame and confusion of face, bears witness to our ingratitude and repeated transgressions of thy holy law. O enter not into judgment with us ; mark not our iniquities against us, else we must utterly perish : for our transgressions are more in number than the hairs of our head, or the sand upon the sea-sliore. Give to us, we beseech thee our Father, the healthful Spirit of thy grace, to enlighten our understandings, to purify our hearts, and to lead us in the way everlasting. We pray, O Lord, that thou wouldst make us sensible at all times of our entire dependence on thy upholding power. May we ever remember that as thou hast made us, and not we ourselves, so it is in thee we live, and move, and have our being. By thy good providence, and not by any power of man, we have again been preserved during the silence and darkness of the night, and are about to enter on the duties and engagements of another week. May we be enabled, in all circumstances and in every situation, in public and in private, in the family and the place of business, to cherish a lively sense of thine omniscient inspection and infinite power. When temptations assail us, when danger surrounds, when our affections would wander after forbidden objects, O do thou protect us, and lead us in the right way. Suffer us not, we beseech thee, most merciful Father, to dishonour the profession we have made, or to grieve the Holy Spirit by any thing inconsistent with the commands of Him who has left us an example that we should walk in his steps. Being assured by thy word that the things which are seen are temporal, and that the things which are not seen are eternal, help us by thy grace to set our affec- tions on things above, not on things on the earth. To thee, O Lord, as the Father of all mercies, and the God of all grace, would we now commend ourselves, and all for whom we would pray, that each member of this family may be at all times the object of thy special care and protection; and let all, who are united to us by the ties of friendship and affection, share in the same blessings. When thy ransomed people shall be gathered around thy throne, to serve thee without interruption or end, O may we all belong to that blessed assembly. Guide us throughout this day by thy counsel, and shield us by thy power ; suffer us not to stray into paths of error or tempta- tion, but direct us into the way of truth and righteousness. And to thee, O Father, as the giver of every good and perfect gift, we would ascribe everlasting thanksgiving, through Christ our Lord. Amen. 580 FORTY-FIRST iBontmj) Abating. Matthew, Chapter iii. WEEK. O LORD our God, we adore thee as the Author of our being, and as the Father of all our mercies. Thou hast fashioned our bodies and our spirits, and hast throughout all the past days and years of our existence surrounded us with the tokens of thine unmerited goodness and almighty power. Our sins and transgressions have ever multiplied with our days and years ; but Thou hast not visited us with thy sore displeasure, nor hast Thou with- held from us the expressions of thy loving-kindness. We would humble ourselves in the dust before thee, when we reflect on our repeated and daily offences ; we woidd acknowledge that long ere now Thou mightest have cut us down as cumherers of the ground, and assigned us our place in outer darkness. Our preservation, O Lord, and the continuance of the merciful visitations of thy grace, we would ever remember, have not been bestowed upon us as blessings which we have deserved, but as the free and gracious manifest- ations of sovereign love. May a sense of thy great and distinguishing goodness beget in our hearts those feelings of gratitude and repentance, which shall constrain us to deny all ungodliness and worldly lusts, and to live soberly, righteously, and godly in this present world. May we think, and feel, and act as those who are bought with the pre- cious blood of Christ; who are dead indeed unto sin, but alive unto God through Christ Jesus. May our life be hid with Christ in God, that when he who is our life shall appear, we also may appear with him in glory. We would especially magnify and praise thy holy name for the great and manifold spiritual blessings, which Thou hast bestowed upon us. Whilst multitudes are ignorant of Thee, and of thy great salvation, Thou hast revealed thyself unto us in all thy power and glory, as the Creator of the heavens and the earth, and all that they contain ; and hast, above all, spoken to us the words of everlasting life in the person of thy Son. We, although utterly undeserving of the slightest gift at thy hand, have been permitted to see what many kings and prophets desired to see, but died without the sight. O most mer- ciful Father, let not these blessings have been bestowed upon us in vain ; let it not be for our condemnation, that the light of the glorious gospel has shone around us, and that the message of salvation has been addressed to us. Let thy Spirit, who alone can enlighten our understandings, and melt down the impenitence and insensibility of our hearts, be given unto us — that in us old things may pass away, and all things may become new. Accept our united thanksgiving, O God, for the goodness and mercy which have fol- lowed us throughout this day. Help us to mark thy hand in all the blessings, both of a spiritual and temporal kind, which it has been our privilege to enjoy, that our hearts may now rise in grateful emotion to thee. Forgive, we beseech thee, wherein we have for- gotten thy presence, and have yielded to any temptation; pardon the many sins of thought, and speech, and action, with which we stand charged before thee ; and let thy blessing, which maketh rich and addeth no sorrow, rest upon us now and for ever. When we retire to rest, do thou shield us from all harm by thy gracious presence ; and permit us, if it be consistent with thy will, to arise with preserved health of body and mind, that we may be enabled to discharge the duties to which we are called, and speak forth thy praise among men : we beg it for Christ’s sake. Amen. 561 FORTY-FIRST CucGtfnK Isaiah, Chapter xxii. WEEK, M OST merciful and ever-blessed God, encouraged by thy past goodness, and thy precious promises, we would this morning approach thy throne, to plead for that protection and blessing which thou alone canst bestow. We know that in ourselves we are weak and defenceless ; that we are wretched, and blind, and naked, and that, if left to human power, we must immediately sink into the grave, and remain for ever miserable. Thou hast promised to be nigh unto all them that call upon thee, to all that call upon thee in truth. Thou hast promised to be a sun and a shield, to give grace and glory, and to withhold no good thing from them that walk uprightly. Help us then, we beseech thee, O Lord our God, to call upon thee with that deep and heartfelt earnestness, which a sense of our utter helplessness and guilt, and the influence of thy Spirit, can produce. Leave us not to approach thy sacred throne with carelessness or formality, or in the spirit of self-righteous confidence. O may our feelings at all times, when we bow before thee, be those of godly sorrow, unfeigned humility, and childlike confidence. And we pray thee, O our Father, to pour out upon us the healthful Spirit of thy grace, to enable us to lay aside all that is contrary to the principles of the glorious gospel and the example of Christ; and to strive after practical obedience to thy will, and the attainment of holiness, without which no man can see the Lord. We desire now, O thou infinite Searcher of all hearts, to acknowledge that our souls cleave to the dust; that, in the midst of this vain and wicked world, we are ever prone to wander in dangerous and devious paths. Our affections often stray from thee, the true fountain of all lasting peace and enjoyment, and attach themselves to the frail and perishing things of earth. We too often yield to the depravity of our hearts, and hew out unto ourselves broken cisterns which can hold no water. O Lord our God, have mercy upon us. Convince us of the perishing and unsatisfactory nature of the objects of time, and teach us to set our affections on things above, not on things on the earth. Enable us, we implore thee, to count all things but loss for the excellency of the knowledge of Christ Jesus our Lord; to seek first the kingdom of God and his righte- ousness ; and to remember that a man is not profited if he shall gain the whole world and lose his own soul. To thee, O Lord, as the fountain of all blessing, as the Father of lights, from whom cometh down every perfect gift, would we now present our humble and heartfelt thanks- givings for that care and goodness which have been extended to us again throughout another night, and which continue to be bestowed upon us, in the privilege we enjoy of thus bowing as a family around the domestic altar. Let thy great mercy, which is repeated to us every morning and every evening, lead us to a lively and constant sense of our dependence on thee for life and health, and for all our blessings both temporal and spiritual. And take us, O most merciful Father, and all our friends and connexions, wherever they are, under thine especial protection throughout this day. Keep our feet from falling, our eyes from tears, and our souls from death: and unto the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit we would ascribe the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, for ever and ever. Amen. 682 FORTY-FIRST Cuestmg Abating. WEEK. Matthew, Chapter iv. LMIGHTY and everlasting God, thy ways are not as our ways, nor are thy thoughts as our thoughts; as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are thy ways higher than our ways, and thy thoughts than our thoughts; yet, as guilty and helpless creatures, we are encouraged to approach thy throne with boldness, that we may obtain mercy,' and find grace to help us in time of need. Enable us, O Lord, to estimate aright this great privilege. Suffer us not to be guilty of restraining prayer before thee ; but help us to continue constant in prayer, and in every thing to make known our requests by prayer and supplication unto God. Whilst, then, we would call upon our souls, and all that is within us, to render unto thee thanksgivings for the rich and manifold blessings which thou hast bestowed upon us; we would especially desire to make men- tion of thy condescension and goodness in establishing a throne of grace, to which we may at all times come to confess our sins, and to plead for pardon through the blood of the atonement. We feel, O most merciful Father, that instead of a throne of grace, thou mightest have erected a throne of judgment; that instead of inviting us to plead with thee for pardon and the bestowment of everlasting life, thou mightest have left us to sink beneath the burden of our sins and iniquities; and that instead of permitting us this evening to surround the domestic altar, thou mightest have assigned us our portion with the finally lost. Help us then, we beseech thee, O Lord our God, under this impression, to approach thy throne with feelings of unfeigned devotion and heartfelt gratitude. Let our cry ascend unto the heavens, and let our evening sacrifice be accepted in thy sight. We would now pray thee, O thou Fountain of all temporal and spiritual blessings, to bestow upon us the gift of thy Holy Spirit, to enlighten our understandings, and to purify our affections, and to fit us for thy service here and thine enjoyment hereafter. We confess that of ourselves we cannot change the depravity of our nature ; that nothing less than the mighty working of thy Spirit, whose office it is to convince men of sin, of righteousness, and of judgment, can break down the hardness of our hearts, and beget within us that godly sorrow which needeth not to be repented of. We feel that all the privileges by which we are distinguished must, without thine effectual blessing, prove altogether in vain ; that Paul may plant, and Apollos may water, but that the increase must be given by thee. O grant unto us, then, we implore, O Lord our God, the influence of thy Spirit. Whatever thou withholdest from us, with regard to this life, bestow upon us, we pray thee, this best of blessings, which maketh rich, and to which no sorrow is added. To thee, O Lord, as the Father of all our mercies, we would now present our united acknowledgments of thy goodness and mercy throughout this day. Thou hast kept us, and hast supplied our necessities, both temporal and spiritual. Every blessing we have enjoyed, and all the safety and protection we have experienced, have been the fruits of thy gracious providence and fatherly care. Let our hearts be filled with gratitude, and our lips with praise. And now we commit ourselves, and all who are dear to us, to thine unslumbering and almighty care. Watch over us, and permit no evil to come nigh to us. These and all other blessings we ask, for the Redeemer’s sake. Amen. FORTY-FIRST Wetmeg&ag iBornmg WEEK. Isaiah, Chapter xxiii. M OST blessed and glorious Majesty ! heaven is thy throne, and the earth is thy foot- stool. Thy ways are unsearchable, and thy judgments are past finding out. The most exalted intelligences cannot comprehend thine infinite perfections. Thou art exalted above all blessing and praise. Thou needest not our feeble and unworthy offerings, for thou givest unto all life, and breath, and all things. What shall we render unto thee for all the acts of thine infinite benignity and condescension ? Thou art good unto all, and thy tender mercies are over all thy works. Help us to adore and bless thee for what thou art in thyself, and for what thou art to us. Thou hast sent us redemption through the blood of thy Son. In our low and lost estate thou hast remembered and pitied us. We thank thee for thine unspeakable gift, and for the free pardon and justifying righteousness which come to us through faith in the great propitiation. May we welcome with adoring gratitude the message of thy love and mercy, and may we henceforward look to thee as our reconciled God and Father in Christ Jesus. We thank thee, O thou God of our life, for the light of a new day. Many who retired to rest as full of hope as we, have closed their eyes in death. But we are the monuments of thy sparing mercy. May thy goodness call forth songs of praise. As our lives are spared, may they be devoted afresh to thy glory. Help us to live this day under an awful sense of thy presence. In all the duties which press upon us, may we regard thy honour and glory. We would ever set thee before us, and would seek the guidance of thy providence and the teaching of thy Spirit. Protect us from the snares and devices of our spiritual enemies, and enable us, by watchfulness and prayer, to resist their manifold assaults. Conscious of our own weakness and exposure, we pray for the aid and protection of thy grace. Hold thou us up, and we shall be safe. Never let us repose confidence in our own deceitful hearts. May we watch and pray, that we enter not into temptation. May we put on the whole armour of God, that we may be able to stand in the evil day. Be near to us, O God, in every hour of danger ; enable us to fight the good fight of faith, and to lay hold on eternal life. May Christ be in us, the hope of glory. We pray for all the dwellers upon earth. Bless them, O Lord, with the light and consolations of thy truth. Pity the millions of the heathen, who are without a revelation of thy will, and destitute of any saving knowledge of thy character. O visit them with the Dayspring from on high. Let the predictions of thy word be fulfilled, and let all the ends of the earth see the salvation of God. Bless all the churches of Christ planted in our midst. Shed upon them the dews of thy Spirit. Give pastors to them all according to thine heart, and may all who rank in iheir fellowship adorn the doctrine of God their Saviour in all things. Regard in great mercy our native country. Bless and prosper us as a people. Protect the person, and graciously influence the government, of our beloved Sovereign. Let all nations enjoy the benefits of true religion and well-defined liberty. Take us all under the care of thy good providence this day. Forgive our manifold sins. Keep us in the path of duty ; and do more and better for us than we ask or think, for Christ’s sake. Amen. 5S4 FORTY-FIRST raetmesBag Orb nuns WEEK. Matthew, Chapter v. 0 GOT), to whom all hearts are open, all desires known, and from whom no secrets can be hid ; grant unto us, we beseech thee, the gracious aid of thy Holy Spirit, that we may offer unto thee an acceptable sacrifice, through Jesus Christ thy dear Son. We bless thee that thou hast appointed such a medium of approach unto thee ; that though in ourselves unworthy of the least of thy mercies, we may ask and expect the largest bless- ings which we can need, or which thou canst bestow. Lord, increase our faith ; that we may humbly and earnestly plead thy promises, and wait upon thee till we receive the blessings which the mediation of Christ Jesus secures to all those who are united to him by living faith. We bless thee if thou hast shewn us the unsatisfying nature of every thing earthly, and created within us a desire for spiritual good ; we would humble ourselves before thee, that that desire is so feeble ; that present objects secure so much of our attention and of our love. Teach us to give to present things that time and energy which may be necessary to provide things honest in the sight of all men, and to glorify thee ; but may we never be allowed to make spiritual and eternal objects secondary and subordinate. May we observe the wise and gracious order appointed by our great Master, and seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, assured that all other things shall be added unto us, so far as they are really good. Grant us a copious supply of the Spirit of grace and supplication ; that, whenever we approach the throne of thy grace, we may enter into the true spirit of prayer, and may pour out our hearts before thee in all the fervour of devout thanksgiving and con- fession. Never let us provoke thee by the mere forms of devotion ; but may we worship thee in spirit and in truth, and render to thee the glory due to thy name. How often are we reminded that here we have no continuing city. O may we hear thy voice addressing us in thy word and in thy providence, — Walk circumspectly, not as fools but as wise, redeeming the time, because the days are evil, for the night cometh when no man can work. Whatever our hand findeth to do for God and for our our fellow-men, may we do it with our might, knowing that there is neither work, nor knowledge, nor device in the grave, whither we are hastening. May we be animated by the prospect of that immortal crown which is reserved for all who continue faithful unto death — by the cloud of witnesses that encompass us- — and especially by the example of Jesus, the Son of God, who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is set down at the right hand of the Majesty on high. Pardon, we beseech thee, all the sins of this day; we have merited thy displeasure, but we seek thy forgiveness and thy favour, through Him whose blood cleanseth from all sin. Preserve us this night from the dangers to which we may be exposed : may the powers of our bodies and minds be invigorated by refreshing sleep ; and if we rise in the morning, may it be in the exercise of a thankful and devotional spirit. Bless all who are dear to us by the ties of blood or friendship; make them partakers of thy grace, and bring them all to thy heavenly kingdom. May true religion every where increase, until the whole earth shall be filled with thy glory. Amen, and Amen. 5^5 4 E FORTY-FIRST CJwrgtiag Morning. WEEK. Isaiah, Chapter xxiv. O LORD, thou causest the outgoings of the morning and of the evening to rejoice over us. Thou art good, and doest good continually, — all thy paths drop fatness. Thy providence extends to the minutest as well as the greatest events. All thy creatures are thy care, and thou providest for them in due season. Thou openest thy hand liberally, and suppliest the wants of every thing which lives. This day, as on every former day of our lives, we are dependent on thy goodness. Give us this day our daily bread ; and in every thing, by prayer and supplication, let our requests be made known unto thee, that the peace of God, which passeth all understanding, may keep our hearts and minds through Christ Jesus. May we esteem access to the throne of thy grace, at all times, one of our highest privileges. And suffer not our worshipping of thee to degenerate into mere formality. May we truly pray with the heart and the understanding. May the expressions of our lips correspond with the feelings of our hearts. May we remember that thou requirest truth in the inward parts, and that nothing is more hateful in thy sight than insincerity and dissimulation. Mould us, therefore, by thy Holy Spirit, according to thy will. May we be made temples of the living God, by the indwelling of the Spirit. May we be Israelites indeed. May we know the blessedness of those whose transgressions are forgiven, whose sins are covered, unto whom the Lord will not impute iniquity, and in whose spirits there is no guile. Enable us to seek conformity to the will and image of Christ in all things. Make us dead to the world, as he was dead to the world ; holy, as he was holy ; humble, as he was humble ; meek, as he was meek ; and zealous for the glory of God and the salvation of sinners, as he was. O how far, how very far, are we from being like him. Humble us in the dust before thee. Give us true and godly sorrow for our sins. Help us to remem- ber, that without holiness no man can see the Lord ; and to recollect, that all who are predestinated to life are predestinated to be conformed to the image of thy dear Son. O that we may grow daily in his image. Make us living epistles of Christ, that, we may exhibit in our lives and conversations the power of the gospel. Let not sin have dominion over us. Destroy its power in our hearts, and enable us to purify ourselves from all filthiness of the flesh and spirit, that we may perfect holiness in the fear of God. Enable us this day to live in thy fear. May we dread being led into sin, and leading others into sin. O that our light may so shine before men, that others seeing our good works may glorify our Father who is in heaven. May we be the sons of God, without rebuke, in the midst of a crooked and perverse nation ; among whom may we shine as lights in the world, holding forth the word of life. And in accordance with thy command, may we work out our salvation with fear and trembling ; encouraged by the assurance that it is God who worketh in us, both to will and to do of his good pleasure. Strengthen us, therefore, we beseech thee, for the discharge of every duty devolving upon us ; fit us for bearing every trial ; and sanctify to us all thy varied dealings, that we may advance in a growing conformity to thee, and in meetness for heaven ; and that when thy purposes are finished with us here below, we may be received through Jesus Christ into everlasting glory. For his sake, we ask this and every blessing. Amen. 5S6 FORTY-FIRST Ci)ur$tmg Matthew, Chapter vi. WEEK. I N the multitude of thy mercies, 0 Lord, thou hast brought us to the close of another day; and we are again called to return thee our united thanksgivings for thy goodness. Many, O Lord our God, are thy wonderful works which thou hast done, and thy thoughts which are to usward ; they cannot be reckoned up in order unto thee : if we should declare and speak of them, they are more than can be numbered. Thy kind- ness to us in satisfying our bodily wants is great, but what is this when compared with thy loving-kindness toward us in Christ Jesus ? Herein indeed is love, not that we loved God ; but that he loved us, and sent his Son into the world to be the propitiation for our sins. How wonderful is it, that the infinite goodness of God to us in redemption should be so little in our thoughts; and that the trifling concerns of time should engross so much of our attention. What cause have we to lie low before thee, and to confess our great sin in reference to this matter. In the greatness of thy compassion, be pleased to forgive us this, and all our other sins, for Christ’s sake. Thy love forbids despair. For he who spared not his own Son, but gave him up for us all, how shall he not with him also freely give us all things ! May the love of God penetrate our souls, and may we love God, who first loved us, and gave his Son to die for us, whilst we were yet his enemies. Grant that our love to thee may be manifested by a steadfast observance of thy command- ments. May we prove our love to Jesus, by keeping his words ; and may his Father love us, and may the Father and Son come unto us, and make their abode with us. May we feel the commandments of Christ not to be grievous but joyous. O Lord, thou hast declared that great peace is the portion of those who love thy law, and that nothing shall offend them. We trust that we know something of this peace, and we pray that we may be enabled, at all times and in all circumstances, to hearken unto thy commandments, that our comfort in thee, and our joy in the Holy Ghost, may increase ; and that our peace may be like a river, and our righteousness like the waves of the sea. Too often have we departed from the path of thy holy commandments. Too often have we drawn down thy righteous displeasure on ourselves, and brought darkness and deep distress on our souls. May we never again experience the wormwood and the gall of a distressed conscience, which departure from thee occasions. Seal our hearts with the holy Spirit of promise, as the earnest of our inheritance. Sanctify us wholly in soul, body, and spirit, and enable us to walk not after the flesh, but after the spirit. May we make no provision for the flesh, to fulfil the lusts thereof ; but may we crucify the flesh with its affections and lusts. May we not live after the flesh, and die ; but may we, through the Spirit, mortify the deeds of the body, and live. May we reckon ourselves to be dead indeed unto sin, but alive unto God through Jesus Christ our Lord. And may sin not be suffered to reign in our mortal bodies, neither let us yield our members as instruments of unrighteousness unto sin ; but may we yield ourselves unto God, as those that are alive from the dead, and our members as instruments of righteousness unto God : rejoicing in the assurance, that sin shall not have dominion over us, because we are not under the law, but under grace. These blessings we ask, for our Lord Jesus Christ’s sake. Amen. 587 4 E 2 FORTY-FIRST jTrtnng iHonmtfj. WEEK. Isaiah, Chapter xxv. B LESSED be thy name, O most High, that thou hast revealed thyself to us as the Father of mercies : we need mercy, for we have sinned against thee ; our sins are numerous and aggravated ; for thou hast given us thy word to direct our conduct, and the promise of thy Spirit to enable us to walk so as to please thee. But we have often neglected thy word, and grieved thy Spirit; we have chosen the path of sin; light has surrounded us, but we have loved darkness rather than light, because our deeds have been evil. We adore thy patience and forbearance : thou mightest, in strict justice, have removed us from the land of hope to the regions of despair, and given us our portion with those who are reserved in chains under darkness to the judgment of the great day; or we might have b&en left to fill up the measure of our iniquities without the continued warnings of thy word, and invitations of thy grace, and promises of thy love, and strivings of thy Spirit. For ever blessed he thy name, O God, that we have yet the means of grace, and the hopes of glory; that thou hast inclined our hearts to seek thee, and taught us to delight in thy service. May we prize our religious privileges more highly, and improve them with more diligence ; that our knowledge may become more extensive and influen- tial; that our faith and hope, our love and zeal, may be more proportioned to the greatness of the objects to which they are directed. May we walk in Christ ; rooted and built up in him, and established in the faith as we have been taught, abounding therein with thanksgivings. We would unite in gratitude and praise for the continuance of thy providential favours towards us : we would remember that our food and raiment, our health and strength, and all our social comforts, flow from thy sovereign goodness : may we never lose sight of thy hand in these daily blessings, but may they all increase our gratitude and devotedness, and all be used for thy glory. As thou hast spared us to the beginning of another day, we beseech thee to preserve us from all dangers and temptations that may beset us ; may all our undertakings be in harmony with thy will ; may we acknowledge thee in all our ways, and have all our steps directed by thee. May we strive to do good to all with whom we are called to associate ; especially may we seek the conversion of the careless and the edification of the weak, remembering that we and they are fast hastening to a world where these offices of kindness and Christian love cannot be discharged : may we work while it is day, knowing that the night speedily cometh, in which no man can work. O teach us daily to remember that our life is but a vapour, that eternity is at hand, that our account must soon be rendered, that here we have no continuing city : and O do thou enable us to seek a city which hath foundations, whose builder and maker is God. Be pleased in mercy to bless our country : long hast thou distinguished us by the bestowment of temporal and spiritual blessings, yet we have not rendered unto thee according to thy past benefits : spare us, O Lord, in mercy; revive thy work amongst us, that we may be truly reformed, and spiritually enlightened, and that glory may dwell in our land. We ask all for our Redeemer’s sake. Amen. FORTY-FIRST dTritiag (firbertms WEEK. Matthew, Chapter vii. O LORD, enable us to approach the throne of thy grace with true hearts, and in the full assurance of faith, by that new and living way which thou hast consecrated for us through the rent veil of the flesh of thy dear Son. Blessed be thy name that ever such a way was consecrated for us. No such way has been opened for the fallen angels, who are reserved under chains of darkness unto the judgment of the great day. Hadst thou dealt with us as we have sinned, we too had been cast out of thy sight, and shut up in that prison of darkness, where the light of joy never enters, and where the sound of mercy is never heard. For ever adored be God for thinking on us in our lost and perishing condition, and raising up a Saviour for us, able to save unto the uttermost all that come unto God by him. Behold, therefore, O God, thy Son as our shield; and look upon him as our anointed Saviour. For, in and by him, there is mercy with thee that thou mayest be feared, and plenteous redemption that thou mayest be sought unto. May his glory be more and more revealed in our hearts. And may the grace of God, which bringeth salvation, teach us to deny ungodliness and worldly lusts, and to live soberly, righteously, and godly in this present evil world. O that we, and that all men, might honour the Son, even as the Father is honoured. May we adore him as the First and the Last, as the bright and the Morning Star, as the Prince of life, the Light of the world, the Heir of all things, the King of kings and the Lord of lords, and the Judge of the quick and the dead. May we be convinced that he possesses every perfection of Deity ; for in him dwelleth all the fulness of the Godhead bodily. May he therefore reign in our hearts without a rival. May the throne of iniquity be overthrown in us ; and may Jesus reign over us, and bring every feeling and thought under his subjection. May we grow up into Christ, who is our head, in all things. May we abound in the fruits of the Spirit, which are love, joy, peace, long-suffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness, and temperance. And may we not grieve the Holy Spirit of God, whereby we are sealed unto the day of redemption. But may we put away all bitterness, and wrath, and anger, and clamour, and evil-speaking, with all malice ; and may we be kind one to another, tender-hearted, forgiving one another, even as God for Christ’s sake hath forgiven us. And may we be imitators of God as dear children, and walk in love, as Christ also hath loved us, and hath given himself for us, an offering and a sacrifice to God for a sweet-smelling savour. We desire to lament that we bear so little resemblance to Christ, and that we are so much conformed to this world in its spirit, in its pursuits, and in its pleasures. O wean us from the world, and the things of the world, that they may not prove our ruin. May the cross of Christ be the subject of our glorying, the theme of our meditation, the source of our joy, and the consummation of our hopes; and by its glories may the world be crucified unto us, and we unto the world. May we daily die more and more unto sin, and live more and more unto God ; not being conformed to this world, but transformed by the renewing of our minds, that we may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect will of God. This we ask for Jesus Christ’s sake. Amen. 589 FORTY-FIRST iHonimg, WEEK. Isaiah, Chapter xxvi. O GOD, thou hast been the dwelling-place of thy people in all generations. Thou hast once more in thy adorable providence brought us to see the light of the last day of another week. How swiftly are our moments, our hours, our days, and our weeks, passing away ! How full has this week been to us of mercies, and how unthankful have we been to the gracious Source of them all ! O Lord, deal not with us after our sins, reward us not according to our deserts ; but, like as a father pitieth his children, so do thou pity us, and remember our frame, that we are but dust. We have added many, many sins this week, to our former transgressions, but our hope is in thy mercy ; for the mercy of the Lord is from everlasting to everlasting upon them that fear him, and his righteousness unto their children’s children. May we this day remember that thy holy day is approaching, on which we shall be called to go up into thy courts to worship thee. Blessed are they that dwell in thy house, they shall be still praising thee. May we joy when it is said unto us, Let us go up to the house of our God. Prepare our hearts for this service. May we sanctify the Lord God in our hearts ; may He be our fear, and may He be our dread. May we not fear them who can kill the body, but after that have no more that they can do : but may we fear Him who, after he hath killed the body, hath power to cast both soul and body into hell. We pray for all the ministers of Christ’s holy gospel, that they may be fitted for the labours of the coming Sabbath. Impart liberally to them, that they may be enabled to give out fully and freely to the people. Be with them in their private studies. May their meditations on Christ be sweet. May they study thy holy oracles with muc-h prayer and deep humility, and may their profiting appear unto all men. May they be scribes well instructed in the law, workmen that need not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth, and bringing from the treasury of thy word things new and old. And may we all who sit under the joyful sound of the gospel, give the most earnest heed to the things which are spoken, lest at any time we should let them slip. Be pleased, O Lord, to give us the hearing ear, and the understanding heart, that our souls may greatly profit by the word preached. Enable us carefully to watch over our hearts this day, that we may not sin against thee, and unfit ourselves for profitably waiting upon thee on the ensuing day. Sanctify, we beseech thee, the very frame of our minds. In the business and pursuits of life, may we be spiritually minded, which is life and peace. O may we keep our hearts with all diligence, since out of them are the issues of life. O Lord, prepare us for the services of an eternal Sabbath. Here we find a law in our members warring against the law of our minds, and bringing us into captivity to the law of sin and death. But thanks be unto God, who has given us the prospect of complete victory through Jesus Christ our Lord. May we know what it is to walk with God, to have our hearts in heaven, and our treasure there ; and may every day that we live find us making progress in the divine life, and growing in meetness for that inheritance which is incorruptible, undefiled, and which fadeth not away. Amen. 590 FORTY-FIRST «#>aturtiag <£bntfttg< WEEK. Matthew, Chapter viii. B LESSED God, thou hast again brought us to the close of another week, and to the borders of another Christian Sabbath. What is our life? it is even but a vapour which appeareth for a little time, and then vanisheth away. A few more weeks at most, and we shall have done with time, and with all the opportunities and means of grace which we enjoy. We are all walking on the borders of eternity, and travelling rapidly forward with unhalting speed into that land whence we shall never return. May we stand ready for the stroke of death ; and when we pass from time, may we enter into the joys and felicities of the saints who are before the throne, serving God day and night in his temple, having washed their robes and made them white in the blood of the Lamb. Fit us, O God, for the heavenly glory ; kindle in our cold hearts a flame of divine love ; enable us to soar on the wings of faith beyond this low and grovelling scene. May our conversation be in heaven, whence also may we look for the Saviour, who shall change our vile bodies, and fashion them like unto his own glorified body, even by that mighty power whereby he himself arose from the dead. May his Spirit dwell in us, and quicken us to all the enjoyments of the spiritual life. May we rise with him, and sit down with him in heavenly places. May our life be hid with Christ in God, that, when he who is our life shall appear, we also may appear with him in glory. Teach us, O God, to live by faith, and not by sense ; O may the life which we live in the flesh be by the faith of the Son of God, who loved us, and gave himself for us. Grant us victory over a present evil world ; may we deny ourselves, take up our cross, and follow Christ ; may thy grace reign in us through righteousness unto eternal life. Should it please thee to spare us to enter upon the services of another Sabbath, may thy blessing rest upon our souls. May thy ministering servant, who dispenses to us the bread of life, feel his soul enlarged by the joys of thy salvation, and the smiles of thy favour ; and from the abundance of his heart may he speak unto the people. O that thy blessing may render the word preached by him useful to all who sit under him. May the weak in faith be encouraged, the disconsolate cheered, and the broken-hearted comforted ; and may the stout-hearted be alarmed, the careless arrested, the backsliding reclaimed, and the godly edified. May the word of God prove its adaptation to all classes and con- ditions of men, and come home to their hearts with power, through the divine energy of the Holy Spirit. O that God the Spirit would breathe upon dead souls, that they may live. Spiritual death reigns around us in the world, and nothing can quicken the spiritu- ally dead but divine influence shed down from Jesus the Prince of life, who has received gifts for men, and is exalted to be a Prince and a Saviour, to grant repentance unto Israel, and the remission of sins. To him therefore we would look as the Head of all vital influ- ence. May he pour out his Spirit upon his people, and on rebellious sinners, that the Lord God may dwell among them, and that a numerous seed may be raised up to serve and glorify his name. Blessed be the Lord God, the God of Israel, who only doeth wondrous things ; and blessed be his glorious name for ever ; and let the whole earth be filled with his glory. Amen, and amen. 591 FORTY-SECOND <#>untmg ifflornutg WEEK. Isaiah, Chapter xxvii. RANT us, O Lord, we beseech thee, the assistance of thy Spirit, for we are unable of ourselves to present unto thee any spiritual and acceptable sacrifice : the prepa- ration of the heart in man, and the answer of the tongue, are both alike from thee. We humbly thank thee for the promises thou hast given which encourage our approach unto thee : may we draw near in full assurance of faith, knowing that what thou hast promised thou art also ready to perform, and that we have not been straitened in thee, but in ourselves. We bless thee, that while our necessities would drive us to thee as the only Being able to supply our need, thy revealed character invites our affection and our con- fidence : may we ever consider it our first duty, our highest honour, our truest happiness, to seek thee by prayer, and to offer to thee our songs of gratitude and joy. We bless thee that we are not only permitted to worship in private, and in the family, but that we have one day in seven set apart for thy more immediate and public worship ; a day blessed of the Lord, honourable and delightful to all whose minds have been enlightened by thy Spirit, whose hearts have been warmed by thy love. We would be glad when it is said unto us, Come, let us go up to the house of the Lord ! O keep us this day from every unhallowed and every trifling thought, that we may wait upon thee without distraction. May it be a day in which thy power shall be displayed: may we see thy glory and taste thy love in thy sanctuary. Give us a foretaste of that blessed world, where they keep an everlasting Sabbath, and cease not day nor night admiring the riches of redeeming love, and adoring Him who washed them from their sins in his own blood. O Lord, increase our thirst after thee ; scatter the clouds of ignorance ; rend the veil of unbelief which sin is continually spreading around us ; lift upon us the light of thy countenance ; may we drink of the water of life as we journey through the wilderness, till we come to the never-failing Fountain, and thirst no more. Help us to look to Him who is the bread of life ; by faith may we eat of that bread, and live for ever. We bless thee that the Son of man came to seek and to save that which was lost ; that he gave his life a ransom for the sins of many ; that his flesh is meat indeed, and that his blood is drink indeed. O unite us by a living faith to Him who is the way, and the truth, and the life ; that as he lives, we may live also ; and that, deriving from him constant supplies of grace, we may habitually live as expectants of that crown of life which shall never fade away. Pour thy Spirit abundantly upon all thy people, wherever they shall meet together for thy worship : especially let thy ministers rejoice in the light, and strength, and joy thou art imparting to them, and to their people by them. Bless thy servant with whom we are more especially connected ; may his message be carried with divine power to the hearts of all who may hear it, that those who have believed may be edified, and those who have hitherto remained careless may be convinced of their guilt, their need of salvation, and the safety and happiness of them that believe in Jesus. O may the kingdom of Satan be weakened this day; may many subjects be won to the Redeemer, that there may be joy on earth and in heaven. Hear us in our supplications, accept our thanksgivings, and give us every needful blessing, through Jesus Christ, our Lord and Redeemer. Amen. FORTY-SECOND Jmntmg atui‘tmg Wonting. WEEK. Isaiah, Chapter xl. LMIGHTY God, we bless thee for the encouragement thou hast given us to draw nigh unto thee ; we would now look up for the influence of the Holy Spirit, who ordains strength for us, and has promised to work in us. May we have a becoming sense of the condescension of God ; that He, the High and Holy One who inhabiteth eternity, should look down upon us with pity and love, to supply our wants, to guide us with his eye, to maintain our peace, and to afford us the wisdom and grace which our characters or stations may require. May we continue in prayer, not only feeling our dependence upon thee, and the necessity of prayer as the means of receiving the blessings thou hast promised, but rejoicing in it as the grand medium of communion with God — as the source of sanctification and peace. May we know that prayer is our refuge and our solace in every hour of danger, necessity, and trial ; and may the gracious answers we from time to time receive encourage us to abound yet more and more in the holy and life-giving exercise. O may we continue instant in prayer, remembering the will of our divine Master, that men ought always to pray, and not to faint. Pardon us, that we have lived so far beneath our character as disciples of Christ, and expectants of heavenly purity and glory : we must acknowledge that we have too often taken our rules of action from our fellow-men, rather than from the precepts and example of Christ; and that our conversation has partaken more of the spirit of the world than of the spirit which cometh down from above : while professing ourselves strangers and pilgrims on the earth, we have often felt and acted as though this were our only state of being. May we learn so to value and pursue things temporal, that we may not lose those which are eternal ; seeking first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and desiring the good things of the present life, only so far as they are absolutely necessary, or as they may promote the glory of God, and the real welfare of our fellow-men. We have this morning to thank thee for the protection and repose of another night : we have laid ourselves down, and slept ; we have awaked, because the Lord hath sustained us : may we still share in thy providential mercies ; that our steps may be directed, and all our wants be supplied, by thine all-wise and powerful hand. May we never forget that thou art present with us, observing our motives as well as our actions : may our ruling desire be, to approve ourselves to thee, our Creator, Benefactor, and Judge. May the young before thee especially remember that God sees them continually, that nothing can be hid from him, that he is angry with the wicked every day ; but that he regards with compassion and delight them that fear and serve him, May all whom we love, and all for whom we should pray, have thee for their Father and Friend; be sanctified by thy Spirit, and thus be fitted for thy heavenly kingdom. Pity those who are still in the gall of bitterness, and in the bond of iniquity : make them sensible of their state ; may they cry for deliverance, and flee for refuge to lay hold of the hope set before them in the Gospel. Let thy kingdom come, and thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. All we ask is in the Redeemer’s name, to whom be glory for ever and ever. Amen. 618 FORTY-THIRD Abetting, Matthew, Chapter xxii. aveek. T HO U art worthy, O God, to receive the adoration and praise, the love and obedience, of all thy intelligent creatures : for thou art possessed of every possible perfection and in thee they all live, and move, and have their being. O how wonderful is thy patience towards thy sinful creatures ! Thou art ever maintaining their lives and sup- plying their wants, although they employ the powers and faculties they received from thee in a constant course of opposition to thy will. What multitudes of our fellow-creatures continue to trample upon thy laws, insult thy government, and despise thy grace, and yet thou sparest them. And the same forbearance has been exercised towards us : for by nature we are all the children of wrath, even as others : and our practice has been the same in principle, though thy grace may have preserved us from running to the same excesses : we desire to render to thee the glory which is due to thy forbearing love : O may it lead us to repentance : and may our future conduct manifest the sincerity of our penitential confessions. Spared by thine unmerited goodness to surround the family altar at the close of another day and of another week, we would call upon our souls with all their powers to magnify thy name. Thy providential mercies have been large and free, yet the blessings of thy grace have been still more abundant. Pardon all the neglect of thy commands, all the worldliness, ingratitude, and unfruitfulness which thou hast witnessed in us; and cause a deep sense of our obligations ever to accompany us; that we may rejoice to spend and be spent for thee, the Father of our spirits, and the God of all our mercies. Espe- cially we entreat that thy Holy Spirit may take of the things of Christ, and shew them unto us ; that we may behold the glorious excellencies of his character ; that we may perceive the necessity and perfection of his work, and may enjoy pardon and peace, life and joy, by virtue of our union to him as the Lord our righteousness. Blessed be thy name for the declarations thou hast made in thy word, of thy readiness to receive and bless us through Him, whom thou hast set forth to be the propitiation for our sins ! May we receive thy promises with humble confidence and holy joy ; knowing that thou art faithful; and that no good thing shall fail of all that thou hast spoken to us. O thou blessed Spirit, whose work it is to enlighten, and purify, and establish, uphold us in the paths of righteousness ; make us sincere in the service of God ; faithful to our solemn vows and professions — that we may adorn the doctrine of God our Saviour in all things. Our privileges are great, and our responsibilities are in proportion. Much has been given to us, and much will be required. O let us not be found at last among the wicked and slothful servants; but may we be found watching for the coming of our Lord. Graciously take charge of us, O God, during the silent hours of darkness : may we rest in safety ; and may our bodies and spirits be invigorated and fitted for thy service. May the coming Sabbath be distinguished for the abundant out-pouring of thy Spirit, that the word of the Lord may have free course and be glorified. Grant these blessings for the sake of our Redeemer and Advocate, Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. 619 412 FORTY-FOURTH ^imirng iBornms, WEEK. ; Isaiah, Ciiafter xli. O Ull Father who art in heaven, we humbly acknowledge how rebellious and ungrate- ful we have been ; we have continually merited thy displeasure ; and it is of thy mercies we are not consumed, and because thy compassion faileth not. Enable us now to approach thee under a deep conviction of our unworthiness and guilt, that we may depend only for acceptance with thee upon the atoning sacrifice and powerful intercession of our Lord Jesus Christ. We bless thee that thou hast given him to be our Redeemer and our Advocate ; and declared thy willingness to pardon our sins, to sanctify our natures, and to adopt us into thy family, for His sake. We bless thee, if thou hast by thy Spirit made us willing in the day of his power ; shewing us our weakness and his strength, our ignorance and his wisdom, our defilement and his perfect excellence and glory. Enlighten our minds yet more and more ; that our humility may be increased; that our self-renunciation may be more entire ; that our love to Christ may be more ardent, and our devotedness to thy service more unreserved. We desire to be truly thankful for all the advantages we possess of becoming more acquainted with thy will, and thy glorious character. We thank thee for thy holy day, when we can study thy word, and attend upon the ordinances of religion, without that interruption from the engagements of the world which necessarily attends us through the week. O give us wisdom, that we may improve these hallowed hours aright ; give us a holy appetite for spiritual engagements, that we may value a day spent in thy courts above a thousand spent in the pleasures of the world. May we diligently seek, and believingly expect, the Divine presence and blessing in the various religious exercises in which we may this day engage. O deliver us from all blindness of mind, all hardness of heart, and all contempt of thy holy will and authority. Give us a soft and a broken heart for sin, — a mind prepared to receive with meekness that engrafted word which is able to save our souls, — the teachableness of little children, the mind that was in Christ Jesus. Bless the ordinances of thy house to all those who shall be permitted to attend them ; clothe thy word with divine power, that it may reach the consciences of sinners, and cause them to flee to the only refuge, and that it may give peace and joy to those who are seek- ing thee by faith in Christ Jesus. May all thy faithful servants enjoy thy manifest presence; that, while conscious of their own insufficiency, they may have to thank God, who always causeth them to triumph in Christ, and maketh manifest his name by them in every place. Especially we pray for thy servant our pastor : strengthen his hands, encourage his heart ; may he see his people growing in knowledge, walking in love, labouring with him in the gospel ; and both by their prayers, and their self-denying and persevering efforts, promoting his comfort here, and justifying the hope that very many shall hereafter appear as the crown of his rejoicing. Bring multitudes to hear thy gospel this day, who have hitherto lived in the neglect of the ordinances of religion ; and may those who have been hearers only, become doers of thy word, that they may be blessed in their deeds. All these mercies, for ourselves and others, we ask in the name of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ ; to whom, with the Father and the Holy Spirit, be all glory and honour. Amen. 620 FORTY-FOURTH .#untrag tiFbentng. Matthew, Chapter xxiii. WEEK. U NTO thee, O Lord, would we lift up our souls ! We adore thy condescension and love, that we are permitted to come as children to a father, that our numerous and pressing wants may be supplied. We bless thee, that we have had the inestimable privi- lege this day of entering thy house of prayer, joining with thy people in supplication and praise, and listening to thy word. Pardon, we beseech thee, all our worldly and trifling thoughts, our unprofitableness, our coldness and formality ; and grant that what we have heard with our outward ears may be so ingrafted into our hearts, that we may bring forth the fruits of righteousness to thy glory, and the advancement of our peace and usefulness. Forbid that we should be hearers only, deceiving our own souls. We are prone to indulge the spirit of self-deception, and to think more highly of ourselves than we ought to think. O deliver us from this sad tendency of our apostate nature ; cause us to see light in thy light ; and to shake off" every prejudice which would hinder us from discerning our own real characters in thy sight. Blessed be thy name for the revelation of thy love in the gift of our Lord Jesus Christ, to be the sacrifice for our sins ; for the repeated invitations given us in thy word to come unto thee through Him, assured that whosoever cometh, thou wilt in no wise cast out. We bless thee for the promise of the Holy Spirit, by whom alone we can be taught how guilty, helpless, and dependent we are ; who alone can illuminate our minds, and give us those views of the glory and grace of Christ, by which the power of sin is subdued, and the burden of sin is taken away. O may his gracious influences be granted to us: being enlightened by Him, may we no longer walk in darkness ; but, as children of the light, being sanctified by him, may we no longer serve sin, but yield our members as instruments of righteousness unto God : and having the Spirit of God dwelling in us, and witnessing with our spirits that we are the children of God, may we enjoy that peace which passeth all understanding. May we never forget our dependence upon the Holy Spirit for light, purity, and joy; but, continuing instant in prayer, and watching in the same with thanks- giving, may we be stablished in the faith. Follow with thine effectual blessing the labours of all thy ministers this day; wherever the gospel has been preached, may it be succeeded by the production of those fruits which shall promote thy glory, and the happiness of man. Where convictions have been pro- duced, may they be deepened and perpetuated. Bind up the broken-hearted ; give liberty to the captive ; destroy the kingdom of Satan, and establish and extend the kingdom of Christ, until all men shall submit themselves to Him, desiring not only to be saved by his grace, but also to be governed by his laws. Regard in mercy those who have not been permitted to tread thy courts : make up to them the want of public ordinances, and prepare them for the service of the heavenly temple, where weakness, infirmity, and affliction shall be unknown. Forgive all that thou hast seen in us contrary to thy will : graciously accept both our persons and our services, through Jesus Christ thy well-beloved Son ; to whom, with the Father and the Holy Spirit, be ascribed everlasting praise. Amen. 021 FORTY-FOURTH WEEK. Isaiah, Chapter xlii. E NABLE us, O most High, to worship Thee, who art a Spirit, in spirit and in truth ; for thy word declares that such, and such only, thou wilt accept. We confess that we are both unworthy to draw nigh unto thee, and unable to present any spiritual and acceptable sacrifice : for while thou art infinite in holiness and glory, we are degraded and polluted by sin ; it is only because thou delightest in mercy, that we are spared to the present moment, and are now permitted to hope for the pardon of our sins, for restoration to thy family, and to the possession of life eternal. O give us true repentance, that we may confess and forsake our sins : and may a remembrance of our past ingrati- tude and guilt ever keep us humble ; may we renounce our wisdom as folly, and our own strength as weakness ; seeking the wisdom that is from above, which alone can direct us aright, and relying upon that strength which Christ alone can impart, but which he has graciously promised in answer to the prayer of humility and faith. We desire to be more sensible of our folly and guilt in living so far from God, so far below our privileges and our hopes as Christians : Alas ! we have fallen far short of the spirituality, purity, and joy which the Spirit, and the promises of thy word, point out to us as attainable. Though freely admitted to the throne of grace ; though taught to fill our mouth with arguments drawn from thy revealed character ; from the condescension and dignity, from the power and love, of our Lord Jesus Christ; and from those promises which are addressed to our weakness, poverty, and guilt ; we have often restrained prayer before God, and neglected that communion with thee, in which consists our highest glory and most substantial happiness. May we see more of the vast disproportion there has been between the obligations we are under to divine grace, and the returns we have made; so that we may be constrained to esteem ourselves less than the least of all saints. But while thus abased, may we not be discouraged ; may we ever keep in view the righteous- ness, the faithfulness, the compassion, and the glory of the Redeemer ; and be enabled to rest in him for wisdom, righteousness, sanctification, and redemption; knowing that in Him are all things we can need ; that though unworthy in ourselves of the least of thy mercies, we may humbly claim the greatest blessings which God can bestow, because we are Christ’s, and Christ is God’s. Lying in the dust before thee, may we prove the truth of thy word, that thou dwellest with humble and contrite souls. Grant, O Lord, that the privileges of the past day, and all the religious advantages we enjoy, may lead us nearer to thee ; that we may find all our happiness in thy favour, and in doing thy will. Pour out thy Spirit more abundantly into our hearts, to prepare us for communion with thee, and to enable us to serve thee with increased purity of motive and steadiness of zeal. Suffer us not to be wearied or faint in our minds, but, laying aside every weight, and the sin which doth so easily beset us, may we run with patience the race that is set before us ; looking unto Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith; who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God. To Him, with thee, O Father, and the Holy Spirit, be eternal glory. Amen. G'2-2 FORTY-FOURTH iBcmtiai) <£benftt& Matthew, Chapter xxiv. week. O GOD, our heavenly Father; before thy throne of grace would we bow ourselves with holy fear and sacred joy; for while our guilt renders us unworthy of thy notice, thy grace and love unite with thy commands, in encouraging us to come with confidence, assured that thou delightest in mercy, and art more ready to forgive and bless us, than we are with godly sorrow and humble boldness to ask these unspeakable blessings at thy hands. May we now not only acknowledge our guilt, but feel that contrition of heart which becomes us. May we behold our own defilement, and the spirituality and glorious purity of thy character, that each of us may adopt the language of the patriarch— I have heard of thee by the hearing of the ear, but now mine eye seeth thee ; wherefore I abhor myself, and repent in dust and ashes. Blessed be thy name that thou hast revealed in thy word an all-sufficient atonement for sin ; and that all who are weary and heavy laden are freely invited to come unto thee through faith in Christ, assured that thou wilt give them rest. O cleanse us from all our sins ; remove that burden of guilt which would sink us into everlasting perdition : say unto us, as thou didst to one of old, Be of good cheer, thy sins are forgiven thee ! may we know the blessedness of the man whose transgression is forgiven, whose sin is covered, and to whom the Lord imputeth not iniquity. Being justified by faith, may we have peace with God, through our Lord Jesus Christ, and rejoice in hope of the glory of God. Accept our humble and hearty thanks for all thy goodness and loving-kindness towards us as individuals and as a family. How many mercies do we enjoy, which others possess not ; and yet it is only thy grace that has made us to differ : we thank thee for food and raiment, for health and strength, and for all the comforts of social life ; more especially we thank thee for the spiritual blessings that encompass us, for the means of grace, and for the hope of glory. May our advantages never rise up in judgment against us, but may they urge us to devote all that we are, and all that we possess, to God, that he may be glorified in us and by us. And while we acknowledge thy distinguishing goodness to us, may we never fail to sympathize with those who are in circumstances of sorrow or want : may we be ever ready to assist them; may we possess much of the spirit of Him who went about doing good ; and as we have opportunity, may we do good unto all men, especially unto them who are of the household of faith. May we bear one another’s burdens, and so fulfil the law of Christ. We would not live to ourselves, but to Him who died for us, and rose again for our justification. May we seek the good of many, that they may be saved. May we d Wonting. WEEK. Isaiah, Chapter xlviii. E adore thee, O Most High, as the Creator and Ruler of heaven and earth : before thee, angels bow with holy reverence and awe ; with what humility does it become us to approach unto thee, who have sinned against so much light and love ! Thou wouldst have been just in our everlasting condemnation, for we have revolted from thy righteous government, and have become enemies to thee by wicked works. Thou didst form us in thine image, in knowledge, righteousness, and true holiness ; but we have fallen from our integrity, and have become guilty and apostate creatures. We must acknowledge the justice of that sentence by which the whole world is pronounced to be guilty before God, and by which we are taught that there is not a just man upon the earth, that doeth good and sinneth not. Adored be thy grace and love, that thou didst give thine only begotten Son to be a propitiation for our sins; that thou mightest be just, and yet the justifier of him that believeth in Jesus. We admire the grace of our Lord Jesus, that though he was rich, yet for our sakes he became poor, that we through his poverty might be rich : O may a sense of our infinite obligations lead us with unfeigned gratitude to devote ourselves to Him who loved us, and gave himself for us. May the love of Christ constrain us ; judging, that if one died for all, he died for all, that they which live might not henceforth live unto themselves, but unto Him that died for them and rose again. May the word of Christ be our guide; and His example the object of our constant imitation; that, dwelling in him and walking in his steps, it may be manifest that we are the children of God. We bless thee for the means of grace thou hast provided for the growth of our know- ledge, the increase of our spirituality and love, and meetness for the worship of heaven : especially would we now unite to thank thee for the Sabbath, and for those spiritual and invaluable blessings which are connected with it in the promises of thy word, and the happy experience of those who wait upon thee in spirit and in truth. We thank thee that we are spared to begin another of the days of the Son of man ; preserve us, we entreat thee, from the intrusion of worldly thoughts, from low and unhallowed feelings and motives, and from all hypocrisy or formality ; may our prayers and praises be presented through faith in the great atonement ; may we feel our need of the Holy Spirit’s influences ; and, in answer to our prayers, receive abundantly of his divine communications ; that our services may be acceptable to thee, and profitable and delightful to ourselves. Bless all who shall meet together this day for the worship of God, through the mediation of our Lord Jesus Christ; may their faith and knowledge, their love and joy, abound ; and may multitudes be reclaimed, and savingly converted to God. Bless espe- cially our fellow-worshippers ; may they come to the sanctuary in the spirit of prayer, and find it good to wait upon thee. May thy servant who shall address us in thy name, enjoy thy presence and assistance ; may his word come with divine power to all our hearts, and may we faithfully apply all his warnings and counsels to ourselves, and act upon them, that, being not forgetful hearers but doers of thy word, we may be blessed in our deeds. Hear us in heaven thy dwelling-place, and when thou hearest forgive, for Christ our Redeemer’s sake. Amen. 034 FORTY-FIFTH ^untfag «FSmtutg WEEK. Mark, Chapter ii. O GOD our heavenly Father, we desire to bow again before thy throne of grace, that we may present our praises, and seek the forgiveness of our sins. What reason have we to bless thy holy name, not only for what thou art in thyself, but also for what thou hast ever been towards us; suffer us not to forget either thy glorious excellencies or thy continued goodness ; but may an enlightened view of thy character, and a grateful remembrance of thy mercy, bind us closely to thee as our Father and our God. Thanks be unto thee for the privileges of this day ; that we have been permitted to engage in thy worship uninterrupted by the business of the world ; that we have united with thy people in prayer and praise, and in listening to the truths of the gospel : suffer not the savour of divine things to pass away with the ordinances of thy house ; but may thy good Spirit deepen and perpetuate any salutary impressions that may have been made, and may we all consider our accountability to thee, and how soon we must meet thee as our Judge, to receive according to the deeds done in the body, whether they be good or bad. May we ever remember the declaration of our Saviour, that to whom much is given, of the same shall much be required ; and may we now seek that our gratitude and devotedness, our holiness and zeal, may bear some proportion to the grace bestowed upon us, and the peculiar advantages by which we have been distinguished. May we never rest satisfied with a limited or speculative acquaintance with thy word, or with a profession of religion which allows any reservation of feeling or devotion ; may we yield ourselves ivholly to thee, to be moulded by thy will, and to be employed in any way for the advancement of thy glory. We would be humbled when we remember how infinite is thy love to us — and how cold has been our love to thee ; how infinite the price paid by the Son of God for our redemption — and how reluctant we are to take up our cross, or to make any sacrifice for him. Enkindle within us, O blessed Spirit, that divine and holy flame, which shall consume our selfishness, and cause our hearts to ascend to thee in the exercise of filial joy and complacency ; and henceforth may we walk with God, and, having daily fellowship with him, may we be transformed into his holy likeness. Follow with thy blessing all the means which have been used to advance thy glory, and to extend the kingdom of the Redeemer amongst men ; especially may those who have worshipped with us be enabled to improve their advantages, that, increasing in meetness for thy service on earth and in heaven, they may be to thy servant, our pastor, a joy here, and a crown of rejoicing in the day of the Lord. Bless those who have been deprived of the ordinances of thy house this day ; make their afflictions to work out for them a far more exceeding and eternal weight of glory. To thee would we commit ourselves, and commend each other through the darkness and dangers of the coming night : grant us refreshing rest, and if we are spared to begin another day, may it be with more devotedness to thy service than we have ever yet manifested ; and may we daily grow in wisdom, and become more prepared to glorify thee in this world, and to enjoy thee for ever; and to the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit be all glory and honour for ever and ever. Amen. 035 4 L2 FORTY-FIFTH JBmt&ag Wonting* WEEK. Isaiah, Chapter xlix. I N approaching the throne of grace this morning, we would bless the God and Father of our spirits, for his abounding goodness to us in his Son Jesus Christ ; and for all the mercies of his providence and grace. Thy mercies are indeed more numerous than we can reckon, more precious than we can estimate ; and of the very least of them we are utterly unworthy. The very ox or ass may well reprove our insensibility and ingratitude, and teach us lessons of wisdom ; for the ox knoweth his owner, and the ass his master’s crib, and serve and obey the hand that feeds them ; but though we have been nourished and brought up as children, we have rebelled against the Lord out Maker, Preserver, Benefactor, and Redeemer. Against what mercy have we sinned ! under what rich good- ness have we been impenitent and unthankful ! O let us not provoke the Holy One of Israel to anger more and more. Let thy mercy soften our hearts, and let the truths of thy salvation which we were favoured to hear on the past Sabbath sink deeply into our hearts, and work in us mightily through thy Holy Spirit both to will and to do thy good pleasure. May the Holy Spirit, through the word, teach us more of the character, dignity, work, and merit of the Lord Jesus Christ, that we may see what a sure and broad foundation is laid for our faith, and what security there is for us to hope in him unto eternal life. Unfold to our minds the divine promises, which are all yea and amen in Christ Jesus. Make them appear to us in all their riches, extent, and permanency. From these wells of salva- tion enable us to draw water daily; and may we have increasing desires after the blessings which thy word presents before us. May we often seek and find opportunities for private meditation, and for the study of thy word; and as we cannot have comfort from it unless it dwell in us richly, sanctify our memories to retain it, when we read it, or hear it read or preached ; and may the Spirit recall it to our remembrance when we may have at any time let it slip. Habituate our minds to view all that is recorded in the scriptures as absolutely and eternally true ; and may we listen thereto with all the simplicity and confidence of little children. When we are tempted, may we, by the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God, successfully rebut the temptation ; when we are in darkness, may it be a lamp unto our feet and a light unto our path ; when we are cast down, may it comfort us ; when we are in affliction, may it be the ground of our hope : may it be our guide to counsel us, and regulate our conduct at all times; our staff of support in all the trials of life; and in the hour of death may its consolatory and sanctifying truths gladden our souls, and fill us with joy unspeakable, causing us to rejoice in the hope of the glory of God. We entreat thee that this precious word may soon be known in those lands where heretofore it has been unknown. May the blessed gospel, like the sun in the firmament, shed its life-giving influences from east to west, and travel an uninterrupted course, until it shine with unclouded splendour over all the nations of the earth. In our goings out and in, may thy word this day be the man of our counsel. May its truths comfort and bless the souls of all our relatives and acquaintances, and so enlighten their minds, that they may thereby be brought to the saving knowledge of Christ. From heaven, thy dwelling- place, be graciously pleased to hear us, and cause answers of peace to descend on us, for the sake of our glorious and exalted Redeemer. Amen. 636 FORTY-FIFTH iHontrag <£bnumj, WEEK. Mark, Chapter iii. 0 LORD, it is of thy mercies that we are again permitted to approach the throne of thy grace. We feel that we are carnal, and sold under sin. The good which we would, we do not; and the evil which we would not, that we do. Wert thou to leave us' to ourselves, we should quickly and for ever forsake thee. When we taste of thy grace, we think that we shall never lose the savour, and that our prayer shall always be, O Lord, lift upon us the light of thy countenance. But our goodness passeth away more rapidly than the morning cloud or the early dew. The impressions made on our minds by the preaching of thy gospel, which we suppose, while under the word, will never be forgotten, are quickly effaced. We no sooner return to our worldly pursuits than we are in imminent danger of having the word choaked, our tender feelings obliterated, and our spirituality of mind destroyed. O Lord, have mercy upon us ! uphold us, or we shall fall. Keep us by thine almighty power through faith unto salvation, that we may at last receive the end of our faith, even the salvation of our souls. We desire to look up to our exalted Redeemer for preserving and sustaining grace. Thou, O blessed Jesus, art able to keep us from falling. Thou, and thou only, canst keep our eyes from tears, our feet from slipping, and our souls from death ; for thou art the way, and the truth, and the life ; and no man cometh unto the Father but by thee. Thou art the way, in the midst of a trackless desert ; the truth, in the midst of ages of error ; and the life, in the midst of a world abiding in death. Be our way to the heavenly world; let thy truth expel all error from our minds ; and may its entrance into our souls, dead by nature in trespasses and sins, originate, maintain, and promote spiritual life. We honour and praise thy glorious name, for having opened this new and living way through the rent veil of the flesh of Christ, through which way we have access at all times to thee. O Thou who art the light of our souls, and the God of our salvation, let thy truth lead and guide us in our journey through life. Deliver us from the belief of lies. May we buy the truth, and sell it not. We remember with shame how often we have made lies our refuge ; how often we have thought of ourselves more highly than we ought ; how often we have viewed our characters with complacency, through a more lenient and indulgent medium than thy unerring truth, and the example of Christ; and how often w r e have wished our fellow-men to think of us more highly than we deserved. Humble us under a deep sense of our great and manifold sins. Clothe us with humility. Deliver us from all hypocrisy, dissimulation, and pride, in prayer, and in all our religious duties. Make us Israelites indeed, in whom there is no guile ; that we may not be chargeable in any sense with loving or making a lie. Deliver us from idols. We come to thee to have all our guilt purged away; to have thy law written on our hearts; and to be enabled to say with David, Thy word is truth, therefore we love it. O engrave it on our hearts as with an iron pen, or the point of a diamond, that from henceforth we may thoroughly hate every false way. And as the engrafted word is able to save our souls, we pray thee, by thy divine Spirit, to cause us to understand, feel, and love the glorious truths of thy gospel ; that, being cast into the gospel mould, and purified through the truth, we may at length be made like to Jesus, and see him as he is. Amen. 637 FORTY-FIFTH CtiegtmK iBo urines Isaiah, Chapter l. WEEK. W E bless thee, O most High, that thou hast permitted and encouraged our approach unto thee by prayer : may we remember that while thy holiness and glory require humility and reverence, thy grace and love should inspire our confidence ; for, like as a father pitieth his children, so the Lord pitieth them that fear him. We have been disobedient children; we have rebelled against thee continually; and our guilt is aggravated by all the privileges we have enjoyed, and the numerous and peculiar blessings thou hast poured into our cup. O give us true repentance. May we exercise godly sorrow ; and with a deep and humbling sense of our past sinfulness, may we resign ourselves to thee, to be pardoned by thy grace, renewed by thy Spirit, and employed for thy glory. Blessed be thy name that thou invitest us to lean upon thine arm, assuring us that thou wilt guide us with thine eye, cause all things to promote our real good, and bring us at length to thy heavenly kingdom. May we listen to thy promise, Fear not, I am with thee ; be not dismayed, for I am thy God. I will strengthen thee ; yea, I will help thee ; yea, I will uphold thee with the right-hand of my righteousness. May we therefore obey thy providential calls, and cheerfully walk in the path of duty, fearless of apparent difficulties, but resolved to make every sacrifice which may be necessary to maintain a conscience void of offence towards God and towards man. And may we not rest satisfied with a limited acquaintance with thy holy word ; but, daily searching the scriptures with diligence and prayer, may we become better acquainted with thy will, more conformed to it in all our dispositions and actions, and more prepared to do good to those who are around us by our instructions and example. Thus, while we grow in grace, and in the knowledge of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, may we be the instruments in thy hand in turning many to righteousness, that we may at last shine as stars in the firmament of God for ever and ever. While we are spared in this world, may we labour to promote thy glory, in the good of our fellow-creatures, and be instant, in season and out of season, to accomplish the work which our heavenly Father hath given us to do. While we live, may we live unto the Lord, and when we die, may we die unto the Lord ; so that, whether living or dying, we may be the Lord’s. Pour upon us copious measures of divine influence, that our souls may be as a garden which the Lord himself hath watered. Graciously adeept our thanks for the mercies of another night, and for the blessings that now surround us: may we never forget from whose hand our mercies come; but may gratitude and love prompt us to devote to thy service all the powers we possess. Protect us this day from all evil ; may we constantly commit our way unto thee, and do thou direct and sustain all our goings. Prepare us for all thy will; that whether we have prosperity or adversity, health or affliction, we may be kept humble, patient, and thankful ; looking forward to another, a better, and purer world, as our home ; and feeling that here we are but strangers and pilgrims. Bless all our friends and relations ; pardon all their sins ; renew their hearts by thy Spirit, that they may be fitted to serve thee on earth, and to dwell with thee in glory. And now may the God of peace be with us all, through Jesus Christ. Amen. 638 FORTY-FIFTH Cuestmg WEEK, Mark, Chapter iv. W E adore thee, O God, as the Creator and Preserver of heaven and earth : we mag- nify thee for the perfections which thou hast thus displayed ; for thou hast made the earth by thy power; thou hast established the world by thy wisdom, and hast stretched out the heaven by thy understanding. But we rejoice yet more in that manifestation of thy perfections, which thou hast given us in thy dealings towards the children of men. Here we learn that God is love : for God so loved the world as to give his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him might not perish, but have everlasting life : and we rejoice to behold this unspeakable love displayed in perfect harmony with the claims of thy righteous government, and the awful declarations of divine truth. We acknowledge that thy law is holy, just, and good, though it condemns us : its sentence, however awful, is not more severe than the hatefulness of sin demanded : and thou wouldst have been just in the universal execution of it upon every soul of man that doeth evil. Adored be the riches of thy grace, that a remedy has been provided, both honourable to God, and safe to man; that Christ Jesus suffered, the just for the unjust, that he might bring us unto God; so that thou canst be just, and yet the justifier of him that believeth in Jesus. May we receive the testimony which God hath given us concerning his Son ; and by faith embrace him in all his gracious offices ; that he of God may be made unto us wisdom, and righteousness, and sanctification, and redemption. May the Holy Spirit take of the things of Christ, and shew them unto us ; that, beholding his glory, we may be changed into his image, and thus be prepared for communion with thee on earth and in heaven. May the work of grace be carried on continually in our hearts ; that the principles of corruption may become weaker and weaker, and the spirituality of our minds be more evident. Fulfil all the good pleasure of thy goodness in us, and the work of faith with power ; that the name of our Lord Jesus Christ may be glorified in us, and we in him, according to the grace of our God, and our Lord Jesus Christ. Again would we thank thee for thy providential mercies ; for every day and every night we receive fresh proofs of thy goodness and care. O may our gratitude be as constant as thy mercies, that, living under a sense of our obligations to thee, we may continually inquire, What shall we render to the Lord for all his benefits towards us ? May we aim at the advancement of thy glory in all that we do ; and may all our steps be guided and upheld by thee. Thou hast kept us this day from evil. Thine eye has been upon us for good. Thou hast been at our right hand, that we might not be moved. We would be sensible of thy fatherly goodness in the daily and hourly events of life. Bless the Lord, O our souls, and all that is within us, bless his holy name, who forgiveth all our iniquities, who healeth all our diseases, who crowneth us with loving-kindness and tender mercies. Look, we beseech thee, in mercy upon those who are yet living without God in the world : bring them to a knowledge of the way of salvation by Jesus Christ : may his kingdom become universal, that from the rising to the setting sun his name may be great among the Gentiles. Now, to the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, the God of our salvation, be glory and honour, dominion and praise. Amen. 639 FORTY-FIFTH Wetmesfoag iltornutg Isaiah, Chapter li. week. O UR voice shalt thou hear in the morning, O Lord ; in the morning will we direct our prayer unto thee, and will look up : may we do it with reverence and godly fear ; for thou art not a God that hath pleasure in wickedness ; neither shall evil dwell with thee. Grant us the promised influences of the Holy Spirit, that the words of our lips and the meditations of our hearts may be acceptable in thy sight, through Jesus Christ, our strength and our Redeemer. Blessed be thy name, that thou hast made that to he our first duty which is our highest honour, and the source of our purest happiness ; even seeking thy face, and presenting to thee continually our prayers and thanksgivings : we acknowledge both our folly and guilt, in neglecting to perform this duty, and would now avail ourselves of this unspeakable privilege. Grant that we may be more sensible of thine infinite excellencies, as well as of our constant necessities, that we may feel the delight and the obligation of approaching unto thee continually, in every thing, by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, making known our requests unto God. O how warm are our imaginations, and how busy are our thoughts, when some earthly pleasure or advantage is in prospect? although these anticipated delights often disappoint, and never satisfy : but how dull and slow are we when spiritual and eternal things are before us ! How will our hearts go out after our earthly friends, in whose society we have been accustomed to delight ; but how careless and indifferent when our heavenly Friend waits to manifest himself to us as he does not unto the world ! Quicken us, O thou Eternal Spirit, that our souls may not continue to cleave unto the dust. Enkindle and cherish in our hearts that ardent delight in the exercise of religion which shall justify the declaration, My soul folio weth hard after thee ; for then only shall we be enabled to say, Truly our fellowship is with the Father, and with his Son Jesus Christ. We are deeply sensible that we can never find the true happiness of our souls till we find it in thee. Whom have we in heaven but thee ? and there is none upon earth that we desire beside thee. Thou only canst be the strength of our hearts, and our everlasting portion, when the scenes of earth and time are for ever withdrawn from our view. May we now find our rest in God, that he may prove our dwelling-place for evermore. Hear our prayers on behalf of all our fellow-men ; bring them all to know and love thee ; to delight in thy service, and submit themselves to thy authority. Bless all those whom thou hast called into the fellowship of the gospel ; grace be with all them that love the Lord Jesus Christ in sincerity; may they be drawn closer to each other by approaching nearer and nearer the centre of all their hopes : may every thing that stands in the way of that real and evident union for which our Redeemer interceded, be speedily removed ; that all Christians, preserving the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace, may be prepared to overturn all the strong holds of infidelity and error. Hasten, O God, this happy period, when all the followers of Christ shall evidently be members of one family; subjects of one kingdom, spiritual in its character, and eternal in its duration. Let Christ take to him- self his great power, and reign from the rising to the setting snn. We beg it for his name’s sake. Amen, and amen. GIO FORTY-FIFTH TOtfmeStraK aiming WEEK Mark, Chapter v. G REAT is the Lord, and greatly to be praised ; and his greatness is unsearchable. He healeth the broken in heart, and bindeth up their wounds. He telleth the number of the stars ; he calleth them all by their names. Great is our Lord, and of great power ; his understanding is infinite ! We bless thee, O thou Most High, that thou hast revealed thy compassion and grace, as well as thy glory and power ; inviting us to make thee our confidence and our trust. We come, with humility, gratitude, and joy, to acknowledge our dependence, and to seek the bestowment of those blessings which thou hast promised, and without which we must remain destitute and ruined. Our sins are numerous and aggravated : we have done that which we ought not to have done, and have left undone that which we ought to have done ; and there is no health in us. Have mercy upon us, O God; according to the multitude of thy tender mercies, blot out all our transgressions. Grant us the influences of thy Holy Spirit, to enlighten our minds ; to teach us our folly and guilt ; and to sanctify our souls — that being cleansed from our iniquities, we may henceforth serve thee in holiness and newness of life. Make us more sensible of our daily sins, and continual short-comings ; may we examine ourselves by thy holy word with greater impartiality, and frequency, and seriousness ; and bring our dispositions, and motives, and actions to that perfect standard ; that we may be deeply conscious that in many things we all offend, and in all things come short of thy glory. May we keep more distinctly and constantly before us, the bright example of our Lord Jesus ; may we imitate his meekness, and purity, and zeal ; and as his meat was to do the will of his Father, and as he continually went about doing good, so may we delight to do the will of God, and promote the present and everlasting welfare of our fellow-men. Pardon whatsoever thou hast seen amiss in us this day ; cleanse us from all our sins in the Redeemer’s blood ; that we may lie down upon our beds not only in peace with one another, but in peace with God; that we may be prepared to serve thee with greater delight and energy, if our lives are continued; or to dwell with thee in glory, if thou shouldst call us away before the beginning of another day. We rejoice that our times are in thy hands ; and that thou knowest what is best for us. Grant us while on earth the light of thy countenance ; and when thy will shall be accomplished in us and by us, receive us to thy presence and glory, for the sake of our once crucified, but now risen and exalted Redeemer. May we seek a growing conformity to our adored Head. May we follow in his footsteps who was holy, harmless, undefiled, and separate from sinners. May the same mind be in us, which was also in Christ Jesus ; who, when he was reviled, reviled not again, when he suffered, threatened not, but committed himself to Him that judgeth righteously ; who his own self bare our sins in his own body upon the tree, that we, being dead to sin, might live unto righteousness ; by whose stripes we are healed. Bless all for whom we should pray ; make all our friends partakers of thy grace : may all our neighbours be taught to love and serve thee ; may our country and the whole world, soon become the seat of vital godliness : that God may be glorified in all men, through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. 4 M 641 FORTY-FIFTH Cfturtfmg iBontfitcr. WEEK. Isaiah, Chapter lii. 0 LORD our God, thou art very great; thou art clothed with honour and majesty; we cannot conceive aright of thy glory, nor present unto thee any service worthy of thy acceptance : but, encouraged by the representations of thy character given us in thy word, we would come with holy fear and sacred joy, to pour out our hearts before God, and seek his mercy and favour. We would remember that thou art greater than our hearts, and knowest all things ; that we need not inform thee of our wants, because they are all open to thy view ; but that we need ourselves to be reminded of our weakness, dependence, and guilt, and to feel more deeply our need of pardon and sanctifying grace. Grant, O Lord, that the important and gracious end may be answered, which thou didst propose in the establishment of this intercourse between thyself and sinners. May our natures be renewed, our affections purified, our desires exalted, and our whole charac- ters be transformed ; that we may be prepared to glorify thee on earth, and to dwell with thee in that spiritual and holy state which thou hast prepared for thy people beyond the grave : and thus may thy name be eternally glorified in our salvation. We rejoice in the fulness and freeness of the gospel plan of salvation; that the blood of Jesus Christ thy Son cleanseth from all sin ; that whosoever cometh unto thee, thou wilt in no wise cast out : so that when we have received the blessings of the gospel, we may invite and urge our fellow-men to partake of the same, because thou waitest to be gracious. Pardon our sinful backwardness to engage in this work, and all our slothfulness and unbe- lief, or our self-sufficiency and prayerlessness ; for of all these sins have we been guilty : and grant that we may ever remember our obligations to infinite mercy, and shew our gratitude by an unreserved consecration of ourselves to thee ; may we have much of the compassion for immortal souls which prompted the Saviour to suffer and to die; and may it urge us to spend and be spent in efforts to raise them from their degradation and ruin, to the possession of holiness and eternal life. May we spend and be spent for Christ and his cause. Pour out thy Spirit upon all the churches of Christ, that those who are called by his name may be distinguished by elevated piety, scriptural knowledge, enlightened unity, and ardent prayer. May the ministers of thy word be sustained in their efforts to do good, by an increasing number who shall be their helpers in Christ Jesus that the world may be enlightened and blessed by the church. O hasten the period when Zion shall arise, shake herself from the dust, put on her beautiful garments, and become a praise in the whole earth. Revive thy work in the midst of the years: let all the churches planted in the midst of us listen to the voice of the Spirit, and shine forth in the beauty of holiness. Graciously crown with thy blessing the labours of all missionaries ; may a wide door and effectual be opened before them, that the gospel may be preached to multitudes who have long sat in darkness and in the region of the shadow of death. May all forms of idolatry and false religion fade away; may Jewish unbelief and prejudice be surmounted: that all men may be brought to the knowledge of the truth as it is in Jesus ; that all people may be blessed in Him, and all nations call Him blessed : and praise shall be ascribed to the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, for ever and ever. Amen. 642 FORTY-FIFTH CjmrS&ag (Jrbrmng WEEK. Mark, Chapter vi. W E adore thee, O God, as the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, and through Him the God and Father of all them that believe : enable us at this time to approach thee with that reverence and confidence which a knowledge of thy character should inspire, and to present an offering in righteousness, acceptable to thee through Jesus Christ our Lord. We bless thee that thou hast made us rational creatures, capable of knowing thee, of engaging in thy service, and of enjoying thy favour. We desire to be deeply humbled at the remembrance of our folly and guilt in having abused the faculties con- ferred on us: we have subjected them to the government of earthly and sinful affec- tions; we have often employed them to purposes of rebellion; and it is only because thou art rich in mercy, that we have not been removed from this land of hope, to a world of everlasting darkness and despair. O may we no longer trifle with thy love ; may thy word be our guide, thy glory the end of our existence, and thy service our highest delight. Conform us to thyself, that all our actions and motives may bear testimony to the sincerity of our profession, and the scrip- tural character of our hopes. May we be filled with the knowledge of thy will, in all wisdom and spiritual understanding ; that we may walk worthy of the Lord unto all pleasing, being fruitful in every good work, and increasing in the knowledge of God. Enlighten our darkness, strengthen our weakness, and subdue all our corruptions. Accept our united thanks for the mercies which have been continued to us through this day : we thank thee for food and raiment, for health and strength, for every personal and relative comfort : may we never forget how unworthy we are to receive these gifts of thy providence ; and may a law r of love and gratitude be written on our hearts, to be effaced and disregarded no more. Take us under thy gracious care this night; suffer no evil to approach our dwelling ; grant us refreshing repose ; and if we are permitted to enter upon another day, may it be begun, continued, and ended with thee. We would call to remem- brance that our earthly span of existence is hastening to a close, and that every revolving day brings us nearer to the house appointed for all living. Let us not forget that the night cometh when no man can work : O teach us therefore to work while it is day. May we not sleep, as do others ; but may we watch, and be sober. Keep us near to thyself in a spirit of constant dependence and prayer. May we walk by faith, not by sight, till we find ourselves surrounded by the light and glory of eternity. Bless our connexions; may all our friends be the friends of the Lord Jesus Christ, and our relations be related to thee in the covenant that is ordered in all things and sure. Bless the servants, and the younger branches of this family ; make them all the children of God through faith in Jesus Christ. Bless all who are afflicted and distressed ; may their sorrows be sanctified to their spiritual good, that, whether their affliction be for life or for death, they may have reason to say, It is well. Bless our country, and our fellow-men throughout the world, especially those who are of the household of faith. Grace be with all them that love the Lord Jesus Christ in sincerity. Now, the God of all grace, who hath called us unto his eternal glory by Christ Jesus, make us perfect, stablish, strengthen, and settle us. To Him be glory and dominion for ever and ever. Amen. 643 4 M 3 FORTY-FIFTH Jritjaj) JHornuuj, WEEK. Isaiah, Chapter liii. G REAT and ever-blessed God, we beseech thee to grant us at this time the promised aid of thy Spirit, that he may assist our infirmities, and teach us how to pray, and what to pray for as we ought. We bless thee for thy holy word, which guides us in our conduct towards thee, and towards one another ; and brings life and immortality to light : for how miserable would have been our condition, without this light unto our feet, and this lamp unto our path. Yet we must acknowledge that this invaluable treasure has often been neglected : we have loved darkness rather than light, because our deeds were evil. We adore thy forbearance and patience that our religious advantages have not long since been taken from us, and that our state has not been fixed where the invitations of mercy can be heard no more. O may we no longer abuse thy forbearance ; may we no longer injure ourselves and displease thee, by neglecting thy word; but may we esteem it above the choicest treasures of the world, and meditate therein day and night. Lead us into all truth, and teach us, for thou art our God. Make us to understand the way of thy precepts ; so shall we talk of thy wondrous works. When we read thy word, or when we converse with our fellow-Christians, how often do we find ourselves surpassed in spiritual knowledge, in love to God, in zeal and in usefulness, by those who have possessed far fewer advantages than those by which we have been distinguished. May a holy shame ever accompany us, urging us on in a diligent course of personal improvement, that we may become more like our great example, and thus be more prepared to exert a beneficial influence upon those who are around us : and may we be enabled with truth to say, None of us liveth to himself, and no man dieth unto himself. For whether we live, we live unto the Lord; and whether we die, we die unto the Lord ; whether we live, therefore, or die, we are the Lord’s. Let our devotion to Christ and his cause be alike fervent and unreserved. May his glory be the object at which we constantly aim, and his love be the motive on which we uniformly act. May we count all things but loss, for the excellency of his knowledge : may we forsake all, and follow him. Through evil report and good report, may we adhere with unshaken firmness to his cause. May our faith be strong, and our hope animated, that our path may be as the shining light, shining more and more unto the perfect day. Bless all those who are seeking to promote the kingdom of Christ in the world by the salvation of their fellow-men : may all their attempts be crowned with great success ; that the number of the true disciples of Christ may increase daily. May all the faithful ministers of the gospel be assisted and encouraged in their work : whether they labour at home or in foreign lands, may a Divine power accompany all their efforts, that error may decrease, that ignorance may be removed, and the glorious time hastened on, when all shall know thee, from the least even to the greatest. Bless in a special manner thy ministering servant, our pastor : may his own soul greatly prosper ; may his family share in thy smiles ; and may the people of his charge be distinguished by the enlarged possession of piety, zeal, and love ; and so be his helpers in Christ Jesus. These mercies we humbly implore in the name and for the sake of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, to whom be glory for ever and ever. Amen. FORTY-FIFTH (^beittng Mark, Chapter vir WEEK. 0 MOST merciful and indulgent Father, thy throne is established for ever and ever, and thy kingdom ruleth over all ; all things in heaven and in earth are the offspring of thy creating power, and are at all times open to thine immense survey. We are the creatures of thy power, and the sheep of thy pasture, and are always surrounded by thy presence. Our lives, and all the blessings we enjoy, are the manifestations of thine omni- potence and thy paternal mercy. Help us, we beseech thee, to remember our uniform and absolute dependence on thee for all the enjoyments and privileges which distinguish us as intelligent and immortal beings ; and enable us, we pray thee, to feel at all times, that our inmost thoughts and most secret feelings are naked and open in thy sight. May we, in all circumstances, feel that thou knowest our down-sitting and our up-rising ; that thou under- standest our thoughts afar off ; that thou compassest our path and our lying down, and art acquainted with all our ways ; and that there is not a word in our tongue, but, lo, O Lord, thou knowest it altogether. We confess that our hearts are so deceitful and despe- rately wicked, that we often forget our dependence on thee for all the mercies of the present life, and all the hopes of immortality. We confess likewise, O Lord our God, that the sense of thy presence and all-searching inspection often passes away from our minds, amidst the business and pursuits of the world. Do thou quicken us, O our God, for our souls cleave to the dust ; do thou at all times impress our minds with a lively sense of thy power, and presence, and beneficence ; so that we may ever feel that it becomes us to consecrate ourselves, body, soul, and spirit, to thy service. May we be thine wholly, and without any reserve. We implore thee, most gracious God, to convince us of the shortness and uncertainty of this life, and of the unsatisfactory nature of all its enjoyments. May the solemn warn- ings of thy providence, and the repeated and faithful declarations of thy word, lead us to feel that this world is not our rest; that soon the place which knows us now, shall know us no more again. Help us to watch and pray, and to have our loins girded, and our lamps burning, so that when our Lord cometh he may welcome us as faithful servants. In all circumstances may we bear in mind that eternity is our destination, and that we must all stand at the judgment-seat of Christ, to render an account for the deeds done in the body, whether they have been good or evil. O teach us, we pray thee, so to number our days that we may apply our hearts unto wisdom. And now, O Lord our God, we would bless thy holy name for preserving and com- forting us through another day. For the health of body and soundness of mind we are permitted to enjoy, we present to thee our humble and heartfelt thanksgivings. Watch over us, in great mercy, through the night on which we have entered. Suffer no evil to befall us, nor any plague to come nigh our dwelling. May every member of this house- hold be the object of thine immediate care. Guard us as in the hollow of thy hand ; keep us as the apple of thine eye. Blot our sins out before thee as a cloud, and our iniquities as a thick cloud. May we all seek and obtain forgiveness and acceptance through the blood of the Lamb. In him may we be found, living, dying, and through all eternity. And to the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost be glory everlasting. Amen. 645 FORTY-FIFTH «#aturtmg iiTonring, WEEK. Isaiah, Chapter liv. B LESSED be the Lord God of Israel, and blessed be his holy name, for ever and ever ! thou art worthy, O Lord, to receive the praise, and love, and obedience of all thine intelligent creatures; for thou art infinite in greatness, in holiness, in justice, and in glory; and yet how insufficient are we to perform any services that shall be worthy of thy regard ; for without thy teaching we cannot think a good thought. We adore thy condesension and love in the gift of thy dear Son, to become our Surety and Advocate ; and we bless thee, that through Him thou hast declared thy readiness to pardon our sins, to restore us to thy favour, and at length to bring us to thine eternal kingdom. May we ever have a deep sense of our guilt, and of the condemnation to which it justly exposes us; that we may be prepared to receive, with becoming humility and gratitude, the gracious offers of salvation with which thy word abounds ; may we also be duly sensible of our continual transgressions and imperfections ; that we may continually renew our applications to the blood of sprinkling ; that thus our iniquities may be forgiven, and our consciences may be purged from dead works to serve the living and true God. What abundant cause have we for gratitude and sacred joy ! to us thou hast given the oracles of God, the promise of the Spirit, the means of grace, and the hope of glory. O forbid it that we should undervalue and misimprove these inestimable privileges ; may we fear lest a promise being left us of entering into his rest, any of us should seem to come short of it. Inspire us with godly jealousy, with patience, diligence, faith, and hope ; that we may maintain the conflict with inward corruption, and outward temptations ; that we may be steadfast, unmoveable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, forasmuch as we know that our labour shall not be in vain in the Lord. Graciously receive our thankful acknowledgments for the mercies of another night ; for the rest we have enjoyed, for the health and strength we now possess, and for the bounties of thy providence by which we are still surrounded, we desire to render our humble and hearty thanks ; and we humbly implore a continuance of thy providential favours : supply our returning wants ; preserve us from a worldly spirit ; may we not seek great things for ourselves ; but having food and raiment, may we be therewith content ; remembering how short our time is, and how worthless every earthly good is, except as it is made to contri- bute to thy glory, and the advancement of religion in ourselves and others. May we use this world as not abusing it, knowing that the fashion thereof passeth away, and that in a little time the place that now knows us shall know us no more for ever. To thy gracious care would we commend all who are dear to us, wherever they may be, and whatever may be their condition or character : suffer none to remain strangers to thy grace : make them true penitents, and decided followers of the meek and lovely Jesus, that they may walk with thee on earth, and finally be admitted to dwell in thy presence. Prepare us all for the rest of the holy Sabbath ; may we seek and enjoy communion with Christ in the ordinances of his grace. Hear us in these our supplications, forgive our manifold sins, and do more and better for us than we can desire or in any measure deserve, through Jesus Christ our Lord; to whom, with thee, O Father, and thee, O eternal Spirit, be all glory and honour, dominion and praise, for ever and ever. Amen. 64G FORTY-FIFTH <#>atuiUag Abetting Mark, Chapt’er viii. week. W E bless thee, O God, for the free invitations thou hast given us in thy holy worn to draw nigh unto thee at all times, with humble boldness, in every thing, by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, making known our requests unto Him who is both able and willing to supply all our need. Teach us to come in the exercise of repentance, faith, and love; that our supplications and thanksgivings may be acceptable in thy sight, and may contribute to our holiness, stability, and joy. We have cause for shame and confusion of face ; for we have rebelled against thee our rightful Lord and Governor; against thee, our Redeemer and Saviour: we have sinned against thy holy law, and against the gospel of thy grace ; we have neglected the revela- tions of thy mercy, followed our own corrupt inclinations, and gone with the multitude to do evil ; we have loved and served the creature more than the Creator, who is God over all, blessed for evermore. But thou, O God, have mercy upon us ; blot out all our trans- gressions, cleanse us by the efficacious blood of Christ ; set us free from the power of sin ; rule in us by thy Holy Spiri t, and cause us to delight in the way of holiness ; that we may walk with thee on earth, and become more and more prepared to dwell with thee in glory. Preserve within us a remembrance of our past guilt, that we may be deeply humbled before God ; of our present weakness, that we may never be self-sufficient, but dependent and watchful ; of our future glorious inheritance, that we may strive to become more meet to be partakers of it. May we thus live by faith on the Son of God, devoting ourselves to his service, walking in his steps, sustained by his mighty power, and made more than conquerors through him that hath loved us. Pardon, we entreat thee, the sins of this day, and mercifully continue thy goodness and care through the coming night ; grant us refreshing rest, and prepare us to serve thee with more purity of motive and vigour of action, if we are spared to see the light of that blessed day on which Christ rose from the dead, and became the first-fruits of them that sleep in him. Accept our thanks for all the mercies bestowed upon us; we have forfeited every claim to thy regard, and we would therefore receive every blessing as the pur- chase of the Saviour’s blood. O may thy Spirit teach us how to receive our privileges and how to improve them ; that we may be preserved from increasing our guilt by ingratitude and unprofitableness ; may every instance of thy providential goodness excite fresh gratitude in our hearts, and lead us with greater devotedness to surrender ourselves to thee. Regard in mercy all for whom we should pray ; may our friends and relatives share in all the gifts of thy providence and grace; that their present wants may be supplied, and that they may be rich in faith, and heirs of the heavenly inheritance. Bless all who are in any way afflicted in mind, body, or estate, that it may please thee to comfort and relieve them according to their several necessities, giving them patience under their sufferings, and a happy issue out of all their afflictions. Increase the knowledge of thy name ; bring the sons of men, universally, to acknowledge the claims of the Son of God, and submit to his spiritual and holy government. Grant this, O Lord, for the honour of our Advocate and Mediator, Jesus Christ; to whom be glory for ever and ever. Amen. 647 FORTY-SIXTH Slowing, WEEK. Isaiah, Chapter lv. W E adore thee, O most merciful Father, for the return of another glorious day of the Son of man. May we be in the Spirit on thy day, and may we raise our thoughts and affections to that bright and happy world into which Christ has entered as the head and forerunner of his church. From the throne of mediatorial glory and dominion, may the Spirit of truth, and grace, and holiness descend upon our waiting minds, that we may feel the sacred joy connected with the day of rest, and that unseen and eternal things may exert their hallowing power in all our hearts. We rejoice that Christ is risen from the dead, and is become the first-fruits of them that slept; because he lives, may we live also, that being now quickened by Him to spiritual life, we may hereafter share in the felicities of a resurrection to life eternal in the world of spirits. O Lord God of the families that call upon thy name, be thou the God and portion of this family. When we assemble in thy name, to worship at thy footstool, may we ever feel the flame of pure devotion kindling on the altar of our hearts. Unite us all in thy fear and love ; pour upon us the Spirit of grace and supplication ; inspire us with reverence for the truths of thy holy word ; make our communion sweet and refreshing at thy mercy- seat. May we, especially on thy day, feel the joy and felicity of intercourse with heaven. Invigorate all the graces of thy Holy Spirit in our hearts. May we seek preparation for public ordinances in the wrestlings of the closet, and in the holy communings of the family altar; and may we rejoice when it is said unto us, Let us go into the house of the Lord. We pray that thy kingdom may come, that thy will may be done on earth as it is done in heaven. Let this be a day of triumph over the kingdom of Satan, and a day oi great joy in all the churches of thy saints. Make bare thine arm, O thou mighty and gracious God, and subdue thine enemies under thy feet. Let Messiah ride forth in the chariot of salvation, from conquering to conquer, and let thousands and tens of thousands own and submit to his peaceful sceptre. Send the rod of thy strength out of Zion, and rule in the midst of thine enemies. Let the people praise thee, O God ; yea, let all the people praise thee. O let the nations be glad and sing for joy; for thou shalt judge the people righteously, and govern the nations upon earth. We humbly entreat thee, O God, to stand by and strengthen all the ministers of thy holy truth. Thou hast put the treasure into earthen vessels, that the excellency of the power may be of thee, and not of them. While they are ready to exclaim, Who is sufficient for these things ? do thou say to them, My grace is sufficient for you, and my strength is perfected in your weakness. Vouchsafe to them clear views of divine truth ; warm and animate their hearts with a sense of redeeming mercy ; help them to speak of what they have tasted, and felt, and handled of the good word of God. We commend to thy gracious care thy dear servant our pastor, who ministers to us in holy things. Make him a polished shaft in thy quiver ; may he be wise to win souls, and may he be blessed abundantly in building up the church of the living God. Forgive the sins of the past night, and of this morning. Wash us in atoning blood ; sanctify us by the Spirit of truth and grace, and accept of us through Jesus, our only Mediator and Redeemer ; to whom, with the Father and the Holy Spirit, be all glory and honour world without end. Amen. 618 FORTY- SIXTH ^untiag Abetting, Mark, Chapter ix. week. T RULY our souls wait upon God, from whom cometh our salvation. Unto whom can we go but unto thee, thou hast the words of eternal life. In the multitude of thy tender mercies, we have been permitted to enjoy the privileges of another Christian Sabbath, to repair to thy house of prayer, to listen to thy most holy word, to unite with the thousands of the spiritual Israel, and to withdraw ourselves from the passing and transitory engagements of time and sense. May we now call upon our souls, and all that is within us, to bless and magnify thy name for mercies so great, and opportunities so precious. Enable us to follow up the public engagements of this day by a holy surrender of ourselves, body, soul, and spirit, to Him who is Lord of the Sabbath. We have heard of his gracious undertaking for lost sinners; of his appearance in human flesh, as the incarnate Son of God ; of his death and resurrection ; of his ascension and glory ; grant that such glad tidings may cheer and animate our hearts, and that the firm and unshaken belief of them may exert the most powerful and salutary influence on our entire walk and conversation. And now, O God, that we are met, as a family, at the throne of thy heavenly grace, do thou pour upon us the blessed influences of thy Spirit, that we may enter into holy communion with thee, the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, and that the words of our lips and the meditations of our hearts may find acceptance in thy sight, through Christ Jesus, our Strength and Redeemer. O let thy word which we have heard this day abide in us richly, in all wisdom, and bring forth fruit in us to life eternal. May we give the more earnest heed to the things which we have heard, lest at any time we should lei them slip ; for if the word spoken by angels was steadfast, and every transgression and disobedience received a just recompense of reward, how shall we escape if we neglect so great salvation ? We pray for grace suited to our several relations, duties, and conflicts. May the influence of the Christian Sabbath extend itself to all the engagements of the week on which we have entered. May it prove the means of sanctifying all our dispositions, and hallowing all our pursuits. Wherever we are, and however circumstanced, may we retain a lively impression of unseen and eternal things. We pray for a humble and thankful spirit under all the dispensations of thy holy providence. If we are blessed with pros- perity, suffer us not to become unduly elated; if we are tried with adversity, may we weep as though we wept not. In all the changes of this probationary scene, may we leave ourselves in thy gracious hands, and be enabled to believe that all things shall work together for our good. Grant, O most gracious and merciful Father, that all beneath this roof may have an interest in thy special favour, and may be made partakers of thy saving grace. When thou shalt come to make up thy jewels, let not one of us be found wanting. Give us grace to improve all our opportunities, and to watch with diligence for the coming of our Lord. Mercifully watch over us during the darkness and the silence of the approaching night. Give thine angels charge concerning us. Blot out the sins of the day ; hear our feeble and unworthy prayers ; and do more and better for us than we ask or think, for the Redeemer’s sake. Amen. 4 N 649 FORTY-SIXTH J$lcmtJa£ iBonung WEEK. Isaiah, Chapter lvi. E TERNAL and ever-blessed God, thou art the fountain of all being and of all hap- piness. To thee we are indebted for life and all its enjoyments, — for immortality and all its hopes. Help us to adore thee with reverence, and to worship thee in spirit and in truth. May thy revealed character inspire us with confidence in drawing near to thee. Enable us to contemplate thee as a God in Christ Jesus, and to seek reconciliation through the blood of the Lamb. We rejoice that we can come to thee with freedom and holy boldness in the name of our great High Priest. Behold us prostrate at thy footstool, pleading for mercy through his atoning sacrifice. Deal not with us in anger, but in tender compassion and grace. May we realize forgiveness through the under- taking of the great Surety ; may we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ. Pour upon us a large measure of the Spirit of true devotion, that we may enter into intimate communion with the Father and his Son Jesus Christ. Let us not rest in any outward acts of piety, but aim to connect them with a right state of the heart and the conscience. Call forth into lively exercise sentiments of gratitude and praise. Touch our spirits with a sense of redeeming love. Help us to wrestle and to agonize in prayer till we obtain the blessing. Let none in this little circle be strangers to the power of prayer. With one heart and voice may we besiege the throne of thy grace. May we determine not to let thee go except thou bless us. Let the real happiness connected with prayer draw us with lively expectation to thy throne; and may none of us retire without a blessing from thy mercy-seat. We have not, because we ask not, or because we ask amiss, to consume it on our own evil desires. Purify and enlarge our desires, and then fulfil them, according to thy promise. Most blessed Father, thou hast added to our lives another night. Blessings unnum- bered have been scattered in our path, though we have been chargeable with much ingratitude and forgetfulness of thee. O help us to review the manifold acts of thy grace, and to adore thee, the Giver of every good and perfect gift. For life, for health, for food, for raiment, for preservation from innumerable evils, for religious opportunities, help us to adore and bless thy holy name. We thank thee for the light of a new day ; O let the sun of peace rest on our habitation, and on our spirits. We pray that the lessons of the Christian Sabbath may not be speedily obliterated from our memories, or from our hearts. O let us not be forgetful hearers of the word, but doers of the work. May we not be as those who behold their natural face in a glass, and straightway retire, forgetting what manner of persons they were ; but may we retain the lively impression of our true characters, as reflected in the faithful mirror of divine truth. O help us to carry the holy tendencies of the gospel into all the walks of life. Let not our religion consist in mere speculation ; but may it mould our tempers, habits, and intercourses, and shed a benign and purifying influence over our entire characters. Bless our whole family circle. May all related to us by the ties of nature, be one with us in Christ Jesus. Plasten the coming glory of Messiah’s kingdom ; may his will be done upon earth as it is in heaven. Hear us, accept us, and bless us, in Christ our Mediator and Redeemer. Amen. FORTY- SIXTH JUmtUaK Anting, Mark, Chapter x. week. M OST glorious and blessed Majesty, we bow at thy footstool, to adore thine infinite perfections, and to offer to thee our united and grateful praise. We come pleading the merit and righteousness of the adorable Surety. In him may we be found, and out of his fulness may we receive in grace for grace. We would be thankful for the privilege of constant access through his mediation into the holiest of all. We rejoice that he appears within the veil on our behalf ; that his blood cleanseth from all sin ; that he is able to save to the uttermost all that come unto thee through him, seeing he ever liveth to make intercession for them. Grant us the aids of thy Spirit, that we may plead in faith those promises which are all yea and amen in Christ Jesus. Behold us in the face of Jesus Christ, thy dear Son, who did no sin, and who was manifested to take away our sin. By him may we find access into thy gracious presence, and through his mediation and intercession may we realize the supply of all our necessities, both spiritual and tem- poral. We adore thee that in him all fulness dwells. O God of Abraham, and Isaac, and Jacob, we bless thee that thou art the same yesterday, to-day, and for ever; that thy love to thy people is unchanging and ever- lasting; that with thee there is neither variableness nor the shadow of turning. In every age thou hast looked graciously upon those families that have called upon thy name ; thou hast heard their prayers ; thou hast met with them in their trials ; thou hast proved to them that it was no vain thing to wait upon thee. Extend towards us the love which thou bearest unto thy chosen. May we look up to thee with filial confidence, and do thou look down upon us with an eye of fatherly love and compassion. O adopt us into thy family ; deal with us in tender compassion and grace ; write thy law upon our hearts, and in our inward parts, and let us never depart from thee. We have to record the mercies of another day. Thy mercies are new every day ; they are repeated every evening ; great is thy faithfulness. Thou hast been near to us to preserve us in our going out and coming in ; thou hast fed us with food convenient for us; thou hast given us all things richly to enjoy; thou hast continued to us the blessing of health, and the use of our reasoning faculties ; we are the monuments of thy gracious care. Inspire us with lively sentiments of gratitude and praise for all thy unmerited mercies ; and may the full remembrance of past favours induce us to trust in thee for all the future. Be thou our God and our portion for evermore : guide us by thy counsel, and afterwards receive us to glory. We would mourn over and humbly confess our short-comings in thy sight. Deal not with us in judgment, but in mercy. May past failures prompt us to future watchfulness and circumspection. May we shun the appear- ance of evil. Make us steadfast, unmoveable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, for as much as we know that our labour shall not be in vain in the Lord. Into thy gracious hands we commend ourselves, and all dear to us, this night. Refresh our frail bodies with sleep, and invigorate all the faculties of our minds, that we may be prepared for the duties of the coming day; and when we awake, may we find ourselves still with thee. These mercies, with the pardon of all our sins, we implore in the name and for the sake of Jesus Christ, our Strength and Redeemer. Amen. 651 4N2 FORTY-SIXTH CticsftmK Jitormng, WEEK. Isaiah, Chapter lvii. B LESSED be tby name, O Lord, that we are encouraged to draw nigh unto thee ; that in every thing, by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, we may make known our wants unto thee : but, though we are permitted and commanded to approach thee, may we never forget with what sentiments we should engage in thy worship ; that reverence and godly fear may possess our minds, and that we may plead the atonement and intercession of Christ as the foundation of our confidence and hope. We bless thee that thou hast opened a new and living way into the holiest of all by the blood of Jesus, and that we have boldness and access with confidence by the faith of him. May we know more of the blessedness of the man whom thou choosest, and causest to approach unto thee ; that by communion with God, our spiritual strength may be renewed, and our meet- ness for heaven be continually advancing. May we never be satisfied with present attainments ; but this one thing may we do, forgetting the things which are behind, and reaching forth unto those things which are before, press towards the mark for the prize of our high calling of God in Christ Jesus. May the religion we profess daily gain a more entire and pervading influence over our dispositions, and motives, and actions ; that our darkness may become light, and the whole frame of our souls more spiritual and pure ; that we may shew forth the praises of Him who hath called us out of darkness into the fellowship of the gospel. And may we daily seek to become more useful, considering it our highest honour to be employed by thee, as the instruments of advancing the Redeemer’s kingdom on earth : may we have wisdom, prudence, and zeal, to use our talents for the best purposes, improving every opportunity of usefulness, and desiring to spend and to be spent for thee. Look in mercy upon every member of this family ; let those who are placed at the head of it walk in the fear of the Lord, and discharge with faithfulness and pleasure their duty towards those who are placed under their care ; and may the children and servants of the family be governed by the sacred precepts of thy w T ord, that we may not increase the sorrows of life, by neglecting to cultivate that peace and love upon which must depend our happiness and usefulness. May we all be followers of God as dear children'; striving to be holy, as thou art holy, and merciful, as thou art merciful ; remembering the account which we must all soon render to thee, whose favour will be life eternal. O may we keep eternity constantly in view; and may all the pursuits of time be subjected to the higher interests of the soul, that can never die. Help us to choose that good part which can never be taken from us. Accept our thanksgivings for the mercies of the night that is past ; and graciously continue thy favours towards us throughout the day upon which we have been permitted to enter: lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from every evil way. Bless our country, and continue to us peace and prosperity. God be merciful unto us, and bless us, and cause his face to shine upon us ; that thy ways may be known upon earth, thy saving health among all people : let the people praise thee, O God, yea, let all the people praise thee. May the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the communion of the Holy Spirit, be with us all. Amen. 6.52 FORTY-SIXTH CueStiaK aiming. WEEK. Mark, Chapter xi. REAT art thou, O Lord, and greatly to be praised ; thou art to be had in reverence of all them that are round about thee. May we have grace whereby we shall serve thee with reverence and godly fear. We admire thy condescension and love, that we are permitted to come into thy more immediate presence, and even to call thee our Father who art in heaven. Inspire us with filial confidence and love, that our communion with thee may be acceptable in thy sight, and profitable and delightful to our own souls. How excellent is thy loving-kindness, O God, therefore do the sons of men put their trust under the shadow of thy wings. Thou keepest mercy for thousands; thou pardonest iniquity, transgression, and sin; thou retainest not thine anger for ever, because thou delightest in mercy. We bless thee for the mercy which thou hast prepared for sinners through the medi- ation of thy dear Son : may our hearts receive the offers of thy friendship with sacred joy and gratitude ; and may our faith in Him be productive of all the fruits of righteousness : may our ignorance and guilt be removed ; and may He be made unto us wisdom, and righteousness, and sanctification, and redemption. May the past suffice to have wruught the will of the flesh : henceforth may we walk according to the Spirit ; reckoning ourselves dead indeed unto sin, but alive unto God through Jesus Christ. We acknowledge that we have been unprofitable servants ; justly mightest thou have cut us down as cumberers of the ground. O may thy forbearance lead us to renewed repentance ; and may a sense of our past ingratitude and rebellion lead us henceforth to exert every power that we possess to advance thy glory, by the increase of holiness in ourselves, and the spread of religion in the world. Pardon whatsoever thou hast seen in us this day opposed to thy holy will : in many things we all offend, and in all things do we come short of thy glory. Enter not into judgment with us, but blot out all our trans- gressions; and give us joy and peace in believing. We desire to be unfeignedly thankful for all the mercies thou art continually showering upon us ; by day and by night art thou mindful of us, although we are often unmindful of thee. Make us, we beseech thee, more sensible of our dependence upon thy care, and of our obligations to thy goodness ; that we may seek to shew forth our gratitude not only with our lips, but also in our lives, by giving ourselves up to thy service, and by walking before thee in holiness and righteousness all our days. Graciously continue thy watchful care over us during the darkness of this night : may refreshing sleep prepare our bodies and minds for the returning duties of the day ; that if we are spared, we may glorify thee by a more steady adherence to thee, and by greater zeal in the cause of our Redeemer. Bless all who are dear to us : may our friends be the friends of the Lord Jesus Christ, and all our relations be the children of God through faith in Him. Hear us while we pray for all who are distressed and afflicted ; sanctify their sorrows, give them resignation to thy will, and prepare them for that world where all pain and affliction shall be unknown for ever. Now, unto Him that is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that worketh in us ; unto Him be glory in the church by Christ Jesus, throughout all ages, world without end. Amen. 653 FORTY-SIXTH OTetmeSUag i^lonting. Isaiah, Chapter lviii. WEEK. G REAT and glorious Lord, we acknowledge our unworthiness to approach thee, or to take thy name upon our lips, because we have sinned against thee ; but, encouraged by the invitations and promises of thy word, we desire to come with humble boldness, that we may obtain mercy, and find grace to help us in our time of need. Make us duly sensible of thy condescension in listening to the voice of our supplication, and of the greatness of our privilege in being permitted to hold converse with thee ; and teach us by thy Spirit how to worship thee, that the words of our lips and the meditations of our hearts may be acceptable in thy sight, through Jesus Christ, our strength and our Redeemer. We would cling with unshaken confidence to his mediation and death, and would rejoice before thee, that we have access with boldness into the holiest of all by his most precious blood, which has been shed as a propitiation for the sins of a lost and guilty world. Blessed be thy name for the revelation of mercy and love contained in thy holy word ; for the promise of thy Spirit to render that word the power of God unto salvation ; and for the opportunities we possess of increasing in the knowledge of thy will, and of the glorious perfections of thy character. May we have wisdom given us to improve our advantages, that we may be more conformed to thyself; and thus be more prepared to serve thee on earth, and more fitted to dwell in thy presence in glory. Suffer not the world to hide from our view the reality and glory of eternal things, and our nearness to them ; but seeing that we look for such things, may we give all diligence that we may be found of Christ in peace, without spot and blameless. Help us to be useful to others while we are journeying to our heavenly inheritance ; may our example be such as to exert a beneficial influence over those with whom we are connected in society : may we walk as children of the light ; recommending the religion we profess by pureness, by knowledge, by faith unfeigned, through evil report and good report ; that if any speak evil of us, they may be ashamed that falsely accuse our good conversation in Christ. Graciously accept our thanks for the mercies of the past night, and for the providential favours that surround us this morning ; may our renewed powers be consecrated to thy service, that throughout this day, and as long as we live, we may aim at thy glory as the grand end of our being. Direct all our steps: keep us from evil; may we never forget thy presence ; but may the eye of faith be fixed upon thee, that thou mayest guide us by thy counsel, and at last receive us to glory. Bless our dear friends and relations : forgive all their sins; supply their various wants; make them partakers of renewing grace; that after having served thee on earth, they may be admitted into the presence of the glorified Redeemer, to unite with saints and angels in ascriptions of praise, and honour, and glory to Him that sitteth upon the throne and unto the Lamb for ever and ever. Bless our country, remove from us all that is displeasing in thy sight ; may all the children of men learn righteousness, that all oppression and injustice may cease, and the law of love be universally obeyed. Now to the God of our salvation, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, be ascribed all glory and honour, dominion and praise, for ever and ever. Amen. 654 FORTY-SIXTH WetmegtiaB (£bnrimj, WEEK. Mark, Chapter xn. I NFINITE and eternal Jehovah, who dwellest in the highest heavens, but who con- descendest to look down on sinful worms of the dust; in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ we would draw near to thy footstool, and would present unto thee the sacrifices of prayer and praise. We approach thee under a deep sense of unworthiness. We deserve nothing at thy hand but the marks of thy righteous displeasure ; we have for- feited all claim to the very crumbs of mercy which fall from thy table ; we are altogether as an unclean thing in thy sight. We bless thee for the permission, amidst all our unworthiness, to draw near to thy throne, and to ask of thee the portion of thy children. Thy mercy, O Lord, is infinite; thy love to perishing sinners, in Christ Jesus, is unsearchable. O impart to us the light of thy Spirit, that we may know more of thy love, and that we may be enabled to comprehend with all saints what is the height and breadth, the depth and length, of that love which passeth knowledge. Without the teaching of thy Spirit, we can attain to no experimental or saving knowledge of thine inestimable love. Grant us, then, thy Holy Spirit, for Christ’s sake, that we may be led into the perception, the love, and the enjoyment of all that thou hast revealed. We desire not to pry into thy hidden councils, O Lord, nor to search into those secret things which belong to thine own inscrutable mind; but we would long for that divine wisdom which will enable us to understand the Scriptures ; and for that grace by which we may know the things which are freely given to us of God. May the Spirit of truth lead us into all truth ; may he influence us to lay aside our own wisdom w'hich is folly, and cause us to yield ourselves to the dictates of that wisdom which cometh from the Fountain of eternal light and truth. O pour upon us the Spirit of grace and suppli- cation ; may He help our infirmities, and teach us how to pray; that we may ask such things as are agreeable to thy holy will, and that we may ask them in faith, nothing doubt- ing thy willingness to fulfil thine own gracious promise. By thy Spirit also may we be transformed into the likeness of our holy Redeemer. This is thy will, even our sanctification. Let sin be our burden; and let holiness to the Lord be the desire and delight of our hearts. We mourn that worldliness of spirit which yet cleaves to us. O cleanse us from the very desire of sinful gratification. May we be wholly sanctified through thy truth, thy word is truth. We pray for strength to oppose our spiritual enemies. May we crucify the flesh with its affections and lusts ; may we resist the devil, that he may flee from us ; may we watch all the hidden workings of depravity within. Shed abroad thy love in our hearts, and that shall kindle ours. Humble us for the short-comings of another day. In many things we have all offended; in all things we have come short of the glory of God. For unnumbered mercies enable us to express our gratitude to thee, the Giver of all good. Over this family circle, now prostrate at the footstool of thy throne, do thou spread the wing of thy gracious pro- tection. Embrace us all in the arms of thy love. Amidst the silence and darkness of night, be thou our defence. Forgive our f’am.ly and individual sins, and accept us now and for evermore, through Jesus Christ, our only Mediator and Redeemer ; to whom, with Thyself and the Holy Spirit, be glory everlasting. Amen. G55 FORTY-SIXTH CJmrstrag JEUinttn& Isaiah, Chapter lix. WEEK. LMIGHTY and everlasting God, unto whom all hearts are open, all desires known, and from whom no secrets are hid, cleanse the thoughts of our hearts by the inspiration of thy Holy Spirit, that the prayers we now present to thee may proceed from unfeigned lips, and that we may worship thee with acceptance through the media- tion and intercession of thy dear Son. May we come to thee, believing that thou art, and that thou art a rewarder of all them that diligently seek thee ; and thus may we prove the efficacy of believing supplication. We would most humbly confess in thy presence that our services are utterly imper- fect: our very worship of thee often springs from the selfishness of our fallen nature. We think more of what thou hast to bestow, than of what thou art in thyself; and we are often more affected by the benefits conferred on us, than by the costly manner in which they are conveyed to us lost and perishing sinners. Enable us, then, to praise and adore thee for the essential excellence, purity, and goodness of thy character. May we give thanks at the remembrance of thy holiness ; and may we rejoice to know, that in all the bestowments of thy grace on fallen creatures, thou hast provided for the display of thy faithfulness, thy purity, thy justice, as well as thy boundless mercy. We would behold all thy perfections with delight and complacency, as they shine with transcendent glory and loveliness in the person and work of thy dear Son. O our heavenly Father ! how shall we sufficiently adore thee, as reconciled to believ- ing sinners in Christ Jesus, the Son of thy love. When we reflect that thou hast given him up to the death for us all ; that thou hast laid on him the burden of our iniquities ; that we may find acceptance through the Beloved — we would call upon our souls, and all that is within us, to bless and adore thy holy name. But we need the aids of thy grace, that we may have power and inclination to praise thee ; the will and the desire to serve thee must first be derived from thyself, the fountain of all grace. We adore thee if thou has put into our hearts the desire to praise thee : perfect thine own work in us, and prepare us, in the spirit of praise, for the high songs of eternity. Aid us, O Lord, by thy grace in the duties of this day. As we have been permitted to see the light, may the light of truth and grace shine upon our minds. Let thy word be a light unto our feet, and a lamp unto our path. Keep us from forbidden ways, and guard us from the very appearance of evil. Conscious of danger from within and from without, may we keep our hearts with all diligence, since out of thee are the issues of life. In our lawful callings, may we acknowledge God, and may he direct our steps. Prosper the work of our hands upon us, yea, the work of our hands prosper thou it. Let every member of this house be consecrated to the Lord. May we be a family in which Christ takes pleasure to dwell ; and, walking in all the ordinances and command- ments of the Lord blameless, may we enjoy the constant smile of thy countenance, and the daily tokens of thy gracious presence. Guide us this day by thy counsel, influence us by thy good Spirit, and preserve us from all evil, for the sake of Him who is touched with the feeling of our infirmities : and to Him, with Thyself and the Holy Spirit, be all honour and glory world without end. Amen. 656 FORTY-SIXTH Cfjurstmg Abating. WEEK. Mark, Chapter xiii. 0 LORD our God, thou art high and lifted up, and thy train filleth the temple above ; angels and archangels ever worship thee, one God, world without end. Holy, holy, holy is the Lord God of Sabaoth, heaven and earth are full of the majesty of thy glory. May we bow before thee with solemn awe ; may we take thee to be our heritage for evermore, as thou art revealed in the person and work of thy dear Son. Thy terrors would make us afraid, were it not for thine infinite condescension and grace in Christ Jesus, the Son of thy love, whom thou hast set forth to be a propitiation through faith in his blood. We come to thee through Him, as the Lord our God. Behold our shield, and look upon the face of thine Anointed. Having no righteousness of our own, we pray to be clothed in that spotless garment which the Lord our righteousness has wrought out for all them that believe. At the close of another day, we would be deeply impressed with a sense of thy gracious goodness. Thou hast guarded us from dangers seen and unseen; thou hast provided liberally for our returning wants ; no evil has befallen us, neither has any plague come nigh our dwelling. Inspire us with grateful sentiments, and help us to express them with freedom at the footstool of thy throne. Our debt of obligation is great, O let us not be as those who have no sense of the mercies of the Lord. How often, alas ! have we been unmindful of thee, the Rock of our salvation. Stir us up, we beseech thee, to lively emotions of gratitude and praise. Open thou our lips, and our mouth shall speak of thy loving-kindness and thy tender mercies. We would especially sing of thy grace and compassion to us as perishing sinners, in Christ Jesus. Thou hast remembered us in our low and lost estate, for thy mercy endureth for ever. Thou hast laid help on One mighty to save. We rejoice that a way is opened to thy throne, and thy heart. May we draw near to thee with true hearts, in full assurance of faith. Thou art a God in Christ Jesus, reconciling the world unto thyself, not imputing unto men their trespasses. O may we behold thee pacified unto us, notwithstanding all that we have done unto thee. Take from us the spirit of bondage and of fear, and impart to us the Spirit of adoption, that we may cry unto thee, Abba, Father. As thou hast been merciful to us through this day, may we realize thy care and pro- tection through this night. We would not retire to rest without making a fresh surrender of ourselves to thy glory. Thine we are by creation, by providential right — thine may we be in the bonds of that covenant of grace and salvation which can never be dissolved. Let the manifold provocations of the day be forgiven ; let our praises be accepted for all thy unmerited bestowments ; let the whole of our future days and nights be thine. Hasten the time when all the families of the earth shall pay thee homage ; when in every place incense and a pure offering shall be presented to thy holy and blessed name. Into thy hand we commend our spirits. Hear, O God, the voice of our supplications, and send us grace from the throne of thy love, for the sake of our only Mediator and Saviour Jesus Christ; to whom, with the Father and the Holy Ghost, be all honour and glory now and ever. Amen. 4 o 657 FORTY-SIXTH tfntrag JKarnfttfl, WEEK. Isaiah, Chapter i.x. 0 GOD, we thank thee that we are permitted to approach thee. It might have been otherwise. We might have been kept for ever at an awful distance from thy throne. Hadst thou dealt with us according to our deserts, this would have been the case : there had been no Mediator, no blood of sprinkling, no throne of grace. The heavens had been as brass over our heads, and the earth beneath our feet as iron. But thou hast manifested the riches of thy grace, and shown us that thy thoughts are above our thoughts, and thy ways are above our ways. Thou art God, and not man ; and therefore we are not consumed. O God, be merciful unto us, miserable sinners, for the sake of Him whom thou hast exalted a Prince and a Saviour, to give repentance unto Israel, and the remission of sins. Be merciful unto us, we pray thee, and heal our souls, for we have greatly sinned against thee. O heal our backslidings, renew us to repen- tance, establish our hearts in thy fear and love ; and order all our goings according to thy holy word. O thou God of all grace, bring such thoughts to our remembrance, as may effectually incline us to perform thy will, and to shun even the appearance of evil. Make us sincere and without rebuke unto the day of Jesus Christ. We thank thee that we can address thee as our Father ; the Father of our spirits, and the Former of our bodies. We worship thee as the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ. And will God in very deed take care of us, and guide us, and sustain us, and provide for us a kingdom, and prepare us for it ! How precious are thy thoughts concerning us ! Help us to receive thy word in all its declarations concerning the blessedness of thy people. Increase our faith, that we may ascribe the greatness to thee. Give to us the Spirit of adoption, by whom we may cry, Abba, Father. Take not thy Holy Spirit from us. May we never grieve him, or cause him to depart. They are blessed who walk all day in thy fear and love. Unite our hearts to fear thy name. Keep us from the distractions of life ; from every thing that might interrupt our communion with thee, that might foster evil dispositions, or weaken divine impressions. May thy Spirit dwell with us, and create within us all holy purposes and desires. May he bear witness with our spirits, that we are the children of God ; and if children, then heirs, heirs of God, and joint-heirs with Jesus Christ our Lord. Great God, we thank thee that thou hast taught us that we are but in the infancy of our being, that there is another state to which this is but an introduction ; a state in which our spirits shall expand, and grow in knowledge, purity, and peace. We pray that we may be prepared for our change, that we may be heavenly in our principles and tempers, engagements and pursuits. May we have much of heaven upon earth ; and when we die, may we awake in thy likeness. O thou God of all the families of the earth, watch over this family. May every member of it be a member of the household of faith. May all Christian families walk in the comforts of the Holy Spirit, and may the number of them be greatly enlarged. May thy way be known on earth, and thy saving health among all nations. Amen. C5S FORTY-SIXTH dJrttmg <£tomutg WEEK. Mark, Chapter xiv. ORD, thou hast been the dwelling-place of thy people in all generations. Before the mountains were brought forth, or ever thou hadst formed the earth and the world, even from everlasting to everlasting thou art God. Be our dwelling-place ; and amidst all the changes, trials, and afflictions of time, may the comforts of thy presence, and the prospect of dwelling with thee in the unseen world, delight our souls. Thou art a portion every way suited to satisfy the vast and boundless desires of our immortal spirits. Thy protection renders us more secure than the munition of rocks, and thy faithfulness is more stable than the foundations of the everlasting hills. Wherever others desire to take up their abode, may it be our lot to dwell in the secret place of the Most High, and to abide under the shadow of the Almighty. We have this day gone out and in, supported by thy power, supplied by thy goodness with numberless mercies, and solaced, we trust, by the experience of thy loving-kindness. O for hearts more grateful, wills more obedient, and affections more spiritual, that we may be fully and entirely consecrated, in soul, body, and spirit, to thee ! Thou art never weary of doing us good, but art an overflowing fountain of blessedness, enriching, comfort- ing, and strengthening all who hunger and thirst after the living God. Millions on millions have come to thee, and found happiness ; and millions more shall come, and all shall through eternity draw their bliss from thee, the fountain of living waters ; still this exhaust- less and shoreless fountain shall be as full and overflowing as when it first began to flow for the refreshment and joy of thy intelligent and holy creation. O turn our eyes away tom beholding vanity. Let us not spend our money for that which is not bread, nor our labour for that which satisfieth not. Let us not seek our bliss in streams of false delight, in the polluting pleasures of sense, in the low and debasing enjoyments of animal nature, but convince us more and more of the emptiness, vanity, and worthlessness of all earthly things a3 a portion for our souls. We have tasted the joys which these things can yield, and our eyes were not satisfied with seeing them, nor our ears with hearing them, nor our hearts with enjoying them. Lift thou upon us, therefore, the light of thy countenance, that true joy may be put into our hearts, that we may rejoice in the Lord always ; and that however often our spirits may be depressed and our hearts sad, we may turn again to the Lord, and rejoice in him as the God of our salvation. Travelling as we are, with unhalting rapidity, to the world of spirits, may we every day prepare for our latter end. May we feel, therefore, that here we have no continuing city ? and seek one to come. Our relatives and acquaintances, young and old, are dropping one after another into eternity, and we must soon follow them. For all our days are now passing in a world under thy wrath and curse ; and here we spend our years as a tale that is told. O satisfy us, therefore, with thy mercy in Jesus Christ, that we may be glad and rejoice, amidst all the tribulations of the present life, in the hope of eternal glory. We would lie down to sleep, commending our spirits into thy hands; and beseeching thee to be our God and guide through life, and our eternal dwelling-place when this world and all things that are in it shall have passed for ever away. These things we ask for Jesus’ sake. Amen. 059 4 0 2 FORTY-SIXTH ^aturlrag iKcntutg. WEEK. Isaiah, Chapter lxi. G OD of truth, bless and sanctify to our souls the reading and hearing of thy holy word, and especially that portion of it which has just now been under review. And grant, O most merciful Father, that the end of all those spiritual privileges with which thou hast so liberally indulged us, may be to make us more intimately acquainted with thy dear Son Jesus Christ. Do thou be pleased to shed new light upon our minds, while directed to a renewed contemplation of the Saviour’s glorious character, offices, and all- perfect righteousness, this morning. May we know the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ; who, though he was rich, yet for our sakes became poor, that we through his poverty might be made rich. Grant us true faith in his great name, that through him we may obtain remission of sin, may escape the wrath to come, may rejoice in the blessing of pardon and reconciliation in this life, and a full and free admission into the joy of the Lord in that which is to come. May each of our minds be directed to the cultivation of all those dispositions and graces which thy word enjoins, and be assisted in the subjuga- tion of those evil passions which are contrary to godliness, injurious to our own highest welfare, and opposed to thy glory. At the same time, may we be assured that no endea- vour of ours to purify our hearts can be successful, if attempted in our own strength, or while we are strangers to the all-constraining principle of love to Jesus Christ. May we be convinced that our natures are so totally undone by sin, so utterly at variance with the requirements of thy holy law, that nothing will serve to remedy our condition but an entire change of heart, a renunciation of all goodness in ourselves, and a cordial recep- tion of thy dear Son in all his divine offices, and in all his saving and transforming influences. Impart to us, therefore, we earnestly implore thee this morning, an abundant supply of thy Holy Spirit’s influences, that he may create us anew, may unfold to us the mysteries of redemption, and enable each of us to receive and to walk in Christ ; so that we may be found in him at last, not having our own righteousness, which is of the law, but that which is through the faith of Christ, the righteousness which is of God by faith. Having boldness of access into thy holy and blessed presence through the blood of the everlasting covenant, may we enter into the full enjoyment of our exalted privilege, and look to thee as the children of thy love, pardoned, accepted, and justified by faith in the great Surety. O Lord, strengthen us this day to overcome all those evils to which we may be exposed. Let love to thee, and the fear of offending thee, restrain us from sin, and stimulate us to every good word and work. Let thine eye be ever upon us for good : let the motives suggested in thy word be present to our minds, while pursuing the path of duty ; let a holy serenity of disposition possess our spirits in all the events of life ; let a deep responsibility to God guide, restrain, and animate us wherever we may be, or however we may be circumstanced. Hasten, O Lord, the coming of thy glorious kingdom. May the government of thine Anointed be every where acknowledged, and every where obeyed; until the end shall come, when Christ shall deliver up the kingdom to God, even the Father, and when God shall be all in all. All these things, so far as accordant with thy holy will, we ask in the name of the ever-living Intercessor, who is God over all, blessed for evermore. Amen. 660 FORTY-SIXTH «#>aturtrag <23bcnmg, Mark, Chapter xv. week. M OST gracious and merciful God, enable us, at the close of another day and of another week, solemnly to review our thoughts and ways, and to turn unto thee, the Lord our God. Whilst we think of so many, on the right hand and on the left, dropping into eternity, may we remember how much nearer we are to the house appointed for all living. We adore thee that we have been spared so long; we might have been cut down as cumberers of the ground ; thou mightest have taken vengeance upon our deeds ; thou mightest have changed our countenance, and sent us away ; but, adored be thy name, thou still waitest to be gracious ; thou art bestowing space and opportunity for repentance ; pour upon us, then, the grace of repentance, that we may sorrow for sin after a godly sort, and that we may mourn and be in bitterness on account of it, as one that mourneth the loss of an only son. Enable us, O God of our life, to look back with gratitude on the unnumbered blessings of the week. From dangers, seen and unseen, thou hast preserved us. Our necessities have been the objects of thy gracious notice and regard. Our bread has been given us, and our water has been sure. Thou hast preserved our souls from death, our eyes from tears, and our feet from falling. What shall we render unto the Lord for all his benefits ! We will take the cup of salvation, and call upon thy great and holy name. Bless the Lord, O our souls, and forget not all his benefits. Inspire us with special gratitude for spiritual blessings in heavenly places in Christ Jesus. We adore thee for a dispensation of the gospel of the grace of God; for the word of eternal life; for the stated ministry of divine truth ; for the privilege of constant approach to the throne of the heavenly grace. O that we may increasingly prize these great mercies, and that we may more diligently use them to the glory of thy name and the good of our own immortal souls, that we may be found of our Lord in peace, when called to give an account of our stewardship. As the day of sacred rest draws nigh, may we earnestly seek to acquire a frame of mind suited to its holy exercises. May we meditate on its original appointment and gracious design. With unshrinking fidelity may we examine well into the state of our hearts. May we recall our thoughts and affections from vain and worldly pursuits, and enter into the spirit of communion with Heaven. Let the anticipations of thy day fill us with sacred delight If spared to see its light, may it be a day of great spiritual prosperity to our souls. May we long to hear the message of salvation from the lips of Christ’s ministers, and may they be assisted rightly to divide the word of life, and to give to every one a portion of meat in due season. Be with them this night in preparing for their sacred work. Give them a clear insight into the meaning of thy word ; elevate both their conceptions and their affections ; may the glories of Emmanuel be depicted to the eye of faith ; and, on the approaching day, may they come forth to tell the people of what they have tasted, and felt, and handled of the good word of life. In thine infinite mercy do thou forgive us all our iniquity; blot out the sin of our holy things; regard us with the love which thou bearest unto thy chosen ; and accept us and our feeble offerings through Jesus Christ, our only- Mediator ; to whom, with the Father and the Holy Ghost, be all honour and glory now and for evermore. Amen. (5G1 FORTY-SEVENTH ,#tmtrag iirlornfitcy Isaiah, Chapter lxii. week. 0 HOLY and blessed Lord, who when thou hadst finished the heavens and the earth, and all the host of them, didst behold with complacency and delight the work of thy hands, and didst bless and sanctify thy holy Sabbath, we earnestly beseech thee to behold us in thy compassion and love, and to bless and sanctify our hearts by thy holy Spirit, and prepare us for the solemn and delightful engagements of the day which thou hast hallowed. Let the glorious work of redemption be contemplated by us with renewed gratitude and joy. O deeply impress our hearts with a sense of the value and efficacy of atoning blood, and cause us to rejoice in beholding in ourselves and others the works of the new creation. O thou who commandedst the light to shine out of darkness, shine into our hearts, to give us the light of the knowledge of thy glory as it shines in the face of Jesus Christ. Impress our minds with the need we have of being born again of the Holy Spirit, and convince us of the evil of sin. Let the cry arise in each heart, and let it break forth from each lip in the language of deep contrition, God be merciful to me a sinner. O impart to us the meek and lowly mind, and beautify us with thy salvation ; and when we shall this day be permitted to enter into thy house of prayer, may we worship thee in the beauty of holiness. May there be granted to us the filial heart, and that precious faith without which it is impossible to please thee. / Give us, we earnestly beseech thee, the heart to feel, the eye to see, and the ear to hear the blessed truths of thy holy word; and may we gratefully remember that the preaching of the gospel is thy paternal voice pleading with perishing sinners to return from the error of their ways. Most earnestly would we beseech thee to bless and prepare the heart of thy servant who is to break to us the bread of life : O first let him sweetly taste the imperishable food, that his own soul may be refreshed and strengthened; and then let him, with the blessing which he has received, refresh and strengthen our souls. And may all thy faithful ministers be owned and blessed of thee ; may their eyes be directed to thee for all needful aid in their work. Visit with thy salvation those who have never heard the glad tidings of the everlasting gospel; and may the long-predicted and expected period arrive when the earth shall be filled with the knowledge of the glory of the Lord, as the waters cover the sea. O pity the nations that now sit in darkness and in the shadow of death. Let the glorious Sun of righteousness arise upon them with healing under his wings. Let it speedily be said unto them, Arise, shine, for thy light is come, and the glory of the Lord hath risen upon thee. We would, O Lord, while enjoying our spiritual and temporal mercies, not be unmindful of the poor and the needy, the fatherless and widow, and those who have no help from man. We beseech thee to sympathize with them in their afflictions, and to incline our hearts to feel for them with Christian sympathy and affection, that we may be ready to prove the sincerity of our obedience to thee, and our love to them, by relieving their necessities and promoting their good. Forgive, O God, our family sins, and accept our thanksgiving for family mercies. We present our united supplications at the throne of thy grace through Christ, our only Redeemer ; to whom be everlasting praise. Amen. FORTY-SEVENTH afbnmtfi. WEEK. Mark, Chapter xvi. O THOU glorious and eternally blessed God, we adore thee that thou makest the out- goings of the morning and evening to rejoice. At the close of another Christian Sabbath, we desire to remember the many privileges and mercies which we, as a family, have been permitted to enjoy. We bless thee for thy holy word; for the house of prayer; for a preached gospel ; and for all the means of grace ; for bringing to our remembrance those sweet and precious promises, on which thou hast caused us to hope, and which have been our comfort in our affliction, and our song in the house of our pilgrimage. We have remembered thy name in the night, and thought on thy loving-kindness in the day- time. O let this day of rest be long cherished with most pleasing and grateful recol- lections, let it be the beginning of days to us ; and O may we enter upon the engage- ments of a new week, resolving, in thy strength, that we will seek first, daily, andchiefly, the kingdom of God and his righteousness, believing that all other things shall be added to us. Let the value of our never-dying souls be more seriously considered by us; let our depravity and the deceitfulness of our hearts make us more watchful and prayerful. O search us and try our reins, and shew us our transgressions : let us remember that if we say we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us ; but let us also remember, with adoring gratitude, that if we confess our sins, thou, O Lord, art faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. O make our religion a religion of holy and happy experience ; for thou hast said, O most blessed Saviour, that if any man will do thy will, he shall know of the doctrine, whether it be of God or of man. Let thy will be done in each of our hearts ; and grant that a child-like confidence in thy wisdom and goodness towards us, may repress every anxious and foreboding thought of the future. May we be careful for nothing, but in every thing by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, make our requests known unto thee. May no root of bitterness ever be permitted to spring up in our hearts, to trouble us ; but may the wisdom that is from above, which is first pure, then peaceable, gentle, and easy to be intreated, full of mercy and good fruits, without partiality, and without hypocrisy, be our lasting portion. Let every returning Sabbath remind us of that eternal rest which remaineth for the people of God. O may we ever labour to enter into that rest, lest any of us should seem to come short through unbelief. O let us not grieve the Holy Spirit, whereby we are sealed unto the day of redemption ; but let us walk circumspectly, not as fools but as wise ; redeeming the time, because the days are evil. Let the remembrance of former mercies, of tby help in the time of our need ; of the proofs thou hast afforded us, that, notwithstanding our multiplied transgressions and short-comings, thou hast ever been better to us than our fears ; let these considerations of thy love and of thy pity, strengthen and confirm our hearts to resolve again in thy strength, that as for us and our house we will serve the Lord. Grant us these great blessings and privileges, we humbly beseech thee, for the sake of thine adored Son, Jesus Christ; to whom, with Thee and the Holy Ghost, be everlasting praises. Amen. 663 FORTY-SEVENTH JHontmj) iilornmg, WEEK. Isaiah, Chapter lxiii. E VER -blessed and glorious God, we desire to draw near unto thee in the exercise of faith and love : teach us by thy Spirit, that the words of our lips and the meditations of our hearts may be acceptable in thy sight, O Lord, our strength and our Redeemer. Blessed be thy name for the abundant encouragements thy word affords to all those who humbly and penitently seek thee : thou hast taught us that thou waitest to be gracious, ' that thou art willing to receive us into thy family, and to restore us to all the blessings which we have forfeited by our rebellion. How numerous and aggravated have been our transgressions ! We must indeed confess that it is of the Lord’s mercies that we are not consumed, and because his compassions fail not : O may thy long-suffering goodness and love lead us all to renewed repentance, and increase in us godly sorrow: and though our sins may be forgiven, though thou mayest have removed them so as to be remembered against us no more, may we retain a remembrance of them, to humble us, and to inspire our souls with lively gratitude and entire devotedness ! As thou hast forgiven us much, may we love thee much : and, feeling our constant need of forgiveness, may we be ready to forgive those who injure or offend us. Keep us from all evil, especially from sin : may no iniquity have dominion over us : but may all our dispositions, and thoughts, and actions be under the sanctifying and governing influence of thy word and Spirit; that we may do only that which is well- pleasing in thy sight ; and that our whole course on earth may tend to prepare us for the perfect and everlasting services of the heavenly world. May we never forget that on earth we have no abiding place ; may our treasure be in heaven, and our heart be there also : may we feel the glories of the eternal world attracting our souls ; leading us with cheerfulness to sacrifice every thing that would prevent an unreserved dedication of all our powers to the service of the Redeemer. We give thee thanks for the mercies of the past night; for the protection and rest afforded us ; for the health and strength we now possess ; and for those social comforts which distinguish us from so many of our fellow-creatures. Give us wisdom to improve these advantages, that we may occupy every talent with faithfulness and diligence. Follow with thy blessing the means used on the past Sabbath to increase the knowledge of thy name, and promote the well-being of man ; cause thy word to arouse the careless, to guide the wanderer, to reclaim the backslider, to comfort the feeble-minded, and to establish and comfort the believer ; that those who are seeking to extend the kingdom of Christ, may rejoice that they are not labouring in vain, nor spending their strength for nought. Guide and bless us through this day : in all our ways may we acknowledge thee, and do thou direct our steps ; may we adorn the religion we profess, and be as lights in the world, and as the salt of the earth ; that those who surround us may be constrained to say, We also will go with you. We beg these blessings in the name, and for the sake, of our Lord Jesus Christ; to whom, with thee, O Father, and the Eternal Spirit, be glory and dominion for ever and ever. Amen. FORTY-SEVENTH iHmfflag (Abating Luke, Chapter i. week. LMIGHTY and ever/asting God, who art the refuge and strength of those who put their trust in thee ; we humbly come to thee for thy blessing, encouraged by the gracious representations of thy word. We would present our united and fervent requests unto thee, mingled with our praises and thanksgivings, through faith in our Lord Jesus Christ, who died for our sins, and rose again for our justification, and ever liveth to make intercession for us. We would not attempt to hide our sins, for thy knowledge is infinite, thou seest us by night and by day, and art perfectly acquainted with all our ways. Grant that we may have a more accurate and spiritual acquaintance with that law which is holy, and just, and good; that we maybe more conscious of our numerous sins of omission and of commission. Oh, who can understand his errors? cleanse thou us from secret faults ! May we be renewed in the spirit of our minds, by the effectual operation of thy Holy Spirit ; that we may die unto sin, and live unto righteousness ; that we may crucify the flesh with its affections and lusts, and walk in holiness and newness of life. May the same mind be in us which was also in Christ Jesus ; that we may be lowly and submissive, patient and forbearing, benevolent and affectionate ; that we may bless them that curse us, do good to them that hate us, and pray for them that despitefully use us and persecute us. Sanctify us wholly, that we may serve thee acceptably, cheer- fully devoting all our powers to thee. Purify our affections, our thoughts, our desires ; and let our conversation be in heaven ; that we may adorn the doctrine of God our Saviour in all things, and make manifest the savour of his name in every place. Graciously accept our thanks for the comforts and blessings of this day; we have not deserved the least of thy mercies, but every moment they have been renewed and multi- plied : may we never forget our obligations to thee ; but may we show forth our gratitude, not only with our bps but in our lives, by walking before thee in holiness and righteous- ness all our days. Continue thy gracious care, we beseech thee, during the darkness of the night : defend us from all dangers ; let no evil approach us : may we rest in peace and comfort, and be prepared to serve thee with renewed vigour, if our lives are spared to another day. And all these blessings which we ask for ourselves, we implore also for our friends and relations : may thy bountiful providence supply all their wants ; may thy Spirit guide, and sanctify, and comfort them ; and at length may they all be received to thy heavenly glory. Remember with compassion the afflicted and distressed ; sanctify their sorrows ; may they neither despise the chastenings of the Lord, nor faint when they are rebuked of him ; in patience may they possess their souls, and become increasingly prepared for that perfect world where sorrow and pain can never enter. Bless all the faithful ministers of thy word : may all their efforts to do good be attended and followed with thine effectual blessing ; that the work of the Lord may prosper in their hands. Regard with thy special favour those who are looking forward to this great work : direct their studies ; pour thy grace abundantly into their hearts ; enrich them with all spiritual good, and make them to be scribes well instructed in the mysteries of the kingdom. These mer- cies, with all other blessings we need, we humbly ask in our Redeemer’s name. Amen. 4 p FORTY-SEVENTH Cuestiag iBm’nmg WEEK. Isaiah, Chapter lxiv. E adore thee, O Most High, as the all-wise and almighty Creator and Preserver of all things. Thou doest according to thy will in the army of heaven, and am ong the inhabitants of this lower world : none can stay thy hand, or say unto thee, What doest thou? In thee we live, and move, and have our being; and it is because we have obtained help from thee, that we continue to this day. May a sense of our constant dependence produce in us humility and obedience, for truly thou hast a right to all we have and to But we would remember not only our weakness and dependence as creatures, but also our defilement and guilt as sinners : we have gone astray from thy ways ; and if we say we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us. We would not endeavour to conceal our guilt or to excuse our transgressions, but, acknowledging that our sins are too multiplied to be numbered and too aggravated to be measured, we would cast ourselves at thy footstool, and cry, God be merciful to us sinners ! Blessed be thy name for the revelation of thy character which the sacred volume contains ; for we can find no source of comfort or peace till we learn that thou art infinite in mercy as well as justice, and that thy love is equal to thy power. We bless thee that thou hast not only assured us that thou art ready to pardon iniquity, transgression, and sin ; but that thou hast also revealed the method of reconciliation, and given us a suffi- cient pledge of thy forgiving love, in the gift of thy dear Son to become the sacrifice for our sins. Through this new and living way unto thy throne we would now come, that our sins may be taken away, that our souls may be satisfied, that the Holy Spirit may be poured out upon us as our Teacher, Sanctifier, and Comforter, leading us into the know- ledge of thy holy will, inclining us to obey it, and producing in us the divine image. Condescend to take up thine abode within us, O thou blessed Spirit, that our darkness may be removed, that our corruptions may be slain ; that every grace may be in vigorous exercise, that we may breathe forth the spirit of heaven, and display in our conversation and conduct the meekness, and purity, and dignity of the sons of God. Make us thankful for the continuance of thy providential care and bounty, for the safety, rest, and comfort of another night, and for the blessings that encompass us this morning. Oh, what cause for gratitude have we, both as individuals and as a family ! may we never be unmindful of thy goodness, but ever seek to live to thy glory, and to be instrumental in saving and blessing our fellow-men. Be with us through this day, to direct our steps, to preserve us from evil, and to secure to us real good. We know not what dispensations await us ; prepare us therefore for all thy will, and grant that we may be content and thankful with whatever thou shalt appoint, knowing that here we have no continuing city, that w' are but pilgrims to a better land. Bless all our friends and relations, according as their various characters or circumstances may require ; give them on earth knowledge of thyself, and in the world to come life everlasting. These mercies, with every needful and promised good, we humbly implore for the righteousness’ sake of our Lord and Redeemer Jesus Christ, to whom, with the Father and the Holy Spirit, be all glory and praise for ever and ever. Amen. all we are. FORTY-SEVENTH Cuesfoag 03imtmix WEEK. Luke, Chapter ii. E VER-blessed and glorious God, who dwellest in light inaccessible and full of glory, before whom angels bow, and archangels veil their faces while they cry, Holy, holy, holy, is the Lord God Almighty, heaven and earth are full of thy majesty and of thy glory! With what reverence and holy awe should ice approach *thee, who are not only mortal but sinful and polluted creatures. Give us enlarged and scriptural conceptions of thy character, and just views of ourselves, that we may be clothed with humility, and that holy fear of thee may tend to preserve us from sin, and may urge us on in the pursuit of holiness. We adore the justice and the holiness, as well as the condescension and mercy, which thou hast revealed in the plan of man’s redemption— we rejoice to see mercy offered to the sinner in a way which magnifies the law of God, establishes the claims of his righteous government, and proclaims his infinite abhorrence of sin. O the depth of the riches both of the wisdom and knowledge of God ! how unsearchable are his judgments, and his ways past finding out ! We would call upon our souls and all that is within us, to bless and magnify the riches of thy grace ; and we rejoice that myriads of beings, pure, and more exalted than ourselves, are for ever celebrating thy praise. We bless thee also for the declarations of thy word concerning the increase of thy kingdom : we rejoice that the reign of darkness and rebellion shall be destroyed, and that thy will shall be done on earth as it is in heaven. Hasten, O Lord, the accomplishment of thy promises ; that iniquity may come to a perpetual end — that the Redeemer’s name may every where be known and loved, and that God may be all in all. Pardon us that we have contributed no more to the triumphs of the gospel : we are verily guilty concerning our brother, for we have slumbered, instead of being watchful, diligent, and prayerful. Deliver us from blood-guiltiness, O God, thou God of our salvation, and grant that, instead of indulging in thc spirit of him who said, Am I my brother’s keeper, we may resemble him who w r ent about doing good. Remember in great mercy the land of our birth ; and as thou hast highly exalted us among the nations, both by the bounties of thy providence and the blessings of thy grace ; grant that thy Spirit may richly descend upon us, that we may be a people formed for thyself, shewing forth thy praise. Bless all the institutions that are formed to mitigate the sorrows of life, especially those which have for their object the diffusion of the blessings of the gospel. Raise up multitudes who shall be ready to go forth to the heathen, to declare the unsearchable riches of Christ, and richly endow them for the work ; that the fields which are white unto harvest, may be no longer destitute of labourers, but that all may now be gathered in, and praise ascend to thy throne from a redeemed and regenerated world. Receive our grateful acknowledgments for the mercies of another day ; take us under thy fatherly care during the darkness of the approaching night ; grant to us refreshing repose, and if we rise in the morning, may it be to love thee more and serve thee better : we ask it in the name of Him who died for our sins, and rose again for our justification; who ever liveth to make intercession for us ; and who is worthy to receive everlasting praise. Amen, and amen. 667 4 P 2 FORTY-SEVENTH SCttiJtttdfrag Wonting, WEEK. Isaiah, Chapter lxv. O THQU who art the hearer and answerer of prayer, enable us to approach thee in a manner which shall be acceptable unto thee, and profitable to our own souls. We confess that we are not worthy to present ourselves or our services to thee; for we have multiplied our transgressions ; but, blessed be thy name, thou hast provided a way of access, and hast taught us in thy word, that through Jesus Christ, our Lord, we mav come boldly to the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy, and find grace to help in time of need. O God, we are guilty, and need mercy ; to thee, therefore, we come, beseeching thee to take away all our transgressions ; cleanse us in the fountain of the Redeemer’s blood; say unto our souls, I am your salvation. We are ignorant and weak, and need wisdom and strength continually ; to thee, therefore, we come, entreating thee to give us that wisdom which is from above ; guide us by thy counsel ; defend us by thy mighty power ; and enable us to walk in thy ways ; that our course may be that of the just, shining more and more unto the perfect day. We have fresh cause for gratitude and praise, for we have slept in peace, and have awaked in circumstances of comfort : may our health, and strength, and reason be improved, as talents which we are to occupy till our Lord shall come. Go with us this day, in all the ways in which we may be conducted. Make us to go in the path of thy commandments ; turn away our eyes from beholding vanity, and quicken thou us in thy way. May we no longer cry with the multitude, Who w'ill shew us any good ? but may our continual prayer be, Lord, lift thou up the light of thy countenance upon us ; may we find our happiness in thee, and may we have this testimony, that we please God ; so that, when reviewing the way in which thy grace has led us, we may, with holy and exalted gratitude, adopt the words of the apostle, I have fought a good fight, I have finished my course, I have kept the faith, henceforth there is laid up for me a crown of glory, which the Lord, the righteous Judge, will give unto me in that day ; and not to me only, but unto all them also that love his appearing. We commend to thy care and blessing our friends and relatives ; make them all thy children by adoption and grace ; and while they continue to sojourn on earth, may every needful good be mercifully imparted to them. May the poor and distressed, the afflicted and the infirm, be blessed according to their several necessities : may our hearts ever be compassionate and tender ; and may we bear one another’s burdens, and so fulfil the law of Christ. Pour out thy Spirit in rich abundance upon all the ministers of thy truth, that they may watch for souls as they that must give account, and that all their labours may be crowned with success. May all who bear the Christian name be their helpers in the gospel, holding forth the word of life, that they may rejoice in the day of Christ, that they have not run in vain, neither laboured in vain. We pray especially for thy servant our pastor, that grace, mercy, and peace, from God the Father, may be multiplied towards him ; that he may rejoice in his work, and see it prospering in his hands. Hear these out supplications, and do for us, and for all for whom we should pray, more than we can ask or think, for the Redeemer’s sake. Amen. 068 FORTY-SEVENTH »eimeg&ag <£benmg, Luke, Chapter iii. WEEK. G REAT and ever-blessed God, the Creator and Ruler of all things ; thou didst form man upright, but he has rebelled against thee, lost his true dignity, and rendered himself unworthy of thy notice, and deserving of everlasting punishment. Thy justice would have been magnified in his complete destruction. But, blessed be thy name, thou hast contrived and executed a plan of recovery which even more exalts thy justice and holiness, while it reveals thy boundless mercy and infinite love. In this was manifested the love of God towards us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us. Adored be the grace of our Lord Jesus ; that though possessed of infinite happiness and glory, he voluntarily took upon himself the form of a servant, and became obedient unto death, even the death of the cross ! While we acknowledge our guilt, we rejoice that we are not beyond the reach of recovery ; that thou hast shewn thy readiness to pardon, by not sparing thine own Son, but freely giving him up for us all ; and that the Redeemer has manifested both his ability and willingness to save us, in his benevolent life, his voluntary death, and his glorious resurrection. O may thy Spirit convince us of sin ; that, with deep contrition and humble gratitude, we may receive the record which thou hast given us concerning thy Son, that in him we sinners possess eternal life. May we consider the gospel message as worthy of all acceptation, and be ready to sacrifice all in which man is accustomed to rejoice, that we may win Christ, and be found in him, and that he may be made unto us wisdom, and righteousness, and sanctification, and redemption. May we not only rejoice in his promises, but love his precepts ; and not only seek acceptance with thee through his atonement and intercession, but seek also to have his kingdom established within us ; may we take his yoke, and find it easy to our neck, and delight in his service as the most perfect freedom. We bless thee for all the goodness which thou hast bestowed upon us hitherto. We acknowledge with gratitude how constant has been thy care, how unwearied thy bounty. May our past experience of thy faithfulness lead us cheerfully to trust thee for all that we may need during our future course : resting upon thy promises, may we be relieved from distressing care, and make it our one object to promote thy glory, and extend the triumphs of our blessed Redeemer. Make us useful to those with whom we stand connected in society, and may all our conversation be such as to administer grace unto the hearers. Bless this family with thy favour : give to those who are at its head, that wisdom and grace which shall enable them to walk before tbeir household in all godliness : may the young seek thee in their early days, and remember and obey the merciful command, My son, give me thy heart. May those who serve be taught by thy Spirit to serve the Lord Jesus Christ in holiness and newness of life, approving themselves to their Master in heaven. Bless all who are dear to us ; direct them into the knowledge of thy truth ; may they belong to that glorious number whose names are written in heaven, that we may all at length meet in thy presence beyond the reach of sorrow and sin. Continue thy gracious care over us this night ; prepare us for life with its duties, for death with its solemnities, for eternity with all its joys — for Christ, the Redeemer’s sake. Amen. 6G9 FORTY-SEVENTH Cfrar&mg iBonimg, WEEK. Isaiah, Chapter lxvi. M OST blessed God, who didst bring up thy people Israel from the house of bondage with thy strong hand and stretched-out arm, and who leddest them in safety through the wilderness to the land of promise ; we entreat thy almighty guidance, that we may be directed in safety to the heavenly land, which was only faintly shadowed by Canaan of old. If thou hast broken our bonds, and delivered our souls from the hands of those who were stronger than we, we give thee the glory and the thanks ; and we pray that we may never again desire to return to the yoke of bondage, under which we once lay to sin and Satan. May the hard service wherewith Satan made us serve when we were his willing slaves, be hateful to us from its own nature, and exceedingly bitter in the remembrance ; and being, we trust, through thy grace made free, enable us to stand fast in the liberty of Christ. May we feel our obligations to thy grace for the deliverance we have obtained, and be ever ready to say, Not unto us, not unto us, O Lord, but to thy name be all the glory — for thy right hand and thy holy arm hath gotten us the victory. Feeling our own utter insufficiency to take a single step in our heavenward journey, may we feel our sufficiency to be of God. May we be strong in the grace which is in Christ Jesus. May his presence cheer us in our journey through this desert, as the pillar of cloud and of fire comforted and directed Israel of old in all their movements through the wilderness; and, guided and protected by him, may we go forward from strength to strength, compassed about with his favour as with a shield, and made glad with exceeding joy by the light of his countenance. May we be delivered from the provocations of which Israel was guilty, when they provoked him in the wilderness, and grieved, vexed, and rebelled against his Spirit in the desert. Let us not lust after sinful things, as they did ; nor be guilty of the sin of unbelief, as they were, when they believed not the report of the good land, and in heart turned back into Egypt. May our faith be strong, and in constant exercise on him who is our Great Passover slain for us ; may our souls be refreshed by the life-giving waters which flow from our smitten Rock ; and may we daily feed on the bread of life, as Israel of old on the manna which prefigured it. May the word and Spirit of Christ guide our every footstep. May the great Captain of our salvation give us strength to conquer every foe, courage to surmount every difficulty, and grace which shall dispel every fear when we come to enter and to cross death’s cold flood ; and through him may an abundant entrance be granted us into the Canaan of everlasting rest, where all the troubles of the way shall be forgotten, or occasion songs of praise ; and where Satan and every enemy shall be for ever bruised under our feet. May we give diligence that we may be found of thee in peace, without spot or blemish, or any such thing. Let grace, mercy, and peace, from God our Father and from our Lord Jesus Christ, rest this day on us, and on our friends and brethren in Christ. And may those related to us, and strangers to thy grace, be drawn to the Redeemer by the power of thy Spirit, and thus made partakers of the sure mercies of David, — being made heirs of God, and joint-heirs with Christ, of the heavenly inheritance. These blessings we ask, for Jesus Christ’s sake. Amen. 670 FORTY-SEVENTH C&ursfoag <£bntms WEEK. Luke, Chapter iv. O F old, O Lord, thou hast laid the foundations of the earth, and the heavens are the work of thine hands; they shall perish, but thou remainest; and they all shall wax old, as doth a garment ; and as a vesture shalt thou fold them up, and they shall be changed : but thou art the same, and thy years shall not fail. But we are creatures of a day ; we are crushed before the moth. Our foundation is in the dust. Dust we are, and unto dust we must speedily return. Teach us to think much of our frailty; to consider our latter end, and to prepare for it. Never let us calculate on length of days that we may never realize, but stand ready to meet our God. May we remember that sin is the cause of death; and be humbled under a deep sense both of our original depravity and actual transgressions. Wert thou to enter into judgment with us, we could not stand; but we hope and pray for acceptance through thy Son. But whilst we desire to rest our hope of acceptance on his atoning sacrifice, we would desire also to take him for our pattern and example, and to come to him, that we may take his yoke upon us, and learn of him, remembering that without him no man shall dwell with God. Richly imbue us with the Spirit of our Lord and Master Jesus Christ. May we possess much of the meekness and gentleness which characterized his actions, and gave lustre and glory to all that he did. May we imitate his zeal for the honour and glory of God ; his compassion for perishing sinners ; his unwearied activity in doing good; his patience under unjust calumnies, reproaches, and provocations; his humility in becoming the servant of all; his love in laying down his life for his enemies; his benevolence in relieving all that were in distress ; and his mercy in praying with his latest breath for his murderers, Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do. O that a large measure of that devotional spirit which shone forth in his life, may rest on us, that we may spend much time in secret with God ; that we may be dead to the world as he was, and that in all things we may deny ourselves, and take up our cross and follow him. Make us holy, harmless, undefiled, as he was, and separate us from the world that lieth in the wicked one, that all men may know us to be followers of the meek and lowly Jesus, and the children of God. May we follow hard after holiness, which is the perfection of our nature; the design of Christ’s death; the object of his intercession; the end of his example ; the spring of our own happiness ; and that alone which can qualify us either for serving or enjoying God. May we love Jesus with all our heart, soul, mind, and strength ; cast all our cares upon him ; hope in his never-failing mercy ; rejoice in his unchanging love ; rely on his immutable and eternal truth ; trust in his unimpeachable faithfulness ; and confide in the boundless stores of his grace and goodness, for the supply of all our wants, both for time and eternity. Into the hands of our God and Saviour, who has preserved and sustained us through this day, we would now commit ourselves. May he watch over us while we sleep with an unslumbering eye. May our persons, our dwelling, and all that we possess, be under his protection ; and, whether sleeping or waking, may our souls, and the souls of those connected with us, be bound up in the bundle of life with the Lord our God. We ask all for Jesus Christ’s sake. Amen. 671 * FORTY-SEVENTH dfrftrag Motnins. Jeremiah, Chapter i. WEEK. W E adore thee, O Lord our God, as the God of love and redemption. Thou art love ; and he that dwelleth in love, dwelleth in God, and God in him. We are by nature far from thee. We are hy nature enemies of God, of all who bear the image of God, and of one another. We are like our father Satan, whose image we bear, and whose works we do. Justly mightest thou have cast us off, and left us to perish in our sins. Thou didst thus cast off the disobedient angels ; but thou hast fixed thy love on man. This was not for any good or for any worthiness in us, for we were altogether as an unclean thing, and had nothing but guilt, helplessness, and misery in ourselves. It is of thy rich grace — of thy free and unmerited love, that thou hadst pity on us. Herein is love, not that we loved God, but that he loved us, and sent his Son to be the propitiation for our sins. O let this display of unparalleled kindness and love, by the power of the divine Spirit, slay the enmity of our minds, and originate in our hearts thy love, and imprint on our souls thy image; that we may love, and serve, and enjoy thee. If we at all partake of the Spirit of Christ, may we drink more deeply into his Spirit. Enlarge our desires after God. May we love him with supreme affection. Make us spiritually minded. May our thoughts, desires, hopes, and pursuits be holy and heavenly, that we may be wholly devoted to thee. We pray thee this morning to bless the whole household of faith. We desire to feel a lively interest in all who love thee. We would regard them as brethren in Christ; and we pray for their spiritual and temporal welfare. May we feel that we have no greater joy than to hear that they walk in the truth, and enjoy the comforts of the Holy Ghost. Add to the number of the saved daily, and make the company of the redeemed on earth one in heart, one in pursuit, and one in end ; that they may bear a closer resemblance to the redeemed in glory, and share more largely in their joy. Heal the divisions by which thy children are separated. Make them all bow to the sacred authority of thy word. Shed down upon them abundantly the spirit of love, and instead of Ephraim vexing Judah, or Judah Ephraim, may their hearts be knit together in love; and may they walk together in holy fellowship, shewing that they are one, as thou, Father, art in the Son, and he in thee; that the world may be constrained to believe in thy blessed Son. And among the family of man whom thou dost gather to thyself, and bringest within the bonds of the covenant, O bring in, we entreat thee, our sons and daughters, and our relatives and friends, young and old, that they may constitute a part of thy blessed family above, and be trophies of thy grace, and jewels in the crown of thine adorable Son, to heighten and enhance through eternity the glory and splendour of his redeeming love and mercy. In the day when thou shalt make up thy jewels, let not one of this household be found wanting ; may all before thee belong at last to the fold of the Great Shepherd. May thy presence be with us this day in all our engagements. May we be diligent in business and fervent in spirit. And though in the world, may we live above the world, and have meat to eat which the world knoweth not of, and participate in joys which the world cannot take away. We ask all in the name of our adorable Redeemer. Amen. 672 FOKTY-SEVE'NTH jfiltiaK <£lmttns- WEEK Luke, Chapter v. 0 LORD, when we think of thy greatness and purity, and of our own nothingness and pollution, we shrink back from approaching unto thee. Thy holiness may well inspire us with terror, and thy greatness with awe. How shall we, sinful worms of the dust, approach thy footstool ? How can we, who have so often slighted the offers of thy grace presume to turn our eyes unto thee, now that distress has overtaken us, and that we feel as in the depths of despair, by reason of our numberless sins which have gone up above our heads — yea, and which reach unto the heavens. Lord, wert thou not merciful, exceed- ingly merciful, infinitely merciful, we could not thus presume to approach thee. We are encouraged to look unto thee, by what thou hast done, in giving thy Son to die for sinners — for thine enemies ; and by what thou hast said, in the way of inviting the most guilty and unworthy to come unto thee; and in the way of assuring them, that thou wilt graciously receive and abundantly pardon them. We believe in the infinite merit of the blood of Christ; we believe that our sins are not beyond the limits of the merit of that blood or of thy mercy ; and yet we feel it hard to believe that our sins shall be blotted out— that our iniquities shall be forgiven. We believe that Christ is willing and ready to forgive us ; but we feel an unwillingness to trust in him for forgiveness — we feel as if we had not loved him enough, or obeyed him enough. We believe at the same time that no holiness or goodness in us can recommend us to Christ, and that he came to seek and save sinners, even the chief. O Lord, thou seest the state of our minds better than we can express it. We have a full, unhesitating, and unwavering belief in the truth of thy word — in the truth of all its statements. We have examined thy word, we have read, as we have had opportunity, all the objections that have been brought against its truth ; we have also read what has been said in proof of its truth, and we are most firmly persuaded, that the Bible contains the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, and yet we are often in fear and terror lest we should have neither part nor lot in Christ’s salvation. We have no con- fidence in any thing in or about ourselves, and yet we fear that self-righteousness lies at the foundation, and is the source of all our mental distress. O Lord, we often write bitter things against ourselves ; we often dread that we shall be cast away ; and although we sometimes hope that we are thine, yet we come so far short of what thou requirest, and are so far from being what we ought to be, that we are often plunged into the deepest distress, — into distress often, as thou knowest, approaching to agony. In these circum- stances we have no resource but to come to thee afresh as poor, guilty, hell-deserving sinners. It is in coming to thee in this way that we obtain any peace or joy. O enable us to come unto thee as sinners ; not as believers, but as sinners apprehending thy mercy. Create in us clean hearts, renew within us right spirits, and raise us to a far higher standard of spirituality, than we have ever yet attained ; that we may have full evidence that we are thy children, and that we may not be so frequently cast down and disquieted in soul, under the dread of thy -wrath. We fall into thy hands; reject us not: save us for thy Son’s sake, and for thy mercy’s sake. Amen. 4 Q 673 FORTY- SEVENTH ^aturHag iHonmtg WEEK. Jeremiah, Chapter ii. O LORD, thou hast said that their sorrows shall be multiplied who hasten after another God. How true this declaration is, is made manifested by the miserable and wretched condition of millions who are now bowing down to stocks and stones, the workmanship of their own hands. But in order to be convinced of this truth, we neet not to read about the state of heathen lands, as described by the ministers of Christ sent forth by various missionary societies, or as set forth in thy word by thy holy apostles and prophets ; for we feel that apostacy from thee ever brings distress into our minds. We have not indeed bowed down to the work of our own hands. But things seen and temporal have often engrossed our hearts, and stolen our affections from thee. We have often sought enjoyment where no real enjoyment was to be found— in the fleeting objects of time and sense. As often as we have done so, we have been miserably disappointed; our sorrows have indeed been multiplied, and peace and tranquillity have fled from our bosoms. In seeking after enjoyment in earthly things, instead of finding a fish, we have ' met with a scorpion — and instead of bread, a stone. Instead of joy, and peace, and plea- sure, we have had, as the result of our pursuit, darkness of mind, and misery and vexation of spirit. O God, take pity on us, and raise us to a more heavenly frame. Fix our hearts on thee. Begin, carry forward, and mature the spiritual and heavenly mind in us. Make us dead to the world. Crucify us to its riches, honours, and pleasures, and them to us. Enable us to rejoice in the things of time, as if we rejoiced not ; to buy them, as if we possessed them not ; and to use them, as not abusing them — remembering that the fashion of the world passeth away like a transient scene, and that we too are rapidly passing out of the world. Fix our eyes and thoughts on eternal realities. May we steadily look at the things which are unseen and eternal. May our joy be pure, and holy, and heavenly ; and such as will satisfy and sanctify the mind, and abide with us for ever. O let us not have our portion merely in this life, and with thine enemies ; but may we seek after and attain to lasting and solid bliss. Enable us to watch over our hearts with more care and assiduity, for out of them are the issues of life. May we check ourselves when we feel our thoughts and affections going after earthly things. May our conversation be in heaven. May we be mindful of the better country. May we walk with God. May we prize his word, his day, his throne of grace, the fellowship of his people, and every mean of grace, public, social, or secret, for beginning, strengthening, and perfecting the life of God in our souls. May we make it manifest that our treasure is in heaven, that our thoughts, our affections, our con- versation, and our hopes are there. May our heaven be begun on earth. May we know the blessedness of enjoying God, and walking in the light of his countenance. And whilst we continue here, may we go forward from strength to strength, from one degree of spirituality and heavenly-mindedness to another, until our joys almost resemble the joys of the saints on high, and until we are matured and ripened for drinking of the rivers of pleasure, and of the fulness of joy, which are at God’s right hand. We implore every mercy for the Redeemer’s sake. Amen. G74 FORTY- SEVENTH ^aturtmg <£bemng* WEEK. Luke, Chapter vi. E VER-adored and praised Lord God Almighty, thou hast again, notwithstanding our numberless sins and provocations, brought us to the borders of another holy Sabbath. O that we may with thy redeemed above enter in Spirit and in truth into the enjoyment of thy rest in Christ. Thy Son has indeed glorified thee on earth, and thou art now glorifying him in heaven, for thou hast set him above thrones, principalities, and powers, and every name that is named, in token of thy love to him, and of thy complete satisfaction in his obedience unto death. May we take pleasure in the person and work of thy Son, even as thou takest pleasure in them. May we crown him Lord of all, even as thou hast crowned him Lord of all. May he be our light and our glory, even as he is the light and the glory of saints and angels in heaven. Prepare our minds for waiting upon thee on the approaching day. May our souls be glad and rejoice in the prospect of it. May we be enabled to leave the world, and the things of the world, behind us ; and to rejoice in Christ, and in him only. May our souls abide in him by faith ; and may the eyes of our understanding be enlight- ened to behold his glory, the glory as of the only-begotten of the Father, full of grace and truth. Of his fulness may we abundantly receive : we are weakness itself, may Christ be in us the power of God ; we are darkness itself, may Christ be to us the light and the wisdom of God; we are pollution itself, may he be to us the beginner and the finisher of our sanctification. O let us ask much, that we may receive much ; let us ask earnestly, that it may be given to us ; and in faith, that we may honour and glorify God. Lord, we live far beneath our privileges. We creep and grovel in the dust, when we might soar aloft by faith and love, and mingle with angels and arch-angels and redeemed spirits before thy throne. Many Sabbaths have we misimproved, many sermons have we let slip, in times past. O let the coming Sabbath be a great day to our souls — a day of joy and gladness, a day of sweet fellowship with heaven. May we hear God as saying to our hearts in the invitations of the gospel, What is thy petition, or what is thy request, and it shall be granted unto thee? And we humbly but earnestly pray not only that we, but that all thy people may feed abundantly on the bread of life, and drink abundantly of the water of life. And O let poor sinners who are starving without, enter among the blessed of the Lord, and press to the gospel feast. Lord, incline their hearts by thy Spirit to come to Christ. Thou knowest that no sinner ever will come to Christ except thou dost by the power of thy Spirit draw him. O let thy Spirit be poured out as a Spirit of conviction and conver- sion ; and whilst thy servants declare thy word, let thy Spirit bring it home to the con- science, that it may convince of sin, humble the soul in the dust, and make Christ infinitely precious. O that many whose hearts have been hitherto hard and obdurate, may on the ensuing Sabbath look on that Redeemer whom they have pierced, and mourn, yea, be in bitterness and anguish, as those are who mourn for an only or a first-born child. These mercies we look for at the hand of our gracious God, who is able to do for us exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think ; and to Him, with his blessed Son, and the Eternal Spirit, be our undivided praise and thanks. Amen. 675 4 Q 2 FORTY- EIGHTH «#>unliag granting* WEEK. Jeremiah, Chapter iii. O UR voice shalt thou hear in the morning, O God, in the morning will we direct our prayer, and look up to thee in the exercise of faith, and gratitude, and love. Blessed be thy name for the revelation of thyself which thy word contains. We bless thee for the Sabbath-day, which reminds us of the triumph of our Lord Jesus Christ over death and the powers of darkness ; which calls us from the world, bidding us lav aside the concerns of the present life, that we may seek with undivided attention the prosperity of our souls, and the extension of the Redeemer’s kingdom. O prepare our hearts for thy service ; give us holy, enlightened, ardent desires after God : may we know the blessedness of the man whom thou choosest, and causest to approach unto thee ; and with great delight and advantage may we attend to the several engagements of this day of sacred rest. Pour forth richly the influences of thy Spirit upon all our fellow-creatures, that they may derive instruction and consolation from the ordinances of thy sanctuary, and be made joyful in thy house of prayer ; and whenever thy people shall meet together to worship thee, there may thy presence be manifested in the conversion of sinners, and the establishment of believers. May all the ministers of the gospel enjoy thy special presence and blessing ; may the approbation of their Lord and Master be visible in the happy and glorious effects that are produced. Blessed Saviour, manifest thy power and grace in fulfilling thine own promise — And I, if I be lifted up, will draw all men unto me. Succeed the efforts which shall this day be made to remove ignorance : may the gospel be preached with great success, not only in the sanctuaries where thy name is recorded, but also in the cottages of the poor, in the highways of our cities and villages. May the circulation of the written word be attended with thy blessing ; and wherever the young meet together for instruction in the gospel, may thy Spirit be poured out upon them, that they may early know the things which belong to their peace, and give them- selves to him who said, Suffer the little children to come unto me, and forbid them not; for of such is the kingdom of God. Nor would we forget, in our supplications, those who by infirmities or afflictions may be kept from the solemn assemblies of thy people; manifest thyself to them as thou dost not unto the world ; may the chamber of affliction be the scene of much spiritual instruction and holy joy, that their faith may be enlivened, and their souls more and more prepared for the everlasting Sabbath. Look with compassion upon those parts of the earth that are yet in darkness, under the dominion of Satan, without God, and without hope in the world; dispel that awful darkness destroy the power of the evil one ; send out thy light and thy truth to earth’s remotest bounds, and bring all men to the saving knowledge of Christ. May thy people give thee no rest, until thou dost build up Jerusalem, and make her a praise in the whole earth : may thy church arise to a sense of her high responsibilities, and shine forth in all the beauty of holiness, to enlighten and bless the world. Now unto Him that is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that worketh in us; unto him be glory in the church, by Christ Jesus, throughout all ages, world without end. Amen. 076 FORTY-EIGHTH <#>uniiag (£bnung Luke, Chapter vii. week. B LESSED be thy name, O God, for all the mercies of another Sahbath-day : we thank thee that we have been permitted to enter thy house of prayer, and to mingle our supplications and our praises with thy people, and to listen to the words of eternal life. May thy blessing follow what we have attended to, so far as consistent with thy will : may the word which we have heard with our outward ears, be engrafted upon our hearts, that we may be fruitful in every good word and work. But we would be deeply humbled when we remember how imperfect and defiled are all our services : sin mingles itself with all that we do, so that if we say we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us. Enter not into judgment with us, O God, but forgive all our ini- quities ; remove our transgressions : receive us into thy family, that we may rejoice in thee as our reconciled God and Father; and having the Spirit of adoption, may we love thee with all our heart, and soul, and mind, and strength. We would ever remember the solemn account which we must render to thee, of all our advantages; suffer not our religious privileges to rise up in judgment against us, but by a wise and holy improvement of them, may we advance in knowledge and in useful- ness, and daily become more meet to be partakers of the inheritance of the saints in light. May we add to our faith virtue, and to virtue knowledge, and to knowledge temperance, and to temperance godliness, and to godliness brotherly kindness, and to brotherly kindness charity ; and may these things not only be in us, but abound, that we may be neither barren nor unfruitful in the work of the Lord. Take us under thy care during the darkness of the approaching night : may our sleep be peaceful and invigorating, that we may rise more fitted to serve thee, and may be enabled to surrender ourselves afresh to thee, that we may be used for thy glory, and be governed by thy will. May we carry with us into our ordinary engagements, the sacred truths to which our attention is from time to time directed, that, according to the circum- stances in which we may be placed, we may find thy word to be profitable for doctrine, reproof correction, and instruction ; and may we be guided by it as our only unerring guide, till we have received the end of our faith, even the everlasting and complete salva- tion of our souls. Amidst the spiritual dangers which surround us, teach us to hide thy word in our hearts, that we may not sin against thee. Let thy blessing rest upon all who have worshipped with us ; may they receive thy message with humility, and yield a ready and entire obedience to it; that there may be joy in heaven over sinners that repent; and may those who have avowed themselves the followers of Christ, be led to imitate him more exactly, that they may recommend religion to others, and may also become more prepared to mingle with saints and angels, in the full and glorious harmony of the heavenly world. Follow with thine effectual blessing whatever means have been used to remove prejudice, ignorance, and unbelief: may every thing that would oppose the Redeemer’s reign be entirely destroyed, that thy way may be known upon earth, and thy great salvation be proclaimed in every language. May the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, the love of God our heavenly Father, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with us all evermore. Amen. r>77 FORTY-EIGHTH iMontmg sJHonttng, WEEK. Jeremiah, Chapter iv. A DORED and ever-blessed God, who dwellest in light which is inaccessible and full of glory, whom no man hath seen, or can see, and live ; we bless thee, that though thou art invisible to the eye of sense, thou hast revealed thyself, in the person and work of thy Son, to the eye of faith ; and that he, who was in thy bosom from everlasting, has declared thee to the children of men. We would draw near to thee in thine own appointed way, and would seek access into the holiest of all by the blood of Jesus. Deign to look upon us in mercy this morning, and to pour down upon us the healthful Spirit of thy grace, that truly our fellowship may be with the Father, and with his Son Jesus Christ. Elevate our conceptions of thy character as the God of grace and salvation. Inspire us with awe and confidence, while we contemplate thee in the sublime act of giving up thy Son to the death for us all. May we see at once, in this scheme, the infinite evil of sin, and the boundless extent of the Divine benevolence ; and while mercy and truth meet together, and righteousness and peace embrace each other, may we yield up our minds to the constraining influence of redeeming grace and mercy. Most gracious Father, we beseech thee to follow with thy blessing the sacred engagements of the past Sabbath. Let an unction from the Holy One give effect to the word of life which was then dispensed, that sinners may be saved, and that believers may be built up in the faith and hope of the gospel. O let not thy ministering servants have cause to take up the complaint, “ We have laboured in vain ; we have spent our strength for nought, and in vain but may they be constrained to say, “ Now, thanks be unto God, which always causeth us to triumph in Christ, and maketh manifest the savour of his knowledge by us in every place.” Let not the gospel be to any member of this family the savour of death unto death ; but may it prove to all of us the glorious message of eternal life ; that we all, being united unto Christ by a living faith, may spend eternity in holy, happy fellowship. As thou hast brought us in peace and safety to the beginning of this day, do thou vouchsafe to us thy presence and blessing in all the duties and pursuits upon which we are now called to enter. May we feel our continual responsibility to thee, and guard against every act or habit which might awaken thy displeasure, or grieve thy Spirit. Preserve us from self-confidence, and enable us to seek that wisdom which cometh from above, which is first pure, then peaceable, gentle, and easy to be entreated, full of mercy and good fruits, without partiality, and without hypocrisy. Make us blessings to all around us; and let none have to say, that we have perverted their judgments, or vitiated their hearts. Upon the heads of the family, and upon all committed to their care, do thou pour out a blessing. May we walk in love to thee, and in sanctified friend- ship towards each other, as preparatory to the eternal and glorious intercourse of the skies. We plead thy gracious forgiveness of the sins of the past night and this morning, whether in thought, word, or deed. Be near to us as our preserver and defence amidst the snares and temptations of a new day. Let our prayer come up before thee as incense, and the lifting up of our hands as the morning sacrifice, for the sake of our great High Priest, Jesus Christ. Amen. 678 FORTY-EIGIITH iSlmtimg a^bentng, WEEK. Luke, Chapter viii. 0 MOST holy and ever-blessed God, who dwellest on high, and who fillest immensity with thy presence ; permit us feeble worms of the dust to look up to thy glorious Majesty, and to approach the throne of thy love. We rejoice that thou hast revealed thy- self to us through a Mediator, and that we are permitted to make mention of his all- prevailing name in urging our humble plea in thy gracious ear. May our reliance on his sacrifice be simple and absolute. Without any sufficient righteousness of our own, we desire to depend on Him whom thou hast revealed as the Lord our Righteousness. We bless thee that thou hast set him forth to be the propitiation for our sins, and that his sufferings and death have been accepted as an atonement for the iniquities of men. Look upon us in mercy for his name’s sake, and let our evening sacrifice be perfumed with the much incense of his infinitely meritorious oblation. We confess, O Lord, in thy presence, our great guilt, and our innumerable short- comings. Let not thine anger be kindled against us; but in the midst of deserved wrath do thou remember mercy. Impart to us a soft and a broken heart for sin, that, while we view thee as reconciled to us through the death of thy Son, we may yet lothe and abhor ourselves in dust and in ashes before thee. May every fresh view of the Redeemer’s cross deepen our sense of the evil of sin, and strengthen our resolution to maintain the conflict with inward corruption, till we shall obtain complete victory through the blood of the Lamb. O let no iniquity obtain dominion over us. Let not our evil hearts of unbelief prevail over the faith of Christ, and the inward strivings of thy Spirit. May we watch and be sober ; and, putting on the breast-plate of righteousness, the shield of faith, the sword of the Spirit, and the helmet of salvation, may we be enabled to withstand all the fiery darts of the wicked one. We grieve to think, O Lord, how insensible we have been to the claims of thine autho- rity, and the endearments of thy love. How little have we credited thy truth, trusted thy promises, feared thy threatenings, obeyed thy commands, or improved any of our privileges. Even this day has added to our unnumbered offences, O pardon all our sins, and merci- fully blot out all our transgressions. We desire, most gracious Father, to be deeply sensible of the unnumbered claims which thou hast upon our supreme love and our unreserved obedience. Every day is adding to our debt of obligation to thee, the Parent of our being, the God of our life, and the Author of our salvation. We bless thee for the new mercies of this day. Thou hast preserved us in being; thou hast provided for our returning wants ; thou hast watched over us, and those most dear to us. Make each of us sensible of thy unmerited goodness. Teach us to praise thee with joyful bps. May the language of our hearts be, What shall we render unto the Lord for all his benefits ? In retiring to rest, may we have a sweet sense of forgiving mercy shed abroad in our hearts by the Holy Ghost. To thee, O Lord, we commend all the members of this family. May they all be dear in thy sight. Guide us all in the path which leadeth to everlasting life, and may we all meet at last at the Saviour s right hand, there to triumph in our almighty and gracious Deliverer ; and to Father, Son, and Holy Ghost be glory everlasting. Amen. 679 FORTY-EIGHTH CuesfoaK JHonttng, WEEK. Jeremiah, Chapter v. 0 ETERNAL God, infinite in power, goodness, and truth, breathe forth thy Spirit into our hearts, that we may both love and fear thee, and, with true contrition confessing our sins, may obtain of thee forgiveness and acceptance through our only Mediator and Saviour Jesus Christ. Make us truly grateful for a revelation of thy holy will in the Scriptures of truth, and enable us to profit by that portion of them which we have now been permitted to read. May thy love evermore abide in us, as the seed of eternal life ; may it take deep root downward in a gracious humility, spring upward in faith and hope, and spread abroad in charity — thus making us to abound in every good word and work, to the glory of thy holy name. O Lord our God, be favourable unto us, who now turn unto thee confesssing our sins, and meekly acknowledging our manifold transgressions. Enter not into judgment with us for the errors of our understandings, the depravity of our wills, and the disorders of our affections. O judge us not for the vanity of our devices, the deceitfulness of our hearts, or the wickedness of our ways. We cannot of ourselves stand before thee, by reason of our trespasses. O be merciful to us, for thy great name’s sake. Refresh us miserable sinners with thy pardoning love, according to the riches of thine abundant grace in Christ Jesus, the Son of thy love. Let him appear to us as the chief of ten thousand, and altogether lovely ; and out of his rich and abundant fulness, may we receive in grace for grace. Almighty Father, who of thy boundless mercy in Christ Jesus dost grant forgiveness of sins to all who with hearty repentance and true faith turn unto thee ; we beseech thee favourably to regard us, thy humble servants, who direct our prayer unto thee, and look up. Thou knowest our numerous corruptions, our utter weakness, and the strength and malignity of our spiritual adversaries. Plead then, therefore, our cause with them that strive against us ; keep us ever leaning only and wholly on thy help, nor for an instant withhold it from us, lest we fall, and sin against thee yet more. Condescend to search out our spirits, and to cast out all iniquity from us. Vouchsafe so to rule and govern our minds, wills, and actions, that we may never knowingly offend thee. Create in us new hearts, quicken in us new affections, and form us to new manners. Subdue in us every unholy disposition and wrong temper. May we so see our manifold evils, as diligently to aim to amend them ; and so feel our utter frailty, that we may lean wholly on the help of thy heavenly grace. We commit our souls into thy keeping this day, beseeching thee that all our thoughts, words, and works may be holiness unto thee, and that, as thou hast now put good desires into us, so by thy Holy Spirit we may evermore bring the same to good effect, to the honour and glory of thy name. Make us diligent this day in business, without anxiety, and succeed all our lawful undertakings. May we not be so lifted up by prosperity, nor cast down by adversity, as to forget thee. Keep us sensible of the value of life, and so mindful of its shortness, that we may improve every passing engagement in preparation for the life to come. These and all other needful blessings, we humbly ask in the name of our only Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ. Amen. 630 FORTY-EIGHTH Cue£tmi> oftmtmg, Luke, Chapter ix. WEEK. O THOU that hearest prayer, who art nigh unto all that call upon thee in sincerity and truth, let thine ears be open unto our cry this night, for in thee only do we put our trust. As we are drawn to thy throne by the sense of our own need, so also are we encouraged by the remembrance of thy past mercies, by the numerous and gracious promises of thy word, and more especially by the mediation and intercession of thy dear Son. O thou who fashionest all the hearts of the children of men, be pleased graciously to prepare us, at this time, for an humble approach into thy more immediate presence ; that we may worship thee in the beauty of holiness, and that our desires may be towards thee and the remembrance of thy holy name. We mourn our ignorance of thee, the greatest and best of Beings ! How forgetful are we of thy numberless claims ! Our sorrows are often inscribed in the rock, while our mercies are written in the sand. Through another day thou hast loaded us with benefits, and yet how cold, how insensible are our hearts, even at thy footstool ! Pour upon us, for Christ’s sake, the blessed influence of thy good Spirit, that our darkness may be turned into lights our coldness into fervour, and our earthliness into spirituality and devout affection. May we ask in faith the blessings which thou hast promised to bestow ; and may we prove that the effectual fervent prayer of the righteous availeth much. We have taken upon us, who are but dust and ashes, to speak unto thee, the sovereign Majesty of heaven and earth : let not the Lord our God be angry with us; but while we have just reason to look on thee as the avenger of our sins, may we find mercy with thee, through the atoning sacrifice of the Lamb. While we confess before thee the number and the unspeakable aggravations of our sins, may we at the same time look with the eye of faith to him who bled and died to cancel human guilt, and feel that the heavy burden which we are unable to bear, has been laid on him who bore our sins in his own body on the tree. Divest us of all self-righteous dependence in thy sight, and teach us to look with undivided confidence to him who is made of God unto us wisdom, righteousness, sanctification, and redemption. We pray, O most gracious God, for sanctifying grace, that the body of sin may be destroyed in us, that henceforward we may not serve sin. This is thy will concerning us, even our sanctification ; grant that it may be fully accomplished in us ; sanctify us through thy truth, thy word is truth ; make us partakers of thy holiness ; and clothe us in the image of our Saviour. As we live in an evil and sinful world, we pray to be delivered from it ; may this be the victory which overcometh the world, even our faith. Let neither the trials nor the joys of life tempt us to forget thee : in sorrow may we seek unto thee as our present help ; and in the sunshine of our days, may we regard thee as the light of our countenance, and our exceeding great reward. We humble ourselves before thee this night under a sense of sin. We are chargeable with much forgetfulness of thee. Purify our consciences by an application of the blood of sprinkling. Accept our humble and hearty praise for all the blessings of the day. Let our prayer come up before thee as incense, and the lifting up of our hands as the evening sacrifice. And all we ask is in the name, and for the sake, of Jesus Christ, our Strength and Redeemer. Amen. 681 4 R FORTY-EIGHTH OTetmetftiag dStontfitg. WEEK. Jeremiah, Chapter vi. M OST glorious and ever-blessed Majesty, we present ourselves before tby throne this morning, to offer unto thee the homage which is due to thy name. We adore thee that thou hast formed us capable of knowing, loving, and serving thee ; and that thou hast made our happiness to depend upon our interest in thy favour, and upon daily com- munion and fellowship with thee, the fountain of life. O Lord, we would lament that apostacy by which we have been alienated from thee, the Father of our spirits, and the former of our bodies. We confess in thy presence, that our peace and safety can never be restored till we are reconciled unto thee, and are brought to walk with thee on the terms of the gospel. We rejoice that a method of reconciliation and acceptance has been revealed in thy word; that Jesus has been set before us as the way, the truth, and the life. May we walk in the light, as thou art in the light, that we may have fellowship with thee, and that the blood of Christ Jesus thy Son may cleanse us from all sin. We rejoice, O Lord, that though we are guilty and unworthy, yet worthy is the Lamb that was slain, and hath redeemed us from our sins in his blood. For his sake mercifully look upon us ; regard his perfect obedience, and his atoning sacrifice ; and cast our sins behind thee into the depths of the sea. May Christ be precious to us, as he is to all them that believe. May his Spirit so dwell in us, as to reveal his glory and grace to our minds. May we see all fulness dwelling in him, and may we receive out of his fulness in grace for grace. Let not sin reign in our mortal bodies, that we should obey it in the lusts thereof; but may we be crucified with Christ, that we may likewise rise with him to newness of life. May we strive to attain purity of heart, and to approve ourselves in the sight of thee, the heart-searching Jehovah. Thou hast said, Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God ; and hast given us exceeding great and precious promises, whereby we may be made partakers of thy holiness. O may we long after conformity to thine own image, and may thy aim be our aim, even our sanctification. Teach us, O God, to know thee more fully in thy revealed character as the God of salvation ; and incline our hearts more fervently to love thee, the fountain of all good, and to delight in thy ways. May we fear thy great and dreadful name ; may we trust in thee at all times ; may we delight in thee, as our chief good ; may we cleave to thee with full purpose of heart ; may no temptations or perils withdraw our affections from thee or thy service ; but may all the dispensations of thy unerring providence be regarded by us as messengers of thy love to our souls, to attract us to thy blessed self, and to meeten us for thy heavenly kingdom. Help us this day to walk circumspectly, not as fools but as wise, redeeming the time, because the days are evil. In all our ways may we acknow- ledge thee, and do thou direct our steps. Prosper us in our lawful callings. Make us diligent in business, fervent in spirit, serving the Lord. Bless every member of this house. Make us all members of Christ’s mystical body, and all heirs of his eternal kingdom. For the protection and repose of the past night, we desire to bless thee. We are the living this day, may we be the living to praise thy holy name. Listen to the voice of our supplications and thanksgivings, and do exceeding abundantly above what we ask or think, for Christ’s sake. Amen. CS2 FORTY-EIGHTH WetmeStiaK aFbemnjj WEEK. Luke, Chapter x. M OST gracious and highly-exalted Lord our God, enable us to look up with humble confidence to the place where thine honour dwelleth. May we feel the great privilege conferred upon us in being permitted to take thy name into our lips. Give unto us the Spirit of adoption while we enter into thy holy presence, that we may express the sentiments and affections of the children of thy love, and that we may lay aside the spirit of bondage and of fear. O quicken our dead and lifeless souls, that we may not approach thee in a cold and formal manner, but that we may be fervent in spirit, serving the Lord. Give ear, O Lord, to our cry, and listen to the voice of our supplications. Aid us, we beseech thee, in our evening exercise; for to pray and praise aright is not by might, nor by power, but by thy Spirit, O thou God of hosts. By thy gracious providence we are spared to the close of another day, and we would record the mercy and goodness which thou hast caused to pass before us. Thy hand has upheld us ; thy goodness has supplied our various wants ; we are the monuments of thy gracious care. May we have a heart to praise thy holy name. Inspire us with senti- ments of true gratitude. Let a sense of our own unworthiness enhance all thy undeserved bestowments. We are sinners, and could look for nothing but the tokens of thy wrath. Thanks be to thy name for the medium of all our mercies, — for Christ, and the promises of thy love in him to a lost and guilty race. May we see all the blessings of this present life, and all the hopes of eternity, in their relation to the mediation of thy dear Son. O enable us suitably to value spiritual blessings, — the pardon of sin, peace with God, sanctifying grace, and the prospect of an eternal inheritance. May we be contented with all thy present allotments, while we anticipate the joys hereafter to be revealed. Make us willing to endure hardness as the good soldiers of Jesus Christ; and, looking forward to the end of faith, even the salvation of our souls, may we not be suffered to grow weary or faint by the way. Daily may we realize the supports and the influences of thy grace ; as our day is, so let our strength be. O shield us from the power of our spiritual enemies ; let us not trust to our own hearts, which are deceitful, but ever look to Him who can make us more than conquerors. Great Author of our being, we bless thee that as a family we are once more permitted to surround the throne of the heavenly grace. We adore thee for continued existence, for a measure of health and strength, for food and raiment, for all the blessings of domestic life and friendship, and, especially, for all our religious and sacred privileges. May we, as with one heart, surrender ourselves this night to thy care and benediction. Make us all spiritual worshippers, that as a family we may be united in thy fear, love, and service. Bless those of us at the head of the family. May we have grace to walk before our house in all holy obedience to thy will. May the young taste in early life the sweets of genuine piety. May the domestics discharge their several duties under a lively sense of their responsibility to God, and with an anxious concern to promote the welfare of the family. May we all be one in Christ Jesus; to whom, with the Father and the Holy Ghost, be glory everlasting. Amen. 083 4 R 2 FORTY-EIGHTH CJursstraE iEtornntg, ■WEEK. Jeremiah, Chapter vii. 0 LORD God Almighty, thou art the Creator and sovereign possessor of all worlds. Heaven is thy throne, the earth is thy footstool, and all creatures are dependent on thine upholding care. It is against thee our Maker, our Preserver, and our Lawgiver, that we have sinned. To thee only can we look for pardon and sanctifying grace. Thou art able and willing to help us. As the hearer of prayer, we draw near to thy mercy- seat. While we look to thee, while we call upon thy name, while we wait for thy blessing, do thou bow thine ear to the voice of our cry, and send us deliverance out of Zion. We have none to whom we can look for mercy to pardon and grace to help in time of need, but only thee, O Lord our God, against whom we have sinned. We rejoice that thou delightest in shewing mercy; that thou art glorified in the display of thy character as the God of grace and salvation. We come to thee imploring those blessings which we so eminently need, and which thou hast so graciously promised to bestow. Glorify thyself, O Lord, in our complete salvation. Take possession of our hearts by thy sovereign grace; renew and sanctify us by thy Holy Spirit; make us meet to be partakers of the inheritance of the saints in light ; and at last receive us to thy blessed kingdom. Father of lights, we adore thee for the light and comfort of a new day. May the glorious Sun of righteousness arise upon us, and dispel the darkness of our minds, that our souls may be enlightened with the light of life. We would begin the day with thee. Thine it is to bless us in all its engagements, and to keep us from all its evils. We are safe and happy only in thy gracious keeping. As dangers are planted thick around us, we would look up to thee for the protection and aid of thy grace. We would at all times set thee before us, and would take thy word and Spirit in all things as our rule and guide. O keep us from the evil that is in the world, shield us from the devices of Satan, give us power over the corruptions of our own hearts. Let the solemn truths of the blessed volume of inspiration dwell richly in us in all wisdom and spiritual understanding ; that we may be ready to every good word and work, and that we may be prepared to give an answer to every one that asketh us a reason of the hope that is in us, with meekness and fear. Sanctify all thy providences to us. May thy favours, as cords of love, draw us nearer to thyself; and may the chastenings of thy rod wean us from sin, mortify us to the world, and make us ready for our departure hence, whenever the Master shall call us. Hold us up by thy right hand, O God, and help us to walk continually with thee. We pray, O Lord, for the coming of thy kingdom among men. O hasten in thine own time the downfall of Satan’s empire. Remove the obstacles which lie in the way of the spread of divine truth. Let the light of the glorious gospel penetrate all the dark places of our fallen world. Pour thy Holy Spirit upon all flesh. Let Him who died in ignominy on the eross, but who in that wondrous act purged away the guilt of the world, soon sprinkle many nations; that the earth may be filled with his glory, and that his name may be great among all people. May all who bow around thy throne at this time touch Messiah’s peaceful sceptre, that they may live. To thy merciful protection and blessing we commend ourselves this day. Hear our humble prayers, and accept us through our only Mediator and Saviour, Jesus Christ. Amen. C84 FORTY-EIGHTH Ciranfflag <£bmu is Luke, Chapter xi. week. O LORD our God, thou art infinite in power, holiness, justice, goodness, and truth: we are feeble, polluted, and guilty creatures, undeserving of the least of thy mercies. We rejoice that with thee there is mercy that thou mayest be feared, and plenteous redemption that thou mayest be sought unto. Thou hast revealed thyself to lost and perishing men, in the person of thy Son ; may we find acceptance with thee through his bloodshedding and intercession. Let the meditations of our hearts and the words of our bps be regarded with favour by thee, for His name’s sake who appears within the veil on our behalf. It is by thy good hand upon us, that we have been spared through another day. Fresh mercies demand from us renewed acts of obedience and praise. Animate our cold hearts by the influences of thy quickening Spirit, that we may be more powerfully moved by the displays of thy love and kindness. Without the aids of thy grace we can have no right perception and no powerful feeling of our innumerable obligations to thee, the God of our life, and the Author of our salvation. Impart to us the full consciousness of thy presence, the lively and realizing conviction that thine all-seeing eye is upon us. May we think, and speak, and act under an abiding sense of thy presence. Inspire us with such love to thee, that we may ever fear to offend thee, more than to endure the greatest calamities of life, and that we may seek to please thee more than to enjoy its choicest blessings. May it be our chief happiness to be employed for thee ; and whether we eat or drink, or whatsoever we do, may we do all to the glory of thy holy name. May we have more real pleasure in thy service that when corn, and wine, and oil abound. Enable us to enter with fuller purpose of heart into the sacred joys of religion. We would bless thee for all the delight we have experienced in prayer, in the reading of thy word, in the ordinances of thy house, in the intercourses of Christians ; but we pray that our enjoyment of these privileges may be heightened a thousand-fold. Pour upon us, O our God, a more copious effusion of thy Holy Spirit, that we may be enabled to walk more worthy of our high calling ; that we may no longer live as mere babes in Christ, but may rise up to the measure of the stature of his fulness. Let us not take our standard of excellence from the world, but from thy holy word. We long to be more devoted to thee. May thy word dwell in us, and may Christ himself be our constant example. Help us to take up our cross, and to follow him whithersoever he goeth. May we come out from the world, and abandon its maxims, its pursuits, its pleasures, its friendships. Teach us to live for eternity, and to subordinate all the pursuits and engagements of time to its high and sacred interests. Of ourselves we can do nothing ; we would therefore cry with earnestness for the aids of thy grace. Baptize us with thy Holy Spirit. Listen to the entreaties of thy poor and helpless children, and grant that we may be strengthened with might, by thy Spirit, in the inner man. Look upon all, whom duty would bind us to remember at thy throne. Bless our relatives and friends ; make them the friends of Jesus; and unite them with us in the bonds of grace, which shall survive all the ties of earth. We commend ourselves to thy care and protection this night, beseeching thee to hear, accept, and bless us for the Redeemer’s sake. Amen. FORTY-EIGHTH dfrtttag JHontt'ng, Jeremiah, Chapter viii. week. M OST holy, blessed, and glorious Majesty, how excellent is thy name in all the earth ! The heavens declare thy glory, and the firmament sheweth forth thy handy-work; day unto day uttereth speech, and night unto night sheweth knowledge. We bless thee for the light of another sun ; may our first thoughts be with thee this morning. We look to thee for our daily bread, and we call upon thee for a fresh partici- pation of the bread of life. O carry us in safety and peace through all the engagements and trials of this day. May the influence of our present approach to thy mercy-seat be felt by us in our going out and in our coming in ; may it shed over our characters and intercourses a devout and holy aspect. We come to thee pleading, as the ground of our acceptance, the advocacy and righteousness of our adored Surety. See, O God, our shield, and look upon the face of thine Anointed. O Lord, our heavenly Father, enable us this day to glorify thy name. May we bear our practical testimony against the evils of a sinful world, which lieth in the wicked one. Let us not be conformed to it, but transformed by the renewing of our minds, that we may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect will of God. Help us to maintain the spirit of habitual communion with heaven, and to unite with thee in thy great and blessed aim, which is our sanctification. Lead us at this hallowed hour of devotion, into thy banqueting house, that we may feast upon the hidden manna, and that thy banner over us may be love. Cause all thy goodness to pass before us. May we retire from the family altar, refreshed with the goodness of thy house, even of thy holy place. As we are about to enter on the conflicts and temptations of another day, help us to put on the whole armour of God, that we may resist all the fiery darts of the wicked one. Give us grace, that we may be enabled to display, in all our conduct, the power of vital godliness. Help us to control every unruly passion, to subdue every evil temper, to cultivate all holy affections, and to exhibit a conversation in all things becoming the gospel of Christ. Let pride, envy, malice, and all uncharitableness, be put away from us; and let the ornament of a meek and quiet spirit be the beauty and grace of our lives. May the very God of peace sanctify us wholly; and we pray God that our whole body, soul, and spirit may be preserved blameless unto the coming of our Lord : faithful is he that hath promised, who also will do it. Be with us, gracious God, in all that we undertake for thy glory this day. Preserve us from every thing sinful, and from every thing that bears the appearance of evil. May we enter upon nothing without imploring thy aid and benediction. May we walk all the day long in the light of thy countenance. Be thou our sun to enlighten us, and our shield to defend us. Watch over us with a father’s care. Be at our right hand, that we may not be moved. Bless and comfort all the families of thy people. Regard in much mercy thy universal church. Hasten the triumph of the Son of God. Say to the north, give up ; and to the south, keep not back ; bring thy sons from far, and thy daughters from the ends of the earth. Thy kingdom come ; thy will be done in earth as it is done in heaven. These blessings we implore in the all-prevailing name of Jesus, our Strength and Redeemer. Amen. 686 FORTY-EIGHTH JFrttmg <£bntmg Luke, Chapter xii. WEEK. O UR Father in heaven, hallowed be thy name ! As the children of thy love, we would look up to thy mercy-seat. Deign to look down upon us in tender com- passion and grace, and to visit us with that love which thou bearest unto thy chosen. Take from us all blindness of mind, all hardness of heart, and all contempt of thy holy word. May the hour of prayer be hallowed by the spirit of sincere and unfeigned devotion ; that we may not be guilty of drawing near to thee with our lips, while our hearts are far off from thee. Help us to worship thee in spirit, to rejoice in Christ Jesus, and to have no confidence in the flesh. Of ourselves we are nothing, and can do nothing; but do thou strengthen us with all might, by thy Holy Spirit’s power, that We may enter into the vital exercise of communion with thee, and that we may renew our spiritual strength by waiting upon thee • and thus acquire fresh proof that it is no vain thing to wait upon thee, the Lord our God. We praise thee, O God, for all the mercies, providential and spiritual, which thou hast conferred upon us. We thank thee for thy gracious care of us during the past day. Thou hast done great things for us, whereof we desire to be glad. We would meditate with gratitude upon the sacred channel in which all our mercies flow. For Christ and all the blessings of the great redemption, we would offer to thee our united and grateful praise. Melt our cold and lifeless hearts by a sense of thy boundless grace in Christ Jesus. May that scheme which is the wonder of holy and unfallen spirits, exert in each of us a more powerful influence. We mourn over the deadness of our affections in spiritual matters, and confess our undue attachments to present and passing vanities. We have too often allowed the world to withdraw our minds from thyself, the fountain of bliss and happiness. Instead of crucifying the flesh, with the affections and lusts thereof, we have too often made provision for it. O give us thy Holy Spirit in a more abundant measure, to subdue the corruptions of our hearts, and to nourish within us all the springs of the hidden and spiritual life. Cause us to grow in grace, and in the knowledge of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. May we strive after conformity to thy holy image, and may we seek to become the partakers of a divine nature. Put new and heavenly desires into all our hearts, and then satisfy them according to thy word. We pray for the establishment of Christ’s kingdom in our fallen world. May Satan’s empire be overthrown and subdued. Let the word of the Lord have free course, run, and be glorified. Refresh thy church with tokens of thy promise and benediction ; let Zion arise, shake herself from the dust, put on her beautiful garments, and become a praise in the whole earth. Look upon all in sickness, in sorrow, and in want; be thou with them as the God of all comfort, that while they taste the emptiness and bitterness of the creature, they may find peace and rest in thyself. Remove every false prop upon which we are resting, and lead us all to trust in thee the living God. Comfort all that mourn ; bind up the broken in heart; compassionate the widow, the fatherless, and such as have no help of man at all. Guide us in the path in which thou wouldst have us to go. Keep us from evil this night. Mercifully forgive all the sins and infirmities of the day. Take us under the shadow of thy wings, and bless us for the Redeemer’s sake. Amen. 687 FORTY-EIGHTH ^attirtmgt dStontftrg* "WEEK. Jeremiah, Chapter ix. 0 THOU that hearest prayer, unto thee shall all flesh come. Thou hast been the dwelling-place of thy children in all generations. Our fathers trusted in thee ; they trusted in thee, and were not put to shame. Thou art our only refuge, and thou art our children’s best hope. In thee only do we put our trust, for thou art the confidence of all the ends of the earth, and of them that are afar off upon the sea. In thee we live, and move, and have our being ; on thee we depend for life, and breath, and all things. Our existence in this world, and all the springs of our happiness, have been forfeited by sin. We have exposed ourselves to the punitive visitations of thy righteous government, and it is of the Lord’s mercies that we are not consumed. Pity us, O Lord, in our low and lost estate ; O Lamb of God, who takest away the sin of the world, have mercy upon us miserable sinners. Raise us, O blessed Saviour, from our low estate ; deliver us from the power of sin ; implant in us the love of holiness ; stamp thy perfect image upon our hearts ; and guide us, day by day, more sensibly by the effectual teaching of the Holy Spirit. We beseech thee, O our heavenly Father, to look upon us this morning in tender compassion, and give us grace by which we may serve and honour thee in all the duties of a new day. We need thy help at all times, to keep us from evil, and to stimulate us in the path of duty. Without thee we can do nothing ; but by thy gracious aid we can do all things. Uphold us by the right hand of thy righteousness; make every path of duty plain before us ; deliver us not over to the will of our spiritual enemies, but make us more than conquerors through Him that hath loved us. Thou knowest where we dwell ; all our temptations, conflicts, and sorrows are naked and open to thine omniscient gaze; and thou canst adapt thy gracious provisions to our several necessities. Be thou at our right hand, and we shall not be moved ; hold thou us up, and we shall be safe ; supply all our need according to thy riches in glory by Christ Jesus. Put a new heart and a right spirit within us, and never suffer us to depart from thee. We commend to thy fatherly protection and blessing all who are united to us in the endearing ties of life. We pray that their souls may live before thee, and that spiritual prosperity may be their high and holy distinction. We beseech thee to increase the piety of this family. Let the ordinance of domestic worship augment in all our hearts the fear of the Lord. Pour upon the heads of the family, and upon all under their care, the dew of thy blessing. The voice of rejoicing is in the tabernacles of the righteous ; let it ever prevail beneath this roof. Unite us all in love to thyself, and in all kindly sentiments and affections to one another. Regard in much mercy our Christian friends. May the love of Christ dwell in their hearts ; and may Holiness to the Lord be inscribed on their characters. Visit and refresh thy whole church. Pour thy Spirit upon all flesh. Let the people praise thee, O God, yea, let all the people praise thee. To the fountain opened for sin, we would look afresh this morning. Pardon our iniquity, for it is great, and accept our persons and offerings, for the sake of our only Mediator and Advocate, Jesus Christ; to whom, with the Father and the Holy Ghost, be all glory and honour, world without end. Amen. 688 FORTY-EIGHTH Abetting. Luke, Chapter xiii. week. W E adore thee, O most High, as the Creator and Preserver of all things; thy power and goodness and mercy are continually exercised on behalf of thy creatures, the eyes of all wait upon thee, and thou givest them their meat in due season: thou openest thine hand, and suppliest the wants of every living thing. Another week has witnessed thy tender compassion and boundless grace ; for by day and by night thou hast watched over us, to preserve us from evil, and to communicate to us temporal or spiritual blessings. Bless the Lord, O our souls, and all that is within us, bless his holy name : bless the Lord, O our souls, and forget not any of his benefits — who forgiveth all our iniquities, who healeth all our diseases ; who redeemeth our life from destructions ; who crowneth us with loving-kindness and tender mercies. Help us to review our past lives with thankfulness and deep humility: we acknowledge with shame that thy love has often been returned by indifference, and thy mercy by rebel- lion ; we would not forget how long thou didst invite us to thyself before we -would listen and obey ; how long our hearts remained closed against thee, although thou didst offer to dwell in us as thy temple. Mercifully continue thy goodness and care through the approaching night : may we rest in peace and comfort ; and if spared to enter upon another Sabbath , may we begin the day with God, and enjoy his presence in all the exercises in which we engage. May we ever delight in the approach of thy sacred day, and seek to have our minds prepared to wait upon thee; that we may secure to ourselves all the advantages which thou hast graciously connected with a humble, diligent, and prayerful attendance upon the means of grace. Bless thy ministering servant from whom we expect to hear the message of the gospel : pour into his heart the richest blessings of thy grace ; may his own soul be nourished by the provisions which as an under-shepherd he seeks to impart to others ; that he may declare unto us that which he has seen and heard and tasted and handled of the word of life. Make him a great blessing to the church and to the neighbourhood ; may multitudes attend upon his ministrations, and may they receive thy word into their hearts, and mani- fest its sanctifying and exalting effects. Bless all thy faithful servants, and grant that with all boldness they may speak thy word ; and do thou stretch out thine hand to heal, that sinners may be converted, scoffers silenced, believers refreshed, and God be glorified. Hear us when we pray for those who are dear to us by nature or friendship ; bring them all to the knowledge of the truth as it is in Jesus : may the young devote their earliest and best days to God ; may those of maturer age consecrate to thee the vigour and strength of manhood ; and may the aged be walking closely with God, bringing forth fruit in old age, and encouraging others by the testimony which they bear to the good- ness and faithfulness of God. Succeed every attempt that is made to promote the glory of God and the welfare of man ; spread abroad the blessed gospel till all the kingdoms of the world become the kingdoms of our Lord and of his Christ. These and all other blessings we humbly implore in the name and through the mediation of Jesus Christ, our most blessed Lord and Saviour; to whom, with the Father and the Holy Spirit, be all glory, honour, dominion, and praise, for ever and ever. Amen. FORTY- NINTH Jwn&ag iHonmuj jeremiah, Chapter x. week. 0 LORD of the Sabbath, who hast appointed one day in seven for thine immediate service, that thy rational creatures may enter with thee into thy rest; be pleased mercifully to look upon us on the morning of thy day, and to raise our thoughts and affections to him whom thou hast set upon thy holy hill of Zion. We praise thee for the holy rest of this day ; and we pray that thy gracious design in appointing it may be accomplished in us. Let holy thoughts and heavenly affections obtain in our minds. Let the world that now is, appear in all its littleness and vanity ; and let unseen and eternal things rise to our view, clothed in all their native majesty, importance, and reality. Let the exercises of the closet and the family partake of an unwonted fervour and impor- tunity ; and let the worship of thy house, and the ministry of thy word, be attended by the mighty power of thy Holy Spirit. Unless the Spirit is poured out from on high, the services in which we engage will be cold and lifeless ; in vain we hear, in vain we read, in vain we pray, in vain we assemble in Christ’s name, unless the life-giving Spirit of our exalted Lord is poured down upon us and our fellow-worshippers. We pray for a peculiar blessing upon the preaching of the everlasting gospel. May it be proclaimed this day, as with the Holy Ghost sent down from heaven. As it has pleased thee, by that which has been stigmatized as the foolishness of preaching, to confound the wise, and to bring to nought the counsel of the prudent; we beseech thee this day to make it the power of God, and the wisdom of God, to the salvation of thousands and tens of thousands of our fallen and guilty race. May thy faithful servants feel themselves inspired with that confidence in their work, which the thought of their divine Master and of their glorious message is fitted to awaken. Enable them to speak to the heart and to the conscienc ; and may tears of penitence and godly sorrow for sin be shed by multitudes, who up to this day have resisted the message of recon- ciliation. O teach thy servants rightly to divide the word of life; may they not only warn sinners of their danger, but speak a word in season to those who mourn in Zion. O thou eternal Spirit, may thy word be quick and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, of the joints and marrow ; and may it be a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart. Let there be joy amidst the angels of heaven over multitudes rescued from Satan's dominion, plucked as brands from the everlasting burning, and placed under their benignant charge, as ministering spirits sent forth to minister to them that shall be heirs of salvation. Abundantly bless the labours of our beloved pastor. Give to him, that he may impart to us. May his bow abide in strength, and the arms of his hands be made strong by the hand of the mighty God of Jacob. May we be enabled to sustain him by our prayers, by our zealous co-operation, and by our affectionate treatment both of his person and ministry. Aid him in preaching thy holy gospel, and in building up thy church. Give him many seals to his ministry. Bless him in his public labours, and in his private studies. May he go in and out before his fiock in the fulness of the blessing of the gospel of Christ. Be with all the ministers of thy truth this day. Let the shout of a King be heard in all Zion’s assemblies. Let the earth be filled with thy glory. Amen. 6'JO FORTY-NINTH Cbmutg, WEEK. Luke, Chapter xiv. A T the close of this sacred day, we assemble around thy mercy-seat, to adore thee, O God of grace, for the privileges we have been permitted, with thousands and tens of thousands, to enjoy. We would sympathize with those who by affliction, or other painful dispensations of thy providence, have been detained from thy house ; and we would pity and pray for those who have refused to go with thy people to the place of Christian assembly. Thou canst make up to thine afflicted children the loss of public ordinances ; and thou canst speedily prove to thine enemies that it is hard for them to contend against the Lord. O convince those of their great iniquity, who wilfully neglect the ordinances of thy day, and who satisfy themselves by vain and foolish excuses in their course of thoughtless impenitence. Show them, O Lord, ere it be too late, that thy long-suffering must have an end ; and while sabbaths are yet vouchsafed to them, may they repent of their neglects, lest the threatened curse should fall upon them. O look on those heathen and other nations that are without the light of thy glorious gospel. Raise up, qualify, and send forth many who shall willingly offer themselves as a sacrifice upon the service of the Gentile church ; and may there not be wanting those who will carry the message of life and salvation to the lost sheep of the house of Israel. O pity the heathen who yet dwell in the midst of us, and who yet live without God, with- out Christ, and without hope in the world, Pity and visit in thy mercy the benighted spots in our own highly favoured land ; and look on those shepherds who care not for the flock, who do not warn them of the approaching danger, and who do not go before them, to lead them into green pastures beside the still waters. O pour thy Holy Spirit upon all who have this day been favoured with a faithful dispensation of divine truth. May they read, mark, learn, and inwardly digest thy blessed truths of thy holy word, that they may be in them as the seed of eternal life ; and that it may hereafter be seen, that thy servants have not laboured in vain, nor spent their strength for nought and in vain. Regard all our fellow-worshippers ; and grant that they may be enabled to show that they are not forgetful hearers, but doers of the work ; for then shall we know of Christ’s doctrine, that it is of thee, when we seek from the heart to do his will. On each of us, now prostrate before thee, do thou pour the dew of thy blessing. O let this family be set apart to thy glory, to show forth thy praise. May we all feel the responsibility which attaches to us. May we give diligence to make our calling and our election sure. Our privileges are great, let our profiting appear unto all men. Help us to treasure up thy truth in our memories, and to mix faith with the hearing of thy word, that we may not at last be found among those wicked servants who knew their Master’s will, but who did it not. Into thy hands we this night commend our spirits. As the earthly sabbath has again closed, O may it be a prelude to our souls of one whose exercises shall never break up, and whose joys shall never end. When we have done with thy house below, may we enter into the house not made with hands, eternal in the heavens. These mercies we implore in the all-prevailing name of him who is Lord of the sabbath ; and to whom, with thyself, O Father, and the Eternal Spirit, be glory ever- lasting. Amen. 691 4 S 2 FORTY-NINTH JHmtirag iHnntmfl Jeremiah, Chapter xi. WEEK. I N the multitude of thy tender mercies, O our God, are we spared to behold the light of a new day. What shall we render unto the Lord for all his benefits ! Thy hand has upheld us through another night, and we are permitted, with the opening day, to sing of thy faithfulness and grace. O may we worship thee, this morning, in the beauty of holiness ; may we sanctify thee in our hearts, and make thee our fear and our dread. Let the eye of faith rest upon our great High Priest and Advocate within the veil ; let the confidence of children inspire our devotions ; and let the remembrance of thy gracious promises encourage us to pour out our hearts, in full assurance that thine ear is open to our cry, and that thou art more ready to hear than we are to pray. O deliver us from all listlessness and irreverence in thy worship. May we feel that God is in the midst of us, and may a solemn awe take possession of our spirits, and characterize our hallowed intercourse at the footstool of thy throne. O our God, we would be deeply affected by a sense of thy boundless goodness, and of our own shameful and long-continued ingratitude. Let the messages of thy love, addressed to us on the past Sabbath, melt our cold and icy hearts. O enable us to com- prehend, with all saints, what is the height and depth, the breadth and length, and to know the love of Christ which passeth knowledge. Who are we, that we should have been favoured with a dispensation of the gospel of the grace of God while millions are sitting in the region of the shadow of death ! Let it not be our condemnation, that light is come into the world, but that we have loved darkness rather than light because our deeds are evil. Suffer us not to rest contented in the mere outward possession of privileges, the value of which we have never deeply felt. Surely if we perish, the retribution which awaits us in eternity must be awful beyond conception or utterance ! We bless thee for all before thee who have passed from death unto life. If there are any in this endeared circle yet estranged from thee, the Fountain of life, O unfold to them their danger, and teach them to flee from the wrath to come. Write thy law in our hearts, and in our inward parts ; create us anew in Christ Jesus ; take from us the hard and stony heart, and give us hearts of flesh. Save us from that evil heart of unbelief, which would either keep us at a distance from thee, or which would tempt us to depart from the living God. Grant that the solemn engagements of thy day may leave upon each of our spirits a powerful sense of unseen and eternal things ; and that the whole of our conduct through this week may prove that we have entered into fellowship with Christ as our Redeemer and Lord. We beseech thee, most gracious Father, to uphold us this day in the path of integrity. Give us purity of motive in all that we do. Let our eye be single, that our whole body may be full of light. Warn us of surrounding dangers. May we keep our hearts with all diligence, since out of them are the issues of life. Aid us in our lawful callings. Prosper the work of our hands. Bless our friends and relations. Forgive our enemies, and enable us to act towards them as those who are forgiven of God. Keep us from all acci- dent, and from all fatal disease ; and prepare us for all thy holy will on earth, and for thine immediate and glorious service above : and all we ask is for Christ the Redeemer’s sake. Amen. FORTY-NINTH iBontJag (0bmms, WEEK. Luke, Chapter xv. U NTO thee, O God, do we lift up our hearts ; for in the Lord Jehovah is everlasting strength. O thou that dwellest in the heavens, let the pitifulness of thy great mercy be extended to us, thy feeble and guilty children, who dwell upon thy footstool. Listen to the voice of our supplications, and accept the praises which we present to thee in the name of our exalted and glorious Mediator. Let the spirit of prayer be vouchsafed to us, while we bow the knee to thee, the Father of mercies, and the God of all grace and consolation. Enable us to withdraw our minds from worldly pursuits, while we engage in thy immediate service, and while we call upon our souls and all that is within us to praise and magnify thy great and holy name. For- ever blessed be the Lord our God for erect- ing a throne of grace, and inviting poor sinners to draw near to it. We rejoice that we may pray without ceasing ; that we may disclose to thee all our wants, and griefs, and sins ; and that we may cherish an assured confidence that the prayer of faith shall ever prevail to draw down the blessing. We have much, O Lord, to deplore, and much to confess, in thy presence. O deliver us from apathy, from worldliness, from sloth, from spiritual pride, in thy service. May we approach thee this evening with an undivided heart. O draw us to thyself by the mighty attractions of thy love. Our souls cleave to the dust ; but do thou quicken us according to thy word. Draw us, O Lord, and we will run after thee. Grant us a more abundant supply of the Spirit of Christ. O nourish that spiritual life which we trust thou hast quickened in some of our hearts ; keep alive in our souls the power of vital godliness ; unfold to our view more realizing conceptions of the glory and grace of our Redeemer ; may we have a more humbling sense of the exceeding sinfulness of sin ; let the beauty of holiness be seen and felt by us ; strengthen us by thy Holy Spirit, that we may copy the example of our blessed Lord, and that the mind which was in him may also be in us. Teach us ever to remember that the world is full of evil, and that there is a corrupt principle in our hearts answering to all its seductive influences. Let us not marvel if the world hate us, since it rejected and crucified our Lord and Master Let this be the victory which overcometh the world, even our faith. Bring us more entirely under the government of those divine and gracious principles, which will wean us from the world, and attach us to heaven. In retiring to rest this night, we would humbly confess the sins which have run into all the engagements of the day. We mourn our want of love to thee, and the inadequate impression of unseen and eternal things by which our religion has been distinguished in thy sight. Enter not into judgment with thy servants ; for in thy sight no flesh living can be justified. We thank thee, O most gracious God, for the care which thou hast taken of our various wants this day, and during the whole of our past existence. Enable us to trust thee for all the future ; and to cast our care upon thee, believing that thou carest for us. Let the peace of God which passeth all understanding keep our hearts and minds by Christ Jesus. Hear, O Lord, in heaven, the habitation of thy throne and of thy glory, the prayers which we now present to thee ; and let answers of peace descend upon us from thy throne, through Jesus Christ, our Strength and Redeemer. Amen. 693 FORTY-NINTH Cucstm£ iBormncj: WEEK. Jeremiah, Chapter xii. 0 THOU Giver of every good and perfect gift, we beseech thee to bestow upon us, at this time, the Spirit of grace and supplications, that we may offer to thee the sacri- fices of a broken and contrite heart, which thou, O God, wilt not despise. We are less than the least of all thy mercies ; but thou art the fountain of all grace and strength ; and thou hast given encouragement to the most guilty and unworthy of thy creatures to draw near to the footstool of thy throne. We make mention of that name which is above every name, at which every knee shall bow, and every tongue confess, of things in heaven, and things in earth, and things under the earth. We adore thee for Christ, and all the blessings of the great redemption so freely offered in the gospel to all those that believe. We acquiesce with cheerfulness in that truth which teaches us, that there is no other name given under heaven among men, whereby we must be saved, but that of Christ. May his righteousness be put upon us, that we may stand complete in him ; and may his Spirit dwell in us, to lead us into all truth, and to mould us into a blessed conformity to thy will. Under a sense of want and infirmity we draw near to Thee, the fountain of divine mercy and grace. Thou hast proved thy willingness to bestow upon us all things necessary to life and godliness, by having conferred on us the unspeakable gift of thy Son : surely thou wilt with him also freely give us all things. O for hearts to praise thee for the riches of thy sovereign mercy. If we should fail to celebrate thy praise, the very stones upon which we tread might utter the voice of complaint, and pronounce our sentence of condemnation. We cannot enter into the comprehension of thy love, nor enjoy the blessings of fellowship with thee, and with thy dear Son Jesus Christ, without the gracious aids of thy Spirit. May he enlighten our darkness, subdue our unbelief, and take of the things which are Christ’s, and shew them unto us. Make us willing to be taught and influenced by him. O remove every obstacle in the way of his descent upon our minds, and destroy that depravity which would quench his operations, grieve his pure mind, and tempt him to abandon us to our own hearts’ lusts. Empty us of all prejudice against every part of thy holy truth. May we delight in looking into that faithful mirror, which reflects our own sinfulness. Uproot the pride and selfishness of our fallen nature. Make us meek and teachable as little babes ; and may we long to know the will of Christ, that we may do it with our whole heart. Beholding as in a glass thy glory, may we be changed into the same image, from glory to glory, as by the Spirit of the Lord. In all our ways, this day, we would acknowledge thee, praying that thou wouldst guide and direct our steps. Be near to us in every moment of danger. Let no iniquity obtain dominion over us. May integrity and uprightness preserve us. Let thy word be a light to our feet, and a lamp to our path. Surround us by thy good providence. Order all our steps in thy fear. May we hate sin, and follow holiness. Let the pillar and cloud attend us all our journey through the wilderness. When called to cross the swellings of Jordan, may its waters subside, and may we pass in triumph into the Canaan of rest. Let these our feeble and unworthy prayers find acceptance through the adored High Priest of our profession, Jesus Christ; and to the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost be everlasting glory and dominion. Amen. 694 FORTY-NINTH Cursfoag <£bmtnfl. WEEK. Luke, Chapter xvi. M OST holy and blessed God, who hast graciously vouchsafed thy word, to enlighten our understandings, to affect our hearts, and to direct us in the path of duty, we humbly pray that that portion of it which we have now been permitted to read may be so blessed to us by thy Spirit’s teaching, that it may abide in us as the seed of immortal life, and that we may be so guided and governed by its infallible dictates, that we may become the living epistles of Christ, known and read of all men. Arm us, by its divine principles, against the snares and devices of our spiritual enemies. Cause us to understand more fully the covenant of thy peace which it reveals ; and keep us ever mindful of the solemn truth, that man does not live by bread alone, but by every word which proceedeth out of the mouth of God. Help us carefully to mark, learn, and inwardly digest its precious contents, and to feel its direct and blessed adaptation to our immediate circumstances and necessities. We rejoice, O most merciful Father, that thou wiliest not the death of a sinner, but rather that he should turn from his wickedness and live. We confess in thy presence our sinfulness, and our rebellions against thy Majesty. It becomes us to lie in the dust before thee, and not to attempt to justify ourselves in thy sight. Thou hast seen us and known us, and it is of thy mercy that we are not consumed. By nature we are children of wrath, even as others ; we have gone astray from thee from the very womb ; we have followed too much the desires and devices of our own hearts ; we have not trusted in thee with our whole souls, neither have w r e yielded ourselves cheerfully to obey thy commandments ; if thou shouldst mark iniquity, O Lord, who could abide it ? Lord, have mercy upon us, miserable sinners ; for Christ’s sake have mercy upon us ; and turn unto us, and help us, O thou God of our salvation. We worship thee, this evening, as the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ. It is in this character alone that we dare approach into thy presence. We rejoice in his atoning sacrifice and all-prevailing intercession ; and we pray, for his sake, that thou wouldst send down upon us a copious effusion of thy Holy Spirit : for his sake forgive all our sins, negligences, and offences ; for his sake accept us into thy favour, and bless us with thy chosen ; for his sake enable us to walk in blessed communion and fellowship with thee here below, till we shall be admitted into thine immediate intercourse in the skies ; for his sake grant unto us all needful supplies and strength, till we shall see thee as thou art, and drink full draughts of bliss from the rivers of thy pleasure for evermore. Look on us all now prostrate before thy throne. Put thy fear into all our hearts, that we may never depart from thee. May the young present the dew of their youth to thy service, and seek thee early, that they may find thee. May the servants be influenced' by those holy principles which will prompt them to the diligent discharge of every incumbent duty. May those of us who preside over this family, rule in dependence on thee, and with a single eye to thy glory. May all of us be one in Christ Jesus, and meet at last in the kingdom of thy glory above. Hear us, O God, in heaven, the habitation of thy throne and of thy glory, and exceed the desires of our hearts, for the sake of our great High Priest, Jesus Christ; to whom, with thyself and the Holy Spirit, be glory everlasting. Amen. G95 FORTY-NINTH OTeimesitmg Marnuffi, WEEK. Jeremiah, Chapter xiii. O THOU ever-glorious Majesty, who stoopest to behold the things which are done : n heaven, we would remember that we are feeble worms of the dust, defiled by sin, and guilty by transgression. Lord, what is sinful man, that thou art mindful of him ? or the son of man, that thou shouldst visit him? We are altogether as an unclean thing in thy sight; and our iniquities, like the wind, have taken us away. With deep penitence we would confess our unworthiness in thy sight, and would adore that patience and for- bearance by which we have been spared to the present moment. Thou mightest justly have cut us down as cumberers of the ground : we have abused thy mercies ; we have been slow of heart to believe the messages of thy truth and grace ; we have forsaken our Father’s house, and wandered far into the wilderness of sin. But, O most gracious and merciful God, have pity upon us, and bring us back to thyself. Let thy sovereign and efficacious grace be exerted, and let us feel the blessed influence of the new creation. Let thy Spirit breathe into us the breath of spiritual fife, that we may live to thee, and that the body of sin and death may be destroyed in us. We would mourn and confess our manifold offences in thy sight. Cast us not away from thy presence, though we are deserving of nothing but thy displeasure, but make us glad with thy favour, that we may enter on the duties of this day with activity and devoted- ness of spirit, and meet its several events with resignation to the will of our heavenly Father. Amidst the perils of life, we beseech thee to hold us up by the right hand of thy righteousness. Give us strength to overcome our spiritual enemies. Cause us to walk in the way of thy commandments, and to delight therein with our whole hearts. May we act in all circumstances as thy children ; may we covet nothing so much as to be the sincere and devoted servants of the Lord Jesus ; may we never be ashamed of him or his cause ; may we cheerfully take up our cross, and follow him. O save us from all sinful conformity to a present evil world ; may we be transformed to it by the renewing of our minds, that we may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God. O preserve us from grieving the Holy Spirit of promise, by which we are sealed to the day of redemption. Help us to walk as children of the light and of the day, redeeming the time because the days are evil. Cause us to be spiritually minded, which is life and peace ; and so to cultivate the life of communion with thee, that we may be daily more and more meetened for the eternal and blessed fellowships of the skies. Most merciful Father, be pleased to grant unto thy unworthy servants all those tem- poral mercies which may be needful for them. Give us this day our daily bread. Prosper us in our lawful callings. Vouchsafe to us such a measure of health as may be good for us. Shield us from the power of temptation. Sanctify all our trials. Give us wisdom to guide our affairs with discretion. Make us more anxious to promote the temporal and spiritual good of others. Let this whole house be dedicated to the Lord; may none of us perish, neither let any of us at last be separated from Christ. To thy gracious care we commend ourselves this day. Lift upon us all the light of thy countenance ; and give us peace, for Christ the Redeemer’s sake ; to whom, with the Father and the Holy Ghost, be glory and honour world without end. Amen. FORTY-NINTH OTetrnegtrag untiag iBmnmrj: 4VEEK. Jeremiah, Chapter xvii. W E render thanks unto thy name, O most merciful Father, for this day, set apart to thy worship, and to the commemoration of the resurrection of our glorious Redeemer. We bless thee for a season of rest from the labours of a fleeting world ; but, above all, for an opportunity of communion with heaven, and for a day of Christian assembly; that with one heart and voice we may glorify God, even the Father, may sing praises unto Christ our Redeemer and Lord, and may enter into fellowship with that one Spirit, who is the enlightener, sanctifier, and comforter of the church. This is the day which thou hast ordained, we will rejoice and be glad in it. If we be risen with Christ, may we seek those things which are above, where He sitteth at thine own right hand ; that when he who is our life shall appear, we also may appear with him in glory. We rejoice that by one offering for sin, Christ hath for ever perfected them that are sanctified; and that he has now gone into heaven, to appear in thy presence for us ; angels, princi- palities, and powers having been made subject to him. May we this day share in the tokens of his resurrection and glory ; and may the quickening energy of his Spirit descend and rest upon all the assemblies of his disciples. Wherever thy people meet, may they realize the presence and blessing of their gracious Lord ; let his promise be fulfilled, “ Lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the world.” In all places where thy name is recorded, do thou come unto thy servants, and do thou bestow upon them thy blessing. Let thy word be dispensed with fidelity, and crowned with success. Let an unusual solemnity pervade the devotions of the closet and of the family this day. May the hearts of men be thus prepared for the public ordinances of thy house. And when they repair to the place where thine honour dwelleth, may they sanctify the Lord God in their hearts, and make him their fear and their dread. Enable thy servants to deliver their message with fidelity to the people ; whether men will hear or forbear, may they warn sinners of their danger, and urge them to flee from the wrath to come. While they speak of sprinkled blood, may the Holy Spirit apply the mystery to the conscience ; and while they lift up Christ and him crucified to the view of a perishing world, may he draw all men unto him. We are conscious, O most gracious Father, of the misimprovement of many past Sabbaths. O let not this one be added to their number. Impart to us not only a devout, but a watchful temper of mind, that our spiritual enemies may not gain an advantage over us, but that we may resist all the fiery darts of the wicked one. Prepare us, by thy grace, meekly to receive the ingrafted word, and as new-born babes to desire the sincere milk of the word, that we may grow thereby. In the spirit of prayer and depen- dence on thy blessing, may we repair to thy ordinances ; and may thy servant who ministers to us in holy things, find that his labours are not in vain in the Lord. Help him to speak a word in season to them that are weary, to comfort the mourners in Zion, to warn the unruly, to reclaim the backslider, and to give to all a portion of meat in due season. May his Master stand by and strengthen him, and may he have many seals to his ministry, who shall be his joy and crown of rejoicing in the day of the Lord. Regard and an- swer these our humble prayers, for the sake of Jesus, our Mediator and Redeemer. Amen. 704 FIFTIETH hunting (^beitutfi. WEEK Luke, Chapter xxi. O UR Father and our God, at the close of another Sabbath, we meet around the throne of the heavenly grace, to render thanks to thy name for the exalted privileges we have this day been permitted to enjoy. May we cherish a lively feeling of our mercies, and offer to thy name the sacrifice of prayer and praise. Pour upon us at this sacred hour of family devotion the Spirit of grace and supplication, that we may plead with thee as a man pleadeth with his friend, and that the prayer of faith may be succeeded by answers of peace from the throne of thy love. As we are prone to abuse our greatest mercies, we beseech thee to sanctify to us the various opportunities of this dav, that they may not pass without some solid improvement, and that they may never rise up in the judgment to condemn us. O let not our souls resemble the barren heath, which drinketh in the rain which falleth oft upon it, but which remains perpetually unfruitful ; but may they rather be as a garden which the Lord himself has watered, and which yieldeth fruit abundantly to him by whom it is dressed. Help us to treasure up thy word in our memories, that it may be present to our thoughts, and that it may thence find its way to the heart, the conscience, and the life. We offer thee our united praise for all the assistance vouchsafed unto thy servants this day, in the proclamation of the everlasting gospel. For the direction afforded them in the selection and delivery of their message, we desire most humbly and devoutly to bless thee. Make us thankful for the adaptations of their several statements and appeals to our own particular and individual cases. Let us not be guilty of putting thy truth away from us when we find it to be quick and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword ; hut rather let us be thankful for its warnings, reproofs, and cautions, and help us to receive them with meekness and fear, and to guard against every influence which might tend to weaken their energy, or to interrupt their holy influence in our lives and con- versation. We* pray, O most merciful Father, for the enlargement of the borders of Messiah’s empire. When shall the happy period arrive, when in every place incense and a pure offering shall be presented to Him, to whom every knee shall bow, and every tongue confess ! The earth is now full of darkness, and sin, and misery ; O when shall it be filled with the knowledge of the Lord, as the waters cover the sea ! Satan is now the prince of this world ; when shall he be spoiled of his usurped dominion, and the kingdoms of this world become the kingdoms of our Lord and of his Christ ! Lord, let thy king- dom come, and thy will be done in earth as it is done in heaven ! In tender mercy, O God, look upon our native land. Irradiate all its dark and benighted corners with the fight of Christ’s gospel. Pour upon our cities, towns, villages, hamlets, and upon all the people amongst whom we dwell, the dew of thy blessing. Rule and govern the heart of our rightful sovereign by thy grace ; establish her throne in righteousness, and bless and prosper every member of the royal house. Look on the needy, the wretched, and the disconsolate. Let the widow, the fatherless, and the orphan trust in thee. Have mercy upon all men ; and fill this guilty and rebellious world with thy glory. Vouchsafe these great mercies for the Redeemer’s sake. Amen. 705 4 U FIFTIETH JBontiaK Wanting, WEEK. Jeremiah, Chapter xviii. W E worship thee, our heavenly Father, as the self-existent, the eternal, and un- changeable God. How unspeakable is thy condescension in permitting feeble and sinful worms of the dust, such as we are, to look up unto thee as our Father in heaven Teach us to lisp thy great and dreadful name with becoming reverence and solemnity. We would not rush into thy presence, as the unthinking horse rusheth into the field of battle ; but we would raise our minds to the contemplation of those glories of thy nature and government, which lead holy angels to prostrate themselves with solemn awe before the inaccessible brightness of thine eternal throne. We could not draw near to thee, as fallen and guilty beings, hadst thou not, in boundless mercy, provided a way of approach. Glory be to thy name, thou hast not abandoned us to the consequences of our apostacy ; but hast decreed a method of renovation, of pardon, of holy fellowship, of everlasting life. We would look unto Christ, the Son of thy love, as the way, the truth, and the life. No man can come unto thee, but by him. Thou hast raised him to the high offices of Mediator ; and for the discharge of these offices, hast clothed him with the attributes of divinity and humanity, in one mysterious and ineffable person. We bless thee for all the promises, predictions, and types which intimated his mission to our world ; we rejoice that a body was prepared for him ; that he came forth from the bosom of thy love at the time and in the way predicted ; that he placed himself in the room and stead of the guilty • that he offered himself a sacrifice for sin ; that he triumphed over death and the grave ; and that he entered with his own blood into the holiest of all. Our hope of pardon and acceptance this morning is derived from his finished work : because he fives, we shall five also. We plead his merits with assured confidence that we shall not plead in vain. See, O God our shield, and look upon the face of thine Anointed. We are guilty, but have respect unto his perfect atonement and all-prevailing intercession ; we are helpless, but may we have grace and strength supplied to us from those boundless treasures of might and wisdom which belong to him, our risen and glorified Head. We pray, O Father of mercies, for a double portion of thy Holy Spirit, that we may this morning have fellowship with thee through Him whose name we are permitted to plead. Let us not rest contented in the outward acts of devotion, without its living and life-giving power in the heart. Bless to us the reading and meditation of thy word. Ever may we listen to it as a message from thyself. Let its doctrines, its precepts, its promises, its threatenings, and all its several parts, be embraced by us as the testimony of thy Spirit, and as that heavenly manna on which our souls are to be fed and nourished unto eternal fife. Command thy lasting and powerful blessing on the public ordinances of the past Sabbath. By reflection, by prayer, by dependence on the quickening Spirit of Christ, may the grand design of the Sabbath and its institutions be achieved in us and thousands. Let not Satan, nor any of his agents, deprive us of the benefits connected with a humble and prayerful attendance on the means of grace ; and by copious effusions of the Holy Spirit, may the truths of thy holy gospel take deep root in our minds, and bring forth fruit unto fife eternal. All we ask is for Christ’s sake. Amen. FIFTIETH iBontJaj) 0bnung. WEEK. Luke, Chapter xxii. G REAT God, thy name is holy, thy glories are infinite ! Who by searching can find out God ? Who can find out the Almighty unto perfection ? We bow before thee under an oppressive sense of our nothingness, vanity, and sin. Deign to look upon us in our helplessness, and pity us in our wretchedness. It is because thou art God that we are not consumed. Thine eye has beheld all our wanderings from thee, the fountain of purity and happiness ; and thy patience has borne with us amidst our innumerable provo- cations. Let it be a token for good that we are yet spared, and that we are still on praying ground. May thy goodness lead us to repentance ; may the thought of thy great mercy soften our hearts. We adore thee for Christ. Less than this unspeakable gift would not have sufficed, and more thou couldst not bestow. While angels wonder and adore, in contemplation of this gift to a sinful race, may we who are so deeply interested in it, break forth in songs of praise to him who came forth from the bosom of eternal Love, to prove to us the infinity of thy grace. While the unbelieving world rejects his claims, may we hail him as the only-begotten of the Father, full of grace and truth, and sing Hosanna in the highest. Let a dying Saviour win the love and homage of our hearts ; and let us cheerfully take up our cross, and follow him. Open our dark minds, to perceive the unutterable excellency and perfection of Him who is the brightness of the Father’s glory, and the express image of his person. Conscious that we have no righteousness in which we can stand before the omniscient gaze of infinite purity, may we lay hold on that complete and perfect obedience to law and justice which was wrought out by Him who condescended to become a man of sorrows and acquainted with grief. Perceiving the sentence of condemnation and of wrath which has gone forth against us by reason of the violation of thy holy law, may we turn the eye of faith to Him who is the end of the law for righteousness to every one that believeth; and being justified by faith, may we have peace with God, through our Lord Jesus Christ, and henceforward walk in holy fellowship with thee, as reconciled to us through the blood of the Cross. 0 may the love of God in Christ Jesus exert a powerful and salutary influence on our entire walk and conversation. Daily may we feel constrained by Christ’s love, to present our bodies and our spirits unto thee as a living sacrifice. When sin would prevail against our better thoughts and aims, O may we pause, and recollect that we are about to crucify our Lord afresh, and put him to an open shame. When the world seeks to regain its lost dominion, may we look to that cross by which the world is crucified unto us, and we unto the world. When Satan would tempt us to deny our Lord and Master, or would weaken and impair the exercise of our faith, O may we resist him in the strength of promised grace, and feel, that gratitude to Christ and confidence in his grace are sufficient to secure us the victory. With deep humility we would confess the sins, negligences, and infirmities of this day. Into thy gracious hands we commend ourselves, with all dear to us, this night. Shield us from all the dangers incident to night-season ; grant us quiet and refreshing sleep ; let our minds and our bodies be invigorated while we repose upon our teds ; and let the morning sun proclaim thy goodness and grace, for Christ the Redeemer’s sake. Amen. 707 4 U -2 FIFTIETH CueatmK Corning- WEEK. Jeremiah, Chapter xix. 0 THOU infinite Majesty of heaven and earth ! we cannot be profitable unto thee, but thou art All in all to us. Our life, our happiness, our purity — all depend on thee, and from thee they are all derived. We cannot live, we cannot move, we cannot hope, without thee. Thou hast formed us to seek and find our rest in thyself, and the whole creation cannot supply thy place. Our fall consists in departing from thee, the fountain of living waters, and repairing to the empty or polluted stream of creature enjoy- ment; and until we return to thee, to seek our joy in thy favour, in communion with thee, in resemblance to thee, we cannot be happy. Thy nature, thy decrees, our own mental constitution, forbid that we should be happy while wandering from thee, and while seeking a resting-place beneath thy throne. There is no peace to the wicked. And thou mightest have said concerning us, They have forsaken me, and I will also forsake and utterly abandon them. But how shall we sufficiently praise thee for thinking of us in our low and lost estate ! How shall we sufficiently adore thy name for glorifying thyself in the recovery of lost and perishing sinners ! No finite mind could have discovered a method of restoring sinners consistent with the claims of justice and purity. The world by wisdom knew not thee ; but it hath pleased thee, in the gospel of thy Son, to teach us how thou mayst be just, and yet the justifier of the ungodly. Though we have wandered far from thee, we rejoice that we may yet be restored to thy lost favour, that we may yet be happy, and that we may yet shine forth eternally in thy holy and blessed image. Father of lights, we adore thee for that volume which reveals to us the method of redeeming love, which points us to a Mediator, which calls on us to believe and be saved. Enable us, by thy Holy Spirit’s power, to perceive and embrace the offers of thy mercy through a crucified Redeemer. Let the enmity of our hearts be slain by the perception and the feeling of that great love wherewith thou hast loved us. May we walk with thee upon the terms of the gospel, and seek our happiness in the contemplation of thy cha- racter, and in growing conformity to thy imitable perfections. Bring us out of our state of spiritual death into the light and life of the new creation. Deliver us from the bondage of sin, and translate us into the glorious liberty of thine own children. May. Christ dwell in our hearts by faith ; may he be in us the hope of glory ; may the mind that was in him be implanted by grace in us ; and may we follow him whithersoever he goeth. We approach thee this morning as thy needy children, to implore of thee all things necessary to life and godliness. Thou hast made us entirely dependent on thee for all our supplies. Give us this day our daily bread ; supply our every want out of thy riches in glory by Christ Jesus ; strengthen us for duty and for trial ; enable us simply to confide all our interests to thee ; may we be anxiously careful for nothing ; but in every thing, by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, may we make our requests known unto thee ; and may the peace of God, which passeth all understanding, keep our hearts and minds by Christ Jesus. Accept our thanks for the comfortable rest of the past night, and for all the enjoyments of a new morning. Let us all aim at thy glory, that we may shew forth the honour of thy name. Pardon all our sins of omission and of commission, and far exceed the utmost limit of our feeble desires, for Christ the Redeemer’s sake. Amen. 70S FIFTIETH CiitstmB aPbrning WEEK. Luke, Chapter xxiii. O THOU who hearest the cry of the raven, and who regardest even the meanest of thy creatures, suffer us not to doubt thy willingness to listen to our feeble and imperfect prayers. As thou hast given us exceeding great and precious promises, hast appointed a Day’s-man between thee and us, and hast said to us, Ask and ye shall receive, draw near to me and I will draw near to you — may we banish all our unbelieving fears and suspicions, and come near, even to thy seat, with the confidence of children approaching an indulgent and bountiful parent. We have this day been favoured with many fresh tokens of thy love. O let them not be forgotten in unthankfulness, or without praises die. Thine it is, by thy grace, to inspire us with a tender and grateful heart ; thine it is to draw forth our minds to thyself, the bountiful and gracious source of all our mercies ; thine it is powerfully to remind us of the wondrous channel in which all blessings flow to guilty and perishing sinners. Quicken us by thy Holy Spirit’s influence, and then shall we call upon thee with the sincerity of true faith, and with the fervour of true and elevated devotion. Save us from that cold and lifeless service which thou abhorrest. Sensibly affect us with the conscious- ness of need ; and help us to see and to feel, that in thee are all our well-springs. Ever adored be thy name for that unspeakable gift, which is the pledge of every other. Thou hast given us Christ; and thou wilt assuredly with him also give us all things. May we believe this ; and, believing it, may we ask in faith, nothing doubting. Our prayers are too often put up to thee in unbelief ; and therefore it is that thou dost not regard them, and that we are so little affected by the contemplation of thy character, as the hearer and answerer of prayer. Whatever thou seest fit to withhold from us, O deny us not those blessings which will enrich us for eternity, and meeten us for its glorious scenes and employments. Let the new heart and the right spirit be ours ; grant us forgiveness of sins, and inheritance among all them that are sanctified through faith in Christ Jesus ; uphold us amidst tempt- ations strong and varied ; impart to us real delight in thy service ; give us victory over sin, Satan, and the world ; let thy word abide in us as the seed of everlasting life ; let thy people be our companions here and in eternity ; may we love the habitation of thy house, and the place where thine honour dwelleth; may sin be the object of our intense and growing detestation ; may holiness to the Lord be inscribed on all our characters ; may our passage through this vale of tears be marked by the sweet consolations of Christian hope ; and may the last scene of our earthly existence be irradiated by the resplendent rays of the Sun of righteousness. We commend to thee, in the spirit of filial confidence and love, all the members of this domestic circle. Let us all look to Christ, and live to his praise. If any are yet in their sins, Lord, bring them out of the gall of bitterness and the bond of iniquity. Be thou a Father unto us, and make us all thy children. Undertake for us in all the events of this changing world. Let it neither be our portion nor our rest. By faith may we anti- cipate the glory that shall be revealed ; and when we are absent from the body, may we be present with the Lord. Hear us, O Lord, for Christ’s sake. Amen. 709 FIFTIETH WetmesfoaB JHorntna, WEEK. Jeremiah, Chapter xx. O THOU who keepest Israel, and who dost neither slumber nor sleep, we would record thy watchful care of us through the silence and darkness of another night. Thou hast placed beneath us thine everlasting arms ; and no evil has befallen us, neither has any plague come nigh our dwelling. Bless the Lord, O our souls, and all that is within us, bless his holy name; who forgiveth all our iniquities, who healeth all our diseases, who crowneth us with lovingkindness and tender mercies. Though our lives have been forfeited by sin, thou hast graciously condescended to make them the objects of thy care. We live by mercy, and by mercy manifested through a Redeemer. Let thoughts of thy great goodness stir up in our minds sentiments of liveliest gratitude and love. What are we, O Lord, or what is our Father’s house, that thou shouldst have brought us hitherto? We have deserved nothing but tokens of thy displeasure ; but thou hast been comforting us, and doing us good, all the days of our life. We would seek acceptance and gracious audience this morning, through the mediation of thy dear Son. As thou art well pleased for his righteousness’ sake, because he hath magnified the law, and made it honourable ; may we look to him as the Lord our righ- teousness, and find peace with thee through our Lord Jesus Christ. May the Holy Spirit take of the things of Christ, and shew them unto us. May he enlighten our darkness, and work that faith in us, by which we shall be enabled to appropriate Christ, and all the blessings of the great salvation. No longer let us go about to establish our own righ- teousness, refusing to submit to the righteousness of Christ ; but may we look to him as the end of the law for righteousness to every one that believeth. By vital union to the living and life-giving Redeemer; may we be delivered from condemnation, and be supplied with those principles of spiritual strength and energy, by which we shall be enabled to live to God, and for the good of our fellow-creatures. Let a sense of redeem- ing mercy constrain us to all holy obedience. Let the world be seen in all its emptiness and vanity, as the enemy of Christ and the destroyer of souls ; and while thousands are seeking their portion in its fading and blighted possessions; may our treasure be in heaven, and our hearts be there also. Into thy holy keeping we commit ourselves and those dear to us this day. Enable us to set the Lord before us, that he may guide and direct our steps. Open wide the path of duty to our view, and give us strength to walk therein with an unfaltering step. Give us not over to the will of our spiritual enemies. Cover us in the hour of conflict and of danger. Fortify us against the power of temptation. Bring all the pinciples of the new and heavenly nature into vigorous operation. Enable us to hold on our way, and to wax stronger and stronger. Bless to us all the means of divine grace. Let prayer bring to us all the promised aids of the Holy Spirit. Keep us ever mindful of our own weakness. Hold thou us up, and we shall be safe. In going out and coming in this day, be thou with us. Be merciful unto us, O God ; our sins and iniquities do thou remember no more for ever. In the name of Jesus, our only Mediator and Redeemer, we implore these blessings, and ascribe to the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost, the kingdom, the power, and the glory for evermore. Amen. 710 FIFTIETH raictmesfoag aiming. WEEK. Luke, Chapter xxiv. W HEREWITHAL shall we come before the Lord, or bow ourselves before thee, the most high God ! We praise thee, O our God, that thou hast not left this solemn and momentous question to be solved by our wisdom. Preserved by thy kind providence to the close of another day, we would avail ourselves of the seasonable encouragement afforded in thy holy word, when it tells us that if any man sin, we have an Advocate with the Father, even Jesus Christ the righteous. May we now approach thy mercy-seat, deeply impressed with a sense of thine unmerited mercies as poured out from thy boun- tiful hand upon thine unworthy children throughout this day. Bless the Lord, O our souls, and forget not all his benefits. We are instructed by thy holy word, in which thou hast so fully and so condescendingly revealed thyself to us, that we cannot acceptably worship thee, until we in some measure accurately know thee. But, O thou eternal Fountain of light and knowledge, how small a portion of thy nature can we at present comprehend ? What finite spirit can grasp thine immensity ! who can bring fallen creatures, accustomed to evil, to reach the celebration of thy unmeasured perfections, thine infinite power and justice, thine infinite holiness, bene- volence, and truth. Yet, gracious Father, glory be unto thee, because thou hast not left us utterly to perish in ignorance of thy character. Thou hast endowed us with faculties which, under the teaching of thy promised Spirit, are capable of knowing and loving thy moral excellence and beauty in some humble measure. Conscious of our depravity in consequence of the disobedience of the first Adam, we would hail with gratitude and joy the revelation of the second Adam, who is the Lord from heaven, the Light of the world, and the First-born among many brethren. We are assembled together around this family altar, to acknowledge thy hand in the gracious and seasonable expressions of thy paternal care, of which this day has been the witness. And now that we are about to retire to the silence and slumbers of night, may thy providential and protecting influence mercifully surround us. Continue thy favour to such of us as are appointed to preside over the affairs of this household, and its varied duties. O grant that with whatever mercies thou art pleased to distinguish, or with what- ever trials thou shalt see fit to visit us, we may still learn in all our ways to acknow- ledge thee, believing that thou wilt direct our steps. May we have grace to seek and to pursue, as the main concern of our souls, the salvation of each other, and of those committed to our protection and spiritual regard. As parents, may the conversion of our children be very near to our hearts, and call forth an ample share of our labours, our sympathies, and our most earnest prayers. Thou hast frequently rewarded parental fervour and solicitude in this respect ; therefore would we continue to hold up the cases of our children and of our unconverted relatives before thee. O grant us an equal share in the covenant of grace. May all its blessings, both for time and eternity, be ours. Grant, O blessed God, that thy Spirit may rest on those efforts employed for the extension of the Messiah’s kingdom throughout the world. May all nations soon be attracted to Jesus. May his name be one, and his kingdom one. We commend ourselves to thy keeping this night. Pardon all our sins, and, among them, the sin of this imperfect approach wO thy mercy-seat, for the sake of thy dear Son ; to whom be glory for ever. Amen. 711 FIFTIETH CJ)tir£trag iHonttnn;. WEEK. Jeremiah, Chapter xxi. 0 MOST holy, blessed, and glorious Majesty, in whom we live, and move, and have our being; we adore thy condescension and grace, that thou shouldest look down from thy throne with loving-kindness and compassion upon the children of men ; that thou shouldest deign to dwell with those who are of an humble and contrite spirit ! O our Father and God, enable us to approach thee with deep humility and unfeigned contri- tion of heart ; make us sensible of our sinfulness and our dependence ; enable us to plead the atoning sacrifice of the Lord Jesus Christ, which only can bring pardon, and peace to our guilty minds. Omniscient Father, thou knowest both our wants and our miseries. We can do nothing good in our own strength, nor can we sufficiently mourn the corruption that dwells within us. Have mercy upon us, O Lord, and grant us thy salvation. Turn thou us, and so shall we be turned. Reveal to our minds the grace and fulness which are in Christ Jesus, that, confiding in him as the Lord our Righteousness, we may experience that peace and joy which come by believing in his precious name. And as, in the death of thy beloved Son on the cross, thou hast manifested thine intense hatred of sin and love of holiness ; help us, O God of our salvation, to abhor that which is evil, and to cleave to that which is good. Subdue every rebellious thought that exists within us. Mortify in us every sinful propensity. Shed abroad in our hearts the love of Christ by thy Holy Spirit, and clothe us with the spirit of humility and love. We acknowledge this morning that it is of the Lord’s mercies we are not consumed, and because his compassions fail not ! Thou art an unchanging God, the same yesterday, to-day, and for ever. Thy mercy is infinite ; and thou dost magnify the freeness and riches of thy grace, by never despising the sighs of the contrite heart, nor rejecting the humble petitions of those who call upon thee in sincerity and truth. O Lord God, for the sake of our adorable Mediator we again implore thy pardoning grace. Thou knowest our iniqui- ties, for they are not hid from thee. Remember them not against us, but, according to the promises of thy mercy in Christ Jesus, remember us, and accept us with favour and tender pity. Wash away our guilt in the fountain opened for sin and uncleanness. Cover ,us with the robe of righteousness, and with the garments of salvation; that being washed, and justified, and sanctified in the name of the Lord Jesus, and by the Spirit of our God, we may have a comfortable evidence of our title to the everlasting inheritance. We entreat thy blessing, O Lord, on behalf of our dear relations and friends. May they all be dear to thee. Have mercy on such of them as are ignorant of themselves and of God. Enlighten their dark minds by thy word and Spirit ; and make them wise unto salvation through faith in Jesus Christ. While the door of mercy is yet open, cause sinners of every description to flee to Him who delivereth from the wrath to come. O Lord, let the word of thy truth have free course and be glorified in every land, from the rising to the setting sun. Hear us, O heavenly Father, for the sake of Him who hath loved and redeemed us ; to whom, with thee and the holy Spirit, be ascribed the kingdom, the power, and the glory both now and for ever more. Amen. 712 FIFTIETH tEHntnftrag Abetting WEEK. John, Chapter i. O THOU great and glorious Lord, who takest pleasure in those who draw near to thee in faith, look down, we beseech thee, in tender compassion upon us at this time , and while we confess our sins, and bow with contrition before thy throne, be pleased to regard us in mercy, and, for the sake of thy dear Son, to blot out all our iniquities. O lay not to our charge the manifold infirmities of this day, but in the midst of deserved wrath do thou remember mercy. O Lord our God, we are weak and frail creatures, and encompassed with innumerable temptations; vouchsafe to strengthen and assist us by thy grace, that through thy mighty power we may be enabled to withstand all the allurements of the world, the flesh, and the devil. May we resist with energy and success our easily besetting sins ; and where we are most exposed, may we be doubly watchful. Let thy Holy Spirit direct and rule our hearts, that we may think and do those things which are pleasing in thy sight, and that thy fear and love may be the ruling motives of all our conduct. Thou, O God, art an ever-present help to them that trust in thee. We look to thee for succour. Keep us, we beseech thee, under the perpetual guidance of thy providence, and the never-failing supports of thy grace. May we never dare to rush into the way of danger, to slight the admonitions of conscience, to oppose the dictates of thy word, or to grieve thy Holy Spirit. Make us ready at all times to obey thy will, and may we delight to run in the w r ay of thy commandments. Let no difficulties or perplexities which may arise, turn us from the path of duty ; but may such fortitude and holy decision be vouchsafed to us, that we may be enabled to overcome all the enemies of our salvation, and may finally come off more than conquerors through Him that hath loved us. May we fight the good fight of faith, and at last lay hold on eternal life, through Jesus Christ our Lord. Extend thy mercy, O Lord, to the whole race of man. In a peculiar manner be gracious to the land in which we dwell. Bless all ranks and degrees of men among us, from the highest to the lowest. Protect the person, and prosper the government, of our beloved Sovereign; and may all who bear the sword of magistracy be a terror only to evil- doers, but a praise to them that do well. Look, O God, in tender pity on the afflictions of thy children ; strengthen and console them under their several trials, and grant them a happy issue out of them all, and an abundant entrance into thine everlasting kingdom and glory, through Jesus Christ our merciful Advocate and Redeemer. And now, O gracious Father, we bless thee for the great mercies of another day. We would be thankful for fife, and breath, and all things; but, above all, we would praise and magnify thy holy name for the redemption of the world by our Lord Jesus Christ, for the means of grace, and for the hope of glory. Continue thy favour and protection to this family, and bestow upon us that grace by which we may be enabled to make a right use of all thy mercies. Take us under thy care this night. Give thine angels charge concerning us, and infinitely exceed our utmost desires, for the Lord the Redeemer’s sake. Amen. 4 x 713 FIFTIETH dfiTirng Morning •WEEK. Jeremiah, Chapter xxii. 0 LORD our God, be pleased to listen to the voice of our supplication which we present unto thee this morning. We would begin the day with thoughts of Thee. Thou art good, and ready to forgive, and plenteous in mercy to all that call upon thee. May we approach thee in sincerity and truth ; may we worship thee with reverence and godly fear. Thou art not a God that delightest in evil, neither shall sinners stand in thy presence. If we regard iniquity in our hearts, the Lord will not hear us. Take from us all formality and hypocrisy, all coldness and indifference, all impenitence and unbelief, all worldliness and deadness of heart in thy service. Give to us the Spirit of grace and supplication. Fix the eye of faith on our Great High Priest ; raise our thoughts and affections to unseen and eternal things. Grant, O our Father, we pray thee, that if any here present are uninfluenced by thy Spirit, thou wilt mercifully pour out his influences upon them, for Christ’s sake. Lead them, by his gracious guidance, into the fold of the Redeemer, that they may be conducted into green pastures, and may be led beside the still waters. O teach us all to know the plague of our own hearts ; to perceive that by nature and practice we are fallen and guilty creatures ; that we need the renewal of our hearts by the Holy Ghost, and the forgiveness of our sins by the blood of Christ. Let us not deceive ourselves by a form of godliness without its power ; nor expect the light of thy countenance while we are under the dominion of any known sin. Wash us all in the fountain which was opened in the blood of the atoning Lamb. Sanctify us by thy grace and truth, and seal us by thy Spirit unto the day of redemption. Blessed be thy name, O our heavenly Father, for the mercies of a new day. We thank thee for the light of the sun ; O grant that the Sun of righteousness may arise upon our souls with healing under his wings. May He who is the brightness of thy glory, and the express image of thy person, shine forth in all his majesty and grace upon our souls, that we may have fellowship with thee as the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ. May we look to Christ as our Friend, our Mediator, our Redeemer, our Sacrifice for sin, our great High Priest, our All in all. May he be made of God unto us wisdom, and righteousness, and sanctification, and redemption. Enable us this day to glorify thy name in all the engagements and pursuits of life. May we walk in thy fear. May we spend and be spent in thy service. Let the pre- cepts of thy word rule our conduct, and let thy love stimulate us to every act of holy obedience. O enable us to keep our hearts with all diligence, to shun the appearance of evil, to be diligent in business, fervent in spirit, serving the Lord. Abundantly bless all our relations and friends. Make them thy children ; bestow upon them the influences of thy grace, and the watchful care of thy providence. Meet with such of them as are in trial, and comfort their hearts with the sense of thy love. Look on thy whole church: send times of refreshing upon all the dwelling-places of Zion. Hasten thy kingdom, and let Satan be speedily bound, that he may no longer go forth to deceive the nations. May the word of the Lord have free course, run, and be glorified, that from the rising of the sun to the going down of the same, the name of Emmanuel may be great among the Gentiles. Hear, accept, and bless us, for Christ’s sake. Amen. 714 FIFTIETH Jrfoag «?btmns WEEK. JOHN, CHAPTER II. 0 LORD our Lord, how excellent is thy name in all the earth ! who hast set thy glory above the heavens. What is man, that thou art mindful of him, and the son of man, that thou visitest. him? We bless thee that thou hast invited us to seek thy face ; and with exalted gratitude we would reply, Thy face, Lord, will we seek. We plead the perfect obedience, the vicarious death, the continued intercession of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. We beseech thee, for his sake to forgive all our sins, to blot out all our trans- gressions; to pour out upon us the influences of thy Holy Spirit; that he may enlighten our darkness, sanctify our natures, and guide and strengthen us in the discharge of every duty ; for we acknowledge that so far from obeying thy will, we cannot even think a good thought, unassisted by the Holy Spirit. We desire to take shame to ourselves for the ingratitude, worldliness, and guilt of our past conduct: we have committed two evils; we have forsaken Thee, the living fountain, and have hewn out for ourselves cisterns, broken cisterns, that can hold no water. O may we no longer endeavour to extract satisfaction and delight from the creature ; but feeling our relationship to thee as our Redeemer, as well as our Creator, beholding in thee infinite excellence and glory, as well as goodness and power ; may we find our delight in thee; and being enabled to say, Truly our fellowship is with the Father and with his Son Jesus Christ, may we be more assured of the glory of the redeemed, by the earnest we already possess ; till each one can say with holy and filial confidence, Thou wilt show me the path of life; in thy presence is fulness of joy; at thy right hand there are pleasures for evermore. While another evening is closing around us, we would review the scenes through which we have passed this day ; and while we see cause for shame and sorrow when we remember our forgetfulness of thee, our worldliness, and our many imperfections, we would behold what thou hast done for us and in us with gratitude and praise. Thou hast not left us a prey to our spiritual enemies ; hitherto the Lord hath helped us; and we are confident that he who hath begun a good work in us, will perform it unto the day of Jesus Christ. Nor would we be unmindful of thy goodness in providing for our frail and dying bodies : we thank thee for food and raiment, for health and strength : O give us grace to live to thee, that when this mortal life shall cease, we may enter upon a world of glory, to behold our Redeemer, and be .like him, and dwell in his presence for evermore. , Mercifully regard those who are dear unto us; may they partake largely of those blessings which we have sought for ourselves; may they walk with thee on earth, and be admitted into the presence of our glorified Redeemer. Extend the knowledge of thy truth, that all the ends of the earth may see the salvation of God ; especially we pray that pure and undefiled religion may prevail in our own land ; that we may be a people as exalted by the possession of real piety, as we have long been by the enjoyment of spiri- tual privileges. Hear us in these our supplications, pardon all our sins, and accept us and our services through Jesus Christ our Redeemer ; to whom be glory for ever and ever, Amen. 715 4X2 FIFTIETH ,#>aturtmg iHormmj Jeremiah, Chapter xxiii. WEEK. M OST glorious and infinitely exalted Majesty, great fear is due unto thee in all the approaches of thy feeble and dependent creatures. We are sinful worms of dust in thy sight. Thou dwellest in the mansions of glory, but we reside on thy footstool. Thou art spotless in holiness, but we have been transgressors from the very womb. But O do thou deign, in infinite condescension and grace, to look upon us, and to have mercy upon us, according to the promises of thy love vouchsafed to us in Christ Jesus, whom thou only hast set forth to be a propitiation through faith in his blood. We are utterly guilty and helpless in thy sight, and cannot raise ourselves from our low estate; we are altogether as an unclean thing before thee, and our righteousness is but as filthy rags. It becomes us, like the publican of old, to stand afar off, and to smite upon our breasts, saying, God be merciful unto us sinners. We are not worthy so much as to lift up our eyes unto heaven ; but do thou behold our shield, and look upon the face of thine Anointed. In thine infinite wisdom and mercy, O God, thou hast found out a remedy for our lost and ruined state ; thou hast opened a fountain for sin and uncleanness in the house of David, and for the inhabitants of Jerusalem ; thou desirest not the death of the sinner, but wouldest rather that he should repent and live : a broken and a contrite heart for sin, thou, O God, wilt not despise ; grant, in the multitude of thy tender mercies, that we may find acceptance with thee through the great atonement of the Lamb ; may thy Holy Spirit be vouchsafed unto us, to heal our diseased souls, to cleanse our polluted hearts, to renew us in the spirit of our minds, to subdue our stubborn wills, and to implant in us all those holy tempers and dispositions which will conform us to him who is the first-born among many brethren. May we distinctly perceive, and powerfully feel, our need of Christ, as the Saviour of lost and ruined sinners. May we betake ourselves to him, as the refuge set before us in the gospel May we find pardon and peace by believing in his precious name. May we know him in the power of his resurrection, in the fellowship of his sufferings, and be made conformable to his death. Let the love of sin be destroyed in us ; and let the life of Christ become daily more and more manifest in our mortal bodies ; let grace reign in us through righteousness unto eternal life, by Jesus Christ our Lord. Father of mercies, we look up to thy throne this morning, and would bless thee for the light of a new day, and for the comfortable repose of the past night. We would begin this and every day with tkee. On all the duties of the day we would crave thy special blessing. Prosper the work of our hands upon us, yea, the work of our hands prosper thou it. We would set God before us, praying that he may direct our steps. May we be in the fear of the Lord all the day long. Guard us from all the evils which may beset our path. Let us not wander from the right way. May we hide thy word in our hearts, that we may not sin against thee. Give us wisdom and integrity in the discharge of every duty. May we watch against all incentives to evil. Especially may we keep our hearts with all diligence. Bless every member of this family. Vouchsafe to us the conduct of thy pro- vidence, and the teaching of thy Spirit. Forgive the sins of the past night. Accept of grateful thanksgiving for the mercies of a new day, and do exceeding abundantly for us above all that we ask or think, for the Redeemer’s sake. Amen. 716 FIFTIETH ^aturHaj) gRmtfttg. John, Chapter iii. WEEK E TERNAL and ever-blessed God, the Creator and Preserver of all the ends of the earth, who faintest not, neither art weary. We adore thee as the Giver of every good and perfect gift; as the Fountain of all grace, as the Author of everlasting life, as the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ. We worship thee with reverence and godly fear, remembering that though thou art love, thou art nevertheless a consuming fire. May we neither approach thee with slavish dread, nor unholy familiarity; but remembering what thou art, and what we are, may we worship thee in the beauty of holiness, confessing our unworthiness, and taking hold of thy great mercy. May we draw near to thee with filial awe, and with childlike gratitude and love ; believing that thou art, and that thou art a rewarder of all who diligently seek thee. We desire, with humble confidence, to approach the throne of thy grace, to render thee unfeigned thanks for the blessings of another day, and of another week. We praise thee for all the instances of thy goodness to us — by day and by night, in the house and by the way, in our lying down and in our rising up. We are conscious of great unworthiness, but thou hast not dealt with us after our sins, nor rewarded us according to our iniquities. We come to thee, fully satisfied that thou art ever more ready to give, than we are to ask. Thou delightest in seeing thy children casting themselves upon thy bounty ; and thou art rich in mercy to all that call upon thee. We plead with thee thine own promises in Christ Jesus, the Son of thy love. O our Father, bless us this night with a plentiful supply of spiritual blessings in heavenly things in Christ Jesus. Deeply would we humble ourselves, in thy presence, for the manifold provocations of the past week. We have forgotten thee our God ; we have been unmindful of thy love; we have grieved thy Holy Spirit ; we have wounded our Redeemer in the house of his friends. Most gracious Lord, pardon all the sins which we ourselves have discovered ; yea, do thou blot out of the book of thy remembrance all that is recorded against us by thine omniscience. Heal our backslid ings, and love us freely. Bestow upon us the grace of thy Holy Spirit, that we may be more and more conformed to thy holy image, that we may be enabled more fully to crucify the flesh, that we may rise to newness of life, that we may perfect holiness in the fear of the Lord, that we may walk worthy of the vocation wherewith we are called, that we may die unto sin and live unto righteousness, and that the end may be everlasting life. O God, we are looking forward to the approaching Sabbath. Grant us, in prospect of its sacred duties and pleasures, an enlarged supply of the Spirit of our risen Lord, to lead us into the enjoyment of spiritual and eternal things ; to call us away from earth and sense; to realize to us the unspeakable benefits of thine own appointment; to secure to us a profitable attendance on the means of grace; to invigorate in our minds all the principles and exercises of the new and heavenly nature. May we this night, individually, seek the benefits of retired fellowship and communion with Heaven, that if spared to see the dawning of thy day, we may find our souls attuned to spiritual exercises. Mercifully forgive the infirmity of our holy things ; accept our praises for all thine unmerited bestowments ; and do exceeding abundantly above all we ask or think, for Christ the Redeemer’s sake. Amen. 717 FIFTY-FIRST Jmntmg iltonung* WEEK, Jeremiah, Chapter xxiv. 0 THOU ever-blessed God, the Fountain of life, and peace, and holiness; permit us to look, with humble expectation, to the throne of thy grace in the heavens. We adore thee for that wondrous condescension which inclines thee to listen to the prayers of sinful mortals, and which has induced thee to make our entreaties the occasion of thy gracious bestowments. Thou hast said, Ask, and ye shall receive ; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you. We would approach thee at thine own call, and, pleading the merit of the Redeemer’s sacrifice, would cast ourselves at the footstool of thy mercy. Unto thee, O God, belong mercy and forgiveness; but unto us confusion of face, because we have sinned. We confess our original pollution and our actual transgressions ; our natures are corrupt, and our life has been stained with rebellion against the Majesty of heaven and earth. Lord, enter not into judgment with us, but in the midst of deserved wrath remember mercy. Penetrate us with a deep sense of the evil of sin. Make it increasingly hateful to us, as that abominable thing which thou hatest, and as the source of all the miseries of this life and of that which is to come. May we see its awful malignity in the sufferings and death of Christ, and seek deliverance from its guilt and dominion through his propitiatory sacrifice and quickening Spirit. We rejoice that he who was delivered for our offences, was raised again for our justification; and that this is the day which has been set apart for the commemoration of his glorious triumph. Because Christ lives, may we live also ; and let the quickening of our dead souls to the life of faith, be the prelude of the happy resurrection of our mortal bodies in the day of his glorious appearance to judge the quick and the dead. We would hallow the day on which the church’s Head overcame death and the grave, and was declared to be the Son of God with power through the Spirit of holiness. We pray that the same Spirit who rested on the risen Head, may descend on us as members of his mystical body; that the blessings of the spiritual life may be ours, and that the joys which animated the Lord of life and glory may be felt by us in our humble measure. We pray, O most gracious Father, for all the churches of Christ in our own and in foreign lands. Bestow upon them signal tokens of thy blessing this day. Let Zion arise, and shine. Let the beauty of the Lord our God be upon her. Heal all her breaches. Purge away her remaining dross. Promote her visible union. Enlarge her borders. May her spiritual glory fill the whole earth. In infinite mercy, we beseech thee to unite us all to thy true church. By faith in its adored Head, may we enter by the door into the sheepfold, and go in and out and find pasture. Bless us this day in attending the public ordinances of thy grace. Let a divine influence rest upon our minds. May thy servant who breaks to us the bread of life be strengthened to deliver thy message. Enable him to speak from the heart to the heart; and may we receive with meekness the engrafted word which is able to save our souls. Bring many sinners with weeping and supplication to the feet of Jesus, and let those who through grace have believed be strengthened and edified in the faith of the gospel. Bow thine ear, O Lord, to the voice of our supplications, and grant us answers of peace from the throne of thy love, for Jesus Christ’s sake. Amen. 718 ■FIFTY-FIRST (Wetting* John, Chapter iv. week. O LORD God of the spirits of all flesh, thou art worthy to be feared, and to be had in reverence by all that are about thee. The highest orders of created intelli- gences continually bow before thy throne with unceasing awe. Thou art God alone. Who in the heavens can be compared unto the Lord ? who among the sons of the mighty can be likened unto the Lord? Thou clothest thyself with light as with a garment ; thou art glorious in holiness, thou art fearful in praises, ever doing wonders. Fill us with lofty conceptions of thine infinite perfections as displayed in the works of thy hands, and in the revelations of thy grace. May we especially be awed by the discovery which thou hast made of thyself in the person and work of thy dear Son ; and while we behold mercy and truth meeting together, righteousness and peace embracing each other, may we feel the powerful attractions of that love which passeth all understanding. Help us to approach thee as a God in Christ Jesus, reconciling the world unto thyself, not imputing unto them their trespasses. Let the manifestation of thy love to the chief of sinners destroy the enmity of the carnal mind within us ; and draw forth the affections of our hearts towards thee, our almighty and gracious Deliverer. We thank thee, O most merciful Father, for the opportunity we have this day enjoyed of contemplating the methods of thy sovereign grace to the children of men. O that it may hereafter appear that our meditations have not been in vain. May our faith be strengthened ; may our holiness both of heart and life be promoted ; may our religious peace and happiness be established. Invigorate our memories to treasure up the truths of thy blessed word, that they may ever be present to us, as the guide of our thoughts, and as excitements to holy affections. May thy love to perishing sinners in Christ Jesus at all times command the homage of our gratitude and love. We thank thee for all that we have this day heard of Christ, and the way of salvation by his blood-shedding on the cross. May he ever appear to us in his own native dignity, as Emmanuel, God with us. May we adore and love him as fairer than the children of men ; and while we contemplate him as offering himself a sacrifice for our sins, may we feel that we are his by ties of eternal and indissoluble gratitude. Pour upon us thy Holy Spirit, that the testimony respecting Christ, and him crucified, may find an abiding place in our minds and hearts ; and that the influence of the Christian sanctuary may extend itself to the whole of our experience, and to every part of our conduct and conversation. Into thy most gracious hands, Almighty Father, we commend ourselves during the silence and darkness of this night. Thy providence has been our stay and refuge in all the stages of our past pilgrimage ; thou hast never been unmindful of us, though we have so often forgotten thee. Help us then to put our trust under the shadow of thy wings, until all the perils of this mortal life are for ever terminated. Let thy rod and thy staff comfort us, even in the valley of the shadow of death. Let the Angel of the covenant divide the troubled waters of Jordan, that we may realize a peaceful and an abundant entrance into thine everlasting kingdom and glory, through Jesus Christ, the Leader and Captain of our salvation : and to the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost be glory everlasting. Amen. 719 FIFTY-FIRST iBontmg iHornutjj, Jeremiah, Chapter xxv. WEEK. G OD of truth, bless and sanctify to our souls the reading and hearing of thy holy word, and especially that portion of it which has just now been under review. And grant, O most merciful Father, that the end of all those spiritual privileges with which thou hast so liberally indulged us, may be to make us more intimately acquainted with thy dear Son Jesus Christ. Do thou be pleased to shed new light upon our minds, while directed to a renewed contemplation of the Saviour’s glorious character, offices, and all-perfect righteousness, this morning. May we know the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, who, although he was rich, yet for our sakes became poor, that we through his poverty might be made rich. Grant us true faith in his great name, that through him we may obtain remission of sin, may escape the wrath to come, may rejoice in the blessing of pardon and reconciliation in this life, and a full and free admission into the joy of the Lord in that which is to come. May each of our minds be directed to the cultivation of all those dispositions and graces which thy word enjoins, and be assisted in the subjugation of those evil passions which are contrary to godliness, injurious to our own highest welfare, and opposed to thy glory. At the same time may we be assured that no endeavour of ours to purify our hearts can be successful if attempted in our own strength, or while we are strangers to the all-constraining principle of love to Jesus Chrigt. May we be convinced that our natures are so totally undone by sin, so utterly at variance with the requirements of thy holy law, that nothing will serve to remedy our condition but an entire change of heart, a renunciation of all goodness in ourselves, and a cordial reception of thy dear Son in all his divine offices, and in all his saving and transforming influences. Impart to us, therefore, we earnestly implore thee this morning, an abundant supply of tby Holy Spirit’s influences, that he may create us anew, may unfold to us the mysteries of redemption, and enable each of us to receive and to walk in Christ ; so that we may be found in him at last, not having our own righteousness, which is of the law, but that which is through the faith of Christ, the righteousness which is of God by faith. Having boldness of access into thy holy and blessed presence, through the blood of the everlasting covenant, may we enter into the full enjoyment of our exalted privilege, and look to thee as the children of thy love, pardoned, accepted, and justified by faith in the great Surety. O Lord, strengthen us this day to overcome all those evils to which we may be exposed. Let love to thee, and the fear of offending thee, restrain us from sin, and stimulate us to every good word and work. Let thine eye be ever upon us for good : let the motives suggested in thy gospel on the past Sabbath, be present to our minds, while pursuing the path of duty ; let a holy serenity of disposition possess our spirits in all the events of life ; let a deep responsibility to God guide, restrain, and animate us wherever we may be, or however we may be circumstanced. Hasten, O Lord, the coming of thy glorious kingdom. May the government of thine Anointed be every where acknowledged, and every where obeyed ; until the end shall come, when Christ shall deliver up the kingdom to God, even the Father, and when God shall be all in all. All these things, so far as accordant with thy holy will, we ask in the name of our ever-living Intercessor, who is God over all, blessed for evermore. Amen. 720 FrFTY-FIRST JUmitiag (§bntms, WEEK. John, Chapter v. 0 THOU eternal and ever-blessed Jehovah, who wast, and art, and art to come, the dwelling-place and refuge of thy children in all generations ; be pleased to look upon us in infinite compassion, as we are now prostrate before the footstool of thy throne of mercy. Let not our guilt and unworthiness repress the exercise of thy free and distinguishing grace ; but from our helplessness and misery, do thou take occasion to display the riches of thy sovereign love, and to bestow upon us those benefits which, while they will enhance our peace and happiness, will at the same time bring glory to thy name, and raise us to communion with thee on earth, and to an eternal fellowship with thee in heaven. In thee, O God, are all our springs. Without thee we are nothing, and can do nothing. May we ever feel our dependence, our guilt, and our unworthiness ; and ever cast ourselves upon thy gracious and fatherly care. Thou hast hitherto sustained us, and w’e believe that thou wilt guide us by thy counsel, and afterward receive us to glory. May our belief in thy providence be firm and unshaken; and may thy promises be our heritage for ever, O Lord our God, we are not worthy to come into thy presence, or to take thy name upon our lips. But we plead the infinite merits and the all-prevailing righteousness of our divine Surety. For his sake thou hast promised to receive sinners, and to bestow upon them the choisest blessings of thy favour. We would repose our everlasting hopes upon the great Sacrifice of the cross ; we would be found in Christ, not having on our own righteousness, which is of the law, but that which is through the faith of Christ, the righteousness which is of God by faith ; that we may know him, and the power of his resurrection, and the fellowship of his sufferings, being made conformable unto his death ; if by any means we may attain to the resurrection of the dead. Baptize us into the Spirit of Christ : may we die with him; may we rise with him ; and may we at last reign with him. To us to live may it be Christ, and to die may it be gain : and may the life we now live in the flesh be by the faith of the Son of God, who loved us, and gave himself for us. O give us vic- tory over a sinful world, which hated, persecuted, and crucified our blessed Lord. May we seek to live for the good of the world. Let our light so shine before men, that they, seeing our good works, may glorify our Father who is in heaven. And when called to quit the world, may we leave a testimony behind us to the purity of our character, the devotedness of our lives, and the uniform spirit of benevolence by which we have been exercised. We bless thee, O most bountiful Father, for the innumerable mercies of this day. Thou hast shielded us from danger ; thou hast supplied our wants ; thou hast kept us from evil. We now meet at the family altar, to record thy mercies, and to supplicate afresh thy continued favour. Be near to each of our spirits in this approach to the footstool of thy throne. Pour upon us all the healthful spirit of thy grace. Constitute us all thy children. Take up thine abode in our hearts. Make us wholly thine. Subdue all that is rebellious ; eradicate all that is corrupt ; strengthen all that is weak ; comfort all that is sorrowful. Graciously be with us this night. Blot all the sins of the day out of the book of thy remembrance. Accept us and our free-will offerings, through Jesus Christ, our Strength and Redeemer. Amen. 4 Y 721 FIFTY-FIRST Cue^tmg iiflonung Jeremiah, Chapter xxvi. WEEK. 0 GOD, thou art our God, early would we seek thee. Unto thee would we cry, O Lord our Rock. Hear the voice of our supplications when we cry unto thee, and lift up our hands toward thy holy place. Our voice shalt thou hear in the morning, O Lord ; in the morning will we direct our prayer unto thee, and will look up. We bless thee for the privilege of prayer, by which our souls may hold converse with thee; we bless thee for the mediation of thy beloved Son, through whom alone we hope to find acceptance in thy sight ; and we praise thee for the promised aid of thy Holy Spirit, under whose gracious influence and teaching may we ever pay our vows unto thee, the God of our salvation. As thou hast been pleased to raise us up this morning, and collect us together in health and in safety, we would ever acknowledge thy preserving and sustaining goodness. O that our souls may be kindled into a flame of sacred devotion while thus bending before thy lofty throne. If consistent with thy righteous will, let a continuation and increase of thy favour attend our steps this day, as we may be severally engaged in our respective spheres of activity and duty. May thy blessed word, as read for our spiritual profit, shed a divine light on each of our hearts. Grant that the word of Christ may dwell in us richly in all wisdom. How precious are thy thoughts unto us ; if we would speak of them, they are more than can be numbered ! How great is thy loving-kindness to those that fear thee, and the goodness which thou hast laid up for them that trust in thee before the sons of men ! We are now about to enter on the services, the enjoyments, and it may be, the crosses and trials, of another day. May the prayer of the patriarch be ours, Lord, if thy presence go not with us, carry us not up hence. And, O that his answer too may be ours ! Say unto us, My presence shall go with thee, and I will give you rest. Then shall we reply, Lord, it is enough. We cannot trust ourselves ; but we can trust thee. We cannot believe ourselves; but may we believe on thee, even as did faithful Abraham. May the example of this father of the faithful, this friend of God, exert a becoming influence on all of us, as a family professing godliness. May we who are parents imitate his fidelity and righteous zeal, in the training up of our children. May we have all necessary grace to know ourselves, and assiduously to teach our children and our domestics the way of the Lord. O God of Abraham, hear our prayers in which we travail for the conversion of our beloved offspring. O come down into their hearts, and consecrate them as temples worthy of thy presence. Renovate their tender minds, ere yet the chains of vice shall nave enslaved and bound them over to the will of the great destroyer. Bless to them abundantly, as well as to us and to the servants of this house, the means of grace on which they regularly attend from week to week, together with all the domestic instruc- tions and privileges which we enjoy. Let thy kingdom come. May thy will be done in earth as it is in heaven. Deliver from every evil work, and preserve us all, and all for whom we are required to pray, to thine eternal kingdom and glory. And unto God the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, one Godhead, be all glory and praise for ever and ever. Amen. FIFTY-FIRST Cuestmg WEEK. John, Chapter vi. P ARENT of infinite goodness, behold again a portion of thy dependent creatures drawing near to thee in the exercise of prayer and thanksgiving. May we be numbered among thy sincere worshippers, and be indeed a people near unto God. Help us to praise thee, O Thou Holy One of Israel. Our lips are sealed, do thou open them. Our affections are cold, do thou warm and inflame them. Our souls cleave unto the dust, quicken us, O Lord, according to thy word. For thou art the fountain of all holy thoughts, of all divine emotions, and of all spiritual perfection and saving power. We would now commemorate thy continued acts of favour to us during another day of our frail life. In going out and in coming in, thou hast protected us. Thou hast encom- passed our path with goodness, and clothed us with mercy as with a garment. O that men would praise the Lord for his goodness, and for his wonderful works to the children of men. But although thy kindness has flowed in unbroken and unebbing streams to us, our gratitude has not risen with equal fulness and freshness towards thee. How much of our heart has gone out after the favour of the world this day ; and how small a portion of it after the light of thy countenance ; what trifles have been sufficient to weigh down our spirits to the earth, and to hinder their soaring towards heaven and Christ, and the end- less incorruptible inheritance ! O pardon and eradicate this our carnality and sin ; ^and elevate our desires, that they may centre only in thee as their only good, and all-satisfying portion for ever. Be pleased to impart unto each of us more enlarged manifestations of thy redeeming mercy. We thank thee for the measure of spiritual light and knowledge which thou hast already conferred upon us. Yet we desire to grow in grace, and in the knowledge of Christ. We therefore beseech thee, as the Father of glory, that, the eyes of our understanding being enlightened, we may know what are the riches of the glory of thine inheritance in the saints, and what is the fellowship of the mystery which from the begin- ning of the world hath been hid in God ; and that we may be able to comprehend with all saints what is the breadth and length, and depth and height, and to know the love of Christ which passeth knowledge, that we may be filled with all the fulness of God. We would again renew our confidence in thy protection during the night on which we are entering. Stretch around our sleeping couch the curtains of thy favour. Defend us from all danger and alarm, from fire and sickness. And in the morning, should it please thee to spare us, may we resume our ackowledgments to thy holy name for all temporal and spiritual blessings. As a family, we would again supplicate the continuance of thy rich favours to each of us, according to the several necessities with which thou seest us to be surrounded. Constantly smile on thy servant and handmaid called to preside over the affairs of this domestic institution. O give us more of thy grace, that we may walk circumspectly, and bring up our children and servants in the knowledge and fear of God. Extend every new-covenant blessing to all our relatives, our neighbours, our fellow- Christians, our country, and the world. May we all be faithful unto death, and then receive the crown of life, for Jesus Christ’s sake ; to whom, with thee, O Father, and the Eternal Spirit, be everlasting homage. Amen. 7-3 4 Y i FIFTY-FIRST iHonung. Jeremiah, Chapter xxvii. WEEK. 0 GOD of love, and Author of our salvation ; the Father of mercies ; the Creator and Preserver of all thy creatures ; the only refuge and rest of rational and immortal spirits ; we would draw near to thy throne of grace this morning, to render our imperfect but grateful homage to thy great name, for all thy manifold goodness. Graciously help us to worship thee in spirit and in truth, and may our united prayers and thanksgivings find acceptance in thine ear, for the sake of thy dear Son, Jesus Christ. We would humbly bless and magnify thee, most merciful Lord God, for thy continued protection vouchsafed to each one of us during the past night, while wrapt in the helpless- ness of slumber, and while the image of death was impressed upon us. Thou hast turned the shadow of death into the morning. Thou hast both made us to lie down to sleep, and to arise in safety. As a family, therefore, and as individuals, we would now magnify and bless thee. Having been permitted to reach another day, we humbly beseech of thee all necessary grace to devote it wholly to thy glory. We are ashamed, indeed, and blush to lift up our faces before thee, a holy and jealous God, when we reflect on the unprofitableness of our past lives, and on the number of days and years which have been permitted to pass away in forgetfulness of thee, and of the many and solemn claims which thou hast on our time and services. O holy Father, enter not into judgment with thy servants. May we possess the grace of deep and genuine repentance for our past sins both of omission and of commission. Extend to each of us thy pardoning love through the efficacious application of the blood of sprinkling to our hearts and consciences. Bestow on us, we earnestly beseech thee, the quickening energies of thy holy and blessed Spirit, that we may now render unto thee such a sacrifice as thou requirest, even that of a broken and contrite spirit. Let thy gracious smile rest on every individual composing this social and domestic circle. May thy holy truth, as read and meditated on by us, be sanctified to our souls, and let its divine dictates guide and animate us throughout the duties and changes of this day. Whatever may be our occupations in the several stations to which thou hast appointed us, may we be in the fear of the Lord all the day long. If constituted the heads of the family, O may all needful wisdom and grace be imparted to us, that we may walk before our house in a perfect way, and be instrumental in directing those over whom we are placed as with a good conscience, and under a pleasing sense of the divine appro- bation and blessing. To the younger branches of this family let all suitable dispositions be granted, so that they may grow in knowledge, in piety, and in promise. May such as wait on the discharge of domestic duties be taught to wait on the Lord in secret, and to seek the renewing of their minds, that they may thereby be made meet for the service of the upper sanctuary. Encircle with the arms of thy protection all our dear and beloved friends and relatives. Sanctify the varied dispensations of thy providence to us and to them. And having filled up the design of thy holy will respecting us in the world, may we depart to be with Christ, and be enabled to greet each other’s arrival in the heavenly kingdom of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. And now, O Father of spirits, accept our feeble breathings after thee, for Christ the Redeemer’s sake. Amen. 724 fifty first Wetmestiag OFbenuifl, week John, Chapter vii. O THOU that hearest prayer, and whose ear is ever open to the cry of thy children, while thou art saying to us, Seek ye my face, may our souls respond, Thy face, Lord, we will seek. May we say, Whom have we in heaven but thee, and there is none upon the earth that we desire beside thee. Accept, we humbly pray thee, our sincere acknowledgments for all the blessings which thy bounty and goodness have this day poured out upon our path. We have partaken largely of the gifts of thy good providence, for thou hast nourished our hearts with food and gladness. We are permitted to appear before thee in the enjoyment of health of body and tranquillity of mind. Thou hast enabled us to pass through the duties and trials of another day ; and we now appear before thee, to raise a pillar of remembrance for every instance of thy daily and hourly faithfulness and care toward us, and to inscribe on it, Ebenezer, hitherto hath the Lord helped us. Be pleased to continue to us the forfeited tokens of thy regard, and to bestow upon us all things necessary to life and godliness. Above all, grant that thy Holy Spirit may enlighten our understandings to perceive the value and excellency of the great sacrifice made for sin by the sufferings and death of thy dear Son upon the cross. Convinced, in some measure, of our misery and danger while exposed to the curse of that righteous law which we have so often violated, and whose penalties we have so awfully incurred, we implore thy divine grace to overcome, wholly to overcome, the enmity of our hearts to the glorious truths of salvation, and to that scheme of reconciliation which thy mercy has caused to be unfolded in the blessed gospel. Assured that it is not enough simply to be acquainted with the words of eternal life, we pray, O blessed God, that each member of this household may be endowed with an effectual and lively faith in the Lamb of God who taketh away the sin of the world. May we know, from happy and personal experience, what manner of love thou hadst towards us, when thou didst not spare thy Son, thine only Son, hut didst freely give him up to the death for us all, the just for the unjust, that we might be brought home to God. May we be pre- served from harbouring false hopes of our present security or of our future glory. May our hearts rejoice in the sacred information, that other foundation can no man lay than that which is laid, even Jesus Christ. We thank thee for the gracious encouragement which is presented to us in the words of the Son of man, when he said, Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest May our hearts respond, Lord, we come unto thee, for thou art the Lord our God. But, O God, a solemn inquiry presses upon us while thus bending in devotion before thee, Have we ever really come to the Saviour to obtain rest ? May this inquiry be pressed on every heart in this worshipping family this evening. How much do we owe to thy sovereignty and love, if any one of us has been led seriously to consider and to ponder this great question, Hast thou, my soul, come to the Friend of sinners for salvation ? And how much more must we be indebted to the riches of thy com- passion, if any one of us has really obtained peace through the blood of the cross. May we all find mercy of the Lord in that day, when heaven and earth shall pass away. We beg these mercies, with the pardon of all our sins, for Christ the Redeemer’s sake. Amen. 725 ■FIFTY-FIRST CJyurgtrag J$tornntg< Jeremiah, Chapter xxviii. WEEK. E TERNAL Majesty of heaven and of earth, thou art great, and needest not the loftiest adoration of thy creatures to increase the sum of thine essential happiness. With thee is fulness of joy. Thou art high and lifted up, and art revealed to us as above all blessing and praise. All that celebrates thy perfections, whether in heaven or in earth, must fall short of thy glory. The heavens, yea, even the heaven of heavens, cannot contain thee. All that can be comprehended in our contracted ideas of boundless space, is too narrow to confine thy glories. Eternity is thy mansion, and the place of thy sanctuary. But whilst thou art thus high, it is matter for our encouragement that thou hast respect unto the lowly. Attracted, therefore, by this delightful view of thy character, and by a renewal of thy numerous mercies, we, a part of thine intelligent offspring, would humbly surround this family altar. We would unite in celebrating thy providential goodness to us as a family, throughout the past night, and during the whole of our past lives. When looking back on thy past dealing with us, we feel constrained to adopt the words of thy servant David, and to say, Surely goodness and mercy have followed us all the days of our lives. Continue to smile on us this day, we humbly beseech thee. Go forth with us to the various duties and engagements which may lie before us. And may a sense of thine acceptance of our ways and labours for the sake of Jesus Christ, console and cheer, direct and prosper us. Com- mand thy benediction to rest on those of us in thy presence, to whom thou hast committed the concerns of this family for management and direction. Endow us with all suitable qualifications for the right ordering of our conversation before thee this day. May our example be such as shall not mislead but improve the conduct of those over whose nurture and training thou hast placed us. And may we and they all study the bright and spotless pattern of the Son of God ; that so beholding as in a glass the glory of the Lord, we may be all transformed into the same image, from glory to glory, as by the Spirit of the Lord. Bless, too, the younger branches of this household. May they remember thee, their Creator, in the days of their youth. May they seek thee early, and say unto thee from this time, My Father, thou art the guide of my youth. Remember thy believing people in all their adversities : while thou hast been pleased to exempt this family from present calamity, there are many of thy children who may be called at this time to pass through great tribulation. Help us to mourn with those who mourn, as well as to rejoice with those who rejoice. And let thy benignity spread its comfort and its mercy over all flesh. Bless our country with peace and prosperity — with religious and civil distinctions; may our nation retain her pre-eminence; and may every error, iniquity, and abuse be removed from our borders. Let the Sovereign of these realms be under thy gracious protection and blessing. Be known unto all our rulers as the source whence they derive their authority, but especially be known unto them as the God of their salvation. We now commit ourselves to thee this day, with all our beloved friends and relations. Lord, undertake for us. Guide us here by thy counsel, and after- wards bring us to thy glory. And all praise, dominion, and power shall be to Father, Son, and Spirit, both now and evermore. Amen. 726 FIFTY-FIRST Ciwrsfoag aftmtutg. WEEK. John, Chapter viii. O NCE more, O righteous Father, after the toils and mercies of another day, we would approach thy mercy-seat. Ere we commit our bodies to rest, may our souls renew their rest in thee, and in communion with thy dear Son, the Saviour and Friend of sinners. Aid us by the influences of thy holy and blessed Spirit, that our hearts may be drawn to thyself as their dwelling-place and secure repose. Whatever of a disquieting nature may have assailed our peace this day, in our necessary intercourse with the world, may we rejoice that we have constant access to thy throne of mercy ; and that by the exercises of social and secret devotion our hearts may be restored to their proper feeling, and our spirits introduced to our strong pavilion. We humbly implore the exercise of thy forgiveness for the sins of this day. We have reason at all times to humble ourselves in the dust before thee ; to confess and to lament the imperfections and trespasses which cleave to us in our attempts to serve thee. We do not, as we ought, hate sin with a perfect hatred ; neither do we pursue holiness with that diligence and constancy which a regard to thine honour and to our happiness so powerfully demands. How often have we -been led away by the deceitfulness of sin ; we have been tempted to indulge it in ourselves, and to connive at the indulgence of it in others. Yea, even while we have been professedly deploring its evil and malignity, we have, in some instances, entertained a regard for it in our hearts : but there is forgive- ness with thee, that thou mayest be feared ; with thee there is plenteous redemption. This night, therefore, may each member of this family circle find pardon extended to the conscience, and may the benign voice of the Son of man be heard saying, Be of good cheer, thy sins are forgiven thee. O thou blessed Saviour, we come this night to the fountain of thy mercy, to the blood which thou didst shed for our cleansing and redemption. May each of us know the value of this precious blood of Christ, and let the Holy Spirit effectually apply its healing virtues to all our souls. We would with earnestness and believing confidence solicit thy blessing upon each of us, as now bowing down before thee. May parents and children, those who direct and those who discharge the domestic affairs of this household, be embued with the same spirit of love for the sacred principles of the gospel, and the same spirit of devotedness to the duties severally devolving upon them. May our dear connexions share in the blessings which we now invoke at thine hand. Grant, O Father, that their souls may be in health, and that they may prosper in all their undertakings for the good of the kingdom, and the common interests of humanity. Let thy faithful ministers, in all departments of the holy catholic church, be at all times assisted and defended by thee. Thou hast promised to give thy Son the heathen for his inheritance, and the uttermost parts of the earth for his possession. We ardently pray for the spread of truth and righteousness throughout all lands. Let the people praise thee, O God ; let all the people praise thee. Behold us now resigned to thy keeping through the night which is before us. Suffer no alarm to come nigh our dwelling. Defend us from fire and sick- ness ; and may the morning find us refreshed, and fitted for thy service. We beg all in the name of our great High Priest and Intercessor. To whom, with the Father and the Holy Ghost, one God, be glory for ever and ever. Amen. 727 FIFTY-FIRST WEEK. Jeremiah, Chapter xxix. 0 THOU King Eternal, Immortal, and Invisible, the only wise God ! bow thy gracious ear to our feeble and imperfect prayers ; and, for the sake of our adored High Priest, pour down upon us copious measures of thy Holy Spirit, that we may present an offering to thee in spirit and in truth, and that the meditations of our hearts and the words of our lips may be acceptable in thy sight, O Lord our strength and our Redeemer. We pray that it may be our highest aim at all times to be numbered with those that trust and fear thee. Wearied of reaping the fruits of folly, of irreligion, vanity, and sin, we humbly desire to yield ourselves to the pursuit of true wisdom. It is recorded in thy word, that the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom. O teach us this primary lesson, this first element and principle of godliness. We are urged to diligence in this momentous acquisition, from a consideration of the shortness of life, and of the fickleness and uncertainty of all things earthly. Thou hast made our days as an handbreadth; yea, as nothing before thee. They pass away as a dream, and are swifter than a weaver’s shuttle. May these considerations, O God, especially enhance in our estimation the value of the gospel, and stimulate us to make sure of an interest in its glorious provisions. May we have our portion in that new covenant of endless life which thou hast made with thy chosen, and for which the Son of thy love bled, and died, and rose again to thy right hand to ratify and to secure to all the faithful. Convince each member of this domestic circle of the total depravity of the human heart, and of the necessity of the regenerating influence of the Holy Ghost, to turn it wholly to God, and incline its affec- tions heavenward. Shew to each of us the necessity of a living and spiritual faith in the finished work of the Redeemer, as the only and exclusive foundation of the sinner’s hopes and expectations for eternity. May we all be freely justified, fully sanctified, and at last eternally glorified together. We know not what may be thy ultimate designs with us in the present changing world. We who as a family have been favoured so long in continuance of unity and peace, enjoying an unbroken communion of the blessings of providence and the delights of friendship, may soon be separated from each other. But O that we may never be disjoined from thy love, thou God of truth, of unchanging faithfulness and peace. Although the earthly bounds of our habitation may be changed, still may we dwell under thy shadow, and be sheltered in thy pavilion. O God of consolation, we would sympathize with all the subjects of afiliction, to whom wearisome nights and days are appointed. May they be supported under their visita- tions ; and grant that the fruit of all their afflictions may be, to take away sin. May they come forth from the furnace as gold when it has been seven times refined. But if a speedy separation from this world awaits them, may they be prepared for their solemn change. May Christ be formed in them, the hope of eternal glory. Into thy gracious hands we commend our bodies, our spirits — all our interests for time and eternity. Listen to the voice of our cry, our King and our God, for the sake of our only Mediator and Advocate, to whom be glory for ever. Amen. 728 FIFTY-FIRST dfrftrag aftmting, WEEK. John, Chapter ix. F ATHER of our spirits, and Former of our bodies, we look up this evening to the place where thine honour dwelleth, beseeching thee to regard us in tender mercy, and to listen to the voice of our humble and importunate prayer. We plead with thee thine own faithful promises, and rely for acceptance upon the finished work of thy dear Son. Wash us in that fountain which has been opened in his precious blood. Justify us through faith in his perfect righteousness. Enrich and beautify our minds by the graces of his Holy Spirit. Bless us with all spiritual blessings in heavenly places in Christ Jesus. Let the thought of thy boundless mercy to a lost world kindle in our bosoms a flame of love and gratitude never to be extinguished. How rich the repast which thou hast spread for us in the gospel feast. Quicken, we pray thee, our spiritual appetites, that we may hunger and thirst after righteousness, and thus be blessed and filled. Thou art inviting us into thine immediate presence, that we may feast and replenish our souls with all spiritual good, with all divine joys, and all heavenly refreshments, to support and animate us in our journey to the celestial city; and that we may go on our way rejoicing, and be as the sun when he shineth forth in his brightness. O may Christ be more precious to us in all his divine and saving offices. While he sees of the travail of his soul and is satisfied, may we experience that feeling of sympathy in his triumphs, which so well becomes those who are redeemed by his peace- speaking blood. We would worship thee, O Christ, as the King of glory ! Thou hast ascended up on high ; thou hast led captivity captive ; thou hast received gifts for men, yea, even for the rebellious. O remember us, now that thou art in thy kingdom ; let the gifts and graces of thy Spirit descend upon us ; refresh us with tokens of thy presence ; let us prove the virtue and efficacy of thine atoning blood ; let us be devoted to thee as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable, which is our reasonable service. May we think of thy sufferings and death, of thy disinterested love and compassion, and may we present ourselves to thy glory as a kind of first-fruits of thy creatures. Make us watchful and diligent, that at thy coming we may be found of thee in peace, without spot, and blameless. Draw near to us this night, as we now call upon thee in our family capacity. Lord, accept thanks for all personal and social mercies. Keep our souls in perfect peace, being stayed on thee. But help us to determine with certainty whether we have ever really trusted in thee. Before we compose our bodies to rest, may we be anxious to know whether our souls have found rest in Jesus Christ. If there be any one now before thee whose heart is not right with God, may it be our first and most earnest desire that such may be turned to the Lord, and find the joys of his salvation. Lord, awaken and save such an individual, and pluck him as a brand from the burning. Grant that we may be Christians, not in name only, but in deed and in truth. Let men be constrained to take knowledge of us that we have been with Jesus. Let our conversation be in heaven, from whence we look for the Saviour, who shall change our vile bodies, and fashion them like to his own glorious body, by that power whereby he is able to subdue all things to himself. And to Father, Son, and Holv Ghost, one God, be glory and dominion evermore. Amen. 729 4 Z FIFTY-FIRST ^aturtmg JBontmg WEEK. Jeremiah, Chapter xxx, DORABLE Creator, the First and the Last, the wisest, the holiest, and the best of Beings. We come to thee, for thou art holy. New as the light, and multiplied as the dew of the morning, do thy mercies pour down upon us. Raised again from inactivity and slumber, and invigorated by repose, we would present before thee our vows and adorations. Accept, O Father, for the sake of our great High Priest, these our imperfect offerings. We would magnify thy grace as manifested in the volume of inspiration, and especially in those parts of it where Christ Jesus is most clearly revealed in the character of our substitute, and ever-living Intercessor. We would follow him in our affections to the exaltation which he now sustains at thy right hand ; and where he shall continue, till he come again with power and great glory to judge the world, even the quick and the dead. O that our hearts may be visited by the light of thy Holy Spirit, while thus we contem- plate the wonderful mystery of the cross, of a crucified and risen Redeemer. This morn- ing may our hearts burn within us, as we meditate on the great discoveries of the gospel. May we sit at the feet of Jesus, and hear his celestial voice. He is the good Shepherd; he laid down his life for the sheep. May we be his sheep, hearing his voice, and receiving from him eternal life ; so shall we never perish, neither shall any one be able to pluck us out of the Redeemer’s hands. Look down, we earnestly implore thee, on each individual now assembled at the footstool of thy throne of mercy. Lord, remember us for good. This day keep us from all sin ; from all impropriety of conduct towards each other, and those with whom we may mingle in the world ; from the temptation of the great destroyer, and from the deceit and weakness of our own hearts. May we be diligent in business, fervent in spirit, serving the Lord. Enable us so to order our conversation as that we may enjoy the smile of thine approbation and the approval of others. May we walk in wisdom toward them that are without, redeeming the time. May we be enabled to live to some good purpose this day ; proving what is that good, and perfect, and acceptable will of thine. May we so order our duties and engagements this day, as that our minds may be thoroughly prepared for the duties and solemnities of thy holy Sabbath. Do thou prepare us for reaping the full advantages of all our privileges on that sacred day,' should it please thee to spare us. Hear our prayers for all thy ministering servants who may this day be devoted to the study of the word of life for our improvement and salvation. And grant that they may be so replenished from the treasures of thy grace, as that they may come forth on the morrow in the fulness of the blessing of the gospel of Christ. O Lord, have mercy on each member of this family. May we all belong to the house- hold of faith. May we be increasingly anxious to examine our individual character before thee, and in the view of an eternal world. Lord, search us, and try us, and see if there be any evil thing in us, and lead us in the way everlasting. Bless the world universally in all its interests ; but especially as it regards the eternal destiny of its blind and devoted inhabitants. O send forth thy light and thy truth. Let thy salvation be revealed, and may all flesh see it together. Into thine hands do we resign all the affairs of thy divine kingdom. We are unworthy to approach thee, but we seek acceptance alone through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. 730 FIFTY-FIRST «#aturtmB <£bntfttg. WEEK. John, Chapter x. OTWITHSTANDING our utter unworthiness, O heavenly Father, to unite together this evening in calling on thy holy name, yet as thou hast sent thy Son into the world to seek and to save the lost, we are encouraged to present our prayers and our praises at thy footstool. It is, then, in humble reliance for acceptance on the righteous- ness of the divine Redeemer, that we now desire to recount thy mercies to us throughout another day, and throughout the changes and engagements of another week. And, O thou heart-searching God, how many sins have we constantly to confess before thee! What impurity still clings to our character and attempts to serve thee ! In all things we sin, and come short of thy glory. Now therefore, O compassionate Jehovah, regard us as we take refuge in the satisfaction which the divine Saviour hath offered unto thee in his own body on the tree. For thou hast made him to be a sin-offering for us who knew no sin, that we might be made the righteousness of God in him. Whatever may have been our transgressions or our guilt, this is our only plea, that Christ hath magnified the law, and that he is the end of the law for righteousness to every one that believeth. He himself has said, Whosoever cometh unto me, I will in no wise cast out. O glorious promise. Draw us, O Father, and we shall follow thee. Incline our hearts to fear thy name; to accept of eternal life on thine own terms, without money and with- out price. We desire this night to review our past lives, and to renew our repentance for the dishonour cast on thy name, and on the glory of thy gospel, in consequence of our repeated transgressions and many departures from thee, our light, and our chief good. O how vile have been our hearts, how wayward and rebellious have been our thoughts, words, and actions. Yet we would not despair, nor surrender the hopes which thy word has excited in us, of thy readiness to receive our supplications for pardon and peace. As returning prodigals, we trust thou wilt once more welcome us to thy throne of mercy, and invest us with the forfeited privileges of thy spiritual family. We pray that we may receive the Spirit of adoption ; that all doubt of thy love to us may be removed. Put far from us the fear which hath torment, and make us perfect in the confidence and experience of thy love in Christ Jesus. Thou didst love us, yea, so love us as to send thine only begotten Son. that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. Thou didst first love us ; therefore may we be taught to love thee, and that with a progressive and supreme affection for ever. Most blessed God and Father, we are now directing our thoughts to the prospects, the duties, and privileges of thy holy Sabbath. May we be in the Spirit on the Lord’s day. May a favourable and lasting impression attend the ordinances of thy church. O blessed Saviour ! thou hast ascended up on high, to give gifts unto men : store and furnish the minds of thy servants who may proclaim to us the good news of the kingdom. We now fall into thy hands. Hear us from thy holy habitation, and when thou hearest, forgive and accept for the Redeemer’s sake ; for whom we magnify thee, and to whom, with the Father and the blessed Spirit, be all glory and praise world without end. Amen. 731 FIFTY-SECOND Jmntmg JHtmttng, Jeremiah, Chapter xxxi. WEEK. W E praise and magnify thee, O Lord our God, as the Creator of heaven and earth, as the Father of our spirits, and the Former of our bodies, as the Upholder of all worlds, and as the Fountain of everlasting life and consolation. We adore thine infinite wisdom, and power, and goodness in all the works of thy hands; we acknowledge our absolute dependence upon thee, and render thanks to thee for all the mercy and goodness which thou hast caused to pass before us. For ever blessed be thy name, that thou didst so love the world as to give thine only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him might not perish, but have everlasting life. We rejoice that he was delivered for our offences, and was raised again for our justification. We would humbly adore thee for all the mercy displayed to the bodies and the souls of men, in the appointment of one day in seven for the purposes of religious worship and devout meditation. This is the day which thou hast made, we will rejoice and be glad in it. We would render praise this day to our Creator, our Redeemer, and our Sanctifier ; and would separate ourselves from the affections and pursuits of a vain and fleeting world. Bestow upon us, merciful Father, such a measure of thy grace this day, that we may wisely and devoutly employ all the means and ordinances of Divine appointment; that we may grow in grace, and in the knowledge of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ; and that we may increase in meetness for the loftier and purer engagements of the heavenly sanctuary. We confess, O Lord, that we have greatly offended against thee by the abuse of our past mercies and opportunities ; that we have failed to derive from thy day the benefits it was fitted to yield ; that we have provoked thee to remove the candlestick out of its place ; and that we have grieved thy Holy Spirit; we beseech thee, O gracious Father, to forgive us all our past offences, negligences, and short-comings, and to bestow upon us that grace by which we may be enabled, with full purpose of heart, to serve and glorify thee in the duties of this new day of the Son of man. Regard thy universal Church ; be graciously present in the assemblies of thy people ; hear the innumerable prayers which may be presented to thy throne in the name of Christ ; let thy word be mighty, through grace, to the pulling down of the strong-holds of sin and Satan ; let the inhabitants of Zion be joyful in their King. May the message of salvation come with power to the consciences of thousands and tens of thousands of the children of men ; and may all who name the name of Christ depart from iniquity. Bestow upon the sick and afflicted, and upon all such as are lawfully detained from public ordinances, a plentiful supply of thy Spirit. May thy servant who ministers to us in holy things be strengthened for the faithful, happy, and successful discharge of his public duties. May he speak a word in season to them that are weary ; may he be a messenger of God to our souls ; and may the great day declare that he has neither laboured in vain, nor spent his strength for nought and in vain. These blessings we implore in the name and for the sake of Him who loved us, and gave himself for us ; to whom, with the Father and the Holy Ghost, be glory everlasting. Amen. 732 FIFTY-SECOND GFbenmfl. WEEK. John, Chapter xr. E TERNALLY blessed, and infinitely glorious Jehovah, who keepest mercy for thousands, and who forgivest iniquity, transgression, and sin, we present ourselves before thee this evening in the name of Christ, acknowledging our unworthiness and guilt, and beseeching thee to have mercy upon us, miserable sinners. We have not served thee this day with an undivided heart ; our spirits have been clogged by earthly affections ; the things of eternity have not sufficiently engaged our attention ; we have been slow of heart to believe the promises and threatenings of thy word ; we have been unmindful of the great love wherewith thou hast loved us, in giving thy Son to die for us ; our prayers, our praises, our attention to thy word, have all indicated the weakness of our faith, and the undue influence of present and sensible objects. We humble ourselves before thy throne, and entreat thee not to enter into judgment with thy servants, for in thy sight no flesh living can be justified. We praise thee, O Lord, for all thy mercies. Thy hand has formed us ; thy provi- dence has sustained us ; thy bounty has fed us ; in thee it is we live, and move, and have our being. May spiritual mercies, in particular, call forth our love and gratitude. We thank thee for heavenly things in Christ Jesus. For him, as thine unspeakable gift, we praise the riches of thine infinite mercy. For his assumption of our nature ; for his holy doctrine and exemplary life; for his cross and passion; for his resurrection and glorious ascension ; for his bestowment of the Holy Spirit — we desire to bless thee. May we be begotten again to a lively hope, by the resurrection of Christ from the. dead, to an inheritance incorruptible, undefiled, and which fadeth not away, reserved in heaven for them who are kept by the power of God through faith unto salvation. By patient continu- ance in well-doing, may we seek for glory, honour, immortality, and eternal life. Be pleased, O Lord, to extend thy mercy to the whole world. Let thy name be great among the gentiles, from the rising to the setting sun. In tender compassion look upon all the churches of Christ. Put an end to its manifold divisions ; pour upon all its members the spirit of love and unity; and cleanse it from all its remaining imperfections both in doctrine and practice, that it may become a praise in the whole earth. Look upon benighted and idolatrous nations. Send to them all the light of life. Regard in much mercy our own highly favoured but sinful country. Pardon our abuse of mercies; our unthankfulness for the light of the gospel ; the aboundings of our national guilt. O continue to us the ordinances and institutions of thy grace ; let not the candle- stick be removed out of its place ; but, by a copious effusion of thy Holy Spirit, may we be enabled to make more diligent improvement of our future mercies. Pour upon each member of this family the dew of thy blessing. May we all be one in Christ Jesus ; one in faith and holiness ; and one in the hopes of everlasting life. Pardon the sins and infirmities of the day, especially those of our holy things. Lay not our unbelief, our thoughtlessness, our lukewarmness, our impenitence, to our charge. Wash us in atoning blood ; sanctify us by the Spirit of truth and grace ; and prepare us for thine everlasting kingdom, through Jesus Christ ; to whom be glory and dominion world without end. Amen. 733 FIFTY-SECOND JHcmtsag iHornmg, Jeremiah, Chapter xxxii. WEEK. 0 MOST blessed Lord, who canst alone direct and prosper us in all our undertakings, and guide us in the path of safety and duty, enable us, we humbly beseech Thee, to enter upon the engagements of this week with our eyes and our hearts upon thee. O remind us, amidst all its busy and anxious scenes, that one thing is needful, and that, in comparison with the salvation and edification of our souls, all things are valueless and unimportant. Teach us by thy gracious Spirit, in all our ways to acknowledge thee, that thou mayest direct our steps. We would think of thy innumerable mercies. O Lord, thou hast watched over us during the past night; thou hast preserved our property, our health, our friends, and our accustomed earthly blessings ; and again are we permitted to surround the family altar. O let not the holy impressions which were made upon our hearts on the past sabbath, while hearing the blessed truths of thy word, be taken from us, but let their hallowing influences be felt by us through the whole of this week. Grant that we may be living epistles of Christ, known and read of all men. May we have the happy evidence in our own hearts, and may those around us witness it in our lives, that we are born of the incorruptible seed, of the word which liveth and abideth for ever. O thou blessed Saviour, impart to us thy meek and lowly spirit, that we may walk before thee as the children of the light; and may our light so shine before men, that they, seeing the fruits of thy love in our holy obedience to thy commands, and in a ready acquiescence in thy will, may glorify thee our Father who art in heaven. O suffer us not so exclusively to look upon our own things, as to be unmindful of the things of others ; but ever let us remember that the beloved disciple who leaned on thy bosom hath said, Whoso hath this world’s good, and seeth his brother have need, and shutteth up his bowels of compassion from him, how dwelleth the love of God in him ? Let compassion and benevo- lence be found in our hearts united with that gentleness and lowliness of mind which thou requirest of all who profess thy name; and let thy glory be our constant, our highest aim. O enable us to be watchful over our hearts, for out of them are the issues of life. Let us take the whole armour of God, that we may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil, and having done all to stand. Give us thy grace to know that the great business of life is to be made meet for the inheritance of the saints in light, and to be looking for the glorious appearance of the great God, and our God and Saviour, who shall change our vile bodies, that they may be fashioned like unto his own glorious body, by that power whereby he is able to subdue all things unto himself. Let us continually be reminded of the efficacy of believing prayer, so that we may ever cast out burden upon thee, believing that thou carest for us ; and in every thing, by prayer and supplication, may we make our requests known unto thee our God, that the peace of God which passeth all understanding shall keep our hearts and minds through Christ Jesus. In great mercy forgive the many sins, negligences, and ignorances which at all times mingle with our unworthy and feeble petitions ; and may we, in sincerity and singleness of heart, present to thee our praises and thanksgivings, through the merits and intercession of Jesus Christ our Lord and Saviour ; to whom, with Thee and the Holy Ghost, be all honour and glory for ever. Amen. 734 FIFTY-SECOND iBontiai) Ofbem'nfl, John, Chapter xii. WEEK. 0 LORD, our strength and defence, our helper and our portion, to thee, at the close of this first day of the busy occupation of another week, we would offer up our united thanksgivings for all the lovingkindness and tender mercies bestowed upon us since we last assembled together in thy name. Although we have not been conscious of any particular danger or difficulty attending our path, yet we would remember that we are at all times exposed to evils, seen or unseen ; that it is of thy tender mercies we are not consumed, and because thy compassions fail not, that we are thus sustained day by day in safety and comfort. How joyous to contemplate thy fatherly love in our constant preservation, how refresh- ing to the heart is the assurance that thou dost all things well ! If thou hadst not loved us infinitely more than we have loved thee, how affecting would be our present condition ! We confess that we have destroyed ourselves; we have hewn out to ourselves cisterns, broken cisterns, that can hold no water. But, blessed be thy name, O Lord our heavenly Father, thou didst so love the world as to give thy only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life. We bless thee, O thou Redeemer of a lost world, who didst so love the world as to lay down thy precious life for its redemption ; and, O holy and blessed Spirit, who takest of the things of Christ and shewest them to our minds, we beseech thee to reveal Christ to our hearts as the hope of glory. Give to us the new heart, the broken and the contrite spirit, that we may see the exceeding sinfulness of sin, and the awful state of an unrenewed and carnal mind. O may we more than ever seek that deep prostration of mind by which we may lie very low before thee. Make us, we beseech thee, O blessed Saviour, more anxious to be taught thine own lessons — humbleness, and meekness, and gentleness. Dispose us more earnestly to learn of thee, who art meek and lowly in heart, to take thy yoke upon us, since thy yoke is easy and thy burden is light, that we may find rest unto our souls. May our earnest prayer be, that we may be found as a family sitting at Christ’s feet, clothed with his righteousness, and in our right mind. May thy precious word be more desired by us than gold, yea, than much fine gold; may it be sweeter to our taste than honey and the honeycomb. May we be willing to be instructed by its counsels, reproved by its faithful warnings, and corrected by its gentle admonitions, as well as to be cheered and comforted by its gracious and animating promises. O may we esteem all thy precepts to be right; refrain our feet from every evil way; and hide thy word in our hearts, that we sin not against thee : and let the words of our mouths, and the meditations of our hearts, be acceptable in thy sight, O Lord, our strength and our Redeemer. Enable us to improve our spiritual advantages : enlarge our hearts, increase our love, our gratitude, and our sense of dependence upon thee ; and again enable us with unsuspecting confidence to commit ourselves this night to thy protecting care. Thou, the Shepherd of Israel, neither slumberest nor sleepest ; thy watchful eyes are over thy children. Give us grace to repose all our confidence in thee, for time and for eternity ; forgive our innumerable sins ; and do more and better for us than we can ask or think, for the Redeemer’s sake. Amen. FIFTY-SECOND Cuestia|) iBflntmg* Jeremiah, Chapter xxxiii. WEEK. M OST holy Lord God Almighty, who wast, and art, and art to come, permit us, though but creatures of a day, to draw near to thine eternal Majesty, and to supplicate thy gracious aid and benediction. Thou art the well-spring of life ; in thee are hid all the fountains of our happiness for time and for eternity. Without thy supporting hand we cannot live, and without thy gracious smile we cannot enjoy the sunshine of peace. Day by day and moment by moment we repose on thee, and on thy gracious care. In thee we live, and move, and have our being. Teach us not only to acknowledge our dependence, but to feel it, and with cheerfulness to adore the riches of thy sovereign goodness. As sinners we deserve nothing, and can claim nothing, at thy hand. We have destroyed ourselves, but in thee only is our help found. We rejoice that our God is the God of salvation ; that though thou hast revealed thyself as infinitely just, and holy, and faithful, thou hast also made thyself known as the God of love, as full of mercy and forgiveness, and as ready to pardon. We rejoice in that gracious display of thy character, which thou hast given in the person and work of thy Son. May we approach thee as a God in Christ Jesus, reconciling the world unto thyself, not imputing unto them their trespasses. We rejoice that the blood of Jesus Christ, thy dear Son, cleanseth from all sin. Wash us in his precious blood, that we may be acquitted of all guilt in thy presence, that we, being purged from dead works, may serve thee in holi- ness and righteousness all the days of our life. Pour upon us this morning, we humbly beseech thee, a copious effusion of divine grace, that we may be prepared for all the duties of the day, and that holiness to the Lord may mark our entire conduct and conversation. We have many spiritual enemies to contend with ; hut we pray that we may be more than conquerors through him that hath loved us. Give us wisdom and grace to put on and to use the whole armour of light. May we oppose to Satan and all his agents, the shield of faith, the sword of the Spirit, and the helmet of salvation. Let not sin obtain dominion over us ; but may we crucify the flesh with its affections and lusts. Help us diligently to occupy till our Lord shall come ; so that when he shall appear, we may be found watching. Most gratefully would we adore thee, O most gracious Father, for the mercies of the past night. We thank thee that we have not slept the sleep of death ; but that we have been upheld in being, and refreshed with needfui repose. We offer to thee the praise which is due to thy name. Thou art the Giver of every good and perfect gift. May we see thy hand in all our ordinary mercies. We pray that our lives, which thou hast made the objects of thy care, may be devoted to thy glory. We would not be found living unto ourselves, but unto thee. Quicken us in the path of duty. Give us strength to run in the way of thy commandments, and to delight in obeying thee. Let all before thee have grace to devote themselves to thy honour. Make each the children of thy grace. May we enjoy the conduct of thy providence during our whole journey in the wilderness; and at last may we enter the Canaan of rest in joy and triumph, through our only Mediator and Saviour, Jesus Christ ; to whom, with thyself and the Holy Spirit, be glory everlasting. Amfcn. FIFTY-SECOND Cuesfaaj) WEEK. John Chapter xiii. T HOU, O Lord, art great, and greatly to be praised ; thou art to be feared above all gods. The gods of the nations are idols, but thou hast made the heavens. Thou art clothed with honour and majesty; thou coverest thyself with light as with a garment; thou layest the beams of thy chambers in the waters ; thou makest the clouds thy chariot, and walkest upon the wings of the wind; thou makest thine angels spirits, and thy ministers a flame of fire. We would desire to join that innumerable company of angels who surround thy throne in heaven, and who praise thee, the God who made the world and all things therein. The heaven, even the heaven of heavens, are thine, and thou art high above all nations ; yet thou humblest thyself to behold the things that are in heaven and in the earth. We rejoice, O Lord, that though thou art high, yet thou hast respect unto the lowly, and we desire to humble ourselves before thee. Against thee thee only, have we sinned, and done evil in thy sight ; we acknowledge our transgressions, and our sin is ever before us. For the sake of our great Surety, hide thy face from our sins, and blot out all our iniquities. May we know and feel the blessedness of the man whose transgression is forgiven, and whose sin is covered. O sprinkle atoning blood on our consciences, that we may be purged from dead works, and may know what it is to serve thee, the living and true God. Blessed be thy name, that thou hast, of thine infinite mercy and compassion, appointed a Mediator and High Priest betwixt thee and thy apostate creatures ; thou art long- suffering, not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance. Grant us, O Lord, repentance unto life, and give us to hate sin as that abominable thing which thou hatest, and to turn from it with perfect loathing, as the object of our unceasing and irreconcileable enmity. Preserve us from the counsel of the ungodly; let us not stand in the way of sinners, nor sit in the seat of the scornful, nor run with a multitude to do evil. May we delight in thy law after the inward man, let it be the chief subject of our meditation by day and by night; may the grace of God, which bringeth salvation, teach us to deny all ungodliness and worldly lusts, and to live soberly, and righteously, and godly in this present evil world — ever looking for that blessed hope, and the glorious appearing of the great God, and our Saviour Jesus Christ, who gave himself for us, that he might redeem us from all iniquity, and purify unto himself a peculiar people, zealous of good works. We bless thy name for our preservation through the past day, for health and strength, for food and raiment, and all other blessings. May all our friends have thee for their everlasting Friend and Portion ; — forgive all our enemies, and enable us to cherish towards them a forgiving spirit. When we retire to rest this night, may our last thoughts be of thee ; may we sleep in safety, and when we awake, may our hearts be lifted up to thee in grateful praise. We cast our burden upon thee, O Lord, and pray that thou wouldest sustain us. Hear our prayer, and let our cry come unto thee. To Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, the one only living and true God, we desire to ascribe all honour and glory for ever and ever. Amen. 5 A 737 FIFTY-SECOND OTetmesfoaE JHantutg, WEEK. Jeremiah, Chapter xxxiv. 0 LORD God Almighty, who art, and wast, and art to come ; when we think of thine infinite glory and perfection ; we may well ask the question, Wherewithal shall we come before the Lord, and bow ourselves before the most high God? We dare not approach thee on the ground of any works of righteousness which we have done, for our righteousness is as filthy rags ; but we would come before thee, making mention of the blessed name of Him who is set forth by thee as the Lord our righteousness. All this cometh forth from thee the Lord, who art wonderful in counsel, and excellent in working. Well may we exclaim, What shall we render unto the Lord, for all his benefits towards us! We thank thee for our preservation through the night that is past, for the light of this morning, and for that measure of health and strength which we enjoy. Bless the Lord, O our souls, and forget not all his benefits ; may our preserved lives be dedicated to thy honour and service. Blot out, O Lord, our transgressions as a cloud, and our iniquities as a thick cloud — our sins and our transgressions do thou remember no more ; may we be daily renewed in the spirit of our minds, and may we ever prove the power of thy grace to sustain us in the path of duty. Grant that we may be united unto Christ by that precious faith which is of the operation of thy Holy Spirit ; let us not be slothful, but may we give all diligence to add to our faith virtue, to virtue knowledge, to knowledge temperance, to temperance patience, to patience godliness, to godliness brotherly-kindness, and to brotherly-kindness charity ; that these things being in us and abounding, we may be found neither barren nor unfruitful in the knowledge of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. Afford to us, and to others, we beseech thee, satisfactory evidence of our interest in the Saviour. May we prove that he who believeth hath the witness in himself; while, by our conduct, we are manifestly declared to be the epistles of Christ. As thine elect, may we put on bowels of mercies, kindness, humbleness of mind, meekness, long-suffering, forbearing one another, and forgiving one another, even as Christ forgave us. Let our religion have not merely an occasional but an habitual influence. Should its holy flame not always blaze, O may it always burn. Shew us the connection between duty and dependence, and save us from the extremes into which those fall who trust only in means, or presumptuously despise them. Work in us to will and to do of thy good pleasure, that we may work out our own salvation with fear and trembling. Give us this day our daily bread : thou hast appointed that man should go forth unto his work and to his labour until the evening ; bless then the works of our hands ; may thy favour encompass us as with a shield ; keep us from the evils that are in the world ; may every event that befals us, whether prosperous or adverse, contribute to our spiritual improvement : and when the purposes of thy holy and wise providence are accomplished in us and by us, may an abundant entrance be administered unto us into the everlasting kingdom of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. Be with us through this day, and forgive all our offences for Christ’s sake ; and may the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, the love of God the Father, and the communion of the Holy Ghost be with us all. Amen. 738 FIFTY-SECOND TOetmetf&as tiftnifttg. WEEK. John, Chapter xiv. 0 LORD our God, thou hast spared us hitherto. We are still in the land of the living, and the place of hope We would mark with gratitude thy continued forbearance; we would view the multiplied instances of thy goodness to us, as tokens of grace and indications of mercy; thou art still waiting to be gracious. We rejoice especially that there is One in the upper sanctuary, in the place of thy glory and peculiar presence, who wears our likeness, who is bone of our bone and flesh of our flesh, and who is our Advocate with thee the Father. We bless thee that he is exalted as a Prince and a Saviour, to give repentance to Israel, and forgiveness of sins. See, O God our shield ; look upon the face of thine Anointed. We take refuge in his mediation and death; may we feel that here we are for ever safe. Thou hast commanded us to look unto Christ, even as the dying Israelites looked unto the serpent, and straightway were healed. We look unto the Saviour ; we would view him as bleeding and dying in the room of the guilty. Lord, make us to feel that thus thou pardonest all our iniquities, healest all our diseases, and bestowest upon us eternal life and blessedness. O eternal and ever-blessed God, we approach unto thee this evening as a family, and are here assembled that we may listen to thy word, speaking, as it does, unto each of us. May we offer unto thee the childlike expression of our inmost desires. O let us have near access to thee, and pour into thy bosom the whole burden of our soul, and of every concern in which our hearts are interested. We would learn to realize thee, O Lord, in all thy gracious character to us as children of the promise in Christ Jesus ; and we trust thou wilt own us in this relation, blessing us with the provisions of thy house. Look, O Lord, upon the different states and characters which may now be present before thee , and with the richest tokens of thy mercy, through a Redeemer, be pleased to visit and bless us all. Thou alone canst understand the secret condition of sinners, and thou only discernest the peculiar necessities of thy children. We appeal unto thee as the God of mercy and salvation, beseeching thee to glorify thyself by imparting thy grace to us as we severally need. To thee, O gracious Father, we offer our desires, in the persuasion of thy willingness to hear. And since thou hast put it into our hearts to pray, we trust that this is a pledge that thou wilt answer the desires and petitions which we present unto thee. O our God, let the wickedness of the wicked come to an end, and establish thou the just. May a reformation of religion and manners universally prevail. Send relief to all in distress, and satisfy thy poor with bread. Bless the young and rising generation, and all schools of useful learning. We adore thee for all thy mercies, and for our preservation through the day that is past ; watch over us through the night ; and when we awake to see the morning light, may we be still with thee, engaged in profitable meditation on thy character and works. May we be looking forward to that period when the sun shall no more be our light by day, neither for brightness shall the moon give light unto us ; but when the Lord shall be unto us an everlasting light, and our God our glory. May the peace of God, which passeth all understanding, keep our hearts and minds through Christ Jesus our Lord and Saviour. Amen. 739 5 A 2 FIFTY-SECOND CJmrsfaag iHornuuj, WEEK. Jeremiah, Chaffer xxxv. M OST gracous and merciful Father ! Thou art light ; and in thee is no darkness at all. Thy perfection and glory far surpass the utmost limits of our feeble concep- tions. Thou art possessed of almighty power, and canst do all things ; of unerring wisdom, and knowest all things ; of spotless holiness, and canst not look upon sin ; of essential happiness, and canst not be disturbed in thy bliss ; of boundless goodness, and thy tender mercies are over all thy works. Thou dwellest in light inaccessible; and art the Father of lights, with whom there is no variableness, nor shadow of turning; from thee all thy creatures derive whatever excel- lence or happiness they possess. Thou, O Lord, art the source of all our natural powers and capacities, of all our moral faculties and attainments, of all the good we do, and of all the blessings we either enjoy or hope for. We praise thee for the discoveries thou hast made of thyself in the works of thine hands ; but more especially would we praise thee for the brighter discoveries of thy word ; and that though no man hath seen thee at any time, yet the only begotten Son, who was in thy bosom, hath declared thee unto us in all the riches of thy sovereign mercy and grace. We adore thee, O Lord, for all the sacred and animating instruction which Christ has communicated to us concerning thy nature, thy will, thy love and compassion to a lost and guilty race. We rejoice, in particular, that he hath brought life and immor- tality to light ; that he has shewn us the path to eternal bliss, and set forth himself as the way, the truth, and the life. Shine, O thou great Source of light and life, into our beclouded minds. Dispel the shades of ignorance and prejudice which shut out the beams of celestial truth ; and vouchsafe to us that spiritual wisdom whereby we may be enabled to discern things that differ, and to approve things that are excellent. Help us to walk this day in the light of thy countenance, that in thy light we may see light. Let us not be contented with the bare knowledge of thy will ; but may we set ourselves, with diligence, fidelity, and zeal, to the active performance of it. Sanctify us by thy truth ; thy word is truth. Grant that our faith may grow exceedingly ; and may it purify our hearts, work by love, and bring forth in each of us the peaceable fruits of righteousness. May we walk this day as becomes the children of the light and of the day Enable us to work the work of Him that hath sent us while it is day; knowing that the night cometh wherein no man can work. Whatsoever our hands find to do, for advancing thine honour and interest in the world, for promoting the welfare of others, especially of those for whom we ought to be peculiarly concerned, or for securing the salvation of our own souls, may we do it with all our might; and be careful to make the best improvement we are able, of whatever portion of time thou mayest add to our earthly pilgrimage. And grant that we may walk in that path of the just, which is as the shining light, and shineth more and more unto the perfect day. To thy care and blessing we commend ourselves, and all that are near and dear to us ; entreating that thou wilt keep us always in thy fear, and encompass us with thy favour. Help us to serve thee faithfully while we live ; and make us happy in thee, and with thee, aftei death; through the mediation of Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. 740 FIFTY-SECOND Ojursfiag 4?bentng< TV BEK. John, Chapter xv. 0 LORD our God, thou art ever merciful and gracious. Thou makest the outgoings of the morning and of the evening to rejoice. We desire at this time, under a grateful sense of thy unnumbered favours, to approach thy footstool, and to offer unto thee our evening sacrifice of prayer and praise. May the words of our mouth and the medita- tions of our hearts be acceptable in thy sight, O Lord, our strength and our Redeemer. We adore thee as the Author of our life ; as the former of our bodies, and as the Father of our spirits. We bless thee that thou hast made us reasonable creatures; hast designed us for immortality ; and hast placed us here in a state of discipline, in order to train us up, by a variety of exercises and trials, experiences and improvements, for the business and blessedness of another and better state. We thank thee, O Lord, for the watchful care and kind supplies of thy providence ; for our health and strength, for our food and raiment, for our relatives and friends, and all our social advantages and enjoy- ments. But more especially w'ould we praise thee for the opportunities thou hast afforded us for improvement in the knowledge of thy holy will; for realizing the pardon of our sins, and an interest in thy forfeited favour, through the mediation of thy beloved Son ; and for securing a title to that glorious inheritance, to the lively hope of which thou hast begotten us again by his resurrection from the dead — an inheritance incorruptible, undefiled, and that fadeth not away, reserved in heaven for those who are kept by the power of God through faith unto salvation. Suffer us not, we beseech thee, to receive thy grace in vain ; but teach us so highly to value and so diligently to improve all our present privileges and mercies, that we may be prepared and qualified for the still greater blessings which thou hast reserved for them that love and serve thee here below. Create in us a clean heart, O God, and renew a right spirit within us. And by the efficacy of the exceeding great and precious promises of thy word, and the influences of thy blessed Spirit, may we not only escape the corruption that is in the world through lust, but be transformed into the image of thy moral perfections, and become partakers of a divine nature. Make us increasingly mindful of the duties we owe to those with whom we are con- nected by the ties of relation or friendship : and help us to take the most effectual means to promote their comfort and welfare in this life, and their meetness for the kingdom of heaven. May we so walk together in this present world, that we may be enabled to cherish the well-grounded hope of dwelling with each other in eternity. Let us not be compelled to part from each other for ever when we die ; but may we die in the Lord, and meet again at his own right hand. As thou hast brought us to the close of this day in safety, so we beg the continuance of thy care and protection this night. Watch over us, O thou Preserver of men, in our defenceless moments ; and after quiet and refreshing sleep, raise us up in the morning fitted for the duties and events of another day. And when the succession of days and nights shall be no more, receive us into that state where we shall serve thee without intermission and without weariness, through a long, happy, and endless day. Now unto the King eternal, immortal, invisible, the only wise God, be honour and glory for ever and ever. Amen. 741 FIFTY-SECOND iHonttng. Jeremiah, Chapter xxxvi. WEEK. E TERNALLY blessed and infinitely merciful God, stir up our souls to the lively exercise of faith in thy revealed character, as the Author and end of all that we can need or desire. Create in us fervent longings after thy presence, and satisfy our souls with an experimental sense of thy love. O Lord, be pleased to draw forth our desires and expectations towards thee and the remembrance of thy name ; may we rejoice in finding amongst thy purposes the restoration of our fallen world to a state of favour, purity, and bliss. We mourn over the effects which have been produced by the transgression of Adam in Paradise ; thou hast given the most awful demonstrations of thy displeasure against our fallen world ; may we gladly welcome that divine testimony which tells us that ere long tokens of universal favour shall be shewn, and the earth shall be restored to its allegiance to thee. O God, place us amongst thy chosen servants who have the first-fruits of the Spirit, and who groan within themselves, waiting for the glorious manifestation of the sons of God. We rejoice that the enemy of souls shall not always prevail, that wickedness shall not always triumph ; but that the time is fast approaching, when the earth shall be filled with the glory of the Lord— when Messiah shall take to himself his great power, and reign — when the word of the Lord shall have free course, run, and be glorified — and when the Spirit of our God shall be poured out upon all flesh. O most blessed God, teach us to be pressing forward as to our long-desired and welcome home ; enable us to stretch forth our willing hands to receive the prize, and fix our longing eyes upon the grand object of our faith. We would be diligent, that we may be found of our Lord in peace, without spot, and blameless ; we pray to be clothed in the garments of salvation ; to have the robe of Christ’s righteousness put upon us, that we may be prepared to meet the glorious light of that day when Christ shall appear, to be glorified in his saints, and to be admired in all them that believe. O invest us with the light, and peace, and joy of a mind set free from the dominion of sin, and translated into the liberty of thy dear children. May we walk with God ; and may he, by his Spirit, dwell in us, and walk in us; and be our God, that we may be the sons and daughters of the Lord God Almighty. Merciful Father, impart these unspeakable privileges unto us. Thou hast not caused them to be written in thy word, without intending to write them in our hearts ; and, there- fore, we plead with thee thine own truth, to fulfil in us all the good pleasure of thy will. We pray thee, O our God, to look upon our fellow-sinners with thy tender mercy ; we supplicate thee for the extension of thy blessed kingdom, that the poor perishing souls of men may experience the healing grace of the Redeemer’s blood. O blessed Saviour, thou art the giver of repentance, and of the forgiveness of sins. Thou art the compassionate deliverer, by whom the yoke of sin and satan is broken. O loose the prisoners, gracious Lord, and break off their fetters ; bring them to the liberty of thy great salvation, making them free indeed. So shall the coming of thy kingdom be hailed by thousands of ransomed souls ; and hallelujahs shall resound through the earth, giving glory to thee. Vouchsafe to hear and answer us, O Lord, for thine own name’s sake. Amen. 742 FIFTY-SECOND dfn'Uag (ffcenmg John, Chapter xvi. WEEK. 0 LORD, we desire to seek thy face, and to wait upon thee in the exercise of thy holy worship. We entreat thy gracious favour, and would seek thee with our whole hearts. To whom can we go but unto thee ? thou hast the words of eternal life. Thou art the Father of all mercies, and the Fountain of all goodness and happiness. Thou art able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think. Thou hast declared thy willingness to hear our prayers ; and to bestow upon us, for the sake of thy dear Son, all things necessary to life and godliness. Let our prayer this night be set before thee as incense, and the lifting up of our hands as the evening sacrifice. Our only, our all- prevailing plea, is the finished work of thy Son. While looking to him, we are encouraged with holy boldness to draw near into thy presence, and to ask of thee all the blessings of thy great salvation. Though there is nothing in us, O Lord, but what may provoke thee to reject us ; w r e rejoice that there is enough in thy beloved Son, of all grace and excellence and merit, to move thee mercifully to accept us. We bless thee that he was made sin for us, who knew no sin, that we might be made the righteousness of God in him ; and that we might be saved through faith in his blood, when we must have despaired for ever of being saved by any works of righteousness which we had done. Behold our sins, then, laid upon Him who was wounded for our transgressions, and bruised for our iniquities ; and as the chastisement of our peace was upon him, so let the merit of his righteousness be upon us, that by his stripes we may be healed. Nor do we entreat thee only for the pardon of our sins, but also for the destruction of sin in us, and for grace sufficient to enable us to abandon all evil, and to walk more accept- ably before thee in all obedience to thy holy commandments. O let the high standard of purity which thy word prescribes, be ever set before us ; and may we have grace given us to continue in the perfect law of liberty, we being not forgetful students of thy word, but doers of the work. Never suffer us to be tempted above what we are able ; but with every temptation do thou make a way of escape, that our spiritual strength may be greater than the power of temptation by which we are at any time assailed, that no iniquity may obtain dominion over us, and that no presumptuous sin may gain the mastery. May we know the plague of our own hearts, and watch over their insidious movements ; while we are so conscious of their deceitfulness and desperate depravity, may we never be guilty of that folly which would tempt us to trust them. And now, that the night approaches, and that we are about to betake ourselves to rest, we commit our bodies and souls to thy gracious protection. We rejoice that he who keepeth Israel neither slumbers nor sleeps. Thy watchful eye is ever upon thy people. Watch over us, O our God, we pray thee, for good, that none of the evils which our sins have deserved may befall us. Preserve us from the works and from the powers of darkness, and from all the terrors and dangers incident to night- season. Let all our sins of this day be removed out of thy sight, and show us the light of thy countenance, O Lord, to refresh us with the sense of thy love and favour in our blessed Redeemer ; for whom, and to whom, with Thyself and the Holy Spirit, be all thanks and praise, all honour and glory, ascribed by us and thy whole church, from this time forth, world without end. Amen. 743 FIFTY-SECOND ^atutUag JHarnuts Jeremiah, Chapter xxxvii. WEEK. W ITH holy awe would we prostrate ourselves before thee, O Lord, who art the God of the whole earth. Thy terrors would make us afraid, did we not know that thou art love, and that thou delightest in the exercise of mercy and forgiveness. Let the lowly and penitent mind be vouchsafed to us, that we may draw near to thee in the spirit of becoming humility and self-abasement ; and that our only hope of acceptance may be derived from the perfect obedience, the meritorious sacrifice, and the all-prevailing intercession of thy dear Son. We would magnify the riches of thy grace in providing redemption for lost sinners through the blood of the everlasting covenant. Thy thoughts of mercy are like thyself, eternal. Thou never didst begin to exist, and thou never didst begin to think of shewing mercy. Thou art self-moved in all the revelations and displays of thy grace to guilty men. Thou hast mercy because thou wilt have mercy. We adore thee that we have ever heard of the mediation of thy dear Son. We thank thee for all the types and pre- dictions which prepared thine ancient church for his coming in the flesh. Sacrifice and offering thou didst not desire ; but a body didst thou prepare for the Son of thy love, that he might offer himself as a sacrifice for sin, bring in everlasting righteousness, and by one perfect oblation make an end for ever of sin-offering. We bless thee that he has finished the work which thou gavest him to do, and that thou hast proved thine accept- ance of his voluntary obedience and death, by raising him from the dead, and exalting him to the right hand of power in the heavens. In his name, O most gracious Lord, we present ourselves this morning at the footstool of divine mercy. Have respect unto his complete atonement for the sins of the people ; and though we are guilty, be pleased to look upon Him who is holy, harmless, undefiled, and separate from sinners; but who has placed himself in our stead, the just for the unjust, that he might reconcile us unto God. With gratitude, O thou God of our life, we would review the mercies of the past night, and of that portion of our existence through which our days have been prolonged. O for hearts to praise His goodness whose mercy endureth for ever. We lament the misim- provement of past privileges, and pray for grace to exercise repentance and godly sorrow for sin. As we live in a world full of unbelief and rebellion against God, we pray that we may be enabled to keep our garments unspotted, and flee the very appearance of evil. Upon the several engagements and pursuits of this day we implore thy special blessing. Enable us, whether we eat or drink, or whatsoever we do, to do all to thy glory. In our ordinary and religious duties may we seek thy assistance, and depend on thy blessing. Let us not lean on our own wisdom, which is folly, nor on our own strength, which is weakness ; but, feeling that we are ever exposed to danger, may we seek that counsel which cannot err, and that aid which cannot fail. Look on each of us now prostrate at thy footstool, and bestow upon us a Father’s blessing. Adopt us into thy family, and bless us with thy chosen. These mercies we implore in the name and for the sake of our adored Mediator and Redeemer; and to the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost, one God, be glory for evermore. Amen. 744 FIFTY-SECOND ^aturUag <£imtmty. John, Chapter xvii. WEEK. H OLY and righteous Father, be pleased to look down upon us thy feeble and dependent children, now prostrate at thy mercy-seat. Create in us that filial temper, by which we may be enabled to look up to thee with child-like simplicity and grateful love. Our obligations to thee are infinite, both for providential and spiritual mercies. Amidst all our wanderings from the right path, thou hast never been unmindful of us thy wayward children. We thank thee, that amidst all our provocations thou hast not given us over to the corruptions of our own hearts. We have abused thy mercies, but they are still continued to us ; and we have grieved thy Spirit, but he has not ceased to be a reprover ; we have been deaf to the voice of thy word, but we are still permitted to hear and to read its faithful warnings. Lord, quicken us this evening, that we may call upon thy name. Enlarge our desires and elevate our affections, that we may plead with thee in the spirit of adoption. Give us to feel that there is a reality in intercourse with thee. May we draw near to thee, our Father and our God, through the mediation of our one and only Saviour, by the aids of that one Spirit who is the author of every holy disposition, and of every heavenly grace. With deep humilty we confess before thee the sins and infirmities of the week which is now about to close. There are upon the records of conscience many memorials of guilt and unworthiness : O purge them away in the blood of the atoning Lamb. May our souls be filled with joy and peace while we look to Him who is mighty to save, and while we lay fresh hold on his all-perfect sacrifice. Let sin appear in its own native deformity, while we call to remembrance the agonies of Gethsemane, and the sufferings of the Cross. Let the power of sin be destroyed in us ; and let the life of Christ become daily more and more manifest in our mortal bodies. May we be crucified with Christ, that we may also live and reign with him in glory everlasting. Let us not be conformed to this world, but transformed by the renewing of our minds, that we may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect will of God. Our times, O God, are in thy hand. So teach us to number our days, as to apply our hearts unto wisdom. Let the closing year be marked by us with suitable feelings of humility, godly sorrow for sin, thankfulness for past mercies, and confidence in thee for all the future. Help us to redeem the time, because the days are evil. While we live, may we live unto the Lord; and when we die, may we die unto the Lord; so that, whether we live or die, we may be the Lord’s. The future is all hid from mortal gaze ; but we rejoice to know that we are in the hands of our Father in heaven. Undertake for us ; vouchsafe to us thy blessing ; let the pillar and cloud attend us ; guide us by thy counsel, and afterward receive us to glory. Prepare us for the holy Sabbath. Let it dawn on us in peace. Let it prove a rest to our souls. Give to us an enlightened and spiritual mind, that we may enjoy its privileges, and that we may engage with fervor and delight in its holy exercises. Assist all Christ’s ministers in preparing for their sacred duties, and give them grace and strength rightly to divide the word of life. Hear us, accept us, and far exceed cur utmost desires, for the Redeemer’s sake. Amen. 5 B 745 OCCASIONAL PRAYERS. Praters for Special Domestic Seasons. Prayer to be used by those who have newly entered into Married Life . . . Page Prayer on the Birth of a Child ... Prayer on the Baptism of a Child ......... Prayer on the Death of a Child ........... Prayer for a Sick Member of the Family Prayer on the Recovery of a Member of the Family from Sickness ..... Prayer on occasion of the Death of One of the Family ...... Prayer on the Death of a Pious Member of the Family ....... Prayer on the Death of a Parent .......... The Evening after a Funeral ........... Prayer for a Young Member of the Family leaving Home to pursue his Education . Prayer for a Youth leaving Home to follow a Business ....... Prayer for a Servant coming into the Family ........ Prayer for those visited with worldly Disappointments and Losses ..... Prayer for a Friend at Sea ........... Thanksgiving for Safe Return from a Journey ........ Prayers for Special Religious Seasons. Prayer for the Morning of a Communion Sabbath Prayer for the Evening of a Communion Sabbath ........ Prayer for Christmas Day ........... Prayer for Good Friday ............ Intercessions to be frequently used in the Family Devotions. Prayer for the Children of the Family Prayer for the Church of Christ Prayer for the Outpouring of the Holy Spirit Prayer for all Conditions of Men .......... General Prayers. Prayer for Christian Missions First Morning of the New Year Last Evening of the Year During the Prevalence of a Pestilential Epidemic ....... 747 749 750 751 752 753 754 756 757 759 761 762 763 764 765 765 766 768 770 771 772 773 773 774 774 775 777 779 ©traetottal !Jrsj>crs PRAYERS FOR SPECIAL DOMESTIC SEASONS. A Prayer to be used, by those who have newly entered into Married Life. 0 GOD, how manifold are thy works, in wisdom hast thou made them all ! the whole earth is full of thy goodness. We adore thee as the Author of the universe, and of this world in which we dwell ; as the Creator of the human family, and as the disposer of all those circumstances of mercy by which we are so graciously surrounded. We praise thee, O Father of spirits, for calling into existence our immortal minds; our reason, our judgment, our memory, and all those moral desires which qualify us, by thy good Spirit, for loving, serving, and enjoying thee as our chief portion. We magnify thee for those social affec- tions which thou hast implanted in our nature, and for the various means ordained for their exercise and progressive improvement, so as at once to promote our own happiness and thy great glory. We behold the wisdom and goodness of thy providence in those family and domestic arrangements which thou hast made for the happiness of mankind. In the beginning, while man was yet upright and unfallen before thee, and his path unencumbered with thorns and briars, thou didst consider the fulness of Paradise as insufficient until thou hadst prepared a suitable companion to share it with him. Thou saidst, It is not good for man to be alone ; I will make an help meet for him. There- fore didst thou make woman, bone of his bone, and flesh of his flesh, and didst bring her to him; and thou didst say, For this cause shall a man leave father and mother, and shall cleave unto his wife ; and they shall be one flesh. Thus didst thou divinely appoint and approvingly sanction the ordinance of marriage. And how much more important, if possible, does this fellowship of soul and enjoyment appear, now that our lives and labours are mingled with distractions, infirmities, sickness, temptations, and manifold sorrows which sin has brought upon us. Help us, therefore, O gracious Father, to thank thee, that while we have forfeited every claim to thy favour, and are less than the least of all thy mercies, thou hast been pleased to continue in this fallen world so happy a medium for the exercise of our tenderest sympathies, and so powerful a stimulus to industry, usefulness, and holy living, as that which the marriage compact is calculated to bestow and secure. We, O most high and holy God, thy servant and handmaid, would now humbly rejoice that we are permitted to bring before thy throne our 747 6 B 2 <0rfasumal IBrager#. pledged affections, that we may obtain the sanction of thy blessing, and the sanctifying influences of thy Holy Spirit on that important and interesting transaction in our lives, which, in thy gracious providence, has been this day consummated. And now that we have been united together in the solemn bonds of marriage, we earnestly look up to thee, that our union may be consecrated by an abundant portion of thy presence, bestowed upon us for the sake of thy dear Son Jesus Christ. We rejoice, not only that the law of the former dispensation under Adam, but also that the law of the gospel economy under Christ, looks with distinguished approbation on the honourable celebration of the marriage vow ; and that to all true believers, the spiritual blessings of grace and of the new and better covenant, are especially promised in connexion with matrimonial life — consecrating its ties, refining its enjoyments, and throwing a peculiar loveliness and endearment on all its obligations, prospects, and results. Be pleased, therefore, most gracious Lord, to smile on the close and endeared relation of husband and wife, which has now been solemnized between thy servants at the altar of our God ; and may the sacred services connected with it, as conducted in the name of thy dear Son, and in obedience to his divine authority, be greatly blessed to our souls. Let the light of thy countenance shine on the whole of our future course, and may that course be as the path of the just, which shineth more and more unto the perfect day. Qualify us for the duties and responsibilities of that new scene which is now before us. May the foundation of our conjugal bliss be laid in true piety toward thee, faith in the great Redeemer, and in the constant acknowledgment of thy mercies from day to day. May our temper and dispositions be sanctified by thy Holy Spirit, and thus adapted at once to the duties of devotion, the engagements of life, and the sympathies and failings of each other. May we enter on our new career in thy fear ; set up the honour of Christ in our hearts, and his homage and praise in our family circle. May our frequent fellowship with God prepare us for happy and profitable fellowship with each other. Thus may we begin, continue, and end our course with God; so that we who now rejoice in the happi- ness of this nuptial scene, may at last be counted worthy to sit down at the marriage-supper of the Lamb. Grant, O God, that it may be our single and united aim here to be known as the friends of the Great Bridegroom ; to be washed from our sins in the fountain of his precious blood ; to be clothed in the wedding-garment of his perfect righteousness ; and to be arrayed in the ornaments of holiness, fruitfulness, and joy, even to the end. Prepare our minds for the various changes incident to human life. If cares increase, may thy grace enable us to meet them without repining. Should prosperity await us, save us from its dangers and temptations ; and enable us ever to bear in mind, that as Christians our most exalted pleasures should ever be connected with the advancement of each other’s salvation, and the growing prosperity of the Redeemer’s kingdom in the world. O help us so to live and to labour together in the work of righteousness, as that while here we may walk in all thy commandments and ordinances blameless ; and, finally, after this life, attain to that world of joy and felicity, where the inhabitants neither marry nor are given in marriage, but are as the angels of God. Grant this, O Lord, for the sake of our Lord •and Saviour Jesus Christ, to whom be all honour and praise for ever and ever. Amen. 748 special BomcSttc Reasons A Prayer on the Birth of a Child. E TERNAL Fountain of life; who art the overflowing Source of all good, from whom cometh down every good and every perfect gift; the Father of mercies; enable thy servants now to worship thy glorious name. We would heartily thank thee for all the favours which thou hast so freely and fully bestowed upon us, not only in earlier life, but since we have been united together in the sacred relation of husband and wife. All our mercies have flowed from thee, and we would feel that to thee belong our constant and most unfeigned thanksgivings. We would especially at this time acknowledge the fresh instance of thy goodness which thou hast conferred upon us in the birth of our dear child. We thank thee that it has been born in the possession of life, and of a healthy and perfect form. Accept our sincere praises for the strength afforded to thine handmaid in the season of danger, anxiety, and hope. With grateful joy we receive this interesting stranger, this immortal visitant into our world ; and would hail it as a proof of thine undeserved mercy to thy guilty and dependent children. O heavenly Father, be pleased to accompany this addition to our family with all suitable blessings to us who sustain the important and interesting character of parents. As our enjoyments, anxieties, and responsibilities abound, may thy grace toward us much more abound. We now bring, in the arms of our faith and hope, this feeble babe, and cast it upon thee, its first and heavenly Parent. May its life and health be preserved. Visit its tender heart with thy earliest mercy. And from this time may its infant powers come under the teaching and sanctifying influences of thy holy and blessed Spirit. As it inherits from us the common depravity of our primeval parent, may it be born again by the Holy Ghost, and made a new creature in Christ Jesus; so that, if it lives, it may live unto thee, and if it should die, it may sleep in Jesus. Adopt it into the family of the First-born, written in heaven. O Lord, be pleased to smile on the recovery of its beloved mother. Grant unto her all needed strength to nourish this child, while its support depends upon her. May she feel a renewed impression of her obligation to bless thy name for the salvation vouchsafed to her in that hour of especial need and peril, through which thou hast so graciously conducted her. Should it please thee to spare our dear babe, may we have grace in due time to dedicate it more particularly to thy service and covenant mercy in the divine and solemn ordinance of Christian Baptism. Thus may we declare our hope in thy covenant for ourselves, and for our beloved offspring; and shew our determination in thy strength, as individuals and as a family, to serve and honour thy holy gospel. This young immortal which thou hast committed to our trust, we now desire to train for thee ; O devote it to the glory of thy dear Son, and enable us to watch over it as a sacred deposit, to be surrendered back to thee at thy righteous call. But should it be thy good pleasure to spare it for our comfort, and the interests of thy great kingdom ; may our hearts anticipate the time when we shall meet around thy throne in glory ; and hear thy divine voice, saying to parents and children ; Come, ye blessed, and inherit the crown of life which fadeth not away. Such blessings we are emboldened to ask in the name of thy dear Son, who is worthy evermore to receive blessing and praise, dominion and power. Amen. 749 <0rca3uwal $rager£ A Prayer on the Baptism of a Child. 0 LORD of life and salvation, who hast been pleased to ordain, that those who enter into thy Church shall be baptized with water, behold us now about to attend to this injunction, and enable us to perform the duty with every proper disposition of mind. We would be filled with thankfulness, O Lord, that not only we, but our children, even in their tender years, are admitted to a state of communion with thee. With a due sense of this thy mercy would we bring our dear child to the holy ordi- nance of baptism. O look upon him, [or her,'] and bestow on him every blessing to which this significant ordinance immediately points. We present him to thee, O Lord, that he may be cleansed in that fountain which thou hast opened in our Saviour’s blood, for purifying us from the defilement' with which our nature is polluted. We bring him to thee, that he may be regenerated by the grace of thy holy Spirit. We believe that these are the ends which we should seek in this duty, and we trust that we shall not seek them in vain. And give us grace, O Lord, if the life of our child be spared, to follow this act with the diligent use of every means in our power which may tend to teach him what thou hast done for his salvation, and how he must live, in order finally to be received into thy church in heaven. Grant that our prayers, and our instructions, and our example may all com- bine to promote his growth in Christian knowledge, faith, and obedience. Hear us, O gracious Lord, while we entreat that it may please thee to give us an early proof, that thou hast blessed our endeavours. Let our hearts be made to rejoice in seeing the marks of grace accompanying the advancement of reason. Let a reverence of thee be seen in him in the days of childhood, and a decided piety in the days of youth. Suffer him not to give any portion of his uncertain life to sinful or to vain courses ; but, taking his Saviour’s yoke upon him, as soon as it is possible to understand that obligation, may he be glad and rejoice in Him all his days. Thus, O Lord, enable him to live, and when his end shall come, may he close his days, believing in that God to whom he is now dedicated, and prepared for that eternal joy which is the end of all the ordinances thou hast appointed in thy Church. Grant, O most blessed and merciful God, that we, and the children thou mayest. give to us, may five together in Christian love and peace ; rejoicing in our Saviour, and taking comfort in the faith and piety of each other toward thee, our common Father in heaven. And may our example, as a family, be consistent and holy. Make us attentive to every civil and social, as well as to every religious duty, that the doctrine of God our Saviour may be adorned in all things. Hear us, O Lord, for the sake of Christ Jesus, our Mediator and Redeemer ; to whom, with thee and the Holy Ghost, be glory for ever and ever. Amen. Rev. J. Cochrane’s Manual of Family and Private Devotion . ferial Bmnesittc Reasons' A Prayer on the Death of a Child. M OST holy, most wise, and most blessed Lord God, we read in thy word, that all flesh is as grass, and all the glory of man as the flower of grass. The grass withereth, and the flower thereof fadeth away. Thus, O God, has thy sacred truth been fulfilled in the case of our beloved infant, whom thou hast removed from us by the stroke of thy paternal hand. Thus has fallen that tender flower, lately so sweet with fragrance, and so covered with beauty in the estimation of its parents, now mourning before thee. It hath pleased thee to take our dear child from our warmest embrace. But thou art righteous, and we would say with thy servant Job, The Lord gave, and the Lord hath taken away ; blessed be the name of the Lord. We would rejoice to think that the spirit of our dear babe, now expanded, pure, and perfectly blessed before thy bright and glorious throne, is unspeakably more happy than ever we could have rendered it, had it been permitted to continue with us. We would deplore, indeed, the guilt of the first Adam, whose fall has transmitted to all flesh — to the feeble and to the strong, to the infant race, and to the aged and the valiant, — the bitter fruits of sin, in all those afflicting shapes of suffering and death which are every where beheld. But we would unfeignedly praise thee for the blessings which are derived from the obedience of the second Adam, our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ; through whom those who are called hence in their infant state are eternally saved, and are taken to the upper sanctuary, there to serve thee, as the angels which continually do thy pleasure. We would reflect with gratitude and praise on the condescension of thy dear Son, who, while on the earth, took little children into his arms, blessed them, and said, Of such is the kingdom of heaven. Here, O gracious Father, is the source of our life. We would fully rest on the efficacy of atoning blood, for the everlasting salvation of our dear child. We have pleaded for our little one the righteousness of the Lamb ; we have sought for him the sanctifying influences of thy Holy Spirit ; and we would now rest assured in his present glory at thy right hand. O that we may be permitted to meet him there at a future day. As thou hast thus honoured us by taking one of our family to rest in Abraham’s bosom, may we be stimulated to seek more diligently for ourselves, that salvation which is unto eternal life, through Jesus Christ our Lord. We should indeed have desired, if consistent with thy holy will, to retain our dear babe a little longer in this present world; but we dare not regret the happy exchange which he has now made. He has passed from a state of sin into a state of holiness ; and from the cradle to the crown of unfading glory May these considerations dispose and enable us to assuage our tender sorrow. Support especially with thine accustomed mercy the afflicted mother, to whom this trial is pecu- liarly affecting, and who thus early has had the recompense of her pain and sorrow taken from her. O compassionate Saviour, we commit her to thy consolations, and to the healing balm of thy rich mercy. In due time be pleased to repair this breach, and to bestow gladness where now mourning and sighs hold their dwelling — on her weeping <0 (rational jpragerg. heart and rent affections. Thou knowest that this stroke was needful to thy servants. O then be pleased to sanctify it abundantly to our souls. We are assured that to receive the full advantage of thy fatherly dealings in this event, is a proof of thy love greater than the possession of many children. O sanctify thy gracious rod to each of us. May we learn henceforward, more than ever, the golden lesson which directs us to set our affections on things above, where Christ sitteth at thy right hand. Into his Divine presence may we all at last be brought with exceeding joy ; even to that home where no parting comes, where the Lord himself shall wipe away tears from off all faces, and where sorrow and sighing shall for ever flee away. These blessings we humbly beg, with all other which thou seest needful for us, in the name of our Divine Intercessor within the veil ; to whom, with Thyself and the Eternal Spirit, one glorious Godhead, be all glory, praise, and thanksgiving for ever and ever. Amen. A Prayer for a Sick Member of the Family. A LMIGHTY and most merciful God ; in whose hand our breath is, and whose are all our ways ; we look to thee for help in this our time of need. Submitting ourselves to thy most wise and holy will, we would yet most earnestly supplicate thee on behalf of thy servant whose illness causes us great anxiety. O Lord, be gracious to him [or her ] and enable him to bear with patience those fatherly corrections which thou dost lay upon him. O Lord, thou canst heal as well as wound. Be pleased to rebuke his disorder, Show thy power and glory, in raising him from the bed of sickness, in prolonging his days, and in making him a monument of thy pardoning mercy in Christ Jesus. Merciful God, whatever may be the issue of this sickness, make it a blessing to thy servant ; work in him deep conviction of sin, unfeigned repentance towards thee, and steadfast faith in our Lord Jesus Christ. Enable him to rest all his hopes upon the cross of Christ ; and, look- ing unto Jesus, may he be filled with resignation, joy, and peace. And shouldest thou in thy tender mercy bless the means which are used for his recovery, O teach him and us to glorify thee, the God of our salvation, in our bodies and our souls, which are thine. Hear, we beseech thee, these our supplications, through the merits and mediation of thy beloved Son, our only Saviour, Jesus Christ. Amen. Family Prayers, by the Rev. John Swete, D.D. special Bomcsttr S?cn$on$ A Prayer on the Recovery of a Member of the Family from Sickness. O MOST holy, blessed, and glorious Lord! the Almighty Creator of heaven and earth; who upholdest all things by the word of thy power, and governest the universe with infinite wisdom, justice, and mercy. Thou deservest the highest acknowledgments of all thy creatures. The praises of angels are not worthy of thee, nor any of their thoughts equal to thine infinite glory. What can we, vile creatures, say in thy presence, or what thoughts can we frame of thy nature and perfections ? especially of that trancendent love which hath moved thee to give thy dear Son up to the death for us all. While we see thy glory in the face of Jesus Christ, may we abhor ourselves in dust and ashes, considering how unlike we are unto thee in those gracious qualities wherein thou hast made thyself known unto us, and how unthankful we have been unto thy divine goodness, which hath so strangely condescended unto us, who are unworthy of the least of all thy mercies. We adore thee that thou hast declared thyself willing to receive even the greatest sinners into thy favour, and to restore them to thine image. We have received innumerable tokens of thy great clemency, patience, and forbearance; and thou hast at this time been pleased to give us anew instance of thy loving-kindness, and of thy desire to win our hearts unto thee, in rescuing one of our number from going down to the grave, and restoring again to health and strength. The living, the living, O Lord, shall praise thee, as we do this day ; yea, we will bless thy name as long as we live, and sing praises unto thee as long as we have any being. We will praise thee, O Lord our God, with all our heart; and glorify thy name for ever- more : for great is thy mercy towards us, and thou hast delivered the soul of thy servant from the lowest hell. The Lord is our strength and our song, and is become our salvation. The voice of joy and health is in our dwellings : the right hand of the Lord bringeth mighty things to pass. O that there were such a heart in every one of us, as to study seriously to know thee better — to meditate continually on thy benefits both to our souls and bodies — to love thee entirely — and to endeavour to be like unto thee, which is the design of thy goodness toward us. Empty our hearts of all other things, and make room for thyself to dwell there, in wisdom, righteousness, and true holiness. Dispose every one of us to follow Jesus Christ, our Master, in lowliness, patience, and charity, and to be ordered by the governance of his holy Spirit, seeking always his glory, and serving him daily in our several callings with thanksgivings. O blessed Lord, deny us not the constant assistance of the Holy Ghost, to cherish, confirm, and strengthen every holy resolution — to succeed every pious endeavour — to give us a quick sense of all thy mercies, and a lively remembrance of all thy fatherly chastisements — whereby we may be more and more excited to diligence, watchfulness, and zeal in thy service. Preserve us from a slothful and negligent spirit, and awaken in us such a sense of thee, and of our duty to thee, that we may search after thy will diligently, believe it heartily, practise it constantly, watch against all temptations heedfully, pray Stagers. fervently and frequently, and ponder seriously and thoroughly, all the instructions we have received from thee, and our many and great obligations to thee. O that it may be our choice to attend on thee, and that our hearts may be still with thee, when our necessities require our attendance to other things ! that so we may not be too deeply engaged in the affairs of this life, to the prejudice of our everlasting interests ; but may go on to make it our great business to be truly godly, according to the pattern which our Lord hath left us, till we be elevated to that high and holy place where he is, and see the glory which thou hast given him. Now to Him that holdeth our soul in life, and suffereth not our feet to be moved ; to the God of our salvation, to whom belong the issues from death, who hath turned our heaviness into joy, and put off our mourning and girded us with gladness ; to him that doeth wondrous things, the only wise God our Saviour, be glory and majesty, dominion and power, both now and ever. Amen. From the Rev. Matthew Henry’s Duty of a Christian. A Prayer on occasion of the Death of One of the Family. 0 THOU most holy and merciful God ; who art righteous in all thy ways, and holy in all thy works ; and whose dispensations, though they may seem to be severe, abound with purposes of mercy towards those who fear thy name : we flee to thee for refuge in this our time of need. We would open to thee the sorrows of our hearts, beseeching thee to pour into them the consolations of thy blessed word, and that peace which the world can neither give nor take away. O Lord, thy forbearance towards us is great; for it is of thy mercies that we have not been consumed, and because thy compassions fail not. We have justly brought upon ourselves thine anger ; yea, we deserve to endure thy wrath, which thou hast revealed against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men. O humble us under thy mighty hand. Let this awful visitation with which thou hast smitten us, bring our sins to our remembrance ; and cause us to lament and bewail our manifold transgressions, which we from time to time most grievously have committed, in thought, word, and deed, against thy Divine Majesty. To us, indeed, belong shame and confusion of face ; but to thee belong mercies and forgivenesses, though we have rebelled against thee. Thou knowest, Lord, the secrets of our hearts ; shut not thy merciful ears to our prayers ; but spare us, O Lord most holy, O God most mighty, O holy and most merciful Saviour? deliver us not into the bitter pains of eternal death. O Lord Jesus Christ, who art the resurrection and the life; in whom whosoever believeth shall live, though he die ; and whosoever liveth and believeth in thee, shall not die eternally ; work in us true faith in thy name ; visit our souls with thy salvation ; and raise us from the death of sin unto the life of righteousness ; that when we shall be called from this life, we may rest in thee, as our hope is our dear departed [relative] does, and 754 Special ^Domestic that at the general resurrection in the last day, we may be found acceptable in thy sight, and hear thy voice saying, “Come, ye blessed of my Father, enter ye into the joy of your Lord.” O thou Lord of all, teach us, whilst we mourn over our distressing bereavement, to bow with submission to that hand which has deprived us of this earthly comfort. Thou hast a right to dispose of us and ours as it seemeth good to thee ; nor can any stay thy hand, or say unto thee, What doest thou? Silence the murmurings of our rebellious hearts. Enable us to say with thy servant of old, “ The Lord gave, and the Lord hath taken away ; blessed be the name of the Lord.” Loosen our attachment to earthly comforts, which are only lent to us, to be recalled whenever it seemeth best to thy godly wisdom. And though we are bereft of [ him or her'] whom we loved, yet may we find in thee, who art the eternal Spring and Fountain of all good, infinitely more than all earthly friends and comforts can supply. O thou great Disposer of all events, with whom are the issues of life and death, may we hear that warning voice which solemnly speaks to us this day — “ Be ye also ready.” Make us mindful of our own mortality. Prepare us for whatever thou hast prepared for us ; and as our bodies are frail, and our days few and uncertain, may we live as if there were but a step between us and death ; and whenever our time shall arrive, may we depart in peace, and fall asleep in Jesus. Our souls shall then be safe in thy hands ; and when we awake up in his likeness, we shall be satisfied. Blessed Lord, our help and our hope are in thee. Perfect that which concerneth us, and may it please thee shortly to accomplish the number of thine elect, and to hasten thy kingdom ; that w r e, with all those that are departed in the true faith of thy holy name, may have our perfect consummation and bliss, both in body and soul, in thine eternal and everlasting glory, through Jesus Christ our Lord ; in whose name we ask every mercy, and in whose comprehensive words we sum up our petitions, saying — Our Father which art in heaven, hallowed be thy name ; thy kingdom come ; thy will be done on earth as it is done in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread ; and forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive them that trespass against us. Lead us not into temp- tation, but deliver us from evil. For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, for ever and ever. Amen. The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy Ghost, be with us all, evermore. Amen. Family Prayers, by the Rev, John Swete, D-D, 755 (^aragtonal |)ragn£. On the Death of a Pious Member of the Family. 0 LORD God Almighty, who governest all things by thine infinite wisdom and power, and in whose hands are the issues of life and death ; help us to approach thee in deep self-abasement, and humble submission to thy Divine will. We acknowledge our dependence upon thee for life, and breath, and all things we enjoy; thy tender mercies are over all thy works; thou openest thy hand, and fillest all things living with plenteous- ness. O fill our hearts with a lasting sense of our manifold obligations to thee, for the manifestations of thy unmerited goodness towards us ; and unite all the powers of our minds in expressing our gratitude and thankfulness. But we have to lament that we are prone to wander from thee, and to become unmindful of the hand that graciously supplies all our necessities, both temporal and spiritual. O merciful God, for the sake of thy dear Son, give us true repentance for what we have done amiss, pardon all our omissions of duty towards thee, and blot out all our transgressions, and by thy free Spirit establish us in holiness and newness of life. Give us to see and feel the necessity and importance of improving this our day of grace, since the time of our probation is short. “For what is our life? It is even a vapour, that appeareth for a little time, and then vanisheth away.” O Lord, thou condescendest to admonish us of our mortality, not only by the declarations of thy word, but in the awful and wise dispensations of thy providence. Thou sometimes seest it necessary to loosen the bands which have contributed to the union and harmony of our domestic happiness. And though, in these proceedings, clouds and darkness are often round about thee, yet would we firmly believe that righteousness and judgment are the habitation of thy throne. Thou hast been pleased to remove from us one that has long been dear unto us, on account of his [or her ] benevolent feelings, and Christian love and affection, habitually manifested towards all with whom he was connected. Though we feel our loss, and cannot but mourn under this dispensation, yet we would not sorrow as others which have no hope. For if we believe that Jesus died and rose again, even so them also which sleep in Jesus will God bring with him. We would praise and adore thee for the communications of thy directing and sanctifying grace to our departed friend during his past life, but particularly for the spiritual refreshments from thy presence at the approach of his dissolution. We saw and witnessed the blessedness of dying in the Lord. O that the religious impressions we then felt, and do yet feel, may be lasting and beneficial to our souls ! May we determine, through grace, to unite ourselves with those that fear thy name, and study to perfect holiness in thy fear. If we have hitherto been regardless of our spiritual interests, and have never considered the salvation of our souls as the one. thing needful, enable us now to make a willing and unfeigned surrender of ourselves to thy disposal. Give us grace to withstand the temptations of the world, the flesh, and the devil, and to realize, by faith, the important concerns of eternity. Suffer us no longer to run in the broad path which leadeth to destruction, but direct us into that narrow way which leadeth unto everlasting life. To this end, create in us a clean heart, and renew a right spirit within us. May this visitation of thy providence be the sanctified means 756 Borneo tie <#ra3ow>. of awakening our consciences, of weaning us from the present evil world, and of fixing our devout attention on things above. May we ever remember with a proper feeling, that there is an appointed time for man upon earth, that his days are numbered, that he is but dust. But if it hath pleased thee, of thy goodness and mercy, to begin a good work in any of our hearts, as we trust thou hast, may our present bereavement of temporal comfort be blessed to the increase of our spiritual consolation. Leave us not to ourselves, neither take thy Holy Spirit from us, notwithstanding our frequent infirmities, but carry on thy work with power in our souls, until the day of Jesus Christ. May we ever consider ourselves as dying creatures, as having no continuing city here ; and be daily looking and preparing for that approaching moment, when our earthly house of this tabernacle shall be dissolved, and we shall enter that building of God, that house not made with hands, eternal in the heavens. Help us to discharge all the relative duties of life with a view to thy glory ; may we be diligent in business, fervent in spirit, serving the Lord ; that, being enabled so to pass through things temporal, as finally not to lose the things that are eternal, we may die the death of the righteous, and our last end may be like his. These, and every other blessing that may be the means of promoting thy glory, the spiritual welfare of our own souls, and the good of thy church and people, we humbly beg in the name, and through the mediation, of thy dear Son, Jesus Christ, our Lord and Saviour. Amen. Rev. J. Cochrane' s Manual of Family and Private Devotions. Prayer on the Death of a Parent. O THOU who dwellest on high, the sovereign Disposer of all events, the sole Arbiter of life, whose right to control all the destinies of thy creatures, both temporal and eternal, is as just and righteous as it is universal, and as merciful as it is just. We humbly come before thy throne, to acknowledge the rectitude and loving-kindness which are dis- played in all thy proceedings. We prostrate ourselves before thee, not indeed as at some former seasons, to make mention of thy goodness in the continuance of all our accustomed favours, the uninterrupted health, activity, and cheerfulness of our family circle : we are assembled at this time to mourn amid the memorials of mortality which now so affect- ingly surround us, and to implore submission under the stroke of thy gracious hand. O righteous Father, thou hast been pleased to visit us with a sore bereavement. Death has come up into our high places. Instead of the branch, thou hast cut down the strong tree of full age, and laid the axe of dissolution at its root. Instead of the children, thou hast taken the parent. The cedar is fallen, therefore do we mourn and weep before thee; But it is thine hand — and thou hast afflicted us. Help us, we beseech thee, to check our murmurings, and not to grieve unduly at this thy doing. May we be still, and know that thou art God, and glorify thee in this the day of our deep sorrow. We must confess that we 757 ^ccagi'cmal ^ragerS. have deserved even more than this affliction, severe and heavy as it is : we have sinned ; and what shall we answer thee, O thou preserver of men ? Let thine anger, we pray thee, be for a small moment. It may be we have too little valued our dear parent, too little esteemed his counsels, and have not honoured, obeyed, and loved him as we ought. If thou shouldst mark iniquity, O Lord, who shall stand ? Pardon and accept us, for the sake of thy dear Son, before whose throne, and in whose blessed society, we confidently trust our departed father now is. But verily thou hast made a breach among us ; our crown is fallen from our head. Woe unto us, for we are spoiled : yet we would not sorrow without hope. If, O God, our grief should seem to thee to be too great, O pardon us ; it flows from us as the unforced tribute of strong affection. Of the patriarchs it is recorded in thy holy word, without reproof, that they mourned for their father Jacob with a great and very sore lamentation, and made a mourning for him seven days ; and a greater than Joseph shed tears of divine lamentation over the dust of that Lazarus whom he ten- derly loved. We thank thee, O God, that thou didst so long spare our beloved parent, and that he was enabled to glorify thee in his departing hour. And now from hence- forth be thou our Parent and our Guide, in the room of him whom thou hast taken from us. Abundantly sanctify this solemn event to the surviving members of this afflicted family. Especially may we be taught by it to prize more highly the blessings which are still in mercy continued to us. May the glorious gospel henceforth appear more precious to our souls. May the Bible, which was so much the companion and solace of our dear relative, be more seriously perused by us, and prove more than ever the lamp of our path. O that our sabbaths, and all our religious ordinances and privileges, may present an aspect of fresher interest, and of more solemn responsiblity, than ever. As time passes away from us, may eternity engage more of our thoughts, our hopes, and our affections. May we arm ourselves anew for the great conflict, fight the good fight of faith, and, like our glorified parent, flee for refuge to Christ alone — acknowledging no other righteous- ness, glorying only in his grace, rejoicing simply in his fulness, and labouring daily to be found in him without spot or wrinkle, in his Father’s kingdom. O Lord, be pleased to sustain us in conducting the last offices of affection required oi us, in connexion with the remains of thy dear servant. And when we too shall be called to rest in our graves, may there be equal hope of a glorious resurrection. All this we humbly beg, and whatever else thou seest to be needful for us, in time and in eternity, in the name of thy dear Son, Jesus Christ. Into his hands we commit our spirits; and ascribe to Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, one Jehovah, all glory, and dominion, and power, world without end. Amen. 75S Special Bontegtfr <#>ea£on£ The Evening after a Funeral. 0 THOU Father of mercies, and God of all comfort — Thou hast often invited us to thyself by a profusion of kindnesses ; and it manifests our depravity, that we think of Thee so little in the hour of ease and prosperity. But we are now before Thee in affliction and distress. Yet we rejoice to know that Thou art a very present and an all- sufficient help in trouble. Thou takest away, and who can hinder Thee ? or say unto Thee, What doest Thou ? Thou hast a right to do what Thou wilt with thine own. Thou art a Sovereign, and the reasons of thy conduct are often far above out of our sight : but thy work is perfect, thy ways are judgment. All thy dispensations are wise, and righteous, and kind — kind even when they seem to be severe. May we hear thy voice in thy rod, as well as in thy word ; and gathering, from the corrections with which we are exercised, the peaceable fruit of righteousness, be able to acknowledge, with all our suffering brethren before us — It is good for us that we have been afflicted. It is not the scripture only that reminds us of our living in a dying world, but all observation and experience. Man is continually going to his long home, and the mourners daily go about the streets. And we are all accomplishing as an hireling our day, and in a little time our neighbours, friends, and relations will seek us, and we shall not be. Our days are swifter than a weaver’s shuttle, and are spent without hope. Thou hast made our days as an handbreadth, and our age is as nothing before Thee : verily every man at his best estate is altogether vanity. For our days are not only few, but full of evil. Anxieties perplex us ; dangers alarm us; infirmities oppress us; disappointments afflict us ; losses impoverish us ; we are consumed by thine anger, and by thy wrath are we troubled : — O shut not thy merciful ear to our prayers ; but Spare us, O Lord most holy, O God most mighty, O holy and most merciful Saviour : Thou most worthy Judge eternal, suffer us not, at our last hour, for any bitter pains of death, to fall from Thee. We ackowledge, O God, with shame and sorrow, that the state of degradation and mortality in which we groan was not our original condition. Thou madest man upright ; but he sought out many inventions. Our first father sinned, and we have borne his iniquity. By one man sin entered into the world, and death by sin; and so death hath passed upon all men, for that all have sinned. And we bless Thee that this is not our final state. By the discoveries of faith, we see new heavens and a new earth, wherein dwelleth righteousness. We see the spirits of just men made perfect. We see our vile bodies changed, and fashioned like the Saviour’s own glorious body • and man, the sinner, raised above the angels who never sinned. 769 <£rcasumal tlragerg* We bless Thee for this purpose of grace, formed before the world began, and accom- plished in the fulness of time by the Son of thy love, who hath abolished death, and brought life and immortality to light by the gospel ; and who, among the ravages of the grave, says — I am the resurrection and the life : he that believeth in me, though he were dead, yet shall he live; and whosoever liveth and believeth in me shall never die. May it be our immediate and supreme concern to win Christ, and be found in him ; knowing that there is no condemnation to them that are in Christ Jesus ; and that blessed are the dead that die in the Lord. So teach us to number our days, that we may apply our hearts unto wisdom — that wisdom which will lead us to prefer the soul to the body, and eternity to time ; that wis- dom which will lead us to secure an interest in a better world, before we are removed from this. O let not the trifles of time induce us to neglect the one thing needful. While each of us is compelled to say, I know Thou wilt bring me to death, and to the house appointed for all living, may we be enabled also to say, I know whom I have believed, and am per- suaded that he is able to keep that which I have committed to Him against that day. And, O let not the solemnities we have this day witnessed be ever forgotten ; for often our most serious impressions have worn off, and our goodness has been as the morning cloud, and as the early dew that soon passeth away. Thou hast permitted death to invade our circle, and hast turned our dwelling into a house of mourning. May we find that it is better to be in the house of mourning than in the house of mirth. By the sadness of the countenance may the heart be made better — more serious to reflect, and more softened to take impression. With the feelings of the creature may we blend the views and the hopes of the Christian. May we remember, that Thou hast bereaved us, not as an aggressor, but as a proprietor ; resuming what was lent us for a season, but never ceased to be thine own. May we therefore be dumb, and open not our mouth, because Thou hast done it ; or if we speak, may it be to acknowledge and pray — I know, O Lord, that thy judgments are right, and that Thou in faithfulness hast afflicted me ; let thy lovingkindness be for my comfort, according to thy word unto thy servant. We bless Thee for thy goodness to the deceased, and that we are not called to sorrow as those who have no hope. We ascribe whatever excellency was found in them to thy grace ; and desire to be followers of them, as far as they also were of Christ. Forgive us in whatever instances we failed in our duty towards them. Let the prayers they offered for us while on earth, be answered; may we hold communion with them in our living Redeemer ; and look forward to a period of renewed and improved intercourse, in which we shall be for ever with each other, and for ever with the Lord. Now unto Him that is able to keep us from falling, and to present us faultless before the presence of his glory with exceeding joy — to the only wise God our Saviour — be glory and majesty, dominion and power, both now and ever. Amen. Rev. W. Jay’s Domestic Minister’s Assistant. 7G0 c#|ifrial Qomfs'ttf &tu&on$ Prayer for a Young Member of the Family leaving Home to pursue his Education. 0 LORD, most merciful and gracious, to thee we lift up our hearts, for thy mercy endureth for ever. Behold us as we now bow down in lowly adoration before thee. Let thy love now warm our affections into the fervour of true devotion ; and may faith in thy dear Son obtain for each of us access to the riches of thy grace, and the hope of everlasting glory. We venture to wait upon thee at this time, and to knock at the gate of mercy, more especially in behalf of the youth before thee, whose prospects direct him to a temporary removal from us, with the view of improving his mind, and of promoting that course of education which may be needful for him, if spared to maturer years, and the weighty engagements which generally attend them. We would now earnestly invoke the favour of thy blessing to accompany him to his new abode. Impress on his mind the necessity of the greatest possible diligence in the improvement of his time, and in a conscientious application to those studies which may daily devolve upon him. And while ardently devoted to those acquisitions which are more immediately connected with this world, may he not be permitted to neglect that discipline of the heart which is essential to a proper preparation for eternity. Strengthen, we humbly beseech thee, O God, strengthen and enlarge his capacities for receiving and retaining all kinds of wholesome and useful knowledge which may be placed before his attention ; and may the fruit of all such acquirements be, to fit and elevate his powers for the higher attainments and services of piety to God, and devotedness to the glory of the Divine Redeemer. Ever-blessed God ; as the parents of this youth, we would now solemnly implore for him the protec- tion of the great and good Shepherd, during the period of his absence from us. Continue and increase his bodily health. Defend him from the temptations and dangers incident to youth and inexperience. May he take thine unerring testimonies at all times to be the lamp of his way, and the light of his path. May the early example of the Saviour captivate his affections, and excite his daily imitation. Enable him constantly to keep before him so perfect a model of early industry and zeal for thy glory. We pray that he may obtain favour in the eyes of his teachers ; continually may he grow in wisdom, and in favour with God and man. Promote in the heart of our beloved young friend a large increase of benevolent affections; so that whatever maybe the distinctions to which he may attain in the progress of learning, and influence among his fellow-creatures ; he may be disposed to devote the whole to the promotion of their present and eternal happiness. While engaged in those recreations which may be needful as a relaxation from application to study, may he never forget that thine eye is upon him. And, confident of his respon- sibility to thee for the influence of his example on those around him, may he daily cry unto thee to keep him from temptation, and to deliver him from those evils which might tempt others to dishonour thy holy and glorious name. Into the hands of our compassionate High Priest we now commit the interests, both temporal and spiritual, of this our beloved young friend. In due time may we see him 761 5 D <®c cantonal |3rai>n-3‘ dedicating all his accomplishments and powers to the glory of the Cross of the Divine Immanuel, in whatever station thou mayest be pleased to appoint him. May all that he is, or may hereafter become, be consecrated by the dew of thy blessing, to the best interests of his own soul, and of that of his fellow-creatures. O guide us here by thy counsel, and afterwards receive us all to thy glory above, where Christ dwelleth ; — for his great name sake. Amen. Prayer for a Youth leaving Home to follow a Business. T HY name, O Lord, endureth for ever, and thy memorial to all generations. Thou hast set thy glory above the heavens. In thy hand are the ways of all thy creatures. Thou hast ordered our steps, and appointed the bounds of our habitations. Fully and eternally present in every part of thy dominions, all things are replenished with thy goodness, whose they are, and by whose pervading energies they continue to be. Whither shall we go from thy Spirit, or flee from thy presence? By thee is our path every where encompassed, and our wanderings are recorded in thy book. We humbly adore thy rich mercy for the protection extended to every member of this household in days that have gone by; and would entertain a hallowed satisfaction in acknowledging thy provi- dence in all the events of life, and in every new movement in the arrangement of our domestic circle. Enable us, O God, at this time especially, to recommend to thy care and blessing our young friend, whose welfare now engages our humble, earnest, and affectionate entreaties before thee. He is now about to leave, for a season, his accus- tomed home, and those peculiar associations and mercies with which he has been so long and so uninterruptedly favoured. May thy Holy Spirit at all times impress on his mind a profitable remembrance of the advantages, especially those which have been of a religious character, enjoyed by him while living under the parental roof. O guard him, we pray thee, from the temptations and evils which may hereafter beset his path. May he seek counsel from above, to guide his feet into the way of peace ; and to shelter him from the arrows of the great destroyer. From this time may he say unto thee — My Father, thou art the guide of my youth. May he now imitate the beautiful example of the youthful Jacob, and pay his vows to thy throne, and say, If God will be with me, and will keep me in this way that I go, and will give me bread to eat and raiment to put on, so that I come again to my home in peace, then the Lord shall be my God. May thy gracious blessing rest on those new pursuits of a temporal character which are henceforth more immediately to engage the attentions of thy young servant. May he find his disposition vigorously and delightfully conformed to the exercises and duties to which he desires to be devoted. And in due time may his proficiency be such as to qualify him to enter on the important probation of manhood and active life, with satisfaction and honour to himself and his anxious relatives; serving thee his God, and promoting the welfare of his fellow-creatures, in that station which thou mayest have in reserve for him. 702 Rectal 2BomeStu We would affectionately implore for him the continuance of health, and of every needful earthly blessing. But, above all, may his heart be resolved to seek thee in the morning of his days, that his soul may prosper and be in health. Fortify him against the pernicious influence of error, irreligion, and vice, in all those forms of seduction and guile in which they may assail at once his happiness in time and his salvation in eternity. May the need of that divine wisdom which is the surest defence from those youthful lusts which war against the soul, occupy his most serious moments, and prove a source of celestial pleasure to his mind. May he cultivate much dependence on the grace of that compassionate Saviour who is the great Friend of youth and of sinners. And may the blessed doctrines of the gospel be found by him to be the only basis and safeguard of morals ; the strong buckler of the soul in the hour of fierce temptation and trial ; and as the unfailing fountain of that sanctity of nature, which, while it delights, also greatly ennobles, laying the foundation of solid grace and honour in this life, and crowning its termination with a glorified immortality. Although partially separated from each other for a season, may we constantly meet at the same throne of mercy. Justified by the same perfect righteousness of thy dear Son ; sanctified by the influence of the same truth and Holy Spirit ; and washed in the same atoning stream which was shed by the one sin-offering, even Jesus; may we yet be permitted to surround this family altar with joyful praises to thee in this life ; and at last be admitted to encompass the altar of the upper sanctuary, and to unite in the hymn of Moses and the Lamb for evermore. Grant these mercies, O Lord, for the sake of thy beloved Son, who is God over all, blessed for ever. Amen. For a Servant coming into the Family . M OST gracious and most glorious Lord, who is like unto thee !— almighty in power, and yet abundant in mercy ; of purer eyes than to look upon iniquity, yet long- suffering towards offenders. All our endeavours to shew forth thy praise must be feeble and imperfect. But thou lookest to the heart, and wilt accept the offerings of weak and sinful mortals, who desire to give thee the honour that is due to thy name. Lord, quicken us, and enable us to be instant in prayer, and let our thanksgivings be always acceptable. Thou, O God, hast made of one blood all nations of men for to dwell on all the face of the earth, and hast determined the times before appointed, and the bounds of their habi- tation ; and thou art no respecter of persons. And because the same Lord over all is rich unto all that call upon him, we would entreat thee to pour out on the servant that has just entered our household a spirit of prayer. May she (or he) be happy and useful and honourable in her present station. May she take thy word as her guide, and ever remember the charge of thine apostle, Servants, obey in all things your masters according to the flesh ; not with eye-service, as men-pleasers, but in singleness of heart, fearing God. Whatsoever she does, give her grace to do it heartily, as to the Lord, and not unto men; knowing that of the Lord we shall receive the reward of the inheritance, who serve the Lord Christ ; while those who do wrong shall receive for the wrong which they have done. Shewing all good fidelity, may she adorn the doctrine of God our Saviour in all 763 5 D 2 things, and greatly contribute to our comfort and peace. And while she observes her duty to us, may we not forget our duty to her , but by all suitable means may we promote her temporal, and especially her eternal welfare. Smile upon us, gracious Father; bless each of us, and make us blessings; as needy creatures, may we feel our dependence on thee ; and as those who are hourly distinguished by thy favours, may we be grateful for thy benefits, through Jesus, our propitiation and Advocate. Amen. OD is true, and we worship the God of truth. For ever, O Lord, thy word is settled in heaven, and thy faithfulness from generation to generation. Far be it from God that he should do wickedness, and from the Almighty that he should commit iniquity ; for the work of a man shall he render unto him, and cause every man to find according to his ways. Yea, surely God will not do wickedly, neither will the Almighty pervert We have made these acknowledgments in the day of prosperity, and we would repeat them in the season of adversity. Though our circumstances have changed, thou, O God, art the same ; for with thee is no variableness. Thou hast told us that all things here are full of labour — that the thoughts of men are vanity — and that their purposes, often disappointed ; and we are now proving the truth of thy word. O let us feel that thou art love, as well as righteous in all thy ways and holy in all thy works. We fall down and kneel before thee, the Lord our Maker, in humble submission to thy correction. We have had fathers of our flesh who corrected us, and we gave them reverence; shall we not much rather be in subjection to the Father of spirits, and live ? Though no affliction for the present seemeth to be joyous, but grievous; yet may it afterwards yield the peaceable fruit of righteousness unto us who are exercised thereby. O humble us under thine hand ; forgive the heinous guilt that provokes thee to stretch it out against us ; and let thy boundless compassion cover the multitude of our transgressions. Remember, O Lord, thine unworthy creatures in mercy, and save us from our fears and dangers, and from our griefs and burdens, that we may comfortably spend our few remaining days, and glorify thy holy name for evermore. Who knoweth what is good for man in this life, all the days of his vain life which he spendeth as a shadow ? All flesh is as grass, and all the glory of man as the flower of grass. The grass withereth, and the flower thereof falleth away ; but the word of the Lord endureth for ever, the word which by the gospel is preached unto us. O enkindle our gratitude for its possession, awaken our attention to its truths, and dispose us cordially and fully to embrace all that it reveals. We rejoice that we have a great High Priest who is touched with the feeling of our infirmities, and who was tempted in all points like as we are, yet without sin. In his dear name we come to thee, O our Father; may he now make intercession for us. ^men. Rev. C. Williams’s Domestic Guide. For those visited with Worldly Disappointments and Losses. judgment. Rev. C. Williams’s Domestic Guide. 704 Special Bmnesttf Reasons’- A Prayer for a Friend at Sea. 0 GOD of our salvation, who art the confidence of all the ends of the earth, and of them that are far off upon the sea, enable us to look to thee in behalf of all who demand an affectionate remembrance at thy footstool. We would more particularly plead for him who now sees the mighty works of the Lord, and beholds his wonders in the deep. The winds and the sea obey thee, O Most High. When thou utterest thy voice, the vapours ascend. There is a multitude of waters in the heavens ; and thou bringest forth the wind out of thy treasures, with lightnings and rain. At thy word a storm comes — the waves of the sea are raised — they mount up to the heavens — they go down again to the depth. The mariners are afraid, — their soul is melted because of trouble— they reel to and fro, and stagger like a drunken man, — and all their wisdom is swallowed up. Should these be his circumstances for whom we pray, then may he cry unto thee ; do thou hear his distresses ; say to the agitated elements, Peace, be still ; and may his heart be filled with gratitude to the Preserver of men. But if it please thee, let his vessel be wafted to its destination by propitious gales. Be as the bright and morning star, to guide him through the dark and deep waters ; and as a pillar of cloud, to defend him from the injurious influence of a burning sun. May he triumph over all the temptations which assail him ; and though cut off for a time from the services of thy temple, be thou to him a little sanctuary, and let him prove that thy richest blessings, like thy presence, may be every where enjoyed. The Lord preserve our friend in going out, and in coming home; yea, from this time forth and for evermore. And having, O God, opened to him of thy good treasure, and blessed all the works of his hands, give him, when he reaches his harbour, to declare — I will say of the Lord, he is my refuge, and my fortress, my God, in him will I henceforth trust. Through the ever-blessed and gracious Redeemer. Amen. Rev. C. Williams' Domestic Guide. A Thanksgiving for Safe Return from a Journey. W HEN we enter thy presence, O God, we see thee in all the glory of thy perfections, seated on a throne of universal and everlasting empire, thousands ministering unto thee, and ten thousand times ten thousand standing before thee ; and humbly and reverently would we offer our adoration. But O how great is thy goodness ! We will bless the Lord at all times, and his praise shall continually be in our mouth ; for the eyes of the Lord are upon the righteous, and his ears are open to their cry. He maketh the humble glad ; the Angel of the Lord encampeth about them that fear him ; and blessed is the man that trusteth in him. We thank thee, O thou Keeper of Israel, for the favours bestowed on us who have journeyed. We might have been injured by wicked men. We might have been enduring the agony of bruised or fractured lhnbs. Our lives might have been like water spilt on <&aagional |)ragn& the ground, wnich cannot be gathered again ; and instead of thus meeting those we love, they might on our account have been filled with anguish and sorrow. And help us to magnify thy name for permitting thy secret to remain upon our tabernacle. It might have been in ruins, but thou hast preserved it from evil. O that from it there may ascend continually our grateful thanksgivings. And as we are still pilgrims through a desert land, guide us, O thou great Jehovah. Uphold us by thy power, supply all our wants, let thy rod and staff comfort us ; and all the days of our appointed years will we wait, until our change come. May we be careful for nothing, but in every thing, by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, may we make our requests known unto God. Let the peace of God, which passeth all understanding, keep our hearts and minds through Christ Jesus. And may the blessing of God Almighty, Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, rest upon us, and remain with us for ever. Amen. The Rev. C . Williams’s Domestic Guide. PRAYERS FOR SPECIAL RELIGIOUS SEASONS. Prayer fur the Morning of a Communion Sahhath. O LORD, heaven is thy throne, and earth is thy footstool, and even the heaven of heavens cannot contain thee. Wilt thou in very deed dwell with men upon the earth ? We rejoice that thou hast not turned away from the works of thy hands, but that even thy delights are with the children of men. We rejoice that thou art not only the inha- bitant of eternity, but the God of all grace, the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, and in him the reconciled God, and compassionate heavenly Father, of all who believe. We thank thee that we are not warned as at Sinai to stand at a distance from thy presence, but are invited and encouraged to approach thee, not only as our Sovereign to whom we owe allegiance and homage, but as our Benefactor and our Father, who is willing freely to give us all things. We adore thee, gracious God, for the method by which thy love is exercised towards us. In Jesus Christ, the brightness of thy glory, and the express image of thy person, we behold a Saviour whose blood cleanseth from all sin ; whose righteousness vindicates thy character, and magnifies thy law ; whose Spirit quickens the lifeless, and sanctifies the pol- luted soul; whose example is the guide of believers in all their endeavours in thy service ; and whose living power and all-prevailing intercession afford the certain pledge of their present acceptance, and their future and eternal blessedness. W e adore thee for a method of salvation in which justice and mercy unite and harmonize ; which meets the demands, and provides for the honour, of all thy perfections ; which saves the sinner, and glorifies rcc fecial fteHgfottg Reasons. God in the highest. Into these things angels desire to look ; and we, O Lord, who have a nearer interest in them, humbly beseech thee, who art the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of glory, to give unto us the Spirit of wisdom and of revelation in the know- ledge of Christ ; that the eyes of our understanding being opened, we may know what is the hope of his calling, and what the riches of the glory of his inheritance in the saints, and what is the exceeding greatness of his power to us-ward who believe, according to the working of that mighty power whereby Christ was raised from the dead, and set at the right hand of God in the heavenly places. For this purpose, we beseech thee to bless the sacred ordinance in which we are this day to engage. By means of it may we obtain a deeper insight into the mystery of redeeming love; and may the affections and sentiments which that love should inspire, be quickened and invigorated. While we encompass thy table, may we be filled with admiration of the glory of the Saviour, and may our hearts burn towards him with a livelier and intenser gratitude for the grace he hath shown us. Looking back, may we reflect on the misery and shame from which he hath rescued us ; and looking forward, may we rejoice in hope of the glory to which he hath promised in due time to exalt us. May we meditate upon the debt of gratitude we owe him ; and while we remember his humiliation, his sufferings, and his death, may we be inspired with a godly sorrow for sin, and with a fixed purpose of heart to live to him who hath bought us with his blood. And O may that Spirit whom the Saviour bequeathed to his followers, be shed on us abundantly, to testify to us of Christ, and to bring all things concerning him vividly to our recollection. May he be poured upon us as the Spirit of grace and of supplications ; and may we have no cause to complain of that want of spiritual vigour and activity under which we so often groan. Instead of being in heaviness through manifold temptations, may we be filled with all joy and peace in believing, and abound in hope through the power of the Holy Ghost. With ourselves, we would be mindful in thy presence of our Christian brethren. May they who shall this day surround thy table, share with us in the tokens of thine accept- ance and of the Saviour’s love. May their faith be strengthened, their hope animated, their zeal warmed, and their charity enlarged. May they and we have fellowship one with another : and while our hearts are knit together in the exercises of mutual Christian love, may we have fellowship also with the Father and with his Son Jesus Christ. Be with thy ministering servants : assist them in their labours : strengthen their hands, and encourage their hearts ; and while they are the ministers of God for good to others, may they abundantly partake of the good of thy chosen, and rejoice in the glad- ness of thy nation, and glory with thine inheritance. Be very gracious to the aged, the infirm, and the diseased, who are prevented from waiting upon thee in thine ordinances. Supply to them their outward loss : be to them a little sanctuary : speak peace to their anxious and troubled minds : and while all the places around Mount Zion are wet with the dews of heaven, command thou also upon them the blessing from above, even life for evermore. Let thy presence and blessing be with the young, and with those who shall for the first time publicly dedicate themselves to the service of the Lord their God. Remove from their minds every shade of doubt or of fear : shed thy love abroad in their hearts ; 7C7 Rectal iUIupmiS ^rasonsL and with minds awake to the gracious design of this day’s service, may they draw nigh to the table of their Lord with humble yet with sustained confidence, and find, from an experience which shall only be the foretaste of future and of growing satisfaction in the ways of God, that the Saviour’s flesh is meat indeed, and that his blood is drink indeed. To thy mercy we commend ourselves, O Lord. We go forward in thy strength : we make mention of thy righteousness. Remember, O Lord, toward us thy tender mercies and thy loving-kindnesses, which have been ever of old. Remember not against us the sins of our youth, nor any of our transgressions ; but according to thy mercy remember us, and for thy goodness sake. And now our Lord Jesus Christ himself, and God even our Father, which hath loved us, and given us everlasting consolation and good hope through grace, comfort our hearts, and establish us in every good word and work; to whom, with the Holy Spirit, be glory world without end. Amen. The Rev. Dr. C. Watson s Prayers for the Use of Families. A Prayer for the Evening of a Communion Sabbath. 0 LORD, at the close of this day we desire to come before thee with the voice of thanksgiving and praise. We acknowledge the goodness and grace we have this day experienced ; and with hearts deeply sensible of our manifold obligations, we would unite in rendering to thee the homage of our humble and grateful acknowledgments. Thou, O Lord, art our Creator, our Preserver, our bountiful Benefactor; but, above all, thou art our Redeemer, the gracious and compassionate Jehovah, who hast pitied and saved us in our low and lost estate. We thank thee, gracious God, for what we have this day seen, and tasted, and heard, and handled of the word of life. We bless thee that Jesus Christ hath this day been plainly set forth before us crucified and slain, and that in him all the blessings of salvation have been brought under our view, and presented to our acceptance. We bless thee not only for Jesus Christ, but for all those ordinances which recall him to our recollection, and are the means, through the grace of thy Spirit, of applying the benefits of the gospel to our hearts. O may those of us who this day have approached the Saviour’s table, find that it hath been no vain thing to wait upon him in the ways of his own appointment. May the memorials of his dying love minister peace and joy to our souls : may we be sensible from present and future experience, that we have enjoyed the presence, and received the bless- ing, of the Master of the feast; and in the strength of the refreshment imparted to our faith, and hope, and love, may we go on our way to the heavenly world with an enlarged and rejoicing heart. And while we enjoy the comforts of religion, may we be doubly mindful of its obligations and observances. Having partaken of the goodness of thy house, and of thy holy place, 7 08 pedal lUIuitmis' &tu#on$. n ay we maintain upon our minds a lively recollection of the blessedness of the man whom thou choosest, and causest to approach unto thee, and be effectually constrained from a willing mind to consecrate to thee our bodies and our spirits as living sacrifices, holy, acceptable, which is our reasonable service. And do thou, O Lord, who alone canst give effect to our purposes and desires to be thine, accomplish in us, we beseech thee, the whole good pleasure of thy goodness. Let not the good seed which hath been sown be scattered by the winds, or choked by the tares, or scorched by the heat, or snatched away by the enemy. Let not sin regain its dominion over us : but perfect, we entreat thee, that which concerneth us ; and having begun thy good work, be pleased to carry it forward unto the day of Jesus Christ. May all the effects designed by the holy ordinance in which we have this day participated, be produced by thy grace in our experience. May our faith be confirmed, our hope enlivened, our love increased, and our purposes of new and holy obedience in time to come* strengthened and rendered effectual. May the world in which we are appointed to perform our Christian pilgrimage, take knowledge of us that we have been with Jesus ; and may our path through it be as the shining light, which shineth more and more unto the perfect day. We cast ourselves, O Lord, upon thee for guidance, for support, for comfort, and for protection. Thou who hast covered a table for us this day in the wilderness, and spread over us thy banner which is love, wilt thou not continue to us thy bounty and thy grace ? wilt thou not cause the stream of thy merciful goodness to accompany us all the days of our fife i and wilt thou not permit us at last to dwell with thee in the house of the Lord for ever ? Nor would we be mindful merely of ourselves. We commend to thee all our fellow- christians, and especially those who have this day united with us in commemorating the dying love of our exalted Redeemer. May love to the Saviour bind us together in affec- tion one to another, as members of the same family, partakers of the same nature, and heirs of the same blessedness. May thy servants who have dispensed to us the word and bread of life, be enriched with all heavenly and spiritual blessings. May their minds be the seat of all those gifts and graces which are needful to the advancement of their holi- ness, their comfort, and their usefulness. And while they plant and water, may God com- mand a blessing, and appoint an abundant increase. Look, we entreat thee in compassion on those who are destitute of the privileges which we enjoy. Forgive the sin of those who, enjoying outward privileges, despise or abuse them ; and let the light of the knowledge of thy glory, as it shines in the face of Jesus Christ, penetrate every dark place of the earth, and strike conviction into every polluted and benighted mind, causing the distant heathen to cast his idols to the moles and to the bats, and constraining the heathen in a Christian land to look upon Him whom he hath pierced, and to mourn, to love, and to obey. Hear us, we beseech thee, gracious God, and accept of us : And all that we ask is in the name and for the sake of Jesus Christ; to whom, with the Father and the Holy Spirit, be glory for ever. Amen. The Rev. Dr. C. Watson’s Prayers for the Use of Families. 5 E T69 ©ccasional |3ragtrS A Prayer for Christmas Day. 0 LORD God, Father of mercies, who hast, in the exceeding riches of thy grace, so loved the world, as to give thine only-begotten Son, to take upon him our nature, and bear our sins in his own body on the cross, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life ; help us on this commemorative day, with true humility and reverence, and with heartfelt gratitude and love, to bless thy Name for this thine un- speakable gift. O thou Holy Spirit, the power of the Most High, the glorifier of Jesus, of him who by thine operation was made very man of the substance of the Virgin Mary his mother, and that without spot of sin, that he might make us clean from all sin : Shine upon our souls, and discover to us his glory and his grace. Enlighten our understandings that we may believe thy word, which reveals that great mystery of godliness, God manifest in the flesh. We are, O Lord, miserable sinners, unworthy to lift up our eyes unto thee ; our understandings are naturally dark, and our minds opposed to thy will and word, alienated from thee through the ignorance that is in us ; of ourselves we know nothing ; we can do nothing as we ought ; and in all things we come infinitely short of our bounden duty and our reasonable service. But as is the majesty of thy glory, so is thy mercy in Christ Jesus ; through him we are invited and encouraged to come boldly to the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy, and find grace to help in time of need. O merciful God, we now draw nigh unto thee ; we plead thy promises, and we beseech thee to bless us this morning with all spiritual blessings in Christ Jesus. Make us joyful in thee our God. May we, with thy holy prophet, rejoice that “unto us a child is born, unto us a Son is given, whose name is called Wonderful, Counsellor, the Mighty God, the Everlasting Father, the Prince of peace.” May we with the shepherds go in faith to Bethlehem, and return with adoring wonder, praising and glorifying God for this great event. May we, with the choir of angels, tune our harps to the praise of redeeming mercy, and sing, “ Glory to God in the highest, on earth peace, good-will towards men.” O what manner of love is this ! Herein is love, not that we loved God, but that he loved us, and sent his Son to be the propitiation for our sins. And whilst we contemplate the wondrous mystery of the incarnation and birth of Christ Jesus our Lord, may we duly remember all the blessed ends for which he left the glory that he had with the Father before the world was, and became a man of sorrows and acquainted with grief. May we feel our need of his salvation, and receive with thankfulness that gospel which proclaims it to us. May we endeavour to follow the blessed steps of his most holy life ; — 'acting as his peculiar people, whom he hath redeemed from all iniquity, and made zealous of good works. O may a deep sense of the infinite mercy of God our Saviour ever constrain us to love him with all our heart, and 770 trial ftiltgtottg mind, and soul, and strength ; and having this hope within us, may we purify ourselves, even as he is pure ; that when he shall appear again with power and great glory, we may be made like unto him, in his eternal and glorious kingdom; where, with thee, O Father, and thee, O Holy Ghost, he liveth and reigneth, one God, world without end. Amen. Our Father, which art in heaven, &c. The grace of our Lord, & c. Family Prayers, by the Rev. John Swete, D.D. A Prayer for Good Friday. A LMIGHTY God, our heavenly Father, who of thy tender mercy didst give thine only Son Jesus Christ to suffer death upon the cross for our redemption ; send down upon us at this time thy Holy Spirit, whose office it is to take of the things which are Christ’s, and to show them to his people : and let his grace humble our souls under a conviction of our manifold sins, our guilt, and our corruption ; and fill us with lively gratitude, whilst we remember the exceeding great love of our only Saviour Jesus Christ; and the innumerable benefits which he has obtained for us, by the shedding of his most precious blood. Most blessed Lord ! we desire to praise and magnify thy holy name, for revealing unto us the stupendous mystery which, at this season, we are more especially led to contemplate. Oh ! that we could always bear it in our remembrance with suitable affections ! But, Lord, it is thou alone who canst direct our hearts into the love of Christ. Shed abroad this love in our souls by thy Holy Spirit, that we may not be faithless, but believing. Enable us to comprehend and learn, in some measure, with all thy saints, what is the height, and depth, and length, and breadth, of the love of Christ, which passeth knowledge. Prepare our hearts, O Lord, to join in the solemn services of thy holy temple this day. While we call to mind the sufferings of our blessed Saviour, and by faith flee for the pardon of our sins to his cross, may we be taught the evil of sin — the vanity of the world — the worth of our souls — and the obligations which lie upon us to mortify all sin in our members ; to be submissive to thy blessed will in all our sufferings ; to love thy salvation ; and to live not unto ourselves, but unto Him who died for us, and rose again. May we be enabled individually with humility and godly sincerity to say, “ I am crucified with Christ ; nevertheless, I live, yet not I, but Christ liveth in me ; and the life which I now live in the flesh, I live by the faith of the Son of God, who loved me, and gave himself for me.” Bless all thy servants who are devoted to the work of the ministry. Enable them faithfully to set forth Jesus Christ, and him crucified, as the Redeemer of lost sinners, bearing the iniquities of his people ; and as the Saviour of mankind, full of grace and mercy, to sanctify and save the souls of men. And be pleased to clothe thy word with 771 5 E 2 Eittera$sions\ thine own mighty power ; that sinners may he converted from sin and death ; and, looking to Jesus, may find in him pardon and salvation suitable to all their wants ; and that thy saints may have their faith established, their love enkindled, and their hope c r .firmed of enjoying the beatific vision of the Lamb, when they shall see the glorified Saviour as he is, and, with the myriads of his redeemed around the throne, be eternally employed in singing, “ Unto him that loved us, and washed us from our sins in his own blood, and hath made us kings and priests unto God, be glory and dominion for ever and ever.” Grant these our imperfect petitions for the sake of thy Son, Jesus Christ our Saviour, in whose comprehensive form of prayer we further address thee : — Our Father, which art in heaven, See. The grace of our Lord, &c. Family Prayers, by the Rev. John Swete , D.D. INTERCESSIONS TO BE FREQUENTLY USED IN THE FAMILY DEVOTIONS. A Prayer for the Children of the Family. B LESSED Jesus, who hast given the promises of the gospel to us, and to our children, and to all that are afar off, even as many as thou thyself wilt call, we beseech thee to hear our petitions in behalf of the children of this family, whom we now present in the arms of faith before thee. We ask not for them any thing of this world’s goods. Do thou with them, in this life, as seemeth good unto thee. But bless thou their precious and immortal souls. Call them early by thy grace, O Lord. Give them thy Holy Spirit. Convert them to the knowledge and love of thee. Adopt them into thy family ; and teach them to walk as thy beloved children. May their parents and teachers instruct them, both by precept and example ; and may their instructions be blessed to their souls. May they not be trained after the course and fashion of this world, but with a simple view to their eternal glory in the world to come. Amen. Family Prayers ; by the Author of “ Explanatory and Practical Comments on the New Testament.'’ 772 EntemstefcmsJ A Prayer for the Church of Christ. A LMIGHTY God, who hast directed us to pray always, with all prayer and suppli- cation, in the Spirit, for all saints, we desire now to plead with thee for all our fellow-members incorporate in the mystical body of the Lord Jesus Christ. O ever-blessed Jesus, of whom the whole family in heaven and earth is named, who art the Head of the body, the church ; we pray thee for that portion of thy body now militant here on earth. Do thou, who hast received the Spirit for the Church, grant that each member may be endued with power from on high — may be filled with the Spirit — may be baptized with the Holy Ghost. Glorify thy children, O Lord, that they may glorify thee; — that the power of the Spirit, for witness and for holiness, may appear amongst them ; — that all who profess thy holy name, may agree in the truth of thy holy word, and live in unity and godly love. Diffuse thy loving Spirit throughout thy body, O Jesus, that all may be of one heart and of one mind ; that brotherly love may prevail ; that the hearts of all who shall hereafter be bound together in the bundle of life, may here be knit together in the bonds of the Gospel. May the savour of sanctity, the beauty of holiness, be found with each, to the praise of thy glory. Prepare thy bride to meet thee at thy coming ; and hasten thy kingdom, when thou shalt be glorified in thy saints with thee. Amen. By the preceding Author. For the Outpouring of the Holy Spirit. 0 ADORABLE Redeemer, who hast ascended up on high, and led captivity captive, and hast received from the Father the promised gift of the Spirit for thy people, pour upon us that most excellent gift, we pray thee, for which thou hast encouraged us to ask with boldness. We plead thy promise, that thou wilt send the Comforter, to abide with us for ever — to take thy place with thy Church in this vorld, till thou dost return in thy glory. Send us then the Comforter. Give to us who have received the Spirit of regeneration, the further blessing of the Spirit’s seal, which is the earnest of our inherit- ance. We ask of thee, we implore of thee, to open the windows of heaven, and to rain a gracious shower of the Holy Spirit upon our thirsty souls. We ask not only for the gentle gale of a gracious influence ; but for the mighty power of the Holy Ghost, to send us forward with strength on our heavenward course. O baptize us with the Holy Ghost, and give to us the Spirit in all such power and manifestation as we are entitled to ask for, and as thou seest right to bestow. We cannot conquer sin — we cannot crucify our flesh— we cannot walk in holiness or love, without the Spirit. Lord Jesus, we cannot live without the Spirit ; O give it us freely, fully, and unceasingly ; that, being filled with the Spirit, we may be filled with love to thee, and walk in holiness and righ- teousness all our days, till death shall call us, or till thou shalt appear in thy glory. Amen. 7T3 By the preceding Author. Enteral IpragcnS A Prayer for all Conditions of Men. 0 GOD, the Creator and Preserver of all mankind, we humbly beseech thee for all sorts and conditions of men ; that thou wouldest be pleased to make thy ways known unto them, thy saving health unto all nations. More especially we pray for the good estate of the Catholic Church ; that it may be so guided and governed by thy good Spirit, that all who profess and call themselves Christians, may be led into the way of truth ; and hold the faith in unity of spirit, in the bond of peace, and in righteousness of life. Finally, we commend to thy fatherly goodness all those who are any ways afflicted or distressed in mind, body, or estate ; that it may please thee to comfort and relieve them according to their several necessities ; giving them patience under their sufferings, and a happy issue out of all their afflictions : and this we beg for Jesus Christ’s sake. Amen. GENERAL PRAYERS. Prayer for Christian Missions. A LMIGHTY and most merciful Father, we give thee humble thanks for the light of thy gospel. Make us more grateful for this thy mercy, and more zealous for the salvation of all mankind. Visit in mercy the church of Christ ; enrich it more abundantly with the grace of the Holy Ghost ; and bless its endeavours to make known thy truth. Unite, as one man, all who are truly labouring for thee. Disappoint the designs of Satan : let all Christian societies live in harmony and love: give them wisdom in all their plans: perfect thy strength in their weakness, and direct their labours to thy glory. The harvest truly is great, but the labourers are few ! O thou Lord of the harvest, send forth labourers into thy harvest ! Fill with thy Spirit those whom thou hast sent forth, and enable them faithfully and boldly to preach, among Jews and Gentiles, the unsearchable riches of Christ. Keep them from the snares of the world, the flesh, and the devil ; deliver them from all evil ; and make them wise to win souls. Take away blindness from the Jews. Let them receive thee, O Jesus, as their Messiah, and proclaim thy saving name among the Gentiles. Deliver all Mohammedans from the delusions of the false prophet. O thou true Prophet of thy church, enlighten them by thy Holy Spirit, and bow them down at the foot of thy Cross. Pity blind idolaters, who are kept in cruel bondage by the god of this world. Turn them from idols, that they may serve the living and true God. 774 (Snmal ^ragtnS. O thou Almighty Saviour, who by the right hand art exalted, and hast received of the Father the promise of the Holy Ghost, shed forth his light and grace on this dark world. Cause all Christians, we beseech thee, to sow bountifully, that they may reap also bountifully. O thou that lovest a cheerful giver, let all grace abound toward them, that they may minister liberally of their substance to the making known of thy name. With these our humble prayers, we join our praises and thanksgivings for what thou hast done in making known thy salvation : perfect thy work, O Lord ; shortly accomplish the number of thine elect, and hasten the coming of thy kingdom. Be present with us, O Lord, at this time. Give us all a single eye to thy glory. May thy blessing rest upon our meeting ; and may all our hearts be this day quickened and encouraged to fresh and persevering efforts in thy service. We ask these mercies for the glory of thy name, through the merits and mediation of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ; and would ascribe to Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, Three Persons in One God, everlasting praise. Amen. Our Father, &c. Prayer used at the Anniversaries of the Church Missionary Sod First Morning of the New Year. O F old Thou hast laid the foundation of the earth ; and the heavens are the work of thy hands. They shall perish, but Thou shalt endure; yea, all of them shall wax old like a garment : as a vesture shalt Thou change them, and they shall be changed ; but Thou art the same, and thy years shall have no end. Through all the successions of time, which with us constitute the past, the present, and the future, I AM is thy name : and this is thy memorial in all generations. We desire, O God, with the profoundest reverence to contemplate the eternity of thy nature. May our minds be filled with eleva- tion and grandeur at the thought of a Being with whom one day is as a thousand years, and a thousand years are as one day ; a Being, who, amidst all the revolutions of empire and the lapse of worlds, feels no variableness nor shadow of turning. How glorious, with immortality attached to them, are all thy attributes ! and how secure are the hopes and happiness of all those who know thy name, and put their trust in Thee ! May we rejoice, that while men die, the Lord liveth ; that while all creatures are found broken reeds, and broken cisterns, He is the Rock of ages, and the Fountain of living waters. O that we may turn away our hearts from vanity ; and among all the dissatisfactions and uncertainties of the present state, look after an interest in that ever- lasting covenant which is ordered in all things and sure. May we seek after a union with thyself, as the Strength of our heart, and our Portion for ever, and be partakers ourselves of the immutability we adore ; for Thou hast assured us, that while the world passetli away, and the lusts thereof, he that doeth the will of God abideth for ever. We thank Thee that Thou hast revealed to us the way in which a fallen and perishing sinner can be eternally united to thyself; and that Jesus is the way, the truth, and the 775 0nteral ^ragerg* life. In his name we come; O receive us graciously; justify us freely from all things; renew us in the spirit of our minds ; and bless us with all spiritual blessings in heavenly places in Christ. By the lapse of our days and weeks and years, which we are called upon so often to remark, may we be reminded how short our life is, and how soon we shall close our eyes on every prospect below the sun : and, O suffer us not to neglect the claims of eternity, in the pursuit of the trifles of time ; but, knowing how frail we are, may we be wise enough to choose that good part which shall not be taken away from us ; and before we leave the present evil world, may we secure au inheritance in another and a better. May thoughts of death and eternity so impress our minds, as to put seriousness into our prayers and vigour into our resolutions ; may they loosen us from an undue attachment to things seen and temporal; so that we may weep as though we wept not, and rejoice as though we rejoiced not. And remembering that the present life, so short, so uncertain, and so much of which is already vanished, is the only opportunity we shall ever have for usefulness, may we be concerned with a holy avarice to redeem the time. May we be alive and awake at every call of charity and piety. May we feed the hungry, and clothe the naked; may we instruct the ignorant, reclaim the vicious, forgive the offending, diffuse the gospel; and consider one another, to provoke one another unto love and good works, not forsaking the assembling ourselves together, as the manner of some is, but exhorting one another, and so much the more as we see the day approaching. As we have entered on a new period of life, may we faithfully examine ourselves, to see what has been amiss in our former temper or conduct ; and in thy strength may we resolve to correct it. And may we inquire for the future, with a full determination to reduce our knowledge to practice, Lord, what wilt Thou have me to do ? Prepare us for all the duties of the ensuing year. All the wisdom and strength necessary for the performance of them must come from thyself; may we therefore live a life of self-distrust, of Divine dependence, and of prayer ; may we ask and receive, that our joy may be full; may we live in the Spirit, and walk in the Spirit. If we are indulged with prosperity, O let not our prosperity destroy us or injure us. If we are exercised with adversity, suffer us not to sink in the hour of trouble, or sin against God. May we know how to be abased without despondence, and to abound without pride. If our relative comforts are continued to us, may we love them without idolatry, and hold them at thy disposal ; and if they are recalled from us, may we be enabled to say, The Lord gave, and the Lord hath taken away ; blessed be the name of the Lord. Fit us for all events. We know not what a day may bring forth ; but we encourage ourselves in the Lord our God, and go forward. Nothing can befall us by chance. r l hou hast been thus far our helper; Thou hast promised to be with us in every condition. Thou hast engaged to make all things work together for our good : all thy ways are mercy and truth. May we therefore be careful for nothing, but in every thing, by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, may we make known our requests unto God; and may the peace of God, that passeth all understanding, keep our hearts and minds, through Christ Jesus. Central ^ragtrtf. Bless, O bless the young ! May each of them, this day, hear Thee saying, My son, give me thy heart : and from this day may they cry unto Thee as the guide of their youth, Regard those who have reached the years wherein they say, We have no pleasure in them. If old in sin, may they be urged to embrace, before it be for ever too late, the things that belong to their peace ; and if old in grace, uphold them with thy free Spirit, and help them to remember, that now is their salvation nearer than when they believed. Bless all the dear connexions attached to us by nature, friendship, or religion. Grace be to them, and peace be multiplied. Let our country share thy protection and smiles. Bless all our rulers and magistrates. Bless all our churches and congregations. Bless all thy ministers ; may thine ordinances in their hands be enlivening and refreshing, and thy word effectual to wound and to heal. May this be a year remarkable for the conversion of souls and the extension of the gospel. Bless all missionary societies ; and let the circling months see the banners of the Redeemer carried forward ; till all nations are subdued to the obedience of faith. Our Father, &c. Amen. Rev. W. Jay's Domestic Minister’s Assistant. Last Evening of the Year. B EFORE Thee, O Lord, who art from everlasting to everlasting, we this evening bow down ourselves in humility and gratitude. By thy good hand upon us, we have been preserved during another year. Help us to look back upon the scenes through which we have passed, and to trace the course of thy merciful providence in its various dealings with us. Bring to our remembrance the mercies we have enjoyed, the dangers we have escaped, the discipline we have endured, and the consolations and supports we have experienced. Nor let us be unmindful of our sins. Recall to our remembrance the folly, the perverseness, the pride, and the worldliness that have characterised the state of our feelings and deportment. Humble us when we reflect how many events have occurred, calculated to make an impression on our minds which have nowise affected us — how many lessons of divine truth have been addressed to us, which we have not been careful to treasure up and improve — how much of the Divine procedure with us we have slightly observed, and soon forgotten. And when we think of our own unprofitableness, let us be deeply impressed with thy forbearance. Though many a time thou hast come to us seeking fruit, and hast found none, thou hast not been provoked to destroy us. For thine own name’s sake hast thou 777 5 F General deferred thine anger, and for thy praise hast thou refrained, that thou hast not cut us down. Still are we in the land of the living ; still in possession of mercies and privileges ; still surrounded by testimonies to thy goodness ; and still addressed by inducements to attach ourselves to thy service. O may the design of all thy gracious dispensations be fully accomplished in our behalf. Let thy Holy Spirit sanctify to us the course of thy providence, and render it conducive to the establishment and growth of religion in our souls. When we behold the vanity of all that is in chis world ; when we see how quickly, yet how silently, time moves on ; when we see days, and weeks, and months, and years escape from us ; when we see every thing changing its place, and the persons we once knew passing away from our society to the solitude of the grave ; when we remember the vicissitudes that have occurred within the sphere of our own observation during the course of the year that is about to close ; and when we reflect that greater and more affecting changes may be in reserve for us in the year that is about to commence — O may we be inspired with that true wisdom, which employs its best cares in providing for the happiness of the soul, by securing for it an interest in those blessings which shall retain their value when the heart and flesh fail, and when the earth and all the works that are therein shall be burnt up. And, if through grace these blessings be already ours, let the events of thy providence raise them in our esteem, and induce us to act more uniformly on a principle of fixed and supreme regard to them. May we grow more heavenly-minded, as we approach nearer the grave. May we daily learn to look with a colder eye upon things we are so soon to leave ; and may we reach forward with intenser interest to those things that are before, which constitute the high prize of our calling. May our love to one another grow day by day ; may our attachment to the gospel, our interest in its truths, our satisfaction with its precepts, our confidence in its promises, our delight in its institutions, our fellow-feeling with its friends, our conformity to its spirit, and our zeal for its honour, undergo a constant and a perceptible increase. And when at length, O Lord, we are called to leave the world, may there be nothing doubtful to ourselves or to others in the step we are about to take : may there he nothing violent in the transition from earth to heaven : may the change we make, be a change of state, and not of character — a higher stage in our ascending path — a removal from the outer court, where we have walked with God, to the inner sanctuary, where we shall see him as he is. To thy mercy, O Lord, we commend ourselves this night. Let the angel of the Lord encamp around us, and let the eternal God himself be our refuge. To thy protection and care, during our future pilgrimage, we commit our souls, our bodies, and our spirits. Be gracious to our friends ; and let thy blessing extend to the whole circle embraced by our affections, or connected with us by the ties of neighbourhood or of nature. All who are dear to us, and all that interests us, we leave with thee. And now, unto Him who is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think, unto Him be glory by Christ Jesus, throughout all ages, world without end. Amen. The Rev. Dr. C. Watson’s Prayers for the Use of Families. 778 <§meral ^ragerg. During the Prevalence of a Pestilential Epidemic. 0 ALMIGHTY, most just, and merciful God, we now acknowledge ourselves most unworthy to lift up our eyes unto heaven; for our conscience doth accuse us, and our sins do reprove us. We know also that thou, Lord, being a just Judge, must needs punish the sins of those who transgress thy law. And when we consider and examine our whole life, we find nothing in ourselves that deserveth any other thing but eternal con- demnation. But because thou, O Lord, of thy unspeakable mercy, hast commanded us, in all our necessities, to call only upon thee ; and hast also promised that thou wilt hear our prayers, not for our own desert, which is none, but for the merits of thy Son our only Saviour Jesus Christ, whom thou hast ordained to be our only Mediator and Intercessor; we put away all confidence in man, and flee to the throne of thy mercy, by the interces- sion of thy only Son our Saviour Jesus Christ. And, first of all, we do most lament and bewail, from the bottom of our hearts, our unkindness and unthankfulness towards thee our Lord ; considering that besides those thy benefits which we enjoy as thy creatures, common with all mankind, thou hast bestowed many and singular special benefits upon us, which we are not able in heart to conceive, much less in words worthily to express. Thou hast released us from the hard servitude of Satan. Thou hast delivered us from idolatry, wherein we were utterly drowned, and hast brought us into the most clear and comfortable light of thy blessed word ; by the which we are taught how to serve and honour thee, and how to live consistently with our neighbours in truth and verity. But we, most unmindful, in times of prosperity, of these thy great benefits, have neglected thy commandments ; have abused the knowledge of thy Gospel ; have followed our carnal liberty, and served our own lusts ; and through our sinful life have not worshipped and honoured thee as we ought to have done. And now, O Lord, being even compelled by thy correction, w r e do most humbly con- fess that we have sinned and most grievously offended thee in many and sundry ways. And if thou, O Lord, shouldst now, being provoked with our disobedience, so deal with us as thou mightest and as we have deserved, there remaineth nothing else to be looked for, but universal and continual plagues in this world, and hereafter eternal death and condemnation, both of our bodies and of our souls. For, if we should excuse ourselves, our own con- sciences would accuse us before thee ; and our own disobedience and wickedness would bear witness against us. Yea, even thy plagues and punishments, which thou dost now lay upon us in sundry places, do teach us to acknowledge our sins. For seeing, O Lord, that thou art just, yea, even justice itself, thou punishest no people without desert. Yea, even at this present, O Lord, we see thy hand terribly stretched out to plague us and punish us. But although thou shouldst punish us more grievously than thou hast done, and for one plague send an hundred, if thou shouldst pour upon us all those the testi- monies of thy most just wrath, which in times past thou pouredst on thine own chosen people of Israel; yet shouldst thou do us no wrong, neither could we deny but we had justly deserved the same. But yet, O merciful Lord, thou art our God, and we nothing but dust and ashes : thou art our Creator, and we the work of thy hands; thou art our Pastor, we thy flock; thou art our Redeemer, and we thy people redeemed. Wherefore punish us not, O Lord, in 779 UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS-URBANA 3 0112 105366048