United States Environmental Protection Agency Office Of Water (WH-547) EPA 832-R-92-006 September 1 992 PB92-235969 92-006 C-2- &EPA Storm Water Management For Industrial Activities Developing Pollution Prevention Plans And Best Management Practices REPRODUCED BY U.S. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE NATIONAL TECHNICAL INFORMATION SERVICE SPRINGFIELD, VA 22161 /X> Recycted/Recyctobte fy O) PrinlKlonp^wrttattcone \3<^7 «!!••* SO% EPA 832-R- 92-006 a 9T0RM VJAIER management FOR industrial ACTIVITIES Hazardous Waste Researc and Information Center Library One East Hazelwood Drive Champaign, IL 61820 217/333-8957 BIBLIOGRAPHIC INFORMATION PB92-235969 Report Nos : EPA/832/R-92/006 Title : Storm Water Management for Industrial Activities. Developing Pollution Prevention Plans and Best Management Practices. Date : Sep 92 Performing Organization : Environmental Protection Agency, Washington, DC. Office of Water Enforcement and Compliance. Supplementary Notes : See also PB92-235951. NTIS Field/Group Codes : 48G*, 68D, 50B, 9lA Price : PC E09/MF A03 Avai1abi1ity : Available from the National Technical Information Service, Springfield, VA. 22161 Number of Pages : 369p* Keywords : ’'Industries, *Storm water runoff, ’‘Water pollution, Manuals, Waste water, Discharge (Water), Water quality management, Licenses, Technical assistance. Abstract : The manual provides industrial facilities with comprehensive guidance on the development of storm water pollution prevention plans and identification of appropriate Best Management Practices (BMPs). It provides technical assistance and support to all facilities subject to pollution prevention requirements established under National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permits for storm water point source discharges. EPA's storm water program significantly expands the scope and application of the existing NPDES permit system for municipal and industrial process wastewater discharges. It emphasizes pollution prevention and reflects a heavy reliance on BMPs to reduce pollutant loadings and improve water quality. The manual provides essential guidance in both of these areas. ■ FOREWORD This manual provides industrial facilities with comprehensive guidance on the development of storm water pollution prevention plans and identification of appropriate Best Management Practices (BMPs). It provides technical assistance and support to all facilities subject to pollution prevention requirements established under National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permits for storm water point source discharges. EPA's storm water program significantly expands the scope and application of the existing NPDES permit system for municipal and industrial process wastewater discharges. It emphasizes pollution prevention and reflects a heavy reliance on BMPs to reduce pollutant loadings and improve water quality. This manual provides essential guidance in both of these areas. This document was issued in support of EPA regulations and policy initiatives involving the development and implementation of a National storm water program. This document is Agency guidance only. It does not establish or affect legal rights or obligations. Agency decisions in any particular case will be made applying the laws and regulations on the basis of specific facts when permits are issued or regulations promulgated. This document will be revised and expanded periodically to reflect additional pollution prevention information and data on treatment effectiveness of BMPs. Comments from users will be welcomed. Send comments to U.S. EPA, Office of Wastewater Enforcement and Compliance, 401 M Street, SW, Mail Code EN-336, Washington, DC 20460. Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2019 with funding from University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign Alternates https://archive.org/details/stormwatermanageOOunse TABLE OF CONTENTS Page 1. INTRODUCTION .1-1 1.1 PURPOSE OF THIS GUIDANCE MANUAL.1-1 1.2 ORGANIZATION OF THIS GUIDANCE MANUAL.1-2 1.3 SCOPE OF THIS MANUAL.1-3 1.4 DEFINITIONS.1-4 1.5 GOALS OF STORM WATER MANAGEMENT .1-5 1.6 SUMMARY OF THE STORM WATER PROGRAM.1-5 2. STORM WATER POLLUTION PREVENTION PLAN .2-1 2.1 PLANNING AND ORGANIZATION PHASE.2-3 2.1.1 Who Will Develop and Implement Your Plan? .2-3 2.1.2 Building on Existing Environmental Management Plans.2-5 2.2 ASSESSMENT PHASE - DESCRIPTION OF POTENTIAL POLLUTANT SOURCES .2-7 2.2.1 Developing a Site Map.2-8 2.2.2 Material Inventory.2-13 2.2.3 Identifying Past Spills and Leaks.2-15 2.2.4 Identifying Non-Storm Water Discharges .2-16 2.2.5 Storm Water Monitoring Data.2-19 2.2.6 Assessment Summary.2-20 2.3 BMP IDENTIFICATION PHASE .2-21 2.3.1 Baseline Best Management Practices.2-22 Good Housekeeping .2-23 Preventive Maintenance.2-26 Visual Inspections.2-29 Spill Prevention and Response .2-31 Sediment and Erosion Control.2-35 Management of Runoff .2-35 2.3.2 Advanced Best Management Practices.2-36 2.3.3 Completing the BMP Identification Phase.2-37 2.4 IMPLEMENTATION PHASE .2-39 2.4.1 Implement Appropriate Controls .2-39 2.4.2 Employee Training.2-40 i - b September 1992 Table of Contents TABLE OF CONTENTS (Continued) Page 2.5 EVALUATION PHASE.2-43 2.5.1 Annual Site Compliance Evaluation .2-43 2.5.2 Recordkeeping and Internal Reporting .2-44 2.5.3 Plan Revisions .2-46 2.6 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS .2-47 2.6.1 Schedule for Plan Development and Implementation .2-47 2.6.2 Required Signatures .2-48 2.6.3 Plan Location and Public Access.2-49 2.6.4 Director-Required Plan Modifications.2-50 2.7 SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS.2-51 2.7.1 Special Requirements for Discharges Through Municipal Separate Storm Sewer Systems .2-51 2.7.2 Special Requirements for EPCRA, Section 313 Reporting Facilities .2-52 2.7.3 Special Requirements for Salt Storage Piles .2-53 3. ACTIVITY-SPECIFIC SOURCE CONTROL BMPs.3-1 3.1 BMPs FOR FUELING STATIONS.3-2 3.2 BMPs FOR VEHICLE AND EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCE.3-5 3.3 BMPs FOR PAINTING OPERATIONS .3-10 3.4 BMPs FOR VEHICLE AND EQUIPMENT WASHING .3-13 3.5 BMPs FOR LOADING AND UNLOADING MATERIALS .3-15 3.6 BMPs FOR LIQUID STORAGE IN ABOVE-GROUND TANKS.3-17 3.7 BMPs FOR INDUSTRIAL WASTE MANAGEMENT AREAS AND OUTSIDE MANUFACTURING.3-19 3.8 BMPs FOR OUTSIDE STORAGE OF RAW MATERIALS, BY-PRODUCTS, OR FINISHED PRODUCTS.3-23 3.9 BMPs FOR SALT STORAGE FACILITIES.3-24 4. SITE-SPECIFIC INDUSTRIAL STORM WATER BMPs.4-1 4.1 FLOW DIVERSION PRACTICES.4-3 Storm Water Conveyances.4-4 Diversion Dikes.4-7 Graded Areas and Pavement .4-9 4.2 EXPOSURE MINIMIZATION PRACTICES .4-11 Containment Diking.4-12 Curbing.4-14 Drip Pans.4-16 Collection Basins .4-18 Sumps.4-20 Covering .4-22 Vehicle Positioning .4-25 Loading and Unloading by Air Pressure or Vacuum .4-26 ii September 1992 Table of Contents TABLE OF CONTENTS (Continued) Page 4.3 MITIGATIVE PRACTICES.4-28 Sweeping .4-29 Shoveling.4-30 Excavation Practices.4-31 Vacuum and Pump Systems.4-32 Sorbents .4-33 Gelling Agents .4-35 4.4 OTHER PREVENTIVE PRACTICES.4-37 Preventive Monitoring Practices .4-38 Dust Control (Land Disturbance and Demolition Areas).4-40 Dust Control (Industrial).4-42 Signs and Labels.4-44 Security.4-46 Area Control Procedures .4-48 Vehicle Washing.4-49 4.5 SEDIMENT AND EROSION PREVENTION PRACTICES .4-51 4.5.1 Vegetative Practices .4-51 Preservation of Natural Vegetation .4-53 Buffer Zones .4-55 Mulching, Matting, and Netting.4-60 Temporary Seeding.4-62 Permanent Seeding and Planting.4-64 Sodding.4-66 Chemical Stabilization.4-68 4.5.2 Structural Erosion Prevention and Sediment Control Practices.4-69 Interceptor Dikes and Swales.4-70 Pipe Slope Drains .4-72 Subsurface Drains.4-74 Filter Fence .4-76 Straw Bale Barrier.4-78 Brush Barrier .4-80 Gravel or Stone Filter Berm .4-82 Storm Drain Inlet Protection.4-84 Sediment Trap .4-86 Temporary Sediment Basin.4-88 Outlet Protection .4-91 Check Dams.4-93 Surface Roughening .4-95 Gradient Terraces.4-98 4.6 INFILTRATION PRACTICES .4-100 Vegetated Filter Strips.4-101 Grassed Swales .4-103 Level Spreaders .4-105 Infiltration Trenches .4-107 Porous Pavements/Concrete Grids and Modular Pavements .4-109 September 1992 m Table of Contents APPENDICES APPENDIX A - REFERENCES APPENDIX B - GLOSSARY APPENDIX C - MODEL STORM WATER POLLUTION PREVENTION PLAN APPENDIX D - ADDITIONAL POLLUTION PREVENTION INFORMATION AND STORM WATER CONTACTS APPENDIX E - BMP FACT SHEETS APPENDIX F - TESTS FOR NON-STORM WATER DISCHARGES APPENDIX G - COMPARISON OF OTHER ENVIRONMENTAL PLANS APPENDIX H - LIST OF HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCES AND REPORTABLE QUANTITIES APPENDIX I - LIST OF EPCRA, SECTION 313 WATER PRIORITY CHEMICALS APPENDIX J - TABLE OF MONITORING REQUIREMENTS IN EPA'S GENERAL PERMIT LIST OF TABLES Page 2.1 CLASSIFICATION OF STORM WATER BMPs .2-37 4.1 INDEX OF SITE-SPECIFIC INDUSTRIAL STORM WATER BMPs.4-1 LIST OF FIGURES Page 2.1 STORM WATER POLLUTION PREVENTION PLAN FLOWCHART.2-2 2.2 EXAMPLE POLLUTION PREVENTION TEAM ORGANIZATION CHART.2-4 2.3 EXAMPLE SITE MAP.2-9 2.4 EXAMPLE SITE MAP WITH DRAINAGE AREAS.2-10 4.1 TYPICAL STORM WATER CONVEYANCE CROSS SECTIONS .4-5 4.2 DIVERSION DIKES.4-7 4.3 EXAMPLE OF GRADED PAVEMENT.4-9 4.4 CONTAINMENT DIKING.4-12 4.5 CURBING AROUND DRUM STORAGE AREA.4-14 4.6 USES FOR DRIP PANS.4-16 4.7 EXAMPLE COVERING FOR INDUSTRIAL ACTIVITIES.4-23 4.8 SIGN ON DRUM INDICATING FLAMMABILITY .4-44 4.9 TRUCK WASHING AREA .4-49 4.10 BENEFITS OF PRESERVING NATURAL VEGETATION .4-54 4.11 EXAMPLE BUFFER ZONE .4-55 4.12 EXAMPLES OF STREAM BANK STABILIZATION PRACTICES.4-58 4.13 ORIENTATION OF MULCH NETTING AND MATTING .4-60 4.14 SEEDING PRACTICES.4-62 4.15 ESTABLISHING PERMANENT COVER WITH VEGETATION .4-64 4.16 SODDING.4-66 4.17 TYPICAL INTERCEPTOR DIKES AND SWALES.4-70 4.18 FLEXIBLE PIPE SLOPE DRAIN .4-72 4.19 SUBSURFACE DRAINS.4-74 4.20 FILTER FENCE DETAILS.4-76 4.21 CROSS SECTION OF A PROPERLY INSTALLED STRAW BALE BARRIER .4-78 4.22 BRUSH BARRIER.4-80 4.23 TYPICAL GRAVEL FILLER BERM .4-82 iv September 1992 Table of Contents LIST OF FIGURES (Continued) Page 4.24 EXAMPLES OF STORM DRAIN INLET PROTECTION.4-84 4.25 TYPICAL SEDIMENT TRAP.4-86 4.26 TEMPORARY SEDIMENT BASIN .4-88 4.27 TYPICAL DETAILS FOR ROCK OUTLET PROTECTION.4-91 4.28 TYPICAL CHECK DAMS.4-93 4.29 SURFACE ROUGHENING .4-95 4.30 GRADIENT TERRACE.4-98 4.31 USE OF FILTER STRIPS .4-101 4.32 GRASSED SWALE WITH RAILROAD TIE CHECK DAM .4-103 4.33 LEVEL SPREADERS .4-105 4.34 TYPICAL INFILTRATION TRENCH .4-107 4.35 POROUS PAVEMENTS, CONCRETE GRIDS, AND MODULAR PAVEMENTS.4-110 September 1992 v . CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION Storm water runoff is part of a natural hydrologic process. However, human activities, particularly urbanization, can alter natural drainage patterns and add pollutants to the rainwater and snowmelt that runs off the earth's surface and enters our Nation's rivers, lakes, streams, and coastal waters. A number of recent studies by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), State water pollution control authorities, and various universities have shown that storm water runoff is a major source of water pollution, declines in fisheries, restrictions on swimming, and these conditions limit our ability to enjoy many of the other benefits that the Nation's waters provide. In response to this problem, the States and many municipalities have been taking the initiative to manage storm water more effectively. In acknowledgement of the importance of the storm water problem, the Congress has directed EPA to undertake a wide range of activities, including providing technical and financial assistance to States and other jurisdictions to help them improve their storm water management programs. In addition, through recent amendments to the Clean Water Act, the Congress has instructed EPA to develop a regulatory program for certain high priority storm water sources. In carrying out its responsibilities, EPA is committed to promoting the concept and the practice of preventing pollution at the source, before it can cause environmental problems costing the public and private sector in terms of lost resources and the funding it takes to remediate or correct environmental damage. 1.1 PURPOSE OF THIS GUIDANCE MANUAL This manual provides general guidance on developing and implementing a Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan for industrial facilities. Owners and operators of industrial facilities will find that putting together a Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan is a straightforward process that can be accomplished by facility managers and employees. EPA is publishing this manual for several reasons. The primary purpose of this manual is to provide guidance for industrial facilities that are subject to requirements under EPA's General Permits for storm water discharges associated with industrial activity. Facilities located in the 12 nondelegated States or 6 Territories are subject to these requirements (see Section 1.6 for a list of States and Territories subject to EPA General Permit requirements). EPA anticipates that most storm water discharge permits issued under the Storm Water Program will require a pollution prevention plan. Throughout this manual, specific EPA General Permit pollution prevention requirements are given in the shaded boxes as seen below. Although the requirements for a Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan may vary from one permit to another, and from State to State, EPA expects that most of the general concepts described in this manual are common to all plan requirements. Please also note that, although this manual presents EPA General Permit requirements that apply to facilities located in nondelegated States and Territories, some of the nondelegated States required modifications or additions to the pollution prevention plan requirements to ensure that the permit complies with State laws and standards. Therefore, it is important that all facilities located in delegated States, as well as nondelegated States, read their permits to determine whether there are September 1992 1-1 Chapter 1 —Introduction any special conditions. This manual is not intended in any way to substitute for binding legal requirements pursuant to National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permits. EPA GENERAL PERMIT REQUIREMENTS Storm Water Pollution Prevention Pfans Part IV A Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan shall be developed for each facility covered by this permit. Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plans shall be prepared in accordance with good engineering practices. The plan shall identify potential sources of pollution which may reasonably be expected to affect the quality of storm water discharges associated with industrial activity from the facility. In addition, the plan shall describe and ensure the implementation of practices which are to be used to reduce the pollutants in storm water discharges associated with industrial activity at the facility and to assure compliance with the terms and conditions of this permit. Facilities must implement the provisions of the Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan required under this part as a condition of this permit. In addition to providing guidance for facilities that are subject to storm water permit requirements, this manual contains information that is generally useful for controlling storm water pollution from almost any type of developed site. EPA hopes this manual is widely used in furthering the prevention of pollution at its sources and the adoption of management practices that help us protect the overall quality of the environment. EPA is also issuing a guidance manual on Best Management Practices (BMPs) for construction activities. If you are subject to requirements under the general permit for storm water discharges associated with construction activities, that manual is designed to help you comply with those somewhat different requirements. 1.2 ORGANIZATION OF THIS GUIDANCE MANUAL This manual is presented as a user's guide to Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan requirements. Step-by-step guidelines and accompanying worksheets will walk you through the process of developing and implementing a Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan. This approach allows you to complete this process in the simplest and most efficient way. The worksheets are designed to help you organize the required information. The remainder of this manual is divided into three sections: Chapter 2 provides information on how to develop a plan; Chapter 3 serves as a resource for selecting activity-specific Best Management Practices (BMPs); and Chapter 4 discusses site- specific BMPs. As you complete each section, you will move through each of the following steps and end up with a fully developed Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan. Each step is important and should be completed before moving on to the next step. The five major phases involved in developing and implementing your plan are as follows: Phase 1 - Planning and Organization Phase 2 - Assessment Phase 3 - BMP Identification Phase 4 - Plan Implementation Phase 5 - Evaluation 1-2 September 1992 Chapter 1 —Introduction Chapter 2 provides step-by-step guidance for completing each of these phases. The Organization Phase starts the process by helping you to get organized and by identifying who is going to develop and implement the plan and by identifying site-specific pollution prevention objectives. The Assessment Phase involves gathering information about your site and identifying potential sources of storm water pollution. Using the information collected during the Assessment Phase, you can begin to design the storm water management program that best suits your site. During the BMP Identification Phase, you will evaluate the required baseline BMPs and select other preventive measures. The fourth stage of the Storm Water Pollution Prevention Planning process is the Implementation Phase, during which you put the plan into action. The final step, the Evaluation Phase, allows you to determine if your i in is actually accomplishing your pollution prevention objectives. Periodic reviews, inspections, and evaluations will allow you to keep the plan effective and up-to-date. In Chapter 3, which details activity-specific BMPs, you will find a number of measures you can use to prevent or reduce the contamination of storm water caused by specific industrial activities. Chapter 4 describes site-specific BMPs. From the list of site-specific BMPs, you can select prevention and control measures that are most appropriate for the physical characteristics of your facility. A combination of these types of BMPs may be most appropriate for your site. In addition, there are several appendices located at the end of this manual. Appendix A lists the references used to develop this manual. Appendix B includes a glossary of terms. Appendix C provides a model of what a pollution prevention plan might look like for a small industry. Appendix D provides State and Federal storm water and pollution prevention contacts and additional information on pollution prevention. Appendix E provides technical and design fact sheets for some of the storm water BMPs described in Chapter 4. Appendix F describes tests for non-storm water discharges. Appendix G compares Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan requirements with plan requirements under other environmental programs. Appendix H is a list of reportable quantities for hazardous substances under 40 CFR Parts 117 and 302. Appendix I is the list of water priority chemicals under Emergency Planning and Community Right-to-Know Act (EPCRA), Section 313. Appendix J includes a table of the monitoring requirements that are contained in EPA's General Permits. 1.3 SCOPE OF THIS MANUAL This manual provides useful information on many pollution prevention and best management practices which you can use to prevent or reduce the discharge of sediment and other pollutants in storm water runoff from your site. This manual describes the practices and controls, tells how, when, and where to use them, and how to maintain them. However, the effectiveness of these controls lies fully in your hands. Although specific recommendations will ^e offered in the following chapters, keep in mind that careful consideration must be given to selecting the most appropriate control measures based on site-specific features, and on properly installing the controls in a timely manner. Finally, although this manual provides guidelines for maintenance, it is up to you to make sure that your controls are carefully maintained or they will prove to be ineffective. This manual describes the EPA General Permit requirements for pollution prevention plans. However, requirements may vary from permit to permit. You should read your permit to determine the required components of your pollution prevention plan. Although this manual describes "typical" permit requirements, do not assume that the typical permit requirements described in this manual are the same as your permit requirements even if you are included under an NPDES general permit for storm water discharges associated with industrial activities. Permit conditions may vary between different permits and/or different versions of the permit. EPA has issued a number of regulations addressing pollution control practices for different environmental media (i.e., land, water, air, and ground water). However, this manual focuses on identifying pollution prevention measures and BMPs specifically for industrial storm water September 1992 1-3 Chapter 1 —Introduction discharges and provides guidance to industrial facilities on how to comply with storm water permits. Although Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plans primarily focus on storm water, it is important to consider the impacts of selected storm water management measures on other environmental media (i.e., land, air, and ground water). For example, if the water table is unusually high in your area, a retention pond for contaminated storm water may also lead to contamination of a ground water source unless special preventive measures are taken. Permittees must take these issues into consideration in selecting appropriate pollution prevention measures and should make certain that adoption of storm water measures is consistent with other Federal, State, and local environmental laws. For instance, under EPA's July 1 991 Ground Water Protection Strategy, States are encouraged to develop Comprehensive State Ground Water Protection Programs. Your facility's efforts to control storm water should be compatible with the ground water protection objectives reflected in your State's program. 1.4 DEFINITIONS As you use this manual to select pollution prevention approaches, you will see two key phrases used frequently: "pollution prevention plan" and "best management practice." A solid understanding of these terms is very important in meeting the goals of storm water management discussed above. Pollution Prevention Plan The first term of importance is "storm water pollution prevention plan." As mentioned in Section 1.1, this manual is designed to help you to prepare and implement a Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan. As you will learn in Chapter 2, Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plans consist of a series of steps and activities to, first, identify sources of pollution or contamination on your site, and, second, select and carry out actions which prevent or control the pollution of storm water discharges. Best Management Practice The other concept used throughout this manual is "Best Management Practice" or BMP. BMPs are measures or practices used to reduce the amount of pollution entering surface water, air, land, or ground waters. BMPs may take the form of a process, activity, or physical structure. Some BMPs are simple and can be put into place immediately, while others are more complicated and require extensive planning or space. They may be inexpensive or costly to implement. Although BMPs are used in many environmental programs, the BMPs presented in this manual are specifically designed to reduce or eliminate pollutants in storm water discharges. Chapter 2 describes the baseline BMP requirements of EPA's General Permit fo arm water discharges associated with industrial activity. Chapters 3 and 4 describe numerous specific BMPs that will help you comply with these requirements. 1.5 GOALS OF STORM WATER MANAGEMENT Federal, State, and local storm water management programs have a common goal: To Improve Water Quality By Reducing the Pollutants Contained In Storm Water Discharges 1-4 September 1992 Chapter 1 —Introduction Meeting this goal is a difficult challenge for many reasons. For example, the original sources of the pollutants transported in storm water can be diffuse or spread out over a wide area. So, small oil and grease spills at hundreds of different facilities within a single city can collectively represent a major pollution problem. In addition, the nature of storm water is such that the amount of pollutants that enter receiving waters will vary in accordance with the frequency, intensity and duration of rainfall and the nature of local drainage patterns. Considering the wide variety of types of industries in the United States and the wide range of materials and chemical compounds that are used as part of different industrial activities, a site-specific pollution prevention plan tailored for each facility is considered the most effective, flexible, and economically practical approach to achieve effective storm water management. The pollution prevention plan approach required by EPA gives facilities flexibility to establish a site- specific storm water management program to meet Best Available Technology/Best Control Technology (BAT/BCT) standards required by the Clean Water Act instead of imposing numerical discharge limitations. Yet, the BMP framework established by the pollution prevention plan requirements must be fully implemented to meet these standards. 1.6 SUMMARY OF THE STORM WATER PROGRAM Storm water discharges have been increasingly identified as a significant source of water pollution in numerous nationwide studies on water quality. To address this problem, the Clean Water Act Amendments of 1987 required EPA to publish regulations to control storm water discharges under NPDES. EPA published storm water regulations on November 16, 1990, which require certain dischargers of storm water to waters of the United States to apply for NPDES permits. "Waters of the United States" is generally defined as surface waters, including lakes, rivers, streams, wetlands, and coastal waters. NPDES storm water discharge permits will allow the States and EPA to track and monitor sources of storm water pollution. According to the November 16, 1990, final rule, facilities with a "storm water discharge associated with industrial activity" are required to apply for a storm water permit. EPA has defined this phrase in terms of 11 categories of industrial activity that include: (1) facilities subject to storm water effluent limitations guidelines, new source performance standards, or toxic pollutant effluent standards under 40 CFR Subchapter N; (2) "heavy" manufacturing facilities; (3) mining and oil and gas operations with "contaminated" storm water discharges; (4) hazardous waste treatment, storage, or disposal facilities; (5) landfills, land application sites, and open dumps; (6) recycling facilities; (7) steam electric generating facilities; (8) transportation facilities, including airports; (9) sewage treatment plants; (10) construction operations disturbing 5 or more acres*; and (11) other industrial facilities where materials are exposed to storm water*. Operators of industrial facilities that are Federally, State, or municipally owned or operated that meet the above description must also submit applications. If you have questions about whether or not your facility needs to seek permit coverage, contact the EPA Storm Water Hotline at (703) 821-4823. Storm water discharges associated with industrial activity that reach waters of the United States through Municipal Separate Storm Sewer Systems (MS4s) are also required to obtain NPDES storm water permit coverage. Discharges of storm water to a combined sewer system or to a Publicly Owned Treatment Works (POTW) are excluded. The storm water regulation presents three permit application options for storm water discharges associated with industrial activity. The first option is to submit an individual application consisting of Forms 1 and 2F. The second option is to participate in a group application. The third option is to file a Notice of Intent (NOD to be covered under a general permit in accordance with the *0n June 4, 1992, the United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit remanded the exemptions for manufacturing facilities which do not have materials or activities exposed to storm water and for construction sites of less than five acres to the EPA for further rulemaking. September 1992 1-5 Chapter 1 —Introduction requirements of an issued general permit. Regardless of the permit application option a facility selects, the resulting storm water discharge permit will most likely contain a requirement to develop and implement a Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan. NPDES permits are issued by the State for States that have been delegated NPDES permitting authority or by EPA for States that have not been delegated NPDES permitting authority. Therefore, the specific EPA General Permit requirements discussed in this guidance manual apply only to facilities located in one of the 12 nondelegated States or Territories (Alaska; Arizona; Idaho; Louisiana; Maine; Massachusetts; New Hampshire; New Mexico; Oklahoma; South Dakota; Texas; the District of Columbia; Puerto Rico; Guam; American Samoa; Northern Mariana Islands; Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands; Indian lands in Alabama, California, Georgia, Kentucky, Michigan, Minnesota, Mississippi, Montana, North Carolina, North Dakota, New York, Nevada, South Carolina, Tennessee, Utah, Wisconsin, Wyoming; located within Federal facilities or Indian lands in Colorado and Washington; and located within Federal facilities in Delaware). EPA expects, however, that the Federal general permit will be used as a model by NPDES-authorized States, tailored to meet State-specific conditions. Even though storm water permit requirements will vary from State to State depending on water quality concerns and permitting priorities for the permitting authority, EPA expects that most NPDES storm water discharge permits will contain Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan requirements similar to the requirements presented in this manual. 1-6 September 1992 CHAPTER 2 STORM WATER POLLUTION PREVENTION PLAN Chapter 2 presents a step-by-step guide to help you develop a Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan for your facility. Figure 2.1 is a flowchart showing each step involved in developing and implementing a successful plan. As shown in this flowchart, the steps have been grouped into five general phases, which are: (1) planning and organization; (2) assessment; (3) BMP identification; (4) implementation; and (5) evaluation/monitoring. In addition. Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plans also must address a number of general requirements, including developing a schedule or deadlines for the accomplishment of tasks, and an identification of signature authority, where required by Federal regulations. Some types of facilities will also have to meet other special requirements. For example, special requirements apply to facilities that discharge through municipal separate storm water systems as well as those facilities that are subject to reporting requirements under EPCRA, Section 313 for water priority chemicals. Figure 2.1 also identifies a number of worksheets that can help walk you through the planning process. These worksheets are located at the end of Chapter 2. You can pull them out, photocopy them, and simply incorporate the completed forms in your plan. The five planning phases, general requirements, and special requirements are discussed in turn in the remainder of this chapter. To help you follow along, a simplified version of the flowchart for the entire planning process is shown at the beginning of each section, with a highlighted box showing the particular phase that is being discussed. So, for example, you will find that the Planning and Organization Phase is highlighted on the flowchart at the top of page 2-3, signaling the beginning of our detailed discussion of this first step. September 1992 2-1 PLAN REVIEW AND REVISION Chapter 2—Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan 2.1 PLANNING AND ORGANIZATION • Form Pollution Prevention Team • Review other plans 2.2 ASSESSMENT PHASE Develop a site map Inventory and describe exposed materials List significant spills and leaks Test for non-storm water discharges Evaluate monitoring data Summarize pollutant sources and risks 2.3 BMP IDENTIFICATION PHASE • Baseline BMPs • Select activity- and site-specific BMPs 2.4 IMPLEMENTATION PHASE • Implement BMPs • Train employees 2.5 EVALUATION/MONITORING Conduct annual site inspection/BMP evaluation Conduct recordkeeping and reporting Review and revise plan WORKSHEET# . 1 2 3, 3A 4 5,6 7 7A 8 9 2.6 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS 2.7 SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS | • Deadlines ! • Discharges through MS4s • Signature requirements I • Salt storage piles • Plan location and public access 1 • EPCRA, Section 313 Facilities • Required plan modification I FIGURE 2.1 STORM WATER POLLUTION PREVENTION PLAN FLOWCHART 2-2 September 1992 Chapter 2—Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan 2.1 PLANNING AND ORGANIZATION PHASE Before you start putting your Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan together, there are two tasks to complete to make developing the plan easier. These steps are designed to help you organize your staff and make preliminary decisions: • Decide who will be responsible for developing and implementing your Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan • Look at other existing environmental facility plans for consistency and overlap. 2.1.1 Who Will Develop and Implement Your Plan? EPA GENERAL PERMIT REQUIREMENTS Pollution Prevention Team Part IV.D.1. Each plan shall identify a specific individual or individuals within the facility organization as members of a storm water pollution prevention team that are responsible for developing the Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan and assisting the facility or plant manager in its implementation, maintenance, and revision. The plan shall clearly identify the responsibilities of each team member. The activities and responsibilities of the team shall address all aspects of the facility's Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan. What is the Purpose of Designating an Individual or a Team? Designating a specific individual or team who will develop and implement your pollution prevention plan serves several purposes. Naming the individual or team members makes it clear that part of that person's job is to prevent storm water pollution. Identifying a specific individual also provides a point of contact for those outside the facility who may need to discuss aspects of the facility's pollution prevention plan (i.e., regulatory officials, etc.). Where setting up a pollution prevention team is appropriate, it is important to identify the key people onsite who are most familiar with the facility and its operations, and to provide adequate structure and direction to the facility's entire storm water management program. The pollution prevention team concept is flexible and should be molded to conform to the resources and specific conditions of the facility. Specific activities of the pollution prevention team, the number of members, and their background and experience will vary for each facility. Effective organization of the pollution prevention team is important in order for the team to be able to accomplish the task of developing and implementing a comprehensive Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan. There are two important features in organizing a team of this nature: (1) selecting the right individuals to serve on the team; and (2) establishing good channels of communication. vC September 19S2 2-3 Chapter 2—Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan What are the Roles and Responsibilities of the Designated Individual or Team? The designated individual or team will be the driving force behind the development, implementation, maintenance, and revision of the facility's Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan. One of the first tasks of those responsible is to define and agree upon a clear and reasonable set of goals for the facility's overall storm water management program. Where a team is involved, the responsibilities or duties of specific team members should be clearly defined. Areas of responsibilities include initial site assessment, identification of pollutant sources and risks, decision making on appropriate BMPs, directing the actual implementation of the BMPs, and then, regular evaluations to measure the effectiveness of the plan. Details of these procedures are described in the latter part of this chapter. To ensure that the Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan remains effective, the person or team responsible for maintaining the pollution prevention plan must be aware of any changes that are made in plant operations to determine if any changes must be made. While a designated individual or a pollution prevention team can be assigned the job of developing and implementing a Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan, plant management is ultimately responsible for the implementation of the plan and for compliance with all applicable storm water requirements. Accordingly, the designated individual or team must have a clear line of communication with plant management to ensure that they are able to function in a cooperative partnership. Who Should be on a Storm Water Pollution Prevention Team? Any team, by definition, involves decision making and planning in a group setting. This allows for people with different ideas and areas of expertise to share knowledge and collectively figure out what works best for a particular facility. To broaden the base of involvement in the facility's storm water pollution prevention program, team members should represent all phases of the facility's operations. For example, at a large facility, a team may be comprised of representatives from plant management, ail aspects of production operations, engineering, waste handling and treatment (environmental department), and, if applicable, research and development. See Figure 2.2 for an illustration of an example team organizational chart. Plant Management Engineering Research & Development Production Waste Material Maintenance Handling Manufacturing Material Storage Shipping/Receiving FIGURE 2.2 EXAMPLE POLLUTION PREVENTION TEAM ORGANIZATION CHART 2-4 September 1992 Chapter 2—Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan Not all facilities will have or require all of these "team" positions. As mentioned above, team membership depends on the type of operations occurring at a facility. For example, a small trucking operation may find it appropriate to designate a single individual or a very small pollution prevention team with experience in key types of facility operations, such as vehicle maintenance, vehicle washing, fueling, and materials handling. For a facility that has already designated a spill prevention and response team, the facility may use some of these personnel on the storm water pollution prevention team, thus overlapping the two groups to a certain extent. However, the roles and responsibilities of the pollution prevention team reach beyond the activities of a spill prevention and response team, and consequently, it would not be appropriate for a facility simply to substitute the spill response team for the pollution prevention team without clearly examining the roles and requirements related to storm water management (see Section 2.1.2). Worksheet #1 (located at the end of Chapter 2) is an example of an appropriate form on which to list the team members. To complete this worksheet, list the pollution prevention team members by name, facility position (title), phone number, and include a brief description of each member's specific responsibilities. This list can be directly incorporated into the Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan, but it should also be displayed or posted within the facility so that other plant employees are aware of who is responsible for storm water management. EPCRA, Section 313 Facility Team Requirements EPA's General Permit contains more specific pollution prevention team requirements for facilities subject to reporting under EPCRA, Section 313 for water priority chemicals (Part IV.D.7.b.(9).]. The team must designate a person who will be accountable for spill prevention at the facility and identify this person in the plan. The designated person is responsible for setting up necessary spill emergency procedures and reporting requirements to isolate, contain, and clean up spills and emergency releases of Section 313 water priority chemicals before a discharge can occur. 2.1.2 Building on Existing Environmental Management Plans EPA GENERAL PERMIT REQUIREMENTS Consistency with Other Plans Part IV.D.6. Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plans may reflect requirements for Spill Prevention Control and Countermeasure (SPCC) plans developed for the facility under Section 311 of the Clean Water Act or BMP programs otherwise required by an NPDES permit for the facility as long as such requirement is incorporated into the Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan. Many industrial facilities may have already incorporated storm water management practices into day-to-day operations as a part of an environmental management plan required by other regulations. Potentially relevant elements of a number of different types of plans are listed in Appendix G at the end of this manual. The plans addressed include: the Preparedness, Prevention and Contingency Plan (40 Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) 264 and 265], the Spill Control and Countermeasures requirements (40 CFR 112), the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System Toxic Organic Management Plan (40 CFR 413, 433, 469), and the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) Emergency Action Plan (29 CFR 1910). It is the responsibility of the pollution prevention team to evaluate these other plans to determine which, if any, provisions may be incorporated into the Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan. September 1992 2-5 Chapter 2—Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan In some cases, it may be possible to build on elements of these plans that are relevant to storm water pollution prevention. For example, if your facility already has in place an effective spill prevention and response plan, elements of that spill prevention strategy may be relevant to your approach for storm water pollution prevention. More specifically, lists of potential pollutants or constituents of concern may provide a starting point for your list of potential storm water pollutants. Although you should build on relevant portions of other environmental plans as appropriate, it is important to note that your Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan must be a comprehensive, stand-alone document. 2-6 September 1992 Chapter 2 —Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan 2 4 i'AHCN Pi for facilities that begin industrial activities after October 1, 1992], of any potential sources of non-storm water discharges to the storm water discharge and why you could not perform the test for non-storm water discharges. This certification must be signed in accordance with Section 2.6.2 of this martial and submitted to the permitting authority. An example Failure to Certify form is provided as Worksheet #6. Examples of non-storm water discharges include any water used directly in the manufacturing process (process water), air conditioner condensate, non-contact cooling water, vehicle wash water, or sanitary wastes. Connections of non-storm water discharges to a storm water collection system are common yet are often unidentified. Those types of discharges are significant sources of water quality problems. Unless permitted by an NPDES permit, such discharges are illegal. If such connections are discovered, disconnect them or submit an NPDES permit application (Form 2C 2-16 September 1992 Chapter 2 —Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan for process wastewater or 2E for nonprocess wastewater) to your permitting authority. Such interconnections must be disconnected or covered by an NPDES permit. To check for non-storm water discharges, you may elect to use one of four common dry weather tests described below and in more detail in Appendix F: (1) visual inspection; (2) plant schematic review; and (3) dye testing. Visual Inspection The easiest method for detecting non-storm water connections into the storm water collection system is simply to observe all discharge points during dry weather. Inspect each discharge point on three separate occasions. As a rule, the discharge point should be dry during a period of extended dry weather since a storm water collection system should only collect storm water. Keep in mind, however, that drainage of a particular rain event can continue for three days or more after the rain has stopped. In addition, infiltration of ground water into the underground collection system is also common. To be sure about the source of any flow during dry weather, you may need to perform one of the additional tests described below. Sewer Map A review of a plant schematic is another simple way to determine if there are any interconnections into the onsite storm water collection system. A sewer map or plant schematic is a map of pipes and drainage systems used to carry process wastewater, non-contact cooling water, air conditioner condensate, and sanitary wastes (bathrooms, sinks, etc.). A common problem, however, is that sites often do not have accurate, up-to-date schematics. If you do have an accurate and reliable plant schematic, you can simply examine the pathways of the different water circuits listed above. Be sure also to investigate where the floor drains discharge. These are commonly connected to the storm sewer system, especially in older buildings. Dye Testing Another method for detecting improper connections to the storm water collection system is dye testing. A dye test can be performed by simply releasing a dye into either your sanitary or process wastewater system and examining the discharge points from the storm water collection system for discoloration. A detailed description of the equipment needed and proper procedures for a dye test is included in Appendix F. Non-Storm Water Discharges As noted above, unless covered by an NPDES permit, non-storm water discharges are illegal. Generally, non-storm water discharges are issued individual NPDES permits based on application Form 2C (for process wastewater) or Form 2E (for nonprocess wastewater). However, EPA's General Permit authorizes the following types of non-storm water discharges: • Discharges from fire fighting activities • Fire hydrant flushings • Potable water sources including waterline flushings • Irrigation drainage September 1992 2-17 Chapter 2—Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan • Lawn watering • Uncontaminated ground water • Foundation or footing drains where flows are not contaminated with process materials • Discharges from springs • Routine exterior building washdown which does not use detergents or other compounds • Pavement wash waters where spills or leaks of toxic or hazardous materials have not occurred and where detergents are not used • Air conditioning condensate. Be sure to examine your facility's storm water permit to determine whether it authorizes any of these or other non-storm water discharges. If your permit does not authorize non-storm water discharges occurring at your facility, you should contact your permitting authority or the Storm Water Hotline for more information about how to address these discharges. EPA GENERAL PERMIT REQUIREMENTS Except for flov this permit mu of appropriate discharge. Non-Storm Water Discharges Part lWD.3.g.{2). vs from fire fighting activities, sources of non-storm water that are authorized by st be identified in the plan. The plan shall identify and ensure the implementation pollution prevention measures for the non-storm water component of the Generally, except for flows from fire fighting activities, all non-storm water connections that are identified and that are authorized by your storm water discharge permit should be identified in the Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan. Where necessary to minimize pollutants in these discharges, pollution prevention measures should be adopted and implemented. The pollution potential from these sources can be significantly reduced where a conscious effort is taken to control them. 2-18 September 1992 Chapter 2 —Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan 2.2.5 Storm Water Monitoring Data EPA GENERAL PERMIT REQUIREMENTS Sampling Data Part IV.D.2.d. Include a summary of any existing discharge sampling data describing pollutants in storm water discharges from the facility and a summary of sampling data collected during the term of this permit. Storm water sampling data provide information that describes the quality of storm water discharges. These data are valuable because they indicate the potential environmental risk of the discharge by identifying the types and amounts of pollutants present. In addition, these data can be used to identify potential sources of storm water pollution. During the site assessment phase, permittees should collect and summarize any storm water sampling data that were collected in the past. Historical storm water monitoring data may be very useful in locating areas which have previously contributed pollutants to storm water discharges and identifying what the problem pollutants are. In your summary of these data, describe the sample collection procedures used. Be sure to cross-reference the particular storm water outfall sampled to one of the outfalls designated on your site map. Although some permittees may not have to conduct storm water sampling under the permit that is issued to that facility, incorporation of these data into the Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan as it is collected will provide a basis for evaluating the effectiveness of the plan. Under EPA's General Permit, certain classes of facilities are required to conduct storm water sampling either annually or semiannually throughout the term of the permit. Appendix J contains a table summarizing these sampling requirements, including the parameters for which analysis is required and the sampling frequency. State-issued storm water general permits may include similar provisions. Generally, where sampling is required, facilities must collect and analyze grab and composite samples in accordance with the protocol established in 40 CFR Part 136. EPA has published a guidance manual addressing storm water sampling requirements and procedures for NPDES storm water discharge permit applications. Although directed toward application requirements, the guidance manual contains information that would be of assistance to-facilities required to sample under a storm water general permit. To obtain a copy of the manual, call the Storm Water Hotline at (703) 821-4823. September 1992 2-19 Chapter 2 —Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan 2.2.6 Assessment Summary EPA GENERAL PERMIT REQUIREMENTS Risk Identification and Summary of Potential Pollutant Sources Part iV.D.2.e. Include in your plan a narrative description of the potential pollutant sources and identify any pollutant of concern that may be generated by the following activities at your facility: • Loading and unloading operations • Outdoor storage activities • Outdoor manufacturing or processing activities • Significant dust or particulate generating activities • Onsite waste disposal practices. Once you have completed the above steps in your pollutant source assessment, you should have enough information to determine which areas, activities or materials may contribute pollutants to storm water runoff from your site. With this information, you can select the most appropriate BMPs to prevent or control pollutants from these areas. The following paragraph is an example of how you can analyze the information you have gathered and start to figure out what you can do to correct these problems: In a particular drainage area, you have a vehicle maintenance facility area where oil filters are stored outdoors. You found that no material management practices were currently being used to protect the used filters from contact with storm water. You would then suspect that the storm water draining from that area would most likely contain a significant amount of oil and grease. Therefore , you have concluded that you need to do something to reduce the possibility of oil and grease mixing with storm water. EPA's General Permit requires this type of narrative description summarizing any potential source of storm water pollutants, and what types of pollutants have already been or may be found in storm water runoff from the site. Worksheet #7 (located at the end of Chapter 2) will help you organize the pollutant sources that you identified during the site assessment phase, relate them to management practices that you already have in place, and list potential new BMP options to address remaining pollutant sources. 2-20 September 1992 Chapter 2 —Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan 2.3 BMP IDENTIFICATION PHASE Once yoiuhave identified and assessed potential and existing sources of contamination to storm water at your facility, the next step is to select the proper measures or BMPs that will eliminate or reduce pollutant loadings in storm water discharges from your facility site. Specifically, your plan design will include the following BMPs: • Good housekeeping • Preventive maintenance • Visual inspections • Spill prevention and response • Sediment and erosion control • Management of runoff • Employee training • Recordkeeping and reporting • Other BMPs as appropriate BMPs are measures used to prevent or mitigate pollution from any type of activity. BMPs are a very broad class of measures and may include processes, procedures, schedules of activities, prohibitions on practices, and other management practices to prevent or reduce water pollution. In essence, they are anything a plant manager, department foreman, environmental specialist, consultant or employee may identify as a method, short of actual treatment, to curb water pollution. They may be inexpensive or costly. BMPs can be just about anything that "does the job" of preventing toxic or hazardous substances from entering the environment. The purpose of this section is to describe the "baseline" BMPs that you must include in your facility's storm water pollution prevention program and offer some guidelines about how to select more "advanced" BMPs that are tailored to the specific pollutant sources on your particular site. With this information, you should be able to design a storm water management program that best addresses any problems with runoff from your facility's site. September 1992 2-21 Chapter 2 —Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan 2.3.1 Baseline Best Management Practices EPA GENERAL PERMIT REQUIREMENTS Measures and Controls Part IV.D.3. Each facility covered by this permit shall develop a description of storm water management controls appropriate for the facility and implement such controls. The appropriateness and priorities of controls in a plan shall reflect identified potential sources of pollutants at the facility. The description of storm water management controls shall address the following minimum components, including a schedule for implementing such controls: • Good Housekeeping • Preventive Maintenance • Visual Inspections • Spill Prevention and Response • Sediment and Erosion Control • Management of Runoff • Employee Training {see Section 2.4.2} • Recordkeeping and Reporting (see Section 2.5.2) "Baseline" BMPs are practices that are inexpensive, relatively simple, and applicable to a wide variety of industries and activities. Most industrial facilities already have these measures in place for product loss prevention, accident and fire prevention, worker health and safety, or to comply with other environmental regulations. The purpose of this section is to highlight how these common practices can be improved and tailored to prevent storm water pollution. EPA's Storm Water Program is emphasizing these generic measures because they can be effective, are cost- effective, and because they emphasize prevention over treatment. Industrial facilities must implement, at a minimum, the above-listed eight baseline BMPs, where appropriate. How each of these BMPs can prevent storm water pollution is described in detail below. Worksheet #7a (located at the end of Chapter 2) is designed to help you list the specific activities or practices that you select to include in your plan for each of the baseline BMPs. 2-22 September 1992 Chapter 2 —Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan Good Housekeeping EPA GENERAtr-PERMIT REQUIREMENTS Good Housekeeping Part IV.D.3.a. Good housekeeping requires the maintenance of areas which may contribute pollutants to storm water discharges in a clean, orderly manner. Good housekeeping practices are designed to maintain a clean and orderly work environment. Often the most effective first step towards preventing pollution in storm water from industrial sites •» simply involves using good common sense to improve the facility's basic housekeeping methods. Poor housekeeping can result in more waste being generated than necessary and an increased potential for storm water contamination. A clean and orderly work area reduces the possibility of accidental spills caused by mishandling of chemicals and equipment and should reduce safety hazards to plant personnel. Well maintained-material and chemical storage areas will reduce the possibility of storm water mixing with pollutants. There are some simple procedures a facility can use to promote good housekeeping, including improved operation and maintenance of industrial machinery and processes, material storage practices, material inventory controls, routine and regular clean-up schedules, maintaining well organized work areas, and educational programs for employees about all of these practices. The following sections describe these good housekeeping procedures and provide a checklist that you can use to evaluate and improve your facility's storm water pollution prevention program. Operation and Maintenance These practices ensure that processes and equipment are working well. Improved operation and maintenance practices are easy to implement. Here are a few examples of basic operation and maintenance BMPs that should be incorporated in your good housekeeping program: • Maintain dry and clean floors and ground surfaces by using brooms, shovels, vacuum cleaners, or cleaning machines • Regularly pickup and dispose of garbage and waste material • Make sure equipment is working properly (see Section 2.3.4 on preventive maintenance) • Routinely inspect for leaks or conditions that could lead to discharges of chemicals or contact of storm water with raw materials, intermediate materials, waste materials, or products (see Visual Inspection BMP below) • Ensure that spill cleanup procedures are understood by employees (see Spill Prevention and Response BMP below). Material Storage Practices Improper storage can result in the release of materials and chemicals that can cause storm water runoff pollution. Proper storage techniques include: September 1992 2-23 Chapter 2 —Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan • Providing adequate aisle space to facilitate material transfer and easy access for inspections • Storing containers, drums, and bags away from direct traffic routes to prevent accidental spills (see Spill Prevention and Response BMP below) • Stacking containers according to manufacturers' instructions to avoid damaging the containers from improper weight distribution • Storing containers on pallets or similar devices to prevent corrosion of the containers which can result when containers come in contact with moisture on the ground • Assigning the responsibility of hazardous material inventory to a limited number of people who are trained to handle hazardous materials. Material Inventory Procedures Keeping an up-to-date inventory of all materials (hazardous and non-hazardous) present on your site will help to keep material costs down caused by overstocking, track how materials are stored and handled onsite, and identify which materials and activities pose the most risk to the environment. The following instructions explain the basic steps to completing a material inventory. Worksheets #3 and 3A provide an example of the types of information you should collect while conducting the inventory. • Identify all chemical substances present in the workplace. Walk through the facility and review the purchase orders for the previous year. List all of the chemical substances used in the workplace, and then obtain the Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) for each. • Label all containers to show the name and type of substance, stock number, expiration date, health hazards, suggestions for handling, and first aid information. This information can usually be found on the MSDS. Unlabeled chemicals and chemicals with deteriorated labels are often disposed of unnecessarily or improperly. • Clearly mark on the inventory hazardous materials that require special handling, storage, use, and disposal considerations. Improved material tracking and inventory practices, such as instituting a shelf-life program, can reduce the waste that results from overstocking and the disposal of out-date_d materials. Careful tracking of all materials ordered may also result in more efficient materials use. Decisions on the amount of hazardous materials the facility stores should include an evaluation of your emergency control systems. Ensure that storage areas are designed to contain spills. Employee Participation Frequent and proper training of employees in good housekeeping techniques reduces the possibility that the chemicals or equipment will be mishandled. Motivating employees to reduce waste generation is another important pollution prevention technique. Section 2.4.2 provides more information on employee training programs. Here are some suggestions for involving employees in good housekeeping practices: 2-24 September 1992 Chapter 2 —Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan • Incorporate information sessions on good housekeeping practices into the facility's employee training program • Discuss good housekeeping at employee meetings • Publicize pollution prevention concepts through posters • Post bulletin boards with updated good housekeeping procedures, tips and reminders. Good Housekeeping Checklist □ Is good housekeeping included in the storm water pollution prevention program? □ Are outside areas kept in a neat and orderly condition? □ Is there evidence of drips or leaks from equipment or machinery onsite? □ Is the facility orderly and neat? is there adequate space in work areas? □ Is garbage removed regularly? □ Are walkways and passageways easily accessible, safe, and free of protruding objects, materials or equipment? □ Is there evidence of dust on the ground from industrial operations or processes? □ Are cleanup procedures used for spilled solids? □ Is good housekeeping included in the employee program? □ Are good housekeeping procedures and reminders posted in appropriate locations around the workplace? □ Are there regular housekeeping inspections? September 1992 2-25 Chapter 2—Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan Preventive Maintenance EPA GENERAL PERMIT REQUIREMENTS Preventive Maintenance Part IV.D.3.b. Your preventive maintenance program must include: • Timely inspection and maintenance of storm water management devices (e.g., cleaning oil/ water separators, catch basins) • Inspection and testing of facility equipment and systems to uncover conditions that could cause breakdowns or failures resulting in discharges of pollutants to surface waters • Proper maintenance of facility equipment and systems. Most plants already have preventive maintenance programs that provide some degree of environmental protection. The program you undertake as part of the Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan should not just duplicate previous efforts, but should expand the current preventive maintenance programs to include storm water considerations, especially the upkeep and maintenance of storm water management devices. The pollution prevention team should evaluate the existing plant preventive maintenance program and recommend any necessary changes. Preventive maintenance involves the regular inspection and testing of plant equipment and operational systems (see Visual Inspections description below). These inspections should uncover conditions such as cracks or slow leaks which could cause breakdowns or failures that result in discharges of chemicals to storm sewers and surface waters. The program should prevent breakdowns and failures by adjustment, repair or replacement of equipment. An effective preventive maintenance program should therefore include the following elements: • Identification of equipment, systems, and facility areas that should be inspected • Schedule for periodic inspections or tests of these equipment and systems • Appropriate and timely adjustment, repair or replacement of equipment and systems • Maintenance of complete records on inspections, equipment, and systems. Identification of Equipment to Inspect The first step is to identify which systems or equipment may malfunction and cause spills, leaks, or other situations that could lead to storm water runoff contamination. Look back at what sources of potential storm water contamination were identified during the pollutant source assessment phase. The following list identifies some types of equipment to include in your preventive maintenance inspection and testing program: 2-26 September 1992 Chapter 2—Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan Equipment to inspect • Pipes • Pumps • Storage tanks and bins • Pressure vessels • Pressure release valves • Process and material handling equipment • Storm water management devices (oil/ water separators, catch basins, or other structural or treatment BMPs). Schedule Routine Preventive Maintenance Inspections Once you have identified which equipment and areas to inspect at your facility, set schedules for routine inspections. Include examination for leaks, corrosion, support or foundation failure, or other forms of deterioration or leaks in your inspection. Look for spots or puddles of chemicals and document any detection of smoke, fumes, or other signs of leaks. Periodic testing of plant equipment for structural soundness is a key element of preventive maintenance. This can be done by making sure storage tanks are solid and strong enough to hold materials. Another important consideration is when and how often preventive maintenance inspections should be conducted to ensure that this practice is effective. Smaller facilities with little equipment and few systems may still find it necessary to conduct frequent inspections if the equipment is older and more susceptible to leaks or other discharges. Preventive maintenance inspections may be conducted as part of your regular visual inspections. Equipment Repair or Replacement Promptly repair or replace defective equipment found during inspections and testings. Keeping spare parts for equipment that needs frequent repair is another simple practice that can help avoid problems and equipment down-time. Records on Preventive Maintenance Include a suitable records system for scheduling tests and documenting inspections in the preventive maintenance program. Record test results and follow up with corrective action. Make sure records are complete and detailed. These.records should be kept with other visual inspection records. EPCRA, Section 313 Facility Preventive Maintenance Inspection Requirements EPA's General Permit contains additional preventive maintenance inspection requirements for facilities subject to reporting under EPCRA, Section 313 for water priority chemicals [Part IV.D.7.b.(7).J. For these facilities, all areas of the facility must be inspected for the following at appropriate intervals as specified in the plan: September 1992 2-27 Chapter 2—Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan • Leaks or conditions that would lead to discharges of Section 313 water priority chemicals • Conditions that could lead to direct contact of storm water with raw materials, intermediate materials, waste materials or products • Examine piping, pumps, storage tanks and bins, pressure vessels, process and material handling equipment, and material bulk storage areas for leaks, wind blowing, corrosion, support or foundation failure, or other deterioration or noncontainment. These inspections must occur at intervals based on facility design and operational experience, and the timing must be specified in the plan. When a leak or other threatening condition is found, corrective action must be taken immediately or the facility unit or process must be shut down until the problem is repaired. 2-28 September 1992 Chapter 2—Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan Visual Inspections EPA GENERAL PERMIT REQUIREMENTS Visual Inspections Part IV.D.3.d. • Identify qualified plant personnel who will inspect plant equipment and areas at appropriate intervals in the plan • Track results of inspections to ensure that appropriate actions are taken • Maintain records of all inspections. Preventing pollution of storm water runoff from your facility requires good housekeeping in areas where materials are handled, stored, or transferred and preventive maintenance of process equipment and systems. Such practices are described in detail above and should be outlined in your Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan. Regular visual inspections are your means to ensure that all of the elements of the plan are in place and working properly. Routine visual inspections are not meant to be a comprehensive evaluation of the entire storm water pollution prevention program—that is the function of the Annual Site Inspection and Site Evaluation described in Section 2.5.1 below. Rather, they are meant to be a routine look-over of the facility to identify conditions which may give rise to contamination of storm water runoff with pollutants from your facility. Every facility is different, so it is up to the facility owner/operator to determine what areas of your facility could potentially contribute pollutants to storm water runoff, and to devise and implement a visual inspection program based on this information. The visual inspection is simply a way to confirm that the measures chosen are in place and working and should periodically take place during storm events. The frequency of visual inspection should be determined by the types and amounts of materials handled at the facility, existing BMPs at the facility, and any other factors that may be relevant, such as the age of the facility (in general, older facilities should be inspected at more frequent intervals than new facilities). The following lists identify some types of equipment and plant areas to include in your Visual Inspections and preventive maintenance plan: Areas to Inspect Areas around all of equipment listed in Preventive Maintenance box • Areas where spills and leaks have occurred in the past • Material storage areas (tank farms, drum storage) • Outdoor material processing areas • Material handling areas (e.g., loading, unloading, transfer) • Waste generation, storage, treatment and disposal areas. September 1992 2-29 Chapter 2—Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan implementation of a Visual inspection Plan The best plan is a simple one, and this includes the visual inspection plan - there is no reason for it to be highly technical, complicated or labor-intensive. If your facility already has a routine surveillance program in place, consider expanding it to include the visual inspection element of your Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan. For example, if your facility has a security surveillance program, you might consider training facility security personnel to perform the visual inspection program. If your facility has no routine surveillance or inspection program already in place, then a plan must be developed and people must be assigned the responsibility for carrying the inspections out. It is important to remember that the employees carrying out the visual inspection program should be properly trained, familiar with the storm water pollution prevention program, and knowledgeable about proper recordkeeping and reporting procedures. Records of Inspections The most important thing for you to remember here is to document all inspections. Inspection records should note when inspections were done, who conducted the inspection, what areas were inspected, what problems were found, and steps taken to correct any problems, including who has been notified. Many industrial facilities will already have some sort of incident reporting procedure in place — existing incident reporting and security surveillance procedures could easily be incorporated into the Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan. These records should be kept with the plan. EPA's General Permit requires that records be kept until at least one year after coverage under the permit expires. ■ ; ' si;;-: ; V. : I,.r■Visual Inspection Checklist Do you see: □ Corroded drums or drums without plugs or covers □ Corroded or damaged tanks, tank supports, and tank drain valves □ Torn bags or bags exposed to rain water □ Corroded or leaking pipes □ Leaking or improperly closed valves and valve fittings □ Leaking pumps and/or hose connections □ Broken or cracked dikes, walls or other physical barriers designed to prevent storm water from reaching stored materials □ Windblown dry chemicals □ Improperly maintained or overloaded dry chemical conveying systems. 2-30 September 1992 Chapter 2—Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan Spill Prevention and Response EPA GENERAL PERMIT REQUIREMENTS Spill Prevention and Response Part IV.D.3.0. • Identify areas where spills can occur onsite and their drainage points • Specify material handling procedures, storage requirements, and use of equipment such as diversion valves, where appropriate • Identify procedures used for cleaning up spills and inform personnel about these procedures • Provide the appropriate spill clean-up equipment to personnel. Spills and leaks together are one of the largest industrial sources of storm water pollutants, and in most cases are avoidable. Establishing standard operating procedures such as safety and spill prevention procedures along with proper employee training can reduce these accidental releases. Avoiding spills and leaks is preferable to cleaning them up after they occur, not only from an environmental standpoint, but also because spills cause increased operating costs and lower productivity. Development of spill prevention and response procedures is a very important element of an effective Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan. A spill prevention and response plan may have already been developed in response to other environmental regulatory requirements. If your facility already has a spill prevention and response plan, it should be evaluated and revised if necessary to address the objectives of the Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan. The next section outlines the steps you should take to identify and characterize potential spills, to eliminate or reduce spill potential, and how to respond when spills occur. Identify Potential Spill Areas As part of the Assessment Phase of developing the Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan, you should have created a list or inventory of materials handled, used, and disposed of. A site map indicating the drainage area of each storm water outfall was also created. Now overlay the drainage area map with the locations of areas and activities with high material spill potential to determine where spills will most likely occur. Spill potential also depends on how materials are handled, the types and volumes of materials handled, and how materials are stored on your site. You must describe these factors in your plan. The activities and areas where spills are likely to occur on your site are listed and described below: • Loading and unloading areas • Storage areas • Process activities September 1992 2-31 Chapter 2—Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan • Dust or particulate generating processes • Waste disposal activities. Loading and unloading areas have a high spill potential because the nature of the activity involves transfer of materials from one container to another. The spill potential is affected by the integrity of the container, the form of the chemical being transferred, the design of the transfer area (bermed vs. direct connection to the storm water collection system), the proximity of this area to the storage area, and procedures for loading and unloading. Evaluate the spill potential from all loading and unloading equipment, such as barges, railroad cars, tank trucks, and front end loaders, as well as storage and vehicle wash areas. Storage areas, both indoor and outdoor, are potential spill areas. Outdoor storage areas are exposed to storm water runoff and may provide direct contact between potential pollutants and storm water. Indoor storage areas may contaminate storm water if the drains in the storage area are connected to the storm sewer or if improper clean up procedures in the event of a spill are used. This evaluation should consider the type, age, and condition of storage containers and structures (including tanks, drums, bags, bottles). An evaluation of the spill potential of storage areas should also focus on how employees handle materials. All process areas are potential sources of storm water contamination if the floor drains in these areas are connected to storm sewers (see Section 2.2.4). If these drains cannot be sealed, the process area should be evaluated for the adequacy of spill control structures such as secondary containment, if necessary. One should also consider normal housekeeping procedures. Some process areas are hosed down periodically and the resulting wash water contains pollutants. Outdoor process activities may contaminate storm water if spills are diverted to the storm sewer. Also, evaluate spill potential from the following stationary facilities: • Manufacturing areas • Warehouses • Chemical processing and or blending areas • Temporary and permanent storage sites • Power generating facilities • Food processing areas • Tank farms • Service stations • Parking lots • Access roads. Also evaluate the possibility of storm water contamination from underground sources, such as tanks and pipes. Leaking underground storage tanks are often a source of storm water contamination. In addition to identifying these and other potential spill areas, projecting possible spill volume and type of material is critical to developing the correct response procedures for a particular area. 2-32 September 1992 Chapter 2 —Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan Specify Material Handling Procedures and Storage Requirements Through the process of developing various spill scenarios, ideas for eliminating or minimizing the spill or its impact will emerge. These solutions should be prioritized and adopted according to conditions of effectiveness, cost, feasibility, and ease of implementation. Following is a list of some suggested activities or alterations that may be made to reduce the potential that spills will occur or impact storm water quality: • Develop ways to recycle, reclaim and/or reuse process materials to reduce the volume brought into the facility • Install leak detection devices, overflow controls, and diversion berms • Disconnect drains from processing areas that lead to the storm sewer (however, be sure that any such action would not create a health hazard within your facility) • Adopt effective housekeeping practices • Adopt a materials flow/plant layout plan (i.e., do not store bags that are easily punctured near high-traffic areas where they may be hit by moving equipment or personnel) • Perform regular visual inspections to identify signs of wear on tanks, drums, containers, storage shelves, and berms and to identify sloppy housekeeping or other clues that could lead to potential spills • Perform preventive maintenance on storage tanks, valves, pumps, pipes, and other equipment • Use filling procedures for tanks and other equipment that minimize spills • Use material transfer procedures that reduce the chance of leaks or spills • Substitute less or non-toxic materials for toxic materials • Ensure appropriate security. Identify Spill Response Procedures and Equipment In the event that spill prevention measures fail, a swiftly executed response may prevent contamination of storm water. Spill response plans are required by numerous programs for various reasons. However, this may be the first time that a spill response plan specifically addresses protection of storm water quality. Past experience has shown that the single most important obstacle to an effective spill response plan is its implementation. Develop the plan with its ease of implementation in mind. The spill response procedures should be clear, concise, step-by-step instructions for responding to the spill events at a particular facility. Organize the plan to facilitate rapid identification of the appropriate set of procedures. For example, you may find that the plan works best for your facility when organized by spill location. Another possible method of organization is by spilled material. The key component to implementation is the ability of employees to use the plan quickly and effectively. The specific approach you take will depend on the specific conditions at your facility such as size, number of employees and the spill potential of the site. The spill response plan is developed based on the spill potential scenarios identified. It reflects a consideration of the potential magnitude and frequency of spills, of the types of materials spilled. September 1992 2-33 Chapter 2 —Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan and of the variety of potential spill locations. Specific procedures may be needed to correspond to particular chemicals onsite. At all times during the operation of a facility, personnel with appropriate training and authority should be available to respond to spills. The spill response plan should describe: • Identification of spill response "team" responsible for implementing the spill response plan. • Safety measures. • Procedures to notify appropriate authorities providing assistance [police, fire, hospital. Publicly Owned Treatment Works (POTW), etc.]. • Spill containment, diversion, isolation, cleanup. • Spill response equipment including: - Safety equipment such as respirators, eye guards, protective clothing, fire extinguisher, and two-way radios. - Cleanup equipment such as booms, barriers, sweeps, adsorbents, containers, etc. Following any spills, evaluate how the prevention plan was successful or unsuccessful in responding and how it can be improved. EPCRA, Section 313, Facility Spill Prevention and Response Requirements EPA's General Permit sets forth more specific requirements for facilities subject to reporting under EPCRA, Section 313 for water priority chemicals [Part IV.D.7.b.(7).]. When a leak or spill of a Section 313 water priority chemical has occurred, the contaminated soil, material, or debris must be removed promptly and disposed of in accordance with Federal, State, and local requirements and as described in the Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan. These facilities are also required to designate a person responsible for spill prevention, response, and reporting procedures (see Section 2.1.1, Pollution Prevention Team). 2-34 September 1992 Chapter 2 —Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan Sediment and Erosion Control EPA GENERAL PERMIT REQUIREMENTS Sediment and Erosion Control Part IV.D.3.h. Identify areas which, due to topography, activities, or other factors, have a high potential for significant soil erosion, and identify structural, vegetative, and/or stabilization measures to be used to limit erosion. There may be certain areas on your site which, due to construction activities, steep slopes, sandy soils, or other reasons, are prone to soil erosion. Construction activities typically remove grass and other protective ground covers resulting in the exposure of underlying soil to wind and rain. Similarly, steep slopes or sandy soils may not be able to hold plant life so that soils are exposed. Because the soil surface is unprotected, dirt and sand particles are easily picked up by wind and/or washed away by rain. This process is called erosion. Erosion can be controlled or prevented with the use of certain BMPs. A number of these measures are described in Chapter 4. Management of Runoff EPA GENERAL PERMIT REQUIREMENTS Management of Runoff Part IV.D.3.i. The plan shall contain a narrative consideration of the appropriateness of traditional storm water management practices (practices other than those which control the source of pollutants) used to divert, infiltrate, reuse, or otherwise manage storm water runoff in a manner that reduces pollutants in storm water discharges from the site. The plan shall provide that measures determined to be reasonable and appropriate shall be implemented and maintained. The potential of various sources at the facility to contribute pollutants to storm water discharges associated with industrial activity (see Part IV.0.2. (description of potential pollutant sources) of this permit] shall be considered when determining reasonable and appropriate measures. Appropriate measures may include: vegetative swales and practices, reuse of collected storm water (such as for a process or as an irrigation source), inlet controls (such as oil/water separators), snow management activities, infiltration devices, and wet detention/retention devices. Many BMPs discussed in this chapter are measures to reduce pollutants at the source before they have an opportunity to contaminate storm water runoff. Traditional storm water management practices also can be used to direct storm water away from areas of exposed materials or potential pollutants. Further, traditional storm water management practices can be used to direct storm water that contains pollutants to natural or other types of treatment locations. For example, using an oil/water separator on storm water that has oil and grease in it will take out some of the oil and grease before the storm water leaves the site. Permits will generally not require specific storm water management practices since these practices must be selected on a case-by-case basis depending on the activities at your site and the amount of space you have available. September 1992 2-35 Chapter 2—Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan Chapter 4 provides descriptions of several traditional storm water management practices. Additional sources of information are listed in Appendix A. 2.3.2 Advanced Best Management Practices In addition to those BMPs that should be routinely incorporated into your storm water prevention pollution plan, you may need to implement some "advanced" BMPs that are specifically directed to address particular pollutant sources or activities on your site. As discussed in Chapters 3 and 4, these BMPs must be tailored to address specific problems. In determining which BMPs represent the Best Available Technology Economically Achievable (BAT), the following factors are considered: (1) the age of equipment and facilities involved; (2) the process employed; (3) the engineering aspects of the application of various types of control techniques; (4) process changes; (5) the cost of achieving effluent reduction; and (6) non-water quality environmental impact (including energy requirements). BMP Cost and Effectiveness The costs of implementing the BMPs described in this manual vary depending upon many factors and site-specific conditions. In general, the required baseline BMPs are relatively low in cost when compared with more traditional storm water treatment or highly engineered controls. Costs also vary depending upon the size of the facility, the number of employees, the types of chemicals or raw materials stored or used, and the nature of plant operations. However, because many of the baseline practices are widely accepted and considered "common sense" or standard good operating practices, many facilities have them in place. Because BMP effectiveness is also site-specific, this manual does not attempt to provide specific guidance on this matter. Reduce, Reuse, Recycle As described in Chapter 1, EPA encourages industrial facilities to choose practices that prevent the contamination of storm water rather than treat it once it is polluted. Use of the Storm Water Management Hierarchy (see Table 2.1) as a tool to help select BMPs for your program will help you discover how to prevent pollution and avoid its associated costs and liabilities while meeting the environmental goals of EPA's Storm Water Program. When selecting a BMP for your storm water management program, EPA recommends that you choose practices that eliminate or reduce the amount of pollutants generated on your site. This practice is referred to as "source reduction." When it is impossible, select options that recycle or reuse the storm water in your industrial processes, or those that reduce the need to store and expose more hazardous materials to storm water by recycling or recovering used materials. Treating storm water to remove pollutants before they leave the site is the next best option, although this often just transfers the problem from one place or medium to another. Table 2.1, below, provides examples of BMPs that are representative of the different types of storm water management. 2-36 September 1992 Chapter 2 —Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan TABLE 2.1 CLASSIFICATION OF STORM WATER BMPs Storm Water Management Hierarchy Example BMPs Source Reduction • Preventive maintenance • Spill prevention • Chemical substitution • Housekeeping • Training • Materials management practices Containment/Diversion • Segregating the activity of concern • Covering the activity • Berming the activity • Diverting flow to grassed area • Dust control Recycling • Recycling Treatment • Oil/water separator • Vegetated swale • Storm water detention pond 2.3.3 Completing the BMP Identification Phase When you started designing your pollution prevention plan, you assembled certain crucial pieces of information: • A list of actual and potential storm water discharge problems • The location of each outfall on a site map showing the drainage route from your property • A list of the management plans and practices that are already in place at your facility • Information contained in this manual on "baseline" BMPs and "advanced" BMPs for resolving storm water problems. At the completion of the BMP identification phase, you should have accomplished the following: • Reviewed your current management plans and practices to assess their effectiveness in addressing storm water discharges on your site. • Scheduled the implementation of "baseline" BMPs and whatever "advanced" BMPs were necessary to effectively eliminate storm water pollution problems at your site. • Determined what to do about any identified, unpermitted connections of non-storm water discharges to separate storm sewers. Your options were to: - Discontinue any connections of non-storm water discharges to a separate storm sewer system - Obtain an NPDES permit for the non-storm water discharge. September 1992 2-37 Chapter 2—Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan • Identified options for addressing any unresolved storm water discharge problems. • Gained management approval and acceptance of the plan. 2-38 September 1992 Chapter 2 —Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan 2.4 IMPLEMENTATION PHASE At this point, you have designed your Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan and the plan has been approved by facility management. This next section of the manual will guide you through the next major phase in the planning process —implementation. Specifically, you will: • Implement the selected storm water BMPs • Train all employees to carry out the goals of the plan. 2.4.1 Implement Appropriate Controls EPA GENERAL PERMIT REQUIREMENTS Implementation Part IV.D. Facilities must implement the provisions of the storm water pollution prevention plan as a condition of EPA's general permit. The plan shall include a schedule for implementing identified storm water management controls. Implementing your plan will involve several steps: • Develop a schedule for implementation. For example, your schedule might include a deadline for putting improved housekeeping measures into practice. Should implementation involve certain types of modifications to your site (e.g., any construction), you will need to account for the time required to secure any necessary local or State permits. • Assign specific individuals with responsibility for implementing aspects of the plan and/or monitoring implementation. • Ensure that management approves of your implementation schedule and strategy and schedule regular times for reporting progress to management. Worksheet #8 (located at the end of Chapter 2) will help you list the schedule for implementation of your facility's plan. September 1992 2-39 Chapter 2 —Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan 2.4.2 Employee Training EPA GENERAL PERMIT REQUIREMENTS Employee Training Part IV.D.3.e. Employee training programs must inform personnel at all levels of responsibility of the components and goals of the Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan. Training should address each component of your pollution prevention plan, including how and why tasks are to be implemented. Topics will include: • Spill prevention and response • Good housekeeping • Material management practices. The pollution prevention plan must specify how often training is conducted. Employee training is essential to effective implementation of the Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan. The purpose of a training program is to teach personnel at all levels of responsibility the components and goals of the Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan. When properly trained, personnel are more capable of preventing spills, responding safely and effectively to an accident when one occurs, and recognizing situations that could lead to storm water contamination. The following sections include ideas about how to create an effective storm water pollution prevention training program for your facility. Worksheet #9 (located at the end of Chapter 2) is designed to help you organize your employee training program. Spill Prevention and Response Spili prevention and response procedures are described in detail in Section 2.3.1. Discuss these procedures or plans in the training program in order to ensure all plant employees, not just those on the spill response teams, are aware of what to do if a spill occurs. Specifically, all employees involved in the industrial activities of your facility should be trained about the following measures: • Identifying potential spill areas and drainage routes, including information on past spills and causes • Reporting spills to appropriate individuals, without penalty (e.g., employees should be provided "amnesty" when they report such instances) • Specifying material handling procedures and storage requirements • Implementing spill response procedures. Onsite contractors and temporary personnel should also be informed of the plant operations and design features in order to help prevent accidental discharges or spills from occurring. 2-40 September 1992 Chapter 2 —Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan Good Housekeeping Also, teach facility personnel how to maintain a clean and orderly work environment. Section 2.3.1 above outlines the steps for practicing good housekeeping. Emphasize these points in the good housekeeping portion of your training program: • Require regular vacuuming and/or sweeping • Promptly clean up spilled materials to prevent polluted runoff • Identify places where brooms, vacuums, sorbents, foams, neutralizing agents, and other good housekeeping and spill response equipment are located • Display signs reminding employees of the importance and procedures of good housekeeping • Discuss updated procedures and report on the progress of practicing good housekeeping at every meeting • Provide instruction on securing drums and containers and frequently checking for leaks and spills • Outline a regular schedule for housekeeping activities to allow you to determine that the job is being done. Materials Management Practices • Neatly organize materials for storage • Identify all toxic and hazardous substances stored, handled, and produced onsite • Discuss handling procedures for these materials. Tools For a Successful Training Program Here are some suggestions of training tools that you can include in your facility's training program: • Employee handbooks • Films and slide presentations • Drills • Routine employee meetings • Bulletin boards • Suggestion boxes • Newsletters • Environmental excellence awards or other employee incentive programs. September 1992 2-41 Chapter 2 —Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan Providing employees with incentives, such as awards for practicing pollution prevention, is a good way to motivate personnel in working to achieve the goals of the Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan. How Often to Conduct Training You should examine your plan to determine how often you should train the employees at your facility. Frequency should take into account the complexity of your management practices and the nature of your staff, including staff turnover and changes in job assignments. Facilities are required to specify a schedule for periodic training activities in their plan. In any case, you should regularly evaluate the effectiveness of your training efforts. In many cases, this will simply involve speaking with your employees to verify that information has been communicated effectively. EPCRA, Section 313 Facility Requirements EPA's General Permit contains additional training requirements for employees and contractor personnel that work in areas where EPCRA, Section 313 water priority chemicals are used or stored [Part IV.D.7.b.(9).]. These individuals must be trained in the following areas at least once per year: • Preventive measures, including spill prevention and response and preventive maintenance • Pollution control laws and regulations • The facility's Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan • Features and operations of the facility which are designed to minimize discharges of Section 313 water priority chemicals, particularly spill prevention procedures. 2-42 September 1992 Chapter 2 —Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan ? 1 Pv.ANfJ-NC; AN!) o:k;ani;'at:on 2.5 EVALUATION PHASE Now that your Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan has been put to action, you must keep it up- to-date by regularly evaluating the information you collected in the Assessment Phase and the controls you selected in the BMP Identification Phase. Specifically, you will: • Conduct site evaluations • Keep records of all inspections and reports • Revise the plan as needed. 2.5.1 Annual Site Compliance Evaluation EPA GENERAL PERMIT REQUIREMENTS Comprehensive Site Compliance Evaluation Part IV.D.4. Qualified personnel must conduct site compliance evaluations at appropriate intervals specified in the plan at least once a year {at least once in three years for inactive mining sites). As part of your compliance evaluations, you are required to: • Inspect storm water drainage areas for evidence of pollutants entering the drainage system • Evaluate the effectiveness of measures to reduce pollutant loadings and whether additional measures are needed • Observe structural measures, sediment controls, and other storm water BMPs to ensure proper operation • Inspect any equipment needed to implement the plan, such as spill response equipment • Revise the plan as needed within two weeks of inspection {potential pollutant source description and description of measures and controls) • Implement any necessary changes in a timely manner, but at least within 12 weeks of the inspection • Prepare a report summarizing inspection results and follow up actions, the date of inspection and personnel who conducted the inspection; identify any incidents of noncompliance qt certify that the facility is in compliance with the plan. • All incidents of noncompliance must be documented in the inspection report. Where there are no incidents of noncompliance, the inspection report must contain a certification that the facility is in compliance with the plan. • Sign the report in accordance with Section 2.6.2 and keep it with the plan. September 1992 2-43 Chapter 2 —Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan Annual site compliance evaluations are comprehensive inspections performed by individuals specifically designated in the Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan as having responsibility for conducting such inspections. These employees should be familiar with all facility industrial operations and Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan goals and requirements. Furthermore, inspectors should be able to make necessary management decisions or have direct access to management. This annual evaluation provides a basis for evaluating the overall effectiveness of your Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan. In particular, the annual site compliance evaluation will allow you to verify that the description of potential pollutant sources contained in the plan is accurate, that the plan drainage map is accurate or has been updated to reflect current conditions, and that controls identified in the plan to reduce pollutants in storm water discharges are accurately identified, in place and working. The annual site compliance evaluation will also identify where new controls are needed so that you may implement them and incorporate them into the plan. The scope of the annual site compliance evaluation will depend on various factors, including the scope of the Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan and the size and nature of the activities occurring at the facility. The process for conducting the evaluation should follow these steps: • Review the Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan and draw up a list of those items which are part of material handling, storage, and transfer areas covered by the plan • List all equipment and containment in these areas covered in the plan • Review facility operations for the past year to determine if any more areas should be included in the original plan, or if any existing areas were modified so as to require plan modification; change plan as appropriate • Conduct inspection to determine (1) if all storm water pollution prevention measures are accurately identified in the plan, and (2) are in place and working properly • Document findings • Modify Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan as appropriate. As each facility and Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan is unique, so the exact inspection format will vary from facility to facility. All documentation regarding conditions necessitating modification to the Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan should be kept on file as part of the plan until one year after coverage under the permit expires. 2.5.2 Recordkeeping and Internal Reporting EPA GENERAL PERMIT REQUIREMENTS Keeping Records Part IV.D.3.f. Incidents such as spills or other discharges, along with other information describing th and quantity of storm water discharges must be included in the records, inspections maintenance activities shall be documented and recorded in the plan. Records must b maintained for one year after the permit expires. e quality and e 2-44 September 1992 Chapter 2 —Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan Keeping records of and reporting events that occur onsite is an effective way of tracking the progress of pollution prevention efforts and waste minimization. Analyzing records of past spills, for example, can provide useful information for developing improved BMPs to prevent future spills of the same kind. Recordkeeping and internal reporting represent good operating practices because they can increase the efficiency of the facility and effectiveness of BMPs. Recordkeeping and Reporting Procedures for Spills, Leaks, and Other Discharges A recordkeeping system set up for documenting spills, leaks, and other discharges, including discharges of hazardous substances in reportable quantities (for a discussion of reportable quantities, see Section 2.2.3 and Appendix H), could help your facility minimize incident recurrence, correctly respond with appropriate cleanup activities, and comply with legal requirements. The system for recordkeeping and reporting could also include any other information that would enhance the effectiveness of the Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan. You should make a point of keeping track of reported incidents and following up on results of inspections and reported spills, leaks, or other discharges. Records should include the following, as appropriate: • The date and time of the incident, weather conditions, duration, cause, environmental problems, response procedures, parties notified, recommended revisions of the BMP program, operating procedures, and/or equipment needed to prevent recurrence. • Formal written reports. These are helpful in reviewing and evaluating the discharges and making revisions to improve the BMP program. Document all reports you call in to the National Response Center in the event of a reportable quantity discharge. For more information on reporting spills or other discharges, refer to Section 2.2.3 and 40 CFR 117.3 and 40 CFR 302.4. • A list of the procedures for notifying the appropriate plant personnel and the names and telephone numbers of responsible employees. This enables more rapid reporting of and response to spills and other incidents. Recordkeeping and Reporting Procedures for Inspections and Maintenance Activities Maintaining records for all inspections is an important element of any Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan. Documenting all inspections, whether routine or detailed, is a good preventive maintenance technique, because analysis of inspection records allows for early detection of any potential problems. Recordkeeping also helps to devise improvements in the BMP program after inspection records have been analyzed. Recordkeeping and reporting for maintenance activities should also be a part of the plan as another preventive maintenance measure. Keeping a log of all maintenance activities, such as the cleaning of oil and grit separators or catch basins, will enable the facility to evaluate the effectiveness of the BMP program, equipment, and operation. There are various simple techniques used to accurately document and report inspection results including the following: • Field notebooks • Timed and dated photographs September 1992 2-45 Chapter 2—Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan • Video tapes • Drawings and maps. Keeping Records Updated It is important to keep all records updated on: • The correct name and address of facility • The correct name and location of receiving waters • The number and location of discharge points • Principal products and production rates (where appropriate). Records Retention Records of spills, leaks, or other discharges, inspections, and maintenance activities must be retained for at least one year after coverage under the permit expires. 2.5.3 Plan Revisions EPA GENERAL PERMIT REQUIREMENTS Keeping Plans Current Part IV.C. You must amend your plan whenever there is a change in design, construction, operation, or maintenance, which may impact the potential for pollutants to be discharged or if the Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan proves to be ineffective in controlling the discharge of pollutants. Facilities are not required to submit a notice to the Director each time the pollution prevention plan is modified unless the Director specifically requests changes to be made to the plan. For your Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan to be effective, you should ensure that your plan complies with any permit conditions that apply to your facility and that you have accurately represented facility features and operations. Should either of these conditions not be met by the plan, you must make the necessary changes. Either the managers of facilities or the permitting authority may recommend changes to the plan (see Section 2.6.4 for requirements). Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plans are developed based on site-specific features. When there are changes in design, construction, operation, or maintenance, and that change will have a significant effect on the potential for discharging pollutants in storm water at a facility, your Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan should be modified to reflect the changes and new conditions. For example, if your facility begins to use a new chemical in its production operations, proper handling procedures for this chemical should be incorporated into the facility plan. You may also decide to change the plan because it has proven to be ineffective in controlling storm water contamination based on the results of routine visual inspections (see Section 2.3.1) or more comprehensive site evaluations (see Section 2.5.1). 2-46 September 1992 Chapter 2 —Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan 2.6 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS This Section provides guidance on some of the administrative requirements related to organizing and developing your Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan. This information should be reviewed prior to beginning to develop your facility's Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan. These requirements include: • Deadlines for plan development and implementation • Who must sign the plan • Where to keep the plan • How to make changes to the plan that are required by the Director. 2.6.1 Schedule for Plan Development and Implementation EPA GENERAL PERMIT REQUIREMENTS Schedule for Plan Development and Implementation Part 1V.A. Type of Facility Deadline for Plan Completion Deadline for Plan Compliance Facilities with industrial activities existing on or before October 1, 1992 April 1, 1993 October 1, 1993 Facilities commencing industrial activities after October 1, 1992/ but on or before December 31, 1992 60 days after commencement of discharge 60 days after commencement of discharge Facilities commencing industrial activities on or after January 1/1993 48 hours prior to commencement of discharge (upon submittal of NOD 48 hours prior to commencement of discharge (upon submittal of NOI) Oil and gas exploration, production, processing or treatment operations discharging a reportable quantity release in storm water after October 1, 1992 60 days after release 60 days after release Industrial facilities that are owned or operated by a municipality that are rejected or denied from the group application process 365 days after date of rejection or denial 545 days after date of rejection or denial Note: The Director may grant a written extension for plan preparation and compliance for new dischargers (after October 1, 1 992) upon showing of good cause. September 1992 2-47 Chapter 2—Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan The deadlines to complete and comply with or implement your facility's Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan may depend on the type of permit under which your facility is covered. Be sure to read your permit carefully so that you know what the deadlines are. Many NPDES-delegated States may issue general permits for storm water that contain deadlines similar to the deadlines in EPA's General Permits. 2.6.2 Required Signatures EPA GENERAL PERMIT REQUIREMENTS Signature Requirements Part VII.G.1. Where your facility is subject to storm water permit requirements, all reports, certifications, or information either submitted to the permitting authority or to the operator of a large or medium municipal separate storm sewer system, or required to be maintained by the permittee onsite should be signed as follows: For a corporation, the plan must be signed by a 'responsible corporate officer, responsible corporate officer may be any one of the following : - A president, secretary, treasurer, or vice-president of the corporation in charge of a principal business function, or any other person who performs similar policy or decision¬ making functions for the corporation - The manager of one or more manufacturing, production, or operating facilities employing more than 250 persons or having gross annual sales or expenditures exceeding $25,000,000 (in second quarter 1980 dollars) if authority to sign documents has been assigned or delegated to the manager in accordance with corporate procedure. For a partnership or sole proprietorship, the plan must be signed by a general partner or the proprietor; respectively. For a municipality. State, Federal, or other public agency, the plan must be signed by either: - The principal executive officer or ranking official, which includes the chief executive officer of the agency, or - The senior officer having responsibility for the overall operations of a principal geographic unit of the agency. Designating Signatory Authority Part VII.G.2. Any of the above persons may designate a duly authorized representative to sign for them. The representative should either have overall responsibility for the operation of the facility or environmental matters for the company. If an authorized representative is appointed/ the authorization must be put in writing by the responsible signatory Any change in an authorized individual or an authorized position submitted to the permitting authority: and submitted to the Director, must be made in writing and 2-48 September 1992 Chapter 2—Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan EPA GENERAL PERMIT REQUIREMENTS Certification Part VII.G.2.d. Any person signing documents under this permit shall make the following certification: "I certify under penalty of law that this document and all attachments were prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gathered and evaluated the information submitted. Based on my inquiry of the person or persons who manage the system, or those persons directly responsible for gathering the information, the information submitted is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true, accurate, and complete. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility of fine and imprisonment for knowing violations." To ensure that your facility's Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan is completely developed and adequately implemented, your NPDES permit will generally require that an authorized facility representative sign and certify the plan. The authorized facility representative should be someone at or near the top of your facility's management chain, such as the president, vice president, or a production manager who has been delegated the authority to sign and certify this type of document. In signing the plan, the corporate officer is attesting that the information is true. This signature provides a basis for an enforcement action to be taken against the person signing the plan and related reports. The permittee should be aware that Section 309 of the Clean Water Act provides for significant penalties where information is false or the permittee violates, either knowingly or negligently, its permit requirements. In some cases, your general permit may require certification of the plan by a professional engineer. Specific signatory requirements will be listed in your NPDES permit. EPCRA, Section 313 Facility Plan Certification Requirements EPA's General Permit contains additional certification requirements for facilities subject to reporting under EPCRA, Section 313 for water priority chemicals [Part IV.D.7.b.(10).]. The plan must be reviewed and certified by a Registered Professional Engineer and recertified every three years or as soon as practicable after significant modifications are made to the facility. This certification that the plan was prepared in accordance with good engineering practices does not relieve the facility owner or operator of responsibility to prepare and implement the plan, however. 2.6.3 Plan Location and Public Access EPA GENERAL PERMIT REQUIREMENTS Where and How Long to Keep the Plan Parts IV. B. and VI. E. Plans are required to be maintained onsite of the facility unless the Director, or authorized representative, or the operator of a large or medium municipal separate storm sewer system, requests that the plan be submitted. Plans and all required records must be kept until at least one year after coverage under the permit expires. September 1992 2-49 Chapter 2 —Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan Although all plans are to be maintained onsite, some NPDES storm water permits may require that facilities submit copies of their Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plans to the Director for review. Examine your permit carefully to determine what submittal requirements apply to your facility. Even if your permit does not require you automatically to submit your plan to your permitting authority, you must provide copies of the plan to your permitting authority or to your municipal operator upon request. Plans and associated records are available to the public by request through the permitting authority. 2.6.4 Director-Required Plan Modifications EPA GENERAL PERMIT REQUIREMENTS Required Changes Pan IV.B.3. Any changes required by the permitting authority shall be made within 30 days, unless otherwise provided by the notification, and the facility must submit a certification signed in accordance with Section 2.6.2 to the Director that the requested changes have been made. Upon reviewing your plan, the permitting authority may find that it does not meet one or more of the minimum standards established by the pollution prevention plan requirements. In this case, the permitting authority will notify you of changes needed to improve the plan. For example, where a facility has not addressed spill response procedures for a toxic chemical to the extent that the permitting authority believes is necessary, the facility will be required to revise the procedures. The permitting authority retains the authority to make this type of request at any time during the effective period of the plan. In the notification, the permitting authority will establish a deadline for the incorporation of the required changes, unless the permit specifies a deadline. Permittees may or may not have to certify that the requested changes have been implemented depending on their specific permit conditions. You should examine your permit for such details. 2-50 September 1992 Chapter 2—Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan 5 EVALUATiON/MONiTORING 2.5 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS 2.7 SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS In addition to the minimum "baseline" BMPs discussed in previous sections, facilities may be subject to additional "special" requirements. Not all facilities will have to include these special requirements in their Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan. Be sure to check your permit closely for these conditions. In particular. EPA's General Permit includes special requirements for: • Facilities that discharge storm water through municipal separate storm sewer systems 2.7 SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS • Discharges through MS4s • Salt storage piles • EPCRA, Section 313 Facilities • Facilities subject to EPCRA, Section 313 reporting requirements • Facilities with salt storage piles. Special Requirements for Discharges Through Municipal Separate Storm Sewer Systems EPA GENERAL PERMIT REQUIREMENTS Discharges Through Large or Medium Municipal Separate Storm Sewer Systems (MS4s) Part IV.D.5. Permittees must comply with conditions in municipal storm water management programs developed under the NPDES permit issued for that system to which the industrial facility discharges, provided that the facility was directly notified of the applicable requirements by the municipal operator. The facility must be in compliance with these conditions by the deadlines specified in the pollution prevention plan listed in Section 2.6.1. The November 16,1990, storm water discharge permit application regulations require large and medium municipal separate storm sewer systems (systems serving a population of 100,000 or more) to develop storm water management programs in order to control pollutants discharged through the municipal systems. These management programs will address discharges of industrial storm water through the systems to the extent that they are harmful to the water quality of receiving streams. Municipalities should be aware of the facilities with storm water discharges associated with industrial activity that discharge into their separate storm sewer system because the November 16, 1990, final rule required these facilities to notify the municipal operator. In addition, facilities covered by general permits will typically be required to submit a copy of their NOI to the municipal operator. EPA emphasizes that it is the facility's responsibility to inform the municipality of all storm water discharges associated with industrial activity to the separate storm sewer system. Facilities with such discharges that have not yet contacted the appropriate municipal authority should do so immediately. Although facility-specific Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plans for industries are designed to prevent pollutants from entering storm water discharges, the municipal operator may find it necessary to impose specific requirements on a particular industrial facility or class of industrial September 1992 2-51 Chapter 2 —Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan facilities in some situations. One way to ensure that facilities comply with these requirements is to include a provision in the facility's NPDES storm water discharge permit that directly requires compliance. This mechanism provides a basis for enforcement action to be directed, where necessary, against the owner or operator of the facility with a storm water discharge associated with industrial activity. 2.7.2 Special Requirements for EPCRA, Section 313 Reporting Facilities Section 313 of EPCRA requires operators of manufacturing facilities that handle toxic chemicals in amounts exceeding threshold levels (listed at 40 CFR 372.25) to report to the government on an annual basis. Because these types of facilities handle large amounts of toxic chemicals, EPA concluded that they have an increased potential to degrade the water quality of receiving streams. To address this risk, EPA established specific control requirements in its general permit. In particular, these requirements apply to Section 313 facilities that report for "water priority chemicals" that include any of over 200 chemicals that have been identified by EPA as especially toxic to water ecosystems. For reference. Appendix I contains a list of Section 313 water priority chemicals. Many of the requirements outlined below are specifically designed to address the water quality concerns that toxic chemicals present. Incorporation of these requirements into site-specific Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plans will prevent spills and leaks of water priority chemicals and eliminate or reduce other opportunities for exposure of toxic chemicals to storm water, thus protecting receiving streams from toxic discharges. Specific Requirements The following specific control requirements must be practiced in areas where Section 313 water priority chemicals are stored, handled, processed, or transferred: • Provide containment, drainage control, and/or diversionary structures: - Prevent or minimize runon by installing curbing, culverting, gutters, sewers, or other controls, and/or - Prevent or minimize exposure by covering storage piles. • Prevent discharges from all areas: - Use manually activated valves with drainage controls in all areas, and/or - Equip the plant with a drainage system to return spilled material to the facility. • Prevent discharges from liquid storage areas: - Store liquid materials in compatible storage containers - Provide secondary containment designed to hold the volume of the largest storage tank plus precipitation. 2-52 September 1992 Chapter 2 —Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan • Prevent discharges from loading/unloading areas: - Use drip pans and/or - Implement a strong spill contingency and integrity testing plan. • Prevent discharges from handling/processing/transferring areas: - Use covers, guards, overhangs, door skirts - Conduct visual inspections or leak tests for overhead piping. • Introduce facility security programs to prevent spills: - Use fencing, lighting, traffic control, and/or secure equipment and buildings. Additional requirements are baseline BMPs that have been enhanced to address specific storm water concerns associated with the handling of toxic chemicals. These additional requirements are highlighted in previous sections on the pages indicated below: Pollution Prevention Team p. 2-5 Preventive Maintenance p. 2-27 Spill Prevention Response p. 2-34 Employee Training p. 2-42 Professional Engineer Certification p. 2-49 2.7.3 Special Requirements for Salt Storage Piles EPA GENERAL PERMIT REQUIREMENTS Salt Storage Piles Part IV.D.8. Where storm water from a salt storage pile is discharged to waters of the United States, the pile must be covered or enclosed to prevent exposure to precipitation, except when salt is being added to or taken from the pile. Discharges shall comply with this provision as expeditiously as practicable, but in no event later than October 1, 1995. Facilities may use salt for de-icing purposes or part of their industrial processes. Since exposed salt piles will easily contaminate storm water runoff, an obvious BMP for these piles is to cover them with a tarp or other covering or enclose them in a shed or building. This requirement may not be applicable to all Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plans, however. Where runoff from the salt pile is not discharged to waters of the United States, then this requirement would not apply since the pollutants will not reach a waterbody. Since it may not be feasible to maintain cover over a salt pile when adding to it or taking salt from it, permits will generally incorporate some flexibility, as does EPA's General Permit. September 1992 2-53 STORM WATER POLLUTION PREVENTION PLAN WORKSHEETS Title Worksheet # Pollution Prevention Team.1 Site Map.2 Material Inventory .3 Exposed Significant Materials.3a List of Significant Spills and Leaks .4 Non-Storm Water Discharge Assessment.5 Non-Storm Water Discharge Failure to Certify Form .6 Pollutant Source Identification .7 BMP Identification .7a Implementation Schedule.8 Employee Training Program/Schedule .9 September 1992 ->V POLLUTION PREVENTION TEAM (Section 2.1.1) Worksheet #1 Completed by: Title: MEMBER ROSTER Date: Leader: Title: Office Phone: Responsibilities: Members: (1) Title: Office Phone: Responsibilities: (2) Title: Office Phone: Responsibilities: (3) Title: Office Phone: Responsibilities: (4) Title: Office Phone: Responsibilities: DEVELOPING A SITE MAP (Section 2.2.1) Worksheet #2 Completed by: Title: _ Date: _ Instructions: Draw a map of your site including a footprint of all buildings, structures, paved areas, and parking lots. The information below describes additional elements required by EPA's General Permit (see example maps in F igures 2.3 and 2.4). EPA's General Permit requires that you indicate the following features on your site map: • All outfalls and storm water discharges • Drainage areas of each storm water outfall • Structural storm water pollution control measures, such as: - Flow diversion structures - Retention/detention ponds - Vegetative swales - Sediment traps • Name of receiving waters (or if through a Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System) • Locations of exposed significant materials (see Section 2.2.2) • Locations of past spills and leaks (see Section 2.2.3) • Locations of high-risk, waste-generating areas and activities common on industrial sites such as: Fueling stations Vehicle/equipment washing and maintenance areas Area for unloading/loading materials Above-ground tanks for liquid storage Industrial waste management areas (landfills, waste piles, treatment plants, disposal areas) Outside storage areas for raw materials, by-products, and finished products Outside manufacturing areas Other areas of concern (specify:__ ) Worksheet #3 Completed by: Title: Date: o *-> to *-> c *-> o o (“I Past Significant 1 Spill or Laak No • • > ® *-> 3 n c c o • o w O ® _ > .2 OJ c 2 ® x: o ~ a m 53 .c ® £ «-> o a> c to C •c 'O S.S 3 « — CD ® ra T3 ‘ = C ® ® ro to P Quantity Exposed in Last 3 Years MATERIAL INVENTORY (Section 2.2.2) to *“ ® ® to .C CO < :♦= ffi CO to *-> c ® o ® n "D (O 0 -X 8 ■O ^ o a £ *- ® o a 11 Quantity (units) Stored 1 £ ! 2 o to j£ ■d < ® tO H- 3 O w c .52 2 k- Q) k “ Hi a> ro ~ E I ® E Purposa/Location Instructions: List stoi Material Worksheet #3A DESCRIPTION OF EXPOSED SIGNIFICANT MATERIAL Completed by: (Section 2.2.2) Title: - t/9 h_ CTJ ® > ® r. t/9 re a ® r. 09 c ‘C 3 ■o re w- 3 ® C II El k- ** O to © O CD Description of Material Management Practice (e.g., pile covered, drum sealed) ^ X ® 1 w £ o ® a g- X D- ® < ® ® ® to ^ t ^ jo 2 re 3: 'D ® ■g ts •= E ® 4 - Method of Storage or Disposal (e.g., pile, drum, tank) c c a n o •— ~ to c o> o w c ® o 5 5 • £ 5 ® o ^ (0 09 -2 ^ Location (as indicated on the site map) ^ u. > o o ^ «-* c "O ® 5 > CO .E o _ Q. Quantity Exposed (units) •c 09 ® > *-> — re «- E § i! - ® Period of Exposure Instructions: Based or and/or ai Description of Exposed Significant Material ^ >* n s ® 0) *2 -C ® •» a i E ® 2 -2 o .r « 3 O k Q a) * < ID _J a z < CO _ dn SOI <0 CM I- c Z .2 ** o ° 21 © LD C/D z ^ g C/D LL O C/D ® ® ® x: _c > o re © r. re T3 © k- k. 3 O o o © > re .c kk re XT ♦-» CO c re o a CO 3 O T3 i— re N re XT i_ O o x o co re © c re o 'E a CO ■D c re co .ti II CO © «- Q- © ® re r- O -fc H- c o a» U3 55 15 £ > IS X2 <3 *k- -a © o © o -3 © ~ oc o co o I a o M £ © a ® co © c re 3 O _© X3 re r o Q © CO © O C re ♦k CO X2 3 CO CO 3 O ~o k_ re M re .c CO © CO re _© © ■D © O c © w re *-> 3 X2 ©' TJ D U c jn ‘a CO *k C re o >3 'E a o5 co c o © o o ’k_ Ql w CO © > © 00 > © c ^ k- c c 3 © © co > © © © ® h- £ 5 3 “3 © o o © CO c o Q. © © QC o © © Q ■o © ® _ “ © E ? cS P ^ ® *- E ® ~ © o ~ 0 ? c 5 h q o ~ 0 © ® C C « 3 ® > O m O g ® O C Z © < * © .t* si, ea w a o • E o £ k - 1 ? © © a 0) © > © > «-* © co 1 o Q 2 c o E © 00 •£ 2 c c 3 ® ® lie < CL © *C © « 5 © .e w © Q. © 4- © o • E O .52 fc - 1 1 -X © © a £ 1 o £ C 0 E © © > *o s CD © 00 .> © - ♦- w- c: c 3 © © © > © © © ® K n 5 3 T5 © O O © © c o a © © QC o © © Q • I - ! a$| 5 £ git ■2 o o § 2 c « t o o o — c ■= ® 3 S > O S g E 2 c < cr e £ si, © — © a ® E o I 6 - 1 ? © © a 0) © © >* £ £ c *o Q 2 c o E —• ZT Worksheet #7 POLLUTANT SOURCE IDENTIFICATION Completed by: (Section 2.2.6) Title: _ Date: •a Z © ca © u w 3 o CA CA © 2 -O = S? lo ~ ca ca © 0} o .2 3 a © ca re ca a 03 C *-• c 'c © c re c c © c © 05 L. re CA c ca re © E 05 c k- ■O ■O re ' 4-1 O CA 4-> X C © re © Q. £ © c a .c 4— CA © o TJ 4-1 C "O *• c •o re © (A 4* re © a o u. a 3 w O o © o ♦- 1 c c re © ** X3 _3 c O re a o w © 4-> re «-> .c re 4-> $ CA E c o w "3 o a (A o TJ © 0. CO ’♦3 C CA © *o C "re E 3 CA O □ U w c o '3 u 3 w 4 -> V ) c CA c o ■3 a. O 0- 5 CO s « o (A © o c © E © o> re c re 5 o* c '■5 (A '5 LU «A © o h~ 3 O C/3 «-> C re o a. w © re £ E o <0 CN CO LO CD 00 05 d CHAPTER 3 ACTIVITY-SPECIFIC SOURCE CONTROL BMPs This chapter describes specific BMPs for common industrial activities that may contaminate storm water. Chapter 2 led you through the steps of identifying activities at your facility that can contaminate storm water. At this point, you should be ready to choose the BMPs that best fill your facility's need. You should read this chapter if any of the activities listed below take place at your facility. BMPs for each of these activities are provided in the sections listed below: Activity Section Fueling 3.1 Maintaining Vehicles and Equipment 3.2 Painting Vehicles and Equipment 3.3 Washing Vehicles and Equipment 3.4 Loading and Unloading Materials 3.5 Liquid Storage in Above-Ground Tanks 3.6 Industrial Waste Management and Outside Manufacturing 3.7 Outside Storage of Raw Materials, By-Products, or Finished Products 3.8 Salt Storage 3.9 Each section is presented in a question and answer format. By answering these questions, you will be able to quickly identify source controls or recycling BMPs that are suitable for your facility. The BMPs suggested are relatively easy to use, are inexpensive, and often are effective in removing the source of storm water contaminants. This is not a complete list of BMPs for every industrial activity; rather, it is meant to help you think about ways you can reduce storm water contamination on your site. You may want to contact one of the State or Federal pollution prevention assistance offices listed in Appendix D for suggestions or help in choosing or using these and other BMP options. September 1992 3-1 Chapter 3—Activity-Specific Source Control BMPs 3.1 BMPs FOR FUELING STATIONS When storm water-mixes with fuel spilled or leaked onto the ground, it becomes polluted with chemicals that are harmful to humans and to fish and wildlife. The following questions will help you identify activities that can contaminate storm water and suggest BMPs to reduce or eliminate storm water contamination from fueling stations. Read this section if your facility has outdoor fueling operations or if fueling occurs in areas where leaks or spills could contaminate storm water. Also refer to the BMPs listed in Section 4.2 on Exposure Minimization. Q. Have you installed spill and overfill prevention equipment? Fuel overflows during storage tank filling are a major source of spills. Overflows can be prevented. Watch the transfer constantly to prevent overfilling and spilling. Overfill prevention equipment automatically shuts off flow, restricts flow, or sounds an alarm when the tank is almost full. Federal regulations require overfill prevention equipment on all Underground Storage Tanks (USTs) installed after December 1988. For USTs installed before December 1988, overfill prevention equipment is required by 1.998. State or local regulations may be stricter, so contact your State and/or local government for details. Consider installing overflow prevention equipment sooner than the required deadline as part of your pollution prevention plan. FUEL STATION ACTIVITIES THAT CAN CONTAMINATE STORM _ WATER: _ • Spills and leaks that happen during fuel or oil delivery • Spills caused by "topping off" fuel tanks • Allowing rainfall on the fuel area or storm water to run onto the fuel area • Hosing or washing down the fuel area • Leaking storage tanks Q. Are vehicle fuel tanks often "topped off"? Gas pumps automatically shut off when the vehicle fuel tank is almost full to prevent spills. Trying to completely fill the tanks or topping off the tank often results in overfilling the tank and spilling fuel. Discourage topping off by training employees and posting signs. Q. Have you taken steps to protect fueling areas fro m rain? Fueling areas can be designed to minimize spills, leaks, and incidental losses of fuel, such as vapor loss, from coming into contact with rain water: • Build a roof over the fuel area. • Pave the fuel area with concrete instead of asphalt. Asphalt soaks up fuel or can be slowly dissolved by fuel, engine fluids, and other organic liquids. Over time, the asphalt itself can become a source of storm water contamination. 3-2 September 1992 Chapter 3—Activity-Specific Source ControJ BMPs Q. Is runon to the fueling area minimized? Runon is storm water generated from other areas that flows or "runs on" to your property or site. Runon flowing across fueling areas can wash contaminants into storm drains. Runon can be minimized by: • Grading, berming, or curbing the area around the fuel site to direct runon away from the fuel area • Locating roof downspouts so storm water is directed away from fueling areas • Using valley gutters to route storm water around fueling area. Q. Are oil/water separators or oil and grease traps installed in storm drains in the fueling area? Oil/water separators and oil and grease traps are devices that reduce the amount of oil entering storm drains. These devices should be installed and routinely inspected, cleaned, and maintained. Q. Is the fueling area cleaned by hosing or washing? Cleaning the fueling area with running water should be avoided because the wash water will pick up fuel, oil, and grease and make it storm water. Consider using a damp cloth on the pumps and a damp mop on the pavement rather than a hose. Check with your local sewer authority about any treatment required before discharging the mop water or wash water to the sanitary sewer. Q. Do you control petroleum spills? Spills should be controlled immediately. Small spills can be contained using sorbent material such as kitty litter, straw, or sawdust. Do not wash petroleum spills into the storm drain or sanitary sewer. For more information on spill control measures, see sections on Containment Diking and Curbing in Chapter 4. Q. Are employees aware of ways to reduce contamination of storm water at fueling stations? Storm water contamination from fueling operations often occurs from small actions such as topping off fuel tanks, dripping engine fluids, and hosing down fuel areas. Inform employees about ways to eliminate or reduce storm water contamination. EMPLOYEE INVOLVEMENT IS THE KEY: Getting employees interested in reducing waste generation is the key to a successful storm water pollution prevention plan. Discuss pollution prevention with your employees. They are most familiar with the operations that generate wastes and may have helpful waste reduction suggestions. Consider setting up an employee reward program to promote pollution prevention. September 1992 3-3 Chapter 3-Activity-Specific Source Control BMPs Q. Where does the water drain from your fueling area? In many cases, wash water and storm water in fueling areas drain directly to the storm sewer without adequate treatment. Some types of oil/water separators installed at these locations can provide treatment to discharges from oil contaminated pavements, but this equipment is only effective when properly maintained (i.e., cleaned frequently). Some States require that these discharges be tied in to a sanitary sewer system or process wastewater treatment system. If discharges from fueling or other high risk areas at your facility drain to a sanitary sewer system, you should inform your local POTW. _ SUMMARY OF FUELING STATION BMPs • Consider installing spill and overflow protection, • Discourage topping off of fuel tanks. • Reduce exposure of the fuel area to storm water. • Use dry cleanup methods for the fuel area. • Use proper petroleum spill control. • Encourage employee participation. 3-4 September 1992 Chapter 3—Activity-Specific Source Control BMPs 3.2 BMPs FOR VEHICLE AND EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCE Many vehicle and equipment maintenance operations use materials or create wastes that are harmful to humans and the environment. Storm water runoff from areas where these activities occur can become polluted by a variety of contaminants such as solvents and degreasing products, waste automotive fluids, oils and greases, acids, and caustic wastes. These and other harmful substances in storm water can enter water bodies through storm drains or through small streams where they can harm fish and wildlife. The following questions will help you find sources of storm water contamination from vehicle and equipment maintenance operations on your site and to help you choose BMPs that can reduce or eliminate these sources. Q. Are parts cleaned at your facility? Parts are often cleaned using solvents such as trichloroethylene, 1,1,1-trichloroethane or methylene chloride. Many of these cleaners are harmful and must be disposed of as a hazardous waste. Cleaning without using liquid cleaners whenever possible reduces waste. Scrape parts with a wire brush, or use a bake oven if one is available. Prevent spills and drips of solvents and cleansers to the shop floor. Do all liquid cleaning at a centralized station so the solvents and residues stay in one area. If you dip parts in liquid, remove them slowly to avoid spills. Locate drip pans, drain boards, and drying racks to direct drips back into a sink or fluid holding tank for reuse. If possible, eliminate or reduce the number or amount of hazardous materials and waste by substituting nonhazardous or less hazardous materials. For example: • Use noncaustic detergents instead of caustic cleaning agents for parts cleaning (ask your supplier about alternative cleaning agents). • Use detergent-based or water-based cleaning systems in place of organic solvent degreasers. Wash water may require treatment before it can be discharged to the sanitary sewer. Contact your local sewer authority for more information. • Replace chlorinated organic solvents (1,1,1-trichloroethane, methylene chlor ide, etc.) with nonchlorinated solvents. Nonchlorinated solvents like kerosene or mineral spirits are less Q. Have you looked into using nontoxic or less toxic cleaners or solvents? ACTIVITIES THAT CAN CONTAMINATE STORM WATER: Engine repair and service: • Parts cleaning Shop cleanup Spilled fuel, oil, or other materials Replacement of fluids (oil, oil filters, hydraulic fluids, transmission fluid, and radiator fluids) Outdoor vehicle and equipment storage and parking: • Dripping engine and automotive fluids from parked vehicles and equipment Disposal of materials or process wastes: • Greasy rags • Oil filters ♦ Air filters • Batteries • Spent coolant, degreasers, etc. September 1992 3-5 Chapter 3—Activity-Specific Source Control BMPs toxic and less expensive to dispose of but are by no means harmless themselves. Check the list of active ingredients to see whether it contains chlorinated solvents. • Choose cleaning agents that can be recycled. Contact your supplier or trade journal for more waste minimization ideas. Q. Are work areas and spills washed or hosed down with water? Clean up leaks, drips, and other spills without large amounts of water. Use rags for small spills, a damp mop for general cleanup, and dry absorbent material for larger spills. Consider the following BMPs: • Avoid hosing down your work areas. • Collect leaking or dripping fluids in drip pans or containers. If different liquids are kept separate, the fluids are easier to recycle. • Keep a drip pan under the vehicle while you unclip hoses, unscrew filters, or remove other parts. Use a drip pan under any vehicle that might leak while you work on it to keep splatters or drips off the shop floor. • Promptly transfer used fluids to the proper waste or recycling drums. Don't leave full drip pans or other open containers lying around • Locate waste and recycling drums in properly controlled areas of the yard, preferably areas with a concrete slab and secondary containment. Q. Are spills or materials washed o r poured down the drain? Do not pour liquid waste to floor drains, sinks, outdoor storm drain inlets, or other storm drains or sewer connections. Used or leftover cleaning solutions, solvents, and automotive fluids and oil are often toxic and should not be put into the sanitary sewer. Be sure to dispose of these materials properly or find opportunities for reuse and recycling. If you are unsure of howto dispose of chemical wastes, contact your State hazardous waste management agency or the RCRA hotline at 1 -800- 424-9346. Post signs at sinks to remind employees, and paint stencils at outdoor drains to tell customers and others not to pour wastes down drains. Q. Are oil filters completely drained before recycling or disposal? Oil filters disposed of in trash cans or dumpsters can leak oil and contaminate storm water. Place the oil filter in a funnel over the waste oil recycling or disposal collection tank to drain excess oil before disposal. Oil filters can be crushed and recycled. Ask your oil supplier or recycler about recycling oil filters. 3-6 September 1992 Chapter 3 —Activity-Specific Source CorttroJ BMPs Q. Are incoming vehicles and equipment checked for leaking oil and fluids? If possible, park vehicles indoors or under a roof so storm water does not contact the area. If you park vehicles outdoors while they await repair, watch them closely for leaks. Put pans under leaks to collect fluids for proper recycling or disposal. Keeping leaks off the ground reduces the potential for storm water contamination and reduces cleanup time and costs. If the vehicle or equipment is to be stored outdoors, oil and other fluids should be drained first. Designate a special area to drain and replace motor oil, coolant, and other fluids, where there are no connections to the storm drain or the sanitary sewer and drips and spills can be easily cleaned up. Q. Are wrecked vehicles or damaged equipment stored onsite? Be especially careful with wrecked vehicles, whether you keep them indoors or out, as well as with vehicles kept onsite for scrap or salvage. Wrecked or damaged vehicles often drip oil and other fluids for several days. • As the vehicles arrive, place drip pans under them immediately, even if you believe that all fluids have leaked out before the car reaches your shop. • Build a shed or temporary roof over areas where you park cars awaiting repairs or salvage, especially if you handle wrecked vehicles. Build a roof over vehicles you keep for parts. • Drain all fluids, including air conditioner coolant, from wrecked vehicles and "parts" cars. Also drain engines, transmissions, and other used parts. • Store cracked batteries in a nonleaking secondary container. Do this with all cracked batteries, even if you think all the acid has drained out. If you drop a battery, treat it as if it is cracked. Put it into the containment area until you are sure it is not leaking. BATTERY ACID SPILLS: Handle spilled acid from broken batteries with care. If you use baking soda to neutralize spilled acid during cleanup, remember that the residue is still dangerous to handle and must be disposed of as a hazardous waste because it may contain lead and other contaminants. Q. Do you recycle any of these materials? • Degreasers • Used oil or oil filters • Antifreeze • Cleaning solutions • Automotive batteries • Hydraulic fluid. September 1992 3-7 Chapter 3—Activity-Specific Source Control BMPs All of these materials can be either recycled at your facility or sent offsite for recycling. Some recycling options, ranked by level of effort required, follow. _ Least Effort: _ • Arrange for collection and transportation of car batteries, used oil and other fluids, cleaning solutions, and degreasers to a commercial recycling facility. This requires that you separate wastes and store them until they are picked up by the recycling company. • "Dirty" solvent can be reused. Presoak dirty parts in used solvent before cleaning the parts in fresh solvent. __ Moderate Effort: • Used oil, antifreeze, and cleaning solutions can be recycled onsite using a filtration system that removes impurities and allows the fluid to be reused. Filtration systems are commercia lly available. ___ Most Effort: • Install an onsite solvent recovery unit. If your facility creates large volumes of used solvents, you may consider purchasing or leasing an onsite still to recover the solvent for reuse. Contact your State hazardous waste management agency for more information about onsite recycling of used solvents. Q. Can you reduce the number of different solvents u sed? Reducing the number of solvents makes recycling easier and reduces hazardous waste management costs'. Often, one solvent can perform a job as well as two different solvents. Q. Are wastes separated? Getting employees interested in reducing waste generation is the key to a successful storm water pollution prevention plan. Discuss pollution prevention With your employees. They are most familiar with the operations that generate wastes and may have helpful waste reduction suggestions. Consider setting up an employee reward program to promote pollution prevention. Separating wastes allows for easier recycling and may reduce treatment costs. Keep hazardous and non- hazardous wastes separate, do not mix used oil and solvents'(tike kerosenaanrt'ivr T?."!" 1 ■ 1 - 1 -^hloroethanel separate from nonchlorinated a™ir;!; e ;“iTse:ii:rand s s r bitBM o pr er labelinfl of a " wastes and “ is ^ ^ 3-8 September 1992 Chapter 3 — Activity-Specific Source Control BMPs Q. Do you use recycled products? Many products made of recycled (i.e., refined or purified) materials are available. Engine oil, transmission fluid, antifreeze, and hydraulic fluid are available in recycled form. Buying recycled products supports the market for recycled materials. SUMMARY OF VEHICLE MAINTENANCE AND REPAIR BMPs • Check for leaking oil and fluids. • Use nontoxic or low-toxicity materials. • Drain oil filters before disposal or recycling. • Don't pour liquid waste down drains. • Recycle engine fluids and batteries. • Segregate and label wastes. • Buy recycled products. September 1992 3-9 Chapter 3 — Activity-Specific Source ControJ BMPs 3.3 BMPs FOR PAINTING OPERATIONS Many painting operations use materials or create wastes that are harmful to humans and the environment. Storm water runoff from areas where these activities occur can become polluted by a variety of contaminants such as solvents and dusts from sanding and grinding that contain toxic metals like cadmium and mercury. These and other potentially harmful substances in storm water can enter water bodies directly through storm drains where they can harm fish and wildlife. The following questions will help you identify potential sources of storm water contamination from painting operations on your site and BMPs that can reduce or eliminate these sources. Reading this section can help you eliminate, reduce, or recycle pollutants that may otherwise contaminate storm water. Q. Is care taken to prevent paint wastes from contaminating storm water runoff? Use tarps and vacuums to collect solid wastes produced by sanding or painting. Tarps, drip pans, or other spill collection devices should be used to collect spills of paints, solvents, or other liquid materials. These wastes should be disposed of properly to keep them from contaminating storm water. PAINTING ACTIVITIES THAT CAN CONTAMINATE STORM WATER: • Painting and paint removal • Sanding or paint stripping •. Spilled paint or paint thinner Q. Are wastes from sanding contained? Prevent paint chips from coming into contact with storm water. Paint chips may contain hazardous metallic pigments or biocides. You can reduce contamination of storm water with paint dust and chips from sanding by the following practices: • Avoid sanding in windy weather when possible. • Enclose outdoor sanding areas with tarps or plastic sheeting. Be sure to provide adequate ventilation and personal safety equipment. After sanding is complete, collect the waste and dispose of it properly. • Keep workshops clean of debris and grit so that the wind will not carry any waste into areas where it can contaminate storm water. • Move the activity indoors if you can do so safely. Q. Are parts inspected before painti ng? Inspect the part or vehicle to be painted to ensure that it is dry, clean, and rust free. Paint sticks to dry, clean surfaces, which in turn means a better, longer-lasting paint job. 3-10 September 1992 Chapter 3—Activity-Specific Source Control BMPs Q. Are you using painting equipment that creates little waste? As little as 30 percent of the paint may reach the target from conventional airless spray guns; the rest is lost as overspray. Paint solids from overspray are deposited on the ground where they can contaminate storm water. Other spray equipment that delivers more paint to the target and less overspray should be used: • Electrostatic spray equipment • Air-atomized spray guns • High-volume/low-pressure spray guns • Gravity-feed guns. Q. Are employees trained to use spray equipment correctly? Operator training can reduce overspray and minimize the amount of paint solids that can contaminate storm water. Correct spraying techniques also reduce the amount of paint needed per job. If possible, avoid spraying on windy days. When spraying outdoors, use a drop cloth or ground cloth to collect and dispose of overspray. Q. Do you recycle paint, paint thinner, or solvents? These materials can either be recycled at the facility or sent offsite for recycling. Some recycling options ranked by the level of effort required follow. Least Effort: • Dirty solvent can be reused for cleaning dirty spray equipment and parts before equipment is cleaned in fresh solvent. • Give small amounts of left-over paint to the customer for touchup. Moderate Effort: • Arrange for collection and transportation of paints, paint thinner, or spent solvents to a commercial recycling facility. Most Effort: • Install an onsite solvent recovery unit. If your facility creates large volumes of used solvents, paint, or paint thinner, you may consider buying or leasing an onsite still to recover used solvent for reuse. Contact your State hazardous waste management agency for more information about onsite recycling of used solvents. September 1992 3-11 Chapter 3—Activity-Specific Source Control BMPs Q. Are wastes separated? Separating wastes makes recycling easier and may reduce treatment costs. Keep hazardous and nonhazardous wastes separate, and keep chlorinated solvents (like 1,1,1-trichloroethane) separate from nonchlorinated solvents (like petroleum distillate and mineral spirits). Check the materials data sheet for ingredients, or talk with your waste hauler or recycling company to learn which waste types can be stored together and which should be separated. Q. Can you reduce the number of solvents you use? Reducing the number of solvents makes recycling easier and reduces hazardous waste management costs. Often, one solvent can do a job as well as two different solvents. Q. Do you use recycled products? Many products made of recycled (i.e., refined or purified) materials are available. Buying recycled paints, paint thinner, or solvent products helps build the market for recycled materials. SUMMARY OF PAINTING OPERATION BMPs • Inspect parts prior to painting. • Contain sanding wastes. • Prevent paint waste from contacting storm Water. • Proper interim storage of waste paint, solvents, etc. • Evaluate efficiency of equipment. • Recycle paint/paint thinner, and solvents. • Segregate wastes. • Buy recycled products. 3-12 September 1992 Chapter 3—Activity-Specific Source Con trot BMPs 3.4 BMPs FOR VEHICLE AND EQUIPMENT WASHING Washing vehicles and equipment outdoors or in areas where wash water flows onto the ground can pollute storm water. Wash water can contain high concentrations of oil and grease, phosphates, and high suspended solid loads (these and other potentially harmful substances can pollute storm water when deposited on the ground where they can be picked up by rainfall runoff). Vehicle wash water is considered to be a process wastewater and needs to be covered by an NPDES permit. Contact your permitting authority for information about how vehicle wash water is being regulated in your area. The following questions are designed to help you find sources of storm water contamination from vehicle and equipment washing and to select BMPs to reduce those sources. Reading this section can help you eliminate', reduce, or recycle pollutants that otherwise may contaminate storm water. Also refer to Vehicle Washing BMP in Section 4.4. Q. Have you considered using phosphate-free biodegradable detergents? Phosphates, which are plant nutrients, can cause excessive growth of nuisance plants in water when they enter lakes or streams in wash water. Some States ban the use of detergents containing high amounts of phosphates. Contact your supplier about phosphate-free biodegradable detergents that are available on the market. VEHICLE AND EQUIPMENT WASHING ACTIVITIES THAT CAN CONTAMINATE STORM WATER: • Outside equipment or vehicle cleaning (washing or steam cleaning) • Wash water discharged directly to the ground or storm water drain Q. Are vehicles, equipment, or parts washed over the open ground? Used wash water contains high concentrations of solvents, oil and grease, detergents, and metals. Try not to wash parts or equipment outside. Washing over impervious surfaces like concrete, blacktop, or hardpacked dirt allows wash water to enter storm drains directly or deposits contaminants on the ground, where they are washed into storm drains when it rains. Washing over pervious ground such as sandy soils potentially can pollute ground water. Therefore, small parts and equipment washing should be done over a parts washing container where the wash water can be collected and recycled or disposed of properly. EMPLOYEE INVOLVEMENT IS THE KEY: Getting employees interested in reducing waste is the key to a successful storm water pollution prevention plan. Discuss pollution prevention with your employees. They are most familiar with the operations that generate wastes and may have helpful waste reduction suggestions. Consider setting up an employee award program to promote pollution prevention. If you are washing large equipment or vehicles, and have to wash outside, designate a specific area for washing. This area should be bermed to collect the wastewater and graded to direct the wash water to a treatment facility. Consider filtering and recycling vehicle wash water. If recycling is not practical, the wastewater can be discharged to the sanitary sewer. Contact your local sewer authority to find out whether treatment is required before wash water is discharged to the sewer (pretreatment). September 1992 3-13 Chapter 3—Activity-Specific Source Control BMPs SUMMARY OF VEHICLE AND EQUIPMENT WASHING BMP* Consider use of phosphate-free detergents. • Use designated cleaning areas. • Consider recycling wash water. 3-14 September 1992 Chapter 3—Activity-Specific Source Control BMPs 3.5 BMPs FOR LOADING AND UNLOADING MATERIALS Loading/unloading operations usually take place outside on docks or terminals. Materials spilled, leaked, or lost during loading/unloading may collect in the soil or on other surfaces and be carried away by rainfall runoff or when the area is cleaned. Rainfall may wash off pollutants from machinery used to unload or load materials. The following questions are designed to help you find sources of storm water contamination from loading and unloading materials and choose BMPs to reduce or eliminate those sources. Reading this section can start you on the road to eliminating, reducing, or recycling pollutants that otherwise may contaminate storm water. Also refer to the BMP on Loading and Unloading by Air Pressure or Vacuum in Section 4.2. Loading/unloading equipment and vehicles should be located so that leaks can be contained in existing containment and flow diversion systems. Check vehicles and equipment regularly for leaks, and fix any leaks promptly. Common areas for leaks are valves, pumps, flanges, and connections. Look for dust or fumes. These are signs that material is being lost during unloading/loading operations. Q. Is loading/unloading equipment checked regularly for leaks? Q. Are tank trucks and material delivery vehicles located where spills or leaks can be contained? LOADING AND UNLOADING ACTIVITIES THAT CAN CONTAMINATE STORM WATER: • Pumping of liquids or gases from barge, truck or rail car to a storage facility or vice versa • Pneumatic transfer of dry chemicals to or from the loading and unloading vehicles • Transfer by mechanical conveyor systems • Transfer of bags, boxes, drums, or other containers by forklift, trucks, or other material handling equipment Q. Are loading/unloading docks or areas covered to prevent exposure to rainfall? Covering loading and unloading areas, such as building overhangs at loading docks, can reduce exposure of materials, vehicles, and equipment to rain. Q. Are loading/unloading areas designed to prevent storm water runon? Runon is storm water created from other areas that flows or "runs on" to your property or site. Runon flowing across loading/unloading areas can wash contaminants into storm drains. Runon can be minimized by: • Grading, berming, or curbing the area around the loading area to direct runon away from the area • Positioning roof down spouts so storm water is directed away from loading sites and equipment and preferably to a grassy or vegetated area where the storm water can soak into the ground. September 1992 3-15 Chapter 3-Activity-Specific Source Control BMPs SUMMARY OF LOADING/UNLOADING OPERATIONS BMPs ~ • Contain leaks during transfer. • Check equipment regularly for leaks. • Limit exposure of material to rainfall. • Prevent storm water runon. 3-16 September 1992 Chapter 3—Activity-Specific Source Controi BMPs 3.6 BMPs FOR LIQUID STORAGE IN ABOVE-GROUND TANKS Accidental releases of chemicals from above-ground liquid storage tanks can contaminate storm water with many different pollutants. Materials spilled, leaked, or lost from storage tanks may accumulate in soils or on other surfaces and be carried away by rainfall runoff. The following questions can help you find sources of storm water contamination from above-ground storage tanks and select BMPs to reduce or eliminate those sources. Also refer of the BMPs listed in Section 4.2 on exposure minimization and Section 4.3 on exposure mitigation for more information. Q. Do storage tanks contain liquid hazardous materials, hazardous wastes, or oil? Storage of oil and hazardous materials must meet specific standards set by Federal and State laws. These standards include SPCC plans, secondary containment, installation, integrity and leak detection monitoring, and emergency preparedness plans. Federal regulations set specific standards for preventing runon and collecting runoff from hazardous waste storage, disposal, or treatment areas. These standards apply to container storage areas and other areas used to store, treat, or dispose of hazardous waste. If the collected storm water is a hazardous waste, it must be managed as a hazardous waste in accordance with ali applicable State and Federal environmental regulations. States may also have standards about controlling runon and runoff from hazardous waste treatment, storage, and disposal areas. To find out more about storage requirements, call 1-800-424-9346 or contact your State hazardous waste THE MOST COMMON CAUSES OF UNINTENTIONAL RELEASES FROM , TANKS: • External corrosion and structural failure • installation problems • Spiils and overfills due to operator error • Failure of piping systems (pipes, pumps, flanges, couplings, hoses, and valves) • Leaks or spills during pumping of liquids or gases from barges, trucks, or rail cars to a storage facility or vice versa the toll-free EPA RCRA hotline at management agency. Q. Are operators trained in correct operating procedures and safety activities? Well-trained employees can reduce human errors that lead to accidental releases or spills. Q. Do you have safeguards against accidental releases? Engineered safeguards can help prevent operator errors that may cause the accidental release of pollutants. Safeguards include: • Overflow protection devices on tank systems to warn the operator or to automatically shut down transfer pumps when the tank reaches full capacity • Protective guards around tanks and piping to prevent vehicle or forklift damage • Clearly tagging or labeling of valves to reduce human error. September 1992 3-17 Chapter 3—Activity-Specific Source Control BMPs Q. Are the tank systems inspected and is tank integrity tested regu larly? Visually inspect the tank system to identify problem areas before they lead to a release. Correct any problems or potential problems as soon as possible. An audit of a newly installed tank system by a registered and specially trained professional engineer can identify and correct potential problems such as loose fittings, poor welding, and improper or poorly fitted gaskets. After installation, have operators visually inspect the tank system on a routine basis. Areas to inspect include tank foundations, connections, coatings, tank walls, and the piping system. Look for corrosion, leaks, straining of tank support structures from leaks, cracks, scratches in protective coatings, or other physical damage that may weaken the tank system. Integrity testing should be done periodically by a qualified professional. Q. Are tanks bermed or surrounded by a secondary containme nt system? A secondary containment system around both permanent and temporary tanks allows leaks to be more easdy detected and contains spills or leaks. Methods include berms, dikes, liners, vaults, and double-walled tanks. See Chapter 4 for additional information on containment and spill control. SUMMARY OF BMPs FOR LIQUID STORAGE IN ABOVE-GROUND TANKS • Comply with applicable State and Federal laws. • Properly train employees. • Install safeguards against accidental releases. • Routinely inspect tanks and equipment. • Consider installing secondary containment. 3-18 September 1992 Chapter 3—Activity-Specific Source Control BMPs 3.7 BMPs FOR INDUSTRIAL WASTE MANAGEMENT AREAS AND OUTSIDE MANUFACTURING Storm water runoff from areas where industrial waste is stored, treated, or disposed of can be polluted. Outside manufacturing activities can also contaminate storm water runoff. Activities such as rock grinding or crushing, painting or coating, grinding or sanding, degreasing or parts cleaning, or operations that use hazardous materials are particularly dangerous. Wastes spilled, leaked, or lost from waste management areas or outside manufacturing activities may build-up in soils or on other surfaces and be carried away by rainfall runoff. There is also a potential for liquid wastes from lagoons or surface impoundments to overflow to surface waters or soak the soil where they can be picked up by storm water runoff. Possible storm water contaminants include toxic compounds, oil and grease, paints or solvents, heavy metals, and high levels of suspended solids. The best way to reduce the potential for storm water contamination from both waste management areas and outside manufacturing activities is to reduce the amount of waste that is created and, consequently, the amount that must be stored or treated. The following questions are designed to help you find BMPs that can eliminate or reduce the amount or toxicity of industrial wastes as well as minimize contamination of storm water from existing waste management areas. Waste reduction BMPs are appropriate for a wide range of industries and are designed to provide ideas on ways to reduce wastes. Turn to Appendix D for a list of State and Federal pollution prevention resources that can provide more information and assistance in choosing industrial waste reduction BMPs. Q. Have you looked for ways to reduce waste at your facility? The first step to reducing wastes is to assess activities at your facility. The assessment is designed to find situations at your facility where you can eliminate or reduce waste generation, emissions, and environmental damage. The assessment involves steps very similar to those used to develop your Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan, such as collecting process-specific information; setting pollution prevention targets; and developing, screening, and selecting waste reduction options for further study. Starting a waste reduction program at your facility has many potential benefits. Some of these benefits are direct (e.g., cost savings from reduced raw material use), while others are indirect (e.g., avoided waste disposal fees). INDUSTRIAL WASTE MANAGEMENT ACTIVITIES OR AREAS THAT CAN CONTAMINATE STORM WATER: Landfills Waste piles Wastewater and solid waste treatment and disposal: - Waste pumping - Additions of treatment chemicals - Mixing - Aeration - Clarification - Solids dewatering Land application EPA has developed a series of industry-specific pollution prevention waste minimization guidance manuals. The manuals contain steps for assessing your facility's opportunity for reducing waste and describe source reduction and recycling choices. The manuals currently available are listed in Appendix D. September 1992 3-19 Chapter 3-Activity-Specific Source Controi BMPs There are many different types of BMPs that can help eliminate or reduce the amount of industrial waste generated at your facility. Some of these BMPs are listed below and referenced in Appendix D. • Production planning and sequencing • Process or equipment modification • Raw material substitution or elimination • Loss prevention and housekeeping • Waste segregation and separation • Closed-loop recycling • Training and supervision • Reuse and recycling. OUTSIDE MANUFACTURING ACTIVITIES OR SITUATIONS THAT CAN CONTAMINATE STORM WATER: • Processes or equipment that generate dusts, vapors, or emissions • Outside storage of hazardous materials or raw materials • Dripping or leaking fluids from equipment or processes • Liquid wastes discharged directly onto the ground or into the storm sewer Q. Have you considered waste reduction BMPs? =§1IIiH=r3~=~ manufacturing areas, look foMe^ki^ !" the bottom of the dumpster. In outside promptly. Inspect rooftop and other outdrw • va ves ' lines ' sea,s ' or Pumps) and fix leaks devices, transformers, 1 “ «"«"• man.oem.ru .no areas. This can be done by: ® r rUn ° n ° r ra ‘ n ,ron1 enterin ° or contacting these • Preventing direct contact with rain Moving the activity indoors after ensuring that all safety ventilation are addressed concerns such as fire hazard and Covering the area with a permanent roof 3*20 September 1992 Chapter 3—Activity-Specific Source Control BMPs • Covering waste piles with a temporary covering material such as a reinforced tarpaulin, polyethylene, polyurethane, polypropylene, or Hypalon • Minimizing storm water runon by enclosing the area or building a berm around the area. Q. Are vehicles used to transport wastes to the land disposal or treatment site equipped with anti-spill equipment? Transport vehicles equipped with spill prevention equipment can prevent spills of wastes during transport. Examples include: • Vehicles equipped with baffles for liquid wastes • Trucks with sealed gates and spill guards for solid wastes • Trucks with tarps. Q. Do you use loading systems that minimize spills and fugitive losses such as dust or mists? Wastes lost during loading or unloading can contaminate storm water. Vacuum transfer systems minimize waste loss. Q. Are sediments or wastes prevented from being tracked offsite? Wastes and sediments tracked offsite can_end up on streets where they are picked up by storm water runoff. This can be avoided by using vehicles with specially designed tires, washing vehicles in a designated area before they leave the site, and controlling the wash water. Q. Is storm water runoff minimized from the land disposal site? You can take certain precautions to minimize the runoff of polluted storm water from land application sites. Some precautions are detailed below. DO YOU OWN OR OPERATE A HAZARDOUS WASTE TREATMENT/ STORAGE, AND DISPOSAL FACILITY? Federal and State laws establish strict standards for managing solid and hazardous wastes. If you are not sure whether you own or operate a hazardous waste treatment, storage, or disposal facility, call the toll-free EPA RCRA hotline at 1-800- 424-9346 or contact your State hazardous waste management agency. Federal regulations contain specific standards about preventing runon and collecting runoff from hazardous waste storage, disposal, or treatment areas. These standards apply to land treatment units, landfills, waste piles, container storage areas, and other areas used to store, treat or dispose of hazardous waste. If the collected storm water is a hazardous waste, ft must be managed in accordance with all applicable State and Federal environmental regulations. States may also have standards about controlling runon and runoff from hazardous waste treatment, storage, and disposal areas. • Choose the land application site carefully. Characteristics that help prevent runoff include slopes under 6 percent, permeable soils, a low water table, locations away from wetlands or marshes, and closed drainage systems. September 1992 3-21 Chapter 3—Activity-Specific Source Control BMPs Avoid applying waste to the site when it is raining or when the ground is frozen or saturated with water. Grow vegetation on areas dedicated to land disposal to stabilize the soils and reduce the volume of surface water runoff from the site. Maintain adequate barriers between the land application site and receiving waters. Erosion control techniques might include mulching and matting, filter fences, straw bales, diversion terracing, or sediment basins. For a detailed description of erosion control techniques, see Chapter 4. Perform routine maintenance to ensure that erosion control or site stabilization measures are working. SUMMARY OF INDUSTRIAL WASTE MANAGEMENT AND _ OUTSIDE MANUFACTURING BMPs _ • Conduct a waste reduction assessment. • Institute industrial waste source reduction and recycling BMPs. • Prevent runoff and runon from contacting the waste management area. • Minimize runoff from land application sites. 3-22 September 1992 Chapter 3—Activity-Specific Source Control BMPs 3.8 BMPs FOR OUTSIDE STORAGE OF RAW MATERIALS, BY-PRODUCTS, OR FINISHED PRODUCTS Raw materials, by-products, finished products, containers, and material storage areas exposed to rain and/or runoff can pollute storm water. Storm water can become contaminated by a wide range of contaminants (e.g., metals, oil, and grease) when solid materials wash off or dissolve into water, or by spills or leaks. The following questions are designed to help you identify potential sources of storm water contamination and select BMPs that can reduce or eliminate those sources. Reading this section can help you eliminate or reduce pollutants that otherwise may contaminate storm water. Q. Are materials protected from rainfall, runon, and runoff? The best way to avoid contaminating storm water from outside material storage areas is to prevent storm water runon or rain from coming in contact with the materials. This can be done by: • Storing the material indoors • Covering the area with a roof • Covering the material with a temporary covering made of polyethylene, polyurethane, polypropylene, or Hypalon. • Minimizing storm water runon by enclosing the area or building a berm around the area. ARE ANY OF THESE MATERIALS STORED OUTSIDE OR IN AREAS WHERE THEY CAN CONTAMINATE SJORM WATER? • Fuels • Raw materials • By-products Intermediates • Final products • Process residuals SUMMARY OF BMPs FOR OUTSIDE STORAGE OF RAW MATERIALS. BY-PRODUCTS. OR FINISHED PRODUCTS • Cover or enclose materials. September 1992 3-23 Chapter 3—Actrvity-Specrftc Source Control BMPs 3.9 BMPs FOR SALT STORAGE FACILITIES Salt left exposed to rain or snow can be lost. Salt spilled or blown onto the ground during loadino and unloading will dissolve in storm water runoff. Storm water contaminated with salt can be harmful^ vegetation and aquatic life. Salty storm water runoff soaking into the ground may con«m^ateT,o..„d water and make it unsuitable as a drinking water supply. The following BMPs will help reduce storm ,hf a o rma C .° n na, '° n ° m $,0ra9e and ,rans,er «ctivities. See Chapter 4 for more detailed information on covering storage areas. 13 ea Q. Are salt piles protected from ra in? The best way to prevent salt from contaminating storm water is to eliminate or limit the exposure of salt to rain. Preventing contact with rain also protects against salt loss and prevents salt from absorbing moisture and becoming caked or lumpy and making it difficult to handle and use. • Store salt under a roof. This is the best way to stop direct contact with rain. SALT STORAGE ACTIVITIES THAT CAN CONTAMINATE STORM WATER: • Salt stored outside in piles or bags that are exposed to rain or snow • Salt loading and unloading areas located outside or in areas where spilled salt can contaminate storm water. If salt must be stored outside: Build the storage pile on asphalt to reduce the potential for ground water contamination Cover the pile with a temporary covering material such polypropylene, or Hypalon. as polyethylene, polyurethane. lXTd r ro°ad,n a ;are e aT. inimi2ed bV end ° Si " 9 ^ buildi "° ba ™ -ound -rage. SUMMARY OF SALT STORAGE FACILITIES BMPs • Put it under a roof. • Use temporary covers. • Enclose or berm transfer areas. 3-24 September 1992 CHAPTER 4 SITE-SPECIFIC INDUSTRIAL STORM WATER BMPs This chapter describes some of the possible Best Management Practices (BMPs) that you might include in your Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan so that pollutants from your site do not mix with storm water. Table 4.1 provides an easy index of the BMP descriptions that follow. The BMPs are grouped by section into six categories: Flow Diversion Practices; Exposure Minimization Practices; Mitigative Practices; Other Preventive Practices; Sediment and Erosion Prevention Practices; and Infiltration Practices. The following information is provided for each BMP: (1) description of the BMP; (2) when and where the BMP can be used; (3) factors that should be considered when using the BMP; and (4) advantages and disadvantages of the BMP. More detailed fact sheets for a limited number of the Sediment and Erosion Prevention Practices are included as Appendix E. When designing these structural controls, EPA recommends that you refer to any State or local storm water management design standards. TABLE 4.1 INDEX OF SITE-SPECIFIC INDUSTRIAL STORM WATER BMPs Section 4.1 - Row Diversion Practices Page 4-3 Storm Water Conveyances 4-4 Diversion Dikes 4-7 Graded Areas and Pavement 4-9 Section 4.2 - Exposure Mkiimtzation Practices 4-11 Containment Diking 4-12 Curbing 4-14 Drip Pans 4-16 Collection Basins 4-18 Sumps 4-20 Covering 4-22 Vehicle Positioning 4-25 Loading and Unloading by Air Pressure or Vacuum 4-26 September 1992 4-1 Chapter 4 — Sit&Specjfic Industrial Storm Water BMPs Sorbents 4-33 Gelling Agents 4-35 Section 4.4 - Other Preventive Practices 4-37 Preventive Monitoring Practices 4-38 Dust Control (Land Disturbances and Demolition Areas) 4-40 Dust Control (Industrial Activities) 4-42 Signs and Labels __4-44 4-2 September 1992 Chapter 4 — Site-Specific Industrial Storm Water BMPs 4.1 FLOW DIVERSION PRACTICES Structures that divert stream flow (such as gutters, drains, sewers, dikes, and graded pavement) are used as BMPs in two ways. First, flow diversion structures, called storm water conveyances, may be used to channel storm water away from industrial areas so that pollutants do not mix with the storm water. Second, they also may be used to carry pollutants directly to a treatment facility. This section briefly describes flow diversion as a BMP for industrial storm water. September 1992 4-3 Chapter 4 — Site-Specific Industrial Storm Water BMPs Storm Water Conveyances (Channels/Gutters/Drains/Sewers) What Are They Storm water conveyances such as channels, gutters, drains, and sewers, collect storm water runoff and direct its flow, A group of connecting conveyances is sometimes installed at an industrial facility to create a storm water collection system. Storm water conveyances can be used for two different purposes. The first purpose is to keep uncontaminated storm water from coming in contact with areas of an industrial site where it may become contaminated with pollutants. This can be accomplished by collecting the storm water in a conveyance and by changing the direction of flow away from those areas. The second purpose is to collect and carry the storm water that has already come into contact with industrial areas and become contaminated to a treatment facility. Storm water conveyances can be constructed or lined with many different materials, including concrete, clay tiles, asphalt, plastics, metals, riprap, compacted soils, and vegetation. The type of material used depends on the use of the conveyance. These conveyances can be temporary or permanent. 7 When and Where to Use Them from ? r d0nveya " ces ," ork we " at industrial sites. Storm water can be directed away from industrial areas by collecting it in channels or drains before it reaches the areas. In addition from e runn« S ,h Ca , n h C °" eCt S, ° rm Wa,er d ° Wnhi " from industrial areas and keep it separate warn, k roll fa as 221 b" ^^e Sued infreaTe in veSS 8 conveyance system; however, grades should not create an important to repair damages to these structures as soon as poss™e ° ' " 4-4 September 1992 Chapter 4 — Site-Specific Industrial Storm Water BMPs Typical Grass-lined Ditcn Vegetated V-shaped Waterway with Stone Center Dram Vegetated Parabolic-shaped Waterway with Stone Center Dram FIGURE 4.1 TYPICAL STORM WATER CONVEYANCE CROSS SECTIONS (Modified from Commonwealth of Virginia, 1980) September 1992 4-5 Chapter 4-Site-Specific Industrial Storm Water BMPs - Advanta O es °f Storm Water Conveyances (Channels/Gutters/Drains/Scwers) • Direct storm water flows around industrial areas • Prevent temporary flooding of industrial site • Require low maintenance * Provide erosion resistant conveyance of storm water runoff ♦ Provide long-term control of storm water flows Disadvantages of Storm Water Conveyances (Channels/Gutters/Drains/Sewers) Once flows are concentrated in storm water conveyances, they must be routed through stabilized structures all the way to their discharge to the receiving water or treatment plant to minimize erosion H May increase flow rates May be impractical if there are space limitations May not be economical, especially for small facilities or after a site has already been constructed 4-6 September 1992 Chapter 4 — Site-Specific Industrial Storm Water BMPs Diversion dikes or berms are structures used to block runoff from passing beyond a certain point. Temporary dikes are usually made with compacted soil. More permanent ridges are constructed out of concrete, asphalt, or similar materials. When and Where to Use Them Diversion dikes are used to prevent the flow of storm water runoff onto industrial areas. Limiting the volume of flow across industrial areas reduces the volume of storm water that may carry pollutants from the area, requiring treatment for pollutant removal. This BMP is suitable for industrial sites where significant volumes of storm water runoff tend to flow onto active industrial areas. Typically, dikes are built on slopes just uphill from an industrial area together with some sort of a conveyance such as a swale. The storm water conveyance is necessary to direct the water away from the dike so that the water will not pool and seep through the dike. What to Consider In planning for the installation of dikes, consider the slope of the drainage area, the height of the dike, the size of rainfall event it will need to divert, and the type of conveyance that will be used with the dike. Steeper slopes result in higher volumes of runoff and higher velocities; therefore, the dike must be constructed to handle this situation. Remember that dikes are limited in their ability to manage large volumes of runoff. September 1992 4-7 Chapter 4 — Site-Specific Industrial Storm Water BMPs Ideally, dikes are installed before industrial activity begins. However, dikes can be easily constructed at any time. Temporary dikes (usually made of dirt) generally only last for 18 months or less, but they caa be made into permanent structures by stabilizing them with vegetation Vegetation is crucial for preventing the erosion of the dike. Dikes should be inspected regularly for damage. This is especially important after storm events since a heavy rain may wash parts of a temporary dike away. Any necessary repairs should be made immediately to make sure the structure continues to do its job. ___ Advantages of Diversion Dik es • Effectively limit storm water flows over industrial site areas • Can be installed at any time • Are economical temporary structures, when built from soil onsite • Can be converted from temporary to permanent at any time __ Disadvantages of Diversion D ikes Are not suitable for large drainage areas unless there is a gentle slope • May require maintenance after heavy rains 4-8 September 1992 Chapter 4 — Site-Specific Industrial Storm Water BMPs Graded Areas and Pavement What Is It Land surfaces can be graded or graded and paved so that storm water runoff is directed away from industrial activity areas. The slope of the grade allows the runoff to flow, but limits the runoff from washing over areas that may be contaminated with pollutants. Like conveyances and dikes, graded areas can prevent runoff from contacting industrial areas and becoming contaminated with pollutants from these areas. Grading can be a permanent or temporary control measure. FIGURE 4.3 EXAMPLE OF GRADED PAVEMENT (Modified from Santa Clara Valley, 1990) When and Where to Use It Grading land surfaces is appropriate for any industrial site that has outdoor activities that may contaminate storm water runoff, such as parking lots or outdoor storage areas. Figure 4.3 illustrates the use of graded pavement in preventing runoff from washing over a service station site. Grading is often used with other practices, such as coverings, buffer zones, and other practices to reduce the runoff velocity and provide infiltration of the uncontaminated runoff, or to direct pollutant runoff to storm water treatment facilities. What to Consider When designing graded areas and pavement, both control and containment of runoff flows should be considered. The grading should control the uncontaminated flow by diverting it around areas September 1992 4-9 Chapter 4 —Site-Specific Industrial Storm Water BMPs that may have pollutants. The grading should also contain the contaminated flows or divert them to treatment facilities. When regrading and paving an industrial area, the use of concrete paving instead of asphalt should be considered. This is especially important in potential spill sites or hazardous material storage areas. Asphalt absorbs organic pollutants and can be slowly dissolved by some fluids, thus becoming a possible source of contaminants itself. This control measure should be used with a cover, such as a roof, in areas where contaminants are of concern (see Covering BMP) so that rain or snow does not fall on the area and wash the contaminants down slope. Inspect paving regularly for cracks that may allow contaminants to seep into the ground. Also, check to make sure that the drains receiving the storm water flow from the paved area remain unclogged with sediment or other debris so that low areas do not flood and wash over the areas where the contaminants may be. _ Advantages of Graded Areas and Pa vement • Is effective in limiting storm water contact with contaminants • Is relatively inexpensive and easily implemented _ Disadvantages of Graded Areas and Pave ment • May be uneconomical to regrade and resurface large areas • May not be effective during heavy precipitation 4-10 September 1992 Chapter 4—Site-Specific Industrial Storm Water BMPs 4.2 EXPOSURE MINIMIZATION PRACTICES By eliminating or minimizing the possibility of storm water coming into contact with pollutants, facilities can eliminate or minimize the contamination of storm water discharges associated with their industrial activity. As a result, fewer materials will be carried away by storm water runoff, the costs of collecting and treating contaminated storm water will be decreased, and safety and environmental liabilities that result from spills and leaks will be reduced. Completely eliminating the exposure of materials to storm water is not always possible, however. For many industrial facilities, enclosure of facility grounds is not technologically or economically possible. Therefore, this section describes several simple and inexpensive structural and nonstructural BMPs that a facility can use to minimize the exposure of materials to storm water. Containing spills is one of the primary methods of minimizing exposure of contaminants to storm water runoff. Spill containment is used for enclosing any drips, overflows, leaks, or other liquid material releases, as well as for isolating and keeping pollutant spills away from storm water runoff. There are numerous spill containment methods, ranging from large structural barriers to simple, small drip pans. The benefits of each of these practices vary based on cost, need for maintenance, and size of the spill they are designed to control. This section describes several containment methods, including: • Containment Diking • Curbing • Drip Pans • Catch Basins • Sumps. Other practices commonly used to minimize exposure of contaminants are also discussed, including the following: • Covering • Vehicle Positioning • Loading and Unloading by Air Pressure or Vacuum. September 1992 4-11 Chapter 4 —Site-Specific Industrial Storm Water BMPs Containment Diking What Is It Containment dikes are temporary or permanent earth or concrete berms or retaining walls that are designed to hold spills. Diking, one of the most common types of containment, is an effective method of pollution prevention for above-ground liquid storage tanks and rail car or tank truck loading and unloading areas. Diking can provide one of the best protective measures against the contamination of storm water because it surrounds the area of concern and holds the spill, keeping spill materials separated from the storm water outside of the diked area. When and Where to Use It Diking can be used at any industrial facility but is most commonly used for controlling large spills or releases from liquid storage areas and liquid transfer areas. What to Consider Containment dikes should be large enough to hold an amount equal to the largest single storage tank at the particular facility plus the volume of rainfall. For rail car and tank truck loading and unloading operations, the diked area should be capable of holding an amount equal to any single 4-12 September 1992 Chapter 4 — Site-Specific Industrial Storm Water BMPs tank truck compartment. Materials used to construct the dike should be strong enough to safely hold spilled materials. The materials used usually depend on what is available onsite and the substance to be contained, and may consist of earth (i.e., soil or clay), concrete, synthetic materials (liners), metal, or other impervious materials. In general, strong acids and bases may react with metal containers, concrete, and some plastics, so where spills may consist of these substances, other alternatives should be considered. Some of the more reactive organic chemicals may also need to be contained with special liners. If there are any questions about storing chemicals in certain dikes because of their construction materials, refer to the Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDSs). Containment dikes may need to be designed with impervious materials to prevent leaking or contamination of storm water, surface, and ground water supplies. Similarly, uncontrolled overflows from diked areas containing spilled materials or contaminated storm water should be prevented to protect nearby surface waters or ground waters. Therefore, dikes should have either pumping systems (see Sumps BMP) or vacuum trucks available to remove the spilled materials. When evaluating the performance of the containment system, you should pay special attention to the overflow system, since it is often the source of uncontrolled leaks. If overflow systems do not exist, accumulated storm water should be released periodically. Contaminated storm water should be treated prior to release. Mechanical parts, such as pumps or even manual systems (e.g., slide gates, stopcock valves), may require regular cleaning and maintenance. When considering containment diking as a BMP, you should consult local authorities about any regulations governing construction of such structures to comply with local and State requirements. Facilities located in a flood plain should contact their local flood control authority to ensure that construction of the dikes is permitted. Inspections of containment dikes should be conducted during or after significant storms or spills to check for washouts or overflows. In addition, regular checks of containment dikes (i.e., testing to ensure that dikes are capable of holding spills) is recommended. Soil dikes may need to be inspected on a more frequent basis. Changes in vegetation, inability of the structure to retain storm water dike erosion, or soggy areas indicate problems with the dike's structure. Damaged areas should be patched and stabilized immediately, where necessary. Earthen dikes may require special maintenance of vegetation, such as mowing and irrigation. Advantages of Containment Diking • Contains spills, leaks, and other releases and prevent them from flowing into runoff conveyances, nearby streams, or underground water supplies • Permits materials collected in dikes to be recycled • Is a common industry practice for storage tanks and already required for certain chemicals Disadvantages of Containment Diking • May be too expensive for some smaller facilities • Requires maintenance • Could collect contaminated storm water, possibly resulting in infiltration of storm water to ground water September 1992 4-13 Chapter 4 — Site-Specific Industrial Storm Water BMPs Curbing What Is It Like containment diking, curbing is a barrier that surrounds an area of concern. Curbing functions in a similar way to prevent spills, leaks, etc. from being released to the environment by routing runoff to treatment or control areas. The terms curbing and diking are sometimes used interchangeably. Because curbing is usually small-scale, it cannot contain large spills like diking can, however, curbing is common at many facilities in small areas where handling and transferring liquid materials occur. FIGURE 4.5 CURBING AROUND DRUM STORAGE AREA L When and Where to Use It Curbing can be used at all industrial facilities. It is particularly useful in areas where liquid materials are transferred and as a storm water runoff control. As with diking, common materials for curbing include earth, concrete, synthetic materials, metal, or other impenetrable materials. Asphalt is also a common material used in curbing. What to Consider For maximum efficiency of curbing, spilled materials should be removed immediately, to allow space for future spills. Curbs should have pumping systems, rather than drainage systems, for collecting spilled materials. Manual or mechanical methods, such as those provided by sump systems (see Sump BMP), can be used to remove the material. Curbing systems should be maintained through curb repair (patching and replacement). 4-14 September 1992 Chapter 4 —Site-Specific Industrial Storm Water BMPs When using curbing for runoff control, facilities should protect the berm by limiting traffic and installing reinforced berms in areas of concern. Spills of materials that are stored within a curbed area can be tracked outside of that area when personnel and equipment leave the area. This tracking can be minimized by grading within the curbing to direct the spilled materials to a down-slope side of the curbing. This will keep the materials away from personnel and equipment that pass through the area. It will also allow the materials to accumulate in one area making cleanup much easier. Inspections should also be conducted before forecasted rainfall events and immediately after storm events. If spilled or leaked materials are observed, cleanup should start immediately. This will prevent overflows and/or contamination of storm water runoff. In addition, prompt cleanup of materials will prevent dilution by rainwater, which can adversely affect recycling opportunities. Inspection of curbed areas should be conducted regularly, to clear clogging debris. Because curbing is sized to contain small spill volumes, maintenance should also be conducted frequently to prevent overflow of any spilled materials. Advantages of Curbing • Is an excellent method to control runon • Is inexpensive • Is easily installed • Materials spilled within curbed areas can be recycled • Exists as a common industry practice Disadvantages of Curbing • Is not effective for holding large spills 1 • May require more maintenance than diking September 1992 4-15 Chapter 4 —Site-Specific Industrial Storm Water BMPs Drip Pans What Are They Drip pans are small depressions or pans used to contain very small volumes of leaks, drips, and spills that occur at a facility. Drip pans can be depressions in concrete, asphalt, or other impenetrable materials or they can be made of metals, plastic, or any material that does not react with the dripped chemicals. Drip pans can be temporary or permanent. Drip pans are used to catch drips from valves, pipes, etc. so that the materials or chemicals can be cleaned up easily or recycled before they can contaminate storm water. Although leaks and drips should be repaired and eliminated as part of a preventive maintenance program, drip pans can provide a temporary solution where repair or replacement must be delayed. In addition, drip pans can be an added safeguard when they ace positioned beneath areas where leaks and drips mav occur. Use Drip Pans for Leaking Equipment Use Drip Pans in Loading and Unloading Areas FIGURE 4.6 USES FOR DRIP PANS (Modified from Washington State, 1992) When and Where to Use Them Drip pans can be used at any industry where valves and piping are present and the potential for small volume leakage and dripping exist. 4-16 September 1992 Chapter 4 — Site-Specific Industrial Storm Water BMPs What to Consider When using drip pans, consider the location of the drip pan, weather conditions, the type of material to be used for the drip pan, and how it will be cleaned. The location of the drip pan is important. Because drip pans must be inspected and cleaned frequently, they must be easy to reach and remove. In addition, take special care to avoid placing drip pans in precarious positions such as next to walkways, on uneven pavement/ground, or sitting on pipelines. Drip pans in these locations are easily overturned and may present a safety hazard, as well as an environmental hazard. Weather conditions are also important factors. Heavy winds and rainfall move or damage drip pans because of their small size and their light weight (if not built-in). To prevent this, secure the pans by installing or anchoring them. Drip pans may be placed on platforms or behind wind blocks or tied down. For drip pans to be effective, employees must pay attention to the pans and empty them when they are nearly full. Because of their small holding capacities, drip pans will easily overflow if not emptied. Also, recycling efforts can be affected if storm water accumulates in drip pans and dilutes the spilled material. It is important to have clearly specified and easily followed practices of reuse/recycle and/or disposal, especially the disposal of hazardous materials. Many facilities dump the drip pan contents into a nearby larger volume storage container and periodically recycle the contents of the storage container. In addition, frequent inspection of the drip pans is necessary due to the possibility of leaks in the pan itself or in piping or valves that may occur randomly or irregular slow drips that may increase in volume. Conduct inspections before forecasted rainfall events to remove accumulated materials and immediately after storm events to empty storm water accumulations. Advantages of Drip Pans • Are inexpensive • Are easily installed and simple to operate • Allow for reuse/recycle of collected material • Empty or discarded containers may be reused as drip pans Disadvantages of Drip Pans • Contain small volumes only • Must be inspected and cleaned frequently • Must be secured during poor weather conditions • Contents may be disposed of improperly unless facility personnel are trained in proper disposal methods September 1992 4-17 Chapter 4 —Site-Specific Industrial Storm Water BMPs Collection basins, or storage basins, are permanent structures where large spills or contaminated storm water are contained and stored before cleanup or treatment. Collection basins are designed to receive spills, leaks, etc. that may occur and prevent these materials from being released to the environment. Unlike containment dikes, collection basins can receive and contain materials from many locations across a facility. Collection basins are commonly confused with treatment units such as ponds, lagoons, and other containment structures. Collection basins differ from these structures because they are designed to temporarily store storm water rather than treat it. When and Where to Use Them Collection basins are appropriate for all industrial sites where space allows. Collection basins are particularly useful for areas that have a high spill potential. What to Consider The design and installation considerations for collection basins include sizing the basin either to hold a certain amount of spill or a certain size storm, or both. In designing the collection system, the type of material for the conveyances, compatibility of various materials to be carried through the system, and requirements for compliance with State and local regulations should be considered. Ideally, the system should function to route the materials quickly and easily to the collection basin. When spills occur, the collection system must route the spill or storm water immediately to the collection basin. After a spill is contained, the collection system and basin may require cleaning. Remove the collection basin contents immediately to prevent an unintentional release and recycle the spilled material as much as possible. Inspect the structure on a regular basis and after storm events or spills. Depending upon the types of pollutants that may be in the storm water, or are collected as spills, design of the basin may require a liner to prevent infiltration into the ground water. Make sure that the installation of this BMP does not violate State ground water regulations. If it is possible that the collection basin may handle combustible or flammable spilled materials, explosion-proof pumping equipment and controls or other appropriate precautions should be taken to prevent explosions or fires. Consult OSHA and local safety codes and standards for specific requirements and guidance. 4-18 September 1992 Chapter 4 —Site-Specific Industrial Storm Water BMPs Advantages of Collection Basins • Can store contaminated storm water until directed to a treatment facility • Can collect spills for recycling where materials are separated Disadvantages of Collection Basins • May need a conveyance system for increased effectiveness • May collect materials that are not compatible • May reduce the potential for recycling materials by collecting storm water, which dilutes the materials • May create ground water problems if pollutants infiltrate into ground September 1992 4-19 Chapter 4 — Site-Specific Industrial Storm Water BMPs Sumps What Are They Sumps are holes or low areas that are structured so that liquid spills or leaks will flow down toward a particular part of a containment area. Frequently, pumps are placed in a depressed area and are turned on automatically to transfer liquids away from the sump when the level of liquids gets too high. Sumps can be temporary or permanent. When and Where to Use Them Sumps can be used at all facilities. Sumps are used with other spill containment and treatment measures and can be located almost anywhere onsite. Sumps are frequently located in low lying areas within material handling or storage areas. What to Consider When designing and installing a sump system, consider the pump location, function, and system alarms. Design and install the sump in the lowest lying area> of a containment structure, allowing for materials to gather in the area of the sump. Construct the sump of impenetrable materials and provide a smooth surface so that liquids are funneled toward the pump. It may be appropriate to house the pumps in a shed or other structure for protection and stabilization. There are numerous factors that should be considered when purchasing a pump. Base the size of the pump on the maximum expected volume to be collected in the containment structure. In some cases, more than one pump may be appropriate. Typically, pumps that can be submerged under the spill are the most appropriate for areas where large spills may occur and that may submerge the sump area. The viscosity (thickness) of the material and the distance that the material must be pumped are also important considerations. Install pumps according to the manufacturer's recommendations. An alarm system can be installed for pumps that are used to remove collected materials. An alarm system can indicate that a pump should be operated by hand or that an automatically operated pump has failed to function. Ultimately, facility personnel should have some mechanism to take action to prevent spills from by-passing and overflowing containment structures. The pumps and the alarm system used in the sump generally require regular inspections for service and maintenance of parts based on manufacturers' recommendations. If it is possible that the sump may handle combustible or flammable spilled materials, explosion- proof pumping equipment and controls or other appropriate precautions should be taken to prevent explosions or fires. Consult OSHA and local safety codes and standards for specific requirements and guidance. 4-20 September 1992 Chapter 4 — Site-Specific Industrial Storm Water BMPs Advantages of Sumps • Provide a simple and quick collection method for recycling, reusing, or treating materials in a containment structure • Are commonly used at industrial facilities Disadvantages of Sumps • Pumps may clog easily if not designed correctly • May require maintenance/servicing agreements with pump dealers • Costs for purchasing and/or replacing pumps may be high V September 1992 4-21 Chapter 4 —Site-Specific Industrial Storm Water BMPs Covering What Is It Covering is the partial or total physical enclosure of materials, equipment, process operations, or activities. Covering certain areas or activities prevents storm water from coming into contact with potential pollutants and reduces material loss from wind blowing. Tarpaulins, plastic sheeting, roofs, buildings, and other enclosures are examples of covering that are effective in preventing storm water contamination. Covering can be temporary or permanent. When and Where to Use It Covering is appropriate for outdoor material storage piles (e.g., stockpiles of dry materials, gravel, sand, compost, sawdust, wood chips, de-icing salt, and building materials) and areas where liquids and solids in containers are stored or transferred. Although it may be too expensive to cover or enclose all industrial activities, cover high-risk areas (identified during the storm water pollutant source identification). For example, cover chemical preparation areas, vehicle maintenance areas, areas where chemically treated products are stored, and areas where salts are stored. If covering or enclosing the entire activity is not possible, the high-risk part of the activity can often be separated from other processes and covered. Another option that reduces the cost of building a complete enclosure is to build a roof over the activity. A roof may also eliminate the need for ventilation and lighting systems (Washington State, 1992). What to Consider Evaluate the strength and longevity of the covering, as well as its compatibility with the material or activity being enclosed. When designing an enclosure, consider access to materials, their handling, and transfer. Materials that pose environmental and safety dangers because they are radioactive, biological, flammable, explosive, or reactive require special ventilation and temperature considerations. Covering alone may not protect exposed materials from storm water contact. Place the material on an elevated, impermeable surface or build curbing around the outside of the materials to prevent problems from runon of uncontaminated storm water from adjacent areas. Frequently inspect covering, such as tarpaulins, for rips, holes, and general wear. Anchor the covering with stakes, tie-down ropes, large rocks, tires, or other easily available heavy objects. Practicing proper materials management within an enclosure or underneath a covered area is essential. For example, floor drainage within an enclosure should be properly designed and connected to the wastewater sewer where appropriate and allowed. If connection to an offsite wastewater sewer is considered, the local Publicly Owned Treatment Works (POTW) should be consulted to find out if there are any pretreatment requirements or restrictions that must be followed. 4-22 September 1992 Chapter 4 — Site-Specific Industrial Storm Water BMPs Small Chemical Storage Area with Curbing and Cover Raw Material Storage Covered with Tarpaulin Covered Area for Raw Materials Enclosed Area for Storage of Raw Materials or Chemicals Covered Area for Loading and Unloading FIGURE 4.7 EXAMPLE COVERING FOR INDUSTRIAL ACTIVITIES (Modified from Washington State, 1992; Salt Institute, 1987) September 1992 4-23 Chapter 4-Site-Specific Industrial Storm Water BMPs __ Advantages of Covering • Is simple and effective • Is commonly i nexpensive _____ Disadvantages of Covering • Requires frequent inspection May pose health or safety problems if enclosure is built over certain activities 4-24 September 1992 Chapter 4 —Site-Specific Industrial Storm Water BMPs Vehicle Positioning What Is It Vehicle positioning is the practice of locating trucks or rail cars while transferring materials to prevent spills of materials onto the ground surface, which may then contaminate storm water runoff. Vehicle positioning is a simple and effective method of material spill prevention and yet it is commonly overlooked. When and Where to Use It Vehicle positioning can be used at all types of industrial facilities. This practice is appropriate for any area where materials are transferred from or to vehicles, such as loading and unloading areas, storage areas, and material transfer areas. Use vehicle positioning in conjunction with other practices such as covering, sumps, drip pans, or loading and unloading by air pressure or vacuum where chemical spills are of concern. What to Consider The purpose of vehicle positioning is to locate vehicles in a stable and appropriate position to prevent problems, such as spills resulting from broken material storage containers, spills caused by vehicle movement during materials transfer activities, and spills caused by improperly located vehicles. Vehicles should also be positioned near containment or flow diversion systems to collect unexpected spills from leaks in transfer lines or connections. The following activities are included in this practice: • Constructing walls that help in positioning the vehicles • Positioning vehicle either over a drain or on a sloped surface that drains to a containment structure • Outlining required vehicle positions on the pavement • Using wheel guards or wheel blocks • Posting signs requiring the use of emergency brakes • Requiring vehicles to shut off engines during materials transfer activities. Advantages of Vehicle Positioning • Is inexpensive • Is easy and effective Disadvantages of Vehicle Positioning • May require redesign of loading and unloading areas September 1992 4-25 Chapter 4 — Site-Specific Industrial Storm Water BMPs Loading and Unloading by Air Pressure or Vacuum What Is It Air pressure and vacuum systems are commonly used for transporting and loading and unloading materials. These systems are simple to use and effective in transferring dry chemicals or solids from one area to another, but are less effective as the particles of material become more dense. In an air pressure system, a safety-relief valve and a dust collector are used to separate the dry materials from the air and then release the air accumulated during transfer operations. In a vacuum system, a dust collection device and an air lock, such as a rotary gate or trap door feeder, are typically used. The use of mechanical equipment that involves enclosed lines, such as those provided by air pressure (also referred to as pneumatic) and vacuum loading systems, are effective methods for minimizing releases of pollutants into the environment. Because of the enclosed nature of the system, pollutants are not exposed to wind or precipitation and therefore have less potential to contaminate storm water discharges. When and Where to Use It Air pressure and vacuum systems can be used at all types of industrial facilities. This equipment is located in material handling areas to use for storing, loading and unloading, transporting, or conveying materials. What to Consider Unlike many of the other BMPs discussed in this manual, air pressure and vacuum systems may be expensive because of the costs of purchasing the system and retrofitting the system to existing materials handling procedures. In many cases, these systems can be shipped to a facility and be installed onsite without contractor help. Manufacturer's recommendations should be followed closely to ensure proper installation. In other cases, systems may have to be designed specifically for a site. Proper design and installation are very important for air pressure and vacuum systems to be as effective as possible. The equipment may be weatherproof or, if not, consider enclosing or covering the equipment. Conduct routine inspections of air pressure and vacuum systems. Regular maintenance is required of these systems, especially the dust collectors. Conduct maintenance activities based on manufacturers recommendations. Inspect air pressure systems more frequently due to the greater potential for leaks to the environment. 4-26 September 1992 Chapter 4—Site-Specific Industrial Storm Water BMPs Advantages of Loading and Unloading by Air Pressure or Vacuum • Is quick and simple • May be economical if materials can be recovered • Will minimize exposure of pollutants to storm water Disadvantages of Loading and Unloading by Air Pressure or Vacuum • May be costly to install and maintain • May not be appropriate for some denser materials • May require site-specific design • Dust collectors may need a permit under the Clean Air Act to install September 1992 4-27 Chapter 4-Site-Specific Industrial Storm Water BMPs 4.3 MITIGATIVE PRACTICES Mitigation involves cleaning up or recovering a substance after it has been released or spilled to reduce the potential impact of a spill before it reaches the environment. Therefore, pollution mitigation is a second line of defense where pollution prevention practices have failed or are impractical. Because spills cannot always be avoided at industrial sites, it is necessary to plan for these events and to design proper response procedures. This section discusses mitigative BMPs to avoid contamination of storm water. Most of the mitigative practices discussed are simple and should be incorporated in your facility's good housekeeping and spill response plans. The mitigation practices discussed include manual cleanup methods, such as sweeping and shoveling, mechanical cleanup by excavation or vacuuming, and cleanup with sorbents and gels. Facilities are cautioned that spills of certain toxic and hazardous substances and their cleanup may be covered under regulations, including those imposed under the Superfund Amendments and Reauthorization Act (SARA), the Comprehensive Environmental Responsibility, Compensation, and Liability Act (CERCLA), and the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA). 4-28 September 1992 Chapter 4— Site-Specific Industrial Storm Water BMPs Sweeping with brooms, squeegees, or other mechanical devices is used to remove small quantities of dry chemicals and dry solids from areas that are exposed to precipitation or storm water runoff. These areas may include dust or contaminant covered bags, drums containing remaining materials on their lids, areas housing enclosed or covered materials, and spills of dry chemicals and dry solids in locations on the industrial site. Cleaning by sweeping with brooms is a low cost practice that can be performed by all employees and requires no special equipment or training. When and Where to Use It Sweeping can be used at many material handling areas and process areas in all types of industrial facilities. Timing is an important consideration for all mitigative practices. To be effective as a storm water control, cleanup must take place before rainfall or contact with storm water runoff or before an outside area is hosed down. Do not limit your cleanup activities to those outside activities that are exposed to rainfall. In many cases, tracking of materials to the outside from areas that are enclosed or covered (e.g., on shoes) may also occur. What to Consider Store brooms appropriately and do not expose them to precipitation. In addition, rules of compatibility also apply. Do not use the same broom to clean up two chemicals that are incompatible. Determine the compatibility between the brooms themselves and the chemical of concern before using this practice, in some instances, chemicals should be vacuumed instead of swept. Be sure that swept material is disposed of properly. Advantages of Sweeping • Is inexpensive • Requires no special training • Provides recycling opportunities Disadvantages of Sweeping • Is a labor-intensive practice • Is limited to small releases of dry materials September 1992 4-29 Chapter 4—Site-Specific Industrial Storm Water BMPs Shoveling is another manual cleanup method that is simple and low in cost. Generally, shoveling can be used to remove larger quantities of dry chemicals and dry solids, as well as to remove wetter solids and sludge. Shoveling is also useful in removing accumulated materials from sites not accessible by mechanical cleanup methods. When and Where to Use It Shoveling can be used at any facility. Shoveling provides an added advantage over sweeping because cleanup methods are not limited to dry materials. In many cases, accumulated solids and sludges that are in ditches, sumps, or other facility locations can be effectively and quickly removed by shoveling. Shovels can also be used to clean up contaminated snows. Timing is an important consideration in any mitigative practice. Materials that could contaminate storm water runoff should be removed before any storm event. What to Consider As with brooms, clean and store shovels properly. Also, consider planning for the transport and disposal or reuse of the shoveled materials. _ Advantages of Shoveling • Is inexpensive • Provides recycling opportunities • Can remediate larger releases and is effective for dry and wet ma terials __ Disadvantages of Shoveling • Is labor-intensive • Is not an appropriate practice for large spills 4-30 September 1992 Chapter 4— Site-Specific Industrial Storm Water BMPs Excavation Practices What Are They Excavation (i.e., removal of contaminated material) of released materials is typically conducted by mechanical equipment, such as plows and backhoes. Generally, plowing and backhoeing can be done using a specifically designed vehicle, tractor, or truck. Excavation removes the materials of concern and any deposition of contaminants, thereby reducing the potential for storm water contamination. Mechanical cleanup methods are typically less precise than manual cleanup methods, resulting in reduced opportunities for recycle and reuse. When and Where to Use Them Excavation practices are most useful for large releases of dry materials and for areas contaminated by liquid material releases. In excavation, you want to be sure that all of the contaminated material is removed. Timing is an important consideration for all mitigative practices. To be effective as a storm water control, cleanup must take place before a rainfall event. What to Consider Conduct inspections and operations and maintenance in accordance with a manufacturer's recommendations, which may include the following: • A specified frequency for inspection, maintenance, and servicing of the equipment • Parts replacement, rotation, and lubrication specifications • Procedures for evaluating all parts. As with any equipment used during cleanup, other considerations apply, including the following: • Plows, backhoes, etc. should be stored appropriately with no exposure to precipitation • Excavated materials should be properly handled or disposed of. Advantages of Excavation Practices • Are a cost effective method for cleaning up dry materials release • Are common and simple Disadvantages of Excavation Practices • Are less precise, resulting in less recycling and reuse opportunities September 1992 4-31 Chapter 4 —Site-Specific Industrial Storm Water BMPs Vacuum and Pump Systems What Are They Vacuum and pump systems are effective for cleaning up spilled or exposed materials. The benefits of vacuum and pump cleanup systems include simplicity and speed. With such systems, only the spilled materials need be collected. Also, these systems are often portable and can be used at many locations to clean up releases to the environment. Portable systems can usually be rented. When and Where to Use Them Vacuum and pump systems can be used at any industrial facility. Both wet and dry materials can be collected with these systems. Vacuum systems can be used in material handling areas and process areas. What to Consider Consider the area of use and the most appropriate size for the system. Since these systems can be portable, size is important, especially if materials will be stored in the unit. In this case the portable system must have enough suction or positive air pressure to transport materials over long distances. Include plans for proper disposal or reuse of the collected materials. _ Advantages of Vacuum and Pump Systems • Remove materials by air pressure or vacuum quickly and simply • Collect materials accurately • Offer good recycling oppor tunities _ Disadvantages of Vacuum and Pump Syste ms • May require high initial capital cost • Require equipment maintenance 4-32 September 1992 Chapter 4—Site-Specific Industrial Storm Water BMPs Sorbents are materials that are capable of cleaning up spills through the chemical processes of adsorption and absorption. Sorben*- adsorb (an attraction to the outer surface of a material) or absorb (taken in by the material like d sponge) only when they come in contact with the sorbent materials. The sorbents must be mixed with a spill or the liquid must be passed through the sorbent. Sorbent materials come in many different forms from particles to foams. Often the particles are held together in structures called booms, pads, or socks. Sorbents include, but are not limited to, the following: • Common Materials (clays, sawdust, straw, and flyash)—Generally come in small particles that can be thrown onto a spill that is on a surface. The materials absorb the spill by taking up the liquid. • Polymers (polyurethane and polyolefin) —Come in the form of spheres, beads, or foam tablets. These materials absorb a chemical spill by taking up the liquid into their open-pore structure. • Activated Carbon—Comes in a powdered or granular form and can be mixed with liquids to remove pollutants. This sorbent works by adsorbing the organics to its surface and can be recycled and then reused by a process called regeneration. • "Universal Sorbent Material"—Is a silicate glass foam consisting of rounded particles that can absorb the material. When and Where to Use Them Sorbents are useful BMPs for facilities with liquid materials onsite. Timing is important for these practices. To be effective as a storm water BMP, cleanup must take place before a rainfall. Sorbents are often used in conjunction with curbing to provide cleanup of small spills within a containment area. "Universal Sorbent Materials" are suitable for use on many compounds including acids, alkalis, alcohols, aldehydes, arsenate, ketones, petroleum products, and chlorinated solvents. Activated carbon is useful for adsorbing many organic compounds. Organics that are diluted in water can be passed through a column that is filled with the activated carbon material to remove the organics, or the activated carbon can be mixed into the water and can then be filtered out. Polyurethane is good with chemical liquids such as benzene, chlorinated solvents, epicholorhydrin, and phenol. Polyolefin is used to remove organic solvents, such as phenol and various chlorinated solvents. The beads and spheres are usually mixed into a spill by use of a blower and then are skimmed from the top surface by use of an oil boom. More common materials such as clay, sawdust, straw, and fly-ash can be used for a liquid spill on a surface that is relatively impenetrable, and are usually spread over the spill area with shovels. Booms, pads, and socks are also useful in areas where there are small liquid spills or drips or where small amounts of solids may mix with small amounts of storm water runoff. They can function September 1992 4-33 Chapter 4— Site-Specific Industrial Storm Water BMPs both to absorb the pollutants from the storm water and restrict the movement of a spill. Socks are often used together with curbing to clean up small spills. What to Consider Because sorbents work by a chemical or physical reaction, some sorbents are better than others for certain types of spills. Therefore, the use of sorbents requires that personnel know the properties of the spilled material(s) to know which sorbent is appropriate. To be effective, sorbents must adsorb the material spilled but must not react with the spilled material to form hazardous or toxic substances. Follow the manufacturers' recommendations. For sorbents to be effective, they must be applied immediately in the release area. The use of sorbent material is generally very simple: the sorbent is added to the area of release, mixed well, and allowed to adsorb or absorb. Many sorbents are not reusable once they have been used. Proper disposal is required. _ Advantages of Sorbents _ • Work in water environments (booms and socks) • Offer recycling opportunities (some types of sorbents) _ Disadvantages of Sorbents • Require a knowledge of the chemical makeup of a spill (to choose the best sorbent) • Offer no recycling opportunities (some types of sorbents) • May be expensive practice for large spills • May create disposal problems and increase disposal costs by creating a solid waste and potentially a hazardous waste. 4-34 September 1992 Chapter 4—Site-Specific Industrial Storm Water BMPs Gelling agents are materials that interact with liquids either physically or chemically (i.e., thickening or polymerization). Some of the typical gelling agents are polyelectrolytes, polyacrylamide, butylstyrene copolymers, polyacrylonitrile, polyethylene oxide, and a gelling agent referred to as the universal gelling agent which is a combination of these synthetics. Gelling interacts with a material by concentrating and congealing it to become semisolid. The semisolid gel later forms a solid material, which can then be cleaned up by manual or mechanical methods. The BMP of using a gelling agent is one of the few ways to effectively control a liquid spill before it reaches a receiving water or infiltrates into the soil and then ground water. When and Where to Use Them Gelling agents are useful for facilities with significant amounts of liquid materials stored onsite. Gels cannot be used to clean up spills on surface water unless authorized by the U.S. Coast Guard or EPA Regional Response Team. What to Consider Gels can be used to stop the liquid's flow on land, prevent its seeping into the soil, and reduce the surface spreading of a spill. Because of these properties, gels can reduce the need for extensive cleanup methods and reduce the possibility of storm water contamination from an uncontrolled industrial spill. As with sorbents, the use of gels simply involves the addition of the gel to the area of the spill, mixing well, and allowing the mass to congeal. To use gels correctly, however, personnel need to know the properties of the spilled materials so that they can choose the correct gel. Timing is particularly important for gelling agent use. To prevent the movement of materials, gelling agents must be applied immediately after the spill. The use of gelling agents results in a large bulk of congealed mass that usually cannot be separated. Ultimately, this mass will need to be cleaned up by manual or mechanical methods and disposed of properly. September 1992 4-35 Chapter 4—Site-Specific Industrial Storm Water BMPs Advantages of Gelling Agents • Stop the movement of spilled or released liquid materials • Require no permanent structure Disadvantages of Gelling Agents • May require knowledge of the spilled materials to select correct gelling agents • Usually offer no recycling opportunities • May be difficult to clean up • May create disposal problems and increase disposal costs by creating a solid waste and potentially a hazardous waste 4-36 September 1992 Chapter 4— Site-Specific Industrial Storm Water BMPs 4.4 OTHER PREVENTIVE PRACTICES A number of preventive measures can be taken at industrial sites to limit or prevent the exposure of storm water runoff to contaminants. This section describes a few of the most easily implemented measures: • Preventive Monitoring Practices • Dust Control (Land Disturbance and Demolition Areas) • Dust Control (Industrial) • Signs and Labels • Security • Area Control Procedures • Vehicle Washing. September 1992 4-37 Chapter 4— Site-Specific Industrial Storm Water BMPs Preventive Monitoring Practices What Arc They Preventive monitoring practices include the routine observation of a process or piece of equipment to ensure its safe performance. It may also include the chemical analysis of storm water before discharge to the environment. When and Where to Use Them Automatic Monitoring System —In areas where overflows, spills, and catastrophic leaks are possible, an automatic monitoring system is recommended. Some Federal, State, and local laws require such systems to be present if threats exist to the health and safety of personnel and the environment. For material management areas, monitoring may include liquid level detectors, pressure and temperature gauges, and pressure-relief devices. In material transfer, process, and material handling areas, automatic monitoring systems can include pressure drop shutoff devices, flow meters, thermal probes, valve position indicators, and operation lights. Loading and unloading operations might use these devices for measuring the volume of tanks before loading, for weighing vehicles or containers, and for determining rates of flow during loading and unloading. Automatic Chemical Monitoring —Measures the quality of plant runoff to determine whether discharge is appropriate or whether diversion to a treatment system is warranted. Such systems might monitor pH, turbidity, or conductivity. These parameters might be monitored in diked areas, sewers, drainage ditches, or holding ponds. Systems can also be designed to signal automatic diversion of contaminated storm water runoff to a holding pond (e.g., a valve or a gate could be triggered by a certain pollutant in the storm water runoff). Manned Operations-In material transfer areas and process areas, personnel can be stationed to watch over the operations so that any spills or mismanagement of materials can be corrected immediately. This is particularly useful at loading and unloading areas where vehicles or equipment must be maneuvered into the proper position to unload (see Vehicle Positioning BMP). Nondestructive Testing —Some situations require that a storage tank or a pipeline system be tested without being physically moved or disassembled. The structural integrity of tanks, valves, pipes, joints, welds, and other equipment can be tested using nondestructive methods. Acoustic emission tests use high frequency sound waves to draw a picture of the structure to reveal cracks, malformations, or other structural damage. Another type of testing is hydrostatic pressure testing. During pressure testing, the tank or pipe is subjected to pressures several times the normal pressure. A loss in pressure during the testing may indicate a leak or some other structural damage. Tanks and containers should be pressure tested as required by Federal, State, or local regulations. What to Consider Automated monitoring systems should be placed in an area where plant personnel can easily observe the measurements. Alarms can be used in conjunction with the measurement display to warn personnel. Manned operations should have communication systems available for getting help in case spills or leaks occur. Especially sensitive or spill-prone areas may require back-up instrumentation in case the primary instruments malfunction. 4-38 September 1992 Chapter 4—Site-Specific Industrial Storm Water BMPs Mechanical and electronic equipment should be operated and maintained according to the manufacturers' recommendations. Equipment should be inspected regularly to ensure proper and accurate operation. The pollution prevention team, in consultation with a certified safety inspector, should evaluate system monitoring requirements to decide which systems are appropriate based on hazard potential. Advantages of Preventive Monitoring Practices • Pressure and vacuum testing can locate potential leaks or damage to vessels early. The primary benefit of such testing is in ensuring the safety of personnel, but it also has secondary benefits including prevention of storm water contamination. • Automatic system monitors allow for early warnings if a leak, overflow, or catastrophic incident is imminent. • Manning operations, especially during loading and unloading activities, is effective and generally inexpensive. • The primary benefit of nondestructive testing is in ensuring the safety of personnel, but it also has secondary benefits including early detection of the potential for contaminating storm water runoff. Disadvantages of Preventive Monitoring Practices • Plant personnel often do not have the expertise to maintain automatic equipment. • Automatic equipment can fail without warning. • Automated process control and monitoring equipment may be expensive to purchase and operate September 1992 4-39 Chapter 4 —Site-Specific Industrial Storm Water BMPs Dust Control (Land Disturbance and Demolition Areas) What Is It Dust controls for land disturbance and demolition areas are any controls that reduce the potential for particles being carried through air or water. Types of dust control are: • Irrigation —Irrigation is a temporary measure involving a light application of water to moisten the soil surface. The process should be repeated as necessary. • Minimization of Denuded Areas —Minimizing soil exposure reduces the amount of soil available for transport and erosion. Soil exposure can be lessened by temporary or permanent soil stabilization controls, such as seeding, mulching, topsoiling, crushed stone or coarse gravel spreading, or tree planting. Maintaining existing vegetation on a site will also help control dust. • Wind Breaks—Wind breaks are temporary or permanent barriers that reduce airborne particles by slowing wind velocities (slower winds do not suspend particles). Leaving existing trees and large shrubs in place will create effective wind breaks. More temporary types of wind breaks are solid board fences, snow fences, tarp curtains, bales of hay, crate walls, and sediment walls. • Tillage —Deep plowing will roughen the soil surface to bring up to the surface cohesive clods of soil, which in turn rest on top of dusts, protecting them from wind and water erosion. This practice is commonly practiced in arid regions where establishing vegetation may take time. • Chemical Soil Treatments (palliatives)—These are temporary controls that are applied to soil surfaces in the form of spray-on adhesives, such as anionic asphalt emulsion, latex emulsion, resin-water emulsions, or calcium chloride. The palliative is the chemical used. These should be used with caution as they may create pollution if not used correctly. When and Where to Use It Dust controls can be used on any site where dust may be generated and where the dust may cause onsite and offsite damage. Dust controls are especially critical in arid areas, where reduced rainfall levels expose soil particles for transport by air and runoff. This control should be used in conjunction with other sedimentation controls such as sediment traps. What to Consider To control dust during land disturbance and at demolition areas, exposure of soil should be limited as much as possible. When possible, work that causes soil disturbance or involves demolition should be done in phases and should be accompanied by temporary stabilization measures. These precautions will minimize the amount of soil that is disturbed at any one time and, therefore, control dust. Oil should not be used to control dust because of its high potential for polluting storm water discharges. Irrigation will be most effective if site drainage systems are checked to ensure that the right amount of water is used. Too much water can cause runoff problems. 4-40 September 1992 Chapter 4—Site-Specific Industrial Storm Water BMPs Chemical treatment is only effective on mineral soils, as opposed to muck soils, because the chemicals bond better to mineral soils. Therefore, it should be used only in arid regions. Vehicular traffic should be routed around chemically treated areas to avoid tracking of the chemicals. Certain chemicals may be inappropriate for some types of soils or application areas. For example, spraying chemicals on the soil of an industrial site adjacent to a school may be dangerous. Local governments usually have information about restrictions on the types of palliatives that may be used. Special consideration must be given to preserving ground water quality whenever chemicals are applied to the land. Since most of these techniques are temporary controls, sites should be inspected often and materials should be reapplied when needed. The frequency for these inspections depends on site- specific conditions, weather conditions, and the type of technique used. Advantages of Dust Control (Land Disturbance and Demolition Areas) • Can help prevent wind-and-water based erosion of disturbed areas and will reduce respiratory problems in employees • Some types can be implemented quickly at low cost and effort (except wind breaks) • Helps preserve the aesthetics of the site and screens certain activities from view (wind breaks) • Vegetative wind breaks are permanent and an excellent alternative to chemical use Disadvantages of Dust Control (Land Disturbance and Demolition Areas) • Some types are temporary and must be reapplied or replenished regularly • Some types are expensive (irrigation and chemical treatment) and may be ineffective under certain conditions • May result in health and/or environmental hazards, e.g., if overapplication of the chemicals leaves large amounts exposed to wind and rain erosion or ground water contamination • May create excess runoff that the site was not designed to control (irrigation) • May cause increased offsite tracking of mud (irrigation) • Is not as effective as chemical treatment or mulching and seeding; requires land space that may not be available at all locations (wind breaks) September 1992 4-41 Chapter 4—Site-Specific Industrial Storm Water BMPs Dust Control (Industrial) What Is It Dust controls for material handling areas are controls that prevent pollutants from entering storm water discharges by reducing the surface and air transport of dust caused by industrial activities. Consider the following types of controls: • Water spraying • Negative pressure systems (vacuum systems) • Collector systems (bag and cyclone) • Filter systems • Street sweeping. The purpose of industrial dust control is to collect or contain dusts to prevent storm water runoff from carrying the dusts to the sewer collection system or to surface waters. When and Where to Use It Dust control is useful in any process area, loading and unloading area, material handling areas, and transfer areas where dust is generated. Street sweeping is limited to areas that are paved. What to Consider Mechanical dust collection systems are designed according to the size of dust particles and the amount of air to be processed. Manufacturers' recommendations should be followed for installation (as well as the design of the equipment). If water sprayers are used, dust-contaminated waters should be collected and taken for treatment. Areas will probably need to be resprayed to keep dust from spreading. Two kinds of street sweepers are common: brush and vacuum. Vacuum sweepers are more efficient and work best when the area is dry. Mechanical equipment should be operated according to the manufacturers' recommendations and should be inspected regularly. 4-42 September 1992 Chapter 4—Site-Specific Industrial Storm Water BMPs Advantages of Dust Control (Industrial) • May cause a-decrease of respiratory problems in employees around the site • May cause less material to be lost and may therefore save money • Provides efficient collection of larger dust particles (street sweepers) Disadvantages of Dust Control (Industrial) • Is generally more expensive than manual systems • May be impossible to maintain by plant personnel (the more elaborate equipment) • Is labor and equipment intensive and may not be effective for all pollutants (street sweepers) September 1992 4-43 Chapter 4—Site-Specific Industrial Storm Water BMPs Signs and Labels What Are They Signs and labels identify problem areas or hazardous materials at a facility. Warning signs, often found at industrial facilities, are a good way to suggest caution in certain areas. Signs and labels can also provide instructions on the use of materials and equipment. Labelling is a good way to organize large amounts of materials, pipes, and equipment, particularly on large sites. Labels tell material type and container contents. Accurate labeling can help facilities to quickly identify the type of material released so facility personnel can respond correctly. Two effective labeling methods include color coding and Department of Transportation (DOT) labeling. Color coding is easily recognized by facility personnel and simply involves painting/coating or applying an adhesive label to the container. Color codes must be consistent throughout the facility to be effective, and signs explaining the color codes should be posted in all areas. DOT requires that labels be prominently displayed on transported hazardous and toxic materials. Labeling required by DOT could be expanded to piping and containers, making it easy to recognize materials that are corrosive, radioactive, reactive, flammable, explosive, or poisonous. When and Where to Use Them Signs and labels can be used at all types of facilities. Areas where they are particularly useful are material transfer areas, equipment areas, loading and unloading areas, or anywhere information might prevent contaminants from being released to storm water. 4-44 September 1992 Chapter 4—Site-Specific Industrial Storm Water BMPs What to Consider Signs and labels should be visible and easy to read. Useful signs and labels might provide the following information: • Names of facility and regulatory personnel, including emergency phone numbers, to contact in case of an accidental discharge, spill, or other emergency • Proper uses of equipment that could cause release of storm water contaminants • Types of chemicals used in high-risk areas • The direction of drainage lines/ditches and their destination (treatment or discharge) • Information on a specific material • Refer to OSHA standards for sizes and numbers of signs required for hazardous material labeling. Hazardous chemicals might be labeled as follows • Danger • Combustible • Warning • Caution • Flammable Periodic checks can ensure that signs are still in i labels should be replaced and repaired as often a: • Poisonous • Caustic • Corrosive • Volatile • Explosive ace and labels are properly attached. Signs and necessary. Advantages of Signs and Labels • Are inexpensive and easily used Disadvantages of Signs and Labels • Must be updated and maintained so they are legible September 1992 4-45 Chapter 4—Site-Specific Industrial Storm Viator BMPs Setting up a security system as part of your Plan could help prevent an accidental or intentional release of materials to storm water runoff as a result of vandalism, theft, sabotage, or other improper uses of facility property. If your facility already has a security system, consider improving it by training security personnel about the specifics of the Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan. Routine patrol, lighting, and access control are discussed below as possible measures to include in your facility's security system. When and Where to Use It Routine patrol, lighting, and access control are measures that can be used at any facility. What to Consider Security information could be included in the existing training required by the Plan to instruct personnel about where and how to patrol areas within the facility. Instruction might also include what to look for in problem areas and how to respond to problems. During routine patrol, security personnel can actively search the facility site for indications of spills, leaks, or other discharges; respond to any disturbance resulting from intruders or inappropriate facility operations; and generally work as a safeguard to prevent unexpected events. Routine patrols could be an effective pan of the Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan, especially for large facilities with established security measures. To make this practice effective, security personnel can help develop the Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan, possibly with one person acting as a member of the pollution prevention committee. Sufficient lighting throughout the facility during daytime and night hours will make it easier to get to equipment during checks and will make it easy to detect spills and leaks that might otherwise be hidden. Routine patrols are also easier with proper lighting. Controlling access to the industrial site is an important part of plant security and of activity and traffic control. Signs, fencing, guard houses, dog patrols, and visitor clearance requirements are often used to control site access. • Signs are the simplest, most inexpensive method of access control, but they are limited in their actual control since they provide no physical barriers and require that people obey them voluntarily. • Fencing provides a physical barrier to the facility site and an added means of security. • Guard houses used with visitor rules can help to ensure that only authorized personnel enter the facility site and can limit vehicular traffic as well. • Traffic signs are also useful at facility sites. Restricting vehicles to paved roads and providing direction and warning signs can help prevent accidents. Where restricting vehicles to certain pathways is not possible, it is important to ensure that all above-ground valves and pipelines are well marked. 4-46 September 1992 Chapter 4—Site-Specific Industrial Storm Water BMPs Advantages of Security • Provides a preventive safeguard to operational malfunctions or other facility disturbances (routine patrols) • Allows easier detection of vandals or thieves (lighting) • Allows easier detection of spills, leaks, or other releases (lighting) • Prevents spills by providing good visibility (lighting) • Prevents unauthorized access to facility (access control) Disadvantages of Security • May not be feasible for smaller facilities • May be costly (e.g., installation of lighting systems) • May increase energy costs as a result of additional lighting • May not be feasible to have extensive access controls at smaller facilities September 1992 4-47 Chapter 4— Site-Specific Industrial Storm Water BMPs Area Control Procedures What Are They The activities conducted at an industrial site often result in the materials being deposited on clothes and footwear and the being carried throughout the facility site. As a result, these materials may find their way into the storm water runoff. Area control procedures involve practicing good housekeeping measures such as maintaining indoor or covered material storage and industrial processing areas. If the area is kept clean, the risk of accumulating materials on footwear and clothing is reduced. In turn, the chance of left over pollutants making contact with storm water and polluting surface water is minimized. When and Where to Use Them Area control measures can be used at any facility where materials may be tracked into areas where they can come in contact with storm water runoff. Areas can include material handling areas, storage areas, or process areas. What to Consider Materials storage areas and industrial processing areas should be checked regularly to ensure that good housekeeping measures are being implemented. Cover-garments, foot mats, and other devices used to collect residual material near the area should be cleaned regularly. Other effective practices include the following: • Brushing off clothing before leaving the area • Stomping feet to remove material before leaving the area • Using floor mats at area exits • Using coveralls, smocks, and other overgarments in areas where exposure to material is of greatest concern (employees should remove the overgarments before leaving the area) • Posting signs to remind employees about these practices. Advantages of Area Control Procedures • Are easy to implement • Result in a cleaner facility and improved work environment Disadvantage of Area Control Procedures • May be seen as tedious by employees and therefore may not be followed 4-48 September 1992 Chapter 4 —Site-Specific Industrial Storm Water BMPs Materials that accumulate on vehicles and then scatter across industrial sites represent an important source of storm water contamination. Vehicle washing removes materials such as site- specific dust and spilled materials that have accumulated on the vehicle. If not removed, residual material will be spread by gravity, wind, snow, or rainfall as the vehicles move across the facility site and off the site. When and Where to Use It This practice is appropriate for any facility where vehicles come into contact with raw materials on a site. If possible, the vehicle washing area should be built near the location where the most vehicle activity occurs. Wastewater from vehicle washing should be directed away from process materials to prevent contact. Those areas include material transfer areas, loading and unloading areas, or areas located just before the site exit. What to Consider When considering the method of vehicle washing, the facility should consider using a high-pressure water spray with no detergent additives. In general, water will adequately remove contaminants from the vehicle. If detergents are used, they may cause other environmental impacts. Phosphate- or organic-containing compounds should be avoided. September 1992 4-49 Chapter 4— Site-Specific Industrial Storm Water BMPs If this practice is considered, truck wash waters will result in a non-storm water discharge, thus requiring an application for an NPDES permit to cover the discharge. Blowers or vacuums should be considered where the materials are dry end easily removed by air. _ Advantages of Vehicle Washing _ • Prevents dispersion of materials across the facility site • Is necessary only where methods for transferring contained materials and minimizing exposure ha ve not been successfully adopted and implemented __ Disadvantag es of Vehicle Washing _ • May be costly to construct a truck washing facility __ 4-50 September 1992 Chapter 4 — Site-Specific Industrial Storm Water BMPs 4.5 SEDIMENT AND EROSION PREVENTION PRACTICES Any site where soils~are exposed to water, wind or ice can have soil erosion and sedimentation problems. Erosion is a natural process in which soil and rock material is loosened and removed. Sedimentation occurs when soil particles are suspended in surface runoff or wind and are deposited in streams and other water bodies. Human activities can accelerate erosion by removing vegetation, compacting or disturbing the soil, changing natural drainage patterns, and by covering the ground with impermeable surfaces (pavement, concrete, buildings). When the land surface is developed or "hardened" in this manner, storm water and snowmelt can not seep into or "infiltrate" the ground. This results in larger amounts of water moving more quickly across a site which can carry more sediment and other pollutants to streams and rivers. EPA's General Permit requires that all industries identify in their Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plans areas that may have a high potential for soil erosion. This includes areas with such heavy activity that plants cannot grow, soil stockpiles, stream banks, steep slopes, construction areas, demolition areas, and any area where the soil is disturbed, denuded (stripped of plants), and subject to wind and water erosion. EPA further requires that you take steps to limit this erosion. There are seven ways to limit and control sediment and erosion on your site: • Leave as much vegetation (plants) onsite as possible. • Minimize the time that soil is exposed. • Prevent runoff from flowing across disturbed areas (divert the flow to vegetated areas). • Stabilizing the disturbed soils as soon as possible. • Slow down the runoff flowing across the site. • Provide drainage ways for the increased runoff (use grassy swales rather than concrete drains). • Remove sediment from storm water runoff before it leaves the site. Using these measures to control erosion and sedimentation is an important part of storm water management. Selecting the best set of sediment and erosion prevention measures for your industry depends upon the nature of the activities on your site (i.e., how much construction or land disturbance there is) and other site-specific conditions (soil type, topography, climate, and season). Section 4.5.1 discusses some temporary and permanent ways to stabilize your site. Section 4.5.2 describes more structural ways to control sediment and erosion. In some arid regions, growing vegetation to prevent erosion may be difficult. The local Soil Conservation Service Office or County Extension Office can provide information on any special measures necessary to promote the establishment of vegetation. 4.5.1 Vegetative Practices Preserving existing vegetation or revegetating disturbed soil as soon as possible after construction is the most effective way to control erosion. A vegetation cover reduces erosion potential in four ways: (1) by shielding the soil surface from direct erosive impact of raindrops; (2) by improving September 1992 4-51 Chapter 4— Site-Specific Industrial Storm Water BMPs the soil's water storage porosity and capacity so more water can infiltrate into the ground, (3) by slowing the runoff and allowing the sediment to drop out or deposit; and (4) by physically holding the soil in place with- plant roots. Vegetative cover can be grass, trees, shrubs, bark, mulch, or straw. Grasses are the most common type of cover used for revegetation because they grow quickly, providing erosion protection within days. Other soil stabilization practices such as straw or mulch may be used during non-growing seasons to prevent erosion. Newly planted shrubs and trees establish root systems more slowly, so keeping existing ones is a more effective practice. Vegetative and other site stabilization practices can be either temporary or permanent controls. Temporary controls provide a cover for exposed or disturbed areas for short periods of time or until permanent erosion controls are put in place. Permanent vegetative practices are used when activities that disturb the soil are completed or when erosion is occurring on a site that is otherwise stabilized. The remainder of this section describes the common vegetative practices listed below: • Preservation of Natural Vegetation • Buffer Zones • Stream Bank Stabilization • Mulching, Matting, and Netting • Temporary Seeding • Permanent Seeding and Planting • Sodding • Chemical Stabilization. 4-52 September 1992 Chapter 4 — Site-Specific Industrial Storm Water BMPs The preservation of natural vegetation (existing trees, vines, brushes, and grasses) provides natural buffer zones. By preserving stabilized areas, it minimizes erosion potential, protects water quality, and provides aesthetic benefits. This practice is used as a permanent control measure. When and Where to Use It This technique is applicable to all types of sites. Areas where preserving vegetation can be particularly beneficial are floodplains, wetlands, stream banks, steep slopes, and other areas where erosion controls would be difficult to establish, install, or maintain. What to Consider Preservation of vegetation on a site should be planned before any site disturbance begins. Preservation requires good site management to minimize the impact of construction activities on existing vegetation. Clearly mark the trees to be preserved and protect them from ground disturbances around the base of the tree. Proper maintenance is important to ensure healthy vegetation that can control erosion. Different species, soil types, and climatic conditions will require different maintenance activities such as mowing, fertilizing, liming, irrigation, pruning, and weed and pest control. Some State/local regulations require natural vegetation to be preserved in sensitive areas; consult the appropriate State/local agencies for more information on their regulations. Maintenance should be performed regularly, especially during construction. Advantages of Preservation of Natural Vegetation • Can handle higher quantities of storm water runoff than newly seeded areas • Does not require time to establish {i.e., effective immediately) • Increases the filtering capacity because the vegetation and root structure are usually denser in preserved natural vegetation than in newly seeded or base areas • Enhances aesthetics • Provides areas for infiltration, reducing the quantity and velocity of storm water runoff • Allows areas where wildlife can remain undisturbed • Provides noise buffers and screens for onsite operations • Usually requires less maintenance (e.g., irrigation, fertilizer) than planting new vegetation Disadvantages of Preservation of Natural Vegetation • Requires planning to preserve and maintain the existing vegetation • May not be cost effective with high land costs • May constrict area available for construction activities September 1992 4-53 4-54 September 1992 Chapter 4 —Site-Specific Industrial Storm Water BMPs Buffer zones are vegetated strips of land used for temporary or permanent water quality benefits. Buffer zones are used to decrease the velocity of storm water runoff, which in turn helps to prevent soil erosion. Buffer zones are different from vegetated filter strips (see section on Vegetated Filter Strips) because buffer zone effectiveness is not measured by its ability to improve infiltration (allow water to go into the ground). The buffer zone can be an area of vegetation that is left undisturbed during construction, or it can be newly planted. Parting ** FIGURE 4.11 EXAMPLE BUFFER ZONE (Modified from Washington State, 1992) When and Where to Use Them Buffer zones technique can be used at any site that can support vegetation. Buffer zones are particularly effective on floodplains, next to wetlands, along stream banks, and on steep, unstable slopes. What to Consider If buffer zones are preserved, existing vegetation, good planning, and site management are needed to protect against disturbances such as grade changes, excavation, damage from equipment, and other activities. Establishing new buffer strips requires the establishment of a good dense turf, trees, and shrubs (see Permanent Seeding and Planting). Careful maintenance is important to ensure healthy vegetation. The need for routine maintenance such as mowing, fertilizing, liming, irrigating, pruning, and weed and pest control will depend on the species of plants and trees involved, soil types, and climatic conditions. Maintaining planted areas may require debris removal and protection against unintended uses or traffic. Many State/local storm water program or zoning September 1992 4-55 agencies have regulations which define required or allowable buffer zones especially near sensitive areas such as wetlands. Contact the appropriate State/local agencies for their requirements. Advantages of Buffer Zones _ • Provide aesthetic as well as water quality benefits • Provide areas for infiltration, which reduces amount and speed of storm water runoff • Provide areas for wildlife habitat • Provide areas for recreation • Provide buffers and screens for onsite noise if trees or large bushes are used • Low maintenance requirements • Low cos t when using existing vegetation ______ Disa dvantages of Buffer Zones ___ • May not be cost effective to use if the cost of land is high • Are not feasible if land is not available • Require plant growth before they are effective___ 4-56 September 1992 Chapter 4 —Site-Specific Industrial Storm Water BMPs Stream Bank Stabilization What Is It Stream bank stabilization is used to prevent stream bank erosion from high velocities and quantities of storm water runoff. Typical methods include the following: • Riprap-Large angular stones placed along the stream bank or lake • Gabion-Rock-filled wire cages that are used to create a new stream bank • Reinforced Concrete-Concrete bulkheads and retaining walls that replace natural stream banks and create a nonerosive surface • Log Cribbing-Retaining walls built of logs to anchor the soils against erosive forces. Usually built on the outside of stream bends • Grid Pavers-Precast or poured-in-place concrete units that are placed along stream banks to stabilize the stream bank and create open spaces where vegetation can be established • Asphalt-Asphalt paving that is placed along the natural stream bank to create a nonerosive surface. When and Where to Use It Stream bank stabilization is used where vegetative stabilization practices are not practical and where the stream banks are subject to heavy erosion from increased flows or disturbance during construction. Stabilization should occur before any land development in the watershed area. Stabilization can also be retrofitted when erosion of a stream bank occurs. What to Consider Stream bank stabilization structures should be planned and designed by a professional engineer licensed in the State where the site is located. Applicable Federal, State, and local requirements should be followed, including Clean Water Act Section 404 regulations. An important design feature of stream bank stabilization methods is the foundation of the structure; the potential for the stream to erode the sides and bottom of the channel should be considered to make sure the stabilization measure will be supported properly. Structures can be designed to protect and improve natural wildlife habitats; for example, log structures and grid pavers can be designed to keep vegetation. Only pressure-treated wood should be used in log structures. Permanent structures should be designed to handle expected flood conditions. A well-designed layer of stone can be used in many ways and in many locations to control erosion and sedimentation. Riprap protects soil from erosion and is often used on steep slopes built with fill materials that are subject to harsh weather or seepage. Riprap can also be used for flow channel liners, inlet and outlet protection at culverts, stream bank protection, and protection of shore lines subject to wave action. It is used where water is turbulent and fast flowing and where soil may erode under the design flow conditions. It is used to expose the water to air as well as to reduce water energy. Riprap and gabion (wire mesh cages filled with rock) are usually placed over a filter blanket (i.e., a gravel layer or filter cloth). Riprap is either a uniform size or graded (different sizes) and is usually applied in an even layer throughout the stream. Reinforced concrete structures may require positive September 1992 4-57 Chapter 4 — Site-Specific Industrial Storm Water BMPs 3a Ivan' ztc ai re Mesn Grid Pavers -rOSS .OCS r 1oor blanking Bottom >1 og snug against ?anic i S -nucn as OOSS ’O'* Sue vie* Log Cribbing •OCX PIL 1 . EXISTING 9ANKLINC Riprap I6t ons Original River 3*o Er:d«a R^ver 9ed Gabion FIGURE 4.12 EXAMPLES OF STREAM BANK STABILIZATION PRACTICES (Modified from Commonwealth of Virginia, 1980, and Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, 1990) 4-58 September 1992 Chapter 4—Site-Specific Industrial Storm Water BMPs drainage behind the bulkhead or retaining wall to prevent erosion around the structure. Gabion and grid pavers should be installed according to manufacturers' recommendations. Stream bank stabilization structures should be inspected regularly and after each large storm event. Structures should be maintained as installed. Structural damage should be repaired as soon as possible to prevent further damage or erosion to the stream bank. Advantages of Stream Bank Stabilization • Can provide control against erosive forces caused by the increase in storm water flows created during land development • Usually will not require as much maintenance as vegetative erosion controls • May provide wildlife habitats • Forms a dense, flexible, self-healing cover that will adapt well to uneven surfaces (riprap) Disadvantages of Stream Bank Stabilization • Does not provide the water quality or aesthetic benefits that vegetative practices could • Should be designed by qualified professional engineers, which may increase project costs • May be expensive (materials costs) • May require additional permits for structure • May alter stream dynamics which cause changes in the channel downstream • May cause negative impacts to wildlife habitats September 1992 4-59 Chapter 4—Site-Specific Industrial Storm Water BMPs Mulching, Matting, and Netting What Are They Mulching is a temporary soil stabilization or erosion control practice where materials such as grass, hay, woodchips, wood fibers, straw, or gravel are placed on the soil surface. In addition to stabilizing soils, mulching can reduce the speed of storm water runoff over an area. When used together with seeding or planting, mulching can aid in plant growth by holding the seeds, fertilizers, and topsoil in place, by preventing birds from eating seeds, helping to retain moisture, and by insulating against extreme temperatures. Mulch mattings are materials (jute or other wood fibers) that have been formed into sheets of mulch that are more stable than normal mulch. Netting is typically made from jute, other wood fiber, plastic, paper, or cotton and can be used to hold the mulching and matting to the ground. Netting can also be used alone to stabilize soils while the plants are growing; however, it does not retain moisture or temperature well. Mulch binders (either asphalt or synthetic) are sometimes used instead of netting to hold loose mulches together. 4-60 September 1992 Chapter 4 —Site-Specific Industrial Storm Water BMPs When and Where to Use Them Mulching is often used alone in areas where temporary seeding cannot be used because of the season or climate. Mulching can provide immediate, effective, and inexpensive erosion control. On steep slopes and critical areas such as waterways, mulch matting is used with netting or anchoring to hold it in place. Mulch seeded and planted areas where slopes are steeper than 2:1, where runoff is flowing across the area, or when seedlings need protection from bad weather. What to Consider Use of mulch may or may not require a binder, netting, or the tacking of mulch to the ground. Effective netting and matting require firm, continuous contact between the materials and the soil, If there is no contact, the material will not hold the soil and erosion will occur underneath the material. Final grading is not necessary before mulching. Mulched areas should be inspected often to find where mulched material has been loosened or removed. Such areas should be reseeded (if necessary) and the mulch cover replaced immediately. Mulch binders should be applied at rates recommended by the manufacturer or, if asphalt is used, at rates of approximately 480 gallons per acre (Arapahoe County, 1988). Advantages of Mulching, Matting, and Netting • Provide immediate protection to soils that are exposed and that are subject to heavy erosion • Retain moisture, which may minimize the need for watering • Require no removal because of natural deterioration of mulching and matting Disadvantages of Mulching, Matting, and Netting • May delay germination of some seeds because cover reduces the soil surface temperature • Netting should be removed after usefulness is finished, then landfilled or composted September 1992 4-61 Chapter 4 — Site-Specific Industrial Storm Water BMPs Temporary Seeding What is It Temporary seeding means growing a short-term vegetative cover (plants) on disturbed site areas that may be in danger of erosion. The purpose of temporary seeding is to reduce erosion and sedimentation by stabilizing disturbed areas that will not be stabilized for long periods of time or where permanent plant growth is not necessary or appropriate. This practice uses fast-growing grasses whose root systems hold down the soils so that they are less apt to be carried offsite by storm water runoff or wind. Temporary seeding also reduces the problems associated with mud and dust from bare soil surfaces during construction. 1. Hydro-seeding 2. Standard Seeding A 3. Hand Seeding or Broadcast Seeding FIGURE 4.14 SEEDING PRACTICES (Modified from Washington State, 1992) When and Where to Use It Temporary seeding should be performed on areas which have been disturbed by construction and which are likely to be redisturbed, but not for several weeks or more. Typical areas might include denuded areas, soil stockpiles, dikes, dams, sides of sediment basins, and temporary roadbanks. Temporary seeding should take place as soon as practicable after the last land disturbing activity in an area. Check the requirements of your permit for the maximum amount of time allowed between the last disturbance of an area and temporary stabilization. Temporary seeding may not be an 4-62 September 1992 Chapter 4—Site-Specific Industrial Storm Water BMPs effective practice in arid and semi-arid regions where the climate prevents fast plant growth, particularly during the dry seasons. In those areas, mulching or chemical stabilization may be better for the short-term (see sections on Mulching, Geotextiles, and Chemical Stabilization). What to Consider Proper seed bed preparation and the use of high-quality seed are needed to grow plants for effective erosion control. Soil that has been compacted by heavy traffic or machinery may need to be loosened. Successful growth usually requires that the soil be tilled before the seed is applied. Topsoiling is not necessary for temporary seeding; however, it may improve the chances of establishing temporary vegetation in an area. Seed bed preparation may also require applying fertilizer and/or lime to the soil to make conditions more suitable for plant growth. Proper fertilizer, seeding mixtures, and seeding rates vary depending on the location of the site, soil types, slopes, and season. Local suppliers. State and local regulatory agencies, and the USDA Soil Conservation Service will supply information on the best seed mixes and soil conditioning methods. Seeded areas should be covered with mulch to provide protection from the weather. Seeding on slopes of 2:1 or more, in adverse soil conditions, during excessively hot or dry weather, or where heavy rain is expected should be followed by spreading mulch (see section on Mulching). Frequent inspections are necessary to check that conditions for growth are good. If the plants do not grow quickly or thick enough to prevent erosion, the area should be reseeded as soon as possible. Seeded areas should be kept adequately moist. If normal rainfall will not be enough, mulching, matting, and controlled watering should be done. If seeded areas are watered, watering rates should be watched so that over-irrigation (which can cause erosion itself) does not occur. Advantages of Temporary Seeding • Is generally inexpensive and easy to do • Establishes plant cover fast when conditions are good • Stabilizes soils well, is aesthetic, and can provide sedimentation controls for other site areas • May help reduce costs of maintenance on other erosion controls (e.g., sediment basins may need to be cleaned out less often) Disadvantages of Temporary Seeding • Depends heavily on the season and rainfall rate for success • May require extensive fertilizing of plants grown on some soils, which can cause problems with local water quality • Requires protection from heavy use, once seeded • May produce vegetation that requires irrigation and maintenance September 1992 4-63 Chapter 4—Site-Specific Industrial Storm Water BMPs Permanent Seeding and Planting What Is It Permanent seeding of grass and planting trees and brush provides stabilization to the soil by holding soil particles in place. Vegetation reduces sediments and runoff to downstream areas by slowing the velocity of runoff and permitting greater infiltration of the runoff. Vegetation also filters sediments, helps the soil absorb water, improves wildlife habitats, and enhances the aesthetics of a site. CN6 y’fca." FIGURE 4.15 ESTABLISHING PERMANENT COVER WITH VEGETATION (Modified from State of North Carolina, 1988) When and Where to Use It Permanent seeding and planting is appropriate for any graded or cleared area where long-lived plant cover is desired. Some areas where permanent seeding is especially important are filter strips buffer areas, vegetated swales, steep slopes, and stream banks. This practice is effective on areas w ere soils are unstable because of their texture, structure, a high water table, high winds, or high s ope. When seeding in northern areas during fall or winter, cover the area with mulch to provide a protective barrier against cold weather (see Mulching). Seeding should also be mulched if the seeded area slopes 4:1 or more, if soil is sandy or clayey, or if weather is excessively hot or dry P ant when conditions are most favorable for growth. When possible, use low-maintenance local plant species. Install all other erosion control practices such as dikes, basins, and surface runoff control measures before planting. What to Consider For this practice to work, it is important to select appropriate vegetation, prepare a good seedbed properly time planting, and water and fertilize. Planting local plants during their regular growing 4-64 September 1992 Chapter 4 — Site-Specific Industrial Storm Water BMPs season will increase the chances for success and may lessen the need for watering. Check seeded areas frequently for proper watering and growth conditions. Topsoil should be used on areas where topsoils have been removed, where the soils are dense or impermeable, or where mulching and fertilizers alone cannot improve soil quality. Topsoiling should be coordinated with the seeding and planting practices and should not be planned while the ground is frozen or too wet. Topsoil layers should be at least 2 inches deep (or similar to the existing topsoil depth). To minimize erosion and sedimentation, remove as little existing topsoil as possible. All site controls should be in place before the topsoil is removed. If topsoils are brought in from another site, it is important that its texture is compatible with the subsoils onsite; for example, sandy topsoils are not compatible with clay subsoils. Stockpiling of topsoils onsite requires good planning so soils will not obstruct other operations. If soil is to be stockpiled, consider using temporary seeding, mulching, or silt fencing to prevent or control erosion. Inspect the stockpiles frequently for erosion. After topsoil has been spread, inspect it regularly, and reseed or replace areas that have eroded. Advantages of Permanent Seeding and Planting • Improves the aesthetics of a site • Provides excellent stabilization • Provides filtering of sediments • Provides wildlife habitat • Is relatively inexpensive Disadvantages of Permanent Seeding and Planting • May require irrigation to establish vegetation • Depends initially on climate and weather for success September 1992 4-65 Chapter 4 — Site-Specific Industrial Storm Water BMPs Sodding What Is It Sodding stabilizes an area by establishing permanent vegetation, providing erosion and sedimentation controls, and providing areas where storm water can infiltrate the ground. '0001NG jy soa ~n i staccc^ec lAiz^rn. 1 - — I i - —L ',,A A ;1 /\ 1 SOL. so<3 n n 4tti y dATE* tn t a«otn of a n— MOW wnen Pit ma 'I astiBlIsnta FIGURE 4.16 SODDING (Modification from County of Fairfax, 1987) When and Where to Use It Sodding is appropriate for any graded or cleared area that might erode and where a permanent, long-lived plant cover is needed immediately. Examples of where sodding can be used are buffer zones, stream banks, dikes, swales, slopes, outlets, level spreaders, and filter strips. What to Consider The soil surface should be fine-graded before laying down the sod. Topsoil may be needed in areas where the soil textures are inadequate (see topsoil discussion in section on Permanent Seeding and Planting). Lime and fertilizers should be added to the soil to promote good growth conditions. Sodding can be applied in alternating strips or other patterns, or alternate areas can be seeded to reduce expense. Sod should not be planted during very hot or wet weather. Sod should not be placed on slopes that are greater than 3:1 if they are to be mowed. If placed on steep slopes, sod should be laid with staggered joints and/or be pegged. In areas such as steep slopes or next to 4-66 September 1992 Chapter 4— Site-Specific Industrial Storm Water BMPs running waterways, chicken wire, jute, or other netting can be placed over the sod for extra protection against lifting (see Mulching, Matting, and Netting). Rolled or compact immediately after installation to ensure firm contact with the underlying topsoil. Inspect the sod frequently after it is first installed, especially after large storm events, until it is established as permanent cover. Remove and replace dead sod. Watering may be necessary after planting and during periods of intense heat and/or lack of rain. Advantages of Sodding • Can provide immediate vegetative cover and erosion control • Provides more stabilizing protection than initial seeding through dense cover formed by sod • Produces lower weed growth than seeded vegetation • Can be used for site activities within a shorter time than can seeded vegetation • Can be placed at any time of the year as long as moisture conditions in the soil are favorable, except when the ground is frozen Disadvantages of Sodding • Purchase and installation costs are higher than for seeding • May require continued irrigation if the sod is placed during dry seasons or on sandy soils September 1992 4-67 Chapter 4 —Site-Specific Industrial Storm Water BMPs Chemical Stabilization What Is It Chemical stabilization practices, often referred to as a chemical mulch, soil binder, or soil palliative, are temporary erosion control practices. Materials made of vinyl, asphalt, or rubber are sprayed onto the surface of the soil to hold the soil in place and protect against erosion from storm water runoff and wind. Many of the products used for chemical stabilization are human-made, and many different products are on the market. When and Where to Use It Chemical stabilization can be used as an alternative in areas where temporary seeding practices cannot be used because of the season or climate. It can provide immediate, effective, and inexpensive erosion control anywhere erosion is occurring on a site. What to Consider The application rates and procedures recommended by the manufacturer of a chemical stabilization product should be followed as closely as possible to prevent the products from forming ponds and from creating large areas where moisture cannot get through. _ Advantages of Chemical Stabilization • Is easily applied to the surface of the soil • Is effective in stabilizing areas where plants will not grow • Provides immediate protection to soils that are in danger of erosion ____ Disadvantages of Chemical Stabiliz ation • Can create impervious surfaces (where water cannot get through), which may in turn increase the amount and speed of storm water runoff • May cause harmful effects on water quality if not used correctly • Is usually more expensive than vegetative cover 4-68 September 1992 Chapter 4—Site-Specific Industrial Storm Water BMPs 4.5.2 Structural Erosion Prevention and Sediment Control Practices Structural practices used in sediment and erosion control divert storm water flows away from exposed areas, convey runoff, prevent sediments from moving offsite, and can also reduce the erosive forces of runoff waters. The controls can either be used as permanent or temporary measures. Practices discussed include the following: • Interceptor Dikes and Swales • Pipe Slope Drains • Subsurface Drains • Filter Fence • Straw Bale Barrier • Brush Barrier • Gravel or Stone Filter Berm • Storm Drain Inlet Protection • Sediment Trap • Temporary Sediment Basin • Outlet Protection • Check Dams • Surface Roughening • Gradient Terraces. September 1992 4-69 Chapter 4 —Site-Specific Industrial Storm Water BMPs Interceptor Dikes and Swales What Are They Interceptor dikes (ridges of compacted soil) and swales (excavated depressions) are used to keep upslope runoff from crossing areas where there is a high risk of erosion. They reduce the amount and speed of flow and then guide it to a stabilized outfall (point of discharge) (see section on Outlet Protection) or sediment trapping area (see sections on Level Spreaders, Vegetated Filter Strips, Sediment Traps, and Temporary Sediment Basins). Interceptor dikes and swales divert runoff using a combination of earth dike and vegetated swale. Runoff is channeled away from locations where there is a high risk of erosion by placing a diversion dike or swale at the top of a sloping disturbed area. Dikes and swales also collect overland flow, changing it into concentrated flows (i.e., flows that are combined). Interceptor dikes and swales can be either temporary or permanent storm water control structures. TRAPEZOIDAL CROSS-SECTION PARABOLIC CROSS-SECTION FIGURE 4.17 TYPICAL INTERCEPTOR DIKES AND SWALES (Modified from State of Maryland, 1983) When and Where to Use Them Interceptor dikes and swales are generally built around the perimeter of a construction site before any major soil disturbing activity takes place. Temporary dikes or swales may also be used to protect existing buildings; areas, such as stockpiles; or other small areas that have not yet been fully stabilized. When constructed along the upslope perimeter of a disturbed or high-risk area (though not necessarily all the way around it), dikes or swales prevent runoff from uphill areas from crossing the unprotected slope. Temporary dikes or swales constructed on the down slope side of the disturbed or high-risk area will prevent runoff that contains sediment from leaving the site 4-70 September 1992 Chapter 4 —Site-Specific Industrial Storm Water BMPs before sediment is removed. For short slopes, a dike or swale at the top of the slope reduces the amount of runoff reaching the disturbed area. For longer slopes, several dikes or swales are placed across the slope at intervals. This practice reduces the amount of runoff that accumulates on the face of the slope and carries the runoff safely down the slope. In all cases, runoff is guided to a sediment trapping area or a stabilized outfall before release. What to Consider Temporary dikes and swales are used in areas of overland flow; if they remain in place longer than 15 days, they should be stabilized. Runoff channeled by a dike or swale should be directed to an adequate sediment trapping area or stabilized outfall. Care should be taken to provide enough slope for drainage but not too much slope to cause erosion due to high runoff flow speed. Temporary interceptor dikes and swales may remain in place as long as 1 2 to 1 8 months (with proper stabilization) or be rebuilt at the end of each day's activities. Dikes or swales should remain in place until the area they were built to protect is permanently stabilized. Interceptor dikes and swales can be permanent controls. However, permanent controls: should be designed to handle runoff after construction is complete; should be permanently stabilized; and should be inspected and maintained on a regular basis. Temporary and permanent control measures should be inspected once each week on a regular schedule and after every storm. Repairs necessary to the dike and flow channel should be made promptly. Advantages of Interceptor Dikes and Swales • Are simple and effective for channeling runoff away from areas subject to erosion • Can handle flows from large drainage areas • Are inexpensive because they use materials and equipment normally found onsite Disadvantages of Interceptor Dikes and Swales • If constructed improperly, can cause erosion and sediment transport since flows are conce * *ated • May cause problems to vegetation growth if water flow is too fast • Require additional maintenance, inspections, and repairs September 1992 4-71 Chapter 4—Site-Specific Industrial Storm Water BMPs Pipe Slope Drains What Are They Pipe slope drains reduce the risk of erosion by discharging runoff to stabilized areas. Made of flexible or rigid pipe, they carry concentrated runoff from the top to the bottom of a slope that has already been damaged by erosion or is at high risk for erosion. They are also used to drain saturated slopes that have the potential for soil slides. Pipe slope drains can be either temporary or permanent depending on the method of installation and material used. Discharge into a FIGURE 4.18 FLEXIBLE PIPE SLOPE DRAIN (Modified from State of Maryland, 1983) When and Where to Use Them tpe slope drains are used whenever it is necessary to convey water down a slope without causing erosion. They are especially effective before a slope has been stabilized or before permanent drainage structures are ready for use. Pipe slope drains may be used with other devices, including diversion dikes or swales, sediment traps, and level spreaders (used to spread out storm water runoff uniformly over the surface of the ground). Temporary pipe slope drains, usually flexible tu ing or conduit, may be installed prior to the construction of permanent drainage structures. Permanent slope drains may be placed on or beneath the ground surface; pipes, sectional downdrains, paved chutes, or clay tiles may be used. 4-72 September 1992 Chapter 4—Site-Specific Industrial Storm Water BMPs Paved chutes may be covered with a surface of concrete or other impenetrable material. Subsurface drains can be constructed of concrete, PVC, clay tile, corrugated metal, or other permanent material. What to Consider The drain design should be able to handle the volume of flow. The effective life span of a temporary pipe slope drain is up to 30 days after permanent stabilization has been achieved. The maximum recommended drainage area for pipe slope drains is 10 acres (Washington State, 1992). The inlets and outlets of a pipe slope drain should be stabilized. This means that a flared end section should be used at the entrance of the pipe. The soil around the pipe entrance should be fully compacted. The soil at the discharge end of the pipe should be stabilized with riprap (a combir jtion of large stones, cobbles, and boulders). The riprap should be placed along the bottom of a swale which leads to a sediment trapping structure or another stabilized area. Pipe slope drains should be inspected on a regular schedule and after any major storm. Be sure that the inlet from the pipe is properly installed to prevent bypassing the inlet and undercutting the structure. If necessary, install a headwall, riprap, or sandbags around the inlet. Check the outlet point for erosion and check the pipe for breaks or clogs. Install outlet protection if needed and promptly clear breaks and clogs. Advantages of Pipe Slope Drains • Can reduce or eliminate erosion by transporting runoff down steep slopes or by draining saturated soils • Are easy to install and require little maintenance Disadvantages of Pipe Slope Drains • Require that the area disturbed by the installation of the drain should be stabilized or it, too, will be subject to erosion • May clog during a large storm September 1992 4-73 Chapter 4—Site-Specific Industrial Storm Water BMPs Subsurface Drains What Are They A subsurface drain is a perforated pipe or conduit placed beneath the surface of the ground at a designed depth and grade. It is used to drain an area by lowering the water table. A high water table can saturate soils and prevent the growth of certain types of vegetation. Saturated soils on slopes will sometimes "slip" down the hill. Installing subsurface drains can help prevent these problems. 4-74 September 1992 Chapter 4—Site-Specific Industrial Storm Water BMPs When and Where to Use Them There are two types of subsurface drains: relief drains and interceptor drains. Relief drains are used to dewater an area where the water table is high. They may be placed in a gridiron, herringbone, or random pattern. Interceptor drains are used to remove water where sloping soils are excessively wet or subject to slippage. They are usually placed as single pipes instead of in patterns. Generally, subsurface drains are suitable only in areas where the soil is deep enough for proper installation. They are not recommended where they pass under heavy vehicle crossings. What to Consider Drains should be placed so that tree roots will not interfere with drainage pipes. The drain design should be adequate to handle the volume of flow. Areas disturbed by the installation of a drain should be stabilized or they, too, will be subject to erosion. The soil layer must be deep enough to allow proper installation. Backfill immediately after the pipe is placed. Material used for backfill should be open granular soil that is highly permeable. The outlet should be stabilized and should direct sediment-laden storm water runoff to a sediment trapping structure or another stabilized area. Inspect subsurface drains on a regular schedule and check for evidence of pipe breaks or clogging by sediment, debris, or tree roots. Remove blockage immediately, replace any broken sections, and restabilize the surface. If the blockage is from tree roots, it may be necessary to relocate the drain. Check inlets and outlets for sediment or debris. Remove and dispose of these materials properly. Advantages of Subsurface Drains • Provide an effective method for stabilizing wet sloping soils • Are an effective way to lower the water table Disadvantages of Subsurface Drains • May be pierced and clogged by tree roots • Should not be installed under heavy vehicle crossings • Cost more than surface drains because of the expenses of excavation for installation September 1992 4-75 Chapter 4—Site-Specific Industrial Storm Water BMPs A silt fence, also called a "filter fence," is a temporary measure for sedimentation control. It usually consists of posts with filter fabric stretched across the posts and sometimes with a wire support fence. The lower edge of the fence is vertically trenched and covered by backfill. A silt fence is used in small drainage areas to detain sediment. These fences are most effective where there is overland flow (runoff that flows over the surface of the ground as a thin, even layer) or in minor swales or drainageways. They prevent sediment from entering receiving waters. Silt fences are also used to catch wind blown sand and to create an anchor for sand dune creation. Aside from the traditional wooden post and filter fabric method, there are several variations of silt fence installation including silt fence which can be purchased with pockets presewn to accept use of steel fence posts. Extension of fabric and wire into the trench FIGURE 4.20 FILTER FENCE DETAILS (Modified from State of North Carolina, 1988; and State of Wisconsin, 1988) When and Where to Use It A silt fence should be installed prior to major soil disturbance in the drainage area. Such a structure is only appropriate for drainage areas of 1 acre or less with velocities of 0.5 cfs or less (Washington State, 1992). The fence should be placed across the bottom of a slope or minor drainageway along a line of uniform elevation (perpendicular to the direction of flow). It can be used at the outer boundary of the work area. However, the fence does not have to surround the 4-76 September 1t92 Chapter 4 — Site-Specific Industrial Storm Water BMPs work area completely. In addition, a silt fence is effective where sheet and rill erosion may be a problem. Silt fences should not be constructed in streams or swales. What to Consider A silt fence is not appropriate for a large area or where the flow rate is greater than 0.5 cfs. This type of fence can be more effective than a straw bale barrier if properly installed and maintained. It may be used in combination with other erosion and sediment practices. The effective life span for a silt fence is approximately 6 months. During this period, the fence requires frequent inspection and prompt maintenance to maintain its effectiveness. Inspect the fence after each rainfall. Check for areas where runoff eroded a channel beneath the fence, or where the fence was caused to sag or collapse by runoff flowing over the top. Remove and properly dispose of sediment when it is one-third to one-half the height of the fence or after each storm. Advantages of a Filter Fence • Removes sediments and prevents downstream damage from sediment deposits • Reduces the speed of runoff flow • Minimal clearing and grubbing required for installation • Inexpensive Disadvantages of a Filter Fence • May result in failure from improper choice of pore size in the filter fabric or improper installation • Should not be used in streams • Is only appropriate for small drainage areas with overland flow • Frequent inspection and maintenance is necessary to ensure effectiveness September 1992 4-77 Chapter 4—Site-Specific Industrial Storm Water BMPs Straw bales can be used as a temporary sediment barrier. They are placed end to end in a shallow excavated trench (with no gaps in between) and staked into place. If properly installed, they can detain sediment and reduce flow velocity from small drainage areas. A straw bale barrier prevents sediment from leaving the site by trapping the sediment in the barrier while allowing the runoff to pass through. It can also be used to decrease the velocity of sheetflow or channel flows of low-to- moderate levels. FIGURE 4.21 CROSS SECTION OF A PROPERLY INSTALLED STRAW BALE BARRIER (Modified from State of Wisconsin, 1988) When and Where to Use It A straw bale barrier should be installed prior to major soil disturbance in the drainage area. This type of barrier is placed perpendicular to the flow, across the bottom of a slope or minor drainageway where there is sheetflow. It can be used at the perimeter of the work area, although is does not have to surround it completely. It can also be very effective when used in combination with other erosion and sediment control practices. A straw bale barrier may be used where the length of slope behind the barrier is less than 1 00 feet and where the slope is less than 2:1. What to Consider The success of a straw bale barrier depends on proper installation. The bales must be firmly staked into the entrenchment and the entrenchment must be properly backfilled. To function effectively, the bales must be placed end to end and there can be no gaps between the bales. Straw bale barriers are useful for approximately 3 months. They must be inspected and repaired immediately after each rainfall or daily if there is prolonged rainfall. Damaged straw bales require 4-78 September 1992 Chapter 4 — Site-Specific Industrial Storm Water BMPs immediate replacement. After each storm, or on a regular basis, trapped sediments must be removed and disposed of properly. Advantages of a Straw Bale Barrier • Can prevent downstream damage from sediment deposits if properly installed, used, and maintained • Can be an inexpensive way to reduce or prevent erosion Disadvantages of a Straw Bale Barrier • May not be used in streams or large swales • Poses a risk of washouts if the barrier is installed improperly or a storm is severe • Has a short life span and a high inspection and maintenance requirement • Is appropriate for only small drainage areas • Is easily subject to misuse and can contribute to sediment problems September 1992 4-79 Chapter 4—Site-Specific Industrial Storm Water BMPs A brush barrier is a temporary sediment barrier constructed from materials resulting from onsite clearing and grubbing. It is usually constructed at the bottom perimeter of the disturbed area. Filter fabric is sometimes used as an anchor over the barrier to increase its filtering efficiency. Brush barriers are used to trap and retain small amounts of sediment by intercepting the flow from small areas of soil disturbance. p-/fer Pabric. OreptP 0 Ytr 8 r*fh PJ*. f Soured in Trend* <*lk Compacted 8a cap,// Anchor ^ou/nkiH Srush Barrier tu'if par fined ft Pa brie, ana 5 'faker i/effcttire. ^ep^'s /6nuA Pi fed Utv firm if m rt/"-> Perm Sarritr FIGURE 4.22 BRUSH BARRIER (Modified from Washington State, 1992) When and Where to Use It A brush barrier should only be used to trap sediment from runoff which is from a small drainage area. The slope which the brush barrier is placed across should be very gentle. Do not place a brush barrier in a swale or any other channel. Brush barriers should be constructed below areas subject to erosion. What to Consider The construction of a brush barrier should be started as soon as clearing and grubbing has produced enough material to make the structure. Wood chips should not be included in the material used for the barrier because of the possibility of leaching. When the site has been stabilized and any excess sediment has been disposed of properly, the filter fabric can be removed. Over time, natural vegetation will establish itself within the barrier, and the barrier itself will decompose. You will not have to maintain the brush barrier unless there is a very large amount of sediment being deposited. If used, the filter fabric anchor should be checked for tears and the damaged 4-80 September 1992 Chapter 4—Site-Specific Industrial Storm Water BMPs sections replaced promptly. The barrier should be inspected after each rainfall and checked for areas breached by concentrated flow. If necessary, repairs should be made promptly and excess sediment removed and disposed of properly. Advantages of a Brush Barrier • Can help prevent downstream damage from sediment deposits • Is constructed of cleared onsite materials and, thus, is inexpensive • Usually requires little maintenance, unless there are very heavy sediment deposits Disadvantages of a Brush Barrier • Does not replace a sediment trap or basin • Is appropriate for only small drainage areas • Has very limited sediment retention September 1992 4-81 Chapter 4 —Site-Specific Industrial Storm Water BMPs Gravel or Stone Filter Berm What Is It A gravel or stone filter berm is a temporary ridge constructed of loose gravel, stone, or crushed rock. It slows and filters flow, diverting it from an exposed traffic area. Diversions constructed of compacted soil may be used where there will be little or no construction traffic within the right-of way. They are also used for directing runoff from the right-of-way to a stabilized outlet. FIGURE 4.23 TYPICAL GRAVEL FILLER BERM (Modified from Commonwealth of Virainia, 1980) When and Where to Use It This method is appropriate where roads and other rights-of-way under construction should accommodate vehicular traffic. Berms are meant for use in areas with shallow slopes. They may also be used at traffic areas within the construction site. What to Consider Berm material should be well graded gravel or crushed rock. The spacing of the berms will depend on the steepness of the slope: berms should be placed closer together as the slope increases. The diversion should be inspected daily, after each rainfall, or if breached by construction or other vehicles. All needed repairs should be performed immediately. Accumulated sediment should be removed and properly disposed of and the filter material replaced, as necessary. 4-82 September 1992 Chapter 4— Site-Specific Industrial Storm Water BMPs Advantages of a Gravel or Stone Filter Berm • Is a very efficient method of sediment control Disadvantages of a Gravel or Stone Filter Berm • Is more expensive than methods that use onsite materials • Has a very limited life span • Can be difficult to maintain because of clogging from mud and soil on vehicle tires September 1992 4-83 Chapter 4 — Site-Specific Industrial Storm Water BMPs Storm Drain inlet Protection What Is It Storm drain inlet protection is a filtering measure placed around any inlet or drain to trap sediment. This mechanism prevents the sediment from entering inlet structures. Additionally, it serves to prevent the silting-in of inlets, storm drainage systems, or receiving channels. Inlet protection may be composed of gravel and stone with a wire mesh filter, block and gravel, filter fabric, or sod. Droo inlet wun Grate Stakes s' Filter Fabric . Filter Fabric Inlet Protection : Iqw r- 0 W :CW Excavated Gravel Inlet Protection Block and Gravel Inlet Protection FIGURE 4.24 EXAMPLES OF STORM DRAIN INLET PROTECTION (Modified from State of North Carolina, 1988; Washington State, 1992; and County of Fairfax, 1987) When and Where to Use It This type of protection is appropriate for small drainage areas where storm drain inlets will be ready for use before final stabilization. Storm drain inlet protection is also used where a permanent storm drain structure is being constructed onsite. Straw bales are not recommended for this purpose. Filter fabric is used for inlet protection when storm water flows are relatively small with low velocities. This practice cannot be used where inlets are paved because the filter fabric should be staked. Block and gravel filters can be used where velocities are higher. Gravel and mesh filters 4-84 September 1992 Chapter 4 — Site-Specific Industrial Storm Water BMPs can be used where flows are higher and subject to disturbance by site traffic. Sod inlet filters are generally used where sediments in the storm water runoff are low. What to Consider Storm drain inlet protection is not meant for use in drainage areas exceeding 1 acre or for large concentrated storm water flows. Installation of this measure should take place before any soil disturbance in the drainage area. The type of material used will depend on site conditions and the size of the drainage area. Inlet protection should be used in combination with other measures, such as small impoundments or sediment traps, to provide more effective sediment removal. Inlet protection structures should be inspected regularly, especially after a rainstorm. Repairs and silt removal should be performed as necessary. Storm drain inlet protection structures should be removed only after the disturbed areas are completely stabilized. Advantages of Storm Drain Inlet Protection • Prevents clogging of existing storm drainage systems and the siltation of receiving waters • Reduces the amount of sediment leaving the site Disadvantages of Storm Drain Inlet Protection • May be difficult to remove collected sediment • May cause erosion elsewhere if clogging occurs • Is practical only for low sediment, low volume flows September 1992 4-85 Chapter 4 — Site-Specific Industrial Storm Water BMPs Sediment Trap What Is It A sediment trap is formed by excavating a pond or by placing an earthen embankment across a low area or drainage swale. An outlet or spillway is constructed using large stones or aggregate to slow the release of runoff. The trap retains the runoff long enough to allow most of the silt to settle out. Coarse Aggregate Cross-Section AA 1 FIGURE 4.25 TYPICAL SEDIMENT TRAP (Modified from Commonwealth of Virginia, 1980) When and Where to Use It A temporary sediment trap may be used in conjunction with other temporary measures, such as gravel construction entrances, vehicle wash areas, slope drains, diversion dikes and swales, or diversion channels. This device is appropriate for sites with short time schedules. 4-86 September 1992 Chapter 4 — Site-Specific Industrial Storm Water BMPs What to Consider Sediment traps are suitable for small drainage areas, usually no more than 10 acres, that have no unusual drainage features. The trap should be large enough to allow the sediments to settle and should have a capacity to store the collected sediment until it is removed. The volume of storage required depends upon the amount and intensity of expected rainfall and on estimated quantities of sediment in the storm water runoff. Check your Permit to see if it specifies a minimum storage volume for sediment traps. A sediment trap is effective for approximately 18 months. During this period, the trap should be readily accessible for periodic maintenance and sediment removal. Traps should be inspected after each rainfall and cleaned when no more than half the design volume has been filled with collected sediment. The trap should remain in operation and be properly maintained until the site area is permanently stabilized by vegetation and/or when permanent structures are in place. Advantages of a Sediment Trap • Protects downstream areas from clogging or damage due to sediment deposits • Is inexpensive and simple to install • Can simplify the design process by trapping sediment at specific spots onsite Disadvantages of a Sediment Trap • Is suitable only for a limited area • Is effective only if properly maintained • Will not remove very fine silts and clays • Has a short life span September 1992 4-87 Chapter 4 — Site-Specific Industrial Storm Water BMPs Temporary Sediment Basin What Is It A temporary sediment basin is a settling pond with a controlled storm water release structure used to collect and store sediment produced by construction activities. A sediment basin can be constructed by excavation or by placing an earthen embankment across a low area or drainage swale. Sediment basins can be designed to maintain a permanent pool or to drain completely dry. The basin detains sediment-laden runoff from larger drainage areas long enough to allow most of the sediment to settle out. The pond has a gravel outlet or spillway to slow the release of runoff and provide some sediment filtration. By removing sediment, the basin helps prevent clogging of offsite conveyance systems and sediment-loading of receiving waterways. In this way, the basin helps prevent destruction of waterway habitats. 4-88 September 1992 Chapter 4—Site-Specific Industrial Storm Water BMPs When and Where to Use It A temporary sediment basin should be installed before clearing and grading is undertaken. It should not be built on an embankment in an active stream. The creation of a dam in such a site may result in the destruction of aquatic habitats. Dam failure can also result in flooding. A temporary sediment basin should be located only where there is sufficient space and appropriate topography. The basin should be made large enough to handle the maximum expected amount of site drainage. Fencing around the basin may be necessary for safety or vandalism reasons. A temporary sediment basin used in combination with other control measures, such as seeding or mulching, is especially effective for removing sediments. What to Consider Temporary sediment basins are usually designed for disturbed areas larger than 5 acres. The pond should be large enough to hold runoff long enough for sediment to settle. Sufficient space should be allowed for collected sediments. Check the requirements of your permit to see if there is a minimum storage requirement for sediment basins. The useful life of a temporary sediment basin is about 12 to 18 months. Sediment trapping efficiency is improved by providing the maximum surface area possible. Because finer silts may not settle out completely, additional erosion control measures should be used to minimize release of fine silt. Runoff should enter the basin as far from the outlet as possible to provide maximum retention time. Sediment basins should be readily accessible for maintenance and sediment removal. They should be inspected after each rainfall and be cleaned out when about half the volume has been filled with sediment. The sediment basin should remain in operation and be properly maintained until the site area is permanently stabilized by vegetation and/or when permanent structures are in place. The embankment forming the sedimentation pool should be well compacted and stabilized with vegetation. If the pond is located near a residential area, it is recommended for safety reasons that a sign be posted and that the area be secured by a fence. A well built temporary sediment basin that is large enough to handle the post construction runoff volume may later be converted to use as a permanent storm water management structure. September 1992 4-89 Chapter 4-—Site-Specific Industrial Storm Water BMPs _ Advantages of a Temporary Sediment Basin _ • Protects downstream areas from clogging or damage due to sediment deposits generated during construction activities • Can trap smaller sediment particles than sediment traps can because of the longer detention time Disadvantages of a Temporary Sediment Basin • Is generally suitable for small areas • Requires regular maintenance and cleaning • Will not remove very fine silts and clays unless used in conjunction with other measures • Is a more expensive way to remove sediment than several other methods • Requires careful adherence to safety practices since ponds are attractive to children 4-90 September 1992 Chapter 4—Site-Specific Industrial Storm Water BMPs Outlet Protection What Is It Outlet protection reduces the speed of concentrated storm water flows and therefore it reduces erosion or scouring at storm water outlets and paved channel sections. In addition, outlet protection lowers the potential for downstream erosion. This type of protection can be achieved through a variety of techniques, including stone or riprap, concrete aprons, paved sections and settling basins installed below the storm drain outlet. Pipe Outlet to Plat Area- Pipe Outlet to Weli-definec Channel Filter bianxet FIGURE 4.27 TYPICAL DETAILS FOR ROCK OUTLET PROTECTION (Modified from State of North Carolina, 1988) September 1992 4-91 Chapter 4 — Site-Specific Industrial Storm Water BMPs When and Where to Use It Outlet protection should be installed at all pipe, interceptor dike, swale, or channel section outlets where the velocity of flow may cause erosion at the pipe outlet and in the receiving channel. Outlet protection should also be used at outlets where the velocity of flow at the design capacity may result in plunge pools (small permanent pools located at the inlet to or the outfall from BMPs). Outlet protection should be installed early during construction activities, but may be added at any time, as necessary. What to Consider The exit velocity of the runoff as it leaves the outlet protection structure should be reduced to levels that minimize erosion. Outlet protection should be inspected on a regular schedule to look for erosion and scouring. Repairs should be made promptly. _ Advantages of Outlet Protection • Provides, with riprap-line apron (the most common outlet protection), a relatively low cost method that can be installed easily on most sites • Removes sediment in addition to reducing flow speed • Can be used at most outlets where the flow speed is high • Is an inexpensive but effective measure • Requires less maintenance than m any other measures _ Disadvantages of Outlet P rotection • May be unsightly • May cause problems in removing sediment (without removing and replacing the outlet protection structure itself) • May require frequent maintenance for rock outlets with high velocity flows 4-92 September 1992 Chapter 4—Site-Specific Industrial Storm Water BMPs A check dam is a small, temporary or permanent dam constructed across a drainage ditch, swale, or channel to lower the speed of concentrated flows. Reduced runoff speed reduces erosion and gullying in the channel and allows sediments and other pollutants to settle out. FIGURE 4.28 TYPICAL CHECK DAMS (Modified from Commonwealth of Virginia, 1980) When and Where to Use Them A check dam should be installed in steeply sloped swales, or in swales where adequate vegetation cannot be established. A check dam may be built from logs, stone, or pea gravel-filled sandbags. September 1992 4-93 Chapter 4 —Site-Specific Industrial Storm Water BMPs What to Consider Check dams should be used only in small open channels that drain 10 acres or less . The dams should not be placed in streams (unless approved by appropriate State authorities). The center section of the check dam should be lower than the edges. Dams should be spaced so that the toe of the upstream dam is at the same elevation as the top of the downstream dam. After each significant rainfall, check dams should be inspected for sediment and debris accumulation. Sediment should be removed when it reaches one half the original dam height. Check for erosion at edges and repair promptly as required. After construction is complete, all stone and riprap should be removed if vegetative erosion controls will be used as a permanent erosion control measure. It will be important to know the expected erosion rates and runoff flow rate for the swale in which this measure is to be installed. Contact the State/local storm water program agency or a licensed engineer for assistance in designing this measure. _ Advantages of C heck Dams • Are inexpensive and easy to install • May be used permanently if designed properly • Allow a high proportion of sediment in the runoff to settle out • Reduce velocity and provide aeration of the water • May be used where it is not possible to divert the flow or otherw ise stabilize the channel __ Disadvantages of Check Dams • May kill grass linings in channels if the water level remains high after it rains or if there is significant sedimentation • Are useful only for drainage areas of 10 acres or less 4-94 September 1992 Chapter 4 — Site-Specific Industrial Storm Water BMPs Surface Roughening What Is It Surface roughening is a temporary erosion control practice. The soil surface is roughened by the creation of horizontal grooves, depressions, or steps that run parallel to the contour of the land. Slopes that are not fine-graded and that are left in a roughened condition can also control erosion. Surface roughening reduces the speed of runoff, increases infiltration, and traps sediment. Surface roughening also helps establish vegetative cover by reducing runoff velocity and giving seed an opportunity to take hold and grow. Undisturbed Area - Heavy Equipment can be used to mechanically scarify slopes Tread grooves of track perpendicular to slope direction Diversion Unvegetated slopes should be temporarily scarified to minimize runoff velocities FIGURE 4.29 SURFACE ROUGHENING (Modified from Washington State, 1992) September 1992 4-95 Chapter 4 — SiteSpecifrc Industrial Storm Water BMPs When and Where to Use It Surface roughening is appropriate for all slopes. To slow erosion, roughening should be done as S °fi, n h S ,h° SSI 5 te afTe l’ h , e veae,a,l0n has been removed from the slope. Roughening can be used ?"* plan, ' n9 and ,em P° r arv mulching to stabilize an area. For steeper slopes and slopes that will be left roughened for longer periods of time, a combination of surface roughening and vegetation is appropriate. u What to Consider Different methods can be used to roughen the soil surface on slopes. They include stair-step grading, grooving (using disks, spring harrows, or teeth on a front-end loader), and tracking (driving a crawler tractor up and down a slope, leaving the cleat imprints parallel to the slope contour). The an appr0Dna ' e method depends on the grade of the slope, mowing requirements after egetative cover is established, whether the slope was formed by cutting or filling, and type of equipment available. a Cut slopes with a gradient steeper than 3:1 but less than 2:1 should be stair-step graded or groove catches a m»r tep ? Padlns w ° rks wel * wlth s0,ls containing large amounts of small rock. Each step ! m v „ d,scarded ,rom above and provides a level site where vegetation can grow Stairs should be wide enough to work with standard earth moving equipment. Grooving can be done by shni.TnTr'i H :an n e SafelV opera,ed on the stode - including those described above. Grooves should not be less than 3 inches deep nor more than 15 inches apart. Fill slopes with a gradient steeper than 3:1 but less than 2:1 should be compacted every 9 inches of depth. The face of the slope should consist of loose, uncompacted fill 4 to 6 inches deep that can be left rough or can be grooved as described above, if necessary. Any cut or filled slope that will be mowed should have a gradient less than 3:1. Such a slope can ,hn°iH 9 K ? W,t Sh K IIOW 0r ° OVeS Para " el t0 the slope contour b Y ^ng normal tilling Grooves ou d be close together (less than 10 inches) and not less than 1 inch deep. Any gradient with a slope greater than 2:1 should be stair-stepped. 91 w.tn a It is important to avoid excessive compacting of the soil surface, especially when tracking because soil compaction inhibits vegetation growth and causes higher runoff speed. Therefore it is best to tracking 1 mTclav Tons machiPerv '° sand * soils tha « d ° not ccmpact easily and to avoid tracking on clay soils. Surface roughened areas should be seeded as quickly as possible Also mapeCt,ons should be made of 3,1 surface roughened areas, especially after storms If rills houl b Z7 S V h* haVe $taeP Sid6S and 3re USUa " y on, V 3 few inches deep) appear they followed wl surface rg'h n en a ing. reSeeded imniedia,el ''- Prppa ' dpa > d °mrol procedures should be 4-96 September 1992 Chapter 4 — Site-Specific Industrial Storm Water BMPs Advantages of Surface Roughening • Provides a degree of instant erosion protection for bare soil while vegetative cover is being established • Is inexpensive and simple for short-term erosion control Disadvantages of Surface Roughening • Is of limited effectiveness in anything more than a gentle rain • Is only temporary; if roughening or vegetative cover is washed away in a heavy storm or the vegetation does not take hold, the surface will have to be re-roughened and new seed laid September 1992 4-97 Chapter 4-Site-Specific Industrial Storm Water BMPs Gradient Terraces What Are They Gradient terraces are earth embankments or ridge-and-channels constructed with suitable spacing and with an appropriate grade. They reduce erosion damage by capturing surface runoff and directing it to a stable outlet at a speed that minimizes erosion. SLOPE TO ADEQUATE OUTLE1 FIGURE 4.30 GRADIENT TERRACE (Washington State, 1992) When and Where to Use Them Gradient terraces are usually limited to use on land that has no vegetation and that has a water erosion problem, or where it is anticipated that water erosion will be a problem. Gradient terraces should not be constructed on slopes with sandy or rocky soils. They will be effective only where suitable runoff outlets are or will be made available. What to Consider Gradient terraces should be designed and installed according to a plan determined by an engineering survey and layout. It is important that gradient terraces are designed with adequate outlets such as a grassed waterway, vegetated area, or tile outlet. In all cases, the outlet should direct the runoff from the terrace system to a point where the outflow will not cause erosion or ot er damage. Vegetative cover should be used in the outlet where possible. The design elevation e water surface of the terrace should not be lower than the design elevation of the water surface m the outlet at their junction, when both are operating at design flow. Terraces should be Ihn ih K d r 6 n U ! * * 3St ° nCe 3 year and after major storms - Pr °P er dus * control procedures should be followed while constructing these features. 4-98 September 1992 Chapter 4 — Site-Specific Industrial Storm Water BMPs Advantages of Gradient Terraces • Reduce runoff speed and increase the distance of overland runoff flow • Hold moisture better than do smooth slopes and minimize sediment loading of surface runoff Disadvantages of Gradient Terraces • May significantly increase cut and fill costs and cause sloughing if excessive water infiltrates the soil • Are not practical for sandy, steep, or shallow soils September 1992 4-99 Chapter 4—Site-Specific Industrial Storm Water BMPs 4.6 INFILTRATION PRACTICES Infiltration practices are surface or subsurface measures that allow for quick infiltration of storm water runoff. Rapid infiltration is possible because the structures or soils used in these practices are very porous. Infiltration practices offer an advantage over other practices in that they provide some treatment of runoff, preserve the natural flow in streams, and recharge ground water. • Many of the infiltration practices also can reduce the velocity of the runoff so that it will not cause damaging erosion. Another benefit of infiltration practices is that they reduce the need for expensive storm water conveyance systems. Construction and maintenance of these practices may, however, require some level of expertise to prevent clogging and to retain high effectiveness. The infiltration practices in this section have been divided into two categories: vegetative infiltration practices and infiltration structures. Infiltration BMPs are not practical in all cases. These practices should not be used in areas where runoff is contaminated with pollutants other than sediment or oil and grease. Excessively drained (i.e., very sandy) soils may provide inadequate treatment of runoff, which could result in ground water contamination. Other site-specific conditions, such as depth to bedrock or depth to the water table, could limit their use or make it impossible to use infiltration BMPs. Also, infiltration practices should not be installed near wells, foundations, septic tank drainfields, or on unstable slopes. Vegetative infiltration practices rely on vegetated soils that are well drained to provide storage for the infiltration of storm water. Soils used for this practice generally have not previously been disturbed or compacted so that they more easily allow infiltration. Once vegetation has been planted, use of the area must be limited or the practice may not operate efficiently. The practices that are discussed include vegetated filter strips, grassed swales, and level spreaders. Infiltration structures are built over soils to aid in collection of storm water runoff and are designed to allow storm water to infiltrate into the ground. These structures generally require a level of expertise for both their design and construction so that they function properly. Maintenance activities are very important because infiltration structures are easily damaged by high sediment loads. Often, infiltration structures are used with other structures that pretreat the storm water runoff for sediments, oil, and grease. These pretreatment structures may be as simple as a buffer zone (see Buffer Zones) or may be something more complex, such as an oil and grease separator The types of infiltration structures discussed include infiltration trenches, porous pavements, concrete grids, and modular pavements. 4-100 September 1992 Chapter 4 — Site-Specific Industrial Storm Water BMPs Vegetated filter strips are gently sloping areas of natural vegetation or are graded and artificially planted areas used to provide infiltration, remove sediments and other pollutants, and reduce the flow and velocity of the storm water moving across the terrain. Vegetated filter strips function similarly to vegetated or grassed swales. The filter strips, however, are fairly level and treat sheetflow, whereas grassed swales are indentations (see section on Grassed Swales) and treat concentrated flows. Vegetated filter strips provide permanent storm water control measures on a site. Berms Placed Perpendicular to Top of Strip Prevent Concentrated Flows fl Stone Trench Acts as Level Spreader 5% Strip Slope or Less FIGURE 4.31 USE OF FILTER STRIPS (Modified from MWCOG, 1987) When and Where to Use Them Vegetated filter strips are suited for areas where the soils are well drained or moderately well drained and where the bedrock and the water table are well below the surface. Vegetated filter strips will not function well on steep slopes, in hilly areas, or in highly paved areas because of the high velocity of runoff. Sites with slopes of 1 5 percent or more may not be suitable for filtering storm water flows. However, they should still be vegetated (MWCOG, 1987). This practice can be put into place at any time, provided that climatic conditions allow for planting. September 1992 4-101 Chapter 4-Site-Specific Industrial Storm Water BMPs What to Consider At a minimum, a filter strip must be approximately 20 feet wide to function well. The length of the strip should be approximately 50 to 75 feet. Where slopes become steeper, the length of the strip must be increased. Forested strips are always preferred to vegetated strips, and existing vegetation is preferred to planted vegetation. In planning for vegetated strips, consider climatic conditions, since vegetation may not take hold in especially dry and/or cold regions. Regular inspections are necessary to ensure the proper functioning of the filter strips. Removing sediments and replanting may be necessary on a regular basis. The entire area should be examined for damage due to equipment and vehicles. Vegetation should be dense. Also, the portions of the strip where erosion may have created ponding of runoff should be inspected. This situation can be eliminated by grading. _ Advantages of Vegetated Filter Strips • Provide low to moderate treatment of pollutants in storm water while providing a natural look to a site • Can provide habitat for wildlife • Can screen noise and views if trees or high shrubs are planted on the filter strips • Are easily constructed and implemented • Are inexpensive _ Disadvantages of Vegetated Filter S trips • Are not effective for high velocity flows (large paved areas or steep slopes) • Require significant land space • May have a short useful life due to clogging by sediments and oil and grease 4-102 September 1992 Chapter 4 —Site-Specific Industrial Storm Water BMPs Grassed swales are vegetated depressions used to transport, filter, and remove sediments. Grassed swales control high runoff rates by reducing the speed of the runoff and by reducing the volume of the runoff through infiltration of the storm water. Pollutants are removed because runoff travels slowly and infiltrates into the soil and because the vegetation in the grassed swale works as a filter or strainer. When and Where to Use Them Grassed swales are suitable for most areas where storm water runoff is low. Certain factors will affect the operation of grassed swales, including soil type, land features, and the depth of the soil from the surface to the water table (i.e., the top of the drenched portion of the soil or bedrock layer). The soil must be permeable for runoff to be able to infiltrate well. Sandy soils will not hold vegetation well nor form a stable channel structure. Steep slopes will increase runoff rates and create greater potential for erosion. Storm water flows will not be easily absorbed where the water table is near the surface. Swales are most useful for sites smaller than 10 acres (MWCOG, 1987). Even without highly permeable soils, swales reduce velocity and thus are useful. Grassed swales usually do not work well for construction runoff because the runoff has high sediment loads. What to Consider The channel of the swale should be as level as possible to maximize infiltration. Side slopes in the swale should be designed to no steeper than 3:1 to minimize channel erosion (MWCOG, 1987). Plans should consider (1) the use of existing topography and existing drainage patterns and (2) the September 1992 4-103 Chapter 4—Site-Specific Industrial Storm Water BMPs highest flow rate that is expected from a typical storm to determine the most practical size for the swale (in keeping with State or local requirements). The swale should be tilled before grass is planted, and a dense cover of grasses should be planted in the swale. The location of the swale will determine the best type of vegetation (e.g., if the swale runs next to a road, then the grass chosen should be resistant to the use of de-icing salts in northern states). Check dams (i.e., earthen or log structures) may be installed in the swales to reduce runoff speed and increase infiltration. Planners should also consider the design of the outlet at the end of the swale so that the runoff is released from the swale at a low rate (see section on Outlet Protection). Maintenance activities for the swales include those practices needed to maintain healthy, dense vegetation and to retain efficient infiltration and movement of the storm water into and through the swale. Periodic mowing, reseeding, and weed control are required to maintain pollutant removal efficiency. The swale and channel outlet should be kept free from sediment buildup, litter brush or fallen tree limbs. Periodic inspections will identify erosion problems or damaged areas. Damaged or eroded areas of the channel should be repaired. Areas with damaged vegetation should be reseeded immediately. __ Advantages of Grassed Swales • Are easily designed and constructed Provide moderate removal of sediments if properly constructed and maintained • May provide a wildlife habitat • Are inexpensive • Can replace curb and gutter systems • Can last for long periods of time if well mainta ined _ Disadvantages of Grasse d Swales • Cannot control runoff from very large storms • If they do not drain properly between storms, can encourage nuisance problems such as mosquitos, ragweed, dumping, and erosion • Are not capable of removing significant amounts of soluble nutrients • Cannot treat runoff with high sediment loadings 4-104 September 1992 Chapter 4 —Site-Specific Industrial Storm Water BMPs Level spreaders are devices used at storm water outlets to spread out collected storm water flows into sheetflow (runoff that flows over ground surface in a thin, even layer). Typically, a level spreader consists of a depression in the soil surface that spreads the flow onto a flat area across a gentle slope. Level spreaders then release the storm water flow onto level areas stabilized by vegetation to reduce speed and increase infiltration. , „l 1 ^ IV' )- u ' .If v / ' - FIGURE 4.33 LEVEL SPREADERS (Modified from Commonwealth of Virginia, 1990) When and Where to Use Them Level spreaders are most often used as an outlet for temporary or permanent storm water conveyances or dikes. Runoff that contains high sediment loads should be treated in a sediment trapping device prior to release into a level spreader. September 1992 4-105 Chapter 4—Site-Specific Industrial Storm Water BMPs What to Consider The length of the spreader depends upon the amount of water that flows through the conveyance. Larger volumes of water need more space to even out. Level spreaders are generally used with filter strips (see Vegetated Filter Strips). The depressions are seeded with vegetation (see Permanent Seeding). Level spreaders should not be used on soil that might erode easily. They should be constructed on natural soils and not on fill material. The entrance to the spreader should be level so that the flow can spread out evenly. The spreader should be inspected after every large storm event to check for damage. Heavy equipment and other traffic should be kept off the level spreader because these vehicles may compact the soil or disturb the grade of the slope. If ponding or erosion channels develop, the spreader should be regraded. Dense vegetation should be maintained and damaged areas reseeded as needed. _ Advantages of Level Sp readers • Reduce storm water flow velocity, encourage sedimentation and infiltration • Are relatively inexpensive to install ____ Disadvantages of Level Sp readers • Can easily develop "short circuiting" (concentration of flows into small streams instead of sheetflow over the spreader) because of erosion or other disturbance • Cannot handle large quantities of sediment-laden storm water 4-106 September 1992 Chapter 4—Site-Specific Industrial Storm Water BMPs Infiltration Trenches What Are They An infiltration trench usually consists of a long, narrow excavation ranging from 3 to 12 feet deep. The trench is filled with stone, which allows for temporary storage of storm water runoff in the open spaces between the stones. The stored storm water infiltrates into the surrounding soil or drains into underground pipes through holes and is then routed to an outflow point. Infiltration trenches are designed to remove both fine sediments and soluble pollutants rather than larger, coarse pollutants. When and Where to Use Them Infiltration trenches should be restricted to areas with certain soil, ground water, slope, area, and pollutant conditions. For example, infiltration trenches will not operate well in soils that have high clay contents, silt/clay soils, sandy/clay loams, or soils that have been compacted. Trenches should not be sited over fill soils because such soils are unstable. Hardened soils are often not suitable for infiltration trenches because these types of soils do not easily absorb water. Infiltration practices in general should not be used to manage contaminated storm water. The drainage area contributing runoff to a single trench should not exceed 5 acres (State of Maryland, 1983). Construction of trenches should not start until after all land-disturbing activities have ceased so that runoff with high levels of sediment does not fill in the structure. If slopes draining into the trench are steeper than 5 percent, the runoff will enter the trench too fast and will overwhelm the infiltration capacity of the soil, causing overflow. The depth from the bottom of the trench to the bedrock layer and the seasonal high water table must be at least three feet. Infiltration trenches may not be suitable in areas where there are cold winters and deep frost levels. September 1992 4-107 Chapter 4 — Site-Specific Industrial Storm Water BMPs What to Consider Pretreatment of runoff before it is channeled to the trench is important to efficient operation because pretreatment removes sediment, grit, and oil. Reducing the pollutant load in the runoff entering the trench lengthens trench life. One method of pretreatment is to install a buffer zone just above the trench to act as a filter (see Buffer Zones). In addition, a layer of filter fabric 1 foot below the bottom of the trench can be used to trap the sediments that get through the buffer strip. If excavation around the trenches is necessary, the use of light duty equipment will avoid compacting, which could cause a loss of infiltration capability. Infiltration trenches should be inspected at least once per year and after major rainfall events. Debris should be removed from all areas of the trench, especially the inlets and overflow channels. Dense vegetative growth should be maintained in buffer areas surrounding the trench. Test wells can be installed in every trench to monitor draining times and provide information on how well the system is operating. Daily test well monitoring is necessary, especially after large storm events. If the trench does not drain after 3 days, it usually means that the trench is clogged. Advantages of infiltration Trenches • Preserve the natural water balance of the site • Are effective for small sites • Remove pollutants effectively _ Disadvantages of Infiltrat ion Trenches • Require high maintenance when sediment loads are heavy • Have short life span, especially if not maintained properly • May be expensive (cost of excavation and fill material) 4-108 September 1992 Chapter 4—Site-Specific Industrial Storm Water BMPs Porous Pavements/Concrete Grids and Modular Pavements What Arc They Porous pavement, concrete grids, and modular pavements allow storm water to infiltrate so that the speed and amount of runoff from a site can be reduced. Porous Pavement-Can be either asphalt or concrete. With porous asphalt pavement, runoff infiltrates through a porous asphalt layer into a stone "reservoir" layer. Storm water runoff filters through the stone reservoir into the underlying subsoil or drains into underground pipes through holes and is routed away. The bottom and sides of the stone reservoir are lined with filter fabric to prevent the movement of soils into the reservoir area. Porous Concrete Pavement-Is made out of a special concrete mix that has a high number of open spaces between the particles and a coarse surface texture. These open spaces allow runoff to pass through the surface to lower levels. This type of pavement can be placed directly on graded soils. When a subbase is used for stability, 6 inches of sand is placed under the concrete mixture. Up to 6 inches of storm water can be held on the surface of the pavement and within the concrete. Concrete Grids and Modular Pavement-Are made out of precast concrete, poured-in-place concrete, brick, or granite. These types of pavements can also reduce the loading and concentration of pollutants in the runoff. Concrete grids and modular pavements are designed and/ or constructed so that they have open spaces within the pavement through which storm water can infiltrate into the ground. These open spaces can be filled with gravel or sand or have vegetation growing out of them. When and Where to Use Them These structures are usually only suitable for low-volume parking areas (1/4 acre to 10 acres) (State of Maryland, 1 983) and lightly used access roads. However, areas that are expected to get moderate or high volumes of traffic or heavy equipment can use conventional pavements (for the heavy traffic areas) that are sloped to drain to areas with the porous pavements. These pavements are not effective in drainage areas that receive runoff containing high levels of sediment. The soil types over which concrete grids and modular pavement are to be placed should allow for rapid drainage through the pores in the pavement. These pavements are not recommended for sites with slopes steeper than 5 percent (MWCOG, 1987) or sites with high water tables, shallow bedrock, fill soils, or localized clay lenses, which are conditions that would limit the ability of the runoff to infiltrate into surface soils. For example, the water table and bedrock should be at least 3 feet below the bottom of the stone reservoir. Porous pavement will not operate well in windy areas where sediment will be deposited on the porous pavement. Construction of these pavements should be timed so that installation occurs on the site after other construction activities are finished and the site has been stabilized. Therefore, sediments are less likely to be tracked or carried on to the surface. September 1992 4-109 Chapter 4 —Site-Specific Industrial Storm Water BMPs •A £ — 5 C ~ ^ C c. 7T 'O : ' PE R V/ O U 5 CCA jC.PE~L -A V//S/G °£RVlOUS GUBCjR^OE Detail of Pervious Concrete Pavement Pour*d-In-Plac* Slab Cat telI*ltd Unit Little* Unit Nodui«r Unit Types of Grid and Modular Pavements 8tim ftttps On Silt RwAOl* and s«0>m«ni Owl P'OwiOts T*moo«ny Storage »i.» Vacuum Swept f OiiOwtO 0» Jtt Hosing _ 10 Attp Ports 0 *e* now P.p# *- Silt Posito lo Prtvtni Ptsuifaong and j \m o< Abfatutt and to Rtsinct Truck Parting laBs Pill#* FaOr»c Lints Sots o> Pt str won to Prtwtni StOm#ni Cntry unditturOtd Sot* ••»#» on »c Grttitt Tfttn 0 2 7 tncruts f PrtftrtOty 0 SO tncAtt.NOwr or More Cross Section of Porous Asphalt Pavement FIGURE 4.35 POROUS PAVEMENTS, CONCRETE GRIDS, AND MODULAR PAVEMENTS (Modified from Commonwealth of Virginia, 1980; MWCOG, 1987; and Washington State, 1992) 4-110 September 1992 Chapter 4—Site-Specific Industrial Storm Water BMPs What to Consider Proper installation of these pavements requires a high level of construction expertise and workmanship. Only contractors who are familiar with the installation of these pavements should be used. Designers of porous pavement areas should consider sediment and erosion control. Sediments must kept away from the pavement area because they can clog the pores. Controls to consider for sediments include a diversion berm (i.e., earthen mound) around the edge of the pavement area to block the flow of runoff from certain drainages onto the pavement, or other filtering controls such as silt fences. De-icing salt mixtures, sands, or ash also may clog pores and should not be used for snow removal. Signs should be posted to prohibit these activities. Since the infiltration of storm water runoff may contaminate ground water sources, these pavements are not suitable for areas close to drinking water wells (at least 100 feet away is recommended) (State of Maryland, 1983). Maintenance of the surface is very important. For porous pavements, this includes vacuum sweeping at least four times per year followed by high-pressure hosing to reduce the chance of sediments clogging the pores of the top layer. Potholes and cracks can be filled with typical patching mixes unless more than 10 percent of the surface area needs repair. Spot clogging may be fixed by drilling half-inch holes through the porous pavement layer every few feet. The pavement should be inspected several times the first few months after installation and then annually. Inspections after large storms are necessary to check for pools of water. These pools may indicate clogging. The condition of adjacent vegetated filter strips, silt fences, or diversion dikes should also be inspected. Concrete grids and modular pavements should be designed in accordance with manufacturers' recommendations. Designers also need information on soils, depth to the water table, and storm water runoff quantity and quality. Maintenance of concrete grids and modular pavements is similar to that of the porous pavements; however, turf maintenance such as mowing, fertilizing, and irrigation may be needed where vegetation is planted in the open spaces. September 1992 4-111 Chapter 4—Site-Specific Industrial Storm Water BMPs Advantages of Porous Pavements/Concrete Grids and Modular Pavements • Provide erosion control by reducing the speed and quantity of the storm water runoff from the site • Provide some treatment to the water by removing pollutants • Reduce the need for curbing and storm sewer installation and expansion • Improve road safety by providing a rougher surface • Provide some recharge to local aquifers • Are cost effective because they take the place of more expensive and complex treatment systems Disadvantages of Porous Pavements/Concrete Grids and Modular Pavements • Can be more expensive than typical pavements • Are easily clogged with sediment and/or oil; however, pretreatment and proper maintenance will prevent this problem • May cause ground water contamination • Are not structurally suited for high-density traffic or heavy equipment • Asphalt pavements may break down if gasoline is spilled on the surface • Are less effective when the subsurface is frozen 4-112 September 1992 Appendix A APPENDIX A REFERENCES ... . * . Appendix A REFERENCES API, "Suggested Procedure for Development of Spill Prevention Control and Countermeasure Plans," American Petroleum Institute Bulletin D16, Second Edition. August 1, 1989. APWA, "Urban Stormwater Management, Special Report No. 49," American Public Works Association Research Foundation. 1981. Arapahoe County, "Erosion Control Standards," prepared by Kiowa Engineering Corporation. April 8, 1 988. Available EPA Pollution Control Manuals (see Appendix D) Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, "Erosion and Sediment Pollution Control Program Manual," Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Resources, Bureau of Soil and Water Conservation. April 1 990. Commonwealth of Virginia, "Virginia Erosion and Sediment Control Handbook," Virginia Department of Conservation and Historical Preservation, Division of Soil & Water Conservation, Second Edition. 1980. County of Fairfax, "Check List For Erosion and Sediment Control Fairfax County, Virginia." 1990 and 1987 Editions. MWCOG, "Controlling Urban Runoff: A Practical Manual for Planning and Designing Urban BMPs," Department of Environmental Programs, Metropolitan Washington Council of Governments. July 1987. Northern Virginia Planning District Commission, "BMP Handbook for the Occoquan Watershed," prepared for Occoquan Basin Nonpoint Pollution Management Program. August 1987. Salt Institute, "The Salt Storage Handbook, A Practical Guide for Storing and Handling Deicing Salt," Alexandria, Virginia. 1987. Santa Clara Valley Nonpoint Source Pollution Control Program, "Automotive-Related Industries, BMPs for Industrial Sanitary Sewer Discharges and Storm Water Pollution Control." No date. State of Maryland, "1983 Maryland Standards and Specifications for Soil and Erosion and Sediment Control," Maryland Water Resources Administration, Soil Conservation Service, and State Soil Conservation Committee. April 1 983. State of North Carolina, "Erosion and Sediment control Planning and Design Manual," North Carolina Sedimentation Control Commission, Department of Natural Resources and Community Development, and Agricultural Extension Service. September 1, 1988. State of Wisconsin, "Wisconsin Construction Site Best Management Practice Handbook," Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources, Bureau of Water Resources Management, Nonpoint Source and Land Management Section. June 1990. Thron, H. and Rogashewski, O.J., "Useful Tools for Cleaning Up." Hazardo us Material & Spills Conference, 1982. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, CZARA NPS Guidance. September 1992 A-1 Appendix A U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, "Draft - A Current Assessment of Urban Best Management Practices. Techniques for Reducing Non-point Source Pollution in the Coastal Zone," EPA Office of Wetlands, Oceans and Watersheds, prepared by Metropolitan Washington Council of Governments. December, 1991. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, "Draft Construction Site Stormwater Discharge Control, An Inventory of Current Practices," EPA Office of Water Enforcement and Permits, prepared by Kamber Engineering. June 26, 1991. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, "Draft Report on Best Management Practices for the Control of Storm Water From Urbanized Areas," Science Applications International Corporation. June 1987. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, "Draft Sediment and Erosion Control, An Inventory of Current Practices," EPA Office of Water Enforcement and Permits, prepared by Kamber Engineering. April 20, 1990. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, "NPDES Best Management Practices Guidance Document," Industrial Environmental Research Laboratory, Cincinnati, Ohio, prepared by Hydroscience, Inc., EPA 600/9-79-0451. December 1 979. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, "Pollution Prevention in Printing and Allied Industries: Saving Money Through Pollution Prevention," ORD, Pollution Prevention Office. October 1989. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, "Pollution Prevention Training Opportunities in 1992," EPA/560/8-92-002. January 1992. A comprehensive listing of pollution prevention resources, documents, courses, and programs, including names and phone numbers, is contained in a new annual EPA publication. Copies of this document may be obtained by calling the PPIC/PIES support number at (703) 821-4800. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, "Process, Procedure, and Methods to Control Pollution Resulting from All Construction Activity," EPA Office of Air and Water Programs, PB-257-318. October 1 973. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, "Staff Analysis," Storm Water Section. July 1991. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, "Waste Minimization Opportunity Assessment Manual," Hazardous Waste Engineering Research Laboratory. July 1988. Washington State, "Draft Stormwater Management Manual for the Puget Sound Basin," Washington State Department of Ecology. January 23, 1992. Washington State, "Standards for Storm Water Management for the Puget Sound Basin," Chapter 173-275 WAC, Washington State Department of Ecology. July 29, 1991. A-2 September 1992 Appendix B APPENDIX B GLOSSARY . Appendix B GLOSSARY Aeration: A process which promotes biological degradation of organic matter. The process may be passive (as when waste is exposed to air) or active (as when a mixing or bubbling device introduces the air). Backfill: Earth used to fill a trench or an excavation. Baffles: Fin-like devices installed vertically on the inside walls of liquid waste transport vehicles that are used to reduce the movement of the waste inside the tank. Berm: An earthen mound used to direct the flow of runoff around or through a structure. Best Management Practice (BMP): Schedules of activities, prohibitions of practices, maintenance procedures, and other management practices to prevent or reduce the pollution of waters of the United States. BMPs also include treatment requirements, operating procedures, and practices to control facility site runoff, spillage or leaks, sludge or waste disposal, or drainage from raw material storage. Biodegradable: The ability to break down or decompose under natural conditions and processes. Boom: 1. A floating device used to contain oil on a body of water. 2. A piece of equipment used to apply pesticides from ground equipment such as a tractor or truck. Buffer Strip or Zone: Strips of grass or other erosion-resistant vegetation between a waterway and an area of more intensive land use. By-product: Material, other than the principal product, that is generated as a consequence of an industrial process. Calibration: A check of the precision and accuracy of measuring equipment. CERCLA: Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act. Chock: A block or wedge used to keep rolling vehicles in place. Clay Lens: A naturally occurring, localized area of clay that acts as an impermeable layer to runoff infiltration. Concrete aprons: A pad of nonerosive material designed to prevent scour holes developing at the outlet ends of culverts, outlet pipes, grade stabilization structures, and other water control devices. Conduit: Any channel or pipe for transporting the flow of water. Conveyance: Any natural or manmade channel or pipe in which concentrated water flows. Corrosion: The dissolving and wearing away of metal caused by a chemical reaction such as between water and the pipes that the water contacts, chemicals touching a metal surface, or contact between two metals. Culvert: A covered channel or a large-diameter pipe that directs water flow below the ground level. September 1992 B-1 Appendix B CWA: Clean Water Act (formerly referred to as the Federal Water Pollution Control Act or Federal Water Pollution Control Act Amendments of 1972). Denuded: Land stripped of vegetation such as grass, or land that has had vegetation worn down due to impacts from the elements or humans. Dike: An embankment to confine or control water, often built along the banks of a river to prevent overflow of lowlands; a levee. Director: The Regional Administrator or an authorized representative. Discharge: A release or flow of storm water or other substance from a conveyance or storage container. Drip Guard: A device used to prevent drips of fuel or corrosive or reactive chemicals from contacting other materials or areas. Emission: Pollution discharged into the atmosphere from smokestacks, other vents, and surface areas of commercial or industrial facilities and from motor vehicle, locomotive, or aircraft exhausts. Erosion. The wearing away of land surface by wind or water. Erosion occurs naturally from weather or runoff but can be intensified by land-clearing practices related to farming, residential or industrial development, road building, or timber-cutting. Excavation: The process of removing earth, stone, or other materials. Fertilizer: Materials such as nitrogen and phosphorus that provide nutrients for plants. Commercially sold fertilizers may contain other chemicals or may be in the form of processed sewage sludge. Filter Fabric: Textile of relatively small mesh or pore size that is used to (a) allow water to pass through while keeping sediment out (permeable), or (b) prevent both runoff and sediment from passing through (impermeable). Filter Strip: Usually long, relatively narrow area of undisturbed or planted vegetation used to retard or collect sediment for the protection of watercourses, reservoirs, or adjacent properties. Flange: A rim extending from the end of a pipe; can be used as a connection to another pipe. Flow Channel Liner: A covering or coating used on the inside surface of a flow channel to prevent the infiltration of water to the ground. Flowmeter: A gauge that shows the speed of water moving through a conveyance. General Permit: A permit issued under the NPDES program to cover a certain class or category of storm water discharges. These permits allow for a reduction in the administrative burden associated with permitting storm water discharges associated with industrial activities. For example, EPA is planning to issue two general permits: NPDES General Permits for Storm Water Discharges From Construction Activities that are classified as "Associated with Industrial Activity" and NPDES General Permits for Storm Water Discharges from Industrial Activities that are classified as "Associated with Industrial Activities." EPA is also encouraging delegated States which have an approved general permits program to issue general permits. B-2 September 1992 Appendix B Grading: The cutting and/or filling of the land surface to a desired slope or elevation. Hazardous Substance: 1. Any material that poses a threat to human health and/or the environment. Hazardous substances can be toxic, corrosive, ignitable, explosive, or chemically reactive. 2. Any substance named required by EPA to be reported if a designated quantity of the substance is spilled in the waters of the United States or if otherwise emitted into the environment. Hazardous Waste: By-products of human activities that can pose a substantial or potential hazard to human health or the environment when improperly managed. Possesses at least one of four characteristics (ignitability, corrosivity, reactivity, or toxicity), or appears on special EPA lists. Holding Pond: A pond or reservoir, usually made of earth, built to store polluted runoff for a limited time. Illicit Connection: Any discharge to a municipal separate storm sewer that is not composed entirely of storm water except discharges authorized by an NPDES permit (other than the NPDES permit for discharges from the municipal separate storm sewer) and discharges resulting from fire fighting activities. Infiltration: 1. The penetration of water through the ground surface into sub-surface soil or the penetration of water from the soil into sewer or other pipes through defective joints, connections, or manhole walls. 2. A land application technique where large volumes of wastewater are applied to land, allowed to penetrate the surface and percolate through the underlying soil. Inlet: An entrance into a ditch, storm sewer, or other waterway. Intermediates: A chemical compound formed during the making of a product. Irrigation: Human application of water to agricultural or recreational land for watering purposes. Jute: A plant fiber used to make rope, mulch, netting, or matting. Lagoon: A shallow pond where sunlight, bacterial action, and oxygen work to purify wastewater. Land Application Units: An area where wastes are applied onto or incorporated into the soil surface (excluding manure spreading operations) for treatment or disposal. Land Treatment Units: An area of land where materials are temporarily located to receive treatment. Examples include: sludge lagoons, stabilization pond. Landfills: An area of land or an excavation in which wastes are placed for permanent disposal, and which is not a land application unit, surface impoundment, injection well, or waste pile. Large and Medium Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System: All municipal separate storm sewers that are either: (i) located in an incorporated place (city) with a population of 100,000 or more as determined by the latest Decennial Census by the Bureau of Census (these cities are listed in Appendices F and G of 40 CFR Part 122); or (ii) located in the counties with unincorporated urbanized populations of 100,000 or more, except municipal separate storm sewers that are located in the incorporated places, townships, or towns within such counties (these counties are listed in Appendices H and I of 40 CFR Part 122); or (iii) owned or operated by a municipality other than those described in paragraph (i) or (ii) and that are designated by the Director as part of the large or medium municipal separate storm sewer system. September 1992 B-3 Appendix B Leaching: The process by which soluble constituents are dissolved in a solvent such as water and carried down through the soil. Level Spreader: A device used to spread out storm water runoff uniformly over the ground surface as sheetfiow (i.e., not through channels). The purpose of level spreaders are to prevent concentrated, erosive flows from occurring and to enhance infiltration. Liming: Treating soil with lime to neutralize acidity levels. Liner: 1. A relatively impermeable barrier designed to prevent leachate from leaking from a landfill. Liner materials include plastic and dense clay. 2. An insert or sleeve for sewer pipes to prevent leakage or infiltration. Liquid Level Detector: A device that provides continuous measures of liquid levels in liquid storage areas or containers to prevent overflows. Material Storage Areas: Onsite locations where raw materials, products, final products, by¬ products, or waste materials are stored. Mulch: A natural or artificial layer of plant residue or other materials covering the land surface which conserves moisture, holds soil in place, aids in establishing plant cover, and minimizes temperature fluctuations. Noncontact Cooling Water: Water used to cool machinery or other materials without directly contacting process chemicals or materials. Notice of Intent (NOD: An application to notify the permitting authority of a facility's intention to be covered by a general permit; exempts a facility from having to submit an individual or group application. NPDES: EPA's program to control the discharge of pollutants to waters of the United States. See the definition of "National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System" in 40 CFR 122.2 for further guidance. NPDES Permit: An authorization, license, or equivalent control document issued by EPA or an approved State agency to implement the requirements of the NPDES program. Oil and Grease Traps: Devices which collect oil and grease, removing them from water flows. Oil Sheen: A thin, glistening layer of oil on water. Oil/Water Separator: A device installed, usually at the entrance to a drain, which removes oil and grease from water flows entering the drain. Organic Pollutants: Substances containing carbon which may cause pollution problems in receiving streams. Organic Solvents: Liquid organic compounds capable of dissolving solids, gases, or liquids. Outfall: The point, location, or structure where wastewater or drainage discharges from a sewer pipe, ditch, or other conveyance to a receiving body of water. Permeability: The quality of a soil that enables water or air to move through it. Usually expressed in inches/hour or inches/day. B-4 September 1992 Appendix B Permit: An authorization, license, or equivalent control document issued by EPA or an approved State agency to implement the requirements of an environmental regulation; e.g., a permit to operate a wastewater treatment plant or to operate a facility that may generate harmful emissions. Permit Issuing Authority (or Permitting Authority): The State agency or EPA Regional office which issues environmental permits to regulated facilities. Plunge pool: A basin used to slow flowing water, usually constructed to a design depth and shape. The pool may be protected from erosion by various lining materials. Pneumatic Transfer: A system of hoses which uses the force of air or other gas to push material through; used to transfer solid or liquid materials from tank to tank. Point Source: Any discernible, confined, and discrete conveyance, including but not limited to any pipe, ditch, channel, tunnel, conduit, well, discrete fissure, container, rolling stock, concentrated animal feeding operation, or vessel or other floating craft, from which pollutants are or may be discharged. This term does not include return flows from irrigated agriculture or agricultural storm water runoff. Pollutant: Any dredged spoil, solid waste, incinerator residue, filter backwash, sewage, garbage, sewage sludge, munitions, chemical wastes, biological materials, radioactive materials (except those regulated under the Atomic Energy Act of 1954, as amended (42 (U.S.C. 2011 et seo. )), heat, wrecked or discharged equipment, rock, sand, cellar dirt, and industrial, municipal, and agricultural waste discharged into water. It does not mean: (i) Sewage from vessels; or (ii) Water, gas, or other material which is injected into a well to facilitate production of oil or gas, or water derived in association with oil and gas production and disposed of in a well, if the well used either to facilitate production or for disposal purposes is approved by the authority of the State in which the well is located, and if the State determines that the injection or disposal will not result in the degradation of ground or surface water resources [Section 502(6) of the CWA]. Radioactive materials covered by the Atomic Energy Act are those encompassed in its definition of source, byproduct, or special nuclear materials. Examples of materials not covered include radium and accelerator-produced isotopes. See Train v. Colorado Public Interest Research Group. Inc. . 426 U.S. 1 (1976). Porous Pavement: A human-made surface that will allow water to penetrate through and percolate into soil (as in porous asphalt pavement or concrete). Porous asphalt pavement is comprised of irregular shaped crush rock precoated with asphalt binder. Water seeps through into lower layers of gravel for temporary storage, then filters naturally into the soil. Precipitation: Any form of rain or snow. Preventative Maintenance Program: A schedule of inspections and testing at regular intervals intended to prevent equipment failures and deterioration. Process Wastewater: Water that comes into direct contact with or results from the production or use of any raw material, intermediate product, finished product, by-product, waste product, or wastewater. PVC (Polyvinyl Chloride): A plastic used in pipes because of its strength; does not dissolve in most organic solvents. September 1992 B-5 Appendix B Raw Material: Any product or material that is converted into another material by processing or manufacturing. RCRA: Resource Conservation and Recovery Act. Recycle: The process of minimizing the generation of waste by recovering usable products that might otherwise become waste. Examples are the recycling of aluminum cans, wastepaper, and bottles. Reportable Quantity (RQ): The quantity of a hazardous substance or oil that triggers reporting requirements under CERCLA or the Clean Water Act. If a substance is released in amounts exceeding its RQ, the release must be reported to the National Response Center, the State Emergency Response Commission, and community emergency coordinators for areas likely to be affected (see Appendix I for a list of RQs). Residual: Amount of pollutant remaining in the environment after a natural or technological process has taken place, e.g., the sludge remaining after initial wastewater treatment, or particulates remaining in air after the air passes through a scrubbing or other pollutant removal process. Retention: The holding of runoff in a basin without release except by means of evaporation, infiltration, or emergency bypass. Retrofit: The modification of storm water management systems in developed areas through the construction of wet ponds, infiltration systems, wetland plantings, stream bank stabilization, and other BMP techniques for improving water quality. A retrofit can consist of the construction of a new BMP in the developed area, the enhancement of an older storm water management structure, or a combination of improvement and new construction. Rill Erosion: The formation of numerous, closely spread streamlets due to uneven removal of surface soils by storm water or other water. Riparian Habitat: Areas adjacent to rivers and streams that have a high density, diversity, and productivity of plant and animal species relative to nearby uplands. Runon: Storm water surface flow or other surface flow which enters property other than that where it originated. Runoff: That part of precipitation, snow melt, or irrigation water that runs off the land into streams or other surface water. It can carry pollutants from the air and land into the receiving waters. Sanitary Sewer: A system of underground pipes that carries sanitary waste or process wastewater to a treatment plant. Sanitary Waste: Domestic sewage. SARA: Superfund Amendments and Reauthorization Act. Scour: The clearing and digging action of flowing water, especially the downward erosion caused by stream water in sweeping away mud and silt from the stream bed and outside bank of a curved channel. Sealed Gate: A device used to control the flow of liquid materials through a valve. Secondary Containment: Structures, usually dikes or berms, surrounding tanks or other storage containers and designed to catch spilled material from the storage containers. B 6 September 1992 Appendix B Section 313 Water Priority Chemical: A chemical or chemical categories which are: (1) are listed at 40 CFR 372.65 pursuant to Section 313 of the Emergency Planning and Community Right- to-Know Act (EPCRA) (also known as Title III of the Superfund Amendments and Reauthorization Act (SARA) of 1986]; (2) are present at or above threshold levels at a facility subject to EPCRA Section 313 reporting requirements; and (3) that meet at least one of the following criteria: (i) are listed in Appendix D of 40 CFR Part 122 on either Table II (organic priority pollutants). Table III (certain metals, cyanides, and phenols), or Table V (certain toxic pollutants and hazardous substances); (ii) are listed as a hazardous substance pursuant to Section 311(b)(2)(A) of the CWA at 40 CFR 116.4; or (iii) are pollutants for which EPA has published acute or chronic water quality criteria. See Addendum B of this permit. (List is included as Appendix I.) Sediment Trap: A device for removing sediment from water flows; usually installed at outfall points. Sedimentation: The process of depositing soil particles, clays, sands, or other sediments that were picked up by flowing water. Sediments: Soil, sand, and minerals washed from land into water, usually after rain. They pile up in reservoirs, rivers, and harbors, destroying fish-nesting areas and holes of water animals and cloud the water so that needed sunlight might not reach aquatic plants. Careless farming, mining, and building activities will expose sediment materials, allowing them to be washed off the land after rainfalls. Sheet Erosion: Erosion of thin layers of surface materials by continuous sheets of running water. Sheetflow: Runoff which flows over the ground surface as a thin, even layer, not concentrated in a channel. Shelf Life: The time for which chemicals and other materials can be stored before becoming unusable due to age or deterioration. Significant Materials: Include, but are not limited to: raw materials; fuels; materials such as solvents, detergents and plastic pellets; finished materials such as metallic products; raw materials used in food processing or production; hazardous substances designated under section 101(14) of the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act (CERCLA); any chemical the facility is required to report pursuant to section 313 of Title III of the Superfund Amendments and Reauthorization Act (SARA); fertilizers; pesticides; and waste products such as ashes, slag, and sludge that have a potential to be released with storm water discharges [122.26(b)(12)]. Significant Spills: Includes, but is not limited to: releases of oil or hazardous substances in excess of reportable quantities under Section 311 of the CWA (see 40 CFR 110.10 and CFR 117.21) or Section 102 of CERCLA (see 40 CFR 302.4). Slag: Non-metal containing waste leftover from the smelting and refining of metals. Slide Gate: A device used to control the flow of water through storm water conveyances. Sloughing: The movement of unstabilized soil layers down a slope due to excess water in the soils. Sludge: A semi-solid residue from any of a number of air or water treatment processes. Sludge can be a hazardous waste. September 1992 B-7 Appendix B Soil: The unconsolidated mineral and organic material on the immediate surface of the earth that serves as a natural medium for the growth of plants. Solids Dewatering: A process for removing excess water from solids to lessen the overall weight of the wastes. Source Control: A practice or structural measure to prevent pollutants from entering storm water runoff or other environmental media. Spent Solvent: A liquid solution that has been used and is no longer capable of dissolving solids, gases, or liquids. Spill Guard: A device used to prevent spills of liquid materials from storage containers. Spill Prevention Control and Countermeasures Plan (SPCC): Plan consisting of structures, such as curbing, and action plans to prevent and respond to spills of hazardous substances as defined in the Clean Water Act. Stopcock Valve: A small valve for stopping or controlling the flow of water or other liquid through a pipe. Storm Drain: A slotted opening leading to an underground pipe or an open ditch for carrying surface runoff. Storm Water: Runoff from a storm event, snow melt runoff, and surface runoff and drainage. Storm Water Discharge Associated with Industrial Activity: The discharge from any conveyance which is used for collecting and conveying storm water and which is directly related to manufacturing, processing or raw materials storage areas at an industrial plant. The term does not include discharges from facilities or activities excluded from the NPDES program under 40 CFR Part 122. For the categories of industries identified in subparagraphs (i) through (x) of this subsection, the term includes, but is not limited to, storm water discharges from industrial plant yards; immediate access roads and rail lines used or traveled by carriers of raw materials, manufactured products, waste material, or by-products used or created by the facility; material handling sites; refuse sites; sites used for the application or disposal of process waste waters (as defined at 40 CFR 401); sites used for the storage and maintenance of material handling equipment; sites used for residual treatment, storage, or disposal; shipping and receiving areas; manufacturing buildings; storage areas (including tank farms) for raw materials, and intermediate and finished products; and areas where industrial activity has taken place in the past and significant materials remain and are exposed to storm water. For the categories of industries identified in subparagraph (xi), the term includes only storm water discharges from all the areas (except access roads and rail lines) that are listed in the previous sentence where material handling equipment or activities, raw materials, intermediate products, final products, waste material, by-products, or industrial machinery are exposed to storm water . For the purposes of this paragraph, material handling activities include the: storage, loading and unloading, transportation, or conveyance of any raw material, intermediate product, finished product, by-product or waste product. The term excludes areas located on plant lands separate from the plant's industrial activities, such as office buildings and accompanying parking lots as long as the drainage from the excluded areas is not mixed with storm water drained from the above described areas. Industrial facilities (including industrial facilities that are Federally, State, or municipally owned or operated that meet the description of the facilities listed in this paragraph (i)-(xi) include those facilities designated under the provision of 1 22.26(a)(1 )(v). The following categories of facilities are considered to be engaging in "industrial activity" for purposes of this subsection: B-8 September 1992 Appendix B (i) Facilities subject to storm water effluent limitations guidelines, new source performance standards, or toxic pollutant effluent standards under 40 CFR Subchapter N (except facilities with toxic pollutant effluent standards which are excepted under category (xi) of this paragraph); (ii) Facilities classified as Standard Industrial Classifications 24 (except 2434), 26 (except 265 and 267), 28 (except 283 and 285) 29, 311, 32 (except 323), 33, 3441, 372; (iii) Facilities classified as Standard Industrial Classifications 10 though 14 (mineral industry) including active or inactive mining operations (except for areas of coal mining operations no longer meeting the definition of a reclamation area under 40 CFR 434.11(1) because the performance bond issued to the facility by the appropriate SMCRA authority has been released, or except for areas of non-coal mining operations which have been released from applicable State or Federal reclamation requirements after December 17, 1990 and oil and gas exploration, production, processing, or treatment operations, or transmission facilities that discharge storm water contaminated by contact with or that has come into contact with, any overburden, raw material, intermediate products, finished products, byproducts or waste products located on the site of such operations; (inactive mining operations are mining sites that are not being actively mined, but which have an identifiable owner/operator; inactive mining sites do not include sites where mining claims are being maintained prior to disturbances associated with the extraction, beneficiation, or processing of mined materials, nor sites where minimal activities are undertaken for the sole purpose of maintaining mining claim); (iv) Hazardous waste treatment, storage, or disposal facilities, including those that are operating under interim status or a permit under Subtitle C of RCRA; (v) Landfills, land application sites, and open dumps that receive or have received any industrial wastes (waste that is received from any of the facilities described under this subsection) including those that are subject to regulation under Subtitle D of RCRA; (vi) Facilities involved in the recycling of materials, including metal scrapyards, battery reclaimers, salvage yards, and automobiles junkyards, including but limited to those classified as Standard Industrial Classification 5015 and 5093; (vii) Steam electric power generating facilities, including coal handling sites; (viii) Transportation facilities classified as Standard Industrial Classifications 40, 41, 42 (except 4221-25), 43, 44, 45, and 5171 which have vehicle maintenance shops, equipment cleaning operations, or airport deicing operations. Only those portions of the facility that are either involved in vehicle maintenance (including vehicle rehabilitation, mechanical repairs, painting, fueling, and lubrication), equipment cleaning operations, airport deicing operations, or which are otherwise identified under paragraphs (i)-(vii) or (ix)-(xi) of this subsection are associated with industrial activity; (ix) Treatment works treating domestic sewage or any other sewage sludge or wastewater treatment device or system, used in the storage treatment, recycling, and reclamation of municipal or domestic sewage, including land dedicated to the disposal of sewage sludge that are located within the confines of the facility, with a design flow of 1.0 mgd or more, or required to have an approved pretreatment program under 40 CFR 403. Not included are farm lands, domestic gardens or lands used for sludge management where sludge is beneficially reused and which are not physically located in the confines of the facility, or areas that are in compliance with Section 405 of the CWA; (x) Construction activity including clearing, grading and excavation activities except: operations that result in the disturbance of less than five acres of total land area which are not part of a larger common plan of development or sale; (xi) Facilities under Standard Industrial Classification 20, 21, 22, 23, 2434, 25, 265, 267, 27, 283, 285, 30, 31 (except 311), 323, 34 (except 3441), 35, 36, 37 (except 373), 38, 39, 4221-25, (and which are not otherwise included within categories (ii)-(x)); Note: The Transportation Act of 1991 provides an exemption from storm water permitting requirements for certain facilities owned or operated by municipalities with a population of less than 100,000. Such municipalities must submit storm water September 1992 B-9 Appendix B discharge permit applications for only airports, power plants, and uncontrolled sanitary landfills that they own or operate, unless a permit is otherwise required by the permitting authority. Subsoil: The bed or stratum of earth lying below the surface soil. Sump: A pit or tank that catches liquid runoff for drainage or disposal. Surface Impoundment: Treatment, storage, or disposal of liquid wastes in ponds. Surface Water: All water naturally open to the atmosphere (rivers, lakes, reservoirs, streams, wetlands impoundments, seas, estuaries, etc.); also refers to springs, wells, or other collectors which are directly influenced by surface water. Swale: An elongated depression in the land surface that is at least seasonally wet, is usually heavily vegetated, and is normally without flowing water. Swales direct storm water flows into primary drainage channels and allow some of the storm water to infiltrate into the ground surface. Tarp: A sheet of waterproof canvas or other material used to cover and protect materials, equipment, or vehicles. Topography: The physical features of a surface area including relative elevations and the position of natural and human-made features. Toxic Pollutants: Any pollutant listed as toxic under Section 501(a)(1) or, in the case of "sludge use or disposal practices," any pollutant identified in regulations implementing Section 405(d) of the CWA. Please refer to 40 CFR Part 1 22 Appendix D. Treatment: The act of applying a procedure or chemicals to a substance to remove undesirable pollutants. Tributary: A river or stream that flows into a larger river or stream. Underground Storage Tanks (USTs): Storage tanks with at least 10 percent or more of its storage capacity underground (the complete regulatory definition is at 40 CFR Part 280.12). Waste: Unwanted materials left over from a manufacturing or other process. Waste Pile: Any noncontainerized accumulation of solid, nonflowing waste that is used for treatment or storage. Water Table: The depth or level below which the ground is saturated with water. Waters of the United States: "(a) All waters, which are currently used, were used in the past, or may be susceptible to use in interstate or foreign commerce, including all waters which are subject to the ebb and flow of the tide; (b) All interstate waters, including interstate "wetlands;" (c) All other waters such as intrastate lakes, rivers, streams (including intermittent streams), mudflats, sandflats, wetlands," sloughs, prairie potholes, wet meadows, playa lakes, or natural ponds, the use, degradation, or destruction of which would affect or could affect interstate or foreign commerce including any such waters: (1) Which are or could be used by interstate or foreign travelers for recreational or other purposes; B-10 September 1992 Appendix B (2) From which fish or shellfish are or could be taken and sold in interstate or foreign commerce; or (3) Which are used or could be used for industrial purposes by industries in interstate commerce; (d) All impoundments of waters otherwise defined as waters of the United States under this definition; (e) Tributaries of waters identified in paragraphs (a) through (d) of this definition; (f) The territorial sea; and (g) "Wetlands" adjacent to waters (other than waters that are themselves wetlands) identified in paragraphs (a) through (f) of this definition. Waste treatment systems, including treatment ponds or lagoons designed to meet the requirements of CWA (other than cooling ponds as defined in 40 CFR 423.11(m) which also meet the criteria of this definition) are not waters of the United States. This exclusion applies only to manmade bodies of water which neither were originally created in waters of the United States (such as disposal area in wetlands) nor resulted from the impoundment of waters of the United States. Waterway: A channel for the passage or flow of water. Wet Well: A chamber used to collect water or other liquid and to which a pump is attached. Wetlands: An area that is regularly saturated by surface or ground water and subsequently is characterized by a prevalence of vegetation that is adapted for life in saturated soil conditions. Examples include: swamps, bogs, fens, marshes, and estuaries. Wind Break: Any device designed to block wind flow and intended for protection against any ill effects of wind. September 1992 B-11 ■ Appendix C APPENDIX C MODEL STORM WATER POLLUTION PREVENTION PLAN Double Scoop Ice Cream Company 40 Wonka Drive Anytown, OK 12345 December 1992 Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan Emergency Contact: Cheryl Glenn Work Phone: (101) 555-1234 Title: Plant Manager Emergency Phone: (101) 555-6929 Secondary Contact: Rachel Meyers Work Phone: (101) 555-3923 Title: Engineering Supervisor Emergency Phone: (101) 555-6789 Type of Manufacturer : Ice Cream Manufacturer Operating Schedule: 8:00 a.m. - 11:30 p.m. Number of Employees: The plant has 21 employees, including part time staff. Shifts overlap all day. Average Wastewater Discharge: 5,000 gallons per week NPDES Permit Number: OK1234567 POLLUTION PREVENTION TEAM MEMBER ROSTER Worksheet#! - , Completed by Title: Date: Y2r,/*7fk Leader: £■/€/? f? Title: _ /^e/7 7 4 Office Phone: />Y&~ '/rets*?/Yi <9 y&YZxz/lzZ^tt; Members: m ^^2h&ez /W/c/i&e/s Responsibilities: _ Title: &Z>> Office Phone: £/Q /) i> S 1y <*? 7*^3 _ Responsibilities: /f*rg>s 39 >>^/ /gry- /yy?ppsrr<~*t -Ah'& f A&/Z£^r <3/7 ^> (3) ~ZT/*?sysz _ ?iy*J / A?oa'si Title: £_ S tp erV ?'£CS~ Office Phone: r/g/-) Responsibilities: />?/V /-^/*f/w&(LS7 / $ rP?^ s/?/// sizpp0rj. -fz>p r ‘'J r/zc c/ / pe .t '&e^x ." (4) ,/^^w>4g>s Title: Office Phone: Responsibilities: T^^C^/^p/zOp ytfr^-p>/eZ?^s7 _ /^/7&^s'/V& s/&r/y? 7^~ Double Scoop Ice Cream Company Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan Comparison with SPCC Plan Double Scoop Ice Cream Plant has an SPCC plan in operation for its aboveground fuel storage tank. Overlaps are noted below: • Isaac Feldman is the SPCC Coordinator and reports directly to Cheryl Glenn. He will be the Storm Water Spill Prevention and Response Coordinator. • A complete description of potential for oil to contaminate storm water discharges including quantity of oil that could be discharged. • Curbing around aboveground fuel storage tank identified on site map. • Expanded SPCC schedules and procedures to include Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan requirements. • Incorporated SPCC plan training into storm water training programs on spill prevention and response. • Relevant portions of the SPCC plan will be included in this plan. Instructions: Draw a map of your site including a footprint of all buildings, structures, paved areas, and parking lots. The information below describes additional elements required by EPA's General Permit (see example maps in Figures 2.3 and 2.4). EPA's General Permit requires that you indicate the following features on your site map: • All outfalls and storm water discharges • Drainage areas of each storm water outfall • Structural storm water pollution control measures, such as: - Flow diversion structures - Retention/detention ponds - Vegetative swales - Sediment traps • Name of receiving waters (or if through a Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System) • Locations of exposed significant materials (see Section 2.2.2) • Locations of past spills and leaks (see Section 2.2.3) • Locations of high-risk, waste-generating areas and activities common on industrial sites such as: Fueling stations Vehicle/equipment washing and maintenance areas Area for unloading/loading materials Above-ground tanks for liquid storage Industrial waste management areas (landfills, waste piles, treatment plants, disposal areas) Outside storage areas for raw materials, by-products, and finished products Outside manufacturing areas Other areas of concern (specify:_) WOMKA VZawZ. hwowo- now r-*-MS¥ y BUIUGMWC N s ml u -Y£WlOU£ wa^m-ing- ta-hk- , U/KK I ^WMNfr; i( F ^^r es i hiix ArocAge- w*ics ts = ^torM $ew&K [KiueT *jrw- Oil/Wat#?. ■sg.PAfcvpK. (I) * OVTfAU- 001 DOUBLE SCOOP ICE CREAM COMPANY PRE-BMP SITE MAP MARCH 1, 1993 WONM- J7(Z(ve. 0 * OirrfAU- 001 DOUBLE SCOOP ICE CREAM COMPANY POST-BMP SITE MAP MARCH 1, 1993 cl !« K f • • n >. Sfc .O o -g o Si JZ o y? o 5 s ® 3 < o .tr « 5 O 1- Q o *-• (O «—< c re 4-* J3 O Past Significant Spill or Leak o z \ \ 1 to c > Q. Q) ■f D jO «-> o • U w u. o ro Q) _ > .2 a? c £ « £ o ~ a co u. CD Q * *-• -C ♦-» O 03 *- .£ to .<2 -O 2 -g Likelihood of contact with storm water. If yes, describe reason. 1 H 1 i 1 <0 Vi § f A * * V. L $ * l .4 1 V. $ X i 'C •v <5 i • 1 1 c ® E o OJ x s ® £ c ~ Q) S3 5 {g — ro re ^ ® re "D ^ C ® ro fQ Quantity Exposed in Last 3 Years Q "3 1 > £E O h- Z | CnJ S r| 5 Instructions: List all materials used, stored, or produced onsite. Assess storm water runoff. Also complete Worksheet 3A if the n > _ ~ <0 c ~ a C 3 3 o ~ 1 o Cl & ** , \ n - s *» M C5 $ — Purpose/Location i 1 .1 i $ i 1 $ <5 ] s ** ii - O 5 <0 5 • $ 1 f 1 i 1 ^ f s » * i ! ■ • £ 1 N 1 ^ 1 V/ r \ s N ? « ■ s to \ O' I V. -TAitPecnaw zz&zu f/els> Mora&ocK f ^ r ncr7 sf*rrr? «J>a/e*' /¥?^/x.<^7S/?S /€, /Uey&r-* €, (FcxYhe/Se^ {AtJf'eV MlXfe+Z Va*v : 71*n&: /C:<5Z> a>*L- Tu+It' S/rtC*' /*?/- r~aus) •• 0*iasi -hAu sp ^x-^7 / 7~Iphs • A/$ +Z. fo£>U*~S OJ'Z' SJZAJrtTUAB’ OaSe- •' i/U/n 7~cJ+ie' ■ &: 2C Turu^ /&$/- s~&6e+TSA*/ • VB-S I veecwrr?#AS - AJ* safari ca/ar Y&>Af? gUt/c) } Sifaf £Ae£*l ; *>c*fa/y?Arr/-7 y2su/30t^7*ti*&' - f&/!<*"& • &&/AasAas/ J aV/e*nS /syi / r? tt-AlZ' //? fa> i* c/<+Ps I &prrt+nwi7^s : <&S7j

£~ / a a fa as Fpucs YEsS ~Z?&£C/£//Ar7£yO : Aifo -faut^ £*970-// sAe&rSsp f*Zfse^Y?r*sA ~) \^7£44/&t*cYi*rT'; C*/J £ ¥2. 3'S) l/* /¥ £~./uf'riSes. ' wwest/s: It* ettfceeS- iftaS' foe- /¥**t> tv#s Afax* &favrt\ £t?a¥~ £>C60rreS tm 3 /// /^ J ¥‘^‘¥x^/S S/6Aj>?nc#g. - /< ' Double Scoop Ice Cream Company Site Assessment Inspection February 10, 1993 Evaluate the site for pollutants. There are five areas where material handling and storage activities take place. • The storage building contains tanks of corn syrup, liquid sugar, and the granular cleansers. The tanks were examined for possible leaks. We found that the valve on the liquid sugar tank #2 was faulty and had leaked approximately 10 gallons of liquid sugar. Although this leak occurred on 1/21/92, the faulty valve was not discovered until now. All other tanks are secure. Areas around the tanks were swept clean to determine if leaks or spills were prevalent. • The milk storage tanks were then examined for leaks or exposure. Upon closer examination, it was found that the number 1 tank was leaking a small amount of milk to the drainage system. This leak may be the reason for the high concentration of biochemical oxygen demand found in the sample taken from the storm water discharge. The tank was temporarily fixed to ensure that no further contamination would result. A replacement tank was ordered on February 6, 1993, and was expected to arrive within 5 business days. The milk storage tanks shall be examined on a daily basis to further prevent possible exposure to the storm water collection system and receiving stream. • We inspected the fueling station to see if there were any leaks. The general area surrounding the fueling station was clean but we observed that gasoline and motor oil falls during fueling. In accordance with standard operating conditions, facility personnel hose down the area during vehicle washing and the drain is connected to the storm sewer. We detected this connection on 1/19/93 during one of the non-storm water discharge assessment visual inspections. Since this discharge is not allowed under our general permit, we are in the process of submitting a separate permit application specifically for the discharge of vehicle wash water. • We examined the fueling station which is adjacent to the vehicle washing area. Vehicle washing cleaners are used here and any empty or open containers were removed from the area. • We next looked at the loading and unloading docks where raw materials and various cleansers are delivered. The transfer of goods from incoming trucks to storage areas is a source of pollution. Although no problems were noticed, the pollution prevention team has developed a spill prevention and response plan to clean up spills quickly and report them if necessary. • The last area we inspected was the runoff field below the employee parking lot. Here we noticed a significant amount of erosion resulting from recent construction to expand the parking lot. Describe existing management practices. Grass was lightly planted around the parking lot after recent construction. The fuel storage tank has curbing around it in accordance with our SPCC plan. Also, the maintenance crew regularly picks up trash and empty containers from around the storage tanks, loading and unloading areas, and the vehicle washing areas. Used oils are collected in containers and taken to a recycling facility. In addition, we installed two oil/water separators at the drains into our underground storm sewer leading to the Rocky River. These separators are indicated on the site map. Double Scoop Ice Cream Company Existing Monitoring Data Although our NPDES permit for process wastewater does not require storm water sampling, we sampled our storm water on one occasion in response to a questionnaire we received from the National Association of Ice Cream Makers. They were collecting information to submit as part of their comments on EPA's proposed general permit. Date of Sampling 8/30/91 Outfall sampled 001 Type of Storm 1 inch light rainfall (lasted 2 days) Type of Samples Grab samples taken during first hour of flow Data Parameter Quantity Sample Type BOD 250 mg/1 Grab TSS 100 mg/1 Grab PH 7.2 s.u. Grab Oil and grease 5.0 mg/1 Grab Based upon the high concentration of BOD in the storm water samples collected, pollution prevention team is considering possible potential sources of BOD. We will look at storage areas housing butter fat, milk, and whey solids tanks. Double Scoop Ice Cream Company Summary of Pollutant Sources March 5, 1993 Based on the site assessment inspection conducted on 12/1/92, the pollution prevention team identified four potential sources of pollutants: • oil and grease stains on the pavement in the fueling area indicate oil and grease may be picked up by storm water draining to the storm sewer. This area drains into the storm sewer leading to the Rocky River. • Sediment and erosion potential in the field below the employee parking lot because of thinly planted grass. • Potential for spills or leaks from liquid storage tanks, including the fuel storage tank, based on a spill that occurred on 1/21/92 and the leak that was detected in the milk storage tank. These pollutants would dram into the piped outfall into the Rocky River. • Use of a toxic cleaning agent may result in a pollution problem if handled improperly. Double Scoop Ice Cream Company Description of Storm Water Management Measures Taken Based on Site Assessment Phase March 5, 1993 These measures correspond to the pollutant sources identified on the preceding page. Oil and grease from fueling area. We installed drip pads around the fuel pumps to pick up spilled gas and oil during truck refueling. These will be inspected regularly to make sure they are working well. Sediment and erosion in the field below the employee parking lot. We planted grass in this area to reduce potential for erosion. Leaks/spills from liquid storage tanks. We are in the process of installing curbing around the outdoor liquid storage tanks that will contain the volume of he largest tank in case a spill should occur. The spill response team has developed procedures to clean up this area should a spill occur. We are incorporating spill response procedures from our SPCC plan. Toxic cleaning agent. We have discontinued the use of this agent and are replacing it with a non-toxic cleaning agent. ' • •5 Vj Who Double Scoop Ice Cream Company Employee Training Program Line Workers Maintenance Crew Shipping and Receiving Crew When: Employee meetings held the first Monday of each month to discuss: • Any environmental/health and safety incidents • Upcoming training sessions • Brief reminders on good housekeeping, spill prevention and response procedures, and material handling practices • Announce any changes to the plan • Announce any new management practices In-depth pollution prevention training for new employees Refresher courses held every 6 months (October and March) addressing: • Good housekeeping • Spill prevention and response procedures • Materials handling and storage Employee Training Program Topics: Good Housekeeping • Review and demonstrate basic cleanup (sweeping and vacuuming) procedures. • Clearly indicate proper disposal locations. • Post signs in materials handling areas reminding staff of good housekeeping procedures. • Be sure employees know where routine clean-up equipment is located. Spill Prevention and Response • Clear-ly identify potential spill areas and drainage routes • Familiarize employees with past spill events — why they happened and the environmental impact (use slides) • Post warning signs in spill areas with emergency contacts and telephone numbers • Introduce Isaac Feldman as the Spill Response Coordinator and introduce his "team" • Drill on spill clean-up procedures • Post the locations of spill clean-up equipment and the persons responsible for operating the equipment Materials Handling and Storage • Be sure employees are aware which materials are hazardous and where those materials are stored • Point out container labels • Tell employees to use the oldest materials first • Explain recycling practices • Demonstrate how valves are tightly closed and how drums should be sealed • Show how to fuel vehicles and avoid “topping off” Appendix D APPENDIX D STORM WATER AND POLLUTION PREVENTION CONTACTS AND ADDITIONAL POLLUTION PREVENTION INFORMATION Appendix D STATE STORM WATER AND POLLUTION PREVENTION CONTACTS State Storm Water Contact Pollution Prevention Contact •Alabama John Poole Daniel E. Cooper 205-271-7852 205-271-7939 Alaska Michael Menge David Wigglesworth 907-465-5260 907-465-5275 Arizona See Region IX Contact Stephanie Wilson 602-257-2318 •Arkansas Marysia Jastrzebski Robert J. Finn 501-562-7444 501-570-2861 •California Don Parrin Kim Wilhelm 916-657-1288 916-324-1807 •Colorado Patricia Nelson Kate Kramer 303-331-4590 303-331-4510 •Connecticut Dick Mason Rita Lomasney (ConnTap) 203-566-7167 203-241-0777 •Delaware Sarah Cooksey Andrea Farrell 302-739-5731 302-739-3822 District of Columbia James Collier Hampton Cross 202-404-1120 202-939-71 16 Florida Eric Livingston Janet A. Campbell 904-488-0782 904-488-0300 •Georgia Mike Creason Susan Hendricks 404-656-4887 404-656-2833 •Hawaii Steve Chang Jane Dewell 808-586-4309 808-586-4226 Idaho Jerry Yoder Joy Palmer 208-334-5898 208-334-5879 •Illinois Tim Kluge Mike Hayes 217-782-0610 217-782-8700 •Indiana Lonnie Brumfield Joanna Joyce 317-232-8705 317-232-8172 *lowa Monica Wnuk John Konefes 515-281-7017 319-273-2079 •Kansas Don Carlson Tom Gross 913-296-5555 913-296-1603 •Kentucky Douglas Allgeier Joyce St. Clair 502-564-3410 502-588-7260 •Approved NPDES Program September 1992 D-1 Appendix D STATE STORM WATER AND POLLUTION PREVENTION CONTACTS State Storm Water Contact Pollution Prevention Contact Louisiana Jim Delahoussaye Gary Johnson 504-765-0525 504-765-0720 Maine Norm Marcotte Scott Whittier 207-289-3901 207-289-2651 •Maryland Vince Berg Harry Benson 410-631-3553 301-631-3315 Massachusetts Cynthia Hall Barbara Kelly 617-292-5656 617-727-3260 •Michigan Gary Boersen Larry E. Hartwig 517-373-1982 517-335-1 178 •Minnesota Scott Thompson Cindy McComas (MNTAP) 612-296-7203 612-296-4646 •Mississippi Jerry Cain Caroline Hill 601-961-5171 601-325-8454 •Missouri Bob Hentges Becky Shannon 314-751-6825 314-751-3176 •Montana Fred Shewman Bill Potts 406-444-2406 406-444-2821 •Nebraska Clark Smith Teri Swarts 402-471-4239 402-471-4217 •Nevada Rob Saunders Kevin Dick 702-687-4670 702-784-1717 New Hampshire Jeff Andrews Vincent R. Perelli 603-271-2457 603-271-2902 •New Jersey Sandra Cohen Jean Herb 609-633-7021 609-777-0518 New Mexico Glen Saums Alex Puglisi 505-827-2827 505-827-2804 *New York Ken Stevens John lanotti 518-457-1157 518-457-7267 •North Carolina Coleen Sullins Gary Hunt 919-733-5083 919-571-4100 •North Dakota Sheila McClenatahan Neil Knatterud 701-221-5210 703-221-5166 •Ohio Robert Phelps Mike Kelly 614-644-2034 614-644-3492 •Approved NPDES Program D-2 September 1992 Appendix D STATE STORM WATER AND POLLUTION PREVENTION CONTACTS State Storm Water Contact Pollution Prevention Contact Oklahoma Brooks Kirlin 504-231-2500 Chris Varga 405-271-7047 •Oregon Ranei Nomura 503-229-5256 Roy W. Brower 503-229-6585 •Pennsylvania R.B. Patel 717-787-8184 Greg Harder 717-772-2724 •Rhode Island Ed Symanski 401-244-3931 Janet Keller 401-277-3434 •South Carolina Brigit McDade 803-734-5300 Jeffrey DeBossonet 803-734-4715 South Dakota Glenn Pieritz 605-773-3351 Vonnie Kallmeyn 605-773-3153 •Tennessee Robert Haley 615-741-2275 James Ault 615-742-6547 Texas Randy Wilburn 512-463-8446 Priscilla Seymour 512-463-7761 •Utah Harry Campbell 801-538-6146 Sonja Wallace 801-538-6170 •Vermont Brian Kooiker 802-244-5674 Gary Gulka 802-244-8702 •Virgin Islands Marc Pacifico 809-773-0565 See Region II Contact •Virginia Martin Ferguson, Jr. 804-527-5030 Sharon Kenneally-Baxter 804-371-8716 •Washington Peter Birch 206-438-7076 Stan Springer 206-438-7541 •West Virginia Jerry Ray 304-348-0375 Dale Moncer 304-348-4000 •Wisconsin Ann Mauel 608-267-7634 Lynn Persson 608-267-3763 •Wyoming John Wagner 307-777-7082 David Finley 307-777-7752 •Approved NPDES Program September 1992 D-3 Appendix D EPA REGIONAL STORM WATER AND POLLUTION PREVENTION CONTACTS State Storm Water Contact Pollution Prevention Contact REGION 1 Veronica Harrington 617-565-3525 Mark Mahoney 617-565-1155 REGION II Jose Rivera 212-264-291 1 Janet Sapadin 212-264-1925 REGION III Kevin Magerr 215-597-1651 Roy Denmark 215-597-8327 REGION IV Roosevelt Childress 404-347-3379 Carol Monell 404-347-7109 REGION V Peter Swenson 312-886-0236 Louis Blume 312-353-4135 REGION VI Brent Larsen 214-655-7175 Laura Townsend 214-655-6525 REGION VII Ralph Summers 913-551-7418 Alan Wehmeyer 913-551-7336 REGION VIII Vern Berry 303-293-1630 Sharon Childs 303-293-1456 REGION IX Eugene Bromley 415-744-1906 Jesse Baskir 415-744-2189 REGION X Steve Bubnick 206-553-8399 Carolyn Gangmark 206-553-4072 D-4 September 1992 Appendix D ADDITIONAL POLLUTION PREVENTION INFORMATION State pollution prevention programs have people who are knowledgeable about pollution prevention and are willing to provide information and sometimes technical assistance on pollution prevention. The EPA has pollution prevention experts located in a number of different program offices, laboratories, and EPA Regional offices. These experts can provide information on starting a pollution prevention program or on specific waste reduction BMPs. This Appendix lists State and Federal pollution prevention contacts above. Trade associations are another good source of pollution prevention information. Trade associations can often provide you with pollution prevention assistance directly or refer you to someone who can. A comprehensive listing of pollution prevention resources, documents, courses, and programs, including names and phone numbers, is contained in a new annual EPA publication. Copies of this document -- Pollution Prevention Training Opportunities in 1992 -- may be obtained by calling the PPIC/PIES support number at (703) 821-4800. One good source of information on pollution prevention is EPA's Pollution Prevention Information Clearinghouse (PPIC). PPIC contains technical, policy, programmatic, legislative, and financial information on pollution prevention efforts in the United States and abroad. The PPIC may be reached by personal computer modem, telephone hotline, or mail. The PIES, or Pollution Prevention Information Exchange System, is a free 24-hour electronic bulletin board consisting of message centers, technical data bases, issue-specific "mini-exchanges," and a calendar of pollution prevention events. The PIES allows a user to access the full range of infirmation in the PPIC. For information on how to use the PPIC/PIES, call (703) 821-4800. To log on to the PIES system using a modem and a PC, call (703) 506-1025 (set your communication software at 8 bits and no parity). EPA and State programs have developed manuals and fact sheets containing specific pollution prevention information. These manuals and fact sheets listed below can be ordered free of charge by calling the EPA Pollution Prevention Information Clearinghouse at (703) 821-4800. September 1992 D-5 Appendix D Guides Guides Guides Guides Guides Guides Guides Guides Guides Guides Guides Guides Guides INDUSTRY-SPECIFIC POLLUTION PREVENTION GUIDANCE MANUALS AVAILABLE FROM THE PPIC to Pollution Prevention: Automotive Refinishing Industry EPA/625/7-91/016 to Pollution Prevention: Auto Repair Industry EPA/625/7-91/013 to Pollution Prevention: The Commercial Printing Industry EPA/625/7-90/008 to Pollution Prevention: The Fabricated Metal Industry EPA/625/7-90/006 to Pollution Prevention: Fiberglass Reinforced and Composite EPA/625/7-91/014 Plastics to Pollution Prevention: Marine Maintenance and Repair EPA/625/7-91/015 to Pollution Prevention: The Paint Manufacturing Industry EPA/625/7-90/005 to Pollution Prevention: The Pesticide Formulating Industry EPA/625/7-90/004 to Pollution Prevention: Pharmaceutical Preparation EPA/625/7-91/017 to Pollution Prevention: Photoprocessing Industry EPA/625/7-91/012 to Pollution Prevention: The Printed Circuit Board Manufacturing EPA/625/7-90/00 Industry to Pollution Prevention: Research and Educational Institutions EPA/625/7-90/01 0 to Pollution Prevention: Selected Hospital Waste Streams EPA/625/7-90-009 D-6 September 1992 Appendix D FACT SHEETS AVAILABLE FROM PPIC General/lntroductory Information • Conservation Tips for Business • General Guidelines • Getting More Use Out of What We Have • Glossary of Waste Reduction Terms • Guides to Pollution Prevention • Hazardous Waste Fact Sheet for Minnesota Generators • Hazardous Waste Minimization • How Business Organizations Can Help • Increase Your Corporate and Product Image • Industrial Hazardous Wastes in Minnesota • Local Governments and Pollution Prevention • Pollution Prevention (General) • Pollution Prevention Fees • Pollution Prevention Training and Education • Pollution Prevention Through Waste Reduction • Recent Publications • Reduce Hazardous Waste • Reuse Strategies for Local Government • Source Reduction Techniques for Local Government • U.S. EPA's Pollution Prevention Program • Video Tapes Available from the Virginia Waste Minimization Program • Waste Exchange: Everybody Wins! • Waste Exchange Services • Waste Minimization Fact Sheet • Waste Minimization in the Workplace • Waste Reduction Can Work For You • Waste Reduction Overview • Waste Reduction/Pollution Prevention: Getting Started • Waste Reduction Tips for All Businesses • Waste Source Reduction Checklist • What is Pollution Prevention? • Why Reduce Waste? Legislative Information/ EPA and State Initiatives • About Minnesota's "But Recycled Campaign" • Alaska State Agency Waste Reduction and Recycling • EPA's 2% Set Aside Pollution Prevention Projects • EPA's "List of Lists" Projects • EPA's Pollution Prevention Enforcement Settlement Policy • EPA's Pollution Prevention Incentives for States • EPA's Pollution Prevention Strategy • Introducing the Colorado Pollution Prevention Program • Michigan's Solid Waste Reduction Strategy • Minnesota's Toxic Pollution Prevention Act • New Form R Reporting Requirements • Oregon's Toxic Use Reduction Act • Pollution Prevention Act of 1990 • Promoting Pollution Prevention in Minnesota State Government September 1992 D-7 Appendix D Setting Up A Program • 1991 Small Business Pollution Prevention Grants • An Organization Strategy for Pollution Prevention • Considerations in Selecting a Still for Onsite Recycling • Colorado Technical Information Center • Onsite Assistance (Colorado only) • Pollution Prevention Grant Program Summaries and Reports • Procuring Recycled Products • Recycling Market Development Program • Selecting a Supplier, Hauler, and Materials Broker • Solid Waste Management Financial Assistance Program • Source Reduction at Your Facility • Starting Your Own Waste Reduction Program • The Alexander Motor's Success Story • The Eastside Plating Success Story • The Tektronics Payoff • The Wacker Payoff • Waste Reduction Checklists: - General - Cleaning - Coating/Painting - Formulating - Machining - Operating Procedures - Plating/Metal Finishing • Waste Source Reduction: Implementing a Program Process/Material Specific • Aerosol Containers • Aircraft Rinsewater Disposal • Acids/Bases • Chemigation Practices to Prevent Ground Water Contamination • Corrugated Cardboard Waste Reduction • Demolition • Empty Containers • Gunwasher Maintenance • Lead Acid Batteries • Machine Coolants: - Prolonging Coolant Life - Waste Reduction • Metal Recovery: - Dragout Reduction - Ion Exchange/Electrolytic Recovery - Etchant Substitution • Metals Recycling • Office Paper Waste Reduction • Old Paints, Inks, Residuals, and Related Materials • Pesticides: - Disposal of Unused Pesticides, Tank Mixes, and Rinsewater - In-Filled Sprayer Rinse System to Reduce Pesticide Wastes - Pesticide Container Disposal - Preventing Pesticide Pollution of Surface and Ground Water D-8 September 1992 Appendix D - Preventing Well Contamination by Pesticides - Protecting Mountain Springs from Pesticide Contamination - Reducing and Saving Money Using Integrated Pest Management • Plastics: - The Facts About Production, Use, and Disposal - The Facts on Degradable Plastics - The Facts on Recycling Plastics - The Facts on Source Reduction • Printing Equipment • Refrigerant Reclamation Equipment/ Services • Reverse Osmosis • Safety Kleen, Inc., Users • Shop Rags from Printers • Small Silver Recovery Units • Solvents: - Alternatives to CFC-113 Used in the Cleaning of Electronic Circuit Boards - Onsite Solvent Reclamation - Reducing Shingle Waste at a Manufacturing Facility - Reducing Solvent Emissions from Vapor Degreasers - Small Solvent Recovery Systems - Solvent Loss Control - Solvent Management: Printing Press - Solvent Recovery: Fiber Production Plant - Solvent Reduction in Metal Parts Cleaning - Solvent Reuse: Technical Institute - Trichloroethylene and Stoddard Solvent Reduction Alternatives • Ultrafiltration • Used Containers: Management • Used Oil Recycling • Waste Management Guidance for Oil Clean-Up • Water and Chemical Reduction for Cooling Towers • Waste Water Treatment Opportunities Industry-Specific Information • Aerospace Industry • Auto Body Shops • Automotive Painting • Automotive/Vehicle Repair Shops • Auto Salvage Yards • Asbestos Handling, Transport, and Disposal • Chemical Production • Coal Mining • Concrete Panel Manufacturers • Dairy Industry: - Cut Waste and Reduce Surcharges for Your Dairy Plant - Dairy CEOs: Do You Have a $500 Million Opportunity? - Liquid Assets for Your Dairy Plant - Water and Wastewater Management in a Dairy Processing Plant • Dry Cleaners • Electrical Power Generators September 1992 D-9 Appendix D • Electroplating Industry: - Dragout Management for Electroplaters - Plating with Trivalent Chrome Instead of Cr + 6 - Water Conservation Using Counter Current Rinsing - Water Conservation: Tank Design - Water Conservation: Rinsewater Reuse - What Should I Do With My Electroplating Sludge? • Fabricated Metal Manufacturers • Fiberglass Fabricators: Volatile Emissions Reduction • Machine Toolers • Metal Finishers: - General - Effluent Minimization - Rinsewater Reduction • Oil Refiners • Paint Formulators • Paper Manufacturers • Pesticide Formulating Industry • Photofinishers/Photographic Processors • Poultry Industry: - Poultry CEOs: You May Have a $60 Million Opportunity - Poultry Processors: You Can Reduce Waste Load and Cut Sewer Surcharges * Survey Shows That Poultry Processors Can Save Money By Conserving Water - Systems for Recycling Water in Poultry Processing • Printed Circuit Board Manufacturers • Printing Industry • Radiator Service Firms • Shrimp Processors • Steel Manufacturers • Textile Industry: * Dye Bath and Bleach Bath Reconstitution - Water Conservation • Wire Milling Operations: Process Water Reduction D-10 September 1992 Appendix E APPENDIX E BMP FACT SHEETS SILT FENCE September 1992 Design Criteria ▲ Silt fences are appropriate at the following general locations: ▲ Immediately upstream of the point(s) of runoff discharge from a site before flow becomes concentrated (maximum design flow rate should not exceed 0.5 cubic feet per second). a Below disturbed areas where runoff may occur in the form of overland flow. a Ponding should not be allowed behind silt fences since they will collapse under high pressure; the design should provide sufficient outlets to prevent overtopping. a The drainage area should not exceed 0.25 acre per 100 feet of fence length. a For slopes between 50:1 and 5:1, the maximum allowable upstream flow path length to the fence is 100 feet; for slopes of 2:1 and steeper, the maximum is 20 feet. a The maximum upslope grade perpendicular to the fence line should not exceed 1:1. a Synthetic silt fences should be designed for 6 months of service; burlap is only acceptable for periods of up to 60 days. Materials a Synthetic filter fabric should be a pervious sheet of polypropylene, nylon, polyester, or polyethylene yarn conforming to the requirements in Table 1 below. TABLE 1. SYNTHETIC FILTER FABRIC REQUIREMENTS Physical Property Requirements Filtering Efficiency 75% - 85% (minimum) Tensile Strength at 20% (maximum) Elongation Standard Strength - 30 Ib/linear inch (minimum) Extra Strength - 50 Ib/linear inch (minimum) Slurry Flow Rate 0.3 gal/ft 2 /min (minimum) a Synthetic filter fabric should contain ultraviolet ray inhibitors and stabilizers to provide a minimum of 6 months of expected usable construction life at a temperature range of 0 to 120°F. a Burlap of 10 ounces per square yard of fabric can also be used. ▲ The filter fabric should be purchased in a continuous roll to avoid joints. ▲ While not required, wire fencing may be used as a backing to reinforce standard strength filter fabric. The wire fence (14 gauge minimum) should be at 22-48 inches wide and should have a maximum mesh spacing of 6 inches. a Posts should be 2-4 feet long and should be composed of either 2" x 2-4" pine (or equivalent) or 1.00 to 1.33 Ib/linear ft steel. Steel posts should have projections for fastening wire and fabric to them. Construction Specifications a The maximum height of the filter fence should range between 18 and 36 inches above the ground surface (depending on the amount of upslope ponding expected). E-1 ____ ; SILT FENCE --- a Posts should be spaced 8 to 10 feet apart when a wire mesh support fence is used and no more than 6 feet apart when extra strength filter fabric (without a wire fence) is used. The posts should extend 12 to-30 inches into the ground. a A trench should be excavated 4 to 8 inches wide and 4 to 12 inches deep along the upslope side of the line of posts. a If standard strength filter fabric is to be used, the optional wire mesh support fence may be fastened to the upslope side of the posts using 1 inch heavy duty wire staples, tie wires, or hog rings. Extend the wire mesh support to the bottom of the trench. The filter fabric should then be stapled or wired to the fence, and 8 to 20 inches of the fabric should extend into the trench (Figure 1). a Extra strength filter fabric does not require a wire mesh support fence. Staple or wire the filter fabric directly to the posts and extend 8 to 20 inches of the fabric into the trench (Figure 1). a Where joints in the fabric are required, the filter cloth should be spliced together only at a support post, with a minimum 6-inch overlap, and securely sealed. a Do not attach filter fabric to trees. a Backfill the trench with compacted soil or 0.75 inch minimum diameter gravel placed over the filter fabric. Maintenance a Inspect filter fences daily during periods of prolonged rainfall, immediately after each rainfall event, and weekly during periods of no rainfall. Make any required repairs immediately. a Sediment must be removed when it reaches one-third to one-half the height of the filter fence. Take care to avoid damaging the fence during cleanout. a Filter fences should not be removed until the upslope area has been permanently stabilized. Any sediment deposits remaining in place after the filter fence has been removed should be dressed to conform with the existing grade, prepared, and seeded. Cost a Silt fence installation costs approximately $6.00 per linear foot. Sources a Commonwealth of Virginia - County of Fairfax, 1987. 1987 Check List For Erosion And Sediment Control - Fairfax County, Virginia. a State of North Carolina, 1988. Erosion and Sediment Control Planning and Design Manual. North Carolina Sedimentation Control Commission, Department of Natural Resources and Community Development. a Maryland Department of the Environment, 1991. 1991 Maryland Standards And Specifications For Soil Erosion And Sediment Control - Draft. E-2 — — ——- 1 PIPE SLOPE DRAIN t September 1992 Design Criteria a Pipe Slope Drains (PSD) are appropriate in the following general locations: a On cut or fill slopes before permanent storm water drainage structures have been installed. a Where earth dikes or other diversion measures have been used to concentrate flows. a On any slope where concentrated runoff crossing the face of the slope may cause gullies, channel erosion, or saturation of slide-prone soils. a As an outlet for a natural drainageway. a The drainage area may be up to 10 acres; however, many jurisdictions consider 5 acres the recommended maximum. a The PSD design should handle the peak runoff for the 10-year storm. Typical relationships between area and pipe diameter are shown in Table 2 below. TABLE 2. RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN AREA AND PIPE DIAMETER Maximum Drainage Area (Acres) Pipe Diameter (D) (Inches) 0.5 12 0.75 15 1.0 18 Materials a Pipe may be heavy duty flexible tubing designed for this purpose, e.g., nonperforated, corrugated plastic pipe, corrugated metal pipe, bituminous fiber pipe, or specially designed flexible tubing. a A standard flared end section secured with a watertight fitting should be use for the inlet. A standard T-section fitting may also be used. a Extension collars should be 12-inch long sections of corrugated pipe. All fittings must be watertight. Construction Specifications a Place the pipe slope drain on undisturbed or well-compacted soil. a Soil around and under the entrance section must be hand-tamped in 4-inch to 8-inch lifts to the top of the dike to prevent piping failure around the inlet. a Place filter cloth under the inlet and extend 5 feet in front of the inlet and be keyed in 6-inches on all sides to prevent erosion. A 6-inch metal toe plate may also be used for this purpose. a Ensure firm contact between the pipe and the soil at all points by backfilling around and under the pipe with stable soil material hand compacted in lifts of 4-inches to 8-inches. a Securely stake the PSD to the slope using grommets provided for this purpose at intervals of 10 feet or less. a Ensure that all slope drain sections are securely fastened together and have watertight fittings. E-3 PIPE SLOPE DRAIN a Extend the pipe beyond the toe of the slope and discharge at a nonerosive velocity into a stabilized area (e.g., rock outlet protection may be used) or to a sedimentation trap or pond. ▲ The PSD should have a minimum slope of 3 percent or steeper. a The height at the centerline of the earth dike should range from a minimum of 1.0 foot over the pipe to twice the diameter of the pipe measured from the invert of the pipe. It should also be at least 6 inches higher than the adjoining ridge on either side. a At no point along the dike will the elevation of the top of the dike be less than 6 inches higher than the top of the pipe. a Immediately stabilize all areas disturbed by installation or removal of the PSD. Maintenance ▲ Inspect regularly and after every storm. Make any necessary repairs. a Check to see that water is not bypassing the inlet and undercutting the inlet or pipe. If necessary, install headwall or sandbags. a Check for erosion at the outlet point and check the pipe for breaks or clogs. Install additional outlet protection if needed and immediately repair the breaks and clean any clogs. a Do not allow construction traffic to cross the PSD and do not place any material on it. a If a sediment trap has been provided, clean it out when the sediment level reaches 1/3 to 1/2 the design volume. a The PSD should remain in place until the slope has been completely stabilized or up to 30 days after permanent slope stabilization. Cost a Pipe slope drain costs are generally based upon the pipe type and size (generally, flexible PVC at $5.00 per linear foot). Also adding to this cost are any expenses associated with inlet and outlet structures. Sources a Commonwealth of Virginia - County of Fairfax, 1987. 1987 Check List For Erosion And Sediment Control * Fairfax County, Virginia. a State of North Carolina, 1988. Erosion and Sediment Control Planning and Design Manual. North Carolina Sedimentation Control Commission, Department of Natural Resources and Community Development. a Maryland Department of the Environment, 1991. 1991 Maryland Standards And Specifications For Soil Erosion And Sediment Control - Draft. a Storm Water Management Manual for the Puget Sound Basin. State of Washington, Department of Ecology, 1 991. a Cost Data: a Draft Sediment and Erosion Control, An Inventory of Current Practices, April 20, 1990. Prepared by Kamber Engineering for the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Office of Water Enforcement and Permits, Washington, D.C. 20460. -| FILTER FABRIC INLET PROTECTION September 1992 Design Criteria a Inlet protection is appropriate in the following locations: a In small drainage areas (less than 1 acre) where the storm drain inlet is functional before the drainage area has been permanently stabilized. a Where there is danger of sediment silting in an inlet which is in place prior to permanent stabilization. a Filter fabric inlet protection is appropriate for most types of inlets where the drainage area is one acre or less. a The drainage area should be fairly flat with slopes of 5% or less and the area immediately surrounding the inlet should not exceed a slope of 1 %. a Overland flow to the inlet should be no greater than 0.5 cfs. a This type of inlet protection is not appropriate for use in paved areas because the filter fabric requires staking. a To avoid failure caused by pressure against the fabric when overtopping occurs, it is recommended that the height of the filter fabric be limited to 1.5 feet above the crest of the drop inlet. a It is recommended that a sediment trapping sump of 1 to 2 feet in depth with side slopes of 2:1 be provided. Materials a Filter fabric (see the fabric specifications for silt fence). a Wooden stakes 2" x 2" or 2"x 4" with a minimum length of 3 feet. a Heavy-duty wire staples at least % inch in length. a Washed gravel % inches in diameter. Construction Specifications a Place a stake at each corner of the inlet and around the edges at no more than 3 feet apart. Stakes should be driven into the ground 18 inches or at a minimum 8 inches. a For stability a framework of wood strips should be installed around the stakes at the crest of the overflow area 1.5 feet above the crest of the drop inlet. a Excavate a trench of 8 inches to 12 inches in depth around the outside perimeter of the stakes. If a sediment trapping sump is being provided then the excavation may be as deep as 2 feet. a Staple the filter fabric to the wooden stakes with heavy-duty staples, overlapping the joints to the next stake. Ensure that between 12 inches to 32 inches of filter fabric extends at the bottom so it can be formed into the trench. a Place the bottom of the fabric in the trench and backfill the trench all the way around using washed gravel to a minimum depth of 4 inches. E-5 FILTER FABRIC INLET PROTECTION Maintenance Inspect regularly and after every storm. Make any repairs necessary to ensure the measure is in Sedfment'shouJd be removed and the trap restored to its original dimensions when sediment has accumulated to % the design depth of the trap. If the filter fabric becomes clogged it should be replaced immediately. Make sure that the stakes are firmly in the ground and that the filter fabric continues to be securely anchored. All sediments removed should be properly disposed. . .... Inlet protection should remain in place and operational until the drainage area is completely stabi ized or up to 30 days after the permanent site stabilization is achieved. Cost * The cost of storm drain inlet protection varies dependent upon the size and type of inlet to be protected but generally is about $300.00 per inlet. Sources „ commcnwealth cf Virginia - Ccunty cf Fairfax, 1987. 1987 Check List For Erosion And Sediment Control - Fairfax County, Virginia. . . a State of North Carolina, 1988. Erosion and Sediment Control Planning and Design Manual. North Carolina Sedimentation Control Commission, Department of Natural Resources and Community X Maryland Department of the Environment, 1991. 1991 Maryland Standards And Specifications For Soil Erosion And Sediment Control - Draft. ▲ Storm Water Management Manual for the Puget Sound Basin. State of Washington, Department of Ecology, 1991. a Cost Data: a Draft Sediment and Erosion Control, An Inventory of Current Practices, April 20, 1990. Prepared by Kamber Engineering for the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Office of Water Enforcement and Permits, Washington, D.C. 20460. EXCAVATED GRAVEL INLET PROTECTION September 1992 Design Criteria a Inlet protection is appropriate in the following locations: a In small drainage areas (less than 1 acre) where the storm drain inlet is functional before the drainage area has been permanently stabilized. a Where there is danger of sediment silting in an inlet which is in place prior to permanent stabilization. a Where ponding around the inlet structure could be a problem to traffic on site. a Excavated gravel and mesh inlet protection may be used with most inlets where overflow capability is needed and in areas of heavy flows, 0.5 cfs or greater. a The drainage area should not exceed 1 acre. a The drainage area should be fairly flat with slopes of 5% or less. a The trap should have a sediment trapping sump of 1 to 2 feet measured from the crest of the inlet. Side slopes should be 2:1. The recommended volume of excavation is 35 yd 3 /aere disturbed. a To achieve maximum trapping efficiency the longest dimension of the basin should be oriented toward the longest inflow area. Materials a Hardware cloth or wire mesh with !4 inch openings. a Filter fabric (see the fabric specifications for silt fence). a Washed gravel % inches to 4 inches in diameter. Construction Specifications a Remove any obstructions to excavating and grading. Excavate sump area, grade slopes and properly dispose of soil. a The inlet grate should be secured to prevent seepage of sediment laden water. a Place wire mesh over the drop inlet so that the wire extends a minimum of 1 foot beyond each side of the inlet structure. Overlap the strips of mesh if more than one is necessary. a Place filter fabric over the mesh extending it at least 18 inches beyond the inlet opening on all sides. Ensure that weep holes in the inlet structure are protected by filter fabric and gravel. a Place stone/gravel over the fabric/wire mesh to a depth of at least 1 foot. E-7 EXCAVATED GRAVEL INLET PROTECTION Maintenance A Inspect regularly and after every storm. Make any repairs necessary to ensure the measure is in good working order. a Sediment should be removed and the trap restored to its original dimensions when sediment has accumulated to % the design depth of the trap. a Clean or remove and replace the stone filter or filter fabric if they become clogged. a Inlet protection should remain in place and operational until the drainage area is completely stabilized or up to 30 days after the permanent site stabilization is achieved. Cost ▲ The cost of storm drain inlet protection varies dependent upon the size and type of inlet to be protected but generally is about $300.00 per inlet. Sources A Commonwealth of Virginia - County of Fairfax, 1987. 1987 Check List For Erosion And Sediment Control - Fairfax County, Virginia. a State of North Carolina, 1988. Erosion and Sediment Control Planning and Design Manual. North Carolina Sedimentation Control Commission, Department of Natural Resources and Community Development. _ a Maryland Department of the Environment, 1991. 1991 Maryland Standards And Specifications For Soil Erosion And Sediment Control - Draft. a Storm Water Management Manual for the Puget Sound Basin. State of Washington, Department of Ecology, 1991. a Cost Data: a Draft Sediment and Erosion Control, An Inventory of Current Practices, April 20, 1990. Prepared by Kamber Engineering for the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Office of Water Enforcement and Permits, Washington, D.C. 20460. E-8 BLOCK AND GRAVEL INLET PROTECTION September 1 992 Design Criteria a Inlet protection is appropriate in the following locations: a In drainage areas (less than 1 acre) where the storm drain inlet is functional before the drainage area has been permanently stabilized. ▲ Where there is danger of sediment silting in an inlet which is in place prior to permanent stabilization. a Block and gravel inlet protection may be used with most types of inlets where overflow capability is needed and in areas of heavy flows 0.5 cfs or greater. a The drainage area should not exceed 1 acre. ▲ The drainage area should be fairly flat with slopes of 5% or less. a To achieve maximum trapping efficiency the longest dimension of the basin should be oriented toward the longest inflow area. a Where possible the trap should have sediment trapping sump of 1 to 2 feet in depth with side slopes of 2:1. a There are several other types of inlet protection also used to prevent siltation of storm drainage systems and structures during construction, they are: a Filter Fabric Inlet Protection a Excavated Gravel Inlet Protection Materials a Hardware cloth or wire mesh with Vi inch openings a Filter fabric (see the fabric specifications for silt fence) a Concrete block 4 inches to 12 inches wide. a Washed "gravel % inches to 4 inches in diameter Construction Specifications a The inlet grate should be secured to prevent seepage of sediment laden water. a Place wire mesh over the drop inlet so that the wire extends a minimum of 12 inches to 18 inches beyond each side of the inlet structure. Overlap the strips of mesh if more than one is necessary. a Place filter fabric (optional) over the mesh and extend it at least 18 inches beyond the inlet structure. a Place concrete blocks over the filter fabric in a single row lengthwise on their sides along the sides of the inlet. The foundation should be excavated a minimum of 2 inches below the crest of the inlet and the bottom row of blocks should be against the edge of the structure for lateral support. a The open ends of the block should face outward not upward and the ends of adjacent blocks should abut. Lay one block on each side of the structure on its side to allow for dewatering of the pool. a The block barrier should be at least 12 inches high and may be up to a maximum of 24 inches high and may be from 4 inches to 12 inches in depth depending on the size of block used. a Prior to backfilling, place wire mesh over the outside vertical end of the blocks so that stone does not wash down the inlet. a Place gravel against the wire mesh to the top of the blocks. E-9 BLOCK AND GRAVEL INLET PROTECTION \ Maintenance a Inspect regularly and after every storm. Make any repairs necessary to ensure the measure is in good working order. .... , „ a Sediment should be removed and the trap restored to its original dimensions when sediment has accumulated to % the design depth of the trap. ▲ All sediments removed should be properly disposed of. a Inlet protection should remain in place and operational until the drainage area is completely stabilized or up to 30 days after the permanent site stabilization is achieved. Cost a The cost of storm drain inlet protection varies dependent upon the size and type of inlet to be protected but generally is about $300.00 per inlet. Sources a Commonwealth of Virginia - County of Fairfax, 1987. 1987 Check List For Erosion And Sediment Control - Fairfax County, Virginia. a State of North Carolina, 1988. Erosion and Sediment Control Planning and Design Manual. North Carolina Sedimentation Control Commission, Department of Natural Resources and Community Development. _ . _ a Maryland Department of the Environment, 1991. 1991 Maryland Standards And Specifications For Soil Erosion And Sediment Control - Draft. a Storm Water Management Manual for the Puget Sound Basin. State of Washington, Department of Ecology, 1991. a Cost Data: a Draft Sediment and Erosion Control, An Inventory of Current Practices, April 20, 1 990. Prepared by Kamber Engineering for the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Office of Water Enforcement and Permits, Washington, D.C. 20460. TEMPORARY SEDIMENT TRAP September 1 992 Design Criteria a Temporary sediment traps are appropriate in the following locations: a At the outlet of the perimeter controls installed during the first stage of construction. a At the outlet of any structure which concentrates sediment-laden runoff, e.g. at the discharge point of diversions, channels, slope drains, or other runoff conveyances. a Above a storm water inlet that is in line to receive sediment-laden runoff. a Temporary sediment traps may be constructed by excavation alone or by excavation in combination with an embankment. a Temporary sediment traps are often used in conjunction with a diversion dike or swale. a The drainage area for the sediment trap should not exceed 5 disturbed acres. a The trap must be accessible for ease of regular maintenance which is critical to its functioning properly. a Sediment traps are temporary measures and should not be planned to remain in place longer than between 18 and 24 months. a The capacity of the sedimentation pool should provide storage volume for 3,600 cubic feet/acre drainage area. a The outlet should be designed to provide a 2 foot settling depth and an additional sediment storage area 1 Vi feet deep at the bottom of the trap. a The embankment may not exceed 5 feet in height. a The recommended minimum width at the top of the embankment is between 2 feet and 5 feet. a The minimum recommended length of the weir is between 3 feet and 4 feet, and the maximum is 12 feet in length. a Table 5 illustrates the typical relationship between the embankment height, the height of the outlet (HJ, and the width (W) at the top of the embankment. TABLE 5. EMBANKMENT HEIGHT vs. OUTLET HEIGHT AND WIDTH H H 0 W 1.5 0.5 2.0 2.0 1.0 2.0 2.5 1.5 2.5 3.0 2.0 2.5 3.5 2.5 3.0 4.0 3.0 3.0 4.5 3.5 4.0 5.0 4.0 4.5 Materials a Filter fabric (see fabric requirement for silt fence) a Coarse aggregate or riprap 2 inches to 14 inches in diameter a Washed gravel % to 1!6 inches in diameter a Seed and mulch for stabilization E-11 TEMPORARY SEDIMENT TRAP Construction Specifications a Clear the area of all trees, brush, stumps or other obstructions. a Construct the embankment in 8 inch lifts compacting each lift with the appropriate earth moving equipment. Fill material must be free of woody vegetation, roots, or large stones. a Keep cut and fill slopes between 3:1 and 2:1 or flatter. a Line the outlet area with filter fabric prior to placing stone or gravel. ▲ Construct the gravel outlet using heavy stones between 6 inches and 14 inches in diameter and face the upstream side with a 12 inch layer of % inch to 1 % inch washed gravel on the upstream side. ▲ Seed and mulch the embankment as soon as possible to ensure stabilization. Maintenance a Inspect regularly and after every storm. Make any repairs necessary to ensure the measure is in good working order. a Frequent removal of sediment is critical to the functioning of this measure. At a minimum sediment should be removed and the trap restored to its original volume when sediment reaches % of the original volume. a Sediment removed from the trap must be properly disposed. a Check the embankment regularly to make sure it is structurally sound. Cost ▲ Costs for a sediment trap vary widely based upon their size and the amount of excavation and stone required, they usually can be installed for $500 to $7,000. Sources ▲ Commonwealth of Virginia - County of Fairfax, 1987. 1987 Check List For Erosion And Sediment Control - Fairfax County, Virginia. a State of North Carolina, 1988. Erosion and Sediment Control Planning and Design Manual. North Carolina Sedimentation Control Commission, Department of Natural Resources and Community Development. a Maryland Department of the Environment, 1991. 1991 Maryland Standards And Specifications For Soil Erosion And Sediment Control - Draft. a Storm Water Management Manual for the Puget Sound Basin. State of Washington, Department of Ecology, 1991. a Cost Data: a Draft Sediment and Erosion Control, An Inventory of Current Practices, April 20, 1990. Prepared by Kamber Engineering for the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Office of Water Enforcement and Permits, Washington, D.C. 20460. E-12 Appendix F APPENDIX F TESTS FOR NON-STORM WATER DISCHARGES Appendix F TESTS FOR NON-STORM WATER DISCHARGES DYE TESTING Dye testing can be used to establish positively if certain facilities or fixtures are connected to a storm water collection system. The dye is simply introduced into the suspected waste stream, and storm water outfalls are examined for detections of the dye. Specially manufactured dyes are available for this type of testing. Check with your local sewer authority before conducting this test—dyes can be toxic and thus harmful to the municipal sewage treatment plant Equipment Two types of safe and harmless but effective dyes are available for dye testing. Powder in cans or containers is measured by a spoon or small dipper. Tablets of the dye are slower to dissolve than the powder form, but are less messy and are sometimes more desirable than the powder for this reason. The dye is the only piece of equipment needed. Regardless of the type of dye, dissolve it in the flow. A tablet may sink into a sump or wet well and not circulate with the usual flow. CAUTION: Some dyes may leave a stain if spilled. These stains can be very difficult to remove. Contact the water pollution control agency to determine if there are any regulations regarding the use of dyes. Operation While one operator applies the dye to the suspected location, another operator maintains a watch at the next downstream manhole from the location. • Where a plumbing fixture is used, such as a water closet bowl or basin, the water is turned on and the dye powder or tablet is dropped directly into the drain. • Where there is no immediate supply of water, such as a roof gutter or storm drain in dry weather, pouring a bucket of water with the dye powder is suggested. The amount of water and dye needed depends on the distance to the next manhole and the existing flow. • Based on the assumed velocity of flow, an estimate may be made of the expected flow time to the downstream manhole. Allow plenty of time because the dye often takes much longer than expected. • Use of powdered dye can be difficult and messy on a windy day. When the wind blows, either pre-mix the dye in water or enclose a quantity of the powder dye in either tissue or toilet paper. Wind can scatter a powdered dye, the dye is impossible to collect. The dye may land on the property of nearby residents and businesses, and when wet, cause stains on buildings, autos, clothes, and landscaping. • When a number of dye tests are to be conducted on the same line or section of a sewer system, the dye testing should start at the facility farthest downstream and progressively work upstream for the other dye tests. Otherwise, if you dye the facilities upstream first, the flow is then contaminated with dye, and you then must wait several hours or until the next day to conduct additional tests. • When tests are completed, record whether or not the service is connected to the sewer. September 1992 F-1 Appendix G APPENDIX G COMPARISON OF OTHER ENVIRONMENTAL PLANS POTENTIALLY RELEVANT ELEMENTS OF OTHER FACILITY ENVIRONMENTAL PLANS Appendix G >* c o o> 5 oi 5 o. r- E goc til Oil _ — O x <*> co Ci o > o © C O « o _ro £> — CL © to -X £ o © © 5 "o - . C T3 '= O re STjs £ £ cc E — .c re o — -a O ID © to Q. to to © U. ~ -o -2 -o 2 CD © > _o Q. E © o 00 "D c £ o TO — tr © 2 -2 5 j re . o | | cr o 5 E © o © re £ h n»- © c <13 to £ re E o § a. £ '5 to ^ E Q3 to 03 to ■ — 3 re |.s 2 re ° ^ o ^ 2 re CO ^ >- C CO 05 ?§ re c 03 "© O 03 W — 5 ° - _ C 3 .5 2^ 53 ~ c £ r- *- m V) re o. .2* o re o — td CJ 03 03 to a. to to 03 ♦? "o 2 T3 Z re 03 O to "c c ^ B B . ?E co .2 © . x c co ^ I; glE gs° z § >•- to o -o c c .o — re a 3 O a. E o o 03 ~ TJ C - re to a> £ o 3 U "O O’ 'j 03 ; cr i 03 to 3 T3 03 to to 03 •O T3 re re a o 03 CL to 4-^ o z re to o. as to c T3 a. - E O 3 T3^ O *r JZ O re r. 03 ■o CZ 2 ' b - i g ^ to Q. w o 03 ■O to - C 2 w to - T 9 C 2 -o "O 03 o y 03 "O c re C 03 = -O CT © 03 to OC 3 - O .Ei o — c o -* c s o ~ ■° o to_ a — c g- 03 03 -*-' 05 ^ w O 05 o-B X 3 o o re to o CL w T3 a> c 5 03 to re 5 Q. E o-S o o — X3 03 re E £ CO ’ > c GJ ^ o Q- co CO D .£ 03 x; o 4-^ f „•£ re 03 c re a g to « O - re-o - o « - to c ° 03 re 3 ? T3 O 03 to 03 6 .2 O X re — ? O) > C ^ 4-- CO 3 03 Ei22l V) ® - = 2 to ^ B »~ C CC E °- © o — CO CO o ■a c B C o o § O o £ =6 2 03 Q. C to .2 03 5 2 ^ o re •= ■o El « 2 as -k_ w *- re — ^ o w o ‘■o 03 2 £ co •— > c 2 > re 3 0 3 0 a a u c -2 o3 c a a o •a o 03 O E 03 re c to 03" w o 03 -C Q ^ o C ° ^ <13 to c Isi a a. 5 <15 x = w 05 Q. O f~ ^ -c <5 , T3 03 O c C ^ (T3 cz: 0) _ ^ T3 CO c 'C E 03 2 C 5 CL 'S cr= c 03 Q. ° CC to o ■o c TO to 03 3 T3 03 O o c > ® CO co — © •o a; "D cn c T3 OD c > co" C — 0 “O 05 re TD .c v_ 3 +-> C 03 a. O TO a) § TO CO c 0 CO •0 c E CL C 2 2 e cl E © > o > < ore c o "a — © c £ w > re CO r d p ^ -r .9- 03 3 as — O' 3 to © to >• lw o re ■ 3 > to" CD i: 03 w _ Q. 2 O “ -x-i E © £ ° 2 3 .9 co £ 2 -o o. c _ .2 cm — B (0 £ ® © c £ g « ® - 4 . co © C JO © -5 r>< C C — 13 O ^ 8 «o Is? to c >2 .2 -E % — ~ M re to o re o 03 re .c to re 5 to 3 O c -o 5 re CT M © re C £ 03 "O -C £ re «’o 03 CO =5 ro C T3 re c £ re re ° m — re re_ .2 re "2 0 o c o o « w >- O y ^ c — © ^ 03 '(J 03 © e: tu re © © to E c re o .2 a. TJ CO E © O >- O >• u o O c — © CO ? © © £ E — © © c c cq oj 3 > o o s 2 TO co a s © TO ■*- ■- £. 2 c © © .1= > © 3 — — o- 0 <£ © > 5 x .2 5 © >- o c > c- © © -o 03 1.1 © re o 'c 3 E E o >• 5 g © © O) O t- ro © a. £ CO qj _© — to a © o o £ © | CL £ — © = to O . 33 ro — — © to to © o 0 re o c | .2 a.' E 2 © 03 re o ^^2 © CO to c o II B I ** +* « c ^ 5 E £ E Q. o — CO re re 0 S g O w c c a. © .2 o 2 3 : E © c a o _ © •- o > 0 CO - c = © re "a — oCC .-ore © 2 0 Q. w fill ° O 3 v £ «- ^0 “•* c/^ © "5 -52 2 © O clCC 2E H- O .33 £ « i c o i5 _ © > 03 © c ato c © o c re c © — c ’re E © > *— c © > © as "a i* © c © O -x © c o -C > © ■O o = O Q. (J CO 2 £o o. 1 a" © — re to $ ii ■a o © — o co 2 a Q.X © O to © C CL 2 ? Cl QJ V5 ^ £ c75 CO Q. 5 CQ o o © Q. to c _o 'w o — © T3 c re © — re $ E o CO o CO CL 5 CQ © 03 $ 6 o — to c o © 03 re w O — to re to V. X) co r OQ < c 0 5 4-^ C CO < CQ • • CO CD OJ 2* 3 a: co •C o to cp © re - E ? •2 2- o o c: .0 re <4 E - TO ^ T3 LU O.Q. ''5 .re o o CO ^ co Q. <0 TO 11 o c .0 CO © |5 ■2G Eui ^ o 3k w s .© _ "C; -o' © 2 X: re to c*j CO rr •$ 5$ o © fX. CC p *- ^ f*3 w C E .O 3 E © © ,© ,© Co 00 ■8 o C ^ 1°- © JZ Ie cc © UJ C to •2 ^ — — © 0 _ c — o a C X CJ © 2 "o o re 2 .2 3 re c o o 0 re c 2 2 m O re t_ © c CL o O CJ 2 co 3 o 3 S 2 o CO U September 1992 G-1 POTENTIALLY RELEVANT ELEMENTS OF OTHER FACILITY ENVIRONMENTAL PLANS (Continued) Appendix G >■ o i g- 5Q-*- E c cc LU O LL . "S O < O x <2 oo £1 O ro a — -o U O) © co Cl V) V) 03 |1 -0 c a> c 0 ro 52 © 4 —‘ D 0 ro IS) w c CO © 03 3 CO c E © TO 3 0 w c V) to CO CD O on c o c o ’•«-4 © CD 3- 3 CD © CA CD © _ > a.E o CD 2 cc uj Su. £5° 2 5 <3 T3 to a) «. to ^ C/3 CO ^ CD CD CJ CJ CD Cl to •—* o Z ■a Q) co CO a> i— TJ "O CD TO O O 03 Q. CO ♦-> O Z ■o 03 CO CO 03 w TJ tj CD CD U 5 03 CL CO CO .3 n ■— © 03 SC CL CJ O CO 03 -O § 5 3 CO 03 O CO C C <0 ° "2 '5 s 03 3 -E g 5 CJ > 03 > tj cc o 03 CL o ^ Q- 0) w TO 03 .£ o CL CL CO TJ C to ro o 03 “ «- "5 o E-o — 03 03 4- to CL 3 c © o o " E> M w | 2«2 •S--E c 3 g .2 5 J 03 -a O co .2 at c = 05 t; > 2 03 © cL o CO ^ — t*\ 0) m c © 2 0 3® CJ JO CL O > TJf o — c o a <2 •I § c o o 03 4 - to CD — c CO 05 •|§ | 1 i I 2 c C3 .E o o 5 a. o c o J 2 U. CL 03 o CD CD ♦- o *- 3 o rr w gp c -o (J CJ CD C — 0 C ID —< ® CO gE«>* s £ c ® CO 03 *^ CO C to © 35 f>l C c — ss 5 £ £® ■o © co CO 03 ■o •o CD CD CJ ‘5 © CL (0 o Z 3 © CO CO © w -a -o CD ro o 0 © CL CO o Z © _ o CO 4 -- o c CL © 3 ^ 0 2 o © — a 03 © .H T3 co © > CJ c © 03 © E © -o c © . © © © £ +* >— to 3 O TJ w c _© ro N CO CL w 3 © O • — — c 0 ■?; © 0 3 CO .2 ■**- 'c 00 05 c © 0 .2 <*- c C *-/ w- CO 0 TO E © E T3 © C Li- © CO Cl co O 3 © 3 03 H O 9- CO >. o © JS Q. $ E •= © o CO .b - ?03 - >. o © 0 - E u © .= © c o = « ! = © .2 O C 5 t w (X> o *» 00 c r o C o I (O O c o- — ® Id -o 3 © co *-> > ? © .? C 'co •3 © 3 TJ O £E o 03 c Is o .2 do . c to — © "O © c d to © ^ © © O-'E II © c © c eg.© O O 3 CO -53 3 © > 2 CL^ 03 C O 2 co J2 at to g ■ 0—3 .2 $ -o — 03 -= O © 2 3 o “^ > w a § o 'o > ® © Cl w to 3 C CJ — o © ra %*£ 1 § £“ o 5 «3 JC < > a © E © 03 © si 5 ^ o co C O O w — t; c — c © .9- o <- o 3 0 — co D O © C cl "o re co © © © > o CL E © O c i 5 E © © ~ h- "© 03 c Q. © Q) © « g I &! 2 x '£ >- c c 3 E •- S 2 CD <-> 2.2 © -o E .2 10 © © °- © 03 © 3 CJ to © 03 C © Q. ■© © re — n J= o 0 cc 3 5 -o = o 3 O CO 03 to © o ^ « 2 CL ® co "o © TO $ |E| ^ o © ™ S E E 3 co c o *- >■ — © — o: Its co O O E ~ « i- co 3 ° : 10 co E ^ © co £ © c © w © ro Z- £: CL CO 4- © co E © 03 o w ^ CL LO £ g cc LU O u. < % x < 00 o = o C C (D (0 a> CD 03 w O o X O E <*> CO © . En C/5 LU Si 5 C OC re U. z 2 13 g c ® — © 5 CM — w •“ o a «- is ® I O I O — co 5= 3 it Q-o — C/5 o c in ^ CO a! cm >.■0 o c c « o>J» c <0 V CM MW a c o = n £°- © J ♦-» ** « C 5 5 E S t- Q. O C/3 £ _ro < T3 © CO CO © -o •a (Z re o <3 © Cl CO +* O Z C 2 ? © T3 C re fD © - c > 0 .2 | c © £5 O c n C3 t Q. C .2 3 2 « 2 CL - O c © 3 < 03 W a: 0 © o E g cr > © — > ■O "D C .2 o C ^ z; o « ® ? 3 D ^ k “ o O o* 03 :eE 3S CL 33 E W x c re — © re x o c © E a. '5 E as cr o c o -c 5 >3 o go © « 10 £ a) -2 c S o — CO — E ^ © <0 c i2 a o re '■P »- •>. re o -© a © c E « c 8 ^ E c © E£E o c c o oi © o ■= 1_ — 03 «- ®-o »Ec _i © re >-_ C3 © c o © a> o © Q-S2 E © © 0 - © © © E 8 © a> c © _ ■— 03 a c 3 E E" g f §■§ O i cr £ c « _ re E 4 - P E 2 x 3 c/)© .3 c /3 re 4/5 ’55 © ° m 4-t 03 0) 03 c 5 c © E Cl 3 — cr cl £ E E“g .9 8 © © o co = £ a. 3 0 r re c « © o E = Q. Q. 3 <« cr © re 2 -c re © co c 40 S © _© O Q. HE © CO c >- O 4^ O Q. C C CO © © © C E 3 ^ I g=3 E CL O’ LU CO LU September 1992 G-3 POTENTIALLY RELEVANT ELEMENTS OF OTHER FACILITY ENVIRONMENTAL PLANS (Continued) Appendix G >- c ° ct § cn CL r- = cc o LL < Ci CM 05 c tr 05 o •= O T3 C to c CO to 05 05 o c 05 CO 05 05 E 05 05 Q. a: u to 05 >- o c 05 05 CO "O w QJ 05 05 *-> O COO C , 4- UJ 2 CL <0 to 05 w 3 e o To § ?.9 co co -£ ^ U o"S 5-= Q. O Q. E 2 E c t .2 Etc w /is _ 05 0. Q5 2 a.— 05 O 2 c c ^ c « . 2*2 « o 52 « St x e n ° e- 05 s£ 5° o *fr CO LU "O 05 CO CO 05 w. T3 *o CO co o o 05 Q. to *- o Z T3 05 CO CO 05 w T3 ■o CO co o o 05 Q. CO o Z 05 .O CO 9 — so *“ CO T“ ® „ S ee _ u- O ® ° — CO a§l w o ■D C CO c o -O 05 c ■o •= re Q5 2 ^ 05 2 e 3 ■O H- 05 O w ^ c o 05 05 1" > co 3 05 O SZ £ *- CO «*- CO ° c ~ o ro *5 Q. O 05 05 Q.XJ CO CO .2 E o CO -EL o co o co c TJ u” S CL e 05 co 2 Q O CO CD S V) CO 05 >> E 05 — ll 9 _ w CO « to o = E = — ™ o ® «- o c o 9 o 05 T ~ — c ~= CO Q. jz co «-< = C ■o 05 05 w co r. o __ .50 3 e to c co ro -c sz o.E o o — co a. co CO — "£ to co 5 05 > 5 CO c o E CM co o — -o a 05 05 CO Q. CO (O 05 X "O Z co c _ o Clf) w 0(0 £ = « c gee S'C 0 £ a <* a ~ * c C S E g E a 05 o E 05 « -- •*- 05 CO C O c o o ~ to 05 S’ ^ ™ o C 3 CO co o x. co 05 o .e — co co c e 9 g co a c co II E 5 o >- O CO 05 CO a c/5 o £ 2 c 05 O CO w co SI o 05 r. to w 05 > I? 05 05 05 co .r c 5 - £ 0 CO c » 05 g X 2 05 3 _ o <0 C0 05 w. *-> co o CO T3 X c 05 CO 05 sz c 05 (O ■o w co N co SZ 05 vj co co CO 05 UJ "O CO ■o c c o to W TO m 3 CO 05 CO nj i o 0.2 c o ll ® I ® c ^ 5 E £ c a. o ♦< to 05 o 05 4— T3 C co <0 05 4 — co $ E — _ w n CO O Q- ni *-> co ® to T3 i: T3 W 2 w ° -C ° O O o ■o c co c 0 o 05 a. to c O’-- c - CO ® £ I I — - W CO O 03 05 .2 05 3 **= o “ a.E O QJ QJ CCoE co CO .c CO flj 05 •g a> ■ - != 03 > ® £ zz, •*— « .2 o g^; c CO 05 «■£ to 05 > 2 c -Z. c " ® V E CJ -o 05 w CJ co o a) co.E ® «» 05 QJ CO O o o 05 .2 3 CJ T3 w QJ c . - — 05 Sj CO 05 05 o — 05 'to co s: co $ ^2 ■O 05 co to 05 ■o ■o CO CO o o 05 CL co *-> o z ■g O c CO ® ^ *< n = c CC ® iS UJ c o CO 05 CO _ 05 3 03 CO X 00 . g *r o 05 g O 05 05 3 z oc ^ a. C to o 2 ? ♦= 3 2 3 QJ O o CO o > 2 uj a. G-4 September 1992 POTENTIALLY RELEVANT ELEMENTS OF OTHER FACILITY ENVIRONMENTAL PLANS (Continued) Appendix G >■ c © §> ® Si E =<£ UJ Oil _ CJ < o w X < © CO O TO S 0 ) g 2 w 0 ) > w »- o C 03>Q- — re ’3 03 7 = S c re —- c“ TO m C w fl. 5 t 3. c o (0 c o c = re re to H Q- to u c 2 5 ^ m r: >■ v _ *- i. £ -C c ®to o o s ® c - a.® c. ° :,c U If LU > W > 03 ~ au 10 ■= c a) £3 o 5 -S o C -D _ w 03 42 - o ® 41 r2 _o o o -2 £ c ® c a a. ~ 42 g -2 E E >. cl anuj 03 £3 . .i r a> -to z. o TO TO — -o TO 0) a; c /5 Q. CO co a> w_ O' "O £ ~o Z ca o c CD ?= o CO c ^ re . a. “ ci w 5 a S «“■ £s° Z © 05 c _ '© (a .or > E 2 a. 03 a. ■o 03 a. re E ° £3 “ 3 3 c/3 ta ■o 05 to C/J 05 "O •O ta ca o o 05 CL CO ■c Jg e ® — « 3 — CO c = ‘<0 o 22 ® re « — . C3 CO ro 05 ca O X ~o > o-g ® T3 c ? 1 2 nj O 05 05 Q. <- ■a co o C V) C 00 ® 3 re ~ X O 05 O ca x c c CD c o 05 05 TO JZ § 05 -C to E >■0 = GO < 2 O C CO w. CO TO > TO 0 w c ♦-> C — c TO 0 O O O £3 to E 4—> TO s*_ 2 ® T3^ 05 TO >- 0 ca 03 — O w. L_ »- c +* O c -O 5 TO C CO 05 .= C 0 0* CO TO TO CL ca to C TO 05 w 03 ca re w_ TO C TO 05 —. CD c re c 3 a. TO TO TO -C £= « re re 05 r TO TO C > TO w TO 00 > E -c 5 0 > c > 03 E VJ Q. ■0 CO 0 t 1 c _ o cm — ® C£> gScM > >."0 ® O C £ c « CO 01 ^ to C © ® •£ 03 05 C to 03 03 C « C 03 oj g E £ a. o 5 — cr CO 03 > E *o > ® 0 >• O 0 0 O 0 c c 0 c re c CO 03 ^ TO 03 > 03 c 03 TO 03 h- (0 c ->■ ^ 4—> 03 — W. ' — 03 ■0 03 05 <•— 03 E c TO TO 8 J g o c re 03 E 0 0 03 E L_ TO -C 03 u. a. 03 LL UJ 0 UJ TO c o == « «S Q - a .2 ^ c 5 5 E £ 3 CL O 55 03 CO £= a • — >- o z'Z s ~ to ® ca •o 03 c ca c 'ca 03 tL K Hi 2c 03 05 C CL 3*0 0 05 ca § o c — W C C O 03 O ■ o 03 03 £1 c = to CO _ 41 .2 "o CO C 03 03 c re .2 "5 -c cl aU c .0 '♦5 ca 03 a o *- - > c ® -O .2 c -o o ca 03 “ c *■' E 05 g to C 3 O | S’ o b cc *8 o c •5 C £L 3 ® £ 8 5 g ® ® iS .2 c a *s 0 5 _ 1 -5 c -S ro <2 CL O C o TO .2 c *t: re 2 o September 1992 G-5 POTENTIALLY RELEVANT ELEMENTS OF OTHER FACILITY ENVIRONMENTAL PLANS (Continued) Appendix G > c o ® S •- O) • cs a. »- g cc o u. «- o o < as CM fO o t: -o c_> as OS tO Q. to co as -o 2 -o 2 co a> o tp c c co eo . O .2 St x c n ® 5- t - o><* co 5 cc UJ « u- S5° 2 § o c CO as x x: o ~ T5 as u_ w a o o o O to >*- *■> CO O C _c os w c-g 23 c. c co -g §.23 c to O O 5 2 U 5 CO Q. o -a if S I co Q. as E ^ ' ~ as ■a .E c as CO ■o as co © —. O CO f w m C I O Eft o ® ° — CO agl to o •a c CO as LS as "o jS c co to -Q a E c CO as as c 'as "S s ® -s +* f- •£o to w C/5 coif >- 2 x> a. c — .2 cm *- ® to sen > >T3 ® O C £ c ® © « to c co ® ’S fM C C — ■a o ^ BnU. s rjo g- C O 2 «-.o "E as as ^ CJ £ TS C ra as -a o as c c 5 co as co o as o 1 . os n CO X3 CM CM "G ■ C co CC ^ To C a ' F C (u O TD as g3 to ^ co c '*-> as co co Srs <- > — as a. s a. o u. c (j ® o g> Q. to ,0s O to 45 co *e 4$ U3 ^ o 0) O Os 5 co TO J 2: «o 0) ■o 8! to x: S I TO ^ 2 as 0) :> < TO •TO ^ Xi to r- ^ 2 $ 5 s r- c co CO 8? TO To os Bs S ^.O § if 2 $ ^ Q. O C T8 ■5 c 1 f II cc © — UJ LU c o To o OS CJ G-6 September 1992 Appendix H APPENDIX H LIST OF HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCES AND REPORTABLE QUANTITIES Appendix I LIST OF HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCES AND REPORTABLE QUANTITIES 40 CFR 302.4 and 117 Note: All comments are located at the end of this table. Statutory Final RQ Hazardous Substance CASRN Regulatory Synonyms RQ Codet RCRA Waste # Cate- gory Pounds (Kg) Acenaphthene 83329 1 * 2 B 100 (45.4) Acenaphthylene 208968 1 * 2 D 5000 (2270) Acetaldehyde 75070 Ethanal 1000 1,4 U001 C 1000 (454) Acetaldehyde, chloro- 107200 Chloroacetaldehyde 1 * 4 P023 C 1000 (454) Acetaldehyde, trichloro- 75876 Chloral 1 • 4 U034 D 5000 (2270) Acetamide, N- (aminothioxomethyl)- 591082 1 -Acetyl-2-thiourea 1 * 4 P002 C 1000 (454) Acetamide, N-(4-ethoxyphenyl)- 62442 Phenacetin 1 * 4 U1 87 B 100 (45,4) Acetamide, 2-fluoro- 640197 Fluoroacetamide 1 • 4 P057 B 100 (45.4) Acetamide, N-9H-fluoren-2-yl- 53963 2-Acetylaminof luorene 1 • 4 U005 X 1 (0.454) Acetic acid 64197 1000 1 D 5000 (2270) Acetic acid (2,4-dichlorophenoxy)- 94757 2.4- D Acid 2.4- D, salts and esters 100 1,4 U240 B 100 (45.4) Acetic Acid, lead(2 + ) salt 301042 Lead acetate 5000 1,4 U144 » Acetic acid, thallium) 1 +) salt 563688 Thallium(l) acetate 1 • 4 U214 B 100 (45.4) Acetic acid (2,4,5- trichlorophenoxy)- 93766 2,4,5-T 2,4,5-T acid 100 1,4 U232 C 1000 (454) Acetic acid, ethyl ester 141786 Ethyl acetate 1 • 4 U11 2 D 5000 (2270) Acetic acid, fluoro-, sodium salt 62748 Fluoroacetic acid, sodium salt 1 * 4 P058 A 10 (4.54) Acetic anhydride 108247 1000 1 D 5000 (2270) Acetone 67641 2-Propanone 1 • 4 U002 D 5000 (2270) Acetone cyanohydrin 75865 Propanenitrile, 2-hydroxy-2- methyl-2-Methyllactonitnle 10 1,4 P069 A 10 (4.54) Acetonitrile 75058 1 * 4 U003 D 5000 (2270) Acetophenone 98862 Ethanone, 1-phenyl- 1 * 4 U004 D 5000 (2270) 2-Acetylaminofluorene 53963 Acetamide, N-9H-fluoren-2-yl- 1 • 4 U005 X 1 (0.454) Acetyl bromide 506967 5000 1 D 5000 (2270) Acetyl chloride 75365 5000 1,4 U006 D 5000 (2270) 1 -Acetyl-2-thiourea 591082 Acetamide, N- (aminothioxomethyl)- 1 * 4 POO 2 C 1000 (454) Acrolein 107028 2-Propenal 1 1,2,4 POO 3 X 1 (0.454) Acrylamide 79061 2-Propenamide 1 * 4 U007 D 5000 (2270) September 1992 H-1 Appendix / Statutory Final RQ Hazardous Substance CASRN Regulatory Synonyms RQ Cod«t RCRA Waat# # Cate¬ gory Pounds (Kg) Acrylic acid 79107 2-Propenoic acid 1 * 4 U0O8 D 5000 (2270) Acrylonitrile 107131 2-Propenenitrile 100 1,2,4 U009 B 100 (45.4) Adipic acid 124049 6000 1 D 5000 (2270) Aldicarb 116063 Propanal, 2-methyl-2- (methylthioKO-l(methylamino) carbonylloxime 1 * 4 P070 X 1 (0.454) Aldrin 309002 1,4,5,8-Dimethanonaphthalene, 1,2,3,4,10,10-10-hexachloro- 1,4,4a,6,8,8a-hexahydro-, (1 alpha,4alpha,4abeta,6alpha, 8 alpha,8abeta)- 1 1,2,4 P004 X 1 (0.454) Allyl alcohol 107186 2-Propen-l-ol 100 1,4 POO 5 B 100 (46.4) Allyl chloride 107061 1000 1 C 1000 (454) Aluminum phosphide 20859738 1 * 4 P006 B 100 (45.4) Aluminum sulfate 10043013 5000 1 D 6000 (2270) 5-(Aminomethyl)-3-isoxazolol 2763964 Muscimol 3(2H)-lsoxazolone, 6- (aminomethyl)- 1 * 4 POO 7 C 1000 (454) 4-Aminopyridine 504246 4-Pyridinamine 1 ‘ 4 P008 C 1000 (454) Amitrole 61826 1H-1,2,4-Triazol-3-amine 1 * 4 U01 1 A 10 (4.54) Ammonia 7664417 100 1 B 100 (45.4) Ammonium acetate 631618 5000 1 D 5000 (2270) Ammonium benzoate 1863634 5000 1 D 5000 (2270) Ammonium bicarbonate 1066337 5000 1 D 5000 (2270) Ammonium bichromate 7789095 1000 1 A 10 (4.54) Ammonium bifluoride 1341497 5000 1 B 100 (46.4) Ammonium bisulfite 10192300 5000 1 D 5000 (2270) Ammonium carbamate 1111780 5000 1 D 5000 (2270) Ammonium carbonate 506876 5000 1 D 5000 (2270) Ammonium chloride 12125029 5000 1 D 5000 (2270) Ammonium chromate 7788989 1000 1 A 10 (4.54) Ammonium citrate, dibasic 3012656 5000 1 D 5000 (2270) Ammonium fluoborate 13826830 5000 1 D 5000 (2270) Ammonium fluoride 12125018 5000 1 B 100 (45.4) Ammonium hydroxide 1336216 1000 1 C 1 000 (454) Ammonium oxalate 6009707 5000 1 D 5000 (2270) H-2 September 1992 Appendix / Hazardous Substance CASRN Regulatory Synonyms Statutory Final RQ RQ Codst RCRA Waste # Cats- flory Pounds (Kg) 5972736 5000 1 D 5000 (2270) 14258492 5000 1 D 5000 (2270) Ammonium picrate 131748 Phenol, 2,4,6-trinitro-, ammonium salt 1 * 4 POO 9 A 10 (4.54) Ammonium silicofluoride 16919190 1000 1 C 1000 (454) Ammonium sulfamate 7773060 5000 1 D 5000 (2270) Ammonium sulfide 12135761 5000 1 B 100 (45.4) Ammonium sulfite 10196040 5000 1 D 5000 (2270) Ammonium tartrate 14307438 5000 1 D 5000 (2270) 3164292 5000 1 D 5000 (2270) Ammonium thiocyanate 1762954 5000 1 D 5000 (2270) Ammonium vanadate 7803556 Vanadic acid, ammonium salt 1 * 4 P119 C 1 000 (454) Amyl acetate 628637 1000 1 D 5000 (2270) iso-Amyl acetate 123922 1000 1 D 5000 (2270) sec-Amyl acetate 626380 1000 1 D 5000 (2270) tert-Amyl acetate 625161 1000 1 D 5000 (2270) Aniline 62533 Benzenamine 1000 1,4 U012 D 5000 (2270) Anthracene 120127 1 • 2 D 5000 (2270) Antimony tt 7440360 1 * 2 D 5000 (2270) ANTIMONY AND COMPOUNDS N/A 1 • 2 • « Antimony pentachloride 7647189 1000 1 C 1000 (454) Antimony potassium tartrate 28300745 1000 1 B 100 (45.4) Antimony tribromide 7789619 1000 1 C 1000 (454) Antimony trichloride 10025919 1000 1 C 1000 (454) Antimony trifluoride 7783564 1000 1 c 1000 (454) Antimony trioxide 1 309644 5000 1 c 1000 (454) Argentate(l-), bis(cyano-C)-, potassium 506616 Potassium silver cyanide 1 * 4 P099 X 1 (0.454) Aroclor 1016 12674112 POLYCHLORINATED BIPHENYLS (PCBs) 10 1.2 X 1 (0.454) Aroclor 1221 11104282 POLYCHLORINATED BIPHENYLS (PCBs) 10 1.2 X 1 (0.454) Aroclor 1232 11141165 POLYCHLORINATED BIPHENYLS (PCBs) 10 1.2 X 1 (0.454) September 1992 H-3 Appendix / Statutory Final RQ Hazardous Substance CASRN Regulatory Synonyms RQ Code t RCRA Waste # Cats- gory Pounds (Kg) Aroclor 1242 63469219 POLYCHLORINATED BIPHENYLS (PCBs) 10 1,2 X 1 (0.454) Aroclor 1248 12672296 POLYCHLORINATED BIPHENYLS (PCBs) 10 1,2 X 1 (0.454) Aroclor 1254 11097691 POLYCHLORINATED BIPHENYLS (PCBs) 10 1,2 X 1 (0.464) Aroclor 1260 11096826 POLYCHLORINATED BIPHENYLS (PCBs) 10 1,2 X 1 (0.454) Arsenic Tt 7440382 1 • 2,3 X 1 (0.454) Arsenic acid 1327522 Arsenic acid H3As04 1 • 4 P010 X 1 (0.454) 7778394 Arsenic acid H3As04 1327522 Arsenic acid 1 * 4 P010 X 1 (0.454) 7778394 1 * 4 P010 X 1 (0.454) ARSENIC AND COMPOUNDS N/A 1 • 2 • • Arsenic disulfide 1303328 5000 1 X 1 (0.454) Arsenic oxide As203 1327533 Arsenic trioxide 5000 1,4 P01 2 X 1 (0.454) Arsenic oxide As205 1303282 Arsenic pentoxide 5000 1,4 P01 1 X 1 (0.454) Arsenic pentoxide 1303282 Arsenic oxide As205 5000 1,4 P01 1 X 1 (0.454) Arsenic trichloride 7784341 5000 1 X 1 (0.454) Arsenic trioxide 1327533 Arsenic oxide As203 5000 1,4 P012 X 1 (0.454) Arsenic trisulfide 1303339 5000 1 X 1 (0.454) Arsine, diethyl- 692422 Diethylarsine 1 * 4 P038 X 1 (0.454) Arsinic acid, dimethyl- 76605 Cacodylic acid 1 * 4 U136 X 1 (0.464) Arsonous dichloride, phenyl- 696286 Dichlorophenylarsine 1 * 4 P036 X 1 (0.454) Asbestosttt 1332214 1 * 2,3 X 1 (0.454) Auramine 492808 Benzenamine, 4,4'- carbonimidoylbis (N,N-dimethyl- 1 * 4 U014 B 100 (45.4) Azaserine 115026 L-Serine, diazoacetate (ester) 1 * 4 U01 5 X 1 (0.454) Aziridine 151564 Ethylenimine 1 - 4 P054 X 1 (0.454) Aziridine, 2-methyl- 75568 1,2-Propylenimine 1 * 4 P067 X 1 (0.454) Azirino[2',3':3,4]pyrrolo[ 1,2- a)indole-4,7-dione,6-amino-8- [[ (aminocarbonylooxy] methyl] - 1,1 a, 2,8,8a, 8b-hexahydro-8a- methoxy-5-methyl-,[ 1 aS- (1 aalpha,8beta,8aalpha,8balpha)]- 50077 Mitomycin C 1 * 4 U010 A 10 (4.54) H-4 September 1992 Appendix I Hazardous Substance CASRN Regulatory Synonyms Statutory Final RQ RQ Coder RCRA Waste # Cate¬ gory Pounds (Kg) Barium cyanide 542621 10 1,4 P013 A 10 (4.54) Benzljlaceanthrylene, 1,2-dihydro- 3-methyl- 56496 3-Methylcholanthrene 1 • 4 U157 A 10 (4.54) Benz(c)acridine 225514 1 • 4 U01 6 B 100 (46.4) Benzal chloride 98873 Benzene, dichloromethyl- 1 • 4 U01 7 D 5000 (2270) Benzamide, 3,5-dichloro-N-( 1,1 - dimethyl-2-propynyl)- 23960585 Pronamide 1 • 4 U192 D 5000 (2270) Benz[a)anthracene 56553 Benzol alanthracene 1,2-Benzanthracene 1 • 2,4 U01 8 A 10 (4.54) 1,2-Benzanthracene 56553 Benz|a)anthracene Benzol alanthracene 1 • 2,4 U01 8 A 10 (4.54) Benz[a]anthracene, 7,1 2-dimethyl- 57976 7,1 2-Dimethylbenz|a)anthracene 1 • 4 U094 X 1 (0.454) Benzenamine 62533 Aniline 1000 1,4 U012 D 5000 (2270) Benzenamine, 4,4'- carbonimidoylbis (N,N-dimethyl- 492808 Auramine 1 • 4 U014 B 100 (45.4) Benzenamine, 4-chloro- 106478 p-Chloroaniline 1 • 4 P024 C 1000 (454) Benzenamine, 4-chloro-2-methyl-, hydrochloride 3165933 4-Chloro-o-toluidine, hydrochloride 1 • 4 U049 B 100 (45.4) Benzenamine, N,N-dimethyl- 4(phenylazo-) 60117 p-Dimethylaminoazobenzene 1 • 4 U093 A 10 (4.54) Benzenamine, 2-methyl- 95534 o-Toluidine 1 • 4 U328 B 100 (45.4) Benzenamine, 4-methyl- 106490 p-Toluidine 1 • 4 U353 B 100 (46.4) Benzenamine, 4,4'-methylenebis(2- chloro- 101144 4,4'-Methylenebis(2-chloroaniline) 1 • 4 U1 58 A 10 (4.54) Benzenamine, 2-methyl-, hydrochloride 636216 o-Toluidine hydrochloride 1 • 4 U222 B 100 (45.4) Benzenamine, 2-methyl-5-nitro 99558 5-Nitro-o-toluidine 1 * 4 U1 81 B 100 (45.4) Benzenamine, 4-nitro- 100016 p-Nitroaniline 1 • 4 P077 D 5000 (2270) Benzene 71432 1000 1 ,2, 3,4 U109 A 10 (4.54) Benzeneacetic acid, 4-chloro- alpha-(4-chlorophenyl)-alpha- hydroxy-, ethyl ester 510156 Chlorobenzilate 1 • 4 U038 A 10 (4.54) Benzene, 1-bromo-4-phenoxy- 101653 4-Bromophenyl phenyl ether 1 • 2,4 U030 B 100 (45.4) Benzenebutanoic acid, 4-[bis(2-chloroethyl)amino]- 305033 Chlorambucil 1 • 4 U035 A 10 (4.54) Benzene, chloro- 108907 Chlorobenzene 100 1,2,4 U037 B 100 (45.4) Benzene, chloromethyl- 100447 Benzyl chloride 100 1,4 P028 B 100 (45.4) eptember 1992 H-5 Statutory Final RQ Hazardous Substance CASRN Regulatory Synonyms | RQ Codet RCRA Waste # Cate¬ gory Pounds (Kg) Benzenediamin, ar-methyl- 96807 | Toluenediamine 1 # 4 U221 A 10 (4.54) 496720 1 1 * 4 U221 A 10 (4.54) 823405 | 1 * 4 U221 A 10 (4.54) 1,2-Benzenedicarboxylic acid, dioctyl ester 117840 Di-n-octyl phthalate 1 * 2,4 U107 D 5000 (2270) 1,2-Benzenedicarboxylic acid, [bis(2-ethylhexyl)]-ester 117817 Bis (2-ethylhexyl)phthalate Diethylhexyl phthalate 1 * 2,4 U028 B 100 (45.4) 1,2-Benzenedicarboxylic acid, dibutyl ester 84742 Di-n-butyl phthalate Dibutyl phthalate n-Butyl phthalate 100 1,2,4 U069 A 10 (4.54) 1,2-Benzenedicarboxylic acid, diethyl ester 84662 Diethyl phthalate 1 * 2,4 U088 C 1000 (454) 1 ,2-Benzenedicarboxylic acid, dimethyl ester 131113 Dimethyl phthalate 1 * 2,4 U102 D 5000 (2270) Benzene, 1,2-dichloro- 96601 o-Dichlorobenzene 1,2-Dichlorobenzene 100 1,2,4 U070 B 100 (45.4) Benzene, 1,3-dichloro- 541731 m-Dichlorobenzene 1,3-Dichlorobenzene 1 • 2,4 U071 B 100 (45.4) Benzene, 1,4-dichloro- 106467 p-Dichlorobenzene 1,4-Dichlorobenzene 100 1,2,4 U072 B 100 (45.4) Benzene, 1,1 '-(2,2- dichloroethylidene)bis[4-chloro- 72648 DDD TDE 4,4' DDD 1 1,2,4 U060 X 1 (0.454) Benzene, dichloromethyl- 98873 | Benzal chloride 1 • 4 U017 D 5000 (2270) Benzene, 1,3-diisocyanatomethyl- 584849 1 Toluene diisocyanate 1 • 4 U223 B 100 (45.4) 91087 1 • 4 U223 B 100 (45.4) 26471625 f 4 U223 B 100 (45.4) Benzene, dimethyl 1330207 | Xylene (mixed) 1 1000 1,4 U239 C 1000 (454) m-Benzene, dimethyl 108383 m-Xylene 1 1000 1,4 U239 C 1000 (454) o-Benzene, dimethyl 95476 o-Xylene I 1000 1.4 U239 C 1000 (454) p-Benzene, dimethyl 106423 p-Xylene 1 1000 1,4 U239 C 1000 (464) 1,3-Benzenediol 108463 1 Resorcinol 1 1000 1,4 U201 D 5000 (2270) 1,2-Benzenediol,4-( 1 -hydroxy-2- (methylamino) ethyl]- 51434 Epinephrine 1 • 4 P042 C 1000 (454) Benzeneethanamine, alpha,alpha- dimethyl- 122098 alpha,alpha- 1 Dimethylphenethylamine 1 • 4 P046 D 5000 (2270) Benzene, hexachloro- 118741 Hexachlorobenzene 1 • 2,4 U1 27 A 10 (4.54) Benzene, hexahydro- 110827 Cyclohexane 1 1000 1,4 U056 C 1 000 (454) H-6 September 1992 Appendix I Hazardous Substance CASRN Regulatory Synonyms Statutory Final RQ RQ Code t RCRA Waste # Cate¬ gory Pounds (Kg) Benzene, hydroxy- 108952 Phenol 1000 1,2,4 U1 88 C 1000 (454) Benzene, methyl- 108883 Toluene 1000 1,2,4 U220 c 1000 (454) Benzene, 2-methyl-1,3-dinitro- 606202 2,6-Dinitrotoluene 1000 1,2,4 U106 B 100 (45.4) Benzene, 1-methyl-2,4-dinitro- 121142 2,4-Dinitrotoluene 1000 1,2,4 U105 A 10 (4.54) Benzene, 1-methylethyl- 98828 Cumene 1 • 4 U056 D 5000 (2270) Benzene, nitro- 98953 Nitrobenzene 1000 1,2,4 U1 69 C 1000 (454) Benzene, pentachloro- 608936 Pentachlorobenzene 1 • 4 U1 83 A 10 (4.54) Benzene, pentachloronitro- 82688 Pentachloronitrobenzene (PCNB) 1 * 4 U1 85 B 100 (45.4) Benzenesulfonic acid chloride 98099 Benzenesulfonyl chloride 1 • 4 U020 B 100 (46.4) Benzenesulfonyl chloride 98099 Benzenesulfonic acid chloride 1 * 4 U020 B 100 (45.4) Benzene, 1,2,4,5-tetrachloro- 95943 1,2,4,5-Tetrachlorobenzene 1 • 4 U207 D 5000 (2270) Benzenethiol 108985 Thiophenol 1 * 4 P014 B 100 (46.4) Benzene, 1,1'-(2,2,2-tri- chloroethylidene)bis[4-chloro- 50293 DDT 4,4'DDT 1 1,2,4 U061 X 1 (0.454) Benzene, 1,1 '-(trichloroethylidene) bis[4-methoxy- 72436 Methoxychlor 1 1,4 U247 X 1 (0.454) Benzene, (trichloromethyl)- 98077 Benzotrichloride 1 • 4 U023 A 10 (4.54) Benzene, 1,3,5-trinitro- 99354 1,3,5-Trinitrobenzene 1 • 4 U234 A 10 (4.554) Benzidine 92875 (1,1 '-Biphenyl)-4,4'diamine 1 * 2,4 U021 X 1 (0.454) 1,2-Benzisothiazol-3(2H)-one, 1,1- dioxide 81072 Saccharin and salts 1 * 4 U202 B 100 (45.4) Benzo(a]anthracene 56563 Benz[a]anthracene 1,2-Benzanthracene 1 * 2,4 U018 A 10 (4.54) Benzo[b]fluoranthene 205992 1 • 2 X 1 (0.464) Benzo(k) fluoranthene 207089 1 * 2 D 5000 (2270) 1 Benzo(j,k]fluorene 206440 Fluoranthene 1 • 2,4 U120 B 100 (45.4) 1,3-Benzodioxole, 5-(1-propenyl)- 120581 Isosafrole 1 * 4 U141 B 100 (45.4) 1,3-Benzodioxole, 5-(2-propenyl)- 94597 Safrole 1 • 4 U203 B 100 (45.4) [ 1,3-Benzodioxole, 5-propyl- 94586 Dihydrosafrole 1 • 4 U090 A 10 (4.54) Benzoic acid 65860 5000 1 D 5000 (2270) i Benzonitrile 100470 1000 1 D 5000 (2270) Benzo(rst]pentaphene 189569 Dibenz(a,i]pyrene 1 * 4 U064 A 10 (4.54) Benzo[ghi]perylene 191242 1 • 2 D 5000 (2270) September 1992 H-7 Appendix / Statutory Final RQ Hazardous Substance CASRN Regulatory Synonyms RQ Cod* t RCRA Waste # Cate¬ gory Pounds (Kg) 2H-1 Benzopyran-2-one, 4- hydroxY-3-(3-oxo-1 -phenyl-butyl)-, & salts, when present at concentrations greater than 0.3% 81812 Warfarin, & salts, when present at concentrations greater than 0.3% 1* 4 P001 B 100 (45.4) Benzo[a]pyrene 50328 1 3,4-Benzopyrene 1 • 2,4 U022 X 1 (0.454) 1 3,4-Benzopyrene 50328 1 Benzolalpyrene i # 2,4 U022 X 1 (0.454) | p-Benzoquinone 106514 2,5-Cyclohexadiene-1,4-dione 1 * 4 U197 A 10 (4.54) | Benzotrichloride 98077 | Benzene, (trichloromethyl)- 1 • 4 U023 A 10 (4.54) | Benzoyl chloride 98884 1 1000 1 C 1000 (454) 1 1 ,2-Benzphenanthrene 218019 1 Chrysene 1* 2,4 U060 B 100 (46.4) 1 Benzyl chloride 100447 | Benzene, chloromethyl- 100 1,4 P028 B 100 (45.4) | Beryllium? t 7440417 Beryllium dust tt 1 * 2,3,4 P015 A 10 (4.54) | BERYLLIUM AND COMPOUNDS N/A 1 • 2 • » I Beryllium chloride 7787475 5000 1 X 1 (0.454) 1 Beryllium dust? t 7440417 Beryllium 11 1 * 2,3,4 P01 5 A 10 (4.54) | Beryllium fluoride 7787497 5000 1 X 1 (0.454) 1 Beryllium nitrate 13697994 5000 1 X 1 (0.454) | 7787555 5000 1 X 1 (0.454) 1 alpha-BHC 319846 1 * 2 A 10 (4.54) 1 beta-BHC 319857 1 * 2 X 1 '0.454) | delta-BHC 319868 1 ‘ 2 X .,454) 1 gamma-BHC 58899 Cyclohexane, 1,2,3,4,6,6- hexachloro-,( 1 alpha,2alpha,3beta, 4alpha,5alpha,6 beta)- Hexachlorocyclohexane (gamma isomer) Lindane 1 1,2,4 U1 29 X 1 (0.454) 2,2'-Bioxirane 1464535 1 1,2:3,4-Diepoxybutane 1* 4 U085 A 10 (4.54) 1 (1,1 '-Biphenyl)-4,4'diamine 92876 Benzidine 1* 2,4 U021 X 1 (0.454) | [ 1,1 '-Biphenyl)- 4,4'diamine,3,3'dichloro- 91941 3,3'-Dichlorobenzidine 1 # 2,4 U073 X 1 (0.454) [1,1 '-Biphenyll- 4,4'diamine,3,3'dimethoxy- 119904 3,3'-Dimethoxybenzidine 1* 4 U091 B 100 (45.4) [ 1,1 '-Biphenyl)-4,4'-diamine,3,3'- dimethyl- 119937 3,3'-Dimethylbenzidine 1 * 4 U095 A 10 (4.54) H-8 September 1992 Appendix ! I Statutory Final RQ Hazardous Substance CASRN Regulatory Synonyms RQ Codat RCRA Waste # Cate- gory Pound* (Kg) Bis (2-chloroethyl) ether 111444 Dichloroethyl ether Ethane, 1,1'-oxybis(2-chloro- 1 • 2,4 U025 A 10 (4.54) Bis(2-chloroethoxy) methane 111911 Dichloromethoxy ethane Ethane, 1,1'-[methylenebis(oxy)) bis(2-chloro- 1 * 2,4 U024 C 1000 (454) Bis (2-ethylhexyl)phthalate 117817 Diethylhexyl phthalate 1,2-Benzenedicarboxyiic acid, [bis(2-ethylhexyl)J ester 1 • 2,4 U028 B 100 (45.4) Bromoacetone 598312 2-Propanone, 1-bromo- 1 * 4 P01 7 C 1000 (464) Bromoform 75252 Methane, tribromo 1 • 2,4 U225 B 100 (45.4) 4-Bromophenyl phenyl ether 101553 Benzene, 1-bromo-4-phenoxy- 1 • 2,4 U030 B 100 (45.4) Brucine 357573 Strychnidin-1 0-one, 2,3- dimethoxy- 1 • 4 P01 8 B 100 (45.4) 1,3-Butadiene, 1,1,2,3,4,4- hexachloro- 87683 Hexachlorobuta diene 1 • 2,4 U128 X 1 (0.454) 1-Butanamine, N-butyl-N-nitroso- 924163 N-Nitrosodi-n-butylamine 1 • 4 U1 72 A 10 (4.54) 1-Butanol 71363 n-Butyl alcohol 1 • 4 U031 D 5000 (2270) 2-Butanone 78933 Methyl ethyl ketone (MEK) 1 • 4 U1 59 D 5000 (2270) 2-Butanone peroxide 1338234 Methyl ethyl ketone peroxide i • 4 U1 60 A 10 (4.54) 2 Butanone, 3,3-dimethyl-1 - (methylthio)-, 0[(methylamino) carbonyl] oxime. 39196184 Thiofanox 1 * 4 P045 B 100 (45.4) 2-Butenal 123739 Crotonaldehyde 100 1,4 U053 B 100 (45.4) 4170303 2-Butene, 1,4-dichloro- 764410 1,4-Dichloro-2-butene 1 • 4 U074 X 1 (0.454) 2-8utenoic acid, 2-methyl, 7(12,3- dihydroxy-2-( 1 -methoxyethyl)-3- methyl-1 -oxobutoxylmethyl)- 2,3,5,7a-tetrahydro-1 H-pyrrolizin- 1-vlester, (1 S-[ 1 alpha(Z), 7(2S , ,3R*),7aalpha]]- 303344 Lasiocarpine 1 • 4 U143 A 10 (4.54) Butyl acetate 123864 5000 1 D 5000 (2270) iso-Butyl acetate 110190 5000 1 D 5000 (2270) sec-Butyl acetate 106464 5000 1 D 5000 (2270) tert-Butyl acetate 540885 5000 1 D 5000 (2270) n-Butyl alcohol 71363 1-Butanol 1 * 4 U031 D 5000 (2270) Butylamine 109739 1000 1 C 1000 (454) iso-Butylamine 78819 1000 1 C 1000 (454) eptember 1992 H-9 Appendix I Statutory Final RQ Hazardous Substance CASRN Regulatory Synonyms RQ Coder RCRA Waste # Cate¬ gory Pounds (Kg) sec-Butylamine 513495 1000 1 C 1000 (454) 13952846 1000 1 C 1000 (454) tert-Butylamine 75649 1000 1 C 1000 (454) Butyl benzyl phthalate 85687 1 • 2 B 100 (45.4) n-Butyl phthalate 84742 Di-n-butyl phthalate Dibutyl phthalate 1,2-Benzenedicarboxylic acid, dibutyl ester 100 1,2,4 U069 A 10 (4.54) Butyric acid 107926 5000 1 D 6000 (2270) iso-Butyric acid 79312 Cacodylic acid 75606 Arsinic acid, dimethyl- 1 • 4 U136 X 1 (0.454) Cadmium 11 744-0439 1 • 2 A 10 (4.54) Cadmium acetate 543908 100 1 A 10 (4.54) CADMIUM AND COMPOUNDS N/A 1 * 2 • • Cadmium bromide 7789426 100 1 A 10 (4.54) Cadmium chloride 10108642 100 1 A 10 (4.54) Calcium arsenate 7778441 1000 1 X 1 (0.454) Calcium arsenite 52740166 1000 1 X 1 (0.454) Calcium carbide 75207 5000 1 A 10 (4.54) Calcium chromate 13765190 Chromic acid H2Cr04, calcium salt 1000 1,4 U032 A 10 (4.54) Calcium cyanide 592018 Calcium cyanide Ca(CN)2 10 1,4 P021 A 10 (4.54) Calcium cyanide Ca(CN)2 592018 Calcium cyanide 10 1,4 P021 A 10 (4.54) Calcium dodecylbenzenesulfonate 26264062 1000 1 C 1000 (454) Calcium hypochlorite 7778643 100 1 A 10 (4.54) Camphene, octachloro- 8001362 Toxaphene 1 1,2,4 PI 23 X 1 (0.454) Captan 133062 10 1 A 10 (4.54) Carbamic acid, ethyl ester 51796 Ethyl carbamate (urethane) 1 * 4 U238 B 100 (45.4) Carbamic acid, methylnitroso-, ethyl ester 615532 N-Nitroso-N-methylurethane 1 • 4 U178 X 1 (0.454) Carbamic chloride, dimethyl- 79447 Dimethylcarbamoyl chloride 1 * 4 U097 X 1 (0.454) Carbamodithioic acid, 1,2- ethanediylbis, salts & esters 1 11546 Ethylenebisdithiocarbamic acid, salts & esters 1 * 4 U114 D 5000 (2270) Carbamothioic acid, bis(1- methylethyl)-, S-(2,3-dich-loro-2- propenyl) ester 2303164 Diallate 1 * 4 U062 B 100 (45.4) H-10 September 1992 Appendix / Hazardous Substance CASRN Regulatory Synonyms Statutory Final RQ RQ Cod* t RCRA Watti # Cate¬ gory Pound* (Kg) Carbaryl 63252 100 1 B 100 (46.4) Carbofuran 1563662 10 1 A 10 (4.54) Carbon disulfide 75150 5000 1,4 P022 B 100 (45.4) Carbon oxytluoride 363504 Carbonic difluoride 1 * 4 U033 C 1000 (464) Carbon tetrachloride 56235 Methane, tetrachloro- 5000 1,2.4 U21 1 A 10 (4.54) Carbonic acid, dithalliumd +) salt 653739 Thallium(l) carbonate 1 * 4 U216 B 100 (45.4) Carbonic dichloride 75445 Phosgene 5000 1,4 P096 A 10 (4.54) Carbonic difluoride 353604 Carbon oxyfluoride 1 * 4 U033 C 1000 (454) Carbonochloridic acid, methyl ester 79221 Methyl chlorocarbonate Methyl chloroformate 1 * 4 U156 C 1000 (454) Chloral 75876 Acetaldehyde, trichloro- 1 * 4 U034 D 5000 (2270) Chlorambucil 306033 Benzenebutanoic acid, 4-|bis(2- chloroethyOaminol- 1 * 4 U035 A 10 (4.64) Chlordane 57749 Chlordane, alpha & gamma isomers Chlordane, technical 4,7-Methano-1 H-indene, 1,2,4,5,6,7,8,8-octachloro- 2,3,3a,4,7,7a-hexahydro- 1 1,2,4 U036 X 1 (0.454) CHLORDANE (TECHNICAL MIXTURE AND METABOLITES) N/A 1 * 2 • • Chlordane, alpha & gamma isomers 57749 Chlordane Chlordane, technical 4,7-Methano-1 H-indene, 1,2,4,5,6,7,8,8-octachloro- 2,3,3a,4,7,7a-hexahydro- 1 1,2,4 U036 X 1 (0.454) Chlordane, technical 57749 Chlordane Chlordane, alpha & gamma isomers 4,7-Methano-1 H-indene, 1,2,4,5,6,7,8,8-octachloro- 2,3,3a,4,7,7a-hexahyrdo- 1 1,2,4 U036 X 1 (0.464) CHLORINATED BENZENES N/A 1 • 2 • # CHLORINATED ETHANES N/A 1 * 2 • • CHLORINATED NAPHTHALENE N/A 1 • 2 • • CHLORINATED PHENOLS N/A 1 * 2 • • Chiorine 7782506 10 1 A 10 (4.64) Chlornaphazine 494031 Naphthalenamine, N,N'-bis(2- chloroethyl)- 1 • 4 U026 B 100 (45.4) Chloroacetaldehyde 107200 Acetaldehyde, chloro- 1 * 4 P023 C 1000 (464) September 1992 H-11 Appendix ! Statutory Final RQ Hazardous Substance CASRN Regulatory Synonyms RQ Code t RCRA Waste # Cate¬ gory Pounds (Kg) CHLOROALKYL ETHERS N/A 1 * 2 • • p-Chloroaniiine 106478 Benzenamine, 4-chloro- 1 * 4 P024 C 1000 (454) Chlorobenzene 108907 Benzene, chloro- 100 1,2,4 U037 B 100 (46.4) Chlorobenzilate 610166 Benzeneacetic acid, 4-chloro- alpha-(4-chloro-phenyl)-alpha- hydroxy-, ethyl ester 1 • 4 U038 A 10 (4.54) 4-Chloro-m-cresol 59607 p-Chloro-m-cresol Phenol, 4-chloro-3-methyl 1 * 2,4 U039 D 5000 (2270) p-Chloro-m-cresol 59507 Phenol, 4-chloro-3-methyl- 4-Chloro-m-cresol 1 • 2,4 U039 D 5000 (2270) Chlorodibromomethane 124481 1 • 2 B 100 (45.4) Chloroethane 76003 1 • 2 B 100 (45.4) 2-Chloroethyl vinyl ether 110768 Ethane, 2-chloroethoxy- 1 • 2,4 U042 C 1000 (464) Chloroform 67663 Methane, trichloro- 5000 1,2,4 U044 A 10 (4.54) Chloromethy! methyl ether 107302 Methane, chloromethoxy- 1 * 4 U046 A 10 (4.54) beta-Chloronaphthalene 91587 Naphthalene, 2-chloro- 2-Chloronaphthalene 1 * 2,4 U047 D 5000 (2270) 2-Chloronaphthalene 91587 beta-Chloronaphthalene Naphthalene, 2-chloro- 1 # 2,4 U047 D 5000 (2270) 2-Chlorophenol 95578 o-Chlorophenol Phenol, 2-chloro- 1 * 2,4 U048 B 100 (45.4) o-Chlorophenol 95678 Phenol, 2-chloro- 2-Chlorophenol 1 * 2,4 U048 B 100 (45.4) 4-Chlorophenyl phenyl ether 7005723 1 * 2 D 6000 (2270) 1 -(o-Chlorophenyl)thiourea 5344821 Thiourea, (2-chlorophenyl)- 1 * 4 P026 B 100 (45.4) 3-Chloropropionitrile 542767 Propanenitrile, 3-chloro- 1 # 4 P027 C 1000 (454) Chlorosulfonic acid 7790946 1000 1 C 1000 (454) 4-Chloro-o-toluidine, hydrochloride 3165933 Benzenamine, 4-chloro-2-methyl-, hydrochloride 1 • 4 U049 B 100 (45.4) Chlorpyrifos 2921882 1 1 X 1 (0.454) Chromic acetate 1066304 1000 1 c 1000 (464) Chromic acid 11115746 1000 1 A 10 (4.54) 7738945 1000 1 A 10 (4.54) Chromic acid H2Cr04, calcium salt 13765190 Calcium chromate 1000 1,4 U032 A 10 (4.54) Chromic sulfate 10101538 1000 1 c 1000 (454) Chromium 11 7440473 1 • 2 D 5000 (2270) H-12 September 1992 Appendix i Hazardous Substance CASRN Regulatory Synonyms Statutory Final RQ RQ Codat RCRA Waste # Cate¬ gory Pounds |Kg) CHROMIUM AND COMPOUNDS N/A 1 * 2 • • Chromous chloride 10049065 1000 1 C 1000 (464) Chrysene 218019 1,2-Benzphenanthrene 1 • 2,4 U060 B 100 (45.4) Cobaltous bromide 7789437 1000 1 C 1 000 (454) Cobaltous formate 644183 1000 1 C 1000 (464) Cobaltous sulfamate 14017415 1000 1 C 1 000 (454) Coke Oven Emissions N/A 1 • 3 X 1 (0.454) Copper cyanide CuCN 544923 Copper cyanide 1 • 4 P029 A 10 (4.54) Copperf t 7440508 1 • 2 D 5000 (2270) COPPER AND COMPOUNDS N/A 1 • 2 • ♦ Copper cyanide 544923 Copper cyanide CuCN 1 * 4 P029 A 10 (4.54) Coumaphos 56724 10 1 A 10 (4.54) Creosote 8001689 1 • 4 U051 X 1 (0.454) Cresol(s) 1319773 Cresylic acid Phenol, methyl- 1000 1,4 U052 C 1 000 (454) m-Cresol 108394 m-Cresylic acid 1000 1-4 U062 c 1000 (454) o-Cresol 95487 o-Cresylic acid 1000 1,4 U052 c 1000 (454) p-Cresol 106445 p-Cresylic acid 1000 1,4 U052 c 1000 (464) Cresylic acid 1319773 Cresol(s) Phenol, methyl- 1000 1,4 U052 c 1000 (454) m-Cresol 108394 m-Cresylic acid 1000 1,4 U052 c 1000 (454) o-Cresol 95487 o-Cresylic acid 1000 1,4 U052 c 1000 (454) p-Cresol 106445 p-Cresylic acid 1000 1,4 U052 c 1 000 (454) Crotonaldehyde 123739 2-Butenal 100 1,4 U053 B 100 (45.4) 4170303 Cumene 98828 Benzene, 1 -methylethyl- 1 * 4 U055 D 5000 (2270) Cupric acetate 142712 100 1 B 100 (45.4) Cupric acetoarsenite 12002038 100 1 X 1 (0.454) Cupric chloride 7447394 10 1 A 10 (4.54) Cupric nitrate 3251238 100 1 B 100 (45.4) Cupric oxalate 5893663 100 1 B 100 (45.4) Cupric sulfate 7758987 10 1 A 10 (4.54) Cupric sulfate, ammoniated 10380297 100 1 B 100 (45.4) tptember 1992 H-13 Appendix ! Statutory Final RQ Hazardous Substance CASRN Regulatory Synonyms RQ Codst RCRA Waste # Cate¬ gory Pounds (Kg) Cupric tartrate 815827 100 1 B 100 (46.4) CYANIDES N/A 1 • 2 • • Cyanides (soluble salts and complexes) not otherwise specified 57126 1 * 4 PO30 A 10 (4.54) Cyanogen 460196 Ethanedinitrile 1 • 4 P031 B 100 (45.4) Cyanogen bromide 506683 Cyanogen bromide (CN)Br 1 • 4 U246 C 1000 (454) Cyanogen bromide (CN)Br 506683 Cyanogen bromide 1 • 4 U246 C 1 000 (454) Cyanogen chloride 506774 Cyanogen chloride (CN)CI 10 1,4 P033 A 10 (4.54) Cyanogen chloride (CN)CI 506774 Cyanogen chloride 10 1.4 P033 A 10 (4.54) 2,5-Cyclohexadiene-1,4-dione 106614 p-Benzoquinone 1 • 4 U197 A 10 (4.54) Cyclohexane 110827 Benzene, hexahydro- 1000 1,4 U056 C 1000 (454) Cyclohexane, 1,2,3,4,5,6- hexachloro-,( 1 alpha, 2alpha, 3beta,4alpha,5alpha,6,beta)- 58899 gamma —BHC 1 1,2,4 U129 X 1 (0.454) Cyclohexanone 108941 1 • 4 U057 D 6000 (2270) 2-Cyclohexyl-4,6-dinitrophenol 131895 Phenol, 2-cyclohexyl-4,6-dinitro- 1 • 4 P034 B 100 (45.4) 1,3-Cyclopentadiene, 1,2,3,4,5,5- hexachloro- 77474 Hexachlorocyclopentadiene 1 1,2,4 U130 A 10 (4.54) Cyclophosphamide 60180 2H-1,3,2-Oxazaphosphorin-2- amine, N,N-bis(2-chloroethyl) tetrahydro-,2-oxide 1 • 4 U058 A 10 (4.54) 2,4-D Acid 94757 Acetic acid (2,4-dichlorophenoxy)- 2,4-D, salts and esters 100 1,4 U240 B 100 (45.4) 2,4-D Ester 941 1 1 100 1 B 100 (45.4) 94791 100 1 B 100 (45.4) 94804 100 1 B 100 (46.4) 1320189 100 1 B 100 (45.4) 1928387 100 1 B 100 (45.4) 1928616 100 1 B 100 (46.4) 1929733 100 1 B 100 (45.4) 2971382 100 1 B 100 (46.4) 25168267 100 1 B 100 (45.4) 53467111 100 1 B 100 (45.4) 2,4-D, salts and esters 94757 Acetic acid (2,4-dichlorophenoxy)- 2,4-D Acid 100 1,4 U240 B 100 (45.4) H-14 September 1992 Appendix / Statutory Final RQ Hazardous Substance CASRN Regulatory Synonyms RQ Codet RCRA Waste # Cate- gory Pounds (Kg) Daunomycin 20830813 5,12-Naphthacenedione, 8-acetyl- 10-{3-amino-2,3,6- trideoxy-alpha- L-lyxo-hexo-pyranosyl)oxy]-7,8,9, 10 -tetrahydro-6,8,11 -trihydroxy-1 - methoxy-, (8S-cis)- 1 • 4 U059 A 10 (4.54) DDD 72548 Benzene, 1,1 '-(2,2- dichloroethylidene)bis(4-chloro- TDE 4,4' DDD 1 1,2,4 U060 X 1 (0.454) 4,4' DDD 72548 Benzene, 1,1 '-(2,2- dichloroethylidene)bis(4-chloro- DDD TDE 1 1,2,4 U060 X 1 (0.454) DDE 72559 4,4' DDE 1 • 2 X 1 (0.454) 4,4' DDE 72559 DDE i • 2 X 1 (0.454) DDT 50293 Benzene, 1,1 '-(2,2,2- trichloroethylidene)bis(4-chloro- 4,4'DDT 1 1,2,4 U061 X 1 (0.454) 4,4' DDT 50293 Benzene, 1.1'-(2,2,2- trichloroethylidene)bis[4-chloro- DDT i 1,2,4 U061 X 1 (0.464) DDT AND METABOLITES N/A 1 • 2 • • Diallate 2303164 Carbamothioic acid, bis(1- methylethyl)-, S-(2,3,-dich-loro-2- propenyl) ester 1 • 4 U062 B 100 (45.4) Diazinon 333415 1 1 X 1 (0.454) Dibenz(a,h]anthracene 53703 Dibenzo[a,h|anthracene 1 ,2:5,6-Dibenzanthracene 1 • 2,4 U063 X 1 (0.454) 1,2:5,6-Dibenzanthracene 53703 Dibenz[a,hlanthracene Dibenzo(a,h)anthracene i * 2,4 U063 X 1 (0.454) Dibenzola,h)anthracene 53703 Dibenz{a,h]anthracene 1,2:5,6-Dibenzanthracene i * 2,4 U063 X 1 (0.454) Dibenz(a,i]pyrene 189659 Benzolrstipentaphene 1 • 4 U064 A 10 (4.54) 1 ,2-Dibromo-3-chloropropane 96128 Propane, 1,2-dibromo-3-chloro- 1 • 4 U066 X 1 (0.454) Dibutyl phthalate 84742 Dibutyl phthalate n-Butyl phthalate 1,2-Benzenedicarboxylic acid, dibutyl ester 100 1,2,4 U069 A 10 (4.54) Di-n-butyl phthalate 84742 Dibutyl phthalate n-Butyl phthalate 1,2-Benzenedicarboxylic acid, dibutyl ester 100 1,2,4 U069 A 10 (4.54) Dicamba 1918009 1000 1 C 1 000 (464) eptember 1992 H-15 Appendix / Statutory Final RQ Hazardous Substance CASRN Regulatory Synonyms RQ Codet RCRA Waste # Cats- gory Pounds (Kg) Dichlobenil 1194656 1000 1 B 100 (46.4) Dichlone 117806 1 1 X 1 (0.454) Dichlorobenzene 25321226 100 1 B 100 (45.4) 1,2-Dichlorobenzene 95501 Benzene, 1,2-dichloro-o- Dichlorobenzene 100 1,2,4 U070 B 100 (46.4) 1,3-Dichlorobenzene 541731 Benzene, 1,3-dichloro m- Dichlorobenzene 1 * 2,4 U071 B 100 (45.4) 1,4-Dichlorobenzene 106467 Benzene, 1,4-dichloro p- Dichlorobenzene 100 1,2,4 U072 B 100 (45.4) m-Dichlorobenzene 541731 Benzene, 1,3-dichloro 1,3- Dichlorobenzene 1 • 2,4 U071 B 100 (45.4) o-Dichlorobenzene 95501 Benzene, 1,2-dichloro 1,2- Dichlorobenzene 100 1,2,4 U070 B 100 (45.4) p-Dichlorobenzene 106467 Benzene, 1,4-dichloro 1,4- Dichlorobenzene 100 1,2,4 U072 B 100 (46.4) DICHLOROBENZIDINE N/A 1 * 2 • « 3,3'-Dichlorobenzidine 91941 (1,1 '-Biphenyi]- 4,4'diamine,3,3'dichloro- 1 • 2,4 U073 X 1 (0.454) Dichlorobromomethane 75274 1 • 2 D 5000 (2270) 1,4-Dichloro-2-butene 764410 2-Butene, 1,4-dichloro- 1 • 4 U074 X 1 (0.454) Dichlorodifluoromethane 75718 Methane, dichlorodifluoro- 1 • 4 U075 D 5000 (2270) 1,1-Dichloroethane 75343 Ethane, 1,1-dichloro- Ethylidene dichloride 1 • 2,4 U076 C 1000 (454) 1,2-Dichloroethane 107062 Ethane, 1,2-dichloro- Ethylene dichloride 5000 1,2,4 U077 B 100 (45.4) 1,1 -Dichloroethylene 75354 Ethene, 1,1-dichloro- Vinylidene chloride 6000 1,2,4 U078 B 100 (45.4) 1,2-Dichloroethylene 156605 Ethene 1,2-dichloro- (E) 1 * 2,4 U079 C 1000 (454) Dichloroethyl ether 111444 Bis (2-chloroethyl) ether Ethane, 1,1'-oxybis[2-chloro- 1 * 2,4 U025 A 10 (4.54) Dichloroisopropyl ether 108601 Propane, 2,2'-oxybis[2-chloro- 1 * 2,4 U027 C 1000 (454) Dichloromethoxy ethane 111911 Bis(2-chloroethoxy) methane Ethane, 1,1 '-(methylenebis(oxy)] bis(2-chloro- 1 * 2,4 U024 C 1000 (454) Dichloromethyl ether 542881 Methane, oxybisfchloro- 1 * 4 P01 6 A 10 (4.54) 2,4-Dichlorophenol 120832 Phenol, 2,4-dichloro- 1 * 2,4 U081 B 100 (45.4) 2,6-Dichlorophenol 87660 Phenol, 2,6-dichloro- 1 * 4 U082 B 100 (45.4) Dichlorophenylarsine 696286 Arsonous dichloride, phenyl- 1 * 4 P036 X 1 (0.454) H-16 September 1992 Appendix I Statutory Final RQ Hazardous Substance CASRN Regulatory Synonyms RQ Code t RCRA Waste # Cate¬ gory Pounds (Kg) Dichloropropane 26638197 5000 1 C 1000 (454) 1,1-Dichloropropane 78999 5000 1 c 1000 (454) 1,3-Dichloropropane 142289 5000 1 c 1000 (454) 1,2-Dichloropropane 78876 Propane, 1,2-dichloro- Propylene dichloride 5000 1,2,4 U083 c 1000 (454) Dichloropropane — Dichloropropene (mixture) 8003198 5000 1 B 100 (45.4) Dichloropropene 26962238 5000 1 B 100 (45.4) 2,3-Dichloropropene 78886 5000 1 B 100 (45.4) 1,3-Dichloropropene 542756 1-Propene, 1,3-dichloro- 5000 1,2,4 U084 B 100 (45.4) 2,2-Dichloropropionic acid 75990 5000 1 D 5000 (2270) Dichlorvos 627737 10 1 A 10 (4.54) Dicofol 115322 5000 1 A 5000 (2270) Dieldrin 60571 2,7:3,6-Dimethanonaphth[2,3- b]oxirene,3,4,5,6,9,9-hexachloro- 1a,2,2a,3,6,6a,7,7a-octahydro-, (1 aalpha,2beta,2aalpha,3beta, 6beta,6aalpha,7beta, 7aalpha)- 1 1,2,4 P037 X 1 (0.454) 1,2:3,4-Diepoxybutane 1464535 2,2'-Bioxirane 1 * 4 U085 A 10 (4.54) Diethylamine 109897 1000 1 B 100 (454.4) Diethylarsine 692422 Arsine, diethyl- 1 • 4 P038 X 1 (0.454) 1,4-Diethylenedioxide 123911 1,4-Dioxane 1 • 4 U108 B 100 (45.4) Diethylhexyl phthalate 117817 Bis (2-ethylhexyl)phthalate 1,2,-Benzenedicarboxylic acid, (bis(2-ethylhexyl)] ester 1 • 2,4 U028 B 100 (45.4) N,N-'Diethylhydrazine 1615801 Hydrazine, 1,2-diethyl- 1 • 4 U086 A 10 (4.54) 0,0-Diethyl S-methyl dithiophosphate 3288582 Phosphorodithioic acid, 0,0-diethyl S-methyl ester 1 * 4 U087 D 5000 (2270) Diethyl-p-nitrophenyl phosphate 311455 Phosphoric acid, diethyl 4- nitrophenyl ester 1 • 4 P041 B 100 (45.4) Diethyl phthalate 84662 1,2-Benzenedicarboxylic acid, diethyl ester 1 • 2,4 U088 C 1000 (454) 0,0-Diethyl O-pyrazinyl phosphorothioate 297972 Phosphorothioic acid, 0,0-diethyl O-pyrazinyl ester 1 • 4 P040 B 100 (45.4) Diethylstilbestrol 56531 Phenol, 4,4'-(1,2-diethyl-1,2- ethenediyl)bis-, (E) 1 • 4 U089 X 1 (0.454) Dihydrosafrole 94586 1,3-Benzodioxole, 5-propyl- 1 * 4 U090 A 10 (4.54) eptember 1992 H-17 Appendix / Hazardous Substance CASRN Regulatory Synonyms Statutory Final RQ RQ Cod* t RCRA Waste * Cat*- gory Pounds (Kg) Diisopropyfluorophosphate 55914 Phosphorofluoridic acid, bis(1- methylethyl) ester 1 • 4 P043 B 100 (46.4) 1,4,6,8-Dimethanonaphthalene, 1,2,3,4,10,10-, 1O-hexachloro- 1,4,4a,5,8,8a-hexahydro-, (1 alpha,4alpha,4abeta,5alpha,' 8alpha, 309002 Aldrin 1 1,2,4 P004 X 1 (0.464) 8abeta)-1,4,5,8- Dimenthanonaphthalene, 1,2,3,4,10,10-hexachloro- 1,4,4a,5,8,8a- hexahydro,( 1 alpha, 4alpha,4abeta, 5abeta,8beta, 465736 Isodrin 1 • 4 P060 X 1 (0.454) 8abeta)-2,7:3,6- Dimethanonaphth[2,3-bloxirene, 3,4,5,6,9,9-hexachloro-1 a, 2,2a, 3, 6,6a,7,7a-octahydro-, (laalpha, 2beta,2aalpha,3beta,6beta, 60571 Dieldrin 1 1,2,4 P037 X 1 (0.454) 6aalpha,7beta,7aalpha)-2,7:3,6- Dimethanonaphth[2,3-b|oxirene, 3,4,6,6,9,9-hexachloro-1 a, 2,2a, 3, 6,6a,7,7a-octa-hydro-,( 1 aalpha, 2beta,2abeta,3aipha.6alpha, 72208 Endrin Endrin & metabolites 1 1,2,4 P051 X 1 (0.454) 6abeta,7beta,7aalpha)-Dimethoate 60615 Phosphorodithioic acid, 0,0- dimethyl S-[2(methyle-mino)-2- oxoethyll ester 1* 4 P044 A 10 (4.54) 3,3'-Dimethoxy benzidine 119904 [1,1 '-Biphenyl]-4,4'diamine,3, 3'dimethyoxy- 1* 4 U091 B 100 (45.4) Dimethylamine 124403 methanamine, N-methyl 1000 1,4 U092 C 1000 (454) p-Dimethylaminoazobenzene 60117 Benzenamine, N,N-dimethyl-4- (phenylazo-) 1 • 4 U093 A 10 (4.54) 7,12-Dimethylbenz[alanthracene 57976 Benz[a)anthracene, 7,12-dimethyl- 1* 4 U094 X 1 (0.454) 3,3'-Dimethylbenzidine 119937 [1,1 'Biphynyl]-4,4'diamine,3,3'- dimethyl- 1* 4 U095 A 10 (4.54) alpha,alpha- Dimethylbenzylhydroperoxide 80169 Hydroperoxide, 1-mehtyl-1- phenylethyl- 1* 4 U096 A 10 (4.54) Dimethylcarbamoyl chloride 79447 Carbamic chloride, dimethyl- 1* 4 U097 X 1 (0.454) 1,1 -Dimethylhydrazine 57147 Hydrazine, 1,1-dimethyl- 1- 4 U098 A 10 (4.54) 1,2-Dimethylhydrazine 540738 Hydrazine, 1,2-dimethyl- 1- 4 U099 X 1 (0.454) alpha.alpha- Dimethylphenethylamine 122098 Benzeneethanamine, alpha,alpha- dimethyl- 1* 4 P046 D 5000 (2270) 2,4-Dimethylphenol 105679 Phenol, 2,4-dimethyl- 1* 2,4 U101 B 100 (46.4) H-18 September 1992 Appendix I Statutory Final RQ Hazardous Substance CASRN Regulatory Synonyms RQ Cod«t RCRA Wwti # Cat*- Bory Pound* (Kg) Dimethyl phthalate 131113 1,2-Benzenedicarboxylic acid, dimethyl ester 1 * 2,4 U1 02 D 5000 (2270) Dimethyl sulfate 77781 Sulfuric acid, dimethyl ester 1 * 4 U103 B 100 (45.4) Dinitrobenzene (mixed) 26154545 1000 1 B 100 (45.4) m-Dinitrobenzene 99650 1000 1 B 100 (45.4) o-Dinitrobenzene 528290 1000 1 B 100 (45.4) p-Dinitrobenzene 100254 1000 1 B 100 (45.4) 4,6-Dinitro-o-cresol and salts 534521 Phenol, 2-methyl-4,6-dinitro- 1 • 2,4 P047 A 10 (4.54) Dinitrophenol 25550587 1000 1 A 10 (4.54) 2,5-Dinitrophenol 329715 1000 1 A 10 (4.54) 2,6-Dinitrophenol 573568 1000 1 A 10 (4.54) 2,4-Dinitrophenol 51285 Phenol, 2,4-dinitro- 1000 1.2,4 P048 A 10 (4.54) Dinitrotoluene 25321146 1000 1,2 A 10 (4.54) 3,4-Dinitrotoluene 610399 2,4-Dinitrotoluene 121142 Benzene, 1-methyl-2,4-dinitro- 1000 1.2,4 U105 A 10 (4.54) 2,6-Dinitrotoluene 606202 Benzene, 2-methyl-1,3-dinitro- 1000 1,2,4 U106 B 100 (45.4) Dinoseb 88857 Phenol, 2-(1-methylpropyl)-4,6- dinitro 1 • 4 P020 C 1000 (454) Di-n-octyl phthalate 117840 1,2-Benzenedicarboxylic acid, dioctyl ester 1 • 2.4 U107 D 5000 (2270) 1,4-Dioxane 123911 1,4-Diethylenedioxide 1 * 4 U108 B 100 (45.4) DIPHENYLHYDRA2INE N/A 1 • 2 • • 1,2-Diphenylhydrazine 122667 Hydrazine, 1,2-diphenyl 1 • 2,4 U109 A 10 (4.54) Diphosphoramide, octamethyl- 152169 Octamethylpyrophosphoramide 1 * 4 P085 B 100 (45.4) Diphosphoric acid, tetraethyl ester 107493 Tetraethyl pyrophosphate 100 1,4 PI 11 A 10 (4.54) Dipropylamine 142847 1-Propanamine, N-propyl- 1 * 4 U1 10 D 5000 (2270) Di-n-propylnitrosamine 621647 1 -Propanamine, N-nitroso-NI-propyl- 1 • 2,4 U1 1 1 A 10 (4.54) Diquat 85007 1000 1 C 1000 (454) 2764729 1000 1 C 1000 (454) Disulfoton 298044 Phosphorodithioic acid, o,o-diethyl S-[2-(ethylthio)ethyl|ester * j 1,4 P039 X 1 (0.454) Dithiobiuret 541537 Thiomidodicarbonic diamide l(H2N) C(S)]2NH 1 • 4 P049 B 100 (45.4) Diuron 330541 100 1 B 100 (45.4) September 1992 H-19 Appendix / Hazardous Substance CASRN Regulatory Synonyms Statutory Final RQ RQ Code t RCRA Wuti # Cate- gory Pound* (Kg) Dodecylbenzenesulfonic acid 27176870 1000 1 C 1000 (454) Endosulfan 115297 6,9-Methano-2,4,3- benzodioxathiepin, 6,7,8,9,10,10- hexachloro-1,5,5a, 6,9,9a- hexahydro-, 3-oxide 1 1,2,4 P050 X 1 (0.454) alpha - Endosulfan 959988 1* 2 X 1 (0.454) beta - Endosulfan 33213659 1* 2 X 1 (0.454) ENDOSALFAN AND METABOLITES N/A 1 * 2 « • Endosulfan sulfate 1031078 1 • 2 X 1 (0.454) Endothall 145733 7-Oxabicyclo[2.2.1 lheptane-2,3- dicarboxylic acid 1 • 4 P088 c 1000 (454) Endrin 72208 Endrin, & metabolites 2,7:3,6-Dimethanonaphth|2,3- b|oxirene,3,4,5,6,9,9 -hexachloro- 1 a,2,2a,3,6,6a,7,7a-octa-hydro-, (1 aalpha, 2beta,2abeta,3alpha, 6alpha,6abeta,7beta, 7aalpha)- 1 1,2,4 P061 X 1 (0.464) Endrin aldehyde 7421934 1 * 2 X 1 (0.454) ENDRIN AND METABOLITES N/A 1 • 2 • ♦ Endrin, & metablites 72208 Endrin 2,7:3,6-Dimethanonaphth(2,3-b] oxirene, 3,4,6,6,9,9-hexachloro- 1a,2,2a,3,6,6a,7,7e-octa-hydro-, (1 aalpha,2beta, 2abeta,3alpha, 6alpha, . 6abeta,7beta, 7aalpha)- 1 1,2,4 P061 X 1 (0.454) Epichlorohydrin 106898 Oxirane, (chloromethyl)- 1000 1.4 U041 B 100 (45.4) Epinephrine 51434 1,2-Benzenediol,4-[ 1 -hydroxy-2- (methylamino)ethylj- 1 • 4 P042 C 1000 (454) Ethanal 75070 Acetaldehyde 1000 1,4 U001 C 1000 (454) Ethanamine, N-ethyl-N-nitroso- 55185 N-Nitrosodiethylamine 1 • 4 U174 X 1 (0.454) 1,2-Ethanediamine, N,N-dimethyl- N'-2-pyridinyl-N'-(2-thienylmethyl)- 91806 Methapyrilene 1* 4 U1 55 D 6000 (2270) Ethane, 1,2-dibromo- 106934 Ethylene dibromide 1000 1,4 U067 X 1 (0.454) Ethane, 1,1-dichloro- 75343 Ethylidene dichloride 1,1-Dichloroethane 1 • 2.4 U076 c 1000 (454) Ethane, 1,2-dichloro- 107062 Ethylene dichloride 1,2-Dichlorethane 5000 1.2,4 U077 B 100 (45.4) Ethanedinitrile 460196 Cyanogen 1 • 4 P031 B 100 (46.4) H-20 September 1992 Appendix l *- Statutory Final RQ Hazardous Substance CASRN Regulatory Synonyms RQ Cod* t RCRA Wutt # Cate¬ gory Pound* (Kg) Ethane, hexachloro- 67721 Hexachloroethane 1 • 2,4 U131 B 100 (45.4) Ethane, 1,1'- [methylenebis(oxy))bis(2- chloro- 111911 Bis(2-chloroethoxy) methane Dichloromethoxy ethane 1 • 2,4 U024 C 1000 (464) Ethane, 1,1'-oxybis- 60297 Ethyl ether 1 • 4 U1 17 B 100 (45.4) Ethane, 1,1'-oxybi$(2-chloro- 111444 Bis (2-chloroethyl) ether Dichloroethyl ether 1 • 2 A U026 A 10 (4.54) Ethane, pentachloro- 76017 Pentachloroethane 1 • 4 U184 A 10 (4.54) Ethane, 1,1,1,2-tetrachloro 630206 1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane 1* 4 U208 B 100 (45.4) Ethane, 1,1 ,2,2-tetrachloro 79346 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane 1 • 2,4 U209 B 100 (45.4) Ethanethioamide 62655 Thioacetamide i • 4 U218 A 10 (4.54) Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro 71556 Methyl chloroform 1,1,1 -Trichloroethane 1 • 2,4 U226 C 1 000 (454) Ethane, 1,1,2-trichloro- 79005 1,1,2-Trichloroethane 1 • 2,4 U227 B 100 (45.4) Ethanimidothioic acid, N-([(methyl- amino)carbonyl]oxy]-, methyl ester 16752775 Methomyl 1 • 4 P066 B 100 (46.4) Ethanol, 2-ethoxy- 110805 Ethylene glycol monoethyl ether 1 • 4 U359 C 1 000 (454) Ethanol, 2,2'-(nitrosoimino)bis- 1116647 N-Nitrosodiethanolamine 1 • 4 U1 73 X 1 (0.454) --- Ethanone, 1-phenyl- 98862 Acetophenone 1 • 4 U004 D 5000 (2270) — Ethene, chloro- 75014 • Vinyl chloride 1 • 2,3,4 U043 X 1 (0.454) — Ethene, 2-Cloroethoxy- 110758 2-Chloroethyl vinyl ether 1 • 2,4 U042 c 1 000 (454) Ethene, 1,1-dichloro- 75354 Vinylidene chloride 1,1 -Dichloroethylene 5000 1,2,4 U078 B 100 (45.4) - " Ethene, 1,2-dichloro- 156605 1,2-Dichloroethylene 1 * 2,4 U079 C 1000 (45.4) Ethene, tetrachloro- - 127184 Perchloroethylene Tetrachlorethene T etrachloroethy lene 1 * 2,4 U210 B 100 (45.4) Ethene, trichloro- 79016 Trichloroethene Trichloroethylene 1000 1,2,4 U228 B 100 (45.4) Ethion 563122 10 1 A 10 (4.54) Ethyl acetate 141786 Acetic acid, ethyl ester 1 • 4 111 12 D 5000 (2270) Ethyl acrylate 140886 2-Propenoic acid, ethyl ester 1 • 4 U113 C 1000 (454) Ethylbenzene 100414 1000 1,2 C 1000 (454) Ethyl carbamate (urethane) 51796 Carbamic acid, ethyl ester 1 • 4 U238 B 100 (46.4) - — - Ethyl cyanide 107120 Propanenitril 1 • 4 P101 A 10 (4.54) September 1992 H-21 Appendix I Hazardous Substance CASRN Regulatory Synonyms Statutory Final RQ RQ Code t RCRA West# # Cate¬ gory Pounds (Kg) Ethylenebisdithiocarbamic acid, salts & esters 111546 Carbamodithioic acid, 1,2- ethanediylbis, salts & esters i * 4 U1 14 D 5000 (2270) Ethylenediamine 107153 1000 1 D 5000 (2270) Ethylenediamine-tetraacetic acid (EDTA) 60004 5000 1 D 5000 (2270) Ethylene dibromide 106934 Ethane, 1,2-dibromo- 1000 1,4 U067 X 1 (0.454) Ethylene dichloride 107062 Ethane, 1,2-dichloro- 1,2-Dichloroethane 5000 1,2,4 U077 B 100 (45.4) Ethyllene glycol monoethy ether 110806 Ethanol, 2-ethoxy- 1 * 4 U359 C 1000 (454) Ethylene oxide 75218 Oxirane 1 * 4 U1 15 A 10 (4.54) Ethylenethiourea 96457 2-lmidazolidinethione 1 * 4 U1 16 A 10 (4.54) Ethylenimine 151564 Aziridine 1 * 4 P054 X 1 (0.454) Ethyl ether 60297 Ethane, 1,1'-oxybis 1 * 4 U1 17 B 100 (45.4) Ethylidene dichloride 75343 Ethane, 1,1'-dichioro- 1,1 -Dichloroethane 1 * 2,4 U076 C 1 000 (464) Ethyl methacrylate 97632 2-Propenoic acid, 2-methyl-, ethyl ester 1 * 4 U1 18 C 1000 (454) Ethyl methanesulfonate 62500 Methanesulfonic acid, ethyl ester 1 • 4 U1 19 X 1 (0.454) Famphur 52857 Phosphorothioic acid, 0,[4-[{di- methylamino) sulfonyl] phenyll 0,0-dimethyl ester 1 * 4 P097 c 1000 (454) Ferric ammonium citrate 1185675 1000 1 c 1000 (464) Ferric ammonium oxalate 2944674 1000 1 c 1000 (454) 55488874 1000 1 c 1000 (454) Ferric chloride 7705080 1000 1 c 1000 (454) Ferric flouride 7783508 100 1 B 100 (45.4) Ferric nitrate 10421484 1000 1 C 1000 (454) Ferric sulfate 10028225 1000 1 C 1000 (454) Ferrous ammonium sulfate 10045893 1000 1 c 1000 (454) Ferrous chloride 7758943 100 1 B 100 (46.4) Ferrous suifate 7720787 1000 1 C 1000 (454) 7782630 1000 1 C 1000 (454) Flouranthene 206440 Benzo[j,k)flourene 1 • 2,4 U1 20 B 100 (46.4) Flourene 86737 1 * 2 D 5000 (2270) Flourine 7782414 1 • 4 P056 A 10 (4.54) H-22 September 1992 Appendix I Hazardous Substance CASRN Regulatory Synonyms Statutory Final RQ RQ Cod# t RCRA Waste # Cate¬ gory Pounds (Kg) Flouroacetamide 640197 Acetamide, 2-fluoro- 1* 4 P057 B 100 (45.4) Flouracetic acid, sodium salt 62748 Acetic acid, fluoro-, sodium salt 1 • 4 P068 A 10 (4.54) Formaldehyde 50000 1000 1,4 U122 B 100 (45.4) Formic acid 64186 5000 1,4 U123 D 5000 (2270) Fulminic acid, mercury(2 + )salt 628864 Mercury fulminate 1* 4 P066 A 10 (4.54) Fumaric acid 110178 5000 1 D 5000 (2270) Furan 110009 Furfuran 1* 4 U1 24 B 100 (45.4) Furan, tetrahydro- 109999 Tetrahydrofuran 1 * 4 U21 3 C 1000 (454) 2-Furancarboxaldehyde 9801 1 Furfural 1000 1,4 U1 25 D 5000 (2270) 2,5-Furandione 108316 Maleic anhydride 5000 1,4 U147 D 5000 (2270) Furfural 98011 2-Furancarboxaldehyde 1000 1,4 U1 25 D 5000 (2270) Furfuran 110009 Furan 1 * 4 U1 24 B 100 (45.4) Glucopyranose, 2-deoxy-2-(3- methyl-3-nitrosoureido)- 18883664 D-Glucose, 2-deoxy-2- ([(methylnitrosoamino)- carbonyllamino) Streptozotocin 1 * 4 U206 X 1 (0.454) D-Glucose, 2-deoxy-2- [((methylnitrosoamino)- carbonyllaminol- 18883664 Glucopyranose, 2-deoxy-2-(3- methyl-3-nitrosoureido)- 1 * 4 U206 X 1 (0.45) Glycidylaldehyde 765344 Oxiranecarboxyaldehyde 1 * 4 U1 26 A 10 (4.54) Guanidien, N-methyl-N'-nitro-N- nitroso- 70257 MNNG 1 * 4 U1 63 A 10 (4.54) Guthion 866600 1 1 X 1 (0.454) HALOETHERS N/A 1 * 2 • • HALOMETHANES N/A 1 * 2 • • Heptachlor 76448 4,7-Methano-1H-indene, 1,4,5,6, 7,8,8-heptachloro-3a,4,7,7a- tetrahydro- 1 1,2,4 P069 X 1 (0.454) HEPTACHLOR AND METABOLITES N/A 1 * 2 • • Heptachlor epoxide 1024673 1 * 2 X 1 (0.464) Hexachlorobenzene 118741 Benzene, hexachloro- 1 ‘ 2,4 U127 A 10 (4.54) Hexachlorobutadiene 87683 1,3-Butadiene, 1,1,2,3,4,5- hexachloro- 1 * 2,4 U128 X 1 (0.464) HEXACHLOROCYCLOHEXANE (all isomers) 608731 1 * 2 m • September 1992 H-23 Appendix / Hazardous Substance CASRN Regulatory Synonyms Statutory Final RQ RQ Code t RCRA Wests * Cate¬ gory Pounds (Kg) Hexachlorocyclohexane (gammer isomer) 58899 Cyclohexane, 1,2,3,4,6,6- hexachloro-,( 1 alpha, 2a Ip ha, 3beta, 4alpha,5alpha,6beta)-gamma-BHC Lindane 1 1,2,4 U129 X 1 (0.454) Hexachlorocyclopentadiene 77474 1,3-Cyclopentadiene,1,2,3,4,6,5- hexachloro- 1 1,2,4 U1 30 A 10 (4.54) Hexachloroethane 67721 Ethane, hexachloro- 1 * 2,4 U131 B 100 (45.4) Hexachlorophene 70304 Phenol, 2,2'-methylenebis[3,4,5- trichloro- 1 * 4 U132 B 100 (45.4) Hexachloropropene 1888717 1-Propene, 1,1,2,3,3,3- hexachloro- 1 • 4 U243 C 1000 (454) Hexaethyl tetraphosphate 757584 Tetraphosphoric acid, hexaethyl ester i • 4 P062 B 100 (45.4) Hydrazine 302012 i • 4 U1 33 X 1 (0.454) Hydrazine, 1,2-diethyl- 1615801 N.N'-Diethylhydrazine i • 4 U086 A 10 (4.54) Hydrazine, 1,1-dimethyl- 57147 1,1-Dimethylhydrazine 1 • 4 U098 A 10 (4.54) Hydrazine, 1,2-dimethyl- 540738 1,2-Dimethylhydrazine 1* 4 U099 X 1 (0.454) Hydrazine, 1,2-diphenyl- 122667 1,2-Diphenylhydrazine 1 • 2,4 U109 A 10 (4.54) Hydrazine, methyl- 60344 Methyl hydrazine i* 4 P068 A 10 (4.54) Hydrazinecarbothioamide 79196 Thiosemicarbazide 1* 4 PI 16 B 100 (45.4) Hydrochloric acid 7647010 Hydrogen chloride 5000 1 D 5000 (2270) Hydrocyanic acid 74908 Hydrogen cyanide 10 1,4 P063 A 10 (4.54) Hydrofluoric acid 7664393 Hydrogen flouride 5000 1,4 U134 B 100 (45.4) Hydrogen chloride 7647010 Hydrochloric acid 5000 1 D 5000 (2270) Hydrogen cyanide 74908 Hydrocyanic acid 10 1,4 P063 A 10 (4.54) Hydrogen fluoride 7664393 Hydrofluoric acid 5000 1,4 U134 B 1 00 (45.4) Hydrogen sulfide 7783064 Hydrogen sulfide H2S 100 1,4 U135 B 100 (45.4) Hydrogen sulfide H2S 7783064 Hydrogen sulfide 100 1,4 U136 B 100 (45.4) Hydroperoxide, 1-methyl-1- phenylethyl- 80159 alpha, alpha- Dimethylbenzylhydroperoxide 1 * 4 U096 A 10 (4.54) 2-lmidazolidinethione 96467 Ethylenethiourea 1 • 4 U1 16 A 10 (4.54) Indenod ,2,3-cd)pyrene 193395 1,10-( 1,2-Phenylene)pyrene 1 * 2,4 U137 B 100 (45.4) 1,3-lsobenzofurandione 86449 Phthalic anhydride 1 * 4 U190 D 5000 (2270) Isobutyl alcohol 78831 1-Propanol, 2-methyl- 1 * 4 U140 D 6000 (2270) H-24 September 1992 Appendix I Hazardous Substance CASRN Statutory Final RQ Regulatory Synonyms RQ Cod«t RCRA Waste # Cate¬ gory Pounds (Kg) Isodrin 466736 1,4,5,8-Dimethanonaphthalene, 1,2,3,4,10,10-hexachloro-1,4,4a, 5,8,8a-hexahydro,(1 alpha, 4alpha, 4abeta,5beta,8beta,8abeta)- 1 • 4 P060 X 1 (0.464) Isophorone 78691 1* 2 D 5000 (2270) Isoprene 78796 1000 1 B 100 (45.4) Isopropanolamine dodecylbenzenesulfonate 42504461 1000 1 C 1000 (454) Isosafrole 120681 1,3-Benzodioxole, 6-) 1 -propenly)- 1 • 4 U141 B 100 (45.4) 3(2H)-lsoxazolone, 5- (aminomethyl)- 2763964 Muscimol 5-(Aminomethyl)-3-isoxazolol 1 * 4 POO 7 C 1000 (454) Kepone 143500 1,2,4-Metheno-2H-cyclobutal(cdl pentalen-2-one, 1,1 a, 3,3a, 4,5,5, 5a,5b,6-decachloroctahydro- 1 1,4 U142 X 1 (0.454) Lasiocarpine 303344 2-Butenoic acid, 2-methyl-, 71 [2,3- dihydroxy-2-( 1 -methoxyethyl)-3- methyl-1 -oxobutoxy]methyl|-2,3,5, 7a-tetrahydro-1 H-pyrrolizin-1 -yl ester, [ 1 S-[ 1 alpha(Z), 7(2S*,3R*), 7aalpha]|- 1 • 4 U143 A 10 (4.54) LeadT t 7439921 1 * 2 U143 A 10 (4.54) Lead acetate 301042 Acetic acid, lead(2 + ) salt 5000 1,4 U144 » LEAD AND COMPOUNDS N/A 1 * 2 • • Lead arsenate 7784409 5000 1 X 1 (0.454) 7645252 5000 1 X 1 (0.454) 10102484 5000 1 X 1 (0.454) Lead, bis(acetato-0)tetrahydroxytri 1335326 Lead subacetate 1 * 4 U146 B 100 (45.4) Lead chloride 7758954 5000 1 B 100 (45.4) Lead fluoborate 13814965 5000 1 B 100 (45.4) Lead fluoride 7783462 1000 1 B 100 (45.4) Lead iodide 10101630 5000 1 B 100 (45.4) Lead nitrate 10099748 5000 1 B 100 (45.4) Lead phosphate 7446277 Phosphoric acid, lead(2 + ) salt (2:3) 1 * 4 U145 U Lead stearate 7428480 5000 1 D ft 5000 (2270) 1072351 5000 1 D » 5000 (2270) September 1992 H-25 Appendix / Hazardous Substance CASRN Regulatory Synonyms Statutory Final RQ RQ Code t RCRA Waste # Cate¬ gory Pounds (Kgl 52652592 6000 1 D 9 5000 (2270) 56189094 6000 1 D 9 5000 (2270) Lead subacetate 1335326 Lead, bis(acetato-0)tetrahydroxytri 1* 4 U146 B 100 (45.4) Lead sulfate 15739807 5000 1 B 100 (45.4) 7446142 6000 1 B 100 (45.4) 6000 1 B 100 (45.4) Lead sulfide 1314870 5000 1 D n 5000 (2270) Lead thiocyanate 592870 5000 1 B 100 (45.4) Lindane 58899 Cyclohexane, 1,2,3,4,5,6- hexachloro-,(1 alpha, 2alpha,3beta, 4alpha,5alpha,6beta)-gamma-BHC Hexachlorocyclohexane (gamma isomer) 1 1,2,4 U129 X 1 (0.454) Lithium Chromate 14307368 1000 1 A 10 (4.54) Malathion 121755 10 1 B 100 (46.4) Maleic acid 110167 5000 1 D 5000 (2270) Maleic anhydride 108316 2,6-Furandione 5000 1,4 U147 D 5000 (2270) Maleic hydrazide 123331 3,6-Pyridazinedione, 1,2-dihydro- 1 * 4 U148 D 5000 (2270) Malononitrile 109773 Propanedinitrile 1 * 4 U149 C 1000 (454) Melphalan 148823 L-Phenylalanine, 4-[bis(2- chloroethyllaminol] 1 * 4 U150 X 1 (0.454) Mercaptodimethur 2032657 100 1 A 10 (4.54) Mercuric cyanide 592041 1 1 X 1 (0.454) Mercuric nitrate 10046940 10 1 A 10 (4.54) Mercuric sulfate 7783359 10 1 A 10 (4.54) Mercuric thiocyanate 592858 10 1 A 10 (4.54) Mercurous nitrate 10415755 10 1 A 10 (4.54) 7782867 10 1 A 10 (4.54) Mercury 7439976 1 * 2,3,4 U151 X 1 (0.454) MERCURY AND COMPOUNDS N/A 1 • 2 • * Mercury, (acetate-O)phenyl 62384 Phenylmercury acetate 1 • 4 P092 B 100 (45.4) Mercury fulminate 628864 Fulminic acid, mercury(2 +(salt 1 • 4 P065 A 10 (4.54) H-26 September 1992 Appendix / Statutory Final RQ Hazardous Substance CASRN Regulatory Synonyms RQ Code t RCRA Waste # Cate¬ gory Pounds (Kg) Methacrylonitrile 126987 2-Propenenitrile, 2-methyl- 1 * 4 U152 C 1000 (454) Methanamine, N-methyl- 124403 Dimethylamine 1000 1,4 U092 c 10O0 (454) Methenamine, N-methyl-N-nitroso- 62759 N-Nitrosodimethylamine 1 * 2,4 P082 A 10 (4.54) Methane, bromo- 74839 Methyl bromide 1 • 2.4 U029 C 1000 (454) Methane, chloro- 74873 Methyl chloride 1 • 2,4 U045 B 100 (46.4) Methane, chloromethoxy- 107302 Chloromethyl methyl ether 1 • 4 U046 A 10 (4.54) Methane, dibromo- 74953 Methylene bromide 1 • 4 11068 C 1000(464) Methane, dichloro- 75092 Methylene chloride 1 * 2,4 U080 C 1000 (454) Methane, dichlorodifluoro- 75718 Dichlorodifluoromethane 1 * 4 U075 D 5000 (2270) Methane, iodo- 74884 Methyl iodide 1 • 4 U1 38 B 100 (45.4) Methane, isocyanato- 624839 Methyl isocyanate 1 * 4 P064 Methane, oxybis(chloro- 542881 Dichloromethyl ether 1 • 4 P01 6 A 10 (4.54) Methanesulfenyl chloride, trichloro- 594423 Trichloromethanesulfenyl chloride 1 • 4 P11 8 B 100 (45.4) Methanesulfonic acid, ethyl ester 62500 Ethyl methanesulfonate 1 • 4 U1 19 X 1 (0.454) Methane, tetrachloro- 56235 Carbon tetrachloride 6000 1,2,4 U211 A 10 (4.54) Methane, tetranitro 509148 T etranitromethane 1 • 4 PI 12 A 10 (4.54) Methane, tribromo- 75252 Bromoform 1 * 2.4 U225 B 100 (45.4) Methane, trichloro- 67663 Chloroform 6000 1,2,4 U044 A 10 (4.54) Methane, trichlorofluoro 75694 Trichloromonofluoromethane 1 * 4 U121 D 5000 (2270) Methanethiol 74931 Methylmercaptan Thiomethanol 100 1,4 U1 53 8 100 (45.4) 6,9-Methano-2,4,3- benzodioxathiepin,6,7,8,9,10,10- hexachloro-1,5,5a,6,9,9a- hexahydro-, 3-oxide 115297 Endosulfan 1 1,2,4 P050 X 1 (0.454) 1,3,4-Metheno-2H-cyclobutal[cd] pentalen-2-one, 1,1 a,3,3a,4,5,5, 5a,5b,6-decachloroctahydro- 143500 Kepone 1 1,4 U142 X 1 (0.454) 4,7-Methano-1 H-indene, 1,4,5,6, 7,8,8-heptachloro-3a,4,7,7a- tetrahydro- 76448 Heptachlor 1 1,2,4 P059 X 1 (0.454) 4,7-Methano-1 H-indene, 1,2,3,4, 5,6,8,8-octachloro-2,3,3a,4,5,5a- hexahydro- 57749 Chlordane Chlordane, alpha & gamma isomers Chlordane, technical 1 1,2,4 U036 X 1 (0.454) Methanol 67561 Methyl alcohol 1* 4 U154 D 5000 (2270) September 1992 H-27 Appendix / Hazardous Substance CASRN Regulatory Synonyms Statutory Final RQ RQ Cod* t RCRA Wilt* # Cati- flory Pound* (Kg) Methapyrilene 91805 1,2-Ethanediamine, N,N-dimethyl- N'-2-pyridinyl-N'-(2-thienylmethyl)- 1 • 4 U1 55 D 5000 (2270) Methomyl 16752776 Ethenimidothioic acid, N-{[(methyl- amino)carbonly]oxy)-, methyl ester 1 * 4 P066 B 100 (46.4) Methoxychlor 72436 Benzene, 1,1 '-{2,2,2- trichloroethylidene)bis(4-methoxy- 1 1,4 U247 X 1 (0.454) Methyl alchohol 67561 Methanol 1 • 4 U154 D 5000 (2270) Methyl bromide 74839 Methane, bromo- 1 • 2,4 U029 C 1000 (454) 1-Methylbutadiene 504609 1,3-Pentadiene 1 • 4 U186 B 100 (45.4) Methyl chloride 74873 Methane, chloro- 1 • 2,4 U045 B 100 (46.4) Methyl chlorocarbonate 79221 Carbonochloridic acid, methyl ester Methyl chloroformate 1 • 4 U166 C 1000 (464) Methyl chloroform 71556 Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro- 1,1,1 -Trichloroethane 1 • 2,4 U226 C 1 000 (464) Methyl chloroformate 79221 Carbonochloridic acid, methyl ester Methyl chlorocarbonate 1 * 4 U1 56 C 1000 (464) 3-Methylcholanthrene 56495 Benz[j]aceanthrylene, 1,2-dihydro- 3-methyl- 1 * 4 U1 57 A 10 (4.54) 4,4'-Methylenebis(2-chlo--aniline) 101144 Benzenamine, 4,4'-methylenebis(2- chloro- 1 * 4 U1 58 A 10 (4.64) Methylene bromide 74963 Methane, dibromo- 1* 4 U068 C 1 OOO (454) Methylene chloride 76092 Methane, dichloro- 1* 2,4 U080 C 1 000 (464) Methyl ethyl ketone (MEK) 78933 2-Butanone 1 • 4 U159 D 5000 (2270) Methyl ethyl ketone peroxide 1338234 2-Butanone peroxide 1* 4 U160 A 10 (4.54) Methyl hydrazine 60344 Hydrazine, methyl- 1 * 4 P068 A 10 (4.54) Methyl iodide 74884 Methane, iodo- 1 • 4 U138 B 100 (46.4) Methly isobutyl ketone 108101 4-Methyl-2-pentanone 1- 4 U161 D 5000 (2270) Methyl isocyanate 624839 Methane, isocyanato- 1* 4 P064 »» 2-Methyllactonitrile 75865 Acetone cyanohydrin Propanenitrile, 2-hydroxy-2- methyl- 10 1,4 P069 A 10 (4.54) Methylmercaptan 74931 Methanethiol Thiomethanol 100 1,4 U153 B 100 (45.4) Methyl methacrylate 80626 2-Propenoic acid, 2-methyl, methyl ester 5000 1,4 U162 C 1000 (454) Methyl parathion 298000 Phosphorotioic acid, ),)-dimethyl 0-(4-nitro-phenyl) ester 100 1,4 P071 B 100 (45.4) 4-Methyl-2-pentanone 108101 Methyl isobutyl ketone 1 * 4 U161 D 5000 (2270) H-28 September 1992 Appendix I Statutory Final RQ Hazardous Substance CASRN Regulatory Synonyms RQ Cod* t RCRA Waste # Cate¬ gory Pounds (Kg) Methylthiouracil 66042 4( 1 H)-Pyrimidinone, 2,3-dihydro-6- methyl-2-thioxo- i * 4 U164 A 10 (4.64) Mevinphos 7786347 1 1 A 1 0 (4.64) Mexacarbate 316184 1000 1 c 1000 (464) Mitomycin C 60077 Azirino[2',3':3,4|pyrrolol 1,2- a] indole-4,7-dione, 6-amino-8- [((aminocarbonyboxylmethyl]- 1,1 a,2,8,8a,8b-hexahydro-8a- methoxy-6-methyl, [ 1 aS-( 1 aalpha, 8beta,8aalpha, 8balpha)]- 1 • 4 U010 A 10 (4.54) MNNG 70267 Guanidine, N-methyl-N'-nitro-N- nitroso- 1 * 4 U163 A 10 (4.54) Monoethylamine 76047 1000 1 B 100 (46.4) Monomethylamine 74896 1000 1 B 100 (46.4) Multi Source Leachate 1 • 4 F039 X 1 (0.454) Muscimol 2763964 3(2H)-lsoxazolone, 6- (aminomethyl)- 5-(Amino-methyl)- 3-isoxazolol 1 • 4 P007 c 1 000 (454) Naled 300766 10 1 A 10 (4.54) 5,12-Naphthacenedione, 8-acetyl- 10-[3-amino-2,3,6-trideoxy-alpha- L-lyxo-hexopyranosyl)oxyl- 7,8,9,10-tetrahydro-6,8,11- trihydroxy-1-methoxy, (8S-cis)- 20830813 Daunomycin 1 • 4 U069 A 10 (4.54) 1-Naphthalenamine 134327 alpha-Naphthylamine 1 • 4 U167 B 100 (45.4) 2-Naphtha lenamine 91698 beta-Naphthylamine 1 • 4 U168 A 10 (4.54) Naphthalenamine,N,N'-bis(2- chloroethyl)- 494031 Chlornaphazine 1 • 4 U026 B 100 (45.4) Naphthalene 91203 6000 1,2,4 U166 B 100 (45.4) Naphthalene, 2-chloro- 91687 beta-Chloronaphthalene 2- Chloronaphthalene 1 * 2,4 U047 D 5000 (2270) 1,4-Naphthalenedione 130164 1,4-Naphthoquinone 1 • 4 U1 66 D 6000 (2270) 2,7-Naphthalenedisulfonic acid, 3,3'-[(3,3'-dimethyl-(1,1 byphenyl)-4,4'-diyl)-bis(azo))bis(6- amino-4-hydroxy)tetrasodium salt 72671 Trypan blue 1 • 4 U236 A 10 (4.54) Naphthenic acid 1338246 100 1 B 100 (46.4) 1,4-Naphthoquinone 130164 1,4-Naphthalenedione 1 • 4 U1 66 D 5000 (2270) alpha-Naphthylamine 134327 1 ,-Naphthalenamine 1 • 4 U1 67 B 100 (45.4) beta-Naphthylamine 91698 2,-Naphthalene mine 1 • 4 U1 68 A 10 (4.54) September 1992 H-29 Appendix / Hazardous Substance CASRN Regulatory Synonyms Statutory Final RQ RQ Codat RCRA Wuti # Cata- gory Pound* (Kg) alpha-Naphthylthiourea 86884 Thiourea, 1-naphthalenyl- 1 • 4 P072 B 100 (46.4) Nickeltt 7440020 i* 2 B 100 (46.4) Nickel ammonium sulfate 15699180 6000 1 B 100 (46.4) NICKEL AND COMPOUNDS N/A 1 * 2 • • Nickel carbonyl 13463393 Nickel carbonyl Ni(C0)4, (T-4)- 1 ‘ 4 P073 A 10 (4.54) Nickel carbonyl Ni(C0)4, (T-4)- 13463393 Nickel carbonyl 1 * 4 P073 A 10 (4.54) Nickel chloride 7718549 5000 1 B 100 (45.4) 37211055 5000 1 B 100 (46.4) Nickel cyanide 567197 Nickel cyanide Ni(CN)2 1 * 4 P074 A 10 (4.54) Nickel cyanide Ni(CN)2 557197 Nickel cyanide 1 * 4 P074 A 10 (4.54) Nickel hydroxide 12054487 1000 1 A 10 (4.54) Nickel nitrate 14216752 5000 1 B 100 (45.4) Nickel sulfate 7786814 5000 1 B 100 (45.4) Nicotine, & salts 54115 Pyridine, 3-( 1 -methyl-2- pyrrolidinyl)-, (S)- 1 * 4 P075 B 100 (45.4) Nitric acid 7697372 1000 1 C 1000 (454) Nitric acid, thalium (1 +) salt 10102451 Thallium (1) nitrate 1 * 4 U21 7 B 100 (45.4) Nickel oxide 10102439 Nittrogen oxide NO 1 # 4 P076 A 10 (4.54) p-Nitroaniline 100016 Benzenamine, 4-nitrc- 1 • 4 P077 D 5000 (2270) Nitrobenzene 98953 Benzene, nitro- 1000 1,2,4 U1 69 C 1000 (454) Nitrogen dioxide 10102440 Nitrogen oxide N02 1000 1,4 P078 A 10 (4.54) 10544726 1000 1,4 P078 A 10 (4.54) Nitrogen oxide NO 10102439 Nitric oxide 1 • 4 P076 A 10 (4.54) Nitrogen oxide N02 10102440 Nitrogen dioxide 1000 1,4 P078 A 10 (4.54) 10544726 Nitroglycerine 55630 1,2,3-Propanetriol, trinitrate- 1 • 4 P081 A 10 (4.54) Nitrophenol (mixed) 25154556 1000 1 B 100 (45.4) m-Nitrophenol 554847 B 100 (45.4) o-Nitrophenol 88755 2-Nitrophenol p-Nitrophenol 100027 Phenol, 4-nitro- 4-Nitrophenol o-Nitrophenol 88755 2-Nitrophenol 1000 1,2 B 100 (45.4) p-Nitrophenol 100027 Phenol, 4-nitro- 4-Nitrophenol 1000 1,2,4 U1 70 B 100 (45.4) H-30 September 1992 Appendix I Hazardous Substance CASRN Regulatory Synonyms Statutory Final RQ RQ Codst RCRA Waste # Cate¬ gory Pounds (Kg) 2-Nitrophenol 88765 o-Nitrophenol 1000 1,2 B 100 (46.4) 4-Nitrophenol 100027 p-Nitrophenol Phenol, 4-nitro- 1000 1,2,4 U170 B 100 (45.4) NITROPHENOLS N/A 1* 2 • • 2-Nitropropane 79469 Propane, 2-nitro- 1 • 4 U171 A 10 (4.54) NITROSAMINES N/A 1* 2 • • N-Nitrosodi-n-butylamine 924163 1-Butanamine, N-butyl-N-nitroso- 1 • 4 U172 A 10 (4.54) N-Nitrosodiethanolamine 1116647 Ethanol, 2,2'-(nitrosoimino)bis- 1 • 4 U173 X 1 (0.454) N-Nitrosodiethylamine 56185 Ethanamine, N-ethyl-N-nitroso- 1* 4 U174 X 1 (0.454) N-Nitrosodimethylamine 62759 Methanamine, N-methyl-N-nitroso- 1 • 2,4 P082 A 10 (4.54) N-Nitrosodiphenylamine 86306 1* 2 B 100 (45.4) N-Nitroso-N-ethyluree 759739 Urea, N-ethyl-N-nitroso- 1* 4 U176 X 1 (0.454) N-Nitroso-N-methylurea 684935 Urea, N-methyl-N-nitroso 1 * 4 U1 77 X 1 (0.454) N-Nitroso-N-methylurethane 615532 Carbamic acid, methylnitroso-, ethyl ester 1 • 4 U1 78 X 1 (0.454) N-Nitrosomethylvinylamine 4549400 Vinlyamine, N-methyl-N-nitroso- 1 • 4 P084 A 10 (4.54) N-Nitrosopiperidine 100764 Piperidine, 1-nitroso- 1 • 4 U179 A 10 (4.54) N-Nitrosopyrrolidine 930562 Pyrrolidine, 1 -nitroso- 1 • 4 U180 X 1 (0.454) Nitrotoluene 1321126 1000 1 c 1000 (464) m-Nitrotoluene 99081 o-Nitrotoluene 88722 p-Ni”otoluene 99990 5-Nii. ^-o-toluidine 99558 Benzenamine, 2-methyl-5-nitro- 1 * 4 U1 81 B 100 (46.4) Octamethylpyrophosphoramide 152169 Diphosphoramide, octamethyl- 1 * 4 P085 B 100 (46.4) Osmium oxide 0s04 (T-4)- 20816120 Osmium tetroxide 1 * 4 P087 C 1000 (454) Osmium tetroxide 20816120 Osmium oxide 0s04 (T-4)- 1 • 4 P087 C 1000 (454) 7-Oxabicyclo[2.2. llheptane-2,3- dicarboxylic acid 145733 Endothall 1 • 4 P088 C 1000 (454) 1,2-Oxathiolane, 2,2-dioxide 1120714 1,3-Propane sultone 1 • 4 U193 A 10 (4.54) 2H-1,3,2-Oxazaphosphorin-2- amine, N,N-bis(2-chloroethyl) tetrahydro-, 2-oxide 50180 Cyclophosphamide 1 • 4 U068 A 10 (4.54) Oxirane 75218 Ethylene oxide 1 • 4 U1 16 A 10 (4.54) Oxiranecarboxyaldehyde 765344 Glycidylaldehyde 1 * 4 U126 A 10 (4.54) September 1992 H-31 Appendix I Hazardous Substance CASRN Regulatory Synonyms Statutory Final RQ RQ Code t RCRA Waste # Cate- gory Pounds (Kg) Oxirane. (chloromethyl)- 106898 Epichlorohydrin 1000 1,4 U041 B 100 (46.4) Paraformaldehyde 30626894 10O0 1 C 1000 (454) Paraldehyde 123637 1,3,5-Trioxane, 2,4,6-trimethyl- 1 * 4 U1 82 C 1000 (454) Parathion 56382 Phosphorothioic acid, 0,0-diethyl 0-(4-nitrophenyl) ester 1 1,4 P089 A 10 (4.54) Pentachlorobenzene 608935 Benzene, pentachloro- 1 • 4 U1 83 A 10 (4.54) Pentachloroethane 76017 Ethane, pentachloro- 1 • 4 U1 84 A 10 (4.54) Pentachloronitrobenzene (PCNB) 82688 Benzene, pentachloronitro- 1 • 4 U186 B 100 (46.4) Pentachlorophenol 87866 Phenol, pentachloro- 10 1,2,4 U242 A 10 (4.54) 1,3-Pentadiene 504609 1-Methylbutadiene 1 * 4 U186 B 100 (46.4) Perchloroethylene 127184 Ethene, tetrachloro- Tetrachloro- ethene Tetrachlor-oethylene 1 • 2,4 U210 B 100 (45.4) Phenacetin 62442 Acetamide, N-(4-ethoxyphenyl)- 1 • 4 U1 87 B 100 (45.4) Phenanthrene 85018 1 * 2 D 5000 (2270) Phenol 108952 Benzene, hydroxy- 1000 1,2,4 U1 88 C 1000 (454) Phenol, 2-chloro- 95578 o-Chlorophenol 2-Chlorophenol 1 • 2,4 U048 B 100 (46.4) Phenol, 4-chloro-3-methyl- 59507 p-Chloro-m-cresol 4-Chloro-m-cresol 1 • 2,4 U039 D 5000 (2270) Phenol, 2-cyclohexyl-4,6-dinitro- 131896 2-Cyclohexyl-4,6-dinitrophenol 1 • 4 P034 B 100 (46.4) Phenol, 2,4-dichloro- 120832 2,4-Dichlorophenol 1 • 2,4 U081 B 100 (46.4) Phenol, 2,6-dichloro 87650 2,6-Dichiorophenol 1 * 4 U082 B 100 (45.4) Phenol, 4,4'-<1,2-diethyl-l ,2- ethenediyDbis-, (E) 56531 Diethylstilbestrol 1 * 4 U089 X 1 (0.454) Phenol, 2,4-dimethyl- 105679 2,4-Dimethylphenol 1 • 2,4 U101 B 100 (45.4) Phenol, 2,4-dinitro- 51285 2,4-Dinitrophenol 1000 1,2,4 P048 A 10 (4.54) Phenol, methyl- 1319773 Cresol(s) Cresylic acid 1000 1,4 U052 C 1 000 (464) m-Cresol 108394 m-Cresylic acid 1000 1,4 U052 C 1000 (454) o-Cresol 95487 o-Cresylic acid 1000 1,4 U052 C 1000 (454) p-Cresol 106446 p-Cresylic acid 1000 1,4 U052 C 1000 (454) Phenol, 2-methyl-4,6-dinitro- 534621 4,6-Dinitro-o-cresol and salts 1* 2,4 P047 A 10 (4.54) Phenol, 2,2'-methylenebis[3,4,6- trichloro- 70304 Hexachlorophene 1 * 4 U1 32 B 100 (45.4) Phenol, 2-(1-methylpropyl)-4,6- dinitro 88857 Dinoseb 1* 4 P020 C 1000 (464) H-32 September 1992 Appendix I Hazardous Substance CASRN Regulatory Synonyms Statutory Final RQ RQ Cod* t RCRA WmH # Cate¬ gory Pounds (Kg) Phenol, 4-nitro- 100027 p-Nitrophenol 4-Nitrophenol 1000 1,2,4 U1 70 B 100 (45 4) Phenol, pentachloro- 87866 Pentachlorophenol 10 1,2,4 U242 A 10 (4.54) Phenol, 2,3,4,6-tetrachloro- 58902 2,3,4,6-Tetrachlorophenol 1 • 4 U212 A 10 (4.54) Phenol, 2,4,5-trichloro- 95954 2,4,5-Trichlorophenol 10 1,4 U230 A 10 (4.54) Phenol, 2,4,6-trichloro- 88062 2,4,6-Trichlorophenol 10 1,2,4 U231 A 10 (4.54) Phenol, 2,4,6-trinitro-, ammonium salt 131748 Ammonium picrate 1 * 4 P009 A 10 (4.54) L-Phenylalanine, 4-(bis(2- chloroethyl) aminol] 148823 Melphalan 1 * 4 U1 50 X 1 (0.454) 1,1 0-( 1,2-Phenylene)pyrene 193395 lndeno( 1,2,3-cd)pyrene 1 • 2,4 U1 37 B 100 (45.4) Phenylmercury acetate 62384 Mercury, (acetato-O)phenyl- 1 • 4 P092 B 100 (45.4) Phenylthiourea 103855 Thiourea, phenyl- 1 • 4 P093 B 100 (45.4) Phorate 298022 Phosphorodithioic acid, 0,0-diethyl S-(ethylthio), methyl ester 1 • 4 P094 A 10 (4.54) Phosgene 75445 Carbonic dichloride 5000 1,4 P095 A 1 0 (4.54) Phosphine 7803512 1 * 4 P096 B 100 (45.4) Phosphoric acid 7664382 5000 1 D 5000 (2270) Phosphoric acid, diethyl 4- nitrophenyl ester 311455 Diethyl-p-nitrophenyl phosphate 1 * 4 P041 B 100 (46.4) Phosphoric acid, lead(2 + ) salt (2:3) 7446277 Lead phosphate 1 • 4 U146 » Phosphorodithioic acid, 0,0-diethyl S-[2-(ethylthio)ethy Hester 298044 Disulfoton 1 1,4 P039 X 1 (0.454) Phosphorodithioic acid, 0,0-diethyl S-(ethylthio), methyl ester 298022 Phorate 1 * 4 P094 A 10 (4.54) Phosphorodithioic acid, 0,0-diethyl S-methyl ester 3288582 0,0-Diethyl S-methyl dithiophosphate 1 * 4 U087 D 5000 (2270) Phosphorodithioic acid, 0,0- dimethyl S-[2(methylamino)-2- oxoethyl) ester 60515 Dimethoate 1 • 4 P044 A 10 (4.54) Phosphorofluoridic acid, bis(1- methylethyl) ester 55914 Diisopropylfluorophosphate 1 * 4 P043 B 100 (45.4) Phosphorothioic acid, O,O-diethyl 0-(4-nitrophenyl) ester 56382 Parathion 1 1,4 P089 A 10 (4.54) Phosphorothioic acid, 0,(4- [(dimethylamino)sulfonyl] phenyl]0,0-dimethyl ester 52857 Famphur 1 • 4 P097 C 1000 (454) September 1992 H-33 Appendix / Hazardous Substance CASRN Regulatory Synonyms Statutory Final RQ RQ Codat RCRA WMtl # Cate- flory Pounds (Kg) Phosphorothioic acid, 0,0- dimethyl 0-(4-nitrophenyl) ester 298000 Methyl parathion 100 1,4 P071 B 100 (45.4) Phosphorothioic acid, 0,0-diethyl O-pyrazinyl ester 297972 0,0-Diethyl O-pyrazinyl phosphorothioate 1 • 4 P040 B 100 (45.4) Phosphorus 7723140 1 1 X 1 (0.464) Phosphorus oxycioride 10025873 5000 1 c 1000 (464) Phosphorus pentasulfide 1314803 Phosphorus sulfide Sulfur phosphide 100 1,4 U189 B 100 (46.4) Phosphorus sulfide 1314803 Phosphorus pentasulfide Sulfur phosphide 100 1,4 U189 B 100 (46.4) Phosophorus trichloride 7719122 5000 1 C 1000 (464) PHTHALATE ESTERS N/A 1 * 2 • « Phthalic anhydride 85449 1,3-lsobenzofurandione 1 * 4 U190 D 5000 (2270) 2-Picoline 109068 Pyridine, 2-methyl- 1 * 4 U191 D 5000 (2270) Piperidine, 1-nitroso- 100754 N-Nitrosopiperidine 1 * 4 U179 A 10 (4.64) Plumbane, tetraethyl- 78002 Tetraethyl lead 100 1,4 P110 A 10 (4.54) POLYCHLORINATED BIPHENYLS (PCBs) 1336363 10 1,2 X 1 (0.454) Aroclor 1016 12674112 POLYCHLORINATED BIPHENYLS (PCBs) Aroclor 1221 11104282 POLYCHLORINATED BIPHENYLS (PCBs) Aroclor 1232 11141165 POLYCHLORINATED BIPHENYLS (PCBs) Aroclor 1242 53469219 POLYCHLORINATED BIPHENYLS (PCBs) Aroclor 1 248 12672296 POLYCHLORINATED BIPHENYLS (PCBs) Aroclor 1 254 11097691 POLYCHLORINATED BIPHENYLS (PCBs) Aroclor 1260 11096825 POLYCHLORINATED BIPHENYLS (PCBs) POLYNUCLEAR AROMATIC HYDROCARBONS N/A 1 • 2 • • Potassium arsenate 7784410 1000 1 X 1 (0.454) Potassium arsenite 10124502 1000 1 X 1 (0.454) Potassium bichromate 7778509 1000 1 A 10 (4.54) Potassium chromate 7789006 1000 1 A 10 (4.54) H-34 September 1992 Appendix / Hazardous Substance CASRN Regulatory Synonyms Statutory Final RQ RQ Codot RCRA Wutt » Cato- gory Pound* (Kg) Potassium cyanide 151608 Potassium cyanide K (CN) 10 1,4 P098 A 10 (4.54) Potassium cyanide K(CN) 151508 Potassium cyanide 10 1,4 P098 A 10 (4.54) Potassium hydroxide 1310683 1000 1 C 1 00C (454) Potassium permanganate 7722647 100 1 B 100 (45.4) Potassium silver cyanide 506616 Argentate (1-), bis(cyano-C)-, potassium 1 • 4 P099 X 1 (0.454) Pronamide 23960585 Benzamide, 3.5-dichloro-N-(1,1- dimethyl-2-propynyl)- 1 • 4 U192 D 5000 (2270) Propanal, 2-methyl-2-(methylthio)- 0-I(methylamino)carbonyl]oxime 116063 Aldicarb 1 * 4 P070 X 1 (0.454) 1 -Propanamine 107108 n-Propylamine 1 • 4 U1 94 D 5000 (22701 1-Propanamine, N-propyl- 142847 Dipropylamine 1 • 4 U1 10 D 5000 (2270) 1 -Propanamine, N-nitroso-N-propyl- 621647 Di-n-propylnitrosamine 1 • 2,4 U1 11 A 10 (4.54) Propane, 1,2-dibromo-3-chloro- 96128 1,2-Dibromo-3-chloropropane 1 • 4 U066 X 1 (0.454) Propane, 2-nitro- 79469 2-Nitropropane 1 * 4 U1 71 A 10 (4.54) 1,3-Propane sultone 1120714 1,2-Oxathiolane, 2,2-dioxide 1 • 4 U1 93 A 10 (4.54) Propane, 1,2-dichloro- 78875 Propylene dichloride 1,2-Dichloropropane 5000 1,2,4 U083 C 1000 (454) Propanedinitrile 109773 Malononitrile 1 * 4 U149 C 1000 (454) Propanenitrile 107120 Ethyl cynide 1 * 4 P101 A 10 (4.54) Propanenitrile, 3-chloro- 542767 3-Chloropropionitrile 1 • 4 P027 C 1000 (454) Propanenitrile, 2-hydroxy-2- methyl- 75865 Acetone cyanohydrin 2-Methyllactonitrile 10 1,4 P069 A 10 (4.54) Propane, 2,2'-oxybis[2-chloro- 108601 Dichloroisopropyl ether 1 • 2,4 U027 C 1 000 (454) 1,2,3-Propanetriol, trinitrate- 55630 Nitroglycerine 1 • 4 P081 A 10 (4.54) 1-Propanol, 2,3-dibromo-, phosphate (3:1) 126727 Tris(2,3-dibromopropyl) phosphate 1 • 4 U236 A 10 (4.54) 1-Propanol, 2-methyl- 78831 Isobutyl alcohol 1 • 4 U140 D 5000 (2270) 2-Propanone 67641 Acetone 1 • 4 U002 D 5000 (2270) 2-Propanone, 1-bromo- 698312 Bromoacetone 1 * 4 P01 7 C 1000 (454) Propargite 2312358 10 1 A 10 (4.54) Propargyl alcohol 107197 2-Propyn-1 -ol 1 • 4 PI 02 C 1000 (454) 2-Propenal 107028 Acrolein 1 1,2,4 POO 3 X 1 (0.454) 2-Propenamide 79061 Acrylamide 1 * 4 U007 D 5000 (2270) September 1992 H-35 Appendix / Hazardous Substance CASRN Regulatory Synonyms Statutory Final RQ RQ Code t RCRA Waste # Cate- flory Pounds (Kg) 1-Propene, 1,1,2,3,3,3- hexachloro- 1888717 Hexachloropropene 1* 4 U243 C 10O0 (464) 1-Propene, 1,3-dichloro- 542756 1,3-Dichloropropene 5000 1,2,4 U084 B 1 00 (45.4) 2-Propenenitrile 107131 Acrylonitrile 100 1,2,4 U009 B 100 (45.4) 2-Propenenitrile, 2-methyl- 126987 Methacrylonitrile 1* 4 U152 C 1000 (454) 2-Propenoic acid 79107 Acrylic acid 1* 4 U008 D 5000 (2270) 2-Properoic acid, ethyl ester 140886 Ethyl acrylate 1* 4 U1 13 C 1 000 (454) 2-Propenoic acid, 2-methyl-, ethyl ester 97632 Ethyl methacrylate 1* 4 U118 c 1000 (464) 2-Propenoic acid, 2-methyl-, methyl ester 80626 Methyl methacrylate 5000 1,4 U162 c 1 000 (464) 2-Propen-1 -ol 107186 Allyl alcohol 100 1,4 POOS B 100 (45.4) Propionic acid 79094 5000 1 D 6000 (2270) Propionic acid, 2-(2,4,5- trichlorophenoxy)- 93721 Silvex (2,4,5-TP) 2,4,6-TP acid 100 1,4 U233 B 100 (45.4) Propionic anhydride 123626 5000 1 D 5000 (2270) n-Propylamine 107108 1 -Propanamine 1* 4 U1 94 D 5000 (2270) Propylene dichloride 78875 Propane, 1,2-dichloro- 1,2-Dichloropropane 5000 1,2,4 U083 C 1O0O (454) Propylene oxide 75669 5000 1 B 100 (45.4) 1,2-Propylenimine 75568 Aziridine, 2-methyl- 1* 4 P067 X 1 (0.454) 2-Propyn-1 -ol 107197 Propargyl alcohol 1* 4 PI 02 c 1000 (454) Pyrene 129000 1 * 2 D 5000 (2270) Pyrethrins 121299 1000 1 X 1 (0.454) 121211 1000 1 X 1 (0.454) 8003347 1000 1 X 1 (0.454) 3,6-Pyridazinedione, 1,2-dihydro- 123331 Maleic hydrazide 1 • 4 U148 D 5000 (2270) 4-Pyridinamine 504246 4-Aminopyridine 1 • 4 P008 C 1000 (454) Pyridine 110861 1* 4 U1 96 C 1000 (454) Pyridine, 2-methyl- 109068 2-Picoline 1 • 4 U191 D 5000 (2270) Pyridine, 3-( 1-methyl-2- pyrrolidinyl)-, (S) 54116 Nicotine, & salts 1 * 4 P075 B 100 (45.4) 2,4-( 1 H,3H)-Pyrimidinedione, 6- [bis(2-chloroethyl)amino]- 66751 Uracil mustard 1* 4 U237 A 10 (4.54) 4(1H)-Pyrimidinone, 2,3-dihydro-6- methyl-2-thioxo- 66042 Methylthiouracil 1 • 4 U164 A 10 (4.54) H-36 September 1992 Appendix i Hazardous Substance CASRN Regulatory Synonyms Statutory Final RQ RQ Coda t RCRA Waits # Cate- flory Pounds (Kg) Pyrrolidine, 1-nitroso- 930552 N-Nitrosopyrrolidine i • 4 U180 X 1 (0.454) Quinoline 91225 1000 1 D 5000 (2270) RADIONUCLIDES N/A 1 * 3 § Reserpine 50565 Yohimban-1 6-carboxylic 8cid, 11,17-dimethoxy-18-[(3,4,5- trimethoxybenzoyDoxy-, methyl ester (3beta, 16beta, 17alpha, 1 8beta, 20alpha)- 1 • 4 U200 D 6000 (2270) Resorcinol 108463 1,3-Benzenediol 1000 1,4 U201 D 5000 (2270) Saccharin and salts 81072 1,2-Benzisothiazol-3(2H)-one, 1,1- dioxide 1 • 4 U202 B 100 (45.4) Safrole 94597 1,3-Benzodioxole, 5-(2-propenyl)- 1 • 4 U203 B 100 (45.4) Selenious acid 7783008 1 • 4 U204 A 10 (4.54) Selenious acid, dithallium (1 + ) salt 12039520 Thallium selenite 1 * 4 PI 14 C 1000 (454) Selenium 11 7782492 1 • 2 B 100 (45.4) SELENIUM AND COMPOUNDS N/A 1 • 2 • • Selenium dioxide 7446084 Selenium oxide 1000 1,4 U204 A 10 (4.54) Selenium oxide 7446084 Selenium dioxide 1000 1,4 U204 A 10 (4.54) Selenium sulfide 7488564 Selenium sulfide SeS2 1 • 4 U206 A 10 (4.54) Selenium sulfide SeS2 7488564 Selenium sulfide 1 • 4 U205 A 10 (4.54) Selenourea 630104 1 • 4 PI 03 C 1000 (454) L-Serine, diazoacetate (ester) 115026 Azaserine 1 • 4 U01 5 X 1 (0.454) Silvert t 7440224 1 • 2 c 1000 (454) SILVER AND COMPOUNDS N/A 1 • 2 • « Silver cyanide 506649 Silver cyanide Ag(CN) 1 • A PI 04 X 1 (0.454) Silver cyanide Ag (CN) 506649 Silver cyanide 1 • 4 PI 04 X 1 (0.454) Silver nitrate 7761888 1 1 X 1 ;0.454) Silvex (2,4.6-TP) 93721 Propionic acid, 2-(2,4,5- trichlorophenoxy)- 2,4,5-TP acid 100 1,4 U233 B 100 (45.4) Sodium 7440235 1000 1 A 10 (4.54) Sodium arsenate 7631892 1000 1 X 1 (0.464) Sodium arsenite 7784465 1000 1 X 1 (0.454) Sodium azide 26628228 1 • 4 PI 05 c 1000 (454) Sodium bichromate 10588019 1000 1 A 10 (4.54) September 1992 H-37 Appendix / Statutory Final RQ Hazardous Substance CASRN Regulatory Synonyms RQ Code t RCRA Waste # Cata- gory Pounds (Kg) Sodium bifluoride 1333831 6000 1 B 100 (45.4) Sodium bisulfite 7631906 6000 1 D 5000 (2270) Sodium chromate 7776113 1000 1 A 10 (4.54) Sodium cyanide 143339 Sodium cyanide Na(CN) 10 1.4 PI 06 A 10 (4.54) Sodium cyanide Na (CN) 143339 Sodium cyanide 10 1,4 PI 06 A 10 (4.54) Sodium dodecylbenzenesulfonate 25155300 1000 1 C 1000 (454) Sodium fluoride 7681494 5000 1 C 1 000 (454) Sodium hydrosulfide 16721805 5000 1 D 5000 (2270) Sodium hydroxide 1310732 1000 1 C 1000 (454) Sodium hypochlorite 7681529 100 1 B 100 (45.4) 10022705 100 1 B 100 (46.4) Sodium methylate 124414 1000 1 C 1000 (454) Sodium nitrite 7632000 100 1 B 100 (46.4) Sodium phosphate, dibasic 7558794 5000 1 D 5000 (2270) 10039324 5000 1 D 5000 (2270) 10140665 5000 1 D 5000 (2270) Sodium phosphate, tribasic 7601549 5000 1 D 5000 (2270) 7768294 5000 1 D 5000 (2270) 7785844 5000 1 D 5000 (2270) 10101890 5000 1 D 5000 (2270) 10124668 5000 1 D 5000 (2270) 10361894 5000 1 D 5000 (2270) Sodium selenite 10102188 1000 1 B 100 (45.4) 7782823 Streptozotocin 18883664 D-Glucose, 2-deoxy-2- II (methylnitrosoamino)-carbonyl] amino]- Glucopyranose, 2-deoxy-2-(3- methyl-3-nitrosoureido)- 1 * 4 U206 X 1 (0.454) Strontium chromate 7789062 1000 1 A 10 (4.54) Strychnidin-10-one 57249 Strychnine, & salts 10 1,4 PI 08 A 10 (4.54) Strychnidin-10-one, 2,3- dimethoxy- 357573 Brucine 1 * 4 P01 8 B 100 (45.4) Strychnine, & salts 57249 Strychnidin-10-one 10 1,4 PI 08 A 10 (4.54) H-38 September 1992 Appendix I Hazardous Substance CASRN Regulatory Synonyms Statutory Final RQ RQ Codet RCRA Wait* # Cate¬ gory Pounds (Kg) Styrene 100426 1000 1 c 1000 (454) Sulfur monochloride 12771083 1000 1 c 1000 (454) Sulfur phosphide 1314803 Phosphorus pentasulfide Phosphorus sulfide 100 1,4 U189 B 100 (46.4) Sulfuric acid 7664939 1000 1 C 1000 (454) 8014957 1000 1 C 1000 (454) Sulfuric acid, dithallium (1 +) salt 7446186 Thallium (1) sulfate 1000 1,4 PI 15 B 100 (45.4) 10031591 1000 1,4 PI 16 B 100 (46.4) Sulfuric acid, dimethyl ester 77781 Dimethyl sulfate 1 • 4 U103 B 100 (46.4) 2,4,5-T acid 93766 Acetic acid, (2,4,5- trichlorophenoxy) 2,4,5-T 100 1,4 U232 C 1000 (454) 2,4,5-T amines 2008460 100 1 D 5000 (2270) 1319728 100 1 D 6000 (2270) 3813147 100 1 D 5000 (2270) 6369966 100 1 D 5000 (2270) 6369977 100 1 D 5000 (2270) 2,4,5-T esters 93798 100 1 C 1000 (454) 1928478 100 1 C 1000 (454) 2546597 100 1 C 1000 (454) 25168154 100 1 C 1000 (454) 61792072 100 1 C 1000 (454) 2,4,5-T salts 13560991 100 1 C 1 000 (454) 2,4,5-T 93765 Acetic acid, (2,4,5- trichlorophenoxy) 2,4,5-T acid 100 1,4 U232 C 1 000 (454) TDE 72548 Benzene, 1,1 '-(2,2- dichloroethylidene)bis[4-chloro- DDD 4,4' DDD 1 1,2,4 U060 X 1 (0.464) 1,2,4,5-Tetrachlorobenzene 95943 Benzene, 1,2,4,5-tetrachloro- 1 • 4 U207 D 6000 (2270) 2,3,7,8-Tetrachlorodibenzo-p- dioxin (TCDD) 1746016 1* 2 X 1 (0.454) 1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane 630206 Ethane, 1,1,1,2-tetrachloro- 1 • 4 U208 B 100 (45.4) 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane 79346 Ethane, 1,1,2,2-tetrachloro- 1* 2,4 U209 B 100 (45.4) September 1992 H-39 Appendix / Hazardous Substance CASRN Regulatory Synonyms Statutory Final RQ RQ Codet RCRA Waste # Cate¬ gory Pounds (Kg) Tetrachloroethene 127184 Ethene, tetrachloro- Perchloroethylene Tetrachloroethylene i • 2,4 U210 B 100 (45.4) Tetrachloroethylene 127184 Ethene, tetrachloro- Perchloroethylene Tetrachloroethene i * 2,4 U210 B 100 (45.4) 2,3,4,6-Tetrachlorophenol 58902 Phenol, 2,3,4,6-tetrachloro- 1 • 4 U212 A 10 (4.54) Tetraethyl lead 78002 Plumbane, tetraethyl- 100 1,4 PI 10 A 10 (4.54) Tetraethyl pyrophosphate 107493 Diphosphoric acid, tetraethyl ester 100 1,4 PI 1 1 A 10 (4.54) Tetraethyldithiopyrophosphate 3689245 Thiodiphosphoric acid, tetraethyl ester 1 • 4 PI 09 B 100 (45.4) Tetrahydrofuran 109999 Furan, tetrahydro- 1* 4 U21 3 C 1000 (454) Tetranitromethane 509148 Methane, tetranitro- 1 • 4 P11 2 A 10 (4.54) Tetraphosphoric acid, hexaethyl ester 757584 Hexaethyl tetraphosphoate 1 • 4 P062 B 100 (45.4) Thallic oxide 1314325 Thallium oxide TI203 1 • 4 PI 13 B 100 (45.4) Thallium 11 7440280 1 • 2 C 1000 (454) Thallium and compounds N/A 1 • 2 • « Thallium (1) acetate 563688 Acetic acid, thallium (1 +) salt 1* 4 U214 B 100 (45.4) Thallium (1) carbonate 6533739 Carbonic acid, dithallium (1 +) salt 1 • 4 U21 5 B 100 (45.4) Thallium (1) chloride 7791120 Thallium chlorice TICI 1* 4 U21 6 B 100 (45.4) Thallium chloride TICI 7791120 Thallium (1) chloride 1 • 4 U216 B 100 (45.4) Thallium (1) nitrate 10102451 Nitric acid, thallium (1 + ) salt 1* 4 U217 B 100 (45.4) Thallium oxide TI203 1314325 Thallic oxide 1 • 4 PI 13 B 100 (45.4) Thallium selenite 12039520 Selenious acid, dithallium (1 +) salt 1 • 4 PI 14 C 1000 (454) Thallium (1) sulfate 7446186 Sulfuric acid, dithallium (1 +) salt 1000 1,4 PI 15 B 100 (45.4) 10031591 1000 1,4 PI 15 B 100 (45.4) Thioacetamide 62555 Ethanethioamide 1 * 4 U21 8 A 10 (4.54) Thiodiphosphoric acid, tetraethyl ester 3689245 T etraethyldithiopyrophosphate 1 * 4 PI 09 B 100 (45.4) Thiofanox 39196184 2-Butanone, 3,3-dimethyl-1- (methylthio)-, O[(methylamino) carbonyl) oxime 1* 4 P046 B 100 (46.4) Thioimidodicarbonic diamide |(H2N)C(S)1 2NH 541537 Dithiobiuret 1 • 4 P049 B 100 (45.4) Thiomethanol 74931 Methanethiol Methylmercaptan 100 1,4 U1 53 B 10O (45.4) H-40 September 1992 Appendix / Hazardous Substance CASRN Regulatory Synonyms Statutory Final RQ RQ Codet RCRA Waste # Cate- flory Pounds (Kg) Thioperoxydicarbonic diamide [{H2N)C(S)| 2S2, tetramethyl- 137268 Thiram 1 • 4 U244 A 10 (4.54) Thiophenol 108985 Benzenethiol 1 • 4 P014 B 100 (46.4) Thiosemicarbazide 79196 Hydrazinecarbothioamide 1 • 4 PI 16 B 100 (45.4) Thiourea 62566 1 • 4 U21 9 A 10 (4.54) Thiourea, (2-chloropheryl)- 5344821 1 -(o-Chlorophenyl)thiourea 1 • 4 P026 B 100 (45.4) Thiourea, 1-naphthalenyl- 86884 alpha-Naphthylthiourea 1 * 4 P072 B 100 (45.4) Thiourea, phenyl- 103855 Phenylthiourea 1 • 4 P093 B 100 (45.4) Thiram 137268 Thioperoxydicarbonic diamide [(H2N)C(S)1 2S2, tetramethyl- 1 • 4 U244 A 10 (4.54) Toluene 108883 Benzene, methyl- 1000 1,2,4 U220 C 1000 (454) Toluenediamine 96807 Benzenediamine, ar-methyl- 1 • 4 U221 A 10 (4.54) 496720 1 • 4 U221 A 10 (4.54) 823405 1 * 4 U221 A 10 (4.54) 25376458 1 * 4 U221 A 10 (4.54) Toluene diisocyanate 584849 Benzene, 1,3-diisocyanatomethyl- 1 • 4 U223 B 100 (45.4) 91087 1 • 4 U223 B 100 (45.4) 26471625 1 • 4 U223 B 100 (45.4) o-Toluidine 95534 Benzenamine, 2-methyl- 1 * 4 U328 B 100 (45.4) P-Toluidine 106490 Benzenamine, 4-methyl- 1 * 4 U353 B 100 (45.4) o-Toluidine hydrochloride 636215 Benzenamine, 2-methyl-, hydrochloride 1 • 4 U222 B 100 (45.4) Toxaphene 8001352 Camphene, octachloro- 1 * 1,2,4 PI 23 X 1 (0.454) 2,4,5-TP acid ----- 93721 Propionic acid 2-12,4,5- trichlorophenoxy)- Silvex (2,4,5-TP) 100 1,4 U233 B 100 (45.4) 2,4,5-TP esters 32534955 100 1 B 100 (45.4) 1 H-1,2,4-Triazol-3-amine 61825 Amitrole 1 • 4 U01 1 A 10 (4.54) Trichlorfon 52686 1000 1 B 100 (45.4) 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 120821 1 • 2 B 100 (45.4) 1,1,1 -Trichloroethane 71566 Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro- Methyl chloroform 1 • 2,4 U226 C 1000 (454) 1,1,2-Trichloroethane 79006 Ethane, 1,1,2-trichloro- 1 * 2,4 U227 B 100 (45.4) Trichloroethene 79016 Ethene, trichloro- Trichloroethylene 1000 1.2,4 . U228 B 100 (46.4) September 1992 H-41 Appendix / Hazardous Substance CASRN Statutory Final RQ Regulatory Synonyms RQ Codat RCRA Wsiti # Cate¬ gory Pounds (Kg) Trichloroethylene 79016 Ethene, trichloro- Trichloroethene 1000 1,2,4 U228 B 100 (45.4) Trichloromethanesulfenyl chloride 594423 Methanesulfenyl chloride, trichloro- 1 • 4 PI 18 B 100 (46.4) Trichloromonofluoromethane 75694 Methane, trichlorofluoro- 1 * 4 U1 21 D 5000 (2270) Trichlorophenol 25167822 10 1 A 10 (4.54) 2,3,4-Trichlorophenol 15950660 10 1 A 10 (4.54) 2,3,5-Trichlorophenol 933788 10 1 A 10 (4.54) 2,3,6-Trichlorophenol 933755 10 1 A 10 (4.54) 2,4,5-Trichlorophenol 95954 Phenol, 2,4,5-trichloro- 10* 1,4 U230 A 10 (4.54) 2,4,6-Trichlorophenol 88062 Phenol, 2,4,6-trichloro- 10* 1,2,4 U231 A 10 (4.54) 3,4,5-Trichlorophenol 609198 2,4,5-Trichlorophenol 95954 Phenol, 2,4,5-trichloro- 10* 1,4 U230 A 10 (4.54) 2,4,6-Trichlorophenol 88062 Phenol, 2,4,6-trichloro- 10 1,2,4 U231 A 10 (4.64) Triethanolamine dodecylbenzenesulfonate 27323417 1000 1 C 1 000 (464) Triethylamine 121448 5000 1 D 5000 (2270) Trimethylamine 75503 1000 1 B 100 (46.4) 1,3,5-Trinitrobenzene 99354 Benzene, 1,3,5-trinitro- 1 • 4 U234 A 10 (4.54) 1,3,5-Trioxane, 2,4,6-trimethyl- 123637 Paraldehyde 1 • 4 U1 82 C 1000 (454) Tris(2,3-dibromopropyl) phosphate 126727 1-Propanol, 2,3-dibromo-, phosphate [(3:1) 1 • 4 U235 A 10 (4.54) Trypan blue 72571 2,7-Naphthalenedisulfonic acid, 3,3'-3,3'-dimethyl-( 1,1 '-biphenyl)- 4,4'-diyl)-bis(azo))bis(5-amino-4- hydroxy)-tetrasodium salt 1 • 4 U236 A 10 (4.54) Unlisted Hazardous Wastes Characteristic of Corrosivity N/A 1 • 4 D002 B 100 (45.4) Unlisted Hazardous Wastes Characteristics: Characteristic of Toxicity: N/A 1 * 4 Arsenic (D004) N/A •1 4 D004 X 1 (0.454) Barium (D005) N/A •1 4 D005 c 1000 (464) Benzene (D018) N/A 1000 1,2, 3,4 D01 8 A 10 (4.54) Cadmium (D006) N/A •1 4 D006 A 10 (4.54) Carbon tetrachloride (DO 1 9) N/A 5000 1,2,4 D01 9 A 10 (4.54) H-42 September 1992 Appendix / Hazardous Substance CASRN Regulatory Synonyms Statutory Final RQ RQ Cod*t RCRA WmU # Cate¬ gory Pound* (Kg) Chlordane (D020) N/A 1 1,2,4 D020 X 1 (0.454) Chlorobenzene (D021) N/A 100 1,2,4 D021 B 100 (46.4) Chloroform (D022) N/A 5000 1,2,4 D022 A 10 (4.54) Chromium (D007) N/A •1 4 D007 A 10 (4.54) o-Cresol (D023) N/A 1000 1,4 D023 C 1000 (454) m-Cresol (D024) N/A 1000 1,4 D024 C 1000 (454) p-Cresol (D025) N/A 1000 1,4 D025 C 1000 (454) Cresol (D026) N/A 1000 1,4 D026 c 1000 (454) 2,4-D (D01 6) N/A 100 1,4 D016 B 100 (45.4) 1,4-Dichlorobenzene (D027) N/A 100 1,2,4 D027 B 100 (45.4) 1,2-Dichloroethane (D028) N/A 5000 1,2,4 D028 B 100 (46.4) 1,1 -Dichloroethylene (D029) N/A 5000 1,2,4 D029 B 100 (46.4) 2,4-Dinitrotoiuene (D030) N/A 1000 1,2,4 D030 A 10 (4.54) Endrin (D012) N/A 1 1,4 D01 2 X 1 (0.454) Heptachlor (and epoxide) (D031) N/A 1 1,2,4 D031 X 1 (0.454) Hexachlorobenzene (D032) N/A •1 2,4 D032 A 10 (4.64) Hexachlorobutadiene (D033) N/A •1 2,4 D033 X 1 (0.464) Hexachloroethane (D034) N/A •1 2,4 D034 B 100 (45.4) Lead (D008) N/A •1 4 D008 (#) Lindane (D01 3) N/A 1 1,4 D013 X 1 (0.454) Mercury (D009) N/A •1 4 D009 X 1 (0.454) Methoxychlor (D014) N/A 1 1,4 D014 X 1 (0.454) Methyl ethyl ketone (D036) N/A •1 4 D035 D 5000 (2270) Nitrobenzene (D036) N/A 1000 1,2,4 D036 c 1000 (454) Pentachlorophenol (D037) N/A 10 1,2,4 D037 A 10 (4.54) Pyridine (D038) N/A •1 4 D038 C 1000 (454) Selenium (D01 0) N/A •1 4 D010 A 10 (4.54) Silver (D01 1) N/A •1 4 D01 1 X 1 (0.454) Teterachloroethylene (D039) N/A •1 2,4 D039 B 100 (46.4) Toxaphene (D01 5) N/A 1 1,4 D01 5 X 1 (0.464) Trichloroethylene (D040) N/A 1000 1,2,4 D040 B 100 (45.4) 2,4,5-Trichlorophenol (D041) N/A 10 1,4 D041 A 10 (4.54) September 1992 H-43 Appendix I Statutory Final RQ Hazardous Substance CASRN Regulatory Synonyms RQ Code t RCRA Waste # Cate¬ gory Pounds (Kg) 2,4,6-Trichlorophenol (D042) N/A 10 1,2,4 D042 A 10 (4.54) 2,4,5-TP (DOI7) N/A 100 1.4 DOI 7 B 100 (45.4) Vinyl chloride (D043) N/A •1 2,3.4 D043 X 1 (0.454) Unlisted Hazardous Wastes Characteristic of Igmtability N/A 1 • 4 D001 B 100 (46.4) Unlisted Hazardous Wastes Characteristic of Reactivity N/A 1 • 4 D003 B 100 (46.4) Uracil mustard 66751 2,4-(1H,3H)-Pyrimidinedione, 5- (bis(2-chloroethyl)aminol- 1 • 4 U237 A 10 (4.54) Uranyl acetate 5411093 5000 1 3 100 (45.4) Uranyl nitrate 10102064 5000 1 B 100 (45.4) 36478769 B Urea, N-ethyl-N-nitroso- 759739 N-Nitroso-N-ethylurea 1 * 4 U176 X 1 (0.454) Urea, N-methyl-N-nitroso 684935 N-Nitroso-N-methylurea 1 * 4 U177 X 1 (0.454) Vanadic acid, ammonium salt 7803556 Ammonium vanadate 1 * 4 P119 c 1000 (454) Vanadium oxide V206 1314621 Vanadium pentoxide 1000 1.4 PI 20 c 1000 (454) Vanadium pentoxide 1314621 Vanadium oxide V206 1000 1.4 PI 20 c 1000 (454) Vanadyl sulfate 27774136 1000 1 c 1000 (454) Vinyl chloride 75014 Ethene, chloro- 1 * 2.3,4 U043 X 1 (0.454) Vinyl acetate 108054 Vinyl acetate monomer 1000 1 D 5000 (2270) Vinyl acetate monomer 108054 Vinyl acetate 1000 1 D 5000 (2270) Vinylamine, N-methyl-N-nitroso- 4549400 N-Nitrosomethylvinylamine 1 • 4 P084 A 10 (4.54) Vinylidene chloride 75354 Ethene, 1,1 -dichloro- 1,1-Dichloroethylene 5000 1.2,4 U078 B 100 (46.4) Warfarin, & salts, when present at concentrations greater than 0.3% 81812 2H-1-Benzopyran-2-one, 4- hydroxy-3-( 3-oxo-1 -phenyl-butyl)-, & salts, when present at concentrations greater than 0.3% 1 * 4 P001 B 100 (45.4) Xylene (mixed) 1330207 Benzene, dimethyl 1000 1,4 U239 C 1000 (454) m-Benzene, dimethyl 108383 m-Xylene 1000 1,4 U239 C 1000 (454) o-Benzene, dimethyl 95476 o-Xylene 1000 1,4 U239 C 1000 (454) p-Benzene, dimethyl 106423 p-Xylene 1000 1,4 U239 C 1000 (454) H-44 September 1992 Appendix ! Hazardous Substance CASRN Regulatory Synonyms Statutory Final RQ RQ Cod* t RCRA W**t* # Cat*- gory Pound* (Kg) Xylenol 1300716 1000 1 C 1 OOO (454) Yohimban-16-carboxylic acid, 11,1 7-dimethoxy-1 8-[ (3,4,5- trimethoxybenzoyDoxy)-, methyl ester (3beta, 1 6beta, 1 7alpha, 18beta,20alpha)- 50555 Reserpine 1 * 4 U200 D 5000 (2270) Zinctt 7440666 1 • 2 C 1 OOO (464) ZINC AND COMPOUNDS N/A 1 • 2 • • Zinc acetate 567346 1000 1 C 1 OOO (454) Zinc ammonium chloride 52628258 5000 1 C 1000 (454) 14639975 5000 1 c 1000 (454) 14639986 5000 1 c 1000 (454) Zinc borate 1332076 1000 1 c 1000 (454) Zinc bromide 7699458 5000 1 c 1 OOO (454) Zinc carbonate 3486359 1000 1 c Zinc chloride 7646857 5000 1 c 1 OOO (464) Zinc cyanide 557211 Zinc cyanide Zn(CN)2 10 1,4 PI 21 A 10 (4.54) Zinc cyanide Zn(CN)2 557211 Zinc cyanide 10 1,4 PI 21 A 10 (4.54) Zinc fluoride 7783495 1000 1 C 1 OOO (454) Zinc formate 557415 1000 1 C 1 OOO (454) Zinc hydrosulfite 7779864 1000 1 C 1 OOO (454) Zinc nitrate 7779886 6000 1 C 1 OOO (454) Zinc phenolsulfonate 127822 5000 1 D 5000 (2270) Zinc phosphide 1314847 Zinc phosphide Zn3P2, when present at concentrations greater than 10% 1000 1.4 PI 22 B 100 (45.4) Zinc phosphide Zn3P2, when present at concentrations greater than 10% 1314847 Zinc phosphide 1000 1.4 PI 22 B 100 (45.4) Zinc silicofluoride 16871719 5000 1 D 5000 (2270) Zinc sulfate 7733020 1000 1 C 1000 (454) Zirconium nitrate 13746899 5000 1 D 5000 (2270) Zirconium potassium fluoride 16923958 5000 1 C 1 OOO (464) Zirconium sulfate 14644612 5000 1 D 6000 (2270) Zirconium tetrachloride 10026116 5000 1 . D 5000 (2270) September 1992 H-45 Hazardous Substance CASRN Statutory Final RQ Regulatory Synonyms RQ Codst RCRA Waste # Cats- gory Pounds (Kg) F001 1 * 4 FO01 A 10 (4.64) The following spent haiogenated solvents used in degreasing; all spent solvent mixtures/blends used in degreasing containing, before use, a total of ten percent or more (by volume) of one or more of the above haiogenated solvents or those solvents listed in F002, F004, and F005; and still bottoms from the recovery of these spent solvents and spent solvent mixtures. (a) Tetrachloroethylene 127184 | 1* 2,4 U21 0 B 100 (45.4) (b) Trichloroethylene 79016 | 1000 1,2,4 U228 B 100 (45.4) (c) Methylene chloride 75092 1* 2,4 U080 C 1000 (454) (d) 1,1,1-Trichioroethane 71656 1 * 2,4 U226 C 1000 (454) (e) Carbon tetrachloride 56235 5000 1,2,4 U21 1 A 10 (4.54) (f) Chlorinated fluorocarbons N/A D 5000 (2270) F002 1* 2,4 F002 A 10 (4.54) ! The foliowing spent haiogenated ! solvents; ail scent solvent mixtures/blends containing, before use, a total of ten percent or more (by volume) of one or more of the above haiogenated solvents or those solvents listed in F002,F004, and F006; and still bottoms from the recovery of these spent solvents and spent solvent mixtures. (a) Tetracholoroethylene 127184 1* 4 U210 B 100 (45.4) (b) Methylene chloride 75092 1* 2,4 U080 C 1000 (454) i (c) Trichloroethylene 79016 1000 1,2,4 U228 B 100 (45.4) (d) 1,1,1 -Trichloroethane 71656 1 • 2,4 U226 C 1000 (454) (e) Chlorobenzene 108907 100 1,2,4 U037 B 100 (45.4) (f) 1,1,2-Trichloro-1,2,2- trifluoroethane 76131 D 5000 (2270) (g) o-Dischlorobenzene 95501 100 1,2,4 U070 B 100 (45.4) (h) Trichlorofluoromethane 75694 1 • 4 U121 D 5000 (2270) (i) 1,1,2-Trichloroethane 79005 1 • 2,4 U227 B 100 (45.4) F003 1 • 4 F003 B 100 (45.4) H-46 September 1992 Appendix I Hazardous Substance CASRN Regulatory Synonyms Statutory Final RQ RQ Cod* t RCRA Waste # Cate- flory Pounds (Kg) The following spent non- halogenated solvents and the still bottoms from the recovery of these solvents: (a) Xylene 1330207 C 1000 (454) (b) Acetone 67641 D 5000 (2270) (c) Ethyl acetate 141786 D 5000 (2270) Id) Ethylbenzene 100414 C 1 000 (454) (e) Ethyl ether 60297 B 100 (45.4) If) Methyl isobutyl ketone 108101 D 5000 (2270) (g) n-Butyl alcohol 71363 D 5000 (2270) (h) Cyclohexanone 108941 D 5000 (2270) (i) Methanol 67561 D 5000 (2270) F004 i • 4 F004 C 1000 (454) The following spent non- halogenated solvents and the still bottoms from the recovery of these solvents: (a) Cresols/Cresylic acid 1319773 1000 1.4 U052 C 1000 (454) (b) Nitrobenzene 98953 1000 1,2,4 U169 C 1000 (454) F006 1 • 4 F006 B 100 (45.4) The following spent non- halogenated solvents and the still bottoms from the recovery of these solvents: (a) Toluene 108883 1000 1,2,4 U220 C 1000 (454) (b) Methyl ethyl ketone 78933 1 • 4 U169 D 5000 (2270) (c) Carbon disulfide 75150 5000 1,4 P022 B 100 (45.4) (d) Isobutanol 78831 1 • 4 U140 D 5000 (2270) (e) Pyridine 110861 1 • 4 U196 C 1 000 (454) F006 1 • 4 F006 A 10 (4.54) September 1992 H-47 Hazardous Substance CASRN Statutory Final RQ Regulatory Synonyms RQ Codat RCRA Waste # Cate¬ gory Pounds (Kg) Wastewater treatment sludges from electroplating operations except from the following processes: (1) sulfuric acid anodizing of aluminum, (2) tin plating on carbon steel, (3) zinc plating (segregated basis) on carbon steel, (4) aluminum or zinc- aluminum plating on carbon steel, (5) cleaning/stripping associated with tin, zinc and aluminum plating on carbon steel, and (6) chemical etching and milling of aluminum. F007 1 • 4 F007 A 10 (4.54) Spent cyanide plating bath solutions from electroplating operations. F008 1 • 4 F008 A 10 (4.54) Plating bath residues from the bottom of plating baths from electroplating operations where cyanides are used in the process. F009 1 • 4 F009 A 10 (4.54) Spent stripping and cleaning bath solutions from electroplating operations where cyanides are used in the process. F010 1 • 4 FOI 0 A 10 (4.54) Quenching bath residues from oil baths from metal heat treating operations where cyanides are used in the process. F011 1 • 4 FO11 A 10 (4.54) Spent cyanide solution from salt bath pot cleaning from metal heat treating operations. F012 1 • 4 FOI 2 A 10 (4.54) Quenching wastewater treatment sludges from metal heat treating operations where cyanides are used in the process. FOI9 1 4 FOI 9 A 10 (4.54) H-48 September 1992 Appendix I Statutory Final RQ Hazardous Substance CASRN Regulatory Synonyms RQ Code t RCRA Waste # Cate- gory Pounds (Kg) Wastewater treatment sludges from the chemical conversion coating of aluminum except from zirconium phosphating in aluminum can washing when such phosphating is an exclusive conversion coating process. F020 1 • 4 F020 X 1 (0.454) Wastes (except wastewater and spent carbon from hydrogen chloride purification) from the production or manufacturing use (as a reactant, chemical intermediate, or component in a formulating process) of tri-or- tetrachlorophenol, or of intermediates used to produce their pesticide derivatives. (This listing does not include wastes from the production of hexachlorophene from highly purified 2,4,5-trichlorophenol.) F021 1 • 4 F021 X 1 (0.454) Wastes (except wastewater and spent carbon from hydrogen chloride purification) from the production or manufacturing use (as a reactant, chemical intermediate, or component in a formulating process) of pentachlorophenol, or of intermediates used to produce its derivatives. F022 1* 4 F022 X 1 (0.454) Wastes (except wastewater and spent carbon from hydrogen chloride purification) from the manufacturing use (as a reactant, chemical intermediate, or component in a formulating process) of tetra-, penta-, or hexachlorobenzenes under alkaline conditions. F023 1 • 4 F023 X 1 (0.454) September 1992 H-49 Appendix / Statutory Final RQ Hazardous Substance CASRN Regulatory Synonyms RQ Code t RCRA Wait* # Cate¬ gory Pound* (Kg) Wastes (except wastewater and spent carbon from hydrogen chloride purification) from the production of materials on equipment previously used for the production or manufacturing use (as a reactant, chemical intermediate, or component in a formulating process) of tri- and tetrachlorophenois. (This listing does not include wastes from equipment used only for the production or use of hexachlorophene from highly purified 2,4,5-tri-chlorophenol.) F024 i * 4 F024 X 1 (0.454) Wastes, including but not limited to distillation residues, heavy ends, tars, and reactor cleanout wastes, from the production of chlorinated aliphatic hydrocarbons, having carbon content from one to five, utilizing free radical catalyzed processes. (This listing does not include light ends, spent filters and filter aids, spent dessicants(sic), wastewater, wastewater treatment sludges, spent catalysts, and wastes listed in Section 261.32.) F026 1 * 4 F026 X Ml (0.464) Condensed light ends, spent filters and filter aids, and spent dessicant wastes from the production of certain chlorinated aliphatic hydrocarbons, by free radical catalyzed processes. These chlorinated aliphatic hydrocarbons are those having carbon chain lengths ranging from one to and including five, with varying amounts and positions of chlorine substitution. H-50 September 1992 Appendix I Hazardous Substance CASRN Regulatory Synonyms Statutory Final RQ RQ Codet RCRA Waste # Cate¬ gory Pounds (Kg) F026 1 * 4 F026 X 1 (0.454) Wastes (except wastewater and spent carbon from hydrogen chloride purification) from the production cf materials on equipment previously used for the manufacturing use (as a reactant, chemical intermediate, or component in a formulating process) of tetra-, penta-, or hexachlorobenzene under alkaline conditions. F027 1 • 4 F027 X 1 (0.454) Discarded unused formulations containing tri-, tetra-, or pentachlorophenol or discarded unused formulations containing compounds derived from these chlorophenols. (This listing does not include formulations containing hexachlorophene synthesized from prepurified 2,4,5-tri-chlorophenol as the sole component.) F028 1 • 4 F028 X 1 (0.454) Residues resulting from the incineration or thermal treatment of soil contaminated with EPA Hazardous Waste Nos. F020, F021, F022, F023, F026, and F027. F032 1* 4 F032 X 1 (0.454) Wastewaters, process residuals, preservative drippage, and spent formulations from wood preserving processes generated at plants that currently use or have previously used chlorophenolic formulations (except wastes from processes that have had the F032 waste code deleted in accordance with 5261.35 and do not resume or initiate use of chlorophenolic formulations). This listing does not include K001 bottom sediment sludge from the treatment of wastewater from wood preserving processes that use creosote and/or pentachlorophenol. F034 1 • 4 F034 X 1 (0.454) September 1992 H-51 Appendix / Statutory Final RQ Hazardous Substance CASRN Regulatory Synonyms RQ Code t RCRA Waste * Cate¬ gory Pound* (Kg) Wastewaters, process residuals, preservative drippage, and spent formulations from wood preserving processes generated at plants that use creosote formulations. This listing does not include K001 bottom sediment sludge from the treatment of wastewater from wood preserving processes that use creosote and/or pentachlorophenol. F036 1* 4 F035 X 1 (0.454) Wastewaters, process residuals, preservative drippage, and spent formulations from wood preserving processes generated at plants that use inorganic preservatives containing arsenic or chromium. This listing does not include KOOI bottom sediment sludge from the treatment of wastewater from wood preserving processes that use creosote and/or penetachlorophenol. F037 1 • 4 F037 X 1 (0.454) H-52 September 1992 Appendix / Hazardous Substance CASRN Regulatory Synonyms Statutory Final RQ RQ Cod* t RCRA Wuti # Cate¬ gory Pound* (Kg) Petroleum refinery primary oil/water/solids separation sludge-- Any sludge generated from the gravitational separation of oil/water/solids during the storage or treatment of process wastewaters and oily cooling wastewaters from petroleum refineries. Such sludges include, but are not limited to, those generated in: oil/water/solids separators: tanks and impoundments: ditches and other conveyances; sumps; and stormwater units receiving dry weather flow. Sludge generated in stormwater units that do not receive dry weather flow, sludges generated from non-contact once- through cooling waters segregated for treatment from other process or oily cooling waters, sludges generated in aggressive biological treatment units as defined in §261.31 (b)(2) (including sludges generated in one or more additional units after wastewaters have been treated in aggressive biological treatment units) and K051 wastes are not included in this listing. F038 1 • 4 F038 X 1 (0.454) September 1992 H-53 Appendix / Hazardous Substance CASRN Regulatory Synonyms Statutory Final RQ RQ Cod* t RCRA Wast* # Cata- flory Pound* (Kg) Petroleum refinery secondary (emulsified) oil/water/solids separation sludge--Any sludge and/or float generated from the physical and/or chemical separation of oil/water/solids in process wastewaters and oily cooling wastewaters from petroleum refineries. Such wastes include, but are not limited to, all sludges and floats generated in: induced air flotation (IAF) units, tanks and impoundments, and all sludges generated in DAF units. Sludges generated in stormwater units that do not receive dry weather flow, sludges generated from once-through non-contact cooling waters segregated for treatment from other process or oil cooling wastes, sludges and floats generated in aggressive biological treatment units as defined in 5261.31(b)(2) (including sludges and floats generated in one or more additional units after wastewaters have been treated in aggressive biological treatment units) and F037, K048, and K051 wastes are not included in this listing. K001 1 • 4 <001 X 1 (0.454) Bottom sediment sludge from the treatment of wastewaters from wood preserving processes that use creosote and/or pentachlorophenol. K002 1 • 4 <002 » Wastewater treatment sludge from the production of chrome yellow and organge pigments. K003 i • 4 <003 » Wastewater treatment sludge from the production of molybdate orange pigments. <004 1 • 4 <004 A 10 (4.54) Wastewater treatment sludge from the production of zinc yellow pigments. K005 i • 4 <005 n H-54 September 1992 Appendix I Statutory Final RQ Hazardous Substance CASRN Regulatory Synonyms RQ Code t RCRA Waste # Cate¬ gory Pounds Kg) Wastewater treatment sludge from the production of chrome green pigments. K006 1 • 4 <006 A 10 (4.54) Wastewater treatment sludge from the production of chrome oxide green pigments (anhydrous and hydrated). K007 1 • 4 <007 A 10 (4.54) Wastewater treatment sludge from the production or iron blue pigments. K008 1 • 4 <008 A 10 (4.54) Oven residue from the production of chrome oxide green pigments. <009 1 • 4 <009 A 10 (4.54) Distillation bottoms from the production of acetaldehyde from ethylene. <010 1 • 4 <010 A 10 (4.54) Distillation side cuts from the production of acetaldehyde from ethylene. <011 1 • 4 <01 1 A 10 (4.54) Bottom stream from the wastewater stripper inthe production of acrylonitrile. <013 1* 4 <013 A 10 (4.54) Bottom stream from the acetonitrile column in the production of acrylonitrile. <014 1* 4 <014 D 5000 (2270) Bottoms from the acetonitrile purification column in the production of acrylonitrile. <015 i • 4 <015 A 10 (4.54) Still bottoms from the distillation of benzyl chloride. <016 1 • 4 <016 X 1 (0.464) September 1992 H-55 Appendix / Hazardous Substance CASRN Regulatory Synonyms Statutory Final RQ RQ Code t RCRA Waste 1 Cate¬ gory Pounds (Kg) Heavy ends or distillation residues from the production of carbon tetrachloride. KOI 7 1* 4 KOI 7 A 10 (4.54) Heavy ends (still bottoms) from the purification column in the production of epi-chlorohydrin. KOI 8 1 • 4 KOI 8 X 1 (0.454) Heavy ends from the fractionation column in ethyl chloride production. KOI 9 1 • 4 KOI 9 X 1 (0.454) Heavy ends from the distillation of ethylene dichloride in ethylene dichloride production. K020 1 * 4 K020 X 1 (0.454) Heavy ends from the distillation of vinyl chloride in vinyl chloride monomer production. - a- < K021 1 • 4 K021 A 10 (4.54) Aqueous spent antimony catalyst waste from fluoromethanes production. K022 1 • 4 K022 X 1 (0.454) Distillation bottom tars from the production of phenol/acetone from cumene. K023 1 • 4 K023 D 6000 (2270) Distillation light ends from the production of phthalic anhydride from naphthalene. K024 i • 4 K024 D 5000 (2270) Distillation bottoms from the production of phthalic anhydride from naphthalene. K025 1* 4 K025 A 10 (4.54) Distillation bottoms from the production of nitrobenzene by the nitration of benzene. K026 1* 4 K026 C 1000 (454) H-56 September 1992 Appendix I Statutory Final RQ Hazardous Substance CASRN Regulatory Synonyms RQ Code t RCRA Waste # Cate¬ gory Pounds (Kg) Stripping still tails from the production of methyl ethyl pyridines. <027 1 * 4 <027 A 10 (4,54) Centrifuge and distillation residues from tolune diisocyanate production. <028 1 • 4 <028 X 1 (0.454) Spent catalyst from the hydrochlorinator reactor in the production of 1,1,1- trichloroethane. <029 1 • 4 <029 X 1 (0.454) Waste from the product steam stripper in the production of 1,1,1- trichloroethane. K030 1* 4 <030 X 1 (0.454) Column bottoms or heavy ends from the combined production of trichloroethylene and perchloroethylene. <031 i • 4 <031 X 1 (0.454) By-product salts generated in the production of MSMA and cacodylic acid. <032 1 * 4 <032 A 10 (4.54) Wastewater treatment sludge from the production of chlordane. <033 1 • 4 <033 A 10 (4.54) Wastewater and scrub water from the chlorination of cyclopentadiene in the production of chlordane. <034 1 • 4 <034 A 10 (4.54) Filter solids from the filtration of hexachlorocyclo-pentadiene in the production of chlordane. <035 1 * 4 <035 X 1 (0.454) Wastewater treatment sludges generated in the production of creosote. <036 1 • 4 <036 X 1 (0.454) September 1992 H-57 Appendix / Hazardous Substance CASRN Regulatory Synonyms Statutory Final RQ RQ Codet RCRA Waste # Cate- gory Pounds (Kgl Still bottoms from toluene reclamation distillation in the production of disulfoton. K037 1 • 4 <037 X 1 (0.464) Wastewater treatment sludges from the production of disulfoton. K038 1 • 4 <038 A 10 (4.54) Wastewater from the washing and stripping of phorate production. K039 1 • 4 <039 A 10 (4.54) Filter cake from the filtration of diethylphosphorodithioic acid in the production of phorate. K040 i • 4 <040 A 10 (4.54) Wastewater treatment sludge from the production of phorate. K041 1 • 4 <041 X 1 (0.454) Wastewater treatment sludge from the production of toxaphene. K042 1* 4 <042 A 10 (4.54) Heavy ends or distillation residues from the distillation of tetrachlorobenzene in the production of 2,4,5-T. K043 1 • 4 <043 A 10 (4.54) 2,6-Dichlorophenol waste from the production of 2,4-D. K044 1 * 4 <044 A 10 (4.54) Wastewater treatment sludges from the manufacturing and processing of explosives. K046 i • 4 <04B A 10 (4.64) Spent carbon from the treatment of wastewater containing explosives. K046 i • 4 <046 B 100 (45.4) Wastewater treatment sludges from the manufacturing, formulation and loading of lead- based initiating compounds. H-58 September 1992 Appendix I Hazardous Substance CASRN Regulatory Synonyms Statutory Final RQ RQ Code t RCAA Waste * Cate¬ gory Pounds (Kg) K047 1* 4 K047 A 10 (4,54) Pink/red water from TNT operations. K048 1 • 4 K048 8 Dissolved air flotation (DAF) float from the petroleum refining industry. <049 1 • 4 <049 8 Slop oil emulsion solids from the petroleum refining industry. <050 1 * 4 <050 A 10 (4.54) Heat exchanger bundle cleaning sludge from the petroleum refining industry. <051 1 • 4 <051 8 API separator sludge from the petroleum refining industry. <062 1 • 4 <052 A 10 (4.54) Tank bottoms (leaded) from the petroleum refining industry. <060 1 • 4 <060 X 1 (0,464) Ammonia still lime sludge coking operations. <061 1 * 4 <061 8 Emission control dust/sludge from the primary production of steel in electric furnances. <062 1 • 4 <062 8 Spent pickle liquor generated by steel finishing operations of facilities within the iron and steel industry (SIC Codes 331 and 332). <064 1 • 4 <064 88 Acid plant blowdown slurry/sludge resulting from thickening of blowdown slurry from primary copper production. <065 1* 4 <066 88 September 1992 H-59 Appendix / Hazardous Substance CASRN Regulatory Synonyms Statutory Final RQ RQ Cod* 1 RCRA Wut« # Cat*- gory Pounds Kg) Surace impoundment solids contained in and dredged from surface impoundments at primary lead smelting facilities. K056 1 * 4 K066 »» Sludge from treatment of process wastewater and/or acid plant blowdown from primary zinc production. K069 1 • 4 K069 » Emission control dust/sludge from secondary lead smelting. K071 1 • 4 K071 X 1 (0.464) Brine purification muds from the mercury cell process in chlorine production, where separately prepurified brine is not used. K073 i • 4 K073 A 10 (4.64) Chlorinated hydrocarbon waste from the purification step of the disphragm cell process using graphite anodes in chlorine production. K083 i * 4 K083 B 100 (46.4) Distillatin bottoms from aniline extraction. K084 1 • 4 <084 X 1 (0.464) Wastewater treatment sludges generated during the production of veterinary pharmaceuticals from arsenic or organo-arsenic compounds. K085 i • 4 <086 A 10 (4.54) Distillation or fractionation column bottoms from the production of chlorobenzenes. <086 1 * 4 <086 » H-60 September 1992 Appendix I Statutory Final RQ Hazardous Substance CASRN Regulatory Synonyms RQ Codet RCRA Waste # Cate¬ gory Pounds (Kg) Solvent washes and sludges, caustic washes and sludges, or water washes and sludges from cleaning tubs and equipment used in the formulation of ink from pigments, driers, soaps, and stabilizers containing chromium and lead. K087 i • 4 K087 B 100 (4B.4) Decanter tank tar sludge from coking operations. K088 i * 4 K088 Spent potliners from primary aluminum reduction. K090 1 • 4 K090 Emission control dust or sludge from ferrochromiumsilicon production. K091 1 4 K091 Emission control dust or sludge from ferrochromium production. K093 i * 4 K093 D 5000 (2270) Distillation light ends from the production of phthalic anhydride from ortho-xylene. K094 i * 4 K094 D 5000 (2270) Distillation bottoms from the production of phthalic anhydride from ortho-xylene. K095 1 • 4 K095 B 100 (46.4) Distillation bottoms from the production of 1,1,1- trichloroethane. K096 1 • 4 K096 B 100 (45.4) Heavy ends from the heavy ends column from the production of 1,1,1 -trichloroethane. K097 1 * 4 K097 X 1 (0.454) Vacuum stripper discharge from the chlordane chlorinator in the production of chlordane. K098 1 * 4 K098 X 1 (0.454) September 1992 H-61 Appendix I Hazardous Substance CASRN Regulatory Synonyms Statutory Final RQ RQ Code t RCRA Waste 1 Cate¬ gory Pounds «g) Untreated process wastewater from the production of toxaphene. K099 1 • 4 <099 A 10 (4.54) Untreated wastewater from the production of 2,4-D. K100 1* 4 <100 U Waste leaching solution from acid leaching of emission control dust/sludge from secondary lead smelting. K101 1 • 4 <101 X 1 (0.454) Distillation tar residues from the distillation of aniline-based compounds in the production of veterinary pharmaceuticals from arsenic or organo-arsenic compounds. K102 1 • 4 <102 X 1 (0.454) Residue from the use of activated carbon for decolorization in the production of veterinary pharmaceuticals from arsenic or organo-arsenic compounds. K103 1 • 4 <103 B 100 (45.4) Process residues from aniline extraction from the production of aniline. K104 1* 4 <104 A 10 (4.54) Combined wastewater streams generated from nitrobenzene/aniline production. K 105 1 • 4 <106 A 10 (4.54) Separated aqueous stsream from the reactor product washing step in the production of chlorobenzenes. K106 1 • 4 <106 X 1 (0.454) Wastewater treatment sludge from the mercury cell process in chlorine production. K107 10 4 <107 X 10 (4.54) H-62 September 1992 Appendix I Hazardous Substance CASRN Statutory Final RQ Regulatory Synonyms RQ Code t RCRA Waste # Cate- flory Pounds Kg) Column bottoms from product separation from the production of 1,1 -dimethylhydrazine (UDMH) from carboxylic acid hydrazines. K1 08 10 4 <108 X 10 (4.54) Condensed column overheads from product separation and condensed reactor vent gases from the production of 1,1- dimethylhydrazine (UDMH) from carboxylic acid hydrazides. <109 10 4 <109 X 10 (4.54) Spent filter cartridges from product purification from the production of 1,1-dimethylhydrazine (UDMH) from carboxylic acid hydrazides. <110 10 4 <110 X 10 (4.54) Condensed column overheads from intermediate separation from the production of 1,1- dimethylhydrazine (UDMH) from carboxylic acid hydrazides. <111 1 • 4 <1 1 1 A 10 (4.54) Product washwaters from the production of dinitrotoluene via nitration of toluene. <112 1 • 4 <112 A 10 (4.54) Reaction by-product water from the drying column in the production of toluenediamine via hydrogenation of dinitrotoluene. <113 1 • 4 <113 A 10 (4.54) Condensed liquid light ends from the purification of toluenediamine in the production of toluenediamine via hydrogenation of dinitrotoluene. <1 14 1 • 4 <1 14 A 10 (4.54) Vicinals from the purification of toluenediamine in the production of toluenediamine via hydrogenation of dinitrotoluene. <115 1 • 4 <115 A 10 (4.54) September 1992 H-63 Appendix / Hazardous Substance CASRN Regulatory Synonyms Statutory Final RQ RQ Codat RCRA WmU # Cata- flory Pounds (Kg) Heavy ends from the purification of toluenediamine in the production of toluenediamine via hydrogenation of dinitrotoluene. K116 1 • 4 K1 16 A 10 (4.54) Organic condensate from the solvent recovery column in the production of toluene diisocyanate via phosgenation of toluenediamine. K1 17 1 • 4 K117 X 1 (0.454) Wastewater from the reaction vent gas scrubber in the production of ethylene bromide via bromination of ethene. K1 18 1 * 4 K1 18 X 1 (0.454) Spent absorbent solids from purification of ethylene dibromide in the production of ethylene dibromide. K123 1 * 4 K123 A 10 (4.54) Process wastewater (including supernates, filtrates, and washwaters) from the production of ethylene-bisdithiocarbamic acid and its salts. K1 24 1 • 4 K1 24 A 10 (4.54) Reactor vent scrubber water from the production of ethylenebisdithiocarbamic acid and its salts. K125 i # 4 K125 A 10 (4.54) Filtration, evaporation, and centrifugation solids from the production of ethylenebisdithiocarbamic acid and its salts. K1 26 1* 4 K126 A 10 (4.54) Baghouse dust and floor sweepings in milling and packaging operations from the production or formulation of ethylenebisdithiocarbamic acid and its salts. K131 100 4 K1 31 1 X 100 (45.4) H-64 September 1992 Appendix ! Hazardous Substance CASRN Regulatory Synonyms Statutory Final RQ RQ Codst RCRA Wut« * Cats- gory Pounds (Kg) Wastewater from the reactor and spent sulfuric acid from the acid dryer in the production of methyl bromide. <132 1000 4 <132 X 1000 (464) Spent absorbent and wastewater solids from the production of methyl bromide. <136 1 * 4 <136 X 1 (0.464) Still bottoms from the purification of ethylene dibromide in the production of ethylene dibromide via bromination of ethane. t Indicates the statutory source as d< TtNo reporting of releases of this ha exceeds 100 micrometers (0.004 in< ttTThe RQ for asbestos is limited tc 1- Indicates that the statutory sourc 2- lndicates that the statutory sourc 3- lndicates that the statutory sourc 4- Indicates that the statutory sourc 1 *-lndicates that the 1-pound RQ is Vindicates that the RQ is subject to VVThe Agency may adjust the statu 5- The adjusted RQs for radionuclide ••-Indicates that no RQ is being as afined by 1,2,3, and 4 below. zardous substance is required if the diameter of the pieces of the solid metal released is equal to or :hes). friable forms only. a for designation of this hazardous substance under CERCLA is CWA Section 311(b)(4). 9 for designation of this hazardous substance under CERCLA is CWA Section 307(a). a for designation of this hazardous substance under CERCLA is CAA Section 11 2. a for designation of this hazardous substance under CERCLA is RCRA Section 3001. a CERCLA statutory RQ. change when the assessment of potential carcinogenicity is completed. lory RQ for this hazardous substance in a future rulemaking; until then the statutory RQ applies, s may be found in Appendix B to this table, signed to the generic or broad class. September 1992 H-65 Appendix I APPENDIX I SECTION 313 WATER PRIORITY CHEMICALS Appendix 1 SECTION 313 WATER PRIORITY CHEMICALS CAS Number Common Name 75-07-0 Acetaldehyde 75865 Acetane cynohydrin 107-02-8 Acrolein 107-13-1 Acrylonitrile 309-00-2 AldrinM ,4:5,8-Dimethanonaphthalene, 1,2,3,4,10,10-hexachloro- 1,4,4a,5,8,8a-hexahydro-(1 .alpha.,4.alpha.,4a.beta.,5.alpha.,8. alpha., 8a.beta.)-] 107-05-1 Allyl Chloride 7429-90-5 Aluminum (fume or dust) 7664-41-7 Ammonia 62-53-3 Aniline 120-12-7 Anthracene 7440-36-0 Antimony 7647189 Antimony pentachloride 28300745 Antimony potassium tartrate 7789619 Antimony tribromide 10025919 Antimony trichloride 7783564 Antimony trifluoride 1309644 Antimony trioxide 7440-38-2 Arsenic 1303328 Arsenic disulfide 1303282 Arsenic pentoxide 7784341 Arsenic trichloride 1327533 Arsenic trioxide 1303339 Arsenic trisulfide 1332-21-4 Asbestos (friable) 542621 Barium cyanide 71-43-2 Benzene 92-87-5 Benzidine 100470 Benzonitrile 98-88-4 Benzoyl chloride September 1992 1-1 Appendix / SECTION 313 WATER PRIORITY CHEMICALS CAS Number - Common Name 100-44-7 Benzyl chloride 7440-41-7 Beryllium 7787475 Beryllium chloride 7787497 Beryllium fluoride 7787555 Beryllium nitrate 111 -44-4 Bis(2-chloroethyl) ether 75-25-2 Bromoform 74-83-9 Bromomethane (Methyl bromide) 85-68-7 Butyl benzyl phthalate 7440-43-9 Cadmium 543908 Cadmium acetate 7789426 Cadmium bromide 10108642 Cadmium chloride 7778441 Calcium arsenate 52740166 Calcium arsenite 13765190 Calcium chromate 592018 Calcium cyanide 133-06-2 Captan (1 H-lsoindole-1,3(2H)-dione,3a,4,7,7a-tetrahydro-2- [(trichloromethyl)thioH 63-25-2 Carbaryl [1-Naphthalenol, methylcarbamate] 75-15-0 Carbon disulfide 56-23-5 Carbon tetrachloride 57-74-9 Chlordane [4 < 7-Methanoindan < 1,2,4,5,6,7,8,8-octachloro-2,3,3a / 4,7,7a- hexahydro-] 7782-50-5 Chlorine 59-50-7 Chloro-4-methyl-3-phenol p-Chloro-m-cresol 108-90-7 Chlorobenzene 75-00-3 Chloroethane (Ethyl chloride) 67-66-3 Chloroform 74-87-3 Chloromethane (Methyl chloride) 95-57-8 2-Chlorophenol 1-2 September 1992 Appendix I SECTION 313 WATER PRIORITY CHEMICALS CAS Number Common Name 106-48-9 4-Chlorophenol 1066304 Chromic acetate 11115745 Chromic acid 10101538 Chromic sulfate 7440-47-3 Chromium 1308-14-1 Chromium (Tri) 10049055 Chromous chloride 7789437 Cobaltous bromide 544183 Cobaltous formate 14017415 Cobaltous sulfamate 7440-50-8 Copper 108-39-4 m-Cresol 9548-7 o-Cresol 106-44-5 p-Cresol 1319-77-3 Cresol (mixed isomers) 142712 Cupric acetate 12002038 Cupric acetoarsenite 7447394 Cupric chloride 3251238 Cupric nitrate 5893663 Cupric oxalate 7758987 Cupric sulfate 10380297 Cupric sulfate, ammoniated 815827 Cupric tartrate 57-12-5 Cyanide 506774 Cyanogen chloride 110-82-7 Cyclohexane 94-75-7 2,4-D [Acetic acid, (2,4-dichlorophenoxy)-] 1 06-93-4 1,2-Dibromoethane (Ethylene dibromide) 84-74-2 Dibutyl phthalate 25321-22-6 Dichlorobenzene (mixed isomers) September 1992 1-3 Appendix / SECTION 313 WATER PRIORITY CHEMICALS CAS Number Common Name 95-50-1 1,2-Dichlorobenzene 541-73-1 1,3-Dichlorobenzene 106-46-7 1,4-Dichlorobenzene 91-94-1 3,3'-Dichlorobenzidine 75-27-4 Dichlorobromomethane 107-06-2 1,2-Dichloroethane (Ethylene dichloride) 540-59-0 1,2-Dichloroethylene 1 20-83-2 2,4-Dichlorophenol 78-87-5 1,2-Dichloropropane 542-75-6 1,3-Dichloropropylene 62-73-7 Dichlorvos [Phosphoric acid, 2,2-dichloroethenyl dimethyl ester] 115-32-2 Dicofol [Benzenemethanol, 4-chloro-.alpha.-(4-chlorophenyl)-.alpha.- ’ (trichloromethyl)-] 177-81-7 Di-(2-ethylhexyl phthalate (DEHP) 84-66-2 Diethyl phthalate 105-67-9 2,4-Dimethylphenol 131-11-3 Dimethyl phthalate 534-52-1 4,6-Dinitro-o-cresol 51-28-5 2,4-Dinitrophenol 121-14-2 2,4-Dinitrotoluene 606-20-2 2,6-Dinitrotoluene 117-84-0 n-Dioctyl phthalate 122-66-7 1,2-Diphenylhydrazine (Hydrazobenzene) 106-89-8 Epichlorohydrin 100-41-4 Ethylbenzene 106934 Ethylene dibromide 50-00-0 Formaldehyde 76-44-8 Heptachlor [1,4,5,6,7,8,8-Heptachloro-3a,4,7,7a-tetrahydro-4,7- methano-1 H-indene] 118-74-1 Hexachlorobenzene 87-68-3 Hexachloro-1,3-butadiene 1-4 September 1992 Appendix / SECTION 313 WATER PRIORITY CHEMICALS CAS Number Common Name 77-47-4 Hexachlorocyclopentadiene 67-72-1 Hexachloroethane 7647-01-0 Hydrochloric acid 74-90-8 Hydrogen cyanide 7664-39-3 Hydrogen fluoride 7439-92-1 Lead 301042 Lead acetate 7784409 Lead arsenate 7645252 w w 10102484 n «i 7758954 Lead chloride 13814965 Lead fluoborate 7783462 Lead fluoride 10101630 Lead iodide 10099748 Lead nitrate 7428480 Lead stearate 1072351 iv m 52652592 n vt 7446142 Lead sulfate 1314870 Lead sulfide 592870 Lead thiocyanate 58-89-9 Lindane (Cyclohexane, 1,2,3,4,5,6-hexachloro- (1 .alpha.,3.beta., 4.alpha. ,5.alpha., 6. beta.)-] 14307358 Lithium chromate 108-31-6 Maleic anhydride 592041 Mercuric cyanide 10045940 Mercuric nitrate 7783359 Mercuric sulfate 592858 Mercuric thiocyanate 7782867 Mercurous nitrate 7439-97-6 Mercury September 1992 1-5 Appendix / SECTION 313 WATER PRIORITY CHEMICALS CAS Number Common Name 72-43-5 Methoxychlor [Benzene, 1 ,r-(2,2,2-trichloroethylidene)bis[4- methoxy-] 80-62-6 Methyl methacrylate 91-20-3 Naphthalene 7440-02-0 Nickel 15699180 Nickel ammonium sulfate 37211055 Nickel chloride 7718549 II •« 12054487 Nickel hydroxide 14216752 Nickel nitrate 7786814 Nickel sulfate 7697-37-2 Nitric acid 98-95-3 Nitrobenzene 88-75-5 2-Nitrophenol 100-02-7 4-Nitrophenol 62-75-9 /V-Nitrosodimethylamine 86-30-6 N- N itrosodipheny lamine 621-64-7 /V-Nitrosodi-n-propylamine 56-38-2 Parathion [Phosphorothioic acid, 0,0-diethyl-0-(4-nitrophenyl) ester] 87-86-5 Pentachlorophenol (PCP) 108-95-2 Phenol 75-44-5 Phosgene 7664-38-2 Phosphoric acid 7723-14-0 Phosphorus (yellow or white) 1336-36-3 Polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) 7784410 Potassium arsenate 10124502 Potassium arsenite 7778509 Potassium bichromate 7789006 Potassium chromate 151508 Potassium cyanide 75-56-9 Propylene oxide 1-6 September 1992 Appendix / SECTION 313 WATER PRIORITY CHEMICALS CAS Number Common Name 91-22-5 Quinoline 7782-49-2 Selenium 7446084 Selenium oxide 7440-22-4 Silver 7761888 Silver nitrate 7631892 Sodium arsenate 7784465 Sodium arsenite 10588019 Sodium bichromate 7775113 Sodium chromate 143339 Sodium cyanide 10102188 Sodium selenite 7782823 n n 7789062 Strontium chromate 100-42-5 Styrene 7664-93-9 Sulfuric acid 7S-34-5 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane 127-18-4 Tetrachloroethylene (Perchloroethylene) 935-95-5 2,3,5,6-Tetrachlorophenol 78002 Tetraethyl lead 7440-28-0 Thallium 10031591 Thallium sulfate 108-88-3 Toluene 8001-35-2 Toxaphene 52-68-6 Trichlorfon [Phosphonic acid, (2,2,2-trichloro-1-hydroxyethyl)- dimethylester] 120-82-1 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 71-55-6 1,1,1-Trichloroethane (Methyl chloroform) 79-00-5 1,1,2-Trichloroethane 79-01-6 Trichloroethylene 95-95-4 2,4,5-T richlorophenol 88-06-2 2,4,6-Trichlorophenol September 1992 1-7 Appendix / SECTION 313 WATER PRIORITY CHEMICALS CAS Number Common Name 7440-62-2 Vanadium (fume or dust) 108-05-4 Vinyl acetate 75-01-4 Vinyl chloride 75-35-4 Vinylidene chloride 108-38-3 m-Xylene 95-47-6 o-Xylene 106-42-3 p-Xylene 1330-20-7 Xylene (mixed isomers) 7440-66-6 Zinc (fume or dust) 557346 Zinc acetate 14639975 Zinc ammonium chloride 14639986 •tut* 52628258 ft It IV 1332076 Zinc borate 7699458 Zinc bromide 3486359 Zinc carbonate 7646857 Zinc chloride 557211 Zinc cyanide 7783495 Zinc fluoride 557415 Zinc formate 7779864 Zinc hydrosulfite 7779886 Zinc nitrate 127822 Zinc phenolsulfonate 1314847 Zinc phosphide 16871719 Zinc silicofluoride 7733020 Zinc sulfate 1-8 September 1992 Appendix J APPENDIX J TABLE OF MONITORING REQUIREMENTS IN EPA'S GENERAL PERMIT Appendix J EPA FINAL GENERAL PERMIT MONITORING REQUIREMENTS 1 Type of Facility Type of Storm Water Discharge Parameters Monitoring Frequency Reporting Frequency EPCRA, Section 313 Facilities Subject to Reporting Requirements for Water Priority Chemicals Storm water discharges that come into contact with any equipment, tank, container, or other vessel or area used for storage of a Section 313 water priority chemical, or located at a truck or rail car loading or unloading area where a Section 313 water priority chemical is handled Oil and Grease, BOD5, COD, TSS, Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen, Total Phosphorus, pH, acute whole effluent toxicity 2 , any Section 313 water priority chemical for which the facility reports Semi¬ annual Annual Primary Metal Industries (SIC 33) All storm water discharges associated with industrial activity Oil and Grease, COD, TSS, pH, acute whole effluent toxicity 2 . Total Recoverable Lead, Total Recoverable Cadmium, Total Recoverable Copper, Total Recoverable Arsenic, Total Recoverable Chromium, and any pollutant limited in an effluent guideline to which the facility is subject Semi¬ annual Annual Land Disposal Units/ Incinerators/ BIFs Storm water discharges from active or inactive land disposal units without a stabilized cover that have received any waste from industrial facilities other than construction sites; and storm water discharges from incinerators and BIFs that bum hazardous waste Total Recoverable Magnesium, Magnesium (dissolved). Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen, COD, TDS, TOC, Oil and Grease, pH, Total Recoverable Arsenic, Total Recoverable Barium, Total Recoverable Cadmium, Total Recoverable Chromium, Total Cyanide, Total Recoverable Lead, Total Mercury, Total Recoverable Selenium, Total Recoverable Silver, acute whole effluent toxicity 2 Semi¬ annual Annual September 1992 J-1 Appendix J EPA FINAL GENERAL PERMIT MONITORING REQUIREMENTS 1 Type of Facility Type of Storm Water Discharge Parameters Monitoring Fraquonoy Ro porting Froquonoy Wood Treatment Facilities Storm water discharges from areas that are used for wood treatment, wood surface application or storage of treated or surface protected wood Facilities that use chlorophenolic formulations Oil and Grease, pH, COD, TSS Plus Pentachlorophenol and acute whole effluent toxicity 2 Semi¬ annual Annual Facilities that use creosote formulations Plus acute whole effluent toxicity 2 Facilities that use chromium- arsenic formulations Plus Total Recoverable Arsenic, Total Recoverable Chromium, Total Recoverable Copper Industrial Facilities with Coal Piles Storm water discharges from coal pile runoff Oil and Grease, pH, TSS, Total Recoverable Copper, Total Recoverable Nickel, Total Recoverable Zinc Semi¬ annual Annual Battery Reclaimers Storm water discharges from areas for storage of lead acid batteries, reclamation products, or waste products, and areas used for lead acid battery reclamation Oil and Grease, COD, TSS, pH, Total Recoverable Copper, Total Recoverable Lead Semi¬ annual Annual Airports (with over 50,000 flight operations per year) Storm water discharges from aircraft or airport deicing areas Oil and Grease, B0D5, COD, TSS, pH, and the primary ingredient used in the deicing materials Annual Retain onsite Coal-fired Steam Electric Facilities Storm water discharges from coal handling sites (other than runoff from coal piles which is not eligible for coverage under this permit) Oil and Grease, pH, TSS, Total Recoverable Copper, Total Recoverable Nickel, Total Recoverable Zinc Annual Retain onsite J-2 September 1992 Appendix J EPA FINAL GENERAL PERMIT MONITORING REQUIREMENTS 1 Type of Facility Type of Storm Water Discharge Parameters Monitoring Frequency Reporting Fraquancy Animal Handling/ Meat Packing Facilities Storm water discharges from animal handling areas, manure management areas, production waste management areas exposed to precipitation at meat packing plants, poultry packing plants, facilities that manufacture animal and marine fats and oils B0D5, Oil and Grease, COD, TSS, Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen (TKN), Total Phosphorus, pH, Fecal Coliform Annual Retain onsite Chemical and Allied Product Manufacturers/ Rubber Manufacturers (SIC 28 and 30) Storm water discharges that come into contact with solid chemical storage piles Oil and Grease, COD, TSS, pH, any pollutant limited in an effluent guideline to which the facility is subject Annual Retain onsite Automobile Junkyards Storm water discharges exposed to: (a) over 250 auto/truck bodies with drivelines, 250 drivelines, or any combination thereof (b) over 500 auto/truck units (c) over 100 units dismantled per year where automotive fluids are drained or stored Oil and Grease, COD, TSS, pH, any pollutant limited in an effluent guideline to which the facility is subject Annual Retain onsite Lime Manufacturing Facilities Storm water discharges that have come into contact with lime storage piles Oil and Grease, COD, TSS, pH, any pollutant limited in an effluent guideline to which the facility is subject Annual Retain onsite Oil-fired Steam Electric Power Generating Facilities Storm water discharges from oil handling sites Oil and Grease, COD, TSS, pH, any pollutant limited in an effluent guideline to which the facility is subject Annual Retain onsite Cement Manufacturing Facilities and Cement Kilns All storm water discharges associated with industrial activity (except those from material storage piles that are not eligible for coverage under this permit) Oil and Grease, COD, TSS, pH, any pollutant limited in an effluent guideline to which the facility is subject Annual Retain onsite September 1992 J-3 Appendix J EPA FINAL GENERAL PERMIT MONITORING REQUIREMENTS 1 Type of Facility Type of Storm Water Discharge Parameters Monitoring Frequency R« porting Frequency Ready-mix Concrete Facilities All storm water discharges associated with industrial activity Oil and Grease, COD, TSS, pH, any pollutant limited in an effluent guideline to which the facility is subject Annual Retain onsite Ship Building and Repairing Facilities All storm water discharges associated with industrial activity Oil and Grease, COD, TSS, pH, any pollutant limited in an effluent guideline to which the facility is subject Annual Retain onsite ’A discharger is not subject to the monitoring requirements provided the discharger makes a certification for a given outfall, on an annual basis, under penalty of law, that material handling equipment or activities, raw materials, intermediate products, final products, waste materials, by¬ products, industrial machinery or operations, significant materials from past industrial activities, or, in the case of airports, deicing activities, that are located in areas of the facility that are within the drainage area of the outfall are not presently exposed to storm water and will not be exposed to storm water for the certification period. 2 A discharger may, in lieu of monitoring for acute whole effluent toxicity, monitor for pollutants identified in Tables II and III of Appendix D of 40 CFR Part 122 that the discharger knows or has reason to oelieve are present at the facility site. Such determinations are to be based on reasonable best efforts to identify significant quantities of materials or chemical present at the facility. J-4 September 1992 NTIS does not permit return of items for credit or refund. A replacement will be provided if an error is made in filling your order, if the item was received in damaged condition, or if the item is defective. Reproduced by NTIS National Technical Information Service U.S. Department of Commerce SpringfieldVA 22161 This report was printed specifically for your order from our collection of more than 2 million technical reports. For economy and efficiency, NTIS does not maintain stock of its vast collection of technical reports. Rather, most documents are printed for each order. Your copy is the best possible reproduction available from our master archive. If you have any questions concerning this document or any order you placed with NTIS, please call our Customer Services Department at (703)487-4660. 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