- ituti0tt, ami i\imm i McKENDREE COLLEGE, LEBANON, ILLINOIS. J)ublft)rt> f Secembtr, 1867, Efgtiteent!) ear of tlie Socfetj. VIA SAPIENTI^E. JOURNAL OKKICK, LEBAXON, ILL. 1867. CA.RT) In presenting this Catalogue to the members and friends of the Platonian Literary Society, we desire to state that we have spared no pains to make it as complete and accurate as the circumstances would permit. No doubt errors have been committed in placing the names and residences of some of the older members; and this was unavoidable, as our knowl- edge of many of them is very limited, and we have no means of obtaining the requisite information to insure absolute correctness in every instance. We hope, however,"^, that the peculiar difficulties with which the preparation of such a work is necessarily attended, will be a sufficient apology for whatever imperfections it ?nay contain. HENRY SEITER, WARREN TRUITT, SAMUEL YOUNG, Committee of Pt'bUca/ion. FOUNDERS OF THE SOCIETY. NAMES. HE8IDEITGJES. DAVID W. BRYANT, WATERLOO. GEORGE W. CALDWELL, M. A., M. D.,.. FRANKLIN. THOMAS S. CASEY, M. A., MT. VERNON. WILLIAM CHANCE,* WATERLOO. JOSEPH W. DRURY, B. S., WATERLOO. HENRY C. FIKE, M. A., MASCOUTAH. ISAAC B. JACK* NASHVILLE. CHARLES W. JEROME, M. A SHELBYVILLE. MICHAEL MUMMERT,* WATERLOO. JAMES H. RIGGIN, B. S., LEBANON. WILLIAM SCHWARTZ, DUQUOIN. THOMAS O. SPRINGER, B. S EDWARDSVILLE. WILLIAM T. SPRINGER, EDWARDSVILLE. WILLIAM K. THOMAS, BELLEVILLE. ALONZO THOMPSON, M. A., HIGH PRAIRII. ALEX. VAN WINKLE, B. S.,. ...FRANKLIN. HONORARY MEMBERS. EEV. E. WENTWORTH, M. A., D. D., Missionary to China. KEY. A. W. CUMMINGS, M. A., D. D., President Holston Conference Female College, N. C. REV. S. MATTISON, M. A. REV. W. GOODFELLOW, M. A., Missionary to South America. REV. A. J. CRANDALL, A. M., St. Louis, Mo. HON. A. C. FRENCH,* L. L. D., HON. JAMES SHIELDS, TJ. S. Senator, Minnesota. S. M. BOWMAN, ESQ., St. Louis, Mo. HON. W. H. BISSELL,* L. L. D., Ex-Governor of Illinois. HON. Z. CASEY, Ex-Lieut. Governor of Illinois. H. H. HORNER, A. M., L. L. D., Lecturer on Law, McKendree College. REV. P. CARTWRIGHT, D. D. Illinois Conference. REV. P. AKERS, D. D., Red Wing, Minn. REV. WILLIAM CLIFFE, Southern Illinois Conference. REV. J. C. FINLEY, M. A., D. D. GEN. JOHN WHITESIDE,* Columbia. RKV. N. SCARRITT, M. A., Missouri Conference. COL. J. F. JACQUES, M. A. REV. JAMES LEATON, M. A., Illinois Conference. COL. S. H. MUDGE, Marine, Illinois. COL. C. C. ROGERS, Lexington, Ky. REV. R. Z. MASON, M. A., Prof. Mathematics, Lawrence University. PROF. EDWARD WYMAN, M. A., St. Louis, Mo. A. B. MOREAN, ESQ., Jerseyville, 111. HON. JOSEPH GILLESPIE, Edwardsville, 111. HON. ANDREW MILLER, Litchfield. OR AN FAVILL, M. A., Ex-Lieut. Governor la. A. H. KICHELL, ESQ., Olney. REV. N. E. COBLEIGH, M. A., Ex-Pres. McKendree College. R. F. CUNNINGHAM, M. A., M. D., Lebanon, PLATONIAN LITERARY SOCIETY, KKV. I). R. MCANALLY, M. A., St. Louis, Mo. HON. JEHU BAKER, Belleville. KEY. ROBERT A. YOUNG, M. A., St. Louis. REV. J. B. TURNER, M. A., Jacksonville. REV. C. B. PARSONS, D. D., St. Louis, Mo. REV. T. H. MUDGE, M. A., Missouri Conference. PROF. S. W. WILLIAMS, M. A., Cincinnati, O. REV. F. O. BLAIR, M. A., Prof. Natural Science, McKendree College. A. A. SCOTT, M. A., Prof. Ancient Languages and Classical Literature, McKendree College. RKV. E. G. TAYLOR, Boston. B. H. GREEN, Boston. REV. J. E. BARY, Boston. REV. C. KINGSLEY, D. D., Ed. West. Christian Advocate, Cincinnati, 0. R. M. MOORE, M. A., Late Prof. Mathematics, McKendree College. REV. 0. V. JONES, M. A., Professor of Mathematics and Astronomy and English Literature. S. H. DENEEN, Professor of the Latin Language and History. HON. P. B. FOUKE, L. L. D. ROBERT ALLYN, A. M., D. D., President McKendree College. W. F. SWAHLEN, Adjunct Prof, of the Greek Language and Gorman. ACTUAL MEMBERS. NAMES RESIDENCES. 1849. B. F. BOOKER, GREENFIELD. V. BRIEGEL, . WATERLOO. D. W. BRYANT, WATERLOO. G. W. CALDWELL, M. A., M. D ZANESVILLE. T. S. CASEY, M. A., MT. VERNON. A. T. CASAD,* HEBRON. WM. CHANCE,* WATERLOO. W. H. CTJMMINGS, LITCHFIELD. J. M. DAY, ALTON. J. W. DRUEY, B. S., WATERLOO. H. C. FIKE, M. A., MASCOTJTAH. J. J. FLACK, STEEL'S MILLS. W. M. GOODNER, Moscow, TENN. J. H. HALLOAVAY, REY BEARDSTOWN. J. B. JACK,* NASHVILLE, C. W. JEROME, M. A., SHELBYVILLE, M, MUMMERT,* WATERLOO. D. R. POSEY, ALEXANDRIA, PA. J. H. RIGGIN, B. S., LEBANON. W. SCHWARTZ, DTJQTJOIN. T. O. SPRINGER, B. S., EDWARDSVILLE. W. F. SPRINGER, EDWARDSVILLK. P. SULLENS, JENTON, Mo. W. K. THOMAS CALIFORNIA. A. THOMPSON, M. A., HIGH PRAIRIK. H. J. VAN WINKLE, FRANKLIN. A. VAN WINKLE, FRANKLIN. I860. R. M. BELL, SHELBYVILLE. J. R. BLAKEMAN, MARINE. P. B. BOULWARE, FRANKLIN. J. M. R. CASEY, M. D., JOLIET. J. K. CHAMBERLIN, REV.. STEWARTSVILLB, Mo. J. G. COPELIN, KEOKUK, IOWA. A. EBBERMANN BELLEVILLE. J. W. EDWARDS, Mr. VERNON. W. M. ENNIS, JACKSONVILLE. PLATOMAN LITERARY SOCIETY. NAMES. RESIDENCES. A. O. GATES,* POCAHONTAS. W. C. GILLHAM,* WINCHESTER. J. R. GORDON, CALIFORNIA. J. A. HALDERMAN, LEAVENWORTH, K. T. S. T. HULL, AVISTON. G. LEMEN,* BELLEVILLE. J. H. LUTES, DEER PLAINS. S. M. MARTIN, B. S CANTON, Mo. A. MAYFIELD, FRANKLIN. R. MAYFIELD, FRANKLIN. j. j. MCDOWELL, M. D ST. LOUIS, MO. W. H. McKEE, BELLEVILLE. M. T. McNEIL, LAFAYETTE, KY. H. W. McPHERSON, CLINTON. W. T. MILLER, M. D BLOOMINGTON. J. MOORE, BRIGHTON. J. L. PERRYMAN, M. D BELLEVILLE. W. T. POWER, CARLYLE. A. T. PRIMM, CENTREVILLE. L. W. RANDOLPH,* MT. PULASKI. J. I. RINAKER, B. S CARLINVILLE. J. RYAN, DELAWARE. W. G. SCARRITT, GILLESPIE. E. SCHWARTZ, DUQUOIN. A. C. SHAW, DEER PLAINS. G. D. SIDWAY, , ALTON. H. STEWART, PORTLAND, OREGON. A. N. WILLS, MIDDLETOWN, KY. T. M. WILLIAMS, MUSCATINE, IOWA. J. K. WILLIAMS, MUSCATINE, IOWA. W. H. WILLIAMS,.., MTISCATINB, IOWA. 1851. S. L. ANDERSON, BERNADOTTE. S. B. ANDRUS BERNADOTTE. J. W. BOULWARE, FRANKLIN. J. P. BUREN, ST. Louis, Mo. J. Y. BUREN, HILLSBOKOUGH, Mo. C. C. BURROUGHS, B. S DECATUR. S. T. BALLARD, REV EDWARDSVILLK. W. 0. BRISSENDEN ALBION. J. T. COOPER, ST. Louis, Mo. J. M. CREEL, CARLYLE. J. T. DAVIS, REV.,. HiLLsroRO, Mo. CATALOGUE OF THK NAM KM. RESIDENCES. T. J. CALDWELL, M. A JACKSONVILLE, D. B. CASEY, CASEYVILLE. J. A. CLAYTON, FENTON, Mo. M. COULTER, ELKTON. M. C. CRAWFORD, L. L. B., BENTON. B. R. DENNIS, GREENFIELD. S. DUGGER, CARLINVILLK. W. A. GILLHAM WINCHESTER. J. B. GOODNER. CKNTREVILLE. C. HILL, M. D PINE ISLAND, Mix. U. KEATH, MARCELLINE. W. A. J. LONGW1TH, FENTON, Mo. J. W. MARTIN ALTON. M. J. MILLER, A. B SALISBURY, N. C. W. P. OLDEN BRIGHTON. W. ORR, BELLEVILLK. G. C. PATTERSON, BELLEVILLK. D. H. PORTER, B. S LEBANON. S. PYLE, DUQTJOIN. J. RIGGIN, MARINE. H. S. SHAW, REV., MT. CARMKI.. W. C. STITES, ILLINOIHTOWN. T. H. SIMMONS, PIASA. J. W. SULLENS FENTON, Mo. J. SWEENEY, ST. Louis, Mo. P. S. TARTER BERNADOTTK. G. W. H. WADE LIMA. A. WHITING, UNION GROVE. E. D. WILKIN, A. B.. MARSHALL. C. S. WILLIAMS, FAIRFIKLD. G. W. WOODS, FRANKLIN. 1862- L. BUCHANAN,* LAWHENCEVILLE. E. W. COLEMAN,. BELLEVILLE. J. T. CUMMINGS,* HARDINSBUROH. C. FOUKE, BELLEVILLE. T. F. HALL, MURPHYSBORO. C. HOLLIDAY, ALTON. W. R. HOUCK, WOODBURN. A. M. JEROME, CHICAGO. P. SPRUANCE, ALTON. II. W. BA1RD,* PERRY. J. W. BELL, LlTCHFIELD. PLATOXIAN LITERARY SOCIETY. RB8TDENCE8-. G. W. GRIFFIN, FAYETTEVILLE. 8. T. HARRIS, LOCUST GROVE. D. J. HAYDEN, POCAHONTAS. W. F. HUNTLEY, WAVERLY. D. S. KENNEDY,* A. B., NASHVILLE. J. A. KBYTE, BRUNSWICK, Mo. J. H. MATTHEWS, A. B., GRIGGSVILLE. J. MERRIAN, ARMINGTON. M. P. MILLER, LITCHFIELD. WM. MAY CLAIRMOUNT. W. C. MILLER, LAWRENCEVILLE. E. W. MILLS, SPRINGFIELD. R. H. PETER, BRIGHTON. J. A. PEEPLES, SUMMERFIELD. J. PALMER, ARMINGTON. J. N. PRICKETT MT. KINGSTON. E. PULLIAM, LOCUST GROVE. J. T. PIRTLE WATERLOO. G. RUTZ, REV., HIGHLAND. L. H. ROGERS, WATERLOO. W. P. RANDOLPH, MT, PULASKY. H. B. SHINN, GRIGGSVILLE. J. B. SHINN, GRIGGSVILLK. W. M. STITES, SHILOH, C. T. STANTON, ALTON. M.. C. STALEY,* CARMI. J. M. SUTTON,. ORRENSVILLE. M. F. SHANNON, CENTHALIA. S. F. A. THOMPSON,* LEBANON. C. W. WEER, CARLIXVILLB. J. J. WALL, PERRY. N. F. WOOD, WAVERLY. T. J. WOODWARD, ST. Louis, Mo> A. H. WHITE, CARLYLB. 18SS J. J. ALLEN, MARINE. J. ANDERSON.f MASCOUTAH. J. C. BEETLE, SUMMERFIELD. A. R. BERNETT, WAVERLY. J. BEBRICK, ST. Louis, Mo. P. L. BRISTON, GIRARD. I. V. BAIRD, PERRY. A. C. BRANSON, VERMONT. S. C. CORRINGTON, ALTON. CATALOGUE OF THE NAMES. RESIDENCES. A. G. DOYLE, MARINE. J. B. CLOUD, WAVERLY. W. H. COPP, B. S WATERLOO. P. L. CORMACK, CARLINVILLK. J. W. CAVELL, PERU. H. DUNN, M. D., PERRY. C. L. DEW, SUMMERFIELD. J. H. GILLHAM EDWARDSVILLE. G. GKAHAM, PHILLIPSTOWN. FRED. J. HESLOP, M. A., ALTON. D. HUMPHREYS, SPRINGFIELD. W. C. HUGGINS, S. ILL. CONFERKN.-K. M. T. JONES, CARMI. J. M. KINMAN,* JACKSONVILLE. J. W. KUYKENDALL. CARMI. R. W. LEMEN, BELLEVILLE. A. C. MATTHEWS, B. S., GRIGGSVILLE. J. MORGAN, MECHAxinsurito. W. P. MOORE, WATERLOO. J. L. METZ, CHAMBERSBURO. J. McDOWELL,* DEL. Co., PA. L. M. PHILLIPS, A. B., NASHVILLE. J. S. PADON, LEBANON. E. PHILLIPS RED BUD. S. RICHARDS,* CORRAIN, OHIO. D. V. SIMPSON, ALBION, N. Y. J. M. SCOTT, SHILOH. J. SHANNON, SPARTA. G. S. ST. JOHN, CARMI. W. N. TWISS, TRENTON. C. L. THOMPSON, LAWRENCKVILLE. H. S. THOMPSON, MECHANICSBURG. I. C. TANQUARY, CARMI. D. TANQUARY, CARMI. G. A. FULTON, MARION. C. F. WANGELLN, LEBANON. J. D. WAKEFIELD. SUMMEIIFIELD. 1854. J. F. BRADFORD, TRENTON. J. R. BRYAN, LEBANON. M. L. BURNS, NASHVILLE. J. P. CABANNE,t ST. Louis, Mo. D. C. CALDWELL, FRANKLIN. T. J. CASEY, MT. VERNON. J. M. CHAMBERLIN, LEBANON. PLATOMAN LITERARY SOCIETY. 11 RESIDENCES. T. M. CHIVINGTON, ST. Louis, Mo. O. W. CLARK, BEARDSTOWN. D. C. CLOUD, JACKSONVILLE. J. M. COOKSEY, ALHAMBBA. J. H. ECKERT, LEBANON. THOS. ESSEX, A. B ST. Louis, Mo. CHAS. FLODNER,* BKARDSTOWN. H. R. GLENN Y, ST. Louis, Mo. D. W. GREEN, JACKSONVILLE. J. HOBBS, CHESTER. J. M. HOUSE RICHVIEW. W. H. HYPES, LEBANON. A. M. JENKINS, MURPHYSBORO. C. P. JOHNSON, ST. Louis, Mo. G. W. JOURNEY, LITTLE YORK. S. KINGSTON, COLLINSVILLE. J. H. LOCKWOOD, DECATUR. W. MERRITT, WEST POINT, N. Y. E. B. METZ, CHAMBERSBURO. A. S. MILLER, ALTON. E. W. MOORE,f ST. Louis, Mo. J. N. MORGAN, ALTON. L. L. MORGAN, EVANSVILLR, INK. H. NEVILLE, CHESTER. M. D. NICHOLSON, SHAWNEETOWN. C. M. OWEN, REV., LONDON CITY. W. F. PITZER, WlNTERSETT. J. F. P. POWER, MIDDLETOWN, MD. G. W. ROSS, WAVERLY. J. G. SCOTT, SHILOH. COL. VAN CLEVE, BELLEVILLE. J. W. VAN CLEVE, B. S., ALTON. J. M. VAN DEBEN, SPRINGFIELD. D. V. VAN WINKLE DECATUR. A. WALKER RICHVIEW. J. B. WALKER, RICHVIEW. JUNE VAN CLEVE, CENTRALIA. D. L. WHITE,* RICHVIKW. J. H. WILSON, WEST POINT, N. Y. 1855. S. M. ARGO, CLINTON. H. B. BAKER, JAMESTOWN. J. S. BOND, CARLYLE. H. BELDSMEYER,t St. Louis, Mo. la CATALOGUK OF THE RESIDENCES. C. BLAKEMAN, MARINE. W. M. BREEZE, CABLYLK. G. C. CAMPBELL, MARION. J. M. CHAMBERS. CLINTON. M. CHASE, QUINCY. A. CLARK, CARLYLE. D. C. CONSTANT, SPRINGFIELIX J. W. CRAIG, LEWISVILLE. J. M. CUMMINGS, .....LiTCHKiELD. W. J. CUNNINGHAM, BRIGHTON. W. L. DILLON, MT. LIBKRTY. R. C. GILLHAM, EDWARDSVILLK. S. 8. GILLHAM, ALTON. H. GLAZE, ALBION. J. HADLEY, COLLINSVILLK. C. HANDSAKER, A. B ALTON. WM. HARTZELL. A. B EVANSVILLK. M. HICKMAN VANBALIA. R. M. JOHNSON, , ST. Louis. T. H. KAYANAUGH, M. I)., LEXINGTON, Mo. A. M. McDOW, , GRAKTON. WM. McKEE, ,..CARLYLE. S. H. MALCAM, TERRE HAUTE, IND. J. NAVE, BENTON. D. S. OSBORNE,* LEBANON. S. PETER, f BRIGHTON. P. PICKETT, CHESTER. J. ROBINSON, EQUALITY. J. B. SELBY, SHELBYVILLK. N. B. SULLENS, FKNTON, Mo. W.. WHITE CARLYI.K. J.. W. WILKIN,....,,,, ROBINSON. 185S. A\ A. CHESTER: , CHESTER. A. W. EDWARDS, GILLESPIE. F. EVANS, PKRU. F. HOFFMASTER, ALTON. W. M. IRWIN, LEWISVILLK. J. D. JOHNSON, ST. Louis. T. MATTINGLY, CHESTER. J. H. MOBERLY, BENTON. W. J. MOORE, LEWISVILLK. J. O. PRENTICE, LEBANON. J. H. SMITH. ST. Louis. Pl.ATONMN LITERARY SOCIETY. 13 NXMKS. KKSIDKNCKS. W. SNELL. STANDS. F. M. WILLIAMSON. CHKSTKK. P. J. WILSON, REV (JriNcv. M. M. GOODNEE. A. V, NASUYILLK. K. H. TOPPING, WAVKRLY. J. GILL, VANDALIA. K. P. BOYLES, SI-KINO GAKDKN. E. NIXON WATKKLOO. I. J. WHITAKER,* ALTON. W. H. HOLL1S, FRKEMANTON. J. E. VEST, MI-LUXURY GKOVK. I,. S. CRANDALL-f MOHILK, ALA. J. S. SCOTT, SHILOH. B. F. SMITH CKNTRALIA. T. ECKERT, LKHAXON. M. F. GREGG,* MARION. R. N. ALLEN MARIO*. N. A. CHAMBER LIN CAMPKKI.LMU iu;n. T. STOUT, VAVUAM A. G. W. POWELL, ExTKRi'iusK. T. P. BONE. PLKA.SAXT PLAINS. G. P. BRAHM PKTKKSIU iu,n. I). C. TREMHKl.T..- HI-DSOXVILLK. D. B. OWEN, LONDON. I). W. PHILLIPS, NAHVILLK. .). NEVILLE, CHKSTKR. I. STANTON, EAOLK'S CLII K. J. CREEL, OAKLYLK. T. H. RICHARDSON SHII'MAN. N. H. SMITH RIDOLKY. J. B. GARLAND, ATTILA.. T. J. McBRIUE, RKD Bui>. M. H. BAILHACHE. LITCHKIKLD. J. C. KINDER, VKNK K. J. M. RADER, O'FALI.ON. .). W. CONSTANT DAWSON. A. N. VAN WJNKLK DA\VS.,N. W. E. THORP SuMMKRb'iKLI>. J. A. DUNNEGAN, EDWARDSVILLK. W. NEDSON RKD BUD. PI. C. BARNSBACK EDWAKDSVILI.K. 1857- G. J. FRICK ALTON. J. EARLY,f PKTKR.sm-K<,ii. 14 CATALOGUE OF THE RESIDENCES. J. J. TURNER, URBANA. C. B. LANNING, PETKRSBURGU. L. J. VAN WINKLE, DAVISOX. C. ADAMS, GILLESPIE. J. DAVIDSON, EDWARDSYILT.K. J. H. GUNN, RICHVIEW. W. W. MANSKER JONES' CREKK. G. B. HINNMAN, GRIGGSVILLE. H. L. JUDD MARINE. W. B. SHANNON,* CATRO. W. G. WHITE, ALMA. J. S. ROARK,* LAWREXCEVILI.E. W. B. GARNER, MCLKANSBORO. C. C. CARPENTER, MCLEANSBORO. J. R. SIMMONS BRIGHT-OX. J. H. MoKEE, CARLYI.E. G. W. WILDERMAN, FREEBCJRGH. W. H. WHITAKER LEBANON. A. RICKS, TALUCA. S. S. TUTTLE, TRENTOX. W. P. LINDLY, WAVERLY. S. J. VAN WINKLE, DAWSON. E. L. DENNIS, LEAVEXWORTH. T. D. KINGSTON, COLLTXSVII.LK. J. BAIRD, PlNKNEYVILLE. W. DAINS, RENAULT. B. A. WOOD, ZANESVILLK. C. P. WILSON PIASA. A. H. JUDD, MARIXE. W. CASTELLO MASCOUTAH. B. BUREN, FEXTON, Mo. A. P. POWER, TRENTON. C. ADANS, LEBANON. D. A. SULLENS, FENTOX, Mo. J. McBRINE, CHESTER. E. HERMAN, LEBAXOX. A. ADAMS, LEBANON. R. HOBSON EDWARDSVILT.K. 1858. G. K. BRADFORD, ST. Lone, Mo. C. SULLIVAN, LEBANON. H. ELLIOTT O'FALLON. W. E. DUNNAVANT, FEXTOX. Mo. W. L. MOORE, LEBANON. PLATONIAN LITERARY SOCIETY. 15 RESIDENCES. A. J. McCULLY, MASCOUTAH. W. L. PRESTON, HOWARD'S POINT. J. E. MARSHALL, CKNTRALIA. J. BENTZ, MASCOUTAH. S. A. RISLEY, SUMMERKIELD. S. E. EISENMEYR, MASCOUTAH. J. COLE, ST. Louis, Mo. J. M. CLARK, v CINCINNATI, O. H. A. YOUNG. HILLSBORO. A. D. REED, LEBANON. N. E. COBLEIGH, LEBANON. L. P. WILKERSON, ST. Louis, Mo. A. J. HOWARD, ST. JACOBS. J. W. GREEK CONCORD, N. H. P. T. DEWALD, LEBANON. J. JUDD, PALO ALTO. J. A. SCUDAMORE, BELLE PRAIRIK. I. N. GRIFFIN, MASCOUTAH. T. D. SEAWELL, NASHVILLE. G. E. VAN DITSEN, LEBANON. J. W. CADWELL, QUINCY. J. D. THOMPSON, PRESTON. J. B. PHILLIPS, NASHVILLE. T. UTLEY, SUMMERFIELD. A. F. CHASE, QUINCY. W. J. CAMERAN, RICHVIEW. J. T. DOUGLASS. EVANSVILLE. E. V. GASKINS, GREENVILLE. J. H. LOCKHART, MCLEANSBORO. T. W. KINDER, ...VENICE. W. M. CROME COLLINSVIU.K. J. B. RUSSELL, FREDONIA. H. HARKLEROAD, VENICE. W. A. VANCIL, WAVERLY. J. C. GATES, ROSCOE, MINX. J. T. LEECH, SHAAVNEETOWN. J. H. EARP, LEBANON. A. A. LASITER, MCLEANSBORO. I. GERE, ..LEBANON. J. A. BLAIR, LEBANON. T. J. GILBERT,* SUMMERFIELD. R. WANGELIN, LEBANON. J. S. LANNING,* PETERSBURG. OLIVER FLICK, ALTON. Hi CATALOGUE ; Ml NAMH.S. KKMliKNCKS. J. S. LANNING.* t PKTERSJ$VUAS. COCKERELL KINMUNDY. PLATONIAN LiTEKARY SOCIETY. 17 NAMES. RESIDENCES. W. COCKERELL, KINMUNDY. GEO. R. PRENTICE LEBANON. J. A. FIKE, HEALDSBURG, CAL. T. W. B. DAWSON, TROY. W. M. NELSON, RED BUD. G. W. BAILEY, LEBANON. J. N. MILLER TAMAROA. W. M. CHRISTIAN, L. L. B.,-- G. W. HUNGATE LOUISVILLE. A. F. HOIT, LEBANON. 1861. F. M. HERMAN, LARKENSBURG. W. F. GOHEEN, LEBANON. W. H. SHEPHERD " J. F. BLACK SALEM. A. BECKER, LEBANON. M. NIXON, WATERLOO. J. ELAM, L. L. B., MULBERRY GROVE. S. SLAWSON, DUQUOIN. S. R. WHITAKER, LEBANON. J. I. THOMPSON, RICHVIEW. C. H. HOUSE ASHLEY. T. T. ELLIS, NASHVILLE. T. N. LIVESAY, RICHVIEW. W. HOSKINS,.. CENTRALIA. B. M. HYPES, LEBANON. W. H. SELBY, ST. Louis. 18SJ3. W. D. EDWARDS, DELPHI. H. A. CASTLE, B. S QUINCY. J. E. ALVIS, NASHVILLK. E. A. COBLEIGH LEBANON. T. ELAM, MULBERRY GKOVK. M. M. LIVESAY RICHVIEW. O. C. LASLEY, LEBANON. A. HARRIS, HARRISBURG. E. B. MEATYARD, SHIP.VIAN. . B. W. WILLIAMS, LEBANON. N. B. WASHBORNE, WOBURN. J. W. WHITE, ASHLKY. W. B. CHALACOMBE, ALTON. J. R. CHALACOMBE " H. C. COFFEY TAMAROA. G. O. BAILEY, B. S LEBANON. 18 CATALOGUE OF THE RESIDENCES. E. FITZGERALD, TAMAROA. D. M. HAWTHORNE, BLAIR. J. R. VOORHEES, JERSEYVILLB. P. WEBB, SUMMERFIELD. WM. H. WALKER, ; . JERSEY VILLK. P. A. McCONAUGHY, LEBANON. J. McFAIN JERSEYVILLE. J. A. MEATYARD, SHIPMAN. M. E. MCLAUGHLIN BLAIR. W. H. BLACK, LEBANON 1863. E. H. ELIFF, ST. JACOBS. D. H. McFARLAND, STEEL'S MILLS. G. W. PARKISON, HIGHLAND. J. STURGIS, MULBERRY GROVE. JOHN T. FOSTER, ASHLEY. C. SMITH, LEBANON. J. E. STRINGER, ALTON. C. W. BONNER, BRIDGEPORT. W. P. OLDEN, A. M., BRIGHTON. E. A. OLDEN H. G. EATON PLEASANT PLAIKB. A. CROUCH, BELLE PRAIRIE. G. E. AKINS, NASHVILLE. O. A. COBLEIGH, LEBANON. J. DEW, CARLYLE. E. J. DALYRIMPLE BRIDGEPORT. P. CRESSY, TULLULA. J. R. STEWART, NASHVILLE. W. E. LIOSS, MARISSA. R. HUGHS, OKAW. W. N. LIONS, MARISSA. J. W. WHITE, ASHLEY. S. N. WHITE NASHVILLE. M. B. AXLEY, WATERLOO. D. A. BAKER, COLLINSVILLE. J. ERWIN, LOUISVILLE. J. J. FIKE, SALEM. T. RING, BRIGHTON. G. LIGGETT, LEBANON. W. H. MOORE, NASHVILLE. W. M. JOHNSON, CARLYLE. GEO. W. AKINS, NASHVILL*. PLATONIAN LITERARY SOCIETY. 19 RESIDENCES. 1864. C. H. BLOCK CHESTER. J. G. ALLYN, LEBANON. T. J. WATSON, HARDIN. ORLANDO F. QUICK, IRVINGTON. R R. GAKRETT, LEBANON. W. L. BOSWELL, TAMAROA. T. W. KEET, SPRINGFIELD, Mo. D. B. PARKISON, HIGHLAND. C. W. BLISS FILLMORE. Z. R. REYNOLDS, CARLYLE. 0. A. BARKER, ST. Louis. S. B. HORREL, JACKSON, Mo. A. W. WILLIAMS CAPE GIRARDKAU. J. T. GORDON, JAMESTOWN. J. B. LOGAN, CARLINVILLE. W. B. LUCAS, VENICE. B. S. FERGUSON, JACKSON, Mo. OTTO WANGELIN, BELLEVILLE. W. A. WATERS, GLENDALE. J. E. KEET, SPRINGFIELD, Mo. S. A. TUFFLIE CINCINNATI, O. GEORGE SLATON, GRAFTON. T. J. VAUGHAN, HECKER. B. E. WETMORE, DUQUOIN. J. B. WILSFORD, VIENNA. M. S. FULLER...... RAMSAY. T. J. BIRD, BIRD'S POINT, Mo. W. E. BARCO VENICK. H. SMITH, ALBION. G. W. FUNCK, MASCOUTAH. J. F. STITES, SHILOH. W. F. STITES, " A. G. SCOTT, " J. P. DOREY, " less. J. P. CHALACOMBE, ALTON. H. R. SACKETT, MARDTB. A. A. PARKISON HIGHLAND. HENRY McFATRIDGE, VIENNA. W. F. WILTON COLLINS STATION. W. W. DEE, ST. JACOBS. T. J. JONES, COLLINS STATION. T. H. ALLDf KEYTESVILLE, Mo. A. P. GOODYKOONTZ, LEBANON. CATALOGUE OF THE RESIDENCES. L. H. LEE, PBAIRIK DuRocHER. W. H. LEE, LOUIS LANDAU, LEBANON. A. V. CORMAC, OTALLON. J. G. WILSON, SPRINGFIELD. J. E. SCOTT, SHILOH. J. M. YARBRO, COTINGTON, TENN. ALPHONZO HURT, KEYTESVILLE, Mo. M. CLARK, GOLCONDA. JAMES HURT, KEYTESVILLE, Mo. J. B. WEST, LEBANON. W. L. NICHOLS, " L. A. BERGER, " J. C. GRIGG, WOBTJRN. A. F. RODGERS HIGHLAND. E. L. STOKER, CENTRALIA. E. C. THAKE, CASEYVILLE. W. H. BENNETT, PERRYVILLE, Mo. G. A. DETERDING, ALTON. T. M. PIGG, MULBERRY GROVK. EDWARD YATES, GRIGGSVILLE. R. C. P. PHILLIPS, NASHVILLE. SAMUEL YOUNG, HILLSBORO. W. F. FULLER, HIGHLAND. WARREN TRUITT, HILLSBORO. S. P. SPARKS, WARRENSBURO, Mo. D. H. ALVIS, NASHVILLE. J. M. DICKSON, PERRYVILLB, Mo. J. T. FARES,. OKAW. S. G. BRYAN, LEBANON. LAMBERT SIDENER, HOWARD'S POINT. J. T. OGLE, LlTCHFEELD. J. T. RODGERS, ROCK ISLAND, TKN. J. E. RODGERS, " T. H. LOGAN STTMMERFIELD. HENRY BLANCK, LEBANON. F. E. COFFMANN, AVON, Mo. J. M. ECKERT, FAYETTEVILLE. HENRY ECKERT, JAMES DUNN, CHESTER. GEORGE LANE, LEBANON. J. M. TRUITT, HILLSBORO. J. E. PEELER DONGOLA. PLATONIAN LITERARY SOCIETY. 81 NAMES. RESIDENCES. isee. JACOB FORNIE, BELLEVILLE. J. A. ROBB, WALSHVILLE. I. T. ANDERSON, ST. JACOBS. WILLIAM KNEWITZ, LENZBURO. D. A. THOMPSON, THOMPSON, KAN. B. F. BROCKETT, CARMI. LACCHEUS BOURNE, SUMMER. J. G. CUNNINGHAM, BRIGHTON. HENRY SEITER, LEBANON. W. A. WORD, INGRAHAM. J. W. PIGG, MULBERRY GROVE. G. W. GRIGG, WOBURN. C. A. PIPER, Mr. VERNON. J. W. HUNTER, MARINE. J. H. BROWNLEE, LEBANON. EUGENE HOBBS, ST. MORGAN. A. C. BERNAYS, LEBANON. F. E. THORP,.... HIGHLAND. JOHN PATE, RICHVIEW. ELISHA RICE, RAMSEY. S. G. FOSTER, AUBURN. J. J. POSEY, CARLYLE. G. K. EDWARDS, McLEANSBORO. T. C. AMES, RED BUD. J. M. ROBB, WALSHVILLE. CALVIN McEWEN, LEBANON. B. F. FREEMAN, .LEBANON. JAMES HAYNES, ZANESVILLE. R. D. ADAMS, FAIRFIELD. J. W. McCORD, GREENVILLE. J. S. McCORD, D. S. BENNETT, LEBANON. C. W. WOOLVERTON, DONGOLA. HEZEKIAH SHORT CARLINVILLE. CHARLES CANNADY, OKAW. J. Q. M. MILLER, PLUM HILL. A. M. BROWNLEE .LEBANON, P. L. ERWIN, LEWISVILLE. J. T. HUDDLESTON, GILLESPIE. T. C. McFARLAND, STEEL'S Mn.r.s. J. P. BELL, LEBANON. J. H. BLUME, COLLINSVILLE. W. A. KELSOR, VANDALIA. 32 CATALOGUE OF THE NAMES. RESIDENCES. CHARLES BLACK, ...................................... PAIRFIKLD. WILLIAM BRADSHAW,. : ........................... ARTHUR BRADSHAW, ............................. C. W. KENNEDY,, ..................................... NASHVILLE, A. S. HARSHA, ........................................... CABMI. J. R. CROWDER, ......................................... GRAYVILLE. SAMUEL FLEISCHMAN, ............................ LKBANON. DAVID LOGAN, ................ . ......................... LOUISVILLE. T. G. PARKER, ........................................... CARMI. E. B. CONDIT, ............................................. CENTRALIA. LEROY STALEY, ........................................ CARMI. T. M. GROSSMAN ....................................... ALTON. CHARLES SPIES ....... .................................. MARINE. J. J. DOUGLAS .......................................... CHESTER. ALFRED ADAMS, ..................................... .. W. G. BARR, .............. ................................ GREENVILLE. L. F. BOHM, ................................ ............... COLLINSVILLB. G. W.TOLLE, ..... .................... ................ GILLESPIK. W. F. TOLLE, ............................................. G. W. GRIFFITH,. ..................................... FAYETTEVILLK. J. D. LEACH, ............................................... TRENTON. J. W. FLINT, .............................................. LEBANON. H. H. McMICHAEL, .................................... GREENCASTLK. JOHN KEESEE, ........ . ......... ..................... VIENNA. W. M. HAMPTON, ...................................... LITCHFIELD. ROBERT MITCHELL, ................................... GILLESPIE. J. R. WHITAKER ..................................... SUMMBRFIBLD. W. S. MARSHALL, ....................... ............ CENTRALIA. C. A. BLUE, ........................................... ....CARLINVILLK. J. C. PENTZER, ......................................... GILLESPIE. R. J. STEPHENS, ............. ............................ CARLYLB. N. W. ALLEN, .................. ... ....................... ALLENTON, Mo. H. F. CLARK, ............................................. GILLESPIR. W. W. MABRY^ ....................................... VANDALIA. JOHN HUFFMANN, .................................. STAUNTON. EMMETT NICHOLS, ............................. ...... ST. Louis, Mo. JAMES A. ANDERSON, .............................. LEBANON. Deceased, t Expelled. PLATONIAN LITERARY SOCIETY. S3 CONSTITUTION AND BY-LAWS OF THE PLATONIAN LITERARY SOCIETY. IP :e, E .A. is* B :c E . For the purpose of promoting our advancement in knowledge, and qualifying ourselves for future usefulness, we do establish the following CONSTITUTION AND BY-LAWS. CONSTITUTION. ARTICLE I. The name of the association shall be the PLATONIAN LITERARY SOCIKTY. ARTICLE II. The object of this Society shall be the improvement of its members in Discussion, Oratory and Literature. ARTICLE in. The officers of this Society shall consist of two Editors, a President, Vice President, Recording Secretary, Corresponding Secretary, Janitor and Librarian, two Critics, and a Chaplain. ARTICLE IV. DUTIKS. OF OFFICKKS. SKCTION 1. It shall be the duty of the Editor* to conduct the manuscript paper of the Society, and read the same at the close of each Collegiate Term. SEC. 2. It shall be the duty of the President to preside at all meetings of the Society, appoint all committees, give a casting vote whenever a tie may occur, (except in the election of officers,) assess all fines, grant any member leave of absence from the hall, call special meetings when the interests of the Society may demand it, or at the written request of tive members, give the decision in the regular debate, and sign all or lers drawn on the treasury. CONSTITUTION AND BY-LAWS OF THE SEC. 3. It shall be the duty of the Vice President to preside in the ab- sence of the President, and in case of his permanent removal, shall act as chairman until the next regular election of officers ; he shall collect all moneys due the Society, and hold the same, subject only to the order of the President, attested by the Recording Secretary ; shall keep a just and true account of all moneys received, and take a receipt of all moneys paid out. At the end of his term of office he shall make out a full report to the Society, and shall have the said report, together with his books, examined, and their correctness certified to by the Financial Committee, and shall deliver these, and all moneys, to his successor in office. SEC. 4. It shall be the duty of the Recording Secretary to keep a correct record of the proceedings of the Society, call the roll at the opening of each meeting, read the minutes of the preceding meeting, report all absentees) prepare and read an order of exercises two weeks in advance of the per- formance, and draw and attest all orders for money to be paid by the Society, and none others. SEC. 5. It shall be the duty of the Corresponding Secretary to conduct the correspondence of the Society, and discharge the duties of Recording Secretary during the absence of that officer. SEC. 6. It shall be the duty of the Librarian and Janitor to take charge of the Library, label and number all books received, charge each volume against the member drawing it, and report those who fail to return or renew their books within two weeks after taking them out ; also to light and prepare the hall for each regular meeting. He shall not permit any one to visit the Society Hall unless accompanied by himself. He shall make out a full report at the close of his term of office. SEC. 7. It shall be the duty of the Critics to give written criticisms of all declamations, essays, orations, and speeches in the regular and irregular debates, and read the same to the Society at the close of the irregular debate ; also, to report questions for discussion two weeks in advance. SEC. 8. It shall be the duty of the Chaplain to open each regular meet- ing with prayer. ARTICLE V. MEMBERSHIP. Any student of good moral character, not under fourteen years of age, desirous of becoming a member of this Society, shall be proposed one week previous to his election, and ou receiving two-thirds of the votes cast, and having paid his initiation fee, shall be entitled to full membership. ARTICLE VI. IrtJTIES OK MEMBERS. Each member shall be present at all regular meetings, and perform the duties assigned him ; and while the Society is in session he shall preserve the strictest order and decorum. PLATONIAN LITERARY SOCIETY. 25 ARTICLE VII. HONORARY MEMBERS. The graduate members, and all men of distinction that the Society may elect, shall be Honorary Members of this Society. ARTICLE VIII. AMENDMENTS. This Constitution may be amended by a vote of two-thirds of the Society, and all amendments shall be proposed in writing, one week previous to bing voted upon. S. ARTICLE I. SEC. 1. The regular meeting of this Society shall be held on every Fri- day evening during the Collegiate Year, at such hours as the Society may designate. SEC. 2. A majority of the acting members of this Society shall consti- tute a quorum for transacting business. ARTICLE II. The officers of this Society shall be elected once every five weeks, except the Editors, who shall be elected the first meeting of each college term. Said officers shall be elected separately and by ballot, except the Chaplain and Assistant Librarian, who shall be appointed by the President upon taking his seat. In said elections, the member receiving a majority of all the votes cast shall be declared duly elected. If there should be no election on the first ballot, the voting shall be confined to the two members having the highest number of votes; or if there be a tie between more than two members, the voting shall be confined to said members. ARTICLE III. STANDING COMMITTKES. The President shall, at the first regular meeting of each college term, appoint three Standing Committees, viz : 1st. A PRUDENTIAL COMMITTEE, consisting of three, whose duty it shall be to investigate the cases of all members who may be referred to them by the Society for any of the following offences : Suffering dues and penalties to remain unpaid longer than the By-Laws direct, casting more than one .ballot at the same time, or being injurious to the interests of the Society, and also to report at the no/* iv.ceting by resolution, to the CONSTITUTION AND BY-LAWS OF THE effect that the member be expelled, suspended or excused, as they may think proper, which resolution shall lie upon the table at least one week, and the offending member shall be notified of the character of the resolu- tion by the Recording Secretary, and requested to be present at the time appointed for considering the same, with a view of giving an opportunity to make a defence. At the time appointed, whether the accused shall be present or not, a majority of the members present shall have power to adopt or reject said resolution, which action shall be final. 2d. A LIBRARIAN COMMITTEE, consisting of three, whose duty it shall be to propose such measures as they may deem conducive to the interest of the Library. 3d. A FINANCIAL COMMITTEE, consisting of three, whose duty it shall be to carefully examine the books and accounts of the Treasurer, and report on the same immediately proceeding each change of officers ; also to examine and report on all claims against the Society previous to their being passed for payment. ARTICLE IV. INITIATION. The initiation fee of this Society shall be Two Dollars, payable immedi- ately after election. ARTICLE V. TRIBUTES AND PENALTIES. SEC. 1. Each member shall pay the sum of twenty-five cents on the first meeting in each collegiate term, for the support of the Society. SEC. 2. Any member for absence from the Society, for failing to per- form his duty, for improper language or disorderly conduct while the Society is in session, for leaving the hall without being excused by the President, for misusing or retaining a volume from the Library longer than two weeks without renewal, or for committing his declamation or oration in such a manner that in the delivery of the same he will need a prompter, shall be subject to a fine of not less than ten cents. SEC. 3. Should the Secretary, Treasurer, or any officer, neglect to have at the meetings such books and papers belonging to the Society as may be necessary to use, he shall, unless a satisfactory excuse is given, be fined for each offence ten cents. SEC. 4. For such offences or acts of negligence as are not mentioned in the above sections, the President, with the consent of the Society, may im- pose a fine not exceeding twenty-five cents. SEC. 5. The tributes and fines of each member shall be paid within two weeks after assessment. ARTICLE VI. ETIQUETTE. SEC. 1. Any member rising to address the house shall first address the President, and when two or more members shall rise at the same time, the President shall decide who has the floor. PLATONIAN LITERARY SOCIETY. S7 SEC. 2. Xo member shall speak more than twice on any one subject, except to make an explanation or suggestion. AKTICLE VH. ESSAYISTS. All essayists shall hand in their essays to the Critics for criticism, Wed- nesday before the meeting of Society. ARTICLE VIH. REPORTS. SEC. 1. The Vice President and Librarian shall each make a written report at the expiration of his term of office. SEC. 2. The President, on the evening following the election of officers, shall deliver a valedictory address. SEC. 3. All reports of officers, together with the address of the Presi- dent, shall be filed in the archives of the Society. SEC. 4. If the President shall neglect to perform the duties named in the above section, he shall be subject to a fine of not less than fifty cents f nor more than one dollar. SEC. 5. If tha Vice President or Librarian shall fail to comply with sections first and third of this article, they shall be subject to a fine of not less than twenty-five cents, nor more than fifty cents each. AKTICLE IX. APPEALS. Any member may appeal to the house from the decision of the chair, except in decision of regular debate. ARTICLE X. EXCUSES. Any member excused from College shall be considered excused from the Societv. ARTICLE XL BILLS AND REPORTS. SEC. 1. When a bill is presented to the Society for payment, it shall be first read in open meeting, and referred to the Committtee on Finance. SEC. 2. All reports of committees, except those of progress, shall be made in writing, and signed by a majority of the committee. SEC. 3. When the majority report is followed by a report from the minority of a committee, the former shall lie on the table until the latter is presented and read, when on motion either may be considered. ARTICLE XII. RESOLUTIONS. Rtsolved, 1st. That no member be allowed to interrupt the speaker in debate, by more than one explanation. Resolved, 2d. That no one be permitted to make an explanation except the one to whom the speaker refers. 28 CONSTITUTION AND BY-LAWS Resolved, 3d. That the use of tobacco in the hall be considered a viol- ation of good order, and a fineable offence. Resolved, 4th. That no member be allowed to hold more than one elective offi ce at the same time. AKTICLE XIII. PLATO SCHOLARSHIP. SEC. 1. This scholarship shall be held as a prize by the Society, to en- courage the members to industry and diligence in the discharge of all Society duties. SEC. 2. Its use shall be awarded for the next succeeding term, to that member who, during any College Term, shall have best performed all the Society duties which may have been properly devolved upon him. SEC. 3. Each College Term, at such time as the Society may designate, not earlier than ten days before the close of the term, the President, with the consent of the Society, shall appoint a committee of three, who shall carefully examine, and shall report the names of such as are entitled to be considered as candidates for the prize ; and after such report the Society shall proceed immediately, and without debate, to elect by ballot, from among the persons so named, one who shall be entitled to the use of the scholarship for the term next ensuing ; any ballot cast for a person whose name is not reported shall be considered as a blank. SEC. 4. No member who, during the term, shall have been deficient in. or excused from, any duty, unless in case of sickness, or some other un- avoidable circumstance, shall be a competitor. AKTICLE XIV. AMENDMENTS. SEC. 1. No amendment shall be made to these By-Laws, unless by a vote of two-thirds of the members present at any regular meeting. SEC. 2. Any amendment proposed to these By-Laws shall be made in writing, and signed by three members of the Society, and it shall be read in open meeting one week previous to being voted upon. AKTICLE XV. ORDER OF BUSfXKSS. 1st. Prayer. 2d. Calling Roll. 3d. Keading Minutes. 4th. Declamations, Essays, and Orations. '">tli. Regular Debate, and Decision of President. nth. Report and Change of Officers. 7th. Irregular Debate. 8th. Proposals and Election of Candidates for Membership. '.ith. Election of Officers. 10th. Miscellaneous Business. llth. Order of Performance read for one and two weeks. 12th. List of Absentees read. 13th. Adjournment. CATALOGUE OF BOOKS OF THE Platonian Literary Society. HISTORICAL. Rollin's Ancient History, 2 vols. Milner's Church History. Elements of History. Grimshavv's United States. Merill's Greece. American War. Hume's History of England, 6 vols. Gibbon's Rome, 6 vols. History of the American Revolution. Gutzlaff's History of China. Sear's Great Britain and Ireland. Rise & Fall of the Dutch Rep'blic, 3 v. Historv of All Nations, 2 vols. Churcn History, Gregory and Butler. Botta's American War, 2 vols. Ecclesiastical History. Universal Naval History, Frost. Mclntosh's Book of Indians. Military Transactions in Hindostan. Rollin's Ancient History, 8 vols. Macaulev's History of England, 4vols. Tvtler's History. " ifnited States. 'Frost. Muller's Universal History, 4 vols. Greek Revolution. Buler's Kentucky. Library of Natural History. Commerce and Navigation. 30 Years in the U. S. Senate, Bi-nton. History of Greece and Ro:ne. Peruvian Antiquities. History of the Inquisition. History of the United States. Hildre'th's History U. S., 3 vols. BIOGRAPHICAL. Writings of Washington, Sparks. 12v. Life of Collins. Life of Walsh. Memoir of Buchanan. Memoir of J. B. Taylor. Life of Cookman. Hume's Biographical Index. American Biography, Sparks. Biography of Eminent Men. Life ot Lord Byron. Lives of Atrocious Judges. Life of Brainard. Memory of Marty n. Life and Reign of Nicholas I. Russia. I Life and Speeches of Henry Clay. Life of Pavson. Memoir of A. R. Peaters. Life of Kilpin. Weems' Washington. Life of Napoleon, Scott, '2 vols. Memoirs of the Pretenders. Memoirs of C. H. Porter. Life of Johnson, Boswell. James Scurry. Henry Clay. Diary of George IV. Life and Essays of Franklin. Lives of the P\>ets. Life of Newton. Joseph us. Memoirs of Napoleon. Popular Biography. Lite of John Cotton. i Life of Dorry. CATALOGUE OF HOOKS OK THK Biography of D. W. Stone. Life of Lord Byron, Moore. Memoirs of Wm. Kipley. Life of Bramwell. Lives of the Signers of the Declarut'n. Life of Washington. Reminiscences of Bishop Chase. Life of Black Hawk. Life of Napoleon. Biographical Index. Life of Addison. Fleetwood's Life of Christ. Life of G. W. Henrv. Life of Henry Clay. ' Life of P. T.' Barnum. Life of John C. Fremont. Life and Sayings of Mrs. Partington. Lives of the Presidents. Days of King Henrv, 2 vols. Life of J. Q."" Adams. POETICAL. AMERICAN POETS. Longfellow's Poems, 2 vols. Bryant's Poems, 2 vols. Poe's Works, 4 vols. Whittier's Poems, 2 vols. Willis' Poems. BRITISH POETS. Montgomery. Sir Walter Scott's Poems, vols. John Milton, 3 vols. Jonathan Swift, 3 vols. Shelley, 3 vols. Shakspeare. John Skelton, 3 vols. John Keats. Robert Southey, 10 vols. Spencer, 5 vols. Thomson, 2 vols. Gray. Marvell. Dr. John Donne. Watts. Surrey. Vaughan. White. Wyatt. Francis Child's Ballads. S vol.-. Bvron's Works, 10 vols. Chatterton, 2 vols. Cowper, 3 vols. Churchill. 3 vols. Pope, 3 vols. Thomas Hood, 4 vols. Young, 2 vols. Gay, 2 vols. Dryden, 5 vols. Butler, 2 vols. Coleridge, 3 vols. Prior, 2 vols. Thomas Moore, 6 vols. Bvron's Works. iferrick, 2 vols, Herbert. Parnell and Tickell. Akenside. Beattie. Campbell. , Falconer. Collins. Wordsworth. Shakspeare's Complete Works. Byron s Poetical Works. Burns' Poetical Works, 3 vols. , Milton and Young. Scott's Poetical Works. ; Pope's Works, 6 vols. Cowper's Poems. Cowper's Task. 1 H. K. White's Poetical Works. Dryden's Virgil. Thompson's Seasons. Tupper's Poems. Poems of Mrs. Norton. Miss Landon's Complete. Homer's Iliad. Judiad Pierson. A Poem. A r irgilius. Mrs. Hemans' Complete Work*. Keats' Poems. Tupper's Poetical Works. Harvesting Sketches in Prose & Verse Smith's Poems. Coleridge's Poetical Works. RELIGIOUS. Hist, of the Reformation, D'Aubigne. Clark's Sermons, 2 vols. Watson's Conversations. Holy Bible. Theological Colloquies. M cGavm's Protestant, 2 vola. Bible Dictionary. Rev. Jos. Bellamy's Works. 2 vK Theological Institutes. Watson's Wesley. Conversations on the Bible. Spanish Bible. Power on Universalism. Wood's Bible Dictionary. Superannuated. D'Aubigne's Discourses. Protestant. PLATONIAN LITERARY SOCIETY. Luther's Commentary. Line upon Line. Precept upon Precept. Biblical Chronology, Akcrs. Methodist Magazine. Compendium of the Bible. Abercrombie on the Moral Feeling. Religious Tracts, 12 vols. Natural Theology. Edwards on Revivals. Bible Not of Man. Nelson on Infidelity. Ten Commandments, Hopkins. Owen on Forgiveness. Rise and Progress, Doddridge. Wilberforce's Practical View. Edwards on the Affections. Banyan's Pilgrim's Progress. Baxter's Saint's Rest. Baxter's Call. Edward's History of Redemption. Persuasives to Early Piety. Guide to Young Disciples. Nivine's Practical Thoughts. Evidences of Christianity. Sabbath Manual. Mammon, by Harris. Gaullandite's Youth's Book. Counsel to Young Men. Advice to Young Christians. A Night of Toil. Missionary's Daughter. Acquaintance with God. Universalism Not of God. Discipline of M. E. Church. Holy Bible. Schmucker's Popular Theology. Channing's AVorks, 6 vols. Edgar on Popery. Banker's Spiritual Reflections. Biblical Reader. D'Aubigne's Reformation in G. & ~VV. Rev. Sidney Smith's Works. Young Christian. Theological Review. Lightfoot's Harmony of X. Tostam't. Horn's Introduction. Methodist Conferences. Friend of Peace. Views of Christianity. Davies' Sermons, 2 vols. Household Baptism. Butler's Analogy. Debates, Rice and Campbell. Help to Genesis. Young Man's Guide. Buck's Religious Anecdotes. Dixon on Methodism. Divine Rule of Faith and Practice. Practical Piety. Ecclesiastical History. Jenk's Devotions. New Divinity Examined. Afflicted Mail's Companion. Theological Compend. Scripture Biography, Galhuulet. , Edwards' Work of the Spirit ' Doctrinal Tracts. Tracts. Blunt on the Seven Churches. Acquaintance with God. Proudfit's Works, 4 vols. Church Member's Guide. General Conf. Journal and Debate. Methodist Hymns. Miscellany on Baptism. Companion for the Afflicted. Christian Philosopher. Command with Promise. Christian Index. Mormonism. Dick's Philosophy of Religion. ! French Bible. 1 Shinn's Plan of Salvation. Wesley's Sermons. 1 Wesley's Journals. Christian Philosophy. Watson's Apology. Public and Social Duties. Flavel's Fountain of Life. Farel's Method of Grace. The Second Advent. Young Man's Own Book. Essay on Camp Meetings. Methodist Review, vols. D'Aubigne's Discourses, i Ladies' Repository, G vols. Flavel's Redemption. Chapman's Sermons to Presbyterians. : Christian Life. ; The Colporteur and Roman Catholic. Fletcher's Appeal. Religious Ceremonies. Centcnnary of Methodism. Laurin's Sermons. Lawton's Parsonage, 3 vols. . Young Christian. Pollok's Course of Time. Comprehensive Commentary, 6 vols. Methodist Quarterly Review, 7 vols. Dr. Olin's Works, : 2 vols. Townlev's Biblical Literature. Wesley's Missionaries. Christ 'Crucified. National Magazine. vols. Persuasions to 3?arlv Pietv. CATALOtiUK OK BOOKS OK THE The Dark River. Young Man's Ottering. Autobiography of Peter Cartwright. Fleetwood's Life of Christ. Christian Perfection. Tooke's Heathen Gods. Modern Infidelity. Essays on Covetousness. Struggles for Life. Worcester's Sermons. Henry's Meditations. Morris' Sermons. Dix's Complete Works. Moral Science, Wayland. Methodist Episcopal Pulpit. Messiah's Kingdom. Lectures on Paul's Epistles. LITERARY AND SCIENTIFIC. British Essavists. Tattler, 4 vols. Spectator, 8 vols. Guardian, 3 vols. Rambler, 3 vols. Adventurer, 3 vols. World, 3 vols. Connoisseur, '1 vols. Idler. Mirror, 2 vols. Lounger, 2 vols. Observer, 3 vols. Looker-On, 3 vols. General Index. Modern British Essayists. Jeffreys. Macintosh. Wilson. Talfourd and Stevens. Svdnev Smith. Carlyle. Macaulay. Waverly Novels, 23 vols. Les Miserable.*. History of the Inductive Sciences. Ancient Literature and Art. Irving's Works. The Spectator. Bacon's Works, 3 vols. 'Literary Panorama. Penny Magazine, ''> vols. Plato Gem, Canning's Select Speeches. Uncle Tom's Cabin. Information for the People. Westminster Review. Nicholson's Encyclopedia. 3Iy Juvenilt* Days. < )oservations of Literature. Lovell's Young Speaker. Mrs. Lincoln's Botany. LovelPs Dialogues Revised. Jameison's Rhetoric. Introduction to Latin. Porter's Rhetorical Reader. Newman's Rhetoric. Watts on the Mind. Papal Rome as it is. Downing's Letters. French's Grammar. Balamy's Works. Mason on Self Knowledge. French Book. German Book. Old Bachelor. Persian Fables. War and Peace. Spurzheim on Education. Family Adviser. Boys' and Girls' Library. Ten Nights in a Bar Room. Hebrew Grammar. Six Months in a Convent. Wally's Elements of Rhetoric. Smith's Lectures to Young Men. Julia. Cobb's Reader. Swell Life at Sea. Destruction of Jerusalem. Wood's Dictionary. 2 vols. Woodfall's Junins. Dean Swift's Works. Arabian Nights. Living American Orators. North American Reader. Stephens on the English Constitut'n. StifiingHeet's Irenieum. Readings from Scott. Historical Question Book. Fowler's Physiology. Captivity of the Oatman Girl-. Knowledge under Difficulties. American Citixens. Hereditary Descent. Fowler. Hutnboldt's Island of Cuba. The Know Nothing. (i:t/.<-tteer of the U. States. Sh:ikspeare Novels. Smithsonian Report, 2 vols. Brown's Philosophy. Harper's Magazine*. The Americans in Japan. Antiquities of N. Y. and tin.' W>t. Wonderful Charterer-. Trial of British Soldiers. Morse's Gazetteer. ; Ivanhoc. ; Goldsmith's View of the World. The Literary Gazette and Journal. PLATOMAN LITERARY SOCIETY. 33 Village in the Mountains. Jay's Lectures. Paley's Philosophy. Modern Europe. Sugar Planter's Manual. Kirwan's Journal and Letters. Tales of Glauberspa. On Education. Rush's Residence at London Court. Glory of America. Wilson's Diseases of the Skin. Bird's Natural Philosophy. Johnson's Chemistry. Olmsted's Philosophy. Flowers of Literature. Julius Caesar. Botany for Beginners. Virgilius. Porter's Analysis. Things New and Old. Sketches for the Young. Alison on Taste. Calwell's Elocution. Classical Selections. Lyell's Geology. Scientific Dialogues. German Book. Bronson's Elocution. Analytical Manual. Murry's Exercise. Farmer's Manual. Woolard's Geography. Jocob's Greek Reader. Th Fairy Search. Odd-Fellow's Offering. Exercises in English Composition. Latin Grammar. Cleveland's Latin Lessons. Young Man from Home. Ewing's Observations. Jamaica. Omnia. Recollections of Mexico. Perseverance under Difficulties. Little Mary's Tales. Blair's Lectures. The Rocket. Hurd's Corrector. Mansfield's Political Grammar. Essays, Locke and Bacon. Pubfic and Social Duties. Olive Branch. Upham's Mental Philosophy. Commercial Dictionary, 3 vols. Fowler's Phrenology. " Erskine's Speeches, 2 vols. Analysis of Institutes, 2 vols. Fraductem Francois. Harriet Newell. Reminiscences of Niebuhr. An American in England. Omnium Gatherum. Pamphlets. Improvement of Society. Kean's Vindication. American Chesterfield. History of Mathematics. Alton Trials. Comstock's Physiology. Museum of Literature. Useful Knowledge, 3 vols. Sublime and Beautiful. Panorama. Apples of Gold in Pictures of Silver. Lectures on Science and Art. Library of Natural History. Tupper's Prose Works. Hints & Helps to Health & Happiness. Mental Illumination. Western Sketch Book. Commerce and Navigatoin. Gilfillan's Literary Portraits. Prose Writers of America. The Week. Comstock's Chemistry. Pictorial Narratives. Robinson's Philosophy. Anthon's Greek Grammar. Anthon's Greek Reader. Davies' Legendre. Alsop's Algebra. Dombey and Son. Elements of Trigonometry. Class Book of Etymology. Catalogues. Johnson and Walker's Dictionary. Howard's Practice of Medicine. Elliott on Slavery, 2 vols. Chitty's Blackstone. Literary Chronicle. Bayard on the Constitution. Writings of W. D. Homer. Marshall's Oratory. Stories of Rome. Webster ,s Dictionary, unabridged. The American Cruiser. Modern Mysteries Explained. Discoveries of the Mississippi. Prescott's Miscellanies. Western Annals. Waverly Anecdotes. Virgil Delphini. Mud Cabin. Caster's Practice of Medicine. Caster's Physiology. Rural Letters, N. P. Willis. Morning Stars of the New World. Ninteenth Century. CATALOUUE OK BOOKS OF THE Mormons at Home. Aurelian. Danger in the Dark. Kame's Elements of Criticism. Wilpley's Compend. Prose and Poetry of Europe. Minutes and Almanacs. Ten Years among the Mail Bags. Sam, or the History of Mystery. Hagar, Alice Carey. Practical Treatise on Business. Macaulay's Miscellanies. Moore's Greek Grammar. Iowa as it is. The Damsel of Darien. Burnap's Miscellaneous Writings. Escaped Nun. TRAVELS. Kane's Explorations. Franklin and the Arctic Regions. A Month at Constantinople. Sights and Scenes in Europe. Babylon andNiniveh, 2 Ex., Layard. Fremont's 1st and 2d Expeditions. Incidents of Travel in "i ucatan. Recollections of Mexio. Barrow's Travels, j What I Saw in Cal fornia. Reynolds' Voyage round the World. Sights in the Gold Region. New Voyage to Italy. Sights in the Gold Region and Scenes by the Way. Americans in Japan. Elite's Vovage. Peek's Guide to Emigrants. Parker Exploring Tour. Mission's \ oyage. Road Book to Italy. Adventures of Hendrix. Wanderings of Pilgrims. African Researches. Travels of an Irishman. U. S. Japan Expedition, 2 vols. MISCELLANEOUS. Laws of Illinois, 18 vols. Reports of Session, 18389. Justice of the Peace. Conductor Generalis. Journal of the Senate, 1833. Military Reconnoissance. Report 'of University of New York. Clark on the Mulberry Tree. Message and Documents, 1849 50. Journal of G. D. S. of T., 4 vols. O'Neal's Geography. German Books, 12 vols. Mechanical Pat. O. Reports, 22 vols. Butler's Geographer. Pinnock's Geography. Brewster's Optics. Gold's Water Cure. Camp Fires of the Revolutions. Kirkham's Grammar. Sacred Harmony. Ricuil Dramatique. Carolina Sacra. Harmonist. 111. Form Book. The Cultivator. Man's Worst Judge. Sketches of Coast Survey, 4 vols. Illinois Reports. Penser's Census, 2 vols. House Journal. Senate Journals. Pink Tippet. Railroad Explorations, 5 vols. U. S. Census, 1850. Victim of Chancery. Message and Documents, 1856 7. , 18578. Catalogue of Congress Library. Commerce and Navigation, 1857. Expos, of Augsburg Confession, 2 v. Camels for Military Purposes. Augsburg Confession, Reinbeck. M '-sage and Documents, '56-7, part 3. Report on Finances, 1856 7. American Bible Society Reports. U. S. and Mexican Boundary Survey. Proceedings Congress. Commercial Relations. Federal Calculator. Jackson's Remains. Commerce of the Prairies. Morai Libra. Course of Reading. Index Exparcatorus Vaticanus. Pat. Office Rep., Agriculture, 1857. Treatise on Cattle. Student's Manual. Hall's Distiller. Wonderful Characters. Dr. Combe on Health. Executive Documents, 2 vols. Message and Documents, 1849 50. Illinois Convention Journal. Temperance Manual. American State Papers, 20 vols. Constitution of U. States. Farmer's Manual. Milton Debate. Hancock on Peace. PLATONIAN MTERAKY SOCIETY. 35 Allemine Alarm. : Commerce and Navigation, 8 vols. Memoir Carva--o. Message & Documents, 1853 54, 2 v. Commercial Dictionary. ' Transactions of 111. State Ag. Society. Report of Finances, 184849, 2 vols. [ Wager of Battle. Revised Laws of Indiana. Reynolds' Illinois. Documents, 184950. MI>.-:I^C and Documents, 1850 51. 185051. Notk. The foregoing Catalogue of the Society Library is by no means complete, owing to the negligence of some of the Librarians in keeping a record of the books as they were received ; and for the faulty arrangement and other inaccuracies in the list, the Committee can offer no other apology lhan want of tfme. The Library was chiefly built up by the liberality of the numerous friends of the Society, and we would here, in its behalf, take occasion to respectfully solicit further donations from any and all who may feel disposed to contribute to the advancement of a high and true education. COM. HISTORICAL SKETCH. The Platonian Literary Society of McKendree College owes its origin to the enterprise of sixteen students of the Institution, who felt the need of such an association to qualify themselves for the duties of active life. They accordingly assembled, and resolved to form themselves into "An Associ- ation for mutual improvement in Science and Literature," appointed a committee, consisting of three, to prepare a constitution and code of laws. At a subsequent meeting the report of the committee was presented and adopted, and the organization was fully completed on the 21st April, 1849, by the election of the proper officers. After these preliminary proceed- ings, the exercises were commenced and conducted with great spirit and zeal ; and the records of the Society show that a desire for improvement was the motive which prompted its founders. From that period the Society has gradually increased in interest and reputation, and at the present time, the committee arc proud to say, it has a firm foundation, and a character worthy of such a noble enterprise. OBJECT. The object of the Society is "the mutual improvement of its members in discussion, oratory, and literature." The general advancement in knowl- edge, and proper qualification for future usefulness, are the incentives that actuate its members. This they expect to attain by rigid discipline, united effort and untiring industry ; and truly hope that they may not only oc- cupy a high and honorable position in life, but may ever continue to pur- sue, with a laudable ambition, the true via sapientiae. CALENDAR. The meetings of the Society are held on every Friday evening of the Collegiate year. The quarterly exhibition of the Society takes place on the week preceding examination. The anniversary address is delivered before the Society on the third Wednesday in April ; and the annual ad- dress on Commencement dav. 36 CATALOGUE OF THE THE HALL Of the Society is in the third story of the College edifice, and is large, commodious and elegantly furnished. Since the publication of the last Catalogue the Hall has hcen greatly improved. It is beautifully carpeted, and well seated with settees. The walls and ceiling are elegantly painted, and richly decorated with tasteful and appropriate imagery. At the south end of the Hall is a well executed, life-size portrait of Washington, at the north end a splendid oil-painting of S. A. Douglas, also the busts of Homer and Virgil, handsomely mounted on pedestals, one on either side of the stage. The ceiling is elaborately adorned with various ornamental paintings, amoung which are four medallions representing Shakspeare, Byron, Cicero and Clay. The Hall is well lighted by a large and hand- some six-globe chandelier. The library, already extensive and beautiful is rapidly increasing and bids fair to become all that could be desired. In fact no pains or expense has been spared on the part of the members of the Society to make the Hall at once attractive and convenient, and it now compares favorably with that of any literary Society in the west. "THE PLATO GEM." This is the title of a manuscript paper, published by the Society. The "GKM" is devoted to the improvement of the members in original compos- ition, and is read quarterly before large and popular audience. 1'LATONIAM LITERARY SOCIETY. 3T ARTICLES OF COMPACT BETWEEN THK PHILOSOPHIAN AND PLATONIAN SOCIETIES. PREAMBLE. We, the Philosophian and Platonian Societies, in order to secure more perfect unity and harmony; to estahlish mutual respect, and provide against its violation : do establish these articles of compact : ARTICLE I. SEC. 1. All correspondence shall be conducted by the Secretaries of their respective Societies. SEC. 2. No communication by either Society, unless it be written out with ink, and signed by the Corresponding Secretary. SEC. 3. All communications shall be answered within one week from the time of their reception. SEC. 4. Either Society shall have the privilege of sending to the other any inquiry or instruction on business which demands the concurrence of both bodies. ARTICLE II. SEC. 1. The members of neither Society shall be received by the other as visitors, unless by the special request of one of its members. SEC. 2. But the privilege of attending by invitation shall be granted to the members of each Society. SEC. 3. The members of both Societies may, on all public occasions, if requested, join in forming processions, and in the occupation of seats in the audience, after a vote of concurrence may have been passed by the Society to which such request may have been sent. 38 CATALOGUE OF THE PLATONIAN LITERARY SOCIETY. SEC. 4. On public occasions, for celebration or addresses, where there may be preference in hours, the Societies shall have privilege to select alternately, at each annual Commencement, allowing the Philosophian Society to make the selection for the ensuing celebration in July, 1849. ARTICLE III. SEC. 1. Any offence committed by the members of one Society against the other, or its members, shall be esteemed equally offensive to both. SEC. 2. And shall be tried before a committee of seven, selected from both Societies ; four from the Society to which such an offending member shall belong, and three from the other. SEC. 3. No individual having been a member of one Society, shall be admitted into the other, unless he bring with him, from said Society, a certificate of honorable dismission. Signed, f ROBERT DOLLAHAN, Philosophian Com. \ W. C. JONES. [THOS. C. WEEDEN. 'THOS. S. CASEY, . McKENDREK. J J tatoman Com. -J _ T. SPRINGER. WM. SCHWARTZ.