530 63£) W. /Oil la FACULTY WORKING PAPER NO. 1011 Stochastic interest Rates, Changing Volatility and the Pricing of Options on Stock Index Futures Hun Y. Park ft Stephen Sears College o1 Commerce and Business Adminisiral Bureau ..>- ; Economic and Business Research cis. Urbana-Cbam r -3ian BEBR FACULTY WORKING PAPER NO. 1011 College of Commerce and Business Administration University of Illinois at Urbana- Champaign February 1984 Stochastic Interest Rates, Changing Volatility and the Pricing of Options on Stock Index Futures Hun Y. Park, Professor Department of Finance R. Stephen Sears, Professor Department of Finance This research is supported in part by the Investors in Business Education and the University Research Board at the University of Illinois. We gratefully acknowledge the compu- tational assistance of Messrs. Chen-Chin Chu and Prabir Datta. This is a preliminary draft and is not for quotation. Comments are welcome. Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2011 with funding from University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign http://www.archive.org/details/stochasticintere1011park Abstract Black [2] has recently formulated a model for the pricing of options on futures contracts under the assumption that futures contracts are equivalent to forward contracts. Since futures and forward contracts do differ because of the effects of changing interest rates, the vola- tility which is implied in the value of the option may be changing over the life of the option. This paper investigates the impact of changing volatilities on the pricing of options on futures by comparing the pric- ing performance of the Black, model under the two alternative assumptions of constant and changing implied volatility. The empirical results, using options on New York Stock Exchange futures contracts, provide motivation for the development of a theoretical pricing model based on variable interest rates. Stochastic Interest Rates, Changing Volatility and the Pricing of Options on Stock Index Futures The original Black-Scholes [4] stock option pricing model assumes that the interest rate is constant over the life of the option. Merton [11] relaxed this assumption by introducing a variable interest rate option pricing model in which the capital market perceives a continuous sample path for equilibrium stock and default-free discount bond prices so that the option price is a linear homogeneous monotonic function of the ratio of the price of the underlying stock to the price of a default-free discount bond. Merton [11] has shown the Black-Scholes model to be a special case of his model in which the instantaneous bond price variance and the covariance between the stock and the bond price are both zero. Using the same assumptions as Black and Scholes, Black [2] has developed a formula for pricing call options on futures contracts under the assumption that futures contracts are equivalent to forward con- tracts. This model differs from the original Black-Scholes model only in that the current stock price is replaced by the present value of the futures price. This transformation comes from the intuition that an investment in a futures contract requires no commitment of funds (see also [1], [12]). Recent research ([5], [8] and [15]), however, has demonstrated that a futures contract will differ from a forward contract because of the "marking-to-market" effect, which in turn is a function of changing interest rates. Empirically, as Figure 1 illustrates, the volatility -2- o o oo_ o o CD _| O o o a r\j J a c. a a oo o a CO c a a o "\j. 0. 00 October 6, 1979 « 40. CO SO. 00 120. 00 160. 00 I ME 200.00 240.00 280.00 Figure 1. Weekly Averages of Six-Month Treasury Bill Yields for the Period January, 1978 - Sepr^ber. 1981. -3- of short-term interest rates has changed dramatically over the past few years. This is due in part to a change in the Federal Reserve's policy (October, 1979) of monitoring monetary aggregates rather than interest rates. As such, it no longer seems reasonable to assume interest rates are constant and thus independent of futures price movements. Because the difference between futures and forward prices is affected by the covariability between futures and bond prices, it is apparent that the Black model may be misspecified because of this effect. The purpose of this paper is to examine the efficiency of the Black model in the pricing of options on stock index futures and the impact of changing implied volatility, which is possibly due to a stochastic interest rate, on the pricing of such options. To facili- tate this test, the Black model is examined under two alternative scenarios: constant and varying implied volatilities. The results indicate that the volatility which is implied in the value of an op- tion on the NYSE stock index is changing over the life of the option. Recognizing this in the pricing process produces option prices signifi- cantly closer to their actual market values than is the case under the assumption of constant volatilities. These empirical results provide motivation for the development of a pricing model for options on futures along the lines of Merton's variable interest rate stock option model. Section I describes the market for options on stock index futures and how the changing volatility can affect the pricing of such options. Section II describes the data base and methodology while Section III presents the results. A brief summary is contained in Section IV. -4- I. The Pricing of Options on Stock Index Futures In February 1982, the Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) approved the trading of futures contracts on the Value Line Index at the Kansas City Board of Trade. This action was quickly followed by the introduction of futures contracts on the S and P 500 Index (Chicago Mercantile Exchange) and the NYSE Index (New York Futures Exchange) in April and May of 1982, respectively. These stock-index futures con- tracts differ from other physical commodity futures contracts because of their cash settlement procedure. These new futures contracts have maturity dates in the months of March, June, September and December. In 1983, the CFTC approved the trading of options on these new futures contracts. Cptions on the Value-Line futures are traded on the Kansas City Board of Trade, and options on the S and P 500 futures and the NYSE futures are traded on the Chicago Mercantile Exchange and the New York Futures Exchange, respectively. These options share the same maturity months as the corresponding futures contracts. A call (put) option on a futures contract conveys the right to go long (short) in a futures contract at a specific price (called exercise or striking price) during a specified time period. A pricing model for call options on futures contracts was developed by Black [2] under the same assumptions as the original Black-Scholes model and is given in equation (1): C = FN(d ) - XN(d 2 ) (1) where: C = the value of a call option on a futures contract F = the present value of the futures price -5- X = the present value of the exercise price = the price of a default-free discount bond which pays the exercise price on the expiration date d = ln(F/X)/a /t + .5a it d 2 = i x - O f /I 2 a = instantaneous variance of percentage changes in futures prices t = time to expiration of the option N(*) = cumulative normal distribution The impact that stochastic interest rates can have upon the pricing of options on futures can be examined within the context of Merton's variable interest rate stock option model. When interest rates are stochastic, the variance implied in the value of an option on a futures can be specified as: x = / S 2 (t)dt (2) where 2 2 2 S - 6 months -1.57 (-12.3579) .42 (3.4036) 1.99 (11.2378) 654 Numbers in parentheses are t values Not significantly different from zero at the 1% level 'Difference between (M-A)/A and (B-A)/A -12- volatilities. (Note, however, that for in-the-money options, the dif- ferences in mispricing between the two alternatives are only .03 percent and .29 percent when X/F < .90 and ,90__X/F < .95, respectively.) Differences between market prices and model prices for different X/F values under the assumption of constant volatility and varying volatility are graphically displayed in Figures 3A and 3B , respectively. As the scales on these figures indicate, the constant volatility (3A) approach can produce large percentage deviations (several are in excess of 1.00 (100%)). With regard to the time to maturity effect, differences between the two pricing formulations are also significant, most notably in options with maturities less than 3 months. The magnitude of mispricing under the assumption of constant volatility varies much more across the alter- native times to maturity categories than does the one under the varying volatility assumption. For example, the average mispricings across maturities ranges from 24.80% to -1.57% for the constant volatility column. On the other hand, with varying volatilities, the mean mis- pricing levels are quite similar (1.69% to .42%). Since the ISD mea- sured in the first column is an average of the maturity classes' ISD's, it is not surprising that the least amount of relative mispricing (statistically) occurs for intermediate term options (3 months < t < 6 months) when all options are pooled to compute the ISD. From Figure 2 it can be seen that the intermediate term ISD most nearly approximates the overall ISD. Because the three-month ISD differs more from the other maturity ISD's, a pooled estimate will most seriously misprice these options. This overpricing effect is consistent with the failure -IS- C' + ) \ C + + t + + + -rr r . + ^r^- rru ~+* + ?f •+ O ■+W'-i I C. 80 Q. 84 •G. 88 0. 92 -F Q. 96 F 00 04 i. 08 Figure 3A. Differences between Market Prices and Model Prices for Different X/F Values Under the Assumption of Constant Volatility -14- I + + -It c cr i -rt- -r +r I 0. 80 0. 84 C 88 C. 92 0. 96 1. DO 04 i. 08 Figure 3B. Differences between Market Prices and Model Prices for Different X/F Values with Varying Volatility -15- of the model to correctly measure a downward changing implied volatility, The mispricing versus time dimension (as measured by months to maturity) is displayed in Figures 4A and 4B under the two pricing formulations. As a final test, all of the observations are pooled and the rela- tionships between mispricing and X/F and time to maturity are examined and presented in Table II. Segregating according to maturity in order to capture the changing volatility reduces significantly the pricing bias associated with the exercise price/futures price ratio and for the sample as a whole eliminates any bias due to time to maturity. IV. Summary Interest rate variability has increased dramatically in the last few years. Theoretically, this gives rise to non-constant volatilities which are implied in the values of options traded on futures contracts. Empirical evidence of this non-stationarity can be obtained through an examination of the implied volatilities on option contracts of dif- fering maturities. Correcting for this problem by pricing options with ISD's derived from segregating maturities provides a more accurate assessment of market values. These empirical results provide motiva- tion for the development of a more precise option on futures pricing model — one which incorporates the impact of changing volatility on value estimation. c -16- + ex \ a n c ci p~ en LJ C C + + -nj. + + t -pr + + T t ,1" .-r + ,-f^ C I- ■"•" i -Jr-^r *r . -r- _^r G. GO i. 25 2. 5Q Figure 4A. Differences between Market Prices and Model Prices for Different Times to Maturity Under the Assumption of Constant Volatility. Time is measured as the number of months to maturity. -17- o CD O O 03 \ a R- CD C a a a ^> a. a 00 o. i a + + +H 1- + + + + C + + + + -r T + + + .^ 4. + + + . + w I J + + + + + + + I li in* i 0. 00 1. 25 2. 50 75 5. 00 TIME 6. 25 7. 50 8. 75 Figure 4B. Differences between Market Prices and Model Prices for Different Times to Maturity with Varying Volatility, Time is measured as the number of months to maturity. -18- Table II Regression Results' Test '0 a. R 2 SSE 1. (B-A)/A = a Q + a 1 (X/F) -2.0643 2.2191 .1077 .1093 (-15.4532) (16.1593) (M-A)/A = a Q + a 1 (X/F) -.4475 .47241 .0275 .0209 (-7.6677) (7.8737) 2. (B-A)/A * a + at .2737 -.0439 .0980 .1105 (19.7077) (-15.3925) (M-A)/A = a Q + o^t .0177 -.0001 -.0005 .0215 (1.9066) (-.0570) numbers in parenthesis are t values not significant at the 1% level sum of squared errors -19- Footnotes This effect can be seen through an examination of the time variable in the Merton model. Conceivably as the bond approaches maturity, its price converges to the face value; thus, its variance rate and the covariance term approach zero for the same reason. Thus, even though the futures price variance were constant through time, the instantaneous variance of the price ratio need not be constant over time. Another reason for possible differences in volatility across maturities, as noted by Pat tell and Wolf son [13] and cited by Whaley [18], is the effect of anticipated information arrival. For instance, consider the information effect on options for different maturities when the information set is limited to news about inflation. One would not be surprised to see a higher implied standard deviation in options which expire after the anticipated announcement date of news about inflation. As there might be many such anticipated information arri- vals, a variety of frequently changing implied volatilities might be anticipated with the characteristic being a higher implied volatility for longer-maturity options (see [13]). This effect would be stronger the greater the uncertainty about inflation (see figure 1). 2 We also obtained daily closing call option and underlying futures price data for the S & P 500 index from the Wall Street Journal for the same time period. The results for the S & P 500 options do not deviate significantly from those for the NYSE options and are not reported here to conserve space. They are available from the authors upon request. -20- 3 Whaley's procedure to estimate the ISD can be summarized in the following manner. First, options written on the same security (at a given point in time) can be expressed as: C. - C(a) . + e. (a) J J J where: C. = the market price of option j C(cr). = the model price J e. = the residual J An estimate of a is determined by minimizing the sum of the squared observed residuals, £.. An iterative (non-linear) technique is used to J minimize the sum of the squared residuals by first obtaining an initial estimate of a by using a Taylor series approximation: C. = C(o ). + 3C./8a (a-a ) + ... + higher order terms + e. (b) where a = initial value of volatility a = true volatility Assuming that the higher order terms are trivial, (b) can be written as: A A C. - C(a_). = 3C./3a n (a-o A ) + e. (c) 3 j j j An estimate of the volatility, a, is found by applying OLS repeatedly until the estimate satisfies an accepted tolerance K: \Co-o Q )/a \ < K where K = .0001. We use the same criterion as Whaley's in this paper. -21- Bibliography 1. N. Biger and J. Hull. "The Valuation of Currency Options." Financial Management . 12 (1983), pp. 24-28. 2. F. Black. "The Pricing of Commodity Contracts-" Journal of Finan- cial Economics . 3 (1976), pp. 169-179. 3. and M. Scholes. "The Valuation of Option Contracts and a Test of Market Efficiency." Journal of Finance . 27 (1972), pp. 399-417. 4. . "The Pricing of Options and Corporate Liabilities." Journal of Political Economy . 81 (1973), pp. 639-659. 5. J. Cox, J. Ingersoll Jr., and S. Ross. "The Relation Between Forward Prices and Futures Prices." Journal of Financial Economics , 9 (1981), pp. 321-346. 6. D. Chiras and S. Manaster. "The Informational Content of Option 4 Prices and a Test of Market Efficiency." 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D/168 -2- PERCEN'T 20 MONEY MARKET HAILS rfONTHLT *ve«»8SI OF OAILT FISURES PERCENT 20 1978 1979 1930 193 1 1982 1983 LATEST DATA N.OTTED. SEfTEySER fREfARED Br FEDERAL RESERVE BANK OF ST. LOUIS Figure 1. Weekly Averages of Six-Month Treasury Bill Yields for the Period: January, 1978 - September, 1983