ips • - LI B HAHY OF THE UN IVLRSITY OF ILLINOIS e>23 Return this book on or before the Latest Date stamped below. University of Illinois Library L161 — H41 ••• BLACK SHEEP. [Reprinted from All the Year Round.] LONDON : ROBSON AND SON, GREAT NORTHERN PRINTING WORKS, PANCRAS ROAD, N.W. BLACK SHEEP. % Itflbtl. BY EDMUND YATES, AUTHOR OP " KISSING THE HOD," " THE FORLORN HOPE," ETC. Love is strong as death ; jealousy is cruel as the grave." IN THREE VOLUME S. VOL. I. LONDON : TINSLEY BROTHERS, 18 CATHERINE ST. STRAND. 1867. IThe rkjht of translation and reproduction is reserved.2 EX3 to m CO o a In ggUmorg OF "THE GROWLERY." I, 4 Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2010 with funding from University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign http://www.archive.org/details/blacksheepnovel01yate CONTENTS OF VOLUME I. CHAP. PAGE i. In the Avenue i ii. In the Housekeeper's Room . . . . 31 in. The Philistines 55 iv. In the Balance 89 v. Going down 126 vi. Delay 14 1 vii. Among the Beeches 159 viii. Glamour .182 ix. Tided over 220 x. Disposed of ....... 240 xi. At Poynings 273 xii. In Conference 299 BLACK SHEEP. •I»M« CHAPTER I. IN THE AVENUE. " I'm to keep to the right !" "Keep on a bearin' to the right, sir, 'cross Watch Common, and down One Ash Hill, and that'll bring you straight on to Poynings, sir! No luggage, sir?" u None, thank you !" " Luggage ! no ! I should think not ! party's without a overcoat, don't you see, Thomas ? — without a overcoat, and it freezin' like mad! Povnings, indeed! What's he doin' there? He don't look much like one of the company ! More like after the spoons, I should say !" The polite porter who had made the inquiry, VOL. i. B 2 BLACK SHEEP. and the satirical station-master who had com- mented on the reply, remained gazing for a minute or two at the stranger who had just arrived at the Amherst station of the S out h-E astern Hail- way, and then went back to the occupations from which the premonitory whistle had called them; which, in the porter's case, consisted of a retire- ment to a little wooden watch-box where, sur- rounded by oil-cans, grease-boxes, dirty swabs of cloth, and luggage-barrows reared on end and threatening with their fore-feet, he proceeded to the mending of his shoes with a bit of tin and a few tacks, while the station-master turned to the accounts which extracted the marrow from his very soul, and carried on what he called the "tottle" of a drove of two handled and sixty oxen, conveyed at per head. "Freezing like mad." The station-master was right. The frost, which of late years holds aloof, utterly destroying the pictorial prophecies of the artists of the illustrated periodicals regarding Christmas Day, and which, with the exception of a two days' light rime, had left January a moist and muggy month, had set in with the IN THE AVENUE. 6 commencement of February, hard, black, and evidently lasting. The iron-bound roads rang again, even under the thin boots of the stranger, who hurried over them with a light and fleeting step. The sharp keen air whirling over bleak Watch Common so penetrated his light, London- ish clothing, that he shivered horribly, and, stopping for an instant, beat his sides with his hands in an awkward manner, as one to whom the process was new, and who was vainly en- deavouring to imitate some action he had seen. Then he hurried on with a short rapid jerking step, essentially different from the league-swallow- ing swinging pace of the regular pedestrian ac- customed to exercise; stumbling over the frozen solid ruts made by the heavy cart-wheels, slipping on the icy puddles, and ever and anon pausing to take fresh breath, or to place his hand against his loudly beating heart. As he skirted the further edge of the common, and arrived at the brow of the hill which the porter had mentioned to him, and which he recognised by the solitary tree whose branches rustled above him in the night wind, he heard, by the chimes of a distant church, 4 BLACK SHEEP. ten o'clock rung out sharp and clear through the frosty air. He stopped, counted each chime, and then set off again at a quickened pace, his pro- gress down the descent being easier now, mutter- ing to himself as he went : " Ten o'clock ! I must press on, or they'll all be in bed, I suppose. Beastly respectable, old Carruthers, from what I can make out from my mother, and what little I saw of him ! Servants up to prayers and all that kind of thing. No chance of getting hold of her, if I can't make her know I am there, before those prayers come off. Glass of cold water and flat candlestick directly they're over, I suppose, and a kiss to Missy and God bless you all round, and off to bed! By George, what a life ! What an infernal, moping, ghostly, dreary existence ! And yet they've got money, these scoundrels, and old Carruthers could give you a cheque that would make you wink. Could ! Yes, but wouldn't, especially to me ! Ba, ba, black sheep, and all the rest of it ! Here's a poor tainted mutton for you, without the wind being in the least tempered to him ! Jove, it goes through me like a knife ! There'll be a public IN THE AVENUE. somewhere near, I suppose, and when I have seen my mother, I'll step off there and have some hot rum-and- water before turning in. Hold up, there, you hav T buck brute, pull your other rem ! What's the use of your lamps, if they don't show you people in the road?" He had sprung aside as he spoke, and now stood flat against and pushing into the leafless hedge as a carriage with flashing lamps and steaming horses whirled so closely by him as almost to brush his arm. The coachman paid no attention to his outcry, nor did the footman, who, almost hidden in overcoats, was fast asleep in the rumble behind. The next instant the carriage was whirling away ; but the pedestrian, seeing the condition of the footman, had swung himself on to the hind step, and, crouching down behind the rumble and its unconscious occupant, obtained a shelter from the bitter wind, and simultaneously a lift on his road. There he crouched, clinging firmly with both hands in close proximity to the enshrouded knees of the unconscious footman — knees which, during their owner's sleep, were very helpless and rather comic, which smote each 6 BLACK SHEEP. other in the passage of every rut, and occasionally parted and displayed a dreary gulf of horsecloth between them, to be brought together at the next jolt with a very smart concussion — and there he remained until the stopping of the carriage, and a sharp cry of " Gate" from the coachman, induced him to descend from his perch, and to survey the state of affairs from that side of the carriage most removed from a certain light and bustle into which they had entered. For, on the other side of the carriage to that on which the stranger stood, was an old-fashioned stone lodge with twinkling lights in its little mullioned windows, and all its thousand ivy-leaves gleaming in the carriage-lamps, and happy faces grouped around its door. There was the buxom lodge-keeper the centre of the group, with her comely red face all aglow with smiles ; and there was her light-haired sheep-faced husband standing by the swinging iron gates ; and there were the sturdy children, indulged with the unwonted dissipation of " sitting up ;" and there was the gardener's wife awaiting to see company come in, while her master had gone up to look at fires in hothouses ; and there were IN THE AVENUE. I Kidd, the head keeper, and little Tom, his poor idiot boy, who clapped his hands at the whirling lights of the carriages, and kept up an incessant boom of imbecile happiness. Sheep-faced male lodge-keeper bobbing so furiously as to insist on recognition, down goes window of carriage furthest from the stranger, and crisp on the night air cries a sharp curt voice, "How do, Bulger? Not late, eh? hum— ah ! not late?" To which Bulger, pulling at invisible lock of hair on forehead : "No, Sir Thomas ! Lots company, Sir Thomas! Seasonable weather, Sir — " But the carriage was whirled away before Bulger could conclude, and before the stranger could resume his place under the sheltering lee of the now conscious footman. He shrank back into the darkness — darkness deeper and thicker than ever under the shadow of the tall elms form- ing the avenue leading to the house, and remained for a minute buried in thought. The night was clear, and even light, with the hard chilly light of stars, and the air was full of 8 BLACK SHEEP. cold — sharp, pitiless, and piercing. The wind made itself heard but rarefy, but spared the way- farer not one pang of its presence. He shrank and shivered, as he peered from under the gaunt branches of the trees after the carnage with its glittering lights. "Just like my luck!" he thought, bitterly. 11 Nothing is to be wanting to make me feel myself the outcast that I am. A stranger in my mother's house, disowned and proscribed by my mother's husband, slinking like a thief behind the carriages of my mother's fine friends. I will see my mother, I must see her; it is a desperate chance, but surely it must succeed. I have no doubt of her, God bless her ! but I have my doubts of her power to do what I want." He emerged from the shadow of the trees again, and struck into the avenue. He quickened his pace, shivering, and seeing the long line of way lying level before him in the sombre glimmer of the night, he went on with a more assured step. Angry and bitter thoughts were keeping the young man company, a gloomy wrath was in his dark, deep-set eyes, and the hands which he IN THE AVENUE. 3 thrust into his coat-pockets clenched themselves with an almost fierce impatience. He strode on, muttering, and trying to keep up an air of hardi- hood (though there was no one to be deceived but himself), which was belied by the misgivings and remorse at his heart. "A fine place and a grand house, plenty of money, and all that money gives, and no place for her only son ! I wonder how she likes it all ! No, no, I don't ; I know she is not happy, and it's my fault, and his." His face grew darker and more angry, and he shook his clenched hand to- wards a stately house, whose long lighted facade now became visible. "And his — his who married my mother and deceived her, who gave her hopes he never in- tended to fulfil — my ill conduct the cause of his forbidding her to bring me here ! — he always hated me ; he hated me before he saw me, before he ever knew that I was not a sucking dove for gentleness, and a pattern of filial obedience and propriety; he hated me because I existed — be- cause I was my mother's son ; and if I had been the most amenable of step-sons, he would have 10 BLACK SHEEP. hated me all the same, only he would have shown his hatred differently, that's all. I should have been brought here, and made to feel insignificance, instead of being left to beg or starve, for all he cares. I am better off as it is." A harsh smile came over his face for a mo- ment. u Quite a blackguard, and all but a beggar. All but ? No, quite a beggar, for I am coming to beg of my mother — coming to your fine house, Capel Carruthers, like a thief or a spy ; slinking in at your gates, under cover of your fine friends' fine carriages ; a prodigal step-son, by Jove, with- out the faintest chance of a welcome, and every probability of being turned out, if discovered. Company here, too, of all nights in the year, to make it more difficult to get hold of old Brookes unsuspected, but not so unfortunate either, if I'm seen. Hangers about are to be found even in the country, I suppose, on festive occasions. There's the house at last ! A grand place, grim as it is under the stars, with a twinkling firmament of its own on the ground floor. The lights look warm. Good God, how cold it is out here !" Again he drew back close to the tall dark stems of the trees, IN THE AVENUE. 1 1 to let a carriage pass ; when it had discharged its load under the portico, he emerged cautiously upon the broad carriage sweep by which the com- pany were arriving. The house was an old one, and was surrounded by a narrow fosse or ditch, which in former days might have been full of water, and used for de- fensive purposes, but which was now drained and dry, and served as a kind of area, looked into by the windows in the basement. Above this fosse, and stretching away on either side of the heavy portico, was a broad and handsome stone terrace, the left hand portion of which lay in deep shadow, while the right hand portion was chequered with occasional light, which made its way through the partially closed shutters of the ball-room. Cau- tiously crossing the broad drive, and slipping be- hind a carriage which was just discharging its load at the hall door, George Dallas, the stranger whose fortunes we have so far followed, crept into a dark angle of the porch until the crunching of the gravel and the clanging of the door announced the de- parture of the carriage, and then, climbing the balustrade of the terrace, and carefully avoiding 12 BLACK SHEEP. the lines of light, made his way to the window of the room, and peered in. At first, he shook so with the cold, that he could not concentrate his attention on what was passing before his eyes ; but having groped about and found a small tree which was carefully protected with a large piece of matting, and which flanked one end of the balustrade, he quietly removed the matting, and, wrapping it round him, returned to his position, watching and commenting on the scene of which he was a spec- tator. It was an old room on which George Dallas looked — an old room with panelled walls, sur- mounted by a curious carved frieze and stuccoed roof, and hung round with family portraits, which gave it a certain grim and stern air, and made the gay hothouse flowers, with which it was lavishly decorated, seem out of keeping. Immediately op- posite the window stood the entrance door, wide open, and flanked by the usual bevy of young men, who, from laziness or bashfulness, take some time to screw their courage up to dancing-point. Close in front of them was a group which at once arrested George Dallas's attention. IN THE AVENUE. 13 It consisted of three persons, of whom two were gentlemen ; the third was a young girl, whose small white-gloved hand rested on the arm of the older of her companions, who, as George Dallas caught sight of them, was in the act of presenting the younger to her. The girl was tall, slight, very graceful and elegant, and extremely fair. Her fea- tures were not clearly discernible, as she stood side- ways towards the window; but the pose of the head, the bend of the neck, the braids of fair hah' closely wound around the well-shaped head, and worn without any ornament but its own golden gloss, the sweeping folds of her soft white dress — all bore a promise of beauty, which indeed, her face, had he seen it, would have fully realised. He saw her bow, in graceful acknowledgment of the introduction, and then linger for a few minutes talking with the two gentlemen — to the younger of whom George Dallas paid no attention what- ever; after which she moved away with him to join the dancers. The older man stood where she had left him, and at him George Dallas looked with the fixed intensity of anger and hatred. "There you are," he muttered, "you worth v, 14 BLACK SHEEP. respectable, hard-hearted, unblemished gentleman ! There you are, with your clear complexion and your iron-grey whiskers, with your cold blue eyes and your white testh, with your thin lips and your long chin, with your head just a little bald, and your ears just a little shrivelled, but not much ; with your upright figure, and your nice cool hands, and your nice cool heart, too, that never knew an ungratified lust, or a passion which wasn't purely selfish. There you are, the model of respectability and wealth, and the essence of tyranny and pride ! There you are — and you married my beautiful mother when she was poor, and when her son needed all that she could give him, and more ; and you gave her wealth, and a fine house, and fine friends, and } T our not remarkably illustrious name, and everything she could possibly desire, except the only thing she wanted, and the only thing, as I believe, for which she married you. That's your niece, of course, the precious heiress, the rich and rare young lady who has a place in your house, though the son of its mistress is banished from it. That's the heiress, who probably does not know that I exist. I should not be surprised if he had IN THE AVENUE. 15 ordered my mother to conceal the disgraceful fact. Well, the girl is a nice creature, I dare say ; she looks like it. But where can my mother be ?" He approached the window still more closely ; he ventured to place his face close to the panes for a moment, as he peered anxiously into the room. "Where is my mother?" he thought. "Good Heaven ! if she did but know that I am shivering here." The strains of sweet clear music reached his ears, floods of light streamed out from the ball- room, a throng of dancers whirled past the window, he saw the soft fluttering dresses, he heard the rustle of the robes, the sounds of the gay voices, and the ring of laughter, and ever and anon, as a stray couple fell away from the dance, and lingered near the window, a fair young face would meet his gaze, and the happy light of its youth and pleasure would shine upon him. He lingered, fascinated, in spite of the cold, the misery of his situation, and the imminent risk of detection to which he was exposed. He lingered, and looked, with the long- ing of youth, for gaiety and pleasure ; in his case for a simple gaiety, a more sinless pleasure, than 16 BLACK SHEEP. any he was wont to know. Suddenly he shrank quickly back and clutched hard at the covering of matting in which he had shrouded himself. A figure had crossed the window, between him and the light — a figure he knew well, and recognised with a beating heart — a figure clad in purple velvet and decked with gleaming jewels ; it was his mother. She passed hastily, and went up to Mr. Carruthers, then talking with another gentleman. She stretched out one jewelled arm, and touched him on the shoulder w T ith her fan. Mr. Carruthers turned, and directly faced the window. Then George Dallas flung the matting which had covered him away, and left his hiding-place with a curse in his heart and on his lips. "Yes, curse you," he said, "you dress her in velvet and diamonds, and make her splendid to entertain your company and flatter your pride, and you condemn her to such misery as only soft- hearted, strong-natured women such as she is can feel, all the time. But it won't do, Carruthers ; she's my mother, though she's your wife, and you can't change her. I'll have - some of your money, tyrant as you are, and slave as she is, before this IN THE AVENUE. 17 night is over. I'm a desperate man; you can't make me more miserable than I am, and I can bring you to shame, and I will, too." He stepped softly to the edge of the terrace, climbed the balustrade, and sat down cautiously on the narrow strip of grass beyond; then felt with his hands along the rough face of the wall which formed the front of the area. He looked down between his feet, the depth was about ten feet. He thought he might venture to let himself drop. He did so, and came safely on his feet, on the smooth sanded ground. An angle of the house was close to him; he turned it, and came upon a window whose shutters, like those of the upper range, were unclosed, and through which he could see into the comfortable room beyond. The room was low but large, and the heavy carved presses, the table with green baize cover, the arm-chairs, one at each side of the fire, the serviceable comfor- table and responsible appearance of the apartment, at once indicated its true character. It could be nothing but the housekeeper's room. In the centre of the table stood an old-fashioned oil-lamp, no doubt banished from the upper regions vol. I. c 18 BLACK SHEEP. when the moderator made its appearance in society ; close to the stand was a large Bible open, a pair of spectacles lying upon the page. A brass-bound desk, a file of receipts, a Tunbridge-ware workbox, and a venerable inkstand, were also symmetrically arranged upon the table. The room was empty, and the observer at the window had ample leisure and opportunity to scrutinise it. " I am in luck," he said. " This is Nurse Ellen's room. There are the dreadful old portraits which she always insisted on keeping over the chimney- piece, and venerated, quite as much because she thought them objects of art, as because she fancied them really like my father and mother. There's her Bible, with the date of my birth and christening in it. I dare say those are the identical spectacles which I broke, playing Red Riding Hood's grand- mother. I wish she would come in, and come alone. What shall I do if she brings any one with her, and they close the shutters? How delightful the fire looks ! I have a great mind to smash the window and get in. No one would hear the noise with all that crashing music overhead, and there does not seem "to be a soul on this side of the house." IN THE AVENUE. 19 No sound of footsteps made itself audible on the terrace above his head. He was sheltered a little more in his present position, but still the cold was bitter, and he was shivering. The impulse to break the window grew stronger. He thought how he should avoid cutting his hand ; his shabby gloves could not protect him, suppose he were to take off his waistcoat, and twist it around his hand and arm. He had unfastened one button of his coat, as the idea occurred to him, when a sound overhead, on the house side, caught his ear. It was the click produced by opening the fastening of a French window. Then came steps upon the light balcony, which was one of the modern decorations of the old building, and voices which reached him dis- tinctly. " Any influenza you may catch, or anything of that kind, you must ascribe to yourself, Miss Car- ruthers. You would come out this — hum — by Jove — awful night !" " Oh, don't fear for me, Captain Marsh," said a light girlish voice, laughingly, "I'm country bred, you know, and accustomed to be out in all weathers, so that I run no risk ; and though it is 20 BLACK SHEEP. wintry enough outside, the temperature of that room was becoming unbearable !" u Think it must be caused by that old woman's red face that we noticed, or the thingummy — para- dise feather in her cap. She with the very thin daughter. Don't you know ?" 11 Of course I know. The old lady is my aunt, Lady Boldero ; the young one is my cousin Blanche!" u Haw, by Jove, sorry I spoke, haw ! By-the- by, that was Sir Thomas Boldero's park, where I met you riding on Friday, wasn't it, Miss Car- ruthers V 9 "Yes. I was taking a short cut home, as I thought I should be late for dinner." "You were going a rattling good pace, I noticed. Seemed quite to have distanced your groom." "My groom! That's a luxury I very seldom indulge in — never, when I think I can dispense with it without my uncle's knowledge. It is dis- agreeable to me to have a man perpetually at my heels !" "You shouldn't say that, Miss Carruthers — IN THE AVENUE. 21 shouldn't, indeed. You don't know how pleasant it is — for the man." " Very pretty indeed, Captain Marsh ! And now that you've had the chance of paying a com- pliment, and have done it so neatly, we will go back, please. I begin to feel a little chilly." As the speakers moved, something fell at George Dallas's feet. It was so dark in the corner where he stood, that he could not distinguish what it was, until the closing of the window above, gave him assurance that he might move in safety. Then he bent forward, and found it was a sprig of myrtle. He picked it up, looked at it idly, and put it into the breast-pocket of his coat. " What a sweet voice she has !" he thought. " A sweet face too, I am sure ; it must be so, to match the voice and the hair. Well, she has given me something, though she didn't intend it, and will probably never know it. A spirited, plucky girl, I am sure, for all her grace and her blonde style. Carries too many guns for the captain that's clear !" He dived down in the midst of his thoughts, for the door of the room into which he had been look- 22 BLACK SHEEP. ing, opened quietly, and an elderly woman in a black silk dress entered. After casting a glance round her, slie was about to seat herself at the table, when Dallas gave two low taps in quick succession at the window. The woman started and looked towards the spot whence the sound came with a half-keen, half- frightened glance, which melted into unmixed astonishment when Dallas placed his face close to the glass and beck- oned to her with his hand. Then she approached the window, shading her eyes from the candlelight and peering straight before her. When she was close to the window, she said, in a low firm voice : " Who are you f Speak at once, or I'll call for help !" "It's I, Nurse Ellen. I " " Good Heavens, Master George !" "Yes, yes; open the window and let me in. I want to talk to you, and I'm half dead with cold. Let me in. So. That's it." The woman gently raised the sash, and so soon as the aperture admitted of the passage of his body, he slipped through and entered the room, taking no notice of his old nurse, but making IN THE AVENUE. 23 straight for the fire, before which he knelt, gazing hungrily at the flames, and spreading both his hands in eager welcome of the blaze. The old woman closed the window and then came softly behind him, placed her hand on his head, and, leaning over his shoulder and looking into his face, muttered : " Good Lord, how changed you are, my boy ! I should scarcely have known you, except for your eyes, and they're just the same ; but in every- thing else, how changed !" He was changed indeed. The last time George Dallas had taken farewell of his old nurse, he had parted from her, a big strong healthy youth of eighteen, with short curly brown hair, clear skin, bright complexion, the incarnation of youth and strength and health. He knelt before her now, a gaunt grisly man, with high cheek-bones and hol- low rings round his great brown eyes, with that dead sodden pallor which a life of London dissi- pation always produces, and with long thin bony hands with which he clutched hold of the old woman, who put her arms round him and seemed about to burst into a fit of sobbing. " Don't do that, nurse ! don't do that ! I'm 24 BLACK SHEEP. weak myself, and seedy, and couldn't stand it. Get me something to drink, will you ? And, look here! I must see my mother to-night, at once. I've come from town on purpose, and I must see her." "She does not know you are here?" asked Mrs. Brookes, while she gazed mournfully at the young man, still kneeling before the fire. u But of course she does not, or she would have told me." "Of course, of course, Nurse Ellen," said George Dallas ; " she knows nothing about it. If I had asked her leave, she would not have dared to give it. How is she, nurse ? How does she like her life I She tells me very little of herself when she writes to me, and that's not often." He rose from his knees now, and pulled a ponderous black horsehair chair close to the fire, seated him- self in it, and sat huddled together, as though cold even yet, with his feet on the broad old-fashioned fender. u I had to come at any risk. You shall know all about it, nurse ; but now you must con- trive to tell my mother I am here." "How can I do that, Master George?" asked the old woman, in a tone of distress and perplexity. IN THE AVENUE. 25 " She is in the ball-room, and all the grand folk are looking at her and talking to her. I can't go in among them, and if I could, she would be so frightened and put about, that master would see in a moment that something had happened. He is never far off where she is." "Ha!" said George gloomily; "watches her, does he, and that kind of thing?" " Well, not exactly," said Mrs. Brookes ; "not in a nasty sort of way. I must say, to do him jus- tice, though I don't much like him, that Mr. Car- ruthers is a good husband ; he's fond of her, and proud of her, and he likes to see her admired." The young man interrupted her with selfish heedlessness. "Well, it's a pity he has the chance to-night; but, however it's managed, I must see her. I have to go back to town to-morrow, and of course I can't come about here safely in the daytime. Think of some plan, nurse, and look sharp about it." " I might go upstairs and join the servants — they are all about the ball-room door — and watch for an opportunity as she passes." "That will take time," said George, "but it's 26 BLACK SHEEP. the best chance. Then clo it, nurse, and give me something to eat while you are away. Will any of the servants come in here ? They had better not see me, you know." " No, you are quite safe ; they are looking at the dancing," she answered, absently, and closing as she spoke the shutters of the window by which he had entered. She then left the room, but quickly returned, bringing in a tray with cold meat, bread, and wine. He still sat by the fire, now with his head thrown back against the high straight back of his chair, and his hands thrust into his pockets. "Very plain fare, Master George," said the housekeeper, "but I can't find anything better without wasting time." "Never mind, nurse. I'm not hungry, and I'm not above eating cold meat if I were. Be£- gars must not be choosers, you know; and I'm little better than a beggar, as you also know. Give me some wine. It isn't felony, is it, though I have got into my step-father's house through the window, and am drinking his wine without his knowledge or consent ?" IN THE AVENUE. 27 His tone was very painful to the faithful old woman's ear. She looked at him wistfully, but made no reply. He rose from the chair by the fire, sullenly drew another chair to the table, and sat down by the tray. Mrs. Brookes left the room, and took her way along the white stone passage which led to the entrance hall of the mansion. Passing through a swinging door covered with crimson cloth, she entered a spacious square hall, decorated, after the fashion of country houses, with stags' heads and antlers. The floor was of polished oak, and uncarpeted, but at each of the six doors which opened into it lay a soft white rug. A bright fire blazed in the ample grate; and through the open door of the ball-room, light and the sound of music poured into the hall. A num- ber of servants were standing about, some lingering by the fire, a few ranged close to the door of the dancing-room, exchanging comments upon the performances with perfect impunity. Under cover of the music Mrs. Brookes joined the group, which respectfully gave way at her approach, and ceded to her the front place. She looked anxiously, and 28 BLACK SHEEP. for some time vainly, for her mistress. At length she perceived her, but she was seated at the further end of the room, in conversation with an elderly lady of extraordinary magnificence in point of ap- parel, and who required to be spoken to through an ear-trumpet. Mrs. Carruthers was not a skilful performer upon that instrument, and was obliged to give her whole mind to it, so that there was little chance of her looking in any other direction than the uninviting one of Mrs. Chittenden's ear for the present. Mrs. Brookes looked on impatiently, and longed for a break in the dancing, and a conse- quent movement among the company. At length the music ceased, the panting waltzers subsided into promenade, and Mrs. Carruthers rose to place her chair at the disposal of a young lady whose exertions had told upon her, and who breathlessly accepted the boon. As she stood for a moment turned towards the door, she caught sight of the housekeeper's face, and saw she looked pale and agitated. Catching her mistress's eye, the housekeeper made a slight stealthy sign. Very gracefully, and with perfect calm, the tall figure, IN THE AVENUE. 29 in its sweeping velvet dress, made its way through the dispersed groups between it and the door, from which all the servants had precipitately re- treated at the cessation of the music. What was wrong ? Mrs. Carruthers thought. Something, she knew must be wrong, or Ellen would not be there beckoning to her. A second gesture, still more stealthy and warning, caused her to pause when within reach of the housekeeper's whisper, without turning her head towards her. "What is it, Ellen?" "Hush ! where is master? Can he see you?" " Yes, he is just beyond the screen. What is the matter?" " Turn round, and stoop ; let me tie your shoe —there!" Mrs. Carruthers stood in the doorway, and bent her head, holding her foot out, and lifting her dress. Mrs. Brookes fumbled with the shoe, as she whispered rapidly : " Come as soon as you can to my room. Be careful that you are not missed. Some one is there who wants to see you." "To see me, Ellen? On such a night, and 30 BLACK SHEEP. at such an hour! What is wrong? Who is there?" The old woman looked earnestly into the fright- ened face, bending over her, and said rather with her lips than with her voice : " Master George !" CHAPTER n. IN THE HOUSEKEEPER'S ROOM. George Dallas had eaten but sparingly of the food which Mrs. Brookes had placed before him. He was weary and excited, and he bore the delay and the solitude of the housekeeper's room with feverish impatience. He strode up and down the room, stopping occasionally before the fire to kick at the crumbling logs, and glance at the clock, which marked how rapidly the night was waning. Half an hour, which seemed three times as much to him, had elapsed since Mrs. Brookes had left him. Faintly and indistinctly the sounds of the music reached him, adding to his irritation and weariness. A savage frown darkened his face, and he muttered to himself in the same tone as that of his spasmodic soliloquy in the avenue : " I wonder if she's thinking that I ought to be there too ; or if I ought not, neither ought she. 32 BLACK SHEEP. After all, I'm her son, and she might make a stand-up fight for me, if she would. He's fond of her, the old woman says, and proud of her, and well he may be. What's the use of it all, if she can't manage him ? What fools women are ! If they only could calculate at first, and take their own line from the beginning, they could manage any men. But she's afraid of him, and she lets him find it out. Well, well, it must be wretched enough for her, too. But why does she not come !" He had to wait a little longer yet, for another quarter of an hour had elapsed before Mrs. Brookes returned. "Is she coming?" he asked eagerly, when at length the pale-faced little woman gently entered the room. "Yes, she is coming. She has to wait until the first lot are gone in to supper. Then master will not miss her." The old woman came up to him, and took his right hand in hers, looking fondly, but keenly, into his face, and laying the other hand upon his shoulder. " George," she said, " George, my dar- IN THE HOUSEKEEPER'S ROOM. 33 ling boy, I hope you have not brought her very bad news." He tried to laugh as he loosed his hand, not unkindly, from the old woman's grasp. "Do you suppose good news would have brought me here where I am forbidden — smuggled goods I" She shook her head sorrowfully. " At all events, you are alive and well to tell your ill news yourself, and that is everything to her," said Mrs. Brookes. The next moment the door opened, and Mrs. Carruthers came in with a hurried step. George Dallas started forward, and caught her in his arms. "Mother! mother!" "My boy, my darling boy !" were the only words spoken between them, until they were quite alone. Mrs. Brookes left the room, and the young man w r as free to explain his untimely visit. " I dread to ask what brings you here, George," said his mother, as she seated herself upon the heavy sofa, and drew him to her side. " I cannot but rejoice to see you, but I am afraid to ask you why you come." VOL. I. D 34 BLACK SHEEP. A mingling of pleasure and apprehension shook her voice, and heightened her colour. u You may well dread to ask me, mother," re- plied the young man, gloomily. a You may well dread to ask what brings me, outcast as I am, to your fine home, to the place where your husband is master, and where my presence is forbidden." " George, George !" said his mother, in a tone of grief and remonstrance. "Well, I know it's no fault of yours, but it's hard to bear for all that, and I'm not quite such a monster as I am made out to be, to suit Mr. Car- ruthers's purposes. I'm not so very much worse than the young men, mother, whose step-fathers, or whose own fathers either, don't find it necessary to forbid them the house. But you're afraid of him, mother, and — " "George," said Mrs. Carruthers quietly, but sternly, " you did not come here to see me for the first time in nine months, at the risk of being turned out of Mr. Carruthers's house, simply to vent your anger upon him, and to accuse me wrongfully, and taunt me with what I am power- less to prevent. Tell me what has brought you here. I can stay with you only a little while ; at any moment I may be missed. Tell me what has brought you against my husband's commands, con- trary to my own entreaties, though it is such a de- light to me to see you even 'so." And the mother put her arms around the neck of her prodigal son, and kissed him fondly. Her tears were falling on his rough brown curls. "Don't cry over me, mother; I'm not worth it ; I never was ; and you mustn't go back to your company with pale cheeks and red eyes. There, there, it's not as bad as it might be, you know ; for, as nurse says, I'm alive and well to tell it. The fact is — " He rose, and walked up and down the room in front of the sofa on which his mother was sitting, while he spoke. u The fact is, I must have money. Don't start, don't be frightened. I have not done anything very dreadful, only the consequences are nearly as fatal as if I had. I have not stolen, or forged, or embezzled property. I am not rich or respectable enough to get the chance. But I have lost a large sum at the gam- es o ing-table — a sum I don't possess, and have no other means than this of getting." 36 BLACK SHEEP. "Go on," said his mother. She was deadly pale now, and her hands were tightly clasped together, as they lay on her lap, white and slender, against the rich purple of her velvet dress. He glanced at her, quickened his step, and continued in a hard reckless tone, hut with some difficulty of utterance. "I should have heen ut- terly ruined, but for a friend of mine, who lent me the money. Play debts must be paid, mother ; and Routh, though he's not much richer than I am, would not let me be completely lost for want of a helping hand. But he had to borrow the money. He could get it lent to him. There's no one but him to lend me a shilling, and he did get it, and I had it and paid it away. But in a short time now he must pay it back and the interest upon it. Luck has been against us both." "Against you both, George," said Mrs. Car- ruthers. "Is your friend also a gambler, then?" "Yes, he is," said Dallas, roughly; "he is a gambler. All my friends are gamblers and drunk- ards, and everything that's bad. What would you have? Where am I to get pious, virtuous, re- IN THE HOUSEKEEPER'S ROOM. 37 spectable friends 1 I haven't a shilling ; I haven't a character. Your husband has taken care I shall have no credit. Every one knows I am disowned by Mr. Carruthers, and forbidden to show my face at Poynings; and I'm not showing it; I'm only in the servants' quarters, you see." Again he laughed, and again his mother shrank from the sound. " But though my friend is a gambler, like myself, he helps me when I want help, and incon- veniences himself to do it. Perhaps that's more than respectable friends — if I had them — would do for me. It's more than I have ever known re- spectable friends do for any one." Mrs. Carruthers rose, and turned her colourless face upon her son. There was an angry light in her large hazel eyes, whose dewy brightness time had not yet greatly harmed. As they confronted each other, a strong likeness between the mother and son asserted itself. " George," she said, " you are putting me to needless pain. You have said enough to show me that you are unchanged. You have come here, endangering my peace, and com- promising yourself, for the purpose, I suppose, of asking me for money to repay this person who re- 38 BLACK SHEEP. lieved you from a gambling debt. Is this your business here V "Yes," he said shortly, and with a lowering brow. " Then listen to me. I cannot give you any money." He started, and came close up to her. "No, George. I have no money at my disposal, and you ought to know that, as well as I know it. Every shilling I have ever had of my own, I have given you. You know I never grudged it. You know you had it all ; but that leaves me without resources. Mr. Carruthers will not help you." She grew paler still, and her lips trembled. " I have asked him many times to alter his determination, a determination which you cannot say is undeserved, George, but it is in vain. I might, perhaps, won- der that you would stoop to take assistance from a man who has such an opinion of you, and who has forbidden you his house, but that the sad know- ledge I have gained of such lives as yours has taught me that they utterly destroy self-respect — that a profligate is the meanest of creatures. Calm yourself. There is no use in giving loose to your temper towards me, George. You have the power to afflict me still, but you can deceive me no more." 39 She sat down again, wearily, leaning her arm on the back of the sofa, and her head on her hand. There was silence for a few moments. Then she said: "How much money do you owe this man, George, and when must it be paid ?" " I owe him a hundred and forty pounds, mo- ther, and it must be paid this day month." "A hundred and forty pounds !" repeated Mrs. Carruthers, in a terrified tone. " Yes ; precisely that sum, and I have not a pound in the world to exist on in the mean time. I am cleaned out, that's the fact," he went on, with a dismal attempt at speaking lightly ; " and I can't carry on any longer." But he spoke to inattentive ears. His mother was lost in thought. " I cannot give you money," she said at length. " I have not the command of any." " This doesn't look like want of it," said her son bitterly, as he caught a handful of her velvet dress in his grasp, and then dropped it scornfully. " My personal expenses are all dictated by Mr. Carruthers, George, and all known to him. Don't suppose I am free to purchase dress or not, as I 40 BLACK SHEEP. choose. I tell you the exact truth, as I have al- ways told you." She spoke coldly and seriously, like one whose mind is made up to a great trial, who hopes neither to alter its character nor to lessen its weight. u I only know I must have it," he said ; " or I don't see any resource for me except to cut my throat." "No, no," returned his mother, "do not say such dreadful things. Give me time. I will try to find some way of helping you by the time you must have the money. O my boy, my boy !" she covered her face with her hands and sobbed. George Dallas looked at her irresolutely, then came quickly towards her, and leaned over her, as she sat. "Mother," he said, in low hurried tones, "mother, trust me once more, little as I deserve it. Try to help me in this matter; it is life or death to me ; and I will try and do better. I am sick of it all ; sick of my own weakness above and more than all. But I am irretrievably ruined if I don't get this money. I am quite in Routh's power — and — and — I want to get out of it." 41 She looked up curiously at him. Something in the way he said those words at once alarmed and reassured her. "In this man's power, George? How? To what extent !" "I cannot tell you, mother; you would not understand. Don't frighten yourself about it. It is nothing that money cannot settle. I have had a lesson now. You shake your head — well, I know I have had many before, but I will learn from this one." "I have not the money, George," his mother repeated, " and I cannot possibly procure it for a little time. You must not stay here." "I know, I know," he retorted. "You need not re-echo Mr. Carruthers's interdict. I am going ; but surely you can give me a little now ; the price of one of these things would go a long way with me." As he spoke, he touched, but with no rough hand, her earrings and the brace- let on her right arm. " They are family jewels, or you should have them, George," Mrs. Carruthers said, in a sad voice. " Give me time, and I will make up the 42 BLACK SHEEP. money for you. I have a little I can give you." She stood up and looked fixedly at him, her hands resting on his shoulder. The tall and powerful young man, with his haggard anxious face, his hardened look, his shabby careless dress, offered a strange contrast to the woman, whose beauty time had dealt with so lightly, and fortune so generously. Mrs. Carruthers had been a mere girl when her son was born, and probably had not been nearly so beautiful as now, when the calm dignity of position and the power of wealth lent all their attractions to her perfect face and form. The habitual seriousness of her expression was but a charm the more, and in moments of ex- cited feeling like the present she regained the lus- trous brilliancy of the past. Searchingly, fondly, she gazed into her son's face, as though reading it for traces of the truth of his promises, seeing in it but too surely indications of the weary, un- satisfying life he had led, the life which had brought disappointment to all her dearest ma- ternal hopes. Steadily and tenderly he looked at her, a world of regret in his eyes. "While they IN THE HOUSEKEEPER'S ROOM. 43 stood thus in brief silence, Mrs. Brookes came in hurriedly. "You are wanted," she said. "Master is asking for you; he has sent Miss Clare to your room to see if you are ill." "I must go, my boy," said Mrs. Carruthers, as she hastily kissed him ; u and you must not stay. Come with me, Ellen, for a moment. Wait here, George, for what I promised you, and don't travel back to town without an overcoat." Then she left the room at once, the housekeeper with her. George stood where she had left him, look- ing towards the door. " My dear practical mother," he said to him- self, "she is as kind and as sensible as ever. Wretched about me, but remembering to desire me to buy a coat ! I know she will get me the money somehow, and this shall be the last scrape I will get into. It's no use being melodramatic, especially when one is all alone, but I here make a solemn promise to myself that I will keep my promise to her." He sat down by the fire, and remained still and thoughtful. In a fewminutes Mrs. Brookes returned. 44 BLACK SHEEP. "Here's the money, Master George," she said. u I was to give it to you with my mistress's love, and she will write to you to London." He took the folded paper from her hand. It was a ten-pound note. "Thank you, nurse," he said ; "and now I will go. I would like to stay and have a talk with you; but I had better get away, lest any annoy- ance should come to my mother through my stay- ing. I'll see you when you come up to town to the fine house in Mesopotamia. Eh?" " Lord, Master George, how you do go on ! Why, Mr. Carruthers's new house is the far side of the Park." " I know, nurse. It's all the same thing. No. No more wine, thank you, and nothing to eat. Good-bye. — How am I to get out, though ? Not through the window, and up the area wall, am I f" " I'll show you, Master George. This way." George Dallas buttoned his coat tightly across his breast, carefully put on his gloves, and took up his hat. As he followed Mrs. Brookes through the long stone passages of the basement story, he looked curiously about him, noting the details of 45 comfort and convenience. " How much better off than I are my mother's servants !" he thought, idly rather than bitterly. When they reached a door which opened upon the court -yard, Mrs. Brookes bade him farewell, not without emotion. "The great gates are open," she said. "All the servants are either in the hall or the servants' hall. None of the carriages have been called yet. You can slip past without being seen ; or if any one sees you, they'll think you belong to the place." "A serious mistake, dear old woman," said George, with a half smile, as he once more shook her hand, and stepped out into the cold and dark- ness. A bitter sense of desolation came over him as the door closed behind him. The court-yard was empty, except of carriages, and he crossed it quickly, and went through the great gates into the avenue, which swept round the terrace. Fol- lowing it, he found himself brought again by a different route in front of the lighted ball-room ; but he did not delay to glance at the scene. " So I am going away," he said to himself, "richer by ten pounds and my mother's promise. 46 BLACK SHEEP. Stop, though ! There's the sprig of myrtle. I must not forget or lose the unconscious gift of the great heiress. I wish I had asked nurse what sort of girl she is. I might have taken time to do that. It's not so cold as it was." He had been warmed and fed, and his spirits had risen. It did not take much to raise George Dallas's spirits, even now when the excesses of his wasted life were beginning to tell upon him. "I feel quite strong again. The night is lighter; the village must be a wretched place. I have a great mind to push on to Amherst. It's only seven miles, and Carruthers can't hear that I have been there; but he might hear of me at the village, and bother my mother about it." He took his way down the avenue and reached the gate, which lay open. One feeble light twinkled from the upper window of the gate lodge. Bulger and family had retired to rest, the excitement of the arrivals being over; and Bulger would leave the sate to take care of itself until morning. Unquestioned, unseen, George Dallas left Poyn- ings, and, turning to the right under the park wall, set forth at a steady pace towards Amherst. TN THE HOUSEKEEPER'S ROOM. 47 The town of Amherst is very much like the other towns in that part of the country. Close by the railway station lies the Railway Tavern, snug and comfortable, with a "quick draught" of home-brewed ale and bitter beer, thanks to the powers of suction of porters, guards, and admir- ing friends of both, who vent their admiration in "standing glasses round." Not a little of its custom does the Railway Tavern owe to that small plot of waste ground in front of it, where, even on this desolate night, you might trace the magic circle left by the "ring" of Signor Quagliasco's Mammoth Circus on its visit last autumn, and the holes for the pole and tent-pegs, and the most recent ruts on which were left by the wheels of the cart of the travelling photographer who "took" the entire town at Christmas, and, in addition to the photograph, presented each sitter with a blue card embossed with a scarlet robin bearing in its mouth the legend, "A happy new year to you." Then villas; Mr. Cobb's, the corn-chandler and coal-merchant, with a speckled imitation-granite porch, white and black, as if it had been daubed with a mixture of its owner's flour and coal-dust ; 48 BLACK SHEEP. Mr. Lawson's, the attorney, with a big brass plate on its outer gate, and two stone pine-apples flank- ing the entrance ; Mr. Charlton Biggs' s, the hop- merchant, in all the gentility of a little chaise- house leaning against the street door, approached by a little carriage-drive so narrow that the pony had never yet walked up it properly, but had al- ways been ignominiously "backed" into its tiny home. Then the outskirts of the town ; the Inde- pendent Chapel, very square, very red-faced, and very compact, not to say sat upon ; the Literary Institute, with more green damp on its stuccoed walls than had been originally intended by its architect, and with fragmentary bills of u Mr. Lens's Starry Carpet, or the Heavens at a Glance," fluttering in the night wind from its portico. Merton House comes next, formerly the stronghold of the Merton-Mertons, the great Kent- ish family, now Mr. Bompas's Classical and Com- mercial Academy, with a full view of the white dimity bedsteads through the open window, and with " Old Bompas's Blaggards" inscribed — by the boys of the National School, with whom the grand Bompasians waged constant warfare — on the door- IN THE HOUSEKEEPER'S ROOM. 49 post. The commencement of the town, a mouldy old bay-windowed shop, known to Mr. Bompas's boys as " Mother Jennings's," and as the reposi- tory of " tuck," said tuck consisting of stale buns, hardbake, "all sorts," toffee, treacle, new rolls, sugar mutton-chops elegantly painted and gilt, sugar rum and gin bottles, whipcord, pegtops, and marbles ; then Bullenger's, apparently a small ironmonger's, but in reality another lure for the money of Bompas's boys, for in a parlour behind his back shop Bullenger vended fireworks and half-crown detonating pistols, catapults, and cross- bows, and all sorts of such-like instruments dear to predatory boys. Then the ordinary lot of butchers, bakers, tailors, hosiers, grocers, chemists (Mr. Hotten, member of the Pharmaceutical So- ciety of Great Britain, also strongly reliant on Bompas's custom for cigars and hair-oil for the big boys, and bath-pipe and liquorice for the little ones), and then the police-station; the old gray church, with its square ivy -covered tower, its billowy graves and its half -obliterated sun-dial over the porch, and then the fresh green fields acrain. VOL. I. E 50 BLACK SHEEP. All these particulars George Dallas noted in the morning, when, having early left the bed he had procured at the inn, he called in at the station and learned from the friendly porter, who was again engaged in mending his shoes with tin and tacks, when the next train would start for London, and where he could find a tailor's shop, walked briskly through the little town, with feelings very different from those which had possessed him on his first arrival at the Amherst station. Now, his step was free and light, he carried his head erect, and though he occasionally shivered as the cold wind came sweeping over the downs and gave him a sharp unfriendly nip as it hurried by him in its progress to the sea, he bore the insult with toler- able fortitude, and seemed to derive immediate comfort from plunging his hand into his trousers- pocket, where lay the ten-pound note he had re- ceived from his mother. It was there, stiff and crisp to his touch. He had taken it *out and looked at it twice or thrice on the road, but he could not do that now in the town ; he must con- tent himself with touching it, and the crinkling sound was music in his ear ; he had been so long IN THE HOUSEKEEPER'S ROOM. 51 without money, that he derived the keenest plea- sure from the possession of this actual tangible sum, and felt so little inclined to part with it, that, though he had passed, and noticed in passing, the tailor's shop to which he had been recommended by the porter, he still walked on. It was not until he had made a circuit of the old churchyard at the end of the town, where even on summer days the wind is generally at play, and where on -winter nights it ramps and rages in a manner terrible to hear and feel, that George Dallas began to comprehend the necessity of at once procuring some warmer clothing, and, turning back, made straight for the tailor's shop. A neat, clean -looking shop, with "Evans, Tailor," painted over the window, the effect being slightly spoiled by the knob of the roller blind, which formed a kind of full-stop in the middle of the word " Tail . or," and divided it into two un- equal portions ; with "Evans, Tailor," blazing from its brass door-plate; with "Evans, Tailor,' 1 in- scribed with many twisted nourishes on its wire blind, where it emerged coyly from "Liveries" preceding it, and took hasty refuge in " Uniforms" LIBRARY 52 BLACK SHEEP. at its conclusion. Evans himself behind the coun- ter, a fat, chubby, rosy little man, with clustering iron-gray hair round his temples, and a bit of round scalp wig fitting, like the lid of a teapot, into a bald place on his crown. Apparently he had been all his life tailoring to such an extent for other people as to have had no time to attend to himself, for he stood behind the counter this winter's day in his shirt-sleeves, and without his coat. The old man bowed as George Dallas entered the shop, and asked him what they could do for him. Dallas replied that he wanted a warm thick overcoat, " if they'd got such a thing." " Such a thing ! Well, there may be such a thing, perhaps, but I'm not certain, not being an article kept in stock," replied Mr. Evans, " which is mostly tarpaulin for the railway guards and stokers, likewise canal boatmen, which is often customers. A warm thick overcoat," repeated the old man, " is a article generally made to order, though I've a sort of a recollection of a something of the kind returned on our hands in consequence of the party which was staying at the Lion having IN THE HOUSEKEEPER^ ROOM. 53 left unexpected. Let me see !" he continued, opening two or three drawers. " I ain't so young as I was, sir, and I'm touched in the wind ; and this nasty gas which we've only had this winter don't do for me, making me bust out in sudden presperation. Ho ! I thought so ! Here's a warm thick overcoat, blue Witney, lined with plaid; that's a article I can recommend ; our own make ; we ain't ashamed of it, you see !" and he pointed to a label stitched inside just below the collar, where the inevitable "Evans, Tailor," in gilt let- ters, was supplemented by the address, "Am- herst." George Dallas took the coat and slipped it on. It fitted tolerably, and was thick and warm. " What is the price f" he asked. "We can do that for you at fifty-three and six," said the old man. "It was a three-pounder, that coat was, when made for the party at the Lion, but we'll make a reduction now. Fifty-three and six, and our own make. You couldn't do better." " I dare say not," said Dallas absently. " Please to change this for me." 54 BLACK SHEEP. At the sight of the bank-note Mr. Evans's pleasant face became a little clouded. He did not relish the notion of changing notes for persons with whom he had no previous acquaintance. But after he had taken the note in his hand and held it between his eyes and the light, and flattened it out on the counter, his cheerful expression re- turned, and he said, "All right, sir. I'll change it and welcome ! I know where you got this note, sir ! Ah, you may start, but I do ! You got it from our post-office, lower down the street ; here's the post-office stamp on it, which they're com- pelled to put on every note passing through their hands. Look, < Amherst, B, 1, Jan. 30.' Thank you, sir ; six and six's, three and seven is ten ; thank you, sir !" and the old man, having counted the change from a cash-box in a desk at the back of the shop, hurried round to open the door and bow his customer out. Within half an hour George Dallas was in the train on his return to London. CHAPTER IIL THE PHILISTINES. The cold weather, which in the country produced rugged roads and ice-bound ponds ; which frosted the leafless branches of the trees with a silver tint, and gave a thousand different fantastic but ever lovely hues and shapes to nature; had no such pleasant refreshing effect in London, where the frost, ere three hours old, was beaten into mud under foot, ran drizzling in dirty streams from house-tops, and subsided into rain and fog before the daylight had disappeared. The day succeeding that on which George Dallas had entered the town of Amherst was a thorough specimen of what Lon- don can do when put to its worst. It was bad in the large thoroughfares where the passing crowds jostled each other ill-temperedly, digging at each other's umbrellas, and viciously contesting every inch of foot pavement, where the omnibus wheels 56 BLACK SHEEP. revolved amid mud-ruts, and every passing cab- horse produced a fountain of slush and spray. But it was even worse in the by-streets, where an attempt at sweeping had been made, where the mud lay in a thick slimy, shiny tide between the narrow ridges of footpath, where the tall houses, so close together that they completely filtered the air and liidit and retained nothing but the dark- en o ness and the dirt, were splashed with mud to their first-floor windows, and whose inhabitants or visitors desirous of crossing the road had to pro- ceed to the junction with the main street, and, after tacking across in comparative cleanliness, commence their descent on the opposite side.' In the front room of the first floor of a house in such a street, South Molton-street, connecting Oxford-street the plebeian with Brook-street the superb, just as the feeble glimmer of daylight which had vouchsafed itself during the day was beginning to wax even feebler, previous to its sud- den departure, a man sat astride a chair, sunk in thought. He had apparently just entered, for he still wore his hat and overcoat, though the former was pushed to the back of his head, and the latter THE PHILISTINES. 57 thrown negligently open. He was a tall handsome man, with keen black eyes glancing sharply, with thick black brows, a long straight nose, thin tight lips unshronded by moustache or beard, and a small round chin. He had full flowing black whiskers, and the blue line round his mouth showed that the beard was naturally strong ; had he suf- fered it to grow, he might have passed for an Italian. As it was, there was no mistaking him for anything but an Englishman — darker, harder- looking than most of his race, but an Englishman. His face, especially round the eyes, was flushed and marked and lined, telling of reckless dissipa- tion. There was a something not exactly fast, but yet slangy, in the cut of his clothes and in the manner in which he wore them; his attitude as he sat at the window with his hands clasped in front of him over the back rail of his chair, his knees straight out and his feet drawn back, as a man sits a horse at a hunt, was in its best aspect suggestive of the mess-room : in its worst, of the billiard-room. And yet there was an indescribable something in the general aspect of the man, in the very ease of his position, in the shape of the hands 58 BLACK SHEEP. clasped in front of him, in the manner, slight as it was, in which now and again he would turn on his chair and peer back into the darkness behind him, by which you would have known that he had had a refined education, and had been conversant with the manners of society. Nor would you have been wrong. In Burke's Landed Gentry, the Kouths of Carr Abbey take up their full quota of pages, and when the county election for Herefordshire comes off, the liberal agent is forced to bring to bear all the science he can boast of, to counteract the influence which the never-failing adhesion of the old family throws into the Tory scale. Never having risen, never for an instant having dreamed of demeaning them- selves by rising, above the squirearchy, owners of the largest and best herds in all that splendid cattle-breeding county, high-sheriffs and chairmen of quarter-sessions as though by prescriptive right, perpetual presidents of agricultural societies, and in reality taking precedence immediately after the lord-lieutenant, the Rouths of Can* Abbey, from time immemorial, have sent their sons to Ox- ford and their daughters to court, and have THE PHILISTINES. 59 never, save in one instance, had to blush for their children. Save in one instance. The last entry in the old family Bible of Carr Abbey is erased by a thick black line. The old squire speaks habitually of a My only son, William ;" and should a stranger, dining at the Abbey, casually refer to the picture, by Lawrence, of two little boys, one riding a pony, the younger decking a dog's neck with ribbon, he is, if the squire has not heard his question, mo- tioned in dumb show to silence, or is replied to by the squire himself that " that boy is — lost, sir." That boy, Stewart Routh, the man looking out of the window in South Molton-street, was captain of the boat at Eton, and first favourite, for a time, both with the dons and undergraduates at Oxford. Rumours of high play at cards developing into fact of perpetually sported " oak," non-attendance at chapel, and frequent shirking of classes, lessened the esteem in which Mr. Routh was held by the authorities ; and a written confession handed to the dean, after being obtained by parental pres- sure, from Mr. Albert Griintz, of Christ Church, son of and heir to Mr. Jacob Griintz, sugar-baker, 60 BLACK SHEEP. of St. Mary Axe, in the city of London, and Bal- moral-gardens, Hyde-park, a confession to the effect that he, Mr. A. Griintz, had lost the sum of two thousand pounds to Mr. S. Routh, at a game played with dice, and known as French hazard, procured the dismissal of Mr. S. Routh from the seat of learning. At Carr Abbey, whither he retired, his stay was shortened by the arrival of another document from Oxford, this time signed by Lord Hawkhurst, gentleman commoner of Christ Church, and Arthur "Wardroper, of Balliol, setting forth that Mr. S. Routh, while playing hazard in Mi\ Griintz's rooms, had been caught there in flagrante delicto in the act of cheating by " secur- ing," i.e. retaining in his fingers, one of the dice which he should have shaken from the box. It was the receipt of this letter that caused the squire to make the erasure in the family Bible, and to look upon his youngest son as dead. Driven from the paternal roof, Mr. Stewart Routh descended upon the pleasant town of Bou- logne, whence, after a short stay not unmarked by many victories over the old and young gentlemen who frequent the card-tables at the Etablissement THE PHILISTINES. 61 cles Bains, from whom he carried off desirable tro- phies, he proceeded to the baths and gambling- houses of Ems, Homburg, and Baden-Baden. It was at the last-mentioned place, and when in the very noon and full tide of success, that he was struck down by a fever, so virulent that the affrighted servants of the hotel refused to wait upon him. No nurse could be prevailed upon to undertake to attend him ; and he would have been left to die for want of proper care, had not a young Englishwoman, named Harriet Creswick, travelling in the capacity of nursery-governess to Lord de Mauleverer's family (then passing through Baden on their way to winter in Rome), come to the rescue. Declaring that her countryman should not perish like a dog, she there and then devoted herself to attendance on the sick man. It need scarcely be told that Lady de Mauleverer, pro- testing against " such extraordinary conduct," in- timated to Miss Creswick that her connection with her noble charges must cease at once and for ever. But it is noteworthy that in such a man as Stewart Bouth had hitherto proved himself, a spirit of gra- titude should have been so strongly aroused, that 62 BLACK SHEEP. when his sense and speech returned to him, in weak and faltering accents he implored the woman who had so tenderly nursed him through his ill- ness, to become his wife. It is quite needless to say that his friends, on hearing of it, averred, some that he thought he was going to die, and that it did not matter to him what he did, while it might have pleased the young lady; others, that he was a particularly knowing card whose brains had never deserted him, even when he was at his worstj and that he had discovered in Harriet Creswick a woman exactly fitted, by physical and mental qualifications, efficiently to help him as his partner in playing the great game of life. Be it as it may — and people will talk, especially in such circles — the fact remains that on his sick couch at the Hollandischer Hof, Baden-Baden, Stewart Ivouth proposed to Harriet Creswick and was accepted ; that so soon as he could safely be left, she departed for England ; and that within a month they were married in London. Of that one event at least in all his eventful life, Stewart Bouth had never repented. Through all his vicissitudes of fortune his wife had been by THE PHILISTINES. 63 his side, and, as in the long ran, chance had been against him, taking the heaviest portion of his burden on herself. Harriet Routh's was an un- tiring, undying, unquestioning love or worship of her husband. The revelation of his — to say the least of it — loose mode of life, the shifts and ex- pedients to which he resorted for getting money, the questionable company in which he habitually lived, would have told with fatal effect on a de- votion less thorough, a passion more transient. Harriet herself, who had been brought up staidly at an Institution, which she had only quitted to join the family with whom she was travelling when she arrived at Baden — Harriet herself at first shrunk back stunned and stupefied by the reve- lations of an unknown life which burst upon her a few days after her marriage. But her love bore her through it. As the dyer's hand assimilates to that it works in, so gradually did Harriet Routh endue herself with her husband's tone, temper, and train of thought, until, having become almost his second self, she was his most trusted ally, his safest counsellor in all the strange schemes by which he made out life. In the early days after 64 BLACK SHEEP. their marriage she had talked to him once, only once, and then but for a few minutes, of reforma- tion, of something better and more reputable, of doing with less money, to be obtained by the exer- cise of his talents in some legitimate manner. And her husband, with the nearest approach to harshness that before or since he had ever assumed, told her that his time for that kind of thing was passed and gone for ever, that she must forget all the childish romance that they had taught her ■ at the Institution, that she must sink or swim with him, and be prepared to cast in her lot with that kind of existence which had become his second nature, and out of which he could never hope to move. Even if he could move from it, he added, he did not think that he would wish to do so, and there must be an end to the matter. There was an end to the matter. From that time forth, Harriet Kouth buried her past, buried her former self, and devoted herself, soul and body, to her husband. Her influence over him strengthened with each year that they lived together, and was traceable in many wavs. The fact once faced, that their precarious liveli- THE PHILISTINES. G5 hood was to be earned by the exercise of sharp- ness superior to that enjoyed by those with whom they w r ere brought into contact, Harriet laid her- self out at once for the fulfilment of her new duties, and in a very short time compelled her husband's surprised laudation of the ease and cool- ness with which she discharged them. There were no other women in that strange society ; but if there had been, Harriet would have queened it over them, not merely by her beauty, but by her bright spirit, her quick appreciation, her tho- rough readiness to enter exactly into the fancy of the moment. The men who lost their money to Eouth and his companion, treated her not merely with a punctilio which forbade the small- est verbal excess, but bore their losses with comparative good humour so long as Mrs. Routh was present. The men who looked up to Eouth as the arch concoctor of and prime mover in all their dark deeds, had a blind faith in her, and their first question, on the suggestion of any scheme, would be " what Mrs. Routh thought of it." Ah, the change, the change! The favour- ite pupil of the Institution, who used to take such VOL. I. F b§ BLACK SHEEP. close notes of the sermon on Sunday mornings, and illustrate the chaplain's meaning with such apposite texts from other portions of Scripture, as quite to astonish the chaplain himself, which per- haps was not to he wondered at, as the chaplain (a hibulous old gentleman, who had been ap- pointed on the strength of his social qualities by the committee, who valued him as "a parson, you know, without, any nonsense about him") was in the habit of purchasing his discourses ready made, and only just ran them through on Saturday nights. The show pupil of the Institution, who did all kinds of arithmetical problems "in her head," by which the worthy instructors meant without the aid of paper and pencil — the staid and decorous pupil of the Institution, who, when after her last examination she was quitting the table loaded with prizes — books — was called back by the bishop of the diocese, who with feeble hands pinned a silver medal on to her dress, and said, in a trembling voice, " I had nearly forgotten the best of all. This is in testimony of yonr ex- cellent conduct, my dear." What was become of this model miss? She was utilising her talents THE PHILISTINES. . 67 in a different way. That was all. The memory which had enabled her to summarise and annotate the chaplain's sermons now served as her hus- band's note-book, and was stored with all kinds of odd information, "good things" to "come off," trials of horses, names and fortunes of heirs who had just succeeded to their estates, lists of their most pressing debts, names of the men who were supposed to be doubtful in money matters, and with whom it was thought inexpedient to bet or play — all these matters dwelt in Harriet Kouth's brain, and her husband had only to turn his head and ask, " What is it, Harry T to have the in- formation at once. The arithmetical quickness stood her in good stead, in the calculation of odds on all kinds of sporting events, on the clear know- ledge of which the success of most of Routh's business depended; and as for the good conduct — well, the worthy bishop would have held up his hands in pious horror at the life led by the favourite pupil of the Institution, and at her sur- roundings ; but against Mrs. Routh, as Mrs. Booth, as the devoted, affectionate, self-deny- ing, spotless wife, the veriest ribald in all that C8 BLACK SHEEP. loose crew had never ventured to breathe a doubt. Devoted and affectionate! See her now as she comes quietly into the room — a small com- pact partridge of a woman with deep blue eyes in a very pale face, with smooth shining light brown hair falling on either side in two long curls, and gathered into a clump at the back of her head, with an impertinent nose only just redeemed from being a snub, with a small mouth, and a very provoking pattable chin. See how she steals behind her husband, her dark linsey dress draping her closely and easily, and not making the slight- est rustle ; her round arm showing its symmetry in her ti^ht sleeve twilling round his neck; her plump shapely hand resting on his head ; her pale cheek laid against his face. Devoted and affec- tionate ! No simulation here. "Anything gone wrong, Stewart?" she asked, in a very sweet voice. " No, dear. Why I" said Routh, who was now sitting at a table strewn with papers, a pen in his right hand, and his left supporting his hand- some worn face. THE PHILISTINES. 69 " You looked gloomy, I thought ; but, if you say so, it's all right," returned his wife, cheer- fully, leaving his side as she spoke, and proceed- ing to sweep up the hearth, put on fresh coals, and make the whole room look comfortable, with a few rapid indefinable touches. Then she sat down in a low chair by the fire, perfectly still, and turned her calm pale face to her husband with a business-like air. He made some idle scratches with his pen in silence, then threw it down, and, suddenly pushing away his chair, be- gan to walk up and clown the room with long light strides. " What do you make of Deane, Harriet V he said, at length, stopping for a moment opposite his wife, and looking closely at her. " How do you mean I In character or in pro- babilities ! As regards himself, or as regards us t" " Well, both. I cannot make him out ; he is so confoundedly cool, and so infernally sharp. He mio-ht be a shrewd man of business, bent on mak- ing a fortune, and a good way on the road to his object; and yet he's nothing but a man of pleasure, of what your good people would call a 70 BLACK SHEEP. wretched low kind of pleasure too, and is spend- ing the fortune instead." U I don't think so, Stewart," his wife said, quietly and impressively. "I don't think Mr. Deane is spending any very considerable portion of his fortune, whatever it may be." Stewart had resumed his walking up and down, but listened to her attentively. " I regard him as a curious combination of the man of business with the man of pleasure. I don't know that we have ever met exactly the kind of person before. He is as calculating in his pleasures as other men are in their business." " I hate the man," said Eouth, with an angry rrown and a sullen gesture. " That's dangerous, Stewart," said Harriet. " You should not allow yourself either to hate or to like anyone in whom you are speculating. If you do the one, it will make you incautious; if you do the other, scrupulous. Both are unwise. I do not hate Mr. Deane." " Fortunately for him, Harry. I think a man would be a great deal safer with my hatred than with yours.' THE PHILISTINES. 71 "Possibly," she said, simply, and the slightest smile just parted her crimson lips, and showed a momentary gleam of her white, small, even teeth. "But I do not hate him. I think about him, though ; because it is necessary that I should, and I fancy I have found out what he really is." "Have you, by Jove?" interrupted Eouth. "Then you've done a clever thing, Harriet — clever even for you ; for of all the close and im- penetrable men I ever met, Deane's the closest and the hardest. When I'm with him, I always feel as if he were trying to do me somehow, and as if he would succeed too, though that's not easy. He's as mean as a Scotch shopkeeper, as covetous as a Jew, as wide awake as a Yankee. There's a coolness and a constant air of avowed suspicion about him that drives me mad." " And yet you ought to have been done with temper and with squeamishness long ago," said Harriet, in a tone of quiet conviction. "How often have you told me, Stewart, that to us, in our way of life, every man must be a puppet, prized in proportion to the readiness with which 72 BLACK SHEEP. he dances to our pulling ? What should we care ? I am rendered anxious and uneasy by what you say." She kept silence for a few moments, and then asked him, in a changed tone, "How does your account with him stand?" "My account! — ah, there's the rub! He's so uncommonly sharp, that there's little to be done with him. The fellow's a blackguard —more of a blackguard than I am, I'll swear, and as much of a swindler, at least, in his capacity for swindling. Only I dare say he has never had occasion to reduce it to practice. And yet there's a hardly veiled insolence in his manner to me, at times, for which I'd like to blow his brains out. He tells me, as plainly as if he said it in words, that he pays me a commission on his pleasures, such as are of my procuring, but that he knows to a penny what he intends to pay, and is not to be drawn into paying a penny more/' Harriet sat thoughtful, and the faintest flush just flickered on her cheek. "Who are his asso- ciates, when he is not with you f" "He keeps that as close as he keeps every- THE PHILISTINES. 73 thing else," replied Routh ; " but I have no doubt he makes them come cheap, if indeed he does not get a profit out of them." "You are taking my view of him, Stewart," said Harriet ; then she added, " He has some mo- tive for acting with such caution, no doubt; but a flaw may be found in his armour, when we think fit to look for it. In the mean time, tell me what has set you thinking of him I " " Dallas's affair, Harriet. I am sorry the poor fellow lost his money to Mm. Hang it, I'm such a bad fellow myself, so utterly gone a 'coon" (his wife winced, and her pale face turned paler), " that it comes ill from me to say so, and I wouldn't, except to you. But I am devilish sorry Deane got the chance of cleaning Dallas out. I like the boy ; he's a stupid fool, but not half bad, and he didn't deserve such an ill turn of fortune." "Well," said Harriet, "take comfort in re- membering that you helped him." She spoke very coldly, and evidently was a stranger to the feelings which actuated Routh. " You don't care about it, that's clear," he remarked. 74 BLACK SHEEP. He was standing still now, leaning against the mantelpiece. She rose and approached him. "No, Stewart," she said, in her calm sweet voice, which rose a little as she went on, " I do not. I care for nothing on earth (and I never look beyond this earth) bnt you. I have no in- terest, no solicitude, for any other creature. I cannot feel any, and it is well. Nothing but this would do in my case." She stood and looked at him with her deep blue eyes, with her hands folded before her, and with a sober seriousness in her face confirmatory of the words she had spoken. He looked at her until she turned away, and a keen observer might have seen in his face the very slightest expression of impatience. "Shall we go into those accounts now?" said Harriet ; " we shall just have time for it, before you go to Flinders'." She sat down, as she spoke, before a well- appointed writing table, and, drawing a japan box towards her, opened it, and took out a number of papers. Eouth took a seat beside her, and they were soon deep in calculations which would THE PHILISTINES. 75 have had little interest or meaning for a third person, had there heen one present. By degrees, Routh's face darkened, and many times he uttered angry oaths ; but though Harriet watched him narrowly, and felt in every nerve the annoyance under which he was labouring, she preserved her calm manner, and went steadily on with her task ; condensing the contents of several papers into brief memoranda, carefully tearing up the origi- nals, and placing the little heaps methodically be- side her for consignment to the fire. At length Routh again stood up, and lounged against the mantelpiece. "All these must be paid, then, Harry?" he asked, as he lighted a cigar, and began to smoke sullenly. " Yes," she answered, cheerfully. " You know, dear, it has always been our rule, as it has hitherto constituted our safety, to stand well with our tradespeople, and pay them, at least, punctually. We have never been so much behindhand; and as you are about to take a bolder flight than usual, it is doubly necessary that we should be untram- melled. Fancy Flinders getting snubbed by the 76 BLACK SHEEP. landlady, or your being arrested for your tailor's bills, at the time when the new Company is coming out !" " Hang it ! the bills all seem to be mine," growled Routh. "Where are yours? Haven't you got any?" It would have been difficult to induce an un- seen witness to believe how utterly unscrupulous, remorseless, conscienceless a woman Harriet Routh had become, if he had seen the smile with which she answered her husband's half -admiring, half- querulous question. " You know, dear, I don't need much. I have not to keep up appearances as you have. You are in the celebrated category of those who cannot afford to be anything but well-dressed. It's no matter for me, but it's a matter of business for you.*' " Ah ! I might have known you'd have some self-denying, sensible reason ready ; but the puzzle to me is, that you always are well dressed. By Jove, you're the neatest woman I know, and the prettiest !" The smile upon her face brightened, but she only shook her head, and went on : THE PHILISTINES. 77 " If Dallas does not get the money, or at least some of it, what do you propose to do ? I don't know." "Do you think he will get the money, Harry? He told you all about it. What are the odds f" " I cannot even guess. All depends on his mother. If she is courageous, and fond of him, she will get it for him, even supposing her imme- diate control as small as he believes it to be. If she is not courageous, her being fond of him will do very little good, and women are mostly cowards," said Harriet, composedly. u I never calculated much on the chance," said Routh, u and indeed it would be foolish to take the money if he got it — in that way, at least ; for though I am sorry Deane profited by the young fellow, that's because I hate Deane. It's all right, for my purpose, that Dallas should be in- debted as largely as may be to me. He's useful in more ways than one ; his connexion with the press serves our turn, Harry, doesn't it? Es- pecially when you work it so well, and give him such judicious hints, such precious confidences." 78 BLACK SHEEP. (Even such praise as this, the woman's per- verted nature craved and prized.) "You won't need to take the money from him in formal pay- ment," she said, "if that's what you want to avoid. If he returns with that sum in his pocket, he will not be long before he — " A knock at the door interrupted her, and George Dallas entered the room. He looked weary and dispirited, and, before the customary greetings had been exchanged, Routh and Harriet saw that failure had been the result of experiment. Harriet's eyes sought her husband's face, and read in it the extent of his dis- comfiture; and the furtive glance she turned on Dallas was full of resentment. But it found no expression in her voice, as she asked him common- place questions about his journey, and busied her- self in setting a chair for him by the fire, putting his hat aside, and begging him to take off his over- coat. He complied. As he threw the coat on a chair, he said, with a very moderately successful attempt at pleasantry : "I have come back richer than I went, Mrs. Routh, by that elegant garment, and no more." THE PHILISTINES. 79 "Bowled out, eli?" asked Routh, taking the cigar from his mouth, and laying it on the mantel- piece. u Stumped, sir," replied Dallas. Harriet said nothing. " That's bad, Dallas." "Very bad, my dear fellow, but very true. Look here," the young man continued, with ear- nestness, " I don't know what to do. I don't upon my soul ! I saw my mother — " "Yes?" said Harriet, going up to his side. "Well?" " I saw her, and — and she is unable to help me; she is, indeed, Mrs. Routh," for a bitter smile was on Harriet's face, turned full upon him. " She hasn't the means. I never understood her position until last night, but I understood it. then. She is — " he stopped. All his better nature forbad his speaking of his mother's position to these people. Her influence, the gentler, better influence, was over him still. However transitory it might prove, it had not passed yet. Harriet Routh knew as well as he did what the impulse was that arrested his speech. 80 BLACK SHEEP. "You will tell me all about it yet," she thought, and not a sign of impatience appeared in her face. "I — I need not bore you with details," he went on. "She could not give me the money. She made me understand that. But she promised to get it for me, in some way or other, if the thing is within the reach of possibility, before a month expires. I know she will do it, but I must give her time, if it's to be forthcoming, and you must give me time." "It's unfortunate, Dallas," Routh began, in a cold voice, " and, of course, it's all very well your talking to me about giving you time, but how am I to get it ? It's no good going over the old story, you know it as well as I do. There, there," he said, shrugging his shoulders, u I must trv and £et old Shadrach to renew. I suppose we may as well go at once, Dallas." He left the room, followed by Harriet. George Dallas sat over the fire in an attitude of deep dejection. He was sick at heart, and the revulsion of feeling that had begun at Poynings had not yet ceased. " If I could but be done with THE PHILISTINES. 81 it all !" he thought. " But I'm in the groove, I'm in the groove." "Come along, George," said Routh, who seemed more good humoured than before, as he reentered the room, soberly attired, as became a man going to do business in the City. " Don't be down-hearted; the old lady will keep her word. Don't be afraid ; and, in the mean time, we'll pull through. Put your coat on, and come along. You'll give us some dinner, Harriet, won't you 1 And if Deane calls, ask him to join us. He won't," he continued, with a laugh, " because he believes in tavern dinners, and puts no faith in ours. We're snobs who live in lodgings, George, you know ; but he'll drop in in the evening fast enough." The application to Mr. Shadrach proved suc- cessful, and George Dallas returned with Stewart Routh to his lodgings, more firmly tied to him than ever, by the strong bond of an increased money-obligation. "Pretty tidy terms, weren't they?" Routh asked Dallas, when he had told Harriet, in answer to her anxious questioning, that the "renewal" had been arranged. VOL. I. G 82 BLACK SHEEP. "Very tidy indeed," said poor George, rue- fully: "but, Routh, suppose when I do get the money, it's not enough. What's to be done then?" "Never mind about then,'" said Routh, " now is the important matter. Remember that every then is made of nows, and keep your mind easy. That's philosophy, as Mr. Squeers says. Your present business is to eat your dinner." Stewart Routh had thrown off his low spirits, and had all but succeeded in rousing George Dallas from his. Kindly, convivial, only occa- sionally coarse, he was a dangerously pleasant man at all times, and especially so to George Dallas when Harriet was present ; for then his coarseness was entirely laid aside, and her tact, humour, in- telligence never failed to please, to animate, and to amuse him. The dinner was a very pleasant one, and, before it had come to a conclusion, George Dallas began to yield as completely as ever to the influence of the man whose enviable knowledge of "life" had been the first medium through which he had attained it. George had forgotten the renewed bill and his late failure for a while, THE PHILISTINES. 83 when the mention of Deane's name recalled it to his memory. u Has Deane been here, Harry ?" asked Routh. " No, Stewart, I have been at home all day, but he has not called," " Ah — didn't happen to want me, no doubt." "Have you seen much of him lately, Routh?'* inquired George Dallas. " I mean, within the last week or two 1 While I — while I've been keeping out of the way ?"• he said, with a nervous laugh. " Poor boy, you have been down on your luck," said Routh. " Seen much of Deane 1 O, yes ; he's always about — he's here most days, some time in the forenoon." " In the forenoon, is he % Considering the hours he keeps at night, that surprises me." " It doesn't surprise me. He's very strong — has a splendid constitution, confound him, and has not given it a shake yet. Drink doesn't seem to * trouble' him in the least." "He's an odd fellow," said George, thought- fully. " How coolly he won my money, and what a greenhorn I was, to be sure ! I wonder if he would have lost his own so coolly." 84 BLACK SHEEP. "Not a doubt of it," said Routh ; " he'd have been satisfied he would make it up out of some- thing else. He is an odd fellow, and a duced un- pleasant fellow to my mind." Harriet looked at her husband with a glance of caution. It was unlike Routh to dwell on a mere personal feeling, or to let so much of his mind be known unnecessarily. He caught the glance and understood it, but it only angered, without otherwise influencing him. "A low-lived loafer, if ever there was one," he went on, " but useful in his way, Dallas. Every man has a weakness ; his is to think himself a first-rate billiard player, while he is only a fourth- rate. A man under such a delusion is sure to lose his money to anyone who plays better than lie does, and I may as well be that man, don't you see"?" " I see perfectly," said George ; " but I wish he had been equally mistaken in his notions of his card-playing science ; it would have made a serious difference to me." " Never mind, old fellow," answered Routh ; " you shall have your revenge some day. Finish THE PHILISTINES. 85 your wine, and Harriet shall give us some music." She did so. She gave them some music, such as very few can give — music which combines per- fection of art with true natural feeling. This woman was a strange anomaly, full of " treasons, stratagems, and spoils," and yet with music in her soul. Rather early, George Dallas left the pair, hut they sat up late, talking earnestly. Things were going ill with Stewart Routh. Some of his choicest and most promising combinations had failed. He had once or twice experienced a not uncommon misfortune in the lot of such men as he ; — he had encountered men in his own profession who were as clever as himself, and who, favoured by circum- stances and opportunity, had employed their talents at his expense. The swindler had been swindled once or twice, the biter had been bitten, and his temper had not been improved in the process. He was about, as Harriet had said, to take a new flight this time, in the direction of operations on the general public, and he had formed designs on Mr. Deane, which did not, in the increased know- 86 BLACK SHEEP. ledge he had obtained of that gentleman's cha- racter, and in the present aspect of affairs, look quite so promising as in the early stage of their acquaintance, six weeks before. The operations of gentlemen of the Routh fraternity are planned and executed with a celerity which seems extra- ordinary to pursuers of the more legitimate branches of industry. Routh had not passed many hours in Mr. Deane's society (they had met at a low place of amusement, the honours of which Routh was doing to a young Oxonian, full of cash and devoid of brains, whom he had in hand just then), before he had built an elaborate scheme upon the slender foundation of that gentleman's boasted wealth and assumed greenness. His sub- sequent experience had convinced him of the reality of the first, but had shown him his mis- take as to the last, and gradually his mind, usually cool and undaunted, became haunted by an ever- burning desire to possess himself of the money for ever flaunted before his eyes — became haunted, too, by an unreasonable and blind animosity to the stranger, who combined profligacy with calcu- lation, unscrupulous vice with well-regulated eco- THE PHILISTINES. 87 nomy, and the unbridled indulgence of his pas- sions with complete coldness of heart and coolness of temper. Routh had no knowledge of Deane's real position in life, but he had a conviction that had it been, like his own, that of a professional swindler, he would have been a dangerous rival, quite capable of reducing his own occupation and his own profits very considerably. Therefore Eouth hated him. When the conference between Routh and Har- riet came to a conclusion, it left the woman visibly troubled. When Routh had been for some time asleep, she still sat by the table, on which her elbows rested, her head on her hands, and the light shining on her fair brown hair. There she sat, until the fire died out, and the late wintry dawn came. She was not unused to such watches; wakefulness was habitual to her, and care had often kept her company. But no vigil had ever tried her so much. Her mind was at work, and suffer- ing. When at length she rose from her chair with an impatient shiver, dark circles were round her blue eyes, and her pure waxen complexion looked thick and yellow. She lighted a candle, 88 BLACK SHEEP. turned the gas out, and went for a moment to the window. The cold grey light was beginning to steal through the shutter, which she opened wide, and then looked out. She set the candle down, and leaned idly against the window. Weari- ness and restlessness were upon her. The street was quite empty, and the houses opposite looked inexpressibly gloomy. " One would think all the people in them were dead instead of asleep," she said, half aloud, as she pulled the blind down with a jerk, and turned away. She went slowly up- stairs to her bedroom, and as she went, she mur- mured : "Where will it end? How will it end? It is an awful risk !" CHAPTER IV. IN THE BALANCE. Not one word came from Mrs. Carrutliers for full six weeks. The hope which had sprung up in George Dallas's breast after the interview with his mother in the housekeeper s room had gone through the various stages common to unfulfilled desires in men of sanguine temperaments. It had been very bright at first, and when no letter came after the lapse of a week, it had begun to grow dim, and then he had endeavoured to reason with himself that the very fact of no letter coming ought to be looked upon as a good sign, as show- ing that " something was doing." Then the ab- sence of any news caused his hope to flicker until the recollection of the old adage, that u no news was good news," made it temporarily bright again; then as the time for payment of the renewed bill grew nearer and nearer, so did George Dallas's 90 BLACK SHEEP. prospects become gloomier and yet more gloomy, and at last the light of hope went out, and the darkness of despair reigned paramount in his bosom. What could his mother be about ? She must have pretended that she had some bill of her own to pay, and that the money was immediately required; old Carruthers must have questioned her about it, and there must have been a row; she must have tried to "collar" the amount out of the housekeeping — no ! the sum was too large ; that was absurd! She had old friends — people who knew and loved her well, and she must have asked some of them to lend it to her, and probably been refused ; old friends always refuse to lend money. She must have tried — confound it all, he did not know, he could not guess what she had tried ! All he did know, to his sorrow, was, that she had not sent the money : all he knew, to his joy, was, that though he was constantly seeing Stewart Routh, that worthy had, as yet, uttered no word of discontent at its non-appearance. Not he! In the hand which Stewart Routh was at that moment playing in the greater game of life, the card representing a hundred and forty IN THE BALANCE. 91 pounds was one on which he bestowed very little attention. It might, or it might not, form part of the odd trick, either way : but it had very little influence on his strategy and finesse. There were times when a five-pound note might have turned his chance, but this was not one of them. Driven into a corner, pressed for the means of discharg- ing paltry debts, harassed by dunning creditors, Stewart Routh would have needed and claimed the money due to him by George Dallas. Pre- sent circumstances were more favourable, and he only needed George Dallas's assistance in his schemes. For, Stewart Routh's measures for rais- ing money w.ere of all kinds and of all dimensions; the elephant's trunk of his gonitis could pick up a five-pound-note bet from a flat at dcarte, or could move the lever of a gigantic city swindle. And he was "in for a large thing" just at this time. Men attending professionally the betting-ring at the great steeple-chase then coming off, noticed Routh's absence with wonder, and though he oc- casionally looked in at two or three of the second- rate sporting clubs of which he was a member, he was listless and preoccupied. If he took a hand 92 BLACK SHEEP. at cards, though from mere habit he played closely and cautiously, yet he made no great points, and was by no means, as usual, the dashing Paladin round whose chair men gathered thickly, and whose play they backed cheerily. No ! The pal- try gains of the dice-box and cards paled before the glamour of the fortune to be made in com- panies and shares; the elephant's trunk was to show its strength now, as well as its dexterity, and the genius which had hitherto been confined to " bridging" a pack of cards, or " securing" a die, talking over a flat or winning money of a green- horn, was to have its vent in launching a great City Company. Of this scheme Dallas knew no- thing. A disinherited man, with neither name nor influence, would have been utterly useless; but he was reserved for possible contingencies. Routh was always sending to him to call, always glad to see him when he called, and never plagued him with allusions to his debt. But in their inter- views nothing but mere generalities were discussed, and George noticed that he always received a hint to £0, whenever Mr. Deane was announced. But although Stewart Routh was seen but IN THE BALANCE. 93 seldom in his usual haunts, he was by no means inactive or neglectful of his own interests. Day after day he spent several hours in the City, dili- gently engaged in the formation of his new Com- pany, a grand undertaking for working some newly-discovered silver mines in the Brazils ; and day after day were his careful scheming, his ela- borate plotting, his vivacious daring, and his con- summate knowledge of the world, rewarded by the steady progress which the undertaking made. The temporary offices in Tokenhouse-yard were be- sieged with inquirers; good brokers with City names of high standing offered their services; splendid reports came from the engineers, who had been sent out to investigate the state of the mines. Only one thing was wanting, and that was capital; capital, by hook or by crook, Mr. Stewart Kouth must have, and was determined to have. If the affair were to be launched, the brokers said, the next week must see it done; and the difficulty of raising the funds for the necessary preliminary expenses was becoming day by day more and more palpable and insurmount- able to Stewart Eouth. 94 BLACK SHEEP. The interval of time that had witnessed so much activity on the part of Mr. Stewart Routh, and had advanced his schemes close to a condi- tion of imminent crisis, had been productive of nothing new or remarkable in the existence of George Dallas. That is to say, on the surface of it. He was still leading the desultory life of a man who, with an intellectual and moral na- ture capable of better deeds and nobler aspira- tions, is incurably weak, impulsive, and swayed by a love of pleasure; a man incapable of real self-control, and with whom the gratification of the present is potent, above all suggestions or con- siderations of the contingencies of the future. He worked a little, and his talent was beginning to tell on the popularity of the paper for which he worked, The Mercury, and on the perceptions of its proprietors. George Dallas was a man in whose character there were many contradictions. With much of the fervour of the poetic tempera- ment, with its sensuousness and its sensitiveness, he had a certain nonchalance about him, a fitful indifference to external things, and a spasmodic impatience of his surroundings. This latter was IN THE BALANCE. 95 apt to come over him at times when he was ap- parently merriest, and it had quite as much to do with his anxiety to get his debt to Routh dis- charged, and to set himself free from Routh, as any moral sense of the danger of keeping such company, or any moral consciousness of the waste of his life, and the deterioration of his character. George Dallas had no knowledge of the true his- tory of Routh's career ; of the blacker shades of his character he was entirely ignorant. In his eyes, Routh was a clever man, and a good-for- nothing, a "black sheep" like himself, a sheep for whose blackness Dallas (as he did in his own case) held circumstances, the white sheep, any- thing and everything except the man himself, to blame. He was dimly conscious that his associate was stronger than he, stronger in will, stronger in knowledge of men, and somehow, though he never defined or acknowledged the feeling- to himself, he mistrusted and feared him. He liked him, too, he felt grateful to him for his help; he did not discern the interested motives which actuated him, and, indeed, they were but small, and would by no means have accounted for all Routh's proceed- yO BLACK SHEEP. ings towards Dallas. Nor is it necessary that they should ; a villain is not, therefore, altogether precluded from likings, or even the feebler forms of friendship, and Dallas was not simply silly and egotistical when he believed that Booth felt kindly and warmly towards him. Still, whether a mer- ciful and occult influence was at work within him, or the tide of his feelings had been turned by his stolen interview with his mother, by his being brought into such positive contact with her life and its conditions, and having been made to re- alise the bitterness he had infused into it, it were vain to inquire. Whatever his motives, however mixed their nature or confused their origin, he was filled, whenever he was out of Routh's pre- sence, and looked* his life in the face, with an ar- dent longing to "cut the whole concern,*' as he phrased it in his thoughts. And Harriet? — for the "whole concern" included her, as he was forced to remember — Harriet, the only woman whose society he liked — Harriet, whom he ad- mired with an admiration as pure and respectful as he could have felt for her, had he met her in the least equivocal, nay, even in the most exalted IN THE BALANCE. { M position. Well, lie would be very sorry to lose Harriet, but, after all, slie cared only for Routli ; and he was dangerous. " I must turn over a new leaf, for her sake" (lie meant for liis mother's) ; " and I can't turn it while they are at my elbows." From which conviction on the part of George it is sufficiently evident that Routli and Harriet had ample reason to apprehend that Dallas, on whom they desired to retain a hold, for more reasons than one, was slipping through their fingers. George Dallas was more than usually occupied with such thoughts one morning, six weeks after his unsuccessful visit to Poynings. He had been very much with Kouth and 'Deane during this period, and yet he had begun to feel aware, with a jealous and suspicious sense of it, too, that he really knew very little of what they had been about. They met in the evening, in pursuit of pleasure, and they abandoned themselves to it; or they met at Routh's lodgings, and Dallas sur- rendered himself to the charm which Harriet's society always had for him. But he had begun to observe of late that there was no reference to the occupation of the earlier part of the day, and VOL. T. II 98 BLACK SHEEP. that while there was apparently a close bond of mutual confidence or convenience between Routh and Deane, there was some under-current of mu- tual dislike. "If my mother can only get me out of this scrape, and I can get the Piccadilly people to take my serial," said George Dallas to himself one morning, when April was half gone, and " the season" was half come, " I shall get away some- where, and go in for work in earnest." He looked, ruefully enough, round the wretched little bed- room, at whose small window he was standing, as he spoke ; and he thought impatiently of his debt to his coarse shrewish landlady, and of the small liabilities which hampered him as effectually as the great one. It was later than his usual hour of rising, and lie felt ill and despondent : not anxious to face the gay, rich, busy world outside, and still less inclined for his own company and waking thoughts in the shabby little den he ten- anted. A small room, a mere apology for a sit- ting-room, was reached through a rickety folding- door, which no human ingenuity could contrive to keep shut if any one opened the other door IN THE BALANCE. 99 leading to the narrow passage, a ad the top of the steep dark staircase. Through this yawning aperture George lounged disconsolately into the little room beyond, eyeing with strong disfavour the preparations for his breakfast, which prepa- rations chiefly consisted of a dirty table-cloth and a portion of a stale loaf, popularly known as a " heel." But his gaze travelled further, and brightened : for on the cracked and blistered wooden chimney-piece lay a letter in his mother's hand. He darted at it, and opened it eagerly, then held it for a moment in his hand unread. His face turned very pale, and he caught his breath once or twice as he muttered : u Suppose it's to say she can't do anything at all." But the fear, the suspense were over with the first glance at his mother's letter. She wrote : " Poynings, 13th April 18G1. "My dear George, — I have succeeded in procuring you the money, for which you tell me you have such urgent need. Perhaps if I admired, and felt disposed to act up to a lofty standard of sentimental generosity, I should content myself 100 BLACK SHEEP. with making this announcement, and sending you the sum which you assure me will release you from your difficulties, and enable you to commence the better life on which you have led me to hope you are resolved. But not only do the circumstances under which I Have contrived to get this money for you make it impossible for me to act in this way, but I consider I should be very wrong, and quite wanting in my duty, if I failed to make you understand, at the cost of whatever pain to myself, the price I have had to pay for the power of aid- ing you. "You have occasioned me much suffering, George. You, my only child, to whom I looked in the first dark days of my early bereavement, with such hope and pride as I cannot express, and as only a mother can understand — you have dark- ened my darkness and shadowed my joy, you have been the source of my deepest anxiety, though not the less for that, as you well know, the object of my fondest love. I don't write this to reproach you — I don't believe in the efficacy of reproach ; but merely to tell you the truth — to preface ano- ther truth, the full significance of which it may IN THE BALANCE. 101 prove very beneficial to you to understand. Sor- row I have known through you, and shame I have experienced for you. You have cost me many tears, whose marks can never be effaced from my face or my heart ; you have cost me infinite disap- pointment, bitterness, heart-sickness, and domestic wretchedness ; but now, for the first time, you cost me shame on my own account. Many and great as my faults and shortcomings have been through life, deceit was equally abhorrent to my nature and foreign to my habits. But for you, George, for your sake, to help you in this strait, to enable you to release yourself from the trammels in which you are held, I have descended to an act of deceit and meanness, the recollection of which must for ever haunt me with a keen sense of humiliation. I retain enough of my former belief in you, my son, to hope that what no other argument has been able to effect, this confession on my part may accom- plish, and that you, recognising the price at which I have so far rescued you, may pause, and turn from, the path leading downward into an abyss of ruin, from which no effort of mine could avail to snatch you. I have procured the money you re- 102 BLACK SHEEP. quire, by an expedient suggested to me accident- ally, just when I had begun utterly to despair of ever being able to accomplish my ardent desire, by a conversation which took place at dinner be- tween Mr. Carruthers and his family solicitor, Mr. Tatham. The conversation turned on a curious and disgraceful family story which had come under his knowledge lately. I need not trouble you to read, nor myself to write, its details ; you will learn them when I see you, and give you the money; and I do not doubt, I dare not doubt, George, that you will feel all I expect you to feel when you learn to how deliberate, laborious, and mean a deception I have descended for your sake. I can never do the same thing again ; the expe- dient is one that it is only possible to use once, and which is highly dangerous even in that one in- stance. So, if even you were bad and callous enough to calculate upon a repetition of it, which I could not believe, my own dear boy, I am bound to tell you that it never could be. Unless Mr. Carruthers should change his mind, consequent upon an entire, radical, and most happy change in your conduct, all pecuniary assistance on my part IN THE BALANCE. 103 must be entirely impossible. I say this, thus strongly, out of the kindest and best motives to- wards you. Your unexpected appearance and application agitated and distressed me very much ; not but that the sight of you, under any circum- stances, must always give me pleasure, however closely pursued and overtaken by pain. For seve- ral days I was so completely upset by the recol- lection of your visit, and the strong and desperate necessity that existed for repressing all traces of such feelings, that I was unable to think over the expedients by Avhich I might procure the money you required. Then as I began to grow a little quieter, accident gave me the hint upon which I have acted secretly and safely. Come down to Poynings in three days from this time. Mr. Carruthers is at present away at an agricultural meeting at York, and I can see you at Amherst, without difficulty or danger. Go to the town, but not to the inn. Wait about until you see my car- riage. This is the 13th. I shall expect you on the 17th, by which day I hope to have the money ready for you. " And now, my dear boy, how shall I end this 104 BLACK SHEEP. letter? What shall I say? What can I say that I have not said again and again, and with sadly little effect, as you will not deny ? But I forbear, and I hope. A feeling that I cannot define, an instinct, tells me that a crisis in my life is near. And what can such a crisis in my life mean, ex- cept in reference to you, my beloved and only child ? In your hands lies all the future, all the disposition of the ' few and evil' years which re- main to me. How are you going to deal with them ? Is the love, which can never fail or falter, to be tried and wounded to the end, George, or is it to see any fruition in this world ? Think over this question, my son, and let me read in your face, when I see you, that the answer is to be one of hope. You are much changed, George, the bitterness is succeeding the honey in your mouth ; you are c giving your strength for that which is not meat, and your labour for that which satisfieth not,' and though all the lookers-on at such a career as yours can see, and always do see, its emptiness and insufficiency plainly, what does their wisdom, their experience, avail ? But if wisdom and expe- rience come to yourself] that makes all the differ- IN THE BALANCE. 105 cnce. If you -have learned, and I venture to hope you have, that the delusive light is but a i Will of the Wisp,' you will cease to pursue it. Come to me, then, my boy. I have kept my word to you,, at such a cost as you can hardly estimate, seeing that no heart can impart all its bitterness to ano- ther ; will you keep yours to me ? " C. L. Carruthers ." " What does she mean ? What can she mean f George Dallas asked himself this question again and again, as he stood looking at the letter in his hand. " What has she done ? A mean and deli- berate deceit — some dishonourable transaction? My mother could not do anything deserving to be so called. It is impossible. Even if she could contemplate such a thing, she would not know how to set about it. God bless her !" He sat down by the table, drew the dingy Britannia-metal teapot over beside his cup, and sat with his hand, resting idly upon the distorted handle, still thinking less of the relief which the letter had brought him, than of the mysterious- terms in which it was couched. 106 BLACK SHEEP. a She can't have got it out of Carrutliers with- out his knowing anything about it?" he mused. u No ; besides, getting it from 1dm at all, is pre- cisely the thing she told me she could not do. Well, I must wait to know ; but how good of her to get it ! Who's the fellow who says a man can have only one mother ? By Jove, how right he is !" Then George ate his breakfast hastily, and, putting the precious letter in his breast-pocket, went to Routh's lodgings. " I dare say they're not up," he thought, as he knocked at the door, and patiently awaited the lingering approach of the slipshod servant. " Routh was as late as I was last night, and I know she always sits up for him." He was right ; they had not yet appeared in the sitting-room, and he had time for a good deal of walking up and down, and much cogitation over his mother's letter, before Harriet appeared. She was looking anxious, Dallas thought, so he stepped forward even more eagerly than usual, and told her in hurried tones of gladness that the post had brought him good news, and that his mother was