THE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS LIBRARY Wl5i NATURAL H£S0UHCE8 URAL SURVEY INSECTA SAUNDERSIANA: II R CHARACTERS or UN DESCRIBED INSECTS IX THE COLLECTION OK WILLIAM WILSON SAUNDERS, ESQ., F.R.S., F.L.S., &c. ' HOMOPTERA. By FRANCIS WALKER, Esq., F.L.S. LONDON : JOHN VAN VOORST, PATERNOSTER ROW. M.DCCC.LVni. / INSECTA SAUNDERSIANA OK CHAEACTEKS 01' UNDESCRIBED INSECTS IN THE COLLECTION OF WILLIAM WILSON SAUNDERS, ESQ., F.R.S., F.L.S., &c. HOMOPTERA. By FRANCIS WALKER, Esq., F.L.S. LONDON : JOHN VAN VOORST, PATERNOSTER ROW. M.DCCC.LVIII. PREFACE To carry out my intention of giving descriptions of the new species of Insects in my Collection, I have requested Mr. F. Walker to examme my Homoptera, and the following paper is the result of his labours, irrespective of his papers on the Homoptera collected by Mr. Wallace in the Malay Peninsula and East India Islands, which will be foimd in the 'Journal of the Proceedings of the Linnean Society.' W. WILSON SAUNDERS. * Hilljield, Reigate, March 9th. 1858. ^/^L INSECTA SAUNDERSIANA, &c. tt~ HOMOPTERA. CI Order I. CICADINA, Burm. Fam. 1. STRIDULANTIA, Burm. About five hundred species of this family have been described, and they are divided into twenty-two genera. Of these several are limited in their geographical range ; 'thus Polyneura, Pycna, Tacua, Tosena, inhabit Hindostan and the neighbouring isles; Platypleura and Oxypleura extend from West and South Africa to Hindostan, Java and Amboina ; Zammara is peculiar to America; Tetligades only inhabits Chili ; Thopba, 'Mtigarcta and Cystosoma are Australian ; the range of Dundubia begins in hiB Himalaya, and various species inhabit many of the islands between Hindostan and the open Pacific Ocean ; Tettigomyia is confined to South Africa";: Mogannia, Huechys and Gaaana extend from Hindostan to Java and China, and Huechys also inhabits Australia. Genus PLATYPLEURA, Amyot. Platypleuba arcuata. Fulva, P. ocellatse similis ; caput supra nigricans, litura anlica nigra ; prothorax vitta postice dilatata maculisque quatuor nigris ; mesotho- 4^ rax vittis quatuor furcatis nigris ; abdomen fasciis interruptis apice- que nigris ; alec anticmfulvcc, fusco nebulosce, liluris duabus coslalibus pallidis, maculis marginalibus fuscis ; posticce fusccc, vittis tribus, strigis nonnullis lanceolatis exterioribus slrigaque postica luteis. B ■a: rv 85991U 3 INSECTA SAUNDERSIANA. Tawny. Head blackish above, and with a black mark in front. Prothorax with a black middle stripe, which is dilated behind, and with two black spots on each side ; the lateral angles like those of P. ocellata, which this much resembles. Mesothorax with four forked black stripes. Abdo- men with interrupted black bands ; tip wholly black. Fore wings tawny, clouded with brown, with two pale marks on the costa, and with a row of brown spots on the marginal veins. Hind wings brown, with three luteous stripes, and with some lanceolate exterior streaks, which almost connect the first and second stripes ; a luteous streak on the hind border. Length of the body 9 lines ; of the wings 28 lines. Ceram or Amboina. Genus OXYPLEURA, Amyot. OXT PLEURA SANGUIFLUA. The female of this species is very different from the male, and appears like a distinct species. Body black, with slight dark red bands. Meso- thorax with dark red stripes. Fore wings lurid, almost black on the parts which in the male are brown ; submarginal spots move numerous and dis- tinct; tips and exterior border tinged with crimson. Hind wings with the basal streaks crimson. OxYPLEURA LIMBATA. The male is distinguished from the female by the sides of the pro- thorax, which are less dilated, form a more obtuse angle, and have not black borders. Genus ZAMMARA, Amyot. North America. Zammaba funesta. Fcem. Nigra; prothorax viltis ferrugineis vix conspicuis, laterihus sub- dilatalis subangulatis ; mesothoracis latera subferruginea ; abdomen subtus ferrugineum ; pedes fulvi, nigra varii ; ala vilrece, venis viri- dibus apice nigris ; anticce longce angusta, guttis submarginalibus nigricantibus, venis \a et 2a transversis perobliquis nigra late margi- natis, 3a nigra marginala, 4a nigra guttata. HOMOPTERA. O Female. Black. Prothorax with very indistinct ferruginous stripes, slightly dilated and angular. Mesothorax slightly ferruginous on each side. Abdomen mostly ferruginous beneath. Legs tawny, partly black. Wings vitreous, with a very slight smoky tinge, which may be accidental ; veins green, black towards the tips. Fore wings long, narrow, with a blackish dot near the tip of each marginal vein ; first and second trans- verse veins very oblique, deeply bordered with black ; first parted by more than twice its length from the second ; third and fourth very oblique ; third bordered with black; fourth with a black dot near its fore end. Length of the body 12 lines ; of the wings 36 lines. North America. West Indies. Zammara strigipennis. Foem. Nigra, subhis testacea ; caput maculis tribus margineque postico testaceis ; prothorax maculis anticis margineque postico testaceis ; striga viedia pallidiore, lateribus valde dilatatis ; mesothorax maculis quatuor discalibus, strigis duabus lateralibus carinisque posticis tes- taceis ; abdomen cervinum, vitta incompleta nigricante ; alee vitrea, hasi iestacece nigra nebulosa, venis pallide viridibus aut subalbis ; anticcB longce, strigis submarginalibus pallide fuscis, venis transversis et marginalibus fusco nebulosis ; posticce venis apice margineque fuscis. Female. Black, mostly testaceous beneath. Head testaceous along the hind border and with three testaceous spots in front. Prothorax with a testaceous hind border, with testaceous spots in front, and with a paler middle streak ; lateral edges much dilated, forming a right angle, whose hind side is slightly concave. Mesothorax with four discal spots, an oblique streak on each side, and the hind ridges testaceous. Abdomen fawn-colour, with an incomplete blackish stripe. Wings vitreous, testa- ceous and shaded with black at the base ; veins pale green or almost white. Fore wings long and narrow ; transverse veins and marginal veins clouded with brown ; each marginal areolet, excepting the first, with a paler brown streak ; first transverse vein shorter and less oblique than the second, from which it is parted by more than thrice its length ; third and fourth curved. 4 INSECTA SAUNDERSIANA. Hind wings with the marginal veins towards the tips and the border brown. Length of the body 13 lines ; of the wings 40 lines. Haiti. South America. ZaMMABA 8MARAGDULA. Mas. Late smaragdina ; caput supra litura magna trigona strigisque lateralibus nigris ; prothorax vitlis scplem, maculis duabus laterali- bus strigisque duabus marginalibus nigris ; mesothorax vittis quatuor margineque postico nigris; abdomen supra nigrum, fasciis tribus anticis fulvis, segmentis viridi marginalis ; alee viirea ; anticce maculis sex obscure fuscis. Male. Bright emerald-green. Head above mostly occupied by a black triangular mark, with black streaks on each side, striated in front. Prothorax with seven black stripes, with a black spot on each side, and with a black streak on each lateral angle, which is much less prominent and more obtuse than that of Z. smaragdina. Mesothorax with four black stripes, the exterior pair obliquely and irregularly interrupted in front; the interior pair lanceolate ; hind border black. Abdomen black above, green on the hind border of each segment, with three tawny bands in front. Wings very transparent, with purplish opaline lustre. Fore wings with six dark brown spots, which appear tawny when viewed obliquely ; first spot at the lip of the front areolet ; second on the middle of the first and on the tip of the second discoidal areolet; third on the first transverse vein ; fourth at the tip of the wing ; fifth on the seventh and on the eighth marginal areolets; sixth on the fifth transverse vein. Length of the body 15 lines; of the wings 36 lines. Zammara testacea. Foem. Testacea ; caput supra nigrum, maculis testaceis ; prothorax gutlis duabus mediis nigris, lateribus nigricanlibus dilatatis angula- tis ; mesothorax fulvu^, vittis quatuor anticis nigris; abdomen supra nigrum, segmentorum marginibus posticis testaceis; alee vitrece, basi venisque testaceis; anticce longi-fusiformes perangustcB,venis transver- sis nigris. Female. Testaceous. Head above black, with testaceous spots. Prothorax with two black dots in the middle ; sides blackish, dilated, an- HOMOPTEEA. gular. Mesothoiax tawny, with four short black stripes in front. Abdo- men black above, with black pubescence ; hind borders of the segments testaceous. Wings vitreous, testaceous at the base; veins testaceous. Fore wings elongate-fusiform, very narrow ; transverse veins black ; first and second oblique; first very near the costa, much shorter than the second, from which it is parted by more than thrice its length ; third and fourth straight, oblique. Length of the body 10— 1 1 lines ; of the wings 30—32 lines. Genus DUNDUBIA, Amijot. Hindostan. DCNDUBIA TIGE0IDE3. Fcem. Viridis, testaceo varia ; caput macula magna liturisque parvis anticis et lateralihus nigris ; prothorax villis sex nigris strigisque duabus discalibus fuscis ; mesothorax vittis quinque gutlisque duabus posticis nigris; abdomen strigis duabus anticis lanceolatis, gultis lateralibus fasciaque subapicali nigris ; al(e vitrei, venis viridibus nigra variis ; anticce stigmate nigro fascia pallida, venis \a et 2a transversis fusco subnebulosis. Female. Green, partly testaceous. Head with minute black marks in front and on each side, and with a large black spot on the vertex. Prothorax with six black stripes ; the inner pair dilated at each end ; the middle pair oblique ; the third pair marginal ; a curved brown discal streak on each side between the first and second pairs. Mesothorax with five black stripes, which are slightly dilated hindward ; inner pair shortened hindward; outer pair curved outward hiudward; two black dots on the hind border. Abdomen with a black lanceolate mark on each of the first and second segments, with black dots along each side, and with a black subapical band. Wings vitreous. Fore wings with the costa green, luteous beyond the middle ; stigma black, with a pale band ; veins green, partly black; first and second transverse veins very slightly clouded with brown ; first parted by more than twice its length from the second. Length of the body 11 lines; of the wings 26 lines. This species closely resembles D. tigrina, but may be distinguished by the outward curve of the exterior stripes on the mesothorax, by the spots 6 INSECTA SAUNDEESIANA. and band of the abdomen, and by the first transverse vein of the fore wing, which is slightly oblique outward, whereas that of D. tigrina is very oblique inward. Hindostan. DuNDUBIA EVANESCENS. Mas. Pallide teslacea, gracilis ; caput nigra fasciatum ; prothorax vittis duabus approximalis maculisque quaiuor nigris ; mesothorax vittis novem guttisque diiabus poslicis nigris ; abdomen vittis sex maculari- btis nigris ; alcB vitrece, venis pallide testaceis ; anticce venis margina- libus fusco nebulosis, venis transversis la 2aque perobliquis fusco nebulosis ; posticce apud venulas transversas marginales fusco sub- nebulosce. Male. Pale testaceous, slender. Head with a black band, and with the usual black marks in front. Prothorax with two approximate black stripes, and with two black spots on each side. Mesothorax with nine black stripes, which are more or less abbreviated hindward, where there are two black dots. Abdomen with six stripes of black spots; the second pair of stripes incomplete. Opercula nearly half the length of the abdomen. Wings quite vitreous; veins pale testaceous. Fore wings with the margi- nal veins clouded by brown stripes, which successively decrease in length ; first and second transverse veins clouded with brown, very oblique; first much longer than the second, from which it is parted by much more than twice its length ; third and fourth transverse veinlets oppositely oblique, slightly curved or undulating. Hind wings very slightly clouded with brown along the transverse marginal veinlets. Length of the body 10 — 11 Hues ; of the wings 24 — 26 lines. Hindostan. Australasia. DUNDUBIA PARABOLA. Mas. Ferrugineo-fulva, longi-fusiformis, subtus testacea ; caput et thorax subnebulosa ; abdomen longum, testaceum ; alee vitrece, venis tes- taceis apice nigris ; anticce venis la 2aque transversis obliquis rectis. Male. Ferruginous-tawny, elongate-fusiform, testaceous beneath. Head and thorax slightly mottled. Abdomen long, testaceous. Wings HOMOPTERA. vitreous ; veins testaceous, black towards the tips. Fore wings with the first and second transverse veins oblique, straight; first much longer than the second, from which it is parted by more than thrice its length ; third and fourth oblique, straight. Length of the body 9 lines ; of the wings 22 lines. Ceram or Amboina. DUNDUBIA OPERCULARIS. Mas. Viridis, testaceo varia ; caput fascia interrwpia quadrimaculata nigra ; prothorax vitta testacea nigra marginata, lituris lateralibus nigris ; mesothorax vitta postice dilatata, guttis dvabus vittisque duahus incompletis lateralibus nigris; abdomen testaceum, maculis lateralibus nigris ; opercula dorsalia magna, conica ; ventralia longi- conica, abdominis bis triente non breviora ; ala vitrem, apice sub- fuscescentes, venis viridibus aut testaceis apice nigris ; antica stigmate albido, venis la et 2a transversis nigra nebulasis. Male. Green, varied with testaceous. Head with a black band, which is interrupted, and contains two spots on each side ; front with the usual black streaks. Prothorax with some black marks on each side, and with a testaceous black-bordered stripe. Mesothorax with a black stripe, which is dilated hindward, and has a black dot on each side ; two incom- plete and irregular lateral black stripes. Abdomen testaceous, with a row of black spots along each side ; dorsal opercula large, conical ; ventral opercula elongate-conical, two-thirds of the length of the abdomen. Wings vitreous, their tips very slightly tinged with pale brown ; veins green or testaceous, black towards the tips. Fore wings with a whitish stigma ; first and second transverse veins clouded with black ; first curved, almost upright, parted by more than twice its length from the second, which is oblique; third and fourth hardly undulating. Length of the body 12 lines ; of the wings 29 lines. Celebes or Mindanao. 8 INSECTA SAUXDERSIANA. Genus FIDICINA, Amyol. West Indies. FiDICINA FUSIPENNIS. Fcem. Nigra, subtus testacea; caput testaceo quadrimaculatum ; pro- thorax testaceo margin aftts ; mesothorax margine vitlisqtie tribus testaceis ; abdomen hasi tateribus testaceis ; pedes iestacei, nigra subnolati ; al