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UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS LIBRARY AT URBANA-CHAMPAIGN AUG 2 7 m SEP 12 Ock.l JUi'i 1 8 te'i OCT 6 '.5M SEP 1 8 SEP 2 JUL 5 RUG 2 1 19 J5 I fc i; *' V 4j H^ons© 7,^ 988 1589 5i^91 L161 — O-1096 Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2011 with funding from University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign http://www.archive.org/details/methodsmeasureso08soot Up -79^0^ X-^ OCCASIONAL PUBLICATIONS OF THE DEPARTMENT OF GEOGRAPHY METHODS AND MEASURES OF CENTROGRAPHY A Critical Survey of Geographic Applications SUM SOOT PAPER NUMBER 8 APRIL 1975 ^^ / '\ X • / / \ • .\ ^v y ^. • • \ ^X . / • \ / \x • • ^ • + UlCf LUIS E. ORTIZ and SUSAN GROSS, editors GEOGRAPHY GRADUATE STUDENT ASSOCIATION UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS at URBANA CHAMPAIGN The person charging this material is re- sponsible for its return to the library from which it was withdrawn on or before the Latest Date stamped below. Theft, mutilation, ond underlining of books are reasons for disciplinary action and may result in dismissal from the University. UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS LIBRARY AT URBANA-CHAMPAIGN METHODS AND MEASURES OF CENTROGRAPHY A Critical Survey of Geographic Applications Si im Soot" ABSTRACT Centrographic measures have been utilized for decades to draw gen- eralizations about areal distributions. They have proven useful in tem- poral and comparative analyses in discerning trends and contrasting popu- lation distributions. Misconceptions relating to the mathematical deri- vations, and analytic and descriptive properties of many of the basically simply centrographic techniques which have arisen are explicated in this paper. This is done in a framework of a geographic literature review of three measures of central tendency (mean center, median center and point of minimum aggregate travel) and four measures of dispersion (standard deviational ellipse, bicircular quartic and sectogram) . The merits of each measure are specified and contrasted with those of similar measures. INTRODUCTION Centrographic measures have been utilized for analytic and descrip- tive purposes in a wide range of studies. For example, the center of gravity has frequently been employed to illustrate longitudinal trends in areal distributions (Waterman 1969; Stephenson 1972; Larson and Soot 1973a; Larson 1973b), while Koch (19^2) and Murphy and Spittal (19^5) have used it to compare centers of functionally related variables. Also many have used the standard radius or a modification thereof to summarize the dispersion about a point (Yui 1 1 1971; Buttimer 1972; Caprlo 1969; Stephenson 1972). Due to their basic simplicity, these measures have a high degree of appeal, but they are analytically limited. Moreover, as generalizing methods they reduce distributions to the most basic charac- teristics, while overlooking potentially Important features. * Dr. S86t is Assistant Professor of Geography at the University of Il- linois, Chicago Circle Campus. The fundamental principles underpinning centrographic measures are elementary, but their applications are marked with misuse and general misinterpretation. Thus, it is necessary to promote proper use of these measures by bringing attention to procedural errors. This paper, then, has a two-fold purpose: (1) to review the centrographic literature with an emphasis on the correction of misconceptions, and (2) to evaluate several centrographic measures. MEASURES OF CENTROGRAPHY Centrographic measures can be used to describe two features of dis- crete distributions: (1) central tendency, and (2) dispersion. The former is a point which is found by applying at least one averaging criter- ion. Since there exist several averaging criteria, there are several such points. The most common are the center of gravity (mean center), median center, and the point of minimum aggregate travel. The latter feature, dispersion, depicts the degree of scatter from a point of central tendency. In the two dimensional case, there are numerous techniques and figures which demonstrate the scatter of points: the standard radius, the standard deviational ellipse, the standard deviational bicircular quartic and several versions of the sectogram. MEASURES OF CENTRAL TENDENCY Three univariate measures of central tendency are commonly recognized: mean, median, and mode. The univariate mean has an easily computed and interpreted bivariate counterpart, the center of gravity. The bivariate It is the belief of the author that centrographic measures also provide indirect information about pattern, but cannot be classified as useful measures for evaluating the same. mode is also easily interpreted; it signifies the greatest concentration at one point or within a given area. The univariate median, however, does not have a two dimensional equivalent possessing analogous attributes. The median, as illustrated by Porter (I963), is the point of minimum aggregate travel (PMAT) in the univariate case. But the bivariate PMAT and the (orthogonal) median points are not the same. Each of these bi- variate measures will be discussed in greater detail below. Mean Center . The early prominence of the mean center (center of gravity) is due partially to the fallacious assumption that it represented 2 the PMAT. This confusion was cleared up by Eel Is (1930). The use of this averaging measure has continued, however, based predominantly on its sensitivity to the location of every point. That is, a shift in any data point will induce at least a minor shift in the mean center. Yet as Hay- ford (1902, p. 50) points out, there is some objection to the undue weight ascribed to distant points, since by increasing or decreasing in number, they have more effect on the mean center location than close-in points. Still, the measure is attractive since it is computationally simple; /--\,-Ewx -Zwy /,\ (x,y) where X = -^^ , Y = -^ (0 and w = weight at each point X = value on an arbitrarily chosen x-axis y = value of an axis orthogonal to the x-axis. The center of gravity is particularly valuable when used in a compara- tive analysis with other centers. These other centers may represent either the same variable for a different point in time (Figure 1) or a temporally invariate set of variables (Figure 2). For time variant data sets, the 2 The U.S. Bureau of the Census (1921, p. 32) equated the center of popula- tion with the point of minimum aggregate travel. Figure 1. Illinois Centers of Population, I83O-I97O Chicago 1870 I86O9 1970 1960j 1930 1950 ^^^^^001940 1900«1910 ©1890 ^olSSO 1850 ©center of Springfield- ^ 1340 and mass Figure 2. Nine Illinois Mean Centers, I970. \ 1— miles 50 / A Population \ / B Non-white ' population C Foreign born population { .r- -T H Social security recipients D Farm population F Education (median school years completed) G Population with four or more years of college K Families below poverty level M Land area uicc migration of the centers can be utilized to interpret the sum effect of 3 factors influencing the distribution. Centers of temporally invariate data sets can demonstrate regional imbalances in the respective variables. In each case, one point generalizes an entire weighted distribution. Figure 3 depicts the population distribution summarized by the 1970 mean center on Figure 1 . In analyzing the movement of mean centers, the direction and rate of migration are particularly important. Janelle (1971) in examining resi- dential, public, commercial, and industrial land use surfaces, goes one step further. He suggests the concepts of velocity, acceleration, and momentum to describe the shifts in the mean center and thereby the data they represent. The velocity is the rate of shift of the mean center in a given direction, the acceleration is the rate of increase in velocity, and the momentum is a product of the mass and velocity. Of the three, velocity and momentum are the most practical. Velocity is useful In that it indicates the distance and direction moved per unit time period. The velocity vectors, as shown for Illinois in Figure 4, designate the utility of this statistic. Note that the post- 19^0 vectors are easily distinguishable from the 1900-1930 vectors. The advantage of momentum Is that it compensates for the deceleration occurring with population increases. But since momentum is a product of 3 Figure 1 captures exceptionally well the almost relentless movement of the center toward Chicago. The only reversal, during the 1930-19^0 decade, was precipitated by a period of economic insecurity, as the migration from the farm to the city reversed directions. This decrease in urban migration was significant enough to cause the only southward movement of the center over a lAO year period. The population centers also suggest why Springfield was selected the State Capital, as it was the urban place closest to the 18^0 center. For example. Figure 2 illustrates the degree to which the distribution of foreign born population (C) is biased toward the northeast. Figure 3- I97O Illinois Population by Counties Figure ^. Velocity Vectors of Population Centers, Illinois 1850-1970 1890 n I860 / 15 (N) / 1930 / 4 1900 / / lO /920// 1 A / / ' 5 1970/ I960 /> i 117/ //Zl910 > j^1880 ^1870 O E 1940 ^ 1 uicc O miles lO The vector origins are placed at a common point to illustrate the pattern of movement over the last 110 years. Two irregular trends can be observed: the movement is approaching the north-south axis, and the speed is decreasing. mass and velocity, it can Increase even if speed decreases. It, there- fore, permits comparisons between the total impacts of population redis- tribution In the early growth of Illinois and the most recent decades. It Is essentially a means of "standardizing" the data for comparative purposes. Notice that the momentum increased from I83O to I88O while the speed was decreasing (Table 1). In short, the momentum shows that the greatest thrust of population redistribution toward Chicago took place during the prosperous 1920*s while the I88O-I89O decade was second, followed by the rural-urban migration of the 1950's. The acceleration of the mean centers can also be computed but it is felt that such an exercise in this problem would add little to what Is al- ready apparent in Figure k and it would only over-quantify the population redistribution data. A cursory observation of Figure k reveals that acceleration (deceleration) was great before the turn of the century and relatively small since 1930. This is not unexpected since centers of grow- ing populations are characterized by deceleration. Although Janelle's methods are mathematically sound they have not re- ceived widespread use. Perhaps the primary reason is the lack of reliable temporal data In the consistent geographic units to examine these trends. Aside from population figures how many data sets span one hundred years? Also the measures such as acceleration are frequently too abstract to be useful in a wide variety of circumstances. Median Center . The median center suffers from a major deficiency: it is not a unique point. This deficiency arises from the method of determination. The point is defined as the intersection of two orthogonal axes, each of which divides the distribution into equal halves. As the The measure Is, therefore, also known as the orthogonal median point. 10 Table 1. Movement of the Illinois Population Center, I83O-I97O Mass, Speed, Acceleration, and Momentum Decade Mass^ Distance or speed Acceleration Momentum 1830- 18^0 316 56.2 1776 18^0-1850 663 33.0 -23.0 2187 1 850- 1860 1281 16.6 - e.k 2120 1860-1 870 2125 S.k - 8.2 1787 1870-1880 2808 9.5 1.1 2675 1880-1 890 3^52 20.3 10.8 7015 1890-1900 ^32^ 12.^ - 7.9 5361 1900-1910 5230 7.1 - 5.3 3696 1910-1920 6062 7.7 0.6 4695 1920-1930 7058 11.9 4.2 8381 1930-19^0 7763 0.9 -10.0 699 I9AO-I95O 830^ 4.7 3.8 3873 1950-1960 9397 6.2 1.5 5805 1960-1970 10598 2.8 - 3.4 2919 Average population in thousands. Distance in miles per decade and speed are the same. Per decade change in speed. Mass times distance expressed in tens of thousands of population miles. 11 orthogonal axis system is rotated, a shift is necessary to maintain the median quality of the axes (Figure 5). Since generally no one axis orien- tation can be justified over another, there is no rationale for selecting one median center. However, the median center is less influenced by ex- treme data points than the mean center (Prunty, 1951, p. 202) such that the points may be moved anywhere within their quadrant (Figure 5) without affecting the median center. The median center also is much more easily determined than the mean center, but it is not the point of minimum aggre- gate travel, as is true in the univariate case (Porter, 1963). A city with a grid transportation network, however, represents an important exception. If all the movement in an area is restricted to streets parallel to one of two orthogonal axes (grid pattern), then these axes can define a unique center which the author contends is also the PMAT. In the bivariate case if we collapse the two dimensional distribution to points on two perpendicular axes, then the median can be computed individ- ually on each axis (Figure 6). One axis can then be moved, without dis- turbing orthogonality, so that the two median points coincide. This point then is the PMAT, since all travel can be interpreted as being confined to the x and y axes. By the procedure outlined above, travel on these axes has been minimized. Thus, in any system in which movement is confined » to a grid network, the PMAT is also the orthogonal median point. Although this is a special case, several cities and some agricultural areas approxi- mate the perfect grid system. The spacing of the streets, of course, is not important but parallelism and orthogonality must be maintained. Point of Minimum Aggregate Travel (PMAT) . The PMAT has significant practical value as it designates the point to which the total travel by all in the study area is minimized. For example, in locating a state 12 Figure 5. The Median Centers and Axes Rotation t median centers A and B mean center UICC 13 Figure 6. The Median Center and the Point of Minimum Aggregate Travel •- I I \< • < • A. Original hypothetical distribution The data points are assigned to their respective X and Y axes values -• — •- median point- median point e • The median points (the points of minimum aggregate travel on each axis) are identified. e e PMAT ^ — •- Preserving orthogonality, one axis is shifted until the median points coin- cide, becoming the PMAT. Each origi- nal point is shown twice, one shows the movement parallel to the X axis and the other the Y movement. 14 capital, if the objective is to minimize total travel time, it should be located at that point. The precise determination of this point had perplexed mathematicians for centuries, but it is now accepted as having no mathematical solution. To date, the best methods remain interatlon techniques. Seymour (1965) suggests placing a uniform lattice of points (intersections of a regular- ly spaced grid system) over the study area and identifying the point with the smallest aggregate travel (Figure 7). This point becomes the center of a finer gride of points, extending to a perimeter delimited by the closest points in the original lattice. Successive reappl icat ions of this technique produce a close approximation of the PMAT. Despite the lack of a mathematical formula, computer programs can easily provide iterative solutions, and rather accurate estimates can be computed. In practical applications, only approximations are necessary since the solution (location) is often not suited for the point in ques- tion. For example, if a supermarket can estimate the scope of its trade area and frequency of business, the PMAT can be determined for a unit time period. That point may be located In a park, cemetery, or any of a list of areas not zoned for commercial activity or merely not desirable for large scale retail trade. Moreover, judgment Is necessary in esti- mating future shifts in the trade area. All this negates the necessity of precise computations. The State of Illinois may be utilized to illustrate the location of the PMAT and its practical implications. With nearly two-thirds of the state's population, the Chicago area has already been demonstrated to Porter (1963) proposed a geometric solution, but Court (1964) showed Porter's method to be spurious. 15 Figure 7. One Iterative Step in the Derivation of the PMAT. ^^ • 1 1 \ 1 1 / / • • • \ \ \ 1 • / / / / / • / \ \ \ / • I 1 / I / / • • • \ ' « 1 i \ t I 1 1 \ \ r \ I I I \ I I I I % I I I t I t I \ • • • ( \ \ } ( ' A hypothetical dis- tribution of potential customers. A regular grid is superimposed. e is found to be the grid intersect wi th the lowest aggregate travel . A finer regular grid is used to calculate new aggregate travel values, and a new minimum is identified (not marked on this figure) . The grid surrounding that point can again be magnified and the procedure re- peated unt i 1 the de- si red accuracy is achieved. 16 have a powerful influence on the mean center. This influence is even stronger in the case of the PMAT; it is located within the City of Chi- cago. Is it then advisable to locate all state-wide services in Chicago? Not necessarily, since this statistic is relatively insensitive to the locations of the most distant points. The fact that Cairo is four hun- dred miles to the south is of little consequence. In this context a point further south would probably be more suitable. The mean center is one such point. The three bivariate measures of central tendency represent distinc- tive features of the distributions as well as unique computational pro- cedures. The mean center minimizes the sum of the squares of the devia- tions to each point, the PMAT minimizes the sum of the absolute deviations and since the median center is not unique it is not a point of minimiza- tion (except in circumstances when the movement is confined to a grid net- work). Computationally, the median center is the most readily determined since it is the only measure which does not require conversion to cartesian coordinates. On the other hand, the PMAT is the most difficult to compute, but it is the point with the most practical and theoretical value. Since these points have different characteristics, they generally are not found at the same location--the bivariate normal distribution being the major exception. MEASURES OF DISPERSION A measure of central tendency is commonly, though not always, the reference point for measures of dispersion. Dispersion measures are use- ful descriptive devices for expressing the degree of concentration or scatter and in some cases for specifying directional orientations of the distribution. 17 The use of these measures involves two basic decisions: (1) which point of central tendency should be selected as a reference, and (2) which measure of dispersion should be utilized. Neither is easily answered, but a few fundamental principles can be deduced. The critical factor in each case appears to be the desired mix of analysis and description. If de- scription is the principal objective then a multitude of measures of central tendency and dispersion may be suitable, depending upon the prob- lem. On the other hand, for strictly analytic purposes the standard radius based on the mean center should be used. In limited cases the standard deviational ellipse may also be considered an analytic tool. Although choosing the appropriate reference point for the dispersion measure is often an elementary process, there is no universal agreement regarding the selection of the appropriate point. Hurst and Seller (1969, p. 184), for example, disagree with Blount's (1964) selection of the "center of gravity over which to place the normal curve" (circular normal o probability surface). Since Blount is examining the distribution of shoppers. Hurst contends that the shopping center should be the point from which to measure dispersion. If the purpose is description then the shop- ping center would seem more appropriate. But Blount's test for circular normality requires the mean center, although the reason for testing for circular normality of shoppers is not clarified. Hurst also tests for circular normality, but, inappropriately, from the shopping site instead of from the center of gravity. If the shopping site deviates significantly An analytic technique is herein considered to be a method which permits the testing of hypotheses. Other techniques which merely convey informa- tional characteristics about a distribution are descriptive. g The circular normal probability surface is defined in the section on standard radius. 18 from the mean center, one may more quickly reject circular normality. However, if the two points coincide, one would have to test for circular normality by determining the distribution by distance zones. The selection of the reference for the dispersion measure is then mainly dependent upon the objective of the study. Tests for bivariate normality require the mean center. Descriptive studies may employ the median center, the point of minimum aggregate travel or any data point or non-data point location within the study area. There is also disagreement regarding the utility and interpretation of measures of dispersion. Four methods, (1) standard radius, (2) stand- ard deviational ellipse, (3) standard deviational bicircular quartic, and (4) sectogram, are discussed and evaluated. Standard Radius (SR) . The two dimensional counterpoint of the uni- variate standard deviation is the standard radius. As such it is a wide- ly used analytic and descriptive measure of scatter. It may be used: (1) to test for circular normality; (2) to express degrees of dispersion for a circular normal distribution; and (3) to express dispersion for non- normal distributions. For example, Shachar (196?) and V/aterman (1969) used the SR to depict scatters of central place functions in Tel Aviv and to describe the population distribution of Ireland from 18^1 to 19^6, re- spectively, although these distributions deviated significantly from the bivariate normal. Also, Stephenson (1972) uses the standard radius to 9 The standard radius is also referred to as the standard distance, and by Yulll (1971) and Caprio (1969) as Bachi's standard distance. Al- though Bachi is credited with reviving this measure it was defined by Furfey in 1927 and probably by statisticians before him. Hultquist et. al . (1971) and Lee (1966) call the standard deviation along an axis the standard distance. This can be a useful distinction when distances are referenced to a line, but it is also indicative of the lack of agree- ment in centrographic nomenclature. 19 illustrate crime patterns in Phoenix. Each of these three applications are legitimate descriptional uses, since no analytic inferences are im- plied. If a distribution is normal, then incremental standard radius bands encompass easily determined percentages of data points (similar to the manner in which the univariate standard deviation is used). The percent- age of points in each band is used as a test for circular normality. Bur- ington and May (1953, p. 97) demonstrate that 63.2^ of the data points lie within one standard radius. Neft and Warntz (I960) provide a complete probability table of 0.01 increments of the SR. The probabilities approxi- mate, but do not equal, those of the univariate normal distribution. Mathematically, the standard radius is expressed by the relationship / 2 2 SR= V^ •" % ' (2) where a = the standard deviation along the x-axis, and a = the standard X y deviation along the y-axis. It is, in essence, the sum of two orthogonal vectors representing the standard deviations along their respective axes (Figure 8). In the case illustrated, the distribution is symmetric (x=y) and the standard radius (OC) is the sum of vectors OB and BC (or OA) . The SR is also defined as the square root of the mean of the squared radial distances from the origin: SR = /^^L. ' (3) n where d. = the radial distance from the origin to any data point i, and n = the number of data points. Like the center of gravity, the standard radius is insensitive to the orientation of an orthogonal axis system (see also Waterman 1969, p. 5^) 20 Figure 8. Standard Radius and the Bivariate (Circular) Normal Distribution +2SDy +1SD, -ISD^ -2SDy OB Standard deviation on the X axis OA Standard deviation on the Yaxis OC Standard radius OD Two standard radii UICC 21 This property is illustrated in Figure 9- Regardless of the axis orienta- tion, defined by AOB, COD or FOG the SR remains constant (OR = OD) . Although numerous tables for standard radii are available, the prob- ability of a point falling within a standard radius can also be derived by integral calculus. A series of procedural steps outlined below summar- ize the mathematical logic. The sequence proceeds from the most general equation to a specific form, without deserting generality. The bivariate normal surface will be translated to the special case in which the means of X and Y equal zero, their standard deviations are unity, and there is no correlation between x and y (i.e., y =y =0, a =o =1, and p = ' X y ' X y ' xy 0) . This describes the circular normal distribution with unit variance centered on the origin. The general form for the bivariate normal (Gaussian) surface is (Bur- ington and May 1953, p. 97): f(x,y) = 1 -Q.i>^>y)y 2710 J]-p X Y \ where Q(x,y) = x(l-p^) (x-u)2 2p(x-u)(y-u) (y-p )2 ^ - ^1 )L- + y a a a X y w (5) Since we are mainly concerned with the circular normal distribution, the equivalence of the two standard deviations (a = a = o) can be utilized X y and f(x,y) = 2(l-p^) (x-y )^ - 2p(x-y )(y-y ) + iyu) ] X ^ y y 2TTa 2.n — 2 VT^ . (6) 22 -o 03 c <0 l- o 3 O .— 4- ttJ TJ fO O U) CC •— ■M +J c -o 1- ••> i_ (0 O fD 3 o. T3 cy C M- fU u O •Ji ■M ro (U to F— C c 3 O ._ O —I * u ■M cr> .— 3 4J u O ^ (U — •— cn u CO u •— 3 'M (U O) 0) (A 1- Uu «-• O (/) -o 1- (U «0 > -o •— c ^J OJ o ■M 0) in Q. (U (U L. l_ nj 1_ u. ._ o -D ■M c (D c o •* O (fl o c o * • ^ CO ■M o fD • •— in •> > (U < . c C 0) ro •— ^ +-> O i/i Q. •u c (U 0) (U -C ^ 4-1 4-> ■M X [ ukc ^ I Figure 1^ 38 Caprio (I969) modified Schneider's sectogram by decreasing the sector size to twenty degrees. The sectors were rotated by increments of five degrees to produce a new sector overlapping fifteen degrees with the pre- ceeding sector. In this manner seventy-two sectorial deviations were com- puted and placed on the respective bisectors of each sector, producing the sectogram. Smaller sector sizes and incremental axes rotation both serve to reduce the effects of the original axes orientation in addition to providing a measure with a finer degree of resolution. Caprio also in- cludes a computer program listing of his modified sectogram, used exten- sively in a study of Newark's population and housing characteristics. The listing is more an explanation of method rather than a program intended for general use. Unlike the SR, the SDE, and the BCQ, the sectogram does not have a unique solution for a given distribution. The solution is determined in part by the nature of the distribution, but more importantly, it is a function of several free parameters, primarily the axis orientation and the sector size. But basically, it is purely a descriptive figure which is responsive to unusual distributional shapes. In contrast to the BCQ. and SDE it is a more effective geometric form when more detail is desired. But this property contributes to its major disadvantage: a lack of characteristics which permit comparisons of sectograms. For example, there is no such thing as a radius or major axis of a sectogram. Cer- tainly, only one's imagination limits the number of indices which may be computed, such as the range of the sector deviations, the area of the sectogram and the autocorrelation of sector deviations. These indices describe the properties of the sectogram, but few are as obvious as the major and minor axes of the ellipse, and none have been universally ac- cepted. 39 SUMMARY AND EVALUATION It is evident at this point that each centrographic measure character- izes a particular property of a distribution. The mean center has a dis- tinctly different derivation than the PMAT and, with the exception of the circular normal distribution, is not located at the same point. The mean center is pulled in the direction of the most distant points, while the PMAT is influenced by the clustering of points. Therefore, the mean center Is biased by the extreme distance values of those at the periphery of the study area, whereas the PMAT is not. The shape of the distribution is also significant when a phenomena is studied through time. If the objective is, for example, to illustrate the historical migration of people to Chicago, then the PMAT would hardly be of any value. The PMAT has moved very little, being in the Chicago area for the last fifty years, belying the actual population shifts that have occurred. Given a different population scatter, the PMAT may have repre- sented extremely well the temporal shifts. In summary, the measure of central tendency to be utilized Is dependent upon (1) the objective of the study, and (2) the nature of the distribution. In most instances, the choice is between the mean center and the PMAT. The orthogonal median point can be used as a quick approximation of the other two measures with the understanding that its accuracy is uncertain. Un- like the other measures, the orthogonal median point can be quickly deter- mined without converting the points to coordinate values. The conclusions regarding the measures of dispersion are also general, but some specific observations can be made. One characteristic of the standard radius that distinguishes it from the other three measures--the SDE, the BCQ, and the sectogram-- i s that it is primarily used for ko analytical purposes. As descriptive measures all have distinct disadvan- tages. Since considerable detail is lost, the SR, the SDE, and the BCQ are not good descriptive figures. Each has traits which permit compari- sons among similar figures. To the contrary, comparisons among sectograms prove to be awkward. But as a detailed descriptive form, the sectogram is superior. Yet, if only a simple geometric figure is desired then the standard deviational ellipse is appropriate. We may conclude that of the four measures, the SR is analytic, the sectogram is purely descriptive, and while the SDE may be used as an analytic measure it is predominantly used for descriptive purposes. The BCQ is an adaptation of the SDE, and represents no improvement over the SDE, and perhaps leads only to confusion. Geometrically, their shapes are similar and only diverge in cases where dispersion is principally in one dimension. In such cases, the BCQ is clearly misleading and should not be employed (Figure 9). Its use stems from an intuitive appeal. It would seem that connecting many standard deviations is better than connect- ing only four as in the SDE. This proves not to be true. For these rea- sons, the use of the BCQ should be abandoned , leaving us wuth three basic choices--the analytic SR , the "simple descriptive" SDE, and the "detailed descriptive" sectogram. Judgment must be exercised in the selection of centrographic mea- sures. Their limitations must be heeded, but in general their use is encouraged. Few methods can convey as much information as a few measures of centrography . Although detail may be sacrificed, centrographic mea- sures are valuable geographic generalizations worthy of wide-spread use. k] REFERENCES Bachi, R. , I963. 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Christian. October, 1972 "Paper No. 3 Regional Components for the Recognition of Historic Places, by Richard W. Travis "Paper No. k Matrix and Graphic Solutions to the Traveling Salesman Problem, by Ross Mullner. April, 1973 Paper No. 5 Regional Changes in Petroleum Supply, Demand and Flow in the United States: I966-I98O, by Ronald J. Swager. "Paper No. 6 Social Problems in a Small Jamaican Town, by Curtis C. Roseman, Henry W. Bullamore, Jill M. Price, Ronald W. Snow, Gordon L. Bower. Apri l, 197^ Paper No. / Some Observations on the Late Pleistocene and Holocene History of the Lower Ohio Valley, by Charles S. Alexander. April, 1975 Paper No. 8 Methods and Measures of Centrography : A Critical Survey of Geographic Applications, by Siim Soot. Paper No, 9 A Re-Evaluation of the Extraterrestrial Origin of the Carolina Bays, by J. Ronald Eyton and Judith I. Parkhurst. " Papers out of Stock WJ 1^!Si;S!iS!i!i«Slifi![;i!liilf!Piili|iPiJiB