AuusZyL STATE OF ILLINOIS WILLIAM G. STRATTON, Governor DEPARTMENT OF REGISTRATION AND EDUCATION VERA M. BINKS, Director BRINE DISPOSAL IN ILLINOIS OIL FIELDS Alfred H. Bell In cooperation with the Interstate Oil Compact Commission ILLINOIS GEOLOGICAL SURVEY LIBRARY DIVISION OF THE ILLINOIS STATE GEOLOGICAL SURVEY JOHN C. FRYE, Chief URBANA CIRCULAR 244 1957 d d CD CJ cd iH (D -P rH -P £h 0) EQ o £ a Ph •H (D rH CO 10 CD O O •H > Pj G -P 10 c3 •H Ph ^-d 6 OJ O CD -d- o • Cj • -=h P<-H C CM VO ^ ?H O ro ,Q t! U *d -P eg a cd «d o 3 o •h rs (D o •H Cd ti) T3 C! P +> Tl •H a3 to d < PirH fH •\ a h CO O 0) 0) o £ -P CD -p iJO H cSJ- cd CD O 'H •N .P Ph HO OJ -p CO a of 35. Of no "brine d "but did no BRINE DISPOSAL IN ILLINOIS OIL FIELDS Alfred H. Bell ABSTRACT This summary of brine disposal as of January 1, 1957, is the Illinois part of a report on brine disposal in oil fields of the United States, prepared by the Interstate Oil Compact Commission. Illinois oil fields produce more than twice as much brine as oil and dispose of most of the brine by injecting it into wells that are either specially drilled for the purpose or converted from dry holes or abandoned producers. Only small quantities can be dis- posed of in any one place by evaporation from storage pits. Illinois has about 370 oil fields of which about 90 use wells for subsurface brine disposal. In December 195 6 about 210 ,000 bbls. of brine were injected daily into about 500 wells. About 70 percent of the total brine was injected into Mis sis sippian formations. The rest was put into Devonian-Silurian (16 percent), Pennsylvanian (12 percent), and Ordovician and unclassified (2 percent). The two major problems in brine disposal are corrosion of equipment and plugging of the disposal formation. Both are largely chemical problems. INTRODUCTION This report on brine disposal in Illinois was prepared as part of a report on brine disposal in the United States. The study was undertaken in 1955 by the Research Committee of the Interstate Oil Compact Commission. Preliminary re- ports on several states were submitted to the Research Committee at three pre- vious meetings, in May 1956, December 1956, and June 1957. At the June 1957 meeting the Research Committee adopted a comprehensive outline for the state reports and decided to ask each state to submit a revised report, if it wished to do so, giving the status of brine disposal at the beginning of 1957 and covering as many as possible of the items included in the outline. The disposal of brine produced with crude oil in Illinois is a major prob- lem and one that adds appreciably to the cost of producing oil. Because the climate is relatively humid, the disposal of brine by evaporation in any sub- stantial quantity is not practical in Illinois , and accordingly much of the pro- duced brine is disposed of by re-injection into subsurface formations through wells that are specially drilled or converted for this purpose. Because pollu- tion of potable waters must be avoided, the formations selected for brine dis- posal are generally some hundreds of feet deeper than aquifers used for water supplies and are separated from them by relatively impervious formations . Much produced brine is used in waterflooding operations to recover oil, and additional large quantities of brine are disposed of by injecting it into for- mations that do not carry oil in the area of injection. Formerly subsurface brine disposal into oil-bearing rocks often caused unexpected increases in oil pro- duction from adjacent wells. Thus what started as a purely disposal well may become an injection well for waterflooding. It is not always possible to dis- tinguish between input wells for waterflooding and salt water disposal wells. [1] 2 ILLINOIS STATE GEOLOGICAL SURVEY This discussion has been confined so far as possible to purely disposal operations but because of the overlap of brine disposal with injection for flood- ing, it is impossible to exclude some waterflooding operations. No attempt is made to consider the economic aspects of brine disposal. This report is based on replies to questionnaires sent in July 1957 to about one hundred oil companies which, according to Survey records, had received permits for SWD (salt water disposal) wells, either original drillings or conver- sions, in the previous ten years. The questionnaires requested information on the following points: (1) Number of disposal wells operating in each pool on January 1, 1957. (2) Names, depths, and thickness of the formations into which brine is being injected. (3) Barrels of brine disposed of per day in December 1956, by wells or by pools, either measured or estimated. (If pos- sible, separate the amounts by formations used for disposal; otherwise, give totals.) (4) Methods of construction and operation of disposal wells and any special problems you have encountered. A total of 40 replies was received up to November 1, 1957, and 38 of them pro- vided data on brine disposal. BRINE DISPOSAL REGULATIONS Regulations pertaining to oil and gas drilling in Illinois are administered by the Oil and Gas Division, Department of Mines and Minerals, Springfield. Rule IX is here quoted from the booklet entitled "An Act in Relation to Oil, Gas, and Other Surface and Underground Resources and Rules and Regulations," Revised Edition 1953, pages 60-61. RULE LX Disposal of Salt Water or Other Liquids to Prevent Waste as Defined in the Act "To prevent waste, no person shall dispose of salt water or other waste liquids except in the following manner. Any other method of disposal is hereby prohibited. "(1) Mining Board Supervision "When salt water or other waste liquid is not properly impounded or is being improperly disposed of, the Mining Board shall order such improper con- dition corrected when it is determined that the disposal method used pollutes fresh water supplies, creates a hazard, or is injurious to life, health or property. "(2) Disposal in Underground Stratum "Salt water or other waste liquids may be disposed of into an underground formation or strata after a permit to do so has been procured from the Mining Board or hereinbefore provided. The Mining Board shall have authority to desig- nate and approve the stratum into which such liquids shall be disposed of, also the protective work necessary to confine such liquids to the intended stratum. BRINE DISPOSAL IN ILLINOIS OIL FIELDS 3 All such work shall be executed under the supervision of a Mining Board Repre- sentative and shall conform to the requirements imposed in granting the permit therefor. "(3) Disposal in Earthen Pits "Salt water or other waste liquids may also be disposed of by evaporation when impounded in excavated earthen pits, which may only be used for such purpose when the pit is underlaid by tight soil such as heavy clay or hardpan. "Where the soil under the pit is porous and closely underlaid by a gravel or sand stratum, impounding of salt water or other waste liquids in such earthen pits is hereby prohibited. When such liquids are impounded in an earthen pit, it shall be so constructed and maintained as to prevent escape of such liquids therefrom. "The Mining Board shall have authority to condemn any pit which does not properly impound such liquids and order the disposal of such liquids into an underground formation, as herein provided. "The level of salt water or other waste liquids in earthen pits shall at no time be permitted to rise above the lowest point of the ground surface level. All pits shall have a continuous embankment surrounding them sufficiently above the level of the surface to prevent surface water from running into the pit. Such embankment shall not be used to impound salt water or other waste liquids. "At no time shall salt water or other waste liquids impounded in earthen pits be allowed to escape over adjacent lands or into streams. "(4) Pipes to be Kept in Repair "A pipe conveying such liquids to any salt water disposal well or pit shall be kept in good repair and free from leaks, and no outlet valve will be permitted in such pipe between the place of origin and discharge. " ENFORCEMENT POLICIES AND PENALTIES FOR VIOLATIONS The statute under which Rules and Regulations of the Department of Mines and Minerals for the Oil and Gas Division were approved and adopted November 7, 1951, became effective July 12, 1951. Enforcement policies are covered in Sec. 11 of the Act which is quoted below: "Whenever it shall appear that any person is violating or threatening to violate any provision of this Act, or any Rule, Regulation or Order made here- under, and unless the Mining Board, without litigation, can effectively prevent further violation or threat of violation, then the Mining Board through the Attorney General, who may call to his assistance the State's Attorney of the county in which suit is instituted, shall bring suit in the name of the people of the State of Illinois against such person in the circuit court of the county wherein is sit- uated any part of the land which is the subject matter of such action, to restrain such person from continuing such violation or from carrying out the threat of violation. In such suit the Mining Board, in the name of the People of the State of Illinois, may obtain such injunctions, prohibitory and mandatory, including temporary restraining orders and temporary injunctions, as the facts may warrant. ' Penalties for violations are set forth in Sec. 26(A). "Any person who vio- lates any provision of this Act or who, after notice of any valid rule, regulation ILLINOIS STATE GEOLOGICAL SURVEY \ A LJ &fi SCALE OF MILES 10 20 30 KEY %0IL FIELD, % ABANDONED Q GAS FIELD, ^ABANDONED JANUARY I, 1957 ILLINOIS STATE GEOLOGICAL SURVEY Fig. 1. - Oil and gas fields of Illinois except for a few that are outside of the area mapped. Illinois has about 370 oil fields, including aban- doned fields. All but about 27 of them have been developed since 1937. BRINE DISPOSAL IN ILLINOIS OIL FIELDS MACOUPIN CHRISTIAN I MACON MONTGOMERY MADISON J BOND SHELBY MOULTRIE FAYETTE J EFFINGHAM DOUGLAS ccJes \ EDGAR CUMBERLAND rCLARl ST CLAIR JASPER / CLAY I ~« 1 ft 1 .* \tr* r V * _ -M. RICHL < *« t .JEFFERSON 4 FIELDS THAT HAVE f RANKL ^ * SWD WELLS Jon. I, 1957 Scale of Miles 9 ? ip , 20 WILLIAMSON Fig. 2. - Illinois oil fields that have salt water disposal wells. The wide distribution of subsurface brine disposal is illustrated by comparison of the two maps. The 90 or so fields shown above have 86 percent of the total oil field area and 88 percent of the total oil production. If any fields have been inadvertently omitted from this survey of brine disposal, these two percentages should be correspondingly increased. 6 ILLINOIS STATE GEOLOGICAL SURVEY or order of the Mining Board made hereunder, violates, repeats or continues the violation thereof, shall be subject to a fine of not to exceed $50 a day for each and every act of violation, (b) Any person wilfully aiding or abetting any other person in the violation of any provision of this Act, or any Rule, Regulation and Order made hereunder, shall be subject to the same penalties as are prescribed herein for the violation by such other person. " EXTENT OF BRINE PRODUCTION AND DISPOSAL As most Illinois oil wellc produce brine , the problem of its proper disposal is an ever present one in the oil-producing area. In many pools where only small quantities of brine are produced it is impounded in evaporation pits. Pits are used almost always in connection with brine disposal operations whether there is subsurface disposal or not. Many companies reported that they use storage pits or corrosive-resistant tanks into which brine is piped from producing wells. From these storage pits or tanks brine is pumped or siphoned into the in- jection wells. The present report does not include any detailed survey of brine disposal in evaporation pits. Out of a total of some 370 oil pools in Illinois (fig. 1; Bell et al. , in press) only about 90 have brine disposal wells (fig. 2 and table 3). However, these 90 oil pools include nearly all of the larger pools in the State and they are widely distributed throughout the oil producing region. They had 86 percent of the total oil producing area and 88 percent of the daily average production in December 1956. Brine produced with oil from oil wells and used in waterflooding is esti- mated to total 106,179,000 barrels in 1956 (Pryor et al. , 1957) or an average of approximately 290,000 barrels per day for the whole year. Brine injected into disposal wells in December 19 56 was at a daily average rate of approximately 209,740 barrels. Assuming that the daily average of brine injected for water- flooding was the same in December 1956 as it was for the whole year, the total brine produced and injected both for waterflooding and for disposal amounted to a daily average of 499,740 barrels in December 1956. As the daily average oil production in that month was about 225,000 barrels, brine was produced in a ratio of 2.2 barrels to 1 barrel of oil. This does not take account of brine dis- posed of in evaporation pits for which no quantitative measure is available. The continued expansion of waterflooding operations in Illinois will demand more and more water and it seems likely that the use of produced brine for water- flooding will increase. This should result in a decreasing need for purely dis- posal operations. For this reason and because some subsurface disposal oper- ations may have been omitted in this survey the actual water-oil ratio is prob- ably somewhat greater than 2.2 to 1. The succession of rock strata in southern Illinois down to the St. Peter sandstone of Ordovician age is summarized in table 1. This table indicates which formations produce oil and gas and which ones are used for brine disposal. It is noteworthy that nearly all of the oil or gas producing formations are in use for brine disposal. RINE DISPOSAL IN ILLINOIS OIL FIELDS Table 1. - Geologic Column for Southern Illinois Showing Oil or Gas Producing Formations and Formations used for Salt Water Disposal System or series Oil or gas SWD Group or formation, and lithology Is - limestone, ss - sandstone, sh - shale Pleistocene Glacial drift and loess Tertiary- Cretaceous Chert gravel, sand and clay Pennsylvanian o o X McLeansboro group - sh. , Is. , thin Is. and coal Carbondale group - sh. , Is. , ss. , coal Tradewater group - ss. , sh. , and thin coal Caseyville group - ss. , sh. , and thin coal Chester Series o o o o o o o o o o o o o X X X X X X X X X Klnkaid - Is. , sh. Degonia - ss. Clore - Is. , sh. , ss. Palestine - ss. Menard - Is. , sh. Waltersburg - ss. Vienna - Is. , sh. Tar Springs - ss. Glen Dean - Is. , sh. Hardinsburg - ss Golconda - Is. , sh. Cypress - ss. Paint Creek - Is. , sh. , ss. Bethel - ss. Renault - Is. , sh. , ss. Aux Vases - ss. Valmeyer Series o o o o o X X X X (""Levias - Is . Ste. Genevieve -| Rosiclare - ss. (JFredonia - Is. St. Louis - Is. Salem - Is. Warsaw - Is. Keokuk - Is. _ _ , . . . Osage group Burlington - Is. Fern Glen - Is. Kinderhook Series Sh. , Is. , ss. Mississippian and Devonian Chattanooga - New Albany sh. Devonian o X Limestone Silurian o X Dolomite Ordovician o Maquoketa - sh. Kimmswick - Is. Plattin - Is. Joachim - Is. St. Peter - ss. Pre -St. Peter Unidentified ILLINOIS STATE GEOLOGICAL SURVEY Table 2. - Brine Disposal in Illinois by Formations, Jan. 1, 1957 Based on information furnished by 35 companies System Series Formation Pennsylvanian Mississippian Chester Degonia Palestine Waltersburg Tar Springs Glen Dean Hardinsburg Cypress Paint Creek Benoist Aux Vases Valmeyer Brine Disposal (barrels per day) av. for Dec. 195 6 24,953 94 437 1,531 21,588 2,350 7,603 26,195 240 856 12,245 Ste. Genevieve 54,028 (Ohara, Rosiclare, McClosky) St. Louis Salem Devonian Silurian Ordovician Trenton 10 Miscellaneous "Stray" and unclassified 3,0 60 Total 209,740 No. SWD Wells 69 1 2 3 58 1 14 45 1 8 70 170 23 502 Percent Average 11.9 0.2 0.7 10.3 1.1 3.6 12.6 0.1 0.4 5.9 26.0 600 1 0.3 18,946 15 9.0_ 32,846 17 15.6 1,731 3 0.8 1.5 11.9 34.9 35.3 16.4 1.5 100.0 100.0 BRINE DISPOSAL IN ILLINOIS OIL FIELDS 9 Table 2 gives the amounts of brine disposal in barrels per day in December 1956 by geologic systems, series, and formations. The Mississippian rocks were taking a total of 70 percent of the brine of which about half was into Chester series and half into Valmeyer series. Smaller amounts were being put into Devon- ian-Silurian, Pennsylvanian, and Ordovician rocks. The Devonian had the highest average intake per well, about 1728 barrels per day in December 1956. The Pennsylvanian, Chester, and Valmeyer had 360 barrels, 368 barrels, and 376 barrels respectively. TECHNICAL PROBLEMS OF DISPOSAL Since most of the brine disposal wells in Illinois are converted oil wells, disposal techniques are controlled in large measure by the completion methods used when the well was originally drilled. Normal procedure under these cir- cumstances consists of injecting water either into the formation that previously produced oil or into some suitable zone through perforations in the casing. Where wells are drilled specifically for brine disposal, the casing string - often cement-lined - is cemented solidly from bottom to top. The casing is then perforated opposite the disposal zone. Injection may be either through tubing set on a packer above the disposal formation or directly into the formation from the casing string. Although a con- siderable number of the wells take the brine by gravity flow most of them require pumps operating at surface pressures that range from a few pounds to 400 or 500 pounds per square inch. One was reported to be 900 pounds. Both closed and open systems are in use. In open systems the brine is commonly stored in a pond or corrosion-resistant tank until a sufficient quantity for injection has accumulated. The chief troubles encountered in brine disposal are corrosion of equipment and plugging of the disposal formation. Chemical treatment, especially acidiz- ing, is commonly used to combat plugging of the formation. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS The cooperation of the forty oil companies who replied to the letters re- questing data on brine disposal operations in Illinois is gratefully acknowledged. Two of the companies reported no brine disposal wells in operation. Lester L. Whiting of the Survey staff helped in preparing the section on technical prob- lems of brine disposal. ILLINOIS STATE GEOLOGICAL SURVEY Table 3. - Brine Disposal by Pools in Illinois Pool: County Aden South: Hamilton Akin: Pranklin Albion Cons.: Edwards, White Allendale: Wabash, Lawrence Barnhill: Wayne Bartelso: Clinton Bartelso East: Clinton Beaucoup: Washington Beaucoup South: Washington Benton North: Franklin Blairsville West: Hamilton Bogota: Jasper Bone Gap Cons.: Edwards Boulder: Clinton Bungay: Llamilton Calhoun Cons . : Richland, Wayne Centerville East: White Centralia: Clinton, Marion Clay City Cons . : Jasper, Richland, Clay, Wayne Clay City West: Clay Coil West: Jefferson Cooks Mills Cons.: Coles Cordes: Washington Dale Cons.: Hamilton, Saline, Franklin Divide East: Jefferson Dundas East: Richland, Jasper Elbridge: Edgar Ellery Cons.: Edwards, Wayne Ewing: Franklin Exchange East: Marion Friendsville Central: Wabash Frogtown North: Clinton Gays: Moultrie Germantown East: Clinton Golden Gate Cons.: Wayne , White Herald Cons.: White, Gallatin Inman West Cons. : Gallatin Iola Cons.: Clay, Effingham Irvington: Washington Barrels per day Number of Average, Dec. 195 6 SWD wells 33 1 170 1 1,686 2 335 1 120 2 1,143 8 429 2 125 1 10 1 440 1 64 1 6 1 475 3 7,942 2 171 3 ne 1,5 60 7 94 1 18,482 9 84,065 211 260 1 148 1 50 1 656 2 5,715 23 389 1 170 1 2,830 6 90 1 85 1 105 1 520 1 3,362 3 65 1 1,200 1 lite 176 3 382 4 157 1 1,103 5 4,619 8 RINE DISPOSAL IN ILLINOIS OIL FIELDS 11 Table 3. - Continued Pool: County Johnsonvllle Cons.: Wayne Junction City: Marion Kenner: Clay Kenner North: Clay King: Jefferson Lawrence: Lawrence, Crawford Long Branch: Saline, Hamilton Louden: Fayette McKinley: Washington Main: Crawford Marine: Madison Markham City: Jefferson Mason North: Effingham Mattoon: Coles Mill Shoals: White, Hamilton, Wayne 7 27 Mt. Carmel: Wabash 145 New Harmony Cons.: White 1,078 New Memphis: Clinton 557 Okawville: Washington 50 OlneyCons.: Richland 552 Parkersburg Cons.: Richland, Edwards 633 Patoka: Marion 5,295 Patoka East: Marion 94 Phillipstown Cons.: White , Edwards 273 Raccoon Lake: Marion 4,474 Raymond East: Montgomery 11 Reservoir: Jefferson 22 Rinard North: Wayne 50 Roaches: Jefferson 140 Roaches North: Jefferson 649 Roland Cons.: White, Gallatin 6,206 Ruark: Lawrence 1,448 Ritter: Richland 150 Sailor Springs Cons.: Clay, Effingham 5,619 St. James: Fayette 1,905 Salem Cons.: Marion, Jefferson 70 Sumpter: White 100 Sumpter East: White 85 Tonti: Marion 1,032 Trumbull: White 429 St. Jacob: Madison 910 Barrels per day Number of Average, Dec . 1956 SWD wells 638 5 3,000 2 899 1 70 1 183 3 804 2 125 1 7,929 12 600 1 8,200 11 3,355 9 44 1 157 1 403 2 1 4 1 1 1 4 1 2 5 1 1 1 1 1 1 9 2 1 16 3 2 1 1 1 2 2 12 ILLINOIS STATE GEOLOGICAL SURVEY Table 3, Pool: County Trumbull: White Walpole: Hamilton Whittington West: Franklin Williams Consol.: Jefferson Woburn Consol. : Bond Woodlawn: Jefferson Zenith South: Wayne Miscellaneous pools - Continued Barrels per day Average, Dec. 1956 429 276 75 1,000 2,506 2,184 460 4,261 Number of SWD wells 2 1 1 1 2 7 1 33 REFERENCES Bell, A. H. , Kline, Virginia, and Pierre, D. A., (in press) , Petroleum Industry in Illinois in 195 6: Illinois Geol. Survey Bull. 83. Pryor, W. A., Maxey, G. B. , and Parizek, R. R. , 1957, Sources of Ground- water for Waterflooding in Illinois: Illinois Geol. Survey Bull. 80, p. 66. Illinois State Geological Survey Circular 244 12 p. , 2 figs. , 3 tables, 1957 ILLINOIS GEOLOGICAL SURVEY LIBRARY CIRCULAR 244 ILLINOIS STATE GEOLOGICAL SURVEY URBANA