LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS AT URBANA-CHAMPAICN 655.53 N51c Digitized by the Internel t Archi in 2015 EXPLAN ATIO N HE printer or advertiser will find the refer- ence matter in this catalogue in such form as to permit of a thorough exami- nation and a satisfactory selection of a suitable paper in an appropriate shade. Cover papers, that is, papers for covering cata- logues, booklets, and similar printed matter, like other products, are prepared for certain uses. In choosing a paper always consider the character and purpose of your literature and the amount of handling and rough usage it will receive. The descrip- tive pages and the reading notice at the foot of each page will assist in deciding on the proper material. There are shown in this book ten lines and over sixty shades, representing a hundred papers of various finishes, sizes, and weights. No one paper mill ever before offered so remarkable a collection of papers as the N. P. Mills do in this catalogue. LIBRARY UNIVERSITY OF lUINOIS m URBANA-CHAMPAIGN ACCORD BOOK PAPER THE N. P. Mills have delayed in plac- ing a book paper on the market until such a time as they might be able to furnish a paper which would actually meet the requirements of the advertising and printing trade. In producing the four pastel shades of Accord Book Paper, the old-time colors, with their purple blues and cold grays, have been carefully avoided, and the paper stock also has been chosen because of its fine printing qualities. / Accord Book Papers are not ordinary book papers adapted to new uses, but were created especially for advertising literature. The four shades, N. P. Pastel BufF, N. P. Pastel Green, N. P. Pastel Blue, and N. P. Pastel Gray, are designed to be used in com- bination with Utility and Sultan Covers. TELEGRAPH CODE ACCORD BOOK PAPERS Name Size WeiEht Code Word Pastel Buff Ream 25 x 38 95 lbs. Quest Pastel Green . Ream 25 x 38 95 lbs. Quaint Pastel Blue . Ream 25 x 38 95 lbs. Quilt Pastel Gray . Ream 25 x 38 95 lbs. Quaker THIRD OF THE SERIES ON THE MAKING OF PAPER Page Six r-pi HE art of writing was an unusual accomplishment among the Arabs in the time of Mohammed and the common writing material of their neighbors, papyrus or parchment, was a rare exotic in Arabia. The Koran itself, as its various portions were from time to time revealed, was to some extent entrusted to memory, but was more generally taken dovm by the secretaries of the prophet on almost anything at all suitable that happened to be at hand. Zaid ibn Thabit, who was entrusted with the task of first collecting into one whole the scattered fragments of the work some years after Mohammed's death, gathered it, we are told, from strips of cloth, palm leaves, skins, smooth stones, the shoulder blades of sheep, the bones of camels, and from the memory of men. The scarcity of a good writing surface could hardly be more emphasized; for Mohammed was rich and powerful for years before his death, and these scattered revela- tions were regarded as the very words of Allah himself. It must be added, however, that at this time the Arabs set no ! great store upon written documents among themselves, that isome of their tribes possessed a considerable unwritten litera- ture, and that many of the Moslems knew the Koran by heart, ; and it was only when the ranks of these " Carriers of the Koran " had been thinned in a bloody battle that the project of collecting the work in a single written volume was undertaken. Whatever may have been the poverty, ignorance, or careless- ness of the Arabs at this time as regards writing material, they 4were destined not long after to become expert paper makers themselves, and to spread a knowledge of the art over the whole world of civilization. WRITING OF THE ARABS WORKING ON THE KORAN UNWRITTEN LITERA- TURE PROGRESS OF THE ARABS Accord book is a paper in perfect sympathy with the present-day advertising. N. p. PASTEL BUFF ACCORD BOOK Basis 25x38-95 lb.. Interesting, but not especially useful, the "prac- printing in tical" printer says. No, not unless there is recognizable 3R£iatu)n to in this, as in all that has been said about art in print- ^^^^J" ing, the subtle relation between the vital elements of graphic art and those refinements of knowledge and practice which tend to bring printing nearer to the arts. The connection is there, and is evident to the seeing eye. In nature and in life the sense of values is of such importance that without it objects would not have relative positions; all would be a jumble of shades and tones, objects and colors; we would stumble, as we could not see depressions ; we would grasp an arm or the empty air, when we attempted to seize a hand ; we could not judge distances. It is upon the extent and the thoroughness of the printer s knowledge of this question of values that the degree of refinement and truth he is able to impart to a certain class of work depends, and hence its money value to him and its intrin- sic value to his patrons. Accord book papers and Utility or Sultan covers permit an easy selection of book and cover papers which are in harmony. N. p. PASTEL GREEN ACCORD BOOK Basis 25 X 38 — 95 lbs. THE PERSONAL ELEMENT THE present revival of interest in printing as an art has its basis almost entirely on the personal element, which is being recognized again in much the same manner as it is in the estimates which are now made of the works of the early printers and of others who have brought distinction to their arts. Although the evidence of this personal element is more noticeable in the special kinds of book-making which have been instanced, it is, never- theless, of equal or even greater impor- tance in every well-established, thorough- going printing office, whether devoted to book or commercial work. This per- sonal taste and care are even more vital to commercial printing, which is usually intended to exercise a definite influence Book paper for publicity purposes, like the cover of a booklet, to be effective must attract. N. p. PASTEL BLUE ACCORD BOOK Basis 25x38—95 lbs. THE AUTOBIOGRAPHY OF BENJAMIN FRANKLIN With ILLUSTRATIONS Boston and New York THE CLASSIC PUBLISHING COMPANY MDCCCCVII Book paper should accommodate itself to the within which it is enclosed. N. p. PASTEL GRAY ACCORD BOOK Basis 25 X 38—95 lbs. ITALIA THIS line is another creation of the Niagara Paper Mills. It is the intention to furnish in this paper a product which has the characteristics of the hand- made charcoal papers and which can be marketed at a reasonable price. Italia is made with deckle- edge, in five dainty colors, in 20^ x 25—45 lbs. TELEGRAPH CODE ** ITALIA " COVERS Name Size Weight Code Word Osci. . . . Ream 20% x 25 45 lbs. Mow Pellasgi . . Ream 20^ x 25 45 lbs. Milk Etrusci . . . Ream 20>^ x 25 45 lbs. Mix Umbri . . . Ream 20>^ x 25 -45 lbs. Mute Sabelli . . . Ream 20>^ x 25 45 lbs. Myrrh N. P. OSCI ITALIA e 3t ^notun tkat Annual Conven tion of y« PIONEERS' Association of New York will he keld at Buffalo, New York, on April eighteenth, nine teenth, and twentieth. ^ ant m^o tkat all memkers of Association are most cordially invited to a^end tkis convention. For dignified type announcements, the delicate of Italia covers are unexcelled. N. p. UMBRI ITALIA N. P. ETRUSCI ITALIA 'Jlr'fIC liaj returns; mtt Ml/ brrngfij tt0 tfje pett? rountj of irritatrng con= cernsi anli tjutits ^ f|elp m to pla^ tije tnati. j^elp us to perform tf)em b)(t| laugliter anU feinU faces, let ej^eerfulneiss alioun^ toitf) mliustr^ it #ibe us to go tiltt|)el^ on our husu ness all tjts tia lirms us to our resting ftelis \uear? anil content anD unUtsl^on^ oreli, anil grant us in tfje enli tj^c gift of sleep tb^lmcn Utobect Sauijsr J>teitenjEron The (o(t neutral shades of Italia are well adapted (or artistic work of various kinds. N. P. PELLAGl ITALIA I(SIBI®P^ n iL WAY anhom o The soft surface of Italia covers lake half-tone cuts easily and attractively. N. p. SABELLI ITALIA TAFFETA LINE 20 x 25 — 40 lbs. 22 x 28 — 60 lbs. And in Laid Finish 20 x 25 - 40 lbs. T\FFETA is shown in the 20 X 25 40-lb. size and weight in the seven shades. These are followed by N. P. Niger in 60-lb. weight, and this by N. P. Dresden Blue in the 40-lb. laid finish. TELEGRAPH CODE 40-LB. " TAFFETA " COVERS Name Size Weight Code Word Shrimp . . . Ream 20 x 25 40 lbs. Hyphen Cadet . . . Ream 20 x 25 40 lbs. Hobby Leghorn . . Ream 20 x 25 40 lbs. Hinge Niger . . . Ream 20 x 25 40 lbs. Host Platina. . . Ream 20 x 25 40 lbs. Human Covert Brown . Ream 20 x 25 40 lbs. Harvest Dresden Blue . Ream 20 x 25 40 lbs. Helmet NOTE THE MANY EFFECTS PRODUCED BY THE USE OF THESE PAPERS IN CONNECTION WITH APPROPRIATE COLORS AND DIGNIFIED DESIGNS. THIS PARTICULAR COLOR AND QUALITY IS WELL ADAPTED FOR HIGH-CLASS BROCHURE COVERS AND FOLDERS. Taffeta is thick for weight, and reasonable in price. N. p. PLATINA TAFFETA Basis 20x25—40 lbs. ANNIVERSARY GREETING • FOR MORE THAN A HALF OF A CENTURY WE HAVE KEPT IN CLOSE TOUCH WITH THE INK WANTS OF THE i PRINTER. THIS CAREFUL AND LONG-CONTINUED j WATCH OF THE INTERESTS OF OUR CUSTOMERS HAS i GIVEN US AN INTIMATE KNOWLEDGE OF THEIR NEEDS. WE WILL SEND OUR 1907 SPECIMEN BOOK OF COLORS, ••INK FOR QUALITY PRINTERS," UPON APPLICATION Taffeta makes a good book paper for advertising literature. N. p. COVERT BROWN TAFFETA Basis 20x25—40 Ibj. PLAIN PRINTING TYPES Taffeta, as a cover, suggests attractive subjects within a booklet. N. p. CADET TAFFETA Basis 20x25 — 40 lbs. Taffeta can be used to advantage for folders, an- nouncements, and menu cards. N. p. DRESDEN BLUE TAFFETA Basis 20x25 — 40 lbs. BOOKLET DESCRIPTIVE OF THE BEAUTY AND GRANDEUR OF THE LAKE REGION OF MUSKOKA THE GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY SYSTEM Taffeta is made in light and cheerful tints. N. p. NIGER TAFFETA Basis 20x25— 40 lbs. HAND-MADE EMBROIDERY To he exhihhed and j^laced on sale in our Linen Department the week of August 1-7 FRENCH y COMPANY Taffeta is composed of delicate and beautiful shades. N. P. LEGHORN TAFFETA Basis 20x25 — 40 lbs. OR ANNOUNCE- MENTS, FOLDERS. AND MENU CARDS. THE PRINTER FINDS IN THIS PAPER A MATERIAL WHICH WILL READILY ADAPT ITSELF TO THESE USES. Taffeta allows great latitude in the selection of color. N. p. SHRIMP TAFFETA Basis 20x25 — 40 lbs. TAFFETA LINE In 22 X 28 — 60 lbs. TAFFETA is carried in the seven tints, Shrimp, Niger, Leghorn, Dresden Blue, Cov- ert Brown, Cadet, and Platina, in the above size and weight. TELEGRAPH CODE 60-LB. "taffeta " COVERS Name Size Weight Code Word Shrimp. Ream 22 x 28 60 lbs. Mars Cadet . . . Ream 22 x 28 60 lbs. Meet Leghorn Ream 22 x 28 60 lbs. Monk Niger Ream 22 x 28 60 lbs. Moral Platina. . . Ream 22 x 28 60 lbs. Mustard Covert Brown Ream 22 x 28 60 lbs. Miner Dresden Blue Ream 22 x 28 60 lbs. Model On N. P. NIGER TAFFETA Basis 22x28 — 60 lbs. TAFFETA LAID FINISH THE lovely tinted Taffeta Paper, finished in this way, is given the appearance of a high- priced paper. Try this Taffeta for announcements, stationery, or book paper where cost must be con- sidered yet attractiveness is desired. TELEGRAPH CODE LAID FINISH "taffeta" COVERS, 40 LBS. Size Weight Code Word Shrimp . . . Ream 20 x 25 40 lbs. Panel Cadet . . . Ream 20 x 25 40 lbs. Pen Leghorn . . Ream 20 x 25 40 lbs. Phantom Niger . . . Ream 20 x 25 40 lbs. Picture Platina. . . Ream 20 x 25 40 lbs. Precept Covert Brown. Ream 20 x 25 40 lbs. Plant Dresden Blue . Ream 20 x 25 40 lbs. Purse On N. P. DRESDEN BLUE TAFFETA LAID FINISH Basis 20x25 — 40 lbs. QUEEN COVERS THESE covers have the English finish which gives an admirable printing surface. The colors are quite pronounced and are chosen with especial reference to their appropriateness for booklet covers. TELEGRAPH CODE ••queen" covers Name Size Weight Code Word Kildare . . Ream 20 x 25 50 lbs. Fable Killarney . . Ream 20 x 25 50 lbs. Fabric Lancaster . Ream 20 x 25 50 lbs. Farce Klondike . . Ream 20 x 25 50 lbs. Fancy Devon . . . Ream 20 x 25 50 lbs. Fact Kent . . . Ream 20 x 25 50 lbs. Fall Melbourne Ream 20 x 25 50 lbs. Farm BOOKLET DESCRIPTIVE OF THE BEAUTY AND GRANDEUR OF THE LAKE REGION OF MUSKOKA 7 THE GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY SYSTEM Queen Covers have long been the standard line moderate-priced papers. N. p. KILDARE QUEEN Basis 20x25 — 50 lbs. i HAND-MADE EMBROIDERY To le exhihited and j^laced on sale in our Linen Department the week of August 1-7 FRENCH y COMPANY The surface of Queen covers makes the printing un- usually easy. N. p. KILLARNEY QUEEN Basis 20x25 — 50 lbs. HE NIAGARA PAPER MILLS, LOCKPORT, NEW YORK, WISH TO ANNOUNCE THE ISSUANCE OF A NEW AND COMPLETE SAMPLE BOOK OF THEIR CELEBRATED COVER PA- PERS. THIS COLLECTION IN- CLUDES MANY NEW SHADES AND EXCEPTIONALLY UNIQUE SUR- FACES. THE QUALITY PRINTERS OF EVERY COUNTRY SHOULD HAVE THIS SAMPLE BOOK. IT MAY BE HAD FOR THE ASKING. The poster colors of Queen are especially suitable for booklet covers. N. p. KLONDIKE QUEEN Bads 20x25 - 50 lbs. PLAIN PRINTING TYPES Queen covers should be employed for general pub- licity purposes. N. p. DEVON QUEEN Basis 20x25 — 50 lbs. ^i\^nakena Glut A Social Evening and Dance To he held at the new Cluh Rooms at 114 E. 55th Street Queen covers are made in seven popular shades. N. p. LANCASTER QUEEN Basis 20x25 — 50 lbs. NOTE THE MANY EFFECTS PRODUCED BY THE USE OF THESE PAPERS IN CONNECTION WITH APPROPRIATE COLORS AND DIGNIFIED DESIGNS. THIS PARTICULAR COLOR AND QUALITY IS WELL ADAPTED FOR HIGH-CLASS BROCHURE COVERS AND FOLDERS. The new brown shown in Queen covers is a fine shade and one that will not waste ink. N. p. KENT QUEEN Basis 20x25 — 50 lbs. HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES RONALD BLAKE THIS PROSPECTUS IS A FAC- SIMILE OF THE HISTORY IN SIZE,TYPOGRAPHY. PAPER, AND GENERAL FORMAT. Although the new blue is strong in color, black nhows up well on this shade. N. p. MELBOURNE QUEEN Basis 20x25 — 50 lbs. HOMESPUN COVERS MADE of all rag stock, will not break or tear like ordi- nary papers. Carried in 20 X 25—50 lbs. and 20 x 25—30 lbs. The six shades, Mode, Khaki, Gobelin, Suede, Dawn, and Sage are shown in the 50 lb. weight. Following these is shown Dawn Homespun on the 30 lb. weight. TELEGRAPH CODE 50-LB. " HOMESPUN " COVERS Name Size Weight Code Word Dawn . . . Ream 20 x 25 50 lbs. Kite Sage . . . Ream 20 x 25 50 lbs. Keg Gobelin . . Ream 20 x 25 50 lbs. King Suede . . . Ream 20 x 25 50 lbs. Kelp Khaki . . . Ream 20 x 25 50 lbs. Knave Mode . . . Ream 20 x 25 50 lbs. Knob rCOLONIAL BOOK SHOP 482 LEXINGTON AVENUE Try using one printing of black on this new brown. N. p. MODE HOMESPUN Basis 20x25 — 50 Ibj. PROSPECTUS OF H O P K I N S O N'S SCHOOL FOR BOYS A R D E N IGHABOD CRANE, Master SEA SO N OF 1 9 0 7 - 8 Homespun covers make ideal Knck^ for calendars, announcements, and posters. N. p. SAGE HOMESPUN Ba«U 20x25 — 501b.. A COMPLETE LIST OF BOOKS RELATING TO THE ART PRESERVATIVE OF ARTS THE CENTAUR PRESS Nos. 1437-1440 MACOMBER STREET EDINBURGH, SCOTLAND Where a booklet is to be subjected to considerable wear it is profitable to use Homespun. N. P. KHAKI HOMESPUN Bads 20x25— 50 Ib». ^Fij — WINTER TERM MCMVII Homespun makes a strong durable cover. N. P. SUEDE HOMESPUN Basb 20x25 — 50 lbs. A Complete Catalog of Church Work in Wood Metal, Fabrics Basons Cocamunion Plates, Tablets Altar Hangings i Brochure Covers Made by Niagara Paper Mills Lockpbrt, N;. y. Homespun covers were origirfated by the Niagara Paper Mills and Have t>cen widely urptalied, N. p. DAWN HOMESPUN Basis 20x25 — 50 lbs. IMPERIAL SILVERWARE CATALOGUE AND DEALERS' PRICE LIST IMPERIAL SILVERWARE CO. STAMFORD, PA. Homespun is especially adapted to dignified and ar- tistic catalogue work. N. p. GOBELIN HOMESPUN Bads 20x25 — 50 lbs. mmmmmmmmmmmmummmmimm THIRTY POUND HOMESPUN THIS lightweight Homespun makes a desirable paper for use as envelopes, fine box linings, postal wrappers, card wrap- pers, and wrapping small packages. This size and weight, 20 x 25 — 30 lbs., carried in the six Homespun Shades. TELEGRAPH CODE 30-LB. " HOMESPUN " COVERS Name Size Weight Code Word Dawn . . . Ream 20 x 25 30 lbs. Jam Sage . . . Ream 20 x 25 30 lbs. Jasper Gobelin Ream 20 x 25 30 lbs. Join Suede . Ream 20 x 25 30 lbs. Just Khaki . . , Ream 20 x 25 30 lbs. Jury Mode . . Ream 20 x 25 30 lbs. Jewel On N. P. DAWN HOMESPUN Basis 20x25 — 30 lbs. UTILITY COVERS THE colors of N. P. Utility Covers are such as have been utilized for decorative pur- poses in the arts and crafts. The N. P. Mills make a new and happy departure in paper making when they apply these colorings to cover papers. It is apparent this material must yield itself to the most beautiful and highest type of ornamentation. TELEGRAPH CODE UTILITY COVERS Name Size Weight Code Word Golden Glow . . Ream 20 x 25 60 lbs. Carat Poplar Green . . Ream 20 x 25 60 lbs. Cactus Tapestry Brown . Ream 20 x 25 60 lbs. Canopy Deepwater Green . Ream 20 x 25 60 lbs. Cascade Geneva Blue . . Ream 20 x 25 60 lbs. Cloud GOLDEN GLOW A NEW PAPER USEFUL IN ALL CLASSES OF WORK MADE BY NIAGARA PAPER MILLS LOCKPORT, N. Y., U. S. A. In this new shade of Golden Glow there has produced as beautiful and practicable a color a« appeared in cover papers. N. p. GOLDEN GLOW UTILITY Basis 20x25 — 60 lbs. THE LOMBARDY POPLAR A BRIEF TREATISE ON THE SUBJECT FROM AN ARTIST'S STANDPOINT THE NIAGARA PAPER MILLS LOCKPORT, N. Y. 1907 Utility covers though brilliant are neverthclcs* crate in depth of color. N. p. POPLAR GREEN UTILITY Baai. 20x25—60 lb.. THE MANY USES OF PAPER LOCKPORT: NIAGARA PAPER MILLS MCMVII Utility covers are made to meet the requirements of the advertiser and printer. A FEW WORDS AS TO THE SELECTION OF PAPER FOR DIFFERENT CLASSES OF WORK N. P. TAPESTRY BROWN UTILITY BasU 20x25 — 60 lbs. wk§ ikmk This shade, Deepwaler Green, was made to harmo- oize with any book paper. N. p. DEEPWATER GREEN UTILITY Basil 20x25 — 60 lb». 1 PROSPECTUS Ikwntiinit WINTER TERM MCMVU This is a blue free from purple, and of such strength of color as to demand attention. N. p. GENEVA BLUE UTILITY Basis 20x25 — 60 lbs. ROYAL MELTON COVERS MADE in antique finish with a surface that has that clothy feel and look. The wearing and folding qualities are unusually good. Carried in two sizes and weights, 20x25—70 lbs. and 22 x 28—90 lbs. Royal Melton is shown in the eleven colors in the 70 -lb. and in Smoke Gray in the 90- lb. weight, followed by Absinthe in plate finish. TELEGRAPH CODE 70-LB. " ROYAL MELTON " COVERS Name Size Weieht Code Word Serpent. . . Ream 20 x 25 70 lbs. Design Smoke Gray . Ream 20 x 25 70 lbs. Dice Navy Blue Ream 20 x 25 70 lbs. Detach Emerald Green Ream 20 x 25 70 lbs. Detain Absinthe . . Ream 20 x 25 70 lbs. Depose Andovre . . Ream 20 x 25 70 lbs. Demise Havane . . Ream 20 x 25 70 lbs. Define Mordore . . Ream 20 x 25 70 lbs. Dido Tangerine. . Ream 20 x 25 70 lbs. Demerit White . . . Ream 20 x 25 70 lbs. Desert Egyptine . . Ream 20 x 25 70 lbs. Delta SON ^ R A s s i ; in the lighter sha and orn<^ N. R SMOKE GRAY ROYAL MELTON PLAIN RINTING TYPES The Catalogue of mill supplies should be bound in one of the Royal Melton Covers. N. p. SERPENT ROYAL MELTON Basis 20 X 25—70 lb.. GREETING F A CENTURY WE HAVE THE INK WANTS OF THE ,ND LONG-CONTINUED OUR CUSTOMERS HAS _ , ^ , )EDGE OF THEIR NEEDS. OUR 1967 SPECIMEN BOOK OF COLORS, QUALITY PRINTERS," UPON APPLICATION Royal Melton covers are serviceable. N. p. NAVY BLUE ROYAL MEl-TON Basis 20x25 — 70 lbs. N. P. Eg^yptine is a splendid black with the true Melton finish. N. P. EGYPTINE ROYAL MELTON Basis 20x25— 70 lbs. Periodical that is devoted to people who think Cataiogues which go into machine shops should be rovered with the darker shades of Royal Melton covers. N. P. ANDOVRE ROYAL MELTON R .:l» 20x25 - 70 lbs. I BOOKLET DESCRIPTIVE OP THE BEAUTY AND GRANDEUR OF THE LAKE REGION OF MUSKOKA THE GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY SYSTEM Cover your hardware catalogue with N. P. Mordore N. p. MORDORE ROYAL MELTON Basij 20x25 — 70 lbs. NOTE THE MANY EFFECTS PRODUCED BY THE USE OF THESE PAPERS IN CONNECTION WITH APPROPRIATE COLORS AND DIGNIFIED DESIGNS. THIS PARTICULAR COLOR AND QUALITY IS WELL ADAPTED FOR HIGH-CLASS BROCHURE COVERS AND FOLDERS. Royal Melton covers are made in original shades which command attention. N. P. HAVANE ROYAL MELTON Basis 20x25 — 70 lbs. YCOLONIAL BOOK SHOP 482 LEXINGTON AVENUE Royal Mellon covers adapt themselves to many uses N. p. TANGERINE ROYAL MELTON Baji» 20x25 — 70 lbs. THE MANY USES OF PAPER A FEW WORDS AS TO THE SELECTION OF PAPER FOR DIFFERENT CLASSES OF WORK LOCKPORT: NIAGARA PAPER MILLS MCMVII 1 A Royal Melton cover is just the thing for a bulky catalogue. Will wear well and not tear. N. p. ABSINTHE ROYAL MELTON Basis 20x25 — 70 lbs. mttmtymtst mBB m mttn ub ptiB- Bxbh, mh %tt htpwct, mkBB gott mmt Ifttlf- Ub\ to Unh Bnmt fri^nblji UBBtBtmn; for Ifm mtU motrk t0 m}fl0g ism mh ub tnang ub tnUx tlfXB plMt ALDVS PIVS MANVTIVS Royal Melton covers are handsome and also durable. N. p. EMERALD GREEN ROYAL MELTON Basis 20x25 — 70 lbs. ■mm ] GOLF By TAYLOR This is a fine white in the Royal Melton finish N. p. WHITE ROYAL MELTON Bais 20x25 — 70 lb.. ROYAL MELTON In 22 X 28 — 90 lb>. THE entire eleven shades are carried in this size and weight, the same as in the 70 -lb. weight. TELEGRAPH CODE 90-LB. *' ROYAL melton" COVERS Name Size Weight Code Word Serpent. . . Ream 22 x 28 90 lbs. Entire Smoke Gray . Ream 22 x 28 90 lbs. Equal Nav^Blue. . Ream 22 x 28 90 lbs. Encounter EmeraldGreen Ream 22 x 28 90 lbs. Ensign Absinthe . . Ream 22 x 28 90 lbs. Edible Aodovre , . Ream 22 x 28 90 lbs. Engross Havane . . Ream 22 x 28 90 lbs. Encourage Mordorc . . Ream 22 x 28 90 lbs. Exult Tangerine. . Ream 22 x 28 90 lbs. Engrave White . . . Ream 22 x 28 90 lbs. Enlist Egyptine . . Ream 22 x 28 90 lbs. Egypt On N. P. SMOKE GRAY ROYAL MELTON Basia 22 x 28 -90 Ihi. PLATE FINISH ROYAL MELTON S carried in the six shades, Smoke Gray, Navy Blue, Absinthe, Havane, Emerald Green, and Egyptine, in one weight. and size, 20 x 25—70 lbs. TELEGRAPH CODE 70-LB. PLATE FINISH ROYAL *' MELTON " COVERS Name Size Weight Code Word Egyptine . . Ream 20 x 25 70 lbs. Narrow H«vane . . Ream 20 x 25 70 lbs. Nerve EmeraldGreen Ream 20 x 25 70 lbs. Nickel Navy Blue Ream 20 x 25 70 lbs. Nude Smoke Gray . Ream 20 x 25 70 lbs. Nymph Absinthe . . Ream 20 x 25 70 lbs. North On N. P. ABSINTHE ROYAL MELTON PLATE FINISH Basis 20x25 — 70 lbs. SULTAN COVERS THIS line of covers is made from rope stock. The tough- ness of this material prevents the covers from tearing easily and their stiffness makes a perfect pro- tection for the catalogue or book- let. Shown in ten rich Oriental shades, in 20 x 25 — 60 lbs. , followed by Mecca in the Rhinos Sultan finish. TELEGRAPH CODE * * SULTAN * ' COVERS Name Size Weight Code Word Ganges. . . Ream 20 x 25 60 lbs. Isis Caspian . . Ream 20 x 25 60 lbs. Idea Bagdad . . Ream 20 x 25 60 lbs. Ignore Damascus . . Ream 20 x 25 60 lbs. Illusion Bokhara . . Ream 20 x 25 60 lbs. Impart Mecca . . . Ream 20 x 25 60 ibs. Iron Omar . . . Ream 20 x 25 60 lbs. Irk Kazak . . . Ream 20 x 25 60 lbs. Invent Kerman . . Ream 20 x 25 60 lbs. Ivy Kabistan . . Ream 20 x 25 60 lbs. Island « Sultan covers are unusually rich in color. N. P. KABSITAN SULTAN HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES RONALD BLAKE THIS PROSPECTUS IS A FAC- SIMILE OF THE HISTORY IN SIZE,TYPOGRAPHY.PAPER. AND GENERAL FORMAT. Sultan covers harmonize exceptionally well with book papers. N. p. KERMAN SULTAN ThU is one of the neutral Sultan colors and will take almost any color or combination of colbrs har- moniously. N. p. GANGES SULTAN The dainty color of Kazak Sultan is especially appropriate for literature where service as well as dignified beauty is desired. KAZAK SULTAN Here is one of the many striking effects io •btained on Omar Sultan. N. p. OMAR SULTAN N. P. MECCA SULTAN > i ■ p. BOKARA SULTAN :^y^ RHINOS SULTAN ILL be furnished in the ten shades, in 20 x 25—100 lbs. TELEGRAPH CODE RHINOS '* SULTAN " COVERS Name Size Weight Code Word Ganges . . Ream 20 x 25 100 lbs. Infest Caspian . . Ream 20 x 25 100 lbs. Inspire Bagdad . . Ream 20 x 25 100 lbs. Insure Damascus . . Ream 20 x 25 100 lbs. Inert Bokhara . . Ream 20 x 25 100 lbs. Insect Mecca . . . Ream 20 x 25 100 lbs. Intrench Omar • . . Ream 20 x 25 100 lbs. Indict Kazak . . . Ream 20 x 25 100 lbs. Infirm Kerman . . Ream 20 x 25 100 l^s. Intrude Kabistan . . Ream 20 x 25 100 lbs. Infuse PRINTED ON N. P. MECCA RHINOS SULTAN Basis 20 x 25-100 lbs. CAMELS' HAIR NE of the most unique covers on the market is our N. P. Camels' Hair. A simple type and color treatment of N. P. Green, N. P. Brown or N. P. Black will make an unusually effective and practical cover. TELEGRAPH CODE "camels' hair" COVERS Name Size Weight Code Word Green . . . Ream 20 x 25 80 lbs. Lamp Black . . . Ream 20 x 25 80 lbs. Late Brown . . . Ream 20 x 25 80 lbs. Lead A m f . , . . ... i Tiorc r'\. OF DEFENDER COVERS THE extreme elasticity and pli- ability of Defender Covers make them excellent cover- ings for maps, plans, and printed specifications, which are usually rolled and unrolled in the course of handling. They also make ex- cellent box linings. TELEGRAPH CODE "defender" covers Name Size Weieht Code Word Mahogany. . White . . . Leaf Green Royal Purple . Ream 20 x 25 Ream 20 x 25 Ream 20 x 25 Ream 20 x 25 75 lbs. 75 lbs. 75 lbs. 75 lbs. Brackish Bear Book Bull I \ 1 ^ia .tl . 4 1/ il a A li .li . A Li Ail' N. P. WHITE DEFENDER Basis 20x25 — 75 lbs. I^lylll>^ N. P. LEAF GREEN DEFENDER BasU 20x25 -75 lbs. [ 1 ' 1 I 1. V. I 1 ill Ik hi I THE DIVISION SHEET P. Pellasgi Italia has been used as a division sheet throughout this catalogue. Italia papers make exceptionally good material for this purpose as they are made of high- grade stock and will stand the hardest kind of usage without appreciable effect. Made in delicate colors, they recommend themselves for the better class of catalogues. Italia Papers are carried 20% x 25 — 45 lbs. (500 sheets). Homespun Covers are also employed a great deal for this same class of work. They are more flexible than Italia papers but not so dainty in color. In the last sample book issued by the N. P. Mills, N. P. Sage Homespun was used as a dividing sheet. Homespun Covers are carried in the 20 x 25 — 50 lbs. (500 sheets) and 20x25 — 30 lbs. (500 sheets). The main object, in selecting a paper for descrip- tive or division page, should be to see that the stock will withstand being thumbed and bent in the course of handling. It must be sufficiently pliable to avoid breaking and tearing, thus enabling it to last the life of the book.