D-APTPIOUTH COLL STATIST IC-AL -HISTORY of "the CL^SS Of 1840. DHbU Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2012 with funding from University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign http://archive.org/details/statisticalhistoOOdart LIBRARY OF THE UNIVE-SITY OF ILLINOIS STATISTICAL HISTORY V OF THE CLASS OF 1842, DARTMOUTH COLLEGE, jfor jftftj) fears, v \ WITH A REPORT OF THE REUNION OF SURVIVORS AT COMMENCEMENT, THE FIFTIETH ANNIVERSARY OF GRADUATION, June 28, 29, and 30, 1892. CAMBRIDGE: JOHN WILSON AND SON. 1892. ?t Dartmouth College, CLASS OF 184£. NAME. Age at Graduation. Died. Age. 1880 Yrs. 59 1849 1890 1885 1888 24 78 63 68 1886 76 1853 32 1888 1855 71 35 1867 45 1886 1887 6G 74 1887 Go 1876 1886 58 70 1887 73 1850 1887 29 67 1847 1869 2b 49 1886 68 Age of Survivors. -a u o A. T. Akerman . J. P. Averill . . . B. W. Bali . . . G. B. Barrows . . J. S. Barrows Simon Barrows . . William Barstow . S. M. Blanchard . H. B. Bradshaw . James Breck . . . L. F. Brigham . . H. L. Bullen . . . Benjamin Butler William Clark . . R. W. Clarke . . J. H. W. Colby . . G. P. Comings . . Charles Cummings . Charles Cutter . . Hosea Davis . . . Aaron Day . . . C. E. Dearborn . . A. L. Dibble . . . David Dirnond . . D. t . Drew . . . AVilliam P. Eastman Caleb Emery . . D. W. Fessenden . B. F. Flanders . . L. T. Flint . . . John Giles . . . R. G. Graydon . . E. C. Hardy . . . Allen Hazen . . . J. W. Ilemmenway Timothy Hill . . H. C. Hobart . . A. E. Hodgdon . . D. E. Hoskins . . A. W. Hovey . . J. L. Hunt . . . Yrs. 23 25 19 19 17 30 19 22 24 22 22 21 22 22 2G 21 21 25 20 25 22 21 20 23 22 28 29 20 26 24 25 22 28 19 21 23 2G 20 22 2:5 21 Mos. Days. 4 25 Yrs. Mos. Days. 9 5 6 11 2 3 8 11 9 10 11 5 5 10 27 3 8 4 2 9 22 21 8 11 26 10 13 1 24 3 16 3 23 4 8 13 6 11 4 2 2 8 2b 10 12 15 4 1 2 4 2 4 9 3 6 5 9 10 10 13 4 12 5 10 24 5 o 2 8 25 11 2G io 69 69 74 72 72 71 72 76 71 75 70 71 73 79 76 72 69 9 27 5 3 6 8 8 8 11 11 9 26 10 13 11 24 5 3 10 3 23 4 8 4 2 2 8 3 12 5 4 10 13 5 '(» 5 r 3 1 1 20 868048 Dartmouth College. — Class of 184: NAME. Age at Graduation. Died. A(iE Age of Survivors. J. P. Jones . . F. R. Lord . . C. F. Low . . . F. II. Muzzy . . S. G. Nash . . Hiram Orcutt . Moses Parker . Royal Parkinson O. G. Peabody . J.P.Perry . . W. G. Perry . . J. D. Philbrick . LaFayette Ranney Truman Rickard Edward Rogers . J. S. Sanborn Winthrop Sargent J. 0. Shattuck . J. G. Sherburne Socrates Smith . Samuel Souther . S. J. Spalding . Ivan Stevens S. J. Stevens J. W. Tarlton . T. W. Tilden . P. P. Todd . . S. B. Twitchell . B. H. Twombly John E. Tyler . J. B. Upham . . C. A. Walker . George Walker . A. S. Warner Sylvanus Warren C. P. Washburn R. H. Washburn Milton Wason . J. C. Weston . M. H. White . . O. C. Wright . Alanson Wilkins William Wood . J. S. Woodman . Jonathan Wyumn Yrs. 23 20 23 29 20 27 20 25 20 23 18 24 22 28 20 23 19 29 21 28 23 21 20 20 25 25 23 26 21 22 22 21 18 23 20 20 20 25 24 24 24 20 23 22 25 MoS. Days. 2 7 17 16 25 I 5 5 2 26 4 11 7 2 4 11 1 4 1 5 11 6 11 10 4 7 4 1 5 6 1 11 27 29 22 7 7 9 3 10 14 16 8 29 22 9 17 6 10 14 4 4 19 23 7 11 15 11 3 14 21 17 27 2 29 23 24 26 3 27 13 12 28 10 18 3 28 2 1 Average . Yrs. Mos. Days, 23 3 13 1873 1874 1888 1882 1862 1886 1886 1883 1861 1856 1877 1868 1869 1864 1892 1880 1875 1883 1855 1878 1883 1888 1878 1853 1887 1877 1878 isc,:) 1887 1871 Yrs. 51 55 75 65 40 67 67 63 47 34 58 45 55 45 71 58 53 39 62 63 56 31 64 .V.) 60 11 68 51 Yrs. 73 70 77 70 69 71 75 73 71 Mos. Days. 2 7 2 26 4 27 11 29 68 11 11 22 6 10 7 15 4 11 5 14 1 17 73 9 23 75 5 13 74 10 18 75 4 5 Yrs. Mos. Dayi Dartmouth College. — Class of 1842. Deaths in Order of their Occurrence. Year. No. NAMES. Age. Pbofessiov. 1847 1 A. E. Hodgdon 25 Lawyer 1849 1 J. S. Barrows 21 Physician 1850 1 J. W. Hemmenway .... 29 Lawyer 1853 2 J. H. W. Colby 32 Lawyer C. P. Washburn 31 Lawyer 1855 2 Aaron Day 35 Teacher S. B. Twitchell 39 Physician 1856 1 Edward Rogers ...... 34 Lawyer 1861 1 T. Rickard 47 Physician 1862 1 0. G. Peabodv 40 Lawyer 1863 1 A. AVilkins 41 1864 1 S. Souther 45 Clergyman 1867 1 A. L. Dibble 45 Merchant 1868 1 J. C. Shattuck '. 45 Physician 1869 2 D. E. Hoskins 49 Merchant 8. Smith 55 Clergyman 1871 1 J. S. Woodman 51 Teacher 1873 1 F. R, Lord 51 Teacher 1874 1 C. F. Low 55 Law}'er 1875 1 S. J. Stevens ... . . 53 Teacher 1876 1 L. T. Flint 58 Lawyer 1877 2 J. S. Sanborn 58 Lawyer J. C. Weston 59 Plrysician 1878 3 J. E. Tyler 58 Physician S. Warren 06 Clergyman M. H. White 60 Teacher 1880 2 A. T. Akerman 59 Lawj'er I. Stevens 58 Lawyer 1882 1 R. Parkinson 65 Clergyman 1883 3 L. Rannev 63 Physician J. W. Tarlton 66 Clergyman C. A. Walker 62 Physician 1885 1 William Barstow 63 Physician 1886 6 B. Butler 76 Lawyer D. F. Drew 66 Physician . John Giles 70 Teacher J. L. Hunt 68 Physician J. P. Perrv 67 Clergyman J. D. Philbrick 67 Teacher 1887 6 W. P. Eastman 74 Clergyman D. W. Fessenden 60 Lawyer R. C. Hardy 7:; Teacher T. Hill 67 Clergyman K. II. Washburn 64 Lawyer William Wood 68 Clergyman 1888 4 S. M. Blanchard 68 Clergyman Dartmouth College. — Class of 1842. Deaths in Order of their Occurrence — {continued). Year. 1888 1890 L892 No. NAMES. F. H. Muzzy . G. Walker . Hosea Davis . S. Barrows S. J. Spalding 70 63 71 78 72 Profession. Clergyman Lawyer Physician Clergyman Clergyman List of Survivors June 30, 1892. NAMES. Residence. Profession. Age. Yrs. Mob. Days. J. P. Averill . . . Boston, Mass. Teacher 7.") 9 27 B. W. Ball .... Rochester, N. II. Lawyer 69 5 3 G. B. Barrows . . Frveburg, Me. Lawyer 69 6 8 H. B. Bradshaw . . Brooklyn, N. Y. Lawyer 74 8 8 James Breek . . . Oakland, Cal. Lawyer 72 11 11 L. F. Brigham . . Salem, Mass. Lawyer 72 9 26 H. L. Bullen . . . Moline, 111. Clergyman 71 10 13 William Clark . . Westboro', Mass. Clergyman 72 11 24 R. W. Clarke . . . Brattleboro, Vt. Lawyer 7G 5 3 G. P. Comings . . Girard, Kan. Clergyman 71 10 3 Charles Cummings . Medford, Mass. Teacher 75 23 Charles Cutter . . Campton, N. II. Teacher 70 4 8 C. E. Dearborn . . Boston, Mass. Dentist 71 4 2 David Dimond . . Brighton, III. Clergyman 73 2 8 Caleb Emery . . . Charlestown, Mass. Teacher 79 3 12 B. F. Flanders . . New Orleans, La. Lawj-er 7G 5 4 R. G. Gray don . . Southport, Ind. Physician 72 10 13 Allen Hazen . . . AVestern India Clergyman G9 5 H. C. Hobart . . . Milwaukee, Wis. Lawyer 76 5 A. W. Hovey . . . Bristol Springs, N.Y. Merchant 73 11 24 J. P. Jones . . . Georgetown, Mass. Lawyer 73 2 7 S. G. Nash .... Boston, Mass. Law}*er 70 2 2G Hiram Oreutt . . . Boston, Mass. Teacher 77 4 27 Moses Parker . . . Groveland, Mass. Physician 70 11 29 W. G. Perry . . . Exeter, N. H. Physician 68 11 9 Winthrop Sargent . Boston, Mass. Physician 69 11 22 John G. Sherburne . Lowell, Mass. Merchant 71 6 10 T. W. Tilden . . . Iluntertown, Ind. Farmer 7") 7 15 P.P. Todd**. . . New York, N. Y. Lawyer 73 4 11 B. II. Twombly . . Savanna, Mo. Lawyer, 71 5 14 J. B. Upham . . . New York, X. Y. Physician 72 1 17 A. S. Warner . . Wethersfield, Conn. Physician 73 9 23 Milton Wason . . Saticoy, Cal. Lawyer 75 5 13 O. C. Wight . . . Washington, 1). C. Teacher 74 10 18 Jonathan Wyman Cornish, N. II. 7.") 1 Dartmouth College. — Class of 184: REMARKS. By looking over the foregoing tables, the following striking facts will be observed : — That in the first twenty-five years (1843 to 1867 inclusive) there were thirteen deaths, leaving at that time (1867) seventy-three sur- vivors. Of those seventy-three survivors thirty-eight have died since, leaving thirty-five survivors in 1892. That if the Class be divided equally as it stands alphabetically in the catalogue, there will be forty-three in each division. Now the deaths to this time in the first division have been twenty-one and in the second division, thirt}\ Of the survivors twenty-one are of the first division and fourteen of the second division. That all of the thirty-five survivors but five have reached their seventieth }~ear, and those five have so nearly reached it that they may be called septuagenarians. If to these be added the eight already deceased who reached the age of seventy years, the number of those who reached three score and ten is found to be fortj-three, or just one half of the Class. That there have been fifty-one deaths in the fifty years since graduation, or one death in each year. The ages of all the Class are given upon authority, and I believe are strictl}' correct. The callings chosen by the members of the class are as follows : — Clergymen 18 Lawyers 28 Physicians 18 Dentist 1 Teachers 14 Merchants 4 Farmer 1 Unknown 2 SECRETARY'S NOTE. The Class of 1842 was the largest ever entered or graduated from Dartmouth College. It numbered one hundred and one Freshmen, one hundred and five Sophomores, one hundred Juniors, ninety-one Seniors, and eighty-six graduates. Of all who entered the class from first to last, during the four years, forty-five failed to complete their course of study with us. Hence the entire class num- bered one hundred and thirty-one. Of these forty-five who did not graduate with us, four who have gained marked distinction in their professions may here be mentioned, — Charles 11. Bell, B. N. Comings, Moses G. Farmer, and George H. Moore. SECRETARY'S REPORT. Correspondence with the survivors of the Class of 1842 in regard to our approaching semi-centennial anniversary of graduation, revealed the deep interest felt in all that the occasion suggested of the past and the present. This interest is beautifully expressed by our classmate, Breck, who was not able to be present. He writes : " Yes, how glad I should be to see and greet you and others ; to testify a genuine common sympathy ; to recall the cherished scenes of our golden age ; to remember the living and render due honors to the dead ; and finally, to join hand in hand and heart to heart in paying just and grateful tribute to our Alma Mater, with peans of gratulations to the class of '42 : all were a consummation devoutly to be wished." This feeling was greatly intensified by the meeting of those of us who were able to be present at the reunion, several of whom had not met for fifty' years. In the introduction, it was enough to insure a heart}' greeting to announce the parties as members of the class of '42. Recognition was more difficult. The name and countenance, once so familiar, were still fresh in memoiy ; but neither now revealed the personality. Time, with the cares and toil of life, had wrought a great change. The college classmate and friend, since he left those consecrated halls, had for the seventh time exchanged his physical body for a new one. Still he was the same ; and though we did not know him, yet in the pressure of his hand we felt the same heart-beat ; and in the glow of his countenance we recognized the identical old friend who was still to be named. But soon the spell was broken and we were boys again, living over those four years of college life and recounting the stirring scenes of fifty years of toil and responsibility. We met at the Junction House, White River Junction, Tuesday evening, — sixteen of the thirty-five survivors, namely: John P. Averill, George B. Barrows, Lincoln F. Brigham, Ranslure W. Clarke, Benjamin N. Comings, Charles Cummings, Charles Cutter, Charles Dartmouth College. — Class of 1842. 7 E. Dearborn, Caleb Emery, Amos W. Hovey, Jeremiah P. Jones, Stephen G. Nash, Hiram Orcutt, Moses Parker, William G. Perry, and Abner S. Warner. Jonathan Wyman met us at Hanover the next day. We organized by electing Judge Brigham president, Mr. Orcutt secretary, and Dr. Peny assistant secretary. Previous to the call to dinner, we sat in a group on the piazza of the hotel for a photo- graph, which proved to be so satisfactory that some thirty-five to fort} T copies have been ordered by the class. This picture will be framed and hung in the Dartmouth picture gallery among others of its kind. At seven o'clock we sat down to our dinner. After dinner the president called upon the Secretary to report w T hat he had learned of our surviving classmates not present, in the correspondence with them while arranging the present reunion. He read extracts from interesting letters received from Breck, Bullen, William Clark, Graydon, Hazen, Hobart, Sargent, Tilden, Todd, Upham, Wason, and Wight. No letters were received from Ball, Bradshaw, G. P. Comings, Dimond, Sherburne, and Twombly. Sherburne has since been heard from. Others present w T ere called upon to tell what they knew of the living and the dead, and thus information of much interest was gained. Judge Nash presented a full and accurate statistical histoiy of the class, prepared by his chum in college, ex-Governor Flanders, which is here printed in full. The Secretary brought forward and described a scrap-book pre- pared by Mrs. Julia A. Philbrick, — the widow of our lamented class- mate, John D. Philbrick, — containing autograph letters of eight}'-two members of the class, with class circulars, obituary notices, and other interesting matter. This, in her name, he presented to the survivors of the class. After two hours thus very pleasantly spent around our dinner table, it was voted to extend to classmate Flanders our heart}' thanks for his valuable statistical history of the class, and to Mrs. Philbrick for her thoughtfulness and labor in preparing the scrap- book. It was also voted that this scrap-book, after being supple- mented by the Secretary's report of the present reunion, be deposited in the Dartmouth College Library. We then adjourned, after arranging to meet at the college library at eleven o'clock Wednesday morning. We met, agreeably to the adjournment, at the library. No formal business was transacted. Friendly greetings were exchanged and enjoyed ; and the proofs of the photographs of our group, taken at the Junction, were examined and approved. 8 Dartmouth College. — Class of 1842. At four o'clock in the afternoon, by special invitation, twelve of our seventeen members present called upon President Bartlett at his house, and spent a pleasant half-hour. Returning to the chapel, a cordial and enthusiastic reception was tendered us by the Dart- mouth Alumni Association. On Thursday, several of our number attended commencement exercises at the village church. At the commencement dinner classmate Barrows responded, for the Class, in an after-dinner speech, which was warmly applauded. . Thus was this, probably our last class reunion on earth, keenly enjoyed ; and we separated to return to our homes with renewed attachments and man}* pleasant recollections. HIRAM ORCUTT, Secretary. Boston, Aug. 1, 1892. >!*»**><. w -\ J / **v^> c «JF ^ iS