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BARBER, Hamilton. The Superintendent of Public Instruction, ALFRED BAYLISS, Springfield. ALEXANDER MCLEAN Macomb, Term Qf Qfflce SAMUEL A. BULL ARD Springfield I expires in MRS. CARRIE T. ALEXANDER Belleville ) 1907 CHARLES H. LEHMAN Mattoon LEONID ASH. KERRICK Bloomington MRS. LAURA B. EVANS Taylorville WILLIAM L. ABBOTT 139 Adams street, Chicago DR. CHARLES DAVISON 1010, 103 State street Chicago Term of Office expires in 1909 Term of Office expires in MRS. MARY E. BUSEY Urbana ) 1911 OFFICERS OF THE BOAKD SAMUEL A. BULL ARD Springfield President WILLIAM L. PILLSBURY Urbana Secretary HELGE A. HAUGAN, Chicago State Bank Chicago Treasurer PROFESSOR S. W. SHATTUCK Urbana Comptroller THE UNIVEKSITY CALENDAR 1906-1907 First Semester September 12, Wednesday. September 17, 18, Monday and Tuesday. September 19, Wednesday. 1905-1906 Second Semester February 5. Monday. June 13, Wednesday. Entrance Examinations begin. Registration Days. Instruction begins. Instruction begins. Thirty-fifth Annual Commencement ADVISORY COMMITTEE W. D. GATES Chicago D. V. PURINGTON Chicago F. W. BUTTERWORTH Danville J. W. STEPES Champaign A. W- GATES Monmouth Men's Gymnasium 2 Armory 3 Wood Shop and Foundry 4 Metal Shops 5 Electrical and Mechanical Laboratory 6 Reservoir 7 Heating Plant 8 Pumping Plant 9 Laboratory of Applied Me- chanics 10 Engineering Hall 11 Greenhouse 12 President's House 13 Library 14 University Hall 15 Natural History Hall 16 College of Law 17 Chemical Laboratory 18 Agricultural Building3 19 Greenhouse 20 Observatory 21 Warehouse 22 Veterinary Building 23 Insectary 24 Woman's Building 25 Mechanical Engineering Laboratory N W- -E S UNIVERSITY GROUNDS AND BUILDINGS 194131 INSTRUCTORS.* Edmund Janes James, Ph. D., LL. D., President of the University. GEOLOGY AND CERAMICS. Charles Wesley Rolfe, M. S., Professor of Geology. Di- rector of Courses in Ceramics. Harry Bert Fox, M. S., Instructor in Geology. J. Claude Jones, A. B., Instructor in Geology. ROSS C. Purdy, Instructor in Ceramics. CHEMISTRY. Samuel Wilson Parr, M. S., Professor of Applied Chemistry. Harry Sands Grindley, Sc. D., Professor of General Chemistry. Azariah Thomas Lincoln, Ph. D., Assistant Professor of Chemistry. William Maurice Dehn, Ph. D., Instructor in Chemistry. MATHEMATICS. Edgar J. Townsend, Ph. D., Professor of Mathematics. Henry Lewis Rietz, Ph. D., Assistant Professor of Mathematics. Ernest Barnes Lytle, A. M., Instructor in Mathematics. PHYSICS. Albert Pruden Carman, Sc. D., Professor of Physics. Charles Tobias Knipp, Ph. D., Assistant Professor of Physics. *Aside from the President, only those members of the corps of instruction are included vrho give courses described in this circular. For other Instructors In the various departments see the University Catalog. Floyd Rowe Watson, Ph. D., Assistant Professor of Physics. William Frederick Schultz, E. E., Instructor in Physics. ENGINEERING. Arthur Newell Talbot, C. E., Professor of Municipal and Sanitary Engineering-. Victor Tyson Wilson, M. E., Assistant Professor of Gen- eral Engineering Drawing. Roy Hardy Slocum, B. S., Instructor in Theoretical and Applied Mechanics. Roy Irvin Webber, B. S., Instructor in Civil Engineering. R. C. Mathews, B. S., Instructor in Mechanical Engineering. John Myron Bryant, B. S., Instructor in Electrical Engineering. Charles Richard Clark, B. S., Instructor in Architectural Construction. ART AND DESIGN. Frank Forrest Frederick, Professor of Art and Design. Edward John Lake, B. S., Assistant Professor of Art and Design. LANGUAGE. George Henry Meyer, A. M., Assistant Professor of German. Thomas Arkle Clark, B. L., Professor of Rhetoric. UNIVERSITY AT LARGE. The act of Congress upon which the University of Illinois was founded imposed upon it the duty to "pro- mote the liberal and practical education of the indus- trial classes in the several pursuits and professions of life" and at the same time expressly stipulated that the lines of study which until then had almost exclusively engaged the energies of college faculties were not to be neglected. That the University has tried to meet this double obligation is shown in the organization of its Colleges of Agriculture, Engineering, Literature and Arts, Science, Law, Medicine, and Dentistry; its Schools of Education, Library Science, Music, and Pharmacy; and its courses in Commerce and Household Science; as al- so in its Agricultural Experiment Station, Engineering Experiment Station, Water Survey, Geological Survey, Biological Survey, Laboratory of Natural History and Food Laboratory. To these are now added for the first time courses in Ceramics. The grouping of so wide a range of educational in- terests under a single management not only places each under the most favorable conditions for its rapid and complete development and for the economical manage- ment of its affairs, but the association of so large a number of investigators, each a specialist in his own line, under the inspiration of a common purpose, in- sures the employment of more effective methods of in- vestigation and the accomplishment of larger and more trustworthy results. OBJECTS AND AIMS OF THE COURSES IN CERAMICS. The study of Ceramics has to do with the applica- tions of physical science to the manufacture of wares made wholly or in part from clay. The conditions un- der which ceramic products may be successfully and profitably produced are so complex and exacting as to require special scientific training for the prospective ceramist. Low interest rates and cheap transportation have so broadened the field of competition that each manufacturer must look sharply to the quality of his wares and to the cost of production. He must not only know the qualities of the materials he is using and of all other deposits so situated that they may possibly be of commercial use, but he must know what changes he can produce in his wares by various admixtures in body or glaze or by changes in methods of treatment. He must know what machinery, what fuel, and what ways of handling are best suited to the materials he must use, what grades of ware he can produce and the cost of each. He must not only have this informa- tion in regard to the materials he can obtain on a com- mercial basis, but also like information concerning those within the reach of each of his competitors, if he would enter into successful competition with them. Reliable information and scientific training along the lines indicated above are not easily gained by a young man through apprenticeship, no matter how large the factory is in which he may be employed, nor even by expert service in some one department of the industry in several factories; but this training may be 8 acquired in a comparatively short time thru a well planned course of study properly supplemented by practical work. The best preparation for the manage- ment of large ceramic interests is not to be found in the factory or in the yards, but in a school with courses and equipment especially adapted to the purpose, and under instructors with broad training. This does not mean that ability to manage success- fully any large business enterprise can be acquired in school. There is a large element of practical experi- ence which can only be obtained by actual contact with the business world and with the details of the special line of business in which one embarks. The school ought to give the student mental strength, knowledge of principles and methods, skill in the manipulation of apparatus, train- ing in scientific methods of experimentation and in the inter- pretation of results, familiarity with fundamental processes covering the whole field of research ivith which it is engaged, and then " turn him into practical life while he still retains the plasticity of character necessary to enable him to adapt himself to the conditions," which he will meet in the particu- lar branch of industry to which he shall devote himself. It is not expected that the student upon graduation will be able to manage successfully a large manufactur- ing plant. It is expected, however, that he will be in a position to acquire this ability very rapidly when brought in practical contact with the problems of the factory, and that having reached this stage he will thereafter be stronger and in every way more capable than he would have been if he had not come under the influence of the school. It is believed the courses here offered will afford such training. SUBJECTS FOR STUDY. As all the changes which come to ceramic materials during the processses of manufacture are either chem- ical or physical, and as some of them are exceedingly complex in character, a course of study which shall car- ry out the purpose indicated above must furnish such training in chemistry and physics as will enable the stu- dent to understand these changes, and to modify and control them by varying his methods of manipulation. Many plants have been abandoned, entailing large loss on the owners, many others have been removed, and still others have discontinued the manufacture of profitable wares in consequence of difficulties which might easily have been overcome by one familiar with the chemistry and physics of clay manufacture. The materials with which the ceramist has to deal vary widely in composition and qualities. These differ- ences are largely due to to the peculiar conditions un- der which each deposit was formed. The recognition of these conditions and the changes they produce upon the minerals and rocks which make up the crust of the earth, transforming them into substances useful or other- wise to the ceramist, is the province of Mineralogy and Geology. The ceramist uses large quantities of heavy mate- rials, and in order to handle them economically he must employ heavy and often complex machinery in mining, transporting, preparing and shaping these materials, and in the transportation of his wares. He should then have such familiarity with machines and with the prin- ciples of engineering as will enable him to install and operate his apparatus and keep it in repair and also to manage his power effectively and economically. To do this efficiently he must have some knowledge of me- 10 chanical and electrical engineering, and these again re- quire familiarity with mathematics, mechanics, and re- sistance of materials. As the European peoples are particularly active and efficient in ceramics, and as the results of much of their best work are recorded only in their own lan- guages, the ceramist who would keep abreast of the world in his profession must have some acquaintance with foreign languages, and as society measures a man's worth largely by his ability to express his thot clearly and correctly, training in English is a] so essential. The young man who wishes to devote his life to the development of any branch of clay industry must, if he would do his work in the best manner, become familiar with the principles which underlie every branch of ce- ramics. The progressive brickmaker must know the hows and whys which control the potter in the manu- facture of his bodies, glazes, and glasses, or the maker of terra-cotta or art wares, as well as those which per- tain more directly to his line of brick making. In short he must be a broad-minded, liberally-trained ceramist in all matters covered by that word. Such a combination of subjects as is indicated above has been arranged in the following courses: The Course in Ceramics is arranged to meet the needs of the manufacturer, affording that scientific training which has a direct bearing upon his business and giv- ing such a knowledge of machinery as will enable him to operate his plant successfully. The Course in Ceramic Engineering is intended to meet the wants of the construction engineer who is in- terested primarily in the designing and the installation of ceramic plants. 11 REQUIREMENTS FOK ADMISSION. 42 credits" are required for admission. Of these 5 must be in Algebra, 3 in English Composition, 6 in English Literature, 4 in Geometry — including plane, solid, and spherical — and 6 in German. The remain- ing 18 may be made up by offerings from the following list, but 6 of them must be in Science. Electives: Astronomy, 1 to li credits; Botany, li to 3; Chemistry, li to 3; Civics, 1 to 3; Drawing, 1 to 3; French, 3 to 9; Geology, li to 3; German, 3 to 12; His- tory, 3 to 9; Physics, 3; Physical Geography, li to 3; Physiology, li to 3; Zoology, li to 3. These credits may be acquired either upon exam- ination at the University or upon presentation of di- ploma and certificate of standing from a school in which these subjects are accredited by the University. SCHOLARSHIPS. The University offers every year to each county in the State one scholarship which will be awarded by the Trustees of the University, upon the nomination of the Clay Workers' Association, to applicants who in- tend to pursue either of the regular courses offered in this circular. These scholarships are good for four years and relieve the student from payment of the ma- triculation and incidental fees. Their total value is $106 each. In case it is found at the opening of a year that no applicant has been nominated from any particular *The cerm "credit"' as used means the amount of work represented by the continuous pursuit of one subject, with daily recitations, thru one of the three terms of the high school year; or, in other words, the work of sixty recita- tion periods of forty minutes each, or the equivalent in laboratory or other practice. 12 county, the vacancy may be filled by assignment from such counties as have more than one applicant. The scholarships will not be granted to persons who have been students in the University, nor to per- sons under sixteen years of age. The candidate for a scholarship must, on or before the time of entering the University, satisfy in full the requirements for admission to the freshman class in the College of Science. ADMISSION AS SPECIAL STUDENTS. Persons over twenty-one years of age, not candi- dates for a degree, may be admitted to classes, after satisfying the Dean of the College concerned and the Professor in charge of the Department in which such classes are taught that they possess the requisite in- formation and ability to pursue profitably, as special students, the chosen subjects. Such students are not matriculated; they pay a tuition fee of seven dollars and a half a semester, in addition to the regular inci- dental fee of twelve dollars. After successfully completing thirty semester hours of university work, a special student may receive such credits toward matriculation on account of practical ex- perience in the line of his course as the head of the de- partment may recommend and the Dean of the College may approve. This plan affords the student with a limited amount of time all the advantages of a short course and at the same time secures a good grade of work in the subjects studied. 13 DEGREES. The Degree of Bachelor of Science in Ceramics will be conferred on those who complete either of the courses here described. RESEARCH. The objects of the courses of instruction in cera- mics cannot be properly met unless instruction and re- search go hand in hand. The student who sees that serious problems of his profession are actually being solved and difficulties cleared away, feels that he is in contact with the practical affairs for which he is mak- ing preparation and is led to take a nearby interest in the things with which he has to do. It is expected that all those connected with the work in ceramics will con- tinually be engaged upon problems whose solution will be found helpful to all who are interested in ceramic industries. EQUIPMENT. The laboratories connected with the departments of chemistry, physics, geology and engineering, are large, well-lighted, and thoroly equipped for practical work. Students in ceramics make use of this equip- ment when taking regular courses offered by those departments. Much of the equipment of the laboratory of eco- nomic geology will be especially useful in ceramic work and will be regularly used by students in these courses. It consists of testing scale, jaw crusher, pulverizer, centrifuge, gang-saw for preparing rock specimens for testing, gas-blast and electric furnaces and drying ovens, optical and electric pyrometers, microscopes, 14 goniometers, balances, picnometers, volumeters, rock sectioning machine, freezing apparatus, air pumps, etc. The special equipment in ceramics includes: (1) Chemical apparatus, consisting of complete out- fits for the use of instructors and students in the special chemistry of ceramics. (2) Apparatus for preparing material and manufac- turing wares, as follows: Ball mills, jiggers, filter press, small auger brick machine, tile press, jollies, turning wheels, whirlers, pails, pans, sieves, and such small apparatus as is necessary to supply the needs of each student. (3) Apparatus for burning, consisting of two large kilns, one a muffle up- draft and the other a larger down- draft, both fired with coal; fritt furnaces; gas- blast fuanaces and the pyrometers spoken of above; a supply of seger cones, and a draft gauge. COURSE IN CERAMICS. First Year FIRST SEMESTER SECOND SEMESTER Subject— S. H.* Subject— S. H.* General Chemistry Lee Tu Th 4 Sec Qualitative Analysis (Chem 3a) Lee C Quiz Tu Th 7 Lab M W F 6 7 . . . . 5 Tu Th 2 Lab 6 7 5 Adv Algebra and Trigonomtry Analytical Geometry (Math 6) 4 5 (Math 2 & 4) 2 5 Rhetoric 1 3 Rhetoric 1 3 Winning and Preparation of Cla ys Classification and Physical Testing (Cer 2) M W F 3 3 of Clays (Cer 1) M W F 3 4 3 Physical Training 1 Military 1 Military 2 Physical Training 1 Total 19 Total 18 Second Year FIRST SEMESTER SECOND SEMESTER Subject— S. H.* Subject— S. H.* Quantitative Analysis (Chem 5a) Silicate Analysis (Chem 5a) Lee Tu LecTu Th3LabTu Th 6 7 8 S 1 2 Th 3 Lab Tu Th 6 7 8 S 1 2 3 4 5 3 4 5 Physics 1 3 Lee M W 4 Quiz F 4 Physics 13 Lee M W 4 Quiz F 4 Lab M 7 8 9 4 LabM7 8 9 5 Geology 1 1 2 5 Mineralogy (Geol 5) 1 2 5 Physical Calculation (Cer 3) Tu Th 4 2 Military 1 Military 1 Total 16 Total 17 * S. H. stands for Semester Hours. A semester hour means an amount of work which will fully occupy three hours of the studenfs time each week for one semester. 15 Third Year FIRST SEMESTER Subject— S. H.* German 4 2 4 Physics of Heat 16a & 16b Tu F 1 6 7 8 4 General Engineering Drawing M W Th678 3 Free Hand Drawing (A & Dl) M W F 34 2 Drving & Burning (Cer 4) M W Th S 1 4 SECOND SEMESTER Subject— S. H.* German 6 2 4 Clay modeling (A & D8) Tu Th 67 8 2 Working Drawings (Arch 10) M 6 7 8 1 Body Making (Cer 5) Lee Tu W Th FlLabWF67S12 6 Economic Geology of Ceramic Ma- terials (Geol 2) Tu Th 3 2 Total 15 Total 17 Fourth Year FIRST SEMESTER Suljeet— S. H.* Calculus (Math 8a) 1 5 Glazes (Cer 6) Lee M Tu "W Th 6 Lab MW789 6 Ceramic Stoichiometry (Cer 7) M W 2 2 Analysis of Glasses & Glazes (Cer 8) TuThS 23 4 3 SECOND SEMESTER Subject— S. H.* Physical Chemistry (Chem 31) Lee M W F 4 Lab WF678 5 Colors of Bodies & Glazes (Cer 9) M Tu Th 6 3 Thesis 8 Total 16 Total 16 COURSE IN CERAMIC ENGINEERING. First Year FIRST SEMESTER Subject— S. H * General Chemistry Lee. Tu. Th. 4 Quiz Tu. Th. 7. Lab. M. W. F. 6. 7 5 Adv. Algebra and Trigonometry (Math. 2&4) 5 German 4 8 4 General Engineering Drawing M. W.F. 1 2 3 3 Military 1 Physical Training 1 Total 19 SECOND SEMESTER Subject- - S. EL* Qualitatiye Analysis (Chem. 3a) Lee. Tu. Th. 2 Lab. 6 7 5 German 6 4 4 Analytical Geometry (Math. 6) 8.. 5 Military 2 Physical Training 1 Total i; Second Year FIRST SEMESTER Subject— S. H." Quantative Anal sis (Chem. 5a) Lee. Tu. Th. 3 Lab. Tu. Th. 6 7 S. 1 2 3 4 4 Physics 1 3 Lee. M. \V. 4 Quiz F. 4 Lab. M. 7 8 9 5 Geology 5 Daily 2 M. W. F. 3 4 Mathematics 8 1 5 Military 1 Total 19 SECOND SEMESTER Subject— S. H.* Silicate Analysis (Chem. 5b) Lee. Tu. Th. 3 Lab. Tu. Th. 7 8 9 S. 1 2 3 4 6 Physics 1 3 Lee. M. W. 4 Quiz F. 4 Lab. M. 7 8 9 4 Geology 1 12 5 "Winning and Preparation of Clays (Cer. 2) M. W. F. 3 3 Military 1 Total 19 16 Third Year FIRST SEMESTER Subject - S. H.* Physics 16a b Lee. Tu. F. 1 Lab. Tu. F. 6 7 8 4 Drying and Burning (Cer. 4) M. W. Th. S. 1 4 Electrical Engineering (E. E. 2) Tu. Tn. 4 2 Electrical Engineering Lab. (E. E. 28) S. 1 2 3 2 Rhetoric M. W. F. 6 3 Total 15 SECOND SEMESTER Subject— S. H.* Analytical Mechanics (T. & A. M. 7) Tu. W. F. 3 3 Body Making (Cer. 5) Lee. Tu. W. Th. F. 1 Lab. W. F. 6 7 S. 1 2 6 Working Drawings (Arch. 10) M. 6 7 8 1 Steam Engines and Boilers (M. E. 11) M. W. F. 2 3 Rhetoric M. W. F. 4 3 Total 16 Fourth Year FIRST SEMESTER Subject— S H.* Analytical Mechanics (T. & A. M. 8) 3 2Y S Resistance of Materials (T. & A. M. 9) Lee. 3 Lab. W. 3 4 3% Ceramic Stoichiometry (Cer. 7) M. W. 2 2 Glazes (Cer. 6) Lee. M. Tu. W. Th. 6 Lab. M. W. 7 8 9 6 Thesis 1 Total 15 SECOND SEMESTER Subject— S. H.* Surveying (C. E. 1C) M. Th. 3 4.... 2 Geology 2 2 Ceramic Construction 3 Thesis 8 Total 15 COURSE IN LIMES AND CEMENTS. By making the substitutions indicated below in the course in ceramics, that course will be found to meet the needs of the student wishing to prepare for the manufacture of limes or cements. These substitutions should be made only upon the recommendation of the Director of the courses in ceramics. Third Year FIRST SEMESTER. Omit Art & Design 1 and Ceramics 4. Take Chemistry 65 and Ceramics 11. SECOND SEMESTER. Omit Art & Design S Take Physics 17. Fourth Year FIRST 3EMESTER. Omit Ceramics 6 and 8. Take Chemistry 18 and Civil Engineer- ing 5. SECOND SEMESTER. Omit Ceramics 9. Take Ceramic Construction. 17 DESCRIPTION OF COURSES. ARCHITECTURE. 10. WORKING Drawings. Conventional methods for repre- senting the different parts of buildings in general and in detail, conventional colors and sectioning: systems of lettering and figur- ing drawings; working drawings; tracing; drawing for reproduc- tion. (1 hour.)* ART AND DESIGN. 1. Free-Hand Drawing. An elementary course offering lectures on the principles of perspective, followed by drawing practice, and work arranged to be of direct assistance to the stu- dents in their several courses in the University. (2 hours.) 8. Modeling. A course in clay modeling comprising work from the antique and from life in relief and the round. Instruc- tion is given in casting. (Frederick's Plaster Casts and How They Are Made.) (2 hours.) CERAMICS. 1. Classification And Physical Testing of Clays. An elementary course designed to acquaint the student early with the varieties of clays and the properties which adapt each to its spe- cial use in ceramic industry. (3 hours.) 2. Winning and Preparation of Clays. A study of the commercial methods of winning and preparing ceramic materials for the market and factory. (3 hours.) 3. Physical Calculations. Problems, and calculations re- lating to problems in hygrometry and heat, incident to the pro- cesses of drying and burning. (2 hours.) 4. Drying and Burning. A detailed consideration of the methods of drying and burning clay wares, and the physical laws underlying these operations. (4 hours.) 5. Body Making. Lectures on the manufacture and body composition of various ceramic wares. Laboratory exercises are given to demonstrate the physical and pyro-chemical effect of variations in processes of manufacture and in composition: also to illustrate the peculiar properties and composition of the various types of bodies. (6 hours.) 6. Glazes. Lectures on the production of glazes and en- amels, their classification and the properties and defects common to each class, with laboratory exercises to demonstrate the funda- mental characteristics of each class of glaze; the effect of varia- *An "hour'' means an exercise which requires three hours of the students's time each week. 18 tion in composition on its physical properties; and the mode of ap- plication. (6 hours.) 7. Ceramic Stoichiometry. Calculations involved in the manufacture of bodies and glazes, using Jackson's "Ceramic Cal- culations" and the "American Ceramic Society Manual" as a basis. (2 hours.) 8. Analysis of Glasses, Glazes, and Clays. (3 hours.) 9. Colors of Bodies and Glazes. Methods of opacifying and coloring bodies and glazes, with detailed consideration of the methods of decorating clay wares. (3 hours.) 10. Ceramic Construction. Original plans, specifications, and estimates of some ceramic construction will be required. (3 hours.) 11. Cement. A course of lectures on limes, cements and mortars of all descriptions, giving special consideration to compo- sition, reactions, and methods of manufacture, mining of the raw material, and testing of the finished product. (4 hours.) 12. Thesis. (8 or 9 hours.) CHEMISTRY. 1. Elementary Inorganic Chemistry. This course deals with the general principles of the science. (5 hours.) 3a. Qualitative Analysis. This course consists of lec- tures, recitations, and laboratory practice in the ordinary pro- cesses of qualitative analysis. (5 hours.) 5a. Elementary Quantitative Analysis. The labora- tory work comprises a series of experiments which illustrate the fundamental principles of gravimetric and volumetric methods. The lectures and recitations consist of a consideration of stoichi- ometrical relations, the fundamental laws of chemistry and their application to the study of solutions. (5 hours.) 5b. Silicate Analysis. A comparative study of methods with practice in the analysis of silicates. (5 hours.) 18. Cement Analysis. A special course in the analysis of limes, cements and cement-making materials. (3 hours.) 65. Gas Analysis. Examination of gases, gas mixtures, flue gases, and fuels. Determination of calorific values, and cal- orimetric efficiencies. (2 hours.) 31. Elementary Physical Chemistry. This course, ex- tending through one semester, is designed to give an elementary knowledge of the paramount facts of physical chemistry and their relations to common and practical chemical problems. The in- struction is by lectures and recitations, supplemented by work in the laboratory. (Walker's Introduction to Physical Chemistry.) (5 hours.) 19 ENGINEERING. C. E. 10. Surveying. For students in the course of archi- tecture, architectural engineering, electrical engineering, me- chanical engineering, and ceramics. (2 hours.) M. E. 11. Steam Engines and Boilers. For students in other departments of the College of Engineering, and Ceramics. The course includes the construction, operation, and care of boilers and engines; elementary thermodynamics; the indicator and indicator diagrams; compounding, jacketing, and superheat- ing; condensers; steam engine performance. (3 hours.) E. E. 2. Electrical Engineering. Lectures and recita- tions accompanying Electrical Engineering 26, laboratory prac- tice; for students in civil engineering and ceramics. (2 hours.) E. E. 26. Electrical Engineering Laboratory. For students in civil engineering and ceramics. (2 hours.) Required: Registration in E. E. 2. GENERAL ENGINEERING DRAWING. 1. General Engineering Drawing. Consists of : (a) Let- tering — Plain free hand lettering alphabets, off-hand lettering, and titles. (Wilson's Free-hand Lettering.) (6) Elements of Draft- ing — Use of instruments, simple line exercises, geometrical con- struction, tracing and working drawings, (c) Sketching — Free- hand dimensioned sketches of engineering details, time sketches and shop exercises. The three are accompanied by lecture courses upon the respective subjects. (3 hours.) GEOLOGY. 1. Dynamic and Historic Geology. Dynamic and historic geology. Laboratory exercises in petography and paleontology. a. Dynamic Geology. The forces now at work upon and within the earth's crust, modeling its reliefs, producing changes in the structure and composition of its rock masses and making deposits of minerals and ores. A series of localities is studied in which great surface changes have recently taken place, with a view to ascertaining the character of the forces producing such changes, and the physical evidence of the action of like forces in the past. b. Petrography of Fragmental Rocks. A laboratory study of fragmental rocks, following the same lines as indicated under 5b. c. Historical Geology. Substantially an introduction to the history of geology. Especial stress is laid on the develop- ment of the North American continent. d. Paleontology. The scheme of instruction in this sub- ject places before the student the classification adopted for those 20 organic forms occurring as fossils, together with the succession of the various groups in the strata, with the cause, as far as known, for their appearance and disappearance. The student is required to familiarize himself with selected groups of paleozoic fossils, abundant illustrations of which are placed in his hands. (5 hours.) 2. Economic Geology. A study of the use which may be made of geologic materials; of the conditions under which they occur: and of the qualities which make them valuable. Readings, conferences and laboratory work. Each student may, with the approval of the head of the department, select one or more of the subjects indicated below and devote to it as much time as may seem desirable and profitable. The proportion of time devoted to reading, conference and laboratory will of course vary with the nature of the subject chosen. The new laboratory affords facili- ties for making the work thoroly practical. The subjects from among which students may elect for the purpose of special investigation are as follows: Ores and ore deposits: useful minerals other than ores; miner- al synthesis. Petrographic studies, properties of clays, which fit them for various uses. Properties of lime and cement-making materials. Properties of building stones. Rock-flours and their uses. Origin and uses of road metals. Studies of ornamental stones. Coal and coal basins. Hydrographic studies. (2 hours.) 5. Elements of Mineralogy. Crystallography and Petrography of Crystalline Rocks, (a) Mineralogy and Crystallography. In the lectures such subjects as follows are discussed. Genesis of minerals; conditions favoring their deposi- tion; origin of the massive and crystalline forms; relationships of minerals and their classification; the physical properties of min- erals, with the conditions which may cause them to vary; the elements of crystallography, including a study of the typical whole, half, and quarter forms of each system, and their identifi- cation when in combination. In the laboratory the student is made acquainted with the simplest trustworthy methods for prov- ing the presence or absence of the acids and bases. He is then required to determine a large number of species by their physi- cal and chemical properties only; to trace the origin, transforma- tion, and relationship of each, and explain any variations from the typical form, composition, or physical characters which may occur. b. Petrography. The classification of rocks, the methods used in their determination, the conditions governing the forma- tion of each species, the decompsitions to which they are liable and products of these decompositions. (5 hours.) ENGLISH. 1. Rhetoric and Themes. (6 hours.) 21 GERMAN. 4. Descriptive and historical prose selections from standard prose writers, sight reading. (4 hours.) 6. Scientific Prose. Practice in the rapid reading of works of a general scientific character. (4 hours.) MATHEMATICS. 2. Advanced Algebra. This course is for those students who wish to cover in five hours of mathematical work the sub- ject of college algebra and that of plane trigonometry (Math. 4.). (3 hours.) The following topics are considered: Progressions, unde- termined coefficients, binomial theorem, logarithms, permuta- tions and combinations, probability, convergence of series (or de- terminants), and the theory of equations, with special reference to the solution of numerical equations of the third and fourth degree. 4. Plane Trigonometry. (2 hours. ) 6. Analytical Geometry. The aim is to acquaint the student with analytical methods of investigation and to familiar- ize him with the general properties of conies, including a dis- cussion of the general equation of the second degree and its geo- metrical interpretation. Special emphasis is placed upon the use of algebraic processes as a means of demonstrating geometrical properties of loci. To this is added a brief course on the analyti- cal geometry of three dimentions, including co-ordinate systems in space, the relation of points, straight lines, and planes in space, as also the general properties of surfaces of second order. (5 hours.) 8 a. Differential and Integral Calculus. A general introduction to the principles of differential and integral calulus. (5 hours.) 7, 8. Analytical Mechanics. The mechanics of engineer- ing, rather than that of astronomy and physics, is here considered. Attention is given to fixing the fundamental concepts and demon- strating the general principles and methods of equilibrium and motion and also to the application of principles and methods to numerous and varied engineering problems. Training in the statement of conditions and in the use of data is given. This subject requires a thoro working knowledge of the mathe- matics preceding it in the course. The work begins in the second semester, and in the following semester it is given in connection with Theoretical and Applied Mechanics 9. (Maurer's Techni- cal Mechanics.) (5£ hours.) 9. Resistance of Materials. In the treatment of this subject it is the aim to give the student a thoro training in the elementary principles of the mechanics of materials, to follow with such experiments and investigations in the materials labora- 22 tory as tend to verify the experimental laws, and to add such pro- blems in ordinary engineering practice as will train the student in the use of his knowledge. Attention is also given to the qual- ity and requirements for structural materials. (Merrimans's Mechanics of Materials.) (3| hours.) MILITARY SCIENCE. 1. Theoretical Instruction, [nfantry drill regulations. For all male students. (1 hour.) 2. Practical, Instruction. Infantry. School of the sol- dier; company and battalion; evolution of the regiment. Artil- lery. — School of the cannoneer and battery dismounted. Fresh- man and sophomore years. (4 hours. ) PHYSICAL TRAINING. 1. Gymnasium Practice. Two hours' class work, calis- thenic drills and heavy apparatus work, each week. Required of freshman, (i hour.) 2. Gymnasium Practice. Three hours each week in ad- vanced heavy apparatus work. (2 hours.) PHYSICS. 1. General Physics. Lectures with class-room demonstra- tion, recitations and written exercises. This course is required of students in engineeing and is recommend to students with ma- jor work in physics and mathematics. The laboratory course, Physics 3, is to be taken at the same time. (3 hours.) 3. Introduction to Physical Measurements. Lab- oratory experiments running parallel with the lecture course. (4 hours.) 16a. Heat. Lectures and recitations with occasional class- room demonstrations. Dicussions and demonstrations of funda- mental heat phenomena are given, together with the elements of the mechanical theory of heat. The course on heat Measure- ments, 16b, is to be taken with this course. (2 hours.) 16b. Heat Measurements. Laboratory exercises includ- ing thermometry, calorimetry, determination of vapor pressure and density, melting and boiling points of substances, linear and cubical coefficients of expansion. This course is to be taken in connection with Physics 16a. (2 hours.) 17. Thermometry op High and Low Temperatures. Primarily a laboratory course, but with frequent recitations on the theory of the measurement of extreme temperatures. (LeChat- elier's High Temperature Measurements.) (2 hours.) UNIVERSITY of ILLINOIS THE STATE UNIVERSITY" THE UNIVERSITY INCLUDES THE COLLEGE OF LITERATURE AND ARTS (Ancient and Modern Languages and Literatures, Philosophical and Political Sci- ence Groups of Studies, Economics, Commerce and Industry.) COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING (Architecture", Civil Engineering, Municipal and Sanitary Engineering, Electrical Engineer- ing, Mechanical Engineering, Railway Engineering.) COLLEGE OF SCIENCE (Astronomy, Botany, Chemistry, Geol- ogy, Mathematics, Physics, Physiology, Zoology.) COLLEGE OF AGRICULTURE (Animal Husbandry, Agronomy, Dairy Husbandry, Horticulture, Veterinary Science, House - hold Science.) COLLEGE OF LAW (Three years' course.) COLLEGE OF flEDICINE ^College of Physicians and Surgeons, Chicago.) (Four years' course.) COLLEGE OF DENTISTRY (Chicago.) (Three years' course.) SCHOOLS— MUSIC (Voice, Piano, Violin.) LIBRARY SCIENCE, PHARMACY (Chicago.) EDUCATION, and the GRADU- ATE SCHOOL. A Summer School, with a session of nine weeks, is open each summer. A flilitary Regiment is organized at the University, for instruc- tion in Military Science. Closely connected with the work of the University are students' organizations for educational and social purposes (Glee and Mandolins Clubs; Literary Scientific, and Technical Societies and Clubs; Young Men's and Young Women's Christian Associations.) United States Experiment Station, State Laboratory of Natural History, Biological Experiment Station on Illinois River State Water Survey, State Geological Survey. The Library contains 80,000 volumes, and 30,000 pamphlets. The University offers 628 Free Scholarships. For catalogs and information address W. L. P1LLSBURY, Registrar, Urbana, Illinois rLLTNOIS STATE REFORMATORY PHIST. **/ A *•>% T * SSfc *JH. Mv *£ x*-: •S3? 1 rw. UNIVERSITY OF ILUNOIS-URBANA 3 0112 052567101 .* m, , fail ■*\M V • /-Jr. > ■*» , •*IL &• j^rMi^'