II B HAR.Y OF THE U N IVER.SITY Of 1LLI NOIS 621 365 Ue655-te no. 40-49 cop. 2 Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2013 http://archive.org/details/onsynthesisofstr44mitt ANTENNA LABORATORY Technical Report No. 44 ON THE SYNTHESIS OF STRIP SOURCES by Raj Mittra 4 December 1959 Contract AF33(616)-6079 Project No. 9-(13-6278) Task 40572 Sponsored by: WRIGHT AIR DEVELOPMENT CENTER Electrical Engineering Research Laboratory Engineering Experiment Station University of Illinois Urbana, Illinois 'lr 11 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The author wishes to acknowledge the Wright Air Development Center for sponsoring the research reported here through Contract AF33 (616)-6079. It is also a pleasure to thank several people in the Antenna Laboratory of the University of Illinois for helpful discussions. Ill CONTENTS Page Acknowledgements ii 1. Introduction 1 2. The Lagrangian Interpolation Method 3 Conclusions 17 References 18 1. INTRODUCTION 2 It is well known that the space factor of the radiation pattern due to an infinite strip source lying in the y = plane between x = + a and with edges parallel to the z-axis, can be expressed in the form p* f S(u) = — \ ex P (ipu) g(p) dp (1) Here u = *-— cos p = — £> = -— X = wavelength The problem of synthesis can be stated as in the following: given a S(u) for either a set of values for u or for continuous values of u in a range, find g(p) using Equation (1). The range of u is usually divided up into the visible and invisible range of the spectrum. The visible range, from the definition of u is obviously given by u < >—- , and S(u) for u > *-— is associated with stored 3 energy in the system. The properties of S(u) have been discussed by Taylor. 4 5 Woodward and Woodward and Lawson have considered the synthesis problem when S(u) is assigned at a finite number of points in the visible range. Knudsen pointed out the relation between this problem and the sampling theorem of bandwidth limited functions. Yen discussed the problem of synthesis when the assigned points are distributed arbitrarily in the visible range. Yen s paper is the most general work on the subject available so far. The purpose of the paper is to show, in the first instance that the expression developed by Yen is what is obtained by using Lagrangian inter- polation through the assigned values of u. Once this is realized a more general type of interpolation becomes possible. The approach to be used 2 here is therefore different from that of the sampling theorem idea used by Yen. A proof based on lines entirely different from Yen s is also derived for the form of the source function which is associated with minimum energy storage in the system. The second part of the paper deals with the problem of synthesizing g(p) when S(u) is known for a range of u rather than at a set of points. The range would ordinarily be the visible range. When S(u) is synthesized by interpolating through a finite number of points there is little control over the value of S(u) for the intermediate u's. One would, however, like in many cases, for the pattern to behave in a specified manner in the entire visible range of u, allowing of course, a certain degree of tolerance in the design. This problem is dealt with in the second part of the paper. The solution to this problem is derived by directly solving the integral equation (1). 2. THE LAGRANGIAN INTERPOLATION" METHOD The synthesis problem for S(u) will be considered as the problem of interpolating it through an assigned number of points, by the method of Lagrangian Interpolation. It will be shown that for a particular case, the solution obtained is the same as given by the sampling theorem approach. It will then be pointed out that the interpolation may be done in terms of type of functions more general than those used in the sampling theorem approach. Consider first of all the problem of interpolating a function f (u) which has the value f (u ) at u = u , p = -r -r-1. ...0 1 2 ...n. Apply- P P 7 7 > ing Lagrange's Interpolation formula, one has n ( U -u) n ( U -u) r. , ^ *, x (-r) m „, x -(r-1) m f(u) = f(u ) = — ■ — -, * + f(u , , . )„ -. ~ r ^ , (u -u ) -(r-1) II _ ,v(u -u j (-r) m -r -(r-1) m -(r-1) (2) n. ,(u -u) + -----+ f(u ) IT (n) (u m- U n ) where n n (o) (U m- U) = n (U m~ u) = ( U - r - u)(U -(r-l)- u) — (u o' U) - - (u n" U) > VHy m=-r m+p with the factor (u -u) missing. A simple substitution of u = u shows that p m the formula in (2) gives the assigned value f(u ). One can easily verify the following rearrangement of (2) for f(u), u-u f( U ) = s f(u ) n . (i - — — r> (3) p=-r p m=-r(p) u m "U p where the subscript (p) in the product implies that the factor corresponding 4 to m = p is missing. Now consider the particular case when the spacing of assigned points is a unit distance in terms of u, and u = 0, i.e u = p, and p is an integer. Furthermore let both n and r tend to infinity. Then if f(u) is assigned for all values of u in the range - oo < u < oo at unit distances, then using (3), it can be interpolated as f(u) = E f(u) n (1 - -H_E), m ± p=-oo p m=-=-= m ' m=0 (4a) = e f(u) n i - < u -p> 2 p=-oo p m=l 2 L m J sin TTx Using the well known infinite product expansion of — — , which is 7Tx ' ' sin ^ = ff (1 _ ±_ ) TTx m=l 2 m one can rewrite (4) as f(u) = E f(u ) Si " \ (U - P ^ (4b) p=- ^ p 7T (u-p) Equation (4b) is the expansion usually derived using the sampling theorem of band-limited functions. Using the Lagrangian interpolation method used above it is fairly simple to extend (4b) for the case of arbitrarily distributed assigned u's. Suppose, for instance, q of the assigned points do not coincide with the unit points. Then the assigned points can be divided into two groups. Let u , for n = 1, 2, . . . q be the only non-unit sample points and let the rest be the unit ones, i.e., u = v , an integer when, p ^ 1, 2, ...q. Then using the general interpolation formula (3), when r and n — »-eo, one can write f ( U ) = s " f (v ) n , ji - - i n /l p=-co p ■■ - (p) I v -v / m=l u -v m=-oo \ m p / y m p / (5) q co// / u-u^ \ q / u-u \ pfei P m =-co ^ »„-« p y» d m=-oo m p q u-v n (i £) r=l v v -v r p u-v co (u-v ) 2 \ sin 7T(u-v ) (6) m=-co

(1 " v^F ) = m5l K 1 r * m p l since v s are integers. P Using this manipulation in (5) one can obtain J n (i e_)l // sin 7T(u-v ) ) m=l u -v f S(u) =2 S(V ) —. JL L. E_ZJ P= -oo p 7T(u-V p ) q n (i £_> m=l v -v m p co^ u-u q u-u n (l- p > n v (l- p ) q sin 7r(u-u ) m= i " v -u ' -; ( p ) u-u + 2 S (u ) v ■ P m ^ m=1 ^_P_ ( 7 ) p=l p 7T(u-u ) oo u-u p n (i H> m t p m=-oo m m^O It can be verified that if u = u , p = 1, 2,...q are also integers then (7) simply reduces to (4b). There is a definite reason why (7) wag chosen to be written in the particular form used in that equation. Up until now all the efforts were directed towards obtaining an expression by which S(u), which is specified at a set of values for u, either unit of non-unit, could be interpolated. However that is only a part of the task. The main object is to obtain the function g(p) when S(u) is known. Stated in terms of the mathematical language, it would mean that S(u) is to be interpolated in such a form that oo 2 ^ / S(u)e" ipU du = h(p) (8) > -oo where h(p) = g(p) for -1 < p < 1 = for I p| > 1 Equation (8) is of course obtained by regarding S(u) as the Fourier transform of " ^ . and taking the inverse transform of S(u) thed 7T ' & yields h(p). Hence one has to impose the following two conditions on the interpolated form of S(u), viz. (a) That the Fourier transform integral of S(u) i.e the l.h.s. of (8) exist. (b) That h(p), the transform of S(u) satisfy the condition, h(p) = 0, for p > 1. As may be easily shown, the Fourier inverse transform of any function F. which is of the form , order of Q(u) > order of P(u) (9) •77- (u-u/ ) Q(u) ' where P(u) and Q(,u) are polynomials, has a Fourier transform say, f(p), where f(p) = for |p| ? 1. One can verify that each term in the summation (7) is a function of the type (8), and hence satisfies the required condition that its transform is of the type f(p). It is also quickly verified that since the order of the polynomials in the numerator is equal to the denominator, (each term sin(u-u ) behaves as K ■" -, (k = constant] as jui — ^oo j The expression in (5) p u-u \k " P " was rewritten in the form of (7), in order that the form of S(u) be of the desired type. The expression given in (7) is not the only one which can be used to sin tt(u-u ) express Sfu) . Instead of using the factor ————_-— J- to modify the second IT (U-U ) , . sin itu _, summation in (5), it is possible to use the factor — — — — - — ' The expression 7 sin iru P for S(u) then reads u-u u-u p q n' /(1 -Hr> & (p) d - v- sin mi m=l m u n m-1 py S(u) = S, + S flzi. ■ m ~P m^j^l __V U P ( 10 ) 1 p=l Sin TfU ox, p n (i - «) m ^ where S is the first series in the right hand side of Equation (7). With this choice of representation for S(u) the expression in (10) resembles (as can be shown by simple manipulation), the one given by Yen The method of approach in this paper is quite different and somewhat more general . It is easily seen that more general interpolation using Lagrange s formula is possible by replacing the variable u by ^(u) , u by ^(u ) and v by Ti(u ) at least when the number of points specified are finite. It m m is necessary though that the function "n(u) be so chosen as to make S(u) satisfy (8) . The problem of calculating g(p) from S(u) is straightforward The expression for g(p) which is simple to derive, is ^ gfp) = g S(.n) < ipn (ID IT n--x> S(n) is obtained by substituting u = n in the expression (5) or (7). It should be pointed out that it was not necessary to recast (5) into (7) except to show that the inverse of S(u) is zero outside the range jpj< 7T and perhaps to put it in a form more suitable for computation. Minimum Supergain Criterion;- As pointed out by Yen, for increased efficiency one should set the criterion P = j | g(p) ] 2 P = mm " -17 for a given number of specified values of S(u). The Supergain ratio of v as defined by Taylor, is 2f \ U(P)J 2 dp (12) r-2a/\ (J^ 2 I S(u)| ^2a/X It is seen that for different g(p)'s which have the same visible spectrum the one with the minimum "Y has the lowest supergain ratio. From (11) it is seen that the problem is to minimize SlS(n)j , under the conditions imposed on S(u), that it have the required values at n = v , V , . ...V (integer values) and u = u , u , „ „ . u (non-integer l 7 2 r 1 2 q values)^ where, r + q - N, say ? is finite. This problem has been attacked by Yen, by the method of Lagrangian mpltipliers. An alternative method^ which uses the concept of a vector space is to be described here Consider first of all ? an analogous problem of constructing a column vector U ^hich satisfies the equations a • U = X , n = 1, 2, ... N (13) n n' where, a = known row-vectors n X = given numbers n and the dot indicates the operation of a product of the matrices,, it is clear that if the dimension (number of elements in the row-vector' of a is greater than N, the equivalent matrix equation does not have an n 10 unique solution for U. Now consider imposing an extra condition on U which requires it to satisfy Magnitude of U = min. (14) When the above constraint is added an unique solution is indeed obtained as shown by the following argument. Suppose the dimension of a s is R, where R > M. i.e. n ' ' ' a = [ a , , a; . . . a .... a 1 (15) n L nl' n2' nM' nR J then the vector U is also R dimensional in general. Now consider the vectors a , a . ... a as N linearly independent vectors in the R-dimensional space. Let a set of additional vectors b , b .... b be so chosen that they are 1 2 R— N orthogonal to all the vectors a , i.e., t= n' ' a • b = n = 1, 2, ... N, s = 1, 2, ... R-N (16) n s ' ' It is possible to express any R-dimensional vectors in terms of the a' s and b' s which may be used as the basis So ? let. N N-R U = 2 C a + Z d b , (17) n=l n n s=d s s Then the coefficients C are determined from the set of following equations n which are derived with the use of (16) ? N X=U-5 = 2 n C5.a, r = 1, 2, ... N (18) r r n=l n n r 7 The task at hand therefore is to determine the coefficients d g under the constraint (14) . 11 Since all the vectors b 1 ie in a space orthogonal to the a 's it is s n clear that the magnitude of U will be minimum only and only if, d g = 0, 8=1,... N-R (19) The vector U is therefore uniquely determined in terms of a ' s through n the use of (18), which does have a unique solution. In order to apply this method to the problem of constructing S(u), one has to extend his ideas to an infinite dimension function space. This is explained in the following. Let S(u) be expressed as S( U ) = ZA ?in T(u-n) n (u-n) Let the specified values of SCu) for u = v, ; v~, . „. V and u = u , u , ... u , r + q = N„ The following equations are therefore obtainable^ sin 7T(v -n) S(v ) = 2 A — ? p = 1, 2, ... r p n (v -n) ' ' (20) sin 7T(u -n) S(u ) = 23 A — -. v t = 1 , 2 , t n (u -n) The problem at hand is to solve for the A 's satisfying (20) and the ^ n condition Si A I 2 =Z:|s(n)| 2 = min. n Consider for the moment the special case of specified values of S(v ) and S(u ) which are real. The case of complex S(u) can also be handled with a simple extension of the idea developed below. The N equations in (20) WTVERS/TY OF ILlfNOIf 12 nay be written as x a = \ ' A a = 1, 2, ... N (21) Where X s are the specified values of S i e S(v ) S(u ) etc a 's a P ' t "' a are the row vectors representing the rows of the matrix Equation (20) and A is a column vector with elements A , A , etc. J- <~i In view of the previous discussion, one can immediately write using (17) and (19) N A = Z C "a (22) a=l a a v ' Where C s are to be determined from the set of N equations a N X = S. C a • a (23) r a=l a a r Eqjations (22) and (23) determine A and hence S(u) uniquely. Since the main problem is to obtain g(p) the following step helps to express the aperture distribution in a suitable form When (22) is translated into function space it is seen that the space factor S(u) is a superposition of the functions T (u) which have, as the coefficients of their expansion in terms of the function , the u-n ' elements of a „ The function S(u) is obtained by weighting the T (u) s with a a the corresponding coefficients C , and summing the individual terms. Now, take T (u), a = 1, 2, . . „ r, which can be written explicitly as } a 7 7 7 7 13 T (u) = 2 a Sin(u - n)7r a an u-n sin 11 (v -n) ' y, a sin 7T(u-n) (v -n) (u-n) n a (24a) sin 7T(u-v. ) = IT (u-v ) a since v is an integer, a T (u) also admits an integral representation a V U) = 2i / G • e P dp . (24b) Next consider T (u) , for a = r +1, 2, . . . N. One then has, for say, T a ' ' r+l> rp / X V Sil1 ^( U ~ n ) T r +1 (U) = fr a (r+l)n u^n" sin 7T( Ul -n) sin TT(u-n) ,__. = 2 7 r o - (25) n (u n -n) (u-n) T (u) may also be represented in the integral form. .77 7T / " 1U 1 P ipu T , (aa) = 77 / e e dp (26) r+1 2 -IT -iu lP which may be verified by first expanding e as -iu p sin 7T (u, -n) 1 = _ A a — -1 (27) 77 n (Uj^-n) and then integrating the right hand side of (26) after replacing e -iu p 1 14 by its series in expansion (27) . From (24) and (27), it follows that g(p), for minimum supergain criterion has to be of the form n -iv p q -iu p g(p) = nil P n e n + t =l & t e (B n and 6 t (28) are constants) Equation (28) is identical with the result obtained by Yen by using an entirely different approach. Synthesis for Continuous Specification When the function S(u) is specified over a continuous range of u 1 I I ^ 2a usually the entire visible range lu| <• — Cambridge University Press, 15 follows oo S(U) = n£) C n^n (77u) < 32 > in the appropriate range in which S(u) is specified . The solution is constructed on the basis of the well known integral representation of J (x) , viz., n J 7T r ix cos a , ,„„,, e cos na da (33) Using (33) one readily derives the series representation for the unknown h(p ) in (29), as 1 °° I h(P ^ = Sa¥ nS) Cn 1 ° OS nP (34) The unknown g(p) in the original integral equation is then obtained using (30), (31) and (34). The formal solution of the synthesis problem for the continuous specification of S(u) is therefore complete. i An alternative approach consists of expanding (u) 2 S(u) in a series of Bessel functions in the appropriate range as, ! oo (u) 2 " S(u) = S. D J ,(u) (35) n=0 n n+^ which again is a Neumann series expansion. Now the Fourier transform of -n-ii^ is g iven °y CD y~ 2 J t (y) e" lxy dy = P (x) i" n ^iF I x I < 1 n+J n /-oo = I x | > 1 1 . d n 77 -1 Hence g(p) is given by CO -co Substituting (35) in (38) and using (36) f we obtain Equation (39) provides us with an alternative representation of g(p) and one may choose either this equation or (34) for synthesizing the strip source. 17 CONCLUS ION In this paper we have presented a means for synthesizing a strip source when its space factor is known, either at a number of sample points or over the entire visible range. It is believed that the methods presented here have not been discussed elsewhere in connection with the same problem. 18 REFERENCES 1. Knudsen, H.L., Sartryck ur Teknisk Tidskr., Vol. 82, pp. 1-8, Dec. 1952. 2. Riblet, H.J., Note on the Maximum Directivity of an Antenna, Proc . IRE Vol. 36, pp. 620-623, May 1948. 3. Taylor, T.T., Trans IRE Vol. AP-3, pp. 16-28, Jan. 1955. 4. Woodward, P.M., J.I.E.E . Vol. 93, pt . 3a, pp. 1554-1558, 1946. 5. Woodward, P.M. and Lawson, J.D., J.I.E.E. Vol. 95, pt. 3, pp. 363-370, Sept. 1948 6. Yen, J.L., Trans IRE , Vol. AP-5, pp. 40-46, Jan. 1957.