Qrlru $kow af . Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2012 with funding from University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign http://archive.org/details/storyofgeologicm01well Tower Rock, Hardin County m * STATE OF ILLINOIS DEPARTMENT OF REGISTRATION AND EDUCATION M. F. Walsh, Director DIVISION OF THE STATE GEOLOGICAL SURVEY M. M. LEIGHTON, Chief EDUCATIONAL SERIES NO. 1 The Story of the Geologic Making of Southern Illinois BY STUART WELLER Printed by authority of the State of Illinois URBAN A, ILLINOIS 1927 Reprinted 1031 Department of Registration and Education State Board of Natural Resources and Conservation Committee on Geological Survey M. F. Walsh, Chairman Director of Registration and Education Charles M. Thompson Representing the President of the Uni- versity of Illinois Edson S. Bastin Geologist ? Jeffersons Printing & Stationery Co. Springfield, Illinois 1931 Letter of Transmittal State Geological Survey Division, Urbana, May 27, 1931 M. F. Walsh, Chairman , and Me tubers of the Board of Natural Resources and Conservation , Gentlemen: The first edition of Education Series No. 1, "The Story of the Geologic Making of Southern Illinois," by the late Professor Stuart Weller, has become exhausted and a second edition is necessary to meet the demands of our public schools and of our laymen for this popular treatment. I therefore respectfully recommend its reprinting. Sincerely yours, M. M. Leighton, Chief. Preface In southern Illinois lies a region which occupies about one twenty-eighth of the area of the State and which differs marked- ly in appearance from the rest of the State. By far the greatest portion of Illinois is made up of flat, fertile prairies; indeed, in the central section, hills are exceedingly scarce. A traveler making his way south from Harrisburg in Saline County finds that he has left the prairies behind and that he is among hills, the highest one of which — Williams Hill in Pope County — attains an elevation of 1,065 feet. In no other part of the CAVE IN-ROCK ROSICLARE |5 MILCS Fig. 1. — Map of southern Illinois showing approximate boundaries of Ozark Ridsre. State save in Jo Daviess County in the northwest corner are there higher hills. The traveler finds short, swift streams and steep ascents, hidden nooks and outlook points, and a relief made most engaging to the eye In reason of rapidl) changing scenes. And nowhere does he find the extensive fields and farms so characteristic of the prairies. This area of southern Illinois covers a strip about 70 miles long and from 15 to 40 miles wide (fig. 1). It extends from Mississippi River on the west to Ohio River on the east, and lowlands lie both to the north and to the south of it. The history which follows attempts to outline briefly the manner in which southern Illinois came to be as we know it. Much detail necessarily has been omitted, and much remains to be learned, but not a year passes without the acquisition of some new information which helps to complete the story. THE STORY OF THE GEOLOGIC MAKING OF SOUTHERN ILLINOIS* By Stuart Welter INTRODUCTION When man began to wonder about the reasons for things and began to seek out the causes for the great variety of natural phenomena which surrounded him, he began the ascent of the intellectual ladder many of whose steps he has already climbed, but from the top of which he is still much farther removed than from the bottom. In the early stages of this intellectual growth he had no perception of natural law and he of necessity had to explain the phenomena of nature through supernatural agencies. Thus grew up the myths of creation as well as other myths and stories to account for all of the unexplainable phenomena about him. Many, many generations passed before man's intelligence began to give him some conception of the workings of the laws of nature. Undoubtedly, from time to time some great genius arose whose sense of curiosity was more intense than that of his fellows, — one who was capable of searching deeply into the reasons for things and who was able to make some addition to the knowledge of the human race. Comparatively few genera- tions of men have passed since Newton formulated the law of gravitation, perhaps the most far-reaching of all natural laws. Copernicus, who founded all modern astronomy by his dis- covery that the earth was not stationary but revolved about the sun, was born less than 500 years ago. Even today the vast majority of human beings, and among them great numbers of our own people, have but little conception of the meaning of * This paper is based on an address given by the author as retir- ing- president of the Illinois State Academy of Science at the Harris- burg meetings, April 30, 1926, and published in the Proceedings of the Academy, vol. 19, pp. 27-49. FEATURES OK THE LANDSCAPE science, and still hold to all sorts of supernatural explanations of phenomena which they observe every day. Reduced to its last analysis, science is the search for the reasons for things. Every man of science knows that every phenomenon in nature has a cause, a reason, and just as truly every phenomenon has an effect. The search for the causal relations of all these phenomena is his task. If he is unable to discover a reason for the facts which he observes, he does not appeal to some supernatural explanation ; he knows that his researches have not yet penetrated far enough into his problem. The men of science of our generation are those in whom the sense of curiosity concerning nature is most keenly developed. They are continually asking themselves the question, "Why?" and are never satisfied until some reasonable and logical ex- planation is found. Every child starts his career as an active researcher. He observes all sorts of phenomena about him which arouse his curiosity, and he repeatedly asks the question "Why?" All too often his questioning soon surpasses the ability of his parents and teachers to make answer and he is told not to ask such foolish questions. Doubtless many an able man of science has been lost through the stifling of childish question- ing. Fortunately a few remain in whom this curiosity cannot be stifled, else the progress of our race would come to a stand- still. EARLY CONCEPTIONS Among the phenomena which early attracted the attention of man, were the features of the landscape which surrounded him, the hills and valleys, the mountains and the sea. Because „ r of their apparent stability, explanations for these Features of , . the phenomena were not sought as early as were landscape explanations for the apparent movement of heavenly bodies. If any thought was given to the sub- ject, it was assumed that the hills and valleys and moun- GEOJ OGIC TIME AND PROCESSES I I tains and seas had always been and would always be. This conception of permanence is still with us and not infrequently we see references to the everlasting hills, although every geolo- gist knows that neither the hills nor the highest mountains are everlasting. Another group of objects which came to the attention of early observers were the fossil shells seen in all sorts of situ- tions. During the Middle Ages fossils aroused much discussion and numerous explanations were offered for them. Some thought them to be sports of nature; some believed them to be discards thrown aside by the Creator of all things ; but the final explanation which seemed to satisfy most men was that they were the remains of sea animals which were swept from the sea and were lodged upon the land during the Noachian Deluge. Of course the geologist today knows that these objects are the remains of animals and plants, many of them marine, which one time lived and flourished in the places in which the evidences of their existence are now found. At that time the ocean waters covered those areas now dry land but formerly parts of the sea bottom. GEOLOGIC TIME AND PROCESSES It was only a little more than a hundred years ago that students of geology began to realize that the present configura- tion of the earth's surface has been established through the agency of slowly acting processes which are in operation today and which have been continuously in operation for long periods of time, rather than through abrupt, cataclysmic revolutions which occurred at comparatively short intervals. We have come to realize that geologic time is long — exceedingly long when measured by the scale of human existence — and we look upon its duration as being comparable, in a degree, to the vast 12 GEOLOGIC TIME AND PROCESSES extensions of space recognized by the astronomer. And with an increase in our knowledge of the earth's history comes an ex- pansion in our conception of geologic time. In the history of the earth a million years are but as a day, and forces and processes which seem to have only a small effect when seen from day to day are capable of producing tremendous Modern effects when continued over long periods of conceptions . . ° time. During a summer shower, all of us have seen material transferred from the hilltops to the valleys and if enough time is allowed and enough showers fall upon a hill, eventually that hill will be leveled to the plains. In the geo- logic past this very transfer of material has taken place repeat- edly. Mountains as high as the highest upon earth today have been eroded down to the level of the sea; other mountains have been raised up and have in turn been worn away. The geologist interprets the history of the earth's past re- corded in the rock strata of its crust through an understanding of the processes which are active today. It goes without saying that in the erection of a pile of lumber the boards in the bottom of the pile were laid down first. Likewise the lowermost beds in the rock strata of the earth's crust in any given region were, axiomatically, laid down first and consequently are the oldest. Figure 2 shows horizontal beds of limestone. In order for the lowermost bed to have its position with respect to the other beds above it, it had to be laid down first. Hence, it is the old- est bed, and the beds above it are successively younger. If the solid rock formations were everywhere uncovered and had never been disturbed, it would be a comparatively simple matter to trace the beds from place to place and estab- lish their true relations. In most regions, how- Correlation ever> these conditions do not exist. The rocks are covered in many places by unconsolidated residuum and soil. In parts of Illinois whole counties are CORRELATION OF ROCKS 13 without a single solid rock outcrop; in many others the out- crops are so few and so widely separated that the beds cannot be traced. Then again, through the agency of great deforma- tive processes the rocks have been broken into blocks which have been shifted up and down and horizontally to such an extent that the individual beds are no longer continuous. Under these conditions it has been necessary for the geol- ogist to establish some means of tracing rock beds from place Fig. 2. — Exposure of limestone beds in Kankakee County, Illinois. to place, and long study has shown that the only reliable criteria are the organic fossils contained in the rocks. These fossils furnish a record of the evolution of the life of our globe, the scattered remains of succeeding generations which exhibit the gradual changes through which living crea- tures have been passing. The life of no period of geologic time is the same as that of the preceding or of the succeeding period ; 14 GEOLOGIC TIME AND PROCESSES consequently a knowledge of the succession of living things upon the earth affords us a most reliable criterion for the determina- tion of the relative ages of the rock strata which come under our observation. It must be recognized that our knowledge of these long-extinct inhabitants of the earth is as yet but frag- mentary, but every year adds to our information, and already we can make a serviceable application of accumulated facts in our interpretation of geologic history. With further informa- tion greater and greater refinements in our interpretations will become possible. If the earth's crust had undergone no deformative changes during its long period of existence, all sediments which were accumulated under marine waters and in which are buried the ., remains of marine organisms, would still be sub- Movements . . . . ^ 111- Ml in earth's marine in position and would be inaccessible for crust study. It is known, however, that crustal move- ments have taken place even in historical time. Certain portions of our shorelines are known to be rising relative to the ocean level and other portions are sinking. Not in- frequently violent earthquakes occur in the course of which notable crustal changes take place. Rocks which are mani- festly of marine origin since they contain fossil shells of marine organisms, are now found thousands of feet above sea level; they must have been elevated to their present position or the sea must have receded. Probably both elevation and recession occurred. Rocks which must have been formed originally as nearly flat-lying sediments deposited in water, are now steeply inclined in many places, and are even folded, crushed and broken. The existence of tremendous forces which have been at work in earth-growing processes is thus made manifest. No sooner was land exposed above the level of the sea than it was subjected to the processes of erosion. Water falling as rain and always seeking a lower level started to wear away the DIVISION OF GEOLOGIC TIME 15 ^ . elevated rocks and gradually wore them down to Erosion . . of earth's sea level, just as the hills between Harrisburg surface an( j Ohio River are at present being gradually reduced by every rain which falls upon them. Deformation and unequal erosion have resulted in the exposure somewhere at the surface of the earth of sedimentary rocks of all ages. In future geologic periods, rocks which now exist at the surface will have been worn away and their mate- rials will have been carried down the streams to the ocean and redeposited to form younger rocks, much as sediments are now accumulating in the delta of Mississippi River. Our present knowledge of the earth has progressed far enough to make it possible for geologists to recognize a number of distinct divisions of geologic time. Of course time is con- tinuous and uninterrupted, and we can divide it Division of - nt0 d^tinct periods only on the basis of events, geologic time ..... . . Our subdivision of time in human history has been wholly dependent upon the occurrence of events. The discovery of a new continent in the fifteenth century ini- tiated into human history a new period of the utmost importance. The events which led to the declaration of war in Europe in 1914 ushered in a period which has changed and is changing the destinies of most of the nations of the world. The transition of one period into another may be gradual like the passing of spring and the coming of summer, or it may be abrupt and unexpected like the beginning of the great World War. The periods of geologic history are not unlike those of human history. They are definitely marked from one another by events like the growth of great mountain ranges, or the appearance of a new type of life. Some transitions have been abrupt and have been accomplished in an exceedingly short time, geologically speaking; others have been so slow as to 16 GEOLOGIC TIME AND PROCESSES make difficult the setting of a precise boundary between two rock systems although each has distinct characteristics. It has come to be the custom of geologists to use as their basis for the larger divisions of earth history the character of the life of the era. Azoic time was an era during which no life existed. Eozoic was the era of the dawn of Eras of ^ life with the introduction of unicellular organ- geologic time . r isms. 1 he Archeozoic era was the age 01 larval life, and the Proterozoic the age of primitive inverte- brates. All earth history to the close of Proterozoic time is so ancient that our information regarding it is most hazy. The Proterozoic was followed by eras concerning which our information is less limited although it is far from complete. The Paleozoic era was the time of ancient life forms, now mostly extinct, but some of them were more or less related to our contemporaneous life. The Mesozoic era was the time of medieval life which, although almost wholly unlike living forms of today, still had much more in common with them than had the life of the Paleozoic. The Cenozoic era was the time of modern life which was much like that of today. The last, or Psychozoic, era is the age of man. Each one of these great eras is divided into periods some of which have been named geographically after some district in which rocks representing the period are well exhibited. One great period of the Paleozoic era has been Periods of named the Devonian because it was first studied geologic time and its fossil life was first described at Devon- shire, England. Following the Devonian w r as a great period known as the Mississippian, so named because its rocks are best represented in the Mississippi Valley region of this coun- try. The Mississippian was succeeded by a period during which the great coal formations of eastern North America were DIVISION OF GEOLOGIC TIME 17 laid down. The name Pennsylvanian has been given it because the rocks are widely developed in Pennsylvania. Table 1. — Table of geologic time divisions. Era Period (time term) or System (rock term) Character of rocks in Southern Illinois Cenozoic "Recent life" (Age of mammals) Recent Pleistocene Tertiary Surficial deposits Absent Mesozoic "Middle life" (Age of reptiles) Cretaceous Comanchean Jurassic Triassic Absent Paleozoic "Ancient life" (Era of invertebrate animals and non- flowering plants) Permian Pennsylvanian (Coal Measures) Upper Mississippian Lower Devonian Silurian Ordovician Cambrian Absent Conglomerates, sandstones, shales, and coal Sandstones, shales, and limestones Principally limestones Limestone and shale Limestone Limestone and sandstone Not exposed Proterozoic "Primitive life" Archeozoic "Larval life" Table 1 gives the eras and periods of geologic time. As the Archeozoic era is the oldest that we know and its rocks were formed first, it is placed at the bottom of the list. Similarly, the Cenozoic era is the youngest and is placed at the top of the column. More detailed information regarding the geologic time table and geologic principles can be found in the standard text books on geology. 18 ROCKS OF SOUTHERN ILLINOIS ROCKS OF SOUTHERN ILLINOIS By reason of the processes which have been described all too briefly, rocks belonging to the Ordovician, Silurian, Devon- ian, Mississippian, and Pennsylvanian periods are now exposed at the surface in southern Illinois. The Ordovician and Silurian rocks are exposed in the Mississippi River bluffs in western Alexander County. Devon- ian rocks are found in two areas; (1) along Mississippi River in Alexander County, Union County, and a very small part of Jackson County; and (2) in Hardin County. Fig. 3. — Diagram to illustrate effect on horizontal beds of intru- sion of molten rock or lava (A). The second area of Devonian outcrop is limited and is known to geologists as Hicks Dome. It is a structure which is comparable to a doming of the earth's crust. Figure 3 illustrates the probable manner of formation of this dome. The rock strata were at one time nearly hori- zontal. A mass of material (A in the diagram), probably in Hicks Dome DEVONIAN AND OLDER ROCKS 19 the form of molten rock or lava, was injected into the crust beneath the horizontal strata. This mass pushed up the beds above it and a doming at the surface resulted. The molten material is now completely cooled and solidified. After the up- lifting, erosion began on the higher parts of the dome and the overlying strata were worn away until now the lower and older beds are exposed in the center of the dome. Figure 4 is a geologic cross-section of Hicks Dome, in which the vertical scale has been much exaggerated. Wherever a deep drill-hole is sunk for oil or for other purposes, the geologist can make logical deductions from the information which it gives regarding the rocks penetrated. ~ . So we know that the Devonian rocks continue Devonian and older beneath the surface from the area of exposure in rocks Hardin County, across southern Illinois into Union County where they are again exposed, and into south- Hicks Dome Fig. 4. — Geologic cross-section of Hicks Dome, Hardin County. eastern Missouri. To the east and south they are com- pletely hidden by younger, overlying strata. Of course the Devonian rocks are not the oldest rocks in southern Illinois. We know about the rocks and their attitudes in other parts of the Mississippi and Ohio valleys and, making logical deductions, we know that beneath the Devonian rocks of Hardin County are formations representative of all the major geological systems below the Devonian. Some of these older rocks, as stated above, are exposed in the Mississippi River bluffs. 20 ROCKS OF SOUTHERN ILLINOIS The southern slope of the Ozark hills south of Harris- burg is underlain by rocks of Mississippian age; the higher parts are composed of Pennsylvanian strata. These Pennsyl- Mississippian Vanfan r0cks dip t0 the north ' and at Harris " and Pennsyl- burg the strata which are exposed at the tops vanian rocks of the Qzark hiUs are found faf beneath the surface. Figure 5 shows this condition in diagrammatic form. The coal beds which are so extensively mined in southern Norfli South Fig. 5. — Diagram illustrating dip of rocks south of Harrisburg. Vertical scale much exaggerated. Bed A outcrops at the surface at the top of the hill south of Rudement, but at Har- risburg it is far beneath the surface. Illinois belong stratigraphically far above the sandstone which forms the tops of the Ozark hills. When they were originally deposited, the coal beds were undoubtedly continu- ous with the existing coal fields of western Kentucky, but sub- sequently an area in Hardin County and adjacent portions of Kentucky was uplifted and not less that 3,000 feet of hard rock strata have been removed by the slow processes of erosion. The Ohio River has cut its valley through all these strata. DEVONIAN SEA 21 HISTORY OF THE MAKING OF SOUTHERN ILLINOIS No history of the making of southern Illinois can be com- plete without taking into account those rocks older than the Devonian, but as the major events which led to the present configuration occurred after this period, and as in only a small area are older rocks exposed, we shall begin our story with Devonian conditions. The oldest Devonian rocks are limestones in which are buried numerous fossil shells of marine animals, and we can confidently assert that during Devonian times southern Illinois was covered by a great shallow sea which ex- tended north to Canada, northeast to New York State, and east to the Allegheny Mountains. This sea had great islands ; one extended north from where Cincinnati, Ohio, now stands; another was in central Tennessee about where Nashville now exists. We know from the fossil evi- dence that this sea did not extend west of the Mississippi River except in southern Missouri. To the south it must have had connection with the open ocean. At the end of Middle Devonian time, it is known that great crustal disturbances took place in southeastern Missouri. Great faults were formed with a maximum dislocation of the Crustal beds of 1000 feet. There is no evidence to disturbances i , . .1 , £ . ,. . , in Devonian snow that any similar detormative disturbance times took place in southeastern Illinois, but the great earthquake tremors which the Missouri disturbances must have created certainly affected this portion of Illinois. In southeastern Missouri the earth movements left the ancient sea bottom well above sea level. It is not improbable that southern Illinois was also dry land for a time, although it was certainly again submerged in late Devonian time when 22 GEOLOGIC MAKING OF SOUTHERN ILLINOIS it became a part of a widespread interior sea which extended from the Appalachian Mountains on the east to Oklahoma on the west, and as far north as Lake Erie at least. It extended as far southeast as Chattanooga, Tennessee, but its southern ex- tent is not known definitely, for the sediments deposited are hidden under much younger rocks. The character of the late Devonian deposits indicates that the waters of this interior sea were more or less stagnant. The sediments were fine muds with a large admixture of organic _, c matter which gave the consequent shales their Character of . B /*. deposits in intensely black color, vjuantities or the minute Devonian sea S p 0re cases of an ancient type of plant were buried in these muds and are now preserved in the fossil con- dition. Animal fossils are scarce, and those which are present show that the sea was not a typical body of marine water and that it had only indirect communication with the ocean water surrounding the continent. This great interior sea with its more or less stagnant waters must have existed a long time, humanly speaking, for no less than 400 feet of the characteristic black shales accumu- lated, at least locally. The period, however, was brief as geologic time is reckoned, and at its close the whole of southern Illinois was elevated above sea level. Once again began the wearing down processes of erosion which are always effective when a land surface is elevated and whose vigor depends on the climate, the elevation above sea level, and the distance from the sea. At last the region was submerged again as a result of crustal deformation or of a rise in sea level due to changes else- where, and earth history passed from the Devonian into the Mississippian Mississippian period. The Mississippian sea sea which covered southern Illinois during this time was a widespread body of water over the interior of the con- tinent. It spread northward in the present Mississippi Valley MISSISSIPPIAN SEA 23 at least as far as Iowa and northern Illinois and doubtless at times it extended into southern Wisconsin. At the time of its greatest extent it spread as far to the northwest as Montana and as far to the southwest as New Mexico. To the south- east it reached Alabama and Georgia but on the east it was limited by a great land mass known as Appalachia which occupied a position east of the present Appalachian Mountains. The Mississippian sea, no doubt, had free communication with the open ocean to the south. Conditions in the Mississippian sea were vastly different, however, from those which gave rise to the great accumulation of Devonian shales, for in it were deposited mainly limestones whose fossil contents consist of typical marine organisms. The oldest formations deposited in this Mississippian sea are the limestone formations which encircle Hicks Dome. Younger rocks are exhibited in the limestone bluffs of Ohio River which are more or less continuous from Rosiclare to Cave-in-Rock, in Hardin County. The same limestone formations are found in that part of the county where sink holes are so numerous. There are several distinct limestone formations in the Lower Mississippian. These have been named the Iowan series because they are well developed and were first described in Iowa. They are distinguished by the character of the Mississippian s tra t*i themselves and bv the differences in fossil limestones content. 1 he changes reflected by the forma- tions were caused by changes in the boundaries of the sea, in the depths of the water, and in the purity of the water. The purer limestones consist largely of calcium carbonate which was withdrawn from solution in the sea waters through the agency of shell-forming animals. Some of the shells were broken and even ground into fine powder by the move- ments of the water and formed the lime muds of the sea 24 GEOLOGIC MAKING OF SOUTHERN ILLINOIS bottom; others were buried with little or no injury in these lime muds. Doubtless many bacteria were present which caused the precipitation of lime. During part of the time, the Ozark region of Missouri constituted a great island, Ozarkia, which furnished materials to the sea to form shales, sandstones, and impure limestones. Then again the island was entirely submerged and, since the source of land-derived sediments was removed purer limestones accumulated. Cincinnatia was another great, low-lying island, which extended north from Cincinnati, Ohio. East of it was an arm of the sea, which extended into Michigan and in which little limestone formed, since a continuous supply of Cincinnatia i . i . , , , A non-calcareous material was turnisned by Appa- lachia. The shorelines of this great interior sea shifted con- tinually by reason of the crustal movements of the earth, but there is no evidence that southern Illinois was raised above sea level before the close of the period. The Iowan sea teemed with a great variety of life as to form, but instead of the clams and snails which make up so great a part of the fauna of our present oceanic waters, there were great numbers of brachiopods and crinoids, Life in the types of life which are met with onlv rarely in Iowan sea J ' the seas today. There were also a few trilo- bites, a life form which is now wholly extinct, some snails, clams, and corals. (See fig. 6.) All these forms were creatures which formed hard, stony shells which were cap- able of fossilization. There were great numbers of fishes also, all of them related to the sharks. Some must have grown to a large size; their sole records are their fossilized teeth and fin spines. There were doubtless also many soft-bodied animals, as there are in the seas today, which were wholly incapable of leaving records of their existence, as well as sea weeds of va- rious sorts, LIFE IN THE IOWAN SEA 25 Q w o w H-l CO o o to aJ co .. 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O N O >> en bfl x o 03 V O r~ co +- > r s-c O . CO u tf = S ,fl rt k*3 C/3 o 3 - . ^3 ££ W C S cd U cd ft J-i M £ C S6 03 c^ ^5 o~ h^ C Jj •- < c H a. d -£ c (JO £.22 2S * ft >> w 38 GEOLOGIC MAKING OF SOUTHERN ILLINOIS typical marine conditions never existed. There are also widely distributed deposits in the south, probably Tertiary in age, but it is not likely that they are marine. They were formed when topographic conditions were far different from those of today, long before Ohio River and its tributaries were a part of the landscape. With the coming of the Pleistocene time and the great ice age, glaciers came down from the north, one of which reached the vicinity of Harrisburg. These destroyed or drove out all animal and vegetable life, and their deposits Pleistocene filled the depressions in the surface, leaving it time F . approximately as we know it today. We look backward upon the many millions of years during which all of these events have come about. When we realize that the entrance of man into the story is the very latest event of all, we can only be amazed and overwhelmed by a glance into the future. There is every reason to predict that the con- tinuation of this history into the future may be as long as the time which has passed. Man is a mere infant; he has taken only the first step in his career, but he has learned to control his environment as no other animal has ever done. The law of progress is manifest, and we cannot help feeling that in the distant future our descendants will look back upon us in much the same manner as we now look back upon the men of the Old Stone age. GLOSSARY Brachiopods — Marine, invertebrate shell-animals, like those com- monly known as "lamp shells". They have two "shells" or valves which are different, one from the other, but are bilaterally symmetrical. See fig. 6, p. 25. Cephalopod — Marine, single shelled invertebrate animal, whose shell may be either straight or more or less coiled in one plane and consists of several separate chambers. The pearly nautilus is a living example of this type of animal. See fig. 6, p. 25. Conglomerate — A rock formed by the cementation of gravel. Crinoid — Marine animal sometimes called "sea lily". It is attached to the sea floor by a stalk and its upturned mouth is surrounded by long, feathery arms. See fig. 6, p. 25. Crustal — Pertaining to the outer portion of the earth, or that portion whose nature is partly known from geological examinations. Deformation — Warping, folding or any massive displacement of the earth's crust. Delta — Deposit of sediment at the mouth of a river. Dike — A body of rock formed by the solidification of fluid rock which was forced into a fissure. Embayment — A considerable portion of shallow ocean water upon the continent. Emergence — A change in the relations of land and ocean resulting in the conversion of the ocean bed into land. Era — A major subdivision of geologic time. Erosion — Wearing away. Erosion is the term applied to all the processes by which earthy matter or rock is loosened and re- moved from one place to another. Evolution — A term usually applied to those changes which animal and plant life have undergone in the history of the earth, result- ing in the origin of new and varied forms. Fault — A displacement along a fracture interrupting the original continuity of a rock formation. Fauna — A natural assemblage of animals inhabiting a given area, or existing within a certain period. 39 40 GLOSSARY— Continued Fluorspar — A mineral composed of calcium and fluorine, usually transparent and purplish or pinkish in color. Fossil — Any remains, impression, or trace of an animal or plant of past geological times which have been preserved in rocks. Gastropod — A single-shelled invertebrate animal, whose shell, if coiled, is conical in shape. Snails and slugs are living examples. See fig. 6, p. 25. Glacier — A field of ice of such thickness that it moves outward from the center of accumulation. Historical time — The time covered by human history as recorded by actual inscriptions and writings. Intrusion — A mass of igneous rock which, while molten, was forced into or between other rocks. Invertebrate — An animal which does not possess a spinal column. Larval — Pertaining to an early stage in the development of some animals. The caterpillar or worm which eventually becomes a butterfly is a typical example. Limestone — A sedimentary rock composed of consolidated lime mud or fossil shells, or both. Noachian Deluge — The great flood of biblical fame. Outcrop — Exposure of rock. Peat — Accumulation of vegetal material under swamp conditions. Pelecypods — Two-valved shell animals, such as clams, scallops, oysters, and mussels. The two shells are mutually symmetrical, but there is no symmetry in either shell. See fig. 6, p. 25. Period— A major sub-division of a geologic era. Relief (topographic relief)— The difference in elevation between the highest and lowest points of an area. Residuum — Final products of rock decomposition in place. Sandstone — A rock formed by the cementation of sand grains. Sedimentary rocks — Rocks formed by the accumulation of sediment either in water or in air. Shale — A rock formed by the compacting or cementation of clay or mud. Spore — The reproductive body of flowerless plants. Spores are minute germs which have the same function as seeds. GLOSSARY— Concluded 41 Stratigraphic — Pertaining to the order and relative position of the rocks of the earth's crust. For example, in Saline County the Harrisburg coal bed lies stratigraphically below the Herrin coal bed. Stratum — A layer of rock. Structure — The position or attitude of rock strata with reference to a horizontal plane. For example, rock strata have a horizontal structure if they lie horizontally. Submergence — A change in the relation of land and ocean whereby a former land area is covered by the sea. Surfkial deposits — Unconsolidated material lying on bedrock. Trilobite — An extinct marine animal which resembles the crabs, crayfish, and lobsters. See fig. 6, p. 25.