.973 cop. 3 D (2 FREE i J"H . . 1830,... [ i. 1924] ' I V I BRA FLY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS ma* ww*** Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2012 with funding from University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign http://www.archive.org/details/freenegroownersoOOwood 1J- Free Negro Owners of Slaves in the United States in 1830 Together with Absentee Ownership of Slaves in the United States in 1830 Compiled under the Direction of and edited by CARTER G. WOODSON Editor of Tlie Journal of Negro History Washington, D. C. The Association for the Study of Negro Life and History Free Negro Owners of Slaves in the United States in 1830 Together with Absentee Ownership of Slaves in the United States in 1830 Compiled under the Direction of and edited by CARTER G. WOODSON Editor of The Journal of Negro History Washington, D. C. The Association for the Study of Negro Life and History Copyright, 1924 By the Association for the Study of Negro Life and History, Inc. 3Z(,.973> FOREWORD This statistical report on the free Negro ownership of slaves was made possible in 1921 when the Director of the Association for the Study of Negro Life and History ob- tained from the Laura Spelman Rockefeller Memorial an appropriation for the support of research into certain neglected aspects of Negro History. This special report, however, was not the objective of the Research Department of the Association. It developed rather as a by-product. In compiling statistics for the much larger report on Free Negro Reads of Families in the United States in 1830, the investigators found so many cases of Negroes owning slaves that it was decided to take special notice of this phase of the History of the free Negro. The report on the Absentee Ownership of Slaves in the United States in 1830 attached hereto developed in a similar way. The investigators were impressed also with the frequent occurrence of such wide separation of the mas- ter from the slave. In noting ihe cases of free Negro ownership it was a simple matter, then, to record also the cases of absentee ownership, and it was done accordingly. Carter Gr. Woodson Washington, D. C, April 1, 1924 111 INTRODUCTION The aim of this report on the free Negro is to facilitate the further study of this neglected group. Most of these people have been forgotten, for persons supposedly well- informed in history are surprised to learn today that about a half million, almost one-seventh of the Negroes of this country, were free prior to the emancipation in 1865. It is hardly believed that a considerable number of Negroes were owners of slaves themselves, and in some cases con- trolled large plantations. There were several reasons for selecting the census of 1830. In the first place, the earlier reports do not give as much information as the census of 1830. At that time, moreover, the free Negroes had about reached their highest mark as a distinct class. The reaction which set in earlier in the century restricted their freedom and in many cases expelled them from the South. This census, then, evidently reports the names of a larger number of representative free Negroes than any other census prior to their debase- ment to a lower status or their migration from the South. This trek reached its highest point between 1830 and 1835. Most of the free Negroes in the North in 1830, therefore, had been there for some years. The census records show that the majority of the Negro owners of slaves were such from the point of view of phi- lanthropy. In many instances the husband purchased the wife or vice versa. The slaves belonging to such families were few compared with the large numbers found among the whites on the well-developed plantations. Slaves of Negroes were in some cases the children of a free father who had purchased his wife. If he did not thereafter emancipate the mother, as so many such husbands failed to do, his own children were born his slaves and were thus reported by the enumerators. vi Introduction Some of these husbands were not anxious to liberate their wives immediately. They considered it advisable to put them on probation for a few years, and if they did not find them satisfactory they would sell their wives as other slaveholders disposed of Negroes. For example, a Xegro shoemaker in Charleston, South Carolina, purchased his wife for $700; but, on finding her hard to please, he sold her a few months thereafter for $750, gaining $50 by the transaction. The editor personally knew a man in Cumber- land County, Virginia, whose mother was purchased by his father who had first bought himself. Becoming enamored of a man slave, she gave him her husband's manumission papers that they might escape together to free soil. Upon detecting this plot, the officers of the law received the im- pression that her husband had turned over the papers to the slave and arrested the freedman for the supposed of- fense. He had such difficulty in extricating himself from this complication that his attorney's fees amounted to $500. To pay them he disposed of his faithless wife for that amount. Benevolent Negroes often purchased slaves to make their lot easier by granting them their freedom for a nomi- nal sum, or by permitting them to work it out on liberal terms. John Barry Meachum, a Negro Baptist minister in St. Louis, thus came into possession of as many as twenty slaves by 1836. The exploitation type of Negro slaveholder, moreover, sometimes feeling the sting of con- science, liberated his slaves. Thus did Samuel Gibson, a Negro of Mississippi, in 1844, when he brought his six slaves to Cincinnati, Ohio, and settled them on free terri- tory. Having economic interests in common with the white slaveholders, the Negro owners of slaves often enjoyed the same social standing. It was not exceptional for them to attend the same church, to educate their children in the same private school, and to frequent the same places of amusement. Under such circumstances miscegenation easily followed. While those taking the census of 1830 Introduction vii did not generally record such facts, the few who did, as in the case of Nansemond County, Virginia, reported a situation which today would be considered alarming. In this particular County there appeared among the slave- holders free Negroes designated as Jacob of Read and white wife and Syphe of Matthews and white wife. Others reported with white wives were not slaveholders. Practically all of these Negro slaveholders were in the South. 1 Slavery, however, at that time had not been ex- i These facts were extracted from the manuscript schedules returned by those who took the census of the United States in 1830. After C. G. Wood- son, the editor, had first copied the record of one state to acquaint himself in detail with the information given in these census reports, the statistics were then copied under his direction by three persons. One of them has had the advantage of two years' normal training after finishing high school, and two of them have completed college courses at Howard University and at the University of Michigan. The matter thus collected was then verified by Mr. Alrutheus A. Taylor, an alumnus of Michigan and a Harvard Master of Arts in History and Economics, now employed as Associate Investigator of the Asso- ciation for the Study of Negro Life and History. Further verification was made by C. G. Woodson. These records were copied just as those who took the census returned their findings. The only change made in the case of Negro Owners of slaves was to write the family name first, a rule which these enumerators did not all follow. Some enumerators made no distinction as to race in recording the names, but merely indicated the status of the head of the family under free persons of color. Other enumerators wrote Negro, Cold, or Colored, or used F. N. for free Negro, F. of C. for free person of color, F. M. C. for free man of color, F. W. C. for free woman of color, or fb. and fblc. for free black, directly after the name. The question mark after a name or a figure or in a column indicates that the record is such that the fact could not be accurately determined. The column giving the Age does not every time show the age of the head of the family. In some instances the age of the head of the family cannot be exactly figured out. The age here given is that of the oldeit person in the family of the sex indicated as the head of the family. The record as to sex, moreover, is often confusing. The name of a male is sometimes given as the head of the family while the sex is indicated as female or vice versa. In eighty per cent of the cases which the investigator has tested, however, it can be shown that this is the actual age of the head of the family. " 10-24 " means 10 years of age and under 24, and " 24-36 M means 24 years of age and under 36. 100 means a hundred or more than a hun- dred years old. The column entitled Slaves gives the number of slaves owned by the head of the family. Total means the number of persons in the family together with all of viii Introduction terminated altogether in the North, and even there the Negro was following in the footsteps of the white man, as this report will show. In the South where almost all of the Negro slaveholders were, moreover, we find some of them competing with the large planters in the number of slaves they owned. Most of such Negro proprietors lived in Louisiana, South Caro- lina, Maryland and Virginia, as did the majority of all such slave owners. There are, moreover, a few instances of confusing absentee ownership with Negro ownership. Sometimes a free Negro had charge of a plantation, but did not own the slaves himself, and the enumerator returned him as the owner. Excepting those of Louisiana, one may say that most of the Negro owners of slaves lived in urban communities. In those parts of the South where the influence of the kind planter near the coast was not felt, the Negro owner of slaves did not frequently appear. The free Negroes themselves, moreover, encountered such difficulties in the lower South and Southwest that they had to seek more hospitable communities in free States. By 1840 the trend toward degrading the free Negro to a lower status had become evident even in the apparently benevolent slaveholding States. Just before the outbreak of the Civil War the free Negro was receiving practically no consideration in the South and very little in the North. History here repeats itself, then, in showing the varying attitude of the whites toward the blacks in the cycles of national development. the slaves. This enables the student to figure out for himself -whether the slaveholding was an act of exploitation or of benevolence. The small number of slaves, however, does not always signify benevolence on the part of the ALABAMA Name Age Name Age Clarke County Meggs, James Harris, P. T Hatcher, William Stapleton, Joseph Monack, David Dallas County Smith, Tom Lawrence- County Royall, Lewis Madison County First and Second Ranges of Townships Davis, Betsey Stewart, James F Third and Fourth Ranges of Townships Robinson, John Blanks, Paschal Hunt, Lewis Hunster, Nancy Findley, Jenny Evans, John Winn, Andrew Mobile County Minnie Key, Lawrence Chastang, Theresa Simore, Felix Colderen, Simore Andre, Sylvester Andre, Mademitian Simore, Jane 14 36-55 55-100 36-55 36-55 55-100 36-55 55-100 36-55 36-55 24-36 24-36 24-36 36-55 24-36 36-55 55-100 36-55 24-36 100- 55-100 24-36 36-55 36-55 36-55 Chastang, Basil Chastang, Bastiste Chastang, Zane Chastang, Zeno Chastang, Louisa Nicholas, Jasma City of Mobile Rutgeron, Frances Ferer, Clara Laurendine, Benjamin . . Rozieste, Burnadoz Guile, Mad. O Chastang, Frances Gregg, Frances Mary, Mad Rozieste, Peir Boshong, Madam , Monroe County Sizemore (?), Arthur. . . , Sizemore (?), Susanna. . Montgomery County Fowler (de), Oxey Lanton Joseph (F. of C.) Perry County Thomas, Frederick V. . . . Shelby County Hadsen, Isah Washington County Saunsha, John Wilcox County Martin, John 12 55-100 36-55 55-100 36-55 55-100 24-36 24-36 24-36 24-36 24-36 55-100 55-100 24-36 36-55 24-36 36-55 55-100 36-55 55-100 55-100 55-100 36-55 36-55 36-55 ARKANSAS TERRITORY Lafayette County Free Bob 36-55 CONNECTICUT Fairfield County Demosat, Amos 55-100 DELAWARE Newcastle County Davis, Samuel B Millis, Charles Porter, Jessee Dale, Hannah Tibut, Daniel 3 4 10-24 1 3 24-36 5 10 24-36 1 2 36-55 2 3 36-55 Delahow, Jacob Sussex County Mosley, Peter Sirmon, Caleb Richards, Robert . . . 6 36-55 100- 36-55 36-55 Journal, op Negro History DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA Name Age Name Age Washington Fourth Ward Colored, Robinson Clark 11 Hanson, H " Joice 11 Johnson " Brown " Dubbon Tillman Bell Dyson Colored, Jones, J 11 Sims, Benj Brooks, P " Allison, Wm. . . . " Hicks, Sandy. . . " McKenzie, J.. . . Simpson, E Jackson Reed, J Adams, W Thompson, J Colored, Bonnell, Benj.. . Campbell, Wm. Allen, N Dyer, H West, P Leatherberry, L. Smiler, M Butter, J Mann, Ths Simms, A Bowen, H Jackson, A Colored, Jenkins, F Dexter, S Colored, Cooper, J " Brown " Rivers " Liverpool Gates Turner , Hatton, Ricd Neale, S Manning, Amelia Sims, Richard Blue, Samuel Smith, John Neale, Kitty Ashley, Martha Dorsey, Kitty Norris, Kitty Grant, Titus Lewis, James Mann, Eliza Chambers, Ellen 36-55 24-36 24-36 24-36 36-55 24-36 36-55 24-36 55-100 24-36 36-55 36-55 55-100 36-55 36-55 10-24 24-36 10-24 24-36 24-36 36-55 24-36 36-55 36-55 36-55 10-24 24-36 36-55 36-55 55-100 24-36 24-36 55-100 10-24 55-100 24-36 55-100 36-55 36-55 24-36 55-100 36-55 10-24 10-24 24-36 36-55 24-36 24-36 36-55 24-36 36-55 36-55 24-36 24-36 55-100 Netter, Sarah Matthews, Luke Baltimore, James Sewell, Rd Gordon, Wm Proctor, Os Glasgow, John Brooke, Betsy Jenifer, Mary Shaw, Simon Curtis, Samuel Gant, Catharine Fowler, Mary Eglin, Harry Moore, John Ambush, Edward Bowman, Eliza Lowry, Scilla Doyne, Benedict Henderson, Godfrey. . . . Myers, Charles Edwards, Griffin Shorter, Luke Bowen, Nancy Digs, Frank Diggs, Anthony Peters, Nancy Patterson, Robert Washington County East of Rock Creek and West of 7th Street Turnpike Brooke, Robert Coats, Nancy Georgetown Moore, Mordecai Murphy, Nathan Hawkins, Walter Cole, Horace Brown, David Tolson, Francis Wilson, Jeffry Freeman, Ignatius Dyson, Jno Smith, Elizh Bivens, Richd Chew, Saml. (principal) . Johnson, Fredk Littemon, Richd Eglan, Saml Chapman, Benjn Key, Ann Williams, Susan Allen, Nathan Woodward. Lamber 3 3 8 6 5 7 5 2 4 3 7 16 5 3 2 2 5 6 3 5 24-36 36-55 24-36 36-55 10-24 36-55 55-100 55-100 36-55 36-55 10-24 55-100 24-36 24-36 10-24 36-55 36-55 55-100 24-36 10-24 24-36 10-24 24-36 36-55 10-24 24-36 36-55 36-55 36-55 55-100 36-55 36-55 36-55 36-55 24-36 36-55 36-55 55-100 24-36 24-36 55-100 24-36 24-36 55-100 55-100 55-100 24-36 55-100 10-24 10-24 Documents DISTEICT OF COLUMBIA— Continued Name Age Name Age Georgetown — Cont Chase, Resin Washington, Geo. C. Mason, Josh Lancaster, Conky. . . Butler, Ann Washington, Walter. Brown, Isaac Sims, Samuel Dines, Peter Coffee, Catharin .... Travers, Josh Lee, Danl Fenwick, Wm Boswell, Anthy Downes, Susanna . . . 36-55 10-24 36-55 55-100 36-55 55-100 24-36 36-55 36-55 24-36 24-36 55-100 10-24 55-100 65-100 Coffee, Nicholas Tarey, Andw Alexandria County Lawrence, John Kur & Fitzhugh Brown, Henry Hepburn, Moses Myers, Abraham Bend, Coffie Merrise, Mima Brown, Grace Addison, Mary Townsend, James Chinn, Carlus 36-55 55-100 24-36 24-36 36-55 10-24 36-55 36-55 24-36 55-100 36-55 36-55 24-36 FLORIDA Escambia County Fio (or Tio), Joseph M.. Bara, Doretea Muertre, Ann Sachet, Gabriel Bertram Hinard, Eufroinne Rouby, Joseph Coca, Carmelite Nassau County Kingsley, Sophy 3 11 24-36 3 9 24-36 6 11 55-100 1 10 36-55 12 14 55-100 6 10 36-55 1 5 24-36 2 4 24-36 St. Johns County St. Augustine Pepino, Mary Pepino, Valentine Clarke, James Fish, Clarisa Williams, Sampson. . . . Perpall, Gabriel Sanches, Susan 1 8 3 8 3 9 1 10 7 11 39 40 4 5 55-100 55-100 24-36 36-55 36-55 55-100 36-55 GEORGIA Burke County Nunes, Charles (colored) Nunes, Joseph (colored) . Nunes, Janet (colored) . . Camden County Brewer, Betsey Carroll County Rowe, Arch Petit, Thomas Cornsilk Chatham County City of Savannah Galineau, Rose Cunningham, Harry. Woodhouse, Robert Tenack, Mary Tabeau, Manet Shomaca, Louisa Ragis, Poline Teice, M Jackson, Susan Neusome, Polly 2 6 36-55 6 7 24-36 3 6 24-36 1 6 24-36 9 16 24-36 7 9 36-55 3 8 55-100 1 3 55-100 7 9 55-100 2 7 24-36 4 14 55-100 1 9 36-55 1 3 10-24 2 7 36-55 2 3 55-100 6 12 100- 3 6 36-55 Crivillier, Hager . . . Thompson, C Craig, Ann Merrillie, Jane Cruvillier, Justine. . Jackson, Ragis .... Gibbons, John Brown, Rebecca . . . Malligo, William. . . Whitfield, Sampson Harris, F Luvett, Catherine. . Giblory, John Darling, Massa .... Grant, Jane Wilson, William . . . Greenfield, Allen. . . Ross, Cudjoe Netherclift, Dick . . Elbert County Harper, Grace Emanuel County Ruis (Lewis) (?), Polly 3 6 2 3 3 12 2 3 6 11 2 10 1 4 2 6 3 6 1 5 1 4 1 7 8 12 2 4 1 2 3 6 6 8 5 8 3 4 1 17 1 3 36-55 10-24 55-100 36-55 36-55 24-36 24-36 24-36 36-55 24-36 36-55 36-55 36-55 36-55 36-55 36-55 24-36 36-55 36-55 36-55 10-24 Journal of Negro History GEORGIA— Continued Name Age Name Age Fayette County Turner, James Turner, Silas Turner, Moses T Greene County Perry, Betsey Muscogee County Guardian, Phelps Randolph County Triplett, Jim Dobbins, Amy Brown, Milly Richmond County City of Augusta Moore, Isabella Kelly, Betsey Union County Robinson, Robert Hamilton County Shawnee Town Hubbard, Benjamin. . . Equality Township Cheek, Isham Henderson, Louisa .... Clark, Gracey 36-55 24-36 36-55 55-100 55-100 55-100 55-100 36-55 24-36 24-36 Bush, Maria Cobb, Billy Monroe, Maria Haynes, John Hicks, Betsey Brown, Josiah Dent, Fred and Jacob Cams, Lucy Smith, Turner Hill, Phillis Screven County Nicholson, Thomas. . . Warren County Steth, Dan'l, of Col... Wilkes County Hoxey, William 10-24 36-55 24-36 36-55 55-100 24-36 36-55 36-55 24-36 55-100 36-55 36-55 36-55 ILLINOIS 1 3 55-100 3 7 36-55 1 2 1 12 6 7 36-55 24-36 55-100 Peoria and Putnam Counties and Territory Attached Croaker, Francis Randolph County Louvier, Margaret 24-36 55-100 KENTUCKY Adair County Bur bridge, Sawney. . . Barren County Force, Leander Bourbon County Allen, Peter Wallace. Sally Jones, Isaac Monday, James Grant, Peter Gabriel Heathman, Allen Hurley, Edmon Brooks, Stephen Bracken County Thomas, Lethia Bullitt County ML Washington Ellison, Isaac Oldridge, Bash 2 2 36-55 1 3 55-100 2 4 55-100 1 2 36-55 1 2 55-100 1 3 36-55 1 5 36-55 1 3 36-55 3 4 24-36 1 5 55-100 2 4 36-55 1 3 36-55 3 5 36-55 1 3 55-100 Christian County Hovkinsville Cocke, Michael Clarke County Dudley, John Birth, George Fayette County Lexington Scott, Nancy, Cold woman Whiting, Peter, Col'd man Gray, Rob't, Col'd man. . Lewis, Charlotte, Col'd Bird, Rich'd, Col'd man . Tucker, Wm., Col'd man . Smith, Jesse, Col'd man. . Keifer, Nathan, Col'd man Tibbs, Benj'n Brittain, Jane 3 4 1 2 1 3 2 3 1 2 4 6 1 3 1 2 1 6 1 2 4 6 1 5 4 8 36-55 55-100 36-55 10-24 24-36 24-36 55-100 36-55 24-36 36-55 24-36 100- 24-36 Documents KENTUCKY— Continued Name Age Name Age Lexington — Cont. Travis, Hannah, Col'd woman Brakenridge, Wittshire, Col'd woman Phillips, Harvey Lee, Frank, and Nich's Black, Col'd men Fayette County Davis, Peter Martin, Adam B Howard, Isaac Burk, William Caulden, Benjamin Francess, Peter Williams, Ben Shores, Anaka Allen, Jer'y Allen, Alex'dr Dunlap, Samuel Clark, Rhody Smith, Robt Fleming County Eastern Division Truett, Jacob (A colored man) Franklin County North Division Frankfort Mordecai, Harry Jones, David Ward, John Chiles, Burrel Goin, John S Brown, Samuel Graves County Keeling, Alias Greene County Malone, Thos Harrison County West Side of Licking River Berton, Benjamin Henderson County Pointer, Liverpool Jefferson County Gray, J. T 56-100 36-55 36-55? 55-100 55-100 55-100 55-100 55-100 36-55 24-36 55-100 36-55 36-55 55-100 36-55 36-55 55-100 36-55 36-55 55-100 36-55 55-100 36-55 36-55 24-36 36-55 36-55 36-55 4 5 24-36 City of Louisville Cozzens, Betty Straws, David Merriwether, Frank .... Brigadier, Dan'l Sally (a Free woman) . . . Jessamine County Higenbothan, Judith . . . Anthony of colour William a man of color. Knox County Goins, Isaiah Logan County Russellville Valentine, Nicholas. . . . Buckner, Robert Jones, Edward Husketh, Isham Barber, William Madison County White, George Mason County Bowles, Thomas F Glasford, John Cooper, Edward Markham, H Wann, Roseann More, Charles Baylor, Ann Toliver, Edmond Diggs, Acam Washington West of Main Street Miles, Peggy Lightfoot, John Johnson, Isaac Mercer County Harrodsburg Harris, Anderson Harris, Ben Easton, Spencer Melvin, Fielding Fry, Jemima Jenkins, Hercules Warman, George Beaty, Adam Robinson, Sanko Montgomery County Lee, Richard 36-55 24-36 36-55 36-55 36-55 36-55 55-100 36-55 36-55 24-36 55-100 24-36 36-55 36-55 55-100 24-36 36-55 24-36 36-55 36-55 36-55 55-100 36-55 36-55 55-100 55-100 36-55 36-55 36-55 24-36 24-36 24-36 55-100 55-100 24-36 55-100 2 3 55-100 6 Journal of Negro History KENTUCKY— Continued Name Age Name Age Nelson County Bardstown Smiley, Thomas Cocke, Joe Rudd, Thomas Aud, George Nicholas County Mallery, George Rockcastle County Cable, David Shelby County South of the Main road from Shelbyville to Louis- ville and from the Bridge on Clear Creek to the Mt. Eden road thence with Sd. road to Gayaways and down the Bardstown road to the spencer line Edwards, John Shelbyville North Main Street Short, Peter North of Road from Louis- ville to Frankfort Harris, Hannah Ascension Parish Jacques Talmaire, Pommela Trauppe, Jean Quezer, Francois Grace, Dominique Assumption Francoise, Mademoiselle . Julienne, Miss Francois. . Poche, Joseph Francois, Jacques Avoyelles Barzanna, Julien Catahoula Bowie, James (F.M.C.) . . Concordia Victor, Madam East Baton Rouge Marianne , Delande, M. Joseph. . . . Boyd, Robert 55-100 36-55 36-55 24-36 36-55 36-55 North of the Road from Frankfort to Louisville Henson, Jim Warren County Bowling Green Palmore, Jane Russell, Bazzle Washington County South of Main Street, Springfield Palmer, Robert C Sandy, Ignatius 36-55 36-55 55-100 Woodford County Miller, Joe Corbin, Lawrence Tutt, Betty Campbell, Billy Mason, Henry Stratford, Tom Hardy, Ambrose Harvey, Richard Cloak, Samuel Twiner, Nathan Hawkins, Joel Weaver, Moses Ritchie, Jordan 36-55 24-36 36-55 100- 36-55 36-55 55-100 55-100 55-100 55-100 55-100 55-100 36-55 36-55 24-36 55-100 36-55 36-55 LOUISIANA 4 4 1 1 1 8 6 7 8 2 100- 10-24 55-100 36-55 24-36 3 2 3 4 4 8 8 6 24-36 100- 36-55 36-55 1 8 36-55 3 11 36-55 6 9 36-55 1 4 7 9 10 12 36-55 36-55 36-55 Baton Rouge Benjamin Tomatiste, Alexandre. Lange, Joseph Iberville Lacour, Antoine Bory, Augustin De Landre, Georges Honore, Widow Zacharie. Dubuclet, Madame An- toine Riccard, Madame Ciprien Jefferson Veraunt, L., f.m.c. . . Martin, J. W., f.w.c. . Foltz, J. P., f.m.c Pierre, M. J., f.w.c. . . Langles, P., f.w.c Bowler, J. B., f.m.c. . Augustin, J., f.m.c. . . Sandors, M., f.m.c. . . Dauphin, M. T., f.w.c Bakis, H. (?), f.m.c. . 4 8 1 2 5 18 18 26 20 26 46 56 21 29 44 52 35 46 4 10 4 10 5 9 3 7 10 19 6 11 6 18 1 10 10 25 1 8 10-24 24-36 36-55 55-100 36-55 36-55 36-55 55-100 36-55 24-36 55-100 24-36 24-36 55-100 36-55 55-100 55-100 55-100 55-100 Documents LOUISIANA— Continued Name s > S3 55 *3 o Age 1 3 55-100 1 9 36-55 5 8 55-100 1 3 55-100 1 3 36-55 4 6 24-36 4 8 24-36 12 20 55-100 1 6 36-55 11 21 55-100 2 3 36-55 2 10 24-36 1 3 10-24 1 8 36-55 4 11 36-55 2 4 10-24 6 17 36-55 5 11 10-24 2 5 24-36 1 6 24-36 1 3 55-100 3 12 24-36 25 38 55-100 13 21 36-55 2 6 10-24 5 9 36-55 13 23 24-36 54 66 55-100 54 60 55-100 13 19 24-36 20 21 55-100 3 8 24-36 8 16 55-100 2 5 10-24 4 11 24-36 4 9 55-100 1 5 10-24 1 5 10-24 12 21 24-36 3 9 36-55 3 8 24-36 3 7 36-55 16 24 24-36 4 12 55-100 8 15 36-55 3 13 24-36 1 6 24-36 2 5 36-55 6 14 55-100 Name Age Jefferson — Cont Drespie, L., f.m.c. . . Rosare, M., f.m.c Lavand, M., f.m.c. . Max, M., f.m.c Brim, C, f.m.c Rime, F., f.m.c Dauphin, O., f.m.c. . . Sanlet, T., f.m.c Cavilier, J., f.m.c. . . Packet, J. B., f.m.c. . Lafayette Mathew, Joseph Darby, Celestin Natchitoches Btaue, John Bt Cloutier, Augustin Rachal, Pier Balthasar, Louis Rachal, John Bt Birt, Asaac Dueprie, Phillip , Metgier, Naciest Free, Batteart Meytoier, John Bt. Dom. Meytoier, Domnick Meytoier, Joseph Meytoier, Fils (?), Fran- cies , Meytoier, Francies, Sr. . . Meytoier Augustin, John Bt Meytoier, Louis Meytoier, Augustin Meytoier, Ogest (?) Meytoier, Susan , Meytoier, Agsile Meytoier, Pier, Junior. . Meytoier, Pier, Sr Lariece, Manieuel Larcos, Margriet Larvean, Joseph Monett, Louis Rock, Saraham Samper (?), Jerom Dupas, Ameal Cottonmie, Atonine Corner, Florentine Lamote, Louis Cemore, Charles Grasp, Elijah Trichel, Joseph L Trichel, Joeann Rochet, Suset Plaquemines Castourling, Jean Molly Duplessis, Valery Duplessis, Cazimer Duplessis, Honore Duplessis, Michel Duplessis, Ciprien Troupar, Francois Datty, Anne Coutan, Rosette Barthelemi, Francois .... Barthelemi, Paul Point Coupee Marimat, Madame Delhonde, Sophie Destrehaus fils, Honori . . Decuire, Lefroix Pauche, V Bonfois, Charles Curiel, Joseph Decuire, Antoine Decond, Sostin Pawk, Jasin Decond, Nor6 Severin, Leandre Escoe, Lewis Perrau, Henriette Albert, Sallie Duperon, Victor De Crosier, Augustin .... Key, Lucindy St. Bernard Louis St. Charles Fatil, Baptist Sabatier, Severs Augustin, Eloise D'Arensbourg, Gilbert. . . Honore, Gabriel Richoux, Joseph Oldelaide Moliere St. John Baptists Villere, Ve-E., Negse-Lib. Rillieux, Ve-F ai - (?) Deslondes, Victoire Ferrand, C, & S'- S r - Dus- nan Isidor, Auge St. Landry Frilat, Louis Bernard, Victoire 10 10 24 6 6 6 9 8 8 15 9 12 S 48 11 71 7 6 44 76 14 4 5 68 4 3 3 26 2 4 5 7 15 7 10 9 5 14 17 62 77 49 15 55-100 24-36 36-55 24-36 36-55 36-55 36-55 36-55 36-55 24-36 36-55 36-55 36-55 36-55 10-24 24-36 24-36 24-36 36-55 36-55 24-36 36-55 55-100 36-55 36-55 55-100 36-55 55-100 36-55 24-36 36-55 36-55 36-55 36-55 24-36 24-36 36-55 55-100 36-55 55-100 55-100 36-55 36-55 36-55 36-55 24-36 Journal of Negro History LOUISIANA— Continued Name Age Name Age Opelousas Baldwin, Manon Lange, Leonora Peignier, Francoise Belleview Malveau, Laurent Malveau, Baptiste Plaquemine Bruli Donatto, Martin Boulard, Jambe Grand Prairie Fontinot, Louis A. B George, Baptiste Prairie Maumont Fontinot, Augustin B. . . . Simon, Veuve Louis Bayou Mallet Simeon, Francois Coteau of Church Prairie Lamelle, Francois Bolan, Veuve George Paillitte, Antoine Villier, Marie Thiery, Louis, pere Quelquesui Johnson, John Ashworth, Jesse Carrillo, Joseph Bayou Mallet Guillory, Jean B Donat, Auguste Simeon, George Charlow, Jacques Bayou Teche Osanne, Valarien Lesassier, Jean Balque, Joseph, pere . . . . Balqu6, Joseph, fils Muillion, Jean B Lamelle, Narcisse Lamelle, Marie Jeanne . . Gallo, Jean Lafleur, Baptiste Valliere, Louis Papillion, Alexander Cofine, Felicite Bass, James Sweat, Guilbert Fontineau, Juinerice B.. . 36-55 36-55 55-100 55-100 36-55 55-100 24-36 36-55 24-36 55-100 36-55 24-36 36-55 36-55 55-100 55-100 24-36 24-36 36-55 55-100 55-100 24-36 36-55 55-100 36-55 36-55 36-55 24-36 55-100 10-24 55-100 24-36 55-100 24-36 24-36 55-100 10-24 55-100 24-36 St. Martin St. Martinsville Fontenette, Eloise Delahoupage, Isador . Lenormand, Martin . . Chalinette (Osene) . . . Lavillebeune, Charles. Grevernberg, Celestin Vils, Philip Fontenette, Lenon . . . Lenormand, Ursin Lenormand, Char^- . . Champagne, F Lenormand, Norbert . St. Mart Pinta, Casemir. . . . Frillot, Aime BouttG, Philipeau . . Verdin, Leon Verdin, Romain . . . Charlete, Bte., Do.. Olivier, Magdelaine Olivier, Adelaide. . . St. Tammany Brasier, Maxilion . . Brockston, Phillip. . Popelous, Cassimer. Baham, Voltaire . . . Baham, Pierre Baham, Seymore. . . Maxon, Roselle .... Raby, Antoine Baham, Mary Ann. Terrb Bonne Billeaux, Etienne . . . Washita (Ouachita) Watts, Joseph Jerod, Francis West Baton Rouge Alsire, Helene Detreant, Mrs. HonorS . Demonel, Terance Hubaut, Charles Bienville, Julien Recard, Saint Luke Recard, Widow Mary . . Rapelier, James Hubaut, Leopold Honore Fils Polen Verret Parish of St. James — Acadia Nemorin Rhodanez 24-36 55-100 55-100 55-100 55-100 55-100 24-36 36-55 36-55 55-100 24-36 36-55 24-36 24-36 55-100 24-36 36-55 36-55 55-100 36-55 36-55 36-55 36-55 24-36 24-36 10-24 55-100 36-65 36-55 36-55 36-55 24-36 36-55 36-55 100- 36-55 24-36 55-100 10-24 36-55 36-55 36-55 36-55 24-36 Documents LOUISIANA— Continued Name Age Name Age New Orleans City Inhabitants included be- tween Rampart Street, the new burying ground and the Baain Labretonniere, M. L Between the Basin and Bayou Road Braquemart, Victoire. . . . Dupre, Celeste Ramos, Philippe Rost, Edouard Roy, Usanie Porte, P 518 - Forneret, Joseph Coursel, Martil Gallo, Widow Noel Caulbet, Widow Montrose, N M - Between Bayou Rd. and the Lake Obry, Marguerite Between Bayou Road & V Amour St. Hazur, Prosper Dauphin, W dow - Lavaux, Jarde Cheval, Paul Renald, Augte- Rebauld Rilieux, Elizie Duverlet, F * 9 - Metsinger, Benedique . . . Dolliole, Joseph Azur, Marcelite Magnac, Charles Hurtin, Felicianna Chapdu, Caroline Duval, Salinette Enard, Simeon Juliette Decoudwux, Chares Lavarie, Joseph, Son . . . . Bordier, Petronie Pernet, Madelaine Obry, Zelia Bellouard, John Lajoie, Julien Madelaine Constance Uamour St. between Esplanade St. & the Canal Marigny Azur, Isidor 1 10 36-55 36-55 36-55 24-36 24-36 36-55 36-55 36-55 24-36 36-55 55-100 55-100 55-100 36-55 36-55 36-55 55-100 24-36 24-36 24-36 24-36 36-55 36-55 24-36 55-100 10-24 24-36 36-55 24-36 10-24 55-100 10-24 55-100 36-65 24-36 24-36 55-100 55-100 55-100 36-55 Canuel, Julien . . , Rochon, Rosette. Brulee, Similien. Between Esplanade St. & Canal Marigny Populus Dorote Francoise, Maria , Fondale Beauguis, F cis - Fanchon, Fcise- Jeune, Raimond Gaillard Duval, Annette , Marquet, Lewis Beauvais, Marie , Villard, Marie Louisa Dupart, Clerck Moreau, Manuel Borr6, Madeleine Jounin, Cadet Gallo, Lewis Coquillot, NoSl Flecheu, Hennry Jourdan, W dow - Celestin Fouchet, Odele Parilliat, Margueritte. . . . Burel, Achille Taguin, Harnot Plaissy, A Lajonciere, Celestine Felicie, John Peter Perrillioto, Joseph Francis Guenon, Hursin Macartis, Sophie Therese St. Amant, Eloise Etienne, Louisa Mariux Popotte Dautelonne, M. C Mercier, Seraphine Justine Lambert, Richard Between Canal Marigny & Monderville St. Simon, Constance Deberque, Constantin . . . Monderville St. & Fau- bourg Donois Benjamen, Anthony Joseph, Bazile Maria 55-100 55-100 55-100 24-36 55-100 36-55 36-55 36-55 55-100 36-55 24-36 24-36 36-55 24-36 24-36 55-100 24-36 55-100 36-55 24-36 36-55 55-100 36-55 36-55 55-100 24-36 24-36 24-36 55-100 24-36 36-55 36-55 36-55 24-36 55-100 36-55 36-55 36-55 36-55 55-100 24-36 55-100 24-36 36-55 36-55 36-55 10 Journal of Negro History LOUISIANA— Continued Name Age Name Monderville St. Fbg. Marigny & Fbg. Donois Aubertine Zamor, Madeleine Fouche, Nelson , Salbrier, Patry , Laurent, W dow - Casimir, W dow - Petitgeot, F cis - Lachaise, Catherine Doublet, Maurice Lacroix Compigny, J. L Blouin, Augustin , Denaux, Anne Upper Suburbs of New Orleans Josspot, J. S Diggs, James Smith, Peggy Herman Kelan, Phillip Samba, Marie-louise. . . . Carlon, Etienne Chalambert, M rie - J™. . Beaulieu, Guilbert Hartfield, J h - Simmons, Sophia Guyonesse, Baptiste. White, Charlotte Smith, Henry Elley, John Badon, Remond Garaut, Rose Smith, Thomas Francis, John Edward, Stephen Smith, Diana Jonau, Antoine Dunn, James Vembles, Jacob Bout6, Francois P Elliot, Maria Dauphin, Pelagie Johnson, Anna Henriette Antoine, Baptiste Isidor, Telside Woods, George Johnson, William P Grammont, Jean Boutime, Francois Keating, Ann B Filie, Pierre Champio, Victoire 24-36 55-100 24-36 24-36 36-55 36-55 36-55 36-55 10-24 24-36 55-100 36-55 36-55 24-36 10-24 36-55 36-55 36-55 55-100 24-36 55-100 24-36 24-36 10-24 36-55 55-100 36-55 24-36 24-36 100- 55-100 55-100 10-24 55-100 24-36 36-55 36-55 24-36 10-24 36-55 36-55 36-55 24-36 24-36 36-55 24-36 24-36 24-36 10-24 36-55 55-100 Smith, Hellen Montgomery, Charles Clement, Richard .... Moore, William Gravier, Joseph Bonseigneur, Arsene. . Villemont, Josephine . Bonseigneur, Nerestan Key, Richard Moise, Justine Francis, George Cazot, Jean Pierre, Elisa Claire, Marie Sepine, F Nicholas, Jenny Jolibois, Genevieve. . . Mathieu, Valmont . . . Boyer, Lucy Desvignes, Hellen. . . . Patty Dupas, Mary Teta, Louis Jenkins, Edward Hilaire, Rosine Hardy, Jaques Robert, Louverain . . . Lacoesse, Pierre Reymond, Pierre Garcia, Pierre Lawrence, Francis . . . Botts, Cupids Escaut, Antoine Brown Smith, Becky Degruys, Francois . . . Thomas, Flora Hashpy, Nelson Bresky, Jacob Duval, Gaston Monnery, Mrs. A Barnabe, Jn- B*e-. . . . Divivier, Louise Manuishon, Jacob . . . Dupuis, Mrs Beguin, Agathe Tinsley, Nancy Augustin, Aimee Asquier, J n - Louis Escaut, Louison Casson, Pulcherie .... Gaudin, Pelagie St. Amant, Louis .... Gougis, Leda Cabaret, Marguerite . . Craig, James Hamelin, Julien 3 4 3 12 3 12 4 7 2 8 3 7 4 2 8 2 4 5 8 4 8 3 7 9 4 8 10 5 5 10 7 5 8 5 2 2 3 2 5 S 14 5 18 10 7 4 11 5 10 14 7 3 9 7 4 4 10 Documents 11 LOUISIANA— Continued Name Age Name > 55 c3 *-> O 1 9 4 9 2 8 3 14 1 6 1 5 6 14 1 10 4 8 6 14 4 10 7 11 1 8 5 8 3 6 3 9 4 6 3 9 2 10 1 4 1 12 3 7 1 8 1 6 4 14 5 15 2 13 1 9 1 6 1 8 4 13 4 13 1 8 6 14 4 10 3 12 11 18 7 18 3 11 1 7 1 7 1 9 4 11 4 12 5 15 5 14 5 14 2 7 4 15 2 6 3 5 6 17 1 7 1 7 4 7 3 9 2 8 Age Upper Suburbs of New Orleans — Cont. Laurent, Pierre Poree, Charles, Sen Formorette, Pierre Dauphin, Catische Baque, Zelmire Grandmaison, Sanite Lioteau, Pierre Mallet, Augustin Deale, Marie Thereze Miniche, Orphise Boree, Paul Macarty, Jason Descuirs, Francoise Flemming, Jean Dimba (?), Phillips Savoie, Francoise Sterling, Rose Fortier, Etienne Fleuriau, Mannette Doriaucourt, Marianne . . Bacchus, Eulalie Percy, Heloise Apollon, Jaques Fabre, Francoise Frere, Rosette Pierce, George Manice, Blaise Nourice, Marie Lewis, Charlotte, Miss. . . S*- Amand, Mme. Hen- riette Azur, Philip Dasincourt, Maurice. . . . Lafitte, Guillaume Bumchartrean, Melle H tte Alexandre, Cata Ross, Edouard Victor, Joseph S l - Cavillier, Miss Catherine . Arnaud, Leandre Bozan, Miss Annette Raby, Rodolph Dubranel (Charles) Jolly, Urbain Campanel, B Legardeur, Chariot McCarty, Cecee Borel, Miss Melanie Chan, Adolphe Lavinsandier, Charlotte . Mondelly, Sanon Andre, Mortimer ArtheBuys, Gustave Guiramond, Barite Mandeville, Judique 36-55 55-100 24-36 36-55 36-55 55-100 36-55 55-100 36-55 10-24 55-100 55-100 36-55 24-36 36-55 55-100 24-36 36-55 55-100 55-100 55-100 55-100 36-55 36-55 36-55 36-55 36-55 36-55 36-55 10-24 55-100 36-55 24-36 36-55 24-36 36-55 36-55 36-55 36-55 55-100 36-55 36-55 36-55 36-55 55-100 24-36 36-55 10-24 36-55 36-55 36-55 55-100 36-55 36-55 Calvin, Pierre S l - Toeguo (?), Polenar. Chadirac, Miss Fany . . . Priet, Henriette Valentin, Fran 8, Girardeau, Bruno Pelerin, Modeste Borry, Ursin Perrauta, Savinien Lathrope, Eulalie Faury, Miss Antoinette . Populus, Ant Marias, P"»- Chs- Lebouh, Marie Victoire. Garridel, Miss Fanny. . . Lambert (?), Jean Gencau, Rosette St. Ourse, Oursine Dalby, Celeste Angnant, Louise S 1 -. . . . Birot, Piron Bourdilles, Ursule Cheval, Leandre Mortimer, Pepite Borrys, L. A Brion, A Savary, M.. Besson, A Bizotte, Fse- Anoreaux(?), S*e- Roviaux, Judique Hardouin, Eugenie Laroche, Victoire Davier, Carmelite Navard, Modeste Purdom, Narcisse Duforge, Cantrelle Murat, Gaston Derbanne, Alcide Silva, Francois Bonseigneur, J. B Pinta, Danatien Gabriel, Sanon Maurivez, D Danache, Ch*- Rachal, Lucien Auvergne, Philip Neuville, Ant Vivier, Ch 8 - Hopkins, Cicilia Macarty, Brigite Macoste, Widow Desire. Christophe, Firmin Pierron, Zelime Cavanard, Lolote Perdron, Eloise Ambroises, T. B 100- 55-100 36-55 36-55 36-55 24-36 36-55 36-55 36-55 36-55 36-55 36-55 36-55 36-55 24-36 24-36 55-100 36-55 36-55 36-55 36-55 36-55 36-55 55-100 36-55 36-55 36-55 24-36 24-36 55-100 24-36 36-55 36-55 55-100 36-55 36-55 55-100 55-100 36-55 36-55 24-36 24-36 36-55 36-55 55-100 36-55 36-55 24-36 55-100 24-36 24-36 24-36 24-36 24-36 55-100 24-36 24-36 12 Journal, of Negro History LOUISIANA— Continued Name ■ • > J5 "3 o H Age 2 9 36-55 7 17 55-100 1 6 55-100 2 5 24-36 3 7 36-55 7 10 36-55 4 7 36-55 4 9 55-100 7 11 10-24 2 6 24-36 2 10 55-100 10 17 36-55 1 5 36-55 3 12 36-55 9 16 36-55 6 9 36-55 2 13 36-55 4 10 36-55 1 12 55-100 4 14 36-55 1 9 24-36 4 11 55-100 2 6 36-55 2 13 55-100 2 10 36-55 1 8 55-100 2 9 24-36 3 12 55-100 7 16 55-100 1 8 55-100 3 10 36-55 4 11 55-100 1 6 24-36 2 6 36-55 5 9 36-55 3 9 36-55 3 11 55-100 4 14 36-55 1 7 55-100 5 21 36-55 5 13 55-100 2 7 55-100 4 17 55-100 1 12 55-100 2 11 36-55 2 14 55-100 9 19 55-100 4 14 55-100 4 15 55-100 3 12 36-55 1 10 24-36 4 13 55-100 5 17 36-55 2 7 36-55 5 16 55-100 Name > a CO c 1 6 7 15 6 8 3 7 3 12 3 10 3 6 1 8 3 6 3 13 1 6 2 14 1 5 2 6 2 10 10 21 1 8 1 8 3 9 5 7 5 11 2 7 7 18 2 5 3 17 1 7 1 12 2 9 3 11 1 2 7 17 1 8 2 11 3 11 5 9 11 21 1 4 9 20 1 4 4 10 2 5 2 9 9 16 8 19 1 6 1 9 4 10 6 15 2 6 2 9 1 5 5 15 10 21 3 15 1 10 5 12 5 10 Age Upper Suburbs of New Orleans — Cont. Ferron, Modeste Pavia, Andre Toutant, Amelie Lafoste, Egle Barbet, Celeste Rochiblane, Rochebrune Angelique, Widow Gourge, Poupone Prauvert, Cephise Barbe, M Vermilion (?), Eulalie. . . Canfran, Misse Dalez, Estelle Benite, Michel Lefebre, Eugenie Donaut, Henri Votaire, Maurice Levasseur, Mirabin Feron, Marie Dastuge . . Liautaud, Elize Claiborne, Augustin .... Baulos, Hortaire Montrelle, Mimie Ganucheau, Annette Laborde, Joseph Dafauchard, Louis Ursin, Magnola Legardeur, Adrien Lerond, Henriette Honore, Elizabeth Casabon, Widow Garcin, Iris Roche, Athalie Salcas, Fillette Maurin, Cece Cornelius, Amelie Charbonnet, Celeste. . . . Caillavette, Aristide. . . . Legardeur, Arthur Lemoine, Bauvais Torame, Charles Magloiire, Donatien. . . . Mathurin, Auguste Sidney, Louis Anathol, Cyprien Morrison, Cha 8 - Pontier, Franc 8 • Dunand, Ch 8 - Perdreau, Maurice Jouacinthe, Ralph Candide, Theo Pargon, Barth Ponponneau, Clara Leclair, Jos Gueringer, Ant Dubruny, Edouard. . Plantevigne, V Macarty, H Guiramand, R , Seressole, L 8 - Arnaud, Mimie Berrard, N. B Sennette, A Duhart, Ant Joublotte, Sanite. . . . Laroche, Josephine. . Garriques, Louise . . . Maurice, Jeannette. Anodin, M. B Joseph, Marie Volunt, Mimite Gayard, Poupone . . Gerard, Rosalie Bertholl, Eugenie . . , Arnaud, Gertrude. . . Thomas, Widow R. . Cordeviolle, Ignace. Lusignan, Valsin. . . , Zenon, L B - A Clair, Margte- St- . . Mammes, Helene . . Cezain, Tymothee. . Frumence, F Clement, Cecille Sosthene, F Josse, Adelaide Dorothe, Agathe. . . Severin, Apauline . . Zacharie, Euphrasie Prudent, Zenon. Athanase (Desiree) . Pascal, Isidore Urbain, Jeanne Hildevert, Philip.. . Maximin, Germain. Neree, Petronille. . . Silvere, Gervais .... Isidore, Prosper. . . . Bajolaire, R. E Perdreaux, Clovis . . Fernand, Gerard. . . Raymond, Adolphe. Brodequin, Marie. . Dorfeuelle, Maria . . Schmidt, J. R Le Chaste, Aristide. Joviolle, Henriette . . Duperrier, Daniel . . Vassant, Celestin. . , Pavien, Louis Tallarey, Eugenie . . S l - Amand, M. J. . . 24-36 100- 24-36 36-55 36-55 36-55 10-24 36-55 36-55 36-55 24-36 100- 24-36 36-55 36-55 55-100 36-55 36-55 24-36 55-100 36-55 36-55 36-55 24-36 55-100 100- 55-100 36-55 55-100 36-55 55-100 36-55 55-100 55-100 24-36 55-100 24-36 55-100 24-36 55-100 36-55 36-55 55-100 55-100 36-55 24-36 24-36 55-100 55-100 24-36 24-36 36-55 36-55 55-100 36-55 24-36 24-36 Documents 13 LOUISIANA— Continued Name Upper Suburbs of New Orleans — Cont. Andre, Magdelaine Tervallon, F Rousseau, Widow P. . . . Dupre, Eulalie Baudin, Genevieve Dupiton, Widow Lamotte, Wid Duharlet, Rose Guirot, Claudine Fusillier, F Trevigne, Garcon Rouppon, Pierre Lataure, Severin Gabrielle, Ch s - Laire, M. Annette Montreuille, Felicitie . . . Roubioux, Rosette Colvis, F Maurin, Bellone Tessier, Sanite Dauphin, Marie Andry, Seraphine Lacroix, Pierre Alexis, Eglee St. Amand, Sophie Dizt, Gustave Lancellay, Jerome Imbert, Eleanore Dugunge, Amelie Lafferiere, B Lahoussey, Simon Laborde, Uranie Daw, Camille Borel, Ch s - L 8 - .'.'.'.' Janvier, Ursin Vivant, Louison White, Palmin Bourjon, Andre Chatelain, Carlos Latapie, Poupone Magloire, Juliens Burthe, Benjamin Casbin, Pierre Latiolet, Magdelaine . . . Teyoval, Judique Montarler, Desiree Blinval, Adolphe Laborde, Eulalie Purdon, Avelina Rahton (?), Marguerite. Gofte, Adolphe Espagnette, Marie Char lotte Saulet, Felicite \ Mandeville, Eulalie .... Age 1 2 1 2 2 3 2 4 5 1 1 13 6 2 4 1 3 1 4 8 7 8 2 1 5 2 1 1 3 2 3 1 1 2 1 10 1 3 4 2 2 9 3 4 5 9 3 8 1 1 3 G 5 5 5 9 10 6 12 13 4 7 19 13 10 11 3 15 4 7 14 14 15 15 9 13 11 2 5 10 9 11 7 7 15 6 23 4 16 15 10 5 22 8 11 9 20 6 17 4 36-55 24-36 36-55 36-55 55-100 55-100 36-55 36-55 36-55 55-100 10-24 24-36 24-36 55-100 55-100 55-100 55-100 36-55 55-100 55-100 55-100 55-100 55-100 55-100 36-55 24-36 36-55 36-55 55-100 36-55 24-36 36-55 55-100 36-55 24-36 55-100 36-55 55-100 36-55 55-100 36-55 55-100 24-36 55-100 36-55 55-100 36-55 55-100 24-36 24-36 55-100 36-55 36-55 36-55 Name Age Lapitto, Marie Rose. Villard, Catiche Durand, Pierre Toussine, Marie .... Dufrene, Jean L 8 - . . . Mirbel, Neuris Merieux, Agathe Mangonna, Virginie . Fournier, Camille . . . Roques, Derchal .... Wilfride, Caliste .... Gayac, Anathole .... Raphael, Hyacinthe. Maurille, Euphemie . Rigobert, Genevieve. Gordien, Desire Sabas, Olympe Delphin, Ives Peprin, Aglae Urbain, Jeanne Leufroy, John Paulin, Alexis Aplanas, Meonide. . . . Lanoix, Rose Savary, Emile. Dersac, Ignace Bourgoin, Pierre Lacoste, Pedronille. . . Macedone, Therese. . . Sev6rin, Agathe Gaudry, Estelle Dudley, Alphonse. . . . Mothelose, Gabriel. .. Regio, Antoinette .... Pargroux, Zenon Raquet, Antoinette. . . Crosait, Lisida Hospineta, Julie Franck, Adelaide Bronze, Judique , Bajoliere, Edouard Bruno, Edme Roupelin, Osmin Cabaret, Joseph Parvis, Cecille Lesenne, Adeline Deleandre, Genevieve . Foureade, M Auguste Je, Francois . . Wiltz, Victoire Bullie, Widow C Ducraix, Marianne. . . . Amoth., Widow Fromentin, Francoise. . Bierra, Rose Guillaume, Toussaint. . Lonny, Luce go 4 5 6 5 5 6 3 10 5 11 4 2 8 1 16 3 1 5 4 1 6 1 2 13 8 4 2 4 4 1 4 2 11 2 1 8 2 5 1 3 7 1 2 9 7 1 3 1 6 1 3 1 2 1 5 10 12 13 14 9 17 11 20 13 23 14 9 10 4 23 15 7 15 12 4 14 6 7 23 16 14 7 12 12 7 13 4 25 6 9 18 4 10 2 14 8 7 12 10 3 11 5 12 5 13 5 6 8 12 13 11 36-55 36-55 36-55 36-55 24-36 65-100 24-36 36-55 36-55 55-100 24-36 55-100 24-36 24-36 36-55 55-100 24-36 36-55 55-100 36-55 36-55 24-36 10-24 36-55 55-100 55-100 36-55 24-36 36-55 24-36 55-100 36-55 55-100 24-36 55-100 55-100 24-36 24-36 24-36 24-36 36-55 55-100 36-55 55-100 24-36 24-36 55-100 36-55 36-55 36-55 36-55 36-55 100- 55-100 36-55 24-36 24-36 14 Journal of Negro History LOUISIANA— Continued Name Age Name 1 > 5q "3 o 2 5 3 10 2 8 1 7 1 2 1 5 1 5 1 2 4 13 3 5 13 14 5 15 4 9 6 18 1 4 2 7 6 15 6 9 4 14 2 8 2 9 1 9 4 9 1 4 4 10 4 11 6 20 2 10 1 7 1 4 3 10 5 10 1 3 1 4 1 12 1 5 3 6 2 10 2 4 2 9 4 13 2 5 2 8 3 7 6 14 1 5 5 6 1 7 1 13 2 5 5 13 1 3 1 5 2 8 1 8 1 7 5 16 Upper Suburbs of New Orleans — Cont. Corbet, Julien Timpegue, Louis A Castillon, Victor Sully (?), C Lacoste, Constance Maurin, Poupone Seradin, Antoinette . . . . Menas, Stephanie Etienne, Widow Fortune, Bonnie Dupuy, Mg ne - Legian, F a - Gouengo, Irene Barbe, Miss Rivert, Constce- D'Emart, Me- Gayard, S r -, R d - DuBois, Eulalie Legoesler, Erasme Bluzeau, Pierre Maurin, Merandine Rosine, M Marcus, Eloise Reytre, Jeannette Barbet, Cloe Barbet, Delphine Borosee, Fred Cabaret, Lise Valentin, Francois Lanna, Desire Deribon, Widow Tounence, Zizite Boutin, Victorine Guilbaut, Josephine Maurin, Charlotte Montford, Heliopolis . . . Hilaire, N. A Bougere, Rosette Nicholas, Popote Borbeau, Noel Forestal, Pauline Lagrange, Adelle Foucher, Modeste Pradex, Rosiette Duehemin, Aimee Cambre, Therese Montreuille, Monon. . . . Leon, Thos Mayero, Toussine Bertheno, Laisse D'Arneville, Pelagie. . . . Talhand, Pierre Aubert, Elizabeth Gentilles, L^. Durel, Justine 36-55 24-36 55-100 36-55 36-55 24-36 24-36 10-24 55-100 36-55 24-36 24-36 24-36 10-24 55-100 36-55 55-100 10-24 36-55 36-55 24-36 55-100 55-100 24-36 10-24 10-24 55-100 36-55 24-36 24-36 36-55 24-36 24-36 55-100 36-55 36-55 36-55 36-55 10-24 55-100 24-36 55-100 36-55 36-55 36-55 36-55 36-55 24-36 36-55 24-36 100- 24-36 55-100 24-36 36-55 Delille, Felix Sejour, Louis Bordeaux, Jeanne. . . . Renald, Mimie Dubreiulle (?), Marie Castanette, Suzette . . Baptiste, Alexandrine. Perodin, Wid Celestin, Widow Lefevre, Jacques Miller, Caroline Larday, Fanchette . . . Legon, Ariste Noel, Marie Armand, Modeste. . . . Lagrange, Depit Duperain, M Menadier, Rose Gronge, Savarie Blois, Edmond Mercier, Felix Arsene, Desiree Evrard, Omer Flavien, Noel Benoist, Ursin B6netaud, Estelle Landrin, Mathieu. . . . Nereaud, Benjamin . . Lueguarde, Bazile. . . . Martial, A Castiaux, Bern. (?)... Daquin, Silvain Dalche, Louise Chery, Chistee Linguo, Alexandrine. . Camisac, Resinette. . . Laurent, Wid. S l - . . . . Lange, Florisse Vilmo, Wid. Celeste.. Gautreau, B Caiblet, Ben Ferraud, Celestin .... Coussin, Marie Cheridan, Emiliana . . . Jerreau, Theodule. Daboval, Jules Bernard, Guill me - Saramon, Henriette . . Labruyere, Desiree. . . . Andre, Judice , Poinset, Themire Duchesne, Ferd , Montamar, V. A Piron, Emelie Cobet, Caliste Bienaimee, B Duraine, Jean Documents 15 LOUISIANA— Continued Name Upper Suburbs of New Orleans — Cont. Laroque, Ed St. Amand, Pierre Torres, Marie Tec-., Theodule Pouleau, Maurice Sabin, Lolote Spallino, Vallery Cuvillier, Barth Bertholin, Paul Brunette, Carmelite .... Rebaudy, Ant Bertrand, Rosalie Populus, Maurice Morange, Silvie Jolivet, Poupone Damien, Alfred Raboul, Ant Macarty, Silvanie Montanno, Albert Sacriste, Juliette Toussaint, Lse Druillet, A Berger, Theodule ....... Montassa, Emille Gueringer, Ernestine . . . Pioreau, Laurt Mauret, Louis Carriere, Noel Lacroix, Pierre Girardy, Wid ..." . .' .' Ldbastien, Jean Philistin, Wid Monnet, Pierre Despres, Manette Henry, Marie R Renaud, Jacques Perrin, Rosette Bouny, Marie Gambal, Ant Legouvee, Marie Lse. . . . Barjon (?), D Duvallon, Wid Lacoste, Catiche Many, Marie Leroy, Malthilde ....... Mayet, Henriette Seraphin, Aglae. . Thiot, Zelie Danoranero, D. V. . . . Boutin, Leon Gautreaux, Genevieve Noffre, Helene Morcau, Cecil e Conand, Amede Durneville, Andre Lafitte, Simeon . . . 2 17 1 1 5 5 3 4 4 2 1 6 2 3 5 1 2 4 3 9 1 2 2 3 2 13 2 2 1 4 3 1 4 9 1 4 3 4 6 1 Age Name 10 1 1 1 4 1 8 5 5 4 4 10 1 2 1 10 23 7 5 1G 15 14 16 10 10 9 13 8 14 13 11 5 13 12 21 5 10 12 5 9 24 8 4 8 11 8 10 9 20 7 13 14 11 16 10 17 19 4 36-55 24-36 24-36 24-36 36-55 55-100 55-100 36-55 36-55 55-100 55-100 55-100 55-100 55-100 36-55 36-55 10-24 36-55 10-24 36-55 24-36 36-55 24-36 36-55 55-100 55-100 24-36 36-55 24-36 36-55 24-36 55-100 24-36 36-55 55-100 36-55 55-100 36-55 36-55 55-100 55-100 55-100 24-36 10-24 55-100 36-55 10-24 36-55 55-100 24-36 36-55 55-100 36-55 36-55 24-36 36-55 Jupiton, Manette . . Brunette, Betzi Romain, P Emillien, Fred Riviere, Celeste. . . . Chery, Ernest Jolly, Henriette Benjouin, Charles. . Sherburne, Maurice Cinet, Etienne Rousseau, T Dupuy, Adelaide. . . Boucher, A. G Trevigne, Auguste . . Laignel, Jean Brunei, Philip .... Courcelle, Mirtille. . . Delerry, A Boisseau, Manon Dalon, Auguste Donet, Ernest Snaer, Ambroise .... Saulet, Jacques Joubert, Mathilde. . . Jolly, Ant Marie, St. Jean Roviaux, Gaston Beaurpeau, Noel. . . . Beaurocher, Fredk. . . Cheval, Louise P Cheval, Leandre P. . . Abejan, Jos Blanche, Lse. Mia. Bondellie, Bonne Allegre, Rosiette Almazor, Mary .... Noel Bel., Ant Bellotte, Pognone Constantin, H Dupain, Miss C Passement, A. B Poyroux, Miss Mena . Prieur, Sanite Raphael, Wid Simon, L Thomassin, B Pinta, C. B Pflon, Fs Baquet, Fs Leroux, Wid Ternien, Miss Cornier, L Joublotte, Sanite Peyproux, Aug Larien (?), J Chanal, Martin o H 11 11 6 6 10 11 13 14 10 11 16 12 17 15 11 30 15 12 16 10 14 7 17 9 6 5 6 5 11 14 Age 6 7 7 6 12 8 10 4 5 11 4 7 4 7 8 7 7 4 8 Belisaire, Severin 5 5 5 9 10 11 11 36-55 36-55 24-36 36-55 24-36 36-55 24-36 36-55 24-36 36-55 55-100 24-36 55-100 24-36 36-55 55-100 36-55 55-100 55-100 36-55 36-55 36-55 55-100 55-100 36-55 36-55 24-36 36-55 24-36 55-100 36-55 36-55 36-55 24-36 55-100 55-100 36-55 36-55 55-100 24-36 55-100 10-24 36-55 36-55 24-36 55-100 24-36 24-36 24-36 55-100 24-36 24-36 24-36 55-100 36-55 36-55 55-100 16 Journal of Negro History MAINE Name > "3 o Age Name > "3 o Age Kennebec County Albion Tolbut, Abram 1 2 55-100 MARYLAND Allegany County Peney, Bazle Isaac, Black Anne Arundel County Barnett, Richard Gambrill, Orang Hoxton, Rd Scosey, Ann Holland, Sophy Johnson, Stephen Harwood of Thos., Richd Jacobs, Geo Dorsey, Nichs Anderson, Saml Dorsey, Vacheal Meed, M Peach, Joseph Wells, George Waters, Wilson Chase, Richard Manidier, Henry Wells, George Barnes, Henry Bryan, Peter Fleetwood, Jane Gray, Ephraim Johnson, Thomas Lee, Charles Leichlightner, Philips. . . . Mann, Pero Purdy, Alice Ringgold, Edward Richardson, James Ringgold, Jacob Stephens, Sophia Tunks, John Wilson, Richard Young, Walter Talable, Adam Williams, Abraham Giles, Rachel Dorsey, Jemima Sim, Robert Wells, Daniel Brashears, Gilbert Brown, Joseph Folks, Charity Franklin, York Gantt, Jenny Harris, Thomas Ireland, Mary 5 6 55-100 1 3 36-55 3 7 36-55 2 7 55-100 1 6 24-36 2 6 36-55 2 4 24-36 1 4 36-55 39 42 36-55 3 7 36-55 2 4 24-36 1 3 24-36 1 5 24-36 17 18 100- 1 11 24-36 5 6 10-24 3 4 36-55 15 23 55-100 17 25 55-100 5 7 55-100 3 8 36-55 1 8 36-55 1 3 24-36 2 6 24-36 2 7 36-55 2 5 36-55 11 16 24-36 1 7 55-100 2 3 36-55 3 4 36-55 4 5 36-55 3 7 36-55 1 5 36-55 1 12 55-100 1 8 24-36 1 2 24-36 2 4 55-100 2 3 36-55 1 3 36-55 3 4 55-100 2 4 24-36 1 4 55-100 1 4 24-36 1 2 55-100 3 13 55-100 3 4 36-55 1 5 55-100 1 5 55-100 5 7 55-100 Keys, Moses Lee, Sarah Pully, Jenny Robinson, George. Stewart, Ellick . . . City of Annapolis Tidd, James Thomas, Rose Williams, Valentine . . Watkins, Stephen City of Baltimore First Ward Smith, James Sims, Henry Anderson, Saml Barnett, Stephen Thomas, Seth Banks, Benjamin Burk, Thos Second Ward Talbot, Benjamin. . . Robinson, Christena. Johnston, Nicholas. . Robinson, Zachariah Buly, Cirus Phillips, Charles .... Elliott, David Clark, James Cain, Elenor Third Ward Wallace, Charles. . . . Harden, James Cooper, Thomas Smallwood, Richard. Ridgley, Charlotte. . Fleetwood, Thomas. Green, Peter Smith, Rebecca Nelson, Sarah Harriss, Cecelia Cooper, Benjamin. . . Fisher, Levin Smith, Perry Dixson, Perry Fourth Ward Williams, Nathaniel Castle, William Grason, Elizabeth. . 1 3 1 17 2 3 3 4 1 3 1 3 1 5 1 2 1 6 1 5 2 3 3 4 1 5 1 6 1 5 1 3 1 6 1 4 2 5 1 4 6 8 8 9 1 6 1 5 1 3 1 11 1 3 2 5 2 7 1 4 1 3 1 5 1 6 1 2 1 3 1 3 3 4 1 3 1 3 1 8 1 5 1 7 Documents 17 MARYLAND— Co ntinued Name Age Name 3 > 53 O H 2 4 2 7 1 4 1 4 1 4 1 6 2 5 1 2 1 3 1 6 2 3 1 3 2 3 2 3 1 2 1 4 2 3 2 10 1 16 1 4 1 7 1 2 1 7 1 3 1 3 1 4 2 11 1 2 5 6 1 2 1 5 1 4 1 2 11 12 2 7 4 6 1 4 1 7 2 3 5 8 2 5 1 3 3 4 4 9 2 12 1 3 6 9 1 4 1 6 2 3 Age Fourth Ward — Cont Strupping, Priscilla. . . Blake, Vincent Presco, James Hollowday, Ann Hollowday, James . . . Fifth Ward Allen, William Henson, Emory Sixth Ward Lewis, John Seventh Ward Gage, Dina Robinson, Sarah Ridgely, Loyed Sprigg, Margaret Pinkney, William .... Ninth Ward Griffin, Maria Sherrick, John F Scott, Margaret Thomson, Lewis Hicks, Emanuel Butler, Basil Clark, Nancy Askins, Christ Kill, David West, Charles Howard, Edward .... Dailey, Richard Gilles, Ann Curtis, Henrey Limas, Brudame McCay, Robert Smith, Edward Miller, Henrey Shivers, W^idow Noal, John Johnston, Charles. . . . Young, Benj Hall, Peter Ridgeley, Pompey. . . . Scott, Charlotte Gray, David Griffin, Alexander. . . . Victoire, Mary A Gibson, Jacob Boston, John Bradley, Samuel Johnston, Gustus .... Williams, Dinah Johnson, Robert Stephens, Littleton. . . Snowden, Peter 55-100 36-55 55-100 55-100 55-100 24-36 24-36 24-36 55-100 36-55 24-36 36-55 24-36 36-55 55-100 55-100 55-100 55-100 55-100 24-36 36-55 24-36 36-55 24-36 24-36 36-55 24-36 55-100 36-55 24-36 24-36 55-100 24-36 24-36 36-55 36-55 36-55 24-36 36-55 55-100 36-55 24-36 24-36 36-55 24-36 24-36 24-36 36-55 24-36 Johnson, Job .... Parker, Jas Tile, Hannah Johnson, Richard Carrol, Peter .... Smith, Perry .... Gamble, Peter. . . Wilson, Wm Calhoon, Peter. . Anderson, James. Howard, James. . Hains, Thomas . . Mitchel, Ann E. . Steward, Stephen Fuller, Clm Primrose, Geo. . . . First Collection District Morris, John B Smith, Andrew Hall, Ephraim Bishop, John Whiper, Luke Wallace, Bazil Williams, Hannah Second Collection District Smith, Lindy Smith, Joseph Hooper, Samuel Wicks, Jacob Saddler, Perry Jones, Flora Hicks, Rosetta Bently, Amey Dorsey, Harry Brown, Lucy Ann Preston, Pompey Brown, Abraham Procter, Charlotte Third Collection District Jackson, Jeremiah Clark, James Fourth Collection District Johnson, Henry Carey, John Brooks, Edward Matthews, Alexander. . . . Cook, Henry Walker, Hannah Brown, G Mickle, Anthony Neibours, Elizabeth Owings, Sarah Brown, Isaac Jackson, Tobias 36-55 36-55 55-100 36-55 55-100 24-36 24-36 24-36 24-36 55-100 24-36 24-36 55-100 36-55 36-55 36-55 55-100 24-36 55-100 55-100 36-55 55-100 36-55 24-36 24-36 55-100 36-55 36-55 55-100 36-55 36-55 55-100 55-100 24-36 36-55 36-55 36-55 36-55 10-24 36-55 36-55 24-36 36-55 24-36 36-55 10-24 24-36 55-100 36-55 24-36 18 Journal of Negro History MARYLAND— Continued Name Age Name Sixth Collection District Govens, Jane (Coled) . . . Fenton, James (Coled) . . Seventh Collection District Patterson, William Price, Robert Calvert County Hardesty, Samuel Skinner, Sarah Denton, Susan Jones, Mathew Cooper, Henson Quill, Benjamin Evans, Sarah Caroline County f Upper District No. 1 Flamer, William Downs, Benjamin Kennady, David Fritchett, Samuel Green, Christopher Dawson, Saml Middle District No. 2 Baynard, Clarricy, Negro Turner, Aaron, Negro . Clarke, Edward, Negro Boon, Jacob, Negro . . . Red, Stephen, Negro . . Holland, William, Negro Murry, Amy, Negro. . . Sutton, Reason, Negro Rich, Daniel, Negro. . . Register, Peter, Negro. Blake, James, Negro . . Lockerman, Jno Green, Levi, Negro. . . . Rotter, Cidney, Negro. Hollyday, Richard .... Jacobs, Mooder, Negro Hubbard, Daniel, Negro Bachus, John, Negro Willgon, Francis, Negro Chase, Hannah, Negro. Stokley, Peter, Negro. . , Haskins, Edward, Negro Bowdle, Jacob, Negro . West, Jeremiah, Negro Cecil County First Election District Anderson, Ben Gans, Clem Mercer, George 55-100 36-55 36-55 10-24 36-55 36-55 100- 24-36 24-36 10-24 36-55 24-36 36-55 24-36 24-36 55-100 24-36 36-55 24-36 24-36 24-36 55-100 10-24 36-55 24-36 36-55 55-100 10-24 24-36 24-36 36-55 24-36 55-100 24-36 55-100 24-36 24-36 36-55 55-100 36-55 36-55 36-55 24-36 36-55 Butler, Tom Parker, Jno Gordan, Rebecca Thomas, Mikeal Holler, James Hawkins, James Johnston, Abram Glover, Joseph Jonas, Spencer Share, Moses Johnston, James Shields, George Collins, Henry Brown, Robt , Ferl, John Charles County Durham District Washington, Ignatius. . , Greer, James , Skinner, Clement Queen, Charles , Butler, Hezekiah , Bond, Jane , Ray, Abednago , Johnson, Samuel Camel, Benjamin Aliens Fresh District Butler, Henry (?) Collins, William Hill, Elizabeth Shurborn, Judy Hall, Betsey Hungerford, John Butler, Charles Hawkins, Ignatious Smith, William Dodson, Elizabeth Moore, John Day, Henry Butler, Ignatius Procter, Thomas Morrison, Mary Dorchester County Election District No. 1 Callender, Patrick Robinson, Rachel Election District No. 2 New Market Cornish, Peter Chamberlain, Esther. . . Hubbard, Peter Murray, Prince Washington, John 3 4 4 6 5 5 10 8 14 4 5 5 3 7 6 11 5 10 10 9 2 4 4 3 10 5 5 4 13 30 16 4 8 7 8 4 3 3 5 Documents 19 MARYLAND — Continued Name o cJ > 03 O Age 53 H Name X I i 55 "e3 O Eh 3 6 6 7 1 3 3 6 1 4 4 5 5 7 6 7 3 4 1 5 2 7 3 6 1 6 1 5 2 7 3 4 3 7 1 3 3 6 1 3 5 9 3 4 1 3 2 10 3 6 1 8 2 4 1 3 3 9 1 2 2 9 1 7 1 11 1 3 1 11 1 6 5 10 5 6 2 7 1 7 5 7 3 6 6 7 1 3 2 6 3 4 1 1 5 Age JVety Market — Cont. Dye, Mary Woolford, Adam Dennis, Casidy Lloyd, Barthenia .... Smith, Richard Standley, Jeffrey Dickerson, Richard. . . Johnson, Abram Mathews, Diana Warfield, Thomas. . . . Atkinson, Joe Hardcastle, Simon . . . Jenkins, Rosanne Green, Leah Thompson, Jim Moor, Richard Thompson, Eliza Smallwood, Ezekiel . . Kier, Joshua Dockins, Peter Henry, Mahala Banks, William Coleman, George .... Cornish, Joshua Darby, John Johnson, William Horsman, Eliza Dillen, Lucy Beard, Charles Standley, Robert Young, Adam Neal, Thomas Sullivan, Minty Parker, George Pearce, Nancy Hall, Joseph Nace, Jesse Smart, Richard Fisher, Isaac Pharrow, Sarah Mitchell, Ralph Brooks, Dennis Cephas, Sophia Tilghman, James Woolford, Jeffrey . . . . Waters, John Lee, Harry Crier, James Jolly, David Atkinson, Tom Parker, Isaac Knotter, Hewit Camper, Charles Nicols, James Banup, Ansy Lockerman, Prissa . . 24-36 36-55 55-100 36-55 55-100 24-36 24-36 36-55 36-55 36-55 24-36 36-55 55-100 55-100 55-100 24-36 55-100 55-100 36-55 36-55 10-24 55-100 24-36 36-55 55-100 55-100 36-55 36-55 36-55 55-100 36-55 100- 55-100 36-55 55-100 55-100 24-36 55-100 24-36 24-36 36-55 55-100 36-55 36-55 55-100 24-36 55-100 36-55 24-36 36-55 36-55 36-55 55-100 36-55 24-36 36-55 Cephas, Ibby Woolford, Nelly Young, James, sen Pinder, Stephen Cephas, Joseph Kennard, Nathan , Smallwood, William Roberts, Edmond Scye, Tom , Quinton, Jacob Johnson of Knot, George Holiday, Thomas Thompson, Daniel Coleman, Daniel Sampson, James Election District No. 4 Travers, Thomas Gainby, Jacob Stanley, James Ellis, Thomas Saunders, Rose Dickson, Jacob Keene, Phebe Woodland, Cilas Manokin, Charles Bright, Fountain Keene, Draper Slater, Robert Colson, Drew Thomas, Elizabeth Henry, James Keene, Lydia Bright, Moses Travers, Francis Barnes, Henry Brohawn, Rhoda Cornish, Any Pattison, Samuel Willson, Jacob Edwards, Charles Travers, Dinah Election District No. 5 Dier, Margaret Election District No. 6 Ross, Henry Election District No. 7 Addison, Jacob Woolford, Ezekiel Election District No. 8 Brooks, Curtis Macer, Jacob Pendleton, Lovey 55-100 24-36 55-100 10-24 55-100 ? 24-36 55-100 55-100 55-100 55-100 55-100 24-36 55-100 24-36 55-100 24-36 36-55 36-55 10-24 55-100 24-36 36-55 36-55 24-36 36-55 55-100 55-100 24-36 24-36 55-100 24-36 36-55 36-55 36-55 24-36 36-55 36-55 55-100 36-55 36-55 36-55 36-55 55-100 24-36 36-55 36-55 20 Journal of Negro History MARYLAND — Continued Name Age Name Elec. Dist. No. 8—Cont Bennet, Manuel Lee, David Bird, Toby Blake, Nancy Quash, Alsy Johns, Sarah Smith, Allen Brown, John Macer, Henry Lee, Levin Lee, Nero Nutter, Nancy Johnson, Charles Hooper, John Green, Allen Ross, Priscilla Cook, Robert Nicols, Moses Stanley, Nathan Nunum, John Kennedy, Jeremiah Stanley, Charles Blake, James Cromwell, Shadrack. . . . Bruffit, Aaron Griffith, Sophia Barnes, Scippio Frederick County District No. 1 Green, Ceaser Ingland, Arch Rollings, Henry Caleb, Joseph Waters, Jacob Duffin, Bassil Berrit, William Combs, Jenne . , Norriss, Thos Ford, Nathan Dawkins, Henry Armstrong, John Carroll, Polly Rollings, Mary District No. 9 Stuart, Nathan Proctor, Michael Coats, George Thorn, Frederick Davis, Eli Valentine, Amos Ogle, Samuel District No. 3 Cay wood, Abraham 1 6 36-55 36-55 36-55 36-55 55-100 55-100 55-100 55-100 55-100 55-100 55-100 24-36 36-55 55-100 36-55 36-55 36-55 36-55 36-55 36-55 10-24 10-24 36-55 24-36 55-100 24-36 55-100 55-100 24-36 24-36 36-55 55-100 10-24 36-55 36-55 24-36 10-24 36-55 55-100 36-55 24-36 36-55 36-55 55-100 24-36 36-55 36-55 24-36 36-55 District No. 2 Frederick Town Hillman, Aaron Mitchell, Casandra. . . Boone, David Hawkins, Aaron Gaines, William Gray, Joseph Harper, Alley Hammond, Samuel. . . Pratt, Solomon Carr, Isaac Gordon, Thomas Dorsey, Harriet Davis, Francis Schneevilly, Edward. . Devan, William Hill, Anthony Leake, Peter Roberson, Esther. . . . Noland, Elisabeth. . . . District No. 4 Groce, Sampson Lewiston McKinney, Patsy .... District No. 8 Woodsboro Wicks, Jane Key, Sarah Murdok, Aaron Roberts, Mary Todd, Upton Jackson, John Uniontown Moales, Lloyd Stoner, John, Jnr Harford County Hipkins, Charles G. . . Carlile, Washington . . More, Samuel Hendley, John D Smith, Samuel W Hall, William B Banks, James Amos, Henry Scott, Susan Amos, Thomas Witmore, Abraham . . Kent County Ward, Letty Anderson, John B. H. 3 4 6 3 3 2 3 7 7 7 4 4 3 12 4 2 5 3 5 2 13 6 7 5 9 12 22 6 3 2 5 Documents 21 MARYLAND— Continued Name Age Name Age Kent County — Cont. Byram, Edward Tilghman, Susan Nicols, Moses Fountain, Joe Bordley, Lisbon Warner, Harry Warren, David Wickes, Peter Hollyday, William Cuff, Thomas Rogers, Eliza Boyer, Lucy Boyer, Philip Hynson, Joseph Forman, Ezekiel Woodland, Emory Thomas, Moses Anderson, Henry Richardson, Moses Leger, Philis Jones, James Pearce, Maria Rogers, Samuel Smith, Elijah Mechanick, James Constable, John Palmer, Priscilla Hynson, Charles Anderson, Thomas Philips, George Taylor, Stepney Rasin, William Lamb, Rachel Massey, James Taes (?) . Dudley, Perigrine Simmons, Stephen Mason, Isaac Anderson, Richard Mason, William Mann, Abraham Chambers, William Graves, Milky Black, Jacob Harding, Stephen Wilson, William Doman, Daniel, Jr Jones, Thomas Hollingsworth, Benjamin Bassle, William Harris, Jacob Moffett, Samuel Hackett, Clem Wilson, William Williams, Sarah Grey, Susan Wilson, Trump 55-100 36-55 55-100 36-55 55-100 36-55 55-100 55-100 36-55 55-100 24-36 36-55 36-55 36-55 24-36 10-24 10-24 55-100 55-100 55-100 24-36 55-100 55-100 24-36 24-36 10-24 36-55 36-55 36-55 24-36 36-55 36-55 55-100 36-55 36-55 36-55 36-55 55-100 36-55 55-100 55-100 24-36 55-100 36-55 55-100 24-36 55-100 55-100 24-36 55-100 55-100 36-55 55-100 55-100 24-36 36-55 Talbot County Scott, Philomon Dorrell, Wm Tilghman, Ann Cornish, Tilly Stokely, Ezekiel Kelly, Joseph Hall, Ara (?) Banning, Jerry Tripp, Dick Dove, James Mackey, Susan Tripp, BUI Potter, Grace Goldsborough, Jane . . Sinclair, Joe Hawkins, Tom Nelson, Parris Thomas, James Brown, Sarah Hopkins, Violett Calloway, Philip Madden, Crecy Brion, Aron Williams, Isaac , Potter, Nero , Pipes, Peter , Bantom, Joe , Cuff, Horris Jone (June ?) , Tender, Dembey. Warner, Cain Donsbuary, Scipio . . . Tillison, Henry Summers, Henry. Porter, John Harriss, James , Cox, Jenny Hill. Sarah Fox Mackey, Ross Caulk, James Banning, Ned Bantom, Henry Benson, Solomon Homes, Henry Murry, Samuel Harriss, Leven Bantom, Lilly Mobry, Jacob Brooks, George Cuff, Sally Brooks, George Downes, Edward . . . Brooks, David Clash, Wrighton .... Thomas, Thomas . . . Williams, Charles . . . 3 7 11 6 3 5 4 6 11 3 3 5 11 5 4 2 7 2 3 6 6 5 6 4 4 5 3 6 2 7 2 3 2 4 5 3 6 5 5 5 5 8 13 6 5 5 5 5 6 3 6 7 8 2 4 5 36-55 24-36 55-100 36-55 36-55 100- 24-36 100- 24-36 55-100 36-55 36-55 55-100 100- 24-36 55-100 36-55 36-55 55-100 24-36 55-100 36-55 55-100 24-36 36-55 55-100 55-100 24-36 36-55 24-36 24-36 24-36 24-36 55-100 24-36 55-100 100- 36-55 36-55 36-55 36-55 36-55 10-24 24-36 36-55 36-55 36-55 10-24 36-55 55-100 36-55 36-55 55-100 ? 24-36 10-24 22 Journal, of Negro History MARYLAND— Continued Name Age Name Talbot County — Cont King, Daniel Barrott, Samuel Commons, Stephen Nicols, Philip Burley, Richard Washington County Long, Catherine Rideout, Charles Harris, Jno Howard, Lewis Negro Phil Cranford, James McHenry Neg (Negro?) Worcester County Mills, Robert Parks, Henry Dennis, Rose Riggin, Joseph Long, Lydia Layfield, Henry Bayly, York Long, Stephen Mills, James Purnell, Levin Tarpin, Titus Ross, Robert White, Jasper Jenkins, Isaac Purnell, Minadab Purnell, Lucretia Purnell, Peter Purnell, Sacker Purnell, Peter Adams County Winn, George City of Natchez Carey, Robert M Miller, Jas Battles, Harriet Gilson, Sam Claiborne County Willis, Mary Bell, Henry Butler, Hanibal Franklin County Rogers, Lewis 36-55 55-100 10-24 24-36 36-55 55-100 24-36 24-36 36-55 36-55 24-36 36-55 36-55 55-100 55-100 36-55 55-100 36-55 24-36 36-55 36-55 36-55 55-100 10-24 36-55 55-100 36-55 36-55 55-100 36-55 24-36 Sturges, William Purnell, Nimrod Turpin, Elijah Robins, Rhoda Messick, Draper Townsend, Sophia Stevenson, Arthur Collins, Levin Hammond, Jacob Hammond, Isaac Xorris, Hessy Purnell, Josiah Morris, Minty Purnell, Amos Bo wen, William Marshall, Caleb Miller, Ann Rackliffe, Draper Stevenson, Jacob Johnson, Peter Massy, Hannah Rockliffe, Jesse Brevard, Isaac Massy, Peter Pitts, Lydia Gray, Luke Holland, Sarah Pitts, Milby Selby, James Whittington, Ephraim. Handy, Richard Johnson, Daniel Johnson, Rachel Dashiell, Jacob Sturges, Jessee Fookes, Easther MISSISSIPPI 16 17 55-100 10-24 24-36 24-36 10-24 36-55 55-100 36-55 Martin, Samuel. . . Simpson, Gloster. . Harris, Hardy Holly, Christopher Moore, David Hancock County Asmard, Charles, Senior . Benoit, Benard, Senior. . . Perkins, William P Warren County Miller, Elisha 1 7 2 5 1 6 3 5 5 6 3 4 6 8 17 18 1 3 MISSOURI 36-55 St. Charles County Buet, Louise Documents 23 MISSOUBI— Continued Name OB > 53 o H Age Name | 53 "3 O H Age Perry County Dickson, Joseph 3 4 36-55 New Madrid County Scarret, Sally 1 1 36-55 NEW HAMPSHIRE Rockingham County 1 2 24-36 Cutler, Rufus 1 1 5 5 55-100 Portsmouth Cutler, Rufus T 24-36 Whipple, Joshua NEW JERSEY Bergen County Pompton Township Green, Sizar Essex County Elizabeth Township Stout, Silas Van Horn, Richard Dunn, John Messalier, Henry Township of Acquackononk Sip, Thomas Burlington County Township of Nottingham Morris, Thomas Township of Springfield Bowan, Robert 24-36 24-36 24-36 36-55 24-36 36-55 24-36 24-36 Monmouth County Middletown Holmes, Hercules Holmes, Isaac Freehold Wolley, Nean. . . Morris County Township of Morris Cutler, Jacob Jefferson Township Chatham Linn, Cato Hunterdon County Trenton Hulicks, Jas Hut chins, Perry Laurence Duncan, Phillis . . 1 1 3 4 3 5 2 4 1 3 1 2 3 3 1 4 36-55 36-55 24-36 36-55 36-55 36-55 36-55 24-36 NEW YORK Montgomery County Minden Wilson, Thomas Jackson, Abraham Canajoharie Village Cockburn, Elizabeth. . . Hawn, William Livingston, Dian Lando, Henry Clady, Robert Day, William Florida Freeman, Joseph New York City King Street Ritchinson, William 24-36 10-24 10-24 36-55 55-100 24-36 24-36 36-55 24-36 10-24 Thompson Street Jones, John Walker, Benjamin. . , Scott, John Kip, Sara Thomas, Charles Oatfield, Andrew Low, Abraham Putnam County Patterson Townsend, Joseph. . . Tioga County Catharine Rice, Tobias, Col.. . . Hall, James, Col. . . . Washington County Cambridge Hoase, Sunn 2 5 1 2 3 6 1 2 4 7 4 6 1 3 2 3 1 2 1 3 1 3 55-100 24-36 55-100 24-36 24-36 10-24 36-55 55-100 10-24 10-24 55-100 24 Journal, of Negro History NORTH CAROLINA Name Age Name Anson County Jones, Thomas Beaufort County Washington Anderson, Hull (?) Bonner, Jos Brown, Edme Walker, Betsy Moore, Church Brown, John Newton, Clarrissa Allen, Abrara M Moore, Eli Rose, Easter (?) North Creek Town Walker, Thos Bowen, Thos Bertie County James, Mary , James, Sally Hill, Penelope Ash, Jane Tutle, Willie Bladen County Bowen, Gooden E. . . . Spendlove, Eliza Spendlove, Molsy. . . . Blanks, Michael Allen, Samuel Spendlove, Ann Smith, Catharine . . . . Brunswick County Potter, John A McKenzie, Jimboy (?) . . Camden County Griffin, Samuel Spelmon, Thomas Spelmon, Owen Caswell County Day, Thomas Jones, Mary Wilson, John (Free Col'd) Caswell, Allen Worsham, James Chatham County Town of Pittsboro Anderson, Jerry 12 Chowan County Town of Edenton Grean, Ritchard M. . . 36-55 36-55 36-55 36-55 10-24 24-36 36-55 24-36 24-36 24-36 36-55 55-100 36-55 36-55 36-55 55-100 55-100 55-100 36-55 36-55 24-36 24-36 24-36 24-36 24-36 24-36 55-100 100- 24-36 36-55 24-36 24-36 24-36 36-55 55-100 55-100 24-36 Hornablow, Marey. . Iredell, Jeffrey How, Lucey Littlejohn, John Johnson, Gustavus A. Bozman, James. . . . Craven County Stanly, James G Green, James Y Hollister, Thomas. . . . Street, Delia Town of Newbern Mumford, Donum . . . Austin, Anne Warrick, Brister Green, John R Lisbon, Matilda Warrick, Brister Garrett, Jane Stanly, John S Stanly, John C Cumberland County (The Division West Side Cape Fear) Bones Creek Dist. Maclver, Wining (?) Jackson, Polly , East Side of Cape Fear Hadley, Bella Artis, Lucretia Tutte (Tutle) , William . , Jordan, Judy Alvis, Esther Munroe, Daniel Wood, John Freeman, Sally Town of Fayettevilie Grimes, Thomas Hammonds, Elsey Dennis, Phillis Revels, Margaret Mallett, Betty Dunn, James Ragland, George W Mallett, Charles Chester, Lott Davidson County Hatcher, Tabitha Cain, Jesse David, Sarah 6 7 4 4 12 2 11 8 7 3 27 2 9 10 4 6 4 22 26 5 9 5 4 7 37 7 Documents 25 NORTH CAEOLINA— Continued Name Age Name Age Edgecomb County District No. 1 Tarborough Scott, Elizabeth Thompson, William District No. 15 Morgan, Henry Franklin County Louisburg — Perrie's Dist. Armstrong, John Williams, Jeremiah Pearce's Dist. Tucker, Robert Bledsoe's Dist. Charles, Thomas'es Foster's Dist. Mitchel, John Edward's Dist. Blacknel, Thomas Hicks, Benjamin Alford's Dist. Mitchel, Milbry Dunn's Dist. Evans, Rosetta Gates County Martin, Jottro (?) Cuff. Nisom Hansford, Thomas Granville County (North Regiment) Fain, Jacob Cousins, Nelson Halifax County Jourdan, John Richardson, Absalom. . . . District of North Carolina 2nd Regiment District Howard, Miles Jones, Tabitha Mills, Wesley Worrel, Lucy Taylor, Sally Johnson, Amy Taylor, Peggy Cain, Malissa Curtis, Ann 24-36 24-36 24-36 36-55 24-36 36-55 36-55 36-55 36-55 24-36 36-55 24-36 36-55 36-55 55-100 55-100 36-55 24-36 36-55 24-36 24-36 24-36 10-24 55-100 24-36 55-100 24-36 36-55 Jones, Pompey Hammons, Olive Hertford County Melton, Meede Mandley, Penelope Renalds, Jeston Jordan, Lewis Roberts, David Renalds, Jeston Boon, David Lenoir County Dutton, Nellie Martin County Crichlon, John James, Larry James, Martha Nash County Revill, Humphrey Northampton County W T heeler, Anthony Boone, Ruthy New Hanover County Ware, George Mosely, Wanely (?) Cruise (?), Mary Larington, Simon Bazadeir, Phillis Buffo, William Pajay, Lewis Walker, John Hazell, Roger Campbell, James Sampson, Henry Onslow County Loomiss, Caesar Jarmen, Benjamin Tatom, Sally Orange County (North Dist.) Hartgrove, Fed Peters, Lucy Pasquotank County Morris, Will., Senr. (of Coir Price, Aaron (of Coir.) . . . Harvey, Alfred (of Coir.) Perquimans Bogue, Dorothy (of Coir.) 14 25 5 3 18 8 6 8 1 5 2 5 45 9 4 3 7 12 55-100 36-55 55-100 36-55 24-36 10-24 36-55 24-36 55-100 55-100 36-55 24-36 55-100 36-55 36-55 55-100 36-55 36-55 36-55 36-55 36-55 10-24 10-24 36-55 10-24 24-36 36-55 55-100 55-100 36-55 36-55 55-100 10-24 24-36 24-36 36-55 26 JOURNAL OF NEGRO HlSTOEY NORTH CAROLINA— Con tinv ed Name Age Name > 5q 3 o 6 10 1 2 3 4 3 5 7 10 4 6 1 3 1 2 4 8 2 7 5 6 2 21 1 2 3 8 5 6 1 2 4 11 1 8 1 3 1 4 1 5 1 7 1 6 5 7 1 7 1 3 3 7 1 4 Age Perquimans — Cont. Randol, Charlotte (of Coir.) Window, Mills (of Coir.) Robins, Jacobs (of Coir.) . Overton, Judith (of Coir.) Nixon, Charlotte (of Coir.) Wadkins, James (of Coir.) Wadkins, Nathaniel (of Coir.) Overton, Winney (of Coir.) Modlin, Nancy (of Coir.) Overton, Penny (of Coir.) Overton, Levina (of Coir.) Overton, Theny (of Coir.) Overton, Nelly (of Coir.) . Winslow, Rose (of Coir.) . White, Luke (of Coir.) . . . Lawrence, Sampson (of Coir.) Pitt County Brown, Med Richmond County Mask, Pleasant M Robeson County Lowrie, James Sampson County Pope, West Stokes County Shepperd, William Mason, Ralph 14 36-55 36-55 36-55 10-24 55-100 55-100 36-55 36-55 55-100 36-55 24-36 10-24 10-24 55-100 36-55 55-100 24-36 10-24 55-100 10-24 55-100 55-100 Wake County Jones, Allen Burwell, Pope Jones, Charles Malon, John (Colored) , Green, Samuel Scott, John D St. Maries District Wilson, Marsh Simms, Nancy Evins, Abigail Smith, William Dunn, John Snellings, Silvans. . . . Taylor, Prudy Holmes, William Seawell, Phil Woodward, Sally .... Maxwell, Polly Warren County Cosey, William Day, John Holmes, Stephen Burt, Jacob Evans, Isaac Evans, Tabby Evans, Matthew Green, Thomas Washington County Boston, Nancy Wayne County Burnet, Joel , Wilkes County Anthony, Negro 24-36 36-55 55-100 36-55 36-55 55-100 24-36 100- 10-24 10-24 10-24 36-55 36-55 36-55 36-55 24-36 24-36 55-100 55-100 55-100 55-100 24-36 55-100 55-100 55-100 55-100 24-36 36-55 OHIO Warren County Wayne Township Ferguson, Charles, Col. 6 9 24-36 PENNSYLVANIA Allegheny County Borough of Allegheny Town Jackson, Powell Bucks County Paxson, Jos Lambert, William Moort, Jane Barry, Robert Harris, Robert Brown, Peter 1 2 24-36 2 6 24-36 4 7 24-36 3 5 24-36 3 6 24-36 3 6 24-36 2 6 100- Cary, William Lewis, Gideon Merrit, Prince. . . . Riley, Jacob Campbell, Samuel Campbell, Jesse. . Chester County East Nottingham Township Green, Stacey 2 6 3 6 4 5 5 6 3 5 1 3 3 5 36-55 36-55 10-24 10-24 24-36 10-24 55-100 Documents 27 PENNSYLVANIA— Continued Name m > eS 55 13 o Age Nome CO 55 "3 o H Age Delaware County Aston Gibson, Charles Franklin County Montgomery Township Maxwell, William Cuff, Sampson Blackburn, John 1 1 1 1 2 6 5 7 5 6 24-36 10-24 24-36 24-36 55-100 Philadelphia Gallaway, Isaac York County York Borough Goodridge, William Hartman, Charles Spring Garden Township Johnston, John 1 1 2 1 3 9 5 5 10-24 10-24 55-100 10-24 Lancaster County Conestoga Township Robison, Solomon RHODE ISLAND Providence Treadwell, Philip Abbeville County Davis, Ezekiel Payne, Jerry Beaufort County Brown, Alexander Houston, Ann St. Luke's Parish Bing, Gordon Cuthbert, Sarah St. Peter's Parish Powers, Mack Berkeley St. John's Eady, Daniel St. Stephen' 8 Blute, Hester Davis, Samuel Freeman, Jacob Wilson, Jenny St. Thomas & St. Dennis Collins, Robert Collins, Jonathan Collins, William Capers, Thomas F Cumbo, Susan Fowler, Stanhope Givins, Abraham Smith, Robert Waring, Daniel J Warren, Juba 10-24 Ray, John Hamlin, Wyllys 55-100 24-36 SOUTH CAROLINA 1 3 36-55 2 3 24-36 15 17 55-100 1 9 36-55 1 8 24-36 3 4 55-100 1 3 36-55 7 8 100- 1 5 55-100 1 4 55-100 4 8 55-100 16 21 55-100 11 20 55-100 3 6 65-100 1 4 24-36 47 48 36-55 6 9 36-55 5 13 36-55 1 3 55-100 8 9 55-100 41 42 55-100 8 9 55-100 Christ Church Legare, John D Venning, Robert Venning, Nicholas, Junr. St. James Santee Aiken, Thomas City of Charleston Ward No. 1 Parsons, Emmey Veree, Christiana James, Henry Cain, John Spencer, Amey Wilkinson, Scipio Duncan, Rebecca Leach (Seach?), Sarah. Fell, Eleanor Walker, Samuel Ward, Fortune Best, Amaretta Holman, Susan Huger, Sarah Vanderhorst, Ebenezer Morrison, Pollidore Brown, Moses Mitchell, Jane See, Edward Mitchell, Abigail Ricard, Sally Inglis, Eleanor Gardner, Jack Wilson, George Prereze, Francois Rogers, Mary Monies, Jane 12 17 30 32 7 9 7 15 2 5 1 4 4 7 6 14 1 5 2 10 3 17 7 29 3 6 24 25 8 9 12 13 1 8 1 3 1 2 14 15 2 4 15 25 2 12 1 6 1 2 1 5 4 8 3 9 6 7 1 5 1 6 ? 10-24 24-36 55-100 24-36 24-36 24-36 55-100 24-36 100- 24-36 36-55 24-36 36-55 36-55 10-24 24-36 55-100 10-24 24-36 10-24 24-36 24-36 55-100 24-36 10-24 36-55 24-36 24-36 55-100 36-55 28 Journal of Negro History SOUTH CAROLINA— Continued Name Age Name Ward No. 2 Ingles, Thomas Douglass, Margaret .... Cotton, Eleanor Bush, Adam Chisolm, William Sommers, Rosetta Elliott, Daphne Holmes, Sarah Brown, Peter Savage, Silvey Lloyd, Dina Sorie, Francois Brown, John May, Ann Cooper, William Keeter, Mary Graves, Mindas (?).... Townsend, Effey Middleton, Sally Flagg, Diana Whaley, Rose Mushington (?), William Hannahan, Hetty Williamson, Maria Huger, Benjamin T Duprat, Hannah Mathews, George Watson, Lydia Gordon, James Irving, Moses Wright, Casar See, John Wale, Gilbert Dwight, Eliza Johnston, Camilla Smith, Eleanor Dubois, Rose Carado, Mary Nelson, Peggy Cooper, Thomas J McBeath, John Pennington, Martha. . . . Seymour, William W Ward No. 8 Batemen, Edward DeSiesseline, Kitty Cliss (?), Sarah Smith, Linda Brown, Jane Campbell, Samuel LeCombe, Joseph French, Hester Ball, Sylvia Jackson, Ellen Buckle, Maria 36-55 24-36 24-36 36-55 10-24 24-36 24-36 24-36 24-36 55-100 24-36 10-24 24-36 24-36 36-55 10-24 24-36 24-36 55-100 55-100 55-100 36-55 24-36 55-100 36-55 36-55 55-100 55-100 36-55 36-55 10-24 24-36 10-24 10-24 24-36 10-24 55-100 55-100 24-36 10-24 10-24 10-24 24-36 36-55 36-55 24-36 36-55 10-24 10-24 10-24 10-24 24-36 24-36 55-100 Creighton, Grace Roteraux, Mary Ann Fenwick, Mary Harper, Jack Ferguson, Sarah .... Pere, Emele Mills, Sally Wilson, Dolly Allen, Martha Martin, Elizabeth. . . Crawley, Frank White, Betsy Lindsay, Eliza Evans, Charlotte. . . . Bremar, Rebecca . . . Cooper, Cecelia Simmons, Affey Cochran, Eliza Simpson, Smart (?) . Brisbane, Flora Burnie, Lydia Salarey, Mary St. . . . Hoi ton, Elizabeth. . . Jackson, Rachel .... Gardner, Mary Barquet, Barbara . . . Brown, Darcus Cookson, Josephine . , Gibson, Rachel Belanto, Philette. . . . Creighton, Maria . . . Weston, Lydia Jenkins, Patty Drayton, Jane Whitehart, Peggy . . . Hinson, Elizabeth. . . Hinson, Mary LaFayette, Naselye. Florin, Ann LaPorte, Ellen Turner, Sarah Johnston, Catherine. Lockwood, Henrietta DeSage, Mary Duncan, Phillis Richards, Mary Lloyd, Emma Smith, Mary Wells, Rachel Newton, Betsey Brown, Malcolm. . . . Lewis, Polly Jenkins, Harriot .... Fuller, Rosetta Careu, Jenny Eason, James Levy, Affey 14 2 14 4 9 11 10 6 13 10 15 2 3 6 8 6 7 3 19 3 75 4 14 2 2 22 5 8 9 4 5 3 7 18 11 25 2 6 6 6 3 9 5 5 10 7 5 6 4 11 10 3 7 11 2 14 13 Documents 29 SOUTH CAROLINA— Continued Name 3 > 53 "3 o Age 9 10 55-100 1 10 55-100 7 9 55-100 3 9 55-100 14 15 24-36 2 5 55-100 2 6 55-100 6 9 24-36 5 8 36-55 2 3 36-55 3 6 55-100 5 6 55-100 10 11 55-100 1 2 55-100 4 12 24-36 1 3 24-36 3 10 24-36 5 11 55-100 6 17 24-36 1 10 55-100 4 9 36-55 12 19 24-36 1 5 24-36 1 7 24-36 8 33 55-100 3 9 36-55 9 22 24-36 1 6 24-36 1 6 55-100 5 12 24-36 6 14 24-36 1 4 36-55 6 7 10-24 2 3 24-36 14 16 36-55 1 5 24-36 3 18 36-55 8 15 10-24 2 3 55-100 2 4 36-55 4 5 36-55 2 13 10-24 2 3 24-36 1 7 36-55 1 4 55-100 12 14 36-55 5 6 55-100 1 3 10-24 7 10 36-55 2 6 55-100 1 4 36-55 10 15 55-100 3 8 24-36 7 8 55-100 Name Age Ward No. 3—Cont Johnson, Sophia McKenzie, Patience . . Brown, Molly Cornwell, Emele L Legare, Dolly Bourneau, Adel Trenne, E Gregorie, Adam Le Marr, Charles Simmons, William Armou, Louisa Bemar, Mary Watts, Mary Singleton, Michl Smith, Carlos Wilson, Susan Cox, Julia Ward, Rose Mathews, John B. . . . Stevenson, Lydia Aiken, Bella Magwood, Sandy Simons, Mary Mathews, Peter Jacobs, Catherine. . . . Thorn, Rebecca Ward No. 4 Barquet, Barbara Miller, Sylvia Langlois, Antonet. . . . Francis, John Johnston, James D. . . Walker, Betsey Boyce, Rachel Lee, Elsey Canter, Julietta Weston, Samuel Humphreys, Joseph . . Mathews, Mary Roberts, Cater (?)... Manuel, Nancy Brown, Ann Cole, Hagar McCall, Eliza Ives, Sophia LeSessene, F Smith, Angeline Holmes, Maria Barelle, Joseph Pinckney. E Drayton, Susan Wilson, Nancy Mitchell, Ann Small, Thomas Ross, F King, Crecia Freeman, Mary Groning, Simons Townsend, Tenah Smith, Cyrus Garden, Martha North, Priscilla Lord, Maria Taylor, Martha Harrison, John Cole, Hagar Jones, Jehu, Jr Mitchell, Ann Savage, Henrietta Hollowell, Richard Blanchard, Charlotte. . Harrison, James Hannahan, Hetty Liston, Henry McCall, Samuel Lesessue, Betsey Maxwell, James Veree, Elizabeth White, Zanza Roberts, Venus Smith, John Jones, Benjamin Johnston, Sarah Simonds, Clarissa Lawrence, Benjamin. . . Lee, Grace Peronneau, Datey Rivers, Stephen Barron, Mary Houlton, Mary Mathews, Henry B. . . . De Soures, Harriot. . . . Ezzart, Julia Shaw, Sarah Cameron, Rose Esuard, Jane Lewis, John Beale, Sally Cummings, James Berry, Mary Ann Philips, Ann White, Mary Badger, Portia Legg, William Turner, Philide James, Emma Duverse, Priscilla Downes, Jane Bridgewood, Catherine Cochran, Thomas Dart, Bella Anderson, Catherine. . . S 13 11 16 2 19 7 4 7 5 13 5 6 4 8 3 4 4 6 8 18 7 15 7 5 11 7 4 5 10 6 4 12 15 5 6 2 3 2 7 8 11 13 8 6 14 6 16 36-55 24-36 10-24 55-100 10-24 24-36 10-24 36-55 10-24 24-36 36-55 55-100 55-100 10-24 55-100 24-36 24-36 24-36 24-36 24-36 10-24 24-36 24-36 24-36 36-55 24-36 24-36 24-36 55-100 10-24 55-100 55-100 24-36 36-55 10-24 24-36 36-55 24-36 24-36 36-55 36-55 36-55 24-36 24-36 55-100 24-36 24-36 24-36 24-36 55-100 55-100 36-55 10-24 55-100 10-24 24-36 24-36 30 JOURNAL OF NEGRO HlSTORY SOUTH CAROLINA— Continued Name 03 55 i Age 2 6 36-55 3 15 55-100 9 10 55-100 7 8 24-36 11 14 24-36 6 10 36-55 10 14 24-36 1 5 24-36 4 13 55-100 3 4 55-100 1 7 24-36 1 3 36-55 5 9 36-55 10 13 36-55 10 13 36-55 12 15 36-55 6 12 55-100 12 13 24-36 10 14 24-36 1 13 55-100 11 12 36-55 7 14 55-100 13 14 55-100 14 16 36-55 11 15 55-100 11 15 55-100 11 15 55-100 10 15 55-100 1 6 55-100 10 13 36-55 1 15 36-55 12 15 24-36 5 14 36-55 10 16 55-100 11 15 36-55 2 5 24-36 1 7 36-55 6 7 36-55 20 26 24-36 1 12 24-36 5 13 24-36 12 14 10-24 6 7 24-36 11 14 (?) 6 14 36-55 10 14 36-55 6 12 36-55 2 12 55-100 14 17 36-55 10 14 36-55 5 15 24-36 5 7 24-36 4 14 36-55 4 15 55-100 Name > 55 o 5 9 6 9 4 13 10 16 10 14 10 15 10 15 10 11 3 6 11 17 3 11 11 14 7 17 10 15 9 14 3 8 6 15 11 16 1 8 2 6 10 16 1 5 1 11 5 16 5 13 5 16 5 10 2 6 11 13 12 15 3 6 12 14 4 9 5 11 1 7 10 13 4 14 5 7 6 11 14 17 8 10 2 7 3 4 2 6 4 7 10 12 1 11 4 8 10 15 2 7 8 9 13 15 13 16 13 18 12 17 7 13 3 16 Ward No. 4 — Cont. Kinloch, Richmond . . . Francis, John Lawrence, George. Burseir, C. E Yeadon, Mary , Tucker, Samuel , Shaw, Sarah , Izard, Isabella , Ashe, Abraham Shaw, Margaret Moultrie, Roxana Young, C Cypress, Susan , Charleston Neck Vesey, Susan Robinson, Betty Righton, Mary Johnston, Sophia. Deas, Mary Brown, Polly , Connor, Daffney Inglesby, Betty Ball, Nat Dill, Antony Jervey, John Bell, James Jackson, Martha Johnston, Hager Franklin, Eliza Stiemetz, Baron Cordes, Rebecca Mott, Jacob Clarke, James R Wilson, Mary Mcintosh, Betsey. . . . Williams, Ann Delancy, Nancy Baxter, Amos Syllable, Castille Solomon, Hannah. . . . Turpin, Jane Sasportes, Catherine. . Glen, Rachel Parsons, Hannah .... Gilchrist, Martha .... Cochran, Samuel Jones, Jeremiah Mathews, Henry McCleod, Cato Mathews, Jane Bercier, Charles Bolard, Eliza Liles, Maria Gilberry, Catherine. . . McKinney, William . . Smith, Simon North, Mary Ann. . . Michel, Assent Wilson, Sylvia Belmore, Ann Pope, Mary Ann. . . . Payne, Mary Cripps, Peggy Simons, Amelia Filbin, Flora Wilkinson, Lucy Creighton, Diana. . . Keith, Henry Busby, Mary Pogson, Mary Buckmyer, Isaac. . . . Holmes, Cato Talley, Jane Furman, Mary Service, James Edward, Jacob Dewees, Sarah Weston, John De Reif , Richard . . . Brown, James Drayton, Hector. . . . Dereif, Susan A Jamiesson, John Cross, Phoebe Pohl, Joe Edwards, Henry Lee, Elizabeth Harleston, Nancy . . . Holmes, Hagar Mickey, Nelly Edwards, James Camer, Susan Bateman, Isaac Gregory, Mary Pillotte, Mary C. . . . Kelly, Margaret Langlois, Antonet. . . Plumet, Juliet Gregory, Eleanor . . . Mitchell, Crissy. . . . Go wan, Thomas Crummell, Margaret Antonie, Belser Legare, Susan Henry, Charles Mayrant, Diana Strobel, Thomas Wilson, Ann Wall, Peter McCready, Mary . . . Fair, Pleasant Moore, Richard \ Documents 31 SOUTH CAEOLINA— Continued Name Age Name Age Charleston Neck— Cont Brown, Mary Jones, Cuffey Bishop, George Tucker, Nancy Alston, Cuffey Pryor, Will Rosenberg, Betty Small, Reuben Dallas, Benjamin Cleaveland, Paul Guest, William Watson, D Say ward, James Parlar, Peter Parker, Hager Lee, Elizabeth Mitchell, Ann , Wigfall, Mary , Deport, Louisa , Mishaw, John , L'amford, Jos Tardiff, William Johnston, Mary L S^ilon (?), Mary , Marchant, Peter Friday, William Johnson, Louisa Capers, Frank Lyon, Thomas Garden, John Smith, Albert Foster. A. W Maverick, Samuel Oliver, Nelly Chesterfield County Shade, Michell Revells, Jno Colleton County St. Johns Angel, Justus St. James Goose Creek Brown, S Russel, Richard Tennant, Charles Holmes, Henry Bell, John Simons, James Simons, John Simons, E. J 84 88 24-36 36-55 36-55 55-100 55-100 24-36 36-55 24-36 10-24 36-55 24-36 55-100 36-55 36-55 55-100 36-55 36-55 36-55 24-36 36-55 36-55 36-55 10-24 36-55 36-55 24-36 24-36 55-100 24-36 36-55 24-36 24-36 36-55 55-100 36-55 24-36 55-100 36-55 24-36 55-100 24-36 36-55 36-55 55-100 24-36 St. Bartholomews Parish Horry, L., Mistress Seabrook, Ephraim Stock, Margaret St. Pauls Parish Logan, Jane Johnson, Henry (Esta.) Martin, George (Esta.) . Dalton, Frances Postell, Daniel St. Georges Parish Stevens, Lamb Edgefield County Moore, Marey Kershaw County Harris, George Richard, (Chestnut) Spikes, Ceiley Scott, David Taylor, Theresa Newberry County Brown, Charles Felker, Nancy Heller, Moses Glouster, Jesse Thompson, Jane Dennis, Lucy Bugg, Hannah Leonard, Martha Richland County Columbia Patterson, Jim Bostick, Susan Moore, Sally Green, Peter Mote, Rebecca Jackson, Mary Shavers, Mary Sumter County Elison, William WlLLIAMSBURGH COUNTY Cockfield, Hesekiah York County Michum, Cassy 93 53 47 17 7 8 4 18 10 12 3 8 6 2 12 10-24 36-55 24-36 55-100 36-55 36-55 55-100 24-36 55-100 24-36 55-100 36-55 55-100 55-100 55-100 55-100 55-100 55-100 36-55 10-24 55-100 24-36 36-55 36-55 24-36 55-100 10-24 24-36 24-36 24-36 36-55 10-24 36-55 32 Journal of Negro History TENNESSEE Name Age Name Bedford County Bass, John Davidson County Sherod, Bryant Young, Harriet Taylor, Jacob Nashville Bell, Buck Butcher, Ann Childress, Dilcy Cook, Hubbard. Call, Joseph Graham, R. P Hart, Samuel Hudson, Harry Jefferson, Thomas Lytle, Stephen Lockhart, Jefferson Myres, Trim Martin, Albert Mandley, Williams Rankin, James Shanklin, Johnston Staggs, James Thomas, John Woods, Claricy Wamack, Patience Dickson County Dyre, Polly Gibson County Feggins, Peter Giles County Henderson, Mary Greene County Davis, Thos Humphreys County Bunch, Winny Jefferson County Elias — free James and Wife (Slaves) Milly — free Levina — free Knox County Knoxville Emmett, Reuben Smith, Solomon Judy Phoebe Beauman, Ailey 10 55-100 36-55 10-24 24-36 10-24 24-36 36-55 55-100 36-55 36-55 55-100 36-55 24-36 36-55 24-36 36-55 24-36 24-36 36-55 24-36 24-36 24-36 24-36 55-100 10-24 36-55 24-36 55-100 55-100 36-55 55-100 55-100 24-36 36-55 24-36 55-100 55-100 24-36 Ede Campbell, Philip Williams, Moses Reagan, Milly Lincoln County Batey, Landon Smith, William Town of Fayetteville Kennedy, Allen Goodlow, James Madison County Lane, Isaac Maury County Woodson, Cuffee Monroe County 98th Regiment Crusoe, John Montgomery County Barrett, Sampson Casey, Willis Hunt, Herod Mayo, Quaminy Moore, Benjn Clarksville Brown, Ned Dandridge, Agatha Overton County Coop, Alexander Shelby County Kinkead, W Loiselle, A Brocar, C Blackwell, J Dickens, J Smith, J Sumner County Jones, Priscilla Hodge, Caesar White County Wilson, Thomas Williamson County Brooks, Gamble Wilson County George, Polly Stewart, Joseph 11 11 7 8 9 6 10 12 Documents 33 VIRGINIA Name Age Name Age Accomac County St. Georges Parish Ames, Bridget Bevans, Sheppard Bird, Levin Custis, Littleton Chandler, Tamer Chandler, Southey Drummond, Charles. . . . Dennis, Solomon Elliott, Esther Ker, Milly Ker, Caleb Ker, Priscilla Leatherbury, James .... Moses, Hannah Pitts, George Parker, Appy Poulson, Shadrack Parker, Simon Poulson, William Stokely, Betsey Teague, Marshall Accomack Parish Blake, Polly Conquest, Thomas Carter, Benj amine Crippen, James Carter, Benjamin Duncan, Sarah Dix, Sally Feedaman, Eli Fields, Elizabeth Harman, Walter Henderson, Levin Outten, Selby (on farm) Purnell, William Piper, Henry Selby, Meshack Tunnell, Sarah, or Sml Westerhouse Rew, John (on farm) . . . Albemarle County Battles, Braskin (?) Battles, Robert Farrar, Reuben Fosset, Joseph Farsley, Daniel Harris, Charles Kenny, Betsy Middlebrooke, William . Scott, Jesse Amelia County Hamm, Sally 2 6 36-55 24-36 55-100 55-100 55-100 36-55 36-55 55-100 36-55 36-55 36-55 36-55 55-100 36-55 24-36 55-100 36-55 55-100 10-24 55-100 36-55 36-55 55-100 55-100 55-100 55-100 55-100 24-36 36-55 55-100 24-36 55-100 10-24 55-100 36-55 55-100 36-55 55-100 36-55 55-100 55-100 36-55 55-100 36-55 10-24 24-36 36-55 24-36 Ligon, Else Hughes, Samuel . Hilton, Will Hughes, Edith.. . Osborne, Nancy . Bragg, Joseph . . . Harriss, Nancy S. Augusta County Norris, Humphrey . . . Stepney, Peter White, Peter Staunton Ware, Daniel. . . . Bath County Clark, Milly Bedford Jackson, Nicy . . . Arthur, George. . Hughes, John . . . Lewis, Bosan .... Berkeley County Anderson, Samuel Compton, Solomon. . . . Coalston, Randle Furlong, Henry Logan, William Parrot, Elenor Sands, Hannah Buckingham County Nicholas, Lucy Hughes, Molley (?) Campbell County Bartlett, Chls Jackson, Daniel Lucas, Samuel Powell, Lucy Turner, James Tupence, Ann Thomas, Sally Watts, Betsey Howe, Isaac Fields, Sally Jackson, John Jones, Richard Jennings, Sally Caroline County Braxton, George Courtney, John 36-55 36-55 55-100 36-55 10-24 24-36 55-100 24-36 36-55 55-100 36-55 36-55 55-100 55-100 55-100 55-100 24-36 55-100 ? 100- 36-55 36-55 55-100 36-55 ? 36-55 36-55 55-100 36-55 24-36 24-36 36-55 24-36 36-55 55-100 24-36 55-100 36-55 36-55 24-36 34 Journal, of Negro History VIRGINIA Name Age Name > X 2 o 1 9 1 5 4 5 1 2 1 2 3 6 1 7 1 3 1 9 2 3 1 7 2 11 2 6 1 4 2 3 1 2 1 3 1 3 1 6 7 9 2 7 1 5 1 2 1 9 1 10 6 7 4 5 1 3 2 3 1 10 2 4 4 7 2 3 2 6 2 5 1 11 1 3 1 9 1 2 3 7 5 6 2 6 2 5 1 7 5 7 2 4 3 11 2 3 1 S 2 14 2 11 1 2 1 2 1 3 1 5 1 7 1 7 Charles City County Bailey, Robert Cole, Elizabeth Brown, William T Christian, Mourning Charlotte County Rawlins, Julius Jackson, Preston Minnis, Carroll Ealand, John (& W. E.) Chavis, John Chavis, Mack Byrd, William Jackson, William Chesterfield County Smith, Robert Clarke, Nancy Cunningham, Nancy G. Fields, Ned McCreddy, Betsy Cunningham, Alexander Patterson, Sigh Morris, Elijah Batts, Nancy Gillum, Eady Brown, Rebecker Perry, Lucy Logain, Watthall Gates, James R Cumberland County Booker, Billy Drew, Jack Daniel, William Ellison, Chloe Edwards, George Freeman, York Higginbotham, Sophia. . Kidd, Pleasant Logan, Chastaine Mayo, Nancy Martin, Nancy Mayo, Robert Mayo, William Reynolds, Lewis Turpin, Strato Dinwiddie County Petersburg Lawson, Booker Turner, Milly Freeman, Lenn A King, Hannah Scott, Daniel Matthews, Bailey Brander, Shedr 36-55 36-55 24-36 36-55 55-100 24-36 36-55 36-55 55-100 10-24 55-100 24-36 55-100 24-36 36-55 36-55 24-36 10-24 36-55 36-55 36-55 36-55 55-100 55-100 55-100 36-55 55-100 55-100 36-55 55-100 55-100 36-55 24-36 24-36 24-36 24-36 10-24 36-55 55-100 24-36 55-100 24-36 55-100 55-100 55-100 36-55 24-36 36-55 Duzard, Ann .... Chavers, Milly. . Pegram, Thos.. . . Ellis, Wyat Newney, John . . . Eppes, Peterson . . Elliot, Thos Scott, Patsey. . . . Burnet, Robert . . Crook, Betty .... Walker, Lud .... Crook, Robert. . . Monday, Thomas Walker, Eliza. . . Lee, Polly Green, Patty .... Brown, Samuel . . Scott, Aggy Russel, Honoria. . Jackson, Daniel.. Jeffers, Sylvia . . . Wahron, John . . . Smith, Patsey . . . Thomas, Susan . . Harris, Jos Bailey, Aquil .... Shields, Edward . Butler, Peggy . . . Booker, Jack .... Gilliam, Eady . . . Galleo, Frances . . Eppes, James. . . . Corn, Henry. . . . Harris, Jackey. . . Coupland, Rachel Robinson, Diana. Robinson, Lavina Stuart, Peggy . . . Graves, Eliza. . . . Ellerson, Sarah . . Galle, Eliza Galle, Amelia. . . . Quarles, Jane. . . . Molson, William. Anter, Polly Overton, Rebecca Walker, William . Bonner, Rebecca. Stuart, John .... Jones, Mary Smith, Esther. . . Kennon, Eliza. . . Wilson, Saml. . . . White, Susan. . . . Biggins, Mary . . . Martin, James . . Thomas, Isaac. . . Documents 35 VIRGINIA — Continued Name Age Name CO ID > 53 3 o H 1 4 2 3 3 4 1 10 1 2 1 3 1 11 1 2 1 9 1 6 6 8 1 3 3 10 1 5 1 2 1 8 3 6 9 9 2 7 1 4 1 7 1 2 3 5 3 14 3 4 1 4 1 9 4 7 1 4 2 3 1 2 1 4 1 5 4 7 1 11 1 7 6 7 1 4 1 7 5 8 1 4 2 7 1 4 1 6 1 4 Age Petersburg — Con£. Thomson, Ann King, Anna Bailey, Precilla Bailey, Eliza Brown, John Ferrell, Polly Webster, Abby Lewis, Peyton Eaves, Martin B Donaldson, Susan Dunn, Lewis Hamilton, Richard Booker, Jack Carter, Moses Jones, Fedr Minor, Jane Edwards, George S Eppes, William Valentine, John Boiling, Eliza Wright, Frank Gilliam, Eady Lewis, Charles Williams, Betsy Majors, Thos Campbell, Jack Elliot, Sally Wilson, Joseph Perry, Lucy Brown, James Allen, Lucy Banks, Hannah Wilcox, Thos Bailey, Judy Angus, George White, Milly Holcomb, Benjamin Jackson, Nancy Minor, Jincey Taylor, Sarah Angus, Judy Fagan, Bridget Coupland, Rachel Dinwtddie County Jones, Benson Freeman, Lewis Clanton, Hart well Berry, Thomas Elizabeth City County Pane, Jack Robbins, Daniel Johnson, Matthew Allen, Stephen Reid, Jeffres Brown, Champion 24-36 24-36 55-100 36-55 36-55 36-55 24-36 36-55 24-36 55-100 24-36 24-36 55-100 55-100 55-100 36-55 24-36 36-55 ? ? 24-36 36-55 36-55 55-100 55-100 36-55 36-55 36-55 36-55 55-100 24-36 24-36 55-100 24-36 24-36 24-36 55-100 36-55 36-55 10-24 55-100 55-100 55-100 24-36 55-100 36-55 36-55 55-100 24-36 36-55 24-36 24-36 10-24 Tabb, Nancy Bridget, Thomas Allen, Samuel Hopson, James Hampton, Bray Evans, James Essex County Nelson, Bunday Anky, Cole McDowney, Mildred . . McDowney, Peter Richardson, Austin. Rich, William Faikfax County Hathaway, James (fb) Simms, Lee (fbk) William, Lee (fbk) Hopkins, Keziah Lee, William L. (fbk) . . Stuart, James (Negro) . , Harriss, Edmond (fb) . . Cromer, Dennis (fb) . . . Honesty, John (fbk) Lyles, William (fb) Fluvanna County Norris, Jesse Couzens, John Couzens, Jordon Gypson, Moses Barnet, Charles Peyton, Samuel Wood, Jeremiah Wood, Nelly Quarles, Nelly Franklin County Boyd, Samuel Callaway, Squire Early, Elizabeth Green, Nelly Frederick County Eastern District Adams, Sylva , Brady, Henry Caeser, Julius , Folks, Mima Whiting, Thomas , Gloucester County Annaka Bowles, Jefferson Chavis, Becky Chevis, Kitty Dennis, Peggy 36-55 24-36 55-100 36-55 55-100 24-36 36-55 55-100 55-100 24-36 55-100 24-36 24-36 36-55 55-100 36-55 36-55 55-100 36-55 36-55 36-55 24-36 36-55 36-55 36-55 55-100 36-55 55-100 36-55 55-100 55-100 55-100 55-100 36-55 36-55 24-36 24-36 55-100 55-100 55-100 55-100 24-36 24-36 36-55 24-36 36 Journal of Negro History YIRGINIA— Continued Name Age Name B > Eg 1 o H 2 5 5 6 4 6 1 4 1 2 1 4 1 2 1 5 4 5 5 7 1 2 2 3 2 6 1 6 1 3 2 5 1 6 1 10 9 10 4 7 2 4 1 3 2 4 2 4 1 2 1 4 1 8 2 3 1 5 2 4 2 3 1 8 1 3 5 6 2 3 2 3 1 2 2 4 1 4 3 8 1 3 3 7 2 3 1 3 1 6 2 6 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 5 1 2 1 2 2 5 1 2 Gloucester Co. — Cont Fox, James Gregory, James Hearn, Ephraim Lemon, John H Lemon, Eliza Rowe, Fanny Rilee, Frank Southerland, James. . . . Southerland, Jeremiah. . West, John Ward, Jane Wilmore, Peggy Goochland County Cooper, Roger Sampson, Jacob Turner, Milly (Eastern District) James, Eady Pearce, Milly Shelton, James Cousins, Henry Pearce, John Frazier, Wat Lynch, John Mayo, Dinor Greensville County Hunt, Goodwin Day, John Wadkins, David Wadkins, Daniel Jones, Eliza Mason, Mildred Watkins, Robert Hanover County Stone, Matthew, F.N. . Smart, Thomas Burnett, Richard Brockenbrough, William Gist, Lucy, F.N Henrico County Foster, Henry (of Rich- mond) Lablong, Eleoner Murray, Polly Crouch, Jaspar Peters, Isabella Weeks, Bristo Macon, Marshal Anderson, John Langley, Eveline Dugard, Sally 55-100 55-100 55-100 24-36 24-36 55-100 36-55 24-36 36-55 24-36 55-100 24-36 55-100 24-36 24-36 24-36 55-100 24-36 36-55 36-55 55-100 55-100 36-55 55-100 10-24 36-55 36-55 36-55 55-100 36-55 36-55 36-55 55-100 36-55 36-55 24-36 24-36 36-55 36-55 36-55 55-100 36-55 10-24 24-36 36-55 Scott, Aaron Spencer, Gabriel Wood, Wislon Whitlock, Phebe Liggon, Sally Smith, Peyton Housling, Edith Harris, Alice Ellis, Milly Rutherford, Thomas. . . . Harris, Thomas King, Billy Coleman, Elizabeth Bluefoot, Lucey Owen, Sally Cross, Moses Cousins, Barbara Adams, Harry Crenshaw, Edmund (of Hanover) Carter, Betsy Harvie, J. B Laurence, Cesar Price, Becky Russel, Archer Jones, Agness Carter, Henry Hill, Robert Banks, Peters Whistler, Betty Cowles, Thomas Reynolds, Dinah Waddill, Kitty Hewlett, Michael Picot, Cyles Harris, Polly Selden, Cary Little-page, Lettitia .... Bailey, Betsy Moore, Maria Ruffin's, Betsy, Estate. . Blaky's, George, Estate. Sprigs, Robert City of Richmond Anderson, Samuel Bell, Kitter Brooks, Mike Bowler, Miller Bingley, Martha Baker, Betsy Bohannan, Rachael .... Brown, Nancy Baker, Hannah Cowlin, Isaac Carter, Clara Cole, Polly Documents 37 VIRGINIA— Continued Name Age Name -J. 6 > 03 53 13 o 3 9 1 8 1 6 2 4 1 2 5 6 1 9 1 2 1 3 1 2 1 6 2 3 1 2 4 7 3 5 1 3 18 19 1 5 1 2 1 2 3 15 1 4 1 4 2 4 4 5 4 6 1 6 3 4 1 2 1 3 1 3 2 3 1 2 1 6 2 3 2 5 3 4 1 5 1 3 1 2 1 4 4 7 1 2 2 3 3 5 1 4 1 3 1 6 1 2 1 4 1 2 2 4 6 7 1 8 Age C7fy of Richmond — Cont Carter, Patsy Carter, Curtis Deane, Charlotte Dickson, Patsy Elson, John Gilliam, Sarah Gait, Elizabeth Granger, Joseph Goodwyn, Moses Greenhow, James Hunt, Gilbert Harris, George Hill, Minnis Hawkins, Mary Harris, Eliza Harris, Milly Henry, Joanna Harler, Jinny Harris, Maria Jones, Eve Johnson, Nelly Judah, Benjn Jackson, John Jackson, Ann Jackson, Lewis Jordan, Isham King, Rhody Loney, James Lee, Richard McEnery, Nancy Muse, William Mitchell, Lucy Mayo, Nelly Marshall, Davy Mitchell, Elizabeth Patterson, Joe Pendleton, Nellie Pleasants, Milton Ross, George W Randolph, Harriet Robertson, Philip Smith, Betsy Scott, Patience Swann, William Sampson, David Smith, Nancy Selden, Winny Smith, Charlotte Tinsley, Betsy Tillman, Luby Tuppence, Becky Vaughan, Richard Wilkerson, Polly Wales, Elizabeth Williams, Nancy Yates, Sylvia 24-36 10-24 24-36 10-24 36-55 10-24 24-36 24-36 55-100 36-55 36-55 36-55 24-36 24-36 55-100 36-55 36-55 24-36 10-24 55-100 36-55 24-36 55-100 24-36 55-100 36-55 55-100 36-55 24-36 10-24 36-55 10-24 100- 36-55 10-24 24-36 55-100 36-55 24-36 24-36 24-36 24-36 24-36 55-100 36-55 55-100 36-55 55-100 24-36 55-100 36-55 36-55 36-55 24-36 55-100 55-100 Madison Ward Armistead, Lewis . . . Amos, Mahala Brown, Celia Billbrough, Aggy . . . Braxton, Sukey Butler, Hope Cooly, Sarah Courtney, Martha. . , Cross, Fanny Cox, Jane Cosby, James Chain, Cold Ellet, Mary Friend, Caroline Graves, Elizabeth P. Harris, Rebecca Haxall, Philip Harrison, Rachel A. . Jones, Matilda Jackson, Mary Morton, Rueben Madden, Walter Page, Penelope Page, George Reynolds, Isaac Robertson, Henry. . . Roney, Frederick . . . Smith, Ann Smith, Elizabeth Slow, Milly Scott, China Webb, Nancy Williams, Milly Yancey, Celinda Jefferson Ward Anderson, Nancy . . . Anderson, Eliza Burke, Emmy Barnett, Polly Brown, Hannah Ball, Henry Byrd, Nancy Binford, Keziah Bowson, Judy Carter, Charles Cooper, Maria Crump, Edward Carter, Elvira Cokely, Milly Calbert, Martha Carey, Lucy Dalney, Julia Deane, Julia Dickson, Patty Ellis, Isham 36-55 24-36 24-36 55-100 36-55 36-55 55-100 55-100 24-36 36-55 55-100 55-100 24-36 10-24 55-100 10-24 55-100 24-36 24-36 24-36 36-55 10-24 24-36 55-100 36-55 36-55 36-55 24-36 10-24 55-100 36-55 55-100 24-36 24-36 36-55 24-36 24-36 36-55 55-100 24-36 55-100 55-100 55-100 24-36 24-36 24-36 24-36 24-36 24-36 36-55 24-36 36-55 36-55 24-36 38 Journal, of Negro History VIRGINIA— Continued Name Age Name Jefferson Ward — Cont. Eppes, Milly Ellis, Fleming Fagan, Ann Ferguson, John Graves, Richmond George, Polly Hall, Billy Henderson, James Hendley, Wilson Johnson, John J Johnson, Moses Lewis, John Lewis, John Lightfoot, Armistead . . Maxwell, Julia Morris, Wilson Morris, Reuben Miller, Polly Munford, Patty Oliver, Ann Price, Isham Ricks, Cyrus Robertson, Taylor .... Rix, Jesse Scott, Mary Stewart, Billy Smith, Eliza Thomas, Betsy Tillman, Luby Taylor, Nathl Vines, Isaac Wallace, Nathan Woodson, Jim Isle of Wight County (Eastern District) Short, Sam, fre Green, John, fre Crocker, Agga, fre Christain, Ben, fre Jordan, Biner, fre Newby, Milly, fr Ash, Charles, fre Hill, Betty, fre Barlow, Abraham, fre . . Baker, Belinda, fre Tynes, Nancy, fre Johnson, Scotland, fre . . Crump, John C. (Surry) Callvert, Abba, fre Floyd, Violet, fre Hollaway, Sally, fre ... . Wills, Jesse, fre Hollaway, Dinah, fre. . . Hollaway, Betty, f re . . . 24-36 36-55 36-55 10-24 36-55 10-24 55-100 24-36 36-55 36-55 36-55 36-55 55-100 24-36 10-24 24-36 24-36 36-55 55-100 24-36 36-55 24-36 24-36 24-36 10-24 24-36 24-36 24-36 55-100 10-24 55-100 24-36 36-55 24-36 36-55 10-24 55-100 55-100 36-55 36-55 36-55 36-55 55-100 36-55 55-100 36-55 55-100 55-100 24-36 55-100 36-55 24-36 Flud, John, fre Wilson, Henry, fre Hollaway, Dilson, fre. . . . Purdie, Eliza, fre Partrick, Judia, fre Hawkins, Nathl., fre. . . . Wyzell, Isham, fre (Uzzell?) Johnes, John, fre Jordan, Henry, fre Tynes, Fanny, fre Tynes, Jenny, of Clo (?) fre Tynes, Nancy, fre Tynes, Rebecca, fre Pool, James, fre Hollaway, Sampson, fr. . Wilson, Edy, fre James City County Tyler, George Jefferson County (Western District) Richardson, Cyrus Gust, John King & Queen County Deleaver, William Gilmour, Ben Ham, Shadrick Hill, Lucy Harris, Ransom Dungy, Polly Carter, Caty Gilmour, Fanny Hill, Hetty Chapman, Lewis Gilmour, Elliott Goulman, Willis Harris, Grace Kidd, Hannah Cole, Betsy , King George County Kendall, Elzey Pestridge, William Henry Scott, Polly Tolson, Dennis Taylor, Benjamin O King William County Anderson, James Bradby, Jesse Sweat, Joanna 3 3 7 4 6 11 4 4 2 3 3 8 14 2 8 4 10 4 8 9 5 10 8 5 7 5 7 12 4 4 4 8 9 3 78 Documents 39 VIRGINIA — Continued Name Age Name Age Lancaster County Adams, Daniel Fauntelroy, Duke Weaver, Moses Hurst, John Loudon County Cameron Parish Clemmon, H., F.N Robison, Cupit, F.N Shelbum Parish Hull, John, F.N Selva, Esther, F.N Gale, Dugless, F.N Corben, Milly, F.N Doe, William, F.N Jackson, Jesse, F.N Mitchell, James, F.N. . . . Ellzey, James, F.N Cross, Stephen, F.N Louisa County Mosby, Pleasant, F.N. . . Mosby, Samuel, F.N Wilkerson, Peggy Poindexter, Daniel, F.N.. Moore, Hezekiah, F.N. . . Kinney, William, F.N.. . . Edwards, Dicy, Jr., F.N. Joen, Anny, F.N Lunenburg County Epes, Edward (F.N.) . . . Evans, Thomas (F.N.) . . Hitchins, Nancy (F.N.) . Archer, James (F.N.) . . . Mathews County Callis, Sally Mecklenburg County Ivy, Prissilla Middlesex County Cassity, James Cole, Penny Gowin, Nancy Hord, Benjamin Rylee, Charles Thomas, Lancaster West, Daphny West, Priscilla Peters, Betsy Montgomery County Langhorn, William 13 7 10 55-100 55-100 36-55 24-36 24-36 55-100 55-100 36-55 36-55 55-100 55-100 10-24 24-36 55-100 65-100 36-55 24-36 24-36 36-55 36-55 55-100 24-36 55-100 36-55 55-100 55-100 36-55 55-100 55-100 36-55 36-55 55-100 10-24 55-100 36-55 55-100 100- 55-100 10-24 Nansemond County Amelia of Sawyer Jacob of Holt Jacob of Read & white wife Jack of Hawksey Anthony of Pugh Sally of Pearce Oxford of Brewer Nancy of Hare Thomas of Bowsar Hetty of Walker Arrenia of Cowling & C . . Gibson of Burket Geo. of Walker Absalum of Whillock Jack of Brown Joseph of Walker John of Walker (Senr.) . , Jack of Atkins Betty of Campbell Polly of Manly Jim of Elliot Wilson of Teamer London of White Peggy of Jordan Sally of Cowling Bob of Scott Watson of Bowsar Elvy of Ash Jim of Bowsar Sen John of Norfleet Holliway of Copeland . . . Bill of Griffin Syphe of Matthews & white wife Jerry of Johnson , Amia of Holland , Edith of Crocker Rachel of Shepherd Saml of Hacket , Dempsy of Stallings (Slave) David of Holland (Jr.) . . Charles of Crews Peggy of West Bridget of Godwin Nancy of Shepherd Mourning of Wilkins Rebecka of Catchen (?) . Lieucy of Winslow Jerry of Whitfield Nelson County Arnold, Robert 10 24-36 36-55 36-55 36-55 55-100 24-36 100- 24-36 55-100 10-24 55-100 24-36 24-36 65-100 10-24 24-36 55-100 55-100 24-36 55-100 24-36 24-36 36-55 36-55 36-55 36-55 36-55 36-55 55-100 55-100 36-55 36-55 24-36 24-36 55-100 55-100 24-36 36-55 36-55 36-55 55-100 36-55 55-100 24-36 55-100 55-100 36-55 24-36 55-100 40 Journal, of Negro Histoey VIRGINIA— Continued Name tc > 53 "3 o Age 1 5 30-55 2 5 55-100 1 5 36-55 1 5 24-36 3 5 55-100 4 6 36-55 1 2 55-100 1 8 55-100 5 15 36-55 2 11 36-55 3 5 55-100 4 7 24-36 3 6 24-36 1 4 10-24 1 4 36-55 1 9 36-55 1 2 55-100 1 4 24-36 1 2 36-55 1 3 24-36 1 3 10-24 1 3 36-55 3 4 36-55 1 7 36-55 1 3 36-55 4 5 24-36 2 3 24-36 1 4 55-100 1 4 24-36 15 21 36-55 4 5 55-100 1 3 36-55 1 2 55-100 1 3 55-100 1 8 55-100 3 4 55-100 4 5 55-10C 1 2 55-100 1 4 55-100 1 3 55-100 1 6 55-100 1 5 36-55 3 5 24-36 2 5 36-55 2 9 ? 2 4 36-55 5 6 24-36 2 6 36-55 4 5 55-100 4 6 24-36 Name Age New Kent County Dungee, Jesse (F.c.p.) . Fox, Sally (F.c.p.) Fox, Sukey (F.c.p.) . . . Fox, Thomas (F.c.p.) . Johnson, Ned (F.c.p.) . Lewis, Roger (F.c.p.) . Meekins, Peggy (F.c.p.) Ozborne, Squire (F.c.p.) Pearman, Michael (F.c.p.) Pearman, Thomas (F.c.p.) Parke, Hannah (F.c.p.) Norfolk County Bressie, Lucy Halstead, Isriael Watts, Jesse Elliot, Bill , Shepherd, Nancy Billey, Samuel , Pitt, Nancy , Cornick, Peggy , Laverence, Juan Pedre. Nash, Aggy Bressie, Reitta Jones, William Godwin, Benjamin Scott, Mary Cooper, Charles Dixon, Mingo , Sample, Nanny , Smith, Fanny Hoggard, Thummer. . . . Wilkinson, Jesse Africa, Wright Norfolk Boro, Norfolk County Lucy Haines, Cuffey White, Patience Cooper, George Johnson, Lamb Walke, Arthur Travers, Peggy Ingram, Billy Walker, America Landford, Soloman. . . Green, Hurt Hodges, Matt Jasper, Lucy Spencer, John Suckey, Aunt Bailey, Joe Slaughter, Stephen . . . Bobee, Felix Miller, Willm Joseph, Lilly Allen, Stephen Baucher, Desebri . . . Wiles, James Eastwood, Jupiter. . . Gibbs, Toney Herbert, Sally Williams, James .... Delaware, Amy Shuster, Hannah. . . . Hunter, Sarah Ivey, Nelly Smith, Peggy Naylor, Ann Rogers, Adrian Caucey, Nancy Banks, Phillis Magnieu, Lovey .... Hancock, Arthur. . . . Hunter, Nancy Hancock, Priscilla. . . English, Priscilla. . . . Miller, Robert Fuller, William Smith, Hannah Clayton, Moses Singleton, Jim Lewis, Sam Ruffin, Evelina Fentress, David .... Randall, Moses Rae, Betty Nimmo, Paul Saunders, Allsey Ann Ball, Sarah Roundtree, Anthony . Dixon, Thomas Voyart, John Berry, Jane Bligh, John Nicholson, Katy .... Reed, Luke Shepherd, Frank. . . . Carr, Patsey Sawyer, Mary Boucher, Agnes Collins, Racheal Robertson, Joe Taylor, John West, Beverly , Gilmore, Henry Vickery, Ned Nancy & Lydia Bligh, James Jordan, Moses Carey, Daniel 4 6 5 6 6 8 4 2 4 5 2 3 3 3 2 5 8 2 2 8 10 8 5 3 9 5 6 4 5 6 6 2 6 9 4 3 4 6 6 3 7 5 5 2 4 8 2 5 4 4 8 13 4 4 5 10 5 55-100 36-55 24-36 24-36 24-36 24-36 24-36 36-55 24-36 24-36 36-55 55-100 36-55 55-100 36-55 55-100 100- 36-55 36-55 24-36 55-100 55-100 24-36 24-36 36-55 55-100 10-24 55-100 36-55 36-55 36-55 36-55 36-55 24-36 55-100 55-100 24-36 24-36 36-55 10-24 36-55 36-55 24-36 36-55 55-100 55-100 24-36 55-100 24-36 24-36 36-55 36-55 36-55 55-100 36-55 36-55 36-55 Documents 41 VIKGINIA— Continued Name Age Name Age Norfolk Boro, Norfolk County — Cont Newby, Jacob Williams, Maria Henly, Charlotte , Richardson, Lucinda . . . Cuthbert, Matilda , Harman, Hannah Singleton, Frank , Camp, Jacob Tines, Patience Boush, Nancy Bonney, Aunt Wright, Amy Robertson, James Ashley, Jenny Copelan, Seny (?) Jasper, Elizabeth Thomas, Molly Newsum, Basset Scott, Louisa Baker, Parish Jackson, Manuel Banks, Mary Gibson, Ottway Seaman, Tamer White, Anthony Howard, Frank Boucher, Lewis Curtis, Lavina Hays, William Locust, Katy Queen Street Boyd, Nancy Charlotte & Bute Streets Connor, Susan Jones, Cyrus Free Mason Street Keeling, Ned Little Water Street & Vicinity Palmer, John Smith, Daniel Commerce Street Byrd, Sally Mandeville, John C Cocke, Joseph Main Street WilliamSj Jane Robertson, James Knight, Thomas Slaughter, Betsey 14 36-55 36-55 24-36 36-55 24-36 36-55 10-24 36-55 36-55 55-100 55-100 24-36 55-100 55-100 24-36 24-36 55-100 36-55 24-36 24-36 55-100 36-55 24-36 36-55 10-24 24-36 55-100 36-55 36-55 24-36 36-55 24-36 24-36 24-36 36-55 36-55 55-100 55-100 24-36 36-55 36-55 55-100 24-36 Market Square Lee, Judy Orange County Long, Betsy Rolls, William Pittsylvania County Robertson, Faith Booker, Jessee Wimbish, Chas Wisdom, George Powhatan County Ellis, Nancy Prince Edward County Homes, Lucy White, Toney White, Sam Epperson, Rody Morton, Thomas A. (Cumberland) Prince George County W T althal, John B Gilliam, Mary Ann Davis, Julia Eppes, Eliza Smith, John Smith, Drury Batte, Fanny Damsel, Samuel Chance, James Sykes, World Lee, Richard . Princess Anne County Owens, Tait Sparrow, Corinna White, Sonnon (?) Barnes, Tom Fentress, Nanny Woodhouse, George Anderson, Jack Smith, Jane Prince William County Carr, Daniel Kendall, Thornton Richmond County Hall, Peter Newman, Louisa Lancaster, Nancy Bragg, Keziah Barnes, Simon 9 2 17 3 49 5 5 6 10 4 5 6 4 5 5 2 4 10 36-55 36-55 36-55 36-55 36-55 55-100 55-100 55-100 36-55 55-100 55-100 55-100 24-36 55-100 24-36 24-36 24-36 36-55 36-55 55-100 36-55 55-100 55-100 36-55 55-100 24-36 36-55 24-36 100- 36-55 36-55 24-36 55-100 36-55 55-100 55-100 55-100 55-100 55-100 42 Journal of Negro History VIRGINIA— Continued Name Age Richmond Co. — Cont. Allen, Frank Saws, Chris , Veney, Jessee , Rockbridge County Henry, John Sims, John , Rachael Henry, William Jackson, Reuben Shenandoah County Woodstock, County seat Edwards, Prince 1st Batts. of 13 7 97 Regtms. Spencer, Edward Tasker, Eward 2nd B. 13 Rt. Bailey, James Southampton County Turner, Edith Taylor, Perry Spottsylvania County Anderson, Catharine. . . Garnett, Caesar Johnson, Alsey Simmons, Sthresley (?) . Brown, Maria Brooke, Lucy Catlet, Jane Debaptist, Nancy Harrison, Suckey Miller, Armstead Wilkins, James Waning, William White, Robert Stafford County Bossy (?), Nancy Guin, Tom Froggett, John Howard, Abra: Walker, Alexr Jones, Chars Butler, Seth Arnold, Lewis 36-55 55-100 24-36 36-55 36-55 36-55 36-55 24-36 24-36 36-55 36-55 36-55 55-100 55-100 36-55 24-36 36-55 24-36 55-100 36-55 36-55 36-55 55-100 36-55 55-100 24-36 10-24 36-55 55-100 55-100 24-36 10-24 55-100 24-36 36-55 Surry County Scott, Nicholas G Browne, Mariah Hardy, Simus Jonathan, Molly Cocke, Ceasar Banks, Benjamin Tines, James Pritlow, William Cornwell, Tom Deborix, Anny Sussex County Canada, John Hill, Frederick Parkam, Jesse Turner, Olive , Hill, Charles Westmoreland County Asten (?), Jerry Bradley, Arthur Bradley, Lucy Bundy, William , Bailey, Fanny , Jackson, Cupid Wright, Isaac Wythe County Pool, NeUy York County Johnson, William Foredice, Patsey , B asset t, William Dipper, John Debrix, Mary , Porter, Richard , Williams, Godfrey Deavenport, Anthony . . , Yates, William C White, Benjamin , China, Ceaser Barber, James Minor, John Williams, Henry , Waller, Littleton Jarvis, Thomas Jarvis, John Jarvis, Susan Morris, George 11 6 6 2 8 12 4 12 7 5 4 3 4 6 9 6 9 9 8 2 5 10 8 5 29 7 7 2 9 Documents 43 Absentee Ownership of Slaves in the United States in 1830 Scholars have for a number of years desired documentary evidence as to the extent of absentee ownership of slaves in the United States. When slavery was attacked during the ante-bellum period, defenders of the institution often published dissertations showing how close the relations were between master and slave. On the other hand, the anti-slavery groups contended that the facts to the contrary were overwhelmingly in support of the conclusion that there was such a little of such social contact, that the Negro slave tended toward social degradation as the institution became further removed from the patriarchal state. In this study the Department of Research of the Association for the Study of Negro Life and History has had the oppor- tunity to extract from the census records of 1830 the names of the absentee owners of slaves in the United States at that time. As the history of slavery easily shows the tendency toward an increase in the number of such owners, this report of 1830 will evidently present the situation when slavery had its best chance to make a case for itself. The extent to which this sort of ownership prevailed will serve in the main as an index to the social contact of the master and slave classes. In going through these records, the student will observe that few of the slave States were free of this evil of a dispro- portionate number of absentee owners, considered in the light of the defense of slavery. Some of these common- wealths, of course, had developed further in this direction than others. Slavery had in many places become a business, which in the economic development of this country had to employ the same processes used in any other endeavor. The slave tended to pass from the mind as a human being, and to appear more like goods and chattels. The situation in 1830 was not exactly like that nearer the Civil War. There were comparatively few cases of ab- sentee ownership of large groups of slaves in the District of Columbia, Delaware, Kentucky, Tennessee, or Missouri in 44 Journal of Negro History 1830. Most cases of this sort in Maryland were small groups. The situation in Virginia and North Carolina was little different from that in Maryland. Louisiana in this respect was an exception to the rule. Alabama, Florida and Mississippi, like some of the other States, had not developed sufficiently by that time to warrant a proper estimate of their situation. Georgia showed many evidences of the tendency toward absentee ownership. It was very pro- nounced in South Carolina. Absentee ownership, however, did not always mean that the Negro was thereby inconvenienced or degraded. A master often permitted certain slaves to live by themselves in the discharge of some special duty in which they had shown unusual capacity. Such groups of slaves, as the records will show, were usually small, consisting mainly of a man and his family. There are many cases of one Negro slave living by himself. An investigation shows that some of such Negroes were practically free or were working out their freedom on liberal terms. These records, moreover, are not clear on many points which the student would like to understand. In cases of one or two slaves it is sometimes difficult to determine whether the name is that of the absentee owner or that of the slave in charge of the establishment. These same records give the names of slaves occasionally regarded as heads of families. Where it is not specifically stated that they are slaves, there often appear such names as Aunt Violet, Black John, Jupiter, or Cato. These, of course, were names usually given Negroes. In the case of an estate of some one recently deceased, it is also doubtful whether the white persons on the plantation were serving in the capacity of overseers and managers, or were the actual heirs of the deceased. Where the whole group consists of slaves, however, the absentee ownership is clear and the overseer himself was usually a slave. In some other cases the records show that the overseer was a free Negro. There are many cases of large groups of slaves with only one white person among them. Such a white person might have been either the owner or the overseer. As the records do not make this clear, however, they have been omitted here. Documents 45 ALABAMA Name Slaves Total Name Slaves Total Autauga County F. Ashurst Baldwin County Mary Weatherford Clarke County Murdock Murphy John B. Burke Adam Carson D. R. W. Mc.Rea Abner Denard Joseph Parker Sarah Carter John Weatherford Joseph Sheumore Margaret Tate Samuel Fisher Thos. Burns . Henry Davis William Davis Thomas G. Holmes Lewis English Robert Singleton Conecuh County James C. Hodges Starke H. Boyakin's (Slaves) . Enoch Parsons (Slaves) Thomas and Mary Boyakins . Francis Boyakins ag't for T. Salmon Dallas County Sarah Pooser John Taylor (deceased) M. and R. Gardner Franklin County Jas. R. Lockhart Jas. T. Sanford William O. Perkins J. S. Bryum Sam'l C. Rutherford Jackson County West of the J+th Range Line James P. Nawlin Lauderdale County Joseph Allen Gillen Folles Devenport Larthem James Read Lawrence County Elizabeth Mosely 24 24 13 13 6 6 4 4 15 15 14 14 5 5 26 26 4 4 24 24 7 7 27 27 4 4 4 4 40 40 1 1 6 6 4 4 8 8 5 5 24 24 38 38 22 22 51 51 6 6 84 84 44 44 25 25 53 53 64 64 22 22 4 4 2 2 9 9 9 9 16 16 36 36 24 24 Arthur F. Hopkins William Booth Jesse H. Croom Willie Croom William Dearing Harris Tinker Aldridge Myatt Limestone County Elisha Rice Isaac Campbell David Dancy Lowndes County Elizabeth Barnett Todd Robinson Madison County 1st and 2nd ranges of Town- ships in Madison County Samuel Brown's Estate Nelson Burton (overseer for B. S. Pope.) Pleasant Merril (overseer for Major Gones) Wiley Thompson, for Mrs. M. Walker 3rd and 4th Ranges of Town- ships in Madison County William H. Campbell Fifth Range of Townships in Madison County Thomas Turner Andrew Beirne Sugars Turner City of Mobile Polly Taylor Wm Holly David Hawkins Monroe County Allen Clarke Montgomery County Leonard Marbury Thomas Finley (manager)... . Jno. Sikes (manager for M. B. Harris) Thomas Harris (Overseer) . . . Geo. Tankersley (overseer) . . . Moses Ellison (manager) .... William Taylor (overseer) . . . Nancy Lewis N. Rogers (overseer) 47 41 41 24 174 43 16 26 2 35 11 47 41 41 24 174 43 16 26 2 35 80 80 41 41 17 17 54 54 11 66 66 64 64 6 6 4 4 1 1 1 1 6 6 23 24 65 72 18 19 18 23 10 16 45 46 16 16 31 31 46 Journal of Negro History ALABAMA — Continued Name Slaves Tctal Name Slaves Total Montgomery Co. — Cont. 21 3 1 3 49 21 10 1 3 49 Samuel Strudwick 20 23 4 4 2 12 9 20 E. Cranford (overseer for A. of C.) County of Tuscaloosa Marion Banks 23 I. A. Boles, manager for Mrs. Brown Francis Nemo 4 James Goodwin 4 A. B. Greene . . G. G. Griffin 2 Elizah Friener Wilcox County Calvin Dow Perry County 12 Middleton G. Woods Henrv Spencer 9 ARKANSAS TERRITORY Crittendon County William Parsons 7 James A. Hart DELAWARE County Sussex Baltimore Hundred Leah Hall DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA Washington H. Lylse S. Bell J. Shore H. Hanson D. Ross Staunton Lee Jno. Brown D. Atkins R. Wilson S. Williams L. Forrest Charles Bener Nelson Harris Nancy Cokely Harriet Waters .... Mary Murray Theophilus Rounds . Lucy Mason Margaret Jackson . . Maddox's Negroes . . Nancy Minor Harry Jackson Robert Bean John Herbert James Crandell .... Nathan Ingram .... Peter McCoy Wm. Morse John T. Smith Eliza Howard Wm. Saunders Rachael Dagg Ann Graham Araminti Carval . . . Jeremiah Smith. Lloyd Williams . Johnson Jackson Georgetovm Wm. Brown Henson Jurdon .... Clare Knight Lucy Jenkins Hanna Reintzel .... Letty Sprigg Nancy Brown Chas. Robertson . . . Geo. Jackson Peter Thomas .... Josh. Woodland Josh Crawford Dolly Williams .... Kelly Mills Jane Edinboro Alexandria County Allen Scott Austin Alexander Walter Jones John D. Harrison George Wise Town of Alexandria Richard M. Scott Washington County Ths. Parsifal Overseer Paul Brown Catharin Foxall Jos. Calder Documents 47 FLORIDA Name Slaves Total Name Slaves Total Duval County Demsy Bynum 6 6 6 7 11 6 6 7 Nassau County Maria Osborne St. Johns County Mathew J. Keith 11 43 39 4 3 11 John Crictton's Overseer. . . . 44 Escambia County Gabriel W. Perpall 40 William T. Kilber Matanzas River Antonio Rulant 4 Leon County Gabriel Parker North River Joseph Baya Alber R. Garnett 3 GEORGIA Baldwin County Nilry & Baxter Hugh Craft (Negroes) P. R. Young (Negroes) Watkins (for Carter) S. Roberts (for Calhoun)... . Bryan County Edward Bond Burke County O. Wm. Schley 67th Company District Nathaniel Beall William Lovell. o James I. W. Davis 62nd District Samuel Preskitt. o 60th District John H. Cox. o Stephen Harrell o John R. Prescott " O., A. Walker Howell Hargrove " O., A. W T alker Thomas Agerton O., Wm. Urguhart. 69th District John M. Cullens, Tr Benjamin T. Edmund Camden County W. Aldrich's Plantation Campbell County. Philip Gatewood (Overseer). James T. Barnet (Overseer). Carroll County Zachariah Philips (family) . . 52 52 9 9 29 29 106 107 29 30 19 11 44 10 41 18 35 14 19 11 52 10 44 75 77 17 23 44 44 74 74 44 44 12 12 5 5 24 36 14 Chatham County Cherokee Hill District J. P. Williamsons' Slaves. Jacob Reed's Slaves Joseph Stiles Slaves Ann Goldsmith W. W. Gordon's Slaves . . Richard Stiles' Slaves. . . . John M. Berien's Slaves. . Thomas Young Slaves . . . James Wilkins Slaves A. Jelfair's Slaves Estate of F. McLerron... . Ogeechee District Estate of F. Cronvoise Wm. B. Bullock's Slaves M. H. McAllister's Plant Eliza Lloyd's Plantation Daniel Blake's Plantation. . . . Geo. Anderson, Plantation. . . Geo. W. Anderson, Plantation Geo. W. Owen's Plantation . . James Marshal's Plantation. . Mary Savage Plantation .... F. H. McLeod Slaves James Browne Slaves Dr. R. Elliott's Slaves Heirs of S. Elliott George Jones' Slaves Adam Cope Newton Plantation White Bluff District John Scriven's Slaves , James Pettegrew's Slaves. . Dr. James Scriven's Slaves. James Hunter's Slaves Wm. Parker's Slaves George Jones' Slaves William Law's Slaves Dr. Law's Slaves Estate of R. J. Houston. . . Dr. Waring's Slaves 192 225 57 6 64 47 96 302 51 47 83 45 81 74 48 186 161 38 86 68 48 132 66 67 129 45 15 47 63 38 101 73 86 53 35 42 69 192 227 58 6 65 48 100 308 62 47 83 45 84 75 49 191 162 38 87 68 49 132 67 67 130 47 15 47 63 38 106 78 91 53 35 42 70 48 Journal of Negro History GEORGIA— Continued Name Slaves Total Name Slaves Total White Bluff District— Cont George Glen's Slaves A. Barclay's Slaves T. Barton's Slaves Jno. H. Morel's Slaves Sampson Neyle's Slaves .... John Millen's Slaves Est. of Jno. Eppinger Jos. R. Gibsons Gabriel A. Moffett Clarke County Samuel Browne Columbia County Thos. Ware's Plantation . . . Coweta County M. Carrington, Guardian for the estate of J. Powell . . Dooly County Henry King Effingham County Step. Tullas as manager of Haig's Estate Jeremiah Cuyler Paul Bevill Hezekiah Ambrose Maria Patterson Glynn County Isaac Abraham Est. of Jas. Hamilton John Fraser Daniel H. Braikford Samuel Moses and Chas. Wright Est. Pierce Butler Rosewell King, Jr Est. E. Matthews Jos. Wiggins JohnG. Bell John Burch Gunnett County Geo. Stitt Houston County Benjamin Farnell Jackson County Theophilus Flowers' (Ne- groes) Jasper County 38 th Regiment and 1 company Lewis Dowdell's (Negroes).. . 25 79 32 43 36 21 28 40 7 15 19 25 83 32 43 36 21 28 40 7 15 Wm. M. Roberts. overseer for Gen. Shorter . . 30th Regiment Ga. Militia James Tyler overseer for Henry Cagler Benjamin Garret overseer for Sam'l Reed Blackman Dickson overseer for Capt. Barclay William Robey Executor of Timothy Robey, Dec'd. . . . Elizabeth Freeman Executor of Jonah Freeman, Dec'd . . Jones County Reynold Larkin 40 40 72 72 29 29 1 1 8 8 5 5 229 229 59 59 59 59 15 15 270 270 44 44 41 41 8 8 87 87 5 5 11 Liberty County Estate Adam Alexander dec'd By Alexander Stewart. Estate William Anderson, dec'd William P. Bowen Elijah Baker for the Est. of John Lambert Estate Joseph Bacon, Dec'd. Est. Thomas Baker dec'd . . . Est. Matthew Bennett Alfred Cuthbert Est. John Elliott, dec'd Martha Elliott Est. William Foster, dec'd. . Est. William Fleming, dec'd Est. Daniel Fraser, dec'd . . . Est. Doc. R. H. Footman dec'd Est. John E. Fraser, dec'd. . . Est. Palmer Goulden, dec'd. . 270 Thomas Gould 44 [Est. Joseph Hargroves dec'd. C. T. Hartt George H. Johnston Agnes Middleton, agent St. Catherines Island James James Est. Samuel Jones, dec'd .... 9 Reuben King Barrington King by Thomas Dunham Est. John Keel dec'd by Capt. Wm. Maxwell Minors of Sam'l Lewis, dec'd Est. James Lambright dec'd . Est. Col. Joseph Law dec'd By Wm. M. W. Maxwell. . . Est. Sam'l Lewis Dec'd Est. Robert E. McConnell. . . 12 Est. John Mallard, dec'd 23 29 25 9 7 2 39 63 64 67 28 11 28 31 117 28 19 34 16 24 9 22 17 125 15 133 93 11 26 72 30 12 12 55 47 60 24 26 31 25 10 11 10 39 70 64 31 11 28 31 117 28 19 34 17 30 10 22 17 125 15 138 93 11 26 73 30 12 13 59 47 64 25 Documents 49 GEORGIA— Continued Name Liberty County — Cont. Robert Mcintosh Est. James McCullough Est. John McGowen Sarah S. McGowen John S. Mell for Est. William Osgood dec'd Susan M. Maxwell and Charles E. Jones Est. William Norman dec'd . . Est. Joseph Norman dec'd . . . Anney Powell by Silas Fulton E. S. Reece Rev. James Shannon B Est. James Stacy dec'd Est. Rev. C. O. Scriven Est. Germin Fucker, dec'd. . . Est. John Way dec'd Jacob Wood St. Catherine's Island Jacob Waldburg by Thomas Oden, agent Est. James Wilson dec'd Est. John Winn, dec'd Est. William Ward, dec'd Doc. Paul H. Wilkins, Jr Lincoln County Old Simon Slaves Total Name Slaves Total Monroe County James Thweatt (Slaves) Morgan County James Martin. O William Gaulding, O James P. Butler, B. S. Jor- dan's Overseer John D. Timmonds. O R. S. Hardways overseer Capt. Kenzies 278 Samuel Ryland. (R. Taylor overseer) John G. Rieves (minor) Muscogee County Buddy Bohannan Town of Columbus Benjamin Tarver Oglethorpe County John Leales for R. Gordin . . Thomas C. Billips, overseer of Baldwin, Wm., dec'd 47 15 3 3 54 33 34 15 83 16 15 10 77 6 36 17 85 9 26 57 22 56 3 51 68 5 18 101 25 13 26 54 48 15 3 3 57 33 35 22 83 16 15 12 82 6 42 18 85 9 32 57 22 56 4 55 69 11 23 102 26 13 27 54 Capt. Har groves District Wm. Winfrey for dec'd father Capt. Haraiman's District Washington Hartsfield for father Capt. Lampkin's District Little J. Brooke (Overseer J Phinizy) Moses Penn (Overseer J Phinizy) Capt. Walker's District Daniel Rainey (Overseer for B. Pope) Capt. H all's District Wm. Walker, Ex. of W. Daw- sey, dec'd Pulaski County Capt. Stephen William's District James M. Dunn's Plantation . Putnam County Capt. John Kendrick's District William Whitehead's Plan- tation Late Capt. Thomas Wilkins' District Nathan Lion's Plantation. . . Richmond County City of Augusta, First Ward John T. Lamar's Slaves Mrs. Beall's Slaves Mrs. Cantelous' Slaves William Jackson's Slaves .... W. Pettis & Taliaferro's slaves John Guimarin's Slaves W. W. Warren's Slaves Mrs. Beall's Slaves Mrs. Barrett's Slaves W. Brinn'8 Slaves Amelia Brigg's Slaves Robert Dillin's Slaves Dr. Baldwin's Slaves Isaac Taylor's Slaves R. McCoomb's Slaves Sarah Jones Slaves Wm. Rowland Slaves B. MeKinnis' Slaves 14 31 19 36 20 21 36 36 2 1 6 1 2 3 6 2 5 4 4 11 4 10 6 2 1- 5 15 45 25 36 20 21 36 38 3 1 6 1 2 3 6 2 5 5 4 11 4 10 6 2 1 5 50 Journal of Negro History GEORGIA— Continued Name Slaves Total Name Slaves Total City of Augusta, First Ward Cont. H. Bowdris' Slaves John Hatfield and other Slaves Mrs. Scott's Slaves Mrs. Bacon's Slaves Second Ward Charles Carter's Slaves. . . Mary Smelt's Slaves Wm. McCray Alfred Turpin's Slaves .... Doctor Barny's Slaves .... Steam Boat Co's Slaves. . Jack Smith Miss Garrett's Slaves Beunly Walker's Slaves . . . Mrs. Mc Millan's Slaves. . . Paul Rossignol's Slaves. . . . R. R. Reid's Slaves Edward Thomas and other slaves Third Ward Peter Philpot Betsey Barnes Julius Johnson R. H. Wilde's Slaves Flora Kane Alpha Oliver Amy Barnes E. F. Campbell's Slaves. . . . James Harper's Slaves Mrs. Fendall's Slaves H. Matthews' Slaves H. Bowdus' Slaves Sarah McKinne Billy Oliver Winney Galphin Peter Fox Harry Phinizy Wm. Bostwick's Slaves Frank Taylor's Slaves William Harper's Slaves. . . . Mrs. McCoy's Slaves A. Waterman's Slaves E. Bacon's Slaves R. H. Musgrove's Slaves . . . Mrs. Watkin's Slaves Aleck Pope John Carmichael's Slaves . . Dennis Dent's Slaves Paul Rossignol's Slaves Mrs. McMillan's Slaves .... Samuel Hale's Slaves Jonathan Meigs' Slaves .... Eliza Ingraim's Slaves Edward Thomas' Slaves. . . . 10 10 12 12 6 6 8 8 2 2 6 6 3 3 2 2 3 3 44 44 3 3 2 2 2 2 7 7 8 15 4 4 5 7 6 5 2 8 4 9 4 1 3 3 3 3 1 3 10 4 8 3 3 1 7 6 3 2 12 8 6 4 7 8 7 6 P. Stovall's Slaves Juno Collins L. A. Riguil's Slaves Susan William's Slaves Samuel Hale's Slaves J. Andrews' Slaves John P. King's Slaves W. P. Deamond's Slaves Alexander Mackay's Slaves. . A. Waterman's Slaves A. Gould's Slaves John Fox's Slaves H. Bowdre's Slaves B. H. Warren's Slaves W. Moderwell's Slaves P. H. Mantz's Slaves John P. King's Slaves G. A. B. Walker's Slaves Thos. Flournoy's Slaves H. Boudre's Slaves S. Hale and Mrs. McKeen's slaves T. I. Walton's Slaves Mrs. Meredith's Slaves John Carrie's Slaves Miss Stalling'8 Slaves Paul Cottle's Slaves H. Bowdre's Slaves John P. Greene's Slaves S. Bronson and Mrs. Clarke'* Slaves D. Berry's Slaves John B. Given's Slaves Nelson Carter Dunham District Molly Brigg Jacob Hall William Shaunon Rhodes District Samuel Dowse Willcox District Samuel Hale Hays Bowdre Holt's District Ann Milledge Screven County 84th District John Lovett 88th District Estate Telfare 1 3 11 5 1 3 5 4 2 4 6 4 5 4 7 3 17 2 2 5 4 6 5 5 11 5 4 5 4 40? 2 34 16 Troup County Cant. John B. Strong fJames W. Fanning's Quarter 56 19 Documents 51 GEORGIA— Continued Name Slaves Total Name Slaves Total Walton County Nehemiah Gutry 3 6 23 16 59 38 3 6 24 20 65 40 John Burks 167th District David Huff 4 21 23 14 11 9 4 Warren County 21 Heirs of W. Andrews John M. Jackson (Overseer 165th District Elizabeth Hanson 23 Samuel Smith, Jr. and as over- seer for Jos. Roberts R. S. Griggs (overseer for Thos. Berry). . . Mary A. Calloway 14 Martha H. Calloway Wilkinson County John Eady 11 9 Wilkes County 1 6 Uh District Wm. B. Norman for Mrs. Pray KENTUCKY Adair County Stephen McMillin Bourbon County Robert Tallefarro Z. Easton for Sam'l Grace James Smith Tho. Y. Brent Mary Sodowsky Bracken County Campbell County Jno. W. Taliafero Clarke County Anderson Col'd Sla Fayette County Nancy Barr Elisha Warfield Tom Graves Cuthbert Webb Oliver Kenne William Challen Joseph Ficklin Lexington Gratz and Bruce Downing, Grand and Co ... . Tom Green Cassell, Tilton and Cassell (Factory) Garrard County John K. Withers Harrison County Brena Crosthwait 10 8 11 4 5 15 2 9 75 9 3 37 10 s 11 4 5 15 2 9 75 9 3 37 5 Henderson County Craven Boswell, for the estate of Newman Winsor Jefferson County J. D. Breckenridge John Hanes Elizabeth Brown Wm. Cooper City of Louisville Snead and Graham .... Wm. Cyrode Town of Portland Louis Tariscon Jessamine County Charles Taylor of colour. Henry Taylor of colour. . Logan County John W. Lacky Russellsville Richard Curd Mercer County Chas. Bosley Chas. M. Cunningham. Nelson County Abram Gardiner John Caldwell Davy Samuels Williby Beeler Benjamin Hardin Bardstown Marv McConcohe . . 16 17 17 11 2 44 3 23 2 12 1 2 25 16 17 17 11 2 44 3 23 6 2 12 1 2 25 52 Journal of Negeo History KENTUCKY— Continued Name Slaves Totalj Name Slaves Total Bardstown — Cont. Daney Landsdale 1 1 2 6 2 1 1 2 6 2 Todd County Judith C. Scott 1 4 11 13 3 17 11 1 John B. Wrighte Richard Tunsdale 4 Thomas McDougal 11 Scott County Anthony Craig Union County Edward Curry 13 Shelby County South Side of Main Street in Shelbyville Will. Rowland Robert Wimsatt ben taken . . . Washington County Charles A. Wickliffe H. & A. McElroy. . . 3 17 11 LOUISIANA Ascension Parish Rosette Melancon Concordia Parish David Latimore P. M. Lapiece E. Feliciana Parish El. W. Ripley Iberville Parish Samuel Ogleton Jefferson Parish J. J. Mercier V ve . R. Avait Lafayette Parish Veuve Eloy. Broupard dit Thboa New Orleans City Lebreton Deschapelle Lebaud Jacob Eye Jane Williams Cynthia Hyde Dr. Rice Thomas Brown Point Coupee Benj. Poydras — estate of Point Coupee G. Richard — estate of Bennet Barrow — Point Cou pee Estate Rapides Parish George G. Nelson George Mathews St. Bernard Parish Joseph St. Amand 89 48 108 7 85 3 3 7 7 1 1 2 2 1 1 7 7 1 1 06 106 46 46 89 47 108 St. Landry Parish Opelousas Manuel Laubre Jack Collins Plaquemin Bruit Richard Andrus Henry Solomon Bayou Tiche Francois Corso Baptiste B. Fontineau . Delphone B. Fontineau Grand Prairie Dupre & Campbell .... St. Martin Parish R. Francois Plantation. . . . Or. Delahoupage's Plan 1 * . A. Abat's Plantation W. Moore's Plantation . . . lift. G. Chretien Plantation F. D. Conrad's Plantation Ante. Dauterine St. Maryes Parish Do. Do. (Following name of A. Jackson) A. Frere Jr Miss Sophia Thomas Washita (Ouachita) Parish James Drew W. Baton Rouge Charles Bushnell's Negroes . . West Feleciana Parish Slaves of Taylor & Thornton . John Smith's slaves and over- seer Ed. McGeeher's Slaves 26 70 36 20 23 63 21 13 28 14 16 20 35 6 13 1 14 3 26 70 41 21 24 65 21 13 28 14 4 8 16 21 35 Documents 53 MARYLAND Name Slaves Total Name Slaves Total Anne Arundel County Walter Smith Eliza Tydings Mrs. Stephenson Jno. Allen John Anderson Jno. S. Tyson Thos. Snowden James Parker Charles Lucas Charles Follen Charles Carroll (of Carroll- ton) Edward W. Dorsey Samuel Owings Philip H. Hopkins Thomas Watkins Archibald Edmonson Richard Iglehart Ruth Owings desert (?)... Andrew Dorsey Walter C. Hammond City of Annapolis Ann Brummaid Susan Conner Dennis Diggs Jack Lyles Nelly Simms City of Baltimore 1st Ward Richd. Gough Jno. Williams 2nd Ward Hester Williams Nathan Montgomery Mariah Sprigs Tony Smith Perregrin Greenwood . Perry Talbot Peter Clemmon David Murry William Gilbert Paul Harmon George Hammond . . . 4th Ward Richard Emory 6th Ward Charles Harrison . . , 11th Ward William Brocton . . . 12th Ward Phoebe Hanson .... 4 1 4 5 5 4 64 7 9 2 4 1 4 5 5 4 64 7 9 2 307 307 5 5 6 6 10 10 2 2 1 1 2 2 9 9 5 5 2 2 2 9 2 2 3 5 2 6 12 6 3 |Catherine|Beeks UJas. Carrol At McClair James Brown Baltimore County 1st Collection District Bateman Dorsey Benjamin Fuller 2nd Collection District Jane Doore Elizabeth Hall 3rd Collection District James Smith 4th Collection District Acquilla Barnet Samuel Jones William Patterson c.s Caroline Upper District No. Levi Polter Samuel Blount Hanah Morris James Henry Cecil County 3rd Election District Mingo Johnston William Stephenson Nannah Tillmon Edward Johnson Charles County Aliens Fresh District Elenor M. Digges Elizabeth Posey William H. Smoot Sarrah E. Hanson Letty Maddox Marsh alls Quarter , Ann Vincent Elizabeth H. Newman Doratha Boarman Fanny Redman Phillip Barbes Quarters Kitty Ross John R. Furguson Nichls. Stamstreet Quarter. James Howard Lettey Harris 3rd District (or Coomes) Harriet McPherson Quarter Charety Hanson Quarter Philip Stewart Quarter Jno. Rows. Heins Jacob the property of Eliza- beth McPherson 14 6 8 8 11 26 9 4 18 2 22 1 4 20 1 11 3 6 70 5 4 24 2 3 2 12 ia 4 8 2 14 6 8 8 11 26 9 4 18 2 22 1 4 20 1 11 3 6 70 5 54 Journal of Negro History MARYLAND— Continued Name Slaves Total Name Slaves Total 4th District (or Bryan Town) Luke W. Barber Phil Turner Jane Brent Jane Watson Election District No. 2 New Market Sylvo. Simpson Deborah Banks Winnaher Pinder Rachel Mathews Jeffrey Henry Alse Ranleigh Cloe Washington Kitty Green Nicy Bond Andrew Bryan Election District No. 8 11 Vienna" Dinah Cephas Ritty Moluck Lavina Pattison Harry Johnson Hager Jones Martha Griffith Delia Camper Bill Gordon Immanuel Harris Abram Waters Lewis's Perry Henny Banks Mary Camper Martha Young Joe Hutson Hannah Young Dinah Bayly Rhoda Owins Ann Pinkett Priscilla Maulin Frederick County District 1 Negro Lemuel Nancy Hillman Henry Smith Solomon Prout John Thomas Jacob Hill James Green District 3 James Hollin Godfrey Swan William Goings District 2 John Bowen 16 4 6 13 4 2 1 4 4 4 4 16 4 6 13 4 2 1 4 4 4 4 Levin Thomas Daniel Jones Susan Giles Casandra Mooreland James Warren John Jones Thomas Miles Slaves belonging to Basil Simpson & free persons of Color John Lee (Slaves to Estate of Stoner) District 8 James Ogle District Benjamin Spriggs, Black Sarah Harford County District 2 Richard D. Lee Abraham Jarrett District 3 Pheby Howard .... Thomas Amos Frank Taylor Kent County District 1 Pere Pearce James Mitchell Isaac Brice Levi Murray Harry Statin James Bowers Benjamin Ringgold . . . District 8 William Hackett . . Town of Millington Nathaniel Grimes Georgetown X Roads Robert Worrell Talbot County Henry Bush Mary Cocer Delia Martin Parris Webb Nelly Rideout Wm. Cuddy 3 10 5 3 5 23 14 Washington County District 6 Esther Briscoe 3 10 5 3 5 23 14 Documents 55 MARYLAND— Continued Name Slaves Total Name Slaves Total Part of Hagerstown 3 3 7 2 5 2 2 6 3 3 7 2 5 2 2 6 Moses Norris 3 5 4 5 10 2 6 2 4 8 23 3 Catherine Butler Isaac Harman 5 Sarah Toadvine 4 Worcester County District 1 John Robins District 3 Rachel Johnson 5 Comfort Ayres 10 District 2 Mary Purnell 2 Daniel Purnell Allen Purnell 6 Peter Rackliffe Districts 4 o,nd 5 Jacob Handy Comfort Rackliff e Betty Purnell 2 Leah Paremore 4 District 6 Jacob Mitchel 8 Samuel Turner Peter Whaleys (Negroes) 23 Alpha Polk MISSISSIPPI Adams Countt City of Natchez Mary F. Marton Walter Irvin Mrs. E. Greenfield Griscilla Hoggot John Pattason Egbert Sepious O. Lane Claiborne County Thomas Farrar Franklin County William Bell, Overseer of E. Turner Augustus Pitchford. Overseer of Robert Anderson , Greene County Jesser Gwinn Hancock County John Joor Jesse Cowan Hinds County Jacin Carson Elisha Battle Patrick Henry Winter and Cockrell Benjamin Wilkins Jefferson County Moses Norman Jones County James Gardner 11 45 14 17 34 8 18 86 38 86 8 32 14 7 51 11 45 14 17 34 8 18 Lawrence County Charles Monroe Lowndes County jSamuel Garland Jane Stearne Peter P. Pitchlyren Perry County IPeyton Chaney Simpson County Indian Nation attached to Simpson County Winny Battease , 89 fiBenjamin Battease , Jesse Bohannon , 40 Gen. Musaltubby John Wade , Lusony Harkins , George Turnbull , Samuel Cobb , James Jones 86 Solomon Jones 8 James Pickens , William Hayes Queen Puxanubby 5 John Harris Hayes Harrison Wilkinson County Estate P. M. Green Yazoo County |Anthony Turnbull IWm. Leflore llVaugn Brashears 14 7 12 10 35 14 7 12 10 2 2 2 4 3 14 8 13 1 1 1 5 16 3 2 38 56 Jouknal of Negro History MISSOURI Name Slaves Total Name Slaves Total Howard County Margaret (Temple) Tewple. Jefferson County Joachim Township Isabella St. Charles County Thomas L. Anderson Russell Farnham Peter R. Beauchamp St. Louis County Jefferson Barracks, "6th RegH " Coin Baker St. Louis Township, City of St. Louis, Middle Ward William Dellum Upper Ward, City of St. Louis Lemuel Creed Town of St. Genevieve Arcon (Negress) James Morison (Slaves) Saline County Arrow Rock Township Fleming Marshall, overseer. Washington County Richwood Township John Griffin 10 5 NEW JERSEY Burlington County Township of Nottingham Stephin Duwer (?) Stephen Seaberry James Lenox Anson County Henry W. Harrington Estate of Chapman Estate of Wm. Marshall . . Malicha Peques Beaufort County Washington Wm. Bernard Wm. Armstrong Wm. McPheters Joshua Taylor Coleman Heirs Jarvis B. Buxton Beaver Dam John G. Blount South Creek Wm. Hill Bertie County John Green Jamy B. Urquhart Thomas B. Thompson .... Samuel Williams Whitmill Pregh William T. Thompson .... John Granburey Robert A. Jones 2 2 2 2 2 2 Monmouth County Freehold Thomas Barcalow NORTH CAROLINA 34 25 25 20 18 18 38 66 12 73 14 132 34 25 25 20 18 18 38 66 12 73 14 132 George P. Devereux John Devereux .... Whitmell Rutland.. Noah H. Thompson . William D. Louther. William M. Clark. . Joseph J. Williams . . Samuel Peter Violet David Williams .... Lewis Williams .... Bladen County Maurice Waddel Edmund B. Waddel . . . Wellington Waddel .... Hugh Waddel Arthur Hill Martha Lucas Richard Parish James Owen Lunnun Wallace Brunswick County John Swann William B. Meares (?)... John Walker Caroline Eagles Maurin Waddle Jr Thos. Cowan 19 204 7 43 23 129 24 1 1 13 72 7 7 13 1 1 1 4 33 9 65 51 37 25 13 82 19 204 7 43 23 129 24 1 1 13 72 7 7 13 1 1 1 4 33 65 51 37 25 13 82 Documents 57 NORTH CAROLINA— Continued Name Slaves Total Name Slaves Total Camden County Peter McBride Carteret County Portsmouth Dist. John G. Blunt Caswell County Romulus M. Sanders William J. Nash William Bethell Holoway Pass Eustace Hunt Roger Atkinson (Estate) .... Jesse Carter Doct; Chatham County William Hayes Estate Maman (?) Moore Alexander D. Moore Susan Hill Nathanl. Hill Chowan County William Wright Va. (?) Craven County Michael Fisher George Bryan John F. Smith John B. Smith Henry Black Joseph Mares John L. Durand John R. Donnell Newbern North Side of Neuse River William Dunkin Jane Tilman John W. Guion Cumberland County Toum of Fayetteville John Waddill Duncan Campbell adm David Smith Negroes Neil McKethan Negroes Ann Williams Do Frederick Miller do Sarah Thomas do Joel Williams (Trustee) R. T. Goodwin (Admin.) .... Joseph Baker (Agent) W. Lord's (Negroes) T. C. Hooper (Negroes) Currituck County Daniel Wilson 25 4 25 30 2 17 5 7 25 6 17 20 Cufee (?) Barnard, 4 4 7 7 17 17 4 25 4 25 30 2 17 5 7 25 6 17 20 3 4 13 4 4 5 4 4 1 16 5 5 Davidson County Peter Harstons Quarter .... J. Hargraves Est. by Baily.. Edgecomb County District No. 2 James Battle's Slaves District No. 4 Henry J. G. Ruffin's Slaves.. District No. 16 Willie Burn's Slaves Franklin County Perrie's District Macklin's Essex (?) Foster's District Brodie's Essex (?) Brodie's David Gill's District Taylor's Zelus Taylor's Elisha Gates County jTaylor Robin iJames Williams IWhitmier Stallings (Fr. Outlaw?) jEdwin Copeland Granville County North Regiment William A. Somerville. . . . Horace T. Royster Isabella Jeffreys South Regiment A. Downey Pit Beaver Dam District John Green Pit Reyks & Southerland . . . Fort Creek District Robert Taylor Pit Epping Forest John Ealon Pit Doct. Hawkins Pit.. . . D Henderson District Wm. Robard Col Phillip Hawkins Col 24 38 227 10 15 26 3 19 24 2 23 47 19 21 1 24 38 227 10 10 7 2 8 33 31 15 26 3 19 24 2 23 47 19 21 1 58 Journal of Negro History NORTH CAROLINA— Continued Name Halifax County A. R. Govan Mary Pugh Cadwallader Jones William Williams Bartholomew Barrow . . . Sarah Coffield John T. Johnson Charity Barns William Williams Susan Plummer James Biggs James B. Urquhart Hartford County Amos Rainer William Clinton Jacob Menfee David Jinkins Sesar Copeland Hyde County At Clark's Clark's Mill Iredell County Thomas Byers John Graham Henry W. Connor Milus Doblims Enoch Erwin John Wood Etheldrid Edwards Isaac Green Sen Jeremiah Gaither Greenberry Gaither .... Elam Gaither Eli Harris Alvin Howard Lazarus Holman James H. Hall James Holmes Isaac Green Jun Josiah Johnston Amos Lovelace Johnston County William B. Allen David Abram John Squire Lenoir County Nathan Lauter Martin County Henry Mitchell Thomas Pugh Slaves Total Name Slaves Total 1 1 28 24 19 7 33 46 61 25 10 IS 7 17 2 2 2 11 16 1 12 2 5 7 8 3 4 5 1 15 12 1 1 2 2 1 47 6 7 3 1 1 28 24 19 7 33 46 61 25 10 18 jThomas Weathersbee iKenneth Hyman .... Mecklenburg County Eli Springs (Doct. William J. Polk Genl. Thomas G. Polk John M. Pourter (So. Car.) . Nash District Xo. 5- Spencer Alston . . . ■Basses New Hanover County William Picket W. Lazarus William H. Beaty Joshua James F. J. Swan Jno. D. Toomer Wm. Lord Exr. of G. H. Walker Estate Mrs. A. Hill 3 |Col. S. Ashe Mrs. Moore [Josh James 8 ^Richard Bradley 11 jRobt. Cowan Thos. C. Reston R. Edens John W. Livingston ^Alexander Miller William W. Jones Gusken Lazarus Joseph Gorrie , Northampton County Mungo T. Ponton ^Robert A. Jones 15 \ James Gee. 12 1 1 2 2 1 47 6 7 3 William Clarke Littleberry Mason . . . Benjamin Williamson ^Benjamin Lashley jjMatthew Harrison . . . Thomas Bracy Robert H. Wilson . . . Mary Jones , Orange County JEarkland & Wall Susannah Faucett Pasquotank. County Caleb Perkins James C. Johnson 22 67 33 12 13 5 30 39 9 55 35 37 20 70 14 20 20 39 38 13 6 23 29 5 10 7 19 22 39 39 7 10 14 11 74 7 6 100 22 67 33 12 13 5 30 39 9 55 35 37 20 70 14 20 20 39 38 13 6 23 29 5 10 7 19 22 39 39 7 10 14 11 74 7 4 11 6 100 Perquimans County James Miller Documents 59 NORTH CAROLINA— Continued Name Slaves Total Name Slaves Total Perquimens Co. — Cont. Hugh K. Wyatt Exum Elliott Person County David Pointer John Brooks Green Wisdon Joseph Armstrong Pitt County John Jones Richmond County Steele's District Duncan McRae (of Mont- gomery) Mial Covington (Overseer Leaks Estate) Fair Ground District Charles Robinson Guardian for Thos. Robinson Stewart's District Angus Fairby (of Robeson County) Williamson's District Town of Rockingham William Crawford (Shff ?) . . . Robeson County John Odeneal Rockingham County Wm. Allen (Overseer for R. M.) Nathaniel Shields Robert Dalton Rowan County M. Chambers' Negroes Hartsall's Negroes James Martin's Plantation. . . Mrs. Henderson's Plantation. Brown, Michael's Plantation Jas. Huie's Plantation Town of Salisbury John L. Henderson Rutherford County Hamelton Mary John Logan John McEntire John Shields Peter Summey 11 8 3 6 1 37 37 11 11 4 4 4 4 14 15 3 3 52 52 79 79 37 37 71 71 13 13 16 16 19 19 9 9 3 3 Aspasio Earle, Agent Winny Brooks Samuel Jenkins, Agent Sampson County James Williamson Surry County Richard C. Puryear Thomas Conrad's Estate .... Wake County Sarah (of Clendenings est.) . . Raleigh Theophilus Hunter Beverly Daniel Buffaloe District Drury Morgan William Bush Stephen Bell Nathaniel Perry Marks Creek District Sarah Stone St. Maries District Ephraim Andrews Commons Luke B. S. King William H. Haywood Sen.. . . Delia Haywood Elenor Haywood Alford Haywood Elizabeth Filton (?) Simmons J. Baker John Stuart Anna White Abraham Bracie St. Matthew's District Nath'l. Spears (Oversr. for Col. Polk) William H. Haywood Jr Henry M. Miller (Joy Peter- son Oversr.) Wm. Henry Haywood Senr. . Allen Haywood Ths. D. Bennaham Ann Cameron Abraham Reucher Raleigh W. of Halifax & Fay- etteville Sts. George E. Badger Benj. A. Barham 12 4 12 41 12 4 12 15 4 2 2 5 6 3 3 4 4 2 2 5 5 41 3 3 4 4 2 2 3 3 9 9 38 38 7 7 8 8 17 17 5 5 16 16 2 2 14 14 4 4 11 11 27 27 5 5 35 35 44 44 7 7 2 2 1 1 60 Journal of Negro History NORTH CAROLINA— Continued Name Slaves Total Name Slaves Total Warren County 3 7 32 14 5 2 3 7 32 14 5 2 Rebecca Hill 4 28 5 9 6 6 34 28 10 4 Nutbush District Henry Woodworth Wayne County Richard B. Hatch Wm. Hendrick 28 Hawtree District Drewry Gill Wilkes County Elizabeth Horton 5 River District Rebecca Carroll Abbeville Henry Reede 9 Hutson Brinel 6 Fishing Creek District Sally Dawson Diner Vickery 6 John C. Calhoun The Estate of T. Lipscomb. . . John Marshall 34 Shocco District 28 10 Richard Hines SOUTH CAROLINA Anderson County Thomas Blassingame (Res- dent in Pickens) Slaves in Anderson David Moore (Resident in Spartanburgh) Slaves in Anderson Samuel Warren (Resident in Charleston District) Slaves in Anderson Horatio Reese (Resident in Pickens) Slaves in Anderson Pickens District John C. Calhoun (?) Robert Hacket Elizabeth Sloan Robert Maxwell Barnwell Alexander Tilf air B. P. & O. Cohen Michael Brown Thos. G. Lamar C. N. Northrop Beaufort County St. Helena Parish Willm. H. Barnwell Esta. Thomas Bell Esta. Ann Boucher Esta. Archd. Campbell Esta. Saxby Chaplin Esta Edward Cuthbert Esta. Mary Coffin Miss M. B. Elliott Stephen Elliott W. & B. Edings Esta. Paul Fripp 9 8 28 17 37 8 12 19 48 3 15 9 26 34 36 15 25 49 50 163 74 50 61 28 28 17 37 8 12 19 48 3 15 9 28 34 36 15 25 49 50 163 74 50 61 28 Thomas P. Fripp Miss Ffirth Elizabeth Graham Esta. Joseph Greive William Joyner Esta. Mary Jenkins Esta. John Jenkins Charles M. Myers Esta. Adam Perryclear. . Arthur G. Rose Ann Reynolds Esta. Edwd. Reynolds. . Esta. John Rhodes Esta. Henry Richardson Esta. Benj. D. Scott Esta. John Shorten John Stapleton Colo Revd. Jos. Wallace Abm. Eustis Colo Esta. Jno. O. Prentiss. . . St. Luke's Parish William Barnwell Esta. Arthur F. Behn . . , Esta. Henry Bona James Campbell Jacob D. Guerard John B. Grimball Mrs. Wilson Glover John H. Glover Esta. Thomas Heyward . Henry J. Hartstene James E. McPherson . . . Esta. Phillip Matthews. Mary P. Pope , Mrs. James Stoney Esta. James Stoney George M. Stoney , Thomas M. Smith 31 9 3 9 4 43 2 13 19 21 54 4 45 35 33 4 160 22 84 43 46 16 17 28 42 49 148 92 147 18 46 18 49 17 196 112 28 31 9 3 9 4 43 2 13 19 21 54 4 45 35 33 4 160 22 84 43 49 16 17 28 42 49 148 302 147 18 46 18 54 17 196 112 28 Documents 61 SOUTH CAROLINA— Continued Name Slaves Total Name Slaves Total St. Peter's Parish Michael Brown Esta. Sarah Brooks Jane & Sisters Bourke Mary Ferguson Esta. T. V. Gray Esta. Js. Hardee Senr Esta. Willm. Hardee Esta. Isaac Hardee Junr Mary Kelly Esta. Willm. Lawton John Middleton Mary Myers John D. Mongin Esta. John Patterson James P. Screven Archibald Smith Esta. Archd. Smith Richd. & F. Williams Daniel E. Huger Esta. Willm. Heyward Willm. Heyward Junr William C. Daniels Prince Williams Parish Robert W. Barnwell Edward Barnwell Esta. Nathl. Barnwell Willm. H. Barnwell Esta. John G. Barnwell Miss Charlotte Bull Lucius Cuthbert George Chisolm Junr Martha Chaplin Stephen Elliott Edgar Tripp John Guerard Saml. R. Gillison Thomas S. Gillison Nathl. Heyward Isaac R. Jenkins John La'Roche Esta. John Law Elvira McPherson Esta. John McLeod Mrs. Matthews (of St. An- drews) John Milne Samuel Reed Mary B. Stuart Henry M. Stuart Middleton Stuart Willm. Smith (son James) . . . Thomas Talbird Esta. John R. Toomer Esta. Henry Toomer Esta. Edwd. Neufville 45 7 9 9 6 6 9 16 5 77 5 5 33 6 62 57 36 18 200 87 11 116 77 77 71 71 55 55 18 18 45 45 40 40 34 34 68 68 42 42 22 22 33 33 4 4 24 126 69 69 15 15 68 68 29 29 13 13 24 24 24 24 16 16 37 37 60 60 74 74 24 24 57 57 18 18 62 62 30 30 6 6 26 26 Berkeley County Saint James Goose Creek Isaih Moses Est. Dr. Irving Isham Schuler Revd. M. Pogson Berlingham Rudd Dr. John Wilson Thomas Schriven Mrs. Press Smith H. M. Smith Est. Mrs. Nesbit Est. Wm. Piatt Walter Izard M. Keckely P. & M. Lesesne Est. E. Luton Est. R. Mathews Est. W. Liston 200 Est. James Harvey 87 |Est. Hamilton Hart Isaac Conner Est. J. Dehay J. Langstaff Henry Smith John Hanahan E. H. Edwards Dr. E. Brailsford Joseph Manigault George Chisohn (?) Honorable Wm. Johnson .... C. Winthrop John Parker C. K. Lesesne Mrs. J. Gadsden T. H. Deas Est. Geo. Robertson C. F. Brown F. L. Curtis J. L. Glenn M. E. Logan Dr. C. Dezel Charles Graves Barnard E. Bee J. L. Postell 45 7 9 9 6 6 9 16 5 77 5 5 33 6 62 57 36 18 11 116 Saint Andrews Samuel Prioleau E. Bellinger C. Williman William Bell James McDonald David D. Cohen 62 DC. Williman Edward Jones . . . \ fiMordecai Cohen.. William Brisbane. 35 81 15 40 15 133 95 70 20 20 10 105 42 28 20 80 106 7 10 18 43 20 65 7 25 2 12 65 26 58 50 13 58 45 58 27 8 18 17 32 62 48 8 5 10 22 26 48 23 14 10 27 35 35 81 15 40 15 133 95 70 20 20 10 105 42 28 20 80 106 7 10 18 43 20 65 7 25 2 12 65 26 58 50 13 68 45 58 27 8 18 17 32 62 48 8 5 10 22 26 48 23 14 10 27 35 62 Journal of Negro History SOUTH CAROLINA— Continued Name Slaves Total Name Slaves Total Saint Andrews — Coni. Charles Drayton Frederick Touchstone John Hume Barnard E. Bee Henry O Hara William Cattell R. Lining S. L. Simons J. J. Pringle T. B. Seabrook T. H. Deas H. B. Crafts Joseph Cole Elias Horry C. Hanckell James O Hear William Mathews John Limbecker Jos. B. Rivers Gilbert C. Geddes Robt. J. Turnbull C. Staley Joseph Bee C. C. Smith James Murray Benjn. Fuller Thomas Wigfall Paul C. Grimball James Magwood Joseph Seabrook Benjamin Roper J. S. Gibbes L. Browning A. Middleton Andrew Milne Benjamin Elliott St. John's Berkley Blacklock Wm. Blamyer James Ferguson Theo. Gourdin Est Saint Stephen's Stephen Herren Ann Lehre Francis Peyre Est William Sinkler St. Thomas & St. Dennis Thomas Bonneau Wm. G. Brown Henry Cannady Catharine Edwards George Elfe Est John Glenn John L. Geyer 33 13 23 19 7 38 23 69 88 74 46 42 16 43 25 57 20 8 28 10 42 50 28 10 7 78 38 48 39 42 49 38 19 153 18 8 6 3 99 4 8 34 30 10 3 55 11 73 12 9 12 33 13 23 19 7 38 23 69 88 74 46 42 16 43 25 57 20 8 28 10 42 50 28 10 7 78 38 48 39 42 49 38 19 153 18 8 6 3 99 4 34 30 10 3 55 11 73 12 9 12 George A. Hazlehurst John Johnson Mary Lord Thomas Mitchell Christ Church Richard Allen Brandt Bowman A. H. McGillivray William Matthews R. T. Morrison Joseph Manigault William Pritchard William Price Pickens William Smith St. James Santee Theo. Gourdin Est William Hume John B. Lynch William Lucas Joseph Manigaulte Saml. H. Mortimer Fanny Pinckney H. P. Rutledge James Shoolbread C. J. Steedman Philip Tidyman Judicial District of Oeo. Town F. M. Barnet Elizabeth Cheesborough. . . Mrs. Harel Robert Lester City of Charleston Ward No. 1 George Chisolm Junr Robert Russell Minde Righton Mary Ann Derritt Sarah Wagner Bella Parker Hannah Hussey Louisa Connolley P. Weston Katey Drayton Ward No. 2 Charlotte Rose Clarissa Hasell Susan Douglass Herriott Ashe Sukey Dupont Fanny Furman Sarah Holmes 27 7 5 22 6 1 9 4 41 40 7 9 49 35 3 49 4 64 44 13 53 82 23 6 3 4 60 6 28 34 4 7 8 7 4 37 4 3 15 25 12 7 8 4 25 15 17 27 7 5 22 1 9 4 41 40 7 9 49 35 3 49 4 64 44 13 63 82 23 6 3 4 60 6 28 34 4 7 8 7 4 37 4 3 15 25 12 7 8 4 25 15 17 Documents 63 SOUTH CAROLINA— Continued Name Slaves Total Name Slaves Total Ward No. 2—Cont. Sally Holmes Prince Bee Ann Jones Frances Prior Jane Middleton Amaretta Cox Thomas & Henry Grimke Sifley & Mentzing Ward No. S Grace Muggridge Beck Moett Rose Dobson Rose Wigfall Mary Lewis Mary Ann Elfe Mary Salvo York Lessesue Diana McCready Patrick Caldwell Catherine Brisson Nancy Ashe Patience Burns Rose McCready Hannah Cochran Peggy Pinckney Bynah Toomer Nelly Smith Sally Black Rose Fraser Mary Bull Emma Bryan Lucy Smith Jane Nicholson Eliza DeVillers Matilda Parker Sarah Pritchard Nancy Jenner (?) Sarah Legare Rachel Dupre Sylvia Bull Cyrus Little Patty Olin Bella Moultrie Bella Perry Sylvie Birnie Hagar Walker Dinah Smith Eliza Hence Sarah Keenan Mary Nervon Thomas Gadsden Ward No. 4. Beck Strap Chloe Miller James Shepherd 5 13 10 9 3 8 16 7 13 5 15 6 9 59 9 5 5 3 10 11 11 10 5 10 3 4 4 7 3 2 2 2 8 24 2 6 7 12 12 7 10 6 6 24 14 3 13 10 9 3 8 16 7 13 5 15 6 9 59 9 5 5 3 10 11 11 10 5 10 3 4 4 7 3 2 2 2 8 24 2 6 7 12 12 7 10 6 6 24 14 3 I Sylvia Irving Sylvia Jones Fanny Boyd Juno Waller Flora Dawson Phoebe Lee Betty Kennedy Elizabeth Wood Philis Aiken C. Chitty Phillis Fields John & Henry Horlbeck. Fanny Graham Jane Wilson Sophia Moncrieffe Jane Jones Hannah Mitchell Maria Lopez Rachel Myers Peter Motta Nelly Forrest Reuben Bell Nancy Deas Miley Wragg Diana Wagner Jane Campbell Amelia Mathews Mary Oajer Hetty Moses Harriott Lewis Nancy Hart Est. I Bellenger Nancy Middleton Emma Dumont Miley Harris Amey Hurst Phillis Elfe Nancy Evans Nancy Bell March Bennett Nancy North Joe Read Aaron Green Paul Wilkie Peter Bennett Lewis Horry Mary Wilson Lucy Clarke Charleston Neck Grace Mitchell Nelly Butler Betty Maxwell Richard Snow Emma Yates Louisa Jones Ellen Deseisseline Mary Michel 7 9 4 31 3 4 10 14 7 3 3 38 5 6 3 5 14 6 10 9 4 6 2 6 1 4 4 8 5 9 16 12 6 7 8 7 9 6 14 7 6 4 13 11 15 4 3 7 12 11 8 S 10 13 7 9 7 9 4 31 3 4 10 14 7 3 3 38 5 6 3 5 14 6 10 9 4 6 2 6 1 4 4 8 5 9 16 12 6 7 8 7 9 6 14 7 6 4 13 11 15 4 3 7 12 11 8 8 10 13 7 9 64 Journal of Negro History SOUTH CAROLINA— Continued Name Charleston Xeck — Cord John M. Van Rhyn Chloe Perry Jemmy Dawson Thomas Cox Chloe Michel Henry Fogartie Charlotte Maverick Pussey Belser Mary Discon Charlotte Simms John Mordecai Prince Jacobs Phillis Forris Cate Hernandez James Washington Cate Hume Willis Wilson Maurice Harris Polly Carson Tisby W T right Diana Geddes Sambo Robinson L. McCall James Gadsdens (farm) . . H. S. Waring "... Cole Cattell " ... John Pratt's (farm) A. G. Rose " John Horlbeck (farm). . . . Jacob Dela Motta James Perry William Sanders Stephen Elliott John Glen John Magrath Thomas Cochran M. Faber Charles Carrier Loughton Smith H. C. Plover Nicholas Cobia John Fraser John Shoolbread Joseph Johnson Harry Edwards James F. Edwards N. Heyward (2 places) . . . Benjamin Markley Theodore Gaillard Robert Gibbes J. Lucas (Farm) Richard Yeadow William Lowndes George Cox Richard Cunningham .... George Johnston Jos. Turpin Slaves Total! 14 14 11 11 I 12 12 6 6 13 13 6 6 8 8 7 7 12 12 9 9 11 11 4 4 ■ 11 11 11 11 12 12 l| 9 9 13 13 5 • 6 8 J 10 4 4 7 7 14 14 \ 3 3 11 11 i 6 6 10 10 21 21 4 4 11 11 12 12 13 13 7 7 1 11 11 5 5 15 15 I 8 S 10 10 ] 23 23 25 25 1 21 21 13 13 6 6 6 6 9 9 106 106 10 10 11 11 17 17 1 5 5 i 13 13 1 23 23 1 26 26 ! 5 5 4 -4 5 5 I Name Slaves Total Thomas Oliver , Archey Lord , J. Payn's Garden Daniel Blake , R. R. Gibbes Thomas D. Condy George W. Cross , D. Dezel C. Muckenfuss James L. Gibbes Jacob Martin W. Bailey Chester County B. Fetherston Chesterfield Hezekiah Hough Peter Kelly Jno. K. Mclver Jos. H. Towns Colleton County St. Bartholomews Parish Benjn. Bythewood Elizabeth Ulmer B. C. Fishburn Sophia Skining William Walter Josiah Taylor L. P. Gough (Esta.) Sophia Shepherd F. Benjamin Hard Benja. B. Smith (Esta.). . . John Trescott Est Ann. A. Hutchinson Paul S. H. Lee M. H. Neyle Maurice Simmons Philip Costell Nathanl. G. Clary M. E. Baynard Mrs. McPherson R. Thomas Smith Wm. Lowndes Ann Pringle St. PauVs Parish Sophia Shepherd Esta. Joseph A. Smith Peter T. Merchant John G. Schutt John B. Vaughan Wm. W. Ancrum Alex. England Wm. Fox J. E. McPherson Sarah E. Waring 11 9 17 14 12 13 12 11 13 15 10 52 7 8 163 11 14 69 54 10 42 48 89 52 77 19 36 69 53 7 74 65 59 2 54 4 81 48 112 82 33 51 37 9 11 8 17 14 12 13 12 11 13 15 10 52 7 8 163 11 14 69 54 10 42 48 89 52 77 19 36 69 53 7 74 65 59 2 54 4 81 48 112 82 33 52 37 Documents 65 SOUTH CAROLINA— Continued Name Slaves Total Name Slaves Total St. Paul's Parish — Cont. W. G. Logan Wm. Washington Est , (Esta.) De Jongh Roger Pinckney , Wm. S. Price Mary McLeod Joseph E. Jenkins Esta. Jeremiah Miles , Esta. John Boyle John V. Ashe Benj 'n Whaley , Esta. Benj'n Bailey Eliza Swinton Susan E. Smith St. George's Parish Thomas Gates Elizabeth Poyas Morton A. Waring Mary S. Legare William L. Smith F. Vanderlippe (Esta.) F. Perry John Johnson Jun; , St. John's Colleton Christopher Jenkins Andrew Milne James Legare Thomas Legare Est. Thomas Mathews B. D. Roper Susannah Whitter Est. M. Jenkens Est. Jenkens Est. Sheerman E. M. Seabrook Est. R. Waistcoat , T. B. Seabrook Trust Est. E. Bailey Est. Ashe James C. Meggett Mrs. E. La Roche Edgefield County R. McDonald Nancy Coleman Fairfield County James B. Pickett Robert Adams John Thomas Esta. of Woodward by W Strother Greenville County Thomas McCarroll 23 167 77 49 21 26 24 109 57 114 52 38 34 36 101 36 21 42 39 7 30 20 97 120 49 81 80 71 42 66 125 21 52 16 52 28 61 27 43 3 11 15 40 58 19 16 23 167 77 49 21 26 24 110 59 114 52 38 34 36 101 36 21 42 39 7 30 20 97 120 49 81 80 71 44 66 125 21 52 16 52 28 61 27 43 15 40 58 19 16 Kershaw County H. Abbott Est William Adamson Jas. Cunningham John Chestnut Est , R. L. Champion Est Zach Canty Est Sarah Canty H. H. Dickinson Est Harriet English John Robertson John Taylor Laurens County H. Norton Lexington County William Geiger Jacob Barrett H. B. Brickell Estate of J. D. Reese Wm. Clarkson Estate of Joel Adams Senr. . . Estate of Jno. Howell Jos. A. Brevard Estate of Wm. Leadingham. . Estate of James Pearse Estate of H. W. Adams Estate of Scott's S. Green's Plantation Columbia F. H. Elmore J. & W. McMillon Marion County Alston Robert Marlboro County John Dewet Josiah J. Evans John O'neal for Alexr. Mc Iver Alexander Sparks Dixon Hestle for H. Marshall Alexander Mcintosh Patty Jackson Caleb Isgate for C. Mande- ville Francis McBryde Orangeburgh County St. Matthew's Parish Adam Keitt Est , John McCord Est John Murph Slaves in St Matthew's Parish 2 146 21 2 2 182 23 13 87 41 134 2 146 21 2 3 183 23 13 87 41 134 2 2 45 45 4 4 20 20 137 137 104 104 74 74 17 17 27 27 31 33 58 59 124 125 51 51 3 3 17 17 53 53 80 80 46 46 76 76 31 31 34 34 2 2 54 54 3 3 33 33 95 95 42 42 66 Journal of Negro History SOUTH CAROLINA— Continued Name Slaves Total Name Slaves Total St. Matthews Parish — Cont. Richard Singleton Slaves in St. Matthew's Parish True- blew Plantation Mary A. Thompson Est Paul Warley Jr. Slaves Rich- mond St. Matthew's Parish. Catherine Raoul Slaves in St. Matthew's Parish Bell- ville Spartanburg County Rose Benson Sumter County Estate John McFaddin Estate of Thomas McFaddin. Estate of Eli McFaddin Estate Phillip Carolan Plantation of Samuel and Samuel A. Mavinch Estate of Matthew S. Moore Sr Plantation R. Hunt Fedrick Miers Plantation. . . . Plantation of G. W. Barnes. . Estate M. A. Murrel (?) Estate Huldy Nettles Plantation of Charles D. Brown Plantation of Frank Cord . . . Estate John Tindale Plantation of Thomas C. Richardson Plantation of John Canty. . . . Estate of Epps Estate of Samuel Witherspoon 204 49 67 90 38 18 73 18 31 204 49 67 92 38 IS 73 18 31 42 42 9 9 18 18 4 4 27 27 20 20 82 82 72 72 12 12 Plantation of Stephen O. Miller Plantation Joseph Berod. . . . Plantation of James S. Deas . Estate R. L. Champion Estate John P. Richardson . . Estate John G. Davis Estate Gabriel W. Dingle. . . . Plantation James B. Richard- son Jr Plantation John McCann. . . . Plantation Samuel Boykin. . . Plantation James Taylor .... Est. of Mathew S. Moore Jr.. Plantation of William Wattes Estate of John Singleton. . . . Estate of William R. Theus. . Union County Mrs. Angelica Nott. . . . Richard Pickering for Myera William Norris Solomon Moore (overseer). Col. 30 20 15 52 30 20 16 53 WlLLIAMSBURGH COUNTY Francis Cordes Wm. Dollard Est Eliza Dollard Martha Gibson Alexander Glass Robt. McCutchen Est. Samuel Miller Est. Wm. Murrell Est. Samuel Nesmith William Tistall Est. R. L. Witherspoon . . . 87 4 155 188 70 110 20 59 18 39 35 60 20 310 50 58 121 3 43 87 22 9 2 18 28 5 8 10 17 54 88 4 155 188 71 114 24 60 19 40 35 62 20 315 59 58 122 3 44 87 22 9 2 18 28 6 8 10 17 54 TENNESSEE 12 5 7 11 23 29 5 1 4 1 2 13 5 7 11 23 29 5 1 4 1 2 3 1 4 1 1 3 4 4 1 2 1 7 9 3 Martha Goodwin Est. of James Thomas Est. of Catharine Knox Heirs of Wm. Kemp Est. of Joel Lewis 1 Carroll County Henry Forest .... 4 1 1 Charles J. Love 3 Davidson County John McNairy 4 Est. of Edward Potts Isaac Sitler 4 1 Jas. Overton Est. of Michael Stean George Wilson 2 Alexr. Porter 1 Andrew Morrison. . . Dickson County Montgomery Bell Town of Nashville Est . of F. Crockett 7 Franklin County Dyer Moore's list of Negroes in this County Est. of James Edwards Heirs of Lewis Faulkner .... Est. of Absalum Hooper 9 Documents 67 TENNESSEE— Continued Name Slaves Tota. Name Slaves Total Giles County Willis Potress Haywood County Saml. Jordan Humphreys County Daniel Mason Knox County Knoxville Belinda Grainger Thomas Crutchfield Lincoln County Peter Bright Carolina Burford David Burford Maury County Will Polk Gerrard T. Greenfield. . . . P. B. Degraftenreid Montgomery County Joshua Elder William Garrett Rhea County William Walker Robertson County Inage Whites Quarter. . . . Robert Wimberley Vincent Williams Jessee Williams Rutherford County V. D. Cowen Moses R. Buckhanon .... Levi Alexander 11 10 37 96 46 59 4 1 5 15 11 10 37 97 46 69 14 1 6 Shelby County P. Mahar Heirs Charles Isaac A. H. Morelle Heirs of D. Finney Stewart County Sally Williams Sullivan County James Bang Richard Chester Tipton County Jacob Miswanger William B. Pry or Washington County Polly Love's estate Williamson County Henry Halfacre Hezekiah Puryear William H. Hilliard Martin Adams , Estate of J. Branch J. D. Bennett for S. Parrish Penelope Edney , Abraham Dunway William McCutchan Ransom Cates Thomas Stacy Loderick Beach Lewis W. Reves William Johnson , Thomas Money William B. McClellan William G. Children William Maney , Robert P. Curren William Read 28 16 1 13 5 15 34 6 1 2 8 5 23 5 5 50 4 1 2 13 4 6 46 10 3 29 16 1 13 5 10 15 34 6 1 2 8 5 23 5 5 50 4 1 2 13 4 6 46 10 3 VIRGINIA Accomack County Saint George's Parish Peter Kellam Sally Leatherberry Mathew Townsend Michel P. Underhill Accomack Parish Leah Bloxom George Bayne Wm. Dickinson Stephen Hickman Maria Parramore Leah Parramore 4 4 2 2 4 4 6 6 2 2 4 4 3 3 5 5 4 4 5 5 Stephen Pitts Wm. H. West (Slaves on Farm) Albemarle County David Anderson (by Agt.). . Colby Cowards (Estate). . . . William Dickinsons (estate). Thomas & Hopkins (Estate) Joseph Hawkins Nancy Page's (Estate) James Lyndsays (Estate). . . Charles Parrotts (Estate) . . . Henry Rives (Estate) 15 26 2 2 3 4 31 7 16 15 26 2 2 3 4 31 7 16 68 Journal of Negro History VIRGINIA— Continued Name Slaves Total 39 39 22 22 2 2 3 3 4 4 4 4 3 3 1 1 2 2 3 3 13 13 7 7 11 11 1 1 7 7 17 17 19 19 10 10 32 32 19 19 5 5 2 2 7 7 4 4 2 2 2 2 2 2 5 5 2 2 2 2 4 4 6 6 3 3 8 8 5(?) 5 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 Name Slaves Total Albemarle County — Cont. Robert Rives (by Agent) . . . Charles A. Scotts (Estate)... Thomas Hopkins (Estate) . . John Walters (Estate) Norfolk Parish Frank Hatton Mary Happer John Thompson Elizabeth River Parish Samuel Holt Samuel Johnson Raymond Jarvis Portsmouth Parish Holt Wilson Benjamin Alford Richard Blow E. R. P. Horatio Moore Joel Callis St. Brides Parish Caleb Wilson Samuel Bartee Nathaniel Wilson, Jr Robert B. Butt George Newton St. B. P. Jacob Keeling William Portlock Norfolk Boro Princess Anne Road Elisha C. White Daniel Ash John Jacobs Church Street America Dawley Dr. T. Lawson John White Peter Roberts Sam Lawey Dick White Phillip Lee George Carey Gabriel Talbot Maria Thorogood Phillis Nimmo Judy Carter Solomon Wilson Ellen Emmerson Pricella Watts Fortune Dunn Dinah Spriggs Nancy Shepherd Aunt Grace Peggy Jennings Venus Ruffin Julia Magagnas Aunt Violet Toney Hopkins Charles Nickolson Briggs Point Rose McCane Margeret White Bermuda Street Bill Fortune Pricilla Shepherd Kitty Bissell Nic Johnson L. Claiborne Union Street and Vicinity Peggy Selden Peggy Berry Cumberland Street James Baker Peggy Starke Fanny Thorogood Patsey Phillips Letty Byrd Martha Eilbeck Racheal Prescott Rose Hansford Catherine Street & Vicinity Nelly Robertson Racheal Armistead Jack Whitfield Betsey Clarke Old Sarah Camp Gabriel Robertson Phillip Gorden Judy Boush Jack Johnson Mary James Brewer Street Peggy Walker Qranby Street Mary Baush Rose Bright Queen Street Nancy Green 6(?) 2(?) 7(?) 1 7 5 2 11 3 3 6 2 11 1 7 5 2 11 3 3 Documents 69 VIRGINIA— Continued Name Slaves Total Name Slaves Total Queen Street — Cont. Elisha Cotton Kitty Waddey Tamer Currier Smith Point Miss Armstead Free Mason Street Mary Watts RoBe Dunn Little Water Street Peggy Wilson Frank Mercer Stephen Jasper Woodsides Lane and Wharf Lydia Keeling Commerce Street John Tunis Main Street Miss Watson Harrison Almond Miss P. Proby T. Nixon Amelia County Catherine P. H. Jones Est. George Jones George L. Scott Frances B. Epes Est. Frances Jones Samuel Scott Est. Christian Gilliam Anderson F. Clay John C. Hill Est. John S. Hardaway Ben. S. Meade Amherst County Est. Ambrose Tomlinson .... Est. Preston H. Garland .... Seth Woodroof Philip St. George Ambler. . . . William Morgan Francis Coleman Shelton Wright Archibald Robertson Claibourne W. Gooch Timothy Fletcher Jno. Wilson Nathaniel Floyd (?) William Owens Henry Langhorne Mary Brown 22 40 9 21 27 24 50 3 7 24 2 9 9 7 47 67 14 6 51 13 4 12 4(?) 5 3 12 22 40 9 21 27 24 50 3 7 24 2 9 9 7 47 67 14 6 51 13 4 12 4 5 3 12 Bernard Booker Est. Jno. M. Walker. Alexander Mundy . . . Augusta County Chapman Johnson David W. Patterson John Watson , William Young , Bedford County Cabell & Leftwich Mary Hurt Burr Garland , Brunswick County James Lewis (?) Junr. . . . David Meridith est Buckingham County Peter Stratton Jr Edward Booker Rivers & White John C. Page Seymour Holman Dillis' Company Est. Joseph Eades Est. Jas. Staton Molley Hughes (?) Est. Thos. Wingfield John Dunlap Cabell County John Allison Campbell County Colin Buckner Mary Brown William Daniel (Judge) . . Augustine Leftwich George K. Lamberth William McKinney David G. Murrell James B. Risque Wiatt Pettyjohn John M. Warwick Lynchburg William J. Isbill. ... Caroline County Ann Baylor George W. Gatewood . . . John Martin William Puller Edwin Upshaw 33 4 5 7 23 18 9 11 19 5 3 13 33 3 4 14 8 5 7 6 57 5 14 36 5 36 4 5 7 4 30 8 1 16 8 16 18 11 33 4 5 7 23 18 9 11 20 5 3 13 33 3 4 14 8 5 7 6 57 5 14 36 5 36 4 5 7 4 30 8 1 16 8 70 Journal of Negro History VIRGINIA— Continued Name Slaves Tota Name Slaves Total Charles City County John P. Burton Susan Oglesby John Colgin Charlotte County Est. Archer Hatchett James Bruce (L. P. C.) Est. William Barksdale Chesterfield County Ruben Raglin Bevely Randolph Thomas P. Hare William Corling Eady Jackson Richard C. Gillum Estate James Bray John Clarke Javes Watkins Robert B. Wells Elizabeth Voden Culpeper County Jas. Payne, Quarter John P. Kelly's (quarter at mill) William Mortop's (Estate) . . . William Mitchell Jr. (Estate) . William Smith (Estate Madi- son Line) Rd. Norris (Estate) Geo. Buckner's (Estate) Newmans Allen's (Estate) . . . Thos. Shirley's (Estate) Henry Barnes (Est.) J. Harris (Estate) Jerry Pannel (Estate) G. Walls (Estate) Wm. Gibson's (Estate) Wm. Nerron's (estate) Wm. Cook's (estate) Cumberland County Wm. Frayser, Jr. agent (the same) for Martha B. Eppes Benj. Hobson Benj. Hatcher Wm. McLaurine Est. Judy Randolph Dinwiddie County William B. Hamblin Daniel Southall Eliza Goodwyn William Haxall John Grammar Michael Roper 23 7 11 24 88 9 6 9 5 10 4 2 24 25 2 13 5 35 25 6 9 64 20 15 13 13 8 12 8 19 6 7 24 12 45 5 18 18 2 40 12 15 2 23 7 11 24 88 9 9 5 10 4 2 24 25 2 13 5 41 25 6 9 54 21 15 13 17 8 12 8 19 6 7 John F. May. . . Edward Watkins Petersburg Thos. Jones Upper Appomattox C. Richard Sturdivant . . . Patsey Green Eliza Pegram's Estate. Daniel Starke William E. Borsseau. . Mary Harrison Edward Archer Wilson C. Stith Henry Harrison James Dunlop James Prentis Street Commissioners . Elizabeth City County Old Point John Ruffin Caty Thomas Rose Russell Lucy Stepney Mariah Hamm (?) Essex County Livingston Murcoe's Estate. John S. Spindle Fairfax County Lucinda Carter Thomas Ingraham .... Bernard Hooe Thomas Triplett Robert Hunter William Bruen Alexander Moore James McDaniel Nehemiah Davis Fauquier County J. Gill, Overseer for Foote. . . 24 [Bednigo (Foreman French's 12 Quarter) 45 Jas. Carr (overseer for Hor- 5 ner) 21 William Shenher's Quarter. . Lewis Lumpkin (Overseer Martin) 18 John Waldens (quarter) 2 J. Marshalls (Quarter) 40 Thomas Hillery (overseer for 12 Marshall) 15 Mrs. Thompson, Negroes in 2 Warrenton 1 16 5 2 4 13 25 5 1 14 7 6 17 25 21 21 11 22 21 6 9 62 2 16 5 2 4 13 25 6 1 14 7 6 17 29 21 21 11 22 21 Documents 71 VIRGINIA— Continued Name Slaves Total Name Slaves Total Faquier County — Cont. Joseph Hudnell (overseer for Shenher) Aaron Bise (Quarter) G. B. Hitch (overseer for Dixon's estate); Dr. T. T. Withers (quarter) . . William Anderson William Waters (farm) Mrs. Wallace (farm) William Homers (Farm) Nathaniel Mocrae U. S. A. . . Catharine Ramsey Fluvanna County Strange & Jones Franklin Trice's Quarter Wm. A. Baker (of Hanover) . . John Carter of Henrico & John Carter, his son Fbanklin County William A. Burwell Est Jessee Hackwood Est Booker Preston Frederick County Eastern District George Hall Thomas F. Nelson John E. Page Exr John Webb Western District Joseph Penny baker Elizabeth Green John Jordan George W. Keger Clarissa Larve Gloucester County Thomas R. Corr Thomas Roane Goochland County Robert R. Watkins Zackariah McGinder Hezekiah Henley Joseph Woodson Jack Cox William Mountjory William Shelton Wesley Wright Thomas Drumwright (?) Thomas Boiling Overton B. Pettitt Margaret Richardson William Crawford 11 2 125 27 2 6 3 18 G 6 2 17 5 101 8 22 2 23 31 5 6 3 2 2 4 9 1 3 2 30 42 6 7 12 2 125 27 2 6 3 18 6 6 2 17 5 101 8 22 2 23 31 5 6 3 2 2 4 9 1 3 2 30 42 6 7 Greenbriar County Andrew Alexander Greensville County Benjamin Williamson's Quar ter Richard B. Grigg's Quarter. , David B. Mason's quarter . . Negro Esther Without owner or home Negroes Ben & Tener without owner James Blank's Estate John Ivey's Quarter John A. Person's Quarter Green Turner's Estate .... Halifax County Thomas Anderson Isaac Coles Est William Dews Mack Delany William Elam , Robert Easley , Joseph Friend , Robert Harriston , Edmund Irby's Est. Thomas Munford William Moseley , Samuel Pannell Samuel Ragland Est. . . . John Randolph Henry Theriatt James W. Thomas Paul Venable James Vaughan William M. Watkins. . . , Abram W. Wimbish Rawley White Stephen Worsham Susan Younger's Est. . . . Rodger Adkisson's Est... William Baird [Elizabeth Bull RAiexr. Cunningham Clemt. Carrington Humbreston Skipwith. . . Hampshire County Nancy Armstrong Samuel Kercheval Agnes Morrison Simon Taylor John Wright 4 8 34 3 61 5 3 14 8 11 15 40 5 13 47 4 24 16 12 23 14 23 34 5 2 2 13 18 5 34 62 87 2 3 5 10 9 4 16 39 2 20 4 4 8 3 61 5 3 14 8 11 15 40 5 13 47 4 24 16 12 23 14 23 34 5 2 2 13 18 5 34 62 87 2 3 5 10 9 Hanover County James Lyons 17 17 72 Journal of Negro History VIRGINIA— Continued Name Slaves Total Name Slaves Total Hanover County — Cont. Garland Thompson (Rich- mond) Lucy Berkeley William S. Wights (est.) Sarah H. Vest Spotswood Mosby (Rich.) . . . Henrico County Cambridge a Slave, the prop- erty of Jesse Williams — 2. . Elizabeth Blaky (of Rich- mond) Cole Muse Archibald Blair (Richmond) Richard C. Wortham (Rich- mond) Adam Craig's Estate Benjamin Mann Doct. Taylor (Chesterfield) . . Richard Denny Byrd George Rich d . Young for Miss Wil- liamson Selina Brooke (Richmond). . . James Bosher (of Richmond) Benjamin Mosly's est John Goddin Frederick Jude William D. Wrenn William Price John Burton's Estate French & Jordan Archibald Blair (Richmond) . Thomas Ritchie (of Do.) Norman Norton Richard Edwards (of Rich- mond) Godfrey Walder (of Do.) .... John Mosley Judith Nelson Edmund B. Granger Bowler Cocke's Estate John Fraser William B. Jennings Mgr. for Geo. Cox Mary Sharp (of Norfolk) .... William G. Keesee Nelson Cary Harriett Thompson Smith & Gordon's Coal pitts . Johnson Eubank Maurice Primrose George M. Carrington William F. Micse Andrew Sweeny John Robinson Peter V. Daniel 6 3 2 1 7 3 1 1 24 2 4 5 2 8 4 6 17 2 12 9 5 7 3 2 9 3 5 5 2 43 5 7 20 2 35 3 7 4 2 7 5 5 6 3 2 1 7 3 1 1 24 2 4 5 4 8 4 6 17 2 12 9 5 7 3 2 9 3 5 6 2 44 5 7 20 2 35 3 7 4 2 7 5 5 Mann Satterwhite John H. Ustace Josiah B. Abbott Jesse H. Turner Edwin Porter David Barclay William Moncure William Goodnow David Barclay Sarah Brooke (William Young, agent) City of Richmond Monroe Ward Dr. Charles Abrams Benjamin Ames Henry Anderson Richard Anderson David J. Burr & Co Nathaniel Bailey Mary Blair Mr. Broadus John Bosher Dr. Bohannan John Burton David Barclay Campbell Blades George M. Branch Thos. B. Bigger I. J. Cohen Dr. Clark Cunningham & Anderson. . . . Samuel Dunn Margaret Digges Davenport's Estate Mrs. Dugar Samuel Coe John Enders George D. Fisher Francis Foster Mrs. Fleisher's estate Tom Fox John Fisher Temple Qwathmey Goode's estate Susan Hatcher Thomas Hooper Daniel Hatcher John Heron Margaret Hylton M. W. Hancock Jinny Hill Walter Jones Taylor Jackson William Johnson Richard Loving Joseph Leake Dr. Benjn. Lewis Documents 73 VIRGINIA— Continued Name Slaves Total Name Slaves Total City of Hichmond Monroe Ward — Cont. Benjamin Mosby's estate. . Joe Morris Miller & Sampson Samuel S. Myers & Co. . . . Logan McCoul Charles McMurdo Thomas Owen Fisher & Price William Poe Lucy Price Ferral Price Thomas Priddy Charles Poke Reeves Price George Picket David Ross Wm. H. Richardson Peyton Randolph's estate . Sally Smith John Shepard Mr. Sutton Charles Smith A. Saunders Edmund Tompkins Jaquelin Taylor Christian Turner Frederick Woodson William Wickham Mosby Woodson Lewis Wingfield Mrs. Winfree Thomas Woodson Richard C. Wortham Letty Wingfield Joseph Watkins James Yarrington Madison Ward Thomas Atkinson John Allen, jr Doctor Archer Rich d . Anderson & Co Rich d . Anderson John Allan John Armistead Col. Lawson Burfoot Gurdon H. Bacchus Binford, Brooks & Co John Binford William Barret Nath. Bowe's (deed.) estate John Barr James Brandon Dr. James Blair Leonard Cooly George P. Crump 3 1 10 82 1 1 1 6 1 3 1 1 2 4 2 1 4 2 3 2 1 1 2 7 1 5 2 1 2 1 3 1 1 5 1 1 1 15 3 53 1 1 1 8 1 1 1 15 4 3 4 4 7 3 3 1 10 82 1 1 1 6 1 3 1 1 2 4 2 1 4 2 3 2 1 1 2 7 1 5 2 1 2 1 3 1 1 5 1 1 1 15 3 53 1 1 1 S 1 1 1 15 4 3 4 4 7 3 jJ. J. Cohen John G. Crouch Carey, Nelson & Co Davenport & Allen Mrs. Dudley William Finney James Gentry Wm. & Wm. Gait, Jr Gray & Pankey Robert R. Glenn Richd. C. Gilliam Anthony J. Gouvea Jack Harris James Harrison Holt & Ross P. Houston Hutchison & Kerr Carey Harris A. Hughes Mary Hart Thomas T. Johnson Susan Kimbrough Alfred King Lewis's estate James McDildoe Garland H. Mitchell Samuel Murray John McCage Wilson Morris Reuben Moss Mosby & Young George Mastin Catharine McCall's estate . . William Nekervis Otis, Dunlop & Co William F. Pendleton A. Petticolas & Co Samuel Putney Beverly Randolph Wilton Randolph's estate. . . Ralston & Pleasants Thomas Rutherford William J. Robertson James Scott Thomas Smith Andrew Sweeny Joseph Selden Beverly Skipwith George E. Tiffin Jefferson E. Trice Philip M. Tabb Archibald Thomas Susan Turner Patsy Underwood Daniel Warwick William Wickham (Hanover) James H. Walthall William Young 1 4 5 2 1 1 3 1 1 3 55 14 1 2 1 1 36 2 1 1 1 3 1 1 3 1 1 3 1 1 24 1 4 1 8 4 1 5 3 2 1 1 3 1 5 4 6 3 1 1 5 3 1 1 1 2 46 1 1 4 5 2 1 1 3 1 1 3 55 14 1 2 1 1 36 2 1 1 1 3 1 1 3 1 1 3 1 1 25 1 4 1 8 4 1 5 3 2 1 1 3 1 5 4 6 3 1 1 5 3 1 1 1 2 46 1 74 Journal of Negro History VIRGINIA— Continued Name Slaves Total Name Slaves Total Jefferson Ward Mark Anthony Thomas Adkins John Anderson Robert Anderson Catherine E. Adams Carter Braxton's estate .... William R. Butler Baldwin, Ives & Co Joseph Bohannan John W. Beers Moses Branch Thomas Berry John Burton Dr. James Blair William & Thomas Burton. Elizabeth Blackwood David Barclay Geo. Booker, Agt. of Dock Company Stephen Cowley J. Crane Revd. Mr. Charlton Henry L. Carter John Clarke John L. Carter John Clarke, (Charles City) Philip Claiborne Thomas Davidson Robert Davis John Epperson Mourning Foster Simon Frayser Franklin & Hardgrove Edward Farrar Benjm. Green S. C. Golden Joshua Goode William Goodnow Mr. Hayes E. A A. Hubbard Nancy Horn John King Thomas Lewis James Ligons William Meriam Joseph H. Mayo Mordecai Marx Benjm. Mosby's estate. . . . John Otway Mosby John Marshall John Myers Sarah Montague Frances Nelson William Palmer Thomas Pulling Thomas Priddy Fleming Roper 1 71 1 1 4 4 10 1 2 5 2 1 4 1 8 4 74 2 7 1 2 3 3 2 3 1 2 3 1 5 1 32 2 3 2 16 1 5 1 1 4 2 1 1 1 1 4 1 1 4 2 1 4 1 2 2 1 71 1 1 4 4 10 1 2 5 2 1 4 1 9 4 74 2 7 1 2 3 3 2 3 1 2 3 1 5 1 32 2 3 2 16 1 5 1 1 4 2 1 1 1 1 4 1 1 4 2 1 4 1 2 2 Martimer Roper Lewis Rogers , James Ratliffe Benjm. Stetson , James Scott , Andrew Smith Smith & Johnson Patrick Slaughter , Thomas Smith Charlotte Saunders Geo. Semple's estate , William Shepperson Martha Sansum Thomas Turner Ira Tickenor John Van- Lew & Co Thomas West Keziah Wilkerson Alfred Wherry Whitlock & Wicker Robert Williamson William Wickham Henry Wade William Wren, g'rdn. of Jas Price Charles Wills Henry County Harden Hairston (non-res.) . . John A. Hairston (non-res.) . . Samuel Hairston (non-res.) . . Lucinda Redd (non-res.) Isle of Wight County Albert Moody Inft Robert Lawrence of Nod (?) . Penelope Pitt Sally Powell of Nansd John Urquhart, sr Silas Summerel So. (?) Christopher Reynolds Nd.. . . Copha Wilkins Est William Goodwin Est Andrew Woodleys Est Matt. Wills Est Richard H. Cocke (Surry) . . . William D. Henly George J. Byrd of No Nancy Vellines William White's Est Louisa Pierce of Surry John Riley of Nor Thomas & Stringfield John B. Levy of Nor James City County Newsum & Lay alls Est Thomas Coleman 3 2 1 3 1 3 1 1 2 2 2 4 1 1 5 1 5 2 40 2 3 5 1 5 3 7 7 50 52 1 3 6 2 2 6 2 1 3 20 1 2 2 3 1 2 9 4 2 5 5 33 3 2 1 3 1 3 1 1 2 2 2 4 1 1 6 1 6 2 40 3 3 5 1 5 3 7 7 50 52 1 3 6 2 2 6 2 1 3 20 1 2 2 3 1 2 9 4 2 5 5 33 Documents 75 VIRGINIA— Continued Name Slaves Total Name Slaves Total James City County — Cont. Thomas G. Peachy Mary Ann Peachy Jane Cary's Est Thomas Lands Geo. W. P. Custer by W m . Bromley his Stew d Jefferson County John Briscoe William Brown Henry Hanes Jacob Hanes Mary Manning Elizabeth Pendleton James L. Ransom William Robinson Susan B. Taylor Alexander War King and Queen County Ro: B. Semple William Pollard Henry Lumpkin, Jr Dianna Lumpkin Carter B. Fogg Mary Haws Mary Garnett Philip Brooks (overseer for John Jones) Tho. L. Fauntleroy Peter Clayton (overseer for Tho. Walker) John W. Watkins (overseer for J. Garnett's sepr. (?)) . . Kauffman Gresham Holland Godwins Gdm. who is Richard Godwin Harriot Brumley Tho. Edwards (overseer for Jacob D. Walkers sepr. (?)) Tho. Jones John Richards, Senr Monitre D. Spencer Adm. D. Diggs Ro. B. Boyds Gdm Tho. Edwards (overseer for Peter T. Pollard) Henry Fleming (overseer for Tho. Smith ex or (?)) James C. Roy Jas. R. Irson (overseer for Thomas Collins) King George County Est. Geo: Turner, Deed Est. Wm. Bernard, Jr. Deed- John C. Brown's Estate 4 13 4 7 101 11 38 37 4 Estate of James Corben 4 13 4 7 110 7 7 9 9 4 4 6 6 24 24 1 1 5 5 7 7 28 28 6 6 31 31 7 7 2 2 11 11 14 14 18 18 2 2 6 6 19 19 8 8 12 12 1 1 3 3 4 4 19 19 12 12 4 4 4 4 23 23 14 14 72 72 15 15 12 King William County John C. Tunstall's (slaves) . . Stirling Lipscomb (overseer) . Alexander King's (slaves) .... Joseph H. Travis' (slaves).. . . Charles Johnson and overseer Sarah R. Richardson and overseer George W. P. Custis by Thomas B. Martin William P. Taylor by Peter Campbell Judith B. Hill and overseer. . Catherine Richerson and overseer Thomas Hill and overseer. . . Christopher Johnson and overseers Isaac Quarles and overseer. . Robert Hill by Nath'l Aeree . . Thomas Carter and overseer . John W. Tomlin by Little- berry Taylor Jacquelin A. Berkley by Temple Moore Lewis Berkley by Chas. Dod- son John W. Homes by Richard S. Pruett Thomas C. Nelson and over- seer George N. Powill and over- seer Ann E. Vass and overseer. . . . Mary Munday and overseer . . Charles L. Hincher and overseer Geo. W. Bassett by John W. Street Philip Sylett and overseer. . . Lancaster County Baldwin Smith Loudoun County Leesburg David Carr's Slaves James Harris On Josiah Murray's planta- tion Louisa County Joseph Shelton of Goochland John Waldrope (Henrico) ? . . 38 " 37 j Lunenburg C 4 I Richard Puryear . 35 35 8 34 7 29 13 54 52 25 1 14 96 16 15 114 47 32 57 31 96 16 29 42 15 47 78 31 6 8 42 7 33 21 55 57 29 10 18 109 31 17 120 48 33 62 33 106 25 33 45 18 52 86 31 6 76 Journal of Negro History VIRGINIA— Continued Name Slaves Total Name Slaves Total Madison County John Kobler (?) John Maggert Joseph Clark Mason County William Curley Thomas Kilgore Mecklenburg County Robert Jones Qut Patrick Hamilton Francis Hicks Robert D. Wilson qut Alexander Field Middlesex County Thomas F. Spencer Almond Atkinson Carter Braxton Jane Crittenden William Jessee Monroe County Town of Union Alexander & Co Montgomery County Thomas Helms Morgan County Cunrad Claycomb Joseph Kenny Nansemond County Mills Riddicks quarter T. Smelley's quarter William S. Riddicks (quarter) Jacob Keelings (quarter) Abram Brinkleys (quarter). . . Dempsey Jones (quarter) . . . . Ro. B. Young's Quarter Abram Riddicks (quarter).. . . Nelson County John Farrar John Horsley Richard Stevens Est. John M. Shelton New Kent County Jno. M. Delcampo (by Ro. M Crump his overseer) Francis Jordan (by Edw Watkins) I 83 Hopewell Parsons' est. (by W m . Lockel, overseer) | 9 7 2 30 35 15 3 11 102 76 3 25 58 3 12 15 8 12 36 6 12 7 " 2 30 2 4 35 - 15- 3 11 102 9 - 1 1 1 1 3 - 78 3 25 58 3 13 Lewis Smith (by Zach. Shackeford, overseer) Conrad Webb (overseer) Northumberland County Jno. Bailey William Forrester Mary Gordon Mary Kirkham James Bell Shepherdstown Catharine Devonshire. Nancy Swearengen . . . Limer Swearengen. . . . Charles Toxcn William Robinson Wm. & Jas. Kelly Robert Latham Thos. H. Lansdell Benjamin Lamkin Samuel Leland John Middleton Richard Payne William D. Robinson . John S. Tapscott Ann Thompson Nottoway County Est. Robt. Dickerson . . . James H. Fitzgerald .... John H. Dupuy Est. Peter Jones Sarah Robertson John T. Lee David G. Williams Est. William Daswell . . . Orange County William Porter lfi : Benjaman Porter. 12 36 6 12 Patrick County Arch*. Hylton (non-resident) Pittsylvania County j P. Harston's Plantation j Abram Lydnor Deed JThos. Stamps (H. F.) ; Robt. Lewis' Estate Powhatan County 15 I Joseph Jenkins JEdwd. Cox 88 William Eggleston JEdwd. C. Mosby 10 ! |Est. Saml. Swann 14 96 5 17 4 2 1 2 21 4 16 1 9 16 70 9 7 14 14 25 16 11 23 16 40 15 3 6 23 1 5 3 15 100 5 17 4 2 1 2 21 4 16 1 9 16 70 9 7 14 14 25 16 11 23 16 40 15 3 6 23 1 5 3 Documents 77 VIRGINIA— Continued Name Slaves Total 20 20 27 27 5 5 2 2 29 29 8 8 7 7 7 7 14 14 5 5 9 9 17 18 17 18 2 2 8 8 5 5 7 7 23 23 5 5 3 3 1 1 3 3 13 13 22 22 8 8 9 9 4 4 4 4 5 5 7 7 6 6 12 12 8 8 6 6 1 1 11 11 33 35 26 26 5 5 24 24 2 2 Name Slaves Total Prince Edward County Nathl. E. Venable & Co Philip Watkins, estate Ditto as Guardian for Mary R. Watson Thomas L. Jones (Buck- ingham Collin Stokes (Lunenburg) . . . William Doswells estate Josiah LeGrand estate Simon Wooldridge estate. . . . Joel W. Flood (Buckingham) Daniel Bagby (Buckingham) . John Morriss (Buckingham) . Thomas Archer Fowlkes (Lunenburg) Henry Brazeal (Amelia) .... Prince George County Erasmas Roper James B. Kendall Thomas Lee Robert Gilliam Jr Petersburg John V. Wilcox Alden B. Spooner Thomas D. Watson Elizabeth Taylor Robert Birchett George A. Spiller's (slaves) . James Croyton's (slaves) . . . Princess Anne County James M. Whitehurst Henry Wells James Henley James Nimmo Daniel Stone Jno. N. Walke Eliz. Stone Geo. Mcintosh Prince William County Solomon Hill Richmond County Hannah Smith William Saunders (Non Res.) William Henderson (Non Res.) Overseer of Gen'l J. B.Harvie Rockbridge County Burton's Farm Samuel Cunningham Mayburg's Forge Prince Thomas Rockingham County Daniel Utz Shenandoah County Woodstock Suckey Kitchen 1st Batts. of 18 & 97 Regmts. Shenandoah Polly Allen Moses Buck Henry Hopewell 2nd B IS Rt. John Beale Southampton County Blows Mill Nancy Miller Spotsylvania County John Cobler (estate) Fielding Lucas (estate) Thos. Proctor (estate) Sup't at Mr. E. Taylor's farm William Storke James H. Fitzgerald (estate) . Fredericksburg Cornelius Law Stafford County George H. Tolson Landoner (?) William B. Tyler Sarah Beale John H. Wallace Frances Daniel Sarah T. Daniel Emily Daniel Frances Fitzhugh Gusta 8 . B. Wallace Jam 3 . Rawlins Will Beverley John T. Lomax Rawl: W. Downman John Stone Amy Eddrington Elija Hansborough Steven French Willi P. Bailey Willi: Ford Surry County Est. B. C. Harrison 9 12 5 34 6 9 13 3 4 13 5 2 37 2 4 22 14 25 6 5 6 22 5 5 8 19 9 13 5 34 6 9 13 3 4 13 5 2 37 2 4 22 14 25 6 5 6 22 5 5 78 Journal of Negro History VIRGINIA— Continued Name Slaves Total Name John Gray Quarter Charles Higden Quarter. . . Phillip Lightfoot Quarter. . Harriet Picks Quarter Henry Summervill Quarter George Turner Quarter. . . . York County James Semple Senr William Waller William Smart Slaves Total Sussex County Harwell's Quarter J. H. Thompson (GilliamV quarters) 29 Warwick County William Wynne Westmoreland County Bernard H. Buckner Quarter . William Bernard Quarter. . . . Fleet Cox 4 4 29 30 6 6 18 18 21 2 l 5 29 7 34 13 16 27 34 59 2 29 7 34 13 17 27 34 59 2 UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS-URBANA 326.973W86FR C003 FREE NEGRO OWNERS OF SLAVES WASH DC 3 0112 025285872