fACKSON CORSE COMPANY • • • , ;• '■ ' V' >' At y .y- * . m v i! i •& ■ iragfe^^ * 4 *r> : <- 4Mfc'V?&5; ’4 2/ - JACKSON CORSET COMPANY One of the ironclad rules of the Company is s to any Mail not to sell a dollar's worth df goods Order House, , Their goods are handled by the best mer- chants from Maine to California and from Mex- ico to Canada; in fact, the Company enjoys a! good export trade, shipping as they do to sev- eral foreign countries, The offices of the Jackson Corset Co, are spacious and well lighted, and every care and 1 precaution has been taken, looking toward the comfort of the office force, On entering the offices the first is the re- ception room, to the front is the general office. the left the Manager’s and Secretary's officr where the executive woik of the Company done. Next to the office is the Collection an play and Directors’ Room, In the Display or Salesroom, whose wall are Imed with cabinets, are found the lates < 'C3li.L* for II"- "Worn, i, One of the business features of this mam each department is connected with the c thus facilitating matters. The Building is solid brick and very -qns Am puB jpuq pqos si Suipjjng oq_L 'SjgppBiu §uqBpi|ioBj snip sjgqpo gqp qp|M pgpoguuoo sj pugiupjBdgp qoB9 ftqgjgqM 90|AJ9S 0uoqd9|9j. ‘gqp si puB|d qpow -in Bin slip jo sgjnpBgj ssguisnq gqp jo ouo I( '0jbq oq m ugiuoM,, gqp joj suopBgjo S9JB] 9ip punoj 9.1 B 'SJBUjqBO L|J|M p9lli| 9JB f||BM 9S0qM ‘aiOOJS9|Bg JO AB|dS|'(] 0qj il| ■uioay ( sjoj 09 j|Q pirn AB|d siq gqp si sjqp gqsoddo 'puguipjEdgo pipgjQ UB UOp09||OO 9l'p SI 90IJJ0 gqp Op'pxgfj '9U0p ! AuBdinoQ gqp jo >|jom 9Apno9X9 gqp 9J9qM bjJJO S/JBJ9J09S PUB S,J9§BUB[/\| 9qp JJ.9J 9L|J '90jJJ0 |B.I 9 U 0 § 0qj SI pUOJJ 9qj Op ‘lUOOJ uopdG -9j‘ oqi SI 1S.II1 9U1 S90IJJ0 9qi SUIJ91U9 un '90J0J. 90IJJ0 9l|P JO JJOJLUC 9qj pjBMOJ §LII>jOO| ‘U9>]BJ U99q SBl] U0pilB09J PUB 9JB0 AJ9A9 pUB 'pgpq9j| ||9M pUB SIJOjOBC 9JB 'Of) J9SJ00 UOS^OEf 9U1 JO S9QIJL0 Qll'l ■sgupunoo 'uSiojoj |bj -Ass oj op Agqp sb §U!ddiqs' l 9pBJj pjodxg poo e sAofug AuBdaioQ gqp ‘j'obj ui Ibpbubq op o: -X9|/\| UlO’IJ pilB B]UJOJ][BO op 0u'lB|/\| LUO.IJ SpUBq -J9U1 psgq gqp Aq pg|puBq gJB'spooS J|9qj_ ■osnopi j9pj( j]E|/J Aus op spoog JO qpjOM S,JE||Op B ||9S op po si AuBdiuof) oqp jo sojnj pB|ouo.q gqp jo 9UQ