THE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS LIBRARY SS7 WG7^ * . * t *V .1 J. S. RIVERS, Stationer. Printer, Lithographer and Book Binder. 74 Camp Street. Xew Orleans, 1879. Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2016 QUO AT AT IONS FROM AMERICA. EXPLANATION OF FIGURE CODE. ol JP i The translation of the first group of figures is obtained in the following manner:— The first four units are taken from Table I. and give the price at which Good Middling (1st figure), Middling (2nd figure), Low Middling (3rd figure), Good Ordinary (4th figure) may be sold, Cost, Freight, Insurance and 6 % loss in weight Liverpool classification, shipment by sail to Liverpool. The fifth figure is taken from Table II. and gives the difference for shipment, by steam. The second group, which consists of four figures, is read thus: — The first three units are taken from Table III. and give the difference to Havre (1st figure), Bremen (2nd figure), and Amsterdam (3rd figure). The fourth figure is taken from Table IV. and gives the grades mostly on sale. The fifth figure is taken from Table V. from market report. When desirable to omit any quotation, a cipher will be inserted instead of the index figure. EXAMPLE. 51628 17322 2 5 Good Middling 6£ ) 1 Middling 6| j 6 * Low Middling 6 ^.C.F. & I. & 6% by sail to Liverpool. 2 Good Ordinary 5f | 8 .No room by steam ^ A . To Havre we quote same as to Liverpool. 7 u Bremen no room. 3 • u Amsterdam T ^d more than to Liverpool. 2 - * • Grades mostly on sale are Low Middling and above. 2 Market firm. Note.— W hen one group only is sent it gives the quotations for the port to which is sent. co a cT J 100*3 01 OiifrONI-* 4 : QUOTATIONS -COST, FREIGHT, INSURANCE, and 6 % Loss in Weight. Always by Sail, unless otherwise stated. 1 ... 2 ... 3.. . 5 -.. 6 .. . 7 .. . 8 .. . 9 ... No. 1 d. d. d. d. d. d. d. 4 9 T¥ i 1 1 1 6 i 1 3 1 6 t i i « « TS 4 5 1 6 i 7 1 ¥ * 1 1 1 6 i 1 3 1 6 # 1 5 16 1 2 3 H 5 x 7 9 1 fi 4 T¥ 8 1 6 i T¥ i 13 16 f 1 5 1 fi 1 2 1 1 6 # 5 16 i A 6 9 1 6 i 1 1 l fi 1 1 5 1 6 1 2 i 1 6 4 8 _3 ? f 7 1 6 5 9 1 6 i 1 1 1 6 1 3 y 1 i 5 3 is 5 2 1 6 8 1 6 4 1 6 A No. 2. By Steam we quote same. t. tt *d more. a it Ad tt tt tt Ad tt tt tt id tt tt a tt u No room by Steam. Ad Ad less. tt but expect room shortly. No. 3. d. d. d. d. Same. gLd more. in tt to] , A d “ id “ ^•d less. No room for. tt a but could probably get small vessel guaranteeing bales a t over Liverpool rate. .but expect a vessel within a month. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 QUOTATIONS— COST, FREIGHT, INSURANCE — Continued. No. 4 . (trades mostly on sale are Middling and above. u u Low Middling and above. u u Good Ordinary u Low Grades scarce. u plentiful. Good Grades u u scarce. Stains scarce. “ plentiful. No. 5 . Market strong. u firm. u firmer. u steady. u quiet. u weak. u weaker. u looks like rising. u looks like declining. 7 PURCHASES AND SALES. Date. REFERRING TO PURCHASE. REFERRING ' 1 Retiform Reunite 2 Reticulate Reveal 3 Retina Revealable 4 Retinue Revelation 5 Retire Reveler 6 Retirement Reveille 7 Retold Revelry 8 Retort Revenge 9 Retrace Revengful 10 Retract Revenue 11 Retractable Reverberant 12 Retreat Revere 13 Retreating Reverence 14 Retrench Reverential 15 Retrenchment Reversal 16 Retribute Reverse 17 Retributive Reversion 18 Retrieve Revertible 19 Retrievable Revest 20 Retroaction Review 21 Retrocede Revile 22 Retrocession Revilingly 23 Retrograde Revisal 24 Retropulsive Revision 25 Retrospi ct Revisit 26 Retrospt ctive Reviver 27 Retrovert Revocable 28 Retund Revoke 29 Return Revolter 30 Returnable Revolution 31 Reunion Revolve . ' ✓ • . ... . 10 DATE SYMBOLS. January. February. March. April. May. June. 1 Radnor Rochefort. .. Salonika .... Senegal Skerry vore . . Stanislaw . . . 2.... Radstock.. . Rochester. . . Sal set te Senegambia. Skibbereen . . Steinfurt . . . 3.... Ragusa Rockall Saltcoats Serampore . . Skiddaw .... stepney. . . . 4 Raj mail al . . Rockbridge . Salvador. . . . Servia Skipton . . . Stewartown . 5 Rajpootana . Rolandseck . Samarang . . Sevenoaks. . . Slavonia Stockholm . . 6 1 Raleigh Rome Sam aria,. . Severn Sleswig Sligo Stock])ort . . . Stockton .... 7 Ramnugger . Rampore . . . Romford.. .. Roscommon . Samarkand . Seville 8.... Sandhurst . . Shaftsbury. . Smithfield . . Stockwell . . . 9.... Ram soy Rosehill Sandusky . . Shannon Smolensk . . . Stolberg. . . . 10.... Ramsgate . . . Rosenburg . . ^ ant under . . Slieerness . . . Smyrna Stonehaven . 11.... 12 Randolph . . . Rangamutty. Ratlidrum . . Rosene ath . . Rosetta . . . . Santarem . . Santiago Sheffield .... Slielburn . . . Snaefell Stonehouse . Snowdon . . . Stornoway . . Stowmarket. 13 Roslin Saragossa. . . Shenandoah . Sobraon .... 14 Ratisbon. . . . Rossendale . . Saratoga . . . Shetland Socotra .... Stralsund . . . 15 Ravenglass. . Rosstrevor. . Sarawak Sliikarpore . . Solferino. . . . S trail gford . 10.... Ravenna. . . . Rotherham . . Sardinia Slioreham . . . Solingen Strasburg . . . 17.... 18 Reculvers . . . Redear .... Rothesay . . . Roxburgh . . Savannah . . . Savoy. . Shrewsbury . Shropshire . . Solway Stratford . . . Somerset.. . Sorrento .... Strathmore . 19 Redruth . . . Rubicon Saxony Siam Strathspey. . 20.... Regensburg. Uugby Scawfell Siberia Southend . . . Streatliam . . 21 1 » eigate Runcorn .... Sliat hausen . Sicilv Southport . .. Spain Strelitz 22. . Renfrew Russia Sclionberg . . Scotland . . . . Sid mouth. .. Stromboli 23 ! ; . ! Rhine Rutherford. . Sili stria Spalatro Sparta Stromness . . 24 Rhodes Rutland .... Scutari . . . . Silverton . . . Stuttgart . . . sudbury .... 25 Ribehester . . Ryde Scylla. Simferopol . . Simla Spithead. . . . 26 Richmond. . . Sabloniere . . Seaford Sealcote Stackpoole . . staffa Suffolk 27.... Ring wood. . . Saddleback . Simplon .... Sultan pore . . 28.... Ripley Salamanca . . Sebastopol . . Sinclair .... Stafford Sumatra. . . . 29.... Ripon Salisbury . . . Sedgemoor . . Singapore. . . Stamboul . . . Sunderland . 30 Riverhead. . . Selby Skagerrack . Stamford . . Surinam 31.... Rochdale . . . Selkirk Standring . . . 11 DATE SYMBOLS. July. August. September. October. November. December. Surrey Temesvar. . . Toronto Ukraine Walsinghaui. Wigtown. . . . 1 SllSSCX Templemore . Tenasserim . . Torquay Torrington. . Tortola Ulleswater . . Waltham . . . Wilmington . 2 Sutherland . , Ulster ...... Wanstead .. W ilmslow . . . 3 Swansea Sweden Tenby Ulverston . . . Warington . . Warsaw Wiltshire. .. 4 Tenedos Totness Upsala Winchelsea . 5 Swindon. . . . Teneriffe . . . . Tottenham . . Urquliart. .. Uttoxeter. .. Warwick . . . Winchester . 0 Sydenham . . Svdnev Tennessee . . Toulon Washington . Waterford . . Windermere . .... 7 Tenterden .. Trafalgar Tranquebar . Travail core . . Uxbridge. .. Valenti a . . . . Windsor . . . . 8 Syracuse Syria Teviotdale . . Waterloo . . . Winnipeg . . . 9 Tewkesbury . Texas Valladolid . . Watling Welland . . . Wisbeach . . . 10 Tadcaster. • . . Taganrog . . . Trebizond . , Valetta Wisconsin . .11 Thames Tredegar Tremadoc. . . Valparaiso . . Vancouver . . Wellesly Wellington. . Welshpool . . Wentworth . Wollaston. . . 12 Tagus Tlianet Wolverton. . . 13 Talavera. . . . Thebes Trincomali . . Vanderbilt . . Wood bridge . 14 Talbot Thessaly Thorn bury. . Thornhill. . Trinidad .... Van si tt art. . . Woodford 15 Tampico Tam worth . . Tripoli Vendome. . . Westbury Westmeath . Woodhead . . 10 Tripolitza . . . Trout beck. . . Venetia Woodstock . . 17 Tangiers. . . . Tantallon. . . Thornton . . . V enezuela . . Westphalia . Westport . . . Wexford .... Woolwich . . . 18 Tliurlow .... Trov Ventnor .... Worcester. . . 19 Tarbet Tiberias .... Trowbridge . Truro . Vermont. . . . Workington . 20 Tarifa Tibet Verona Weymouth . Whitby W orksop .... 21 Taiporley . . . Tarragona. . . Tartary Tigris Truxillo.. . . Versailles . . . Worthing . . . ‘>2 Tilbury Tullamore . . . Vesuvius. .. Whitchurch . Wrexham. . . 23 Timbuctoo . . Tunbridge . . Vicksburg . . Whitehall. . . Wurtumberg 24 Tasmania. . . Tipperary. . . Tirhoot Tun stall Vienna Whitehaven . Yakutch .... 25 Tattersall . . . Turkestan . . Viterbo Wlntstable . Yarkand. . . . 20 Taunton .... Tiverton .... Turkev Wagram Wakefield. . . Wicklow . . . Yarmouth. . . 27 Tavistock . . . Tobolsk .... Tuscaloosa. . Wiesbaden . Yelverton . . . 28 Teddington. . Teheran .... Todmorden . Tuscany Walcheren . . Wigan York 29 Toledo Tweed Walhalla. .. W igmore . . . Y ucatan 30 Telford Tongataboo . Wallachia. . . Zanzibar ....31 GEOGRAPHICAL FIGURE CODE 000 Cabool 050 Carnolia 1 100 Chesapeake 150 Cologne 001 Caderidris 051 Car rick 101 Cheshire 151 Colombo 002 Cadiz 052 Cartagena 102 Chester 152 Colonsay 003 Caffraria 053 Carthage 103 Cheviot 153 Colerado 001 Cagliari 054 Cashgar 104 Chicago 154 Colville 005 Cairo i 55 Cashmere 105 Chichester 155 Como 000 Caithness 056 Caspian 106 Chili 156 Comorin 007 < alabar 057 Castelnovo 107 Chimborazo 157 Compiegn 008 Calabria 058 Castilione 108 China 158 Concannoa 009 Calais 059 Castille I 109 Chinchilla 159 Concordia 010 Calcutta 060 Castlebar 1 110 Chinsurah 160 < 'ongleton Oil Calderon 061 Castleford 1 HI < hippenham 161 Congo 012 Caldwell 062 Castleragh 112 Chippeway 162 Connaught 013 Caledonia 063 Castletown 113 Chittagong 163 Connecticut 014 Calicut 064 Castronovo | 114 Chiswick 164 Connemara 015. California 065 Catalonia 1 115 Choctaw 165 Conniston 016 Callaghan 066 Catawba 116 Chorley 166 Constantia 017 Callington 067 Cat heart 117 ( liristiana 167 Coomassee 018 Camberwell 06S Catskill 118 Chudleigh 168 Copeland 019 Cambria 069 Catlegat 119 Chupprah 169 Copenhagen 020 Cambridge 070 Caucasus 120 Churchill 170 Copiapo 021 Camden 071 Cavallo 121 Chusan 171 Coppermine 022 Camelford 072 Cavendish 122 Cincinnati 172 Coquimbo 023 Campenella 073 Cawdor 123 Circassia 173 Cordillera 024 Campbelton 074 Cawnpore 124 Clackmanan 174 Cordova 025 Camperdown 075 Cayenne 125 Clapham 175 Corfcastle 026 Cananore 076 Cayman 126 Clarendon 176 Corfu 027 . Candahar 077 Celebes 127 Clavering 177 Coringa 028 Candy 078 Cephalonia 128 Claycross 178 Corinth 029 Canterbury 079 Cesarea 129 Clermont 179 Cork 030 Cantire 080 Ceylon 130 Cleveland 180 Cornhill 031 Canton 081 Chalons 131 Clifton 181 Cornwall 032 Capehorn 082 Chambord 132 Clitheroe 182 Cornwallis 033 Capetown 083 Champlain 133 Clonakilty 183 Coromandel 034 Capernaum 084 Charlemont 134 Clondalkin 184 Corrib 035 Capitania 085 Charleston 135 Clonmel 185 Corsica 036 Caprera 086 Chatham 136 Clontarf 186 Corunna 037 Caraccas 087 Chatillon 137 Clyde 187 Costarica 038 Cardiff 088 Chatsworth 1 138 Coblentz 188 Cotedor 039 Cardigan 089 Olieadle | 139 < oburg 189 Cotopaxi 040 < 'ardross 090 Cheddar 140 Cochin 190 Cots wold 041 ( 'ardyke 091 Chelmsford 141 Cockburn 191 Coventry 042 Caribbean 092 Chelsea 142 Cognac 192 Cracow 043 Carlingford 093 Cheltenham 143 Coimbatore 193 Cradock 044 < 'arlisle 094 Chemnitz 144 Coimbra 194 Cranbourne 045 Carlowitz 095 Chenab 145 Coldstream 195 Cranbrook 046 Carlscrona 096 Chepstow 146 Coleraine 196 Crawford 047 Carlton 097 Cherbourg 147 Collinwood 197 Crediton 048 Carnatic 098 Chertsey 148 Colmar 198 Crefeld 049 Carnarvon 099 Cherwell 149 Colmonell 199 Cremona 13 GEOGRAPHICAL FIGURE CODE— Continued. 200 Creswell 250 Deggendorf 300 Driffield 350 Egmont 201 Crewkerne 251 Delaware 301 Drogheda 351 Egremont 202 Cricklade 252 Delft 302 Droitwitch 352 Egyptian 203 Crimea 253 Delhi 303 Dromore 353 Eisenach 204 Croatia 254 Delta 304 Dronfield 354 Elba 205 Cromarty 255 Demerara 305 Drontheim 355 Elberfield 206 Crookhaven 256 Denbigh 306 Drumcliff 356 Elgin 207 Crossfell 257 Denbighshire 307 Drummond 357 Ellesmere 208 Crosskeys 258 Denton 308 Dryburg 358 Elsinore 209 Croyden 259 Deptford 309 Dublin 359 Embleton 210 Cubana 260 Derby 310 Dudley 360 Emmerick 211 Cuckfield 261 Derbyshire 311 Dulwith 361 Enderby 212 Cuddalore 262 Dereliam 312 Dumbarton 362 Enfield 213 Culloden 263 Derwent 313 Dumblane 363 England 214 Culpepper 264 Detmold 314 Dumfirmlin 364 Englefield 215 Culross 265 Detroit 315 Dumfries 365 Ennerdale 216 Cumberland 266 Devizes 316 Dunbar 366 Enniscorty 217 ( 'um bray 267 Devon 317 Duncannon 367 thin i skerry 218 Cunningham 268 Devonport 318 Dundalk 368 Epernay 219 Cupar 269 Devonshire 319 Dundass 369 Epinal 220 Curacoa 270 Dewsbury 320 Dundonald 370 Epping 221 Cuttack 271 Didcot 321 D undrum 371 Epsom 222 Cuxhaven 272 Dieppe 322 Dunedin 372 Epworth 223 Cyclades 273 Digby 323 Dungarvan 373 Erfurth 224 Dacca 274 Dijon 324 Dungeness 374 Erie 225 Dakota 275 Dinap ore 325 Dunkeld 375 Krlenbacli 226 Dalby 376 Dingle 326 Dunlop 376 Errol 227 Dalhousie 277 Dingwall 327 Dunmore 377 Erzeroum 228 Dalkeith 278 Ditcliling 328 Dunrobin 378 Escurial 229 Dalmatia 279 Dolgelly 329 D unsin ane 379 Esk 230 Dalrymple 280 Domingo 330 Dunstable 380 Kskbridge 231 Dalston 281 Dominica 331 Durbunggali 381 Eskdale 232 Damascus 282 Donaghadee 332 Durham 382 Esquimaux 233 Damietta 283 Donaworth 333 Durnford 383 Essequibo 234 Dampier 284 Doncaster 334 Dusseldorf 384 Essex 235 Danneburg 285 Donegal 335 Dysart 385 E stella 236 Danube 286 Donny brook 336 Earlstown 386 Etna 237 Danzig 287 Dorchester 337 Eastbourne 387 Eton 238 Dardanelles 288 Dorking 338 Eastlake 388 Ettrick 239 Darjeeling 289 Dorpat 339 Eastwood 389 Eupatoria 240 Darlington 290 Dorset 340 Ebersdorf 390 Euphrates 241 Darmstadt 291 Douglas 341 Eccles 391 Europe 242 Dartford 292 Douro 342 Eccleshall 392 Euston 243 Dartmouth 293 Dover 343 Eddystone 393 Euxine 24 1 Davenport 294 D overfield 344 Edgeware 394 Everglade 245 Daventry 295 Dowlais 345 Edinburgh 395 Exeter 246 Dawlish 296 Draehenfel 346 Edmonton 396 Exmouth 247 Decapolis 297 I )rayton 347 Effingham 397 Fairfax 248 Deccan 298 Dreglioru 348 Egharn 398 Fairfield 249 Dee 299 Dresden 349 Eglinton 399 Fakenham i V 400 401 402 403 404 405 406 407 408 409 410 411 412 413 414 415 416 417 418 419 420 421 422 423 424 425 426 427 428 429 430 431 432 433 434 435 436 437 438 439 440 441 442 443 444 445 446 447 448 449 14 GEOGRAPHICAL FIGURE CODE -Continued. 450 Freemantle 500 Gibsonport 550 Grafton 451 Freiberg 501 Gifford 551 Grammont 452 Frencbpark 502 Gilead 552 G rampian 453 Friedland 503 Gilgal 553 Granada 454 Frobisher 504 Girgenti 554 Grantham 455 Frodsham 505 Gironde 555 Granton 456 Frog more 506 Glamorgan 556 Granville 457 Fronton ac 507 Glasford 557 Grassholm 458 Fullerton 50S Glasgow 558 Gravesend 459 Futtipoor 509 Glen a von 559 Greenhill 460 Fulwood 510 Glencoe 560 Greenland 461 Furness 511 Glenelg 561 Greenwich 462 Fyzabad 512 Glenfalloeh 562 Grenoble 463 Gabatha 513 Glenfeld 563 Gretna 464 Gadarenes 514 Glengariff 564 Gray stock 465 Gainsboro 515 Glengarry 565 Greytown 466 Gainsford 516 Glenlivat 566 Grimsby 467 Gairloch 517 Glenluee 567 Grimstead 468 Galapagos 518 Glenmore 568 Grodno 469 Galashields 519 Glenorchy 569 Guadaloupe 470 Galatz 520 Glentilt 570 Guatemala 471 Galicia 521 G logau 571 Guayaquil 472 Galilee 522 Glossop 572 Guernsey 473 Gallatin 523 Gloucester 573 Guildford 474 Gallipoli 524 Glucksburg 574 Gwalior 475 G alway 525 Gluck stadt 575 Haarlem 476 Gambia 526 Goatfell 576 Hackbridge 477 Ganges 527 Godaiming 577 Hackney 478 Genjam 528 Godavery 578 Haddington 479 Garcia 529 Goderich 579 Hacodadi 480 Garda 530 Godstone 580 Halifax 481 Garibaldi 531 Gogra 581 Hamilton 482 Garonne 532 Golconda 582 Hampshire 483 Garstang 533 Goldberg 583 Hampstead 484 Gascony 534 Golgotha 584 Hancock 485 Gatehouse 535 Goodhope 585 Handforth 486 Gateshead 536 Goodwins 586 Hankow 487 Gavami 537 Goomptee 587 Hanley 488 Geelong 538 Gordon 588 Hanwell 489 Genappe 539 Gorgona 589 Hanover 490 Geneva 540 Gorlitz 590 Hapsbury 491 Genesareth 541 Goruckpore 591 Harlingen 492 Gennessee 542 Gosport 592 Harro w gate 493 Georgetown 543 Gotha 593 Hartlell 494 Georgemont 544 Gothenburg 594 Hartlepool 495 Gerhard 545 Gottingen 595 Harwich 496 Ghazepore 546 Gottorp 596 Haslingden 497 Ghent 547 Goulborn 597 Hastings 498 Gliuznee 548 Govan 598 Hattield 499 Gibraltar 549 Gowrie 599 Hathersage coo 601 602 603 601 605 606 607 608 609 610 611 612 613 614 615 616 617 618 619 620 621 622 623 624 625 626 627 628 629 630 631 632 633 634 635 636 637 638 639 640 641 642 643 644 645 646 647 648 649 15 GEOGRAPHICAL FIGURE CODE — Continued. Hatteras 650 Hopevale 700 Jeddo 750 Havana 651 Hopetown 701 Jefferson 751 Haverford 652 Horncastle 702 Jelalabad 752 Hayfield 653 Hornsea 703 Jericho 753 Hebrides 654 Hosungabad 701 Jersey 754 Hecla 655 Howrah 705 Jerusalem 755 Heidelberg 656 Howth 706 Jessore 756 Heilbronn 657 Hudson 707 Jeypore 757 Helensburg 658 Humber 708 Joinville 758 Heligoland 659 Humboldt 709 Joppa 759 Hellespoint 660 Hungary 710 Jordan 760 Helsinfors 661 Hungerford 711 Jorulio 761 Helvellyn 662 Huntingdon 712 Jubbulpore 762 Hendon 663 Huntly 713 Judpore 763 Herat 664 Hurd war 714 Juggernaut 764 Hereford 605 Huron 715 Jumna 765 Hermanstad 666 Hydaspes 716 Jungfrau 766 Hermon 667 H yderabad 717 Kaffirland 767 Herschell 668 Hymettus 718 Kalefat 768 Herzgovina 669 Hythe j 719 Kaluga 769 Hibernia 670 Ibrail 720 Kansas 770 Higham 671 Ichang 721 Kapunda 771 Highbury 672 Ilfracombe 722 Karlsbad 772 Highgate 673 Iqualada 723 Kedron 773 Hildesheim 674 Illinois 724 Keighley 774 Hillsboro 675 llminster 725 Kelso 775 Himalaya 676 Inchkeith 726 Kendal 776 Hindostan 677 Indiana 727 Kenilworth 777 Hispaniola 678 Indore 728 Kenmare 778 Hitchin 679 Indus 729 Kensington 779 Hobartown 680 Ingolstadt j 730 Kent 780 Hoddesdon 681 Inkerman 731 Kentucky 781 Hodeida 682 Innsprack 732 Kerguelan 782 Holbeach 683 Inverary 733 Kerry 783 Holborn 684 Inverness 734 Keswick 784 Holkar 685 Ipswich 735 Kettering 785 Hollinside 686 Ireland 736 Keywest 786 Holmsdale 687 Irkutch 737 Kilbride 787 Holstein 688 Irrawaddy 738 Kilburn 788 Holycross 689 Irwell 739 Kilcreggan 789 11 olyhead 690 Islamabad 740 Kildare 790 Holywell 691 Islington 741 Kilkenny 791 Holywood 692 Ispahan 742 Kilkerran 792 Hombnrg 693 Itchen 743 Killarney 793 Honduras 694 Ithaca 744 Killibegs 794 Honlleur 695 Jacobabad 745 Kilmarnock 795 Honiton 696 J alawar 746 Kilpatrick 796 Hongkong 697 J afnapatam 747 Kilrush 797 Honolula 698 Jaraslav 748 Kimbolton 798 Hoogly 699 Jedburgh 749 Kincardine 799 Kingscourt Kingsmill Kingston Kinross Kin sale Kirkcaldy Kirkdale Kirkliam Kirkwall Kissengen Knarsboro Knoxville Knutsford Kolaba Kolberg Konigsberg Kostroma Kotzebue Kurdistan Kyrpore Lavinska Labrador Laccadive Lachland Ladoga Ladrones Lafayette Laggan Lagos Lahore Lakeville Lambay Lainlash Lammermuir Lampeter Lanark Lancashire Lancaster Lancing Landsberg Langford Langliam Langside Languedoc Langston Lamlsdowne Laplata Larissa Larkhall Laroche 800 801 802 803 804 805 806 807 808 809 810 811 812 813 814 815 816 817 818 819 820 821 822 823 824 825 826 827 828 829 830 831 832 833 834 835 836 837 838 839 840 841 842 843 844 845 846 847 848 849 16 GEOGRAPHICAL FIGURE CODE — Continued. Latakia 850 1 Louisiana 1 j 900 Marathon 950 Lauderdale 851 Louisville 1 901 Marbella 951 Lauenberg 852 Lowestoft ! 902 Marengo 952 Lausanne 853 Lubeck 903 M argate 953 Lavington 854 Lucerne 904 Marienbad 954 Layback 855 Luck ip ore | 905 Marlboro 955 Leadenhall 856 Lucknow j 906 Marlow i 956 Leamington 857 Ludgate 907 Marmora 957 Lebanon 858 Ludlow 908 Marnock 958 Ledbury 859 Luneville ! 909 j Marsala I 959 Leicester 860 Luxembourg 910 M artaban 960 Leith 861 Lyndkurst I 911 Martinique 961 Leitrim 862 Lyons ; 912 Maryland j 962 Leixlip 863 Lytham ! 913 Maryport 963 Lemberg 864 Lyttletou ! 914 Matamoros ; 964 Lennox 865 M acassar ! 915 M atanzas i 965 Leominster 866 Macedonia 1 916 Matlock 966 Lepanto 867 Macplierson j 917 Matterhorn j 967 Lesbos 868 M acquarie 1 918 Mauritius 968 Lewistown 869 Madras ; 9i9 Maxweltown j 969 Lexington 870 Madison [ 920 Maybole 970 Lichfield 871 Magdala 921 | Mayence 971 Limehouse 872 Magdalena 1 922 Mayfield 972 Limerick 873 Magdeburg j 923 May noth 973 Limoges 874 ! Magellan 924 Mazatland 974 Lincoln 875 Maggiore 1 925 Mecca 975 Linkoping 876 Maidenhead 1 926 ! Meclenberg 976 Linlithgow 877 Maidstone 927 Medina 977 Lipari 878 Maitland 928 Medoc 978 Lipstadt 879 Majorca 929 Medway 979 Lipscombe 880 Malabar 930 Meerut 980 Lisbon 881 Malacca 931 Meinam j 981 Littlerock 882 Maldives 932 Meiningen 982 Livingstone 883 Malahide 933 Melbourne 983 Livorno 884 Malpas 934 Meldrum 984 Llandaff 885 Malplaquet 935 Melita 985 Llandover 886 Malta 936 Melricli 986 Llangollin 887 Malvern 937 Melville : 987 Lohenstein 888 Manasseli 938 M emel 988 Lochgoil 889 Manchester 939 Mendon | 989 Lochnagar 890 Mandalay 940 Mendoza 990 Lockwood 891 Mangalore 941 Merioneth 991 Loftliouse 892 Manickpore 942 Merrimac 992 Lombardy 893 Manila 943 Messina 993 Lomnitz 894 Manitoba 944 Mexico 994 Londos 895 M annlieim 945 Michigan 995 Longford 896 Manresa 946 Middleburg 996 Lorraine 897 Mansfield 947 Middlefort 997 Lothbury 898 Manzanilla 948 Middlesex 998 Loughboro 899 Maracaibo 949 Middleton m Middles icli Midliurst Midlothian Midnapore Milan Milford Millstreet Millwall Milton Milnthorpe Milverton Milwaukee Minehead Minnesota Minorca Miramicka M irzapore Missouri Mitylene Mizpali Mocha Moffat Moldavia Molucca Monaghan Mongolia Monkland Monkton Monmouth Monrovia Montauban Montcalm Montebello Montemolin M ontenegro Montevideo Montezuma Montgeorge Montfbrt Montpelier M ontreal Montrose Moolton Moorfields Moorgate Morecambe Moieland Morlass Morpeth Mortlake ^OOO-^CSOT^COLCh - 1 '.©ac^OiOT^OOtOI - 1 O^OQO^OS^-t^OObCi— 17 COTTON FIGURE CODE. In Use witli Liverpool Only. TABLE A. Have bought to cover sales, 100 bales basis middling. 77 77 200 77 77 u . . . 77 300 77 77 77 77 400 77 77 s sold to arrive 100 77 77 77 77 200 77 77 77 77 300 77 77 77 77 400 77 77 77 77 500 77 7.7 77 77 1,000 77 77 TABLE B. This month’s delivery. „ and next month’s delivery. Next and following month’s delivery. 3rd and 4th „ ,, 4th and 5th Next and following 3rd and 4th 4th and 5th l’S delivery, Havre (francs) 77 77 77 77 77 77 77 77 77 TABLE C. 0 Bence. Francs 1 9 3 2 4-50 9 1 6 27 32 i 3 2 •50 5 1 6 5* 1 9 3 2 7 A 1 1 6 1* 1 1 3 2 5-50 i 2 9 3 2 3 32 1-50 a A 0. 2J_ 3 2 9- 1 5 1 6 i 2* 1 3 3 2 0-50 1 1 1 6 9.50 3 1 32 32 J-50 T7T 7* 2 3 3 2 3 1 6 3* 1 5 3 2 7-50 S 7 3 2 3-50 i 9 8- 2 5 32 i 4- J L7 3 2 8-50 JL3 1 6 We leave the actual number of Pence and of Tens of Francs to be understood. N.B. — When only one Geographical symbol is sent these three Tables will always be used. The first unit to be taken from Table A, the second from Table B, the third from 0, i.e. Clapham — 125. 1. Have bought to cover sales, 100 bales basis middling. 2. This and next month’s delivery, 5* ® = 6J. ♦When Havre transactions are advised the price will be basis Low Middling, instead of basis middling. Should more than one geographical symbol be used with table A. B. 0., a word from our large code must come between. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 n l 8 9 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 18 COTTON FIGURE CODE. se witli Liverpool Only. TABLE D. Buy and ship. Buy and ship — if impracticable, make best counter offer. Make us firm offer. (Think could place). Make you firm offer, if impracticable make best counter offer. Have sold on spot. Have sold to arrive. We favor buying. We favor selling. Do you favor buying. Do you favor selling. TABLE E. TABLE F. Strict low Middling. Low middling. Strict good middling. Good ordinary. Strict ordinary. Ordinary. Low ordinary. Tinges. Stained. Average good middling. „ strict middling. „ middling. „ strict low middling. „ low middling. ,, strict good ordinary. „ good ordinary. „ strict ordinary. „ ordinary. „ low ordinary. Equal to sample. Liverpool middling clean stains. 50 bales. 100 200 250 300 400 509 750 1000 Middling fair. Good middling. Strict middling, Middling. 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 GO 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 19 COTTON FIGURE CODE. Js© with Liverpool Only. TABLE F —Continued. Liverpool low middling clean stains. „ good ordinary „ „ Deep stains. Basis middling, L. M. 0., this and next month’s shipment. 11 11 next and following „ ii 11 11 3rd and 4th „ ii 11 11 „ 4th and 5th „ ii Basis middling, G. O. C., this and next month’s shipment. next and following „ „ 3rd and 4th „ „ 4th and 5th „ „ to he shipped as soon as possible. n ii n 11 L. M. c., 11 11 11 this and next month’s delivery „ next and following „ „ 3rd and 4th „ ,, 4 th and 5 th „ G. O. C., this and next month’s. „ next and following „ „ 3rd and 4tli „ „ 4th and 5th „ Havre classification good middling in pence „ „ middling „ „ „ strict low middling „ ,, „ low middling „ „ „ strict good ordinary ,, „ „ good ordinary “ „ Havre classification average middling „ „ average strict low middling „ ,, average low middling „ „ average strict good ordinary „ „ average good ordinary „ Havre deliveries or “termes” this and next month „ „ „ next and following „ „ „ „ 3rd and 4th „ „ „ „ 4th and 5th „ Middling fair in francs, Havre class’!. understood if not otherwise Good middling Strict middling Middling Strict low middling Low middling Strict good ordinary Good ordinary Strict ordinary Ordinary- Low ordinary m pence. ii ii ii in francs. ii ii ii ii ii ii ii ii ii ii ii ii ii ii ii V» ii ii ii ii ii ii ii ii ' ii ii ii ii ii ii 20 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 COTTON FIGURE CODE. In Use witlL Liverpool Om ly. TABLE F. — Continued. Tinges in francs, Havre class! understood if not otlierwise expressed. Stains u „ strict middling middling strict low middling low middling strict good ordinary good ordinary strict ordinary ordinary ?? 11 •ancs. ii 11 11 11 11 V 11 11 17 11 11 11 71 11 17 11 11 "7 11 11 17 11 11 17 11 38, 11 11 Equal to sample Liverpool middling clean stains ii low ,, ,, „ good ordinary,, Deep stains TABLE G. 01 3 20- 48- 76- Si 02 | 3A 20-50 m 48-50 Mi 76-50 8A 03 3* 21. 413 49- 77 04 w 21-50 I 32 49-50 77-50 m 05 I 3J 22- 50- 78- 8f 06 ‘I 5 22-50 m 50-50 fill 3 2 78-50 sis °3 2 07 3A 23* m 51* 79- 8 t 7 « 08 3 32 23-50 43_1 ^32 51-50 «t» 79-50 m 09 ; M 24- 5 52- «* 80* 8i 10 3 3 -2 24-50 F7 1 ^3 2 52-50 u 3 2 80-50 11 3rs 25- ^1 6 53- 81* Q 9 °T6 12 1 332" 25.50 5 3~2 53-50 m 81-50 m j 13 ! 3| 26* 54- 82- 8f 14 Mi 26-50 K 5 J 3 2 54-50 6» 82-50 811 °3 2 15 ; 3. 1“6 27- 5 * Vl 6 55* 83- 8UL °1 6 16 3 3 i 27-50 ^32 55-50 fi3JL U 3 2 83-50 hi 17 M 28- 5| 56* 7 84- 8j 18 3^7 28-50 5 3 - 2 56-50 7 A 84-50 19 3 r 6 29- 5 £ ^16 57* 7 tV 85- Cl 3 20 m 29-50 5 32 57-50 7 3“2 85*50 U2 7 ^32 21 3f ' 30- 5f 58- 86- 85 22 3» 30-50 58*50 5 4 3^2 86-50 8§f 23 3H 31- 7 *^1 6 59- 7JL *16 87* 24 3fi 31-50 m 59-50 7 £ 4 32 87-50 8 3 J 1 25 3f 32- 5£ 60- 7* 88- 9 26 326 3 2 32*50 517 "32 60-50 88-50 27 33* rc 9 . °16 61- , 7_5_ 16 89- 28 '3M 33-50 61-50 7 1 1 * 3~2 89-50 29 3i 34- 5f 62. 7ft 4 F 90- 95 30 3M 34-50 5fi 62-50 713 1 *32 90-50 9A 21 COTTON FIGURE CODE. In Use witli Liverpool Only. TABLE G. — Continued. 31 Q1 5 35- 63- 7 1 91- q 3 y !6 32 35-50 5ft 63-50 7ft 91-50 q 7 ^3 0 33 4 36- 5f 64- 7f 92- H 34 4 - 1 - *3 2 36-50 5ft 64-50 7ft 92-50 q 9 a 2 35 4 x *1 6 37- 5tt 65- 7ft 93- q 5 •'Tfl 36 4* 37-50 5ft 65-50 7« 93-50 §UL ^3 2 37 38- 66- 7f 94- 9» 38 4 A *32 38-50 K2 9 ^3 2 66-50 721 ' 3 2 94-50 m 39 4 A *16 39- 51^- U 16 67- 711 • 1 6 95- m 40 39-50 5 ft 67-50 723 * 32 95-50 41 4i 40- 68 - 73 96- 94 42 4_9_ 3 2 40-50 68-50 7|| 96-50 qi 7 ^3 2 43 4- 6 - *1 fi 41- 6 A 69- 71 a ' 1 6 97- 9 T 9 6 44 m 41-50 69-50 72tL * 32 97-50 941 45 4» 42- 70- 7 Jr 98- 9f 46 4ff 42-50 70-50 7ft 98-50 q 2 1 y 32 m 47 4 A 43. 6 A 71- 7 IA 1 1 6 99- 48 4J-I 43-50 5 3-2 71-50 731 99-50 q 2 3 . ■3 2 49 44- «4 72- 1 8 100- 93 50 All *3 2 44-50 72-50 83 V 100-50 02 5 9 51 4 £ i *16 45- 73- 8 tV 101- 9*f 52 m 45-50 . 6ft 73-50 « A 101-50 q 2 7 ^3 2 95 53 46- 74- 8* 102- 54 -4 2 1 *3 2 46-50 74-50 102-50 q 2 9 ^3 2 55 411 *16 47- i . 75- 103- Q 3 1 .3 2 56 42.3 *3 2 47-50 i 75-50 8* 103-50 Note — T ables D. E. F. G. are always used with two geographical symbols Highgate — Killkenny. 623 741 6. Have sold to arrive. 2. 100 bales. 37. Basis Middling, G. O. C.; to be shipped as soon as possible. 41. 6d. i 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 2 3 4 5 ! G 7 8 9 1 2 3 4 5 G 7 8 9 22 COTTON FIGURE CODE, In Us© Witn Liverpool Only. TABLE H. Liverpool terms Cost and freight Cost, freight and insurance v n » n Landed terms, ship by sail „ „ „ steam ,, ,, Havre by sail by steam TABLE I. Immediate shipment (within ten days) This month „ This and next month shipment Next and following month shipment 3rd and 4th „ „ 4tli and 5th „ „ No hurry for shipment This and next month’s shipment, any port Prompt shipment, any port TABLE J. Usual return Returning extra \% * Be very particular about color * „ „ ,, staple * Staple no object, but bright clean cotton will do *Tingy cotton will do * Bender cotton, if Orleans. ( Alabama cotton, good body and staple, if Savannah) *Usnal return understood. TABLE K. Reply on receipt, so that we may act to-day „ immediately Subject to reply here to-morrow „ „ Monday „ „ Tuesday „ „ Wednesday „ „ Thursday „ „ Friday „ „ Saturday 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 23 COTTON FIGURE CODE. rse wltli Liverpool Only. TABLE L. Liverpool >5 J? V Havre steam or sail steam sail „ steam or sail ,, steam „ sail Liverpool or Havre „ steam or sail „ steam „ sail Bremen, steam or sail „ steam „ sail Antwerp, steam or sail „ steam „ sail Amsterdam, steam „ sail Rotterdam, steam „ sail Genoa, steam „ sail Trieste, sail Venice, sail Marseilles, steam „ sail Hamburg, steam „ sail Reval steam „ sail Dunkirk, sail Ghent, sail These figures will be preceded by four units to be taken from Tables H, I, J, K. Cuttack 221 1 Deptford 259 j 2 — Cost and Freight. 2 — This months shipment. 1 —Usual return. 2 — K eply immediately. 59— Ship by steam to Liverpool. Quote lowest price at which we may sell 1st B ; 2nd and 3rd F!; 4th I. * I I ' ■ 33 FIGURE CODE TO RE USED RETWEEN AMERICA AND BREMEN, AND TRANSMITTED RY ONE GEOGRAPHICAL SYMROL. TABLE Itfo. 1— Liverpool Classification. We offer firm subject to reply, reaching us to-morrow | Good Middling shipment by sail. Middling shipment by sail. Low Meddling shipment by sail. Good Ordinary shipment by sail. Middling shipment by steam. Low Middling shipment by steam. Basis Middling, Low Middling clause this and next months shipment by sail. Basis Middling, Low Middling clause next and following month’s shipment by sail. Basis Middling, Low Middling, clause third and fourth month’s shipment by sail. TABLE 2. 50 Bales . Cotton, 100 11 ii 200 71 it 300 11 ii 400 11 ii 500 11 ii 600 11 ii 750 11 ii 1000 11 ii Have refusal of a vessel for morrow at 12 M., of about Bremen subject to reply reaching us to- B. C. capacity. 34 FIGURE CODE TO BE USED BETWEEN AMERICA AND AND TRANSMITTED BY ONE GEOGRAPHICAL SYMBOL Continued . TABIH 3. — Liverpool Classification. 1 3 - 1-6 4 4ft 4f 54 K 1 1 °T6 64 644 2 34 4ft 44 5ft 5f 6ft 65 3 3ft 444 54 544 6f 644 4 3f 4ft n 5 ^1 6 55 6ft 7 5 3« 44 444 *» n 1 5 °1 6 64 7ft 6 n 4ft 45 5 ft 6 6ft 6f 74 7 341 4f 4 X 5 . *1 6 54 6ft 7ft 8 34 4ft 5 5 £ 6 55 64 644 74 9 341 44 5 A 6ft 6f 7ft Price will always be in pence sterling, cost freight, with commission by sail. EXAMPLE. Gorgona — 539. C 5. We offer firm, subject to reply reaching us to-morrow mid- dling shipment by steam. 3. 200 bales Cotton. I 9. of cost freight, insurance with commission. When the last cypher in Table No. 2 is used, the quantity offered will be the cargo by the vessel whose capacity is given with 10% clause understood. To avoid misunderstanding, a cypher from our large Code for the price will, probably, be added after the Geographical word. The cable would then be: “ GORGOXA ACOKN.” Ci ^ CO tC M O <£> 00 -1 OS Crrf^CCfcO 31 FIGURE CODE TO BE USED BETWEEN AMERICA AND AMSTERDAM, AND TRANSMUTED B1 ONE GEOGRAPHICAL SYMBOL. TABLE 23To. 1 — Amsterdam Classification. We offer firm subject to reply reaching us to-morrow. Good Middling. n V v Middling. Low Middling. V V n Good Ordinary We offer firm subject to reply reaching us to morrow. B. M. L. M. C., this and next month’s shipment. We offer firm subject to reply reaching us to-morrow. B. M. L. M. C., next and following month’s shipment. We offer firm subject to reply reaching us to-morrow. B. M. L. M. C., 3rd and 4th month’s shipment. We offer firm subject to reply reaching us to-morrow. Basis middling qualities about middling, this and next month’s shipment. We offer firm subject to reply reaching us to-morrow. Basis middling qualities about middling next and following month’s shipment. We offer firm subject to reply reaching us to-morrow. Basis middling qualities about middling third and fourth month’s shipment. TABLE 2. 100 Bales Cotton. 200 n V 250 V » 500 v V 1000 n n 1200 n v 1500 1750 V jj 2000 Have refusal of a v< refusal of a vessel for Amsterdam subject to reply, reaching us to-morrow at 12 M., of about B.c. capacity. QC-3C}Cr(^C0tO 32 FIGURE CODE TO RE USED BETWEEN AMERICA AND AMSTERDAM, AND TRANSMITTED BY ONE GEOGRAPHICAL SYMBOL— Continued, TABLE 3. 3* 4 4ft 55 5ft 61 m 4ft 4 5ft 5S 6ft Q 9 H 4ft 51 511 6f 4ft 4* 5ft 51 U 8 6ft 7 m H 4yf ■ 5| 6 61 7* 3|£ 4ft 45 5ft 6 6ft 6| n m 4$ 415. *1 fi 51 6ft 7 T6 4 4 _ 7 _ 1 6 5 5ft 61 6ft 7 \ 311 4J 5- 1 - U 1 6 5f 6| 6| 7 fV Price will always be in Pence Sterling', cost and freight with commission by Sail. EXAMPLE. Morecambe — 995. f 9. We offer firm subject to reply, reaching us to-morrow. Basis middling qualities about middling next and fol- < lowing month’s shipment. 9. 2000 bales Cotton. 5. 5§d cost and freight by Sail with commission. When the last cipher in Table No. 2 is used, the quantity offered will be the cargo by the vessel whose capacity is given with 10% clause understood. To avoid misunderstanding, a cypher from our large Code for the price will probably be added after the geographical Word, viz : — for 5§ — ACHIEVE. The message would then be : — a MORECAMBE ACHIEVE.” -1 C5 Cn rfa. CO bC M O CO30< r> o o V V o o V | Middling Fair. Good Middling. Middling. Average Middling. Low Middling. Average Low Middling. Strict Good Ordinary. Good Ordinary. Basis Middling, nothing below Low Middling. Middling stains. TABLE No. 2. 50 Bales Cotton. 100 200 250 300 400 500 v v V V y y> V r> v V V V 750 „ 1000 „ „ Have refusal ot a vessel for morrow 12 M., about Ghent, subject to reply reaching B. C. capacity. Strict us to- 36 FIGURE CODE TO BE USED FROM AMERICA TO GHE3N T, AND TRANSMITTED BY ONE GEOGRAPHICAL SYMBOL— Continued. TABLE No. 3. 1 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 o 45 J 504 55J 6O4 654 704 754 8O4 854 904 954 3 46 51“ 56 61 66 71 76 81 86 91 96 4 46i 514 564 614 661 714 764 8I4 864 914 96i 5 47 52 57 62 67 72 77 82 87 92 97 6 m 524 574 624 674 724 774 824 874 924 974 7 48 53 58 63“ 68 73 78 83 88 93 98 8 484 53i 58 § 634 684 734 784 834 88 4 934 98i 9 49 54 59 64 69“ 74 79“ 84 89 94 99 0 494 54^ 594 644 694 744 794 84i 894 944 99i All prices to be understoood cost freight insurance 6% loss in weight by sail to Ant- werp, unless Ghent is stated or cypher u 0 ” from Table 2 is used or steam stated. EXAMPLE. 900. f 9. We offer firm subject to reply reaching us to-morrow, basis Middling, nothing below Strict Low Middling. 0. Have refusal vessel for Ghent subject to Marathon — Banana — Breadth. <[ reply reaching us to-morrow 12 M., about B. C. capacity. 0. 64J. Banana— 1250. Breadth — 64J. When the last cypher in Table No. 2 is used, the quantity offered will be the cargo by the vessel whose capacity is given with 10% clause understood. To avoid misunderstanding a cypher from our large Code, for the price will probably be added after the Geographical word. 37 FIGURE CODE TO BE USED BETWEEN AMERICA AND HA VUE, AND TRANSMITTED BY ONE GEOGRAPHICAL SYMBOL. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 TABLE No. 1. We offer firm subject to reply ) reaching us to-morrow. ] Good Midd’g, Havre class’ll. V 11 11 Middling, ii ii 11 11 11 Average Strict Low Middling, ii ii 11 11 11 Low Middling, ii ii 11 71 11 Average Low Middling, ii ii 17 11 11 Strict Good Ordinary, ii ii 11 11 11 Average Strict Good Ordn’y, ii ii 11 11 11 Good Ordinary, ii ii 11 11 17 Middling Stains Liverpool classification or Low Middling Stains, Havre Classification. We offer firm subject to reply reaching us to-morrow. Low Middling Stains Liverpool classification, or Strict Good Ordinary Stains, Havre classification. TABLE No. 2. 50 Bales Cotton. 100 200 250 300 400 500 750 1000 77 11 11 11 11 11 11 17 38 FIGURE CODE TO BE USED BETWEEN AMERICA AND HAVRE, AND TRANSMITTED BY ONE GEOGRAPHICAL SYMBOL— Continued, TABLE No. 3. 1 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 2 45J 50 J 554 60i 654 704 75i 804 854 904 954 3 46 51 56 61 66“ 71 76 81“ 86“ 91 96“ 4 464 514 56J 61i 664 714 764 814 864 914 964 5 47“ 52 57 62 67 72 77 82 87 92 97 6 474 52 J 574 624 674 724 m 824 874 924 974 n ( 48“ 53 58 63 68 73 78 83 88 93 98 8 48J 534 584 634 684 734 784 834 884 934 984 9 49 54 59 64 69“ 74 79 84“ 89 94 99 0 494 54J 59i 64^ 694 744 794 844 894 944 994 Price will always be cost frt. insurance and 6% loss in weight, with commission in francs per 50 Kos. EXAMPLE. f 4. We offer firm subject to reply reaching us to morrow. Havre n a ^ 4 no. j Low Middling. Ganjam— 478. J 7 500 baIeg Cot » on [ 8. Francs 68 J per 50 Kos. cost frt. insurance and 6 % tare. To avoid misunderstanding, a cypher from our large Code for the price will probably be added after the Geographical Symbol. The cable would then be : “GANJAM BREAKING.” 39 FIGURE CODE TO BE USED BETWEEN AMERICA AND LILLE. AND TRANSMITTED BY ONE GEOGRAPHICAL SYMBOL. 1 o TABID Wo. 1— Havre Classification. We offer firm subject to reply, reaching us to-morrow 77 y> 77 v y> 77 77 77 77 Good Middling. Middling. Low Middling. Average Low Middling. Strict Good Ordinary. Good Ordinary. Strict Ordinary. Ordinary. Basis Low Middling, nothing below Strict Good Ordinary. Liverpool Middling Stains. TABLE 2. 50 Bales Cotton. 100 200 250 300 400 500 750 1000 Have refusal of vessel for Dunkirk subject to reply reaching us to- morrow at 12 M. of about B. C. capacity. 40 FIGURE CODE TO RE USED BETWEEN AMERICA AND LILLE, AND TRANSMITTED BY ONE GEOGRAPHICAL SYMBOL. — Continued. TABLE 3. 1 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 2 454 50J 554 604 654 704 754 8O4 854 904 954 3 46 51 56 6l“ 66 71 76 81 86 91“ 96 4 464 514 564 614 664 714 764 814 864 914 964 5 47 52“ 57 62 67 72“ 77 82 87“ 92 97“ 6 17J 52J 574 624 674 724 774 824 874 924 974 7 48 53 58 63 68 73 78 83 88 93 98 8 484 534 584 634 684 734 784 834 884 93 J 984 9 49 54“ 59 64 69 74 79 84“ 89“ 94“ 99 0 49J 544 594 644 694 744 794 844 894 944 994 Price always understood to be cost freight and insurance, and 6 per cent, tare with com- mission by sail to Havre, unless cypher from table 2 is used, or steam stated. EXAMPLE, f 006. | 0. We offer firm, subject to reply reaching us to- \ morrow Liverpool Middling stains. | 0. Have refusal, vessel for Dunkirk subject to Caithness, Banana, Brazier. { reply reaching us to-morrow 12 M. of about B. C. capacity. | G. 624 fcs. | Banana. 1250. [ Brazier. 62 ±. When the last cypher in Table No. 2 is used the quantity offered will be the cargo by the vessel whose capacity is given, with 10% clause understood. To avoid misunderstanding a cypher from our large Code for the price well probably be added after the Geographical word. 41 FIGURE CODE TO RE USED RETWEEN AMERICA AND AND TRANSMITTED RY ONE GEOGRAPHICAL SYMBOL. 1 2 3 4 5 G 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 TABLE No. 1. We favor selling* Good Middling*. „ „ Middling. „ „ Low Middling*. „ „ ' Strict Good Ordinary. „ ,, Good Ordinary. „ „ Ordinary. „ „ Basis Middling* L. M. 0. this and next month’s delivery. „ „ Basis Midd’g L. M. C. next and following* month’s del’y. „ „ Basis Middling* L. M. C. 3d and 4th month’s delivery. ,, „ Basis Middling L. M. C. 4th and 5th month’s delivery. TABLE No. 2. 50 Bales Cotton. 100 200 250 300 400 500 750 1000 1500 77 v v 77 77 79 77 77 77 77 V 77 7 77 77 77 77 77 TABLE No. 3. 1 4 4- 5 — *1 6 45 ^8 4is 16 54 5* 5-^ Oft 61 2 4ft 4ft ftf 441 „ 3 2 5ft 5ft Oft Oft 3 4 ft 4 ! 4ft 5 K 5 J ie 5fi 5ft 01 Oft 4 4_3_ *3 3 ftf 423 *3 2 5ft 521 °3 2 niLL ,J 3 2 Oft Oft 5 ft 4* 4| 5| 51 JL 0 Oft 01 G ,4* 41 A ^32 4ff 5ft 5ft Oft Oft Oft 7 4ft 44 ftt *^T% 5f Oft Of Oft 8 , 4 A 4ft 4ft 5ft Oft Oft Oft 4J 4* ^8 5J 3 3 *-'16 04 Oft 0? 0 n 4ft ftf 429 *3 2 5 A m Oft Oft Oft Ox ^ CO bO M 42 FIGURE CODE TO BE USED BETWEEN AMERICA AND AND TRANSMITTED BY ONE GEOGRAPHICAL SYMBOL— Continued. TABLE 3. — Continued. 613 u 16 n 7 — - ' 1 6 7? m 7_5_ m 725 4 3 2 7* n 713 * 1 6 U 3 2 7* 717 4 3“2 72 7 4 3 2 61A 6 7J 7_9_ 4 1 b 7f 6-LL 7_fl_ 4 3 2 7A9 4 32 729 4 32 7 7_s' 4 1 6 715 4 i 6 7 * m 72 1 4 32 73 1 4 32 7jV 7» 7A1 4 Ifi 8 7* m 72 3 *32 8-1 °3 2 Larkhall. L l 7 - EXAMPLE. 798. We favor selling. Basis M. S. M. C., tliis and next month’s delivery. 1000 hales Cotton. 5|4 cost freight insurance and 6% tare with commission eqnal to 6- 3 \ Liverpool terms. Price will always be cost freight insurance and 6% loss in weight with commission, obtain Liverpool landed terms add Jd if price under Gd; if over Gd add To . V. UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS-URBANA 3 0112 053560279