BIBLIOGRAPHIC PROJECTS • • • • • • •• • • 44 I cannot choose hut impart my fancy unto , in the smallest matters of the library” — Sir Thomas Bodley. BIBLIOGRAPHIC PROJECTS RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED TO THE RIGHT HONOURABLE THE EARL OF ELLESMERE, AND THE OTHER COMMISSIONERS APPOINTED BY HER MAJESTY TO INQUIRE INTO THE AFFAIRS OF THE BRITISH MUSEUM, BY THEIR OBEDIENT FAITHFUL SERVANT, 33olton , < < c c tt C C G I RICHARDS, PRINTER, 100 , ST. MARTIN’S LANE. SPECIMEN OWM 1 v .. OF A PROPOSED Catalogue of tfyt Bhopal ijbrarp PRESERVED IN THE BRITISH MUSEUM. In submitting to the Commissioners on the British Museum this specimen of a proposed Catalogue of the royal library, it may be convenient to recapitulate that part of my evidence out of which the proposition arose. Accustomed to consider the non-existence of a printed catalogue of the entire collection of books as one of the most serious obstacles which studious men have to contend with, and after earnestly reflecting on the bibliographic plans which have been pursued in the establish- ment for the last ten years, I was led to suggest, in order to remedy the evil with as much despatch as might be practicable, I. That the octavo catalogue of messieurs Ellis and Baber should continue to be made the nucleus of the collection. II. That the folio catalogue of the royal library should be reprinted in the octavo size ; and U- 1, That the additional articles of the interleaved catalogue, in seventy-eight folio volumes, should be forthwith transcribed and sent to press— the twenty-six letters of the alphabet being proceeded with simultaneously. I also stated my opinion that a verbatim reprint of the catalogue of the royal library would be discreditable to the officers of the Museum, and that, cleared of its-redundancies, it might be comprised in three volumes; points which I shall now endeavour to establish in an alphabetical series of articles and critical notes. Abdollatiphi Historic JEgypti compendium, Arabiee et Latine edendum curavit J[osephus]. White, s.t.p. Oxonii , 1800. 4°. [In the folio catalogue of the royal library, to which this and the subsequent notes refer, the learned editor is mis-calied Joannes White M Sdrestre de Sacy writes Abd-allatif: oriental names embarrass the readers of alphabetical biography and bibliography.] Abu Mohammed Alkasim. [Hariri.] Six assemblies; or, ingenious conversations of learned men among the Arabians — translated by Leonard Chappelow, b.d. Cambridge, 1767. 8°. [This celebrated work appears twice: vide Abi Mohammed Alcasim and Chappelow. The two entries occupy thirty-three lines.] I n A <> ffc i I# OU A -r * Withdrawn from Crerar y ' 7 1 117 2 Addisonian a. [ London , 1803.] Sm. 8°. 2 vol. [This compilation appears twice, with a fictitious title : vide Addison and Ana. The two entries occupy eighteen lines.] Anacreon. — Anacreontis Teii odse [Graece]. Ab Henrico Stephano luce et latinitate nunc primum donatae. Lvtetl®. Apud H. Stephanum. m.d.liiii. 4°. The works of Anacreon, Sappho, etc. — Translated by [F. Fawkes, Broome, etc.] London , 1760. 12°. [The librarian— so I shall designate the compiler of the catalogue — has fabricated a title for the editio princeps of Anacreon, which bears no resemblance to that of Henri Estienne. I fancy he dipped into Frabicius.] Ancient critical essays upon English poets and poesy. Edited by Joseph Haslewood. London , 1811-15. 4°. 2 vol. [This valuable publication, of which I give the title entire, appears twice : vide Essays and Haslewood. It is also referred to under Poetce Anglici — under Edmund Bolton, Thomas Campion, Samuel Daniel, George Gascoigne , etc. The various entries amount to sixty-one lines.] Arvieux (Laurens d’). Voyage dans la Palestine — par M. de la Roque. Amsterdam , 1718. 12°. [This curious narrative appears under the name of M. de la Roque. It should have been given to the chevalier d' Arvieux.] Barbe-Marbois (Francois). Complot d’ Arnold et de sir Henry Clin- ton contre les Etats-unis d’Amerique — (Anon.) Paris. 1816. 8°. [This work appears twice: vide America and Complot. The entries occupy ten lines. The author is not named. Consult M. Durozoir.] Barrow (John), f.r.s. A chronological history of voyages into the arctic regions — London , 1818. 8°. [The librarian, by some additions of his own, has extended the title of the above popular work to fifteen lines!] Beattie (James), ll.d. — Scoticisms, arranged in alphabetical order — \_Anon.~\ Edinburgh , 1787. 8°. [This pamphlet appears under Scoticisms. I restore it to its undoubted author. Consult sir W. Forbes.] Beste (George). A trve discovrse of the late voyages of discouerie, for the finding of a passage to Cathaya, by the northweast, vnder the conduct of Martin Frobisher generall — London , by H. Bynnyman, 1578. 4°. [This very rare work appears under the name of Frobisher! We search in vain for that of its author, captain George Beste.'] Biblia Sacra. The Holy Bible, containing the Old and New Testa- ments — [Edited by Benjamin Blayney, d.d.] Oxford, 1769. 4°. Novum Testamentum Graece. Lectiones variantes — adjecit Josephus White, s.t.p. Oxonii , 1808. Sm. 8°. 2 vol. [The above standard edition of the Bible is said to be in two volumes, and on large paper. It is in one volume, and, as I conceive, on the ordinary paper. The annexed letter of the editor, on which our librarian bestows half-a-dozen lines, has been cut out of a magazine! — The Greek Testament, in splendid binding, is imperfect.] Birch (Thomas), m.a., f.r.s. An historical view of the negotiations between the courts of England, France, and Brussels — 1592- 1617. London , 1749. 8°. [This work appears three times : vide Bacon, Birch, and Edmondes. The entries amount to twenty-six lines.] 3 Brocquiere (Bertrandon de la). The travels of Bevt^ndon^cle la Brocquiere — to Palestine, in 1432-3. Translated, "by Thomas Johnes. At the Hufbdf ) ressj 1897. 8°. [This work appears three times: vide Brocquiere, Le Grand d’Aussy, and Johnes. The entries occupy thirty-two lines. In each instance, the copy is erroneously described as on large paper.] Bunbury (Henry). An academy for grown horsemen — by Geoffrey Gambado , Esq. Second edition. London , 1788. 4°. [This work is erroneously ascribed to captain Grose. I have unquestion- able authority for assigning it as above. The librarian also errs in ascribing to captain Grose the Annals of horsemanship . ] Calendarium rotulorum chartarum et inquisitionum ad quod dam- num. [Edited by John Caley.] [ London , Record Commission,] 1803. Fol. | This work appears twice in the same column : vide Calendarium and Caley. It also appears twice elsewhere. The various entries amount to seventeen lines.] Capell (Edward). Notes and various readings to Shakespeare [with The school of Shakespeare . ] London , 1779-80. 4°. 3 vol. [The title of this work, with spurious additions, occupies sixteen lines. The date is omitted. It is not referred to under Shakespeare.'] Catalogue de la bibliotheque de feu M. Falconet, medecin consultant du roi — Paris , 1763. 8°. 2 vol. [This catalogue appears twice, under a fictitious title : vide J. M. Barrois and Catalogus. The entries occupy twenty lines.] Chauncy (Sir Henry). The historical antiquities of Hertfordshire — London , 1700. Fol. [The title of the above work, much mutilated, occupies fifteen lines. This is useless detail. Upcott, in his English Topography, devotes six pages to a description of it.] Delandine (M.). Couronnes acad£miques, ou recueil des prix pro- poses par les societes savantes — Paris , 1787. 8°. 2 vol. [This work appears twice: vide Academics and Delandine. The entries occupy seventeen lines. Another work by the same author appears under the name of F. A. Landine /] Discovery (The) of New Brittaine. Began August 27. Anno Dom. 1650. — London , J. Stephenson, 1651. 4°. [This work appears three times in the same volume: vide Bland, Brewster, and Britain. There are also two references to it. The various entries occupy twenty-four lines. It is anonymous] Emerson (W.). The elements of trigonometry. — Second edition. London , 1764. 8°. [The mathematical works of this eccentric man occupy two columns. The above work, alone, occupies nine lines.] Ercilla y Zuniga (Alonso de). La Araucana. Madrid , 1776. 8°. 2 vol. [The librarian has fabricated a Spanish title for this poem, which occupies seven lines. He calls it La Araucana, parte i y n. — Now, the poem is com- plete: it is in three parts. The words parte i y n, relate to the volumes.] Fenn (John), p.s.a. Three chronological tables, exhibiting a state of the society of antiquaries — 1572-1784. [. London ,] 1784. 4°. [This short tabular history appears twice: vide Academics and sir John Fenn. The entries occupy twenty-two lines.] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS LIBRARY Field* (Nat' :). A woman is a weather-cocke. A new comedy — W r t