- :V Ri-i m s&^VM jXi ,%; LIB RARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 630.7 1Kb no.Gl-84 v< - S> ^m^T ' W9 w, RP^'^V^ KS ! *5. < VS^ ^.-i jfciyJ 5* f\ ^-bvTi .^v^^^ UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS >- Agricultural Experiment Station. URBANA, FEBRUARY, 1903. BULLETIN NO. 84. DAIRY CONDITIONS AND SUGGESTIONS FOR THEIR IMPROVEMENT. BY WILDER J. FRASER, M. S., ASSISTANT PROFESSOR IN DAIRY HUS- BANDRY, COLLEGE OF AGRICULTURE, AND CHIEF IN DEPARTMENT OF DAIRY HUSBANDRY, AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION. SUMMARY. Investigation shows that from a sanitary standpoint there is need of improvement in many dairy conditions. No other food will absorb bad odors so quickly as will dairy products, or deteriorate more rapidly under adverse conditions. Milk being- an excellent medium for the growth of bacteria, it is of special importance that it be kept as free from germs as pos- sible. No other food is produced under conditions where it is so diffi- cult to prevent contamination. Since the largest amount of contamination comes from the ud- der during milking it is important that all udders be washed before milking. In the production of milk for direct consumption this is imperative. 577 578 BULLETIN NO. 84. [February, The average weight of dirt which falls from muddy udders during milking is 90 times greater than that which falls from the same udders after washing, and when udders are but slightly soiled it averages 22 times greater. It is essential to the production of clean milk that the cows be kept out of the mud. The barn yard should have natural surface drainage and should be covered with a coat of gravel or cinders sufficiently deep to form a hard surface at all seasons of the year. Stables of costly construction are not necessary, but they should be provided with numerous windows and an efficient system of ventilation which will furnish a good supply of fresh air with- out creating a draft on the cows. Whitewash being one of the best disinfectants, the stable should be whitewashed at least once a year. In order to accom- plish this successfully the sides and ceiling must have a firm tight surface to which the witewash can be applied. The floor of the milking stable should be smooth and solid. The platform on which the cows stand should be of such length that all droppings will fall into the gutter, thus preventing the cows from becoming soiled when lying down. The stables should be cleaned regularly each day. As soon as drawn milk should be removed from the stable to a clean room provided for the purpose and aerated and cooled at once to 60 F. or below. All dairy utensils and everything with which the milk comes in contact should be rinsed, thoroughly washed, and sterilized after each using. Bottles used in delivering milk for direct consumption must be thoroughly washed and sterilized after each using to avoid the danger of carrying disease from one house to another. Every creamery, cheese factory, dairy, and milk depot should have a solid impervious floor. The floor should be well drained by being properly pitched to a gutter which is connected with a good system of well trapped sewerage. The walls for at least three feet above the floor should be of some smooth impervious 1 material; if of wood above this, they should be kept well painted to facilitate cleaning. Milk should be conveyed through open conductors whenever possible. When a pump and closed pipes are used they should be so constructed as to be easily taken down and cleaned each day. Milk cans should be washed, and sterilized with steam at the factory, and some other receptacle should be used to return the skim milk or whey to the farm. If the cans are used for this pur- 1903.] DAIRY CONDITIONS AND SUGGESTIONS FOR THEIR IMPROVEMENT. 579 pose they should, by all means, be emptied as soon as they reach the farm, thoroughly washed and scalded, and placed on a rack in an inverted position with the covers off. Dairy markets should be developed by selling 1 products of known standards put up in such forms that the consumer will get the original package and know its grade or quality. PRESENT CONDITIONS. The Department of Dairy Husbandry, of the Illinois Agricul- tural Experiment Station, has for the past six years been investi- gating the dairy conditions of the state. The results show that in some particulars the conditions are ideal while in others they are far below the proper standard. Prom a sanitary standpoint there is need of improvement in many of the dairy practices not only in Illinois but in all parts of the United States and, in fact, in all countries of the world. Dairy products are not consumed to the extent they would be were it not for their too frequent poor quality. Under existing conditions it is* in many places, almost if not quite impossible to obtain on the open market any really good butter or cheese. It is also difficult to obtain milk that is produced in such a manner as to make it a safe and wholesome food for infants and invalids, if indeed for healthy adults. When milk is ordered even at our best hotels and restaurants, dirt is frequently found at the bottom if it is al- lowed to stand for a short time. This is not appetizing to say the least and many persons who like milk now use as little as possible on account of the careless manner in which it is produced and the fear that it may contain dirt if not disease germs. The commercial value of dairy products is determined very largely by their flavors and odors. They are usually judged by the smell which is so extremely delicate that it takes but an ex- ceedingly small amount of a substance giving off a bad odor to make the product of low or inferior quality. No food is more sus- ceptible to defects or more subject to contamination than dairy products and yet the protection of their purity until they reach the consumer is nothing more nor less than cleanliness. This would seem to be a simple matter yet it is one greatly neglected but when faithfully performed will more than repay the efforts made. Many people when handling milk seem to forget that they are dealing with food products. There is a tendency for certain un- fortunate practices to invade the dairy business. If filth is allowed to get into milk or it becomes tainted at any point of its production, no amount of care either before or after can make amends for the 580 BULLETIN NO. [Ft bruary, H s > H s < c M 5 9 J Z J W > X * <% W W 20 3 2 B D H Z > o 33 en c < a . H IQ03- J DAIRY CONDITIONS AND SUGGESTIONS FOR THEIR IMPROVEMENT. 581 582 BULLETIN NO. 84. [February, 1903.] DAIRY CONDITIONS AND SUGGESTIONS FOR THEIR IMPROVEMENT. 583 584 BULLETIN NO. 84. [February, difficulty. A man may be careful and correct in all of his dairy operations but one, and yet this one be the cause of his producing- a low grade product. This one mistake not only injures his product but the dairy market as well. This being- true, it is clear that the greatest care should be exercised in every step of production, man- ufacture, and delivery of dairy products to the consumer. Only those dairymen who exercise such care can hope to secure the trade of people who desire a product of superior quality and are willing to pay an advanced price. The real foundation of the whole dairy business lies in the milk producer. The chief necessity then in improving- the dairy conditions is to give the producer such a knowledg-e of the right methods of handling- and caring- for milk that he will not only see the necessity for such methods but may also know how best to ac- complish this purpose. Some dairymen think if they do not g-et a g-ood price for their milk at the creamery that the fault lies with the creamery; but the patrons produce the butter, the creamery only separates it. Pat- rons should not forget that the interests of the creamery and their own are the same. Dairy education has benefited creamery opera- tors more than it has the patrons. The statement was recently made by one of our best informed dairy and creamery men that, "Milk does not come to the creamery in so clean a condition today as it did twenty years ago." Before the day of the separator, milk was not accepted unless it reached the creamery in fairly good con- dition. Now, if it is not sour enough to clog the separator, it is received at the weigh-can of many creameries. When every man made his own butter on the farm and sold it himself, he came into closer touch with the trade and was more particular about the cleanly methods of its production. Since the creamery has come in between the milk producer and the butter market there is a ten- dency to become more careless in the production of milk. When milk is delivered in poor condition at a creamery or cheese factory, no butter or cheese maker however skilled can make the best product from it. If all of the patrons but one bring milk that is clean and in good condition, the man bringing dirty milk spoils the whole. The condensing factories have been the greatest factor in rais- ing the standards of milk production upon the dairy farms of the state. They make certain requirements in regard to the methods used in the production of milk delivered at their factories and have inspectors to see that their instructions are carried out. The particular points touched upon in this bulletin are the ones found to be most commonly at fault in actual practice. 1903.] DAIRY CONDITIONS AND SUGGESTIONS FOR THEIR IMPROVEMENT. 585 The object of this bulletin is to show how these may be remedied and to point out the essentials of good dairying-. It must not be inferred, 'however that the Experiment Station recommends expen- sive buiiding-s and equipment in the production of clean sanitary dairy products, for these are not essential. It costs little more to be clean than unclean. It does, however, require a little more labor. LOCATION OF BARN AND CARE OF YARD. In the production of clean milk no one thing- is o more im- portance than keeping- the cows out of the mud. Many yards into which dairy cows are turned each day for their drink and exercise, are knee deep with mud and manure during- the winter and spring-, if not nearly the entire year. In summer when the cows are on pasture they would keep comparatively clean were they not oblig-ed to wade through a filthy yard in g"oing- to the stable. In locating- a dairy barn care should be taken to have a g-entle slope from the barn in at least one direction, affording- g-ood nat- ural drainag-e for both barn and yard. If the barn is already built and poorly located, draining- and grading- will do much to remedy the evil. In most cases it would take but a small amount of labor with plow and scraper, when the ground is in suitable condition to handle, to give the surface of the yard a slope from the barn suffi- cient to carry off the surface water. Even if dirt has to be hauled in from outside the yard to accomplish this it will not be expensive. Tile drainag-e alone under a yard is not sufficient as the tramping of the cattle soon puddles the surface, preventing- the water from passing- down to the tile. After the grading- is done the yard should be covered with gravel or cinders. By putting- the coarser in the bottom and the finer on top a g-ood hard yard can be obtained and at a compara- tively small expense where material of this kind is available. If this cannot all be done in one year, it is of the utmost importance that a beginning- be made by grading- and graveling a portion of the yard next the barn, so that the cows may have some place on which to get out of the mud and filth. By grading a part of the yard each year and applying a thick coat of gravel or cinders to the graded part, the entire yard will, in a few years, be in good condition. When gravel does not contain enough clay to pack hard, a small amount of clay should be mixed with the top layer. It will then form a firm surface. A portion of the yard should be bedded, thus affording the cows a place to lie in the open air on pleasant days. If straw is 586 BULLETIN NO. 84. [Fefruary, M 5z < & x < Q- td W 3s & c O B! a & POT O H H < O q P U 1903]. DAIRY CONDITIONS AND SUGGESTIONS FOR THEIR IMPROVEMENT. 587 U 588 BULLETIN NO. 84. I February, ffi w , Q M (4 g w 5 > < O Qc/D W < M s " B* O w w 2 O U H P U 1903.1 DAIRY CONDITIONS AND SUGGFSTIONS FOR THEIR IMPROVEMENT. 589 *C si 1 O Q O z 590 BULLETIN NO. 84. [February* scarce the cleanest of the soiled bedding- from the stable will answer for this purpose. When the straw and manure on this bedded portion of the yard become too deep and soft it should be hauled into the field and the bedding 1 commenced again on the solid yard. CUT 9. A SOURCE OF HUMAN FOOD. CLEAN EVEN IN MID-WINTER. 1903.] DAIRY CONDITIONS AND SUGGESTIONS FOR THEIR IMPROVEMENT. $gl It is advisable to haul the manure directly to the field from the barn, but if this is not feasible it should be removed at least 100 feet from the barn. In no case should it be allowed to accumulate against or near the dairy barn and no swine pen should be nearer than 200 feet on account of the odors being- readily absorbed by milk. CUT. 10. AFTER A RUN OF THREE WEEKS ON PASTURE. THE FILTHY CONDITION DURING WINTER. IMAGINE 592 BULLETIN NO. 84. {February, 1 w w p - -s. Sg W t? G< Q Z U O b U -a > OS Q W Q H "s s^ X a . Q o Q X ^s en 5| H O (Si u u IQ03-] DAIRY CONDITIONS AND SUGGESTIONS FOR THEIR IMPROVEMENT. 593 CLEANLINESS IN MILKING. To determine definitely the amount of filth that gets into milk during- the process of milking- and how much this can be lessened by washing the udders the following work was done: It was determined after several trials with three different milk- ers on thirty cows that it requires an average of 4^ minutes to milk a cow. A glazed dish eleven inches in diameter, the size of an ordinary milk pail, was placed in the top of a pail and held under a cow's udder in the same position as when milking. For 4^ min- utes the milker then went through motions similar to those made in milking but without drawing any milk. The amount of dirt which fell into the dish during the operation was, of course, approx- imately the same as would have gone into the milk during the milking process. The dirt caught in the dish was then brushed into a small glass weighing tube, the udder washed and the pro- cess repeated. The dirt which fell from the washed udder was also carefully brushed into a weighing- tube. Both tubes were then placed in a desiccator and after drying- twenty-four hours were accurately weighed on a chemical balance. Sixty trials were made at different seasons of the year. With udders that were apparently clean it was found that an average of 3% times as much dirt fell from the unwashed udders as from the same udders after they were washed. With soiled udders the aver- age was 22 and with muddy udders the average was 94 times as much dirt from the unwashed udders as from the same udders after washing. BARNS AND STABLES. Costly barns or stables are not essential to the production of clean milk or to the maintenance of a dairy herd at its highest efficiency. To obtain the best results it is important, however, that the cows be kept comfortable at all times. To do this there are several essentials with which a barn must be provided. It must have a roof that does not leak; sides that do not allow the wind to blow through; and doors that will close tightly. 594 BULLETIN NO. 84. [February, Q 2: H - > o sg SB Q*^* w . H H X X o o M w 2 x < H H PQ < o Q ^ ^ 2 3 S O u 1903.] DAIRY CONDITIONS AND SUGGESTIONS FOR THEIR IMPROVEMENT. 595 z y. w w a PH PQ Oco o w 1-1 si o z 35 H ^ o H U BULLETIN NO. [February, H Xeo U ^ at Pu < U X U Q O O 1903.] DAIRY CONDITIONS AND SUGGESTIONS FOR THEIR IMPROVEMENT. 6oo BULLETIN NO. 84. [February, Exterior and interior views of a cheap stable are shown in cuts 17 and 18. This stable is 16x42 feet with ten foot posts and will hold 14 cows. It was built in 1897, the material costing- $120.00. This stable was built by the owner; had the work been done by a carpenter the expense would not have exceeded $50.00 making 1 the total cost $170.00. What this stable needs to make it sanitary is a tight floor overhead, ventilators, five times the amount of light and the in- terior whitewashed, all of which could be done at an expense not to exceed $30.00. Making- the total cost of a sanitary stable for fourteen cows $200.00. A stable for a double row of cows could be built cheaper in proportion; for it would not be necessary to have it twice as wide, the same feed alley answering 1 for both rows. If more loft room is desired for storage of roug-h feed, this could be provided by putting the roof higher at but slig-ht additional expense. Two thing's almost universally lacking 1 , or at least inadequately supplied, in dairy barns are light and pure air. These are easily obtained and although absolutely essential to the best health of the herd and the economic production of clean milk they are rarely ap- preciated. Cuts 12 and 19 show dairy barns containing sufficient win- dows. These are in striking contrast with others shown in this bulletin and seen throughout the State. If a barn is already built and has insufficient light more windows can easily be provided. There should be from three fourths to one and one half square feet of glass for every linear foot of outside wall in a dairy barn. Many barns are not provided with any system of ventilation whatever, as bat few dairymen realize that pure air is just as essential to the economic production of untainted milk as is the feed a cow consumes. Digestion and assimilation, like the burn- ing of coal in a stove, are processes of combustion. The stove may be filled with coal but if the drafts are kept tightly closed the coal will not burn, as sufficient oxygen is not provided. Neither can a cow's feed be properly digested and assimilated without an abun- dance of oxygen, and unless this is supplied a great waste of food as well as impaired health of the cow will result. Much has been said about the number of cubic feet of air space that should be allowed for a cow, but this is of little consequence in comparison with the more important question of ventilation, or change of air. In order not to get a greater degree of impurity in the air than is permissible with good results each cow should be supplied with 3,540 cubic feet of air per hour. The size of the 1903. ] DAIRY CONDITIONS AND SUGGESTIONS FOR THEIR IMPROVEMENT. 6oi 602 BULLETIN NO. 84. [February, 1903.] DAIRY CONDITIONS AND SUGGESTIONS FOR THEIR IMPROVEMENT. 603 UT 21. THE KING SYSTEM OF VENTILATION IN DAIRY BARN, SHOWN IN CUT 20. FRESH AIR is CARRIED BETWEEN JOISTS OVERHEAD TO CENTER OF BARN; FOUL AIR DRAWN OUT FROM NEAR FLOOR BY FOUR LARGE VENTILATORS CARRIED ABOVE ROOF, CAUSING A CONTINUOUS CHANGE OF AIR WITHOUT CREATING A DRAFT ON THE Cows. VENTILATOR SHOWN AT "A." ventilating- flues to be provided will depend upon the number of cows in the stable. About four square feet is a good size for a ventilating- flue and if so constructed as to cause the air to travel 300 feet a minute this will furnish ventilation for twenty cows. Two flues this size would be sufficient for forty cows and five would be required for one hundred cows. To be sanitary a dairy barn should be whitewashed at least once a year. An interior like the one shown in cut 23, with a few boards laid overhead at irregular intervals, with hay hanging- through and with the sides in no better condition, cannot be prop- erly whitewashed. The ceiling 1 should be tig-ht, excluding 1 all dust and chaff from above, and sides smooth, thus affording- a firm sur- face to which the whitewash can cling. 604 BULLETIN NO. 84. [February W - K > O Q a j Cli U 1903.] DAIRY CONDITIONS AND SUGGESTIONS FOR THEIR IMPROVEMENT. 605 U 606 BULLETIN NO. 84. [February, It is not necessary to ceil the barn with surfaced lumber, in fact, the whitewash will adhere better if the surface is not too smooth. The boards must, however, be reasonably clean before the white - wash is applied, otherwise it will be of little use for it will soon shell off with the filth; and besides this, filth simply covered is not removed. Whitewash is one of the cheapest disinfectants and can be easily and rapidly applied with a spray pump. It must be carefully strained before using- in, the pump as any lumps will clog- the spray nozzle. A cement floor is the most sanitary for a cow stable and when put down it should be left rough under the float to prevent the cows from slipping 1 . An objection often made to cement floors is that they are cold in winter, but as the temperature in a dairy barn should never get below 40 F. this objection is largely overcome, if the cows are properly bedded. When a plank floor is used it must be renewed as fast as it wears or rots out. It is of the utmost importance in keeping- cows .clean that the platform on which they stand be of the proper length. If it is too short the cows cannot lie down comfortably and if too long- the droppings will fall on the rear of the platform and the cows will become soiled when lying- down. As cows vary in leng-th the plat- form should be longer, from the manger to the gutter, at one end of the barn and gradually taper to six or eight inches shorter at the other end. When large herds are kept the platform on one side of the barn may be longer than on the other side and the cows ar- ranged accordingly. A still better arrangement is some form of movable manger so that the length of the platform can be adjusted to suit each individual cow. With this arrangement all can be lined up on the gutter, which will be a great help in keeping the cows clean. THE CARE OF MIL.K. As soon as it is drawn milk should be removed from the stable to a place provided for the purpose and there aerated and cooled to 50 or 60 F. This should be done either by setting the cans into a tank of cold water and stirring occasionally or by passing the milk over a cooler. The latter method is to be preferred if the cooling can be done in a pure atmosphere free from dust. It is of great importance to have a small milk house or some clean room away from the'odors of the stable in which to care for milk. A good cheap milk house is shown in cut 37. 1903.] DAIRY CONDITIONS AND SUGGESTIONS FOR THEIR IMPROVEMENT. 607 The sooner milk is thoroughly cooled after it is drawn, and the lower the temperature to which it is taken, the better. Bacteria that get into milk during- the process of milking- develop very rap- idly so long- as milk remains at about the temperature at which it was drawn, but as soon as cooled to 60 they develop slowly, and if cooled to 40 their action is almost entirely stopped. Milk cooled to this temperature as soon as drawn and held there will remain sweet and in good condition much longer than if cooled to only 70 or 75. CUT 24. DAIRY UTENSILS IN THE BATTERED CONDITION OF CAN ON LEFT, AND WITH TIN OFF IN MANY PLACES INSIDE, CANNOT BE KEPT CLEAN AND SHOULD BE DISCARDED. CARE OF DAIRY UTENSILS. One of the first essentials in keeping dairy utensils clean is to have a smooth surface. This fact should be kept in mind when purchasing, and if all seams are not flushed smooth with solder 608 BULLETIN NO. 84. \February, this should be done. As soon as the tin is worn off on the inside, exposing- the iron, the utensils should be discarded, for they can- not be properly cleaned when in this condition. All utensils should be washed as soon as possible after using- since the longer the milk remains on them the harder they will be to clean. They should first be rinsed with lukewarm water to remove the milk, then washed with hot water and soap or some alkali, and scalded with boiling water, or with steam if it is available. Cans should never be tightly closed when not in use and should be placed on a rack in an inverted position so that dust cannot blow into them. If possible they should be placed where the sun will shine on them as that will do much toward keeping- them pure and sweet. Bottles used to deliver milk for direct consumption must be taken to the dairy after each using and thoroughly washed and sterilized to kill all disease germs. If this is not done disease may be carried from one house to another by means of the bottles. The practice some dairymen have of bottling milk in the wagon on the route, using- bottles collected from houses just visited, cannot be too strongly condemned and should be prohibited by law. THE PEED OF Cows. Sudden changes of feed should be avoided, especially if very marked, as in changing- from dry to green feed. Special care is required when cows are put on pasture in the spring and when first turned on rye or clover. Only a small quantity of green feed sho uld be given at first, the amount being increased as from day to day the dry feed is reduced. If care is not exercised at such times the cow's system is likely to become deranged and the milk will then have a peculiar, disagreeable odor, but if this method is followed the system gradually becomes adjusted to the new con- ditions and no bad results follow. When feeding turnips or cabbage the difficulty is frequently experienced of having disagreeable odors in the milk. This diffi- culty may be largely if not entirely avoided by feeding after milk- ing- rather than just before, as the peculiar odor produced by these feeds will then leave the cow's system before the next milking time. CREAMERY. The location of a creamery should be such as to insure good drainage. The ground surrounding it should be seeded and the road graveled that so far as posssble dust may be prevented from blowing into the building. Cleanliness at a creamery should pre- vail without and within, not alone because neatness is essential to the production of the highest grade of butter but also because of its 1903.] DAIRY CONDITIONS AND SUGGESTIONS FOR THEIR IMPROVEMENT. 609 effect upon the patrons. Every creamery should be a nucleus for high standards in dairying 1 . The creamery operator cannot expect his patrons to bring- clean milk properly cooled and cared for if the creamery is in a neglected condition, as it would be evident that under such circumstances all care on their part would be lost. Every creamery, cheese factory, dairy, or milk depot should have the floor, and the walls tc the height of at least three feet, of some impervious material. Cement makes the best and cheapest floor when properly laid. Faulty cement work can only be remedied by replacing with another floor. To carry off more readily the water, the floor should pitch to the gutter. The distance to the gutter should not be more than twelve feet; if it is greater the water will not be carried off rapidly enough. The gutter should pitch to the sewer which should be well trapped and constructed of glazed sewer tile for a distance of at least two hundred feet from the building. At the end of the glazed tile a silt basin should be built of brick, stone, or cement, and ten or twelve inch porous tile laid from this into some well drained ground. % From the large tile small laterals should be laid; the number and length needed will depend upon the amount of water to be disposed of and the character of the ground in which the system is laid. If the system is put in and found to be in- adequate it can easily be extended by putting in more laterals or making them longer. If the ground is naturally wet the system can be made much more efficient by laying drain tile among these to drain the ground, never getting closer than ten feet to the porous tile carrying the sewage. Much of the solid material in the sewage may be pre- vented from getting into the porous tile by frequently cleaning the silt basin. Where no siphon is used between the silt basin and the porous tile there is a slow continuous flow of water into the tile which would seep out into the ground near the silt basin and deposit the solid material in the tile close to the basin. Where a siphon is used large quantities are carried over at one time, thus taking the solid material farther down into the porous tile. In time the tile nearest the silt basin will become filled up with solid material and may have to be cleaned out, but if large tile are used and the silt basin kept clean this system will prove satisfactory. 6io BULLETIN NO. 84. [February, A CLEAN AND PROSPEROUS ILLINOIS CREAMERY. The following 1 twelve cuts show the interior of an Illinois creamery just as it appears every day when the regular work is in progress. No special cleaning 1 was done before taking- the photo- graphs. This sanitary creamery while not expensively built will re- main in good condition for many years, as there is almost noth- ing- about it to decay. The entire building-, including- partition walls, is of brick painted white. The building- is provided with cement floor throughout and is neatly ceiled overhead. All win- CUT 25. ENTRANCE TO A CLEAN, PROSPEROUS ILLINOIS CREAMERY; COUNTER ON RIGHT FOR RETAIL TRADE. THE FOLLOWING EIGHT CUTS ARE VIEWS IN THE SAME CREAMERY. 1903. ] DAIRY CONDITIONS AND SUGGESTIONS FOR THEIR IMPROVEMENT. 611 CUT 26. OFFICE. BOOK OPEN INTO ENTRANCE, SHOWING COUNTER, AND GLASS DOORS IN REFRIGERATOR. dows and doors are screened in summer and fly paper is freely used to catch the few flies that find entrance. Cement walks are provided to prevent tracking- in during 1 wet times as much as possible. There is a cement platform on which the wagons stand while re- ceiving- skim milk from the weigher; at the close of the day's run this platform is swept and flushed off with the hose, thus removing 1 any skim milk that may have been spilled and keeping everything, even around the skim milk tank, sweet and clean. Not a can of milk is received at this creamery that the cover does not go to the nose of the man at the weigh-can before it is emptied and all milk that is not in good condition is returned. 612 BULLETIN NO. [ February, o o o x S H O g O a M X x t/i a 85 * IH ~ >J S. 55 o > < K K W O M 1903.] DAIRY CONDITIONS AND SUGGESTIONS FOR THEIR IMPROVEMENT. 613 6i 4 BULLETIN NO. [ February, ? s 1903.] 'DAIRY CONDITIONS AND SUGGESTIONS FOR THEIR IMPROVEMENT. 6l$ 6i6 BULLETIN NO. [ February, 1903.] DAIRY CONDITIONS AND SUGGESTIONS FOR THEIR IMPROVEMENT. 617 6i8 BULLETIN NO. 84. [February, 1903.] DAIRY CONDITIONS AND SUGGESTIONS FOR THEIR IMPROVEMENT. 619 CUT 34. BOILER ROOM. TOOL CUPBOARDS AND WORKBENCH ON RIGHT; CLEAN CEMENT FLOOR EVEN IN COAL BIN; NO ASHES OR COAL DUST ALLOWED TO ACCUMULATE. MARKET CONDITIONS. In nearly all towns and cities of Illinois it is difficult to buy in the open market any really g-ood butter or cheese. What little cheese is manufactured in the state is largely consumed in the im- mediate vicinity of the factories. Many dairy products are not up to modern standards because of unsanitary conditions. The pub- lic is becoming- more intelligent and demanding- better food products and dairymen should raise their standards and supply existing- de. mands for products of g-ood quality. Dairy products are of such a nature that people can and will do without them unless they are of g-ood quality. 620 BULLETIN NO. 84. [February, -Ifi'.-'WrV* CUT 35. A SKIM STATION, OF WHICH THERE ARE FIVB. BELONGING TO CREAMERY JUST DESCRIBED. CUT 36. INTERIOR OF SKIM STATION- SHOWING WEIOH-CAN, RECEIVING VAT, SEPARATOR. AND SMALL BOILER. ALL OF WHICH, INCLUDING THE FLOOR, WALLS AND CEILING, ARE KEPT CLEAN. 1903.] DAIRY CONDITIONS* AND SUGGESTIONS FOR THEIR IMPROVEMENT. 621 CUT 37. MILK HOUSE ON FARM SUPPLYING MILK FOR CREAMERY ABOVE DESCRIBED. As SOON AS DRAWN, MILK IS RUN OVER A COOLER AND INTO CANS WHICH ARE THEN PLACED IN A TANK OF COLD WATER UNTIL TIME FOR DELIVERY. One of the weak points in dairying-, and in fact the whole of agriculture, is not having- the products properly graded before they are sold. Dairy products are placed upon the market and as a rule sold under one of three names, milk, butter, or cheese. The pur- chaser has not the slightest idea when or under what conditions they were produced or manufactured. The result is that quality does not count for what it should and g-oods of high quality help to sell the poor. In other words good and poor products sell for too nearly the same price. 622 BULLETIN NO. 84. [February, 1903.] DAIRY CONDITIONS AND SUGGESTIONS FOR THEIR IMPROVEMENT. 623 CUT 39. HAULING MILK IN SPRING WAGON WITH CANS PROPERLY COVERED TO PROTECT FROM DIRT AND SUN. CUT 40. A FARM DAIRY WITH CEMENT FLOOR, BRICK SIDE WALLS AND CEILING PLASTERED AND PAINTED WHITE. 624 BULLETIN NO. 84. [February, If the quality of the goods is thoroughly acceptable and the consumer knows that the products are made in a sanitary manner and that their quality can always be depended upon, there will be no difficulty in securing- a ready market at an advanced price. The practical question then is, "What can be done to develop the dairy market ? " As an answer to this the following is offered : First and foremost produce a high class article. Put up dairy products in such a manner that the consumer will get the original package. Standardize and sell by grade and brand. Practice honesty and have grades exactly as represented. Guarantee standards and invite inspection. Publish the exact meaning of different grades and make people intelligent by putting out literature freely to educate them. All places where dairy products are produced or manufactured should have standards of cleanliness and be open to inspection. CLEAN MILK. Milk free from dirt and in which the bacterial content is ex- ceptionally small is essential for infants and invalids. A small amount of this kind of milk is produced and sold at present and the demand is constantly increasing as people learn of its advan- tages. There is no secret connected with the production of such milk. Cleanliness in every operation from first to last and thor- ough cooling as soon as drawn are the only requisites. The result is nothing more nor less than simply clean milk. In the production of such milk all of the essentials mentioned in this bulletin in regard to the care of the cows, stables, utensils, and milk must be strictly followed. Before milking, the udders of the cows are always washed whether they appear soiled or not and the milkers put on clean suits kept for the purpose. As soon as cooled the milk is standardized, to whatever per cent, of butter-fat it is guaranteed to contain, and immediately bottled, which pre- vents any further contamination taking place until it reaches the consumer. As soon as bottled it is either packed in ice or placed J 93-] DAIRY CONDITIONS AND SUGGESTIONS FOR THEIR IMPROVEMENT. 625 CUT 41. MILK BOTTLES AND DAIRY UTENSILS ARE WASHED AND RINSED IN SINK ON LEFT, THEN PLACED IN BRICK STERILIZER ON RIGHT, DOOR CLOSED AND LIVE STEAM TURNED IN FOR 20 MINUTES. CUT 42. MILK BOTTLING ROOM. A SMALL ROOM WITH CEMENT FLOOR; EVERYTHING KEPT NEAT AND CLEAN. 6z6 BULLETIN NO. 84. [February, tn fi a * is ij & 5 a J H h x H W C b H O S s H < ' IQ03-] DAIRY CONDITIONS AND SUGGESTIONS FOR THEIR IMPROVEMENT. 627 628 BULLETIN NO. [February \ 1903.1 DAIRY CONDITIONS AND SUGGESTIONS FOR THEIR IMPROVEMENT. 629 in ice water to keep it at a low temperature until ready for delivery. This careful method of producing- milk reduces the contami- nation to a minimum and the sudden cooling- to so low a tempera- ture almost entirely prevents the further development of the few bacteria that g-ained access to it, thus insuring 1 at all times a milk of low bacterial content which is so essential for infants and inva- lids and has been the means of saving many lives. In the production of such milk as above described is a promis- ing- field for financial gain which is as yet almost wholly undevel- oped, for there are but few cities in the state where milk of this character can be obtained; while after people learn of its advan- tage there is an increasing- demand for it at an advanced price. In some places it sells as hig-h as twelve cents a quart. Instances are known where a quart of this kind of milk was shipped a long- distance daily by express for feeding- an infant and cost the consumer thirty-five cents a quart. REFRESHMENTS SERVED IN DAIRY BARN. At the meeting- of the Illinois State Dairymen's Association held recently at the Colleg-e of Agriculture, refreshments were served in the dairy barn. The object being- to impress upon the dairymen of the state the fact that dairy barns are places where human food is produced and that they should therefore be fit places in which to prepare and eat food as well. The following- are extracts from toasts made on that occasion : WHY NOT? Mr. H. B. Gurler, DeKalb, Illinois. "Why not have this time together in the cow stable when it is in such con- dition that there is nothing objectionable, and why not elevate the whole dairy business? Now we cannot get up to the standards that they have here all at once, but we can go gradually step by step until we reach this point until the stable is in fit condition in which to prepare the food we eat. There is no article of food that will absorb impurities quicker than milk. ******* "I cannot say half that I feel along this line. This great improvement is a gratification to me. I am proud of it. It shows that we are developing and it shows the practicability of this work." CAGED. Dr. T. J. Burrill, Vice-President, University of Illinois. * * * * * * "I do not know that these good housewives of ours are doing unnecessary things in keeping the rooms, tables, etc., clean, but after all in a great many in- stances we are leaving the things undone toward cleanliness that we ought to 630 BULLETIN NO. 84. [February, 1903.] DAIRY CONDITIONS AND SUGGESTIONS FOR THEIR IMPROVEMENT. 63! look after. Now I take it that this is the first time in American history that luncheon has been served with such attendants on either side. If we can have our milk free from taint, as it ought to be, the barn will be this kind of a place. I do not know that we shall have set the fashion of making the cow barn the din- ing room, but I do believe tliat we have come to the time when the product from the cow stable shall be fit for the dining room." BOOM AT THE TOP. Prof. E. Davenport, Dean, College of Agriculture. "Really there is nothing remarkable about this matter after all. I noticed as people came in that some of them grinned a little out of the corner of their eye a few turned up their noses, and some looked as unconcerned as if they had done this a hundred times before. "I submit the proposition that any place that is fit for the manufacture of food ought to be a fit place in which to eat it. Now in all of this talk about 'room at the top' there is no question about it in this business. I am bound to say that in my opinion none of us has commenced to realize the upper limit of the dairy business. ******* "All this business needs is that we stick to it with a determination to reach the top. There is too much bad butter there is too much filthy milk. I hope that Illinois will take the lead in getting near the top in this business. '******* "There are more people than there used to be more people to spend mon- ey let the dairymen get a little of this money that men are spending so lavishly." INDEX. Addams, Jane 288 Alfalfa, bacteria, inoculation with. . 315 Field experiments 326 Fixation of nitrogen in 342 Growth of, directions for 347 Effect of nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium on 322 Hay, how cured 332, 333, 335, 336 On Illinois soils 311 Plot experiments, plan of 327 Pot culture experiments 312 American trotter 26 Ammoniacal copper carbonate solu- tion 186 Method of preparation 186 Apples, bitter rot of 351-366 Appearance of 365 Canker 356 Dissemination of 365 Gleosporium stage 198 Gnomoniopsis stage 206 Losses caused by 365 Mummies 354 Prevention of 357, 366 Black rot ' 192 Blotch 190 Brown rot 190 California wash on for San Jose Scale 248, 251, 252, 253 Kerosene emulsion on. . . .'. 482, 484, 487, 493 Oregon wash on 256, 261 Scab of 109 Bibliography 126 Fusicladium stage 113 Illustrations, explanation of. . . . 137 Tnj ury from no Prevention of 112 Venturia stage 121 Apple trees, canker of 225-239 Inj ury to 232 Prevention 234 See San Jose Scale. Baby beef. See Cattle, market classes and grades of Baker. I. O 73 Baldwin, T. A 46 Beagley, J. H 43 Beal, A. C 503 Beef cattle. See Cattle, market classes and grades of Bill-bug, blue grass. See Bill-bug. little brown Clay-colored, descriptive notes... 451 Injury to corn 443, 446, 447, 450 Life history 446, 450 Little brown, injury to corn. . . . 441 Life history 438, 442 Bill-bugs, corn in Illinois 435-461 Injury to corn 435, 436, 437 See also under Sphcnopherus. Life history 436 Measures against 436, 437 Recent bibliography 457-461 Blair, J. C. 351 Bordeaux mixture 176 Method of preparation 180 Details in 184 Mixing outfits for 181 Burrill, T. J 351 Bus horses, description of 23 Butcher stock. See Cattle, market classes and grades of Cabbage worms, hellebore for 10 Cab horses, description of 23 California and Oregon washes for San. Jose Scale As affected by water sprays and rains 243, 246, 264 Comparison of respective values. 261 Effectiveness and expense as com- pared with other insecticides.. . . 264, 267 Experimental details California wash .' 248. 2^ Oregon wash 256-261 Field use of California wash 1901- '02 488-492 Formula for California wash.... 489 General results of experiments with California wash 255 Insecticide effect of 262, 267 Practical conclusions concerning. 263 Preparation of 246, 489 Superiority of California wash. 492-493 Tent exoeriment with 262 Use in the east 242 In Illinois 242-268 In Pacific states 241 Calves, average daily ration fed to. . 272 Cattle, market classes and grades of. 367 Index of same 369 Cattle, market and slaughter tests of 558-562 Celery, brief notes on culture i r Methods of storing 16 Cherry, effect of kerosene emulsion on for San Jose Scale 485. 488 634 BULLETIN NO. 84 [November, Chester, E. E 55 Classes of sprav mixtures, how di- vided 158 Clay, Robison & Co 544 Clinton, George P 109, 189, 354 Coach horses 19 Condensing factories agents in rais- ing milk standard 584 Cooke, Elizabeth 289 Coolidge, J. H 55 ' Corn and clover hay ration effect- ive for beef production 557 Corn bill-bugs in Illinois. See un- der Bill-bugs and Spheno- *>horus. Corn breeding, methods of 525-539 Corn composition, improvement of. . 531 High oil 531, 534 High protein 531, 534 Performance records 536 Physical characteristics of 35, 37 Standard varieties for Illinois Boone County White 54 Golden Eagle 43 Iowa Silver Mine 43 Learning 48 Reid's Yellow Dent 40 Riley's Favorite 46 White Superior 46 Cows, individual records of ....'.... 104 Profitable standard of production. 104 Proper feeding of 608 Cream, cost of on butter-fat basis. . 308 Creamery, location of 608 Crops other than corn required to supplement silage 280 Cultivator, narrow tooth 8 Cutters and canners. See Cattle, market classes and grades of Cy perns strigosus 446, 453, 454 Dairy conditions, investigations of. 284 Suggestions for improvement. 577-631 Dairy cows, differences in the value of 95-io8 Dairy products, commercial value of 579 Dairy utensils, care of 607 Dallenbach, W. C 545 Davenport, E 17 Distillers. See Cattle, market classes and grades of Draft horse, description of. 24 Dressed beef cattle. See Cattle market classes and grades of Dungan, W. S 54 Earth roads 73 Administration 88 Cash vs. labor tax 89 Contract system 90 Construction of 74 Crown 80 Drainage 75 Surface 80 /Tile 76 Embankments, how built 75 Grades 75 Location, points to be considered 74 Maintenance of 82 Pathmaster for 92 Elements of plant food 313 Erf, Oscar ' 297 Experiment in individual differ- ences, value dairy cows 97 How fed 99 Export cattle. See Cattle, market classes and grades of Feeding experiments, conditions sur- rounding 546, 547 Plan of 270 Results of feeding different ra- tions 272 Feeding steers, method of 548, 550 Feed lots, comfortable, important in fattening steers 551 Condition of, affecting gains 551 Location of 547 Feeds supplementary to corn for fattening steers 541-57^ Financial aspect of 563 Food stuffs and rations 547 Forbes, S. A 241, 265, 435, 463 Formalin treatment to prevent oat smut 66 Cost 67 Result of 67 Fraser, Wilber J 95, 283, 577 Fumigation with hydrocyanic gas. See orchard fumigation Fungus, description of 159 Funk, E. D 269 Gamasidffi 438 Garden, The farmers' 1-16 Labor on 13 Products of 13-15 Profits from 16 Glucose Sugar Refining Company. . 526 Goodwin, W. R. Jr 344 Grindley, H. S 288 Haines, C. A 343 Hasselbring, Heinrich .225, 354 Hedges, care of. See earth roads, maintenance Hellebore, application of, for cab- bage worms 10 Highway commissioner, office of... 92 Hopkins, Cyril G 311, 525 Horses, Class i. Road, carriage, and coach 19 Class 2, cab 23 Class 3. bus 23 1903. J INDEX. 635 Class 4, draft ...... 24 . Class 5, American trotter. . . 26 Market classes, fixed on utility. 19 Not continuous 19 Miscellaneous 26 Production of by classes 18 "Unclassed" 17 Hydrocyanic acid gas for San Jose scale. See under orchard fumi- gation Illinois creamery, prosperous 610 Illinois Seed Corn Breeders' Asso- ciation, constitution of 55 Irwin, John 566 Kerosene emulsion, cost of orch- ard treatment with, for San Jose scale 482 On various fruit trees for San Jose scale 481-488 Laws affecting milk standard 293 Learning, J. S 48 Lice on steers, spraying for 550 Lime, sulphur and blue vitriol for San Jose scale. See Oregon wash Sulphur and salt for San Jose scale. See California wash Lloyd, J. W i Location for dairy barn 585 McMahan, H. F 54 Market classifications of cattle, im- portance of 370 Market conditions regarding butter and cheese 619 Market quotations of cattle 367 Manure from silage convenient to handle 278 Marker, home made for vegetable gardening 5 Maurer, J. E 566 Milk, care of 606 "Clarified" 298 Cleanliness in handling 593 Collecting samples of for analysis 288 Composite sample test 106 Apparatus for 107 Composition of 286 Food value of 286 Millet injured by clay-colored bill- bug 445 Mumford. Herbert W 269, 367, 541 Nitrogen and bacteria, effect of.... 321 Added to soil increases growth. . . 316 Atmospheric, fixation of 337-339 Notes on steer feeding experiment. . 587 Nummvloria discrcta. See Apple- trees canker of Oat smut, amount of in different varieties 59 Nature of 59 Orchard fumigation 464 At Sparta 470-474 At Richview 474-479 Cost 479, 493 Equipment 467 Operation 468 Restrictions in application 492 Insecticide treatment of 463 Experience with kerosene emul- sion in 481-488 Treatment of, with whale-oil soap 480 Paris Green 170 Allowable limi' of uncombined ar- senious oxid 174 Ammonia, color, and microscopic tests 171, 172 Commercial substitutes for 176 Effect of addition of lime 175 Objections to use of 175 Requirements of 175 Substitutes for 176 Pathmaster, office of 92 Peach, California wash on for San Jose Scale 251, 255, 481, 488 Effect of kerosene emulsion on. . 482, 484, 485, 486, 403 Whale-oil soap on 242, 493 Kerosene sprays on 242 Oregon wash on 259, 260 Pear, kerosene emulsion on, for San Jose Scale. 482. 483, 486, 487, 488, 493 Perry, H. B 43 Petroleum crude, for San Jose scale 464 Phosphorus, effect on alfalfa 321 Phragmitcs communis 444 Pigs, a factor in economical pro- duction of beef 278 Following calves on silage 273 Following steers, gains in weight 553 Plum, California wash on for San Jose Scale 481 Effect of kerosene sprays on .... 242 Whale-oil soap solution on.... 242 Potassium, effect of on yield of hay. 322 Quince, kerosene emulsion on for San Jose scale 488 Rations fed to Hereford and grade Shorthorn calves 271 Reid, James L 40 Rhoades, A. C 40 Riley, James 46 Road administration 88 Advantage of good 87 Earth 73 Sand 86 Taxes 89 Wasted 92 Root crops, method of storing 16 Root tubercles, abundance of 332 Sammis, J. L 290 San Jose scale, detachment of, by rain and water sprays 243-263 636 BULLETIN NO. 84 [November, 1903. Experimental use of California and Oregon washes for 241-268 Field use of same 488-493 See also under California and Oregon fumigation for. See un- der Orchard fumigation spon- taneous death of 243 Winter application for, cost, safety, etc 492 Schwarzschild & Sulzberger Co.... 566 Scirpus fluviatilis 444, 45 Seed corn 29 Chemical selection of 528 How to grow. . , 33 Pedigree 31 Physical selection of 527 Uniformity 29 Vitality 3 Setaria 445 Shamel, A. D 29, 57 Shelter for calves and pigs 270 Reasonably warm, economical.... 271 Shipping steers. See Cattle, market classes and grades of Silage and shock corn, relative mer- its of 269 Silage fed steers meat producers... 278 Siloing corn 278 Simple solution spray mixtures.... 167 Simpson, R. A 355 Snout-beetles. See Bill-bugs Soil, effect of lime and phosphorus upon 332 Sperry, P. R 46 Sphenophorus cariosus, description of larva 455 Life history 454 Taken on corn 453 Ochrcus. See Bill-bug, clay col- ored Parvulus :. .43?, 456 See also Bill-bug, little brown Pcrtinax 449 Injury to corn 452 Life history 453 Placidus, injuries and life his- tory 442 Robushts. destructive in south... 456 Scoparhis, taken on corn and grass 456 Sculptilis. injuries to corn in other states than Illinois 456 Taken on timothy 456 7,ea>. See Sphenophorus sculp- tilis Spraying, agitators, description of. 162 Importance of 158 Mixtures, physical properties of. . 162 Stags. See Cattle, market classes and grades of Standard milk and cream 283-206 Standardization of cream 305 Apparatus 305 Milk and cream 297-309 Methods . . . '. 298 Standardizing milk and cream. .294-297 With skim-milk 302 With whole-milk 303 Standards in sale of milk 287 Steers, market and slaughter tests of 558 Methods of feeding and market- ing 542 Stockers and feeders. See Cattle, market classes and grades of Storment, W. P 355 Striped cucumber beetle, methods of combating 10 Stubenrauch, A. V 157 Texas and western range. See Cat- tle, market classes and grades of Tomatoes, forcing Benching 508 Diseases 513 Fertilizers 508 Green houses for 504 Handling small plants 505 Insects 512 Market for 523 Midwinter crop 516 Pollination 509 Soil 505, 508 Spring crop 520 Temperature 508 Training 10, 509 Varieties 518, 523 Watering 509 Yield 513, 515 Treatment oats for smut 57-72 Cost 64 Hot water 63 Precautions 63 Typha latifolia 452 Value of dairy cows, individual dif- ferences 95-108 Veal calves. See Cattle, market classes and grades of Varieties corn adapted to Illinois conditions ..... ~. 37 Vegetables, list of varieties for farmers garden 2-4 Von Schrenk, Herman 355 Warner, F. A 55 W'eather, effects of on feeding silage 278 Weight of cows 103 Weight of steers, fed on silage. . . . 274 fed shock corn 274 Whale-oil soap for San Jose scale. . 464, 480, 487, 493 Cost and effectiveness 267, 480, 481, 493 Yield of silage per acre 271 Shock com per acre 271 I.Ji " >^ > .- fc O&&& Vf I sffm<& &n** , i&to *& S,wi.4M , s rWF ctr ^i. W^sSHf J L ' w^fSfr 3 * 5 n UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS-l ", 711 RR .....