4 J®** MS! [gl&i I J S3 ts; ^- ^ $ ^ JJ?' a I E> hahy OF THE UN IVLRSITY Of ILLINOIS 977^4 HJtts cop Z, 111 HSST. SURVb/ The person charging this material is re- sponsible for its return to the library from which it was withdrawn on or before the Latest Date stamped below. Theft, mutilation, and underlining of books are reasons for disciplinary action and may result in dismissal from the University. To renew call Telephone Center, 333-8400 UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS LIBRARY AT URBANA-CHAMPAIGN 4|*-8|&^ RUN IIS HISTORICAL SUM L161— O-1096 Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2012 with funding from University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign http://archive.org/details/storyofoldtownglOOharm The Story of An Old Town — Glen Ellyn COPYRIGHT, 1928 BY GLEN NEWS PRINTING CO. MEMORIAL EDITION 2000 COPIES DECEMBER 1928 GLEN NEWS PRINTING CO. The Story of An Old Town — Glen Ellyn Compiled by ADA DOUGLAS HARMON Edited by AUDRIE ALSPAUGH CHASE Genealogies by BESSIE CLUTE HUWEN Published by ANAN HARMON CHAPTER D. A. R. 1 •I ^Dedicated to the true and tried, Those friends, whose loving zeal With obstacle and trial vied, Has made this history real Not for pelf or short-lived glory But as a pure labor of love Is writ the Old Town's story, Of truth and romance wove. — Ada Douglas Harmon SPECIAL THANKS The author and the editor of this book owe a deep debt of gratitude to nearly everybody in the village, it seems, for their invaluable help in informa- tion, in time, in material, without which this book would have been only about six pages big. Specifically we wish to thank Mrs. Wilbur E. Coe of Evanston, Mrs. Jessie Janes Garrison of Hartford, Michigan, Mrs. H. W. Yalding of River Forest, Mrs. Wm. T. Daum of Villa Park, Miss Clara S. Boyle of Paw-Paw, Michigan, Mrs. John Haight of Naperville, Mrs. W. A. Rogers, Mrs. Robert Boyd, Mrs. Anna Russell, Mrs. Charles Kerr of Florida, Mrs. Joseph Clarke, Mrs. B. B. Curtis, Mrs. Charles Wimpress, Mrs. O. D. Dodge, Mrs. F. J. Huwen, Mrs. A. R. Utt, Mrs. E. O. Lee, Mrs. C. Glenn Whitlock, Mrs. Sarah Brookins of Ogden Road, Fullersburg, Mrs. D. W. Alspaugh, Mrs. C. W. Somerville, Mrs. A. N. Fox, Mrs. Carl J. Richardson, Mrs. C. E. Shattuc, Mrs. L. J. Hiatt and Carolyn Winnen Scheve. This is on the distaff side. Among the men to whom thanks are due are: the late L. C. Cooper, J. D. McChesney, Charles McChesney, Jesse R. Wagner, George M. Kendall, Thomas Claffy of Beverly Hills, Joy Morton of Lisle, Frank Beaubien of Austin, H. S. Dodge, Al Chase, Robert Patch, Jr., Jack Young, W. W. Shaw, Jr., Joe Milmoe, Edward W. Hill, L. J. Hiatt and O. D. Dodge. All of these rendered special services of various kinds which none but the makers of the book can truly understand and appreciate and to them special gratitude goes. Also to the folks of the Glen News printing plant, who gave such helpful, personal attention to the mechanical part of the book, such as would have been impossible to have had from some cold-blooded commercial plant where the history would have been simply a "job" instead of a production; to them is due much of the grace of grammar, of punctuation, of style, of make-up, which gives charm to the format: Florence G. Milmoe, John L. Bender, Edward H. Fell, William Scull and Naomi Mueller. To the countless folks who have been called to the telephone to answer questions about this and that, to those who have been buttonholed in offices and stopped on street corners — to them go countless thanks for countless helps. SOURCES OF INFORMATION Some interesting material, available only from books, came from these: The Churchill Family in America, compilers, Gardner Asalp Churchill and Nathan Wiley; editor and associate compiler, Rev. George M. Bodge. History of Illinois, by Rufus Blanchard. Discovery and Conquests of the North West with History of Chicago, by Rufus Blanchard. History of DuPage County, Illinois, compiled under the direction and supervision of the Board of Supervisors, 1876. History of DuPage County, by Rufus Blanchard. Portrait and Biographical Record of DuPage County, Illinois, 1894. Historical Encyclopedia of Illinois and History of DuPage County, 1913. The Book of the Indians, by S. G. Drake, 1835. Geology and Geography of the Wheaton Quadrangle, by Arthur C. Trow- bridge, Bulletin No. 19. History of DuPage County, by C. W. Richmond and H. Y. Valette, 1857. American History, by D. H. Montgomery. The Indian History of Illinois, by Ralph Linton. State Historical Society Journal. Chicago Highways, Old and New, by Milo M. Quaife. FOREWORD -E take much pleasure and a deal of pride in offering this little book to Glen Ellyn folks. Working on it and reading it through has given us pleasure, as we hope it may you who read it. Working on it has also given us pride, for it was like taking the different colors from a box of pig- ments and painting a picture! We took these bits of facts from here and there and blended them into what seems to us a quaint and definite picture of the early days of the village. As a picture is not so definite a likeness as a photograph, so our painting may not be as perfect a likeness, as would a diagram made entirely from old records. Nor would the diagram be so interesting. Neither would the diagram be possible, for old records are sketchy and scarce and oftentimes conflicting. It was a case of reading old accounts, talking to old settlers, writing to relatives of old settlers, accumulating a mass of material, and then sorting, co-ordinating, discarding and weaving facts into a perusable fabric. We cannot hope this book may be entirely free from error; with the facilities at hand, it would be impossible to achieve a perfect result. But we do think we have made a picture of the past, interesting, informative, true to the atmosphere and spirit of those days we wished to re-create before they were so far gone as to be completely smothered under the debris of the present being torn down to make way for the future. As we grow more finished, more cultured, more progressive, we look back with more sympathy and appreciation to the beginnings of things, and so it is fitting that these beginnings in some measure should be preserved, for they will grow in value as they recede from us. We wish all towns might follow this lead and seek out their sources before the oldest inhabitants pass away and the last landmarks fall before modernity. Their reward would be in their result and coming generations would rise up and call them blessed. We have gone outside of the exact limits of our own village and touched on pioneer bits in neighboring communities, for we felt that the automobile, even more than the oxen team of old, has destroyed distance. While we in Glen Ellyn are interested in the details of our own village affairs, yet we all visit our neighbors, and we will be glad to know some of their pioneer high- lights, and recognize their spots sacred to pioneer achievement. We have mentioned, rather freely, modern things, so that as perfect a record as possible might be held for the future to look back upon. Even now, dates and happenings for a half dozen years back are vague in people's minds. Some time these chronicled facts will be of as great value as those of the Thirties or the Nineties. In conclusion we can do no better than quote from a priceless little history of DuPage County published in 1857 by C. W. Richmond and H. F. Vallette thus: "The authors propose to offer no apology for the appearance of this work. They are, however, conscious of many of its imperfections to which it would be unwise in them to draw the attention of the public And if anybody thinks he can write a better history of DuPage County, we can only say to him in the language of the good old deacon who made an unsuccessful attempt to preach in the absence of the regular pastor, 'If you really think you can do better, why try it, that's all'." We'd like people for their own communities to try doing it better than we've done this, for a pioneer can never blaze a perfect path. But a pioneer is extremely useful and deserves the gratitude of his successors. So we, in deep obeisance, offer gratitude to the plucky pioneers, the Hob- sons, the Churchills, the Wheatons, the Babcocks, the Dodges, the Napers, the Blodgetts, the McChesneys, the Stacys, all those who bravely crossed the trackless sloughs and woods and prairies and laid the foundations for our happy and flourishing county and village. ADA DOUGLAS HARMON AUDRIE ADSPAUGH CHASE ifUmarml (Hammtttee e To these good friends whose encouragement and substantial gifts have made possible this printed book — This page is dedicated: Mr. and Mrs. William H. Baethke Frances B. Hopper Mr. and Mrs. John H. Kampp Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin F. March The McChesneys Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Milmoe Mr. and Mrs. William F. Pelham Mr. and Mrs. Walter A. Rogers Marian B. Saunders Lillian King Shattuc Dr. and Mrs. Charles W. iSomerville Mr. and Mrs. Alfred R. Utt AN APPRECIATION To one who loves books and the mechanics of books in the making as does Audrie Alspaugh Chase, we know that the infinite patience and labor and the months of work she has put into the editing of this book have been a labor of love. Those of us looking on, who have seen and appreciated the long hours, deep interest and unselfish gift of time and thought devoted to the task of bringing it to a satisfactory completion through her splendid co-operation, acknowledge a debt we can never repay. — ANAN HARMON CHAPTER, Daughters of the American Revolution. ill si* .* - ~ ■ ,Jfei' *>* *!> &-<- iASB * ; \ ** |v« " , ' 1 * ^ - J 11, ?.. v 9> * & § 1 J ,| lilt r' If 1 P ' * « ' 1 I, 7 - ^ i>r ■. • R-"- ^tP ;V Hr-'-» : ^>S^^ r: ^'. "%!?»"* ' ? „, ' ^ ^-*n '"■■■■, ^ Ada Douglas Harmon In Her Garden To the author of this book Miss Ada Douglas Harmon a Tribute Miss Ada Douglas Harmon came to Glen Ellyn in 1892, from Champaign, Illinois, her childhood home. She had been a student at the University of Illinois under its first President, Dr. Gregory. She is a graduate of the Art Institute, of the Class of 1880, and also studied art for five years in Milwaukee, under Mrs. Alexander Mitchell. She early became identified with the promotion of all the cultural activities of the little village, and the Glen Ellyn of today owes much of its substantial possession of the ameliorants of life to the cumulative effect of her influence. Without the efforts of Miss Harmon and her cousin, Miss Kate Sheldon Treat, the establishment of the Free Public Library would possibly have been de- ferred many years. The boulder placed in Stacy Park, by the side of the old trail, dedicated to the memory of the pioneers of this locality, was the fulfilment of Miss Harmon's long dream. The artistic and studious bent of Miss Harmon's nature was always strongly evident. She produced work of much merit in pottery and in land- scape painting, but her outstanding accomplishment in this direction is a series of water-colors of the wild flowers of DuPage County. Numbering 175 separate compositions, each painted from nature, some representing species now extinct, this series is a veritable pictorial catalogue of the native flora of this locality and constitutes a valuable reference work which should be permanently preserved. The recital of the objective fruits of Miss Harmon's rare gifts might be continued almost indefinitely. But now, what of the subjective character of this woman? Suffice to say it is congruous with her works. The act of having written a book such as "The Story of an Old Town" reveals the character of its author in a clearer light than could any words of another. Consider the fundamental prerequisites to the production of this book, — ■ a genuine interest in the background of early times in this locality; a flair amounting almost to genius for research by induction, (since the sources of local history could be discovered only by tracing backward along currents of life as manifest in the author's generation); a deeply sympathetic nature, which could recreate in its own understanding the picture of times long gone; endless patience, and faith which was proof against all discouragement. These, and a humanitarian's love for humanity, have produced this book, the crowning service of a long life rich in service. So, let us turn with Miss Harmon to "The Story of an Old Town." Let us translate ourselves in imagination back to other days. "At evening, when the blood-red crest Of sunset passes through the west, I hear the whispering host returning; On far-off field, by elm and oak, I see the light, — I smell the smoke, — The campfires of the past are burning." CHRISTINE J. WHITLOCK. LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS Deacon Winslow Churchill's Cabin Cover Vignette From pen-and-ink sketch by Miss Harmon from her original painting of cabin, done in 1892 Map of Danby First End Pages Drawn by Miss Harmon; Inked by Christine J. Whitlock Ada Douglas Harmon in Her Garden 12 From photo by George M. Kendall Black Hawk 24 From pen-and-ink sketch by Miss Harmon Bailey Hobson 24 From old tintype, loaned by Mrs. Hally Haight Clarissa Hobson _ 24 From photograph, gift of Mrs. Haight to D. A. R. Millstone in Hobson Mill 25 From photo by Mr. Kendall Bailey Hobson Tavern 25 From photo by Mr. Kendall First Frame House in the County 28 From photo by Bessie Clute Huwen Deacon Winslow Churchill 29 From portrait, gift of Mrs. Hattie Wimpress to D. A. R. Mercy Dodge Churchill 29 From daguerrotype, loaned by Mrs. O. D. Dodge Seth Churchill's Cabin 30 From photo by Edith McCormick Col. Warren's House in Warrenville _ 31 From photo by Mrs. Huwen Pre-Emption House in Naperville 32 From photo by Mr. Kendall Castle Inn in Fullersburg _ 34 From photo by Mrs. Huwen Stacy's Tavern 36 From photo by Mrs. Huwen Stage Coach 36 From pen-and-ink sketch by Miss Harmon Indian Signal Hill on Naperville Road...,. 42 From photo by Mrs. Huwen Map of Stacy's Corners 43 As remembered by William Christian, drawn by Al Chase Mrs. J. S. Dodge _ 46 From photo loaned by Mrs. O. D. Dodge Land Grant from President Polk 48 From original, loaned by Mrs. Hattie Wimpress "The Pioneer" - 50 From photo, gift of Fred W. Sargent, President of C. & N. W. R. R. Dutch Windmill in Mount Emblem Cemetery 52 South Main Street Elms 53 Walter Sabin 54 From photograph loaned by Lucille Rhoades Mansion House _ 55 Gift of Wilbur Cooper to D. A. R. Barnard House on Crescent Boulevard 56 From photo by Mr. Kendall Warrenville Church (now Albright Studio) 57 From photo by Mrs. Huwen Capt. Janes' Home 58 From photo by Miss Harmon Duane Street School ( 1862 ) 61 Gift of Hermon Cooper to D. A. R. Capt. Albert S. Janes 66 From photograph loaned by Mattie Janes Coe Old Station at Main Street 67 From photo, gift of Mrs. Dodge to D. A. R. Philo Stacy 69 From photo, gift of Mrs. Dodge to D. A. R. J. S. Dodge 72 From photograph loaned by Mrs. Dodge Alonzo Ackerman 72 From photograph, gift of Mary Ackerman Sherman to D. A. R. Thomas E. Hill 74 Lake Ellyn 76 The Glen Ellyn Hotel 77 From photo by Miss Harmon The Old Red Bridge 79 From photo by Mr. Kendall The Churchill Twins — on their 91st birthday 79 From photograph loaned by Mrs. Sherman The Five Springs 80 From photo by Miss Harmon Amos Churchill 83 From photo loaned by Mrs. B. B. Curtis The First Automobile in Village 85 From photo by Mrs. S. T. Jacobs Main Street in 1906 .88 From photo by Alexander Grant Main Street — Looking North 95 Glen Ellyn Library 97 From photo by Irene Michet Georgia Allen 109 From photograph, gift of Rose Weidman to D. A. R. Glen Ellyn High School Graduates (1917) 110 From photograph, loaned by Ruth Sanderson Phillips Charter Members of Anan Harmon Chapter, D. A. R 118 Lake Ellyn 119 From photo by H. B. Thomas Aeroplane View of Village 121 North Glen Ellyn Blue Birds _ 122 From photo by Mrs. Huwen New Electric Station _ _ _ 123 New Glen Ellyn State Bank Building _ 124 The Glen Theatre 126 Winter Scene in Stacy Park _ _ 128 From photo by Mrs. Huwen Old Erastus Ketcham House. _ 130 From photo, gift of Mrs. B. F. Hintze to D. A. R. Old Ketch — The Trapper. 131 From photograph, gift of Rose Weidman New First Congregational Church 132 Chicago Great Western Station 141 From photo by Mrs. Huwen New Duane Junior High 145 Glenbard Heavyweight Team (Captain, Benny Wold) 152 Glenbard Lightweight Team (Captain, George Apostolas) 152 Glenbard High 154 Forest Hill Cemetery - 159 From photo by Edith McCormick First Marker Placed by Anan Harmon Chapter 162 Crescent Boulevard Business _ 193 From photo by Edward H. Fell The Village Hall 194 From photo by Mr. Fell The Newest Business District at Main and Hillside 196 From photo by Mr. Fell Map of DuPage County, Showing Historical Spots .Last End Pages Drawn by W. W. Shaw, Jr. % ^torg oi ^n ($& Waam— (Kim pigtt DU PAGE COUNTY jr|UPAGE County was first visited in 1829, according to records, by Bailey lp Hobson who rode in on horseback from North Carolina, and returned two C years later, in 1831 to make the first permanent settlement, installing his family and setting up a grist mill. Willard Scott had hunted through the county and discovered the DuPage River the previous year. The county was officially organized in 1839, so rapidly did the politically minded New England settlers sweep in. The township organization went into effect in 1850, when the county took its present shape and dimensions, which include an area of 345 square miles. Its population in 1850 was 9,290; its estimated population in 1927, was 90,000. From no railroads at all in 1848, there now cross the county's surface the tracks of the Chicago and North Western, the Chicago, Burlington and Quincy, the Chicago, Milwaukee and Pacific, the Illinois Central, the Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe, the Chicago Great Western, the Elgin, Joliet and Eastern and the Chicago, Aurora and Elgin, railroads. Where Indian trails once threaded the grass grown prairie, maps now reveal the red lines of concrete highways, which carry the speeding auto- mobiles across the county in less time than it takes to eat a good dinner. THE ELEVEN NAMES OF DU PAGE COUNTY Illinois County, Virginia Pike County, State of Illinois St. Clair County, Indiana Territory Fulton County, State of Illinois St. Clair County, Illinois Territory Peoria County, State of Illinois Madison County, Illinois Territory Cook County, State of Illinois Crawford County, Illinois Territory DuPage County, State of Illnois Clark County, State of Illinois THE SEVEN NAMES OF GLEN ELLYN Babeock's Grove Danby DuPage Center Prospect Park Stacy's Corners Glen Ellyn Newton's Station THE FIVE OWNERS OF ILLINOIS Indians English Spaniards Americans French It's about as cosmopolitan a piece of territory as can be found among the 48 states. There are nine townships in the county of which Milton is the center; the others are Addison, Bloomingdale, Downers Grove, Lisle, Naperville, York, 18 THE STOEY OF AN OLD TOWN— GLEN ELLYN Winfield and Wayne. Milton Township as it is now called, is in Township 39, Range 10, East of the Third Principal Meridian, in the County of DuPage in the State of Illinois. It was known before 1848 as Deerfield Precinct. "Town of Milton" the old histories of DuPage County call it. In New England in the old days the word "town" had a different meaning from that attached to it today. The "town" might be ten miles square and have several villages in it. The "Town of Milton" then is six miles square and has two villages in it, Wheaton and Glen Ellyn. It was probably named Milton by the Churchill family, after Milton, Massachusetts, a small town of about 10,000 inhabitants a short distance south of Boston. Here there was an old Churchill estate, and here many of the family settled migrating from Ply- mouth, Massachusetts, in the early days of the settlement. Roosevelt Road divides the township squarely in two parts, both villages lying directly north of it. When the township was organized in 1850, there were 10,000 inhabitants. These are the different settlements, now incorporated: Naperville, 1831, by Capt. John Naper. Wheaton, 1831, by Harry T. Wilson and Lyman Butterfield. Downers Grove, 1832, by Pierce Downer. Winfield, 1832, by Erastus and Jude Gary. Glen Ellyn (DuPage Center, Stacy's Corners), 1834, by Deacon Winslow Churchill. Lombard (Babcock's Grove, 1833, by Ralph and Morgan Babcock; 1834, by Luther Morton and Winslow Churchill, Jr.) Addison, 1834, by Ebenezer and Hezekiah Duncklee. Elmhurst (Cottage Hill), 1837, by John Glos. Bloomingdale, 1839. Itasca, 1841, by Dr. Elijah Smith. Hinsdale (Brush Hill), 1854, by Alfred Walker. West Chicago (Turner Junction), 1856, by Hon. J. B. Turner. Roselle, 1875, by Bernard Beck. Bensenville, 1899. Clarendon Hills, by Dr. H. F. Walker. Villa Park. Westmont. HAMLETS IN THE COUNTY, NOT INCORPORATED Ardmore Cass, 1834, by Dr. Bronson, Shadrac Harris and Hartell Cobb. Churchville. Cloverdale. Batavia Junction. Belmont. Big Woods Byrenville East Grove. Eola, by Frederick Stolp. Frontenac Fullersburg. Gary Mills, by Erastus and Jude Gary. Granger. Greggs, highest point between Lake Michigan and Mississippi River. High Lake. Ingalton. Lace. Lisle, 1832, by Luther Hatch. TEE STOEY OF AN OLD TOWN— GLEN ELLYN 19 Meacham, 1833, by Silas, Lyman and Harvey Meacham. Munger. Ontarioville. Sag. South Addison. Schick. Swift. Warrenville, 1834, by Col. J. M. Warren. Warrenhurst. Wayne, 1843, by John Laughlin. Wayne Center. Wooddale. York Center, 1834, by Elisha Fish. Glen Ellyn's legal and geographical description is: Sections 10, 11, 12, 14, Township 39, North Range 10, East of the Third Principal Meridian. West Longitude 88 degrees. INDIANS WTVERY one knows the so-called history of this state: The story of the 1IJ, wars and intrigues of the French, English and Americans with each C^ other and with the Indians, but few of us realize that behind this lies a period many times as long, during which nations rose and fell and people of many tongues swept back and forth across what is now the State of Illinois. "Passing now to the Indians of recent times, we find when LaSalle entered the state December 6, 1679, most of it was held by five tribes who spoke the same language and modestly called themselves Illiniwek, "The men" as distinguished from all the rest of the world, who did not amount to much in their eyes. "As the Illinois became weakened (by the wars with the Iroquois) there flowed a stream of hunting tribes from the northwest into the lands thus left vacant, the Potowatomi, Kickapoo, Sauk and Fox, with the Winnebago and Chippewa at their heels. "They spread over the land formerly held by the Illinois and Miami. The Potowatomi established themselves in northwestern Indiana and Eastern Illi- nois, while to the south of them the Kickapoo took up their position. The Potowatomi ceded their land to the government on September 26, 1833." — The Indian History of Illinois by Ralph Linton, University of Illinois. DuPage County was the abode of many prehistoric animals in the misty ages of the past, long before the known Indian inhabitants. The remains of mastodons have been found in several places. The skeleton of one was found near Wheaton in 1864, while at Aurora a pair of tusks, ten feet long and ten inches in diameter at the base, and weighing 200 pounds, were found also. The rich grass of the prairies and the young trees of the forest afforded an abundance of food for them. The large Indian villages of the county were at Glen Ellyn, Bonaparte, Naperville, Fullersburg and Sag. There was an almost continuous string of these villages along the Des Plaines river as far north as the village of Des Plaines. The Potowatomi had established themselves in the territory about Lake Michigan in Indiana and Illinois. When the first pioneers came to this section of the country, there was a large village or camp of these Indians, numbering 500 or more on the east bank of the DuPage river and south of the trail, now called St. Charles Road. Another large village was situated on the Indian Army Trail, a mile north of the Five Corners. The Potowatomi burying grounds were placed along the DuPage river and its vicinity. One is said to have been on the east side of Main street, between Hawthorne and Maple streets. 20 THE STOBT OF AN OLD TOWN— GLEN ELLYN The DuPage river which rises in the northern part of the county has some peculiar features that are found in no other river of the state. It has an abundance of springs scattered along its banks from the Forks to the north state line. On the west bank, the soil is black running into prairie land; on the east, it is clay, timber-covered. It's a beautiful, placid little stream that ripples on its way, its two forks, the eastern and western, unite about four miles south of the southern boundary of the county, falling later into the Des Plaines river, this together with the Kankakee forming the Illinois river. This final union is as noble a piece of scenery as you'd wish to see, the two smaller rivers joining at the base of a magnificent bluff, known as Dresden Heights, to form the Illinois. This bluff is the destination of a pleasant sum- mer drive and is reached by going about ten miles southwest of Joliet on Route 7, through Channahon, then keeping a sharp lookout for a crude little board sign that points you east down a lane a couple of miles to one of Illinois' greatest outlooks. Buffalo also roved over the country, their tracks making a trail through the lush prairie grass. As they followed each other, they cut deep tracks into the soft loam of the prairie which were used by the Indians on their journeyings to and fro. There were large herds of deer ranging through the forests. There were foxes and wolves, prairie chickens, wild turkeys and quail, wild geese or brants, wild pigeons, ducks, sandhill cranes, mink and squirrels. The wolves proved such a menace after the coming of the settlers that the government offered $5.00 bounty for each wolf three months old. The prairies and swamps were not only thickly covered with the prairie grass but countless varieties of the most gorgeous wild flowers bloomed in the utmost profusion. It was the custom of the Indians to set fire to the prairie in the fall of each year. The grass grown very high impeded their view across the prairie; besides the fires drove the game into the forests where it was easily trapped and killed to provide the winter's supply of food. The fires extended for miles with nothing to stay their fury, and were a great menace to the little settlements along the DuPage River. On the Naperville road about a mile south of Wheaton, is an Indian signal hill, on the west side of the road. It's the highest point in the county and the view from its crest is magnificent. One can see in every direction the fair and smiling landscape spread out in its green mantle. The hill is very symmetrical, gradually rising from the flat plain around it. It is a bit longer from east to west and has a few native old oak trees on the top. Gen. Scott's army camped on it during the Black Hawk War. It's now called Round Grove, and it has been proposed that it should be acquired for a public park. Most of the present highways were Indian trails in the days before history. Joliet Road was an old Indian trail and is one of the oldest highways in the county. It is called Park Boulevard, after it enters Glen Ellyn. Father Jacques Marquette, French Jesuit missionary, was the first white man to set foot in the county of DuPage in 1673. He was born in Laon, France, in 1637, and was therefore 36 years old at the time he made his journey of discovery to the country that was to become Illinois. It was from St. Ignace mission, just opposite the island of Mackinac that Father Marquette, Joliet, the explorer, and five men set forth in two birch bark canoes on their journeys to brave the unknown wilderness. Their outfit consisted of a bag of corn meal, a string of dried beef and a blanket apiece, also beads and crosses for gifts to the Indians. Father Marquette's mission was to carry the cross and his religion to the natives and Joliet's was to establish trade for the French and enable them to occupy the country. It was mid-summer when they reached the mouth of the Aux Plaines river, then called "the Divine." In the course of their journey, they went through THE STOBY OF AN OLD TOWN— GLEN ELLYN 21 the southeastern edge of DuPage county along the river, stopping for a few days at an Indian camp. This is our most historic site, the Sag, so called for the Saquenash Indians who inhabited the valleys thereabouts. It is ten miles south of the present village of Downers Grove, but due to the changing river course is now just over the line in Cook County. It was the seat of an Indian village and on the hill where the little Catholic Church of St. James of the Sag Bridge now stands, there was an old Indian burying ground. Also later there was a fort on the hill, a drawing of which may be seen at the Chicago Historical Society. The little cnurch is near the site of Marquette's mission, and it is sur- rounded by a burying ground like the churches of New England. The present cemetery was established in 1849, but there are tombs bearing the date of 1819 and 1849. These were undoubtedly bodies that had been brought there for burial. The first church and school were in a log cabin near the point of the hill in 1849. Chief Waubunsie and his tribe lived on the site of Downers Grove previous to the coming of Pierce Downer in 1832. The hunting ground between here and the Sag was called Ausagaunaskee, meaning "The tall grass valley." Indian trails quite plainly marked are to be seen still in wooded portions of this location. Marquette discovered the Mississippi on this journey, and Chicago, also, for he and Joliet were the first white men to enter the Chicago river and the first white men to cross the Chicago Portage, from the Aux Plaines river to the South Branch of the Chicago river, escorted by their Indian guides. This Portage was older than history and had been used by Indians for untold ages. Marquette's route was up the Illinois, up the Aux Plaines, up a short creek that connected Mud Lake and then the portage of a mile and a half to the west fork of the south branch of the Chicago river, then on to Lake Michigan. This route was used until 1836 by the fur traders, Indians and early frontiersmen. A year later, Marquette died, victim of the hardships endured on his two voyages. He was 37 years old; what a marvelous achievement, what self denial, what energetic determination, what religious zeal, what lasting fame was his, for which he paid with his life! From 1673 to 1800, a stretch of 127 years, until the time of DuPage, the fur trader, no white man entered the county. For over a hundred and fifty years it had awaited the coming of the pioneer; through summer storm and sunshine, through the blasts of winter when the snow king reigned, it had bided the advent of the white man; no voice but that of the Indian broke its eternal silence; the wild beast roved through the forests and across the prairies that were soon to awaken to the thrill of a new race and a new life on its virgin soil. And now the stage is set for the coming of the pioneer. 1800 DuPage (Du Pazhe, original French) French trapper, hunter and fur trader, following the trail blazed in 1673-4 by Marquette and Joliet, settled at the mouth of the DuPage river, at the junction of the forks, a few miles south of Naperville's present site. He built a trading post, some log houses enclosed in a stockade. He was an agent for the American Fur Co., of St. Louis, and had under him a band of French- Canadian half breeds who carried out the furs in pack loads on their backs, or if it was the spring of the year and the Aux Plaines river in flood, in canoes to the Indian camp on the site of Chicago. From here they were carried in bateaux to Mackinac and later shipped to Montreal and then to Europe. The furs, pelts from bear, deer, fox, wolf, coyote, beaver, mink, musk-rat and buffaloes, were brought by the Potowatomi and Kickapoo Indians to trade for powder, shot, flints, bright calicoes. 22 TEE STOBY OF AN OLD TOWN— GLEN ELLYN 1800 beads and other trinkets. They pitched their tepees on the opposite side of the river from the trading post, where the old men, squaws and papooses remained, while the warriors crossed the river in their canoes to dicker with DuPage. Like many Frenchmen of the period DuPage probably had a squaw for his wife and he had great influence over the Indians. His dress was of fringed buckskin. Tanned and bare-headed, his hair long and black, he looked like an Indian when speaking their language fluently. After the trading was ended, there was always a great pow-wow, of dancing and feasting. DuPage, though little is known of him, was of enough importance to leave his name to the county and the river. 1803 Fort Dearborn erected. Since this date, Chicago has been a permanent residence of American pioneers and citizens. For years it was a fur trading station. 1812 War of 1812. Massacre of officers, women and soldiers from Fort Dearborn, near Eighteenth Street and Lake Michigan. Six soldiers of this war are buried in Forest Hill Cemetery. 1818 December 3. Illinois admitted to the Union. 1820 The Potowatomies numbered 3,400. At that time the government paid them yearly $5,700. 1821 Chicago and its environs were surveyed in government sections. 1826 Marc or Mark Beaubien, born in Detroit in 1800, one of the most picturesque figures in pioneerdom, came to Chicago. In 1828 he bought a log cabin from James Kinzie and in 1830 built a frame addition, the first frame house in Chicago. He conducted a tavern in it called the "Sauganash," the Indian name for a Billy Caldwell, a great friend of the whites. This tavern stood on the southeast corner of Lake and Market streets, and the site was marked in 1926 by the D. A. R. with a tablet. This was the first regularly licensed tavern in Chicago, its owner also conducted a general store and ran a ferry across the river at Wolf Point. The story goes that Mr. Beaubien was so genial a host that he oftentimes neglected the ferry, at which the outraged citizens protested and finally the county commissioners passed an act requiring the ferry to be kept running from daylight to dark. When business shifted, the Sauganash was taken over by Messrs. Isherwood and McKenzie, Chicago's first theatrical managers, who made the tap room into an auditorium seating 300 and in October, 1837, gave the first theatrical performance. Mark Beaubien was the father of twenty- three children, a son Frank G. Beaubien, lives now in Austin. Beaubien Court is named for the family. 1829 Bailey Hobson (born 1798-1850), son of John H. and Charlotte E. Hobson, came first into DuPage County on horseback from North Carolina. Two years later (1831) he returned bringing his family, his wife, Clarissa (born 1804-1884). The Hobson children were all educated in eastern colleges and convents, and some were sent to Europe. Hally Haight, of Naperville, said Bailey Hobson's mother was a decendent of a Seminole Indian chief. Anan Harmon Chapter, D. A. R., possesses the kerchief Bailey Hobson wore around his neck when he rode into the county, the gift of Mrs. Haight. Chicago was surveyed and platted into village lots. 1830 Stephen J. Scott from Maryland and his son, Willard, discovered the DuPage River near Plainfield while on a hunting trip. He ascended it as far as the Forks. Here he settled, built a comfortable log house, and soon other families settled nearby. TEE STOBY OF AN OLD TOWN— GLEN ELLYN 23 1830 Willard Scott lived with the Indians, hunted with them, and became skilled in their woodcraft. He was the third chief of the Potowatomi and was given the title of "White Eagle" by them. "The title 'White Eagle' originated in this fashion. Mr. David McKee, an acquaintance of Mr. Scott, had in his deal with the Indians received a buckskin coat from one of them as a pledge for certain goods sold to him. A time at which the coat was to be redeemed was fixed, but when it arrived the Indian did not make his appearance and the coat, therefore, became the property of Mr. McKee. It was subsequently sold to Mr. Scott. "Several months after, Mr. McKee, having occasion to visit an Indian settlement near Racine, for the purpose of trading with them, Mr. Scott accompanied him. Among the Indians in the settlement they found the one from whom Mr. Scott had received the coat. Seeing the article in Mr. Scott's possession, he instantly demanded that it should be given up. "He was told he could have it by paying the sum for which it was left in pledge, but this he refused to do, at the same time persisting in his demand for an unconditional surrender of the garment. Upon receiving a peremptory refusal, he threatened to take it by force. This consider- ably aroused the ire of Mr. Scott who told him that if he wanted the coat, he might try the expediency of taking it from him. Upon this, the Indian left them, threatening him with great vengeance and promising to return immediately with a sufficient force to take the coat from his back. "He soon returned, accompanied by some fifty or sixty of his com- panions, all fully armed and painted in the most barbarous manner. Their appearance was enough to terrify any one who was unaccustomed to the strategems to which Indians resort to carry their ends. As they approached, Scott and MeKee gathered up their arms and stood in a defensive attitude, confronting the whole party. "The Indian who claimed the coat advanced and demanded it, threat- ening their destruction if again refused. Mr. Scott boldly informed him that the coat was on his back and if he wanted it, he must take it off. In the meantime a young Indian chief who was acquainted with the cir- cumstances of the case, came and took a position with them, saying he would stand by them in any emergency. The Indians then set up a most unearthly howling and continued for some time to dance around them, flourishing their tomahawks and trying to intimidate them with the most awful threats and grimaces. At last, finding their efforts to obtain the coat unavailing, they withdrew, leaving Scott and McKee in full possession of the field. From that day afterward, they always ad- dressed Mr. Scott as 'White Eagle', a title which belonged to none but the bravest." — History of DuPage County, by C. W. Richmond and H. F. Vallette. There is no doubt that Willard Scott saved the settlers of DuPage County from massacre by the Indians and their property from destruction through his friendship with the Indians during the Black Hawk War. Elijah D. Harmon, ancestral relative of Miss Ada Douglas Harmon, was the only surgeon at Fort Dearborn; for a while, the only physician in Chicago. He was born in Bennington, Vermont, in 1782, and was an assistant surgeon in McDonough's fleet in the battle of Plattsburg. Harmon Court (now Eighth street, Chicago) was named for this surgeon. 1830-32 Black Hawk, who is the most famous Indian of Illinois history, often passed with his tribes of Saux and Foxes through the vicinity of Glen Ellyn over the Indian Army Trail which led from the Indian village at Chicago to the great Winnebago village where Beloit, Wisconsin, now stands. This trail received its name and much of its fame from the fact that during the Black Hawk War, Gen. Scott led his army over it. Two of his soldiers are buried on the Bartlett farm near the trail. 24 TEE STOEY OF AN OLD TOWN— GLEN ELLYN 1830-32 The trail is one mile north of the Five Corners and is now called Addison Road as it passes through that village. It runs from Addison, now, to a short cross-road south of Wayne. Black Hawk was not a chief by birth but acquired the title by bravery and wisdom. He was born at Sauken- auk on the Rock River, the Indian village that was burned by George Rogers Clarke. By birth he was a Potowatomi but was brought up by the Saux. He was a handsome figure, 6 feet tall and of kingly bearing. At the time of his war he was 48, though he looked much older, because of the many hardships he had endured. The Black Hawk War was the chief's effort to rally all the Western Indians into a confederation to resist the encroachments of the whites, but only the restless Saux (Sacs) and Foxes followed him. He had his followers on the north side of the Rock River about a mile before it reaches the Mississippi on a high bluff since known as Black Hawk's Watch Tower. Troops were called out, and the Indians retreated up the river to a point north of Dixon, where they defeated the soldiers and then attacked the settlements along the river. After Black Hawk was captured, and he was taken through the east as a captive, where he created a great sensation, he was sent back to his own country beyond the Mississippi, where he was restored to his tribe as chief, subordinate to Keokuk, and where he lies buried near the present village of Iowaville, Wapello County, Iowa. On the Rock River, a little north of Oregon, towering above a lofty bluff, looms the likeness of Black Hawk, sentinel over the valley, as immortalized by Lorado Taft in a stately statue. 1831 Bailey Hobson was the first white settler on the soil of DuPage County. Bailey Hobson Clarissa Hobson He and Harry Boardman built a mill two miles south of Naperville on the Joliet Road, the first to be built in the northern part of the state. TEE STOBY OF AN OLD TOWN— GLEN ELLYN 25 Millstone in Bailey Hobson's Grist Mill 1381 There was no grist mill north of it, not even at Galena, which at that time was a very important city. This mill was known far and wide. Men with their teams and loaded wagons were obliged to wait several days for their turn at the mill to get their grain ground. In order to accommodate them, Bailey Hobson built the tavern just east of the mill across the river on Joliet Road. The barn was also built especially for housing the loads of grain while waiting their turn. Bailey Hobson's first home was a log cabin built back of where the tavern now stands near the spring. Daniel M. Green ran the mill on shares during the years 1836-37. The cash receipts for meal were over $4,000 a year. Hobson Tavern 26 TEE STOBY OF AN OLD TOWN— GLE N ELLYN 1831 John Hobson, son of Bailey Hobson, who was a great hunter, built the little stone house on Joliet Road (in 1844) a short distance from the site of the mill. Bailey Hobson also built a saw mill near the other mill to accommodate the early settlers who were building their homes. The foundations of the mills, the mill race and the dam can still be plainly seen, also near the bridge the foundation of the miller's log cabin. The mill was moved in 1894 across the road onto the Andrew Wehrli farm. It is very interesting to see the huge wooden beams put together with wooden pegs. These were sawn in the mill. Two sets of the mill- stones are in the foundation of this barn. The other set, the D. A. ,R. hope to use to mark the site, as they are still in the ruins of the mill. The Wehrli farm is part of the old Hobson homestead. The millstones were imported. Two Gary brothers, Jude, twenty-one years old, Erastus, and their sister, Orlinda, came from their birthplace, Putnam, Connecticut, and took up a claim at Big Woods near Warrenville, where they built the saw mill on the DuPage River, and sawed most of the lumber that went into the buildings in the county. Jude, who had joined the Methodist church when he was eleven, was the circuit riding preacher, the first preacher in the Five Corners meeting house, and no matter how busy he was, he always had time for religious duties. Erastus was the father of the late Elbert Gary, head of the steel company, who was born on the homestead, and who passed away in the summer of 1927, his remains lying in the Gary Mausoleum in Wheaton cemetery. First school house in the county at Naperville, first teacher Leister Peet. Wheaton Settlement begun by Harvey T. Wilson and Lyman Butter- field. Mr. Babcock, Thomas Brown and Jos. Chadwick soon followed. Capt. Joseph Naper came in the winter from Ohio. His family and that of his brother, John, came in July. He conducted a flourishing trading post, dealing with settlers and Indians. 1832 Downers Grove settled by Pierce Downer who emigrated from Jefferson County, New York. Lisle settled by Luther Hatch on farm near present site of the railroad station. Frederick A. Myers, father of four sons who sleep in Forest Hill Cemetery, Frederick A., Edward R., William Henry and Charles, all soldiers in the Civil War, was a soldier at Fort Dearborn, 1832-33. Pre- viously he had been a year at Fort Niagara. After Fort Dearborn, he was stationed at the fort on Mackinac Island. He was a man of much learning for those days, speaking seven languages. In the journal he kept at Fort Dearborn, there is a record of events from January 1, 1832, to February 14, 1834. This journal is now in the possession of the Chicago Historical Society, loaned by Mrs. Fred Myers of Glen Ellyn. It is said he married a woman of Indian descent after leaving the army. He was a fur trader among the Indians (Ojibwa) for many years. He translated the Ojibwa language, making a dictionary with the Ojibwa words and their English equivalents. His home in the east must have been at Youngstown, New York, for he says he got leave to attend his father's funeral, May 8, 1832, at that place. He bought much property in Chicago, once owning the site of the court house. He died in Chicago and was buried in the old cemetery on the shore of the lake, now Lincoln Park. His sister, Mrs. Gene Snyder, was born on board a vessel at Chicago, said to be the first white child born in Chicago. 1833 Two brothers, Ralph and Morgan Babcock, took up claims on site of Lombard and including the land on the DuPage River. The Five Corners was first called Babcock's Grove after them, also it was the first name of Lombard. TEE STORY OF AN OLD TOWN— GLEN ELLYN 27 1833 Fort Payne built at Naper's settlement during the Black Hawk War, named for Capt. Payne who was sent there by Gen. Atkenson at Ottawa with 50 men to build it. It had 2 block houses surrounded by pickets on the river, and now included in the college campus. August 10. Chicago was incorporated as a village. September. A great council of the Indians was convened at the village of Chicago. After the close of the Black Hawk War it was necessary that the Indian title to Northern Illinois land should be speedily ex- tinguished. Many immigrants were coming in for the land. So the council was called. It consisted of three tribes, the Chippewas, the Ottawas and the Potowatomi of Illinois, and was the last great council in Northern Illinois. Across the river from Fort Dearborn, the council-fire was lighted. The Indians were encamped about the village, on the level prairie, on the sandy beach of the lake; companies of old warriors sat about, smoking and palavering, the chiefs strode about in their picturesque war cos- tumes; squaws and papooses were everywhere; here a little band was just arriving accompanied by wolfish dogs, there were groups of hobbled horses; the tepees covered with mats and gay blankets were surmounted by poles on which meat had been left to dry. Fort Dearborn within its palisades, with its slender garrison and little group of officers, looked down upon the scene. The quarters were too small to house the government commissioners, so a row of plank huts had been built on the north side of the river. Days passed. It was in vain that the signal gun from the fort gave notice of an assembly of the chiefs at a council-fire. Always there was some excuse for delay, but finally on September 21, the chiefs gathered under a spacious open shed until there were about thirty at the lower end of the enclosure, while the commissioners, interpreters and others were at the upper. It was late afternoon, the light of the setting sun streaming in under the low roof of the council house fell on the figures of the commissioners, while the Indian chiefs sat in shadow. So the palaver began and lasted five days. On September 26, it was concluded, the Indians giving up their homes and lands forever. The three tribes ceded to the United States the entire remainder of their lands in Illinois that had not been sold already. They received 5,000,000 acres of land on the east bank of the Missouri River and hundreds of thousands of dollars beside, to be used for building mills, buying farming tools, for the education of their children and for their support. The Potowatomi were the last tribe to take their departure from Illinois, lingering around Chicago until 1836, when they were removed by Col. J. B. T. Russell, eventually to Oklahoma where many of them have become wealthy because of oil found on their land. DuPage was one of the ten counties included in this treaty. St. Charles settled by Evan Shelby, of Indiana, and Ira Minard. The village was first called Charleston but was changed to St. Charles it is said, because so many of the Teutonic settlers had difficulty pronouncing the word. Silas, Lyman and Harvey Meacham, from New York, settled in the township of Bloomingdale in March, known to the Indians as Penneack Grove, named for a root found in it resembling the potato. The Meacham brothers during their first year built a log house for each of their families, broke and planted forty acres of prairie, and fenced it in to protect it from their stock which grazed on the open fields. Meacham's Grove, 1,200 acres of fine timber, lay in this town. The trail made by Gen. Scott's army, in going from Fort Dearborn to the Mississippi is about one and one half miles south of the grove and was still visible when the first settlers came. The settlement was first known as Meacham's Grove, then when it was platted, the name became 28 THE STOEY OF AN OLD TOWN— GLEN ELLYN 1833 Blooming-dale a few years later, and the "Meacham" was transferred to the little settlement a mile and a half northeast, where it survived until the Shriners translated it into the mystic Medinah in 1926. First Frame House in the County 1833 George Martin came to Naperville from Scotland and built the first frame house in the county. It is just south of Naperville on Ogden. It is made of black walnut, with beams in the ceilings, and the floors of that wood. In 1883, Mr. Martin built a fine brick mansion near the first house, on an eminence overlooking Naperville, which you see as you drive to Aurora. It's filled with wonderful antiques, many of them from Scotland. The property has been continuously in the family since 1833. George Martin, fourth of that name, was born in Edinburgh, Scotland, November 29, 1826, died at Naperville, July 15, 1885. The house is now occupied by his son and wife. First church in county built in Lisle Township at Naperville. With one exception, it is the oldest Congregational church organized in the state — the first one organized at Mendon in February, 1833, and this one July 13, 1833. Rev. Jonathan Porter and Rev. N. C. Clark, missionaries for DuPage county with Rev. C. W. Babbitt of Tazewell County, founded the church. Rev. Jeremiah Porter was pastor 1836-40. Rev. Hope Brown (ancestor of Mrs. M. M. Moore) was pastor for eleven years. 1833 Frederick Stolp, 52 years of age, walked all the way from New York state to Illinois, prospecting for a home for his large family. He chose land in Naperville township, near the present Eola, as he found clay there suitable for making bricks. His first house was of logs, but his permanent home was of bricks made from his own place, as also were several neighboring farmhouses and some buildings in Aurora. He acquired sufficient land so that each of his seven sons had a farm in DuPage County. After selecting his claim, he walked back to Pultney- ville, N. Y., and in 1834 returned with his family, his wife and seven sons and two daughters. His daughter, Catherine, her husband, David Crane, and their child, Frederick, came too. It was this Frederick Stolp who in 1842 bought an island in the Fox River in Aurora from the government for $12.72, known as Stolp's Island. Later he sold tne island to his nephew, Joseph Stolp, who at an early day built a large woolen mill there, of bricks made at his uncle Frederick's farm "east of the Big Woods." This island now contains the city hall, the post office, library, two hotels and other business property. Frederick Stolp died in 1873 at the age of 92 years. 1834 First white settler at Babcock's Grove (Five Corners) Deacon Winslow Churchill from New York who came to Chicago in the schooner La Grange with his wife, Mercy Dodge Churchill and eleven children, all of the family but one son. Three of the sons also had their families with them. TEE STOBT OF AN OLD TOWN—GLEN ELLYN 29 Deacon Churchill Mercy Dodge Churchill 1834 Deacon Churchill built the first log cabin. It had one large room, a bedroom, a leanto, a loft where the boys slept, climbing up a rude ladder. The large room had a fireplace where the cooking was done, and two small windows and an outside door facing south. The cabin overlooked a Potowatomi Indian village of 500. It stood on a high hill just east of the bridge over the DuPage River on the north side of Lake Street now St. Charles Road. It was still standing in the '90s but has since been torn down and the hill excavated for gravel. Wild game was plentiful. Droves of wolves howled around the little settlement. The stock was kept in a little leanto and all was enclosed by a stockade, formed by large trees cut and placed close together. Deacon Churchill took up a claim eight years before the land was surveyed paying the government $1.25 an acre. He made the first roads, helped build the first school house, conducted the first religious meeting, organized the first Sabbath School. He was a Methodist. Many of his descendents are still living here in Glen Ellyn, among them Mrs. B. B. Curtis, Mrs. Joseph Clark, Mrs. Hattie Wimpress, W. H. Churchill. Among the settlers coming into Bloomingdale this year were: Harry Woodworth, Noah Stevens, David Bangs, Elias Maynard, Major Skinner and Daniel Noble. Addison begun by Ebenezer and Hezekiah Duncklee, from Hillsborough, New Hampshire, and Mason Smith from Potsdam, New York. They took up claims which they marked, the timber claims by marking the trees, and the prairie claims by plowing a furrow entirely around each one. Three barrels of frozen apples were planted by Mr. Duncklee in 1836, from which nearly all the region was supplied with fruit trees. Salt Creek received its name from the fact that a team loaded with salt became stalled while fording it, and the driver lightened his load by rolling several barrels into the water. Augustus Ingalls came from Belchertown, Massachusetts, to Addison Township. He was born in 1805 and died in 1889. 30 TEE STOBY OF AN OLD TOWN— GLEN ELLYN 1834 York township started by Elisha Fish in the spring. The township contained thirty-six square miles and later developed three towns, York Center, Cottage Hill (later Elmhurst) and Babcock's Grove (later Lom- bard). Other settlers coming in the next two or three years were: Henry Reader, Luther Morton, Benjamin Fuller, Nicholas Torode; in 1836, John Talmadge, David Talmadge, Jesse Atwater and Edward Eld- ridge joined the community. Many of the settlers came from New York, so when they were called upon to name their precinct, "York" was their natural selection. Seth Churchill, Deacon Churchill's oldest son, built a log cabin one- half mile east of the DuPage River on St. Charles Road, which is still standing, said to be the oldest house in the county. It was once used for a tavern, also for school, church and Sunday School purposes as well as a dwelling. M9| f * -%■ V S**w, £ v ' Seth Churchill's Cabin John Davis Ackerman (born in New York, October 24, 1799, died in 1859) made a squatter claim which he afterwards purchased. He built a log cabin on the south side of the Indian trail. There were but two houses between his log cabin and Chicago, which was then a mere vil- lage of a few log cabins. Later, he built a farm house just east of the Christian home on the north side of St. Charles Road. The first school house of the settlement was in this house, before the log school house was ready. His wife was Lurania Churchill, one of the twin daughters of Deacon Winslow Churchill. He was an expert sportsman, often mak- ing $18 a day trapping. Mrs. Ackerman had a loom and wove the cloth and blankets used by the family. She lived until March 31, 1893, passing away a month after celebrating her 91st birthday with her twin sister, Mrs. Christian. First house built by Col. Warren of Warrenville, small white house still standing on Warrenville's main north and south street, now occupied by Mrs. Mary Lamb, 93 years old, and her daughter. Only three families have ever lived in this house, no child has ever been born in it and only two deaths have occurred in it. Col. J. M. Warren staked out his claim on the DuPage, made a dam and built a mill. The community developed a post office, a school house a trading center and a hotel. Says Harry Beardsley: "So many team- sters, farmers, mechanics visited the mills that the big frame bunk-house Col. Warren had built was inadequate and a hotel was constructed. Its attractive location, Col. Warren's hospitality and the fact that it had a large ballroom made it a popular resort. It was not a mere tavern but TEE STOBY OF AN OLD TOWN— GLEN ELLYN 31 ^^^^ i $JII§I Ipfe v -■>' ; ■ ■^^s £*^^ : •■ ■>>•' :v ^iL ^» K |4^P' : ■ ^ ■>i ^^yli »&**.* ■mi i*W ^^ • *iJskf- ■ lil^s^ : ; .|Lj^^: ■■■.•'■ ;< iiii 1?^^ ^tlt^ p9 |l|f|l& -- 8 " x * ? 5^^ Col. Warren's House 1834 a hotel, built and furnished on a little better scale than was customary, and boasting of the largest and finest ballroom in the region. Here, it is related, many of Chicago's pioneer citizens, including Long John Wentworth, first learned to dance." The old hotel still stands, now a private home on the north side of the road, just east of the bridge crossing the river. This and other taverns at central points between Chicago and the Fox River, figured in a series of dancing parties during the winter, according to Long John Wentworth who thus described the procedure: "We used to have much more snow then than we do now, and large sleighloads of people would be fitted out from the city to meet the young people from various parts of the country . . . The custom at these parties was to leave Chicago at about four o'clock in the afternoon, take supper on the way out and engage breakfast for the morning, and after dancing all night, get back to the city about nine or ten o'clock." Jean B. Beaubien, brother of Mark, brought the first carriage to Chicago. He also brought the first piano. His military talents were recognized by the governor of Illinois so that in 1855 he was commis- sioned brigadier general. The Militia of Cook and DuPage Counties was organized at a tavern owned by Barney H. Langton, near Lyons on the Des Plaines River. The tavern was called or is now Riverside and was kept by Stephen J. Scott. Jean Beaubien was elected colonel at this meeting. A log schoolhouse was built near the station at Lisle, it was also used as a church. Rev. Jeremiah Porter, that venerable old pioneer and cir- cuit rider, preached occasionally in it. Wayne settled. First family that of John Laughlin. Among other settlers that year were: Capt. W. Hammond, R. V. Benjamin, Ezra Gilbert, J. V. King, W. Farnsworth, James Davis, Wm. Guild, Joseph McMillen, Isaac Nash, Daniel Dunham and Ira Albro. 32 THE STOEY OF AN OLD TOWN— GLEN ELLYN Pre-Emption House 1834 Pre-Emption House, built by George Laird at Naper's Settlement (Naperville) still standing, corner of Water and Main Streets, was built for a tavern and was so conducted until just within the last few years, being occupied the last forty years, until his death in 1927, by S. F. Hiltenbrand. The house is unchanged except for the addition of a north wing which doesn't show in the picture, and new window panes which replaced the tiny old ones. All the framework is of oak, hewn out of timber on the spot and the clapboards are of black walnut. The shingles are the original hand-made ones. The house was named and dedicated by the following lines spoken from the ridgepole of the frame when finished: "This place was once a wilderness of savages and owls Where the red man once roamed and the prairie wolf howled This house now erected, the place to adorn To shelter the living and babes yet unborn; We'll call it Pre-emption; a law that's complete, For the use of George Laird who says he will treat." Its important niche is evidenced by these words of an old settler: "It was the biggest thing between Chicago and the Mississippi. My, the dances we used to have there! The landlord would clear out the dining room and give us full swing. Everybody danced in those days. The drivers would come in from their wagons, haul off their big boots and dance in their stocking feet. Dance all night!" Pre-emption: the act or right of purchasing before others. Specifi- cally, the right of an actual settler upon public lands (particularly those of the United States) to purchase a certain portion at a fixed price in preference to all other applicants. — Webster's Dictionary. 1835 Pioneers coming this year were Moses Stacy, Jabez Seymour Dodge, A. S. Janes and James McChesney, also Milo Meacham, Horace Barnes, Royal Walker and F. D. Abbott. This part of Babcock's Grove settlement now called DuPage Center. Israel P. Blodgett, one of first settlers of Downers Grove, emigrated from Massachusetts. TEE S TOBY OF AN OLD TOWN— GLEN ELLYN 33 1835 First death at Babcock's Grove was that of Amanda Churchill, daugh- ter of Deacon Winslow Churchill. Hers was the first funeral held in the log cabin schoolhouse, the sermon preached by Rev. Pillsbury. She was buried on private grounds, (the Busch farm) but later the remains were removed to Forest Hill cemetery. The stone over her grave still stands, hoary with age. The inscription reads: In Memory of Amanda Daughter of Deacon Winslow Churchill and Mercy Dodge Churchill Who departed this life, June 12 A. D. 1835, aged 21 years, 1 month and 8 days. Friend, physician, comforter This is the body and the clay This grave can ne'er claim her here When Jesus calls thee to his home. Moses Stacy, coming around the lakes from New York in a sailing vessel, reached DuPage Center and built his log cabin. The cabin was fourteen by sixteen feet in size, with a puncheon floor and a roof of split logs, the lower layers of which were channeled so as to catch the drainage from the upper ones. Later it was moved up just west of the tavern and used to house the guests. Mr. Stacy took up the land from the government paying $1.25 an acre. The settlement became known as Stacy's Corners. 1836 The first school house was built in what is now the Township of Milton, then called Deerfield Precinct. This was several years before the Town- ship organization. The school was built on the north side of the hill, a quarter of a mile south of Forest Hill Cemetery on Riford Road. It was surrounded by trees and vines, with an abundance of wild flowers and fruits near by. The building was of logs, donated by the people. It was twenty feet long and fifteen feet wide. The roof was made of shakes, a rough shingle, four feet long and eight inches wide. For flooring, puncheons were used, the slabs split from logs, flat side up. The seats were benches made of the same rude materials. Sawed lumber could not be had at this time without great trouble and expense. There were two windows, with six small panes of glass in each; a broad old-fashioned fireplace occupied one end of the room. Children came to school a distance of two or three miles. Quill pens were used exclusively then, though steel pens had been in- vented in 1803, but were not much used until 1839, and it was the teacher's duty to prepare and repair them for the children. The first teacher was Miss Maria Dudley, sister of Judge Dudley of Naperville. Among others who taught here were Miss Harriet Janes, sister of Judge Janes, Mr. Babcock, one of the brothers from whom the grove received its name; Mr. Enor, John Vallette, and Horace Barnes. This being the only public building of its kind in the vicinity, it was used for various purposes. In the long winter evenings, you would find men, women and children gathered together from all directions to par- ticipate in spelling matches, debates and so on. The building was occa- sionally used as a place of worship. When a minister failed to come, some of the people read Dr. Watts' sermons. St. Charles Road (then Lake Street) leveled and graded. The land between Chicago and Oak Ridge (now Oak Park) was all marsh and sloughs. In the spring, after the rains, it was exceedingly difficult to flounder through the mud and water. The Aux Plaines River (now the Des Plaines) had to be forded and when it was swollen by 34 TEE STORY OF AN OLD TOWN— GLEN ELLYN 1836 freshets, travelers were sometimes held up several days or a week. It often took a week to go from Stacy's Corners to Chicago (and now we complain because all our trains don't do it in forty minutes.) In 1835 Father Walker, a Methodist missionary among the Indians, bought some land on both sides of the Aux Plaines. He used to ferry people, horses and vehicles across by using two Indian canoes on which he built a rude platform. Later he built a rough bridge 200 feet long. When the road to Galena was built by the government it passed through Father Walker's land. In order to get through the sloughs at all, trunks of trees were laid in the soft mud and allowed to settle, creating the comfortless corduroy roads which were characteristic of all the main traveled roads into Chicago. St. Charles led in the effort to improve the roads between itself and the river, the village subscribing $2,000 to lay out and build a road from that place over the historic old Indian trail to the Aux Plaines. During this summer, a force of men with oxen and plows were at work, grading, leveling, filling in the low places and making ditches along the sides to carry off the surface water. The Indian trail thus became St. Charles Road. Galena and Chicago Union Railroad given a special charter.. Israel Blodgett and Samuel Curtis bought part of Pierce Downer's claim and hitched six oxen to a log, dragging it back and forth for several days till the prairie in its way was reduced to the semblance of a trail. This they christened "Maple Avenue" and later planted with sugar maple trees, now more than ninety years old which give special dignity to the old street in Downers Grove. Israel Blodgett made the first plow used in the county, and built the first blacksmith shop. The chief occupation of the pioneers was farming, including sheep raising, the wool of the flocks being spun into yarn to make clothing. Some of the amusements of the period were quilting parties and carpet rag sewings when the women spent the day with their neighbors who were in need of assistance. There were cutting bees when the young folks had a frolic cutting and paring apples and pumpkins which were to be dried for the winter's use. The men took part in corn huskings, wood chopping, rail splitting, house and barn raisings. Fires were of frequent occurrence. Castle Inn Castle Inn, Fullersburg (just across the bridge east of Hinsdale on Ogden Ave. and still standing) built by Oriente Grant. Besides being the THE STOBY OF AN OLD TO WN— GLEN ELLYN 35 1836 birthplace of Lioie Filler, the famous dancer, it was a station of the Underground Railway before and during the Civil War. While the Plank Road flourished, Barto Van Velzer kept a toll gate just below Castle Inn on Ogden or the Plank Road. Fullersburg, on Salt Creek, just north of Hinsdale (and now annexed to it) declined the railroad by refusing to accept the money offered by it for its right of way when it finally went through the region, so it went a trifle southward, created Hinsdale and left Fullersburg to run its famous cider mill, and to flourish as best it could on the defunct plank road, even though it were the birthplace of Loie Fuller, the dancer, and held a tavern where Lincoln and Douglas once stopped over night. July 4th, the citizens of Meacham's Grove (Bloomingdale) yoked oxen to a huge log and drove them west half way to Elgin, where they were met by Elgin citizens with their log and oxen, thus marking out the main road between Chicago and the Galena lead mines, now Lake Street or automobilely speaking, Route 5. "In Warrenville the Baptists, Presbyterians and Methodists built a union church and worshipped in the same building in brotherly love and unity." — Atlas. Peter B. Curtis, from New York, came to the county and bought land for $1.25 an acre from the government. The farm descended to his son, Alonzo, and continued in the family until it was sold to the county, for the county farm in 1888. Mrs. Luther Wagner, of Bradenton, Florida, daughter of Alonzo and granddaughter of Peter B. Curtis, lived on this farm in her girlhood. When the old house was finally torn down, Clarence Curtis secured some of the wooden sills and made several ash trays and a jewel box from them, for members of the family. Alonzo Curtis had married Rebecca Schatz who had the first millinery store in the village, living then with her parents on Crescent in the present Deiber home. She made hats and sewed for the Stacys and other villagers. Alonzo ran his farm, but he was licensed as a minister and could preach and marry people. ^ (^fpiSLE the oldest township in point of settlement in the county is said to be named for Samuel Lisle Smith, the most brilliant orator and lawyer of his time in Chicago and city attorney for 1839. However, the settlers didn't wish to call their village Smith, so they took their hero's middle name. Of him, Horace Greeley wrote in 1847, "The star of the whole assemblage was a young Chicagoan, Samuel Lisle Smith. He stood without a rival." The young genius didn't go so far as he might, however, because of his love of conviviality and his adequate income which didn't require him to work. He died in the cholera epidemic of 1854 and only the tiny village through which the cars whiz unconsciously on Ogden Avenue, keeps him in memoriam. Butterfield Road, now planned to be a great superhighway, is said to be named for Lyman Butterfield, one of the first settlers who home- steaded 160 acres just north of Lisle and bordering on what is now Butterfield road. Another famous Butterfield is Justin, First United States District Attorney at Chicago, and associated with Samuel Lisle Smith in the practice of law. If not the inspiration for the name of the Butterfield Road, it might still stand justly as a memorial to him as a great highway creator, for he was the author of the canal bill which authorized the construction of the drainage canal, and as the United States Land Commissioner, he secured the land grant with which the state subsidized the construction of the Illinois Central Railroad. 36 THE STOBT OF AN OLD TOWN— GLEN ELLYN Stacy's Tavern 1837 Stacy's Tavern built at the Five Corners (on the south side of the Geneva Road just back of the Five Corners store) by Moses Stacy is still standing (1928), though unfit for occupation. The tavern is a frame house, the boards of which it was built being sawed at the new saw mill at Gary Mills on the west bank of the DuPage river. Here the stage coaches stopped on their way from Chicago to Galena and Rockford. The tavern is a low, rambling, picturesque white house, with a colonial doorway facing Geneva Road. In the early days it had a sign swinging in front of it. Moses Stacy, the landlord was born in Belchertown, Hampshire County, Massachusetts in 1796. His father, also Moses Stacy, and a native of that state, was a Revolutionary soldier. Moses the second, with his family came around the lakes in a sailing vessel from New York state in 1835. His tavern was a place of good cheer for the pioneers as they stopped on their way to Chicago with a load of grain hauled by oxen. I have heard Philo Warren Stacy (his son) say that the village was a Stage Coach — Sketch by Miss Harmon TEE STOBY OF AN OLD TOWN— GLEN ELLYN 37 1837 halting place for Indians on their way to Chicago and that as many as 2,000 have camped here at a time. Many Indians found shelter for the night in the old tavern. Stacy Tavern was also called the "Halfway House" because it was half way between McHenry and Chicago. The loaded teams arrived from the west late at night and left early in the morning for Chicago. David Christian, born near Lake Champlain, New York state, settled at Babcoek's Grove and built a frame house, the first in the settlement. He married one of the famous twins, Christiana Churchill, daughter of Deacon Winslow Churchill. He gave the land for the cemetery, one acre — the rest was acquired by purchase from Winslow Ackerman. Erastus Ketcham, famous old trapper, was his step-son. He married the mother, Christiana, one of the famous Churchill twins who had married a Mr. Ketcham, and become a widow after eleven months. Christiana came west with her twin, Lurania — who married John Acker- man — her father Deacon Winslow Churchill and the rest of the Churchill clan who made the trip together. The twins lived to celebrate their 91st birthday, February 15, 1893, and were at that time the oldest twins in the United States. Erastus Ketcham, Christiana's son was a noted character. He was the first white trapper on either fork of the DuPage river. He came to this stream when there were only a few houses in Chicago and he was obliged to cross the Chicago river in a scow. He has hunted over the site of Chicago and in almost every county from Lake Michigan to Cairo. In the Sag, west of Blue Island, he killed six deer as fast as he could load and shoot. The record that this old hunter made in taking wild animals is scarcely more remarkable than his experience in hunting bee trees. He was a friend of the Indians, his life being saved at one time by them. He married his cousin Mary Jane Churchill and lived for more than half a century in the little frame house on St. Charles Road, now stuccoed over and occupied by Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Hintze who won two Tribune prizes for their garden in 1927. The old house contains beautiful hand made doors and hand made nails. When he lived there it was a veritable arsenal, filled with his hunting equipment He had a wonderful soprano voice and sang the old church tunes, so it was said, soaring quite above the singing of the whole congregation. Everybody called him "Old Ketch." He lies with his family in Forest Hill cemetery. The famous Buck Horn tavern was built about half way between Addison and Bloomingdale, near the present eastern limits of the Nordic country club's Lake street frontage, and was one of the most popular hostelries along the route between Galena and Chicago when the lead mine traffic was at its height. Gary Mills built by Jude and Erastus Gary, only saw mill in district, supplying wide territory with lumber for building. All that is left now of the pioneer enterprise is a bridge over the West branch of the DuPage River on Roosevelt Road in Winfield Township where the road turns sharply north for a few hundred feet, before it goes west again with the West Chicago Road going north just a little ways from the mill site. The mill race can be plainly seen. There is a large forest tree growing on it. The water of the river ripples over some stones across it, where the dam was, and the foundation excavation on the east bank of the river is still there. This locality was also called Mill Creek and Glen Ellyn Sunday Schools used to go there for their picnics. Jesse C. and Warren L. Wheaton from Connecticut, settled in county and made claims on present site of Wheaton. 38 THE STOBY OF AN OLD TOWN— GLEN ELLYN 1837 March 4th, Chicago was chartered as a city. Sabbath school established: Sheldon Peck, superintendent; Deacon Winslow Churchill, librarian; Lindsley Newton, Ira Babcock, Philura Dodge and Charlotte Dena, teachers. The old blacksmith shop at Stacy's Corners was used as a church for about a year before the church was built. It was cleaned out every week so it was ready for meetings on Sunday. As soon as the St. Charles Road was completed, the stage coach made its appearance. Its important business was the carrying of mail from town to town across the state, but it seemed the acme of speed and comfort after lumbering ox teams and heavy wagons. The coach traveled at the rate of six miles an hour with four horses as a team, fresh relays of these being made at taverns along the road. The first stage coach was Dr. Temple's which made the trip from Chicago to Galena tri-weekly, passenger rate being five to six cents per mile. r^HE Hubbards had come to Chicago in 1836, and a year later pre- (j|/ empted a tract of land near Glen Ellyn. Dr. Theodore Hubbard was appointed first postmaster by President Polk and served in the days when the mail was brought long distances on horseback. In 1850 the Hubbards returned to Chicago, where the husband took up the practice of medicine at which he became very successful. Mrs. Hubbard, of dis- tinguished ancestry (her grandfather was Elijah Ward in the Continental Army and father, Ebenezer Ballou, in the war of 1812), was the mother of seven children. One son, Adolphus, founded the Sons of the American Revolution. Mrs. Hubbard was elected as Honorary Life member of the United States Daughters of 1812. In her later years, she was again in Glen Ellyn, and after her death at an old age, she was laid to rest in the family lot in Forest Hill cemetery. 1838 Frink and Walker bought Dr. Temple's stage coach line and continued in business for eleven years, until the railroad was built. Their coaches ran between Chicago and St. Charles, later to Bloomingdale, Naperville, Aurora and Ottawa. The mail was carried on the flat top of the coaches which accommodated nine to a dozen passengers and were quite com- fortable with their upholstered seats. They were topheavy affairs, how- ever, and often overturned. The drivers of the stage coaches were regular jehus, dirty, swaggering and profane. In times of danger they were cool-headed, often rescuing passengers from drowning in times of flood at great risk to their lives. The travelers were only too glad to stop at the hospitable taverns along the road, to stretch their weary limbs and ease their aching backs as well as to find some refreshment. They entered them to find a jolly fire of great logs roaring up the chimney, the host, a genial smile on his face, scurrying around in great haste to set food before them and make them comfortable. Settlement at Five Corners now called Deerfield Precinct. 1839 DuPage County separated from Cook County. It has a fraction over nine townshios, is bounded on the north and east by Cook County, on the south by Will and Cook and on the west by Kane. A commission of three men, Ralph Woodruff of LaSalle County, Seth Reed of Kane County, and H. S. Loomis of Cook County, was appointed to locate a county seat, to buy three acres of land and raise not less than $3,000. A society called the DuPage Society for Mutual Protection was formed for the purpose of securing the rights and interests of the settlers to their respective claims. First election of county officers held at the Pre-Emption House, Na- perville. THE STOBY OF AN OLD TOWN— GLEN ELLYN 39 1839 Naperville was selected as the county seat because it was the oldest town in the county, the largest town then, with a tavern, a saw mill and a trading house for furs, built by Col. Naper, and it was on the great highway between Chicago and Galena. A court house was built, about $5,000 being subscribed by the citizens, standing on Washington Street between the present Y. M. C. A. and the Nichols Library. It was a frame building two stories high with a jail in the basement, quite an achievement for such a little settlement to accomplish. Bailey Hobson was appointed commissioner of the county to obtain title from the government for the public square on which the court house was erected. Naperville's importance was also increased by its possession of Fort Payne built during the Black Hawk War, a defense consisting of two block houses surrounded by pickets. Capt. Joseph Naper was the first licensed merchant in DuPage County. Orlinda Gary, sister of Erastus and Jude Gary, married Jesse C. Wheaton, March 6th. The city of Wheaton was named in honor of her husband. This sketch written by Harriet N. Warren Dobson in 1888 gives a vivid picture of Orlinda Gary and the ways of the pioneers: Mrs. Dobson, by the way, was the daughter of Col. J. M. Warren, of Warrenville: "The first summer here we asked one day for the ponies and wagon of our father to go and call on a girl whom we heard had recently come from the east to keep house for her two bachelor brothers. Our father was a little reluctant to let us have the horses, knowing how little experience we had in driving. We had already invited Ruth Murray and Amelia Fowler to go with us in case we could secure the team. "My twin sisters and myself with these two neighboring girls started on a visit to Miss Orlinda Gary (now Mrs. Wheaton, for whose husband the place now called Wheaton, about eight miles east, was named). It was only three miles north of us, but we were late getting off. Father said we better leave the harness on the horses as he feared we could not get it on right again, but we were not obedient to his orders. We found Miss Gary in the field helping her brothers put in their corn, but nothing would do but we must unharness those horses, as she said, 'I guess a girl going through the Indian war can unharness a pair of horses,' so we of course, allowed her to do as she pleased. Such a time though, as we did have when we attempted again to replace that harness, made us wish we had regarded more faithfully our father's wishes. I think nearly every buckle must have been undone. We were so long getting the harness on, if I remember rightly, the brothers had to be called to our assistance, although they were evidently not intending to come in from the field while we remained. I presume they did not care to be seen in thir coarse garments, bare feet and smutty faces. "The first move by our hostess after the harness was removed was to wash the floor while we were loitering around the outside admiring the scenery, the next move was to put on her shoes and stockings, comb her hair, dress herself neatly, all the time talking and visiting except the short time she was dressing. A brisk fire was made, the tin oven brought on, and such a marvelous supper was set before us. It was all so good, such a nice variety, it seemed like magic. Splendid biscuits, a nice custard pie, cake, some kind of stewed fruit, probably brought dried from her eastern home, honey, etc., and all done by her own hands, most of the time chatting and visiting. She would not allow us to help and now as I look back and think of her and all she accomplished in that short afternoon fifty years ago, it seems like a dream." The meeting house was built at DuPage Center. It was a frame build- ing, the lumber for it prepared at Gary Mills on the DuPage River near Warrenville, owned by the Garys and Jude Gary, one of the brothers, was the circuit riding preacher who ministered to it. The little church 40 THE STOEY OF AN OLD TOWN— GLEN ELLYN 1839 was built after the style of New England, white, prim and puritan. It had no spire nor bell, the windows were high and narrow with small panes of glass. It had box pews with little doors or gates which one entered from the aisle. It stood for twenty-three years near the north- west corner of Stacy's Corners, opposite the tavern. It is now the old building on the high foundation on Crescent, formerly the Saunders home, but now occupied as a rooming house. When the foundation was prepared and the lumber brought, there was a house-raising party, all the work of the building being donated. The people gathered from far around and after a hard day of labor, the men sat down to a bountiful meal prepared by the women, a meal consisting of wild game roasted over a huge bonfire, cornbread, wild honey, dried apple pie, and other pioneer dainties. There was no organ or choir in those days, such an innovation would have been wicked indeed, a snare of the devil, but a leader stood up in front of the congregation and sounded the note on a tuning fork by placing it between his teeth and suddenly withdrawing it and putting it to his ear, when all joined in singing a hymn with some fifteen or twenty verses, the tuning fork sounding at the beginning of each verse. Religious services had been held from the beginning in the log cabins of the various settlers, and in the log school house, but as the com- munity grew, this proved inconvenient and inadequate. Sabbath for the hard working pioneers, was not only a day of religious observation but also of enjoyment and mutual communing with friends and neighbors. The congregation came in wagons drawn by oxen or on horseback, for miles around. If it was summer, after the morning service of two hours, a picnic dinner was eaten under the trees of the grove and a social hour enjoyed. If it was winter, the hospitable housewives of the settlement invited the folks to their homes. The newspapers of that day were few and far between, so the Sabbath gathering served in their stead. Another service of two hours' length was held in the afternoon. While the pioneers during the week time dressed in homespun, on Sundays the women put on their "best" gowns, perhaps twenty years old, of slate colored silk, stiff and full, with a white muslin kerchief folded across their breasts, and prim poke bonnets with strings tied under their chins. In their hands they carried a small Bible and a sprig of rosemary enfolded in a handkerchief. The men were solemn and dignified in broadcloth and black satin choker. And here's a pioneer flapper. Behold a gay rustic belle dashing up to the door on horseback. Dark grey woolen stockings, cowhide brogans with leather shoestrings, a very short sky blue silk skirt, somewhat faded, a black silk waist or sleeveless jacket also much worn, a square muslin cape with a broad unstarched ruffle, a huge white leghorn sugar scoop bonnet, with a long black feather, tied under her chin with a parti- colored ribbon. Kimball Stacy, son of Moses, was one of the original church trustees and was one of the active members of the building committee. He died in his youth at the age of twenty-two years, May 5th. His was the first funeral service held in the meeting house. The little church was Methodist in creed, and it was for many years ministered to by circuit riders of whom two names remain to local fame, Jude Gary and James McChesney. CTTHE circuit riders in general, including these two, were preachers who VJ]/ served the Lord for love, not money. They were versatile, often earning their living by working a farm, teaching school, doing carpenter work or tailoring during the week. The people of the scattered little churches were very poor, they had to pay for what little schooling their children received and it required much self-sacrifice to pay the preachers the $200 or $300 a year which THE STOEY OF AN OLD TOWN— GLEN ELLYN 41 1839 they certainly earned. Perhaps the pay would not be money at all, "but a load of cordwood, a bushel of cornmeal, a smoked ham, two yards of flannel, anything- they grew or made. The circuit rider Was a great lover of good horses, the care of his horse, his companion on dangerous and lonely trips across the wilderness was his first consideration, so much depended on the good condition of his faithful beast. Starting out on his mission at the end of the week, he would place in his saddle bag first, of course, the Bible; a few tracts and some printed sermons; Pilgrim's Progress and a few other books of like nature to be loaned to some isolated families; a supply of food for his journey and a few other necessities. His sermon, on arriving at his destination, would likely be on tem- perance, the popular subject of the period, all his eloquence as an ex- horter being brought to bear on his listeners to urge them to sign the pledge without delay. Another favorite topic was slavery, upon which feeling was beginning to be intense and the hearts of the people shadowed with forebodings of trouble to come. After the toil of the long Sabbath day, the circuit rider would become the guest of the tavern and its host. Before the hospitable log fire he would relax and entertain his listeners with stories and experiences, a jolly companion whose hearty laughter was often heard over some joke at his own expense. The host of the tavern accepted no fee for enter- taining the circuit rider — it was a free will gift in the cause of the Lord. On Monday morning bright and early, the circuit rider would mount his horse and ride back to his farm or his bench. He would perhaps visit the several churches on his circuit once in every two or three months, at other times the congregation must depend on printed sermons read by some prominent member of the congregation. 1840 Bloomingdale Road (Main Street) opened. Name of Lake Street changed to St. Charles Road. Rev. James McChesney second circuit rider preacher One of first weddings at Stacy Corners celebrated April 27th, when Gilbert Way and Harriet Fish were married. The bride was the daughter of Daniel Fish who lived on the northwest corner of Bloom- ingdale Road (Main Street) and St. Charles Road. Miss Experience Gifford taught first school in Bloomingdale in log house. Mark Beaubien traded the Illinois Exchange, at the Northwest corner of Lake and Wells Streets, Chicago, with Richard Sweet, for a farm of 260 acres and the old tavern at Naperville on the Plank Road. He moved to the tavern and kept the toll gate in front of it, charging three cents a mile. This tavern was a mile and a half east of Naperville in the locality known as Sweet's Grove, on the Chicago Plank Road (now Ogden Avenue) in which Mr. Beaubien owned stock. Another toll gate was kept by John Lundy for the same fee, at the crossing of Western Avenue and the Plank Road. Just east of the tavern, which still stands (1928) is a little private burying ground for the Beaubien family. Here lies Mark's brother, Gen. Jean Baptiste Beaubien who was active in defending the pioneers of Lisle township during the Blackhawk war, who was one of the organizers of .the Cook and DuPage county militia and who was commissioned brigadier general by the governor in 1855. Also, here lies an old soldier named Smith, who fought under Napoleon Bonaparte. 42 THE STOEY OF AN OLD TOWN— GLEN ELLYN 1841 First frame schoolhouse built on Bloomingdale Road one block south of Stacy Corners, across the street from the present Forest Glen School. Jesse Childs Wheaton, son of the pioneer for whom Wheaton was named, taught in it many years later. Isaac Bradford Churchill, son of Deacon Winslow Churchill, records in an old account book of 1841 belonging to his daughter, Mrs. Hattie Wimpress that he lost $200 worth of grain and hay by fire; that for staying five times in Chicago the expense was $2.50; that he paid $2.57 taxes on lot 8, block 69; that the village owed him $4.60 for taxes on the village lot; that the weaving of thirty- three yards of cloth at seven cents a yard cost $2.31; that he paid eighteen cents for one bottle of Godfrey Cordial, twenty-five cents for one bonnet and thirty-eight cents for two bushels of potatoes. He had to take his corn to the mill in Naperville to be ground. Pupils in 1841, in the Sabbath School started in 1837, were: Miles Winslow and Elbyron Ackerman, Kimball and Philo Stacy, Charles and George Peck, Mary Ann and Horace Churchill, Laura Hubbard, Irene Babcock, Robilla and Lusana Dodge, Almera and George Fish and Louis Hand. The preachers were William Kimball and Brother Hubert, the presiding elder, I. T. Mitchell and the leader of the class, Levi Bellou. Some of the members were: Mary Bellou, Seth, Roxana, Winslow, Jr., Hiram, Horace, Drusilla, Isaac B. and Angelina Churchill, Eunice Miller, Clarke and Wayne Corbit, M. D. Morton, David and Christiana Christian, Sylvanus, Laura, Ruth and Clarissa Janes, Harriet Peck, Moses and Joan Stacy, Andrew W. and Sarah Freeto, Malena Powers, Lurana and Miles Ackerman, Sylvanus Barney, David Honeywell, Lucy Ann Dodge and Rebecca Kimble. 1842 Naperville platted and recorded February 14th, first recorded plat in the county. The minimum value of land in the vicinity of Stacy Corners was $1.25 an acre and the maximum $1.50. Two bushels of potatoes sold for thirty- eight cents bushel. Taverns at Elmhurst were: Cass House on St. Charles Road; beyond Salt Creek, a large solitary house, long known as "Bleak House"; cottage of Gen. A. C. McClurg. Esquire Bates bought the Ogden McClurg dwell- ing calling it "Hill Cottage" as it stood on a slight rise of ground. He was the first postmaster of the settlement which was named after his home, continuing in office for more than forty years. All these taverns went out of business at the coming of the railroad and were sold to farmers and other settlers. 1843 Stephen Bronson from New York came north of Naperville and bought 500 acres from the government for $1.25 an acre. He parceled this Indian Signal Hill THE STOEY OF AN OLD TOWN— GLEN ELLYN 43 1 5 £ a; 3 » i 4 *K 'a I- V 5 ^ *SL '5L ^ > i l o 31 a v. <(| if) Y^^Kftj^O ^ *§ <3 <9 ^ i © ctwo^l K %Jk f*. j'-\?'.yV,V ' '/■'• <«4 •''■'^v-':\ : '.'.' : ''-- «U ^ *?>£>*w&v-;:c-; K <0 S> c El Nj a a a B (9 1 >i ■4T" "9 i 3 *t l 4 ■1*1 3:j K 3 5 I & I* «» If ^ ^ 1 8 1 U 8 5 % \ S 1 VJ ^ n) u. IE 1 ■ Elms in front of C. E. Clare's residence William H. Wagner came from Hamburg, Pennsylvania, and started a blacksmith shop. Jonathan Weidman came from Reading, Pennsylvania, his brother John following in 1853. Fullersburg (now absorbed by Hinsdale) fourth village, on Ogden Avenue, on the old Plank Road (now Ogden) platted February 20th. Mark Beaubien frequently visited at the tavern, Castle Inn — still stand- ing — where Loie Fuller, the famous dancer, was born. The Naperville Academy incorporated, Rev. Hope Brown one of the founders. 54 TEE STOEY OF AN OLD TOWN— GLEN ELLYN 1851 Walter Sabin, from New York, came and taught school here for many years. "During his administration our school ranked as one of the best in the county. 'The Danby School' and 'Sabin's school' were synonomous terms. Small of stature, awkward and ungainly in appearance, handicapped by the loss of an eye, not having had the advantage derived from collegiate or higher school training; nevertheless by his splendid tact, devotion to his calling and constant enrichment of his mind, he was enabled to win and hold till the end, until old age caused his retirement, the respect and 2steem of the whole community. "The Danby school never met defeat in a spelling match. In mental arithmetic, no school would contest with it. Its grammar or parsing classes held on fixed evenings during fall and winter were well attended, not only by the pupils but by others who were inter- ested in such work. At these evening sessions such works as 'Thanatopsis,' Pope's 'Essay on Man,' Pol- lock's 'Course of Time' were analyzed and parsed." — !| L. C. Cooper's Reminiscences. Walter Sabin Thomas B. Bryan named Elmhurst (formerly Cot- tage Hill. Co. H. 105th Infantry of the Civil War was called "The Bryan Blues" in honor of Mr. Bryan. He was vice-president of the Chicago World's Fair. He was the founder of Graceland Cemetery, and of the Fidelity Safe Deposit Company, in which millions were saved from the Chicago fire. He built Bryan Hall, which was the city's principal place for holding concerts. He purchased the original copy of the Emancipation Proclamation for $3,000, and gave it to the Chicago Historical Society, but it was destroyed in the great fire. 1852 When Mr. Bryan purchased his summer home in Elmhurst, the prairie was the haunt of prairie chickens and other wild game. It was entirely devoid of trees, except for a few cottonwoods, and was shrubless, except for a few wild rose bushes. He purchased his summer lodge and spent six happy years there. Thousands of deciduous trees and evergreens, including specimens of each variety were transplanted by Mr. Bryan to his new estate. He called it "Byrd's Nest," Byrd being the Christian name of his wife. The name became especially appropriate in later years as the trees grew large and dense and were filled with myriads of birds. During the early years of my residence in Glen Ellyn, a flock of wild cranes often came to Lake Ellyn. We were told they had flown from Elmhurst, where the original pair had nested on Mr. Bryan's estate. He took the utmost pains to pro- tect them, instructing the small boys of the village not to rob their nests or kill the birds. They became quite a large flock and were very pictur- esque sailing over our lake. Among Mr. Bryan's distinguished visitors, was George P. A. Healy, the artist, who had recently returned from France. Many of Mr. Healy's portraits of distinguished Americans hang in the Newberry Library. David Kelley built the Mansion House, the first tavern in Danby, stand- ing on the corner of Main Street and Crescent, on the site of the new Glen Ellyn State Bank, directly across the street from the old Galena and Chicago Union Depot, built by Dr. Newton. It was a frame building with green blinds and a colonial doorway which opened into a large central hallway. The bar of the tavern was on the southwest corner. A large parlor was just back of it, while across the hall from this room was the kitchen. The dining room in front of it. faced Crescent Boulevard, and was directly across the hall from the bar. THE STOEY OF AN OLD TOWN— GLEN ELLYN 55 1852 The second floor was given over to bedrooms and a long hall. On the third floor was the ballroom, complete and up-to-date for the period. The balls there were high-toned affairs. Imagine the guests arriving in carryalls and chaises and by coach from Naperville, Wheaton, War- Mansion House Among ladies on upper veranda is Mrs. E. C. Rickert (Ella Weidman) renville and Bloomingdale; the ladies attired in hoop skirts and bright- colored taffeta gowns, flounced and ruffled; the men in tight fitting breeches, swallow-tail coats, embroidered vests and chokers. Up start the fiddlers; soon all are tripping it; Money Musk, Sir Roger de Coverly, Virginia Reel, jiggs and marches. Snuff boxes are brought out in pauses of the dance and gracefully used. Quite a substantial supper is served late in the evening, with wine flowing in abundance. The first veranda of the Mansion House served as a storehouse for the hogsheads of beer which were rolled across the street from the depot, for now "hard drinks" were kept and sold from the public houses, instead of from the grocery stores, where they had been sold over the counter in jugs like molasses. The town pump stood on the west end of the veranda. Here all the farmers stopped to water their horses, stroll into the tavern after mail, and incidentally get a drink of beer to wash the dust of the road from their throats. It took a lot of beer to accomplish this sometimes. The town pump was kept in prime condition, well-oiled and running smooth. Many the head that was held under the spout while a friendly hand pumped the cool water over it "to sober up." The pump was a great convenience and a source of civic pride. At any time of day could be seen a row of men seated on the first veranda, their chairs tilted back arid their feet on the railing, smoking and chewing tobacco. They occupied reserved seats as it were for the prime event of the day, "the hull show" of seeing the cars come in. There was a never-ceasing curiosity to view the stranger that "lighted" and comment on his appearance and business. They brought the news of the day and supplied the want of a daily newspaper. 56 TEE STOBY OF AN OLD TOWN— GLEN ELLYN 1852 Milo Meacham built the Danby House, the tavern on the site of the Newton-Baethke building, southwest corner of Main and Crescent, a three story frame building. Barnard House The Barnard farmhouse built on Crescent (burned March 7, 1928). It was built by Thomas Filer, an ardent abolitionist. It was constructed of lengths of cordwood, as the fire revealed, set in a kind of concrete and then plastered over on the outside. The roof and some of the walls had been insulated by being packed inside with sawdust and grass. Mr. Filer ran a station on the Underground railway, his barn being right on the highway, where he concealed the slaves. In a cubby hole under the stairway of the house was the entrance to a tunnel which led to the barn. The Barnard family acquired the place fifty-six years ago. It has been repaired and is again occupied as a home. First minister in Danby, the Rev. James McChesney, grandfather of Charles McChesney, who held services in the hall of the Danby House. J. C. Hartzell, teacher in Danby's school, afterward Bishop in charge of M. E. missions in Africa. 1853 Duane Street School built. There has been a school on this site ever since this earliest building. Wheaton and Fredricksburg (Winfield) platted. Illinois Institute (Wheaton College) founded, first president Prof. Lucius Matlack. It was one of the underground railway stations for runaway slaves, as well as the old Barnard or Filer home. Also Israel P. Blodgett's home in Downers Grove. Mr. Blodgett would often conceal as many as eleven slaves in his attic, feed and clothe them and send them on to the next station, the Illinois Institute. Here they were again hidden in an attic by President Matlack, till it was safe to send them on, perhaps to the Filer house on Crescent, where they were hidden in the barn. From there the slaves were taken to Chicago, one of the stations being the old Tremont House, and from there to Canada and safety. The slaves were transported in farm wagons loaded with produce under which they were concealed. All those local links with the past give a reality to the thrills Uncle Tom's Cabin used to send quivering through one's system. THE STOBY OF AN OLD TOWN— GLEN ELLYN 57 1853 Mark Davis, an o". \ bachelor from New York State, lived with his sister Mary Ann on a fan. . two miles south of the village. He was postmaster at Danby during Prtsident Pierce's administration. The old house on the north side of Butterfield road, east of Park Boulevard, now empty, was the Davis home, and here the young folks from the village loved to gather, going there in sleigh loads in the winter time, and sometimes being snowbound over night, while Mark fiddled for their dancing, and his sister, Mary Ann. set forth good food for their cheer. After the death of the two, the house was occupied by their niece, Mrs. Brundage. She later sold the place and it now lies waiting the subdivider's attention. 1854 Danby Lodge No. 187, I. O. O. F. organized October 12 with Isaac D. Kelley, W. F. Saylor, Dr. H. S. Potter and E. Ballou as members. This is the oldest organization in the village but it has not been continuous, for as years went on, the older members died or moved away, and it lapsed. During the Civil War, H. and Matt H. Wagner, Alonza N. Holmes, Elisha Ballou, Mr. Pickard and Walter Sabin were members. Henry Benjamin, first school teacher in the Duane School, built the house on the northeast corner of Main and Duane. Mrs. Capron lived there many years, when Nathan Randall bought it. His daughter, Mrs. Jauch lived there twenty-four years, when it was sold and is now the site of the Baxter drug store. It was moved kitty-corner from the Glen Ellyn Storage Company on Duane, by R. A. Willcox who rents it to tenants. Dutch windmill built on Pennsylvania Ave., a little north of present telephone building. It was really north of Pennsylvania, which was then just a narrow road, so named by the Wagner brothers after their native state. There was no Anthony Street — it was all just prairie — and the mill stood about where Henry Bassett and Valentine Sikler have their gardens. It was a grist mill, well patronized, but it was destroyed by fire. No one living here now ever saw it; few remember of it. Frank M. Wagner had heard enough about it to supply this information. Warrenville Church Methodist Episcopal church built by the Garys in Warrenville on the first street east of the river, north of the bridge on the paved road, where Elbert H. Gary once went to school. Now the studio of the artists, Emory Albright and Sons, Ivan, the painter, and Marr, the sculptor. A visit to this studio is a delightful ex- perience, combining history and mod- ern art. DuPage County Agricultural and Mechanical Society formed. Two lightning rod factories at Wheaton. Mrs. William H. Wagner, Frank Wagner's mother, used the first oil lamp in Danby in the house still standing, No. 470 Pennsylvania Ave. Cottage Hill (Elmhurst) platted. 58 THE STORY OF AN OLD TOWN— GLEN ELLYN 1854 Land in Hinsdale sold for $5.25 an acre. Mrs. Joseph Norris of West Chicago, eighty-three years old, has lived in vicinity of village since 1854. She remembers both Lincoln and Doug- las and their debate there in 1858. 1855 Danby platted and recorded. Turner Junction platted and recorded (now West Chicago.) Excitement over slavery question. Danby folks went to see "Uncle Tom's Cabin" and wept over its sorrows. The last wolf hunt. A thousand men in the roundup. The Evangelical church of Itasca had its beginning. Charter members of the church and pioneers of the community were the families of Lud- wig Biermann, Henry Gathman, Sr., Henry Gathman, Jr., Henry Twacht- man, Gottlief Biesterfelt, Christian Pfleuger and Mrs. Henry Schuette. Charter granted by legislature for Illinois Institute (Wheaton College) which began with forty acres of land and $3,000 cash in donations. In its first year it registered 140 students, in its second, 270. Its faculty for 1856 was as follows: Rev. Lucius Matlack, president; G. H. Collier, A. B., Prof. Mathematics and Natural Philosophy; O. F. Lumry, A. B., Prof. Greek and Latin; Miss M. A. Newcomb, A. B., Prin- cipal Female Department; Mrs. Minerva Hoes, M. D., Anatomy, Physi- ology and Botany; Sebastian Pfrangle, German and Music and L. A. Jones, Assistant Teacher. It was founded by Wesleyan Methodists. 1856 North Western tracks changed from Crescent Boulevard (then Delevan), to present location. Albert Janes built with his own hands the little white house at the corner of Main and Pennsylvania, where the Buchholz building stands. Capt. Janes' Home — Used as postoflice during Civil War The DuPage County Gazette issued at Wheaton for several months. Chicago and Naperville competed with each other, each advertising goods from New York and both sought trade of farmers. The Plank Road scene of continuous travel. West Chicago officially begun, named Turner Junction in honor of John Turner, one of the early presidents of the North Western. It was THE STOEY OF A N OLD TOWN— GLEN ELLYN 59 1856 merely a junction where the Aurora branch of the Burlington came to meet the Galena and Chicago Union Railway. Construction was begun this year on the Chicago, Iowa and Nebraska R. R. which with the Galena Road became the nucleus for the present great North Western. A famous resident near West Chicago was Ashael A. Gates, father of John W. (Bet-a-million) Gates who was born on the farm and started his first business venture as a grain and hardware dealer in a little building still standing on Depot Street. Daniel Dunham, of Wayne, erected a barn fifty by one hundred feet, with room for 100 horses and 300 tons of hay. It cost $4,000 and is probably the largest and best arranged barn in Northern Illinois (Dun- ham's Woods). In Downers Grove (and probably in most of the other places since there is much sameness about salaries) says the little DuPage County History: "The highest compensation paid to teachers is $25 per month. The average number of months in the year in which school is taught is eight. The average monthly compensation of female teachers has been about $14." Danby, with a population between three and four hundred, had one hotel, two drug stores, three dry goods stores, one cabinet shop, one grist mill, one tin and hardware store, one blacksmith shop, and one lumber yard, with Dr. L. Q. Newton, Dr. H. S. Potter and Dr. Saxe as its phy- sicians. 1857 The Danby house was the scene of political debates and debates on slavery, feelings running high, and controversy often growing bitter. Wheaton and Naperville were rivals for the county seat. The Methodist Episcopal church organized at Wheaton as a circuit, later becoming the Gary Memorial Church, the building given by Judge Elbert H. Gary as a memorial to his father and mother. 1858 Lincoln-Douglas debate at Turner Junction (West Chicago) July 28th. Lincoln stayed at the Danby House in October, and made a speech there. The Danby House stood on the site of the Newton-Baethke building on the southwest corner of Main and Crescent. Mrs. Matilda Locke and Albert Kelley both vouch for this statement. Mrs. Locke's father, Alonzo Ackerman, heard Lincoln make his speech. 1859 Danby amusements consisted of spelling bees and debates in the school, sleigh rides or hayrack rides with a dance at some farm at the end, ice cream sociables, concerts, etc., in the church. Tombstone to James E. Burr, died April 26, 1859, erected on Wheaton College Campus, at wish of Mr. Burr who had given money to school and wanted to be buried on its grounds. THE SETTLING SIXTIES 1860 Albert Janes appointed postmaster, filling the office till he enlisted in the Civil War. Then his wife was sworn in and served during his absence, keeping the office in the little white house on the corner of Main and Pennsylvania. Illinois Institute changed hands going into the control of "Orthodox Congregationalisms" with the co-operation of its founders appearing as Wheaton College with this objective by its trustees: "The intention of the trustees is, that the instruction and influence of the institution shall bear decidedly against all forms of error and sin. The testimony of God's 60 TEE STOBY OF AN OLD TOWN— GLEN ELLYN 1860 word against slave-holding, secret societies and their spurious worships, human inventions in church government, war, and whatever else shall clearly appear to contravene the kingdom and coming of our Lord, Jesus Christ, is to be kept good. Done at Wheaton, January 9, 1860, signed by A. H. Hiatt, chairman, and W. L. Wheaton, secretary." John Hatch, who in the early Sixties and probably before that, drove a stage which carried mail and the infrequent passengers between Danby and Bloomingdale. "As a child I remember him as a thin, wiry, little man, busy and bustling. The stage had evidently been painted bright red at some time or other, but as I recall it, it was a dim, dusty affair, with a creaking noise and swaying motion as it toiled along toward Bloomingdale. I never seem to remember it as coming down the hill, but always going up. John Hatch was a quaint, slow-spoken Yankee. He made the trip once a day, rain or shine. He was a pioneer rural free de- livery letter carrier, though he was not so called, but he did kindly deliver letters to the farmers on his route from Danby to Bloomingdale and his coming was always looked for eagerly. The old stage route was discontinued when the 'Hough,' railroad was built and Roselle was laid out." — Mrs. Mattie Coe's Reminiscences. Some village characteristics during the decade of the Sixties as re- called by Mattie Janes Coe: "Jack Hayden was a half brother of Miles Allen, but he lived by himself and kept a little candy shop to which many pennies of the children found their way. He was a cripple, one leg being much shorter than the other, so that he always swung along on a crutch. His little store faced the street parallel to the railroad and half a block east of the Mansion House. Later he added a pool table and the children's patronage grew less but their affection for him and his stories never waned. "Another village character was Charles Hardy, who was blind but had no trouble recognizing his friends and who found his way about with no trouble. He used to make it a point once in so often and especially on rainy days to "make a few remarks" at the close of the school session Everyone mourned when he was killed by the cars in the Eighties. "The principal store in the Sixties was kept by Charles Du Brock, his family living in rooms above the store, the first family in town to live in a fiat. It was on the southwest corner of Main and Pennsylvania, across from my father's house and was destroyed by fire in 1865. The first fire Danby ever had. "Dr. L. Q. Newton (great grandfather of Frank Q. Newton and Mrs. Walter Laing) lived on the northwest corner of Main and Pennsylvania and Miles Allen built a home in 1867 on the northeast corner. "I cannot remember when the Wagner brothers did not have their two shops side by side on the north side of Pennsylvania Avenue, a block west of Main Street, William Wagner having a blacksmith shop, and Mathew Wagner a wagon shop. "John Weidman came to Danby from Reading, Pennsylvania, in 1853. His wife's maiden name was Mary Margaret Irwin. A brother, Jonathan, had preceded him in 1851. We used to love to see Mr. Weidman making his brooms. He was town assessor for many years. He bought his broom corn from the farmers around the village." 1861 Lincoln called for troops. All of Danby's able-bodied men answered the call. The Danby Home Guards organized with three members, all too old for service, David Kelley, Mr. Gates, village shoemaker, and Charles Cooper, grandfather of Wilbur and Hermon Cooper. Mr. Fleming founded the Relief Corps in his house on Forest Avenue, near Pennsylvania, where his widow now lives. There was no organized Red Cross but Grandma Brooks gathered the women of the village together and founded a society called the Soldiers' THE STOBY OF AN OLD TOWN— GLEN ELLYN 61 1861 Aid. They knit wool socks and mittens, sewed and scraped lint, made bandages from old linen rags, fried bushels of doughnuts, and sliced raw potatoes till their hands were blistered; these were packed into barrels with layers of salt in between them to keep them from spoiling and were sent to the camps for the soldiers. Soldiers' Aid Societies were formed in every town in the county. Another society ,the United Christian Commission, did Red Cross ser- vice. Joseph R. McChesney was in charge of the Danby work. The Eagle Brand, the first condensed milk made by Gail Borden of St. Charles, was sent to the various hospitals through this society. Northwestern College established at Plainfield by the Illinois, Iowa, Wisconsin and Indiana Conference of the Evangelical Association. In 1870 moved to Naperville. It was co-educational. Rev. A. A. Smith, president, was "professor of mental and moral science." Now known as North Central College. Ogden and John Whitlock were editors of the "Illinoian" at Wheaton during the Civil War. Mammoth or Bob Reed Spring, burst through the ground at Elm- hurst, with a loud report. It was on the highway between the land owned by G. H. Talmadge and Robert Reed. 1862 Grocery started by Joseph R. McChesney, son of Rev. James McChesney, circuit rider preacher, who lived to be ninety-six years old. J. R. McChes- ney was second lieutenant in Civil War and first president of village board of Prospect Park. Joseph D., and Edgar, his sons, went into part- nership with their father in the grocery business in April, 1878. January 1st, 1905, Charles McChesney, grandson of the founder, took over the business. The firm became McChesney & Miller in 1920 with the advent of Oscar Miller as partner. 1,500 men from DuPage County in the Civil War. Danby School — on present Duane Street site 62 TEE STOBY OF AN OLD TOWN— GLEN ELLYN 1862 The wooden school house on Duane Street built. There was a vestibule in the center of the building which led into the main room. From the vestibule a stairway led to the belfry which was just above the teacher's desk. One of the favorite pastimes of the boys was to get up in the belfry and throw things down on the teacher. Punishment came from the long black ruler, but they were used to it. Here Walter Sabin taught for many years. The school was in use for nearly thirty years; was then moved to Crescent where it housed the gas office for many years; and now reno- vated and repainted, is occupied by the Johansen Real Estate Company. A few members of the Congregational society living in Danby or- ganized and bought the old Baptist church (originally Methodist) at Stacy's Corners where it had stood for twenty-three years since its erection in 1839, and moved it down to Danby. It took three weeks to make its journey down the hill and change its creed from Baptist to Congregationalist. Deacon Yalding, slight and small, feared the church was traveling too rapidly down hill, so he ran in front of it and tried to push it back. The hill was much steeper in those days, and the valley at the foot, with the little rill murmuring across, was much lower than now. The poor deacon never heard the last of this little episode of the church running down hill, for the townsfolk always teased him about it. It lightened up the gloom of war days a bit and brought a smile to sad faces whenever it was mentioned. The church found a safe resting place on the east side of Main street on the lot just north of the present McChesney store. A steeple was added to it, the box pews removed, and modern seats installed. They had no organ so each Sunday, Deacon Yalding carried a small one on his back from his home, which his daughter, Mrs. L. C. Cooper, played for the service. A tuning fork was also used, both relics being now in the possession of the Cooper family. The church was used for thirty-five years, and for a long time was the only church in Danby. It was finally moved over on Crescent where it still stands, for a time used as a hall, where the Episcopalians held their first meetings, also as the home of Dr. James Saunders, and of late years as a boarding house for workmen. It stands on a high foundation, back from the street, next to the Saunders Plumbing Shop. The Congregational church was organized April 15th, by an ecclesi- astical council, Rev. Joseph Haven, D. D., president of the Congregational Seminary, was the moderator; Rev. E. N. Lewis, the first pastor. Charter members were J. P. Yalding and wife, H. B. Gifford and wife, A. Standish and wife, Stephan Van Tassel and wife, Mrs. Rhoda Ruddock, Mrs. Caro- line Brooks and daughter, Emily. The Yalding home was the little cream house at 594 Hillside, now occupied by the Charles F. Wilkins, which then stood at the corner of Park and Duane, where the village's first apartment now takes its place. 1863 During the war, L. C. Cooper, then a young attorney (father of Wilbur and Hermon) read the dispatches as they were received, to the Danby folks at the Mansion House, kept by David Kelley. Captain Marcellus E. Jones, from Danby, fired the first shot at Gettys- burg. Charles Slyter, of Danby, was the first man killed in this battle. The Eagle Brand, the first condensed milk, was made by Gail Bor- den at St. Charles, and sent to the various hospitals through the United Christian Commission, Joseph R. McChesney (grandfather of Charles) in charge in Danby. A. G. Chessman, appointed by Abraham Lincoln, was Itasca's first postmaster. THE STOBY OF AN OLD TOWN— GLEN ELLYN 63 1863 Conrad Kampp started the Kampp furniture business in Naperville, in 1865 moving to Wheaton where he ran it in a little wooden shack. When he started in, his was the only furniture and undertaking establishment between Elgin and Chicago. His son John joined the business and handled it until he sold it out to Kriebs-Wilmes in 1928, though continuing with the undertaking. Stephen, oldest son of pioneer Stephen Bronson, was a colonel of the 141st Illinois Infantry in the Civil War. His son, Charles Bronson, was a captain. 1864 Charles A. Phillips, born in Brandon, Vermont, came to Danby to live and had a large estate on Park Boulevard, south of the tracks where he kept a herd of deer. He gave the Episcopalians the two lots on which St. Mark's church is located, though he was an unbeliever. The Zander subdivision was a part of his estate. The big old house on Park, now used by the Ganzhorns as a factory, was the Phillips home. The C. B. & Q. completed in the county of DuPage. George P. Kimball, first county superintendent of schools. 1865 A band started in Danby. Returned soldiers organized a minstrel troupe, giving entertainments in the ballroom of the old Danby house. L. C. Cooper viewed the body of the martyred president, Abraham Lincoln, in April, in the corridor of the court house in Chicago. Hinsdale platted and recorded. John Smith, born in Yorkshire, England, January 29, 1822, and brought to Wayne County, Michigan, when six years old, came to DuPage County and bought 190 acres from the Callahans. He had married his distant cousin, Anna Smith, in Michigan in 1849, and they built for their home the house at 861 Hill Avenue, now oc- cupied by the A. F. Mertz family. They were the parents of the late Mrs. Nelson Dodge, the late Mrs. J. D. McChesney and the late Joseph Smith. The west part of the Glen Oak grounds belonged to the old Smith farm, as did the Mcintosh sub-division. Joseph R. McChesney first quartermaster of the E. S. Kelley Post, G. A. R. of Danby. 1866 The Rustics, first baseball team playing in Danby. The game was in- troduced by Dr. Harcourt and L. C. Cooper to the village, and the grounds were where Lake Ellyn now lies. Some of the players were Albert M. Kelley, E. H. McChesney and LeRoy Newton. Dutch windmill built by Henry Holstein on west side of Bloomingdale Road on what is now the Chris Meshler farm, recognized by the little playhouse near the roadside. It was the largest of all the mills about, its wings spreading eighty feet. I can recall seeing an old lady spin- ning in its doorway. It was partially destroyed by a small tornado in 1899, and later torn down, its usefulness having been impaired. 1867 County Court House moved from Naperville to Wheaton, with much bit- ter feeling. Naperville objected to giving up the records, so a party of men from Danby, including Amos Churchill and Marcellus Jones, joined by a party from Wheaton, went over to Naperville one night, entered the Court House and carried away four books of records. They were attacked by Naperville men, the books being dropped in the street in the scuffle. The men of Naperville picked up the four books, took them to Chicago for safe-keeping and it is supposed they were lost in the 64 THE STOBY OF AN OLD TOWN— GLEN ELLYN 1867 great fire of '71 for they have never been found. To this day they are referred to as "the lost records" and would be worth thousands of dollars if they could be found. Court House erected at cost of $20,000, a frame building two stories high, with jail below and court rooms above. Dutch windmill, east of Addison on Mill Road, just north of Lake Street, built by Chris Heidemann, and run until last year, by his son who still lives nearby. Its wings stretch seventy-two feet and it has two sets of millstones. 1868 John Sabin lived on the "top of the hill" on Main Street. He had a small shoe shop almost under the eaves of the Congregational church, making and repairing the shoes of many of the village people. Across the street from the Sabin home, was the home of William Freeto with his tin shop next door. South Main Street was cut through the Brooks' grounds to the Mason Dodge farm where it again stopped for many years. It was known then as the "New Road." The house at 583 Hill Avenue, now occupied by the J. K. Marshalls, contains, as part of it, the original Mason Dodge farm home. It was later added to and occupied by the Cross Country Club. Wheaton, through the state legislature, triumphed over Naperville as county seat. Four acres of land and the new court house deeded to DuPage County, June 20th. John Ballard, old soldier supposed to have been in the Revolutionary War, lived in Glen Ellyn many years, and is buried in Forest Hill. Lombard platted and recorded April 23rd. Named in honor of Josiah Lombard, Chicago capitalist. Capt. Janes made the plats, in co-operation with Mr. Lombard and Gen. B. J. Sweet, and each man chose a street to which he gave the name of his wife; Mrs. Lombard's, Elizabeth, Mrs. Sweet's, Martha, and Mrs. Janes', Charlotte. 1869 Walter Sabin and Georgia Allen teachers in the Duane School for many years. Miss Allen taught two generations through forty years of ser- vice. Cottage Hill changed its name to Elmhurst. 1870 July 11th, officially changed name of Danby to Prospect Park, though it was still called Danby till 1882. It was said the villagers agreed we possessed a beautiful natural park and that the prospect was pleasing, ergo "Prospect Park." Population of Milton Township, 1,177. 1871 "The long summer of 1871 with its terrible heat and drought culminated in the great Chicago fire. . . The light from the burning city was so brilliant that we, twenty- two and a half miles away, could see to read newspapers all night, for several nights. At the same time a fire had in some manner started in a low-lying bit of ground south of Danby, which caused much anxiety and was watched night and day for weeks, as it was feared it might spread to the adjoining fields which were liter- ally as dry as tinder. Wells and cisterns were dry and the suffering among stock was quite a serious problem for farmers that -year. "The air was filled with the acrid, pungent odor of the burning peat fields, and the dark smoke clouds hanging over Chicago were, for weeks, the only clouds that floated in the dazzling glare of that October sunshine. THE STOEY OF AN OLD TOWN— GLEN ELLYN 65 1871 "Danby people rallied to help the fire sufferers. Homes were opened to friends whose own homes had been destroyed; strangers came to board until their affairs could be adjusted; collections were taken at church and public meetings. Right at the first, requests were sent out for food. I remember how my mother made hundreds of doughnuts, in the in- tense heat, over a coal stove and how she sighed and said, 'Will I ever want to see or smell another doughnut as long as I live!' after she sent the last dozen away. "Relics of the great fire at that time were found in every home, for no one went to Chicago but who brought home some evidence of the havoc wrought by the fire. I know we had papers of tacks, minus the paper, of course; a pile of several china plates; two tea cups, all fused together by the heat; a pile of linen table napkins, charred black as coal, but showing the floral design woven in the linen . . Many of these relics adorned the old fashioned 'what not' cabinets for years." — Mattie Janes Coe. 1872 Odd Fellows reorganized and held their meetings over Mat Wagner's carpenter shop, just east of his home, and just west of the William Wagner house, 440 Pennsylvania Avenue, (still standing) from 1872-1901. "Ten Nights in a Bar Room," given in the Congregational church on Main Street. Sunday school concerts also given, under the direction of Deacon Yalding, his daughter, Mrs. L. C. Cooper, playing the organ. 1873 "The John Boyd family came from Chicago in the spring. Mr. Boyd and son, Robert G., came in March to build a new house for L. C. Cooper. This was built where Hermon Cooper now lives. When the present Cooper house was contemplated, the former one was moved to Haw- thorne Street, west of Main, and shortly after was burned. "Considerable building being talked of at this time. Mr. Boyd de- cided to remain and moved the family in May. The household goods not arriving the day expected, some of the family was obliged to depend on the kindness of their new acquaintances and stayed their first night in the country at the home of the Fenamore's at Stacy's Corners. This was on a farm at the northwest corner of the St. Charles Road and Main Street. The farm is now sub-divided and the house gone. "On the arrival of the furniture the next day, the family started settling in what was to be their home in the country. This was the old Newton homestead at the northwest corner of Pennsylvania and Main, now the municipal lot. The old house was divided in sections and dis- posed of, one part being now the home of James Sullivan, 416 Pennsyl- vania Ave., near Western. "The Boyd family remained in the Newton house for something over a year, when they built and moved into a place of their own on Anthony Street, where they remained until 1909. "About the same time the Cooper house was built, one for Mr. Fena- more was erected by Mr. Boyd and his son at the northeast corner of Main and Cottage. This still stands but somewhat changed, occupied by the Meinardi family. "The building boom of 1873 did not materialize but the Boyd family remained in the country and have participated in the growth and changes that have since taken place in the village." — Anna Boyd Russell. Milwaukee Railway (Chicago, Milwaukee and St. Paul) completed from Chicago to Elgin. DuPage people called it the "Hough Railroad" as it was promoted by Col. Roselle Hough, president for a time. There was a long struggle to bring the road through Itasca rather than Blooming- dale, which was waged by Dr. Smith of Itasca, Mr. Meacham of Meacham, Col. Hough of Roselle, and Mr. Bartlett of Bartlett. Capt. Janes surveyed with the railroad's surveyor the northern part of the county and helped lay out the new towns and subdivisions and additions that sprang up along this route. 66 THE STOBY OF AN OLD TOWN— GLEN ELLYN 1873 David Kelley, landlord of the Mansion House for twenty-one years, retired in the fall of this year. Capt. Janes Capt. Janes elected county judge. October 10th, Bensenville platted and recorded. Utili Dulci Society formed. The young women in it arranged social and gainful affairs for the village, such as New England dinners, bazaars, a strawberry festival in the freight room of the old railway station, (thanks to the kindness of Agent Luther who set things out of the way for them) and other things. Some of the original members, as listed at a reunion held by Miss Carrie Stacy in 1905 were Lillian Nind Ballou, Ella Yalding Pummill, Josie Leyman Grattan, Carrie Hubbard Stetson, Jennie Minor Boyd, Carrie Davis Burridge, Nettie Churchill Clark, Hattie Churchill Wimpress, Rebecca Arnold Hoadley, Florence Patrick, Jennie Hubbard, Lucille Rhoades, Georgia Allen, Fannie Allen, Rose Weidman, Vallie Weidman, Mattie Smith McChesney, Julia Kelley McChesney, Carrie Stacy, Emma Ackerman, Mary Ackerman Sherman, Sarah Vaughan, Anna Boyd Russell, Emma O'Brien Christie, Ella Dodge, May Somerset Smith, Mattie Janes Coe. Four other charter members who had passed away were: Emma Weid- man Clare, Fanny Vaughan, Georgia Jellies and Carrie Dodge. March 21, the village turned out for this exciting entertainment, "in addition to other attractions at the Danby School Exhibition at the Union Congregational church, the following new, popular and sparkling dramas will be presented:" "Suit for Libel," with these characters: Judge Wright, by Joseph Smith; counsel for prosecution, by James Hogan; counsel for defense, by William Dodge; witnesses, Mr. Lobby, by William Emmons; Mr. O'Connor, by Ed. Hogan; Stult, by H. Schoenfield; Emery, by Charles Smith; sheriff, by Joseph McChesney; clerk of court, by L. G. Wagner and foreman of jury by Jos. Schlick. Another dramatic offering TEE STOBY OF AN OLD TOWN— GLEN ELLYN 67 1873 that same evening was "A little More Cider," with E. Applejack, done by- Joseph Smith; Z. Applejack, by David Smith; D. Peachblossom, by Jas. Hogan; I. Peachblossom, by Clem Dodge; H. Drinker, by Joseph McChes- ney; Miss Mason, by Miss Mattie Smith and Miss Polly, by Miss N. Wagner. The doors opened at 7:00 P. M. and the admission was 25 cents. (They sold tickets evidently even in those days). "Turner (West Chicago) is one of the principal railroad centers of the state, the C. & N. W. with its various branches, and the C. B. & Q., run- ning to Aurora, there connecting with main line. Forty-six daily trains pass this place, and, with extras, this number is often increased to eighty, averaging from sixty-five to seventy trains per day." — PuPage County Atlas. Itasca platted. "Dr. Smith has adopted a liberal policy in building up his town by giving away a lot, or lots, to those who will put up a respectable building — as the building, so the lot. If Itasca does not make one of the most beautiful and prominent places on the Chicago and Milwaukee R. R., it will not be the fault of Nature or Dr. Smith." — DuPage County Atlas. 1874 Utili Dulci held a strawberry festival in the old railroad station, Wm. H. Luther was the station agent. Many guests came from other towns. L. C. Cooper's house built on Park Boulevard. The present house, 545, was built in 1894. Old station at Main Street — Henry Jones and Delbert Sherman on platform In the DuPage County Atlas mention is made of Luther L. Hiatt and A. H. Hiatt, M. D., both coming to Wheaton in 1858 from Indiana; one dealing in drugs and real estate and the other in "artificial limbs." 68 TEE STOEY OF AN OLD TOWN— GLEN ELLYN 1874 Patrons' Directory of DuPage County, Atlas , Danby — Milton Township Name When came to County Nativity Occupation Miles Allen 1854 New York Real estate F. B. Angell 1873 Rhode Island Watchmaker and jeweler T. A. Brookins 1838 New York Parmer Geo. Becker 1843 Germany Parmer John T. Cox 1848 England Merchant George S. Chisholm 1871 Wisconsin Norman horses I. B. Churchill 1834 New York Farmer N. M. Dodge 1835 Vermont Farmer J. S. Dodge 1835 Vermont Farmer Mark Davis 1839 New York Farmer Henry Hestern 1870 Germany Farmer T. W. Holmes 1854 Pennsylvania Farmer W. J. Johnson 1836 Maine Retired W. H. Jacobs 1873 New York Insurance and real estate A. S. Janes 1835 New York County surveyor David Kelley 1845 Vermont Hotel E. Ketcham 1837 New York Farmer and carpenter J. R. McChesney 1855 New Jersey Grocer and postmaster Jas. H. Myers 1865 Indiana Farmer W. C. Newton 1841 Illinois Farmer J. N. Nind 1845 England Farmer H. W. Phillips 1864 Vermont Capitalist and farmer Philo W. Stacy 1835 New York Farmer A. Schneider 1846 Germany Farmer John Sabin 1846 Connecticut Boot and shoe maker M. H. Wagner 1854 Pennsylvania Wagonmaker Wm. H. Wagner 1852 Pennsylvania Blacksmith J. M. Ward 1840 New York Gig saddles and coach pads Joseph Wagner 1854 Pennsylvania Farmer October 5th, Roselle platted and recorded. 1875 Lecture given in the Duane Street School, "I 3 hrenology," "Recollections 1876 Edward Way, brother of Elmer, teacher in the Duane school. "When the county seat, soon after the Civil War, was voted away from Naperville to Wheaton, as being more centrally located, much bitter feeling was aroused, which lived for many years, between the northern and southern parts of the county. In 1876, however, the hatchet was buried at a wonderful celebration held at Naperville, and so far as I know, the friendliest feelings have existed ever since. "In company of seven other girls and their respective swains I went in a springless farm wagon, decorated with flags and bunting, and with long, blanket-covered board seats down each side. The invitation, asking everybody in DuPage County to attend, had been most cordial, and as we proceded down the dusty country road, it seemed as if everyone had accepted and everything on wheels had been pressed into service." — Mattie Janes Coe. Excursions from Chicago of churches and Sunday Schools on C. & N. W. to Lake Geneva and Clinton, which Danby folks "took in." From a school report of 1876, Henry Thrasher, teacher, "The Higher Department of Prospect Park," these forty-six pupils are named: Carrie Dodge, Mattie Janes, Ella Dodge, Anna Boyd, Edna Janes, Ella Jones, Lillie Wagner, Julia Kelley, Addie Arnold, Willie Dodge, Charlie Smith, Fred Ludeke, Charlie Breening, Willie J. Wagner, Cora Traver, Muriel Jacobs, G. M. Crawford, Eugene Balsey, Frank Hulett, John Boyd, John THE STOEY OF AN OLD TOWN— GLEN ELLYN 69 1876 Kendall, Frank Wagner, Willie Jellies, Albert Kelley, Willie Freeto, Orrin Dodge, George Koep, Meta Johnson, Emma Jones, Lewis Newton, Jennie Hubbard, Albert Janes, Rusling Smith, Edgar McChesney, Lucy Rhoads, Edwin Pierce, Georgia Jellies, Jessie Janes, Cora Hicks, Ella Traver, May Dodge, Etta Wagner, Luther Wagner, Mabel Newton, Emma Bierman. Contemporary with these, and in school with them, though not at this date, were Mattie Smith, Nora Wagner, Rose Weidman, Re- becca Arnold and Mary Cooper. There were some seventy-five children in the lower grade, so Mrs. Coe thought and Miss Georgia Allen was the teacher there. Mr. and Mrs. Charles F. Beaner came to town, the first colored folks to live in Glen Ellyn, also the first people to sell ice cream and bread in the village. They were very industrious, religious people, winning the respect of their townsfolk. Mrs. Beaner passed away in 1917, Mr. Beaner in 1925. 1877 Protracted meetings held by Free Methodists. County superintendent of schools, George P. Kimball, 1877-81. 1878 Fourteenth annual reunion of the 108 Illinois Volunteer Infantry, was held September 3rd, in Philo Stacy's grove on Main Street, where the F. M. Cole house now stands, across the street from where in later years Mr. Stacy built his mansion, later owned by the William H. Baethkes and now belonging to the Albert McCollums. The grove was decorated with yards and yards of bunting, red, white and blue. Flags were flung to the breeze over the grand stand. Long rows of tables were decked out with bunting and filled with good things to eat. The veterans of the 108th Illinois Infantry and the 8th Illinois Cavalry were the guests of Philo Stacy, he being the chairman of the committee in charge of feeding nearly 2,000 people. Mr. Stacy was in his element in an affair of this sort, he was here, there, everywhere, greeting his old comrades of the Civil War and extending to them a welcome they never forgot. In the business meeting the sincere thanks of the organization was voted to the Prospect Parkers, three rousing cheers were given, the usual business was concluded and the meeting was turned over to the people with L. C. Cooper in charge. After the ban- Ph'l Sta quet there were speeches, story telling, reminiscenses, 1 ° cy music, and a tight rope walker who unfortunately lost his presence of mind, fell and fatally injured himself. Bell Telephone Company was chartered and a regular exchange ser- vice started in Chicago with 400 telephones in use. Free Methodist Church founded as result of a series of meetings conducted by Rev. J. E. Coleman and Rev. J. D. Marsh. Rev. William Ferries was the next minister, then Rev. James Sprague. Among the early members were Rose Weidman, Mr. and Mrs. Kimball, Mr. Whiteman, Mr. and Mrs. William Henry Churchill, Mr. and Mrs. Winslow Ackerman, Mrs. W. H. Luther, Mrs. John Sutcliffe, J. J. Butter- field, Mrs. Erastus Ketcham, Mrs. Martha Templeton, Mrs. Mathias Wagner, Mrs. Joseph Wagner, Mrs. Ellen Wagner, Mrs. Benjamin Wim- press, Mr. and Mrs. John Rawson and Mrs. Nora Wagner Harnden. Rev. William P. Ferries was the first resident pastor of the Free Methodist Church, coming in the fall of 1880. The following April he 70 TEE STOBY OF AN OLD TOWN— GLEN ELLYN 1878 brought his bride to Glen Ellyn. A reception was tendered them by the townspeople in the house occupied by the A. R. Utt family on Main Street, the old Brooks' house. A Mrs. Flint opened her home; she was an attendant at the Free Methodist Church, but not a member. 1880 First telephone in the village, at Boyd's hardware store, now Patch Brothers. U. C. Hiatt, teacher in the Duane school, Ella Dodge, primary teacher. 1881 March 11, Jennie Miner Boyd came to Glen Ellyn. "I lived in a house on lot owned now by Mr. Grimshaw. At that time Glen Ellyn was a village of about 500 inhabitants. Sidewalks were scarce, mostly planks laid lengthwise; there were no street lights; the stores were small and very few; the North Western depot was at the corner of Main and the railroad. Across the street where the Newton-Baethke building now stands was a two story building used as part hotel and store. It stood high, so there were a number of steps to go up. The corner now occupied by the Glen Ellyn Bank was a real hotel with a bar (Mansion House). "In those days the mode of amusement was surprise parties, where games were played and refreshments served, also church socials at the homes, as the church in those days had no parlor. For other amuse- ment we went to Wheaton to church socials or parties. 'Those who danced' even went to Warrenville and Bloomingdale with horse and buggy. "In about 1889-90 we had our first boom and began to grow. R. G. Boyd and brother were contractors and built many homes in Glen Ellyn. Among them are: Geo C. Reeves' home at the northwest corner of Park and Hawthorne; the house at the northwest corner of Maple and Main, the Walter Dunham home; the house north of it; the house at the south- west corner of Maple and Main, the L. J. Thiele home; the three houses on Ridgewood, west of Main, on the north side of the street, the R. L. Rogers house, the A. C. Duncan's, and Mrs. C. W. Bremner's; the house on the southwest corner of Ridgewood and Main, the J. G. Hunter home; the George Nelson home on South Main Street; the M. J. Milmoe home on the southwest corner of Main and Hillside; the E. H. McChesney home, just south of it on Main Street; the G. Zuttermeister home on the northwest corner of Main and Phillips; the W. H. Harnden home on Hillside Avenue. "Three houses were built for Amos Churchill on Forest: that on the southwest corner of Forest and Anthony, the O. O. Townsend's home; on the southeast corner of Forest and Anthony, where H. O. Buells live; and the next one just south, the E. J. Harmon home. They also built the T. A. Gregg house on Forest, almost at Hawthorne, for a Mr. Woodworth. St. Mark's Episcopal Church was built by Boyd Bros. "In 1888 Boyd Bros, built and owned a one story frame building (on lot now owned by S. Junta), used as a hardware store. In 1892 a fire burned all the buildings but two on the west side of Main Street, destroying their store. They then built the store building now owned by S. Junta. In about 1909-10 Boyd Bros, built and owned the building now owned by Patch Bros, and conducted the hardware business until its sale in 1911." — Jennie P. Boyd. The present Gregg house was known as "Woodworth's Folly" because people thought it was so far off in the woods. An agent for Harper Brothers, publishers, sold 100 volumes for $100 to twenty people each paying $5. This was the first library in Danby. This became the Prospect Park Library Association, with P. G. Hubbard, president; Philo Stacy, vice president; Walter Sabin, secretary; W. H. Luther, treasurer and Miss Georgia Allen, librarian. The 100 books ultimately were stored in an old walnut bookcase in the basement of the THE STOBY OF AN OLD TOWN— GLEN ELLYN 71 1881 Congregational church, and in 1907 when the library movement stirred again, were turned over to the Glen Ellyn Library Association. Lewis Mills, teacher in Duane school. J. B. Haggard, J. R. Rosenweiller, superintendent of schools in county, 1881-86. Bensenville was noted for its dairy interests, making 150,000 pounds of butter and 400,000 pounds of cheese. Ships over 300,000 gallons of milk to Chicago now, and manufactures double that amount in butter and cheese. 1882 Danby incorporated, July 1st, as village of Prospect Park, with J. R. McChesney (Charles McChesney's grandfather) as first village president. These were the first trustees, with the votes cast for them: William H. Wagner, 52; J. S. Dodge, 52; Wm. H. Luther, 52; J. R. McChesney, 51; P. G. Hubbard, 51; Wm. C. Newton, 27; James Saunders, 24. The village president was chosen by the trustees from among their number, instead of being directly elected as nowadays. Mr. Luther was first village clerk. August 1st, first record of a village meeting, from the original book in the village hall, runs thus: "Board of Trustees of the Village of Prospect Park, 111., county of DuPage, met at the depot on the 1st day of August to organize. On motion, J. R. McChesney was elected chairman of the meeting Pro Tern and W. H. Luther sec. Pro Tern. The chairman was called to read the certificate of election. Moved and carried that the same be spread upon the records of this board. Justice of the Peace W. Sabin was called to administer the oath of office to the six trustees elected, viz., W. H. Wagner, J. S. Dodge, W. H .Luther, J. R. McChesney, P. G. Hubbard and W. C. Newton, all trustees being present. On motion by W. H. Wagner, J. R. McChesney was elected 'by acclamation' per- manent chairman of the board of trustees. . On motion J. S. Dodge, P. G. Hubbard and W. C. Newton were appointed to investigate what amount of money will be needed for the coming year for corporation use. Motion made and carried that a committee of one be appointed to ex- amine the records of this corporation at Wheaton to ascertain the amount of taxable property in said corporation. Chair appointed W. H. Wagner as such committee. Motion made that the secretary be in- structed to procure a suitable book to keep the records of this board, and such other material as he may need. Carried. . . Motion made and carried that J. R. McChesney, W. H. W. and P. G. Hubbard act as a committee to draft rules and regulations for this board of trustees." From such a little acorn grew the present village of Glen Ellyn. At the next meeting, August 4th, the committee on money so reported: "Your committee on the subject of levying corporation tax have con- sidered the subject and beg leave to report that although we consider it expedient to do something by way of improvements on our streets and sidewalks, etc., do not desire to make the tax unsatisfactory or burdensome to the citizens. We therefore recommend that $300 be raised and expended according to our best judgments. And in doing so we do not expect to give entire satisfacton to everybody as the require- ments will be many and the means limited, but trust that by our united efforts we can show the inhabitants that they have value received for their money paid out." Here was probably where the cry of "High taxes" originated. W. H. Wagner reported the taxable property in the corporation thus: Personal property, $7,291; Prospect Park lots, $23,560; Glenwood lots, $4,020; real estate, $17,480, and railroad property, $11,856, making a total of $64,207. 72 THE STOEY OF AN OLD TOWN— GLEN ELLYN 1882 August 21st, Village Ordinance No. 1 was passed, providing that the village treasurer (J. S. Dodge) should give bond of $1,000 and the village clerk a bond of $500. Ordinance No. 2 provided for the use of the taxes thus: "the sum of $200 for streets, bridges and sidewalks; the sum of $40 for seal, books and stationery and the sum of $60 for a general contingent fund and miscellaneous pur- poses. September 4th, James Saunders appointed clerk of the board of trustees, and he said he would serve without compensation. The books, blanks, licenses, warrants, bonds and seal cost more than the estimated $40, coming to $44.25, J. S. Dodge however, the village fathers accepted the bill. In October, W. H. Wagner was appointed as a special committee to get a rebate of license money from the Board of Supervisors, such as was paid on dram shop license in said village. Mr. Wagner later reported that such application would be useless. A bill of $1 was presented from the secretary of state as fee for recording the certificate of incorporation of the village. This is how it was handled: "Your finance committee beg leave to report that they have examined the bill of the secretary of state and recommend that an order be drawn in favor of W. H. Luther for $1 to pay said secretary for recording." Alonzo Ackerman Here is the first record of street repairing: November 28, the com- mittee on streets and alleys recommended the graveling of Pennsylvania from Main Street, west to a lot owned by H. Churchill, and of Main THE STOEY OF AN OLD TOWN— GLEN ELLYN 73 1882 Street commencing at the crossing running from Miles Allen's to W. C. Newton's corner of lot opposite said Allen's, thence running north on Main Street, to a lot owned by J. Satain. Also the graveling of Main Street, commencing opposite the Congregational church thence running south along said Main Street to the tracks of the N. W. Bids for this were submitted and opened at a later meeting. James Saunders had offered the gravel from his pit, free and the bids were for hauling. H. Sherwin bid 35 cents per square yard; Jo Millbeck, 29 cents; J Clark, 27 cents; P. W. Stacy, 23% cents and A. Ackerman, 20 cents. Alonzo Ackerman got the contract for the first improvement of village streets by the corporation. Mr. Ackerman received $52.40. The first plat of the village was made by J. G. Vallette for $40. The names of the business and professional men of Prospect Park were: Luther Winter, dealer in feed and coal; W. H. Luther, agent for the C. & N. W. Railroad; Miles Allen, store and post office; P. G. Hub- bard, dealer in broom corn; William H. Wayne, blacksmith; M. H. Wayne, wheelwright; Nelson Dodge, carpenter and builder; Brake and Myers, carpenter and builder; Will Jellies, carpenter and builder; J. R. McChes- ney and Co., general store; Allen R. Walker, tinshop and hardware; H. Wegman, general store; E. Graff, hotel; John Weidman, broom fac- tory; John Hayden, store; Frank Walworth, stone mason; G. M. H. Wagner, commission store; R. Blackman, dealer on Board of Trade; John Sabin, boot and shoe shop; Aug. Bergson, boot and shoe shop; J. S. Dodge, retired farmer; L. C. Cooper, attorney at law; James Saunders, M. D. W. C. T. U. organized with Mattie Melh first president. Mrs. Emma Lloyd, descendent of the Nind family and aunt of George Nelson, was a leading spirit. Elbert H. Gary elected judge of DuPage County. 1883 April 17th, second village election was held, 3 trustees being chosen, W. C. Newton and J. R. McChesney being returned and Thomas Hoad- ley newly elected. W. H. Luther was elected village clerk and James Saunders, police magistrate. The election was held in the post office. In May came up the question of a "dram shop" license. $200 was proposed, but lost and the figure was set at $175. In June there was a bill from P. W. Stacy for putting in twelve plank crossings at $3.00 each and gravelling one at $1, making $37 in all. At that same meeting it was moved by Trustee Hoadley that the committee be instructed to procure a clerk's desk, price not to exceed $7.00. At the August meeting, the village clerk stated that he had no report to make for the month of July "Nothing received." In September the item runs "The clerk reported that he had received no moneys for month of August." In October the clerk's desk bobbed up again. It seemed that R. G. Boyd made it and it cost $1 more than was allowed for it: "Moved by Trustee Dodge that we allow Mr. Boyd $7 on bill for clerk's desk and $1.50 for painting." The yeas had it. Free Methodist Camp Meeting on Newton's Corner, Pennsylvania and Main. Amos Churchill and W. H. Luther went into partnership for the sale of agricultural implements, coal and feed, paints and oils, under the firm name of Luther and Churchill. At first, part of the long freight room at the railroad station, where Mr. Luther was agent, was used for the 74 TEE STORY OF AN OLD TOWN— GLEN ELLYN 1883 commodities. The business flourished and a large warehouse was built, which is still in use by the Alexander Lumber Co. — the gray building just west of Main Street on the tracks. Ten years later, Mr. Luther retired and sold his interest to his son-in-law, L. Q. Newton, the firm name then becoming Churchill and Newton. In 1903 L. Q. Newton died (September 22) and in December the business was sold to L. R. Newton and W. H. Baethke, who carried it on as Newton-Baethke Co.. The company still continues, but has changed its business from coal to oil. 1884 William Henry Myers had meat market in the Danby House; William H. Wagner (Frank Wagner's father) had grocery store and post office; McChesney Brothers' grocery store was on its present site. 1885 The name of the village was changed from Prospect Park to Glen Ellyn by Thomas E. Hill, president of the village who contributed the "Ellyn" in honor of his wife, that being the Welsh version of Ellen. Mr. Hill was a teacher for many years in the east and was often known as Professor Hill. He located at Aurora in 1866 and founded the Herald. He was mayor there in 1876. When he came to Glen Ellyn he built the two houses that used to occupy the district known as the Salvation Army home, now subdivided as Southcrest, and full of new homes, where there used to be extensive out- buildings, grounds, orchards and vine- yards, surrounding these two houses. He made the Overman Lake in "Wild- airs" and stocked it with fish. The Hills occupied the larger of the houses and lived in a great deal of style for those days. As Mr. Hill was interested in the hotel project, he made it his duty to entertain pros- pective buyers of real estate, meeting them at the train with his carriage, with colored coachman and spic and span horses. The guests were whirled away to the grand house where they were waited upon by servants. Mrs. Hill was a dainty little woman, whose fine diamonds, real lace and shimmering silk gowns were the des- pair of the other women of the village. Perhaps in the evening there was a, party at the club house (the present Moulton residence) set in its spacious grounds on Milton Boulevard, mind you, not Main Street. Prof, and Mrs. Hill would take their guests from the city. The colored driver would make the bells ring on the horses' necks as the sumptuous sleigh came to a stand under the carriage entrance. The affairs were very high-toned, the ladies appearing in evening dress and the gentlemen in dress suits. Flowers were everywhere, and the music of a stringed band was heard. A caterer from the city was in charge. It was all very elegant. Thomas E. Hill THE STOBY OF AN OLD TOWN— GLEN ELLYN 75 1885 In the day time, Prof. Hill was always seen about in a plum colored overcoat with a cape to it and a black slouch hat. The four iron hitching posts on Main Street on the west side of St. Mark's church were some that Mr. Hill designed and used on his own home grounds, and when he moved from there he gave them to John McNab for hitching posts for the Episcopal church. In later years, through unwise speculations, he lost all his money, and devoted himself to writing books. Mrs. Hill lost her sight and became totally blind. Their last home was .the house now occupied by the Joseph Wagoners, 570 Anthony St. Here, Mr. Hill, who had once been a professor of penmanship, passed his last years making queer compila- tions of statistics and publishing them. He passed away July 13, 1915, at the age of 83. Mrs. Ellen Hill followed him January 3, 1916, aged 79. To the Hills belongs the glory for much of the grace and glamour of modern Glen Ellyn. It was their vision which started the development of the village along its foundation lines of beauty. As they carried the village in their hearts, it now holds them to its heart, for they both sleep in Mrs. Fannie Newton's lot in Forest Hill Cemetery. Rev. A. W. Parry was pastor of Free Methodist Church. Other succeeding pastors were: Rev. D. W. Rose, 1892; Rev. E. G. Cryer, 1897; Rev. T. B. Arnold, 1903; Bishop David S. Warren, 1906; Rev. Earl F. Aiken, 1907; Benjamin L. Olmstead, 1908-10; Matthias Klein, 1914-16; Rev. W. M. Kelsey, 1917-19; Rev. James D. Marsh, 1920-21; D. L. Lower, 1922-23; G. L. McClish, 1924-25; and in 1928, Rev. Helen I. Root. Miss Rose Weidman was superintendent of the Sunday School for many years and William F. Jensen served in that capacity for seventeen con- secutive years. Free Methodists had camp meeting on the Henry Churchill corner, Park and Crescent. Dr. D. K. Parsons came to Hinsdale, a philanthropist and millionaire who devoted his time to giving away $6,000,000 mostly to small colleges. He gave its library to Hinsdale. 1886 Free Methodist church built on Glenwood Avenue, the land given by Winslow Ackerman, son of John Ackerman, the board of trustees in charge being A. J. Butterfield, W. H. Luther, M. H. Wagner, Erastus Ketcham and Mr. Ackerman. The parsonage was built in 1892, with Mr. Luther superintending it. William H. Wagner, postmaster, had a blacksmith shop on Pennsyl- vania Avenue, for forty years. Royal T. Morgan, county superintendent of schools; for over half a century connected with schools. 1887 Post office in McChesney's store. W. B. Warrell, teacher at Duane school. Free Methodist Camp Meeting at Stacy's Grove. 1888 Rev. Arthur Spooner, minister Congregational Church. Prospect Park folks went in to Chicago to see Mary Anderson, Modjeska and John McCullough, and to hear Emma Abbott sing. "Pinafore" was all the rage. 1889 The little village with its New England flavor lost its simple Puritan character, and became a summer resort. 76 THE STORY OF AN OLD TOWN— GLEN ELLYN 1890 Sleighing parties on cold moonlight nights were a favorite pastime of the young people. Hayracks were placed on runners and then filled with straw. About twenty-five could ride in one. All sat on the straw with rugs and shawls to cover them and keep them warm. Usually there were two or three loads in the party. Sometimes they went to the Rathbun farm where a warm welcome awaited them with roaring hot fires and hot oyster soup. Sometimes they went to the Mark Davis farm, where that genial old bachelor manned the fiddle and kissed the girls while his sister set out warming food. One Glen Ellyn matron recalls a night when the snow was so deep that the young people couldn't get home and had to spend the night at their host's house. There was no telephone in those days so parents couldn't be notified, but they took it calmly. THE NASCENT NINETIES Lake Ellyn — planned and named by Thomas E. Hill Lake Ellyn made, dam constructed, $2,500 pledged by citizens. Thomas E. Hill landscaped the grounds and planned the artificial lake, superintending the laying out of it, and Philo Stacy superintending the actual construction work, excavating and so on. Glen Ellyn Hotel and Spring Company, organized by Messrs, Baker, Riford and Goodridge, acquired title to 116 acres of land within the village of Glen Ellyn. The park was given to the village by the company. 1891 September 6, the First Methodist Episcopal Church organized at the home of Samuel Grannis, east side of Main street between Crescent and Pennsylvania. Rev. Wm. E. Catlin was the founder and first minister THE STOEY OF AN OLD TOWN— GLEN ELLYN 77 1891 in charge. The charter members were: Rev. Catlin, father of William J. Catlin, of 348 Brandon Avenue; Mrs. Antoinette Catlin, W. J. Catlin, Miss Mamie A. Catlin, Mrs. Mattie H. Smith and Mrs. Harriet M. Grannis. Miss Annie Olson, Miss Frances Swantosh and Samuel Grannis were accepted in probationary membership. The membership averaged be- tween twelve and eighteen for several years. Services were held in the Grannis home, where the O'Dormell Electric Shop now stands; then in the old school house on Crescent; in 1892, in the Dunning house on Pennsylvania; then in Odd Fellows hall on Penn- sylvania; then in the Town Hall; then in the Mertz house on Pennsyl- vania; in the old Congregational Church building on Crescent, owned by Dr. Saunders; in Mrs. Oscar Johnson's home on Duane; back again to the Mertz house. During these early days it was a constant struggle to keep the church going and much credit is given to the Catlin and Laier families for so doing. At one time the only minister available was a Japanese and though he could not be understood, he filled the pulpit. May 9th, Stacy Park (six acres) given to the village by Philo and Betsy Stacy. The Glen Ellyn Hotel Big hotel built on east side of Lake Ellyn by Hotel and Springs Com- pany. First drug store kept by William Ryder, on the site of the Heintz store. 1892 600 inhabitants in the village. The big fire started at 4:00 P. M., when most of the village men were in the city, and as there was no fire department, the flames had their way and burned all of the stores on the west side of Main Street except Fleming's Grocery, built by Henry Benjamin. It stood on the site of the present DuPage Trust Building and was one of the first stores built in Danby. It was a small white building, two stories high, with an outside stairway. The upstairs was used as a flat. Here in this building the post office was kept by Mr. Allen, father of Georgia Allen. Later Wm. Wagner kept a grocery in this building. Mr. Fleming bought it from Mr. Wagner. 78 TEE STORY OF AN OLD TOWN— GLEN ELLYN 1892 Fleming's store was famous for its famous home-made bread, a big, warm fresh loaf costing only six cents. It was also noted among the children for its black balls, a delicacy something on the order of the present all-day sucker. During the sucking process, they turned from black to green, then red and so on till they finally disappeared — yet some of the indulgers have survived to tell the tale. Boyd's Hardware store stood where the present Patch Brothers is; the Ryder store was where the present Heintz store is, following the long proprietorship of A. R. Utt. The other stores were groceries and meat markets owned by the Wagner brothers. McChesney's new (and present) store was built on the East side of Main. All village records were lost in the fire, so no names of village officers before this are obtainable, except those mentioned. New (and present) Duane street school built; school held in Congrega- tional church 1892-3. Georgia Allen, Frances Laier, Mrs. Emma Miller, Luther N. Grange, teachers at Duane. Boyd's Hardware store re-built. Ehlers Hotel built on northeast corner of Main Street and Crescent, site of famous old Mansion House, and now gone to make way for the Glen Ellyn State Bank. Old Congregational church (originally built 1839 at Stacy's Corners) moved from Main Street to Crescent, serving for many years as Saunders Hall, as Dr. Saunders' home and now as a boarding house for workmen. It still stands just east of the Saunders' Plumbing shop, mounted on a high foundation and surrounded by shrubs. Dr. E. S. Higley came to Glen Ellyn to practice. Old Dunning House on Pennsylvania used as village hall, and site of present new hall. Mrs. Emma Lloyd first woman school director. Cemetery enlarged. The village board extended the village boundaries of Danby adding 1,200 acres to it. A long legal battle ensued, the village finally coming out 1,000 acres ahead. Judge E. H. Gary was one of the lawyers against the village. Well known men like Jesse Wheaton and other pioneer land-holders and men of judgment testified "that the lands in question were farm lands, that they never would be required for village pur- poses and that such ideas were silly and chimerical." Philo Stacy built his mansion on Main street, now occupied by the Albert McCollums. A creek ran through the center of the village and crossed Pennsylvania and Forest Avenues. Over the northwest corner was a bridge with railings on either side. Under it, the small boys spent their play time digging crawfish of which there seemed to be an inexhaustible supply. It was a mystery why they were found in this particular spot. There was a ravine or glen on the north end of Park Boulevard, just at the foot of the Cooper hill which gave the "Glen" to the village's name. There was an old red bridge over it once where the boys used to play. Harper Moulton fell from it and broke his leg. Later the authorities filled up the ravine, thus erasing one of the village's beauty THE STOEY OF AN OLD TOWN— GLEN ELLYN 79 1892 spots. Another ravine just north of Honeysuckle Hill on Crescent Boule- vard was filled in and a house built on it. The Old Red Bridge The Forest Glen School was named for the Park Boulevard ravine. 1893 A man who came from another town to transact some business in the village fell through the board walk on Main Street which was several feet high in the down town section, and broke his leg. He sued the village for $500 and won the suit. The village fathers were forced to hand him over the money. This was considered a great joke as the village fathers were notorious for being a little "cautious" in money affairs. However, after this the sidewalks were kept in better repair. The Churchill Twins February 15, the "Churchill Twins" celebrated their 91st birthday, the oldest twins in the United States. They were Lurania Churchill Acker- man and Christiana Churchill Christian, daughters of Deacon Winslow Churchill. Mrs. Ackerman passed away a month after the birthday celebration, but Mrs. Christian lived some years longer. When she was ninety-four years old, she would tell Mrs. Pauline Woebke who was visiting her, 80 THE STOBY OF AN OLD TOWN—GLEN ELLYN 1893 that she had learned another verse of the Bible and proudly recite several to prove her accomplishment. (according to quotation from old Glen Ellyn paper). "The Glen Ellyn Hotel opened as a summer resort by Riford and Baker. It stood east of the lake on Crescent Boulevard, a frame building four or five stories high with 100 rooms. It had a tower and spacious verandas round the ground floor. There were boat houses around the lake and many boats for hire." In the deed to our lot (corner of Park and Glen Ellyn Place) we have a clause giving us the privilege of using a boat on the lake and the use of the springs forever. No doubt we paid a couple of hundred dollars extra for such an exclusive privilege. We dreamed wonderful dreams those days because it was said that Glen Ellyn Park was to be made into an English Manor park with velvet lawns, fountains playing in the sun, and elegant ladies and gentlemen strolling about under the beautiful trees. A little bit of that "Castle in Spain" actually materialized, for a dancing pavilion had been built on the shore of the lake where it was considered quite the thing for the young people to have dances by moonlight. .»•-. ' v ...•? :-•■ '£ £$&£i. The Five Springs It was considered quite in vogue to take a drinking cup and saunter down to the Five Springs for a drink of mineral water. The springs were then kept in elegant style. About one-fourth mile east from the Five Springs was the Apollo Spring of clear water. It was not mineral, but cold and of the most beautiful amethyst color. It was piped to 'the hotel and used for all purposes. It was also shipped away by the car- load, a bottling house being situated half way between it and the Five Springs. Later this building burned (1904). New Congregational Church built on corner of Pennsylvania and Forest Avenues on land presented by Miss Georgia Allen, now used by the Grace Lutheran congregation. New streets laid out. . • - ' W. S. Ryder elected village president. Cross Country Club House built on Milton Boulevard (now Main street) between Hawthorne and Linden, now the C. L. Moulton house. 1894 "Black Maria" owned by Nadelhoffers whose livery stable gave way to the Glen Theatre in 1927, was a bus much used by the ladies of the THE STOBY OF AN OLD TOWN— GLEN ELLYN 81 1894 town as a conveyance in those early days. It was a black and melan- choly vehicle, but when it was filled with a crowd of lively women off for a lark of some kind it was changed into a load of fun. We did not lack for excitement either when riding in it, for often the driver would be drunk and any minute we might expect to be dumped into a wayside ditch. One day we were to attend the old settlers' picnic at Bloomingdale, and we were all dressed in our best summer clothes. The bus had just been washed on the inside. It had leather straps holding the cushions in place and these did not dry quickly. The ladies whose fate,it was to sit on those places were a sight to behold, for when we arrived at the picnic, their nice white skirts were striped with red and black and green. One of them, a dainty little bride, was the most resplendent of all the unfortunates in her decorations. The worst of it was these stripes were indelible, so Black Maria left her imprint on the minds and memories, not to mention the tempers, of her fair patrons. For many years Black Maria, so-called after her namesake in the city which was used to carry prisoners from the court house to the county jail in those early days, was to be seen on all important occa- sions. She served to carry the pall-bearers at a funeral to the ceme- tery. She carried the guests to a wedding; she helped to make the Library Day Fair a success by carrying the crowds to the grounds. She was a comfort and a mainstay on a wet day. It fact, she entered in- timately into all the affairs of our lives. Baptist Church started again. Rev. Carl Case first pastor. Meet- ings held in Saunders' Hall. Charter members were: Philo and Betsy Stacy and their daughter, Carrie; Mrs. Elizabeth Jenkins, Helen Jenkins (later Mrs. Carl Case), Miss Doliska Harmon, Mr. and Mrs. Henry, Nathan Randall, Mabel Randall, Annie Randall, Agnes Randall (Mrs. Harold F. Jauch), Frances Jenkins, Mrs. McCutchin, Miss Bertha Wim- press (Mrs. John H. Kopp). George Arnold, ten years old, drowned in Lake Ellyn. Very loose high school course started, 1894-5. Thanks to Mrs. O. D. Dodge, there comes this announcement card of "The First Commencement of Glen Ellyn High School at the Congrega- tional Church, Glen Ellyn, Illinois, Friday evening, June 15, 1894, eight o'clock." Of course this is all beautifully spaced and printed in gold above and below a lovely blue etching showing Lake Ellyn, and the big hotel in the background. The program printed in the folder which will stir many memories, is as follows: "Music" — Arion Quartette; Invocation — Rev. John S. Rood; Salutatory and Essay, "Green" — Helen F. Lund- gren; Essay, "Good Humor" — Flora M. Dodge; Essay, "Geometry of Life" — Marie F. Lundgren; Essay, "National Reform a Pressing Necessity" — Frances L. Laier; Oration and Valedictory, "Simon Says Thumbs Up" — Adeline B. Churchill ; Address to Class — Rev. C. D. Case ; Presentation of Diplomas — County Supt. R. T. Morgan; Benediction — Rev. John S. Rood. Flora M. Dodge is now Mrs. L. J. Hiatt and the Lundgren girls lived in the house at 752 Crescent (occupied now by the Joseph Wassells) which their people built. There was a ball room on the upper floor and the young people of that day had much merriment there. One winter night my niece and nephew went to a party there, and they were unable to get home, but had to stay all night because a heavy snowfall came and there was no good road then. We worried about them all night for there were no telephones in those days and we were afraid they might have fallen in a deep hole some place on their way home. The Lundgrens moved away and have not been heard from since. Adeline B. Churchill, Mrs. B. B. Curtis's sister, is Mrs. J. B. Lorbeer, 82 TEE STOEY OF AN OLD TOWN— GLEN ELLYN 1894 of Santa Monica, Calif., where she is active in club and civic life. After her graduation here, she went to Wheaton College and then studied art at Pratt and in Chicago and for many years was art supervisor in Fort Madison County, Wise. Frances B. Laier, sister of Mrs. Calvin Wagner, passed away many years ago. The Arion Quartette was a very good musical organization which came often to Glen Ellyn. "In those days," said Mrs. Curtis, "we had many more good things come to the village than we do now because people didn't go to the city so often nor so easily as they do now." Cross Country Club expressed as its object: "to encourage Equestrian and all manly and Outdoor Sports and to promote Physical Culture." Initiation fees were $15 and anual dues $15. The club house changed from Main Street to Hill Avenue, then sur- rounded by stretches of grass and trees instead of modern houses, still stands, the J. K. Marshall home, 583 Hill Avenue. This is the description of the club as given in its own booklet: "This club is located on the high- lands, within a brief walk south of the railroad depot at Glen Ellyn. The view from the club house commands a broad expanse of country, in- cluding in the scene four villages and one city. It is situated in the midst of green lawns, shaded by numerous fruit and ornamental trees, while close by is a little gem of a lake sufficiently large to accommodate several boats. "Closely adjoining the house are baseball, lawn tennis, croquet and polo grounds, while but a little distance away are ample sheds for the sheltering of horses and carriages and the feeding of horses that may come from a distance. "Directly attached to the house is a large pavilion for dancing, or for assemblages of any kind, sufficiently large to hold several hundred persons, while extending from this pavilion around the entire house are wide verandas which afford the opportunity for a delightful promenade, and the protecting of several hundred people from sunshine or storm." L. C. Cooper house, 545 Park Blvd., now occupied by the Hermon Coopers, built. 1895 April 22, telephone service first established with toll station in Boyd Brothers' hardware store (now Patch Brothers). September, Glen Ellyn Woman's Club organized as the Study Club, by nine women, Mrs. E. Sinclair Smith, Miss Abbie Smith, Miss Georgia Allen, Mrs. G. M. H. Wagner, Mrs. Wm. Lloyd, Mrs. C. L. Moulton, Mrs. Cora Higley, Mrs. Charles H. Kerr, Mrs. O. D. Dodge. The membership was limited to twenty until 1910 when the club entered the state feder- ation, becoming the Glen Ellyn Woman's Club in 1912 and a member of the 11th district. It joined the general federation in 1915. At first the dues were five cents a month. THE STOBY OF AN OLD TOWN— GLEN ELLYN 83 Amos Churchill New brick railway station for the North Western, Amos Churchill instrumental in in getting it for the village. Amos Churchill elected village president. Mrs. B. B. Curtis is a daughter of Amos Churchill. The favorite 5:05 was running then on the North Western, making the trip be- tween here and Chicago in 38 minutes. Railroad fares were: one trip, 58 cents; round trip, $1.15; ten- ride ticket, $4.50; 25- ride ticket, $6.00; monthly ticket, $7.10. Members of the Ladies Social Union were: Elida A. Swan, Elizabeth Jenkins, Caroline Eva Swan, Cora V. Higley, Carrie M. LeStage, Emma V. Ellicott, Lavinia Newton, Mrs. A. Rathbun, Mrs. R. Rathbun, Caroline Henry, Mrs. E. A. Workman, Mrs. i M. J. Stevens, Mrs. W. H. Simons, Miss Doliska Harmon, Miss Ada Douglas Har- mon. 1896 Court House in Wheaton erected 1896-7. A Memorial Hall in it for Civil War soldiers, now dismantled. September, Modern Woodmen organized. The Charter members of Glen Ellyn Camp 4213, Modern Woodmen of America, September 11, 1896, are: George Babcock, John H. Merz, A. F. Carlson, A. J. Engelschall, Grant Goodrich, B. F. Hoffman, Gilbert B. Jellies, Louis Laier, F. M. Leonard, L. R. Newton, E. E. Sherwin, H. W. Stoessinger, F. H. Surkamer, E. M. Troutfetter, C. M. Van Buren, Conrad Wiesbrook and W. J. Yackley. Hermon Cooper spent from '96 to '99 at the University of Heidelberg, studying chemistry, earning his Ph.D. 1897 July 11, St. Mark's first service was held on Sunday evening in Saunder's Hall, Rev. J. N. Hawthorne of Wheaton in charge. On October 24, the first celebration of Holy Communion was held, and ten people received: Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Ellicott, Mr. and Mrs. Young, Mrs. William C. Newton, John McNab, Mr. Llewellyn, John LeMessurier, and Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Riddle. On November 7th, the Sunday school was organized with fifty-five children. The Right Rev. C. McClaren confirmed the first class of five, on June 19th, 1898: Mary Jane Dodge, Flora May Dodge (Mrs. L. J. Hiatt), Alice Josephine Carter, Alice Jane Llewellyn and Cora Gertrude Palmer (Mrs. Walter Wimpress). The Right Rev. C. P. Anderson was consecrated Bishop of the Chi- cago diocese, February 24, 1900, and on the following day confirmed his first class in Glen Ellyn, Mrs. Cora Higley, widow of the late Dr. Higley, Mrs. W. B. LeStage, Lucille J. LeStage, Fannie P. Newton, Florence Stubbings, Lillian W. Anderson (Mrs. Will Penrose), Bertha May Hanson (the late Mrs. C. G. Parker), and Eva May Clare. The mission was served by the Reverends W. J. Hawthorne, Richard Rowley, C. L. Branscombe, W. C. Hengen and F. Oleranes. In 1909 the parish was organized with H. W. Prince as first rector, followed by Rev. H. S. Webster, and Dr. John Arthur who served ten years until his death, March 19th, 1924. He was in charge during the 84 TEE STOBY OF AN OLD TOWN— GLEN ELLYN 1897 war with one son and one son-in-law overseas. Rev. D. A. McGregor succeeded him and now lives in the rectory, next door south of the church on Main Street. The boys from Glen Ellyn who enlisted in the Spanish-American War were: Florence Furstein, Fred Surkamer, Will G. Laier, John J. Laier, W. H. Groeschell, Charles Christianson, Lawrence Arnold, Harry Dolbey, John Ashby and Fred Johnson. 1898 First kindergarten in basement of Congregational church started by Mrs. Charles H. Kerr. Christian and John Nadelhoffer bought the livery business of Charles Van Buren, including the livery barn built by him, which held its place on Crescent Boulevard until it made way for the Glen Theatre in 1926. Later William Nadelhoffer joined his father and uncle in the business. They built their new garage on Stewart at Forest in 1928. 1899 Glen Ellyn a gay summer resort, many guests at the big hotel from Chicago and the south. Entertainments by the Cross Country Club, attended by many promi- nent Chicago people such as John Stewart, Hon. T. B. Bryan, of Elm- hurst and Judge Elbert H. Gary of Wheaton. Orrin D. Dodge was elected village president. The Bloomingdale windmill partly destroyed by small tornado. Mrs. Pauline Woebke recalls how she and her husband once drove over there with some grain to grind into special kind of flour. The wind was blow- ing a gale and the great wings were sweeping the sky at perilous speed. Only the miller's wife was at home and she didn't know how to stop the mill. Great was her relief when Mr. Woebke brought the sails to quiet- ness. "Mr. Woebke could because he knew about sailing," explained Mrs. Woebke. "He understood the winds and how to manage the mill's sails in them." 1900 St. Mark's Church built at Main and Hillside, on a lot given by Charles A. Phillips, an unbeliever, who had the large estate on Park Boulevard. A. R. Utt bought his drug store from Dr. Tope (now the Heintz store). No street lights, and kerosene lamps used in the homes. Benjamin F. Gault, called "the bird man" by the village folk lived for many years in the house on the southwest corner of Main and Hawthorne, last occupied by the Earl Twichells. He is a member of the American Ornithological Union, the National Geographic Society, the American Audubon Society, the Cooper Ornithological Society of Cali- fornia, secretary of the Wilson Ornithological Club, also on the advisory council of "Bird Lore." He writes for this magazine, also the Smith- sonian Institute, the Auk, Birds and Nature and Forest and Stream. In pursuing his bird studies, Mr. Gault has travelled far and wide. Mr. Gault lived in the house on Main street with his mother until her death at the age of ninety years, when he sold his home and left Glen Ellyn for a time. The house during his occupancy, was filled on the first floor, with cases reaching to the ceiling containing stuffed speci- mens of birds of all kinds from every country. It was considered a great honor to have the privilege of viewing this collection and the Study Club and school children were so honored. The Gault house on Madison and Market, Chicago, is owned by his family. Mr. Gault returned in 1928 to Glen Ellyn to make his home. THE STOEY OF AN OLD TOWN— GLEN ELLYN 85 1901 Aurora, Elgin and Chicago Electric road built through the village. A. R. Utt, ticket agent for fifteen years. Much milk shipped on road. Telephone exchange operated by the Chicago Telephone Company was officially opened July 3, in a building on the northeast corner of Penn- sylvania and Lisle (Forest) in the home of the Willard P. Conyers, Robert G. Boyd conducting the exchange up to 1905. March 8th, Twentieth Century Camp, No. 2431, Royal Neighbors of America, was organized with twelve benefit members and eleven social members. The following officers were elected: Oracle, Christine Remick; vice oracle, Callie Laier; past oracle, Josephine Jellies; chancellor, Emma Mertz; recorder, Florence Babcock; receiver, Kathryn Yackley; mar- shall, Blanche Stoessiger; assistant marshall, Ruth Stoessiger; inner sentinel, Freda Hoffman; outer sentinel, Mina Stoessiger; managers, Minnie Kress, Wm. Yackley, Josephine Jellies; physician, Dr. G. B. Tope. First printed program of the "Study Club" issued, a booklet of four pages. 1902 The Chicago Press Club had quite a few members living in Glen Ellyn, among whom were Frank Comerford, Horace M. Ford, Frank Roderus, Charles H. Kerr, Frank Abbott, Frank Hassler. W. F. McFryer became commercial manager of the telephone company for Wheaton and Glen Ellyn. First auto in town — and S. T. Jacobs, its owner 1903 The first automobile arrived in the village, a Franklin, owned by S. T. Jacobs. It was painted red and the springs were none too good. It had a door in the rear by which one entered lifting up the seat to do so. Ten cents a ride in it was charged for the benefit of a church social. Gretchen Jacobs McChesney (Mrs. Charles McChesney) was the first woman in Glen Ellyn to drive a car. The writer had her first auto ride in this one. Newton and Baethke bought out Churchill and Newton and began the present company, though then handling lumber and grain. It operated in the plant of the Alexander Lumber Company which bought the business, though not the land in 1924, when the Newton-Baethke Com- pany turned to oil and automobiles and built the first filling station in the village on their present site. 86 THE STOEY OF AN OLD TOWN— GLEN ELLYN 1903 In the old days, grain was a big business and if you notice the structure west down the tracks, you'll see that there really is a little elevator and a windmill sort of edifice there. In those old days, they used to unload cars of grain by wind power, and sometimes had to wait several days for fortune to favor them with enough power to get the grain elevated. One car load of bran, Mr. Baethke remembers with special vividness, took days to get transferred from the car to the bin. Later an electric motor was installed, getting its power from the third rail, and this was almost more trouble than the wind because of the unevenness of the current. As trucks came in and horses went out, and pastures changed into subdivisions, the major business shifted from grain to lumber and coal. Big hotel leased to Ruskin College, a socialist institution founded in Ruskin, Tennessee, moved to Missouri, and then to Glen Ellyn, the latter move achieving considerable publicity, for no interruption was permitted in the school work, classes proceeding on the train en route. George M. A. Miller was president and Mrs. Miller, vice president. They tried to run the school by securing donations from capitalists, but this policy wrecked the institution, caused a strike among the students who left and went to work, and finally the Millers did likewise. "Ruskin Rays," a bulletin for October, 1904, loaned for examination by Carolyn Winnen Scheve, describes the scope and aims of "Ruskin Univer- sity." It is liberally illustrated with interesting pictures which give one the idea that the University was quite an extensive institution, and cause one to wonder why it left no deeper trace on the village's appearance. Its first page indicates this as its scope: Ruskin University, Ruskin Sanitarium, Ruskin Industrial Bank, Ruskin University Press, Ruskin Industrial Guild, and Ruskin Co-Operative Association. It's hard to see how all of this could have vanished completely until one looks at the pictures. There's the Ruskin Business College, a large building housing the Ruskin Bank and Ruskin Co-Operative Association, which proves to be nothing more nor less than our old familiar, the Ehlers Building, pulled down in 1926 to make way for the Glen Ellyn State Bank Building. Then there's the Ruskin Novelty Works and Engineering Laboratory, behind which impressive words lurks unmistak- ably the old Duane Street School, now the Johansen Real Estate office on Crescent. And the building labelled The Ruskin University Press, is perhaps the only available photograph of the little old church built in 1839, which came down from Stacy's Corners to serve the worshippers in Danby and then moved round on Crescent for general ultilitarian pur- poses. The purposes of the school were laudable, that honest toil should be mixed in with scholastic education, that young people learning to live should not forget how to live. But, for some reason, these purposes didn't take with the public. And the building was sold to Jacob Winnen who was preparing to open it as a first class summer hotel when it was struck by lightning and burned to the ground, involving its owner in a loss of some $25,000. Glen Ellyn's Burbank was Isaac A. Poole, induced by the president to come to the college and have charge of the botanical work and pro- pagate his plants. He lived in a little shack connected with a green house, in the low place across the road from the present Kettlestring house, 682 Crescent. He lived principally on charity, he was taken to the county farm when Mr. and Mrs. Alonzo Ackerman were the mana- gers. But he was so troublesome there that he was permitted to go back to his little shack where he lived and worked till his death. He claimed to have antedated some cf Burbank's discoveries and he did develop a beautiful iris, white with blue border and a tall stem, many bulbs of which are in Glen Ellyn gardens. THE STOBY OF AN OLD TOWN— GLEN ELLYN 87 1903 Mary Fenamore Ackerman bequeathed the Free Methodist Church $600, to be held so long as the church continues in active organization. By investment, this sum in 1928 had grown to $18,000. The Adelphos Club was organized with the following members: Eva Clare, Jessie Higley, Ruth Stubbings, Louella Patterson, Birdie Hanson, Fay Hanson, Ben Hanson, Floyd Counts, Earl Rathbun, Kenneth Critch- field, Minnie Moulton, Robert Moulton, Walter Moulton, Alexander Grant, Alexander Bailey, Irene Rathbun, Mr. and Mrs. Luther Hiatt. 1904 First electrical shop in village started by Clarence Curtis in small building on present site of Newton-Baethke building, which Mr. Hoadley had previously occupied with the first shoe store in the village. Sharing the space with Clarence Curtis, were Robert J. Scott, who studied law nights, and George Nelson with his surveying. Later the building came into the possession of John LeMessurier who dispensed real estate from it. There was a Birthday Club with Madame Swan, Mrs. Oscar Swan, Mrs. Ellicott, Mrs. Elizabeth Jenkins, Mrs. Frank Hassler among the members. Wooden sidewalks were the order of the day. Alonzo Ackerman, Civil War veteran, called "Lon" by the village folks, was a noted character. He wore his hair in long curls falling over his shoulders. Annually on his birthday it was clipped, the occasion being a great event. (See 1882 for his portrait). A bottling house, built southeast of the Springs, which bottled and shipped water for about ten years, burned down, May 11. 1905 August 31st, Glen Ellyn State Bank chartered, with the first officers: president, O. D. Dodge; vice president, E. H. McChesney; cashier, J. D. McChesney and first directors: L. C. Cooper, O. D. Dodge, Acors W. Rathbun, E. H. McChesney and J. D. McChesney. The original stock- holders were: J. D. McChesney, E. H. McChesney, L. C. Cooper, Boyd Brothers, Amos Churchill, Alex. Johnson, W. H. Luther, Dr. Frank Johnson, E. G. Feuerstein, J. S. Dodge, L. R. Newton, Wm. H. Baethke, Pearl Feuerstein, Mrs. E. Feuerstein, Sadie McChesney, Mattie McChes- ney, Carrie A. Stacy, and J. K. Rathbun. The first newspaper, "The Glen Ellyn Echo," was published by the Men's Club of the village with the following editorial staff: B. B. Cur- tis, "The Folk You Know"; Mrs. G. M. H. Wagner, the woman's de- partment; C. L. Moulton and C. H. Kerr, village improvement; W. S. Pierce, Among the churches; Walter Sabin, the public school, and A. L. Hamilton had charge of the advertising. Robert Boyd conducted the telephone exchange to June 21st. E. H. McChesney elected village president. 1906 May 3rd, the big summer hotel burned. Details are from the Glen Ellyn Enterprise, May 3rd, 1906. "Nine o'clock, Tuesday morning, while the thunderstorm was at its height, the people of Glen Ellyn were suddenly aroused by the blowing of the fire whistle and the report spreading rapidly through the town that the Glen Ellyn Hotel on the shores of Lake Ellyn had been struck by lightning and was on fire. As is usual at this hour, the larger part of the male population of the village had gone to their several places of business in the city but those remaining immediately hastened to the scene of the conflagration and did all in their power to check the flames and save as much of the contents of the building as possible. 88 THE STOBY OF AN OLD TOWN— GLEN ELLYN 4 1906 "The fire engine was hastily loaded into McChesney and Geisler's de- livery wagon and hurried to the scene, but as the flames had already gained such headway that it was useless to contend with them, all hands turned in and attempted to carry out furniture and other personal property. . . Meanwhile hundreds of people unmindful of the pour- ing rain, had assembled to witness the scene. The electric railway brought large numbers from both Wheaton and Lombard, and several cars were stopped and held at Ruskin Station in order that the through passengers might view the sight. Charles McChesney and Will Baethke were struck by a burning plank while carrying out furniture but were not seriously injured. In less than two hours from the time the building was struck, with the exception of two chimneys, it was reduced to a bed of ashes level with the ground. The fire was discovered by Conductor Garrow, of the North Western freight No. 133, who told Mr. Luther, the station agent, who phoned the power house. As the building was unoccupied, there was no loss of life, but the insurance had just been allowed to lapse so the structure was a total loss. Such furniture as was saved, was hauled to Saunders' Hall and stored there tempor- arily." Population, 1,500. "The Glen Ellyn Enterprise" started by Wade Garfield, a young lawyer recently moved to town with his bride who amazed the village with her Paris gowns. Miss Stella B. Richards was assistant editor. Suit brought to recover the large park acreage given to the village by the Hotel and Spring company in 1890, and lost through failure by village authorities for fifteen years to have the deed recorded. Hotel company built a fence around the park. Glen Ellyn taxes amounted to $2,766.22. Saloon license, $1,000. Cement walks put in. Main Street^l906 This view shows Fleming's Store, the first building on the left, the only store saved from the big fire in 1890. It stood on the site of the present DuPage Trust Building, northwest corner of Main and Crescent. It was built by Henry Benjamin, one of the first stores built in Danby. The postoffice was kept in it by Miles Allen, father of Georgia Allen. This view also shows the new cement walks. THE STORY OF AN OLD TOWN— GLEN ELLYN 89 1906 Dr. C. W. Somerville, first dentist in village began his practice in March in a room upstairs in the present Junta Building, in the days before plumbing, and when stove heat was the rule. Later the Wagners re- modeled the building and installed plumbing. Dr. Lowell was asso- ciated with Dr. Somerville. Succeeding him, came Dr. Barlow and in 1915 Dr. Somerville and Dr. Barlow moved into the offices in the old Ehlers Hotel or Glen Ellyn State Bank Building. The district east of Main street from Hillside to Hill, excepting St. Mark's site, was the Phillips field, belonging to the Phillips estate, where the villagers pastured their cows. And nearly every villager kept a cow in those palmy days. 1907 Water system installed. October 11, Glen Ellyn Volunteer Fire Company organized at village hall with following charter members: H. J. Blackburn, chief; Wm. H. Baethke, assistant chief; Clark T. Morse, E. F. Adams, Fred A. Stocking, Charles H. McChesney, Jack Baron, Allan A. Myers, Herman Klug, Cloyd Roush, Robert G. Boyd, Alfred R. Utt, Martin Schaus, Elmer F. Burdick, Jesse R. Wagner, G. C. Wagner, A. M. Kelley, Wm. J. Catlin, Wm. H. Spangler, B. C. Dodge, Clarence C. Parker, Frank M. Wagner, members. Initial equipment consisted of one chemical copper tank of sixty gallon capacity, one hundred feet garden hose in small reel. The large hose reel was purchased October 25 for $90 from company funds and the hook and ladder wagon in November for $315. The village board donated 500 feet of hose. The company always has been supported by the proceeds of the annual Firemen's Ball on New Year's Eve. Much equipment has been purchased, a pulmotor added, proper apparatus installed in halls, churches and schools and an alarm system has been installed. First Firemen's Ball on New Year's Eve. Dickens' Circle organized by Mrs. Sidney Badger. Membership limited to eighteen, meetings every Monday to read Dickens' books. Novelist's birthday, February 7, always celebrated by trip to city. I. O. O. F. Danby Lodge re-organized once more. Postoffice in Boyd's hardware store. Robert Boyd post master for fourteen years. Walter Sabin, for many years beloved teacher in the public schools died April 6th, aged seventy-seven years. February 9th, Saturday afternoon a self appointed committee of ten women, five from the Study Club and five from the village met at the home of Mrs. Cora V. Higley to plan for a library. The ten were: Mrs. Higley, Miss Kate Sheldon Treat, president of the Study Club; Mrs. Ellis, Mrs. Horace Ford, Mrs. Frank Hassler, Mrs. Howe, Mrs. LeRoy Newton, Mrs. White, Mrs. Oscar Swan and Mrs. Charles Morse. They decided to hold teas with ten cent admission fee, and ask for a room in the Village Hall. At a meeting of the Study Club, February 26, at the home of Mrs. O. D. Dodge, forty books for the library were brought by the ladies. The town board allowed the use of a room in the town hall and Mr. Surkamer cleaned and papered it. Meanwhile the first tea was held at Mrs. Swan's, and Mrs. John Gieselman (aunt of Mrs. Frank J. Bogan) contributed the first dollar to be used. There were twenty-seven women present and $27.00 collected. On March 15, a tea was held at Mrs. Brad 90 THE STOBY OF AN OLD TOWN— GLEN ELLYN 1907 Hill's, and Miss Lindsey, of Evanston, gave a talk on "How to Start a Library." This gave the ladies lots of practical ideas. After four meetings they called themselves the Glen Ellyn Library Association, with Mrs. Higley as president, Mrs. Myra E. Nelson as vice-president, Mrs. Horace Ford as secretary and Mrs. LeRoy Newton as treasurer. They drew up a constitution and by-laws and presented them and their plans at a public meeting attended by forty people who signed the constitution. People pledged 25 cents a month for eighteen months. The first board of directors were: Mrs. Higley, Mrs. Nelson, Mrs. Morse, Mrs. Somerville, Mrs. Ford, Mrs. Newton, Mrs. Hopper, Mrs. Emma Christie, Mrs. Hassler, Mrs. Calhoun. Richard Henry Little talked at the Congregational Church, and the proceeds were turned over to the library. The teas continued to raise money and soon they had $100 to spend for books, in addition to many books that had been given. Mrs. Horace Ford and Miss Treat spent three mornings a week with Miss Bessie Baldwin of Wheaton learning library work so they could prepare the books for circulation. Early in May the library was opened to the public. There were fifty-six membership cards, and all card holders over twenty-one could vote on library affairs. Mrs. Annie Richards was the first librarian and the library was open on Thursdays and Saturdays. Comfort was short-lived however, for the village board soon informed the ladies they must have that room back again by the first of the year, so ithe women rented a room for $7.00 a month over Boyd's (Patch's) store and moved in on November 25th. Philo Stacy had offered $100 as a gift on condition that the association raise $400, which was done within a month. This $500 was invested in water bonds toward a building fund. It was now felt wise to take out insurance on the property and also to place the association under state laws, so July 23rd, 1907, a certificate of organization was granted the association by the State of Illinois. The Gardner Bridge Road (Hill Ave.) was the main highway to Chicago and the villages west. The Naperville and Warrenville roads, running southwesterly, crossed it where Western would cross Hill. Orig- inally the Naperville Road crossed at Prospect, but as every villager kept a cow and the creatures ran loose, so many were killed that the overhead crossing was the remedy. Its ruins used to be seen down Lorraine Ave. toward the tracks. The quaint story is that this was abandoned because the engines kept getting larger and larger till finally the smokestacks couldn't go under the bridge. Jesse Wagner, however, scouts the idea, and declares it was a matter of contracts and agreements between the village and the North Western which vacated the overhead crossing in 1907 and opened up Prospect. If people then had known what they do now about automobile traffic, they probably would not have so lightly surrendered their wonderful overhead opportunity. 1908 Glen Oak Country Club organized. The women of Glen Ellyn voted for the first time. The Study Club women (Glen Ellyn Woman's Club) electioneered and sprang a surprise in the village by commandeering all the vehicles in town and rounding up every woman in the place. They were at the station at 5:30 A. M. serving coffee and doughnuts to early commuters. It was the most ex- citing election for schools ever held in the village. The women won and elected Charles Hudson, president of the school board. In May, the library rented another room, using two and paying $15.00 a month rent. The annual dues were made $1.00, there were 983 books THE STOEY OF AN OLD TOWN— GLEN ELLYN 91 1908 in the library and it was open Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and Sat- urday. An informal reception was held in its rooms on its second anniversary. On Labor Day the first of four Library carnivals was given, netting $336. 1909 Schools thoroughly overhauled and put on new basis, better salaries paid teachers and steps taken for new buildings. Hawthorne school built (old wing of present school) New Forest Glen School built; a school on this site since 1841. February 16th, Grace Lutheran Church organized at the W. H. Baethke home. Rev. E. F. Haertel, pastor of Christ Lutheran, Chicago, pre- sided and preached first sermon at first service, Thursday evening, February 25th. Services were first held in Odd Fellows Hall in old Glen Ellyn State Bank Building, then in DuPage Trust auditorium till the high school needed that, then in Library Hall till the purchase of the former Congregational church on Main and Forest in 1920. Fred Oberschulte, senior student of Concordia Seminary, St. Louis, served as pastor in August 1909. In January 1910, Rev. C. H. Kenreich became permanent pastor for six years, followed by Rev. Carl Schlaede, who after ten years resigned to become U. S. Navy chaplain. Rev. Benjamin Maurer then served till he accepted a call to Milwaukee. He was succeeded by Rev. H. Mackensen, 497 Forest Avenue, present pastor. Dr. Ensminger came to Glen Ellyn. Dr. Barlow came to village and began practice, sharing office with Dr. Somerville. Mrs. Frank Hassler succeeded Mrs. Higley as president of the library association which had 1,256 books and seventy-five borrowing cards. Wm. H. Harnden, of 498 Hillside Ave., started in as janitor at the Duane Street School and served there until 1918. Many young people of that era recall how, when they verged on tardiness, they could see him peer out through the little window as he rang the last bell. If he saw the youngsters hurrying along he kept on ringing that last bell till they arrived at their destination. For nobody can be called tardy while the last bell still rings. Byron Williams elected village president. Prospect Rebekah Lodge, No. 712, formed with these charter members: Mark Woods, Thomas Delves, Walter Johnson, W. J. Monroe, F. Manning, John J. Acker, Frank Foulke, H. W. Cole, R. O. Ott, Allen Myers, W. F. Vallette, Rollin Smith, L. H. Brown, J. L. Collins, F. Surkamer, Jr., F. M. Wagner, Christian Kress, Geo. Assman, J. D. McChesney, H. W. Webster, Pearl Webster, Lilly K. Woods, Minnie Manning, Etta Brown, Eliza Monroe, Theresa Delves, Lucy C. Leineke, Minnie Kress, Alta Collins, Jessie Acker, Lucy Surkamer, Mina Groeschell, Grace Smith, Kate Myers, W. H. Leineke, Anna Vallette, Mattie McChesney and Jane Cole. THE INTENSE TEENS 1910 Glen Ellyn's population, 1,713; Milton Township's 6,353. The Glen Ellyn Dancing Club began with ten couples, meeting once a month, discontinuing only a couple of years ago. The original ten couples were: Mr. and Mrs. Acors Rathbun, Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Utt, Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Berger, Mr. and Mrs. T. Stuart Smith, Mr. and Mrs. LeRoy Newton, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. H. Baethke, Mr. and Mrs. I. A. 92 THE STOEY OF AN OLD TOWN— GLEN ELLYN 1910 Lesher, Dr. and Mrs. C. W. Somerville, Mr. and Mrs. D. B. Roberts, and Mr. and Mrs. Wm. H. Wilson. Mrs. Charles Hopper succeeded Mrs. Hassler as president of the Library Association and served for thirteen years in that capacity. She wrote an informal letter to Andrew Carnegie asking for assistance but received no reply. Mud filled the streets, which were much lower than the sidewalks, and one went up and down various sets of steps to reach the different levels in front of the stores which "with a baby carriage made hard going." The horses stood knee deep in mud on Main Street in rainy weather, their heads coming nicely above the sidewalk level. If one wanted to cross the street, one didn't skip gaily across in the middle of the block; one went up to the corner or down to the coiner to travel from Utt's drug store to the Glen Ellyn State Bank, or similar distances. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Stanton started "Sittyton Farm" on the But- terfield Road, at the corner of Bryant Avenue, extended, or a little east of Park Boulevard. The farm was so named after Sittyton, the home in Scotland, of Amos Cruikshank, famous breeder of thoroughbred shorthorn cattle, so famous that he is called "Scotland's herdsman," whose picture now hangs in the Stanton home. Mr. Cruikshank shipped his cattle to James Davison, Mrs. Stanton's grandfather in Canada, who distributed them through this country. Mr. Stanton's dream was, if ever he had a farm, to call it Sittyton and raise shorthorn cattle — which dream he has realized. The highest priced yearling shorthorn heifer ever sold in the world was the "Sittyton Queen," born on the Stanton farm in 1916, and sold in the Argentine for $35,000. He is still raising these shorthorn cattle, having now about sixty head. The Sittyton Riding Academy was started in 1924, and at nearly any hour of every day, you see riders cantering over the roads in the neighborhood, enjoying fresh air and the inimitable exercise of horseback riding. George Ball started his greenhouse business here with one small house, 200 by 27 in dimension. He is now a wholesale florist with seven large modern greenhouses at his plant, 331 Hawthorne, and seven more in West Chicago. He specializes in calendulas and sweet peas. He has originated the real modern calendula, characterized by longer stem and larger flower, used all over the world. He has also orginated varieties of sweet peas, a yellow one, the "Ball Orange" and a brilliant dark rose one, called the "Ball Rose." Also, he is the author of a book on flower culture called "Growing Sweet Peas." First Evangelical church organized, meeting in the DuPage Trust building, called St. James' Evangelical Church. Rev. F. Krohne, of Chicago, organizer and first minister. Bought former M. E. Church on Hillside Avenue, west of Main in 1913. "First Evangelical Church of Glen Ellyn," chosen as name in 1925, Rev. Theodore Holtorf, 478 Phillips Avenue, pastor. Study Club entered state federation levied a fine of five cents for absence from meetings, and started the "Travel Class" under Mrs. Hopper and the "Literature and the Arts Class" under Mrs. Jean My- tinger. Members of the Glen Oak Country Club living in Glen Ellyn, were: Elmer F. Adams, F. D. Abbott, Wm. H. Baethke, Geo. W. Beeler, Lee Lothrop Brown, Glen A. Bowstead, H. G. Bowstead, Joseph Cummins, F. W. Dibble, L. A. Farr, Wm. Grimshaw, J. A. Lesher, Herbert Lane, Dan Norman, George M. Nicoll, R. W. Newton, A. W. Palmer, Wm. F. TEE STOEY OF AN OLD TOWN— GLEN ELLYN 93 1910 Pelham, J. C. Pratt, Frank E. Rose, D. B. Roberts, T. Stuart Smith, Harry Scull, Wm. H. Wilson, T. R. Wood, H. R. Warden, Miss Pearl A. Somerville, Jas. H. Furman, Dr. Frank Johnson, LeRoy A. Newton and P. C. Hurd. Otto and Herman Miller started the Glen Ellyn Auto Co., pioneer auto establishment. They began in an ice house, on Crescent, next door to the Glen Ellyn State Bank. "It would only hold one car," said Otto Miller, "but we did most of our work outside under a tree. There were only four cars in town then, the Jacobs', the Furman's, the Howe's and Dr. Phillips', but there was enough to do to keep us busy. We had to tow them in with horses, but they never got far those days, only about half way to Naperville, or out to the Great Western tracks." They were agents at first for the Maxwell cars. From four cars in 1910 the number jumped to 1,609 in 1928, that many licenses being issued by the village. 1911 The Study Club got up a petition to abolish the saloon. Most of the village folk signed it, though some predicted a terrible calamity for the village to have it discontinued. February 14th, the saloon doors closed officially. February 14, Delevan Street was changed to Crescent Blvd. Sewage system installed at cost of $145,000; present cost is three times that sum. April 14th, Chief H. J. Blackburn and Cloid Roush killed in automobile accident. In May, W. H. Baethke appointed fire chief. July 2 was dedicated the great statue of Indian Chief Black Hawk, forty-eight feet high, on a bluff 250 feet above the Rock River. This is the highest point in the Rock valley. The statue is the work of Lorado Taft, took four years to make, has Black Hawk's face, but is in general typical of the vanishing red man. It is built of concrete and is expected to last forever as a monument to the Indians who once lived all over our country. The statue is at the edge of Eagle Nest Camp, the summer home of many artists and writers. Some 200 Chicagoans went down to the dedication, as guests of Mr. Taft, Wal- lace Heckman and Frank O. Lowden. Elia W. Peattie read an original poem on "The Pine Forest," Edgar A. Bancroft paid a tribute to the Indian Red Man, Hamlin Garland read a poem on "The Trail-Makers," and responses were given by Dr. Charles Eastman, a Sioux Chiyesa, and Miss Laura M. Cornelius, an Oneida-Iroquois. Just a short distance north of Oregon looms this great statue which we all of us enjoy when we take the Rock River drive. Study Club dropped its membership limitation of thirty. Boy Scouts organized. Sam Austin, who then lived at 503 Hillside Avenue, went to Ralph B. Treadway and said he and some other boys wanted to take up the Scout work and asked him to become their Scoutmaster. Peter Bach- mann was afterwards Assistant Scoutmaster. Records show that on August 27, 1911, the Eagle Patrol comprised the following: Sam Austin, Melville Smith, Chester Woods, Richard Hoadley, Alva Pelham, Carleton Howe, Isadore Sersefsky, Joseph Moul- ton, Clarence Kendall and Olin Dibble, and on same date the Wolf Patrol had as members: Frank Hassler, Lloyd Myers, John Foster, John Spald- ing, Harold Myers, Cleon Monroe, Lester LeMessurier, Ivan Surkamer, Alba Spalding and Walter Cadman; that afterwards, Walter Ludeke was 94 THE STOBY OF AN OLD TOWN— GLEN ELLYN 1911 assigned to Wolf Patrol and Harry Kelley to Eagle Patrol. There was also a Recruit Patrol, which included Russell Carr, Thomas Dalton, Martin Morrison, Carl Dow, Glenn Tellefsen, Harry Addie, Franklin Rowe and Alfred Carlson. The record also shows the following but not their assignment, John Binger, Wilbur Johnson, Hubert Bogan, Henry Hul- bert, Harold Utermark, George Freeto, George Johnson, Leonard Llewellyn and Frank Achterfeld. This Scout organization lasted about two years, then disbanded. The Library Association purchased the old Nickerson house on Penn- sylvania, just east of Main, the women cleaned it up themselves and moved into it in time to celebrate the library's fifth anniversary on May 11th, in its own home. The moving was an informal affair, Clar- ence Kendall and Owen Dibble helping with their express wagons after school. The library possessed 1,750 books, seventy-five borrowers and a circulation of 4,287. The women of the village worked very hard, doing all sorts of cleaning and decorating. Miss Harmon furnished the furnace for the house. "It was Miss Harmon's cash that kept us going," de- clared Mrs. C. W. Somerville. In March an official letter was sent to Mr. Carnegie and the reply came that if the village would supply one-tenth of the sum given by Mr. Carnegie for the maintenance of the library and the site be fully owned, help would be forthcoming. Immediately the women began their agitation in the village for a two mill tax for the support of a free public library in the village. Patch Bros, bought out Boyd Bros, and continued their hardware business. DuPage County State Bank (now DuPage Trust Co.) organized No- vember 25, with capitalization of $25,000 and surplus of $2,500. First meeting held December 2, at the home of William H. Hall, 722 Hillside Avenue. First directors were: Frederick Bruegger, Allan H. Fairbank, Jas. H. Furman, Wm. F. Jensen, Wm. H. Hall, Dan Norman, Thaddeus P. D. Payne, Jas. E. Simons, Thomas Stanton, Wm. L. Lerch and Eugene C. Hall. The first officers were: president, Wm. H. Hall; vice president, Dan Norman; cashier, Frank J. Bogan; assistant cashier, Jas. W. Vallentyne. Mr. IBogan recalls with amusement how, in those early days of cashiering, he had to arrive early to sweep out, and was obliged to lock up the bank's doors, while he went downstairs to fix the furnace. DuPage Trust Building erected, just two stories high at the time. 1912 October 23, Glen Ellyn Lodge No. 950 A. F. & A. M. was organizea with a membership of fifty-eight, and the following were the first officers: Worshipful Master, Herbert Lane; Senior Warden, Acors Rath- bun; Junior Warden, Lawrence V. Calhoun; Treasurer, Charles F. Nagl; Secretary, John LeMessurier; Chaplin, Frank Roderus; Senior Deacon, Karl C. Loehr; Junior Deacon, Walter P. Conyers; Senior Steward, Harold Rossiter; Junior Steward, Edgar H. McChesney; Tyler, Thomas J. Delves. They met in the Odd Fellows Hall above the Glen Ellyn State Bank, until obliged to move because of the dismantling of the old Ehlers Building. Douglas B. Robertson, first new initiate. Gas and electric light franchise granted for twenty- five years. Study Club's name changed to Glen Ellyn Woman's Club which joined the Eleventh District. August 19th, Boosters Club organized. February 19th, Georgia Allen, a teacher in the public schools for forty years, died, aged sixty-three years. THE STORY OF AN OLD TOWN— GLEN ELLYN 95 1912 Daughters of Columbia organized, Mrs. Matilda Merz first president. Movies of the Black Hawk War made in Glen Ellyn down by the lake. A considerable company of actors, actresses, Indians and frontiersmen, with the covered wagons, horses and all, were here several weeks. We used to go down to the lake afternoons to watch them act. The wagons pulled by four horses which would wade and struggle through the water of the lake and pull up the steep bank of Honeysuckle hill, the Indians Main Street — looking north on their ponies whooping and yelling in full chase, the water splashing up over their splendid Indian costumes (though the Indians were make- believes, they were very realistic), the women in sunbonnets and homespun holding on to their seats in the wagon for dear life. It was all very interesting and exciting, and quite fitting that the pic- ture should have Glen Ellyn scenery for a setting, not only because Black Hawk had been here many times, but because this place resembles his own country, the Rock River region. The film was shown here to crowded houses. This was in the days when movies were quite new and when the little lake was surrounded by a tangle of undergrowth, there was lake where the athletic field now lies, and Honeysuckle Hill, a laby- rinth of bushes and trees, rose steeply from the water's edge, uncrowned by any high school. October 13 and 14, the First Congregational Church held services cele- brating its fiftieth anniversary in its building at Forest and Pennsylvania (now the Grace Lutheran home), William Roscoe Kedzie was the minister. In the morning there were addresses by Rev. J. C. Armstrong and Rev. Charles Caverno; a quartet, Messrs Lang, Blackwell, Kopp and Watson, sang "It is the Lord's Own Day," and another of Mrs. Pulse, Mrs. Dean, Mr. Lang and Mr. Kopp, sang "Lead Kindly Light," and W. Harold Simons played the offertory. In the evening, there were ad- dresses by Rev. J. W. Valentyne, and Dr. Wm. E. Barton, with music by a quintet, composed of Mrs. Rose, Miss Gordon, Mrs. Abell, Mr. Gordon and Mr. Watson, and at both services solos by E. J. Gold. The officers of the church at that time were: clerk, P. A. Bolander; treasurer, K. C. Loehr; trustees, B. B. Curtis, G. F. Scott, C. H. McChes- ney, Dan Norman, T. A. Hoadley; deacons, A. Churchill, R. L. Rogers, A. Whitney, F. M. Wagner; Sunday School: superintendent, G. G. Nelson; secretary, Ruth Boyd; Christian Endeavor: president, R. J. Scott, secre- 96 TEE STOBY OF AN OLD TOWN— GLEN ELLYN 1912 tary, Ruth Boyd; Men's Club president, W. W. Reed; Ladies' Aid presi- dent, Mrs. Jackson Wagner; Ladies' Sewing Circle president.Mrs. G. M. Kendall; Ladies' Missionary Society president, Mrs. J. W. Vallentyne. April, the two mill tax for the library was voted on and carried in a very exciting election. Mr. Carnegie promised $8,000 if the village would provide $800 for maintenance during the year. The present corner at Park and Crescent was chosen. It belonged then to Wm. Grimshaw, and once held the old Arnold home where Mrs. Thomas Hoad- ley, Mrs. Ballou and Miss Arnold were born. The old house on Penn- sylvania was given as part payment. George Awsumb was chosen as architect. Then it was discovered they needed $10,000 to build, so Mrs. Hopper made a trip to New York to see Mr. Carnegie, but found he had gone to Scotland; then Mr. Furman made a trip and succeded in getting the larger appropriation. The first library board elected by the village consisted of Mrs. Charles B. Hopper, Mrs. C. W. Smith, Miss Kate Treat, Arthur Gamon, James Furman and Mr. Wagner. A Glen Ellyn orchestra, composed of Harvey Higley, Irene Baethke and the Misses Sutherland, with Charlotte Johnson as accompanist, under the leadership of L. J. Thiele, did good work in the community. The W. C. T. U. which, under the leadership of "Grandma Lloyd" had been active until the saloon was driven out of the village, then lapsed, but was revived again in 1912. A group of women met at the home of Mrs. T. B. Arnold, who lived at the edge of the Free Methodist Camp Ground, now Wrightwood, and spent the afternoon in the grove — which was then one of Glen Ellyn's loveliest spots. Mrs. C. J. Richardson was elected president; Mrs. Alexander Spears, treasurer and Mrs. H. T. Fitz- simons, secretary. Mrs. Wm. Monroe was very active and the monthly meetings thereafter were held at her home on Pennsylvania Avenue. Mrs. James Gordon, was also very active, and has continued her interest to the present. Many large socials were held at the Gordon home on Pennsylvania. Others who were active were Mrs. J. D. McChesney, Mrs. Merre, Mrs. Olmstead, Mrs. Nelson, daughter of Grandma Lloyd and mother of George Nelson, and Mrs. O. G. Christgau. The Harmony Club had club rooms on Crescent where the Palace Meat Market now holds forth. There the club had a gymnasium and card tables and its members enjoyed themselves immensely. Once a month, they had a ladies' night with a dance given in Odd Fellows Hall "and how they would dance," exclaimed one of the ladies. Among the mem- bers were Jesse Wagner, Harry and Billy Achterfeld, Jack Baron, Rollin T. Smith, Wm. Vallette, Allen Myers, C. J. Richardson, Fred Surkamer, Ed. Chatterton, Ben Wagner and Wm. Nadelhoffer. Forest Glen P. T. A., first in the community started by M. W. Hol- linger, then teaching at Forest Glen, in pursuance of his idea that the schools should have wider use by the public, instead of limiting them to the few hours devoted to actual school work by the children. He started a class for boys and girls in high school work, trying to interest the villagers in the high school idea. President Simons, of the village board, looked up the possibility of using a room upstairs in the village hall, but no definite action was taken at the time. The late Mrs, Thomas Dalton was first chairman of the Forest Glen P. T. A., and it has continued since its organization without interruption except for one session missed during the war. The panaroma picture of Glen Ellyn was taken (a copy of which may be seen in Wm. H. Baethke's office.) The camera was mounted on a kite THE STOEY OF AN OLD TOWN— GLEN ELLYN 97 1912 and the photographer waited for days to have the right weather condi- tions. This was an exciting time in the village. Dr. John Thompson, pastor of the Methodist Temple at Clark and Washington, who lived in the village for some years, built the house at 377 Park Blvd., occupied by the Charles Ottos, and made his home there. 1913 Population 2,000. Methodist Episcopal Church on Hillside sold to Evangelical Church. December 28th, present M. E. church, corner of Duane and Forest, dedicated, with Aubrey Moore as pastor, and Dr. John Thompson, now pastor of the Chicago Temple, then living in Glen Ellyn, taking active part in the building project. There were three public schools, Duane, Forest Glen and Hawthorne. Parcel Post came to town. Joseph R. Smith elected village president. Passed away May 1927. October 21st, Park district voted down. O. G. Christgau, editor of "The Glen Ellyan." Dr. Ira L. Baughman began to practice dentistry in the village.. Glen Ellyn acquired its first taxi, a Holliday, run by the Nadelhoffers. Later a Ford was added to the taxi service. Sol Bluefarb bought out a tailor who had been here for about a year, and has continued in the business since that time. 1914 Walter A. Rogers bought his farm "Warwood," 300 acres on both sides of the Joliet Road, south of the Butterfield Road, from Mr. Chism and Mr. Mitchell. Mr. Chism's hobby had been race horses and at one time, Maud S, the famous racer, had lived in the horse barn which still stands of the west side of the road. The farm house on the east side of the road is probably eighty years old. Once a family named Par- sons lived in this house and the story is told that one day Mrs. Parsons heard the Indians were coming. Carrying one of her two children she walked to Naperville, with its fort, to seek protection. Glen Ellyn's Carnegie Library with the Arnold's old apple tree in front of it 98 THE STOEY OF A N OLD TOWN— GLEN ELLYN 1914 The corner where the Bonaparte school stands is one of the high points of land around here. Two different tribes of Indians named it: one's name meaning, "I see all," and the other meaning, "The beautiful." September 14, the new Carnegie Free Public Library building opened to the public. Miss Barr, librarian. Simons Studio started. Woman's Club raised funds to furnish Library Hall. Paving of streets begun, with Main street moving out of the mud first. Newton-Baethke Company, incorporated. November 1st, first moving picture theater built at 481 Main Street, by T. Stuart Smith, George Awsumb, architect. Now the home of the Gas and Electric Company, and the R. V. Spalding organization. 1915 Glen Ellyn Woman's Club with seventy-six members, joined the General Federation. Mrs. Hopper organized the "Civics Class." James E. Simons elected village president. September 15, at a meeting in Glen Ellyn a local high school was decided upon, and Arthur Holtzman and Miss Erin McMechan started right in on their faculty duties, and carried on through this first year. October, Glen Ellyn High School organized as a two year high school under the direction of the superintendent of the grammar schools. December 27th, the High School District was created. The first board elected were: L. J. Thiele, president; Mrs. R. B. Treadway, Mrs. Calvin Berger, Sidney Badger, Dan Norman, B. B. Curtis and W. W. Reed. The next faculty included A. M. Holtzman, principal; Miss Erin Mc- Mechan, Miss Helen Hicks, Miss Nina Parsons, Miss Madeline Sadler and W. L. Taylor. A third floor was added to the DuPage County Bank Building and school sessions were held there. Glen Ellyn High School placed under the township high school act of 1911, made a four year school and recognized by the state department. World War looms on horizon. There were 566 telephones in Glen Ellyn. The first dollar given to the Glen Ellyn Woman's Club for a clubhouse by Ada Douglas Harmon. Glen Ellyn Musical Club organized by L. J. Thiele and Rev. James Vallentyne gave several good concerts before disbanding in war time. It had also fostered music in the public schools. After the war, an informal chorus was organized, led by August Steinberg, and a woman's chorus, led by Leslie Allen. Also, a band was formed and uniformed, which gave several concerts through several winters and summers. The official village ordinance date on the first paving in Glen Ellyn is October 15, 1915, the date of the first assessments for sections of Pennsylvania Avenue, Main Street and Crescent Blvd. The opening of the paving on Pennsylvania, which came first, was an event of first magnitude, and people, wheeling baby carriages, walked over to look at the shining stretch of concrete, getting a big thrill out of the sight. The street had been torn up for months, practically im- passable. The laborers came to the Carl J. Richardson's pump on Duane Street for water to use in the mixing, carrying it for blocks in pails. The 1928 season closes with forty miles of paving in the village. 1916 Glen Ellyn Woman's Club abolished ten cent fines for non-attendance and Rosalie M. McKay became head of the "Music Department." THE STOBY OF AN OLD TOWN— GLEN ELLYN 99 1916 The Boy Scout movement stirred again and Mr. Orrell helped organize and took charge of a second Scout group in October, the meetings being held in the basement of the Methodist church. Among the organizing boys were Robert Patch, Earl Wright, Leonard Cole and Chesterfield Heme. That year business took Mr. Orrell from the village and Dr. Ensminger took the leadership of the boys and continued it till after the war, when the Scout movement developed into its modern form of several troops and Scoutmasters. Among the boys in this second Scout activity, besides the four mentioned above, were: Alec Allen, Thomas Allen, Robert Thiele, Clarence Cole, Norman Elsy, Stanley Elsy, Jack Young, Frank Michel, Charles Davis, Vernon Mertz, Harold Degenhardt, Robert Spears, Wesley Kidd, Lancelot McGough, Lawrence Calhoun, Robert Calhoun, Clyde Newcomb, Russell De Castongrin, Walter Catlin, Lawrence Rogers, Charles Hudson, Alden Fork, Martin Collins, Robert Johansen, John Moloney, and Jack Kinner. Office of the village forester created on July 11 by ordinance. Dr. Frank Johnson has served since that date, rising very early nearly every morning to look over his trees before going into Chicago for the day. Along Duane, Park, Hillside and many other streets are to be found flourishing young trees, elms, red maples and other hardy varieties which he has planted and is taking personal care of, so they may take the place of the short-lived, quick-growing trees that line these streets. Dr. Johnson's memory will be kept alive for countless years through the countless trees he has grown for the village. THE WORLD WAR 1917 The people of Glen Ellyn, Danby's grown-up child, put their shoulders once more to the wheel and worked during the World War with eager patriotism, though not with such poignant pain as had animated their forerunners during the Civil War. For though Glen Ellyn sent many sons to battle, 166, all of them but one, Capt. Paul Conyers Deily, came home to her. He was instantly killed by shell fire on October 3, 1918, while forming his Co. K of the 9th Infantry, preparatory to an attack on Blanc Mont Ridge, France. He had been cited seven times for extreme gallantry in action. His is gold star, No. 44 on the Glen Ellyn service flag. The other gold star, No. 27, belongs to Major Robert E. Brooks, a re- tired army officer who had been called back to recruiting duty in the war emergency. He came to Glen Ellyn to live and met death acci- dentally on the electric railroad at Elmhurst soon afterwards. He was buried in West Chicago with military and Masonic honors. Those who were wounded in service and whose names are represented by silver stars on the service flag are: Leslie Robey in Belleau Woods, 1918; Wesley H. Surkamer, in Belleau Woods, 1918; Robert J. Lang and Sergt. E. K. Chapin, marines, 1918; Frank Newton, Charles Binger, Andrew Ingram, Sergt. Fay H. Sutherland, Vernon R. Miller and Frank Sittler. The service flag was presented to the village by the Civics Department of the Glen Ellyn Woman's Club on March 3, 1918, at that time bearing sixty-eight names, now 166, from the little village of 2,500 people. Mrs. J. C. Knapp was chairman of the Civics Department, and a committee, Mrs. M. J. Milmoe, Mrs. Charles B. Hopper and Mrs. A. R. Utt, made the flag and sewed on the stars, numbering them and assigning a definite one to each man. These stars were changed to keep up with changing conditions. The blue stars belong to the men who served in this country the red to those who went overseas, the silver to those who were wounded and two gold ones to the two who lost their lives. The service flag was kept flying till the Armistice was signed, and it 100 THE STOEY OF AN OLD TOWN— GLEN ELLYN 1917 is now preserved and also a chart, in the vault in the Glen Ellyn Library, which gives a key to each star and its owner. Besides the men in active service and the Home Guards, there were many citizens engaged in war work as zestfully as though they were in uniforms and regiments. There were the Red Cross workers. Before a Red Cross unit was formed after the war began, Mrs. Charles B. Hopper had groups of women meeting at her home on Hillside Avenue making hospital gar- ments and learning to knit. A class in surgical dressing was formed with Mrs. Hopper as instructor, which met at the library. A First Aid class was formed, meeting at the Methodist church with Dr. Ensminger as instructor. The Red Cross Auxiliary was formed June 8th, 1917, and a shop was opened on Main Street in the DuPage Trust Building, now occupied by the A. & P. Tea store. The use of this shop was given till it was rented, which happened the next spring. George Sersefski, who ran the dry goods store where Capps & Co. now are, took the workers in, giving them his counters and shelves, until Mr. Turner arranged a room in the old State Bank Building. Later, they found their final haven in the big Odd Fellows ball room on the third floor of the old building which has gone down for the sake of the bank's new home. The charter members of this unit were: Mmes. M. J. Milmoe, Harry Gilbert, Harry Mitchell, C. C. Tatham, Harry Thompson, G. H. Ens- minger, George Awsumb, Miss Aileen Smith, Mrs. Allen C. Dean, chair- man, Mrs. Asa Strause, vice chairman, Mrs. John Hasfurther, secretary. This unit with these officers became Auxiliary 93 of the Chicago Chapter of the American Red Cross. There were many more workers and much work done. Until February 15, 1919, when the charter was returned, there had been made 26,433 surgical dressings, 799 hospital garments, 199 refugee garments, 1,668 knitted articles of clothing. The children of the village collected 114 pounds of tinfoil. Much used clothing was gathered for Belgian relief. The Forest Glen district formed a committee of which Mrs. Edwin P. Linton was chairman. The average number of Red Cross workers daily was forty. Mrs. Clark Shattuc and Mrs. Asa Strause were given service medals by the Red Cross for 1,600 hours of work and Mmes. Allen C. Dean, Andrew McWilliams, John Myers, Lucile Jamieson, John Hasfurther and Miss Charlotte Grimshaw received medals for 800 hours work. Miss Grimshaw, the second chairman of the Auxiliary, went to France as a member of the Y. W. C. A. and Mrs. Hasfurther was chairman till the Armistice was signed. Then there was a Comfort Kit Committee, to provide small, personal comforts for the men, started by the gift from an anonymous donor of $100 to buy little special things. Small checks were sent at holiday times, and each man was sent away with a little comfort kit for personal be- longings. Mrs. Harry Cole was chairman, and on the committee were Mrs. O. A. Chandler, Mrs. O. D. Dodge, Mrs. J. C. Knapp, Miss Eva Clare, Mrs. O. G. Christgau, Mrs. John E. Hasfurther, and Mrs. Fred S. Cole. Also there was the correspondence committee on which Miss Clara Boyle and Charles McChesney did yeoman work, writing real letters of personal friendliness and village chat to the boys scattered so far away. They wrote hundreds of letters, not just scratchy little notes but regular letters with news in them. Mrs. Frank Johnson was in charge of the Libetry Loans of the Seventh District, and Glen Ellyn always went over the top of its quota, which meant that everybody in town did his bit. The executive committee of the State Council of Defense enrolled the following names: Stanley Wagner, chairman; L. V. Calhoun, vice-chair- man; A. R. Utt, secretary; Frank J. Bogan, treasurer; Miss Clara S. Boyle, Mrs. Frank Johnson, Mrs. C. M. Berger, Mrs. J. K. Clark, Mrs. THE STOBY OF AN OLD TOWN— GLEN ELLYN 101 1917 J. R. Hasfurther, Prof. W. W. Reed, William Yackley, Mrs. Thomas Stanton, Mrs. J. E. Rogers, L. J. Thiele, Charles McChesney, H. Basen- demer, D. S. Adams, Mrs. J. H. Cole, Mrs. W. L. Jansen, Prof. F. L. Biester, Miss Mary D. Lee, Mr. Eckert, J. R. Smith and Mrs. J. C. Lytle. The object of this committee was to welcome home the men which they did by meeting them at the trains, escorting them to their homes and staging some community home comings for them. And so the smoke of battle blew away. Glen Ellyn gave itself whole heartedly to war work with 166 enlisted from the village and east half of township. WORLD WAR SOLDIERS List of men and women in the se half of Milton Township — U. S. welfare agencies. Name 1. Achterfeld, Harry 2. Achterfeld, William (died 1921) 3. Addie, Albert H. Corporal 4. Addie, Earl Sergt. 5. Allen, Albert A., Jr. 2nd Lieut. 6. Allen, Vincent H. 7. Anderson, Elmer (overseas) 8. Arnold, Ewart J. 9. Arnold, Roger W. 10. Arthur, Alfred H. 11. Backman, J. A. 12. Berg, Charles O. (also Spanish War veteran) 13. Binger, Charles (badly wounded) 14. Bogan, Hubert 15. Bowden, Sam M. 16. Brady, Walter W. rvice from Glen Ellyn and the East Army, Navy, Marines and various Service as reported out 45th Infantry, U. S. A. 28th Infantry, 1st Div. (overseas) Headquarters Co. 132nd Infantry (overseas) Medical Dept. Camp Knox, Ky. U. S. Flying service, at New York, ready to sail when Armistice went into effect. Signal Corps, 410th Telegraph Bat- talion Co. D. overseas. Bugler, Battery E, 58th Coast Artil- lery. Signalman, 85th Co. 10th Heavy Ar- tillery U. S. Marine Corps, Quantico. Private Volunteer, released through DuPage Co. Draft Board, and enlisted in Aviation service ground work, June 27, 1918. Sent to Chanute Field and later transferred to Mineola, N. Y., where his Battalion was awaiting sailing orders when November 11 Armistice became effective. Honor- able discharge from service January 22, 1919. Navy, S. S. "Minneapolis," overseas 1917-1918. Pacific Coast, 1919. U. S. Navy. Major, 1st Battalion, U. S. A. 342nd Inf. 86th Div. Camp Grant, resigned. Co. M, 59th Infantry, 4th Division overseas. Landsman Mech. Mate, Great Lakes, U. S. N. Sapper, Canadian Engineers, Toronto Training Camp, and discharged as physically unfit. Intelligence Sect. Headqtrs. Co. 333rd Heavy Artillery. 102 THE STOEY OF AN OLD TOWN— GLEN ELLYN 1917 Name 17. Brody, James 18. Brooks, R. H. Major 19. Burke, Gordon H. 20. Chase, Al (Real estate Editor Chicago Tribune) 21. Clarke, Isaac Bradford 22. Colberg, Grover 23. Cole, Fred S. 24. Cole, Henry W. 25. Cordes, Gilbert 26. Dalton, John Thomas 27. Deiley, Paul C. Camp 28. Dibble, Olin W. 29. Dinsmore, Alden 30. Dodge, Clarence 31. Dodge, Philip A. (Son of Mr. and Mrs. E. C.) 32. Dolton, Richard 33. Donaldson, Horace 34. Duncan, Alexander Cameron 35. Erickson, Charles J. 36. Farnsworth, Lee O. 37. Ferries, W. Allen (overseas) Service as reported out Private, 303rd Aero Squadron, Elling- ton Field, Houston, Texas. U. S. A. Of. Reserve. Killed in acci- dent on C. A. & E. Elec. Ry. 1918. Chicago Dist. Lived in Glen Ellyn. Buried in West Chicago. Tailor, Ordnance Motor Instruction School, Camp Raritan, New Jersey. 2nd Class Seaman, U. S. N. Aviation, Key West, Florida. Chief Mechanic, Battery B, 342nd Field Artillery, 89th Div. overseas. 1st Class Private Co. B, 108th Engin- eers, 33rd Div. overseas. Corporal Co. E, 311th Engineers. Served as instructor of commercial drawing at Bordeaux army schools after Armistice. American Red Cross, Captain, for a short time in France, overseas. Carpenter, U. S. N. Last boat "S. S. Steven H. Jones." overseas. 3rd Class Q. M. Naval Reserve, New- port, R. I., training camp. Infantry. Killed leading a charge, overseas. 1st Class Q. M. U. S. N. Served on S. S. "Nokomis," sub-chaser during 1917-18, overseas. Corporal 817th Motor Transport Co. Served with Tank Corps overseas. Mexico, overseas, transferred from Artillery to cook at a base camp; regular army man and still in service. overseas. Regular Army drill Sergt. at Kansas and Texas Camps. Philippine service wound in foot unfit for overseas on that account. Camp Grant for only a few days; called restricted service. Aviation repair, Gerstner Field, La. U. S. Navy reserve; called out April 1917, served at Grant Park Camp, Chicago. Chief Gunner, title, Instruc- tor, etc. 1st Class Private, Co. I 130th Inf. 33rd Div. overseas. Y. M. C. A. Business Sec'y. In charge at Tours Headquarters, France, over- seas. Pharmacists Mate, U. S. Hospital Ship "Mercy." TEE STOBY OF AN OLD TOWN— GLEN ELLYN 103 1917 Name 38. Forter, David H. U.S.A. 39. Foster, Ernest T. U. S. N. 40. Foster, John W. U. S. A. 41. Freeman, Homer H. overseas 42. Friedrickson, John A. overseas 43. Furman, Edward L. overseas 44. Gordon, Albert A. overseas 45. Gray, Max 46. Grimshaw, Miss Charlotte 47. Hanson, Albert G. overseas 48. Harvis, Earl E. overseas 49. Hassler, Frank R. overseas 50. Higley, Harvey V. U. S. A. 51. Hoadley, Richard U. S. N. overseas 52. Hollinger, Paul overseas 53. Holtzman, Arthur N. U. S. A. 54. Howe, Carlton G. overseas 55. Hornsby, Hubert P. overseas 56. Hornsby, John A. (Retired Major U. S. A. Medical Corps) 57. House, Henry Harrison, over- seas (invalided home) 58. Hurd, Paul D. overseas 59. Ingram, Andrew overseas (wounded in action) Service as reported out Corporal Co. B, 8th Mounted Engin- eers, Texas Border all thru war. Chief Mechanic Great Lakes Naval Training School, April 1917-19. Sergt. and Master Mechanic, Co. B, 8th Mounted Engineers, at Texas Border all thru war. Sergt. 1st class, Supply Co. 6th Regt. U. S. Marines. Private Motor truck Co. 441, 3rd Army Headquarters. Corp. and Clerk, Headqtrs. Personnel Sect. LeMans, went over with 86th Div. Sergt. Q. M. C. 33rd Div. Private Co. B 161st Inf. Camp Grant, Aug. 5, 1918. Y. W. C. A. Canteen at Bordeaux and later transferred to Paris. Private Co. B, 345th Battalion Tank Corps. Corp. Co. B, 132nd Inf. 33rd Div. Sergt. Ordnance Supply Dept. Sta- tioned at various artillery bases in France. 1st Lieut. Chemical warfare service, Experimental Laboratory, Washing- ton, D. C. S.S. "Carolina" transport after Ar- mistice; was radio operator on sub- marine chaser out of Boston Harbor prior to transport duty. Co. C, 342nd Inf. 86th Div. Dis- charged and transferred to Y.M.C.A. service at Brest for 10 months after Armistice. In training with 4th Officers Training Camp, Camp Grant, when war stop- ped. Ensign U. S. N. British Army, base Hospital No. 1, France, from May, 1917. Lieut. Col. Medical Dept. U. S. A. Served at Washington, called to ac- tive service when war was declared; helped Bell organize and plan for Chicago Field, before going East. Private Co. C, service Battalion, 503rd Engrs. Forestry service, France. Sergt. Headqtrs. Co. Signal Platoon, 122nd Field Artillery Private Co. C, 365th Inf. 92nd Div. 104 THE STOBY OF AN OLD TOWN— GLEN ELLYN 1917 Name 60. Jacobs, Samuel Dana, U. S. N. 61. Jackson, J. Alfred overseas 62. Jascke, Stanley M. overseas 63. Jellies, Harvey U. S. A. 64. Johnson, Edward E. overseas 65. Johnson, Ernest E. overseas 66. Johnson, George A. overseas 67. Johnson, Walfrid E. overseas 68. Johnson, Wilbur U. S. A. 69. Julian, Joseph U. S. A. 70. Kaelin, Louis E. U. S. N. overseas 71. Kelley, Harry W. U. S. N. 72. Kellogg, James overseas 73. Kendall, Clarence E. U. S. A. 74. Kloeckner, Edward U. S. A. 75. Klug, Harold U. S. N. 76. Knapp, Norbert C. 77. Kohls, Karl A. U. S. A. 78. Kolacek, William J. U. S. A. 79. Kopf, John W. overseas 80. Kroeger, Albert F. 81. Laier, Frank B. U. S. N. 82. Lambert, Oscar J. overseas 83. Lang, Miss Bertha overseas Service as reported out Ambulance driver, Great Lakes Camp. Supply ship "Bushnell" (with crew that brought over two German subs one displayed in Lake Michigan, Grant Park, Chicago. Corp. Co. B, 132nd Inf. 33rd Div. Aviation repairs, mechanic, Gerstner Field, Louisiana. U. S. N. Portland Training S.S. "Montpelier" transport service. Private Co. F, 311th Ammunition train 86th Div. 3rd Class Quartermaster U. S. N. S.S. "North Carolina" transport service. Private Co. F, 56th Inf. 7th Div. Aviation Repair Corps, Gerstner Field, La. Aviation Repair Corps, Gerstner Field, La. S.S. transport "Hancock." 1st Class Seaman, 2nd Class signal man; Hampton Roads operating base; Naval Reserve, 1918. 1st class private Co. B, 108th Engrs. 33rd Div. Aviation cadet, training for commis- sion; not through when Armistice signed. Last camp Dick, Dallas, Tex. Private, Remount Station, Houston, Tex. 325th Brigade. U. S. Naval Reserves, Great Lakes. Radio Operator assigned to S.S. "Du- Pont"; later designated as Torpedo boat No. 3, American Waters Coast Guarding. Called to restricted service class fall 1918, Jefferson Barracks, Mo. Transferred from private to take offi- cers training course at Camp Lee, Va. Not quite through when Armistice was signed. Sergt. Co. E, 311th Ammunition train, 86th Div. U. S. Merchant Marine, Boston, Mass. Carpenters Mate, U. S. Naval opera- tion, Pensacola and Miami, Florida. Private Co. H, 130th Inf. 33rd Div. Assigned to Glen Ellyn in Draft Quota, Oct. 4, 1917, east half Milton Twp. U. S. A. nurse, Lieut.; to France with base Hosp. unit No. 14. THE STOEY OF AN OLD TOWN— GLEN ELLYN 105 1917 Name 85. Lang, Robert J. overseas 85. LeMessurier, Lester U. U. S. N. R. 86. LePage, Charles A. U. S. N. R. 87. Llewellyn, Leonard E. U. S. N. R. 88. Loomis, Clayton, B. U. S. A. 89. Loomis, Eustis H. overseas 90. Loomis, Hiram K. U. S. A. 91. Loper, Walter A. 92. Lounds, Frank T. U. S. N. 93. Ludeke, Albert H. U. S. A. 94. Ludeke, Walter H. U. S. A. 95. Ludeker, Fred W. U. S. A. 96. McArthur, Harvey B. overseas 97. Maglaras, Theodore overseas 98. Matthews, Clarence A. overseas 99. Mathews, Stuart B. overseas 100. Mathews, Harold 101. Meisner, Frank C. 102. Meisner, Willis J. overseas 103. Melville, John M. overseas 104. Michelini, August G. overseas 105. Miller, Herman V. overseas 106. March, Benjamin F., Jr. overseas Service as reported out 1st class private, 74th Co. 6th Reg. U. S. Marines. Engine man 2nd class U. S. N. re- serve; en route to Columbia Univer- sity, N. Y. Nov. 11, 1918 for special training. Landsman carpenter, Grant Park Camp, Chicago. Radio operator, 1st class naval avia- tion station, Pensacola, Fla. Enlisted at Seattle, Wash. Camp Dodge, Des Moines when Nov. 11th, 1918, Armistice went into effect. Corp. Co. H, 162nd Inf. Machine Gun Co. 41st Div. 2nd Lieut, and Instructor U. S. A. Signal Corps at Kansas and Texas Camps and Camp Meade, Maryland. Trained for Aviation Lieut.; just be- fore securing commission accident to plane put him out of service; later was accepted to train for officer at Camp Taylor, Ky. Artillery Officers Training Camp, U. S. A. R. 1st Lieut. Great Lakes Naval Reserve; went abroad as member of Naval Quartette Admiral Sims, London, later to Camp in France. Sergt. 865th Aero Squadron, Aviation repairs, Dallas, Texas. Private Aviation repair, Gerstner Field, La. Corp. Co. C, 1st Inf. Replacement Battalion, Camp McArthur, Texas. Private and Bugler, Battery D, 149th Field Artillery. Private Headqtrs. Co. 34th Inf. 7th Div. Private, Co. C, Service Battalion, 503rd Engrs. Forestry. Capt. 20th Field Artillery, later In- structor at Camp Bowie. Merchant Marines. Lieut. Veterinary, U. S. A. Machine Gun Co. 344th Inf. 85th Div. Wagoner, Battery D, 342nd Field Ar- tillery, 89th Div. Private, Co. B, 5th Anti-aircraft Bat- talion. Private Signal Platoon, Headqtrs. Co. 39th Inf. 4th Div. Sergt. 305th Field Remount Co. U. S. A. 106 THE STOBY OF AN OLD TOWN— GLEN ELLYN 1917 Name 107. Miller, Vernon R. overseas 108. Montgomery, Arthur Clyde overseas (Canadian Army) 109. Morgan, William T. 110. Moulton, Herbert L. overseas 111. Moulton, N. Harper overseas 112. Moulton, Wesley H. U. S. A. 113. Myers, Harold L. overseas 114. Nelson, LeRoy A. U. S. N. 115. Newton, Frank Q. overseas 116. Newton, Ralph W. U. S. N. 117. Pontious, Walter W. overseas 118. Pressprich, Edward U. S. N. 119. Rathbun, Acors Earl 120. Rathbun, Harry R. 121. Robey, Leslie A. overseas 122. Roblee, Leland H. S. U. S. A. 123. Rowe, Elmer W. overseas 124. Rowe, Henry W. overseas 125. Rowe, Franklin B. U. S. A. 126. Russell, Simeon W. overseas 127. Sadd, Laurence E. overseas U. S. A. 128. Samson, Marcel J. overseas Service as reported out Private Headqtrs. Co 327th Inf. 82nd Div. Gunner Battery C, Royal Canadian Horse Artillery. Sergt. Inf. Enlisted National Guards March 3, 1917, Co. X, 105th Inf. Spar- tanburg, So. Carolina. Sergt. Co. A, 319th Field Signal Bat- talion, U. S. A. 2nd Lieut. Battery F, 122nd Field Ar- tillery, 33rd Div. 2nd Lieut. Officers Reserve Corps, trained at Camp Grant. Nov. 11, 1918 in reserve at an Arkansas Camp. Private 1st class, Battery C, 49th Coast Artillery. Remains in service as Junior Lieut.; Recently transferred to Pacific (1920) Wagoner 129th Field Ambulance, 33rd Div. Chief Machinists Mate, U. S. N., Office of Public Works, Quantico, Va. Sergt. and Sec'y to Director Genl. of Ports, Office of Director Genl. of Transport, Paris. Cornetist and Bugler, Great Lakes Training Camp; later in Sousa's Band, Great Lakes. Was in service, Artillery or Cavalry under Pershing at Mexican Border when U. S. went into war; applied for aviator's training; graduated as 2nd Lieut. Aviation, Dec. 1st, 1918 and on Aviation Officer's reserve list. U. S. N. Aviation cadet from Univer- sity of Illinois; released Jan. 1919 to go on with college course. 1st class private 83rd Co. 6th Reg. U. S. Marines. Commissioned 2nd Lieut. Field Artil- lery, Dec. 9th, 1918, Camp Taylor, Ky. Headqtrs. Co. 1st Engrs. 1st Div. (went in as repl. from Camp Grant, July, 1918). Co. F, 1st Engrs., 1st Div. Replace- ment. 1st class Private Battery B, 14th Field Artillery, Fort Sill, Okla. Co. C, Service Batt'n, 503rd Engrs. Forestry. 1st Lieut. Chemical warfare, Gen'l Headqtrs. Chaumont, France. 29th Co. 20th Engrs. Motor Transport Service. THE STOBY OF AN OLD TOWN— GLEN ELLYN 107 1917 Name 129. Schaefer, William 130. Schleede, Karl W. F. (Pastor Grace Luth. Church; draft East half Milton Twp.) 131. Schoenrock, Gustaf A. 132. Schoenrock, William 133. Scott, George F. overseas 134. Sievert, LeRoy A. 135. Showers, DeWitt C. 136. Simons, James E., Jr. 137. Simons, William Harold 138. Simpson, Roy Russell overseas 139. Smith, Melville 140. Stokes, Charles A. 141. Stokes, Glen A. U. S. N. R. 142. Surkamer, Ivan 143. Surkamer, Wesley H. 144. Swanson, Roy C. overseas 145. Sutherland, Fay H. overseas 146. Thomas, Victor C. 147. Thompson, Belden W. 148. Thompson, J. W. 149. Trompeter, Henry 150. Van Buren, George E. Service as reported out 3rd class Qtr. Master Signal Corps, U. S. N. Hampton Roads, operating base. Chaplain and Capt. assigned to Camp Meade with 79th; later transferred to chaplain on transport, returning from overseas 1919. U. S. Marines; remained in service, last heard from in West Indies. U. S. Naval Hosp. Aero Sta. Rocka- way Beach, N. Y. Capt. Supply Co. 131st Inf. 33rd Div. Was in Nat'l Guard Reserve from old 1st I. N. G. when war started. Corpl. Battery F. 149th Field Artil- lery. Discharged account physical disability before regiment went to France. Restricted service class, Qtrm. Dept. Pur. Dept. Chicago. U. S. Marines, special detail U. S. N. Proving Grounds, Indian Head, Md. Musician U. S. N. Reserve, assigned to and served on U. S. S. "Dolphin" South Atlantic Fleet. 2nd Lieut. Inf., Headqtrs. Troop, 39th Eng. 4th Div. 1st class private and sharpshooter, Co. D, 10th Replacement Battalion, Quantico, Va. U. S. N. R. Ensign, Great Lakes and Columbia Coll. Ensign Great Lakes and Columbia Univ. Aviation Repair Corps, Garden City, L. I., N. Y. Private 1st Class, 83rd Co. 6th Reg. U. S. Marines. Medical Corps, base Hosp. No. 12 Sergt. Motor Supply Train, Unit 322, 6th Div. Private, Base Hosp. 128, Camp Sevier, Greenville, S. C. Provost Sergt. Base Hosp. Fort Riley, Kansas. In Chicago Army Headqtrs. as Clerk since 1888. Headqtrs. Detachment 311, Ammuni- tion train, 86th Div. overseas at close of war but not out of Bordeaux area. Acting Sergt. (used as drill instruc- tor) and transferred from 6th U. S. Marines before it went overseas. Ser- vice at Quantico. 108 THE STOEY OF AN OLD TOWN— GLEN ELLYN 1917 Name 151. Vallentyne, Allin W. overseas 152. Venning, Frank L. overseas 153. Vollmer, Edward F. overseas 154. Vollmer, Fred B. 155. Vollmer, William overseas 156. Wagoner, William J. overseas 157. Walty, Frank A. 158. Weinrich, Russell A. overseas 159. Whittum, E. Harrie 160. Wimpress, C. C. 161. Wohlferdt, Louis A. 162. Worsley, O. C. 163. Wolf, Charles C. overseas 164. Zuttermeister, Harold 165. Guirl, C. J. overseas 166. Rogers, Edgar W. overseas Service as reported out 1st class private U. S. Base Hosp. No. 13, Limoges district, France. 2nd Lieut. 302nd Repair Unit, Motor Transport Corps; one of the planners and builders of Verneuil Motor Repair Shops and Town improvements at Verneuil, France. 1st Lieut, when dis- charged. Co. I, 317th Inf. Private and barber, Provost Guard, Camp Grant, for all service period. Co. F, 318th Engrs. Private. Arrived in France after Armistice. Corpl. Motor Transport. 818th Co. 3rd Army Headqtrs. Trained and served with Tank Corps before Armistice. Private Headqtrs. Co. 71st Engrs. Washington Barracks, D. C. Battery B, 115th Field Artillery, 30th Div. Private Headqtrs. Sanitary Detach- ment, Medical Dept., Camp Sevier, Greenville, S. C. Corps, Camp Sergt. 1st Class, Qtrm. Grant, Rockford, Til. Battery E, 333rd Field Artillery, transferred to Replacement Battalion and went from Camp Grant to Camp Logan, Texas. Clerk, Personnel Sect. Co. 2, 2nd Inf. Replacements, Camp Sevier, Green- ville, S. C. 5th Co. Automatic Replacement Sap- pers Forest Detachment; arrived in France Nov. 11, 1918; returned to States before Jan. 1st, 1918. Troop D, 12th Cavalry, Corozal, Canal Zone. 2nd Canadian Mounted Rifles. Gunner, S. S. "Ryndam" or "Rijn- dam" U. S. Navy, during 1917, 18, 19. Co. G 5th Regiment I. R. M. (Home Guards) Capt. L. V. Calhoun 1st Lieut. L. H. Sievert 2nd Lieut. H. W. Thomas 1st Sergt. Harold Rossiter G. Awsumb U. S. Abell E. F. Adams O. M. Barker W. H. Baethke V. H. Bonanomi G. A. Brisbois F. C. Buhr L. Antholz D. S. Adams W. B. Allen J. Baron R. E. Bick J. Binger N. W. Burris W. J. Catlin H. Clausen V. I. O. Fick J. H. Furman F. B. Heerboth THE STOEY OF AN OLD TOWN— GLEN ELLYN 109 1917 H. L. Buhr H. H. Bentley L. L. Brown S. G. Cutler C. C. Cash W. H. Clare J. K. Clark J. P. Clarke V. H. Carr E. G. Chapman J. Carruthers H. E. Davis F. J. Davis F. J. Deiber D. C. Dibble A. Engstrand G. H. Ensminger G. M. Griggs J. W. Grimshaw A. E. Hayes E. T. Hansen J. E. Hasfurther J. B. Heme A. P. Hutchison F. E. Jeffers W. Johnson A. M. Kelley W. M. Kellogg O. O. Mertz Arthur Neahr R. B. Treadway R. W. Tapper Howard G. Wilson "A complete list of those demobilized." — Wilson. J. G. Hunter G. M. Kendall F. C. Kirby G. A. Lineburg C. C. Loper C. H. McChesney G. C. McDonald P. E. McGough F. P. Michel M. J. Milmoe W. J. Monroe J. E. McNaughton G. Meacham S. S. Montgomery C. J. Richardson R. L. Rogers H. E. Rose W. V. Schuetz G. C. Sinclair C. E. Shattuc R. J. Scott E. G. Teeter H. Thompson J. Thumley J. H. Tourtelot F. M. Wagner R. Wagner R. M. Walker V. C. Winans O. K. Wright Jesse Wagner C. M. Wagner. who were in the company at the time it was Ministers during the war were: Dr. Henry S. Roblee, Congregational; Rev. B. G. Swaney, Methodist Episcopal; Rev. B. A. Maurer, Grace Lutheran; Rev. Theodore Holtorf, Evangelical; Rev. James D. Marsh, Free Methodist, Dr. Arthur, Episcopal. The Utili Dulci Club placed a bronze tablet in the Duane School building to the memory of Georgia Allen, teacher for forty years, who passed away in 1912. Her home was at the corner of Main and Pennsylvania; for its time, one of the best houses in town. It still stands, occupied by Mrs. Wm. Kloeckner. Miles Allen, her father, was one of the village's land-holding citizens, and she gave the Congregationalists their lot on Forest and Pennsylvania. Forest Avenue, Duane and Hill Avenue paved close in town. July 16, the three merchants in the village, Chas. H. McChesney, F. M. Wagner and O. K. Wright put into effect a "New system of merchan- dizing for the benefit of Glen Ellyn people to help reduce the high cost of living" which was a charge of five cents for delivery of goods and a charge of Georgia Allen 110 THE STOEY OF AN OLD TOWN— GLEN ELLYN 1917 one cent for charging same, thus instituting the "cash and carry" system which has become so common, though the delivery trucks flash around town all the time now. In those days, one horse wagons which delivered purchases, practically disappeared from the streets. Under the new system, prices were to be reduced, 25 cent coffee costing 21 cents; 30 cent coffee costing 28 cents, etc. Joseph R. Smith elected village president. Congregational church moved to new home, corner of Anthony and Forest, the old church on Forest being purchased and occupied by the Grace Lutheran congregation. The Woman's Club agitated a campaign for a park, the project being voted down by the village. Irene Michet, librarian, now associate professor of English at State University, Pullman, Washington. Girl Scouts organized with one troop and Miss Mildred Thiele, Captain. First Class of Glen Ellyn High School Graduates Back row (left to right) : Norbert Knapp, Ruth Hopping, Esther Curtis, Nellie Gordon, Mona Reed, Vivian Dalton, Ruth Sanderson, Esther Carlson, Fred Mills. Front row (left to right): Arthur Holtzman, principal; Edward Foster, Roland Klug, Maren Johansen, Edna Deicke, Doris Brown, Juul Reed, Leonard Llewellyn, and Miss Nina Parsons, senior sponsor. The Glen Ellyn High School started in on a preliminary 2-year course, in September, 1915, after school began, with just the two teachers, Arthur Holtzman and Miss Erin McMechan. It graduated its first class in 1917. These seniors finished out their junior year which had been started in Wheaton, and then began their senior year in Glen Ellyn in the fall of 1916, becoming graduates in June, 1917. They are: Ruth Sanderson, class president, Esther Curtis, Maren Johansen, Norbert Knapp, Ruth Hopping, Nellie Gordon, Mona Reed, Vivian Dalton, Esther Carlson, Fred Mills, Edward Foster, Roland Klug, Doris Brown, Edna Deicke, Juul Reed and Leonard Llewellyn. THE STORY OF AN OLD TOWN— GLEN ELLYN 111 1918 March 3rd, village raised its Service Flag. Village president during the World War, James E. Simons; postmaster, Joseph H. Wagoner. All the village doing war work. April, first fire truck purchased for $1,250. April 18th, the reading of the prize essays of the Illinois Centennial contest, a contest started and for which $5.00 prizes were furnished by- Miss Ada Douglas Harmon. This little occasion was the beginning of the work on the Glen Ellyn History which has grown into this present volume. The program for this evening was: song, "Illinois," by Esther Curtis, Nellie Gordon, Margaret Smith and Maren Johansen; "History of Glen Ellyn," by Emma Krimmelmeyer; "Conservation of Food," by Abbie Kendall; "Story of Chicago," by Wallace Stanton; "History of Glen Ellyn," by Katherine Brown; vocal selections by Adelaide Hudson and Elizabeth Newton, and "History of the Flag," by Edna Hunter. This was followed by the presentation of prizes by Mr. L. C. Cooper. March, Chapter AU, P. E. O., started. In November, Dr. R. F. Schiele bought Dr. Barlow's practice and began his service in the community. Fred L. Biester elected principal of the high school to succeed A. Holtzman who resigned to enter military service during the summer. High school accredited after inspection by high school visitor of the University of Illinois. September 24, M. M. M.'s organized by Mrs. George M. Kendall "for the purpose of promoting friendship, knowledge and service" with these charter members: Ruth Barnum, Florence Bick, Elsie Melville, Esther Curtis, Nellie Gordon, Adelaide Hudson, Marguerite Smith, Lillian Freeto, Louise Ludeke, Delight Matthews, Josephine Jellies, Helen Meacham, Gladys Montgomery, Mildred Patch, Ruth Sanderson, Grace Wagner, Louise Weaver, Helen Myers, Maren Johansen, Loraine Arnold. The presidents have been: 1918, Adelaide Hudson; 1919, Louise Weaver; 1920, Edith Phillips; 1921, Celia Kolacek; 1922-23, Helen Meacham; 1924, Francis Crisler; 1925, Irene Enders; 1926, Abra Beatty; 1927, Wahnita Patch; 1928, Katherine Johnson. In 1927 sixty active members. Installed municipal tennis courts in Ellyn Park, sponsored two year concert course, and Christmas Carol singing, contributed to park board, Memorial Fountain fund, Friends of the Library, charities, gave municipal Christmas tree in village lot. The Glen Theatre, then run by Mr. and Mrs. Sam Bowden on Main Street where the Gas and Electric Company now receives its tribute, showed in the week of September 20th, the following films: "Pershing's Crusaders," "Clever Mrs. Carfax," with Julian Eltinge; "Tom Sawyer" with Jack Pickford and "Seven Swans" with Marguerite Clark. 1919 Five acres on Honeysuckle Hill and the lake were bought from Charles R. Raymond for $8,000 for a permanent high school site, the voters ratifying the purchase in August. The high school was given "fully accredited" rank by state authorities. The Areme club organized at suggestion of Mrs. Clayton Higley. First known as Parlor Club; then new name taken from first letters of names of the star points. High school enrollment, 150. Harry W. Thomas elected village president. 112 TEE STOEY OF A N OLD TOWN— GLEN ELLYN 1919 Philo Stacy died, March 2nd, aged eighty-four years. He had lived in the village eighty-two years, a pioneer and leading citizen. American Legion Post No. 3 organized in September by James E. Simons, Jr., Leslie Robey and Frank Newton. They met at Mr. Simons' home. He was the first post commander; Leslie Robey, vice commander, Frank Newton, secretary and treasurer. The three held several meetings, stirred others to enthusiasm and soon achieved a score of members for the post, the third in the state to be organized. John L. Brown, editor of the Glen Ellyan. Fire Truck bought for $4,396, officers signing note for $3,000. At the election on October 25th, the people voted for a park, created the Glen Ellyn Park Board and elected five commissioners: Archer E. Hayes, Dr. W. H. Pontious, William Kolacek, D. S. Adams, and E. S, Hopping. Later, M. W. Whittemore was appointed attorney, C. W. Somerville was elected secretary and J. H. Sonntag, treasurer. Mr. Raymond was paid $13,000 for thirteen acres. Later, streets were cut in and the park is now about ten acres, but it also controls the lake, about seventeen acres, which was turned over to it by the high school board. Mark B. Woods was appointed superintendent of the Glen Ellyn Parks and has had charge of their care and landscaping since their beginning. Eighty-six men in Co. G. 6th Reg. I. R. M. (Home Guards) when de- mobilized. Mrs. C. D. Sanderson was in New York in September when the troops came home. She sat in the reviewing stand with Al Smith and other notables, for six solid hours, the time it took for the whole parade to pass that given point. Skeleton of an Indian found by J. L. Arnold, superintendent of sewers, while cutting a street through from Taylor Avenue to Bryant. Miss Minnie Falk began to watch the crossings at Park Blvd. GLEN ELLYN— GROWING UP 1920 Free delivery of mails begun and houses numbered. Population of the county, 42,120. Main Street School built. Herbert S. Gilbert elected village president. October 30th, William Newton, grandson of Dr. LeRoy Quitterfield Newton, who built the first railroad station, and the first frame house in Danby on the corner of Pennsylvania and Main, and who owned the land where the village stands today, deeded that pioneer corner, Pennsyl- vania and Main, to the village for its village home. It is now cared for as a park, until such time as the village may be able to build a suitable official home on it. Time was when this square was a pasture lot where a village cow owned by the A. R. Utt's browsed away her peaceful days. Glen Ellyn definitely changed its character again, from a pleasant country town, and became a thriving and prosperous suburb of Chicago. TEE STORY OF AN OLD TOWN— GLEN ELLYN 113 1920 The Glen Ellyn Free Public Library Board consisted of Miss Clara S. Boyle, president, Frank H. Thomas, Ada D. Harmon, Mrs. C. W. Somer- ville and Dr. Burton Tunison. He was elected to fill out Mrs. Frances Hopper's unexpired term, ending her thirteen years' service on the library board which had put the library in its Carnegie building and established it as a free library with an income from taxation. That income from the 1919 taxes was $1,425.80. Mrs. Elizabeth M. Southward, now librarian at Maywood, ended her service as librarian here, and Miss Grace McMahon came to the library in November of this year. "It is not with the idea of taking any credit from the faithful few who preceded Miss Clara S. Boyle in the library idea in our village that this brief account of her invaluable service to the Glen Ellyn Free Public is offered, but of making its history more complete. "Miss Boyle was elected twice to the board of directors and served five consecutive years, one full term of three years and an unexpired term of two years. The one outstanding service and accomplishment, credit for which belongs to Miss Boyle alone, was putting the library on a paying basis by instituting a sound budget system. It was under her direction that the great task of accessioning and cataloguing the library was begun with the very able assistance of Mrs. E. M. Southward, the librarian. "At the time of the death of Andrew Carnegie, Miss Boyle, always on the alert, drew up and presented an appropriate set of resolutions which were accepted by the board. A copy of them was forwarded to Mrs. Carnegie and a most appreciative letter was sent back by the widow, acknowledging the resolution and remarking that the Glen Ellyn Library was one of a comparatively few of the libraries endowed by Mr. Carnegie during his lifetime, that recognized his passing in this way. "Miss Boyle had had an intensive business experience, she was a lover and connoisseur of good books, she was practical and wisely economical in administrative affairs, and she gave most generously of her time, her strength and her money. The combination was all to the grand good fortune of our library. To have worked with her was to have profited much." — A co-worker. North DuPage League of Women Voters organized. It has sponsored a "School of Citizenship" for several years in the village. Jack O'Donnell started his electrical shop at 491 Main Street. May 9th, 1922 at 4:00 o'clock of a snowy morning, occurred the last downtown fire to date completely destroying the wooden building containing the electric shop, a battery shop and the Rystrom jewelry store. There was consid- erable loss to the firms concerned, the O'Donnell's, for instance, had just the day before had delivered to them the new lighting fixtures for the Gilbert home. But the old building was quickly replaced with an attrac- tive new brick one and the electric shop and jewelry store have outgrown their bad luck. In the classified section of the telephone directory are mentioned just three real estate companies in Glen Ellyn: Lee Lothrop Brown and Co., Joseph Clarke and L. O. Farnsworth. In the 1928 Directory are listed twenty: Ray E. Bick and Co., L. H. Chamberlin, Joseph Clarke, Beezley and Co., L. O. Farnsworth, A. C. Hoy and Co., Johansen and Co., Klein and Co., LeMessurier and Co., Mary Vance Lewis, Majestic Realty Corporation, Geo. P. Meacham and Co., The R. V. Spalding Or- ganization, O. E. Tope, Van Burkom and Co., J. H. Wagoner, Webster Realty Service, R. A. Wilcox, J. G. Wozencraft and W. H. Wright and Co. This registers what has been happening to the village in these last few years. A total of $39,220 came to the village as its share of the 1919 taxes on the W. P. Cowan estate, due to the fact that the estate's administrator, 114 THE STOBY OF AN OLD TOWN— GLEN ELLYN 1920 A. C. Hoy, lived here and that R. F. Locke, attorney for the two school boards, prosecuted the village's opportunities in that direction. The village itself received $7,420; the library, $861.25; the high school board, $13,250, and school district No. 41 (our grade schools), $17,688.75. Dr. James Saunders passed away in May, leaving in his will bequests of $1,000 each to the Glen Ellyn Free Public Library, to the Masonic Lodge, to St. Mark's Episcopal Church, to the First Congregational Church, to the First Methodist Church, and to the Grace Lutheran Church. 1921 Girl Reserves organized, Mrs. G. M. Kendall, organizer and adviser; president, Philadel Hauk; vice president, Maurine Tatham; secretary, Dorothy Jeff ers; treasurer, Frances Kimball; program chairman, Dorothy Smith; membership chairman, Patricia Berger; social chairman, Abby Kendall, and service chairman, Amy Crisler. March, I. B. Clarke started the Avenue Garage, and was joined by his brother, J. P. Clarke, the following year. April 9, on petition of over two-thirds of voters in District 44 (Lom- bard District) this territory and some added territory to the south was annexed to the high school district and the name changed to Glenbard Township High School, District No. 87. Seven hundred seventy-two electric light meters; 880 gas meters in use in village. Athletic Field developed on shallow end of lake for Glenbard High. Royal T. Morgan, Woman's Relief Corps, organized in Aurora, January 5th, named for Civil War veteran whose son Lewis V. Morgan is now county superintendent of schools, succeeding his father who served in that capacity for fifty years. Girl Reserves, high school group, organized in October, Mrs. George M. Kendall, organizer and advisor. Queen Esther Circle of the Methodist church met with Mrs. Calvin Wagner, 542 Duane, and elected the following officers: superintendent, Mrs. A. R. Shepherd; president, Alice Kellogg; vice-president, Helen Lehne; secretary, Miriam Christensen; treasurer, Martha Jhoenk; secre- tary of supplies, Camilla Fuchs. The next meeting was with Ruth Hibbard. July, Evert O. Moulin, 551 Geneva Road, sailed for Rotterdam to visit his sister whom he had not seen for twenty-eight years. "Mr. Moulin will be kind enough to send us a communication of the state of affairs in Europe upon his arrival there." — The Glen Ellyan, Harold E. Gray, proprietor. In October, Dr. Morrow began the practice of medicine in the village. 1922 Joy Morton announced the Morton Arboretum which is about twenty-five miles west of Chicago in DuPage County, between Glen Ellyn and Lisle on Joliet Road. It can be reached by motor over Ogden Avenue or Roosevelt Road, being one mile north of the former, and three miles south of the latter on the Joliet Road; or by the C. B. & Q. Railroad to Lisle, or the C. & N. W. Railway or Chicago Aurora & Elgin to Glen Ellyn and thence by motor on the Joliet Road. The Arboretum was founded by Mr. Morton for the purpose of creating a foundation for practical, scientific research work in horticulture and agriculture, particularly in the growth and culture of trees, shrubs, and vines, by means of a great outdoor museum arranged for convenient study of every species, variety, and hybrid of the woody plants of the THE STOEY OF AN OLD TOWN— GLEN ELLYN 115 1922 world able to support the climate of Illinois, such museum being equip- ped with an herbarium, a reference library, and laboratories for the study of trees and other plants, with reference to their characters, relationships, economic value, geographical distribution and their improvement by selection and hybridization; and for the publication of the results obtained in these laboratories by the officials and students of the Arboretum, in order to increase the general knowledge and love of trees and shrubs, and bring about an increase and improvement in their growth and culture. The Morton Arboretum covers about 400 acres of picturesquely rolling land, with the East Fork of the DuPage River running through it, several lakes on it, and over ten miles of roadway winding charmingly through it, and is owned and under the direction of the Trustees of the Morton Arboretum. There are more than 4,500 species of plants, trees, vines, etc., now growing, and more being added constantly. The grounds are open to the public daily except when the weather prohibits the use of the roads. There is as much beauty here as is to be found in any spot of the country. A very interesting bulletin on the work at the Arboretum is issued twelve times a year, edited by H. Teuscher. This gives the reader many practical planting suggestions to apply to his own grounds. Joy Morton was born in Detroit, September 27, 1855, son of J. Sterling and Caroline (Joy) Morton. J. Sterling Morton was secretary of state under Grover Cleveland, and the originator of Arbor Day. He also gave a great arboretum to the state of Nebraska, near Lincoln, where he lived for many years. Joy Morton was educated at Talbott Hall, Nebraska City, Nebraska, married Carrie, daughter of Judge George B. Lake of Omaha, 1880, (died 1915) married Margaret Gray of Newburg, Indiana, 1917, came to DuPage County in 1906 Owns the Morton Salt Company and much real estate in Chicago and the country, his county acreage totaling 2,000 acres. The Pittsford store was started on Main Street, where Capps & Co. now are, with James B. Baughn as manager. The American Legion Auxiliary started in the fall. A called meeting for the purpose was held at the little Glen Theatre on Main Street, at which Earl Rathbun talked to the fourteen women gathered together who became the charter members: Mrs. J. H. Gordon, Mrs. Acors Rathbun, Mrs. Florence Kroeger, Mrs. J. C. Knapp, Mrs. Joseph Clarke, Mrs. Fred Surkamer, Mrs. Sam Bowden, Mrs. John Baron, Mrs. Fannie Newton, Mrs. Margaret Foster, Mrs. Melville, Misses Belle and Elsie Melville, Miss Pauline Simpson. Mrs. Knapp was first president, Mrs. Kroeger, vice president, and Mrs. Rathbun, treasurer. Catholic Woman's Club organized by Mrs. Frank M. Ellsworth of Wheaton. Salvation Army farm sold and subdivided as Southcrest between Main street and Park Boulevard, and south of the Overman Lake. Izaak Walton League formed and began to work for a forest preserve. 2,200 acres of the county were subdivided into residential lots this year. Glen Ellyn News incorporated, December 13, George W. Day, business manager, T. P. Coates, editor, Audrie Alspaugh Chase, assistant editor. Amos Churchill died July 15th, aged eighty-two, at Long Beach, Cali- fornia. He was laid to rest in Forest Hill Cemetery. He was the 116 TEE STOBY OF AN OLD TOWN— GLEN ELLYN 1922 grandson of the village's first settler, Deacon Winslow Churchill, himself a soldier of the Civil War, a pioneer in progress and a leading citizen. Memorial Fountain installed in Ellyn Lake Park to the memory of the soldiers and sailors in the World War, inscribed with the names of all from Glen Ellyn who served. The cost was $1,037, and the funds were raised by a committee appointed by the Glen Ellyn Woman's Club of which Mrs. William F. Jensen was chairman. Dedication services were held on Armistice Day, November 11. The Kate Sheldon Treat Memorial Fund of $500 given to the Glen Ellyn Library with which a bond was purchased and the income spent each year on books for boys as specified by the donor, Miss Ada Douglas Harmon, Miss Treat's cousin. Friends of the Library organized with an executive committee of ten: Mrs. B. F. March, Mrs. Ford J. Allen, Mrs. G. M. Kendall, Mrs. C. E. Shattuc, Mrs. John Myers, Mrs. A. E. Fork, Mrs, Al Chase, Mrs. L. R. Christie, Mrs. E. B. Jewell and Mrs. F. M. Cole. They solicited dollar memberships and the first year gave $365 to the library. June, High School board turned lake over to Park Board, stipulating that if it ever ceased to be a lake, it shall revert to the high school. Artesian well drilled. December 18, DuPage County Bank became DuPage Trust Company. First year village automobile licenses were issued. The Glen Ellyn Dramatic Club organized and functioned for about two years, meeting in Library Hall with a special director, Mrs. Hazel, and giving several groups of short plays to the public. Among the plays presented were "Suppressed Desires," "Joint Owners in Spain," "Rising of the Moon," "Twelve Pound Look," "Minnikin and Mannikin" and "The Beau of Bath." Among the members were Mrs. G. M. Kendall, Beth and Wilma Skidmore, Irene Enders, Loren Wilkinson, Minnie and Maybelle Richardson, Edgar Beatty, Edith McCormick, Winifred Hastings, Belle Melville, Lucille Nichols, Mr. and Mrs. Dwight Early, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Phillips, Leo Newman, Herbert Moulton and Franklyn Murray. 1923 Douglas B. Robertson elected village president. Lion's Club organized, with a membership of fifty and these officers: president, John G. Wozencraft; first vice president, W. P. Cooper; second vice president, R. V. Spalding; third vice president, Charles McChesney; secretary and treasurer, George Meacham; Tail Twister, Mr. Bagley. February 1st, John L. Bender, now advertising manager, joined staff of Glen Ellyn News. Art Department of the G. E. W. Club started by Mrs. Paul Green. March 7, L. C. Cooper died, for fifty years on the legal staff of the North Western. Dr. Allen S. Watson came to practice medicine, associated with Dr. Higley. Ordinance for zoning the village adopted April 18, and the following board appointed by President Robertson: Ralph B. Treadway, Eugene Hall, Al Chase, Stanley Wagner and John Bingham. Jacob L. Crane pre- pared the zoning plat and spoke at public hearings. May 15, Glenbard Township High School dedicated with the following program: Invocation, Rev. John Arthur; "The High School 1915-1923," by W. W. Reed; "The Building," Frank S. Baker; "Columbus," E. S. TEE STOEY OF AN OLD TOWN— GLEN ELLTN 117 1923 Hosmer; "An Appreciation of the Students," Albert E. Germer; "Will the Investment Pay?" Fred L. Biester; Dedication, Louis J. Thiele; chorus seventh and eighth grades of Lombard and Glen Ellyn and high school pupils, conducted by Miss Margaret Taylor; solo by Walter Boydston; benediction, Rev. Frank Hancock. September 10th, Sunday afternoon, the cornerstone of the new high school building, Glenbard, laid. Archibald M. Hall, Ph. D., of Indian- apolis, made the speech of the afternoon in Grace Lutheran Church, and then people marched over to the high school construction in the rain and stood under dripping umbrellas during the cornerstone laying. The building is set into the side of the hill, so the cornerstone was laid on the third story where the floor of the third story meets the grade of the hill on the upward slope. The building was designed by Coolidge and Hodgdon, who among other fine edifices have designed the Art Institute, the Chicago Public Library and Ida Noyes Hall at the University of Chicago. F. W. Camp was chairman of the building committee that engaged the architects. Dr. E. S. Higley killed, December 31st, by a Freeport train, as he was crossing North Western tracks at Prospect in a blinding snowstorm. Betty Jane Meinardi, four years and three months old, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William Meinardi, won first place in the baby contest at the Central States Fair at Aurora. There were 700 babies entered and Betty Jane scored 99.5 points. She received the Governor's cup and a Shetland pony. Old Randall house sold to I. M. Bloch, who built the group of buildings at Main and Duane, where the Baxter Drug Store now stands. It was once on a big lot before the A. E. & C. R. R. came through, built in 1854 by Henry Benjamin, first teacher at Duane, and occupied for years by Mrs. Capron, aunt of O. D. Dodge, before the quarter century in which Mr. Randall and his daughter, Mrs. Jauch, lived in it. It was moved west on Duane by R. A. Wilcox who rents it to tenants. The first officers of the Park and Playground Association, started be- cause of the danger of Spalding Point being built on, were: president, B. F. March; first vice-president, Dr. John L. Kendall; second vice-presi- dent, M. W. Whittemore; secretary, Horace G. Lozier; corresponding secretary, Miss Ethel Mason; treasurer, W. H. Crumb. Negotiations for the purchase of Spalding Point, the ball park and the Beauregard property, ten acres in all, to make the whole of Memorial Park, were instituted through this organization at this time and the whole was not concluded until 1926. September, Dr. G. E. Nicolls began the practice of dentistry. Friday Afternoon Reading Club started in January at the home of the late Mrs. Joseph Williams, limited to twelve members, with 10 cents a week dues per member, to be used for charity .Among the members were: Mrs. C. K. Howard, Mrs. C. A. Elsy, Mrs. W. H. Hall, Mrs. Fred W. Bowen, Mrs. Eustace Knight, Mrs. Frank Johnson, Mrs. A. R. Utt, Mrs. Walter Conyers, Mrs. Myrtle Langdon, Mrs. S. G. Cutler, Mrs. H. J. Mitchell and Mrs. M. J. Milmoe. 1924 Population of county, 80,132. 118 THE STOBY OF AN OLD TOWN— GLEN ELLYN 1924 Anan Harmon Chapter of the D. A. R., organized January 23rd, by Christine Johnson Whitlock, founder. The organization members were: Ada Douglas Harmon, Josephine Van Doren Holch, Harriet Mullen Huskey, Bessie Clute Huwen, Blythe Poage Kaiser, Abbie Skill-en Kendall, Edith Berry Lee, Ethel Winslow Mason, Amy Elizabeth Pelham, Louise Mullen Rankin, Lillian King Shattuc. Anan Harmon Chapter D. A. R. Lake Ellyn designated by the "Better Community Movement" under the auspices of the University of Illinois as one of the sixty beauty spots in the state, which are to be appropriately marked and located on road TEE STOEY OF AN OLD TOWN— GLEN ELLYN 119 1924 and auto maps. One hundred such spots were sought, but only sixty could be found. The choice was made from photographs sent in from all over the state, and H. B. Thomas submitted the Lake Ellyn prize winning pictures, which are to be retained by the University as a per- manent loan exhibit. This was done under the auspices of the Art Ex- tension Committee, of which Marjorie Howe Dixon was chairman, Mrs. W. G. Kaiser was secretary-treasurer and Mrs. C. G. Whitlock, Frederick Walker, H. B. Thomas, Mrs. Frank Taylor, Mrs. L. C. Childs, Stanley Cutler, U. S. Abell, Mrs. F. Donovan, Louis Zander, W. E. Dixon, C. C. Cash, Mrs. N. W. Purdum, Miss Ada D. Harmon and Mrs. John Clark were the other members. A Glimpse of Lake Ellyn Four medals, one to one member of each class, awarded for leader- ship and general qualities of character were offered by a public-spirited but anonymous citizen, to the high school. The awards the first year were given to: Senior, George Bailey; Junior, Dorothy Locke; Sophomore, John Young; Freshman, Marian Milmoe. In 1922: Senior, Alpheus Maples; Junior, Dorothy Jeffers; Sophomore, Mary Badger; Freshman, Camilla Fuchs and Ruth Norman. In 1923: Senior, Charleta Taylor; Junior, Grace Kendall; Sophomore, Lucille Tatham; Freshman, William Lichtenwalter. In 1924: Senior, Margaret Lindsay; Junior, Harvey Wienke; Sophomore, L~yle Rossiter; Freshman, Charles Hamilton. The same donor this year began to give an athletic scholarship and general character medal which was awarded to William Tillman. In 1925 the medal winners were: Senior, Florence Branand; Junior, Walter Rogers; Sophomore, Charles Hamilton; Freshman, Margaret Erickson. The athletic medal went to William Tillman. 120 TEE STOBY OF AN OLD TOWN— GLEN ELLYN 1924 In 1926 the medal winners were: Senior, William Lichtenwalter; Junior, Charles Hamilton; Sophomore, Charlotte Rossiter; Freshman, Ardin Buell; the athletic medal again to William Tillman. In 1927 the medals were awarded: Senior, Charles Hamilton; Junior, Margaret Erickson; Sophomore, Wilbur Osterling; Freshman, Louella Jameson; the athletic medal to Hillis Cash. In 1928 the medals went to: Senior, Ruth Howe; Junior, Joe Milmoe; Sophomore, June Meister; Freshman, Jesse Wagner; the athletic medal to Harold Zearing. The Glen Ellyn Reds began playing baseball under the Glen Ellyn Baseball Association, of which Jack W. Young was and is president and business manager. Some of the original players were from the American Legion team, and they and several others are with the present team. Among them were: Al Ludeke, Beaumont Paine, Larry Plummer, Walter Ludeke, Phelps Pratt, Leslie Robey, Eddie Templin and Harry Rathbun. The Reds at first rented their field from Mrs. Jessie Patterson, and then it was carried by the Park and Playground Association until taken over by the park board as part of Memorial Park. The Reds spent $2,800 building the grandstand, the backstops, putting up fences and filling in the field. In 1924 they won tne championship in the DuPage League and the cup therefore presented by the Spaulding Company. Mrs. Alfred Foster, of 439 Arlington Ave., started raising canaries with two pairs of parent birds. In 1928 she raised 388 songsters. First cement foundation in this part of the country put in in his own house at Linden and Western, now occupied by Joe Trefny, by Alfred Foster in 1902. At the time this house was built there were no houses north of Hawthorne and west of Main Street but the Dieterle and the Philo Stacy homes. The charter for the Glen Ellyn Honor Chapter of the National Honor Society of Secondary Schools is dated May 20th. The membership re- quirements demand election of students not to exceed 15% of the upper one-third in grades. The charter members for Glenbard were: Charles Chandler, Margaret Lindsay, Marian Milmoe, Mary Badger, Glen An- drews, Eleanor Anderson, Grace Kendall and Dorothy Johnson. Aeroplane picture of Glen Ellyn on opposite page, showing lake in upper right hand corner; the sweep of Crescent; the curve of Phillips; the bend of North Main. Newton-Baethke building erected on southwest corner of Main and Crescent, L. R. Christie, architect, the first filling station built in Glen Ellyn. It was also the first construction work in the wave of modern building which started then and is still sweeping through the village. R. D. Bowden came as superintendent of schools. 1925 James H. Slawson elected village president. Addition built on library, costing $9,000, raised almost entirely from gifts, under the auspices of the board members, president, Mrs. R. B. Treadway; secretary, Mrs. Wm. N. Graves; Mrs. L. R. Christie, Mrs. Evelyn McCormick, J. R. Stewart and H. H. Hitt. Addition built on Hawthorne School. Garden Club organized in January with Mrs. George Kendall, organizer, the first president. D. A. R. dedicated stone to pioneers at Stacy Park, June 14th. THE STORY OF AN OLD TOWN— GLEN ELLYN 121 122 THE STOBY OF AN OLD TOWN— GLEN ELLYN 1925 North Glen Ellyn Improvement Association started by Mrs. F. J. Huwen, which has sponsored Boy Scout, Camp Fire and Bluebird activities, worked for street lights, helped Forest Glen P. T. A. complete kit- chen and hall in school and pushed the spring clean-up. The first officers were: president, Mrs. F. J. Huwen; vice president, Mrs. Wm. Schaefer; secretary, Mrs. Paul Whitley; treasurer, Mrs. M. J. Cheney. About thirty-five families were included. North Glen Ellyn Bluebirds in Stacy Park In April, under Douglas B. Robertson's administration, the ordinance authorizing a plan commission was adopted. In August, the first com- mission was appointed by President Slawson: A. W. Rathbun, Al Chase, L. R. Christie, Mrs. G. M. Kendall, George S. Guertin and Horace G. Lozier, chairman. Mrs. William Penrose, mother of Mrs. George Meacham, passed away. May 24, Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Milmoe bought the controlling interest in the Glen Ellyn News and Lillian King Shattuc became editor. In October, The Glen Ellyn Choral Club was organized with Hermon Cooper president; Mrs. John C. Morrow, vice president; Ma,ren Johansen, secretary; Mildred Thiele, treasurer, and Mrs. Andrew N. Fox, librarian. The club met first at Library Hall and then at Duane Street School. Its constitution was based on that of the Chicago Apollo Club. Its promoters were the Misses Johansen and Thiele, the Mmes. A. N. Fox, E. J. Wienke, W. G. Kaiser, L. B. Hill, J. C. Morrow, N. W. Purdum, and the Messrs and Mmes August Steinberg, W. H. Rose, R. D. Bowden, and W. P. Cooper. Thomas Pape, of Downers Grove, was engaged as conductor, and Nellie Gordon Blasius as accompanist. Several concerts have been given in the years of organization. Catholic Church organized. Named St. Petronille; first priest in charge Rev. Walter L. Fasnacht. Building located on Hillside near Prospect, the old Ferries home at the corner serving as the priest's home. The building was dedicated November 7th, by Cardinal Mundelein. THE STOBY OF AN OLD TOWN— GLEN ELLYN 123 1925 Illinois Bell Telephone Company built an exchange at 492 Pennsylvania which is designed to care for large future growth. At that time there were 616 circuits involved and 1,370 stations. Tiny Hoy real estate office built on Crescent, architects, Walker and Angell. First building of Old English design, commended by the Plan Commission, followed by later buildings, giving Glen Ellyn a business district of beauty. Filling station on Forest and Crescent built after office was finished. 1926 Population, 6,800. Pupils in the grade schools, 924; pupils in the high school, 485. New Chicago, Aurora and Elgin Electric railroad station built, the most beautiful one on the line, its beauty being due to the Glen Ellyn Plan Commission which urged the company to discard its commonplace plan for one more in keeping with the contemplated development of the village of Glen Ellyn. The village is grateful to the authorities of the electric road for co-operating so effectively. John Archibald Arm- strong was the architect. !ii& Chicago, Aurora and Elgin Electric R. K. Station March, the L. O. Farnsworth building on South Main Street started, Walker and Angell, architects. East half of new bank building completed so that post office could move in from the DuPage Trust building on December 17th. Herman and Otto Miller followed the design already set, and remodeled their Glen Ellyn Auto Company on Crescent with an Old English front, L. R. Christie, architect. Through the efforts of M. W. Whittemore, the Navy Department Bureau of Ordnance gave Glen Ellyn a 10.5 centimeter gun for Memorial Park. It weighs 2,500 pounds and was shipped from Mare Island Navy Yard, California. 124 THE STOBY OF AN OLD TOWN— GLEN ELLYN 1926 New Glen Ellyn State Bank Building begun on the corner of Mam and Crescent, the site originally of the old Mansion House, then of the old Ehlers' Hotel building, which made way for the new bank. Joachim Guarino was the architect. TEE STOEY OF AN OLD TOWN— GLEN ELLTN 125 1926 New Village Hall built on Pennsylvania Avenue, near Main Street, L. R. Christie, architect. June 16 is the date of the deed giving the people of the county Forest Preserve rights to the little Herrick Lake on Butterfield Road. This charming bit of wood and lake land, 80 acres in extent, has been the mecca for summer and winter picnics of many Glen Ellyn folks ever since then. It belonged originally to the John Wiesbrook farm. Some thirty years ago it was full of lily pads and was called Lily Lake. Then it was called Cassell Lake, after the farm adjoining it. It was almost lost to the public once for William H. Calhoun, of Chicago, planned to build a home there, had his architect engaged and all plans made. Then, fortunately for DuPage County and Glen Ellyn, he was sent as minister to China, and on his return he had changed his mind. For some time the property belonged to Frank E. Herrick, Wheaton attorney. Inspired by the persuasions of County Surveyor A. L. Webster, he sold this tract to the county board for forest preserve, for less money than he could have received for it from real estate men, and so put the county in the way of a choice bit of native woodland for perpetual public enjoyment. A well was put in this summer which makes it more practical for picnicing. Woodthorp, just east of Memorial Park, and west of Wrightwood, opened for a subdivision in the spring by Lee Lothrop Brown. Gladys Reiner spent her second year in the Pavley and Oukranski Ballet with the Chicago Civic Opera Company, going on tour with them at the close of the Chicago opera season. Presbyterian Church organized May 16th, Rev. Leslie G. Whitcomb first minister. The village turned over its lot on Main and Pennsylvania to be im- proved and made into a garden by the Glen Ellyn Garden Club to be used until the permanent Village Hall should be built. The Free Methodist Camp Meeting Grounds, for more than thirty years, the scene of camp meetings every summer, were sold to W. H. Wright and Company for sub-division purposes. The camp grounds and two small tracts on the west, making thirty acres, sold for $185,000. This district was named by a contest in which Miss Sophie Vollmer of 406 Hillside Avenue, won the $100 prize by suggesting the title "Wrightwood" which is the official name for the sub-division between Crescent and the North Western tracks, just west of Woodthorp. The Free Methodists bought a new camp home just north of Downers Grove. Forest Preserves in DuPage County are fourteen, the number of acres, 749. Spanish- American War veterans organized in Villa Park in November, with L. V. Calhoun elected post commander. Those now living in Glen Ellyn are John W. Young, John J. Moloney, Wm. S. Vaughan, Joseph H. Wagoner, Fred H. Surkamer, Jos. J. Bordels and George J. Ball. Meacham, the settlement named after George Meacham, grandfather of George W. Meacham, Jr., is now the country club, Medinah, founded by and for Shriners. December 10, present fire truck purchased, a Seagrove costing $6,500. Square Club organized by about half dozen Masons, Roy W. Lindahl, first president. 126 THE STOEY OF AN OLD TOWN— GLEN ELLYN 1926 The Glen Theatre on Crescent begun in summer, architects, Betts and Holcomb; owners, Charles W. Hadley, Alfred C. Hoy and Roy V. Spald- ing. The New Glen Theatre Building Rev. O. L. Kiplinger came to the Congregational church in November. June, the Birthday Club organized at the home of Miss Anna Gauch on Forest, a score of women of the neighborhood gathering to celebrate the birthday of one of the number, with refreshments and games — no gifts. Among those belonging are: Miss Gauch, Miss Pearl Walker, Mesdames Jacobs, Kiplinger, Bowman, Townsend, Holch, Harmon, Mc- Chesney, Wilbur and Hermon Cooper, Chester, Wagoner, Wm. Simons, Thomas Watson, R. D. French, McLaughlin, Leander Baker, Condon. Glen Ellyn Commercial Association formed with following charter members: Patch Bros. Inc.; DuPage Trust Co., F. J. Schreiber, H. J. Stallsmith, Capps & Co., McChesney & Miller, H. A. Hansen, E. M. Leonard, Glen Ellyn Hardware Co., L. Buchholz & Sons, Glen Candy Shop, Lee W. Brierton, Hussey-Bergland Co., F. W. Baxter, Albert A. Mesenbrink, Harold C. Prichard, F. H. Bartels, P. F. Pfingsten, A. E. Richardson, DuPage Household Utilities Corp., E. Atkinson, Antiseptic Family Laundry Inc., Newton-Laing Motor Sales, Newton-Baethke Co., The Glen News Printing Co., Jos. Clarke, Beezley and Co., Avenue Garage. Other members are: Parkside Battery and Service Station, THE STOEY OF AN OLD TOWN— GLEN ELLYN 127 1926 Bertha Disposal Co., Western United Gas and Electric Co., John H. Kampp, Ray E. Bick and Co., Matthias Klein, Glen Ellyn Recreation Parlor, Earl Wright, DuPage Electric Co., Joel Baker, LeMessurier and Co., M. J. Pittsford, W. H. Wright and Co., L. C. Thompson, Glen Ellyn Storage and Transfer Co., Glen Ellyn State Bank, Oliver E. Tope, Bonde and Simpson, Brydon's, Reed's Bootery, Ross Heaney and Alfred Arthur. President, F. J. Schreiber; vice-president, Bruce Cumming; secretary, Harold C. Prichard; treasurer, Wm. Patch. William J. Schaefer's Glen Ellyn Storage and Warehouse Co., built new fireproof warehouse at Duane and Lorraine streets. The "Soldiers' Pathway" in memory of the men who served in the World War, planted in Memorial Park, in the form of a double line of flowering crab-apple trees, by the Glen Ellyn Woman's Club, Mrs. Wm. F. Howe, chairman of the conservation comittee. There are 170 trees, the pathway beginning at the east end of the park and following a course which leads to the front of the library. At the entrance, a fine granite boulder from a farm on Geneva Road, stands, one side polished and bearing the memorial legend. The stone was placed by A. R. Beidelman of Naperville and the trees by Mr. Bruning of the Glen Ellyn Nurseries. Dr. Elmer F. Grabow began the practice of dentistry in August. The value of real estate in DuPage County is over one hundred million dollars. William Christian, son of one of the 91-year-old twins, and grandson of the original Deacon Churchill, passed away at the age of 89. His memory provided the data for the map of Stacy's Corners, on page 43. Northeast corner of Main and Pennsylvania, 146 by 153 feet, sold by Mrs. Marian B. Saunders to W. A. Niles. This is noted because this is only the second time the lot has changed hands in its existence. An old deed yellowed by sixty years, conveyed "lot 7, block 1 in the town of Danby to Miles Allen," signed by Rhylander Taylor and Thankful, his wife, dated April 24th, 1867. Mr. Allen built the house, now standing on the north of the lot, but down at the corner for his home and for some years it was the most pretentious house in the village. Here his daugh- ters, the Misses Georgia and Fannie, lived until the death of Miss Georgia, the beloved teacher whose life is commemorated by a bronze tablet in the Duane school. Dr. Saunders later bought the property and moved the house to the north corner where it still stands. Mrs. William Kloeckner now occupies the house. Community House in Memorial Park opened to the public, partly fur- nished by money left over from the World War funds. The Junta Building, occupied formerly by A. R. Utt with his drug store and later by W. D. Heintz, remodeled along Venetian lines. Walker & Angell, architects. Southeast Glen Ellyn Improvement Association organized. 1927 January 30, formal opening of first addition of the Glenbard Township High School. January 31st, the Glen Theatre opened for its dedication and first performance, showing "The Nervous Wreck." It is an attractive building of old English type, its auditorium designed as a replica of an old baronial hall of Feudal days. It is leased and operated by E. D. McLaughlin. It has 1,002 seats, with facilities for 450 more in the future. 128 THE STOBY OF AN OLD TOWN— GLEN ELLYN 1927 Thomas A. Hoadley died March 27th. He had lived for fifty-two years in Glen Ellyn, for many years conducting a shoe store on the west side of Main Street near the corner of Pennsylvania. The Poetasters organized April 6, to study poetry, president Mrs. William Fairbank; secretary and treasurer, Mrs. Maxon M. Moore. Winter scene in Stacy Park Col. Wm. R. Plum passed away April 28, 82 years old. Civil War vet- eran and resident of Lombard for fifty-eight years. He presented his home and grounds, "Lilacea," to Lombard for library and a park. He was a great lilac grower, having more than 200 varieties of the lovely shrub on his estate. Some of them are: President Lincoln, Mont Blanc, Macrostachye, Congo, Catherine Havemeyer, and Toussant L'Overture. The house was built in 1868 on a five acre tract. The Colonel also owned the largest collection of books on the Civil War in the country. The property was formally turned over in 1928, the grounds to be turned into a park, under plans by Jens Jensen, and the house to be adapted to the needs of the Helen M. Plum Memorial Library. In addition to the property, the library board was given a check for $25,000 which the colonel had left to establish this library in memory of his wife. May, plat for Wrightwood filed by W. L. Irish, manager for W. H. Wright & Co. Fred G. Myers died May 2, son of Wm. Henry Myers, pioneer of Danby. He was born in Danby and spent most of his life here, at the time of his death being chief of police, as he had been for some years. May 9th, Joseph R. Smith passed away. He was the brother of the late Mrs. J. D. McChesney and Mrs. Nelson Dodge. He came to Danby in 1865 served as village president and was the "Father" of Glen Ellyn's paving movement. May 15th, Sunday, the cornerstone of the new Congregational church was laid. H. C. Cooper, church historian, read a sketch of the early days, Dr. Earnest Graham Guthrie delivered the address, Rev. Kiplinger announced the contents of the copper box placed in the cornerstone — THE STOEY OF AN OLD TOWN— GLEN ELLYN 129 1927 a Bible, an historic sketch, calendars, current issues of the Congrega- tionalism the Glen Ellyn News, and the Glen Ellyn Beacon, a list of officers and building committees, a list of members soliciting funds, photos of officers and building committee leaders. W. A. Rogers, chair- man of the building committee, assisted by workmen, put the stone in place, Rev. Wm. N. Tuttle of Lombard offered a prayer, and Rev. C. A. Bloomquist of the Methodist church expressed the greetings of the other village churches. Architects were Holmes and Flinn. Mrs. Josephine Rathbun died May 28. She came to Illinois in 1839, married Rowland Rathbun (who died March 11, 1904). They were pion- eers, settling near Bloomingdale, on the farm now occupied by their son, John Rathbun. May 29th, W. H. Churchill passed away, 86 years of age, veteran of the Civil War, descendent of the original Churchill. French Bridge Club started in June by Mrs. Jane Keeney, Mrs. C. G. Whitlock, Mrs. George Reeves, Mrs. L. C. Childs, Mrs. R. W. Calkins, Mrs. Wm. H. Carpenter, Mrs. Edward Dieterle, Mrs. A. L. Wanner and Miss Elisabeth King. They conduct their game as entirely in French as its exigencies permit. July 14, Alfred Arthur opened the first flower shop in the village in the DuPage Trust Co. building on Crescent. On August 10th, Frank Sheahan, 574 Prairie Avenue, invited several Baptists in Glen Ellyn to his home and the plan of organizing a Baptist church was discussed. Cottage prayer meetings were held regularly and on November 2 the church was formally organized, officers elected and Rev. W. W. Chandler called as pastor. The church started with a charter membership of sixty-eight, and its services were held from the first in Acacia Hall. Auxiliary No. 70, Spanish-American War Veterans, organized Sep- tember 28, with the following officers: president, Mrs. Margaret Cal- houn; senior vice president, Mrs. Julia Shawl; junior vice president, Mrs. Wilmira Kiefer; secretary, Mrs. Martha Hodson; treasurer, Emma Krone; guard, Margaret Mosher; assistant guard, Edith Schneider; con- ductor, Rose Vanderkiest; assistant conductor, Mary Wolff; patriotic instructor, Maud Vaughan; chaplain, Harriet Chapman. October, Book Review Circle, conducted by Miss Eleanor Perkins of Evanston (daughter of Lucy Fitch Perkins, author of the "Twin" books) began its first season at the home of Mrs. Wm. E. Mason on Park Boulevard. The Woman's Exchange officially opened for business in October, the project launched by Mrs. L. R. Christie, Mrs. O. A. Chandler, Mrs. W. L. Ballou, Mrs. A. G. Hall, Mrs. C. C. Dietz, Mrs. C. G. Whitlock, Mrs. J. L. Crosby and Mrs. Ford J. Allen. They rented space in the old Higley house on Duane Street, sold articles on a commission of 15% and suc- ceeded from the start in securing contributors and purchasers. November 1st, the first public performance in Acacia Hall was a play given by the Literature Department of the Glen Ellyn Woman's Club, in the afternoon to the club at its first meeting in the hall, and in the eve- ning to the public for the benefit of the Glen Ellyn Public Library. The play was "Mr. Pirn Passes By," by A. A. Milne, with the following cast: Carraway Pirn, Mrs. E. C. Dodge; George Marden, Mrs. C. J. Richardson; Olivia Marden, Mrs. V. L. Sherman; Dinah, Mrs. C. H. Clarahan; Lady Marden, Mrs. G. M. Griggs; Brian Strange, Mrs. R. T. Calloway; Anne, Mrs. L. L. Kapelsky; director, Mrs. D. W. Alspaugh; stage manager, Mrs. 130 TEE STOBY OF AN OLD TOWN— GLEN ELLYN 1927 W. A. Schaefer. The Glen Ellyn Choral Club preceded the play with choruses and duets by W. W. Shaw and August Steinberg under the direction of Mr. Steinberg, with Ruth Sanderson Phillips as accompanist. The home of Erastus Ketcham The B. F. Hintze home on St. Charles Road, once the house of the famous Erastus Ketcham. The Hintzes have remodeled the house on the outside but have preserved all its antique earmarks in the interior and are furnishing it in keeping. The outside they made significant by developing a beautiful garden which won two Chicago Tribune prizes, a second prize in the spring and the first prize for the district in the late summer. Recorder Lewis Ellsworth's books show that the fees received in 1927 were fourteen times greater than those received in 1917. The sum received for copying into the records deeds for lands sold, mortgages, trust deeds and the like in 1917 was $3,266.95 and in 1927 was $42,663.65. In 1917, about fifteen documents were recorded daily; in 1927, about seventy daily. In 1917, the county recorder's office paid over to the county treasurer $182.40 after clerk hire had been deducted from the receipts; in 1927, after a similar deduction, he paid over $22,076.41. Elbert H. Gary passed away and was laid to rest in the Gary mauso- leum, at Wheaton. He is survived by his widow and his two daughters, Mrs. Gertrude Sutcliffe, 4955 Kimbark Ave., Chicago, and Mrs. Bertha Campbell, 1733 Hinman Ave., Evans ton. Junior Brown of Long Beach, California, made the replica of "Old Ironsides," now in the library loaned by the Boy Scouts of Troop 4. THE STOBY OF AN OLD TOWN— GLEN ELLYN 131 1927 From a by-gcme era comes this picture of Erastus Ketcham, the man who lived so long in the house now occupied by the B. F. Hintzes at the Five Corners. For a full description of him, and to fit in his times, see page 37. When he lived in the lovely old house, surrounded now by the Tribune prize garden, he kept a regular arsenal, having the rooms full of this and that sort of gun. He is said to be the first white trapper on either fork of the DuPage River; he hunted big fur-bearing game where the city of Chicago is spread. He was the son of Christiana Churchill Christian, one of the 91 year-old twins. Old "Ketch" — the trapper GLEN ELLYN TODAY 1928 Happenings in the year 1928 have been recorded with considerable detail — because this makes a picture of the village's present days, a pic- ture to be looked at fifty years from now with something the same attitude that we look back on the days of 1878. We look back regretting the paucity of detail, so we aim to give a fuller picture for the later genera- tions to scan. From these details, even full as they are, the most general pastime of the times may not be gleaned, for the commonest things are never pointed out. Once upon a time, even in this corner of DuPage County, the chief amusements were quilting bees, apple parings, husking parties and barn raisings. It's a far cry from that to bridge, but one that must be cried. Everybody plays bridge now, the men on the trains to and from town, the women in the afternoons, the men and women in the evenings. The town is full of jolly little bridge clubs where groups meet together for social hours. They are too numerous to mention, but a picture of the village 132 THE STOEY OF AN OLD TOWN— GLEN ELLYN 1928 without them would be minus its atmosphere. This doesn't mean that people do nothing- but play bridge, far from that, but it is the universal pastime, and he who doesn't play stays at home alone and reads. Congregational Church January 2, Loie Fuller, famous American dancer, died in Paris, at the age of 70 years. She was born in 1858 in Castle Inn Tavern at Fullersburg, and her career carried her all over the world to fame and fortune. She is credited with having introduced the use of lighting effects to the stage. She won fame with her "Fire Dance" and the "Serpentine Dance" in Paris thirty-five years ago and was much loved by the French people. She was a close friend of Queen Marie of Roumania and accompanied the royal party part of the way on the American trip. Miss Fuller has a brother, Burt Fuller, 69 years old, who lives at 4522 N. Paulina Street, Chicago. January 15-22 devoted to dedication of new Congregational church. Sunday January 15, at 11, the people met for the first time in their new auditorium, with Rev. Kiplinger in charge, the regular quartette, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Boydston, Miss Irma Wilson and Leonard Huber, singing and the regular organist, Marian Ranstead, at the organ. Rev. Horace Day, D. D., pastor of United Congregational Church, Bridgeport, Con- necticut, preached the sermon. Dr. Day was born at Bloomingdale, son of Dr. Warren F. Day. TEE STOBY OF AN OLD TOWN— GLEN ELLYN 133 1928 In the afternoon the dedication service was held; the building pre- sented by Walter A. Rogers, chairman of the building committee; the sermon preached by Rev. Earnest Graham Guthrie, D. D. Margaret Lester, concert soprano, sang, and after the service, guides showed the congregation through the building. On Monday evening the Geneva organ was dedicated by J. Lewis Brown, organist of St. Patrick's Church, Chicago. Mabel Sharpe Her- dien sang. Wednesday evening, Dr. Kiplinger conducted a special com- munion service, the first opportunity for new members to unite in the new church. At the Community service on Friday evening, Ruth Sanderson Phillips gave an organ recital, the Choral Club made its first appearance of the year, with August Steinberg directing, Mrs. Steinberg, Miss Recht and W. W. Shaw carrying solo parts, and C. G. Whitlock playing the violin. Congratulations were extended by President James H. Slawson for the village, and by Rev. D. A. McGregor, of St. Mark's, for the churches of the community. B. F. March spoke for the schools. Dr. A. W. Palmer of Oak Park gave a short talk and then the congregation adjourned for a plate luncheon in the dining hall, President Ozora S. Davis of Chicago Theological Seminary preached the Sunday morning sermon. For the Sunday afternoon and final service, 850 people gathered in the church many from Chicago and villages roundabout, one visitor being Mrs. H. W. Yalding of River Forest, daughter-in-law of Deacon Yalding, founder of the church. Dr. Gregory, moderator of the Chicago Congregational Association presided, Dr. Morgan of First Church, Chicago, led the devotions. Dr. Charles S. Mills, of New York, spoke on "The Church and World Horizon," and the First Church choir under the leadership of Dr. George Tenney, with solos by Mrs. Tenney, Dr. Jones, Mr. Gask and Mr. Provensen provided the music, with Walter Boydston also singing. Rev. O. L. Kiplinger is pastor of the church. Jane Morgan, Glenbard student, won second prize in state contest given by W. C. T. U. Subject: Steps from 1825 to 1920 by which United States came to National Prohibition of the Liquor Traffic. S. W. Straus & Co., list Wheaton and Glen Ellyn as having exactly the same population, 8,000, for 1928. In 1927, Wheaton had 7,550, while Glen Ellyn had 7,500. Local unit of DuPage County Women's Republican Club organized with Mrs. H. H. Hitt, president; Mrs. John Hasfurther, vice president; Mrs. John Humphreys, treasurer and Mrs. John Ryberg, secretary. Marjorie Howe Dixon is president of the county club. H. A. Miller opened furniture display room at Duane and Lorraine Sts. Henry A. Bassett, of Anthony Street, eighty-eight years old, is the only remaining G. A. R. in the village. He enlisted from Berlin, Wise, August 20, 1861, in Co. D., 1st Wisconsin Cavalry and served for 26 months. He had leave for illness and then returned to Co. I, 1st Wis- consin Heavy Artillery and served to June 9th, 1865. He was among the last troops to be mustered out, being in Washington for the big review held before President Lincoln. The Bassetts came to Glen Ellyn to live about 1882. Dan Compton is the only surviving G. A. R. man in Wheaton. The Glen Ellyn Joint Motion Picture Forum organized at the Com- munity House on January 31st, with Mrs. Andrew Fox temporary chair- 134 THE STOEY OF AN OLD TOWN— GLEN ELLYN 1928 man, and Mrs. F. D. Holch, temporary secretary. Seventeen citizens were present at this first meeting: Mr. and Mrs. A. N. Fox, Mrs. Byron Spears, Mrs. E. J. Wienke, Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Chamberlin, Mrs. Carl Gray, Jr., Rev. D. A. McGregor, H. H. Hitt, Mrs. V. I. O. Fick, Mrs. Wilvan J. Russel, Mr. G. H. LaRoi, C. R. Meredith, W. M. Carpenter, J. C. Eaton, Mrs. Malcolm Doig and Mrs. F. L. Holch. The object is "to maintain co-operation with the management of the local theatre for the purpose of securing results compatible with the interests of this home-loving com- munity." March 3, Masons held their first meeting in the new Masonic Hall in the Acacia Building, 413 Main Street. March 24, the village voted to build a new school building on the Duane grounds, which will be a Junior High School. In April Mrs. F. L. Holch was elected recording secretary of the State Parent-Teachers' Association of Illinois at a convention in Streator. Mrs. H. H. Hitt was reelected Endowment Fund chairman. April 20, the first "Grade School Day" benefit was held at the Glen Theatre, clearing over $600. Betty Jane Kolar, 5-year-old magician, was the star drawing card. The grade school band made its first appearance in its handsome new uniforms, purchased by the P. T. A.'s. April, eighth grade play, "The Sign of the Pewter Jug," coached by Mrs. Bernice Pennington, was given at Acacia Hall by Elaine Aim, Ruth Leadbetter, Bessie Marie Richardson, Dixie Jean Gregg, Mary Jean Car- penter, Joe Cutler, Cameron Duncan, Charles Jorgeson, Shelby Simmons, Billy Webb and Lois Nelson. April 26-27, the senior play, "Seven Keys to Baldpate," was given at Glenbard with the following cast: Elijah Quimby, George Ankley; Mrs. Quimby, Ruth Howe; William Hallowell Magee, Frank Gilbertson; John Bland, Paul Graves; Mary Norton, Janet Sheahan; Mrs. Rhodes, Charlotte Rossiter; the Hermit, Rannie Neville; Myra Thornhill, Marietta Lichten- walter; Lou Max, Russell Stewart; Jim Cargen, Norman Meyer; Thomas Hayden, Lawrence Teeter; Jiggs Kennedy, Roy Burgess; Mr. Bently, George Kettlewell; policemen, Robert Philips and Ferdinand Heiden. Mrs. Allen directed the play. At the D. A. R. Convention in April in Washington, Marjorie Locke, 3-year-old daughter of the Richard F. Lockes of Highland Avenue, put her hands behind her back and refused to shake hands with President Coolidge at the reception he gave to the Children of the American Revolution. "This so amused the president that he smiled one of his rare smiles, took Marjorie in his arms and made friends with her in spite of herself. Marjorie was an alternate delegate from Glen Ellyn's C. A. R. Society." — Glen Ellyn News. May 25, the first Police Benefit Minstrel show was held for the purpose of raising funds to insure the families of the policemen in case of illness or accident. An excellent crowd responded and the insurance fund was realized. May 28, the first meeting of DuPage Scout Council Court of Honor was held at Glenbard with over 500 scouts and parents gathered to see the honors conferred. May 28, preliminary meeting of resident Knights Templar in Glen Ellyn held at the village hall for the purpose of organizing a Templar Club. James H. Slawson elected temporary chairman; Robert Patch, temporary secretary, and the following Knights registered: Frank D. THE STOBY OF AN OLD TOWN— GLEN ELLYN 135 1928 Abbott, David S. Adams, Daniel W. Alspaugh, Charles W. Alton, C. E. Anderson, Joel Baker, Myron H. Beekman, Fred Beezley, Lee Brierton, Lothrop Lee Brown, Nelson W. Burris, Frank S. Butterfield, George H. Capps, Benjamin M. Conklin, Louis Conklin, Harold Cross, Emil Degen- hardt, Bert Dodge, Fred A. Edmett, J. D. Edmunds, L. O. Farnsworth, Alexander S. Flett, F. Freeman, Charles R. Fuller, William Gawne, H. S. Gilbert, Thomas A. Gregg, Harry P. Houghton, Frank E. Jeffers, D. T. Johnston, Rudy Junell, George H. Keil, W. L. Kellogg, Edward J. Kidd, Rev. Orville L. Kiplinger, William Kolacek, F. W. Ladenburger, Harry L. Larson, George W. Lauterbach, Albert Ludeke, George D. McAninch, Charles McChesney, J. S. McCurdy, W. J. MacDonald, Harry R. Mar- dorf, R. C. Meredith, Herbert H. Mills, S. S. Morris, Calvin Patch, Fred- erick C. Payne, Acy S. Perry, Acors Rathbun, Earl Rathbun, Roland Rathbun, J. B. Roberts, Douglas Robertson, Leland Roblee, Harold Ros- siter, Henry L. Ruth, Fred L. Sandberg, Jesse R. Scott, D. W. Sellers, George Sells, Alex. A. Shannon, W. W. Shaw, William L. Simpson, R. V. Spalding, Bruce Squire, H. A. Stanford, J. R. Stewart, C. E. Strawn, Otto L. Streccius, C. A. Stults, William Templin, F. L. Thompson, R. A. Thompson, George Warner, Wesley Westbrook, George White, Myron W. Whittemore, W. W. Wonser, R. E. Shannon, R. C. Knopke and W. C. Koehler. Flag pole erected at Girl Scout cabin in Memorial Park by Fred G. Orsinger, May 30th, the dedication taking place June 14th, with a speech of thanks to Mr. Orsinger given by Helen Jane Sjoblom; a patriotic poem by Catherine Flint; the lowering of the flag, and the singing of Taps by the Girl Scouts. Jane Ensminger, daughter of Dr. and Mrs. G. H. Ensminger, after a year at school in Paris, came home on the S.S. Rochambeau for the summer, returning to France in the fall. In June dog licenses to the amount of $338.00 were bought by Glen Ellyn folk. June 2, the Hotel Baker in St. Charles was opened, built by Edward J. Baker, one of the heirs to the Gates fortune. June 3, St. Petronille, at its second commencement, graduated 12 pupils: Adele Cahill, Lorraine Cahill, Bernadette Claffy, Mary Louise Claffy, Mary Compagna, Gertrude Donovan, Wilsie Griggs, Lillian Johnson, Edward Mohr, Henry Mohr, Earl Sando and Anna Marie Sullivan. June 7, Glenbard, at its twelfth commencement, graduated eighty- three seniors: George F. Ankley, Mary Augsburger, Ira Bartels, Ira Baughman, Dorothy Baughn, Reuben C. Bender, Dolly Bolton, Bruce B. Brown, Vincent P. Brown, Roy Burgess, Alice Burrell, Frederick O. Ben- son, Philip B. Cadman, Elizabeth Chandler, Edna Chapman, Ruth Evelyn Christensen, Helen Cole, Cynthia Cooper, Homer Croffoot, Kenneth Crosby, Marjorie Crosby, John E. Costello, Dorothy Davis, Alphons P. Dietsche, Margaret C. Ericksen, Rudolph Fogelsanger, Marjorie Free- man, Gilbert Frandsen, Frank W. Gilbertson, Paul Graves, Robert T. Haase, Louise R. Harris, Ferdinand Carl Heiden, Edna Hibbard, William Hibbard, Wallace G. C. Hill, Doris Hole, Ira M. Hole, Ruth Howe, Paul D. Jacobs, George Johnson, Irene Margaret Kamholz, George Kettlewell, Kenneth E. Leadbetter, Cornelia E. Lehne, Florence Lesh, Marietta Lichtenwalter, Lucille Lintner, Joe McChesney, Ruth McDonald, Helen Marenack, Thomas C. Meredith, Norman C. Meyer, Noami V. Mull, Jane Miller, Rannie W. Neville, Carl W. Olander, Arra Ott, Ruth A. Pastor, Helen A. Penfold, Robert P. Phillips, Slava Psota, Joy S. Reed, Charlotte M. Rossiter, Edna L. Schaus, Ruth J. Schlosser, Ruth Schreiber, Elizabeth E. Sheahan, Jane Sheahan, Albert V. Sjogren, J. Russell Stewart, John 136 THE STOBY OF AN OLD TOWN— GLEN ELLYN 1928 Shatzer, Marjorie iStoffregen, Leona Taebel, Lawrence G. Teeter, Henry D. Tefft, Jr., Raymond Wagoner, Ray H. Walker, Robert H. Webb, Dorothy Wilcox, Walburga C. Wengritzky, Faye Yapp and Harold B. Zearing. June, 108 graduated from the 8th grade from Duane School, 54 boys and 54 girls: Maxine Allaben, Elaine Aim, David Anderson, Irving Anderson, Stanley Ashton, Victor Ball, Anna Marie Barclay, Merton Bartlett, Kathryn Bentley, Gertrude Bergens, Betty Bingham, Ernest Blanchard, Donald Burdick, Mary Jean Carpenter, Jane Coffey, Joseph Cools, Dorothy Christensen, Mabel Craig, Gwendolyn Cramer, Margaret Crandall, Joseph Cutler, Malcolm Doig, Cameron Duncan, Frances Dun- ham, Douglas Eadie, Maxine Ebert, Lockwood Ensminger, Roy Fiebrandt, Michael Galland, Dixie Jean Gregg, Leonard Haase, Frank Hinsdale Hanson, Katherine Hanson, Dorothy Harris, Grace Hawkins, Mildred Hepple, Kathryn Hernlund, LeRoy Hesterman, Hctor Hill, Gray Hovey, Edith Hunter, Eugene Jeffers, Laurlene Jefferson, Robert Johnson, Charles Jorgeson, Jr., Clara Louise Kellogg, Marguerite Kelly, Virginia Kelly, Muriel Kidd, Margery Kirby, Elsie Kloeckner, Elizabeth Kloeckner, Robert E. Knopke, Malcolm Lesher, Ruth Leadbetter, Kathleen Locke, Fred Locke, Albert Ludy, lone Martin, Paul Maylone, Kenneth McCain, Betty McChesney, Irving McPherson, Dorothy Miller, Olga Miller, Wilson Miller, Polly Ann Mull, Lois Nelson, Harold Oates, Ruth Olander, Vir- ginia Otis, Betty Pulse, Thomas Rankin, Bessie Marie Richardson, Robert Roulston, Sigrid Rundquist, Grace Sabin, Wilhelmina Schuetz, George Scott, Lawrence Sheahan, John Shirer, Clifford Sievert, Shelby Simmons, Burness Sodeman, Richard Steging, Alice Suttie, Gordon Tapper, Ralph Tapper, Wyverne Thirloway, Thomas Thompson, Oliver Townsend, Ruth Turrell, Marion Twitchell, Russell Venning, Arthur Warder, Charles Warner, Ruth Watrous, William Webb, Marshall Williams, Betty White- way, Georgene Wilson, Marian Wozencraft, Charles Young, Louise Zander, Stanley Ziegler, Arthur Zielke and Earl Weiher. June 11, Forest Glen School graduated 11 eighth graders: Ruth Bluemel, Adeline Boysen, Grace Bremer, Helen Frandsen, Richard Hair- grove, Martin Heerboth, Virginia Huwen, LaVerne Koehler, Will Mc- Connaughy, Arvilla Stacy and Betty Wise. St. Petronille Court, No. 1096, Catholic Daughters of America organized in June with the following officers: grand regent, Mrs. Josephine Mueller; vice grand regent, Mrs. Mary Lamb; historian, Mrs. John Friedrickson; corresponding secretary, Miss Clara Welter; financial secretary, Mrs. Mantel; treasurer, Mrs. Geraldine Heitzler; monitor, Miss Una West- brook; lecturer, Miss Catherine Brown; trustees, Mrs. Fitzgerald, Mrs. Mahon, Miss Margaret Mohr, Mrs. Doyle. June, the Glen Ellyn Watch and Clock Shop started, 424 Main Street, with W. Schoenrock and J. Wolcott, proprietors. Margaret Lindsay graduated from Beloit College with Cum Laude honors. July 2, the Templar club organized at a meeting of village Knights Templar with the following officers: president, George Sells; vice-presi- dent, Charles R. Fuller; secretary and treasurer, Fred C. Payne; direc- tors, Acors Rathbun, M. W. Whittemore, Douglas Robertson, Robert Patch, Wm. Kolacek, George Sells and C. R. Fuller. July, Dr. Kenneth Hiatt, son of Mr. and Mrs. L. J. Hiatt of Forest Avenue, who was born in Glen Ellyn, began the practice of medicine, in association with Dr. G. H. Ensminger, office in the DuPage Trust building. July, Wheaton dedicated its new swimming pool. TEE STORY OF AN OLD TOWN— GLEN ELLYN 137 1928 July 27, Mrs. H. H. Hitt and Mrs. M. M. Moore, both Hyde Park High graduates, attended the banquet tendered by Hyde Park graduates to Amelia Earhart, first woman to fly across the Atlantic, at the Shoreland Hotel. In August, Vernon Estates, the first "estate" subdivision near Glen Ellyn was platted into 1, 2 and 3 acre homesites by George A. Buhl of Highland Park. Vernon, the former 80 acre farm of Nicholas Kammes, crossed on two corners by Willow Brook, is picturesquely rolling, and has been laid out with curving streets that emphasize the topography. It runs south to the section line, now merely fence and pasture, which will some day be the right of way of 22nd Street when it is extended beyond Cook County line. Mrs. James Hyde, of 300 Glenwood Ave., won two first prizes in one week; one at the Men's Garden show at the Hotel Sherman for her exhibit of Irish potatoes, and the other at the Green Valley Golf Club in the women's sweepstake golf tournament. Mr. and Mrs. F. L. Mabrey, of 637 Park Blvd., won third prize of $200 in the West Division of the Chicago Tribune Garden contest. Glen Ellyn may be growing citified, still this summer Horace Zoellin, of 454 Anthony Street, raised a cucumber 25 inches long and a tomato that weighed 2y 2 pounds in his back yard. Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Mueller, of Sunset Ave., and Mr. and Mrs. Charles LePage, returning from a fishing trip, stopped over Sunday at Superior, Wise, and attended the same church service at which President and Mrs. Coolidge, John, and Maj.-Gen. Summerall were worshippers. The Illinois Bell Telephone Co., in August, installed as local manager, William McFryer, long of Wheaton. His assistant manager is W. C. Monroe. Mrs. Pearl Duncan elected Illinois department president of the Ameri- can Legion Auxiliary at the state convention at Waukegan in September. At an All Chapters meeting of the Glen Ellyn Garden Club in Septem- ber agitation was started to secure the beautiful estate of "Wildairs" for a village park and permanent beauty spot. Glenbard enrollment for 1928: seniors, 91; juniors, 114; sophomores, 184; freshmen, 253; post graduates, 5; making a total of 622. The grade schools enrolled 1,100 children; Forest Glen has 120 students and St. Petronille, 120. Southwest Improvement Association formed at home of Fred Orsinger, 293 Lorraine Road, September 13, with the following officers chosen: president, R. W. Canfield; vice-president, C. R. Bowie; secretary, W. J. Wehlau; treasurer, O. E. Crook. Members of executive board: C. S. Van Duzer, A. H. Reifenstein and John Hookham. The territory covered by the association is bounded on the north by the North Western tracks, on the east by Main Street and on the south and west by Wheaton. A group of 25 women, meeting with Mrs. Wm. D. Shipman and then with Mrs. R. D. French, organized the Woman's Chorus: president, Mrs. Fred Snell; vice-president, Mrs. Sylvester Baker; secretary, Mrs. Max Allaben; treasurer, Mrs. Rupert White. Mrs. Wm. D. Shipman is accom- panist and Mrs. Jay Willcox, director. 138 THE STOEY OF AN OLD TOWN— GLEN ELLYN 1928 Glen Ellyn young people off to college as reported by the Glen Ellyn News, September 14: Merwin Arnold — Chattanooga University Mary Badger — Northwestern University Gertrude Bogan — University of Michigan Florence Branand — Northwestern University Robert Branand — Kent College of Law Roy Burgess — University of Illinois John L. Brown — University of Illinois Stewart Brown — University of Illinois Elizabeth Chandler — Rockford College Helen Cole — National Kindergarten College, Evanston Elizabeth Cooper — Knox College Cynthia Cooper — Rockford College Lawrence Cooper — University of Michigan Richard Corwine — University of Illinois John Clark — University of Illinois William Chandler — Detroit College Edna Chapman — National Kindergarten College, Evanston Harry Davis — Antioch College Catherine Durant — Rockford College Thomas Durant — University of Michigan Jane Ensminger — Paris, France Marjorie Freeman — Milwaukee Downers Frances Freeman — Radcliffe College Maurice Froggatt — University of Illinois Frank Gilbertson — University of Illinois Robert Groeschell — Chattanooga University William Hall — Lake Forest University Irwin Harriman — Harvard University Donald Hayworth — University of Illinois Edna Hibbard — De Pauw University William Hibbard — Cornell College, Iowa Charles Hoyle — University of Wisconsin Robert Hoyle — University of Wisconsin Helen Johansen — University of Illinois Edgar Kelly — University of Illinois Victor Klein — Beloit College Marietta Lichtenwalter — University of Minnesota William Lichtenwalter — Beloit College Ingwald Larson — University of Illinois Howard Liscom — Northwestern University Robert Locke — University of Illinois Richard Locke — Illinois College Kathryn Lock — University of Illinois Dorothy Dock — University of Illinois William Lewis — University of Illinois Robert Maris — North western University Donald March — University of Illinois Nathalie McChesney — Northwestern University Ruth McDonald — Beloit College Allen McDonald — Beloit College Marian Milmoe — Northwestern University Frank Morgan — University of Illinois Jean McGregor — Wheaton College Luther Mueller — Carthage College Naomi Mull — Eproth College, Indiana Morton Newcomb — Antioch College Donald Nichols — University of Illinois Rannie Neville — School of Pharmacy, University of Illinois THE STOEY OF AN OLD TOWN— GLEN ELLYN 139 1928 Ruth Pastor — Crane Junior College Ruth Patch — Stevens College Phelps Pratt — Chicago University Jacob Pratt — Chicago University Elizabeth Pelham — Rockford College Harriet Pelham — Rockford College Roland Rathbun — University of Illinois Joy Reed — Michigan State College Anna Mary Rogers — University of Washington Lawrence Rogers — Armour Institute John Rogers — University of Wisconsin Walter Rogers — University of Wisconsin Lyle Rossiter — University of Illinois Alvin Shabino — University of Illinois Margaret Stanton — Iowa State College Wallace Stanton — Iowa State College Frederic Shattuc — Chicago Academy of Fine Arts Elmer Steinberg — University of Illinois Harry Sutch — University of Illinois Lawrence Teeter — University of Illinois William Tillman — Wheaton College William Townsend — Northwestern University Roy Turnquist — Illinois College Lester Wassell — Northwestern University Ray Walker — Northwestern University Robert Webb — De Pauw University Harvey Wienke — Northwestern University Sam Wilbur — Beloit College Marion Woodworth — Michigan State College Gertrude Woodworth — Michigan State College Helen Young — University of Illinois Leland Zorn — Beloit College. October 6, Piggly Wiggly opened store in Rohm Building, Main, near Hillside. John M. Griggs, after a year at the Goodman Theatre, is on tour with George Arliss. October 16, R. H. L. (Richard Henry Little) at M. E. Men's Club. Mrs. Wm. F. Pelham offered to present a medal, through the D. A. R., to the girl in the 8th grade who measures up to the standards recog- nized by the American Legion medal requirements for the boy — won this year by Joseph Cools. Miss Hazel Newman won the $25 prize for the name of "Wilmon Drive" which she submitted in the contest to find a title for the new street, beginning and ending on Park Boulevard, which is to open up the Cooper property to sub-division service. Tenth annual district convention of the Royal Neighbors of America, of the counties of DeKalb, McHenry, Kane and DuPage was held at Acacia Hall October 24. District President, Christine Remich, presided in the morning and afternoon sessions, Erna Foster, serving as secretary- treasurer. Supreme Oracle, Mary E. Arnolt, of Peoria, and District Deputy, Stella Daly, were present. Alice Schaefer, of Glen Ellyn, gave the address of welcome to which Lulu Franzen, of Bensenville, responded. Mrs. I. B. Clarke sang a group of songs. The evening session was called to order by Oracle Ruth O'Malley and the ritualistic work was exemplified by 20th Century Camp of Glen Ellyn. More than 40t) attended this even- ing meeting. 140 THE STOEY OF AN OLD TOWN— GLEN ELLYN 1928 Jacob Barkey, president, and the Glen Oak Club, were hosts at dinner October 12, in honor of the Glen Ellyn Fire Department and the Glen Ellyn Police Department. Work completed on new store and apartment building on the site of the former O. D. Dodge home, corner of Main and Hillside. The architects in charge were Jean B. Rohm and Son, of Chicago and Glen Ellyn. The Dodge home was moved around on Hillside, the second house east of their old home for so many years. First "Piggly Wiggly" opened in October, first shop in new building. Knights Templar Club of Glen Ellyn held its first meeting in Acacia Hall, October 19th. Mrs. Leonard and Mrs. Emil Olander opened home bakery in the Rohm Building on Hillside Ave., November 1st. W. W. Shaw, Jr., invited by Herbert Putnam, librarian of the Library of Congress at Washington, to lend some of his original drawings of his maps as an exhibit. Red and black announced for the 1929 auto license plates. The Akiyuhapi Camp Fire girls presented "My Aunt's Heiress" at the Congregational Church November 2, with the following cast of char- acters: Mrs. John Smith — Jane Morgan; Anna Maria — Mary Margaret Mardorf ; Jemima — Martha Way; Sophia — Kathryn Hernlund; Arabella — Mary Alcott Richardson; Matilda — Helen Minaker; Clementina — Helen Pares; Jane — Mildred Thompson; Mrs. Alexander de Courcy Smith and Mrs. Betsy Brown — Charlotte Lesh; Sippets — Lois Nelson. November 6th, election day resulted in the following ballots for presi- dent being cast: Precinct Hoover Smith 2 441 112 5 579 119 6 570 78 10 864 132 11 391 90 12 411 83 13 290 97 3546 711 The students at Glenbard High School held a regular presidential election on Tuesday at the high school. The result was as follows: Hoover - - - 485 Smith - - - 58 The following are the voting precincts and the election judges; pre- cincts 12 and 13 having been newly created to take care of the increased population in their districts: 2nd Precinct — J. R. Wagner, Mrs. A. R. Utt, A. M. Kelley. Polling Place, Klein's Real Estate Office, 436 Main Street, Glen Ellyn; 2nd— South of the N. W. tracks, west of Main Street, south to Hill Avenue. 5th Precinct — Gretchen M. McChesney, Chas. S. Ganzhorn, Joseph H. Wagoner. Polling Place, Glen Ellyn Auto Co., 536 Crescent Boulevard, Glen Ellyn; 5th — North of N. W. tracks, east of Main Street, east to Lombard limits. 6th Precinct — I. B. Clarke, Frank M. Wagner, Frank Michel. Polling Place, Avenue Garage, 499 Pennsyl- vania Avenue, Glen Ellyn; 6th — North of N. W. tracks, west of Main Street, and north to Linden Street. 10th Precinct — W. J. Monroe, Abbie Johnson, Jack Young. Polling Place, Jack Young's office, 411 Main Street, Glen Ellyn; 10th— South of N. W. Tracks, east of Main Street THE STOBY OF AN OLD TOWN— GLEN ELLYN 141 1928 to Taylor Avenue. 11th Precinct — J. L. Arnold, H. S. Dodge, J. W. Hernlund. Polling Place, Taylor Avenue Store, 511 Taylor Avenue, Glen Ellyn; 11th — South of N. W. tracks, east of Taylor Avenue to Lombard limits. 12th Precinct — Lee Brierton, O. R. Nelson, M. W. Dietz. Polling Place, Five Corners' Store, 820 Main Street, Glen Ellyn; 12th — North of Linden Street, west of Main Street and north to Bloomingdale Township line. 13th Precinct — Theodore S. Lapham, Mrs. Oscar Miller, John S. Wagner. Polling Place, Oscar Miller's Garage, 509 Turner Ave., Glen Ellyn. 13th — South of Hill Avenue, west of Main Street. Chicago, Great Western Station This little station was built in 1888 and has slept through the years. North Avenue, the first forty-foot highway through the county coming nearby this summer, may waken this district into booming subdivision activity. November 23, the Production Class of the Glen Ellyn School of Music and Dramatic Art, gave a two-act play, "After the Game," with the following cast: Eloise Cooper, Carol Benson, Betty Burris, Frances Swan, Jane Underwood, Pearl Courtice, Mildred Calloway, Elaine Aim and Jean Adams. Three of Vallance Alston Cooper's younger pupils gave readings: Corrine Gray, Marion Yackley and Delight Richardson. Eleanor Allen, voice student of Mrs. Cooper's, sang, accompanied by Miss Anna Marie Van Duzer on the violin and Miss Elisabeth King at the piano. Students of Miss King played several numbers: Olive Fosburg, Betty Jane Capps, Miss Muriel Rasmussen and Wilbur Osterling. The first of a series of student recitals at the Simons Studios was given November 30 by the following pupils: David O'Neill, Louise Miller, Dorothy Ellen Schraeder, Louise Green, Junior Vallette, Charleen Frye, Tom Scott, Beth Frye, Loretta Amidon, Bobby Whitelock, Ruth Romaine, June Underwood, Helen Canfield, Helen Minaker, Mildred Psota, Dorothy Witt and Jeanette Eichenberger. Five of Mrs. Hicks' small pupils played in recital at the Community House, December 1; Jessie Steele, Merle Irish, Dorothy Koeck, Carlton Hibbard, Jr., and John Gilbert. 142 TEE STORY OF AN OLD TOWN— GLEN ELLYN 1928 Chicago, Aurora and Elgin R. R. has 125 daily trains to and from the loop. Main Street School has a whole block for its grounds, 400 x 310 feet; Hawthorne has half a block, and Franklin a tract 250 x 577 feet. The park board bought, in December, 6V 2 acres on the southwest side, 325 feet on Main, 1,100 feet on Fairview, and 325 on Sunset Ave., from Mrs. Norah Davis Wilson, for $17,000. William H. Churchill presented the Anan Harmon Chapter, D. A. R., with the Seth Churchill log cabin (picture on page 30), the second house built here, to be used for their memorial. The D. A. R. hope to move this cabin to Memorial Park, where it will enshrine relics of the early- days and on its outer walls bear bronze plates containing our soldiers' names. Glenbard High School has just completed its third successful football season under the direction of Charles F. Butler, former Beloit College player. Mr. Butler came to Glenbard in the fall of 1926 and found such stars as Tillman, Mallin, Smith, Cash, Thompson, Bond, Wilbur and others waiting to be assembled into a championship team. The 1926 team won Glenbard's first conference football championship. Tillman and Mallin added more honor to their school by being placed on All-State teams. With the loss of eight regulars from the 1926 championship team the outlook for the 1927 season was not bright. However, after the first game the Glenbard rooters felt sure that the 1927 team would uphold the undefeated record of the 1926 team and win for Glenbard its second successive championship. This was a proven fact when Captain Harold Zearing led his team through another undefeated season. Such stars as Zearing, Gilbertson, Heiden, Howting, Phillips, Wold, Fogelsanger and others made this fine record possible. Captain Zearing also made the All-State team. Only four veterans returned to Glenbard for the 1928 season, making it necessary for Coach Butler to build an entire new line with the excep- tion of the center position. The backfield consisted of Gregg, Deiber and Micheli, old men, and Powell a newcomer, who proved to be the most spectacular runner of the conference. The 1928 team had a reputation to maintain. Because of its previous record every team in the conference was laying for Glenbard. Under this handicap Glenbard won seven straight games, increasing its games to 24 without a defeat. Glenbard lost to Hinsdale and Wheaton, Hinsdale tying Glenbard for Glenbard's third straight conference championship. This team was led by Captain Wold, one of Glenbard's greatest line- men. Other stars were Gregg, Micheli, Deiber, Powell, Carruthers, Bouska, Marquardt, MacDonald and others. Because of its 24 games without a defeat Glenbard's fame was carried by the Associated Press throughout the country. Glenbard's football success can be attributed to the fact that the coaches have tried to develop the physique of every boy in school rather than a few. The underlying limestone of the county comes to the surface at Elm- hurst, where it is from 15 to 20 feet thick. A quarry operates under the name of the Elmhurst-Chicago Stone Company, with William Hammer- schmidt in charge. Great quantities of stone are crushed annually and sold for cement work and road ballast. Village appointments made by President Slawson are: business man- ager, Jesse R. Wagner, 2 years, $4,000; village attorney, Joel Baker, 1 year, $4,000; engineer, George Nelson, 1 year, $13,500; building com- THE STOBY OF AN OLD TOWN— GLEN ELLYN 143 1928 missioner, Chester Woods, 1 year, $3,000; Supt. of Water, William Madi- son, 1 year, $3,300; Supt. of Police, Wesley Westbrook, 1 year, $3,300; village treasurer, P. E. McGough, 1 year, $1,500; village collector, Alfred Utt, 1 year, $3,500. At the end of October the Glen Ellyn Library contained 8,562 books; there were 2, 945 cards in force and 3,338 books circulated that month. Miss Grace McMahon, librarian. Mrs. Fred Genthe, mother of Mrs. Gus Nemitz, of Duane St., celebrated her 80th birthday November 3, 56 years of which she has spent here in the vicinity. She and her husband used to live on the Stubbings farm on East Hill Ave., which was the old J. S. Dodge farm once,, where the portable school is located just now. Victor L. Sherman and Jesse Owen, of Lewis Institute faculty, members living in Glen Ellyn of the Chicago Literary Club. John Herboth, of Troop 2, was made an Eagle Scout at the November Court of Honor. He has 51 badges. The Infant Welfare Society plan their third Charity Ball for December 28 at Glenbard Gymnasium. A new building code adopted by the village council by Ordinance No. 778, November 13th. Virginia Lee played in recital in the studio of her teacher, Inez Hubbard Hicks, in Kimball Hall, November 26, before a group of Chicago musi- cians. Among her numbers were two of her own compositions, "A Study for the Left Hand" and "An Indian Echo." Pupils of Miss Emma Menke gave their first recital of the season November 15th, at the home of Mrs. M. H. Beekman, on Turner Ave. Those taking part were: Isabel March, Geraldine Benthey, Lois Nelson, Virginia Otis, Althea Jorgeson, Anna Louise French, Ted Beekman, Billy Webb, Champ Webb, Lorraine Ford, Virginia Belle Huwen, Marcia Huwen, Barbara Dunham, Barbara Ballou, Ethel Ellen Hurley, Marjorie Ann Mabrey, Betty Jane Meinardi and Dick Burks. At a studio recital of the School of Music and Dramatic Art on No- vember 17th, six very young pupils of Mrs. Cooper gave readings: Betty Ann Yackley, Kathryn Walker, Betty Agnes Monahan, Shirley Kranz, Mary Nichols and Joan Harrington. Nine of Miss King's pupils played: Jane Cline, Shirley Ann Roberts, Vera Swanson, Bobby Hafner, John Ruckert, John Biester, Betty Jane Capps, Gertrude Lounsbury and Jean Buell. Judge Frank Comerford spoke in Glenbard Auditorium under the auspices of the Pilgrim Club of the First Congregational Church. The grocers of the Commercial Association decided to remain open on Wednesday afternoons, instead of closing, as has been the custom for some years. The heirs of William C. Newton, Frank Q. Newton, Ralph W. Newton, Corinne Newton Bowstead, Elizabeth Newton Poehlmann and Doris New- ton Laing served notice to the village asking the return of the municipal lot at the northwest corner of Main and Pennsylvania, given to the village by a warranty deed signed by William C. Newton and Lavinia, his wife, dated November 20th, 1920, to be used solely for municipal purposes and to have a municipal building erected upon it "within such time as should be deemed reasonable." The heirs claim the conditions have not been complied with. The proceedings are to come to court in January. 144 THE STOEY OF AN OLD TOWN— GLEN ELLYN 1928 The Literature Department of the Glen Ellyn Woman's Club presented Booth Tarkington's "The Intimate Strangers" for the benefit of the Glen Ellyn Library, at Acacia Hall, November 22, with the following char- acters: The Stationmaster, Mrs. Charles Boardman; Mr. Ames, Mrs. Russell Calloway; Isabel, Mrs. L. E. Minnis; Florence, Mrs. Charles F. Butler; Johnnie White, Mrs. R. F. iSchiele; Henry, Mrs. Charles Board- man; Aunt Ellen, Mrs. Wm. C. Allen; Mattie, Mrs. W. D. Heintz. The director was Mrs. D. W. Alspaugh; the stage manager, Mrs. R. H. Burks, and the department chairman, Mrs. Wm. A. Schaefer. Major Reed Landis talked to the Methodist Men's Club. Order of Builders, Glenbard Chapter No. 112, received its new charter from the grand officers and charter members initiated November 21st at Acacia Hall. Through the efforts of Elwood Myers, of Park Blvd., this Masonic boys' order is starting in with about 60 charter members from the village and Lombard. Charles Lee Bryson, of 521 Forest Ave., managing editor of the Lions' Club Magazine, is the new editor of the Chicago Press Club's resuscitated magazine, "The Scoop." Chester Woods, building commissioner of Glen Ellyn, reported from January 1st to November 1st: number of families provided for, 125; number of single family dwellings, 111; value of single family dwellings, $1,017,950.00; value of apartments (12 flats), $50,000; value of store and apartments (2 flats), $50,000. Betty Jane Kolar, Glen Ellyn's famous child magician, appeared at three children's matinees at Carnegie Music Hall in Pittsburgh in De- cember. She has been made an honorary member of the French Society of Magicians at Paris, France. Edith Quayle Wise (Mrs. John H. Wise), of 814 Main Street, is on the studio staff of radio station WIBO, as the contralto of the station's quartette. Glenbard junior play, given December 13th, at Glenbard, was "Second Childhood," with the following cast: Professor, William Day; Mrs. Wells- miller, Genevieve Dietsche; Silvia, Virginia Robertson; Philip Stanton, Phil Fosburg; General, Harold Hyatt; Marcella, Violet Taylor; Mrs. Vivvert, Lucille Michaels; Mrs. Henderson, Mary Katherine Bainbridge; Lucille Norton, Hedwig Peitsche; Judge Sanderson, Philip Locke; Sheriff, Frederick Jorgeson; Deputy Sheriffs, Fred Kleinedler, Donald Locke. Ladies' Aid Society of the Methodist Church on December 3rd, present- ed Lewis Beach's play, "The Goose Hangs High," at the Glen Theatre, with the following cast: Bernard Ingals, F. C. Payne; Eunice Ingals, Mrs. F. C. Payne; Noel Derby, H. M. Kenyon; Leo Day, A. J. Ruckert; Rhoda, Mrs. H. H. Mills; Julia Murdoch, Miss Ruth Creel; Mrs. Bradley, Mrs. W. G. Kaiser; Hugh Ingals, William Shepard; Ronald Murdoch, Marvin Lane; Lois Ingals, Mrs. S. A. Pedersen; Bradley Ingals, Charles Ayres, Jr.; Dagmar Carroll, Mrs. W. P. Gronewold; Elliott Kimberley, R. W. Canfield. Rev. C. A. Bloomquist was the director. DuPage Trust remodeled, occupying entire ground floor and installing new safety deposit vaults in the basement, D. S. Adams in charge of reconstruction. June 14th, Fourth Annual Garden Festival in Acacia Hall, under the auspices of the Rose Chapter. Cornerstone of Benjamin Franklin School, Bryant and Taylor Aves., laid Monday evening, June 18, with an invocation by Rev. C. A. Bloom- THE STOBY OF AN OLD TOWN— GLEN ELLYN 145 1928 quist; records placed in the cornerstone by Mrs. Roy Drew; remarks by B. F. March, president of the school board; an address by Supt. R. D. Bowden, and music by the Methodist Men's Quartette, Messrs. Shaw, Drew, Black and Blackman. Joseph Cools, 469 Duane Street, received the first award of the Amer- ican Legion Honor Medal, receiving most votes of pupils and teachers of the eighth grade as being highest in honor, courage, leadership and ser- vice. The next boys in order of the voting were Joseph Cutler, Oliver Townsend, Cameron Duncan and Hector Hill. The New Duane School This is the architect's drawing of the new school building which is to rise on the old school site at Duane. The first unit of twelve rooms is to be started right after the New Year. Norman Brydges is the architect. OFFICERS OF VILLAGE ORGANIZATIONS 1928 Officers of the Village of Glen Ellyn: president, James H. Slawson; village clerk, Jesse R. Wagner; treasurer, P. E. McGough; collector, Alfred R. Utt; board of trustees, Herbert W. Martin, H. H| Simmons, J. Frank Elam, Howard Richardson, Edward Dieterle and Charles N. Fuller; attorney, Joel Baker; superintendent of police, Wesley Westbrook; engineer, George Nelson; building commissioner, Chester Woods; superintendent of water, William Madison; village forester, Dr. Frank Johnson; fire chief, William Baethke; assistant fire chief, A. R. Utt; citizen members of the Board of Local Improvements, L. B. Shabino and C. J. Maurer. Board of Health: chairman, T. J. Clifford; health officer, Dr. G. H. Ensminger; secretary, Frank Wagner. Zoning Board of Appeals: Charles N. Fuller, chairman, John Bingham, Al Chase, C. E. Hoyt, Hubert Fleming. Plan Commission: Horace G. Lozier, chairman, Acors Rathbun, Mrs. G. M. Kendall, Al Chase, W. L. Irish, James Belanger. 146 THE STOEY OF AN OLD TOWN— GLEN ELLYN Village Hall Clerks: Mrs. E. L. Brady and Mrs. Florence Aim. Park Board: president, William Kolacek, Acors Rathbun, D. S. Adams, Archer Hayes and Fred G. Orsinger. Library Board: Mrs. R. B. Treadway, chairman, Mrs. W. M. McCormick, Mrs. L. R. Christie, Mrs. Al Chase, H. H. Hitt, J. R. Stewart. High School Board: president, L. J. Thiele, Mrs. E. J. Wienke, Andrew N. Fox, W. W. Reed, George Miller, Glen Ellyn, and Mrs. Morgan and Gilford Hill, Lombard. Grade School Board: Benjamin F. March, president, Mrs. H. H. Hitt, Mrs. A. R. Utt, C. H. Hibbard, E. G. Chapman, Kime Aspray, Carl J. Richardson; secre- tary, Miss Mildred Barloga. Forest Glen School Board: president, Charles W. Alton, Mrs. Edith Q. Wise and Robert C. Meredith. Policemen: Al Lange, George Collier, F. C. Kirby, John Eaton, F. L. Cross, Charles Messley; extra police, Gus Nemitz and V. Schwartz; school police, John Canada and Henry Binger. Members of Glen Ellyn Volunteer Fire Department: Chief, W. H. Baethke; assistant chief, A. R. Utt; captain, G. C. Wagner; treasurer, F. M. Wagner; lieutenant, George Ludeker; secretary, Jesse R. Wagner; Allen A. Myers, Martin Schaus, Charles McChesney, Jack Baron, Wm. Nadelhoffer, F. Ludeke, B. J. Wagner, B. C. Dodge, Gus Nemitz, D. S. Adams, Gus Lang, E. S. Vollmer, J. L. Arnold, Otto Miller, Jack O'Donnell, F. Deiber. Officers of Glen Ellyn Masonic Lodge, No. 950, A. F. and A. M.: Worshipful Master, Hiram H. Liscom; Senior Warden, William M. Carpenter; Junior War- den, Acors W. Rathbun; Treasurer, Daniel W. Alspaugh; Secretary, John Le- Messurier; Chaplain, John D. Edmunds; Senior Deacon, Roy W. Lindahl; Junior Deacon, Ward G. Deland; Senior Steward, Charles H. Noble; Junior Steward, Robert H. Patch; Marshal, Elmer C. Harland; Tyler, Frank P. Michel. Officers of the Square Club: president, George C. Capps; vice-president, W. L. Melville; secretary, Elmer C. Harland; treasurer, Charles H. Noble. Officers of Glen Ellyn Chapter, No. 794, Order of Eastern Star are: Worthy Matron, Ella F. Blackwood; Worthy Patron, Van C. Winans; Associate Matron, Mary F. Morton; Secretary, Jean Grace Wonser; Treasurer, Laura C. Fellows; Conductress, Mary Agnes McDonald; Asociate Conductress, Ruth F. Winans; Chaplain, Viola Amidon; Organist, Bessie A. Blackman; Warder, Malita Wallrodt; Sentinel, William H. Morton; Correspondent, Frances Schock; In- structress, Amanda Inman; Electra, Jeanette Light; Adah, Gertrude Wright; Martha, Catherine Jenkins; Ruth, Isabelle Davis; Esther, Claribel Perry. Officers of the Areme Club are: President, Mrs. A. T. Amidon; vice president, Mrs. J. B. Gray; secretary, Mrs. James J. Schock; treasurer, Mrs. James G. Wallace. Officers of Danby Lodge, No. 187, I. O. O. F.: noble grand, L. G. Dunham; vice-grand, Fred Unversagt; recording secretary, H. S. Dodge; treasurer, H. M. Sunday; warden, Raymond Ewing; conductor, Earl G. Teeter; O. G., J. J. Fied; I. G., Frank Urich; R. S. N. G., Frank P. Michel; L. S. N. G., J. L. Arnold; R. S. V. G., J. X. Brown; L. S. V. G., Alfred Hammerschmidt; R. S. S., Felix Pohalski; L. S. S., H. J. Zbaren; chaplain, John E. Smalley; delegate to Grand Lodge, Frank Kline. Officers of Prospect Rebekah Lodge: noble grand, Lucille Lindahl; vice-grand, Alice Whitnej'; chaplain, Lovie Surkamer; past noble grand, Anna Fide; right supporter for noble grand, Edna Dunnock; left supporter for noble grand, Nellie Michel; right supporter of vice-grand, Sophia Gordon; left supporter, THE STOEY OF AN OLD TOWN— GLEN ELLYN 147 Rose Sikler; conductor, Mildred Fabri; financial secretary, Laura Fellows; recording- secretary, Ida Madison; treasurer, Nancy Gorman; musician, Alice Kellogg; inside guardian, Rose Hyatt; outside guardian, Rose Sikler; warden, Harriet Brown. Officers of the Royal Neighbors: Oracle, Ruth O'Malley; vice oracle, Margaret Apos tolas; past oracle, Ida McCrae; chancellor, Agnes Trompeter; recorder, Erna Foster; receiver, Anna Wagner; marshall, Dorothy Jellies; assistant marshall, Sadie Alton; inner sentinal, Martha Buhr; outer sentinel Margaret Fox; managers, Mildred Templin, Christine Remick, Ruth Brown; Faith, Eva Van Burkom; Courage, Loretta Ducione; Modesty, Ethel Foster; Unselfishness, Helen Seeker; Endurance, Martha Baron; musician, Elsie Ryberg; flag bearer, Ardena Lettow; physicians, Dr. Schiele, Dr. Watson. Glen Ellyn Lodge of Moose: Dictator, Herbert M. Sunday; past dictator, Jack W. Young; vice dictator, Frank P. Michel; prelate, B. F. Heckert; secre- tary, Charley Schaefer; treasurer, A. H. Allen; inner guard, Will Pemberton; outer guard, Emil Magussen; trustees, E. S. Chatterton, W. R. Gray and A. Daniels. Officers of Glen Ellyn Chapter, No. 641, Ladies of Mooseheart Legion: Past Regent, Rhoda Higley; Senior Regent, Wilma Keefer; Chaplain, Julia M. Heckert; secretary, Margaret Gray; Treasurer, May Conran; Guide, Nina Wheble; assistant guide, Pearl Baker; sentinal, Tillie Van Der Stuyf ; organist, Avis Higley; Argus, Lena Van Der Stuyf. Officers of Mooseheart Legion Auxiliary: senior regent, Miss Pearl Baker; junior regent, Mrs. Gertrude Pemberton; chaplain, Mrs. Lottie Alderman; past regent, Mrs. Wilma Keefer. The other officers are appointed by senior regent, who was just elected December 4. Moosheart Legion Sewing Circle: president, Mrs. Pearl Kummer, Wheaton; secretary and treasurer, Mrs. Julia Heckert. Officers of Glen Ellyn Post No. 3, American Legion: commander, Henry Trompeter; 1st vice-commander, Arthur Jacobs; 2nd vice-commander, L. L. Ellsworth; finance officer, A. A. Murray; Historian, Earl Rathbun; chaplain, Rev. Walter Fasnacht; sergeant-at-arms, B. F. White. Officers of the American Legion Auxiliary: president, Mrs. Victor Schwartz; 1st vice-president, Mrs. E. A. Peterson; 2nd vice-president, Mrs. W. M. Sawyer; secretary, Mrs. Kime Aspray; treasurer, Mrs. Charles LePage; chaplain, Mrs. Acors Rathbun; sergeant-at-arms, Mrs. Arthur Jacobs; historian, Mrs. LePage. Officers of Royal T. Morgan Woman's Relief Corps: president, Mrs. N. Apos- tolas; senior vice-president, Mrs. Lovie Surkamer; junior vice-president, Mrs. Mary Leonard; secretary, Mrs. John Remich; treasurer, Mrs. William Madison; patriotic instructor, Mrs. Florence Kroeger; musician, Mrs. John Rankin. Officers of the D. A. R. are: Regent, Mrs. F. J. Huwen; vice regent, Mrs. A. V. Crisler; secretary, Mrs. V. E. Emmel; treasurer, Mrs. Fred Donovan; registrar, Mrs. W. G. Kaiser; chaplain, Mrs. Luther Hiatt; historian, Miss Ada Douglas Harmon; assistant historian, Mrs. A. R. Utt. Standing Committees: Ways and Means, Mrs. R. L. Rogers, chairman; patriotic education and Americanization, Mrs. W. J. Russell; press chairman, Mrs. C. E. Shattuc; program chairman, Mrs. F. L. Holch. Officers of the Mary Chilton Society of the C. A. R. are: Senior president,,, Mrs. Myron Beekman; president, Alice Nelson; 1st vice president, Charles Jorgeson; 2nd vice president, Ela Patch; secretary, Martha Ann Emmel; cor- responding secretary, Sarah Wozencraft; treasurer, Helen Turner; color bearer, Kime Aspray; assistant color bearer, Ted Beekman. 148 TEE STOBY OF AN OLD TOWN— GLEN ELLYN Officers of the W. C. T. U.: Mrs. George Loveless, president; Mrs. H. H. Hitt, vice-president; Mrs. W. F. Murray, secretary; Mrs. J. A. Nelson, treasurer. Glen Ellyn Reds: Al Ludeke, 1st base; Beaumont Paine, 2nd base; Dutch Dur- ant, 3rd base; Art Hilbourn, short stop; Larry Plummer, left field; Phelps Pratt, center field; Walter Ludeke, right field; Pete McAleese, catcher; Al Ludeke and Sherwood Johnson, pitchers; O'Neill and Clarence Giloth, substi- tutes; Stewart Nickey, score keeper. Jack W. Young, president and business manager of the Glen Ellyn Baseball Association. Officers of the Lions' Club are: President, Fred Orsinger; 1st vice president, Fred Hussey, 2nd vice president, Edward Weisbrook; 3rd vice president, S. T. Jacobs; secretary- treasurer, Frank M. Wagner; tail twister, James Baughn; Lion Tamer, Rev. Walter Fasnacht; directors, Wilbur Cooper and D. E. Hale. Officers of the Glen Ellyn Commercial Association: president, Frank Schreiber; vice-president, Bruce Cumming; secretary, Harold Prichard; treasurer, Will Patch; directors, W. H. Baethke, Frank Newton, Ray Bick. Officers Park and Playground Association: president, Acors W. Rathbun; 1st vice-president, W. H. Crumb; 2nd vice-president, Mrs. Willis McCormick; secretary, Horace G. Lozier; corresponding secretary, Mrs. George M. Kendall; treasurer, Arthur Holtzman. Officers of Southeast Improvement Association: president, J. W. Hernlund; vice-president, Walter L. Matas; secretary, Alva Zook; treasurer, A. R. Mc- Pherson. Officers of the Glen Ellyn Woman's Club: president, Mrs. Fred L. Biester; first vice-president, Mrs. Roy Rogers; second vice-president, Mrs. Charles C. Dietz; recording secretary, Mrs. George J. Ball; corresponding secretary, Mrs. H. C. Cooper; treasurer, Mrs. Charles F. Wilkins; assistant treasurer, Mrs. W. P. Gronewold; chairman of Art Department, Mrs. Elmer F. Grabow; chairman of Civics Department, Mrs. John Ryberg; chairman of Literature Department, Mrs. William A. Schaefer; chairman of Music Department, Mrs. E. W. Hicks; chairman of Travel Department, Mrs. Harry M. Lesh. Members of committees: Membership, Mrs. Wm. F. Pelham, Mrs. L. A. Gordon, Mrs. J. C. Willcox. Social, Mrs. C. C. Dietz, Mrs. George A. Abell, Mrs. Leander Baker, Mrs. Jas. W. Belanger, Mrs. W. O. Bliss, Mrs. Wm. T. Chism, Mrs. Isaac B. Clarke, Mrs. G. H. Keil, Mrs. Vincent Koeck, Mrs. W. H. Minaker, Jr., Mrs. Louis F. Mueller, Mrs. Matilda Pfaff. House, Mrs. J. R. Stewart, Mrs. F. W. Baxter, Mrs. Robert H. Burks, Mrs. E. G. Teeter, Mrs. Oliver Townsend, Mrs. Harvey Underwood. Child Welfare, Mrs. Walter D. Dana, Mrs. George H. Capps, Mrs. Murlin Hoover, Mrs. Robert J. Scott, Mrs. Arthur J. Wesman. Elections, Mrs. Fred J. Mabrey, Mrs. H. A. Fosburg, Mrs. John A. Humphreys, Miss Ethel Mason, Mrs. A. E. Colman. Year Book, Mrs. W. G. Kaiser, Mrs. Charles F. Kuoni, Mrs. H. J. Mitchell, Study Class, Mrs. Ralph B. Treadway, Mrs. C. N. Clarahan, Mrs. W. H. Hall. Budget, Mrs. Maron W. Newcomb, Mrs. Douglas B. Robertson, Mrs. Charles F. Wilkins. Philanthropy, Mrs. Maxon Moore, Mrs. H. T. Rink, Mrs. A. J. Ludy. Program, Mrs. Maron W. Newcomb, Mrs. Elmer F. Grabow, Mrs. E. W. Hicks, Mrs. Harry M. Lesh, Mrs. John Ryberg, Mrs. Wm. A. Schaefer. Flower, Mrs. William H. Churchill, Mrs. S. T. Jacobs. Legislative, Mrs. H. H. Hitt. TEE STOEY OF AN OLD TOWN— GLEN ELLYN 149 Conservation, Mrs. C. Glenn Whitlock. Press, Mrs. A. R. Utt. Illinois Club Woman's World, Mrs. Andrew N. Fox. Revision, Mrs. Roy L. Rogers, Mrs. Russell Calloway, Mrs. Charles Boardman, Mrs. F. L. Holch, Mrs. W. G. Kaiser, Mrs. Robert H. Patch. Building Fund, Mrs. Walter Dunham, Mrs. Ford J. Allen, Mrs. William C. Allen, Mrs. Biester, Mrs. O. D. Dodge, Mrs. Wm. F. Jensen, Mrs. Rogers, Mrs. C. D. Sanderson, Mrs. E. J. Wienke, Mrs. Wilkins. Friendly Co-Operation, Mrs. Joe Trefny, Mrs. Thomas Haslam, Mrs. George C. Sells. Law Enforcement, Mrs. W. F. Murray, Mrs. Alex P. Grant, Mrs. Ralph D. Hammond, Mrs. Frank Malec, Mrs. Charles L. Vodicka. Park and Playground, Mrs. Ford J. Allen. Parliamentarian, Mrs. C. W. Somerville. Historian and Custodian, Mrs. O. D. Dodge. Officers of the Catholic Woman's Club: president, Mrs. Fred Orsinger; 1st vice-president, Mrs. John Friedrickson; 2nd vice-president, Mrs. Louis Griggs; 3rd vice-president, Mrs. William Templin; recording secretary, Mrs. G. A. Abell; financial secretary, Mrs. H. L. Franc; corresponding secretary, Mrs. N. Apostolas; treasurer, Mrs. N. B. Couchot; social chairman, Mrs. Templin; home and economics chairman, Mrs. A. Sjogren; department chairman, Mrs. Frank Ellsworth; cheer committee, Mrs. Christ Fox. Officers of St. Aloysius Acolyte Society: president, Charles Tansley; vice- president, Robert Tansley; secretary, Ted Rogus; treasurer, Robert Sando. Officers of Duane Street P. T. A.: president, Mrs. A. J. Ludy; vice-president, Mrs. Russell Stewart; treasurer, Mrs. T. S. Grafton; secretary, Mrs. Bernice Pennington. Officers of Hawthorne Street P. T. A.: president, Mrs. Joel Baker; vice-presi- dent, Mrs. Wilvan Russell; secretary, Mrs. Elmer Foster; treasurer, Miss Dewey McEvoy. Officers of Main Street P. T. A.: president, Mrs. J. R. Buell; vice-president, Mrs. L. A. Sturtz; secretary, Miss Isabel Anderson; treasurer, Mrs. Maxon M. Moore. Officers of Franklin P. T. A.: president, Mrs. Roy Drew; vice-president, Mrs. Paul Congdon; secretary, Miss Kathryn Mathews; treasurer, Mrs. Jas. Brady. Officers of Forest Glen P. T. A.: president, Mrs. L. J. Blackman; vice-president, Mrs. Robert Meredith; treasurer, Mrs. George H. Johnson. Officers of North DuPage League of Women Voters: president, Dr. F. C. Blan- chard, Wheaton; vice-president, Mrs. L. F. Rabe, Villa Park; secretary, Mrs. Jane Collins, Lombard; treasure r, Mrs. Ralph B. Treadway, Glen Ellyn; direc- tors, Mrs. H. C. Lund, Warrenville; Mrs. Maude Humphreys, Glen Ellyn, and Mrs. Helen Tefft, Lombard. Officers of the Glen Ellyn Woman's Republican Club: president, Mrs. H. H. Hitt; vice-president, Mrs. John Hasfurther; secretary, Mrs. John Ryberg; treasurer, Mrs. J. A. Humphreys. DuPage Trust officers: Frank J. Bogan, president; Howard H. Hilton, vice president; Ralph B. Treadway, vice president and trust officer; Robert M. Lord, cashier and secretary; Helen G. Sanders, assistant secretary; William G. Shirer, chairman of the board of directors; D. S. Adams, William H. Baethke, George J. Ball, Frank J. Bogan, Charles W. Hadley, Howard Hilton, W. F. Jensen, William J. Shirer, Ralph B. Treadway and Jacob A. Barkey, board of directors. 150 TEE STOEY OF AN OLD TOWN— GLEN ELLYN Glen State Bank officers: W. P. Cooper, president; E. H. MoChesney, vice president; H. C. Cooper, cashier; P. E. MeGough, assistant cashier; Dr. Frank Johnson, chairman of the board of directors; Louis P. Hoffman, Edgar H. Mc- Chesney, John H. Kampp, Frank Johnson, John K. Rathbun, M. J. Milmoe, H. C. Cooper, W. P. Cooper, directors. Boy Scouts of America, DuPage Council: president, R. B. Treadway. Glen Ellyn Local Committee: chairman, A. O. Osterling; secretary, I. M. Larson; chairmen of standing committees: publicity, C. E. Strawn; finance, Wm. G. iShirer; Court of Honor, C. K. Howard; camping, J. B. Whitelock; civic service, H. H. Simmons; troop organization, C. R. Gray, Jr.; leadership and training, L. L. Ellsworth; other committees for whom chairman have not yet been chosen: good reading, health and safety and educational publicity. The Scoutmasters are: troop 1, 22 boys, Henry V. Snyder; troop 2, 32 boys, W. G. Kaiser; troop 3, 20 boys, J. C. Hafner; troop 4, 29 boys, H. G. Wilson; troop 5, 22 boys, H. Topp; troop 6, 15 boys, J. P. Bennett. Girl Scout troops are in charge of Mrs. Bernice Pennington, Miss Carrie Witzig, Miss Ruby Carlson and Miss Frieda Olsen. The community committee of mothers who direct the work and transact the business is made up of Mrs. Archer Hayes, Mrs. H. H. Hitt, Mrs. C. W. Flint, Mrs. Bryant Dedman, Mrs. L. B. Hill, Mrs. C. S. Frye and Mrs. A. E. Colman. Officers of the DuPage County Real Estate Board: president, Henry L. Harrell, Wheaton; vice-presidents, B. C. Downs, Otto Balgemann, Elmhurst; O. J. Roath, Lombard; John J. Wozencraft, Glen Ellyn; Alfred C. Hoy, Wheaton; Monroe Crist, Naperville; William Blodgett, Downers Grove; George Beaton, Hinsdale; secretary and treasurer, Howard P. Jones, Downers Grove. Officers of the Glen Ellyn Garden Club: chairman, Mrs. George M. Kendall; vice-chairman, Mrs. F. I. Vandercook; secretary, Mrs. Paul Congdon; treasurer, Mrs. Elmer Foster. Iris Chapter: president, Mrs. P. V. Congdon; vice-president, Mrs. H. B. Field; recording secretary, Mrs. W. H. Robertson; corresponding secretary, Mrs. J. R. Buell; treasurer, Mrs. Chas. Morgan; chairman of committees: program, Mrs. H. Gilbert; social, Miss Lida Morris; press, Mrs. J. R. Stewart. Rose Chapter: president, Mrs. Elmer Foster; vice-president, Mrs. Ralph Gruner; secretary, Mrs. Joe Trefny; treasurer, Mrs. George Sells; program chairman, Mrs. A. J. Ludy; publicity chairman, Mrs. Lloyd Sturtz; social chairman, Mrs. Frank Graser. Aster Chapter: president, S. H. Ross; vice-president, Mrs. C. H. Clarahan; secretary, Mrs. R. W. Gruner; treasurer, F. E. Duggan; program committee: C. J. Hudson, chairman; Mrs. G. M. Kendall, Mrs. J. C. Willcox; social com- mittee: Mrs. R. W. Hunter, chairman; Mrs. W. T. Chism, Mrs. C. J. Hudson. Scilla Chapter: president, Mrs. F. I. Vandercook; vice, president, Mrs. G. H. Oapps; secretary, Mrs. W. R. Gray; corresponding secretary, Mrs. J. D. Carney; treasurer, Mrs. F. S. Swan; program chairman, Mrs. C. F. Kuoni; press chairman, Mrs. R. T. Calloway. Officers of the Choral Club: president, C. G. Whitlock; vice-president, Mrs. L. B. Hill; secretary, Mrs. Isaac B. Clarke; treasurer, John McKenzie; librarian, Miss Gladys Glasgow; Directors, Mrs. E. J. Wienke and J. C. Willcox; director of chorus, August iSteinberg; accompanist, Ruth Sanderson Phillips. Officers of the Motion Picture Forum: president, H. H. Hitt; 1st vice-president, S. H. Ross; 2nd vice-president, Mrs. Andrew Fox; secretary, Mrs. Florence Kroeger; treasurer, L. H. Chamberlin. Officers Building Trades Council of DuPage County: president, Andrew Olson, Elmhurst; executive secretary and treasurer, Gustave Krohn, Glen Ellyn. Officers of the Infant Welfare Society: president, Mrs. A. L. Wanner; vice- president, Mrs. A. H. Arthur; secretary, Mrs. G. B. Finch; treasurer, Mrs. M. TEE STOEY OF AN OLD TOWN— GLEN ELLYN 151 A. Schultz; committee chairmen: social, Mrs. Arthur; work, Mrs. Horace Lozier; station, Mrs. R. R. Kraft, and publicity, Mrs. T. J. Canty. Officers of the Glen Ellyn Club: president, Mrs. John W. Ruzicka; treasurer, Mrs. Willis McCormick; secretary, Mrs. C. Glenn Whitlock; social chairman, Mrs. S. S. Montgomery; score keeper, Mrs. T. Stuart Smith; assistant score keeper, Mrs. Chas. M. Morgan; members of executive board: Mrs. Fred C. Braeutigam, Mrs. Robert Scott and Mrs. A. S. Watson. SCHOOLS Teachers for the grade schools, 1928-29; superintendent, R. D. Bowden, who enters on 3-year contract; Miss Mildred Barloga, his secretary. Main: 1st grade, Dorothy Scharmann; 1st and 2nd, Pearl E. Walker; 2nd, Mary E. Stanton, principal; 3rd, Dorothy Lawrence; 4th, Ruth O'Connor and Georgians Miller; 5th, Alice E. Bates; 5th and 6th, Ruth E. Creel; 6th, Ruby Johnson; substitute for principal, Mrs. Janvrin. Hawthorne: 1st, Allegra Rathbun and Gay Nichols; 2nd, Laverne Lane and Frances Crisler, principal; 3rd, Dewey McEvoy and Norma Stevens; 3rd and 4th, Grace Silva; 4th and 5th, Emma Remensnyder; 5th, Grace Bolinger; 5th and 6th, Eva May Cochran; 6th, Bertha Tweed. Franklin: 1st, Kathryn Mathew; 2nd, Ruth Sheehan; 3rd, Florence Kroeger, principal; 4th, Lillian Anderson; 5th and 6th, Ruby E. Huggett. Duane: Kathryn E. Pugh, principal; Bernadine Comiskey, English; Margaret Paxton, history; Bernice Pennington, literature; Ruby Carlson, arithmetic; Isabel J. Anderson, hygiene and reading; Dorothy Leggitt, social science; Joy Van Vorst, geography; Iola Wallace, English; Carrie Witzig, history. Special teachers: Wilma Skidmore, art supervisor; Linnea Lund, music; Vaughan Wallace, athletic supervisor and arithmetic; Ralph Magor, band director, and Frieda Olsen, school nurse. Janitors: Duane and Franklin, Henry Binger and sons; Main, John Canada; Hawthorne, Charles Sherman and Dan McCarty. Forest Glen teachers 1928-29: F. A. Bell, principal; June Moehler, music; Verna Hasseries, Florence Warder and Kathryn Smelting. St. Petronille's teachers for 1928-29: Sister Geraldine, Sister Gregory, Sister Novella, Sister Vitalis, Sister Bartha (music). Staff of the "Duane Noise," started at Duane School by Miss Comiskey, English teacher: editor, James Milmoe; sports editor, George Lineburg; society editor, Florence Fogelsanger; joke editor, Helen Geiersbach; editorial editor, Virginia Hitt; business manager, Ruthana Osterling; advertising manager, Roger Gavin; circulation manager, 8-4, Eloise Cooper; 8-3, Pearl Courtice, 8-2, John Huntoon, 8-1, Jane Frye, 7th, Wm. Anderson; reporters, Kathryn Flint and Jane Fogelsanger; cartoonist, Helen Minaker; treasurer, Gertrude Lozier. The football squad at Duane: captain, Al Jellies, LeRoy Erickson, Bernard Ulrick, George Rose, George Li ch ten waiter, Ralph Betts, Junior Dehl, Phelps Congdon, George Lineburg, Boyd Bremner, Winston Pray, Alfred Eaton, Robert Burks, Wayne Feurhaken, William Nadelhoffer, Lyle Kreitzer, Ernest Rose, Robert Warner, Warren Smith, James Murray, Charles Reifenstein, Chester LeVere, Jack Burton, Donald Stewart and Wesley Baughman. Glenbard teachers 1928-29: Fred L. Biester, principal; Blanche Kirk, secre- tary to Mr. Biester; Charles F. Butler, physical education, coach; Ruth McLean, dean of girls, history; Helen Allen,. English,, public speaking; Orth Baer, mechanical drawing, band director; Bernice Douglas, art; Clara Diers, Latin, history; Lois Glass, English; Wesley Gronewold, physics, athletics; Hazel Hegner, science, sewing; Mildred Lundberg, French; Ralph Magor, mathe- 152 THE STOEY OF AN OLD TOWN— GLEN ELLYN matics; Don Miller, science; Delpha Patterson, Latin; Martha Pinney, mathe- matics; Helen Trowbridge, science; Mary Belle Warth, commercial; Richard Durrett, music; Cornelia Neuwenhuyse, director of health and physical edu- cation for girls; Ruth Lewis, English; Rose McGlennon, English; L. B. Reed, mathematics; Alice Roberts, Latin and French; Mary Swinney, English; Orpha Romps, commercial and arithmetic; Clorah Corzine, commercial; Arthur Repke, social science. Girl Reserve officers: president, Jane Heald; vice-president, Marian Arnold; program chairman, Marian Hibbard; secretary, Eileen Mitchell; treasurer, Dorothy Lewis; service chairman, June Meister; social chairman, Jeanne Walter. Glenbard Heavyweight Team 1928 Glenbard Lightweight Team 1928 THE STOBY OF AN OLD TOWN— GLEN ELLYN 153 Glenbard's Heavyweight football team for the 1928 season: captain, Benny- Wold; David Anderson, Frank Bouska, James Carruthers, Hugh Cash, Paul Daniels, John Deiber, George Dopp, Stanley Eaton, Ray Ericksen, William Flint, Ed. Gorman, Thomas Gregg, Robert Griffith, Herbert Hill, William Kellogg, Richard Kelly, Kenneth Kidd, William Kiser, John Knaak, George LaRoi, William Lawrence, Howard McAninch, Ray MacDonald, Roger Maylone, Richard Marquardt, Rudolph Ohl, John O'Neill, David Powell and George Rose. The boys on the Lightweight team are: captain, Austin Abell; George Apos- tolas, Franklyn Benson, Allen Blackwell, James Brady, Theodore Bremer, Ardin Buell, James Cochran, Ray Cottingham, Ray Ericksen, John Gamon, Jules Gonseth, Clark Hine, Robert Hoy, Harold Hyatt, Allan Johnson, George Koepple, Warren League, Walter Lindsay, Austin Mann, Arnold Marenack, Charles Michaels, Hunter Michaels, Elwood Myers, Harry Peterson, John Purdum, Robert Rose, Donald Rautson, Richard Sabin, James Schock, Ray Shawl, Francis Sjogren, Lawrence Sjogren, Jack Stauffer, Melvin Suttie, Spencer Michaels and Eugene Strawn. The new class officers at Glenbard are: seniors, Dick Kelly, president; Dave Powell, vice-president; Eileen Mitchell, secretary- treasurer. Juniors, Roger Maylone, president; June Meister, vice-president; Virginia Teeter, secretary- treasurer. Sophomores, Jesse Wagner, president; J. L. Wagner, vice-president; Walter Lindsay, secretary- treasurer. Freshman, Joe Cutler, president; Hugh Cash, vice-president; Russell O'Connor, secretary-treasurer. Athaenean Society: president, Arnold Marenack; vice-president, Spencer Michaels. Erodelphian Society: president, Victoria Strawn; vice-president, Roger May- lone. Athletic Association: president, Richard Marquardt; vice-president, John Ensminger; secretary, Victoria Strawn; Jesse Wagner and Betty Phillips, directors. Student Council: chairman, Roger Maylone. Glen Bard staff, elected by the faculty: managing editor, Joe Milmoe; business manager, Ardin Buell; advertising managers, Arnold Marenack and Rose Zvedelik; assisting editors, Wilbur Osterling and Ruth Watt; reporters, Roberta Fenzel, Mildred Kelly, Dorothy Lewis, Elsie Lenoir, Walter Lindsay and Jesse Wagner; sports editor, Frank Malec; class reporters, Senior, Lucille Myers; Junior, William Day; Sophomore, Gertrude Benthey; Freshman, Marian Wozencraft, Joe Cutler and Charles Young; typists, Mabel Ludy, Jeanne Walter, Rose Zvedelik and Evelyn Goeckel. 154 THE STOEY OF AN OLD TOWN— GLEN ELLYN THE STOEY OF AN OLD TOWN— GLEN ELLYN 155 CHURCHES Officers of the First Congregational Church: minister, Rev. O. L. Kiplinger; secretary, Miss Evelyn Warner; Sunday School superintendent, R. L. Rogers, Woman's Society: president, Mrs. Wm. Powell; 1st vice-president, Mrs. F. L. Holch; 2nd vice-president, Mrs. Walter Rogers; secretary, Mrs. E. A. Peterson; treasurer, Mrs. W. E. Dunham. Circle Chairmen: Steadfast, Mrs. Fred Surkamer; Priscilla, Mrs. J. R. Gott; Gift, Mrs. H. S. Cline; Friendship, Mrs. L, L. Call; Symphonion, Mrs. A. Steinberg; Lookout, Mrs. J. W. Hurley; Utility, Mrs. J. Boyd; Whatsoever, Mrs. Geo. P. Bennet. Young People's Society: president, Warren B. Ohler; vice-president, Victoria Strawn; secretary-treasurer, Helen Turner. Young People's Chorus: director, Mrs. Jay C. Willcox. Church Quartette: Walter Boydston, tenor; Mrs. Boydston, soprano; Jane Symons, contralto; Leonard Huber, bass. The Pilgrim Club: president, Eugene C. Hall; vice-president, E. A. Peterson; secretary-treasurer, R. M. Kolze. Daughters of the Covenant: president, Gladys Fuller; vice-president, Florence Kroeger; secretary, Pearl Walker; treasurer, Eleanor Chapman. Teachers: Gladys Fuller, Grace Silva, Evelyn Steinberg, Geo. G. Nelson, Evelyn Warner, Mrs. Vaughn C. Wallace, L. L. Call, Margaret Rogers, H. R. Mardorf, Mrs. R. L. Rogers, H. J. Lounsbury, Mrs. Cecil M. Knights, Kenneth Redman, Mrs. L. L. Call, H. H. Hitt, J. W. Hurley, Mrs. A. R. Utt, Mrs. O. L. Kiplinger, Mrs. H. H. Hitt, R. L. Rogers. Officers of the First Evangelical Church: pastor, Theo. W. Holtorf ; secretary, C. Strabel; treasurer, A. Gathmann. Women's Missionary Society: president, Mrs. Theo. W. Holtorf; vice-president, Mrs. G. Lile; secretary, Mrs. M. M. Kinnaman; financial secretary, Mrs. John Gathman; treasurer, Mrs. Chas. Strabel. Christian Endeavor Society: president, Theodore Witt. Church Missionary Society: president, Mrs. W. Harold Simons. Sunday School: superintendent, Paul Riemenschnitter; associate superintend- ents, Arthur Gathman and Fred Tollefsen. Teachers: Fred Tollefsen, Arthur Gathman, Mrs. W. Harold Simons, Mrs. LeRoy Ericksen, Mrs. Charles Strabel, Raldo Sevland, and Misses Eleanor Gathman, Nettie Geske, Esther Sevland, Marie Petersen, Ruth Tillis, Ruth Lile and Lucille Lintner. Choir: director, Mrs. W. H. Simons. Organists: Mr. and Mrs. W. Harold Simons; assistant organist, Miss Mabel Youngstrom. Officers of Grace Lutheran Church: pastor, Rev. H. Mackensen; chairman, T. W. Marquardt; secretary, A. Mesenbrink; treasurer, Wm. H. Baethke; financial secretary, A. W. Langeloh; deacons, F. J. Schreiber, H. Zielke, P. Gustafson; trustees, F. Marquardt, J. S. Wagner, L. J. Thiele; organist, Mrs. Worrell Grimshaw. Sunday School: superintendent, Rev. Mackensen; assistant superintendent, Annie Rathbun; primary superintendent, Mrs. H. Mackensen; cradle roll superintendent, Camilla Fuchs; treasurer, F. J. Schreiber. Teachers: Lillian Schuetz, Bonita Fuchs, Irene Grimshaw, Alyce Wegner, Ruth Gourlay, Camilla Fuchs, Mrs. Spellerburg, H. Mackensen. Ladies' Aid: president, Mrs. H. Mackensen; vice-president, Mrs. H. T. Rink; secretary, Mrs. A. Swanson; treasurer, Mrs. A. Mesenbrink. Dorcas Guild: chairman, Ellen Rink; vice-chairman, Edna Jellies; secretary, Edna Schaus; treasurer, Irene Kamholz. 156 THE STOEY OF AN OLD TOWN— GLEN ELLYN Walther League: chairman, Annie Rathbun; vice-chairman, Conrad Rose; secretary, Edna Schaus; treasurer, Gilbert Grinnell. Officers of First Methodist Episcopal Church: minister, Rev. C. A. Bloomquist; pastor's assistant, Mrs. Ethlynne A. Bruce; honorary trustees, M. H. Paine, H. D. Thompson; board of trustees, J. H. Gilbert, W. P. Conyers, H. H. Simmons, C. H. Hibbard, C. D. Nickey, W. R. Houchens, J. C. Miller, H. H. Kendall, C. M. Jorgeson; honorary steward, A. Biemolt; board of stewards, Harry Clark, Dr. G. H. Ensminger, H. C. Estee, H. A. Hansen, Walter Hansen, E. M. Hardine, Irving Kelly, W. R. Kettenring, Geo. B. Lock, W. L. Irish, Otto Pastor, N. T. Palmer, A. R. Shepherd, H. W. Underwood, E. J. Wienke, J. H. Wise, B. F. March, R. W. Canfield, E. E. Oates, L. H. Webb, S. T. Jacobs, J. S. Kelly, O. A. Elliot, H. D. Thompson, Rufus White, John Fitch, P. M. Black, E. E. McBride, L. D. Nichol, F. C. Payne, W. Lee Fergus. (W. L. Simpson at the time of his death, December 2, 1928, was a member of this board). Ladies' Aid: president, Mrs. W. H. Trask; vice-president, Mrs. F. C. Payne; secretary, Mrs. H. W. Underwood; corresponding secretary, Mrs. W. C. Sten- strom; treasurer, Mrs. H. H. Simmons. Circle Chairmen: 1, Mrs. L. L. Carpenter; 2, Mrs. R. R. Simpson; 3, Mrs. H. F. Jauch; 4, Mrs. H. J. Mitchell; 5, Mrs. E. E. McBride; 6, Mrs. J. W. Craig; 7, Mrs. H. R. Courtice; 8, Mrs. A. R. Shepherd; 9, Mrs. F. W. Julian; 10, Mrs. Geo. Douglass. Woman's Foreign Missionary Society: president, Mrs. J. A. Gilbert; 1st vice- president, Mrs. R. W. Canfield; 2nd vice-president, Mrs. C. H. Hibbard; 3rd vice-president, Mrs. A. Biemolt; 4th vice-president, Mrs. L. E. Mitchell; secre- tary, Mrs. Maxfield Bear; corresponding secretary, Mrs. A. McWilliams; treas- urer, Mrs. C. D. Nickey; mite box secretary, Mrs. W. R. Houchens; steward- ship secretary, Mrs. J. C. Wagner; field support secretary, Mrs. A. E. Sylvester; extension secretary, Mrs. J. P. Bennett; King's Heralds superintendent, Mrs. A. J. Ludy; Little Light Bearers superintendent, Mrs. E. M. Hardine. Woman's Home Missionary Society: president, Mrs. N. T. Palmer; 2nd vice- president, Mrs. C. W. Bush; 3rd vice-president, Mrs. H. Mitchell; recording secretary,, Mrs. Otto Pastor; corresponding secretary, Mrs. Maxfield Bear; treasurer, Mrs. P. M. Black; Queen Esther, Mrs. S. A. Pederson; Home Guards, Mrs. A. M. Reed and Mrs. R. W. Canfield; Mother's Jewels, Mrs. John Low; exangelism, Mrs. D. R. Ingersoll; stewardship secretary, Mrs. J. C. Wagner; supplies, Mrs. H. Jauch; missionary education, Mrs. George Douglass; mite box secretary, Mrs. R. W. Canfield; Thank-offering secretary, Mrs. C. W. Bush; Christian citizenship, Mrs. H. Mitchell; birthday secretary, Mrs. C. H. Hibbard; bequest and devise secretary, Mrs. W. Hansen. Men's Club: president, W. W. Shaw, Jr.; 1st vice-president, E. E. McBride; 2nd vice- president, Fred J. Hussey; 3rd vice- president, W. L. Irish; 4th vice- president, J. S. Kelly; secretary and treasurer, J. C. Miller. Epworth League: president, Marvin Lane; 1st vice president, Vera Pastor; 2nd vice-president, Dorothy Moore; 3rd vice-president, Marjorie Shepard; 4th vice-president, Jlne Steck; secretary, Dollie Abrams; treasurer, Arndt Erickson. Erickson. High School League: counselor, Rev. C. A. Bloomquist; president, John Wagner; 1st vice-president, Dorothy Meredith; 2nd vice-president, Isabelle March; 3rd vice-president, Harry Mitchell; 4th vice-president, Sarah Bouska; secretary, Virginia Elliott; treasurer, Helen Hansen; pianist and assistant, Mildred Kelly and Janet Eichenberger. Intermediate League: counselor, Mrs. Ethlynne A. Bruce; president, Paul Nelson; 1st vice-president, June Underwood; 2nd vice-president, John Gilbert; 3rd vice-president, Merle Irish; 4th vice-president, Jane Davis; secretary, Harold Jauch; treasurer, Richard Jauch; pianist, Merle Irish. Choir: director, Inez Hubbard Hicks; pianist, Mary Carnduff Black; president, P. M. Black; 1st vice-president, R. W. Canfield; 2nd vice-president, C. E. THE STOEY OF AN OLD TOWN— GLEN ELLYN 157 Rideout; 3rd vice-president, Mildred Sweetman; secretary-treasurer, Louise Koeck. Sunday School: superintendent, C. D. Nickey; superintendent adult depart- ment, E. E. MoBride; superintendent senior department, C. H. Hibbard; junior and intermediate department superintendent, A. M. Reed; primary department superintendent, Mrs. P. M. Black; beginners department superintendent, Mrs. E. M. Hardine; secretary, Harry Clark; assistant secretary, Frank Bouska; financial secretary, R. W. Canfield; enrollment and absentee secretary, Mrs. R. A. Bruce; treasurer, P. M. Black; missionary and temperance superinten- dent, Mrs, N. T. Palmer; cradle roll superintendent, Mrs. C. E. Rideout; chorister, Lester Blackman; pianist, Vera Pastor. Teachers — Beginners: Mrs. E. M. Hardine, superintendent; Mrs. Roy Drew, Louise Harris, Mrs. W. R. Greenlee, Mabel Ludy, Mrs. S. A. Pedersen, Mrs. A. E. Richardson, Mrs. C. E. Rideout: Primary: Mrs. P. M. Black, superinten- dent; Isabelle March, Mrs. J. P. Bennett, Mrs. Harold Jauch, Marian Hibbard, Mrs. C. W. Bush, Mrs. H. S. McQuarrie, Salina Kirby, Freida Galland, Mrs. C. D. Nickey, S. T. Jacobs, Mrs. S. T. Jacobs: Junior and Intermediate: A. M. Reed, superintendent; Gwen Hole, Mrs. John A. Low, Mrs. L. J. Merrill, Andrew White, Vera Pastor, Mrs. L. L. Carpenter, Mrs. W. P. Conyers, Mrs. L. D. Parsons, A. J. Ruckert, Mrs. John H. Fitch, Mr. Saulstrom, Mrs. J. W. Craig, N. T. Palmer, Mrs. H. R. Courtice, E. M. Hardine, C. E. Rideout: Senior: C. H. Hibbard, superintendent; Mrs. A. M. Reed, Mrs. F F. Vallette, Dr. L. O. Morgan, O. W. Sutch, Mrs. E. F. Grabow, Dorothy Lock, W Lee Fergus, Mrs. Inez Hubbard Hicks, P. M. Black, Mrs. O. A. Elliot, Mrs. C. A. Bloomquist, L. Dow Nichol: Adult Department: E. E. McBride, superintendent; Mrs. Fran- ces E. Ingersol and H. H. Simmons. Officers Free Methodist Church: Rev. Helen I. Root, pastor: board of trustees; William F. Jensen, president; Joseph T. Hart, treasurer; Roy L. Shepard, sec- retary; David Suttie, E. B. Middleton: Roy L. Shepard, Sunday School super- intendent; secretary, Mrs. Hall; teachers: J. T. Hart, William F. Jensen, Miss Root, Mrs. Hill, Miss Green, Mrs. Mabel F. Carson: president Woman's Mis- sionary Society, Helen I. Root. Officers of St. Mark's Episcopal Church: rector, Rev. D. A. McGregor; war- dens: F. B. Wyckoff, J. M. Young; vestrymen: Joel Baker, G. B. Goodrich, C. E. Hoyt, M. J. Milmoe, H. E. Richardson, O. M. Roessel, H. G. Wilson: superintendent Church School: H. M. Prime; assistant superintendent Church School, G. T. Jennings: teachers: Mrs. L. J. Hiatt, Mrs. G. B. Goodrich, Mrs. F. L. Piatt, Mrs. F. D. Schook, Miriam Gregg, Mrs. C. M. Clarke, Mrs. H. Bradshaw, Mrs. Jesse Scott, Mrs. F. J. Benthey, Mrs. W. S. Miller, Mrs. P. Q. Griffiths, F. Tremblay, H. Gregg, Geo. Capps, H. G. Wilson, Joel Baker, J. M. Young, Rev. D. A. McGregor: treasurer Church School, L. L. Ellsworth; secretary Church School, Joe Milmoe. Women's Guild: president, Mrs. H. M. Lesh; 1st vice-president, Mrs. F. Q. Newton; 2nd vice-president, Mrs. Wm. F. Pelham; secretary, Mrs. G. M. Griggs; treasurer, Mrs. A. W. Rathbun. St. Margaret's Chapter: president, Mrs. A. S. Flett; vice-president, Mrs. F. Q. Newton; secretary, Mrs. M. Schultz; treasurer, Mrs. D. K. Jones. Men's Club: president, W. A. Rohm; vice-president, T. V. Parke; secretary, J. H. Stevens; treasurer, Alfred Arthur. Daughters of the King: director, Mrs. L. J. Hiatt; president, Miriam Gregg; vice-presidents, Mrs. R. Tillman, Charlotte Lesh; secretary, Mary Buell; treas- urer, Mrs. S. Elsy. 158 THE STOBY OF AN OLD TOWN— GLEN ELLYN Officers of the First Baptist Church: acting pastor, G. D. Franklin; moderator, Manly C. Wareham; deacons, Frank Sheahan, W. S. Abell, M. J. Evans, C. E. Pray, Fred Oldenberg, Mr. Creel; deaconesses, Mrs. C. E. Pray, Mrs. C. A. Carlson, Mrs. E. Daniels, Mrs. Frank Sheahan; trustees, H. O. Harriman, Joseph Wassell, M. C. Wareham, Robert Thompson, J. A. Nelson, C. A. Carlson ; treasurer, H. O. Harriman; assistant treasurer, Chas. R. Corwine; clerk, Mrs. Bessie Thompson; corresponding- secretary, Mrs. T. S. Grafton; superintendent of Sunday School, Frank Sheahan; assistant superintendent of Sunday School, T. S. Grafton; secretary of Sunday School, B. A. Nelson; treasurer of Sunday School, H. O. Harriman; teachers, G. D. Franklin, U. S. Abell, W. K. Pierce, F. L. Smith, H. O. Harriman, Mrs. E. L. Daniels, Mrs. C. Pray, Mrs. W. K. Pierce, Mrs. John Tingley, Addie Gordon, Rowena Tingley; superintendent of cradle roll, Mrs. H. O. Harriman; primary superintendent, Mrs. U. S. Abell. Woman's Missionary Societay: president, Mrs. John Tingley; vice-president, Mrs. C. Pray; secretary, T. S. Grafton; treasurer, Mrs. Robert Thompson. Senior B. Y. P. U.: president, Elizabeth Sheahan; Intermediate B. Y. P. U.: Douglas Eadie; permanent council representatives: Manly C. Wareham, Mrs. Robert Thompson; Baptist Executive Council representative: H. O. Harriman. Officers of the First Presbyterian Church: pastor, Rev. Leslie G. Whitcomb; elders, L. H. Chamberlin, clerk; Philip Ganzhorn, S. S. Montgomery, F. C. Braeutigam, W. N. Graves, J. Andrew Myers, R. V. Emmons, D. W. Alspaugh, Cyrus B. Stafford; deacons, G. E. Merkes, chairman; V. E. Jefferson, Donald Gawne, L, L. Kunz, L. H. Halvorsen, W. R. Zollinger, L. W. Temple; trustees, Earl Twichell, chairman; William Gawne, F. W. Gulbrandsen, W. J. Russel, W. N. Graves, J. G. Wozencraft, Dr. J. C. Morrow, Carl R. Gray, Jr. Departmental Heads: Sunday School superintendent, F. C. Braeutigam; secre- tary, Louis Temple. Woman's Society: president, Mrs. J. C. Morrow; circle chairmen, Mrs. T. B. Webster, Mrs. T. Soma, Mrs. E. S. McLeod, Mrs. Fred Steinhoff. Christian Endeavor: Rev. Leslie G. Whitcomb; Junior Endeavor, Mrs. J. G. Wozencraft. St. Petronille Roman Catholic Church: Rev. Walter L. Fasnacht, pastor. THE STOBY OF AN OLD TOWN— GLEN ELLYN 159 ) > \\\ '«.'| ¥^ f f * *mm P|lPH0| Forest Hill Cemetery The land was given by David Christian, 1833-34-35. For many years Philo Stacy took care of it. It is now administered as an association with J. D. McChesney, Allen Myers and Wilbur Cooper as directors. There are many soldiers buried in it from the War of 1812, the Mexican War, the Civil War, the Spanish- American War and the World War. The following list is from the records of J. D. McChesney: Soldiers of the Civil War buried Ackerman, Alonzo Ackerman, Miles Ackerman, John D. Brooks, E. H. Brody, James Bradshaw, Francis M. Butterfield, George J. Chittenden, Henry J. Churchill, Amos Churchill, W. H. Christian, Chas. Wesley Dean, George A. Farley, A. D. Fenemore, Henry Foulke, Nathan Fruendenburg, Chas. Caddis, Jacob Groff, John Hambloek, Peter Hubbard, E. B. Hull, Frank Hull, J. B. Janes, Albert S. Jenkins, J. W. Jones, Enos Jones, David Jonas, Thomas Johnson, O. F. Kelley, David Kemp, Jesse H. Laier, Jacob in Forest Hill Cemetery Le Baron, Edw. S. Mertz, Owen Meisner, Geo. Murcer, J. H. Myers, William Henry Myers, Frederick A. Myers, E. R. Myers, Charles McChesney, J. R. Newton, William C. Owings, Charles Penrose, William Phelps, Chas. S. Potter, Dr. H. S. Richardson, John Robertson, George H. Smith, John F. Schmidt, Frederick Sandercock, George Sollenburger, Valentine B. Stacy, Philo W. Sanderson, W. L. Slyter, Charles Valentine, C. Valdine, H. W. Walker, A. R. Wagoner, William A. Wareham, C. H. Way, Edmund Wagner, Joseph Yalding, H. W. 160 TEE STOEY OF AN OLD TOWN— GLEN ELLYN Soldiers from other wars buried in Forest Hill Cemetery WAR OF 1812 Winslow Churchill John Ballard Dr. Bonny William Dodge Daniel Fish William J. Johnson Nathan Homes Moses Stacy MEXICAN WAR Warren Hubbard SPANISH-AMERICAN WAR Chas. E. Donly C. G. McClelland John Laier John C. Peterson WORLD WAR William Achterfeld Wilbur H. Johnson Andrew F. Wagner Axel Arvidson Charles Regal James McClelland. THE STOBY OF AN OLD TOWN— GLEN ELLYN 161 GENEALOGIES BY Bessie Clute Huwen 162 THE STOBY OF AN OLD TOWN— GLEN ELLYN First marker placed by Anan Harmon Chapter D. A. R. in Stacy Park 1834 "Dedicated to the memory of the pioneers of this district, first called Babcock's Grove, next Du Page Center, then Stacy Corners, St. Charles Road. f The buffalo trace — The Indian trail — Lo! the white race, The ways of God prevail." Erected by Anan Harmon Chapter, Daughters of the American Revolution, 1925. "Boulder taken from Busch farm." Dedicated Flag Day, June 14, 1925. — Inscription on Marker. f THE STOEY OF AN OLD TOWN— GLEN ELLYN 163 ACKERMAN rjYOHN DAVIS ACKERMAN was born in Saratoga, Saratoga County, N. Y., October 24, 1799, died September 11, 1859. Parents were natives of Holland. Married Lurania Churchill, born February 15, 1802, in Branden, Rutland County, Vermont; she was a daughter of Deacon Winslow Churchill. The marriage occurred in January, 1825, in Comittus, Onondaga County, N. Y. They came west in 1834, settling on St. Charles Road, east of Five Corners, on the south side of the road. Their family consisted of five children, one having died in infancy: Winslow, born July 21, 1826; Elbyron, born December 18, 1828; Miles, born October 18, 1832; Erastus, born July 6, 1835, and Alonzo, born July 30, 1838. The first three were born in Comittus, N. Y., and the last two at Newton's Station (now Glen Ellyn), DuPage County, Illinois. Winslow married Parmelia Holmes August 22, 1849; four children: Eben, Lorena, Perry and Adella. Adella married Eugene House. They had two children: Harry (lives in Chicago), and Ida, who married William Madison in Chicago, but now resides in Glen Ellyn. Elbyron married Mary Jane Russell, of South Elgin; two children: Adel- bert (married Anna Ellis, of Bloomingdale), and Alice, who married William Ingraham, also of Bloomingdale. Miles married 1852, first, Jane Cox, native of England, and second, Mary Finnemore. Miles' children were Edwin M., Emma, Charles and Fannie. Miles was a corporal in Company H, 141st Illinois Infantry, Civil War, enlisted 1864. Erastus married. Wife's name, Irene. Lived in Michigan. Alonzo died November 25, 1917. Married Mary S. Coffin, of Danby, 1856, born July 29, 1835, in Wackendorf, Germany; died August 6, 1921. Their children were: 1. Mary, born January 3, 1860; married Adelbert Sherman, of Danby; one child, May, married Charles Brown; resides in New Jersey. 2. Ellen, born March 3, 1861; married Sanford Taylor, of Wheaton; their child, Louis Walter Taylor, married; lives in LaGrange. 3. Matilda, born August 8, 1862; married Carol Locke, of Eton, Ohio; no children. Mrs. Locke now a widow; resides in her father's house. 4. William A. D., born December 14, 1866; bachelor; died November 8, 1913. 5. Minna, born July 15, 1869; died February 18, 1900; married John Hogsette in Oak Park. Child, Gertrude A., married William McClanahan who died 1912, leaving one child, Jessie, born in 1911 in Oak Park. Gertrude married, 2nd, Robert Smith in 1914 at Oak Park; one child, Robert, born in 1923 there. This Smith family now resides in Glen Ellyn on Main Street, north of Five Corners. 6. Harriet, born November 18, 1871; married James Clark, of Naperville in 1888. Children, 1, Hazel, born July 4, 1889; married Harry Mills in Chicago; their children: first baby died in infancy, Harry, born in Austin, and Robert, born in 1915 in St. Paul, Minnesota. Hazel married, 2nd, Harold Smith. They had been married not quite a year when he died. Hazel married, 3rd, Joseph Halvorsen in 1923; they have one child, William Guild, born December 29, 1924, in Elgin, Kane County, Illinois. Mr. and Mrs. Halvorsen, as well as Mrs. Clark, now live in Glen Ellyn. Harriet Clark had a son, Howard, born 1894, who served in the Marines as corporal on the Olympic; died September, 1922. He married Clara Rogers at Brooklyn, N. Y. They had three children, Roger, Harriett and James. 7. Angeline, born November 6, 1873, died April 7, 1904; married Edward Locke in Oak Park. He was a brother of her sister Matilda's husband. Angeline's and Edward's children were Alvin Edward, born February 9, 1897 in Eden, Ohio; now resides in Glen Ellyn on St. Charles Road with his aunt, Matilda, and Gladys Myrtle, born May 20, 1898 in Oak Park. 164 THE STOEY OF AN OLD TOWN— GLEN ELLYN BOYD ru\ G. BOYD came to Glen Ellyn (then Prospect Park) in 1873; was a member ItV^. of Boyd Bros., hardware merchants, who built the Junta building, where ~ they had the post office for fourteen years, and also built the store now occupied by Patch Bros., their successors. Mr. Boyd and family attended the Congregational church and he was at all times active and interested in all civic activities of the town. R. G. Boyd married on January 15, 1885, Jennie P. Miner, daughter of Salmon and Phebe Miner. iShe was born in Dover, New Hampshire, and came to Glen Ellyn (then Prospect Park) in 1881. Mr. and Mrs. Boyd were the parents of two daughters: Pearl A., born December 14, 1890, married Alexander Cameron Duncan September 25, 1913, at Glen Ellyn, Illinois, and Ruth G., born June 9, 1893, married Chas. W. Bremner September 25, 1913. Grandchildren of Mr. and Mrs. R. G. Boyd are: Alexander Cameron Dun- can, born August 23, 1914; Bruce Miner Duncan, born May 8, 1917; Donald Norman Duncan, born April 14, 1920; Robert Boyd Bremner, born July 19, 1914; Willis Charles Bremner, born March 6, 1918, and Stewart Douglas Bremner, born February 19, 1923. The Duncans and Bremners all reside with Mrs. Boyd, who is a widow, in the Boyd home in Glen Ellyn. REV. HOPE BROWN terms postmaster of Danby. Joseph D. McChesney was born at Schura, Cook county, in 1857. He was married in Danby to Mattie Smith, November 7, 1878. They had four children, the only son being Charles Henry, now carrying on the grocery business 180 THE STOBY OF AN OLD TOWN— GLEN ELLYN founded by his grandfather. He was born January 7, 1888, and married Gretchen Jacobs, November 12, 1907. They have three children: Nathalie Alice, born January 18, 1909; Joseph Edgar, born May 28, 1911, and Elizabeth Martha, born January 3, 1914. Charles H. McChesney has a sister living in Glen Ellyn — Sadie Valerie, born March 20, 1882, who married Magnus J. J. Hanson in August, 1907. They have two children Magnus McChesney Hanson, born August 4, 1908, and Katherine, born January 21, 1914. The present grocery business was started in 1878 with Joseph D, a partner to his father. In 1885 Joseph D. and Edgar H. formed a partnership calling the business McChesney Bros. MEACHAM rti N 1833 Silas, Lyman and Harvey Meacham, from New York, came out to 1) Illinois and settled the community known as Meacham's Grove, now called ^ Medinah, about three miles northeast of Bloomingdale. In 1855, B. F. Meacham, their nephew, came and settled near them. He was born October 13, 1813, in Oswego County, New York, the son of Robert Fulton Meacham. September 30, 1836, he married Rebecca Hinman. In 1848 he took his family to Fleming County, Kentucky. There were two children born in Oswego County, New York: Geo. W., born October 5, 1837, and Elizabeth, born 1841. The Meachams settled near Mammoth Cave in Kentucky. Mr. Meacham was a cheese maker, he made the first cheese made in Kentucky. He was also a thoroughly outspoken northerner and so because of his abolition principles he decided to leave Kentucky and came to DuPage County, entering the settlement of his uncles. When the right-of-way for the Chicago-Mil- waukee R. R. was put through he gave the right-of-way through his farm and the name Meacham appeared on the railroad map and the map of DuPage County. Changed in 1925 to Medinah. Here he raised his children and spent the remainder of his life. George W., his son, married Cornelia Rathbun (see Rathbun family), on September 19, 1860. To them were born five children, of whom three only are alive — these reside in Glen Ellyn — Eliza, Edith and George Joshua. George Joshua Meacham, born October 2, 1867, married on December 21, 1898, Clara Louise Penrose, of Glen Ellyn. To them were born the following: 1st, George Penrose, born January 29, 1900, married Leona Losselyong, of Chicago, May 6, 1922; the child of George Penrose Meacham and Leona is Mary Louise, born August 23, 1923. 2nd, Helen, born April 14, 1901, married October 15, 1927, at Glen Ellyn to Harold E. Enyeart, of Dayton, Ohio. 3rd, Charles Rathbun, born September 2, 1903, married on April 26, 1924, in Clin- ton, Iowa, to Dorothy Belendorf of that city. 4th, William Royal Meacham, born December 9, 1905, died March 5, 1920. MORGAN 'TfJ OYAL T. MORGAN was born in Campton Township, Kane County, Illinois, itv Ma y 9 > 1844 - His father, Elijah Morgan, was born in Randolph, Vermont. C His mother, Laura Ward Morgan, was born near Batavia, New York. Royal T. Morgan was a student at Wheaton College, and later, a professor there for nine years. He was a soldier in the Civil War, being mustered into service at St. Charles, Illinois, December 3, 1863, in Co. H., 17th Illinois Cavalry. He was discharged at Fort Leavenworth, Kansas, December 15, 1865. He resigned as professor at Wheaton College in 1877 and became county superintendent of schools, filling this position for over 50 years. He married Hattie Turner, of Mt. Palatine, Illinois, in 1881, and one of their sons, Lewis V. Morgan, now holds this school position in the county, 1928. THE STOBY OF AN OLD TOWN— GLEN ELLYN 181 MYERS CTfHE MYERS FAMILY in Glen Ellyn lead back to a Frederick Myers, a V]|/ soldier of the War of 1812, who fought in the battle of Lake Erie. At Fort Niagara he served as quartermaster's clerk, in which capacity he served also at Fort Mackinac and finally at Fort Dearborn in 1831-33. He kept a record of his service in the War of 1812, which is now in the possession of the Chicago Historical Society. He was a man of much learning, a fluent and eloquent writer of both prose and poetry, spoke seven languages and wrote a dictionary of the Ojibwa Indian language and its equivalent in English, and was a fur trader among the Indians for many years after leaving the army. He owned much land in Chicago, one parcel of which is the site of the present court house. Frederick Myers died of smallpox and was buried in the cemetery where Lincoln Park now is. Frederick Myers married Sene Hayden (sister of Jack and Breer, step- daughter of Mr. Allen, and half sister to Miles and Levy Allen). Miles Allen was the father of Georgiana, Fannie and Henry Allen, and Levy Allen was the father of Almeda Bishop. Frederick and Sene Myers were the parents of five children: 1st, William Henry, born 1837, married Sarah Balsey, born July 1, 1847, Fayetteville, New York, (half sister to Lucile Rhoades, of Milwaukee, Wisconsin). 2nd, Serene Myers, born on a boat, for which she was named; (she married 1st, Mr. Bowker; 2nd, Joseph Snyder). 3rd, Edwin Myers, married (wife's name Sarah). 4th, Frederick Myers, Jr., married Louise Buck. 5th, Charles Myers, bachelor. The four sons are all buried in Forest Hill Cemetery — they were all volunteers in the Civil War, served throughout the war, returned home. William Henry and Sarah Balsey Myers were the parents of five children: George McPherson, Frederick Grant, Viola, Arthur and Allan Avery. George, Viola and Arthur died unmarried. Frederick Grant Myers, born August 11, 1871, died May 2, 1927. Married Anna Olive Olson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C. Olson, of Chicago, February 14, 1895. Their children: Harold Leslie, born February 13, 1897; Helen Lucile, born November 8, 1898; Raymond W., born October 12, 1903; Margaret Marie, born July 26, 1909, died May 16, 1926; Grant, born January 7, 1913. Allan Avery Myers, born August 2, 1886, married Kathryn Creedon, daughter of John and Ann Barry Creedon at Milwaukee, Wisconsin, September 29, 1909. Their children: Lucile Trillium, born April 1, 1911; Shirley Alberta, born December 10, 1912; William Henry, died April 15, 1918, and Charles King, died August 6, 1917 (twins, born August 1, 1917) ; and Janet E., born October 15, 1923. The Frederick G. and Allan A. Myers' families now reside in Glen Ellyn. Edwin and iSarah Myers' one child, William, died unmarried. Frederick and Louise Myers' two children: Eva Belle, died, and Bessie. Serene Myers married, 1st, Bowker; children: Nettie Dodge, Eliza Frueden- berg, George and Edwin Bowker. 2nd, Joseph Snyder; children: Everett, Royal and Jennie. NEWTON JT|R. LOWEY QUITTERFIELD NEWTON ('tis thought from New York), Ip and his brother, Lensa Newton, bought land of William Churchill prior C to 1849. Their farm covered most of the present site of the village north of the North Western tracks. Miss Harmon's home stands on the edge of what was the old apple orchard belonging to this farm (corner of Park Blvd. and Glen Ellyn Place). The Newton farmhouse stood on the northwest corner of Main Street and Pennsylvania Avenue — the first frame house build in Danby and Dr. Newton was the first physician serving the community. 182 TEE STORY OF AN OLD TOWN— GLEN ELLYN Dr. Newton owned the railroad's right-of-way and he built the first station right at Main Street — the first building erected on the site of Glen Ellyn. For some time it was known as Newton's Station. The site of the old Newton home was recently given to the Village of Glen Ellyn by the late William Newton, Dr. Newton's son, and it is now cared for under the control of the Glen Ellyn Garden Club as a village park until such time as the village can afford to build a suitably imposing municipal building on it. The plan is to then rent or sell the present Village Hall for stores. The later Newtons lived for years in the house on the northeast corner of Main Street and Pennsylvania Avenue — this house has been moved to Geneva Road, just west of Five Corners, and is now occupied by the Moulin family. The present Congregational parsonage was the William Newton home until he built the home on the corner of Cottage and Main, where Mrs. Meinardi now resides (1928). Dr. Lowey Quitterfield Newton and his wife, Catharine, came from Ver- mont. They had one son, William, who married 1st, Charlotte Sandercock, and 2nd, Lavinia Langstaff . William and Charlotte Newton were the parents of the following: Lewey Newton, born July 7, 1867; LeRoy Newton, Mabel Newton and Charles (Charles was the oldest). Lewey Newton married Flora Luther July 1, 1891. They had two chil- dren: Ralph, born April 24, 1892, married September 30, 1924, to Holly Carter, born May 17, 1901, and Corinne, born March 14, 1894; married Glen Bowstead April 1, 1917. They have one child, Shirley, born October 13, 1921. LeRoy Newton married Fannie Parker, sister of Mrs. Acors Rathbun, November 15, 1892. To them were born three children: Frank Quitterfield, born November 1, 1893; Doris Charlotte, born October 19, 1896, and Elizabeth Honess, born November 8, 1900. Frank Quitterfield Newton married on April 24, 1918, Violet Knapp, daughter of Helen Haggerty and Joel Carr Knapp. They have two sons: Frank Quitterfield II, born August 25, 1921, and LeRoy, born April 20, 1924. Doris Charlotte Newton, on September 25, 1920, married Walter Laing (born in Chicago). They have one child, Jean, born September 23, 1923. Elizabeth Honess Newton married John G. Poehlmann, of Chicago, June 16, 1923. No children. NIND (Nelson, Ballou) «rOHN NEWTON NIND, son of Benjamin Nind and Sarah Gardiner, niece 1| of Rev. John Newton, was born July 31, 1800, at Peckham, Surrey, Eng- ^ land. He married Eliza Barrett, daughter of James and Jane Barrett, born February 17, 1824, in Saffron, Walden, Essex. To them were born five chil- dren: Myra, born March 10, 1825, died May 30, 1826; Emma, born March 20, 1826; James Gardiner, born November 2, 1827; Frederick Newton, born De- cember 11, 1828; Sarah, born August 29, 1830. John Newton Nind came to the United States with his family in 1845 and purchased 80 acres of land in Bloomingdale township in DuPage County, which he worked for sixteen years. Later he purchased a farm in North Glen Ellyn — the house now standing on St. Charles Road, occupied by the M. G. Cheney family — where he lived until 1875, when he purchased property at the southeast corner of Main and Hawthorne Streets, where he resided until his death. Emma Nind married John Lloyd at Bloomingdale March 18, 1847. She was born at Bishops, Stratford, England. Their children: William Barrett, Eliza Myra, John Newton and Clara. At marriage she and her husband established their home in St. Charles, Kane County, where he was engaged in manufacturing until his death, July 15, 1872. In 1876 she moved to Prospect THE STOBY OF AN OLD TOWN— GLEN ELLYN 183 Park (now Glen Ellyn), and made her home with her father until the time of his death, after which time she continued to reside until her death in 1912. Refer to Kane County records for account of her family. Frederick Newton Nind died September 4, 1865. Engaged in paper mak- ing at St. Charles, Illinois. On April 26, 1852, he married Lucy Annis Sander- son, of Massachusetts. To them were born six children (see Kane County records): Julia Alberta, Lillian Eugenia, Minnetta Ruth, Emmaretta Randall, Nora and LeRoy William. Of the grandchildren of John Newton Nind we shall trace only Eliza Myra Lloyd, Lillian Eugenia Nind and Nora Nind. Eliza Myra Lloyd, born May 5, 1850, at St. Charles, Illinois, married George William Nelson at St. Charles November 13, 1873. To them were born the following: Clara, Charles, Clara Mabel, John Lloyd, George Garfield and Helen Myra. Lillian Eugenia Nind, born February 26, 1855, at St. Charles, Illinois. At the death of her father in 1865, she came to Prospect Park (now Glen Ellyn) to live with her grandfather, by whom she was later adopted. In May, 1880, she married Augustus Ballou. They were the parents of eight children: Frederick Herbert, Mary Ellen, Wilbur Newton, Fannie Lillian, Burton Augustus, Walter LeRoy, Josephine Ladd and Robert Allen. Her husband was killed in a railway accident in Wheaton, Illinois, in 1892. She still resides in Wheaton. Nora Nind, born April 22, 1862, married Dr. J. G. De Vere, who died in July, 1906. They had five children: Joseph Nind, John Goodman, Aubrey Lemont, Thomas Darwin and Eona. The following are great-grandchildren of John Newton Nind and are now living in Glen Ellyn with their families: George Garfield Nelson, Walter LeRoy Ballou and Joseph Nind De Vere. George Garfield Nelson, born September 11, 1881, at Wauwatosa, Wiscon- sin, came to Glen Ellyn in 1903 and married Lillian Marshall September 1, 1909, in Chicago, Illinois. To them were born two children: Robert Marshall, born January 15, 1911, and Evelyn Lois, born October 14, 1914 (both born in Glen Ellyn). Walter LeRoy Ballou, born at Wheaton, April 6, 1889, married Helen Arnold, of Glen Ellyn, June 22, 1918. They have two children: Mary Barbara, born July 2, 1919, and Allan Shepard, born April 27, 1923. Joseph Nind De Vere, born in Chicago, November 20, 1892, married Jessie Camille Lantz at Wilmette, Illinois, November 26, 1913. Moved to Glen Ellyn in 1914. They have no children. PATRICK ILBUR KIRK PATRICK was born February 16, 1824, in Truxton, Cort- land County, N. Y., son of Nathaniel and Penelope (Potter) Patrick. The paternal ancestors of Mr. Patrick emigrated from Scotland to the north of Ireland during the reign of James I and thence to the new world — they landed in New York in 1763. His father was born in Stillwater, Saratoga County, N. Y., February 10, 1785. Wilbur Kirk Patrick came west and settled on the Patrick homestead on Swift Road, northeast of Glen Ellyn, in 1850, bringing his wife whom he had married on February 16, 1847, in Chenango County, N. Y. She was Mary Knowles, born June 17, 1827, the daughter of Daniel and Lovina (Reynolds) Knowles; died May 8, 1882. To them were born nine children: Delia, wife of C. B. Field, of Freeport, Illinois; Ellen, wife of A. E. Hills, of Lombard (one of whose daughters still resides there); Mrs. J. H. Wright (who has two children, Mary Eleanor, born in December, 1914, and Kenneth in 1921); Florence, Wilbur Kirk, Jr. (married Margaret Evans, of Lombard) ; Frances, Charles, Abraham L. and Jesse. 184 THE STOEY OF AN OLD TOWN— GLEN ELLYN The homestead is now occupied by Harry Evans Patrick, son of Wilbur Kirk Patrick, Jr., and Margaret (Evans) Patrick. On February 18, 1920, he married Alice Elizabeth Crisler, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. V. Crisler (D. A. R. No. 201098). To this union have been born the following: Harry Evans, Jr., born October 30, 1921; Frances Elizabeth, born November 26, 1923; and Wilbur Crisler, born October 5, 1925. RATHBUN 'JU OWLAND, son of Acors, born in Stonington, Connecticut, January 25, i[\ 1772, and Sarah Peckman, daughter of William and Mercy, of South C^ Kingston, February 12, 1794; she was born in South Kingston, Rhode Island, November 28, 1777. He went to Oneida County, New York, from Richmond, Rhode Island, in 1802. Acors was the son of Joshua, who was born at Westerly, Rhode Island, August 11, 1743, married in Friends meeting house to Sarah Borden, of Newport, Rhode Island, October 30, 1766, daughter of Abraham and Martha Borden. Joshua was a seafaring man, died of yellow fever at sea. Joshua, the son of Joshua, the son of Joshua who spelled his name, Rathbone, but entered his sons in the Bible as "Rathbun." He is des- cribed as a good and pious man, belonging to the society called Friends. He was the son of Rev. Joshua, son of John, son of John, son of John, son of Richard, who was born in 1574, married Marion Whipple, sister of Capt. John Whipple, who mentions her in his will made at Ipswich, Essex County, Massa- chusetts. It is interesting to know that John, the son of John, was one of those who on the 17th of August, 1660, met at the house of John Alcock, M. D., in Roxbury, Massachusetts, to confer about the purchase of Block Island. In 1664 his name was presented to the Rhode Island General Assembly for ad- mission as a freeman. In 1683 he was a representative in the Rhode Island General Assembly. In 1688 he was a member of the Grand Jury of Rhode Island. He died a wealthy man. His grandson, the Rev. Joshua, married Martha Card, the daughter of Job and Martha Acres Card. The name Acres appearing in the family for the first time in 1668, later recurring often as "Acors." Also in the next generation we find that the son Joshua, of Rev. Joshua, married Dorcas Wells and in the next generation we find a "Wells" the fifth child and a Rowland the thirteenth child. These names are in use today in the Rathbun family, also the names Richard and John appear in nearly every alternate generation back to the very first Richard John in this country. Rowland Rathbun was the pioneer's name in DuPage County. He was born in Verona, Oneida County, New York, August 17, 1817, married Eliza A. Mosely January 5, 1841 in Verona, New York. She was born in Rensselaer County March 16, 1821. In June, 1845, Mr. Rathbun and family, then con- sisting of wife and two children, left Rathbunville of the township of Verona, New York, and came to Illinois, settling on section 26, Bloomingdale township, DuPage County. In 1850 he buried his wife, who left four children: Joshua, born January 22, 1842; Cornelia A. (Mrs. Geo. Meacham), born May 22, 1844; Josephine E. (Mrs. Henry Pierce), born April 11, 1847; George R., born August 28, 1850. He married Hattie E. Way April 15, 1873 and engaged in farming in Milton township. Rowland Rathbun married for his second wife Mrs. Harriet B. Bates (nee Mosely), of Aurora, October 26, 1851. She was born in Rome, Oneida County, New York, September 15, 1829; she died in July, 1859. There was one child of this union: Eliza A., born November 6, 1853, died November, 1860. He married the third time to Josephine E. Smith, October 17, 1860. She was born in Rutland, Vermont, April 7, 1837. Her children were: Acors W., born December 7, 1862 (married Anna L. Parker, October 14, 1886); Sarah A., born December 14, 1866 (married Ezra Gould, Elgin); Carrie D., born No- THE STOKY OF AN OLD TOWN— GLEN ELLYN 185 vember 28, 1870 (married Robt. H. Patch); John K., born October 18, 1872 (married Amanda L. Thiesse); Richard O., born November 1, 1874; Warren Grant, born December 19, 1879. His son, Acors, who married Anna L. Parker, of Chicago, resides on the corner of Cottage and Main Streets in Glen Ellyn. Anna L. Parker was born of parents who came from England as children. Their children are: 1. Irene Louise, born July 24, 1887, at Glen Ellyn (then Prospect Park), married, August 14, 1915, Hugh Bradshaw, son of Grace Lorell and Francis Marian Bradshaw. They have three children: Jane Louise, born June 12, 1916; Hamilton, born December 28, 1917 (both born in Manila, Philippine Islands), and Earl Rathbun, born June 8, 1923. 2. Acors Earl, born May 18, 1889 at River Forest, Cook County, Illinois. 3. Harry Rowland, born July 13, 1896, married Allegra Schuler August 28, 1928, daughter of William and Mary Schuler, at Farmington, Illinois. 4. Rowland, born October 25, 1901. Rowland Rathbun's daughter, Sarah, married Ezra Gould and resides in Elgin. She has three children: Carrie Delia, who married Robert H. Patch, Jr., December 11, 1890; lives on Cottage Avenue, Glen Ellyn. They had four daughters: Roberta Dela, born September 20, 1891, died September 21, 1899; Josephine Louise, born July 31, 1893; Mildred Grace, born July 26, 1899, and Ulilla Moore, born June 15, 1904, died May 5, 1926. Josephine Louise Patch, on October 7, 1925, married Logan Grant Dunham, born in Cherry Valley, Illinois, January 18, 1888. They have two children: Ulilla Caroline, born September 18, 1926, and Roberta Mildred, born April 18, 1928. Mildred Grace Patch, on May 14, 1924, married Thomas Edward Mulligan from West Chicago, Illinois. They have one child: Thomas Edward, Jr., born May 27, 1927. John K. Rathbun lives on the farm. He married, December 2, 1900, John R. Rathbun lives on the farm. He married, December 2, 1900, Amanda L. Thiesse, born February 10, 1879, daughter of Louie Thiesse, resid- ing in Bloomingdale township. They have four children: Louie E., born March 26, 1903; Wells A., born January 5, 1905; Annie D., born December 7, 1907, and Richard P., born October 21, 1911. Louie Rathbun, son of John, married Amy Gathmann November 14. P' STACY OSES STACY was born at Belchertown, Hampshire County, Massachu- setts, in 1796. His father, also Moses Stacy, a native of Massachusetts, was a Revolutionary soldier. During the Revolution he was a prisoner in Old Mill Prison, in Plymouth, England, having been on board the schooner, Hawks' Prize, taken September 18, 1777, committed October 16. His name is listed from Marblehead, Massachusetts. Moses Stacy, the son, was a soldier of the War of 1812, guarding the Canadian border at Colbrook, New Hampshire. Joan Kimball, his wife, was a lineal descendant through her mother of General Joseph Warren, the hero of Bunker Hill. The Stacys came round the lakes from New York in a sailing vessel in 1835, settling in DuPage Center. Here Moses Stacy built a log cabin, and lived there till he built the tavern in 1837. He took up land from the govern- ment, paying $1.25 an acre for it. Later he bought more land, so that at the time of his death he owned 300 acres. The settlement became known as Stacy's Corners. Mr. Stacy, besides conducting his tavern, assisted in organizing the county and developing the township into school districts. He passed away in 1870 at the age of 74 years. 186 THE STOEY OF AN OLD TOWN— GLEN ELLYN His youngest son, Philo Warren Stacy, was 2V 2 years old when he came with his parents to DuPage Center. He went to school in the old log school house and was sent to Vermont to finish his education. On February 22, 1853, he married Betsy D. Taylor, who was born in Tioga County, New York, May 20, 1834, the daughter of Rev. Philander and Thankful (Manning) Taylor. The Taylors were from Vermont and the Mannings from Tioga County, New York. Rev. Philander Taylor was a Baptist minister who came to Illinois in 1844; about 1846 he located at Stacy's Corners, and preached in the old Baptist church; the first settled minister of the settlement. Philo Warren Stacy became a farmer like his father before him, owning 500 acres of rich farming land. He was very public spirited and held many public offices. He was much interested in beautifying Glen Ellyn and was active in developing the lake and park. He was a soldier in the Civil War and it was through his efforts that the bronze tablets were placed in the Wheaton Court House with the names of the soldiers of the counties who served in the different wars. The old North Western station stood on Main Street, just south of the present little park where the cannon balls and drinking fountain now are. It was a ramshackle old wooden building with a good-sized waiting room, whose chief decoration was an immense rusty, iron stove. Early one morning, in one of the first months we lived here, when the old room was filled with people waiting for a train, an old man came in with a huge bouquet of lovely flowers. He stepped around and handed each lady a beautiful flower. This was my first acquaintance with Mr. Philo Stacy, though at the time I didn't know who he was. Mr. Stacy and his wife, Betsy, gave the village the first and only park which has been presented to it by one of its citizens. They gave the tri- angular tract of six acres at the Five Corners on May 9, 1891. It is called Stacy Park and is marked by a boulder placed by the D. A. R. Their home was the large, beautiful house on North Main Street, now occupied by the Albert McCollums. Miss Carrie Stacy, the only remaining child, died a few years ago, so none of the Stacy line is left in Glen Ellyn. STOLP rjrTREDERICK STOLP, born in Claverick, New York, November 11, 1781, 1J1 the son of Peter, who served in the American Revolution and whose grave is marked by the Daughters of the American Revolution. He (Frederick) went to Putneyville, New York, where he and his father-in-law, Abraham Pepper, Sr., purchased a farm in 1827 on the shore of Lake Ontario. One year later Stolp bought out his father-in-law. Frederick's wife's name was Jannetje. Her father had come from Europe with substantial possessions as well as $5000 in gold. In 1833 the Stolps' came west with their large family: Catherine W., born 1814, married 1st, David Crane, 2nd, Edward Calloway; Abraham F., born 1816, married Roxanna Thatcher; Eliza, born 1819, married Addison Albee; James B., born 1820, married 1st, Matilda Bentley, 2nd, Mary Christie; George W., born 1824, married Mary Hughes; Frederick, born 1826, unmarried; William R., born 1828, married Lucy Kinley; Charles W., born 1831, married Sarah Bristol; Henry P., born 1833, married 1st, Anne Woodman, 2nd, Lydia Farnsworth. Frederick Stolp looked for a site in DuPage County suitable for brick making, and found one near what is now Eola. His brickmaker was Simeon Leech. For further information of the Stolp family refer to DuPage and Kane County records. THE STOBY OF AN OLD TOWN— GLEN ELLYN 187 WAGNER ILLIAM H. WAGNER located at Newton's Station in 1852. He was a son of Joseph and Mary A. (Hoffman) Wagner. His paternal grand- father, Tobias Wagner, was a soldier of the War of 1812. The latter was the eldest son of Rev. Christian Wagner, a native of Germany, who preached the first sermon ever delivered by a Lutheran minister in Philadel- phia. He was afterwards killed in the Revolutionary War. Joseph and Mary A. (Hoffman) Wagner were the parents of nine children, born near Hamburg, Berks County, Pennsylvania: John, born in 1828; William H., born in 1829, and Matthias H., born in 1832, all came to Danby to live. There were eight Wagner brothers living here at one time, three of whom were married to three Weidman sisters. The children of Joseph and Mary A. (Hoffman) Wagner were: John, William H. (married Lavina Weidman), Mary (married W. O. Watts, resided and died in Louisville, Kentucky, where all their children were born and reside), Matthias (married Jane Bryant), Joseph (married Elizabeth Bryant), Elias (married Susan Weidman), Sylvester (mar- ried Clara Staugh), Alamandus (married Ellen Lambert), and Jackson (mar- ried Caroline Weidman). William H. Wagner and Lavina Weidman Wagner were the parents of Sarazina (died at 14 years), Mary Susan (married John Hubley; reside at Marinette, Wisconsin), Donas Nora (married Edson Harden; reside at Bar- rington, Illinois), Lillian (married James Peaslee and resides at Marinette, Wisconsin), Charles (died at age of 12 years), William J., Frank M. (married 1st, Alice M. Barnard, died 1926; married 2nd, Maude Christian, June 30, 1928), John Calvin (married Amelia Laura Laier, 1906), Guy Watts (married 1st, Mabel Standish; 2nd, Blanche Thomas), Florence (married Geo. Babcock). Joseph H. Wagner and Elizabeth Bryant Wagner have one child, Samuel Tilden Wagner, who is married and resides on Anthony Street. He is in the decorating business. Sylvester remained a bachelor for several years and then married Clara Staugh and they resided on the Wagner farm south of Glen Ellyn, on Roosevelt Road, where their son, John and family, now reside. Alamandus Wagner and Ellen Lambert Wagner were the parents of four daughters and one son: Anna Josephine (married C. M. Gauger), Mattie May (married Dr. W. C. Galbraith), V. Alamandus (married Rose Haag, of Glen Ellyn), Elizabeth (married Thomas Galbraith, V. S., of Elmhurst), and Lucy (married Henry Morrell at DeKalb). Jackson J. Wagner and Caroline Weidman Wagner were the parents of the following: Violet A. (married John Benjamin), Harvey S. (married Selma Given; reside in Elmhurst), E. Stanley (married Gertrude Dodge), Carrie (maiden, residing in Glen Ellyn), Jesse R. (married Anna Sebald), George C, Nellie (married Peter Backmann), Ethel E, Pearl M., and Grace E. (married Von Hollinger). Frank M. Wagner, born October 27, 1866, married Alice M. Barnard June 14, 1893. To them were born two sons: Richard, born July 19, 1901, and Franklyn, born June 22, 1905 (married Frances M. Cromer, of West Chicago, at Chicago, December 23, 1927). Alice M. Wagner died and Frank M. Wagner married 2nd, Maude Christian, at Sycamore, Illinois, June 30, 1928. She is a daughter of George Vining and Sarah Antoinette Christian. Reside in Glen Ellyn. Mr. Wagner was for many years in the grocery business here. John Calvin Wagner, born June 12, 1871, married Amelia Laura Laier in 1906. They have two sons: William J., born May 25, 1911, and John Calvin, Jr., born October 28, 1913. This family are now (December, 1928) enroute by auto to Tuscon, Arizona, to make their future home. Dr. Guy Watts Wagner (M. D. Northwestern Medical School) and Mabel Standish Wagner, had one daughter, Margaret. Mrs. Wagner died and Dr. 188 THE STOBY OF AN OLD TOWN— GLEN ELLYN Wagner married 2nd, Blanche Thomas. There is one child of this marriage, Helen Ethel, born in November, 1928. Florence Wagner Babcock and George Babcock resided in Wheaton. Mrs. Babcock is deceased. Their children are: Iona Lucille, born April 5, 1895, married Roy W. Lindahl; Edith Lovina, born January 14, 1898, married Karl W. Kletschke; Florence Bernice, born January 17, 1903, married Harry S. Christianson; Helen Louise, born July 20, 1905; and George Fuller, born December 22, 1907. Anna Josephine (Wagner) Gauger and C. M. Gauger reside in Wheaton, Illinois, and have the following children: Walter, married Laura Trenn, resides in Elmhurst, has two sons, Wilfred and Wesley; Lucius O., married Dorothy Neumann, has one child, Doris Lou, resides in Wheaton; Ethel, married Harry Durant, editor of Wheaton Illinoian, they have two children, Charles and Annetta. Mattie May (Wagner) Galbraith and Dr. W. C. Galbraith reside in Guelph, Ontario, Canada, and have two sons, Harland and William Alamandus (each is married and has a daughter). Valentine Alamandus Wagner married Rose Haag, of Glen Ellyn. They reside in Wheaton. Their children are: Corinne (married Charles Alderton, West Chicago), Raymond (married Bernice Lindgren, of Glen Ellyn), Ruth (married Alois Tholman, of Lombard), and Ralph. Elizabeth (Wagner) Galbraith and Thomas Galbraith, veterinary surgeon, reside in Elmhurst. They have two sons: Earl, married, and Allison, not married. Lucy (Wagner) Morrell and Henry Morrell reside in DeKalb. Mr. Morrell is dead. Mrs. Morrell's mother, Mrs. Alamandus Wagner (Ellen Lambert), makes her home with her. The Morrells had no children. Violet A. (Wagner) Benjamin and John Benjamin reside in West Chicago. They have one daughter, Ellen. E. Stanley Wagner and Gertrude Dodge Wagner reside in Chicago. They have one daughter, Marjorie Gertrude, born in Glen Ellyn. Jesse R. Wagner, born May 19, 1882, and Anna Sebald Wagner, born October 23, 1887, reside in Glen Ellyn. Jesse R. Wagner has for many years been village clerk of Glen Ellyn. Jesse R. and Anna Sebald Wagner were married October 25, 1910. They have six children: Jesse, Jr., born July 17, 1913; Jane Ruth, born October 28, 1915; Anna Marion, born January 15, 1918; Helen Margaret, born May 20, 1921; James Douglas, born August 1, 1924, and Donald Stanley, born December 19, 1925. Nellie (Wagner) Backmann and Peter Backmann now reside in Mt. Morris, Illinois. They have three daughters, all born in Glen Ellyn: Caroline, Irene and June. Grace E. (Wagner) Hollinger and Von Hollinger reside in Glen Ellyn. She was born July 12, 1895 and married Von Hollinger December 31, 1921. They have three children: Robert Edwin, born June 13, 1923; Marie Adelle, born September 1, 1926, and James Arthur, born November 17, 1928. Iona Lucille (Babcock) (father's family in Chesterton, Indiana), married Roy W. Lindahl June 17, 1922. They reside in Glen Ellyn and have two children: Wesley Babcock, born September 10, 1923, and Lois Lucille, born January 11, 1924. Edith Lovina Babcock married Karl W. Kletschke March 4, 1918, at Clin- ton, Iowa. They have one child, Carlton Frederick, born January 2, 1928, in Chicago, Illinois. They now reside in iSpringfield, Illinois. Florence Bernice Babcock married Harry S. Christianson June 14, 1923. They live in Wheaton — have no children. Helen Louise Babcock lives with Mrs. Lindahl and George Fuller Babcock lives with Mrs. Christianson. THE STOEY OF AN OLD TOWN— GLEN ELLYN 189 And so we find in Glen Ellyn and vicinity the following names that go back to the Wagners, Christianson, Lindahl, Hollinger, Benjamin, Gauger, Babcock and Galbraith — this includes the towns of West Chicago, Wheaton and Elm- hurst. The reason William H. Wagner is spoken of first in this geneology is that he was for over forty years in the blacksmithing business on Pennsylvania Avenue, and so was identified more or less prominently with civic and business affairs of the town. WEIDMAN CffOHN WEIDMAN and Mary Irwin Weidman, his wife, came to Danby in 11 1854 from Hamburg, Berks County, Pennsylvania. Their children were: £s Ella, Irwin, Clara, Valeria, Emma Jane, Robert Curry, Rose, John Welling- ton and Fannie. Ella married William Freeto (deceased) and they had two sons, William Freeto and Edwin Freeto; she is now married to E. C. Rickert and lives in Naperville. Irwin married Emma Roe and they have one child, William Roe Weidman; Clara married Wm. C. Curtis and they have two chil- dren, Jennie Curtis Reed and Elbert C. Curtis; Valeria unmarried, deceased; Emma Jane (deceased) married Charles Edward Clare and they had three children, Eva May Clare, William Henry Clare and Margery Clare Cole; Robert Curry, unmarried; Rose, unmarried; John Wellington, unmarried; Fannie married O. D. Dodge and they had one child, Douglas Raymond Dodge (de- ceased). Descendants living in Glen Ellyn are: Rose Weidman, Fannie Weidman Dodge, Eva May Clare, Margery Clare Cole, who married Fred Smith Cole, and their three children: Adele, born June 13, 1920; David Fred, born Novem- ber 22, 1922; Gordon Clare, born June 22, 1925. William Henry Clare, son of Emma Weidman Clare and C. E. Clare, born in Glen Ellyn, married Claire Unger and lives in Oak Park. They have two children: Anita Jane, born July 5, 1915; Adine, born December 16, 1916. "WIMPRESS"— See Churchill 190 THE STORY OF AN OLD TOWN— GLEN ELLYN 1928 Babies JANUARY Catarina Guinta, born January 6, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Salvatore Guinta, 480 Western Avenue. Harold Lewis Bailey, born January 11, son of Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Robert Bailey, 733 Prairie Avenue. Howard LaVerne Bruning, born January 15, son of Mr. and Mrs. John Bruning, 743 Western Avenue. David Allen Jellies, born January 26, son of Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Jellies, 765 Euclid Avenue. Nancy Kumler, born January 28, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John M. Kumler, 629 Park Boulevard. Mary Winifred Fairbank, born January 29, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William Fairbank, 486 Anthony Street. FEBRUARY Robert Harvey Blackburn, born February 16, son of Mr. and Mrs. Herman Blackburn, 246 Hill Avenue. Bruce Howard McCormick, born February 20, son of Mr. and Mrs. F. H. McCormick, 586 Phillips Avenue. MARCH Kathryn Elmore Miller, born March 13, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Herman Miller, 661 Prairie Avenue. Laurence Edward Santchi, born March 15, son of Mr. and Mrs. Raymond E. Santchi, Harding Avenue. Lawrence Harvey Koehn, born March 19, son of Mr. and Mrs. Fredrick Koehn, 442 Bryant Avenue. Herman Ludwig Rignalda, born March 20, son of Mr. and Mrs. John Rignalda, 629 Kenilworth Avenue. Jacqueline Michaud Keeney, born March 27, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Russell Keeney, 482 Cottage Avenue. APRIL Alicia Russell Olmsted, born April 5, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Olmsted, North Euclid Avenue. John Harold Cross, born April 6, son of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Cross, 625 Davis Terrace. Thomas Edward Maisel. born April 12, son of Mr. and Mrs. Tom Maisel, 211 Hill Avenue. Daryle Bentley Conway, born April 16, son of Mr. and Mrs. Carl Conway, South Park Boulevard. Fred Waterman Farley, born April 16, son of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Farley, 739 Forest Avenue. THE STOBY OF AN OLD TOWN— GLEN ELLYN 191 Roberta Mildred Dunham, born April 18, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. L. G. Dunham, 701 Kenilworth Avenue. Charles Jacob Gantzer, born April 27, son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles J. Gantzer, 481 Cottage Avenue. Dolores Hoppe, born April 30, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Anthony J. Hoppe, 755 East Elm Street. MAY Marilyn Louise Langeloh, born May 5, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Langeloh, 579 Newton Avenue. Kathleen Mary Fell, born May 6, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Edward H. Fell, 465 Anthony Street. Thomas Wayne Bender, born May 12, son of Mr. and Mrs. Russell T. Bender, 379 Park Boulevard. Delmer R. Funk, Jr., born May 21, son of Mr. and Mrs. D. R. Funk. JUNE Bud Homer, born June 14, son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Homer, 236 Travers Avenue. Rose Mary Kloeckner, born June 18, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Kloeck- ner, 306 Grandview Avenue. John Dean Stroud, born June 18, son of Mr. and Mrs. H. V. Stroud, 367 Hillside Avenue. Agnes Marie Tierney, born June 18, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Tierney, 727 Park Boulevard. William Robert Tansley, born June 19, son of Mr. and Mrs. William Tansley, Jr., 659 Kenilworth Avenue. Colin Edward Locke, born June 21, son of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Locke, St. Charles Road. Charles Boyd Rowe, born June 27, son of Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Rowe, 220 Newton Avenue. JULY Ralph Harold Weber, born July 4, son of Mr. and Mrs. E. F. Weber, 355 Anthony Street Edith Marian Patch, born July 10, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Patch, Jr., North Main Street. John Frederick Foster, born July 12, son of Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Foster, 277 Newton Avenue. George Hogge Allen, born July 16, son of Mr. and Mrs. Alex Allen, 306 Hill. Marietta McDonnell, born July 27, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Peter McDonnell, 386 Main Street. AUGUST Henry Willard Michel, born August 1, son of Mr. and Mrs. Henry O. Michel, 556 Newton Avenue. Harold Prichard, Jr., born August 2, son of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Prichard, 546 Forest Avenue. Betty Ann Clegg, born August 6, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William E. Clegg, 581 Prairie Avenue. Jacqueline Visey Snyder, born August 6, in Rockford, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harold B. Snyder, 381 Marion Avenue. Frank Phillip Meisner, born August 7, son of Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Meisner, 790 Highview Avenue. 192 TEE STOBY OF AN OLD TOWN— GLEN ELLTN Martha Ann Clawson, born August 8, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C. Dudley Clawson, 775 Main Street. Barbara Louise Zollinger, born August 15, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Zollinger, 577 Prairie. Walle Marie Staudenmaier, born August 17, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George Staudenmaier, 427 Main Street. Charlene Mary Erickson, born Auguust 20, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Erickson, 420 Forest Avenue. Donald Nicholas Dieter, born August 21, son of Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas Dieter, 408 Pennsylvania Avenue. SEPTEMBER Paula Therese Victor, born September 5, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Stephen P. Victor, 200 Park Blvd. William Frank Shawl, born September 6, son of Mr. and Mrs. William Shawl, 413 Main Street. Delores Ruth Oldenburg, born September 14, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Oldenburg, 520 Bryant Avenue. Omond Childs, born September 20, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. M. W. Childs, 459 Cottage Avenue. Jane Isabelle Bonde, born September 23, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Bonde, 593 Prairie Avenue. OCTOBER Bruce Robinson Bodell, born October 11, son of Mr. and Mrs. Mark Bodell, 274 Forest Avenue. Kathryn Ruth Hine, born October 11, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Clint C. Hine, 213 Forest Avenue. Barbara Jean Coburn, born October 12, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Archie T. Coburn, 208 Park Boulevard. Shirley Joyce Klein, born October 14, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Marshall Klein, 777 Pleasant Avenue. Lois Joyce Hagman, born October 17, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Milton Hagman, 432 Arlington Avenue. Mary Lou Wanner, born October 17, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Wanner, Merton Avenue. Geraldine Josephine Klein, bora October 22, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William S. Klein, 213 Forest Avenue. Helen Rita Murphy, bora October 25, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William J. Murphy, 641 Kenilworth Avenue. NOVEMBER Shirley Anne Lord, born November 6, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. Lord, 440 Cottage Avenue. June Anne Overend, born November 23, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James J. Overend, 610 Elm Street. DECEMBER Margaret Dorothy Louise Tauber, born December 3, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C. G. Tauber, 434 Main Street. Richard John Thiele, bora December 10, son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Thiele, 291 Hawthorne Street. THE STOEY OF AN OLD TOWN— GLEN ELLYN 193 ADDENDA Some items which escaped in the general rush and hurry of going to press and getting printed before Christmas, and some that came in too late to be placed in their regular positions. But, in history, as elsewhere — better late than never: In January, 1918, occurred the last great blizzard that tied the town up in a snowball. Trains were stalled, many commuters spent the night in Chicago or in Maywood, by necessity, some on the trains. The tie-up lasted for three days. In the village, sidewalks were impassable, the streets were kept open by four-horse teams dragging plows through them. The snow lay for weeks, making passage difficult. This was a real winter, in the light of later mild ones, to be long remembered. Dr. Carr started practicing dentistry in 1923. Glen Ellyn Lodge, Loyal Order of Moose, started August, 1926, with 100 charter members and Jack W. Young, dictator. Dr. Standish started practicing in May, 1926. Mrs. Alice Olmsted has charge of the Noglelca Camp Fire in North Glen Ellyn, Miss Alice Kellogg is her assistant. Miss Gladys Fuller has charge of the Akiyuhapi Camp Fire group in Glen Ellyn. Mrs. O. R. Nelson has charge of the North Glen Ellyn Blue Birds. In 1925 the Junior Scouts, boys from 6 to 12, were started in North Glen Ellyn by W. H. Smart. They are now in charge of Frank A. Bell, principal at Forest Glen School. Crescent Boulevard Business This is a "before and after" picture. At the extreme left is the type of building with which Crescent grew up. Next to it is the Miller Bros, building, which formerly was like its neighbor on the left, but was remodelled on plans by Louis R. Christie, to present the desirable Old English type of architecture which the plan commission and the zoning board of appeals have recommended for the business development of the village in order to do away with the old "flat tops" and secure a uniformly lovely district architecturally. Miller Brothers, in their remodelling, followed the example of the theatre next door on the right which occupies the spot long unadorned by the old Nadelhoffer livery stable. Plans originally drawn for the playhouse were changed by the builders, Messrs. Hoy, Hadley and Spalding, to conform to the village plan. Betts and Holcomb were the architects who produced this effect. 194 THE STOEY OF AN OLD TOWN— GLEN ELLYN The Forest Preserve, after some years of agitation, originated by the Izaak Walton League, with Jesse Wagner principal spokesman for it, finally was passed by the board of supervisors. The tract comprises about 800 acres, starting a little east of the Jacob Pratt home on Crescent, running to about 100 feet east of the bridge, leaving out the old Barnard home on Crescent Blvd., taking in the pasture land and wooded section of the old W. H. Churchill farm, through to the St. Charles Road and back across again to the point of beginning. It is now in the hands of the state's attorney who has been directed to secure the titles and get the various parcels of land involved into legal shape for transfer to the county. The board of supervisors is ready to pay the bill for the preserve, so it ought to become an accomplished fact before many more months roll away. There are 2,195 telephones in service in the village, with 21 telephone operators presiding over them. Mrs. L. A. MacKenzie is now the proud owner of the hoary old cottonwood in Itasca, referred to on page 44. R. F. Locke made general counsel of the Illinois State School Board Association at its Fourteenth Annual Convention at Urbana, in November. The staff at the C. & N. W. station is: agent, R. R. Skinner; ticket clerk, H. C. Christiansen; freight clerk, Racine Skinner. The staff at the C. A. & E. station is : ticket agents, R. R. Jeffrey and E. L. Walter; newsstand, Mrs. Anna Broz. Village Hall The Village Hall on Pennsylvania Avenue, with its new Nash for the police department in front of it. Louis R. Christie was the architect. Glenbard Chapter, No. 112, Order of Builders, held a public installation in Acacia Hall on Wednesday evening, December 5. The officers installed were: master builder, Elwood Myers; deputy master builder, Sherman Webster; senior inspector, Raymond MacDonald; junior inspector, Benjamin Wold; secretary, John Ensminger; treasurer, David Powell; senior overseer, Charles Vodicka; junior overseer, Ira M. Hole; chaplain, John Soma; marshall, Frank J. Malec, 3d.; stewards, William Kellogg, George LaRoi, Jr., John Ryberg and Kenneth Kidd. THE STOEY OF AN OLD TOWN— GLEN ELLYN 195 Previous to the installation of officers an initiation meeting was held on November 21, at Acacia Hall. Austin Temple Chapter, No. 5, Order of Builders, presided at this meeting and over 50 boys were initiated into Glenbard Chapter, No. 112. They are from Glen Ellyn and Lombard and are as follows: Earl Roy Weiher, Leonard Parsons, Jr., Sherman Webster, Harry Mitchell, Jr., George Ball, Jr., Robert Reinhardt, Edward DeLand, Carl Ryberg, Kenneth Kidd, Ira Hole, John Clyde Dux, John Herboth, Tommy Gregg, Raynold John Anderson, James Carruthers, John Arthur Ryberg, James Brady, Raymond Erickson, Franklyn Benson, Charles Henry Warner, Spencer Michaels, Hector M. Hill, Edward W. Hill, Richard Sabin, John Ensminger, John Badger, Ray Cottingham, Lockwood Ensminger, Richard Ganzhorn, Howard McAninch, George Steging, Richard Steging, William Owen, John Soma, George LaRoi, Jr., John Gamon, Albert Ludy, Don Locke, Frank Malec, 3d, John Hunter, Alfred LeRoy Erickson, William Kellogg, Robert A. Johnson, Charles W. Vodicka, Raymond MacDonald, Phillip Locke, Elwood Myers, Bennie Wold, David Powell, Roger Maylone and Carl Congdon. The DuPage Scout Council bought 50 acres of wooded land on Crystal Lake, Michigan, six miles from Fremont, for a summer camp. There will be four periods of two weeks each, caring for 400 boys this next summer. There are 800 Scouts in the DuPage Council, which was organized last April. December 15, at 8:30 A. M. the Scouts were mobilized at the Village Hall to follow in the footsteps of the town crier of old. They were asked to carry the news to every house in town that church services would be suspended on the Sunday following because of the influenza epidemic. All morning, in their scout costume of service, they were going about the village, ringing doorbell after doorbell, with their announcement, proud of doing this civic duty. There had been a preliminary mobilization, called by Sheriff Hattendorf, October 20, at 7:30 in the morning to see how the Scouts could respond in an emergency. Sixty-four per cent, 85 boys, with 55 in uniform, rallied in 33 minutes, indicating the boy power available in the village. Scouts in Glen Ellyn are: Troop 1: Victor Ball, Baxter Martin, Allan Kahl, Charles Boardman, Gordon Tapper, Fred Locke, William Alexander, Robert Sjoblom, James McGlennon, Donald Stewart, Kime Aspray, Giles McCollum, Russell Kellogg, Paul O'Neill, Wayne Teeter, Calvin Patch, Carl Gray, Charles Brown, Ralph Tapper and Richard Ganzhorn. Troop 2: James Atkinson, Charles Bear, Frank Bouska, Robert Burki, Richard Cone, Joseph Cools, Kenneth Cramer, Douglas Eadie, Victor Emmel, ReRoy Erickson, Roger Gavin, Edward Geisel, John Gilbert, James Griffith, Robert Griffith, George Herboth, Carver Hill, Hector Hill, John Hildebrandt, Clark Hine, Frank Jeffers, Robert Johnson, Robert Kaiser, Frank LePreau, Albert Ludy, Leonard Parsons, Carl Peterson, Harry Peterson, Alfred Reifen- stein, Charles Reifenstein, Robert Reinhardt, Henry Rosenthal, Carl Ryberg, Shelby Simmons, Kenneth Stallsmith, James Spears, Melvin Suttie, Junior Vallette, Fred Wardle, Donald Young and Keith Young. Troop 3: William Anderson, Stanley Aston, Boyd Bremner, Donald Burdick, Carl Congdon, Jesse Dehl, Malcolm Doig, Cameron Duncan, Alfred Eaton, Lockwood Ensminger, Edward Gronlund, Michael Galland, Samuel Holch, Chester LaVere, George Lineburg, Paul Maylone, Kenneth McCain, Earl Robinson, Warren Smith, Harry Stoeffer, Oliver Townsend, William Webb, Kenneth White, Arthur Zielke, Everett Gasch, Lee Baker and Lyle Kreitzer. Troop 4: Wilbur Osterling, Ray Walker, Harold Hyatt, Vergil Harmon, Harold Jauch, Joseph Trefny, John Hammond, William Achilles, Frank Han- sen, Bernard Guillaume, Charles Young, Vernon Fick, Gordon Craft, Charles Cools, Cyrus Stafford, Robert McGregor, Joseph Achilles, John Augsburger, Charles Jorgeson, John Bingham, John Hookham, James Milmoe, George Rose, Reber Graves, John Shirer, James Schoek, Lowell Schraeder and Byram Miller. Troop 5: Robert Nichols, Richard Hairgrove, Robert Halvorsen, Paul 196 THE STOEY OF AN OLD TOWN— GLEN ELLYN Giloth, Paul Nelson, Robert Schaefer, Robert Hairgrove, Arthur White, Albert Lammers, Arthur Thomas, Raymond Diederich, Jack Wise, Arthur Moulin and Edward DeLand. Troop 6: Edward Mohr, Earl Sando, Robert Sando, Joseph Mulcahy, James Apostolas, Jack Nelson, Guildas Reneau, Albert Engelschall, William Mohr and Ted Rogus. Sea Scouts: John Augsburger, George Ball, John Dux, John Herboth, Ira Hole, Gustav Holman, John Hookham, Kenneth Kidd, John Knaack, Philip Locke, Russell Mueller, Carl Nordeen, Ralph Stewart, Jesse Wagner, Richard Winans, Dennis Wright and LeRoy Zuttermeister. The Newest Business District at Main and Hillside This is on Main at Hillside, where the O. D. Dodge home formerly stood. The building in the foreground, just completed this October, was designed and erected by Jean Rohm and Son (William lives in Glen Ellyn), and contains apartments, offices and seven shops. Next to it on the left is the F. T. Tomlins building, built first of all by L. O. Farnsworth, from plans by Walker and Angell. It contains an office and several apartments. The third building is the Acacia, erected by the Hoy, Hadley and Spalding combination from plans by Betts and Holcomb. It will long be a community center for it contains the Masonic Lodge rooms, rented also by other fraternal organizations, an audi- torium, used regularly by the Baptist Church and the Glen Ellyn Woman's Club, and several shops and apartments. These buildings are all interesting examples of the prevailing mode in village architecture. And now, though interesting things are happening day by day and week by week in the village, the Glen News press says, with Shakespeare: "Stand not upon the order of your going, But go at once." And so we close the book December 17, 1928 — to be available December 21, 1928. THE STORY OF AN OLD TOWN— GLEN ELLYN 197 INDEX (Compiled by Bessie Clute Huwen) Abbott, F. D. 32 Abbott, Frank 85 Acacia Hall 129 Academy, Naperville 53 Ackerman, Alonzo 59, 73, 87 Ackerman, Elbyron 42 Ackerman, Emma 66 Ackerman, John Davis 30, 37, 75 Ackerman, Lurania 42 Ackerman, Mary Fenamore 87 Ackerman, Miles 42 Ackerman. Winslow 37, 42, 69, 75 Addenda 193 Addison 17, 18, 29, 37 Adelphos Club 87 Aetna 50 Aiken, Rev. Earl F. 75 Akiyuhapi Camp Fire 140 Albright, Emory, and Sons Ivan and Marr 57 Albro, Ira 31 Allaben. Mrs. Max 137 Allen, Fannie 66 Allen, Georgia 64, 66, 70, 78, 80, 94, 109 Allen, Miles 60, 68. 73. 10.9 Alspaugh, Mrs. D. W. 129, 144 American Legion 112, 145 American Legion Auxiliary 115, 137, 147 Angell, F. B. 68 Areme Club 111. 146 Arion Quartette 82 Arnold, George 81 Arnold, Lawrence 84 Arnold, Rev. T. B. 75 Art Department 116 Artesian Well 116 Arthur, Alfred 129 Arthur, Rev. John 83 Ashby, John 84 Associated Press 142 Atkenson, Gen'l 27 Atwater, Jesse 30 Aurora 19, 38 50 Austin. Sam 93 Automobile 85. 93, 116 Aux Plaines 20, 21. 33, 34 Avenue Garage, 114 Babbitt, Rev. C. W. 28 Babcock, Ira 38 Babcock, Irene 42 Babcock, Ralph and Morgan, 18, 26, 33 Babcock's Grove 17. 28, 30, 46, 47 Babies (1928) 190-1-2 Bachmann, Peter 93 Baethke, W. H. 74, 93, 96 Baker 76 Baker, Joel 142 Baker, Mrs. Sylvester 137 Baldwin Locomotive Works 50 Ballard, John 64 Ball, Geo. 92 Ballou, E. 57 Ballou, Levi 42 Ballou, Lillian Nind 66 Ballou, Mary 42 Bangs, David 29 Baptist 35, 45, 62, 81, 129 Barkey, Jacob 140 Barlow, Dr. 89, 91, 111 Barnard 56 Barnes, Horace 32, 33 Barney, Sylvanus 42 Bartlett, Luther 44, 65 Bartlett, Chester D. 44 Baseball 63, 120, 148 Bassett, Henry A. 57, 133 Batavia 52 Batavia Junction 18 Bates, Esquire 42 Baughman, Dr. Ira L. 97 Baxter Drug Co. 57 Beaner, Charles F. and Wife 69 Beaubien, Jean Baptiste 41 Beaubien, Marc 22, 41, 53 Beck, Bernard 18 Becker, Geo. 68 Beckhaus, Fritz 52 Beidelman, A. R. 127 Bell Telephone Co. 69 Belmont 18 Bender, John L. 116 Benjamin Franklin School 142, 144 Benjamin, Henry 57 Benjamin, R. V. 31 Bensenville 18, 66, 71 Bergson, Aug. 73 Betts & Holcomb 126 Biermann, Ludwig 58 Biester, Fred L. Ill Biesterfelt, Gottlieb 58 Big Fire 77 Big Woods 18 Birthday Club 126 Blackburn, H. J. 93 Black Hawk 23 Black Hawk War 20, 23, 39, 41, 44, 45 Blackman, R. 73 Black Maria 80 Blacksmith Shop 38 198 THE STOBY OF AN OLD TOWN— GLEN ELLYN Blasius, Nellie Gordon 122 Bleak House 42 Blodgett, Israel P. 32, 34, 56 Bloomingdale 17. 18, 35, 37, 38, 41, 45, 52, 60, 65, 81 Bloomingdale Road 41 Blue Birds 122 Bluefarb, Sol 97 Bob Reed Spring 61 Bogan, Mrs. Frank J. 89 Bonaparte School 98 Book Review Circle 129 Boosters Club 94 Bowden, R. D. 120, 122, 145 Bowie. C. R. 137 Bowstead, Corinne Newton, 143 Boy Scouts 93. 99, 122. 134. 143, 150 Bovft Jennie Minor 66, 70 Boyd, John 65 Boyd. Robert G. 65, 70, 73, 85 Boyd's 70, 78. 82 Boyle, Miss Clara S. 113 Brake and Myers 73 Bremner, Mrs. C. W. 70 Bronson, Charles 63 Bronson, Dr. 18 Bronson. Stephen 42, 63 Bronsonville 44 Brookings, Lavinia 46 Brookins, Smith 51 Brookins. T. A. 68 Brooks, Mrs. Caroline 62 Brooks, Emilv 62 Brooks, Grandma 60 Brooks, Horace 44, 45. 47. 53 R^ooks. Mai Robert E. 99 Brooks, Shadrack 44, 47 Brown, Junior 130 R v own. TOthpn'ne ]il Brown, Rev. Hope 28, 51, 53 Brown, Thomas 26 Brundage 57 Bruning 127 Brush Hill 18 Bryan Blues 54 Bryan Hall 54 Bryan, Thomas B. 54 Bryson. Charles Lee 144 Buchholz 58 Buck Horn Tavern 37 Buell, H. O. 70 Buffalo 46 Building Trades Council 150 Burbank 86 Burr, James E. Burridge. Carrie Davis Burying Grounds 19 Butterfield, A. J. 75 Butterfield J. J. 69 Butterfield, Justin 35 Butterfield, Lyman 18, 26, 35 Butterfield Road 35, 57 Byrds Nest 54 Byrneville Caldwell, Billy 22 Callahan, Abigail 46 Callahan, Mary J. 46, 63 Camp Fire Girls 122 Canaries 120 Canfield, R. W. 137 Capron 57 C. A. R. 147 Carolina (North) 17, 22 Case, Rev. C. D. 81 Cass 18 Cassell Lake 125 Cass House 42 Castle Inn 34, 35, 53 Catholic Church 122 Catholic Daughters of America 136 Catholic Woman's Club 115, 149 Catlin. 76. 77 C. B. & Q. 50, 63, 67 Cemetery 78 Cemetery, Mt. Emblem 52 Chadwick, Joseph 26 Chase, Al 122 Cheney, Mrs. M. J. 122 Chessman. A. G. 62 Chicago, 22. 46, 50 Chicago and Great Western R. R. 141 Chicago and North Western 49 Chicago, Aurora and Elgin R. R. 85, 123, 141 Chicago Fire 64 Chicago Historical Society 54 Chicago, Milwaukee and St. Paul, 65, 67 Chicago Press Club 85 Chippewa 19 Chisholm. George S. 68 Chism 97 Christian, David 37. 42 Christian. William 127 Christianson 84 Christie, Emma O'Brien 66 Christie L. R. 122, 125 Churchill 18 Churchill, Adeline B. 81 Churchill. Amanda 33 Churchill. Amos 70, 73, 83, 115 Churchill, Angelina 42 Ghurchm, Christiana 37. 42, 79 Churchill, Deacon Winslow 18, 28, 29, 33. 37. 38, 45. 116 Churchill, Drusilla 42 Churchill. H. 72 Churchill, Hiram 42 Churchill, Horace 42, 51 Churchm. Isaac Br^dfor-d 42, 47, 68 Churchill, Lurania 30, 79 TEE STOEY OF AN OLD TOWN— GLEN ELLYN 199 Churchill, Mary Ann 42 Churchill, Mary Jane 37 Churchill, Mercy Dodge 28, 33 Churchill, Seth 42, 142 Churchill Twins 79 Churchill, W. H. 29, 51, 67, 129, 142 Churchill, Winslow Jr. 18, 42 Churchville 18 Civics Department 98 Civil War 35, 61, 62, 63, 83, 116 Clare, Emma Weidman 66 Clarendon Hills 18 Clark County 17 Clark, Edith M. 46 Clark, Geo. Rogers 24 Clark, Rev. N. C. 28 Clarke, I. B. 114 Clarke, J. 73 Clarke, Mrs. Joseph 29, 66 Cobb, Hartell 18 Coe, Mattie Janes 60, 66 Colburn, Myrana 46 Cole, F. M. 69 Coleman, Rev. J. E. 69 College Students (1928) 138 Collier, G. H. 58 Comerford, Frank 85, 143 Commencement Card 81 Commercial Association 126, 143, 148 Community House 127 Compton, Dan 133 Congregational Church 28, 50, 62, 66, 71, 73, 78, 80, 95, 110, 126, 128, 132, 133 Conyers, Willard P. 85 Cook County 17, 38 Coolidge, President and Mrs. 137 Cools, Joseph 145 Cooper, Charles 60 Cooper, Hermon C. 60, 83, 122, 128 Cooper, L. C. 54, 60, 62, 63, 67, 69, 73, 82, 111, 116 Cooper, Mrs. L. C. 62, 65 Cooper, W. P. 122 Corbit, Clark and Wayne 42 Cottage Hill Tavern 42, 44 Cottage Hill 18, 30, 64 County Commissioner of Schools 44 County Court House 39, 63, 64, 83 County Judge 66 County Seat 39, 64 County Supt. of Schools 63, 69, 71, 75 Course of Time 54 Cox, John 68 Crane, David, 28 Crawford County 17 Crescent 40, 50 Crescent Blvd. 93 Crook, O. E. 137 Cross Country Club House 80, 82 Cryer, Rev. E. G. 75 Cumming, Bruce 127 Curtis, Alonzo, 35, 46 Curtis, Benjamin 53 Curtis, Clarence 35, 87 Curtis, Esther 111 Curtis, Mrs. B. B. 29, 44, 45, 46, 81, 83 Curtis, Peter B. 35, 53 Curtis, Mrs. Peter B. 46 Curtis, Samuel 34 Cutler, Joseph 145 Dalton, Mrs. Thomas 96 Danby 17, 45, 47, 51, 53, 56, 58, 59, 60, 62, 64, 71 Danby Home Guards 60 Danby House 56, 58 Danby Lodge I. O. O. F. 57 Danby School 66 Daughters of American Revolution 118, 120, 134, 142, 147 Daughters of Columbia 95 Davis, James 31 Davis, Mark 57, 68 Deerfield 18, 38 Deiber 35, 45 Deily, Capt. Paul Conyers 99 Delevan Street 93 Dena, Charlotte 38 Dentist 97, 117, 127 Des Plaines 19, 20, 46, 49, 51 Dickens Circle 89 Dixon, Marjorie Howe 133 Dodge, Clem 67 Dodge, Carrie 66 Dodge District 47 Dodge, Edgar 46 Dodge, Ella 66, 70 Dodge, Flora M. 81 Dodge, Helen 46 Dodge, Jabez Seymour 32, 46, 68, 71, 72, 73 Dodge, Lucy Ann 42 Dodge, Lusana 42 Dodge, Mason 64 Dodge, Mrs. Nelson 63 Dodge, Mrs. O. D. 81, 89 Dodge, N. M. 46, 68, 73 Dodge, O. D. 87, 140 Dodge, Philura 38 Dodge, Robilla 42 Dodge, William 66 Dobson, Harriett N. Warren 39 Dolbey, Harry 84 Douglas 35, 58, 59 Downer, Pierce 18, 21, 26, 34 Downers Grove 17, 18, 21, 26, 34, 56 Dram Shop 73 Dresden Heights 20 Drew, Mrs. Roy 145 200 TEE STORY OF AN OLD TOWN— GLEN ELLYN Drug Store 77 Duane School 56, 62, 68, 70, 75, 78, 97, 134, 136, 145 Duane School Roll 18, 76 DuBrock, Charles 60 Dudley, Judge 33 Dudley, Maria 33 Duncan, A. C. 70 Duncan, Cameron 145 Duncan, Mrs. Pearl 137 Duncklee, Ebenezer and Hezekiah 18, 29 Dunham, Daniel 31, 59 Dunham, Walter 70 Dunning House 77, 78 DuPage 17, 21, 36, 37, 38 DuPage Center 18, 32, 39 DuPage Co. Agricultural-Mechanical Society 57 DuPage County Gazette 58 DuPage County History 59 DuPage Co. Real Estate Board 150 DuPage County Society for Mutual Protection 38 DuPage River 17 DuPage Trust Co. 94, 116, 144, 149 Dutch Mill 52, 57, 63, 64 Eagle Brand Milk 61 Earhart, Amelia 137 Eastern Star 146 East Grove 18 Ehlers 52 Ehlers Hotel 78 Eighth Grade Play 134 Eldridge 46 Eldridge, Edward 30 Electricity 94, 114 Electric R. R. 88 Electric Shop 87, 113 Elgin 35 Ellsworth, Mrs. Frank M. 115 Elmhurst 18, 30, 54, 64 Emancipation Proclamation 54 Emmons, William 66 English 17, 19 Enor 33 Ensminger, Dr. 91 Ensminger, Jane 135 Eola 18, 28 Episcopalians 62. 63 Essay On Man 54 Evangelical Church 58 Fabian, Col. 52 Fairbank, Mrs. William 128 Falk, Miss Minnie 112 Farnsworth, W. 31 Fasnacht, Rev. Walter L. 122 Fenamore 65 Ferries, Rev. William 69 Fidelity Safe Deposit Co. 54 Filer, Thomas 56 Fire Department 89, 111, 112, 125, 146 Fire Engine 88, 89 First Evangelical Church 92 First Methodist Episcopal Church 76, 77, 97 Fischer, H. F. 52 Fish, Almera 42 Fish, Daniel 41 Fish, Elisha 19 Fish, George 42 Fish, Harriett 41 Five Corners 26, 28, 36 Five Springs 80 Flag Pole 135 Flemings 60, 77, 78, 88 Flint, Mrs. 70 Flood, Tryphena 46 Ford, Horace M. 87 Ford, Mrs. Horace M. 90 Forest Glen 120, 136, 146 Forest Glen School 42, 79, 91, 96 Forest Hill Cemetery 159 Forest Preserves 125 Forks 20 Forrester (Village) 99 Fort Dearborn 22, 45, 46 Fort Payne 27, 39 Foster, Mrs. Alfred 120 Fox, Mrs. Andrew 122, 133 Fox 19 Fox River 52 Fredricksburg 56 Free Methodist 69, 73, 75, 87, 92, 125 Freeto, Andrew and Sarah 42 Freeto, William 64 French 17, 19 French Bridge Club 129 Friday P. M. Reading Club 117 Friends of Library 116 Frink and Walker (Stage Coaches) 38, 45 Frontenac 18 Fuller, Benjamin 30 Fuller, Loie 35, 53, 132 Fullersburg 18, 34, 35, 53 Fulton 50 Fulton County 17 Furstein, Florence 84 Galena 34, 37 Galena and Chicago Union R. R. 34 Garden Club 120, 125, 137, 150 Garden Festival 144 Gary, Elbert H. 26, 44, 57, 59, 73, 78, 130 Gary, Erastus 18, 51 Gary, Jude 18, 26, 39, 40 Gary Memorial Church 59 Gary Mills 18, 36, 37 Gary, Orlinda 26, 39 THE STORY OF AN OLD TOWN— GLEN ELLYN 201 Gas and Electric 94, 114 Gates, Ashael A. 59 Gates, John W. 59 Gates, Mr. 60 Gathman, Henry, Jr. 58 Gathman, Henry, Sr. 58 Gault, B. F. 84 Geisler 88 Geneva Road 36 Genthe, Mrs. Fred 143 Gettysburg 62 Gieselman, Mrs. John 89 Gilbert, Ezra 31 Gilbert, Herbert S. 112 Gifford, Experience 41 Gifford, H. B. and Wife 62 Girl Reserves 114 Girl Scouts 110, 150 Glenbard Athaenean Society 153 Glenbard Erodelphian Society 153 Glenbard Football Teams 152 Glenbard High School 154 Glen Bard Staff 153 Glenbard Straw Vote 140 Glenbard Student Council 153 Glen Ellyn 74, 78 Glen Ellyn 17, 18 Glen Ellyn Auto Co. 93 Glen Ellyn Board of Health 145 Glen Ellyn Choral Club 122, 130, 150 Glen Ellyn Churches 155-6-7-8 Glen Ellyn Club 151 Glen Ellyn Dancing Club 91 Glen Ellyn Dramatic Club 116 Glen Ellyn Hotel and Spring Co. 76, 80 Glen Ellyn Musical Club 98 Glen Ellyn Nurseries 127 Glen Ellyn Plan Commission 122, 123, 145 Glen Ellyn Police 146 Glen Ellyn Reds 120, 148 Glen Ellyn School Board 146 Glen Ellyn School of Music and Dramatic Art 141, 143 Glen Ellyn State Bank 87, 93, 123, 124, 150 Glen Ellyn Storage and Transfer Co. 57 Glen Ellyn Storage and Warehouse Co. 127 Glen Ellyn Village Hall Clerks 146 Glen Ellyn Village Officers 145 Glen Ellyn Watch and Clock Shop Glen Ellyn Woman's Club 82, 94, 98, 110, 127, 148 Glen Ellyn Zoning Board 145 Glen Ellyn Enterprise 88 Glen Ellyn Library Assn. 90 94 Glen Oak Country Club 90, 92 Glen Theatre 126, 127 Gloss, John 18 Goodridge 76 Gordon, Nellie 111 Grabow, Dr. Elmer F. 127 Graceland 54 Grace Lutheran 50, 80, 91 Graff E. Grange, Luther N. Granger 18 Grannis, Mrs. Harriett M. 77 Grannis, Samuel 76, 77 Grant, Oriente 34 Grattan, Josie Leyman 66 Greeley, Horace 35 Gregg 18 Gregg, T. A. 70 Greyhound 50 Griggs, John M. 139 Grimshaw 70 Groeschell, W. H. 84 Guertin, Geo. R. 122 Guild, William 31 Guthrie, Dr. Earnest Graham 128 Hadley, Chas. W. 126 Haggard, J. B. 71 Half-way House 37 Hamburg 53 Hamlets in County 18 Hammond, Capt. W. 31 Hand, Louis 42 Harcourt, Dr. 63 Hardy, Charles 60 Harlem 50 Harmon, Ada Douglas 23, 47, 98, 111, 116 Harmon, E. J. 70 Harmon, Elijah D. 23 Harmon, Miss Doliska 81 Harmony Club 96 Harnden, Mrs. Nora Wagner 69 Harnden, W. H. 70 Harnden, Wm. H. 91 Harper Bros. 70 Harris, Shadrac 18 Hartzell, J. C. Bishop 56 Hasfurther, Mrs. John 133 Hassle r, Frank 85 Hassler, Mrs. Frank 91 Hatch, John 60 Hatch, Luther 18, 26 Hawthorne School 91, 97, 120, 142 Haven, Rev. Joseph D. D. 62 Hayden, John 73 Hayden, Jack 60 Hecla 50 Healy, Geo. P. A. 54 Heidemann, Chris 64 Heintz, W. D. 127 Herboth, John 143 202 THE STOEY OF AN OLD TOWN— GLEN ELLYN Hestern, Henry 68 Hiatt, A. H. 60, 67 Hiatt, Dr. Kenneth 136 Hiatt, Luther J. 67, 136 Hiatt, U. C. 70 Hicks, Mrs. 141 High Lake 18 High School 98, 110, 111, 114, 116, 123, 127, 135, 137, 142, 144, 146 H. S. Leadership Medals 119, 120 Higley, Mrs. Clayton 111 Higley, Dr. E. S. 78, 117 Hill, Hector 145 Hill, L. B. 122 Hill, Thomas E. 74, 75, 76 Hinsdale 18, 53, 63, 75 Hinsdale 34, 35, 58 Hintze. B. F. 37, 130 Hitt, H. H. 133 Hoadley, Rebecca Arnold 66 Hoadley, Thomas A. 128 Hobson. Bailev 17, 22. 24, 26, 39 Hoes, Mrs. Minerva 58 Hogan Ed. 66 Hogan, James 67 Holch, Mrs. F. L. 134 Holmes, Alonzo 57 Holmes. T. W. 68 Holland 52, 53 Hollinger, M. H. 96 Holstein, Henry 63 Holtorf, Rev. Theodore 92 Holtzman. Arthur 98 Honeysuckle Hill 79 Honeywell, David 42 Hookham, John 137 Hopper, Mrs. Charles 92, 98, 99, 100 Hough Railroad 65 Hough, Col. Roselle 65 Hovey, J. L. 44 Howe, Mrs. Wm. F. 127 Hoy, A. C. 123, 126 Hubbard, Dr. Theodore 38 Hubbard, Jennie 66 Hubbard, Laura 42 Hubbard, P. G. 70, 71, 73 Hubbard, Warren 45 Hubert, Rev. 42 Hudson, Adelaide 111 Humphreys, Mrs. John 133 Hunter, Edna 111 Hunter, J. G. 70 Hurley, Fr. 52 Huwen, Mrs. F. J. 122 Hyde, Mrs. James 137 Illinois 46 Illinois Centennial Contest 111 Illinois County 17 Illinois Institute 56, 58, 59 Illinois River 20 Incorporated Towns 18 Indian Signal Hill 20, 44 Indian Villages 19 Indiana 19 Indians 17, 19, 37, 97, 112 Infant Welfare 143. 150 Ingalls, Augustus 29 Ingalton 18 I. O. O. F. 146 Iriquois 19 Irwin, Mary Margaret 60 Isaak Walton League 115 Isabel, Don A. 46 Itasca 18, 58, 62, 65, 67 Jacobs, S. T. 85 Jacobs, W. H. 68 Janes, A. S. 32, 33, 58, 59, 64, 65, 68, 68 Janes, Harriet 33 Janes, Sylvanus, Laura, Ruth and Clarissa 42 Jauch 57 Jellies, Georgia 66 Jellies, Will 73 Jenkins, Mrs. Elizabeth 81 Jenkins, Frances 81 Jenkins, Helen (Mrs. Carl Case) 81 Jensen, Wm. F. 75 Johansen, Maren 111, 122 Johansen Real Estate Co. 62 Johnson, Fred 84 Johnson, W. J. 68 Joliet 21 Jones, Capt. Marcellus E. 62 Jones, L. A. 58 Jordan 46 Junior Play 144 Junta Bldg. 127 Justice of Peace 71 Kaiser, W. G. 122 Kampp, Conrad 63 Kampp Furniture Business 63 Kampp, John 63 Kane Countv 38 Kankakee 20 Kelley, Albert M. 59, 63 Kelley, David 45, 53, 54, 60, 62, 66, 68 Kelley, Isaac D. 57 Kelsey, Rev. W. M. 75 Kerr, Mr. Chas. H. 85 Kerr, Mrs. Chas. H. Kerr Ketcham, Erastus 68, 69, 75, 130 Kendall, Abby 111 Kendall, Mrs. G. M. 114, 120, 122 Kickapoo 19 Kimball, Geo. P. 63. 69 Kimball, William 42 Kimble, Rebecca 42 THE STOEY OF AN OLD TOWN— GLEN ELLYN 201 Kindergarten 84 King, J. V. 31 King, Miss 141 Kiplinger, O. L. 126, 128 Klein, Matthias Rev. 75 Kolar, Betty Jane 134, 144 Kopp, Mrs. John H. 81 Kriebs-Wilmes 63 Krimmelmeyer, Emma 111 Lace 18 Ladies' Social Union 83 Ladies' Aid Play 144 LaGrange 28 Laier, Frances 78, 81, 82 Laier, John J. 84 Laier, Will G. 84 Laing, Mrs. Walter 60, 143 Laird. George 32 Lake Ellyn 63. 76, 119 Lake Street 37, 41 LaSalle 19 LaSalle County 38 Landis, Maior Reed 144 Landv, Bridget A 6 Landy, Deacon 49 Landv. John 46 Laughlin,, John 19, 31 Lead Mines 35. 37 League of Women Voters 113, 149 Lee. Virginia 143 LeMessurier, John 87 LePage. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. 137 Lewis, Rev. E. N. 62 Librarv 70 71. 89, 90, 91, 96, 98, 113, 116. 120, 143 Lilacea 128 Lily Lake 125 Lincoln 35, 58. 59. 60, 62, 63 Lindahl. Rov W. 125 Lindsay. Margaret 136 Linton. Ralph Lions Club 116. 148 Lisle 17, 18, 26, 41 Literature and Arts 92, 129, 144 Little, R. H. 139 Lloyd, Mrs. 45 Lloyd, Mrs. Emma 73, 78 Locke, Mariorie 134 Locke, Matilda 59 Locke, R. F. 114 Lombard 18. 26. 30. 53, 64 Lombard, Josiah 64 Loomis, H. S. 38 Lorbeer, Mrs. J. B. 81 Lowell, Dr. 89 Lower, Rev. D. L. 75 Lozier, Horace G. 122 Lumry, O. F. 58 Lundgren, Helen F. 81 Lundgren, Marie F. 81 Lundy, John 41 Luther, Mr. W. H. 66, 67, 70, 71, 72 73, 74, 75 Luther, Mrs. W. H. 69 Lynn 46 Mabrey, Mrs. Fred J. 137 Madison County 17 Madison, Wm. 143 Main Street 50, 64 Main St. School 112, 142 Mammoth Spring 61 Mansion House 54, 55. 60, 62, 66 Map of Five Corners 43 March, B. F. 145 Marie, Queen of Roumania 132 Marsh. Rev. J. D. 69. 75 Marshalls, J. K. 64, 82 Martin, Geo. 27 Marquette, Father Jacques 20 Masonic Lodge 94, 134, 146 Massachusetts 18 Mastodons 19 Matlack. Prof. Lucius 56, 58 Mavnard, Elias 29 McChesney Bros. 74, 78 McChesney, Charles 56 61 McChesney, Edgar H. 61, 63, 70 McChesney, Gretchen Jacobs 85 McChesney, J. D. 61. 66, 67 McChesney, James 32, 40, 41, 45, 56, 61 McChesney, Joseph R. 61, 63, 68, 71, 73 McChesney, Julia Kelley 66 McChesney, Mattie Smith 66, 87 McChesney-Miller 61 McChesnev. Mrs. J. D. 63 McClurg, Genl. A. C. 42 McClurg, Ogden 42 McCollums, Albert. 69 McCutchin, Mrs. 81 McDonnell. Fr. 52 McFryer, W. F. 85, 137 McGough, P. E. 143 McGregor. Rev. D. A. 84 McHenry 37 Mcintosh 63 McKay, Rosalie 98 McMechan, Erin 98 McMillen, Joseph 31 Meacham 19, 28, 65, 125 27 Meacham's Grove 35 Meacham, Milo 32, 56 Meacham, Silas, Lyman, Harvey 19, Meat Market 74 Medinah 28, 125 Meinardi 65 Meinardi, Betty Jane 117 !04 THE STOBY OF AN OLD TOWN— GLEN ELLYN Memorial Fountain 116 Memorial Park 125, 127, 142 Mehl, Mattie 73 Menke, Miss Emma 143 Mertz, A. F. 63 Mertz, Mrs. Matilda 95 Meshler, Chris 63 Methodist 35, 45, 57, 59, 62, 92 Miami 19 Michet, Irene 110 Michigan Lake 19 Millbeck, Joe 73 Mill Creek 37 Miller, Mrs. Emma 78 Miller, Eunice 42 Miller, H. A. 133 Miller, Herman 93, 123 Miller, Oscar 61 Miller, Otto 93, 123 Mills, Lewis 71 Milmoe. M. J. 70, 122 Milton 17, 18, 51, 64 Milwaukee R. R. 65 Mississippi 50, 51 Mitchell 97 Mitchell. I. T. 42 M. M. M. Ill Modern Woodmen 83 Money Musk 55 Moore, Mrs. M. M. 28. 51, 128 Moore, Rev. Aubrey 97 Moose 147 Moose Auxiliary 147 Moose Sewing Circle Morgan, Jane 133 Morgan, Royal T. 75, 81 Morrow, Dr. 114 Morton Arboretum 114, 115 Morton, Joy 114-5 Morton, J. Sterling 115 Morton, Luther 18, 30 Morton, M. D. 42 Morrow, Mrs. J. C. 122 Motion Picture Forum 133 Moulin. Evert O. 114 Moulton, C. L. 80 Moulton, Harper 78 Moving Pictures 98, 111, 126 Mr. Pirn Passes By 129 Mueller, Mr. and Mrs. J. B. 137 Mundelein, Cardinal 122 Munger 19 Municipal Lot 65 Music Department 98 Myers, Fred G. 128 Myers, Frederick A. 26 Myers, Jas. H. 68 Myers, Wm. H. 74, 128 Mytinger, Mrs. Jean 92 Nadelhoffer, Christian 84 Naper, Capt. John 18, 26, 39 Naper, Capt. Joseph 26, 39 Naperville 17, 18, 20, 21, 38, 39, 41, 42, 59, 61, 62, 63, 64, 97 Napoleon 41 Nash, Isaac 31 Navy Gun 123 Nelson, Geo. 45. 70. 73, 87, 142 Nemitz, Mrs. Gus 143 Newcomb, Miss M. A. 58 Neumann, Miss Hazel 139 Newspaper 51, 87, 97, 112, 115, 116, 122 Newton-Baethke 56. 59. 70. 85 98 120 Newton, Dr. L. O. 50 51, 59, 60, 74 Newton, Elizabeth 111 Newton, Mrs. Fannie 75 Newton, Frank Q. 60, 112, 143 Newton, Lenzie 47 Newton, LeRov 63. 74 Newton, Lindslev 38 Newton. Ralph W. 143 Newton's Station 17. 49 Newton, William 46, 68, 71, 73, 112, 143 New York 146 Nicholls. Dr. G. E. 117 Nichols Librarv 39 Niles, W. A. 127 Nind, J. N. 45. 68, 73 Nixon, Gen'l 46 Noble, Daniel 29 Nordic Country Club 37 Norris, Mrs. Joseph 58 North Central College 61 North DuPaare League of Women Voters 149 North Glen Ellyn Improvement Assn. 122 North Western (C. & N. W.) 51, 58, 67, 70. 83 Northwestern College 61 Nursery 51 Oak Park 33. 47, 50 Oak Ridge 33, 47 Ogden Avenue 53 Ogden Avenue 33, 53 Oil Lamp 57 Old English Design 123 Old Ketch 37 Old Settlers Picnic 81 Olmstead, Rev. Benjamin L. 75 Olson, Annie 77 O'Malley, Ruth 139 Onondaga County 46 Ontarioville 19 Orchestra 96 Order of Builders 144 Ottawa 38 Owen, Jesse 143 THE STOEY OF AN OLD TOWN— GLEN ELLYN 205 Page, Harriet 46 Panorama Picture 96 Pape, Thomas 122 Parcel Post 97 Park and Playground Assn. 117, 148 Park Board 142, 146 Park 110, 112 Parry, Rev. A. W. 75 Parsons 97 Parsons, Rev. D. K. Patch, Bros. 70, 78, 94 Patch, Wm. 127 Patrick, Florence 66 Patrick, Wilbur 51 Paving 98, 109, 128 Payne, Capt. 27 Peck, Charles 42 Peck, George 42 Peck, Harriett Peck, Sheldon 38, 47 Pelham, Mrs. Wm. F. 139 Penneack Grove 27 Pennsylvania 53 P. E. O., AU. Ill Peoria County 17 Pfleuger, Christian 58 Pfrangle, Sebastian 58 Phillips, Charles A. 63 Phillips, H. W. 68 Pickard, Mr. 57 Pierce, President 57 Piggly Wiggly 139, 140 Pike County 17 Pioneer 49-50 Plainfield 61 Plank Road 35, 41, 45, 53, 58 Plum, Col. Wm. R. 128 Plymouth 18 Poehlman, Elizabeth Newton 143 Poetasters 128 Polk, President 38, 47 Pollocks 54 Poole, Isaac C. 86 Popes 54 Portage 21 Porter, Rev. Jeremiah 28 Porter, Rev. Jonathan 28 Post Office 75, 77, 88, 89, 111, 112, 123, 58, 59 Postmaster 59, 75 Potowatomi 19 Potter, Dr. H. S. 57, 59 Powers, Almeda J. 46 Powers, Aretus 46 Powers, Malena 42 Powers. Samuel 46 Powers. William 46 Pre-Emption House 32, 38 Presbyterians 35 Prichard. Harold 127 Prince, Rev. H. W. 83 Prospect Park 17, 61, 68, 71 P. T. A. 96, 134, 149 Pummill, Emma Yalding 66 Purdum, N. W. 122 Queen Esther Circle 114 Railroad 17, 34, 35, 50 Randall, Nathan 57 Randolph Street 46 Rathbun, Mrs. Rowland 129 Rawson, Mrs. John 69 81, 117 Reader, Henry 30 Reading 53 Real Estate Boom 70 Red Bridge 78 Red Cross 60, 61, 100 Reed, Robert 61 Reed, Seth 38 Reeves, Geo. C. 70 Rebekah Lodge 91, 146 Reindeer 50 Reiner, Gladys 125 Relief Corps 114, 147 Revolutionary War 46 Rhoades, Lucille 66 Rickert, Mrs. E. C. 55 Riford 76 Riverbank 52 River, DuPage 17 Robertson, Douglas B. 116 Robey, Leslie 112 Robinson, Daniel 46 Robinson, Diana 46 Robinson, Hannah 46 Roderus, Frank Roger de Coverly 55 Rogers, R. L. 70 Rogers, W. A. 97 Roosevelt Road 18, 37 Rood, Rev. John S. 81 Rose, W. H. Roselle 18 Rosenweiller, J. R. 71 Round Grove 20 Roush, Cloyd 93 Royal Neighbors 85, 139, 147 Ruddock. Mrs. Rhoda 62 Ruskin College 86 Russell, Anna Boyd 65 Ryberg, Mrs. John 133 Ryder, Wm. 77, 80 Sabin, John 64, 68, 73 Sabin, Walter 54, 57, 62, 64, 70, 71, 89 Sag 19, 21, 52 Saloon 88, 93 Salt Creek 29, 35 "Sauganash" Tavern 22 Sauk 19 Saunders 40 206 THE STOEY OF AN OLD TOWN— GLEN ELLYN Saunders Hall 45 Saunders, Dr. James 62, 72, 73, 83, 114 Saunders, Mrs. Marian B. 127 Saylor, W. F. 57 Saxe, Dr. 59 Schaefer, Mrs. Wm. A. 122, 144 Schaefer, Wm. H. 127 Schatz, William 45 Schatz, Phillip 45 Schatz, Rebecca 35, 46 Schick 19 Schiele, Dr. Ill Schlick, Jos. 66 Schneider A. 68 Schreiber, F. J. 127 Schuette, Mrs. Henry 58 School Books 47 School Enrollment 137 Scott, Gen'l 20, 23. 44 Scott, Stephen J. 22 Scott, Robert J. 87 Scoop, The 144 Scott Willard 17, 22, 23 Senior Play 134 Service Flag 99, 111 Sewage System 93 Shattuc. Lillian King 122 Shaw, W. W. Jr. 140 Sheahan, Frank 129 Sherman, Marv Ackerman 66 Sherman, Victor L. 143 Sherwin, H. 73 Shipman. Mrs. Wm. D. 137 Shoenfeld, H. 66 Sikler, Valentine 57 Sidewalks 87, 88 Simons, James E. Ill Simons, James E. Jr. 112 Simons Studios 98, 141 Sittyton Farm 92 Skinner, Major 29 Slawson, James H. 120, 142 Smith 41, 47, 63 Smith, Charles 66 Smith, David 67 Smith, Dr. Elijah 18. 44. 65, 67 Smith, Joseph 66. 67, 97, 128 Smith, Margaret 111 Smith, Mason 29 Smith, Mattie 67, 77 Smith. May Somerset 66 Smith, Samuel Lisle 35 Snell, Mrs. Fred 137 Soldiers' Aid 60, 61 Soldiers Buried in Cemetery 159, 160 Soldiers' Pathway 127 Somerville, Dr. C. W. 89 South Addison 19 Southeast Improvement Assn. 127, 148 Southwest Improvement Assn. 137 Spalding, R. V. 126 Spaniards 17 Spanish American Auxiliary 129 Spanish-American War 84, 125 Spooner, Rev. Arthur 75 Sprague, Rev. James 69 Square Club 125, 146 Stacy, Betsey 77, 81 Stacy, Carrie 66, 81 Stacy, Joan 42 Stacy, Kimball 39, 42 Stacy, Moses 31, 33, 36, 42 Stacy Park 77 Stacy, Philo Warren 36, 42, 45, 68, 69, Stacy's Corners 17, 18, 33, 42, 45, 49, 65 Stacy's Tavern 36, 45 Stage Coach 38 Standish, Alfred 51, 62 Stanton, Thomas 92 Stanton, Wallace 111 Steinberg, August 122 70, 73, 76, 78, 81, 90, 112 Stetson, Carrie Hubbard 66 Stevens. Noah 29 Stolp, Frederick 18, 28 St. Aloysius Acolyte Society 148 St. Charles 38, 61 St. Charles Rd. 19, 30, 33, 34, 38, 41, 45, 65 St. Clair 17 St. James' Church 52 St. Mark's Church 63. 70. 83, 84 St. Petronille 122, 135, 137 Study Club 82, 85. 89, 92, 93, 94 Sullivan, James 65 Supt. Glen Ellyn Schools 120 Surkamer. Fred 84 Sutcliffe. Mrs. John 69 Swantosh, Miss Frances 77 Sweet, Gen'l B. J. 64 Sweet's Grove 41 Swift 19 Tailor 97 Talmadge, David 30 Talmadge, G. H. 61 Talmadge, John 30 Taxi 97 Taylor, Rev. Philander 45 Teachers, School 151 Telephone Service 70, 82, 85, 87, 113, 123, 137 Templar Club 134, 136, 140 Temple, Dr. 38 Templeton, Mrs. Martha 69 Thanatopsis 54 Thiele, L. J. 70 Thiele, Mildred 122 Thomas, Harry W. Ill Thompson, Dr. John 97 Toll Gate 41, 45 TEE STORY OF AN OLD TOWN— GLEN ELLYN 207 Torode, Nicholas 30 "Town" 18 Townsend, O. O. 70 Townsend, Oliver 145 Trail, Army 19, 44 Trail, Indian 17, 19, 20, 23, 30, 45 Travel Class 92 Treadway, R. B. 93 Treat, Kate Sheldon 89, 90, 116 Tremont House 56 Tribune 37 Turner, Hon. J. B. 18. 51 Turner Junction 18, 50, 58, 59, 67 Twachtman 58 Twogood, Capt. 46 Tyler, Pres. John 44 Uncle Tom's Cabin 56, 58 Underground Railway 35, 56 United Christian Commission 61 University of Illlinois 19 Utili Dulci 66, 67, 109 Utt, A. R. 44, 70, 84, 85, 143 Vallette, J. G. 51 Vallette, John 33 Van Duzer, C. S. 137 Van Tassel, Stephen and Wife 62 Van Vilzer, Barto 35 Vaughn, Fannie 66 Vaughn, Sarah 66 Vernon Estates 137 Vesuvius 50 Villa Park 18 Village Hall 78, 125 Votes and Polling Places 140-1 Virginia Reel 55 Wagner, Frank M. 57, 74 Wagner, G. M. H. 45, 46, 73 Wagner, H. 57 Wagner, Jesse R. 142 Wagner, Joseph 68 Wagner, L. J. 66 Wagner, Matt. 57, 65, 68. 73, 75 Wagner, Mrs. Mathias 69 Wagner, Miss N. 67 Wagner, Mrs. Calvin 82 Wagner, Mrs. Ellen 69 Wagner, Mrs. Joseph 69 Wagner, Mrs. Luther 35, 45, 46 Wagner, Wm. H. 53, 60, 68, 71, 72, 73, 75, 75, 77 Walker 34 Walker, Alfred 18 Walker, Allen R. 73 Walker and Angell 123, 127 Walker, Dr. H. F. 18 Walker, Royal 32 Walworth 73 Ward, Elijah 46 Ward, J. M. 68 Warrell, W. B. 75 Warren, Bishop David S. 75 Warren, Col. J. M. 19, 39 Warrenhurst 19, 30 Warrenville 19, 30, 39, 44 Wassell, Joseph 81 Water Street 46 Water System 89 Watson, Dr. Allen S. 116 Watts, Dr. 33 Waubunsie, Chief 21 Way, Edward 68 Way, Elmer 68 Way, Gilbert 41 Wayne 18, 59 Wayne 19 Wayne Center 19 W. C. T. U. 73, 96, 133, 148 Webster, Rev. H. S. 83 Wegman, H. 73 Wehlau, W. H. 137 Wehrli, Andrew J. 26 Weidman, Ella 35 Weidman, John 53, 60, 73 Weidman, Jonathan 53 Weidman, Rose 66, 69, 75 Weidman, Vallie 66 Welch and Launder 50 Wentworth, Long John 31 Westbrook, Wesley 143 Westmont West Chicago 18, 37, 50, 53, 58. 59, 67 Wheaton 18, 19, 39, 56, 59, 63, 64 Wheaton College 56. 58, 59 Wheaton Jesse C. 37, 39, 42, 51, 78 Wheaton, Warren L. 37, 47, 51, 60 White, Mrs. Rupert 137 Whitely, Mrs. Paul 122 Whiteman, Mr. 69 Whitlock, Mrs. C. G. 118 Whitlock, Ogden and John 61 Whitman, Abigail 46 Whitman, David 46 Whitman, Jane P. 46 Whitman, Warren 46 Whitmore 47 Whittemore, M. W. 123 Wienke, Mrs. E. J. 122 Wilcox, R. A. 57 Wilkins, Charles F. 62 Wilson and Hantz 45 Wilson, Harvey T. 18, 26 Will County 38 Willcox, Mrs. Jay 137 Wimpress, Mrs. Benjamin 69 Wimpress, Miss Bertha 81 Wimpress, Mrs. Hattie 29, 42, 47, 66 Winfield 18, 56 Winnebago 19 Winter, Luther, 73 208 TEE STOEY OF AN OLD TOWN— GLEN ELLYN Wise, Edith Quayle 144 Woebke, Mrs. Pauline 79 Woman's Chorus 137 Woman's Exchange 129 Woman's Republican Club 133, 149 Woods, Chester 143, 144 Wooddale 19 Woodruff, Ralph 38 Woodthorpe 125 Woodworth, Harry 29 World War 98, 99, 100, 101 World War Home Guards 108-9, 112 World War Roll 101-2-3-4-5-6-7-8 Wrightwood 125, 128 Yalding, Deacon 62, 65 Yalding, J. P. and Wife 62 Y. M. C. A. 39 York 17, 30 York Center 19, 30, 52, 53 Zoning 116 Zoellin, Horace 137 Zuttermeister, G. 70 Corrections: p. 18, Byrenville should read Byrneville; p. 20, Indian Signal Hill should read 3 miles south of Wheaton; p. 24, trail should read 3% miles north of Five Corners; p. 25, "across the river from Joliet Road"; p. 28, should read instead of "son and wife" "daughter and husband, Mr. and Mrs. Mitchell"; p. 45, J. N. Nind; p. 73, William H. and M. H. Wayne should read Wagner. £ £2 '3 ^ *£ d=^L^ :n >" OcCCOCC eye cO