33 7.5 £>84*c Xlr^vnmond. n -if Ov jl mer s Return this book on or before the Latest Date stamped below. University of Illinois Library APR -3 jgg'j TO: Library Time Returned: A m ? Date Returned: Ot/yfii/ Initrals of person emptying box From: AUTO-PAGE Book Return Book Return Routing Slip U of I Library CHEAP CORN BEST FOR FARMERS, PROVED IN A LETTER JEORGE HOLME SUMNER, ESQ. M.P. jFov tlje <&ountp of guvrep. BY ONE OF HIS CONSTITUENTS Ith lr ‘ I ^ *1 ii M* I m f 7 SECOND EDITION. LONDON : JAMES R1DGWAY, 169, PICCADILLY, 1826. ■ OKKKN, PRINTER, LK1CESTER.ST. LEICESTKR-SQ . His Majesty’s Ministers have made one or two ineffectual attempts to obtain for the people of this country the freedom of purchasing Corn wherever they can procure it best and cheapest : but these laudable endeavours have been defeated by those, who imagine that, in that case, their present gains will be materially diminished. The opponents of cheap Corn are in error ; and the mischief which they are doing to the country, by thwarting the Government, is five times greater than the advantage which they are reaping to them- selves. The subject is intricate, and difficult to be un- derstood by men who are not much in the habit of reading or of reflecting. The object of the fob. lowing pages is to shew to the landed proprietors, that, allowing the people to have cheap corn will IV PREFACE. not be ru inbus to them ; and to prove to the far- mers that their interests are not the same as those of their landlords, but the same as those of the rest of the people ; and thence to persuade all to repose entire confidence in the measures which Lord Liverpool and Mr. Huskisson have wisely recom- mended to be adopted. A perseverance in the present state of the Corn Laws must lead, sooner or later, to a famine, alike destructive to the rent of the landlord, the capital of the tenant, and the lives of many people — an evil which, while there is yet time, it is the duty of every good citizen to exert his utmost efforts to avert. Feb. 13, 1826. A LETTER ■ ! ■ . ; • • j ji" ’ ) J H! iff; • * 5 * ’ ' • * ' ’ '■ ■' ’ J - - ; * i (;i » • • ' ■ ' < •• ■ • • ' I ■ ) Ui iii — (I >j{f: 'fliti' '■.■■■ : I 77 \ ? j| /i " J • ■. ! ■ ■ - ■ ; U ; ;l ! . ■ ' . : - /< i i i . ' • i ! r ' ; { >•-, , • / ’ : • 3* * i ; .v. -.-iilt.) » • ; :..t!T X- • ' > ; • ; ' > » i \ i \ i .-t- • 'Hi: - 1 GljH ’I • li-. • > :■ !)}«;.“ .. •v: •" ; « vy\' 1 j. ;i< h L {,j ; ^noh: h yyhf YU i; ■ .uvti ' . • v • .. • ' .*>• is « : " ••• :■ i M . m . . : ; : > i ; i 7 . ; r-‘ r UfJ in 'J i'i '■:> 0(i ~ ' .V; '.r'n itf» ♦’ i if 7(| rr/H : . • iffbb -,b 1 :• . . . , .... • s,-.'i •. . ; • V;; • . b . ;t • An ■ J. >. . s . •» n ■ ' , » •: ' i[ 'n i /. t . * ; i Hi WORKS PUBLISHING and LATELY PUBLISHED, BY J. RIDGWAY. A LETTER to JAMES JOHN FARQUHARSON, Esq., on the subject of the late MEETING at Blandford, Dorset, on the Corn Laws. Price Is. SUBSTANCE of a SPEECH delivered in the HOUSE of COMMONS on the 28th of April, 1825. By Wol- ryche Whitmore, Esq., respecting- the Corn Laws, Is. The CORN QUESTION. In a Letter addrssed to the Right Hon. W. Huskisson. By one of the Proscribed Class. Is. 6d. FIRST and SECOND REPORTS from the COM- MITTEES of the HOUSE of LORDS, appointed to inquire into the State of the Growth, Commerce, and Consumption of Grain, and all Laws relating thereto ; to whom were referred the several Petitions presented to the House in the Session of 1813 and 1814, respecting the Corn Laws. Second edition. 10s. Gd. boards. REPORT from the SELECT COMMITTEE of the HOUSE of COMMONS on Petitions relating to the Corn Laws of this Kingdom ; together with the Evidence, and an Appendix of Accounts. Second edition. 10s. Gd. boards. A LETTER to the CHAIRMAN of the COMMIT- TEE of the HOUSE of COMMONS on the GAME LAWS. By the Hon. and Ret. William Herbert. Is. BEAUTIES of the GAME LAWS, exhibited in a Short View of their Enactments as to the Right of Property in Game, the Qualification for Sporting, and the Penalties on Un- qualified Persons : with Remarks on several proposed Remedies. Is. CONSIDERATIONS on the GAME LAWS; shew- ing the Advantages of declaring Game Property, and the possi- bility of doing so, notwithstanding the objection raised by reason of Inability to identify it; and also to shew the unfounded nature of our fears respecting a Legalization of the Sale, as it might af- fect the Quantity of Game. Second Edition. 3s. A PRACTICAL TREATISE on BREEDING, REARING, and FATTENING POULTRY, &c. after Plans pursued with advantage and profit in France. Second Edition. Price 5s. Works publishing by J. Ridgway. HORTUS GRAMINEUS WOBURNENSIS; or An Account of the Results of various Experiments on the Pro- duce and Fattening Properties of different Grasses, and other Plants used as the Food of the more valuable domestic Animals ; instituted by John Duke of Bedford. With Practical Observa- tions on their natural habits and the soils best adapted to their growth, pointing out the kinds most profitable for permanent pasture, irrigated meadows, dry or upland pasture, and the al- ternate husbandry: accompanied by the discriminating cha- racters of the species and varieties, and the best method of se- curing their seed : illustrated with numerous specimens of the grasses, seeds and plants, on which experiments have been made j in sixty plates. By G. Sinclair, F.L.S. and F.H.S. Gardener to the Duke of Bedford, &c. &c. Third Edition. Price 21. 2 jr., coloured, under the Author’s Inspection ; or 1/. 10s., plain. Dedicated by permission to T. W. Coke, Esq. M.P. “ Within the short limits to which we are necessarily confined, it would be impossible to convey any adequate idea of the mass of in- formation contained in this volume ; information, too, be it remem- bered, not more novel than important, nor more difficult to be ascer- tained, than beneficial to the community at large, when received. If we would very briefly characterize the work, we would say, that it exhibits a complete analysis of an English parterre ; presenting in succession every variety of grasses, from those which enter into the rich pastures of the vale of Aylesbury, to those which constitute the stunted and withered race on the barren hills of Westmorland and Cumberland. We have not, in a word, seen any production which at all approximates to the present in the importance of its details. In its production, the munificent liberality of one of the first of our noblemen, has been combined with the patience, perseverance, and sagacity of one of the most distinguished botanists of the day. Rarely have wealth and science laboured more successfully. The result on the present occasion is worthy of such an union. The Hortus Gramineus Woburnensis does honour to our country. The simplicity and clearness with which this varied information is com- municated, are highly pleasing, and have invested with a singular charm details which would almost appear to defy such an ornament.” — Monthly Critical Gazette y Jan. 1825. AN ESSAY on the WEEDS of AGRICUL- TURE ; with their Common and Botanical Names, their re- spective Characters and evil Qualities, whether as infesting Sam- ples of Corn or encumbering the Soil. Also Practical Remarks on their Destruction, by Fallowing, or otherwise. The Posthumous Work of Benjamin Holdich, Esq. late Editor of the Farmer’s Journal. Edited by G. Sinclair, F.L.S. &c. &c. Author of the Hortus Gramineus Woburnensis. 3s. Cd. Second Edition, with an Index. PRACTICAL REMARKS on the IMPOVE- MENTof GRASSLAND, by means of Irrigation, Winter Flood- ing, and Drainage. In a Letter to the Owners and Occupyers of Land in the County of Essex. By C. C. Western, Esq. M.P. Price Is. 6d.