f ( V BUST OF W. P. WILSTACH.— WM. H. RINEHART. TkiloA-t^W' a . F*vr TYv6tAi "Vary. t*>* . Ur. Wllsfac-Vv C.ella' x 35. 7 Born, 1805. Died, Carlsruhe, 1875. Pupil of his father, Berlin Academy and Schadow in Diisseldorf. Professor at Carlsruhe, 1859. Retired, 1872. Sec. A Berlin. 85. Don Quixote in his Study Reading the History of Knight Errantry. 20 x 24. Sec. A 86. Two Monks in a Wine Cellar. 20 % x 17 %. Daced 1863. Sec. N SEYDEL (Edward) 87. Street Scene in front of a Meat Shop. Sec. P 8x7. Dated 1845. SIEGERT (Adolf) Diisseldorf. Born Neuwied, 1820. Died, Diisseldorf, 1883. Pupil of Diisseldorf Academy and Schadow, 1835-46. Settled in Diisseldorf in 1851. Tutor at the Diisseldorf Academy and in 1872, Professor. Medal in Vienna. Member of Amsterdam Academy. 62 THE \V. P. WILSTACH COLLECTION. 88. Grace Before Meat Sec. D gYi x 11%. 89. No Grace Before Meat. Sec. D 9% x n%. SMITH (T. Henry) Philadelphia. 90. Con Amore Sec. P 30 x 24. Dated 1866. SMITH (Xanthus) 91. Battle Ground of Algonquins, near Edge Hill Sec. M 12 x 8. 92. Coast Scene off South Carolina Sec. M 18 x 12. Dated 1809. SPITZWEG (Karl) Germany. Born in Munich, 1808. Died, 1885. Pupil of Hanson. Order of St. Michael, 1865. For many years illustrator for the “ Fliegende Blatter.” 93. The Alchemist Sec. E 16 x 14. SPRINGER (Cornelis) Amsterdam. Born in Amsterdam, 1817. Pupil of Kaspar Karson. Member of Rotterdam Academy, 1856. Gold Medal, Hague, 1857. Orders of Oaken Crown, 1861, and of Leopold. 94. Street Scene in Amsterdam Sec. G 16 H x 20 %. STAMMEL (Eberhard) Dusseldorf. Born at Diisen, 1832. Pupil of the Dusseldorf Academy. Studied in Antwerp, Paris and Munich. Settled in Dusseldorf, 1859. THE ORDER OF THE GUARD.— BARON HENRI LEYS. library of THE UNIVERSITY of ILLINOIS THE W. P. WILSTACH COLLECTION . 65 95. La Partie Marriage 25 x 22. Dated 1863. Sec. A STEVENS (Alfred) Paris. Born at Brussels, 1828. Pupil of Navez at Brussels and Roqueplan at Paris. Medal at Brussels, 1851. Paris, 1853-55-67-78. Legion of Honor, 1863 ; Officer, 1867 ; Commander, 1870. Order of Leopold, 1855 ; Officer, 1863. Commander of Austrian Order Francis Joseph and of Bavaria. Order of St. Michael. France and Belgium present rival claims for this artist, who has exhibited since 1849 in both Paris and Brussels. He adds to the strength and exactness of his early Flemish education the greater subtlety of impression and the freedom and grace of French execu- tion. 96. Will you go with me, Fide? . 19^ x 24^. SULLY (Thomas) Born in England in 1783. Sec. C Dated 1859. ..'h! \!J ■■ Wi ; ;• • * V r . . 1 1 Philadelphia. Died in Philadelphia, 1872. Came to America with his parents, who were comedians, in 1792 and settled in Charleston, S. C. In 1806 went to New York and, with the exception of a short visit to Boston to study with Gilbert Stuart, remained there until 1808. In 1809 went to London for in- struction from Benjamin West and returning in 1810, settled per- manently in Philadelphia. Visited England in 1837-38 and in the latter year painted from life a full-length portrait of Queen Victoria. From 1820 to 1840 exhibited ten portraits at the Royal Academy. 97. Gypsy Woman and Child, after Murillo Sec. N 24 x 30. Dated 1852. 98. Peasant Girl, after Rembrant. .... 24 x 30. Dated 1857. Sec. P Spanish Mother, after Wilkie 16 x 20. Dated 1852. 99. Sec. P 66 THE W. P. XVILSTACH COLLECTION. TODD (George) Paris. 100. Poor Man’s Bouquet Sec. P 23 V 2 x 28 Ya. Dated 1869. TROYON (Constant) Paris- Born Sevres, 1810. Died, 1865. Pupil of Rivereaux. Medals, 1838-40-46-48-55. Legion of Honor, 1849. Member of Amsterdam Academy. Diploma to the Memory of Deceased Artists, E, U., 1878. A powerful landscape and animal painter. His superb grasp of the subject is full of force, freedom and directness. His knowledge of the animals he paints, their appearance, motions, life and pecu- liar characteristics, is complete. “ The poetry of the fields has never been more feelingly interpreted than by him,” writes Hamerton. “In the * Oxen Going to Work’ we have a page of rustic description as good as anything in literature, of mighty oxen marching slowly to their toil ! Who, that have seen these creatures work, can be indifferent to the steadfast grandeur of their nature ? They have no petulance, no hurry, no nervous excitability, but they will bear the yoke upon their necks, and the thongs about their horns, and push forward without flinching from sunrise until dusk.” 101. Yoke of Oxen and Boy Sec. G 50 x 35 . VAN MARCKE (E.) Paris. Pupil of Troyon. Medals, 1867-69-70. Legion of Honor, 1872. First Class Medal, Exposition Universelle, 1878. As pupil and near friend of Troyon, it is natural that in Van Marcke’s early work the impress of the former is clearly seen ; but stronger individuality came with greater confidence and experience. His animals are full of vigorous life. His drawing, modelling and grouping are masterly and their surroundings equally strong, happy and well conceived. THE LAST DAY OF THE CONDEMNED— MIHALY MUNKACSY. ■ i ' .*• i- THE W. P. WILSTACH COLLECTION. 69 102. Spanish Ox Team. 23 'A x 15 % . Sec. C VAUTIER (B.) Dusseldorf. Born at Morges on Lake Geneva, 1829. Pupil of Hebert, Lugardon, Dusseldorf Academy and Jordan. Medals, Berlin, 1864, Paris, 1865-66-67-78. Order of Francis Joseph, 1868. Order of Red Eagle. Order of St. Michael, 1869. Legion of Honor, 1878. Member of Berlin, Vienna, Munich, Antwerp and Amsterdam. He paints peasant home life, with the characteristic's an 4 individ- ualities it offers, with great truthfulness V^fcj5,l^e T studied in the Black Forest and in the Bernese Oberland. His chui£S •sbejjey ex- hibited at the historical exhibition at Munich, achieved a brilnahrt success. 103. He will never make anything but an Artist Sec. P 20 x 24. Dated 1869. VERBOECK HO VEN (Eugene) Brussels. Born in Belgium, 1799. Died in Brussels, 1881. Pupil of his father. Medals at Paris, 1821-24-41-55. Legion of Honor, 1845 Chevalier of the Order of Leopold, St. Michael of Bavaria and Christ of Portugal. Decorated with the Iron Cross, 1830. Member of the Royal Academies of Belgium, Antwerp and St. Petersburg. The work of this great Belgian animal painter is very popular. Ottlev is authority for the fact that after Baron Rothschild gave Verboeckhoven ten thousand francs for a landscape painting he never painted a picture of the same size for less. Although he de- voted his time mainly to the painting of animals, he also attempted portrait painting and sculpture. 104. Oxen, Goats and Sheep Sec. D 12x8^. Dated 1842. 105. Interior of Stable Sec. A 42% x 29^. Dated 1869. 70 THE W. P. WILSTACH COLLECTION. 106. Sheep, Ducks and Chickens Sec. G 9x6 l A . 107. The Resting-place Sec. D 12x8 V 2 . Dated 1845. VOLLON (Antoine) Paris. Born at Lyons, 1833. Pupil of the Lyons Academy. Medals, 1865-68-69-78. Legion of Honor, 1870. Officer of the Legion of Honor, 1878. The picture here exhibited, by this great and most successful French still-life painter, is characterized as “Vo'llon’s masterpiece in America.” It procured for him a medal when exhibited at the Paris Salon. 108. After the Ball Sec. N 50 x 56. VOLTZ (Frederick) Munich. Born at Nordingen, 1817. Died 1886. Pupil of Munich Academy. Royal Bavarian Professor, Medals at Berlin, 1856-61. Great Wurtemberg Art Medal. Member of the Academies of Berlin, Munich and Vienna. Chevalier of the Order of Red Eagle and St. Michael. With a marked preference for the poetical aspect of nature, Voltz is an earnest student of animal life both in its surroundings and in its connection with humanity. A man of great industry, it is said of him that having been disabled by a temporary but very severe accident to his right hand he, nothing daunted, taught himself to use his left with equal dexterity and skill. Most of his works, nearly 2,000, are in private collections. 109. Landscape and Cattle Sec. A 35x14 yi. Dated 1870. NO. Landscape and Cattle Sec. A 35 x 14&. SPANISH OX TEAM.— EMILE VAN MARCKE. library of THE UNIVERSITY of ILLINOIS THE W. P. WILSTACH COLLECTION. 73 VON STARKENBURC (W. T.) Dusseldorf. III. Scene on the Hudson River Sec. N 30 x 19. WEBER (Otto) Paris. Born in Berlin. Killed in the war of 1870. Pupil in Berlin of Steppeck, and in Paris of Couture. Medals in Paris, 1864-69, Utrecht, 1866. “There is a certain point in animal painting which is not easily passed, but which is well known to all who practically attempt that branch of art. You may be able to paint a cow or a horse quite respectably in some very common attitude, which the animal can be induced to retain for several minutes at a time, but it does not follow that you are able to put the animal in one of those highly expressive and living postures which do not remain unaltered for one second. To do this you must hJfYetsoipje memory and imagina- tion, and a knowledge of the animabfflT;%urpassing any ordinary accuracy. All the great aiiSft^piiJ6^er9fhqv^f;^i^4?qwer and con- tinually use it, the great amount of life which all recognize in their pictures being mainly due to it. Otto Weber has it in the same de- gree as Troyon and the Bonheurs, and he has all other accomplish- ments necessary to the production of a first-rate cattle picture.”— Hamerton’ s Painting in France. 112. Wood Scene Sec. D 50 x 35. WEBER (Paul) Philadelphia. Born Darmstadt in 1823. Pupil of Lucas and in Frankfort of the Stadel Institute. Visited the Orient in 1846, and subsequently studied in Antwerp under Deichmann. In 1848-58 he traveled in America and lived in Philadelphia. After his return, settled in Munich. Represented in the Corcoran Gallery, Washington and at the Pennsylvania Acad- emy of Fine Arts. 113. Landscape near the Hudson River, New York Sec. N 27 x 19. Dated 1854. 74 THE W. P. WILSTACH COLLECTION . WILLEMS (Florent) Bom in Belgium, 1823. Pupil of Mechlin Academy. Medals, Paris, 1844-46-55-67-78, Brussels, 1843. Legion of Honor, 1853; Officer, 1864; Commander, 1878 Chevalier and Officer of the Order of Leopold. Commander of the Order of Francis Joseph of Austria. Willems, called by Rossetti “the dainty domestic painter,” studied especially the old Dutch Masters and attracted attention when only seventeen years old. Four years later the great success of one of his pictures exhibited at Paris led to his settling there. 114. I Was There Sec. C 19 x 25. 115. Signed and Sealed. Sec. C 19 x 23^. WINNER (William E.) Philadelphia. 116. Domestic Felicity Sec. N 27 x 21 . 117. At Play Sec. P 24 x 30. W 1 TTK AMP (J. B.) Antwerp. Born Westphalia, 1820. Pupil in Rotterdam of W. H. Schmidt, then of Antwerp Academy under De Keyser. Medals, Brussels, 1845, the Hague, Bruges, London. Honorary Member of Amsterdam and Philadelphia Academies. 118. The Widow Sec. N 40 x 30. WOOD (Geo. B., Jr.) Germantown, Pa. Born in Philadelphia, 1832. Pupil of Pennsylvania Academy of Fine Arts. Member Pennsylvania Academy of Fine Arts. 119. Landscape, View near Germantown, Pa Sec. P 24 x 18. Dated 1865. LANDSCAPE.— MARTIN RICO. LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY of ILLINOIS THE W. P. WILSTACH COLLECTION. 77 120. Winter Twilight. 8x6. Sec. P WYLE (Robert) Philadelphia. Born, Isle of Man, 1839. Died, Brittany, 1877. Medal at Paris Salon, 1872. This artist, in whose career Mr. Wilstach took a deep personal interest, went to Paris in 1865 to study with Barye, intent upon be- coming a sculptor. He was well equipped in the principles of art in the schools of the Pennsylvania Academy of Fine Arts, and had, for the four years previous, there held the position of curator, exhibiting annually during this time, busts and medallions in clay and ivory. He finally settled in Brittany , v/vyh^fe ;he turned his at- tention to painting, continuing to show in ythus^edium, that pro- nounced and delicate feeling for.'fotyn ^ichyh^d.^^v^i him to sculpture. His pictures are painted in a style full of truthfulness and authority, with much solidity and breadth of treatment. Wylie is represented at the Pennsylvania Academy of Fine Arts, and the Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York. 121. The Postman Sec. E Painted at Port Aven, France, 1868. 122. A Roman Girl Sec. N Painted at Port Aven, France, 1869. ZAMACOIS (Eduard) Paris. Born in Spain, 1842, Died, 1871. Pupil of Madrid Academy under F. de Madrazo and in Paris of Meissonier. Debut Salon, 1863. Medals, Paris, 1867. Munich, 1870. Diploma to the memory of deceased artists, E. U. 1878, A man of keen wit and originality, painting with pure and in- tense color in a style polished and complete. His pictures are mainly satires rendered with great force and ability. Eugene Ben- son says : “ Zamacois has a suspicion of malice that must be de- lightful to the compatriots of Voltaire/’ and later that he is “ kindred to Moliere. If you could suppose something of Moliere’s genius, embodied in a series of sonnets, you would have a just 78 THE W. P. XV I LET A OH COLLECTION. literary expression of Zamacois as a painter.” Dying when but thirty years of age he left the memory of a career of unusual bril- liancy prematurely ended. 123. Trop de Sang Sec. H 14 Y*. x 22 K. Dated 1868 . 124. Before the Battle Sec. G 5x7. ^25. After the Battle Sec. G 5x7. ZIMMERMAN (Albert) Munich. Born, Saxony, 1808. Studied in Dresden and Munich. Professor at the Milan Academy in 1827, and Vienna Academy 1859. Member Munich and St. Petersburg Academies. Bavarian Order of St. Michael. 126. Bellagio, Lake Como Sec. N 50 x 37 . ZIMMERMAN (R. J.) Munich. 127. Too Late for the Cars Sec. P 32 x 28. Dated 1855. ANONYMOUS. 128. Landscape Sec. E 8 x 10. Dated 1862. 1PPM RETURNING FROM THE CHRISTENING.— WILHELM RIEFSTAHL. WATER COLORS, PASTELS, CRAYONS, ETC. PICTURES NOT OTHERWISE DENOTED ARE WATER-COLORS. ACHENBACH (Oswald) Diisseldorf. See page 13. 129. Scene near Naples Sec. L BROCHART (C.) Paris. 130. Les Belles Espagnoles. Sec. I 31 x 38. Pastel. 131. Les Belles Francaises. Sec I 31 x 38. Pastel. GALL AIT (Louis) ***Afif4* Brussels. Born Belgium, i8id?>’ Djyjl 1887. Pupil of Celothen and'-Hjennequin. Medals, 1835-48/'' Vi Jiff-, Legion of Honor, 1841. Chevalier of the Order of the Crown of Oak, Holland and Prussian Order of Merit. Honorary Member of the Royal Academy, London. Grand Cordon of the Order of Leopold, 1881. Member of the Brussels, Antwerp, Berlin and Munich Academies. 132. Water Color Sec. I Dated 1868. HAMILTON (James) Philadelphia. See page 34. 133. Sunset on the Jersey Flats Sec. I 16 x 9. 134. Moonlight Scene Sec. K 15 x 15. 135. Ruins Sec. K 15 x 15. 136. Beach Scene Sec. I 82 THE W. P. WILSTACH COLLECTION , 137. New York and Brooklyn from the Bay Sec. I 16 x 9. 138. View of New York Sec. I JOHN (J. W.) 139. Landscape Sec. L MORAN (Thomas) New York. See page 46. 140. View in the Susquehanna Valley Sec. L Dated 1865. 141. Ruins on the Nile Sec. L Dated 1858. 142. Study (After Turner) Sec. K 143. Study (After Turner) Sec. K TOWNE (Rosa) Philadelphia. 144. Wild Flowers Sec. L WILLIS (H. B.) London. 145. Interior of a Stable Sec. L Dated 1856. SPRINGER (C.) Amsterdam. See page 62. 146. Street Scene Sec. L Dated 1867. VAUTIER (B.) Dusseldorf. See page 66. 147. Scene in a German Church Sec. K 13 x 15. Crayon Drawing. Dated 1858. WITTKAMP (J. B.) Antwerp. See page 74. 148. Dathsen Preaching before the Walls of Ghent Sec. I 10 x 8. WINTER.— ADOLPHE SCHREYER. LIBRARY UNIVERSITY