510,84 I*6r no. 1534- 1539 1989 Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2013 http://archive.org/details/analysisofdistin1536karp DEPARTMENT OF COMPUTER SCIENCE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS AT URBANA-CHAMPAIGN REPORT NO. UIUCDCS-R-89-1536 UILU-ENG-89-1755 An Analysis of the Distinction Between Deep and Shallow Expert Systems by Peter D. Karp and David C. Wilkins August 1989 SECURITY CLASSIFICATION OF THIS PAGE REPORT DOCUMENTATION PAGE la. REPORT SECURITY CLASSIFICATION Unclassified 2a. SECURITY CLASSIFICATION AUTHORITY 2b. DECLASSIFICATION /DOWNGRADING SCHEDULE 4. PERFORMING ORGANIZATION REPORT NUMBER(S) UIUCDCS-R-89-1536 UILU-ENG-89-1755 lb. RESTRICTIVE MARKINGS 3. DISTRIBUTION /AVAILABILITY OF REPORT Approved for Public Release; Distribution Unlimited 5. MONITORING ORGANIZATION REPORT NUMBER(S) 6a. NAME OF PERFORMING ORGANIZATION University of Illinois 6b. OFFICE SYMBOL (If applicable) 7a. NAME OF MONITORING ORGANIZATION Artificial Intelligence (Code 1133) Cognitive Science (Code 1142CS) 6c ADORESS (Cty, State, and ZIP Code) Dept. of Computer Science 1304 W. Springfield Ave. Urbana, IL 61801 7b. AODRESS (G'ty, State, and ZIP Code) Office of Naval Research 800 N. Quincy Street Arlington, VA 22217-5000 8a. NAME OF FUNDING/SPONSORING ORGANIZATION 3b. OFFICE SYMBOL (If applicable) 9 PROCUREMENT INSTRUMENT IDENTIFICATION NUMBER N00014-88K-0124 8c ADDRESS (City, State, and ZIP Code) 10 SOURCE OF FUNDING NUMBERS PROGRAM ELEMENT NO 61153N PROJECT NO. RR04206 TASK NO oc WORK UNIT ACCESSION NO 443g-008 II. TITLE (Include Security Classification) An Analysis of the Distinction Between Deep and Shallow Expert Systems 12. PERSONAL AUTHOR(S) Peter D. Karp and David C Wilkins 13a. TYPE OF REPORT Tf.r.hnlcal Rppnrr 'SrWMHP^M-Mo DATE OF^REPORT {Year, Month, Day) 1989, August 15. PAGE COUNT 43 16. SUPPLEMENTARY NOTATION Available as Report UIUCDCS-R-89-1536, Dept. of Computer Science, University of Illinois, Urbana, IL 61801. To Appear in: International Journal of Expert Systems. 17. COSATI CODES FIELD 05 GROUP 09 SUB-GROUP 18. SU8JECT TERMS (Continue on reverse if necessary and identify by block number) expert systems, knowledge representation, first-principles knowledge, causal knowl- edge, empirical knowledge, compilation, multi-level domain models, multi-purpose domain models, performance degradation, brittleness, and novel problem solving. 19. ABSTRACT (Continue on reverse if necessary and identify by block number) The first generation of expert systems (e.g., MYCIN , DENDRAL , Rl ) is often characterized as only using shallow methods of representation and inference, such as the use of production rules to encode empirical knowledge. First-generation expert systems are often dismissed on the grounds that shallow methods have inherent and fatal shortcomings which prevent them from achieving problem-solving behaviors that expert systems should possess. Examples of such desirable behaviors include graceful performance degradation, the handling of novel problems, and the ability of the expert system to detect its problem-solving limits. This paper analyzes the relationship between the techniques used to build expert systems and the behaviors they exhibit to show that there is not sufficient evidence to link the behavioral shortcomings of first-generation expert systems to the shallow methods of representation and inference they employ. There is only evidence that the shortcomings are a consequence of a general lack of knowledge. Moreover, the paper shows that the first-generation of expert systems employ both shallow methods and most of the so-called deep methods. Lastly, we show that deeper methods augment but do not replace shallow reasoning methods; both are necessary. 20. DISTRIBUTION /AVAILABILITY OF ABSTRACT EI UNCLASSIFIED/UNLIMITED OSAMEASRPT. D OTIC USERS 21. ABSTRACT SECURITY CLASSIFICATION Unclassified 22a. NAME OF RESPONSIBLE INDIVIDUAL Dr. Alan Meyrowitz, Dr. Susan Chipman 22b. TELEPHONE (Include Area Code) (202)696-4302, 696-4320 22c. OFFICE SYMBOL .3: 1133 and 1142CS DD FORM 1473, 84 mar 83 APR edition may be used until exhausted. All other editions are obsolete. SECURITY CLASSIFICATION OF THIS PAGE Department of Computer Science Report No. UIUCDCS-R-89-1536 College of Engineering UILU-ENG-89-1755 August 1989 An Analysis of the Distinction Between Deep and Shallow Expert Systems Peter D. Karp Knowledge Systems Lab Department of Computer Science Stanford University Stanford, CA 94305 David C. Wilkins Knowledge Based Systems Group Department of Computer Science University of Illinois Urbana, IL 61801 To appear in: Internationa] Journal of Expert Systems, 1989 Contents 1 Introduction 3 2 Behavioral Goals for Expert Systems 4 2.1 Problem-Solving Explanations 4 2.2 Graceful Performance Degradation 5 2.3 Problem-Solving Speed 6 2.4 Novel Problem Solving 7 2.5 Multi-Purpose Problem Solving 10 2.6 Problem-Solving Sophistication 11 3 Techniques for Building Expert Systems 12 3.1 Causal Knowledge 12 3.2 Empirical Knowledge 16 3.3 First-Principles Knowledge 19 3.4 Structural and Functional Knowledge 21 3.5 Amount of Knowledge 22 3.6 Production Rules 24 3.7 Multi-Level Domain Models 27 3.8 Reasoning about Real- Valued State Variables 29 3.9 Explicit Representation of Control Knowledge 30 3.10 Compilation 31 4 Summary 34 An Analysis of the Distinction Between Deep and Shallow Expert Systems Peter D. Karp David C. Wilkins Knowledge Systems Lab Knowledge Based Systems Group Department of Computer Science Department of Computer Science Stanford University University of Illinois Stanford, CA 94305 Urbana, IL 61801 Abstract The first generation of expert systems (e.g., MYCIN, DENDRAL ,Rl ) is often characterized as only using shallow methods of representation and inference, such as the use of production rules to encode empirical knowledge. First-generation expert systems are often dismissed on the grounds that shallow methods have inherent and fatal shortcomings which prevent them from achieving problem-solving behaviors that expert systems should possess. Examples of such desirable behaviors include graceful performance degradation, the handling of novel problems, and the ability of the expert system to detect its problem-solving bmits. This paper analyzes the relationship between the techniques used to build expert systems and the behaviors they exhibit to show that there is not sufficient evidence to link the behavioral shortcomings of first-generation expert systems to the shallow methods of representation and inference they employ. There is only evidence that the shortcomings are a consequence of a general lack of knowledge. Moreover, the paper shows that the first-generation of expert systems employ both shallow methods and most of the so-called deep methods. Lastly, we show that deeper methods augment but do not replace shallow reasoning methods; most expert systems should possess both. Keywords expert systems, deep expert systems, shaUow expert systems, empirical knowledge, structure- function knowledge, first-principles knowledge, causal knowledge, production rules, multi- purpose problem solving, multi-level domain models, brittleness, declarative knowledge rep- resentation, performance degradation, novel problem solving, compilation. 1 Introduction The distinction between deep and shallow expert systems arose in the early 1980s from a simple intuition: that the expert systems which had been built up until that time had serious limitations. Previous writings on this topic discussed these limitations in terms of behaviors that expert systems were unable to achieve, e.g., (Davis, 1984; Genesereth, 1984; Hart, 1982; Forbus, 1988). These analyses then took the logical step of examining the techniques that were used to construct these systems under the assumption that the behavioral limitations of these programs could be traced to these techniques. New techniques and research goals were proposed that were directed towards achieving the desired behaviors. This paper shows that there are three problems with previous analyses. First, some behaviors are so poorly defined that it is impossible to determine whether a given program exhibits them or not. Second, some arguments as to how the potential behaviors of these programs are limited by the techniques used to build them are not convincing. And lastly, the new techniques proposed to overcome these limitations often bear a striking resemblance to existing techniques that were used in the first generation of expert systems. A major thesis of this paper is that the deep/shallow distinction has its origins in, and can be distilled down to, one central hypothesis: that to attain more sophisticated behaviors, the next generation of "deep" expert systems will need to bring much more knowledge to bear on the problem-solving task than the first generation of "shallow" expert systems. One might view this claim as trivial since the conjecture that "in the knowledge lies the power" has existed for many years (Feigenbaum, 1977). Unfortunately, this conjecture makes the job of constructing more powerful programs sound too easy since it says that to do so we merely give them more knowledge. It does not tell us what knowledge to include, how to structure it, nor how to reason with it to solve different problems efficiently. The remainder of this paper is structured as follows. Section 2 outlines behaviors that knowledge based systems should exhibit, such as graceful degradation near the limits of problem solving and the ability to solve novel problems. Section 3 analyzes techniques that appear relevant to obtaining these behaviors, such as use of first-principles knowledge and knowledge compilation. 2 Behavioral Goals for Expert Systems Expert systems are programs that solve problems using a large amount of domain-specific knowledge, usually in a domain requiring human expertise, such as medical diagnosis. The external observable characteristics that expert systems should possess can be described in terms of behavioral goals. In this section, behavioral goals are defined, and the successes and failures of first-generation expert systems to achieve these goals are described. The determination that a given behavioral goal cannot be attained using existing techniques is difficult. Theoretical approaches are too weak to offer definitive answers, so there is a need to rely on experimental evidence. Strictly speaking, conclusive experimental evidence can only be of a positive sort. An empirical approach can only definitively show that it is possible to build a given type of program, by presenting an example of such a program. But such an approach cannot show that is is impossible to build a given type of program. Negative evidence resulting from the failure to build a certain sort of program can never be definitive since it can always be argued that the experimenters lacked the skill, commitment, or resources to achieve the behavioral goal. In practice, of course, as such negative evidence accumulates it is assigned more and more credibifity. But negative examples are extremely rare in the field of expert systems at present. There must be a general skepticism regarding claims about the limitations of existing techniques, given these methodological considerations. 2.1 Problem-Solving Explanations A distinguishing feature of some of the earliest expert systems, such asMYCIN, was the abil- ity to provide 'what' and 'how' explanations of problem-solving behavior (Buchanan and Shortliffe, 1984; Clancey, 1983). Such a capability is an immediate consequence of the rep- resentation of expertise using production rules, and the use of production rules as the major method of inference. An explanation of a problem- solving action is obtained by unwinding the instantiated production rules associated with a problem-solving action. The NEOMY- CIN program builds upon the MYCIN framework and encodes most of the problem-solving strategy for the heuristic classification problem- solving method in meta-level production rules (Clancey, 1984). This enables NEOMYCIN to provide explanations of problem-solving strategy as well as explanations of domain-level problem solving actions. The behavioral goal of providing straightforward problem-solving explanations has been demonstrated by existing expert systems, such as MYCIN. Indeed, the ability to pro- vide explanations is viewed as one of the denning traits of an expert system. While this behavioral goal has been largely met, future research in this area faces two major challenges. The first major challenge relates to tailoring explanations to individual users, as is routinely done by human experts. To achieve this, more sophisticated explanation programs for expert systems will need to incorporate a user model that can tailor an explanation to the user. For example, a different explanation of the mechanism behind a liver disorder should be given to a high school student, a medical student, and a physician. More sophisticated explanation programs will also be able to give the same explanation at different levels of detail. The use of more complex and deep methods of problem solving will provide a challenge for explanation programs. Inference will occur in a variety of ways, and hence the inferences connected with a given problem-solving action will not be limited to chaining of production rules. More information will be involved in any one problem-solving action, and hence there will be a need to abstract the essentials of an explanation from the myriad problem- solving details. TheABEL program is a medical diagnosis program that provides causal explanations at various levels of detail; each level gives a coherent account of the patient's case (Patil et al., 1981). 2.2 Graceful Performance Degradation Experts usually have a narrow range of expertise. Yet, an expert's problem-solving abili- ties will usually degrade gracefully near the limits of the expertise, such as on peripheral problems. Also, an expert is usually aware when a problem is near or beyond his or her expertise - this is termed limit detection. Expert systems should exhibit such behavior. It is claimed that expert systems cannot degrade gracefully, that they are brittle (Lenat and et al, 1986; Holland, 1986). A major reason for the brittleness of expert systems is simply that they are computer programs, and programs are brittle. Programs generally can't handle cases for which they have not been programmed. This problem is usually alleviated in conventional computer programming by devoting the majority of the programming effort and the majority of the code to handling exceptions and non-standard input. Because expert systems have been principally constructed in research labs, this common practice has not been followed. An- other common method used in conventional programs is to have an error handling routine. An error check is generated if the program encounters something unexpected, such as di- vide by or a type check, and control is passed to an error handling routine. Considering that the most basic programming practices for making programs less brittle have not been followed, it is not surprising that, in practice, expert systems exhibit brittleness. There has been almost no research on understanding the phenomena of brittleness in expert systems, such as measuring how rapidly a system's performance degrades as problems become more and more peripheral, nor research to determine how extensive a task it would be to encode the knowledge required for peripheral problems. There have not been attempts to apply relatively straightforward solution approaches to this problem, such as those methods described above that are used in the construction of conventional computer programs. The only major effort is theCYC project for encoding a large amount of common sense knowledge (Lenat and et al, 1986). But this is a long-term effort and the way an actual expert system would use such knowledge is beyond the scope of theCYC project. There have not been any studies in understanding the difficulty in adding new knowledge when an expert system's performance exhibits brittleness on a peripheral problem. Indeed, it would seem that performance degradation would provide a powerful basis for automated knowledge acquisition. While it is generally not recognized, some of the earliest expert systems possessed some form of limit detection. For example, theMYCIN program informs its user if it believes a patient's problem is outside its scope of expertise. It is not clear how difficult it is to build expert systems that have sophisticated knowledge of their own limitations; we know of no negative evidence in the literature of attempts to build such systems. It might be possible to make limit detection very sophisticated by constructing a companion expert system whose purpose is to evaluate whether or not a given problem is within another expert system's range of expertise; no one has attempted this. Thus, this behavioral requirement is an important but rather nebulous one about which AI has little hard evidence. It is difficult to evaluate the degree to which existing systems suffer from these limitations nor the effort required to satisfy this requirement. 2.3 Problem-Solving Speed Most problem-solving is resource-limited: a solution must be obtained within a given period of time or using less than a certain amount of computational resources. Human expertise is nicely tailored to satisfy resource limitations. For example, based on very sparse in- formation, a physician has to search a very large space of potential 1 diagnoses in a very short amount of time. A physician is able to achieve this by storing a very large amount of knowledge and by the use of a highly- compiled form of diagnostic expertise. Most expert systems are highly knowledge-intensive and perform only a limited amount of inference. Yet, most expert systems research from MYCIN onwards has been conducted at the limits of the available computational speed and memory resources. Pro- grams such as theTEIRESIAS program for interactive knowledge acquisition had to be run in separate stages because of memory limitations (Davis, 1982). Despite impressive strides in AI hardware over the last decade, large expert-system building tools such asKEE and Knowledge Craft are often still too slow on large problems to be very effectively used. This situation may be brought under control over the next few years by the introduction of more powerful AI workstations. Currently, the use of more complete reasoning techniques, such as reasoning with a complete schematic of a circuit to diagnosis the circuit, is almost always several orders of magnitude slower than diagnosis using compiled expertise within the same problem domain. This is especially true for large problems. 2.4 Novel Problem Solving It has been argued that it is desirable for an expert system to be able to solve "novel" problems, and that existing expert systems are unable to do so. The notion of novelty is another difficult behavioral requirement to define precisely. Davis (Davis, 1984) appears to view novel problems as those which the designer of the expert system did not anticipate while building the system. For example, since a programmer must anticipate every disease MYCIN diagnoses by writing one or more explicit production rules, MYCIN is not capable of diagnosing a novel disease. The method by which MYCIN accomplishes diagnosis may however appear novel to a physician that is observing the expert system's behavior. The ability to solve novel problems is sufficiently imprecise that depending upon one's interpretation it is either impossible to achieve, or is routinely achieved by existing programs. It can be understood more clearly by considering the distinction between expert systems that use generative candidate descriptions, and those that use enumerative candi- date descriptions. This distinction refers to whether an expert system derives the cases it reasons about from a pre-enumerated set, or whether it generates these cases dynamically. For example, consider diagnostic problem-solving. One way to view the task that a diagnostic system confronts is as follows. Given information about the expected structure of a device, plus a description of its actual behavior, the task is to find the actual (mal- functioning) structure of the device. Usually the actual structure includes a malfunctioning component, but it could include extra components, such as solder bridges in circuits. A gen- eral approach to this problem is to consider a set of candidate device structures - the case descriptions - and determine which candidate's predicted behavior matches the observed behavior of the actual device most closely (Reiter, 1987; DeKleer and Williams, 1987). These candidates can have two possible origins. Candidate structures and their asso- ciated behaviors can be retrieved from pre-enumerated classes that the program has stored, or they can be generated by the program. Usually the generative approach breaks the description of a complex device into many components, uses a set of pre-defined operators to introduce defects into selected components, and then computes the behavior of the new aggregate device. The enumerative approach stores all different possible malfunctioning structures and their associated behaviors. MYCIN uses the enumerative approach. It has a list of possible disease states (struc- tures) and their associated symptoms (behaviors), and its rules match these behaviors against cases it is presented with to determine a diagnosis. DART (Genesereth, 1984) and Davis' system (Davis, 1984) use the second approach. They start with one model of the structure and behavior of a computer system and generate a potentially large set of other device models from this prototype, which are matched against the case at hand. The gen- eration process is guided by the structure of the device. DART does the generation by trying to prove that each component of a device is broken, e.g., that a component it has been told is an AND gate is in fact not behaving like an AND gate. Davis' system uses a similar technique called constraint suspension to generate candidate devices. Candidates are gen- erated by alternately suspending application of the constraints that describe the behaviors of different components of a device, and then simulating the outputs of that component by copying them from the empirically observed outputs of the component. Thus the behavior of the device model is coerced to match the behavior of the actual device. The decision as to whether to employ generative or enumerative descriptions in a given expert system is based on two considerations. First is the classic trade-off between storage space and computation time. For many problems it is not feasible to store all the relevant candidates explicitly, such as all possible malfunctioning structures of a computer system, even under the single fault assumption. Second, a generation algorithm must exist. For some problems there may be no generation algorithm which is sufficiently fast and sufficiently constrained. For example, it is not possible to generate all the ways in which a human body 8 and all known infectious bacteria could interact to produce observable symptoms. The theory of how this interaction occurs is incomplete: biological science cannot provide us with the operators needed to construct the space of "candidate device descriptions". Thus, MYCIN contains a list of those disease states that medical science has encountered. Thus far we have distinguished the notions of stored versus generated candidates. It is also instructive to blur this distinction to consider Davis' hypothesis that "reasoning from first principles offers the possibility of dealing with novel faults. As we have seen, our system does not depend for its performance on a catalog of observed error manifestations" (Davis, 1984). Davis is essentially contrasting generative with enumerative systems. This hypothesis is hard to evaluate because the notion of novelty is a hard one to pin down in AI programs. Davis seems to define novelty in terms of programmer forethought, i.e., novel situations are those which the programmer has not considered beforehand. Thus Davis claims that in the enumerative framework the author of a program must carefully consider every possible case the program will encounter and encode the solution for that case. If the program encounters a "novel" case that its author did not think of, the program will likely fail. Under the generative framework, Davis claims that the program will be able to generate any conceivable fault, and thus cases that would be novel to the program's author will not be novel to the program. This novelty hypothesis is not convincing. Under both frameworks the author of the program must think about what classes of cases the program will encounter. When Davis' circuit diagnosis program was constructed its authors must have considered what classes of faults are usually observed in digital circuits so they would know what classes of fault-generation operators to catalog within the program. And under both frameworks cases may be described sufficiently generally that they match unanticipated problems and produce either correct or incorrect solutions. MYCIN'S enumerative framework clearly does not require the author to think about every distinct patient whose symptoms will be described toMYCIN , but only about classes of patients. Both methods allow the program to consider clusters of problem cases which the programmer must define ahead of time. And the programmer must consider these cases if the program is to solve them correctly for reasons other than luck. The decision to use generative versus enumerative descriptions is an engineering de- cision that depends upon such issues as the existence of a tractable generation algorithm, the computational complexity of this algorithm, and the size of the case space. There will be times when it is easier for the programmer to list a set of generation operators and rules for combining them, and times when it will be easier to enumerate the classes of cases. The generative approach is well suited to the domain of the systems of Davis and Genesereth for circuit diagnosis; the generation algorithm is simple and complete, although very compu- tationally expensive. The enumerative approach is well suited toMYCIN's domain because no generation algorithm exists. 2.5 Multi-Purpose Problem Solving The possession of expertise allows an expert to do much more than just get the right answer to a problem. In addition, experts often have the capability to explain the reasons for their problem solving actions, teach domain knowledge and problem solving skills to a novice or another expert, explain the observed problem solving behavior of a novice or another expert, and realize when their problem solving knowledge is inadequate to solve a particular problem. Lastly, when at an impasse, an expert can often elicit from another expert the exact knowledge necessary to solve the problem. Expert systems should be able to exhibit such multi-purpose problem solving in their domain of expertise. It would be especially convenient if one knowledge base for a domain could support these diverse dimensions of expertise. This is an important design goal for an expert system. The achievement of multi-purpose problem solving appears to be highly dependent on making the knowledge in the expert system as modular, explicit, and declarative as possible (Buchanan and Shortliffe, 1984). Consequently, developing methods of knowledge representation that emphasize these characteristics has been a driving force in expert sys- tems research from its earliest days. The method of knowledge representation used by MYCIN was certainly a large step in the direction of explicitly specifying domain knowledge in a modular fashion. Knowledge was chunked into production rules that were individu- ally comprehensible to domain experts. This representation was able to support problem solving and the generation of "how" and "why" explanations. TheTEIRESIAS (Davis, 1982) andGUIDON (Clancey, 1979) showed thatMYCIN's representation provided the basis for pro- grams to accomplish to varying degrees, interactive knowledge acquisition and intelligent tutoring, respectively. The NEOMYCIN program was a reconstruction of MYCIN that made the method of knowledge representation and inference even more declarative and explicit, especially with respect to knowledge of strategy. This allowed theNEOMYCIN program to provide strategic and as domain-level explanations, and further facilitated the use of the same knowledge for multiple purposes. For example, the GUIDON- WATCH and GUIDON-MANAGE programs pro- vide ways of teaching the knowledge in aNEOMYCIN knowledge base to a student (Clancey, 1986). And the ODYSSEUS program shows how the method of knowledge representation of 10 NEOMYCIN provides the basis for explaining the observed actions of a student or an expert, and also the basis of expanding the domain-level knowledge via apprenticeship learning (Wilkins, 1988b; Wilkins, 1988a). 2.6 Problem-Solving Sophistication There is a belief that "deep systems will solve problems of significantly greater complexity than surface systems can" (Chandrasekaran and Mittal, 1983). One might support this intuition of Chandrasekaran by noting that most expert systems constructed to date have contained at most several thousand rules and are capable of solving at most a tiny subset of the problems in a domain such as medicine. However, as we noted at the beginning of Section 2, such a lack of positive evidence hardly constitutes convincing negative evidence. One could just as easily construe existing systems to be proof that these techniques are valid for a sizable subset of a domain such as internal medicine (Pople, 1982), and that it is only a matter of time before knowledge bases are constructed using existing techniques that span all of medicine. AI has no accepted way of measuring the complexity of a problem domain that would enable one to describe the types of problems that existing techniques are able to solve, and the classes of unsolvable problems. One way to measure the complexity of a problem domain is by measuring the complexity of a program that covers the problem domain. However we lack a principled method for this. Even if we had a principal method it would only provide an upper bound and this assumes that it can be proven that the program is correct. Possible measurements suggested by Buchanan for measuring the complexity of an expert system are knowledge base size, solution space size, and average inference complexity for different expert systems (Buchanan, 1987). The expert systems that Buchanan discusses have knowledge bases with hundreds of concepts in their vocabularies and contain thousands of rules. They solve problems with millions and tens of millions of possible solutions. It is not clear how to characterize the more complex problems that Chandrasekaran (Chandrasekaran and Mittal, 1983) mentions, nor the degree to which existing techniques will continue to scale as faster hardware becomes available. 11 3 Techniques for Building Expert Systems There is a close connection between the techniques used to construct an expert system and the behavior exhibited by the program. The primary goal of this section is to analyze the dependencies between techniques and behaviors. Particular attention is given to previous arguments in the literature concerning limitations of existing techniques and proposals for new techniques that can provide the basis for more sophisticated behaviors. The techniques that will be discussed fall into three classes. The first class concerns the type of knowledge to be used, such as causal, empirical, or first-principles knowledge. The second class pertains to representing and reasoning with this knowledge, such as the use of production rules and the explicit representation of control knowledge. Lastly, we consider the amount of knowledge a system contains. In what follows, each technique will be described in detail and we will consider how its use should contribute to the satisfaction of different behavioral requirements. Our methodological comments at the beginning of Section 2 are relevant here. It is not clear why previous authors often call for the complete abandonment of existing techniques when little negative evidence exists to substantiate claims that a given behavior cannot be achieved using a certain technique. The desired behaviors may require only an improvement in degree of the capabilities of existing systems. 3.1 Causal Knowledge There is a commonly held belief that first-generation expert systems did not use causal knowledge, and that such knowledge should supplant the use of empirical knowledge in ex- pert systems. Exactly what constitutes causal knowledge is never made clear. Just because a knowledge base contains h'nks labeled "causes" does not mean the program employs a well developed notion of causality. Philosophers have studied causality for hundreds of years without synthesizing a particularly coherent understanding of this complicated concept. In a much shorter time AI has, shall we say, not exceeded a proportionate contribution. We will consider philosophical discussions of causality and then examine the relation between causal knowledge and expert systems. Nagel lists four types of causal explanation in science: deductive explanation, prob- abilistic explanation, teleological explanation, and genetic explanation (Nagel, 1961) . He 12 argues that some scientific laws have a causal basis, while others, such as the Boyle-Charles Gas Law, "simply asserts a certain concomitance in the variation of the specified attributes of a gas, and is therefore generally regarded as making no causal statement" (p22). He also notes that completely sufficient conditions for the occurrence of specific events are rarely if ever known. In contrast, the philosopher Mackie centers his discussion of causality around what he terms an INUS condition, which is used to define a cause of an event: A is an INUS condition of a result P iff, for some X and some Y, (AaX)vY is a necessary and sufficient condition of P, but A is not a sufficient condition of P and X is not a sufficient condition of P (Mackie, 1965). Suppes analyzes five different conflicting intuitions about causality as developed by other philosophers, in terms of his own probabilistic theory of causality (Suppes, 1984). His theory includes the notion of a genuine cause, which is a prima facie cause that is not spurious. The terms prima facie cause and spurious cause are defined as follows. An event B is a prima facie cause of an event A if and only if (i) B occurs earlier than A, and (ii) the conditional probability of A occurring when B occurs is greater than the unconditional probability of A occurring. An event B is a spurious cause of A if and only if B is a prima facie cause of A, and there is a partition of events earlier than B such that the conditional probabihty of A, given B and any element of the partition, is the same as the conditional probability of A, given just the element of the partition. A comparison the definitions made by these philosophers makes it clear that many reasonable but incompatible notions of causality exist. It is thus rather confusing to read the suggestions below that future expert systems should include causal knowledge, and that existing expert systems do not include it, without any explication of what it means for a machine (or anything else) to have causal knowledge: There are domains where problem solving clearly relies on more than com- piled experience. Other varieties of knowledge are involved, knowledge of struc- ture and causal models (Davis, 1982) (p4). 13 Surface systems ... have no underlying representation of such fundamental concepts as causality, intent, or basic physical principles... (Hart, 1982) (pl2) Examination of the philosophical literature reveals that causality is a much more complex and less well understood concept than most authors acknowledge. Thus, when AI authors provide few clues as to what they believe causal knowledge is, it is difficult to accept their claims that existing systems lack it, or that future systems will need it. In addition, these authors never make clear what specific behaviors this lack of causal knowledge prevents current programs from attaining, or will enable programs containing causal knowledge to attain. What substance these claims do have stems from intuitive notions of causality, which we will use as the basis for further discussion. Our position is that it is not clear whether existing expert systems have causal knowledge or not. The discussion below suggests that if one accepts Suppes' definition of causality,MYCIN does have causal knowledge. An examina- tion of the knowledge in theDENDRAL andCASNET programs suggests that their knowledge meets intuitive criteria of causality. Let us consider theMYCIN steroids rule: If 1) Infection requiring therapy is meningitis 2) Only circumstantial evidence is available 3) The type of the infection is bacterial 4) The patient is receiving corticosteroids Then There is evidence that organisms causing the infection are klebsiella-pneumoniae (.2), e. coli (.4), or pseudomonas-aeruginosa (.1). This rule is justified by the underlying knowledge that corticosteroids impair the body's ability to control organisms that normally reside within the body (Clancey, 1983). That is, corticosteroids cause the body to enter a state in which certain organisms are likely to proliferate to an abnormal degree. In this rule, corticosteroids fall under Suppes' definition of a prima facie cause of the infection because the conditional probability of infection by these organisms is higher when the patient is receiving corticosteroids than when they are not. That is, the rule links two events, A (infection by certain organisms), and B (administration of corticosteroids), where the conditional probability of A occurring 14 when B occurs is greater than the unconditional probability of A occurring. Note that this definition of causality admits most empirical associations as causal knowledge. This position has been rejected by most previous authors in AI. Suppes' position may or may not be correct, but it is formulated with so much more detail and precision that it is worthy of serious consideration (which is beyond the scope of this paper). It is also instructive to perform a thought experiment in which we transform the above rule and theory into these hypothetical rules: If 1) The patient is receiving corticosteroids Then There is evidence that the patient's immune system is suppressed. If 1) Infection requiring therapy is meningitis 2) Only circumstantial evidence is available 3) The type of the infection is bacterial 4) The patient's immune system is suppressed Then There is evidence that organisms causing the infection are klebsiella-pneumoniae (.2), e. coli (.4), or pseudomonas-aeruginosa (.1). Here we have givenMYCIN more knowledge than it had before, and apparently knowl- edge of a causal sort. We can imagine adding more and more rules which describe what factors suppress the body's immune system, and what cellular and chemical events are in- volved in that suppression. As MYCIN'S knowledge increases, it takes on a more and more causal character. But at no point was a new type of knowledge added toMYCIN; we merely added more, increasingly detailed knowledge of a type whichMYCIN already has. One troubling aspect of the singleMYCIN production rule above is that we know this rule is incomplete: MYCIN does not possess the medical knowledge which describes why a patient who receives corticosteroids is likely to be infected by the named organisms. Thus we feel uncomfortable sayingMYCIN has causal knowledge because we know its knowledge is incomplete. This amounts to saying that a program only has causal knowledge if it knows all that experts know about a phenomenon. This is an unsatisfactory definition since it has the property that a program will cease to have causal knowledge of a phenomenon if 15 experts acquire more knowledge about a phenomenon. This should not change the type of knowledge the program has, but only affects how correct and detailed we believe the knowledge to be. Another interesting program to examine theCASNET program developed by Weiss et al (Weiss et al., 1978).CASNET diagnoses diseases related to glaucoma. To do so it employs three different planes of knowledge. The central plane is a causal model of disease processes in this domain, in the form of a graph. Nodes of the graph represent hypotheses about the disease process, and edges in the graph represent causal connections between these hypotheses, e.g., "Cupping of the Optic Disc causes Glaucomatous Visual Field Loss". A second plane of knowledge contains clinical observations, which are connected to nodes in the causal plane. Thus clinical observations yield inferences about what disease processes are occurring in the patient. The third plane of knowledge specifies what disease processes in the causal plane are associated with what disease diagnoses. Thus, to diagnose a patient, CASNET uses clinical observations of the patient to determine what disease processes are occurring in the patient, and then finds what diagnoses are associated with these disease processes. The DENDRAL program also uses causal knowledge. Its production rules describe the causal interactions between organic molecules and a mass spectrograph. These rules describe which chemical bond cleavages are likely to be caused by a molecule's passage through a mass spectrograph. The most important conclusion of this section is that the term "causal knowledge" is very poorly denned within Al. In addition, a brief examination of several first generation expert systems suggests that they do contain some causal knowledge. Thus, the rather strong claim that existing expert systems contain no causal knowledge, but that it is essential to add this new sort of knowledge to future expert systems, should be deflated to the more reasonable claim that future expert systems will require more causal knowledge than existing systems have. 3.2 Empirical Knowledge Genesereth has claimed that programs such as MYCIN and INTERNIST 16 use 'shallow' theories of human pathophysiology in the form of 'rules' that associate symptoms with possible diseases. TheDART program contains no rules of this form. Instead, it works directly from a 'deep' theory consisting of infor- mation about intended structure ... and expected behavior" (Genesereth, 1984) (p412). In a similar vein, Davis has claimed that when applied to building a digital circuit diagnostic system, the traditional shallow approach would lead to the creation of empirical associations such as the following, where B7 and AF2 are points within a circuit (Davis, 1982): If The signal is OK at B7 and The signal is blocked at AF2 Then The signal is lost somewhere between B7 and AF2 Davis (Davis, 1982) quite correctly concludes that a better approach would be to write "a set of rules that tried to capture just the signal tracing skill, and had a separate description of structure." He summarizes: The point is simply that the Accepted Wisdom focuses on the use of rules embodying empirical associations. It does not offer us any tools for constructing structural descriptions of the sort we need, it does not offer us any techniques for using those descriptions to guide diagnosis, and perhaps even more important, it does not even lead us to think in such terms (Davis, 1982) (pl8) [his italics]. And along these same lines, Chandrasekaran and Mittal say that Surface systems are at best a data base of pattern-decision pairs, with perhaps a simple control structure to navigate through the data base (Chan- drasekaran and Mittal, 1983). Davis and Genesereth are suggesting that we abandon the use of "rules embodying empirical associations" when constructing expert systems. This suggestion is unclear in 17 several respects. Is it the method of knowledge representation and inference, the empiri- cal associations, or both that are bad? What desired behaviors do they prevent us from attaining, and why? It is unclear exactly what is an "empirical association". Consider an inference rule that states that a particular consequent should be inferred from a particular antecedent. Perhaps this rule is an empirical association if our only justification for writing the rule is that in the past we have empirically observed this antecedent and consequent to be associated with one another. A program which only uses empirical associations is one in which all inferences have this type of justification. Apparently, this is to be contrasted with rules with some other type of justification, e.g., if a scientific theory predicts that the antecedent will necessarily cause the consequent to occur, or when the antecedent implies the consequent by definition. Using this definition, the quotes above are not accurate since many ofMYCIN's rules are not simply empirical associations, but have some justification from medical science, such as the steroids rule discussed in Section 3.1. Perhaps then these authors have in mind a slightly different definition, namely that a program uses empirical associations if the program itself does not know the justifications of its inferences. MYCIN certainly does not know how medical science justifies the steroids rule. This knowledge might be useful to a program because it will allow the program to check the justification of a rule to be sure that the rule is applicable in the current situation, thus decreasing brittleness. An approach to providing explicit justifications for heuristic rules is described in (Smith et al., 1985). A quest to produce an expert system free of empirical associations can never succeed since the program's justification structures must bottom out somewhere. If every justifica- tion is supported by another justification then the program must employ either an infinite set of justifications or a circular set. The unjustified rules in a program with neither of these properties must be empirical associations. Thus every finite program that is free of circular reasoning must rest upon empirical associations. The only alternative is resting on unjustified assumptions or postulates. That empirical associations are essential should not be surprising since all of our scientific causal knowledge ultimately rests on experimental data that consists of empirical associations. The inductive inference from which scientific theories are constructed is even less trustworthy. If empirical associations are the basis of all of science, perhaps they are not so bad after all. 18 One way to act upon the advice above to avoid using empirical associations is to provide a program with as many justifications as possible for the rules that it uses. But we must recognize that these justifications will ultimately contain many empirical associations. 3.3 First-Principles Knowledge It has been suggested that existing expert systems do not use first principles, and that their use will be important to future expert systems: Reasoning from First Principles offers the possibility of dealing with novel faults (Davis, 1984). At the extremes, a surface system directly associates input states with ac- tions, whereas a deep system makes deductions from a compact collection of fundamental principles (Hart, 1982) (pi 2). The major intuition behind the feeling that expert systems should have deep models is the observation that often even human experts resort to first principles when confronted with an especially knotty problem. Also, there is the empirical observation that a human expert who cannot explain the basis for his reasoning by appropriate reference to the deeper principles of his field will have credibility problems... (Chandrasekaran and Mittal, 1983). These authors seem to have the intuition that the behavioral goals of solving novel problems - such as removing brittleness and solving more complex problems - can be satisfied by giving programs knowledge of and the ability to reason from first principles. The key characteristics of these principles appear to be general applicability but weak ability to aid in solving specific problems. Generality is what makes them superior to the non-first principles contained by the program: first principles are sufficiently general to apply to some of the novel, difficult, and peripheral problems for which the non-first principles fail. It is on these problems that the system "falls back on first principles". But non-first principles must have advantages over first principles since first principles are apparently applied after the former have failed, not in place of the former. That is, first principles are tried last, non-first principles are tried first. The non-first principles 19 could have several advantages. First principles might be slower than non-first principles: a very general problem solving method is expected to be slower than methods that have been tailored to particular problems. First principles could be more difficult to apply to a specific problem - they may be difficult to operationalize. Sometimes it may not be possible to operationalize first principles at all - they might not apply to all problems in a domain. Finally, first principles might produce incorrect answers, either because they are overly general or because they are not accurate. First principles might differ from non-first principles in terms of speed, completeness, and correctness. Hart (Hart, 1982) has the intuition that first principles should be compact and fundamental. It is easy to think of domains that do not have compact first principles. Medicine has a huge, incomplete, inaccurate set of first principles (much of biology), educa- tion has even more incomplete and inaccurate first principles, quantum mechanics has very complex first principles; and digital circuit diagnosis appears to have a complete, correct, and small set of first principles. One might define first principles as the lowest level of knowledge usually employed by a professional community, i.e., the lowest level of knowledge to which an expert must usually revert when solving problems in his or her domain. Thus, first principles for molecular biologists are the laws of chemistry, and first principles for teachers include theories of how children learn. The large variation in the form of first principles makes them extremely difficult to distinguish from non-first principles. We have characterized first principles as being general and some combination of slow, incomplete and incorrect. All these adjectives can easily be applied to the principles built into existing expert systems - the latter have some degree of generality and certainly have limitations of speed, completeness and correctness. Given the range in the expected properties for first principles in the domains above it is not at all clear when we can characterize a set of principles as first principles and when we cannot. This has two implications. First, if first principles are so hard to distinguish from the principles in existing expert systems, it is not obvious why the techniques used to encode these existing principles (e.g., production rules) would not suffice to encode first principles. Second, it would appear that we can operationalize the advice to "use first principles to build deep systems" into the advice to construct an expert system that can attempt to apply more than one problem solving method to a given problem. The fastest, most specific, most complete, most correct method is attempted first. Thus, the meaning of "fall back on first principles" is simply to bring an additional knowledge to bear on a problem, not a 20 fundamentally new kind of method. Attacking a problem with multiple knowledge sources will improve a problem solver's behavior by contributing to the solution of novel, difficult, and peripheral problems, appears to be excellent advice, that in essence instructs us to build This appears to be excellent advice, that in essence instructs us to build programs with more knowledge. Notice that this differs from the original interpretation of this advice, which viewed first principles as a new, special kind of knowledge which existing programs do not have. 3.4 Structural and Functional Knowledge It has been argued that future expert systems will require knowledge of the structure and function of physical systems, and that this is a type of knowledge that the first-generation expert systems did not have or use. The quotations by Davis and Genesereth in Section 3.1 are examples of such statements. This case is very similar to that of causal knowledge: we assert that existing expert systems do in fact contain some structural and functional knowledge, but their performance will probably be improved if they are given more of this type of knowledge. TheDENDRAL program (Lindsay et al., 1980) has explicit knowledge concerning the allowable chemical structures that complex organic molecules can assume, and can gener- ate all the potential chemical structures that can potentially be formed when a complex molecule is heated within a mass spectrograph. The operation of theDENDRAL program can be viewed as follows. DENDRAL starts with a deep first-principles or structure-function model of chemistry, calledCONGEN. Given this deep theoretical model, and given empirical knowledge of the behavior or molecules in a mass spectrogram as a set of classified training instances, DENDRAL synthesizes a set of shallow production rules that can interpret mass spectrograms. TheRl program configures DigitalVAX computers from customer orders (McDermott, 1982). It has extensive knowledge of the structural components ofVAXes, and of the prop- erties of these components such as their power consumption and the ways in which they may be interconnected. In certain domains, a structure-function model is not available. For example, in the medical domain of theMYCIN program, the pathways of most of the processes are unknown to medical science. Even simple knowledge, such as the mechanism by which an infection causes a fever, is unknown. Hence the reasoning ofMYCIN and physicians in the domain 21 of meningitis proceeds from heuristic associational knowledge of the behaviors (symptoms) that result from different structures (the human body combined with different bacteria). It seems very plausible that there exist problems whose solutions require significantly more knowledge of structure and function than existing expert systems have. But it is not true that these systems do not use knowledge of structure or function. 3.5 Amount of Knowledge As stated earlier, our central thesis is that the desired behavioral requirements for future expert systems will be realized by providing them with larger amounts of knowledge rather than new types of knowledge which they do not currently employ. Techniques for managing and utilizing this knowledge will also be important as we discuss in later sections of this paper. The following test has been proposed by which one may decide whether one program is deeper than another. Consider two models of expertise M and M . We will say that M is deeper- than M if there exists some implicit knowledge in M which is explicitly repre- sented or computed in M " (Klein and Finin, 1987). The authors of this test acknowledge that notions such as implicit and explicit knowl- edge are left to intuition, so it can be difficult to apply this predicate in many cases. The reason to build programs that contain more knowledge is so they will solve prob- lems whose solution requires more knowledge. Consideration of the amount of knowledge necessary to solve problems in different domains provides an explanation of both the capa- bilities and limitations of existing expert systems. The behavior of many expert systems is described by the graph in Figure 1. It suggests how the competence of a program changes over time as it contains more and more knowledge. This accurately characterizes the experi- ence of adding more and more rules forRl program via manual knowledge acquisition when failures were encountered (McDermott, 1982). A similar analysis is given by Feigenbaum and Lenat (Feigenbaum and Lenat, 1987). Two properties of this curve are important: the fact that it increases monotonically, 22 Expert System Perform- ance ABC Knowledge Base Size Figure 1: This figure shows the relationship between the size of an expert system's knowledge base and the sophistication of the problem-solving performance. and the fact that its derivative (the marginal utility of knowledge) starts out small, grows significantly larger, and then decreases again. The behavior of the curves derivative appears to be do to the existence of a relatively small "core set" of knowledge which is required to solve a relatively large set of problems in the domain, with larger amounts of more esoteric knowledge required to round out the system. Between points A and B, new knowledge interacts synergistically with old to increase competence tremendously. But after point J9, the marginal utility of knowledge begins to decrease, and most core knowledge for the domain has been captured by the time point C is reached. Different problem domains would exhibit curves with the same shape, but with dif- ferent scaling along the axes, e.g., a very complex domain would scale the curve outward to the right, requiring more knowledge to exhibit the same degree of competence. Imagine building expert systems of roughly the same size in many different domains. Their perfor- mance would vary according to the scale of the curve in that domain. For example, MYCIN probably lies near point C: its validation studies have shown that it is able to solve many problems within its domain. After a system has reached this level of competence, for each new case that is unable to be solved, more and more rules will be added to the knowledge base that are each relevant to fewer and fewer cases. But if a system of roughly MYCIN'S size is to be built in a much more complex domain, the system would be closer to point A, where 23 it exhibits poor performance, but a high marginal utility of knowledge. This situation has often led various authors to hypothesize the explanations for the shortcomings of existing expert systems such as those discussed earlier in this paper. It may be that the limitations of these systems are due not to the types of knowledge the systems employ, but to the complexity of the different problem domains: different domains require different amounts of knowledge for a given level of problem-solving competence. Figure 1 is of course a simplification. The curve might start out completely flat because some critical mass is needed before any problems can be solved. And the curve might actually decrease at the right because the program is unable to properly employ a huge knowledge base. Curves of slightly different shapes may result from adding different pieces of knowledge in variable order. 3.6 Production Rules Production rules have been described as an inappropriate basis for constructing programs that exhibit a number of the behaviors that have been previously described (Davis, 1984; Genesereth, 1984). First, let us clarify this hypothesis. Certainly the claim is not being made that production rules cannot in principle be used to achieve these behaviors. Since production rules have been proved Turing- equivalent (Brainerd and Landweber, 1974) this claim would imply that the behavioral goal could never be met by a computer program, so instead, the claim must be that production rules are not a good engineering tool for this task. Claims of this form are certainly reasonable; such concerns motivate the design of new programming languages, for example. However, most authors never make clear what the engineering limitations of production rules are. Thus it is difficult to comprehend their arguments and to see where future research should be directed. The quotations in Section 3.1 by Davis and Genesereth discuss the degree to which production rules are suited to representing the structure and behavior of digital circuits. Genesereth (Genesereth, 1984) contrasts production rule representations used by expert systems with representations used by theDART program such as the description of an AND gate shown below: (If (AND (ANDG d) (VAL (IB 1 d) t ON) 24 (VAL (IN 2 d) t ON)) Then (VAL (OUT 1 d) t ON))) (If (AND (ANDG d) (VAL (IN 1 d) t OFF)) Then (VAL (OUT 1 d) t OFF))) (If (AND (ANDG d) (VAL (IN 2 d) t OFF)) Then (VAL (OUT 1 d) t OFF))) But Genesereth's description is in fact a set of production rales which represent the behavior of anAND gate. These rules directly associate the possible inputs of anAND gate with the outputs it would generate. Thus production rules are able to encode structural and functional knowledge about a device, contrary to Davis and Genesereth's assertions. De Kleer and Brown (DeKleer and Brown, 1984) hold the view that constraints should be used to express device behavior instead of production rules. They offer three arguments in support of this view. The first argument is that constraints can express behavior more succinctly than production rules. Imagine that we wish to describe the behavior of a pipe by stating that its input pressure must match its output pressure. DeKleer (DeKleer and Brown, 1984) states that within the {-1, 0, +1} value space used to qualitatively represent numerical processes, this could be done with one constraint: P in = P< out but this same expression would require the use of six production rules: (IF (EQUAL P in -1) THEN (SET P^t -1)) (IF (EQUAL P in 0) THEN (SET P^t 0)) (IF (EQUAL P in 1) THEN (SET P^ 1)) (IF (EQUAL P^t -1) THEN (SET P in -1)) (IF (EQUAL P wt 0) THEN (SET P in 0)) (IF (EQUAL P^t 1) THEN (SET P in 1)) 25 Now it is fairly trivial to condense this set of rules by the use of variables to: (IF (EQUAL P tn U) THEN (SET P^U)) (IF (EQUAL PwtU) THEN (SET P in $X)) The constraint is still slightly more concise here, because constraints are bidirectional, whereas rules are unidirectional. While rules can be invoked within both a forward chaining and a backward chaining interpreter, a valid inference is assumed to occur only in the forward direction; backward chaining can create only a goal, not a conclusion. Put another way, the rule A D B allows a system to conclude that B is true when it knows A is true, but not that A is false when B is known to be false. However, constraints will cause problems when we wish to express unidirectional relations, or when we have different degrees of belief in inferences in the two directions. So the following constraint is too expressive (we believe the forward but not necessarily the backward inference): light-ssitch-off = light-bulb-off The second argument offered in favor of constraints in (DeKleer and Brown, 1984) is that the if-then form of production rules "falsely implies the passage of time" between the test and action. Perhaps this point depends on exactly who is reading a given rule; it is not clear which interpretation is the correct one. But symmetrically, perhaps constraints falsely imply instantaneous linkages within a device where in fact it takes time for changes to propagate. In an event, it is quite possible to modify production rules to include a time parameter which allows one to explicitly indicate whether or not time is passing: IF (EQUAL P in n TO THEN (SET P^tU T 1+€ ) The third argument is more an indictment of the technique of forward simulation than of production rules per se. DeKleer and Brown describe an example in which two pipes are connected, with the pressure rising at one end and held constant at the other end. They find that if one uses production rules to represent local information relating pressure and flow, and then reasons in a traditional forward direction to try to derive the pressure at the joint between the pipes, this solution method fails. The reason given is that this problem cannot be solved by simply propagating values through the constraints which describe these 26 pipes (i.e., by forward chaining through production rules). The pressure at the joint must be derived by assuming every possible value for this pressure, and then determining if any constraints are violated. The assumed pressure which does not yield a contradiction is the solution. They conclude that: "constraints can support both imperative interpretations (they can be executed) and assertional interpretations (i.e., they can be reasoned over)". This limitation is hardly related to the use of production rules. Production rules can be both executed and reasoned over just as constraints can be. If DeKleer and Brown had attempted to utilize constraints in a forward qualitative simulation they would have just the same problem as with production rules. It is common for AI programs to manipulate a set of production rules in several ways: MYCIN'S rules were used for diagnosis, for explanation, and for interactive transfer of expertise in theTEIRESIAS program (Davis, 1982). Another possibility is that these authors are criticizing the use of production systems rather than production rules, i.e., the use of a fixed forward or backward chaining interpreter to evaluate these rules. Davis and Genesereth use techniques called Constraint Suspension and Resolution Residue, respectively, in their circuit diagnosis programs. It is reasonable to assert that different tasks (e.g., diagnosis versus prediction) will require different reasoning mechanisms. But as discussed in the previous paragraph, single sets of production rules have been used by multiple reasoners since the days ofMYCIN. Thus, we see that production rules do not have a number of the limitations which au- thors have claimed. Previous statements by Davis, Hart and Genesereth have also suggested that production rules are unable to represent causal knowledge, knowledge of structure and function, or first principles. We have shown in earlier sections that systems such as MYCIN andDENDRAL, which are built from production rules, do contain this type of knowledge. 3.7 Multi-Level Domain Models Davis examines the reasoning a human expert might use to track down a fault in a computer system (Davis, 1984) (page 14-19). In this example the expert is given a gross description of the machine's functionality: the system boots and responds properly at the console, but user terminals are dead. On this basis the expert rules out a number of the machine's components at the Processor/Memory/Switch (PMS) level: the CPU, the system disk, and the bus between them. Davis then focuses on the terminal bus and the terminals themselves and rules out the latter. He probes the internal state of the bus the terminals are connected to, focusing on increasingly detailed descriptions of the hardware. Eventually he is able to 27 determine that the bus interface is dropping a bit. This example involves reasoning about the internal structure of complex devices at several levels of detail. The descriptions at each level represent the structure and function of the device with different degrees of abstraction. Each description is fairly independent of the others in that it can accept diagnostic information that is compatible with its level of abstraction, and compute diagnostic hypotheses and tests at that level of abstraction. But some connections between the descriptions must exist as well, to allow a global diagnostic procedure to home in on a precise diagnosis using more and more detailed descriptions in more and more restricted regions of the device. We call such descriptions multi-level domain models 1 . This organization of knowledge is a very fruitful avenue for future research because it appears to be relevant to producing a number of the desired behaviors. One advantage of this approach is faster problem solving. A system may be able to achieve satisfactory performance if it reasons at an abstract level for problems whose solution does not require all the system's knowledge. Or it could time-share problem-solving at several levels of detail simultaneously to produce the most detailed solution possible within unpredictable time constraints. Another possibility provided by the framework is validation of the scope of problem solving. Perhaps abstract levels of knowledge could be used for problem solving, while underlying levels could be used to determine if the abstract levels are applicable to a given problem. An underlying theory consisting of Newton's laws might contain qualifications such as: only applicable to objects moving slowly compared to the speed of light, and in weak gravitational fields. These laws might be compiled to produce rules for solving problems involving bouncing balls. But the qualifications at the underlying levels could be checked before application of the compiled level. Yet another advantage of multiple levels relates to the production of explanations. Abstract levels of a multi-level domain model could be used to generate concise, general explanations, while lower levels could generate detailed, focused explanations. Several first generation expert systems used descriptions with only some of the prop- erties above. Their domain models were structured into descriptions at several levels of detail. But, they were not distinct in the sense described above because generally aD levels of detail had to be employed when solving a given problem. For example, the HEARSAY speech understanding system (Erman et al., 1980) did model speech understanding at sev- These are to be distinguished from systems that contain a level of domain knowledge plus one or more levels of control knowledge. 28 eral different levels of detail. But the input signal always arrived at the lowest level of detail and problem solving propagated the answer up through the system to produce outputs at the sentence level (in fact processing was not strictly bottom-up). Similarly, PatiPsABEL system contained multiple descriptions at different levels of abstraction in the medical do- main of electrolyte disorders (Patil et al., 1981), and theHELIOS digital circuit simulator models digital circuits at several interlocking levels of detail (Brown et al., 1983; Foyster, 1984). A promising approach relates to deriving a shallow reasoning system from a deep causal model, such as described in (Pearce, 1988). This shallow reasoning system is superior in terms of time and space complexity measures, and can also be guaranteed to be complete. The completeness of the model is of course with respect to the causal model, which may or may not accurately mirror the real world. In summary, while first generation expert systems include descriptions with some of the attributes of multi-level domain models, further research is required to endow future systems with the behaviors we have here described. 3.8 Reasoning about Real- Valued State Variables There is a large class of problems whose solutions require detailed reasoning about the relationships between real- valued state variables of a system. For example, when one con- structs a generative model of a device, one may need to combine the pressures, concentra- tions, temperatures, masses, accelerations, and/or voltages of its components to compute the aggregate behavior of the device. Human experts are often able to reason about such dimensions of a system when only incomplete information is available about the values of these variables and the relationships among them. Authors of existing expert systems have largely side-stepped these issues by tackling classes of problems where this type of reasoning is either not required, or where very simple types of reasoning will suffice, e.g., inMYCIN's domain. In the past few years, researchers in the Al subfield of qualitative reasoning have developed new techniques for reasoning about complex interactions between real-valued state variables in the presence of incomplete information and in the presence of complicating factors such as feedback. New qualitative representations have been developed for both the values of state variables and for the interactions between them and for predicting the 29 potential behaviors of such a system (Forbus, 1984; Karp and Friedland, 1988; DeKleer and Brown, 1984; Kuipers, 1985; Kuipers, 1986; Simmons, 1986). Significant progress has been made in this field, but it is not possible to construct programs whose understanding of a complex device approaches that of a human expert. 3.9 Explicit Representation of Control Knowledge Another technique which has been explored in the development of expert systems is the separation of the program's control knowledge from its domain knowledge, and the explicit representation of this control knowledge. This was actually a major goal in the construction ofMYCIN, wherein the expert system was viewed as consisting of a domain knowledge base and an inference engine that accomplished control by backward chaining of production rules. Important efforts that have investigated the separation of control knowledge from domain knowledge include the NEOMYCIN program, theBBl blackboard architecture, and the MRS logic programming language. NEOMYCIN separates knowledge of medical domain knowledge of meningitis infections from strategy knowledge for performing medical diagnosis (Clancey, 1984). BBl allows a programmer to separate problem solving operators in a domain from control strategies and heuristics that guide the application of these operators (Hayes- Roth, 1985). MRS provides metalevel facilities to control inference in a Prolog-like logic programming language (Russell, 1985). There are many advantages to a clean separation of domain and control knowledge. First, it facilitates using the same knowledge for different purposes, such as diagnosis, design, teaching, and explanation. Separate inference procedures can be constructed for each of these tasks, and each of them can use the same domain knowledge base. Second, an explicit representation of the control knowledge facilitates the construction of programs that can inspect and reason about the control knowledge. MRS allows dynamic determination of the order in which clauses of a conjunctive rule are executed, using its metalevel control facilities. Third, it simplifies the problem of knowledge acquisition. When a knowledge acquisition program modifies the knowledge structures of a program, there is less chance that the modifications will have unforeseen side effects. Fourth, it can lead to cleaner, more structured explanations that differentiate between the domain operators that are currently being applied, and the control strategy that has caused them to be applied at a particular time. Lastly, explicit representation of control knowledge facilitates optimizing control for a specific task. This produces faster performance in some cases. 30 A complete separation of control and domain knowledge, and the explicit represen- tation of control knowledge, can be viewed as long-term research goals. The NEOMYCIN, BBl, andMRS systems represent significant steps in the achievement of this goal. However, part of the lesson from constructing these systems has been the discovery of ways in which there is an incomplete separation of domain and control knowledge, and a non-explicit representation of control knowledge. 3.10 Compilation Within computer science, the term "compilation" usually refers to transforming the repre- sentation of a program to increase its efficiency or to make the program operational on a particular hardware architecture. Within artificial intelligence, compilation also refers to the process of transforming a program to increase its efficiency, although often the pro- gram is to be optimized for a particular class of problems. TheLEX program, for example, transforms its control knowledge (which is represented as preconditions for integration op- erators) in the process of solving symbolic integration problems. Another good example is the SOAR program in which the principal learning method is chunking preconditions for problem-solving operators in the course of solving problems (Laird et al., 1987). The principal method of obtaining a compiled domain model for an expert system has been to extract it from an human expert. This is the method that was used to obtain the compiled domain model that is used by theMYCIN program. Another approach to obtaining a compiled domain model is to extract a deep domain model from a human expert, and then compile this deep domain model into a shallow domain model. This has two advantages. The first advantage is that a deep domain model can often be created from books or from documentation of a domain by someone who is not a domain expert. Another advantage is that a single deep domain model can sometimes be compiled into many different shallow domain models, where each different shallow domain model is created for a different class of problems, such as design and diagnosis. Compilation almost always yields an improvement in the space-time complexity of a program over the uncompiled version of the program. Another potential advantage with respect to expert systems is shorter explanations, since the information is compressed. Note that information is lost during the process of compilation of a deep domain model into a shallow one, and so the process is not reversible. There have been quite a few research efforts in the direction of creating a shallow 31 domain model from a deep domain model. The usual approach is to synthesize a functional model of a device into an associational model, for purposes of diagnostic problem solving (Chandrasekaran and Mittal, 1983). One of the advantages that is often claimed for deep domain models is that they provide a fallback when a shallow domain model proves inadequate. However, a shallow model may be created from a deep model in such a way that this will not be true, as described in the following conjecture (Chandrasekaran and Mittal, 1983). They hypothesize that it may be possible to compile a shallow domain model for a particular goal from a deep domain model, such that all the problems that the deep model is able to solve can be solved by the shallow model. Between the extremes of a data base of patterns on one hand and repre- sentations of deep knowledge (in whatever form) on the other, there exists a knowledge and problem-solving structure which (1) has all the relevant deep knowledge "compiled" into it in such a way that it can handle all the diagnostic problems that the deep knowledge is supposed to handle if it is explicitly repre- sented and used in problem-solving; and (2) will solve the diagnostic problems more efficiently; but (3) it cannot solve other types of problems - i.e. prob- lems' which are not diagnostic in nature - that the deep knowledge structure potentially could handle. Even if a shallow domain model that is derived from a deep domain model can solve all the problems that can be solved by the deep model, the complexity of the resulting shallow model may make this approach not worthwhile. In such a case, the correct approach would be to compile a shallow model that would give fast solutions to most problems, and use the deep model for those cases in which the shallow domain model is inadequate. The concept of encapsulation provides a nice distinction to elucidate the difference between compiled and deep knowledge (Simmons, 1988). Compiled knowledge encapsu- lates the interactions that occur between knowledge elements; elements that interact are represented as different clauses in the same compiled rule. There are many open questions that relate to compilation. For example, given a change to a deep domain model, can the shallow domain model be incrementally changed? There is a lot of work that relates to quantifying the space- time complexity advantages of compilation. For example, might it be worthwhile to have several different compiled 32 versions, and always use the most efficient version that is sufficiently detailed for the current problem? 33 4 Summary The first generation of expert systems (1972-1981) is often described as using only shallow methods of representation and inference. These expert systems are then dismissed on the grounds that use of these methods prevents them from achieving problem-solving behav- iors that expert systems should possess. This paper analyzed the dependencies between behaviors and techniques to determine what existing techniques are limiting the behaviors of expert systems, and what new techniques are likely to extend their capabilities. This analysis conflicted with those of other authors in several ways. Some techniques and be- haviors that others have discussed were poorly denned; in other cases the links between techniques and behaviors were either not specified or not well justified. And some proposed new techniques for future systems have in fact been used by previous systems. The past inaccurate characterizations of first-generation expert are surprisingly widespread, which has had two deleterious effects. First, so-called deep methods are often improperly viewed as an an alternative to shallow methods, rather than as an augmentation. Second, there is an overemphasis on developing new methods to address the behavioral shortcomings of expert systems, as opposed to investigating existing techniques in more detail to extend their power. This paper first discussed a set of behaviors which are important for expert systems to exhibit. The behaviors discussed were the following: Expert systems must be able to explain their problem solving behavior. These expla- nations should be tailored to what the user knows so that they are neither too detailed nor too abstract. The problem-solving performance of an expert system should degrade gracefully as the problems presented to the system depart from the system's domain of expertise. While early expert systems such as MYCIN were in fact able to detect that some problems were outside their expertise, very little research has been done since to determine how difficult such limit detection is in general. As the functionality of expert systems has increased, their speed has often decreased. Future systems must not only solve complex problems, they must solve them within rea- sonable resource limitations. Some authors have suggested that the first generation of expert systems are unable 34 to solve novel problems, but that future systems should have this capability. Our analysis shows that it is hard to define what novelty is, but one can consider novel problems as those whose solution the programmer has not anticipated. We concluded that whether the programmer constructs a system using generative ox enumerative candidate descriptions, he or she must always anticipate what classes of problems the system will encounter. To solve some classes of problems, the problem solver must reason about real-valued state variables such as pressures and voltages. Standard numerical techniques are not ap- propriate when only imprecise, qualitative values are available for these variables, which is sometimes the case for problems that expert systems should solve. Just as experts can employ their knowledge for multiple purposes, it is desirable for expert systems to use their knowledge in many ways such as diagnosis, teaching, and the acquisition of additional knowledge. Knowledge representation methods are an important key for this ability, and those used by NEOMYCIN and associated programs allowed a single knowledge base to be used for the multiple purposes listed above. Finally, some authors have suggested that future expert systems will solve more complex problems than first generation systems. These suggestions do not identify what techniques are limiting the complexity of problems that existing systems can solve, and in general it is difficult to be precise about this issue because the field has few methods for characterizing the complexity of a problem domain. The next section of the paper considered various techniques for constructing expert systems that might endow them with the behaviors above. First, the use of certain types of knowledge in future systems was considered. Several authors have suggested that the first generation of expert systems lack these types of knowledge, but that future systems will require them. Consideration of causal knowledge revealed that it is not at all clear just how one dis- tinguishes it from other types of knowledge; philosophers present many possible definitions of causality. But, if we proceed from an intuitive notion of causality, it is clear that early expert systems such asDENDRAL did possess causal knowledge. Similar remarks apply to structure-function knowledge of a device (although these are easier to define): many early systems did have this sort of knowledge. Knowledge of first principles was considered next. We showed that the characteristics of first principles knowledge varied tremendously between application domains. Thus, we 35 could only operationalize the method of "falling back on first principles" as advice to bring a second problem solving method to bear on a problem. So first principles are not actuaUy a type of knowledge, but merely an additional source of knowledge whose properties vary in different domains. The next section considered the use of empirical associations, which other authors have suggested should not be used in future systems. "Empirical associations" proved to be yet another fuzzy term, and analysis showed that it is hard to imagine building systems where there is no important role for empirical knowledge, especially since all of our theoretical knowledge ultimately rests on empirical experience. Next we considered various ways of structuring knowledge in expert systems. Several criticisms of production rules were considered and found to have little sub- stance. Just as constraints (a proposed alternative) can be reasoned over for several pur- poses, so too can production rules. Production rules are relevant to almost all behaviors of expert systems since they provide fundamental reasoning and representational building blocks. Multi-level domain models are relatively independent models of a domain at differ- ent levels of abstraction. They seem relevant to providing better explanations, increased problem solving speed, and more sophisticated problem solving. Further research will be required to provide expert systems with such models. Qualitative reasoning about real-valued state variables is a relatively new area of re- search; previous expert systems had no techniques to solve problems with qualitative knowl- edge of real- valued state variables. Separation of domain from control knowledge has improved explanations, problem solving speed, and multi-purpose problem solving in existing expert systems. It is likely to be important in future systems as well. Finally, including larger amounts of knowledge in future expert systems will likely be a key method for improving both their problem solving sophistication and the grace with which their performance degrades on peripheral problems. 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William Greenup Dep Asst C/S, Instructional Management (E03A) Education Center, MCCDC Quantico, VA 22134-5050 Dr. Cheryl Hamel Naval Training Systems Center Code 712 12350 Research Parkway Orlando, FL 32121 Dr. Brace W. Hamill Research Center The Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory Johns Hopkins Road Laurel, MD 20707 Dr. Chris Hammond Dept. of Computer Science University of Chicago 1100 E. 58th Street Chicago, IL 60837 Dr. Patrick R. Harrison Computer Science Department U.S. Naval Academy Annapolis, MD 21402-5002 Dr. Peter Hart 301 Arbor Road Menlo Park, CA 94025 Dr. Norman Frederiksen Educational Testing Service (05-R) Princeton, NJ 08541 Dr. Alfred R. Fregly AFOSR/NL, Bldg. 410 Boiling AFB, DC 20332-8448 Dr. Peter Friedland Chief, Al Research Branch Mail Stop 244-17 NASA Ames Research Center Moffett Field, CA 9403S Dr. Michael Friendly Psychology Department York University Toronto ONT CANADA M3J 1P3 Col. Dr. Ernst Frise Heerespsychologischer Dienst Maria Theresien-Kaserne 1130 Wien AUSTRIA Dr. Robert M. Gagne 1458 Mitchell Avenue Tallahassee, FL 32303 Dr. Brian R. Gaines Knowledge Science Institute University of Calgary Calgary, Alberta CANADA T2N 1N4 Mr. Lee Gladwin 305 Davis Avenue Leesburg, VA 22075 Dr. Robert Glaser Learning Research & Development Center University of Pittsburgh 3939 O'Hara Street Pittsburgh, PA 15280 Dr. Marvin D. Glock 101 Homestead Terrace Ithaca, NY 14856 Dr. Dwight J. Goehring ARI Field Unit P.O. Box 5787 Presidio of Monterey CA 93944-5011 Dr. Joseph Goguen Computer Science Laboratory SRI International 333 Ravenswood Avenue Menlo Park, CA 94025 Mr. Richard Golden Psychology Department Stanford University Stanford, CA 94305 Mr. Harold Goldstein University of DC Department Civil Engineering Bldg. 42, Room 112 4200 Connecticut Avenue, N.W. Washington, DC 20008 Dr. Dik Gregory Admiralty Research Establishment/ AXB Queens Road Teddington Middlesex, ENGLAND TW110LN Dr. Gleen Griffin Naval Education and Training Program Management Support Activity Instructional Technology Impl. Div. Code 0473 Pensacola, FL 32509-5000 Dr. Benjamin N. Grosof IBM T.J. Watson Labs P.O. Box 704 Yorktown Heights, NY 10598 Dr. Stephen Grossberg Center for Adaptive Systems Room 244 111 Cummington Street Boston University Boston, MA 02215 Michael Habon DORNIER GMBH P.O. Box 1420 D-7990 Friedrichshafen 1 WEST GERMANY Dr. Henry M. Half HalfF Resources, Inc. 4918 33rd Road, North Arlington, VA 22207 Dr. H. Hamburger Department of Computer Science George Mason University Fairfax, VA 22030 Dr. Wayne Harvey Center for Learning Technology Education Development Center 55 Chapel Street Newton, MA 02160 Dr. David Haussler 402 Nobel Drive Santa Cms, CA 95060 Dr. Barbara Hayes-Roth Knowledge Systems Laboratory Stanford University 701 Welch Road Palo Alto, CA 94304 Dr. Frederick Hayes-Roth Teknowledge P.O. Box 10119 1850 Embarcadero Rd. Palo Alto, CA 94303 Dr. James Hendler Dept. of Computer Science University of Maryland College Park, MD 20742 Dr. James Hiebert Department of Educational Development University of Delaware Newark, DE 19716 Dr. Geoffrey Hinton Computer Science Department University of Toronto Sandford Fleming Building 10 King's College Road Toronto, Ontario CANADA M5S 1A4 ONR DISTRIBUTION LIST [ILLINOIS/WILKINS] Dr. Hiym Hush Dept. of Computer Scicnct Rutgers University New Brunswick, NJ 08903 Mr. Roland Jones Mitre Corp., K 20 J Burlington Road Bedford, MA 01710 Dr. Wendy Kellogg IBM T. J. Watson Research Ctr. P.O. Box 704 Yorlrtown Height!, NY 10598 Dr. Cry Krcit 628 Spaiier Avenne Pacific Grove, CA 818(0 Dr. Jamei E. Hoffman Department of Psychology Univenity of Delaware Newark, DE 19711 Dr. John H. Holland Dept. of EE and CS Room 3118 University of Michigan Ann Arbor, Ml 48109 Ml. Julia 5. Hough 110 W. Harvey Street Philadelphia, PA 19144 Dr. Jack Hunter 2122 Coolidge Street Laming, MI 48908 Dr. Ed Hutciini Intelligent Syitemi Group Institute for Cognitive Science (C-01S) UCSD La Jolla, CA 92093 Dr. Wayne Iba Dept. of Information and CS Univenity of California, Irvine Irvine, CA 82717 Dr. Robin Jeffries Hewlett-Packard Laboratories, 3L P.O. Box 10490 Palo Alto, CA 94303-0971 Dr. Lewis Johnson use Information Sciences Institute 4878 Admirality Way, Suite 1001 Marina Del Rey, CA 90292 Dr. Daniel B. Jones U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission NRR/ILRB Washington, DC 2055S Mr. Paul L. Jones Research Division Chief of Naval Technical Training Building East-1 Naval Air Station Memphis Millington, TN 38054-5058 Dr. Randolph Jones Information and Computer Science University of California Irvine, CA 92717 Prf. Aravind K. Joshi Department of Computer Science University of Pennsylvania R-26S Moore School Philadelphia, PA 19104 Dr. Gary Kahn 1220 Macon Avenue Pittsburgh, PA 16218 Dr. Ruth Kanfer University of Minnesota Department of Psychology Elliott Hall 75 E. River Road Minneapolis, MN 55455 Dr. Michael Kaplan Office of Basic Research U.S. Army Research institute S001 Eisenhower Avenue Alexandria, VA 22333-5800 Mr. Shyam Kapur Dept. of Computer Science Cornell University 4130 Upson Hall Ithaca, NY 14853 Dr. Demetrios Karis GTE Labs, MS 81 40 Sylvan Road Waltham, MA 02254 Dr. A. Karmiloff-Smith MRC-CDU 17 Gordon Street London ENGLAND WC1H OAH Dr. Milton S Kats European Science Coordination Office U.S. Army Research Institute Box 85 FPO New York 09510-1500 Dr. Smadar T. Kedar-Cabelli NASA Ames Research Center Mail Stop 244 Moffett Field, CA 94035 Dr. Frank Keil Department of Psychology 228 Uris Hall Cornell University Ithaca, NY 14850 Dr. Richard M. Keller Knowledge Systems Laboratory Stanford University Computer Science Dept. Stanford, CA 94305 Dr. Douglas Kelly University of North Carolina Department of Statistics Chapel Hill, NC 27S14 Dr. J.A.S. Kelso Center for Complex Systems Building MT 9 Florida Atlantic University Boca Raton, PL 33431 Prof. Larry Kerschberg Dept. of Information System k Systems Engineering George Mason University 4400 University Drive Fairfax, VA 22030 Dr. Dennis Kibler Dept. of Information & Computer Science University of California Irvine, CA 82717 Dr. David Kieras Technical Communication Program TIDAL Bldg. 2360 Bonisteel Blvd. University of Michigan Ann Arbor, Ml 48109 Dr. Thomas Killion AFHRL/OT Williams AFB, AZ 85240-6457 Dr. J. Peter Kincaid Army Research Institute Orlando Field Unit c/o PM TRADE-E Orlando, FL 32813 Dr. Walter Kintsch Department of Psychology University of Colorado Boulder, CO 80309-0345 Dr. Yves Kodratoff George Mason University AI Center Fairfax, VA 22030-4444 Dr. Janet Kolodner School of Information and Computer Science Georgia Institute of Technology Atlanta, GA 30332-0280 Dr. Stephen Kosslyn Harvard University 1230 William James Ha 33 Kirkland St. Cambridge, MA 02138 Prof. Casimir A. Kulikowski Department of Computer Science Hill Center for the Mathematical Sciences Busch Campus Rutgers University New Brunswick, NJ 08903 Dr. David R. Lambert Naval Ocean Systems Center Code 772 271 Catalina Boulevard San Diego, CA 92152-5000 Dr. Pat Langley NASA Ames Research Center Mail Stop 244-17 Moffett Field, CA 94035 Dr. Robert W. Lawler Matthews 118 Purdue University West Lafayette, IN 47907 Dr. Yuh-Jeng Lee Department of Computer Science Code 52 Naval Postgraduate School Monterey, CA 93943 Ms. Debbie Leishman Knowledge Sciene Institute University of Calgary Calgray, Alberta CANADA T2N 1N4 Dr. Douglas B. Lenat MCC 9430 Research Blvd. Echelon Building #3 Austin, TX 78759 Dr. Alan M. Lesgold Learning R and D Center 3939 O'Hara Street University of Pittsburgh Pittsburgh, PA 15260 Dr. Keith R. Levi Honeywell S and RC 3680 Technology Drive Minneapolis, MN 55418 Dr. John Levine Learning R and D Center University of Pittsburgh Pittsburgh, PA 15260 Dr. Leon S. Levy 2D Dorado Drive Monistown, NJ 07960 ONR DISTRIBUTION LIST [ILLINOIS/WILKINS] Matt Lewis Department of Psychology Carnegie-Mellon University Pittsburgh, PA 15213 Dr. Dorii K. Lidtke Software Productivity Coniortium 1880 Campus Commons Dnvt, North Reston, YA 22091 Dr. Sridhar Mahadevan Dept. of Computer Science Rutgers University New Brunswick, NJ 08903 Vern M. Malec NPRDC, Code 14 S»n Diego, CA 92152-8800 Dr. Jane Matin Mail Code EF5 NASA Johnson Space Center Houiton, TX 77058 Dr. William L. Maloy Code 04 NETPMSA Peniacola, FL 32509-5000 Dr. Michel Manago IntelliSoft 28 tat Georges Clemenceau 91400, ORSAY, FRANCE Dr. William Mark Lockheed Al Center Building 2 59 2710 Sand Hill Rd. Department 9009 Menlo Park, CA 94025 Dr. Sandra P. Manhall Dept. of Piychology San Diego State University San Diego, CA 92182 Dr. Joseph C. McLachlan Code 52 Navy Personnel R&D Center San Diego, CA 92152-9800 Dr. Barbara Means SRI International 333 Ravenswood Avenue Menlo Park, CA 94025 Dr. Douglas L. Medin Psychology Department Perry Building University of Michigan 330 Packard Rd. Ann Arbor, MI 48104 Dr. Jose Mestre Department of Physics Hasbrouck Laboratory University of Massachusetts Amherst, MA 01003 Dr. Theodore Metiler Department of the Navy Office of the Chief of Naval Research Arlington, VA 22217-5000 Dr. Alan L. Meyrowits Office of Naval Research, Code 1433 800 N. Q_uincy Rd. Arlington, VA 22217 Dr. Ryssard S. Michalski Department of Computer Science George Mason University 4400 University Drive Fairfax, Va 22030 Dr. Donald Michie The Turing Institute George House 3ft North Hanover Street Glasgow Gl 2 AD UNITED KINGDOM Dr. Tom M. Mitchell School of Computer Science Carnegie Mellon University Pittsburgh, PA 15213 Dr. Sanjay Mittal Knowledge System Area Intelligent Systems Lab Xerox Palo Alto Research Center Palo Alto, CA 94304 Dr. Andrew R. Molnar Applic. of Advanced Technology Science and Engl. Education National Science Foundation Washington, DC 20550 Dr. William Montague Naval Personnel R and D Center San Diego, CA 92152-ftlOO Dr. Melvin D. Montemerlo NASA Headquarters Code RC Washington, DC 2054ft Dr. Raymond Mooney Dept. of Computer Sciences The University of Texas at Austin Taylor Hall 2.124 Austin, TX 78712 Dr. Katharina Monk GMD F3/XPS P.O. Box 1240 D-520S St. Angnstin WEST GERMANY Prof. John Morton MRC Cognitive Development Unit 17 Gordon Street London WC1H OAH UNITED KINGDOM Dr. William R. Murray FMC Corporation Central Engineering Labs 1205 Coleman Avenue Box 580 Santa Clara, CA 95052 Prof. Makoto Nagao Dept. of Electrical Engineering Kyoto University Yoshida-Honmachi Sakyo-Ku Kyoto JAPAN Mr. J. Nelissen Twente University of Technology Fac. Bibl. Toegepaste Onderwyskurde P. O. Box 217 7500 AE Enschede The NETHERLANDS Dr. T. Niblett The Turing Institute George House 3ft North Hanover Street Glasgow Gl 2AD UNITED KINGDOM Dr. Ephraim Nissan Department of Mathematics & Computer Science New Campus Ben Gurion University of Negev P. O. Box 953 84105 Beer-Sheva ISRAEL Dr. A. F. Norcio Code 5530 Naval Research Laboratory Washington, DC 20375-5000 Dr. Donald A. Norman C-015 Institute for Cognitive Science University of California La Jolla, CA 92093 Dr. Manton M. Matthews Department of Computer Science University of South Carolina Columbia, SC 29208 Mr. John Mayer University of Michigan 703 Church Street Ann Arbor, MI 48104 Dr. John McDermott DEC DlbS-3/E2 290 Donald Lynch Blvd. Marlboro, MA 01752 Prof. David D. McDonald Department of Computer & Information Sciences University of Massachusetts Amherst, MA 01003 Dr. Vittorio Midoro CNR-Istituto Tecnologie Didattiche Via All'Opera Pia 11 GENOVA-ITALIA 19145 Dr. James R. Miller MCC 3500 W. Balcones Center Dr. Austin, TX 78759 Prof. Perry L. Miller Dept. of Anesthesiology Yale University School of Medicine 333 Cedar Street P. O. Box 3333 New Haven, CT 08510 Dr. Christine M. Mitchell School of Indus, and Sys. Eng. Center for Man-Machine Systems Research Georgia Institute of Technology Atlanta, GA 30532-0205 Dr. Jack Mostow Dept. of Computer Science Rutgers University New Brunswick, NJ 08903 Dr. Randy Mumaw Training Research Division HumRRO 1100 S. Washington Alexandria, VA 22314 Dr. Allen Munro Behavioral Technology Laboratories - USC 184S S. Elena Ave., 4th Floor Redondo Beach, CA 90277 Dr. Kenneth S. Murray Dept of Computer Sciences University of Texas at Austin Taylor Hall 2.124 Austin, TX 78712 Dr. Harold F. O'Neil, Jr. School of Education - WPH 801 Department of Educational Psychology A Technology University of Southern California Los Angeles, CA 90089-0031 Dr. Paul O'Rorke Department of Information and Computer Science University of California Irvine, CA 92717 Dr. Stellan Ohlsson Learning R and D Center University of Pittsburgh Pittsburgh, PA 15280 Dr. James B. Olsen WICAT Systems 1875 South State Street Orem, UT 84058 ONR DISTRIBUTION LIST [ILLINOIS/WILKINS] Dr. Judith Reitman Olion Graduate School of Business University of Michigan 701 Tappan Ann Arbor, MI 41109-1234 Admiral Piper PM TRADE ATTN: AMCPM-TNO-ET 12360 Research Parkway Orlando, FL 32I2B Dr. Stephen Redtr NWREL 101 SW Main, Suite S00 Portland, OR 97204 Dr. Paul S. Roienbloom University of Southern California Information Science! Institute 4876 Admiralty Wiy Marina Del Ray, CA 902*2 Office of Naval Research, Code U42CS 100 N. Quincy Street Arlington, VA 22217-S000 (6 Copiel) Dr. Peter Pirolli Gradaate School of Education EMST Division 4533 Tolman Hall University of California, Berkeley Berkeley, CA 94702 Dr. Jamei A. Reggia University of Maryland School of Medicine Department of Neurology 22 South Greene Street Baltimore, MD 21201 Dr. Emit Z. Rothkopf AT&T Bell Laboratoriet Room 2D- 458 000 Monntain Avenue Murray Hill, NJ 07974 Dr. Judith Oraianu Baiic Reiearch Office Army Reiearch Inititute S001 Eiienhower Avenue Alexandria, VA 22333 Dept. of Administrative Sciences Code 54 Naval Poitgraduate School Monterey, CA 93943-S020 Dr. J. Wesley Regian AFHRL/IDI Brooks AFB, TX 7823S Dr. Allen A. Rovick Rush Medical College 1853 W. Congren Parkway Chicago, 1L 80812-3184 Dr. Jene Orlansky Institute for Defense Analyses 1801 N. Beauregard St. Alexandria, VA 22311 Prof. Tim O'Shea Institute of Educational Technology The Open Univeriity Walton Hall Milton Keynei MK7 6AA Buckinghamshire, U.K. Dr. Tomaio Poggio Massachusetts Institute of Technology E2S-201 Center for Biological Information Processing Cambridge, MA 02139 Dr. Peter Poison University of Colorado Department of Psychology Boulder, CO 80309-0345 Dr. Brian Reiser Cognitive Science Lab Princeton University 221 Nanau Street Princeton, NJ 08544 Dr. Lauren Resnick Learning R&D Center University of Pittsburgh 3939 O'Hara Street Pittsburgh, PA 15213 Dr. Stuart J. Russell Computer Science Division University of California Berkeley, CA 94720 Dr. Roger C. Schank Northwestern Univeriity Init. for the Learning Science! 1890 Maple Evamton, II, 80208 Dr. Everett Palmer Mail Stop 239-3 NASA-Amel Reiearch Center Moffett Field, CA 94035 Dr. Bruce Porter Computer Science Department Univeriity of Texai Taylor Hall 2.124 Auitin, TX 78712-1188 Dr. J. Jeffrey Richardion Center for Applied AI College of Bunnell Univeriity of Colorado Boulder, CO 80309-0419 Lowell Schoer Psychological & Quantitative Foundations College of Education University of Iowa Iowa City, IA 52242 Dr. Okchoon Park Army Research Institute PERI-2 5001 Eisenhower Avenue Alexandria, VA 22333 Mr. Axmand E. Prieditis Department of Computer Science Rutgers University New Brunswick, NJ 08903 Prof. Christopher K Riesbeck Department of Computer Science Yale University P. O. Box 2158, Yale Station New Haven, CT 06520-2151 Dr. Jeffrey C. Schlimmer School of Computer Science Carnegie Mellon University Pittsburgh, PA 15213 Dr. Ramesh Patil MIT Laboratory for Computer Science Room 418 545 Technology Square Cambridge, MA 02139 Dr. Joseph Psotka ATTN: PERI-IC Army Research Institute 5001 Eisenhower Ave. Alexandria, VA 22333-5800 Prof. David C. Rine Deptment of Computer & Information Sciences George Mason University 4400 University Drive Fairfax, VA 22030 Dr. Janet W. Schofield 816 LRDC Building University of Pittsburgh 3939 O'Hara Street Pittsburgh, PA 15280 Dr. Michael J. Panani Department of Computer and Information Science Univeriity of California Irvine, CA 92717 Dr. J. Roil Quintan School of Computing Science! NSW. Inititute of Technology Broadway N.S.W. AUSTRALIA 2007 Dr. Edwina L. Rinland Dept. of Computer and Information Science Univeriity of Manachuietti Amherit, MA 01003 Dr. Paul D. Scott Univeriity of Enex Dept. of Computer Science Wrvenhoe Park Colchester C043SQ ENGLAND Dr. Roy Pea Institute for Research on Learning 2550 Hanover Street Palo Alto, CA 94304 Dr. Shankar A. Rajamoney Computer Science Department University of Southern California Los Angeles, CA 91030 Dr. Linda G. Roberts Science, Education, and Transportation Program Office of Technology Assessment Congress of the United States Washington, DC 20510 Dr. Alberto Segre Cornell University Computer Science Department Up. on Hall Ithaca, NY 14853-7501 Dr. Ray S. Peres ARI (PERI-I1) 5001 Eiienhower Avenue Alexandria, VA 22333 Dr. C. Perrino, Chair Dept. of Psychology Morgan State University Cold Spring La.-Hillen Rd. Baltimore, MD 21239 Mr. Paul S. Ran Code U-33 Naval Surface Weapons Center White Oak Laboratory Silver Spring, MD 20903 Ms. Margaret Recker Graduate Group in Education EMST Division 4533 Tolman Hall University of California, Berkeley Berkeley, CA 94702 LT CDR Michael N. Rodgers Canadian Forces Personnel Applied Research Unit 4900 Yonge Street, Suite 600 Willowdale, Ontario M2N 6B7 CANADA Dr. Colleen M. Seifert Dept. of Psychology University of Michigan 350 Packard Rd. Ann Arbor, MI 48104 Dr. Oliver G. Selfridge GTE Labs Waltham, MA 02254 ONR DISTRIBUTION LIST [ILLINOIS/WILKINS] Dr. Michael G. Shifto NASA Amtl Research Ctr. Mail Stop 239-1 Moffett Field, CA 94035 Dr. Derek Sleeman Computing Science Depmrtment The University Aberdeen AB9 2FX Scotland UNITED KINGDOM Dr. Patrick Suppei Stanford University Inititnte for Mathematical Stndiei in the Social Sciencef Stanford, CA 94305-4115 Dr. Kurt Van Lehn Department of Psychology Carnegie-Mellon University Schenley Park Pittiborgh, PA UZ1I Dr. Valerie L. Shalin Honeywell S&RC 3660 Technology Drive Mmneapolii, MN 55411 Mb. Gall K. Slemon LOGICON, Inc. P.O. Box 85158 San Diego, CA 91138-5158 Dr. Richard Sntton GTE Labi Waltham, MA 02254 Dr. W. S. Vanghan 800 N. Quincy Street Arlington, VA 22217 Dr. Jude W. Shavlik Computer Sciencei Department Univenity of Wiicomin Madiion, WI 53708 Mr. Colin Sheppard AXC2 Block 3 Adxnirality Reiearch Establishment Miniitry of Defence Portidown Portimouth Hanti P064AA UNITED KINGDOM Dr. Ben Shneiderman Dept. of Computer Science Univenity of Maryland College Park, MD 20742 Dr. Edward E. Smith Department of Psychology Unireriity of Michigan 3)0 Packard Road Ann Arbor, MI 48103 Dr. Reid G. Smith Schlnmberger Technologiei Lab. Schlumberger Palo Alto Reiearch 3340 Hilkiew Avenue Palo Alto, CA 94304 Dr. Elliot Soloway EE/CS Department Unrrenity of Michigan Ann Arbor, MI 48109-2122 Dr. William Swartont use Information Sciencei Inititnte 4878 Admirality Way Marina Del Rey, CA 90292 Mr. Praiad Tadepalli Department of Computer Science Rutgeri Unrrenity New Brunswick, NJ 0890J Dr. Gheorghe Tecuci Reiearch Inititute for Computeri and Informatici 71318, Bd. Miciurin 8-10 Bnchareit 1 ROMANIA Dr. Adrian Walker IBM P. O. Box 704 Yorktown Heighti, NY 10598 Dr. Diana Wearne Department of Educational Development Univenity of Delaware Newark, DE 19711 Prof. Sholom M. Wein Department of Computer Science Hill Center for Mathematical Sciencei Rutgers Univenity New Bruniwick, NY 08909 Dr. JeffShrager Xerox PARC 3333 Coyote Hill Rd. Palo Alto, CA 94304 Linda B. Soriiio IBM-Lol Angelel Scientific Center 11801 Wilthire Blvd., 4th Floor Lol Angelei, CA 90025 Dr. Perry W. Thorndyke FMC Corporation Central Engineering Labi 1205 Coleman Avenue, Box 580 Santa Clara, CA 95052 Dr. Keith T. Weicourt FMC Corporation Central Engineering Labi 1205 Coleman Ave., Box 580 Santa Clara, CA 95052 Dr. Howard Shrobe Symbolics, Inc. Eleven Cambridge Center Cambridge, MA 02142 Dr. Randall Shumaker Naval Reiearch Laboratory Code 5S10 4555 Overlook Avenue, S.W. Waihington, DC 20375-5000 Dr. Bernard Siler Information Sciencei Fundamental Reiearch Laboratory GTE Laboratories, Inc. 40 Sylvan Road Waltham, MA 02254 Dr. Herbert A. Simon Departmenti of Computer Science and Piychology Carnegie-Mellon Unrvenity Pittiburgh, PA 15213 Dr. N. S. Sridharan FMC Corporation Box 580 1205 Coleman Avenue Santa Clara, CA 95052 Dr. Frederick Steinheiier CIA-ORD Amei Building Waihington, DC 20505 Dr. Ted Steinke Dept. of Geography Univenity of South Carolina Columbia, SC 29208 Dr. Leon Sterling Dept. of Computer Engineering and Science Crawford Hall Caie Weitern Reierve Unrvenity Cleveland, Ohio 44108 Dr. Chrii Tong Department of Computer Science Rutgeri Unrvenity New Brunswick, NJ 08903 Dr. Douglas Towne Behavioral Technology Labs University of Southern California 1845 S. Elena Ave. Redondo Beach, CA 90277 Lt. Col. Edward Trautman Naval Training Systems Center 12350 Reiearch Parkway Orlando, FL 32828 Dr. Paul T. Twohig Army Reiearch Inititute ATTN: PERI-RL 5001 Eiienhower Avenue Alexandria, VA 22333-5800 Dr. David C. Wrlkini Dept. of Computer Science University of Illinois 405 N. Mathews Avenue Urbana, IL 81801 Dr. Kent E. Williams Inititute for Simulation and Training The Univenity of Central Florida 12424 Reiearch Parkway, Suite 300 Orlando, FL 32828 Dr. Marsha R. Williams Applic. of Advanced Technologies National Science Foundation SEE/MDRISE 1800 G Street, N.W., Room 835-A Washington, DC 20550 S. H. Wilson Code 5505 Naval Reiearch Laboratory Waihington, DC 20375-5000 Robert L. Simpion, Jr. DARPA/ISTO 1400 Wilion Blvd. Arlington, VA 22209-2308 Dr. Michael J. Strait UMUC Graduate School College Park, MD 20742 Dr. Paul E. Utgoff Department of Computer and Information Science Univenity of Manachuietti Amherst, MA 01003 Dr. Patrick H. Winiton MIT Artificial Intelligence Lab. 545 Technology Square Cambridge, MA 02139 Dr. Zita M. Simutii Chief, Technologiei for Skill Acquiiition and Retention ARI 5001 Eiienhower Avenue Alexandria, VA 22333 Dr. Devika Subramanian Department of Computer Science Cornell Univenity Ithaca, NY 14853 Dr. Harold P. Van Cott Committee on Human Factor! Natrona] Academy of Sciencei 2101 Constitution Avenue Washington, DC 20418 Dr. Edward Wrsniewski Honeywell S and RC 3660 Technology Drive Minneapolis, MN 55418 ONR DISTRIBUTION LIST [ILLINOIS/WILKINS] Dr. Paul T. Wohig Army Research Institute 5001 Eisenhower At«. ATTN: PERI-RL Alexandria, VA 22333 aflOO Dr. Joseph Wohl Alphatech, Inc. 2 Burlington Executive Center 111 Middlesex Turnpike Burlington, MA 01803 Dr. Beverly P. Woolf Dept. of Computer and Information Science! University of Massachusetts Amherit, MA 01003 Dr. Ronald R. Yager Machine Intelligence Institute Iona College New Rochelle, NY 10801 Dr. Masoud Yaidani Dept. of Computer Science Univenity of Exeter Prince of Walei Road Exeter EX44PT ENGLAND Dr. Joseph L. Young National Science Poundation Room 320 1800 G Street, N.W. Washington, DC 20550 Dr. Maria Zemankova National Science Poundation 1800 G Street N.W. Washington, DC 20550 Dr. Uri Zernik GE - CRD P. O. Box 8 Schenectady, NY 12301 UNIVERSfTY OF ILLINOIS-URBANA 301121 01385430