ill • Mllttlllllltlll 'M!i'iMini';'"!iini!i:iitMmi!i! tilllillltllltllltlllllllltllllUtllllllllt|llll|!il' •lltlMIIID'HMIHIIMI!!"!!' !II' ! ;i'i:.i..) The bridge under Stanhope Place, (Vide Plate 6.) Ditto under Crescent Place. The bridge or covered way under Park Street, (Vide Plates 4 and 5.) The bridge over the Regent's Canal, (Vide Plates 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 1.^., and 14. The formation of and completing the several Approaches to, and Roads over each of the foregoing bridges, and the paving and flagging the road and footway in such case or cases as are shown on the drawings. The paving and railing off the areas, flagging the footways, paving the carriage way, and erecting dwarf walls and palisades, for Wriothesley Street, as shown in the di'awing. The restoring the surface of the carriage way and footpath of Granby Street to its present condition, including the finding and fixing of the iron rail- ing, erection of walls, and all other work necessary thereto and specified in the drawing. The diversion of such roads as are shown on the drawings, together with the metalling and completing the roads over the Hampstead Road bridge and Park Street bridge, together with the intended new road extending from Park Street through the Oval to the Regent's Canal. The formation of Drains in the excavations and embankments, together witli those in such other places as may be specified in the contract drawings. The laying, ballasting, and drainage of a quadruple line of permanent way. The providing of all timber, lime, bricks, stone, iron, concrete and other materials necessary for the furtherance and completion of the works. The doing of all other works mentioned or described in the accompanying specification and drawings. Also, the execution of the following EXTRA WORKS. A wall on the north side of the Regent's Canal, similar to that in the embank- ment between Park Street and the Canal Bridge. 16 CULVERTS. Including excavating tlie foundations, backing, and completing the same, of the several internal bores or diameters shown on the di-awings, to be executed at the places where they may be required. The Wing Walls to the North abutment of the Canal Bridge. The preceding enumerated works, whether comprehended in the contract or extras,' and the mode of execution, are described in the specification of each par- ticular work, and their forms and dimensions are represented in the accompanying drawings, which are referred to in this specification ; but should any discrepancies exist between the scale attached and the written dimensions, or between the draw- ings and specification, or any ambiguity in them, the same are to be referred to the Engineer, whose decision shall be conclusive. Also, anything contained either in the drawings or specification shall be equally binding upon the Contractor as if it were contained in both. The written dimensions are to be taken in all cases in preference to the scale attached. FENCING. Immediately on obtaining possession of any part of the ground, and before the commencing of any work thereon, the Contractor shall efi'ectually surround and enclose the same with a hoard or close paling 6 feet 6 inches in height; the situation of the hoard is shown on the plan by a black dotted line. The hoard is to consist of uprights, 6 inches by 4 inches scantling, morticed to receive three horizontal rails of the shape shown upon the drawings, of a scant- ling not less than 3 inches by 2 inches, to which boards shall be nailed with good tenpenny nails, as shown in the drawings, so as to effectually prevent any one from looking through at the works. The tenons must be fixed into the mortices by wooden pegs. Should the hoard decay, or become damaged during the time that the ground inclosed by them remains in the possession of the Contractor, he shall replace it, or any part of it so damaged, with work equal to the first erection to the satisfaction of the Engineer. All Drains, or alterations in or deviations from existing Drains or Water- courses which may be necessary for the exclusion of Water from the excavations, for the prevention of damage to the adjoining property, or for any other purpose whatever, during the progress of the works, shall be made by the Contractor, at his own expense. 17 EXCAVATIONS AND EMBANKMENTS. The Part coloured Bed on the Field Plan, shows the direction of the Kailway, and the Area of the Land which will be purchased by the Railway Company. The part coloured Yellow will be rented by the Railway Company, and the Contractor will have liberty to enter thereon, and erect any temporary houses, offices, &c., necessary during the progress of the works, or any machinery for ex- cavating and embanking, which shall not be specially prohibited by Act of Parlia- ment, for making the extension of the Railway. The embankments are coloured Green, and the excavations Red, upon the Section of the Line. EXCAVATIONS. The Red line on the Section describes the tops of the embankments and bottoms of the Excavations, previous to laying the permanent way. The Black undulating line describes the present natural Surface of the Ground along the centre line of the Railway, and shows the heights of the Embankments and depths of the Excavations, from which data their contents have been calculated, upon. the supposition "that the Area of any Cross Section in sidelong ground does not differ from the Area of a similar Section in Level ground." Plans and Sections of an Excavation, Embankment and Spoil bank, are shown in Drawing No. 24. The Excavations are shown in the drawings, and include the excavation ne- cessary for the Retaining Walls, and their foundations. The Excavations shall be carried on in such lengths as the Engineer shall direct, and their sides and faces shall be supported by such timber or other mode as shall be to his satisfaction, at the expense of the Contractor, during their pro- gress, and until the completion of the Retaining Walls. The face of the Excavation shall in no case be carried on more than 40 feet in advance of the completed Retaining Wall, without the written permission of the Engineer. Whenever or wherever Springs, Streams, or Soaks of Water may appear and issue from the sides of the Excavations, or any other portion of the work, tlie Contractor shall, at his own expense, take all such precautionary measures of c 18 draining, dcamming, stopping, lading, or pumping such water, or otherwise getting rid of it, as the Engineer shall direct, in order to prevent any injurious effect, either during the progress or after the completion of the work. EMBANKMENTS. The Embankments to be made of such height and at such Slopes as are shown in the Section and Drawings, and the Slopes must be carefully trimmed to their proper inclinations as the work proceeds. Each Embankment must be carried forward as nearly at the finished height and width as the allowance for shrinkage will admit of. (This must be strictly attended to in all cases, for obvious reasons,) and covered with soil 1 foot in thick- ness. The Contractor will also be required to cover with soil, not less than 2 feet in thickness, the whole (excepting slopes and roadway) of the Embankment or Spoil bank which is intended to form a crescent Garden on the Duke of Bedford's estate; the soil to be taken from the siu'facc of any adjoining excavation. The Contractor to provide himself with Tools, Labour, &c., (a similar clause will be found in the specification of 5 B, vide page 52,) for working the excava- tions and embankments. He must take every precautionary measure while working the Hampstead Road and Park Street Tunnels, for the safety of the metropolitan Roads. GENERAL STIPULATIONS. The General Stipulations are similar to 5 B, except where otherwise described, (vide pages 52, 53, 54, &c. ;) also the description of the Brickwork, mortar, roman cement, concrete, backings to arches, wings and spandrels, stone imposts, (except in cases of skew arches, the skew backs of which must be worked to suit the oblique direction of the springing of the courses,) the stones (with the exception of the backs,) to be fairtooled, string courses (except to be not less than 3 feet in- stead of 2 feet 6 inches in length,) coping stones (except to be in 3 feet lengths instead of 2 feet, and the caps of pillars to consist of one stone;) also excavating Foundations, (the Contractor to do it at his own expense, unless the Engineer considers the foundations of any part of the works ought to be Piled, the Con- tractor sliiiU do it, and be allowed for it as an Extra Work.) The descriptions of the above works are similar to those given in Contract 5 B, (commencing at page 52,) with the exceptions specified. 19 IRON WORK IN GENERAL. The whole of the Cast Iron, except that otherwise si^ecified, to he of good Grey iron of No. 1 pig. No open Sand Castings sliall ho allowed. All the Wrought Iron to be of best ]\Ierchants Iron. All the iron to be subject to such Tests the Engineer may think proper, provided such test does not exceed a strain of 8 Tons per inch sectional area of Wrought Iron, and 5 tons per inch sectional area in Cast Iron. The castings to be clean, smooth, and even, free from air holes and all other defects, entirely corresponding with tlie drawings, in the Skew Girders, the proper winde must be strictly preserved. TIMBER. AU the Timber to be approved of by the Engineer. ARCHES. The method of turning the brick Arches similar to those described in 5 B, (vide page 53,) and the counterforts, abutments and spandrils shall be so worked and bonded into the arch as the Engineer shall direct. Wlien the Ai-ches are askew, the bricks must be laid in proper Spiral lines. FILLING IN OVER ARCHES. A similar clause will be found in 5 B, (vide page 53;) but the 18 inches below the surface of the roadway may be filled with broken granite, as described under the head of " metalling of roads" hereinafter described. RETAINING WALLS IN GENERAL. Vide Plates 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, and 7. The various Retaining Walls are respectively shown on the several Drawings, where the several lengths, heights, inclinations, and curvatures (where such occur) are shown. The first of these Walls is that which divides Wriothesley Street from the intended Depot, and is represented on Drawing No. 3. The next wall extends from Wriothesley Street bridge to the Hampstead Road bridge, (vide Drawin"' No. 5.) From this last mentioned bridge, the walls extend to Crescent c 2 20 Place bridge, (vide Drawing No. 11.) From Crescent Place bridge they continue to the bridge under Park Street, as shown on Drawing No. 14. From Park Street bridge to the Regent's Canal, they are represented on Drawing No. 18. EETAINING WALLS. Sections and Elevations of the Retaining Walls are shown on the various drawings. The faces of these walls will be a Curved Batter ; the radius of this batter will be 50 feet, giving an average batter of 2^ inches per foot on 20 feet in every case, excepting in the walls from Crescent Place to Park Street, which have a radius of 61 feet 8 inches, being an average batter of 2 inches to a foot on 20 feet. The whole of the brickwork of the walls will be laid in courses radiating from the supposed centre of the curve of the batter. The walls will increase in thickness the nearer they are to the foundations, by half-brick offsets, and the footings will consist of stoppings of two courses of brick, projecting one-quarter of a brick. One foot thickness of Concrete will be placed under the footings of the walls ; it will project 6 inches from the footings in the front, and be flush witli the neat work behind. The space at the back of the walls shall be well Punned in with clay. The faces of the walls will be broken at intervals of 16 feet, or thereabouts, as near thereto as consistent with dividing a given length of wall into an equal number of parts, by Pilasters 4 feet by 4 inches wide, projecting half brick, built and bonded with the rest of the waU. Counterforts will be built at the back of the wall, equi- distant between the pilasters, and bonded into the wall. A stone plinth 6 inches thick must be built in at the required height, and the wall above it will recede one-quarter of a brick from the face of the plinth. In excavating for and erecting these walls, the Contractor will be required to provide at his own expense all such Centering, leading frames, plumb rules, and other implements and materials as the Engineer may deem requisite for the expe- dition or soundness of the works ; and also such other Timbering, iron work, props, bars, and pollings as the Engineer shall think necessary for protecting the face or sides of the excavation or any other part of tlie work. As soon after the erection of the walls as the Engineer shall permit or require, the Contractor shall proceed to cope them with stone. The Coping shall then be surmounted with pillars 4 feet high and 4 feet wide, capped with a weathered Cap stone 9 inches thick projecting in one stone over the several 21 pilasters in front of the wall. The Talisade mnst then be fixed between the pillars, and holes cut in the stone for their fastenings. At the termination of the excavation beyond Park Street, the Walls change their construction and become Parapets supported on Arches, the piers of which descend through the foundations excavated in the natural ground. These piers and arches will be erected before the formation of the embankment ; and the walls will be coped, and palisades and pillars fixed thereon, in the same manner as the retaining walls. PALISADING. The Palisading for the retaining wall is shown on Drawing No. 23, (vide Plate 3 :) it is all of the same pattern, consisting of a Wrought iron Handrail riveted to lengths of cast iron open work ; the handi-ail will be in leno-ths of 16 feet 6 inches or more, if required. The Castings to be 3 feet 6 inches lone and about 4 feet high ; they will have solid projecting feet, which must be let into the stone, and run in with lead. The whole must be constructed and fixed in a proper and workmanlike manner. The handrail shall be of the best merchant's iron, and the castings of No. 2 pig. WPvIOTHESLET STREET BRIDGE. This Bridge is to he built on a part of the Railway marked on the Plan Drawing No. 2, where the balance line will be about a foot in excavation. It wiU cross the railway at an angle of 76 degrees, and will consist of iron, stone, and brickwork. The foundations will be Concrete, as shown in the drawings, and hereinafter described in the specification for Stanhope Place bridge. The piers and abutments will be constructed in the same manner as those for the bridge under the Hamp- stead Road hereinafter described. The girders will be cast askew, and the cross arches built in the same manner as those in the bridge under Park Street herein- after described. The coping, parapet, string-course, and dentils will be stone. For particulars of Materials and Workmanship, see general directions herein- before given. The granite paving for a moiety of the road to and over this bridge to be provided and laid by the Contractor, according to the drawing; no stone must be less than 12 inches by 6 inches by 8 inches, good sound granite. The flagging must be the best Yorkshire, and the fixing of the whole, and otherwise completing the street, must be duly attended to. 22 BRIDGE ON THE DUKE OF BEDFORD'S ESTATE. Vide Plate 2. This bridge will be built at a part of the Railway marked on plan, Drawing No. 2, where the excavation is about 9 feet deep. It is Askew, crossing the rail- way at an angle of 76 degrees. The faces will be stone. The soflSts at the arches will be laid in Spiral lines, as hereinbefore described in the general stipulations. The pier and abutment will resemble those hereinafter described for the bridge under the Hampstead Road. In other respects this bridge resembles that under Stanhope Place hereinafter described. For particulars of materials, see general directions hereinbefore given. BRIDGE ON THE DUKE OF BEDFORD'S ESTATE. Vide Plate 2. The Bridge will be built at a part of the Railway marked on Plan, Drawing No. 2, where the railway is about 13 feet in excavation. It is 5 feet wider than the last mentioned bridge between the parapets, but in other respects exactly re- sembles it. The Contractor is referred to drawing No. 7, and to the hereinbefore contained specification for bridge No. 1 on the Duke of Bedford's estate. BRIDGE OR COVERED WAY UNDER HAMPSTEAD ROAD. Vide Plate 3. This Bridge crosses the Railway at a part marked upon the plan, where it is about 20 feet excavation. Its total length is 339 feet. It will be built on an in- clination of 1 in 60. The foundation will be concrete as the other bridges. The face of the piers and abutments, the impost, plinth of the parapet, and pillars of the same, are to be stone, also the facing of the plinth of the pillars in the pier. The pier will be a series of pillars with inverts sprung between them, and the im- post stone lying on the top from pillar to pillar above the opening. Each of these stones must be 6 feet long. In the abutments, the pilasters project only half a brick from the face of the wall, which increases in thickness as it gets lower. On the stone impost, and immediately over those pillars, the iron girders rest, whose ends are made flat to lie upon the stone. The Girders are curved, and have a versed sine of about 2 feet 6 inches. Each girder must be of the best No. 1 iron, and they must be proved with a weight of not less than 40 tons ; Groined cross 23 Arches are sprung from one girder to the other the whole length of the bridge, and they must be well set in Roman cement. Two round wrought iron Bolts of not less than 2 inches in diameter must pass from the front girder through three cross arches, and be firmly keyed in. The four Girders for the Faces of the bridge will be different from the others in their construction, and will be flat on the top to receive the stones which form the projecting string-course. An ornamental cast iron front will be bolted to each of these girders. For particulars of materials, &c., see general directions hereinbefore given. The Contractor will see by drawing No. 10, the houses which are intended to be taken down for the erection of this bridge, and he will be held responsible ft)r any damage that may accrue to any other house except those specified. The lines A-B, B-C, C-D, and E-F, (on the drawing,) show the length of railing the Con- tractor has to erect in Granby Street. BPJDGE UNDER STANIIOFE PLACE. Vide Plate 6. This Bridge will be built at a part of the Railway marked 65 on the plan, where the excavation will be about 18 feet in depth. The Faces will consist of stone, and the internal structure of brickwork. The foundations will be concrete 1 foot thick, projecting 6 inches from the footings, but flush with the neat work behind. See Drawing No. 12. The pier and faces of the Abutments will consist of a series of brick pillars and pilasters, with arches and inverts strung between them, as drawing. The Actual Abutments shall be recessed, as shown on the drawing, and set upon con- crete. In case, at any time, the Contractoi- shall excavate too much earth, he must fill in the extra excavation with concrete, at his own expense. The stone imposts will be continued throughout the whole length of the bridge. Each arcli will be a segment of a circle, with a chord 25 feet long, and with a versed sine of 2 feet 6 inches. The torous moulding must run the whole width of the bridge, and no stone can be used in it less than 4 feet in length ; the parapet will Ite of stone, with stone piUars of the dimensions shown in the drawings, and the whole coped with stone. The Drains must be laid in Roman cement. For particulars of materials, &c., see general directions. 24 BRIDGE FOR CRESCENT PLACE. This Brido-e will be built at a part of the Railway marked on the plan, where the excavation will be about 21 feet deep. The voussoires, faces of the pier and abutments, facing of the plinth, the string-course, dentels and coping, will be of stone. The spandrels, parapets, and other parts of the face of the work of malm bricks, tuck pointed, and the internal structure of good sound brickwork. The actual abutments are solid. This bridge resembles in other respects that of Stan- hope Place, to which the Contractor is referred. BRIDGE OR COVERED WAY UNDER PARK STREET. Vide Plates 4 and 5. This Bridge crosses the Railway at a part marked 15 on plan, where the ex- cavation is about 22 feet. It will be built on an inclination of 1 in 135, but the soffits shall not be parallel with the rails, being 3 feet higher above the rails at the South end than at the North. The cross arches will not be groined, but the spandrels must be carried up from the girders as drawing, and the arches will then spring level for their whole width. In every other respect, the specification for the Hampstead Road bridge will apply to fliis. BRIDGE OVER THE REGENT'S CANAL, NEAR CHALK FARM. Vide Plates 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, and 14. This is one of the boldest specimens of construction on the whole line, the Railway being entirely suspended by attached rods, as shown upon the several plates. We believe it is the first application of the suspension principle to carry locomotive engines and trains as used upon a Railway. The railway platform contains four lines of rails, and is hung on wrought iron suspension rods, which are supported by massive cast iron main beams, of which there are three pair, well braced together, and spanning the canal by a length of 50 feet, and at an elevation of 12 or 13 feet above the level of the water. These beams are cast with a flat arch rising in their depth, and strong horizontal tension rods, well coupled, are fixed to counteract any inclination of the ribs to spread at the abutments. The Railway platform consists of a number of fish-bellied girders, each 28 feet long, and which are supported by the suspension rods and laid athwart the bridge. These rods are securely keyed to the main 25 beams. Oak beams are fixed across the girders upon ■which the railway chairs are secured, and cast iron gratings are filled in between the spaces, which completes the bridge. SPECIFICATION. This Bridge will consist of three Main Eibs of cast iron, properly secured. Each main rib will consist of two ribs, properly connected, and each of these will be cast in one piece. The Cross Girders will be secured to these ribs, and the thrust of the arch sustained by tie bolts. The open Ornamental work of the face will be bolted to the main ribs, (vide Plates 11 and 12.) The Ixoadway Plates to be fixed as drawing (vide Plates 11, 12, and 13), and they will be perforated for drainage. No ballasting will be laid on the bridge. The Chairs will be fixed on oak blocks, firmly secured to the girders. Coffer Dams will have to be sunk by the Contractor at his own expense, and included in the amount of his tender, in order to get in the foundations of the abutments. Concrete will be employed in these foundations, as shown on the di'awings. The Abutments will principally consist of brickwork, set in mortar, (except so much as is included between the foundations and the level of 1 foot above top water level, for 1 8 inches from the face of the work, which must be set in Eoman cement.) The abutments will be faced with stone, and stones will have to be built and bonded in various parts, as shown on the drawings. PILIXG, AXD COFFER DAMS. The Contractor shall provide and drive Cast Iron Piling,* to protect the sides or banks of the canal, in tlie parts directed by the Engineer. This piling must be set down in the schedule of prices, and to be provided and driven at so mucli per foot ; and the Conti'actor will be paid at this rate for such quantity of piling as the Engineer shall see fit to give him written orders to di'ive. Upon commencing this Bridge, the Contractor must, in the first instance, proceed to place a coffer dam around the intended site of the South Abutment, suQicient to contain the whole of the foundations described in the drawings, and well and conveniently to erect the same; he will be at liberty to withdraw the same, after the completion of the abutment, unless the Engineer should see fit to order it to be driven lower than the top of the concrete shown in the drawings, in which case the Contractor is required to cut off such piles level with the bottom of the canal. In case the Engineer should think fit to increase the length of the • The iron sheet piling was omitted, and a brick retaining wall built instead, (Vide Plate No. 8.)— Er. D 26 piles, the Contractor shall be bound to provide and drive them of such length as the said Engineer may order, and is to be paid for the same at the rate contained in his schedule of prices. When the south abutment shall be raised so high as the Engineer may direct, the Contractor shall drive the iron Piling for the new towing path, which must be all driven, and the main towing path made good, before they shall proceed to excavate the foundation of the North abutment. The girders are suspended to the bracing frames by 2| in. wrought iron suspension bolts; they consequently extend from rib to rib; and the oak blocks which carry the chairs are to be firmly bolted on the tops of them, as shown on the drawing. The Eoadway Plates consist of a lattice 1 inch thick, composed of 1-inch square bars, 3 inches from centre to centre. They are fixed as shown upon drawing. Three thicknesses of patent felt are to be interposed between the bracing frames and girders, one thickness between the bracing frame and main rib, where the chipping pieces are shown in the drawing, and one thickness between the girder and oak block, fastened on the top thereof. No bolt holes are to be cast in the ribs or girders, but they are to be carefully drilled out afterwards, to fit the bolts. The mortices in the tie bolts must not be cut until the bolts have been fitted in their places and accurately marked. ABUTMENTS. Piles, 8 feet long and 1 foot square, are to be driven at the points noted on the plan of foundations, and iron bolts are to be keyed to them, connecting the said piles with the iron piling, in order to hold the latter in the proper place. The Bolts are all of them the same length, and the points where the piles are to be driven are situated so that the bolts form portions of radii of the curve in which the piling is fiLxed. The chairs which carry the rails are fixed on the oak blocks on the top of the girders throughout the whole space between the abut- ments. Over the abutments they are fixed on oak beams, which rest on the abut- ment wall, and extend 20 feet from the face of the work, so as to ease the rails in case of the settlement of the embankment. The Rails over the bridge are wrought iron bars, 6 inches by 2i inches. They are fixed on chairs of the con- struction shown on Drawing No. 22, over the bridge, and on those generally used on the line afterwards. The Contractor must observe strictly, and not deviate in the least from the di'awings and dimensions shown, unless in compliance with the written order of the Engineer. The Contractor is to do it all in a thorough 27 workmanlike manner, and no work shall be allowed to pass without tlie approval of the Engineer; his order must be strictly attended to in every case. The Con- tractor to provide himself with iill machinery, implements, labour, &c., deemed necessary by the Engineer for the furtherance of the work. Each Girder must be tested to 40 tons, and each Tie Bolt to 65 tons. For particulars not contained in this part of the specification, the Conti'actor is referred to the general directions. BALLxiSTING AND LAYING THE PERMANENT AVAY. A similar clause will be found in 5 B, except that there will be a four-fold way of single Lines of Rails, and they will fall from the point A marked on the Section of the Line to the point B, at the uniform rate of 1 in 156, or 0.423 feet per chain ; from the point B to the point C at the rate of 1 in 286, or 0.237 feet in a chain. From this point to the point D it will rise at the uniform rate of 1 in 60, or 1.1 feet in a chain; from the point D to E it will rise at the rate of 1 in 135, or 0.4888 feet in a chain ; it will then rise 1 in 75, or 0.88 feet per chain, and continue at this level to the end of the contract. The two outside lines of the way are to be 6 feet apart, and as drawing. There shall be cross drains 30 feet apart, and a sink trap with iron grating to each alternate cross drain. DISPOSAL OF MATERIAL. The Contractor must calculate the quantity of earth contained in each of these several embankments from the heights given on the plan, the slopes being 1 to 1. The embankment between Park Street and tlie Canal will have to be formed from part of the remaining contents of the excavations, and the surplus material must be then carried over the canal, and will form the embankment adjoining the Chalk Farm depot. Notwithstanding these arrangements, the Company reserve to themselves the power to order the Contractor to lay out part of tlie material excavated on the site of the intended depot at Euston Grove. TIME OF COMPLETION. The whole of the above described works are to be completed on or before the 1st of January, 1837. D 2 SPECIFICATION Of the several Works to be done in making and completing a Part of the London and Birmingham Railway. (First Contract joining the Extension.) EXTENT OF CONTEACT, AND GENERAL STIPULATIONS. This Contract commences at the Depot, near the intersection of the Hamp- stead Eoad with the Regent's Canal, and terminates at the River Brent, inchiding a length of about 5f miles. It comprehends the following Works: — The making of the Temporary Fences necessary during the progress of the other works. The making of the Permanent Fencing. The formation of the whole of the Excavations and Embankments. The raising of the Land for the proposed Depot. Making and completing the Tunnels under Primrose Hill, and the London and Harrow Road, near Kensal Green. The erection of the Bridges over the Railway at the crossing of the private road from Paddington to Hampstead. Ditto at the crossing of the London and Edgeware Road, near Kilburn. Ditto at the crossing of the Railway over the road to Wormwood Scrubs, called Mitre Lane. Ditto at the crossing of the Railway over the road from Halesdon Green to Acton. The making and completing of the Approaches to each of the foregoing Bridges. The erection of the Bridge over the River Brent. The making of the Culverts under the Railway for the Serpentine River and Canal Feeder, and all other Culverts shown on the Section. 29 The laying ami ballasting of the Permanent Way, including the providing of all timber, bricks, lime, stone, or other materials necessary for the completion of the AVorks. Tlie iron rails, chairs, kei/s, pi/is, trenails, blocks, and sleepers for the purpose, being provided by the Company. Also, the execution of the following EXTRA WORKS. The erection of Gates. The excavation and embanking of sloped Occupation Bridges. The metalling of Occupation Roads. The paving of Roads crossing the Railway on a level. The building of Occupation Bridges and Culverts. The laying and ballasting Permanent Sidings, and the formation of Tool recesses, are considered as extra works, and will be paid for as such, according to the schedule of prices for extra works set out in the Tender. The preceding enumerated works, and the mode of execution, are described at length in the Specification of each particular work, and their forms and dimensions described in the accompanying drawings, which are referred to in each specification. But should any discrepancies exist between the measurement by the scale attached and the written dimensions, the same is to be referred to the Engineer, whose decision shall be conclusive. Anything contained either in the Drawings or Specification shall be considered as contained in both. The written dimensions are those by which it is intended the Contractor shall make his estimate. EXCAVATIONS AND EMBANK]iIENTS. The part coloured Red in the Plan shows the direction of the Railway, and the area of land which will be purchased by the Railway Company, and upon which the Contractor shall liave full permission to erect any temporary houses, offices, &c., necessary during the execution of the works, or any machinery for excavating, embanking, or tunnelling, provided that such proposed erections shall not be specially prohibited by the Act for making the Railway. The Embank- ments are coloured light red, and the excavations of a deeper red. Tlie Red line on the section describes the tops of the embankments and bottoms of the excava- tions, previous to the laying and ballasting of the Permanent Way. The Black undulating line describes the present natural surface of the ground along the centre line of the Railway, showing the respective heights of the 30 embankments and depths of the excavations ; from which data their contents have been calculated, on the supposition that the area of any cross section in sideling ground does not difler from the area of a similar section in level ground. The levels from which the section is made are believed to be accurate, but the Contractor must verify the results, as he will be held liable to the consequence of any errors. EMBANKMENTS. The whole of the Embankments in this Contract shall have slopes of 2 to 1 (that is to say), where the base of the slope is two feet, its height shall be 1 foot only; and they shall be 33 feet wide at the level of the red line in the section, neither more nor less. Each of the Embankments shall be uniformly carried forward as nearly as the finished heights and width as the due allowance for shrinking of the materials will admit of; and this allowance shall not exceed or fall short of the quantity deemed necessary by the Engineer. In all cases, this must be carefully and strictly attended to, in order to avoid the necessity of making any subsequent addition either to heights or the width of the embankment, to bring them to the proper level and dimensions. The surface of the Embankment shall be kept in such form, or be intersected by such drains, as will always prevent the formation of pools of water upon them, and insure the Embankment being kept as dry as possible. Whenever the material teemed over the end of the Embankment shall not form the proper slope, it shall be carefully trimmed to its required form ; and this operation must proceed at the same time with the end of the Embankment, so as to obviate the necessity of any future addition of material to the sides of the Embankment. As the Embankments advance and become consolidated, the slopes shall be carefully trimmed into planes, having the proper slope, and be neatly covered with an uniform substance of turf of not less than 8 inches in thickness, and laid with the greensward outwards. The turf must be taken from the ground to be occupied by the base of the Embankment, and cut square, so as to be laid on the slopes in the form of flags ; and where the land is arable, the slopes of the Embankments shall be covered with the soil. It must be uniformly laid on of the thickness of 6 inches, and sown with rye grass and clover seed as soon as the proper season will admit of its being done ; not less than one pound and a half of clover seed, and one pound and a half of rye grass seed, to be sown on each acre. When the material brought to the Embankment consists of large lumps, they shall be broken into pieces of not more than 6 inches in diameter. 31 EXCAVATIONS. The excavations iu this Contract shall be 33 feet wide at the level of the Red line on the Section. Between Chalk Farm Lane and the private road from Paddington to Hampstead, the slopes shall have 3 feet base for every foot in height, and from the last mentioned place to the termination of the Contract, the slopes shall have two feet base for every foot in height. The slopes of the excavation shall he finished as the cutting advances, and be neatly and uniformly dressed to the specified inclination as near to the face of the cutting as possible. As soon as any part of the slopes are dressed to the proper inclination, they shall be covered with turf taken from the land to be occupied by the excavations, in the same manner as before directed in the Specifications of the Embankment; and when turf cannot be obtained, the slopes must be covered with soil, and sown with rye grass, and clover seed, as before directed in the Specifications of the Embanklnent. Whenever and wherever springs, soaks, or streams of water may appear, and issue from the face of the slopes, the Contractor shall be bound to make and maintain, during the progress, and until the completion of the works, such drains or watercourses as shall completely and efiectually prevent the said springs, soaks, or streams of water from injuring the slopes, and shall convey the whole of such water into proper drains, so that none shall be permitted to lodge in the excava- tion ; and where beds of sand, gravel, or other loose mould occur, the face of the slope must be protected from the injurious efiects of such springs or streams of water by any other means that may be advisable or necessary. At the bottom of each slope a drain of an uniform depth below the rails, as shown in the Drawings, shall be made, and these drains must be continued on both sides under all the bridges which cross the Eailway. A cbaiu shall also be made at the top of each slope, so as to exclude from the excavations any water draining off or flowing from the land ; and all covered or open drains which may be intersected by the excavation, must be made to discharge their water into the ditch at the outside of the top of the slope, for which purpose the said ditch shall be made as deep, at least, as the bottom of the intersected drain, and the space between the outside drain and the slope shall be well puddled at the point of intersection. The Contractor shall also be compelled to open or make any new drain which the Engineer may deem necessary for the exclusion of any water from the Railway excavations. 32 ■ In the formation of the Excavations and Embankments, the Contractor must provide, at his own expense, all the necessary rails, chairs, keys, pins, blocks, and sleepers, as well as waggons, barrows, planks, or other machinery, materials or utensils, which stipulation is, however, modified to a certain extent by the follow- ing conditions : It is not intended to deliver to the Contractor any of the permanent rails, chairs, keys, pins, blocks, or sleepers, until the completion of at least one con- tinuous mile of roadway, which distance must be certified by the Engineer as being ready for the reception of the Permanent Ballasting, in which case a sufficient number of rails, chairs, keys, pins, blocks, and sleepers, shall be delivered to the Contractor, who will be permitted to use them in such a manner only as is herein- after described in the Specification of the Ballasting and laying the Permanent Way. FENCING AND DITCHING. The Fencing and Ditching described in the following Specifications is of two kinds : the fii'st temporary, for the protection of the lands adjoining the Eailway, during the progress and until the completion of the works ; the second permanent, for the inclosure of the Railway when finished. TEMPORARY FENCING. Immediately after the delivery of any portion of the site of the intended Railway into the possession of the Contractor, and previous to the commencement of the other works, the Temporary Fencing shall be completed, and shall include the whole area of land occupied by any of the works contained in the Contract. The temporary fencing shall consist of split oak posts, placed nine feet apart, and 3| feet high above the ground, morticed for the reception of 3 horizontal oak or larch rails, which are also to be supported by an intermediate stay or brick post firmly nailed to each of the rails. The whole of this fencing must be firmly and substantially fixed so as to exclude sheep, pigs, and all cattle from the excavations and other works, and efiectually prevent the adjoining lands from trespass during the progress of the works. All drains or alterations, or deviations in existing drains or water-courses, necessary either for the exclusion of water from the cuttings, or for the prevention of damage to the adjoining property, or any other whatever, shall be made by the contractor at his own expense. 33 rKRMANKNT FENCING. The Permanent Fencing is of two kinds, us follows : — First, — Wood railing extending from Clialk Farm Lane to the Depot. This portion of the Fencing is to be made witii oak posts constructed in the manner shown in the Drawing. The wood railing is to be placed on both sides of the Railway, on the edge of each slope, at the top of the embankment. The posts and rails shall be of good oak, free from sap, and straight grained. The rails, and s(i much of the posts as are seen above ground shall be sawn out square, and neativ planed to the proper dimensions. Each post shall have i mortices passing com- pletely through it, and shall stand 4 feet above the level of the rails. The posts are to be placed (5 feet apart, and each rail shall be equal in length to two spaces, or 12 feet, passing through every alternate post. The ends of the rails must be fitted exactly into the mortices of the posts, and secured with small oak trenails. The bottom of every post shall be well charred before fixing in the ground ; all the joints must be made witli wliite lead, and the whole of the wood above the ground painted with two coats of stone-coloured paint. At the bottom of the slopes of the embankment, a ditch shall be made, as shown in Drawing, for the purpose of carrying oil' the water draining from the slopes, which must be con- tinued to the nearest drain by which the drainage of the adjoining fields is at present effected. The whole of the Fencing must be made at such times as may be directed by the Company's Engineer. Second, — Brick Walls, extending from Clialk Farm Lane to the beginning of Primrose Hill Tunnel,, and from the other end of the same Tunnel to the Bridge under the London and Edgware lload at Kilburn. This fencing shall consist of brick walls at the bottom of the Cuttings on each side of the Railway, 26 feet apart, equi-distant from the centre of the Railway, and running parallel to the rails. The wall shall be made of the same dimensions and form shown in the Drawing. The height, exclusive of the coping, shall be 3 feet above the upper surface of the rails. The footings shall be carried at least 1 foot below the bottom of the ditch : and if the ditches shall have been made deeper than directed, then the footings shall be carried as much lower as the Engineer may deem necessary, and this additional depth shall be made by the Contractor at his own expense. Holes, as represented in the Drawing, must be left in the bottom of each wall to allow the water to drain freely from the ballast of Railway. The walls are to be finished £ 34 with a stone coping of Bramley Hall or Derbyshire stone, 6 inches in thickness, and projecting 1 inch beyond each side of the walls. The brickwork is to be built with good sound and well burnt grey stocks, laid in good mortar, made with Merstham or Dorking lime, and clean sharp sand, in the proportion of three measures of sand to one of lime. The lime is to be slaked and screened with the sand, both in a dry state, and well tempered with water afterwards. The brick- work is to be flushed in solid, with mortar laid with a neat close joint, and no joint of mortar to exceed one-quarter of an inch in thickness. The outside joints are to be neatly drawn . The drains or ditches between the walls and the bottom of the adjoining slopes must be made as shown in Drawing, and kept open until the whole of the works are completed. Quick fencing and ditching, extending from the bridge under the Edgware Road and London Road to the River Brent, excepting the space occupied by the Tunnel under the London and Harrow Road, near Keusal Green. This part of the fencing is to be placed within the limits of fifteen feet from the termination of the slopes. A ditch of 6 feet wide at the top, 2 feet wide at the bottom, and 2 feet deep, shall be made on the higher side of the ground to be occupied by the Railway, and a ditch of 3 feet wide at the top, 1 foot wide at the bottom, and one foot deep, on the lower side of the ground. The outside of the ditch must be 5 feet distant from the boundary of the land occupied by the Railway, and if the last mentioned ditch shall be deemed insufficient in any par- ticular case, the larger sized ditch shall be made instead. The material excavated from the ditch shall be used to form a mound, both sides of which siiall be neatly faced with turf. When the material excavated from the ditch shall be more in quantity than sufficient to form the mound, the surplus must be conveyed to the nearest embankment. The best portion of the vegetable soil excavated from the ditch shall be placed in the middle of the mound, on which a double row of good 3-year quicks, 2 years transplanted, shall be planted, and not less than 24 quick- sets shall be contained in one lineal yard. On the inner edge of the ditch, oak posts and rails must be placed to protect the quicks. The posts are to be of split oak, 7 feet in length, and equal at least to 5 inches by 3|- inches in sectional area ; they are to be placed at a distance of 9 feet from centre to centre, and to stand 3^ feet above the top of the quick ground. Each post is to have 3 mortices for the reception of the ends of the rails, to be made of split oak, and to be as nearly of a uniform size as possible. The horizontal rails, three in number, between each pair of posts are to be of split oak or larch, equal to 3 J inches, by 1 1 inch in sectional area, and 10 feet in length, and the ends are to be scarfed so as to fill the mortices of the posts. Midway between the posts, an oak or larch stay, 5 35 feet long. 3 inches wide, and U inch thick, is to ho liimly nailed to each of three horizontal rails with good tenpoiiny nails. The posts must be hiiuly fixed in the ground, tiio ends of the rails driven firmly into the mortices of the posts, and a piece of new hoop iron, 1^ inch wide, shall be nailed round the top of every post to prevent its splitting. The fencing shall be made with as few bendings as the nature of the gronnd will admit of, and the ditch alongside of the mound, shall descend as imiformly as p&sible to the nearest main drain, or water-course, by which the drainage of the adjoining lands is at present effected. The permanent fencing shall proceed as rapidly as the progress of the other works, and the nature of the season will admit of Such parts of the temporary fencing as can be made available, shall be permitted to be used in the permanent fencing, provided the material be of the requisite strength and quality, and unin- jured in other respects by its previous use. At the bottom of the embankments, small draining tiles shall be laid through the quick mound, at intervals of not more than 100 yards, in order to convey the water di-aining from the slopes into the fence ditches. Such parts of the permanent fencing as shall have been completed before the finishing of the other parts of the work, shall be kept in complete order by the Contractor. The quicks shall be cleaned or weeded twice, at h'ast, a year, and any broken rails, or posts, or stays replaced by new ones, equal in quality to those originally used. All the quicksets which may not take root and grow, must be pulled up and 3-year old living quicksets, similar to those before described, planted in their stead. PRIMROSE HILL TUNNEL. Plates 15 and 16 describe the Method of Working the Tunnel. SPECIFICATION. These Plates show the successive stages in the construction of the tunnel from the commencement of the working shaft to the brick arching. A tunnel is commenced by trial shafts, which follow the borings ; and other shafts, called nir shafts, are also constructed, to ventilate the tunnel works. The workmen, with their tools and materials, descend, and the soil excavated is conveyed to the sur- face of the ground by the workimj shafts. Upon the shafts being carried down to the level of the top of the tunnel, a small square horizontal boring, termed a heading or driftn-aj/, is generally exca- vated in the line of the intended tunnel about 10 or 12 feet lung, 3 or 4 feet wide, and of nearly the same height, and sufEcient to aflord the miners room to E 2 36 use their tools. The excavation is required to be a little larger than the bore of the tunnel, in order to allow space for the necessary shorings, bars, and pollings to support the several faces of the work while the centering is being brought for- ward ; due allowance is also required to be made for the settling of the pollings, and which always occurs. The top face of the heading serves as a guide to the miners, and represents the upper surface of the excavation. Upon the brickwork being sufficiently advanced, the bars and pollings are withdrawn, and the timber centering moved on a stage ; the excavation then proceeds as before. The back of the arch must always be filled up solid with brick, packing, or some other hard materials; and if any of the bars cannot be drawn out readily, they are bricked in. The miners should never be more than 6 or 8 feet in advance of the brick- layers, in order to guard against accidents from any subsidence of the earth. The heading is sometimes continued from shaft to shaft ; and upon the works of two contiguous shafts approaching near each other, a heading should always pre- cede the main excavation. It was found necessary to execute this tunnel in 3 bricks laid in cement, instead of 2,. as originally intended. This tunnel commences in the Eaton College Estate, 550 yards from Chalk Farm Lane, and terminates near the Road leading from Saint John's Wood to Finchley. The length is equal to 50 and l-5th statute chains; the other dimensions, situation, and construction of the several parts, are minutely described on the Plan and Section of the Line and Drawings. The area of ground on the top of the tunnel to which the Contractor must confine his operations on the surface, is one statute chain wide for the whole length of the tunnel, which must be fenced off on both sides with temporary fencing. All the General Stipulations in the Specification, respecting the extension of land, &c., must be considered applicable to this part of the Contract, where no special directions are given. The tunnel is to be made with a circular brick arch and curved side walls, resting on stone footings or skew backs, the whole being supported by a brick in- vert or counter arch. The ends will be made with curved brick walls, as shown in the Drawings. A cast-iron plate is to be let into the arch near the end, and connected by bolts to another plate built into the arch, 100 feet distant from the first.* * Vide Plate 17, which represents the details of iron plates for tunnel fronts. In the Prim* rose Hill Tunnel, which was executed in 3 bricks in cement, the front plate was placed in the centre of the wall with connecting rods 100 feet in length, to another fixed in the arching, but the method shown in the above is considered to be an improvement. 37 MATKUIALS. The whole of the bricks used in the coustruction of the tunnel, shafts, and end, shall be sound, good, hard, well burnt grey stocks; the freestone used shall be Bramlcy Hall, or other stone equally good, perfectly sound and free from flaws. The Cast iron, and Wrought iron, must be of the best quality, and subject to any examination the Engineer may deem necessary. The mortar used in the tunnel shall be made from the fresh-burnt Merstham lime, or other lime, which the Engineer may deem equally good; it shall be ground in its dry and unslaked state, under hedge-stones. The sand must be sharp, clean sand, and shall be mixed with the lime in the proportion of 3 of sand, to 1 of lime. The lime and sand must be intimately mixed and worked with a proper quantity of water in a pug-mill as required for use. The Contractor shall sink 4 shafts, and no more, on the centre line of the tunnel, at convenient distances; they shall be 8 feet in diameter within the brick- work, which shall be of 1 brick in length; each shaft shall be of the same diameter from the top to the bottom, perfectly cylindrical, free from bulges and other distortions ; the brickwork shall be laid in 2 half brick rings, with the joints properly broken, and flushed in solid with mortar. The bricks must be moulded to fit the circumference of the shaft ; where each intersects the top of the arch of the tunnel, a cast-iron curb oi- ring, of the same diameter as the shaft, shall be inserted in the brickwork of tlie arch, and upon it the shaft must be built. No wood curbs will be permitted to be built in the brickwork of the shafts. Where any water may occur in sinking, it must be completely excluded fi'om the shafts or tunnel by a lining or puddle behind the brickwork of the shafts, or by laying the brickwork in Koman cement, or by the adoption of any other means the Engineer may judge expedient or necessary. The arch and side walls are to be 2 bricks thick, the invert one brick and a half thick, throughout the whole length of the tunnel, except in cases where the material, through which the tunnel will pass, may, in the opinion of the Engineer, require either a greater or less thickness of brickwork in the aich, side walls, or invert. In all such cases, the Contractor shall make the brickwork of such thickness as the Engineer may direct, the Contractor being paid lor any increase in the 38 quantity of brickwork or excavation, and making any allowance to the Company for any decrease at tlie rate stated in tlae Schedule. The invert or counter-arch, of whatever thickness it maybe, shall be carefully laid and bonded ; the side walls shall be laid in English bond ; the arch, if one brick and a half thick, shall be built in 3 several half brick rings; if 2 bricks, in 4 half brick rings; and so on, each ring containing 5 courses of bricks more than the inner one immediately preceding it. The footings, or skew-backs of the side walls, shall be made of Bramley Hall Stone, of the sectional form shown in the enlarged Drawing, and in lengths of not less than 3 feet ; they shall have a bed of brickwork extending from the inverted arch as shown in the Drawing. The skewback must be carefully bedded in the brickwork in its proper position. The mortar in which the brickwork is set, shall be as little in quantity, and as uniform in thickness between the joints, as is consistent with making the arch, side-walls, and invert, firm and solid throughout. The horizontal courses must be kept perfectly straight in the direction of the tunnel, and parallel with the surface of the rails. Should, at any time, the regular continuity of the arch or side walls be destroyed, either from the irregular shriidung of the arch, or imperfect fixing of the centres or any other cause whatever, the Contractor must remove and amend the irregularities in a satisfactory manner. Wherever water may occur and flow into the tunnel, and it shall be deemed expedient by the Engineer to lay any part of the brickwork in Koman cement, the Contractor shall be paid for so doing such an additional sum per rod of 306 cubic feet, as may be stated in the Schedule of Prices. EXCAVATIONS. The Contractor shall be at liberty to make an open cutting at each end of the tunnel, not exceeding 20 yards in length, nor wider than the outside of the brickwork of the tunnel. The sides of the excavation shall be supported and kept open by suitable timber, in such a manner as to prevent slipping, until the whole of the brickwork is completed in that length. The open space shall then be filled up to the original surface by layers of clay of not more than 1 foot thick- ness, each of which shall be carefully punned, before laying on the succeeding layer. The soil of turf must be laid aside before making the excavation, and neatly replaced when filled up. The excavation shall then proceed in the usual wav under the surface. 39 lu no case shall the excavation be currieJ more than G feet in advance of the brickwork, and should any deterioration or change in the strata occur, which may appear to the Engineer to require this distance to be reduced, the Contractor shall regulate this distance by the direction of the Engineer. In making the excavations, great care nmst be taken that tiiey do not in any way exceed the area necessary for the reception of the brickwork, and the vacant space, if any, between the sides or roof of tlie excavation and brickwork shall be filled with clay, and rammed in solid with proper beaters, so as to avoid any dis- tortion in the form of the tunnel from irregular pressure. The foundation for the reception of the invert or counter-arch shall be cut out to the exact form and depth re(iuired, before any part of the brickwork is laid and should any unavoidable irregularity be found to exist, it must be made up with dry clay or clean gravel, firmly rammed by beaters. The whole of the material excavated, excepting that required to back the arch, whether taken from the shaft or either end, shall ba conveyed into the pro- posed depot, and disposed of in the same way as the excavation, marked No. 1 in the Section. No material shall be taken out of the end near St. John's Wood Road, unless specially directed by the Engineer. In the execution of this part of his Contract, the Contractor shall provide all the necessary materials aud machinery for executing the same; make all the necessary shafts, bore-holes, and perform every operation necessary for completing tlie work in the manner intended by the Specifications; all the machinerv, centering, &c., must be constructed in such manner as the Engineer may approve. AH air shafts which it may be necessary to make, shall be made in the same manner as the larger shafts, aud stand upon cast iron curbs of proportionate shapes and dimensions. Any drainage to the land by the falling of the surface during the execution of the work, shall be paid for by the Contractor. Marks or signals will be, from time to time given to the Contractor by the Company's Engineers, for the purpose of regulating the direction and level of the tunnel, and the Contractor shall be at the expense of erecting any temporary or permanent marks or signals which may be considered necessary for giving the direction and levels with the required accuracy. Whenever the faces of the excavations between two adjoining sliafts, or shaft and end, shall have approached within fifty yards of each other, the Contractor shall drive a heading from the one to the other. The slopes of the land over the ends of the tunnel are to be made at the same inclination as the side of the excavation adjoining. A ditch must be cut 40 round the top, similar to that of the adjoining slopes, and joined thereto. The slope must be made with puddle 4 feet in depth at the base, and carried in at same level 12 feet, and made up to the surface. A cast-iron drain, as shown in Drawing, is to be laid in the bottom of the tunnel, midway between the two Railways, and through the whole length of the tunnel. The connexions of the several pieces must be properly and accurately made, and the drain must communicate with the side drains of the excavation by two cast-iron side branches at each end. BRIDGE OVER THE RAILWAY AT THE CROSSING OF PRIVATE ROAD FROM PADDINGTON TO HAMPSTEAD. The road above mentioned crosses the Railway at a point where the excava- tion is about 4 feet in depth, requiring the road to be raised to the height of 22J feet above the level of the Railway. The footings of the abutments will be made 18 inches below the level of the red line in the Section, and each abutment will be strengthened by a counterfort placed at the back. The arch will be an ellipse, having above it a projecting band of brickwork, surmounted by a stone string-course; upon this will be jjlaced the parapet wall, witli a brick plinth and surmounted by a stone coping. The wing walls extend into the embankments of the approaches, and their foundations must be made, at least, as low as is shown in the Drawings. ABUTMENTS. The form and dimensions of the abutments are shown at A A A A, Figures 1, 2, 3, and 4; their faces will be perpendicular, their thickness being diminished from the bottom to the top by half- brick offsets at the back. The abutments must be built in a solid and substantial manner. COUNTERFORTS. The Counterforts must be built in the situation, and of the form and dimensions shown at B B in the Drawings. The courses shall be laid as shown at right angles to the drift of the arch; they must be built in a solid manner, properly bonded into the substance of the abutments. 41 ARCH. The arch will be of an elliptical form, as shown at C C; it must be altogether constructed of whole bricks, laid in such manner as the Engineer may direct. As many courses as shall be included in 4 feet on each side of the top of the arch, shall be laid in the best Roman cement, and with straight picked bricks. The remainder of the arch shall be laid in mortar with a close joint, and the soffit of the arch neatly pointed after the removal of the centres. The bricks in the face of the arch shall be rubbed on their faces, and neatly pointed; great care must be taken in the proper summering of the bricks in the arch, and any irregularity of form from imperfections in the laggings or centre, shall be removed and amended by the Contractor. BACKING. The brickwork forming the Backing D D of the arch, shall be laid in a solid and substantial manner, each brick properly breaking joint with the next, in the same manner as the outside work. WIXG WALLS. The Wing AY alls, E E, are to be built of the form and dimensions shown in the Drawing; battering both on the outside and inside, and the courses to be properly bonded with the abutments. SPANDREL WALLS. The Spandrel Walls, F F, are to be of the form and dimensions shown in the Drawing; to be well bonded with the backing, and the bricks neatly cut to fit the curve of the arch. PARAPETS. The Parapet walls, G G, are to be of the lengths and dimensions shown in the Drawing ; the courses are to be run straight the whole length, and the sides of walls to be parallel and fair. F e 42 STRING COURSE. A stone String Course, as shown in the Drawing, shall extend the whole dis- tance between the outsides of the two abutments. The String Course on th walls, shall be of brick laid in Roman cement, and the upper arises of the bricks rubbed off. COPING. The Coping, H H, is to be of stone, of the form shown in the Drawing. No stone shall be less than 3 feet in length. The Coping shall run the whole length of the parapet wall, and be laid perfectly straight. The stones shall be dowelled together with iron dowels fixed with lead. All the faces of the copings and String Course are to be fair bored, and, if required, rubbed in their front faces. The spaces between the brickwork and side excavation for containing it, shall be filled up with clay as the work advances, and firmly rammed in with proper beaters. The space between the wing walls shall be filled to its proper height, and clay lain in layers of 1 foot in thickness, and each layer well punned before adding the succeeding one, the whole of the clay shall be filled in up to the surface before re- moving the centres. MATERIALS. Bricks The bricks are to be hard, sound, and well-burnt grey-stocks, of uniform size and colour for the fronts. Mortar. — The mortar shall be made from the fresh-burnt Merstham or Dorking lime, and clean sharp sand, screened together, both in a dry state, in the proportion of one measure of lime to three of sand. They must be intimately mixed, and well tempered with a proper quantity of water. Ro:\iAN Cejient. — Where directed to be used, shall be of the best quality, recently made, mixed with an equal quantity of sand, and only mixed when re- quired for use. Stone. — The stone shall be good Bramley Fall, or other similar stone, equally good, free from flaws and iron shot. General Clause. — The' walls &c. shall be laid either in Flemish or English bond, as the Engineer may direct, and in no case shall any point of mortar exceed one quarter of an inch in thickness. No broken bricks will be permitted to be 43 used, either externally or internally, unless al)solutely necessary as closers, nor shall any difference be made in the goodness of the workmanship of the interior or exterior of the work. The whole of the brickwork shall be well grouted at every course. The parapets and string-courses shall not be made until after the removal of the centres. All the centering must be such as shall be approved of by the Engineer, and in no case shall the centres be struck before his permission has been obtained. EXTBA, OR CONTINGENT AVOKKS. Fence Gates. — The Fence Gates are to be made of the form and dimensions shown in the Drawing. The heels and heads are to be of good oak sawn out to the proper dimensions, and morticed for the reception of the horizontal bars. The horizontal bars are to be five in number, of cleft oak, and smoothed over. The ends must tit the mortices of the heels and heads, and be secured bv oak pins. The diagonal braces are similar to the bars, and to be firmly nailed to the bars ; the nails to pass through both, and their points clenched. The posts to be of oak, the top sawn to the dimensions and form, with a small cap on each; the bottom of the posts must be charred. The gate irons .shall be of the form shown, and shall not weigh less than fourteen pounds per set. The gates must be firmly fixed in the line of the quicksets, and the wood railing neatly joined to the gate-posts. The gates and posts nuist be painted with two coats of white or stone-coloured paint. EXCAVATIONS AND EMBANKMENTS OF SLOPED OCCUPATION ROADS. These Excavations and Embankments are to be made in the same manner as those on the line of Railway, and with such slopes as may be directed. The con- tents of the excavation shall Ix' conveyed to the nearest embankment or spoil bank. The embankments are to be made from the surplus materials in the exca- vations; when made to form the approaches to a bridge, they must be carefully punned in between the. wing walls. METALLING OCCUPATION BRIDGES. This is to be done in the same manner as described in the Specification of the approaches to Bridges f2 44 PAVING CROSSINGS. All the roads crossing the Railway without bridges are to be paved in the manner shown in Drawing, with good 6 or 7-inch paving of Aberdeen, or other granite equally good. The Paving must be laid on a bed of fine clean gravel of 12 inches in tliickness, in a solid and substantial manner. The paving stones must be cubes as nearly as possible. Each rail must be protected by two iron bars, as shown in the Drawing; they will be considered part of the rails, and provided by the Company. OCCUPATION BRIDGES. These Bridges will be similar in form and construction to the bridge at the crossing of the private road from Paddington to Hampstead. The same direc- tions will apply to the workmanship and material in both. CULVERTS. The Culverts are to be built in the same manner as those previously described in the former part of the Specification ; they are to be built of the forms and dimensions shown in Drawing, the sizes being selected to suit the par- ticular situation. LAYING AND BALLASTING PERMANENT SIDINGS. The Sidings are to be laid in such positions and of such lengths as may be directed by the Engineer. They must be laid in the form and manner shown in the Drawing. The Contractor will be required to take up any part of the rails already laid that may be found necessary; to cut them into proper lengths for the reception of other iron work, to relay them, and to fiix all the necessary cross- ing plates, check rails, moveable points, or sliding rails, with the requisite machinery for moving them. The whole must be made equally as fii'm and substantial as the other parts of the permanent way. The Specification of the Permanent Ballasting already described must be considered equally applicable to the construction of the Sidings. 45 CONTRACT No. 5. B. Specification of the several Works to be performed in making ami completing a part of the said Railway, commencing at a point marked A on tiie Section, and corresponding with a pole on Boxmoor, 16 chains south of the Grand Junction Canal, in the parish of Ilemel Hempstead, in the county of Hertford, and ex- tending to a point marked B on the Section, 25 chains North of the road leading from Northchurch to Little Gaddesden and Ashridge, in the parish of Berkhamp- stead in the said county. EXTENT OF CONTRACT, AND GENERAL STIPULATIONS. This Contract is to include the formation and completion of so much of the Railway as shall be included in the limits mentioned above, being a distance of about 350 chains. It comprehends the following Works .- The making of the Temporary Fences necessary during the progress of the works. The making of the Permanent Fences. The formation of the whole of the Excavations and Embankments represented on the Section of the Line Drawing No. 2. The erection of the following Bridges : The Bridge at the ci-ossing of the Grand Junction Canal. Ditto at the crossing of the road from Bourne End to Pouching End. (Vide Plate 18.) Ditto at the crossing of the road from Huxtor's End, (Vide Plate 19.) Ditto at the crossing of the road from Great Gaddesden to Berkhamp- stead, (Vide Plate 20.) Ditto at the crossing of another road from Great Gaddesden to Berk- hampstead. Ditto at the crossing of the road from Berkhampstead to Berkhampstead Place, (Vide Plate 40.) 46 The maldng, metalling, and completing the Approaches to each of the fore- going bridges. The making a Paved Crossing for the road from Berkharapstead Common, and completing the approaches to the same. The Diversion of such Roads as may be required, and are shown on drawings, with the metalling and completing the same. The building a Retaining Wall opposite Berkhampstcad Castle. The making and completing the Tunnel called Northchurch Tunnel, (Vide Plates 27, 28, 29, and 30.) The formation of side drains in the excavations on each side of the railway. The laying, ballasting, and drainage of the Permanent Way, including the providing of all Timber, bricks, lime, stone, or other materials necessary for the completion of the works. The iron rails, chairs, keys, pins, trenails, blocks, and sleepers for the purpose, being provided by the Company, under conditions herein- after described, (Vide Plate 1.) The doing of all other works mentioned or described in the accompanying drawings or specifications. Also, the execution of the following EXTRA WORKS. The erection of Gates. The excavation and embanking of approaches to occupation bridges, perma- nent sidings, stations, and tool recesses. The metalling of occupation roads. The paving of occupation roads crossing railway on a level. The building of Occupation Roads and Culverts. The laying and ballasting Permanent Sidings, and the formation of Tool recesses. The above works must be executed at tlie places wliere they may be required, and the Contractor will be paid for them according to the schedule of prices for extra works set out in the tender. The preceding enumei'ated works and mode of execution are described at length in the specification of each particular work, and their forms and dimensions are represented in the accompanying drawings, which are referred to in each spe- cification. But should any discrepancies exist between the schedule attached and 47 the written diiueusions, ur between the drawings and specification, or any ambiguity in them, the same shall be referred to the Engineer, whose decision siiall* be decisive; also anything contained in either the drawings or the specification, shall be equally binding to the Contractor as if it were contained in both. The written dimensions upon the drawings are to be taken in all cases in preference to the scale attached. FENCING AND DITCHING. The fencing described in the following Spocitioation is of two kinds. The first Temporary, and for the prevention of tresi)ass upon the lands adjoining the railway, during the progress, and until the completion of the works ; the second. Permanent, for the enclosure of the railway when finished. TEMPORARY FENCING. Immediately after the delivery of any portion of the site of the intended Railway into possession of the Contractor, and previous to the commencement of the works, the Temporary Fencing shall be completed, and shall include the whole area of the land to be occupied by any of the works contained in or connected with this contract. The Temporary Fencing shall consist of split oak Posts, placed 9 feet asunder, and 3 feet 6 inches high above the surface of the ground, morticed to receive 8 horizontal oak or larch Rails, which are also to be supported by an intermediate Stay, or prick post, firmly nailed to each of the rails. The whole of this fencing must be firmly and substantially fixed so as to ex- clude sheep and all cattle from the excavations and other works, and efiectually protect the adjoining lands from trespass, at all times during the progress of the works. All Drains, or alterations, or deviations in existing drains or watercourses which may be necessary for the exclusion of water from the excavations, or for the prevention of damage to the adjoining property, or any other whatever, shall be made by the Contractor, at his own expense. PERMANENT FENCING. The Permanent Fencing is of one description only, and as follows : — (^uick fencing and ditcliing extending throughout the whole length of this Contract on each side of the railway, excepting the space occupied by the various bridges and 48 crossings of roads. This fencing is to be placed within the limits of 15 feet from the«terminating slopes of the excavations and embankments. A Ditch of 6 feet wide at top, 2 feet wide at bottom, and 2 feet deep, shall be made on the higher side of the ground to be occupied by the railway. And a Ditch of 3 feet wide at top, 1 foot wide at the bottom, and 1 foot deep on the lower side of the ground. The outside of the Ditch must be 5 feet distant from the Boundary of the Land occupied by the Eailway ; and if the last-mentioned ditch shall be deemed insuffi- cient in any particular case, the larger-sized ditch shall be made instead. The Material excavated from the ditch shall be used to form a mound on the space be- tween the edge of the ditch and the Railway slope, both sides of which must be neatly faced with Tmf. When the Material excavated from the ditch shall be more in quantity than sufficient to form the mound, the surplus must be conveyed to the nearest embankment. The best portion of the Vegetable Soil excavated from the ditch shall be placed in the middle of the mound, on which a double row of good 3 years old Quicks, 2 years transplanted, shall be planted, and not less than 12 Quicksets shall be contained in 1 lineal Yard. On the inner edge of the ditch, Oak Posts and Rails must be fixed to protect the quicks. The Posts are to be of split Oak, 7 feet in length, and equal in a sectional area to a scantling of 5 inches by 3^ inches at least. They are to be placed at a distance of 9 feet from centre to centre, and to stand 3 feet 6 inches above the top of the quick mound ; each post is to have three mortices completely through it, for the reception of the ends of the rails, and to be as nearly of uniform size as possible. The horizontal Rails, two in number between each pair of posts, are to be of split Oak or Larch, equal in a sectional area to a scantling of 3| inches by 1^ inches. They are to be 10 feet in length, and the ends to be scarfed so as to fill the mortices of the posts. IMidway between the Posts, an oak or larch Stay, 5 feet long, 2 inches wide, and 2 inches thick, is to be firmly nailed to each of the three horizontal rails with good tenpenny nails. The Posts must be firmly fixed in the ground, and the ends of the Rails firmly di-iven into the mortices in the posts, a piece of new iron hoop, Ij inch wide and l-16tli of an inch thick, shall be nailed round the top of every post, to prevent its splitting. The Fencing shall be made with as few bendings as the nature of the ground will admit of, and the Ditch along the side of the mound shall descend as uniformly as possible to the nearest main drain or watercourse, by which the drainage of the adjoining lands may be effected. Such parts of the Temporary Fencing as can be made available shall be permitted to be used in the construction of the Permanent Fencing, provided the material be of the requisite strength and quality, and uninjured by previous use. 49 The erection of the Permanent Fencing .sluill jirncced as r!i]>iilly as the pro- gress of the other Avorks and the nature of the season will admit of. At the bottom of the Embankment, small Draining Tiles mnst be laid through the quick mound, at intervals of not more than 20 yards, for the purpose of bringing all the water draining from the slopes of the Embankment into the fence Ditches. Such parts of the Permanent Fencing as may be erected before the com- pletion of the other works, shall be kept in complete order by the Contractor. The Quicksets shall be cleaned and weeded at least twice a year, and all broken posts, rails, or stays, replaced by new ones, equal in quality to those originally used. All the Quicksets which may not grow or take root must be pulled, and three-years old living quicksets, similar to those described, planted in their places. EXCAVATIONS AND EMBANKMENTS. The part coloured Red on the Plan, Drawing No. 2, shows the direction of the Railway, and the area of the land whicli will be purchased by the Railway Company, and upon which the Contractor shall have full permission to erect any temporary houses, offices, &c., necessary during the execution of the works, or any machinery for excavating or embanking, provided that such erection shall not be specially prohibited by the Act of Parliament for making the Railway. The Embankments are coloured Green, and the Excavations Red, on the Section, Drawing No. 1. The black line on the section describes the top of the embankments, and the bottom of the Excavations, previous to the laying of the permanent way. The black undulating line describes the present Natural Surface of the ground along the centre line of the Railway, and shows the heights of the embankments and depths of the excavations, from which data their con- tents have been calculated, on the supposition " that the Area of any cross section in side long ground does not differ from the Area of a Section on level ground." The level and other admeasurements from which the section is made, are believed to be accurate, but the Contractor must verify the results, as he will be held liable to the consequences of any errors. Plans and Sections of an excavation and an embankment, with drains and fence, are shown on Drawing No. 19. EMBANKMENTS. The whole of the Embankments in the contract are to be made at a Slope of two to one, that is to say, when the base of the slope is 2 feet, its height shall be 1 foot, and the widths of the Embankment at the level of the Red line upon the G 50 Section is to be 33 feet when turfed or soiled, neither more nor less. Each Embankment shall be carried forward uniformly, as nearly at the finished height and width as the due allowance for shrinking of material will admit of, and this allowance shall not exceed or fall short of the quantity deemed necessary from time to time by the Engineer. In all cases this must be carefully and strictly attended to, in order to avoid the necessity of making any subsequent addition either to the heights or widths of the embankments, to bring them to their proper level and dimensions. The surface of the Embankment shall be kept in such form, or shall be inter- sected by such Drains or channels, as will always effectually prevent the formation of pools of water on them, and insure the embankments being kept as dry as possible during the progress of their formation. Whenever the ]\Iaterial turned over the end of the embankment shall not form the proper slope, it shall be care- fully trimmed to its required form ; and this operation shall be proceeded with at the same rate as the formation of the embankment. As the Embankments advance and become consolidated, their sides shall be carefully trimmed into planes, or faces having the proper slope specified on the section, and the face of the slopes are then to be neatly covered with Turfs of grass, not less than 8 inches in thickness, laid with the greensward outwards. The turf must be taken from the ground to be occupied by the base of the embankments, and where the land is arable, the soil must be carefully removed from the base of the embankment, and afterwards uniformly distributed over the slopes not less than 6 inclies in thickness. The Slopes which are to be thus covered with Soil or vegetable mould, are to be sown with rye-grass and clover- seed, mixed in equal quantities, and not less than 3 lbs. of the mixed Seed per acre is to be sown and equally distributed on them, as soon as the season will admit of its being properly done. When, amongst the material which is brought to and shot over the ends of the embankments, there shall be large lumps, they must, if more than 6 inches in diameter, be broken to pieces. EXCAVATIONS. The whole of the Excavations in this Contract must be 33 feet wide at the level of the Red line upon the Section when turfed or soiled, neither more nor less. The Slopes will be one and a half to one, that is to say, 1 foot 6 inches horizontal base to every foot of vertical height, excepting in the excavation marked No. 36 on the Section, and for a distance of 20 chains southward of Northchurch tunnel 51 in excavations marked No. 35, where the Slopes will bo three quarters to one — that is, S:) inches horizontal base to every foot vertical lieij^'ht. The Slopes of the Excavations shall be tinished as the cutting advances, and they shall be neatly and uniformly trimmed or dressed to the specilied inclination, as near to the face of the cutting as possible ; and immediately after any part of the Slopes shall have been dressed to the proper inclination, they shall be covered with Turfs which have been previously taken from the land so excavated, in the same manner hcroinbefore specitied for the embankments; and where tiie excava- tions occur in such parts as are not grass laud, the slopes are to be covered with Soil or vegetable mould previously procured from the site of the said excavation, and sown with rye-grass and clover-seed, as hei*einbefore specified for the embank- ment In the formations of the Excavations and Embankments in this contract, the Contractor shall not remove the turf or soil from the ground for a greater distance than one statute Chain in advance of the face of the excavations or embankments, and that which has been cut must be removed back to a point where the slope is ready for receiving it, and laid down as previously directed, with as little delay as possible. Whenever and wherever springs, soaks, or streams ol' water may appear and issue from the face of the slopes, the Contractor shall be bound to make antl maintain during the progress and until the completion of the works, such Drains or water-courses as shall completely and effectually prevent the said springs, soaks, or streams of water from injuring the Slopes, and shall convey the whole of such water into proper drains, so that none shall be permitted to lodge in the excava- tions ; and when beds of sand and other loose material occur, the face of the slopes must be protected from the injurious effects of such springs or streams of water by such other means as may be deemed advisable or necessary by the Engineer. At the bottom of each slope, a Drain of uniform depth below the rails, as shown on Drawing No. 19, shall be made; and these Drains must be continued on both sides under the Bridges which cross the Railway ; and a Drain shall be made at the top of each slope so as to exclude from the excavations any water draining off or flowing from the adjoining lands; and all covered or open Drains which may be intersected by the Excavations, must be made to discharge their water into the Ditch outside at the top of the slope, for which purpose the said Ditch shall be made as deep at least as the bottom of the lowest intersected Drains, and the Space between the ditcii and the top of the slope of excavation shall be well puddled at the place of intersection. The Contractor shall be compelled to open or make any new Drain which the Engineer may deem necessary for the exclusion g2 52 of any water from the Railway excavation, or in the formation of any of the excavations or em!)ankments. The Contractor must provide, at his own expense, all the Rails, chairs, keys, and pins, blocks and sleepers, as well as Waggons, barrows, planks, and all other machinery, materials, and utensils, which may be necessary for executing this Contract. When any IMaterial occurs in the excava- tions suitable for making Bricks, the Contractor shall be at liberty to make use of that material for that purpose; but if, in so doing, he shall cause any deficiency for the formation of the embankment, he shall make up the deficiency by a Side Cutting, at his own expense, in such of the excavations as the Engineer may direct ; and if such side cutting require an additional quantity of Ground, the Contractor shall indemnify the Company for the purchase of the same. Trial Shafts have been sunk in several places on the Line, for the purpose of procuring information as to the nature of the material; and their situations are marked on the Section. GKNERAL STIPULATIONS, Which ore to apply to the whole of the Bridges^ Culverts, and other Works, wherein the workmanship and materials described may be used. BRICKWORK. The Bricks made use of shall be sound, well-shaped, thoroughly burnt, and of uniform colour on the face of the work. No broken Bricks shall be used, exce})t in the case hereinafter mentioned, and no joint of mortar shall exceed one-quarter of an inch in thickness. No dif- ference of workmanship shall be allowed in the inside and outside work, except so far as hereinafter specified ; and the whole of the joints shall be liushed-up solid with mortar, and the outside joints neatly drawn. The Bond shall be either English or Flemish, as the Engineer shall direct. MORTAR. The Mortar shall consist of the best fresh burnt Dorking or other Lime, approved by the Engineer, and sharp Sand, mixed in the proportion of 3 measures of sand to 1 of lime. They must be mixed in a dry state, and well tempered, by passing through a pug mill, with a proper quantity of water. 53 ROMAN CEMENT. The Roiuau Cement shall be of the best {quality, and shall be mixed with an equal quantity of sharp sand. None shall be used which has set or become hard. ARCHES. Arches when of brick shall be built either in concentric half-brick Rings, or in such other manner as the Engineer may direct. BACKING TO ARCHES. The Backing shall consist of Brickwork laid in mortar as before described, and shall be built in every respect equal to the outside work. Bats may be used in this part of the work, but no course shall contain a greater quantity of bats than whole bricks. WINGS AND SPANDRELS. The Wing Walls shall be of that description of brickwork before described ; they shall be built battering, as shown upon the drawings. Tlie Spandrels will be of precisely the same description of workmanship as the wings. The bricks must be cut so as to fit the arch accurately all round. FILLING IN OVER ARCHES. The space between the wing walls, arch and backing of bridges, shall be tilled in with hard dry material, when it can be got, weU rammed down, but when it is necessary to use clay for the purpose, it shall be firmly punned down in layers of not more than 9 inches thick, until it is within 18 inches of tlie level of tlie surface of the roadway, which depth must be filled with gravel, and the roadway formed as hereinafter described under " Approaches to Bridges." STONE IMPOSTS. AVhere Stone Imposts or springing courses are used, the stones shall always be ecpial to the full thickness of the arch, and no stone shall be less thau 2 feet e of stone, or brickwork set in mortar, and to be 1 foot 6 inches thick : thus — ^^ 1.6 „ 1.6 ~ - LI-T_1 \\\l\X WM The Mortar to be used in the beds and faces of buttresses, walls, sides of drains and invert arch, to consist of one part Lime to three parts of clean river or other unexceptionable Sand. The sand to pass through I inch skreens; the lime to be fresh, and well intermixed with the sand through beating. The Mortar for running into the upright Joints of the courses, and for Jillinij in the tcork sound, to consist of one part Lime to four parts of small unskrecned Gravel, to be well mixed and beat to a tough consistency and liquefied in tubs or other vessels, to be properly adapted to run into and fill up all vacuities. The mortar to be used as hot as is consistent with the saiety of the work, and the sand and gravel to be perfectly free from any loamy or other particles of a muddy nature. The Limestone rock found in the excavation may be used for the mortar specified to be used in the retaining walls in this Contract. The Pitching between the buttresses to consist of 4 inch pitchers, procured from the excavation, and neatly squared; their base to be four-fifths their top face, and to be laid to an uniform surface, falling from the recess walls to the longitudinal drains, and filled in with grout made of mortar similar to the face mortar previously described, only with one part lime to five parts sand. All spaces behind the walls and buttresses, and in front of the footings beneath the ordinary bottom of the cutting, shall be filled with Clay or other suitable material thoroughly punned in; and if through mistake, or otherwise, any excavation for walls, buttresses, or inverts, shall be made below the proper level, the space shall be filled up to the proper level with Masonry or Concrete, at the option of the Engineer. The Puddle behind the wall, for preventing the water from the wet clay intermingling with the dry strata beneath, to be at least 18 inches thick, and to consist of clay proper for the purpose, to be thoroughly worked in with the original strata of dry clay or shale. The broken stones above not to be less than what will pass through a 1 ^ inch ring, and to be laid indiscriminately, without any gravel, sand, or other loose M 2 92 material being intermixed in their interstices. This provision to be made when- ever any wet strata shall be encountered. Throughout that portion of the Excavation where the retaining walls are required to be built, the face of the cuttings shall in no case be advanced beyond the completed portion of the wall more than a length equal to the distance between two buttresses, so as to avoid the weight of the Rock breaking or injuring the natural solidity of the Clay or Shale; and should it be found necessary ia effecting this object, to follow the face of the excavation Avitli the retaining wall at a less distance than that already stated, the Contractor shall do so, or otherwise support the exposed portion of the Sliale by efficient Shoring, at his own proper cost and charge. It will be understood, that the whole object of these precautions is to prevent the natural beds of the Shale being disturbed by the pressure of the Rock or dripping of water, previous to the retaining walls being completed, as already specified. All moulds, templets and materials that may be requisite for the due execution of the above works, are to be furnished at the charge of the Contractor. If the Engineer or Engineers for the time being, during the execution of the works, shall see fit to extend or diminish the length of the Walling, number of buttresses and inverts, or to alter the quantity of any excavation or other work scheduled, then a proportional deduction or addition shall be made according to the Schedule of Prices, or if any strata or fissure of Clay shall occur in the limestone Rock itself, then the clay or shale in such fissures shall be faced with masonry, according to the direction of the Engineer or Engineers for the time being, and paid for according to the Schedule of Prices. Throughout the whole of this Cutting, the slopes of the Clay and Shale above the rock, and the Fencing and ditching, will be executed as for the rest of this Contract. The face of the Rock will not be required to be taken out to a smooth slope, but no projections or indentions on its face shall exceed 3 inches beyond the blue line of slope ; and if any loose lump or mass of rock shall occur in the slope, so as to be deemed insecure by the Engineer, then the said mass or lump of rock shall be removed at tlie charge of the Contractor. EXTENT OF WALLING AND EXCAVATION. The undersetting of the Rock in excavation No. 5 (the Ellsworth Cutting, vide Plate 22) extends from the point marked D to the point marked B in the 93 Section No. 1, a distance of 6C0 yards, luid also between the points marked II and I, a distance of 440 yards. Of the length between li and D, the space li to E, extending; 396 yards, will require inverts in addition to the walls ami buttresst-s. The remaining space from E tu I), 2G4 yard.s in length, and also the part included between II and I, extending 440 yards, as aforesaid, will only have the walls and buttresses, the inverts being omitted. * However, as the shafts merely indicate at different points the depth and thickness of the various strata, such Strata in the intermediate distances may not be shown precisely correct upon the section ; and any increase or dimiiuition over or under the quantity of work calculated from the section, will be added to or deducted from the amount of this contract, according to Schedule of Prices accompanying the tender. The central Drain will be carried beyond the point C to the end (A) of cutting No. 5, at the same level below the bottom of the cutting as where the walling exists, and at A to be diverted into one of the side drains at the foot of the embankment. DISPOSAL OF MATERIAL OF EXCAVATION. The material yielded by Cuttings, marked on the Sections Nos. 1, 2, 3, and 4, to be deposited in embankments, marked Nos. 1, 2, 3, and 4. The remainder of the material requisite for the completion of the said embankments, 1, 2, 3, and 4, to be obtained from the cutting No. 5. The Embankments No. 5 to be formed entirely from tlie remainder of the material yielded by cutting No. 5. In this Contract the aggregate contents of the Cuttings being rather greater than tlie Embankments, the Contractor, after having supplied the ([uautity requisite to form the approaches to raised occupation roads, shall be at liberty to employ any remaining redundancy for ballasting the surface of the road, provided such redundancy consist of Rock or other material suitable for the purpose, and in conformity with that part of this specification wherein the Ballasting and laying of the rail is particularly described. Throughout this Contract the Cuttings consist of variable proportions of Rock, Shale, and Marie; the Contractor will therefore be rei[uired, throughout the progress of the different excavations, to make such arrangements as will insure the Rock, Sliale, and Marie being yielded from time to time by each cutting, in such proportions, and disposed of at each embankment in such manner, as will effectually secure the eml)aiikments being composed of shale and niarle in the centre, with a covering of rock on the tops and slopes. 94 It is not intended, however, that the Rock shall in any way be set by hand, but merely trimmed into an uniform slope, and covered with Soil and sown with Seeds, as already stipulated under the head of embankments. • GENERAL STIPULATIONS, Which are to apply to the whole of the Bridges, Culverts, and other Works wherein the ivorhnanship or materials described may he used. BEICKWORK. The Brick made use of shall be hard, sound, square, well burnt, and of good colour. No broken bricks will be allowed, and no joint of mortar shall exceed one-quarter of an inch in thickness ; no difference of workmanship will be allowed in inside and outside work, and the whole of the joints shall be flushed up solid with mortar, and the outside joints neatly ckawn. The bond may be either English or Flemish, as the Engineer may direct. MORTAR. The Mortar shall consist of fresh burnt Lime, equal in quality to that from Dudley, and sharp Sand, mixed in the proportion of three measures of sand to one of lime ; they must be mixed in a diy state, and well tempered by passing through a pug-mill, with a proper quantity of water. Should the Limestone obtained from the excavations in this Contract, or in any adjoining quarries, be deemed suitable for building purposes by the Engineer, the Contractor shall be at liberty to employ it. ROMAN CEMENT. The Roman Cement shall be of the best quality, recently made, and shall be mixed with an equal proportion of sand. None shall be made use of which has set or become dead. STONE WORK. Throughout this Contract, it is intended that all Stone required for bridges, walls, drains, or other works of the like description, shall be obtained from the excavation. Should, however, the stone found in the excavation be deemed insuf- 95 ficient, either in soundness or other quality, for the above purposes, the Con- tractor shall substitute brickwork or other stone work equal in quality to the best Derbyshire Bramley Fall, in such places as the Engineer may direct, allowance being made for the same according to the prices stated in the Schedule. VOUSSOIRES: > The stones of Voussoires of Bridges must be neatly hammer dressed (except when directed otherwise) ; the joints chamfered ; the beds di'essed true and smooth ; each Voussoire to consist of one stone not less than the full thickness of the arch, and to break joint into the body of the arch not less than as shown in the drawings. -o^ STRING COURSES AND FACIAS. String courses and facias must be fairtooled throughout, except at the back. No stone to be less than 2 feet 6 inches in length. The depths and widths, together with the forms, are fully described by the ilrawings. PARAPETS. The Parapet, when of stone, must not be in more than three courses in depth ; the stone must be neatly hammer dressed, and the beds and cross joints made perfectly smooth. The average of the stones must be 2 feet in length. COPING. Coping, when upon bridges which pass over the Railway, must be neatly fair- tooled ; the stones dowelled, and to be leaded together. No stone shall be less than 2 feet in length. The cross joints and beds sliall be made perfectly true. The form and dimensions of the Coping are fully explained by the drawings. ARCHES. When Arches are of Stone, to consist of stones not less than 24 inches on the soffit. All the surfaces must be hammer dressed perfectly true when they are in sight. The beds and joints to be chisel dressed, and accurately fitted. When the arches are of the Skew principle, especial care to be taken in working the 96 skew hacks with planes, truly square with the spiral direction taken hy the arch stones. Where counterforts are added, the arch stones must be made longer, so as to abut in the manner of an arch against tliem, and form a rib on the back of the arch, and continued as near to the crown as shoAvn on the drawings. When Arches are of Brick, they shall be laid either in concentric half-brick rings, or in such other manner as the Engineer may direct. In this case, the counterforts shall be bonded into the arch, as just described for stone arches. The courses of brick in the counterfort radiating, so as to correspond and bond into the arch. IMPOSTS. Imposts to arches shall be made of stone, of sufficient width in the beds to receive the whole thickness of the arch ; and no stone shall be less than 2 feet G inches long; and, where required, they shall be dowelled together. In cases of Skew arches, the skew backs must be cut or worked, so as to suit the direction of the springing of the courses. The stones to be dressed in the same manner as described under the head Arches. STONE FACING TO THE ROCK UNDER BRIDGES, &c. The Stone shall be in courses of from 8 to 12 inches in depth, worked in regular header and stretcher. The headers to be the full thickness of the wall, and the stretchers on an average 2 feet 6 inches long. The beds must be worked true. The bed and cross joints chamfered. The middle part of the stones, on their outside, to be left rough. COUNTERFORTS AND RIBS OVER ARCHES. Whenever Sto7ie Counterforts or Ribs are placed upon the arches, they must be of good Ashlar work, and bonded into the thickness of the arch. The beds of the stone, as well as the cross joints, must all be dressed true. When they are of brick, they must be built either in the radiating direction of the joints of the arch, or in horizontal courses, as the Engineer may direct, but in all cases they must be of the same description of workmanship as the outside work. 97 RUBBLK HACKING. The Rubble Backing to arches shown upon the drawings, must be built of rubble stone, carefully levelled up every 12 or 14 inches, and thoruuglily grouted with mortar of the kind hereinbefore described. SPANDREL WALLS. Spandrel walls, when of stone, shall be of good sound Ashlar, set in regulai- courses of headers and stretchers, from 8 to 12 inches in depth, but in no cases less than 8 inches. The headers shall be the whole thickness of the walls, and not less upon the point than 1 foot wide. The stretchers shall not be less than 2 feet upon the point, and one-half of the tliickness of the wall. The whole of their joints shall be neatly hammer dressed, excepting when described to be worked otherwise, and all the beds and cross joints shall be made perfectly true. The whole to be set in mortar, as hereinbefore described. When the walls are of brick, they must be of the description hereinbefoj-e described under the head of brickwork. WING WALLS. Wing Walls, when of stone, shall be of the same description as that described under spandrel walls. EXCAVATING FOUNDATIONS. The Contractor is to excavate for the foundations of all Briilges, culverts, and other works; to keej) out the water, place dams, and provide all Centering, planks, and tools of every description, necessary to the perfect execution of his work, at his own expense, and to be included in the amount of his tender. And in case of the foundations of any of the works requiring, in the opinion of the Engineer, to be carried lower than is shown upon the drawings, the Contractor is to make such Extra excavation, and to do all Extra Pumping, or other contingent works incident thereto, at his own expense. The increase to the Masonry, or brickwork, or other matter constituting the N 98 foundations, caused by such additional depth, will be allowed as an Extra to the Contractor, according to the rate contained in his Schedule of prices. FILLING-IN OVER ARCHES. The space between the wing walls, arch, backing, and side of the excavation of bridges, to within 18 inches of the surface of the roadway, shall be filled in with broken Stone, where it can be got; to be punned hard down, and if re- quired by the Engineer, to be mixed with a certain proportion of Lime. The metalling of the roadway, occupying the remaining 18 inches, is to be done as hereinafter described under the head of " Metalling of roadway to Bridges." If, in the opinion of the Engineer, it shall be advisable to substitute brick where stone is shown in the drawings, or vice versa, it shall be found by the Contractor ; the difiereuce in expense being added or deducted, as the case may be, according to the rate given in his Schedule of prices. All the Centering shall be constructed to the satisfaction of the Engineer, and all string courses, parapet walls, and coping shall not be put on until after the centres are struck, which in no case shall be without the permission of the Engineer. Great care must be taken that the bridge be so placed, that the out- side rails, when laid in their proper line, shall be equi-distaut and parallel with the faces of the abutments. ^ DRAINS UNDER THE BRIDGES. Drains must be constructed under one of the bridges on each side of the Railway, 15 inches wide at the top, 12 inches wide at the bottom, to be sunk as low as the drain at the outside of the ballasting, and will consist of a brick wall 14 inches thick, 3 feet deep, and equal in length to the width of the bridge, and as much more as shall be necessary to connect with the side drain at the outside of the ballasting. There will be two courses of brick to form the bottom. The whole will be laid in mortar in the same manner as described for the bridges. BRIDGE FOR ROAD FROM BOZENHAM MILL TO HARTWELL. This Bridge is to be built at a point where the Railway is about 37 feet embankment, and the direction of the arch will make an angle of about 5 1 degrees with the line of the Railway. The arch will be semi-circular, and must be built upon the skew principle for a distance of 10 feet from each end. Its span will 99 be 15 feet, height from road to soffit 16 feet, length 141 feet, and thickness 1 foot lOi inches. The materiiil will be brick, excepting at the faces of the arch and the imposts, which will be of stone. The Wing Walls will be of brick, fmi.shed by square pillars of brick, and the whole coped with stone as shown in the drawings. The abutments will be strengthened at the back by means of counterforts. For description of materials and workmanship, see General Stipulations, PARTICULAR DESClilPTION WITH REFERENCE TO DRAWINGS, Nos. 5 and G. A. Abutments of 4 feet 6 inches thick carried up as high as the springing of the arch. B. Counterforts 3 feet square carried up 2 feet above the springing of the arch. C. Backing to the arch carried up 5 feet 4 inches above its springing. D. The brick Arch, 1 foot 101 inches thick, and worked 10 feet in from each end, on the skew principle, the courses being made to tooth into the straight courses, as shown in the drawing. E. Stone vpussoires at the end of the arch. They must be each equal to four courses of bricks on the soffit, and tooth into the brickwork. Their whole length (under the arch) being alternately 1 foot 5 inches and 2 feet G inches, their height must be 2 feet, and they must project 1 1 inches from the face of the brickwork, being the depth of the chamfered rustic joints. F. Stone imposts to be 9 inches deep, and not less than 2 feet long upon the bed. They must be cut to suit the direction of the skew back, and particularly in that part where the arch is worked upon the skew principle. G. Spandrel walls of brickwork. H. Wing walls of brickwork, built with a batter of 1 inch to 1 foot of height. I. Stone coping to wings to be 6 inches thick, and 1 foot 6 inches upon the bed. K. Caps of pilasters to be of the dimensions shown upon the di-awings. BRIDGE FOR ROAD FROM STOKE BRUERN TO IIARTWELL. This Bridge is situate in a part of the Railway where it is an embankment about 36 feet high, and the road will pass under at right angles to the Railway. The Arch will be of brick. 18 feet span and 16 feet high from the surface of the n2 100 road to its soffit. The coping and caps to the pilasters will be the same as that described for the bridge for road from Bozenham Mill to Hartwell, Drawings Nos. 5 and 6. The forms of the different parts will be sufficiently seen by refer- ence to Drawing No. 7. For description of materials and workmanship, see General Stipulations. BRIDGE FOR ROAD FROM ASHTON TO HARTWELL. This Road at present crosses the Railway where the latter is in embankment of 7 feet 6 inches, but it will be diverted, as shown upon the Field Plan No. 2 and Drawing No. 20, so as to allow height for the road to pass under. The Arch will be of brick, of 15 feet span and 16 feet from the ground to soffit; thickness of the arch 1 foot 6 inches. The Wing Walls will be built at right angles to the Railway, and will terminate against pilasters in front of the arch. The stone coping and caps will be of the dimensions shown on the drawing, and worked as described in general stipulations hereto attached. The form and dimensions of the different parts will be seen in the drawing. For descriptions of materials and workmanship, see General Stipulations. BRIDGE FOR ROAD AT ONE MILE TWENTY-TWO CHAINS ON SECTION. The Railway at the crossing of this Road will be in about 33 feet 6 inches cutting, and the Bridge will cross at right angles to the Railway. The Arch will be a segment of stone of 32 feet 6 inches span, 18 inches thick, and 10 feet 3 inches rise, 23 feet 8 inches from the rail to the soffit of the arch, and 15 feet in the clear between parapets. The rock forming the abutments at A must be faced with good Ashlar to support the imposts and protect the rock from weathering. The facing of the rock abutment will retm-n round its sides 3 feet wider on each side than the outside of the bridge, until it intersects the slopes of the cutting. The dimensions and forms of the various parts of the bridge will be seen upon the drawing. For description of materials and workmanship, see General Stipulations. BRIDGE FOR ROAD FROM ASHTON TO ROADE. The Railway, at the crossing of this road, will be in about 24 feet 9 inches cutting. The Bridge will be built at an angle of 45 degrees with the direction 101 of the IJailway. The span of the arch will be 30 feet, upon a section taken at right angles to the IJailway. The height from the rail to its soflit will bo 18 feet 8 inches, and the width, the clear between the parapets, 15 feet. The body of the arcb will be of brickwork, 3^ bricks thick, and its quoins will be of stone, which will run in under the arch alternately 2 feet and 2 feet 6 inches. Each stone must be made equal to four courses of bricks on the soffit. The courses must run in a spiral direction, as shown upon the drawing ; and the imposts, as shown on Fig. 5, must be cut or worked to suit the proper direction of the springing of the skew courses. The stones of the imposts must be dowelled together, and run in witli lead. For description of materials and workmanship, see (Jeneral Stipulations. BRIDGE FOR ROAD FROM HARDIXGSTONE TO OLD STRATFORD. This Bridge is for the crossing the Railway where it is 33 feet 3 inches cutting, and must be built at an angle of 53^ degrees to its direction. The span of the Arch will be 53 feet 6 inches upon the skew face, and its rise 8 feet 10 inches. The height from the rail to the soffit will be 26 feet 2 inches; the thickness of the arch (which will be entirely of stone) at the key will be 3 feet, and the springin 1 in 229 59-20 . . . ascending >) 1 in 210 2 4-80 . . . ascending 1> 1 in 160 1 4-20 . . . ascending »J 1 in 108 2 61-00 . . level. 2 47-00 . - . descending M 1 in 150 End of New-street cutting. 3 21-00 . . . descending >> 1 in 137 Occupation-road to Milford. 18-00 . . . descending )) 1 in 182 r. 41-00 . . . descending >> 1 in: 3785 Selby station. 20 00-00 . . 134 An assistant engine is employed on the Milford inclines of 1 in 137, and 1 in 150 in the case of heavy trains. The earthwork is considered to be rather heavy, but is much lessened by means of retaining walls, which are carried along the faces on each side, and thereby cut off or reduce the slopes. Some of the cuttings and embankments are finished in this manner at the feet — i. e., with dwarf walls, 5 or 6 feet high only, and there are some instances where they are carried up the entire height of the embankment, whereby the area of land required is considerably decreased. They are built with a curved batter, the chord line forming an angle of 673° with the base. Stone fences are requisite on each side at the top, for the security of the passengers, in case the train should get oflf the rails : the entire width of the embankments at the top is 30 feet ; and clear space between the parapets, 27 feet. The greatest depth of cutting is 43 feet; and height of embankment, 50 feet. The front of Leeds tunnel is represented in Plate 61. This tunnel is 700 yards in length, and the expense of forming it is said to have averaged about £25 per lineal yard. It is carried throughout in 18-inch brickwork, and about two-thirds of its distance is in shale and coal measures, and the remainder in rock. Tlie two shafts used in working it are left for the purposes of ventilation. Plates 62 and 63 describe the construction of the Depots at Selby and at Leeds. The roofing of the Sheds is formed of timber, and it is supported on cast iron columns ; the whole having a neat appearance. MIDLAND COUNTIES RAILWAY. CHARLES VIGNOLES, Esq., Engineer. The Act for this Railway was obtained in June, 1836, and the line was opened complete to the public in July, 1840. Tlios. Jackson Woodhouse, Esq., was the Resident Engineer appointed to superintend the works. The line commences at the London and Birmingliam Railway, near the town of Rugby; and after passing the large manufacturing towns of Leicester and Loughborough, crosses the river Trent nearly midway between the towns of Nottingham and Derby. Immediately after crossing the river, the line separates and diverges to the eastward and westward; one branch running to and term- inating at the town of Nottingham, the other going to the town of Derby, antl there connecting with the North Midland Railway, and also with the Derby and Birmingham. The earthwork is not very heavy ; the Leir cutting between Rugby and Leicester being the heaviest, and which is 62 feet deep as a maximum, and contained upwards of 600,000 cubic yards; the slopes are 2 to 1. The Leu- embankment also contains 430,000 cubic yards, and is about 40 feet high; also with slopes 2 to L Mr. Woodhouse states the average price of earthwork throughout to have been ISd. per cubic yard. The rails are of the parallel form, 77 lbs. per lineal yard, and set in chairs. They are formed in lengths of 15 feet, and have a bearing of 5 feet. The joint chairs weigh 28 lbs., and the others 23 j lbs. The rails ai'e secured to the chairs by wooden keys, according to the plan now generally employed. 136 Table of gradients of the Midland Counties Railway from Rugby to Derby Junction : — Lengths of Planes. Miles. Chains. Ratio of Inclination. 40 ... . level. 5 10 . descending at the rate of 1 in 330 2 12 . . descending „ 1 in 420 7 30 . 18 . descending „ level. 1 in 354 3 18 . . descending „ 1 in 387 32 . . descending „ 1 in 704 40 . level 2 20 . descending „ 1 in 495 I 30 . level. 37 . descending ,, 1 in 349 2 56 . level. 5 17 . 50 . descending „ level. 1 in 504 1 20 . ascending „ 1 in 1333 1 00 . level. 45 . . ascending „ 1 in 1120 40 . level. 2 57 . . descending „ 1 in 550 1 01 . level. 1 00 . ascending „ 1 in 1320 53 . descending „ 1 in 874 14 . level. 3 40 . ascending „ 1 in 883 1 02 . 46 . ascending „ level. 1 in 541 2 00 . . ascending „ 1 in 503 48 08 to Junction with North Midland Railway at Derby. SPECIF I CAT I ON Of the IVorks necessary in con.str noting the Viaduct over the VaUcij of the River Avon, {near its junction with the London and Birmingham Railway.) Vide Plate 64. Tnis Viaduct consists of eleven Arches, each of 50 feet span, which are to be built agreeably to the plan. The foundations to be sunk to an average depth of 6 feet below the surface of the ground, or to 44 feet below the level of the rails, as shown on the longitudinal section. Should an increased depth appear necessary to the Engineer, or an artificial foundation be required, it will be paid for according to the Schedule of prices. The structure to be BrickAvork, with tlie exceptions hereafter specified. Every part of the work, where the thickness of the walls will admit of it, to be set flush in grout, and the whole to be put together in the most substantial and compact manner. The ends of the piers to be faced with the best Staffordshire blue Bricks, properly bonded, and returned 9 inches and 14 inclies into the fianksof the piers. The rings or quoins of the Arches to be similar bricks, and similarly bonded into the soffit ; also the Coping of the parapets to be formed of Staffordshire bricks, moulded 14 inches on the bed, and 8 inches thick, rounded on the top, and set 2 inches from the face in Roman cement. The Spandrels and Parapets to be faced with square hard burnt common In-icks selected for the purpose, and the clay for the whole of the bricks for this structure to be ground; none other will be allowed to be used. Openings are to be left in the piers of the dimensions shown, with Arches at the top and bottom of the same. Spandrel arches to be built over the piers, and quarters of the main arches, as shown in the sections. In the centre of each pier, a cast iron Pipe of 2 inches diameter is to be built, to carry ofl' any water which may percolate through the ballast and spandrel arches, and openings to be left in the piers of the spandrel arches, and chaimels formed, so as to draw any water to the pipe. 3 138 The whole of the Arches, when built, to be covered with a clay pun, or Puddle, 9 inches in thickness. ASHLAR. Imposts or Caps to the piers to be placed, of the dimensions shown on the enlarged Section, and returned 2 feet 6 inches into the piers. The lower member to be 2 feet on the bed, with 2 inches projection, the upper member to have 12 inches projection, and 2 feet insertion into the wall. A Springer, 10 inches thick at the face, and 2 feet on the bed, to run entirely through the whole of the arches, and upon the face of the same ; and to run across the whole width of piers. The Cornice to be stone, of the dimensions shown on the plan. The upper member to be 15 inches thick, with 15 inches projection; the lower member to be 9 inches high, with 3 inches projection, and both to have at least 1 foot 9 inches bearing on the wall. The Caps of the piers, at the ends of the parapets, to be of Ashlar, and the whole to be very neatly tooled. The cornice to be in lengths of not less than 3 feet, and the ends closely jointed, and pointed with Roman cement. The Mortar is to be made by passing the lime and sand through a mill, in the proportion of 1 measure of Lime, newly burnt, to 2 measures of clean sharp Sand, and thoroughly incorporating them together with the least possible quantity of water ; and no more is to be mixed or ground than will be used in the work by the expiration of the following day. All Centering and other materials to be found by the Contractor. The Earth at the back of the Abutments, and about the wings, to be carried up in courses, and regularly pounded, or rammed to the full height. The whole of the works to be executed in a workmanlike and substantial manner, to the entire satisfaction of the Engineer. 139 BRIDGE OVER THE RIVER TRENT. Vide Plate 65. The Bridge consists of three cast iron arches, each of 100 feet span, and which are segments of a circle of 130 feet radius, the versed sine of the arch being 10 feet. There are 6 tiers of arches or ribs running throughout the length of the bridge, one under each rail, of which there are two pairs, and one also under each of the parapets. The inner ribs are of greater substance than the outside ones. Each of the ribs is formed of three castings, accurately fitted together, and further joined by diagonal braces, which also connect the whole of them togetlier. These braces were properly prepared, with their faces of contact worked square and parallel by means of a planing machine. The ribs are also further stiffened by other pieces, and they rest on a cast iron abutment plate, thin sheets of lead being laid between the iron and stone, to preserve the latter from the effects of any unequal pressure. The bridge is covered by a timber plat- form 6 inches thick, upon which oak longitudinal beams are laid to receive the rails. The Piers of the Bridge are 14 feet thick at the foundations, and diminish upwards to 10 feet ; the abutments are 14 feet thick at the foundations, and arched on plan as shown upon the plate. The bridge rests on red marie, inter- sected with beds of gypsum, and the foundations of the piers were carried up by means of coffer dams. The masonry is seated on a platform of baulks crossed by half baulks, trenailed together. The total cost of the Bridge was £21,000; the whole of the iron, including carriage and fixing, being £10,000. The amount of cast iron was about 680 tons, and of wrought, five tons. s2 SPECIFICATION Of Works required in Constructing a Bridge over the River Trent. EXCAVATION AND MASONRY. The respective parts of the Works are to be built and made of the dimensions shown in the drawings, and agreeably to this specification. The excavations for the Foundations are to be sunk to the depths shown on the drawing. A Coffer Dam is to be constructed for laying the foundations of the south pier; the dimensions of which, as also the mode of construction, to be ap- proved of by the Engineer. The dimensions required for the base of the said Pier, is to be enclosed by driving Sheeting Piles, 6 feet in length and 4 inches in thickness, each having a wrought iron shoe of l^lbs. on its lower end, the piles to be driven until their tops are nearly level with the river bed. The space so enclosed is then to be ex- cavated from 3 feet 6 to 4 feet below the bed of the river, and layers of Concrete, forming a depth of 2 feet, to be laid completely over and upon the space within the sheeting piles, the upper layer of concrete having been truly levelled up and down stream, a Grating of Timber to receive the masonry is to be laid upon it. The component parts of the concrete, and the proportions of each, will be hereinafter specified ; and the foundations will be required to be kept free from water, until the concrete has become properly set. The Grating to be of Memel Beech, or Elm timber, of the following dimen- sions: the outer Sills lying transversely to the bridge, to be 12 inches square; the intermediate ones, 3 in number, to be 12 by 9 inches : the Cross sills to be 9 in- ches square, and to be sunk into the transverse ones at the points of intersection, then to be properly trenailed and secured : the Spaces between the timbers to be filled with Concrete. A similar grating, &c., to be used for the other piers and abutments, if thought necessary : in that case they wiU be paid for according to the Schedule prices. 141 The whole of the Abutments and Piers are to he built of Ashlar stone, the largest blocks being selected for the bottom courses, and no course to be less than 18 inches high; the beds of the stretchers to average 21 inches, the headers to form a third of the whole face, and to be 3 feet (j inches deep on the bed, the beds and end joints to be truly wrought. The face from the foundations, to 2 feet be- low water level, to be pick dressed. The remaining part to have a tooled or drafted margin, the remainder of the face to be neatly punched. The filling of the Piers and backing of the Abutments to be of Ashlar stone, having one good bed. Two stones may be used to make the height of a course each of which must be evenly levelled off: sound well burnt Bricks may be sub- stituted for the stone backing of the abutments, if the Engineer should approve of the quality. The impost or moulded course under the springing of the Arches to be neatly tooled, and wrought in lengths not less than 3 feet, to be 2 feet on the pier, and filled with solid Ashlar masonry between. The salient Angles of the piers to be formed with stone blocks of large dimen- sions, and no joint to be within 2 feet of the angular point. The Caps of the Piers are to be formed in two blocks neatly tooled, close jointed and connected with iron dowels. The stone blocks forming the Springing courses to be the whole depth of the cast iron abutting or Springing Plates which is laid upon them, the bottom beds to be 3 feet deep, and not less than 3 feet long; the back joints to be wrou"-ht square, and filled in with square wrought Ashlar masonry, so as to make the top of the piers a close bed of Ashlar work. The backs of the Springing Courses and the filling course are to be jointed and joggled thus f^ZJZ^^^^^^^^ZZJZ^^^fZZ^ into which the springing plates, junction frames, or pier ^----T'-~--L----j--~J.^^~^ standards, are to be sunk. The wings are to be faced with Ashlar stone, neatly tooled; and the backin" is to consist of flat bedded Rubble masonry, properly bonded, and closed in each course, the Ashlar work to average 1 foot 9 inches in the bed, and to have headers in the proportion before described for the piers and abutments. The Base Cornice (the members of the latter are to correspond with the cast iron cornice over the arches) and Coping to be of Ashlar stone, of the figure and dimensions shown on the drawing, closely tooled. The Parapet is to be of solid blocks, each the height of the Parapet, margin drafted and punched, as before described, and to be coped with a moulded coping of 12 inches thick, having 4 inches projection on the outer face. The whole of the Stone for this work to be of the best quality, from the 142 Cromford quarries, or some other which produces equally good stone ; as to colour and quality, to be approved of by the Engineer. The exterior face of all the Masonry in the Bridge, to the level of the tops of the piers from the foundations, for 9 inches in depth, from the outside, to be set in the best Roman cement, with a proper proportion of clean sand, or in mortar, made in the following manner : — " Two measures of barrow Lime, one measure of Pozzuolana, and three measures of clean Sand ; the whole to be well ground and tempered until it forms a tough paste. No more water is to be used in mixing than is absolutely necessary to thoroughly incorporate the mixture. The Backing Mortar to be composed of one measure of Lime, half a measure of Pozzuolana, and two measures and a half of clean sharp Sand, ground, tempered and mixed as before stated. The Concrete is to be made of fresh barrow Lime, ground as described for the mortar, and mixed with clean sandy Gravel, in the proportion of 1 of lime to 4 of gravel, mixed with the least possible quantity of water; the whole to be well beaten, and tui*ned twice at least with a shovel, and used while in a hot state. The Contractor is to cut away and open the banks of the River, to suit the new constructions, as may be directed. He must also cut a temporary Channel for the water on the north side, to enable him the better to get in the foundations ; and also construct all Dams necessary for the construction of the work. He must find all materials necessary for the construction of the work, according to the plan and this specification, and complete the same to the entire satisfaction of the Engineer, who shall have power to reject any improper materials, or order any in- suflBcient work to be taken down and rebuilt ; and his decision as to the intent and meaning of any and every part of this specification is to be binding on all parties concerned. IRON WORK. The Bridge is to have 3 Arches, each of 100 feet span, having a versed sine or rise of 10 feet; the inner curve being a segment of a circle of 260 feet diameter. Each Arch is to consist of six Ribs of cast iron, and each rib to be composed of 3 pieces ; each piece being a solid casting, forming the segment spandrels and roadway bearer. The Segment Pieces are to be 3 feet deep at the springing, and to diminish 2 feet 6 inches at the crown; the plate of the segments, excepting the outer ones to be 2 s inches thick, strengthened with a top and bottom web, or 143 ^ id-b Roadway Bearer. Flange, 2^ inches scjuarc, thus the plate of the two outer segments to be 2 inches in thickness. The joints of the segments arc to be con- nected by Tie Pliites of a siiuilur depth and tiiickness, and reaching tlie entire width or breadth of the bridge. The webs or Flauches to be re- turned on the ends of the joints of the segments, by which they are to be secured to the Tie plates with I ^ inch screw Iwlts. And further, to be braced late-rally with feathered Diagonal Braces between each lie plate, secured to the segments by inch screw bolts, passing through flanches to be cast upon them; the Braces to be (5 inches broad in section, thus |^'-H:t*j- The ends of the Segments are to rest upon and be fitted to cast iron tr'TTJ^ Springing Plates, bedded and sunk into the abutments and piers, 3 inches thick, with raised grooves to receive the same. The plate of the Road- way Bearers is to be 1 i inch thick and 9 inches deep, with a flanche on each side, on the top, of 3 inches by 1 i. The Spandrel fillings, next the pier standards, are to be 6 by 4 inches, and reduced gradually to 4 inches s([uare, as they approach the crown of tlie arch ; those on the outer ribs to be formed in section, thus r" '~\ with Gothic heads, as shown in elevation. '^-^ The inner four to have plain vertical pieces of the above dimensions, and the Gothic heads to be omitted, thus. The several spaces of same being the same width as the outer ones. The pier Standards are to be of the dimensions shown on the elevation, and 2 inches thick ; those on the outside to have a sunk panel, the inner ones plain ; and they are to be secui'ed at their junction with the ribs by flanches, with proper screws, bolts, and nuts. The Roadway bearers are to be braced by one set of Diaf'onal Braces between the crown of the arch and pier standards, to act on points at least 12 feet apart in the length of the bearer; to be feathered castings, 4 by 2 in- ches — thus |z[Jq attached to the bearers by flanches, bolts, &c., as before stated. 1^*'"^ A Cornice of cast iron, 3-4ths of an inch thick, and of the figure shown on the elevation, is to be secured to the outer bearers by inch screw bolts. The parapet railing is to be of wrought iron, 7-8ths of an inch S(iuare; but the Gothic heads may be of cast iron. The handrails to be 2 i inclies broad, and 7-8ths thick, rounded on the top, and riveted to the Gothic tops of the railing. The number of tliem is shown on the drawing, and they must be keyed into the base or plinth of the parapet. 144 The Eoadway is to be formed of half baulks of Memel timber, Kyanized. To be not less than 12 inches broad and 6 inches thick, and placed so as to leave spaces of 2 inches between them. Each Timber to reach the entire width of the bridge — namely, 27 feet ; and to be secured to the roadway bearer in two points of its length, by screw bolts Jths of an inch square — the bolts to be dipped into white lead before being driven; or, if the Engineer shall direct, the screw bolts shall be dispensed with, and the timber secured to the bearers by battens spiked to them from below ; in which case, the upper flanche of the bearer will require to be cast beveled, so as to form a dovetail between the battens. All the Joints of the Castings shall be truly fitted solid, by chipping or filing, and no packing of sheet iron, wedges, or cement, shall be used, but the workmanship shall be of the very best kind possible. The Castings shall be of the best grey metal, No. 2, without flaw or defect, and shall be put together and erected at the foundry where they are cast, and be subject to the inspec- tion of the Company's Engineer, who shall reject all such as he may deem insufficient. The Contractor to find all Models, fitting materials, centres, timber, tackle, and labour ; to make, erect, and complete the iron work as aforesaid upon the masonry provided to receive it, according to the true intent and meaning of the Plans, sections, and specification, and to the entire satisfaction of the Engineer. The iron work to be painted when temporarily erected, and two coats when permanently fixed, of the best white lead and linseed oil. 8LAMAN NAN K A I \A\ .\ V .lOlLX MACNi:iLL, Ksy., Enoinkeu. Slama.nnan is a village in Scotland, ami sitnatod in the uiii»er \nirt vl' the county of Stirling, or about fifteen miles in a direct line from Glasgow in a north-easterly direction. This Railway forms one of the links of communication between the mineral districts of Stirling and Lanarkshire, and the cities of Edinburgh and Glasgow. The Act for the undertaking was obtained in the year 1834, and the line was opened in the spring of 1840. The line of Railway is 12.488 miles in length, and lias both severe gradients and sharp curves upon it. There is an incline of 6,635 yards, 1 in 1(IU, and another 3,435 yards at the same rate, amongst others, and which are worked by locomotives. The curves vary from 20 to 80 chains radius. The line is executed on a scale of rigid economy, and the earthworks are not heavy. Only a single way is laid down, and it is estimated to have cost about £8,128 per mile, the permanent way included, which was executed for 5.v. per lineal yard. The completing of the way with a double line- is estimated at £10,000 per mile. SPECIFICATION Of the Work to be executed by the Contractor for the First and Second Lot oj'this Railway. This portion of the Railway commences at a point on the Hallociiney Kail- way, in the lands of Stanrigg, marked by a pin driven into the ground, and numbered 1. T 146 This point corresponds with the points marked A on the Plan and Section of the first division of the proposed Railway hereto annexed. The Line runs in nearly a N. E. direction through the lands of Longrigend. Longrig, Lodge, Binnyhill, Balquharson, and Peatrigend, and terminates at the fence at the east side of the road leading to Pirney Lodge, after crossing the Burn. The Red line on the plan represents the centre midway between the two lines of Railway, and is now marked out by stakes driven in the ground at every 100 feet apart, which are numbered on the top, commencing with the figure 1, at the Ballochuey Railway. These numbers are continued in regular series up to No. , which terminates the fii'st Lot. The stakes are represented on the section by the same figures. The height of embankments, and depth of cuttings, are shown by the figures in red on the Section at each of these stakes, which are 100 feet apart along the whole line. Two large stakes will be driven firmly into the ground ; one near the middle of the lot, the other near the termination, in the lands of Peatrigend, but out of the line of Railway, so as not to be disturbed by the operation of the works ; and which are to serve as standard Bench marks, to which the level of the stakes are to be referred in the first instance, and during the progress of the works. These Bench marks and stakes will be levelled by the Superintendent, and the Contractor is to satisfy himself of their accuracy before he commences the work ; and he is to sign a paper to that efiect, to prevent all disputes as to levels, as no extra sum whatever will be allowed the Contractor for cutting or embank- ing, beyond the depths or heights marked on the section hereunto annexed, in order to acquire the rates of Acclivity marked on the said Section ; that is to say — 1 in 112 from A to B, being a distance of llSSk yards; 1 in 349 from B to C, being a distance of 1233 J yards; 1 in 300 from C to D, being a distance of 400 yards ; 1 in 100 from D to E, being a distance of 6649f yards; the whole measured along the surface of the Rails, when laid in the chairs, and fixed to the blocks or sleepers. u; CUTTINGS AND EMBANKMENTS. Tlie roadway through the Cuttings, at the surface of the rails, is to be 25 feet wide, except througli the Moss, where it is to be 35 feet wide. The sides of the Cuttings are to he formed with slopes, 1 to 1, where the cutting does not exceed 4 feet in perpendicular height; H horizontal to 1 perpendicular, where the height does not exceed 1 feet ; and at all heights above that, the slopes are to be 2 horizontal to 1 perpendicular. The Embankments are to be 30 feet wide, when raised to the proper height, and formed ready to receive the ballasting, except in Moss, where it is to be 35 feet. The slopes of all Embankments are to be 2 horizontal to 1 per- pendicular. All the Materials arising from the cuttings are to be employed in raising the embankments ; and should it produce more than is necessary for this piu-pose, the residue is to be applied to giving a greater width to the embankments, by widen- ing out the slopes, or otherwise disposed of in places equally convenient for the Contractor, as may be pointed out by the Engineer or Superintendent to the Company for the time being. But if the materials procured from the cuttings be not suflicient to make up the embankments to the specified heights and widths, a sufficient quantity must be procured by making the cuttings wider than specified, or by flattening the slopes, as may be pointed out by the Superintendent or Engineer, without any additional expense to the Company. Before any Embankment is commenced on any part of the line, except through the moss, the Soil is to be raised for a depth of G inches over the whole space to be occupied by the embankment, and for the depth of 1 foot over the space to be excavated, and removed to some convenient site, pointed out by the Inspector or Superintendent ; to be hereafter employed in soiling down the slopes of the Cuttings to a depth of not less than 6 inches, and the slopes of the Embankments to a depth of not less than 1 2 inches. This part of the work is not to be done until after all the slopes are carefully levelled, trimmed, and dressed, and reported by the Superintendent to be sufficiently consolidated and firm. The Embankments are to be raised by Lifts not more than 4 feet thick, and the Contractor is to satisfy himself that each layer is perfectly consolidated before he commences a new one over it. T 2 148 In the cuttings through the Moss, Drains are to be formed at the bottoms of the slopes, as shown in the Drawings hereunto annexed (vide Fig. 1 on Plan.) These drains are to be 9 feet wide at top, 3 feet deep; to slope on the outside as the cuttings — that is, 2 horizontal to 1 perpendicular, and on the inside 1 to 1 . Two Drains are also to be cut, one on each side of the road, at the top of the cutting, and 6 feet from the edge of the slopes; these Drains are to be 8 feet wide at top, 3 feet at bottom, and 3 feet deep : the moss taken from them to be deposited on the outside of the drains, not less than 3 feet from the edge thereof In the moss the embankments are to be formed with slopes of 2 horizontal to 1 perpendicular, and to be 30 feet wide at the surface level of the rails. Before the Sleepers are laid on the surface of the embankment, a space of 15 feet in width is to be covered with heather and green sward, or divits under the ballasting. Should Rock be found in the cuttings, the slopes may be ^ horizontal to 1 per- pendicular; and the Contractor is to allow the Company, or the Contractors for the other portions of the line, to quarry and take away whatever quantity they may require for Blocks, masonry, ballasting, or any other work the stone may be fit for, without any charge whatever, provided there is a superabundance above what he will require for his own portion of the work; the Company, or Contractors, giving him, in place of the stone thus taken away, as much earth or other material as will make up the same quantity of eml)ankment, should he so require it. DWARF WALLS. Vide FiiT. 2 on Plan. The Contractor is to cast out the foundations, and build Dwarf Walls through- out the cuttings, except in moss, to the extent of 2,700 yards, on each side of the road; these Walls to be 21 inches thick at bottom, 15 inches at top, and 2|- feet high, and coped with two courses of 3 inch divits ; these dwarf dykes to be of substantial dry stone work, with thorough bonds not more than 1 yard apart. FENCES. Post and Rail Fences are to be erected along each side of the Railway, at the top of the cuttings, and at the bottom of the embankments, except through moss; — these Fences are to consist of the best description of post and rails, and 149 quick plants, or of eartlicu mounds, and stub fence. Tlicse inuunds to be 2 J^ feet high, 5 feet broad at the bottom, anil 3 feet broad at the top ; tiio sides, to the thickness of 1 foot, to be laid with divits on their flat bed, and the centre to be made up with fine soil, taken from the Railway sides of the Fences. The plants are to be provided by the Company, but they are to be planted by the Contractor in a careful and workmanlike manner, nt such times and seasons as may be pointed out by the Engineer to the Company. The Contractor to have the lil)erty of putting up either the post and rail fence, or mound and stub fence, as he may think proper, but it is to be uniform throughout the whole length. DRAINAGE. Besides the preparatory Drains already described along the moss. Cross Drains are to be formed where there is any run of water, or means of carrying oil' surface water. These Drains are to be open cut, 4 feet wide, and 3 deep, and made to communicate with the nearest stream or outlet for the discharge of the water. Two Main Drains are to be cut, in such places as may be pointed out by the Engineer; these drains to be 10 feet wide at top, 3 feet wide at bottom, and of sufficient depth to communicate with the side drains already described in the cuttings through the moss. These drains are intended to carry oft' tiie water that would otherwise accumulate in the side drains, and overflow the road. They must be made in the best manner for discharging the water, and carried to a suflScient length to communicate with the stream that now runs to the South of the moss, or to some low situation where the drainage may be affected. The Contractor shall also open the Foundations and build Drains along the Railway, (except in moss,) and embankments to the extent of 2,700 yards; the bottom of the drain to be 1 foot below the bottom of the level prepared for bal- lasting. The bottom of these drains are to have the same declivities as the Kail- way when finished. These drains are to have Inlets in such places as may be pointed out by the Engineer. The Contractor is also to open foundations and build Cross Drains to the extent of 3.50 yards, on such parts of this portion of the Railway as may be fixed on by the Engineer, or his Inspector. All these Drains shall be 1 foot square in the clear ; the Side Walls shall be substantial Rubble masonry, not less than 1 foot thick, and laid in well prejjared mortar; the Covers not less than 4 inches thick, no stone of which shall be less than 12 inches broad, and neatly hammer-dressed in the joints, and to have a bearing on each side of not less than G inches; the Bottom to be laid with stouf. set on edge, not less than 5 inches deep, and laid in well wrought clav puddle. 150 440 yards of Open Drain is to be made along the outside of tlie Eailway, in Mr. Waddell's lands of Peatrigend. Besides the 350 yards of cross drains already described, five Cross Drains are to be built in the lands of Balquharson, the pro- perty of Mr. AVaddell. Three wooden Trunks, 18 inches square, are to be provided, and of sufficient length to cross the Eailway in the moss, (vide Fig. 4 on Plan,) and are to be laid sufficiently low to carry the water from the main drains on the upper side of the moss to the main cross drains before described. These Trunks to be of Elm, or Fir, 3 inches thick, spiked, and bound with oak ties, or bonds, 4 inches square, tenanted and keyed; these bonds to be placed 4 feet apart along the trunks, and one 6 inches from each end. Should more of these trunks be necessary than those mentioned, the Contractor to be allowed for them extra, at a fair price, to be settled previous to the work being done. BALLASTING. The whole extent of this division of the Eailway is to be ballasted to the depth of not less than 9 inches on the Embankments, and ten inches through the Cuttings, the width to be 12^ feet. The remaining portion of the width of Eailway to remain at present without ballast, for a space of 200 yards in length. The ballasting is to be the full width of 25 feet, for the Sidings in such places as may be hereafter agreed on by the Engineer. The Ballasting is to be of hard durable free stone, from the quarry at Arden, or any other quarry that may be approved of by the Inspector, broken so that every stone may pass in any direction through a ring 3 inches diameter. This ballastino' is to be procured, carried, and spread on the Eailway by the Contractor; but not until the Engineer is satisfied that the embankments are consolidated, and the surface prepared and levelled, and brought to the rates of Acclivity that will be necessary to produce the rates already specified, and marked on the section, when the rails are laid. Before the Ballasting is laid through the Moss, the surface is to be first covered with a layer of goss, whin, or fern, over which a layer of green vegetable sod or turf is to be laid, 4 inches thick, evenly laid and jointed : if Gravel can be had it may be used over the moss, instead of broken free stone ; but it must be put on double the thickness above specified — that is, 20 inches thick. The bal- lasting may be got at Callough Burn quarry, or such other quarry as may be approved of by the Eesident Engineer. 151 liLOCKS AND SLEEPERS. The Blocks to be provided for this work are to be taken from Craig Mochaii, or Avon Bridge, or such quiirrios as may be approved of by the Inspector. To be not less than 9 inches thick, 18 inches square on the top, and 20 inches on tlie sole; those at the joinings to be 12 inches thick, 20 inches square on the top, and 24 inches on the sole. To be free from cracks or fissures, and otherwise neatly hammer-dressed to the shape of the drawing, with the top and bottom quite parallel, and so that every block shall rest on the natural bed of the stone. Two holes are to be bored in each block, 5 inches deep, and 1^ inch in diameter. These blocks to be placed as hereafter described, through the cuttings and embankments on the solid ground. Through the moss. Sleepers are to be used ; they are to be of fir, or elm, that would square to 8 inches, and to be 9 feet long. Longitudinal Beams are to be laid along the sleepers, at least 9 feet 9 long, and 4 inches deep, and 10 inches broad, scarf jointed, to receive the chairs for the rails; the spikes to pass through these longitudinal pieces, and enter at least 3 inches into the sleepers. The Blocks and Sleepers to be placed 3 feet apart, for receiving the chairs. In the very soft and deep portions of the moss, and such places as the Resident Engineer shall direct, there must be a Platform of Timber, about 100 yards in length, (vide Fig. 6 on Plan:) this platform is to consist of common Fir poles, 5 or 6 inches diameter, and 10 feet long, placed side by side, so as to fill up the space between the sleepers; two beams of timber, 8 x 10 inches, are to be laid along the sleepers in the line of the rails ; these beams are to be laid so as to break joint with the one on the opposite side, and to be firmly fixed to the main sleepers by brackets and bolts, the joining of these beams to be at a main sleeper, the openings between the sleepers and the cross pieces to be filled with moss, or heather, and the whole covered with gravel, or quarry chips, 4 inciies thick. As the length of Platform that will be required is uncertain, the Contractor is to give in his tender a price per running yards. Should it be required, upright fir piles are to be driven into the moss, for the sleepers to rest upon ; these piles to be 8 inches diameter, and 8 or 10 feet long ; the sleepers to be firmly spiked to the piles, and their ends secured by diagonal braces. This work is to be estimated for by the yard, so that it may or may not be used, as occasion requires. 152 EAILS. The Rails required for the work will be provided by the Company ; but the Contractor is to load, and lay them through the whole extent of this division of the Railway, in a single road, and that in the centre of the formation, with one set of offset plates, blocks, and other materials, and works necessary for the con- nexions. All the Blocks, sleepers, offset plates, and rails, are to be accurately laid, both as to the line of direction, curve, and level. The joint Chairs to be neatly keyed, and the intermediate bearing Chairs carefully wedged. The iron of which these keys and wedges are to be made, will also be pro- vided by the Company, but the Contractor for the work must execute the work- manship thereof, and carry them to the line. The Chairs are to be fixed to the blocks by two pegs, made of Scotch oak, with an iron pin, f of an inch diameter, and G inches long, in the centre of each. The Company to provide these pins, but the Contractor is to provide the pegs. Before laying the Blocks and Sleepers, the ballasting under them, and immediately adjoining them, is to be reduced to a solid and compact mass, by ramming them with a paviour's jumper,' except where the sleepers are laid on moss. The Rails will be delivered to the Contractor at the nearest point of the Ballochney Railway, and the Chairs, and other castings, from the foundry, in , at such times, and in such quantities, as the Resident Engineer may think desirable or necessary. The Contractor is to be allowed the use of part of the Rails and Chairs, for carrying out the stuff, or loading building and other materials along the line ; but he must provide Sleepers, offset plates, switches, keys, and pegs, necessary for lay- ing the temporary roads. The Contractor shall furnish and provide all the necessary Tools and apparatus for laying the Blocks, sleepers, chairs, and rails, and adjusting them to the proper curve and level. The Contractor not to be allowed the use of more than three quarters of the quantity of Rails necessary for the permanent road ; and should he injure, break, lose, or destroy, any of the rails or chairs, in using them for the Company's road, he must replace the same with others in every respect similar to those he may have injured, broken, lost, or destroyed. 153 In order to provide for the safety of tlie rails, the Temporary Koad is to be laid, and maintained in good condition ; and the waggon wlioeis and axles em- ployed thereon shall also be properly constructed, and kept in good working order, to the entire satisfaction of tlie Engineer to the Company for the time being; and no Waggon weighing more than 2^ tons gross, shall upon any account be allowed to pass along any of the temporary roads. BOXING, &c. When the Rails are laid, and permanently fixed, to the satisfaction of the Engineer, the ballasting is to be covered with good Boxing material, 10 inches thick in the middle between the rails, and diminishing gradually to 5 inches at the sides, as represented in the cross section, (see Figs. 7 and 8 on Plan.) The Boxing to consist of hard, durable free stone, broken so that no stone will weigh more than 4 ounces. That part between the rails, for a width of 3^ feet, and depth of 6 inches, is to be laid with the hardest of the stone produced from the dressing of the blocks, or scaling of free stone ; these to be broken, so that no stone will weigh more than four ounces. The surface to be blinded, or di'essed with 2 inches of tine gravel, or quarry chips, free from clay, to within an inch of the surface of the rails. If required, one side of the road through the cuttings, to the extent of 2,700 yards, is to be edged or bordered with a neatly hammer- dressed free stone Curb, no stone of which is to be less than 14 inches deep, nor less than 15 inches long; to be 5 inches thick at top, and 8 inches at the bottom, and to be neatly dressed in the joints to the depth of not less than 6 inches. The water channels, to the breadth of G inches, and to the same extent as the curb stone above described, is to be laid with hard stones set on edge, not less than 4 inches deep, and all laid and neatly packed, pinned, and pointed. The boxing to be taken from Avon Bridge or Craig Slochan quarry, or such other quarry as the Resident Engineer may approve. When the boxing and roadway is completed, the surface is to be neatly trimmed and dressed, exactly to the curve represented on the cross section. 154 MASONRY. There are to be three Occupation Bridges, two Parish road Bridges and four Arches, or culverts, in this division of the work; the particulars of which are as follows : — No. 1. Parish Eoad and Bridge. The Parish Road, leading from Avonhead to Slamannan, is to be crossed by the Railway at the point D, as shown in the plan, in a 9 feet cutting. By lower- ing the parish road, a crossing may be made on the level, and in this case a bridge need not be built; but should the Company not be able to effect such an arrangement, then the Contractor is to build a bridge as shown in Plan No. 1, and according to the following specification: — The foundations are to be excavated sufiiciently deep to secure a solid and uniform bearing. The walls of the bridge to be founded, and carried up to 1 foot above the surface of the ground, with stones measuring not less than 6 inches thick, nor less than 6 superficial feet on the bed; the joints to be made to fit each other, and laid in even courses of uniform height. The face of the Abutments, arch, wings, parapet, and outside spandrel walls, to be coursed work, with close square joints. No course in the abutments shall be less than 8 inches thick, and to be of the same thickness throughout ; no stone in the abutments to be less than 1 foot 4 inches on the bed ; no stretcher less than 18 inches long, and no header less than 2| feet long, laid 1 header for every 2 stretchers. None of the arch stones to be less than 21 -inches long, nor less than 11 inches deep, and their beds neatly dressed, to radiate to that part of the arch where laid. The face of the Abutments, arch, corners of wing walls, and spandrel walls, likewise to have chisel draft round each joint, and bratched in the centre, not less than twenty-four stripes to the foot. The quoins of the Abutments, ring pins, string course, and coping of parapet, and pillars at the ends of parapet, to be droved work ; the quoins and ring pins to project I of an inch, and each joint to be chamfered to that depth, and the ring pin to be made to vary in depth, so as to square with the joints of the outside spandrel walls. No course in the wing walls to be less than 8 inches thick; no stone less than 12 inches broad on the bed; no stretcher less than 8 inches long ; no header less than 24 inches long, laid 1 header for every 2 stretchers. 155 The face of the Wing Wulls is to Lc neatly hammer-ilresscd, with a chisel draft round each joint. The string course to be 12 inches thick, and no stone to be less than 18 inches long, and to project 2^ inches. »The parapet wall to be 1 foot thick, and 1 stone in breadth, wrought in the same manner as the abut- ments, and spandrel walls. The c^pe of the parapet walls to be l(j inches broad, and 9 inches thick at the centre, and weathered off 2^ inches on each side; no stone to be less than 18 inches, and to be connected to each other by cast iron dowels, 6 inches long, and 1^ inch square, run with cement. The cope of the pillars, at the extremity of the parapet walls, to be 1 foot thick, dressed, and weathered off, as described for the cope of the parapets, and firmly bolted to the masonry below. The other parts of the building not here described, to consist of substantial Rubble masonry ; and all the stones to be laid on their natural bed, and all well packed, primed, and pointed. The back of the Abutments, and space beliind the wing walls, to be made up with hard dry materials, in courses not more than 1 ^ foot thick, and beat up hard, and tirmly placed behind the walls. "^ When the Masonry is completed, and finally ai)proved of by the Engineer, then the approaches and roadway are to be made up by the Contractor, and the roadway is to be covered with broken stones to the breadth of 12 feet, and 1 foot thick. The Contractor must be particular as to making up the Mortar fresh before it is used; it is to be composed of good lime, and mixed with sharp river sand, in the proportion of 1 of Lime to 2 of Sand. The lime to be well burned and slacked, and the whole well wrought, and thoroughly mixed with the sand, and used whilst fresh. The Contractor is to make and maintain a Temporary Road, for the accommodation of the public, while the bridge is erecting; he is to fence off thi; same, and do everything else that the Inspector may deem necessary for the safety of the public. As it is uncertain whether this Bridge will be required or not, or the parish road changed, the Contractor is to specify the sum for which he will build it separately. u2 156 No. 2. Occupation Bridge. Vide Plate No. 67. The Contractor is also to excavate the foundations, and build an Occupa- tion Bridge over the Railway, in the lands of Longrigend, at the point marked E in the plan and section. The Bridge is for the accommodation of the occupier of the land, and is to be built according to the Plan No. 2, the Abutments and Wing Walls according to the specification for the Bridge No. 1. Timber Beams are to be thrown across the piers, instead of a stone arch, as shown in the plan and sections. These Beams are to be of Memel Timber, 1 foot square, and trussed with 2 inch round iron, resting in three Saddles, as shown in the plan. The Beams are to rest on a sleeper of Memel, 6 inches by ] 2, and are to be bound and connected by an iron Rod, and the upper surface sheeted with planking of the best description, 3 inches thick, firmly spiked to the main beams, and the roadway protected by two iron hand rails, as shown in the plan. No. 3. — An Arch is to be built under the embankment, at the point marked F in the plan and section, for farm occupation. This Arch is to be built according to the Plan No. 3, which accompanies this specification. The ground is to be Excavated to a sufiicient depth to secure a good and solid base for the masonry. The whole of the walls are to be founded with stones, not less than 2 feet broad, 4 feet long, nor less than 10 inches thick, and dressed to a parallel upper and under bed ; hammer-dressed in the joints, and carried up in this manner to 1 foot above the level surface of the ground. The Abutments, arch, and wing walls, shall be of coursed work, and of the same thickness throughout. No course in the abutments, or wing walls, to be less than 10 inches thick, and no stone to be less than 15 inches broad on the bed; no stretcher to be less than 2 feet long, and no header less than 3 feet long, and laid header and stretcher alternately. No arch stone to be less tlian 1 foot 9 inches long, nor 2 feet deep at the spring, but may be diminished gradually to 1 foot 9 inches at tlie crown, and no course to be less than 9 inches thick. The soflSt of the arch is to be neatly dressed to the curve, with a chisel draft round each joint, and neatly picked between, and all the joints to be dressed full and fair. The quoins of abutments to be returned with stones, not less than 18 inches broad, and 3 feet long, alternately, and those with the ring pin to be droved work. The Wing Walls are to be coped with stones, set on edge, 1 foot deep, and 1 foot 9 inches broad, with a 3 inch projection; to have a chisel draft on each joint, and left rough in the centre. 157 All the work in this Bridge, or Arch, not particularly speoitied, is to consist of the best and most substantial rublilo masonry, and the large Hat l)eddcd stones laid so as to require little jjacking. The mortar used to be similar to that already described, and the whole to be executed in a substantial and workmanlike manner. The whole of the arch is to be covered with a layer of well wrought clay Puddle, not less than 18 inches thick. In putting in the embankment near the arches, and other masonry, care must be taken to lay the stutV in regular courses, not exceeding 2 feet thick; which is to be pounded well up to the masonry, and beat into a solid, fii-m mass, for a dis- tance of 15 feet at least from the face of the work. No. 4. — An Occupation Bridge is to be built in the lands of Binney Hill, at the point marked G in the plan and section, in 30 feet cutting, according to the plan marked No, 4, and the specification for the Bridge No. 2, of the same descrip- tion — that is. Stone abutments, and wing walls, and Timber roadway. No. 5. — A Bridge for the parish road to Slamanniin, by Binney Hill, at the point marked II, in 21 feet embanking, according to the Plan No. 5, and agreeable to the specification for the Bridge No. 1, already described. A 9 feet arch is to be built over Collagh Burn, at the point marked 1 on the section, according to the Plan No. 6, on the occupation road to Binney Hill, the property of Mr. Waddell, and conformable to the specification of the arch over the said Burn, in 35 feet embankment, as hereafter described. The accommodation Road to Binney Hill is to be raised, as shown in the ground section at I, so as to pass over the arch. It is to be 12 feet wide, and to be covered with 6 inches thick of stone from the Collagh Burn quarry, properly broken, and laid on at such times, and in such quantities, as may be pointed out by the Inspectors. A Fence is to be erected on each side ; it is to be of dry stone, or post and rails, as may be most agreeable to Mr. Waddell. A Retaining Wall may be found necessary on the East side of this road ; if so, the dimensions and price is to be fixed by the Inspector, and the amount allowed in addition to the Contractor. In case the Company should deem it advisable to deviate or alter any of these plans of Bridges, and build others of a diflerent description, or omit them altogether, then tiie Contractor is to be furnished witii another plan and s[)ecifica- tion, to enable him to make a tender for such work : or the Company may have tlie power of letting these Bridges to other Contractors, should they think proper to do so; in which case, the estimated sum for these Bridges is to be deducted from the amount of the general estimate, a detail of which is to be annexed to the Contract. 158 ARCHES, OR CULVERTS. Besides the bridges above specified, a Culvert, 4 feet wide, is to be built in the lands of Lodge, under a 17 feet embankment, according to the figures 4, 5, and 6, on the Plan No. 7. The masonry in the Abutments and Wings to be of sound Rubble, the stones to be laid on their natural beds, and all well packed, primed, and pointed; the masonry of the Arch to be of dressed stone, neatly jointed and dressed, and finished in a workmanlike and substantial manner. The back of the abutments, and space behind the wing walls, to be made up with hard dry materials, in courses not more than 18 inches thick, beat up hard, and firmly placed behind the walls. The bottom of the Culverts to be paved with hard stone, firmly laid, and packed with stone chips, and the ends secured by a row of large stones. A Second Culvert of the same width is to be built in the same lands, accord- ing to the figures 1, 2, and 3, on Plan No. 7, and of the same description of masonry as already described for the first culvert. An Arch, 9 feet span, is to be built over the Collagh Burn, under a 35 feet embankment, according to the figures 1, 2, and 3, on Plan No. 8. The ground is to be opened for the Foundation in tlie direction of the stream ; it is to be sunk 6 feet below the ground line, or as much more as may be necessary to secure a sure and Gjcm bottom. The foundations of the Abutments and Wings to be of sound rubble masonry ; feet thick at the base, to have an off of at height, and 9 feet thick within feet of the ground line. The Abutments to be of sound rubble, hammer-dressed on the face, and no course to be less than 8 inches thick, and to be of the same thickness throughout. None of the arch stones to be less than 18 inches long, nor less than 12 inches deep, and their beds neatly dressed to radiate to the arch. The Arch to be 9 feet span, to rise 3 feet, and to spring feet above the ground line. The to be hard sound stone, 9 inches deep, laid dry, and firmly packed. The Wing Walls to be feet long, to be founded as low as the abutments, if found necessary, and to be built of sound stone masonry, feet thick, and at the ground line. The Spandrel and Wing Walls, from the level of the ground line, to be thick, the counter- forts to rise to the level of the springing. The parapet and wing walls to be coped with stone, similar to the bridges already described. 159 BREAST WALL. A breast or Retaining Wall is to be built along the bottom of the slope, in front of Binncy Hill Lodge, to prevent the slopes from being injured by a run ol' water in Collagh Burn in the times of flood. It is to be 2 feet 6 at bottom, 14 inches at top, 4 feet high, and 300 feet long, or more if required; the running yard should therefore be stated. An Arch is to be built over the Cross Burn, in a 14 feet embankment, extending under the road to Slamannan by Pirney Lodge. It is to be 7 feet span, to be built according to the 4, 5, 6, in Plan No. 8, and agreeable to the specification of the 9 feet arch, already described, for the Collagh Burn ; and a new water course is to be built, as shown on the plan of the Railway at X Y. CROSSING OF PARISH AND OCCUPATION ROADS. Not already described as requiring Bridges. The parish Road by Lodge to Slamannan is to be raised 1 foot, by earth and rubble pitching, laid by hand; the surface of which, to the depth of 4 inches, is to be covered with broken whinstone, 18 feet wide, neatly and evenly spread. The length to be 20 yards on each side of the Railway. The parish Road to Slamannan at Blaquharson is to be raised 1 foot 2 inches, by a rubble pavement, placed on G inches of earth tilling ; and the pavement is to be covered with broken whinstone, 4 inches thick, neatly spread and formed. The width to be 18 feet and the length 20 feet on each side of the rail. Where the Railway crosses the road to Slamannan by Pirney Lodge, this road is to be raised 9 feet 9 inches, as shown on the general section at G, and carried on the level over the Railway. When the fdling is completed, the surface of the road is to be carried up with G inches of properly broken wliinstoue, formed to a proper curve, and cross section, 18 feet wide. A post and rail Fence is to be constructed on each side of the roadway, similar to that described for the Railway ; only that there is to be a double row of posts and rails, to protect the quicks from cattle. 160 GENERAL OBSERVATIONS. All the Stones required for the blocks, stone dykes, and bridges, ^all be pro- vided by the Contractor ; which stones shall be taken from Craig Mochan quarry, Arden quarry, Avon Bridge quarry, upon payment of per fall, or from any other quarry that may be approved of by the Engineer or Inspector. As it is of the greatest consequence that the Blocks should be provided and dressed in the quarry as early as possible, so as to be examined by the Resident Engineer from time to time, previous to their being carried to the work, by which means he has time to examine and reject those that are defective in size or quality, the Contractor is to bind himself to furnish every month, or forfeit a sum of 10/. for any such omission. The Stones required for the Ballasting, boxing, drains, and dwarf walls, may be got from Arden, or any more convenient quarry that may be discovered near the work, upon payment of per cube yard. The Contractor is to furnish and provide all Materials, Centering for the bridges, arches, and culverts, with Waggons, tools, barrows, and implements of every kind and description necessary for the proper execution of the work, with the exception of the rails and chairs as above mentioned. The work shall be proceeded with so soon as the Contract (to follow hereupon) is subscribed to by the parties. The whole work herein specified shall be com- pleted and perfectly finished before the 1st of Until the Work be finally approved of by the Engineer, and taken off the hands of the Contractor, he shall maintain all the works, stone, masonry, and iron, and shall keep all the fields properly fenced through which the road passes, so far as his operations extend; and if by neglect of the Contractor, his workmen, or others, damage shall arise by cattle straying, or otherwise, the amount thereof shall be withheld by the Company from the amount of the Contract price for the work. The Company is to pay all Temporary Damage on the line of road, in so far as the ground to be permanently occupied extends; but the Contractor shall be liable for damage done by himself or workmen by quarries, roads, or any other operation beyond the line of road. The Company reserve power to make such alterations, or deductions from, or additions to the work, as they may think proper, without violating the Contract to follow hereupon : Provided such deviations or alterations be made in writing, signed by the Engineer and Clerk of the Company ; allowance being made in either case for the same, as shall be tixed and determincil between the parties by the Company's Engineer. The whole work herein specified shall be done in a substantial, neat, and workmanlike manner, to the satisfaction of the Engineers to the Conipany. In order to secure the proper laying and fittings of the Blocks and Sleepers, rails, and chairs, for the Permanent Road, the Contractor shall be bound to appoint an experienced Foreman to conduct that part of the work, and one that shall be approved of by the Company's liesident Engineer. Security will bo required for the i)roper performance of the work, and the price will be paid by monthly instahnents, as the work advances, and as the Superintendent shall certify, deducting one-tenth from the amount of such cer- tificate of the work actually executed, and measured in detail by the Super- intendent. The balance arising from these deductions to be paid the Contractor, on the certificate of the Engineer, every three months, or as often as he inspects tlie works. The Contractor shall also be bound to maintain the Bridges, drains, and other masonry executed by him, for the space of one year after the completion of the work. Persons desirous to contract for the work are to state a lump sum for exe- cuting the whole work herein specified. The Engineer for the Company may, however, call for the detailed estimate of the Contractor approved of by the Company. Should Stone be found in the Cuttings, or along the line, fit for blocks or bridges, a corresponding deduction is to be made from the lump price mentioned for the same, as the Company's Engineer shall consider f;iir and reasonable between the parties. The Company will not pledge themselves to accept the lowest ofier for the work, unless the person so oifering be otherwise approved of. Sealed Proposals for the work, addressed to the Committee of [Management, will be received at the office of Messrs. Mitchell, Graham and Mitchell, 36, Miller Street, Glasgow. (Signed) JOHN MACNEILL. London. ?i(l Aiiqufit. 183fi. [All clauses referring to the Stone blocks and Stone bridges, centering, &c., were omitted, and the Contractor was not requii-ed to include the same in his estimate; also, the clauses relating to Security reijuired, &c., were omitted. — Editor.] X LANCASTER CANAL. JOHN EENNIE, Esq., Engineer. Aqueduct over the River Lune. Vide Plates 68 and 69. A very elegant Work. We cannot do better than avail ourselves of Mr. Peter Nicholson's description, as given in his Architectural Dictionary; merely observing that the aqueduct, like all the works of its great designer, maintains at the present time the distinguished position which Mr. Nicholson has so justly assigned to it. " Mr. Rennie also constructed the Aqueduct Bridge over the river Lune, at Lancaster, which is considered as one of the most magnificent works of the kind extant. At the place where it is built, the water is deep and the bottom bad, — the foundation is therefore laid 20 feet below the surface of the water, on a floor- ing of timber resting on piles ; the Arches are five in number, each of 70 feet span, and rise about 39 feet above the surface of the water. It has a handsome Cornice, and every part is finished in the best manner. The total height, from the surface of the river to that of the canal, is 57 feet, and the canal admits barges of 60 tons burden to navigate upon it. The foundation alone of this building cost £15,000, and the superstructure more than double that sum, although the stone was obtained from a quarry less than a mile and a half from the spot." Plate 69 shows the Works in state of execution, as they appeared in September, 1795. The Frontispiece (Plate 70) represents the Bridge over the Grand Junction Canal at Ellsworth, upon the London and Birmingham Railway, with the works in state of progress as they appeared in the month of September, 1837. LIST OF PLATES. Pl-iTE I. London and Birmingham 7?ai/iray.— Pi-rmanent Way in excavation. 2. — — Bridge for intended Street on the Duke of Bedford's Estate. — 3. — — Bridge oyer the Uampstead Road. — 4. — — Bridge over Park Street, upon the Extension. — 5. — — Ditto ditto Details. — 6. — — Bridge for Stanhope Street. — 7. — — Retaining Wall from Park Street to the Regent's Canal. — 8. — — Bridge over the Regent's Canal, near Chalk Farm. — 9. — — Ditto ditto Details of outside Main Ribs, &c. — 10. — — Ditto ditto Details of outside Main Ribs, &c. — II. — — Ditto ditto outside Bracing Frames, Girders, &c. — 12. — — Ditto ditto inside Bracing Frames, Girders, &c. — 13. — — Ditto ditto Plan showing Cast Iron Grating, &c. — U. — — Ditto ditto Plan showing mode of fixing Chairs, Rails, &c. — 15. — — Method of Working the Primrose Hill Tunnel. — 16. — — Ditto ditto. — 17. — — Details of Iron Plates for Tunnel Fronts. — 18. — — Bridge for the Bourne End Road. — 19. — — Bridge for Haxter's End Lane. — 20. — — Bridge for road from Berkhampstead to Gaddesden. — 21. — — Details of Culverts. — 22. — — Undersetting of Rock in Blisworth Cutting. — 23. — — Stone Bridge from Roade to Plane Woods. — 24. — — Bridge at road from Blisworth to Courtenhall. — 25. — — Bridge from Towcester to Cotten End. — 26. — — Stone Bridge from Stivichal to Uearsall Common. — 27. — — Front of Northchurch Tunnel Elevation. — 28. — — Ditto ditto Plan and Sections. — 29. — — Ditto ditto Section of Tunnel, Shaft, &c. — 30. — — Ditto ditto Iron Curbs to Shaft. _ 31. — — Front of Kilsby Tunnel. — 32. — — Bridge at Road in Yardley Parish. — 33. — — Bridge over the River Saw. — 34. — — Details of a 12-feet Tumrail. — 35. — — Ditto ditto. — 36. — — Bridge across the Grand Junction Canal at Blisworth. — 37. — — Ditto ditto Transverse Section with Details. — 38. — — Ditto ditto Plan of Ribs with Details. — 39. — — Ditto ditto Details of Main Ribs. — 40. — — Bridge over road at Berkhampstead Castle. — 41. — — Plan of Syphon Pipe for a Stream. 164 Plate 42. Grand Junction Railway. — Aqueduct for the Duke of Bridgewater's Canal at Preston Brook. — 43. — — Details of Iron Bridges. — 44. — — Bridge over Slade Heath, near Wolverhampton. — 45. — — Bridge over the River Mersey and Canal. — 46. Great Western Eailtvay. — Details of Brick Bridges over Railway in Cutting and in Embankment. — 47. — — Bridge crossing the Float at Bristol. — 48. — — Details of Uxbridge Road Bridge. — 49. South Eastern Railway. — Bridge over the Railway at Tudeley. — 50. — — Occupation over the Railway at Summerden Farm. — 51. — — Details of Timber Bridges. — 52. — — Timber Pier, Folkestone Harbour. — 53. — — Reservoirs at Tonbridge. — 54. — — Ditto ditto Details of Construction. _ 55. _ _ The Water Tank at the Tonbridge Station. — 56. — — Details of a 15-feet Turntable. — 57. London and Greenwich Railway. — Bridge over the Spa Road. — 58. — — Ditto ditto Sections, &c. — 59. — — Details of 26-feet Turnplate at Greenwich. — 60. — — Ditto ditto Enlarged parts. — 61. Leeds and Selby Railway. — Details of Tunnel front. — 62. — — Details of Shed at the Selby Depot. — .63. — — Details of Shed at the Leeds Depot. — 64. Midland Counties Railway. — Viaduct over the River Avon. — 65. — — Cast Iron Bridge over the River Trent. — 66. — — Bridge over the Oxford Canal. — 67. Stamannan Railway. — Occupation Bridge on Farm Road on the lands of Hill. — 68. Lancaster Cana/.^Aqueduct over the River Lune. — 69. — — Ditto ditto showing the Works as they appeared in September, 1795. — 70. London and Birmingham Railway. — View of the Bridge over the Grand Junction Canal at Blisworth, showing the Works in state of progress, as they appeared in September, 1837. T. C. Savill, Printer, 4, Cbandos Street, Covent Garden. SKCOND SKKI KS or RAILWAY PllACTICE: a CToUcction OF WORKING PLANS AND PRACTICAL I)1:TAILS OF CONSTRUCTION IN THK PUBLIC WORKS OF THE MOST CELEBRATED ENGINEERS: rOMPRISISO ROADS. TRAMROADS, AND RAILROADS; BRIDGES, AQUEDUCTS, VIADUCTS, WHARFS, WAREHOUSES, ROOFS, AND SHEDS; CANALS, LOCKS, SLUICES, & THE VARIOUS WORKS ON RIVERS, STREAMS, &c. ; HARBOURS, DOCKS, PIERS AND JETTIES, TUNNELS, CUTTINGS AND EMBANKMENTS; THE SEVERAL WORKS CONNECTED WITH THE DRAINAGE OF MARSHES, MARINE SANDS, AND THE IRRIGATION OF LAND; WATER-WORKS, GAS-WORKS, WATER-WHEELS, MILLS, ENGINES, &c &c. BY S. C. BREES, C.E. l.ATE l-RINCIPAL KNGINEER AND SURVEYOR TO THE NEW ZEALAND COMPANY, FROM THE YEAH 1842 TO 184.'). S'EConlj IStiition. WITH ADniTlONAL EXAMPLES. LONDON: JOHN WILLIAMS AND CO. LIBRARV OK ARTS, 193, STRAND. 1847. PREFACE TO THE SECOND EDITION. It is always satisfactory to an Author to find tlie public appreciate his labours, but more especially when his work is of a professional character, and expensive to get up. It was not without some risk, that the Editor completed this " Second Series of Railway Practice " originally, and he is happy to state that it has met with every encou- ragement from the Engineering profession. Once more the Editor returns his thanks for the kindness of the several engineers who have contributed to the present volume, in- duding- llOBERT STEPHENSON, ESQ., M.P. JOSEPH LOCKE, ESQ., M.P. JAMES WALKER, ESQ. GEORGE RENNIE, ESQ. SIR JOHN RENNIE. SIR JOHN MACNEILL. WILLIAM CUBITT, ESQ. CAPTAIN W. S. MOORSOM. JOSEPH GIBBS, ESQ. GEORGE AVATSON BUCK, ESQ CHARLES VIGNOLES, ESQ. THOMAS J. WOODIIOUSE, ESC^ ROBERT NICHOLSON, ES(i. W. C. T. WEST, ESQ. CHARLES DAVY, ESQ. THE LIBBAKY OF THE UKlVERblTY OF ILLINOIS PREFACE. 'I'liF, First Series of " Railway Practice" having been very I'avourably received by the profession, tlie publisher felt warranted in commencing a Second, but owing to untoward circumstances at the time was prevented proceeding with it ; the Editor has, therefore, been induced to produce the work at his own cost, rather than tliat it should have been left unfinished. In presenting the present volume to the notice of the profession the Editor begs to remark, that it consists simply of a collection of '• L'scful Examples in Civil Engineering," the works of eminent men; and all he has attempted has been to do justice to the various subjects, and to economise the time of the reader by making the illustrations as clear and explicit as possible; throwing forward the most essential points in the details, and keeping all subordinate parts at a due distance ; and he considered it better to insert the specifications in their original form, than to give the matter in another shape, notwithstanding the appear- ance of conciseness which might he attained bv the latter plan. IV. Since the object of the work is merely to illustrate an import- ant branch of the profession, and one little before pourtrayed, at least in a practical point of view, if he has succeeded in accomplishing this, and has moreover produced an useful book of reference for the student, he trusts it will not be found unacceptable. To the numerous gentlemen who have so kindly assisted and co- operated with the Editor, comprising the engineers of the works repre- sented — to each of those gentlemen individually he begs most respect- fully to acknowledge his obligations, and to return his most grateful thanks. 12, South Square, Gray's-Inn, May \st, 1840. INTRODUCTION The science of Civil Engineering is one of those which have arisen from the increased demands of the community, in consequence of the advance of civili- zation in modern times, and from the quiet workings of the wealth of nations in times of peace ; hence those countries most secure from the presence of war are generally in better condition, as respects internal improvements, tharf others which are subject to be oveiTun l^y it. Engineering, although of such paramount importance to the prosperity of a country, was ,but little understood or practised formerly, more especially for purposes of a civil nature, its application being almost exclusively confined to the service of warfare and military erections, such as fortifications, and tlu'ir accompanying works ; yet, it must be admitted that civil engineering has existed during all ages, and in most countries, in one shape or other. The subject of roads was well understood by the Romans; in fact, they may be said to have excelled the modems in this department, although it should not be forgotten, that the weight to which ancient roads were subjected was light compared to that of modern carriages, the traffic upon them was also much less, and their cost was extremely great, no expense whatever havimr VI. beeu spared upon them. Canals were also constructed by the Romans, but not to the same extent as roads : they were used by the Egyjitians also, and by the (/hiuese, from a very early period, as generally supposed ; but they were not adopted by the moderns mitil the sixteenth century. The erection of bridges was probably among the earliest instances of civil engineering, roads only ex- cepted ; the aqueducts and bridges of the Romans are among their most cele- brated works ; yet, notwithstanding the costliness of these and other works of the ancients, all are comparatively inefficient, compared with many modern engineering works of a similar nature ; but the materials employed by them were, from some cause, superior to those now used, and the excellence of their cement may be instanced, in corroboration of this remark. Our forefathers in the middle ages were also well acquainted with the properties of building materials. From what has been stated, it follows that the profession of civil engineering is one of modern times, originating from the necessities of the art : the profession of architecture was anterior to it, although far from assuming a decided cha- racter in all ages, and the date of its practice in this country is not considerably in advance of that of engineering, the latter being formerly included in the architectural department; but it was then very limited, comprising merely the drainage of fens, which is of early origin, the navigation of certain rivers, the erection of bridges, and the formation of the New River, by Sir Hugh Myddleton, for the supply of the city of London with water, almost completes the list, up to the period of the introduction of canals by the celebrated Brindley, in the year 17q8, when engineering received a grand stimulus. The subject of machinery was also making rapid progress about the same period, for the steam-engine being then very generally employed, afforded extended means in mining, and such like operations, which had previously existed in a very contracted state. The necessity of exclusive attention to the subject of civil engineering then became apparent, and which led ultimately to its severance from architecture : from hence- forward it became a separate profession, partaking with the latter in some Vll. general principles, l)ut comprehending a more extended range ; and this disso- lution may be easily accounted for, when the increased practice and importance of both professions at the time is considered. In the early stage of the profession its followers may be styled self-taught, or men possessing great natural abilities for the subject, among whom may be mentioned Brindley and Smeaton; also, Jessop, llennie, and Telford. To enumerate the many celebrated works of these great men, would be to form a list of almost all our public works since the period of their commencement ; suiHce it to say, that by the talents of these men civil engineering received a wonderful impulse : and it is further gratifying to its professors, to know that its influence is becoming yet more extended, as the many new applications of means for the accomplishment of various pwrposes, and the improvements effected by it every day, embracing the subject of roads, canals, harbours, docks, drainage of fens and marine sands, water-works, gas-works, mines, bridges, and railways, with the several collateral branches connected with each fully prove : and all scientific men agree, that far greater advantages will yet result from the practice of it. There is scarcely any department of engineering that can be described as perfect ; improvement follows improvement, and the work last executed is always superior to the preceding. It is therefore highly necessary that the student in cinl engineering .should be acquainted with the latest mode of construction employed, for although much may be derived from theory in all speculative sciences, yet, where great capital is at stake, it behoves those who have the direction of the works to he careful not to trust too much to new theories, but to be guided more by practice and experience ; and upon referring to most great discoveries connected Avith engineering, it will be found that they have generally resulted from practice mo\-ing, as it were, step by step ; hence the great desire of mathematicians to make the theory agree with the practice ; yet we must, in justice, admit tlie value of correct theories on scientific subjects. VIU. The practice of civil engineering, at the present time, comprises the con- struction of roads, tramroads, and railroads ; the erection of bridges, aqueducts, and viaducts, also wharfs, warehouses, roofs, and sheds ; the preservation of the navigation of rivers, streams, &c. ; the execution of canals, locks, sluices, &c., also tunnels, cuttings, and embankments ; the formation of harbours, docks, piers, and jetties; the drainage of marshes and marine sands, and the irrigation of land ; the execution of water-works, gas-works, water-wheels, mills, engines, &c. ; the working of mines, &c. ; together with the general direction of all engines, machines, and contrivances, contingent or connected with any of the above-stated departments, although the absolute construction and manufacture of the latter are conducted by another class, who may be styled "' Mechanical Engineers;" and there are instances of the same individuals practising in both depart- ments. Having enumerated the several branches in the practice of civil engineering, we have now only to remark, that it is the intention of the present work to illustrate them, which we have endeavoured to effect, by a series of suitable examples in each. GREAT WESTERN RAILWAY. I. K. BRUNEL, Esq., Engineer. The Frontispiece represents the Bridge over the Thames, at Maidenhead, on the line of the Great Western Railway. The two river arches are each 128 feet span, with a rise of 24 feet 3 inches, and there is a towing-path arch on each side 21 feet span, and three land arches each of 28 feet span. The whole structure is built of brickwork, except the cornice and coping, which are of stone ; the two principal arches are the largest yet constructed of brickwork, and are turned in cement and in half-brick rings ; the thickness of the arch at the springing being 7 feet 1| inches, and each of them are gradually diminished towards the crown, where they are made 5 feet 3 inches. This bridge has created a great sensation in the scientitic world, and many have been the predictions respecting it ; a portion of the eastern river arch was taken down, and rebuilt ; after the period of its first erection, certain defects of workmanship having appeared in the crown, where some of the rings had partially separated from each other, extending for a distance of two or three yards on each side of it, and the cracks were about half an inch wide, but the whole is now executed thoroughly strong, and to the true fonn required ; it is, therefore, likely to remain a lasting monument of the skill of its engineers and builders. In constructing arches of great span in brickwork, it becomes a point of immense importance to secure good materials and workmanship ; this bridge may be said to have Ijeen wholly accomplished by the great care bestowed upon it in . this respect; had the cement or bricks proved to have been inferior, the whole must have come down, it may, therefore, be described as an extremely hazardous undertaking, and one which few men would have risked. 10 LONDON AND CROYDON RAILWAY. JOSEPH GIBBS, Esq., Engineer. This railway forms a junction mth the Greenwich railway, at about a mile from the terminus at London Bridge : the Act was obtained in the year 1835, and the works were shortly afterwards commenced. The mode of constructing the line and contingent works differs from the usual plan of execution, but the alterations are of such a nature that the engineer could safely make, and are within the bounds of prudence, although nothing is more injudicious than the premature adoption of new systems, more especially when employed upon an extensive scale ; as improvements in engineering have hitherto proceeded step by step, the safest way, most imdoubtedly, must be to continue in the same course, and to perfect those systems which have already been in use, as in the present case, in preference to commencing altogether de novo upon a different plan : in the former, the full benefit of experience is taken advantage of The rails are laid bodily upon beams, as shown in the plates, and thus have a continuous bearing throughout ; the system of securing them is very simple, and has been found to answer exceedingly well, it may be called the most perfect plan of simple continuous bearings up to the present period ; some of the bridges are also in a new style of construction. There is an oblique bridge formed by separate walls, thus, \ ^^^^'^^^ \ ^"'^ ^*°°® landings are laid across the paces between ''^^^s ar^-r^-- them at the top, upon which the road is laid, instead ^ \>V.V of the usual expensive process of forming the arch and abutments aslant. 11 TABLE OF GKAUIENTS. Miles. Chains. Links. 1 . . (iO . (firvenwich railway J . 41 . 15 falling 1 in 4.744 . 57 .63 „ 1 „ 1.311 2 . . 50 . 36 rising 1 „ 100 34 . 40 level „ „ „ . 1 . . 34 . 55 falling 1 „ 2.591 4 . 70 rising 1 „ 660 46 . 39 level „ „ 1 . . . 29 . 13 falling 1 „ 660 41 . 50 rising 1 „ 823 . . . . 40 . 97 level „ „ „ The earth employed in forming the embankments was sorted; and the upper stratum, or yellow plastic clay, -was taken to spoil, the blue arenacious clay only being used ; the extra expense accompanying this has been amply repaid, a slip not having occurred on any of the embankments, although they are formed throughout the line with side slopes of 2 horizontal to 1 vertical. The cuttings in clay arc, for the most part, at slopes of 2 to 1, except in i)laces where the depth is less than 10 feet, where they are made 1^ to 1, and in the diluN-ial deposits of gravel, near Croydon, they stand well at | to 1, and at 1 to 1. RADII OF CURVES ON MAIN LINE. 1 curve of 142 chains radius. 1 ji 140 1 9? 112 2 11 90 6 ?i 80 4 11 60 1 ^l 20 The curve of twenty chains radius is situated near the Croydon terminus, and is never traversed at a speed exceeding 15 miles per hour. The curves in the stations practicable for the working of .six-wheeled engines, vary from 1.050 to 250 feet radius; an engine will readily traverse a curve of the latter radius, if the outer rails be lifted 1^ inches higher than the inner ones. c2 12 PERFORMANCES OF ENGINES. The Surrey engine, with one carriage attached, traversed the distance, between London and Croydon, IQi miles, on the 2nd of June, 1839, in sixteen minutes, including starting, easing off at the junction with the Greenwich railway, ascending the inclined plane (without an assistant engine), and stopping, which gives an average of 39.37 miles per hour throughout. The highest measured velocity attained by an engine attached to a train of carriages on this line, was 50 miles per hour, in which case there were six carriages, containing 120 passengers in the whole. The highest measured velo- city attained by the above-mentioned train in descending the inclined plane of 1 in 100, was 47 miles per hour, which was from the force of gravity only ; but the average of several journeys seldom exceeds 25grd miles per hour. The average velocities of several trials in ascending the inclined plane with the above train, were as follows : — Time in Minutes. Distance in Miles. . (Foot of 2)lane.J 1 i 3. 1 4. 2 1 1 -2 4. 1 1 h ^ h If 1 . 2 1 91 I 91 5 ^2 65; minutes. 2f miles. which gives an average velocity of 26.40 miles per hour. The train had not the help of an assistant engine ; and it started from a state of rest in each instance, vpithout any lead whatever. The average time employed in performing the journey of 10| miles, both up and down, is 301 minutes, including starting, stopping at five intermediate stations, and easing off at the junction with the Greenwich railway. The 13 average time occupied in stopping at the whole of the stations is 2^ minutcb, or half a minute at each, during which period the engine is completely idle. There is an inclined plane rising 1 in 50, and 330 yards in length, com- municating with the main line from the .Surrey' canal wharf, on whicli there are three curves — cue of twenty chains radius, and two of GOO feet raiiius — and a six-wheeled engine, weighing thirteen tons, drew itself and tender up this inrline with a load of 11.33 tons, at a velocity of 7| miles per hour, having a lead of 125 yards to the foot of the plane; the same engine, starting on the plane without any lead, took up 10.83 tons, at a velocity of 6.18 miles an hour, the diameter of the cylinder of the engine heing 13 inches, with an 18 inch stroke, and the diameter of the driving wheels 3 feet (5 inches. Pl.vte 2. — Represents the method of forming the Permanent way ; the trans- verse sleepers are of oak, and the longitudinal beams are of ]\Iemel fir, and each of them are subjected to the process denominated "Kyanizing;" the lon- gitudinal sleepers are secured to the transverse beams by spring bolts, and to the rails by wood screws, as they are termed, or screws in which the bodies taper, but not the worms, which continue straight, a layer of patent felt being placed between the sleeper and the flanges. Plate 3. — Bridge for Occupation Road on Deptford Common. There are several bridges built after this plan upon the line, and they have a very elegant appearance. 14 DETAILS OF THE LOCOMOTIVE ENGINE NAMED THE "CROYDON," For assisting the Trains vp the Inclined Plane, of 1 in 100, on the Croydon Railway. GEORGE AND JOHN RENNIE, Esqs., Engineers. Plate 4. — Side Elevation of engine. Plate 5. — Plan of ditto. Plate 6. — Transverse Sections of ditto, taken through the boiler and through the cylinders and smoke box. Diameter of cylinder Length of stroke of piston Diameter of driving wheels Ditto smaller wheels er cubic yard of masonry, and of other particulars to be paid to us according to the " Schedule of Prices" for each particular Avork hereunto annexed. Dated this day of 1838. For selves and partners (Signed) JAMES P. RENNIE. JOHN LOUGAN. 29 lilRMINGHAM AND (iLOUC ESTER RAILWAY. CONTRACT FOR IRON-WORK IN BRIDGES. Specification of the several works to l)e poribrmed in making and com- pleting the iron-work in the bridges hereinafter enumerated on the line of the Birmingham and Gloucester Railway. CONDITIONS ON WHICH CONTRACTS ARE TO BE MADE. 1. The contractor is to furnish all materials, implements, and tackle, that may be required during the execution of the works. 2. The contractor is to execute the whole of the works, as described in the specification, according to the working plans, sections and drawings, to the satisfac- tion of the company's principal engineer and resident assistant engineer, who shall have power to reject materials which are not of the best quality, and to take down imperfect workmanship. The principal engineer is to decide disputes, if any arise ; and the works are to be executed within the periods limited, either in whole or in successive portions, as stated in the specification. 3. The contractor to receive fortnightly 90 per cent, of the amount due for works performed less by the instalment due to the company on account of materials. The balance to be retained by the company until after completion of his contract, under certificate of the engineer-in-chief, and to be then paid to him. 4. Tlie work to be measured by the engineer, and the payment to be made by the company, through their secretary or pay-clerk, upon the certificates of amount due, signed by the cngineer-in-chief 5. Copies of the specification, Stc, and of the tender to be annexed, to be deposited with the resident assistant engineer and contractor. 30 6. In case of workmen employed or materials provided by contractor not being sufficient for completion of the works within the period named, contractor shall, upon notice from the company, provide such additional workmen or materials as the principal engineer shall deem necessary; and, in default, company shall employ such additional workmen or materials, at the cost of the contractor, and may also deduct their wages and cost out of monies due to the contractor, so far as the same may be sufficient for that purpose. 7. The company to have power to remove any persons in employ of contractor on the line, after notice thereof being given to the contractor. 8. The contractor not to make sub-contract without the consent of the com- pany, except as to labour only. 9. Alterations or additions to works not to be executed without written authority, signed by the engineer-in-chief or resident engineer. Works omitted by the same authority to be deducted for, according to the scale established in the " Schedule of Prices." 10. The contractor to employ no men on Sundays, except on such works as are certified in writing by the engineer-in-chief, or resident engineer, to be abso- lutely necessary. The company to have power to dismiss any man found so em- ployed on Sundays, except under this certificate. 11. The contractor not to retail, either directly or indirectly, (without permis- sion of director) any article of consumption to the workmen. EXTENT OF CONTRACT. This contract comprises the formation and completion of the cast and wrought iron-work, in the several particulars hereinafter enumerated, for the whole of the bridges enumerated in the list accompanying this specification ; the accurate fitting and proving the same ; the delivery of the whole in a complete state, at such places as are herein specified ; and fitting and fixing the same in place. It will coviprehend the following works, viz. : — 1. Providing the materials and casting the interior and exterior girders and beams of the forms and dimensions shown on the drawings, Nos. 31 1 anil 2, to which more jiarticular reference is hereinafter made, when the several bridges are enumerated to wliich each ilrawing is intended to apply. 2. Bearing plates to lay upon the timber plates and to receive the upper ends of the holding down bolts, as also bottom plates to l)e fitted on the lower ends of the same as shown in the drawing, No. 3. 3. Manufacturing and completing in wrought iron the tie bolts with coui>- lings, cotters and washers complete, the holding down Ijolts, the king bolts for the principal girders, and the connecting bolts for the flange plates, with requisite nuts, washers and cotters. 4. The manufacturing, completing and fitting in wrought iron the segmen- tal bars in the straight girders designed for bridges under the railway. • with the requisite bolts and fastenings. 5. Also all other bolts and fastenings which may be thought requisite by the engineer for securing the timber or iron-work in any or the whole of the bridges hereinafter enumerated. 6. Fitting and fixing in place the whole of the iron-work, after being de- livered, to be considered as "Extra Work," and to be paid for separately. The preceding enumerated works, and the mode of execution, are described in the specification of each particular work, and their forms and dimensions are represented on the accompanying drawings, which are referred to in this specifica- tion; but should any discrepancy exist between the scale attached and the written dimensions, or between the drawings and specifications, or any ambiguity in them, the same are to be referred to the engineer-in-chief, whose decision shall be conclusive. Also anything contained either in the drawings or specifications shall l)e equally binding upon the contractor, as if it were contained in both. The written dimensions upon the drawings are to be taken in all cases in preference to the scale attached. DRAWINGS. The drawings are three in number, and are arranged for a general design ; they show plans, elevations and sections of the several girders and beams, and of their principal parts and details. The only deviation from them now contemplated, will be the lengths of the exterior or principal girders, for skew bridges (ilepend- ing on their angle of skew), and consequently the curvature of their upper and 32 lower ribs, the length of the king bolts, and the lengths of the beams bearing on them from the abutment walls. The fitting and general construction will be the same, and deviations under this clause will be distinctly'specified in the requisitions of the chief engineer, so as to leave no uncertainty as to precise form and dimensions. PARTICULAR SPECIFICATIONS— CAST IRON. ' Girders are to be of the best No. 2 iron, remelted in the air furnace with bright open round fractures of such a mixture most applicable for the purpose as shall be approved by the engineer; no hot blast iron is to be used. All the bolt holes to be drilled, excejit those for receiving the wn'ought iron bars for bracing or tying the gii-ders together, which are to be cast to a proper size, and then bored out true to the size of the bar, so that it will fit and stand firmly in its position ; each hole to have a boss cast round it sufficient to make up the difference of iron displaced by the holes. No cement stopping or plugging to be inti-oduced into a joint or cavity, unless first sanctioned by the engineer ; and before the girders are delivered they shall be subject to be proved by hydraulic press, or otherwise by the contractor, under the inspection of the engineer, to such extent as the form and substance are calculated to bear, each girder not less than one half of the calculated breaking weights ; this proof shall be made at the establishment of the contractor, and at the expense of the contractor. The bearing plates are to be composed of the same metal as the girders above specified. The whole of the castings shall be correctly moulded free from air holes, and shall measure their true dimensions when ready to be fitted in place. WROUGHT IRON. The segmental strutting bars for the straight girders designed for bridges under the railw^ay, as well as all the bolts, shall l)c made from the best fagotted iron, or from any other equally good, if approved by the engineer in writing pre- vious to manufactiu'e. The bolts for tying or connecting the girders to be made so as to tit the holes coiTCctly, after the same are reamed to receive them. 33 The screwed ends of the bolts and tlu' nuts to bo cut with good screwing gear, and of such a mace as may be approved by the engineer. The nuts and heads of the bolts to be well squared and of full dimensions; no nut to be screwed on the cast iron, but to have a washer under it, well projtortioned as to thickness and diameter PROGRESS OF THE WORKS AND DELIVERIES. The deliveries shall be made at any one of the wharfs hereafter designated. Requisitions shall be made \ipon the contractor by the chief engineer for all the iron-work hereinbefore specified which may be wanted. Such requi.sitions in any one month shall not exceed in amount the quantity required for three bridges complete, commencing in the month of September next, besides holding down bolts and plates for the same, which shall be furnished upon requisition (as above) for not more than three additional bridges per moutli. The contractor shall complete such requisitions and shall deliver the iron-work to the extent and in the manner they shall point out, within eight weeks after their transmission to him by post, for bridges, and within five weeks for holding down bolts. The day of delivery shall be notified to tlie chief engineer at Worcester, in the same manner as prescribed in the Railway Company's Contract for rails and fasten- ings with James Foster, Esq., the contractor for the work herein specified, dated 14th April, 1838 ; and the consignments shall be made in the same manner that has been practised in the deliveries of rails, &c., to the resident assistant, or to the sid>engineer on the spot. PLACES OF DELIVERY. The following are the points at which deliveries are to be made on or before the dates respectively specified (see page 19) in the tabular enumeration of bridges appended hereto ; — viz. : Coombe Hill, Defford, Tewkesbury, ^ Kempsey, Twining, Lowesmoor Wharf, Worcester, Bredons Norton, Diggli's Wharf, Worcester, Eckington. Tibberion Wharf, 34 Oddingley Wharf, Hopwood Wharf, Oddingley Tramway Wharf, King's Norton Wharf, Hanbury Wharf, Bredons Cross, Stoke Prior Wharf, Selly Oak Wharf, Tardebigg Wharf, Digbeth Wharf, Birmingham. FIXING IN PLACE. The contractor shall pro^dde and furnish a sufficient number of artificers, under a competent foreman or overlooker, to fit and fix in place, in a complete and workmanlike manner, the whole of the iron-work provided for each bridge, within one week after notice in writing has been given by the chief engineer, specifying the particular bridge or bridges which are ready for such fitting to proceed. The Railway Company shall provide sufficient materials, tackle and labourers to assist the above foreman, and to be under his directions ; and the Railway Company shall be liable for the additional wages of such men so pro\'ided, during any period of delay caused by the works not being thoroughly ready, after the notice of the engineer shall have been acted upon by the contractor. It is to be distinctly understood that the fixing in place is an " Extra Work," and is to be paid for agreeably with the " Second Schedule of Prices" hereunto annexed, and that the contractor is not to be at the expense of intermediate car- riage from the wharf to the place of erection. GENERAL STIPULATIONS. The general regulations for the observance of the contractor are set forth in the printed form of " Conditions" at the commencement of this specification, and to them the conti-actor is referred. Should it become necessary in the opinion of the engineer at any time during the progress of the works to increase, diminish, or alter the form or dimensions of any part of the work, the contractor shall comply with any order he may receive to that effect in writing from the engineer; the addition, diminution, or alteration to be allowed for according to the rates stated in the " Schedule of Prices" for the particular work annexed to the tender, and the general contract not being vitiated thereby. The contractor is to provide all the necessary machineiy and materials for the works during their progress, except those specified above for fixing. 35 Any materials which the engineer shall tleem insufficient or improper to be used shall be removed from the ground by the contractor within three days after notice has been given him in writing to that effect ; and in case of his failing to remove such materials in the time above specified, the engineer shall have the power to cause them to be removed by the most convenient means, and at the contractor's expense. The whole of the work executed under the contractor is to be of the soundest description, done in a substantial and perfect manner. In case of any question arising as to the weight of materials supplied, which cannot be conveniently determined by weighing on the spot, the weight computed from the drawings will be allowed ; and no other weight will be admitted, unless an order in writing for the extra work or alterations or diminution, as the case may be, signed by the engineer and contractor is produced as a voucher. LIST OF GIRDER BRIDGES On the Birmingham and Gloucester Railway, to be provided with iron-work by contract with James Foster, Esq. Orcr or Square Drawings Number of Girders required. Estimated weight eumplete DATE Situations. under or to regulate dimen- siou. Railway. Skew. 2 23 ''^- 't P.,. FiB- lU. Cast Tons. Wrot. lbs. at which required. 5.6 Cheltenham over skew 1 6^ 2714 I 30 September. 27 Cheltenham do. do. 1 2 6 — — — 22i 1349 87 Cheltenham do. do. I 2 19 — — — 55' 1928 15 November. 75 Cheltenham do. do. 2 4 2 — — 14 1032 20 Besford do. do. 2 — 4 2 — — 14 745 61 Bredicot do. do. 1 2 19 — — 55 1928 45 .Ashehurch do. do. 2 4 o — — 14 745 31 October. 12 Tredington do. square 2 — 4 2 — — 14 745 3 .\shchureh do. do. 2 — 4 2 — — 14 745 7 Defford do. do. 2 — 4 2 — — 14 745 31 October. 12 Norton do. do. 2 — 4 2 — — 14 745 86 Cheltenham under skew 2 — — 4 2 8 1203 31 October. 4 Swindon do. square 2 — — — — 4 2 8* 1032 15 November. 32 .\shehureh do. do. 2 — — — — 4 2 81 \OSJ ditto. 4 .\shchurch do. do. 2 _ — — — 4 2 8 1032 ditto. 9 Spelchlcy 19 Himbleton do. do. skew do. 2 2 z — .^ „_ 4 4 2 2 i 1032 lf>32 March 1839. ditto. .\pril 1839. 54 Hadsor 45 Hadsor 34 Hanburv do. do. square do. 2 2 — ~~ z 4 4 2 2 8 10.-32 1082 over do. 2 _ — 4 2 ""~ _ 14 745 Jauuary lfc39. eo Brumsprove under skew 2 — — — — 4 2 84 10.32 26 150 64 Bmmsgrove King's Norton King's Norton Bordsley do. over under do. do. square skew- do. 2 2 2 2 . — — 4 2 4 4 4 2 2 I(I3S 745 1032 1(132 .Xpril ia39 May 1839. 4-24 i 27,4t>(i F 2 36 The following Bridges will require particular Designs Situations. Over or under Railway. Square or Drawings to regulate Number of Girders required. Estimated weight complete DATE Skew. sious. '^- Fig. 2. Pig. Fig. Fi,. '^: Cast Tons. Wrot. lbs. at which required. 14 48 29 117 95 71 9 109 70 60 60 Himbleton Hadsor Hanbury Canal Stoke Prior Stoke Prior Stoke Prior Stoke Prior Kinfr's Norton Bordsley Bordsley Bordsley under do. do. do. do. do. do. over under do. do. square do. skew 45° do. do. square do. skew do. do. do. — — — 8 8 60 9 9 8 8 15 5 9 1000 1000 2000 1100 1100 1000 1000 1000 300 1000 March 1839. April 1839. C Span on square - 24 ft., on skew ( 34 ft. November 1839. November 1839. May 1839. May 1839. Approximate Estimate. 139 10,500 SUMMARY. 456 Tons of Cast iron in beams, girders, and bear' ng plate.s at 107^ Ditto, ditto, in segment bars at 1 7 Ditto of Wrought iron at ^6,420 18 4 AGREEMENT. I, of hereby agree and undertake to execute, according to the specification hereunto annexed, and subject to the conditions prescribed, the works on the Birmingham and Gloucester Railway, comprised in the contract for " Iron-works in Bridges," amounting by computation to more or less, at the average price of to be paid to me according to the " Schedule of Prices" for each particular work hereunto annexed. Dated this day of 1838. Accepted and agreed to< Directors of the Birmingham and Gloucester Railway Company. (Signed) JAMES FOSTER. 37 BIRMlNCillAM AND GLOUCESTER RAILWAY. CONTRACT. No. 15. G. Tewkesbury Depot. Specification of the several works to be performed in making and com- pleting the depot for the railway in the town of Tewkesbury, in the parish nf Tewkesbury, in the county of Gloucester. CONDITION.S ON WHICH CONTRACTS ARE TO BE MADE. 1. The contractor is to furnish all implements and tackle that may be required during the execution of the works. But it is understood that columns, girders, balustrades for office and entry stairs, grates, coppers, and stink traps are to be supplied to the contractor on the spot free of expense. 2. The contractor is to execute the whole of the works, as described in the specifications, to the satisfaction of the company's principal engineer and resident assistant engineer, who shall have power to reject materials which are not of the best quality, and to take down imperfect workmanship. The principal engineer is to decide disputes, if any arise ; and the works are to be executed within the periods limited, either in whole or in successive portions, as stated in the specifi- cation. 3. The contractor to receive fortnightly 90 per cent, of the amount due for works performed. The balance to be retained by the company until after comple- tion of his contract, under certificate of the engineer-in-chief, and to be then paid to him. 4. The work to be measured by the engineer, and the payment to be made by the company, through their secretary or pay clerk, upon the certificates of amount due, signed by the engineer-in-chief a^ 38 5. The copies of the specification, &c., and of the tender annexed, to be deposited vrith the resident assistant engineer. Contractor to have access to them. 6. In case of workmen employed or materials pro\-ided by contractor not being sufficient for completion of the works within the period named, contractor shall, upon notice from the company, provide such additional workmen or materials as the principal engineer shall deem necessary; and, in default, company shall employ such additional workmen or materials at the cost of the contractor, and may also deduct their wages and cost out of monies due to the contractor, so far as the same may be sufficient for that pui'pose; or it shall be at the option of the engineer, in case of such deficiency of progress, to foreclose the contract, on gi\ing to the contractor a written notice days previously, to this effect. And if the contract is thus foreclosed, the contractor shall forfeit his claim to all * monies or balance that may then be due to him, on account for it, by the Railway Company. 7. The company to have power to remove any persons in employ of con- tractor on the line, after notice thereof being given to the contractor. 8. The conti-actor is to deliver, at the office of the resident assistant engineer, or sub-assistant engineer, an account, every fortnight, of the number of artificers and other workmen employed the preceding fortnight, according to a form to be furnished, or to pay on default; also to deliver, at the same time and place, an acknowledgment, under the hand of the sub-contractor, or foreman, or overlookers, or head-workmen, that every person engaged by or under the con- tractor, has received the whole amount of his demand upon the contractor up to the date of such acknowledgment, or in case of any exception, to state the reason for such exception. 9. If temporary roads be necessary, engineer to set them out ; contractor not to deviate therefrom. 10. The contractor to make satisfaction and compensation, as required by the Act, to all owners and occupiers, for damages by trespass of himself or his men. 11. The contractor not to make sub-contract without the consent of the com- pany, except as to labour only. 12. Alterations or additions to works not to be executed without written authority, signed by the engineer-in-chief or resident engineer. Works admitted by the same authority to be deducted for, according to the scale established in the " Schedule of Prices." 13. The contractor, if required by the company, is to pay the sub-contrac- tors and workmen their full wages (vouched as stated in Clause 8) on the day 39 to be appointed by tho company, and in presence of the company's agent, in such places as the company may appoint, and no otlier. The same rule to apply to all payments made by sub-contractors, and company to have power of dismissal in case of non-compliance. 14. The contractor to employ no men on Sundays, except on such works as are certified in writing by the engineer-in-chief, or residi-nt engineer, to be abso- lutely necessary. The company to have power to dismiss any man found so em- ployed on Sundays, except under this certificate. 15. The contractor not to retail, either directly or indirectly, (without per- mission of directors) any article of consumption to the workmen. EXTENT OF CONTRACT. This contract comprises the formation and completion of several artificer's works hereinafter more particularly specified for the buildings, &c., according to the accompanying drawings. The preceding enumerated works, and the mode of execution, are described in the specification of each particular work, and their forms and dimensions are repre- sented on the accompanying drawings, which are referred to in this specification ; but should any discrepancy exist between the scale attached and the written dimen- sions, or between the drawings and specifications, or any ambiguity in them, the same are to be referred to the engineer-in-chief, whose decision shall be con- clusive. Also anything contained either in the drawings or specifications shall l)e equally binding upon the contractor, as if it were contained in both. The written dimensions upon the drawings are to be taken in all cases in preference to the scale. GENERAL STIPULATIONS. The general regulations for the observance of the contractor are set forth in the printed form of " Conditions" at the commencement of this specification, and to them the contractor is referred. Should it become necessary in the opinion of the engineer at any time during 40 the progress of the works to increase, diminish, or alter the form or dimensions of any part of the work, the contractor shall comply with any order he may receive to that effect in writing from the engineer ; the addition, diminution, or alteration to be allowed for according to the rates stated in the " Schedule of Prices" for the particular work annexed to the tender, and the general contract not being vitiated thereby. The contractor is to proAade all the necessary machinery and materials for thoroughly draining the works during their progress, whether by drifting, pumping, or other means. Also all planks, waggons, barrows, tools, and materials what- soever for temporary ways that may be required in the execution of his contract ; all of which are to be of a quality and construction approved by the engineer. Any materials which the engineer shall deem insufficient or improper to be used shall be removed from the ground by the contractor within three days after notice has been given him in writing to that effect ; and in case of his failing to remove such materials in the time above sjiecified, the engineer shall have the power to cause them to be removed by the most convenient means, and at the contractor's expense. The contractor will be held liable by the company for all damage to adjoin- ing lands done by trespass of the people in his employ. The whole of the work executed under the contractor is to be of the soundest description, done in a substantial and perfect manner. The contractor will be at liberty to use the quantities of the several descrip- tions of work from which the engineer's estimates have been made, without the engineer being any further pledged for their accuracy. In case of forclosure of the contract, the contractor shall forfeit all claim to the balance of monies, if any then due to him from the company, upon this contract. Nett measm-ements only mil be paid for, or allowed, without regard to any usage or custom to the contrary. It is to be distinctly understood that the whole of the work executed under this conti-act is to be of the soundest and best description of each kind; and if any work of inferior description is introduced, which does not satisfy the engineer, it shall be rejected and not paid for. 41 PARTICULAR SPECIFICATIONS Of the several works to be performed. DIGGKR OR EXCAVATOR Is to excavate for the foundations of all walls that are to be built on new foundations, to level the ground and ram the same previous to commencing the footings, and to clear away all rubbish or material from the excavation according to the direction of the engineer ; he is to excavate for the sewer or drain and cess- pool shown on the drawings, and for all other drains or cesspools that may be required, and to clear out the wells if so ordered. BRICKLAYER Is to build all the walls of the several thicknesses and heights sho\vn, leaving openings for doors, windows, &c., to the full dimensions figured on the drawings. To build the several fire places, chimney jambs, breasts, backs, and shafts, with flues, 9 inches by 14 inches, properly gathered and pargettcd, as shown on the drawings ; the fire places to have each a strong iron chimney bar, 2i by ^ths of an inch, with the ends turned up and down ; the opening for fire places to be 3 feet high by their respective widths, and in the kitchen 4 feet high. As also all recesses, dwarf walls, piers, and retaining walls. To dome over in 14 inch brick the wells now existing, with proper man holes, covered with forest landings and a strong iron ring; to build a 9 inch barrel drain to lead into the street sewer, forming a stink trap to former ; to line in 9 inch brick the cesspool and water cisterns, and also a shaft for the water pump; to build proper stacks and spandrils for carrying the several flights of steps shown on the drawings ; to build all privies and other conveniences, and generally to execute the whole of the brickwork requisite to carry out the design of the draw- ings, &c.; to turn 9 inch discharging arches over and under all openings, leaving a suflicient thickness for the face work. The bricklayer is to cut all splays, rakes, and chasing, for lead fla.shings, and for stone or oak sills, and to make good where necessary ; to form all reveals ; to bed all plates, lintles and door and window frames, wooden bricks and bond timber; to do all wind pinnings and beam fitting. The walls are to have the courses well flushed up, and they are to be carried G 42 up in even and level courses throughout, in order to settle fairly. External faces to be worked with a flat nded joint. The bond shall be english or flemish at the option of the engineer. The walls shall be built solid whh whole bricks, bedded full in mortar, with joints not exceeding |th of an inch thick, the bricks being previously thoroughly soaked in water, the whole being flushed solid, the joints pointed, and then grouted full. The bricks to be used shall be sound and hard burnt ; and where worked in on the face shall be of the very best severn bricks of uniform colour, and shall be thoroughly soaked in water before being worked in. The mortar shall only be used when fresh mixed ; it shall consist of three parts of clean sharp river sand and one part of strong fresh burnt lime, thoroughly slacked and mixed dry with the sand, and then thoroughly tempered with a sufhcient quantity of water. EXTRA WORKS AT ORDER OF ENGINEER. Cast iron stink traps to be fixed to all external apertures of drains. To set all grates and coppers, also where walls are to be built on foun- dations. MASON. The front, in High-street, is intended to be faced with stone in the most sub- stantial manner. The stone shall be selected of the largest possible size, carefully chiselled and dressed to the diff"erent cheeks and mouldings shown on the drawings; no joint of mortar shall exceed ^th of an inch thick, the beds shall be full and square for the whole depth of the stone, which in no case shall be less than 18 inches, and the joints squared back for not less than 18 inches ; the courses shall be so selected in height as to suit in the best manner the several panels and mouldings. All the arrises shall be carefiiUy protected, so that when finished the work may be shaqj and perfect. The parapets and chimney shafts above the roof shall in like manner be faced with stone, the coping being dowelled together. The backing of brick shall be carried up at the same time as the facing and bonded into it, thorough stones being inserted at proper intervals, and at the gate- door and windows jambs in every alternate course. The piers, to which the large entrance gates are hung, must be built solid, and the gate irons must be built in, sunk and run with lead; and forest blocks shall be used for the basement of the entii'e front. Forest stone landings, 6 inches thick, are to be laid over the tops of the two cross walls carried up in the middle of the 43 • building from the groiiiul ; upon those landings the fire places and chimney ijreasts and shaft are intended to be carried U|), as also the partition or cross wall between the rooms on the first floor. Stone sills, 8 inches wide and 5 inches thick, weathered and throated, are to be provided and fixed to all the windows in the back fronts. Forest stone stej)s, 12 inch treads and 6 inch risers, Avith rounded nosings, to be built under the entrance gateway, as show n on the draw ings ; the stones must be obtained of the greatest possible length, and the work must be of the most solid description. The smaller flights of steps must in the same way be carefully and substan- tially built of the same material. Large square forest stones, not less than 10 inches thick, must be fixed in the brick piers as bases to the iron columns, and as bearers for the iron girders. Solid stone coping, not less than 4^ to 5 inches thick, showing 2 inches tomus on the outer edge in stone, not less than 3 feet long, dowelled together, must be laid on the retaining walls along' the platform or stage, as also stone plancers, not less than 6 inches thick, along the ramp of the steps leading to the booking office, into which an iron railing will be smik, the holes being cut for the l)alusters by the mason. Proper stone hearths, 18 inches longer than the width of the fire places; must be proraled and fixed to all the fire places. The fire places in the chambei-s to have plain stone mantle jambs, slips and shelves with rounded comers. Stone sinks shall be provided and fixed in the con- venience and outhouse, with holes cut in them and large landings laid as pavement in a substantial manner to the privy entrance and area before it, as also to the back doors of the out buildings. Stone imposts must be fixed to all arches exceeding 5 feet span. PLUMBER, PAINTER AND GLAZIER To lay all the lead gutters with 71bs. rolled sheet lead, with 3 inch drips, to extend in all places 9 inches up the roof and 4 inches up the wall, with a lead flashing, 511)s. to the foot, at least 5 inches deep ; all the hips, vallies, and ridges to be laid Avith 511) lead. To provide and fix a ])unip with proper service pipes and all necessary stays and standards for the same. To fix two rain water pumps with 2 inch suction pipes and 31 inch cyliniler, with oak standard plans, wrought iron lift and cheeks complete, using the old pumps for the purpose ; if the old are rejected by the engineer as not fit, their price of pro\iding new pumps to be extra. c. 2 44 To glaze with best Newcastle crown glass all windows and lights, to be well bedded and back puttied, and to make good all broken glass until the work is delivered over. To stop, knot and paint in three coats of good oil colour all interior work usually painted, and all similar exterior work in four coats of oil. PLASTERER. Render, float and set kitchens, lath, plaster, float, and set fair for papering the living room and chambers, and for colouring or painting in the passages and offices. Plain cornices, not exceeding 10 inch girth, are to be run in the chambers of the dwelling house. The ceilings to be lath laid, and set in plaster. SLATER. To cover the whole of the buildings with duchess slates, nailed in two places with coper nails 2 " X f deal sav^-n laths. Eaves to be laid double ; the whole of the slates to have a sufficient overlap, not less than 3 inches, and to be carefully assorted in courses consisting of slates of equal thickness. CARPENTER. The whole of the timbers to be of the best sound yellow Memel, Dantzic or Riga fir, free from shakes or large loose or dead knots, and to be prepared accord- ing to the patentee's specification for Kyan's process. No rafters, joists or quarters to be more than 12 inches apart in the clear, a tier of herring-bone struts, 2" X 2", in each room, on each of the floors. ProAade and fix all necessary centreing to the arches and apertures, and support the same with proper struts and braces. Provide and fix 2 tier of bond timber in each of the stories, fir lintels, wall plates, and with wood bricks for the fixing of the joiner's work, as may be directed. The bond and plates to be halved and dovetailed at the angles, and nailed and returned at the chimney breasts. Lintels over all door and window openings to be 4^ inches thick, and 18 inches longer than the width of the internal opening, and as wide as the walls will admit. • 45 The roof, floors, and cuiarter partitions to be framed in a .sound proper manner of the following scantlings : — Feet. Ini'lica. Bond and wood bricks 4 X 2J Wall plates on each story 4^X4 Joists of lodge and sitting room, ground floor . . 5 X 2| English oak sleepers 4 x4 Joists of one pair floor 10 X 3 Framed and trussed quarter partition head . . . G X 4 Counter head 4 x4 English oak, Queen's 6 x4 Crown piece 4^ X 4 Strutts 4 X 4 Sills, quarters, braces, and puncheons .... 4 X 2^ Posts 4 x4 Roof. Rafters 7 X 3 Properly secured with iron foot straps and bolts to the tie beams, and securely nailed to the collar beams where they are used. Tie beams 9 x 3 Collars 5 X 3 Ridge pieces and hips 9 Xl| Pitching pieces 9 Xl| Diagonal and Dragon pieces 4i X 4 Trimmer to sky-lights . 4i X 4 Cover the whole of the roof with | yellow deal rough boarding for slates, the edges shot with all proper tilting and springing fillets. Privy. Joists 10 X 3 Trimmers 10 X 3i « Fir proper door frames, 4x3, tenoned into stone sill, and Ij ledged and l)eaded door, hung with 12 cross garnets and screws and norfolk thumb latch, small })olt to same ; 1| ploughed and tongued seat, with hole cut in same, and all 46 proper bearers ; | deal square skirting, 4 inches wide, rovind same; 1^ deal ovolo sash hung on pivots. Joiner. The deals to be of the best seasoned Christiana or Stockholm. Floors. • Lay I5 yellow deal floors (free of sap) to the rooms and passages on the one pair and ground floors, those on the ground floor, that are to be boarded, to be ploughed within ^ of the bottom edge, and to be tongued with thin zinc. Windows and Frames. Deal cased frames, english oak svmk and weathered sills, IJ brass axle puUies, 1| deal ovolo sashes single hung, with best extra stout patent white lines and iron weights. Those that are shown upon drawings with gothic heads, will have inch deal wrought and tongued linings or splays with backing, | quirk moulding round same to all the windows, except the lining rooms, which are to have Ij framed bead butt and square shutters, hung with I5 pair 3 butts and screws, with boxing to receive the same Avith single. The window in the porter's room to be double hung. Pronde and fix square angle stafs, wherever required, at the chimney breasts, &c. Doors. The cellar doors to be I5 proper ledged doors, hung with 12 cross garnets, wdth oak proper door frames, 4x3, tenoned into stone sills, with 9 inch stock lock and norfolk thumb latch to same. The doors under the spandrils of the stairs, opening on the platform for passengers, to be 2 inch panelled, as on the drawing, bead flush and square with gothic head and rabeted frame 4 X 31, tenoned into stone sill and beded casing 4 X |, fixed round the jambs, sofiiet to the outside, hung with 4 inch butts, with* 10 inch best iron rim knob locks, and 2 — 10 inch bright barrel bolts to same. Similar doors to other openings on the ground floor, except the centre one, as shown in section, Avhich is to have moulded transom and fanlight, as drawings. Two inch moulded and square doors to the rooms on the one pair floor, the moulded side towards the passages with 1^ deal single rebated jamb linings, with 47 dovetailed backings to each jaml). inch deal framed grounds. 4|. wide, s|>layed at the back edge lor i)Ia.ster, and I moulding to same, hung with 4 inch Redmonds iron patent rising spring hinges, and 7^ inch mortice locks, with best knob furni- ture. Skirtings. Inch deal grooved skirting grounds to the booking oflice, passages, and sitting foom on the one-pair floor, with deal moulded skirting, 9 inched wide, the angles t(» be ])roperly tongued autl housed. Inch deal square skirtings, 7 inches wide, to the other rooms that are floored. Staiiicask. One and a quarter hard yellow deal nosed *and 1 inch risers to stairs, with all proper brackets, carriages, &c. One inch square bar balusters, 2 to each step, and 1 iron bar baluster upon every fourth step properly secured, 2 iueli oak handi-ail to stairs, single moulded skirting on landings and stairs. PROGRESS OF THE WORKS. 1. Up to the joists of the first floor throughout shall be laid by the I7th of November next. 2. Up to the wall plates throughout shall be laid by the 20th of December next. 3. The buildings shall be covered throughout by the 15th of January, 1839. 4. All the interior Avork shall be finished by the 28th February, 1839. The advances, as per proposal annexed hereimto. shall be subject to 20 per cent, deducted, which 20 per cent, shall be paid on the subsequent fortnightly certificate of the engineer, provided that the above times have been duly observed ; but this 20 per cent, shall be forfeited to the company, if the above times and amounts of work done have not been duly observed. TENDER. * I, of do hereby propose to make and erect the depot in the town of Tewkesbury according to the plans and specifications exhil)ited to me ; and to maintain the same until delivered over to the engineer, on completion of this contract ; and to provide all the requisite materials within the periods, and upon the terms and conditions 48 mentioned and contained in the draft also exhibited to me, for the sum of sixteen hundred and sixty pounds — to be paid as follows, viz. : when the joists of the first floor throughout the building are laid ,£500 ; when the wall plates for the roof are laid throughout the building ^£300 ; when covered in throughout J200 ; when all interior work specified is finished £20Q : and the balance within one month after engineer's certificate of completion ; allowance more or less being made, when the work actually performed, for any increase or diminution of work ordered as per clause 12 of the conditions hereunto annexed. And I have in the " First Schedule," hereto annexed, set forth the prices of the different descriptions of work at which this tender is computed. And I further propose to execute the several works in the said specification, denominated " Extra Works," at the prices afiixed to each description of work in the " Second Schedule" hereto annexed. And in case this tender shall be accepted, I hereby undertake to execute the agreement following to perform the works as above proposed, and under the con- ditions above referred to. And lastly, I do hereby undertake and agree, that in case the said agreement shall not be executed by me within one week from the date hereof, the said com- pany shall not (unless they think fit) be bound by this tender, but the same shall be absolutely void, in case the company shall so think fit; nor shall they in that case be liable to any claim by me in respect of work then already done by me upon the said railway. Witness my hand this day of 1838. To the Directors of the Birmingham and Gloucester Railway. (Signed) THOMAS P. HOLDER. COPY OF A LETTER FROM THE CONTRACTOR TO THE ENGINEER-IN-CHIEF. Sir, Having Mcamined the drawings along with you this morning, I find that the platform extends further than shown on the sketches from which I made my estimate of £'1660, and that the additional quantity of work, both stone and brick, will amount to a further sum of £80, I beg to make my proposals subject to this increase for the Tewkesbury depot. Tewkesbury, October 11th, 1838. (Signed) Thomas P. Holder. 49 ABSTRACT OF THE CONTRACTOR'S ESTIMATE. Description of Work. BRICKLAYER. Brickwork in walls f 14 inch arches Cut spliiys in arches Cut quoins to do Barrel drain MASON. In plinths Moulded work on face Plain work on face . Doors and windows . 3 inch landings 2 inch hearths 6 inch landings 2 inch mantle and jambs Moulded steps 18 inch coping 4 inch sill to privy . No. 3 plain chimney-pieces CARPENTER. Fir framed Ditto, in bond and lintels . Ditto, in joists . Gutter boards and bearers 1| inch yellow deal floor . 6 inch partition 4 inch ditto 1 Rough boarded to roofs 2 Panel square doors 1^ inch partition 4 Panel bead, both sides gothic 4 Panel square doors 1| inch proper ledged door Sasii-doors Single rebated jamb linings Architrave linings Single moulding Gothic fan-lights, No. 1 Herringbone strutting Deal cased frame oak sunk sills IJ inch ovolo sashes, 1| brass axles weights and lines, &c. Inch framed shutters head doors puUics 5ti5 152 iuchcu. u 6 451 4 800 512 210J sq. yds 37 6 10 yds. 10 10 694 B 210 6 21 47 187 15 151 4 Riin. twt. inclii*9 65 n 141 3 - 553 10 - 171 385 3 233 2 13| sq. 2 sq. 65 80 ft. 6 14^sq. 82 4 53 97 6 60 72 54 5 8 184 2 no 2 51 ()• 17ti H 50 Description of Work. No. 1 Inch and quarter deal nosed treads and risers, square bar balusters Oak handrail . Iron bar baluster, inch square 4 inch square skirting inch plain, ditto 9 inch moulded, ditto Cut hole, and dished with cover to P 4 inched dresser top to corridor and drawers. handles, lock and key to dresser 2 Iron-rimmed knob locks. No. 12. 4 inch butts, No. 12 p Norfolk thumb latch. No. 7 Woodstock locks. No. 6 Cross garnets. No. 4, pair. 6 inch bright bolts, No. 6 Patent sash fastenings. No. 32 . Duchess slates SLATER. PLUMBER. feet. inches. 108 3 70 10 189 rods, feet. feet, inchfs. 16 18 55 56 281 6 6 Gutters and flashing, lead .... Wall-hooks, No. 39 Washer and waste in sink, No. 1 . . . 2 inch lead pipe ...... Pump, with proper service-pipe complete, No. 1 No. 2 rain-water pump suction pipes GLAZIER. Best Newcastle crown glass .... Skylight tops cut circular .... Fanlight over door. No. 1 . . . . PAINTER. 4 Oils 3 Oils 4 Oils sashes and frames. No. 29 Sash squares in 4 oils, 8 dozen and 4 Chimney-pieces, No. 4 . . . PLASTERER. Render, float and set to walls . Lath, plaster, float and set to partition . Laths lay set and white to ceilings, compo Plain corner, 10 inch girt 15 sq. 44 cwt. 208 11 80 lbs. 18 36i yds. 128 yds. 559 yds. 66| yds. 270 yds. 66i yds. 169 51 FIRST SCHEDULE REFEUHEU TO, Containing a list of the prices of the several descriptions of work at which the accompanying tender is computed, the whole of the work being executed and completed agreeably with the foregoing specification : — Excavator and Bricklayer. Digging, per cubic yard ..... Bricklaying, per rod of 272 feet .... Banel drains, per foot ..... Brick flat in cellar floor, per yard superficial Mason. Cased and bonded stone front per foot superficial on the whole extent, opening included (J in. forest landing, per foot superficial Weathered and throated sills, per foot run Forest treads and terrace steps Ditto, risers ditto .... Landings on platform forest tliin, per superficial Cube forest under columns Blue stone hearths, per foot superficial Weathered coping, per cube Forest border, sills, per foot superficial Stone jambs and muUions, per superficial Moulded coping, per run Ditto, cornice ditto Carpenter. Memel timber, per cube ..... Ditto, in bond plates, lintels as per ditto Ditto, door-frames ...... Oak sleepers ...... E.rtra works. Yellow deal ploughed and tongued floors with chains, per square Ditto, staircases, per superficial .... Ditto, boarding roof, per square .... Ditto, gothic door head, per superficial Ditto, double-hung gothic head, per ditto Deal cased frames oak sunk sills, 1| wide deal sashes, per super. 52 Ledged and beaded doors, per ditto Angle staff beads, per run Moulded skirting, per run . . . Beaded linings, per superficial Jamb linings, per superficial . Framed and beaded box shutters, per superficial Skii'ting, per run .... 2 inch moulded sash door, per superficial Ditto, gothic headed, j^er ditto . Wrought strings, per ditto Slater and Plasterer. Deal sawn lath for slating, per square Duchess slating, per square Plastering on walls, per yard . Ditto, lath ceilings in plaster, per ditto Cornice plaster, per run Gothic ariis, per ditto .... Lath and plaster partition, 3 yards square Plumber, Glazier and Painter. Lead flashing, per cwt Ditto, gutters ..... Best Newcastle glass, per superficial . AGREEMENT. I, of hereby agree and imdertake to execute according to the specifications hereunto annexed, and subject to the conditions prescrib*ed, the works on the Birmingham and Gloucester Railway, comprised in the contract Teivkcsbiiry depot, hereunto annexed, amounting to the sum of one thousand seven hundred and forty lioimds, exclusive of " Extra Works" and alterations regularly ordered by the engineer, as contemplated in clause 12th of the conditions hereunto annexed, which are to be paid to me according to the " Schedule of Prices" for each particular work hereunto annexed. Dated this day of 1838. 5 ^ Accepted and agreed to I Directors of the Birmingham and Gloucester Railway Company. (Signed) THOMAS P. HOLDER. 53 DETAILS OF THE SWING BRIDGE, LONDON DOCKS. H. R. PALMER, Esq., Engineer. Plate 12. — Elevation and Transverse Sections of Ijridge, and Details of friction rollers. Plate 13. — Longitudinal Section and Plan of bridge, showing framing. Exiilauotion of References on Plates. a . . Iron post cased with steel, turned and polished. b . . Iron socket cast hard in a metal mould and groiuid. c . . The four adjusting screws. d . . The inside of the ring turned true for the rollers to run in. e . . The soil-plate cast solid. f . . The arms ha\'ing fouf adjusting screws. The rack is secured to the tail of the bridge, and the projecting part is supported by a cast-iron bracket, screwed to external rib. 54 MANCHESTER AND BIRMINGHAM RAILWAY. G. W. BUCK, Esq., Engineer. Plate 14. — Plans, Elevations and Sections of the Stockport Viaduct, (see Speci/ication of sa?nej. Plate 15. — Ditto, Details of Constmction. Plate 16. — Elevations, Sections and Details of the Cangleton Viaduct. Specification for the erection of the Viaduct over the River Mersey, at Stockport. The viaduct will l)e constructed of 22 semi-circular arches, each of 63 feet .span ; the particulars of which are exhibited in the drawings, and herein further described. The whole of the foundations of the abutments and piers are to be laid upon the solid sand-stone rock. It is presumed that the rock will l)e met with at the respective depths shown in the drawings ; and if otherwise, the foundations must be laid either higher or lower, as the case may require, in the judgment of the engineer. The rock must be dressed oflf to a uniform level surface, equal in extent to the bottom course of the masonry of each foundation. The contractors are to excavate all the foundations, to the depths shoAvn in the drawing; to construct dams, to keep out or pump out the water, and provide all cenh-eing-planks and tools of every description necessary to the perfect execution of the work, at their own expense, and to be included in the amount of their tender ; and in case any of the foundations shall, in the opinion of the engineer, require to be laid lower than is shown in the drawings, the contractors are to make the required additional or other contingent works, incident thereto, at the rate specified in the second list of prices. 00 The increase of the excavation, masonry, or brick-work, or other matti-r constituting the foinulation caused hy such additional depth, will he paid for a« additional work, at the rate sjjeeilied in the second list of prices. The earth, or other material, which it may he necessary to fill in round the brick-work or masonry of the foundations, must be widl punned, pounded, or ' puddled-in. as the case may require, or as may be directed by the enj^iueer ; and the expense of performing it is to be borne by the contractors, and not to be charged as additional or extra work. The value of such tilliug-in round the foundations of the piers and abutments, is to be included in the price for the excavations, where additional excavation is necessary, and to be included in the contract where additional exca- vation is not necessary. The tilling-in is to extend from the bottom of the foundation to the level of the surface of the ground. The surplus earth arising from the excavation of the foundations must be removed into the embankmeuts surrounding the aljut- ments, by and at the cost of the contractors. BRICK. The Ijricks to be made use of in the inside work .shall be such as are known in Manchester by the name of '" common bricks," of good quality, well shaped, and hard bunit. The whole external face of the brick-work of the viaduct is to be built with second-stock bricks, of the best quality ; and the whole depth or thickness of all the arches of the viaduct must be entirely built with the said second-stock bricks. In the arches the bricks must be laid by a line, and each l)rick tirnil) bedded with a mallet. No broken bricks shall be used, and no joint of mortar shall exceed a quarter of an inch in thickness. No difference of Avorkmanship will be allowed in outside and inside work, except so far as herein specified ; and the whole of the joints .shall be flushed up solid w ith mortar, and the outside joint neatly drawn with a trowel, and struck with a straight edge. The bond will be either English or Flemish, as the engineer may direct. The contractors will not be allowed to build any of the outside work over- handed ; but they must, in every case, lay it from the outsiiic, and prdvide all scaffolding or stages necessary for the .same. The arches are to be backed with solid brick-work, up to the height shown in the drawing, and the spandrils are to be carried up with the backing to the 56 same height before the centres are eased; and the remaining or upper portion of the spandrils is not to be built until the centres are eased quite clear of the arches, and all the arches are tiu-ned and backed to the height shown in the drawing. All the joints of the soffits of all the arches must be raked and neatly pointed. After all the arches shall have been turned, and the centres eased or struck, and after so much time shall have elapsed as shall be sufficient, in the opinion of the engineer, to ensure no further subsjidence of any of the arches, then, and not till then, shall the remaining portion of the spandril walls be built up to the level of the under side of the stone parapet. No brick-work, or stone-work, to be set during frosty weather. MORTAR. The mortar to be made use of in the foundations in all those parts below the surface of the ground, in all the arches, and in the piers which stand in the River Mersey, to the height of the uppermost course of the stone-work of the base, must be laid in Artbury lime mortar, or in mortar made with hydraulic lime of equally good quality, such as shall be approved by the engineer. The mortar to be used in the other parts of the work may be made with Burton lime, or any other lime such as shall be approved of by the engineer. The lime is to be mixed with clean sharp sand, in the proportion of three mea- sures of sand to one of lime. The lime and sand must be intimately mixed and well tempered, by being ground together under edge-stones with a proper quantity of water. STONE. All the stone to be used in or for the viaduct, is to be stone of the best quality, from the Cloud Hill, or Runcorn Quarries ; or other stone equally good, and approved of by the engineer. The stone-work of the piers and abutments is to be of solid ashlar work throughout, from the foundations to the height shown in the drawings. Each course to be 2 feet thick. The outside courses to measure 2 feet 6 inches, and 4 feet alternately in the bed. No stone in the outside courses to be less than 4 feet long ; and no stone, either in the inside or outside work, to break joint less than 18 inches. 0/ Tlie outside courses of the bases of the piers and abutments are to have 3 inch chanipered joints, with u tool-draft or margin 2 inches wide, and the remaining space pick-dressed. All the beds of tlie stones are to be accurately worked into true plane surfaces without any winde or hollow, and set with as close a joint as possible. Each course to be completed before the next is begun, and drafted and pick-dressed to a true horizontal bed. The imposts are to be 3 feet thick, in two courses ; and the stones of which they are composed are to measure 4 feet long in the face, and alternately 4 feet and 6 feet deep in the bed, exclusive of the projection ; by this arrangement the long stones will break joint with each other two feet, and in I'aeh cross joint a 3 inch square joggle of hard stone, or of well burnt Staffordshire brick earth, is to be inserted throughout the whole thickness of the impost (as shown in the drawing), and set in lluid roman cement of the best quality. The inq)osts are to be moulded (as shown in the draAving), and their whole external surface fair tooled. After the spandril walls shall have been built to the height shown in the drawings, then the stone parapet is to be erected (of the form and dimensions shown in the drawings). The whole of the internal and external surfaces of the parapet are to be fair tooled. No stone in the parapet to be less than 5 feet long. All the beds and cross-joints to be perfect planes, and set with close joints. In each cross-joint of the parapet there must be a vertical joggle through the whole height or thickness of the course ; and in each joggle a piece of hard stone, or of well burnt stalTordshire brick earth, is to be inserted, 3 inches square, set in fluid roman cement of the best quality. To carry off the water from the railway a 4 inch cast-iron pipe is to be built horizontally into the centre of each pier, and of each abutment, to discharge the water 1 foot above the level of the surface of the ground ; the discharging end must project 4 inches beyond the face of the masonry, and be terminated with a ;| of an inch bead, the inner end of each horizontal pipe must have a faucit joint, the bottom of which must be G inches above the upper sin-face of the horizontal pipe ; the pipe is to have a quarter bend at this end ; the faucit joint is to receive a 3 inch cast-iron pijje, which is to be built in the centre of each pier, and in each abutment, up to the level of the backing (as shown in the drawing). 'i'he uppermost h-ngth of the 3 inch pipe is to finish in a cesspool made in ' a stone block, into which the water is to be brought by the drains (shown in the drawing.) I 58 After any one of the arches shall have been turned and backed to the proper height, the arch and backing are to be coated with coal-tar, in the following manner, as soon as the weather will permit: — The whole of the upper surface of the arch and backing must be freed from all dirt, dust, loose materials, or any other extraneous matter, by being thoroughly swept, or by other efficient means ; and the work, after being thus cleaned, must be covered with coal-tar, prepared and put on in the following manner; — The coal-tar is to be boiled a sufficient length of time, to evaporate its water and ammoniacal liquor, to such an extent that when the remainder is suffered to cool it will set moderately hard, and without cracking: the requisite time for ])oiling is about ten or twelve hours. The coal-tar, when thus prepared, is to be poured upon the brick-work by means of ladles or cans, and well rubbed into the surface of the brick-work with stiff brushes ; and after the tar has been thus brushed into the surface and joints of the brick-work, another coat is to be poured upon it and suffered to cool thereon, to the thickness uf, and not less than, a quarter of an inch. After the erection of the spandril walls, they must be carefully coated with prepared tar, to the extent of 18 inches in height above the arch and backing ; and great care must be taken to make perfect the connection between the coating of the arches and the spandrils. The purport of the coating is to render the arches impervious to water ; and it is proper to add, that the operation cannot be performed except in dry weather. It is now known by experience, that when this work is well executed, the arches are rendered perfectly drop dry, and the contractor will be held responsible to make them so. All the centreing must be consti-ucted to the satisfaction of the engineer, for which purpose the contractor must lay before the engineer drawings of the centres which he purposes to make use of, and which must have the engineer's approval before the centres are consti-ucted. The contractor must commence turning the arches at one end of the viaduct, and proceed onwards to the other end ; and he Avill not be allowed to remove or to ease any one centre until he shall have not fewer than eight arches turned, after which, the centi-e next the abutment may be removed, and be placed in advance, to serve the purpose of turning the next succeeding arch upon, and so on regularly in succession. Provided nevertheless that the contractor shall not, in any case, be permitted to strike, remove, or ease a centre, without having the written permission of 59 the cnginccr-in-chicf for that purpose; ami if tlu' contractor sliall persist in acting in opposition to this provision of the sj)ecitication, he shall be liable to the expense of all accidents or damages arising therefrom ; and shall, in addition thereto, forfeit and pay to the company the sum of one thousand pounds for any violation thereof. After the arches shall be turned back and coated, and the sj)andril walls shall have been carried to the proper height for the parapet, the contnutor must fill the spaces between the arches, and also cover the whole of the arclies with sand, up to the height of 1 foot above the level of the tops of the arches. This must be done from one end of the viaduct to the other, and embrace the whole breadth between the parapets. The contractor will be required to fix as many vertical earthen drain-pipes in the ballasting between the arches as the engineer may direct. These pipes will be furnished by the railway company. I 2 60 PARIS AND VERSAILLES RAILWAY. M. PERDONNET, Engineef. Plate 17. — Plan, Elevation and Details of the Viaduct across the Vale of Fleury. This design, it is presumed, will be reviewed with particular interest, as it contains some deviations from the usual mode of construction adopted in this country. 61 GLASGOW, GREENOCK, AND PAISLEY RAILWAY. JOSEPH LOCKE, Esq., Engineer. Plate 18. — Plans, Elevations and Sections of the Bridge over the River Cart, at Paisley,* face Specijication of same j. Plate 19. — Bridge over South Croft Street, (sec Specifcation of same J. Plate 20. — Plans, Elevations and Sections of the Bridge over Cook Street. Plate 21. — Ditto, Details of Construction. Plate 22. — Plans, Elevations and Sections of the Bridge over the Pallack and Govan railway. Plate 23. — Ditto, Details of Construction. SrECiFiCATiON of Bridge for crossing tlio River Cart, at Paisley. This bridge of one arch, for carrying the railway across the River Cart, shall be built according to the form and of the dimensions represented on the drawing. The foundations of the abutments shall be laid at the depths shown on the drawing, and shall be 33 feet long and 23 feet 6 inches thick, stepping off in three courses (1 foot each) to 28 feet long and 18 feet 6 inches thick. From this point to the springing of the arch, being a height of 25 feet 10 inches, the face of the al)utment shall l)e built perpendicular, while at the l)ack the curve of the arch being carried to the foundation, the abutment will gradually decrease in thickness to the springing, where it shall be 6 feet 6 inches thick, and 28 feet long. The courses in the abutment shall be radiated in the same manner, and from the same centre as the arch stones — the face stones being set square and bounded at every alternate course to the radiated arch of the abutment, as shown on tlie drawing. • A clause in the Act of Parliament for the railway reejuireJ this bridge to span the river in one arch, and that the foundations shall be 10 feet below high water-mark. The cost of it amounted to about £4,(XK). 62 The foundation courses, and for 10 feet in height from the base, shall be set in water lime. As the dimensions are written on the drawing, it will not be necessary to insert them here : the following, however, are the principles : — The impost shall be 1 foot 6 inches thick, and shall project and be wrought into the torus form, shown on the drawing ; the arch shall be 85 feet span at the impost, and the rise from the springing to the soffit must be 18 feet. The arch stones must be 3 feet deep at the crown, increasing in thickness to 5 feet at the springing; they shall be 18 inches thick at the under side, and not less than 3| feet long. The exterior ring of arch stones shall have a torus moulding course, 1 foot thick, dressed into the form shown on the drawing. The string course shall be 15 inches thick, 4 feet on the bed, with a projection of 2 feet. Each stone shall not be less than 3 feet long. It shall be throated or undercut for the drop. The parapet shall be 4 feet high, consisting of a plinth course, 15 inches in depth, 1 foot 9 inches wide ; and one course 2 feet deep, 1 foot 6 inches thick ; and a coping 9 inches deep, and 1 foot 10 inches wide. No stone in the parapet shall be less than 3 feet long. The ujjper edges of the plinth shall be chamfered. Each stone in the parapet shall be doweled together Avith iron dowels run in with lead. A layer of good puddle, 18 inches thick, shall be laid over the arch for the full width of the bridge. For the abutments, no stone in the outside courses shall be less than 2 feet by 3 feet by 14 inches ; and every joint shall be broken by at least 1 foot of overlap. The interior work shall consist of stones in courses equal in thickness to those on the outside, and not less in their other dimensions than 2 feet by 2 feet. The arch stones shall not be less than 2 feet 6 inches deep ; but every alternate course, where the thickening of the arch will admit of two of these sized stones, shall be of the full depth shown on the drawing. » The exterior of the abutments to the springing shall be rough rusticated, as shall also the quoins of the pilasters, with a cleanly dressed joint, showing a clear edge of 1| inch at the front. The pilasters, impost, spandrils, string course, parapet, coping and caps, shall be tool-dressed. The underside of the arch stones to be neat pick-dressed. The bridge shall be built of the best freestone, free from beds, shivers, flaws, or iron bands. Every stone shall be truly squared, jointed, and bedded, for the full dimensions given. No pinning will be allowed. 63 The morlar shall be ground in a pug-mill ; and each course, after having been set in mortar, shall be well grouted. The spandrils and arch stones shall be dressed off for the space of 2 feet, to receive the string or cornice, which shall he- worked into the form shown on the drawing. The pilasters shall be dressed off for the space of 2 feet, to receive the blocks and bands, which shall be finished Avith a moulding, as shown on the drawing. Each block shall be 3 feet on the bed, 1 foot 6 inches in di-pth, 9 inches wide, and shall project at the top 1 foot beyond the band, which shall be formed of stones between each block, 1 foot G inches deep, 1 foot three inches wide, and 2 feet on the bed. Relieving arches shall be built in between the spandrils, of the form and dimensions shown on the drawing. The piers or sleeper walls shall be 1 foot 6 inches thick, and shall be properly bonded to the cross wall, which shall also be 1 foot 6 inches thick, and 17 feet 6 inches high, built from spandril to spandril. and properly bonded thereto. These walls may be either of brick or rubble. The arches shall be of brick, 9 inches thick (as shown on the drawing). All proper centreing, piling, dams, &c., to be formed by the contractor. Specification of Bridge for carrying the Railway over South Croftrstreet. in Paisley. The cast-iron bridge represented in this drawing is intended to carry the railway over South Croftrstreet. It shall be built of the form and dimensions shown on the drawing. It will require to be built askew, the line of the railway making with that of the street an angle of about 17°. The roadway arch shall be 15 feet wide on the square, and have 21 feet 4 inches in clear height, from the present surface of the street to the underside of the arch at its highest point. The side or footway arches shall be 5 feet widi- on the square, and 16 feet 2 inches high. The abutments shall be built of brick, with stone pilasters and quoins. 3 feet by 2 feet, which shall correspond in thickness with four or five courses of bricks. The piers shall be of brick or of solid ashlar, with chamfered joints, showing a clear edge to the front. They shall be of rough rustic-work, willi a plinth- course 2 feet deep, projecting 11 inch. This course shall be tool-dressed. 64 Grooves shall be cut in the masonry for the flange of each rib, 9 inches deep and 3 inches wide. The imposts, pilasters, coping, string course, and plinth, shall be of stone, neatly and truly dressed, in lengths not less than 3 feet. The stones in the pilasters shall average 1 foot 6 inches thick, and shall be laid header and stretcher, and the quoins shall not be less than 18 inches on the bed. The counterforts shall be built 3 feet vdde and 4 feet deep, of brick or rubble, in the form shown on the drawing. In the rubble work, stones of a large size, as large as a man can conveniently lift, shall be used, and every course shall be flushed up with scabblings and well grouted. The footway arches shall be built of brick ; and in order to finish the extreme angles of the face, a 3 inch flange must be cast on to the inside of the footway beams, on to which the bricks shall be bedded. On the top of these arches, and in line with the ribs and counterforts, brick walls shall be built, 1 foot 2 inches wide on the square, and of the height and in the manner shown by the cross section of the abutment in the drawing. The strength of the counterforts, piers and abutments, together with the position of the bed-plate and rib, as let into the masonry, is also described thereon. The course of masonry for receiving the bed-plate, shall, at the springing of each beam, be 2 feet 6 inches in thickness and 3 feet on the bed ; in other parts the skew-back and impost may be in two courses, they shall be properly bevelled to receive the bed-plate, which shall be firmly fixed therein. The bed-plate shall be cast in convenient lengths, 1 foot 9 inches wide, and 2 inches thick, and shall be provided with suitable recesses for receiving the ribs ; the ends of each piece shall be provided with an overlap flange to bolt them together, and to the masonry. The span of the ai-ch on the skew is 35 feet 6 inches, with a rise of 7 feet 6 inches ; and the roadway of this main arch is to be supported by six cast-iron ribs, of the dimensions shown on the drawing. If it be found inconvenient to cast the ribs in one piece, the contractor shall provide, at the end of the beams, flanges 1| inch thick, for the full depth of the rib, which shall be strengthened by three brackets on each side ; and the ends of the ribs shall he bolted together with eight bolts, 1|; inch square; the face of this flange shall be chipped smooth for its whole depth, so as to bear the pressure equally, for which purpose it shall be provided with chipping pieces ; a key-plate shall be provided for the outer ril)s to cover the bolts. The covering plates slhal be 6 feet long for the space between the roads ; they shall be 5 feet long for the space between the rails, and 4 feet 9 inches for 65 the space between the rail and the outer rib. They shall be bolted together with iive bolts, and to the ribs by bolts passing through the chair and oak bearer, as shown on the drawing. The cornice shall be cast hollow, of the form shown on the drawing, 9 inches deep, and projecting 11 inches from the face of the rib; it shall !)(.■ | of an inch in thickness. The jilinth plate shall form part of this casting, and shall be 8 inches above the cornice, with a top flange 4 inches wide. Upon the inside face of the cornice, at points 3 feet apart, sockets shall be cast to receive the fastening pins from each length of the iron railing. The socket holes shall be 2 inches by 1^ inch inside, and ^ of an inch thick; the socket shall have holes cast at the points shown on the drawing, to receive a key, which shall pass through a corresponding hole in the fastening pins of the railing. A covering- plate shall be screwed on at the back of the cornice, to form a plinth course to the roadway. The cornice shall have a flange at the bottom, which shall be bolted to the top web of the rib ; and on the inside the bolts shall pass also through the covering plate, so as to tie them firmly together. The ballusters shall be 3 feet 6 inches above the plinth, and shall be 2 inches by 1 inch and 5 inches apart, and finished off at the top and bottom, as shown on the drawing. The top rail shall be 1| inch by 3 inches. The span of the footway arches shall be 19 feet 2 inches on the skew, with a rise of 2 feet 6 inches ; the ribs shall be 1 foot 9 inches deep, 2 inches thick, and shall be cast of one length, of the form shown on the drawing. Four of these ribs will be required; namely, one for each face of the footway arches. The roadway over those parts of the footway arches, from the face to the first spandrel wall, shall be covered with oak planks, 4 inches thick, as shown on the plan at B. The remaining space over these arches shall be filled in with ballast to the level of the roadway. The bolts for connecting the ribs, roadway, and cornice-plate, shall be made of the best wrought iron, 1 inch square, and pro^'ided with proper washers. All the ribs and plates shall be cast perfectly sound, from the second melting of metal, either from the cupola or air funiace ; and each rib shall be tested with a load of forty tons, applied uniformly along its whole length before leaving the works. All the joints of the plates shall be made good with gaskin, well saturated in the best tar, and filled up with iron borings, mixed to a proper consistency with sulphur and sal ammoniac, so as to make the whole impervious to water. The external part of the iron-work shall have three coats of good mineral jiaint. the colour of which will be fixed upon Ijy the engineer at the time. K 66 LEEDS AND SELBY RAILWAY. JAMES WALKER, Esq., Engineer. Plate 24. — Plans, Elevations and Sections of the " Accommodation Bridge, built for Shippen Fann. Plate 25. — Ditto, ditto, Details of Constmction. This bridge is distinguished for its lightness of construction, there being no immoderate use of metal, as is frequently the case in cast-iron bridges. 67 BRIDGE OVER THE CLYDE, AT MILTON GEO. BUCHANAN, Esq., Engineer. Plate 26. — Plans, Elevations and Sections of the Bridge over the Clyde, at ^Milton, (see Specification). Specification for building a Bridge over the Clyde, at Milton. The south side of the bridge to run in a line between the north-west corner of the old mill, marked A on the plan, No. 1 ; and at point B, 79 feet from the east angle of the Duke of Hanulton's mill at C (the distance being taken square with the proposed direction of the bridge,) and thence continued in the same straight line. The north side to run parallel with the south side, and 14 feet distant, that being the intended breadth of the bridge, including the outside walls. The bridge to consist of three semi-circular arches, each 47 feet span and 14 feet across the soffit. The face of the north abutment pier above the offsets to be about 23 feet from the comer of the old mill, at A, and exactly as marked off by the engineer, in presence of the two contractors ; and the distance of the other piers to be determined from this. The foundation of the south abutment to be excavated 6 feet below the level of the springing of the arches, and also the rock between that and the middle pier (as shown in the elevation,) and tlu* materials taken to till up the space between the wing walls, or in building any of the rubble, if it shall be thought fit for it. The body of each of the middle piers to be 8 feet thick and 14 feet long, exclusive of the cutwaters on each end, which are to project 5 feet in the middle, and to consist of segments of circles, tangents to the exti-emity of the pier on each side. The abutment piers to be each 7 feet thick and 14 feet long, to be rounded off, and terminated at each end with a quadrant of a circle 2^ feet radius, pro- k2 68 longed into a straight line running 18 inches parallel with the direction of the bridge, and terminating in the pilaster which projects 8 inches, and is 3 feet 4 inches broad, beyond which the wing wall commences. The pilaster rises peqiendicular up to the springing, and then batters in a regular sweep along with the wing walls; the inside of the pier is prolonged into the wing walls and middle abutment wall ; the comers at D and E next the wing walls, in plan No. 2, to be rounded off, as shown. The wing walls on the south end of the bridge to run from the extremity of the abutment pier in the arch, of a circle 40 feet radius, setting off a tangent to the direction of the bridge, and extending 15 feet along the circle; to be then continued 30 feet further in the arch of another circle 65 feet radius, and touching the former at the point where they meet, the walls terminating in a point 40 feet from the inside of the pier, measuring along the direction of the bridge, and 24 feet from the line of the outside wall. The wing walls on the north side to run in the same manner, but to terminate in a point 50 feet from the inside of the pier, in the direction of the bridge, and 40 feet from the line of the outside walls ; the radius of the circle being 45 and 70 feet respectively. The wing walls, where they commence at the extremity of the bridge, to batter with a regular curve from the foundation to the top, where they stand on a line with the outside walls of the bridge, and this batter to diminish gradually till it terminates at about half the distance where the wall is carried straight up. The walls where they commence to be raised to a level with the roadway which is on the same level with the top of the cornice ; to be continued at this level 15 feet, and then as they recede from the roadway, to diminish in such a manner that there be in every part a slope of 1| foot horizontal to 1 foot perpen- dicular, from the side of the roadway to the top of the Avail ; the roadway being 25 feet wide. Raise a sufficient iron railing on the level part, on the top of the wall next the bridge, extending 15 feet from the extremity of the parapet where it declines, and terminates in the arch of a circle. The foundation of the wing walls at the said commencement to be 4 feet thick, and to diminish gradually to 18 inches at its extremity. At the top under the coping it is to be 2 feet thick, and the coping to be 12 inches high, and to project 3 inches on each side. Each wall to terminate in a square pillar, projecting where it appears 3 inches all round, and the coping also to project 3 inches. The middle abutment wall to be 3 feet thick at the bridge, to be raised to a level with the covers on the spandrel walls, and to diminish gradually in the arch of a circle, 45 feet radius, till it be 4 feet high. 69 whefe it terminates in a pillar 4 foet square; the upper course to form a cope of 12 inches thick, and |)rojecting '.i inches on each side. In the mitldle piers, the coping under the springing of the arches to project 12 inches at the extreme points below this, and including the space for tlie moulding to he 12 inches thick ; and above it on the top of tlie cutwater to rise 2 feet at the pilasters, and to l)e rounded to two spheres of 1.'} feet radius, and intersecting each other above the middle of the cutwaters. The piers below the coping to be 8 feet thick for 12 feet, to be then enlarged by three offsets, each G inches broad and 12 inches thick, and below that is the foundation course of the same breadth and thickness, with the last and sunk level into the rock as far as necessary. The abutment piers to have the same coping and moidding continued round as far as the wing walls ; al)ove, the cut- waters to be rounikHl olT to a sphere (it feet radius above the curved part of the pier, and to a cylinder 6| feet radius above the flat part, and both terminating in a flat at the pilaster. The arches to spring 1 inch within the body of the piers, so that the piers will be separated 2 inches more than the span of the arch. The arches to l)e composed each of four ribs, running at equal distances between springing, and the intermediate spaces to be filled up with a course of covers 6 inches thick nmning between each rib. The two outside ribs to be 2 feet deep in the arch, and 2 feet broad across the sofHt, and the mouklings cut out of them, as shown in the section. The two middle ribs to be 18 inches deep in the arch, and 20 inches broad across, the soflit, and to have the under corners bevelled off and rounded, as in the sel^tion. The stones in all the ribs to be from 2 feet to 15 inches thick, diminishing regularly from the springing to the crown, the covers to rest on the top of the middle ribs, and to meet in the centre ; but at every 6 or 8 feet one of the stones to project above the covers 9 inches or more, and to be 12 inches broad, leanng 4 inches of a check on each side for receiving the ends of the covers. The side walls to be perpendicular from the outside ribs, and to rise 16 inches above them at the crown, and to be at an average 2 feet thick. Above the wall a course to run, 12 inches thick, and to project 1 inch; above this the cornice, 12 inches deep, .and above it the parapet walls, consisting of a base 12 inches high and 12 inches broad, a dado course 18 inches high and 10 inches thick, and a coping 12 inches high, and j)rojecting, as shown in the section. Above each abutment pier a pilaster is to rise li hind the outside ribs, 3 feet 4 inches broad, projecting 8 inches from the side walls, and the projection 70 continued to the top of the parapet, with mouldings similar to the cornice* and running on the same level; also projections similar to those on the parapet, the stones in the pilaster to be 2 feet 8 inches thick at an average. Between the side walls, and directly over the two middle ribs, two spandi-el walls to run parallel with the side walls to the crown of the arch, 2 feet thick, and rising to the level of the top of the arch stones at the crown; to be closed in at the top with covers, at least 8 inches thick, and of such a length as to meet in the middle of each wall, the covers to run across the crown of the arch uniting and resting on the ribs. Above the piers the spandrel walls to be united by a cross wall rising above the middle of the pier, filling up the space between the opposite arches, and at the abutment piers uniting with the wing walls and middle abutment walls. Between the arches this wall to be 4 feet thitk at the springing, and to increase as the arches recede to 8 feet, and to continue of this breadth to the top ; and at the abutments to be 5 feet at the springing, to increase with the spreading of the arch to 7 feet, and to continue at this thickness to the top. The masonry of the middle piers and abutment piers to be on the outside of ashlar, laid in courses, from 12 to 15 inches thick, well bedded in the best lime mortar, and pointed on the outside with roman cement ; the outside stones to be all broached in the face with good broached work, and to be well squared, drafted, and scabelled, in the joints and beds, at least 6 inches within the face ; to be laid with headers and stretchers alternately, the headers not less than 3^ feet long, nor less than 18 inches or 2 feet broad; the stretchers not less than 2| feet, nor more than 4| feet in length, and not less than from 18 inches to 2 feet in the bed. The stones of the interior packing to be of the same thickness as the ashlar, of as large materials as can be introtluced, laid so as to bond well with each other, as well as with the outside stones, and each course to be grouted with lime, and to be levelled throughout before the succeeding one is laid on. The arch stones of the outside ribs to be droved on the outside and mouldings. The remaining inside and under side broached, and the middle ribs to be broached throughout, where they appear projecting from under the covers; the covers to be hammer-dressed on the under side. The stones in all the ribs to be levelled in the joints towards the centre of the arch; the joints draughted throughout and well scabelled between the draughts, so as to form the joints as smooth and close as possible ; the checks in the ribs, and the back of the middle ribs where the covers rest, to be also draughted and scabelled ; the covers to be all levelled and dressed in the joints the same as the ribs ; and all the covers 71 and ribs laid in the best lime mortar. The outside walls to be built in course^ from 12 to 15 iuehes thick, well bonded together with headers and stretchers, and bedded in lime, to be broached in the face, and to be squared, draughted, and scabelled in the beds and joints 6 inches within the face. The projecting course below the cornice to be droved and .scabelled in the joints and beds at least 6 inches within the face. The stones in the cornice to be not less than 25 feet in breailth along the cornice, and not less than ',i feet in the wall. The space under them, and above the covers of the spandrel walls and crown of the arch, to be tilled up with good rubble laid in lime ; tlie joints and beds of the cornice course well squared and draughted, and scabelled at least G inches within the wall, and the outside and mouldings droved ; the base of the jjarapet wall, and the coping, to be droved on the outside and inside ; the dado course to be broached outside, and the inside to be broached similarly to the work now executing on the front wall of the house ; the stones in the base to be not less than 3 feet in length, and tlic dado course and coping the same, and not less than 9 inches of regular liand. The spandrel walls to be of good rubble, and of as large materials as possible, laid in courses, and well bedded in lime. About 15 feet above the springing of the arches a course to be carried horizontally in each spandrel wall, between the ribs, consisting of stones 2 feet long, set on edge and well packed together, and butted against one of the pro- jecting stones in each rib; the middle abutment wall to be of the same kind of work with the spandrels, the wing walls to be also of good coursed rubble, of large materials, and the outside neatly laid and pointed. The coping of the wing walls to be hammer-dressed on the outside and half way over the top. The covers above the spandrels to be well jointed and bedded in lime. Above the covers a stratum of clay to be laid, 9 inches thick, well puddled and beat down to a smooth surface. Above this, the space for 18 inches to be filled up with shivers of stones, laid with a regular surface on the top, 3 inches higher in the middle than the sides. Lastly, above all, a coat of good road metal of whinstone, 8 inches thick, extending between the walls, the stones broke to 8 ounces weight each. The space between • the wing walls and abutment walls on each end of the bridge to be filled up with clappings of stones, as far as they can be procured, and the remainder at the top with earth ; the roadway to be also continued by an emljankment of earth, gravel, or stones, to the Glasgow and Lanark turnpike, on the south, and to the Milton a])proach on the north, luid 72 -jfunning level as far as the termination of the wing walls, and then rising regularly to each road ; at the junction with the turnpike the sides to he rounded off, as shown in the plan, No. 1. The top of the emhankment for the roadway to be every where 20 feet broad, and to be regularly formed and laid with metal, similar to the roadway in the bridge, 12 feet broad and 8 inches thick, and rising 3 inches in the centre. The side slopes of the embankment beyond the wing walls to be 2| feet horiiiontal to 1 foot pei-pendicular. (Signed) GEO. BUCHANAN 2bth Feb 1830. 73 G R A N I) WESTERN C A N A J.. JOSEPH GUEEN, Esq., Civil Engineer. Plate 27. — Plans, Elevations and Sections of a Swing Bridge over the Canal. Plate 28. — Ditto, ditto. Details of Construction. Bridges of this description afford a very ready means of communicating between the opposite sides of small canals, as they may be very speedily opened ; the framing also being light, and equally balanced, causes it to turn freely upon the centre pivot, upon the application of a very small degree of force. 74 NE^rCASTLE-UPON-TYNE AND NORTH SHIELDS RAILWAY ROBERT NICHOLSON, Esq., Engineer. Platk 29. — Plans, Elevations and Sections of the Bridge over the turnpike road to North Shields, (see Specification. J l.^LATE 30. — Ditto, ditto. Details of Construction. The adoption of timber bridges on railways, instead of stone and brick, is now becoming very frequent ; and they may be described as very well fitted for oblique crossings on account of their economy, and tliis bridge is a very good specimen of this style of construction. Specification and description of work to be done in the erection of a bridge over the liranch turnpike road from Percy Main, High Row, to North Shields, on the line of the Newcastle-upon-Tyne and North Shields Railway. The masonry to consist of two stone abutments, and wing walls, haAdng parapets and copings thereon. The cai-pentry of a timber arch, of two ribs, and a timber roadway ; the span of the arch, in the direction of the line of railway, to be 52 feet 6 inches, clear of the abutments ; and the breadth of roadway, clear of the ribs at right angles to the line of railway, to be 22 feet. MASONRY. All the stone to be used in this bridge to be of a strong and durable nature, similar to that from Byker Hill, or White House Quarries. The lime mortar to be composed of the best stone lime, well burnt, and mixed with clean sharp sand, using not less than one cart load of clod lime to three cart loads of sand. The iron cramps, dowels, &c., to be made from the very best scrap iron. /O MANNER OF WORKMANSHIP. Proper trenches for the foundations will be dug out by the Railway Com- pany ; but when once dug out, the contractor of the maison's work of the bridge to take out any earth that may afterwards fall into them ; the contractor also to keep the foundations clear of water. All the foundations to be built 2 footings in height each. The lowest footing to project 4 inches on each side beyond the one above it, and to be laid with large bedded stones, broached to an imiform thickness of 14 inches. The faces to be drafted, and left rough as from the quarry. The stones to be jointed perpendicularly, and bedded solid. The second, or upper footing, to project the same as the lower footing, and to be built of the same description of masonry as hereafter described fur the abutments. The abutments to be 8 feet thick above the footings, to be built of solid ashlar work ; in front, averaging 2 feet broad in the bed, and in courses from 14 to 18 inches in height, backed with good rubble masonry, carried up vertically behind to the top of the facia course. The acute angles of each abutment to be built of solid ashlar work, the whole height to the dotted lines, as shown on the plan of the abutment. The buttresses to be carried up with, and properly bonded to, the abutments, and to be built of solid ashlar work. The ofiFsets, mouldings, and chamfers, to be worked agreeably to the plans, elevations, and sections, hereunto referred. The wing walls to be 5 feet thick above the footings, and diminished by offsets to 4 feet at the top of the facia course. The faces to be ashlar work, averaging 16 inches thick, backed with good rubble masonry; the whole to be built in courses from 14 to 18 inches in height. The facia course, parapet, coping pillars, and caps, to be of the several dimensions and descriptions shown on the drawings, and all solid ashlar work. Wrought-iron bars, thus : — __— — — ===^^^1 ^^ -^ ? i"''li^s to be let in the stone-work at the acute IS* [; angles of the abutments, with a bolt through the bar into ! '%.« '' ~" each stone, thus, -|- and a nut on the top. Five courses in each abutment, to the extent <^ above shown, to be thus cramped, omitting each alternate course, and commencing from the top. l2 GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF MASONRY. All the beds of the ashlar work to be broached ; the joints to be squared back 12 inches from the face at least, and the face of all the ashlar work, excepting so much as will be hid by the embankment, (as per elevation), to be broached and drafted. The faces of the abutments to batter, as shown on the drawings. The stones to be set on their natural beds. The ashlar work that will be covered by the embankment need not be liroached on the face ; but, with this exception, it must be similar to the other ashlar work. The rubl)le masonry to be of the best description, and one-sixth of its contents to be thorough stones, to be joined to, and carried up with the ashlar work forming the front of the walls. The parapet walls and pillars to be drafted and broached on both sides to an uniform thickness, and the f ■^ 4. ^^ coping and caps to be dowellcd and cramped at the joints, thus, I and run with lead. A seat for the wall-plate, 12 inches broad and 4 inches thick, to be cut in the masonry, along the top of the abutments, 1 foot from the face. CONDITIONS. The contractor to find all labour, lime, sand, stones, quarrying the same, leading, lead for dowels and cramps, machinery, jilanks, implements, materials, pumps, scaffolding, and every other thing necessary for commencing, carrying on, and completing the mason work ; and in case it should be deemed advisable by the engineer to the Railway Company, for the time being, to make any alterations from the plans, sections, elevations, or details hereunto referred, (which said plans, sections, elevations, or details, are to be signed by the engineer, and the contractors for the masonry, to signify that they are the same referred to in the foregoing specification,) such alterations are not to vitiate the contract ; but the addition to, or reduction from, the masonry which may arise from such alterations, in case of non-agreement between the contractor and engineer, shall be left to arbitration in the usual way. All the iron-work specified with the preceding masonry is to be included in the tender for the masonry. 77 The masonry is to be AvhoUy completed and finished witliin three months from the date of the Railway Conijiany aecepting the tender. CARPENTRY. Two longitudinal beams, 66^ feet long each, to be laid across the opening on each side of the bridge, the ends of the beams resting on corbels 14 feet long each. The cast-metal saddles are to be set into these beams, and secured to them by bolts passing through both the beams and corbel ; and the two segmental timber ribs, composed of three inch deals trenailed together, are to be fixed in these saddles, as shown in the plans. The longitudinal beams are to be suspended from the arched ribs, and the whole trussed, framed, and strapped ; as shown on the elevation, and according to the dimensions and scantlings marked. The ends of the transverse joists are to rest upon the longitudinal timbers first described, and the ends to project 12 inches btyoud the timbers; eight of the transverse joists, nearest the centre of the bridge, omitting each alternate joist, are to be trussed with a bar of iron 1| inch square, having three upright struts in the same, and the ends properly keyed on a metal plate G inches square and I an inch thick, as .shown in the transverse section. The planking to be laid longitudinally across the transverse joists, and trenailed thereon. Each side of the bridge to be closely boarded to the height of the top of the coping on the walls ; the inside of the boards being flush with the inside of the parapet — the boards to be 1 inch thick, nailed to the framing and ribs. MATERIALS. All the timber to be from Memel, of die very best quality, and of sueli scantlings as are described in the drawings. The deals forming the arched ribs, and the roadway, and all other deals, to be from Dantzic, of such lengths as may be required, and to be of the quality called " best middling," which is understood to be the best descrijjtion of deals brought into the jjort of the Tyne. The whole of the timber and deals to be as free from sap, shakes, and knots, as possible. All the trenails used in forming the arched ribs to be of English oak. or such other as may be approved of. 78 The iron straps, bolts, spikes, nails, and all other malleable iron-work, to be manufactured from the best scrap iron, or from iron of equal quality. Each longitudinal beam to sh-etch between the aliutments, and extend 7 feet upon each; to be 13 inches by 13 inches. Two beams in depth to be laid upon corbels, extending the same distance upon the abutments, and 7 feet from the face : these beams and corbies to be bolted together by 1| inch bolts, nuts, and screws. Two of the bolts at the end of each rib to pass through the cast^ metal saddles. The beams to be laid to the gradient line of the railway, and proper mortices to be made in them for the insertion of the tenons of the upright posts of the trussing. A wall-plate 43 feet long, 13 inches by 4 inches, to be laid along the top of each abutment, 12 inches from the face, and sunk its full depth into the masonry ; the cross joists have to be laid upon, and spiked down to, this wall-plate, as hereafter described. The joists of the roadway to be of the following scantling, viz., eight of the joists nearest the centre of the bridge, omitting each alternate joist, to be 13 inches by 13 inches, and the remainder 13 inches by 6| inches; the whole to be laid 3 feet apart, middle and middle, upon the longitudinal beams. The joists, 13 inches by 13 inches, to be trussed with a malleable iron bar 1| inch square, having upright struts resting upon the bar, of the dimensions, and affixed to the joists, in the manner shown in the drawings ; the ends of the iron bar to be keyed upon a metal plate 6 inches square, and | of an inch thick, resting upon the ends of the joists. Ten 1:^ inch bolts (five at each side of the bridge) to pass through the smaller joists and the two longitudinal beams, to bolt the whole firmly together, and six of the other joists, viz., three at each side of the '^bridge, to be spiked down with iron spikes, 21 inches long and J of an inch diameter, uj^on the longitudinal beams ; the other ends of the joists being in each case spiked down upon the wall-plate by an iron spike 17 inches long by | of an inch diameter. The ends of the whole of the joists to be rounded ofi", as shown. A horizontal deal strut, 13 inches by 3 inches, to be laid edgevrise between each joist on the longitudinal beam, (as shown,) and secured with strong nails. The two arched ribs are to l)e made to the proper radius, 1 foot 9 inches deep by 1 foot 6 inches broad, formed with Dantzic deals, 12 inches broad by 3 inches thick, laid flat, and dressed on the sides and edges, and of such lengths, varying from 20 feet to 50 feet long, as may best suit. The deal above to be bent over the one below, breaking the joint alternately both ways, and so that two end joints may never come fair over each other. 79 A layer of strong brown paper, laid on uitli the best Stockholm tar, to be put between eaeli layer of deals. The whole of the deals to be properly fixed together with the best oak trenails, placed 4 feet apart, thus, r » • ^ ; each trenail to pass through three deals. The upper side of the ribs to be weathered by a projecting deal on each side, sloped on the top, and a coping over and al)()ve. The ends of the ribs, where they are fixed into the cast-iron abutment-plates, hereafter described, and the plates also, to have a good coating of tar. ^lortices are to be made in the under side of the ribs, for the insertion of the tenons of the upright posts of the trussing. The abutment-plates to be 13 cwt. each, and of the description shown in the drawing ; they are to be sunk their full depth into the longitutlinal beams, and secured to them by two bolts l\ inch diameter, passing through both beams and corbels as shown ; that portion of the plate which does not rest upon the beam is to be sunk into the masonry on each side, the same depth, and the whole of the plate to be firmly bedded on tar and oakum. The ends of each rilj are to be further secured to the longitudinal beams by an iron strap, 3 inches by | of an inch, passing round the beams and ribs, and properly keyed, as shown in the drawings. The timber for the trussing is all to be of the scantlings marked on the drawings. The upright posts are to be properly tenoned and fixed into the mortices of the longitudinal beams, and the arched ri])s ; they are also to be morticed for the reception of the tenons of the struts, and holed for die reception of the keys of the iron straps hereafter mentioned. These struts are to be of the scantlings marked, and tenoned into the upright posts; each alternate strut being tenoned into the opposite side of the centre of the posts, they will pass each other without reducing the scantling. The struts are to be bolted to each other when they pass, with five-eigths of an inch bolt, having proper nuts and screws. An iron strap, 3 inches by f of an inch, is to pass over the arched ribs at each upright post, and to be properly keyed through the posts on iron plates, as shown in the drawing ; and a similar strap, keyed in the same way, is also to pass underneath the two longitudinal beams. The planking is to be of 3-inch deals, of the quality before described, to be fixed to the joists by oak trenails, having two trenails in every deal at each joist ; the planking to be laid down in such a manner that the ends may always break joints, and that two enel-joiuts may never be opposite to each other, thus, y — .' t 80 The boarding for the sides of the bridge is to be of 1-inch deal ; the inside of the boarding is to range flush with the inside of the parapet walls, and to be carried up to the height of the top of the parapet, and fixed to the framing of the bridge by double tack-nails, having two nails in each board where it passes every part of the framing. All the timber for this bridge, after being cut into the proper scantlings, is to be led by the contractor to the Railway Company's tank-yard, on the line of railway near the Red Barns, Newcastle, where it will be put through a prepa- ration for the prevention of rot, at the expense of the Railway Company : after being dried, it must be led away from the said tank-yard by the contractor, to the site of the bridge, free of all expense. The iron to be used in this bridge must be heated to about a blue heat, and the surface then struck over with raw linseed oil to prevent rust. CONDITIONS. The contractor to find all labour, wood, deals, iron, metal, cartage, machinery, tools, implements, scaffolding, centreing, planking, and every other thing whatever for commencing, carrying on, and completing the timber-work; and in case the engineer to the Railway Company for the time being, shall deem it advisable to make any alterations from the plans, sections, elevations, or detailed drawings, or in the construction of the timber or iron-Avork, which said plans, sections, and detailed drawings, are to be signed by the engineer to the Railway Company, and the contractors of the bridge, to signify that they are the same referred to in the preceding specification, such alterations shall not vitiate the contract; but the additional or decreased expense consequent upon such alterations as aforesaid, in case of non-agreement between the contractors and the Railway Company's engineer, shall be left to arlntration in the usual way. All the malleable and cast-iron work .specified with the carpentry, and all other iron-work, to be included in the tender for the carpentry. The carpentry to be wholly completed and finished within one month from the time that the mason's work is in such a state of forwardness as to allow the carpentry to be commenced. (Signed) ROBERT NICHOLSON, Newcastle-upon-Tyne. 81 FORTH AND CART JUNCTION CANAL. Plate 31. — Plan and Longitiulinal Section of Lock. Plate 32. — Ditto, Transverse Section and Elevation. Krphmation Letters of Reference worked on the Plate. A. A. . . The side culverts, or puddle doughs. B. B. . . The overflow weirs. C. C. • . The paddle frames. D. D. . . The paddle wells. Plate 33. — Ditto, Plan and Elevation of Lock Gates. Plate 34. — Ditto, ditto. Details of Lock Gates. Plate 35. — Ditto, ditto, Details of Paddle, Rack, Pinion, &c. (For Descriptions see Specijicatiou ) . Specification of sundry Artificer's Work required to be done, in cutting, completing, and making navigable the intended branch from the Forth and Clyde Canal to the River Clyde, opposite the River Cart. This intended I^ranch will commence at Whitecrook, near Mr. Black's house, and will jiroceed from thence in a straight line to the River Clyde, opposite to the River Cart. The line of proposed canal is marked out upon the ground; but the contractor must construct the several works according to the several drawings, and the specification. As the embankment between lock. No. 1, and lock. No. 2. has been increased in height since the ground was staked out, the ground required for the canal will consequently be wider than the space marked out upon the site. .M 82 With respect to the several lengths and heights, marked and figured upon the plan and section, the contractor must satisfy himself of their accuracy, as no claim will be allowed for extra work on account of any inaccuracy that may appear upon the drawings. GENERAL CONDITIONS. The following conditions and observations are to be strictly attended to by the different parties tendering for the execution of the proposed work : — The whole of the materials provided are to be the best in quality of their respective kinds, sound, and well seasoned, and to be applied in the most substantial manner, under the direction and to the entire satisfaction of John Macneill, C.E., and the resident engineer appointed to superintend the works. The drawings are to be equally binding with the specification ; and should any thing appear to have been omitted in either or both, which is usually con- sidered necessary for the completing of the several works, the contractor is to execute the same as if it had been particularly described, and is not to ol)tain any advantage whatever from such omission, but shall apply what may be wanting to complete the whole, and the works are to be left in a complete state, accortling to the true intent and meaning of the drawings and specification ; and the directions for their correct performance, as given from time to time by the resident engineer, are in all cases to be strictly attended to. The whole of the stone, timber, iron, and other materials, are to be delivered on the premises, and to be examined by the resident engineer previous to their being worked or used. It shall be in the power of the resident engineer to reject any part of the materials which he may consider unfit for the work, and cause any part of the work to be altered which, in his opinion, is unsound or unworkmanlike, and not according to the contract, upon three days' notice having been given in writing for that purpose by the resident engineer ; and in case the contractor shall refuse, or delay to rectify, or comply with the orders that may be given to him in writing, and shall perform all or any part of the work in an improper manner; or in case the works do not proceed with proper dispatch, the resident engineer shall have power and be at full liberty to suspend the further execution of the works by the said contractor, to take it out of his hands and employ or engage any other person or persons to perform or execute, and to find proper materials for the same, in which case all the costs and charges thereof shall be paid or 83 allowed to the Forth ami Clyde Junction Canal Company, by the contractor or his sureties, or allowed or deducted out of the monies which may be then or become due to the said contractor, the amount of which shall be valued and decided by the engineer, whose award in this and all otiier cases respecting the works shall be final and binding. It is also to be in the power of the engineer to direct such alterations to be made in the work during its progress as may be found expedient, which alter- ations shall not vacate or make void the contract, but shall be performed by the contractor according to llie directions he may receive ; and the value of the same, whether an addition or a deduction, shall be ascertained by the engineer, and be added to or deducted from the amount of such contract, according to the rate at which such work was undertaken ; the award of the engineer, in such case, to be final and binding. No allowance will be made to the contractor for extra or additional work unless the same shall be ordered, in writing, by the engineer, and unless a correct account or voucher of the said work is delivered to the engineer within three days of its performance. The contractor to provide himself with all manner of labour tools, moulds, implements, scaflFolding, centreing planks, ropes, ladders, hoisting tackle, and materials of every description ; carriage, freightage, and every requisite for the completion of the works : he is also to make good any damage done by his work- men to any part of the works, through carelessness or otherwise ; likewise to clear away all rubbish or waste that may arise, when desired to do so by the resident engineer. To excavate for the foundations of all locks, bridges, culverts, as well as the other necessary works for the proposed canal, keeping out the water by placing dams, if required, &.c. Should it be deemed necessary at any time to suspend the progress of the works on account of the weather, or any other cause, the engineer shall be at full liberty to do so, and no extra charge shall be made on this account by the contractor. The resident engineer to be at full liberty to order the discharge of, or dismiss from the works, any man or men for incompetency or misconduct ; and the contractor shall not replace them without the written approbation of the resident engineer. Should any of the materials be lost or stolen from the premises, no allow- ance can be made for the same. ^ m2 84 The works shall be begun as soon as the contracts are signed, and the whole completed within under the penalty of for the non-fulfilment of same, to be recovered as liquidated damages in any of Her Majesty's courts of law. In case of extra works, additional time will be allowed for same. To deliver in a paper containing a copy of the estimate, with the quantities and prices upon which such estimate was founded, in order to show that it is a hondjide calculation, the same to be left with the engineer, in order that he may be enabled to value any additions or deductions that may arise, according to the prices of such estimate. The contractor must enter into a bond, with two proper and approved sureties, for the performance of his contract. The contractor will receive payments, upon producing a certificate from the engineer. The conti-actor will have to keep the canal and works in proper repair and order for the space of twelve months after the completion of the same. To keep an experienced foreman on the works, who is to be approved of by the resident engineer. CUTTINGS AND EMBANKMENTS, AND FORMATION OF CANAL. The extent of the several cuttings and embankments is shown upon the plan and section : the line sh.aded red represents the natural surface of the ground; and the space enclosed, and coloured blue, represents the proposed canal branch. The slopes of both cuttings and embankments, except where otherwise described, will be 2 to 1 — that is to say, when the height is 2 feet its base shall be 4 feet. The width of the canal being 40 feet, and a towing-path of 10 feet on each side, will give a base throughout of 60 feet, except at the open cut into the River Clyde, and the space between the stone bridge over the road from Glasgow to Dumbarton, and lock. No. 3, where the base will be 34 feet, also except at the locks generally. The embankments to be carried forward as near the finished heights and widths as the due allowance for shrinking -will admit of. Great care must be taken to prevent water settling upon the embankments and cuttings during the progress of execution. 85 In the event of any springs or streams of water ai>i)caring from the face of the slopes, or otherwise, tin* contractor will he retjuirecl to make such drains or water-courses as shall completely and elTectually prevent such springs or streams from injuring the slopes during the progress of the works, and sliall convey the whole of such water into proper drains. The contractor shall also open or make any new drains, which the engineer may direct, for the exclusion of any water. The space between the River Clyde and lock. No. 1, to he properly excavated, to a slope of 2 to I ; the whole of these slopes and tops of same banked up with, and to have a covering of rubble stone pitching, similar to the banks of the Clyde. Dig for, and fill in. a good vertical puddle to same, 2 feet at top and 3 feet at bottom, to go at least 1 foot beneath the bottom of cut. Include 100 yards run of side and bottom puddle lining, as shown upon drawing, I foot thick, properly protected by suitable materials (as gravel, G inches thick) next the lock, or equal to the same in depth. The circular ends to canal next the river must be pitched, 2 feet thick, with rubble stone, properly bonded together, and well backed up. On the spots marked upon plan carry up circular dolphins, or water-marks, 7 feet diameter, and 3 feet above the Hood tides, to be of hewn stone, domed over at top similar to the water-marks upon the banks of the Clyde. The canal will be formed in embankment between lock. No. 1, and lock. No. 2. where it will be 7 feet 6 inches deep, witli double towing-paths, and executed as shown upon drawing. The slope of water banks for canal to be I^ to l.all the rest 2 to 1. The whole of the emljaukment will be made with side and Ijotlom puddle lining, 2 feet thick ; the upj^er towing-paths will have a lining of puddle, 2 feet thick. Form a ditch upon each side of embankment, properly laid to a current, and having all the water-courses directed to same ; the size to be 4 feet at the top by 2 feet at the bottom, and I foot (j inches deep. The cutting between lock, No. 2, and lock. No. 3, to be as shown upon the drawings, and to be executed entirely with vertical puddles, except where otherwise described. There will be a ditch, the high side of ground, I foot 6 inches deep, 3 feet at the top and 2 feet at the bottom, at the largest part, having the several water-counses properly diverted into the same: there will also be a small ditch on the other side of the cutting. * The remaining portion of the canal will be formed in a similar manner. 86 One-third of the deepest part of the line is intended to have side and bottom puddle linings, and the remainder vertical ; the remaining portion of side and bottom puddle lining provided for as above stated, will be used in this embank- ment. There will be small ditches, as before described, to the embankment ; and large ditto, as before described, to the cutting. SOILING OF THE SLOPES. The outside slopes of the banks to be neatly dressed to the required slopes, and soiled over with at least 6 inches of good vegetable soil, which is to be saved for that purpose : the slopes thus covered with vegetable soil are to be sown with good grass seeds, at the proper season. APPROACHES TO STONE BRIDGE ON THE ROAD FROM GLASGOW TO DUMBARTON. The rate of acclivity to the bridge to be 1 in 30. The embankment of approach to be formed to a slope of 2 to 1, and similar to the other embankments upon the canal. The fence, and hedge and ditch, must be properly reinstated and re-planted. There must be gates at each side of the road across the towing-path. The gates must have good Scotch oak 12-inch square posts, and five straight bars and two diagonal bars, 6" X 3", to be hung upon proper strong gate hinges, 2 feet 6 inches long, and proper spring catch and staple ; the whole well painted, two coats, lead colour; the ends of the posts to be properly charred. Four other gates, of this description, are to be provided for other parts of the line. Previous to any of the works connected with the bridges being begun, a proper well-made temporary road shall be prepared and made ; and in the case of the road before mentioned, it must be sufficient to afford a free and uninterrupted passage for carriages of all descriptions. Every caution . being taken by the con- tractor, during the alteration, to erect proper fencing, and fix lights, as the Company will not be held liable for any injury which may ensue from neglect to these precautions. The approach to the timber bridge over the towing-path of the Forth and Clyde Canal to be formed as before described, the acclivity of the road being in 87 the proportion of 1 to 1 ; and any extra stuff arising from the works to be given to this approach. The general Mpditions to he as described to the stone bridge. FORMATION OF ROAD FROM GLASGOW TO DU^IBARTON. Lay a coating of stones, 6 inches thick, over bridge and approach to bridge, properly spread and levelled ; size of the stones about 2 inches diameter. The traffic of the road shall then be allowed to proceed upon it until the works are completed, when a layer of fine stones, or gravel, shall be spread over the same, 6 inches thick, due allowance being made for the sinking and com- pression of the materials. This metaling to be continued the whole length of approach, and the foot- path must be properly continued throughout. TOWING-PATHS. Towing-paths are to be 10 feet in width, and to be formed by first leveling the canal bank to a height of 6 inches above the surface of the water, and then turning the same, and forming the road in a similar manner as described, to the road, from Glasgow to Dumbarton : proper drains must be made to carry the water off from the tail of the cuttings, and where required, of stones and tiles, set in strong mortar. FENCING, &c. The towing-path and boundaries of the Company's premises generally to be fenced with larch, or Scotch oak, as drawing ; the posts to be 6 inches square. 3 feet G iuchi-s out of the ground, and 2 feet 6 inches in the ground, and two rails, G" X 3", of the same wood, to be properly morticed into the same, the posts to be 7 feet apart. Quicks will be planted on the outside of the fences ; the quicks to be three years old, strong and healthy, and nine planted in each lineal yard, in a suitable soil provided from the excavations. A proper ditch must enclose the whole, as before described. 88 To provide whatever temporary fencing may be required during the ex- ecution of the vrorks. The whole of the fences, hedges, and ditches, also road§L and the like, that may be disturbed by the proposed works, to be properly reinstated, and connected to the new portions of the same. Whatever stones, sand, and gravel, and whatever may be found in digging and opening the cut, is not to be sold or taken from the work, but to be used or deposited where the resident engineer may direct. The puddles to be composed of good stiff clay and a small quantity of gravel, well mixed together, and the whole of it is to be laid in courses or layers, about 9 inches in width, the whole rendered thoroughly impervious, or water-tight. The concrete used in the foundations, and where ordered, is to be mixed in the proportion of seven measures of gravel to one of ground lime, of approved quality ; they are to be well mixed, by manual labour, after which a sufficient quantity of water is to be added and well mixed in ; it is then to be pitched from barrows, from a height of at least 10 feet, in regular layers, and brought perfectly level. LOCKS. The locks to be constructed according to the several drawings. The lock chambers to be G8 feet long, out and out, and 15 feet wide at the gates, and 17 feet in the centre of the lock at the coping. A space of 33 feet is to be included on each side of the lock chamber (taken from each side of the gates, a width of 15 feet), and the embankment and cuttings to this space of ground to have slopes 2 to 1, similar to other embank- ments, and proper ditches and fencing. The ground around lock, No. 1, will be laid out as shown upon drawing, having circular embankments ; the whole siu-face of terrace and embankment will be laid with puddle, 2 feet thick, and then properly metalled and ballasted, similar to the towing-path. The ground around the other locks vdll likewise be metalled and ballasted. A plot of ground next the road from Glasgow to Dumbarton is marked out on the site, for the lock-keeper's house, &c., which is to be fenced and ditched in a similar manner to the rest of the works. After the requisite excavation is formed, the lock chamber, and counterforts, 89 to be carried up in good freestone, free from all flaws and defects, the whole laid in its natural or quarry bed, and of gowl even colour; the upper and lower breadth of every stone to carry its full thickness from front to back, so that the bearing, both above and below, may be perfectly square and level througliout. No pinning in levelling will be allowed ; and each stone is to be brought firndy to its bed by a wooden mallet. The walls to be carried up to the required curve and batters, in courses varying from 12 to 15 inches in thickness; the headers to be the whole thickness of wall, and the stretchers to be half the thickness of wall in width, to be laid one header to two stretchers, properly bonded, and breaking joint together. The course of stone immediately under the coping to be laid all headers. The top course of stone to wall, forming coping, to be good whinstone, 12 inches thick, and rounded on the top edge, and to be alternately about 1 foot 8 inches and 2 feet in width, and in long lengths, as shown upon drawing. The stones next the lock-gates to be in large sizes, the quoin-stones being 7 feet by 6 feet, as shown upon drawing; and the curb to lock-head will be of whinstone, 12 inches thick, and rounded on the top edge, and of the sizes shown upon the drawings. The invert to be formed of freestone, as shown upon drawing, the centre course being 15 inches thick. Carry up the paddle-wells and culverts the several thicknesses shown and figured on the drawing, the paddle-frame being properly let into the wall. Set whinstone coping round the same. The culvert will be quite unconnected with the wall of the chamber, and it will be laid with a slight fall. Form waste weirs, or overflow drains, in masonry, from the upper level, into culverts, as shown upon drawings. The wing walls to be carried up the several thicknesses and dimensions shown and figured upon drawings, with a winding batter ; the counterfort to be plumb: cope the same with whinstone coping alternately 1 foot 7 inches and 1 foot 10 inches wide, and 12 inches thick. The retaining walls next the lower level to extend 20 feet on each side of the lock chamber, to be carried up in freestone, with whinstone coping, 12 inches thick, of the several thicknesses shown and figured on drawing, with the required batter. There will be a wall of freestone, 2 feet thick, with whinstone coping, 12 inches thick, at the lower entrance into the lock, to protect and support the bottom of the canal at this point. Fill in puddle, 2 feet thick, properly protected by gravel, between this wall and platform. N 90 The whole of the walls and masonry above described will be backed with stiff puddle, 2 feet in thickness, where the foundation is not good ; the ground must be laid with concrete, properly levelled, to receive the walls. In all cases there must be bottom and side puddle lining to the bottom of the canal, to 10 feet beyond all wing walls. The whole of the whinstone coping and curb to be well joggled together, by a groove in the centre of each joint, into which a whinstone block will be fixed, properly grouted with mortar, and worked with chisel-drafts round their faces, beds, and joints, and picked between the joints, so that, upon applying a ruler upon the face, no part shall be above them, and no more space than |th of an inch below them, the outside faces being marked with exact regularity and neatness. The freestone is to be of the best description, and from Netherwood, Brighton, or Dobbie's Quarries, and to be fail- di-essed on the faces, backs, and joints. The whole of the stones are to be worked on the ground, and set with lewises and proper tackle. The whole of the stone-work throughout is to be laid on a thick bed of mortar, of the following description : one measure of good stone-lime, one measure of mine-dust, and one measure of sharp clear sand, free from rubbish, dirt, and other impurities. The mortar is to be well tempered and worked to a tough and proper consistency, and properly ground ; and no more is to be made at one time than can be consumed in the day's work. The lime is also to be brought in small quantities, and to be kept under an inclosed shed, so as not to be injured by exposure to the air or weather. The lime is to be slacked, and mixed with mine-dust and sand ; they are then to be pressed together in a dry state through screens, and the water added. THE UPPER LOCK-GATES AND PLATFORM. The gates to rest upon a proper timber platform, as shown and figured upon drawings, having No. 4 cross bearers, 12" X 9", resting upon plates, 10" X 5". Planking, 4 inches thick, will be laid down upon the cross bearers, and 3 inch planking laid in a diagonal direction upon the same: the clap cill, 14" X 12', and frame, 12" X 12", will also be laid upon the 4 inch planking: the frames will be strengthened by wiwight-iron ties, 2i" X f ", properly bolted to cross bearers and planking : there will be one tier of 2| sheet piling, 8 feet deep, to protect 12 X 10, ditto. 11 X 10 ditto, 10 X 9^, ditto. 10 X H^ ditto. 14 X 12 11 X 11 22 91 platform. The whole of the timber above described to be of sound elm, and properly bolted and secured together. Iu!<. I US. Ini. Ins. The gates will luive top rails, 12 X 10, at one end, and 11 X 10 at the other, „ bottom rails, „ middle rails, „ heel posts, „ meeting posts, „ planking, balance beams, 13 X 13, ditto, 9x9 ditto, having a moulded lining to the same, properly loaded. There will be a fi)ot-l;ridge attached to each gate, as shown upon drawing, having brackets, 5" X 4'. upon which 2 inch planking is laid, 1 foot 9 inches wide, with hand-rail and posts, 3" X 3", to complete the whole, properly secured. The whole of the above-mentioned timbers are to be of good sound oak, and to be properly morticed and tenoned into each other, and further stiffened by a wrought-iron stay at back, 2:j" X f ", continued the whole height of gate, and extending upon the rails, as shown upon drawing, properly bolted. PIVOTS TO GATES. The heel-posts of gates are to be secured by a hoop of wrought-iron, ^ of an inch thick and 2| inches wide, laid on top ; a 3 inch cast-iron pivot to be secured to the same, hanng a 7| inch shoulder, and a plug, 2\_ inches square, and let into the post 12 inches ; a cast-iron socket-plate of 1.^ inch metal, the socket being 2^ inches above the face of the plate, is to be prepared to receive pivot ; the plate is to be let li inch into a stone carried uj) from the wall beneath the planking, being cut to fit the .same. GATE-ANCHORS AND COLLARS. The gates to be secured to anchors by wrought-iron collars, ■'j inches wide and 1}. inch thick at the swing, and 3 inches wide and li inch thick at the ends, with 1 inch wrought keys to anchor, which is to be of wrought metal, the arms 1 1 inch wide, and let into stone coping 2^ inches, and well run with lead ; at the extremities of the latter will be cross pieces, let into stone 5 inches, and well run with lead ; the cross piece, ha\nng eyes to receive the ends of collar, n2 92 will be 3 inches thick, and will stand up above face of coping 5 inches; a shoulder must be formed for the keys to pass through, as shown upon drawing ; the anchors will be fiu-ther secured by f inch bolts, let into stone 12 inches, and well run with lead ; a wrought-iron hoop will be dropped upon the top of post, which will be tenoned into the balance beams, and the latter will be tenoned into the mitre-posts, these posts having a | inch wrought hoop of iron at both ends. PADDLE AKD FRAME, RACK, PINION, &c. Build an oak frame, 9" X 9", in the masonry, for paddle, ha\ing a lintel and sill 9" X 9", projecting 12 inches beyond frame on each side, properly morticed for the same ; there will be another cross timber, 9" X 9", tenoned into frame for paddle iron-frame. Line between the last timber and lintel, with 3 inch elm lining, well caulked and pitched, the framing being properly prepared for the same. The paddle to be of cast metal, 1| inch thick, having 2 inch bordering on both sides, the bordering will be 1 inch thick ; also cross bars, i inch thick, to eye of paddle, as shown upon drawing. The iron paddle-frame to be 1 inch thick on the face, which is 4 inches wide, the bottom rail excepted, which is but 2 inches wide, ha\'ing studs, through which the bolts are passed ; the return will be i inch thick, and showing a face of 2| inches, it is let in flush with the oak frame \^ inch slides of cast metal, 2J inch on the face, having studs cast upon the same ; i inch bolts are passed through these studs and through the frames, and properly bolted ; a | inch cast metal stop is to be bolted on the bottom of frame, as shown on drawing. The several joints in the paddle and frame must be made perfectly true and water-tight, by rubbing them together. There is a wrough-iron rod, 1 inch diameter, attached to the paddle by the two eyes cast for the same, and secured by wrought keys, being properly shouldered at the upper eye, through which it is dropped square instead of circular, as the remaining portion ; this rod is secured at the upper end to the rack, where it is again shouldered and let in square, and secured by a wrought key. The rack is to be 3| inches on the face and H inch thick, ha^-ing a fillet cast on the back, which runs on a friction roller to keep it straight; a groove will be left in the centre of front, ^ inch wide, and the teeth will be reversed on each side of the same; the teeth will be 1 inch pitch, or from centre to centre. 93 The pinion to be 3| inches wide and 4 inches diameter, the teeth properly fitting into the rack with groove, &c. The pivot is supported at each end by cast cheeks, 1 inch thick and 1 \, inch at the eye, having a j inch wrought-iron si)indle passed through the same, to which the handle, ])ro|)erly shouldered, is attached by a sq\iare socket ; the cheeks are secured to the cap of the oak post, 6" X 6'', by ^ inch bolts and nuts, the capping of the post is § of an inch, cast metal, as shown on drawing ; the friction roller, 2 inches diameter, is allowed to run in sockets left for same in the back of the cap. The well is covered at the top by a 3 inch proper ledged oak flap, in a rebated oak frame, 6" X 6", for which the coping must be properly prepared ; the flap must have strong flap hinges, staple, asp, and strong padlock. The gates must be made perfectly water-tight at the joints, by sand and water being worked through the hinge-joints ; the mitre-joints to be made exactly true ; the platform must also be well paid with tar, the joints being properly stopped, as the resident engineer may direct LOWER LOCK-GATES. ITiese gates will have rails, posts, and planking, and foot bridges similar to the other gates, and as before described. Each gate will have a paddle at the bottom of same, the muntins of which will be 9" X 6". The paddle must be similar to the other, and have a cast-iron frame complete, as before described. The rack, pinion, &c , will also be similar. The platfoi-m, also, will be of similar scantlings and descriptions, and according to the several drawings, except that there will be two tier of 2^ inch .sheet piling, 8 feet deep. Fix, properly secured in chamber wall of lock No. 1, two fender-piles. 6 feet above coping, and 5 feet below it, to secure the lock-gates to when open ; provide all proper chains and staples for same. Build up solid with front retaining wall 6f the same lock, an oak stej)- ladder, having 2 inch treads 9 inches apart, and G inch sides, with the proper iron mn and g\iide-ropes. The retaining wall must be built to the required skew. Provide eight oak mooring-posts, 2 feet out of the ground and 4 feet in it. to be fixed where directed. 94 STONE BRIDGE AT ROAD FROM GLASGOW TO DUMBARTON. This bridge to be built of the several heights, widths, and thicknesses, shown and figuivd on the di-awings. The general description of the stone and materials, and also the method of working, to be similar to that described for the erection of the locks. The bridge will be built of freestone, in courses of about 12 inches wide ; the coping and blocking courses forming the plinth of bridge upon the inside, to be of whinstone, worked as Ijefore described. The wing walls will also be as those descril)ed for the locks, having puddle backing, &c. The backing of arch, and the excavation formed in putting in the walls, to be filled up with concrete. The bridge to l)e built to the required skew, to suit the direction of the road. And the arch stones must likewise be built in spiral courses, to suit ac- cording to the skew. TIMBER BRIDGE FOR THE TOWING-PATH OF FORTH AND CLYDE CANAL, AND WING RETAINING-WALLS. The wing retaining-walls to be as described, to the lock wing-Avall, with whinstone coping, &c. The timber for bridge to be Memel, Riga, or Dantzic, free from flaws and defects. Throw over two beams, 12" X 6", as shown, well struted by struts, 12" X 6", notched into beams, upon which the handi-ail and posts, 6" X 4", will rest ; wrought^ iron straps and bottom plates, 2" X §", with nuts and screws complete, must be provided to tie the whole together, as shown on drawing. The centre tie-iron will be 2 inches square, to which the heads and shoes will be secured by wrought pins ; the posts at each end of the longest truss will be secured on the outside of same, by f inch screw-bolts. Two good stiff struts, 6" X 4", will be bolted to hand-rail at each end, well footed at their extremities. Lay upon beams 4 inch planking, properly fastened to same. The beams will lay upon Scotch oak plates, 12" X 9", and the struts upon 95 Scotch oak plates, 9" by 6", properly let in flush with wall, ami extending over 4 feet on each side of bridge. This bridge must also l)e built to tlie required skew, which will also regulate the situation of the wing-walls. CULVERTS. The culverts must be built to the necessary augle, according to the situ- ation, and each culvert is to be placed so as to alTord a free and uninterrupted passage for the water. The foundations must be cut out as nearly the size of the culvert as possible, and the vacant space must be punned up. All the several culverts to be well punned over with clay, in uniform layers, before the earth is tilled in over same. In all cases the streams must be properly diverted into the culverts. They are to be built with a stone that will stand well under water, and to be set in good water-lime mortar. The canal, its banks, and puddles, will continue over them without any variation or diirerence being made. The precise spot or scite of the culverts may be varied according to circum- stances, by the resident engineer. There wdl be a culvert, 3 feet wide and 4 feet high, between lock, No. 1 , and lock. No. 2, at the situation shown on the drawing. The extrados of the arch is to be at least 3 feet below the bottom of the canal, it will be turned in arch stones, 15 inches thick, the sides will he 1 foot 6 inches thick, and the invert 9 inches, the whole well backed and fair dressed. Erect a proper apron and wing walls at the entrances, as will be du'ected. There will be another culvert, 3 f > t wide and 4 feet high, between lock. No. 2, and lock, No. 3, similar in construction to the last. There will also be another culvert, 4 feet wide and 4 feet 6 inches high, near the canal, at the spot marked on section ; the crown to be 1 foot 8 inches thick, and the sides 2 feet thick, the invert being 12 inches thick, of the general description as before described, with apron and wing walls. If, upon opening the ground, more or less depth is found advisable for the several works, additions or deductions are to take place, according to the schedule of prices which shall be delivered in. 96 LIST OF THE DRAWINGS. No. 1. Plan and section of the line of proposed canal. ,, 2. Details of cuttings and embankments. ,, 3. Ditto of lock, No. 3, plan, &c. „ 4. Ditto „ ,, section, &c. „ 5. Ditto „ „ higher lock-gate, paddle, rack, &c. „ 6. Ditto „ ., lower lock-gate, anchors, pivots, &c. „ 7. Ditto lock. No. 2. „ 8. Ditto ,, No. 1, plan, &c. „ 9. Ditto „ „ elevation, &c. „ 10. Ditto stone bridge on road from Glasgow to Dumbarton. „ 11. Ditto timber bridge over towing-path of Forth and Clyde Canal. 97 EMBANKMENT WALL OF THE NEW HOUSES OF PARLIAMENT, LONDON. JAMES WALKER AND ALFRED BURGESS, Esqrs., Engineers. Plate 36. — Plan, Elevations and Details of the Pile-driWng Machines employed in forming the Coffer-dam. The machine is composed of strong framework : two pieces of wood, from about 30 to 35 feet long, are placed in an upright position, and rested upon sill pieces at the bottom, the space between them constituting tlie slide or gauge for the iron ram to be drawn up and run down, and the slide is edged with iron, as shown on the plate ; a shoring piece is placed on each side, a ladder is also con- nected with them in the opposite direction, with horizontal ties at different heights, and the whole is further secured by stays and chains at different parts. There are two cross pieces laid athwart the sills, upon which tlie crab is placed, by which the ram is drawn up ; and an apparatus is situated immediately above the latter, usually called a monkey, for disengaging and again securing the ram after each fall, a chain being attached to it, which is carried over a pulley lixed at the top of till' framing, and passed down again on the other side to the crab ; and the length of the fall is regulated at pleasure by means of a rope fastened to the monkey, which allows of its moving upwards to a certain extent, when its disengagement from the monkey is effected. 98 DETAILS OF THE SWING-BRIDGE, SAINT KATHERINE'S DOCKS THpMAS TELFORD, Esq., Engineer. Plate 37. — General Plan and Section of bridge, and Details of construction. Plate 38. — Ditto, Longitudinal Elevation and Section of bridge, to an enlarged scale. ♦ Plate 39. — Ditto, ditto, Plan showing ribs and framing. Plate 40. — Ditto, ditto, Transverse Sections. Plate 41. — Ditto, ditto, Details of iron-work. The section at A — . — . — B, shows the connection with the circular part of the abut- ment plates ; and the Section C — . — . — D shows the connection of the ribs with the straight part of the abutment plates. Plate 42. — Ditto, ditto. Details of iron-work. Explanation of Letters of Reference marked on the Plates. a, Cast-iron plates situated in the carriage way, and secured to the stone-work, at the tail of the bridge, by bolts and nuts keyed into the stone. \>, Cast-iron guide plates attached to the stone-work at each end of bridge. c, c, c, c. Planches cast on to the ribs, with cast-iron plates laid across, to support the ballasting. The planks are bolted to these flanches with ^ inch bolts and nuts, and 4i inches apart in the clear. The tail plate is cast in three pieces, with joints at the third ribs, d, d. e, e, Flanches to attach arms of wheels. f. f. In the plan of abutment plates are flanches for ribs to be bolted to. Plate 43. — Ditto, Details of working gear to bridge. Explanation of Letters of Reference marked on this Plate. a, The cap of the post which lifts off. b, The cross to carry the upper end of the shaft. c, The bolts which secure the post to stone-work, of which there are six. 99 MANCHESTER AND LEEDS RAIL^VAY. THOMAS L. GOOCH, Esq., Engine6k. Plate 44. — Plans of construction and Elevation of bridge over the Rochdale Canal at Scowcroft. Plate 45. — Ditto, Plans showing foundations and Sections through wing walls and arches. Plate 46. — Ditto, ditto, details of iron girders and framing. Weight of the Cast Iron-work used in the construction of the Bridge. Tons. cwt. ■irs. lbs. 4 Main ribs ..... 68 18 20 Brucing frames • . . . 9 9 4 End, diUo 1 17 17 Roadway girders .... 50 8 19 Cornice to main ribs .... 11 Brackets for carrying tension bolts 10 Spandrels ... 13 155 o 19 Wrought Iron-work. 26 Suspension bolts Gibs and cottrels for ditto 8 Tension rods 16 Coupling boxes for ditto Gibs and cottrels for ditto Total weight of screw bolts Cwt. qrs. ibt. 26 2 4 14 191 2 33 1 15, 10 1 3 26-) 3 4 17 1 19 o 2 100 LONDON AND SOUTHAMPTON RAILWAY. Details of the Locomotive Engines employed on the Line, and constructed hy. GEORGE AND JOHN RENNIE, Esqrs., Engineers. Plate 47. — Side Elevation of engine. Plate 48. — Longitudinal Section of ditto. Plate 49. — End Elevation of ditto. Diameter of cylinder Length of stroke ...... Area of each of the cylinders Steam required in each cylinder, per stroke Area of fire-grate for the admission of air Total area of fire-grate .... Fuel contained in fire-box .... Number of brass tubes .... Heating surface of ditto .... Water evaporated in one hour, with steam equal to 50 ft. pressure on the safety-valve Water contained below average water line Steam room Water supplied by each pump, per stroke Number of wheels ..... Diameter of driving wheels .... Ditto of small wheels Cubic content of water in tender tank Weight of ditto when full .... Time which the water in tender will supply engine Coke fuel necessary to evaporate all the water in the tank 13 inches. 18 „ 132.73 „ 1.4 cubic feet 588 square inches. 1344 or 9.3 square feet 14 cubic feet 118 „ „ 492.78 square feet. 63.466 cubic feet 36.4 „ 32.5 „ 56.5 cubic inches. 6 5ft. 6in. 3ft. 6in. 118.8 cubic feet. 3.3 tons. 1.87 hours. 9| cwt. 458.28 9.62 square inches. 9.56 i> 14.87 It 7.06 n 159 II 6696 1> 709C0 II 77050 II lui Number of revolutions of driving-wheel per minute, at 30 miles per hour 152.76 Velocity of each piston in feet, per minute, at the average speed of 3 miles per hour .... Area of steam pipe ...... Ditto of steam ports ... . . Ditto of eduction ports .... Ditto of blast-pipe mouth ..... Ditto of chimney ...... • Ditto of radiating surface ..... Ditto of communicative surface .... Ditto of total heating surface Total resistance to the motion of the pistons, per square inch of its surface . 38.4 ft. Volume which the whole steam produced per hour will occupy at the reduced pressure of the preceding re- sistance 46695 cubic feet. Ratio of the preceding volume to that expended in effecting a single stroke of one piston . . . 32427 num. of strokes per hr. Corresponding number of revolutions of driving-wheel, per hour 8106.75 Distance travelled, per hour 26jJ miles. Weight of the engine without water .... 11| tons. Ditto of tender 5J ,, The safety valve is constructed so as to liberate the steam more freely than by the old mode, the principle being to diminish the resistance in proportion to the opening of the valve, whereas by all previous methods, whether by springs or levers, the resistance is increased 3 feet, and the improved valve is capable of being regulated to any intensity of resistance. The velocity of the engines have frequently exceeded 41 miles per hour, with light trains.* * Similar engines were also constructed by Messrs. Rennie for the London and Croydon Railway. 102 GRANGEMOUTH HARBOUR. JOHN MACNEILL, Esq., Engineer. , Plate 50. — Transverse Section of Quay wall and coffer-dam, (see Specifi- cation of same.) Plate 51. — Ditto Plans of superstructure and foundations. Plate 52. — Elevation and Sections of timber Pier, (see Specification of same. J Plate 53. — Ditto, Plans of superstructure and Sections of details. Specification of sundry artificer's work required to be done in erecting and building complete a Quay wall, 100 feet long, inckuling the coifer-dam, steam- engine, and works attendant thereon, upon the banks of the Frith of Forth, situate at Grangemouth Harbour. GENERAL CONDITIONS. The following conditions and observations are to be sti-ictly attended to by the diflferent parties tendering for the execution of the proposed work : — The whole of the materials provided are to be the best in quality of their respective kinds, sound, and well seasoned, and to be applied in the most substantial manner, under the direction and to the entire satisfaction of John Macneill, C.E., and the resident engineer appointed to superintend the works. The drawings are to be equally binding with the specification ; and should anything appear to have been omitted in either or both, which is usually con- sidered necessary for the completing of the several works, the contractor is to execute the same as if it had been particularly described, and is not to obtain any advantage whatever from such omission, but shall apply what may be wanting 103 to complete the whole, and the works are to be left in a complete state, according to the true intent and meaning of the drawings and si)ocificatii)n ; and the directions for their correct performance, as given from time to time hy the resident engineer, are in all cases to be strictly attended to. The whole of the stone, timber, iron, and other materials, are to be delivered on the premises, and to be examined by the resident engineer previous to their being worked or used. It shall be in the power of the resident engineer to reject any j)art of the materials which he may consider unfit for the work, and cause any part of the work to be altered which, in his opinion, is unsound or unworkmanlike, and not according to the contract, upon three days' notice having been given in writing for that purpose Ijy the resident engineer ; and in case the contractor shall refuse, or delay to rectify, or comply with the orders that may be given to him in writing, and shall perform all or any part of the work in an improper manner, or in case the works do not proceed with proper dispatch, the resident engineer shall have power and be at full liberty to suspend the further execution of the works by the said contractor, to take it out of his hands and employ or engage any other person or persons to perform or execute, and to find proper materials for the same, in which case all the costs and charges thereof shall be paid or allowed for by the contractor or his sureties, or allowed or deducted out of the moneys which may be then or become due to the said contractor, the amount of which shall be valued and decided by the engineer, whose award in this and all other cases respecting the works shall be final and binding. It is also to be in the power of the engineer to direct such alterations to be made in the work during its progress as may be found expedient, which alter- ations shall not vacate or make void the contract, but shall be performed })y the contractor according to the directions he may receive ; and the value of the same, whether an addition or a deduction, shall be ascertained by the engineer, and be added to or deducted from the amount of such contract, according to the rate at which such work was undertaken ; the award of the engineer, in such case, to be final and binding. No allowance will be made to the contractor for extra or additional work, unless the same shall be ordered, in writing, by the engineer, and unless a correct account or voucher of the said work is delivered to the engineer within three days of its performance. The contractor to provide himself with all manner of labour, tools, moulds, implements, scaffolding, centreing-planks, ropes, ladders, hoisting tackle, and materials of every description ; carriage, freightage, and every requisite Tor the completion of the works ; he is also to make good any damage done by his work- 104 men to any part of the works, through carelessness or otherwise; likewise to clear away all rubbish or waste that may arise, when desired to do so by the resident engineer. To excavate for the foundations of the wall, and all other requisite works as may be found necessary, keeping out the water by placing proper dams, if required, &c. Should it be deemed necessary at any time to suspend the progress of the works on account of the weather, or any other cause, the engineer shall be at full liberty to do so, and no extra charge shall be made on this account by the contractor. The resident engineer to be at full liberty to order the discharge of, or dismiss from the works, any man or men for incompetency or misconduct ; and the contractor shall not replace them without the written approbation of the resident engineer. Should any of the materials be lost or stolen from the premises, no allow- ance can be made for the same. The works shall be begun as soon as the contracts are signed, anJ the whole completed within under the penalty of for the non-fulfilment of same, to be recovered as liquidated damages in any of Her Majesty's courts of law. In case of extra works, additional time will be allowed for same. To deliver in a paper containing a copy of the estimate, with the quantities and prices upon which such estimate was founded, in order to show that it is a bond fide calculation ; the same to be left with the engineer, in order that he may be enabled to value any additions or deductions that may arise, according to the prices of such estimate. The contractor must enter into a bond, with two proper and approved sureties, for the performance of his contract. The contractor will receive payments, upon producing a certificate from the engineer. To keep an experienced foreman on the works, who is to be approved of by the resident engineer. The contractor must include for making good and filling into all irregula- rities of ground, for the before mentioned length of wall, also for any extra depth of piling at the different parts of the river. In the event of the ground requiring extra piling under the foundation of wall, for the sleepers to rest upon, it wUl be allowed for by the engineer, accord- ing to the " Schedule of Prices" hereto attached. 105 COFFEH-UAM, &c. The coffer-dam is to be conslructed according lo the several drawings and instructions, properly returned at each end, and connected to banks of river by a secure and water tight method. Dredge a proper trench, of a sufficient depth, to facilitate the drainage of tlu- piles : after the latter are driven, it is to be tilled up solid. SCANTLING OF THE SEVERAL TIMBERS. Main piles 12 X 12, or w-hole timbers. Waling pieces 12 X 12, halved cUtto. Outer sheet piling 12 X 12, ditto, ditto. Inner sheet piling 12 X G, qt half timbers. Filling in planking upon cUtto . . 12 x 6, lUtto. Furring pieces to ditto 12 X 12, or whole timbers. Brace piles 12 X 12. ditto. Braces, shoring pieces, ties, &c. . . 12 X ti, or half timbers. Fender piles 12 X 12, ditto. Booms 12 X 12, ditto. The main or gauge piles are to be diiveu to the required depths, and at least 2 feet home, into a solid material. The waling pieces to be in two thicknesses, breaking joint vnth each other, and bolted to main piles by 2 inch wrought-iron bolts, (these bolts to pass through the sheet piling, out and out) and washers complete. The ends or extremities of dam are to be splayed off. instead of stpiare, and the waling of same will be in whole timber in one length, strapped upon and secured to side waling, and bolted to the outer gauge-piles, similar to the others, and blocked where required. The outer sheet piling to be driven to the same depth as the main piles, and exactly square and close to each other; and every pile to be bolted to the waling by an inch wrought-iron bolt. The inner sheet piling is to be cut off level at the height shown on drawings, and horizontal pieces to be filled in on ditto, and securely bolted by | inch screw bolts to furring-pieces, the which are to be strapped to eaeli gauge-pile ; tli • sheet piling will be splayed and fitted together at the angles at each end of the dam. P 106 The brace piles are to be of the same length, and driven with an inclination, as shown on drawings ; ha\'ing a waling piece of whole timber, bolted with a 1 inch wrought-iron bolt, at a level with the bottom of the river, for the diagonal and raking braces to rest upon. The upright shoring pieces to be two in number to each brace pile, and 2 diagonal shores or braces to each brace pile, secured by 1 inch wrought-iron bolts, and washers at each end. There will be two 3 inch planks upon both sides of brace piles, bolted to same and shores, secured by 3 inch stirrups, and | inch wrought-iron bolts, and 1 raking plank on each, fastened as the others. Pro\ide all necessary cleats and wedges, to be properly spiked against piles. The braces at the angles of returns to be in whole timber, and each return will have an additional brace pile and brace, and whatever extra piling and struting may be deemed expedient. The fender piles to be driven similar to other piles, and to be 6 in number at each end of dam ; having booms to same, properly chained, to allow of their free rising or sinking according to the tides. The greatest care must be taken in the pile driving, to ensure its true direction ; all that are improperly driven must be taken up and redrove, and if split or injured they must not be used a second time; wrought-iron hooping to be fitted on the head of every pile. All the whole piles are to be shod with a wrought-iron shoe, not less than 25 lb. in weight, and the half timber piles with a similar shoe, 20 lb. in weight. Upon the whole of the piles and sheet piling being driven, and the timbering properly secured and braced, the soil enclosed between the sheet piling is to be thoroughly removed, and the space is then to be filled in with good stiff clay, having a portion of gravel mixed with it, or good puddle ; the Avhole worked together, and puddled-in and rendered impervious or water-tight, and as the substance consolidates and sinks, fresh stuff must be filled in and rammed down, always keeping it above the top of the sheet piling. The base of the dam, both inside and outside, is to have a mass of proper materials constantly piled up against it, with dwarf piling to support same, if required. PIPES. Provide and fix two trunks or shoots, consisting of 5 feet of cast-iron pipe, fitted in with proper water-tight valves, and fixed with water-tight joints ; the situation and level of same to be pointed out by the resident engineer. 107 PrMPlNG. The contractor to [irovulo ami tix conipK'te hy tlic time the clam is constructed, and keep constantly at work, a good low-prcss)ire engine of" sufficient power (the power to be of at least 8 horses), to which punijis of sufficient size are to he attached ; also pumping apparatus, and all other neces- sary machinery, to be approved of by the resident engineer. The engine will be erected in the centre of scite, or where directed, upon a proper foundation and staging ; the Avhole having a temporary engine-house and shed over, and the same over the mill-stones, which will be required for grinding the lime. QUAY WALL. Excavate to the depths required for the foundation of proposed wall, as shown upon drawings, the bottom of same being perfectly flat to receive the sleepers, &.c. ; and working room is to be allowed on both sides ; if the soil should be bad and will not stand, sheet piling or planking must be driven to support same. All the soil and material arising from the excavations or works, that cannot be used for same, are to be removed or carted away. FOUNDATION. The foundation of proposed wall to be laid upon 6" planking, supported by .sleepers 12" X8" ; the sheet piling will be of red pine timber 8" thick, having an iHtt). shoe to each, and it must be driven in the most careful manner, with waling pieces 15" X 8", bolted to them by 1 inch wrought-iron bolts. CONCRETE. The concrete used in the founding of the walls, &c., to be mixed in tiir proportion of 7 measures of gravel to 1 of ground stone lime, of approved cpiality. the stone lime to be ground to powder by mill-stones attached l)y a gear to the .steam-engine ; the materials above stated are to be well mixed without any water, but by mere manual labour, when this is done a sufficiency of water is to 1' 2 108 be added, and the whole well mixed together, it is then to be wheeled away in barrows, and pitched from a height of at least 10 feet in all its stages and layers ; where it cannot he pitched, it is to be well puddled and trodden down by men, and well cemented together, and brought to a solid bearing to receive the sleepers, planking, &c. The filling in concrete to be of similar materials, mixed in a like manner, in the proportions of 1 of lime to 10 of gravel, pitched and laid in layers of 9 or 10 inches in thickness. The concrete is to be kept perfectly clear of the water. STONE WORK. The wall and counterforts to be carried up of the several dimensions shown and figured on the drawings. The footings of proposed wall to be in large sizes, the stones not less than from 4 to 5 feet by 2 to 3 feet, and 12 inches thick, of good tough quality, from the quarry, squared and fair worked and laid in mortar ; the courses properly breaking joint with each other, and according to the drawings. The wall to be carried up in courses varying from 12 to 15 inches in thickness, and the sizes to be about 3 feet 2 inches by 2 foot for headers, and 3 feet by 1 foot 6 inches for stretchers, and to be laid 2 stretchers to 1 header, and properly bonded together. If the engineer should think fit to have the stone from some other quarry, instead of from the quarry, and the distance should be greater, it Avill be allowed for extra. The whole of the outside stone to be carefully selected as to colour and quality, and to be laid in its natural or quarry bed, the upper and lower bed of every stone to carry its full thickness from front to back, so that the bearing both above and below may be perfectly square and level throughout ; no innning in levelling will be allowed ; each stone is to be brought firmly to its bed by a wooden mallet. The top course of stone to wall forming the curb to be good whinstone, and to be 12 inches thick, in large sizes, and rounded on the edge, and to be placed round the whole width of wall, and well joggled together ; the pitching or pavdng is likewise to be of whinstone. All the masonry to be worked with chisel drafts round their faces, beds, joints, and backs, and to be picked between the drafts, so that upon applying a ruler 109 vipon the face no part shall be above them, and no more space tlian 1th of an inch below tiieni ; the outside faces being worked with exact regularity and neatness. The whole of the stones are to be worked on the ground, and to be set with lewises and proper tackle. The whole of the stone-work is to be laid throughout on a thick betl of mortar, of the following description — one measure of good stone lime, one measure of puzzolana, and two measures of sharp clear sand, free from rubbish, dirt, and other impurities. The lime is to be slacked and mixed with puzzolana and sand, they are then to be passed together in a dry "state through screens, and the water added. The mortar is to be well tempered and worked to a tough and proper consistency, and ground by edge stones, worked by a gear from the steam-engine. No more mortar is to be made at a time than can be consumed in the day's work. The lime to be brought in small quantities, and to be kept under an enclosed shed, so as not to be injured by exposure to the weather. ITie wall to be properly returned for a space of 30 feet from the face in similar masonry, and to be carried as deep as the nature of the ground may require ; the sj)ace enclosed by the walls to be properly pitched or paved with whinstoue, 12 inches in thickness, as before described. Lay in wall 3 tier of oak plates, 1 2" X 9", to secure fenders to ; the top plate is to have a return piece, dovetailed and spiked to same at every 10 feet. The fenders are to be of oak 9 inches wide, and projecting 7 inches from face of wall, and to be bolted on with inch screw bolts, having oak cleats, &c., morticed and tenoned on each side, and spiked to plates ; and fix iron rings to same in a secure manner. 110 Specification of the timber Pier, to be erected on the Frith of Forth, at Grangemouth Harbour. GENERAL CONDITIONS. The following conditions and observations are to be strictly attended to ]jy the different parties tendering for the execution of the proposed work : — The whole of the materials provided are to be the best in quality of their respective kinds, sound, and well seasoned, and to be applied in the most substantial manner, under the direction and to the entire satisfaction of John Macneill, C.E., and the resident engineer appointed to superintend the works. The drawings are to be equally binding with the specification ; and should anything appear to have been omitted in either or both, Avhich is usually con- sidered necessary for the completing of the several works, the contractor is to execute the same as if it had been particularly described, and is not to obtain any advantage whatever from such omission, but shall apply what may be wanting to complete the whole, and the works are to be left in a complete state, according to the true intent and meaning of the drawings and specification ; and the directions for their correct performance, as given from time to time by the resident engineer, are in all cases to be strictly attended to. The whole of the stone, timber, iron, and other materials, are to be delivered on the premises, and to be examined by the resident engineer previous to their being worked or used. It shall be in the power of the resident engineer to reject any part of the materials which he may consider unfit for the work, and cause any part of the work to be altered which, in his opinion, is unsound or unworkmanlike, and not according to the contract, upon three days' notice having been given in writing for that purpose by the resident engineer ; and in case the contractor shall refuse, or delay to rectify, or comply with the orders that may be given to him in Avriting, and shall perform all or any part of the work in an improper manner, or in case the works do not proceed with proper dispatch, the resident engineer shall have power and be at full liberty to suspend the further execution of the works by the said conti'actor, to take it out of his hands and employ or engage any other person or persons to perform or execute, and to find proper materials for the same, in which case all the costs and charges thereof shall be paid or Ill allowed for by the conlractor or his sureties, or aliowfcl or deducted out of the moneys which may he then or become due to the said contractor, the amount of which shall be valued and decided by the I'ngineer, whose award in this and all other cases respecting the works shall be linal and binding. It is also to be in the power of tlie engineer to direct such alterations to be made in the work during its progress as may be louiul expedient, which alter- ations shall not vacate or make void the contract, but shall be performed by the contractor according to the directions he may receive ; and the value of the same, whether an addition or a deduction, shall be ascertained by the engineer, and be added to or deducted from the amount of such contract, according to the rate at which such work was undertaken ; the award of the engineer, in such case, to be final and binding. No allowance will be made to the contractor for extra or additional work, unless the same shall be ordered, in writing, by the engineer, and unless a correct account or voucher of the said work is delivered to the engineer within three days of its performance. The contractor to provide himself with all manner of labour, tools, moulds, implements, scaffokUng, centreing, planks, ropes, ladders, hoisting tackle, and materials of every description ; carriage, freightage, and every requisite for the completion of the w orks : he is also to make good any damage done by his work- men to any part of the works, through carelessness or otherwise ; likewise to clear away all rubbish or waste that may arise, when desired to do so by the resident engineer. To excavate for the foundations of the wall, and all other rt-quisite works as may be found necessary, keeping out the water by placing proper dams, if required, &.c. To excavate for the foundations of all works that may be required, placing dams, &c., if found necessary. Should it be deemed necessary at any time to suspend the progress of the works on account of ihc weather, or any other cause, the engineer shall be at full liberty to do so, and no extra charge shall be made on this account by the contractor. The resident engineer to be at lull liberty to order the disdiaige of, or dismiss from the works, any man or men for incompetency or misconduct ; and the contractor shall not replace them without the written approbation of the resident engineer. Should any of the materials l)e lost or stolen from the premises, no allow- ance can be made for the same. 112 The works shall be begun as soon as the contracts are signed, and the whole completed within under the penalty of for the non-fulfilment of same, to be recovered as liquidated damages in any of Her Majesty's courts of law. In case of extra works, additional time will be allowed for same. To deliver in a paper containing a copy of the estimate, with the quantities and prices upon which such estimate was founded, in order to show that it is a bo7m fide calculation ; the same to be left with the engineer, in order that he may be enabled to value any additions or deductions that may arise, according to the prices of such estimate. The contractor must enter into a bond, with two proper and approved sureties, for the performance of his contract. The contractor will receive payments, upon producing a certificate from the engineer. To keep an experienced foreman on the works, who is to be approved of by the resident engineer. The timber, unless otherwise described, is to be of the best Memel, Riga, or Dantzic, free from sap, shakes, and defects, also large, loose, or dead knots. All the iron to be wrought, and of the best merchant's iron, which is to be properly tested, as the resident engineer may direct. The work will consist of 5 bays, of 19 feet 5 inches each, leaving 1 foot 6 inches on the outside at each end, making in all about 100 feet. The contractor to prepare for the driving of the piling, as may be found necessary. SCANTLINGS OF THE TIMBERS. Ins. Ins. Front and side piles 12 X 12 Ditto, ditto, walls 12x6 Cross beams ..••;.... 12 X 12 Top beams 12 X 9 3 pair of front braces 9x9 Side braces 12 X 6 113 Straining pieces . !> X 9 Struts to same 9x0 Diagonal struts to same (i X Cross sleepers or sills situated on the banks 12 X 3 Longitiulinal sleepers at top of bank 1 2 X (J Fenders 12 X <) The whole of the piles to be driven, until a good solid and suificient foundation is found. The front piles to be two in number to each pier, being properly connected to side wales by wrought-iron straps, 4" X 1" round both piles and bolts ; these straps will also have a hole wrought in same with a proper shoulder to receive the bolt, which secures front wale ; the heads of the piles are to be properly morticed 6 inches into cross beams. The side piles to be in a single row, and in a line with the centre of front piles, and they will be morticed 3 inches into bolsters upon top of same, 12" X6" upon which the cross beams are laid ; all the piles are to be shod with a proper wrought-iron shoe, not less than 25 lb. in weight. The front wales are to be secured to the straps round front piles, by an inch wrought-iron bolt ; the strap being properly prepared to receive same, as before described. The side wales to be notched on and secured to front main piles by straps and bolts, as before described, and to braces and side piles by inch wrought- iron bolts, nuts and washers, the ends of same resting upon sills ; to have cleats drove tight upon them, running from one sill to the other, and screwed to same with ^ inch bolts and nuts, as shown on drawing ; these cleats likewise support the ends of the braces. The cross beams to be secured to front piles and bolsters by mortices and tenons, as before described. The top beams to 1)e secured to bolsters and cross beams by inch wrought l)olts and nuts, running right through each of them, and to straining pieces by two 1 inch wrought screw bolts. The three front top beams to be bolted together by \\ inch wrought bolts and nuts, hanng a loose ring attached on the outside face of beam, as shown on drawings. And 3 inch planking vriW be laid upon top beams, properly fastened with jagged spikes. The front, or face braces, to be as shown on drawings, having 3 inches notched out of each at the crossing, where they are to be halved and fastened with an inch bolt and nut ; the bolts to the first pair passing through the front waling, the lower end to be let into the pile and secured by 2 inch straps and Q 114 bolts, the upper ends also to be morticed and tenoned into piles, and spiked, and to have a cleat bolted on to top of same, which likewise supports the struts to straining pieces : the second pair from the front to be bolted together at their intersection, and secured to side piles by mortices and tenons, and connecting irons and bolts at the lower end, and having cleats bolted on the upper end ; the third pair of braces from the front to be morticed and tenoned into piles, and secured to side piles by 1 inch wrought screw bolts, they will rest upon, and be morticed and screwed into a sleeper, 6 inches thick, laid on bank to receive same. The side, or framed braces, to be secured to side piles by bolts, as befoie described ; the upper end being fastened to the cross beams by 2 inch stirrup irons, properly wedged and spiked, to obviate any deficiencies in the different thicknesses of the timbers ; the end resting on the sleepers or sills to be spiked to same : they will likewise be supported by cleats, as before mentioned. The straining pieces to top beams to be bolted to same, as before described ; the struts to same to be tapered off or reduced at the end, to allow the diagonal struts to fit close to them, and they will each be morticed, tenoned, and spiked into piles ; cleats will be bolted on immediately under and fitting to them, the bolts passing from wale to wale. The diagonal pieces will likewise be bolted together at their heads by f inch bolts. The scarfings to the several timbers to be at least 2 feet long, and thoroughly strong, and secured together by bolts and irons properly wedged. The paving of the surface of the platform to be laid with pitching stones, 12 inches in thickness, upon planking to receive same, having a wrought curb, as shown on drawing; the whole to be of tough whinstone, set with mortar, composed of good stone lime, gravel, and puzzolana ; the curb will have irons, 3 inches by 1 inch, let into the joints, and well run with lead, and screwed on to planking to prevent their being shaken. The banks to be properly consolidated and rammed with hard rubbish, to receive pitching stones, 12 inches in thickness ; the said pitching to be properly laid, and the bottom course to be well secured and cramped together. LA.ND-TIES. Drive a pile 25 feet deep of whole timber opposite each pier, shod similar to the other piles, and 60 feet from face of front piles, secure to same a 1^ inch tie bolt, with nuts and washers, the other end will be fastened to an iron strap, which is fastened to cross beam. 115 The strap to bo 1 ^ inches thick at the sides, and 2 inches in front, and I inches wide, it will be 5 inches in centre of front, properly shouldered with inch i)olt to same ; the tie-bolt will be coupled at every 10 feet, having a moo ring- ring fastened to the outer extremity : should the tie-bolt swag, so as to recpiire any supports in its length, stirrup-irons must be provided in order to keep it in its place. The whole of the iron to be wrought. The fenders to be as shown on drawings, having their several heads {)roperly tenoned into the beams, and listened to walls and piles by 1 inch Ijolts and nuts. The cross sleepers will be properly secured to timbers at each end, as may be found necessary, also properly spiked to longitudinal sleeper at top of bank. The ground is to be well rammed and secured for same, and all the sleepers must lay upon proper stone landings in large sizes, 12 inches in thickness. The longitudinal sleeper to be properly supported, and well secured to the framing; fillets, 18 inches apart, will be nailed to same, for the planking to be secured to ; the latter being made 3 inches thick, and spiked as may l)e found necessar). The whole of the framing effecting, and immediately connected with the surface or platform, must be framed so as to give an inclination or fall towards the river. The greatest care must be taken in the pile-driving to ensure their true direction, as all piles improperly driven must be taken up and redrove, and all that are split or injured will not he allowed to remain ; iron hooping must be fitted to the head of each pile in the driving, and generally frame and fasten the timbering properly together finding all bolts, mortices, and tenons, where required.* • It is proper to mention, thtit the Quay wall was not erected precisely according to either of these plans. — Editor. q2 116 MIDLAND COUNTIES RAILWAY. CHARLES VIGNOLES, Esq., Engineer. Plate 54. — Plans and Elevation of the bridge over the River Soad, at Stamford.* Plate 55. — Ditto, Details of the iron piles, girders, &c. This bridge is constructed principally of cast-iron, and forms a very interest- ing subject, being almost an imitation of the timber pile bridges in common use for crossing rivers ; and we believe it is the first instance of the application of iron piles for such a purpose. This bridge was designed by T. J. Woodhouse, Esq., the Resident Engineer. ii; LONDON AND BIRMINGHAM RAILWAY. ROBERT STEriiEN'SON, Esq., Engineer. Pl.\te 56. — Plans and Elevation of bridge for road from Banbury to Luterwortb. (See Spccijicution of same.) Pl.\te 57. — Ditto, Details of Iron-work. Pl.\te 58. — Ditto, ditto. Specification of bridge for road from Banbury to Luterwortb. This road passes over the railway at an angle of 28°, at a point where the depth of cutting is 26 feet 6 inches. The bridge consists of a central opening, with three small archways on each side ; the slopes ending in wing-walls, which extend to the edge of the cutting. The central opening is 30 feet wide on the square, and is spanned l)y six trussed frames or ribs of iron, resting on piers at each side. Each frame con.sists of 2 cast-iron main ribs, abutting at the crown and having three ends attached to 2 wrought-iron ties, which are stretched benrath them, and united in the middle. Tlie ribs and ties are kept at the proper distance from each other by cast-iron open work placed between tliem, and acting the part of struts. Tlie main ribs of the upper sides are horizontal, and have tlanges proji-eting on each side, to admit of the roadway plates (hereinafter descrilied) Ijeing bi)lted to them : the under sides are curved with a flat circular curvature, and have tables projecting on each side in the foi-m of rounded mouldings, their breadth being greatest in the middle of the rib, and gradually decreasing to nothing at each end. 118 Similar moulditigs run along the ribs at the distance of 2 feet from the l)ottom, and the thickness of metal between them is 1 inch. At the meeting at the crown the ribs present a section of 2 feet in depth, with a uniform thickness of 4 inches ; their ends are rounded into circular arcs, which fit into corresponding sockets in the sides of the cast-iron key, hereinafter described. The ends of the ribs resting on the bearing piers are cast with cu-cular holes, to admit the bolts which attach the wrought-iron ties ; round these holes the metal is swelled into bosses, 4 inches thick, and the same thickness is continued to the bottom of the ribs, which is slightly rounded. The ends of the ribs just described rest in chairs, forming part of a cast-iron plate, which extends along the whole length of the piers, which is run with Roman cement, and firmly bolted to a course of stone, hereinafter described. The w^rought-iron ties are attached to the ribs by bolts passing through the holes above-mentioned, and are united in the middle by a connecting link and bolts. On this joint, which it encloses in a kind of box, rests the main strut. It consists of a cast-iron pillar, with fins projecting from the sides; the upper part is cast hollow, in the form of a rectangular pipe, to admit of a strong bar of wrought-iron being inserted, and firmly riveted in its place. This bar extends through a hole in the key, and by means of a strong thread screw and nut working against the underside of the key admits of an adjustment of the length of the strut. The cast-iron open work, between main ribs and the ties, are shown on the drawings. The top rests firmly against the bottom of the ribs, and is attached to them by means of feet projecting at intervals and fastened by wrought-iron wedges into corresponding sockets cast on the side of the ribs. The bottom is cast in the shape of a three-sided box, the top resting on the ties, the sides enclosing them ; and the box is completed by pieces of boiler-plate being screwed on beneath, neatly fitted to the edges of the box and cut to the exact width. The ties are kept at the proper distance from each other by pieces cast at intervals on the top of the above-mentioned box, and fitting accurately between them. The meeting-plate consists of a cast-iron plate, extending the whole width of the bridge, vdth the keys of the different ribs cast on it at the proper intervals. The parts between the keys are strengthened by fins projecting from each side. 119 The keys themselves, against whieh the ribs abut, are east with soekt ts on each edge, for the reception of the rounded ends of the main ribs, and \\iih holes through the centre, to admit the wrought-iron bur of the main strut, before tleseribed. Tlie outside key has its face cast with a sunk panel, the edges of which ari- neatly rounded ; it has also a plate falling beneath the general level of the bottom, in order to hide from view the top part of main street. A long strip of boiler-plate, I| inches thick, and 1 foot wide, is to extcml the whole width of the bridge, at the point where the main ties unite, and it nnist be tirmly secured to the under edges of the main struts. The roadway-plates are of two sizes, the one to extend over four ribs, the other over two ; and they must be so arranged that the smaller plates may break joint alternately with the larger. At the points where they rest upon the main ribs they are to have projecting cleats, fitting exactly to the sides of the upper tallies of the ribs, to which thi y must be bolted down Ijm wroughl-iron bolts alternately on each side. They are also to nave diagonal flanges cast on their under sides between each of the ribs, and projecting to the extent shown on tlie drawings. The whole of the joints of the roadway plates are to be accurately fitted and caulked with oakum, so as to be perfectly water-tight ; and a layer of concrete. (') inches thick, is to be laid over the whole .surface. A string course of cast-iron, in the form of a torus moulding and plinth, is to be bolted to the top of the exterior ribs, and to the road-plates by lugs occuring at intervals of 2 feet. It is further steadied by wrought-iron stays attached at one end to these tugs, and at the other to the inner sides of the plinth. Sockets, as shown, are to be cast on the interior at every 2 feet, for the reception of the standard of the cast-iron railing hereinafter described, and the inside plate is to be cast loose, and afterwards screwed on. The railing is to be of cast-iron, in lengths of 10 feet, as near as may be. The standards of the railing are to l)e fastened into the sockets of the string- course, above described, with wrought-iron wedges, and the middle standard of each length is to be steadied by a Ijracket, or knee, riveted to it and to the top ol the torus moulding. The joints of this railway are to be made with half-laps, and neatly and accurately riveted together. The form and dimensions of the brickwork and masonry of the bridge are shown on drawing. 120 The main piers, on which rest the iron frames, are to be of brick faced with stone toothing into the brickwork, alternately to the depth of 2 feet and 2 feet 6 inches. The faces of these piers are broken by stone pilasters, standing forward 9 inches from the general face ; the whole is carried to a height of 4 feet 6 inches above the surface of the roadway, and is crowned by a large stone cap, which must l)e formed of a single stone. A course of Bramley Fall stone, 2 feet deep, and bedded in the brickAvork 3 feet 6 inches, runs along the whole length of the pier at the part where the iron frames rest. None of the stone forming this course are to be less than 3 feet long ; and they are to be firmly dowelled together and cramped on the top with 2 wrought- iron cramps to each joint, 1 square inch in section, 14 inches long, and leaded into the stones to the depth of 3 inches. A brick wall, 3 feet thick, is to be built between the ribs up to the level of their tops. ^ The arches on the slopes are of brick, 8 feet span on the square, and 1 foot 6 inches thick, with stone quoins or voussoirs on the face, toothing into the brick- work alternately to the depth of 2 feet and 2 feet G inches. The whole of the arches must be laid with spiral courses at right angles to the face. A solid backing of brickwork must be carried up to the height shown by the dotted lines. The arches rest on brick piers, faced Avith stone to the depth alternately of 2 feet and 1 foot 6 inches ; they are to have stone imposts, as shown, from which the arches spring. The wing-walls begin to batter at the rate of 1 inch per foot at the set ofi", shown on drawings ; they are stepped up the slopes in the manner shown by the dotted lines, and are carried out to the edge of the cutting, where they end in pilasters of ^ brick projection, and are crowned with caps of stone 9 inches deep in the middle. A torus moulding of stone, and a brick plinth of the exact form and dimen- sions of that specified over the iron ribs, runs along the whole extent of this bridge. The torus must return round the pilasters, and .the corners must in every case be formed of whole stones cut to the proper form. All the castings of this bridge must be of No. 1 iron, and the malleable iron must be of the best scrap iron. 121 Great care must be exercised in making all the joints and fittings of the iron- work perfectly true and accurate, and every l>art must he hrought to an rqiiul and uniform lieariiiij; lu'fore tlu- centreing or supports are removed, so tliat there shall he no risk of any jjart being subjected to unetpial or cross strains. Tlu' whole of tlie iron must be submitted to such trials of its strength as the engineer may consider necessary, and the contractor must be at the expense of ail the means or apparatus required ; and should any part of the iron-work fail, or be damaged, he nuist replace them by others fully capable of undergoing the trial. The whole of the iron-work must be painted with 2 coats of jmint, after it is erected. For other particulars of materials and workmanship .see •' General Stipu- lations." 122 SECHILL RAILWAY. ROBERT NICHOLSON, Esq., Engineer. Plate 59. — Plan and Elevation of bridge over the Cramlingtoii Railway. Plate 60. — Ditto, Details of timber arch and iron-work. This bridge is of similar description to a bridge on the North Shields Railway, hj the same engineer, and represented in another part of the work ; but the span in this case is much greater, and it has been found to answer every purpose. DETAILS OF LOCK ox THE RJVER CAM. Plate 61. — Plans, Elevations, Sections, and Details of the lock. 123 GLASGOW. GREENOCK, AND I'AISLEV RAILWAY. JOSEPH LOCKE, Esq., Engineer. Plate 62. — Plans, Elevations, and Sections of the bridge over the Hhick Cart Water. Specification of bridge for the purpose of carrying the railway over the Cart Water. It shall be built of the form and dimensions shown on the drawing. A platform of stone shall be laid under each of the piers, 2 feet thick, and no stone shall contain less than 24 superficial feet ; each stone shall be squared and jointed; the joints shall be tilled with Koman cement. The platform shall be laid, at the depth shown on the drawing, on a level bed of concrete, 2 feet thick ; it shall consist of 5 parts of clean round gravel, and 1 part of water lime. On each of these platforms shall be laid 6 sleepers in the longitudinal direc- tion of the bridge; they shall be secured by 1^ inch screw bolts, 4 bolts in each, let 9 inches into the stone, and securely Lewis wedged. On these bearers shall be placed the trusses which support the bridge. The sills of the trusses shall be joggled 3 inches into the bearers, and securely bolted with 1 inch bolts ; 2 bolts into each end of every bearer. The uprights shall be tenoned into the sills and crown trees, and shall be secured by wrought-iron knees | inch in thickness, each end of such knees shall be at least 2 feet 6 inches in length, and 4 inches in breadth, and shall have 6 screw bolts in each knee. It may be as well to observe here, that whenever screw bolts are named, bolts and nuts are meant, and that in every case the thickness of the nut shall be equal to the thickness of the bolt, and that the bolt shall project half its thickness through the nut. A row of sheathing piles, not less than 15 feet long, and 6 inches thick, shall be driven quite round the platform in the river, and three sides of each of the others. The waliugs of all shall be secured to the stone in the same manner as the bearers — viz., by screw bolts let 9 inches into the stone, and securely Lewis wedged. Great care must be taken in driving these sheathing piles, that the whole row on each side is preserved on the same plan, and that the joints are kept as close as possible. The footuigs for the stay.s that support the longitudinal beams sliall be securely bolted to the crown trees with 1 inch bolts, and the stays shall be secured at each end by iron knees of the same dimensions as those before described. The scarfes in the longitudinal beams shall be united by an iron plate, not 124 less than 6 feet long, fixed on the upper and underside of the beam, with screw bolts through the whole, and no scarfe will be allowed on any pretence whatever, except where shown on the plan. The trusses which stand upon the footings for the stays shall be fixed at top and bottom in the same manner as those in the truss below, and the beams shall be securely bolted to the crown trees of these trusses with 1 inch bolts. Transverse stays shall be chase-morticed into the longitudinal beams, over each of the trusses, and also in the intervals between them. There are in all 10 transverse stays, extending from side to side of the bridge. An iron strap shall be fixed on all these, (except such as stand over the trusses,) these straps shall be put on from each side of the bridge, and shall nearly meet in the middle, having keys made so as to draw the beams tight against the transverse stays, wliich shall be well secured with screw bolts through the whole. The diagonal stays shall be bolted to the trusses, and to the underside of the longitudinal beams, with 1| inch screw bolts. All the masonry shall be built on a level bed of concrete, 2 feet thick. The piers shall be built of ashlar, tool dressed, laid header and stretcher, 1 foot and 2 feet, alternately. The abutments shall be built of stone, 4 feet 6 inches thick, in courses of about 8 inches. Rough rustic on the face, with i inch chamfor. They shall have ashlar quoins of the same depth as each two courses. Four throughs shall be put into each course, as shown on the drawing. The backing may be of rubble. The wing walls shall be faced with a similar description of stone-work as the abutments — they shall be backed with rubble. The string course and pillars shall be tool-dressed. All the rubble-work in the bridge shall be built in courses, of stones of a size as large as a man can conveniently lift, and each course shall be flushed up with scabblings and well grouted. The whole of the iron work shall be of the best British scrap. The whole of the timber below the footing of the stays that support the longitudinal beams shall be of larch, and also the sleepers on the embankment ends ; and all other timber shall be of the best, straight-grained crown memel, or crown Dantzic. A wooden railing shall be fixed the whole length of the longitudinal beams on each face. It shall be formed of uprights 4 feet 6 inches high, morticed into the longitudinal beams, and also into a top rail, which shall be half round on the top. Cross braces shall be morticed and tenoned into the uprights, and each other, as shewn in the drawing. The whole bridge shall be planked across with Dantzic deck deals, close jointed, and well nailed with 7-inch spikes, and covered with a thick coat of boiled pitch, mixed with quick lime, and covered with coarse sand, or rather oxide of iron, if it can be procured. 125 LEEDS AND SELBV RAILWAY. .JAMES WALKER, Esq., Enginekb. Plate G3. — I'hiii, Elevation, and Section of Bridge over the Railway at Cross Gates. SEWERS OF WESTMINSTER & PART OF MIDDLESEX. JOHN PHILLU'S, Esq., Surveyor. Pl.\te 64. — Sections of a Two-feet, a Two-feet-six-inches, and a Three-feet Sewer — Plan and Sections showing the mode of forming the junction of a Side-sewer with a leading one — Plan and Sec- tions showing the mode of forming the junction of Two Side- sewers with a leading one — Plan and Section showing the mode of forming the junction of Two Side-sewers where a straight one terminates — Details of a Side-entrance into a Sewer — and Details of the mode of connecting Drains with Sewers. BIRMINGHAM AND GLOUCESTER RAILWAY. CAPTAIN W. MOORSOM, Engineer. Plate 65. — Plan, Elevation, and Section of a Bridge over the Brancli Canal, High Orchard, Gloucester. Plate 66. — Plan showing Ribs and Longitudinal Section. Plate 67. — Details of Meeting-plates, Heel-plates, Standards for Tension- rods, Screws, &c. Plate 68. — Plan .showing Construction and Elevation of Bridge over the River Avon, at Deflford. 126 SOUTH EASTERN RAILWAY. W. CUBITT, Esq., Engineer. Plate 69. — Details of the Timber Viaduct to the Bricklayers' Arms Station. Details of Chairs and Hails, and Barlow's Patent Metal Keys. This viaduct consists of pile piers, twenty feet apart longitudinally, each pier being composed of three piles. Two planks were afterwards bolted trans- versely on each side of the piers, just above the surface of the ground, the bolts passing through the piles. The ends of these planks were supported on short longitudinal bearers, each resting on two short piles. Wooden wedges were in- terposed above the bearers, in order to accommodate any unequal settlement of the main structure with the shorter pile supports. LONDON AND BLACKWALL RAILWAY. Messrs. GEORGE STEPHENSON & BIDDER, Engineees. . Plate 70. — Details of a Forty-feet Span Iron Bridge. Plate 71. — Details of Timber Viaduct and of Twenty-five feet span Iron Bridges. 12; \A6i OF PLATES. Platb 1. Grral If'rstfrn RaUua^. — View of tbt- Driilge over the ThuDCS at Maidenlicul, on the line of ibe Greui Western ItailwBv. •i. London ami Croydon Jtailiray. — Metlmd of forming the Permanent Way, with Plans of Cuttings and Kmbauknients. luid Details of the Ruils. „ 3. „ „ Plans. EleTBtions, and Sections of Bridge for Occupation Uoad on DeptforJ Common. 4. The " Croydon" Lncomolirr Enyine. — Side Elevation of Engine. „ .^. „ „ Plan of ditto. „ 0. „ „ Transverse Seelious through Boiler, Cylinders, and Fire-box. 7. Birminykam and Glouctsier Bailurni/. — Plans. Elevations, and Sections of Bridges Nos. .'i and t), at Cbelleubom. „ tt. „ „ Ditto, ditto. Details of Iron Girders and Framing. „ 9. „ „ Plans, Elevations, and Sections of Bridge, No. 31), Bredon Contract. 10. „ „ Elevations luid Sections of the Tewkesbury Depot. (Contract, 1,') G.) 11. „ „ Ditto, ditto, Plans of ground and one-pair floors. li. London Docks. — Details of Swing-Bridge. Elevation and Transverse Sections of Bridge, and Details of Friction Rollers. IM. „ „ Longitudinal Section and Plan of Bridge, showing Ihuniug. 14. Manchttler and Birmingham Bniliiny. — Plans, Elevations, and Sections of the Stockport Viaduct, l.'i. „ „ Elevations, Sections, and Details of Ibe Congleton Viaduct.* IIS. ,, ,, Ditto, Details of Construclion. 17. Paris and Versailles Railway. — Plans, Elevnlions, and Details of the Viaduct across the Vale of Fleury. 18. Glasgow, Greenock, and Paisley Railway. — Plans, Elevations, and Sections of the Bridge over the River Cart, at Paisley. 10. „ ., Plans, Elevations, and Sections of the Bridge over South Crofl Street. ".ill. „ ,, Plans, Elevations, and Sections of the Bridge over Cook Street, Glasgow . '^1. „ „ Ditto, ditto. Details of Iron Girder, Framing, &c. &c. 1'i. „ „ Plans, Elevations, and Sections of the Bridge over the Pollack and Govan Railway. 'i'.\. „ „ Ditto, ditto. Details of iron girders, framing, &c., &c. l\. Leeds and Selby Railway. — Plans, Elevations, and Sections of the " Accommodation Bridge" built f»r • Shippen Farm. 25. „ „ Ditto, ditto. Details of iron girders and framing. a6. Clyde River. — Plans, Elevations, and Sections of the Bridge over the Clyde at Milton. *il . Grand Western Canal. — Plans. Elevations, and Seetious of a Swing Bridge over the canal. 2H. „ „ Ditto, ditto, lletails of construction. 29. XeiecattUupon-Tyne and Xurtk Shields Ruiluay. — Plans, Elevations, and Sections of iJie Bndge over ibr Turnpike Road to North Shields. „ !)0. Ditto, ditto. Details of construction. • Plate li is sUtcU ill the detcription to be " Details of Ibc SbKkporl Viaduct," whereas II U the " Congleton,' u comcled in tbia UsU 128 Plate 31. Fmili and Cart Junction Canal — Plan, and Longitudinal Section of Lock, No. :i. ;3o. j_ „ Ditto, Transverse Section and Elevation. 33. „ „ Ditto, Plan and Elevation of Lock-gates. 34. „ „ Ditto, ditto, Details of Lock-gates. 35. „ „ Ditto, ditto. Details of Paddle, Rack, Pinion, &c. 36. New Houses of Parliament. — Plans, Elevations, and Details of the Pile-driving macliines employed in forming the Coffer-dfun for the Embankment Wall. „ 37. St. Katharine's Z>ocfc.— Details of Swing Bridge, General Plan and Sections of Bridge, and Details of construction. 38. „ „ Ditto, Longitudinal Elevation and Section of Bridge to an enlarged scale. „ 39. ., „ Ditto, ditto, Plan showing ribs and framing. „ 40. „ „ Ditto, ditto, Transverse Sections. „ 41. „ „ Ditto, ditto, Details of Iron-work. ,, 42. „ „ Ditto, ditto, Details of Iron-work. „ 43. ,. „ Ditto, Details of Working gear to Bridge. ., 44. Manchester and Leeds Raihvay. — Plans of Construction and Elevation of Bridge over the Rochdale Canal at Scowcroft. 45. ji „ Ditto, Plans showing foundations and Sections through wing walls and land arches. „ 46. „ „ Ditto, details of iron girders and framing. „ 47. Locomotive Engines employed on the London and Southampton Railway.— Side Elevation of Engine 4B. „ „ Longitudinal Section of ditto. „ 41). ,. „ End Elevation of ditto. „ 50. Grangemouth Harbour. Transverse Section of Quay-wall, and Coffer-dam. 51. ,^ „ Ditto, Plans showing superstructure and construction. „ 52. „ „ Elevations and Sections of Timber Pier. 53. „ „ Ditto, Plims of superstructure ; also Sections and Details. 54. Midland Counties Railway. — Plans and Elevations of the Bridge over the River Soad, at Stamford. „ 55. „ „ Ditto, Details of Iron-piles, girders, Sec. „ 56. London and Birmingham Railway Plans and Elevations of Bridge for road from Banbury to Lutterworth. „ 57. „ „ Ditto, Details of Iron-work. ,, 58. „ „ Ditto, ditto, ditto. „ 59. Sechill Railway.— Plan and Elevation of the Bridge over the Cramlington Railway. 60. „ „ Ditto, Details of Timber, Arch, and Iron-work. „ 61. River Cam. — Plans, Elevation, and Sections of Lock upon River Cam. „ 62. Glasgow, Greenock, and Paisley Railway. — Bridge over the Black Cart Water. ., 63. Leeds and Selby Railway. — Bridge over Railway at Cross Gates. „ 64. Sewers of Westminster and part of Middlesex. „ 65. Birmingham and Gloucester Railway. — Svring Bridge over the Branch Canal, High Orchaid, Gloucester „ 66. „ „ Ditto, ditto. ,, 67. „ „ Ditto, Details and enlarged portions of ditto, ditto, ditto. ,, 68. „ „ Ditto, Bridge over the River Avon, at Defford. 69. South Eastern Railway. — Details of Timber Viaduct to the Bricklayers' Arms Station. 70. London and Blackwall Railway. — Details of a40-feet span Iron Bridge. 71. „ „ Ditto, Details of Viaduct and Bridges. T. C. Savin, Printer, 4, Chandos-street, Covect-garden. TIIIllD SKUIES OP RAILWAY PKACTICK: a CToUcction OF WORKING PLANS AND PRACTICAL DETAILS OF CONSTRUCTION PUBLIC WOKKS OP THt MOST CELEBRATED ENGINEERS: coMPnisiNc ROADS, TRAMROADS, AND RAILROADS; BRIDGES. AQUEDUCTS, VIADUCTS, WHARFS, WAREHOUSES, ROOFS, AND SHEDS; CANALS, LOCKS. SLUICES, & THE VARIOUS WORKS ON RIVERS, STREAMS, &c.; HARBOl KS, DOCKS, PIERS AND JETTIES, TUNNELS. CUTTINGS AND EMBANKMENTS; THE SEVERAL WORKS CONNECTED WITH THE DRAINAGE OF MARSHES. MARINE SANDS, AND THE IRRIGATION OF LAND; WATER-WORKS, GASWORKS, WATER-WllEELS, MILLS, ENGINES, &c. &c S. C. BREES, C.E. L.\TE PRINriPAI, ENGINEKR AND SURVEYOR TO THE NEW ZEALAND COMPANY, FROM THE YEAR 1842 TO 1845; AUTHOR or " CLOS6AKV OF TERJI8 UBED l.V CIVIL ENCINEEKINi;," " PRESLNT PRACTICE OF 8DRVETING AND LEVELLING," ETC. LONDON: JOHN WILLIAMS AND CO. HI, STHANI), (late Cauell'8.) 1847. TO Sir. .J O 11 N R E N N I i:, F. R. S. PRESIDKNT OP THE INSTITUTION OF CIVIL K.NGINEICHS. KTr. KTC. ETC. THIS COLLECTION ENGINEERING WORKS, FACTS, AND DETAILS, ruKIflNG TIIK "THIRD SERIES OF RAILWAY PRACTICE," S, BY PERMISSION. Ucspcttfullp DctiicatrtJ, BY HIS MOST OBEDIENT SERVANT. SAMUEL CHARLES BREES. 1¥. lipsaiiy Of iM ' UKiVEiLir/ 0} iLL!;ji!is M' r K i: F A c E. The present volume consists mainly of a translation from the " Porle- feuUIe (Ic ringcnictir dvs Chcmina dc Fit, par M, Augustk Pi;r- DoanKT, foniu'r/i/ (i pupil of the Polytechnic School, Professor at the Central School of.lrts and Maniifacti(rcs, and Engineer ii/ Chief to several liailicay.s ; and (a.milli: Polonceau, Director of the Alnace Railway , formerly a pupil if the Central School of Arts and Manu- factures," the value of which is generally admitted both on the Conti- nent and in this country. The Editor feels some diffidence in laying the volume before the profession, being well aware that the importance of the subject demands an engineer of the higliest })retensions and standing. Since, however, it is seldom that one possessing these advantages can afford the requisite time, he trusts that his humble efforts will meet with some countenance and consideration. To the gentlemen who have so kindly contributed subjects to the present volume, tlie Author returns his best acknowledgments, and his thanks are due to his young friends, Messrs. Rickman, Robinson, Mouuison, and others, for the assistance they have ren- dered him in the reduction of the drawings, measurements, tables, &c., into English. 43, Lincoln's Inn Fields. CONTENTS. CIIAPTF. U I OF TlIK LAND HKgUIKKI) FOU Till: KSTAULISHMENT OF A KAll.WAV. Section 1. — Gauge of way, and width betwcn tlic rails 1 Section 2. — Of the inclination of the slopes for cuttings and ciubankmenU ... 7 Section 3. — Of the span and height of bridges . . . .11 CHAPTER II. OF THE E AUTIl WORK .S. Section I. — Means to prevent the occurrence of slips of the side slopes of deei> cuttings . 14 Section 2. — Of the construction of large embankment.^ iinJ the method of preventing their slipping, or rolling down . . . . .18 CHAPTKR III. OF THE EXECUTION OF THE BEU OF THE ROAI) FOU THE RAILWAY, WITH A DESCRIP- TION OF THE M.\TERIALS EMPLOYED IN ITS CONSTRUCTION, COMPRISING ULOCKS AND SLEEPERS. Section 1 . — Method of construction 27 Section 2. — Minutes of specifications for supplying sand, broken stone, blocks ami transverse sleepers .......... 34 CHAPTER IV. ON RAILS AND CHAIRS, AND MINUTES OF SPECIFICATION FOR THEIR MANUFACTURE. Section 1. — (Jn rails and ciiairs ........... 39 Section 2. — On the manufacture of rails ......... 6S Section 3. — Minutes of i^pecilication for supplying of rails, chairs, trenails, and wedges 79 A. — Minutes of specifications for sujiplving of rails .... 79 li. — Minutes of specifications for the iiianufacture of chairs . S."! C. — Minutes of specifications for the pins ...... 87 D. — Minutfs of specifications for wooden wedges . ... 87 Supplementary note on bridge rails .......... 88 via CHAPTER V. Page ON THE LAYING DOWN AND MAINTENANCE OF THE WAY .89 CHAPTER VI. OF CHANGING-PLACES — TDRN-TABLES — SLIDE-RAILS FOR CHANGING THE LINE- LEVEL CROSSINGS AND FENCINGS. Section 1. — Changing- places 100 Section 2. — Of turn-tables . . . . . . . . . . . .114 Section 3. — Slide-rails for changing the line . ........ 120 Section 4. — Level crossings and fencings ......... 122 DOCUMENTS, ESTIMATES OF COST, AND MINUTES OF SPECIFICATION. ESTIMATE OF THE COST OF EARTHWORKS EXECUTED BY MEANS OF RAILWAYS AND BY HORSES, ALSO BY LOCOMOTIVES. Statement of prices ............. 134 For teaming to a distance of 1000 metres (1093 yards) with horses . .... 137 For transporting with locomotive machines to a distance of 1000 metres (1093 yards) . 137 No. 1. (A) Details of the cost of conveyance of a cubic metre (I'308 cubic yards) of earth, transported with wagons drawn by horses, upon a way having a fall of 4 millimetres per metre (1 in 150) . . . . . . . . .139 No. 2. (A') Details of the cost of conveyance of a cubic metre (3o'317 feet) of earth, transported with wagons drawn by horses, upon the hypothesis of the railway being laid Iiorizontally ........... 141 No. 3. (A") Details of the cost of conveyance of a cubic metre (35'317 feet) of earth, transported by wagons drawn by horses, upon the hypothesis of the railway being laid upon a rise of 4 millimetres per metre . . . . . .141 No. 4. (B) Details of the cost of conveyance of a cubic metre of earth ( 1 -308 cubic yards), transported by wagons drawn by locomotives, upon a way having a fall of 4 millimetres ........... 142 No. 5. (B') Details from the data where the transport takes place, upon a level way . 143 No. 6. (B'') Details from the data where the transport takes place, upon a way with a rise of 4 millimetres ........... 143 No. 7. (C) Details of the cost of conveyance of a cubic metre (1*308 cubic yards) of earth, the wagons moving upon self-acting planes {plans automoteiirs) of 200 metres (219 yards) long, having a fall of 0'05 per metre (1 in 20) . . .144 (E) Table of comparison of the cost of transporting earth upon a level way . 145 IX SUN'DKY NOTKS. Expense of a locomotive-engine, with cylinders of 0'28 nietres(ll inches) in (liiinici) r, uikI wheels I metre 25 (4 feet 1 inch), employed at the cutting of Clnmart, and ('iii|ilove Description of tiie method of executing the earthwork at the cutting of "' Des Ogiers" upon the Lille Railway of the Belgian Frontier ........ 15S Distribution of the earth from the cutting . . . . . . . hW Carriage of the earth . . . . . . . . . .159 Description of the temporary ways IGO Discharging the wagons . . . . . . . . . . .IGO Progress of the works . . . . . . . . . . . . .1(31 On the causes which occasioned the land slips, and on the means employed to prevent their recurrence .............. IG2 Work continued day and night . . . . . . . . . . . 1G3 Details of the cost of digging, loading, teaming, and discharging a cubic metre of earth, the length of lead being equal to 1000 metres (1093 yards), with wagons running upon temporary lines of rails, drawn by horses and the gradients of various inclinations . 164 Table of the cost of labour in forming embankments, the earth being led by wagons from the cutting " Des Ogiers," from January, 1 842, to November, inclusive . 1G.5 Details of the expense of conveying ballasting in wagons drawn upon a railway by loco- motives and by horses . . . . . . . . . . . .166 Conveyance of ballast in wagons propelled by locomotive engines . . .167 Detail of the cost of conveyance of a cubic metre of ballast, taken from a depot at Bellevue, and conveyed from thence to that at Versailles, being a distance of 4226 metres (4621 yards). The quantity conveyed was equal to 36,767 '29 cubic metres, (or 48,094 cubic yards) 1G7 Conveyance of ballast in wagons drawn by horses ........ 168 Detaibi of the cost of conveyance of a cubic metre of ballast, taken from the depot at lielle- vue, and conveyed from thence to that at Versailles, being a distance of 4226 running metres (4621 running yards). The quantity conveyed was equal to 36,767 cubic metres (48,094 cubic yards). . . " 168 On the general method of diminishing the resistance upon railway curves during the execu- tion of earthwork. . . . . . .169 Minutes of specification for the supplying of wagons for earthwork . . .171 Minutes of specification for the supplying of 6000 oak sleepers . . . . .171 b X IMinutes of specification for the supplying of 14,000 wrought iron bolts .... 176 Minutes of the Government specification for the supplying of rails . . . . .177 Specifications for the manufacture of rails for the railway from Paris to Rouen . . .180 Of the specifications employed in Belgium ......... 181 Minutes of specifications for the supplying of iron pins for the railway from Amiens to Boulogne .............. 181 On the preparation of wood .......... . . 183 Details relating to the cost of turn-tables supplied from the works of Forchambault . .186 Estimate of a turn-table for the Versailles Railway (left bank), similar to those on the London and Birmingham Railway. . . . . . . . . .187 Details of the expense of two timber turn-tables on the railway from Paris to Versailles (left bank) 189 Statement of the expense of a crossing-place and switches, forming a complete change of line on the Versailles Railway (left bank). See Plate 16 192 1st. The crossing-place .......... 192 For the switches 1 93 Details of the cost of bolts for fastening the crossing-points ...... 194 Details of prices relative to the construction of the line, changing-places, and turn-tables, on the railway from Lille to the Belgian Frontier . . . . . . .195 List of tlie tools required by a gang of layers, with their prices ...... 198 Agreement for the construction of guard-rails for the Versailles Railway (left bank) . . 209 Details of the cost of a gate 9 metres (29 feet 6 inches) wide, and formed with four openings . . . . . . . . . . . . . .211 Estimate of the fencing to be made for the company of the Paris and Versailles Railway (left bank), by Leveque, fence-maker, in Rue Rousselet, at Paris . . . .212 Minutes of specification, plantations, sowings, and fencing . . . . . .212 Estimate, fencing . . . . . . . . . . . . . .213 Quick hedges .............. 214 DESCRIPTION OF THE PLATES 215 IxNTRODUCTION. The distinguished autliors of the PortefeuiUe de Vlngeiiieur dis Cheminn de Fer* liaving left nothing to be desired in the several subjects treated upon, the Editor has seldom found occasion to carry their statements or descriptions any further. The numerous observations on earthworks are particularly valuable, being the result of practice; also the remarks on the most efficient system of rails, and the formation of the line. These comprise nearly everything that can be written concerning the execution of cuttings, their drainage, &c., and the results, in every instance, show the importance of doing everything well at first. Thus we find that side ditches were soon considered indispensable along the tops of cuttings; these were followed by longitudinal ledges or steps, and even by second ditches at a lower level. Improvement* continued until deep, vertical, dry drains filled up with loose stones were introduced on each side, in a similar manner to the lining of canals. Surface drains were also formed down the slopes ; and, carrying out this princi|)le, it has struck us that extensive cuttings might be still further improved by a closer appro.ximation to nature. Now, if we take the form of a railway cutting, and compare it with a natural ravine, we shall find that there is but little resemblance between them, and much of the surprise on viewing the effects of moisture on tiie slide slopes of artificial works ceases, when we consider the really small provision that is usuallv made for carrying off" the water, compared with that supplied in the works of nature. The water from the higher levels of a ravine is carried down liv auxiliary valleys on each side, and the entire lay of the couiitn/ between the latter, tends to the accomplishment of this grand system There is a summit level between the side valleys, the ground falling in each directinn with a regular • Paris: Librairie Scientifiqup-Industriolle, de L. Mathiif. 1H46. l> -2 xu systematic series of surface drains and feeders in the shape of streamlets and brooks, by which the water is carried away. It is very rare to find a straight face, like a railway slope, extending any distance, as the action of nature neces- sarily breaks the surfiice and forms side valleys. We therefore offer a suggestion, that, independent of the precautions com- monly taken to relieve the lower strata from the weight of the upper in the execution of important earthworks, a proper examination of the levels of the country along each side should be made, and lateral drains constructed, of much greater extent than heretofore, at certain intervals, the distances to be regulated by the inclination of the land. The shape of the slopes between these side gulleys might also be made of more suitable form, and the means to be employed in their maintenance and support constitute a part of the original design, rather than be left to chance or futurity, as at present. The dimensions of the lines of railway have not undergone any alteration since the appearance of the French work.* The gauge on all the lines in France is 1"" 50 from centre to centre, or the 4 feet 11 inch English gauge, and the interspace 1" 80 (5 feet 11 inches.) A royal commission was appointed by the English government to examine into the question respecting the most advantageous dimensions for the gauge of railways, when the commissioners came to the following conclusions, and made their report, in the beginning of last year, (1846.) " 1st. Tliat an increase in the gauge of way would not present any advan- tage, as concerns the safety and comfort of the passengers. " 2nd. That greater speed may be attained with the wide gauge than with tlie narrow, but there would be some danger in exceeding the maximum velocity at present attained upon railways of the ordinary gauge, according to the present construction. " 3rd. That the narrow gauge is preferable for the transport of goods, and the most appropriate for the exigencies of trade. " 4th. That the employment of the wide gauge necessitates greater expenses in the formation, and any reduction which might result in the cost of main- tenance, or in locomotive power, does not appear to be of such a nature, as to compensate for the increase in the first outlay. " 5th. It is very important that the gauge should be uniform throughout * The remainder of this Introduction is principally taken from the " Portefciiille de 1' Inge- nieur des Cherains de Fer." ^ XIU the same country. Great inconvenicneo Ims resulted iVdiii tin- break of pauge on the Great \Vestern and Gloucester lines. " Gth. The commission see no reason for changing the luirrow gauge, which is t feet 83 inches, corresponding to 1"' 50 (4 feet 1 1 inches) from the centre of one rail to the centre of the other, in France." The railways laid down witii the narrow gauge in England, at the date of the report, amounted to 1!I01 miles, while that of lines formed of the broad (7 feet) gauge, amounted to 274 miles only, and 12ij miles of the Irish gauge (5 feet 3 inches.) Experience in the management of railways has led generally to an increase in the size of the stations, especially of those for goods. The goods department on railways cannot he conducted with sufficient economy to compete successfully with canals, unless the depots afford extensive accommodation. Attention has been much directed the last few years to the processes em- ployed in the preservation of timber sleepers, and a description of these expe- riments will be found among the documents. The opinion of the profession, which has been so long favourable to the double T rail, has at length changed in France, experience having shown the im- possibility of reversing this rail upon one of the mushrooms becoming worn. Many engineers now give a preference to the simple T rail. M. Prisse, formerly pupil of the Central School of Arts and Manufacture, and Chief Engineer of the West Flanders Railway, has written to us in the follow- ing terms : — " M. Cabry and I have returned from England perfect converts to the value of the description of rails which you have so long adopted.* We have seen rails weighing as much as 82 lbs. per yard, but we did not find that they were the best. " We have adopted a similar rail to yours for our railway since our return, comprising a su[)ply equal to 6000 tons, which has been finally let." We understand that the worn-out rails on the Grand Junction Railwav have been rei>laced by others formed of the single T pattern. A single chaiiqiujnon rail has also been adopted on the line from Avignon to Marseilles, and M. Gervoy has shown us the model of a i;ul of the same kind which he intends for the line from Tours to Nantes. • See the rail of the Versailles line (left bank,) Plati.' 4. XIV The surface on which the wheels run of these new rails is always rounded more or less. ^ Rails of the weight of 37 kilogs. per metre, (74 lbs. per yard,) are generally adopted in laying down new lines where the traffic upon them is expected to be great. They are as much as o™ 50 (18 feet) long, on the railway from Orleans to Vierzon. It is necessary for the rails to possess great resistance, in order to support the heavy engines in present use, but it remains to be seen whether the most massive rails uniformly present the greatest resistance. When the quality of the iron and the form of the rail are the same in two different models, there is no doubt that the largest is the most solid, but the manufacture becomes more difficult as the weight of metal is increased, whereby it suffers in quality. The rails on the Northern Railway, which equal a weight of 50 kilogs. per metre (61 lbs. per yard,) are at present supported on four sleepers, but an additional one has been proposed. The manufacture of rails is still conducted by the old method at some works, as at that of the Hayange foundry, for instance, or with the upper layer of the bundles formed of two plates, placed side by side, whicli is the opposite of the system directed by most Minutes of Specification. The rails made at the above mentioned works are in excellent repute, but they have not been long used on the great lines, and the attention of engineers has not, at present, been sufficiently directed to the subject of wear, so as to be able to determine that these rails are not liable to divide longitudinally, after a short period, like those manufactured after the same method at other foundries. We consider that the mode of manuficture employed at Hayange should not be allowed, except in particular cases. There are certain foundries where the iron is known to present great facilities for welding, but even then the manufacturer should be subjected to the strictest surveillance, for iron which welds easily cannot be finished properly, unless the temperature of the fur- nace is sufficiently high, and the rolling cylinders perform their work efficiently ; we are confirmed in our opinion by many experienced engineers whom we have consulted on the subject. The Minutes of Specification do not usually tolerate a variation of two mil- limetres (0*078 inch) in the length of the rails; but M. Senez, Engineer of Mines, who is commissioned to receive the rails for several companies at the Decazeville foundry, considers it impossible for the workmen to keep within these limits, and recommends five millimetres (0'196 inch) to be allowed. It is important to examine how far the opinion of M. Senez is well founded, and whether it is proper to modify this minute, in the specifications, since they XV ought not to contain any conditions that cannot be fullillcd, or tliat are too onerous for the nianul'acturer to undertaiic'. The practice of borinji tiie holes for the trenails in an oblicjiie directinn (to the length of the sleeper), as on the South Kastern Railway, has been adopted on the line from Orleans to Vierzon, on the Amiens to Boulogne, and the Ilazebrouck to Tampoux; wooden pins are also made use of on the line from Montereau to Troyes. The bottom parts of the new chairs are generally hollowed out, as represented in the cut, whieh is a sec- tion of a chair of tlie Ilazebrouck Railway. The bases of the chairs on the line Irom Orleans to Vierzon, on the Amiens to Boulogne, and on the Ilaze- brouck Railway, are formed of the inclination required by the rail towards the axis of the way. ' The switches employed at the present time are almost invariably formed after the plan of those on the Orleans Railway, and represented in Plate 22. The note by M. Meyer, which will be found among the Documents, supplies all the requisite information for setting up the apparatus. An English model is generally adopted at tlie present time for turn-tables under 4"" 20 (13 feet 9 inches) in diameter, similar to the larger turn-table shown on Plate 27, in use on the London and Birmingham Railway. The only dif- ference made in new turn-tables consists in casting the lower plate of the turn- table in one piece, which renders it less subject to derangement. Turn plates formed with columns are also used after the plan described in Plates 28 and 36. Turn-tables of larger diameter are constructed after different models, as shown in Plates 26, 28, and 31. m LIBSAKY Of THE UIIIVERilTlf OF ILLINOIS CII APTKK I OF THE LAND KKgilUED FOU TlIK ESTAHLISIIMENT OF A RAILWAY. TiiK first (lucsticiii to be resolved on undertaking the construction of a Railway is the extent of land required for its several parts. We have first to determine carefully the plan and section of the line, and upon the same being accomplished, the width of the way, both in cuttings and on enibauknients, remains to be fixed, and the ground re([uired for contingent works; — the inclina- tion requisite for the slopes in the cuttings and on embankments also has to be decided; — the size of the ditches to be dug, and the pathway to be left between the top of the slopes in cuttings or the bottom thereof in embankments, and the fencing to separate the Railway from the adjacent property ; — the span and height of bridges and tunnels; — the breadtii of base to be given to the earthworks in different soils; — the extent of the terminal and intermediate stations, and also of the goods depots; — the space required for woikshops or magazines, and for the yards belonging to them. The least error committed in the calculation of the area required by the several parts of a Railway will occasionally give rise to considerable increase in the expenditure, since anv small portions of land recpiired for subsecpient eidarge- ment always cost far more in proportion than the original strip purchasetl. In making our calculation of the land required for a Railway, and in taking out the cubic contents of the earthworks, we must always remember that the line representing the Railway in the longitudinal sections commonly refers to the level of the rails, and that the ballasting on which the way is laid is generally 0"" TiO to 0" 60 (1 foot 8 inches to 2 feet thick). Sect. L — Gauge of May and Wldtli bdiceen the Hails. The total width of the road on embankments consists of the spaces required for the two lines of way ; the space between them, and the two spaces on the out- B side of each. The same widths are required in the cuttings, together with the ground necessary for the ditches. The gauge of way of all the Eailways employed in the conveyance of pas- sengers in France and Belgium, and of the greater part of those in England, is l" 44 (4 feet 8^ inches), measuring from the face of one rail to that in con- nexion with it; or 1"" 50 (4 feet 11 inches) from centre to centre of the rails. The gauge is a little wider on the Eastern Counties Railway; taken from the interior, it is 1"" 52 (5 feet).* It is extended, on tlie line from Dundee to Arbroath, in Scotland, to 1" 68 (5 feet 6 inches). On the Irish lines and rail- ways in Russia — as that from St. Petersburgh to Zarcoe Selo — it is increased to 1" 83 (6 feet). On those of Holland, to 1" 93 (6 feet 4 inches) ; and lastly, Mr. Brunei, jun.,.has adopted a gauge 2" 13 (7 feet), fi'om inside to inside, on the Great Western Railway, or an addition of one half the usual gauge, or 1" 44 (4 feet 85 inches). The principal object in increasing the width of gauge is to secure a means of constructing larger locomotives, with wheels of greater diameter, and with more powerful boilers, so as, consequently, to be capable of acquiring greater speed. It is a well-known fact, that, comparing the engines in present use, the speed of those on the Great Western exceeds the average rate of the whole of those on the remaining English Railways. We have often travelled on this line, and the rate of transit, of which we made notes, exceeded that of most of the other English lines by about a fourth. It has been at the rate of 10 or 12 leagues (24 to 29 miles); while on the other lines it was only 8 or 9 leagues (19 to 2H miles) per hour. But the locomotives employed on the ordinary gauge have not yet attained their maximum rate of velocity, although the surface exposed to the action of the fire has been considerably increased, but it is susceptible of still further augmentation; hence there is a possibility of constructing engines capable of transporting considerable loads without altering tlie width between the rails, and to acquire with these loads the greatest velocity which the resistance of the air will permit. The utility of increasing the gauge is not, thei'efore, sufficiently proved by our present experience ; and admitting that it offers some advantages, and, among others, that of allowing a greater velocity, we should still have to in- quire, what ratio these advantages bear to the additional expenditure incurred in the construction of the line. It will be readily perceived that the solution of this question would be influenced by the locality. Speed is more or less important * The gauge of way of the Eastern Counties Railway has been since altered to the original standard of 4 feet 8^ inches. — TV. according to the demands of trade in each particidar district ; and it must not be forgotten that these necessities are constantly on the advance. It is a matter of regret at the present time, tliat many of the canals in England are established on too small a scale, altiioiigh suflicient for the ])iirpose at the original date of their construction. Some manufacturers of lucumutive engines seem to favour an in- crease of gauge, from a belief that the several parts of the machinery would have more room, and that greater facility would be allbrded both in their construction and maintenance; but their claims do not appear to us well founded, for when the several parts of the machines now in use are well arranged, they may be in- spected and repaired without any diflicuity; besides, any difhculty of this kind must be removetl from the constant introduction of more simple mechanism, ami especially those recently invented by the talented Robert Stephenson. M. (le Kidder is constructing, at the present time, an economical line of railway from Ghent to Antwerp, with one pair of rails only 1"" 10 wide (3 feet 7 inches). The line may be classed as second rate with respect to the amount of trartic* The classification of railways according to their importance, as is done with ordinary roads and canals, appears to us to be the proper course, and making them of large or small sections accordingly, as in the case of canals. The space between the rails on most of the French and Belgian lines is l" 80 (5 feet 11 inches); on the London and Birmingham line, l" 92 (6 feet 4 inches); on the Great Western, 1™ 87 (6 feet 2 inches); on the line from Brussels to Mons 2"" 50 (8 feet 3 inches). The space between the rails should be calculated to allow of the trains on each line passing each otlier, and leaving sufficient space between the bodies of the carriages to permit of foot passengers remaining, uninjured, between them, and for the passengers in the carriages to put their heads out of the windows without striking each other. The distance between the bodies of the carriages on the Versailles line, left bank, is 0" 8-4 (2 feet 9 inches), and 0"" 45 (1 foot 6 inches) between the foot- path. A man situated in the middle space between the rails, should be able, strictly speaking, to stand upright during the passing of two trains without being injured, but the space between the rails and the width of the carriages have not been taken into the calculation (as we suppose) in this allowance, for there is reason to believe that a foot passenger in this critical situation could only save his life, if he had sufficient presence of mind, by throwing himself upon the ground. • The locomotives on this line do not weigh, with their tenders, more than 5 tons. The wagons are also very light, with small springs, weighing no more than 13 kilugrnmmejs each (28^ lbs.); but they are found sufliciently strong. b2 We believe that we have given the carriages on the Versailles line (left bank) the greatest width that is practicable with a gauge of 1" 50 (4 feet 11 inches), and the interspace of 1" 80 (6 feet) between the two lines is found sufficient ; but we must remember not to reduce this space by placing small columns in the middle of it, between the lines of rails, for the support of timber bridges, which is sometimes done. The engineer and guard of one of the trains were killed on the line of the Versailles Railway (left bank) by striking their heads against columns so placed. If the width between the rails is extended to 2™ 50 (8 feet 3 inches), on the line from Brussels to Mons, it will be for the purpose of obtaining a ready means of increasing the gauge, as we have been informed. The middle space being only 1"* (3 feet 3 inches) on the Railway from St. Stephens to Lyons, the Directors have found themselves much restricted in the construction of the carriages, and have been obliged to increase them in length instead of in their width, in order that the bodies of the carriages of two meeting trains may be enabled to pass each other. On the Liverpool and Manchester Railway, which was made about the same time as that from St. Stephens to Lyons, this middle space is greater, being 1"" 55 (5 feet 1 inch) wide, but experience has shown that even this width is insuffi- cient ; it is consequently increased on all lines of importance recently constructed to 1™ 80 (5 feet 10 inches), or 1" 90 (6 feet 3 inches). In respect to the extent of the side spaces, these vary like the inclination of the slopes, according to the nature of the soil. They should be increased in proportion as the soil on which the road is laid deteriorates in quality. We observe the following rule is laid down in English specifications. Upon embankments on ordinary soils the side spaces are 0™ 50 ( 1 foot 8 inches) wider than in the cuttings, but when the soil is marshy, they are on the contrary widest in the cuttings. In certain soils of this kind they are 3"' (9 feet 9 inches) in cuttings, l"" 50 (4 feet 11 inches) to 2" (6 feet 6 inches) on embankments. This width is necessary, lest the vibration occasioned by the motion of the trains should produce any slips in the earth; or in the event of any slips taking place, the road would be less likely to be buried and thrown out of order. On the Versailles line (left bank) the side space in the cuttings is 0" 87 (2 feet 10 inches) in good soil, comprising the distance between the outside of the rail and the side of the ditch, and on embankments 1" 57 (5 feet 2 inches) or 0" 90 (3 feet) for cuttings, and 1™ 60 (5 feet 3 inches) for embankments mea- suring from the centre of the rails. The distance on the Great Western from tlie outside of the rail and the edge of the embankment, or to that of the ditch, is 1'" 15 (4 feet 9 inches) on ordinary soils. On the line from Liverpool to Manchester 1"" 52 (5 feet); on the London and Birmingham 2"" 20 (7 feet 2 inches); on the new Belgian lines — as tliat from Brussels to Mons — it is 1" 75 (5 feet 9 inches). The width of the side spaces on the Versailles line (left hank) appear to be too little, especially in the cuttings. We think the width ouglit not to have been less than l" 50 (4 feet 11 inches) and that it would conduce to the advantage of the Railway and the safety of the traffic to increase it. The side spaces are diminished in tunnels, and sometimes in otlier works, in order to lessen the expense. The water is then carried ulV by a drain, or conduit, placed between the rails (see Plates 17 and 29, First Series, Railway Practice). In cases where there is no reason to fear tiie watoi- from witliuut, the drains may be omitted.* We must, however, recollect that too great a reduction of the side spaces in the tunnels may expose the passengers to sei-ious accidents. The " Administration of Bridges and Higiiways"' state that the width of the side spaces of Railways shall be 1" (3 feet 3 inches) in the cuttings, in tunnels and on bridges, measuring from the extreme edge of the rail to the exterior edge of the road, and 1"° 50 (4 feet 11 inches) on embankments.f The width and generally all the other dimensions of the ditches must be proportionate to the quantity of water they are subject to receive. In deep and extensive cuttings, tiie ditches not only receive the water flowing along the road, but also that arising from the slopes, which is sometimes considerable. The ditches are very difficult to maintain in such cases, and re(iuire to be of great capacity. The depth should be regulated so as to fall a little below the bottom of the ballasting forming the roadway, which ought to be kept as dry as possible. The depth ought in general to be greater in marshy soil than in that of the ordinary character, in order to give height to tlie dry portions separating the road from the humid soil, for the rails will be exposed to perpetual derangement if the vibrations arising from the trains are transmitted to the latter. We shall allude hereafter, in treating of the construction of the roadway, to the manner in which we succeeded in crossing a swampy soil of tin; worst character on the • The invert and drain is omitted in some of the tunnels on the Birmingham l{,ail\vay.— Tr. t This term in the speoification doubtless refers to tlie edges whicli border tlie ditches in cuttings, but it is not eleurly detined. 6 Versailles Railway (left bank) by the adoption of a peculiar system of draining with deep ditches. The dimensions of the ditches in a deep cutting on the Versailles line (left bank), called the Clamart cutting, are 0" 90 (3 feet) wide at the top, 0" 24 (9 inches) at the bottom, and 0"" 60 (2 feet) deep. A wall formed of dry stones borders the ditch at the side of the road, and is inclined in the ratio of one-tenth of base to one in heiglit ; the slope of the opposite side of the ditch is cut in the soil and inclined in the ratio of one of base to one in height. This cutting, being 1700 metres long (1859 yards) with a maximum deptli of 16'" 86 (55 feet 3 inches) these dimensions have been found insufficient. The ditches require to be emptied when they become filled, and as often as their situation permits of. There are four absorbing wells or tanks dug in the great cutting of Clamart, and disposed along the line. By increasing the number of these wells they have been enabled to remedy the deficiency in size of the ditches, which arc thereby kept of moderate dimensions. The ground in the vicinity of Paris is admirably adapted, by the nature of the strata composing it, for the formation of absorbing wells. All soils, however, do not possess this quality. It is of the highest importance, generally speaking, to preserve, by every means, the whole of the works of a railway from contact with water, especially the road, whether arising from springs or rains. No expense should be spared to secure this object, and we propose to explain hereafter the means by which this object may be attained. On embankments, the water which flows from the road nearly always runs down the face of the slopes ; if there are any ditches, they are placed at the foot, and generally only upon that side where the water, running from any sloping ground, might tend to wash away the base of the embankments. There are parapets raised on each side of the embankments on some rail- ways, as the Liverpool and Manchester and the Grand Junction, to prevent, as far as possible, the fall of the locomotives over the banks, in the event of their getting off the rails, and to break the force of the falls, in which cases drains are dug on the embankments, by the side of the parapets, which empty themselves at regular distances, through openings made in the latter. We cannot furnish any other guide for the calculation of the other dimensions of the ditches skirting the feet of embankments, than that they should be proportioned to the volume of water they have to carry off. The open ditches at the base of the embankment on the Versailles line (left bank) ought, according to the specifications transmitted to tlie principal con- tractor of the line, to be l"" GO (5 feet 3 inches) at the top, 0"' 30 (12 inches) at the bottom, and 0™ 50 (20 inches) in depth. The sides of the embankments having received the requisite inclination, a path of l" (3 feet 3 inches) appears to us sufficient for the purposes of commu- nication along it, and for protecting the adjacent property from any fall of stones which might happen to get detached from the embankments. M. Seguin, sen., in his Work on Railways,* expresses his opinion as follows, respecting the quantity of laud that companies should purchase along extensive cuttings. " It is indispensable that the Company should be proprietors of a strip of land on each side of extensive cuttings throughout their entire length, for a width of 2 or 3 metres (6 feet 7 inches to 10 feet 9 inches) or more if necessary. This space is reserved to constinict a ditch to carry off the water, and should be attended to with the greatest care, for it may be readily perceived that a stream of water flowing along a length of 12, 15, or 20 metres (13, 16, or 22 yards) is quite sufficient to wear away and channel the soil, choke up the ditches below the road, and cause slips, and consequently accidents. The Company ought also to obtain, especially when it can be acquired at a small cost, all the land above the cuttings which may be inclined to slip ; for sometimes, whether through ill will, ignorance, or real necessity, the owners thereof being masters in their own riglit, cause any kind of works to be constructed thereon, without concerning themselves whether the same are liable to be destroyed by the works of the Railway, and in case of such accidents as the loss of their land and works occurring, the arbitrators will not fail (they may well expect) to make the Company pay according to the increased value their property has accpiired by the opening of the new channel of communication." " The ditches connected with extensive cuttings should be considerably in- creased in capacity at the upper side ; both the width and depth necessarily require to be much greater in proportion as the face of the cutting becomes elevated." Sect. II. — Of the inclination of the slopes for cuttings and embankments. The rules employed to determine the inclination of the slopes for the cuttings and embankments of roads and canals, apply equally to railways. It is, however, • " On the influence of Railroads, and on the art of planning and constructing them, hy Seguin, senr.," 1 vol., Oct., 1839. 8 necessary to observe, that the consequences of a slip of the eartli on railways are far more serious than on ordinary roads, also much more difficult to repair, and that the cost of altering the inclination of the sides of cuttings when tlie railroad has been opened is much more considerable. It is consequently important, in making railways, to determine the inclination of the slopes with the requisite accuracy, in order to obviate the necessity of altering them after the line is opened. The slipping of one of the slopes in a cutting on the line from Alais to Beaucaire, occasioned the destruction of a locomotive and several wagons loaded with coal, by overwhelming them upon the line; and an accident of a similar nature on the Great Western Railway caused the death of several passengers. On the great cutting of Claraart on the Versailles line (left bank), the necessity for rectifying part of the slope after the road was opened, occasioned an outlay of double what would have sufficed if it had been done at first. The works also, unless executed by night, require redoubled vigilance on the part of the workmen to prevent accidents. It is advisable in extensive cuttings to form a narrow platform or stage above the ditch, about 0'" 30 (12 inches) wide, inclined considerably in an opposite direction to the slope. (See some of the Sections of Earthwork in Plate I.) Tlie object of this bank {banquette) is to prevent the small stones, &c., which become loosened from the bank, especially during the period of frost and thaw, from falling into the ditch, and obstructing its channel. It is also useful as a place to deposit the mud removed from the ditches in the process of cleansing. It is often found necessary, at the top of high cuttings, to intercept the water by means of banks or by ditches, and prevent it running over, and injuring the surface. (See Sections of Earthwork. Plate I., which exhibits the dimensions necessary for this part.) The inclination of the slopes in cuttings varies, but within moderate limits ; those of embankments are usually one and a half at the base, to one in heisjht. When formed of soft soil, the breadtli of the base is increased without that of the road itself proportionally increasing. If the incli- nation of tliese slopes should afterwards be found insufficient, they cannot be changed. When an embankment is required to be carried up to a certain height in earth, we should first ascertain what base it is necessary to give it, regard being paid to the greater or lesser degree of solidity possessed by the soil on which it has to be raised. The slopes are very flat on the London and Birmingham Railway ; the slopes of all the great cuttings have a proportion of two of base to one of height, and those of the embankments have the same inclination. 9 The following extract from the work of M. Seguin, senior, already cited, naturally presents itself after the observations we have just made on the inclina- tion to be given to the slopes of cuttings and embankments. " It is hardly possible to determine beforehand what angle is best for the cuttings, in order to prevent the occurrence of slips. There are certain soils which stand perfectly well at an angle of 45°, and others which crumble down at a much less angle, on account of their being mixed with l)eds of clay, and moistened by underground springs, &c." " The lower sides of cuttings are generally more solid than the upper, because they are always free from water. From the uncertainty resjjecting the angle under which the slopes are best sustained, and for the sake of expedition, the slope is sometimes left to time and the influence of the ruin and frost, to form, when it takes a natural angle according to the nature of the soil. The workmen are directed to throw up the soil from the ditches as fast as it slips. We have found this method succeed when the soil in the cuttings has been sandy, or full of loose stones, and adapted to form a foundation for the road; but we have remarked that when movements take place in vegetable soils, the slips of earth occur with great irregularity, and the slopes, in place of taking an inclination favourable to their stability, as might be expected, the result of a natural movement, assume, on the contrary, a form the most — p unfavourable for stability. The | upper parts always remain stand- * '^' ing perpendicular. The slip at E buries itself in the middle of the cutting, the base A is set in mo- tion, when it becomes necessary to excavate much more of the soil, and even then the slopes never stand so regular or so solid as when it is cut at first to a suitable form." " The slope requisite to be given to cuttings is determined, not only by the nature of the soil, but also by its '^ ■ position with respect to height. If an excavation is made on an ele- vated portion of land at its crest or highest part, a greater indina- -s — s- -s- 10 tiou can be given to the slopes than usual, since there is no reason to fear the presence of water above, either from floods or springs. But if the cutting should pass through the side of the hill, it will be necessary to calculate the inclination accurately, and to make the slopes sufficiently flat to secure the works from the chance of subsequent accidents and interruptions. We should also be on our guard, and provide against the slipping of any masses of earth situated at the upper sides of extensive cuttings, and which under certain angles have a constant tendency to descend into the cutting, together with the water arising from rain or springs, with which they may be charged. The opening of the cutting often occasions the running of streams, and which at length reach any beds of clay that may exist, and sooner or later cause slips." " The local nature of tlie climate in the vicinity of a railway ought also to be taken into consideration, and viewing the subject in reference to this point, the southern parts are much less advantageous than the northern. In the high and mountainous districts of the south more especially, we may expect to meet with frequent interruption, as the works are exposed to the twofold influence of oppo- site climates. " The Railway from St. Stephens to Lyons is elevated at its upper extremity, 500™ (546 yards) above the level of the sea. Now, it is known that on an average an elevation of 160" (175 yards) gives a difierence equivalent to one degree in temperature, and answers to a distance of 56 leagues, (1351 miles) further northwards, within the limits comprised, or between 30 and 60 degrees of latitude. The works have therefore to resist the influence of cold equal to a climate 200 leagues (484^ miles) further north than our part of the country, while they are also liable to all the damage which may result from storms of rain, and the over- flowing of torrents, &c. so common in southern climates." The work of M. Minard, " On Works for the Navigation of Eivers and Canals," contains an excellent chapter on extensive cuttings, and the inclination requisite to be given to the slopes. The author reviews the different slopes by which the various kinds of soil are best sustained, and he enters into details, which are too long for quotation, for which reason we must refer our readers to the work itself. Some hints on the angles under which various soils are sustained will be found in Brees' " First Series of Railway Practice." It must not be forgotten, whatever angle may be adopted, that a soil which will stand with a slope of great inclination before being exposed to the changes of the atmosphere, may possibly give way when subjected to their influence. This 11 is more particularly the case with certain schistes which are much aflected by exposure to the air. Sect. III. — Of tlw Spmj and Hii>iht nf Bruhjes. The Articles 9 and 10 in the Specifications of the Railway from Paris to Rouen, wliicli amtc copied exactly from those of the Railways from Orleans and from Strasbourg to Basle, fix the dimensions of bridges on railways as follows : " When the railway passes over a highway {route roi/itlc), or a district road (routi' di'iHirtiuncntiile), or over an internal line of connnunication {che-min vici- nal), the span of the bridge is not to be less than 8" (26 feet 3 inches) for a highway {route royale); T" (23 feet) for a district road {route departamentale) ; 5" ( IG feet 5 inches) for an important internal communication {chemin vici- nal); and 4" (13 feet 1 inch) for ordinary ones. The height from the roadway to the keystone must be 5"" (16 feet 5 inches) at least. The height to the beams of timber bridges must be at least 4" 30 (14 feet 1 inch) ; the width between the parapets must be at least 7" 40 (24 feet 3 inches) ; and the height of these para- pets O" 80 (2 feet 7 inches.)" " When the railway passes under a highway or district road {route royale ou departamentale), or an internal communication {chemin vicinal), the width between the parapets of the bridge which support the road must be tixed at 8'" (26 feet 3 inches) for a highway {route royale), 7°" (23 feet) for a district road {route departamentale), and 5"" (16 feet 5 inches) for an important internal communication, and 4° (13 feet I inch) for an ordinary one. The span of the bridges between the piers must be at least 7"" 40 (24 feet 3 inches), and the vertical distance between the rails and the intrados must not be less than 4"" 30 (14 feet 1 inch)." The 13th article tixes the slopes of approaches of the iieighl)uuring roads and thoroughfares {routes et chemins vicinai/.v). By the assistance of which, and the preceding, we can calculate the surface of land necessary to be purchased for the alteration of the different roads to be lowered or raised. This article may be rendered as follows: — " When it is necessary to alter the present routes, the inclination of the slopes of approach for tjie deviations must not exceed 0'" 3 centimetres per metre (1 in 33) for the highway and district roads {routes royale et departamentale), and 5 centimetres per metre (1 in 20) for the neighbouring routes of internal communication {chemins vicinaux)." c2 12 " The Companies are at all times at liberty to suggest any departure from the preceding rule with regard to the lines of internal communication." The breadth between the walls of bridges under Railways is fixed by the same specifications at 7" 40 (24 feet 3 inches), and the height beneath the key- stone at 5"° 50 (18 feet). With respect to the height of the bridges built over the Railway, we conceive that they should be suificient to allow of the tallest passenger standing upright on the imperial of the highest carriage with his hat on, as the train is proceeding. We have seen passengers, occupying the outside places on the Versailles Railway (right bank), rashly stand up during the passage of the trains. They would have inevitably been killed if the bridges on this line had not been of great height above the rails. The height of the bridges on the line of the left bank being of smaller size, we have raised a kind of covering over the seats of the imperial, not, as some imagine, to shelter the passengers from the rain and sun, but to prevent their standing upright. The highest carriages are 2" 80 (9 feet 2 inches) high, and if we take the height of the tallest traveller, with his hat on, at 2'" 20 (7 feet 3 inches), we shall find that the distance from the rails to the intrados of the arch in stone bridges, or to the cross-beams in timber bridges, must be at least 5" (16 feet 5 inches). It is not only for the sake of obtaining the means of placing seats on the im- perials and to prevent accidents that it is necessary to give such a great height to the bridges constructed over a Railway, but also for the convenience of taking diligences, fully equipped and loaded, on the Railway-trucks. CHAPTER 11. OF THE EARTHWORKS. It is an acknowledged principle that Railways intended to afford the highest rate of velocity to the trains should fulfil, as near as possible, the two following conditions, unless the amount of profit to be derived does not warrant the neces- sary outlay in accomplishing them. First, they should present gradients of the slightest inclination ; and. Secondly, curves of large radius only. If, therefore, the gradients on ordinary lines are considered equal to tott, then on those where the highest velocity is employed they should rarely exceed rhs. It is also only at certain points on the great lines of railway that the engines are necessitated to proceed at reduced velocity. Curves of less than 500™ (54G yards) radius are therefore generally to be found near the extremities of a railway ;* the turns on ordinary roads and canals are, however, both sharp and frequent. It is impossible to fulfil the before-mentioned conditions in many localities, except by incurring a vast amount of earth and other extensive vrorks, by opening deep cuttings through the hills, or driving long tunnels and traversing the valleys by enormous embankments or by gigantic viaducts, in order to form the line. The earthworks on Railways are of far greater importance than those occurring in the making of ordinary roads and canals, and cannot be executed with the requisite economy and despatch, without employing new modes of con- struction. The railway itself has afforded the requisite assistance, temporary rails being laid down to convey the soil arising from the cuttings proceeding at other parts of the line, and even the steam-engine employed on these temporary lines to convey the wagons when the distances of transport are great. The method of construction requires important modification when applied to extensive viaducts, but which are trifling compared with the new systems applied upon the earthworks. We have executed earthworks on the Versailles Railway (right bank) by • The line from Newcastle to Carlisle forms an exception to this rule. A very great number of curves of small radii (about 400 yards) being formed along it, so that the trains cannot proceed with great speed, and the maintenance of the way and material is rendered very expensive. 14 means of self-acting planes {plans automoteurs) and locomotive engines, with greater rapidity, to the best of our knowledge, than has been attained with any other works of a similar nature, but it has been at an increased expense. The conveyance of earth on the Belgian lines is effected by means of rails laid down at less expense, but also attended with far less despatch. The arrangement of large workings along the lines for the execution of the earthworks varies according to the degree of economy or despatch regulating the views of the Directors, and numerous other circumstances, which our readers may readily imagine without our detailing them. This constitutes a distinct art, with which we are too imperfectly acquainted, but much useful information on this subject may be found in the work of M. Etzel, already quoted.* We shall limit our remarks in this chapter to the precautions necessary to be taken to sustain the slopes of deep cuttings, and to prevent the occurrence of slips in extensive earthworks. Sect. I. — Means to Prevent the Occurrence of Slips of the Side Slopes of Deep Cuttings. The slopes of cuttings present a large surface. It is always found necessary, in order to prevent their slipping, to drain away the water, either by means of open ditches dug along the surface of the soil, by drains filled with broken stones, by means of conduits constructed of masonry, or by parapets. (See Sections of Earthworks, Plate I.) If there is reason to suppose that the water which collects behind the parapet will find its way beneath to the cutting, by penetrating the soil, it will be necessary to open passages at certain distances in the parapets, corresponding to the stone drains laid along the cutting. Small banks {banquettes) are also carried along, at different heights, to prevent the wearing down of slopes of great elevation, and on these banks ditches are made, which empty themselves in those bordering the road by sloping gutters. A review of the various means which have been employed both to drain and support the slopes of deep cuttings does not form part of our design. We shall limit ourselves to describing those which M. Delaseri'e, Engineer of bridges and roads, has successfully employed on the Versailles Railway (left bank) to prevent the slipping of the upper portion of the l)ank, of cuttings made in a sandy clay soil, and to point out the process followed under similar circumstances in the * See Introduction to these notes. 15 canal of St. Maur on the Belgian line, and on the line from St. Stephens to Lyons. We will also state how Mr. George Stephenson succeeded in opening cuttings of great depth through marshy soils on the Liverpool and Manchester Kailway. A cutting through a soil con'sisting of sandy loam on the Versailles Kailway (left bank) was found very difficult to execute, near Sevres. It became conti- nually filled up by slips from tJie upper portion of the bank, which were dragged down from the eflects of water. In order to drain this cutting, M. Delaserre constructed at the base near the ditch, a small bank (IxDiqiitfti) AB, inclined in a contrary direction to the face of the great slope as shown by the figui'e ; and on this bank he raised a wall of dry stones, the whole height of the cut- ting, whose exterior surface was inclined at an angle of l" 50 (4 feet 11 inches) to l" (3 feet 3 inches. ) The water passing from above runs between the stones of this wall, and flows partly into the ditch, partly into the angle A, com- prised between the slope A C and the bank (Inincjuette) A B. Small channels empty the water collected at A into the ditch F, a slight inclination is given to the surface of the banquette at the angle A towards these channels to facilitate their flow. Thus the water which might overflow the slope A C being, as it were, absorbed by the wall of dry stones, cannot wear it away, and the earth of the slope is sustained by the weight of the wall. The thickness of this dry stone Avail varies even in the same cutting with the nature of the soil; buttresses, or counterforts, are placed opposite the most consi- derable springs. In other cuttings on the same line, they have constructed several banquettes receding on the side slopes, and which support the stone walls, which are formed of the same thickness throughout. At certain points where there was reason to doubt of the sulidity of the bottom ol' the ditch, they constructed small arches over it, as shown in the cut. They g^ve the bank {banquette) originally supporting the dry stone wall, a slight fall towards the ditch in the same direction as the inclination of the slopes. This ledge is 2" (6 feet 6 inches) wide. The wall of dry stone serving for a 16 drain was only 0" 20 (8 inches) in thickness. It was covered over with a thin layer of puddled clay, and another of rammed earth of sufficient thickness, but the water, accumulated in the drain on account of its being too narrow, flowed over on to the banquette and injured the slopes. They then inclined the banquette in a contrary direction, increased the thick- ness of the wall, and removed the layer of puddled clay, but preserved the bed of rammed earth, which further experience soon led them also to take away. We have extracted the following details from the Annals of bridges and roads : " Tlie following method was employed on the Canal of St. Maur, to remedy the effect produced by the waters which were breaking down the banks on each side. A drain, T R, was formed parallel with the cutting, and of the same depth, which emptied itself at its extremities. It appears to us that the construction of this drain would be found more expensive under some circumstances than a dry stone wall placed on the face of the slope. (See cut, p. 15.) It is self-evident, although we have represented each method of draining by one figure only, that it is never necessary to employ both at the same time. We read in the last report laid before the Belgian Chambers by the Minister of Public Works, the following passage on the difficulties encountered in making a cutting on the railway from Courtrai to Mouscron, and on the methods employed in surmounting them : " It was observed at the commencement of the year 1841, that the banks of a portion of a cutting made at Lauwe, which, however, was hardly an average depth of 2"' (6 feet 6 inches), would not stand under the inclination given to them. The waters collected by the mountain which was cut beneath by the railway, were continually flowing and channeling out fissures in the soil situated in the rear of the cutting. These increased more and more, and undermined the slopes of the cutting. The soil slipped away in successive vertical layers, and the earth thus shaken acquired such a degree of moisture, that it appeared impossible to replace it at any angle." Effects similar to these, but of less importance, viewed in reference to the height of the cutting, have been in many instances successfully combated, especially in the case of the Wilmerson cutting, near Tirlemont, where by employing cradles full of stones or fascines the result was most successful. The engineer determined, in the month of August, 1841, to make a trial of some works of this kind in the cutting of Lauwe, and which were attended with equal success, for this section of the line having been reconstructed in 1841, it has been found that the portion formed with cradling has preserved its soundness up to this date. May, 1842, notwithstanding the rain and frost, while the remain- 17 Fig. 1. ing portion of the cutting has been entirely filled up by slips of the earth ; the land situated behind it has also sunk away to a great extent. On another railway in Belgium, a course for the waters was opened through thin layers of clay by perpendicular borings. " There are certain descriptions of soil," says M. Seguin, senior, "more sus- ceptible than others to absorb and maintain humidity, and which in rainy seasons wear away, and become transformed into mud, and are then apt to fall to the bottom of the slopes. When this is the case, it is necessary to supply channels to lead off the water, by giving it issues sufficiently deep, that the i)ressure of the water should be suflScient to cause it to filter away through the soil. The follow- ing is a method which I have employed with the greatest success." " I had a ditch dug at the base of the slope, in the dry season, A B, 3" (9 feet 9 inches) deep. I had the entire space, B C, filled with stones, arranged by hand, and covered from C to A with clay, in order to prevent the water of the ditch flowing on this bed and depositing any earthy particles in the interstices of the mass of stones. (The latter ob- tained the name of pierelle in the locality where it was used.)" " This expedient is sufficient to drain the upper portion of the cutting effec- tually, and gives the shrubs and vegetation time to cover it, which has consoli- dated and secured the soil for ever." " We may also place slabs of stone, A B, at intervals, near those points where we anticipate any movement of the earth, in order to maintain the feet of the slopes, which should be very strong and sound. The slal)s press on the ballasting on one side, and the slope on the other, and form a kind of arch over the ditch. This arrangement has also the advantage of protecting the bank AC, which ought always to be better supported than the road CI), because Fi-. 2. 18 the flanges of the wheels tend to preserve the latter, by pressing against the rails. These present an insurmountable obstacle to the rails approaching each other, wliile a multitude of causes tend to push them outwards, and to enlarge the breadth of the road." The following method was adopted by the celebrated Mr. George Stephenson (whose son, Robert Stephenson, is no less distinguished) in forming the cuttings through the Chat-moss bog on the Liverpool and Manchester Railway, some parts of which are nine feet deep. The depth of the marshy soil above the clay, which formed the substratum, varied from 10 to 34 feet, and was so soft that animals were unable to pass over it. The cutting was commenced by digging on either side of the railway two ditches parallel to it, two feet deep ; and when, by means of these ditches, a strip of the upper portion of the marsh became drained, they excavated the earth by the usual method, from 12 or 15 inches deep, and then deepening the ditches, they removed a new layer until they reached the level required for the base of the railway. The draining of the marsh was facilitated by some portions of the railway being situated above the level of the surrounding land, which was the only cir- cumstance which favoured the undertaking. Sect. II. — Of the ConsMiction of Large Embankments^ and the method of pre- venting their slipping or rolling down. It is considered desirable, in laying out plans for roads and canals, to com- pose the cuttings and embankments in such a manner that their contents are equalized as much as possible, and consequently so that the soil removed from one should serve to form the other. From our experience of railways, we find that this plan is not always suitable ; since it cannot be adopted, in some cases, without making the embankments excessively high, and expensive in the construc- tion and maintenance; or, on the other hand, the cuttings will be difficult to excavate, or at least to drain. In other cases, the earth would have to be con- veyed to long distances, and a great increase of expense would be the result, not only on account of the length of the lead, but also from the delay which would occur in the completion of the line. The capital required in the construction of a railway is so considerable in its early stages, that too much despatch can hardly be used to render the same productive. 19 It is moreover of the highest importance that the extensive embankments so fretjuent on railways shouM be us rarely ivs possible composed of clayey soils, as we shall explain hereafter, and of still greater moment that they should nut be laid upon swampy soils; vet, in point of fact, it is seldom that both of these evils can be avoided, and the embankments made to compensate the cuttings. We dwell upon these points, in order that it may become evident, notwith- standing the analogy which appears to exist between the earthworks of roads and canals and those of railways, that there is a jialpable difference in the method employeil in executing them. The method of spoil banks and side cuttings is much more frequently adopted in making railways than in other works of communication. They are very generally used on the English railways, the Belgian, and those in the environs of Paris. The excavations which may be seen bordering many of these embankments, and which have unfortunately become converted into pools of unwholesome and stagnant water, sufficiently denote their origin. On the line from Basle to Strasbourg, almost all the embankments have been executed by means of side cuttings ; but they have not formed these excavations of such a depth as to prevent the soil being used for the purposes of agriculture ; a portion of the vegetable soil was first deposited at the sides, and afterwards re- turned to the surface. On the Versailles Kailway (left bank), the quarries bordering the line have furnished materials for the foruiation of some of the filling, without expense to the works; the proprietors of these ([uarries have even supported a part of the ex- pense of the transport from the quarry to the rails. After the period of the Belgian report, which we have before quoted, an im- portant portion of the line from Courtrai to Mouscron was being executed by means of wagons; but, alarmed by the tardiness in the conveyance of the earth, the managers had recourse to the method of spoil banks and side cuttings, and have had every reason to congratulate themselves upon the result, fur the earth arising out of the cuttings proved to be of the worst character possible, whereas that em- ployed for the embankments is of tlie best description. The embankments for ordinary roads and canals are generally raised in suc- cessive layers. They are sometimes rammed, and are in all cases compressed by the wheels of the wagons and the feet of the horses. It would be too long and expensive a i)rocess to raise the extensive embank- ments on railways by layers of earth rammed down, or even simply compressed by means of the carts and horses. d2 20 The formation of railway embankments proceeds en masse the whole height intended, except in particular instances; thus the embankment is commenced next the cutting, and a small portion finished to its full height, by discharging the earth from the cutting in the line of the intended work ; they then move the rails forward, and continue to deposit the soil at the head of the embankment as before, until it is again level with the top. It is only by proceeding in this manner that rails can be employed for the conveyance of the soil, and they are laid down on the embankment as the latter becomes extended. The earth wagons are drawn up and tipped at the extremity of the rails, which reach to the head of the em- bankment. We allude, in the present instance, to embankments of great height and considerable length ; for when the earth required for an embankment has to be carried a short distance only, it is often more economical to employ ordinary carts in preference to railway wagons. Earthwork executed by means of carts is also more dense and less subject to settle than when formed by wagons ; nevertheless, we must admit, that if we were called upon to determine the mode of conveyance, the use of carts, on certain lands, becomes next to impossible, after heavy rains, wliile the working of wagons suffers no interruption. Where embankments are constructed of great height, in connexion with and surrounding constructive works, if carried on witli much haste, the masonry will frequently split, shrink, and settle. They require, therefore, to be executed with the greatest care, and to be well supported on all sides by arches formed of masonry, and spread uniformly on these arches in layers of about 15 centimetres (6 inches) deep, well rammed. When large embankments are formed on soils capable of compression, it is necessary to use similar precautions in order to avoid bursting the soil, by com- pressing and loading certain parts with too great weight. It is as well, also, when soils capable of compression ai"e composed of strata which are liable to slip one over the other, to commence the embankment by conveying the earth to the lowest level, or bottom of the valley, instead of tipping it in the usual manner from the extremity of the cutting. A serious accident of this nature took place on the Versailles Railway (left bank). In traversing the Val-Fleury, the embankment, which was required to be 30 metres high (99 feet), had not reached above 13 metres (42 feet), when the soil, composed of solid beds of chalk and clay, lying in an inclined position, became softened by the action of some currents of water, commenced cracking. 21 The execution of the work with wagons ought to have been iinnicdiutcly discon- tinued, but the contractor, owing to a misunderstanding with the directors of the conipunv, did not feel bound to comply with the instructions of the engineer. The tissures in the soil conseciuently increased iu number and size, and certain portions, which were much incumbered, gave way, while the adjacent masses, being less loaded, swelled up. In other parts the chalky soil slipped over the clay which it covered, and buildings situated at a short distance fell dnwu. The use of wagons was therefore obliged to be discontinued, and recourse had to carts. Tiie body of earth throughout the entire embankment was increased, commencing with the portion at the bottom of the valley, and the motion of the soil at length became almost imperceptible. We see, notwithstanding, that even when these precautions are taken, it is impossible to prevent the earthwork giving way from the mere weight of the soil when raised above a certain height. The most simple method of attaining the end desired, and which has been employed with complete success on other parts of this line, consists of enlarging the base of the embankment in such a manner as to reduce the pressure on the area of surface as much as the yielding nature of the soil required, and to ram the earth; Imt where the land round the embankment is covered with houses of great value, it becomes necessary to have recourse to other expedients. They endeavoured to drain the soil, and render it incompressible; to attain which they dug wells and pits, and united them by subterranean canals. This operation, however, was found very diflScult to accomplish effectually. The earth having already broken away in all directions, presented nearly all its former instability, and they were obliged to abandon the prosecution of the embankment for a certain time, and to replace the upper portion by timber work. The base of the embankment, as we have above shown, may be increased either by diminishing the inclination of the sides, or by strengthening tlie lower part by means of a small portion of additional earthwork well rammed, with the upper face finished with a bank (jMinquette) extending along the slope of the prin- cipal embankment. See Sections of Earthwork, Plate I. By making the inclination of the sides flat, embankments may be rendered available for all kinds of pl.intations. The same advantage is not obtained by adopting the second plan, but if tlie banrpiettes are not raised to a great height, the total amount of earthwork will not be much increased. The employment of an additional embankment of support terminated above with a banquette, ought moreover to be recommended for embankments raised on 22 the flanks of hills as a means of sustaining them, as they are naturally inclined to slip on the sides constituting the greatest inclination. A soil of very yielding nature, similar to that we met with on the Val- Fleury, presented itself at the bridge of Cubzac. The embankment was obliged to be constructed of material having a great number of open cavities connected with it, in order to diminish the weight of the mass. In the execution of the Canal of Beaucaire, in Central France, they intro- duced a bed of fascines between the soft soil and the embankment. Mr. George Stephenson proceeded in the following manner with the embank- ments raised on the swampy soil of Chat-moss, of which we have before spoken, and which were 12 feet high. Deep ditches were dug along the two sides of the line, and the earthworks were then raised on the band of earth drained by these ditches. No more than four times the quantity of earth was required than is neces- sary to be employed for an embankment of the same dimensions on a resisting soil. In another moss, 20 feet deep, where the ordinary method of forming em- bankments had been followed, they used an amount of soil in raising an embank- ment of 4 feet, that would have sufficed for one of 24 feet high on solid ground.* Therefore, whatever may be the means adopted to distribute the pressure on a soil which is subject to compression, it is essential that we should not neglect to drain it as much as possible, as we have described was attempted to be done in the Val-Fleury. The cuttings on the Versailles Railway (left and right banks) furnished a considerable amount of sandy clay soil, which should have entered into the forma- tion of the embankments, but it was soon found, from the nature of the soil, that it would be subject to accidents, unless constructed witli proper precautions. These precautions consist principally in the employment of certain means to preserve the clay from coming in contact with the water running over the surface of the soil, or from the rain. Clay, when undiluted, is not more subject to dis- placement than other soils. M. Delaserre employed the following method of preserving argillaceous soils from the effect of rains on the line of the left bank. The slopes were covered with as thick a layer as was possible of sound earth, well rammed, which was * The English author, from whom we have extracted this paragraph, does not say whether Mr. G. Stephenson enlarged the base of the embankments in the mosses, but there is reason to believe he did so. 23 united to the heart of the soil by tics worked into it. The surface was tiieii carefully covered with turf, and the water fliiwing over was led olVfiuni the foot of the slopes by conduits, ditches, or drains. The thickness of this coating of sandy earth was 0"' 50 (1 foot eight inches) at top, for embankments 12 to l.j metres (40 feet to 50 feet) high. The argillaceous body of this embankmcut was sloped to an angle of 45 degrees, while the surface coating was formed in the jjrojtortion of one and a half of base to one of height, consequently, the layer of sandy earth increased in thickness from the summit towards the base. He used clay in tiiin layers, well imdiUed, alternately with the sand, from motives of economy ; another advantage also resulted from this method, for the clay prevented the rain which fell on the surface of the em- bankment from filtering through the sand and etfecting a separation between the two descriptions of soil forming the embankment. These thin layers of clay were terminated at a short distance from the surface of the slopes, and their edges covered with sound earth, so that they were not ex- posed to contact with the air. The thickness of this covering has been wonder- fully reduced on an embankment 16" (52 feet 5 inches) high, executed at Chaville. The thickness of the covering at the foot of the slope was about 3"" to 4° (!) feet 9 inches to 13 feet) wide, and carefully rammed; and the remainder, 0"' 50 to 1"" (20 inches to 39 inches) thick, which sufliccd to protect the clay from contact with the air and the eflects of frost, and thereby preserved them safe from accidents. Clayey soils are not only subject to slip when employed in earthworks upon becoming diluted by ruin ur natural springs, but moreover, are very difficult to dry if they become wetted previous to being used. M. Delaserre obtained excel- lent results in the work just referred to, by mixing thin layers of sand with the beds of clay forming the body of the embankment, from 0'" 08 to 0"' 10 (3 inches to 3i inches) thick, to layers of clay 0" 40 to 0™ 80 (16 inches to 32 inches) thick. A portion of way 800" (875 yards) long was executed entirely by embank- ments formed of clay properly dried. It was raised by wagons, and without any particular care excepting that the slopes were sprinkled with sand about (0"" 05) 2 inches thick, to facilitate vegetation and lessen the ellect of rains. This em- bankment, which was between 4" to 5" (13 feet to 16 feet) high, has stood remarkably well. It is, however, prudent to employ clay in horizontal layers only, beaten and rammed, or rather executed with carts, and when the height of the 24 bank exceeds 5"' or 6" (16 feet to 19 feet), it is essential to have recourse to the precautions we have described.* All embankments are subject to settle, the materials of which they are com- posed becoming more closely united and denser in quantity after a short time, when the height of the work is consequently diminished. The amount of settle- ment varies chiefly with tlie nature of the materials of which the embankment is composed, its height, and the process adopted in forming the same. Certain kinds of soil settle much more than others, and earthworks formed with railway wagons, without being rammed, settle more than those which are subjected to this opera- tion. Finally, the settling of an embankment varies, ceteris paribus, almost pro- portionately to the cube of its height. The settling sometimes goes on for many years decreasing, until at length it ceases altogether. We must not omit to estimate this shrinking in the formation of embank- ments as near as possible, and to make allowance for it. If earthworks did not settle, they would be formed of the proper height at first, according to the longi- tudinal elevation of the line, an allowance of about 0"" 50 (20 inches) being made for the thickness of the ballasting; but it is necessary to increase this height by the amount required for the settling. This excess has to be added to the height in practice, and varies from one end of an embankment to the other, in proportion to the cube of its height, above the level of the ground. Rails laid upon newly formed embankments present a series of rises and falls even in those portions where the slopes should be definitively uniform; but these rises and falls being in short lengths, are not detrimental to the working of the line, and their effects become diminished daily. If, on the other hand, we were only to raise the embankment to the height shown on the section, not only would there be a constant expense in increasing successively the thickness of the ballasting forming the roadway, but also in the labour of raising the line as the soil settles. It is proper for us to observe, that in calculating the excess of height neces- sary to give to an embankment as an allowance for settling, it would be better to err on the side of too little than to give it too much, for it is much easier, and consequently far less expensive, to heighten the road by adding ballasting than to lower it by digging under the sleepers. The earth sometimes divides longitudinally at the time of settling ; therefore, * These details are taken from a memorandum of M. Delaserre, inserted in the Annals of Bridges and Highways. 25 upon the slightest indication of a crack l)oing observed in this direction, the road- way should bo takon up, and eartii rammed into the aperture, so that the solidity of the embankment may not be injured by the introduction of water or gravel within it. It is pnident to submit such embankments only on a line to the traffic which have already settled in part ; and it would be advantageous to conduct the works in such a way as to accomplish this object, as far as possible, without retarding the opening of these lines of communication. The natural desire of accommodating the public induced the managers of the Belgian Kailways to open the line from Brussels to Mons when scarcely finished; the maintenance of the road has consequently been found very expensive. An arch of one of the viaducts in the section of Braisne le Comte a Manage recently gave way for a distance of about 25™ (82 feet), doubtless from the masonry being shaken by the passage of the trains before it had become sufficiently hardened ; but no accident occurred to the passengers, thanks to the great care of tlie directors. " The desire of entering into a participation of the benefits of a railway," says the Belgian Railway Journal, in discussing this point, " has cost enormous sums of money." The greatest caution is required to be exercised in the construction of em- bankments in England, by the terms of the specifications for these works ; also to prevent water penetrating them, either during the course of execution or after their completion. We will conclude this chapter on earthworks with the following extract from one of the specifications of the Railway from London to Bir- mingham : — " The slope of all the embankments mentioned in this specification to have an inclination of two of base to one of height; the width of the embankment at the level of the red line is to be 33 feet after the earth and the turf have been placed thereon, " Every embankment shall be constructed of the height and width stated in the specification, allowance being made for the settlement of the earth, and con- formable to the instructions of the engineer. This clause will be strictly observed under every circumstance, in order to avoid the necessity afterwards of being obliged to add either to the height or width of the embankments, as the case may be, to bring them to the level required. " The surfaces of the embankments are to be properly dressed and intersected by drains, in order to prevent the accumulation of water, and to secure their drainage during the period of formation. £ 26 " The contractor shall he hound to dress those slopes which are not laid to the proper inclination, as may be required ; and this operation is to be performed as the work advances. " When the earthworks have settled, the inclination shown by the diagram attached to this specification shall be given to their side slopes, and they shall be covered with a layer of turf, 8 inches thick, of which the grass shall be outermost. The turf is to be taken from the ground which the embankments are to occupy, and the earth must be taken from the surface, and afterwards spread over the sides in layers 6 inches deep. These side slopes are in this state to be sown with trefoil and lucerne mixed together in equal quantities. This sowing is to take place as soon as the season admits, in the proportion of 3 lb. of mixed seed per acre of slope. " When any particles composing an embankment exceed 6 inches in diameter, they are to be broken in pieces." CHAPTER ITI. OF THE EXECUTION OF THE BED OF THE ROAD FOR THE RAIL- WAY, WITH A DESCRIPTION OF THE MATERIALS EMPLOYED IN ITS CONSTRUCTION, COMPRISING BLOCKS AND SLEEPERS. Sect. I. — }[ethod of Constiniction. The bars of iron, or rails, forming the road of a railway, are fixed, as is well known, by means of cast iron sockets, which are called chairs, to bearers which constitute the foundation of the railway, consisting either of stone blocks or timber sleepers. If these bearers were placed on the soil, without the intervention of any other substance, the road would settle unequally, and would become deranged, as the soil became washed away from the effect of rains, and to such a degree, that it would be impossible to travel at great velocity without the trains being constantly liable to be thrown off the line. These blocks or sleepers ought therefore to be placed on a pervious bed, so that the water which it occasionally receives may run off readily. This lower bed, and the layer covering it, in which the blocks or sleepers are buried, form together the ballasting, the thickness of which we have before stated is generally about 0"° 50 to O" 60 (20 to 24 inches). The rail- way is always inclosed by ditches on either side. The mode of constructing the bed of the road depends on the nature of the soil on which it is to be laid. It has to be formed — First — In cuttings made in solid soil. Secondly — On embankments raised on earth-work. Thirdly — On soft moveable soil, either on the surface of the ground, or in cuttings. In the cuttings a depth of 50 to 60 centimetres (20 to 24 inches) is cleared away below the level of the rails. As the earth is solid, the bottom is arranged so as to slope 3 centimetres (1 inch) from the centre towards each side. (See e2 28 Section of Earthwork, Plate I.) Then two small walls of dry stone are built on each side, parallel to the centre line, and which separate the road from the ditches. These walls have a batter of 1 in 10 next the ditches, and are equal in height to the roadway formed between them. A layer of sand 0" 25 (10 inches) thick, or of broken stones or small cinders, or any other substance which is pervious, is spread over the roadway. It must also be slightly elastic, since the roadway not only requires to be constantly dry, but also to possess some degree of elasticity, that the passage of the trains over the rails shall be as light as possible. The bearers are placed in rows along this bed, on which the rails are laid, and they are arranged either parallel or per- pendicularly to the direction of the line. The stone blocks or sleepers of each pair of rails are laid more or less close, according to the weight of the rails; the blocks for each line of road are placed two by two perpendicularly to the centre ; and their distance from centre to centre should equal the width of the way measured from centre to centre. The blocks, or the transverse sleepers, as the case may be, are first laid in the proper position, and the chairs are then fixed upon them. The rails are adjusted and secured in these chairs by means of wedges. The space between the blocks or the sleepers, and the level of the upper surface of the road, is filled in with the same material that is employed to form the bed of the road. It is important that the blocks, but more especially that the sleepers, should be well covei'ed with ballasting, which should be tightly rammed round them, to prevent, as much as possible, their getting displaced. This process also preserves the sleepers from rotting. It is especially necessary, in the curved parts of the line, that the ends of the sleepers situated on the outer curve should be well sustained by ballasting, for if this is neglected, the sleepers will frequently require to be pushed back into their proper positions. We shall speak hereafter, in the fifth chapter, on " the laying down and maintenance of the way ;" of the care which must be employed in adjusting and fixing each of these several parts accurately together, comprising the blocks or sleepers, chairs, rails, &c. Stone blocks are less used in some parts than timber sleepers, as the latter possess a certain elasticity which is favourable to the preservation of the mate- rials as well as to the motion. The stone blocks do not tie the two rails forming the way together, like the transverse sleepers, nor have the effect of maintaining the due distance between them. The use of sleepers likewise renders the settle- 29 ment more uniform, and they are less difficult to take up than stone blocks, when the road sinks, which reduces the cost of maintenance considerably. Transverse sleepers should be exclusively used on enibauknients, and eitla-r blocks or sleepers may be employed in cuttings. Sleepers are, Imwever, uniformly preferred at the present time, unless there is a great difference of price in favour of the blocks. There is but one objection to be raised against the employment of sleepers, but it is a serious one, viz., the uncertainty respecting their durability, and the necessity which might arise, from time to time, of renewing them. Various processes have been employed to preserve the sleepers. They have been soaked in corrosive sublimate in England, according to the patent process of Kyan, but the sublimate has been found too expensive in France, or its efl&cacy has been doubted. Crude creosote and different sulphates have been tried, and, lastly, a native of Bordeaux, M. Boucherie, has conceived the plan of impregnating the timber, while standing, with pyrolignite of iron, or even after it has been cut, but still in a green state, and with the foliage on. Hitherto none of these pro- cesses, save that of Kyan, has been employed on a scale sufficiently extensive, or for periods long enough to enable us to decide which is best. We have made some experiments with the crude creosote, but the quantity of creosote absorbed was found so considerable that we were obliged to reject the use of this preservative, simply on account of its expense. M. E. Prisse, formerly a pupil of the Central School of Arts and Manu- factures, Engineer of Bridges and Highways in the Belgian service, has made some experiments in M. Boucherie's process ; we extract the following notes from the information kindly afforded us by M. Prisse. " The operation was tried principally on beech and poplar wood, the pyro- lignite of iron was tried alone as a preservative, and mixed with a solution of common salt, and also with chloride of lime, and lastly chloride was used alone." " The results were : — " 1st. That timber prepared in large masses was neither equally nor uni- formly penetrated. " 2nd. That sleepers prepared, and even when well soaked, with the anti- septic, did not appear to remain sound as long as oak sleepers unprepared. " 3rd. They have not, in point of fact, yet observed any signs of alteration of the sleei^ers prepared and laid in the road, but it is different with other sleepers which have been buried in the earth. 30 " 4th. The sleepers which were buried in the month of March of last year (1842), commenced to show symptoms of decay at the end of November, while oak sleepers placed along with them at the same time remained perfectly sound. " 5th. The rotting, or commencement of decay, observed in the poplar and beech sleepers, prepared with the various antiseptics already described, pene- trated a depth equal to some millimetres (some small fractions of an inch), and exhibited a contraction of the fibres forming the wood, and the surface had become perfectly black and weak. The surface of the sleepers which were exposed to the air remained in good condition. " 6th. The cost per sleeper for labour and ex- penses amounted to Ofr. 55c. . . (b^d.) For the Ingredients 20 . . {2d.) For the Patentee's Licence .... 40 . . (4(Z.) 1 15 .. (Ilk/.) " 7th. According to the prices of wood in Belgium, the prime cost of a sleeper of white wood thus prepared would be nearly as much as one of pollard oak unprepared." M. Prisse considered that it would be a great advantage to be able to sub- stitute pollard oak for the same expense as white wood; but referring to the results before given, there is reason to fear that M. Boucherie's process is not so efficacious as was at first supposed. The agent of M. Boucherie in Belgium states, that the estimate of expense given by M. Prisse is exaggerated, but this engineer still maintains its correct- ness, unless some more economical plan of preparation can be employed than that which he used. M. Payen, Member of the Academy of Sciences, has also tested the process of M. Boucherie, and his results differ but little from those of M. Prisse. The experiments of Messrs. Payen and Prisse, therefore, cast a doubt on the efficacy of M. Boucherie's process. We think, nevertheless, that it is necessary to repeat them before passing judgment on these means of preserving wood. The French government has ordered experiments to be made on a large scale, which will perhaps determine the question. The various descriptions of wood are not all equally durable, and we shall state what kinds are to be preferred at a future period, in our remarks concerning the specifications for supplying railway sleepers. 31 Sand either loamy or only slightly so, and composed of largo grains, is the material generally preferred for ballasting the road. We shall hereafter enlarge on the qualities it ought to possess to form a good roadway. Broken stone roads are less homogeneous and less elastic than sand. We are not aware of many railways supported on sleepers laid on broken stone, but it has been in common use in the prejjaration of the beds for stone blocks. Small coal has been often advantageously substituted for sand upon the English railways, as upon the Darlington and Stockton, Liverpool and Manchester Railways. We are informed that broken bricks are employed on the line from Lille on the Belgian frontier. Bricks are also employed on the London and Croydon Railway. We read in the last report of the Minister of Public Works to the Belgian Chambers, that a mixture of sand and forge cinders has been employed for the roadway of many lines in Belgium, the cinders being used on the surface. Pebbles and scoria have been used at the bottom of the trenches, in some localities where the embankment consisted of peat, and in cuttings through wet earth, such as at the part between Boussu and the French frontier. Finally, Wishaw, in his work on English railways, states that a mixture of chalk and sand has been successfully employed, and also a mixture of sand and powdered freestone. On a portion of the Stockton and Darlington Railway, Mr. Storey placed the blocks on small walls, but no English engineer, that we are aware of, has thought this method deserving of imitation. On the line from St. Stephens to Lyons, solid masses of earth were left in the spaces between the rails, and also at the sides, to save ballasting. These masses were intersected by small cross drains in order to lead olf the water to the side ditches, and the blocks placed in the longitudinal trenches, of which the bottoms and sides were covered with ballasting. They diminished the quantity of ballasting in the Versailles Railway (left bank) by the same method, but soon found that it was impossible to keep up these masses of earth, on account of the action of the levers employed in repairing the road, the earth consequently became mixed with the sand, and deteriorated it in quality. A small conduit is laid along the centre of the space between the rails on some English railways, communicating with conduits running transversely ; the water, after passing over the ballasting, penetrates into these channels, and the dry stone 32 walls forming its sides, and the central conduits empty themselves by small gutters perpendicular to the road. They have employed conduits of the same kind on the Belgian railways, but only at such parts of the road which are placed on a very moist soil. Sometimes the dry stone walls supporting the road are dispensed with in the cuttings, and the ballasting takes its natural slope next the ditches, as the Ver- sailles Railway, (right bank) ; the ballasting is very likely to be washed down by heavy rains into the ditches, when situated under these circumstances. It is also necessary in this case to enlarge the base of the cuttings, by the difference of width between the dry stone wall, and the slope of the ballasting. The two sleepers situated on each side of a joint of the rails, are brought nearer togetlier on some railways, as on the Orleans line : to diminish, as much as possible, the inequality of resistance which occurs at the joints, and to multiply the points of support of the rail, where it may be supposed to be weakest. It therefore becomes necessary to extend the distance between the other sleepers, or to increase their number. When the road is laid on transverse sleepers, the inequalities in the resistance is less perceptible than when laid on blocks, but it is much the greatest at the passage over the joints. They have attempted to remedy this inconvenience, not only by placing the adjacent sleepers nearer to the one receiving the joint, but they have laid the rails on a way consisting of longitudinal and transverse sleepers connected together, and also on longitudinal ones alone. In adopting the first method of construction, that is to say, attaching the transverse sleepers to longitudinal beams, the former, being often subject to unequal settling, are rendered more compact, and the joints are supported against the pres- sure of the wheels. It is requisite in this system, in order to attain the desired end, for the sleepers to be arranged in such a manner that their lower surfaces shall be exactly in the same plane, otherwise the ballasting supporting the frame ought to be very thick. The repairs, moreover, are attended with greater expense and more diffi- culty, than with the transverse sleepers alone. This system of frame work is therefore only suitable in cases where the rails are fixed directly on the longitudinal timbers, without the intervention of chairs, since they then form a part of the rail, and the road itself, properly speaking, rests on a system of transverse sleepers. When longitudinal beams are employed alone, they become buried in the bed of the road, the soil being directly compressed, but if the iron rails, or rails lorined of wood and iron, are supported by transverse sleepers, the efl'ect of the pressure on the soil is diminished by the elasticity of these sleepers. A portion ul" the sleepers on tlie Great Western Railway were supported originally by means of jtiles driven into tlie ground, the expense of which was considerable, but it was soon discovered that the rails bent between the points of support, although only u few yards ajiart, and to such a degree, that upon the expiration of a very short period of time tlie road presented a series of undula- tions, when the piles were consetiuently obliged to be removed. Lastly, the mils were placed on a continuous wall of hewn stone, on a por- tion of a railway at liolton, which was found very expensive, both in the con- struction and the maintenance, on account of its want of flexibility. We will now return to the subject of the construction of the roadway. The roatlwav is constructed ou embankments, the same as in cuttings on solid soil, with this tlilVerence, that a greater width is given to the sides, and that the water generally runs over the surface of the slo[ies, instead of being conveyed aw:iy in drains; and it is not absolutely necessary to ram the surface on which the road is laid, as practised in cutting; the une(|ual settling of the embankment naturally producing compression. When the roadway is required to be laid on « soft earth, diflerent expedients are employed, according to the nature of the soil ; sometimes it is marshy, but easily drained, and of small depth; or it may be a very deep marsh ; or, lastly, one of quicksand, of unknown depth. If the soil can be easily drained, this is proceeded with, and when the earth becomes solid, it is completed by some of the methods already given. If the marsh is of slight depth, and it is not thought easy or advisable to drain it, piles are driven into the solid earth below the marsh, and the tops of these piles are united bv longitudinal timbers, on which cross sleepers are laid, and on these another course of longitudinal timbers are i)laced, which carry the rails. This method was adopted for carrying the road over certain marshes in South Carolina, in the United States. This plan admits of the road being filled up solid, if necessary, and that portion of the marsh cleared out which it is retpiired to [lass over. If the marsh is of considerable depth, similar to Chat-moss, on the Liverpool and Manchester Kailway, we must employ another plan. In this case a layer of soil, e(|ual to the ground plot of the road, should be drained to a depth of 15 to 18 inches, by means of parallel ditches, after the manner we have before pointed out. On this strip of land a bed of liiggots nnist y 34 be liiid, and upon these a layer of pebbles, next a course of longitudinal and transverse timbers; and lastly, a second course of longitudinal sleepers, as shown in the Section through a swamp, Glasgow and Garnkirk Railway, Plate I. The last case, or that of a quicksand of considerable depth, is met with on the Versailles Railway (left bank), at the bottom of a deep cutting, viz. that of the lime kilns. They sank two tiers of planks about 1™ (3 feet 3 inches) apart, along the side of each slope, in order to form the way, at certain distances, one on each side of the centre line. The earth inclosed between the courses of planks, was after- wards dug out, and walls of drystone constructed in the two excavations formed ; with drains between them. A strip of land was thus drained between these two works, and the whole of the earth removed from it ; and at the bottom of this large excavation a layer of large stones was carefully spread, on which a second was occasionally placed, and even a third layer of smaller stones ; and, lastly, the ballasting was laid over the whole 0" 50 (20 inches) thick, the same as upon solid land. The part thus laid down has proved the best on the whole line. The road vibrates slightly wlien the trains pass over it, but it is not attended with any danger to the passengers. Sect. II. — Minutes of Specifications for sxipplying Sand, Broken Stone, Blocks, and Transverse Sleepers. The sand employed in the ballasting the road should be of middling quality, and sufficiently hard not to be either crushed or powdered by the passage of the trains. Water does not run off so readily through fine sand, which moreover becomes injurious to the carriages, by lodging on the machinery, from being so easily drifted by the wind, or simply by the current of air produced by the passage of the trains. It penetrates the joints, and reaches even the boxes of the carriage axles, attaching itself to the grease used to lubricate them, thereby occasioning their destruction very speedily. A mixture of sand, which contains a large proportion of clay, absorbs the water, and becomes converted into mud after heavy rains. It should therefore be rejected; but if the clay only bears a small proportion, so far from altering the quality of the sand, it gives a certain degree of consistency, and prevents its being too readily displaced. 35 The sand forming the bed of the road of the St. Germains and tlie Versailles Railways (right ami left banks) is obtaine francs 80 cent. (3«. 2irf. ) on the line from Brussels to Antwerp. The fir sleepers on the London and Birmingham Railway cost about 9 francs (7s. 6fZ.) each, and their preparation with corrosive sublimate added 90 cents {^d.) more to the expense. The cost of sleepers on other English lines has been a little under this price. CHAPTER IV. ON RAILS AND CHAIRS, AND MINUTES OF SPECIFICATIONS FOR THEIR MANUFACTURE. Sect. I. — On liaib aiul Chairs. Railways are divided into two classes: first, those formed of P/ate-r«j7^, and secondly, those of Ed(je-rails. On railways of the first description, the iron bars constituting the plate-rails are formed of two jiieces, placed at right angles to each other, comprising the hori- zontal i)art on which the wheels run, with a vertical projection, which prevents their running ofl' the rails. This vertical projection is always placed on the inside — that is to say, at the side nearest the axis of the line, by which the mud which tends to accumulate on the rails is thrown ofl" upon the outside. On lines constructed with edge-rails, the wheels of the carriages enijiloyed are furnished with fianges, which prevents their getting off the rails, as the latter have no projection whatever: the flanges are always placed on that side of the wheels nearest the centre of each line of rails. The wagons or vehicles employed on a line laid with plate-rails would travel t'ljually well on a common road, but it would be necessary to have a diflerent car- riage, in order to pass from a railway formed with edge-rails to an ordinary road. Notwithstanding this advantage possessed by lines formed with plate-rails over those with edge-rails, the latter are generally preferred, for this sole reason, that it is much easier to maintain the surface of the rails on which the wheels run more clean and even than the former. The use of plate-rails at the present time is almost universally abandoned, even in the working of mines and foundries, for which they had been long employed concurrently with edge-rails. The rails used on the first railways established at the Newcastle coal mines, in about the yejir 1G82, were of wood, and cast-iron rails were substituted towards the year 1738; but it was not until the year 1805 that rails of wrought-iron were employed. 40 Cast-iron rails are generally laid aside at the present time, and wrought-iron ones, or rails formed of wood and wi'ought-iron, are alone em2;)loyed. The great objection to cast-iron rails is their liability to fracture; those of wrought iron are much less liable to break when the metal has been properly chosen and well forged. Wrought-iron rails have another advantage over cast, which is an important one — viz., that of being able to be made in much longer lengths, since the greater part of the wrought-iron rails used in the present time are 4™ 50 (15 feet) long; some are even 4"" 80 (15 feet 8 inches), as upon the line from Paris to Rouen; while cast-iron rails were never made longer than 1" 20 (3 feet 11 inches). The result is, that the joints on lines furnished with wrought-iron rails, and conse- quently the vibrations which take place at the joints, are much less frequent than on railways formed of cast-iron rails. ' The price per ton of the cast-iron rails being generally less than the wrought, might lead us to suppose that railways constructed with cast-iron rails would be found less expensive tlian those laid down with wrought ; but the contrary is the fact, for the cast-iron used in the manufacture of rails is required to be of the first quality, while that which is generally employed for the wrought is of the second. Cast-iron rails cost almost as much as an equal weight of wrought-iron ones, and as an equal weight of wrought-iron rails offers a much greater resistance than those which are cast, they consequently make them of less dimensions, so that the wrought-iron rails cost less than the cast ones of equal length. Those lines which are laid down with wrought-iron rails have the advantage in an economic point of view over those formed of cast-iron. Wrought iron being more subject to oxidation than cast, it was feared that the wrought-iron rails would be soon destroyed from the effects of rust, which does but little injury to cast-iron ; nevertheless, experience has proved that the wrought- iron rails resist the influence of the atmosphere as well as the cast; the friction and pressure to which the rails are constantly exposed on the road produces a polisli upon their surface, on which the wlieels run, which probably contributes to preserve them from rust, whether they are cast or wrought. The lateral portions, no doubt, are protected by the crust of black oxide which always covers the sur- face of iron ; the agitation and motion communicated to the rails by the passage of the trains may also contribute to preserve them from oxidation. Experiments have proved that a magnetic current runs throughout the line. It has been affirmed also, that the action of this current is moditied by the position 41 SECTION AND PLAN OP TICMPoRARV RAILS. of the mils relative to the magnetic meridian, and by the direction taken by the traflic along the line; but we think this opinion has not been sulliciently well estiiblished, and even if it should Ih", it is no less certain that the action of the air would have no perceptible effect on wrought-iron rails on a line, when opened, whatever might be its direction and the number of the ways. It has been asserted that wrought-iron rails are subject to exfoliate and to divide in the direction of their length, which does not happen to cast-iron rails; it is true, that we find the wrought-iron rails on many lines divided in the direc- tion of their length, or reduced by a separation of the layers, which bect)me de- tached from the upper surface; but this arises from defects in their manufacture, and may be avoided by observing proper precautions, which we shall point out on a future occasion. Cast-iron rails resist the friction very well for a certain time, but tiiey always consist of a hard crust, of little thickness, with softer metal within, and when the crust is once worn through, the rail is soon destroyed. The form of edge-rails, both of cast and wrought, varies considerably. Rails of tlie following description are sometimes laid down on the temporary lines employed in the execu- tion of earthworks, or for the carriage of ma- terials, and for the railways used in mines, also in large foundries upon which light wagons only are used. This rail consists of a simple plate of bar-iron (mi-jilat), which is laid directly upon the sleepers, and lixed in its position by means of wooden wedges, as shown in the cut. This kind of rail is cheap, and after it is done with, may be disposed of as other iron for the purposes in trade, but it will not answer for a line on which the carriages travel at great speed and are heavily laden. The friction on rails so narrow soon cuts and wears away the wheels. Tlie lateral pressure which is exerted along the curves by the operation of the centri- fugal force of the trains, bends the rails, unless the sleepers are placed at very short distances at these parts of the line. Lastly, the rails bend between the points of support under the vertical pres- sure of the carriages, and rise up at their extremities, and so slip on to the wedge G ^ Ji iJk nj 42 and the side of the notch in the sleeper; and since they are not perfectly elastic, they finally become so much bent that jolts at the points of junction become very palpable. The two first inconveniences which these iron-bar rails possess may be remedied by enlarging tlieir upper faces on which the wheels run, and the last is in some degree corrected by adding projections at their lower parts, to catch in notches prepared for them in the cast-iron chairs, which should be securely fastened to the sleepers. The rail laid on the line from Montpellier to Cette, a section of which is represented in Plate 2, belongs to this class, and details of a single chair of the Paris and Versailles Railway (left bank), Plate 5, show the mode of securing it. The form which this rail assumes in section has caused it to be called the champignon (mushroom) headed rail. It consists of a head, or mushroom, properly speaking, a stem or centre rib supporting it, with projecting edges below, or bottom web. The champignon-headed rail, with the top and bottom faces parallel throughout its length, was employed in the year 1828 on the line of St. Stephens to Lyons, and from St. Stephens to Roanne, in France. The section resembled that of the rail employed on the line from Montpellier to Cette, but weighed 13 kilogrammes (28^ lbs.) per running metre — the chairs weighing 3 kilogrammes (6^ lbs.) with bearings of 0'" 90 (3 feet). As the projecting lower Aveb was placed on one side of the girder only (see Plate 2), it becomes self-evident that it was requisite to fix the chair in a suitable position on the sleeper, since the rails were not able to be placed with the side web next the axis of the way without unfastening and changing the position of the chair. This defect has been remedied by forming webs on each side, as shown in the section of the rails of the Versailles Railway. ( Plate 2. ) Lastly, rails have been constructed symmetrically with double champignons, in order to ;illow of their being reversed. (See Plate 2.) The single champignon-headed rail has acquired the name of the single or simple T rail, and the double-headed one has received tliat of the double T rail. The rails employed on nearly the whole of the great lines of railway consist of wrought iron T rails, either single or double, and more or less heavy. The shape of these rails, however, is not without inconvenience. The sides of the mushroom-shaped portions being unsupported, may be considered as in a very unfavourable position to resist the pressure of the wagons, and this circumstance is still more unfortunate, as we sliall proceed to show that from the method of 43 mamifacturc, the champignon portion is generally composed of inferior iron, com- pared with the stem. If we study the several processes in tlie nianufacture of champignon rails, we see that tlie bundle of iron intended to form a rail is lirst passed under the drawing cylinders with jwintod flutings,* and is drawn into a bar of marly a square section, whose side width is less than the height of the rail, and something less than the width of the mushroom. It is necessary to perform the operation in this manner, or the laniinage would perliajts re(|uire double the force that would otherwise be sufficient, whereby the cylinder would bo liroken, and the cost of the rails would be rendered too high. The iron is not always perfectly com- pressed when it passes through the grooves of the finishing cylinders, excepting at the thinner portions, and the rounded and salient portions are even sometimes expanded; thus when a champignon rail is accidentally broken, the stem may be seen to be much firmer and more liomoL'cneous in grain than the mushroom portion, while we can trace unsound and badly-wrought portions in the latter. It therefore follows, that the difficulty of manufacture increases with the weight of the rail, and that the interior portion of a large bar is more defective than that of one of less size, and these imperfections are still more considerable in a cliam- pignon rail badly compressed than in an ordiimry iron bar. Two engineers of great experience, Messrs. Wood and Storey, proposed to remedy this defect by forming the mushroom of a small portion of hammered iron. The plan consisted in re-covering the bundle to be laminated with a small portion of hammered iron, of nearly one-third the weight of the bar, ;ind to direct the working in such a manner as to form the mushroom of this portion, so that the interior should be formed perfectly homogeneous. This process, however, possessed difficulties, since iron of diilbrout (pialities requires to be heated at different temperatures; that which is to be hammered out generally requires greater heat than that which is to be drawn out ; therefore, when the temperature would be sufficient for one portion of the bundle, the other would be either burnt up or otherwise too cool, so that the mushroom-head would not l>e welded in a perfect manner to the stem of the rail. We have seen rails manufactured after this plan at a foumlry in tlie neigli- • For an account of the processes in the manufacture of iron, see the Metallurgie ditjer, by M. Walter, Professor at tlie Central Schools of Arts and Manufactures. The work on the same subject, by MM. JCugene Flacliat, civil engineer, Jules Petict, and Barrault, lornierly pupils of the Central School, and V'oifatfc MetaUiirgique en Anyleterre (second edition), by MM. Du- frenoy, Etude Beaumont, Coste et Perdonnet. G 2 44 bourhood of Newcastle, but they have not been extensively used, most likely ou account of the rails dividing into two pieces. M. Leon Coste has en- ^ deavoured to obviate the defects that we have just pointed out in the champignon rail, by altering the form nf the rail to nearly that of a simple plate bar, with the angular edges rounded off, and he has re- ^ placed a part of the line from St. Stephen to Lyons, originally laid with champignon rails, with rails of this description. The rail is sufficiently wide not to wear away the wheels of the locomotives or carriages, and it is provided with flanges, which enables it to resist the lateral pressure upon the curves, and by means of which its extremities are maintained in the chair like the champignon-headed rail, and its form admits of being turned upside down, if required. This rail, however, is deficient in height, which is a great defect; and since its flexibility as well as its resistance to fracture varies with the square of the height, it is found too elastic. If it was formed of greater height, and its width at the same time preserved, it would have been necessary to have increased the weight beyond the limits to which it is necessary to be restricted. Therefore, one of the defects of the cham- pignon is merely remedied by substituting a rail of equal thickness, and which is equally objectionable in another respect, since experience has proved that these rails are destroyed as quickly as the former ones ; that they do not unite so firmly to the cast-iron chairs as the champignon rails; and lastly, that they do not suffi- ciently secure the chairs from contact with the carriage- wheels. We have adopted a rail on the Versailles line (left bank), which maybe con- sidered to resemble both that of M. Coste and the old champignon-headed rail. Allowing the same quantity of metal to form our rail that is used for the greater part of the double T rails on the French railways, including the rails laid down by M. Coste, or 30 kilogi-ammes to the metre (61 lbs. per vard), we have endeavoured to distribute it in such a manner as to obtain a rail which, without presenting the inconveniences of M. Coste's rail, should possess some of its advantages. This rail, which is represented in Plate 2, is a simple champignon- headed rail. It affords nearly the same height and width for the passage of the wheels as the double champignon rail of the weight of 30 kilogrammes to the metre (61 lbs. per yard); but part of the metnl, instead of being used to form the second champignon, has been placed beneath the single champignon head in such a way as to support its sides and to increase the thickness of the stem. The champignon being thus strengthened, offers a greater resistance to any force exerted upon it ; and although the bar, in passing under the rolling cylinder, is 45 not so equally compressed throujiliout as M. Coste's rail, the injurious effects of this iiu'iiuality of coiuprossiou are at least reduced, as the difl'ereiiee hetweeu the thickness of tiie chauii)ignon and that of the stem is so much less, compared witli tlie double champignon. Our single T rail cannot be inverted like the double T rail ; hut wiien we find that the single-headed champignon rail, of the shape and dimensions such as we have given it, is likely to last longer than the ordinary rail with double champignons, the advantage will be in its favour. If, upon one of the champignons of the double T rail bocuming, in the course of time, worn out by the passage of the trains, and on our turning and re- placing it by the lower one, we were to expect that the latter would be iu the same condition as the first when the rail was new, we should be deceived. Pro- fessor Barlow, so well known for his experiments on the strength of iron, and the author of a valuable work on the form of Kails,* has with reason observed, that if the lower parts of the rails in use upon a railway are not worn by the fiiction, they are not less so by the action of the weight of the trains; so that, in fact, when a bar, resting on supports, bends with the effect of a transverse strain, the fibres at the side of the convex face are elongated, and those ;it the side of the concave face are shortened, while certain fibres in the interior of the body of the bar ]>reserve the same length. The line which separates the contracted from the extended fibres is called the neutral axis. Professor Barlow observes, tliat the neutral axis in these bars of iron is placed between the third and fifth por- tions of their height, reckoned from the line of tiu-ir upper surface, since the shortening or lengthening of the lower fibres of the bar is in propoition to their distance from the neutral axis; the extension of the lower fibres is therefore greater than the contraction of the ujjper ones. This being, continues Professor Barlow, an established fact, 1 consider those engineers very short sighted who make the ujiper and lower mushrooms in ilouble T rails of the same figure, for, in the event of the upper mushroom being worn out, and it is proposed to turn the rail for the purpose of replacing the upper part with the lower; then, since the lower talde supports the greater strain, to turn a rail which has been subjected for many years to a great com- pressing force, (therefore, as may be supposed, greatly altered,) and expect it to sustain still greater strains of extension, will be, continues Professor Barlow, • Erpriitnces tiir la force trnjisvirsale rl Irs aulres proprieth dii fer iiiallnif>le, dans son ap- plication aitr chemim de fer, par 1'. liarlow. TraJuit Je I'Aiiglais par C. C^iillRt, aiieien elive de I'Ecole Polyteclinique. 46 a dangerous experiment. It is for this reason he recommends That all rails should, on the contrary, be furnished with metal at their lower parts, or base, and of the most suitable form for present purposes, without regard to the future. It is also stated of the double T rail, says the same author, that as the two sides are alike, whichever adjusts itself best can be placed upwards Avhen it is laid down, but it would certainly be preferable to have the rails manufactured sufficiently uniform that no choice remained to be made. We need merely observe, in conclusion, that supposing it desirable to invert the double T rail upon the upper mushroom getting out of shape from the effects of pressure and friction, it would not, in general, fit the sides of the chair with sufficient exactness: the stability of the road would therefore be very imperfect, and the fracture of the chairs more frequent. We consider the single T rail of the model that we have described to be more durable than the double T, containing the same weight of metal per metre, and this is not the only advantage which it possesses over the same. It is necessary to provide facilities for introducing the rail from above into the socket of the chair in the employment of the double T rail, either vertically or inclined on one side. The space prepared for the reception of the rail in the chair, being of great width, renders it necessary to have the wooden wedges very thick, in order to fix the rail ; the chairs are also required to be very long, which renders them too heavy ; the wedges also soon slip out. The single T rail, on the contrary, can be fixed with a small chair and a smaller sized wedge, which reduces the cost of the chairs, while it increases their stability. In short, although our single T rails cannot be turned or rendered service- able for lines of the first class ; they will at least serve for earthwork, or for the execution of smaller undertakings. The double T rails are said to possess an advantage over the single ones, in being less likely to upset, since they rest in the chairs upon a larger base. We have not, however, heard of any engineer complaining that the lines laid down with single T rails were deficient in stability. The single T rail does not, according to the general opinion, resist either the vertical or the lateral pressure so well as the double T rail of equal weight, and it is not quite so stiff as the latter, which is a defect. But the difference of resistance, whether to rupture or flexion, is so small that, practically, it has no injurious effect. Although we employ the heaviest engines on the Versailles line (left bank), we have never found that our rails were either deficient in strength or too flexible. 47 Professor Barlow asserts, tliat tJie shape of tlie double T rail does not cor- respond witii the form wiiicli theory would assign to produce the nuuiiuum of resistance. The following Table of Experiments made at tlic Decazeville Foundry for the purpose of comparing the strength of double and single T rails, will, however, lead to a contrary conclusion.* The numbers referring to the rails used on the Orleans line, and given in this Table, are the mean results of experiments made upon the rails whose casings or coverings were made (the first) witli u mixture of line metal and scrap iron, the second with pure tine metal, the third with a mixture of tine metal and cast with wood, which was used instead of the scrap iron.f In making the above experiments, the rails were placed on supports 0"' 05 (2 inches) wide and 1'" 25 (4 feet 1 inch) apart, from centre to centre. TABLE OF THE STRENGTH OF RAILSJ Weight mill' 1 inNs ((iin;i,M'uM>iM. 1(1 iin: wi.itiui. Kail from l'ari<« lo Kail from Paris lo Kail from Paris to liail of Ituil of \ er>Hilles ( Left Hnuk i. 1 ill Tons. Orleans, Orleans, Orleans, St. Germain. Tbe Larger The Smaller No. 1. No. -i. No. 3. Cbampignon. Cbampignon. Met. Met. Mel. jrel. Met. Mel. 800 000000 000150 0-00075 0000000 0002oO 0-000000 9 00 0-00000 0-00250 00125 0-000000 000325 0-003500 10(X) 0-tX)050 000300 000175 0-000750 0-00400 0004500 1100 000100 00375 000275 0-001000 0-00(iO() 0-005000 1200 0-00125 0-00450 0-00300 0-002000 0-00700 0-005500 13-00 001.50 0-00555 000350 0-003500 0-00S50 0-(X)6500 1400 0.00250 0-00650 0-004.50 0-004000 0-00900 008000 1.J00 0-00500 0-01 100 00700 0-005000 0-01300 0-0105(M) IGOO 0-01-200 0-02100 0-()OS25 0-006500 0-02300 0-013000 1700 001. -^^o 0-031.50 0-01400 0009000 0-03350 0-020000 ISOO 0-02500 0-01100 broke 0-018000 broke 0-28000 liCOO 0-037.50 brjke do. 0.025000 do. 0-3S0O0 20(>0 0047.50 do. do. 0-031000 do. broke 21-00 005650 do. do. 0048500 do. do. 2200 0-07550 do. do. 0-065000 do. do. 22 50 broke do. do. do. do. do. 2.3 00 do. do. do 00«0(X)0 do. do. •24 on .1., .1... .lo. lir.ik.- .lo. .1... • This table is extracted Iroui the work of MM. Eugene Flachat, Jules Petiet, and Barrault, already cited. f These experiments were communicated to us by M. L. de liarruel, the officer appointed to receive the rails on the Versailles Railway (left bank), and afterwards for that of Orleans. } See further observations in the article on the luanufacture of ruilway bars. See, also, the plates of rails and explanations. 48 The weight was applied merely momentarily, and confined to a space of 0™ 07 (2f inches) in the middle, and the apparatus was not disposed in such a manner as to allow sufficient time to prove that the rail underwent the whole extent of deflection that the load was capable of producing upon it. These experiments, however, sufficed as a means of comparison. None of the several rails experi- mented upon exhibited any sensible signs of deflection under a weight of eight tons. Time only can determine the question respecting the relative durability of single and double T rails, containing the same weight of metal. It is therefore highly desirable that those engineers who have the direction of these channels of comraunicatioii should collect all documents which might lead to the solution of the problem, together with the numerous others connected with the subject of railways. The Minister of Public Works .it Belgium, in which country this new system of communication has been much developed, did us the honour of communicating an idea which occurred to him of calling a meeting of the engineers and directors of railways established there, and we regret that his design has not yet been carried out, but trust it will not be abandoned. It remains for companies so enlightened and liberal as those of tlie Belgian railways to set the example. Returning to our examination of the qualities and defects of the single and double T rails, we beg to state that opinions on this point are at present so divided, that the railways recently constructed with the two descriptions of rails are about equal in number and importance. The single T rails are adopted in nearly all the railways in the North of England on the North Midland Railway, on the line of the Manchester and Leeds, the Eastern Counties and the Greenwich, the whole of the Belgian Railways, the line from Berlin to Potsdam, the Versailles Railway, (left bank,) those of Mont- pelier to Cette, of Bordeaux to the Teste, and on that from Naples to Nocerra. The double T rail on the other side has obtained the preference on the rail- way from Liverpool to Manchester, the London and Birmingham, the Grand Junction, the London and Southampton, the Paris to St. Germains, to Versailles, (right bank), to Orleans, and to Rouen, the St. Stephens and Lyons. Strasbourg and Basle, and the St. Petersburgh to Paulosk. It may be seen upon an inspection of Plates 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5, that engineers have not restricted themselves to varying the relative dimensions of the cham- pignon and of the stem only, but have also modified their shape. 49 Thus we see the rails on the line of the St. Gerniains, and on the Liverpool ami Manchester, (see Plate 2,) have the chumpigiion loundud on one of the sides, and finished by aii acute angle on the other, which has the effect of extending the surface on which the wheels run in a small degree. The convex face of tlie champignon is obliged to be placed next tlie centre of the way, and experience has proved that the sharp edge, from being frequently defective, is soon destroyed. The double champignon rail, but without these acute edges, was also employed on the Versailles line, (right bank,) which was constructed by the same engiucers as the St. Gerraains Railway, after the completion of the latter. The surface of the champignon on which the wheels run was originally convex, as the original rail on the line from Newcastle to Carlisle, which lias been since replaced by one with a plane surface, but there has been a return tluring the last few years to the convex shaped rails. The new rails of the railway from Orleans to Rouen, and of St. Stephens to Lyons are formed convex on their upper surface. The flat surface occasions great disadvantages. The wheels of the carriages being formed conical in order to facilitate their passage along the curves; rails formed with flat surfaces are consequently inclined in a direction towards the centre of the road, so that the conical face shall run along the centre part of the champignon : an excess of friction is therefore the result on the straight parts of the line, and slipping in proportion as the surface of the rail is enlarged, since u cone cannot move in a right line along a plane without slipping. Again, if the inclination of the surface of the rail is not exactly the same as that of the peri- phery of the wheel, which is seldom the case, the conical wheels rest only on the interior or exterior edges of the champignons, in passing along them, which cause them to scale. And wherever the inclination of the rails forming the same line of way, differs, it occasions (together with the parts preceding and following this im- perfection,) lateral oscillations, which increase the movements of the apparatus.* • When the two conical wheels of a railway carriage are required to move in a right line along the road, it is necessary that they should rest on the rails at points of equal distance from the flanges of the wheeU. If, in consequence of any lateral influence whatever, tlie flanges of one of the wheels should approach nearer the rail, and the other get further removed from it, the car- riage no longer moves in a right line ; the wheels turn along the road in such a manner that the flange which was furthest from the rail approaches nearer, and that wiiich was the nearest becomes more distant. It is true that the two flanges are situated at equal distances again from the rails during this process, but for a single instant only, in consequence of the velocity they have acquired obliging them to pass over it; the flange which at first was the most distant becomes nearest, and vice virsa. llie movement of the carriages is therefore iu contrary directions, and their course is rendered tortuous instead of direct and straight. H 50 The inconveniences which we have just described are avoided by making the rails convex, but there is reason to fear that the action of the wheels being con- fined to such a small extent upon the rails, would rapidly wear away their surface, and that the champignon would be worn down in the course of a short space of time. It is not uidikely that it was a knowledge of this fact that led to the abandonment of convex rails. The rails adopted at the present time on all the great railways are, with few exceptions, made of the same height throughout their entire length, being called parallel rails, so that a transverse section always presents the same profile wherever it may be taken. There is another description of rail which has been in use for some years past, whose vertical section varies between the points of support in such a way as to aflord a corresponding degree of resistance throughout to the weight of the load. These rails, which are called undulating (ondules), ov fish- bellied rails, on account of their lower edge being formed in an undulating line, are abandoned at the present time, and for the following reasons : 1st. The sleepers, which ought always to be perpendicular to the centre of the road, cannot be so disposed along the curves, inasmuch as the distances between the points of support are greater on the line of rail forming the outside curve than on that constituting the inner one, the diflerence of distance between the points of support ought to vary with the radii of the curves, but when fish-bellied rails are used, these distances are necessarily made equal. 2nd. The points of support of fish-bellied rails being necessarily always placed at equal distances, it therefore follows that when a rail becomes broken or gets bent between the supports, it is not possible to slip a sleeper underneath to sustain it, which is often done with the straight or parallel rails, as they are called. 3rd. It is equally impossible to vary the number of the points of support with fish-bellied rails according to the nature of the soil, weight of the engines, or any other circumstance which may require them to be altered. 4th. If the soil beneath the supports of a fish-bellied rail, or even a single support, happens to sink, the rail is immediately suspended, as it were, above the soil, and consequently weakened at the very point where it is required to resist the greatest strain. 5th. The fish-bellied rail contains less metal, according to theory, for an equality of resistance than the parallel rail, but the metal forming it being unequally compressed, is less homogeneous. The manufacture of fish-bellied rails, moreover, presents greater difficulties than parallel rails. Unless formed with the requisite accuracy, they lose their proper solidity. Fig. 1. •:,- Fiff. 2.; — B //■ zr r-^ *■ .' ::=^ 51 6th. Lastly, fish-bellied mils are more difficult to manufacture than parallel rails, and cost as much as the latter, although they contain less metal, and when fish-bellied rails are worn out, they ore found to have lost the greatest part of their value. The (lid oast-iron rails all take the form of a section of ecjual resistance, but since they never exceed a length of l" 20 (3 feet 11 inches), they rest on sup- ports at either extremity, the line forming the lower edge is consequently of a convex form throughout. The rails are sometimes Fig. 1. \ I ' 7 f |i } pjg 3 simply laid end to end, form- ing a straight joint, cither of a square or a diagonal shape, as shown by the following cuts. See Figs. 1 and 2. Sometimes the champignons are halved in the middle and lapped together, as shown in Fig. 3, the stems being joined in a similar manner, as shown at Fig. 4, or after the plan of Fig. 5. The mode of uniting the rails exhibited in Fig. 1, is exclusively employed on all the French railways, and on a great number of English lines. The method shown at Fig. 2, has been employed in Belgium. The jolts at the passing of the carriages over joints formed in this manner are not so percep- tible as those of Fig. 1, but Avhcn the lateral surfaces of the rails are not laid in a straight line, as they should be, but are as shown in Fig. 2, and the flange of the wheels happens to strike or even press laterally against the acute angle A, or against the angle B, the rail is soon broken. The method shown in Fig. 3, although expensive, has obtained the preference for some years past on many important lines, especially in Belgium, the stems being finished as shown in Fig. 5.* The whole of the rails that we have at present described are always fixed either on stone blocks or wooden .sleepers, by means of cast-iron chairs, but cham- pignon rails terminated below l)y flat feet, which rest immediately on the sleepers, have also been employed. (See the lower row of rails among the specimens exhi- bited on Plate 3.) These rails are known by the name of American Bails, and are kept in their position by iron spikes, as shown in the section of the " Rail tried on the St. Germains Railway,*' Plate 5. • See Plate I. " First Series of Railway Practice." Third Edition. — 7V. h2 52 The American rails have been tried on the St. Germains line, where the method of uniting them to the sleepers was found to be deficient in stability, more particularly upon the curves. The lateral pressure of the trains, it is believed, produces this effect upon the fastenings, by forcing the rail from the inside of the way towards the outside. A similar effect is produced upon the pins which are employed to attach the chairs to the blocks and to the sleepers, with rails of the ordinary description, but in a much less degree. Tliis no doubt arises principally from the imperfect union between the rail and the chair. The rail possesses but a weak hold in the latter, more especially when wooden wedges are employed. M. Minard, in the course of his lectures upon railways, delivered at the School for Bridges and Highways, expressed himself as follows : " The rails were originally terminated at each extremity by contrivances resembling ears, which were applied upon the blocks and fastened thereto by nails, the rails being placed together end to end by this method. The weight was entirely borne on the four extremities of the ears, and when the upper surfaces of the three contiguous blocks got out of the same plane, the ears which received the direct action of the wagons became twisted, and were often subjected to fracture ; the rigidity of the cast- iron, further, did not allow of the whole yielding together." " Hence the idea arose of interposing a third body between the rail and the block, in order to weaken the shocks as much as possible, and the rails were secured to the blocks by the help of an intermediate and separate piece of cast- iron, called a chair. These chairs were fixed to the blocks by two pins." M. Minard refers to cast-iron rails, but his remarks apply equally to wrought iron, with this difference only, that the ears do not break in the latter case, but the pins or bolts connected with the fastenings come out. Kails formed of wood and iron {longitudinal bearings) are often employed in the United States, but are much less general in Europe. They have, however, already been employed on several railways in Germany and in England. The following English lines are laid upon longitudinal Itearings, with rails constructed of wood and iron : the Great Western, the London and Croydon, the Ulster, the Newcastle and North Shields. Rails formed of wood and iron are employed on different portions of some other lines where wrought-iron rails, after the usual plan, are adopted. Rails laid on longitudinal bearings are used in Germany upon the railway from Heidelberg to Manheim, the Carlsruhe and Magdeburg, the Leipsic and Dresden. Rails consisting of a longitudinal sleeper with a bar of flat iron screwed down on the sleepers have been used in the United States, but the screws have been soon fouiul to get loose, liuils of this description are not to be Ibund on any line of importance in Europe. The portion formed of iron in the rails constructed of wood and iron is always cither a champignon head, formed with a base, as the rails of the Newcastle and North Shields and other railways, (see Plate 3,) or a rail sloped like those of the Great Western and otiier railways, and known as bridije mils. (See Plate 3.) Each of these descriptions of rails are fixed to the longitudinal sleepers, either by spikes, like those used with the rail tried upon the St. Germains Kaihvay, (Plate 5,) by screws, or by bolts, as the champignon rails with feet, are secured. Tlie longitudinal beams which we consider as forming a constituent part of the rail in lines formed upon the system of continuous bearings, are fastened to the transverse sleepers by bolts or trenails. AVluitever form may be given to the iron rails fixed upon the longitudinal sleepers, they ought always to be fastened with cast iron feet plates let into the timbei-. Tiiey require to be cut at the ends, either obliquely or square, to form the joints. The ratio between the height and the base of the iron portion of the rail being much less with rails formed with wood and iron than with the champignon- headed rails laid on chairs; and as they may be secured with as many fastenings as desired, tiiey are therefore less likely to get twisted. They also possess a much greater degree of elasticity than ordinary iron rails, which tends to preserve the materials, and eases the motion of the carriages. In localities where timber is dear they are more expensive than rails formed entirely of iron, notwithstanding the price of iron may be low. They appear, however, to be less durable, and occasion an inconvenience in being more difficult to raise and replace than iron rails fixed by means of wooden wedges between the cheeks of the chairs, which defect may become serious when the traffic is considerable. Of the two descriptions of iron rails which are lixed upon longitudinal sleepers constituting the lines of way — namely, the champignon rail, formed with feet, and the bridge rail, the latter appears to us to be preferable, as the metal is the most equally compressed. This rail is consequently more homogeneous, and the surface upon which the rails run is not so subject to wear down as the cham- pignon. We shall now conclude our description of the different kinds of rails, in which we have alluded more particularly to their shape, and pass on to compare the ditlercnt modes employed of attaching them to the ground. In our statements of the respective advantages of the ordinary chauiiiignon 54 or T rails and the American rails, we give the preference to the mode of listening adopted with the first over that employed for the latter. We will now enter into some details which occur in the practice of each of these methods. The chairs are fixed to the sleepers, or to the blocks, by trenails and iron pins, which are passed through their feet-plates. When stone-blocks are em- ployed, they are drilled with holes for the chairs at the spot, to receive the trenails, into which the iron pins are driven. M. Manby has communicated to the Railway Journal an excellent article on the respective advantages of iron and wooden bolts for fixing the chairs to their supports, from which we extract the following passage : — " Stone blocks were employed to support the chairs upon the first railways constructed for the conveyance of passengers ; but in the present practice of the profession it is generally admitted that wooden sleepers are far preferable, as they maintain the width of the way more correctly ; since, by extending the same base to both sides of the way, the two parallel lines of rail forming each line thereby assist each other. In all the various methods adopted of forming the supports, iron pins are, with few exceptions, always employed to fix the cliairs to the sleepers, and which we shall soon refer to." " The great experience already possessed by our English neighbours on all points relative to the construction of railways, led them to a discovery of the defects of iron fastenings; and the want of an efficient substitute alone induced them to continue their use, without alteration, up to a late period, until the recent experiments of Mr. Wil- liam Cubitt appear to have aiforded the desideratum required." " In order to give some idea of the alteration which takes place with iron fastenings, and the various effects that result from the same, we have annexed a representation of some iron bolts, which were taken up on the Liverpool and Manchester Railway, after being down many years, which are carefully drawn at a fourth of their real size." " We observe, on examining these cuts, that the bolts are not formed exactly of the shape required to fill the holes drilled in the chairs to receive them ; in consequence of which defect in their original manufacture, and which cannot be avoided where economy has to be considered, there is a want of connexion between Fig. 1. Fig. 2. 55 them which lias allowed the water to get into the hole in the chair along with the bolt, by which the oxidation of Ktth is very (luickly elll-ctod. If to this destruc- tive agency we add the shaking which takes place between these two bodies in contact, but not united together, by the passing of the trains, it may be easily con- ceived that every vibration causes a shock of the bolt against the chair which detaches the several layers of rust as fast as they accumulate." "Fig. '2 represents the section of a bolt which was originally 1!) millimetres (.748 inches) in diameter, but was reduced by the above-mentioned causes to It millimetres (.35-4 inches) only, while the corresponding hole in the chair was increased in the same way from 19 to 23 millimetres, (.9 inches,) so that a space of 14 millimetres (.55 inches) remained in the chair for the bolt to play. This tigure shows that iron fastenings, which are preferred, <) jiriori, as possessing the greatest strength, and as the most secure, are far from answering the expectations formed of them in practice." " The defects which arise from the careless manner in which the chairs are usually made, are as serious as those we have just described in reference to the bolts. There is a want of uniformity, the natural result of their being moulded by the hands of different workmen of uneriual ability, which produces a want of stability in the chair in its connexion with the sleeper, and the rail with the chair, as well as a want of parallelism between corresponding rails, and a deliciency in the uniformity of the necessai-y inclination of the rails towards the centre of the line. It is impossible to form even an approximate calculation of the loss occasioned by these general imperfections, both in the system of fastening, and in the casting of the chairs. The expense of renewing the bolts is nothing compared to the destruction in other parts of the construction. In the first place, the sleepers get displaced by the jolts, and not being able to receive the bolts again in the same holes, are obliged to be changed. Secondly, the chairs get twisted and broken The engines and wagons are, however, more particularly affected, in consefjuence of the want of stability of the road, they are jolted along, by which they sometimes get off the line. The damage direct and indirect is incalculable, especially when from any of the above enumerated causes, one of those unfortunate accidents, by which the safety of the passengers is endangered, and which are so much to be lamented, occurs; hence demands arise, together with verdicts of indemnity, the payment of which always falls upon the companies." " It was for the purpose of remedying these great and numerous defects that Mr. William Cubitt, whom we have already mentioned, instructed Messrs. Kan- some and May, skilful engineers at Ipswich, to try some experiments, from which 56 Fig. 1. certain improvements have resulted, which we are about to describe, and with which, through the kindness of Messrs. Manby, brothers, we are well acquainted." " The chair represented in Figs. 1, 2, and 3, is that employed on the South Eastern Rail- way, and of a new pattern. The points of re- sistance, and the edges are placed in such a manner as to give the chair all the solidity and strength requisite without unnecessarily in- creasing its weight. A rim, c. Fig. 2, which partly covers the wedge B, has been so disposed, as to fix the rail immoveable in the chair. As it is of the highest importance to jirevent all rising of the rail, the rim, c, of the intermediate point is prolonged in the joint chairs, as shown 2. Fig. ;i by the dotted lines. Fig. 2. The holes, i. Fig. 3, formed in the feet of the chair to receive the bolts, have been arranged in a new way ; instead of being in the same line as in ordinary chairs, their centres take two different vertical planes. The object of this change is to prevent the sleepers being split, either in driving the bolts, or by the passage of the trains, since they are much weakened by the two holes being in the same line, and passing through the same fibres of the wood. The greatest improvement in the manufacture of these chairs consists in the em- ployment of a centre and a metal mould, which secures an exact shape and a uniform casting, free from roughness. The employment of a metal mould is more valuable than all, because it secures the seating of the rail with mathe- matical precision in the place it is intended to fill in the chair, as well as the requisite incli- nation toward the centre of the way; without the workmen who fasten the wedges having the power, either from negligence or clumsiness, of fixing the rail in a wrong position." " The mathematical exactness of all the Fig. 3. several parts of the chairs is 57 consitlered so very important by Mr. William Cubitt, that ho caused all the chairs intended for the .South Kastern Kailway, (of which he was the engineer in chief',) to be examined one by one, and every chair in which the points of contact of the r:til with the checks varied only tiie fraction of an inch in its relation to the base, was by his orders rejected. ^^ i' must, however, add in reference to this point, that among all the chairs cast by Messrs. Ransome and May, of this shape, there were not 2 per cent, returned to the foundry in twelve months a.s faulty, and that among 4,000,OOU kilogrammes, (S,H2U,UUU lbs.) of cast iron chairs delivered for the South Eastern Railway, not one was refused, notwithstanding the strict examination to which they were subjected. This remarkable fact proves at once the great care bestowed by the founders upon the work, and the superiority obtained by machinery over that of the hand." " We stated at the commencement that the great defects occasioned by the use of iron fastenings, led engineers to try many expedients, and the substitution of wooden pins for the iron ones, for fixing the chairs to the sleepers was tried, but without obtaining much success. Wooden bolts, used in their natural state, do not answer in dry seasons, as they shrink, and lose some portion of their bulk, which make the chairs ricketty, and occasion alterations in the work, which always end in considerable expense to the Company in the maintenance. Not- withstanding the imperfections of trenails, the defects of iron bolts are sucii, that some engineers are induced to give a preference to the former; M. Seguin, amongst others, who continues to use them. A method was proposed some years ago of remedying the inconvenience of the alternate shrinking and swelling of trenails, by means of compression, or by forcing them, previous to being used, through conical holes." The first trials gave favourable results, but it was soon found, when tlii' trenails were taken from the moulds, that they were continually inclined to recover their original dimensions, and that after laying a short time in the stores, they again became subject to yield to all the hygromettnc changes of the au", or medium in which they were placed. The method recently adopted by Messrs. Ransome and Fig- 1- Fig. 2. May has, however, succeeded in overcoming the dilHculty, P^^ \ ^ and the wooden bolts thus obtained have become celebrated for their resistance to the influence of external agencies. The trenails are cut in the direction of the grain, out of a piece of heart of oak, and formed round to the dimen- sions represented in the cut, fig. 1, which is one-fourth of the real size. I 58 " The trenail, thus shaped, is then forced into a mould with a conical aper- ture, whose interior dimensions are made to suit those of the prepared trenail. (See Fig. 2). It is next submitted, in the mould, to the action of steam, for about half an hour, at a temperature sufficient to efiect a kind of fusion of the resin and of the sap, and this period having elapsed, it is allowed to cool." " The wood, thus prepared, becomes reduced in volume to about 63 per cent, of its original size, and its transversal strength is increased nearly 50 per cent. The compression, however, is not quite permanent." " We must call attention to the circumstance of the interior form of the mould, giving three different diameters to the trenail, so that it resembles two cones, truncated at different bases, but united at their top. The upper extremity, which rests on the foot of the chair, and forms the head of the trenail, is formed the largest, since this part necessarily requires to be of greater strength, in order to be able to support the blows of the mallet in driving. The slight alteration of shape which it undergoes, enables it also to serve the same purposes as an imper- vious cork, and thus prevents the soaking in of water, which might rust the chair. The diameter at A A, fig. 2, is less than at the top, and it is even about a milli- metre (.039 of an inch) less than at BB, at the lower extremity of the trenail, which, when once firmly driven into its place, remains fixed there, by a kind of dovetail, which nothing can break. Any slight tendency to swell which might still remain in wood, thus prepared and compressed, would only increase the com- pactness of union between the wood forming the sleeper and the trenail, which thus forms one solid whole, perfectly homogeneous." Whatever may be the relative advantages and disadvantages between the use of iron and of wood bolts, the former have been used on almost all the great lines of railway now existing, and the employment of trenails has not yet been sufficiently general to warrant the condemnation of iron pins. The iron bolts, known by the name of spikes or pins, are either round or fiat-headed. The former are preferable, as the blows of the hammer fall exactly on the middle of their heads, which is not always the case with the flat ones. The heads of these pins, even when well manufactured, and of good quality, sometimes break ofi' both from the blows in driving, and from the workmen striking the sleepers too violently with their rammers. The chair is then secured with iron spikes, in the same way as practised on the American railways. Iron screws or bolts are never employed to fix the chairs, but they have been used to fasten the iron rails to the longitudinal sleepers, as before stated. The pins may be placed with the nut either above or below the longitudinal sleeper. 59 If the screw end of tlie pin and the nut arc placed al>ove the projecting parts, they are liable to be toiidied by the rim of the wheels, it therefore becomes necessary to give a greater height to the iron rail, than when the heads of the screws are sunk flush with the bottom of the rail. The worm of the screw is also liable to get rusted even in the interior of the nut, when the union is not perfect and the air and damp perfectly excluded. And if the worm once becomes rusted, the operation of screwing and unscrewing of the nuts is very difficult. The ordinary pins are not used on the Great Western railway, but others, furnished with screw-heads for the exterior portion of the feet only, and screws with countersunk heads are used exclusively for the centre part exposed to contact with the wheels. If the nuts were placed below the longitudinal sleepers, the taking up and replacing of the iron rails would require too much time, as well as great care. Kails of the bridge shape have, however, been fixed in America, by means of pins, the nuts of which were placed below the longitudinal sleeper, and the heads lodged in the hollow interior ut" the rail. (See United States Kails, Plate 3.) After all, a screw furnished with a countersunk head, or screw-bolts, appears un- doubtedly to lie superior to ordinary pins. Screws have been adopted on the Croydon Kail way,* as well as on the Great Western. The rails are fastened to the longitudinal sleepers by screws on the Haarlem and Leyden Kailway, according to the plan of M. Jiaude; the extremities are also secured by two large pins, which pass right through the plank, and are fixed be- neath by a strong nut. (See Plate 4.) Iron spikes are used on the Heidelberg and Carlsruhe line, which possess one advantage over the screws, that of permitting the rail to expand and contract as its temperature increases or diminishes. They are likewise more easily and sooner tixed than screws, and the fastenings can be placed anywhere upon the side of the rail, unless they approach too near the end of the sleeper, or too near each other, when they are apt to split the rail. The iron pegs which are employed to fix the chairs, and the spikes to fasten the rails to the sleepers, are either plain, as those on all the French railways, or ja(f(/ed, as the spikes used on the railway from Haarlem to Leyden, &c. (See Plate 4.) The jagged spikes are capable of being tixed firmer than those which are plain, but it is impossible to withdraw them without tearing the wood. The dimensions of the chairs vary with the weight of the rails, and the • See Plate II. Second Series of liailway Practice. — Tr. I 2 60 distance which tliey are placed apart. We propose to discuss this subject liere- after, in examining the relative proportions between the dimensions of the rail and the distances of the bearings of the supports, and shall limit ourselves at present to some observations on the shape of chairs. The form requisite for tlie chair depends on the method employed in attaching the rail to it. Tlie rail is fixed to the chairs by iron or wooden wedges, as shown in Plate 5, so tliat in the event of the chair upsetting in any direction, it necessarily drags the rail witli it. It is sometimes fixed by pins and wedges, when the chair is arranged in such a manner that it may incline a little either fore or aft, without the rail losing its position.* The ordinary effect of tlie passing of the trains over tlie rails being to de- range the chairs, either more or less; there is no doubt that in the system with the pins and wedges {'■''George Stephenson's Plan") there is a greater probability of maintaining the joints in good condition than in the common system of wedges; but the latter being so much simpler than the other, is almost universally em- ployed. The former system has only been adopted on some of the railways con- structed by Mr. George Stephenson, as tliat of the Manchester and Leeds, and the Midland Counties Ivailway, (Derby.) The chairs are composed of a foot, which rests upon the sleeper or on the blocks, and the two projecting cheeks enclose the rail on each side. The foot and the cheeks being formed of one piece, each of the cheeks of the chairs, shown in Plate T), is sustained by two shoulders, and the holes required for the bolts are placed between them in the foot. The cheeks of the chairs have one shoulder only, on the South Eastern Railway, as we have already stated, in order that the four holes of the two chairs may not be placed along the centre of the sleeper. We perceive, by an inspection of Plate 5, that the side of the rail touches the cheek of the chair for a short height only in the direction of a vertical plane. By keeping the surface in contact of the smallest extent possible, the connexion is rendered much closer than if they tilled the entire height of the cheek. The bottom of the chair is sometimes convex, so that the rail only rests on a point perpendicular to the centre of the line. This shape has been adopteil principally where pins and iron wedges were used, in order to prevent the chair, when it happens to incline either fore or aft, from dragging the rail along with it ; but * vSee the 501bs. to the yard, fish-bellieil Rails, known as "George Stephenson's Plan," First Seiues ol" Railway Practice, Third Edition. — Tr. Gl this defect is not reiiieilicd by these chairs, so well as by those formed after " Gtorg^ Stephen-noiift Plan," for if we supjKtsc that the rail rests oa the top of the convex Iwse of the chair, and the lattt-r hap|)eus to got inclined, it cannot turn oxccptin}; round the lK)lt which is lixiil, for the convex portion of the chair lieconies arrested in its movenicnt by the straight portions forming the bottom of the rail, and the bolt is necessarily forced out. When thin iron wedges are employed, the cheek of tlie chair which receives the we*lge is groove«l, or otherwise has a projecting chamfer at the top, lus those nsed on the Roanne line, and on the South Eastern, in order that the wedge should l»e secured in every din-ction. With the same view we liave increased the space K'tween this projection on the Versailles line (left bank), at one of the extremities of the chair. (See IMate 5.) So that the face of the chair, against which the wedge rests, is inclined to the line of the rail — i.e., the space between A A is of less width than B B. There are inconveniences with this system in practice which are sufficient to lead us to reject it, notwitlistauding the advantages which it may ajipear to present in theory; the following are some of them. The rails on a line formed with two ways frequently slide onwards upon the straight parts in the direction which the trains run, which may be cs|KH:ialIy noticed after a long continuance of drought on railways where wooden wedges are employed. This arises from the force of the traction to which the rails are subjected, in consequence of the friction and the shocks of the wheels in passing over the joints, all of which give the rails a tendency to move foricardy particularly when the wedges are dry, as they do not then secure the rails so firndy. The complicated elVect of the friction at the curves and the slipping of the wheels, generally causes the rails to move in a contrary direction upon them. In order t<> prevent as much as possible the displacement of the rails, such us we have just mentioned, the wedges should be uniformly driven towards the same direction that the trains proceed. The rails will be secured with nnich greater tlrmness by this method, than if the wedges had been driven in a contrary direction, and the lalx)ur and expense of repairs and maintenance diminished. This forms also a necessary precaution against the danger of accidentjs, for should a rail Ix'come displaced, the extremity lK?ing no longer supported by the chair, is liable to fracture. It is therefore unnecessary to jtrovide for the admi.«;sion of die wedges, by tapering the cheeks of the chairs longitudinally in the tlirection of the railway, either in one direction or the other; it is only necessary to roundrrTiMr edges in order to be able to introduce the wedges without tearing the tibres of the wood on the metal. 62 We have stated that the rails are fixed between the cheeks of the chairs by wooden wedges, also by pins and wedges formed of iron. The wooden wedges are more effective fastenings, when used sufficiently dry, than iron pins and wedges. They do not fracture the cheeks of the chairs from swelling under the effects of moisture, as was feared before they had been tested by experience. The cheeks of the chairs often break in the operation of driving iron wedges or bolts, more especially if this is performed too violently, which accident never occurs with wooden ones. The displacement of the rails in the direction of the traffic is much greater with iron wedges than with the others, since, when once loosened, they afford no support whatever to the rail. Wooden wedges have obtained the preference on all the railways constructed in France, and on a great number of those in England. The use of iron wedges has, however, been persevered with in Belgium. True iron wedges were used on the railway from Leeds to Selby, and tapered, in order that they should be in con- tact with the smallest extent of surface possible of the rail. Wooden wedges are used either uncompressed or compressed. Tlie latter are generally adopted in England, as they effect a secure fastening, but we understand from Mr. Robert Stephenson that he did not employ compressed wedges on the London and Birmingham Railway until the way became consolidated by use, and the displacing of the rails had ceased to render it necessary to be constantly fastening and unfastening the wedges in order to restore the level or to replace the rails. On the railways in the environs of Paris, that of Rouen excepted, the wedges employed are formed of uncompressed wood. The wedges were dried in a kiln for the railway from Nuremburg to Furth. The compressed wedges have been used on the Rouen since the opening of the line. We have before stated our reasons for recommending that the seat of the rail be made of the same width through the whole length of the chair, after which we cannot do otherwise than advise the use of compressed wedges, by which the joining will always be properly maintained. The wedges may be placed either on the inside, that is to say, between the rail and the cheek of the chair nearest to the centre of the rail, or on the outside between the rail and the cheek of the chair furthest from the centre of the road. The wedges are placed on the outside on all lines that we have examined, that of St. Stephens to Lyons alone excepted, and for the following reasons : — When the wedge is placed on the outside, it can be carried a greater height, and preserved from decay by being covered with ballasting, but if it is placed within 63 the way, this cannot be the case, since the flanges of the wheels would rub against the ballasting, 11" not upon the wedge itself. Another advantage is also obtained in placing the wedge between the rail and the exterior cheek of the chair, provided it is made of wood. It reduces the efl'cct of lateral shocks on the check, which always take a direction from the inside towards the out. The dimensions, and consetiuently the weight o{' the rails, as well as the size and weight of the chairs, ought to be proportionate to the distance which the points of support are placed beneath them, and the weight of the locomotives. The proportions eniployod on the most important lines between these several parts are exhibited in the following Table: — l)i>tilIlCC liClUt.II ill. \'i. 1,,.: ..1 W. :,■:.: ..! Rnils weijihinp from 13 to 2.j kilojr. Points of Snp|Mjrt. Oiiliiiurv tliuirs. Juilil Cluiirs. per metre (from 27 to 51 lbs. per yard) metre 90 (3 feet) from 7 f 8 i kilog. from 9 to 1 1 kilog. (from 15 to 18 (from 20 to 24 lbs.) lbs.) Rails weighing from 25 to 32 kilog. per metre (from 51 to 66 lbs. per yard) from metre i)0 frum 7 to 10 kilog. from 9 to 1 4 kilog. to 1 metre 12 (3 (from 15 to 22 (from 20 to 31 feet to 3 feet 9 lbs.) lbs.) inches) Rails weigliinpr from 32 to 37 kilog. per metre (from 66 to 76 lbs. per yard) aud upwards . . 1 metre 20 (4 feet) from 9i to 12 ki- from 12 to 16 ki- log. (from 21 to 26 log. (from 26 to lbs.) 35 U.S. ) The weight of the rails, which is regulated by their different heights and dimensions, will be found in the Plates. (Seethe explanations of the Plates.) Kails weighing less than 20 kilogrammes per metre (41 lbs. per yard,) are placed on supports at distances of 0'" 90 (3 feet) apart, and are too light for carrying the engines used at the present time on the great lines of railway ; these locomotives weigh from eight to sixteen tons, the lighter having four wheels and the iieavier six. We think that rails placed on supports, 0" 90, (3 feet apart,) should be equal to 25 kilogrammes per metre, 51 lbs. per yard, if heavy engines are intended to be constantly used. The engineers of the railway from Strasbourg to Ba.sle have adopted this weight. We have found a weight of 7 kilogrammes, (15 lbs.) which we have men- tioned as that of the ordinary chairs on the St. Stephens and Lyons Railway, too 64 little. The rails on this line being equal to 30 kilogrammes (61 lbs. per yard) in weight, and the supports being 0" 90 (3 feet) apart. We should prefer the chair used on the Strasbourg and Basle line, which weighs 8.50 kilogrammes, (18i lbs.) We adopt a chair weighing 9-20 kilogrammes, (20 lbs.) for rails of 30 kilo- grammes per metre (61 lbs. per yard,) as those on the Versailles Eailway, (left bank,) and on the Orleans line, the distance between the supports being 1'" 12, (3 feet, 8 inches.) The dimensions of some of the chairs on the Versailles line, (left bank) could be reduced without inconvenience, as, for Instance, the thickness of the sides of the shoulders, but it is not advisable to alter the height of the foot beneath the rail, although it may appear large, as this part of the chair is the most liable to break. When the rail weighs 37 kilogrammes per metre, (77 lbs. per yard,) the supports are placed 1™20 (3 feet, 11 inches) apart, and it has been even tried to increase the bearings to 1'" 50, (4 feet, 11 inches.) but practice has proved this distance to be too great. < A chair weighing 9i to 10 kilogrammes, (201 to 22 lbs.) appears too heavy for a rail of 36 to 37 kilogrammes per metre, (73 to 771bs. per yard.) (See the chair used on the line from Paris to Rouen.) In our remarks concerning the proportion between the weight of the rail and that of the chair, we have referred to parallel rails only. If the rail is Jish-beUied, the tendency of the chair to upset is a trifle dimi- nished, since the height of the rail at the point of support is diminished, tlierefore the chair may be formed lighter, but we must recollect that the undulating rail occasions inconveniences so far exceeding this slight advantage that its use is almost universally rejected. It has been already stated that on many of the railways recently constructed, the distance between the points of support has not been preserved uniform through- out the entire length of the line. The distances between the supports on the Rouen Railway are 1'" 12 (3 feet, 8 inches) at the joints, and 1'" 28 (4 feet, 2 inches) at the other parts. On those parts of the line from St. Stephens to Lyons where the rails have been relaid, the distances are 0" 80 (2 feet, 7 inches) at the joints, and 0™ 90 (3 feet) at the other parts. The distances are as follows on the Orleans Railway : — In the cuttings, and where the soil is good, the distances between the sleepers at the joint and those next to them are 1™ 0, (3 feet, 3 inches,) and between the ordinary sleepers, 1" 25, (4 feet, 2 inches.) Upon embankments, and in those cuttings where the soil is doubtful, the distances between the sleepers at the joint and those next to them is 0" T.") (2 feet 5 inches), ami the distance between tlic other sleepers is I"' (3 feet 3 inciies). The wrought-iron rails are usually 4"' M) (14 feet 9 inches) long; those used on the Rouen line are 4"" 80 (13 feet 8 inches). The scantling necessary to be given to the sleepers has been described in u former i>urt of the work. The flat-footed champignon rail, or those used on the line from Hull to Selby (see IMate 3), also those laid down on the Croydon niilway, upon longitudinal beams, may be considered excellent models of rails, formed of wood and iron, after the manner of continuous bearings, for the recep- tion of locomotives. The longitudinal beams on the Croydon line are 30 centimetres by 1') cen- timetres square (12 inches by G inches.) The sleepers on which they are laid are placed at distances of 3"' at the leiu?t (9 feet 9 inches) to 4'" 50 ( 14 feet 9 inches) at the most from each other, and have a scantling of 20 to 30 centimetres by 10 centimetres (8 to 12 inches by 4 inches). Of the different patterns of bridge rails tried upon the Great Western Rail- way, and exhibited in Plate 3, the heaviest is the only one which appears to possess sufficient strength to support the powerful engines employed on this line. These rails, weighing 31 kilogrammes per metre (04 lbs. per yard) are fixed on longitudinal beams, which are 38 centimetres by 18 centimetres (l.'i inches by 7 inches); the sleepers are placed from 3™ to 4'" (9 feet 9 inches to 13 feet) apart. The Railway from Leyden to Haarlem is formed with a gauge of way equal to 2™ (6 feet GJ inches), which nearly equals that of the Great Western. Bridge rails, weighing 3U kilogrammes per metre (Gl lbs. per yard), are employed, the longitudinal beams being 38 centimetres by 20 centimetres (14 J inches by 8 inches); the transverse sleepers are 2'" 90 (9 feet G inches) long, and have u scantling of 28 centimetres by 15 centimetres (11 inches by G inches), and are set at distances of l™ (3 feet 3 inches) apart. On a railway, formed of the gauge of 1"' 50 (4 feet 11 inches) from centre to centre, and intended to support locomotives of the ordinary weight, as the line fnjiu Heidelberg to Carlsruhe, bridge rails, weighing 23'50 kilogrammes per metre ( 1-7 lbs. per yard), are found sufficient. The longitudinal beams having a scant- ling of 25 centimetres by 15 centimetres (9{ inches by 6 inches), and the trans- verse sleepers placed 1'" 50 (4 feet 11 inches) apart. Some of the bridge raiLs, shown in Plate 3, are not high enough. There have been experiments made to determine the theory of the strength K 66 of champignon rails, and the dimensions corresponding to their maximum strength. The third edition of the English Treatise on Railways, by Mr. Nicholas Wood, contains several Tables of the strength of cast and wrought iron rails, but we do not think they possess sufficient interest to introduce in this work, and therefore refer such of our readers who may desire to consult them to the Treatise itself. Professor Barlow has shown, by a deflectometer of his own invention, the effect produced by a weight passing in rapid motion over a wrought iron rail, and he has compared the same with the known effect produced by the same weight in a state of repose. He found that, with the chairs well fixed upon stone blocks or sound timber sleepers, the joints of the rails correct and true, and the roadway perfectly solid, that the rail, at the time of the maximum speed, showed a deflection to an extent very little exceeding that produced by the same load in a state of rest upon it, or equal to half the weight on two wheels ; but the motive force would sometimes produce a deflection of the rail equal to double the weight of the load, where there were any imperfections in the way. It follows, therefore, that until greater perfection is obtained in the con- struction of railways, we ought to lay down rails of double the strengtli required to resist the average force exerted upon them. Professor Barlow has calculated that 10 to 20 per cent, less than double would be sufiicient, that is to say, a strength equal to 7 tons would be quite suflficient for a locomotive of 12 tons, as the weight is at present distributed. And by using greater care for the future in the construction, which may be confidently expected at the present time, this amount may be still further reduced ; or rather by continuing the same strength of rails, engines of 14 to 16 tons* may be employed with perfect security. Professor Barlow applied this calculation to the simple T rail, and found the most advantageous dimensions for the bottom web. The size requisite for the mushroom head, which varies with the weight of the locomotives used on the line of railway, has been determined from practice. Thus it was found that the mushroom-head rails of 17 kilogrammes per metre (34 lbs. per yard) employed on the Liverpool and Manchester Eailway, were, after a short time, worn down by the engines. The rails laid down on the Dublin and Kingstown line, which were furnished with a larger head {champignon)^ although defective, did not so soon wear out. * See the different tables of the strength of wrought and cast iron rails, in the third edition of Wood's Treatise on Railways. 67 The simple parallel T rail of 25 kilogrammes per metre (51 lbs. per yard), and that of the (Jraiui Junction, may be numbered among those possessing the most suitable dimensions. The size of the champignon at the surface where the wheels run is 0"' 05G {'21 inches). Experience has also shown that the height of the rails ought not to exceed 0"' ll>5 (o inches). Taking practical results, and comparing them with deductions of calculation, Professor Barlow determined in favour of the simple T shaped rail, and pro- posed to give it the following dimensions, varying with the distance between the supports : — bflwri-ii ihr WiJUl of die points of 1 Mushroom. Wtioiir. Width of the Stem. Widlh of ihe W.. Mel. Ills. M.U Iii». Kilos. lbs. 0.90 (3 0) 0.056 (2.2) 0.012 (0.472) 0.024 (0.944) ' 0.025 (0.984) 0.114 (4.4) 25.00 (51) 1.14 (3 9) 0.056 (2.2) 0.015 fO.590) 0.037 (1.4) 1 0.025 (0.984) 0.115 (4.5) 28 90 (59) 1.22 (4 0) 0.056 (2.2) 0.020 (0.787) 0.037 (1.4) 0.025 (0.984) 0.118 (4.6) 30.00 (61) 1.52 (5 0) 0.056 (2.2) 0.043 (1.6) 0.043 (1.6) ! 0.028 (1.1) 0.126 (5) 33.10 (67) These dimensions are nearly similar to those now adopted on the principal railways, and represented in Plate 1, containing specimens of rails from diilerent railways. We perceive, on examining this plate, that the width of the sur- face on which the wheels run is not made less than 0"' 056 (2i inches), excepting on the Orleans Railway, and on the railway from St. Stephens to Lyons. The employment of the !•" 52 (4 feet 11 inches) bearing is entirely discon- tinued at the present time. The great lines of railway have been opened too short a period to determine the loss which the rails sustain by friction in a certain time, under given circum- stances. Mr. George Bidder concludes, from some experiments made by him, and by Mr. Dixon, on the Liverpool and Manchester Kailway, that the reduction of the rail by friction would be 0™ 00028 (o'n of an inch) annually, but he does not inform us of the amount of tonnage which pa.'^sed over the rails experimented K 2 68 upon, or weight of the engines, and many other circumstances which it is neces- sary to be made acquainted with. It is, however, remarkable that one of us, M. Polonceau, had the diminution in the height of the rails on the line from Mulhouse to Thaun measured after the railway had been opened three years and a half, and on which four trains passed daily, when it was found to amount to a millimetre ('03937 inch), which gives 0'" '00029 for the annual wear, or about ^ of an inch, and the same result which Mr. Bidder has stated. Notwithstanding the singular coincidence of these results, we merely state them in order that they may serve for the basis of future calculations, and with- out attaching greater importance than is necessary. Some allusion to the Specifications for the manufacture of rails and chairs remains to be made. Perhaps the best plan will be for us to commence with a description of the processes of manufacture, which we have extracted literally from the " Treatise on the Manufacture of Iron," by Messrs. Eugene Flachat, A. Barrault, and Jules Petiet. Sect. II. — On the Manufacture of Railf^. " The manufacture of rails employed in the construction of railways is an important branch of the business of iron-foundries at the present time, as it affords the manufacturers a ready means of employing all their iron of middling quality." " All kinds of iron may be used for rails, provided it can be easily welded. That which possesses the greatest stiffness and durability is, however, the most esteemed. These qualities are found united in a high degree in the greater part of the pudlings made from coke castings, which alone are used, those arising from charcoal being too expensive, and since the latter find a better market when manufactui'ed into iron for the purposes of trade. " The manufacture of the difierent kinds of rails differs merely in the shape of the gates or grooves belonging to the cylinders, the general process in the operation remains the same in all cases. " The forges appropriated solely for the manufacture of rails are rather larger than those used for general purposes, and should contain 600 to 700 kilo- grammes (1323 to 1543 lbs.) of iron distributed in 3 or 5 bundles according to the weight of the rails in course of formation. The furnace is capable of burning 150 to 180 kilogrammes (330 to 396 lbs.) of coke per hour, and each furnace gives on an average 16 meltings in 24 hours, which produces 6 to 8 tons of G9 perfect iron. It is necessary to have 5 or 6 furnaces in operation to employ a set of rollers advantageously, and which rerpiire a good engine to work tlieni. ■' Hammers are not used in France in the mainifuctiire of rails, but they are employed in some English foundries to weld the l)undles t^igether before they are passed under the cylinders. Thus, when taken from the furnace, the iron is first placed under the hammer, and receives a volley of IT) to 20 blows, it is then sub- jected again for a few minutes to the fire, and afterwards taken to the rollers. " This method is verv advantageous, and should have the eil'ect of diminishing the number of bad rails by securing the proper welding of all the several pieces, forming the packets together." A hammer of 3 or 4 tons striking 80 blows ])er minute is the usual apparatus employed in this operation, but the tilt-hum inrr produces still better results. All rails, even the strongest, may be made in a series of cylinders of 0" 35(14 inches) diameter, and 1"' 00 (3 feet 3 inches) broad, but the use of cylinders of 0'" 45 to 0"' 50 (1 foot oa inches to 1 foot, 10 inches) in diameter, carrying a breadth of 1°' 20 to 1" 40 (3 feet 11 inches to 4 feet 7 inches) and making 55 to 65 revolutions a minute, is very properly preferred. " A set of cylinders answering this description would require an engine of from 60 to 80 horse power. '* The formation of a rail is generally etfectcd by two gates or grooves, the first comprising the cylinders which shape the rail, and the second, those which finish it. Both are adapted to the same form of rail, and almost always require to be renewed when the manufacture is altered. " The bundles adopted for large rails should always be formed of large dimen- sions. It is as well, in order to avoid overstraining the preparing cylinders, to form their gates (which should be at least live in number) in the shape of right angles, with their upper and lower faces parallel to the axes of the cylinders. The bundles are subjected successively to the action of the rollers, flatways and edge- ways, and the bars composing them thus brought in good condition on every side (X)r welding together. The preparing cylinders at Decazeville (see Plate 6) serve, at the same time, to prepare round iron of different dimensions; the cylinders have one series of lozenge-shaped channels, and two rectangular ones. The bars for the rails are first welded together by being pas.sed four times through the first and second, and once afterwards through each of the following channels, which are lozenge-shaped. (See Plate 6.) *' Hails of small section may be formed in the ogee, or the square channels or diagonal preparing cylinders, like ordinary bars of iron; but when there are a 70 great many of the same shape to make, it is better to employ cylinders formed on purpose, because they always have the effect of facilitating and accelerating the operation." " The finishing cylinders are formed with six grooves, whose shape assimilates by degrees to that of the rail which they are employed in making." " The simple and double T rails, and those which are bridge-shaped, as the American rails, are always passed through flat, so that the width of the groove coincides with the height of the rail." " As it is necessary for the facility of working that the iron should spread about 0™ 001 to 0™ 0015 (to to A of an inch), in passing through each of the grooves, it is therefore evident that each piece, when it enters the first groove of the finishing cylinder, should have a width equal to the height of the rail, minus 0™ 001 to 0'" 0015 (A to A of an inch), multiplied by the number of the grooves it has to pass through before it is finished, amounting to about 0'" '005 (i^S).*" " The depth is necessarily equal to the width, when the drawing cylinder is composed of lozenges only, or square grooves, placed diagonally, but when they are formed with faces parallel to the axis of the rail, they are disposed in such a manner as to give the bar a rectangular shape when it enters the first groove of the finishing cylinders, and the labour of the latter is diminished without increasing that of the preparing cylinders, provided proper precautions have been taken to give the packets of iron a rectangular shape." " Upon a rail being passed through the finishing rollers, the first grooves perform all the drawing out. There should not be more than a small difference between the sections of the two last, since the metal becomes consideraljly cooled by the time it is passed through them, which renders it liable to rent on the sur- face, which would cause the rail to be rejected, independent of the excessive force that would be required in the engine. " The pieces of iron pass through the preparing rollers twice, flatways and edgeways, through the first and second grooves, and twice in each of the others. The finishing rollers have five grooves, the iron being passed once through the first four, and twice through the last, which is called the finisher, care being taken to give it a semi-revolution after the first passage. " The packets should be passed through the first grooves as quickly as pos- * In manufacturing rails with engines of small power, the grooves are often considerably in- creased in size, which renders the grain of the iron very open, by which the layers welded together frequently separate after a time, and cause the destruction of the rails. 71 siblc, in onler tliat the inm iniiv be weltled lugetlier wliile it retiiuins hot. A moving stage, proviiletl with a hammer, is tbnnJ very mlvuntugeuus in I'acilituting this operation, Ity wliicli tiie end of the bar is heavily liammered, npun Iteing placed on the table of the preparing cylinder. "When the npper and lower faces of the mil are .straight, or convex and perpendicular to the axis, the grooves can be formed .symmetrical in both cylinders, but they must be arranged so tiiat each of them shall eiVace the small edge wliich would otherwise be left at the joint throughout the entire length of the bar where the two cylinders are in contact. (Sec Finishing Cylinders used at Terrenoire, Plate l>. ) But when the face of the rail is inclined or on one side, it is generally better that the groove should be formed entirely in the lower cylinder, by which the faces are rendered much superior, and the rail has less tendency to spring when it comes out; which advantages fully compensate fur the .slight inconvenience resulting from the ditlerence in speed of tlie rolling at the circumference of the two cylinders. (See the Finishing Cylinders u.sed at Decazeville, Plate G.) ••The rolling of rails rcijuires a great number of workmen; those usually employed comprise the chief ivUer, the drawer^ the two receivers, and the tiro li/tt'rs, and three or four more labourers are necessary to assist in presenting the pieces at the grooves and to lift them away from the top of the male cylinder after their pixssage through. " Fish-bellied rails are first formed straight by the preceding methods. They are next passed through a vertical groove, of which the upper part is concentric with a male cylinder, while the lower is eccentric in its relation to a female one, whose diameter is such, that each turn renders the lower edge of the rail curved and of the form required. '• The guard iron of this groove is moveable round an axis, so that its extremity always fits exactly upon the larger cylinder. " When the rails have a lateral groove, such as the rail employed on the Birmingham and Derby Junction, (see Plate 2,) it is finished in the horizontal grooves, whose width is ecpial to the highest part of the rail in its convex portion. " The manufacture of bridge-rails is not more dillicult than that of solid ones; it is only necessary to arrange the cylinders so that the iron shall be rolled equally in all directions. If the rail was formed of the proper slmpe at once, with the interior faces pandlel, it must be evident that the cheeks would necessarily be much less compressed than the top and base, whereby the rail would conse(|uently be defective. Therefore, in order to avoid this inconvenience, the workmen com- 72 raence by giving tlie rail an open form, like that shown at Fig. 11, Plate 6; and the sides are drawn together during its last passage, when the foot is brought parallel to the surface which is intended to receive the wheels. " When the rail is passed through the finishing cylinders, it is placed on a cast-iron table {plaque a redresser), and dressed with the greatest accuracy to the shape required by means of wooden mallets. " The rails are cut by a niachine placed at the end of the dressing table, so that upon the last operation being finished, the end of the rail is cut before it has time to cool. " The cutting of the rails is generally performed while they are hot by circular saws. Both ends are frequently cut at the same time in England, the distance between the saws, which are placed parallel, being equal to the length of the rail when finished and cold, plus a quantity equal to the amount which it contracts during the period of cooling. The length of the rails, however, is not always rendered the same by this method, as they are not all cut at the same temperature. The French Railway Companies, perhaps, attach too great import- ance to an uniformity in length of the rails. They begin by cutting one end of the rail, when it is allowed to cool, and the extremity remaining to be cut is after- wards re-heated and cut to the length required. " The Railway Company should determine the method to be employed for this purpose, and it is important in all cases, unless a slanting joint is desired, that the end of the rail should be perfectly square, the proper accomplishment of which should be kept constantly in view in tlie arrangement of the saws with the rail. This apparatus is composed of two parts — one, which is fixed, consists of the sate ; the other is moveable, and forms the stage on which tlie rail is placed, and which is contrived so as to approach the edge intended to cut the rail by an arrange- ment that causes the axis of the saw and the rail to be always perfectly parallel. " The diameter of the saws varies in the different foundries from 0" 80 to 1"" 20 (2 foot 7 inches to 3 feet 1 1 inches). They are fixed in two cast-iron discs, and fixed at the extremity of a shaft which makes 800 to 1000 revolutions per minute. Large blades possess the advantage of not wearing out so soon as smaller ones, also of being able to be re-set more frequently ; but the latter are less expensive, and do not become so soon clogged, and are therefore often preferred. The teeth of the saws are turned back in some foundries, to allow of play and to render the operation easier. They endeavour to preserve their temper as long as })ossible by passing them through a trough full of fresh water during their revolution. The edges require great management notwithstanding these pre- 73 cautions. They ought to be changeil iintl inspected iifter every 24 hours' work to ensure of perfect i>erforumnce. It is necessary to liave at leiust three or four extra saws for each apparatus. " The static for the rail is ennhled to move in a hiteral direction and parallel to its length by slides carefully adjusted. This plan is followed at the works of Decazeville, but more especially at the English foundries. (See the representations of a double gaic for cuttituf both enils of the rails at the ndiue time, IMate 7.) Since, however, this apjjaratus is both expensive and dilficult to make, and but rarely answers the purpose, tliere is periiaps some reason for preferring the j^iivot support, of wliich we give a rough sketch in Plate 7. (See a nini/le .saw for cuttimj the end only of a rail at a time. ) The rail is generally placed flatways on the stage, but it is sometimes fixed edgeways to reduce the lateral run of the carriage, and secure a right angle at the joint." " When the rails are severed by a nitter, tliey are fixed at one end in a sort of vice, furnished with jaws, which embrace the rail horizontally, as shown in Plate 6. (See riee for cuttin<] the rail.s.) The severance is accomplished by a sort of axe, which is struck lieavily by a hammer. This method is generally employed to cut the second end after the first has been cut by the saw, but it would be better to employ the latter expedient for botli." " When the extremities of a rail are not both cut at the same time, it is necessary to re-heat the end remaining to be cut before cuunnencing tiie operation. The heating may be eflected in a forge fire, but a small reverberating furnace answers better, which should be furnished with four or five openings upon each face, corresponding exactly witli the form of the rail. The l)ars are laid partly in the furnace and partly on a cast-iron support, furnished witli a horizontal roller to facilitate their movements. Upon their being sufiioieiitly heated, tliey are removed and cut either with the saws or by the axe." " When the saws are set incorrectly, the ends of the bars are not taken off exactly perpendicularly to their axis, in which case it is necessary to employ the chisel and file to form them properly after they are cold. The same means are resorted to whenever any inequalities are left at the ends, which give the rails a bad appearance. This ojieratiun is generally found indispensable, and is practised in all foundries." " Although the rails are dressed while hot on their leaving the rollers, upon a table formed of cast iron, where they are left to cool, still it is seldom that they do not require redressing upon their Incoming cold. This operation may be performed in different ways. The plan followed at Decazeville, and at many other foundries, L 74 is to place each bar on an anvil, furnished with grooves of the same shape as the rail, and by striking it with a heavy hammer the workmen form it to the shape required." (See anvil for redressing the rails, Plate 6.) " A horizontal lever screw is very successfully employed at Creuzot Iron Works for this purpose. (See the details of this machine, Plate 6.) It is worked by three men, and all parts of the rail presenting inflections successively undergo the action of the screw. About a dozen blows generally suffice to accomplish the purpose required. If the rail is not expected to caste during the cooling, the cast iron table on which it is placed on quitting the saw is formed plain ; but when the section of the rail presents greater density on one face than the other, as the Great Western Rail for example, the bar is placed on a table formed with a convex surface, corresponding to the form of the rail, and it is so arranged that the difference which it undergoes from the effects of contraction in cooling shall cause it to return to the figure required." " The workmen either employ a strong chisel to break the refuse rails into pieces upon their being required for other purposes, or a vertical lever provided with a fly-wheel, which is more economical : the rail is placed on two small cast- iron brackets sufficiently close, with the point where the rail is required to be broken, which is previously marked by a notch placed in the centre between them, the force of the screw is then applied to it, and the fracture eifected. The operation does not generally present any difficulties, since the iron constituting the rail is not sufficiently soft to bend rather than break. This apparatus is used at the iron works of Creuzot, where it answers very well. " The bundles or packets of iron, which are employed to make the rails, being too heavy to drag along the ground, from the furnace to the rollers, are therefore drawn along on small trucks formed of cast and wrought iron, and run on two wheels ; the bottom of the truck is a little higher than the table of the preparing cylinder, and is furnished with a cast iron hammer placed at its extremity, by means of which the workmen strike the end of the packet forcibly, and force it into the first gate or groove, which method greatly expedites the work. " The transport of the rail after being drawn out is effected by a four wheeled truck, the bottom being formed of plate iron. " We have now described the principal apparatus employed in the manufac- ture of rails, and we may add that it is very expensive, and costs considerable sums in maintenance, so that the expenses connected with these works can only be repaid where the amount of manufacture is considerable. " The bundles of iron intended for the manufacture of rails are generally 75 composed of iron of two qualities, viz. : No. 1, iron which iscinployod for the inte- rior, and No. 2, for the external covering, since it is essential that tiie upper part of the rail, which forms the surface on which the wheels art; to run, should be us free from defects as passihle; thus for every 10(H) kilogrammes (2,205 lbs.) of rails manufactured tliore will be us follows : 1st, 1000 kilogrammes (2,20') lbs.) of rails suitable for reception on the line. 2nd, 100 „ ( 220 lbs.) ditto, liable to rejection. 3rd, 100 „ ( 220 lbs.) by loss in furnace. 4th, 125 „ ( 275 lbs.) of cut ends. Total weight 1325 kilogr. (2,920 lbs.) Thus the bundles intended to make rails, 4'" 50 (14 feet 9 inches) long, and weighing 30 kilogrammes per metre (GOJ lb. per yard,) weighing altogether 135 kilogrammes (297 lbs.), will require a weight of 135 kilogrammes (297 J lbs.) for the Rails. 17 „ (37 lbs.) for Cut ends. 13 „ ( 28^ lbs.) for loss in furnace. Total weight U!5 kilogrammes (363 lbs.) In making rails of 3(5 kilogrammes weiglit per metre (72] lbs. per yard), and 4" 80 (15 feet 8 inches) long, as those on the line from Paris to Kouen, and like the bundles shown in Fig. 6, Plate 6, we shall have 173 kilogrammes (38H lbs.) for the Rails. 21.70 „ ( 47? lbs.) for Cut ends. 17.30 „ ( 38 lbs.) for loss in furnace. Total weight 212.00 kilogr. (467 lbs.) The relative proportion between the weight of the iron forming the outside and that of the coarse iron, varies from ^ths to ^rd. Thus, in making up a packet of 165 kilogrammes (363 lbs.) in 6 or 7 lengths, there would be about 55 to 48 kilogrammes (121 to 105J lbs.) of No. 2 Iron. 110 to 117 „ (242 to 2575 lbs.) of No. 1, or Coarse Iron. Total 165 165 kilogrammes (363 363 lbs.) L 2 76 The length of the bundle would be about 1™ 000 (3 feet 3 inches) for Rails of 173 kilogrammes (381^ lbs.), and there would be 71 to 61 kilogrammes (156 to 134 lbs.) of No. 2 Iron. 141 to 151 „ (311 to 333 lbs.) of No. 1, or Coarse Iron. Total 212 212 kilogrammes (467 467 lbs.) And the bundle would be nearly 1'" 20 (3 feet 11 inches) in lengtli. " The greatest dimension given to bundles is a width of 0™ 162 (6 inches), with a thickness nearly equal. In order to ensure that the casings, carrying a width of 0™ 162 (6 inches), should cover the interior bars exactly, it is necessary that the latter should consist of bars of 0"' 108 and of 0" 054 (of 4 inches and of 2 inches) in width, and 0™ 18 (7 inches), and arranged as shown in the Figs. 1 and 3, Plate 6." " The bundles are sometimes composed, as represented in Fig. 5, Plate 6, for the purpose of giving a better quality to the edge of the champignon, in which case bundles of 165 kilogrammes (363 lbs.) are employed, as 80 kilogrammes (176 lbs.) of No. 2 Iron, and 85 „ (187 lbs.) of No. 1 Iron. Total 165 kilogrammes (363 lbs.) " The quality of the No. 1 iron, however, must be very inferior to require so large a proportion of the No. 2. " A bundle of this size is formed of three sorts of iron, at the Decazeville foundry, viz. : The centre of No. 1, weighing 85 kilogrammes (187 lbs.) The lateral pieces of No. 2, „ 25 „ ( 55 lbs.) The top and bottom casings of No. 3, ,, 55 „ (121 lbs.) Total 165 kilogrammes (363 lbs.) " They have endeavoured, in some foundries, to use up the ends cut oiF by the saws, in the composition of the bundles, in consequence of which the iron did not become properly welded. These fragments are now generally used for making the coverings, together with the coarse iron." " The casings being intended to form the surface for the wheels to run on, consequently require great care in their manufacture. The bundles employed in forming tliciu weigh as much ils those employed for the rails, ami may be composed of iron of tlie same dimensions; hut as it is in general diUicult to fmd bars of No. 1 iron 0™ 162 (G inches) wide, it is necessary to employ the fragments of the casings of No. 2 iron, or to make them expressly, unless No. 1 iron, 0™ 135 (5 inches) wide, is preferred to be used as the bundle. Fig. 2, Plate G." " In order to render the ends of the rails available in the composition of the bundles forming the casings, it is necessary to make pieces of No. I iron of such a shape as to till up the cavities at the sides of the rails, between the two project- ing flanges. (See Fig. 7, Plate G.) The packet is then composed in two ditVerent ways, either as shown at Fig. 2, by bringing in pieces of No. 2, 0" 1G2 (6 inches) wide ; or emi)loying bars, 0"' 135 (5 inches) wide, of No. 1 iron, if the former is impossible. It is evident that the first method is the best, but it is also the most expensive. " In the composition of these bundles, the casings are always of the same length throughout, but the interior bars may be composed of pieces of different lengths, placed end to end. The bundles employed in forming the rails, on the contrary, recjuire to be made with bars, all of the same length. " Fig. 8, Plate G, represents the mode of forming a packet intended to be made of small bars of No. 2 iron, which are employed in the bundle. Fig. 5. " The welding of the casings is made by a set of rollers of the same strength as tliose employed for the rails, and freiiuently in the same gates, but with the cylinders changed. Thus rails are made for a period of 18 days, at the works of Decazeville, and casings for the 8 following, and so on in succession. The set used at the Creuzot works consist of four gates, two of which serve for the rails, and the other two for the casings. " The number of bundles placed together in a furnace to re-heat depends on the size of the bottom, and on the dimensions of the pieces. It is not, in general, loaded with more than three packets when of 210 kilogrammes in weight (4G3 lbs.), four of 1G5 kilogrammes (3G3 lbs.), or five of 135 kilogrammes (297^ lbs.) "There are about fifteen or sixteen heats in twenty-four hours; thus a fur- nace will produce, on an average, 7 or 8 tons of finished rails in this period, with a consumption of G50 to 700 kilogrammes (1443 lbs. to 1543 lbs.) of coal per ton." The following notes complete the amount of information derived from Messrs. Flachat, Petiet, and Barrault : — A second furnace is made, in some foundries, next the principal one, where the bundles to l)e heated are commenced, by which the heat usually lost in the re- beating ovens, which is considerable, is turned to a useful account. 78 The use of the hammer, more especially the tilt hammer, to weld the packets, is doubtless very advantageous. We must, however, remark, that the perfection of the welding depends much less on the force of the compressing power than on the nature of the surfaces of the bodies to be united, and on their state of tempera- ture. It requires to be varied according to the different qualities of the iron; the furnace, therefore, requires more attention than the forge, in order to effect good welding. The iron employed at the works of Alais was found very diiEcult to weld, and it was not until after a number of trials that it was accomplished. Presses are often substituted for hammers, since they do not cost so much in setting up, require less motive power, and are not so apt to produce splitting. The hammers also create shocks which injure the machinery ; lastly, presses may be attended to by workmen at a less rate of wages than those employed in working the hammers. Presses, however, do not clear the iron so well as the latter. Messrs. Flachat, Petiet, and Barrault describe a new machine lately employed in England for hammering, which, according to their statements, appears prefer- able in many respects to both hammers and presses. We are not ourselves suffi- ciently acquainted with this machine to be able to speak of its merits. We have noticed it in order that the engineers of new lines of railway may study, and either recommend or give instructions to the manufacturers respecting it, provided they approve of it, since no means should be neglected to obtain perfectly welded rails. The rolling of the packets ought always to be commenced by passing them beneath the cylinders sideways, to bring the several pieces close together before they are compressed ; and they should be subjected to a very slight rolling only in a direction perpendicular to their length. The difficulties connected with handling a heavy bar in a red-hot state, and of placing it, when badly dressed, correctly in the seats in connexion with the saw, has led to the custom of cutting one end, directly the bar leaves the cylinders, to be almost universally rejected. The greatest precautions ought to be taken to prevent the extremities of the rails oxidating when they are re-heated, preparatory to subjecting them to the saw. As the air which penetrates between the rail and the sides of the opening contributes greatly to this oxidation, the joints should therefore be welded with the greatest care. The derangement of the teeth of the saw is principally attri- butable to its contact with this crust of oxide of iron. The saws are difficult to keep in proper adjustment and in good order for working. The axis of the siiw uiul that of tlu' rail are rart-ly parallel, iiotwith- stamliiig all the care of the setters; besides which, some of the jiarts ure apt to get twisted on one side. An adjusting screw is very useful for regulating the portion of the rail in the supports. During the operation of suwing, upon the end of the rail Wing half cut through, it becomes inclined, and its weight tends to tear away the jiart still remaining to In* cut. The tool also follows the line presenting the least resistance, by which the section is rendered oblim, being the por- tion most liable to wear and tear, ought therefore to be made the strongest, and the intermediate part of tlie rail, or that forming the stem in chamjtignon rails, may be of inferior quality; thus, all the champignon rails used in France are required to be as follows: — The champignon of No. 3 iron, and the stem of No. 2. The rails employed on some of the English railways are composed entirely of No. 3 iron.* The quantity of No. 3 iron to be used in the manufacture of rails should be determined by the minutes of specifications. This quantity and its divisions are dei>endent on the shape of the rail. It is generally made a third in double champignon rails. The bundles are then composed of No. 1 and No. 2 iron. No. 1 becoming No. 2, when the bundle is rolled, and No. 2 iron, No. 3. (See the preceding article on the manufacture of rails.) We stated at page 43, that rails have been manufactured in England, with the champignon composed of hammered iron, and the stem rolled, but we observed that they were not united properly together in the rolling. Some difficulty is even found in joining the No. 2, and No. 1 iron properly. Some English engineers have given a preference to rails composed entirely of No. 3 iron, on this account, notwithstanding their greater cost. 5th. The upper layer or casing of the bundle for the single T rail, and the upper and lower casings of those for the double T, ought always to be composed of one plate each as shown by the figures. (See Plate 6.) This condition not having been observed in the first rails manufactured in * The force of flection to which the rails are subjected being ciianged into one of traction at their luwer iwrtion, it would be prudent to require that simple T rails should have their bubes made of Nu. 3 iron. o 82 France, many of them consequently split longitudinally in a vertical plane, and separated the two pieces forming the surface on which the wheels run. All our great foundries possess cylinders at the present time, capable of forming these coverings of one piece. It is, however, necessary to specify their employment, lest from motives of economy, and in order to work in the waste pieces, the manufac- turers should form some part at least by the old method. 6th. The section of the rails at their ends should be exactly perpendicular to their axles. It is well known in laying down the rails that it is necessary to leave a certain space between the ends as an allowance for contraction and expan- sion. If the section of the rail is oblique to its axis, the rails may appear to be situated at a suitable distance apart, at the level of their upper surface, and yet be in contact below. The greater part of the rails delivered to us for the Versailles line (left bank), were cut at one extremity only properly, which arose from that being cut by the saw and the other by an axe. It is therefore necessary to describe that both ends of the rail shall be cut by the saw, or by some other efficient instrument. The manufacturer ought to guarantee the employment of the requisite machines. 7th. A proportion of i^ of the rails forming the supply ought to be of the same length to a millimetre ('039 of an inch), A may be received less, provided they are of a uniform length of 3" 75 (12 feet 3 inches) to 4" (13 feet). It is important that all the rails used upon the straight portions of the road should be of exactly the same length, in order that the points of support may be at uniform distances, and that no delay should arise, or embarrassment, in selecting the bars when workmen lay down the way, or when they require to replace a bar that may become damaged during the working of the line. It is necessary to cut some of the rails in order that the joints should be all normal along the curves. They are formed of various lengths accordingly. When the curves are of great radius, like those employed on the French lines of rail- way where great speed is employed, the point to be cut off is very trifling. The operation ought to be performed in the workshops of the company. They dispose them also as we shall hereafter explain, so that the number of rails to be shortened is inconsiderable. If 2*0 of the quantity of rails are received of less than the standard length, provided they are free from defects, excepting at their extremities, it gives the manufacturer an opportunity of getting such rails off his hands. These rails may be generally employed at the siding places, the workshops, &c. 8th. The rails should not present any kind of defect, such as cracks, dents. 83 or other flaws. These imperfect ions miiy \)o sonu'tiines pnsscvl over when sitimted in the stems, but if they are found in tlie nmshrooni, the rails oujrht not to Ik? retvivcil. 9th. The rail should Ik- redressed, ut the exj)ense of tiie manufacturer, wlien- evernecessary. We liad all the rails for the Versailles Railway (left bank) nuide at the Decazcville foundry, and all those which were badly dressed at the foundry, or damaged in the carriage, were redressed in our workshops. The exiK'iise of carriage to the workshops ought also to be borne by the manufacturer. It is liir- ther prudent to include in his contract the additional labour of conveying the rails directly to the spot where they are recjuired to be used. loth. The quality of the iron employed for the rails nmy be tested by break- ing them, but as it would be expensive to break a large number of rails, a mode of trial by weight is preferred, in which they are reeing placed on supports at distances of 1'" 12 (3 feet 8 inches) apart. (See the Documents.) 11th. We may judge in some degree of the stillness and tenacity of the iron by means of testing, but use alone can determine its comparative hardness, and power of resisting exfoliation. It is therefore necessary that the manufacturer should warrant his goods for the space of (one year) from the time of their being brought into use : the extent of this warranty being always fLxed beforehand. ll'th. The Company ought to reserve the right of placing their own agent in the foundry, to overlook the manufacture. The interests of the Comjiany require that it should be represented at the foundries during the course of manufacture, since the rejection of a large quantity of the supply would cause an incalculable loss of time, as well as money, as we have l)efore remarked. It is therefore prudent to take steps to preclude the pos- sibility of being forced into this course. u 2 84 The Minutes of Specification ought moreover to stipulate — The time of delivery, and the place where it is to be made. The periods of payment. A fine should be imposed on the manufacturer, if he does not make the delivery at the time and place specified, the extent of which fine ought to be in proportion to the loss sustained by the Company from the delay. Lastly. It is necessary to name the arbitrators, or rather one arbitrator, in the Minutes of Specifications, who should have an unequivocal right of decision in every dispute between the manufacturer and the Company, without being bound by forms or processes, and who ought to reside near the works. The price' paid for the rails on the St. Germains, and on the railway from Versailles to Orleans, some years since, was at the rate of 42 francs (£1 15s.) per 100 kilogrammes (220 lbs.), and delivered at Paris, which is equal to 35 francs (£1 9*\ 2rf.) at the foundry. The new rails on the St. Stephen's line were manufactured at the foundry of Terre-Noire at the rate of 36 francs, 75 cents, (£1 10^. Id.) per 100 kilogrammes, (220 lbs.) The manufacturers took the worn out rails as well as the old rails, which they replaced at the price of 24 francs. (£1.) The price of rails has since fallen, the supplying of rails for the lines from Montpellier to Nismes has been let at the rate of 32 francs, (£1 6s. %d.) per 100 kilogrammes, (220 lbs.) taken at the foundry. The rails costless in Belgium, the price of 23 francs 90 cents, (19s lOrf.) was paid on the lines of the section from Aus to the Meuse. The iron used in France, for the manufacture of engines, costs one half as much again as that employed for rails. The inspector intrusted with the reception of the rails ought to feel satisfied that the work will be executed by the time fixed; he should preside over the manufacture to see that the several clauses in the specifications are carried out. He should direct his attention to the management of the upper furnaces, examine their conditions, anticipate the chances of any obstacles and impediments occurring, and take care that the number of puddling furnaces, and those used to heat the rail a second time, are sufiicient for an average monthly produce, and in regular working condition. He should see that the bundles of iron are composed of Nos. 1 and 2 iron in the requisite proportions, and provide precautions, so that during the night, or any other time when he is obliged to be absent, the proportions should remain the same. He should never allow the top and bottom casings to be made otherwise than with one plate only, of the whole width of the bundle. 85 He should examine and see timt tlic welding is perfect, especially ut the ends of the rails, and should make it his business to detect any holes and flaws tliut may be sometimes concealed by iron or lead filings, and soldering, which may be hidden by a coat of red oxide of iron. He should satisfy himself that the rails are of the requisite length, and that they are cut jKjrfectly stjuare at their ends. IK' should also devote the greatest attention to the shape of the rails, and see that they are of the retjuisite form throughout. The surface of tlie rails aa which the wheels run is freciuently irregular, which ought not to be tolerated, since it prevents their receiving tlie requisite inclination on being laid. The inspector should direct the rails to be piled up in regular figures, in order that they may be counted quickly, to facilitate their removal, and to prevent their being changed at the time of removal. He ought, lastly, to send a monthly report to the chief engineer, stating, — 1st. The number of rails manufactured ; 2nd. That of the rails to be received ; 3rd. An approximate calculation of the quantity which will be made during the following month. The transmission of these documents is a guarantee to the central adminis- tration of the vigilance of their agent. B. — ^finut^'s of Specificatiom for the Manufacture of Chairs. The chairs, like the rails, should be exact copies of the original model, the first chair cast ought to be sent to the engineer of the railway and the manufacturer should not be allowed to proceed until he obtains a '\vritten approval. Kesju'cting tlie reception of the chairs — it is especially important, that the rail should lodge properly between the cheeks of the cliuir, and be in perfect con- tact with the same, and of the bottom upon which it rests ; that the base of the chair, or the part intended to rest on the block, or sleeper, should be perfectly plain; that the holes which are to receive the pins should be of the given dimen- sions, and formed perfectly vertical. We were obliged to reject a great number of chairs on the Versailles line (left bank), on account of the holes being either too small or formed obIi(iuely, and the surface of the base uneven. The cast iron for the chairs ought to be of a grey colour, free from flaws, air holes, or other defects of the same kind. Tiie grain ought to be neither too close, too open, nor too fine, or dense. 86 The French government, like that of the Belgian, have accepted of cast chairs for the government lines, of the first melting as well as those of the second. The upper furnaces which produce cast iron of the first melting, being subject to variation during their progress of working, the castings made therefrom are therefore sometimes of diiferent qiialities. It is consequently difficult to obtain chairs of a uniform quality, and we must not forget that the fracture of one of bad quality, during the passing of a train, might occasion a serious accident. If, therefore, chairs of the first melting are intended to be made use of, it is most important that a careful agent should be appointed at the foundry, who should constantly watch the furnaces, and cause the run to be stopped, whenever the metal appears bad, or of middling quality. An active surveillance of this kind is unnecessary for castings of the second melting, but the difference in price being so great between the castings of the first and second meltings, we should not hesitate to prefer the first at the present time. Chairs are paid for by the kilogramme; the specification ought to fix the weight, which may vary within certain maxima and minima limits. When they are less than the minimum weight, they should be refused ; if, on the contrary, they exceed the maximum., the manufacturer should not be paid for the excess. (See Government Minutes of Specifications in the Documents.) It is very important that the manufacturer should be subjected to this condition, since it is easy to increase the price of the chair without much extending the given form. The addition of a small quantity to each of the chairs, although almost imperceptible, greatly afiects the total weight. The quality of the chairs is tested by breaking a certain number, taken at random from among the supply. Government has very properly given instructions for experiments to be made on the cast iron of which they are made, since there is reason to fear that they would otherwise be run with castings in hot air, and the iron, although of small tenacity, presents a satisfactory appearance when broken. The tenacity of the metal forming the chairs may also be tried by placing therein the end of a rail, and wedging up between the rail and the chair, by means of a machine, until the chair breaks : the amount of pressure exerted being capable of being ascertained. When a certain portion of the supply is decided to be of bad quality, one seventh, for instance, the engineer should have the power of refusing the whole supply, without being obliged to break a greater number of chairs, and the manu- facturer ought to be liable to a fine, to be previously determined, by way of damages. We were obliged to reject the entire supply on the line of the Versailles 87 (left bank), although wo had ordfrcii thcui to be iiiuilo after an approved ex- ample. The engineer of tlie line ought to require of the manufacturer a year's war- ranty for the chairs as well as for the rails; ho should also reserve a right of send- ing an agent of his own selection to overlook the process of their manufacture. The minutes of s{)ecitications for the chairs ought to contaiin the same rela- tive articles concerning payuK-nt, place of delivery, Sec, as that for the rails. The chiiirs of the second melting un the St. (lermains, the \ ersailles, and the Orleans Railways, were obtained principally from the foundry of Founhambault, and were paid for at the rate of from 30 to 31 francs (£1 5.v. to £1 8.s'.) jh-T 100 kilogrammes (•J20lbs.) The price of chairs at the last letting of the government contracts wa^i 23 francs (19*-. 2e tried when they are delivered, by strik- ing their heads, or subjecting them to any process directed, to detach the head of the pin from the shank. l>. — .\[iiiutej< of Specijications for Wooden WtJijes. It is highly important that all the wedges arc made from a good pattern, which should lie sufficiently thick and long to fasten the rails firmly in the chairs, and due Icflgth left to allow of their being driven up further when they get dry. A certain numW-r ought to be tried on their delivery, by driving them between the rail and the chair. They ought to Ix* made of dry wood, and as free as possible from knots and other defects. They should Ix; cut from wood of straight and compact grain. Wedges made of pithy wood, or of weak grained, shrink from the eflects of 88 drought, which renders it necessary to refasten them frequently. They also frequently split under the blows of the mallet, and last only a little time. It is important that the wedges should not be cut out by the saw, as it reduces their consistence and tears their fibres, so that they are liable to be grazed against the sides of the chairs during the operation of driving. The wood should therefore be split, but since this cannot be performed with sufficient uniformity for the process of planing, it is necessary that they should be first prepared. The plan of driving the wedges by a hammer into a steel mould, furnished with cutting sides, by which they acquire a shape somewhat resembling that finally required, is found to answer very well. The wedges are afterwards finished ofi" by the plane. Wedges manufactured after this method, are worth 150 to 175 francs, (£6 5s. to £7 5s. 10(7.) per thousand at Paris. Wedges, however, are more economi- cally manufactured by machinery. SUPPLEMENTARY NOTE ON BRIDGE RAILS. Bridge rails are sometimes placed on cast-iron plates at each end, in order that they may rest directly on the sleepers at these points, otherwise they are liable to get out of a level at their extremities, in consequence of the unequal resistance of the longitudinal sleepers. The shocks arising from this cause, inconvenience the passengers, as well as act prejudicially upon the materials. Although this arrangement allows of the rails being in perfect juxtaposition, yet it, nevertheless, presents serious inconvenience, which it is necessary to notice. The vibrations on the cast iron plates being violent, the pins become shaken, and play is by degrees produced in the timbers, until at length they cease to hold the rails. The wood is too much injured to admit of the bolts being re-driven, as the holes are increased in size from the motion of the bolts, and therefore do not close again. It is difficult to replace them, even in any way, as the sleepers are generally found to be unsound under the extremities of the rails, and incapable of affiardiug a hold to the pins. The same inconvenience arises in replacing a rail which may have sprung, or in removing one that is worn out or otherwise defective, since the shocks are not broken by wooden wedges (placed between the rail and the chair), which form an easy safeguard, with ordinary rails, against all the inconveniences enumerated. ( II A r rKK V. OF TlIK LAYING DOWN AND MAINTENANCE OT TIIK WAV The laying down of the way is one of the most important operations in thr instruction of n railway, and requires the greatest care. A road carelessly laid occasions considerable additional exi>ense. It renders the motion of the carriages disagreeable to the passengers, and may l>e the cause of most serious accident-^. We propose to jxiint out. in this cliapter, the m-ci'ssary jtnHautions that should l>e taken to execute the way with the ri'(|uisit<' j)erfoctie cut at the same time, without fittiiij: the cimirs, which is inap- plicable in the former case, by which a great saving would be realized. It is seldom that all the notches are regular, whatever plan may be pursued, from which serious variations arise in the inclinations of the rails. I'erhups it would be more advantageous to give a certain inclination to the base of the chair, and merely to fix it upon the surface of the sleeper, after the same was properly dressed. The shoeing is done either by the day, or by tusk.trork. Two skilful workmen can shoe from 40 to 50 sleepers in a day of 10 hours, who are paid at the rate of 1.') to 20 cents per sleeper; so that their day's work would amount to S francs. (8.S-. 4(/. each.) The rails intended for the permanent way should be re-dressed by the manu- facturer, whenever they are bent, whether delivered so or caused by being used upon the earthwork. This operation, which should always precede the shoeing and laying down, may be performed with the rails either heated t>r cold, by ham- mers. The rails are always heated previous to undergoing this process on the Versailles line (left bank); but the opposite plan is pursued on the Strasbourg and liasle Kaihvay, the rails being always cold when it is performed. A\'e think it as well to le-heat the rails when the weather is cohl. The llnrizoutal Srn-ir Lrnr represented in I'late (i, and before alluded to at page 74, is sometimes advan- tageously substituted for the hammer. The direction and height of the rails should always be correctly indicated by means of pickets placed along the centre of each line. These pickets ought to be placed closer upon the curves than in the straight portions. The surface of the heail of each picket ought to correspond witii the jfroposed level of the rails. The Workmen should level the ground before commencing these operations, and ram that part of the ballasting upon which the sleepei-s are intended to be laid. The latter being then placed on it, should be beaten down in the most careful manner, for since the soil is newly laid and hard, the sleepers consetiuently rebound at every blow of the rammer, by which the pins are liable to be jerked out of the chairs. The sleejMjrs being thus laid on the soil, and the rails fixed in the chairs, they are brought to the re^juisite level by packing the ballasting l>cneath them with the wooden mattocks shown in I'lates 8 and 9. In i)erforming this ojK-ration, also in that of ramming the balhisting under the sleepers previous to laying; it is necessary to manage so that the earth at each end N 2 92 of the sleepers, for a distance of 40 centimetres (1 foot, 4 inches), should be packed firmer than in the middle ; for if this precaution is neglected, the road will soon lose all its stability. The trains, in fact, press directly on the ends of the sleepers, but indirectly only upon the middle portions ; so that if the resistance is made equal throughout the entire length of the sleepers, the middle portions alone are soon compelled to sustain all the weight, as the soil settles from beneath the extremities; when the sleepers consequently bend at the passage of every wheel in the train, and shake the soil away at the ends, and only settle by throwing ofi" the ballasting, Avhich covers them, until the evil increases to such an extent, that the road soon loses all stability. The small level shown on the Plate last referred to, is employed in laying the way, and is used in the following manner : The men commence by sticking iron pickets into the ground before them, and in the direction of each line of rails, the projections at their lower extremities being made on a level with the pickets placed along the middle of the line, which we have already alluded to, that is to say, at the level of the surface of the rails. Two levels, A A, are placed on these projections, and fixed to the pickets in a vertical position. The levels are painted on each side, and in two colours, the lower part white, and the upper red or black. The workmen carry two other levels in their hands, painted one colour, the height of the one at C (see cut) being equal to that of the level A, from its foot to the top of the white part. The height of the other, B, is equal to that of C, with the height of the rail added to it. The laying down of the way is carried on by the foreman taking the level C, and placing it on the end of the last rail of the portion already laid ; he causes a joint sleeper to be laid at the distance of one rail, and regulates its height by the level B, which one of the workmen holds at the base of the chair; the lineal 93 distance is given by means of a cord. The intt rmcdiatc slceiicrs are utterwards laid down by a deal rule, whicii ouglit to be of tlie same letigtli and height as tiie rail; they then beat them down, drop the rails into the ciiairs, and drive in the wedges. Upon several rails Iwing thus laid, and temporarily wedgeil, they verify the direction of the line; and if the work does not appear sulHciently correct, they modify it, by forcintr the sleepers by levers, to tlie right or to the left of the centre line of tiie way, as may be necessary. They also regulate the height of the sleepers, and tiually adjust them by packing the ballasting beneath, by means of rammei-s and mattocks. The layers employed use a piece of plate iron, of a certain thickness, to measure the distance required to be left between the i-nds of the rails; this space ought tol)e 4 millimetres (0.157 inch) in winter, and '2 millimetres (U.7H inch) in summer. The rails being securely laid, the whole is finished i»y laying ballasting suffi- ciently thick to effectually cover the sleepers, and to allow of ramming in the middle of each line, and in the space between the two lines of way. This addi- tional coat of ballasting prevents the sleepers rotting by the alternate moisture and drought, and preserves sufficient humidity in the lower layer to nmintain proper consistence. The convex portions, which may appear superlluous, is soon used in the maintenance of the way. We cannot dwell too much on the advantages of ballasting the road properly, not only as a means of diminishing the expense of nmintenance, but of rendering accidents less frequent and serious. If the road is not pmperly ballasted along the curves, the sleepers are liable to get displaced laterally, which may have the effect of throwing the trains off" the rails, and the consequences are more serious when the ballasting is bad, since the latter forms the best medium of opposition whereby to airest the progress of the wheels. In the event of a locomotive or a carriage running off" the line, the bal- lasting stoj>s them gradually without causing any violent shocks, and consequently, risk of danger. If the layer of ballasting is not sufficiently thick, tlie wheels of an engine or wagon which may have run off' the rails, would soon be broken to pieces by the shocks arising from striking against the sleepers. In laying the rails along the curves, the outside rails of each line are elevated above the level of the inside ones, for the purpose of counteracting the centrifugal force. The additional height necessary to be given to the exterior rail above the 94 interior, depends on the radius of the curve, and the general velocity of the trains. Where the trains travel at high velocities, it should be about 2 centimetres (0.787 inch) for curves of 1200 to 1500 metres (1312 to 1640 yards) radius. It is prudent in laying rails upon an embankment, to keep the rail on the side next the slope a little higher than that next the centre line of the road, as the earth settles most on this direction, and unless this precaution is taken it would be frequently necessary to take up the way. In each of these cases that we have just referred to, in which the rails are required to be placed at diiferent heights, the lower rail should always be laid at the regulated level of the line. The laying down of the way upon the constructive works ouglit to be care- fully studied. It is especially necessary to interpose a layer of ballasting, of suit- able thickness, between the road and the masonry, in order to guard against the effects of vibration. It is equally requisite to place a layer of ballasting upon the bridges and timber viaducts. This dead weight affords stability to these descrip- tions of works, which is very necessary, and it facilitates the re-dressing of the road. If rails are placed on timber bridges, and laid directly on the boards, the line inevitably gets out of order by the play of the wood-work, and it is soon brought into a very bati state. The chairs and fastenings of the rails get out of their places, and the repairs are rendered very difficult. The laying of ballasting upon wood-work also possesses the advantage of pre- serving it from fire, to which it is liable from the occasional fall of inflammable particles from the engines, more especially during the dry summer season. They have replaced the rails upon some artificer's work on the railway from Strasbourg to Basle by square bars of iron, screwed to the longitudinal sleepers ; the pressure of the trains being consequently distributed over a very small surface, consequently crushes the wood beneath the rails, and since the latter is also exposed to alternate moisture and dryness, it soon loses its consistence, whereby the screws which the wheels pass over are rendered ricketty, when it becomes necessary to replace them with bolts. The employment of bridge-rails, according to Mr. Brunei's system, would be more advantageous in this case, as is done on the Kouen line. The laying of the way is performed either by the day or by task-work, in gangs, generally composed of eight men, viz. a foreman, and seven labourers. There is reason to fear that the work cannot be executed with the requisite care when performed by task-work, as mere labourers, who generally undertake it, can- 95 not be considered resjionsible. It is iuipussihle to guurd uguinst their negligence by making them pay the expense of altering the work. Tlie line also soon gets out of order, ej^pecially where laid on earthwork, from causes j>erfectly inYe may state that notwithstanding these great difficulties in the mode of executing the laying down of the line by t^iskwork, it is generally preferreil. It is important to subject the workmen to a rigid surveillance. The price varies with the localities; we have paid the foreman at the rate of 4 francs (3*'. 4(/. ) per day, and the labourers 3 francs (2.f. 6enetrate too much before the chairs, or present the least obstacle to being driven home when they become dry. That the trenails do not get detached when they ram the sleepers. That the ballasting is sufficient. The maintenance of the way of a railway should l>e kept in order by gangs of workmen, who recpiire to work together repeateefore they act eflicieutly. These gangs should each consist of a foreman and four men, taken exclu- sively from among the layers, who should trim and level the way, and jjerform all the repairs that are re<|uired. There should be guards placed at intervals along the line, who sliould act us the jHtlice of the road, and make examinations after the jmssage of each train whether any j)art of the road is injured or deranged. They should also fasten any wedges which by any means whatever may have got loosened. The numlier of road guards employed to watch the line varies according to the plan of the railway and the number of level crossings entrusted to their sur- veillance. IJespecting the numl>er of workmen re(|uisite on lines of railway. The nuniUr should be considerable, especially at the first opening of the line, if the 98 earthwork is subject to much movement. They may be reduced, after a certain period of time, to one or two layers for every kilometre (1094 yards), where the works have been executed with the requisite care, and the road is well ballasted. The road of a railway ought not to be neglected for an instant, as the least damage causes the greatest injury to the material, and soon increases if not imme- diately remedied. The road ought to be repaired, especially before the season of the greatest drought, and previous to the setting in of the frost. If the ballasting is removed from the road during the dry season for the pur- pose of repairs, the small degree of humidity left in the lower layer is lost, and it accordingly loses its cohesion, and runs away beneath the sleepers. The earth along the road becomes so indurated tliat repairs are impossible to be made dur- ing the prevalence of frost, and the shocks which the material receives are more injurious in severe frosts than at any other time, if tlie way is not well dressed. In cases where the frost is not sufficiently hard to suspend all operations, so that the workmen are induced to pack ballasting under the sleepers, and it becomes frozen during the process, then the way does not remain in a sound state after the period of the thaw. Earthworks settle unequally, and it is most important that they should be continually examined, to be sure that the proper difference of height between the rails of the outside and inside curves is maintained. It Avould be highly dan- gerous if the rail forming the outside curve become reduced to a less height than the inside one, (instead of greater,) from the effect of settlements. As the sleepers require to be frequently taken up for a few years following the opening of a railway, we must not, therefore, omit to distribute sufficient quantities of ballasting at various points on the line. It is also necessary to have spare rails and sleepers distributed along the way, which should be kept locked up wherever possible, not so much for the sake of security as to prevent their getting into the hands of evil disposed persons, who might employ them for malig- nant purposes. Sleepers with chairs attached to them have been found placed intentionally across the rails, both on the Versailles line (left bank) and on the railway from Strasbourg to Basle, the moment after the switchmen had turned the rails, and when a fresh train was on the point of passing. We may remark, that no special law exists in France for the prevention of these crimes, by which the lives of the public are exposed to serious dangers. This class of offences is more frequent than might be supposed, as the punish- ment to offenders is very trifling. Now that the means of preventing accidents on 99 railways appears to cngairo the attention of government, it is to be Imped tliat this umissioii will be soon supplied. We shall terminate these remarks on the niaiutenunce of the way, by point- ing out a precaution which should be observed when the way is taken uji, which, although it may appear trifling, is, however, of pnictical importance. The workmen have a practice, when they take up the way for the purpose of repairs, of only turniiiir u]i the portion of ballasting next the sleeper to be re- moved, the rest of the ballasting remaining uiunovi'd. The latter is, therefore, denser than that wliiih has been repaired, whereby the rain filters under the sleeper, and consecjuently deprives it of its stability. It is therefore necessary, when a sleeper is removed, to instruct the workmen not only to move the portion of ballasting at the two sides, but also that situated along the middle of the line. 02 CHAPTER VI. OF CHANGING PLACES— TURN-TABLES— SLIDE-RAILS FOR CHANG- ING THE LINE— LEVEL CROSSINGS AND FENCINGS. Sect. I. — Changing Places. The changing places upon a line of railway are composed of two distinct parts : — 1st, The switches, or moveable portions, which are placed at the points of junction of the two lines, and intended, by their movement, to direct the trains to either one branch or the other. 2nd, The crosftings, which are situated at the spots where one set of rails is intersected by another and cut through, in order to allow of a passage for the flanges of the wheels. This portion is generally fixed in its position, but is, how- ever, sometimes constructed so as to be moveable. The different systems employed for changing the way may be reduced to three distinct classes, which are determined by the manner in which the switches operate : — 1st, When the line of way is broken, and the switches are formed by the portions of the road displaced, as shown by the plan connected with the section C — D, Plate 20, (employed on the St. Germains Railway.) 2nd, Those in which all the several parts of the way are fixed, the switches serving as guard-rails to direct the trains, which are called check-rails. See Plate 16, (employed on the Versailles Railway, left bank.) 3rd, When the changing places are contrived so that the engines and wagons pass along one moveable rail only, as shown at Plate 11 (Mr. Stephenson's switch rails), or like the changing places employed for temporary works. The changing places of the first kind, in which the switches consist of the portions which become displaced , permit of the passage of the trains with less abruptness, and present the least resistance of any, more especially if the switch rails are made of great length. Great danger, however, arises if the switch rails 101 are Inully set: a train passing along it in it-s courM' irum one of the branches to- wards the single line, is sure to get olV the line. Although such un lucident, if the velocity is not great, may only slightly injure the engine and train, yet it always causes interruptions to the traffic, and oltcu breaks the moving nxLs which connect the switch rails. The changing places furnished witli the check-rail are not so gentle as the others which we have already alluded to. The speed of the trains, therefore, should always be diminished when these are adopted. This system is much safer than the first, since the carriages are never liable to get otf the rails when pro- ceeding in either direction, provided, as we shall show hereafter, that the sjK'ed is always diminished, and the changing place judiciously placed. The train can do no more than pass on to a different line from that which it ought to have followed, or pass over the switches, which gives the engine and train a slight siiock, but is perfectly free of danger. We may add, that although these crossings effect a more sudden deviation than the others, they will afford an easy passage, when correctly laid out, and switches of sufficient length are employed. It has been proposed to use changing places with moveal)le rails (the 1st kind), on such portions of the line as are traversed at great velocity, and c/uck-niils (the :iinl kind) in connexion with the stations where the comumuica- tions are so much more frttjuent in each direction, whereby the switchmen may be rendered more liable to mistakes; but we are not advocates for this arrange- ment. It is especially necessary to endeavour, in tiie construction of railways, to reduce the causes of accidents. It forms one of the principal objects to which we have directed our attention, and should never be lost sight of. Accidents are always injurious to the material, interrupt the traffic, and are the cause of greater ex|)enses than is generally supi)osed, independent of the loss of life which they may occasion. Taking these facts into consideration, we are therefore of opinion, tliat changing places with moveable raiis should only be used on lines which are tra- versed at great velocity, and in certain situations only, as we shall hereafter i>oiut out. They lose even the only advantage which they possess over changing places fonuetl with cheei-rail.i, or that of presenting a less sudden deviation, when the latter are placed in such a way that the trains passing in one direction cannot be exposed to take an obliciue course. Let us observe, finally, that when trains pass along an obliipie line by means 102 of a changing place, they ought always to go slowly, consequently the resistance encountered, although more perceptible in the changing place formed with check- rails, would never be very great. Changing places of the first kind have been advantageously adopted on the St. Germains Railway, at the point where this line branches into the Versailles (right bank), in order to enable the trains to pass along rapidly from one line to the other. The switch rails being made equal to 9 metres (29 feet, 6 inches) in length, the deviation in this case is rendered very gentle. There is still room for the introduction of some other contrivance, under similar circumstances, to answer the same end, without exposing the passengers to a like danger. Switch rails of the first kind are the only ones applicable where three or more distinct lines terminate in a single way. Several ways are often united in one by tliis method in Belgium. The plan has some advantages, which we shall allude to hereafter ; it should, however, be avoided as much as possible, especially on lines intended for the conveyance of passengers. Changing places of the third kind are the oldest in use. This plan had been abandoned on the permanent way, on account of the effect produced upon one of the switch rails, by the engines and wagons pressing laterally against it ; and from the rapidity of the motion in passing along from the oblique line, whereby the rails got curved and were rendered unfit for use. It has, however, been preferred recently to the check-rail on some important railways, as those of Rouen and Orleans, but greater strength is given to the switch of the oblique line, and it is supported for a long distance against the rail and sustained by brackets. This switch presents the greatest simplicity in its construction, and is not dangerous like those of the first kind, and alone possesses the property, when cor- rectly disposed, of being Avorked by the train itself; without the help of a switch- man in certain particular cases. (See the switch shown in Plate 11, and the descrip- tion. ) Notwithstanding the advantages which this kind of changing place appears to offer, it is still open to improvements. When the plan shown in Plate 11 is employed, with one moveable switch rail, the counterpoise causes the switch-rail to press against the rail of the leading line, so that the oblique line is constantly open. The trains always pass in one direction on a line formed with two lines of rails, and the changing places ought to be placed in such a manner, that the opening of the acute angle at ABC, 103 (See cut,) and formed by the intersection of the switch with the ruii, bhould bo opposed to, or point in the dirocticni, 1) S. The thinges of the wheels puss through the aii'rle A IJ C, forcing the switch asunder in tlie passage, and the counterpoise brings it back again into its original position immediately after the train has proceeded. But if any derangement of the apparatus should occur, or an obstacle arise at the side of the switch, either from accident or design, so as to prevent its free motion, the train would be likely to get otf the rails. It is, therefore, necessary, if the directors are unwilling to employ a man for the esjwcial purpose of working it, tliat the overseers should Ihj assured of it^ l>eing in i)roper working condition. Wo have also to remark that tlie engines do not constantly proceed in the same direction, or along the same line at the stations, like the trains; it therefore becomes indispensable to work the switch by the hand in passing in the opposite direction, or that of S — D to D — S. The stoker certainly might get off the tender and perform this operation. The point rail of the switch shown in Plate 11, alters its position much sooner than the switch rail, when the distance from the adjoining rail gets too great, by which the wheels fall upon the ballasting. In order to rectify this, the I>oint is replaced on tlie Orleans and Kouen Railways by a second moveable switch- rail, which resists better. It shoulders against the rail in use for the straight line, without leaving any gap between them. Tlie counterpoise in this case no longer keeps the oblique way open. The trains pass along tiie straiglit line without it being requisite for the wheels to displace tiie switches, and since they necessarily pass along one or the other switch, we fear that the action of the wheels, and their great weight, will soon twist and render them ricketty. The points of these switches may also become crooked, by which the engines ))roceeding in the direction S — D may lx» thrown out of the line. A changing place furnished with one switdi will keep the principal line open as well as another formed with two, but the working of tiie oblique way in that case can only be accomplislied by displacing the switch. We shall now terminate our exposition of the general advantages and disad- vantages of the different kinds of changing places, and will proceed to examiue in 104 detail some of those employed on the various railways, commencing with the sidings intended for temporary works. A system of switches and crossings, consisting of square bars of iron screwed on to wooden beams, as shown in Plate 42, is often employed in England for the execution of earthworks. The curves of this changing place, as drawn upon the Plate, are too short for the passage of engines or even wagons proceeding at great speed, and are only applicable on lines where the traffic is carried on exclu- sively by horses, and it would even then be as well to increase the curve of the guard-rails at the crossing, in order to derive the greatest advantage from them, and the piece of wood which is employed should be protected by a plate of iron placed upon its face. Other changing places are employed, as that shown in Plate 40, which was adopted on the St. Germains Pailway, and which we have ourselves employed on the line of the Versailles (left bank), as well as the preceding plan, but the last gave us the greatest satisfaction. The passage of the wagons is very gentle when they are properly laid out. They are also simple in construction and per- fectly solid. It, moreover, presents another advantage, which is not unimportant in this description of apparatus — viz., that each of the switch-rails and crossings are of such lengths that the rails of the principal way do not require to be cut in order to be laid down. This is accomplished by making the switch of the principal way, including tlie heel, equal in length to the rail of the way of deviation, jjIus the difference requisite to compensate for the obliquity; and lastly, to make the crossing of the same length as the switch of the principal way. The head of the switch in these changing places undergoes great wear and tear, and therefore ought to be securely fixed by very strong bolts. It is also unnecessary to make the point so sharp at the crossing as indicated in the Plate, and the guard rails should be curved, to bring them more readily to the fixed points. The best mode of constructing the crossing rails consists of composing them of two pieces of wood, separated by a vertical joint, and secured together by bolts. Lastly, it would be advantageous to reduce the length of the changing place by tracing the line of deviation with a double curve, by which it would be rendered more gentle, instead of carrying it in a straight line, as shown in the Plate. Changing places have been used on some lines on which the switches are fixed upon cast-iron plates, and the fixed parts raised upon the same. The cross- ings are formed of single pieces of cast-iron. (See Plate 41.) riinnpiri^' place* of tliis cliwriptioii nHiuin- to lininrh nil verv sikMimiIv. unless the |)liitfs iire tormeil nf vi-ry liirfrt* diiueiiMuiiiv, wiiirli wotilil rt'iidi-r the e.\j)eiise too gnat. Tliey sliuuld, tliert'foro, likf tliow first drMriUHl, l»c only fin- ployed in aises where the tructiuu is |H'rforuied by hors<*«. They nn- fnN|iiently used in tlie interior of mines. unendcnt of the switches, and since the whole of them are applicable with any arrangement of the former, we will treat of them, and also of the various con- trivances for working the switches separately. The switches employed in the changing jilaces, furnijlied with moveable rails [tJif jiiKt iiiid), were originally formeil of a single line of rails, or squnre bars of iron. (See Section C — I) and IMan, I'late 20); but it wa^soon found that this plan did not possess sufficient solidity to resist the lateral pressure of the trains passing into the oblique way, and that the heel-bolts which secured the switches were displaced liy the pressure of the wheels in passing over them. These defects were remedied by substituting double switch-rails instead of single one's, as represented in I'late 13. The ImjUs on which the switches turn are jdaced at the other end in this plan, next the two branch lines, and K-tween the double rails, forming each switch. The wheels are therefore no longer able to touch it. the liea fKtsscsses greiiter strength ; and as one of the two rails constituting each switch serves for the straight portion of the road, and the other for the oblique way, the latter is slightly curve/ Tum-Tables. There are two methods of turning or changing the direction of trains, or of the carriages separately on railways. The first consists in causing them to de- scribe a curve ; the second, which is only applicable to the carriages separately at the stations, consists of making a part of the line moveable, and placing the carriage or engine on this moveable portion, upon which it is turned to the angle required. The moveable part of the way in this case takes the name of turn-table, or turn-plate. The following apparatus, which is used for earthworks, is comprised under the head of turn- j^x ^i^ A- tables, and may be described as the simplest of all, being constructed of two sleepers, placed one upon the other, and united by a bolt, as shown in the cut. The upper sleeper carries two chairs, or one at each end, and two portions of rail are fastened in the same at about the middle. This kind of turn-table is not only employed for earthworks, but is ex- tremely useful at the early stages of a railway, when large quantities of ballasting require to be moved, for the maintenance of the way. The wagons, by the means we are about to explain, may be placed on the line during the evening, when work has to be performed at the night, and removed to the sheds, either by the side or outside of the railway station in the morning, without interrupting the way by crossings or fixed turn-tables, which are expensive, and may also occasion accidents. When this apparatus is employed for earthworks, the moveable rails form a part of the way. The upper sleeper is turned on its pivot, in order to change the direction, and a railway sleeper is then placed before each way, upon which the ends of the rails rest, by which the movement is facilitated. The moveable pieces are united by a bolt passing through them, which gives the requisite firm- ness to the plan. When this tui'n-table is employed to place the ballast-wagons 115 on the pormanont way, the lower sleeper is placed so that the rails of the turn- table shall be above those of the line, and the shed for receiving the wagons is placed at the same height as the rails on the turn-table. Wooden wedges are made use of to enable the wagon to pass on to the principal way or to take it off, which equalizes the difference of level. The operation is very easy, since the wagons are always empty when they are placed on the moveable rails. The wagons being convevod to the line or to the station, the upper sleeper, with its rails, is then raised, and there no longer exists any obstacle to the passage of the trains. A provisionary station is built on the line from Strasbourg to Basle, for the loading of coal, and the turn-tables are formed after this plan. The wagons weigh 2500 kilogrammes (5112 lbs.), and carry 4000 kilogrammes (8820 lbs.) of coal. Skilful workmen can turn wagons on these platforms with great facility, and as quickly as on the ordinary ones, and no accident has occurred during the many months that they have been used at that station. The platforms, or turn-tables, properly speaking, erected permanently on the way, are composed of three distinct parts. 1st. Th^ frame of the table, which supports the ends of the rails. 2nd. The pivot, on which the centre of the tabic is placed, and the rollers supporting the circumference. 3rd. The well-hole, or trench, below the table on which the pivot and rollers are placed. The frame of the turn-table is either of cast-iron or of wood. Those formed of wood cost less on their first establishment than the former, but they require more superintendence, and are not so easily worked. We think that there should be no hesitation in the adoption of cast-iron turn-tables on all lines of any im- portance, and they are decidedly to be preferred for locomotives, whatever the cost may be. One of us having used timber turn-tables, has discovered all their inconveniences. They are, however, still employed in the north of England, on the line from Vienna to Brun, and on many other railways. Turn-tables carry one set of rails only, or two arranged crossways : the first, when not properly placed, are liable to interrupt the traflic and prove dangerous. The construction of the pivots offer little variety ; we shall review the dif- ferent descriptions of pivots in describing the turn-table represented in the collection of Plates. The rollers are either fixed or moveable ; the fixed rollers turn on their axles. The moveable rollers revolve between two circular iron plates, the upper one Q2 116 being fixed in the frame-work of the table, and the other laid at the bottom of the trench. The friction with the fixed rollers consists of a sort oi grating upon the axis of the rollers, together with the rolling friction. The friction at the circum- ference is all that occurs in the motion of moveable rollers, whereby the latter are generally preferred at the present time. The moveable rollers are kept at uniform distances from the centre of the table by their axes, which are prolonged in the direction of the radii of the circle in which they revolve, and are then fixed in a collar, through which the pivot passes. Their axes are also united together by two circles of iron, which thereby preserve the proper distances. The rollers of the turn-tables employed in Eng- land are generally placed at the extreme circumference of the table, but the engineers of some of the railways in France have endeavoured to bring the rollers nearer the centre, for the purpose of reducing the expense, and to render the movements easier, which has had the efiect of diminishing the stability of the platform. It was found that the passage of the trains soon shook their founda- tions. The small saving effected by the use of these turn- tables does not appear to us to compensate for their defects, more especially where the rollers are very near the centre, for instance, as the original turnplate of the Orleans Railway. Turn-tables are never employed except at the extremities of the stations. The peripheries of the rollers are sometimes rounded, in order to avoid turning them, as well as the bands of iron upon which they roU. When the moveable rollers are formed with rounded peripheries, they require continual repair, and render the working very difficult, since they never preserve the posi- tion intended. This is not the case when they are fixed, the weight which they support preventing their getting displaced so easily. The foundation requisite for turn-tables is regulated by the nature of the ground; they should be built on piles (see Plate 30), or on circular walls of masonry (see Plate 33), if the soil is not firm, and whenever they occur on embankments. Timber foundations are more elastic than those constructed of stone, by which they ease the shocks which the platform is subject to receive when the engine is being passed on the turn-table ; but as they suffer from the action of the water falling from the locomotives during their passage, stone foundations are therefore preferred. It may be further remarked, that whatever kind of foundation is adopted, the construction of drains to lead off the water must not be neglected. The vertical lining of the well-hole should consist either of walls of cut stone, of cast-iron circles, or of walls formed with small stones, and crowned by wooden curb plates. The shocks arising from the passage of the engines, together with those produced by the stops or bolts, soon unsettle the masonry and the pins of the chairs. We were perfectly satisfied with the wooden curbs which we employed on the Versailles line (left bank), and consider them far preferable to any others. The turn-tables used on the St. Germains line are copied from those formerly employed in England. The rails are cast in one piece, with the framework, and, being too slight, they soon wear out, more especially those parts which form the passages for the flanges of the wheels. The shocks which they receive soon disorganize them, and upon these rails being worn out, the turn-plate becomes useless. We must condemn the fixed rollers equally with the last, and for the same reasons, the cast-iron covering being so liable to break, from the shocks of the engine getting ofi" the rails, or any other cause. The foundations being of cast- iron, also renders their expense very great in France, where this metal is still sold at a high price. The mode of constructing the turn-tables on the London and Birmingham Railway, represented by Plate 27, is more satisfactory. The rails, which are made of wrought-iron, are directly sustained by strong ties, and fixed firmly to the table by means of bolts. The grating, covering the framework, is made of cast-iron, also the foundations. The rollers are moveable in each of the models represented in the Plate, but they are made of the rounded form in the smaller turn-table, which we do not approve of. The frame of the table is suspended on the pivot by foui- bolts, as shown by the sections, and the weight which the pivot and rollers are required to support is regulated by the same. This arrangement is excellent, and has been adopted with almost all the turn-tables recently constructed; not only does it render the working easier, but also prevents their breaking when subjected to false ecjuilibrium at the time of the locomotives passing over. The turn-tables formerly employed upon the Versailles Railway (right and left banks), had their rollers placed much nearer the centres than the top, the defects of which mode of construction we have already exposed. The foundation of rollers thus constructed costs the same as those having their rollers arranged 118 around the circumference, and the saving effected in the whole apparatus is of very trifling importance. It is further impossible to continue this mode of construction when the turn- tables are disposed for a double way, since the iron rails, which are prolonged with a false support beyond the circle of the rollers, will not admit of being cut to allow of the passage of the flanges of the wheels without losing all their stability. It is also necessary to state another inconvenience attending the turn- tables we are speaking of, which consists in the difficulty that is found in fixing them firmly to the planks and bolts to keep them in their position. The pivot of these turn-tables appears deserving of imitation, being inverted, by which the water and ashes are prevented falling into the sockets. The weight of the platform is regulated the same as the preceding ones. We will remark, lastly, that the piece of cast-iron employed to fix the pivot to the stone at the foundation, is of a shape which renders the connexion difficult to accomplish, since it is not easy to introduce the solder required between the iron and the stone, so that the fastenings frequently get shaken, and require repairing. The circle on which the rollers run is cast in one piece, and fixed directly on blocks of cut stone, fastened by cramps to the body of the masonry. It is turned in the same manner as the upper one, which is fixed to the table and the rollers themselves. The rollers of the original turn-tables on the Orleans line were brought still nearer to the centres than those on the Versailles. The false bearings were so much extended that a simple fastening was not sufficient to sustain the pivot. It was therefore placed in a socket, which was formed in the shape of a disc of large diameter, upon which the rollers were fixed. The rails upon the turn-table were cast with the same, and the weight on the pivot was regulated by the key, which appears to us a more complicated plan than bolts placed within reach of the workmen. These turn-tables have been lately replaced by others, greatly resembling those with moveable rollers on the London and Birmingham Railway. The turn-tables on the Great Western Railway (see Plate 29) appear to maintain their proper positions. The great width of this road allows of the adoption of a very convenient mode of supporting the points of junction, and the space between each pair of rails. The ways are then well sustained, and the distribution of the metal is very regular. The pivot is cast in one piece with the foot-plate, and fixed to the masonry 119 by bolts, which mode of fastening is both strong and easily executed. The turu-tables are covered by strong oaken planks, upon which the rails are fixed. This disposition is, in our opinion, very serviceable, as it softens the shocks which the rails receive, both when the engines pass from the road to the platform, or in passing over the joints, and prevents reaction, which is injurious to the different parts of the table and fastenings. The cast-iron curbing of the masonry inclosing the top of the turn-table will, in our opinion, be soon shook out of i)hice, from the effects of the latchet stop connected with it. We should prefer the use of wood curbing. The iron does not appear to us judiciously distributed in the turn-table used on the Gard Railway, although copied from an English model; and the arms of the table are often subjected to fracture at their extremities nearest the centre. The cast-iron turn-tables of the Liverpool and Manchester Ivailway are much better distributed, but it was found necessary to diminish the relative size of the several parts, in order to avoid rendering them of too great weight, which reduced their strength, and was doubtless the cause of this model being aban- doned. The turn-table on the railway from Strasbourg to Basle (see Plate 35), like that of the Great Western, is covered with a flooring formed of planks, on which the rails are laid. The crown plate supporting the rollers is of wrought iron, tixed on a wooden frame. The rollers are generally rounded at their peripheries, but are not turned, nor the circles on which they roll, whereby the tables are rendered very difficult to work. The iron circles, possessing only a slight power of resistance, become curved, and the rollers, although sustained by very strong rods, frequently get disarranged. It has been found necessary, in some instances, to add a second circle to the turn-plates to keep them in order, but thb has not remedied the defects. The turn-table represented in the Plate (35), is intended for the locomotives. The turn-tables, which are placed in such situations upon the line that the trains pass across them, are only used for shifting wagons, and constructed about three metres (9 feet 9 inches) in diameter; are of the same form as the last, but have wood interposed between the rails and the iron plate. These turn-tables, being exposed to great strains, are frequently subjected to fracture. The curbs of the turn-tables on the line from Strasbourg to Basle, are formed both of stone and of wood. Those of wood are much the most serviceable, and are substituted in place of stone as fast as the latter gets worn out. The Plates 30 and 33 represent the foundations requisite for turn-tables in 120 particular cases. The Plate 33 gives the details of the foundation of a turn- table placed in the centre of a circular shed. A circular drain is left in the body of the masonry, which receives the water from the platform, and all the drains leading to it. The plan shows a portion of the drains, and the crossings of the different lines connected with the turn-table. The Plate 32 gives the details of a turn-table formed entirely of wood, and executed on the Versailles Railway (left bank), for the use of the wagons. The rollers are fixed to the upper part, and roll on an iron circle ; the movement of this table is very gentle, as it is well supported. The fastening of the upper por- tions of the wooden crown pieces is accomplished in such a manner that the pieces L, L', are dropped in from above, and form wedges, thereby serving to fix and strengthen all the fastenings together. The beams placed upon the rollers receive these pieces, and maintain them in their places. Timber turn-tables have been employed on the line from Newcastle to Car- lisle, not only for the carriages, but also for the engines. It is necessary in these cases that they should be carefully constructed, and very solid. It seldom hap- pens, when these large dimensions are adopted, that the water running from the engines does not injure them. Timber turn-tables have also been used in Austria, with moveable rollers; there is reason to believe that these are deficient in stability, being of compara- tively weak construction. Sect. III. — Slide Rails for changing the Line. Turn-tables are not the only means employed to shift carriages and engines from one line to another. Parallel slides are also used to accomplish the same, which carry a pair of rails, and run on a railway perpendicular to the parallel lines to which it is applied. The slide is placed over a kind of trench, pre- pared on purpose, by which the surface of the rails fixed on it is made of the same level as the ways of the railway. The carriage, or the engine required to be moved, is merely run out upon one of these slides, and taken where necessary. One slide will consequently serve for a great number of parallel ways abutting upon either side of the trench, and their cost is much less, both in the first expense and in the maintenance, than the turn- tables which they answer for. But since all the lines are interrupted by this plan, except that with which they are connected, it cannot be employed without some risk of danger ; turn-tables are therefore generally preferred, on the principal 121 lines of a railway. The turn-taliles. nuneovfr. may Ijl- iiiaik- tn admit ul' a passage in any direction, wliile the slides will only allow of a parallel movumcnt. The rails of the slide are sometimes fixed to a wooden frame, which rests by means of the grease-boxes upon the axles of the slide, as the slides used in the engine-house on the Strasbourg and B&sle Kailway, and in the workshops of the St. Germains. The trench in this case is not recjuired t« be so deep, or more than the height of tho axles, above the level of the rail line of the wheels, jilus that of the grease-boxes above the axles, and the thickness of the frame; but the trench, even then, being dug in the centre of the building, becomes a serious im- pediment to business. The depth of the trench is reduced on the Versailles Railway (left bank) to 20 centimetres (8 inches), (being the usual height of the step of a staircjise,) by suspending the frame from the axle instead of placing the same upon it. It is true, that the slide is only intended to shift wagons; it has, however, been applied to engines, and there is no reason why it should not be employed for housing them, by modifying some of the dimensions, without increasing the height much. It sometimes happens, at the period of lighting the fires of the locomotives in the engine-house, that an escape occurs in the steam-pipe or entrance, which causes the engines to move, if they are not scotched by wedges; they might other- wise fall into the trench. Wedges which cannot be either displaced or removed, are securely fixed on the borders of the trench, in order to prevent this kind of accident. See the Cuts. These wedges are also enii)loyed on inclined planes, to keep the trains at the top. If the carriages arrive by a line perpen- dicular to that of the sheds, or by lines in dif- ferent directions, the slide we have just described is replaced by one carrying a moveable turn- table. This apparatus being rather complicated, does not possess suflicient stability to be eni- ployed for the engines. It is only used for car- — riages, and some difiiculty is found in working it even with these light weights. oL I I 122 Sect. IV. — Level Crossings and Fencing. Those portions of a railway which are crossed by roads formed on the same level as the railway are called Level Crossings. The permanent fencing employed in France and England, to inclose the railways, is generally replaced by gates wherever a road crosses, and either the guard or another man is specially appointed to attend the same. The lines being seldom inclosed in Belgium, these gates are unnecessary. Guards are only occa- sionally employed on a few of the most frequented roads ; it therefore becomes the duty of the public who cross the line to take care that there are no trains in sight at the time. Serious accidents sometimes occur from defective fencing, or imperfections in the gates. A cow once strayed on the Birmingham line, and was the cause of the train being turned off the rails, when several of the passengers were killed or severely injured; and a similar accident occurred on the Liverpool and Manchester Rail- way. It appears, at first sight, dangerous for the public to pass over these crossings on the level often. We, however, think, that if the police regulations were less strict in France, and the authorities were not to insist upon these crossings being kept constantly closed, nor the public vexatiously restrained by emjyloyes, who are constantly induced to infringe their duties, and be deceived, less accidents would occur. We do not pretend to deny that these crossings on a level do not present some danger, especially when the roads are much' frequented and intersect the line of railway obliquely, when they cannot be seen at a distance by the engine- drivers. A carter crossing over one of these passages on the Versailles Railway (left bank), unobserved by the guards, at night, the road being very oblique, lost the proper track, and was within an ace of meeting a train coming from Ver- sailles at full speed. Another man, crossing the railway at a different point, in spite of the guard, at the time a train was expected, the engine-driver could scarcely arrest the train without a collision, as it was descending an incline. In short, we admit that the terrible catastrophe of the 8th of May is chiefly attri- butable to one of these level crossings. It is therefore necessary for the public safety to avoid these level crossings l'J3 as luuch as possible, especially on the curves, in cuttings at the bottom of in- clines, and on roads that cross the railway obliquely, or are much fre(iuented. Bridges may be substitutes'.) per annum. The cost of constructing bridges and gates varies within very confined limits. The formation of bridges and of gates often necessitates the construction of ai)proaches, which are very prejudicial in a flat country, or where the wagons travel heavily laden. The number of level crossings mav be reduced by uniting several communications together. When a road passes over the railway by means of two approaches in opposite directions, the waters which descend from each of these roads under the bridge are sometimes difficult to carry off. We must not forget to provide means of drainage. The construction of bridges is modified in various ways for the purpose of reducing the approaches on each side of the rails, and according to the height. We will merely remark, that it is possible for a railway to pass over by a bridge without inconvenience, like an ordinary road, by means of two opposite approaches; and if the gradient is slight, the engines can overcome it without much variation in their speed. The number of these level crossings is much increased when the country is flat or the expenses are considerable. Thus we find a great number on the Bel- gian lines and on those of Alsace. There are 229 of these crossings within a distance of 134 kilometres (83i miles), on the line from Strasbourg to Basle. One guard is found sufficient to attend to several crossings. Although the ground is very hilly, on the Versailles line (left bank), the number of these passages on the level was increased, in order to reduce the absolute capital : there are as many as 23 on a length of 17 kilometres (10? miles). There is but one on tlie line of the right bank, which is at the Park of St. Cloud. Guard-rails are always placed along these level crossings, generally on each side the rails, but sometimes on the inside only (see Plate 37.) These guard-rails are not laid down for the purpose of guiding the engines and preventing their getting off the rails, like those employed on changing places. When two are employed, they are always placed a little higher than the rails, so k2 Cl 124 that the carriages passing along the ordinary road, and requiring to cross the rails, pass over a kind of trough, at the bottom of which the rails are laid. The guard-rails on the level crossings also prevent pebbles or dung lodging on the rails. If guard-rails are only placed within, the carriages necessarily pass over the rails, and the former merely serve to protect the interior face of the rail, and to sustain the earth between the rails, in order to keep the passage free for the tianges of the wheels. Although two guard-rails are certainly more advantageous than one, yet the latter plan is adopted on many railways from motives of economy, and without any injurious effects. When crossings on the level are intended for the use of foot passengers only, guard-rails are dispensed with altogether. The space between an inner guard rail and the rail, depends on the thickness of the flanges of the wheels of the engines or carriages, and on their usual distance {more or less) from the centre of the road. This space is generally 0.05'" (2 inches), on the Versailles line (left bank). The iron guard-rails generally consist of the ends of rails, which are curved and fixed by chairs. (See Section of Single Guard-rail of Iron, Plate 37.) If the section of the way between the guard-rails was formed convex, the water and mud would run in between the rail and the guard-rail ; it is therefore generally made level. It is, however, impossible to prevent some dirt getting into these spaces. It should be constantly picked out and removed by the guards at the various barriers. This is more especially necessary in the winter, since the frost hardens it, whereby the engines may be thrown off the rails. The space between the inner guard-rails is filled with paving, pebbles, or planks. We recom- mend the adoption of the first, as it is the most durable, and does not require to be taken up when the sleepers are removed. It is necessary to extend the paving at the crossing beyond that which is requisite for the gates, in order that the carriages should not fall between the rails, in the event of the horses taking fright or getting off the road, where they would be difiicult to remove. We remember a crossing which was obstructed in this way by a wagon at the moment the train was in sight, from being too confined. The gates, or moveable inclosures, placed at the level crossings, are con- structed in various styles, as represented by Plate 37. That of the Versailles (left bank) is one of the most convenient for the passage. The gates are sustained by iron tie-bolts fastened to the upper extremities of strong posts, and the wooden frames forming the gates turn beneath the same. 125 The gates of the Loudon and Binuingham are not sustained by bolts ; there- fore those of large size bend under their weight, or from the efl'ects of people climbing upon them, and lose tlieir proper shape. The gates employed on many railways in Germany and Belgium arc composed of simple Im-'juus sliding between the posts, as the " sliding-gate (Geniian)." These barriers are also used on the lines in Alsace, but they do not keep off the foot passengers effectually, and cattle of small size are able to get under the beams. Tlie iron gates employed to inclose the line from Strasbourg to Basle, where crossed by high roads (route royale) and important county roads (ruute departe- mentale), are shown in the Plate. We think that simple wooden gates would have cost less, and have better suited tlie wooden paling inclosing the line. The arrangement of the government engineers, of placing double iron gates with a pillar between them, appears to us mure dangerous than useful. It is never necessarv for two carriages to pass over at the same time, and the pillar placed in the middle of the gate is very objectionable at night, as it forces the carriages to take an oblique direction, whereby they ai-e thrown off the road, as we have before shown. The gates connected with level crossings generally open towards the railway, and sometimes in the opposite direction. When the gates are opened towards the railway, they extend across the line, and carry a disc in front, generally painted red, which indicates to the engine- men at a distance that the railway is closed. Gates formed in this maimer possess the advantage of preventing pedestrians and cattle, or even drivers, from getting on the rails on each side of the crossing. The gates are generally closed at night across the railway, and the guards stationed at them open the railway every time a train re([uires to pass; in the event of this being neglected, the gates, being left extended across the railway, are destroyed by the engines at Avork during the night, which are either engaged upon the maintenance of the road, or employed for the purposes of trade. It may be stated, lastly, that gates cannot be used when the road cuts the railway at a very acute angle, as they would require to be made of such very large dimensions. All the railways in France, with the exception of the Saint Stephen's and Lyons, are fenced in upon each side of the line, which protects the works. These inclosures are sometimes dispensed with, at the foot of large embankments, and the bottom of extensive cuttings, whose slopes are protected by ditches instead. 126 It is, however, very advantageous, as it prevents accidents from the passers- by leaping over the ditches, and slipping down by accident into the cuttings. The fencing of many of the railways in the environs of Paris consists of simple trellis-work, formed of very slight laths of chestnut wood finished with points at their upper parts. A man cannot climb over this fence without breaking the laths, and it is found to protect the road very effectually, although only 1" 13 (3 feet, 8 inches high,) when the cost does not exceed 1 franc, 30 cents, the lineal metre (ll|f/. per yard.) (See the Documents.) Pine-wood laths have been used for fencing on the line from Strasbourg to Basle, which is represented on Plate 37. It is not so good as the former, but is preferred in places where chestnut timber is scarce, and the workmen do not understand working the latter. It costs the same price as hurdles. The fencing employed in England is much more simple and economical. It consists of rough wooden posts driven into the ground, in which two mortices are cut, which receive the ends of the rails. These wooden posts are five or six metres, (16 feet, 5 inches, or 19 feet, 8 inches) apart, and there is a flat stake, called a prick post between them, on which the horizontal rails are nailed. The ends of the piles are sometimes bound with iron hooping, fastened by two rails, as shown in the cut. Iron wire is often stretched be- tween the rails in the vicinity of towns and in pasture land, where animals of small size graze (see cut). Trellis work, formed of iron wire, galvanized, has been used in some parts of the Orleans line. When the line crosses large estates, the trellis is replaced by high palings at double the cost, or by walls. Hedges serve equally well for inclosures in the place of trellis work. Hedges are planted on a great number of railways within the original fencing, so that when the latter is worn out, it is replaced by the hedge, which requires less care and forms a better fence. DOCUMENTS, ESTIMATES OF COST, AND MINUTES OF SPECIFICATION. We have comprised under this title, Estimates and Specifications, together with observations on various subjects, wliich, although of great interest to practitioners, did not appear to require a place in tlie body of the work. The estimates of cost (prii' de revient) are not founded on theory alone, but are the results of practice, the perfect accuracy of which we have verified. ESTIMATE OF THE COST OF EARTHWORKS EXECUTED BY MEANS OF UAITAVAYS AND T.Y HOUSES, ALSO KY LOCOMOTIVES. We have already stated that we have not had an opportunity of studying the subject of forming earthwork by means of railways, and the employment of horses or of locomotives, with sufficient atfontion to warrant our attempting a description of the operation; but having executed some earthworks with wagons on the Ver- sailles liailway (left bank) with a rapidity almost unprecedented, and wliich may be classed among the most important which has occurred in the construction of railways, we think that a statement of the expenses of the work will not be unac- ceptable to our readers. The statement of prices, &c., exhibited in the following tables, is the work of Mons. Brabant, a very able and experienced superintendent of bridges and roads, and whose ability in the direction of these difficult works we cannot suffi- ciently commend. We will, however, precede the tables by an explanation of the mode of opera- tion adopted in the removal of the earth. The tables of prices calculated by Mons. Brabant are only applicable, strictly speaking, to works executed under precisely similar circumstances to those in which we were placed; but it is easy to modify them, so as to make the same data applicable where the problem may be changed. Of all the several railways now forming throughout Europe, none have re- 128 quired so great an amount of earthwork in their construction as that of the Versailles Railway (left bank). The cubic contents of the earth removed from the single cutting of Chxmart, crossing the hill which separates the valley of Clamart from the valley of Fleury, was 378,000 cubic metres (494,438 cubic yards), and upwards of three-fourths of this quantity required to be conveyed away from one extremity of the cutting — viz., that on the Paris side. The directors of the line having instructed the engineers to employ the most expeditious methods, without regard to expense, in order that the line might be made available for traffic with as little delay as possible, they adopted a plan in which economy was sacrificed to extreme rapidity of execution. Fig 1. Longitudinal Section of the Clamart Cutting. Fig. 2. Transverse Section of the Clamart Cutting. Fig. 1 represents a longitudinal section of the earth along the axis of the cutting of Clamart, and the embankments in connexion with the two extremities of the cutting. The earth to the left of the line A B was carried northwards, in a direction towards Paris, and that to the right, southwards towards Versailles. Of the 300,000 cubic metres (392,411 cubic yards) carried towards Paris, 120,000 129 cubic metres (156,964 cubic yards) were dci»ositeJ in the valley of Clumurt, for the embankment 1) E F; the remainder was used to form the ctubanknients at II 1, on the other side of the small cutting H F, called the I'anvres cuttiiuj, or was de- posited in the valley of Chimart, in order to increase tlic cmbanknicnt. The earth to the right of the line A li was carried to the embanknieiit on tlie Versailles side, between tlie extremity of the cutting of Clamart and the Fleury viaduct. The soil of the cutting was taken out in the following manner: — A small working cutting, or gullet, a longitudinal section of which is shown at K L A, Fig. 1, and a transverse section at DC, Fig. 2, was first opened on the northern extremity of the cutting, as far as the line A B, and large enough to contain a single way, and of various depths. The bottom of tliis gullet was formed at an uniform height of 7 metres (23 feet) above the intended level of the permanent cutting. It was formed with an inclination of 4 millimetres per metre (1 in 250) towards Paris, whicii was also intended for the inclination of the railway. This small cutting, or gullet, having been commenced at a great many points at the same time, the earth arising frt)m it was thrown up along the sides at A and B, Fig. 2. A pair of rails was next laid down upon the bottom, and earth wagons placed thereon, which were employed to carry away the earth of the mounds A and B, which could not be allowed to remain deposited on account of the great value of the land. As soou as a part of the earth from the mound B had been carried away, the masses F and G, on the side of the lirst gullet, were dug out, by which they were enabled to lay down a second line of rails, the earth forming the uuiss E and that of the mass II being at the same time broken up and taken away by the wagons. A portion of the earth of this mass was conveyed by barrows directly into the wagons ; another portion was conveyed to the edge only of the gullet, and thence cast into them by spades. The mass of earth marked I, was transmitted entirely by spades, — one portion immediately after being broken down, and the remainder after having been transported by barrows to the edge of the way. The remaining quantity of the lift forming this portion of the cutting having thus been excavated, the excavating of a second gullet, K L, was commenced, and from several points at once, as before, the greatest part of the earth being throivn up by casts of the spade upon the bank, and from thence transmitted to the wagons running along the railway in the upper gullet, or turned immediately into wagons run on a new line formed at the bottom of the gullet F G C D. The mass L was next overthrown, and loaded directly into the same wagons, 8 130 and a second working line laid down in the cutting K L, and at length the rails laid along the upper gullet were taken up, and the masses N and broken down and carried away by the wagons running on the lower gullet. The soil consisted of beds of marl and lime, which were capable of supporting themselves, for some time at least, under very inclined faces. If they had been otherwise, the sides of the gullets could not have preserved the forms stated. The earth was teamed or led along the temporary line laid for the upper gullet, by horses, and upon its arriving at the extremity of the same at K (see Fig. 1) was let down to the level of the top of the embankment by a self-acting plane {plan auto-moteur, see Plate 42), by which a loaded wagon, in descending, drew up an empty one. The earth of the lower gullet was led to the embankment, either by horses or by locomotives, according to the distance. The embankment was formed in two lifts, and the earth was let down to the level of the lower lift by means of two self-acting planes (plans auto-moteurs) projected at D N, and one of them corresponding to the line of the upper gullet, the other to that of the lower one. The earth of the upper gullet, forming a por-' tion of the lower bed of the embankment, was thus let down by two successive self-acting planes (plans auto-inotciirs), and that of the lower cutting by one only. The employment of locomotive engines for the conveyance of the earth of the lower cutting was not commenced until the plans auto-moteurs connected with the em- bankment were removed, and the upper bed nearly finished. The locomotives were employed more particularly in conveying the eai'th to embankments of small height on the other side of the Vanvres cutting. The line LKMDN, Fig. 1, represents the section of the temporary rails laid down for the conveyance of the earth cleared by the upper gullet, and carried on to the lower bed of the embankment. The line B D N is the section of the temporary rails used for clearing the lower gullet. The operation of discharging the wagons at the extremity of the embankment was accelerated and facilitated by the employment of two moveable machines (baleines). This ingenious apparatus, consisting of a kind of moveable scaffold, was in- vented by M. Clapeyron, engineer in chief of the Kailways of St. Germain and of Versailles (right bank). We have given illustrations of these machines in Plate 39 ; and their mode of application will be found by turning to the explanation of the Plate. A baleine was placed before each of the two lines of way abutting on the ex- 131 trcmity of tlie embankment. A part of the eiirtli was also discliarged over an auxiliary lateral line, by means of wagons tilting in the front, and others tilting at the side, but the latter were principally employed. The earth extracted from tlie other extremity of the cuttiufr, having to be carried a short distance only, was conveyed by means of carts and small wagons drawn by horses. Thus, in order to accomplish the object retjuired, and to execute the cutting as rapidly as possible — 1st. We multiplied the points of fdling or loading, by forming works for the removal of the earth on two stages, or lifts, at the same time, and contrived by costly but expeditious means to lengthen or extend tlie stations for loading. 2nd. We increased the rate of speed of the teaming as much as possible, partly l)y means of self-acting planes (pLui.'i auto-moteurs), and partly by the aid of locomotive engines, which were regulated according to the length of the lead and the inclination of the ways. The adoption of plaiis- auto-inotctirs also pos- sessed the advantage of being more economical than the employment of horses for working very steep inclines. 3rd. We multiplied the points of discharge as much as possible, and rendered this operation very rapid, by depositing a part of the earth in the Val-Clamart, and raising the embankment in two separate layers. If the embankment had been formed by a single lift, it would have been ne- cessary, upon accpiiring a certain height, to have given up the emi)loyment of the baleine.'^, although so useful in facilitating and accelerating the operation of tip- ping the wagons. The opening of the Clamart cutting was soon accomplished by the fortunate adoption of this plan. The quantity of earth excavated at one extremity during the summir months, and at the period of the greatest activity on the works, ex- ceeded 30,0U0 cubic metres per month (39,241 cubic yards). From 1300 to 1400 cubic metres (from 1700 to 1832 cubic yards) were excavated on some days. This cutting was not completely finished until two years and a half after the commencement of the works, owing to the execution of the southern extremity having been retarded by the time lost in purchasing the land, by the con- struction of the viaduct on which the embankment was to be supported, and more especially by the want of cajiital. The earthworks of the cutting of Clamart were costly, and although executed rapidly, the degree of despatch did not fully equal our expectations, for the follow- ing reasons ; 8 2 132 1. Great speed and great economy are found to be incompatible; one must be sacrificed to tlie other. Earth whicli might have been laid direct was handled about several times. The portion taken from the lower part of the gullet could not be conveyed into the wagons of the upper gullet by any other means than by several casts of the spade. The expense would have been reduced by placing a larger portion of this earth directly into the wagons of the lower gullet ; but it would have increased the time for the execution of the works. The expense would have been equally reduced by leading away a portion of the earth arising from that cutting at once, in the wagons of the upper gullet, more especially that por- tion next the bottom. 2. The laying down of rails along the upper gullet rendered it necessary to prepare the bottom suitable to receive tlie same, which operation presented more difficulties than usual, as the soil at that height was found to consist of a very irre- srular bed of calcareous-siliceous flints, which could not be worked without diffi- culty, either by tools or with gunpowder. The presence of this bed would have been the cause of a considerable increase of expense, even if it had not occurred at the bottom of the gullet. 3. The extra precautions arising from the necessity of throwing down the mass E to the right of the upper gullet, and of part of the masses F, G, H, and I, situated to the left, in order to prevent slips of earth upon tlie way, induced the superintendent to allow the contractor an increased price. The tlirowing down of one portion of the remaining masses could not be so readily done in large quantities. 4. The working of the wagons, and the substitution of the empty for the loaded wagons along the gullet, and by a single way, being attended with great difficulty, consequently occasioned a great loss of time to the workmen employed in loading, — for instance, when loading the earth of the mounds, they could not dig the soil whilst looking out for the wagons. When two lines were laid down, the execution became easier, although the loaded wagons could not then be re- placed by the empty ones so fast as could have been desired, and the operation required a great many changing places in the lines, the cost of pui'chasing which, and of laying down, was considerable. A part of the earth of the cutting H was carried direct to the wagons by barrows, but anotlier part was of necessity de- posited on the edge of the line, to wait for the empty wagons, which were then loaded with it by the spade. The whole of the earth of the cutting marked I, was conveyed by bari'ows along the line of the upper cutting. 5. Numerous accidents interrupted tlie works, which occjisioned otlier estra cxiH?nses to the couipany. Some of tliese accidents were coMtiii^'ent upon the imture of the works whicli hud heen undertaken, otliers pri>cwdi-d from u want ol experience in tlic workmen and tla-ir suptrintendents. The waj;on-drivers were unable to regulate the speed of the trains on the self-acting planes {plmtf auto- moteurs) at the commencement of the works, and frojuently ran otf the raiU into the changing i>lac€S situated between the upper and lower inclincil planes. The wagons even sometimes passed over the head of the cmlmnknient, and destroyed the baleines, which did not possess sufficient solidity to bear the loaded wagons. Wo in vain placed moveable supports to strengthen the ways at the points of dis- charge, and directed by the most stringent orders that the ways should not be opened excepting at the moment of tipping. At other times the wagons ran off the rails, from the driver jdaced at the head of the train not detaching it from the roix> with sufficient rapidity, on arriving at the top of the plan auto-moteur. rpon the works becoming more advanced, and the workmen accpiiring greater ex|x.'rience, accidents of this nature were exceedingly rare, although it was often necessary to repair the pulley and rope of the upper plan auto-moteur. The rope also frequently broke as it became worn by the effects of friction. (j. The works were much prejudiced through the numerous disputes arising from the operation of teaming not having been included by the contractor of the earthworks. No contractor could, in fact, have been expected to take the resIaln^ibility of these new experiments which we have just described, but would have preferred, under all circumstances, in our opinion, to have executed the whole of the works by valuation (en retjie) rather than divide them. The engi- neers proposed this course to the directors of the company ; but the proposition did not meet their approval. The working of the locomotives left nothing to be desired, since they were directed by the engineer, Georges, a very able man, who subsecpiently lost his life by the accident of May the 8th. Hicks' light four-wheeled engines were adopted, which were perfectly suitable for these purposes. By our describing the difficulties which we encountered in the ajiplication of tlie principles applied at the cutting of Clamart, and concealing nothing, we shall enable such of our professional brethren who may be tempted to follow, to avoid the stumbling-blocks which lay in the way. it is seldom that the land is so va- luable as that through which the cutting of Clamart was formed. Sjioil-banks can be formed, and economy exercised both in time and money, when the ground 134 is less expensive. A large portion of the earth extracted from the upper part of a cutting may be deposited along the sides of the line, and the earth of the lower cutting may be conveyed in wagons, by a method similar to that which we have already described. We consider that the execution of a cutting of the greatest dimensions may be accomplished with extreme rapidity, and without excessive expense, by these methods. There is, moreover, reason to hope that rich and able contractors will soon be found in France the same as in England, possessing the requisite plant, tools, and tackle for the execution of the earthworks, who will afford the engineers proper co-operation, which those who constructed the first railroads in France had not the benefit of.* STATEMENT OF PRICES. The statements of prices which follow, refer to the execution of earthwork, and the removal of the soil by the aid of wagons drawn by horses and by loco- motives. These statements have been made from notes collected during the execution of the cutting of Clamart, on the Versailles Railway (left bank), and may be applied on the following hypothesis : — 1. That the operation bears reference to the opening of a cutting containing 300,000 cubic metres (392,411 cubic yards) of soil, to be conveyed a distance exceeding 1000 metres (1093 yards). 2. That the cutting is situated in the environs of Paris. 3. That the period for the execution of the works is limited to 20 months, and that an amount of 600 cubic metres (784 cubic yards) of earth is to be excavated /(g/- diem of 10 hours. 4. That the iron tracks, on which the wagons run, have a gradient of 4 millimetres per metre (1 in 250), and that they are supported on sleepers, and formed with the rails intended for the permanent line. 5. That each of the wagons contains li cubic metres (1'962 yards) of earth; that they descend, when loaded, with the inclination of 4 millimetres per * An average of 30,000 cubic metres (39,241 cubic yards) of earth was moved during the summer months in the cutting of Clamart from a single working {chautier.) This amount would undoubtedly have much increased if the earthwork had been executed by valuation {en regie), the same as the teaming. It appears that no more than 20,000 cubic metres (26,124 cubic yards), were tipped on the Rouen Railway, although executed very rapidly upon a bridge. 135 metre (1 in 250); that they re-ascend empty; that they are strongly constructed, and of the following weight : — The body of wiigou 1000 kilog. .. (2203 lbs.) The two pair of wheels, including axles 440 „ •• ( 970 lbs.) Total .... 1440 (3175 lbs.) That the diameter of the wheels is 0-50 metre (1 foot 8 inches), and that of the bearings of tiie axles 0'05 metre (2 inches), that these axles are formed of wrought-iron, and that they turn in cast-iron boxes filled with grease. G. That three horses di-aw ten wagons with a speed of 25,000'" per diem of 10 hours.* • The jjowcr required to draw 10 loaded wagons upon a slope fulliii'; 4 millimetres per metre (1 in 2oQ), may Ite calculated thus : — Ten empty wagons, at 1440 kilog. each, will weigh 14,400 kilog. ... (31,752 lbs.) These contain 150 cubic metres (196 cubic yards) of earth, weigliing 1800 kilog. (3969 lbs.) each 27,000 „ ... (59.535 lbs.) Total weight of 10 loaded wagons . . 41,400 (91,287 lbs.) The resistance due to friction of wagons moving along a horizontal plane upon a railway has been found, after sufficient experience, to equal -0067 of the weight to be drawn. It, there- fore, follows that the amount of tractive power necessary to draw the 10 loaded wagons = 0-0067 X 41-400 277-38 kilog. ... (6116 lbs.) As the slope falls 4 miilimetree ( 1 in 250), the above quantity must be reduced by 41-400 X 0-00 i . . 1656 „ ... (3651 lbs.) Remainder 111-78 (2465 lbs.) As there are three horses, each horse must consequently exert a force of traction equal to y^ = 37-26 kilog. (82-15 lbs.) in taking the loadeJ wagons. The resistance due to friction in taking up the empty wagons . . 00067 Ditto for the rise of 0-04 0-(X)40 Amounting to 0-0107 The weight to be drawn being 1440 kilogrammes (31'75 lbs.), the amount of traction is 14-400 X 0-0107 = 154-08, whence it follows that each horse exerts an effort of -\- = 51-36 kilogrammes (1 132 lbs.), in drawing the empty wagons back. A horse, attached to ;iii ordinary carriage, and travelling with a velocity of 36,000 metres in 10 hours, is capable of exerting a tractive force equal to 70 kilogrammes (154 lbs.): but, under the circumstances in which the loads are placed on a railway, a horse cannot exert an effort of more than 55 kilogrammes, (121 lbs.) [See Wood's Treatise on Railways, in which he gives 50 kilogrammes (110 lbs.) as the mean effort of horses on railways in the North of England.] Consequently, the number of horaes re« 4^ = 504; and it would requireanamountof tractive power e100 • •• (226 ) Feet. In. 0-43 • •• ( 1 5) 1-35 1-44 (45) ( 4 8^) 4-47 (14 8 ) These engines were supported on four cast-iron wheels, and wooden frames between them, with a cylindrical fire-box covered by a semi-spherical dome, with band gear and loose eccentrics. 137 The following calculations show the number of wagons that are required on the line by each mode of traction for a given distance. Fur Teaming to a Jfistancf of 1000 metres (1093 yards) with Horses. The cubic quantity to be transported jwr cliiiii being (lUO metres (G5G yards), which, as the wagons contain 1'" 50 (1-9 yards), consetiuently an)ounts to 100 wagon-loads per diem, which will require, due regard being paid to their returning after being tipped, a run of 800,000 metres (874,911 yards), the speed of the horses being 25,000 metres (15i miles) per day, the number of wagons necessary will be "^^-^ = 32. Thirty-two wagons will therelbre be required for each 1000 metres (1093 yards); but for the lirst 1000 metres (1093 yards), it is necessary to have forty. For Transporting with Locomotive Machines to a Distance of 1000 meti-es {109'3 yards.) With a locomotive engine moving at a velocity of 100,000 metres (G2i miles) per diem of 10 hours, the number of wagons necessary for the conveyance to a distance of 1000 metres (1093 yards) will be ^^ = 8. The calculation gives 8 wagons; but since tlic engine can draw 20, it is necessary to employ this number at the least for the tii-st lOOO metres (1093 yards.) The engine being capable of running 100,000 metres (621 miles) per diem with the 20 wagons, the total length of run for the wagons will be 2,000,000 metres (1242? miles); the number of wagons to be conducted per day being 400, it will be possible to run over a space of '"^'^ = 5000 metres (5468 yards) at each trip, or, deducting their return after being tipped, a distance of 2500 metres, (2734 yards); thus a locomotive engine would be retiuired and 20 wagons for every length of 2500 metres (2734 yards.) The number of wagons necessary with horses would be 24. Taking the case as we have stated, it would be necessary that the engine should convey the earth a distance of IGGG metres (1822 yards), in order to derive the full bt-nefit of its work. Since, in fact, the engine conducts 400 wagons ; it will make 20 journeys per diem, and as it loses 10 minutes per journey, it will cun- sequeutly lose a total of 200 minutes Out of the day of ten hours, containing (iOO The time during which it will be engaged in drawing will be, -tOO 138 The velocity of the engine being 10,000 metres (Gi miles) per hour, it will run over a distance of '522?.^^_«o _ 66^667 metres (72,909 yards) in 400 minutes, and as it is required to make twenty journeys per diem, each journey will be -^ = 3333 metres (3645 yards) without taking into consideration the return empty, 1666 metres, (1822 yards.) We have allowed a high sum in the following list of prices, upon starting with 1000 metres ( 1093 yards), for the wear and tear of the engines and interest of capital, as it would be very difficult in a trial of this nature to prevent the loss of a con- siderable portion of the services of the engines, from the novelty of the undertaking. We have supposed that this loss would equal an extension in the conveyance of 666 metres (728 yards) beyond the 1000 metres (1093 yards) which would make about two centimes per metre. It would be necessary, in order to prevent this loss, or to diminish it, to vary the number of wagons upon the line every day, accordingly, to suit the length of the lead, which would have the effect of reducing the price of labour by a much greater amount than two centimes. The following lists of prices are, strictly speaking, only applicable under precisely similar circumstances to those in which we may be supposed to have been placed, but they will serve as data in calculating other prices, according to the nature of the work to be executed. As the cost of the plant, or tools and tackle, and some portions of the labour, does not increase in the same proportions as the cubic amount that may require to be executed, it therefore follows that there is an advantage in performing earth- work in large masses. The Table E, which follows the lists of prices, shows that the expense of transporting to a distance of less than 2000 metres (2186 yards) is more with railway wagons than with ordinary carts, supposing the cubic quantity of cutting under 300,000 metres (392,426 cubic yards). The wagons, on the other side, possess an advantage over the carts, in being able to proceed in nearly all weather, of requiring fewer horses, and at the same time being able to be drawn by locomotives, and consequently, of rendering the works continuous, and inde- pendent of the accidental circumstances which are liable to arrest and suspend them. No. I, (A). — Details of (he cost of conrei/ance of II cubic metre {\-^\ cubic i/arils) of earth transported trit/i irai/ntis tliiiwii bi/ Imrsis. Ujuiii a iriii/ biiriiii/ a fall of A iiiilliiiirtns pir iiiitre. ( I in '2oO.) GENBRAL PARTICULARS. Art. lit.— Tools (3280 yards) ul' iluulile wav, at 80 fr .'.. 40 temponiry cimngiiif; place*, at 2"J5 fr Slieils ami ImiMiiiy I'ools for llic wuiks)iop> ami layiii|;(lo\viitlie wav 1 platforms fordiscliargiiijj, at 5000 fr Cost Price. Vt. 97,500 ^40,000 9000 10,000 8200 10,000 :)75.000 Interest at 5 per cent, on 375,000 fr. for 'iO months Depre- ciuiion. Kr. 48,750 40,000 4500 5000 4250 5000 Total expenses, fr 138,750 107,500 31,250 UTiich gives for the cubic metre 1^"*= " 3U0.000 Art. 2nd. — Maintenance of Plant. .Such as Wood, iron, steel, and nails, levers, oil, RTcasc, &o Workmanship Laving Down, Uaisinc. I'p, and Maintenance OF Tk.mi-orarv Ways. Art. 3rd. — Laying Me Ways. The difficulties ex|«'riciiced hy the workmen during the execution of the works lieing al- lowed for, and the loss of time from their being obliged to hiy down the way as the works aivance. ami merely a few rails at a time. Price, 0-70 cents for a single way, including the conveyance of the mils, &c. to the spot. \Vc have reckoned above 3000 lineal metres (3280 yards) of double way, but as the works nearly always require the removal of the ways, and since there are two lines Ix'forc the platforms being constantly removed, we must allow fur laying 12^000 lineal metres (13,123 yards) of 8,400 1,600 way at 70 cents ])er metre Laying of 80 changes of line at 20 fr... Total, fr 10,000 Which gives for the cubic metre (35,317 feet) *' iw.'KK) =0.0333 Art. 4th. — Maintenance of the Ways. .V chief layer at 5 francs per day, and 7 layers at 21 francs, making together a total expense of 26 francs, which giies for the cubic metre J?, Art. 5lh. — Taking up of Temporary Ways and of the llaibi ami Sleepers. 12,000 lineal metres (13,123 jards), at the rate of ■2', c Taking up and conveyance of 80 changes of way, at 2.50 fr 3,000 200 Total, fr '. 3,200 Which gives for the cubic metre, at _iil!? Carried on I'rice uf a culiio nif- lr«. (I'l.ll? rerOln. cluUiiig fxcav»liii|{, luailtiig hi wai^uiiii, can'yiiiit uid dU* ctiMviDK laOmelrva (lOVjrardi.) Fraccn. Prico of ctiiivfylng ail aadlliuiial laou m) Details of tackle for the conveyance of an additional 1000 metres (1093 yards): ;J2 wagons at 650 fr 1000 metres (1093 yards) of way, at 80 fr 10 changes of line, at 2-25 fr. Stores and tools 20,800 i 80,000| 2.225, 1,000 104,025 Interest at 5 per cent, on 104,025 fr. for 20 months Total. 10,400 13,333 1,113 500 25,346 Which gives for the cubic metre conveyed a distance of 100 metres (109 yards) 0.0113 3^, ol.^ 300,000 X 10 ' 140 GENERAL FEATURES. Brought forward TEANSPOBT OP THE EARTH. (A) Art. 6th. Eight horses to take the wagons to the points where they are required to he taken by horses, to be loaded, wliich occasioned a daily expense of 48 francs, which gives for the cubic metre at ^*y Art. 7th. Three horses costing 18 francs per day, and 2 drivers paid 6 francs, making a total of 24 francs, will draw 10 wagons con- taining 15 cubic metres, (18 cubic yards) of earth, adistance of 25,000 lineal metres (27,341 yards), which gives for the cubic metre 24 X 2 2.5X i.'J ■ ■ Art. 8th. Time lost in loading and unload- ing, estimated at 10 minutes each journey, which gives for the cubic metre g ^ in x^ Art. 9th. Pushers and unhookers, 12 work- men at 2.50 francs, making a daily expense of 30 francs, which gives for the cubic metre at^% Art. 10th. Twelve workmen, being switch- men, cleaners of rails, and greasers, paid 24 francs, which gives for the cubic metre f^ ... GETTING, LOADING, RETAKING AND DIS- CHARGING THE EARTH. Art. 11th. Getting and loading the earth Art. 12th. Retaking and throwing with shovels, or transporting the earth by barrows in order to load the wagons ; taken at half the first getting Art. 13th. Discharging the wagons and arranging the points of discharge, being equal to 24 men, making a daily expense per day (of 12 hours) of 84 francs, which gives for the cubic metre at ^^ SUNDRY EXPENSES. Art. 14. Workmen for various work, being equal to 16 workmen paid at the rate of 40 francs per day, which gives for the cubic metre ats'fe'J; .". Art. 15. Superintendents and keepers. Ten employed, paid at the rate of 30 francs per day, which is for the cubic metre at ^■^ Total in francs Or equal to Price of a cubic metre 0-55.317 cubic feet,) excavated, loaded iu wagous, dis- cbnrged aud cari'ied adis- tauce of 100 metres (109 yards. ) Francs. 0-7498 O'OSOO 0-1280 0-026G 0-0500 00400 0-6000 0-3000 0-1400 0-0667 0-0500 Price of au additional conveyance of 1000 me- tres. (1093) yards. Francs. 0-0207 0-0004 2-2311 (1.1. 5rf.) ^ 0-0128 0-0001 ^3 0-0003 ^ 0-0020 1^0-0006 -nfcu 0-0003 Wire 0-0007 0-0013 ■fe 0-0010 OBSERVATIONS. (A) There would be 12 horses re- quired with locomotive engines instead of 8, as the horses em- ployed in the conveyance are often able to take the wagons direct. We have allowed one-tenth on account of the inconvenience and loss of time occasioned by this mode of working. The tippers arrange the points of discharge, and work 12 hours, the same as the other workmen. The respective advantages of discharg- ing, with or without moveable platforms (Baleines) are discussed in a note following these tables. 0-0402 (-02540 of a shilling) per cubic yard. Xo. 2 (A') Delaih of the citst of convrt/anci ol' a cubic metre {'i').'.\\1 fret) of earth, transported with wagons drawn by horses, upon the hifpolhesU of the raitwoy being laid horizontal. OENKR.\L FEATURES. I'tU'c iif A vubir mrtrr. (l;U»t cubic yanl»,) rxca valrd, luadrd in »«);<""■• dikcharp*d, and carried a diHiaiicf of I(K) melm, (KM) jard..) I*rice of an addiiiunal ctimryancr uf UN Ml mctrrs ( IIIIKI yani". ) 0U9EHVAT10NS. Article 1, 2, 8, 4, 5, 6, il, 10, U, 12, 13, 14, Bii J 15, as Wfiirt' ^tatltl TBANSroBT or TIIK EABTU. Art. Till. Five hones (see Note A, p. 140) costiiii; SO fraiu-s piT ilav, aiid 2 drivers paid t) fmnoss making a Jiiilv expense uf 3(5 francs, will draw 10 wai.'ons, carrviiig 15 cubic metres (IS cubic vards) of tarlli a distance of 25,000 lineal uiitres, (27,341 yards) which jfives for the cube metre (35,317 cubic feet) at ■■"*■>- PrwiCL 20765 01920 Krwic*. 00275 t\, 00192 ihs 00002 ('03 of n shilling per culiic yard.) *S X 1.. Art 8th. Time lost in loailinj.' and unload- ing, estimate.['!. p. r cubic yard.) / 2-4245 o-aot)4 (•036 of a shilling per cubic yard.) No. 4, (B.) Details of the cost of conveyance of a cubic metre of earth ( 1 -308 cubic yards) transported with wagons drawn by locomotives upon a irny having a fall of A millometres. GENEEAL FEATURES. Art. 1st. — Tools and Tackle. Price. 130 earth wagons, at 630 fr 2 intermediate do at 7.50 do. ... 3000 lineal metres (3280 yards) of double way, at 80 do 40 temporary changes of line, 225 do. ..' 2 locomotives, at 33,000 do Buildings and sheds Tools for the repairing shops ... A tank, a pump, and a trough ... 2 discharging platforms, at 5000 fr. 84,500 1,500 240,000 9,000 66,000' 15,000 9,000 1,000 10,000 Depre- ciation. 42,250 750 40,000 4,500 6,600 7,500 4,500 500 5,000 436,000; 1111,600 Interest, at 5 per cent., on 436,000 fr. for 20| months, fr I 36,333 Total expenses, fr 147,933 Which gives for the cubic metre 1!!'?^!:= Art. 2nd. — Maintenance of Plant. Material as wood, iron, steel, nails, a vice, oil, grease, &c. Workmanship LAYING AND MAINTAINING THE TEMPORARY WAYS. Art. 3rd. Laying the Ways, (see table A) Art. 4 — Maintenance of Way. Chief layer at 5 francs per day, and 9 layers, paid 27 francs, making, together, 32 francs which is to main- tain all the ways, which gives for the cubic metre e5j;5= Art. 5th. Taking up the Ways and Conveyance of the Rails and Sleepers (see table A) Transport of the Earth. Art 6th. 12 horses to bring the wagons to the locomotives, making an e.vpense of 72 francs per day, which gives for the cube metre at ^im^= Art. 7th. A locomotive with cylinders 0.28™ (11 ins.) diameter, and wheels of 1.25" with a driver and stoker, making, for a day of 10 hours, including the wages of the men, an expense of 94 francs for coke, coal, oil, water, and petty expenses 91.00 fr. The engine di-cw with a velocity of 10,000'" an hour a train of 20 wagons, containing 30 cubic metres (39 cubic j-ds.) of earth, driven by 3 conductors, who received 10.00 Total 101.00 Whence it follows that a cubic metre of earth carried a distance of 1000 (1093 yds.) cost, including the return of the wagons after being emptied 101 X 2 . too X 30 Art. 8th. Time lost, loading and unloading, ten minutes per journey, which gives for the cube metre — "" = ■" •' ° 6 X 10 X 30 Art. 9th. Pushprsandunhookersofthewagons(seetableA) Art. 10th. Switchmen, cleaners of rails, and trreasers (see table A) :. Art. nth. Getting and loading, regetting and discharging the soil (see table A) Art 12th. Retaking !.!!"!!!.!!!!!!!. Art. 13th. Discharging Sundry Expenses. Art. 14th. Arrangers for the different works (see table A) Art. _15th. 12 superintendants and kpepers employed and paid 36 fr. per day, which gives, per cubic metre .''« Total Or equal to Price of a cubic me - tre for excavating, loading, discharg- ing, and conveying a distance of 100 metres (109 yards.) 0-4931 0-0840 0-1260 0-0333 0-0533 0-0107 0-1200 00673 005G1 0-0500 Price of an addi- tional conveyance of 1000 metres (1093 yards.) (c) 0-0102 jLj 0-0021 jL 0-0032 5^5 0-0017 ^ 0-0027 5ij 0-0005 ^ 0-0006 '% I'n 0-0067 ^Jra 0-0003 57^ 00003 0400 r|'' • ^ 0-0020 0.6000 0.3000 0-1400 0-0667 0-0600 0-0006 0-0003 0-0007 ife 0-0013 ife 0-0012 observations. NUMBER OF WAGONS. Loading and discharging 80 On the way In reserve Under repair Total 20 10 20 130 (c) Depreciation of material for the transport of 2500 metres additional. 2 locomotives | 66,000 5,000 15,000 750 1 shed for do. 20 earth wagons at 750 fr. 1 intermediate do 2500lineal metres of double way at 80 fr 15 changes of line at •2'25 fr. Stores and tools 200,000 3,375 2,000 292.125 6,600 2,500 7,500 375 33,333 1,683 1,000 Interest, at 5 per cent., on 292.125 for, 20 months j 24,831 I 77,822 Which gives for the cubic metre , „„"''^'' S 300.00 X '2500 = 00102 2-3005 0-0344 (Is. 6d.) (-021 of a shilling) per cubic yard. 143 .Vo. 5 ( B'). Df tails from thr data tchrre the transport takes place upon a level tcay. I'rur ,,f • cubr Illrlir for eicsvft- I'ncr of as lion, louliiiK uldiuouaJ GENERAL FEATURES. on wsf^na, diirhuviuK, and coiivrv. iug «ili»l«Dcr of IlKI incirrti (lOltyanls) cuuvevaoce of 1000 mrtm lliniavanJ.) ODSEBVATION^* Articles 1, '.>. .1, 4, 5. 6, 9. 10, 11, 12, 13, Franc*. Ptsiks. 14, and 15, as bofuri^ stated 21771 00274 Art. 7th. .V 10- horse power locomotive, beiii)f an expense per dav of 101 francs. which will draw with a velocity of 10,000 metres (6 mile*) per hour, a tniin of 12 wajfons, carrvin^f 18 cubic metres (24 cubic yards) of earth, which pives fur the cube metre '""'■^ = 0-1122 Vb 00112 ^'"^ lori X IS Art. 8th. Time lost in loading and dij- chargin;;, 10 minutes {ler journey, which gives for the cubic metre ^ ^ '"'^ „ = 00935 A 0-0005 (•0249 of a shilling per cubic yard.) 0.,'^*i*_»y oca!) I I Is. ll}./. [XT culiio vard.) No. 6 (B*). Details from the data where the transport takes place upon a tcay with a rise of 4 millimetres. GENERAL FEATURES. I'nce of a cubic mem for exetr*. lion, loading and di^cbarf? ing, and cun- Tcjing a dis lance of 10() meires ( lUU vards ) Price of an addliional convcvajice of 1000 meires (lOIiy yards). OBSERVATIONS. Articli-s I. 2, 3, 4, 5. G, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, ami l.j, as before statiil Art. 7th. A 10-hor»e power locomotive, lieini; an expt'n^e per day of 10 hours, of 101 francs, which will draw with a »peed of 10,000 metres (6^ miles) per hour, a train of 7 wapjns, carryini; II cubic metres (14 cubic yards), which gives for the cube "^'^ .00X14= ••• Art. 8th. Time lost in loading and dis- charging, 10 minutes a journey, which gives for the cubic metre ,„..„,, ^ Franca. 21771 Frmnn. 00274 0-1836 1530 Y^ 0-0184 Seven wagons carry 1 1 -25 cubic mttres, taken correctly. rt, 0-0008 Cost per cubic metre ( U. 7ipurt. 1 Upon an Kvtb 1 Itotd. ' Tpon ■ Ilinl Koad. Wiih 1 ontfa. Wilb I^comolivrt. Metres. Yards. Krwics. 5. it. Fnuirs. ». rf. Kruira. >. H KrancH, «. d- KKK) (1093) 2-2195 (1 10) 1-75SO (1 50 2-3085 (1 11) 2-3M28 (1 llj) IJCK) 27955 2-1470 2-5420 2-5783 l«i(X) 2-9107 2-2248 2-5887 26174 1700 3-0259 2-3026 2-6354 2-6565 KSOO 31411 2-3S04 2-6821 2-6956 1!((X) 3-2563 2-4582 2-7288 2-7347 2000 (2186) 3-3715 (2 n) 2-5360 (2 I) 2-7755 (2 4) 2-7738 (2 3i) a(KX) 4-5235 3-3140 3-2425 3-164S 4(KK) 5-6755 4-0920 3-7095 3 5508 4,5t)0 6-2515 4-4810 3-9430 3-7513 46tK) ()-3667 4-5588 3-9897 3 7904 irtM) (5140) '5 5) 4-6366 (3 10 1) 40.Ui4 (3 41) 3S-.>y5 (3 2) The prices given in this table comprise expenses of every kind, as the cost of labour for digging, loading, conveying, unloading, levelling, cost of plant, and sundry prices. The cost of the earth transported in wagons, has been calculated before in Table Xo. 2, A', and No. 5, B'. Respecting the cost of conveying the earth in carts, we have supposed that a cart drawn by two horses, and driver, would be paid 1 I francs per day of 10 hours. That the time lost in loading and discharging would be A of a day. That two horses could convey 0.80 cubic metres of earth a distance of 3G,000™ (39,371 yards) per day upon an earth road, so that upon a well maintained way two horses would convey 100 cubic metres, a distance of 36,000™ (22i miles) per day. It will be seen from the above table that the conveyance of earth by carts is far from presenting advantages in respect to economy. In looking over the details of the expense of conveyance, we observe that the expense of traction with WHgons is much lower. But on the other iiand, the wagons can- not always approach the points of loading like carts. Additional expenses frequently arise in loading, and it is the same case in unloading: and fiiiallv, the conveyance is burthened by the of laying, maintaining, and de[ireciation of way, which are considerable, and do not exist when the conveyance is pur- formed by carts. 146 The conveyance of great masses of earth by wagons does not present much advantage as respects economy, when the distance is within 1000™ (1093 yards,) but they are often employed for less distances, because earth roads are impracticable for carts during the bad season, and in the rainy days, so frequent at all seasons, whilst it is seldom necessary to suspend the works with wagons upon railways. The extra expenses were much increased at the cutting of Claraart, on account of tlie means employed to accelerate the work, which exceeded every- thing which had been previously done. These expenses would be considerably reduced, where the same rapidity of execution is not required. SUNDRY NOTES. Expense of a locomotive engine, with cylinders of 0'28 metres (11 inches) in diameter, and wheels 1 metre 25 (A feet 1 inch), employed at the cutting of Clamart, and employed i7i drawing 20 ivagons, loaded with earth, a distance of about 2000 metres (2187 yards), for a period from the \st to the loth August, comprising 14 dayi work, at the rate of 12 hours per day. General Piirticulars. Number. Price. Total Amount. Obsenations. Hectolitres of coke Do. charcoal , TTater casks, holding 0-85 Kilogrammes of oil H. 344-50 20-50 96-00 24-00 Francs. 2-50 3-00 2-50 3 00 Petty expenses and maintenance , Francs. sei- se- 240- 72- 25- Total cost of articles consumed 1287 Conductor at 200 francs per month... 100 fr. Stoker at 120 francs per month 60 Sum Total for Engine The engine drew 20 wagons, with 3 conductors, paid 12 francs per day, whicli makes for 14 days Total expense The number of wagons conveyed was 5760, each wagon, therefore, cost \^\% = And as each wagon contained 1 -47 cubic metres of earth, the cubic metre amounted to — ^—~ — 5760 X 147 (or -118 of a shilling per yard) 160- 25 50 00 00 25 00 00 1447- 00 16S- 00 1615- 00 0-2804 0-1907 This data, having been taken under favourable circumstances, cannot, therefore, be considered as a mean. The prices should be increased by about one-fifth. 147 COST OF EAKTHWAGOXS. The enrthwagons were employed on the Versailles Uiiilway, (left bank,) and tipped before. See No. 1, Plate i,i. The cost aniouiited to ('.40 francs, 05 cents, wliicli was subdivided in the folUpwinjr manner : — CUBIC AMOUNT OK WOOD IN THE FUAMING. Side i)ieoes A. ( Sit I'liitc) Cross slei'pers |{ „ Knlgt-s C Tipjiiii!; lodges I) Cross-pifOf for brake K Shoe of brake S Length. 274 1 (K) ()(i3 0-94 1(K) 0V2 llriglit. Urrwltli. ()-22 0-20 0-22 018 010 020 Oil 010 Oil Oil 008 010 L'ub«. 00()fi3()8 0()3!SOOO 001o2-l(i 001H(jl2 0-{H)H(KK) 00()H4(K) No. Cube. Genrrftl Cube. 0-132 X 01 76 0030 0037 0008 •008 CUBIC AMOUNT OF WOOD IN THE BODY. Side pieces F Cross sleepers II Small cross sleepers K Ledges L Ledge fur brake M Side pieces li 0-291 2-30 015 010 0034500 o 0069 V 2- 10 Oil 0-10 0023100 •) 046 210 Oil 007 0016170 0032 0-199 0-50 018 010 00090{)0 •) 0018 1 0-70 0-11 010 0007700 2 0-015 0-6o 010 0-06 0-003900 5 0-019 ' 0-490 Fr. Cu. This gives, at the rate of 109 fr. per metre 53 40 The oak pknks for the body of 0-04 iu thickness, at 6-56 fr. per 1 ,,, ,„ square metre J Making 50 " Mounting 30 " Iron-work. 143-26 kilog. (316 lbs.) at 1 fr. 20 c. the kilog 174 30 4 pieces of cast iron for pivots, 32-50 kilogs. (72 lbs.) at 0-60 fr. per) ,„ ^„ kilogramme J Total amount of carpentry and iron work 379 70 2 axles weighing 66 kilog. and making each 132 kilogs. (291 lbs.)|^ .„^ „ at 1 fr. per kilogramme j 4 cast-iron wheels cast in a shell, weighing 68 kilogs. each, and j .„., „.. making 272 kiK)gs. (600 lbs.) at 0-3H fr. per kilog. (2-2051bs.) J "^ ''^ 4 grease boxes weighing 7 kilogs. each, and making 28 kilogs. | ., ,, (611bs.) at 0-50 fr. per kilog | 4 pins weighing 1 kilng. (2-205 lbs.) at 1 fr. per kilogramme 4 4 iron hoops weighing each 3 kilogs. and making 12 kilogs. (261ba.)l » ... at 060 fr. the kilogramme J Total amount of the wheels, axles, irk ri(/iiiriil li> f4)iiijili ti 10 mrllt irai/nili llipi>iiii) lieforeA l*ric« of Wriglil in kilogruumes. DimeniioD of COtfM Bbapo. Quality. Uir iron iu iiuet. iron per look. (.,">t)IU.) k. fr. 10 Breaks 131-625 Square Roche 15-15 TiG 20 Tilting; pivots 83-375 Flat do. 1st quality »» II 10 Slialts to breaks 15-800 Square Uoche » 56 40 l!f!irin<; chains 49-500 liiiund Crenelle 1212 60 20 Uniw links and rings .... 73- (. ...... . Roche 24-11 56 20 Ct-ntri' ]>\u irons 33- Flat Grenelle 33- 4 60 20 Lar-ri- pins 37-500 »» tt 33- 4 It 10 S» Grenelle 14- 4 60 20 Small ferrules to brakes . . . 10-500 »» n 12- 3 II 10 Stays 15-500 i» » 14- 4 II 40 Square irons to body .... 43-250 »» Basse-Indre 24- 2i 38 10 Sijuarc irons to turning piece . 6-750 »j J* 1» i» 40 Distancin-; fillets 21-500 »> »i 24- 2i 50 20 Cireular staples 15- »> Grenelle 14- 4" 60 20 Tipping bolts 26- Ruund >» 16-16 11 20 Cireular straps fitting to eye pieees 55- Flat Basserlndre 24- 5 50 20 Ditto to turning pieces . . . 34- i> Grenelle 24-24 60 10 Leading turns 9-775 »i II »J 11 10 Conductors and pins .... 49-500 j> II »» It 10 IJolts to break 4- »» II 12- 3 II 20 Large bolts of 2-28 (9 lines diam.) 129-300 Round II 9- 9 II 20 Bolts „ 0-44 31- }f II 9i »» 20 „ 0-42 „ 27-775 >» II >» II 20 „ 0-41 26- j» 11 » II 40 „ 0-40 57-550 1* II )l II 20 „ 0-39 24-125 >» II II II 10 „ 0-37 12- )* II II II 40 „ 0-29 „ 43- yj II 11 »l 40 „ 0-27 38-500 »J II II 11 10 „ 0-20 „ 8-250 »J II 1) 11 40 „ 016 29- *> II )* »l 20 „ 0-31 (71ines diam.) 13- » II 7- 7 »» 20 „ 0-23 „ 9-250 i9 II )» )> 60 016 & 019 31- »» II - 6 »» SO Holts for grcaseboxes (6 lines diam.) Ml.-JO » II 6- )» 50 Bolts of 013 9-500 )) Grenelle of »» )» 30 „ Oil 8-250 » inferior qua- 11 II 50 „ 009 7-800 >i lity, for bolts »» >» 125 „ 007 16-120 »» which are II >» 40 „ 005 4-750 ,. not niucli » )» 160 „ U05 19-750 11 strained. J» n 10 Stirruj) bolts to break. . . . 3-500 7t 11 II 2(K) "\Va>liers f(jr bolts .... 9-250 n II II 150 Ditto for >niall bolts .... 1-775 )i 50 Small double pins Total weight of iron work 1- »» for 10 wagons . . . 1452-640 [32031bs.) The contract price being I fr. 20c. p er kilogramn e, the iroi 1 work for 10 w ragons would conse- quently cost 1743fr. 15c., or 174fr. 3-^ c. (7/. 5s. 3d . for each wagon.) The Grenelle iron made at the Grenelle Iron Works near Paris, is of superior quality. It is made of old iron of sufficient strength and hardness, and sells at 60 fr. per 100 kilogrammes. ■J he Basse-Indre iron consists of iron manufactured with rolling mills, and that of good quality sells at 50 fr. The Roche is the iron of Champagne, made with charcoal, and sells at 56 fr. per 100 kilo- grammes. The weight of Ironwork required to complete 10 earth wagons {tipping sideways.) Weight in 10 Breaks kilogrammes. Observations. 130-500 The qualities and dimensions of the iron 20 Tilting pivots 87-500 10 Shafts to breaks 15-500 are the same as the 40 Bfarin^ oliairs 51-750 similar pieces in the wagon tipping for- 20 Draw links and rings 73-750 20 Oentrft i">in irons 35-250 wards. 20 Large pins ... 38-250 20-250 73-500 20 Hanging and hinges 40 Large ferules 55-750 10 Small ferules to breaks 5-000 10 Stirrups to breaks 15-500 49-750 40 Square irons to bodies 40 Distancing fillets 21-500 20 Circular staples 14-000 25-000 20 Tipping bolts 20 Circular straps fitting to eye-pieces .... 55-000 20 „ „ turning-pieces . . 34-500 10 Leading turns 15-500 47-000 119-550 20 Large bolts -30 (9 lines diam.) 10 „ 1-98 „ 52-250 20 „ 0-58 36-250 20 „ 0-40 , 26-000 20 „ 0-40 30 „ 0-40 :::::::} 65-500 20 „ 0-33 21-750 20 „ 0-31 23 000 20 „ 0-27 canted with inclined heads . 20-000 20 „ 0-27 ditto with square heads . . 20-000 30 ,, 0-27 with square nuts .... 28-750 80 „ 0-27 with canted nuts .... 77-750 20 „ 0-18 14-500 32-750 10 Bolts 1-95 (7 lines diam.) 10 „ 0-40 „ 8-000 20 „ 0-33 „ 13-500 20 „ 0-25 11-250 40 „ 0-25 „ 20-500 10 „ 0'17 with square heads .... 4-250 80 „ of grease-box, (3 lines diam.) .... 15-250 50 „ 0-13 (Spikes) 10-250 50 „ 0-11 9 000 8-000 17-500 5-750 20-750 4-750 50 „ 0-10 125 „ 0-07 40 „ 0-16 160 „ 0-05 100 Washers for bolts of 9 lines diam 100 „ „ 7 „ . . . . 1-500 75 „ „ 5 „ .... )) 3434 lbs.) Total weight of ir onwork for 10 wagons 1557-500 ( The contract price was Ifr. 20c. per kilogramme. The iron work for ten wagons would, consequently, cost 1,869 frs.; or 186 fr. 90 c. (£7 15s. Id.) for each wagon. The same iron may be now obtained at the price of 1 fr. per kilogramme. OBSERVATIONS ON 'lili: \ AKIOl S .MHTIIODS l.Ml'l-OVKI) IN UNLOADING WAGONS FOR EARTHWORK. l>v M. Bk.vuant. Tlie method requisite to be employed in unloading earth wagons is entirely dependent upon the work to be executed. The earth removed is in general laid out in the form of a mound, of mode- rate width, but of great length. The earth wagons employed to form the embankment may be discharged by means of baleines (see Plate 39, and Description), or by siding places, each of which serve to remove the wagons out of the way after being discharged. No apparatus is necessary when the tipping is conducted without u baleine; but it is less expeditions, and scarcely permits of a hundred wagons being dis- charged per diem of twelve working hours upon one line; so that it would be rctpiisite to increase the number of ways, in order to advance with any celerity, which is expensive, and not always practical. Thus, when earthwork is executed by a single lift, the top is necessarily so narrow, that no more than two or three teaming places can be obtained, nur up- wards of 200 to 300 wagons (consequently) tipped jd^t diem. It is even rare that so many are discharged. But if the embankment is high, and two or three lifts can be laid out, the lower one will be of great width, by which as many as six ways can sometimes be laid down, on which from 400 to 500 wagons per diem can be discharged. Every line does not, however, in this case accommodate 100 wagons, since this would crowd it, and occasion difficulty in the management, which becomes com- plicated in proportion as the number of wagons create stoppages. The system of tijtping the wagons without a baleine is applicable with small heights and in loose soils, also where short cuttings follow short embankments, where the height varies suddeidy, as some portions of the Belgium line, between Varennes and Liege, where the volume of earth to be moved, although small, was very much dispersed. It is necessary to find more simple means in these cases, 152 wliich can be applied simultaneously at every part where work is required to be executed, rather than powerful agents and expensive apparatus. Thus it would not be necessary, under these circumstances, to employ wagons, unless the transport with carts should be impracticable. The wagons may be tipped more rapidly with baleines than with siding jilaces. The rate of progress attainable with this plan depends upon the nature of the work to be executed and the baleines employed. Where extensive cuttings are required to be made, on which the accomplish- ment of the railway depends, it is requisite to employ rapid means, similar to those employed on the railways of St. Germains and Versailles, on which twenty- four labourers tipped ten wagons in four minutes; but the baleines cost 4500 francs (£187 10s.), and involved very expensive repairs. These great baleines are used in the construction of embankments of 5 to 10 metres high, and, taking into account the loss of time, do not discharge more than 40 wagons, containing 1'" 50 cube each (1*96 cube yards), per hour; but this amount is considerable, compared with the quantity discharged without the assistance of baleines. The cost of unloading and spreading comes to about 15 cents per cubic metre (Id. per yard). At the commencement of the campaign of 1838, and under very favourable circumstances, as many as 900 wagons, each containing 1™ 50 (1"96 cube yards), were tipped per diem of fifteen hours' labour, on the Versailles Railway (left bank), which makes a cubic quantity of 1350 metres (1765t cubic yards). If both sides of the cutting had been opened in a similar manner, the cubic amount would have equalled 2 x 1350 metres = 2700 metres (3531 cubic yards). Small baleines of 12'" (39 feet 4 inches) long, and 6" (19 feet 8 inches) high, were used on the Lille Railway, on the Belgian frontier, which only cost 300 francs (£12 10s.), and were of great service. They were sufiicient to eifect the discharge of all the earth arising from the cuttings, even in places where the height of the embankment was from 6 to 10 metres, (19 feet 8 inch, to 32 feet 10 inch.) It was necessary to construct cer- tain embankments at these places at convenient heights, to receive the baleines, and render them eifective. These embankments did not occasion any increase of expense, as they were formed, by means of the side cuttings required in completing the embankment. It is necessary, in making the side cuttings, to give a prefer- ence to the lowest places. Twelve workmen would discharge 5 wagons in 6 minutes with these baleines, the number of wagons discharged on each baleine being generally 20 per hour. 1 53 Nine Immlrocl wagons contuinin'; l.'iA'" ciieli (l-GS cubic ynnls) was the regular number discharged per diem of 24 hours continuous hibour, night us wt-ll as day, on tlie Ogicrs cutting, during the fine s^'usoii of" tlie year lS-12, witli 4 l)aleines, |)biccd in pairs on each side, which makes a cubic <|iiantity of Wi't"^ ( 14.')G1 cubic yards.) The results would have Iteen much greater if the ways had lH.'en good; but the line being formed with iron bars j)laced edgeways for want of rails, the operation of teaming could not receive full development. The alxive. indicating the number of wagons tipped, although less than if the trains could have U-en discharged continuously, still exceeds the avrage, even during the fine season; since impediments and accidents were constantly occurring, which occasioned {more or less) delays, so that the advantages and ca- pabilities of the metho> 75,000 =- (9K,102) Favreuil J 106,000 = (217,133) Carried by wheelbarrows and deposited as spoil "1 , , . , - , . y 42,000 = (o4,9o7) on the sides oi the cutting J Remaining on the slopes to clear away 10,000 = (13,080) Total cubic contents 218,000 = (285,150) The depth of the cutting being 12 metres, and the soil of such a nature as to slip down when cut to any great height, it was therefore resolved to divide it into three lifts, which were made as nearly as possible of the same depths. Two longi- tudinal excavations, or gullets, three metres wide, were opened in the first instance, in order to expedite the loading of the wagons, the depth being equal to the lift about to be worked, into which the wagons were readily passed and loaded with earth from each side. The stuff was brought forward by wheelbarrows, or thrown up by shovels along the sides, according to circumstances, and afterwards taken up and thrown into the wagons, or the barrows were wlieeled diivct to the wagons along planks placed to receive them. The upper lift being much wider than the others, four gullets were formed along it, while three were made in the second, and two only in the lowest. Carriage of the Earth. The wagons employed contained each TGO cubic metres (2*09 cubic yards), which is only equal to 1-25 metres (1-63 yards) of earth, measured as it stands in the cutting before digging. The average weight of a cubic metre of earth, mea- sured at the clearance, was 11)00 kilogrammes (4189 lbs.), and as each wagon carried 1 metre 25, the weight removed was .... 2375 kilogrammes = (5236 lbs.) Add the weight of wagons 1200 „ =(2646) Total 3575 (7882) 160 Upon the wagons being loaded, they were linked in trains of four or five together, and carried an average distance of 1000 metres (1090 yards) to the JDlace of discharge. At the time of working the upper lift, the wagons descended singly upon an inclined plane of 15 millimetres (1 in 67), which afforded them a greater momentum than was necessary to reach the place of discharge, and to carry them over the small portions of embankment completed, the gradient of which was that of the permanent line. But when the two other lifts were in progress, the gradient of the temporary ways of cutting was not sufficient, and it therefore became necessary to draw the wagons along by the assistance of horses. The number of horses employed in this work was regulated by the gradients, which varied in the cuttings, but the complete portions were always laid to the same gradients as the permanent line. Two horses were required, near Wasquehal, to draw 5 wagons upon an inclination of .5 millimetres (1 in 200), and towards Eoubaix one horse per wagon, to ascend a slope of 2 millimetres and a half (1 in 400). Description of the Temporary Ways. In consequence of a deficiency in the supply of rails, the temporary lines were constructed with flat bars of iron, 7 centimetres wide (2'758 inches), and 2 and a half ( 1'085 inches) thick, placed edgeways on small cast-iron chairs; the latter were fixed upon cross sleepers of white wood, at distances of 0"' 9 (0-98 of a yard) apart. This mode of construction, which was adopted from necessity, answered the purpose, although less advantageous than proper rails, both in respect to speed and expense. The teaming was slower, and the cost of maintenance was greater, since they presented greater resistance to the traction, met more frequently with accidents, and also incurred more expense in materials ; but, as there were no rails, and the use of carts was impracticable, no other alternative remained but to resort to some other system of temporary way, and that adopted, notwith- standing its inconveniences, was the best expedient that could be employed. Discharging the Wagons. The wagons were discharged upon small moveable scaffolds (baleines) of 12 metres (39 feet 4 inches) long, and six metres (19 feet 8 inches) high, put to- IGl gether in the most simple manner, and costing only 300 francs each. Two pairs of baleines were constantly at work, one pair iit each extremity of the two em- bankments next the cutting. Twelve men were able to discharge live wagons in six minutes, by means of these sraflblds, and, allowing for time lost, more than twenty wagons were tipped per hour; but a greater number could have been dis- charged had it been practicable to have conveyed them to the baleines. Although the scaflblds were only G metres (19 feet 8 inches) high, they were found sufficient for all jiarts of the embankment, notwithstanding it was 10 metres (32 feet 10 inches) high in places, but it became necessary to raise the earth to support them ; this, however, did not occasion any additional expense, since the earth was wanted to complete tiie fillings, and it was merely necessary to apply a portion where the ground rec|uired raising, in order to fix the scafTolds at suitable heights. Progresfi of the Works. The removal of earth in the cutting of Ogiers was commenced on the 1 1th of January, 1S42, but the works did not proceed very fast until the early part of the month of March following. During the months of April and May, 2.50 wagons generally ran upon each incline, making a total of 500 for the entire cutting ; but taking the aggregate of these two months only, the number of wagons amounted to 20,.')00, being an average of 341 wagons per day, inasmuch as Sundays, festivals, pay days, and rainy weather, together with the numerous contingencies which afl'ect the execu- tion of these works, generally reduce the working days by at least one-third. It having been required that the railway should be opened for the accommo- dation of traffic by the 1st of May, 1843, and a free transit secured clear of all obstructions, it was necessary, in order to accomplish this, to finish all the embankments before the close of the year 1842; but the results obtained at this period being considered insufficient to warrant this conclusion, it therefore became imperative that additional means should be adopted. It was determined, under these circumstances, to carry on the works day and night, which was done by working double gangs of men, who were relieved every eight hours. This new mode of working was put into execution on the 1st of .Time, and during June, July, August, and September, whilst the weather continued con stantly favourable, 8 or 900 wagons ran regularly per day of 24 hours, but Uiking into consideration the impediments above enumerated, the average only amounted to 1900 wagons per month, which gives a total of 24,000 cubic Y 162 metres of earth (31,392 cubic yards). The men continued working during the ni<''hts, until December, but not with the same advantage, as after the month of August the bad weather became a very great obstacle. The cutting was at length completed, on the 26th of December, both in respect to height and depth, excepting about 10,000 metres (13,080 cubic yards) which remained on the slopes, and was intended to be removed when the proper time arrived for finishing them, as this operation could only be performed during the spring of the year. During the months of January and February, the weather was constantly bad, and the frost and thaw, rain and snow, liaving rapidly succeeded each other, con- siderable slips took place, extending over more than half the entire length of the cutting, and the sides suffered considerably. It was determined, in order to guard against a recurrence of these calamities, to increase the inclination of the slopes of a certain portion where the slips had occurred, which was effected at the rate of a metre and a half of base for one of height ; and to increase the dimensions of the banquettes, which were increased to different widths, according to circumstances, some of them extending even to 3 metres (3*27 yards). These alterations increased the quantities of earth removed by 46,000 cubic metres (60,169 cubic yards), the contents being at first 218,000 metres (285,150 yards), were consequently augmented to 264,000 metres (345,321 yards). The weather having improved, the works were resumed on the 9th of March, 1843, and the trains were enabled, by the Isc of May, to run along the cutting at great velocity. On the Causes which Occasioned the Land Slips, and on the Means employed to Prevent their Recurrence. Having alluded to the slips, it is, perhaps, necessary to give some particulars of the causes which occasioned them, and of the means employed to prevent their recurrence. The soil through which the cutting of Ogiers is made consists of three strata of earth of different qualities, the upper stratum, which is about 3 metres in thickness (9 feet 10 inches), is a brick clay, which stands well enough. The lower stratum is the thickest, although it varies : it consists of a compact blue clay, which retains the water and holds it well. The soil between these two strata is a clay mixed with a quicksand without any tenacity whatever, from which numerous filtrations oozed, and some small springs; the thickness of this bed was about two metres, (6 feet 6 inches,) and it 163 was constantly slipping over the lower stratum, wlierrliy the upper one was left without support, and great inconvenience conserpiently ensued. In order to pre- vent fresh slips, the inclination of the slope was increased, as already stated, by one and a half of the base to one of height, ami the widtli nf the bancjuettes increased. It is intended, further, to commence works of consolidation, to consist of stones or fascines fixed upon large banquettes, placed upon the lower or solid stratum, so as to keep the intermediate one in its place, and counteract the effects of the quicksand. Channels will be formed in the baiKjuettrs, at intervals, to drain the water wiiich must necessarily collect, and which will be connected at certain spots, so as to be carried oft" by the main drains. Work continued day and night. Two gangs of men and horses were employed, who were relieved every eight hours, by which the works were continued constantly. The hours of relief were four o'clock in the morning, noon, and eight in the evening, which arrange- ments were found convenient. The works were lighted at night by different modes, according to the nature of the various operations. The line was lighted throughout its entire length by common lanterns, and torches were used for such works which required moveable lights, and fires were used at the places of loading and unloading, burning in a sort of iron pan, which gave a clear flame. These fires were made of small bundles of the refuse of dried fir, split very fine, and cut into lengths of thirty centimetres (about eleven or twelve inches) ; a few shavings and old tar-ropes were mixed with them, the whole steeped in a mixture of coal-tar, pitch, and brimstone, in a boiling state. Y 2 164 The following Table exhibits the cost of removiug a cubic metre of earth from the cutting of Ogiers to the embankment, according to memoranda taken during the works, the length of the lead being 1000 metres (1093 yards.) Details of the cost of Digging, Loading, Teaming, and Discharging a Cubic Metre of Earth, the length of lead being equal to 1000 ?netres {1093 i/ards), with wagons running upon temporary lines of rails, drawn by horses, and the gradients of various inclinatio7is. GENEBAL PARTICULARS. Cost of a cubic metre, getting, loading in wa- gons, discbarg- ing and loading, 1000 metres. Cost of teaming it an addi- tional 10(10 metres. 1st Tools and Tackle— 1 10 wagons, at 450 francs each 800 metres of temporary rails, at ) 26 francs / 24 Temporary switches, &c. at \ 60 francs j Sheds and buildings Six moveable scatiTolds (baleines)) for unloading, at 300 francs j Price. 49,500 208,000 1,440 3,000 1,800 263,740 Wear and Tear Interest at 5 per cent, on 263,740 francs for 1 year Total expenses, fr 24,750 104,000 7,200 1,500 900 131,870 13,187 145,057 145 1 5 7 _ Total quantity of earth teamed, being . 166,517 met The cost of a cubic metre of earth consequently was 2ndly. Tools and Tackle — As materials, timber, iron, steel, &c 0'05 1 Workmanship and labour 0*06 j 3rdly. Laying and maintaining way 4thly. Carriage of earth — Switchmen, drivers, and other men employed in teaming 0-09 Horses used for draught 0"19 5thly. Digging, loading, and spreading the earth 6thly. Discharging the wagons 7thly. Sundry charges Cost per cubic metre in francs Equal to per English yard 0-871 0-110 040 0-280 0-470 0-260 0-100 2-131 (1^. 4rf.) 0-029 0-005 0-002 0-020 0-400 0-060 (■388 of a shilling.) 165 TaDLE of the Cott of Labour in forming Kmbanhmrnts, the eart/i hting led hij uiujons from the cutting Des Ogiers, from Janiiari/, 1842, to .Wirrnilitr, im-lusirr. X umber of wafrims Quantity tt-aiueJ, in cubic metres, as per note 1 Di^in^ and loading wagons. Days' work of tlii- iiavijjators . . . Amountinj; to, as per note 2 (in francs) Actual cost „ Discharging the wagons. Days' work of the navigators Amounting to, as per note "J (in firancs) . . . . Actual Cost „ . . . . Laying and maintenance of the way. Days' work of layers Amounting to as per note 3 (in francs) . . . . Actual cost „ . . . . Days work of the men employed in teaming the earth. Switchmen (in days) Conductors (ditto) Driirers (ditto) Total Amounting as per note 2 (in francs) Actual cost „ . . . . Artificers employed in the repairs. Days' work of carpenters, farriers, & harness-makers Amounting to, as per note 4 (in francs) .... Actual cost „ .... Davs' work of horses for the carriage of earth. Days of horses Amounting to, as per note 5 (in francs) .... Actual cost „ .... Total amount of expenses, (in francs) . Actual amount of labour, as per note 6, per cubic } metre (in francs) j Slope or Wasquehal. D«T. 49,4-« 61,806-25 15,52910 ;)l,05S-2O 0-50 8,267-90 16,535-80 0-27 1,54910 3,872-75 0-06 830-10 611-40 1,397-50 2,839-20 5,678-40 0-10 1,947-30 5,841-90 0-10 2,113-70 10,568-50 0-17 KigUt. 23.475. 29,343-75 5,333-40 13,333-50 0-45 3,195-40 7,988-50 0-27 348-40 1,045-20 0-04 391-70 243-80 664-20 1,299-70 3,249-25 0-11 71-70 250-95 0-02 1,011-40 6,068-40 -21 73,555-55 1-20 31,736-80 1-05 Slopb op Koudaix. Div. 43,710 54,637-50 11,700-90 23,400-60 •43 6,492-90 1-2,985-80 0-23 1,047-40 •2,618-50 0-04 844-50 512-50 1,101-05 Niglii. 16,714 •20,892-50 4,134-90 10,337-25 0-25 2,096-70 5,-24r75 0-25 202-80 608-40 0-03 285-10 162-60 410-70 2,458-15 4,916-30 0-09 858-40 •2,146-00 010 1,657-90 69-20 4,973-70 242-20 0-10 i 0-01 •2,124-70 10,62350 0-19 818-00 4,908-00 Total. 133,344 166,680-00 36,697-70 7n 129-55 \veragi' -26 20,052-90 4-2,751-85 Average 0-04 3,147-74 8,144-85 Average 0-04 2,351-40 1,530-40 3,573-65 7,455-45 15,989-95 Average 009 3,746-10 11,308-75 -Vverage 006 6,067-80 3-2,168-40 0-23 Average 019 59,518-40 23,483-60 1-08 1-11 188,-294-33 Average 1-12 (71 of a shilling.) Metre. Note 1. Cubic contents of wagon 1-25 Krs. CIS. „ 2. Wages of narigators, per day .... 2 00 „ per night .... 2 50 „ Average .... 2 13 3. Wages of layers, per day 2 50 „ per night .... 3 00 „ Average .... 2 58 4. Wages of artificers, per day .... 3 00 „ per night .... 3 50 „ Average .... 3 02 5. Cost per day 5 00 per night 6 00 Average 5 31 6. The average length of the lead was 1000 French metres, equal to 1093 Englbh yards. Yards. , 1-635 }s. 8d. sterling per day. 2s. Id. „ U. lOd. 2s. Id. 2s. ed. 2s. 2d. 2s. 6d. 2s. lid. 2s. Gd. 4s. 2d. 5s. Od. 4s. Sd. nearly. nearly. and a small fraction. 166 Details of the Expense of conveying Ballasting in Wagons drawn upon a Railway by Locomotives and by Horses. We stated, when treating upon the construction of a railroad, that a portion of the ballasting requisite for laying the permanent way — viz., about one quarter of it — is usually conveyed to the spot by carts, or by means of wagons run upon temporary ways, and that the remainder ought always to be carried upon one of the permanent lines as soon as completed. The following is a table* of the expense incurred in the conveyance of ballast- ing upon a portion of the Versailles railway (left bank) by means of temporary ways and locomotives, the load being taken up a gradient of four millimetres (1 in 250). It is followed by another table, being an estimate of the cost of conveyance supposing that horses had been employed instead of locomotives. It is easy to calculate the expense of conveyance upon a level, when the cost upon a rise of four millimetres (1 in 250) is known, and by deducting the ex- pense of laying the temporally lines, the cost of transporting it on the permanent line may be ascertained. * This table was drawn up by M. Brabant. ig: CONVEYANCE OF BALLAST IN WAGONS riiOPELLED BY LOCOMOTIVE ENGINES. Detail of the Cost of Cotivrifance of a Cubic Metre of Bntliisl liiktn from llic Depot at liellevue, and conveyed from thence to that at I'ersailles, beimj a distance of 4'2'26 metres (4G21 yards). The quantity conveyed was equal to 36,7<>7'29 cubic metres {or 48,092 cubic yards). Materials. Wear and tear of wagons, being one quarter more than the F"- sura stated in the list No. 20, "J^^ = 0216 Laying and maintaining tlie ways J ditto in No. 20, - — - — = 0'304 Carriage of 4,226 metres, upon ti gradient of 0-004: A loco- motive engine, with 10-inch eylinders, and a driver and •■"'• stoker, would cost per day of 10 hours, about 91 francs . . 91'00 It will draw, with a speed of 16,000 metres (10 miles) per hour, a train of 4 wagons, containing 14 cubic metres of ballast, having two paid drivers 6'00 Together . . . 97-00 Hence it follows that the carriage of a cubic metre of ballast will cost, due regard being paid to the return-trip, when the wagons are empty, at ,o x 16.000 x' u = ;, " •^^'^ Time lost in loading and unloading, ^ of a day, at 97 francs, making, per metre, -golTT "^ 0-115 486 days' work of horses to draw the train near the locomo- tive engines, at 6 francs 2916-00 800 days' work of switchmen and attendants upon the rails, at 2 fr. 25 180000 47)6-00 Which makes, per cubic metre, ^^^7^7^ = 0*131 1-132 Petty charges, ^ 0-057 1-189 The cost of conveyance of 1 cubic metre a distance of 100 metres, being ^\^^ = 0-0283 francs, equal to 1 cubic yard, conveyed a distance of 100 yards, at -00164 of a sliilling. 168 ue. CONVEYANCE OF BALLAST IN WAGONS DRAWN BY HORSES. Details of the cost of Conveyance of a Cubic Metre of Ballast taken from the Depot at Belle- 1 . and conveyed from thence to that at Versailles, being a distance of 4226 running metres, (4621 running yards). The quantity conveyed was equal to 36,767 cubic metres (48,094 cubic yards.) MATERIALS. Wear and tear of wagons, 130 wagons j.^.^ valued at :i3,800fr. Deterioration taken at one-eighth, will make . . • 4225 00 Repairing and greasing, one-half . . . 2 1 1 2 50 fr. 6337 50 The contents to be carried being 36,767"29, the cubic metre will be ^l-j^-j'.^c, — Laying and Maintenance of the Way. Laying and maintaining a length of 8552 metres at Ifr 8552 00 For switches &c 400 00 8952 00 Which makes the cubic metre of ballast at 3^'^^^.^^ = Conveyance of 4226 Cubic Metres upon a Rise of 0-004. Three horses and a cart costing 18fr. per day of 10 hours, will draw three wagons containing 6 cubic metres, or 25,000 cubic metres per day, which makes the cubic metre cost — due regard being had to the return trip, when these wagons are , . J I8fr. no X 2 X 4226 emptied » x 2.^.000 = Time lost in loading and unloading J^j of a day at 18fr., which makes .„ [; ^ ^ ' 40 X b Switchmen and attendants upon rails, five hundred men's days at 2fr I,170-00 _ Which makes per cubic metre . . 36,767"29 Petty charges, ^-^ Fr. 0-173 0-243 1-014 0-075 0-032 1-537 0-077 1-614 120 wagons at 4 metres a day ^ 480 metres, 25 days at 480 = 12,000. Three montlis are required to carry 36-767-29. Ten wagons are always supposed to be under repair. The carriage taking place upon the permanent line, this part of the expense is reduced to the cost of keeping it in order. This part of the expense is susceptible of reduction. The cost of conveyance of one cubic metre a distance of 100 metres, being '^W* = 0-0384 fr. (Equal to one cubic yard conveyed a distance of 100 yards at -0223 of a shilling.) 169 On the General Method employed of Diminishing the Resistance upon Railway Curves duriny the execution of Eartlitcork. The curves required in the execution of eartliwork are numerous, and of various radii. The line of rails often becomes inflected and crooked from being imperfectly maintained, whereby the wagons are thrown ofl" the rails. DifTcri'nt expedients are consemieiitly resorted to in order to rootity tliis, and to diminish the friction. The wheels sometimes turn vn tlair iixics. iuul sometimes have moveable axles, but the latter are not able to proceed witli iiiiich sjiccd witliout running oil' the line, and even run oft" when moving witli a moderate velocity. Wagons with four independent axles are also employed, viz., one for each wheel. The wheels are then supported on the axles, and tlie axles move in a box. This mode presents the same difticulty as the last, altliuugh in a somewhat lesser degree. The '* Laiguel" system enables us to diminish the resistance on the curves, but as it is necessary to keep the whole of the wheels to the same radius, and of equal height, it is not always practicable, without great difticulty and very great expense. The " Arnuux " system is too complicated to be applied to embankments, without undergoing important modifications. In certain cases where the vehicles are propelled by manual labour, we should recommend a kind of truck, called chien de miiu\ and used in mines. The chien de mine consists of a narrow box, of some depth, supported upon two axles and four wheels. The two forewheels are smaller than the hinder ones. This truck is usually run upon wooden ways formed of two lines of timber, placed only a few centimetres distance from each other. The timbers may be strengthened by bands of iron, in which case the cliieii de mine would run upon an actual iron railway. In passing along a curve the labourer who propels the chieii de mine rests upon the hinderniost part, and makes it swing slightly upon the hinder axle, so that the weight presses upon the two great wiieels only. Tiie load is distributed in such a niaiuier as to favour this motion. By this means, the friction which takes place in turning a curve with ordinary carriages upon axles fixed parallel to each other is avoided. A vertical peg is fixed in the box of the chien de mine, and connected with a small horizontal friction roller which runs in a groove between the rails, by which the truck is prevented getting off tiie line. The conveyance of earth and materials in the Bdis de Boulogne, for the forti- fications of Paris, was eft*ected by means of a way consisting of a single rail, Avhich was remarkably well laid down, but we regret we have no description of it. z 170 Lines of this kind consist of a longitudinal beam upon which the rail is fixed at a certain height above 1 ,1 Fi"- 1 Fio-. 2. the ground ; these " =■ beams are supported on posts raised in a solid manner and at regular intervals (see cuts) The kit which contains the load is supported by means of an iron bar or crook connected with a roller which moves along the rails and corresponds with the centre of gravity of the road and the axis of the railway. These kits acquire an oscillatory motion while they are in motion, which is not without inconvenience. One mode which appears very convenient under many circumstances for passing over curves of small radius, and in temporary ways where the loads do not require to be conveyed in large wagons or to great distances, has been applied by M. Serveille, senior, at Mendon, for the working of a quarry, and is described in the bulletin of the Society for Encouragement (year 1842, page 401). It consists in the use of carriages running upon a narrow line of way, (see cuts.) The carriage rests crossways upon the rails, and on points at equal distances from the centre between the two large conical rollers forming the wheels. It becomes displaced laterally at the curves, and rests upon points more or less distant from the base according to the nature of the curve, and in such a manner that the wagons naturally follow the curve of the road. The motion of the wheels is precisely similar to that of two distinct cones rolling upon the way. Fig. 3. 171 The effect produced when M. Servcille's wagons enter a curve is analogous to that whicli i)revails, under the same circumstances, with the couiiuou wagons and separate wheels, on the ordinary lines of railway. Rut the length of the conical jxirtions lieing so much greater in M. Scr- veille's system, the lateral displacement can therefore act upon a greater width, and the wagons, consec[uently, are enabled to pass over curves of much smaller radius. Minutes of Specification for the Su/tph/ing of Wagons for Earthwork. AKTlLLE KIRST. The wagons to be built in conformity with the designs and models annexed to the present specification. The builder is not to modify the forms and dimensions described. Any part formed of inferior dimensions, is to be liable to rejection, and the same with those made of larger proportions. ARTICLE SECOND. The iron used in the work to be carefully foiged, and of good (juality, with- out flaws, cracks, or other defects. All the ironwork that is broken during the first six months of being in use, shall be replaced at the works, under the direc- tion of the company, and at the expense of the contractor, provided the breakage arises from a defect of quality in the article. ARTICLE THIRD. The timber employed for the body and the various parts shall be of the first quality, without defects. It must be properly seasoned, squared, perfectly true on all sides for use, and joined with the greatest care, according to the speci- fication. The edges must also be correctly squared, and the joints free from play. In case of any part warping from imperfection in quality, or the joints becoming loose during the course of the first six mouths, they shall be replaced at the shops of the company, and at the expense of the contractor. The wagons to be formed entirely of oak. Minutes of Specification for the Supplying of 6000 Oak Sleepers. ARTICLE FIRST. The sleepers to be 2-" 20 (7 feet 3 inches) in length, 0"' 32 (0-r)9 inch) in breadth, and 0"" 16 (6 inches) in thickness; the cubical contents of these prescribed dimensions being therefore equal to about 0" 1 (3"53 cubic feet). A difference of Ath over or under each of the above dimensions will be allowed. z2 172 ARTICLE SECOND. If any piece falls short of the minimum limit in its dimension, it will be rejected, or if it exceeds the stipulated size, by iVth, the contract price only will be allowed. ARTICLE THIRD. The wood to be Champagne oak, of the first quality, and felled at least one year previous. It is to be floated {flaotte) timber, and to weigh, at the time of delivery, 60 to 65 livres to the cubic foot (930 kilogrammes to the stere or cubic metre, or 1564 lbs. to the cubic yard). ARTICLE FOURTH. The sleepers to be cut up by the saw, and to be squared, so as to leave tie smallest quantity of bark and sap-wood possible. ARTICLE FIFTH. No piece to have a knot, the centre of which is less than 0"' 30 (11-81 inches) from its extremity. ARTICLE SIXTH. Every sleeper to be measured separately, and submitted to a distinct examination. ARTICLE SEVENTH. All those having flaws or splits at a greater distance than 0™ 02 (-78 inches) from their extremities wiU be rejected. ARTICLE EIGHTH. The ends of the sleepers to be cut square, without slant or slope. ARTICLE NINTH. If more than iVth of the sleepers are rejected, upon any delivery, the contractor shall be bound to pay the company a sum equal to 25 per cent, of the amount delivered, as damages. ARTICLE TENTH. The contractor to be bound to convey the wood to the depots which will be pointed out to him between Paris and Versailles. ARTICLE ELEVENTH. Three thousand sleepers to be delivered by the 1st of September, and 3000 by the 1st of October. I 73 ARTICLE TWELFin. The price per cubic metre (1-308 cubic yards) to be fixed at , and the tender to state any discount that may be further allowed upon this price. ARTICLE TniUTEENTU. Payment will be made as follows: Stlis in ready money, and Uh at six months' date. ARTICLE FOURTEENTH. In case of the contractor failing to fulfil any of the clauses of this con- tract, the company shall be at liberty to annul it, and the contractor shall pay a sum of 2000 francs, by way of damages and compensation to the company. Minutes of Specification for the Supplying of Cast-iron Chairs. ARTICLE FIRST. The form and dimensions of the chairs to correspond exactly with the stamped models transmitted to the contractor. ARTICLE SECOND. The cliairs to be of two kinds, the intermediate chair and the joint chair. The joint chair to form ith, and the ordinary chairs iths of the total number of chairs included in the contract. ARTICLE THIRD. The standard weight of the chair must agree precisely with the adopted model to be finally agreed upon by the engineer and the manufacturer before commencing. A difierence of 3 per cent, over or under this weight will be allowed on the delivery. The chairs within these limits will be paid for according to their real weight; but all chairs of less weight will be rejected: those, however, possessing an excess of weight will be accepted, without an extra allowance being made to the contractor. ARTICLE FOCRTH. The chairs to be of grey cast-iron of the first or second melting. To be tenacious and soft to the file, the grains grey-coloured, compact, and uniform, without any flaws, such as smut, blisters, &c. The positive resistance to be at least 1500 kilogrammes to a square centimetre of section (3307 lbs. to -155 square 174 inches). This strength to be proved by decisive experiments made during the course of manufacture, and as often as the engineer may consider necessary. The manufacturer to be bound to submit the chairs to whatever modes of examination the directors may think proper to adopt. ARTICLE FIFTH. The surfaces of the chairs to be smooth and uniform, all the irregularities and seams being levelled by proper tools, and the edges rendered smooth. The bottom face of each chair to be perfectly even, so that there shall not be any vacuity below them, on being fixed to the sleepers supporting the line. ARTICLE SIXTH. The contact of the rail with the cheeks or sides of the chair to be perfect throughout, which condition will be strictly insisted upon. One end of a stamped rail will be sent to the manufacturer to guide him in the manufacture. The examination by the engineers to consist in passing an exact model, formed of plate iron, into each chair. ARTICLE SEVENTH. The delivery of the chairs to be made at the works once a week, at least. The engineer appointed to receive them shall have the right of trying, or of delegating to others their examination, together with the necessary trials for determining whether the whole of the conditions of the present contract have been properly complied with. All the expenses connected with the delivery and trials instituted by the engineer, or his delegated agent, to be made at the expense of the contractor. The whole of the chairs accepted are to be stamped. ARTICLE EIGHTH. Should any of the chairs become injured during their conveyance, or broken either before or at the time of fixing, they will be rejected, notwithstanding their delivery at the works after being tested. The rejected chairs to be weighed and returned to the contractor at one of the places of delivery, and to be deducted from the amount of his delivery, or he shall replace them if the directors prefer it. The expenses of this final examination is also to be borne by the contractor. ARTICLE NINTH. The delivery to be made at spots to be determined by the engineer, and near the workshops or depots established along the line of railway, provided such parts can be approached by a road passable for loaded wagons. 175 ARTICLE TENTU. The whole supply to consist of chairs. The contractor to deliver and convey the nuiubcr of chairs comprising his contract, at his own expense and risk, to the places pointed out for the deliveryj within the period of . The directors simll, however, be at liberty to defer receiving the chairs if they think proper; in wiiich case, the contractor is to pile theui in order, in regular prisms, in a warehouse to be supplied by the directors at the iron-works, bo that they may be readily counted. ARTICLE ELEVENTH. The amount of the contract to be paid to the contractor, upon the produc- tion of the receipt of the provisional reception at the works, excepting l-4th, which will be retained to cover the expense of conveyance of the rejected chairs, on fixing, and as security. The sum retained will be reduced to 1-lOth, at one month after the delivery of the chairs. The chairs, when thus received at the factory, and piled up in the company's warehouse, will be considered to form part of the contract. It is, moreover, under- stood that tlie contractor shall, conformably to Articles 8 and 0, transport these chairs to the places appointed for the delivery, where they shall be subjected to further tests. ARTICLE TWELFTH. The manufacturer to guarantee the chairs for the first year, and when in use on the temporary line. Every chair which becomes injured during this prescril)ed term, by any cause whatever, unless it be proved to have resulted from a violent shock, shall be replaced at the expense of the contractor ; the remaining tenth due to the contractor will not be paid until after the expiration of the period of guarantee. ARTICLE THIRTEENTH. In case of the contractor not having completed his contract at the period stated in the present specification, rcth of the total amount of the chairs not delivered at the periods assigned shall be deducted from the sum due to the con- tractor as damages. ARTICLE FOURTEENTH. Further, the contractor is to be subjected to the clauses and general con- ditions drawn up on the 2.5th of August, 1833, by M. the Director- General of Bridges, Highways, and Mines, for all works connected with Bridges and Koads. 176 ARTICLE FIFTEENTH. No party will be allowed to tender who is not the proprietor or manager of a foundry. Minutes of Specification for the Supplying of 14,000 Wrought Lvn Bolts. ARTICLE FIRST. The bolts to be one hundred and eighty millimetres (0-180""" = -708 inches) in length, exclusive of the head, which is to be nineteen millimetres (0-019""" = 748 inches) in thickness ; the head to be squared and flattened, and of the thickness of eighteen millimetres (0-018™" = 0-78 inch), and to be exactly similar in shape to the given model. The weight to be with a limit of 1 — 10th if below this, but if over this, the extra weight wUl not be paid, thus a thousand bolts should weigh or at least In each of which cases the exact weight will be paid, for if they weigh less they will be rejected, and if they weigh more the stipulated weight only will be paid for. ARTICLE SECOND. The bolts to be of Roche iron, soft, and not liable to fracture when cold. ARTICLE THIRD. The proving to be made on 1-lOth of the supply, which will consist in striking the bolt when cold with a hammer, so as to form it to an angle of about 45 degrees, and then to bend it straight again. If 1-lOth of the bolts thus tried break, the whole will be rejected. ARTICLE FOURTH. The bolts broken either in the trial or during their use, to be replaced by the contractor, the turning up of the head of the bolt to be a sufficient defect for this step. This guarantee to continue for one year from the day of their de- livery. ARTICLE FIFTH. 7000 bolts to be delivered by the 1st October next, the remaining 7000 on the 15th October, and forwarded to the depots pointed out to the contractor between Paris and Versailles. 177 Minutes of the Government Specification for the Suppltjituj of /'iiils. ARTICLE FIRST. The rails to be of the exact shape of the stamped model to he remitted to the manufacturer. The cross section to be exactly similar throughout the entire length of the rails, more especially at the extremities, which are to be carefully protected from any compression or alteration at the time of sawing. ARTICLE SECOND. The standard length uf tlie rails to be 4'" 50 (14 feet 9 inches) for tlie greater facility of manufacture. One rail in twenty will be admitted at a length of 3"' 75 (12 feet 3 inches), provided these shorter mils arise during the iimnu- facture of those required of the standard length, and which have been clipped in consequence of flaws at their extremities. The weight of the rail to be determined by the model delivered to the manu- facturer, and which will be proved at the first delivery. An allowance of two per cent, over or under will be made on this weight, provided the whole supply does not difler from the standard weight l)y more than iJuth. The rails to be paid for according to the actual weight within the limits of allowance. If below this limit, they will be rejected ; they will be accepted if above it, but the contractor will lose the extra sum arising from any excess above the standard weight. ARTICLE TIIIUD. t The iron employed in the manufacture of the rails to be of two qualities; the body of the rails may be of coarse puddled iron, but the top and bottom faces to be each formed of a single piece of iron previously forged. For this purpose the bimdlc-s, subsequently drawn into rails, are to be formed of not more than two- thirds of coarse puddled iron, with one-third, at the least, of iron previously forged. ARTICLE FOURTH. The workmanship of the rails to be perfect in every respect. All those which may be badly welded or formed with flaws, or indented on either face, will be rejected. ARTICLE FIFTH. The whole of the rails to be cut at the two ends Ijy a s;iw, or by some other eflicient apparatus, to be agreed upon by the Directors. All excrescences to be A A 178 carefully removed. The planes of the sections to be perfectly square with the axis of the rails. The allowance on the fixed lengths never to exceed a millimetre and a half, (0.059 of an inch.) Every rail which is ordered to be cut at a different length from the standard, to be paid for at the rate of five per cent, above the con- tract price. ARTICLE SIXTH. The rails to be dressed on both sides with the greatest care, their surfaces being made smooth and uniform, and they must fit into the chairs, employed to support the rails, with the greatest accuracy ; the chairs will, therefore, be sent to the manufacturer to enable him to fit them together. The rails to be capable of bearing, and to be submitted to the following proof, which is to be made peremptorily with any portion of the rails which the engineer may select. The rails are to be rested upon two supports of 0" 08 (3-14 inches) in size, and at a distance of 1™ 12 (3 feet 8 inches) from each other {centre to centre)^ when each rail is to be capable of supporting a weight of 8000 kilogrammes (about 8 tons), in the middle of this bearing, without undergoing any perceptible deflection. ARTICLE SEVENTH. The provisional delivery of the rails at the works to be made at least once a week. The engineer appointed to receive the rails, and to examine them, shall have the right of trying, or of delegating to others, the necessary trials for determining whether the whole of the conditions of the present contract have been properly complied with ; more especially that regulating the mode of manu- facture, described in Article 3. All expenses connected with the delivery, and the trials instituted by the engineer or his delegated agent, to be made at the expense of the contractor. The whole of the rails accepted to be stamped. ARTICLE EIGHTH. Notwithstanding the delivery of the rails at the works, if, upon further examination, any imperfection should be discovered, even after being placed on their supports, they shall be put aside and submitted to the test of the engineer- in-chief, who shall have the right of rejecting and deducting them from the amount of the contract ; and, upon their being weighed, they shall be placed at the disposal of the contractor, at one of the places of delivery. The expense of this final examination is also to be borne by the contractor. 179 ARTICLE NINTH. The delivery to be made at spots to be determined by the engineer, and near the workshops or depots established along the line of railway, provided such parts can be jipproached by a road jjassable for loaded wagons. ARTICLE TENTH. The whole supply to consist of rails. The contractor to deliver and convey the amount of rails comprising his contract, at his own expense and risk, to the places pointed out for the delivery, within the period of The directors siiall, however, be at liberty to defer receiving the rails, if they think proper; in which case the contractor is to pile them carefully in regular prisms, in a warehouse pointed out by the directors at the works, so that they may be readily counted. ARTICLE ELEVENTH. The amount of the contract shall be paid to the contractor upon the pro- duction of the receipt of their provisional reception at the works, excepting one- fourth, which will be retained to cover the expense of conveyance of the rejected rails, and for security. The sum retained will be reduced to 1-lUtli at one month after the delivery of the rails. The rails, when thus i-eceived at the factory, and piled in the company's warehouse, will be considered to form part of the contract. It is, moreover, understood that the contractor shall, conformably to Articles 8 and 9, transport these rails to the places appointed for the delivery, where they shall be subjected to further tests. ARTICLE TWELFTH. The manufacturer to guarantee the rails for the first year, and when in use on the temporary lines. It is to be understood that the guarantee shall apply to any imperfection in the workmanship, which may not be perceived at the time of delivery. Every rail that becomes injured during this prescribed term, by any cause whatever, unless it be proved to have resulted from a violent shock, shall be replaced at the expense of the contractor. Tlie remaining tenth, due to the contractor, will not be paid until after the expiration of the period of guarantee. ARTICLE THIRTEENTH. In case of the contractor not having completed his contract at the period stated in the present specification, 1-lOth of the total amount of the rails not A A 2 180 delivered at the period above assigned, shall be deducted from the sum due to the contractor, as damages. ARTICLE FOURTEENTH. Further the contractor is to be subject to the clauses aud general conditions drawn up on the 25th of August, 1833, by M. the Director-General of Bridges, Highways, and Mines, for all works relating to Bridges and Roads. Specification for the manufacture of Rails for the Railway from Paris to Rouen. ARTICLE FIRST. This clause is similar to that of the Government Specification for the supply of rails, page 177. ARTICLE SECOND. Tlie standard length of the rails to be 4 metres, 80 centimetres (15 feet 8-98 inches.) One rail in twenty will be accepted at a length of 3"" 60 (11 feet, 9*73 inches.) One rail in twenty will be allowed of a longer or shorter length than 4™ 80 (15 feet, 8-98 inches.) All the other rails to be exactly this length, and in no case to vary from it more than one millimetre and a half, (0-059 inches.) The contractor is to inform the company of the exact length of each rail at the time of their delivery, in order that the rails may be classed separately. The weight of the rail to be 35 kilogs. (71 lbs. per yard) with the same limits to variations described in page 177 of the Government Specification. ARTICLE THIRD. This clause is similar to that at page 177, with this difierence only, that the bundles drawn out for the rails are to consist of 3-5ths puddled iron, and 2-5ths forged iron, instead of 2-3rds and l-3rd. ARTICLES FOURTH AND FIFTH. Similar stipulations will be found in Articles 4, 5, and 6 of the Government Specification, page 177. The employment of the lever screw instead of the hammer in the (cold) straightening is required of the manufacturer. The rails must be capable of bearing the following proof. Upon being placed freely on two sup- ports of 0™ 05 (1-95 inches) wide, and at a distance of 1" 20 (3 feet, 11-24 inches,) from centre to centre; each rail must support a weight of 8000 kilogs., (about 8 tons,) in the middle of this bearing, without sustaining any permanent alteration. IHl ARTICI.K SIXTH. TIlis is similar to Article 7, at patro ITS. ARTICLES EIGIITU, NINTH, TENTH, ELEVENTH, AND TWELFTH. These are similar to Articles 8, 9, 10. 11, 12, and 13, at pages 178 and 179. On the SpeciJicatio7is employed in Belgium. The specifications employed in Belgium do not difVor essentially from the preceding, except that they stipulate for a trial by sihock in the following manner : — Kach rail of 27 kilos (54 lbs. per yard) is required to be placed on supports at a distance of one metre (3 feet 3.27 inches) from each other, and is to be capable of bearing, when cold, a deflection equal to 1- 10th of the distance between the sup ports. This is to be produced by the fall of a rammer of 200 kilos, (nearly l-5th of a ton) dropt from a height of four metres, (13 feet 148 inches.) N.B. — The extent of surface of the rammer was not stated in the Specification which we examined. The specification fur the Railway from Roauno to Andresien stipulates for the distance and the shock in the following terms : — Rails weighing 13 kilos. (25 lbs. per yard), similar to the old rails of the line from St. Stevens to Lyons, and resting on supports placed at distances of ninety centimetres (3 feet), are to receive the shock of a raunner of 2000 kilos' weight (2 tuns), with a surface of four square decimetres (62 square inches) dropt from a height of 60 centimetres, (1 foot 11'62 inches.) The rail must not bend more than 12 centimetres (4'71 inches) from the eflects of the blow, and it must be capable of being re-bent, whilst cold, to its original shape. Minutes of Specification for the supply of Iron Pins for the Railway from Amiens to Boulogne. ARTICLE FIRST, The shape of the whole of the pins to be like the pattern which shall be for- warded to the manufacturer by the engineer-in-chief of the company. ARTICLE SECOND. The normal weight of the bolts to conform strictly to the model determined previously between the engineer and the manufacturer. Au allowance will be 182 made, on delivery of the pins, of 3 per cent, more or less than this weight ; they will be paid for, within this limit, by their real weight ; if below this weight, they will be rejected ; but they will be accepted if they exceed it, provided they are conformable with this specification in other respects ; the additional weight will not, however, be allowed the manufacturer. ^ ARTICLE THIRD. * The company reserves the right of inspecting the manufacture in the work- shops of the manufacturer. ARTICLE FOURTH. The pins to be of iron of good quality — soft, but not fragile ; the head to be made out of the solid piece, and not joined on it. ARTICLE FIFTH. Trial to be made peremptorily by the engineer at the time of delivery on some portion of the supply delivered. This trial to consist of driving the pin half-way home into an oak block, and striking it laterally on its upper extremity, so as to make it form an angle of 45 degrees with the vertical. The pin is then to be withdrawn, and redressed cold, without exhibiting any fracture. ARTICLE SIXTH. Besides the pins which are rejected on the'vc reception at the store-yards, all that ai?e found inadmissible, either by deficiency or excess of weight, as well as those which break under the hammers of the workmen, will be rejected, and are to be replaced by the manufacturer. ARTICLE SEVENTH. The contract to comprise 250,000 pins. ARTICLE EIGHTH. The delivery to be made at the magazines of the company, at the places directed by the chief engineer, on the 15th of July and the 15th September, so that the supply shall be completed at the last date. ARTICLE NINTH. > The contractor to be paid for the contract in proportion to the supply, to be 183 proved by the receipts, excepting; ii drawback of one-tenth of the amount, which is not to be paid for until aft«r the bolts are employed. ARTICLK TENTH. lu case the manufacturer should not fultil his contract, and the deliveries are not made at the times stated, the engineer-in-chief is authorized, without being under the necessity of giving any formal process, to complete the number of pins forming the contract at the expense of the manufacturer, by any means in his power. ARTICLE ELEVENTU. In case of difficulties and disputes on any point, and of whatever nature, re- lative to the contract, the parties engage, by these presents, to refer to M. , chief engineer of the company, residing at . The arbitrator to dfecide finally, as sole arbitrator, without appeal or trial; and, moreover, as a friendly umpire, to dispense with all forms and the delay of processes. The contiactor hereby agrees to the said arbitration, the company having informed him that -M. , the chief engineer of the company, is appointed by them to receive the above-mentioned supplies. ^ Examined in duplicate, by the undersigned, who is appointed to superintend the present contract, this day, 3rd February, 1846. O71 the Preparation of Wood. The attention of the engineers of railways has been for some time directed to the processes employed, or proposed, for the preservation of wooden sleepers, and as we have collected some information on the efficacy of the same, we will present a statement of it to our readers. M. Payeu, member of the Academy of Sciences, in the coujse of his lectures, delivered at the Museum of Arts and Manufactures, states the causes of alteration in wood to be as follow : — 1st. The solubility of the animal matters which it contains. 2nd. The weak cohesion of its parts. 3rd. Their four-fold composition. We know that the more elements a body contains in its composition, the sooner it decomposes. 184 4th- The oxygen of the air, heat, and humidity. Stii. The azotic matter which is contained in wood. 6th. The insects, such as ants and teredos. The woodwork of the ports of Rochefort and Eochelle have suffered consider- ably from the action of these insects. The following have been employed or proposed for the preservation of wood: — 1st, Creosote. 2n'\. Tannin. 3rd. The bichlorate of mercury, or corrosive sublimate. 4th. Arsenic acid. .5th. The pyroligneou-s acid and pitch. 6th. Marine glue. 7th. Marine salt. 8th. Pyrolignites of lead and iron. 9th. Sulphate of protoxide of iron. 10th. Sulphate of copper. ] 1 f h. Sulphate and chlorate of zinc. 12th. The usual acids and acid salts. LSth. The alkalies. 14th. Fat of all kinds. 15th. Eesins. The creosote is the most efficacious, but is too expensive. Pyroligneous acid and pitch contain a great quantity of creosote, and act in the same manner, but with less energy. Marine glue may be ranged among the reactives whose use appears to be most efficacious. Fat generally, and tlie resins especially, produce an excellent effect, but are too expensive. M. Bourdon, of Dunkerque, states that he has used tannin with advantage for the preservation of wood, yet leather prepared with tannin is not protected from the effects of moisture? We are doul)tful respecting tannin for the preservation of railway sleepers, since it has not been tried sufficiently long, or upon a scale to establish the several experiments made to test its efficacy, and we therefore cannot recom- mend it. 185 The corrosive sublimate appears to be the best of all the rcactives. It has been iisid witli advantage on the greater part of the English railways. Although soluble in itself, yet it becomes insoluble when it is combined with the allninipn of woody substances. It is, moreover, an active poison, and drstroys insects, but it has, unfortunately, become very high in i)ricc. Arsenic acid is dangerous to the workmen. Marine salt preserves the woodwork of mines perfectly, Imt is expensive, and it absorbs water in very ° section 0-0048, J P^f cubic metre . . • . 4 inclined planes at the crossing of the rails . . 52 holts for the rails at 2 kilog 8 holts for the friction-rollers 2 iron rings joining the bolts of the friction-rollers (11-90 each, or 23-30 taken together) 2330 x 0-0008,0-01904 1 connecting ring for the friction-rollers . 28 bolts at 2 kilog. 50 1 iron shaft steeled 1 brass socket 1 iron angular ring Total length, 13 metres at 7 kilog. the running metre Total weight of wrought iron Kilog The 0-42 cubic metre of cast iron weighs, at the rate of 7210 kilog. to a cubic metre 3000 Outer ring, section 0-0046 x 13 metres 0-0598, at 7210 kilog. the metre cube 432 Plate for the friction-rollers, section, 0-0057 x 12 metres, 0-0684 492 Socket 60 8 friction-rollers at 20 kilog 160 Weight of iron castings . . 4144 599 15 104 88 148 10 70 20 91 (9137 lbs.) 1145 (2524 lbs.) Summary. 4144 kilog. of cast iron at 60 cents 1145 kilog. of wrought iron at 1 fr. 30 cents To the manufacture frs. cts. 2486 40 1448 50 3974 90 189 frcs. ctj. Brought forward . . . 3974 90 The cost of the model of a turn-talilo ami its ap- pendages would amount to 1400 (£5G), which should be divided amongst the number of turn- tables required. If 7 are ordered, l-7th of 1400 francs must be added 200 4174 90 (£IG7 0) This amount may, liowever, be reduced by I -5th or even l-4th. Detail'^ of tlie Ejpeiu aL. 5 d 817-70 kilog., at 62 frs. per 100 kilog 506 95 (2U 5 9^) Cast Iron. kilog. 16 irons, or supports of the friction-rollers .... 448 16 friction- rollers ... 160 2 square plates for pivots , 15-20 2 socket plates 40 Total 663-20 = (1462 lbs.) frs. eta. JC t. d. 663-20 kilog. at 55 frs. per 100 kUog 364 80 = (14 110) 190 Steel. kilog. 2 pivots in steeled iron 2 2 lintels 5 Total 7 ITS cts V fl 7 kilog. at 2 fr. 10 cts. per kilog 14 70 = (11 9) Timber. fr. cts. 10 steres of oak at 82 frs. per stere 820 00 1848 of deal at 75 frs 138 50 f s. d. 958 50 = (38 6 9) WORKMANSHIP. Wrought Iron. fr. cts. (By the piece.) 8 cross bars at 3 frs. each .... 24 8 squares, at 2 frs. 50 cts 20 2 rings at 10 frs. each 20 16 shafts for the friction-rollers at 1 fr 16 48 bolts at 30 cts 9 60 2 do. of steeled iron, 40 kilog. at 50 cts 20 2 lintels of 5 kilog. each, at 50 cts 2 50 32 double pins at 1 fr 32 2 screws for pivot of 2 kilog., at 40 cts 80 8 plugs at 25 cts 2 10 bolts at 20 cts 3 20 8 mouldings at 30 cts 2 40 32 double pins for the friction-rollers 32 (Day-work.) 2 shields 8 bolts (6 hours) 4 50 8 slips ( 1 day) 8 25 f s. d. Total 197 25 = (7 18 0) 191 Fittings. frs. ct«. (8 days.) 8 cast box irons at 4 frs. 50 cts 3() 16 friction-rollers at 1 fr 10 (2 days.) 2 socket plates 9 (1 day.) 1 square plate for pivot 4 50 (1 day.) 2 pivots with steel points 4 50 (1 day.) 2 lintels 4 50 (6 days.) 32 double pins 27 (2 days.) 8 panels in plates 9 (6 days.) 32 double pins . . . . • 27 £ s. d. Total 137 50 = (5 10 0) Turning. frs. 16 friction-rollers, by agreement 40 10 beams, do. 1 franc 25 cts 20 (1 day.) 2 socket plates 10 (2j days.) 2 pivots, steeled points 25 (1 day.) 2 lintels 10 Total 105 (4 4 2) Tapping. frs. cts. 48 bolts, at 20 cents 9 60 (1 hour.) 2 pivots 3 25 (3 hours.) 2 screws for pivots 85 (6 hours.) 8 bolts 1 70 10 bolts at 10 cts 1 60 s. d. Total 17 00 ( 14 0) Boeing. frs. ct.s. 8 cross bars at 95 cts. (task work) 7 GO 8 squares 15 (2J days.) 2 rings 7 50 (23 days.) 10 friction-rollers 25 (6 hours.) 8 mouldings 1 00 8 slips 8 £ s. d. Total 64 70 (2 12 0) 192 Carpentees' Work. frs. cts. 60 days at 4 frs 240 (23 days.) Saws at 7 frs. 75 cts 178 25 £ s. d. Total 418 25 (IC 14 7) Coal 38 75 ( 1 11 0) Recapitulation. Eaw materials, including coal 1883 90 Workmanship 938 70 Making together 2822 60 Sundry expenses, 20 per cent 564 52 Total ..... 3387 12 (135 9 7) Or, 1693 frs. 55 cts. (£67 14x. 9)d.) per turn-table. Statement of the Expense of a Crossing-place and Switches, forming a complete change of Line on the Versailles Railway [left bank), See Plate 16. 1st. — The Crossing-place. Irs. cts. From seven-tenths to eight-tenths of a cubic metre of rough oak, at 80 francs per stere, the timber being supposed to be of the first quality, say eight-tenths of a cubic metre C4 00 To carpenters, sawing it out and fitting, due regard being paid to the great precision with which this work is required to be done (laying not included) 80 00 26 bolts for securing the cross-pieces, weighing 26 kilogrammes, at 1 fr. per kilogramme 26 00 8 bolts of 00-27'" (1 inch) in diameter, for a similar purpose, weighing together 14 kilogrammes, at 1 fr. per kilogramme 14 00 Weight of Iron forininji the Crossing. kilog. 2 curved rails 274 2 guard rails 274 2 pieces forming the point 94 642 Loss in forging, l-20th 32 674 193 frs. ctj*. frs. ct». Brought forward 184 00 674 kilogranuncs, at 40 francs the 100 kilograimiie . . 200 fiO Forging the G pieces 20 00 Coal 225 hccto, or 200 kilogruniines, at 55 francs per 1000 kilograniuies 1 1 00 Sundry expenses, l-5tli 61 00 36 1 60 4 45 4 25 554 30 3 bolts for joining the joints:, weighing 4 kilogrammes, cost making (See details in the following page.) Marking the chairs Total, exclusive of chairs .... For the Switches. 1" 70 cents, of timber, comprising the sleepers N, 0, P, (see Plate 16), at the rate of 80 francs per cubic metre 136 00 The fixed points which the moveable switches or kilog. guard-rails rest against, weighing . . 152'00 Waste l-20th 760 159 60 159"60 kilogrammes, at 40 francs the 100 kilogrammes . 63 85 Forging 6 00 Coal 0'75 hecto, weighing 60 kilogrammes, at 55 francs per 1000 kilogrammes 3 30 Sundry expenses, l-5tli 14 65 87 80 kilog. 2 moveable switches forming guard-rails, weighing 304*00 6 wedges 366 1 connecting rod 35*20 2 supporting bolts 9*00 1 cast-iron eccentric 27 "66 Iron 13-00 Brass 1-00 393-52 393-52 kilogrammes, at 0.75 the kilogramme .... 295 15 Total of the switches, exclusive of chairs and laying down, fr. . . 518 95 c c • 194 Kecapitulation. frs. cts. For the crossing-places, exclusive of chairs and laying down 554 30 For the switches, say, in round numbers 600 The chairs* for the crossings and the switches, being a total of 450 kilogrammes, at the rate of 25 francs per 100 kilogrammes 112 00 Laying the crossings and switches 120 00 £ s. d. Total expense of laying down change of line complete, 1386 30 (55 9 0) Details of the cost of Bolts for fastening the Crossing-points. frs. cts. Materials for 3 bolts, at 0-40 cts. the kilogramme . 1 60 Waste, 1-lOth 16 1 76 Forging at the rate of 35 cts. each 1 05 Tapping at the rate of 30 cts. each 90 3 71 Sundry expenses 74 s. d. 4 45 (3 8) • These chairs, requiring particular models, cost rather more than the ordinary ones. 195 Details of Prices relative to the Construction of the Line, Chtnif/im/ Pltices, and Turn-tables, on the linilira;/ from I. tile to the IMi/inn Frontier. NuiuImt und Bub- jecl of ibc follow- iug details. Dctaila of Tackle and Workmansliip. PlllCK. As calculated. lo I'ractice. Obbebtatioxs. Xo. 1. The making of a temporary line with rails of 30 kilog. (01 Ihs. per yard) to the running metre, supported on oak sleepers, at dis- tances of l'12,j metres, (3 fiet 8'27 inch.) apart, the ground being supposed to be levelled. No. 2. Construction of a permanent line, with rails and sleepers as above, the soil being supposed to be level. Loading, unloading, and conveying, by barrows, from the depot to the wagons, and from the place of unloading to the spot where required Transport by Hajfims of the transverse sleepers, rails, and wooden wedges, to an average distance of 1500 metres (about 1600 yards); two horses and carter, paid 14 tVancs |ier day, conveyed the materials required for the construc- tion of ViO metres (about 130 yards) of way per day, which gives per metre . Notching the sleepers and bolting the chairs at 15 cents, per sleeper, gives per metre f JJ Construction — A gang, composed of a foreman, at a salary of four francs for a day of ten hours ; under foreman, at three francs ; and six men, at two francs fifty cents ; making together an expense of 22 francs, will prepare and lay down 70 metres (229 feet 7 inches) of single line, which gives per metre .... Expense of tools and waste being . . Price per running metre . . ) Equal to 7d. per running yard. ) Loading, unloading, and conveying, by harrows, conveying, notching, and bolt- ing the chairs, as before in Xo. 1 . . Construction — A party composed of and paid as l)efore, laid down and prepared 50 metres of way (about 54 yards) per day of ten hours, which gives per Fan- ning metre Expense of tools and waste Price per running metre . . "| Equal to S^d. per running j-ard. / Franca. 0100 Franca. 0117 0133 0-314 OOCO 0-730 0-75 0-350 0-440 0-079 0-869 0-90 This price docs not include the maintenance of the way, which is generally very expensive at first, but which varies considerably according to the season, the weather, the nature of the ground, the greater or less importance of the embankments, and the rate of speed of the traffic. In rather unfavourable circumstances, the maintenance of the line may amount to 40 cents, per running metre, or 3jd. per running yard, during the first month. c c 2 196 Number and sub- ject of the follow- ing details. No. 3. Construction of a temporary change of line, consisting of a crossing and switch rails, with an eccentric. No. 4. Construction of a cliange of perma- nent line, com- posed of a cross- ing and switch rails, with an ec- centric. No. 5. Construction of the foundation for a turn-table of 4'o0 metres in diameter ( 1 4 feet 9 inches) for lo- comotives made on the system employed on the Belgian lines. Detnils of Tackle and Workmanship. A party, composed of and paid as before, laid down a change of line in eight hours, which will amount to . . . Fittings Expense of tools and waste .... Cost of a change of line A party, composed of and paid as before, laid down a change of line, in two days, which gives for the cost of the same . Carpenter, two days' work, at four francs Mounter, one day, at s;.x francs . . . • Ditto two days, for adjusting at four francs Various works Expenses of tools and waste .... Pbice. As calculated. ]''lttUCS 17-60 3-40 300 ■24-00 In Practice. Fraucs. •24 44-00 8 00 600 8 00 1600 8-00 90-00 90 (£3. 12s.) The sums stated in Nos. 3 and 4 do not include any more than the laving down of the parts mentioned. The laying down the line between the crossing points and the switch rails was paid for separate, and at higher rates than those given in Nos. 1 and 2, by 50 per cent, at least, and it may be much greater when the levelling presents difficulties, on account of the additional time required. EARTHWORK AND MASONRY. 25 cubic metres (882-73 cubic feet) of earth excavated and conveyed a distance of 200 metres (about 218 yards), at 1 fr. 15 cubic metres (5298 cubic feet) of common masonry, at 18 fr 0-25 metre (84 cubic feet) of cut stone masonry, at 150 fr 25 cubic metres of mortar, at 34 fr. ACCESSORIES. 1-40 cubic metres (493 cubic feet) of oak for sleepers, at 120 francs per cubic metre 44 lbs. of lead for soldering, at 1 fr. (la- bour included) RAISING, ADJUSTING, AND FIXING. Mounter, 1 day, at 6 fr 2 days' adjusting, at 4 fr Carpenter, 2 days' work, at 4 fr. . . Stone-cutter, 2 days' work, at 4 fr. Labourer, 8 days' work, at 2 fr. . . Extra labour Expense of tools and waste .... Price of a platform .... '25-00^ 27000 37-50 8-50J y 341-00 1 68-00 ^ 188.00 20-00 6-00 800 8-00^ 8 00 16-00 46-00 15-00 10-00 600-00 600- Observations. Thirty francs was paid for a change of tempo- rary line on the line of the Ver- sailles, left bank. The change of permanent line, the construction of which is esti- mated, consists of a Belgian iron crossing plate, switch rails on Stephenson's plan, with counter weights. The execution of the permanent change of line on the Versailles (left bank) cost 120 francs. 1!)7 No. uiil Subject of Detail. Dritilit ol Tackle and Workmaiuliip. PaicB. At calculatnl. In I'raotiee. OBaiBTATioiia. No. 6. Construction of the t'oumlatioii for a turii-talile of 340 metres in dianioter ( 1 1 feet 1'85 inch) for wn^ns on the same s^'stem as lust. EMUAKK.VBXT AMU MASU.NBT, Francs, 20 cubic iiietri'S (7CH> culiic feet) of earth excavated anil conveveil a distatice of •200 metres (218 yara^) at 1 fr. . . . 2000 12 cubic metres (4;13 cul>ic feet) of coin- mun masonry, ut 18 fr 21C'00 0"20 cubic metre (70() cubic feet) of cut stone-inasonrv, at 150 fr ' 3000 0'20 cubic metres of mortar, at 34 fr. . . U'80 .272-80 ACCBSSOEIBS. O'OO cubic metre (31-79 cubic feet) of oak for slee|iers, at 120 fr. the cube metre . 15 kilogrammes (S3 lbs.) of lead for sol- dering, at 1 fr. (labour included) . . BAIS1^G, ADJUSTING, AND FIXING. Mounter, 1 day mounting, at G fr. . . 2 days" adjusting, at 4 fr. . . Carpenter, 2 days, at 4 fr Stone-cutter, 2 days, at 4 fr Labourer, 6 days, at 2 fr Extra labour Expense of tools and waste Price of foundation for a platform . . 10800 15-00 J 6-00 800'* 8-00 800 12-00 14-00 8-00' 12300 6400 ■I- 460-00 460- (.£18 4j.) The quantity of masonry and earthwork required in the foundation of turn-tables is very variable, .i:. 1 depends entirely on the nature of the soil where they are situated. The amount in this case corresponds to a minimum, os the earth on which they rest is supposed to b^ solid; but if they were placed upon earth of less resistance, as upon embankments newly made, and of great height, the expenses (or the foundations would be necessarily much increased. When the foundations are secure, the cut stone, wood, and workmanship, always remain the same. The friction-rollers run upon a cast-iron circular plate, fixed upon oak slee|)ers, which are cramped to the masonry. Other sleepers, tixed upon these, are employed to carry another cast-iron plate, placed round the platform, and le%-el with the planking, for the purpose of preserving it from the ballasting. There is merely a single cut stone placed in the middle, to receive the pivot, which it, being maintained by bolts ; the whole is cramped in lead. 198 List of the Tools required hy a Gang of Layers^ with their Prices. Frs. Cts. 1 Wooden rammer, bound with iron 8 1 Set of levels, composed of five — two red, two black, and one white 150 4 Pickets, shod to receive the levels 16 2 Wooden rules of 4"" 50 (14 feet 9 inches) ... 10 1 Wooden lever, shod 30 1 Iron crowbar, with claws, for dressing the rails, weighing 41 kilogrammes (90 lbs.) 49 20 1 Iron crowbar for dressing the way, weighing 20kilog. (44lbs.) 18 1 Iron hammer, for driving the wooden wedges in the chairs, weighing 4 kil. (9 lbs.) 7 85 1 Iron guage for setting out the width of the ways . 3 1 Hand hammer 1 Auger, of 18 to 20 millimetres (0-708 inches to 0-787 inches) in size 2 1 Tool marker 3 165 05 or £6 12.s'. Orf. On Changing-Places and Crossings* Changing-places, with moveable switches, are best suited for lines where the trains constantly run in the same direction. We believe in fact that they possess an important property, and one which is peculiar to them (when properly laid), viz. that of enabling the train, on arriving at the switch, to place the rails in the proper position, if they should not by any accident have been previously arranged so. We will call the end forming the centre of rotation, the heel of the switch, and the tapering end the point. The switch rails are kept constantly open in one direction, on the right hand line, which is the most used, since this generally forms the trunk line for both ways, by means of a counterpoise acting on the axis of the lever used by * This note was drawn up by M. E. Meyer, formerly a pupil of the Central School of Arts and Manufacture, and employed under the direction of M. Eugene Flachat, in the construction of the S. Germains Atmospheric Railway. 199 the switchiueu. We may, however, j^erooive from whut liiis tniiispired, tliut the counterpoise is not retjuired in the exceptioiml ciuse, or wlitn the train proceeds from the point towards the lieel of tiie swit<^h: it is necessary, in fact, for the switchman to lift up the counterpoise, in order to open the oblique way, at the time of a train passing. An accident which occurred on the Orleans line, proves this to be a serious inconvenience : we ought nut, however, to employ a catch for the purpose of guard- ing against it, since the counterpoise would then be perfectly useless. It is merely necessary, in order to ameliorate this movement in the way as much as possible to dispose the levers in a convenient position, so that the slightest force shall be suflicient for them. The switch rail tic (in the cut) which serves for the oblique way, is the only one that produces a change in the direction of the train, and consequently the only one necessary to be formed of great length; being made 4'" 50 (14 feet 9 inches) or upwards. The second t'()3 of which, «'. The rails R", R", may be placed at one time opposite the rails D, D, and, at another, to the rails D', D', by means of an eccentric, M, and consequently open a commu- nication between the way either with that of R" R", or that of S, S. The way formed by the rails R, R, and by that of R" R" is shown continuous in the plan. It will be seen that the chair H, differs but little from that described in Plate 11, (A, H, Q,) and rests like it upon a shoe Q, cast together with the chair A. A bolt passes through the latter which permits the rails J) and D' to describe an arc of a circle, whenever the switch rails change their position. Plate 14, Details of changing place for three Lines of Bails employed in Belgium, and Details of Switch Plate employed for tico Lines. This switch, with three throws, differs from that originally employed on the St. Germains Railway in this respect only. The switch rails D, D, can place the line R, R, in communication successively with three lines. It may be the cause of serious accidents, like the preceding, if the rails D, D, do not follow the same direction along the line as the general run of the trains or engines. A different mode of working the switches is shown upon the plate by " Another Plan, &c.," with an eccentric instead of a crank. The switch represented in the Plate is furnished with moveable guard rails, and is employed in Belgium for a double line. 223 The guard rails are formed of wrought inloycd by M. Chvycron, at this junction, are constructed in such a manner tliat one cannot be altered without the other being at the same time shifted. This plan has the effect of preventing any irregularity of the crossing-rails, which is so general with those of the usual construction. The contrivance consists of a longitudinal beam E F laid by the side of the line and supported on small standards, which receive a shaft upon which there are four eccentrics, C C €" C '. The required motion is communicated to the switch and crossing-rails by means of two wheels, 1) D'. In the details of the shaft, &c., represented in the Plate, P is one of the standards supporting the shaft, Q an eccentric, R a collar embracing the eccen- tric, and one of the stops which arrest the wheels D and 1)'. Tlie coupling boxes, shown in the details of the switch rods, serve to regulate the length of the rod between the two switches. Plate 20. Details of Switches employed on the St. Germains Railway. Plan. (No 1.) This represents another check-rail siciich, and only differs from that on the Versailles Railway (left bank) shown in Plate 16, by the length of the guard-rails G 226 and the arrangement of the frame and crank rods, which may be lengthened or shortened by means of screw-boxes, F, as necessary. Plan. (No. 2.) This switch consists of moveable rails, and was formerly in use upon the St. Germains Railway, but has been subsequently abandoned on account of being considered dangerous. The trains were liable to get off the line, if the switches, either by wilfulness or inattention, were placed wrong. (See Text.) Plate 21. St. Germains Railway. — Details of Chairs for Sivitches and Crossing-rails. The relative situations of these chairs will be found by studying Plates 16, 17, 18. kilogs. lbs. WeightofchairH (See Plate 20) 20-71 (451) Do. „ 2 20-50 (45 ) Do. „ 3 21 (46 ) Do. ,,4 13-30 (29 ) Do. ,,5 14-59 (32 ) Do. „ 6 13-90 (31 ) Plate 22. Paris and Orleans Railway. — Details of the new Switches and Crossing-points. The action of this switch is similar to that of Mr. Stephenson's, represented in Plate 11, with this difference: the fixed switch point is replaced by another moveable switch rail. The section on C D shows the wedging blocks placed between the switches, and the rails to secure the switches from lateral pressure. Plate 23. Paris and Orleans Railway. — Details of the new Switches and Crossing-points. The old pattern chair used at R and Q, Plate 22, and represented in this Plate, after having been employed some time, was found defective, from the bolt 227 n, shown in section at tn ti, making too much piny, by which u ilungcrous movement occurred throughout the entire switch. A new pattern clinir has been, consequently, suhstitutod. in which the horizontal motion is very trifling, and the switch is maintained l)etter vertically. The old pattern chair is formed of two distinct parts; the larger one, a b c d (See Plan), is fixed and let into the woodwork at 7. (See the other Figures.) The smaller chair, «•/, rests upon the plate of the former, and is joined to it hy the holt A, which, however, jiermits of its turning when the switch is moved. The Ixiit /( (see the section at /// h), represents the pivot of the switch rail, and, after passing through the two pieces forming the chair and the timber beneath thenj, it is keyed. The weight of this chair is as follows : — hec'tofir. lbs. The large portion .MO (7.'>) The smaller portion 91 (20) 431 (95) The new pattern chair is attached to the head of the switch at a /" , whicii moves the friction roller 7 ', and by the reaction of the hitter upon the circular rail cv'; tlie plate is at the same time turned, and the other friction rollers follow the movement. Plate 27. London and Binuinghatu Railway. — Details of a Twenty-one feet and of a Twelve feet Turntable. The large turn-table represented in the plate is erected in tiie locomotive rotunda at liirmingiiam. It is conij^sed of four distinct parts : — Istly. Of a cast iron curb A A, which is cast in two semicircles of a depth equal to that of the well-hole. The lower part forms a circle, upon wliicli the friction rollers run, being supported on a foundation set in masonry. 2ndly. Of an iron bearing frame, formed with four branches B 15 B IJ, the extremities of whicli receive the circular curb. The socket is also fi.xed at the intersection of the branches in the centre of the table. 3rdly. Of eight conical friction rollers maintained between two iron circular plates. 4thly and lastly. Of tlie table itself, upon which the wrought-iron rails are fixed perix'ndieularly to each other, which atibrd the platform means of com- munication witli the difl'erent ways. The frame of the smaller turn-table is cast in a single piece. Plate 28. Sections of a new description of Turn-table. Fig. 1. This turn-table consists of a fixed column A, terminated by feet B B, which are embedded in betun or concrete. The table is fastened to an outside jacket C, which is moveable upon the column. The arms D D transmit the weight of the table to the base of the column, and serve at the same time to stiffen the appa. ratus. The globular eye-piece at the top, and the ring-piece ee below, between 230 the jacket and the column, facilitate the motion of the table. The latter is sup- ported on a circular girder resting on friction rollers, arranged upon a suitable bed at the foundation. A cast-iron curb plate E E skirts the table, which is laid upon timber framing, resting directly on massive masonry. Fig. 2. This also consists of a fixed column A, but with a conical shaped foot, extending very wide at the bottom. It serves as points of support for the stays B B, which rest on, and are fastened to, the circular lining of the well-hole. The arms DD, supporting the table, are bolted to the same, and to the jacket E E, by which the whole of the moveable parts of the platform are secured together. The ring-pieces e e, at the top and bottom of the column, facilitate the motion, and prevent any oscillation, whereby the friction rollers, usually placed at the circumference of the foundation, are enabled to be dispensed with. This turn- table is not intended for moving locomotive engines or tenders, but for carriages of less weight. Fig. 3. This is a large turn-table, intended for shifting an engine and tender at the same time ; it differs from Fig. 1 by having an additional set of arms, which are rendered necessary by the increased dimensions of the machine. The employment of horizontal friction rollers, A A, at the bottom of the column, in place of a metal ring, changes the sliding to rolling friction; the former would otherwise be considerable. The Balance Turn-table. Fig. 5. This turn-table rests upon a horizontal crownpiece, A A, forming the head of the moveable column B. The jacket is fixed and secured by the aid of rods C C, to arms D D, which support the circular curbing, E E, enclosing the table. The rods and screw-boxes F F, serve to maintain the vertical position of the column. The box G, enclosing the socket, transmits the entire weight upon the table? (by means of stirrup pieces H, attached to it, and secured on each side of the balance beam at I,) Avhich it receives from the fixed jacket, to the balance beam, being secured to it at the centre of oscillation K. 281 Section explaluini/ the Action of the Balanci' lUitm. (S,y jhj. 5.) Fi<:. 4. A\ lii'ii tlie lever L is raisctl, the biiliuice beam oscillates round the point K, and d<'scril)os a small nn- of a circle at the puiiit 1, of which K I, is the radius. The column then l>ec<>nies raised fmm its base, and the table conse(|uently disengaged at the circumference, a a, when it nuiy be turned with the greatest ease, liowever burdened. Fio. 6. The jdan of this turn-table is very much like fig. 5. It is only used for passenger and goods' carriages, and is consequently not calculated to bear much weight, much less engines; the balance beam is therefore omitted, and the extremities of the table are not required to be supported upon an outside curb. The catches A A, are employed to fi.x the platform iu whatever position may be required. Plate 29. Turn-pLite employed upon the Great Western Railway. The surface of the table is floored with planks fixed to the iron work by bolts of 0" 013 (Oin. 511) in diameter. The holes for the bolts are drilled when cold, the heads of the latter being dipped in grease. The planks are 0""" 55 (2 in.) in thickness, ploughed along the edges, and secured together with iron tongues. The flooring is maintained in its position by a large iron circle, and by a cast iron centre-piece, as shown in the plate, and tarred over, for the purpose of preservation. The table is raised and displaced by means of a large screw, the head of wliich is furnished with a ring. Upon being introduced into the hole of the plate, a nut is screwed on the extremity upon which the plate is rested when the men raise it. The rails are fixed upon the plate by bolts which pass through the planking and cast iron framing. 232 Plate 30. Strasbourg and Basle Railway. — Timber Framing enclosing Turn-tables. These foundations have the effect of rendering the turn-table perfectly secure. They are composed of timber frames, placed upon each other. The first, C C, D D, and E E, F F, is of a rectangular form, and supported on eight piles, a a, with the side pieces halved and notched. The second, G, H, 1, K, is of larger dimensions, and supported on four piles, b b. It bears the cross timbers upon which the socket is fixed, and the iron circle which receives the friction rollers. The several polygonal pieces forming the circumference also rest upon it. This frame differs but little from that represented in Plate 35. Plate 31. Turntable for a Locomotive Engine and Tender employed in Germany. This turntable consists of a cast iron nave, upon which the girders. A, A, supporting the rails are bolted, also the intermediate girders, B B, which con- nect the large outside ring with the nave. The girders, I I, connect the main girders together, and maintain them at the proper distances apart. The whole of the surface covering between the rails is formed of cast-iron, which prevents the embers from the engines doing any damage; the remaining portions of the table are covered with wood. The friction-rollers E are fixed to the girders by means of uprights, F, F, resting on the bearings G, G. The pivot is secured to the nave by means of four long bolts. The cast-iron socket H is secured to the foundation by means of very strong bolts, as shown in the Plate : a steel eye-piece is placed in it to receive the pivot. There is a circular plate K, passing round the bottom of the well-hole upon which the rollers run. The circular curb D is formed with toothed racks next the well-hole. The table is turned by means of a winch, consisting of a tandard and two handles, by which the motion is transmitted to the toothed wheels L, M, N, 0. The latter are secured to the table by cross pieces of cast iron. The toothed wheel L, being in contact with the circular rack D, effects the movement of the table. 233 Pi.ATi. ;}2. Versailles Baihcay. — Timber Turn-plate einploifed on the left hank for Goods Wagons^ i.fc. The rails upon the turn-table a, a: />, />: consist of pieces of flat iron, screwed upon the planking covering the turn-tabk', and serve to direct the wagons which are required to be turned. The iron crossing-i»ieoes ox D is fastened ]>y stirrup-pieces at y, to t!ie balance-lteam X, and the latter oscillates round the pi>int ji, which is fixed to tiie jacket B. If the socket is raised by means of the hydraulic-press 1', and the platform consequently elevated, all contact at the points Q enabled (by means of the moveal)le weigiit K upon tlie graduated lever L) to show the exact weiglit with which the platform was loaded. The counterpoise S serves to e(|ualize the weight of tlie platforin, the dead weight of which varies according to description of the carriage being weighed. Some of the planks are raised in the " Plan of the turn-table," to siiow the arrangement of the pieces employed in its construction. Fig. V is a section through the centre of the socket I). The exterior box aflfords a communication witli the hydraulic-pump I', by means of the pipe T; the socket being pressed by the coluuui A, consequently acts upon the piston, and either raises or lowers it in this box. Ry the assistance of a stuffing-box K, all escape of water is impossible. Figs. 2' 2' 2'" 2"" illustrate a smaller weigli-table. This differs from the former merely in the omission of the hydraulic-pump. The entire weight of the platform always rests upon the socket D, which conveys the pressure to /'. No. 4. This wagon is formed partly of plate iron, and was employed on the Paris and Rouen Railway. The upper part consists of wood, and the remaining por- tions of the sides and the bottom of plate iron of 0™ -0035 (-l.'JTT inch) in thick- ness. The body tips upon the hindermost axle. The back elevation shows the interior of the body. Two pieces of wood nmy also be perceived under the body, which are united by other cross pieces, and thus form a small frame, which, by means of iron rings /* and O", is united to both axles. The dotted line in the " Plan of the frame " shows the dimensions of the body; the small frame, /> // ///''. which unites the axles, is alsn scrn. No. 5. Wooden wagon employed on the lines of the Rouen and the Havre. Tlie wheels are arranged with a frame formed with a chamfered end, upon which the body abuts in tipping. We have represented the wagon tipping, with the wheel upon the same horizontal plane; they, however, generally fall to a lower level, and do not tip upon the axles like the others. In the usual plan of earthwork, these wagons are brought forward one after another at the usual pace of the horse, which is about four or five metres (13 feet to 16 feet 5 inches) in advance of them. The draw^-rope is attached to the wagons by a particular kind of fastening, which unhooks itself immediately upon the man who conducts it drawing a string. The wagon then runs by itself towards the battery head, where it tips. Pl.\te 49. Details of Wagons for executing Earthwork, Northern Baihray. These comprise the wheels which are formed out of a single piece, and the axles. The " small bolt" at a n' in the end elevation, forms the hinge of the flap, No. 1, in last plate, and passes through the strap (4), shown below it. The " cast-iron carriage" bears nearly all the weight of the wagon when loaded, and upon which it tips : it is also shown over the " bearer for flap." The " flaps, I I 242 &c." (4, 5) show the ironwork and hinges. The flaps are closed by hooks at the corners a!" and d'". The " grease boxes" (6) are those of No. 2 of last plate. " Grease boxes" (7) are at / of the same wagon. Those of No. 1 are similar. The small shield shown at the top is placed a,t g :>. ').•{, '){. ')'). iS.- r)(). Manclie.'iter, Sfwjfifld, uml Lirn'olnshirc Raihrny. — DeUiiis of (iitrton De/n'if. Gorton di'iiut is about two miles from Maiirlu'stcT, ami is intfiidi-d to acoom- modate the locomotive works of the line. It is so arranged, tliat the capacity of the works can, if necessary, be doubled at any time without interfering with the arrangements. The principal novelty connected with it is the construction of the rotunda for the engines, the roof of which is supported by a single pillar, round which a circular turn-table revolves, thus providing standing room for a much larger numl)er of engines than could be placed in the shed upon the old plan. The plot of ground upon which the depot is built, besides affording the rcfjui- sit€ accommotlation for the works, includes sites for 140 cottages, a house for the locomotive engineer, and spacious wharfage adjoining the canal, for the stowage of iron, timber, &c., for the use of the dep6t. The experience of previous companies has been carefully collected in pre- paring the plans, and every provision has been made for the future extension which these works invariably require, without in any way interfering with the simple and comprehensive arrangement of the plan. This depot hjis been designed under the direction of A. S. Jee, Esq., the engineer of the company, by Messrs. Weightman and Iladfield, architects, of Shef- field, the plan being arranged upon the suggestion of Mr. Peacock, the company's intelligent locomotive engineer. Plate .'il. Plan and Elevations of Depot. „ 52. Details of Engine-house: Ground Plan, Elevation, and Cornice enlarged. „ 53. Details of Engine-house : Plan of Iron Principals, Section, and De- tails of Roof. „ 54. Details of Fitting-shop: Smith's-shop, &c. ; Section on the Line A li on the Plan, and Elevation. „ 55. Details of Workshops : Plans and Transverse Sections ; Details of Roof, Floors, Columns, &c. „ 56. Details of Store-sheds for Carriages : i'lans. Elevations, Sections, and Details of Roof. I I 2 244 Plate 57. Designs of Bridge proposed to he erected over the River Clyde at Glasgow^ on the ground of Hutchison Hospital. » (John Rennie, Esq., F.R.S., Engineer.) Hutchison Bridge was completed in the year 1833, under the direction of Mr. Stevenson, but the Trustees of the Hospital availed themselves of the pro- fessional services of the late John liennie, in the design, as will appear by this Plate, which was engraved from the original drawing by that celebrated engineer. Upon reference, it will be found that the present bridge is executed of the same proportions as the stone one shown in Mr. Rennie's drawing. Such is the matchless beauty of each design, shown in this plate, that the selection must have been a matter of some difSculty for the Trustees. Plate 58. West Durham Railway. — Bridge over the River Wear, Willington. This bridge was erected in the years 1838 and 1839. It was originally in- tended to have been executed with stone arches, but as the line of the railway came so close upon the level of the river (24 feet at one end, and only 18 at the other, being an inclination of 1 in 28), the water-way would have been so contracted that it became self-evident that a stone bridge was not suitable. The flood-line being only 12 feet 6 inches above the summer water, the first high one would in all probability have effectually filled the arches and carried them away. It was therefore determined to erect a bridge with a flat platform, so as to inter- fere with the water-way as little as possible. The bridge has two abutments, with a stone pier in the middle of the river, 7 feet thick. Both the abutments and the piers are supported entirely upon piles 21 feet long, which pass through the soft clay into the strong. There is an occu- pation arch, 12 feet wide, in one of the abutments. The superstructure con- sists of timber, with four sets of rails laid down upon it, the width of the platform being 43 feet, and which is divided into two compartments (see Plan), by the ribs supporting the roadway. The spans of the arches are 79 feet, and the ribs one plank only in width (11 inches by 3 inches), with nine in depth. There are two longitudinal tie beams, 13 inches by 10 inches, beneath each rib, which are supported by queen 245 posts and iron bars, as shown on the drawing. The ironbars are four in niuu- bor, and 11 inches diameter; and the posts (four in muuber) are 13 inches by 10 inches, and strapjK'd ami keyed to the ribs and beams. The two struts are 13 inches by GJ inches. Corbels of the same scantling as the lonj;itudinaI beams extend underneath them to about 17 feet on each side, from tlie ma.sonry, which add to the stiffness. Tliey are all strapped to the beams, and keyed together to the ribs. The deals of the ribs, as in other examples of laminated timber bridges, by Messrs. Green, are inserted into cast-iron springing plates, whicli are bolted to the ends of the Inianis. The joists of the plutforms are 13 inches by GJ inches, laid 4 feet a])art, without any trussing between them. The total actual cost of this bridge was: — Masonry, including piling and foundations £2438 Carpentry 1218 £3656 And for the oblique arch, with the additional length of the walls and abutments entiiiled thereon 200 Total cost . . . £3856 Plate 59. Namur and Liege Railway. — Bridge over the River Meuse, near the valley of St. Liiinbert. Plans, Elevations, and Sections. Plate 60. Namur and Liege Railway. — Bridge over the River Meiise. Details of Construction, Elevation of centre for Arch, Plan and Section of Coffer Dam. Plate G1. The Great Wairarapa Road, New Zealand. — Bridge, over the River llutt.* Plan, Elevation, and Sections. • Thi» bridse was not erecteTiU, Prioler, 1, Chandos-street, CoTent-gsnlen. 0? ^«' \iU\Nt«i^^^ ftf \WU»^»^ FOURTH si:iM i:s OF RAILWAY PKACTFCE: '31 eTollcctiou or WORKING PLANS AND PRACTICAL DETAILS OF CONSTRUCTION IN THE PUBLIC WORKS or Tiu: MOST C E L E B J{ A T 1-: I ) !•: X G I X 1 : 1-: U S : COMrBISI.VO ROADS, TRAMROADS, AND RAILUOADS; BRIDGES. AQUEDUCTS, VIADUCTS, WHARFS, WAREHOUSES, ROOFS, AND SHEDS; CANALS, LOCKS, SLUICES, i THE VAUIOUS WORKS ON RIVERS, STREAMS, &c.; HARBOURS, DOCKS, PIERS AND JETTIES, TUNNELS, CUTTINGS AND EMBANKMENTS; THE SEVERAL WORKS CONNECTED WITH THE DRAINAGE OK MARSHES, MARINE SANDS, AND THE IRRIGATION OK LAND; WATER WORKS, GAS-WORKS, WATER-WHEELS. MILLS, ENGINES. &c &c BT S. C. BllEES, C.E. LATE PRINCIPAL ENGINEER AND SURVETOR TO THE NEW ZEALAND COMPANY, FROM TUE YEAR 1842 TO 1845; ACTBOB or " CLOSSART Or TEBHa CBED IN CIVIL KSUINEKRING," " PRESKN'T PRACTICE Or 80RTETINC AMD LEVEiajNO," ETC LONDON: JOHN WILLIAMS AND CO. HI, STUAXD, (latk CadellV.) 1847. PREFACE. Tm: present volume prineipally illustrates Railway Depots, Stations, Carriages,* Wjigons, Trueks, ^\'ater Cranes, and tlie other contrivances connected witli Stations. Like the " Third Series of Railway Prac- tice," it eonsisUj principally of a translation from the " PortifctiiUc dc rincnred on the construction and materials of Kailways, and what we now present to the public is not a treatise on the subject, since such a work would have exceeded our means. The title of our work sullicieutly explains the humbleness of our pretensions. The " Engineer's Portfolio for luiilways" consists simply of a selection of works, with notes, documents and plans, relative to the construction of Railways. It will contain a few theoretical ideas, but many facts and calculations which may eventually serve as the basis of theory. The subject of railways is of recent date in France. We were among the numlier of the first engineers who introduced them, and it is the result of some years' practice that we are about to offer to our companions, and those who intend to follow the same path. However insufficient or incomplete the information we are able to supply may be, however short our experience, we hope that the perusal of this work, and the study of the plates whicii accompany it, will not be alto- gether useless. The works occurring in thf construction of railways are divideil into two great sections — Earthworks and Artificer's works. We shall offer some general observations on earthworksf in the first parts of this work, and on the laying down of a railway ; but shall not treat of artificer's works. The material for railroads comprises the rails, chairs, sleepers, sidings, turn- tables, and different kinds of wagons, tic. • Thia forms Uie Introduction in the " I'urtefevUle de ringhiieur des Chemins de Fer." — Tk. t M. Carl. Ktzel, urcliitect, formerly cliii-f of tlic oflTioL" on the Versuillfs Itailniiy (left bunk), has published notes on the execution of earthworks by means of railwiiys, which he collected on the subject during a tour made by him through England by the cumnmnd and at the expense of the Company of the left bank. Much useful information on the subject may be found in his work. It has been our special endeavour to bring forward the best models of every kind of mechanism connected with railway works. We have introduced some which are now known to be defective, as we thought it necessary to notice them as experiments, if it were only to prevent their recurrence, rather than reject them entirely from our collection. It does not comprise the locomotives. A description of the engines would require plans on too large a scale for the size of the portfolio, and a special treatise* would exceed the limits to which we have confined ourselves. Our object has been rather to study the other parts of the material and the arrange- ment of stations, a subject already sufficiently extensive and important to appear defective in a given case, and yet be admirably adapted for the purpose under different circumstances, or these imperfect plans may lead to real improvements. The subjects represented in the plates of this portfolio may perhaps appear on too small a scale. Doubtless we have not always represented the subjects with as much clearness as we could have wished, but the numerous views witli which almost all the figures are accompanied, will, in a great measure, remedy this inconvenience ; and the smaller scale possesses the great advantage of com- prising, in a small volume, a considerable mass of information. The plans and sections of some of the subjects represented in the Portfolio, are sufficiently explicit to suffice for their execution in cases where a faithful copy might be desired. With respect to others, of which we have not been able to obtain the details complete, or otherwise have intentionally omitted parts, we may observe, that it is seldom an engineer requires to copy previous works exactly. A study of the plates will direct him to general principles and leading features to be attended to. He will find such a collection of plates in the Portfolio, as will conduce to his object, by affording him the means of comparing at a glance the different systems in practice. (See the Plates of Ballast Wagons, Passenger Carriages, &c.) When he afterwards wishes to complete his plans, he should examine the plates of details, among which he will find some of the best models, and if any blanks require filling up, his natural abilities, and practical experience, must supply him with the means. A work of this nature affords great assistance to the engineer, but cannot exempt him altogether from labour. * We have authorized M. Felix Mathias, Second Engineer of the* Railway Works on the Versailles Line (left bank), formerly a pupil at the Central School, to take the plans of one of the best locomotive machines, purchased of Sharp and Eoberts by the Company of the left bank. These plans will be published by him at Mathias' Library, on a large scale, and will be accom- panied by an explanatory text and comparative detail. It would have been impossible for us to furnish working Jrnughts for each object, but we candidly state that, had all the necessary infonuatitm been in our possession for such an object, we would not have done so, as it would have ren- dered the work excessively dear, and one of the principal conditions which it appeared to us necessary for the work to fulfil was, to come within the means of those fur whom it is more particularly intended. The work will not termiuato with this volunje, but we shall procure the drawings of new models, and publish theiu in the form of appendices. Wc shall also annex the necessary numerical information, and the various documents tiiat may be collected. The whole of the plates of the Portfolio have been executed under the direc- tion of M. Felix Mathias, Second Engineer of the Railway Works on the Versailles Railway (line of the left bank). Many of the documents accompanying the text have been collected together by his exertions. We cannot bestow too much praise on the zeal, devotion, and ability with which he has so powerfully seconded us in this work. Lastly, a public acknowledgment is due from us to the several scientific gentlemen who have assisted us — all of whom, without exception, have readily replied to the numerous cpiestions we have addressed to them, and furnished us with valuable information: — To M. Masuy, Director General of the Construction of the Belgian Railways; to MM. Prisse and Mauss, Engineers of Bridges and Roads in the Belgian Service; to M. Bazaine, Engineer, who, with M. Chaperon, constructed the line from Strasbourg to Basle; to M. Clapeyron, Chief Engineer on the Railway from St. Germain's to Versailles (right bank); to M. Jullien, Chief Engineer of the Orleans Line; to M. Clarke, Engineer of the Works on the same Line; to MM. Didion and Talabot, Chief Engineers on the Railroad from Alais to Beaucaire; to ^L Arnoux, Superintendent of the Workshop for the Manufacture and Repairing of the Conveyance Oflices, Lalitte-Caillard; to M. Thebaiideau, Secretary of the Paris and Rouen Railway Company ; and to M. Guillaume, Chief Superintendent of the Line from St. Stephen's to Lyons. m LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERi>IT)f OF ILLINOIS CllAPTEU 1. ox THE DIFFKRENT KINDS OF CAinUAGES AND WAGONS EMPLOYED ON KAILWAYS. The name of wagon is given to vehicles of every description employed on railways, and is adopted for carriages employed in the conveyance of passengers of the second class on the railways in the vicinity of Paris. These vehicles differ essentially from those used on ordinary roads. 1st. They are always supported on four wheels, at least. 2ndly. The wheels are fixed to the axles, which turn in the boxes. 3rdly. The axles are ahvays parallel. It therefore results, that as they do not turn so easily as the vehicles on ordi- nary roads, they are not liable, as the latter would be, to get off the track, upon meeting with trifling obstacles. This mode of construction causes a considerable increase in the resistance at the passage of the curves. The wagons differ from each other, according to the nature of the service for which they are intended, more especially in the shape of their bodies. There arc: — 1st. Earth wagons. 2ndly. Ballast wagons. 3rdly. Passengers' carriages. 4thly. Carriages for the conveyance of letters, the sorting of which is per- formed in them. 5thly. Wagons for the transport of ordinary vehicles. Gthly. Do. for the transport of horses. 7thly. Do. do. cattle. 8thly. Do. do. goods of different kinds. 9thly. Do. do. sea coal, both in the lump, and small. lOthly and lastly. Wagons for the transport of timber of large size. B 10 Sect. 1. — Wago?is for Earthworks. These wagons are employed for conveying the earth in the execution of em- bankments. The bodies are generally formed moveable upon an axis, so that they may be turned up either from the back, or on one side, when in use, like carts. A wagon which tilts up at one end, is called, a wagon tilting on end, or simply an end wagon. If it discharges at the side, it is known as a side-tilting wagon, or a side wagon. Further, there are wagons which tip both at their sides and ends, whichever may be most convenient. The most simple method of constructing earth wagons, or, if we may use the expression, the most rustic mode is, in our opinion, the best. If the earth wagons are too finely constructed, not only are they rendered costly, but their preservation at the yards is also rendered difficult and expensive. The carpenter should be employed in the construction of this kind of wagon in preference to the carriage builder. The capacity of earth wagons depends on the importance of the work for which they are intended, and the distances tliey are required to run. It is necessary to make them more or less substantial, according to the time they are expected to be in use, and the nature of the work for which they are intended. The Companies of the Versailles and St. Germains Railways, being obliged to procure wagons for their earthworks, adopted the form of those employed by the great English contractors in the execution of various important railway works. But since the former could not look forward to require them for the construction of other extensive lines, they have not, in our opinion, acted wisely in selecting such expensive models. It was supposed that these wagons would afterwards serve for the ballasting required in the maintenance of the way, which was a mistake it is important that we should explain. Ballast wagons require to be larger, and constructed with more care, than those for earthworks ; and the bodies ought to be suspended, which is unnecessary with the latter. Wagons which are drawn at a slow rate by horses, ought to be lighter than those conveyed at high velocities by locomotives. It would not, on the other hand, be prudent to use the lighter and weaker ones upon inclined planes, or where they would be exposed to violent shocks, or at the bottom of deep cuttings, since the earth is sometimes obliged to be thrown from a great height into the wagons. The loading of the wagons is often accomplished, by workmen placed on 11 the road itself. It is necessary that the height of the wagon should not exceed 1'" 60 (5 feet 3 inches), so that men of low stature may not liiid any difBculty in this operation. The total weight ought to be distributed as (-(lually as jiussibie uiiori the four wheels. That jHirtiou of the weight forming the body of tlie wagon, and jilaccd at the side of the axle from which the wagon discharges, should not be formed so strong as that situated on the other side (See Plates 43 and 45, Third Series of Railway Practice), in order that the body may not be liable to continual oscil- lations during the progress of the wagon. It is, however, important that the dirt'erencc in the load upon ti>e two sides should not be considerabk-, by which the workmen employed in disdiarging may accomplisli tiieir work easily. The distri- bution should tiierefore be made accordingly in the loading. The angle of tipping ought to be greater in j)roportion as the soil becomes bad, so that clay and wet soil may slide easily ofl' the bottom of the wagon when discharged. f" The wheels should be of suflicient diameter, so that the wagons may not be too dirticult to move, and enabled to pass over any small stones or other substances which fretjuently obstruct the way. Finally, it is necessary that the wagons be disposed so that the soil shall fall a certain distance from them. The whole of these conditions in the construction of wagons for earthworks, are not fulfilled without some difficulty. The wagons employed for earthwork on the London and Birmingham Kail- way, the Great Western, the St. Germains and Versailles Railway, (See Plates, 43 and 45, Third Series of Railway Practice) are all composed of two distinct parts. 1st. A limber, which comprises the wheels, axles, grease-boxes, and a framing resting on the latter. 2nd. A moveable body, turning on two chairs, supported by the frame. The wheels of the English wagons are larger than the French, being 75 cen- timetres (2 feet 6 inches) in diameter, while the latter are only 50 centimetres (1 foot 8 inches). We have already alluded to the advantage of large wheels in facilitating motion ; we must not, however, suppose that large wheels diminish the friction upon the gudgeon of the axles, since they require to be increased in diameter in the same degree as the wheels; the friction, therefore remains the same. It is the resistance at the circumference only that is diminished, which is of greater importance on a temporary way full of pebbles than on a permanent line in good con- u 2 12 dition. W"e have also pointed out another advantage in large wheels — namely, that they may be employed upon the line itself upon its completion. This point, however, ought not to influence our choice of wheels much, since the largest that have been employed for earth-wagons are only 75 centimetres (2 feet 6 inches) in diameter, which is too small a size even for goods trucks, the wheels of which are seldom less than 90 centimetres to 1 metre (3 feet to 3 feet 3 inches) in diameter. They would answer better for coal wagons, but even in this case they would require to be bound with iron, if intended to run at great velocity. We consider that wheels formed altogether of cast-iron, like those used for the earth-wagons on the Birmingham and the Great Western Railways ought to be rejected for subse- quent employment on the line. They are, moreover, in most instances, completely worn out after some months' use in the earthworks. Smaller wheels have been adopted for the earth wagons on the lines in the vicinity of Paris than those used in England, on account of their being less expensive, and from their permitting the centre of gravity of the wagon falling down lower, which renders the working easier under the circumstances before enumerated. Tlie wheels of earth Avagons, whatever their height may be, are always formed of cast iron in one piece. It is indispensable to cast them in a shell, forming a metal mould {e?i coquille) by which tlie periphery of the wheel under- goes a kind of tempering from being suddenly cooled by contact with the metal. There are certain openings formed in the nave, as shown in the plates of details which enables the metal forming the nave and spokes to shrink and settle down Avith- out difficulty, since these parts take longer time in cooling than the circumference. The openings are afterwards filled up with iron wedges, and the nave is girdled when cold with an iron ring to enable it to resist the action of the wedging (see Plates). We have known instances of cast-iron wheels that have been neither formed en coquille nor girdled with iron, to wear out in a few weeks. The axles ought to be made of Avroiight iron of the first quality, Avhen they seldom break. The gudgeons on which the bearings and grease boxes are placed are the only parts that are turned. The usual dimensions may be seen by turning to Plates 44 and 47, " Third Series of Railway Practice." Referring to the fact that the gudgeons do not last long, but are invariably soon Avorn out from the action of the bearings, it would be better to increase their diameter, and the extra resistance which Avould consequently result would not be of much consequence in cases where the obstruction is principally found at the peripheries of the wheels. The gudgeons are either placed outside tlie wheels, as in the French wagons, or inside, :is in the English. They are formed of less diameter, taking wheels of similar size when they are placed outside, as it renders them less liable to rupture, but the wagon is sub- jected to be upset by the axle breaking on the inside at the part near the nave; when these wheels are pushed laterally, or the flanges rubbed forcibly against the rails. In order to resist this kind of action, the gudgeons ought to be of greater thickness when placed inside. The l>earings and grease boxes of the earth wagons are generally very simple, the bearings are formed of one piece of cast iron, which is fixed directly on the side pieces by screws which also serve to support a small piece of wood, or a small plate of iron beneath the axle. The latter pieces prevent the body of the carriage from rising up and becoming separated from the frame by the effect of jolts, which are sometimes violent on roughly laid ways. It is essential that the screws should be thick and of good quality to resist the shocks arising from these jolts, also those which take place when the wagon is tilted and pulled up again by the frame in the operation of discharging the soil. The bearings, or grease-boxes of the earth-wagons on the St. Gerniains Bail- way are very light and simple, but want strength at tliose parts where they are fixed to the lower side-pieces. The introduction of a brass bearing between the cast iron grease box and the wrought iron gudgeon of the axle, the same as with those used on the finished line, is unusual in wagons for earthwork. The surfaces in contact, therefore, consist of cast and of wrought iron. We consider that, notwithstanding the complication that would result from having a brass chair in the grease-box, that it would be very useful for earth-wagons. It is of consequence to preserve the inside of the grease-boxes and their joints with the axles next the naves from the dirt, even of earth-wagons, with the greatest care, the wheels are for this purpose covered with a plank projecting over the lower side-pieces, and pieces of leather are nailed to the lower side-pieces over the grease-boxes. The framework of earth-wagons is composed of long timbers, which form the lower side-pieces, of cross-pieces and bolts, for maintaining them at their proper dis- tances, and of wood or iron diagonal pieces. The brackets supporting the tilting pivots of the body are placed on this frame, also those upon which the hinder part of the body rests. In the different wagons shown in Plates 43 and 45, (" Third Series Kailway Practice,") those of the Great Western excepted, the terminations of the lower 14 side-pieces form the touching points between the several wagons of the same train. These extremities are, for this reason, called the butting ends, or butters, and are securely bound with iron; the frame, therefore, being the part which receives the greatest shocks, consequently requires to be very strong. The extremities of the upper longitudinal pieces of the body form the butters in the wagons of the Great Western Railway, from which we conceive that the body must undergo great wear. The bolts wiiich answer for the tilting pivot for the bodies of the wagons turn in cast iron boxes. These bolts are maintained on boxes in the wagons on the St. Germains line, and in some of those on the Versailles line (left bank) by iron stirrups, which are very expensive. The boxes adopted in the wagons of the Birmingham llailway are all formed of cast iron, and are much more economical. We have tried them, and found that they answered very well. The bodies of earth-wagons are trapezoidal in shape, and a certain inclination is given to the sides to facilitate the tipping. The effect of the depth is diminished by extending the length and width ; the inside is also made as plain and level as possible, and every projection is carefully avoided, as those occasioned by the heads of bolts and screws ; the planks also forming the bottom are placed longwise. The angle of tilting is reduced, which facilitates the operation of the wagon greatly ; it is, however, necessary that this angle should not be less than 40 to 45 degrees. Argillaceous soils are difficult to discharge under a less angle ; and even under this, the workmen are sometimes obliged to detach it with pickaxes. The bottom ought not to be formed of oak, but of deal, if not of poplar, and of sufficient thickness. The sides may be either of oak or deal. The bottom also requires to be strongly supported, so as to withstand the effect of stones thrown in from a great height. It is with this view that the earth wagons on the Versailles (left line) have been formed with a special frame- work, which is not the case with those of the St. Germains. The employment of this frame has rendered it necessary to elevate the centre of gravity of the wagons. Therefore, in order to discharge them under the angle of 45 degrees, the two axles require to be loaded unequally, by which the hinder wheels jump up at the moment of tipping, and afterwards fall down on the rails. This raising up of the hinder wheels renders the discharge much more easy. The jolting has, however, on some occasions, caused the fracture of the grease boxes, although such accidents are rare. We recommend, finally, that the transverse beams of the frame which, with 15 the longitudinal ones, support tlie body of the wii{?ons, should be connected witli a mortice, otherwise they run the risk of splitting upon the leiist shock. The flap of the wagon, when placed at one of the extremities, may be raised like those of ordinary carts, which mctlind is simple, and permits of the centre of gravity of the wagnn being lowered, and of tiie angle of tipping being increased, and the discharge regulated accordingly. Or the flaps may be lixeil to the bodies by hinges, as in the dilicrent wagons shown in the Plates l.'i and Ao, (" Third Series of Railway Practice.") The two iron arcs (see I'lates), placed upon each side of the body, serve sometimes to keep the flap shut, and at others to sustain it while open in any particular position. The arcs of the wagons used on the Versailles line (left bank), and those of the St. Germains IJailway are disposed so that upon the flaps being opened, they lie on the same plane as the floor of the wagon, which may be said to be prolonged. The eartli is thus thrown some distance from the wagons. This advantage is lost with the English wagons, as the flaps hang down vertically. The inclination of the body when tilted is also obliged to be dimi- nished, or the wagon lifted up in the operation of tilting, in order to prevent the flap striking against the rails. It is essential to provide means, in the arrangement of the hinges, to prevent the earth which adheres to the flap from falling in the joint, and thus impeding the play of the hinge. The flaps ought to be made of one piece, and require to be very strong. All the straps should be made of convenient dimensions, and of iron of good quality. The dimensions of the straps of the earth-wagons used on the Versailles line (left bank), and represented in the plates, are found from experience to be the most suitable. A description of the most approved forms will be found in the documents at page 149 of the " Third Series of Railway Practice." The chain straps to the flaps which are employed to unite the body to the frame during the transit, are subjected to the greatest strain, more especially when the bodies are too heavily laden in front. It is, therefore, necessary to take particular precautions in manufacturing them. It is not merely requisite to avoid all unnecessary expense in the construc- tion of earth-wagons, but to make them upon such a plan as shall reduce the repairs to a nunimuiu. One of the best means of eflecting this is to provide all the wood of the same dimensions, and to manufacture the whole of the ironwork nf the same forms and sizes, so that the pieces forming one wagon may be brought into use for the repairs of another; even the holes in these straps ought to be of a uniform 16 size, in order that when one strap is replaced by another, it may be unnecessary to cut the wood, or reduce its solidity. It is very important that the worm of the nut should also be of the same dimensions, and the bolts ought to be terminated by the same thread, so that every screw which is lost may be replaced by one of the same order. The bodies rest immediately on the axles, in the earth-wagons employed on the Rouen line, shown in Plate 48, (" Third Series of Railway Practice.") This wagon is very simple in its construction, and of moderate height; but the mode of construction is only applicable for wagons that are discharged from their fore- end. All earth-wagons ought to be provided with a break, more especially if they are employed on steep inclines. The Plates 43 and 45 (" Third Series of Railway Practice") represent breaks of different models, which are very simple and ser- viceable. The breaks of the English wagons (Plate 45), have the advantage over the French (Plate 43), by acting on two wheels at once; but we may remark that it is impossible to use them with wheels of smaller diameter, if the same interspace be- tween the axles be preserved. The lever of the break in the French wagons is nearly horizontal, so that the breaksman, who generally stands upright on the lower side-pieces of the wagon, gets on this lever in working the break. The relative number of front tilting and side tilting wagons employed depends upon the necessities of the work- being executed ; it varies as the earth- work advance.^, one portion of the work would necessarily be standing still if wagons tilting at the end were exclusively employed, or others tilting only at the side. We must further arrange to have a certain number of wagons capable of tilting both at the front and at the side, as those shown in No. 3, Plate 43 (Third Series of Railway Practice), and described in the text. We entrusted the execution of the carpenters' work on the Versailles line (left bank) to one contractor, and confided the straps to another, the former fixing the ironwork and putting them together. It would have been better to have left the entire construction of the wagons to the same contractor, by which we should have avoided the difiiculties which almost inevitably arise when the responsibility is divided between two different parties. We find by turning to page 147 of the Documents (" Third Series of Railway Practice,") that the wagons discharging in front on the Versailles line (left bank) cost G40 francs 65 cents. (SS/. 13«. G on the Rouen line, and tlie frame is suspended at the i iid> nftlie springs by leather straps, as shown by the fijrs. in Plate 20. The prease lioxes are, in all cases, placed k-tween two cheeks, formed either of wrought-iron, or of cast-iron of greater thickness, whieh are called yuani- plates. They are fixed solidly to the frame, so that the grease box can move up wlien the spring is raised, and afterwards slip down again, but cannot be displaceil laterally unless the plate is dragged away with the frame-work attached to it. The dis- tance between the axles remains constantly the same, on the greater part of the lines in the environs of Paris — the grease boxes being eH'ectually confined within the cheeks of the guard-plates; they cannot, at least, get displaced l)eyond certain limits, which may be determined at pleasure tlius — a certain space is left tor jdav in the carriages employed on the Kouen line between the grease box and the cheeks. The number of the axles varies from four to eight. In the eight-wheel carriages those of each pair only (consisting of four wheels) are parallel, while in the six-wheel the three axles are generally so. This rule is, however, departed from on the St. Stephen's line (see page 19), where they are rendered moveable. AVe shall hereafter examine into the advantages and inconveniences which the use of a greater ur lesser number of wheels juesent, in treating of the bodies of carriages and their proportions. Gthly. The gudgeons of the axles are almost always placed outside the wheels. We may remember that this disposition allows of their being diminished in diameter (see page 13), and consequently of the resistance being reduced. 7thly, and finally, the frame-work of the wagons comjKising the permanent stock, carries springs, with some few excei)tions (with goods wagons), to soften the shiicks and jolts arising from the reaction of the dilferent carriages of a train against each other. We will therefore examine successively the different parts forming the per- manent stock of railways, commencing with wheels. Wheels are employed formed entirely of cast-iron, or of cast-iron with wrought- iron tires, or the nave oidy consists of cast-iron, and the other parts of wrought- iron. Wheels have also been used for locomotives with cast-iron naves, wooden spokes, cast-iron peripheries, and wrought-iron tires; but this description of wheel has since been abandoned. Wheels formed entirely of cast-iron have not to our knowledge been employed c 2 20 on any European railway traversed at great velocity, excepting the St. Stephen's and Lyons. " Wrought-iron wheels," says Mr. Lockart, engineer of this line, in a Memoire publisheJ in the Annals of Bridges and Roads* "are employed on almost all railways for the carriages and tenders; but when a railway presents inclined planes of some extent — such as that of ' Kive-de-Gier,' for instance — on the St. Stephen's, the fall of which is 1 in 17 for a length of 21 kilometres (about 13 miles), it is imperative to substitute cast-iron wheels. This is rendered necessary by the em- ployment of breaks, which are used every minute, either to moderate the speed or to stop the trains near the stations. This frequent use of the break consequently reduces the period of service of the iron wheels, and renders their periplieries con- stantly irregular, which produces continual joltings, and proves most inconvenient to tlie passengers, wliicli is independent of the serious inconveniences already stated in the paragraph relative to tlie fracturing of rails. An axle furnished with two wrought-iron wheels costs 435 francs, while it does not exceed 375 francs with cast-iron wheels. This great diffei'ence justifies the preference which is given to cast-iron wheels for wagons employed in the transport of coal on all the English railways. It is, therefore, advantageous to employ cast-iron wheels on railways presenting long inclined planes, and oh which the traffic consists principally of very heavy articles, such as stone, coal, and minerals. These wheels, however, often break, and occasion accidents which somewhat detract from the advantages which they present in price, although we can meet this objection by stating that the plan hitherto fulloAved in their construction is far from efiecting the most favourable condition. It is, in our opinion, susceptible of most important improve- ments. Further, in order to give an idea of the durability of cast-iron wheels, we will instance some facts. The proportion of wheels broken or worn out is 40 per cent, on the St. Stephen's Railway, while on the line from Stanhope to Tyne, which is situated, as near as possible, in the same circumstances, this proportion (regard being paid to the difierence in transport) is only Hi percent., and broken wheels are very rare on the latter; no more than three or four are broken annually, among 2000 wagons. This enormous diiference is partly attributable to the superiority of the English castings over the French." We have transcribed the preceding passage, as expressing the opinion of an able and practical man ; we do not, however, agree with him in preferring wheels composed entirely of cast iron, even for lines presenting inclined planes of some * Annals of Bridges and Roads, May and June, 1843. 21 extent ; but we have not made any comparative experiments on the destructive action which the breaks exercise under the jjarticular circumstances in which the St. Steplicn's Railway is situated; but it appears dillicult to believe that wlieels furnished with wrought-iron tires and properly mamil'actured are incapable of oflering the same resistance as wheels eonsistiu}!; entirely of cast iron. Moreover, as the latter are not turned like the former, nor are so correctly lai}^fh'-f mined carriages : — Tlie third-class carriages of the Birmingham Railway. The carriages with si.x wheels on the Great Western. The carriages on the Versailles line (left bank). The carriages of the Belgian lines, and those of the Strasbourg and Basle Kailway. The carriages used on the German Kailway. The carriages of the Rouen line. The frame of the carriages of the London and Birmingham, shown in Plate 1, belonging to the class of double frames, would be deficient in strength without numerous iron contrivances to unite and consolidate it, the various parts being com- posed of pieces of wood of slight thickness. Thus, the two side pieces, placed on one side, are united by cross pieces, of the shape of a double T, and their extre- mities are tied to the transverse pieces by double squares. The diagonal pieces are fixed both to the transverse pieces and to the shafts by means of squares, and the centre of the frame is secured by the ironwork which maintains and guides the springs. Lastly, the frame is covered beneath through- out its entire length, with a band of iron screwed to the shafts, and to the trans- verse pieces, in tlie direction of the diagonal pieces. The springs employed to soften the shocks, and to answer the purposes of traction, are four in number — two for each. This arr.ingement of the frame-work may be considered to be independent of, although intended for the support of the springs; the latter alone support the force of the action and reaction, both of that in the line of traction and that in the opposite direction. We may therefore consider the carriages forming a train composed of carriages constructed on this plan as attached simply to an extensive apparatus composed of springs. The traction-springs being joined at their ends, press one against the other, so that they are able to resist the greatest force without the frame- work suffering ; the same Avith the buffer springs, which rest against each other at the middle, where tliey are united by straps. If we turn to Plate 16, in which we shall find the details of this traction and bufhng apparatus, we may remark that the traction rods are formed with screws in order to permit of the springs being stretched upon their elasticity being reduced by use. These rods are formed round throughout, excepting at the guide. 38 next the hook, where they are squared. They are gradually diminished as they leave the buifers: experience has shown, that the dimensions given in the plan cannot be departed from without inconvenience. The plate which supports the buifer is formed of wrought iron, and attached to the end of the rod by means of a rivet. The buffers were originally formed of wood, and furnished with leather stuff- ing; these are now replaced by others formed entirely of wood, which are just as good, and cost less in maintenance. Wooden buffers require to be furnished with iron rings, to prevent their splitting. The guard-plates are fixed to the lower side pieces by a kind of foot, through which the bolts securing them together pass, and to the upper side piece by a single bolt. The bolts being thus situated at some distance from each other, the plate is very strongly secured. The space separating the guard-plates on one side, and consequently the dis- tance between the axles, would appear to require to be equal to half the lengtli of the carriage. It, however, usually exceeds this, since, when the axles are too close, the ends of the frame are badly supported, and soon become curved, which has been previously noticed. The frame-work of the carriages on the London and Birmingham line, which we have just described, is extremely slight, but is notwithstanding sufficiently strong, although expensive, and, perhaps, somewhat deficient in stifluess. The traction apparatus cannot be repaired with some carriages, or even a screw replaced, without taking up the body or end, or even undoing a part of the frame, whence great inconvenience results to the traffic and maintenance. The frames used on the London and Birmingham possess the advantage of admitting the pieces comprising it being taken on and off very easily. The frames of the carriages of the second class on this line are exactly like those of the first, but formed of a less length. The frames of carriages of the third class consist of one frame only ; we shall therefore include them among the frames of the second kind, and which we shall subsequently describe. The frames of the four-wheel carriages of the first class on the Great Western Railway, (see Plate 3) are, with respect to the carpentry, precisely similar to that of the London and Birmingham. The traction and buffer springs are supported like the latter, by two trans- verse pieces, on which the diagonal pieces are secured, and by two pieces of wood resting on the transverse pieces h and li . The arrangement of these springs is 39 suflScicntly explained in the description of riiite 4, and in that of the details in Plate "21. It is much more simple than the system of springs connected with the double frame used on the London and Mirniiiijiliani iiaiiway, and answers the same end. We find, in fact, that wagons constructed in this manner, and lorming the same train, are unit^jd like tiiose of the London and Birmingham line, by a kind of elastic chain, which serves as a perfect medium for moving the train, and at the same time diminishes the intensity of the shocks. Each frame is drawn from the centre; the action is therefore transmitted from this point to the siector. Afinutt\'< of Spi'cijit'ution for the supplying of Frames and Bodies of the First and Second Class Carriaifes on the Orlea)iJi liailway* This contract comprises eight first-class carriages, one complete carriage of the second chiss, and twenty-lour bodies of carriages also of this same class. The company to have the power, within a fortnight after signing the con- tract, of extending the number of first-class carriages to ten, if they are desirous of it. The carriage bodies of each class to be constructed of ash, with panels of plate iron, like those now standing at the shops of the company in Rue du Chevalleret, and the form, dimensions, trimmings, and arrangement to be exactly similar. The frames of carriages of the first class to be also of ash, and in every respect similar to those standing in the shops of the company, and, like them, furnished with complete buifing and drawing apparatus, safety chains, with the proper irons of attachment. The whole of the timber used in building the various parts, to be dry, sound, and square, without splits, bad knots, or rings, and free from rottenness, and neither weak, nor heated, nor cut in the direction of the grain. All the joinings to be made with the greatest care. All the furniture and fittings to be of the first quality, and moreover, in conformity with the samples. The bodies shall not be i)ainted until utter tliey have been examined and received in t/ie rough by the engineer who has charge of the stock. • Tlie frame of this carriage is nearly I^imilar to the "Carriage de luxe," Plate 12; and the bodies of the first-claiis carriages like those of the other carriage ou the same plate. The bodies of the wagons are like the wagons employed on the same line, but composed of three depart- mentsonly. (The roof is not furnbbed with seats.) XIV frs. f The following sum shall be paid for the first-class carriages, upon their being perfectly finished, as before described, including the frame each 6000 = (240) Viz. — For an ash body with panels formed of plate-iron, and consisting of three compart- ments, forming a herline with eight places, frs. £. s. d. glazed sashes, and the roof covered with zinc 850 = (34 0) To binding the bodies with irons at the corners, inside, to render them strong ; to eight irons formed like a T square, with rings, fixed to the body for the purpose of placing it on the frame of the carriage and lifting it off as required, eight screw boxes furnished with flies'-wings and eight Roman screws, sixteen bolts to fix the aforesaid iron-work. The doors to close with laps and patent joints and handles, with patent springs, two lamps to be placed on the roof to light the three compartments. Eighteen glass sashes; the springs to be all trimmed and in their places, and the lining of the body ornamented with polished heading 530 = (21 4 0) The inside of tlie bodies to be lined with blue cloth, with red and blue binding, the side cushions of red leather, two stalls in each body, the stuffing to be horse-hair and hemp of good quality, in the proportion of 90 livres of horsehair to 150 of hemp. The body to be painted brown, polished, picked out, and varnished 1348 = (53 18 0) 2728 Extras 10 per cent 272 Total cost of the body of 1st class carriage. 3000 = (120 0) XV frv £ «. «/. fr». £. Brought forwiml 3000=(120) Each (ioiil'le fraiiK' is coinposod ol' two frunics, two sets of diagonal pii-cis. two cross jiieccs, and three of brackets. Four round pieces of turned iliu adjusted and fixed, twenty-four strong iron squares fixed to the frame with Ik.Us 400 =" (IC) d) All the necciJsary bulling and drawing aiijiaratus to l>e accurately litted, finished and fixed in their places; four point- irons, or holdfasts, and springs, six foot-steps of two sizes, each fixed with bolts; eight double straps to fix the susjK'nsion springs; fixing guard-plates with sixteen strong bolts. Finally, fitting and fixing all the iron-work necessary for the due strength and com- pletion of the carriage, two buflfer-springs, and four suspension-springs, painting, double frame, iron rings, wheels, and axles . . . 2328 = (93 2 6) 2728 Extras 10 per cent 272 3000 Total expense of frame of carriage 3000 = (120) Total, for a first-class carriage . . . 6000^(240) The iron work for fixing the bodies upon the frames must be fitted with such exactness that each body may be placed, if required, upon any of the frames. The guard-plates must be fixed in sucli a manner that the axles shall be pa- rallel between them, and perpendicular to the longitudinal axis of the carria"e. XVI • fr. £ The following sum shall be paid for each body of the second class : 2000 = (80) Viz. — To an ash-wood body, with panel's formed of plate-iron in three compartments, for 10 places, .^ with running sashes, and the roof covered with fr. £ s. d. zinc 820 = (32 16 0) The interior of the three bodies to be of iron, with 40 squares, fixed with screws and bolts; 8 irons, forming a T square, with rings fixed to the body for the purpose of placing it on the frame of the carriage, and lifting it oif, as re- quired; fixed with 16 bolts, 8 screw-boxes fur- nished with fiies'-wings and 8 Roman screws. The 6 doors to be iron-bound, copper-lapped, with 6 handles, and patent catches. To lamps to light the three bodies; 18 pairs of glasses for the sash-frames 350 = (14 0) The inside of the bodies to be lined with stufl', 6 stufi" cushions, padded with horse-hair and hemp, the latter in the proportion of two -thirds only; 18 sash-pulls, 6 door-straps; painting the carriage, according to pattern .... 649 = (26 0) 1819 Extra, 10 per cent 181 Total for the body of a second-class carriage . . 2000 = (80 0) For a second-class carriage, delivered complete, and made precisely similar to the carriages of the first-class, according to the specification of these carriages, the sura of 3000 fr. (£120) shall be paid, the total amounting to 5000 fr. (£200). The company is to be at liberty to make such alterations during the progress of building as may be deemed necessary, provided always that such alterations do not render the expense greater to the contractor. The aforesaid carriages of first and second class, and bodies of the second class, to be delivered completely finished, and ready in the manufactory of the company, by the 31st March, 1840, at the latest. And if, through any fault of the contractor, the whole of the carriages and bodies included in the present con- XVII tract are not delivered at the appointed jwriod, tliey shall be returned, and de- ducted from the amount of his account, and damages allowed for every week's delay, as follows: — viz. Franca. For each oimplete first-class carriage 100 For each complete second-chiss carriage ... 50 which is to be without prejudice for any further indemnity for losses which the company may sustain. The payments shall be made in the following manner: — One-third to be paid when the contract is signed ; one-third after the receipt of the bodies of the car- riages in the romjh, accordingly as they progress; and the last payments after their delivery, and upon their final reception at the works of the company. The two complete carriages of the first and second class built according to the agreement of the 12th April last, shall be taken, and the alteration and improvements which have been made during the building to be allowed to the contractor, and they shall be included in the number of carriages forming the pre- sent contract. And, further, seeing that the said carriages, which were executed as patterns, have been already delivered into the shops of the company and accepted, they are to be paid for immediately after signing the presejit contract, viz. : — 1st. A sura of 11,000 francs for the first-class jcarriage complete, and for the second class already delivered, (440/.) 2ndly. A sum of 30,000 francs (1200/.) being a third of the total value of the bodies and carriages supplied. Any dispute wliicli may arise between the company and the contractor respecting the conditions of the present contract and specifications, shall be decided by three umpires, upon the choice of which the parties shall agree within one week. In default of which, the umpires shall be appointed by the Tribunal of Commerce of the department of the Seine, at the request of either parties applying. The arbitration shall decide in a friendly manner, and its decision to be final, without any reference to legal forms or delays ; and it shall not be able to set it aside by appealing against it, or by any civil or legal process whatever. The cost of arbitration shall be regulated by the umpires. The registering of these presents to be at the expense of the parties interested. Drawn up and delivered by the undersigned engineers. XVUl Minutes of Specification for the construction of English Carriages, including the wheels and axles. Each carriage to consist of three compartments, each being 4 feet 1 1 inches long, making a total length of 15 feet 6 inches. Their height, from the floor to the roof, to be 4 feet 6| inches, and width 6 feet in the clear, exclusive of furniture. The woodwork of each compartment to be of the best ash, and of the follow- ing dimensions — viz., the sides of the floor to be 2i inches by 4^ inches, the up- right posts at each corner, and at the doors (making twenty in number in the three compartments) 2^ inches. Those at the doors to be strengthened in the interior by vertical pieces of birch-wood firmly fixed to the seats. The top rails to be 2i inches by 1\ inch, and there must not be less than 12 at each ex- tremity. The cross piece of each partition of the interior to be 2 1 inches by 1 inch. The seat-rails (making ten in number in the three compartments) li by 2^ inches. The circular pieces supporting the roof (making three for the middle compartment and four for the two others) 2j inches wide and If inch thick. The sides to be formed of panels of the same thickness as those at the ends of the carriage, and to be similar in every other respect. The floor to be constructed of 1\ inch American pine planking, bound beneath by three bands of wrought iron, I5 inch broad by a 5 of an inch in thickness, passing from one end to the other, and fastened by 100 bolts and screws. The internal partitions, seats, and planking of the roof, to consist of American pine, I of an inch thick. The roof to be covered by three pieces of leather, weighing at least 381b eacli, protected on the top by oak ribs 2i inches wide by f of an inch tliick, placed at distances of 3 inches from each other, and fastened by screws. An oak cornice to be formed all round, H inch square, screwed and projecting suflicient to keep ofi" rain from the panels of the carriage. This cornice also requires to be channelled, and raised rather higher on the outside than the top of the carriage, and to be painted white. Seats for the acommodation of two persons are to be constructed at each end of the roof, and to be furnished with iron hand-rails, and three footsteps covered with leather, &c. The support for passengers' feet consists of a plank of birch wood, sustained by iron brackets. The roof to be furnished with iron rods, for a space of 8 feet 6 inches, placed lengthways and across to hold the luggage ; these irons to be | of an inch in diameter, and to be supported at equal distances by uprights Ah inches high, the whole to be covered with a waterproof cloth fastened by straps. XIX The outside of tlie carriage to be formed eiitiri-ly of wood panels tlioroughly dried, the higliest of these to be ^ un inch in tliirkncss, and the bottom panels 5-16th of an inch, and those of the ends ^ an inch; these panels to ])e fitted with canvas in the first phice, fastened by means of copper pins at distances of 1 inch from each utlier, with another canvas fitted on afterwards. Tiie mouldings to be of brass, as well as the handles of the doors. Four iron lamps are reipiisite for each carriage, two at each extremity. Tlie windows to consist of good glass, 22i inches high by 10 inches wide, and at least 5-lOths of an inch thick. Tlic sashes to be made ol' oak thoroughly dried, to be 1^ inch wide, and covered witii black velvet, or painted, rubbed, and varnished. Small bauds of leather must be carefully placed at the bottom of the grooves which receive the glass, for the purpose of deadening the shocks. Vene- tians (j(ilou.sii\^) are to be addel, if desired. The painting to consist of three coats of white lead andfour coats of priming, when the body of the carriage has been well rubbed ; three other similar coats to be added to the preceding, and lastly, two coats of a colour to be chosen by the directors. The upper panels to be painted black, in the same way, and four coats of the best varnish to be spread over the whole carriage after the panels have received the inscription in golden letters and the ornaments with which they may be decorated. The inside of the carriage must be entirely fitted up with cloth, the quality chosen costing, at the present time (1839), 12s. 6d. a yard of the breadth of GU inches. The quantity required for the three compartments to be about .38 yards, and 7 dozen pieces of galoon, at 18s. the dozen, will be required for the whole. The cost of sewing to amount to 3s. 6d. a dozen, and the same price for the fitting, the handles and window-cords to be compactly covered with leather. A good Brussels carpet to be laid on the floor, the cushions of the back and elbows to be stuffed with hair of the best quality, of which about 112 \hs. to be used in the three compartments. The seats are to be separated in each com- partment by four mahogany elbows, adjusted by iron-work, fixed by screws, and furnished. Each seat to bear a gilt number on a lacquered ticket. The body of the carriage to be secured to the frame by means of strong screw-bolts. Every part will be required to be perfectly strong, and all the iron- work of the first quality. The weight of the iron-work — viz., the rods to secure the luggage, the foot-boards, supports, t&c, to be about 164 lbs. ; and screws are tt> be used everywhere instead of nails. The total length of the frame to be 15 feet 8 inches. The buffers at each c2 XX end to draw out upwards of 1 foot 9 inches, and the whole to be constructed of good ash, and of the following dimensions : The side-pieces to be double on each side, to be made of two pieces brought together in the middle, and bolted, if considered necessary. They are to be 3 inches square, and united vertically by stays and iron plates ; there are to be 8 of the former in each carriage, weighing 81 lbs., and 4 of the latter, weighing 74 lbs. The extremities of the frame to be formed of two cross pieces of ash, 6 feet 1 inch long, 3| inches by 3 inches square, and IH inches wide, at their greatest depth. These pieces to be joined in the same way as the side-pieces, but with this diiference, three blocks of ash wood to be substituted instead of the iron. The whole to be secured by 4 pieces, placed diagonally ; and also l)y 2 longi- tudinal and 2 transversal pieces of ash, 3 inches by 2i inches, resting on the lower side-pieces of tlie frame, and joined by mortices and tenons into a piece of very strong ash wood, forming the middle of the contrivance. This piece is to be 2 feet 3 inches long, 1 foot 4 inches wide, and 3 inches thick. All the joints to be secured by bands and squares of wrought iron, 3-8ths of an inch thick by 2h inches wide, fixed by half-inch bolts. The two cross and longitudinal pieces, also those forming the lower side portions of the frame, to be furnished on one side entirely with plates of wrought iron, 3-8ths of an inch thick by 21 inches wide, bolted in the same manner as the iron-work previously described. The weight of this fitting to be about 244 lbs., that of the bolts and their screws to the number of nearly 350, to amount to 168 lbs. The axle-guards to consist of wrought iron, from 3 to 5-8ths of an inch thick, and to be firmly fixed to the side pieces of the frame, by bolts and screws. To be situated at equal distances of 8 feet 6 inches from centre to centre. The footsteps, to the number of 18, weighing together 190 lbs., to be 12 inches by 9 inches, and fastened to the frame in the same manner. There are to be 8 roller-boxes, weighing, with the rollers, i- of a cwt. These boxes to be screwed under the side-pieces of the frame. Four wrought iron buffer-rods, of the weight of 258 lbs, are to be fitted to each frame, and terminated by ash bufiers 14 inches in diameter, covered with thick leather, and stuifed with hair. These buffer-rods are to rest on two large springs, each being formed of 15 steel plates, I of an inch thick by 3 inches wide, and 5 feet 9 inches long, when in their places. Two other drawing springs are to be appended, formed of 6 steel plates, of the same thickness and width as the preceding, and having a length of 3 feet. The four springs to weigh together about 361 lbs. To fit into a groove, XXI firmly bolted on the middle usli piece before described, and 2^ iiicliejs to be allowed for piny. The position of the buffers luul the drawing aj)paratus is shown in Plate IG. There is other iron work connected with the buffers and drawing apparatus, besides the buffer rods already mentioned, consisting of the rods and plates which are connectetl with the two small sj>rings, and which weigh about 106 lbs. Four scjuare socket rings, with as many lateral plates and others as anidunts together to .")() lbs; lastly, of various inferior pieces, employed in the construction of the frame work, the amount of which may nuike a total of 84 lbs. The whole of the steel employed in forming the different springs to be well tempered and of superior quality. The iron rods, also, to be of the first quality — wrought, finished, and adjusted with care. The framing to be strongly constructeil, according to the best system at pre- sent emidoyetl for railway carriages. To be painted five coats of a colour har- monizing witii that of the body of the carriage, and two coats of good varnish. Three chains, eighteen inches long, to be hung at each extremity of the frame, with rings at one of their extremities, and bolts, nuts, and a strong hook at the other. The middle chain to be rather stronger than the others, as it may some- times be used for drawing; the latter to be added merely for the sake of safety. The six chains to weigh together about 168 llis. Coujiling irons are, nevertheless, preferable to chains, and ought always to be substituted for them. As it is unnecessary for each carriage to be furnished with a lireak, these will be let separately. The break apparatus consists of a certain number of levers, cog-wheels, pinions, &c., and cannot be properly understood without an inspection; the whole weight of the apparatus is about 4 cwt. The rims of the wheels, together with the spokes, to be of wrought iron, and the nave of cast iron. The outer tire to be fastened on the iimer by at least eight screw bolts, and as many nuts. The axles to be of the best wrought iron, and formed half an inch larger at the parts fitting into the naves of the wheels, which are to be securely fixed to the axles, by 5-8ths keys — the whole to be painted and varnished. The four wheels with their axles to weigh about 18 cwt. The boxes of the axles to be of cast iron, the four lateral springs being fixed upon them, each spring consists of twelve steel plates, \ inch thick, 3 inches broad, and 5 feet long. These four springs to weigh about 378 lbs., which makes the total weight of iron employed in each frame about 47 cwt. XXll BELGIAN RAILWAY CARRIAGES. Details of the Cost of Carriages for the Conveyance of Passengers and Goods. 1841. Passenger Carriages. frs. Body of carriage 1700 Wrought iron wheels, guard-plates and grease-boxes 1 300 Buffers with springs 354 Springs of the body of carriage 325 Wheel covers, with the bolts connected therewith . 60 Copper ramps 40 Rollers of doors and windows 16 Windows 25 Cloth 300 Galoon 215 Linen cloth 113 Merino 30 Curly horsehair 183 The various appendages for greasing 57 Painting, workmanship, colours, &c 175 Furnishing and workmanship 100 Mounting and ditto 120 Total 4913 =(196 10) ,Carruges with Seats and Windows. Body 1000 Wheelwork, guard-plates, grease-boxes, springs, break 1930 Wheel covers, supports of the seats and bolts ... 72 Rods of the imperial and small pieces of iron-work . 120 Linen cloth for the imperial, and hair-cloth for the seats 102 Blue and white ticking for curtains 20 Curly horsehair for the seats . 80 Fitting up and workmanship, furnishing, painting, &c. 195 Mounting and workmanship 120 Total 3648 = (145 18) XXUl Goods Wagons. fr«. Carpentry 230 Four springs belonging to the frame and one of the butl'ers 410 Buffers with attaching chains, drawing apparatus, straps and bolts 250 Break complete, and irons for footsteps 160 Copjier bearings 40 Hooks, covering plate, straps, cross-pieces, &c. . . .100 Wrought iron wheel-work, guard plates, and grease boxes 1200 Workmanship of mounting ICO Total, francs 2550 = (£102 0) Recapitulation. in. £ $. Price of a carriage 4913 = (196 10) Ditto, with seats and windows 3648 = (145 18) Ditto, goods wagon 2550 = (102 0) Cost of other Carriages in 1839. Carriage 3600 = (144 0) Ditto, with seats and windows 3900 = (156 0) Ditto, with curtains only 3600 ==(144 0) Covered wagon 3200 = (128 0) Uncovered ditto 2800 = (112 0) A break fitted up in the interior 180 = ( 7 10) Ditto, with a seat upon the imperial 300 = ( 12 0) Timber wagon 2750 = (110 0) Ditto, for goods 2500 = (100 0) Ditto, for luggage, with sliding doors 3750 = (150 0) Ditto, enclosed 3100 = (124 0) Ditto, for horses 3500 = (140 0) Ditto, for cattle 3000 = (120 0) Ditto, for iron 3800 = (152 0) Ditto, for coke 2900 = (116 0) XXIV Bodies of Passenger Carriages, Luggage, and Horse Wagons. frs. Wheels, guard plates, and grease boxes 1300 Springs of body 235 Buffers with springs 260 Total, francs 1895 = (£75 16) Bodies of Wagons for Wood, Coal, Iron, Cattle, and Coke. Wheels, guard plates, and grease boxes 1300 Springs of body 325 Fixed buffers 100 Total, francs 1725 = (£69 0) N.B. — The difference in the prices of carriages in 1839 and 1841 arose from the following causes. With carriages — Istly, From the prices of wheels and springs having risen. The wheels, which were formerly made of cast iron, are constructed entirely of wrought iron at the present time, and the whole of the dimensions, both of the springs and wheels, are increased. 2ndly. From numerous modifications, too difficult to describe. 3rdly. From different appendages having been made — such as spring-barrel blinds, &c. frs. £ s. d. Thus, the mechanism of eight blinds costs . . . . 48=(119 0) Silk for ditto 40=(1 12 ) Cords and galoon, ditto 12 = (0 10 ) The quantity of curly horse-hair has been increased to 120 kilogrammes (264 lbs.), at 4 francs 15 cents per kilog. (Is. 8H. perlb.) 498=(19 18 ) The following have also been added : — Aloes' mats 14=(0 11 2^) Carpets 30=(1 4 ) Lamps 44=(1 15 ) The price of carriages icith seats only has been diminished since the work- manship of the wheels, which was expensive, has been reduced. XXV Estimate for the Construction of an ordinary If'at/on with saits ami roof , fur the ('omjiani/ ofth,- r,-rstiill,s Raihroij {hft Imnk). Seo Plate 12. DESCUIPTION OF OBJECTS. e a t 5 § I Fk.\mk. Traction rod*, coinplvte Plate iron .sliioUls I'or tlic traction hmIs Cast iron pii-ces for tlie ilruwin;; springs Springs ditto ..... Ditto of the body . . . . , Cust iron holdfiists for ditto Point irons ...... .Straps for springs with 3 rods . Doulik- tie rods ..... .*v|uar<'s to side pieces Collars to ditto ..... Thin iron plates for ends of side pieces Holding bolt(> for guard platej; Ditto, ditto liolts of 32 centimetres (12jln. long) square! heads ...... j Ditto lo and 2o ditto (6 and lOin. long) coun- tersunk liead.s ..... Ditto 13 and 25 ditto (o and lOin. long) ordi- nary beads ..... Washers for bolts ..... Countersunk screws 22 26 . Screw witli square head .... WtKid for fnune ..... Ditto for Imfl'crs ..... Strou}: black lc;»ther for the two buffers. Kound-lieaded nails for ditto Haw heni[) for ditto .... Workmanship of wheelwrights in making 17 2 '6, adjusting the iron work 3 3 Workmanship of the mechanics BoDT. Pieces of ash for joiners' work Ordinary seats Beecli timber for frame YAin ]ilanks and paneb . Grisjinl ditto . Deal ditto . Kim panels for lining Planks for seats . Grisard ditto . Deal ilitto . Walnut panel work . Ditto panels . Sheets of ])aper and glass Plate iron Zinc. NaiU .... Carried forward I 14 4 2 4 8 • 8 8 4 6 4 4 24 12 32 20 70 120 16 8 21 6 24 4 5 7-47 •12 10-98 1-93 •46 14-75 21-36 -54 5-17 3-66 4-24 210 151- 30- 15-20 79-500 221- 38- 9- II- 3-750 18- 4-.-;oo i:(K) 8-500 3- 15- 13- 1-850 •500 2- 106. 85- 13- fra. 2 1 2 2 2 2 2 3 2 I 1 1 1 90 80 85 20 20 60 10 50 80 40 60 60 1 60 1 50 1 50 4 2 24 25 25 2 70 1 60 20 3 75 3 75 25 25 11 3 2 2 2 3 2 2 1 8 50 60 50 60 25 05 62 75 60 90 fn. 437 :>A 12 90 174 !K) 4K6 20 98 80 *>•' 50 50 25 10 40 II 36 8 2 13 60 4 80 24 12 19 50 4 80 50 1 90 186 75 3 5 80 40 78 75 22 50 274 50 48 25 5 25 51 60 55 oH 101 10 10 33 12 80 10 4 20 30 32 25 65 70 63 75 20 80 2536 85 XXVI Estimate — contimied. DESCEIPTION OF OBJECTS. 1 s 6 a o a o 3 a « id O >• fra. its. Brought forward .... *.. ... ... 2536 85 Various screws for the joiners . 164 ... 2 50 4 10 Brass covering ...... ... 6-200 6 37 20 Door hinges ...... 24 ... 1 24 Countersunk screws for hinges and handles 386 1 OyO 3 85 Brass door handles with springs 8 ... 6 0,0 48 Latches ....... 8 1 50 12 Mounting steps ..... 4 ... 5-400 3 50 18 90 Handles of the imperial .... 4 ... 1-650 2 80 4 60 Stays, with dowels and pins 4 ... 7-200 2 40 17 30 Eods and iron work upon roof 4 . • . 17-820 1 33 24 05 Squares and dowels for ditto 4 ... 5-500 2 40 13 20 Mitre ditto 4 ... 1-400 1 80 2 50 Sundry bolts for roof, steps, and dowels of lamp 32 ... 3-175 1 50 4 75 Dnwels of lamp ...... 4 ... 6-300 2 40 15 60 Lamp for the interior 2 16 15 32 50 Footsteps ....... 8 . . . 54- 2 108 Footboard .....*. 16 ... 75 12 Bolts of 4 & 13 centimetres (1^ and Sin. long) 62 ... 5-400 1 50 8 10 Screws with square heads .... 8 24 1 90 Ditto, countersunk, for fixing the roof . 80 ... 3 50 00 2 80 Fixing the zinc ..... 18 Workmanship of joiners .... • > > ... • • . ... 643 Ditto of ironmongers' work of doors . ... 40 Ditto of Ironwork 15. ..... >.• ... ... ... 31 Plating the panels ..... ... ... ... 40 Inside. Metres. Ticking ... 52-85 ... 1 60 84 53 Black trellis 11-30 • . . 1 40 15 80 Broad galloon ...... . • . 29- 50 14 50 Ditto, for covering the seams 159-15 21 33 40 Tacks ri'2 1 80 0/0 2 Raw hemp (of 78 kilogs. to the 1.) ... ... 15-600 20 0,0 3 10 Ditto ... 147-400 50 73 70 Packthread for galloon ... ... •500 1 85 90 Double thread ...... ... •200 7 50 1 50 Crested nails (of 2 kilogs. to the C'.) ... ... •400 3 20 1 30 Nails for seats and other parts . ... 2- 1 80 3 60 Ditto for galloon ...... ... 2- 2 4 Panes of glass ...... io 1 45 14 50 Copper frame plates ..... 40 ... ... 30 12 Countersunk screws ..... 160 ... 85 0,0 1 05 Soft yellow leather for rods and frames . 2,10 ... 27 5 40 Workmanship of coachmaker ... ... • . . 70 Ditto of glazier ...... ... ... ... ... 5 Painting ... 300 Conveyance to the line ..... ... ... ... 8 4357 90 Sundry expenses, use of to Cost of a wagon, exclusiv guard plates ols, &c., e of wh 20 per ee eels, axles nt. . grease-b( )xes and ' = {£• 871 60 K 5229 50 209 3«. Id.) XXVll Estimate for the Construction of a Berlin for lite Companif of the Versuilles Railway {left btinh). Sec Plate 12. DESCRIPTION OF OBJECTS. e t a 4. e a 3 ■4* o 1 « •f. o, iZ o > Fkamk. tn. fn.. Traction rods ...... 1 « • • 144- 2 90 417 60 I'late-iron sliielJs for drawing . 14 • •■ 30- 1 80 54 Ca.-t-ii-on picct's for the drawing springs 4 ... 15.200 85 12 90 Drawing springs ..... 2 ... 78- 2 20 171 60 Springs of tiif Wly ..... 4 198- 2 20 435 60 Cast-iron holdfasts for ditto 8 37- 2 60 96 20 Point irons ....... 8 ... 9- 2 50 22 50 Stnips for springs, with 3 rods . 8 11- 2 50 27 50 Double-tif rods ...... 4 3-750 3 11 25 S|uarc'S to side-pieces .... 6 ... 18- 2 36 Thin iron phites ...... 4 ... 1-700 1 40 2 40 HiiUiing-bolts for guard-plates . 24 ... 8-500 1 60 13 60 Ditto 12 ... 3- 1 60 4 80 r>olts, 32 centimetres (12i inches long), square ) 32 15- 1 60 24 heads J Ditto, 15 and 25 ditto (6 and 10 ditto) coun-| tersunk ditto i 20 ... 8- 1 50 12 Ditto. 1 1 and 25 ditto (4 and 10 ditto) ordi-l 70 13- 1 50 19 50 nary ditto . . . . . .J Washers 120 ... 4 00 4 80 Countersunk screws, 22 26 16 • • ■ 2 50 Screws with s<|uare heads .... 8 • •• ... 24 1 90 ^\'ood for frame and buffers .•• 7-59 25 0,0 189 75 Strong black leatiier for ditto 1-850 2 70 5 Round-headed nails ..... • •■ -500 1 60 80 Raw hemp ....... ■ ■■ ... 2- 20 40 Workmanship of wheelwrights in making thel 17§ frames . . . . . . .J Ditto, adjusting the iron work 3.1 ... 3 75 78 75 Fixing iron work ..... 6 ... ... 3 75 22 50 Body. Pieces of ash for joiners' work ... 9-42 25 235 73 4-50 ... 11 49 50 Elm-plank panels ..... ■ •• 14-97 ... 3 50 52 40 Grisard ditto ...... • •. 28-39 > >. 2 60 73 80 Dial ditto ■ •> 33-63 ... 2 67 25 Walnut panels ..... 5 • • * 8 40 .Sheets of paper and glass .... 5 • • . 5 25 Plate iron ... 92-" 62 57 5 Zinc ........ • •• ... 69- 75 51 75 NaiLs ....... • ■ • ... 12- 1 60 19 20 Sundry screws ...... 186 2 50 4 65 Hrass covering ..... • •• ... 4-850 6 29 10 Door hinges ...... 18 ... ... 1 18 Coverings and handles j Carried forward .... 288 ■ a. 1 2 90 22«7 93 (12 XXVIU Estimate — continued. DESJRIPTION OF OBJECTS. s 3 a a i 05 o z P w O > frs. fl-R. Brought forward .... ... ... ... 2287 93 Chased door-liandles, with springs, &c. . 6 ... ... 7 50 45 Latches ....... 6 ... 1 50 9 Dowels of himps ...... 4 6 500 2 40 15 60 Bohs of 4 and 13 centimetres ( 1^ and 5 inches | 44 3-250 1 50 0/0 4 85 long) for footsteps . . . . . J Screws, with square heads .... 14 ... 24 0,0 3 55 Footsteps ....... 6 ... 35- 2 0,0 70 Footboard 12 ... 75 9 Washers ....... 12 ... ... 4 0,0 50 Lamps for the interior ..... 2 ... 16 15 32 30 Fixing zinc upon the imperial . ... ... 12 12 Plating the panels with iron .... • •. ... ... 40 Workmanship of joiners .... ... ... 564 Ditto, ironmongers' work of doors . • >* ... ... 30 Ditto, ironwork ..... ... ... ... 12 50 ^ Inside. Metres. Maroon cloth 40-97 12 50 512 10 Ditto serge ...... • • • 1610 ... 3 48 30 Linen for covering the mattresses >>• 28-50 75 21 35 Stout grey linen ...... 22- ... 1 50 33 Pasteboard ....... 5-45 1 20 6 55 Black trellis 13-90 ... 1 40 19 45 Broad galoon, maroon and red • •• 65-35 ... 95 62 10 Narrow ditto, ditto .... ... 207-65 ... 29 60 20 Tacks 1033 • •• ... 5 51 63 Tassels of frame ..... 18 ... ... 90 16 20 Cords of frame ...... 18 ... ... 2 50 45 Black thread ...... ... ... •300 9 2 70 Galoon packthread ..... ... • •* 1-625 1 85 3 Nails for seats and other parts . • ■• 1-500 1 80 2 70 Black varnished nails ..... ... -300 3 60 1 80 Galoon nails ...... ... 1-500 2 3 Panes of glass ...... "is ... ... 1 45 26 10 Putty ■ ■ * 1-500 60 90 Copperplate frames ..... 18 ... ... 30 5 40 Countersunk screws ..... 72 >• ■ 85 0,0 50 Soft yellow leather, for rods of doors 1 ■ ■• 27 2 70 Spring blinds, with tassels 18 ... ... 2 80 30 40 Brass rings for blinds ..... 36 ... • >• 40 14 40 Countersunk screws .... 108 ... 85 0,0 90 Guides of blinds ...... ... 36- ... 10 3 60 Rings with brass screws for the guides 36 20 7 20 Stuffed buttons 18 **• ... 30 5 40 Raw hemp ...... > •• ... 85- 50 42 50 Leather ....... ... . •• 90- 2 85 356 50 Workmanship of coachmakers . • ■< ... ... .. * 140 Ditto, glaziers, for the frame and coach . ... ... • •• 3 75 Painting ....... • • > V ... ... 260 Conveyance to the line ..... ... '*' 8 4932 70 Sundry expenses, use of tools • Cost of a Berlin, exclusive o J, &c. at 20 per ce Dt. 3, and) 986 55 wheel. 5, axles, gi ease-boxe. 5919 25 guard-plates . . . / = (£2 36 15*. 5d.) XXIX Miniitt.^ of Spccificafioti for the Ctmstrintioii utid Fittimj up of I-\>rty Fnnms of Ihlii/aurs for the Railway from Montpcllier to Xinus* 1. The present sj)eeifioiitioii CDinprises the construction, conveyiince, and fitting up of forty frames of ilili!.'eiici's, tiie frames (lini/iers) of which have been let to the i)roprietors of the Fourchambault Iron Works by the decision of M. , the Minister of Public Works, May 31, 1843. The following parts are ordered and in course of manufacture at the present time : — Axles mounted on wrought iron wheels. Grease boxes, with the corresponding axle guards. Suspension springs. Bulling and drawing apparatus, with the springs. The works comprised in the present specification are — 1st. The woodwork of the frames intended to support the bodies of the carriages. 2n(l. All the iron-Avork necessary to protect the franK* and unite them with the limbers, with the exception of the foot-steps which form a part of the contract for the bodies of the carriages. 3rd. The mounting of the limber and the frame at the manufactory, and afterwards on the line of railway at the stations of Nimes or ]^Iontpellier, all expenses of transport being included. 2. The wood- work of the frame to be executed conformably to the annexed design, and to be composed of the pieces hereinafter enumerated. Two side pieces, each 5"' 20 (17 feet) long, and O™ 085 by 0™ 25 (3 inches by 10 inches) square section. Two upper cross pieces, 2"' 20 (7 feet 3 inches) in length, and 0" 09 by O" 25 (4 inches by 10 inches) square section. Four intermediate feross pieces, each 2'" 00 (6 feet 7 inches) long, and 0"'U)S by 0™ 20 (3 inches by 8 inches) square section. Four diagonal pieces, making together 8'" 40 (27 feet 7 inches) in length, and O" 12 by 0™ 06 (5 by 2i inches) square section. One shoe under the springs l" 10 (3 feet 7 inches) long, and 0" 35 by O" 08 (14 by 3 inches) square section. Four sets of fittings to the stop pieces of turned-wood according to the pattern. • These frames resemble those employed on tlie Rouen Railway. XXX Upon these several pieces being united, the frame will be 5™ 20 (17 feet) long between the outside faces of the upper cross-pieces, and 1" 98 (6 feet 6 inches) wide between the outside faces of the side pieces. 3. All the wood-work to be of ash or oak, thoroughly dry, and of the best quality ; all the pieces, more particularly the side pieces, to consist of solid timber, perfectly sound, regular in fibre, free from defective knots and broken fibres. The whole of the wood to be square, and have a square edge prepared and pro- perly shaped on all sides, and united with the greatest precision, conformably to the rules of good coach-building. The iron-work of the frame to be composed of the following pieces : Of Iron filed and polished on all sides. 5 fork-shaped supports for the suspension springs, weighing together at least 60 kilogrammes, (132 lbs.) Of Wrought Iron, and polished by the file. 4 screw rings for the safety chains. 4 squares of the diagonal pieces. 4 ditto sides of the frame. 8 drawing rods. 2 plate bands for the body springs. 2 tie pieces of the axle guards, eacli weighing 30 kilogrammes, (66 lbs.) Screw Bolts with Heads. 32 bolts for the sides of the frame. 4 cross pieces. 8 acute-angled squares. 4 right-angled squares. 16 drawing rods. 30 foot-steps. 6 frames for the springs. 2 drawing rods to frame. 20 axle guards. 5. The weights of the 32 pieces and 122 bolts above enumerated are not given, with the exception of those which bear more than an usual strain. The value of the remaining iron-work is not regulated by the quantity of metal used, so XXXI much as it is by the finish of the workmniishiii. it must l)c understoinl tliiit this is to be executed coiiforuiubly to tlie geiierul feuturws sliowii in the uniiexed design, although the weiglit is not sj)ecified, and in necordance with the detailed phm or nuHlel, wliich shall Ik; approved of by the engineer. 6. The wliole of the iron-\vt>rk of the frame to be prepared with wood- charcoal, hammered, and of the first quality. It must be wrought with the greatest care, according to tlic models adopted by the engineers, and shaped as above described, accxjrding to the rules of coach-building. 7. The fork-shaped supports of the frame are to be joined to the suspension springs by leather straps disjioseil as shown in the annexed design. Kvery strap to be composed of seven leather bands of tlie K'st quality, sewn together with the greatest care, and forming a total thickness of 0'" 030 millimetres, (1 inch.) 8. Of the 40 frames constituting the contracts, 12 shall be furnished with a break, placed as shown on the plan marked § 2. The manufacture and fitting of these breaks will be the subject of a separate specification. The contractor shall be bound to perform the luounting of the frame and its joining with the wheels, axles, guard-plates and grease-boxes at the manufactory, and at the stations of \imcs or Montpellier, according to the directions of the engineer, so that nothing shall remain to be done except placing the different bodies of the carriages and wagons (ordered by the directors) upon the frames. 10. The delivery and reception to take place at Nimes or at Montpellier, all costs of transit being defrayed by the contractor. On sight of the receipt {proces-verbal) of their provisional reception, nine- tenths of the amount of the contract to be paid to the contractor. The remaining tenth to be retained as a guarantee for one year after the delivery. The pieces which may be injured or broken during this term, from anv cause whatever, excei)ting a violent shock be proved to have taken place, shall be replaced at the expense of the manufacturer. 11. The frames, as before described, to be delivered as follows, viz.: — 2U mounted frames within three months after the signing of the contract; 10 frames per month after the first delivery. 12. In case of non-compliance with the above conditions within the prescribed periods, 10 per cent, on the contract to be retained as indemnity from the contractor. The contractor shall, moreover, be subject to the clauses and several condi- tions imposed on contractors of "Bridges and Highways," and joined to the xxxu circular of M. the Director-General of Bridges, Highways, and Mines, dated 25th August, 1833, in every respect, provided such is not inconsistent with the present specification. Minutes of Specification for the Construction and Fitting up of the Bodies of the Passenger Carriages and Wagons on the Railway from Montpellier to Nimes* 1. The present specification comprises the construction, conveyance, and fitting up of the bodies of carriages and wagons intended for the service of pas- sengers on the railway from Montpellier to Nimes — namely : Eight carriages of the first class (herUnes), with closed windows. Ten ditto, of the second, or covered diligences, with closing windows. Fourteen ditto, of the third class (char-a-banc), covered, but not enclosed. Six baggage wagons. 2. The limber and frame-work of the carriages are executed according to special specifications and by separate contracts. The general description of the framing, with the necessary directions for its junction with the bodies of the carriages shall be remitted to the contractor of the present, in order that the final mounting of the carriages and wagons may not present any difficulty. Sect. I Carriages of the First Class, or Berlines, with Close Windows. 3. The general dimensions of the first-class carriages to be according to the plan, and as follow : — Length between outside faces 5™ 20 (17 feet); width between the outside faces to be 1™ 98 (6 feet 6 inches), exclusive of the swelling-out parts. Height between the bottom of the body and the canopy 1™ 60 (5 feet 3 inches). Height from wooden seat to floor 0" 35 (13 inches). Length of each end compartment from outside to outside 1™ 70 (5 feet 7 inches). Interior length of middle compartment T" 80 (5 feet 11 inches). The dimensions of the details to be conformable to the subjoined plan and to the drawings which shall be approved and signed by the engineer. 4. The bodies to be constructed of hard wood; the lower side-pieces, corner- pieces, and all the larger pieces of the framing of the seat to be of ash. All the * The models were Dearly similar to those emplojed on the Rouen Railway. XXXIIl wood to be iwrffctly dried and of the best quality, prepared, shaped, and joined according to the rules of coach building. The exterior panels to be of plat«-iron. The interior of each body to Ik* strengthened by at leiu^t sixty squares of irmi fastened by screws. As the plan does not show these scpiares, it must be under- stood that each of the joints of the several partsof the framing shall be strengthened by an iron, according to the best practice of coach-building. The iron-work of the doors to be executed with the greatest care; the double hinges and the lap-over pieces to be of copper, and fastened by screws, the mode of closing to be by folding doors with springs. Each door to be provided with a copper handle, and a cnunter one, conform- ably to the general indication of the subjoined design and to the model which shall be approved by the engineers. The six sash-frames of the doors and panels of each body of a carriage to be fitted with Holiemian glass, or with double glasses, perfectly flat, without specks, Haws, or defects. The frames of the two end com- partments to be of haril wood and varnished; those of tiie middle compartment to be formed of mahogany. The roof to be covered with two sheets of red copper 7-8ths of a millimetre (-034 of an inch) thick, lapped and soldered together at the middle of the compartment. Each of the two seats raised on the roof to have branches, body guards, and elbows, and six foot-steps for mounting, formed of iron, acconling to the plan. The roof, moreover, to be surrounded by an iron railing, according to the design. The body to be prepared, painted, and varnished with coach varnish with the greatest care, and with stripes in the panels if there is room, of the colour and shade to be chosen by the directors. The manufacturer of the bodies shall further be bound to paint the body in three coats: the first with white lead and oil for the wood, and i/iinitim for the iron. The exterior faces of the lower side- pieces and the outside cross-pieces to be varnished with coach-varnish. The body to be accompanied by two boards, each of them being constructed as follows : — Five pieces of wrought-iron with two branches, with palette of strong jjlate- iron H millimetres (-314 of an inch) thick, conformable in other respects to the model which shall be remitted to the contractor. A platform of oak, planed on every side, with the edges rounded, being 4™ 20 (13 feet 9 inches) long by 0"' 20 (8 inches) wide, and O™ 035 (1-3 inches) thick. e XXXIV The contractor shall be bound to join the chains and di"awing-rods, shown in the plan, to each body, as follows : — Four safety-chains, weighing each 6 kilogrammes, (13 lbs.) Two draw-rods, each consisting of two long links with nuts, united by a screw furnished with a ball-handle, to be made conformably to the design which shall be remitted to the contractors, and each weighing 12 kilogrammes. (26 lbs.) The whole to be of iron prepared by charcoal, of the first quality. 5. The body of the middle of the carriage to be fitted up with blue clotli dyed in the wool, of a quality at least equal to that of the best furnished carriages of the railroad du Gard, or those in the vicinity of Paris. The two back cushions, the mattresses above the back cushions, the elbows, and the cushions of the seats, to be stuffed with hair of the first quality, and of the sub- stance indicated in the design, pointed with woollen buttons, and mattressed with stuff under the blue cloth covering. The canopy to be spread with cloth of the same shade as the furniture. The floor to be inlaid and covered with Mocadoes carpet. A woollen galloon of the first quality of pattern, 6 centimetres (2'3 inches) wide, is to be fixed round the upper ceiling as an edging, and the cords of each sash are also to be furnished with it. The cords of the sashes to be lined with leather, and pointed in two rows, the ends ornamented with woollen fringes, with collar above. Gal- loon is to be adjusted to the cushions, doors, pilastres — everywhere prescribed by usage, and sewed and turned down. The Berlin to be furnished with six blinds of taffety, with silk tassels and strings, and the rollers of the centre sashes to be of ivory. 6. Each of the two bodies forming the end compartment to be furnished with blue and white ticking, and the various parts to be stuffed of the substance indicated in the plan, and with the same care as the Berlin. The canopy to be spread with ticking, like that of the furniture. The floor to be inlaid, (garni en farquet. ) The cords of the sashes to be of galloon, united and pinned, of the first quality, and 55 millimetres (2 inches) wide, lined with leather pointed in two rows, and ornamented with woollen fringes with collars. Galloon to be adjusted for the sewing, and as edging round the upper canopy, and to the cushions, doors, and pilastres, and as before described, Art. 5. Each compartment of the carriage to be provided with 6 blinds of linen- cloth, with ordinary strings, and the roUers of the sashes to be of copper. XXXV Sect. II. — Second-class < 'itrriiufts or Diliijcnces covered iti, tcith cloned trindoics. When the original specification was drawn up, it comprised two classes of carriages only, l>ut the govermuent subst\|iiently adopted as a general mea.suro on all railways, the establishment of three chusses of carriages. A fresh unler, dateil 25th .lanuary, 1844, was therefore made for the construction of ten carriages of an intermediate class, covered and enclosed with windows. These carriages were comprised in a single contract under the approval of the upper administration, and constructed as follows. The body of the carriage of the second class shall be in all respects conform- able to that of the third class described in Articles 7 and 8 above, except that it shall have panels and glazed doors, as indicated in the folding plate, containing an elevation of the design, and numbered 54. The glazed compartments, further, shall be conformable to those of the Berlins at the ends of the first class carriages, except in their dimensions, and be fur- nished with similar blinds. The wooden seats shall be lower by 10 centimetres, (4 inches), than those of the third class carriages, and covered with cushions stuffed with hair and furnished with tickinij quilting of the thickness of O^IO (4 inches.) Sect. III. — Third-class Carriages, {Char-a-bancs) covered in but not enclosed. 7. The general dimensions of the bodies of the carriages of the third class to be conformable to the design as follows : metres. ft. in. Length between the two outside faces 5'20 = (170) Width, ditto ditto 2-30 = (76) Length from axis to axis of each of the four compartments 1"30 = (43) Height of wooden seat above the floor 045 = ( 16) Height from floor to the ceiling 1.60 ^( 5 3) The dimensions of the details, moreover, to be conformable to the annexed design, and to the drawings which shall be approved and signed by the engineers. 8. The body to be constructed of hard wood, the lower side pieces, corner pieces, and the larger parts of the frame-work to be of ash, the smaller pieces and seats, of oak or ash. All the wood to be perfectly dry, and of the best quality, prepared, planed, and joined, according to the rules of coach-building. e2 xxxvx The parts of the lower side pieces projecting 5™15 (16 feet 10 inches) on each side of the shaft pieces of the frame, are to be supported, in the first place, by the pro- jecting portions of the extreme iron pieces, and afterwards by three wrought iron brackets placed at intervals on each side according to the plan. The outside panels to be of plate-iron. The interior of the body to be strengthened by at least 80 squares or plates of wrought iron, fastened by screws. As the plan does not show these squares or plates, it is to be understood that each of the joints of the several parts of the framework shall be strengthened by a square or a nut-bolt, according to the best rules of coach-building. The iron-work to be executed witli the greatest care. Each door to have two ordinary hinges, hasp, spring, folding door, brass handle, according to the general plan, and to the particular model approved by the engineers. The carriage to be open at the sides and divided into four compartments as indicated in the plan by means of wooden partitions surmounted by columns of polished iron. The roof to be covered with two sheets of red copper, seven-tenths of a milli- metre ('027 of an inch) thick, joined and soldered together at the middle of each compartment. Each of the two seats of the roof to be placed as shown by the plan, with branches, body guards, and foot boards of iron as described in Article 4. The bodies to be prepared, painted, and varnished with coach varnish on the outside with the greatest care, and of the colour' and shade chosen by the directors. Lastly, as there is no furniture, the contractor shall be bound to pay particular attention that all the inside pieces and panels, floor, upper canopy, seats, &c., be perfectly even and well joined. All the inside faces, excepting the floor, to be painted with oil in two coats with a colour which shall be pointed out as before. The contractor of the bodies shall, besides, be charged with painting the frames on the conditions announced in Article 4. Each body to be accompanied by two foot-boards composed as follows : — 4 pieces of wrought iron with two branches, with step formed of plate iron, 8 milli- metres ('314 of an inch) thick, each weighing at least 11 kilogrammes (241bs), and conformable, besides, to the model to be transmitted to the contractor; a platform of oak, planed on all sides with rounded edges. The contractor shall be bound to join to each body four safety-chains and XXXVIl two druw-rods, with screws iind nuts according to the conditions mentioned in Article 1. Sect. IV Jiagi/age- ]ye in contjict througliout their entire length. The springs to be tried with a weight of 2000 kilogrammes (441(^lbs.), under which thv'y must not bend more than 70 millimetres (2^ inches), and rec'over their position on the weight being removed, without losing more than one centimetre (-31) of an inch) of their ori- ginal shape. They are, moreover, to be conformable in curvature to a pattern which shall be sent to the contractor. SurERIXTENDEXCE. .\kt. 10. The railway company will send one of its agents to superintend the construction of the wagons, and to examine the materials eni[doyed in their execution. This agent will inspect the materials in the rough and the finished pieces; he is to have the right of making observations to the workmen on every piece, and upon every matter whicli does not fulfd the condition prescribed in the present specification; he will also verify the setting out of the mounting of each wagon, as well as the mounting itself. Art. 11. The examinations made during the work by the agent above referred to, as well as the partial reception of any manufactured pieces, is not to prevent those defective from being rejecteil at the final completion referred to in next article, or any pieces that are badly fixed from being replaced. Reception. .\rt. 12. When the wagons are finished and mounted, they will be finally received, upon a special request addressed by the contractor to the directors, previous to their being painted. Every piece which does not, at this delivery, fulfil the prescribed conditions to be replaced at the cost of the contractor. Guarantee. Art. I.']. The contractor is to be responsible for a period of one year, for all pieces which may be broken in consequence of faults arising from bad construction, or the use of materials of bad quality. When the wagons are brought into use. xlvi every piece that breaks or becomes injured in consequence of faults of the above nature, as well as such parts which may become fractured in consequence of a piece proving bad, are to be replaced by the contractor. This is to be done immediately upon being required by the directors, and the question respecting liability to the expense of same, in case of dispute, to be decided afterwards. If the contractor does not cause the repairs to be made directly, the railway company will cause them to be made in their own workshops, and the contractor shall pay the expense of the same, provided it be proved that the accident has arisen fiom a defect in the form or quality of the part broken or damaged. Delivery. Art. 14. Upon the wagons being completed, they are to be delivered accordingly at the Koenigshoffen station. Period of Delivery. Art. 15th. The wagons to be delivered as follows — viz., Ten before the 30th of April, and the remainder by tlie 31st of May following, at the latest. Drawback for Delay. Art. 16th. For every day's delay in the delivery of the wagons, undertaken by the contractor, a sum of fifty francs shall be withheld, without the excuse of the delay being caused by the rejection of any parts of the wagons (by the agents of the company) being in any case allowed. This drawback to be allowed as indemnity to the company for the losses it may sustain in consequence of the imperative demand for this article. Payment and Provision for Disputes. Art. 17. The payments to be made in the month following the delivery, in bills on Paris, payable at one mouth's date, excepting one-twentieth of the total amount of the contract, Avhich will be retained as a guarantee during the time which the contractor is responsible for his work, in virtue of Article 10. Every dispute, of whatsoever nature it may be, which may arise between the contracting parties during the progress of the works, or at the time of the recep- tion, or, lastly, during the term of guarantee, the parties mutually agree to carry before the tribunals of the Department of the Seine, where the office of the company is situated. Mulhouse, 23rd Feb. 1843. \l\ ii Estimate of a Goods JVagon of the Strasbourp ami liasle /iailwai/. DESCRIPTION OF ABTICLF.S. UimiiD- uoni. Weight. Price. Sum, ■2 \Vrou(;ht-iron iixlrt 4 W hevls 4 (iu;irJ plates 2 Tractiuii ruds, with hooks partly threaded, and nuts . . 1 Tendeur 4 riatcs '2 U'injf partly tapped to receive the traction rods, and to fix tliem to the springs 4 Guides to conduct the traction springs i (.iuiJcs for traction rods 4 liutft-r ro>U, picrcttl witli a mortice at one end, and tlireaded at the otiior, with 4 nuts and 4 lieys . . . 4 Plate-iron caps to receive the wooden buffers, with their circles 4 W(H>den buffers 2 Uods (' 3rdly. Car|)entry and plunking loOj fn.. J. . p K,-^ . „,. 2ndly. Iron work, complete ... 220 '- ()99, say 700 = (£28.) Istly. Mounting. fre. (Cast iron 175kils. (3861bs.) atO-376fr. 4-750) .' |.'..r fir.. n-KdR '. — 1 AVheel -' For tire (Turning 1 Grease box, 7 kilogs. (lolbs.) at 0-30fr .Iron (ordinary iron of 3' round, I I-QIS" (Grt.'3in.) long, 75-73kils. ( i661bs.) at 0-32fr. the kilog. ... ■j Making (forging) JTurning VDitto AVorkmanship I Making pin, 1 kilog., at 0'26fr. the kilog j Square iron for pin, 0-50 kilogs., at 0-666 V 0.150) tn. tn. £ I. 40\ 40 50 50 328 80, say 329 = (13 3 2 ) 2ndly. Iron work. 4 Grease box straps 1 Break lever 1 Ditto plate 2 Bolts for ditto 1 Break axle 1 Support of ditto, 910 kilogs. at 0-35fr. = 3-185fr. 2 Bolu for ditto 2 Traction rod plates 6 Bolts for ditto 4 Safety hooks 4 Bolts for ditto 4 Ferrules and 8 nails 1 Lining for bottom 6 Bolts for fastening ditto 1 Break guide, 1 -GOfr. ; 1 break chain, 0-40fr. 1 Screw ring and pin for fastening bottom 2 Ditto for small chains and drawing plate 20 .0 20 tn. 20 23 2 1 2 3 3 34 5 70 13 60 2 10 30 31 20 2 10 2 1 50 2 40 Carried over 9 ... 159 50 1 Brought forward 4 Squares 29 Square bolts (16 for the squares, 6 for the hollow beams, and 7 for the end of side) 4 Upper rods, 3-60fr., and 16 bolts for ditto, 3-20fr. 1 Pin for break axle 1 Pin for screw ring for fastening bottom 8 Pin irons 2 Bolts, No. 8, 7-40fr., 2 ditto, No. 9, 10-80fr. ... 1 Drawing chain with plates 2 Safety chains frs. 159 50 8 9 70 8 80 10 30 10 18 20 8 6 frs. 218 70, say220=(8 16) 3rdly. Carpentry and Planking. Carpentry. (0; 2 Stop pieces 2 Inside cross pieces 2 Outside ditto 2 Intermediate ditto 14 Uprights 2 Hollow framed end pieces 2 Ditto, side pieces 1 Bottom flap (plank) ... 1 Break each 3-00 X . M2 X . 5-12 X . 0-35 X O . 1-50 X .. 2-10 X ,. 2-75 X .. 0-65 X 1 .. 0'15 X Loss 1-lOth Total cube ak Timber.) m. q. 19 X 8- 16 = 0-1834 23 X 0- 14 = 0-0721 19 X 0- 14 = 0-0595 19 X 0- 14 = 0-0175 105 X 0-085 = 0-1801 14 X 0- 09 = 0-0693 14 X 0- 06 = 00693 15 X 0- 05 = 00546 14 X 0- 05 = 0-0143 0-7287 00728 frs. 8-80 at 100 = 8C Planking 0-27™ (lin.) thickness (poplar, aube, and northern fir.) The two sides of the wagon and the two ends, in all lO"', at 2-25fr. ... Making Cost of carpentry and woodwork ... 22-50 47-50 15000= (£6.) A Lift for the Transport of Cohe. The lifts were originally formed of oak, and cost 85frs. (£3 85.) We, how- ever, prefer fir for their construction, as it is lighter. The lift made of it lasts as long, and costs only 70fr. (£2 IGs.) Cost (Oak Carpentry). Iron work Carpentry and nailing frs. 27 40) 57 I frs. frs. £ .1. rf. 84-40, say 85 = (3 8 0) li Iron work Carpentry and nailing Cost (Fir Carpfnhy). In tn. tn. £ t. d. '.'.'. '.'.'. i'2 25} = 69-65, say 70=(2 16 0) Delailt of Iron work. 4 UpptT rods 16 Holts fur ditto 8 Siimres 32 Holts lor ditto 16 Ditto for lixing tbe lift upon the wagon tn. ... 5 60v ... 3 fr«. ft" jC 7 60^=27-40atlfr.,2:-10=(l 1 10) ... 6 -JO ... 4 80 Drtails of Oak Carpentry. 4 nollow framed) ^.^q x OOoo X 0- 09 = 00o3\ pieces, eacn j . 206 X 0-055 X 0- 09 = 0044 1 . 0-TO X 0- 09 X 0- 07 = 0035 I I 90 X 0- 0«) X 0055 = 0035 J Loss, 1-lOth 4 Ditto 8 Posts ... . 8 Discharging pieces m q = 0-167 0016 Planks e^O" at l-50fr Making Nails and spikes, also sundry expenses 0183, say 018 at 100= 18 18 10 4 50=(2 0) Details of Fir Carpentry. 4 Hollow framed ( side pieces J 4 Do., end do.... 8 Posti 8 Discharging ( pieces ... f Poplar or Burgundy planks, 6-65"' at 1-50 = 9 99 = ... 5!:dcing (time of workmen, 18fr., tools, sundries, &c., 1-80) Nailing, l-70kilogs. (41bs.) at Ifr. per kilog 2-70 X 0-10 X 0-06 = 0064 205 X 010 X 006 = 0050 0-70 X 010 X ooy = 0-051 0-90 X 010 X 007 = 0-050 = 0-215 at 50 = 10 1 tn 10- 19-80 1-70J • 42 25=(1 13 9^) i72 lii Belgian Minutes of Specification. The Minister of Public AVorks of Belgium put up to public competition, on the 24th Februi),ry, 1841, the supply of 1500 wrought-iron wagon wheels, required in the construction of the railway works in course of formation, on the following conditions : — frs. £ s. Art. 1. Contract 1st, of 200 wheels, estimated at 188 each = (7 10) 2nd, of 200 „ „ „ ^ 3rd of 200 „ „ „ ^ 4th, of 200 „ „ „ 5th, of 200 „ „ „ 6th, of 250 „ „ „ 7th, of 250 Art. 2. These wheels are to be formed of wrought-iron, and manufactured according to the model deposited at the Railway Depot at Malines; the jointing to be'set out exactly on a constant diameter of 86 millimetres (3'3 inches); the tires to be properly welded, without flaws, and turned to a uniform diameter of three English feet. Every wheel to bear on the nave the name or mark of the maker. Art. 3, The deliveries for each of the 7 contracts to be made in the follow- ing manner — viz. : Twenty wheels within 30 days following the acceptance of the tender by M. le Ministre, and 10 wheels per week afterwards, until the com[)le- tion of each contract. Art. 4. The letting to take place at Brussels, -at the Hotel jiu Gouvemement Provincial^ at noon. Art. 5. The tenders to be printed and drawn up to the annexed form, and must state precisely in full what discount per cent, the competitor offers on the price fixed for each wheel. Art. 6. As the contracts will be let separately, a separate estimate must be sent in for each, notwithstanding the same person may be a competitor for several. Art. 7. The tenders to state precisely the Christian and surname of the competitor and his sureties, with their signatures. They must be inscribed, " Tender of M. , for Contract for supplying the wrought-iron wagon wheels required in the execution of the railway works in course of formation." Art. 8. Any tenders which are not of the above prescribed form and ad- dress, together with any containing conditions different from those mentioned in the present specifu'ation, will be rejected. Art. 9. 'IViulers which do not state a fixed per centage, anil m jucriM- terms, but contain merely an offer to supi)Iy tlie contract at u certain jjrice less than that of the lowest estimate, will be rejected. Fractions are not to be used in the statt-ments of discounts. Art. 10. The prices on which competitors are rcciuired to name their dis- count are those stated in Article 1. Art. 11. The cost of transport as tar as tlie central magazine at .M alines is to be included in the prices; the sujiplies must therefore be delivered free of car- riage and every other expense whatever. Art. 12. The supplying of the wheels constituting each contract must be completed at the periods lixed in Article 3. Art, 13. A drawback of 100 francs will be made for each day's dest quality, wliicli slmll weigh together about 102 kilogrammes, (niaxinnuu 112, minimuiii 100 kilogrammes,) exclusive of the eight jioint-irons, which shall he made of strong iron of the very best quality, and be able to resist the blows of the hammer whilst cold. Each spring to be 89 centimetres (2 feet 11 inches) long, when stretched from centre to cmfre of the eye-holes; to consist of 10 leaves, 78 millimetres (3 in.) wide, the first of which is to be 9 millimetres thick, and the others Cj millimetres, •354 and -433 of an inch.) The leaves to be perfectly polished, tempered, antl ad- justed; they are to be fastened at their extremities by pins of 5 millimetres (-196 of an inch) in width. The ends of the haves to be drawn out to a length of 10 centimetres (4 inches); they arc to be riveted together by a bolt 11 millimetres (•433 of an inch) diameter, and a plate of 78 millimetres (3 inches) square to maintain the spring between the two straps of the grease-box. The two upper le'aves to have a curvature equal to 8 centimetres (3 inches), and to be terminated at the ends by eyelets, to receive round-headed nut bolts, 20 millimetres diameter ('787 of an inch) and 12 centimetres (5 inches) in length. Each point-iron to consist of — 1st. Of an eyelet 35 centimetres (1 foot 2 inches) in length when spread out, 12 millimetres in thickness by 20 milli- metres (^422 by ^787 of an inch) in width next the bolt, and 22 millimetres ('866 of an inch) diameter at the end. 2ndly. Of a gudgeon, with nut 20 centimetres (8 inches) long, the head of which is to be pierced with a hole to receive the eyelet, and to be 6^ centimetres (2i inches) long by 5^ centimetres (2 inches) wide, and 2 centimetres (-787 of an inch) thick up to the extremity of the juncture, which is to be 3 centimetres (1 inch) long; the nut screw, as well as that of the bolt of the spring, to be 13 millimetres (-511 of an inch) thick, and to be squared with 3 centimetres (1 inch) each side. Art. 9. All the springs to be proved by a screw press, and to bear a curva- ture of 10 centimetres (4 inches), without fracture or bending; they must not lose more than 1 centimetre ('39 of an inch) of their curvature on the fii'st trial, nor exhibit any further alteration at a second one. On a Composition of White Grease used icith Wagons. This mixture is not exactly the same on all railways. The first receipt which we have given is that adopted on the Versailles line (right bank), and h Iviii which forms a very good lubricating substance. This grease was formerly fur- nished at the price of 75 francs per 100 kilogs. by the engineer Georges. For Summer Use. For Winter Use. kilogs. kilogs. 40-50 17-00 2-00 40-50 Tallow (or fat) . . . . 50-00 Oil, called Oleine . . . 13-33 Salt of soda . . . . 3-34 Water , 33-33 100-00 = (220 lbs.) 100-00 = (220 lbs.) The fat must be melted and poured into a barrel with some water, with which it is to be well mixed by a stirrer furnished with leaves. The oil and cold water to be afterwards added; then the salt of soda is to be dissolved in 10 kilogrammes of hot water, and the whole poured into the barrel, and turned until the grease of the proper consistency is obtained. The following composition at present used upon the Orleans line gives equal satisfaction : — For Summer Use. For Winter Use, White tallow kilogs. . . . 33-20 kilogs. 25-10 Whale oil . . . . . 23-22 23-73 Salt of soda . . . . 2.08 2-44 Water . . . . . . 41-50 48-73 100-00 = (220 lbs.) 100-00 = (220 lbs.) Agreement of a Contract for the Execution of tlie Terminus of the Versailles Railway (left bank) at Paris., between the undersigned. The Company of the Paris and Versailles Kailway (left bank), through MM. Leo and De Bousquet, Directors of the said Company, agreeable to the authority given them by a resolution of the Board of Directors, dated 31st January, and 4th February, annexed to the present agreement, on one part ; and M. Pierre Guillaume- Felix Colson, Building Contractor, residing at No. 31, Rue de la Ville-l'Eveque, Paris, on the other part. It is hereby agreed as follows : — Art. 1. M. Colson engages by tliese presents to construct, under contract for the Railway Company of the left bank, a terminus on the ground belonging to lix the coinpniiy. in the street, consisting of ii ground-floor entre-solc, and u first- floor, and to execute the masonry and the terrace nccessiiry for the masonry of a covered way, 50 metres (Ifii feet) in length, 18 metres 50 centimetres (GO feet 8 indies) in width, from axis to axis vf tlic arched girders; and tlie Conipany have accepteil the same, the whole conlormaMe to the plans, descriptions, and contract (in duplicate) entered into between the i)arties whose signatures are to remain hereto annexed, perfectly united in the present agreement, the whole to be under the direction of M. Visconti, Architect, of Paris. Am. '2. All tlie work to be executed with materials which are proved to be of the best ([uality, according to the nilcsof art, :ind also conform:ii)le to theonlers of the architect, both as respects the nature and dimensions of the several articles to be supplied, and the mode of execution. AuT. 3. The contractor to bring foi-ward for examination in seasonable time such articles which are inaccessible, or are not exposed to view after the completion of the work. Akt. 4. Such works as are badly executed, or performed with materials oi' inferior or second-rate quality, and not conformable to the orders given, may be disallowed, and shall be recommenced immediately, at the cost of the contractor. AiiT. 5. In case of refusal to pull down and remove the rejected materials, it will be performed at the entire expense and risk of the contractor, the materials being deposited in the public road. Aut. G. The contractor shall be bound to take all necessary precautions, at his own cost, to prevent the falling of earth ; all accidents from this, and any other cause, will be entirely at his own expense. Aut. 7. The contractor shall be responsible for the effects of frost, as well as other accidents; he must consequently furnish and lay down planks, at his own expense, and other articles necessary for the preservation of the works under exe- cution, of the mouldings, and arises, in order that the whole of the buildings may be surrendered in good condition at tlie completion of the works. Aut. 8. The contractor will not be entitled to any payment either for his own superintendence, or for that of his a.ssistants, deputies, master associates, planners, or others. Aut. 0. The architect to have the superintendence of the work-slio])s. The contractor is consequently bound to defer to his orders on all points connected with the work, as well as the changing or dismissal of his foremen or workmen. Aut. In, The whole of the works (of every kind) employed in raising the building, and rendering it fit for habitation, and furnishing it complete, arc to be A 2 Ix made at the cost of the contractor, as forming part of the work agreed upon, and contracted for without any exception or reserve, including the filling up the chinks with chalk, the polishing and painting of planks, ladders, &c., and the removal of all the rubbish and scraps. Am. 11. The amount of the contract hereinafter stated, cannot be altered, notwithstanding whatever size or depth the trenches may require to be made to secure a good foundation, or the nature of the foundation, stones, or piles required by the soil to make all firm, the nature of the ground, gravel, sand, or embank- ments, (always excepting the "fo?iti de carrieres " — the works connected with which to be made at tlie expense of the company;) the conveyance under all its diflSculties of landing or unloading materials, soil, or rubbish, and the removal of eartJi, the duration of the Avorks, or finally any other cause whatever. Art. 12. The contractor will not, in any case, be released from the responsi- bility imposed on him l)y the Articles 1792 and 1797 of the Civil Code. Art. 13. The contractor engages expressly to fix all the iron work and other articles which the architect judges necessary for the solidity of the building. He is also to submit to any alterations in the partitions of the interior divisions, which the directors of the company may desire to introduce, provided always such requisition is made previously to the completion of the former, and that the alterations do not cause any increase in the expense, or injury to the con- tractor. Lastly, as an express condition of the present agreement, the contractor shall not be allowed any indemnity or increase to the sum hereinafter stated, for any errors or omissions which may have crept into the plans, contracts, &c. Art. 14. No alteration is to be made in the particulars or deposited plans agreed upon between the parties without an express agreement in wilting by the railway company. If any alteration be considered necessary, notwithstanding the preceding arrangement, the company reserves to itself the right of directing the omission of any of the works or portions of the works contemplated in the plans, of ordering alterations in the nature and forms of the materials of construction, and in the mode of execution and dimensions of the works at all times, and of further ordering additional works or portions of works. Nevertheless, the alterations are never to be made, excepting in virtue of an express command, in writing, stating in formal terms, that it is made either in contradiction or in addition to the contract — consequently, every alteration in the contemplated works, or any additional works, not contemplated, which the con- tractor has executed or commenced, without obtaining an express order, shall, be considered as not constituting any exception to the contract. In order to pre- Ixi vent any unexpected infraction of tliisstipulution, the contractor will not be allowed to appeal even to tlie written orders which he nuiy iiave received from M. Visconti, tlic architect, respecting the execution of any alterations in tlie works without previous contract. Akt. 15. The company and the contractor shall determine amicuMy and by agreement, the amount of the omissions, alterations, and additions of the works which may be ordered in virtue of the preceding article. In of a diflerencc respecting the price or time to he allowed to the contractur for the execution of the additions or the omissions, it is to be fixed by M. Visconti, the architect, whose decision is to be binding on both the contractor and company, except the latter prefer to have the original contract executed in preference to making any alterations. Akt. IC. The contractor is bound to push forward witli the building, so that t'le walls and works necessary to receive the iron roof shall be linished by the 31st March next, and tiie rest of the larger works by the 1st May following, and the whole of the works connected with the carpenters and joiners, smiths, iionniongers, painters, glaziers, or, in short, the entire completion of the same works, must be linished by the 15th June next. Therefore, if any portion of these works be not completed at the period above fixed, the contractor shall be liable to the fine now agreed to, of 100 francs for each day's delay. This indemnity, whatever it may be, shall be deducted in full right from the sum hereafter stipulated, however low- it may be. The company shall be entitled to this indemnity upon the mere fact of the above-stated time of completion being announced to have expired, without it bein"' necessary for the company to demur at every delay, and which neither the tribumils nor the arbiters shall be able to modify, whatever be the state of the terminus at this period, and whatever the causes of delay of the works, the inclemency of the season being taken into account, and which is to be entirely at the risk and expense of the contractor. As the time allowed for the execution of the works is very limitel, the con- tractor will not be held responsible for the effects of damp in the paintiiif and paper. Akt. 17. If the works be interrupted for fifteen consecutive days without a legitimate reason for the same on the part of the contractor, the Company shall possess the right of causing them to be continued by contract (made uiuler the necessity), three days after a simple notice has been fruitles.sly made, ami at the cost, risk, and consequence of the contractor. , Ixii The Company shall have the right of using, under these circumstances, all the materials provided as a reserve by the contractor, who shall also pay the Company a fine, to be determined by the architect, and which shall be deducted in full right, from that which shall be due, without prejudice to the fine for delay contemplated in Article 16. Art. 18. The amount of tlie contract is unalterably fixed at the sum of 108,688 francs (4347/. lO.s.) for the entire completion and finisliing of the building. The removal of the earth to the level of the road to Maine, upon the site of tlie terminus, is not included in the above-stated sum, forming the amount of the contract for the terminus, and of the masonry of the covered way. Art. 19. The Company will place at the disposal of the principal contractor a portion of tiie groiuid to the right of the terminus, on the road to Maine, for his stores, and he will also liave the right of using the pit wells without any charge from the Company. The ground occupied must be surrendered up on or before the 15th May next. Mode of Payment. Art. 20. The payment on account of the above-stated contract to be as follows : — Francs. .£'. s. 25-000 (1000 0) When the foundations of the terminus and the whole of the masonry of the covered way are on a level with the soil. 20-000 ( 800 0) When the walls and other works are carried to their due height. 15000 ( 600 0) AAHien the building is covered in, and the plastering finished inside and out. 15-000 ( 600 0) When the joiners', and smiths', and ironmongers' works are finished, and fixed in their places. 13-000 ( 520 0) When the painting and the other works of every kind aie finished. 10-688 ( 437 10) After the reception of the said works. 98-688 (3947 10) 10-000 ( 400 0) This sum, forming the balance of the contract for tlie works, is that alluded to in Article 19, the payment of which will take place one year after the completion and delivery of all the works, by means of and through the Ixr.i delivery to be iiunle to M. Colson of 20 shares of JiOO francs in tlie Cuniimny for which M. Colsoii has suhscribed, and whicli rcnuiiii at jtri-si-nt deposited in the liands of the Directors. 108-688 frs. (£4347 10) Total amount of contract. M. Culson will not make payments fur iiis shares by instalments, like ordi- nary shareholders, but will be free by meuns of this agreement upon surrender of the works to demand tiie immediate delivery of the said 20 shares, on his re- mitting into the hands of the Company the sum of 10 000 francs, in specif', in exchange for them, which will be forthwith converted into an '■'• iiuirrijitinn de rente" at 3 per cent., in the name of the Company, which will remain in its hands until the loth June, 1841 ; but M. Ctilson shall possess the right to demand that the said iim-ription be deposite XV Art. 12. The contractor will not in any case be relieved from the responsi- bility imposed on him by the Act 1792 & 1797 of the Civil Code. AuT. 13. The contractor engages expressly to fi.x all the iron work and other articles whicii the architect judges necessary for the solidity of the building. He is also to submit to any alterations in the partitions in the interior divisions which the Company may wish to introduce, provided always such requisition is made before the comiilction of the former, and that tiie alterations do not cause any increase of expense, or injury to the contractor. Lastly, as an express condition of the present agreement, the contractor shall not be allowed any indemnity or increase to the price hereinafter stated for any errors or omissions which may have crept into the plans, contract, &c. Art. 14. No alterations to be made in the particulars or deposited plans agreed upon between the parties, without an express agreement in writing by the Railway Company. If any alteration be considered necessary, notwithstanding the pre- ceding arrangements, the Company reserves to itself the right of directing the omissions of any works, or portions of works, contemplated in the plan ; of order- ing alterations in the nature and form of the materials of construction, and in the mode of execution, and the dimensions of the works at all times; and further, of ordering additional works, or portions of works. But tlie alterations are never to be made, except in virtue of an express command in writing, stating, in formal terms, that it is made either in contradiction or in addition to the contract. In order to avoid any unexpected infringement of this stipulation, the contractor will not be allowed to appeal even to the written orders which he may have received from the architect respecting the execution of any alterations in the works, with- out previous contract. Akt. 15. The Company and the contractor shall determine, amicably, autl by agreement, the amount of the omission, alterations, or additions to the works, which may be ordered in virtue of the preceding article. In case of a difference respecting the price or time to be allowed the contractor for the execution of the additions or omissions, it is to be determined by M. Lepoitevin, whose decision is to be binding on both the contractor and Company, except the latter prefer to have the original contract executed in preference to any alterations. Art. 16. The contractor is bound to push forward with the building, so that all the Avorks shall be finished, with the exception of the painting, by the 6th of August next. If these works be not finished by the period stated, the contractor shall be liable to a fine of 500 frs. for each day's delay; this fine, whatever its t Ixvi amount may be, shall be deducted from the next instalment, from the stipulated sum hereafter mentioned, as a matter of right. The Company shall be entitled to this indemnity upon the mere fact of the above time of completion being an- nounced to have expired, without it being necessary for the Company to demur at every delay, and which neither the Tribunals nor Arbiters' power shall be able to modify ; whatever be the state of the station, and whatever be the causes of the delay of the works, the difiiculty of the task being taken into the account, and being entirely at the cost of the contractor. As the time allowed for the execution of the works is very limited, the con- tractor will not be held responsible for the effects of damp on the painting, which is done at the request of MM. the Directors. Art. 17. If the works be interrupted during the space of eight consecutive days, without a legitimate reason for the same on the part of the contractor, the Company shall possess the right of causing them to be continued by contract (made under the necessity), three days after a simple notice has been fruitlessly and at the cost, risk, and consequences of the contractor. The Company shall have the right of using, under these circumstances, all the materials provided by the contractor, as a reserve, who shall also pay to the Company a fine, to be determined by M. Lepoitevin, and which shall be discharged, as a matter of right, from that which shall be due to him, without prejudice to the fine for delay contemplated in Art. 16. Art. 18. The amount of the contract is unalterably fixed at the sum of 61,000 frs. for tlie entire completion and finishing of the building out of hand. Nevertheless, it is formally stipulated that if the faqade over the platforms costs the contractor more than 2700 frs., he shall be reimbursed the overplus, on the decision of a jury of examiners. The said sum of 61,000 frs. shall be paid to M. Ovacher by the said Com- pany — viz., 50,000 frs. on the delivery of the architect's reports, to be made every fortnight; the remaining 11,000 frs. will not be paid until three months after the final surrender of the works. Art. 19. The Company will place at the disposal of the principal contractor a portion of the ground for his stores. The contractor must obtain a supply of water from wherever he can, and the Company is not to be bound to furnish the same. Art. 20. All disputes which may arise during the course of the works, or after their completion, respecting the meaning or execution of the clauses of the Ixvii present agreement, as well as the examination and delivery of the works, shall be finally decided by M. Lepoitevin, the architect, who shall bo sole judge and friendly arbitrator, and be able to act free of all judicial forms and delays. In case of illness or death of M. Lepoitevin, he shall be replaced by MM. Durand, of Paris, and Dorchin, of Versailles, architects. Executed, in duplicate, by the parties, as token of good faith. t2 DESCRIPTION OF THE PLATES. Plate 1. * First-Class Carriages. — London and Birmingham, and Birmingham and Gloucester Railways. The first-class carriage of the London and Birmingham Railway consists of three compartments. The bodies rest on a double frame, supported on four steel springs a a a a, which are secured immovably by means of strap-irons, bolted to the grease-boxes b b, which receive the gudgeons of the wrought-iron axles. The wheels d, fixed upon this axle, are also formed of wrought iron, with the exception of the nave, which is cast. The iron guard-plates c c, serve to guide the grease- boxes in their movements, vertically. The plan of the frame shows the upper part. There are four steel springs in the middle, two of which, //', are independent of each other, but are connected with the buffers gg, and serve to soften the violence of the shocks. Tlie outer springs h h', are secured together by iron rods i ^, and form part of the drawing apparatus. The Birmingham and Gloucester carriages consist of four bodies, two of them being in the form of a coupe, which are surmounted with imperials. The sus- pension springs are placed below the grease-boxes, which has the efiect of lowering the carriages. There are six spiral springs connected with the frame, which reduce the shocks from the buffers, and draw-links, instead of bow-springs, as may be seen by the plan. Plate 2. Carriages — London and Birmingham Railway. A Second-Class Carriage : — This carriage does not differ from the carriage represented in the last plate, and employed on this railway. The bulSng and Ixix drawing apparatus arc also similar, and tJie same letters of reference tlicrefore will explain it. A Third-Class Carriage: — This carriage is not enclosed like the lust. The body is formed in one compartment, instead of iM-ing double, liki- the first and second class. The bufler-springs are omitted, and the biillors fixed. Tlie • liaiUctiy {left haul). Details of iron work, comprising suspension and traction springs, springs of the "Carriage de liure" represented in last plate. The full lines in the details of the guard plate represent that of the ordinary first-class carriage shown in the same plate, and the dotted lines the guard plate of the " Carriage de'" A small step is shown by dotted lines in the figures of the grease boxes, which represents a small cast iron step, which is placed on the grease box as a point of attachment of the pin supporting the spring of the " Carriage de Iture." The carriage upon which the gudgeon of the axle turns is formed of brass, but the remainder of the box is of cast iron. The bolts and straps and some other pieces are employed in fixing the grease boxes to the suspension springs of the ordinary caiTiage. The " Frame Iron" unites the upper and lower longitudinal pieces of the frame, and guides the springs. The plate shows the bufiers and the draw rods. The extremity of the bufier spring lodges in the rectangular hole, lifts the latter, and the square part passes under the frame, and serves to guide the rod. The " Box Irons'' which enclose the ends of the drawing springs serve as guides. The springs rest upon the lower iron, and the latter is placed upon the longitudinal piece, penetrating some millimetres into it; the Draw link. Safety chain and strap, the Screwing-up apparatus by which all the carriages in a traiu are united together. Plate 11. Details of Railway Carriages on the Stra.^bourg and Basle, and on the Versailles Railway {left bank). These comprise the suspension springs of the carriages of the Strasbourg and Basle, and Versailles Railway, and mode of fastening the same; also the k Ixxiv traction rod, ring, and shield plate, cast iron piece supporting the buffer rods, end fastenings of traction and buffing springs, guides, and buffer rods, buffers, grease boxes, &c. ; and the traction and buffing rods, buffers, &c. ; traction rods, &c. Plate 15. Carriages : Mail Carriage — London and Birmingham Railway. The frame of this carriage is similar to that represented in Plate 1 of the same railway. A First-Class Carriage, Versailles Railway (right bank) : — This frame is similar to that of the first-class shown in Plate 7. The details of the iron work are represented in Plate 8. A Second-Class Carriage : — The frame is similar to the last example. A Second-Class Carriage, Strasbourg and Basle Railway: — This frame is similar to those of the Belgian carriages, the details of which are given in Plate 14. A mixed class carriage on the same railway. Plate 16. Details of Iron work, Railway Carriages. These comprise the traction springs, &c., with the buffers and apparatus ; buffer rods ; draw rods ; shield of traction rods ; safety chain and straps ; draw link employed on the London and Birmingham Railway. The drawing hook of this line is similar to that represented below the last figure, but the link is different. (See draw linh employed on the Southampton Railvmy.) The old buffers on the Orleans Railway were employed upon a body almost similar to that of the " carriage de luxe'' in Plate 13, the springs being placed at each extremity. Old traction rods, Orleans Railway. Plate 17. Railway Carriage Wheels. Wheels employed on the London and Birmingham Railway for earth wagons. — This wheel was cast in a shell en coquille. It is represented on a larger scale in Plate 47, " Third Series, Railway Practice." Ixxv Ditto, ditto. No 2. Tliis wheel is forim-J of wrouglit-iron, with cast-iron nave. Ditto, Ahiis to Beaucairc: — A oast-iron whirl, with hollow spokes und to move and play upon thesi' two points of contact. This sprinjr was tinished by a circular part, forming a pivot, in the first car- riages, which method involved an ojx^ration that subjected the steel to injury, and also increased the expense; wherefore the furmer plan has been substituted, whieii efl'ects the same purpose without subjecting the steel plates to any preptira- tion; a hook, (/, is also attached to the spring connected with the piece of w• The cogged wheels are placed in a box which is open upon each side to receive the extremities of the axles of the same. The iron work of the shoes .y » is like the former, but formed with much / Ixxxii less care and precision, such room being left for play that it is useless greasing the parts. The shoe .* is attached to an angular piece 1 1, upon which another piece n n is attached, which embraces a long flat bar, and thus maintains the dis- tance between the wheels. It is supported on the grease boxes as the former, but the bolt of attachment v, is vertical. Plate 26. Railway Carriages. — Springs Employed in England, France, and Germany. Spring of First-Class Carriage, Rouen Railway : — This spring being horizontal, the jolts are not much felt. It consists of a copper band -018 ('70 inch) in thickness, and "08 (3 inches) wide, and of nine leaves, -008 ('31 inch) in thickness. Ditto, Goods Wagon: — This consists of five leaves, each -009 (0'35 inch) in thickness, and separated by metallic plates. Spring of First-Class Carriage, Liege Railway : — This consists of eight leaves, each of '008 ('31 inch) in thickness; the extremities of the spring are joined to the straps by two rings. Ditto, of a Second-Class, Manchester and Leeds : — The two leaves of this are •01 ("39 inch) thick, and separated by small wooden blocks. Ditto, employed in Germany. Ditto, upon the Manchester and Sheffield. Ditto, of a Second-Class, Great Western. Ditto, employed in Germany (No. 2). This is employed for passenger carriages. The extremities are connected with a balance, a, b, which turns upon the point o, and thus facilitates the passage at the curves, by approaching a certain distance towards the axles, and enabling them to take the direction of the radii to the curves. Ditto, of a Second-Class, Great Western, No. 2. Ditto, of a Goods Wagon, Rouen and Havre. Ditto, for a Second-Class (No. 2). This has been used in England. The spring was -12 (4 inches) long, and "02 (0'78 inch) thick in the middle, and "01 (0"39 inch) at the extremities. Ditto, of a Goods Wagon (No. 2) :— The lower leaf is -016 (-62 inch) in thickness, and the upper 'Ol (-39 inch), and they are long '07 (2*7 inches), sepa- rated by a wooden block, -027 (I inch) thick. Ditto, of a Mail Carriage, South-Eastern Railway : — The spring is combined with a band of copper at the upper part. Ixx.xiii Ditto, of u Goods Wagon, Leeds. Ditto, upon the South- Eastern Uailwuy: — This phm is ulso employed with u copper band above it, like tlie first exainpk*. Pi.ATi: '27. Curri(iyi..i — Chhaiui Jiailtcay. A poods wagon. This wagon consists of an enclosure wiiidi is furnished with two doors marked A A, in the elevation. The nuiils or baggage are i)laced therein, upon a raised floor. There are two closets under the latter, c c c c, which serve to keej) the passengers' dogs, which are booked and paid for. The interior is also furnished with shelves, a a, supported on brackets, upon which the carriers dispose the different parcels; the lockers, /< l>, also hold various goods. The mode vt' suspending this wagon does not difler iVom that of passenger carriages, and the system of traction consists of a simple hook. A Mixed Carriage : — This wagon is employed on the St. Gernmins liailway, and principally for baggage. Pl.vtk i>8. Details of luiiliran Carriages. Mr. Arnoux' Carriage, Orleans Railway : — This is employed to transport the bodies of diligences on this line. Goods' Carriage, Strasbourg and Biisle Railway. Carriage-truck, London and Birmingham Railway. Railway Carriage Shifting Truck, Versailles (left bank) : — This is employed at the depot to transport carriages from one line to another. Goods' Truck, Strasbourg and Basle Railway: — There are pins placed in the socket-holes at a a' a" when required. Plate 29. Baihcai/ Wagims. Coal Wagon, Strasbourg and Basle Railway. Goods Wagon of ditto. Coal Wagon, Alais and Beaucaire iiaiiway. Wagon, London and Birmingliam Railway. /2 Ixxxiv Plate 30. Details of Goods Wagons, Strasbourg and Basle Railway. An Eight-wheel Wagon : — This wagon consists of a very large frame, 10 metres (32 feet 10 inches) long, which rests upon four conical friction-rollers supported on two small carriage frames. These are perfectly separate, and are each fixed on two pairs of wheels. The two carriages are kept in their proper positions by two pivots, which fit into sockets placed beneath the long frame, and by chains at each corner. A four-wheel wagon. HJ3^. Plate 31. Details of Eight-wheel Wagons. — Strasbourg and Basle Railway. These details consist of the frames supporting the carriages and tie-rod between the wheels of same; stirrups for horizontal end springs; stirrups for vertical springs. The upper, or socket-plate — the two arms a and h in this plan — lie in the direction of the longitudinal axis ; the lower, or pivot-plate, cap plate, which serves as the point of attachment of the side stay-rods, iron in centre of upper carriage- frame, which is shown in the elevation, (see last Plate.) Friction-rollers at A A' on large plan. There are two rollers to each car- riage, which support the weight of the body. The pivots may be allowed to carry a small portion of it, but they must not be overloaded. The end shield for the traction-rod — the traction-rod passes through the large orifice — shown in the plate^ and the other holes receive the bolts. Plate 32. Details of Four-wheel Wagons. — Strasbourg and Basle Railway. These comprise the timber work, as the centre cross piece, which receives the diagonals ; the diagonal pieces and straps to the same ; end of wagon ; end cross pieces, showing their connexion with the side pieces; centre longitudinal piece; upper centre cross piece ; one of the upper cross pieces, and the side pieces which receive the guard-plates. Ixxxv Plate .33. Details of Hailicay Carriages. These comprise tlicgreusc boxes of the goods' wagons employed on the Stras- bourg and Basle railway. Tliey are composed of two parts, a and /», (see the Figures,) which are separated a little in tin- " Side section" and " Front," to show the mode of construction better. A groove is shown in the former within the circular edging to receive the side disc, by wliich the grease boxes attaclied to eadi wheel are jtrotceted from tiie sand. The discs are formed of plate iron, and are secured to tlie naves of the wheels by four screws, as shown in the " Elevation of Wheel." The cover is placed over the box, and secured between two spring plates. Guard plate of the same wagon. Buffer rods of M. Arnoux's carriage truck, (see Plate 28) with tiie prolongation to the extremities. The rod A is situated between the left rectangle, and presses tiie end of the traction spring. Plan and Section of Frame of M. Arnoux's carriage, with details of the forked piece a: — These forks support the weight of the carriage, and are placed parallel at each extremity of the wrought-iron diagonal pieces. The carriage also rests by the springs upon four pivots. (See the Plates showing M. Arnoux's wagon and his travelling crab.) Tie rods to guard plates of the goods wagons, Strasbourg and Basle : — The extremities of the guard plates c c, pass into the mortices <•' c' in the plan, and the small bolt shown by the side unites them. Wheels of the same wagon : — Ujiper and lower plates placed in the middle of the horizontid traction springs. Guides and Plates: — No. 1. Being the wedge whicli unites tlie upper guide with the buffing-rod. No. 2. Guide at the extremities of the traction springs. No. 3. Guide at the extremities of the suspension springs. No. 4. Exterior guide of the traction rods : this piece is shown in the end view of this wagon. No. 5. Plate in the middle of the traction springs, at the side opposed to the curve. No. 6. Ditto, counter plate placed next the springs or the rod. These two plates being united by four bolts (the holes of wiiich are shown) embrace the middle of the spring which lays in the hollow parts d d, and the side-plates repre- sented below them, run in the parts ee e e. Elevation and Plan of traction springs; ditto, of suspension ditto; both of the same wagon; stirrups to same; screw links, which are hung on the drawing, hooks shown by the side; the stirrup which receives the middle of the traction spring is fixed at the other end of this rod ; safety chains and hooks. Ixxxvi Plate 34. Wagons. — Paris and Rouen Railway. Baggage Wagon : — The passengers' trunks and other luggage is packed in this wagon. A conductor is shut witliin it, who talies his place upon the plat- form a, which is furnished with the seat h ; he is sufficiently elevated to allow of his head being above the wagon, and he engages himself in looking out through the windows c, which are glazed all round, by which he can command the entii-e train, and also take the signal from the engineer. One of the squares of glass, parallel with the line opens; for instance, that shown at rf, in the side elevation, which figure describes the mode of operation of the break. There is a small wheel, furnished with six handles, which the conductor turns in the direction of the bends, to press the break, as shown in tliis plate, and which is more parti- cularly described in Plate 25. The dotted lines on each side show the size of the body, and the range of the doors, which open outwards. This description of door (opening outwards) is dangerous, and no doubt caused the accident in the month of January, 1844, on the Orleans Railway, since which period they have all been replaced by sliding doors. The horizontal springs are six in number, which appear extravagant. The two small springs serve for the traction, and the other four for neutralizing the shocks. There is a reason for this wagon liaving such a number of springs ; it is generally placed at the tail of the goods train, the wagons of which have neither springs nor buifers (see the goods wagons in this Plate). The shocks, wliich are consequently very violent, are transmitted to this wagon, which therefore requires to be made capable of resisting them. We see that the large springs a a are connected in the centre part, and move together by the assistance of the iron slides e e, shown in the plan. Goods Wagons : — All the goods Avagons are suspended and furnished with breaks similar to this. The end of the lever handle is supported in the guide /', and a notch is shown (see End Elevation) which receives the handle when the break is not acting. Wagon for carrying milk: — This wagon is suspended, but is not furnished with traction springs, nor any more than stuffed leather buffers. There are four doors and two floors, g g and h h, as sliown upon the plate. The louver one is boarded all over, and as many pails as possible are placed upon it. The upper one consists of rails, and is also covered like the other. The entire load Ixxxvii does not rise above the upper edge of tlie wagon. Tlu' wagon contains about 192 pails, or 96 on each floor. If eacli pail t'qiial one deailitre, the weight would equal 1920 litres, or near two tons, exclusive of the weight of the vessels. Pl.vtk -J."). Details of Goods Wagons — [A)ndon and liirmlnif/iain liaibrinj. These comprise the suspension springs and guard plates; plans, eltvation, and section of the grease boxes; ring plate for safety chain; drawing chain; traction rod and hook; stirrups to springs by which the latter are secured to the grease boxes; cast iron point irons for springs, which are fixed to the longitudinal pieces, and hold e.ach extremity of the springs. The break plate, which is fixed to one of the longitudinal pieces of the frames, and serves to sustain the axle of tlie break ; hook for sustaitiing the break ; guard iron for the wooden shoe of break; plan of frame; longitudinal sections through the body of the wagon, &c. Plate 3G. Details of Railu-ay Horse Boxes. Wagon employed on the Versailles (left bank), fur Horses and Small Parcels : — The stalls for each horse a a a are formed by moveable partitions, the part b is intended for baggage, and the conductor and passengers take their places above. Each side of the wagon (longitudinally) is composed of two parts or shutters, with horizontal hinges, one lifts up, ami the other falls down upon the platform, forming a drawbridge for receiving and landing the horses. This will be readily understood by reference to the transverse section of the wagon below, in which one side is shown with the flaps open. Six Horse Box, Versailles Railway (right bank) : — The body of this wagon is formed in two compartments, each divided into three stalls, the divisions are fixed, but there are openings for the convenience of taking the horses in and out. There are leather bands b b stretched across tlie stalls, at the breasts and haunches of the horses, to prevent their injuring themselves against the partitions, at the stopping or starting of the train. Orleans Railway : — This is a box for three horses, the doors of which are situated at the ends. London and Birmingham Railway: — This is also a wagon for three horses; Ixxxviii the walls are hung upon hinges, and the partitions are moveable, and slide in vertical grooves at each end of the box. Strasbourg and Basle Eailway :— Each of the boxes accommodates a horse; they are placed on small wheels to facilitate their movement, and a number sufS- cient to accommodate the horses required to be removed are run upon the platform. Plate 37. Details of Goods Wagons and Break Carriage. The goods wagon, London and Birmingham Railway, has been recently made. The internal lining is not sliown in the transverse section of the other goods wagon, in order that the arrangements of the framing may be seen. Break Carriage employed on the Liege Inclined Plane. This carriage is generally placed at the head of the train when it ascends and descends the incline. In the first case the clutches / 1, which are connected with it, seize the rope, and in the latter the carriage is left to itself. The break adapted to this Avagon acts directly upon the rails instead of upon the wheels. It is comjjosed of a wooden shoe, 1-20™ (4 feet) long, by 0-12 (5 inches) wide, and 0'27 (11 inches) deep, and furnished below with a strong piece of iron of an inverse shape to the rail, in order to embrace the whole of its surface, and thus increase the adhesion. There is a vertical axle in the middle of the wagon which is furnished with a handle m, at one extremity, and terminated at the other by a screw engaged within a moveable screw box, which allows of the shoe being moved in a vertical plane by means of levers t' t', and rods 1 1. The pressure is applied gradually upon the rails, and when it attains a maximum, the wheels are raised, and the weight of the carriage, which is about 8000 kilogrammes (7 tons 1 cwt. 3 qrs.), is lifted completely above the rails. This wagon is sometimes preceded by a sledge, which slides upon the rails by means of two iron patins. The resistance of this sledge causes an addition to that of the wagon, and consequently diminishes the velocity of the train. The bell shown in the elevation is employed to announce the departure and arrival of the train. The side elevation and transverse section show the arrangement of the breaks, and the levers employed in moving the same. lx.\.\i\ Details of Clutch A|>parattis : In the " view of clutch" n «hed with a flexible hose. The tanks which supply water to the cranes, are placed at a certain height above, and communicate by conduits with the internal pipe C, a cock being placed near the crane to regulate the same. Hydraulic Crane on the St. Germiiins Railway: — This crane, like tlie last, consists of a cast iron column, but terminated below by a cross foot-plate which is let into solid masonry, which supports the casing. A cistern B, is placed at the upper m xc part, in the bottom of which there is a valve, and an upright rod connected with it, rising above the covering of tlie cistern. A horizontal beam is attached to the rod with a counter- weight fixed at one end, and an iron chain at the other, by means of which the men are enabled to raise the valve, and draw water from tlie tank, and to pass it by the pipe G, into the top of the tenders. This pipe is supported by an ornamental cast-iron bracket J, turning in a socket below K, and encompassed above by a brass collar M, secured to the side of the column. The supply pipe P, is furnished with a cock 0, which cuts off the commu- nication with the tank, and enables the workmen to perform any repairs that may be required without being inconvenienced by the water in tlie tank. The other crane is like the former, and will be readily understood by an inspection of the plate. Plate 40. London and Birmingham Railway. — Details of Hydraulic Cranes. This crane is more complicated in its construction than those in the last plate. The water is raised in a cast-iron column A, sustained by three strong stays L, which are disposed in the shape of a triangle. By means of a valve enclosed in a square cistern B, a communication can be opened and closed at pleasure between the column A, and tlie branch G. The latter turns upon the pivot K, and the stuffing-box D. Plate 41. Paris and Orleans Railway Details of Hydraulic Cranes. This crane is composed of a vertical cast-iron column A, which is partially fluted, and furnished below by a large foot which forms the foundation plate, and is tied to the body of the crane by four supporting brackets. The upper part is terminated by a cylinder which enters with trifling friction through a stuffing- box, and is surmounted by a sphere. The latter is adapted so as to support a lever which sei'ves to open and close the valve situated at the lower part of the moveable cylinder, as indicated in the enlarged section of the head. This sphere is level with the horizontal branch G, by which the water is passed into the tenders. The branch is supported by a console, and the lower part is bolted to a collar K, which embraces the column A, and which is enabled to turn in the neck formed by the fillets round the column. XCl In order to intercept the eoinnninioatiim lii-tweon the tunk iintl the crane, whenever necessary, the supjily pipe 1*, carries ii rectunfriihir cnst-iron Uix M, enclosing a cock. This is worked by means of a King md and handle carried upwards through a small cast iron column, over (lie hox M. and elevatc(l uliove the ground. Pl.ATI. i± Strasbourg and Battle Jiaitmii/. — DctaiU of lltjdraidk' CraufK. The large cock shown in the details furnishes the supply, and estahlishes or closes the communication with the tank, and the small cock is employed for empty- ing the crane. Plate 13. London and Birmingham and Neiccantle and Carlisle Badiray. — DetaiUof Hydraulic Cranes. Hydraulic Crane, London and Birmingham Railway. The bolt A — U, shown in the section, connects the two iron arcs together, and is intended to prevent the upper part of the crane being separated from the lower by any violent blow. The engineer works the valve D, from the tender by the help of a handle E. The hollow sphere F, acts as a counterpoise. Hydraulic Crane, Xewcastle and Carlisle Railway : — The valve, in this instance is placed at the bottom of the vertical pipe. Plate 44, Details of the Southampton and the Nordbahn and Vienna Stations. References to the General Plan of the Station of the London and Southampton Railway : — A and B. Building of two stories for the workshops. A. Steam engine. B. Workshops. C. Forges. D. Small depot for iron, &c. E. Wagon shed. F. Omnibus court. IL Vestibule. XCll I. OflSce for the distribution of tickets. K. Entrance hall. L. Office. M. Court for the use of goods. The principal way communicates with this court by an accommodation line, -which is not shown on the plan. Eeferences to the General Plan of the Station of the Nordbahn and Vienna Railway : — A A A. Waiting rooms. B. Vestibule. The waiting rooms and the vestibule are at the level of the railway, which is formed 4™ 50 (14 feet 9 inches) above the natural level of the ground. The principal staircase conducts to the vestibule and to the waiting rooms of the first and second class, placed on the left. An additional staircase conducts to those of the third class, placed on the right. C and D. Porter, work people, inspector of police, office for the issuing of tickets, &c., &c. The second floor which is arranged like the first, has not yet been appro- priated to any purpose. E. Shed for forty wagons, with vaults serving for the stores. The clock is in the roof of this building. F. Workshop for repairing the wagons. H. Ditto, ditto, engines. I. Shed for twelve engines, with pits beneath the ways. It encloses two cranes. K. Coke depot and reservoir, with pit for collecting the coke and receiving the water which fall from the locomotives. Four engines can stand upon the length of way placed in this building. The water of the reservoir is heated with the waste coke before being turned into the tender. The coke stores contain about 4800 standard quintals (472 J tons) of fuel. This is the only building at the station which is covered with tiles, the others being roofed with plate iron. L and M. Accommodation ways. N and 0. Ways for goods. P. Arrival line. Q. Departure line. E. Magazine on the level of the way, and at the first stage of this building, S. Collectors. The great halls to the second story and to the level ground serve also for storehouses. XCIIl Platk C). /)f'/niu .station : — A li C 1) K F G. Building forming the t'ntiunce lialis of two stories. A. Vestiliule. B C I) and E. Entrance hulls. F and G. Ticket oflices, &c. II and I. Warehouses for depo.^iting the goods. K L and 0. Service ways to the sheds. M. Departure line. N. Arrival line. P. Shed for eleven engines. Q. Ditto wagons. R. Workshops for repairing engines. S. Ditto Avajious. T. Building containing reservoirs for water. Plate 1G. Details of the Versailles Bailicat/ (rij/it bank) Station at Versailles, and the Pecq Station on the St Germains. Reference to the General Plan of the Versailles Station : — a a. Court of the form indicated in the plan, and enclosed from the Rue du Plessis by an iron railing. Three gates are placed in this railing, the middle one being of large dimensions, and the others, at the sides opposite the footways, are smaller. The latter are only made use of on fvte days, and for pedestrians. An asphalte footpath of .3 metres (16 feet 5 inches) wide surrounds this court. b b b. Great vestibule. c' and C-. Direction office for travellers. c^ and c*. Ditto ,luggage. The travellers, after having taken their tickets, ascend the staircase shown between the offices, c' c-, to the waiting-room t* c, which they reach by following the staircase. //'. Apartments of the station master, superintendent of police, &c. e e. Waiting-room, having doors from one platform to the other, d and dK XCIV The passengers of the different waiting-rooms are only separated from one another by balustrades. d and d^. Covered platforms, as shoAvn in the section, which serve alternately for the departure and arrival. g and g^. Ways serving alternately for the departure and the arrival. h and h^. Service ways for locomotives, with pits for cleansing them. k and h^. Ways leading to the sheds. Each way is terminated by a turn-plate. / /. Reservoirs for feeding the hydraulic cranes, placed near the pits. m m. Garden. q and q^. Sheds. p p^ and p-. Changes of way. / References to the General Plan of the Station of Pecq : — a a a. Quay opposite the wharf. b b. Vestibule. b bK Ticket offices. Wooden barriers are shown before these oiBces in the vestibule, which serve to direct the crowd. b'^. Luggage oiEce, having a communication with the vestibule ; another with the quay; and a third with the station. b^. Office for directing parcels. c. Passage to the platforms of the station. d d. Exit staircases. b^. Exit vestibule. e e. Waiting rooms, in which travellers of different classes are only separated by barriers. These waiting rooms are edged by wooden platforms, which sepa- rate them from the ways g g. (See the Section.) g g g and g g g. Ways serving alternately for the arrival and departure of the trains. h h h. Ways for the use of engines. Each of the ways g g and A is terminated by a turn-plate and a fender-stop. The platforms and the ways g and g only are covered, as shown in section. b^. Office of the superintendent of police. b^. Guard-house. V b^ b^. Direction offices for travellers by the carriages for the correspond- ing department, with the necessary appendages in this service. xcv b '". OflSce of the station master. i and /•. Court where the oiuiiilmses stand whicli convey travellers to and from the station. 71 n. Lateral ways to the shedding. The travellers, after having taken tiieir tickets at the offices //, puss into the waiting-roonj, following the passages formed hy the wooden barriers figured in the plan. Entering upon the platform c, they can pass into either of the waiting- rooms. Only one of these rooms is required on week-days, for the departure, when the trains always start from the furthest line. Travellers arriviiig, cross the room «', and go out by the staircases «, from whence they depart by the stair- cases *. On Sundays and fete days the trains set out alternately from the ways g and from liiii. f^ P- Tiini-plate for estiiblisliing tlie comumiiication l>otwt'i'ii the i-arringc shed and the dejiarture line. The plattf/-' is u|Kin tlio same system !l^ llir '.M-fii'f tiirn-table, shown in Plate 27, "Third Series of Kail way rrnctice. //A'//-'. Pits for cleaning the locomotives, etc.; thoy are enclosed witli fencing, to prevent accidents. /' r. Hydraulic cranes, upon the model represented in Plate ."JO. These communicate with reservoirs or vats Q, by cast-iron subterranean conduits. P. Small aj)paratus for washing carriages. j j. Rack upon which sacks of coke are placed for loading the tender. /-. Change of way for passing engines from the accommodation way to the departure, or vice versa. k^ k-. Change of way for conducting the train from the arrival line to the departure. X"'. Change of way for communicating with the way d"'. k*. Change of way for establishing the communication between the accom- modation way and the locomotive shed. /. Covered shed, witli ways for carriages of every description. /'. Painting. /-. Joinery. P. Coach making. l^. Mounting. IK Office. m. Carriage way for shifting truck. n. Office of the engineer of the works. «'. Oflice of the constable of the workshops, and of the master of the same. n^. n^. Forges. 11^. Engines, tools, and adjusting. n*. Fixed engine. «®. Tool house. n". Tinmen and coppersmiths. n**. Joiners and modellers. n®. Sawyers. n'". Apartment of master carpenter. 7i". Workshop and area of the carpenters. n'-. Covered shed for rechanging the wheels. n XCVIU 71^^. Court and timber yard. n^*. Do. do. p. Turnplate placed in the centre of the polygonal building, and disposed as shown in Plate 33, " Third Series of Railway Practice." p^. Office of the constable of the Rotunda. p-. Apartment of the chief engineer. s. Office of the guards of the storehouses. t. Watchbox of the switchman. t^. Watch-box of the porter performing the office of gate-keeper at the road crossing the railway obliquely on a level at the end of the station, as shown in the plan. Fig. 2. Plan on the level of the ground. a. Peristyle on the road to Maine. a^. Vestibule with barriers for directing the travellers. a^. Ticket office. a^. Staircase by which travellers ascend to the waiting rooms. a*. Small staircase which establishes a communication between the ticket office and the office of the administration, from the ground floor. a^ and a^. Passage followed by travellers descending from the omnibuses to reach the staircase of the waiting rooms, after having exhibited their tickets at the bottom of the staircase a'. a''. Furnace-room. a^. Exit staircase for passengers. a^. Exit gate from the omnibus court. a^^. Exit gate on the road to Maine. a^^. Entrance gate of the company. The porter's lodge is placed at the side of this gate, under the staircase of the waiting rooms, the kitchen being under the staircase of the company. a^^. Staircase conducting to the office of the company, on the entresol. a^*. Wood house. a^^. Luggage office. The omnibus court communicates with this office. Plan on the level of the entresol : — a. Staircase conducting to the entresol floor. a}. Antechamber and passage conducting to the office. a^. Hall for the meeting of the counsel, and saloon of the directors. XCIX rt'. Private room of the directors. a*. Private room of the secretary of the counsel, performing the duties of cashier. a''. Office fur two clerks. a". Ditto, ditto. a". Staircase conducting to the waiting rooms, and passing under the office, a*^. (I**. Private room of the superintendent of police. The floor of this room is a little lower than the floor of the entresol, on a level with the landing of the stairs. a'. Safe. a'". Safe. rt". Private room of the comptroller, placed under the exit staircase a'-. «'-. Exit staircase. a '^. Small staircase conducting from the office of the company on the eiitresol, to the ticket office on the level ground. rt". Passage conducting from the office of the company to the stair-case of the station a^. a'^. Staircase conducting from the entresol floor to the station. a^^. Urinals. «'". Water-closets for the use of the officers of the company. References to Section: — a. Omnibus court. a'. Covered footway of the omnibus court. a^. Vestibule at the bottom of the exit staircase. a^. Staircase of the waiting rooms. There is a vestibule and a ticket office between a- and n^. a*. Board office. a^. Private room of the secretary to the board. a^. Office for two clerks. a'. Ditto, ditto. a". Landing of the staircase of the waiting rooms, a'. Private room of the superintendent of police, a"^. Second class waiting room. References to the General Plan of the Versailles Station (left bank) : — A. The mayor's avenue. B. Fixed iron railing. B'. Moveable iron railing, or gates. n 2 C. Court. D. Building forming the waiting rooms, ticket oflSce, &c, E. Garden. E. Cisterns. M. Privies. H. Building for the collectors, &c. K. Small forge for repairing. I. Court for the use of goods. T. Coffee-house. L. Gardens extending the length of the stations. d. Vestibule with gate, for accommodating and guiding the travellers who arrive from the court, C, to a staircase placed between d} and d^. d^. Luggage office. d^. Confectioner's shop. d^ and d^. Ticket office. d^. Portion of the waiting rooms intended, by means of a gate, for travellers of the first class. d^. Another portion, intended for travellers at the stations. d^. Third portion, intended for travellers of the second class. The travellers go out by different doors upon the platform, e. e e e. Departure platform. e^ e^. Arrival platforms. ff^f'f^f'^- Turnplates upon the old system. g. Departure line. g^. Arrival line. g'^. Accommodation way for engines, with pit and hydraulic crane, h p p^ p^. Change of way for establishing the communication between the way' g'^, and the ways, g^ g^ g^ and g. p^p'^p^p^. Change of way for establishing the communication between the arrival way ^\ and the departure way g. h^. Office of the collectors. h?. Passage for the travellers arriving at Versailles. h?. Superintendent of police. h^. Station master. CI Plate 18. Details of Stations. — Duhliii a/ul Kingstotm, and /.tiii.y to >. /Ay Ji'iKirai/.s. References to the general plan of the DuMin iiiitl Kin^'stown Railway Station: — This station is situate in the interior of the city. It is G'" ( lit feet 8 inches) above the natural soil, and crosses the streets ui>on bridges consisting of single arclios wliore the widtli is narrow, and with three arches where the streets are wide. The travellers enter into the vestibuK', u' and c/-', by two doors, one of which is intended for travellers of the first class, the other fur travellers of the second class. It consists, also, of two offices — one for travellers of each class. The stair- cases placed opposite the letters a' and a'- serve for travellers of each class, who arc thus separated. Tliey ascend by these staircases into the waiting-rooms jilaced on the first floor, level with the line. The luggage is deposited in the hall <;', and carried from this hall to the level of the railway by a small staircase. The travellers again remain separated upon the platforms. Those of the first class promenade on the platform D D, which is separated by a balustrade (shown by a double line in the figure) from that of the second-class travellers, who pro- menade upon the platform II. The level of the platforms is 1™, (3 ft. 3 in.,) or 0"S0"' (2 ft. 7 in.) above the rails. They are paved, and rest upon an embank- ment, upon which there is a bed of concrete, or of rough masonry, laid with hy- draulic lime. The communication is intercepted, on the side of the line upon which the travellers require to pass, by balustrades. The May along the j)Iatform H D is the departure line. The contiguous way along the platform F is the arrival line. Tiie two others are the accommodation ways. The travellers arriving pass over the drawbridge p and/*' to go upon the quay E, at the extremity of which there is an exit staircase. Those who wisli to take carriages go upon the incline 1>. The drawbridges are inclined upon the way, as shown, whenever it is necessary. They are formcil after such a plan, that they can be easily removed when the train is discharged and the crowd has dispersed ; the passage of the engines and the trains may then be resumed. The engine is detached upon its arrival at the head of the train; it passes upon the turn-j)late situated at the extremity of the arrival line; it is then directed upon the accommodation line provided for the engines near the hydraulic crane G and the coke depiit, which is at II, (boliind which there is a reservoir;) it there takes its supply of water and coke, and re- cu passes by crossings to the arrival line, where it retakes the train ; it is afterwards directed to tlie departure way, passing upon the switches, and the train is con- veniently placed upon the departure line. It, however, presents the inconvenience of taking the carriages of the first class to the platform of the lower ones, and vice versd. Keferences to the Longitudinal Section : — a. Vestibule. a^. Luggage office. a^ and a^. Waiting-rooms. a* and a^. Covered portion of the station. References to the General Plan of the Leeds Station on the Leeds and Selby Railway : — A. Building containing office. B. Storehouses. C. Court in which a portion of the goods is deposited, which is required to go to Leeds. E. Shed where another part of these goods is deposited. D. Slope conducting from the court to the shed. F. Office. V. Departure line for goods. V^. Arrival line. V". Way for the departure of travellers. V^. Ditto, arrival ditto. There are no platforms, and the ways are covered, as shown in the Figures. H. Line serving to establish a communication between the way V^ and the storehouse B. K. Court, the ground of which is 4™ (13 feet) below the level of the rails. The goods are deposited in this court, or in the warehouse B, when they are fii-st delivered. The cranes serve to raise the goods from the court, or from the warehouse, and to place them upon the vehicles employed in removing them. L and L'. Ways for the arrival of coal. These ways, L and L^, are carried upon transverse walls 4 metres (13 feet) high. The coal wagons are of the same kind as that represented in Plate 29, of the Strasbourg and Basle Railway, and discharge, by means of a trap placed below, into the compartments (24) between these walls or vaults. These small store- houses belong to some of the principal merchants of Leeds. cm 1. Way for the transport of lime. The wagons employed are like those for the coal. The lime falls into the eompartments, but the line is covered, whilst tho ways L and L' arc not. N. Workshops for the repairs of engines and carriages, n. Forges and adjusters. 7»' and ti- Mounting engines. n^. Workshop for repairing carriages. n^. Ditto for painting. 72*. Tower and double forge. n". Fixed engine and reservoir. On the first floor above n^ are the offices and warehouses. 0. Small auxiliary shed. P. Skew-bridge with columns. References to Enlarged Plan : — a. Ticket office. a' and a'. Goods label office. a^ and a'. Staircase conducting to the railway, which is on a level with the first floor. There are no waiting-rooms. Travellers who wait for the departure of the train are kept under the portico, or under the large shed. a^. Appendage. Grcneral Plan of the Selby Station on the Leeds and Selby Railway : — V and v. Ways for the arrival of goods wagons. V^. Way for the arrival of travellers. The goods wagons are separated from the passenger wagons at II: the former follow the ways V or V\ and the latter follow the way V-. The travellers descend by V- under the great shed which covers all the ways. The goods are discharged partly under the shed and partly at the extremity of the ways V and V in the buildings. Depots for Goods : — The lime and coal wagons, leaving the train at K, pass on to the Avays V and V, and are discharged at the covered pits at D, or at the fender stops placed at the extremity of these ways V^ and V*. The ways V V \' and \" are the departure and accommodation ways for the shedding. CIV They prepare the passenger trains upon the way V^, and the goods trains on the ways V^ and V, or upon the way V^ only. The way V^, therefore, remains /Open for the use of engines, and the goods wagons are united to the passenger wagons after changing the way. The way V^ establishes a direct communication between the way V^ and V^. E and E^ are reservoirs for supplying the engines. F. Office of the superintendent. a. Building forming the ticket office and lodgings of the officials. Plate 49. Strasbourg and Basle Railway. — Intermediate Stations of the Second and Third Classes. References to the Detailed Flan of the Station of Rouffixch : — ■ A. Vestibule. B. Waiting room. C. Ticket office. D. Office of the overseer of the line. E. Parcel and luggage warehouse. F F'. Arrival and departure platforms. GG. Privies. ' H H. Hydraulic crane. . I. Building for the pump. Depot for tools of the line. K. Goods shed. L M N. Siding employed for housing the loaded wagons that require to be attached to the trains ; also the empty wagons. P P P. Ground belonging to the station. Station at Eguisheim — Ground plan: -. A Waiting room. B. Receiver's office. C. Warehouse. Upper floor, containing the lodge of the receiver. - Detailed plan of the station at Merxheim : — A. Building, forming the station, which is at the foot of an embankment. B B. Staircases leading to the platforms. C and C^ Arrival and departure platforms. cv Ground Plan of Building : — A. Waiting room. B Office. C. Warehouse. '^ The upper plan serves for the receiver's lodgings. Plate 50. Details of Haihray Stations. — Intermediate Stations of the First and Second Classes. References to the General Plan of the Watford Station (first class) formed in a cutting upon the London and Birmingham Railway : — A. Court for carriages and omnibuses bringing travellers. B. Building of the offices and waiting-rooms, with interior court, represented upon a larger scale above. C. Departure platform. C. Arrival ditto. Plan of the Building of the Waiting Rooms : — A. Court. B. Office and waiting room. C. Interior court. D. Water-closets. E. Entrance staircase. G. Exit staircase. H. Guards' lodge. I. Coal depot. K. Well and pump. L. Steam engine. M. Coke depot. N. Machinist's court. 0. Hydraulic crane. General Plan of the Tring Station (first class), being on an embankment, upon t^e London and Birmingham Railway : — A. Waiting-room and appendages (see the ground plan). B. Station for carriages. C. Shed. CVl Ground Plan of the Buildings : — A. Ticket oiSce and small waiting room. B. Building of the reservoir. C. Interior court. D. Building, with iron roof, containing a waiting room. H. Hydraulic crane. E. Departure staircase. L. Arrival ditto. F. Departure platform. General Plan of the Coventry Station (first class), in a cutting iipon the London and Birmingham Kailway : — A. Building forming the waiting rooms and appendages. B C 0. Steam engine, reservoir, and shed. B. Plan taken on the level ground. The plan on the fii'st floor is the same. On the level ground there is an office and chamber. On the first floor, above the office B, is a fixed steam-engine, and above the engine a plate-iron reservoir. On the first floor at C, second office and stoker's apartment. 0. Shed for carriages. P P. Hydraulic cranes. There are vaults under the building where coke is stored. Enlarged Plan of the Building A : — A. Passage. B. Waiting room. C. Vestibule of ticket office. The travellers enter by the passage A into the vestibule C to take their tickets, passing before the office D; they then proceed into the waiting room B. E. Passage. F. Ante-chamber. L. Men's water-closets. K. Ladies' water-closets. G. Interior court. H. Departure staircase. P. Arrival ditto. evil General Plan of the AVolverlianipton Station (of tlie First Class) upon the Grand Jiiiiotiun Kailway : — This station ililVors from tlie prei-eding in being arranged for tiie reception of goods. A. Uuildiiig funning tlie waiting iiHun. B C. Sheds for housing the carriages and goods. 15. Portion for housing goods. C. Ditto, ditto, carriages. The ways r and i'' are placed in pits at a depth of about 1 metre (3 feet 3 inclie*) below the level of the court D, so that the platforms of the goods wagons being at the same level, the loading and unloading is easily effected. There is a platform between the two ways, r and r', the level of which is the same as the court. D. Court intended principally for loading and unloading goods. E. Departure platform. F. Arrival ditto. Enlarged Plan of Huildiiig .\ : — A. Ticket office. B. Waiting room. C. Ladies' saloon. D. Coal store. E. Privies. General Plan of a Small Station on the London and Southampton liaihvay :- The Iniilding contains two parts only, viz., a ticket office, and a small ■waiting room, by the side of which are the privies. • General Plan of the Newton Station, upon the Liverpool and Manchester Railway : — A. Office and waiting room for travellers going to Liverpool. P). Ditto, ditto, Manchester. C. Carriage shed. Enlarged Plan of Building : — A. Ticket office. P.. Small waiting room. General Plan of the Ditton-Marsli Station on an Embankment upon the London and Southampton Railway : — A. Ticket office. o2 CVIU B. Waiting room. C. Court principally appropriated for omnibuses and carriages. D. Departure platform. D^. Arrival ditto. E. Incline for travellers. F. Ditto, carriages. H. Loading place of carriages upon the wagons. General Plan of the Woking Station on the London and Southampton Kailway ;— A. Ticket office. B. Waiting room. C and D. Water closets. G. Shed for carriages. H. Shed for an engine. Plate 51. Stations. — London and Birmingham Railway. General Plan of the Euston Square Station, London, as originally laid out : — Cabs and other special vehicles, bringing passengers, enter by the grand Grecian portico P, set them down beneath the peristyle, and then turn round in the widest part of the court on the other side, and depart by the entrance P. The foot passengers also enter by the same portico ; travellers of the first-class enter the office by the left door, and, after procuring their tickets, pass through the corridor E to the waiting room C. Those of the second class enter the office by the other door, and after having obtained their tickets, pass into the waiting room B. The urinals are placed at the extremity of the building. The passengers wait on the platform of departure J until the departure of the trains. D and E are corridors which form the communication between the portico and the platform of departure. The stairs placed in these corridors lead to a second floor, where the Company's offices are placed. The passengers carry any light luggage with them into the waiting rooms. Special vehicles, for transporting horses and heavy baggage to the railway, enter by the gate P ; they are entered at the offices K and L, and wait the time of the train starting in the court for loading R. They are placed on the trucks by means of turn-tables. J. Platform of departure. CIX J'. Platform of arrival. The vehicles or omnibuses waiting fur the arrival of passengers are stationed in the court IT, arriving and departing by tlie gate 1'"'. V' and V ' are the ways to the sheds. The carriages are passed, from one of these roads to another, by means of turn-tables. The ways are covered with iron roofing. N is a large shed, with two floors, for the worn-out and unemployed carriages, or for the new ones in reserve. Two buildings are represented in the plan for waiting-rooms, although only one has been built. The station was arranged to receive the second, which was originally intended for the Great Western Railway. The locomotive engines did not formerly pass into the station, which is situated at the foot of an inclined plane, 3000 metres (3281 yards) long. The grand depot for goods is at the head of this inclined plane; the workshop for repairs, and the sheds for the locomotives, carriages, and goods trucks, also the two fixed engines which originally worked the plane. General Plan of the Station at Birmingham : — The irregularity of the country did not permit of this station being arranged so symmetrically as that of London. The arrangements for the convenience of passengers are, however, made in a manner exactly similar. The foot passengers, as well as the carriages, enter by the gate A ; they turn at B, and depart at A. C is the oflBce for obtaining tickets. D is the first-class waiting room. F that of the second class. E the ladies' waiting room. G is the platform of departure. G', that of arrival. The heavy luggage is brought in by the gate H, passing before the offices I, and is loaded on the turn-tables in the court K. V. Departure line. V". Arrival line. Y V" V" V^ are ways to the sheds. The number of ways to the sheds is greater than at the London station, because the sheds are smaller. U. Court of arrival. ex The system of management at this station is precisely the same as at the London station. The iron roofs have a greater space, and extend along the ways of the station and the platform to a length of 76 metres. This station is on a level with the ground, and the engines use it. The repairing shops and sheds are therefore placed at E, in the immediate neighbour- hood. The locomotives enter into the rotunda, by the ways V and V", and are passed on to any one of the ways terminating therein, by means of a turn-table placed in the middle. S and S'are forges, and T and T' are the chimneys of two fixed engines, which are placed in an underground chamber. The engines raise the water from a canal into the reservoir placed above the forges, by means of pumps, and which supplies the tenders with water.* K and K'. Coke sheds. When a locomotive is cleaned, greased, and repaired, it takes in coke and water, and is brought to the head of the train by the way V^. The goods trucks leave the passenger train at A, and enter the goods depot at B C. They cross a road, passing over by means of a bridge, and then traverse a simple level crossing, and are brought under the great sheds at C C C C, by means of turn-tables. (1 is a building containing the offices belonging to the goods department ; a magnificent hotel at the entrance of the station, containing the offices for the lug- gage of passengers on the ground floor, and the apartments of the directors and other officials, on the upper floors. Plate 52. Strasbourg and Basle Railway Station at St. Louis. References of the General Plan of the St. Louis Station : — A. Guard house. A'. Custom-house offices. B. Building forming the offices and waiting-rooms. B'. Sheds and platforms for the arrival and departure of the travellers. C. Sheds for loading goods. * The extension from Chalk Farm to Euston Square, being now worked by locomotives, these engines and chimneys have been removed. CXI C. Sheds for iinloiuling goods. D. Engine sheds and repairing shops. E E. Warehonses, with office. F. Building for coke, stone, and reservoir. G G G. rhitfonns for loiiding and unloading carriages. II. Water closets. Enlarged Plan of Entrance Building: — (/. Luggage inspection room. l>. Passengers' ditto, ditto. c. Office. d. Waiting-room for travellers of the first class. e. Office of the station master. /. Ticket office. g. Vestibule. //. Waiting-room for travellers of the second and third class. /. Luggage office. k. Discharge. Plate 53. Station of the Strasbourg, Bade, and Midliouse Railway. References of the General Plan of Station : — A. Building forming office and waiting-rooms. B. Office of customs. C. Office of the Superintendent of Police. D. Water-closet. E. Ditto. F. Porter's lodge. G. Shed and workshops for slight repairs. H. Appendages of ditto. I, Reservoir and steam engine. K. Cattle shed. L. Old temporary station. ^I. Shed for the use of goods. N. Ditto, ditto. 0. Urinal. P. Hoist bridge. V. Departure way. CXll v. Arrival way. The intermediate ways are for the accommodation of the shedding. The ways V- and V^ are intended for the use of goods. The ways V^, V, and those which are not specially indicated, serve for the reservoirs and repairing shops. a. Vestibule. b. Ticket office. c. Passage. d. Staircase for ascending to the last. e. First class waiting-room. /. Second and third class ditto. g. Luggage office. h and k. Station-master's office. i. Guard-house of the officers of the customs. /. Water-closets. TO. Superintendent of police. In the ground plan of the goods shed, the goods are brought and removed by the road R, and they are loaded when they are placed upon the platforms of the shed. Plate 54. Vienna and Raah Railway^ Austria. — The Vienna Station. The station of the Vienna and Eaab Eailway, represented upon this Plate, covers a triangular plot of ground of about 32,000 square toises (21,000 square metres, ) ' It is in the shape of an isosceles triangle ; the two equal sides nearly forming a right angle, and meeting near the town of Vienna. Two branches of the Vienna and Raab Eailway follow these sides; one going to Presbourg on the right, the other to Neustadt on the left. Similar buildings are shown at the extremities of each of these branches, where carriages stand. One of these depots, that on the Neustadt Eailway, is only just constructed. The two branches of the Vienna and Eaab Eailway — viz., those of Presbourg and of Neustadt, are united by an auxiliary line, as shown. A is the plan of the depot of the Neustadt branch, at the level of the ground, it comprises not only the building of the waiting-rooms, but the whole of the covered hall. CXllI B is the plan at the level of the tirst-lloor of the depot of the Presbourg branch, comprising the coverctl hall. The space ti a comprised between the fronts of the two buildings, contains the waiting-rooms, formed as a large space, in which the carriages which bruig pas- sengers arrive, and are stationed. C. Building of three stories, containing a refreshment room on the ground- floor, and the company's olhces; also those of the engineers and architects on the upper lloors, and a large hall fur general meetings. The front of this building, looking towards \ ienna, commands a magnificent view of the city. D E F G and II. Large workshops for repairing engines, and wagon sheds. I and J. I'rojected sheds. L M K. Lodgings of the guards. N r and Q. Buildings for the supply of fuel and water, and sheds for locomotives. II. Office of the engineer of the works. S. Depot for carriages and horses. We will now detail the dillerent parts : — We find, from the Plate, that the building containing the waiting-rooms has two stories. The ground floor consists of the following parts : — a. Vestibule. b. Ticket office. c and (/. Offices for the labelling of luggage placed under the staircases. /and/' are the staircases conducting to the first floor; /' is a staircase by which travellers who have taken their tickets ascend to their waiting-room ;/ that by which travellers who arrive by the train descend. The gate y leads under an arcade //, before which the omnibuses are stationed. The landing-place at the foot of the staircase /', is separated from the vesti- bule a by an iron railing. There are water-closets at one of the ends of the arcade. There is a refreshment-room behind the ticket-office. The arrangement of the first-floor, shown by the building B, exactly resembles the building A. /, III, and 71 are the waiting-rooms for travellers of the first and second class. Those of the third are under the hall. P CXIV The platform which surrounds the hall o on three sides is covered with asphalte. It is 0™ 19 high (7 inches), and S-" 50 (lift. 6in.) wide. I). A kind of lai'ge wooden box, filled with flowers, which serves as a fender- stop. The turn-plates, which are 7" 90 (26 ft.) diameter, serve to turn the engine and tender at the same time. The railway being on an embankment seven metres (23 ft.) high above the ground, there are vaults made under the platforms and railway. The halls are entirely covered by a roof, after the system of Viegmann, a section of which is shown. The buildings forming the workshops and repairs, D E F, are of two stories. The ground-floor contains a mounting shop for locomotive^ at d, with ways and the necessary pits, two cranes, and a machine for placing the wheels upon the axles. d-. Turners' workshop, containing thirteen lathes and macliines of different sizes for boring, four planing machines, four machines for making screws, and several grinding-stones. d^. Tavo high-pressure steam engines, each 12-horse power, provided with three furnaces. A well is placed at .«, and a pump to raise the Avater to the reservoir placed above the roof, ^or the boilers, the workshops, and the supply for the locomotives. There is a ventilator in the same building d^, which furnishes the neces- sary draught to two furnaces ( Wilkinson^ s) placed in the foundry F. d"". Building containing 14 forges, supplied with a draught from the venti- lator, a pair of shears, a boring machine, another for cleaning and bending the boiler plates, a pressor, and a hammer. d^. Two cartwright's workshops, containing two circular saws. The architect's office and a workshop for engines are placed above the ground- floor. The locksmith's department is above the workshop d'- ; the pieces from the forge are finished and adjusted there ; nine small machines for turning, planing, and boring, are placed there. The model rooms are on the first-floor above the mounting workshop; a joiner's workshop, with a new circular saw, and a de- signmg room. The buildings fZ' cZ- d^ are heated in winter by the waste steam of the fixed engines. E. A foundry, containing four forges and a furnace for reheating the plate iron. F. A foundry, containing two of Wilkinson's ovens, two stoves, and a casting workshop. « There is a innchinc for breaking the cast iron before the building forming the fouiulry. The \v:ig(in slieds Oil! iiinl .1 may In- r(iii>i(lciu(i «.«. njipondnges d' i In- repairing worksliops. The buildings N P Q rehit« more especially to the reservoir, consisting of a building 0, in which the reservoir (properly so called) is placed. M P are engine sheds; a small repairing workshop is placed in this building. Finally, the building Q contains, Itesides the Company's ollice, an apartment for the chief engineer. All the buildings of the station represented in the Plate were constructed upon an embankment of 7'" 50 (24 feet 7 inches) above the mean level of the Danube, the quantity of water recpiired for the use of the hx'o- motive engines and workshops is not therefore procured witliout great difliculties. A considerable quantity is raised by two steam engines from the workshops to the reservoir, placed upon the roof, and discharged by an aqueduct into the reservoir 0. The water of this reservoir is heated in winter by two furnaces. The re- pairing workshop sometimes in the summer consumes a part of the water necessary for the reservoirs ; a well has been sunk to furnish the proper supidy. The water of this well is raised by an additional engine. The wheels of this locomotive turn upon two fixed friction rollers instead of rails, as on the Southampton Rail- way, and therefore do not advance. The carriage sheds are constructed of cut stone. Pits of 0"' 71 (2 feet 5 inches) depth, faced with bricks, /iave been esta- blished between the rails for facilitating the inspection of the works. The way V is a departure line. V arrival ditto. It is seldom that the passengers ascend or descend under the hall; the trains generally stop at the entrance, so that these serve more particularly for turning. The ways V" and Y'" are the ways to the shedding, and for loading and unloading. The ways Y^ and V'-are intended for the use of goods. They are level with the gate X, and rise from this gate to the building R, with an inclination of l-27th to l-30th. The way V' leaves the workshops Y" and Y'' before it unites the Presbourg and Neustadt Railway, being only placed upon a part of their length, serve here for ways to open shedding. The ways V'" V" and V'- and those with which they communicate by turn- plates, leave the buildings N P Q. The additional locomotive engine is generally stationed upon the way Y'-. Lastly, the l>allast wagons are placed upon a siding Y''. p2 ex VI Plate 55, Paris and Orleans Railway. — Etampes Station. References to the General Plan of the Transit and Accommodation Ways, and the Buildings in use at this Station : — FIRST BUILDING, (fOR PASSENGERS.) A. Entrance vestibule. B. Ticket office. C C C C. Waiting-room for Orleans and Paris. D. Luggage register office. E E. Travellers' water-closets. SECOND BUILDING OPPOSITE. F. Refreshment room. The time of stoppage of the trains at this station being always ten minutes, at the least, the travellers can alight, and partake of a cold collation, which generally consists of cakes and provisions, ready laid out upon a large side-board, of about 10 metres (32 ft. 9 in.) in length. G. Office of the station master. H. Apartment of the superintendent of police. THIRD BUILDING, (fOR WAGONS.) I. Shed for 12 wagons, but which can easily contain 18. FOURTH BUILDING, (FOR LOCOMOTIVES.) K. Rotunda for housing 16 locomotives and tenders, with pits 8 metres (26 ft. 3 in.) long; is covered with slates, and lighted below with a large win- dow, opposite each way, by skylights in the roof, and lastly, by a high lantern. K'. Principal entrance. L. This part of the rotunda only is surmounted by a floor, and serves as the apartment of the chief engineer and for the workmen employed in the repairs. Slight repairs only are done at this station, all the large and important works are performed at the principal workshops at Paris, where large and spacious work- shops are established. There is a reservoir of water on the first-floor — that is to say, 5"* ( 16 ft. 5 in.) above the ground, of 40 cubic metres (.52 cubic yards) capacity, a well below of 1"50'" (4 ft. 11 in.) diameter, which supplies it. FIFTH BUILDING, (FOR GOODS.) N. Goods depot. 0. Paved part for rolling. CXVII p. Raised platform for the goods dt'i)«)t. P' anil P'. The same platform, which is prolonged uncoveretl to cjich side of the building. Q. Depot of the post-chaises. R. Accommodation ways. S. Paris to Orleans way. T. Orleans to Paris ditto. U. Exit of the passengers who arrive at this station ; the omnibuses are stationed without, for tlie diil'eront parts of tlie neighbourhood. Order of Transit of the Engines at the Station of Etampes: — The passenger train going from Paris to Orleans will follow the ways 2, 3, 8, 22, and will stop before reaching the point 29. The engine will quit the train to be liouscd, and will follow the lines 2I>, 25, 23, 9, 7, 5, 6, 11, 15, 11. The engine which retakes the Etampes train at Orleans, will be stationed on the lines 13, 10; it will take the head of the train, following the lines 10, 19, 23. 25, 29. If the train is rcipiired to ascend the slope of O-QOS metres (1 in 125), it is necessary to employ an assistant engine, which will be that coming from Paris. Instead of housing itself, it will stop and take water at this place by means of an hydraulic crane placed for this purpose. Upon arriving at the head of the slope, this engine will take the change of way of Guillerval, and enter the depot by the way T (otherwise called tiie Orleans to Paris line) to the point 10, and depart from this point by the lines 10, 7, 5, G, 11, 15, 14. In case the ways 15, 14, leading to the depot, should be in use, the engine will follow the lines 10, 13, 14. The passenger train going from Orleans to Paris, will follow the way T, near the point 24 ; it will stop, and the engine pass to the rotunda, following the lines 24, 19, 10, 7, 5, (i, 11, 15, 14. The engine which will retake the train will be stationed upon the lines 13^ 10, and will go to its place at the head, upon the line 19, 24; the train will follow the line T. The goods train coming from Pai-is to Etampes will stop upon the ways S at the point 3, the engine will detach itself from the train, and will proceed to place itself behind, to drive the train, following the lines 3, 4, 1, 2. The train will enter into the station following the Hue 3, 4, 5, G, 12, IG 10, (ticice.) CXVUl The engine will return and enter the rotunda, following the lines 16, 12, 6 11, 15, 14. The goods train from Etampes to Paris will be formed upon the lines 17, 17, (twice,) of the station. The engine, proceeding to the head, will leave the rotunda backwards, and follow the lines 14, 15, 11, 17. The direct goods train from Paris to Orleans will follow the way S, and change the engine, or will take on an assistant one, if it is necessary, like the direct passenger train. If it is desirable to leave it at the station, it will pass the point S, backing and taking the siding ways 36, 34, 31, 25. It will re-enter the lines S by the change of ways 36, 38. The goods train from Orleans to Paris will follow the way T, and cha l the engines like the passenger train. If they wish to leave it at the station, it will take the way R at the point 41, and will retake the way T by the change of way 39, 37. (22, 21), (24, 20) Ways for disengaging carriages. (18) Ways to the shedding. (26, 27, 28) Reserve ways for rapidly adding carriages to the train going to Paris. (21 A), (21 B) Ways for loading and unloading postchaises. (21 C) Sheds for post-chaise trucks. Crossing places : — There are three crossings at right angles, indicated by the letters a b c. Four at the angles 35° 47', 31° 25', 52° 30', 47° 40' shown by the letters, defg. Crossing rails: — There is one crossing at the angle of 7° 58', shown at H. Two ditto, ditto, 8° 39' shown atfk. Twenty-two ditto, conformable to the model, at the angle of 5° 37'. Twenty-five changes of way. Plate 56. Workshops of the Strasbourg and Basle Railway at Mulhouse. References to the General Plan of Workshops : — A. Principal building. B. Forges (eight fires). ex IX C Stores and vaults for the milking of yellow greiiie for the carriages. The building being upon un enilmnkment two metres (Gft. 7ia.) high, above the ground, the vaidts which are alluded to are on the grouud-lU»or, therefore on a level witli the ground. 1). Privies. There is a coke store on the left, near the railway, which is not repre.sentetl upon the plan ; and an engine shed to the right, near the building C, ou the rail- way from Mulhouse to Thann, a foundry, and a warehouse. The liuildiiig A is subdivided in the following manner: — ii. Shed and mounting shop for thirteen locuiiHitives. /'. Workshop of engine tools. c. Shed for tenders, and warehouse. d. Steam engines and boilers. e. Mechanical engineer's office, and porter's lodge. The first-floor of the building .ne or two fires, and a great furnace for the larger pieces. A ventilator is kept in motion all day, to supply the seventeen forges with draught. There is a second exactly similar, to replace the lirst, in case of accident; they are 0™ 90 (3 feet) diameter, and make about 2400 revo- lutions per minute. d^. Furnace to heat the tires horizontally. d*. Crane, for the service of the principal forge. d^. Basin, of 3 metres diameter, and 0"'60 deep, for the tires and the Avheeft. A tilt hammer is placed in the middle of this workshop, with a shaft about 25 decimetres long ; the weight of the mace at the end of the shaft may be about 100 kilogrammes, (220 lbs.) It receives the movement of an oscillating cy- linder placed under it, to which the steam of the common boiler is applied, as reijuired by the forger, by means of a steam-cock at his command. This hammer furnished with two fly wheels, more than two metres diameter, next a small rolling cylinder, for the blades of the springs; a great vice, which is fixed; a square ctist iron basin of two square metres, serves to temper the blades of the springs. d^. Establishment for the workmen who shape the blade of the springs when cold, to prepare them for steeping. E. A building in which are two of Rcslay's engines, with high [tressure vertical boilers. These boilers communicate by pipes, and are established in a pit three metres deep, indicated by the polygonal line surrounding them ; they have lately added a third, E, which is the boiler of a locomotive. '/2 CXXIV F. Steam-engine, with a balance-beam of four atmospheres, by Stehelim and Huber Bistch wilier (Haut-Rhin). /. Feed wells for the three boilers mentioned above ; tlie band passes over the fly-wheel of this machine, which communicates the movement to a horizontal shaft extending the length of the workshop, G, and which distributes the power. G. Workshop of adjustment. Vices and drawers are distributed along the entire length of the windows on each side; working machines, to the number of twenty -five or thirty, are placed in the middle, at points previously selected. The working machines of this workshop consist of several planing machines, of different degrees of strength, by Whitworth. Among the boring machines, one of Sharp and Roberts is very important, being five metres high ; it serves for the small as well as the largest work ; a machine to unwedge the wheels ; a machine for making screws ; a mortice machine, by Sharp and Roberts ; a machine to bore a mortice, by Calla, of Paris; ten turning machines, of different sizes, dimensions, and uses, with cast-iron benches ; one of them serves to turn the driving wheels, and those of wagons. All these machines are set in motion by the steam shaft ; many of them are described in the work of M. Armengaud. (/. Saw-pit, with circular saw. g^. The oflice of the superintendent of the workshops and of the modellers is in this building; the remaining space is occupied by lamps, by a magazine con- taining a large stock of reserved pieces previously manufactured for the machines and wagons, arranged and disposed in cases. g~. Building similar to the last, which is also used for a magazine. G'. Mounting workshop, in the middle of which there is a large longitudinal pit, 4 metres (13 feet) wide, with two ways on it, upon which a chariot, 9-', moves, carrying a locomotive to be repaired, which they bring in front, on one of the twenty-four spare ways, g'^, which are each provided with a pit, communicating with a great trench ; all these trenches possess the inconveniences of having no stairs. G^. Workshop of cast iron and smithy, with two forges. G*. Court used as a workshop for cai'pentry. The wheels taken to be repaired pass over the ways along it. G*. Water-closets for the workmen, which are very well arranged. G^. Reservoir of water, composed of four cisterns, each two metres high (2 feet 6 inches.) G''. Porter and gate for the workmen. cxxv II. lUiiMing for lesidt'iice of the chief of the sii|)erint(Mideiits of the work- shops. It was built before the otlier buildings, and vrns not pulled down when the land was bought. I. t'rane of wood and iron, for the service of the workshops, constructed by M. Cave, of Tari-s. It will support a weight of twenty tons. J. A cast iron reservoir of water, four metres above the rails; it is iciv.n-d and heated in winter; underneath, is an oflice for engine conductors. K. Kotunda for sixteen engines and tenders, the dotted lines of the plan and the section show that the urublle is ni»t covered. The roofnig is light and strong, consisting of iron girders covered with zinc. /•. Coke sheds. L L L L L. These parts arc occupied by large coke depots; the courtjj are planted with trees. M W M- W. Large carriage-gate, 4 metres wide. X. House for the guard of the level crossing, and of the Balance bridge n. There is a clock, with a large face, at the top of this building. 0. Hydraulic crane for filling the tenders. Plate 59. Tlie Paris and Orleans Railway. — The Station at Orleans. References to the General Plan of the Station : — A. Plan of the depot for passengers and waiting-rooms. B. Plan of workshops and engine shed, (the two ways // and i' serve for cleaning the engines). C. Plan of goods depot. D. Cranes for loading and unloading carriages, upon the system L>f M. Arnou.x. E. Sheds for the horses and the limbers of the carriages. F. Depot for post-chaises. G. Ditto. H. Entrance-court. K. Exit ditto. M. Lateral street for the entrance of the railway. N. Ditto, exit ditto. P. Exterior boulevard, moat and rampart of Orleans. CXXVl S. Paris and Orleans way. T. Orleans and Paris do. Order of Service at the Orleans Station of the Paris and Orleans Eailway: — The passenger train will follow, leaving the lines E, D, C, B, A, and arriving on the lines F, G, H, L. When the engine goes from the workshops, to take the head of a passenger train, it will follow M K I A B D E, or M K I G C C D E. After having brought a passenger train, the engine will follow the line L N Y K M in returning to the workshops. The goods train will follow, leaving the lines V V B' A, in arriving at the lines F Z Q. The engine, in going from the workshops, will take the head of the goods train, and follow the lines M K I A B B' V. The engine, in returning to the workshops, after having brought in a goods train, will follow the lines Q P Y K M. The ways and turn-tables for loading and unloading the post-chaises are at X Y'. The ways for housing passenger wagons are represented at D' D". U' U'' T' and T" are the ways for loading and unloading the goods wagons. Plate 60. Paris and Rouen Eailicay. — Stations at Mantes and Vernon. References to the General Plan of the Station at Mantes (Seine-et-Oise), being the principal intermediate station on this line : — A. Principal building, comprising the ticket and luggage-office, with lodg- ings above for the superintendent of the station. B B^ B-. Sheds for the passengers to wait under. C. Cafe and restaurant. c. Eepresents a large counter, covered with fruit, pastry, and refreshments, which the passengers take standing, as the trains only wait about five minutes. c^ and C". Large cabinets. c^. Kitchen. c*. Wine and beer cellar. D D'. Reservoirs for coal and water. cxxvu There is a steam engine of two liorso power in tiio first, wiiicii jiuiiips up the water from one of the wells, la metres deep, into a reservoir phu-cd uIkjvc. A pipe passes under the line, and estaMishes the ecjualisiu between tiu- two reservoir» by leading off the surplus water from one to the other. One serves the trains coming from Paris, and the other those from Kouen. A trench is situated before each of these reservoirs. (I. Brick chimney of the steam engine. E. Sheds for two locomotives and tenders. F. Shed for five passenger carriages, which is too small, since there ar« always more than five carriages in reserve. G. Shed for the goods depot. H. Stone bridge of three arches. H'. Brick bridge of one arch. h^. A steam engine stationed all the day on this line. h-. A crane, after the plan of M. Arnoux, is placed near this spot. General riaii of Vernon Station (Eure): — I. Principle building. i. Ticket-office. /'. Second class waiting-room. i-. First ditto. P. Luggage-office. i*. Lamp room and water-closet. P. "Water-closets for first-class passengers. «'•'. Public water-closets. P. First-floor staircase, which is the lodging of the superintendent of the station. i*. Kitchen on the ground floor. ■p. Large pent house, about three metres wide. .1. Building which serves for a lodging for the superintendent of the police. J^ Unoccupied space. K. Engineers' office. These three buildings will bo probably pulled down, as they project too much over the side of the street. L L'. Reservoirs of water. Two men are employed raising the water, which is only one metre deep, the same as at the station of Mantes, and all the others. One overflows into the other. AL A shed for the storing of gooils. N. A quay, one metre above the level of the soil, for the depot of goods. -^ CXXVIU P P^ Small sheds to shelter the passengers in entering and descending from the carriages. Q. House of the guard of the level crossing. R. Level crossing. Details of tank at D. The plan is taken at the height of the ground. This building is the type of all those built along the line. Although similar in design, some are built of stone, others of white flint, and lastly, of brick, which have re- ceived a coat of white paint. Some of these buildings are formed square, with an arch on each side, as at Vernon. This reservoir is of cast iron, riveted together, 0™ 003 thick ; it is 8™ long, 4™ 45 wide, I" 60 deep; its capacity is, therefore, about 57 cubit metres of water; the opposite sides are joined together by small bars of iron, as shown in the Figures. The spring of water which feeds it being at a great depth, a fixed engine is employed. s<> Plate 61. Pan's and Rouen Railway. — Station at Rouen for Passengers and Merchandise. Eeferences to the Plan of the Station for Passengers and Merchandise at Rouen : — The union of the way V with the way V^ commences a little beyond the face of the shed. The way V joins the way V'-. The luggage trains are arranged upon the way V^, the wagons being brought as fast as they are loaded. The way V'- is that of departure. The passenger trains are arranged under the roofing, and depart along the points 5, 6, 4, and along the way V'-. The way V^ is that of arrival. The trains stop before the platform T, where the officials collect the tickets obtained at Paris by the passengers, which they keep during the journey. During this time, the engineer detaches the engine from the train, runs it on for about 10 metres, and then again communicates with it by means of a long rope, with a common hook at the end, which is secured to the engine. A hook of another kind is fastened at the other end of the cord, which attaches to the first carriage, when the train is again put in motion to bring the carriages under the hall, and to allow of the passengers descending the quay /. The engine and train pass over the switch 3, and the engine over the switch 1 ; the instant the latter with its tender has passed, the switch 1 is changed to prevent the train and carriages passing along the same way. The draught is made for some time aslant nearly up to the switch 2, the engine being on the way CXXIX Y*, and the carriages on the way V''; a man then draws a small eord, which is sufficient to ditach t!ie cord from the first carriage; iijion which the train is U-ft to itself, and the momentum carries it up to tlie station, where it is stopped l.y means of breaks. The ways V^ and V*' arc reserved ways. The way V is that employed to convey the luggage under the crane, aiid where the trains are changed. The ways V' V V'' V" and V" are tlK>se on wliich tiie wagims are lua«'. Chest for iron. CXXXVl k 71. Large shed for passenger wagons, capable of housing sixty. A painter's workshop is placed at the top of this shed, which is arranged for this purpose. There is a pit before this shed with a slide-table to communicate with each of the ways. n'. Water-closets for the workmen. 0. Workshops for extensive repairs to engines. o" anfl'o-. Two pits, the whole length of the workshop. 0^. Pit with a slide-table used to bi'ing engines before each of the other ways. *^. Building serving to shelter the engines, and at the same time as work- shops for small repairs; there are vices established at the side p, and along the entire length of the chamber. p'. Chamber for mechanics. p^. Small office for the coke accountant. p^. Coke depot for the supply of the engines in use. q. Shed for fire engines, &c. r. Large level space of 2 metres, opposite the rails, on which six coke ovens are placed, all of which communicate with the same chimney by means of pipes. r\ Each oven has two doors opposite one another, and is filled with a large shovel, of about 30 decimetres of surface, which is worked by means of a small winch, as we see by the dotted semi-circle and interior lines. The ovens are served, two by two, by a small crane. The doors, which are formed of cast iron, are opened by means of a counterpoise. The line forming two portions of the circumference, and the two parallel lines surrounding these ovens, indicate a part of the ground paved with bricks ; and the small squares at the extremity of each furnace represent cast-iron plates which are about one metre in area. The way Y is that of trains going to Paris. The way Vi that of trains going to Eouen. The engine, after having brought the train to the station at Eouen, returns (with the tender first) to that of Sotteville, where the switch No. 4 causes it to enter. The way V^ as far as the turn-table p^. The tender is turned, and brought to the eud of the way ¥•*. The engine proceeding along into building p, the tender is replaced on the turn-table, turned round, and brought upon the way V^ ; the engine is next turned round, and attached to the tender, supplied with coal and water, and is once more ready for departure. When there are several engines in useVthey are placed on the way V^, or at the end oMhe way V^. The way V^ is the line of traffic. The. elevation parallel to the way of the workshop for slight repairs of en- CXXXVIl gines in use serves also to house thoui. It is built of bricks, with n stone base; it is glazeil i»j) to a certain height ; it is only enclosed with fixi-d blinds on the top; also the great quantity of steam and smoke escajiiug from tlu- engines rendi-rs it necessary to keep this buiKliug very uiry. The large gates in the end elevation open in two portions upwunls, by means of a small winch; one of these is represented open. The suuill gate serves for the workmen. We still see the gates in the transverse section, llicre is a pit between each way tluoughout the whole lengtli of the building. ' Building in which the extensive repairs of tlie engines are executed : — A very small door for the passage of the workmen is made in each of the two gates at the ends of the %ade; but these gates, being only 1 me^re high above the thnsliold, are found so low, that the men are obliged to beni :it with their feet. The six coke ovens: — We may easily distinguish the gates, the counterpoise, and the small cranes in this figure. The horizontal lines, which pass over the ovens, indicate the iron circles, being 0'12 wide to 0-01 in thickness, in order to prevent the effects of expansion. The openings between each oven are supported by arches. The workshops and buildings marked h ij k I in the plan, are glazed through- out their length; some of the windows are arranged in i\m.stas. The part where the forges are situated is raised for the purposes of ventilation, the openings of which are filled in with fixed blinds. In the portion of the longitudinal section taken along the axis of the workshop, the covering is removed from one of the forges to show the pipes for catching the smoke. The first opening under each blast is made so as to a' low the nozzle of the pipe of the ventilator to pass, and the second, which is beneath the jtipe, is that of the ash-hole. We can easily perceive that one chimney unites four forges. The coke depot, which supplies the machines marked ;/' in the plan, is 8 CXXXVIU divided in the direction of its length into nine galleries, or passages, by partitions a " claire-voir ;" benches are raised to the right and left of these passages, on which sacks full of coke are arranged; each bench contains only one sack in front. The width of each passage is 60 centimetres; that of each bench 0'40. The eighteen benches are capable of holding altogether 270 full sacks. The floor of this building is at the same height as that of the engines. In the section taken thi'ough the axis of one of these passages, and along the line a ^ on the plan, the engines approach this depot by the opposite side of the staircase — that is to say, at the side a. Plate 63. The Derby Station, at the Junction of the London and Derby, Birmingham and Derby, and Leeds and Derby Bailways. A. Buildings for the ticket office and waiting rooms. B. Place for removing post-chaises or special carriages passing from Derby to Leeds. B'. Place for forwarding post-chaises or special vehicles. B". Ditto, for taking on post-chaises or special carriages going from Derby to London or Birmingham. B'". Place for removing post-chaises or other special carriages passing from London or Birmingham. C. Building for the goods traffic. C Goods office. D. Large rotunda for housing the engines. E Workshops for repairing engines, with two stories. E. Workshops for the repair of carriages. F. Forges. F' F". Forges and furnaces for the re-heating the tires of the wheels. F". Pay office. G. Offices. 6'. Entrance. G". Dep6t. G'" and G"". Entrance for engines. H and H'. Sheds for carriages. H". Building of two stories, to house and paint the carriages. H'". Workshops for building carriages. CXXXIX I. Slicd for carriages. r. Shed for eii<;iiies. K. Small office. L. Coke (leput. Q. Reservoir. R and R'. Sheds. R". Shed. a a' a'". Ilydraulic craues. ?. Platform. f ^' (p". Trenches. y y y". Sentry Boxes. X X' X". Weighing machines. The platforms for collecting the tickets are at a and ii', at the side of the ways, and at the two corners of the jtlatc. T. Departure platforms for Leeds, London, and Birmingham. v. Ways of arrival for passengers. The trains jtass along the way nf depar- ture by means of changing places or turn-tables. T". Arrival platform for passengers coming from the south (London), or the west (Birmingham). Y3 yi V^ V"'. Ways for the sheds. V'. Way for the arrival of goods. V*. AVay for the departure of goods. V*. Way for the coal-wagons to the sheds. V". Way of departure for the loaded coal wagons. V". W'ay of arrival. V'-. Way for the tenders. V'^. Way for the engines. V*. Way for coke wagons. y.5 Y2I, y^ays for the sheds. W and V-'**. Ways for goods. All the ways not pointed out by the letters are ways to the sheils or lur the use of traffic, which may be easily seen from a mere iusjiectiou of the plutc. References to the Plan of the Foundations of tht Building of the Waiting Rooms : — a a' a" a'". Coal depots. b U. Arched gallery. »2 cxl c. Kitchea. c. Pantry. e and /. Passage and landing on the stair-case. d. Wood-house. Ground Plan: — a. Vestibule. b. Ticket office. c. Kefi'eshment room. d. Staircase leading to the first floor. /. Ladies' waiting room. g. Apartment of the guards. h and h'. Water-closets and urinals. Plan on the Level of the First Floor :— a. Open portion above the vestibule. a a a' a. Gallery round the opening a. b. Landing on the staircase. e. Antechamber and office of the direction. / and g. Commissioner's office. c. Director's office, with closet. d. Room for the meeting of the direction. h and h. Corridor. Plate 64. The Great Western Bailway Station at Bristol. Eeferences to General Plan of the Station, taken at the Level of the Rails, at 6*00 metres above the ground of the courts of arrival and departure : — a. Building containing the apartment of the director. b. Entrance to the court of departure. c. Entrance to the court of arrival. d. Gentlemen's waiting-room. e. Ladies' waiting room and water-closets. /. Departure platform. /'. Arrival platform. g. Opening, through which the parcels and small packages are raised from the office to the platform. h. First-class staircase, by which the passengers ascend from the office to the platform. cxli i. Second-class staircase. g: Opening, tliiough ^Yllich the sumll passages descend from the phitform to the peristyle of arrival, placed under it. k. Arrival staircase for first-class passengers, leading from the platform to the arrival portico, or peristyle. /. Arrival staircase for second-class passengers. All the anterior part of the station, from r r to tlie building at tin- hi-ad, is a shed for wagons. 0. Slide-table, to remove wagons ofl" one way to another. p. Place for taking post-chaises or horses on and off. p^. Inclined plane. q. Shed. r. Goods depot. r. Projected depot. The site of the depot is fi-00 metres lower than that of the line. s. Building containing an engine to raise the goods trucks from the level of the depots to that of the line. (See End elevation.) The goods arrive in this building by the courts / (, which are ai .>»//«• with the court of departure for passengers. The ways y y' J/' y^ y* iT" a'"C reserved exclusively for the goods traffic. The ways X" X'" lead to workshops situated about a quarter of a league from the station. Sheds for the engines, reservoirs of water, and depots of coke, arc placed near these workshops, for supplying the engines every night when the traffic is over ; the engines are placed in the sheds. The other ways are intended for the use of passengers. All the other ways, excepting those of departure and arrival, (which pass along the platforms, being prolonged at X and X',) are ways to the sheds. The entire portion of the ways y^ y* and i/', between a' If and a" h" is fixed on the level of the depot. The small part a A, up to a h, is fixed on two moveable plates, which are sometimes arranged on the level of the site of the depot, and sometimes on the same level as the line. The prolonged ways y^ y* and y'' are fixed near a b, at the side of the pas- senger station, and are on the same level as the ways of arrival and departure. The small and large turn-tables are used for connecting the ways of the depot with those for passengers, or, rather, form a conmuuiication with the ways for taking on the post-chaises and vehicles with those of the line to Exeter. ;. Superintendent of the station's office. cxlii Plan taken on the Level of the Ground of the Courts of Arrival and Departure : — a. Director's apartment. b. Entrance for carriages into the court of departure. c. Entrance for carriages into the court of arrival. d d. Court of departure. e e. Court of arrival. ///. Ticket office. g. Entrance for porters with luggage. h. Entrance for first-class passengers. i. Entrance for second-class passengers. k. Vestibule and staircase for first-class passengers. I. Vestibule and staircase for second-class passengers. m. Offices of the administration. n. Ticket offices of the Gloucester line. 0. Dependencies of this office. p and q. Vaulted passage, communicating with the courts of departure and that of the traffic. r r r. Vaults under the line. s s' s". Vaults intended for divers purposes: factors, men taking care of the lamps, carpenters. These vaults are underneath the carriage sheds v o, in general plan. t. Portico underneath the arrival platform. u. Staircase by which the first-class passengers descend beneath the portico. V. Staircase for second-class passengers. x. Parcel office. y. Opening through which the parcels are carried down. z. Urinals. Elevation of the Buildings at the side of the Court of Departure : — a. Entrance for luggage. b. Entrance for first-class passengers. c. Entrance for second-class ditto. d. Entrance to the offices of the administration. e. Entrance to the ticket-office of the Gloucester line. / and g. Covered passages, leading from the court of departure to that of arrival. cxiiii Elevation next tin.- Court of Arrival: — The portico under the arrival platform extends from a to b. c and d are covered passages. Section along the line A H of the KiK»fing covering the IMatforms and Ways: — The pillars {c <•), the transverse beams (, is a kind of magazine which does not extend beyond the sheds. Plan of the Building /• for Goods: — a. Covered space where the trucks run which bring the goods required to be transported from outside the station to the railway. (I. Covered space wliero tlie trucks run that transport tlie goods that have arrived by the railway. l>. Departure platform for goods. //. Arrival platform for ditto. a. a. Small cranes placed on the platform for moving the goods. c'. Departure line. (■'. Arrival line. c". Line to the sheds. (/. Plate for raising the loaded wagons which are intended for departure. d'. Plate for letting down the loaded wagons which have arrived at the depot. e. Steam engine to raise the loaded wagons to the level of the railway. /. Office. g. Booking office for goods going out. g'. Booking office for goods coming in. Transverse Section, along the Line A B, of Building r : — r. The trusses are formed of wood and iron. The rafters and the struts, a b, and c d, are of wood, and all the other parts are formed of rod iron. Longitudinal Section of the Roofs along the Line CD: — The transverse trusses, the sections of which are represented n the last figures, are supported at every fourth column. The two intermediate trusses, between those supporteot6. a. Luggage office. b, c. Chamliers for the lamplighters, commissioners, and guards. d. Corridor and staircase leading to the first floor. e,/. Ladies' room, with water-closets. h, g. Water-closets and urinals for gentlemen (first class). /. First and second class waiting-rooms. k. Ticket othce for passengers for the .Manchester and Birmingham line. /. Waiting-room for the tiiird class. n. Water-closets ditto. The building is used for the service of Shelheld and Ashton-under-Lyne from this point up to jc. p 0. Waiting-rooms for ladies travelling on the line (fti-st class). t/ r. Water-clo.sets and uriinils for tirst-class passengers. cl s. Waiting-room for^he first-class f t. Ticket office. u. Waiting-rooras»fjir the second and third classes. V. Water closets. X. Staircase leading to the first floor and luggage office. End Elevation and Longitudinal Section of the Building : — H H H. Cellars serving for depots, extending, as we see by the transverse section, along the whole length of the station, and placed between two streets in Manchester, one running by the side of the court F, and the other along a retaining wall on the side S. H' H' H' are three vaults appropriated for the steam-engine placed in the middle, which is employed to raise the wagons on the plates from the level of the magazine to the ways used for the goods. These three vaults are shown in the plan. A machine like the former was established, during our stay at Manchester, near the end of the station. The building forming the waiting-rooms is formed of brick, excepting the heavy cornices, which are of stonework. A portico, con- sisting of cast-iron columns, runs along the front and sides of the building. Each depot is divided lengthwise into three equal departments, that of the middle being occupied by a platform. Transverse Section of the Station: — B. Building for waiting-rooms and offices for the administration. D. Street for carriages bringing passengers. E. Goods depot. F.' Court and Ways serving the depot. H. Depots. • T. Departure platform. T'. Arrival ditto. J. Waiting court for vehicles and omnibuses which convey the passengers from the station. Plan of three Vaults H' used for a Steam-engine : — The engine is a recess at B. ^ a a are platforms suspended by cords for raising wagons to the ways used for goods, or for letting them down. The wagons may be brought from any of the depots, or placed in these depots by the lateral ways shown in the figure, and by the transverse ways. cii Pi. All: (li). South Etisterii Iluilirtii/. — JiriMii/frs' Anii.s Slation. lu'ft'rgiccs to the Genonil I'liiii of tlie Stiition; — A. Huildiii^jjs of tlie ofTires iind wiiitiii_i.'-rooms, witli piirtico. A'. Waiting-room fi^r post-rliaise travi-llers. A". Lost liijrgagc ottice. Tlie rcclniming oflicc is at the back of tlie court; the warehouse behind. R. Departure court. D. Lateral departure court. E. Gate for carriages wiiich bring travellers. E'. Ditto, ditto, which oarrv theui away. D'. Arrival court, covered, and paved with wood. C. Court paved with wood, inclined in a longitudinal direction. D C serving for loading post-chaises. II. Houses inhabiteil by the cmploi/i'^. T. DeiKirture platfornj. T'. Arrival ditto. T". Small platform upon which the officers walk to take the tickets; the trains stop before this platform before entering the departure station ; the engine arriving at the liead, then passes, by means of the changing-place K and K' Itehind the train, and pushes it under the shed. It afterwards takes the changing- place and way V", upon the large turn-plate Z, where they turn it end to end, with its tender, without detaching the latter. It is then tran.sported upon the way V", or upon the way Y'^ before the building S, to Iw supplied willi water and coke; it then ret^irns and places itself upon the departure way V, at the head of a train about starting. Y. Arrival for post-chaises. U. Large shed for carriages. R'. Locomotive shed. S. Coke depot and reservoir for feeding engines. M. Warehouse for placing goods. P. Court for goods. "* Q. I'lace for cattle. V. Departure way. l^ V- and V\ Ways for housing passenger carriages. clii Y* Goods departure way. V^. Ditto, arrival, ditto. V^ and y. Accommodation ways for goods. ys yg yio_ Accommodation ways for unloading carriages. yii yi2 yi3 yi4_ Accommodation way for supplying and cleaning engines. a. Portion of vestibule where they issue tickets to second-class passengers, who enter by the doors p or p'. b. Portion of vestibule of the first-class "wlio enter by the door q. c. Waiting-room for second-class passengers. d. Waiting-room for first-class ditto. e. Ladies' waiting-room, second-class, and water-closets. /. Ditto, waiting-room, first-class, ditto. 0. Passage by which second-class passengers go to the platform without mixing with those of the first. 11. Passage establishing a communication between the peristyle and the platform ; this passage serves principally for the removal of luggage. j. Vestibule and third-class ticket office ; these travellers wait in the vestibule. h and i. Luggage office. h and /. Ladies' waiting-room of the third-class. m. Lamplighters. n. Water closets. r s t Small wood and coal depot. a a a. Switchmen's watch-box. y -y. Beam for weighing goods. T. C. Savill, Printer, 4, Chandos-street, CoTent-gaxdcn. umw'v"' L 111 I I I ./;\ u:;;, iivniTjl ■:l iMimHmififirirruJtiFi! UNIVERStTV OF ILLINOIS URBANA 3 0112 074691715 li'JIJiJIilllliiliiiPI liiH II I! ill ! < HI fill! :'ii:;!ii I i III i It : I ; : I i I n I i I n n 1 1 r iiiiiiii: Hiii: m MM^jiHifilf ifi ; i '■• 1 1! li t n'i'umif i)!tira ' 1 liiitiiiiiHiiiliiiiiiiil