CHARTER OF THE ACKS OFFICE CITY OF RALEIGH IlECAPITTTLATIOISr OF THE VARIOUS Acts, Ordinances and Resolutions CONCERNING THE CITY, RALEICH: DAILY NEWS BOOK AND JOB OFFICE. \ : * #. t ■ ' .... . » 1 :■ ,y ■ «4jjJ . A X / C\ I V \ j 0 \ RECAPITULATION OF THE VARIOUS ACTS, ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS CONCERNING THE CITY OF RALEIGH FROM 1787 TO 187G. 1. Resolution recommending the people of North Carolina to direct their Representatives to fix on the place for the seat of Government, December 6th, 1787. 2. Ordinance for establishing a place for holding the future meetings of the General Assembly, and a place of residence of the Chief officers of the State. The place was fixed “within ten miles of the plantation whereon Isaac Hunter now resides." August 4th, 1788. 3. Act to carry into effect the foregoing ordinance. 1791. 4. Act to confirm the proceedings of the Commissioners appointed under an Act at the last General Assembly entitled “an act to carry into effect an ordinance for establishing, &c., ratified August 4th, 1788. ” The act recites that the Commissioners, Frederick Hargett, Willie Jones, Joseph McDowell, Thomas Blount, William Johnston Dawson and James Martin, purchased from Joel Lane 1,000 acres. The deed was made to Gov. Alexander Martin. Upon four hundred acres of the land a city r was laid off, comprising besides the streets, two hundred and seventy-six acre lots. Their proceedings were ratified, and the city i named “Raleigh," September 31st, 1792. 5. Act amending act of July, 1788, authorizes any three of the Com¬ missioners above named to act. 1794. 6. Act for the regulation of the city of Raleigh. John Haywood, Dugal McKeethan, John Marshall, John Rogers, John Pain, James Mares and John Craven appointed Commissioners and authorized to elect an Intendant of Police. The usual powers con- ! ferred upon municipal corporations, given to the city. Feb. 7th, 1795. ft £* jT\ RECAPITULATION. 4 7. Act continuing in force the foregoing act of February 7th, 1797*. February 21st, 1797. 8. Act to revive and amend the act of February 7th, 1795. Joshua Sugg, William Folk and Thcophilus Hunter added as Com¬ missioners. December 18th, 1801. 9. Act for the government of the City of Raleigh, and for repealing *11 former acts passed for this purpose. Act of incorporation in twenty-three sections. December 7th, 1803- 10. Act for the appointment of Auctioneers. December 19th, 1806. 11. Act dividing the City of Raleigh into three Wards, and to amend the act tor the government of the City of Raleigh. &e. Gives the Middle Ward five Commissioners, the Eastern Ward three' and the Western Ward one. December 20th, 1806. 12. Act amending the foregoing act. Gives AY cstern Ward three Commissioners. December 23rd, 1809. 13. Act to explain and amend the act of 1800. December 21st, 18H, 14. Act for the better government of the City of Raleigh. Vests the government in the Intendant of Police and seven Commis¬ sioners, three from the Middle Ward and two each from the Eastern and Western Wards. December 17th, 1813. 15. Act to revive section 2 of act of 1801. December 24th, 1814. 1C. Act to enable the Intendant of Police and Commissioners of Ral- >-igh to supply the City with water, und for other purposes. December 19 tli, 1815. 17. Act for the better regulation of the City of Raleigh. 1816. 18. Act increasing the powers of Commissioners of incorporated Towns in regard to dogs, &c\ 19. Act directing the sale of certain public land adjoining the City of Raleigh, and for other purposes. 1819. 20. Act to amend an act entitled an act laying duties on sales at auc¬ tion of merchandise. December 18th, 1820. 21. Act in addition to former acts passed for the government of thv City of Raleigh. December 22nd. 1821. 22. Act to provide against the introduction and spreading of conta^ gious or infectious diseases in this State. January 5th, 1825. 23. Act for the better protection of the City of Raleigh from losses by fire. February 10th, 1827. 24. Act to amend the act of 1814 entitled an act to revive section 2of act of 1801, entitled “act to revive act of 1775, [1795] and for otheir purposes.” January 13th, 1834. 25. Act to enable Commissioners of Raleigh to appoint Trustees of .the Rex Hospital Fund, and to erect such Trustees into a body corporate, and for other purposes. January 11th, 1841. 26. Act to amend acts of 1792-’93 and the several subsequent act* -for the regulation of the City of Raleigh, and to authorize the Inten- ( RECAPITULATION. r\ cant of Police and the Commissioners to levy a special or guard tax for *uid City. January 23rd, 1843. 27. Act to invest the Intendant of Police of the city of Raleigh with the same powers and authorities within that corporation as is exerciser hr Justices of the Peace, and for other purposes. January 26th, 1843. 28. Resolution granting the free use of stone from the quarry to th* Commissioners of the city of Raleigh. January 17th, 1845. 20. Act to protect from injury the lots belonging to the State in the v-Hy of Raleigh. January 17th, 1847. 80. .Act to amend an act passed in 1808, entitled an act for the gov" ernment of the city of Raleigh. January 28th, 1851. 31. Act to amend an act for the government of the city of Raleigh, passed December 7th, 1808. February 3rd, 1855. All of the foregoing Acts, Resolutions and Ordinances which it wa* deemed desirable to continue in force, were included in the act which, is the basis of the present charter: Act to revise and consolidate the charter of the city of Raleigh. Pri¬ vate acts 1856-’57, chapter 98. February 3rd, 1857. The following are the Acts, Ordinances and Resolutions concerning the city of Raleigh which have been passed since February 3rd, 1857. Those marked * are embraced in other acts, have been repealed or are repealing statutes, and are not included in the charter j the remainder have been incorporated into the charter: *Act to amend the charter of the city of Raleigh and other cities and towns. Private acts 1861, extra session, chapter 24. May 7th, 1861. Ordinance to enlarge the Police powers of the several corporate town* ■in this State. Ordinance No. 20. May 9th, 1862. Act to amend the charter of the city of Raleigh. Acts 1862- r 68, chapter 49. January 28th, 1863. * Act to charter the city of Raleigh. Private acts 1866, chapter 1. .March 10th, 1866. (This charter was submitted to the voters of the city provided therein, and rejected by them.) Act to authorize the Mayor or Chief Magistrate of any incorporated city or town in this State to enforce the collection of lines and penalties. Acts 1666-’67, chapter 13. March 2nd, 1867. Act to authorize incorporated towns and cities to establish systems of public schools. Acts 1866- J 67, chapter 14. February 28th, 1867. (This will he found as an appendix.) Act to enable the city of Raleigh to borrow money for certain pur- jf'oses. Private acts 1868-’G9, chapter 44 March 3rd, 1869. *Aet in relation to a house on Baptist [Moore] Square m the city of' Raleigh. Acts 1869-'70, chapter 155. March 26th, 1870. 6 RECAPITULATION. Act to amend the charter of the city of Raleigh, ratified February 3rd. 1857 and January 28th, 18G3. Private acts 1870-'’71, chapter 24. Feb¬ ruary 23rd, 1871. Act concerning debts contracted by municipal corporations. Acts 1870-’71, chapter 99. February 28th. 1871. Act concerning municipal officers. Acts 1870-’71, chapter 177 March 31st, 1871. Act to protect the city of Raleigh from accident by fire. Private acts 1870-’71, chapter 90. April 4th, 1871. (This act is published in the appendix. It has never been submitted to the voters of the city, and is not in force.) *Act appointing a Weigher of Cotton and a Weigher and Inspector of Cotton and Flour and Salt Fish for the city of Raleigh. Private acts 1870-’71, chapter 101. April 5th, 1871. The appointment of the officers mentioned therein was taken from the city by *Act to incorporate the Board of Trade of the city of Raleigh. Pri¬ vate acts 1871-’72, chapter 95. February 8th, 1872. *Act to give the chief officers of the cities and towns the criminal ju¬ risdiction of Justices of the Peace. Acts 1871-’72, chapter 195. Feb¬ ruary 12th, 1872. Act in relation to Moore and Nash Squares in the city of Raleigh. Acts 1871- J 72, chapter 205. February 12th, 1872. Act to amend the charter of the city of Raleigh. Private acts 1872- J 73, chapter 68. March 1st, 1873. Act in relation to town lots and town property. Acts 1872-’73, chap" ter 112. February 28th, 1873. Act concerning incorporated towns and villages. Acts 1873-’74, chap¬ ter 49. January 16th, 1874. *Act authorizing and empowering the Commissioners of the city of Raleigh to appoint an Inspector of wood and coal. Private acts 1873- '74, chapter 41. January 27tli, 1874. Repealed by Private acts 1874- ? 75, chapter 60. *Act to amend an act entitled an act to amend the charter of the city of Raleigh, ratified February 23rd, 1871. Private acts 1878-’74, chap¬ ter 78. February 11th, 1874. Act to authorize the Commissioners of the city of Raleigh to open a street across the south end of the lot upon which the Governor’s Man¬ sion is now situated. Private acts 1873- ; 74, chapter 122. February 16th, 1874. *Act to repeal acts 1873-’74, chapter 41, in regard to Inspector of wood and coal for the city of Raleigh. Private acts 1874-’75, chapter 6. December 19th, 1874, Act concerning the city of Raleigh. Private acts 1874-’75, chapter 80. February 16th, 1875. RECAPITULATION. 7 Act in relation to charters of cities and towns. Acts 187 4-’75, chap¬ ter 146. March 10th, 1875. Act to ascertain the indebtedness of the different counties, cities amt towns of this State, and to prescribe a statute of limitations. Acta 1874- , ’7ft oha/nfpr Mnvr*h 92nd_ 187A *-J/o CHARTER OF THE - CITY OF RALEIGH, INCORPORATING ALL THE AMENDMENTS TO JANUARY 1st, 1S7G, Section 1. The General Assembly of North Carol rut do si «;w|j orate u •' rHvaie N< S£cS CHac ^ ; r ^bai ^ ie inhabitants of the City of Raleigh- be, and continue as they heretofore have been, a body politic, and corporate, and henceforth the corporation shall bear the name and style of “ The City of Raleigh/' and under such name and style, is hereby invested with all property and rights of property, which now belong to the corporation, under any other corporate name or names, heretofore used; and, by this name may acquire and hold, for the purpose of its government, welfare and improve¬ ment, all such estate as may be devised, bequeathed or conveyed to it, not exceeding in value three hundred thousand dollars, and the same may, from time to time, sell, dispose of and invest as shall be deemed advisable by the proper authorities of the corporation, limits at priv Sec. 2. That the present corporate limits of the city of Ealeigli shall be extended one-quarter of a mile in every m ‘ direction around said city, [as originally laid out and es¬ tablished in seventeen hundred and ninety-two,] north, south, east and west, and that the boundary line shall run parallel with the old boundary until the line shall intersect at each corner. Sec. 8. That the City of Raleigh shall be divided into Aci.H ip-73, flyo Wards, denominated the first, second, third, fourth and xJaap. I. ^ CHARTER OF THE C1TV OF RALEIGH. ■fifth wards. The first ward shall be bounded as follows: Beginning at the intersection of Davie and Wilmington Streets, thence east with the central line of Davie street to its intersection with Blood worth street, thence along the line of Blood worth street to Martin street, thence cast along central line of Martin street to East street, thence north with the central line of East street to its intersection with Jones street thence east with the central line of Jones street to the city line, thence with the line of the city north and west to Wilmington street, and south with the central line of Wilmington street to the beginning. The second ward shall be bounded as follows: Beginningat the intersection of Davie and Wilmington streets, thence with the boundaries of the first ward, east with Davie street, north with Blood worth street, east with Martin street [By a decision of the City Attorney the description “thence with the boundaries of the first ward” controls the enu¬ meration of those boundaries ; and the Act must be con¬ strued as if, after words “ Martin Street ” Sec. 8. line IT, the words “ north with East street and east with Jones street,” had been inserted.] to the city line, thence with the boundaries of the city south and west to Fayetteville Itoad, thence northwardly up the center of said Boad to the center of South street, thence east with South street to its intersection with Wilmington street thence north with the central line of Wilmington street to the beginning. The third ward shall be bounded as follows: Beginning at the intersection of South and Wilmington streets, thence north with central line of Wilmington street to city line, thence west with the city line to the center of Salisbury street, thence with the central line of Salisbury street south to South street, thence east with tiic central line of South street to the beginning. The fourth ward shall be bounded as follows: Beginning at the intersec¬ tion of Davie and Salisbury streets, thence west with the central line of Davie street to Harrington street, thence 10 CHARTER OF THE CITY OF RALEIGH. north with the central line of Harrington street to Har¬ gett street, thence west with central line of Hargett street to the Raleigh and Gaston Railroad track, thence north¬ ward along central line of said track to its intersection with Hillsboro’ street, thence west with central line of Hills¬ boro’ street to city line, thence with city boundaries, south and east to the Fayetteville road, thence with the center of said road to South street, thence west with central line of South street to its intersection with Salisbury street, thence north with the central line of Salisbury street to the beginntng. The fiifth ward shall be bounded as fol¬ lows : Beginning at the intersection of Davie and Salis¬ bury streets thence with the boundaries of the fourth ward with the central line of Davie street to Harrington street, thence north to Hargett street, thence west with central line of Hargett street to the Raleigh and Gaston Railroad track, thence northward along central line of said track to Hillsboro’ street, thence west to city limits, thence with city boundaries north and east to Salisbury street, thence down Salisbury street to the beginning. •seventeen ai- Sec. 4. There shall annually, on the first Monday in ebosen. Priv. May in each year, be elected seventeen Aldermen tor said Acts 1874-75, J J . eh»p. so, see. c ity, who shall hold their offices until their successors are qualified : three of whom shall be chosen for each ward, except the third ward, and the third ward shall choose five. Such A dermen shall be residents of the ward for which they are chosen, and shall be elected by the qual¬ ified voters of such ward. Appointnifnit g EC> 5. The Board of Commissioners for Wake county of Registrars. J J 874 - 75 ? chfp. shall select at or before their meeting in March, 1875,and 80 , sec. 3 . annually thereafter, a Registrar of voters for each of the five wards of the city of Raleigh, and shall cause publica¬ tion thereof to be made at the Court House door, and no¬ tice to be served on such persons by the Sheriff, and shall give ten days public notice of a registration of voters in and for said wards, specifying time and place and name of Registrars. 11 CHARTER OF THE CITY OF RALEIGH, Sec. 6. Said Registrars shall be furnished by said o^t'Sters^prVv County Commissioners with registration books; and it^fap. shall be the duty of said Registrars appointed for the year *‘ 1875, and thereafter, to open their books at such places in the city of Raleigh as may be designated by the said Commissioners, on or before the last Monday in March in such year, and to register therein the names of all persons applying for registration, and entitled to register and vote in that ward, for which such Registrar has been appointed, keeping the names of the white voters separate and apart from those of colored voters, and designating on the registration books opposite the names of each per¬ son registering, the place of his residence in his ward, and if any applicant for registration shall not disclose the place of his residence in his ward, his wilful failure so to do shall be prima facie evidence that he is not entitled to register in such ward. Any person offering to register may be required to take and subscribe an oath that he is a citizen of North Carolina ; and has resided in the city of Raleigh ninety days, and in the ward for which he offers to register, thirty days next preceding that date, or is otherwise entitled to register, and that his place of resi¬ dence is at-in such ward ; and if any person shall wilfully swear falsely in such affidavit, he shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and on conviction, shall be sentenced to pay a fine of one hundred dollars, and to be imprisoned sixty days in the county jail: Provided , That after the first registration shall have been made by virtue thereof, a new registration shall not be annually had, but a revision of the registration books shall be made ten days prior to each succeeding election to be held for said city, agreeably to the provisions of section eight, chapter fifty-two, Battle’s Revisal. Sec. 7. The registration books shall be closed ten days Nation Re ~" before the day of election, and after the same are closed, p5vate Cl A S ct8 no person shall be allowed to register, but the Registrar w!tec%. chap * CHARTER OF THE CITY OF RALEIGH. shall, on application before said books are closed, register all persons not then qualified to vote in liis ward, who will become so qualified on or before the day of election. Immediately after the said books are closed, they shall be deposited in the office of the Sheriff of Wake county, and citizens desiring so to do, may inspect them. SSSSSn r prif > Sec. S. The Board of Commissioners of Wake county, cbap. 18 S" or before their meeting in April, 1875, and annually *■***• ^ thereafter, shall appoint four Judges or Inspectors of elec¬ tion for each of the several wards of the City of Raleigh? to open the polls and superintend the same for the muni¬ cipal election to be held on the first Monday in May next succeeding, and the polls shall be opened at such places 'in the wards respectively as said Commissioners shall dssignate—such election shall be held as near as may be agreeable to the provisions of sections eleven, fourteen fifteen, nineteen and twenty of chapter fifty-two of Battle’s Revisal, and the Registrars and the Judges of election whose appointments are herein provided for, shall have authority to administer oaths, and shall have all the powers of such officers appointed under the title of “Gen¬ eral Assembly” of Battle’s Revisal. r.wim-s. iM- Sec. 0. All electors who have resided in the City of •v.ifcS* Acts 1874- . so, Raleigh ninety days and for the ward for which they offer to register, thirty days next preceding the election, shall be entitled to register hereunder. Sec. 10. The polls shall be opened on the day of election K fr° m seven o’clock in the morning until sunset of the same day—no person whose name has not been duly reg¬ istered, shall be allowed to vote; and any one offering to vote may be challenged at the polls, and if the Judges of election shall sustain the challenge, such person’s ballot shall not be received. Ballots shall be on white paper and without device. The Aldermen for each ward shall be voted for on one ballot. s CHARTER OF THE CITY OF RALEIGH. Sec. 11. After the ballots are counted, they shall bej;*^* ** carefully preserved, and shall be, together with the poll list which shall be signed by the Judges of election, and sec ' the registration books delivered to the Register of Deeds for Wake county for preservation. Sec. 12. If, among the persons voted for, in any ward nutie> or j*- there should be any two or more having an equal num- JJJSiAet* i:#- ber of votes, and either would be elected but for the equal vote, the Registrar and Inspectors shall decide the elec¬ tion between such persons. As soon as the result of the election in any ward is determined, two certificates there¬ of shall be made under the hand of the Registrar and Inspectors, setting forth in writing and in words the number of votes each candidate received, one of which certificates the}^ shall deliver to the Sheriff of Wake county, who shall at once make proclamation thereof at the Court House door, and the other, they shall deliver to the Mayor of the City of Raleigh. The Registrar and Inspectors shall also furnish to each person chosen as Alderman in their ward, a certificate of his election. Sec. 13. Whenever, under tho provisions of this act. any question is to he decided by the Judges of election* and such Judges cannot decide the same because of the hu " tie vote, the Registrar shall give the casting vote. Sec. 14. That on the Tuesday succeeding the day of such election the Aldermen elected thereat shall qualify by taking the oath of office prescribed for Commissioners nj ap ‘ ^ in an act entitled, “ An act to incorporate the city of Raleigh,” ratified on the tenth of March, I860, and when organized, shall succeed to and have all the rights, pow¬ ers and duties heretofore prescribed by law for the Board of Commissioners of the City of Raleigh. Sec. 15. That the Board of Aldermen, at their first meeting after each annual election, shall choose some per- son, not one of their own number, to be Mayor of said 12> City, to hold his office until his successor shall qualify> 14 CHARTER OF THE CITY OF RALEIGH. Sheriff to pre¬ serve order at polls. Private Acts 1874-75, chap. 80, sec. 15. Mayor’s oath. Private Acts lS56-’57, chap. 98, sec. 12. Alderman’s oath. Private Acts 1856-’57, chap. 98, sec. ti>. Term of office. Private Acts 1856-’57, chap. 98, sec. 14. Vacancies, how filled. Private Acts 1856-’57, chap. 9 will sue therefore, twenty-five dollars. shall not lose Sec. 22. [That no incorporated town or village in this Sieges by p £u- _ L r . . . ure to State shall lose any of its corporate rights and privileges Private ^ Act* by failure to elect officers on any first Monday in May. 49 * 8ec * ,1 « Sec. 23. That in case of failure to elect municipal offi- Election how * to be called eers on any said first Monday in May in any incorporated hew h o e n d day Sr town or village in the State, the electors residing within prFvate m IctK such incorporation limits, may, after ten days notice, ^tS’ 2 . cha|l ‘ signed by any three of said electors, and posted up at three places within any corporation limits, proceed to hold an election for municipal officers in the way and manner provided for in Battle’s Revisal, chapter one hun¬ dred and eleven. ] Sec. 24. That the Mayor of the said City of Raleigh, JJa-jgr’s pow wdiile acting as such, is hereby constituted an official SfVeehe? court with all the jurisdiction and powers in criminal of¬ fences, occurring within the limits of said city, which now are or may hereafter be given by law to Justices of the Peace, and shall also have jurisdiction to hear and determine all misdemeanors consisting of a violation of the ordinances of said city. The proceedings in said court shall be the same as are now or hereafter shall be pre-- scribed for courts of Justices of the Peace, and in all cases there shall be a right of appeal to the Superior Court of Wake County. And that in all cases where a defend¬ ant may be adjudged to be imprisoned by the said Spe¬ cial Court, it shall be competent for said court to adjudge also that the said defendant work during the period of Act.* CHARTER OF THE CITY OF RALEIGH. \n Mayor to issue precepts, Pri- \ ate A«'ts of l*56-’r*7, clutp. sec. 10. .Mayor to keep a minute ol' official acts. Private Acts rSotf-’ST, chap. iH, sec. M. Mayor's office. Trivatc Acts iSTsfi-'oT, cliap. JM, sec: 21. Mayor to pre¬ side at meet¬ ings. Private Acts ofl-SoO-’">7, chap. OS, sec. 22-. Powers and duties of Ald¬ ermen. Priv. Acts IS.>6-'57, chap. 08, sec, Jil. his confinement, in tho public streets or other public works of said city. Sec. 25. That the Mayor may issue his precepts to Con* stables of the city, and to such other officers to whom a Justice af the Peace may direct his precepts. Sec. 26. That the Mayor shall keep a faithful minute of the precepts issued by him, and all of his judicial pro¬ ceedings. The judgments rendered by him shall have all the force, virtue and validity of judgments rendered by a single Justice of the Peace, and may be executed and en¬ forced against the parties, in the county of Wake and elsewhere, in the same manner and by the same means os if the same had been rendered by a Justice of the Peace for the county of Wake. Sec. 27. That the Mayor shall keep his ©ffiee in some convenient part of the city designated by the Aldermen. He shall keep the seal of the corporation, and perform such duties as shall, from time to time, be prescribed and he shall receive such compensation and fees as may be allowed by this act, and by the ordinances of the cor¬ poration. Sec. 28. That the mayor, when present, shall preside at all meetings of the Board of Aldermen, and when there is an equal division upon any question, or, in the election of officers by the Board, he shall determine the matter by his vote. lie shall vote in no other case, and, if he shall be absent, the Board may appoint one of their num¬ ber, pro tempore , to exercise his duties at the Board [and in the event of his absence or sickness, the Board of Aider- men may appoint one of their own number, pro tempore , to exercise his duties.— Bat. Rev., c. 3, 5. 8.] Sec. 29. That the Aldermen shall form one Board, and a majority of them shall be competent to perform all the duties prescribed for the Aldermen, unless otherwise pro¬ vided; within five days after tlreir election, they shall convene for the transaction of business, and shall then CHARTER OF THE CITY OF RALEIGH. fix stated days of meeting for the year, which shall be as often at least as once in every calendar month. The special meetings of the Aldermen may also be held on the call of the Mayor or a majority of the Aldermen, and of every such meeting when called by the Mayor, all the Aldermen, and, when called by a majority of the Aider- men, such as shall not join in the call, shall be notified in writing. Sec. 30. That if any Alderman shall fail to attend a Manure to^jn- general meeting of the Board of Aldermen, or any special chap, meeting of which he shall have notice as prescribed in 085 sec ‘ 24, the charter, unless prevented by such cause as shall be satisfactory to the Board, he shall forfeit and pay for the use of the City the sum of four dollars. Sec. 31. That the Aldermen, when convened, shall have ordmanees 7 7 by-laws, &c. power to make and provide for the execution thereof, such ordinances, by-laws, rules and regulations, for the 98, sec * ^ better government of the City, as they may deem neces¬ sary : Provided , The same be allowed by the provisions of this act, and be consistent with the law of the land. Sec. 32. That among the powers hereby conferred on row e moneyT the Board of Aldermen, they may borrow money only by & r c. v i the consent of a majority of the qualified registered voters, ^ap. 1 at tea. which consent shall be obtained by a vote of the citizens 26 ‘ of the corporation after thirty day’s public notice, at which time those who consent to the same, shall vote “ap¬ proved,” and those who do not consent, shall vote “not approved”; they shall provide water, provide for repair¬ ing and cleansing the streets, regulate the market, take all proper means to prevent and extinguish fires, make regulations to cause the due observance of Sunday, ap¬ point and regulate City watches, suppress and remove nuisances, preserve the health of the City from con¬ tagious or infectious diseases, appoint Constables to exe¬ cute such precepts as the Mayor and other persons may lawfully issue to them, to preserve the peace and order ani 1* (HAKTEK OF T1IE CITY OF IIAEEIUH. Clerk, 'I'ieas «ver f * may have in their hands any moneys, as securities, be¬ longing to the City, which ought to be paid or delivered into the treasury, and to safely keep the same for the use of the City, to disburse the funds according to such orders as may be duly drawn on him in the maimer hereinafter specified ;^he shall keep in a book provided for that pur¬ pose, a fair and correct account of all moneys received y and disbursed by him, and shall submit said account to Journal and papers of the Hoard. Priv. Acts L85fv CHARTER OF THE CITY OF RAEEICH. the A Merman when eve r’required to do so; on the expira¬ tion of his term of office he shall deliver to his successor all the moneys, securities and other property entrusted to him for safe keeping or otherwise, and during his contin¬ uance therein, he shall faithfully perform all duties law¬ fully imposed upon him as City Treasurer. Sec. 37. That all orders drawn on the Treasurer shall 5^sur°er. he signed by the Mayor and countersigned by the Clerk, and shall state the purposes for which the money is 8 ’ sec *° l * applied, and the Treasurer shall specify said purposes in his accounts, and also the sources whence are derived the moneys received by him. i Sec. 38. That the Board of Aldermen may choose some one of their number or other suitable person to be Auditor of the City, whose salary shall not be more than two hun¬ dred dollars per annum. No claim against the City shall be paid until it shall have been audited by such officer. He shall make monthly reports of claims audited by him to the Board of Aldermen, and shall perform such other duties as the Board may order. The Board of Aldermen may, in its discretion, abolish the office of Commissioner of the Sinking,Fund, and make suitable provision for the payment and'management of the City debt. That the Board shall fund the present debt of the City by issuing bonds payable in twenty and thirty years at six per cen¬ tum interest with coupons payable semi-annually, receiv- 'able for taxes or other indebtedness to the City, and the Board shall contract no debt of any kind unless the money is in the treasury for its payment, except for the necessary expenses of the City government, until the taxes for the payment thereof can be collected. Sec. 39. That the Aldermen shall cause to be made out Transcript or receipts find annually, a fair transcript of their receipts and disburs-; JJ|^ se ' PTiv merits on account of the City, for the general inspection of the citizens, and cause the same to be posted before the' 52. Court House ten days before the day of the animal elec- 20 CHARTER OF THE CITY OF RALEIGH. tion of Aldermen; and the Alderman failing to comply with the duties prescribed in this section shall forfeit and pay for the use of the City, and for him w T ho will sue there¬ for, one hundred dollars. Sie SO priv* Sec. ^0. That it shall he the duty of the Constable to t^ap 98 fsec!k see that the ^ aws » ordinances and the orders of Aldermen are enforced, and to report all breaches thereof to the Mayor; to preserve the peace of the City, by suppressing disturbances and apprehending offenders, and for that purpose he shall have all the powers and authority vest¬ ed in Sheriffs and County Constables ; he shall execute all precepts lawfully directed to him by the Mayor or others, and in the execution thereof, shall have the same powers which the Sheriff and Constables of the County have ; and he shall have the same fees on all process and precepts executed or returned by him which may be allowed to the Constable of the county on like process and precept, and also such other compensation as the Aldermen may allow. .^eTofConsta- 41. That the Constable shall have the same powers ?&^ v chap. an d be bound by the same rules in this respect as Con¬ te, sec. 34 . stables of the County of Wake, to apprehend, all offenders against the State within the limits of the City, and to carry them before the Mayor or some Justice of the Peace, and for such duty he shall have the same fees as Consta¬ bles of said county, to be paid by the party offending, if found guilty, otherwise by the City. Sec. '12. That the Aldermen shall provide a patrol or watch for the City, and prescribe the duties and powers of the several officers, members and classes thereof, and shall pay such patrol or watch, or may class the inhabitant# into such patrol or watch. h< Pri- ^ EC - 43. That the inhabitants, when classed into a ■^chapteS’ wateh, shall (each one, either in person or by a good sub- *ec,36. stitute), serve in turn when ordered out by the Mayor, or other persons appointed by the Aldermen as directors of the watch. Unties of Pa¬ trol. Private Acts 1866-’57, uhap. 98, sec. 35 . CHARTER OF THE CITY OF RALEIGH. 21 Seo. 44. That any person being of the watch or patrol, Srve?f»r?vat® and failing to serve and faithfully to discharge his duty, ^JteraMec! shall forfeit and pay to the City for each default, if an of¬ ficer of the watch, two dollars, and if not, one dollar. Sec. 45. That the Sheriff or Jailor of the County of ofSr^aketo Wake is hereby required, without a mittimus, to receive SSers' 0 ffiv. into the jail of the County, as his prisoner, any person ^apteri^secl taken up in the night by the watch or constables, and to keep such person safely until the morning, when the of¬ fender shall be brought before the Mayor, or some Magis¬ trate resident in the city, and be lawfully dealt with ; and for such services the Jailor shall be entitled to such fees as he is in other like cases.* Sec- 46. That for any breach of his official bond by the City Clerk, Constable, Tax Collector, or any other offi- oas- cer who may be required to give an official bond, he £^ 57 * ^ap. shall be liable in an action on the same, in the name of the 98,8ec ' S9 * City at the suit of the City, or any person aggrieved by such breach, and the same may be put in suit without assign¬ ment from time to time, until the whole penalty be re¬ covered. Sec. 47. That every person, appointed Auctioneer for the City, shall]enter in a book a daily account of all his sales, ^va^AcS* wherein shall appear as well the items sold as the aggre- 9 |ftec? 40 . hap ’ gate of sales cast up at least once a week, and such ac¬ counts shall be open to the inspection of the Aldermen or any person authorized by them to make inspection. Sec. 48. That at the time required of Auctioneers to render to the Clerks of Superior Courts their accounts of t^ u ?ender Gr ab- money received on auction sales liable to tax, the Auction- Acts isbPsl eer shall render to the Treasurer of the City an abstract g!^’ 98 ’ 860 * showing monthly the gross amount of sueli sales up to the time of rendering the account, which abstract shall be laid before the Aldermen. *Note —The Guard House is now used instead of the jail. 22 CHARTER OF THE CITY OF RALEIGH. Auctioneer’s commissions Private Acts 18M-V57, chap. TW, sec. 42. Penalty for violations. Private Acts l a tax not exceeding twenty cents. *IV. Upon the owner of every omnibus, sulky, gig, buggy, barouche, carriage, or other vehicle used in the City for the carriage of persons (except stage coaches for the transportation of the mail) of which he may have been in possession on the first day of April of that year, a tax not exceeding ten dollars: Provided , said vehicles shall be exempt from the ad valorem tax. V. Upon all dogs kept in the City, and which may be so kept on the lirst day of April, a tax not exceeding five dollars: Provided however , That a discrimination within this limit may be made on the different species and sexes of dogs. VI. Upon all swine and goats, not prohibited by the Aldermen to remain in the City when confined, a tax not exceeding fifty cents a head. VII. Upon all drays in use on the said first day of April, or which have been used within six calendar months previous thereto, a tax not exceeding ten dollars a year. VIII. Upon all encroachments on the streets by porches,piazzas, &c., allowed by the Aldermen, a tax not ex¬ ceeding one dollar per square foot. Sec. 58. Tnat the citizens of Raleigh, and others liable to be taxed on account of any of the foregoing subjects, shall, on the first day of April, or within five days there¬ after, render to the Mayor, on oath, a list of their proper- *Art. VII., sec, 9, of the Constitution declares that “all taxes levied by any county, city, town or township, shall be uniform and ad valorem upon all property in the same, except property exempted by this Con¬ stitution. ’’ In the opinion of the City Attorney subdivision IV. and VI. are in conflict with this section and are void. As to swine and goats, see sec. 63, sub. VIII. Omnibuses,, Ac. On hogs. On swine, Ac On drays. < n encroaeit- rnen f k. Time of ren ¬ dering tax- lists. Private Acts 1856-’57, chap. 9.8, sc. 46. CHARTER OF THE CITY OF RALEIGH. ty and subjects for which they may be liable to be taxed; and if any person shall fail to render such list, he shall pay double the tax assessed on any subject for which he is liable to be taxed. ifi° S s^orsi *Sec. 54. That, within one week after'reeeiving the tax Acts'i 856 -’ 57 * ^ S t> the Mayor shall return the same to the Aldermen, who a>ap. 98, sec. s p a q forthwith appoint three respectable freeholders, one from each ward of the City, not of their own body, as Assessors, who being duly sworn before the Mayor, to do equal and impartial justice to all in the discharge of their duties, shall assess the cash value of the taxable real estate with its improvements, lying within the corporate limits of the City, and they shall make a list thereof, to¬ gether with the names of the owners thereof, previous to laying the tax, and return it to the Aldermen on or before the first day of May next ensuing; and the value of the real estate of the Assessors shall be assessed by the Aider- men. proceedings Sec. 55. That, as soon as the Assessors shall have made to lay taxes. ... Private Acts their return, the Board shall proceed to lay the taxes on 1856 -07, chap. r J ii8,sec. 48. such subjects of taxation as they may choose, and shall place the tax list in the hands of the Collector for collec¬ tion, who shall proceed forthwith in the collection, and shall complete the same on or before the first day of August next ensuing, and shall pay the moneys as they are collected, to the Treasurer ; and the Collector, for his compensation, shall receive five per cent, on the amount collected. *By a decision of the Supreme Court, a similar section in the Wilming¬ ton charter is declared unconstitutional, and the duty oi assessing must he performed by the Board of Trustees of Raleigh Township.— C. C. R. W. vs. The City of Wilmington , 72 N. C., 73. CHARTER OF THE CITY OF RALEIGH. 25 Sec. 56. That if any person liable to taxes on subjects ^ y f ^ e r s eto directed to be listed, shall fail to pay them within the time prescribed for collection, the Collector shall proceed 98, aec ' i9 ' forthwith to collect the same by distress and sale, after public advertisement for the space of ten days in some newspaper published in the City, if the property to be sold be personalty, and of twenty days if the property be realty. Sec. 57- That, when the tax is due on anv lot or other sale of real v estate for land (which is hereby declared to be a lien on the same) ^xes^Priv. shall remain unpaid on the first day of August, and there jhap. 49, see. is no other visible estate but such lot or land of the per¬ son in whose name it is listed, liable to distress and sale, known to the Collector, he shall report the fact to the Al¬ dermen, together with a particular description of the real estate, and thereupon the A!dermen[shall direct the same to be sold on the premises by the Collector, after adver-' tising for twenty days in some newspaper published in the City, which the Collector shall do; and the Collector shall divide the said land into as many parts as may be convenient (for which purpose he is authorized to employ a surveyor,) and shall sell as many thereof as may be re¬ quired to pay said taxes and all expenses attendant there¬ on. If the same cannot be conveniently divided, the Collector shall sell the whole ; and, if no person will pay the whole of the taxes and expenses for the whole land, the same shall be struck off to the City; and, if not re¬ deemed, as hereinafter provided, shall belong to the said City in fee. Sec. 58. That the Collector shall return an account of collector to his proceedings to the Aldermen, specifying the portionsonand^w,^ into which the land was divided, and the purchaser or purchasers thereof, and the prices of each, which shall be entered on the book of proceedings of the Aldermen, and if there shall be a surplus after paying said taxes, the same shall be paid into the City treasury, subject of the the demand of the owner. CHARTER OF THE CITY OF RALEKilT. 2(> Owner may redeem. P'riv. Acts 18ti2-'<*'>, chap. 49, see. TJ. If not redeem¬ ed, to be con¬ veyed in fee. Private Acts 1856-\ r >7, chap. 98, sec. a!!. Kea] estate of 3 ma n is, «&c. Private Acts 5S56-’57, chap. 9K, sec. 54. New streets, bow to be opened. Priv. Acts 1862-‘‘T#, chap. 49, sec. 6. Hec. 59. That the owner of any land sold under the provisions of this charter and amendments, his heirs, ex¬ ecutors, and administrators, or any person acting for them, may redeem the same within one year after the sale, by paying to the purchaser, the sum paid by him, and twenty-live percent, on the amount of taxes and ex¬ penses, and the Treasurer shall refund to him, without interest, the proceeds, less double the amount of tuxes. Sec. dO. That if the real estate sold, as aforesaid, shall not be redeemed within the time specified, the corpora¬ tion shall convoy the same in full to the purchaser or his assigns; and the recitals in such conveyance, or in any other conveyance of land sold for taxes due the City, that the taxes were due, or of any other matter required to be true or done, before the sale might be made, shall br prima facia evidence that the same was true and done. Sec. 01. That the real estate of infants or persons non compos mentis , shall not be sold for tax ; and when the same shall be owned by such, in common with other per¬ sons free of such disability, the sale shall be made accord¬ ing to Battle’s Revisal, chapter one hundred and two, section twenty-eight, subdivision four Sec. 02. That when any land or right of way shall be required by. said City of Raleigh for the purpose of open¬ ing new streets, or for other objects allowed by its charter, and for want of agreement as to the value thereof the same cannot be purchased from the owner or owners, the same may be taken at a valuation to be made by five freeholders of the City, to be chosen by the Aldermen ; and in making said valuation, said freeholders, after be¬ ing duly sworn by the Mayor, or a Justice of the Peace for the County, or a Clerk of a Court of Record, shall take into consideration the loss or damage which may accrue to the owner or owners in consequence of the land or right of way being surrendered, also any special benefit or ad¬ vantage such owner may receive from the opening of CHARTER OF THE CITY OF RALEIGH. 27 such street or other improvement, and shall state the value and amount of each, and the excess of loss or dam¬ age over and above the advantages, shall form the meas¬ ure of valuation of said land or right of way : Provided nevertheless, That if any person over whose land the said street may pass or improvement be erected, or the Aider- men be dissatisfied with the valuation thus made, then, and in that case, either party may have an appeal to the next Superior Court of Wake county to he held there¬ after; and the said freeholders shall return to the Court to which the appeal is taken their valuation with the pro¬ ceedings thereon : and the land so valued by the free¬ holders shall vest in the City so long as it may be used for the purposes of the same, as soon as the valuation may be paid or lodged in the hands ot the Clerk of the Superior Court in case of its refusal by the owner of the land ; Provided, however , That such appeal shall not hin¬ der or delay -he Aldermen opening such street or erecting such improvement; And, 'providedfurther, That incase of the discontinuance of the use of the land and its rever¬ ter to the owner, the City shall have the right to remove any improvement under its authority erected. Sec. 63. That, in addition to the subjects listed for tax¬ ation, the Aldermen may levy a tax on the following sub¬ jects, the amount of which tax, when fixed, shall be collect¬ ed by the City Constable instantly : and if the same be not paid on demand, the same may be recovered by suit on the articles upon which the tax is imposed, or any other property of the owner may be forthwith distrained and sold to satisfy the same, namely: I. Upon all itinerant merchants or peddlers, vending or offering to vend in the Cit/y, a tax of ten dollars a year, ex¬ cept such only as sell books, charts or maps, and such as sell only goods, wares and merchandise and other produc¬ tions of the growth or manufacture of this State. II. Upon every billiard table or bowling alley or other game allowed by law, and every victualling house or res- Additiona! subjects of taxation. Pri¬ vate Acts 1856- ’57, chap. 98, sec. f:5. Priv. Acts 1862-’63, chap.49, sec. 2. On merchants or peddlers, Ac. Billiard ta¬ bles, Ac. 28 CHARTER OF THE CITY OF RALEIGH. Retailers of li ogs. CHARTER OF THE CITY OF RALEIGH. 29 not exceeding five dollars for the permission to keep such dog in the City, which permission shall not extend further than the last day of March next ensuing. Pro¬ vided 'nevertheless, That no property or subjects of taxation which are specially exempt from taxation shall be taxed by the City. Sec. 64. That all moneys arising from taxes, donations iSgfJomtaxa- or other sources, shall be paid to the Treasurer,and no ap- Acts propriation thereof, shall be made but by a Board constitu- 57 l ap ‘ ° 8, btc ' ted of a majority of all the Aldermen. Sec. 65. That the Aldermen shall cause to be kept clean ktpTSean^ and in good repair, the streets, side-walks, and alleys. S^T^^hap. They may establish the width and ascertain the location 98,8ec * 581 of those already provided, and lay out and open others, and may reduce the width of all of them; they may also, establish and regulate the public grounds and protect the shade trees of the City. Sec. 66. That if any owner or lessee of lands in the repair City of Raleigh on being notified to repair his sidewalks^vateAct* according to law, shall avow his intention not to repair ^ 2 6 ec?i? hftp ' as ordered, the Aldermen may have such repairs made immediately, at the expense of the said owner or lessee. A notice of ten days by any officer of the City in waiting shall be sufficient in any event. Sec. 67. Where there are no sidewalks, and have never owner to pay portion of e* been in existence in convenient walking order along any lot in said City, the owner shall be required to pay such ^chap!^ 2 ' portion of the expense of making a sidewalk along said Bec * 2, lot as three assessors, unconnected with the owner and disinterested, to be appointed by the Aldermen, may esti¬ mate that said property is benefited by the improvement; such expense to be a lien on the property, enforceable as liens for repairing sidewalks under existing law's; Pro¬ vided, That there shall be right of appeal by either party to the Superior Court. CHARTER OK THE CITY OF RALEIGH. t i mated a ai - ' Sec. 68. Before making such apportionment, the asses- pointed^Priv’. sors shall appoint a day when they shall hear parties in- Acts 1872-’73, chap. 68, sec. 3. terested on the subject, giving at least three days’ notice of the time and place of their sitting. From their de¬ cision the City lot owners may appeal to the Superior Court of Wake, but the Aldermen may, notwithstanding any appeal under this or any other act, proceed with the work of opening and grading the new street. New street be- Sec. 69. That the Aldermen of the City of Raleigh are low GrtVftr- " ° Prwatc Act.? n hereby authorized and empowered to open a street forty IS 3 sec ? hap ' wide across the south end of the lot upon which the Governor’s Mansion is now situated : Provided , the afore¬ said Aldermen will first agree to enclose the property, on both sides of said street, with a good plank fence and move such buildings as are now on the grounds over which said street may run, and place them in good re¬ pair on another side to be designated by the Treasurer. Provided further, That the aforesaid Aldermen of the City of Raleigh before commencing the work do file a bond with good approved security for the sum of one thousand dollars for the faithful performance of the aforesaid work, said bond to be filed with and approved by the State Treasurer. Sec. 70. That the Board of Aldermen of the City of Ral¬ eigh shall have power to grade, lay out in walks, plant with trees, shrubery and flowers, and otherwise adorn Power to grade streets, . adorn side- oil walks. Pub. 5 Acts 1871-’72, vc ] chap. 206, see. i Moore Square and Nash Square in said City, so as to make them ornamental to the City, and to that end they shall have the general charge and management of said Squares. They may improve in like manner any of the vacant lots belonging to the State within the City limits not other¬ wise specially appropriated. weii-behaved Sec. 71. Nothing herein contained shall be construed 1!awe free ac- to authorize said Aldermen to prevent the free access liup °* well behaved persons to said Square and lots, ex ¬ cept at unreasonable hours, or for some temporary pur¬ pose specially to be designated by the Board. CHARTER OF THE CITY OF R A LEIGH 31 Sec. 72. That the Aldermen may grant the privilege £roctin*por- of erecting porches or piazzas in front of any dwelling Htreetf c ”^aY. house already built on the line of anv public street, pro- viding such porch or piazza, including the steps thereof, shall not extend more than six feet into the street: And provided, also, That no bar or impediment be erected un¬ der or upon the same which may impede the air or view, and every such encroachment shall be measured and en¬ tered on their journals with the number of square feet which it embraces. Sec. 73. That no cellar shall be built under any side- Act« iSsc-w 1 /' walk in the City, or entrance established on the sidewalk ohap - 98,seo ^ 0 * to any cellar whereby the free passage of persons may he delayed, hindered or interrupted, and every offender here¬ in shall forfeit and pay to the City twenty-five dollars for every day the same may remain. Sec. 74. That every owner of a lot, or person having as private 1 Acts great an interest therein as a lease for three years, which SJtecS < ! hap ‘ shall front any street on which a sidewalk lias been estab¬ lished, shall improve, in such manner as the Aldermen may direct, such sidewalk as far as it may extend along such lot; and, on failure to do so within twenty days after notice by the Constable to said owner, or if he be anon- resident of the County of Wake, to his agent or if such non-resident have no agent in said County, then, after ad¬ vertisement for twenty days on such lot, and at the Court House door, calling on the owner to make such repairs, the Alderman may cause the same to be repaired either with brick, stone or gravel at their discretion, and the expense shall be paid by the person in default: said ex¬ pense shall be a lien upon said lot, and if not paid within six months after completion of the repairs, such lot may he sold, or enough of the same to pay such expense and costs, under the same rules, regulations aud restrictions^ rights of redemption and savings as are prescribed in said charter for the sale of land for unpaid taxes. 32 CHARTER OF THE CITY OF RALEIGH. Officers not allowed to be contractors. Private Acts 1870-’71, chap. 24, sec. 8. Abatement of nuisances. Private Acts l8G2-’63, chap. 49, sec. 8. Dogs, Ac. run¬ ning at large. Private Acts 1856-57, chap. 98, sec, 64. Riding at im¬ proper speed. Private Acts 1862-’63, chap. 49, sec. 9. Sec. 75. That no Mayor or Aldermen, or other officer of the City, shall directly, or indirectly, become a contractor for work to be done for the City ; and any person, here¬ in offending, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor. Sec. 76. That the Aldermen may require and compel the abatement and removal of all nuisances within the City at the expense of the person causing the same, or the owner or tenant of the ground whereon the same may be; they may also prevent the establishment, within the City, and may regulate the same, if allowed to be established, any slaughter-house or place, or the exercise within the City of any offensive or unhealthy trade, business or em¬ ployment. Sec. 77, That the Aldermen’shall have power to pre¬ vent dogs, horses, cattle and all other brutes from running at large in the City. Sec. 78. That they may prohibit and prevent, by pen¬ alties, the riding or driving of horses or other animals at a speed greater than six miles per hour, within the City; and also the firing of guns, pistols, crackers, gun-powder, or other explosive, combustible, or dangerous materials, in the streets, public grounds, or elsewhere within the City. Market. Pri- Sec. 79. That the Aldermen may establish and regu- ACtfi lofvr mc c res t ra i n or prohibit within their corporate limits, or 1862 , chap. 2 °, w jthin one mile thereof, the sale of spirituous liquors: Provided , nevertheless , That when any tax shall have been paid for an annual license, it shall be the duty of the Aldermen to make a pro rata compensation for such time as such license shall be suspended. renaiting for g EC 33 That for the violation of any by-law, or rule violating city J J ’ ordinances, made by said Aldermen, in pursuance of [the foregoing isss^chap. 20 , 3ec tj on ^ they may prescribe penalties not exceeding one hundred dollars for each offense, to be recovered before the Mayor, Intendant or Magistrate of Police, without any stay of process, mesne or final, and when judgment shall be given for any such penalty, the party convicted may, unless the penalty and costs be paid, be immediately committed to jail for the space of thirty days, or until payment thereof shall be made, or else the Mayor, Inten- CHARTER OF THE CXT? OF RALEIGH. e e c I j ) ^^ ho w the City or by this act, by any ordinance of the City, uu- less otherwise provided, shall be recoverable in the name 98, sec,7<> * of the City of Raleigh, before the Mayor or any tribunal having jurisdiction thereof. Sec. 91. That the Aldermen shall not have power to Penalty not , 1 be larger tl, un impose for any offence, a larger penalty than twenty-five ^nars^priM dollars, unless the same be expressly authorized, and from 1 ^ 6 ^ 7 r Any judgment of the Mayor for any penalty which isim- 77 - posed or allowed to be imposed by this act, or for other cause of action herein allowed, the party dissatisfied may appeal in like manner and under the same rules and reg¬ ulations as are prescribed for appeals from the judgment of a Justice of the Peace. Sec. 92. That the Mayor shall be entitled to the fol- Mayor’s aw*. lowing fees in cases herein enumerated, whereof he may have jurisdiction as Mayor : for every warrant issued by him for the recovery of any penalty or for other cause of action, twenty-five cents; for every judgment rendered thereon, one dollar, to be taxed among the costs; for every warrant issued by him as Mayor to apprehend an offender against the criminal laws of the State, under which he may be arrested and recognized to appear be¬ fore a Court of Record, one dollar, to be taxed, on sub¬ mission or conviction of the offender, among other costs; CHARTER OF THE CITY OF RALEIGH. m for every warrant to arrest individuals who may have fled from other States or counties, two dollars, to be paid on removal of offender by such as may convey him away for the use ©f the City seal for other than City purposes, one dollar ; for every certificate for other than for City purposes, fifty cents. S EC * 93. [That in all cases where judgments may be en- tered against any person or persons for fines or penalties* i ifap. 1 Ki' seri i according to the laws and ordinances of any incorporated town, and the person or persons, against whom the same is adjudged, refuses or is unable to pay such judgment, it may and shall be lawful for the Mayor before whom such judgment is entered, to order and require such person or persons so convicted, to work on the streets or other pub¬ lic works until, at fair rates of wages, such person or per¬ sons shall have worked out the full amount of the judg¬ ment and costs of the prosecution.] Sec. 94. That no offence cbmmitted and no penalties fiTv. and forfeitures incurred under any of the acts or or- ctisAp. sec! dinances hereby repealed, and before the time when such repeal shall take effect, shall be affected by the repeal, ex¬ cept that when any punishment, penalty or forfeture shall have been mitigated by the provisions of the act* such provisions may be extended and applied to any proviso, judgment, to be pronounced after the repeal : Provided , That no suit or prosecution pending at the time of the re¬ peal for any offence committed, or for any penalty or for¬ feitures incurred under any of the acts or ordinances hereby repealed, shall be affected by such repeal : Provi- omeerhoM- d e djurther, That no law heretofore repealed, shall be re¬ vived by the repeal of any act repealing such law : And provided lastly, That all persons who, at the time when the said repeal shall take effect, shall hold any office under any of the acts hereby repealed, shall continue to hold the same according to the tenure thereof, except those of¬ fices which may have been abolished, and those as to CHARTER OF THE CITY OF RALEIGH. which a different provision shall have been made by this act. Sec. 95. That the City of Raleigh may convey lands and all other property which is transferable by deed, by deed of bargain and sale or other proper deed, sealed with the common seal, signed by the Mayor and two members of the corporation, and attested by a witness. Sec. 96. [That the Mayor and a majority of the Com¬ missioners of any incorporated City, town or village in the State shall have power, at all times to sellat public outcry occasions of public rejoicing. Sec. 26. Any person who shall injure or deface any sign or sign-post belonging to another, or any lantern,, lamp or lamp-post, or the works or machinery of another m ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF RALEIGH. person, or pollute any spring or well of water belonging to another, shall forfeit ten dollars. Sec. 27. No auction shall be held on Fayetteville street. Any person violating this section shall forfeit ten dollars for each offence. Sec. 38. All persons are forbidden to build within the 4ine of any of the old streets of the City extended. Sec. 29. Whenever streets shall have been ordered to T)e opened, and an assessment shall havebeen duly made according to law and approved by the Board, the Street Commissioner shall open the same so as to give the right of way to the public, even if he is unable to grade them 4it the time. Sec. 30. Neither the Street Commissioner nor the Street Committee shall be allowed to enter upon any work ex¬ cept ordinary repairs, without the previous consent of the Board; and whenever any work isproj:osed to be done, a detailed estimate of the cost thereof shall be submitted to the Board. Sec. 31. The Street Commissioner shall in all cases Tnake a requisition upon the Mayor for all supplies wanted in his department, and if approved, the Mayor shall direct the Clerk to issue an older for the articles wanted. The Clerk shall prepare the proper blanks for requisition, subject to the approval of the Mayor. Sec. 32. No account for work by contract shall be al¬ lowed until the work so contracted for shall be examined by the Street Commissioner, who shall certify to the Board whether the same is done as described in the pro¬ posals. Sec. 33. The Street Commissioner shall take charge of the pumps of the city, and keep the same in order; and to that end he is authorized to employ a competent me- -chanic to keep the pumps in order, and to put in new stocks when necessary, and to do such other mechanical work when not working on the pumps as the Street Com- ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF RALEIGH. 6k missioner shall direct. The Street Commissioner is di¬ rected to purchase suitable tools for the repairing ami keeping up the pumps of the city. Sec. 35. The regulation of the storage of cotton is lift to the discretion of the Mayor, who shall be empowered to make all such orders and rules as may be necessary to prevent the impeding of the sidew'alks and streets by cotton, and to enforce the same by fine. Sec. 36. The Street Commissioner shall report once a week to the Street Committee, and oftener if required by them. The Street Committee shall report every month to the Board the amount of work performed, the locality, and the character of the work and the quality of the labor employed, distinguishing skilled mechanic from common labor. Sec. 37. In all cases where a defendant may be atk judged to be imprisoned, it shall be competent for the Mayor also to order that the said defendant work during the period of his confinement upon the streets and public works of the City. Sec. 38. The City Marshal shall, under the direction of the Mayor, organize a chain-gang of such persons as shall be sentenced as aforesaid, or shall, in the discretion of ther Mayor, provide some efficient and suitable means to pre¬ vent the escape of prisoners while at work : Provided, that in no case shall women, or boys under the age of fourteen,be placed in the chain-gang; nor shall any means be used to restrain said prisoners which shall be injurious^ to their health ; And, provided further , In no case shall the time for which said prisoners shall be sentenced to work, exceed twenty-eight days. Sec. 39. All the penalties imposed in this chapter shall together with the costs, be recoverable by warrant before the Mayor, and it shall be the duty of all the officers of the City to prosecute every violation of this chapters which shall come within their knowledge. (ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF RALEIGH, *62 CHAPTER III. CONCERNING THE PREVENTION OF ACCIDENTS BY FIRE. •Srctiion. 1. Persons not to erect wooden buildings, where. 2. Chimneys to be built of bricks or stone. 3. Btoves, how built. 4. Chimneys not to be.set on dre. b. No shavings to be placed near t Section. any building. | 6. No blacksmith or baker's shop fc« £ to be erected, where. | 7. No shavings to be burnt in the * streets. I 8. Powder in store, how much. Sec. 1. No person shall erect any building of wood or any wooden additions to any buildings on the squares in 4he City bounded by Morgan, Salisbury, Martin and Wil¬ mington streets,nor shall any wooden building be removed from any other place to said squares; nor shall any person *rect any wooden building within thirty feet of any brick or stone house other than his own without the permission of the owner; and if his own, he shall cover the same with n tile, slate or metal roof. Any person violating any provision of this section shall forfeit twenty-five dollars for every week such building shall remain, after notice to remove the same. Sec. 2. No chimney shall be erected within the City of any other material than brick or stone. Any person of¬ fending against this section shall forfeit twenty-five dol¬ lars for the first month such chimney shall remain after notice given by the Mayor or City Marshal to remove the same, and four dollars for each succeeding month until it is removed. Sec. 3. To every stove erected within the City there shall be an iron, stone or brick hearth extending at least one foot beyond the size of the stove, and the pipe to every such stove, if it pass through the wall or roof of the house, shall extend four feet from the same, shall have a cap or elbow placed over the end of it, and shall not be placed within eight feet of any building. It shall be the duty ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF RALEIGH. B3 of the City Constable, from time to time, to examine the stoves in the city; and if they are not constructed as re¬ quired by this section, to give directions to have them so con¬ structed. If they shall not have been altered, as directed, within one month after the direction was given, the own¬ er shall forfeit ten dollars. Sec. 4. If any person shall suffer his chimney to take fire so as to blaze out at top, (except in a snow or in rainy weather) he shall forfeit four dollars. Sec. 5. No person shall deposit wood shavings in any place out of doors within thirty yards of any building^ without consent of the Mayor. Any person so offending £ House or at fires, except when. 14. Penalty for disobedience or neg¬ lect. 15. No company allowed to leave the city except by leave of Chief Engineer and of Fire Com’r. Sec, 1. The Mayor shall forthwith, and hereafter in January in each year, take the necessary measures in pursuance to act of General Asssembly of 1826-27, for organizing Fire Companies for this city, the said Com¬ panies to consist of fifty men each, (to be increased to ono- hundred, if necessary,) the first two to be known as Fire Companies Nos. 1 and 2, and the others as the Board of Aldermen may determine. Sec. 2. It shall be the duty of the said Companies to meet at such time and place, at least quarterly, for exer¬ cise and inspection, as may be directed by the Captains of the several Companies, whose duty it shall be to cause notice to be given to their respective members. Sec. 3. It shall be the duty of the said companies, upon the alarm of fire, to proceed at once to their respective engine-houses, and thence with their respective machines to the fire, where they shall be under the control and di¬ rection of their Captains respectively. Sec. 4. It shall be the duty of the Captain of each com¬ pany to keep a roll of the members of his company, which roll shall be called whenever the company may be ordered out for exercise, and also at every fire. ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF RALEIGH. 05 Sec. 5. It shall be the duty of the several Captains to be present at each meeting of their respective companies for exercise and at every fire, and to take the entire charge and direction of said companies at all times. Sec. 6 . During the continuance of any fire, the Chief Engineer, the Fire Commissioners, each of the Captains and the Mayor shall have power to call on any and all persons to assist in extinguishing the same, or in pulling down or blowing up any building, or in removing any building, or in removing any goods, wares, merchandise and furniture from any building on fire or in danger, to some place of safety. Any person failing to obey any or¬ der given for the purposes aforesaid, shall forfeit ten dollars : Provided , however , That no dwelling-house, store or warehouse shall be blown up, pulled down or in any way destroyed, without the advice and consent of the Chief Engineer or one or more of the Fire Commissioners. Sec. 7. In case of fire it shall be the duty of the Mayor to attend and take charge of the Police Department; in case of the removal or exposure of property he shall de¬ tail a sufficient number of citizens, not members of the Fire Department, who shall constitute an auxiliary police force, whose duty it shall be, under the direction of the Mayor, to guard all exposed property and detain all sus¬ picious and disorderly persons, and to do whatever may be lawfully done to protect the rights of the citizens and preserve the public peace. In case the Mayor is not pres¬ ent the duties above set out will be required of the Chief Engineer or of the Fire Commissioners. Sec. 8. The City shall be divided into four Fire Divis¬ ions. That portion of the City north of Hargett street and east of Halifax and Fayetteville streets, shall be the First Division; the portion south of Hargett street and east of Fayetteville street, shall be the Second Division the portion south of Hargett street and west of Fayette¬ ville street, shall be the Third Division; and the portion ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF RALEIGH. m north of Hargett and west of Halifax and Fayetteville -streets, shall be the Fourth Division. Sec. 9. The Board of Aldermen shall, during the month of May of each year, select four Fire Commission¬ ers, one for each Fire Division, who shall serve for one year, and until their successors are duly elected and in¬ stalled. The said Fire Commissioners shall be qualified by taking the oath of office, and shall have entire direc¬ tion (under the control of the Board of Aldermen) of the Fire Department of the City, and shall make quarterly inspections of the companies, their machinery, engine- house and equipments, and shall report the condition of the same to the Board, with such recommendations as they think advisable. They shall also, as provided in Chapter II., sec. 23, have the control and supervision of the cisterns in the streets, and perform such other duties as the Board of Aldermen may from time to time direct. Sec. 10. The Board of Aldermen shall, during the month of May in each year, elect a Chief Engineer of the Raleigh Fire Department, who shall have a general super¬ vision of all the Fire Companies of the City. He shall hold his office for one year, and until his successor shall be lected and qualified. He shall report to the Fire Com¬ missioners in writing semi-annually, giving a detailed statement of all the companies under his supervision, and shall perform all the duties herein imposed, or which mav hereafter be imposed upon liiim Sec. 11. The Chief of the Fire Department shall, with¬ in ten days after he receives a notification of his election, appoint an Assistant Engineer. It shall be the duty of the Assistant Engineer to visit at least once a week the engine and truck-houses, and to ascertain if any repairs, c. 2. Unlawful assemblies on Sunday, j 5. Barbers’ shops. 3. Penalties for keeping stores open. I G. Barbers. Sec. 1. No person shall be allowed to play at air*' game 'on Sunday within the limits of the City, on paint of forfeiting for every such offence ten dollars ; and every proprietor^* a billard-table, fivee-alley or ten-pin alley,or other sport-ground, permitting any game to be played on Sunday, shall forfeit on conviction twenty-five dol¬ lars. Sec. 2. Any person who shall, on Sunday, be present and aiding at any unlawful or disorderly assembly, or bt found drunk in the streets, shall forfeit five dollars for every such offence. Sec. 3. Any person who shall keep open any shop or store on Sunday, for the purpose of buying or selling, except in cases of necessity, shall forfeit twenty-five dollars r but Drug-Stores may he kept open at all times. Sec. 4. It shall be the duty of the Policemen of the City to go over the whole City and surburbs at least two Sun¬ days in every month, for the purpose of apprehending any person who may be found violating any of the laws or ordinances of the City, or of the State, and of ferreting out and bringing to justice all offenders against the peace and good order of society. 5. It shall not be lawful for the owner or proprietor of or any employee in, any Barber Shop within the limits ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF RALEIC.IT. of the City to open, or al’ow to be opened, tbe same for tonsorial purposes on Sunday. Any person violating this section shall be liable to a fine of twenty-five dollars- for every violation proven, to be enforced by the Mayor. Sec. 6. No barber shall be allowed to follow his trade or profession, whether in or out of his regular place of business, (except in cases of extreme illness or death) up¬ on Sunday. For every violation of this section the offen¬ der shall be liable to a fine of twenty-five dollars, to be collected as other fines, upon the information of any offi¬ cer or citizen. If complaint shall be made by any person other than an officer, one-half of the fine imposed in this? and the preceding section shall be paid to the informer. CHAPTER VII. THE MARKET. Section. 1. Where kept. 2. Assistant Chief of Police to be Clerk of the Market. 3. His duties. 4. No cider ©r liquor to be sold in Market. 5. Buying during market hours for resale prohibited. 0. Times of selling. 7. Corn meal to be sold by weight, j 8. Fodder, obstruct, the execution of any provision of this chapter* shall forfeit twenty dollars for every such offence. ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF RALEIGH. 85 CHAPTER XI. POLICE ORGANIZATION AND REGULATIONS. Section. 1. Organization and number. 2. Duties of Mayor as head of the Department. 3. City Marshal, election and du¬ ties. 4. Assistant Chief of Police, election and duties. 5. Policemen, election and duties. 6. Authority to summons posse. 7. Power to enter house. Duties at fire and miscellaneous. 9. Penalty for assaulting officer. 10. When policemen unwell, substi¬ tute may be employed. 11. Mayor may commission special policemen, when. Section. 12. City Marshal to make weekly re¬ turns. 13. Night police abolished. Reliefs. 14. Duties of Officer in charge. 15. Officer in charge responsible for his relief 10. Penalty upon policeman for neg¬ lect of duty. 17 Penalty for failing to light and extinguish lamps 18. Responsibility of City Marshal. 19 Uniform of police force 20. Duty of neatness. 21. To keep repeating pistol. 22. Mayor may appoint secret de¬ tective. Sec. 1. The Police organization for the City shall consist of the Mayor, the City Marshal, the Assistant Chief of Po¬ lice, and as many Policemen as the Board of Aldermen shall from time to time determine. Sec. 2. The Mayor shall have the general control and su¬ pervision of the Police Department, and may at any time discharge any member of the police force, except the City Marshal and the Assistant Chief; subject, however, to an ^appeal from his decision to the Board of Aldermen. Sec. 3. The City Marshal shall be elected at the first regular meeting in Ma}^ of each year. He shall give bond paya¬ ble to the City, in the sum of three thousand dollars, con¬ ditioned for the faithful performance of his duties. He shall be Chief of Police and shall superintend and reg¬ ulate the Department. He shall make out and present to the Board of Aldermen monthly, at their regular meet¬ ing, a pay roll of all the salaried officers of the City. He shall keep a Record Book and enter therein all violations of City ordinances and Police regulations, and by whom committed, and he shall transfer from said Record Book 86 ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF RALEIGH. to the Mayor’s Trial Docket all cases requiring judgment.. He shall report to the Mayor each day, at an hour to be designated by the Mayor, with the Trial Docket fully- prepared. The Record Book shall alwa} 7 s be subject to- the inspection of the Mayor and of any member of the. Board of Aldermen. It shall be the duty of the City Marshal to collect all the taxes not embraced in the list¬ ed taxes, and all fines and costs imposed by the Mayor,, and upon all his collections he shall receive five per cent.. commission. He shall pay over to the Treasurer each week the amount received by him, accompanied with a sworn statement as provided in Chap XIII. He shall fur¬ ther perform all the duties imposed upon him in these or¬ dinances and which may hereafter be imposed by the Board. His rate of compensation shall be fixed by the Board. Sec. 4. The Assistant Chief of Police shall be elected at the first regular meeting in May of each year or as soon thereafter as the Board may determine. He shall be Clerk of the Market as provided in Chapter VII of the Ordinances and shall give the bond and perform all the duties there^ in required. He shall also assist the City Marshal in the discharge of his various duties, and perform such other services as the Board may from time to time require, and his rate of compensation shall be determined by the Board. Sec. 5. The Policemen shall be elected for the term of six months, subject to removal as provided in section 2. It shall be their duty to suppress all disturbances of the quiet and good order of the City, and to arrest all of¬ fenders against the same; to prevent, as far possible, all injury to the City property and buildings, and the streets and sidewalks, and to report to the Mayor any repairs needed ; to ascertain if spirituous or malt liquors are re¬ tailed by any person in the City other than those recom¬ mended and licensed, and report all such persons so re¬ tailing to the mayor. ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF RALEIGH. 87 Sec. 6 . The Policemen shall have authority, if resisted in the execution of their official duties, to summon a suffi¬ cient number of men to aid them in enforcing the law ; and if any persons so summoned shall refuse to assist, the Policeman is hereby directed to report the names of such persons to the Mayor, who is directed to proceed against them as the law directs. Sec. 7. The City Policemen shall have power to enter the enclosure and house of any person, without warrant, when they have good reason to believe any of the laws of the State or ordinances of the City are violated, for the ap_ prehension of any person so offending; and, if necessary^ to summon a posse to aid them, and all persons so sum¬ moned shall have like authority. Sec. 8. Upon the occurrence of a fire the Policemen shall give instant alarm by ringing the bells of the City, and shall be present at every fire to preserve order and pro- tect property, under the direction of Mayor. They shall not enter any house or yard except in pursuit of a fugi¬ tive or to suppress disorder. No Policemen shall partici¬ pate in any political or other meeting while on duty; they are also forbidden to frequent liquor houses except in the legitimate discharge of their duties. A failure to conform to the provisions of this ordinance will subject the offender to immediate discharge. They shall secure in Jail or in the Guard House all persons who shall make a disorderly noise in any street or elsewhere in the City* or who shall in any other way disturb the good order of the City, or violate the ordinances of the City or the laws of the State. Any person confined in the Guard House by day or night, as directed in this or other chapters, may be released upon paying two dollars and cost of war¬ rant, unless he has committed an offence subjecting him to a higher penalty. Sec. 9. Any person who shall assault, oppose or resistor in any manner abuse or insult any officer of the City ©r 88 ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF RALEIGH. member of the Police, while in the discharge of any duty, shall forfeit twenty-five dollars, or suffer imprisonment not to exceed one month. Sec. 10. When any member of the Police shall be unable, from sickness or other unavoidable cause, to perform his duty, he shall notify the Mayor, who is hereby authorized to employ a substitute for the particular occasion; the ex¬ penses of the said substitute to be deducted from any amount due the said Policeman. Sec. 11. On Sundays and other days, when in the Mayor’s judgment it may be necessary, the Mayor shall be authorized to appoint and commission special Police¬ men to take charge of Oak wood and other cemeteries of the City, also of the Capitol and other public squares and lots, the various Churches and other places of public gathering : Provided , The City shall not be liable to any expense on this account, and the Mayor shall be author¬ ized to withdraw any authority granted under this or¬ dinance, and to appoint other officers whenever he may deem it expedient. Sec. 12. The City Marshal shall be required to make on Tuesday of each week, returns on oath, before an offi¬ cer qualified to administer an oath, of all taxes, fines, forfeitures and collections of every kind, which have been, or ought to have been, received by him, by virtue of his office, for the preceding week, not previously re¬ turned. Said statement shall be filed with the Clerk of the Board of Aldermen, who shall report the same to the Board at their first meeting held thereafter; and the said City Marshal shall pay to the Treasurer of the Board, for the use of the City, weekly, the amount owing by him. Sec. 13. There shall be no distinction between the day and night Police. The Police force shall be divided into three reliefs, and each relief shall be on duty for eight hours consecutively. One relief shall always be on duty at the Guard House as a reserve, unless absent on other duty. ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF RALEIGH. 89 Sec. 14. The officer in charge of the reserve relief shall habitually remain at the Guard House. When necessary he shall give the fire alarm. He shall have •charge of all prisoners and shall make the proper detail from the reserve to guard the prisoners who may be at work on the streets. Each relief shall be transferred weekly in regular rotation. Sec. 15. The officer in charge of each relief shall have direct control of it and shall be responsible for any der¬ eliction of duty on the part of any member thereof, un¬ less he report the same to the Mayor or City Marshal. It shall be his duty to visit every member of his relief at least once during the time they may be on post. He shall report to the City Marshal daily at 9 a. m., or at such hour as the Mayor may designate. Sec. 16. No Policeman shall leave the division in which he may be posted without the consent of the offi¬ cer in charge, unless in pursuit of a criminal. Any Po¬ liceman who shall be found sitting down on his post shall be fined one dollar for each offence, which shall be deducted from his monthly pay, unless he shall render a satisfactory excuse. He shall not stop, nor loiter nor talk with any person except in the discharge of his duty. Sec. 17. If any Policeman shall fail to light or extin¬ guish the street lamps at the proper time in the division in which he may be posted, he shall be fined fifty cents for each lamp so neglected, to be deducted as provided in the preceding section. Sec. 18. The City Marshal is responsible for the execu¬ tion of the above regulations, and he is hereby author¬ ized and instructed to make such arrangements as may be necessary to carry them out. Sec. 19. The uniform of each member of the Police force shall be as follows: Blue Police cap, with the number of the wearer on the band, just above the vizor. 90 ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF RALEIGH. Blue frock coat, long, double-breasted, with brass Po¬ lice buttons. Blue pants. Leather belt, with baton suspended on left side. Sec. 20. Each Policeman shall habitually present him¬ self at the proper hour at the Guard House, dressed neatly, with shoes blacked and hair trimmed. Sec. 21. Each Policeman shall, when required, wear a repeating pistol loaded in his holster. Any Policeman who shall fail to keep his pistol in good order shall be lined fifty cents, to be deducted fiom his monthly pay. Sec. 22. Whenever in the opinion of the Mayor it shall be necessary to employ a secret detective, the May¬ or shall have power to do so; Provided , That no greater expense than one hundred dollars shall be incurred with¬ out a vote of the Board of Aldermen. CHAPTER XII. TAXATION, LICENSES, &C. Section. 1. Retailers of liquors to apply for license. 2. Selling on Sunday inviolates li¬ cense. 5. Penalty for selling without li¬ cense. 4. Penalty for selling on Sunday, a. All licences to expire in May. 6. Tax on retailers. 7. Persons desirous of keep res¬ taurant, must apply in writu);. Skction. 8. Tax on restaurants. Tax on drays, &c. in. Owners of drays, what tocharge. 11. License for dance or ball. 12. Property exempted from taxa¬ tion. 13. 4ox on Circuses, Menageries, etc. 14. Tax on exhibition of machine¬ ry, etc. Sec. 1. Every perso i desirous of obtaining a license to retail spirituous or malt liquors, shall make application in writing to the Board of Aldermen, specifying the place where the retailing is to be done; and the license, ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF RALEIGH. 91 if granted, shall be granted to retail at that place, and no other: Provided, however , That he may change his place of retailing by permission of the Board. Sec. 2. Every license issued to retail spirituous or malt liquors shall contain an express condition that it shall be void in case the person obtaining it shall sell any spirit¬ uous liquors on Sunday. Sec. 3. Every person, druggists excepted, who shall, m the City, or within the limits thereof, sell any spiritous liquors by a measure less than a quart, or any lager beer, ale, porter or other malt liquors by a measure less than a gallon, without first having obtained a license from the Board of Aldermen and paid the license tax, shall forfeit twenty dollars for every such act of selling. Sec. 4. Every person, druggists excepted, whether licensed or not, who shall sell any spirituous liquors in. any quantity on Sunday, shall forfeit and pay twenty- five dollars; and in addition thereto, may, on conviction before the Mayor, he adjudged to have forfeited his license. No druggist without license shall sell any spiritu¬ ous or malt liquors by measure less than a quart, except on prescription of a regular physician. Sec. 5. All licenses hereafter issued shall be granted only to the first Monday in May of each year, and all subsequent applications shall he charged pro rata from the first of the month in which such application is made until the first Tuesday in the month of May next ensu¬ ing. Sec. 6 . A tax of one hundred dollars, payable in cash* is hereby imposed on each person obtaining a recommen¬ dation to the County Commissioners to retail spirituous or malt liquors by the small measure for one year, and the applicant shall pay that sum to the City Marshal be¬ fore the recommendation shall be issued by the Clerk of the Board. Sec. 7. Every person desiring to open a victualing- house or restaurant in the City, shall make application ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF RALEIGH. m &© the Board of Aldermen in writing; and the license If granted, shall be issued by the Clerk of the Board, who Is hereby directed to record, in his book, the name o 1 the applicant and the date of the license, also the name of the applicant for retail license and the date of the retail license. Any person who shall establish a restaurant or eating house within the City without haying first paid the license tax to the City Marshal, shall forfeit twenty- five dollars for each offence. Sec. 8. A tax of not less than twenty-five nor more than fifty dollars, is hereby imposed upon each person licensed to keep a restaurant for one year. Sec. 9. No person shall run a public wagon or dray in the City for hire, without first paying the taxes required hy law and procuring a license from the City Clerk, un¬ der a penalty of five dollars for each and every violation. The City Marshal shall have every public wagon or dray in the City numbered. Sec. 10. If the owner of a one-horse dray or wagon shall charge or receive more than twenty-five cents for carrying one load to any part of the City, he shall for¬ feit five dollars. If the owner of a two-horse dray or wagon shall charge or receive more than fifty cents for carrying a load to any part of the City, he shall forfeit tern dollars, one-half of the sum in each case to be paid to the informer, if not an officer of the City. Sec. 11. That every person desirous of giving any ball, dance or musical entertainment, except for charitable or religious purposes, at which there is charged an entrance fee, shall apply to the City Marshal for license to hold ihe same, and shall pay for such license the sum of ten dollars. Sec. 12. No property in the City liable to taxation shall be exempt, except churches, parsonages, and free school houses. Sec. 13. Every Circus Company shall pay a tax of fif¬ teen dollars for each exhibition: every Menagerie shall ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF RALEIGH. pay ten dollars for each exhibition; every Circus Com¬ pany and Menagerie combined shall pay twenty-five dollars for each exhibition, and every Side-Show of what¬ ever description connected with a Circus or Menagerie^ shall pay five dollars for each exhibition. Every Theatri¬ cal Company and every Company giving giving Con¬ certs for reward shall pay five dollars for one perform¬ ance ; for tw T o performances, eight dollars; for three, ten dollars; for four, twelve dollars; for more than four* fiT teen dollars. Every other show for reward (models of useful inventions and shows for benevolent purposes ex¬ cepted) shall pay five dollars for each exhibition. If these taxes shall not be paid before exhibition, they shall be doubled. Organ Grinders and Street Musicians, non¬ residents of the county of Wake, shall pay twenty-five dollars per annum. Sec. 14. Every exhibitor of any machine and apparatus designed for the public amusement, for the seeing or using of which compensation shall be charged, not specially- mentioned in some othor ordinance, shall pay ten dollars each six months or part thereof the same shall be on ex¬ hibition : Provided , That this ordinance shall not apply to exhibitions strictly scientific, nor to those where the en¬ tire proceeds shall be devoted to charitable or education¬ al purposes. Sec. 15. The license tax for offering for sale goods by* sample, or otherwise peddling within the limits of the City, shall be twenty dollars. Any person peddling, by- sample or otherwise, without license, shall pay a fine of fifty dollars. ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF RALEIGH. m CHAPTER XIII. 'CLERK AND TAX-COLLECTOR, AND MISCELLANEOUS PROVI¬ SIONS RESPECTING OFFICERS. Section. Fee for license. 2. Fee for collecting tax, &c., 3. To keep room, to have office- hours . Board of Health. Sec- 1 . No person, without first obtaining for that pur¬ pose the permission of the Mayor or the Board of Aider- men, shall knowingly bring, or allow to be brought, or shall connive at the bringing into the City, any person, in his or her emp’oyment, or under his or her manage¬ ment or control, afflicted with small pox or other mortal disease of a contagious or infectious kind ; and every per¬ son offending against this ordinance shall forfeit and pay twenty-five dollars and all expenses and charges incurred by the corporation on account of such afflicted person so brought into the City. Bec. 2. If any such afflicted person shall come into the City, without permission as aforesaid, lie shall, for every such offence, forfeit twenty-five dollars. Sec. o. The Board of Aldermen shall have power to remove from the corporate limits of the City, to the City Hospital, or to any other place without the limits, any person who may be afflicted with small pox or other mor¬ tal disease of an infectious or contagious nature; and it shall be their duty to do so whenever, in the judgment of the Board, such removal may he necessary to prevent the further spread of the disease. Any person attempt¬ ing, by threats or force, to prevent the removal to the hospital of any person ordered to be removed thither, shall forfeit twenty-five dollars. ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF RALEIGH. 108 Sec. 4. All applications for medicine made by the poor of the City shall be made to the Mayor, and he shall countersign the prescriptions and keep a suitable book wherein the names of all such applicants shall be re¬ corded. Sec. 5. The Medical Faculty of the City shall be ap¬ pointed a Board of Health, and they are hereby so con¬ stituted, and they are respectfully requested, each one for himself, to communicate to the Mayor, in writing, on the first day of each month, the number of deaths occurring in his practice in the limit of the City, within the month preceding, and the diseases of which the different pa¬ tients died. CHAPTER XXI. COMMISSIONER OF SINKING FUND. -Section. 1. Commissioner to give bond, with sureties, penalty to be, from time to time, increased. 2. Commissioner to call on Treas¬ urer for statement of special tax. Treasurer to pay to him excess ! over $4,000.00, &c. -3. City Collector to pay excess over i $4,000.00 of special tax to Com- j missioner. 4. Commissioner to advertise for | proposals for sale of bonds is- j sued under Act of March 30th, 1869, when. Section. 5. If none of said bonds can be pur¬ chased at par value or less, oth¬ er bonds of the City may be in like manner purchased. 6. If no bonds of the City can be so purchased, Commmissioner may purchase bonds of the Uni¬ ted States. 7. Commissioner to report, annual¬ ly, in the month of May, condi¬ tion of Fund. 8. Commissioner may be removed: upon failure to give bond, office to be vacant. Sec. 1 . The Commissioner of the Sinking Fund shall •give bond, payable to the City of Raleigh, in the penal sum of ten thousand dollars, with at least two sureties, to be approved by the Board. The sureties shall make oath that they are worth, in real and personal property, 104 ORDINANCES OF TIIE CITY OF RALEIGH. ^>ver and above liabilities and exemptions allowed by law, at least the amount of the penalty of the bond. The bond shall be annually renewed during the month of May, and the penalty shall be, from time to time, in¬ creased according to the probable amount of the funds to- be in the hands of the Commissioner during the succeed¬ ing year. Sec. 2. It shall be the duty of the Commissioner of the Sinking Fund to call on the Treasurer of the City for a. statement of the special taxes collected for the purpose of paying the principal and interest of the bonds issued un¬ der an act “to enable the City of Raleigh to borrow money for certain purposes,” ratified March 30th, 1860, and the Treasurer shall pay to him the excess over $4,000, being the amount needed to pay interest on said bonds "which fell due in 1871 : Provided , That if there shall be a de- lienc}^ in the Treasury, the Treasurer shall deliver to the Commissioner an obligation signed by him, pledging the City to pay said amount on or before the 1st da} r of Octo¬ ber, 1873 and 1874, in equal installments, with interest from the 1st day of April, 1872, at the rate of eight per cent, per annum, payable semi-annually. Sec. 3. The City Collector shall, after the year 1871,- pay the whole of said, special taxes .to the said Commis¬ sioner, who shall give receipts for said payments, and pay the interest on the bonds issued under said act at the time said interest becomes due. And it shall be the duty of said Commissioner to demand said special tax from time to time from the Collector, and if not paid, to report the tact to the Board. Sec. 4. The said Commissioner shall, from time to time, when he shall have sufficient money in his hands, advertise for ten days in the daily newspapers for sealed proposals for the sale of bonds of the City issued under said act. Bids shall be opened in the presence of the Mayor and Treasurer, and such bids, not exceeding par,. ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF RALEIGH. 10." ;is are most advantageous for the City shall be accepted . hut said officers, if deemed best, may refuse to accept any bids made, and advertise for additional proposals. Bonds of the City so purchased shall be cancelled by them. Sec. 5. If, after reasonable diligence, none of said bonds can be purchased at their par value, or less, then the Com¬ missioner shall in like manner purchase any other bonds of the City which shall be cancelled,and registered certifi¬ cates, signed by the Treasurer, payable to said Commis¬ sioner, issued in exchange, principal and interest payable at the same time and place. Sec. G. If no bonds of the City can be bought at par or less, then the Commissioner shall purchase bonds of the United States, which, if unregistered, shall be forth¬ with registered in the name of said Commissioner, who shall collect the interest regularly and re-invest the same as required by this ordinance in other bonds. Sec. 7. The said Commissioner shall make a report to the Board annually, at their meeting in the month oi May, of the condition of the Fund andjofhis action since the last report. He shall likewise recommend to the Board, for their consideration, a scheme of taxation for carrying into effect the provisions of the above-men¬ tioned act of the General Assembly. Sec. 8 . The Commissioner may be removed from office, at any time, for misbehavior or neglect in office; and if he shall fail to give the bond required by the Board, his office shall, ipso facto, be vacant. ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF BAD ETCH. .) Of) CHAPTER XXII. BONDS. I. Owner of bonds may have the same made payable to himself, and not to bearer. Section. 3. Coupon bonds may be altered in¬ to registered bonds. 2. How alteration to be made. Sec. 1. Any bona, fide holder and owner in his or her own right, or as trustee for another of any coupon bonds already issued by the City of Raleigh and made payable to bearer, may be allowed to have such bond so altered as to be payable to himself or herself by name, and the word “bearer” expunged. Sec. 1. Such alteration shall be made by the Treasurer of the City of such bond already issued or hereafter to be issued by the City, and he shall note the alteration on the same page of the registry of bonds, on which the bond thus altered shall be registered or re¬ corded. Sec. o. On tlie surrender of any of said coupon bonds,, the Treasurer shall, if requested, issue a consolidated bond for the total amount ©f the bonds so surrendered, payable to the owner or to his order, bearing the same rate of interest payable at the same time. The surren¬ dered bonds shall be cancelled by the Treasurer, in pres¬ cribe of the Mayor, and the Treasurer shall report his action 'O the Board at the next meeting. ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF RALEIGH. 107 CHAPTER XXIII. MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS. Section, 1. City Attorney. •J. Resignations to lie over I Section, next meeting. until I 3. Repealing section. Sec. 1. The Board of Aldermen may* at their first reg¬ ular meeting in May, or at any time during the year, elect a City Attorney, who shall hold his office for one year. It shall be his duty to act as the legal adviser of the Board of Aldermen and the officers of the City, to represent the City in all actions brought by or against it, and to per¬ form such other duties as the Board of Aldermen shall from time to time impose upon him. His rate of compen¬ sation shall be determined by the Board. Sec. 2. No member of the Board of Aldermen shall be allowed to tender resignation of his office except in writing, and the matter shall lie on the table of course until the next regular meeting. Sec. 3. All ordinances heretofore passed for the govern¬ ment of the City of Raleigh, which are repugnant to the provisions of the ordinances above set out, are hereby re¬ pealed, but no offence committed and no penalties in¬ curred under any ordinance hereby repealed shall be af¬ fected by the repeal. APPENDIX. 1 desired to give in the Appendix ail the resolutions and ordinances relating to the issue of bonds ; but find¬ ing that many bonds were issued in renewal of bonds previously issued, and that the amount of the issue was not always definite, I have conclued that such publica¬ tion will be superfluous. The Appendix therefore con¬ tains only a summary of, and reference to the resolutions and ordinances upon the subject. F. H. B. 3. January 7th, 1860. Idfty thousand dollars (§50,000)- of bonds, authorized by sections 105, 106,107 and 108 of the Charter, known as “Market TFousc Bonds,” ordered to be issued. 2. June 16th, 1871. Thirty thousand dollars ($30,000) of bonds authorized to be issued s and sold to pay the “floating debt.” Records, pages 44, 45, 46, 47. 3. March 27th, 1872. Five thousand dollars ($5,000) of bonds issued to pay necessary expenses. Records, page 133. 4. June 11th, 1872. Fifteen thousand dollars ($15,000) of bonds to be issued in exchange for matured bonds and City scrip. Records, page 174. 5. July loth, 1872. Treasurer ordered to sell eight thousand dollars ($8,000) of the bonds authorized in the preceding resolution (4). Record, page 170. 6. August 9th, 1872. Seven thousand dollars ($7,000) •of bonds ordered to be issued in exchanged for old bonds. Records, page 183. 7. September 30th. 1872. Ten thousand dollars ($10,- 000) of three years bonds ordered to be issued, $2,000 to pay for stock in Oakwood Cemetery, and $8,000 at not less than ninety cents in the dollar, in exchange for bonds of Mr. Purefoy. Records, page 194. 110 APPENDIX. 8. January 6th, 1873. Six thousand dollars ($6,000) in three years bonds authorized to be issued. Records, page 215. 9. June 4th, 1873. Five hundred dollars ($500) in bonds ordered. Records, page 246. 10. June 19th, 1873. Eight per cent, three year bonds, • for the purpose of taking up City scrip and the renewal of past due bonds”—amount left indefinite. Records, page 253. 11. August 13th, 1874. Eight per cent, bonds sufficient to fund the City debt authorized to be issued. Records, page 252. LI. FAIR GROUNDS. Resolutions to the following effect have been passed by the City authorities in reference to the grounds occupied by the North Carolina State Agricultural Society : 1. February 27th, 1869. Land in the eastern part of Hie Cit} T ceded to the North Carolina State Agricultural Society. Old Records. 2. April 28th, I860. Deed ordered to be made to the North Carolina Agricultural Society. Old Records. 3. January 29th, 1873. Deed to the “old Fair Grounds” ordered to be made to the North Carolina State Agricul¬ tural Society ; Provided , a deed to the new grounds should be made to the City. Records, page 216. 4. August 27th, 1873. Foregoing deed declared valid and sufficient, with the proviso that the North Carolina state Agricultural Society shall not mortgage the new grounds to a greater extent than ten thousand dollars. Records, page 266. 5. April 25th, 1874. Rower given to mortgage for ten thousand dollars more, or to issue bonds secured by mort¬ gage for twenty thousand dollars in all. Records, page APPENDIX. 11 I 0. January 14th, 1870. Power given to the North Carolina State Agricultural Society to increase its mort¬ gage to thirty-five thousand dollars. \ / INDEX TO CHARTER, ALDERMEN: Page. Number, and election of,. 10 To succeed Board of Commissioners,. 13 How, and when they shall qualify,. 13 To elect Mayor,. 14 Oath of, and term of office,... 14 Vacancy in Board of, how filled,. 14 Penalty for refusing to qualify,. 14 Meetings of Board,..... 16 Powers and duties,. 16 Fine for failure to attend meetings.. 17 To make Ordinances and By-laws. 17 May borrow money, how,. . 17 To elect Clerk, Tax Collector, Treasurer and Constable,. i8 To make out and publish transcript of receipts and disbursements,. 18 Shall fund the City debt. 19 Powers of, in reference to Streets.•. 29 Powers of, in regard to Public Squares,. 31 May grant privilege to erect porches,. 31 Shall not be contractors,. 32 May abate nuisances. 32 May prevent dogs, hogs, etc., from running at large,. 32 May prohibit fast driving, etc.,. 32 May establish Market,. 32 May establish and regulate buddings,. 32 May establish Grave Yards,. 33 May organize Fire Companies, . 33 114 INDEX TO CHARTER. Page. Powers in regard to contagious diseases. 33 Powers in reference to sale of liquors. 34 Forbidden to use corporate money in certain cases. 38 Power to borrow money. 38 Power to issue bonds, (Market House ) and provide for payment. 40 APPEALS : ( See Mayor. ) APPROPRIATIONS: ( See Misdemeanors.) ASSESSMENT : ( See Taxes. ) ASSESSORS: ( See Taxes and Real Estate. ) AUCTIONEERS : Duties; to render abstract. 21 Commissions of. 21 Penalty for violating act. 22 Penalty for acting as, without authority. 22 AUDITOR: Election of, duties and compensation . 19 B. BALLOTS: ( See Election. ) BILLIARD TABLES: ( See Taxes. ) BONDS: Aldermen shall fund the City debt. 19 Breach of official. 21 Aldermen may issue, how. 39 How disposed of. 40 To be submitted to voters. 41 BOOKS OF REGISTRATION : ( See Election. ) BOUNDARIES : City; Ward. 8 BUILDINGS: Aldermen may regulate. . 32 BY-LAWS: ( See Ordinances. ) INDEX TO CHARTER. 1 15 P AGE. c. CELLARS: Penalty for building, in foot ways.. 31 CEMETERIES : Aldermen may establish. 33 CHALLENGES: ( See Election. ) CITY BOUNDARIES: Established. 8 CITY CONSTABLES : (See Constable.) CLAIMS: To be presented in two years.. 39 Registry of. to be kept by Clerk. 39 CLERK: Election and duties of; to keep journal. 18 To draw orders on Treasurer. 19 Breach of official bond. 21 To keep Registry of Claims. 39 COLLECTOR: (See Taxes and Tax Collector. ) COMMISSIONER OF SINKING FUND : Office and duties. 40 COMMISSIONERS: Powers devolved upon Aldermen. 13 COMMISSIONERS OF WAKE COUNTY: Duties of, in regard to election... 10 CONSTABLE: Election and duties of. 18 Powers and fees. 20 CONTAGIOUS DISEASES: Powers of Aldermen in reference to. 33 CONTRACTORS : City officers not to be. 32 CORPORATE LIMITS: ( See Boundaries. ) CORPORATE NAME: Established. 8 lift INDEX TO CHARTER. Page. CORPORATE RIGHTS: Granted to citizens. 8 Not to lapse by failure to hold election. 15 CORPORATION: Seal of. 8 Mayor and Board may sell property of, how. 37 Property of and tax-lists to be surrendered ; penalty for refusal.. 38 Debt against, how satisfied,.. 37 COURT: Mayor’s Court how constituted. 15 D. DEBTS: Board shall fund indebtedness. 19 City, how satisfied. 37 DEED; City may make deed to its real estate. 37 DEFENDANTS: May be made to work on streets.. 15 DISEASES, CONTAGIOUS : Powers of Aldermen in reference to . 38 Hospital expense ; penalty for interference. 33 DOGS: Taxes on.. 23 Aldermen may prohibit running at large. 32 E. ELECTION; Of Aldermen ; time of..... 10 Appointment of Registrars. 10 Registration, method of. 11 Inspectors of election ; electors ; challenges. 12 Ballots to be preserved ; duties of Inspectors.. 18 Duties of Sheriff of Wake County. 14 Failure to hold, what effect. 15 INDEX TO CHARTED. 117 Page. How to be held if not held at regular time... 15 Upon issue of bonds. 41 ELECTORS: Qualifications of. 12 ENCROACHMENTS: ( See Porches. ) F. FEES: Of Mayor. Of Constable . Of Collector. FINES: Upon Aldermen for failing to attend. Of minors, how recovered. How collected ; not to exceed $25. Defendants may be made to work out fine on streets. FIRE COMPANIES: Establishment of. 35 26 24 17 35 35 36 33 G. GRAVEYARDS: Aldermen may establish. 33 GOVERNOR’S MANSION: (See Streets.) H. HOSPITAL: Expenses, how paid. 33 Penalty for preventing removal to, . 33 I. INCORPORATION: Section incorporating citizens. 8 INFANTS: Land of, not to be sold for taxes. 26 INSPECTORS OF ELECTION: (See Election.) J. JOURNAL: Clerk to keep 18 118 INDEX TO CHARTER - . Page. JUDGMENTS: Of Mayor, their force... H> JURISDICTION: Of Mayor’s Court... 15 L. LAND : (See Real Estate,) LICENSE: (See Taxes.) LIMITATIONS, STATUTE OF : Claims to be presented to Clerk in two years, 39 Registry of claims. 39 LIMITS, CITY: (See Boundaries.) LIQUORS: Aldermen may prohibit sale. 34 Penalty for violating. 34 M. MARKET: Aldermen may establish. 32 MAYOR: How chosen ; oath ; term of office. 13 Vacancy, how filled. 13 Penalty for refusing to qualify. 14 Powers and duties of. 15 May issue process ; to keep office. 16 To preside at Board of Aldermen. 16 Not to be a contractor. 32 Appeals from ; fees of. 35 MERCHANTS : (See Taxes.) MINORS: Fines due from, how collected. 35 MINUTES: (See Journal.) MISDEMEANORS: To violate ordinances. 37 Not to turn over corporate property. 38 Not to surrender tax list. 38 To appropriate money to defeat Charter. 38 INDEX TO CHARTER. 119 lGE. MOORE SQUARE; (See Squares.) N, NASH SQUARE : (See Squares.) NUISANCES; Aldermen may abate..,... 32 O. OATHS: Of Mayor; of Aldermen-....-- 14 OFFICE: Mayor to keep an office,,.. 19 OFFICERS: Not to be contractors.. 32 To turn over corporate property... 38 To surrender tax lists........... 3