'X^'Ow V ^ 0 i: C o \ legion oj: i~he United S+ai-es^ CoTVkVn^nde vy O-^ 'Lllino\‘S . Cai’alo^ue oj: the. library CATALOGU E OF THE LIBRARY OF TH E Commandery of the State of Illinois MILITARY ORDER OF THE Loyal Legion of the United States JULY 1 , 1901. 320 ASHI_AND BL.OCK CHICAGO 1901 CONTENTS. Adjutant General reports. Army of the United States. Biography {Collective). Biography {Individual, arranged hy the subject of the biography). History {Other than United States). History op the Civil War. Armies and corps. Campaigns and battles. Fiction. General orders. Hospitals and charities. Military societies and their publications. Negro troops. Poetry. Prison life. Regimental histories. History op the United States {Other dhan Civil War). Maps. Military art and science. Artillery. Cavalry. Infantry. Miscellaneous. Navy of the United States. 0\1 ADJUTANT GENERAL REPORTS. California. Record of California men in the war of the Rebellion. Connecticut. Annual report. 1862-67. 3 vol. Connecticut. Record of Connecticut men in the war of the Rebellion. 1889. Illinois. Report. 1862, 1885-86. 2 vol. Illinois. Report, revised by Gen. J. W. Vance. 1861-66. 8 vol. Indiana. Report. 1861-65. 8 vol. Iowa. Ex-soldiers, sailors and marines living in Iowa. 1886. Iowa. Report. 1863-68. 8 vol. Kansas. Report. 1861-65. Vol. I. Kentucky. Annual report. 1863. Kentucky. Report. 1861-67. 2 vol. Maine. Annual report. 1861-67. 8 vol. Massachusetts. Annual report. 1861-68. 8 vol. Massachusetts. Record of the Massachusetts volunteers. 1861-65. 2 vol. Michigan. Annual report. 1862-66. 6 vol. Michigan. Michigan in the war. 1882. Minnesota. Annual report. 1863-65. Missouri. Annual report. 1863-65. 3 vol. New Hampshire. Register of New Hampshire soldiers and sailors, war of the Rebellion. 1895. New Hampshire. Report. 1862-67. 6 vol. New Jersey. Annual report. 1861-63, 1865, 1867-69. 10 vol. New Jersey. Record of officers and men of New Jersey in the Civil War. 1861-65. 2 vol. New York. Annual report. 1861-64, 1865, vol. 1, 1866, vol. 1, 1867-68. 11 vol. New York. A record of the officers and privates of the regiments which were organized in the state of New York. Vol. 1-6. 1864-66. Ohio. Annual report. 1863-64. 1866-68. 5 vol. Ohio. Roster of Ohio soldiers. 1861-66. 11 vol. Pennsylvania. Annual report. 1862, 1864-66, 1878. 6 vol. Rhode Island. Annual report. 1862-66. 3 vol. Vermont. Report. 1862-66. 4 vol. (3) 4 — ADJUTANT GENERAL REPORTS— OONTIMUED. Vermont. Revised roster of Vermont volunteers in the war of the Rebellion. 1892. West Virginia. Annual report. 1864-66. 3 vol. Wisconsin. Annual report. 1861-67. 5 vol. Wisconsin. Roster Wisconsin volunteers. 2 vol. 1886. ARMY OF THE UNITED STATES Boynton. History of West Point and U. S. military academy. 1871. OuLLUM. Biographical register of U. S. military academy. 2 vol. 1868. Hamkrsley. Complete army register of the United States. 1776-1889. Heitman. Historical register of the U. S. army. 1789-1889. Henry. Military record of civilian appointments U. S. army. Vol. I. 1870. Logan. Volunteer soldier of America. 1888. Powell. List of officers of the U. S. army. 1779-1900. Powell. Records of living officers of the U. S. army. 1890. Records of living officers of the U. S. army. 1884. Rodenbough and Haskin. Army of*the United States. 1789-1896. U. S. A. Quartermaster General. Report. 1865. U. S. A. Quartermaster’s Department. Uniform of the army of the U. S. 1888. U. S. A. War Department. Army register. 1868-99. (1871, '73, '77 missing.) U. S. A. War Department. Army regulations. 1861, 1863, 1881, 1889. U. S. A. War Department. Report of the Board of visitors to the U. S. mili- tary academy. 1886, 1889. Walton. Army and navy of the United States. 2 vol. 1889-95. Woodward. Camp diseases of the U. S. armies. 1868. ( 5 ) BIOGRAPHY ( COLLECTIVE ). Barnet. Martyrs and heroes of Illinois. 1865. Carroll. Twelve Americans. 1883. Chesney. Essays in military biography. 1874. Clark. Heroes of Albany. 1867. Dodge. Great captains. 1889. Linder. Early bench and bar of Illinois. 1879. Moore. Women of the war. 1866. Our great captains. 1865. Piatt. Memories of the men who saved the Union. 1887. Shanks. Recollections of distinguished generals. 1866. Southey. Lives of British admirals. 5 vol. 1833. ( 6 ) BIOGRAPHY (INDIVIDUAL) Abercrombie, J. J., Ifth . In memoriam, 1900. Aiken, Mrs. E. N. A. Anderson. The story of Aunt Lizzie Aiken. 1880. Alexander the Great. Dodge. Alexander. 1890. {Great captains). Alexander, Archer. Eliot. Story of Archer Alexander. 1885. Allen H. W. Dorsey. RecollectionS'of*H. W. Allen. 1866. Arnold, Benedict. Arnold. Life of Benedict Arnold. 1880. Beauregard, Gen. P. G. T. Roman. Military operations of Gen. Beauregard. 1884. Bickerdyke, Mrs. M. A. B. Chase. M. A. Bickerdyke “Mother.” 1896. Bismarck. Busch. Bismarck in the FrancoGerman war. Brown, John. Redpath. John Brown. 1860. Burgoyne, Gen. John. Fonblanque. Rt. Hon. J. Burgoyne. Political and military episodes. 1876. Burnside, Gen. A. E. Burnside statue dedication. 1887. Butler, Gen. B. F. Butler’s book. 1892. Parton. Gen. Butler in New Orleans. 1864. CiESAR, Julius. Dodge. Caesar. 1893. {Great captains.) Chandler, Zaohaeiah. Detroit Post and Tribune. Life of Zachariah Chandler. 1880. Conrad, C. H. In memoriam. 1898. ( 7 ) — 8 — BIOGRAPHY (INDIVIDUAL) -CONTINUED. Dahlgren, Adm. J. A. Dahlgrbn. Memoir of J. A. Dahlgren. 1891. Dalzell, j. M. Private Dalzell’s book. 1888. Davis, Jefferson. Craven. Prison life of Davis. 1866. Life and reminiscences of Jefferson Davis by distinguished men of his time. 1890. Decatur, Stephen. Brady. Stephen Decatur. 1900. {Beacon biographies.) Dewey, Adm. George. Halstead. Life of Adm. Dewey. 1899. Dix, Gen. J. A. Dix. Memoirs of J. A. Dix. 2 vol. 1883. Ducat, Gen. A. C. Memoir of Gen. A. 0. Ducat. 1897. Edwards, Ninian. Washbdrne. Edwards papers. 1884. Evans, R. D. A sailor’s log. 1901. Farragut, Adm. D. G. Barnes. D. G. Farragut. 1899. {Beacon biographies.) Farragut. Life and letters of Adm. Farragut. 1882. Mahan. Adm. Farragut. 1892. {Great commanders.) Foote, Adm. A. H. Hoppin. Life of Adm. Foote. 1874. Forbes, J. M. Hughes, J. M. Forbes. 2 vol. 1899. Forrest, Ge^i. N. B. Jordan and Pryor. Campaigns of Gen. Forrest. 1868. Wyeth. Life of Gen. N. B. Forrest. 1899. Franklin, Benjamin. Hale and Hale. Franklin in France. 1887. Goodman, H. E. H. E. Goodman. Grant, Gen. U. S. Alexander. Grant as'a soldier. 1887. Badeau. Military history of U. S. Grant. 3 vol. 1868-81. CoppEE. Grant and his campaigns. 1866. CoppEE. Life and services of Gen. U. S. Grant. 1868. Howland. Grant as a soldier and statesman. 1868. McClellan. Grant versus the record. 1887. — 9 — BIOGRAPHY (INDIVIDUAL)— Continued. Grant, Gen. U. S. Palmer. Grant’s tour around the world. 1880. Personal memoirs. 2 vol. 1885-86. Porter. Campaigning with Grant. 1897. WiSTAR. Ulysses Grant. 1900. {Beacon biographies.) Greene, Gen. Nathanael. Greene. Gen. Greene. 1893. {Great commanders.) Gustavus II, Adolphus. Dodge. Gustavus Adolphus. 1896. {Great captains.) Hamilton, Alexander. Boutell. Alexander Hamilton. 1890. Hamlin, Hannibal. Hamlin. Life and times of Hannibal Hamlin. 1899. Hammond, John. John Hammond. 1890. Hancock, Gen. W. S. M. O. L. L. U. S. W. S. Hancock. Military Service Institution. In memory of W. S. Hancock. 1886. Reminiscences. 1887; Walker. Gen. Hancock. 1894. {Great Commanders.) Hannibal. Dodge. Hannibal. 1893. {Great captains.) Hayes, Mrs. L. W. Woman’s Home Missionary Society. L. W. Hayes. 1890. Hayes, R. B. M. O. L. L. U. S. R. B. Hayes. Hoffman, Wickham. Camp, court and siege. 1877. Hood, Gen. J. B. □ Advance and retreat. 1880. Hooker, Gen. Joseph. Gragg. Gen. Hooker’s ancestry. 1900. Houston, Sam. Elliott. Sam Houston. 1900. {Beacon biographies.) Hudson, H. N. Gen. Butler’s campaign on the Hudson. 1883. Jackson, Gen. Andrew. Parton. Gen. Jackson. 1893. {Great commanders.) Jackson, Gen. T. J. Addky. Gen. T. J. Jaokson. 1863. Daniklls. Life of Stonewall Jackson. 1863. Ex-Cadet. Life of T. J. Jackson. 1864. — 10 — BIOGRAPHY (INDIVIDUAL)— Continued. Jackson, Gen. T. J. Hovey. Stonewall Jackson. 1900. {Beacon biographies.) Virginian. Life of Stonewall Jackson. Johnson, Andrew. Impeachment of Andrew Johnson. 3 vol. 1868. Johnson, Gen. R. W. Soldier’s reminiscences. 1886. Johnston, Gen. A. S. Johnston. Gen. A. S. Johnston. 1879. Johnston, Gen. J. E. Hughes. Gen. Johnston. 1893. {Great commanders.) Johnston’s Narrative. 1874. Jones, Paul. Buell. Paul Jones. 2 vol. 1900. Kearny, Gen. Philip. DePeyster. Personal and military history of Philip Kearny. 1870. Keyes, E. D. Fifty years observation of men and events. 1884. Kilpatrick, Gen. H. J. Moore. Kilpatrick and our cavalry. 1865. Lee, Gen. R. E. Childe. Life of Gen. Lee. 1875. Cooke. Life of Gen. R. E. Lee. 1871. Lee. Gen. Lee. 1894. {Great commanders.) Long. Memoirs of R. E. Lee. 1887. Taylor. Four years with Gen. Lee. 1878. Trent. R. E. Lee. 1899. {Beacon biographies.) Lincoln, Abraham. Arnold. Life of A. Lincoln. 1887. Bancroft. Lincoln. 1866. Barrett. Life of Abraham Lincoln. 1860. Barrett. Lincoln. 1865. Lamon. Recollections of Abraham Lincoln. 1895. Lincoln obsequies. 1866. Oldroyd, ed. Lincoln memorial album. 1883. Pen and voice. 1890. Pitman. Assassination of Pres. Lincoln. 1865. Power. Lincoln Monument. 1872. Power. Attempt to steal Lincoln’s body. 1890. Raymond. Life, public services and state papers of Abraham Lincoln. 1865. Logan, Gen. J. A. Dawson. Life of Logan. 1888. Illinois Logan Monument Memorial. Logan. 1898. — 11 — BIOGRAPHY (INDIVIDUAL)— Continued. Long, Enoch. Reid. Sketch of Enoch Long. 1884. Longstreet, Gen. James. Prom Manassas to Appomattox. 1896. Lyon, Gen. Nathaniel. Peckham. Gen. N. Lyon. 1866. McClellan, Gen. G. B. McClellan’s own story. 1887. Maury, Gen. D. H. Recollections of a Virginian. 1894. Meade, Gen. G. G. Bache. Life of Gen. Meade. 1897. Mitchel, Gen. O. M. Mitchel. O. M. Mitchel. 1887. Morgan, Gen. J. H. Duke. History of Morgan’s cavalry. 1867. Senour. Morgan and his captors. 1865. Mosby, J. S. Scott. Partisan life with Mosby. 1867. War reminiscences. 1887. Napoleon I. JoMiNi. Life of Napoleon. 5 vol. 1864. Laurent de l’Ardeche. Hisioire de Napoleon. 1859. WoLSELEY. Decline and fall of Napoleon. 1895. Nicholson, J. P. Melville. Remarks. Pendleton, W. N. Lee. Memoirs of W. N. Pendleton. 1893. Pickett, Gen. G. E. Pickett. Pickett and his men. 1900. Porter, Gen. Fitz-John. Logan. Fitz-John Porter. 1884. Proceedings of a board -of army officers in the case of Fitz-John Porter. 4 vol. 1879. Rimini, Baron. Memoirs. 1888. Root, G. P. Story of a musical life. 1891. Russell, M. J. Riordan. In memoriam. M. J. Russell. 1900. Schofield, Gen. J. M. Forty-six years in the army. 1897. Scott, Gen. Winfield. Memoirs. 2 vol. 1864. Wright. Gen. Scott. 1894. {Great commanders.) — 12 — BIOGRAPHY (♦NDIVIDUAL)-Continued. Shelby, Gen. J. O. Edwards. Shelby and his men. 1867. Sheridan, Gen. P. H. Davies. Gen. Sheridan. {Great commanders.) Keim. Sheridan’s troopers. 1885. M. O. L. L. U. S. P. H. Sheridan. Personal memoirs. 2 vol. '1888. Sherman, Gen. W. T. Bowman and Irwin. Sherman. 1865. Boynton. Sherman’s historical raid. 1875. Force. Gen. Sherman. 1899. Hayes and others. Life and reminiscences of Gen. W. T. Sherman. 1891. Johnson. Life of Gen. Sherman. 1891. Memoirs. 3 vol. 1875. Sherman and Sherman. Letters. 1837-1891. 1894. Shields, Gen. James. Condon. Life of Maj. Gen. James Shields. 1900. Sibley, Gen. H. H. West. Ancestry, life and times of H. H. Sibley. 1889. Stanton, E. M. Gorham. E. M. Stanton. 2 vol. 1899. Stevens, Gen. I. I. Stevens. Life of Gen. I. I. Stevens. 3 vol. 1900. Surratt, J. H. Trial of J. H. Surratt. 2 vol. 1867. Suwarow, Alexander. Macready. Sketch of Suwarow. 1851. Taylor, Gen. Zachary. Howard. Gen. Taylor. 1892. {Great commanders.) Thomas, Gen. G. H. Boynton. Gen. Thomas at Nashville. 1896. COPPEE. Gen. Thomas. 1893. {Great commanders.) Piatt. Gen. G. H. Thomas. 1893. Van Horne. Life of Maj. Gen. G. H. Thomas. 1882. Thompson, J. L. Memorial. 1890. Turnley, P. T. Reminiscences. 1892. Tyndale, Hector. McL. Memoir of Hector Tyndale. 1882. — 13 — BIOGRAPHY (INDIVIDUAL)— OONTINUED Warren, Gen. G. K. Findings of the court of inquiry. 1883. Proceedings of a board of army officers in the case of G. K. Warren. 3 vol. 1883. Washington, George. Dedication of the Washington national monument. 1885. Wellington, A. W. Duke of Alexander. Life of Wellington. 2 vol. 1839-40. Roberts. Rise of Wellington. 1895. Wright, R. M. Loyal girl of Winchester. 1888. HISTORY. (Other than United States.) Battle of Inkerman. 1856. Cyclopedic review of current history. Vol. 8-9. 1898-99. Dkinkwater. Siege of Gibraltar. 1786. Eliot. Portugal. 1810. Ford. American cruiser in the East. 1898. Greene. Army life in Russia. 1881. Jones. War in Spain, Portugal and France. 1818. Katow. Sadowa. Les Prussiens en campagne. 1869. Knox. Decisive battles since Waterloo. 1887. Lynch. Expedition to the Dead Sea. 1850. Mahan. Influence of sea power upon history. 1660-1783. 1894. Mahan. Influence of sea power upon the French revolution and empire. 3 vol. 1894. Ropes. Campaigns of Waterloo. 1892. Russell. Todleben’s defense of Sebastopol. 1865. U. S. A. War Department. Notes and tables on organization and establish- ment of the Spanish army in the peninsula and colonies. 1898. Wallace. Regimental chronicle 60th Royal rifles. 1879. Washbdrne. Recollections of a minister to France. 2 vol. 1869-77. White. Political history of the events which led to the Burmese war. 1837. ( 14 ) HISTORY OF THE CIVIL WAR. Alabama. General assembly. Acts. 1861-63. Annals of the war. 1879. Anticipations of the future. 1864-1870. 1860. Ayer. Great northwestern conspiracy in all its startling details. 1865. Baker. Secret service in the late war. 1874. Battlefields of the South. 2 vol. 1863. Beecher. American Rebellion. 1864. Billings. Hardtack and coffee. 1887. Bolton. Personal reminiscences of the late war. 1892. Botts. Great Rebellion. 1866. Boyd. Belle Boyd in camp and prison. 1867. Boynton. English and French neutrality and the Anglo-French alliance in their relations to the United States and Russia. 1864. Britton. Civil War on the border. 1890. Browne. Four years in Secessia. 1865. Brownlow. Parson Brownlow’s book. 1862. Buchanan. Administration on the eve of the Rebellion. 1865. Buchanan. Buchanan’s administration. 1866. Cheney. Young folks history of the Civil War. 1884. Coffin. Boys of ’61. 1885. Coffin. Four years of fighting. 1866. Cooke. Wearing of the gray. 1867. Cox. Military reminiscences of the Civil War. 2 vol. 1900. Dana. Recollections of the Civil War. 1898. Davis. Camp-fire chats of the Civil War. 1887. Davis. Rise and fall of the Confederate government. 2 vol. 1881. Davis. Short history of the Confederate states. 1890. Day. Down south during the American War. 1862. DeLeon. Four years in rebel capitals. 1892. Dodge. Bird’s-eye view of our Civil War. 1883. Dodge. Bird’s-eye view of our Civil War. 1897. Draper. Civil War in America. 3 vol. 1867-70. (15) — 16 - HISTORY OF THE CIVIL WAR— Continued. Duyckinck. History of the war for the Union. 3 vol. 1861. Edmonds. Nurse and spy. 1865. Eggleston. Rebel’s recollections. 1887. Eliot. In California. A horse history of the Civil War. War reminiscences, by Barker. {Newspaper clippings.) Ellis. Leaves from the diary of an army surgeon. Estvan. War pictures from the South. 1863. Farrar. The war, its causes and consequences. 1864. Foote. War of the Rebellion. 1866. Forbes. Artist’s story of the great war. 4 vol. 1890. Forbes. Life studies of the great army. 1876. Fox. Regimental losses in the Civil War. 1889. Frank Leslie’s illustrated newspaper. Vol 12-21. 1861-65. Freese. Secrets of the great Rebellion. 1882. Gantt. Address. Gardner. Photographic sketch book of the war. 2 vol. 1862-66. Giddings. History of the Rebellion. 1864. Gilmor. Four years in the saddle. 1866. Goodhue. Incidents of the Civil War. 1890. Gray jackets, by a confederate. 1867. Greeley. American conflict. 2 vol. 1867. Greene. Stories of the Rebellion. 1864. Gurowski. Diary. Vol. 1-2. 1862-64. Harpers weekly. Vol. 5-9. 1861-65. Haversack. 1864. Hazen. Narrative of military service. 1885. Headley. Great Rebellion. 2 vol. 1864-66. Hedrick. Incidents of the Civil War. 1888. Hinman. Corporal Si Klegg and his pard. 1895. Horton. Youths history of the great Civil War. 1868. Hudson. Second war of independence in America. 1863. Hurlburt. Rebellion in Bradley Co. 1866. Ide Battle echoes. In perils by mine own countrymen; three years on the Kansas border. 1856. Johnson. Campfire and battlefield. 1894. Johnson. Short history of the war of secession. 1888. Johnson and Buell. Battles and leaders of the Civil War. 4 vol. 1884-88. Jones. Life in the South. 2 vol. 1863. — 17 — HISTORY OF THE CIVIL WAR— Continued. Jones. Rebel war clerk’s diary. 2 vol. 1866. Kelsey. Deeds of daring by blue and gray. 1884. Kelsey. Deeds of daring by the American soldier. 1898, Kerbey. On the war path. 1890. Kerr. Orpheus C. Kerr papers. Vol 1. 1866. Kettell. History of the great Rebellion. 1865. Kirke. Down in Tennessee. 1864. Kirke. My southern friends. 1863. Kirkland. Book of anecdotes and incidents of the Rebellion. 1867. Knox. Camp-fire and cotton-field. 1865. Lincoln and Douglas. Debates. 1860. Liyermorb. Numbers and losses in the Civil War in America. Logan. Great conspiracy. 1886. Lyon. Life and writings. 1861. McGuire. Diary of a refugee. 1889. McPherson. History of the Rebellion. 1865. Miscellaneous war papers. . 2 vol, 1878-96. Moore. Complete history of the great Rebellion. 1866. Moore, ed. Putnam’s record of the great Rebellion. 7 vol. 1861-64‘ Morgan. How it was. 1892. ’ Murdoch, ed. Patriotism in poetry and prose. 1864. National almanac and annual record. Vol. 1-2. 1863-64. North. Five years in Texas. 1871. Nott. Sketches of the war. 1865. Officers who served in the Civil War. 1894. Pamphlets on secession, war, etc. 18 vol. 1834-67. Page. Letters of a war correspondent. 1899. Paris, Comte de. History of the Civil War in America. Vol. 1-4. 1875-88. Pennsylvania Supreme Court. Opinions on'the constitutionality of the act of March 3, 1863 “for enrolling and calling out the national forces.” 1864. Peyton. American crisis. 1867. Photographs of the Civil War. {S6 jphotographa.) Plum. Military telegraph in the Civil War. 2 vol. 1882. Pollard. Lost cause. 1867. Pollard. Southern history of the war. 2 vol. 1866. PoRTEK. Incidents and anecdotes of the Civil War. 1886. Powell and Shippen. Officers who served in the Civil War. 1892. Powell, ed. Officers of the army and navy (volunteer) who served in the Civil War. 1893. — 18 — HISTORY OF THE CIVIL WAR— Continued. Prang’s war pictures. 1888. Price. Across the continent with the 5th cavalry. 1883. Red-tape and pigeon-hole generals. 1864. Richardson. The field, the dungeon and thecescape. 1865. Riddle. Recollections of war times. 1895. Ropes. Story of the Civil War. 2 vol. 1895-98. Ross. Cities and camps of the Confederate states. 1865. Rusling. Civil War days. 1899. Russell. My diary north and south. 2 vol. 1863. ScHOULER. History of the United States. Vol. 6. 1899. Smith. Civil War in America. 1866. Smith. History and debates of the convention of the people of Alabama. 1861 Stevens. Berdan’s sharpshooters in the Army of the Potomac. 1892. Strait. Roster of regimental surgeons during the Rebellion. 1882. Taylor. Destruction and reconstruction. 1883. Taylor. Pictures of life in camp and field. 1884. Temple. East Tennessee and the Civil War. 1899. Tenney. Military and naval history of the Rebellion. 1866. Tharin. Arbitrary arrests in the South. 1863. Thompson. Prison life and reflections. 1881. Tomes. War with the South. 1862. Tombs. War with the South. 3 vol. 1862. Trobriand. Four years with the Army of the Potomac. 1889. Trumbull. War memories of an army chaplain. 1898. U. S. A. Congress. .Toint committee on the conduct of the war. Report. 3 vol. 1865. U. S. A. Quartermaster General. Designating flags of the U. S. army. 1861-65. U. S. A. War Department. Army register of volunteers. 8 vol. 1865-67. U. S. A. War Department. War of the Rebellion. Vol. 1-. 1880-. Victor. History of the southern rebellion. 2 vol. 1861. Victor. Incidents and anecdotes of the war. 1862. White. New gospel of peace according to St. Benjamin. 1863-66. Wilkie. Pen and powder. 1888. Williams. Rise and fall of “ the model republic.” 1863. Wilson. Atrocities of the Rebellion. 1865. Wilson. Pictorial history of the great Civil War. 1881. Wise. End of an era. 1900. — 19 — ARMIES AND CORPS. Allan. Army of Northern Virginia in 1862. 1892. Blessington. Campaigns of Walker’s Texas division. 1875. Dodge. History of the old 2Dd division. 1867. Ellis. Camp-fires of Gen. Lee. 1886. Fitch, Annals of the Army of the Cumberland. 1864. Goss. Recollections of a private. 1890. Army of the Potomac. Irwin. History of the 19th army corps. 1892. Jones. Army of Northern Virginia memorial volume. 1880. McClellan. Report. 1864. McClellan. Report and campaigns. 1864. Powell. Fifth army corps. 1896. SwiNTON. Campaigns of the Army of the Potomac. 1882. U. S. A. War Department, Commanders of army corps, divisions and brigades U. S. army. 1861-65. 1887. Vale. Minty and the cavalry. 1886. Van Horne. History of the Army of the Cumberland. 3 vol. 1875. Walker, History of the 2od army corps. 1886. Woodbury. Burnside and the 9th army corps. 1867. CAMPAIGNS AND BATTLES. Allan. Jackson’s valley campaign, 1861-62. 1880. Atlanta Campaign. Cox. Atlanta. 1882 {Campaigns of the Giml War.) Wood. Atlanta campaign, 1864. 1889. Barnard and Barry, Peninsula campaign, Army of the Potomac 1863. Bishop. Loyalty on the frontier. 1863. Boynton. Chickamauga national military park. 1895. Brown. Baltimore and the 19th April, 1861. 1887. Bull Run. Beauregard. Battle of Manassas. 1891. Cedar Creek. Black, Battle of Cedar Creek. Chancellors viLLE. Dodge. Campaign of Chancellorsville. 1881. Doubleday. Chancellorsville and Gettysburg. 1882. {Campaigns of the Civil War.) Hamlin. Battle of Chancellorsville. 1896. Hotchkiss and Allan. Chancellorsville. 1867. Nelson. Chancellorsville and Ghgttysburg. 1899. — 20 — CAMPAIGNS AND BATTLES— Continued. Chickamauga. McElroy. Battle of Chickamauga. 1895. McElroy. Chickamauga.'^,1896.l Turchin. Battle of Chickamauga. 1888. Cist. Army of the Cumberland. 1883. {Campaigns of the Civil War.) Confederate States op America. Official reports of battles. 1863. Confederate States op America. Reports of battles. 1863. Confederate States OP America. Southern reports of battles. Part 2. 1863. Cook. Siege of Richmond. 1862. Early. Memoir. 1864-65. 1867. Fiske. Mississippi valley in the Civil War. 1900. Force. From Fort Henry to Corinth. 1881. {Campaigns of the Civil War.)o Fort Pillovs^. U. S. A. Congress. Fort Pillow massacre, returned prisoners. 1864. Foster. The Civil War by campaigns. 1899. Franklin. Cox. Battle of Franklin. 1897. See also March to the sea. Fredericksburg. Campaign of Fredericksburg, by a line officer. 1886. Greene. Gen. Wm. B. Franklin and the battle of Fredericksburg. 1900, Fremont. Story of the guard. 1863. Gettysburg. Bond. Pickett or Pettigrew. 1888. Drake. Battle of Gettysburg. 1892. Gettysburg national military park. 1898. Humphreys. Gettysburg to the Rapidan. 1883. Illinois monuments at Gettysburg. 1892. Michigan at Gettysburg. 1889. Ohio Gettysburg Memorial Commission. Report. 1887. Pennsylvania at Gettysburg. 2 vol. 1893. See also Chancellorsville. Gillmore. Engineer and artillery operations against the defences of Charles- ton harbor, and supplement. 2 vol. 1865-68. Glazier. Battles for the Union. 1878. Gordon. Army of Virginia from Cedar Mountain to Alexandria. 1889. Gordon. Brook farm to Cedar Mountain. 1883. Grant. Report of the operations of the Union army. 1865. Greene. The Mississippi. 1883. {Campaigns of the Civil War.) — 21 — CAMPAIGNS AND BATTLES— Continued. Humphreys. Virginia campaign of ’64 and ’65. 1883. -{Campaigns of the Civil War.) Lloyd. Battle history of the great Rebellion. 1866. Manassas, see Bull Run. March to the Sea. Byers. March to the sea. 1896. Cox. March to the sea, Franklin and Nashville. 1882. {Campaigns of the Civil War.) Nichols. Story of the great march. 1865. Mountain campaigns in Georgia. 1886. Murfreesboro, see Stone’s river. Nelson. Three decisive battles and who fought them. 1887. Nicolay Outbreak of the Rebellion. 1881. {Campaigns of the Civil War.) Palfrey. Antietam and Fredericksburg. 1882. {Campaigns of the Civil War.) Patterson. Shenandoah valley campaign of 1861. 1865. Phisterer. Statistical record. 1883. {Campaigns of the Civil War .) Pond. Shenandoah valley in 1864. 1883. {Campaigns of the Civil War.) Rebel invasion of Missouri and Kansas. 1865. Ropes. Army under Pope. 1881. {Campaigns of the Civil War.) Rosecrans’ campaign. 1863. ScHALK. Campaigns of 1862 and 1863. 1863. ScHNECK. Burning of Chambersburg, Pennsylvania. 1865. Smith. From Chattanooga to Petersburg. 1893. Smith. Gettysburg to Appomattox. 1900. Stone’s River. Stevenson. Battle of Stone’s river. 1884. U. S. A. War Department. Report on the battle of Murfreesboro. 1863. Sumter. Doubleday. Forts Sumter and Moultrie. 1876. Crawford. Genesis of the Civil War, the story of Sumter. 1887. SuRBY. Grierson raids. 1865. SwiNTON. Decisive battles of the war. 1867. Vicksburg. My cave life in Vicksburg, by a lady. 1864. Oldroyd. Siege of Vicksburg. 1885. Reed. Vicksburg campaign. 1882. Webb. The Peninsula, 1881. {Campaigns of the Civil War.) Williamsburg. Burns. Battle of Williamsburg. 1865. — 22 — FICTION. Altsheler. In circling camps. 1900. Anderson. Camp fire stories. 1896. Benson. Who goes there? 1900. Bierce. Tales of soldiers and civilians. 1891. Churchill. The crisis. 1901. Crozier. Confederate spy. 1885. Dunn. Battling for Atlanta. 1900. {Toung Kentuckians series.) Dunn. Gen. Nelson’s scout. 1899. {Young Kentuckians series.) Dunn. On Gen. Thomas’s staff. 1899. {Young Kentuckians series.) Hadley. Seven months a prisoner. 1898. Harrington. Inside, a chronicle of secession. 1866. Kirkland. Captain of Company K. 1891. Old flag. 1864. Orpen. Jay-hawkers. 1900. Pease. In the wake of war. 1900. Skedaddle. 1865. Williams. Bullet and shell. 1882. WoERNER. Rebel’s daughter. 1899. GENERAL ORDERS. Army Corps, 16th. General orders. 1863. Confederate States of America. Army regulations. 1861, 1863. Cumberland, Department of the. General orders. 1862-63. Missouri, Department of the. General orders. 1861-62. U. S. A. War Department. General orders. 1861-63. 2 vol. 1864. U. S. A. War Department. General orders. 1861-63. 3 vol. U. S. A. War Department. General orders volunteer force. 1861-63. U. S. A. War Department. Regulations for recruiting, mustering and keep- ing records. 1863. HOSPITALS AND CHARITIES. Brayton and Terry. Our acre and its harvest. 1869. Corby. Memoirs of chaplain life. 1893. CuMMiNQ. Hospital life. 1866. Henshaw. Our branch and its tributaries. 1868. Hoge. Boys in blue. 1867. Holstein. Three years in fleld hospitals. 1867. Moss. Annals of the U. S. Christian Commission. 1868. — 23 — HOSPITALS AND OH ARITIES— Continued. Notes of hospital life. 1864. Olmsted. Sanitary Commission. 1890. U. S. A. War Department. Medical statistics. 1875. WoRMELEY. Other side of the war, 1889. MILITARY SOCIEiiES AND THEIR PUBLICATIONS. Army reunion, Chicago. 1868. First Maine Cavalry Association. Record of proceedings, 1872-82. Grand Army of the Republic. Lafayette post and the flag. 1899. Grand Army op the Republic. Records of members of the G. A. R. 1886. Maine Association. Maine bugle. 1890-98. 7 vol. Military Historical Society op Massachusetts. Some federal and confed- erate commanders. 1895. M. O. L. L. U. S. Address of Gen. Hayes. 1885. Constitution and by-laws. 1881, 1885, 1889, 1893, 1897. Digest of decisions. 1865-1889. Twenty-fifth anniversary. 1865-90. Papers. Vol. 1-3. California Commandery. Circulars. No. 1-. 1882- Pocket register. 1898. Register. 1883, 1886, 1888. Song book. 1899. Colorado Commandery. Circulars. No. 1-. 1887-. Pocket register. 1898-1900. District op Columbia Commandery. Circulars. No. 1-. 1882-. Register. 1884-85, 1891, 1894, 1898. ‘ Necrology. 1882-85. Illinois Commandery. Albums of companions. 5 vol. Albums of generals. 1861-65. 5 vol. Album portraits of companions. 1892. Banquets to Lieut. Gen. Sheridan. Circulars. No. 1-. 1879-. Essays and papers. 6 vol. 1880-98. List of members. 1882, 1890. — 24 — MILITARY SOCIETIES AND THEIR PUBLICATIONS— CONTINUED. Illinois Commandery. Military essays and recollections. Vol. 1-3. 1891-99. Register. 1886, 1896. Register. 1879-1900. Songs. 1883. Indiana Commandery. Circulars. No. 1-. 1888-. Organization of the Indiana commandery. 1888. Pocket roster. 1897, 1900. Register. 1894, 1900. War papers. 1898. Iowa Commandery. Circulars. No. 1-. 1886-. Pocket register. 1897, 1899, 1901. Register of the commandery. 1888-89. Songs. 1887. War sketches and incidents. Vol. 1-2. 1893-98, Kansas Commandery. Circulars. No. 1-. 1886-. Register. 1888-92, 1894-1900. Maine Commandery, Circulars. No. 1-. 1881-. Roll of members. 1885, 1894. War papers. Vol. 1. 1898. Massachusetts Commandery. Circulars. No. 1-. 1879-. Civil War papers. Vol. 1-2, 1900. List of members. 1881, 1894. Register. 1882, 1891, 1900. Michigan Commandery. Circulars. No. 1-. 1885-. Register of members. 1888-89, 1897, Songs. 1892. War papers, Vol. 1-2. 1893-98. Minnesota Commandery. Banquet, February 12, 1901. Circulars. No. 1-. 1885-. Glimpses of the nation’s struggle. Vol. 1-4. 1887-98. — 25 — MILITARY SOCIETIES AND THEIR PUBLICATIONS— Continued, Minnesota Commandery. Register. 1887, 1892, 1895, 1897, 1900. Songs. 1886. Missouri Commandery. Circulars, No. 1-. 1885-. Register of companions. 1886, 1889, 1890-98. Songs. 1887. War papers and personal reminiscences. Vol. 1. 1892. Nebraska Commandery. Circulars. No. 1-. 1885-. ^ Pocket register. 1893, 1898, Register. 1888, 1890. New York Commandery. Circulars. No. 1-. 1867-. Original and selected songs. 2 editions. Personal recollections of the Rebellion. Vol. 1-2. 1891-97. Register. 1866-1901. Ohio Commandery. Album. 1893. Circulars. No. 1-. 1883-. Papers. Vol. 1. 1885. Proceedings of the annual dinner. No. 1-3, 6, 15, 17. 1884-86, 1889, 1898, 1901. Register. 1883-93. Sketches of war history. Vol. 1-4. 1888-96. Oregon Commandery. Circulars. No. 1-. 1885-. Pocket register. 1890-1901. Register. 1887-88. Pennsylvania Commandery. Circulars. No. 65-. 1879-. Membership roll. 1865-91, 3 vol. Song book. 1883, 1886, 1890, 1896, 1900. Vermont Commandery. Circulars. No. 1-. 1891-. Washington Commandery. Circulars. No. 1-. 1890-. Register of officers and companions. 1896-97. — 26 — MILITARY SOCIETIES AND THEIR PUBLICATIONS— CONTINUED. Wisconsin Commandery. Circulars. No. 3-. 1880-. Pocket register. 1898-1901. Register. 1886. War papers. Vol. 1-2. 1891-96. Parsons. Patriotic roster, LaSalle Co., 111. 1899. Parsons. Patriotic roster, Livingston Co., 111. 1899. Reunion Society of Vermont Officers. Proceedings. Vol. 1-21. 1864-84. Rhode Island Soldiers and Sailors Historical Society. Personal narra- tives of the Rebellion. 8 vol. 1878-99. Society of the Army of the Cumberland. Reunion. No. 1-29. (1868-1900. Society of the Army of the Potomac. Report of the annual reunion. No. 16, 18-19, 25-26. 1885, 1887-88, 1894-95. Society of the Army of the Tennessee. Meeting. No. 1-28, 31. 1866-96, 1899. Society of the Army of the Tennessee. Sherman statue commission. 1896. Southern Historical Society. Papers. Vol. 1-21. 1876-93. Third Brigade Association. Record. 1894. NAVAL HISTORY, see NAVY OF THE UNITED STATES. NEGRO TROOPS. Califf. Record of the 7th regiment U. S. C. T. 1878. CowDEN. 59th U. S. C. infantry. 1883. Higginson. Army life in a black regiment. 1882. U. S. A. War Department Infantry tactics for colored troops. 1863. Williams. Negro troops in the Rebellion. 1888. Wilson. Black phalanx. 1888. POETRY. Browne, ed. Bugle echoes. 1886. Bugle call. 1886. Jack Morgan songster. 1864. Fogle, ed. Standard selections for male voices. 1889. Giffe. ed. New male quartet book. 1895. Halpine. Poetical works. 1869. Jones. Twenty army ballads. 1882. Mason. Southern poems of the war. 1867. Moore, ed. Lyrics of loyalty. 1864. - 27 — POETRY— Continued. Moore, ed. Personal and political ballads. 1864. Moore, ed. Songs of the soldiers. 1864. Sherwood. Camp-fire and other poems. 1885. Songs of love and liberty, by a North Carolina lady. 1864. Songs we used to sing. 1891. War lyrics. 1866. War songs. 1883. PRISON LIFE. Abbott. Prison life in the South. 1866. Barbiere. Scraps from the prison table. 1868. Boggs. Prisoner under the rebel fiag. 1889. Booth. Dark days of the Rebellion. 1897. Braun. Andersonville. 1892. Burson. Race for liberty. 1867. Cavada. Prison life in Richmond. 1865. Cooper. In and out of rebel prisons. 1888. Corcoran. Gen. Corcoran’s captivity. 1865. Davidson. Fourteen months in southern prisons. 1865. Davis. Andersonville. 1890. Dowling. Southern prisons. 1870. Drake. Fast and loose in Dixie. 1880. Ely. Journal in Richmond. 1862. Estabrooks. Adrift in Dixie. 1866. Ferguson. Life-struggles in rebel prisons. 1865. Fosdick. Rebel prisons 1887. Geer. Beyond the lines. 1864. Glazier. Capture, prison pen and escape. 1867. Goss. Soldier’s story. 1871. Grigsby. Smoked Yank. 1891. Hamlin. Martyria; or, Andersonville prison. 1866. Harris. Prison life at Richmond. 1862. Hawes. Cahaba; or, A story of the boys in blue. 1888. Howard. American basliles. 1863. Howe. Adventures of an escaped Union soldier from Andersonville prison in 1864. 1886. Hyde. Captive of war. 1900. IsHAM, Davidson and Furness. Prisoners of war and military prisons. 1890. 28 — PRISON LIFE-Continued. Jeffrey. Richmond prisons. 1861-62. 1893. Johnston. Four months in Libby. 1864. Jones. Prisoners of war. 1876, Keiley. In vinculis. 1866. Kelley, What I saw and suffered in rebel prisons. 1868. Kellogg. Life and death in rebel prisons. 1865. Lawrence. Border and bastille. Long. Twelve months in Andersonville. 1887. McElroy. Andersonville. 1879. Marshall. American bastile. 1869. Moran. Bastiles of the Confederacy. 1890. Murray. History of confinement at Andersonville. Newlin. Prison escape. 1887. Newlin. Prison escapes. 1889. Nott. Prison camps. 1865. Oats. Prison life in Dixie. 1880. Old Capitol and its inmates, by a lady. 1867. Ransom. Andersonville diary. 1881. Roach. Prisoner of war. 1887. Sabre. Prisoner of war. 1865. Schwartz. 22 months a prisoner of war. 1893. Spencer. Andersonville prison. 1866. Stevenson. Southern side; or, Andersonville Prison. 1876, United States Sanitary Commission. Narrative of prisoners of war. 1864. United States Sanitary Commission. Photos of Union soldiers after their return from Belle Isle. Urban. Battle field and prison pen. 1882. REGIMENTAL HISTORIES. Alabama. 60th infantry. 60th Alabama, by Shaver. 1867. Connecticut, Military and civil history of Connecticut, by Croffut and Morris. 1868. New Haven Grays, 1816-1876, by Lucke. 1876. Ist artillery. Roster of the 1st. Conn, heavy artillery. Historical sketch and present address of members, by Bennett. 3nd artillery. 19th C.V. Afterwards the 2nd C.V. A., by Vaill. 1868. 5th infantry. Fifth Conn, regiment. 1889. 6th infantry. Sixth regiment Conn, volunteers, by Cadwell. 1875. — 29 — Connecticut. 10th infantry. 13th infantry. 14th infantry. 14th infantry. REGIMENTAL HISTORIES— CONTINUED. Knightly soldier, by Trumbull. 1871. History of the 13th Conn, volunteers, by Sprague. 1867. Dunn Browne in the army, by Fiske. 1866. Souvenir of the 14th C. V. Excursion to Battlefields and reunion at Antietam, Sept. 1891. 1893. 15th infantry. 18th infantry. History of the 15th Conn. volunteers, by Thorpe. 1893. History of the 18th regiment Conn, volunteers by Walker. 1885. 20th infantry. 22nd infantry. History of the 20th Conn, volunteers, byStorrs. 1886. Journal of incidents connected with the travels of the 22nd regiment Conn, vol., by Waters. 1863. 27th infantry. Delaware. 1st infantry. Georgia. 27th Conn, volunteers, by Sheldon. 1866. 1st Delaware infantry. 1884. Chatham artillery. Sketch of the Chatham artillery, by Jones. 1867. 6th infantry. Sixth Georgia' infantry, by Green. 1879. Illinois. Fifteen years ago; or. The patriotism of Will Co., by Woodruff. 1876. Patriotism of Illinois, by Eddy. 2 vol. 1865-66. Sketches of Illinois officers, by Wilson. 1862. 1st artillery. McAllister’s battery, by McAllister. 1895. 7th infantry. 9th cavalry. 10th infantry. 11th infantry. 13th infantry. 14th cavalry. 14th infantry. 16th infantry. 31st infantry. History of the 7th 111. inf’y, by Ambrose. 1868. History of the 9th 111. cavalry, by Davenport. 1889. Memoirs of the war, by Wilson. 1893. Proceedings of the first reunion, by Parker. 1875. History of the 13th 111. infantry. 1892. History of the 14th 111. cavalry, by Sanford. 1898. 14th Illinois infantry, by Dugan. 1863. 16th 111. vet. vol. infantry, by Gash. 1887. Proceedings of the 31st 111. inf. assoc. Annual ad- dress, by Pearson. 1890. 32nd infantry. 33rd infantry. 36th infantry. Marching through Georgia, by Hadley. 1885. Army life, by Marshall. 1884. History 36th regiment 111. volunteers, by Bennett and HaigK 1876. 39th infantry. 39th regiment 111. volunteer veteran infantry (Yates Phalanx), by Clark. 1889. 45th infantry. 45th 111. infantry, by Adair. 1869. — 30 — Illinois. 50th infantry. 52nd infantry. 55th infantry. 57th infantry. 59th infantry. 59th infantry. 73rd infantry. 73rd infantry. REGIMENTAL HISTORIES— Continued. History of the 50th regiment Illinois volunteer in- fantry, by Hubert. 1894. 52nd Illinois vols., by Swaddling. 1868. Story of the 55th 111. infantry. 1887. History of the 57th regt. 111. vet. vol. infantry, by Cluett. 1886. Episodes of the Civil War, by Herr. 1890. History of the 59th 111. regt., by Lathrop. 1865. History of the 73rd 111. vol. inf. 1890. Minutes of proceedings of the 11th annual reunion, 1897. 75th infantry. 77th infantry. 81st infantry. 84th infantry. 85th infantry. 86th infantry. 89th infantry. 92nd infantry. 95th infantry. 96th infantry. 102nd infantry. 104th infantry. 112thanfantry. 124th infantry. Indiana. Star corps, by 6th infantry. 6th infantry. 7th cavalry. Waif of the war, by Dodge. 1866. 77th 111. volunteers, by Bentley. 1883. Experience in the war, by a soldier. 1880. History of the 84th reg’t 111. vols., by Simmons. 1866. The 85th Illinois volunteer, by Aten. 1901. History of the 86th reg’t 111. vol., by Kinnear. 1866. Organization of the 89th Illinois vol. inf. reunion asso- ciation. 1886. Ninety-second 111. volunteers. 1875. History 95th regiment 111. inf ty. vols., by Wood. 1865. History of the 96th regiment 111. vol. inf. 1887. History of the 102d 111. infantry volunteers, by Fle- harty. 1865. History of the 104th regiment 111. volunteer infantry, by Calkins. 1895. History 112th regt. 111. vol. inf., by Thompson. 1885. History of the 124th 111. infantry, by Howard. 1880. Bradley. 1865. History of the 6th regt. Ind. vols., by Briant. 1891. Spirit of 1861, by Grayson. History of the 7th Ind. cavalry volunteers, by Cogley. 1876. 9th cavalry. 11th battery. ]2th infantry. 21st infantry. Ninth cavalry. 121st regiment Indiana volunteers, by Comstock. 1890. History 11th Indiana battery, by Otto. 1891. From Vicksburg to Raleigh, by Gage. 1865. Miscellaneous writings, by Harding. 1882. — 31 — Indiana. 22iid infantry. 31st infantry. 36th infantry. 38th Indiana. 44th infantry. 46th infantry. 57th infantry. 58th infantry. 70th infantry. 72nd infantry. 75th infantry. 99th infantry. 100th infantry. REGIMENTAL HISTORIES— Continued. 22nd Ind. inf., by Marshall. 1884. History of the 31st regiment of Indiana volunteer in- fantry, by Smith. 1900. Story of the 36th regiment, by Grose. 1891. How soldiers were made, by Scribner. 1887. History of the 44th Ind. vol. infantry, by Rerick. 1880. History of the 46th regt. I. V. I. 1888. Annals of the 57th Ind. vols., by Kerwood. 1868. History of the 58th Ind. vols., by Hight. 1895. The seventieth Indiana vol. inf., by Merrill. 1900. History of'jthe 72d regt. Ind. vols., by McGee. 1882. History of the 75th Ind. vols., by Floyd. 1893. History of the 99th Ind. infantr}", by Lucas. 1865. Marches and battles of the 100th Ind. infantry, by Sherlock. 1896. Iowa. Iowa colonels and regiments, by Stuart. Iowa in war times, by Byers. 1888. 1865. 1st cavalry. History of the 1st Iowa cavalry veteran volunteers, by Lothrop. 1890. 2nd cavalry. History of the 2nd Iowa cavalry, by Pierce. 1865. 2nd infantry. Tramps and triumphs of the 2nd Iowa infantry, by Bell. 1886. 4th cavalry. Story of a cavalry regiment, by Scott. 1893. 6th cavalry. Three years among the Indians in Dakota, by Drips. 1894. 15th infantry. 20th infantry. 21st infantry. 2l8t infantry. 33rd infantry. Kansas. 6th cavalry. History of the 15th Iowa volunteers. 1887. Recollections*of field service, by Barney. 1865. Twenty-first regiment Iowa volunteer infantry, by Crooke. 1891. 21st reg’t Iowa volunteer infantry, by Crooke. 1889. History of the 33rd Iowa infantry, by Sperry. 1866. Memoirs of the Rebellion on the border, by Britton 1882. Kentucky. History of the 1st Kentucky brigade, by Thompson. 1868. Confederate. Union regiments of Kentucky. 1897. 1st cavalry. History of the 1st Kentucky cavalry, by Tarrant. 1894. ~ 32 — Kentucky. 8th infantry. REGIMENTAL HISTORIES— CONTINUED. History of the 8th Kentucky infantry volunteers, by Wright. 1880. 22nd infantry. 24th infantry. Letters from the army, by Stevenson. 1886. Checkered life, by Joyce. 1883. Louisiana, Washington artillery. In camp and battle, by Owen. 1885. 3rd infantry. Southern record. The history of the 3rd reg’t 26th infantry. Maine. 1st cavalry. Louisiana infantry, by Tunnard. 1866. Story of the 26th Louisiana infantry, by Hall. Campaigns of the 1st Maine and 1st D. C. cavalry, by Merrill. 1866. 1st cavalry. 5th infantry. 5th infantry. 7th infantry. 11th infantry. 1st Maine cavalry, by Tobie. 1887. Memorial and letters, by Adams. 1890. History of the 5th Maine regt., by Bicknell. 1871. Following the Greek cross, by Hyde. 1894. Company D of the 11th regiment Maine infantry volunteers, by Maxfield and Brady. 1890. 11th infantry. 13th infantry. 16th infantry. 17th infantry. 19th infantry. 20th infantry. 26th infantry. Story of the 11th Maine regiment. 1896. Story of the Maine 13th, by Lufkin. 1898. History of the 16th Maine, by Small. 1886, Campaigns of the 17th Maine, by Houghton. 1866. i9th Maine infantry. 1878. Reminiscences of the war, by Gerrish. 1882- History of the 26th Maine regiment, by Haddocks. 1899. 29th infantry. History of the lst-10th-29th Maine Regiment, by Gould. 1871. Maryland. Cole’s cavalry; or, 3 years in the saddle in the Shenandoah Valley, by 1st infantry. Newcomer. 1895. First Maryland inf., by Camper and Kirkley. 1871. Massachusetts. History of Massachusetts in the Civil War, by Schouler. 2 vol. 1868-71. Massachusettsjn the Rebellion, by Headley. 1866. 1st battery. Story of the 1st Mass, light battery, by Bennett. 1886. 1st cavalry. 1st infantry. History of the 1st regiment Mass, cavalry, by Crown- inshield. 1891. First Mass, regiment, by Cudworth. 1866. 1st infantry. — 33 — Massachusetts. 2nd infantry. 2nd infantry. 2nd infantry. 5th infantry. 6th infantry. 7th infantry. 9th battery. 9th infantry. 10th battery. 10th infantry. 11th infantry. 12th infantry. 13th infantry. 21st infantry. 22nd infantry. 23rd infantry. 24th infantry. 25th infantry. 25th infantry. 27th infantry. 29th infantry. 32nd infantry. 33rd infantry. 33rd infantry. 34th infantry. 35th infantry. 36th infantry. 37th infantry. 38th infantry. REGIMENTAL HISTORIES— CONTINUED. War diary of events in the great Rebellion, by Gordon. 1885. Potomac and the Rapidan, by Quint. 1864. Record of the 2nd Mass, infantry, by Quint. 1867. History of the 5th regt. M.V.M., by Robinson. 1879. Sixth Mass, regiment, by Hanson. 1866. History of the 7th regt. Mass, volunteer infantry, by Hutchinson. 1890 9th Mass, battery, by Baker. 1888. Irish ninth in bivouac and battle, by MacNamara. 1867. Tenth Mass, battery, by Billings. 1881. “Ours” annals of the 10th Mass, infantry, by Newell. 1875. Three years in the army, by Blake. 1865. History of the 12th Mass, vols., by Cook. 1882. Three years in the army. 13th Mass. voL, by Davis. 1894. 21st regiment Mass, vols., by Walcott. 1882. Henry Wilson’s regiment, by Parker. 1887. Record of the 23rd regiment Mass. vol. infantry, by Emmerton. 1886. Captured scout, by Trumbull. 1869. My diary, by Day. 1884. Story of Company A 25th reg’t Mass, vols., by Put- nam. 1886. Bearing arms, by Derby. 1883. History of the 29th Mass, regiment, by Osborne. 1877. Story of the 32d Mass, infantry, by Parker. 1880. Record of the 33rd Mass, volunteer infantry, by Boies. 1880. Thirty-third Mass, reg., by Underwood. 1881. 34th Mass, infantry in the war of the Rebellion, by Lincoln. 1879. History of the 35th regiment Mass. vols. 1884. History of the 36th regiment Mass. vols. 1884. History of the 37th regiment Mass, vols., by Bowen. 1884. Thirty-eighth Mass, regiment, by Powers. 1866. — 34 — Massachusetts. 42nd infantry. REGIMENTAL HISTORIES— Continued. History of the 42nd regiment Mass. toIs., by Bosson. 1886. 44th infantry. 44th infantry. 45th infantry. 49th infantry. 51st infantry. 52nd infantry. 54th infantry. 55th infantry. 57th infantry. Michigan. Flags of Michigan. 2nd cavalry. 3rd infantry. Record of the 44th Mass. 1863. Letters from the 44th regiment, by' Haines. 1863. 45th Mass. vols. 1882. Life with the 49th Mass, vols., by Johns. 1864. Company C, 51st regiment M. V. M., by Pierce. 1886. Color-guard, by Hosmer. 1864. Brave black regiment, by Emilio. 1891. 55th Mass vols. 1868. History of the 57th Mass, vols., by Anderson. 1896. 1877. Hundred battles of the West, by Thatcher. 1884. Four years in the Army of the Potomac, by Crotty. 1874. 4th infantry. Old 4th Michigan infantry, by Barrett. 1888. 5th cavalry. Personal reminiscences, by Harris. 1897. 6th infantry. Among the cotton thieves, by Bacon. 1867. 7th cavalry. Seventh regiment Michigan volunteer cavalry, by Isham. 24th infantry. 24th Michigan of the Iron brigade, by Curtis. 1891. Minnesota. Minnesota in the^Civil War and the Indian War. 2 vol. 1890-93. 2nd infantry. Story of a regiment, by Bishop. 1890. 4th infantry. History of the4th regiment Minn, infantry volunteers, by Brown. 1892. Missouri. Confederate 1st and 2nd Missouri brigades, by Bevier. 1879. 25th infantry. History of the Missouri engineers and 25th infantry, by Neal. 1889. 26th infantry. Twenty-sixth Missouri vol. inf., by Dean. 1892. New Hampshire. New Hampshire in the Rebellion, by Waite. 1870. 1st infantry. First N. H. regiment, by Abbott. 1890. 2nd infantry. Second N. H. regiment, by Haynes. 1896. 3rd infantry. Third N. H. volunteers, by Eldredge. 1893. 4th infantry. Roster, 1861-1865. 1896. 5th infantry. Fifth N. H. regiment. 1893. — 35 — New Hampshire. 6th infantry. 7th infantry. 8th infantry. 8th infantry. 9th infantry. 11th infantry. REGIMENTAL HISTORIES— CONTINUED. History of the 6th regiment N. H. vols., by Jackman. 1891. History of the 7th N. H. vols., by Little. 1896. Roster 8th N. H. vols. History of the 8th regiment N. H. vols., by Stanyan. 1892. History of the 9th regiment N. H. vols. , by Lord. 1895. History of the 11th N. H. volunteers, by Cogswell. 1891. 12th infantry. 13th infantry. 14th infantry. 15th infantry. 17th infantry. New Jersey. New Jersey and 1st cavalry. 9th infantry. 9th infantry. 9th infantry. 11th infantry. 12th N. H. regiment, by Bartlett. 1897. Thirteenth N. H. vols., by Thompson. 1888. Fourteenth regiment memorial. 1882. History of the 15th regiment N. H. vols., b}^ Mc- Gregor. 1900. History of the 17th N. H. infantry. 1898. the Rebellion, by Poster. 1868. History of the 1st N. J. cavalry, by Pym. 1871. History of 9th N. J. vet. vols., by Drake. 1889. Complete and comprehensive history of the 9th regi- ment N. J. vols. infantry, by Everts. 1865. Eight days with the confederates, by Runyan. 1896. History of the 11th New Jersey vols., by Marbaker. 1898. 13th infantry. 13th infantry. 15th infantry. 37th infantry. History of company “D”, 13th reg’t N. J. vols. 1875. Reminiscenses of the war, by Toombs. 1878. History of the 15th regiment N. J. volunteers, by Haines. 1883. Epitome of the 37th reg’tNew Jersey vols., by Rodgers. New York. New York in the war of the Rebellion, by Phisterer. 1890. 1st battery. First New York independent battery of light artillery. 1886. 1st cavalry. 2nd cavalry. 4th artillery. 4th battery. 5th cavalry. Boots and saddles, by Stevenson. 1879. Three years in the federal cavalry, by Glazier. 1873. Heavy guns and light, by Kirk. 1890. A famous battery and its campaigns, by Smith. 1892. Fifth N. Y. cavalry, 1st Ira Harris Guard, by Boud- rye. 1865. — 36 — New York. 5th artillery. 6th cavalry. 6th infantry. 7th cavalry. 7th infantry. 8th artillery. 8th cavalry. 8th cavalry. 9th artillery. 9th cavalry. 9th infantry. 10th artillery. 10th cavalry. 10th infantry. 11th cavalry. 12th infantry. 15th cavalry. 21st infantry. 22nd infantry. 23rd infantry. 24th battery. 27th infantry. 33rd infantry. 48th infantry. 48th infantry. 48th infantry. 57th infantry. 60th infantry. 69th infantry. REGIMENTAL HISTORIES-Continued. More than conqueror, memorialsofOol.Kitching. 1873 Sixth N. Y. V. C., by Foster. 1892. History of a volunteer regiment, by Morris. 1891. Evolution’of a life, by Eyland. 1884. New York 7th regiment, by Swinton. 1870. Historical roll of Company D, 8th regiment N. Y. heavy artillery, by Hudnut. 1887. Sketch of the 8th N. Y. cavalry, by Norton. 1888. History of the 8th N. Y. V. C., by Norton. 1889. Ninth N. Y. heavy artillery, by Roe. 1899. Address, by Bentley. 1888 , Hawkins zouaves, by Whitney. 1866, History of the 10th regiment N. Y. heavy artillery, by Webb. 1887. History of the 10th regiment N. Y. volunteer cavalry, by Preston. 1892, 10th N. Y. volunteers. National zouaves, by Cowtan. 1882. Story of “Scott 900,” 11th N. Y. cavalry, by Smith. 1897. History of the 12th regiment N.G. S. N.Y.,by Dowley. 1869. History of the 15th New York cavalry, by Norton. 1891. Chronicles of the.21st regiment N. Y. inf. vols., by Mills. 1887. History of the 22nd regiment N, G. N. Y., by Win- gate. 1896. Camp fires of the 23rd, by Pound sterling. 1863. 24th N. Y. battery, by Merrill. 1870. History of the 27th regiment N. Y. vols., by Fairchild. 1888. Campaigns of the 33rd N. Y. S, V., by Judd. 1864. Company D of the 48th regiment N. Y. state volun- teers, by Carlton. 1892. Perry’s saints, by Nichols. 1886. Forty-eighth regiment N. Y. S. V. , by Palmer. 1885 . Story of a regiment, by Frederick. 1895. History of the 6th regiment N.Y.S.V., by Eddy. 1864. Irish brigade and its campaigns, by Conyngham. 1869, — 37 — New York. 71st infantry. 76th infantry. 77th infantry. 79th infantry. 80th infantry. 81st infantry. 83rd infantry. 83rd infantry. 93rd infantry. 93rd infantry. 97th infantry. 98th infantry. 100th infantry. 108th infantry. 112th infantry. 114th infantry. 114th infantry. 115th infantry. 116th infantry. 117th infantry. 120th infantry. 120th infantry. 125th infantry. 126th infantry. 127th infantry. 128th infantry. 149th infantry. 152nd infantry. 159th infantry. 176th infantry. 189th infantry. REGIMENTAL HISTORIES— CONTINUED. Battle field of the 71st regt. N. G. S. N. Y., by Telfer. 1864. 76th N. Y. vols., by Smith. 1867. Three years in the 6th corps, by Stevens. 1870. 79th Highlanders, N. Y. volunteers., by Todd. 1886. Ulster guard and the war of the Rebellion, by Gates. 1879. 2nd Oswego regiment, by De Forest. 1861. 9th regiment N. Y. S. M. 83rd N. Y. vols. in war and peace, by Hussey. 1889. Campaigns of the 9th N. Y. S. M., by Jaques. 1865. History of the 93rd regiment N. Y. S. vol. inft., by King, Gibbs and Northup. 1895. War memories, by Robertson. 1895. History of the 97th regiment N. Y. volunteers, “Conk- ling rifles.” 1890. 98th N. Y. volunteers, by Kreutzer. 1878. History 100th N. Y. vols., by Stowits. 1870. History of the 108th N. Y. volunteers, by Washburn. 1894. History of the 112 regt., N. Y. V., by Hyde. 1866. Record of the 114 regimentN. Y.S.V.,by Beecher. 1866. History of the 114th regiment, by Pellet. 1866. Iron hearted regiment, by Clark. 1865. 116th New York volunteers, by Clark. 1868. History of the 117th N. Y. volunteers, by Mowris. 1866. Fighting Quakers, by Duganne. 1866. 120th N. Y. vols., by Van Santwood. 1894. Regimental history, by Simons. 1888. Disaster, struggle, triumph, by Willson. 1870. Regimental history 127th N. Y. vols., by McGrath. History 128th N. Y. vol. inft., by Hanaburgh. 1894. Memories of the 149th reg’t N. Y. vols., by Collins. 1891. History of the 152d N. Y. volunteers, by Roback. 1888. History of the 159th regiment N. Y. S. vols., by Duffy. 1890. Camps and prisons, by Duganne. 1865. 189th regiment N. Y. volunteers, by Rogers. 1865. — 38 — REGIMENTAL HISTORIES— CONTINUED. North Carolina. 27th infantry. Guilford ^rays, by Sloan. 1883. Ohio. Ohio in the war, by Reid. 2 vol. 1868. Roster of the Ohio veteran association of Illinois. 1891. Story of the Sherman brigade, by Hinman. 1897. 1st artillery. Battery A 1st reg’t O. V. L. A., by Davidson. 1865. 1st cavalry. History 1st Ohio volunteer cavalry, by Curry. 1898. 3rd infantry. Citizen soldier, by Beatty. 1879. 4th infantry. 4th Ohio in the war for the Union, b}’^ Kepler. 1886. 6th infantry. Story of a regiment, by Hannaford. 1868. 7th infantry. Company C, by Wilder. 1866. 7th infantry. Seventh regiment, a record, by Wood. 1865. 8th infantry. 8th Ohio, by Sawyer. 1881. 11th infantry. Rosterof the Eleventh Ohio infantry association. 1898. 11th infantry. 11th Ohio, by Horton and Teverbaugh. 1866. 14th infantry. History of the 14th O. V. I., by Chase. 1881. 15th infantry. Diary, by McConnell. 1899. 17th infantry. 17th Ohio inf., by DeVelling. 1889. 21st infantry. History 21st regiment Ohio volunteer infantry, by Canfield. 1893. 25th infantry. 25th Ohio, by Culp. 1885. 29th infantry. 29th regiment, O. V. V. I., by SeCheverell. 1883. 29th infantry. Twenty ninth Ohio at Gettysburg. 32nd infantry. History of the 32nd regiment O.V.V. L, by Hays. 1896. 33rd infantry. 33rd Ohio inf., by Waddle. 1889. 35th infantry. History of the 35th Ohio vol. 1894. 37th infantry. History of the 37th regiment O. V. V. I. 1890. 40th infantry. History of the 40th O. V. V. I., by Beach. 1884. 42nd infantry. 42nd O. V. I., by Mason. 1876. 46th infantry. Brief history of the 46th Ohio volunteers, by Worth- ington. 1878. 48th infantry. History of the 48th O. V. V. inf.,iby Bering>and Mont- gomery. 1880. 53rd infantry. History of the 53rd Ohio regiment, by Duke. 1900. 73rd infantry. 73rd Ohio V. I., by Hurst. 1866. 74th infantry. Greene county in the war, by Owens. 1872. 78th infantry. History of the 78th regiment O. V. V. I., by Stevenson. 1865. — 39 — REGIMENTAL HISTORIES— CONTINUED. Ohio. 81st infantry. 81st infantry. History of the 81st Ohio, by Chamberlin. 1865. Corporal’s story. Co. C 81st 0. V. I., by Wright. 1887. 94th infantry. 96th infantry. 101st infantry. 103rd infantry. 103rd infantry. 104th infantry. 105th infantry. 113th infantry. Gallant 94th. Ninety-sixth O. V. I., by Woods. 1874. Story of a regiment, by Day. 1894. Journal history of the 103rd 0. V. I., by Hayes. 1872. Personal reminiscences of the 103rd Ohio vol. inf. 104th Ohio inf., by Pinney. 1886. Story of a thousand, by Tourgee. 1896 History of the 113th reg’t Ohio volunteer infantry, by McAdams. 1884.. 116th infantry. Record of the 116th regiment 0. V. I. in the war of the Rebellion, by Wildes. 1884. 123rd infantry. 124th infantry. Military history 123d 0. V. I., by Keyes. 1874. Campaigns of the 124th regiment Ohio volunteer infantry, by Lewis. 1894. 125th infantry. 133rd infantry. Opdyck tigers, 125th 0. V. I., by Clark. 1895. 133d reg’t Ohio volunteer infantry, by Sherman. 1896. Pennsylvania. History of Pennsylvania volunteers, by Bates. 5 vol. 1869-71. History of the Penn, reserve corps, by Sypher. 1865. History of the Philadelphia brigade, by Banes. 1876. Martial deeds of Pennsylvania, by Bates. 1875. Durell’s battery. Durell’s battery in the Civil War, by Cuffel. 1900. 1st cavalry. History of the 1st reg’t Penna. reserve cavalry, by Lloyd. 1864. 4th cavalry. 4th cavalry. 6th cavalry. 7th cavalry. 8th cavalry. History of a cavalry company, by Hyndman. 1870. Fourth Penn, cavalry. 1891. Annals of the 6th Penn, cavalry, by Gracey. 1868. Sabre strokes in the war, by^Dornblaser. 1884. List of the battles in which the 8th Penn. cav. partici- pated, by Carpenter. 1886. 8th cavalry. 11th infantry. 15th infantry. 25th infantry. 28th infantry. Charge at Chancellorsville, by Huey. 1883. Story of the regiment, by Locke. 1868. Leaves from a trooper’s diary. 1869. Doylestown guards, by Davis. 1887. Association of the 28th and 147th regiments, infantry, Penn. vet. vol., by Nicholson. — 40 — Pennsylvania. 30th infantry. 31st infantry. 32nd infantry. 37th infantry. 41st infantry. 48th infantry. 51st infantry. 63rd infantry. 69th infantry. 83rd infantry, 88th infantry. 96th infantry. 97th infantry. 100th infantry. 102nd infantry. 104th infantry. 116th infantry. 118th infantry. 121st regiment. 122nd infantry. 126th infantry. 138th infantry. 141st infantry. 142nd infantry. 150th infantry. 190th infantry. 192nd infantry. 198th infantry. REGIMENTAL HISTORIES— CONTINUED. History of Company K, 1st inft., Penna. reserves, by Minnigh. 1891. Our campaigns. 2nd Pa. reserves, by Woodward. History of the 3rd Penna. reserve, by Woodward. 1883. Our boys in the army, by Hill. 1864. 12th regiment P. R, V. C., by Hardin. 1890. 48th in the war, by Bosbyshell. 1895. History of the 51st regiment of .Pennsylvania volun- teers, by Parker. 1869. Peninsula campaign in Virginia, by Marks. 1864. 69th regiment Pennsylvania volunteers, by McDer- mott. History of the 83rd regiment Pennsylvania vols., by Judson. 88th Pennsylvania in the war for the Union, by Vautier. 1894. 95th Pennsylvania volunteers (Gostines Pennsylvania zouaves) in the 6th corps, by Galloway. 1884. History of the 97th regiment Pennsylvania volunteer infantry, by Price. 1875. Brief history of the 100th regiment, (Roundheads), by Bates. 1884. Camp, march and battlefield, by Stewart. 1865. The 104th Pennsylvania, by Davis. 1866. 116th Penn, infantry, by Mulholland. 1899. Antietam to Appomattox. Exchange regiment. 1892. History 121st regiment Penna. vol. 1893. History 122d reg’t P. V., by Springer. 1885. 126th Pennsylvania vols., by Franklin Co. soldiers monumental association. 1869. History of the 138th reg. P. V., by Lewis. 1866. 141st reg’t Pa. vols., by Craft. 1885. 142d regiment Pennsylvania volunteers, by Warren, 1890. History of the 150th regiment Pennsylvania volun- teers, (Bucktails), by Chamberlin. 1895. In the ranks, by M’Bride. 1881. Journal of the 192nd regiment Pa. vols. by Myers. 1864, 198th Pa. vols., by Woodward, 1884. — 41 — Rhode Island. Ist artillery. 1st artillery. 1st artillery. 1st artillery. REGIMENTAL HISTORIES— CONTINUED. Battery E, 1st R. I. light artillery, by Lewis. 1892. Battery F, 1st R. I. light artillery, by Chase. 1892. Battery H, 1st R. I. light artillery, by Fenner. 1894. History of battery B, 1st R. I. light artillery, by Rhodes. 1894. 1st cavalry. 1st infantry. 2nd infantry. 4th infantry. Sabres and spurs. 1st R. I. cavalry, by Denison. Campaign of the 1st R. I. reg’t, by Woodbury. 1862. Second R. I. regiment, by Woodbury. 1875. Forty-six months with the 4th R. I. volunteers, by Allen. 1887. 5th artillery. History of the 5th R. I. heavy artillery, by Burlin- game. 1892. 11th infantry. 12th infantry. Eleventh R. I. regiment, by Rock. 1881. Flying regiment, by Grant. 1865. South Carolina. Kershaw’s brigade, by Dickert. 1899. 4th infantry. Fourth S. C. volunteers, by Reid. 1892. Tennessee. 1st infantry. Co. aytch Ist Tennessee regiment; or, A side show of the big show, by Watkins. 1882. 2nd cavalry. Hancock’s diary; or, A history of the 2nd Tenn. cav. C. S. A., by Hancock. 1887. 2nd infantry. 7th cavalry. 13th infantry. Thirteen months in the rebel army, by Stevenson. 1862. 7th Tennessee cavalry, confederate, by Young. 1890. Personal record of the 13th regiment Tennessee infan- try, C. S. A., by Vaughan. 1897. 16th infantry. Campaigns and battles, 16th Tenn. and other Tenn. Texas. 26th cavalry. regts., by Head. 1885. A sketch of the history of Debray’s (26) regiment of Texas cavalry, by Debray. 1884. Vermont. Vermont in the Civil War. 2 vol. Vermont brigade in the Shenandoah valley, by Walker. 1869. 8th infantry. History of the 8th reg’t Vermont volunteers, by Car- 10th infantry. penter. 1886. History of the 10th regiment Vt. infantry, by HayneSi 1894. 12th infantry. 14th infantry. Army life in Virginia, by Benedict. 1895. Life in camp, by Williams. 1864. — 42 — Virginia. REGIMENTAL HISTORIES— CONTINUED. Loudon rangers. History, by Goodhart. 1896. Union. Lynchburg home guard. Annals, by Blackford. 1891. Richmond howitzers. Contributions to a history of the Richmond howit - zer battalion, no. 1-2. 1883. Richmond howitzers. Richmond howitzers in the war, by a member of the company. 1891. 1st infantry. History of the 1st regiment Virginia infantry, by Rawling. 1887. Union. 1st infantry. War history, 1861-1865. Old 1st Va. infty., by Loehr. 1834. 17th infantry. 33rd infantry. 43rd cavalry. 43rd infantry. West Virginia. 2nd cavalry. 4th infantry. 5th cavalry. History of the 17th Virginia infantry C. S. A., by Wise. 1870. Four years in the Stonewall brigade, by Casler. 1893. War reminiscences, by Monteiro. 1890. Mosby’s rangers, by Williamson. 1896. History of the 2nd regiment W. Va. cavalry, by Sut- ton. 1892. Autobiography, by Barton. 1890. History of the 5th W. Va. cavalry and battery G, 1st W. Va. light artillery, by Reader. 1890. Wisconsin. Military history of Wisconsin, by Quiner. 1866. Wisconsin in the war of the Rebellion, by Love. 3rd infantry. 3rd Wisconsin veterans, by Bryant. 1891. 6th infantry. Service with the 6th Wisconsin volunteers, by Dawes. 1890. 8th infantry. Eagle regiment. 8th Wis. inf’try vols., by Williams. 1890. 13th infantry. 14th infantry. 36th infantry. 37th infantry. From youth to age, by Lovejoy. 1894. War pictures, by Rogers. 1863. 36th Wisconsin volunteer infantry, by Aubery. 1900. Sword and gun, by Eden. 1865. HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES. (Other than Civil War.) Abercrombie. Copper river exploring expedition in Alaska. 1899. Andreas. History of Chicago. 3 vol. 1884-86. Bourke. On the border with Crook. 1892. Brackett. History of the U. S. cavalry. 1865. Bryce. American commonwealth. 2 vol. 1888. Carter. From Yorktown to Santiago with the 6th cavalry. 1900. Chesterman. Guide to Richmond. 1881. Crawford. Credit Mobilier of America. 1880. Ex-orderly SERGEANT. Recollections of the 7th regiment. 1868. Flower. Illinois. History of the English settlement in Edwards county. 1882. Forsyth. Report of the march made from Fort Meade, Da., to Fort Riley, Kan., 1887. Forsyth. Story of the soldier. 1900. Glisan. Journal of army life. 1874. Inman. Old Santa Fe trail. 1899. King. Campaigning with Crook. 1890. King. Story of the war. 1898. Rhodes. History of the U. S. from 1880. Vol. 1-4. 1899-1900. Rodenbough. From everglade to canon with the 2nd dragoons. 1875. SiGSBEE. “Maine.” 1899. Spears. American slave trade. 1900. Sorenson. History of Omaha. 1889. Strait. Alphabetical list of battles 1754-1900. U. S. A. Navy Department. Battles and capitulation of Santiago de Cuba. 1 898-99 . ( War notes . ) U. S. A. War Department. Military notes on the Philippines. 1898. U. S. Naval institute. Log of the Gloucester. 1899. Washington. Accounts. 1775-83. Waterloo library and historical society. Sullivan. Seneca county cen- tennial. 1880. Wharton, ed. Diplomatic correspondence of the American Revolution. 6 vol. 1889. Williams. South vindicated. Wilson. Rise and fall of the slave power in America. 3 vol. 1874-77. (43) MAPS. Cram. Standard atlas of the world. 1894, Oaxton Co. Cuba. Harper’s weekly. Map of the China seas showing Philippine islands. 1898. Map of the North Atlantic ocean. 1898. U. S. A. Navy Department. West Indies with the Gulf of Mexico and the Caribbean sea. U. S. A. War Department. Military map, island of Puerto Rico. 1898. U. S. A. War Department. Map of Philippine islands and adjacent seas. 1898. ( 44 ) MILITARY ART AND SCIENCE Bekrimaw. Militiaman’s manual and sword play. 1864. Bigelow. Principles of strategy. 1894. Bormann. Shrapnel shell in England and in Belgium. 1859. Burn. Naval and military technical dictionary. 1863. Cassier’s magazine. Vol. 16, no. 2. 1898. Special naml number . Craighill. Army officers pocket companion and manual for staff officers in the field. 1862. De l’esprit militaire. 1789. Duane. Manual for engineer troops. 1864. Dufour. Strategy and tactics. 1878. Duparcq. Military art and history. 1863. Farrar. Military manners and customs. 1885. Farrow. Military encyclopaedia. 3 vol. 1885. Field officer. Familiar lectures. 1855. Gilham. Manual for volunteers and militia. 1862. Grafton. Treatise on the camp and march. 1854. Hamley. Operations of war. 1886. Hoenig. Tactics^of the future. 1899. JoMiNi. Art of war. 1879. Kautz. Company clerk. 1864, Kautz. Customs of service for non-commissioned officers and soldiers of the army. 1865. Lallemand. Minor operations of war. 1852. Le Gal. School of the guides. 1862. McClellan. Armies of Europe. 1862. Marching salute exercise of the old English pikeman. 1 plate. Mordecai. Report of Military commission to Europe. 1860. National RIFLE ASSOCIATION. Meeting at Wimbledon. 1873. Norton and Valentine. Report on munitions of war. 1868. Patten Army manual for 'Officers. 1862. Pinckney. National guard manual. 1863. Polyaenus. Strategems of war. 1803. Reed. Military science and tactics. 1890. Riboni. Broadsword fencing. 1862. Scott. Military dictionary. 1861. (45) — 46 — MILITARY ART AND SCIENCE— CONTINUED. Stephens. Broad and small sword exercise. 1861. SzABAD. Modern war; its theory and practice. 1863, United service. Vol. 4, new series, vol. 1-12. 1881, 1889-94. U. S. A. War Department. Instructions for making quarterly returns of ordnance and ordnance stores. 1863. U. S. A. War Department. Ordnance memoranda. No. 17, 19-21. 1874-78. U. S. A. War Department. Ordnance notes. Vol. 5-12. 1880-84. United States service magazine. Vol. 1. 1864. Upton. Armies of Asia and Europe. 1878. ViELE. Hand-book for active service. 1861. Wellington. General orders. 1837. Wilhelm. Military dictionary and gazetteer. 1881. Wingate. Manual of rifle practice. 1876. WoLSELY. Soldier’s pocket book for field service. 1869. ARTILLERY. Roberts. Hand-book of artillery. 1863. Thiroux. Instruction d’artillerie. 1849. U. S. A. War Department. Field artillery tactics. 1864. U. S. A. War Department. Heavy artillery tactics. 1863. U. S. A. War Department. Instruction for field artillery. CAVALRY. Bismark. Tactics of cavalry. Gilham. Authorized cavalry tactics. 1861. Great Britain. War Office. Cavalry instruction and regulations. 1796. McClellan. European cavalry. 1861. Nolan. On cavalry horses. 1862. Spencer. English horse exercise. 2 plates. U. S. A. War Department. Cavalry tactics. 1862. INFANTRY. Casey. Infantry tactics. 3 vol. 1862. COPPEE. Field manual for battalion drill. 1862. COPPEE. Field manual of evolutions of the line. 1862. Duane. U. S. A. regulations. 1813. Ellsworth. Zouave drill, manual of arms. 1861. Gomard. Bayonet exercise for the army. 1862. Great Britain. War Office. Field exercise. 1877. Hardee. Rifle and light infantry tactics. 2 vol. 1862. Scott. Infantry tactics. 3 vol. 1861, U. S. A. War Department. Infantry and rifle tactics, 1861. MISCELLANEOUS. Altgeld. Live questions. 1890. Army and navy club, Washington. Officers and members. 1891-92. Banner of gold. Vol. 1-10. 1892-96. Bowker. Publications of societies. 1896. Chicago directory Co. Lakeside city directory. Latest edition. Daily news almanac. 1900. General society op the War of 1812. Constitution. 1895. Grier. Familiar chats about our mints. Grier. Our silver coinage. 1889. Hayes. Letters and messages. 1890. Herschel. Manual of scientific enquiry. 1859. Hiatt. Political manual. 1864. Illinois. General assembly. Laws. 1897. Illinois society op the sons op the American Revolution. Year book. 1899. Lake Mohonk conference on international arbitration. Report. 1898. Lawton. American caucus system. 1885. {Questions of the day .) Massachusetts. Adjutant general. Regulations Mass, volunteer militia. 1879. Newcomb. Financial policy. 1865. Nordhofp. Politics for young Americans. 1875. Order of the old guard. Constitution and by-laws. 1897. Pennsylvania military college. Register. 1899. Sons OP THE Revolution. Constitution. 1892. Southern bivouac. New series, vol. 1-2. 1885-87. United service club. New York. United service club. 1892-93. U. S. A. Congress. Message and documents. 1865-67. U. S. A. Congress. Paris universal exposition. 1878. 5 vol. 1880. U. S. A. War Department. Alphabetical catalogue of the War Department library. 1882, 1884, 1891. U. S. A. War Department. Annual reports. 1898-99. U. S. A. War Department. Military literature. 1899. Wisconsin. Secretary of state. List of persons of the state of Wisconsin re- ported as deserters. 1867. Weaver. Story of our flag. 1898. Worcester. Dictionary. 1887. ( 47 ) NAVY OF THE UNITED STATES. Ammen. Atlantic coast. 1883. {Navy in the Civil War.) Ammen. Old navy and the new. 1891 . Batten. Two years in the U. S. navy. 1881. Bennett. Monitor and the navy under steam. 1900. Bennett. Steam navy of the U. S. 2 vol. 1897. Bigelow. France and the Confederate navy. 1888. CoLLUM. History of the U. S. marine corps. 1890. Evans. A sailor’s log. 1901. Hamersley. Records of living officers of the U. S. navy. 1878. Hamersley. Records of living officers of the U. S. navy. 1890. Hollis. The frigate Constitution. 1900. Maclay. History of the navy. 2 vol. 1894-95. Mahan. Gulf and inland waters. 1883. {Navy in the Civil War ) Naval magazine. Vol 1. 1836. Porter. Naval history of the Civil War. 1886. Preble. Steam navigation. 1895. ScHARP. History of the Confederate States navy. 1894. Semmes. Service afloat. 1887. Soley. Blockade and the cruisers. 1883. {Navy in the Civil War.) Spears. History of our navy. 5 vol. 1897-99. U. S. A. Navy Department. List of officers of the U. S. navy and the marine corps. 1775-1900. U. S. A. Navy Department. Naval uniform regulations. 1886. U. S. A. Navy Department. Navy register. 1869, 1877, 1883, 1887, 1890-1900 U. S. A. Navy Department. Official records of the Union and Confederate navies. Vol. 1-. 1894-. Walke. Naval scenes. Civil War in the U. S. 1877. Warburton. Privateer Savannah trial. ( 48 )