5 ^J> i CONSTITUTION O F NATIONAL TRIM ASSEMBLY 158 Knights of Labor. (MACHINERY CONSTRUCTORS’ ASSOCIATION OF NORTH AMERICA.) ORGANIZED MARCH 19. 1887. ADOPTED AT PITTSBUKG, PA., JUNE 6-10, 1887. NEW YORK: Concord Co-opfrative Printing Company Limited), 47 and 49 Centre Street. 1887. , • r * 3 3/, V ^ ar T /J IIIIImIEII Of all the industries manifesting their activity in social life, that of Machinery Construction is the most important; it is, in fact, the conservator of all future civilization. Civilization is the gradual process through and by which the higher and nobler faculties of man are unfolded and developed; and it receives its higher form of expression in the concensus of those human activities, wherein the industrial energy of society is gradually eliminating the warfare of man upon man. And what a pre-eminent position Machinery oc¬ cupies in this process we shall be better able to appreciate when we understand that both in phys¬ ical and in industrial war, that it is the development and introduction of Machinery that is rapidly render¬ ing both forms of conflict impossible ; for in carrying bn these two forms of warfare to a much greater extent the political monopolists—( i. e .) kings, em¬ perors and politicians—and the industrial monopo¬ lists—( i. e.) millionaires and corporations—but en¬ compass their own destruction, and the workers IS3 4 PREAMBLE. will then have learned that the only enemy they have really to combat is ignorance; and in this warfare it is Machinery guarantees success. For centuries the masses of mankind have been industrial and political slaves to a privileged few. They have slaughtered and pillaged each other that a king or a politician might rule while they might serve. They have transformed the wilder¬ ness into a garden, the quarry into a palace, and the mine into an Alladin’s cave; but to them the gardens are as of Eden with its flaming sword, the palaces but gloom their hovels, while the mines furnish machinery that drives them, shack- els that enslave them, weapons that slaughter them and gold that betrays them. Surely uni-* versal intelligence, which Machinery makes possi¬ ble, will tolerate no such abominable perversion of the beneficence of Nature. If, then, our industry performs such an all-im¬ portant part in the field of civilization, let us, fel¬ low-craftsmen and workers, have pride enough in our calling to exact our rights and to perform our duty; and among those rights which we may justly exact are the following : First —More leisure, through the shortening of the hours of labor, in order that we may strengthen our intellectual faculties through mental exercise, and our morals through more time devoted to our families. Second —An increased compensation, that we may PREAMBLE. 5 have the material with which to cultivate our minds, elevate our tastes, and develop our individualities. And as means to these ends we shall work for the shortening of the hours of labor, for the abolition of the contract system, piece work, and over-time, except in cases of emergency, when double com¬ pensation shall be exacted. That the running of two or more machines by one person be abolished; and that we shall oppose the substitution of boys for men, except they are indentured as regular apprentices, in due proportion to the number of hands employed; that we shall use every endeavor to have properly lighted, heated and ventilated shops; and to reduce all danger from accident to a minimum by the employment of the proper safe¬ guards and the enforcement of the Jaws relating thereto; and, finally, that in practical Education we recognize the lever by which the industrial masses will be elevated to a higher moral and intellectual plane. 'constitution | — OF — Datie^al Trade K ^ ^§i ARTICLE I. NAME AND ORGANIZATION. Section 1. This organization shall be known to all members of the Knights of Labor as National Trade Assembly 198, K. of L.; to the outside world it shall be known as Machinery Constructors’ Asso¬ ciation of North America. Sec. 2. This N. T. A. shall be organized territo¬ rially into Divisions, as hereinafter provided. Sec. 3. Representation in this N. T. A. 198 shall be by delegates, or alternates, elected as follows: One delegate for the first one hundred members in good standing, or for a fractional part thereof; and one additional delegate for every additional one CONSTITUTION. 8 hundred members in good standing or majority fraction thereof. AKTICLE II. AUTHORITY AND JURISDICTION. Section 1. This N. T. A. 198 shall have full and final jurisdiction, under the General Assembly and its laws, over all Departments or Divisions, Bu¬ reaus or Locals that have been organized by this N. T. A. 198, or those who have voluntarily attached themselves to it, and embracing the following branches of the Machinery Constructing industry, i. e.: Pattern-makers, Foundrymen, Blacksmiths, Machinists, Boiler-makers, and the respective Helpers of each. Sec. 2. It shall have power to levy assessments for its own maintenance upon all Locals under its jurisdiction, and in accordance with the provisions of Article X. of this Constitution; and also to adopt rules and regulations for the administration of in¬ dustrial and trade affairs other than those that are hereinafter provided for. Sec. 3. The power to establish Locals of any of the trades (either as mixed or distinct trades), em¬ braced in Section 1 of this Article, shall be under the control of this N. T. A. 198, under the follow¬ ing conditions: (1) Each and every Division shall have authority to establish Locals, composed of individuals working at any of the before specified trades, and situated in the territory covered by CONSTITUTION. 9 their respective jurisdiction. (2) In case of dis¬ pute between two or more Divisions over the estab¬ lishment of a new Local, this N. T. A. 198, through its N. Ex. C., shall have power to decide. (3) In those localities where Divisions have not been es¬ tablished this N. T. A. 198, through its officers, shall have jurisdiction over the organization of new Locals eligible to become attached to this N. T. A. 198, and also over the formation of Depart¬ ments in disputed cases. (4) The organization and regulation of Bureaus shall be under the authority of this N. T. A. 198, until a Department is organ¬ ized in the same locality, when they come under its jurisdiction, as hereinafter provided. ARTICLE III. MEETINGS. Section 1. This N. T. A. 198 shall have a regular session once a year, commencing the first Monday in June, and at such place as may be from time to time determined upon. Sec. 2. Special meetings may be called by the N. M. W. at the written request of five Divisions from five different States, and two of these Divisions must be situated at least one thousand miles dis¬ tant from each other; and all Locals entitled to representation at the special session shall receive at least twenty days’ notice of the same from the N. S. T., and the object of the call shall also be stated therein. Sec. 3. Delegates to this N. T. A. 198 must be 10 CONSTITUTION. elected thirty days before the sessions of this N. T. A. (except in case of death or resignation), and must have been members of the Order at least six months prior to their election; except in case of Locals newly organized, when they must have been members from date of organization. Sec. 4. In no case will the credential of any dele¬ gate be accepted if it be known that such delegate is not at the time employed at any of the before specified trades; unless he has been elected by a two-third vote of the members of the Local he rep¬ resents, and must be so certified in his credential; but all members serving in official capacities in the Order are exempt from the provisions of this section. Sec. 5. Each delegate to this N. T. A. 198 must present this body a credential, the duplicate of which must have been forwarded to the N. S. T. by the K. S. of the L. A. he is to represent at least fifteen days prior to the session of this N. T. A. This also applies to credentials of alternates The full name and address of the delegate or alternate must also appear on said credential when for¬ warded to the N. S. T.—in his own handwriting— and the seal of the L. A. must be attached. A du¬ plicate credential must also be presented at the opening session of this N. T. A., but the signature of delegate or alternate must not be signed thereon until after presentation to Credential Committee. Sec. 6. The expenses of delegates or alternates CONSTITUTION. 11 to this N. T. A. must be paid by the Locals they represent; but every L. A shall be entitled to receive from this N. T. A. 198 mileage compensa¬ tion at the rate of two cents per mil-e, going and returning, for each delegate or alternate they are entitled to and who attend the sessions of this N. T. A. The expenses of such National Offi¬ cers whose presence may be required at the ses¬ sions of this N. T. A. shall be paid out of the treasury of this N. T. A., unless they are regu¬ larly accredited delegates, when their expenses must be paid by the L. A. they represent. Sec 7. The representatives and alternates from this N. T. A. 198 to the General Assembly shall be elected at the regular sessions of this N. T. A. A sufficient number of delegates to be elected above the quota, as based upon reports of April 1, to allow for increased membership, death or resignation; those delegates entitled to be present in the G. A. to be taken from the list in the order of their elec¬ tion, and it shall be the duty of the delegate, or the L. A. he represents, to notify the N. S T at least ten days before the session of the G. A. of his ability to attend the same. ARTICLE IY. OFFICERS AND TERMS OF OFFICE. Section 1. The officers of this N. T. A. 198 shall consist of a National Master Workman, National Worthy Foreman, National Secretary-Treasurer, and National Statistician, each of whom shall be 12 CONSTITUTION. elected at the regular annual session of this N. T. A., and all vacancies by death or other causes must be filled by the N. Ex. C. inside of thirty days after receiving notice of the same from the N S. T. Sec. 2. Officers appointed at the sessions of this N. T. A. by the N. M. W. are the same as laid down in the Constitution of the Order for the G. A. Sec. 3 There shall also be a National Executive Council, composed of the N. M. W., N. S. T. (as Chairman and Secretary respectively), and five : members. Sec. 4. In electing officers, nominations shall be made for one office at a time, and the election shall take place before any further nominations are made. AKTICLE Y. DUTIES OF OFFICERS. Section 1. The N. M. W. shall preside at all sessions of this N. T. A.; shall have general super¬ intendence over, and enforce all laws of this N. T. A. when it is not in session ; and may Gall a special meeting of this N. T A., under the provisions of Article III., Section 2, of this Constitution; shall sign all papers and documents that require the signature of the N. M. W. ; shall report quarterly, or oftener if he deems it necessary to the G. S., all matters of interest to the Order occurring in and under the jurisdiction of this N. T. A.; the increase or decrease of membership in this N. T. A.; whether the members are generally employed or not; gen- CONSTITUTION. 13 eral state of trade and wages; cause of dissatisfac¬ tion among members, if any; report all matters of interest concerning local co-operative enterprise in the line of machinery construction; all strikes, or the settlement of any difficulties by arbitration, and all efforts on the part of members, whether successful or not, to better their condition by po¬ litical action; shall quarterly, in January, April, July and October, make a password for the exclu¬ sive use of the Locals in this N. T. A., and issue the same, with the assistance of the N S. T. and Organizers. Shall have a general supervision of all work done by Organizers under the jurisdiction of this N. T. A., and report any neglect of the laws of the Order to the G. M. W.; shall instruct all mem¬ bers of this N. T. A., and all Organizers appointed through it, in the secret work of this Assembly; and at the annual session of this N. T. A he shall make a written report of all official acts during his term; shall have charge of the charter and secret work of this N. T. A., and shall perform such other duties as the laws and usages of the Order may require; and in compensation for his services he shall receive such a sum as may be fixed at the annual sessions of this N. T. A , and, in addition thereto, he shall receive compensation for actual expenses incurred in the line of duty. Sec. 2. The National Secretary-Treasurer shall keep a correct report of the proceedings of this N T. A. and Executive Council; read all communica- 14 CONSTITUTION. tions, reports, petitions, etc.; affix the seal of this N. T. A. to all documents, when necessary; pre¬ pare for publication copies of the proceedings of this N. T. A. within two months after the close of the annual or special session; make to this N T. A., at its annual session, a complete statement of the condition of this N. T. A., compiled from the latest reports of Divisions, Bureaus and Locals; in the months of January, April, July and October, shall furnish to all Locals in good standing the quarterly password prepared by the N. M. W., and to each Organizer under the jurisdiction of this N. T. A.; shall conduct the correspondence of this N. T. A,; shall keep a record of the names, num¬ bers and location of all Divisions, Bureaus and Lo¬ cals attached to this N. T. A.; shall have charge of the seal, books, papers, etc., belonging to this N. T. A.; shall promptly notify the Gen. Secretary of any change in the office of N. M. W. or N. S. T., and also the names and addresses of all members re¬ commended as Organizers; shall present to this N. T. A. at its annual session a full and correct state¬ ment of the moneys received and paid out during the year; and at the expiration of his term of office, or sooner if called upon by the proper authority, shall turn over to his successor in office the seal, books, documents, etc., and all other property be¬ longing to this N. T. A. 198; and shall receive, above his necessary expenses incurred in the line of duty, such compensation as may from time to CONSTITUTION. 15 time be fixed by this N. T. A., and shall furnish such bonds as the N. Ex. C. may require. Sec. 3. The National Worthy Foreman shall assist the N. M. W. during the sessions of this N. T. A., and in case of the death, removal or resignation of the N. M. W., he shall succeed to and fill all the duties of that office until the expiration of the term. Sec. 4. It shall be the duty of the National Statis¬ tician to collect from the Statisticians of each Local, and from all other available sources, all informa¬ tion possible of attainment, showing the condition of the workers in the various branches of the Ma¬ chinery Constructing industry, and the state of trade; to prepare and forward to the N. S. T. a semi-annual report of such information; and at the expiration of his term of office, or sooner if called upon by the proper authority, shall turn over to his successor in office all books, documents, etc., belonging to this N. T. A. ; and he shall receive, above his necessary expenses, such compensation as may from time to time be fixed by this N. T. A at its annual session. Sec. 5. The National Inspector, National Inside Esquire and National Outside Esquire shall per¬ form their duties as laid down in the A. K and secret work of the Order. Sec. 6. The N. Ex. C. shall recommend to the Gen. M W. as many Organizers as they may deem necessary to properly carry on the work of organ- 16 CONSTITUTION. izing the Machinery Constructing industry. Said Organizers must be members in good standing of some of the Locals attached to this N. T. A , and be profficient at their branch of the industry; but an Organizer from one branch of the industry may organize a Local of any other branch when called upon to do so. Sec. 7. The N. Ex. C. shall act as Trustees of this N. T. A., and have a general supervision and control over this N. T. A.; shall have power to de¬ cide appeals from the decision of the N M. W. upon all matters directly appertaining to the Trade and Industry, such decision of appeal to stand until the next session of this N. T. A. All vacancies occur¬ ring in the N. Ex. C. shall be filled by the body itself from among any of the Past Representa¬ tives to this N. T. A., or any of the Past National Officers. Sec. 8. The N. Ex. C shall have power to ap¬ point, upon the recommendation of the N. S. T , such additional assistance in the office of the N. S. T. as from time to time may be found necessary Sec. 9. The N. Ex. C. small hold its sessions at such places as it deems most convenient or economical, at the call of the chairman of the Council, or at the written request of three (3) of its members, and all necessary expenses for such meetings shall be paid by the N S. T., upon a war¬ rant drawn and signed by the N. M. W. and two members of the Council. CONSTITUTION. 17 Sec 10. The N. Ex. C shall be governed in its actions relating to strikes, lock-outs, etc., by the provisions of Article IX. of this Constitution. Sec. 11. Each member of the N Ex. C shall re¬ ceive three dollars ($3.00) per day for any time he may be engaged in the services of this N. T. A., and he shall also be paid his necessary expenses; but fare on railroads, boats, etc., shall only be ren¬ dered at actual cost of tickets. Sec 12. Any officer of this N. T. A. wishing to resign, must forward notice of the same to the N. S. T at least fifteen days before his resignation is to take effect; and all such resignations must be passed upon and decided by the N. Ex. C. | ARTICLE VI. REVENUE, The revenue for the maintenance of this N. T. A. shall be six (6) cents per capita tax upon each member in good standing on the first day of Jan¬ uary, April, July and October, from each and every Local attached to this N. T. A. ARTICLE VII. ORGANIZERS. All recommendations for Organizers must be acted upon by this N. T. A. while in session; or in the interval, if required, shall be recommended by the N. Ex. C. before being forwarded to the G. M. W. CONSTITUTION. 18 « ARTICLE VIII. ISOLATED LOCALS. Section 1. Wherever there may be Locals at¬ tached to this N. T. A. whose situation is so far removed from other Locals of this N. T. A. as to preclude the possibility of their forming a part of a Division or Bureau, they shall be under the imme¬ diate jurisdiction of this N. T. A. AETICLE IX. STRIKES AND ARBITRATION. Section 1. No strike shall be approved or sus¬ tained by this N. T. A. for an increase of wages, un¬ less at least 30 days notice of the intention to do so has been forwarded to the N. S. T. and in all cases the provisions of Section 3 of this Article must be complied with; but this shall in no way preclude the approval by the N. Ex. C. of strikes against reduction of wages, or other grievances that may require immediate action. Sec. 2. In all cases where assistance is rendered by this N. T. A. to strikes, lock-outs, etc., a list of the total number of members on strike or locked out must be furnished to the N. S. T., all the num¬ ber of members in said strike or lock-out, who are over three months in arears, and no assistance shall be paid by this N. T. A. to such persons while they remain in arrears. Sec. 3. Whenever the N. Ex. C. after careful CONSTITUTION. deliberation, deem it necessary to order a demand for increased wages, short hours, etc., in any par¬ ticular locality; after receiving the approval of the Division or Local, under whose jurisdiction said demand is to be enforced, they shall issue a circu¬ lar through the N. S. T. to all Locals under the ju¬ risdiction of this N. T. A., stating the facts in the case, and the reasons actuating the N. Ex. C. in ordering said demands. Upon a Local receiving said circular it shall immediately order a call for a special meeting of said L. A. to take place not later than three weeks after the receipt of circular, for the purpose of adopting or rejecting the recom¬ mendation of the N. Ex. C. as stated in circular; and a vote shall be taken upon it, and the total number of members present, the number voting in the affirmative and the number voting in the nega¬ tive, shall be endorsed on said circular, signed by the M. W. and R. S. and the seal of the L. A. attached, 7 i and shall then be returned to the N. S. T. within one (1) week after said vote is taken. Sec. 4. If the recommendation of the N. Ex. C. is sustained by a two-third majority of the mem¬ bers present in the meetings (those not voting, counted in the affirmative) of all the Locals; then the N. Ex. C. shall issue instructions to the Offi¬ cers of the Division or Local under whose jurisdic¬ tion said demand is to be enforced, to take the necessary action to request of the employers se¬ lected that they increase the wages of their em- I 20 CONSTITUTION. ployes; or decrease their hours of labor, as the case may be. Sec. 5. If the employer or employers refuse to grant the request as presented by the duly author¬ ized representatives of this N. T. A., then the N. Ex. C. shall, after every possible effort has been made to settle the difficulty, order such Local or Locals as may be concerned out on strike if they deem it expedient. • Sec. 6. Any action taken to reduce the hours of labor, to abolish piece-work, to abolish the running of more than one machine, and to regulate compen¬ sation for over-time, shall undergo the same course of procedure as provided for in Sections 3, 4, and 5 of this Article. Sec. 7. All grievances arising in shops between members of this N. T. A. and their employers, such as reduction of wages, running of more than one machine, piece-work, etc., shall first be referred to the Bureau to which their L. A. is attached, by the Delegates of the various Locals, to which said members having grievances belong, or, if there is no Bureau established, the Locals to which the members belong shall refer it to the Division to which they are attached, and if they are not at¬ tached to any Division, it shall be referred to the N. Ex. C. of this N. T. A. 198. Sec. 8. If the Bureau to which said grievance or grievances is referred, decide that it is likely to in¬ volve the entire industry, in the jurisdiction of the CONSTITUTION. 21 Division to which it is attached, and that it cannot be brought to a successful conclusion without co¬ ercive measures; then it shall be the duty of said Bureau to bring it before the Division to which it is attached, and in cases requiring immediate action, the Bureau by a vote of urgency, may de¬ mand that a special meeting of the Division be called on said case providing that the regular-meet¬ ing of the Division does not take place within ten (10) days. Sec. 9. After the Division has taken the proper action in such cases, as provided in the By-laws of the Division, and fail to bring it to a satisfactory conclusion, it shall then be referred with all neces¬ sary papers, documents, etc., also the recommend¬ ation of the Division to the N. S. T., who shall immediately bring it to the attention of the N. Ex. C. Sec. 10. If the N. Ex. C. find it necessary to use coercive measures toward an employer or a cor¬ poration, it shall have power to draw upon the Assistance Fund for that purpose. Sec. 11. No Local, or Locals attached to this N. T. A. 196 shall obey the orders of any other Trade, or District Assembly, unless sanctioned or approved by the N. Ex. C. of this N. T. A. AETICLE X. ASSESSMENTS. Section 1. This N. T. A. shall have the authority 22 CONSTITUTION. to levy assessments for its own maintenance under the following provisions and restrictions: When¬ ever the N. Ex. C. deem it necessary to levy an assessment for the maintenance of this N. T. A., they shall instruct the N. S. T. to issue a circular to all Locals under the jurisdiction of this N. T. A. stating the necessity for said assessment, and at the meeting at which said circular is received it shall be made special order of business for the fol¬ lowing meeting, and all members notified to that effect. A vote shall then and there be taken upon the recommendation of the N. Ex. C. and the total number of members present, the number voting in the affirmative, and the number voting in the nega¬ tive, shall be endorsed on said circular with the signatures of the M. W. and It. S. and the seal of the Local attached, and if two-thirds of the total number of members present in the meeting (those not voting, counted in the affirmative) vote to sus¬ tain the recommendation of the N. Ex. C. then the N. S. T. shall immediately issue a circular, contain¬ ing the vote of each L. A., along with the official notice of the assessments being levied, but it shall be left to the option of the N. Ex. C. when the assessment is to be paid. Sec. 2. All assessments so levied, shall be based upon the number of members reported in good standing at last quarterly report, but in no case shall the amount of any one assessment exceed 50 cents per capita. CONSTITUTION. 23 Sec. 3. In no case shall maintenance be con¬ strued as embracing the purchase of real estate, buildings, establishment of journal, etc., all assess¬ ments for said purposes being so specifically stated, and taking the same course of procedure as pro¬ vided in Section 1 of this Article, with the addition that in issuing circulars recommending purchase of real estate, etc., a detailed description of said prop¬ erty or plant and its assessed value must be given, along with the provisions for holding said property or plant in trust for this N. T. A. 198. Sec. 4. This N. T. A. shall also establish a special fund, to be known as the Resistance Fund for the purpose of supporting the members of this N. T. A. 198 while on strike or locked out. This fund to be created and supported, through the payment by each and every Local of this N. T. A. of five cents per month, upon each member in good standing on the 1st. of each month, to be forwarded monthly to the N. S. T. of this N. T. A., and it shall not be used for any other purpose than that specified in this Article. ARTICLE XI. MONTHLY BEPOET. The N. S. T. shall issue a Monthly Report of the financial and general condition of this N. T. A. also the proceedings of the N. Ex. C. ARTICLE XII. AMENDMENTS OE ADDITIONS TO CONSTITUTION. All amendments or additions to this Constitution 24 CONSTITUTION. must be submitted to the Locals within 30 days after the adjournment of any session of this N. T. A. and in order to become law must be ratified, paragraph by paragraph, and by a majority vote at a meeting especially called for the purpose. CONSTITUTION FOR DIVISIONS. AETICLE I. This National Trade Assembly shall, as fast as practicable be organized into Divisions, taking the place in the Machinery Constructing industry of the former Mixed Districts, and shall be consti¬ tuted as follows: Section 1. Whenever five or more Locals at¬ tached to this N. T. A. 198 desire to organize a Division of this N. T. A., the M. W. of the senior Local shall issue a call for a conference of all those Locals entitled to representation in said Division when organized; and said Convention shall draw up such rules and regulations as they may deem advisable, and not conflicting with the laws of the General Assembly, or of this N. T. A. 198, and shall then submit the same to each L. A. represented in said Convention for their approval, and if said rules and regulations receive the approval of a ma¬ jority of the Locals represented, they shall immedi¬ ately proceed to organize a Division, by the election of the necessary officers, as provided in Section 3 of this Article. Sec. 2. The basis of representation to the Con- 26 CONSTITUTION. vention and to the Divisions when organized, shall be three delegates for each 100 members or less, in good standing for each L. A., and one additional delegate for each 100 over or majority fraction thereof. The first delegate elected to be senior delegate, and in case of death or resignation, the L. A which he represents, shall designate officially which of the remaining delegates shall fill the vacancy and the place of the delegate so selected to be filled by the L A. with a new delegate. Sec. 3. Upon assembling at the time and place specified in call to organize a Division, the Senior Delegate of the Senior Local (in date of organiza¬ tion) shall call the delegates to order and appoint a temporary Secretary and Committee on Creden¬ tials, and then proceed as provided in Art. III., Sec. 2, Constitution of G. A. {Founding of Districts ) substituting Chairman for Master Workman and the titles of the other officers as hereinafter pro¬ vided. Sec. 4. Each Division shall present the name of one of their members to the N. Ex. C. for their rec¬ ommendation to the G. M. W for commission as Organizers. ARTICLE II. MEETINGS AND JURISDICTION. Section 1. Each Division shall meet at least once a month, at such place as they may designate. Sec. 2. Special meetings of Division may be CONSTITUTION. 27 called by a majority vote of the members present at any regular meeting, by a vote of three (3) of the L. A. represented in the Division, presented to the Secretary of the Division duly sealed and signed, and those localities where Bureaus have been established a special meeting may be called as provided for in Article IX., Section 8, Constitu¬ tion of this N. T. A. Sec. 3. The jurisdiction of each Division shall extend over that portion of territory covered by the Locals represented in said Division, and shall embrace all questions, grievances, strikes, lock¬ outs, etc., that directly and only concern the Machinery Constructing industry, in the territorial jurisdiction of each Division. ARTICLE III. OFFICERS AND THEIR DUTIES. The officers of a Division shall consist of a Chairman, and as many Vice-Chairmen as there are trades represented in the Division; the Chair¬ man and Vice-Chairmen each being selected from a different branch of the industry, a Recording Sec¬ retary, Financial Secretary, Treasurer, Statistician, and Board of Trustees consisting of five members, none of whom shall, for the term of their office, fill any other official position in the Division. ARTICLE IV. Each and every Division of this N. T. A. shall have authority to levy assessments upon the Locals 28 CONSTITUTION. under their jurisdiction; but in all cases the mode of procedure governing such cases in this N. T. A. 198 (see Article X., Sections 1, 2, and 3) must be complied with. ABTICLE V. DIVISION COURTS. Section 1. A Division Court shall be composed of three (3) judges, a Judge Advocate, and a Clerk, said officers to be elected annually by each Division. Sec. 2. It shall be the duty of a Division Court, to review and determine all cases appealed from the Court of a Local Assembly subject to the right of appeal from the decision of said Division Court to the N. T. A. when in session. Any L. A. re¬ fusing to pay an assessment levied upon it by the Division is guilty of insubordination and may be tried by the Division Court. Sec. 3. It shall be the duty of the judges to care¬ fully review all the testimony in every case ap¬ pealed from a Local Court, and if deemed neces¬ sary they may cause the witnesses to be summoned and examined. They may also admit new testi¬ mony. They shall give a decision confirming or reversing the finding of the Local Court; in case charges are preferred against any Division Officer or L. A. they shall try the case upon the evidence, render the decision, and fix the penalty, subject to appeal to the N. T. A. when in session; a majority of the judges shall decide all questions. The CONSTITUTION. 29 judges shall appoint one of their number as presid¬ ing judge, whose duty it shall be to preserve order and decorum, decide upon the admissibility of tes¬ timony, call the Court to order at the convening, and announce the finding and sentence. Sec. 4. It shall be the duty of the Judge Advo¬ cate to prepare in writing all indictments, and issue all summons w'hen ordered by the presiding judge ; to attend all sittings of the Court, and perform all the duties of prosecuting attorney. Sec. 5. It shall be the duty of the Clerk to attend all the sittings of the Court, and keep a correct record of the proceedings; serve all summons, and perform all the duties pertaining to the office. Sec. 6. Any regularly elected delegate to a Divis¬ ion, is eligible to election as a Division Court offi¬ cer, and may at the same time hold office in the Division; but in case of the sickness of, or if charges be brought against, an officer of a Division - Court, the officer holding a corresponding position in the nearest Division, shall be summoned, and shall sit and discharge the duties, and all expenses for the same shall be paid by the Division. Sec. 7. In the trial of any Division officer or of any L. A., the prosecuter and accused may choose their own counsel, who shall be members of the Order in good standing. In the case of an L. A. the Court shall certify the decision to the Division, and the Division shall execute the finding without vote or further action. In case a sentence of suspen- CONSTITUTION. 30 sion or expulsion is passed against any Division officer, the Court shall certify the finding to the L. A. of which the accused is a member and the L. A. shall execute the finding and make the proper record on its minutes. No L. A. can try a Division officer for neglect of duty, or malfeasance in office, as a Division officer, all such charges must be made to the Division Court. In cases of appeal to the N. T. A. both parties interested shall be officially notified by the Clerk of Court, and all charges, specifications, evidence and findings, duly certified, shall be forwarded to the N. S. T. All appeals to the Division Court from the decision of Local Courts shall be made within thirty days after judg¬ ment has been rendered. Sec. 8. Any Division Court may impose a penalty of fine or suspension for contempt of any summons * or process legally issued, and may impose a like penalty upon any witness for refusing to testify. Any penalty so imposed shall be certified by the Court to the L. A. of which the accused is a mem¬ ber, and the Local shall execute the penalty. 4 CONSTITUTION FOR BUREAUS. ARTICLE I. In order to provide for the most equitable and economical administration of affairs, and to con¬ serve the autonomy of each branch of the Machinery Constructing industry, this N. T. A. 198 shall, wherever practicable, and as speedily as possible, organize Bureaus of each and every branch of the industry as herein provided. Section 1. Wherever there are three or more Locals under the jurisdiction of a Division, whose entire membership embraces one trade only, either of Pattern-makers, Foundrymen, Blacksmiths, Ma¬ chinists, or Boiler-makers, or the helpers of either, they may organize a Bureau of their respective branch, in such manner as they may deem most advisable; but it shall not be compulsory for any L. A. to join said Bureau. Sec. 2. Each Bureau thus organized shall have jurisdiction over affairs appertaining to their trade only, and in the territorial jurisdiction of the Divis¬ ion to which they are attached; and they shall have authority to make such By-Laws as may be 32 CONSTITUTION by them deemed best, provided they do not conflict with the Constitution of this N. T. A. 198. Sec. 3. It shall be one of the duties of each Trade Bureau, to see that every shop in its jurisdiction is thoroughly organized, having a Shop Committee with Chairman, etc. Sec. 4. Each Bureau shall also be, as far as prac¬ ticable, a bureau of employment.