,1 r '■ It--'" >V." SI '^'' p^ p/; 1. ^ri-;,; 4' ■ Iv i, -* I. ' LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS AT URBANA-CHAMPAIGN 510.84 i-eer no. 131-140 cop. 3 The person charging this material is re- sponsible for its return to the library from which it was withdrawn on or before the Latest Date stamped below. Theft, mutilation, and underlining of books are reasons for disciplinary action and may result in dismissal from the University. To renew call Telephone Center, 333-8400 UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS LIBRARY AT URBANA-CHAMPAIGN NOV 1 m SFP 1 ! % L161— O-1096 Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2013 http://archive.org/details/emitterfollowers134moto DIGITAL COMPUTER LABORATORY UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS URBANA, ILLINOIS Report No, l^k EMITTER FOLLOWER STABILITY by T. Moto-Oka, T, A„ Murrell, and H. Guckel March 5^ 1963 thi^Atn^^ ""r "^PP°^^^^ i^ P^^^ ^y the Office of Naval Research and 1t(11-1^4i5!^''^^ Commission under Contract Nos. Nonr-l834 (15) and 1 ( l^r Synposis Stability problems in the non-restoring logic part of the new computer resulted in a re-examination of the emitter follower problem. Parts I and II describe the theoretical problem based on the work of R, Beaufoy and T, T, Sparkes. This again is a small signal theory and results are similar to earlier work. The important addition is the sufficient condition for stability. Comparison of theory and experiment yield good results. Part III presents measurements on "typical layouts" made to determine the magnitude of the negative real part of the input impedance which actually occurs. Part IV gives details of the compensator design. LW 1 Measurements were carried out with the Boonton RX Meter. Evaluation of preceeding data lead to the design of an RL compensator. Tests performed with the filter indicate its functionality and non-interference as far as signals are concerned. I- Equivalent Circuit The elements of the equivalent circuit are discussed in detail in the paper by Beaufoy and Sparkes, but a few words of explanation here may be in R. Beaufoy, T. T. Sparkes, "The Junction Transistors as a Charge- Controlled Device, ATEJ, vol. I3, pp. 31O-327 (October, I957). ■1- order. The more familiar elements are r^^, the ohmic part of the base resistance; C^, the combined transition region capacitance (voltage dependent) and diffusion region capacitance (current dependent) of the emitter-base diode; and C^, the transition region capacitance of the collector-base diode. Typical values for the GF-45011 and S-I66 transistors are : ^bb " ^5 ^° ^50 ohms Cg = 5 pf or so (the effect is found to be negligible) Cp = 2 pf The element shown as r^ represents the voltage-current relationship across the emitter-base diode. For small signals, this becomes equivalent to Shockley's r^, and has been shown to be kT r_ = ' ^^E For typical circuits r^ is some 3 to 5 ohms. ^ is the base control charge, consisting of hole flow from emitter to base and electron flow from the base lead,, both stored on S^, the base store. V^B ^^^ V^C ^^^ "^^^^^^ generators . T and T^ are related to a and co The value of a, the low frequency current amplification factor, is chosen as an average over the relatively large current swing of the signals encountered in emitter-follower oscillations, and is typically O.96 to O.99. Some care is necessary in interpreting co^, the forward (normal direction) cutoff frequency. As Pritchard has pointed out,^ this is the cutoff frequency associated with the factor a, the current generator of the standard tee equiv- alent circuit, rather than the measured cutoff frequency associated with alpha. The difference becomes more important for transistors in which drift due to an electric field in the base is appreciable. This includes all mesa transistors as well as those known specifically as "drift transistors." 2 I R^F ^f ^"^^^^^ "Electric Network Representation of Transistors-A Survey " I.R.E. Trans., vol. CT-3, p. 5, March. iqs6. survey. \, p. 5, March, I956. -2- To arrive at a reasonable value for c^, one can set Z (in the emitter load) and L (the collector load) to zero and solve for p, the short-circuit current gain for common emitter. After some manipulation, the result can be expressed as: 1 + P = 1 + ja^r n e E 1 - a + J(^JC~rc^ where a = 1/T^ a N 1 ^ ja3ii:22) CO N If we assume that 03^ = (2n) (800 mc ) and evaluate |p| for f = 100 mc the result is 1^1 = 5.6. This is only a little above the minimum specifications Of the GF-45011 and S-166, and corresponds to an alpha cutoff frequency of about 500 mc. Assuming the usual distribut: reasonably typical value. ;ion curve for production, this is a II. The Theory The problem is essentially that of finding the input impedance of the following circuit: Figure 2 Evaluation of the indicated loop currents yields : B sa L -z 1 (r,^ z) -z -z -1 (r + Z + sL) (-sL - 4") sC^ 'J i; L°J By making use of the relationship: (1) A 1 1 1 = J. 'I'm T^ T E B C T„ = 1.22 C ao). N y (2) and Z. = r'^ + Z! m bb m (3) in A. 32 ^33 " ^5 (h) the input impedance may be expressed as -k- Z! = Z m 1 + sr T e E s^i- c 1 2, (s + — )(1 + s LH ) E ^ + sC Z 1 + sr C e E ^ 1 + s^LH (5) Addition of r^^ to equation (5) will yield the desired impedance. It was found that for the operation conditions of interest, both L and r may be neglected. Z! m = Z s + r =L=0 e s + 1_ ^E (5a) if Equation (5a) becomes 2 = G + sC Z! m 1 S + rr, r =L=0 , , T, e sn + (g + sC) - s + 1 (5b) If this is evaluated for s = jco and the real part if results . part if examined, equation (6) R(Z! ' (i-»^(C^.C)).c.2(G,_C,^) T ^T E B m T T E B 'G ..2,„ _^^2 2 ^' r -L-0 'T, e E B (6) -5- The denominator is positive for < c < +.. a negative real part is therefore due to the behavior of the numerator. The root of this equation for a: > is given by CO = 2 1 (^ d - q; ) iP ^°22 ^nV - 1°22gJ (7) Hence, for 03^ < ox . the input impedance of (5b) will have a negative real part if %%^G 1 1.22 C RC (8) Equation (8) is then the necessary condition for instability. It is of cours not sufficient. It indicates that for a given transistor large values of R and C will be more likely to result in instability, whereas for a given load high values of a^ and 03^ may lead to difficulties . It is interesting to note that equation (8) results if the positive real condition is applied to equation (6) as cd -> oo. The sufficiency condition for stability may be obtained in several ways. A direct approach would include the determination of the maximum with respect to o) of equation (6) and a subsequent evaluation of the equation at The criterion for stability is then of course given by: e this value of o) max R(Z. I m + r.', > (9) "bb r =L=0 a>:co e max However, due to the degree of the equations involved only numerical examples may be treated. In order to avoid this difficulty use is made of the theorem that both zeros and poles of the driving point impedance are restricted to the left-half s plane. Furthermore, since an expression of the form 3 Bode: Network Analysis and Feedback Amplifier Design -6- Z. = -R(a)) - jx(a)) is not unstable per se the wiring inductance L in the m ' w base circuit is now added. The test is then to be performed on Gn LJC^ . C)s- + [rJC^ + C) . rLjs'= + (1 + r^r . L^ ^]s + (f- + -^) B 'T T E B m r =L=0 e (c^ + c)s^ + rs + I B where (10) r- (G + ^ + f) E B The poles of this equation are always in the left-half plane. For a third degree equation with positive coefficients F(s ) = as + bs + cs + d (11) The Hurwitz test leads to the condition: £ . a d b (12) which, when applied to equation (T.0) yields C T ^ T E B V^c^^^)^^ (13) 2 b b PL - w 1 ,c^ + c + r > W -E^ L (1 + L ^) w^ ^ ^E The wiring inductance L will change from circuit to circuit. It may be w assumed that any value of L occurs. In order to find the minimum permissible w -7- value of r' as determined by this parameter^ that value of L must he found "bb w which maximizes r' . This value is found by differentiating equation (13) and letting -v^ = 0. w \c 2G c^. c '/ 1 - r. r b ''b^^c -^ =' / 1 2G TT, 1 + r^r\2 (Ik) Substitution into equation (13) yields the sufficient condition for stability: ^b r - ^G TJ? C + C (15) L = L w wc Equation (6) was evaluated for a series of parameter values. The strong effect of a^ and C is to be noted. Since, if r' = 0, any base-to-ground capacity (C^) is in parallel with C ;, the damping effect of this parameter was considered. The beneficial effect is shown in Figure 8. In order to achieve some type of compensation network the effect of r^ and L^^ the collector inductance, was studied. There is nearly no problem associated with the collector inductance. However, if L becomes large fast pulses will yield voltage drops, which in turn cause C (collector depletion layer capacity) to be modulated. But this effect is beneficial, since C would tend to increase, resulting in a decrease of the negative real part magnitude. But a side effect occurs, also. If several collectors are tied together through a common power supply wire and marginal stability exists, instability of one may cause instability of all. The effects of r^ are shown in Figure 10, Since r is always current modulated it is possible to have stability for some injection levels, namely the low ones, and instability for higher ones. The possibility of relaxation oscillations exists and has been verified experimentally. Figures 11 and 12 represent worst-case wiring conditions. The capacitive loading curve shows the worst load for a GF~i+5011 to be about 120 ji^uf . -8- smqo = a souBq-STsay -9- o o o o o O o o o o o o PO CM H o o o o o o o H 1 CM 1 ■10- -Tl- o o o o ' UNIVERSITY OF i ILLINOIS LIBRARY -12- siuqo ^ a aou-BC^sisaa ■13" siuqo UT aouBpadurr anduj; jo Q-j-bj i^aa ...14- -15- suiqo = y; aDU'B':^ sissy -16- 5 6 7 « C Figure 11 Effect of loading capacity on negative real part of input impedance (Equation 15} •IT" III. Experimental Results Previous results depict the theoretical problem and rather idealized situations. The wiring which occurs in practice permits nearly any value of \} and, in particular,, mostly those values which are too large for the critical case discussed earlier. These arguments led to the measurement of transistors "in their environment," that is to say, in situations which hopefully simulate worst cases in the new computer. The experimental data fall into two groups : a) obtained from high-frequency jig connection b) actual metal chassis connections The basic difference is, of course, the length of the interconnecting wires. However, an effect which is at least as strong if not stronger, is due to the capacity from base to ground. Data taken from the high-frequency jig may be ten times larger than in the actual case. In order to measure the non-linearity due to changing injection levels the data shown in Figure 13 were taken. The effect of cascading had to be studied to test the feasibility of a single compensator in a chain of emitter followers (Figure 8). It is reasonably safe to assume that the data represents an average situation. IV. Compensator Design The requirements of the damper are as follows: 1. Its direct current resistance should be zero in order that additional direct current requirements may not be needed. 2. Its pulse response must be so that no ringing results with fast rise times and rise times are not affected. No additional delay should be generated, 3. It must provide an impedance such that R(Z) > (|r(Z )|) in ' ' ° Point (l) is, of course, satisfied by any network which is shunted by an inductance. Simplicity and space requirement suggest an RL circuit as shown in Figure 17 . -19- FIG. 14 -21- - T ?^ T ^ ^ ^^ \ . ^^ N a: vl'l. LiLJi - ■-> () A* -r- ■sir^ ^r io — n t 31 'T rT' —Itr — \- TI K— !tl-0:-v- '_i_ i rn ILL _l ^ (D O ,0 \ -r- .H 3r ■■ h ^, -+- -. 1 ^''~ '^ + + E* -CU. J S. _. '- l>r "^~ t ~^k_ '"*" L \ ^' JJ^ r- V "1 ~\ \ H ' \ ^ TO - ' Ju- 3^ § - " t -^=L id ^ 1 '^ ^ - \ T -r-^ S' i 1 ^ " v-- C) ■ \ -Ja^u^ -■ i i:J^^^__p., 1 \ -CL ° -ti 1 '^tu-^ . ■" " I ^i'^ ^5 -■! ■- ^ V l^l< ~ _d_| nv ;j- - - ^ j(^ :^Zi \A-ii 11 2--CI K ^-J 1" S - ^ " -f— _.:t x\~ I.T - 1 -H ,=. (3 a-^i — ' -ii- LL_fl' in _il _, rj^j-, ^5 rrrl-S IT --^C i _. i i> .=L-?.| (5- =lJ1i_=1 o y fiLf ~\ 13 ir a; if —^ — .^^r ^: -f - ;;# s*- i._(]M© -44- 1 u-^i_3: JL 1 n:^- rH tI o ■ 1 rTi 35 -c" -cr »-■, -t ^-(--^tr-H <:) ^^ _P Xl ^->;- Mi- I b^ t4) fe cl / n --' S U4 -f I L , ' ^J : r ' fi L-rfn rH:^ H44 t±yf\ Tr ^1 L-kI '■ 'yf ^+44- HFtT _mi J4^T i. J^I _ ^s* ^^"^^J" ^^''^ -*^-"-=" "^^^^--■'■^ i>--^r-=^~~"°"° '" [tt4 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 IfhH-M^I l"'l 1 1 1 1 rlttfflTTTi I ITITI 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 - L-l— LJ o o o o CVJ I o o I -22- -23" ^c "^ Figure 17 In order to satisfy point (2) o)^ should be as small as possible. This means that the minimum value of R^ should be used. The value of L may be determined in such a way that compensation starts when the real part of the input impedance starts to go negative. The arguments lead to a network which has the following response : Ideal J'- ^Compensator (actual) Figure I8 Examination of Figure 15 reveals the difficulty of compensating several stages. There is no absolute assurance that stability can be maintained for all cases. The resistor R^ would become too large and a slow-down would result. -2k- -25- 1 S- ■ D D — () \ C c <) ^- I ^- \ S- — r — i ;J> \ ^- — X-V — n- -< P ^ - \ ^- 3 1 iV S- \ □c I "^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ■>t cr — oo - 2 2 2 2 1— • 1— I i_^ k-i "-^ UJ UJ L-^ g cc cs: cs: 5^ o o a O o o o uj ci S ci Lu ci uj d CS <:3 c£ <3 CI ^ c£ a 2t:2^-2l-2H cl t^ cc ^5 cs: t^ cc t^ ^ ^^ C N X \ va — NS X ^ - > V A Y '^ — \\ ^\ ro + A\ CS. o 1- C£ ^. No, h -30- Results are as shown: Figure 24 All horizontal scales 5 nsec/cm; traces are identified along the 3 cm line as TP No. 2^ TP No. 1^ TP No. h, and TP No. 3. b) Parallel test Figure 25 3.3 K TP No. 7 o i Results are as shown Figure 26 All horizontal scale 5 nsec/cm; upper traces are TP No. k through TP No. 8; lower traces are TP No. 1 and TP No, 2 from top to bottom. Machine Test Forty-nine 2l+0 ohm/lO turn/Q-1 (red) dampers were installed in Chassis Q-I3 of the new computer. It was known that several instabilities existed in the chassis. After installation no oscillations were observed. Since this chassis contains three levels of non-restoring logic it is felt that the damper will work successfully in nearly all cases. However, if compensation IS used in such a tree structure, stability can be assured only if all emitter followers in the group are compensated, that is, all negative resistances must be removed. -32- and in the coefficients of the other terras. It may be verified that the right hand member of equation (6,l8) is equal to the right hand member of (6.15). This may be done by performing the indicated differentiations. Thus we see that in the classical limits the gravitational stress energy tensor E^^ introduced above leads to a conservation of energy equation similar in form to that proposed by Bondi. However, the energy density and the analogue of the Poynting vector, the quantities eJ and eJ differ in detail from those he proposed. -21-