UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS LIBRARY AT URBANA-CHAMPAIGN EOOKSTACKS Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2016 w lln54li U. S. DEPARTMENT OF LABOR BUREAU OF LABOR STATISTICS WASHINGTON LIST OF BUREAUS OF LABOR, INDUSTRIAL C0L3VIISSI0NS , ETC*, AND THEIR CHIEF OFFICIALS, December 1, 1913. S'tate . : Name of bureau. Name and title of off icer . chief ; Location Name . t Title. : bureau. Jnited States Bureau of Labor Stat, Royal Meeker : Commissioner \/ashington , D-C. Arkansas Bureau of Labor and J. G, Clary : Commissioner Little Rock Stat. M. J. McMahon : Deputy Com- Little Rock : missioner Calif ornia Bureau of Labor Stat, John P. McLaughlin : Commissioner 948 Market St., San Francisco Colorado Bureau of Labor Stat. J. B. Pearce rSecy.of State Denver (Commissioner ex-of f icio ) E, V. Brake :Dep. Com. Denver Connecticut Bureau of Labor Stat, P. H, Connolley ;Commissioner Hartf ord Georgia Dept, of Commerce and H. M, Stanley iCommissioner Atlanta Labor J. T. Derry :Asst. Com. Atlanta Hawaii Dept, of Immigration, Ralph A. Kearns :Act ing • Com. Honolulu Labor and Stat. Idaho Bureau of Immigration S. J. Rich : Commissioner Boise Labor and Stat. Illinois Bureau of Labor Stax. Patrick H. Hart ; Secretary Spring! ield Indiana Bureau of Stat. T. W. Brolley : Chief Indianapolis Iowa Bureau of Labor Stat. A* L. Urlclc :Ccmraissioner Des Moines Kansas Dbpt< of Labor and W..L. ^O’Brien : Commissioner Topeka Industry Kentucky Bureau of Agriculture J. \7. Newman iCommissioner Frankf ort Labor and Stat. Louisiana Bureau of Stat. of Wm. McGilvray iCommissioner New Orleans Labor Maine Dept, of Le.bor and J. F, Connelly I Commissioner / ;,.gusta Industry Maryland Bureau of Statistics Frank A. YiThite I Chief Baltimore Snd .Inf ormation. Massachusetts Bureau of Stat. C, F. Gettemy iDirector Boston State Board of Labor Robt. N, Turner iCom. of Labor and Industries 5 members James A. Lowell I Chairman 721 A New Albion Jemes Y/. Crook Bldg., No. 1 Channing Smith Beacon St., William Acton Boston Mary H, Dewey Grover C, Hoyt I Secretary 1 - 2 - State . Michigan Minnesota Missouri Montana Nebraska Nevada New Hampshire New Jersey i iNew York North Carolina North Dakota Ohio Oklah oma Oregon Name of bureau. Name and title of chief officer. Name . : Title . Location of bureau . Dept, of Labor J, V, Cunningham ‘.Commissioner Lansing C. E. Hogadone ; Deputy Com. Lansing Dept, of Labor and W, F, Houk ; Commissioner St, Paul Industries Bureau of Labor Stat. J.T, Fitzpatrick :Commissioner Jefferson City H, P. Reeds :Deputy Com, Jefferson City John L. Bradley :Deputy Com, Jefferson City A, T, Edmonston : Supervisor of : Stat. Jefferson City Dept, of Labor and W. J .Swindlehurst :Commissioner Helena Industry Bureau of Labor and Ghas , W, Pool ^Deputy Com, Lincoln Industrial Stat. Gov, John H. : Morehead :Commissioner Lincoln Bureau of Industry, CC, A, Norcross :Commissioner Carson City Agriculture and Irrigation Bureau of Labor J. S. B, Davie ; Commissioner Concord Bureau of Stat, of George G. Lowe : Chief Trenton Labor and In- dustries Dept, of Labor Lewis T. Bryant : Commissioner Trenton John I, Holt :Asst. Com, Trenton Depte of Labor J. M, Lynch ; Commissioner Albany Industrial Board J.M, Lynch, Com, of Labor , Chairman Address of Miss Pauline Goldmark Board : 5 members Chas . C, Flae^sch : ' 381 Fourth (Com, of Labor Richard J. Cullen: New York C and 4 associate Meiurice Wertheira ; members ) John R. Shillady : Secretary Dept, of Labor and M, L. Shipman '.Commissioner Raleigh Printing J Dept, of Agriculture V/, C. Gilbreath : Commissioner Fargo and Labor ; Industrial Commission Wallace D, Yaple : Chairman Columbus 3 commissioners M. B, Hammond : Vice-Chairman Columbus T. J, Duffy : Columbus Dept, of Labor Wm. C. Archer : Secretary Columbus C, L. Daugherty ;Commissioner Guthrie Bureau of Labor Stat. 0, P. Hoff i Commissioner Salem and Inspection of Factories and . Workshops J r r ( state . Name of bureau. Name and title of chief ' officer. Name- ; Title. Location of bureau . Pennsylvania Dept, of Labor and John P. Jackson Commissioner Harrisburg Indiastry Industrial Board 5 members John P . Jackson, C and Industry Mrs, Samuel Semple yom. of Labor Philippine , / / Bureau of Labor James C. Cronin Ceo. S. Gorastock llaj. John P. Wood Manuel Tinio Director Manila Islands Porto Rico Bureau of Labor J. Clark Bills Chief San Juan Rhode Island Bureau of Industrial G. H. Webb Commissioner Prov idence South Carolina Stat , Dept, of Agriculture, E. J, Watson Commissioner Colunabia Texas Commerce and In- dustries Bureau of Labor Stat. J. A. Starling Commissioner ACMftin Utah Bureau of Immigration H. T, Haines Commissioner Salt Lake City Virginia Labor and Stat, Bureau of Labor and J. B, Doherty Commissioner Richmond Washington Industrial Stat, Bureau of Labor Edw, Vlf. Olson Commissioner Olympia West Virginia Bureau of Labor I. V. Barton Commissioner Y/heeling Wisconsin Industrial Commission C. H. Crownhart Chairman Madison 3 Commissioners J. D. Beck Fred M. Wilcox P. J. Watrous Secretary Madison Madison Madison 1 ; / J i Minimum Vfege Boards, December 1, 1913. Calif ornia Industrial Welfare Commission 5 members Hon. Frank J. Murasky, Judge of Superior Court, Chairman. Mrs. Katherine Edson A. B. C. Dohrmann. A. Bonnheim. Walter G. I&tthewson Address of commission: San Francisco. Colorado State Wage Board Not yet appointed. Massachusetts Minimum Wage Commission 3 commissioners H. La Rue Brovm, Chairman. Arthur K. Holcombe. Mabel Gillespie . Amy Hewes, Secretary. Address of commission; Rooms 720-721, New Albion Building, 1 Beacon Street, Boston. Minnesota Minimum Yfege Commission 3 members W. F. Houk, Commissioner of Labor, Chairmani Ai H. Lindeke. Eliza P. Evans, Secretary. Address of commission: St. Paul. Nebraska Minimum Wage Commission Not yet appointed. Oregon Industrial Welfare Commission 3 members Edwin V. O'Hara, Chairman. Bertha Moores. Arne dee M. Smith. Miss Caroline J. Gleason, Secretary. Address of commission: 610 Commercial Block, Portland. Utah No board. Commissioner of Immigra.tion, Labor and Statistics charged with enforcement of law. V.' Washingt on Wisconsin - 2 - Industrial liVelfara Coramission 5 members Edv/. ’W. Olson, Commissioner of Labor, Chairman. Utrs. Jackson Silbaugh. Dr. Theresa McMahon. Mrs, Florence H. Swanson. (One member yet to bo appointed.) Stuart A. Rice, Secretary, Address of commission: Olympia, Industrial Commission 3 commissioners C, H. Crownhart, Chairman. J. D, Beck. Fred M. Wilcox, P, J, Watrous, Secretary. Address of commission: Madison, Workmen's Gom‘;'©nsat ion and Insurance Commissions, December 1, 1913. Calif ornia Industrial Accident Board 3 Commissioners A. J. Pillsbury, Chairman, Piedmont, Vifill J. French, San Francisco, Harris Weinstook, San Francisco. Ira B. Cross, Secretary. Address of board: : Underwood Building, 525 Market Street, San Francisco, Connecticut Workmen’s Compensation Commission 5 Commissioners Talcott H, Russell, Chairman, New Haven. Edward T* Buckingham, Secretary, Bridgeport. George B* Chandler, 209 Pearl St., Hartford. Dr. James J. Donohue, Willimantic, Frederic M, Williams, Waterbury, Illinois Industrial Board 3 members H. S, Tanner, Chairman. P. J. Angsten. 3d member not yet appointed, W. V, Conley, Secretary, Address of board: 1003-1004 City Hall Square Building, Chicag Massachusetts Industrial Accident Board 5 members James B, Carroll, Chairman Dudley M, Holman. David T, Dickinson, Edward F. McS'H'<'-.ney . Joseph A . Parks . Robert E. Grandfield, Secretary and executive officer. Address of board; Room 201, Pemberton Building, 12 Pemberton Square, Boston. Michigan Industrial Accident Board 3 members John E, Kinnane , Chairman, Bay City. J. A. Kennedy, Sault Ste . Marie. Ora E. Reaves, Jackson, Richard L. Drake, Secretary. Address of beard: Oakland Building, Lansing. fVi i .Tv * M 1 Nevada Industrial Commission 5 members Tasker L. Oddio, Governor, Chairman, Edward Ryan, State mine inspector. George B, Thatcher, Attorney General H. A. Lemmon. William E. Wallace, John J. Mullin, Secretary, Address of commission: Carson City, New Jersey Employers* Liability Commission 6 members Wm, B. Dickson, President, Montclair Samuel Botterill, East Orange » J, Wm, Clark, Nev/ark. John T. Cosgrove, Elizabeth, Walter E. Edge, Atlantic City* Edward K. Mills, Morristown* V/m. E, Stubbs, Secretary. Address of commission: Trenton, Ohio Industrial Commission 3 commissioners Wallace D, Yaple, Chairman. M. B. Hammond J Vice Chairman, T. J, Duffy, Wm, C, Archer, Secretary, Address of commission: Columbus Oregon State Industrial Accident Commission 3 commissioners Harvey Beckv;ith, Chairman, Wra, A, Marshall, C, D. Babcock. Address of commission: Salem, Texas Industrial Accident Board 3 members Joseph D. Sayers, . ' . 0, P, Pyle, William J. Moran, Vi/', L, Hartung, Secretary, . Address of board; Austin. ;V . . H . \ \ 1 . % il \ Washington West Virginia V/isc onsin Industrial Insurance Commission 3 commissioners Floyd L, Daggett, Chairman. John H. Wallace. Ambrose B, Ernst, Howard L. Bindley, Secretary. Address of commission: Olympia. Public Service Commission 4 commissioners Lee Ott, Chairman, Charles H, Bronson. W. C, Kilmer, Howard N, Ogden. R. B. Bernheim Secretary, Leo L. Stendar, Rate Clerk, Workmen's Comp. Address of commission: Charleston, Industrial Commission 3 commissioners C . H . Crovmhart , Chairman , J, D. Beck. Fred M, Wilcox. P. J, Watrous, Secretary. Address of commission: Madison, i I