: " BEBR FACULTY WORKING PAPER NO. 1496 On the Upper and Lower Semicontinuity of the Aumann Integral Nicholas C. Yannelis it968 College of Commerce and Business Administration Bureau of Economic and Business Research University of Illinois. Urbana-Champaign BEBR FACULTY WORKING PAPER NO. 1496 College of Commerce and Business Administration University of Illinois at Urbana- Champaign September 1988 On the Upper and Lower Semicontinuity of the Aumann Integral Nicholas C. Yannelis, Associate Professor Department of Economics Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2011 with funding from University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign http://www.archive.org/details/onupperlowersemi1496yann ON THE UPPER AND LOWER SEMICONTINUITY OF THE AUMANN INTEGRAL by Nicholas C. Yannelis > Abstract : Let (T,x»y) be a finite measure space, X be a Banach space, P be a metric space and let L.(y,X) denote the space of equivalence classes of X-valued Bochner integral functions on (T,x,u). We show that if ij) : TxP -► 2 is a correspondence such that for each fixed p£P, ((>(•, p) has a measurable graph and for each fixed teT, (t,«) is either upper or lower seraicontinuous then the Aumann integral of (j» , i.e., J T 4>(t,p)d u (t) = {/ T x(t)d u (t) : x e S (p)}, where S (p) = (yeLjCy.X) : y( t)e( t ,p) y-a.e.}, is either upper or lower seraicontinuous in the variable p as well. Our results extend those of Aumann (1965, 1976) who has considered the above problem for X = R , and they have appli- cations in general equilibrium and game theory. Key words : Integral of a correspondence, upper semicontinuity , lower semicontinuity , quasi upper semicontinuity, measurable selection, Fatou's Lemma in infinite dimensions. Department of Economics, University of Illinois, Champaign, IL 61820. This is a revised version of ray paper entitled, "On the Lebesgue- Aumann Dominated Convergence Theorem in Infinite Dimensional Spaces," written in 1987. The present version has benefitted from the com- ments, discussions and suggestions of Erik Balder, M. Ali Khan, Jean-Fransois Mertens and Aldo Rustichini. Of course, I am respon- sible for any remaining shortcomings. 1. INTRODUCTION Let T be a measure space, P be a metric space, X be a Banach space X X and (ji be a correspondence from TxP to 2 (where 2 denotes the set of all nonempty subsets of X), such that for each fixed peP, <{>(•, p) has a measurable graph and for each fixed teT, (t,») is either upper or lower semicontinuous. We would like to know whether the integral of the correspondence is either upper or lower semicontinuous as well. It is the purpose of this paper to provide an answer to the above question. Specifically, we show (Theorem 3.1) that integration pre- serves upper semicontinuity (u.s.c.) and that, (Theorem 3.2) integra- tion preserves lower semicontinuity (l.s.c). It should be noted that the problem of whether integration preser- ves u.s.c. or l.s.c. was first examined in a path breaking paper by Auraann (1965, 1976), [see also Schmeidler (1970)]. However, Aumann considered correspondences taking values in a finite dimensional Euclidean space. It turns out, that the finite dimensional arguments of Aumann cannot be readily adopted to cover Banach-valued correspon- dences. In particular, Aumann's method of proof of the fact that integration preserves u.s.c. is based heavily on the Lyapunov Theorem, a result which is false in infinite dimensional spaces. Nevertheless, for strong forms of u.s.c. correspondences (i.e., weakly u.s.c. correspondences) a result analogous of that of Aumann has been obtained in Yannelis (1988a) by means of the "approximate version of the Lyapunov Theorem." However, the arguments in Yannelis (1988a) cannot be adopted here to prove Theorem 3.1, since the correspondences we consider are u.s.c. in a much weaker sense than that in the above paper and furthermore they are not convex or compact valued. Hence, our arguments are of necessity quite different than those in Yannelis (1988a). Finally, we would like to note that as the work of Auraann (1965, 1976) was motivated by the problem of the existence of an equilibrium in economies with a continuum of agents and finitely many commodities, our work was also motivated by the same problem but it allows for a 2 continuum of commodities in addition to the continuum of agents. The paper proceeds as follows: Section 2 contains notation and definitions. Our main results are stated in Section 3 and their proofs are collected in Section 4. Finally, in Section 5 we show that integration preserves the weak closed graph property. 2. NOTATION AND DEFINITIONS 2 . 1 Notation R denotes the n-fold Cartesian product of the set of real numbers R. conA denotes the closed convex hull of the set A. A. 2' denotes the set of all nonempty subsets of the set A. denotes the empty set. / denotes the set theoretic subtraction. dist denotes distance. proj denotes projection. If A C X, where X is a Banach space, dk denotes the norm closure of A. -3- If F , (n=l,2,...) is a sequence of nonempty subsets of a Banach n space X, we will denote by LsF and LiF the set of its (strong) limit v . ' J n n superior and (strong) limit inferior points respectively, i.e., LsF = {xeX : x = lim x , x eF , k=l,2,...|, and k-voo k k k LiF = {xeX : x = lim x , x eF , n=l,2,...} n l n n n > n+oo 2.2 Definitions Y Let X and Y be sets. The graph of the correspondence : X ->• 2 is denoted by G = |(x,y) e XxY : y e (x)l . Let (T,t,u) be a complete, finite measure space, and X be a separable Banach space. The correspondence $ : T + 2 is said to have a measurable graph if G ex® 3(X), where g(X) denotes the Borel a~algebra on X and ♦ X denotes product a~algebra. The correspondence $ : T •*■ 2 is said to be lower measurable if for every open subset V of X, the set {teT : (j>(t)^V * 0| is an element of -[•• Recall [see for instance Himraelberg (1975), p. 47 or Debreu (1966), p. 359] that if 4, : T + 2 X has a measurable graph, then is lower measurable. Furthermore, if <}>(•) is closed valued and lower measurable then A : T * 2 has a measurable graph. A well-known result of Aumann (1967) which will be of fundamental importance in this paper, [see also Hiramelberg (1975), Theorem 5.2, p. 60] says that if (T,t,u) is a complete, finite measure space, X is a separable metric space and : T •► 2 is a nonempty valued correspondence having a measurable graph, then (j>(») admits a measurable selection , i.e., there exists a measurable function f : T * X such that f(t)e(t) y-a.e. -4- We now define the notion of a Bochner integrable function. We will follow closely Diestel-Uhl (1977). Let (T, T , U ) be a finite measure space and X be a Banach space. A function f : T + X is called simple if there exist x. , x_ , ..., x in X and a,, a , •••> a in x I Z n 1 Z n n such that f = £ x.y , where y (t) = 1 if tea. and y (t) = if . . i*a. *a. i *a. i=l 11 i t£a.* A function f : T + X is said to be y- measurable if there exists a sequence of simple functions f : T > X such that liraiif (t) - f(t)|| n n n->-<» = for almost all teT. A ^-measurable function f : T + X is said to be Bochner integrable if there exists a sequence of simple functions If : n=l,2,...| such that lim/ T llf n (t) - f(t)||d u (t) = 0, n>oo In this case we define for each Eex the integral to be J f(t)d|j(t) = limLf (t)du(t). It can be shown [see Diestel-Uhl (1977), Theorem 2, J E n M n-M» p. 45] that, if f : T ->• X is a y-raeasurable function then f is Bochner integrable if and only if J II f ( t )|| dp ( t) < «. We denote by L.(y f X) the space of equivalence classes of X-valued Bochner integrable functions x : T ->■ X normed by lixil = / _yx(t)ndy(t). It is a standard result that normed by the functional n • ii above, L.(y,X) becomes a Banach space, [see Diestel-Uhl (1977), p. 50]. We denote by S the set of all X-valued Bochner integrable selec- tions from q> : T + 2 , i.e. , S - (xel^Cy.X) : x(t) e . Recall that the correspondence $ : T + 2 is said to be integrably bounded if there exists a map heL .(u,R) such that sup| n xii : xe(t)} _< h(t) y-a.e. Moreover, note that if T is a complete measure space, X is a separable Banach space and : T -»• 2 is an integrably bounded, nonempty valued correspondence having a measurable graph, then by the Aumann measurable selection theorem we can conclude that S is nonempty and therefore f T ( t)dy( t ) is nonempty as well. Let A , (n=l,2,...) be a sequence of nonempty subsets of a Banach space. Following Kuratowski (1966, p. 339) we say that A converges in A (written as A > A) if and only if LiA = LsA = A. It may be n J n n ' useful to remind the reader that LiA and LsA are both closed sets n n and LiA C LsA [see Kuratowski (1966), pp. 336-338]. n n Let X be a metric space and Y be a Banach space. The correspon- Y dence ^ : X > 2 is said to be u.s.c. at x_eX, if for any neighborhood N((()(x_)) of <}>(x n ), there exists a neighborhood N(x n ) of x n such that for all xeN(x n ), (x) C N((x n )). We say that is u.s.c. if $ is u.s.c. at every point xeX. Recall that this definition is equivalent to the fact that the set IxeX : <{>(x) C V| is open in X for every open subset V of Y, [see for instance Kuratowski (1966), Theorem 3, p. 176]. -6- Let v be a small positive number and let B be the open unit ball Y in Y. The correspondence : X -»■ 2 is said to be quasi upper- semicontinuous (q.u.s.c.) at xeX, if whenever the sequence x^, n' (n=l,2,...) in X converges to x, then for some n~ , (x ) C (x) + vB for all n _> n„ . We say that is q.u.s.c. if

is compact valued, quasi upper-seraicontinuity implies upper-semicontintuity and vice- versa. Let now P and X be metric spaces. The correspondence F : P * 2 is said to be l.s.c. if the sequence p , (n=l,2,...) in P converges to peP, then F(p) C LiF(p ). Finally recall that the correspondence F : P * 2 is said to be continuous if and only if it is u.s.c. and l.s.c. With all these preliminaries out of the way we can now turn to the statements of the main theorems. 3. THE MAIN THEOREMS We now state our main results: Theorem 3.1 : Let (T,t»y) be a complete, finite measure space, P X be a metric space and X be a separable Banach space. Let \\> : TxP -► 2 be a nonempty valued, integrably bounded correspondence, such that for each fixed teT, ij;(t,0 is q.u.s.c. and for each fixed peP, ^(«,p) has a measurable graph. Then J\\>( t , • ) is q.u.s.c. •7- Theorem 3.2 : Let (T,x,y) be a complete, finite measure space, X be a separable Banach space and P be a metric space. Let <{> : TxP ->■ 2 be an integrably bounded correspondence such that for each fixed teT, 4>(t,») is l.s.c. and for each fixed peP, («,p) has a measurable graph. Then f( t , • ) is l.s.c. Remark 3.1 : If in addition to the assumptions of Theorem 3.1, it is assumed that fi|»(t,«) is compact valued, then we can conclude that J\l>( t , • ) is u.s . c. Remark 3.2 : If in Theorem 3.1 we add the assumption that ^(«,0 is convex valued and that for all (t,p)eTxP, ^(t,p) C K, where K is a weakly compact, convex, nonempty subset of X, then it follows from Lemma 4.1 (see next section) that J T ^( t , • )dy ( t ) is weakly compact valued and we can conclude that f T ^( t , • )dy ( t ) is weakly u.s.c, i.e., the set (peP : j T \\>( t ,p)d(j( t ) C V| is open in P for every weakly open subset V of X. Hence, from Theorem 3.1 we can obtain a version of Theorem 4.1 in Yannelis (1988a) which does not require (T,t,jj) to be atomless. The Corollaries below follow directly from Theorems 3.1, 3.2 and Remark 3.1. They extend some results of Aumann (1965, Theorem 5, and Corollary 5.2) to separable Banach spaces. Corollary 3.1 : Let (T,t,u) be a complete, finite measure space, P be a metric space and X be a separable Banach space. Let ^ : TxP -► 2 be an integrably bounded, nonempty valued correspondence such that for -8- each fixed peP> ^(*,p) has a measurable graph and for each fixed teT, t}»(t,0 is continuous. Moreover, suppose that f-tyi t , . )dy ( t ) is compact valued. Then f T i|>( t , • )dy ( t ) is continuous. 3 Corollary 3.2 : Let (T,x,u) be a complete, finite measure space and X be a separable Banach space. Let $ : T -»■ 2' , (n=l,2,...) be a sequence of integrably bounded, nonempty valued correspondence having a measurable graph, such that: (i) For all n, (n=l,2,...), <£ (t) C K y-a.e., where K is a com- pact, nonempty subset of X, and (ii) 4> n (t) + n (t)du(t) + / T (t)dy(t). 4. PROOF OF THE MAIN THEOREMS 4 . 1 Lemmata For the proof of our main results we will need some preparatory Lemmata. Lemma 4.1 : Let (T,x,u) be a finite measure space and X be a Banach space. Let <|> : T -► 2 be a correspondence satisfying the following condition: (i) (t)dy ( t) Proof : Let K = conK. Note that K is compact, [see Dunford- Schwartz (1958), Theorem 6, p. 416] nonempty and convex. Hence, from Diestel's theorem [Diestel (1977), Theorem 2] we have that S~ is IS. weakly compact in L.(y,X). Since con(«) is norm closed and convex valued so is S . It is a consequence of the Separation Theorem con<}> ^ r that the weak and norm topologies coincide on closed convex sets. Hence, S is weakly closed. Since S C S~ and the latter set is con K weakly compact we can conclude that S is weakly compact. Define con^j the mapping y : L (y,X) + X by y(x) = J T x(t)dy(t). Certainly y is linear and norm continuous. It follows from Theorem 15 in Dunford- Schwartz (1958, p. 422) that y is also weakly continuous. Therefore, y(S ) = |y(x) : xe S \ = f_cond>(t)du(t) is weakly compact, and 1 con* l con* J J T Y w e can conclude that clj con$( t )dy ( t ) = j con(t). This completes the proof of the Lemma. Notice that the above proof of the Lemma showed that J_con(t,p )d u (t) C J rj,(t,p)dy(t) + vB for all n > n Q . Define the mapping S : P + 2 L l (u ' X) by S (p) = jx e L,(u,X) : x( t )ei|>( t ,p) y-a.e.j. Let B and B be the open unit balls in X and L.(u,X) respectively. We first show that for a suitable n n , S (p ) C S (p) + vB for all n >^ n~. We begin by finding the suitable n_. Since for each fixed teT, ij>(t,») is q.u.s.c. we can find a minimal M such that (4.1) ij>(t,p ) C i|»(t,p) + 6B for all n >_ M , where 5 = jjfa. We now show that M is a measurable function of t. However, first we make a few observations. By assumption for each fixed p and n, G ,r u t0 e t ® B(X) and so does (G , n, cd ) C » (where S C denotes i|K*,p ) + 6o ijn«,p ; + 5B -li- the complement of the set S). It is easy to see that G t sH (G,/ ^ r J C e t ® 6(X). Therefore, the set V« ,P) *(• >P n ) + 5B n U = {(t,x) £ TxX : (t,x)e G , .O (G , w*r )C } belongs to t® S(X). It follows from the projection theorem [see for instance Hildenbrand (1974), p. 44] that proj T (U)e T . Notice that, proJ T (U) = {t e T : ij>(t,p) < i|>(t,p n ) + 6B} - {t e T : ij;(t,p)/( l j,(t,p ) + 6B) * 0} . By virtue of the raeasurability of the above set we can now conclude that M is a measurable function of t. In particular, simply notice that, {t e T: M t =m( =r\{t e T: i|»(t,p n ) C <{;( t , p)+6B} C\ { teT: ^(t.p^) < m We are now in a position to choose the desired n~. Since ^(»,») is integrably bounded there exists heL (p,R) such that for almost all teT, sup{ II xii : x £ i|)(t,p)} _< h(t) for each p e P. Choose 6 such that if U (S) < 5 , (S C T) , then J h(t)dy(t) < y. Since M is a measurable function of t, we can choose n n such that y({teT : M _> n~} ) < 6 . . This is the desired n~ . Let n _> n n yeSCp ). We must show that yeS (p) + vB. ^ n ty and -12- By assumption, for each fixed peP, ^(»,p) has a measurable graph and i^(«,«) is nonempty valued. Hence, by the Aumann measurable selec- tion theorem there exists a measurable function f. : T -»• X such that X f,(t) e t|)(t,p) y-a.e. Define the correspondence 8 •' T > 2 by 9(t) = ({y(t)( + 5B) O i|»(t,p). It follows from (4.1) that for all teT n = {t : M _< n-j , e(t) * 0. Moreover, 9(») has a measurable graph. Another application of the Aumann measurable selection theorem allows us to guarantee the existence of a measurable function f 9 : T + X such that f„(t) e 6(t) u -a.e. Define f : T + X by f (t) for t^T f 2 (t) for teT Q . Then f(t)e^(t,p) y-a.e. and since ij;(»,0 is integrably bounded we can conclude that feS (p). If we show that ii f-yii < v then ygS (p) + vB and we will be done. But this is easy to see. We have Hf-yil = St/t "Mt) ~ y(t)lldy(t) + f_ llf ? (t)-y(t)||dy(t) i/i i Q < 2/ , h(t)d u (t) + / 6d u (t) i/l This completes the proof of the fact that, if the sequence {p : n=l,2,...| in P converges to peP, then for a suitable n_ (4.2) S (p ) C S (p) + V B for all n > n n . \\> n ijj — U Define now the mapping y : L.(y,X) + X by y(x) = J x(t)dy(t). It follows from (4.2) that for all n _> n~ , -13- Y(8 t (P B )) - (Y(x) : xeS^(p n )} = f-l|>(t,p )dy(t) C Y (S(p) + V B) = y(S,(p)) + Y (vB) = / T ^(t > p)d M (t) + V B Hence, Li|»(t,p n )dy(t) C J T 4,(t,p)d u (t:) + vB for all n _> n Q . i.e., f—iji(t, • )dy(t) is q.u.s.c. as was to be shown. 4.3 Proof of Theorem 3.2 T ( X ) We first show that the correspondence S : P -»- 2 1 ^ ' " defined by S x (p) ■ (yeL ( U ,X) : y(t)ed»(t,p) p-a.e.l d> i is l.s.c. To see this, let (p : n-1,2,...} be a sequence in P converging to peP. We must show that S (p) C LiS (p ). Since by assumption for d> (t> n each fixed teT, (t,») is l.s.c. we have that d>(t,p) CLi(t,p ) for all teT, and therefore, (4 ' 3) yP )CS Ll/Pn>- It follows now from Lemma 4.2 that (4.3) can be written as S x ( P } C S r^(P ) C LiS (p ) Lid) n $ r n Hence , S (O is l.s.c. -14- Define now the mapping y : L.(y,X) + X by y(x) = | x(t)dy(t). Then y i- s linear and norm continuous. Notice that y(S (p)) = fy(x) : xeS (p)} = f T (t ,p)dy ( t). Since S (.) is l.s.c. so is y(S ), » ffl 1

i.e., f rj>( t , • )dp( t ) is l.s.c. as was to be shown. This completes the proof of Theorem 3.2. 4 .4 Proof of Corollary 3.2 We begin by proving an approximate version of the Fatou Lemma in infinite dimensions [see also Balder (1987), Khan-Majuradar (1986) and Yannelis (1988a) for w-Ls versions of this Lemma], which may be con- sidered as an extension of the finite dimensional Fatou-type Lemmata obtained in Auraann (1965), Artstein (1979), Balder (1984), Hildenbrand-Mertens (1971), Rustichini-Yannelis (1986), and Schmeidler (1970). Lemma 4.3 : Let (T,x,u) be a complete, finite measure space and X X be a separable Banach space. Let 2 , (n=l,2,...) be a sequence of nonempty valued, graph measurable and integrably bounded correspondences, taking values in a compact, nonempty subset of X. Then LsJ $ (t)du(t) C c2,/ T Ls n (t)d u (t). Moreover, if Ls<+> (•) is convex valued, then Y n Ls/ T (t)dy(t). Proof : Denote by P the interval [0,1). Define the correspondence ijj : TxP * 2 by -15- . n (t) U * n+1 U) if —-7- < D < ~ n+1 r n if p = n+1 I Ls (t) Y n if p = 0. It can be easily checked that for each fixed teT, *(t,«) is u.s.c. and that for each fixed peP, (*>p) has a measurable graph. Moreover, * is integrably bounded. Hence, * satisfies all the assumptions of Theorem 3.1 and thus, j tyi t , • )dy ( t) is q. u.s.c. Let now x e Ls („<$) (t)du(t), i.e., there exists x such that lim x = x, J T r n M n. , n. k k-*» k x £ f_* (t)dy(t), (k=l,2,...). We wish to show that n k \ x e ci/ T Ls4> n (t)d u (t). Since j ty( t , • )dy( t) is q. u.s.c. it follows that if p converges n k to then J ^(t,p )du(t) C J \\>( t ,0)d u ( t) + vB for all sufficiently k large k. Consequently, x e f T ^( t ,0)dy ( t) + v>B for all sufficiently n k large k and therefore, xecJ, f_il(( t ,0)dy( t) = cjtf_LsA (t)dn(t) as was to J T J T n be shown. If now Ls* (•), is convex valued (recall that Ls* (•) is T n Y n closed valued as well) it follows from Lemma 4.1 and the first conclu- sion of Lemma 4.3 that Ls/ T $ dy(t) C c£j_LsA (t)dy(t) = J Ls^ (t)dy(t). The proof of the Lemma is now complete. We are now ready to complete the proof of Corollary 3.2. Notice first that it follows from Lemma 4.2 that (4.4) jLi* C Li J a. . -16- To see this define the linear mapping y : L.(jj,X) * X by y(x) = f_x(t)d u (t). Note that yiS.. ) = jv(x) : x e S T . 1 = [Li* and hence > T ' Li* l ' Li(b J J y n *n T n by virtue of Lemma 4.2 we can conclude that y(S. . ) C y(LiS ) = Lid) A Y n T n {•y(x) : xeLiS } = Lifd> . This completes the proof of (4.4). Since L d) J n Y n by assumption (t) -»- d>(t) y-a.e., i.e., ( t ) = Lid) (t) = Lsd) (t) y-a.e., it follows from Lemma 4.3 and the expression (4.4) above that: (4.5) /d> = /Li(t)d u (t) = LiJ <|> (t)du(t) = LsJ $ (t)d u (t), i.e. , / T <)> (t)d u (t) + c£/ T cf,(t)d u (t). If now («) is convex valued, (4.5) can be written (recall the second conclusion of Lemma 4.3) as: /♦ = / Li r n C Li / n C Ls / n C / Ls n = /♦• Thus, / T (t)dy(t) = Li/ ^ (t)d u (t) = LsJ n (t)d u (t) * / T 4,(t)d u (t), and this completes the proof of Corollary 3.2 -17- 5. ON THE WEAK CLOSED GRAPH PROPERTY OF THE AUMANN INTEGRAL Let {A : n=l,2,...} be a sequence of nonempty subsets of a Banach space X, and denote by w-LsA the set of its weak limit superior points , i.e. , w-LsA = {xeX : x = w-limx , x eA , k=l,2,...l. n i . n, n . n. J k->-ao k k k Let (T,f,p) be a complete finite measure space, P be a metric space and X be a separable Banach space. The correspondence ijj : TxP + 2 is said to have a weakly closed graph if w-Ls^(t,p ) C ij»(t t p) y-a.e., whenever the sequence |p : n=l,2,...| in P converges to peP. The following result in Yannelis (1988b) will be used to prove that if for each fixed tgT, \\>(t y *) has a weakly closed graph then so does the integral of <|j(t,*)« Lemma 5.1 : Let (T,x,y) be a finite measure space and X be a separable Banach space. Let |f : n=l,2,...| be a sequence of func- tions in L (ji,X), 1 _< p < oo such that f converges weakly to feL (y,X). Suppose that for all n, (n=l,2,...), f (t)eF(t) y-a.e., where F : T + 2 is a weakly compact, integrably bounded, nonempty valued correspondence. Then f (t)econw-Lsj f (t)} y-a.e n Proof : See Yannelis (1988b, Corollary 3.1). We are now ready to state the main result of this section, which generalizes Theorem 4.1 in Yannelis (1988a). -18- Theorem 5.1 : Let (T,t,u) be a complete, finite measure space, P be a metric space and X be a separable Banach space. Let ijj : TxP ■* 2 be a nonempty, closed, convex valued correspondence such that: (i) for each fixed tgT, ij>(t,») has a weakly closed graph, (ii) for all (t.p) E TxP, ijj(t,p) CK(t) where K : T * 2 X is an integrably bounded, weakly compact and nonempty valued correspondence. Then Ji|)(t,.) has a weakly closed graph. Proof : We first show that the set-valued function S : P + 2 Ll(u,X) defined by S (p) = {xeLjCy.X) : x( t ) e ,j,( t ,p) u -a.e.}, has a weakly closed graph, i.e., if jp : n=l,2,...| is a sequence in P converging to peP» then (5.1) w-LsS (p ) C S (p)_ lj; n ip To this end let xew-LsS (p ), i.e., there exists x^ , (k=l,2,...) in \j; n K L (u,X) such that x^ converges weakly to xeL (y,X), and x (t)e^(t,p ) k u-a.e. , we must show that xeS (p). It follows from Lemma 5.1 that x( t )econw-Ls| x, ( t ) | u-a.e. and therefore (5.2) x(t)econw-Ls^( t ,p ) u-a.e. n Since for each fixed teT, ip(t,») has a weakly closed graph we have that: -19- (5.3) w-Lsij>(t,p ) C ^ ( t , p) p-a.e n Combining (5.2) and (5.3) and taking into account the fact that \|> is convex valued we have that x(t)eij/(t ,p) y-a.e. Since ty is integrably bounded, we can conclude that xgS (p). This completes the proof of the fact that S (•) has a weakly closed graph. Define the linear •J* mapping tt : L^u.X) + X by tt(x) = /x(t)dy(t). It follows from (5.1) that if the sequence {p : n=l,2,...j in P con- verges to peP , then Tr(w-LsS,(p )) = W(x) : x e w-LsS,(p )} = w-LsU(t,p ) Ctt(S (p)) = Itt(x) : x e S (p)} i.e., fij>(t:,0 has a weakly closed graph as was to be shown. Remark 5.1 ; It can be easily shown by means of the failure of the Lyapunov theorem in infinite dimensional spaces that Theorem 5.1 is false without the convex valueness of the correspondence X \\i : TxP > 2 [see Rustichini (1987) for a complete argument]. -20- FOOTNOTES In general equilibrium theory, T denotes the measure space of agents, X denotes the commodity space, P denotes the price space, 4>(t,p) denotes the demand set of agent t at prices p and the integral of (j> denotes the aggregate demand set [see for instance Aumann (1966) or Schmeidler (1969) or Hildenbrand (1974) who have considered the I above problem for X = R , in order to prove the existence of an equilibrium for an economy with an atomless measure space of agents and with finitely many commodities]. 2 See for instance Khan-Yannelis (1987) for the usefulness of our results in general equilibrium theory. 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