UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS LIBRARY AT URBANA CHAMPAIGN BOOKSTACKS Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2011 with funding from University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign xj O ^ 6 3*5" rvo. 3fo fC//^7 Faculty Working Papers THE CONTRIBUTION OF JOB AND LEISURE SATISFACTION TO QUALITY OF LIFE Manuel London, Rick Crandall, & Gary W. Seala #310 College of Commerce and Business Administration University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign FACULTY WORKING PAPERS College of Commerce and Business Administration University of Illinois at Urbaaa-Champaign April 29, 1976 THE CONTRIBUTION OF JOB AND LEISURE SATISFACTION TO QUALITY OF LIFE Manuel London, Rick Crandall, & Gary W. Seals #310 ■ . . : ■ ,- . ... vm ' i.r r •- • • . v. ■ ■ .• . : • ■■'■■■'• :. • The Contribution of Job and Leisure Satisfaction to Quality of Life Abstract This study examines the relationships between job and leisure satisfac- tion and their contributions t* the perception of quality of life. The data were collected from -> national probability sample of 1297 adult Americans interviewed In May 1972. The magnitude of the correlations between job and leisure satisfaction measures was low; however, both accounted for meaningful variation In perceived quality of life for the total sample. Separate analyses for demographic subgroups were also performed. They Indicated that job satisfaction contributed rel- atively less than leisure satisfaction to the life quality of minorities and other often "disadvantaged" subgroups compared to "advantaged" workers. Implications of the results for the application of motivation- al strategies in the work setting are discussed. The Contribution of Job and Leisure Satisfaction to Quality of Life Recently, Interest In the quality of work life has been stimulated by claims of widespread worker dissatisfaction (e.g., Work In America , 1973). There Is now an emerging trend to Identify and improve job characteristics that contribute to the quality of work life. (Hackman S Suttle, in press; Walton, 1973). Concern for the general quality of life has also increased (t.g., Campbell, 1976; Campbell, Converse S Rogers, 1976; Land, 19/1) end has been discussed as a national policy goal in the political arena (e.g., Environmental Protection Agency, 1973; Executive Office of the President, 1973). This paper begins to integrate the research on quality of work life and general quality of life. Specifically, the contributions of facets of job and leisure satisfaction to quality of life are examined. Research on quality of life encourages a broader view of the indi- vidual than that traditionally taken by Industrial/organizational psy- chology. Thl~, view suggests that job satisfaction and attitudes toward work cannot be understood in isolation. One important aspect of life quality which may be Important to work and has been generally overlooked by psychologists is leisure. While the job may bs the central life interest of some workers, leisure may be a primary concern for others. This may mean that under- standing the relationship between work and leisure Is necessary for understanding worker attitudes. Some individuals who are dissatisfied with their jobs compensate by seeking satisfaction in their leisure 3 activities (Dubln, 1956). High job satisfaction may also "spill-over" to seeking a similar level of satisfaction off the job (Kornhauser, 1965; Meissner, 1971 )• Furthermore, people may be capable of segmenting their lives so that work and leisure are independent (Dubin, 1973). One goal of the present study is to examine the interrelationship between facets of work and leisure satisfaction. Strong positive cor- relations would support the spill-over hypothesis; strong negative correlations would support the compensation hypothesis; and zero-order correlations would support the segmentation hypothesis. The focus Is on attitudes rather than behavior. An individual's feelings about various facets of work and leisure are important for study since they should be more directly related to perceived quality of life than behavior. While the relationship between work and leisure has been investi- gated (e.g., Smigel , 1963). the relative contribution of work and leisure satisfaction to quality of Pfe has received little attention. Several studies (e.g., Andrews S Withey, 1976; Campbell, et at., 1976) have included work and leisure satisfaction items among numerous other measures (e.g., feelings about government) as correlates of quality of life. In contrast, this paper uses a broad set of items to focus in detail on facets of work and leisure satisfaction as components of individuals' attitudes toward their lives. Of the few studies that have looked at work and leisure satisfaction together, most have found that their relationships to life satisfaction are moderated by demographic characteristics. In a study of British k workers, Willmott (1970 found that far more manual workers (61%) than upper level staff ()h%) reported that they derived satisfaction from only their leisure. In a Canadian sample, Hulin ( 1 969) found that the relation of both job and recreation items to life satisfaction was moderated by sex with lower relationships occurring for women than men. Among Finnish respondents, Haavio-Manni ia (1971) reported that work sat isf act ion W3S less related to overall life satisfaction than leisure satisfaction for unmarried, employed men than for other sub- groups. The current study focuses first on satisfaction with specific facets of work and leisure as major psychological components of indi- viduals' attitudes toward their lives. The relationships between attitudes toward work and leisure are also considered. Previous re- search is extended by examining the contributions of work and leisure satisfaction to quality of life in a wide variety of demographic sub- groups. The expected relationship between work and leisure attitudes cannot be specified since positive, negative and zero-order relation- ships can all be predicted from the literature reviewed. Both work and leisure should contribute to perceived quality of life for the overall sample. Job satisfaction should be less important to quality of life than leisure satisfaction for minority workers (e.g., blacks and females) and other often disadvantaged subgroups (e.g., those with a low education, blue-collar workers, and older workers). On the other hand, work satisfaction should contribute more to quality of life than leisure satisfaction for advantaged workers (e.g., whites, males, the highly educated, white-collar workers, and younger workers). 5 METHOD Sample The data were obtained from a national probability sample of structured interviews conducted in Kay 1272 by the Survey Research Center of the University of Michigan. The sample consisted of 1297 American adults 18 years of age or older (but data included married people of any age), living in non-insti tutional dwel 1 ing units in the 48 coterminous states. The response rate was 76%. Comparisons of the survey respondents with distributions obtained from the census indicated that the data from the survey closely represented the American adult population with respect to age, sex, and race. Survey The data used here are 7 demographic items and 15 perceptual items measuring feelings about aspects of leisure, work, and life as a whole. The job items were written to tap the major distinct factors of job satisfaction identified by Quinn, Staines, and McCul lough (1974s See Table 1 for a li?t). Respondents described their feelings about each item on a 7-point scale from ^delighted to 7=terrible. The index of perceived overall quality of life was the arithmetic mean of the responses to the question u How do you feel about your life as a whole?" asked twice during the interview. The two quality of life questions were typically separated by about 15 minutes of intervening interview material focusing on quality of life issues. Their test-retest reli- ability corrected by the Spearman-Brown formula was .76. There is considerable data to support the validity and reliability of these data. Andrews and Witney (1974, 1976) present evidence that 6 compared to other measures this quality of life measure correlates as well or better with other measures of quality of life and has higher reliability and validity than other measures. An indication of the reliability of the interitem relationships for the variables used here was obtained by using 18 items, including several of the leisure items, in a November 1372 survey on another national sample. Andrews and Withey (197*0 report that the magnitudes of the relationships in both surveys were highly similar, on the order of .89 (Pearson r), demon- strating high repl icab! 1 i ty. Andrews and Crandall (1976) and Andrews (197*0 provide further evidence that these data are adequately reliable and valid, and Crandall (1976) demonstrated that there are significant correlations with peer ratings for some of these items, showing external val idity. Analyses The intercorrelations among the job and leisure items were examined to indicate the extent of mul ti col i near ity among the items as a set of predictors. Multiple regression analyses were used to investigate the contribution of job and leisure satisfaction to quality of life. Since the importance of job and leisure satisfaction to quality of life may differ from one subgroup to another, regression analyses were performed on both the total sample and on 19 demographical ly defined subgroups. These subgroups were formed on the basis of sex (male, female); race (black, white); age (16-29, 30-49, 50-65); marital status (married, never married, and divorced, widowed, or separated); education (0-11 grades of school, high school graduate, some college, college degree); socio-economic status (low, middle, high; a combination of income and 7 education); and work group (blue-collar, white-collar). The blue- collar group included individuals who were craftsmen, foremen, industrial workers, members of service occupations, and farmers. Professionals, managers, the self-employed, clerical workers, and sales people were included in the white-col lar category. RESULTS Table 1 presents the means, standard deviations, and intercor- relations for the job, leisure, and quality of life variables for the total sample. The respondents expressed most dissatisfaction with recreation facilities, entertainment, job pay, fringe benefits and security. Individuals were most satisfied with the things they do with their families and the people they see socially. The intercorrelations among the job satisfaction items ranged from .2k to .48 with a median of .40. The intercorrelations among the leisure items ranged from .05 to .43 with a median of .1?. The intercorrelations between the job and leisure items ranged from .04 to .25 with a median of .16. Given the large sample size, statistical significance is less meaningful than practical significance. Since the maximum intercorrelation among the job and leisure items accounts for only &% of the variance, the two sets of variables are functionally independent. Andrews and Crandall (1976) estimated th's as the level of shared methods variance. This supports the segmentation hypothesis In that job and leisure attitudes are relatively independent (Dubin, 1973). An examination of the means and item intercorrelations for the 19 subgroups showed few differences 2 from the total sample. Insert Table l about here The correlations between the life quality fndex and the job-leisure items and the results of the repression analysis for the total sample also appear in t'se Tabla. Correlations greater than or equal to .32 were considered practically significant since they account for at least 10% of the variance In the joint association between a specific satis- faction item and quality of life. Statistical significance of the beta weights was used as the criterion for a meaningful unique contribution of a specific item to quality of life. In the total sample, the set of job and leisure items accounted for Z?-% of the variance in quality of life ($ = .57). The satisfaction items that contributed uniquely were amount of fun, things done with family, things done with friends, spare time activities, and the work itself. Analyses by subgroup are desc-ibed in summary form below. (See Footnote 2). The greatest variance in quality of life accounted for by the work and leisure satisfaction items were found for the following groups: high socio-economic status {ho%) , college degree (59%). and 30-^9 years of age ('*S%) . The 'owest proportions of variance were obtained for the blue-collar group (2k%) and blacks (20%). The highest correlations and largest beta we'ghts emerged for amount of fun for all subgroups except blacks (median _r = t h$, med'an 8 - .23, £ < .01). Sat- isfaction with the work itself was important (i.e., a correlation of at least .32 and/or a significant 8 weight) to the life quality of males, whites, married persons, white-collar workers, individuals between the 9 ages of 30 and ^9, the high socio-economic status group, and those with a coilege degree. Satisfaction with co-workers was important to the life quality of males, individuals becween the ages of 50 and 65, and the mid socio-economic status group. Satisfaction with pay and fringe benefits was of relevance to males, individuals between the ages of 50 and 65> those who did not ae be /ond the 11th grade in school , and the low socio-economic status grcuj . Satisfaction with resources available for doing the job was significantly related to life quality only for those with a college degree. Considering the leisure-related items, satisfaction with spare time activities was important to all subgroups except respondents who were married, those with some college, those with a college degree, and the mid socio-economic status subgroup. Satisfaction with things done with friends. was related to quality of life for all subgroups except blacks, blue-collar workers, individuals between the ages of 50 and 65, respondents who never married, those who did not go beyond the llth grade, individuals with a college degree, and the low socio- economic status group. Satisfaction with things done with family was relevant to all but males, blacks, blue-collar workers, those in the 16 to 29 age gtouD, individuals who never married, and those who did not go beyond the llth grade. Satisfaction with people seen socially was important only to those in the 50 to 65 age group. Items which neither accounted for at least 10% of the variance in their association with quality of life nor contributed significant unique variance to quality of life were satisfaction with what it is like where one works, entertainment, recreation facilities, and the organizations one belongs to. 10 DISCUSSION Data collected from a ? S?2 national probability sample demonstrated that satisfaction with facets of one's job and leisure activities con- tribute independently to individuals' assessment of their quality of life. People seem to be capable of segmenting their social experiences so that the feelings derived from work and leisure are basically unre- lated. Overall, leisure items were better predictors than job-related items. How much fun a per-son believes he or she is having is the prime determinant of quality of life. The findings with regard to job sat- isfaction support existing stereotypes of the disadvantaged worker. For example, satisfaction with work itself was not important to the life quality of blacks, females, and blue-collar workers, whereas it was im- portant to the life quality of whites, males, and white-collar workers. Satisfaction wlth-pay was important to the life quality of those in the low socio-economic status group, older workers, and individuals with a low education. Satisfaction with what Is available for doing the job was important only for those with a college degree. The contribution of the leisure items to quality of life wa? also dependent on subgroup membership. For example, satisfaction with spr>re time activities was important to all respondents except those who were married, went to col- lege, or were categorized in the mid socio-economic status group, per- haps because the^e Individuals *--re highly career oriented. On the other hand, satisfaction with spars time activities was important to the life quality of blacks. Satisfaction with amount of fun and spare time activ- ities were the only variables Important to the life quality of blue-collar workers "and those who have not married. These results support the notion 11 that non job-related variables may be more important to a full life than career achievement for many pet pie (Bass S Bass, 197&). The 32% variance in quality oF life accounted for by the leisure and work items for the total sample may be compared to the results of Andrews and WIthey's (197 2 *) analysis of all items in the May 1972 survey. They accounted for a maximum of 55% of the total population variance using up to 30 indices in the predictor set. Besides work and leisure, these indices included satisfaction with health, govern- ment, schools, weather, and religious faith. That work and leisure alone can account for a large percent of the predictable variance in this data set illustrate their importance to life as a whole. While the results of the current study indicate that facets of job satisfaction are not highly related to quality of life compared to facets of leisure satisfaction it Is not legitimate to conclude that leisure is more important than work. All the respondents in the analyses involving job satisfaction were employed. However, job- related variables may also be important for those without jobs. The lack of continuous and successful work experience which epitomizes marginal workers (Porter, 1373) may severly limit the life satisfaction of these individuals. Furthermore, housewives in the present sample were not asked job satisfaction questions. in future research, these individuals could be. asked to report their feelings about their employ- ment status. The low relationship between work and leisure satisfaction suggests that these two central areas of life may have become disassociated for 12 many people. Nevertheless, both the study of work and leisure can gain by considering them together. For instance, an employee's decision to exert effort on the job may be based not only on the value expected from performing one's job at different levels of excellence but also on the possibility that alternative activities off the job can provide out- comes of equal or greater value. As a result, an analysis of attractive attributes of both job and leisure activities (especially factors that contribute to satisfaction with amount of fun which was highly related to life quality for most subgroups) will be necessary to understand worker motivation, in fact, several studies suggest that work may be satisfying only to the extent that it allows individuals to achieve aspirations outside the workplace (e.g., Dumazedier, 1367; Goldthorpe, 1968). Redesigning a job or improving the task environment may have little effect on worker behavior if satisfaction with job conditions is not important to quality of life. Therefore, organizations should consider which subgroups may be most responsive to such motivational strategies as job enrichment, the four-day work week, flexitime, and employer-sponsored recreation before investing in them. 13 References Andrews, F.M. Social indicators of perceived life quality. Social indicators Research , 1974, j_, 279-293- Andrews, F.M. 6 Crandall, R. The validity of measures of self-reported well-being. Social indicators Research , 1976, in press. Andrews, F.M. 6 Witney, S.B. Developing measures of perceived life quality: Results from several national surveys. Social Indicators Research , 1974, j_, 1-26. Andrews, F.M. S Withey, S.B. Social indicators of well-being in America : The development and measurement of perceptual indicators , 1976, in press. Bass, B.M. 6 Bass, R. Concern for the environment: implications for industrial and organizational psychology. Americ an Psychologist , 1976, 31, 158-166. Campbell, A. Subjective measures of well-being. American Psychologist , 1976, Jl, 117-124. Campbell, A., Converse, P.E., & Rogers, W.L. The Quality of American Life: Perceptions, Evaluations and Satisfactions . N. Y. Russell Sage Foundation, 1976. Crandall, R. Validation of self-report measures using ratings by others. Sociological Methods and Research , 1976, 4_, 380-400. Dubin, R. Industrial workers worlds: A study of the "central life in- terests" of industrial workers. Social Problems , 1956, 3., 131-142. Dubin, R. Work and nonwork: Institutional perspectives. In M.D. Dunnette (Ed.), Work and Nonwork in the Year 2001 . Monterey, Ca.: f Brooks Cole, 1973, pp. 54-68. Dumazedier, J. Toward a society of leisure . London: Col 1 ler Macmi 1 Ian, 1967. Environmental Protection Agency. Th e quality of life concept: A po- tential tool for dec is ion -makers . Washington, D.C.: EPA, 1973- Executive Office of the President: Office of Management and Budget. " -Social Indicators, 1373. Washington, D.C. U.S. Government Printing Office, 1973- Goldthorpe, J.H. The affluent work er: Industr ial attitudes and behavior . Cambridge, England: Cambridge University Press, 1968. Haavlo-Mannila, E. Satisfaction with family, work, leisure and life among men and women. Human Relations , 1971, 2^. 585~601 . Hackman, J.R. S Suttle, J. I. (Eds.) Improving life in organizations . Pacific Palisades, Ca.: Goodyear, in press. Hulln, C.L. Sourdes of variation in job and life satisfaction: The role of community and job-related variables. Journal of Applied Psychology , 1969, 53, 279-231. Kornhauser, A. Mental health and the Industrial worker: A Detroit study . New York: Wiley, 1965. Land, K.C. On the definition of social indicators. American Sociologist , 197U 6, 332-335. Meisner, M. The iong arm of the job: A study of work and leisure. Industrial Relations , I97i , it, 239-260. Porter, L.W. Turning work into nonwork: The rewarding environment. In M.D. Dunnette (Ed.), Work and Nonwork in the Year 2001 . Monterey, Ca.: Brooks Cole, 1973, pp. 115-133- 15 Quinn, R.P., Staines, G.L. & McCul lough, M.R. Job satisfaction: is there a trend? (Manpower Research Momgraph No. 30). Washington, D.C.: 'U.S. Department of Labor, 1 97^- Walton, R.E. Quality of working life: What is it? Sloan Management Review , 1973, 15(0, 11-2! . Willmott, P. Family, work and leisure conflicts among male employees. Human Relations , 1971, 24, 575-584. Work in America . Report of a special task force to the Secretary of Health, Education, and Welfare. Cambridge, Mass.: M.i.T., Press, *373. 16 Footnotes , The authors thank Frank Andrews and S. Witney for providing the data for this study. Thanks to Frank Andrews, John R. Kelly, and Greg Oldham for comments on earlier drafts. Requests for reprints should be sent to Manuel London, Department of Business Administration, University of Illinois, 61 Commerce West, Urbana, Illinois 6)801 See Andrews and Wlthey (197^, 1976) for complete wordings of the items and the scale. 2 Interested readers "may obtain these data by writing to the first author. c o o to i/> A3 4> 3 V) X (0 1- 4) _ X) c ro X o -3 C % c o TO s ■o c < . c o o "O 3 Q s X CM id i_ o 3 « 4J I I ja O i £ X x 6) ifl ■o C TO t ! o 3 X ■a c to L. 3 o X - -Sri 8 o c 3 — c X TO TO 5> O 1/1 TO TO > TO > TO X 3 TO X ur\ x o u 3 o >. en c "o en c 3 cr C o o ■o c TO C"4 CM CM cn CO UsO U a u\ eo m 1 - O o c c > >» » TO JZ • c in 4J "D V. o "O 4> O • MB C 4> ■j 0) 3 3 ia > > C > o CD o •— >*• re >* o >•. 4-1 3 M 4~i x: 4J O >s e TO 3 cn o .*■- C o • c -3 a. >« <* O) •— » > in o 2 c x: TJ x; >* ••— 4-> IA C 4-1 a. L, __ «— 4) re L. 4) E 0. e 4) O. § 4-> u <4- X f- re x re 8 CO i— ■*' — — \o -4- CO -s- LA -* CM •Mr- vO — - • ■ •^ CO en vO -3- co « • « . u. 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