J.on/?/>r>, Pubh/fifitl /y J/arc/iruj, Sriphook & XeparcL, Scpt r jffiS, THE LIFE, DEATH, AND ACTIONS OF THE MOST CHAST, LEARNED, AND RELIGIOUS LADY, THE LADY IANE GRAY, DAUGHTER TO THE DUKE OF SVFFOLKE. CONTAINING fovre principall discourses, WRITTEN WITH HER OWNE HANDS. THE FIRS" AN ADMONITION TO SUCH AS ARE WEAKE IN FAITH THE SECOND A CATECHISME : THE THIRD AN EXHORTATION TO HER SISTER : AND THE I. AST, HER WORDS AT HER DEATH. MATH. 5. 8. Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God. London . printed by G. Eld, for lohn Wright : and are to be sold at his shop without Newgate, at the signe of the Bible 1615. Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2016 https://archive.org/details/lifedeathactionsOOgrey the cS *\S O CO if* cl cr- -1 B „ £ <„wu:n vj w \y‘' ^ Lord GILFORD DUDLEY.^k was beheaded onTowcr-h'tll in London Februane y zi. i at i$yeares ’W'M-Jiulj) OF THE LADY IANE GRAY. 23 and therevpon humbly besought her to deliuer vnto him some briefe summe of her faith, which hee might hereafter keepe, and as a faithfull witnesse publish to the world ; to which shee willingly condiscended, and bad him boldly ques- tion her in what points of religion so euer it pleased him, and she would giue her faithfull and beleeuing answere, such as shee would euer bee ready to seale with her dearest blood: the summe of which conference you shall heare read as it was written with her own hand, and her name subscribed there vnto, as followeth. A CONFERENCE DIALOGUE-WISE HELD BETWEENE THE LADY IANE DUDLEY AND M. FECKENHAM, FOURE DAYES BEFORE HER DEATH, TOUCHING HER FAITH AND RELIGION. Feck. What thing is required in a Christian? lane. To beleeue in God the Father, in God the Sonne, in God the Holy Ghost, three persons and one God. Feck. Is there nothing else required in a Christian, but to beleeue in God? lane. Yes: We must beleeue in him, wee must loue him, with all our heart, with all our soule, and all our minde, and our neighbour as our selfe. 24 THE LIFE AND DEATH Feck. Why then faith iustifieth not, nor saueth not? lane. Yes, verily, faith (as S. Paul saitli) onely iustifieth. Feck. Why S. Paul saitli, if I haue all the faith of the world, without loue, it is nothing 1 . lane. True it is, for how can I loue him I trust not, or how can I trust in him whom I loue not, faith and loue eucr agree together, and yet loue is comprehended in faith. Feck. How shall we loue our neighbour? lane. To loue our neighbour, is to feed the hungry, cloth the naked, and to giue drinke to the thirsty, and to do to him as we would doe to our selues. Feck. Why then it is necessarie to saluation to doe good workes, and it is not sufficient to beleeue ? lane. 1 deny that I affirme that faith onely saueth : hut it is meet for all Christians, in token that they follow their master Christ, to doe good works : yet may we not say, nor in any wise beleeue, that they profit to saluation: for although we haue done all that we can, yet wee are vnprofitable seruants, and the faith we haue onely in Christs blood, and his merits saueth. OF THE LADY IANE GRAY. 25 Feck. How many Sacraments are there? lane. Two : the one the Sacrament of Baptisme, Vnd the other the Sacrament of the Lords Supper. Feck. No, there he seuen Sacraments, lane. By what Scripture finde you that? Feck. Well wee will talke of that hereafter : but what is signified by your two Sacraments. lane. By the Sacrament of Baptisme I am washed with water, and regenerated in the Spirit, and that washing is a token to mee that I am the child of God : the Sacrament of the Lords Supper is offered vnto me as a sure seale and testimonie, that I am, by the blood of Christ which liee shed for me on the crosse, made partaker of the euerlasting kingdome. Feck. Why what doe you receiue in that bread, doe you not receiue the very body and bloud of Christ? lane. No surely, I doe not beleeue so : I thinke at that Supper I receiue neither flesh nor bloud, hut onely bread and wine, the which bread when it is broken, and the wine when it is drunke, putteth mee in minde how that for my sinnes the body of Christ was broken, and his bloud shed on the crosse, and with that bread and wine I receiue the benefits which came by 26 THE LIFE AND DEATH breaking of his body, and by the shedding of his bloud on the crosse for my sinnes. Feck. Why but (Madame) doth not Christ speake these words: take eate, this is my body: can you require any plainer words : doth he not say, that it is his body? lane. I grant he saitli so; and so he saith likewise in other places, I am the vine, I am the doore, it being onely but a figuratiue speech : doth not S. Paul say that he calleth those things which are not as though they were: God forbid, that I should say that I eate the very naturall body and bloud of Christ : for then either I should plucke away my redemption, or confesse there were two bodies, or two Christs : two bodies, the one body was tormented on the crosse, and then if they did eate another body, how absurd : againe, if his body was eaten really, then it was not broken vp on the crosse, or if it were broken vpon the crosse (as it is doubtlesse) then it was not eaten of his Disciples. Feck. Why is it not as possible that Christ by his power could make his body both to be eaten and broken, as to bee borne of a woman without the seed of man, and as to walk on the sea hauing a body, and other such like myracles which he wrought by his power onely. OF THE LADY IANE GRAY. 27 lane. Yes, verily, if God would liaue done at his last supper a myracle, he might haue done so : but I say he minded nor intended no worke or myracle, but onely to breake his bodie, and shed his bloud on the crosse for our sinnes : but I beseech you answere me to this one question ; where was Christ when he said: take eate, this is my body: was not he at the table, when he said so hee was at that time aliue, and suffered not till the next day? Well, what tooke hee but bread ? and what broke hee but bread ? and what gaue hee but bread? looke what hee tooke hee brake, and looke what hee brake hee gaue, and looke what hee gaue that did they eate, and yet all this while hee himselfe w T as at supper before his Disciples, or else they were deceiued. Feck. You ground your faith upon such authors as say and vnsay, both with a breath, and not vpon the Church, to whom you ought to giue credit. lane. No, I ground my faith vpon Gods word, and not vpon the Church : for if the Church bee a good Church, the faith of the Church must bee tryed by Gods word, and not Gods word by the Church : neither yet my faith : shall I beleeue the Church be- cause of antiquitie? or shall I giue credit to that 28 THE LIFE AND DEATH Church which taketh away from mee a full halfe part of the Lords Supper, and will not Lay-man receiue it in both kinds, but the priests only themselues, which thing if they deny to vs part, they deny us part of our saluation : and I say that it is an euil and no good Church, and not the spouse of Christ, but the spouse of the diuell, which altereth the Lords Supper, and both taketh from it, and addeth to it: to that Church I say God wil adde plagues, and from that Church will he take their part out of the Book of Life : you may learne of S. Paul, how hee did administer it to the Corinthians in both kindes, which since your Church refuseth, shall I beleeue it, God forbid. Feck. That was done by the wisedome of the Church, and to a most good intent to auoid an heresie, which then sprung in it. lane. O but the Church must not alter Gods wil and ordinances for the colour or glosse of a good intent, it was the error of King Saul, and he not onely reaped a curse, but perished thereby as it is euident in the Holy Scriptures. To this M. Feckenham gaue me a long, tedious, yet eloquent reply, vsing many strong and logicall perswasions, to compell me to haue leaned to their Church, but my faith had armed OF THE LADY IANE GRAY. 29 my resolution to withstand any assault that words could then vse against mee : of many other articles of religion we reasoned, hut these formerly rehearsed were the chiefest and most effectual. Subscribed Iane Dudley. This catechising argument between the Lady Iane and M. Fakenham was held in the Tower publiquely, before diners worthy and noble per- sonages, in all which shee bore her selfe with such a modest humility, yet so honourably stout in all thinges, which either concerned her God and her religion, that shee rauisht and stole vnto her, all the hearts of her auditory, while M. Fakenham lost much of that good opinion of his learning, which formerly for a long time he had enioyed : insomuch, that finding his own weak- nes and his much disability to refell her truths with his scholastical fallacies hee grew into a little choller, and vsed vnto her some immodest speeches most vnsuitable for his grauity, to which only her smiles and pacience g'aue answere, and amongst the rest comming to take his leaue of her, hee said, Madam, I am sorry for you and your obstinacy, and now I am assured you and I shall neuer meete againe. It is most true sir that 30 THE LIFE AND DEATH wee shall neuer meet againe except God turne your heart, for 1 stand vndoubtedly assured that vnlesse you repent and turne to God, you are in a sad and desperate case, and I pray to God in the ho wells of his mercy to send you his holy spirit for hee hath giuen you his great guift of vtte ranee, if it please him to open the eyes of your heart to his truth, but at these wordes he rudely departed without further answer, while the Saintlike Lady withdrew herselfe into her priuate bedchamber, where sliee bestowed herselfe in most deuout prayer, till the night before her dealh, at what time sliee took a faire new Testa- ment in Greek, on which after shee had read a while, offering to close vp the book shee found in the end thereof some few leaues of cleane paper vnwritten, which as it were awakening and incyting her zeale to some good and charitable office, shee took penne and inke and in those wast leaues wrote a most godly and learned exhortation, which as soone as slice had finished it, shee closed vp the booke and deliuered it to ber seruant to beare vnto her sister the Lady Katherine, as the last token of her loue and remembrance, which was with great diligence performed. The tenor of the exhortation was this which followeth : OF THE LADY IANE GRAY. 31 AN EXHORTATION WRITTEN BY LADY IANE DUDLEY, THE NIGHT BEFORE HER DEATH IN THE END OF THE NEW TESTAMENT, IN GREEKE, WHICH SHEE SENT TO HER SISTER, THE LADY KATHERINE GRAY. I haue heere sent you (my deare sister Kathe- rine) abooke, which although it be not outwardly trimmed with gold, or the curious imbroderie of the artful’st needles, yet inwardly it is more worth then all the precious mynes which the vast world can boast of : it is the booke (my only best and best loued sister) of the law of the Lord: it is the Testament and last will, which liee bequeathed vnto vs wretches and wretched sinners, which shall leade you to the path of eternall ioy : and if you with a good minde reade it, and with an earnest desire follow it, no doubt it shall bring you to an immortall and euerlasting life : it will teach you to liue, and learne you to dye: it shall win you more, and endow you with greater felicitite, then you should haue gained by the possession of our wofull fathers lands : for as if God had prospered him, you should haue in- herited his honors and manors, so if you apply diligently this booke, seeking to direct your life according to the rule of the same, you shall be 32 THE LIFE AND DEATH an inheritor of such riches, as neither the couetous shall withdraw from you, neither the tlieefe shall steale, neither yet the moathes corrupt: desire with Dauid (my best sister) to vnderstand the law of the Lord your God, Hue still to dye, that you hy death may purchase eternall life, and trust not that the tendernesse of your age shall lengthen your life: for vnto God, when hee calleth, all howers, times and seasons are alike, and blessed are they whose lampes are furnished when he commeth, for as soone will the Lord be glorified in the yong as in the old. My good sister once more againe let mee entreat thee to learne to dye; deny the world, defie the diuell, and despise the flesh, and delight your selfe oncly in the Lord : he penitent for your sinnes, and yet despayre not : be strong in faith, yet presume not, and desire with S. Paul, to bee dissolued, and to be with Christ, with whom, euen in death there is life. Be like the good seruant, and euen at midnight be waking, least when death commeth and stealeth vpon you, like a theefe in the night, you be with the seruants of darknes found sleeping, and least for lack of oyle you he found like the fiue foolish virgins, or like him that had not on the wedding OF THE LADY IANE GRAY. 33 garment, and then you he cast into darknes, or banisht from the marriage : reioyce in Christ, as I trust you doe, and seeing you liaue the name of a Christian, as neare as you can follow the steps, and be a true imitator of your master Christ Jesus, and take vp your crosse, lay your sinnes on his back, and alwaies imbrace him. Now as touching my death, reioyce as I doe (my dearest sister) that I shall be deliuered of this corruption, and put on incorruption : for I am assured that I shall, for loosing of a mortal! life, winne one that is immortall, ioyfull and euer- lasting: the which I pray GOD grant you in his most blessed hower, and send you his all-sauing grace to liue in his feare, and to dj^e in the true Christian Faith : from which in Gods name ] exhort you that you neuer swarue, neither so hope of life, nor feare of death : for if you will deny his truth, to giue length to a weary and corrupt breath, God himselfe will deny you, and by vengeance make short what you by your soules losse would prolong : but if you will cleaue to him, hee will stretch forth your dayes to an vncircumscribed comfort, and to his owne glorie : to the which glorie God bring mee now, and you hereafter, when it shall please him to call you : D 34 THE LIFE JR JEATH farewell once againe (my beloued sister) and put your onely trust in God who onely must help you. Amen. Your louing Sister. IANE DUDLEY. AFTER the Lady lane had finished this exhor- sation to her sister, and sent it away by her seruant, there came into her two Bishops and other learned Doctors, who likewise held with her more than two howers conference, striuing with all their powers to haue drawne her to haue dyed in the obedience of their Church and fellowship, but found themselues infinitely de- ceiued : for her faith beeing built vpon the rock of Christ, was by no worldly perswation or com- fort to bee either mooued or shaken, so that after the expence of time and the losse of much speach, they left her, (as they sayd) a lost and forsaken member, but shee, as before, prayed for them, and with a most charitable patience endured their worst censures. The next day she was called downe to goe to the place of execution, to which shee had prepared her selfe with more diligence then either the OF THu Y IANE GRAY. 35 malice of her aduersaries could desire or the vigilance of any officer for the discharge of his duty expect, and being come downe anddeliuered into the hands of the Sheriffes, they might behold in her a countenance so grauely setled with all modest and comely resolution, that not the least hay re or mote either of feare or griefe could be perceiued to proceed either out of her speech or motions, but like a demure body, going to bee vnited to her hearts best and longest beloued : so shewed she forth all the beames of a well mixt and tempered alacrity, rather instructing patience how it should suffer, than being by patience any way able to indure the trauell of so greeuous a iourney, with this blessed and modest boldnes of spirit vndaunted and vnaltered, she went towards the scaffold, till whether through the mallice of some great aduersary or the indiscre- tion of the officers (but the latter is more credible,) shee incountred vppon the way (as shee went) the headlesse trunke of her new dead Lord and Husband the Lord Guilford Dudley, at that instant returning from the scaffold to the Tower to bee buried, this spectacle a little startled her, and many teares were seene to descend and 36 THE LIFE AND DEATH fall vppon her cheekes, which her silence and great heart soone dryed, and bceing now come vppon the scaffold, after reuerence done to the Lordes and others in Commission, (turning her selfe round about to the people) sliee spake these wordes as followeth. THE LADY IANE DUDLEY’S WORDS VPON THE SCAFFOLD BEFORE HER DEATH. MY Lordes, and you good Christian people, which come to see me dye, I am vnder a law, and by that law (as a neuer erring Judge) I am condemned to dye, not for any thing I haue offended the Queens 31aiesty, for I will wash my hands guiltles thereof, and deliuer to my God a soule as pure from such trespas, as inno- cence from injustice, but onely for that I con- sented to the thing which I was enforced ynto, constraint making the law belceue I did that which I neuer vnderstood : notwithstanding, I haue offended almighty God in that I haue followed ouer-much the lust of mine owne flesh and the OF THE LADY IANE GRAY. 37 pleasures of this wretched world, neither haue I liued according to the knowledge that God hath giuen me, for which cause God hath appoynted vnto me this kind of death, and that most worthily, according to my deserts how bee it I thanke him hartily that hee hath giuen me time to repent my sinnes heere in this world, and to reconcile my selfe to my redeemer, whom my former vanities haue in a great measure displea- sed. Wherefore (my Lords, and all you good Christian people) I must earnestly desire you all to pray with me and for mee whilst I am yet aliue, that God of his infinite goodnesse and mercy, will forgine mee my sinnes how number- lesse and grieuous soeuer against him: and I beseech you all to heare mee witnesse that I heere dye a true Christian woman, professing and auouching from my soule that I trust to be saued by the blood, passion, and merits of Jesus Christ my Sauiour onely, and by none other meanes, casting farre behinde mee all the workes and merits of mine owne actions, as things so farre short of the true dutie I owe, that I quake to thinke how much they may stand vp against me. And now I pray you all pray for mee, and with 38 THE LIFE AND DEATH, &C. me, and at those words she repeated the Psalme of Miserere mei: which done, she said : Lord saue my soule which now I commend into thy hands, and so with all meeknesse of spirit, and a saint-like pa- tience, she prepared her selfe to the blocke.