OFFICIAL. t I ' | OafalogoF of H|f j£rf OoIIfttian CATALOGUE 'mniittgs, JSajrmmijs,. Jknfpfttnj AND Household Art, flitnfjr Cincinnati Jnkstrial Coition, 1879. Art ennobles everything it touches —Goethe. COPYRIGHTED. 1879 . OFFICERS OF THE Seventh Cincinnati Industrial Exposition, 1879 . President. EDMUND H. PENDLETON. Vice-Presidents. JAMES H. LAWS, JAMES DALE, E. V. CHERRY. Secretary. Treasurer. HUGH McCOLLUM. JOHN SIMPKINSON. Fine -jhrt (Department . Chairman. WILLIAM McALPIN. COMMITTEES. Painting. WILLIAM McALPIN, M. E. INGALLS, DWIGHT BENTON. Engravings, Sculpture, Etc. HENRY HOOPER, PRESTON POWERS, THOMAS AMBROSE. Household Art. FRANK HUNTINGTON, JOHN FLACK WINSLOW, LORING ANDREWS. r7 trT PREFACE. The members of the Fine Art Committee desire, after the long interval which has elapsed since any similar col- lection has been offered to the public, that the present ex- hibition shall be the inauguration of a new era in the cultivation and appreciation of art in Cincinnati and vicinity; and, in the hope that their labors may be found profitable to that end, would most earnestly commend it to the careful attention and consideration of the friends of art progress in our community. The frequent recurrence of art exhibitions, whereby a diversity of talent and modes of expression are brought into juxtaposition and comparison, is a necessity as well to the artist as to those who, for the sake of culture, are de- sirous of forming just opinions on matters pertaining to art. It is therefore to be hoped that an interest may be aroused by the present display, which will manifest itself not only in an increased knowledge, and consequent patronage, but that it may also prove to be the near pre- cursor of the long-projected permanent Art Gallery of Cincinnati. In the selection of the works, and arrangement of the exhibition, the Committee has been actuated as well by a desire to comply with the expectations of a critical public, in the presentation of productions of exceptional excel- lence, as also to encourage the younger and aspiring talent of our country, by giving proper place to such efforts as are meritorious, without reference to distinction of names. (iii) PREFACE. iv The Committee regrets that it has been found impossi- ble to accept all the works of excellence which have been placed at its disposal by artists and possessors, and return hearty thanks for the liberal responses that have every- where met the call. As will be seen from the Catalogue, many of the pro- ductions are for sale, and it is to he hoped that collectors will embrace the opportunity to give such encouragement, in the way of purchase, as will reward the artists who have so willingly assisted in the success of the present ex- hibition. Applications for purchase should he addressed to the Chairman of the Fine Art Department, who will give prompt attention thereto, and furnish any desired in- formation. INDEX OF ARTISTS WI10SE WORKS ARE IN THE PRESENT EXHIBITION. [ V/te figures following the names ref er to the corresponding numbers in the Catalogue. Abbott, Agnes D., 234. Achenbach, Andreas, Dusseldorf, 320. Agazzis, 126. Anderson, A. A., 27. Anderson, Mrs. S., 445. Anderson, W., 52. Andres, F., 92. Andrews, E. F., Washington, D. C., 70, 259. Armstrong, D. M., Marlborough, N. Y. 183. Barber, J. J., Columbus, 299. Bartlett, T. H., Boston, sculpture, 13. Baumgartner, Peter, Munich, 268. Beers, J., New York, 222, 339. Behne, G. Munich, 475. Beley, Pallik, 32. Beilis, Hubert, 14. Bellows, A. F. (N. A.), 26. Benton, Dwight, Home, 152, 195. Billings, H., Boston, 368. Blass, Prof., Munich, 323. Blum, Robert, New York, 370. Boughton, George H. London, 124, 262. Bouguereau, Wm. Adolphe, Paris, 33. Boyd, Clarence, Louisville, 333, 416. Breitbach, C., Berlin, 101, 102. Breton, Emile Adelard, Paris, 479. Brevoort, J. R. (N. A.), New York, 41. Bricher, A. T., New York, 474. Brion, Gustave, Paris, 483. Bristol, J. B. (N. A.), New York, 139. Brown, George L., Boston, 235, 480. Brown, J. Appleton, Boston, 426. Brown, J. G. (N. A.), New York, 196. Bullet, Chas., Cincinnati, sculpture, 14; paintings, 439. Burns, Charles M., Philadelphia, 353, 386. Burns, M. J., New York, 38. Calame, Alexandre (deceased), 228. Calix, F. Compte, Paris, 116. Calosci, A., 186. Campbell, Mary A., Philadelphia, 338. Carabain, J., 172, 204. Carolus, J., Paris, 133. Casilear, J. W. (N. A.), New York, 39, 127, 215. Cecchini, Eugene P., Venice, 30, 45, 451. Chase, H., 296. Chase, William M., New York, 236. Chelmonski, J., 275. Ciceri, Eugene, Paris, 140. Claque, Richard, New Orleans, 2. Closterman, Mrs., Cincinnati, 283. Cole, J. Foxcroft, Boston. 404. Coleman, Sam’l (N. A.), New York, 453. Conant, Miss C. W., Ecouen, France, 10 . Cooper, Thomas Sidney, London, 335. Cortazzo, O., Paris, 203. Couture, Thomas (deceased), 242. Cropsey, J. F. (N. A.), New York, 158. Currier, Frank, New York, 355, 365, 366, 398. Dabour, John, Baltimore, 211. D’Almaine, George, Baltimore, 379, 395. Dana, William P. W. (N. A.), Paris, 54. VI Art Catalogue, 1879. Darrah, Mrs. S. T., Boston, 36, 84. Daubigny, Karl-Pierre, Paris, 290. Davis, S. E., Paris, 450. De Bylandt, Count, A., 175. De Forest, Lockwood, New York, 302. De Haas, J. H. L., Brussels, 65. DeHaas, M. F. H. (N. A.), New York, 6, 113, 247. De Loose, B., 128. Delort, Charles Edouard, Paris, 142. DeLuce, Percival, New York, 429. Denise, Ira C., Franklin, Ohio, 4, 7, 8, 11, 286. Detaille, Edouard J. B., Paris, 16. DeVini, — , 467, 468. Dielman, F., New York, 132. Dietrich, A., 74. Diloz, H., 477. Dolph, J. H. (A.), 'New York, 13, 64, 88, 184, 281, 292. Doughty, Thomas, New York, 427. Dubois, Chas. E. Paris, 42. Ducrois, Jules, Paris, 197, 336. Dunsmore, John W., Cincinnati, 24, 35, 111. Duveneck, F., Munich, 58. Eakins, Thomas, Philadelphia, 360, 378, 381, 393, 402. Eaton, J. O. (deceased), 270, 288. Eaton, Wyatt, New York, 471. Eckert, A., 305. Escosura, Leon-y, Paris, 179. Falconer, J. M., New York, 359, 390. Fassett, Mrs. C. Adele, Washington, D. C., 412. Ferguson, Henry A., New York, 15. Fettweis, Leopold, sculpture, 7, 9. Foote, E. K., Cincinnati, 96. Fontana, — , 345. Fort, Th., 392. Fuller, George (A.), Boston, 206. Fuller, Mary E., Boston, 321. Gastaldi, A., 103. Gay, W. Allan, Boston, 446. Gaul, Gilbert, New York, 66. Gavin, Robert, 230, 232, 326. Geibel, Carl, Weimar, 23. Gelli, E., 75. Gerry, S. L., 272. Gifford, R. Swain (N. A.), New York, 163. Gifford, S. R. (N. A.), New York, 131, 430. Grant, C. R., Boston, 46. Grand, John, 43. Guardabassi, — , Rome, 169. Gude, Hans. Carlsruhe, 227. Guilmard, Henry, Paris, 31. Guysi, Alice, Cincinnati, 284. Haag, Carl, London, 117,162. Hall, George H. (N. A.), New York, 443. Hals, Franz, 153. Hamilton, McLure, London, 342. Harmon, Amelia, 171. Harnett, William M., Philadelphia, 318, 328. Harrison, T. A., Paris, 165. Hart, James M. (N. A.), New York, 67. Hart, William (N. A.\ New York, 193, 258. Hasenclever, J. P., 436. Hereford, Eudora, Cincinnati, 469. Hernandez, — , 310, 413. Hetzel, George, Pittsburg, 401. Heubner, Carl, Dusseldorf, 177, 252. Hinckley, Thomas H., Boston, 428. Hobbema, M., 71. Honthorst, Gerard, 156. Hornemann, Prof. A., Dusseldorf, 112 . Hovenden, Thomas, Paris, 83, 108. Houghton, S. S., Wellington, Ohio, 408. Hubbard, R. W. (N. A.), New York, 308. Hue, Desire Charles, Paris, 187. Hutchins, Emma S., Cincinnati, 396. Hyneman, H. N., Philadelphia, 164. Indoni, — , Rome, 189. Induno, Giralamo, Paris, 192. Inness, George (N. A.), New Xork, 178, 226. Inness, George, Jr., New York, 157. Isabey, Eugene (deceased), Paris, 159, 213. Ives, Chauncy B., Rome, sculpture, 16. Jacobs, N. S., New York, j25. James, Mrs. H., Cincinnati. 216, 267. Jeannin, G., 484. Jefferson, Joseph, Hohokus, N. J., 198. Joerdans, Jacob, 148. Johnston, Eastman (N. A.), New York, 161. Index of Artists. vii J. J., 464. Jones, H. Bolton, Baltimore, 47, 106, 276. Julio, E. B. D., New Orleans, 9, 470. Jutsum, Hy., 28, 144, 364, 370. Kattenmoser, 0., 417. Kemper, Henry W., Cincinnati, 246. Kennard, B. L., Philadelphia, 4*20. Key, John R., Stockbridge, Mass., 20 . Koek-Koek, H. P., 72, 73. Kollock, Mary, New York, 18. Kowalsky, A. W., 40. Krevenhagen, L., Cincinnati, 311, 313, 397. La Farge, John (N. A.), New York, 263. Lagat, 94. Lambdin, Geo. C., Philadelphia, 55. Lambinet, Emile, Paris, 231. Laurens, A., Paris, 22. Lazerges, Hippolyte, J. R., Paris, 343. Learning, Thomas, Philadelphia, 274, 425. Le Bichonnie, Charles, 410. Leichtenheldt, W., Munich, 185. Lejeune, Eugene, Paris, 250. Lessing, Charles F., Carlsruhe, 147, 214, 289. LeVasseur, — , 223. Leutze, E. (deceased), 95, 466. Lossow, Heinrich, Berlin, 201. Low, William H., New York, 459. Lyman, Joseph, Jr., New York, 63. Maccari, Prof. A., Rome, 114. Macy, W. S., New York, 51, 256. Madrazo, Raimondo de, Paris, 136. Magrath, Wm. (N. A.), New York, 77, 130. Mansfield, John W., New York, 476. Maynard, Geo. W., New York, 105, 150, 174. Max, G., 280. McCord, Herbert, New York, 182. McDonough, J., 78. McDowell, S H., Philadelphia, 122, 194. McEntee, Jervis (N. A.), New York, 34, 115. Mcarns C,, London, 273, 291. Meeks, Eugene, New York, 248, 447, 463. Merle, Hugues, Paris, 143. Metzu, Gabriel, 149. Michetti, P., Paris, 190. Middleton, Stanley Y., New York, 348. % Miller, Charles H. (N. A.), New York, 455. Moran, Peter, Philadelphia, 306. Moran, Thomas, New York, 109, 191 440. Morland, George, 312. Morse, George H., 237. Moreau, Adrian, Paris, 200. Muhrman, Henry, New York, 357, 358, 361, 380. Muller, Charles Louis, Paris, 137. Mulvaney, John, 249. Murillo, 478. Natt, Miss Phoebe D., Philadelphia, 341. Neal, David, 229. Nehlig, Victor (N. A.), Philadelphia, 19, 125. Neumann, L., 448. Nichols, Miss Louise, Cincinnati, 301. Nicoll, J. C., New York, 369. Nislev, A., 399. Noble, Thomas S., Cincinnati, 205. Nourse, Elizabeth, Cincinnati, 315. Ogilvie, Clinton (A.), New York, 91, 207, 271. Osborne, Mrs. S. M., New York, 265, 330, 372. Pape, Ed. Friederich (Berlin, 1817), 319. Parton, Arthur (A.), New York, 449. Pasini, Albert, Paris, 123. Perrault, Leon, Paris, 100. Poelenburg, C., 241. Powers, Hiram, sculpture, 2, 6. Powers, Longworth, Florence, sculp- ture, 15. Powers, Preston, Florence, sculpture, 1, 4, 5, 8, 11. Price, S. W., Louisville, 166, 411. Provis, A., 25. Pyne, R. L ., New York, 49. Quartley, Arthur, New York, 62, 90. Ream, Morston, New York, 209, 293, Reno, Howard, Cincinnati, 415. Ricci, F., 98. vm Art Catalogue, 1879. Rico, Paris, 181. Richards, F. DeB., Philadelphia, 882, 387, 419, 421.. * Richards, Wm. T., Philadelphia, 255, 295. Riefstahl, W. F., Carlsruhe, 208. Robbins, Miss Ella, Boston, 349, 377, 431. Robbins, H. W. (N. A.), New York, 50. Rogers, F. W., Boston, 129, 243, 332. Rollin, H. J., Piqua, O., 307, 309. Bonner, Henrietta, Belgium, 329. Rosier, D., 107. Rothermel, P. F., Philadelphia, 1. Rubens, Peter Paul, 154. Ruff, Miss Margaret, Philadelphia, 210, 233. Ryder, P. P. (A.), Paris, 347, 383. Sartain, Wm., New York, 97, 389, 442. Satterlee, Walter, New York, 303, 340. Schelfhout, Andrew, 269. Schlesinger, H., 104. Schuchardt, F., Jr., New York, 185. Schussele, Christian, Philadelphia, 120 . Seitz, Prof. Otto, Munich, 472. Serrure, A., Paris, 225. Sharp, J. H., Cincinnati, 254. Shirlaw, Walter, New York, 81, 264, 282. Shurtleff, R. M., New York, 217, 362, 385. Sibbel, Joseph, sculpture, 12. Sihlater, A., 351. Silva, Francis A., New York, 363, 435. Smillie, George H. (A.), New York, 354. Smillie, James II. (N. A.), New York, 44, 145, 212, 373, 374, 388, 391. Smith, F. Hopkinson, New York, 352, 356, 367, 384. Smith, Frank Hill, Boston, 80, 454. Smith, T. L. (A.), New York, 68, 297, 482. Sonntag, William L. (N. A.), New York, 82, 146, 432, 433. Soules, E., 375. Spencer, Miss Mary, Cincinnati, 244, 285. Staigg, R. M. (N. A.), Boston, 414. Stone, M. L., 294. Suz, Prof. Gustave, Dusseldorf. 99. Sword, J. B., Philadelphia, 37, 266, 316. Tait, A, F. (N. A.), New York, 79, 327, 334. Tait, John R., Baltimore, 134, 138, 167, 277. Terlinden, Oswald, sculpture, 17. Thom. J. Crawford, New York, 21, 300.' Thompson, Wordsworth (N. A.), New York, 173. Tiffany, Louis C. (A.), New York, 5, 278. Tonge, R., 409. Torres, Anthony de, 119. Trotter, Newbold H., Philadelphia, 224, 462. Twachtman, J, H., New York, 29 56, 331. Uhl, S. Jerome, Springfield, O., 238, 251, 400. Unknown, 279, 298, 344, 346, 394, 406, 434, 438, 444, 465. Vanderdunk, 437. Vanderlyn, John, 473. Vanderpoel, Egbert (Amsterdam, 1650), 424. Van Dyke, Sir Anthony, 441. Van Elten, Kruseman (A.), New York, 60, 188, 456. Van Lerius, J., Belgium, 121. Van Schendel, P. (deceased), Brus- sels, 141. Van Starkenburg, W. T., Amster- dam, 118. Van Ravenstyn, John, 160. Van Ryn, Rembrandt, 151. Vasari, Georgio, 461. Vasquez, Jose Maria (Mexico, 1799), 837 Velton, W., 170. Verboeckhoven, Eugene, Brussels, 180. Vernet, Joseph, 422, 423. Verheyden, F., 59. Volz, Frederic, Munich, 405. Von Biemen, Meyer, 86. Wagner, Munich, 324. Waller, Frank, New York, 87. Ward, Edgar M. (A.), Paris, 403, 458. Way, A. J. H., Baltimore, 3, 12, 317, 407. Webb, C. M., Dusseldorf, 245. Webber, C. T., Cincinnati, 218, 219, 220 , 221 . Weber, Carl, Philadelphia, 61. Index of Artists. ix Weber, Paul, Munich, 253, 304. Weber, Philipp, Philadelphia, 176, 457. Weir, J. Alden, New York, 460. Weir, John F. (N.A.), New York, 53. Wenglien, J,. Munich, 57, 155. Werner, Prof., Dusseldorf, 93. Wilson, James K., Cincinnati, 350. Wilson, Nettie, Cincinnati, 314. White, J. H., 371. Whittridge, T. W. (N. A.), New York. 287. Wittkamp, J. B , 110. Wood, George B., Jr., Philadelphia, 260, 261, 481. Wood, T. W. (N. A.), New York, 322. Woodward, Laura, New York, 85. 199. Woodward, W. W., Paris, 257, 418. Wright, K., 17. Wyant, A. H. (N. A.), New York, 76, 89. Young, JJarvey, Paris, 69. Ziem, Pelix, Paris, 168, 240. Zier, V ictor Casmnr, Pans, 48. Ziller, Z., 239. ABBREVIATIONS. R. A. — Royal Academician. N. A. — National Academician. A. — Associate of the National Academy of Design. E. U. — Exposition Universelle. The names under the titles of the pictures are those of the possessors. The prices of such as are for sale include the frames. ( 10 ) ATALOGUE. \ NORTH HALL. ( Oil Paintings Nos. 1 to 129 Inclusive .) 1 — Christian Martyrs in the Coliseum. P. F. Rothermel, Philadelphia For sale, $10,000. 2 — A Live Oak. Richard Claque, New Orleans Henry C. Dibble, New Orleans. 3 — Muscat Grapes. A. J. H. Way, Baltimore For sale, $110. 4 — View from a Monastery near Florence. Ira C. Denise, Franklin, Ohio For sale, $30. 5 — Street Scene, Roccabrana. Louis C. Tiffany (A.) New York For sale, $150. 6 — Sunset, Long Island. M. F. H. De Haas (N.A.) New York For sale, $300. 7 — Scene near Florence. Ira C. Denise, Franklin, Ohio For sale, $30. 8 — View from Monte Oliyeto. Ira C. Denise, Franklin, Ohio For sale, $30. 9 — Texas Cowboy Charging. E. B. D. Julio, New Orleans John H. McLean, New Orleans. For sale, $100. OD 12 Art Catalogue, 1879. 10 — The First Snow. Miss C. W. Conant, Ecouen, France T. J. Conant. For sale, $75. 11 — Val d’Arno. 12 — Fruit. 18 — Cat. 14 — Still Life. Ira C. Denise, Franklin, Ohio For sale, $30. A. J. II. Way, Baltimore For sale, $100. J. H. Dolph (A.), Hew York For sale, $60. Hubert Beilis T. B. MacDonough, New York. 15 — Bab el Zuweyleh, Cairo. Henry A. Ferguson, Hew York 16 — Study of Equestrians. Edouard J. B. Detaille, Paris (Medals, 1869, 1870, 1872; Cross of the Legion of Honor, 1873; Hors Concours.) Fairman Rogers, Philadelphia. 17 — Child in the Woods. For sale, $125. P. Wright 18 — A Summer Day in Pennsylvania. Mary Kollock, Hew York For sale, $125. 19 — The Bookworm. 20 — Landscape. 21 — Boating Club. 22 — Siesta. Victor Hehlig (H. A.), Philadelphia For sale, $75. John K. Key, Stockbridge, Mass. For sale, $500. J. Crawford Thom, Hew York For sale, $250. For sale, $500. A. Laurens, Paris 23 — Summer Afternoon, W eimar, Germany. Carl Geibel, Weimar II. Teubner, Philadelphia. For sale, $600. Paintings. 13 24 — Reverie. John W. Dunsmore, Cincinnati For sale, $250. 25 — Welsh Interior. A. Pro vis Joseph W. Bates, Philadelphia. 26 — Mill Stream. A. F. Bellows (N. A.), New York For sale, $150. 27 — David Guarding the Flocks of his Father. A. A. Anderson Renner & Co., New York. For sale, $3,000. 28 — Near Penhurst, Kent. Ily. Jutsum Joseph W. Bates, Philadelphia. 29 — Dry Docks. J. II. Twachtman, New York For sale, $250. 30 — Off the Coast of Normandy. Eugene P. Cecchini, Royal Academy, Venice Poll & Richards, Boston. For sale, $250. 31 — Normandy Cottage. Henry Guilmard, Paris T. B. MacDonough, New York. 32 — Interior of a Sheepfold. Pallik Beley T. B. MacPonough, New York. 33 — Orestes Pursued by the Furies. William Adolphe Bouguereau, Paris (Prize of Rome, 1850; medals, 2d Class, 1855; 1st Class, 1857; Legion of Honor, 1859; Medal of Honor Universal Exposi- sition, 1878, Hors Concours.) Pennsylvania Academy of Fine Arts, Philadelphia. 34 — Autumn. Jervis McEntee, New York For sale, $500. 35 — Fragment of the “ Romains de la Decadence.” John W. Dunsmore, Cincinnati (Copy after Couture’s picture in the Gallery of The Luxumbourg, Paris. ) 14 Art Catalogue, 1879. 36 — Misty Morning — Manchester Beach, Massachusetts. Mrs. S. T. Darrah, Boston Doll & Richards, Boston. For sale, $250. 37 — Trout-Fishing — Panther Creek, Pennsylvania. J. B. Sword, Philadelphia For sale, $300. 38— Scudding. M. J. Burns, New York For sale, $400. 39 — Rocky Mountains — From Greeley. J. W. Casilear (N. A.), New York For sale, $750. 40 — The Meeting. For sale, $775. A. W. Kowalsky 41 — Village of Santa Lucia, Italy. J. R. Brevoort (N. A.), New York For sale, $250. 42 — Morning in Venice. Charles E. Dubois, Paris For sale, $200. 43 — Marguerite in Prison. John Grund Mrs. A. C. Barney. 44 — Lake Placid and the Adirondacks — From White Face. James D. Smillie, New York For sale, $650. 45 — Fishing Boats — Environs of Venice. Eugene P. Cecchini, Royal Academy, Venice Doll & Richards, Boston. For sale, $300. 46 — Primrose. C. R. Grant, Boston For sale, $250. H. Bolton Jones, Baltimore For sale, $400. 47 — The Poplars. Paintings. 15 48 — Magdalen. Victor Casimer Zier, Paris For sale, $600. 49 — Landscape. R. L. Pyne, Re w York Renner & Co., New York. For sale, $150. 50 — Banks of the Ausable. H. W. Robbins (R. A.), Row York For sale, $450. 51 — Early Spring Day. W. S. Macy, Rew York For sale, $175. 52 — The Choristers. W. Anderson James S. Earle & Sons, Philadelphia. For sale, $500. 53 — Forging the Shaft. John F. Weir (R. A.) Yale School of Fine Arts, Rew Haven, Conn For sale, $5000. 54 — Flower Girl. William P. W. Dana (R. A.), Paris C. Lanier, New York. 55 — Roses against a Wall. George C. Lambdin, Philadelphia James S. Earle & Sons, Philadelphia. For sale, $150. 56 — South Cove, Jersey. J^ H^-Twa^htman, Rew York n,j Ccit mzr Tul, tC 57 — The Morning Drink. J. Wenglein, Munich For sale, $300. 58 — Turkish Page. F. Duveneck, Munich Doll & Richards, Boston. For sale, $1200. 59 — Caught in a Storm. F. Verheyden Joseph W. Bates, Philadelphia. 60 — Autumn. Kruseman Van Elten (A.), Rew York For sale, $180. 61 — Scene near Ulm, Bavaria. Carl Weber, Philadelphia H. Earl, Philadelphia. For sale, $250. , 16 Art Catalogue, 1879. 62 — Marine. Arthur Quartley For sale, $150. 63 — Morning at Nahant. Joseph Lyman, Jr., New York For sale, $400. 64 — Last Days of October. J. II. Dolph (A.), New York For sale, $500. 65 — Cattle in the Meadows of Holland. J ean Hubert Leonard De Haas, Brussels (Commander of the Order of Charles III., of Spain.) (Officer of the Order of Leopold, of Belgium.) (Officer of the Order of the Royal Crown of Italy.) (Knight of the Order of the Royal Crown of Prussia.) (Knight of the Order of Francis Joseph of Austria.) (Medal at Utrech, 1861; Grand Gold Medal at Munich, 1869; Grand Gold Medal, E. U., Vienna, 1874; Medals at the Hague, 1857, 1869; Medal at Centennial Exposition, 1876.) (Member of the Royal Academies of Rotterdam and Amsterdam ) Myers & Hedian, Baltimore. For sale, $3500. 66 — The Fall. Gilbert Gaul, New York Renner & Co., New York. For sale, $300. 67 — By the Boadside. James M. Hart (N. A.), New York For sale, $750. 68 — Winter. T. L. Smith (A.) New York For sale, $100. 69 — Morning. Harvey Young, Paris For sale, $150. 70 — Portrait of Martha Washington. E. F. Andrews, Washington, D. C. For sale, $3,000. 71 — Landscape. M. Hobbema A. S. Ludlow. 72 — Landscape. R. S. Thoms. H. P. Koek-Koek Paintings. 17 73 — Landscape. H. P. Koek-Koek R. S. Thoms. 74 — Flowers. A. Dietrich Mrs. F. B. Plimpton. 75 — Figure. E. Gelli Renner & Co., New York. For sale, $225. 76 — Evening. A. H. Wyant (IT. A.), New York For sale, $300. 77 — Girl at the Pump. William Magrath (N. A.) For sale, $800. 78 — Church — Champemarco. J. McDonough For sale, $150. 79 — The Rescue. A. F. Tait (N. A.), New York For sale, $300. 80 — The Brook — New Hampshire. Frank Hill Smith, Boston Doll & Richards, Boston. For sale, $600. 81 — Sheep Shearing in the Bavarian Highlands. Walter Shirlaw, New York For sale, $3,000. 82 — Sunset in Italy. William L. Sonntag (N. A.), New York Doll & Richards. For sale, $600. 83 — Dolce far Niente. Thomas Hovenden, Paris For sale, $400. 84 — Gathering Kelp — Manchester Beach, Mass. Mrs. S. T. Darrah, Boston For sale, $250. 85 — In the Summer Woods. Laura Woodward, New York Renner & Co., New York. For sale, $115. 18 Art Catalogue, 1879. 86 — The Last Look at Home. Meyer Yon Bremen (Shown in the Cincinnati Exposition, 1875.) Fairman Rogers, Philadelphia. 87 — Citadel, Cairo. Frank Waller, New York For sale, $350. 88— Cat. J. H. Dolph (A.), New York For sale, $200. 89 — Schuyler’s Island. A. H. Wyant (N. A.), New York For sale, $100. 90 — Clearing Off. Arthur Quartley, New York For sale, $600. 91 — Mountain Brook. Clinton Ogilvie (A.), New York Renner & Co., New York. For sale, $450. 92 — Figure. F. Andres For sale, $200. 93 — Christmas Morning. Prof. Werner, Dusseldorf James S. Earle & Sons, Philadelphia. For sale, $250. 94 — The Coming Storm. Lagat For sale, $600. 95 — Landing of the Norsemen. E. Leutze (deceased) Pennsylvania Academy of Fine Arts, Philadelphia. 96 — Portrait. E. K. Foote, Cincinnati 97 — A Nubian Sheik. William Sartain, New York For sale, $300. 98 — The Hunters. F. Ricci Renner & Co., New York. For sale, $300. 99 — Ducklings. Prof. Gustave Suz, Dusseldorf For sale, $200. 100 — Feeding Chickens. Leon Perrault, Paris (Medals, 1864-1876; Hors Concours.) Myers & Hedian, Baltimore. For sale, $800. Paintings. 19 101 Going to the Pair. C. Breitbach, Berlin A. S. Bushnell, Springfield, Ohio. 102 — Returning from the Pair. C. Breitbach, Berlin A. S. Bushnell, Springfield, Ohio. 103 The Duke of Arno — Meditating the Death of his Wife, Parisina. -A.. Gastaldi Pennsylvania Academy of Fine Arts, Philadelphia. 104 — The Convalescent. H. Schlesinger Mrs. J. A. Goin, New York. 105 — The Princess. George W. Maynard, New York For sale, $250. 106— Old House in Pont Aven— France. H. Bolton Jones, Baltimore For sale $200. 107 — Flowers. D. Rosier For sale, $100. 108— What O’Clock is it? Thomas Hovenden, Paris V Renner & Co., New York. For sale, $800. 109 — Bringing Home Cattle — Coast of Florida. Thomas Moran, New York For sale, $1000. HO Datheen Preaching before the Walls of Ghent, during the YTar between Spain and the Netherlands, fought for the Independence of the latter Country. J. B. Wittkamp Pennsylvania Academy of Fine Arts, Philadelphia. HI — Head, Marguerite. John W. Dunsmore, Cincinnati For sale, $100. 112 — The Wandering Minstrel. Prof. A. Hornemann, Dusseldorf Myers & Hedian, Baltimore. For sale, $600. 20 Art Catalogue, 1879. 113 — Pulling the Nets. M. F. II. Dellaas (N. A.), New York Renner & Co., New York. For sale, $800. 114 — Lady of the Seventeenth Century. Prof. A. Maccari, Rome For sale, $350. 115 — Landscape. Jervis McEntee (N. A.), New York For sale, $400. 116 — Algerine Coast. F. Compte Calix, Paris (Medal, 1844, 1857, 1859, 1863; Hors Concours.) Fairman Rogers, Philadelphia. 117 — Figure. C. Haag, London (Cross of the Legion of Honor, 1878; Hors Concours.) For sale, $70. 118 — Milking, Early Morning. W. T. Yan Starkenburg, Amsterdam H. Earl, Philadelphia. For sale, $300. $ 119 — Conversion of St. Paul. Anthony de Torres, 1516 John H. McLean, New Orleans. 120 — Queen Esther Denouncing Haman to Ahasuerus. Christian Schussele, Philadelphia Pennsylvania Academy of Fine Arts, Philadelphia. 121 — The Brides of Venice. J. Vanerius, Belgium “ * * * * Thus were the Brides lost and recover’d. * * * * The memory of a day so full of change — From joy to grief, from grief to joy again — Through many an age, as oft as it came round, ’ Twas held religiously, with all observance. * * ” “ The Brides of Venice — Roger3. Mrs. A. C. Barney. 122 — Portraits of Gentleman and Dog. S. H. McDowell, Philadelphia Paintings. 21 123 — Street in Constantinople. Albert Pasini, Paris (Medals, 1859, 1863, 1864 ; Cross of the Legion of Honor, 1868 ; Medal of Honor, E. U. 1878 ; Officer of the Legion of Honor, 1878, Hors Concours.) Fairman Rogers, Philadelphia. 124 — Winter Landscape. George H. Boughton, London Doll & Richards, Boston. For sale, $350. 125 — The Orator. Victor Nehlig (N. A.), Philadelphia H. Teubner, Philadelphia. For sale, $200. 126 — Lunch. Agazzis For sale, $50. 127 — Genessee Meadows. J. W. Casilear (N. A.), New York For sale, $1100. 128 — Family Interior. B. Be Loose Mrs. J. A. Goin, New York. 129 — Out for a Frolic. F. W. Rogers, Boston Doll & Richards, Boston. For sale, $250. SCULPTURE. 1 — Plaster Bust of Reuben Springer. Preston Powers, Florence 2 — Marble Bust of Psyche. Hiram Powers Julius Dexter. 3 — Marble Bust of Sleeping Child. Author unknown Alfred White. 4 — Marble Portrait Bust of a Lady. Preston Powers, Florence 5 — Marble Bust of Prof. Agassiz. Preston Powers, Florence 6 — Marble Bust of Judge Taft. Hiram Powers J udge Taft. 22 Art Catalogue, 1879. SOUTH HALL. ( Oil Paintings Nos. 130 to 254 Inclusive.) 130 — Figure. William Magrath (Y. A.), Yew York Renner & Co., New York. For sale, $800. 131 — Siout, Upper Egypt. S. E. Gifford (N. A.), New York For sale, $200. 132 — Head. F. Dielman, New York For sale, $125. 133 — Bric-a-Brac Shop. J. Carolus, Paris. Roll & Richards, Boston. For sale, $1200. 134 — The Brook by the Way. John E. Tait, Baltimore For sale, $200. * 135 — Tambourine Girl. F. Schuchardt, Jr., Yew York For sale, $125. 136 — Moorish Soothsayer. Eaimondo de Madrazo, Paris (Medal, 1878, E. XL; Cross of the Legion of Honor, 1878; Hors Concours.) Alexander Brown, Philadelphia.) 137 — The Toilet. Charles Louis Miiller, Paris (Medals, 1838, 1846, 1848; Cross of the Legion of Honor, 1849; Medal E. U., 1855; Officer of the Legion of Honor, 1859; Member of the Institute, 1864; Hors Concours.) Mrs. J. A. Goin, New York. 138 — Evening on the Lake. John E. Tait, Baltimore For sale, $400. 139 — Landscape. J. B. Bristol (Y. A.), Yew York For sale, $225. 140 — Evening on the Saone. Eugene Ciceri, Paris (Medal, 1852.) James S. Earle & Sons, Philadelphia. For sale, $125. Paintings. 23 141 — Market Scene. P. Van Schendel (deceased), Brussels (Medals, 1844, 1847; Grand Medal of Honor, 1856; Chevalier ol the Legion of Honor and the Order of Leopold.) For sale, $50. 142 — Les Confidences. Charles Edouard Delort, Paris (Medal, 1875.) Myers & Iledian, Baltimore. For sale, $1200. 143 — Young Gtrl of Etretat. Hugues Merle, Paris (Medals, 1861-1863; Cross of the Legion of Honor, 1866.) (Shown in the Cincinnati exhibition of 1874.) Fairman Rogers, Philadelphia. 144 — Village in Westmoreland. Hy. Jutsum Joseph W. Bates, Philadelphia. 145 — Rough Sport in the Yosemite. James D. Smillie, Yew York For sale, $350. 146 — Study from Yature. William M. Sonntag (Y. A.), Yew York For sale, $150. 147 — Moonrise. Charles F. Lessing, Carlsruhe (Shown in the Cincinnati Exhibition of 1875.) Fairman Rogers, Philadelphia. 148 — A Satyr Pressing Grapes in a Goblet. Jacob Joerdans (Joerdans was attached to the school of Rubens, and much of his painting is erroneously attributed to the latter master.) A. D. Bullock. 149 — The Violinist. Gabriel Metzu (A celebrated painter of Antwerp of the seventeenth century.) A. D. Bullock. 150 — Figure. George W. Maynard, Yew York Renner & Co., Hew York. For sale, $75. 24 Art Catalogue, 1879. 151 — Portrait of Rembrandt Van Ryn. By himself (This master is justly considered one of the greatest painters of the world. He was the founder of a new manner in the treat- ment of light and shade, which has been imitated by many but equaled by none. The picture shown is one of the finest examples, from his hand, and is in a state of most excellent preservation.) A. D. Bullock. 152 — Peasant’s Home — Sabine Mountains, Italy. Dwight Benton, Rome Mrs. O. J. Wilson. 153 — The Gardener. Franz Hals (Hals was a famous painter of the Netherland School, whose disso- lute habits limited the number of his productions. They are therefore rare, and eagerly sought for by connoisseurs. The present example is one of great value, and exhibits the style of Hals in his best period.) A. D. Bullock. 154 — The Wounded Gladiator. Peter Paul Rubens (This is one of the most intensely realistic and powerful efforts of this great painter.) A. D. Bullock. 155 — Landscape. J. Wenglein, Munich Myers & Hedian, Baltimore. For sale, $350. 156 — Portrait of a Lady. Gerard Honthorst (A painter noted for the simplicity and refinement of his heads. He was a follower of the celebrated Italian master, Caravag- gio, but excelled him in color.) A. D. Bullock. 157 — The Storm. George Inness, Jr., Yew York Renner & Co., New York. For sale, $150. 158 — By the River Side. J. F. Cropsey (Y. A.), Yew York For sale, $125. Paintings. 25 159 — Dutch Harbor — Moonlight. Eugene Isabey (deceased), Paris (Medals, 1824, 1827, 1855 (E. U.); Cross of the Legion of Honor, 1832; Officer of the Legion of Honor, 1852, Hors Concours.) Fairman Rogers, Philadelphia.) —.160 — The Devotee. John Van Ravenstyn (A painter of the sixteenth century, of the school of Holbein; distinguished for the simplicity as well as earnestness of his work. The great attention to detail in this picture is one of the chief characteristics of Holbein, and shows the influence under which Ravenstyn painted.) A. D. Bullock. 161 — Correspondent. Eastman Johnson (H. A.), Hew York Renner & Co., New York. For sale, $250. 162 — Playing Mama. Carl Haag, London (Cross of the Legion of Honor, 1878; Hors Concours.) Renner & Co., New York. For sale, $70. 163 — Dartmouth Moors — Massachusetts. R. Swain Gifford (H. A.), Hew York For sale, $800. 164 — Desdemona. H. H. Hyneman, Philadelphia (Shown in the Salon Exhibition of 1879.) For sale, $1500. 165 — On the Strand. Thomas A. Harrison, Paris H. Teubner, Philadelphia. For sale, $150. 166 — Portrait of Gen. Eli H. Murray. S. W. Price, Louisville, Ky. 167 — Morning in the Pasture. John R. Tait, Baltimore For sale, $400. 168 — Venice. Felix Ziem, Paris (Medals, 1851, 1852, 1855 (E. U.) ; Cross of the Legion of Honor, 1857 ; Officer of the Legion of Honor, 1878 ; Hors Concours.) C. Lanier, New York. 26 Art Catalogue, 1879. 169 — The Fortune-Teller. Guardabassi, Home. Renner & Co., New York. For sale, $300. 170 — The Playmates. W. Velton For sale, $135. 171 — Hollyhocks. Amelia Harmon For sale, $100. 172 — Chapel of St. Werner. J. Carabain Joseph W. Bates, Philadelphia. 178 — The Island of Monte Cristo — From the Coast of Corsica. Wordsworth Thompson (FT. A.), New York For sale, $365. 174 — A Musician. George W. Maynard, New York For sale, $500. 175 — Village Festival. Count A. He Bylandt A. S. Ludlow. 176 — Grand Manan Island. Philipp Weber 177 — Homeless. Carl Heubner, Dusseldorf Mrs. C. C. Hall, Middletown, Conn. For sale, $1000. 178 — Landscape. George Inness (N. A.), New York For sale, $150. 179 — Coming from the Audience. Leon y Escosura, Paris Joseph W. Bates, Philadelphia. 180 — Sheep in Motion. Eugene Verboeckhoven, Brussels (Medals, 1839, 1845, 1848, 1855; Cross of the Legion of Honor, 1864; Medal E. U., 1867; Grand Gold Medals of Prussia and Belgium; Chevalier of the Legion of Honor, in the Order of Leopold; Member of the Royal Academies of Berlin, Amster- dam, and Antwerp.) Joseph W. Bates, Philadelphia. 181 — Scene on the Seine. Hico, Paris Alexander Brown, Philadelphia. Paintings. 27 182 — Under the Palisades. Herbert McCord, Hew York For sale, $300. 183 — Street Scene, Brittany. D. M. Armstrong, Marlborough, H. Y For sale, $500. 184 — An Intruder. J. H. Dolph (A.), Hew York For sale, $300. 185 — Moonlight. W. Leicbtenbeldt, Munich Myers & Hedian, Baltimore. For sale, $300. — 186 — Temptation. A Calosci For sale, $175. 187 — Admiration. Charles D6sir6 Hue, Paris Doll & Richards, Boston. For sale, $250. 188 — Morning at Bristol. Kruseman Yan Elten (A.), Hew York For sale, $200. 189 — Love’s Offering. Indoni, Borne For sale, $1000. 190 — Drinking the Health of the Bride. P. Michetti, Paris Alexander Brown, Philadelphia. 191 — A Cloudy Day near Waverly, H. J. Thomas Moran, Hew York For sale, $250. 192 — Music Lessons. Grirolarno Induno, Paris (Medals, 1878 (E. U.); Cross of the Legion of Honor, 1878; Hors Concours.) Mrs. J. A. Goin, New York. 193 — Cattle. William Hart (H. A.), Hew York Renner & Co., New York. For sale, $250. 28 Art Catalogue, 1879. 194 — The Watchful Guardian. S. II. McDowell, Philadelphia For sale. $75. 195 — A Stormy Morning in the Sabine Mountains, Italy. Dwight Benton, Pome For sale, $350. >196 — “ What D’ye Say.” J. G. Brown (1ST. A.), Pew York For sale, $100. 197 — Peasant and Family. Jules Ducrois, Paris Mrs. J. A. Goin, New York. 198 — “ The Bayou,” Louisiana. Joseph Jefferson, Hohokus, P. J. For sale, $600. 199 — Landscape. For sale, $50. Laura Woodward 200 — The First Ride. (Medal, 1876.) For sale, $600. Adrien Moreau, Paris 201 — Study. Heinrich Lossow, Berlin A. S. Bushnell, Springfield, Ohio. 202 — Doorway — Venice. Felix Ziem, Paris (Medals, 1851, 1852, 1855 (E. U.); Cross of the Legion of Honor, 1857; Officer of the Legion of Honor, 1878; Hors Concours.) Fairman Rogers, Philadelphia. 203 — The Interrupted Sitting. O. Cortazzo, Paris (Shown in the Cincinnati Exposition of 1875.) Fairman Rogers, Philadelphia. 204 — At Bingen on the Rhine. J. Carabain Joseph W. Bates, Philadelphia. 205 — An Idle Dream. Thomas S. Poble, Cincinnati For sale, $500. Paintings. 29 206 — Shrewsbury River. George F. Fuller (A.), Boston For sale, $300. 207 — Lake Lucerne. Clinton Ogilvie (A.), New York For sale, $500. 208 — Church-yard — Swiss Valley. W. F. Riefstahl, Carlsruhe Mrs. F. B. Plimpton. 209 — Fruit. Morston Ream, New York For sale, $150. 210 — A Kitchen Garden. Miss Margaret Ruff, Philadelphia For sale, $50. 211— A Nymph. John Dabour, Baltimore For sale, $125. 212 — September Afternoon. James D. Smillie (N. A.), New York For sale, $125. 213 — Procession of Cardinals. Eugene Isabey (deceased), Paris (Medals, 1824, 1827, 1855 (E. TJ.) ; Cross of the Legion of Honor, 1832; Officer of the Legion of Honor, 1852; Hors Concours. Shown in the Cincinnati Exhibition of 1875.) Fairman Rogers, Philadelphia. 214 — Landscape. Charles F. Lessing, Carlsruhe. Mrs. F. B. Plimpton. 215 — Early Autumm. J. W. Casilear (N. A.), New York For sale, $225. 216 — Currants. Mrs. H. James, Cincinnati For sale, $75. 217 — Afternoon in the Woods. R. M. Shurtleff* New York For sale, $300. 30 Art Catalogue, 1879. Four Scenes from Eip Yan Winkle — (Joseph Jefferson in the title role.) C. T. Webber, Cincinnati 218 — Blue Monday. 219 — Temptation. 220 — Morning in the Catskills. 221 — Rip’s Return. 222 — Summer Day. J. Beers, Yew York For sale, $125. 223 — Portrait of Corot. Le Vasseur Joseph Jefferson, Hohokus, N. J. 224 — Some One Coming. Yewbold II. Trotter, Philadelphia For sale, $150. 225 — The Flower Market. A. Serrure, Paris Joseph W. Bates, Philadelphia. 226 — Autumn. George Inness (Y. A.), Yew York For sale, $150. 227 — Marine, Coast of Yorway. Hans Gude, Carlsrnhe Mrs. F. B. Plimpton. 228 — Landscape. Alexandre Calame (deceased), Paris (Member of the Legion of Honor.) Myers & Hedian, Baltimore. For sale, $500. 229 — Meeting of Mary Stuart and Rizzio. David Yeal A. S. Bushnell, Springfield, Ohio. 230 — Going to School. Robert Gavin Joseph W. Bates, Philadelphia. 231 — Landscape. Emile Lambinet, Paris For sale, $175. 232 — Phebe Mayflower. Robert Gavin Joseph W. Bates, Philadelphia. Paintings. 31 233 — Objects of Nature and Art. Miss Margaret Ruff, Philadelphia General Ruff, Philadelphia. For sale, $75. 234 — Lilacs. Agnes D. Abbott, New York For sale, $100. 235 — Indian Summer Day — Franconia Notch, N. H. George L. Brown, Boston Doll & Richards, Boston. For sale, $800. 236— Landscape. William M. Chase, New York For sale, $500. 237 — Woodcock. George H. Morse For sale, $150. 238- -Portrait. S. Jerome Uhl, Springfield, Ohio 239 — The Old Chateau. Z. Ziller T. B. MacDonough, New York. 240 — L andscape. Felix Zeim, Paris (Medals, 1851, 1852, 1855 (E. U.); Cross of the Legion of Honor, 1857 ; Officer of the Legion of Honor, 1878; Hors Concours.) 241 — Landscape. C. Poelemburg. A. S. Ludlow. 242 — The Miser. Thomas Couture (deceased) H. Hoffman, Cincinnati. 243 — On Duty. F. W. Rogers, Boston. Doll & Richards. For sale, $300. 244 — Portrait. Miss Mary Spencer, Cincinnati 245 — Enough Wine. C. M. Webb, Dusseldorf 246 — Echo Lake- For sale, $500. -White Mountains. Henry W. Kemper, Cincinnati For sale, $300. 32 Art Catalogue, 1879. 247 — White Isles of Shoals. M. F. H. De Haas (N. A.), Hew York For sale, $1500. 248 — Figure of a Lady. Eugene Meeks, New York Renner & Co., New York. For sale, $300. 249 — Study of an Old Bavarian Soldier, who was with Napoleon in his Campaign of Moscow. John Mulvaney Theodore F. Hallam, Covington. 250 — A Simple Offering. Eugene Lejenne, Paris T. B. MacDonough, New York. 251 — Portrait. S. Jerome Uhl, Springfield Ohio 252 — Village Doctor. Carl Heubner, Dusseldorf H. Teubner, Philadelphia. For sale, $450. 253 — Sunset — Lake Cliiern, near Munich. Paul Weber, Munich H. Earl, Philadelphia. For sale, $600. 254 — An Artist’s Attic. J. IP. Sharp, Cincinnati For sale, $150. SCULPTURE. 7 — Marble Bust of Page. Leopold Fettweis, Cincinnati 8 — Marble Bust of Charles Sumner. Preston Powers, Florence 9 — Plaster Group, “ The Deserted.” Leopold Fettweis, Cincinnati 10 — Marble Bust, Niobe. From the Antique Judge Dickson. 11 — Marble Portrait, Bust of Boy. Preston Powers, Florence Marshall Field, Chicago. 12 — Terra Cotta Fountain Figure. Joseph Sibbel, Cincinnati Paintings. 33 ENGRAVING GALLERY. ( Oil Paintings Nos. 255 to 348 Inclusive .) 255 — Autumn. William T. Richards, Philaldephia James S. Earle & Sons, Philadelphia. For sale, $125. 256 — Meadows near Munich. W. S. Macy, New York For sale, $350. 257 — “ Souvenir de Voyage Saltimbanque Bohemienne.” W. W. Woodward, Paris 258 — Landscape with Cattle. William Hart (N. A.), Hew York For sale, $250. 259 — Flower Girl. E. F. Andrews, Washington Frank S. Osborn, Columbus, Ohio. 260 — The House of J. Howard Payne — Author of “ Home, Sweet Home.” George B. Wood, Jr., Philadelphia James S. Earle & Sons, Philadelphia. For sale, $50. 261 — Fisherman’s Hut — N antucket. George B. Wood, Jr., Philadelphia James S. Earle & Sons, Philadelphia. For sale, $50. 262 — Return of the Mayflower. George H. Boughton, London (Shown in the Cincinnati Exposition of 1875.) Fairman Rogers, Philadelphia. 263 — Flowers. John La Farge (N. A.), New York For sale, $300. 264 — Study of Figures. Walter Shirlaw, New York For sale, $200. 34 Art Gallery, 1879. 265 — June Roses. Mrs. S. M. Osborne, Yew York For sale, $50. 266 — Summer — Lake Hopatcong, Y. J. J. B. Sword, Philadelphia For sale, $40. 267 — Fruit Piece. Mrs. H. James, Cincinnati For sale, $250. 268 — The Surprise. Peter Baumgartner, Munich Joseph W. Bates, Philadelphia. 269 — Marine. Andrew Schelfhout (Medals at Antwerp, Brussels, Ghent, and The Hague ; Member of Academies of Holland.) William Karrmann. 270 — Mental Lesson. J. 0. Eaton (deceased) G. W. McAlpin. 271 — Path by the Brook. Clinton Ogilvie (A.), Yew York For sale, $100. 272 — Year Medfield, Mass. For sale, $125. 273 — The Fatal Shot. S. L. Gerry C Mearns, London G. W. McAlpin. 274 — A Yegro Hut, Maryland. Thomas Learning, Philadelphia Charles F. Haseltine, Philadelphia. For sale, $100. 275 — Out for an Airing. For sale, $150. J. Chelminski 276 — Taking Geese to Market. H. Bolton Jones, Baltimore For sale, $75. 277 — Afternoon. Landscape, with Cattle. John R. Tait, Baltimore For sale, $200. Paintings. 35 .278 — Rest. Louis C. Tiffany (A.), New York For sale, $600. 279 — A Member of the Inquisition. Unknown (Spanish School.) Henry C. Dibble, New Orleans. 280 — Head. G. Max 281 — Study of a Head. 282 — Grandma. 283 — Flowers. 284— Flowers. 285 — Game Piece. 286 — Lake Garda. For sale, $800. J. H. Dolpk (A.), New York Walter Shirlaw, New York Mrs. Closterman, Cincinnati Alice Guysi, Cincinnati Miss Mary Spencer, Cincinnati Ira C. Denise, Franklin, Ohio For sale, $40. 287 — Fawn’s Head. T. W. Whitridge (N. A.), New York C. E. Spining, Glendale, Ohio. For sale, $200. 288 — Moral Lesson. J. O. Eaton (deceased) G. W. McAlpin. 289 — Landscape. Charles F. Lessing, Carlsruhe T. F. Hallam, Covington. 290 — Landscape. Karl Pierre Daubigny, Paris (Medals, 1874, 1878; Hors Concours.) Joseph Jefferson, Hohokus, N. J. 291 — Watching and Waiting. C. Mearns, London G. W. McAlpin. 292 — An After-Dinner Nap. J. H. Dolph (A.), New York For sale. Morston Ream, New York For sale, $200. 293 — Fruit. 86 Art Catalogue, 1879. 294 — Counting the Chickens. M. L. Stone- For sale, $75. 295 — Summer. William T. Bicliards, Philadelphia Jas. S. Earle & Sons, Philadelphia. For sale, $125. 296 — Marine. H. Chase R. S. Thoms. 297 — Winter Landscape. T. L. Smith (A.), New York 298 — The Doubting Artist. Unknown 299 — Out of the Woods. John F. Barber, Columbus For sale, $500. 300 — Counting the Ducklings. J. Crawford Thom, New York For sale, $200. 301 — Fruit. Miss Louise Nichols, Cincinnati 302 — Street Scene, Cairo. Lockwood De Forest, New York For sale, $200. 303 — Keeping the Model Still. Walter Satterlee, New York For sale, $125. 304 — Niagara. Paul Weber, Munich William Karrmann. 305 — Hall of the Hussars. A. Eckert A. S. Ludlow. 306 — Sheep. Peter Moran, Philadelphia For sale, $200. 307 — Grandfather’s Light. H. J. Rollin, Piqua, Ohio For sale, $150. 308 — Afternoon. R. W. Hubbard (N. A.), New York For sale, $250. Paintings. 37 309 — Moonrise on the Miami. H. J. Rollin, Piqua, Ohio For sale, $125. 310 — Landscape. Hernandez For sale, $75. 311 — Cincinnati from Bellevue House. L. Kreyenhagen, Cincinnati For sale, $60. 312 — “ Home, Sweet Home.” George Morland (Old English School.) T. B. MacDonough, New York. 313 — Roman Campagna. L. Kreyenhagen, Cincinnati For sale, $20. 314 — Flower Study. 315 — Flowers. Hettie Wilson, Cincinnati Elizabeth. Nourse, Cincinnati 316 — Autumn in the Adirondacks. J. B. Sword, Philadelphia For sale, $40. 317 — Fruit. A. J. H. Way, Baltimore 318 — The Smoker’s Solace. William M. Harnett, Philadelphia James S. Earle & Sons, Philadelphia. For sale, $125. 319 — Lake 'Geneva. Ed. Friederich Pape, Berlin, 1817 William Karrmann. 320 — Marine. The earliest of Andreas Achenbach, Dusseldorf (Medals, 1839, 1845, 1848, 1855 ; Cross of the Legion of Honor, 1864; Medal, E. U., 1867; Grand Gold Medals of Prussia and Belgium ; Chevalier of the Legion of Honor of the Order of Leopold; Member of the Eoyal Academies of Berlin, Amster- dam, and Antwerp.) William Karrmann. 321 — Dogs. Mary E. Fuller, Boston For sale, $ 100. 38 Art Catalogue, 1879. 322— Puzzled. T. W. Wood (1ST. A.), New York For sale, $250. 323 — Italian Orange Girl. Prof. Blaas, Munich James S. Earle & Sons, Philadelphia. For sale, $300. 324 — Faded Flowers. Wagner, Munich Myers & Hedian, Baltimore. For sale, $200. 325 — Grandma. N. S. Jacobs, New York For sale, $150. 326 — Threading the Needle. Bobert Gavin Joseph W. Bates, Philadelphia. 327 — Cunning. A. F. Tait (N. A.), New York For sale, $125. 328 — Still Life. William M. Harnett, Philadelphia For sale, $150. 329 — The Watch Dog. Henrietta Bonner (Belgian) Henry C. Dibble, New Orleans. 330 — Landscape. Mrs. S. M. Osborne, New York For sale, $75. 331 — Marine. J. H. Twachtman, New York For sale, $175. 332 — Out in the Cold. F. W. Bogers, Boston For sale, $150. 333 — Feeding Chickens. Clarence Boyd, Louisville For sale, $125. 334 — Thoroughbreds. A. F. Tait (N. A.), New York 335 — Cattle Piece. Thomas Sidney Cooper (English School) Henry C. Dibble, New Orleans. 336 — The Christening. Jules Ducrois Mrs. J. A. Goin, New York. Paintings. 39 337— The Master’s Service. Jose Maria Vasquez (Painted in Mexico, 1799.) Henry C. Dibble, New Orleans. 338 — The Neglected Lesson. Mary A. Campbell, Philadelphia For sale, $100. 339 — A Summer Day. J. Beers, New York For sale, $125. 340 — A Sunday Reverie. Walter Saterlee, New York For sale, $100. 341 — Sir Launcelot and Elaine. Miss Phoebe D. Natt, Philadelphia For sale, $100. 342 — The Captive. McLure Hamilton, London H. Teubner, Philadelphia. For sale, $300. 343 — Henry II. Hippolyte J. 11. Lazerges, Paris (Medals, 1843, 1848, 1857; Cross of the Legion of Honor, 1867; Hors Concours. For sale, $1000. 344 — Death of Cleopatra. Unknown Mrs. Dr. Dickey, New Orleans. 345 — Virgin and Child. Fontana Mrs. Dr. Dickey, New Orleans. 346 — The Holy Family. Unknown Mrs. Dr. Dickey, New Orleans. 347 — Sunday Afternoon. P. P. Ryder (A.), Paris For sale, $125. 348 — Normandy Landscape. Stanley Y. Middleton, New York Renner & Co. For sale, $150. 40 Art Catalogue, 1879. ( Water Colors Nos. 349 to 39 8 Inclusive.) 849 — Apple Blossoms. Miss Ella Robbins, Boston Doll & Richards, Boston. For sale, $30. 850 — The Old Homestead. James K. Wilson, Cincinnati 351 — Landscape. Edward T. Lea. A. Sihlatei 352 — Charcoal Drawing. E. H. Smith, Hew York 353 — Interior, San Marco, Venice. Cbas. M. Burns, Philadelphia For sale, $40. 354 — Evening. Geo. H. Smillie (A.), Hew York For sale, $75. 355 — Backwoods. Frank Currier, Hew York For sale, $50. 356 — Charcoal Drawing. F. II. Smith, Hew York 357 — Confessional in the Church at Ellal, Prussia. 358 — Portrait. Henry Muhrman, Hew York For sale, $100. Henry Muhrman, Hew York For sale, $75. 359 — First Building used for Methodist Worship. J. M. Falconer, Hew York For sale, $40. 360 — Base Ball Players. Thomas Eakins, Philadelphia For sale, $100. Paintings. 41 361 — Milking Time — Bavaria. Henry Muhrman, Hew York Renner & Co. For sale, $200. 362 — October. 363 — Off Fire Island. B. M. Shurtleff, Hew York For sale, $125. Francis A. Silva, Hew York For sale, $100. 364 — Spring Time, Pergate, Surrey. Hy. Jutsum Joseph W. Bates, Philadelphia. 365 — Sunset. 366 — Bock Scene. 367 — Sultry Morning. Frank Currier, Hew York For sale, $50. Frank Currier, Hew York For sale, $50. For sale, $250. F. Hopkinson Smith 368 — Joseph before Pharaoh. H. Billings, Boston For sale, $250. 369 — Off Portland Harbor. J. C. Hicoll, Hew York For sale, $500. 370 — Hear Hayward’s Heath, Sussex. Hy. Jutsum Joseph W. Bates, Philadelphia. 371 — The Brook. 372 — Over the Hill. J. H. White Mrs. S. M. Osborne, Hew York For sale, $25. 373 — At Biverdale, on the Hudson. James D. Smillie (H. A.), Hew York For sale, $25. 374 — Sketch on the Chemung Biver. James D. Smillie (H. A.), Hew York For sale, $25. -875 — Bridge — St. Amiens. Joseph W. Bates, Philadelphia. E. Souks 42 Art Catalogue, 1879. 376 — The Decorator — A Flight of Storks. Robert Blum, New York For sale, $75. 377 — Cherry Blossoms. Miss Ella Bobbins, Boston Doll & Richards, Boston. For sale, $30. 378 — Reminiscence. Thomas Eakins, Philadelphia For sale, $G0. 379 — Fingle’s Bridge — Near Farquay, Devonshire. George D’Almaine, Baltimore. For sale, $100. 380 — Entrance to an Old Bavarian Monastery. Henry Muhrman, New York Renner & Co. For sale, $150. 381 — The Single Sculler. Thomas Eakins, Philadelphia 382 — On the Susquehanna. F. DeB. Richards, Philadelphia For sale, $40. 383— Interior. P. P. Ryder (A.), Paris 384 — Charcoal Drawing, F. II. Smith, New York 385 — The Way op the Transgressor is Hard. R. M. Shurtleff, New York For sale, $125. 386 — Interior, San Marco, Venice. Chas. M. Burns, Philadelphia For sale, $40. 387 — Flowers. F. DeB. Richards, Philadelphia For sale, $35. 388 — Landscape Sketch. James D. Spaillie (N. A.), New York For sale, $37.5jf>. 389 — A Canal in Venice. William Sartain, New York For sale, $150. Paintings. 43 390 — Mill at Sherburne. J. M. Falconer, New York For sale, $60. 391 — On the Canal — Elmira, N. Y. James D. Smillie (N. A.), New York For sale, $25. 392 — Draught Horses. Th. Fort Joseph W. Bates, Philadelphia. 393 — The Zither Player. Thomas Eakins, Philadelphia 394 — The Violinist. Unknown 395 — Madame Bonaparte — Copy after Gilbert Stuart, 1805. George D’Almaine, Baltimore. (Pastel.) For sale, $150. 396 — Study of Red Birch. Emma S. Hutchins, Cincinnati Miss Sallie Woods. 397 — High Bridge, Kentucky River. L. Kreyenhagen, Cincinnati For sale, $25. 398 — Sketch from Nature. Frank Currier, New York For sale, $50. SCULPTURE. 13 — Bronze Statuette. T. H. Bartlett, Boston 14 — Marble Statuette of Venus and Cupid. Charles Bullet, Cincinnati (From the Antique.) 15 — Marble Bust of “ Maud” — from Tennyson. Longworth Powers, Florence For sale. 16 — Marble Bust of “ Flora.” Chauncey B. Ives, Rome Harry R. Smith. For sale. % 17 — Ebony and Boxwood Crucifix. Oswald Terlinden, Cincinnati 44 Art Catalogue, 1879. CORRIDORS. ( Oil Paintings Nos. 399 to 484: Inclusive .) 400 — By the Lake (After Amburg). S. Jerome Uhl, Springfield, Ohio A. S. Bushnell, Springfield, Ohio. 401 — Down the Glen. George Hetzel, Pittsburg For sale, $800. 402 — A Pair-oared Race. Thomas Eakins, Philadelphia 403 — Water Carriers. Edgar M. Ward (A.), Paris For sale, $1500. 404 — Pastoral Scene in Normandy. J. Foxcroft Cole, Boston Doll & Kichards, Boston. For sale, $850. 405 — The Pending Storm. Frederick Yolz, Munich Gr. W. Cable, New Orleans. 406 — Interior of a Chapel. Unknown John H. McLean, New Orleans. 407 — Rock Bass of the Chesapeake Bay. A. J. H. Way, Baltimore For sale, $125. 408 — Queen Esther preparing to go before the King to intercede for her people. S. S. Houghton, Wellington, Ohio (Copy after Francis Wybrund.) For sale, $250. 409 — Bramboro, near Liverpool. R. Tonge Paintings. 45 410 — Return from Church. Charles Le Bichonnie Frederic Durrive, New Orleans. For sale, $250. 411 — Hard Times. S. W. Price, Louisville For sale, $125. 412 — Portrait of Chief Justice Waite. Mrs. C. Adele Fassett, Washington, D. C, 413 — On the Sea Shore. For sale, $600. Hernandez 414 — Italian Chestnut Girl. R. M. Staigg (N. A.), Boston Doll & Richards, Boston. For sale, $1200. 415 — The Tribute Money. Howard Reno, Cincinnati For sale, $500. 416 — Haidee. Clarence Boyd, Louisville For sale, $200. 417 — The Artist and his Friend, taking the Likenesses of three Lybian Peasants. C. Kattenmoser J oseph W. Bates, Philadelphia. 418 — America. W. W. Woodward, Paris 419 — Sunset on the Juniata. F. DeB. Richards, Philadelphia For sale, $250. 420 — Portrait of President Hayes. B. L. Kennard, Philadelphia For sale, $125. 421 — On the Juniata. F. DeB. Richards, Philadelphia For sale, $150. 422 — Marine. Joseph Yernet Frederic Durrive, New Orleans. For sale, $600. 423 — Marine. Joseph Yernet Frederic Durrive, New Orleans. For sale, $600. 46 Art Catalogue, 1879. 424 — A Dutch Farmyard. Egbert Yan der Poel, Amsterdam, 1650 George W. Christy, New Orleans. 425 — Died for a Dividend. Thomas Learning, Philadelphia James S. Earle & Sons, Philadelphia. For sale, $200. 426 — Twilight on the Merrimac. J. Appleton Brown, Boston Doll & Richards, Boston. For sale, $250. 427 — On the Hudson. Thomas Doughty, Hew York Edward Parmele, New Orleans. For sale, $400. 428 — Dogs and Dead G-ame. Thomas H. Hinckley, Boston Edward Parmele, New Orleans. For sale, $400. 429 — Glass of Water. Percival DeLuce, Hew York Renner & Co., New York. For sale, $250. 430 — An Indian Summer. S. R. Gifford (H. A.), Hew York For sale, $800. 431 — Yellow Scotch Roses. Miss Ella Robbins, Boston Doll & Richards, Boston. For sale, $50. 432 — Dream of Italy. William M. Sonntag (H. A.), Hew York Edward Parmele, New Orleans. For sale, $150. 433 — Mountain Top. William L. Sonntag (H. A.), Hew York Edward Parmele, New Orleans. For sale, $150. 434 — Landscape. Unknown A. S. Ludlow. 435 — Marine. F. A. Silva, Hew York 436— The Wine Tasters. J. P. Hasenclever Joseph W. Bates, Philadelphia. 437 — Sheep and Fowl. Yanderdunk Renner & Co., New York. For sale, $35. Paintings. 47 438 — The Youthful Violinist. Unknown 439 — Sur Le Batteau. Charles Bullet, Cincinnati For sale, $25. 440 — Woodland Reflections. Thomas Moran, New York For sale, $250. 441— Diogenes in Search of an Honest Man. Sir Anthony Van Dyke A. A. Clarke. 442 — Street Scene — Algiers. William Sartain, New York For sale, $300. 443 — Street Scene — Cairo. George H. Hall (N. A.), New York For sale, $400. 444 — The Youthful Christ. Unknown Dr. William H. Holcombe, New Orleans. For sale, $1000. 445 — Wait for Me. Mrs. S. Anderson James S. Earle & Sons, Philadelphia. For sale, $600. 446 — Japanese Vase and Flowers. W. Allan Gay ? Boston Doll & Richards, Boston. For sale, $300. 447 — Market Scene — Antwerp. Eugene Meeks, New York For sale, $200. 448 — The Bird Fancier. L. Neumann Joseph W. Bates, Philadelphia. 449 — On the Housatonic. Arthur Parton (A.), New York Renner & Co., New York. For sale, $150. 450 — Flowers. S. E. Davis, Paris For sale, $150. 451 — A Misty Morning on the Lagunes of Venice. Eugene P. Cecchini, Royal Academy, Venice For sale, $300. 48 Art Catalogue, 1879. 452 — Game. Reuben Jobnston, New York Eenner & Co., New York. For sale, $125.' 458 — Fishing Boats on the Adriatic. Samuel Colman (N. A.), New York For sale, $400. 454 — The Old Tannery at Jaffrey, N. H. Frank Hill Smith, Boston Doll & Richards, Boston. For sale, $500. 455 — Long Island Landscape. Charles H. Miller (N. A.), New York Renner & Co., New York. For sale, $300. 456 — The Hillside. Kruseman Van Elten (A.), New York For sale, $300. 457 — Scene in Hamburg Park, Munich. Philipp Weber, Philadelphia H. Earl, Philadelphia. For sale, $250. 458 — Fisherman and Girl. Edgar M. Ward (A.), Paris Renner & Co., New York. \ 459 — Souvenir of Nantucket. William H. Low, New York For sale, $150. 460 — Burial of the Bird. J. Alden Weir, New York For sale, $200. 461 — St. Peter. Georgio Yasari Frederic Durrive, New Orleans. For sale, $450. 462 — The Retrieve. Newhold H. Trotter, Philadelphia For sale, $125. 463 — After the Picnic. Eugene Meeks, New York Renner & Co., New York. For sale, $250. 464 — Scene on the Mediterranean. J. J., 1846 A. S. Ludlow. For sale, $200. 465 — Repentant Magdalen. Unknown Mrs. Dr. Dickey, New Orleans. Paintings. 49 466 — La Fayette, Visited by his Daughter, in Prison. E. Leutze (deceased) Renner & Co. For sale, $2000. 467 — Grecian Landscape. De Vini Dr. William H. Holcombe, New Orleans. For sale, $100. 468 — Grecian Landscape*. De Vini Dr. William H: Holcombe, New Orleans. For sale, $100. 469 — Portrait. Eudora Hereford, Cincinnati 470 — Sheep Herding in Texas. E. B. D. Julio, Hew Orleans John H. McLean, New Orleans. For sale, $350. 471 — The Mirror. Wyatt Eaton, Hew York Renner & Co., New York. For sale, $1000. 472 — Faun and Hymph. Prof. Otto Seitz, Munich (Professor Royal Academy.) Myers & Hedian, Baltimore. For sale, $3,500. 473 — Ariadne in Haxos. John Vanderlyn Pennsylvania Academy of Fine Arts, Philadelphia. 474 — Homestead. A. T. B richer, Hew York For sale, $1000. 475 — The Three Brothers — Tyrol. G. Behne, Munich For sale. $250. 476 — A Quiet Pool. 477 — Homan Girl. John W. Mansfield, Hew York For sale, $300. Mrs. A. C. Barney. H. Diloz 47° — Mary Magdalen at Her Devotions. Dr. William H. Holcombe, New Orleans. Murillo 50 Art Catalogue, 1879. 479 — Moonlight in Normandy. Emile Adelard Breton, Paris (Medals, 1866, 1867, 1868; Medal (E. U.), 1878; Legion of Honor,. 1878 ; Hors Concours.) Doll & Richards, Boston. For sale, $600. 480 — Sunrise, Bay of New York. George L. Brown, Boston Doll & Richards, Boston. For sale, $1500. 481 — Private Office of G. W. Childs. George B. Wood, Jr., Philadelphia George W. Childs, Philadelphia. 482 — Woods in Early Winter. T. L. Smith (A.), New York For sale, $700. 488 — Alsatian Marriage. Gustave Brion, Paris (Shown in the Cincinnati Exhibition of 1874.) Alexander Brown, Philadelphia. 484 — Flowers. G. Jeannin . ' ' ENGRAVINGS AND ETCHINGS FROM THE COLLECTIONS OF JAS. L. CLAGHORN, ESQ., of Philadelphia. H. F. SEWALL, ESQ., of New York. With some exceptions, hereafter noted in the Cata- logue, the present exhibition of prints, embracing, as it does, many of the rarest and most beautiful works of Marc Antonio, Albrecht Duerer, Rembrandt, and distin- guished etchers of to-day, has been selected from the rich and complete collections of the above-named gentlemen. This is the third time that Mr. Claghorn has generously placed his plethoric portfolios at the disposal of the Art Committees of the Cincinnati Exposition; and this year his example has been followed by Mr. Sewall, who now, for the first time, allows his beautiful specimens of the early Italian and Dutch masters to be shown in a public gallery. To avoid the repetitions of previous exhibitions, many works of well-known masters have been omitted. At no former Exposition has there been such a full and instructive representation of the great Italian master, Marc Antonio (the friend and pupil of Raphael), and the equally eminent Duerer and Rembrandt; while, at the same time, the display contains rare proofs of the very best etching and burin work of to-day. ENGRAVINGS, ETCHINGS, ETC. Aldegraver, Heinrich, 1502-1562. Dutch. One of the most distinguished of the so-called “small- masters.” 1 — John of Leyden, King of the Anabaptists at Munster. Very rare. S. C. Tatem Ametller, Blasius, 1760. Spanish. 2 — The Water Carriers of Seville. After Yelasquez. Anderloni, Faustino. Italian. 3 — The Holy Family and Infant John. After Hie. Poussin. Artist’s proof. Audran, Gerard, 1640-1703. French. The distinguished painter, Le Brun, owes much of his fame to the burin of this master of engraving. 4 — iEneas Saving his Father, Anchises. After Domeni- chino. Audran, John, 1667-1756. Pupil of Gerard Audran. 5 — Mary Magdalen. 6 — Triumph of Galatea. Artist’s proof. Fine. Appian Adolphe, 1819. Pupil of Corot. 7 — “ IJne Mare.” 8 — Coast of Italy. 9 — Hew Pond near Creys-Is&re. French. After Guido. After Carlo Maratti. French. Original etching. Original etching. Original etching. 53 54 Art Catalogue, 1879. Aveline, Pierre A., 1710-1760. French. 10 — Folly. After a drawing of Corn. Fischer. Avril, Jean Jacques, 1744-1881. French. Pupil of Wille. 11 — The Tender Mother. Portrait of Mad. Le Brun. After Louise Yigee Le Brun. Baron, Bernard, 1700-1762. French. Eminent French engraver; his plates are coarse, but vig- orous. 12 — Achilles Reconciled. After Rubens. Barthault, . French. 13 — Statue of L’Orleans— Place Louis XV. After Prieur. Basam, Pierre Francois, 1723-1797. French. “He engraved several copies after the scarce prints of Rembrandt.” 14— The Entombment. After Rembrandt. Proof before letters. 15— Portrait of Copenol. After Rembrandt. Etching. Bause, J. F., 1738-1814. German. “His plates are chiefly executed with the graver, which he handled with great purity and firmness.” 16— Artemisia. After Guido. Beauvarlet, J. F., 1733-1797. French. 17— Les Chevaliers et les Nymphes D’Armide. After L. J. T. Lagrenee. Artist’s proof. 18— The Rape of the Sabines. After L. Giordano. Very fine. Artist’s proof. Bein, Jean, 1789-1857. 19 — A Nymph. India artist’s proof. French. After Lancrenon. Artist’s name, only etched in. Engravings, Etchings, etc. 55 Bell, E. C., 1806-1872. English. 20 — The Melody, “ The Angels Whisper.” After Erskine Nicol. India proof. 21 — The Jig, “ St. Patrick’s Bay.” After Erskine Hicol. India proof Bervic, C. C. French. 22 — John the Baptist. After Eaphael. Proof before letters. Fine. 23 — Innocence. After Merimee. Proof before letters. Bertinot, G. W., 1822. 24 — Guardian Angel. India artist’s proof. French. After Bougereau. Bettelini, Pietro, 1760. Italian. Pupil of Gandolfi and Bartolozzi; but, in his later works, he bears more resemblance to Eaphael Morghen. 25 — St. John. After Bomenichino. Billoin, Charles, 1813. Belgian. 26 — The Arrest. After Madou. Etching. India artist’s proof. Blanchard, Auguste Thomas Marie, 1819. French. Chevalier of the Legion of Honor. 27 — A Bacchante. After L. Alma Tadema. India artist’s proof. Engraver’s autograph. Blanchard (Pere), A. J. B. M., 1792-1849. French. 28 — St. Juste. After Murillo. Artist’s proof, with only etched letters. Brescia, Giovanni Antonio da, 1460. Italian. “ It is probable that he learned engraving in the school of Andrea Montegna, as his plates are executed precisely in his style, though in a neater and more finished manner.” 29 — Holy Family. B. 5. The principal work of this old master. H. F. S. 56 Art Catalogue, 1879. Boscolo, Luigi. Italian.. 30 — A Magdalene. After N. Schiavoni. Prize sheet of the Academy of Milan. Proof before letters. Browne, John, 1719-1790. English. Celebrated engraver of landscapes. 31 — Philip Baptizing the Eunuch. After J. and A. Both Boy dell’s collection. Artist’s proof. Only etched letters. 32 — The Watering-Place. After P. P. Eubens. Engraver's trial proof. Very rare. 33 — Landscape, with a Waterfall. After Gasper Poussin. Artist’s proof. Only etched letters. Brown, J. Lewis. French. Chevalier of the Legion of Honor. Painter of military life. 34 — Scotch Soldiers. Original etching. India artist’s proof. 35 — The Halt. Original etching. Artist’s proof. Buechel, Carl Edward, 1835. German. Pupil of Steinla. 36 — The Holy Family, and Other Figures. After Titian. Artist’s proof. Burger, Johann, 1829. German. 37 — Faust and Marguerite. After E. Stueckelberg. Butavand, Lucien, 1808-1853. 38 — Mother and Child. Proof before letters. French. After And. do Solario: Canot, P. C., 1710-1777. English. One of the engravers of the Boydell Collection. 39 — A Fresh Gale. After A. Van de Velde. Carey, Charles Philippe Auguste, 1824. French. 40 — In Waiting. After Meissonier Artist’s proof. Only etched letters. Engravings, Etchings, etc. 41 — The Header. India proof. Chevalier, W. 42 — The First Ear-Bing. Claessens, L. A., 1764-1834. After Meissonier. After Wilkie. G-erman. 43 — A Young Prince — Cap and Feathers. After Bem- brandt. Etching. Artist’s proof. 44 — The Head of John the Baptist. Etching. Artist’s proof. 45 — Bust — Christ Crowned. Artist’s proof. Only etched letter, 46 — The Laughing Soldier. Very fine etching. Artist’s proof. Cluseret. 47 — Adam and Eve. After Bern bran dt. After Bembrandt. Fine. After F. Hals. COLMAN, W. S. 48 — Gathering Flowers, CONDE, J. 49 — Venus. French. Original etching. French. Original etching. French. Original etching. French. A Moorish Bath. After J. L. Gerome. Courtry, C. L. 50 — ■“ Bain Mauri.’ Etching. Cousin, Charles, 1620. French. 51 — Immaculate Conception. After Murillo. India proof. 52 — Mater Dolorosa. After Murillo. Artist’s proof. Debaines, Brunot. French. 53 — Landscape. Cottages by a Stream. After John Con- stable. Artist’s proof. 58 Art Catalogue, 1879. Denon, Dominique Yivant, 1747-1825. French. Etcher in the style of Rembrandt. He accompanied Na- poleon to Egypt, and upon his return published a magnili- cent work upon that country. 54 — Lions and Lioness. After M. T. Quadel* Fine etching. Artist’s proof. 55 — The Bull. After P. Potter’s celebrated picture. Proof. His principal work. 56 — Interior. After Eembrandt. Very fine etching. Artist’s proof. Desclaux, T. Y. French. 57 — The Studio. After Meissonier. Proof before letters. Desnoyer, August Louis Boucher, 1779-1857. French. He is one of the most distinguished engravers. A brill- iant, powerful, and in the finer parts, a very delicate burin. The manifold, and yet harmonious, variety of tones, with the most complete and accurate perception of details, bear witness to the great talent of this artist. B. 58 — The Virgin with a Cradle. After Eaphael. 59 — The Muses and the Pierides. After Perino del Yaga. Fine. Dien, Claude Marie Francois, 1787-1853. French. 60 — Galileo in Prison. After T. A. Laurent* Artist’s proof. Artist’s name etched only. Dinger, F. German. 61 — Cinderella. After E. Bosch. Doo, Geo. Thos., 1800. English. Celebrated English engraver, and historical engraver to the Queen of Great Britain. 62 — Mercy Pleading for the Vanquished. After Wm. Etty, E. A. India proof. Etched letter, with engraver’s autograph. 63 — Bassanio and Portia. After G. S. Newton, E. A. Engravings, Etchings, etc. 59 Drevet, Claude, 1710-1782. French. 64 — Henry Oswald, Cardinal d’Anvergne. After H. Eigaud. S. C. Tatum. Duerer, Albrecht, 1471-1528. Dutch. “ The bent of Duerer’ s mind was by nature turned toward the observation of the phenomena of reality, and he was endowed with an extraordinary faculty of representation. His Madonnas and Holy Families deserve our highest ap- probation, when they are considered as portraits and scenes from daily life. His example gave art a direction toward realism, which somewhat marred the aim, but helped the power of presentation; for the presentation of real objects requires great plastic skill.” Q. His prints are the pride and the joy of collectors ; nev- ertheless, owing to the delicacy of the engraving, one should possess them in fine states.” A. 65 — Adam and Eve. B. 1. Impressions of the rare first state, before the double rift in the tree next Adam’s left arm. Costly and beautiful sheet. H. F. S. 66 — Set of the Passion, with St. Peter and St. John heal- ing the lame man, which is included with the set, notwithstanding the difference of subject. 16 pieces. B. 3-18. H. F. S. 67 — The Prodigal Son. B. 28. (Duerer seems to have here engraved his own portrait.) “ It is a pity that we do not know accurately to what year his St. Hubert and the Prodigal Son belong. In these two engravings Duerer shows himself incontestably at the very apex of his art.” H. F. S. 68 — The Virgin Standing, crowned with stars. B. 31. H. F. S. 69 — The Virgin Seated, crowned by two angels. B. 39. H. F. S. 70— The Holy Family. B. 43. An etching. The invention of this branch of the art is generally attributed to Duerer. H. F. S. 71 — The Three Winged Genii. H. F. S. B. 66. 60 Art Catalogue, 1879. 72 — Satyr and his Family. B. 09 H. F. S. 73 — Rape of Proserpine. B. 72. Engraved on iron. H. F. S. 74 — Les offres d ’Amour. B. 93. H. F. S. 75— -L’Assemblee des gens de guerre. B. 88. H. F. S. 76 — The Smaller War-horse. B. 96. H. F. S. 77 — The Larger War-horse. B. 97. H. F. S. 78 — Portrait of the Elector Frederick of Saxony. B. 104. H. F. S. 79 — Portrait of Melancthon. B. 105. H. F. S. 80 — Portrait of Perkheimer. B. 106. H. F. S. 81 — St. Jerome in his Cell. B. 60. One of Duerer’s principal works, and celebrated for its beauty of execution. Early impression. S'. C. Tatum. Earlom, Richard, Born about 1740 (?), died at London, 1822. English. “No one brought the art of mezzotint engraving to such purity and perfection as Earlom.” — Bartsh. 82 — Jesus at the Pharisee’s Table. After Rubens. Proof. 83 — Abishag brought by Bathsheba to David. After Van- der Werf. This print is of the same size as the picture in the Louvre, and, in this state, as good a masterpiece of mezzotinto en- graving. Proof. Edelinck, Gerald, 1640-1707. French. 84 — Moses with the Tablet of the Law. Third state. S. C. Tatum. Engravings, Etchings, etc. 61 Filers, Gustave, 1834. 85 — The Tribute Money. Artist’s proof. Faucci, Carlo, 1729-1784. 86. Santa Maria Egiziaca. German. After Titian. Italian. After Ribera. Felsing, George Jacob, 1802. German. “ He labored successfully to render not only the subject, but the manner, of the master; and, for this purpose, he did not limit himself to the drawing, but copied directly from the painting.” 87 — Sposalizio di S. Caterina. After Correggio. Only engraver’s name etched. 88 — Genaveva. After E. Steinbruck. Proof before letters. 89 — Poesie und Liebe. Artist’s proof. Very fine. 90 — Hagar and Ishmael. Open letter proof. Very fine. 91 — Lorely. Very fine. Proof. 92 — Diana and Attendants. Very fine. Artist’s proof. After W. Kaulback. After Chr. Koehler. After C. Sohn. After H. Stilke. Flipart, Jean Jacques, 1723-1782. 93 — Storm at Sea — Moonlight. Very fine. French. After J. Vernet. Folo, Giovani, 1764-1836. Italian. Pupil of Volpato. Bartsh says, that “ all the prints of this valiant master are engraved in an intelligent, agreeable manner, and are pleasing to the eye.” 94 — Diana and Nymphs. After Bernard Nocchi. Open letter proof. Forster, Francois, 1790. French. A brilliant and distinguished engraver. 95 — Madonna and Child. After Raphael. Proof before letters. No. 100. 62 Art Catalogue, 1879. Fortuny, Mariano, 1888-1874. Spanish. This artist possessed rare talent for etching. Notice the effect of color in these beautiful proofs. 96— The Model. Artist’s proof. 97— -A Negress. Artist’s proof. 98 — An Arab. India artist’s proof. Francois, Alphonse, 1811. 99 — King Candanle. Open letter proof. Francois, Jules. 100 — A Mother’s Joys. Original etching. Original etching. Original etching. French. After J. L. Gerome. French. After Paul De la Roche. Artist’s proof. Engraver’s autograph. Freidrich, Ludwig, 1827. German. 101 — A Eoman Peasant Confessing to a Cardinal. After E. Steinle. India proof. Frey, J. P. de, 1770-1884. 102 — The Supper at Emaus. After Rembrandt. Artist’s proof. Very fine etching. Gararaglia, Gioyeta, 1790-1835. Italian. Pupil of Anderloni and Longhi. 103 — Madonna and Infants Jesus and John. After .Raphael. Artist’s proof. Very fine. 104— St. Madelaine. After Carlo Dolci. Remark proof. Proofs, with remark, have a white pearl. Haden, Francis Seymour, 1818. English. This artist is much admired for the boldness and charac- teristic spirit shown in his etchings. 105 — In the Woods. Original etching. 106 — Fulham on the Thames. Original etching. 107— Relic of the Past. Original etching. Engravings, Etchings, etc. 63 Henriquet, Louis Pierre Dupont. French. 108 — Madonna and Child. After .Raphael. Artist’s proof. Very fine. 109 — The Finding of Moses. After Paul De la Roche. Proof before letters, IIlNSHELWOOD, R. 110 — Trenton Falls, New York. Artist’s proof. 111 — Natural Bridge, Ya. Artist’s proof. American. After J. P. Kensett. Original. Hoffman, August, 1810. German. 112 — The Flower Girl. Artist’s proof. Engraver’s autograph. After E. Magnus. Jacoby, Louis, 1828. German. Pupil of Mandel. Professor in the Academy of Vienna since 1837. 113 — John the Baptist. After Misandro Tiavini. Artist’s proof. Only etched letters. Presentation plate. Jardinier, Claude Donat, 1726-1774. French. 114 — Silence. After J. B. Greuse. Artist’s proof. Jesi, Samuele, 1789-1853. Italian. Pupil of Longhi. 115 — Madonna and Infant Savior with St. John and St. Stephen. After Fra Bartolomeo. (La Mad. della Cattedrale de Luca.) Artist’s proof. Jones, Alfred, 1819. A. N. A. American. 116 — The Image Breaker. After E. Leutze. His best work. Proof before letters. Kaiser, Jonan Wilhelm, 1813. Dutch. 117 — The Burgomaster Six. After Rembrandt. Keller, Joseph, 1811. German. A Professor of the Academy at Dusseldorf. One of the greatest of living engravers. 64 Art Catalogue, 1879. 118 — The Dead Christ. After A. Scheffer. India artist’s proof. Fine. 119 — Bust of Christ. After E. Deger. Artist’s proof. Fine. Only etched letter. 120 — Mater Dolorosa. After E. Deger, Open letter proof. Knolle, Frederich, 1807. German. 121 — St. Cecelia. After Carlo Dolci. Artist’s proof. Artist’s proofs before all letters, and be- fore the corners were filled out, are very rare ; as only twelve were taken. Danger, Theodore, 1819. 122 — St. Bodrique. Proof before letters. German. After Murillo. Laugier, J. N. 123 — Daphne and Chloe. 124 — Francisco Maria, Duke of Urbino. Artist’s proof. French. After Hersent. After Raphael. Lecomte, FTarcisse, 1794. French. 125 — Dante and Beatrice. After A. Scheffer. Artist’s proof, with engraver’s autograph. Very fine. Lefevre, Achille Desire, 1798. French. 126 — Madonna of St. Sebastian. After Correggio. Proof before letters. 127 — St. Cecilia surrounded by St. Paul, John, Augustine, and the Magdalene. After Raphael. Rare. Engraver’s trial proof. Lehman, Auguste. German. 128 — Dante. After Hippolite Handrin. Proof before letters. Leyden, Lucas Yan, 1494-1533. Dutch. His engravings are highly prized by amateurs, but they are so delicately and tenderly executed that, to appreciate him, we must have early impressions of the plate. 129 — Adoration of the Magi. B. 37. Principal work. Rare. S. C. Tatum. Engravings, Etchings, etc. 06 Longhi, Guiseppe, 1766-1831. Italian. One of the most distinguished engravers of this century. His engravings display great skill in drawing, a noble feel- ing for art, a thoroughly harmonious treatment, and the most beautiful gradations of tone; consequently in his prints everything is fundamentally just, warm, powerful, and pleasing. No one ever handled the etching needle with more ease, or with more genius. 130 — The Genius of Music burns the Arrows of Love. After Guido Beni. (One of the earliest works of this master.) Artist’s proof. Artist’s name only etched. 131 — Decapitation of John the Baptist. After Gerard Dow. 132 — Four Studies of Old Men and Women. Original. Lorichon, Constant Louis Antoine, 1800. French. 133 — The Virgin of “ Pitti Palace.” After Raphael. (Mad. de Granduca.) Artist’s proof. Artist’s name only etched. Louis, Aristide. 134 — Innocence. India proof. 135 — Mater Dolorosa. Proof. 136 — Madonna and Child. Remark proof. Luminais, J. 137 — Return from Hunting. Artist’s proof. French. After Greuze. After Spagnoletto. After Da Yinci. French. Original etching. Mandel, Johan Aug. Edward, 1810. German. An eminent and justly celebrated engraver. In brill- iancy, color, technical skill, drawing, and high conception of his subject, Mandel is without a parallel in modern days. He places especial value upon the drawing made by the en- graver himself; and, undoubtedly, his most successful plates are those of which the subjects were copied or drawn by his own hand. 66 Art Gallery, 1879. 138 — La Bella di Titiano. After Titian. Beautiful remark proof, with engraver’s autograph. Re- mark proofs bear an etched portrait of Titian at the bottom of the plate. 139 — Madonna and Child. After Raphael. Superb remark proof, with engraver’s autograph. Mantegna, Andrea, 1430-1506. Italian. (An inventor in engraving.) Mantegna’s engravings are highly prized by collectors, as much on account of their beauty as of their age; but one ought to possess good impressions of his plates. 140 — The Entombment. Bartsh, 3. “ This excellent and picturesque composition, of his own design, is certainly the print in which Mantegna surpassed himself.” — Quandt. 141 — Jesus after the Resurrection, between two Saints, St. Andrew and St. Longinus, who were the patron saints of Mantua. B. 6. H. F. S. 142 — Virgin and Child. B. 8. (Bartsh says, there are impressions of this print before the numbers, but Passavant states that they are copies.) Ottley, who is excellent authority on old Italian prints, does not dispute Bartsh, but intimates that they have the ap- pearance of being a different work. Strutt copied this print for his Dictionary of Artists. H. F. S. Marc Antonio Raimondi, known as Marc Antonio, Agos- tini di Musis, known as Agostina di Veneziano, Marco Dente, known as Marco da Ravenna. Marc Antonio is the greatest of the old Italian engravers. He was born in 1475, and died in 1534. Pupil of Francia. He engraved many of the drawings of Raphael ; and the latter, it is said, drew upon the copper-plate the outlines of his designs, which Marc Antonio afterward filled up with the shadows. This is particularly asserted of the “ Murder of the Innocents.” His prints reveal the progressive devel- opment of his age, and especially that of the great Raphael. The works of the master and his two principal pupils have been classed together, on account of the difficulty of distinguishing their works. Engravings, Etchings, etc. 67 143 — The Massacre of the Innocents. After Raphael. B. 20. (Marc Antonio. Beautiful impression.) This print is attributed by Bartsh to Marco da Ravenna, but by all other writers to Marc Antonio. The conclusion seems to be, that the more delicate engraving which Bartsh assumes to be the original, is only a copy of this one; and, according to Passavant, VI, pp. 12, 13, was engraved by George Pentz, a German of the Duerer school, who worked in Italy. H. F. S. 144 — The Virgin Lamenting over the Body of Christ. Called “ Mary with the Bare Arm.” After Ra- phael. B. 34. This is one of the three prints which Passavant, VI, p. 9, attributes to a greater master even than Marc Antonio, Very rare. H. F. S. 145 — Virgin and Child, on Clouds ; or, The Foligno Ma- donna. After Raphael. B. 52. H. F. S. 146 — Holy Family. Called “ La Vierge a la longue cuisse.” After Raphael. B. 57. H. F. S. 147 — St. Peter. B. 65. This is one of a set of Christ and the Twelve Apostles, from designs of Raphael of which, according to Passavant, only St. Peter was engraved by Marc Antonio. H. F. S. 148 — St. Cecilia. B. 116. From a drawing of Raphael, much altered in the painting. H. F. S. 149 — Lucretia. B. 192. This engraving, after a sketch by Raphael, first drew the master’s attention to Marc Antonio. This impression is, however, a poor one. H. F. S. 150 — Judgment of Paris. B. 245. After a drawing of Raphael, which the master was accused of having borrowed from the antique. It is certainly a most exquisite composition. H. F. S. 68 Art Catalogue, 1879. 151 — Mount Parnassus. B. 247. From a design of Raphael, considerably altered, in the Vatican fresco. H. F. S. 152 — Venus and Cupid, by Agostino Veneziano. After Raphael. B. 286 First state. There are four states of this print. H. F. S. 153 — Venus and Cupid. “ Stooping to embrace love.” B. 311. Bartsh says, “ probably after Raphael.” Passavant men- tions that the original drawing by Raphael is at Dresden. H. F. S. 154: — Venus Extracting a Thorn. By Marco da Ravenna. After Raphael. B. 321. First state before the retouch of Villamena. H. F. S. 155 — Apollo. B. 333. After Marc Antonio’s own design, and engraved by him on his first arrival at Rome. H. F. S. 156 — Jupiter and Cupid. B. 342. From the fable of Cupid and Psyche. After Raphael’s drawing for the fresco in the Farnesina Gallery. H. F. S. 157 — The Graces and Cupid. B. 344. (From the same.) Rare and beautiful impression. H. F. S. 158 — Vulcan, Venus, and Cupid. B. 345. In the early style of the master, dated 16th December, 1508, before he came to Rome and acquired the manner of Raphael. It is probably from a design of Mantegna ; the background, as usual with his early piece*, is in the style of Albert Duerer. H. F. S. 159 — Triumph of Galatea. After the Farnesina fresco of Raphael. B. 350. This is an excellent copy of the print which has often passed for Marc Antonio’s, but it is not by him. H. F. S. Engravings, Etchings, etc. 69 160 — Triumph of Trajan. B. 361. From one of the basso relievos on the arch of Trajan. H. F. S. 161 — Philosophy. B. 381. From a drawing of Raphael for the Vatican fresco. “ Une femme majesteuse.” This is one of the three of Passavant’s higher class. H. F. S. 162 — A Lion Hunt. By Agostino. B. 416. (Probably copied from a basso relievo.) H. F. S. 163 — Three Men Climbing a Bank. “ Les Grimpeurs.” B. 487. Copied from Michael Angelo’s Cartoon of Pisa ; the back- ground, however, is nearly exactly imitated from Lucas Van Leyden's print of Mahomet Slaying the Monk. H. F. S. 164 — Portrait of the Poet Achillini of Bologna, surnamed Philotheo. B. 469. Done at Bologna, about 1509. Achillini, in one of his books, mentions that Marc Antonio had engraved his por- trait; and the drawing presumed to be by Marc Antonio, though attributed to Francia, is in the Uffizi at Florence, Very rare. H. F. S. 165 — Man and Woman, Standing, Conversing. By Agos- tino. After .Raphael. B. 471. Attributed by some to Marc Antonio. H. F. S. 166 — The Cassolette. B. 489. After a design of Raphael for a piece of silverware for Francis I. Exceedingly fine and rare. H. F. S. 167 — Group from Raphael’s School of Athens. By Agos- tino. B. 492 H. F. S. 168 — The bronze horse. By Marco da Ravenna. B. 515 Statue of Marcus Aurelius at Rome. H. F. S. 70 Art Catalogue, 1879. 169 — Israelites gathering Manna. By Agostino. B. 8. There are seven states of this print. J. L. C. 170 — Hercules in his Cradle. By Agostino. B. 315. J. L. C. 171 — The Capture of Helen. By Marco da Revenna. After Raphael. B. 210 Copy of Marc Antonio’s engraving. J. L. C. 172 — A Battle. By Marco da Ravenna. After Romano. B. 420. J. L. C. 173 — Young and Old Bacchant. After Raphael or Jules Romain. B. 294. J. L. C. 174 — The Judgment of Paris. After Raphael. B. 245. First state. 1. State before the address. 2. State before Salamanca’s address. J. L. C. 175 — Emperor Trajan entering the City of Rome (to the right), after Victory over the Dacians. S. C. Tatum. Martial, A. P. French. 176 — The Prussian. Marack, J. P. German. 177 — Landscape. Entrance to a Villa. Original. Artist’s proof. 178 — Landscape. Twilight. Original. Artist’s proof. 179 — Landscape. A Forest. Original. Artist’s proof. Engravings, Etchings, etc. 71 Masson, Alphonse. Pupil of Ingres and Deschamps. 180 — Martyrdom of St. Barthelemy. Etching: Artist’s proof. 181 — The Little School Boy Asleep. Mechel, Christian Van, 1787-1817. 182 — Boniface D’Anethan. French. After Bibera. Original etching. French. After G-. Metzu. Meissner, G. 183 — Driving Cattle Home. Original etching. Artist’s proof. Meissonier, Jean Louis Ernest. French. “ The etchings of Meissonier are few, and the proofs of them are singularly rare. They are engraved with an ex- tremely fine point, one would almost say with the point of a sewing needle. But the effect is broad, because the nice- ness of the detail loses itself in the mass, and renders with most astonishing skill the appearance of every thing — the epidermis of every object.” 184 — The Letter Writer. Original etching. Artist’s proof. Melingue, Lucien. French. 185 — The Levee Siege of Metz, 1553. Original etching. Artist’s proof. Mercurj, Paolo, 1804. Italian. “ His few sheets, executed with great purity and pictur- esque effect, are highly esteemed.” 186 — Beheading of Lady Jane Grey. After P. De la Boche. Proof before letters. Meyer, F. German. 187 — “ Klosterschneider/’ The Convent Tailor. After Ed. Grutzner. Etching. Meyer, Hans. German. 188— Artist’s proof. Very fine. Only engraver’s name etched. 72 Art Catalogue, 1879. Montbard. 189 — “ Retour d’une bonne Action.” French. Original etching Monzies, Louis. French. 190 — The Manditure. Original etching. 191 — The Amateur. Original etching. Moran, Peter. 192 — The Dying Lioness. Artist’s proof. Etching. 193— The Attack. Artist’s proof. 194 — A Barnyard with Donkeys. Artist’s proof. 195 — Cattle Watering. Artist’s proof. Morel, Antoine Alexandre, 1829. 196 — The Judgment of Solomon. Proof before letters. American. After Wolfe. Etching. Etching. Etching. French. After N. Poussin. Morghen, Raphael, 1758-1833. Italian. “ In the prints of this distinguished engraver, there is neither crudeness nor carelessness. Other masters' may have produced greater and more brilliant effects, but not one of them all understood how to imitate human flesh like Raphael Morghen.” 197 — Adoration of the Shepherds. After Raphael Mengs. Proof before letters. Rare, as it was engraved for the Gallery of Madrid. 198 — Portrait of Michael Angelo. After S. Santarelli. 199 — Madonna della Seggiola. Proof. This is the third state. There are nine states of the finished plate, according to Thies. H. F. S. 200 — Theology. After Raphael’s frescoes in the Vatican. Proof before letters. H. F. S. Engravings, Etchings, etc. 73 201 — Poesy. After Raphael's frescoes in the Vatican. Proof before letters. II. F. S. 202 — Napoleon 1st. Artist’s proof, with “ remarque.’ 203 — Laura. Proof before letter. 204 — Francesco Petrarch. 205 — Torquato Tasso. Morse. 206 — Andromache. Artist's proof. Moyse, E., 1830. 207 — The Philosopher. 208 — Michael Angelo in his Studio. After Gerard. After Simon Memmi. After Step. Tofanelli. After D. Ernini. French. French. Original etching. Original etching. Mueller, Frederich. 209 — Mater Dolorosa. Open letter proof. German. After Solimene. Mueller, Johann Gotthard v., 1747-1830. German. 210 — Apelles in his Studio. Alexandre Vainquer de soi- mene. After Flinck. 211 — St. Cecilia. After Domenichino. Proof before letters. Muyden, J. Van. 212 — The Refectory. Artist’s proof. Fine etching. Nehlig, Victor. 213 — A Dispute. German. Original. American. Original etching. Neuville, Alphonse, 1836. French. 214 — Troops in the Trenches — Siege of Paris. Original etching. 74 Art Catalogue, 1879. Hoter, Peter F. de, 1779-1842. 215— The Tollgate. 216 — The Mill, and Man Fishing. Noterman, Zach. 217 — “ La Lecon de Solfege.” 218 — Les Plaideurs. Original etching. Original etching. French* Original etching. Original etching. O’Connell, Madame Frederike Auguste. French. 219 — A Chevalier of Louis XII. Original etching. 220 — Eoman Woman. Original etching. Pasqualini, Giovanni Battista. 221 — St. Sebastian. Italian* After C. F. Cente’s etching. Perfetti, Antonio, 1792. Italian* Pupil of Raphael Morghen. 222 — The Presentation in the Temple. After Bartolomeo. Artist’s proof. Prize sheet of the Academy at Milan. 223 — Titian’s Belle. Very fine. Artist’s proof. Petzsch. German* 224 — The Head of John the Baptist. After Leonardi da Vinci. Proof before letters. Planer, Gustavus. German. Pupil of Steinla. 225 — The Beading Magdalene. After Correggio. Artist’s proof. 226 — The Beading Hermit. After S. Konink.. Proof before letters. Pollajuolo, Antonio, 1426-1498. A Florentine painter of great reputation, and, as well as Mantegna, an inventor in engraving. There are only three pieces known by him in engraving. H. F. S. 227 — The Gladiators in the Wood. B. 2 (A portion of this print is copied, and very finely, for Mr. Ottley’s work on Ancient Engraving. London, 1816.) H. F. S. Engravings, Etchings, etc. 75 Prevost, Z. > French. 228 — Eoman Mendicants. After Delaroche. Artist’s proof. Ploos van Amstel, Cornelis, 1726-1798. • Dutch. Etcher and engraver in the style of drawings which ho brought to a wonderful state of perfection. 229 — Interior of Cottage. After A. Ostade. Etching and aquatint. 230 — Interior of Cottage. After A. Ostade. Etching and aquatint. 231 — Young Woman at a Window. Known as “ Rem- brandt’s Daughter.” After Rembrandt. Etching and aquatint. ♦ Porporati, Carl Antonio, 1740-1816. Italian. A skillful and brilliant burin. 232 — Garde a Yous ! or, Love’s Threat. After Angelica Kauffmann. Podesta, J. Andrea. Italian. 233 — Silenus, Drunk. After Paul Jordano. Etching. 234 — Bacchanals and Satyrs. After Paul Jordano. Etching. Bajon, Paul Adolphe. French. 235 — The Reader. After E. Meissonier. Etching. Fine. Artist’s proof. 236 — The Painter. After E. Meissonier. Artist’s proof. Etching. Fine. 237 — Corps des Garde. After J. L. Gerome. Etching. 238 — Relays of Dogs in the Desert. After J. L. Gerome. Etching. 239 — At Prayer. After J. L. Gerome. Artist’s proof. Etching. 240 — Arab on Horse. After E. Tromanlain. India artist’s proof. Etching. 241— After Alma Tadema. Fine etching. India artist’s proof. Artist’s autograph. 76 Art Catalogue, 1879. Rembrandt, Van Rym, 1605-1665. Dutch. “ In Rembrandt’s etchings, as in his paintings, there is such a wonderful play of light and shadow that the eye in- voluntarily searches the shadows for the figures, and then again is fascinated by the brilliant light effects.” Q. “ His point, playful and free, sports, if the expression may be allowed, in picturesque disorder, and, by an enchanting negligence, produces, as by accident, the most surprising effects, which are, however, always regulated by his perfect acquaintance with the principles of the chiaro-oscuro .” 242 — Portrait of Rembrandt; young, in a hat and embroi- dered mantle ; date 1631. Wilson, 7. Seventh state, in which the print is worked up to its high- est vigor and effect. According to Blanc, there are still three states after this one. H. F. S. 243 — Portrait of Rembrandt ; leaning on a stone sill ; date 1639. W. 21. Second state, the hat-band carried a little farther to the right. H. F. S. 244 — Plight into Egypt. In the manner of Elsheimer. W. 61. Third state. H. F. S. 245 — Christ shown to the People. W. 80. Third state. H. F. S. 246 — Christ shown to the People. W. 80. The same in the seventh state, much altered. (Rembrandt seems to have been dissatisfied with this plate and to have destroyed it. It is very rare in any of the states, and the seventh is nearly as scarce as the first.) H. F. S. 247 — St. Francis Praying, W. 112. Second state. The first is unfinished, and only two or three impressions of it are known. H. F. S. Engravings, Etchings, etc. 77 248 — Marriage of Jason and Creusa. Medea approaching in the foreground. W. 116. Second state, before the name of Rembrandt and the verses engraved beneath. This print was made in 1648, for Six’s Tragedy of Medea, as a frontispiece. In the first state, the statue of Juno has a cap instead of a crown ; in the third, there are four lines beneath the print, quoted from the tragedy, and the fourth was reduced in size to fit the book. 249 — The Mill (Landscape), 1641. W. 230 Not, as erroneously supposed, Rembrandt’s father’s mill. Burnet, the artist, in copying this print for his work on Rembrandt, London, 1849, omitted the smoke in the sky, But found it so essential to the effect that he was obliged to add it. H. F. S. 250 — Portrait of Janus Silvius. W. 268. First state. Of great rarity. The second state is the retouch of Rembrandt, which in- jured the effect. The plate exists, most barbarously re- worked, and without giving an idea of the fine effect it originally produced. H. F. S. 251 — Renier Ansloo, or, according to Blanc, Cornelius Ans- loo, an Anabaptist preacher, date, 1641. W. 273. Second state, in which a space of about three-tenths of an inch at the bottom, left white in the first state, is etched over. In the third state this is again burnished out to imi- tate the first, and is of course not the work of the artist. This impression is on the thick Indian paper sometimes used by Rembrandt. H. F. S. 252 — Haaring, the Younger. 1655. W. 277. Second state, before the picture was added in the back- ground. There are five states, according to Blanc, who also says of this portrait: “ Voila un homme qui n’ etait qu’n simple concierge et des qu’il pose devant Rembrandt, je ne sais quel rayon de poesie penetredans son etroite demeure.” He seems to have been clerk of the Insolvent Debtor’s Court, and son of the burgomaster, Haaring. H. F. S. 253 — Uytenbogaert, the Banker. 1639. W. 283. The second state. In the first state the head is left out, Rembrandt probably not having drawn it from the busy original until after he had completed the rest of the work. This is in the purest state. The plate was afterward retouched by the artist him- self, and has since been much manipulated and utterly spoiled. There are also many copies of it. H. F. S. 78 Art Catalogue, 1879. 254 — Coppenol, the Writing Master. W. 284. The smaller state. There are five states, and this is the fourth. The first three have always been considered very rare, and there is no doubt that the other two are equally rare. The present is probably the only one in this country. It is not in the Gray collection. H. F. 8. 255 — The Great Jewish Bride; or, more properly, as Blanc proves, Rembrandt’s wife, Saskia. W. 337. Fourth state. In the first, the figure only is introduced, and that un- finished. In the second, the hands are left white. In the third, they are shaded. In the fourth, the architectural back-ground is divided by lines indicating stone-masonry. H. F. S. 256 — Rembrandt Holding a Saber. B. 18. J. L. C. 257 — Rembrandt and his Wife. B. 19. 258 — Rembrandt in oval. B. 23. 259 — Hagar sent away by Abraham. B. 30. 260 — Adoration of the Shepherds. B. 46. 261 — Flight into Egypt. B. 53. 262 — “ La Petite Tombe.” Christ Preaching. B. 67. 263 — Descent from the Cross. B. 83. 264 — The Disciples at Emmaus. B. 87. 265 — The Good Samaritan. B. 90. Very fine. First state. 266 — The Death of the Virgin. B. 99. Very fine. Second state. 267 — A Seated Mendicant. B. 174. 268 — A Woman Bathing. B. 200. 269 — “La Barque a la Voile.” B. 228. Very fine. 270 — A Man with Short Beard and Fur Cap. B. 263. Very fine. First state. J271 — Jean Asselin (Grabbetje), Painter. B. 277. Very fine. Third state. Engravings, Etchings, etc. 79 272— Luvin van Coppenol (Le Grand Coppenol). B. 283. Celebrated writing master. 273— Jan Six. B. 285. Celebrated poet and burgomaster of Amsterdam. 274 — La Petite Mariee Juive. B. 342. 275 — The Great “ Rcce Homo,” or Christ shown to the People. B. 77. Second state of the finished plate. S. C. Tatum, Reyher, Robert, 1838. German. Talented pupil of Mandel. 276 — Maria Mancini. After P. Miquard. Artist’s proof. 277 — Countess Potocka. After the Pastel in the engraving room of the Berlin Museum. Artist’s proof. Richomme, Joseph Theodor. French. 278 — Marc Antoine Raimondi. After Raphael. Proof before letters, with autograph of engraver. 279 — Neptune and Amphitrite. After Jules Romain. Proof before letters. 280 — Triumph of Galatea. After Raphael. Robant, Alf. 281 — The Meeting. Fac-simile. French. After E. Meissonier. Salmon, Adolph. French. 282 — Sebastian del Piombo. After Rosso Rossi. Artist’s proof, with engraver’s autograph. 283 — Christ Blessing a Child. Artist’s proof, with engraver’s autograph. Shaeffer, E. 284— The Erl Ring. Open letter proof. German. After Nehr. 80 Art Catalogue, 1879. Sharp, William, 1746-1824. English. 285 — Diogenes in Search of an Honest Man. After Salva- tor Bosa. Second state. S. C. Tatum. Sherwin, J. K. English. 286 — The Death of Lord Bobt. Manners. After Thos. Stothard. Open letter proof. Seidel, Gustave. German. 287 — Amor and Psyche. After Kloeber. Artist’s proof. Autograph and presentation plate. Smillie, James Q. American. 288 — Upper Ansable Lake, Adirondacks. Original. India artist’s proof. Schmidt, G. F., 1712-1775. German. 289 — Portrait of Schmidt. By himself. S. C. Tatum. 290 — Portrait. S. C. Tatum. Strange, Sir Eobert, 1721-1792. English. The greatest of English engravers, who mostly selected paintings of the classical Italian masters for his burin, and who was especially skillful in the representation of the car- nation of naked human figures. H. F. S. 291 — Sleeping St. John. After Van Dyck. Proof before letters. 292 — The Annunciation. After Guido. Proof before letters. 293 — Cupid Eeclining. After Schidone. The engraver’s numbered impressions. 294 — Venus Blinding Cupid. After Titian. The engraver’s numbered impressions. Engravings, Etchings, etc. 81 295 — Cupid Sleeping. After Guido Eeni. J. L. C. 296 — Abraham dismissing Hagar. After Guercino. First state. S. C. Tatum, Steinla, Moritz, 1791-1857. German. Pupil of Raphael Morghen and Longhi. 297 — Madonna and Child, with Catherine and John the Baptist. After Palma Vecchio. Beautiful remarque proof. 298 — The Dead Christ. After Fra Bartolomeo. Artist’s proof. Stukket of Haier. German. 299 — Cato. After C. Lotti. Swobodo, Carl, 1819-1859. German. 300 — Bianca von Castilien, traveling with the dead body of her husband. Original etching. Testi, David. 301 — La Fortuna. Thaeter, Julius Caesar. 302 — “ Die Apokalyptischen Eider.) Open letter proof. 303 — Battle of the Huns. Open letter proof. Thevenin, J. Charles. 304 — Susannah at the Bath. India proof. 305 — L’Enfante Charitable. Artist’s proof. Tosciii, Paolo, 1788-1858. 306 — The Madonna della Tei Italian. After Michael Angelo. German. Eeiter.” (The Apocalyptic P. Von Cornelius. After Kaulbach. French. After Correggio. After A. Scheffer. Italian. After Eaphael. The picture is in the Turin Gallery. H. F. S. 82 Art Catalogue, 1879. 307 — Madonna della Scala. After Correggio. Remark proof. S. C. Tatum, Unger, W. ' German. 308 — Catherine Conari Paying Homage to Venice. After Mac-kart. India artist’s proof. Fine etching. Vangeliste, Vincenz, 1738-1798. Italian. 309 — Py ramus and Thisbe. After Guido Eeni. Vendramini, John, 1769-1839. Italian. 310 — St. Sebastian. After Ribera. Proof before letters. Vernet, Carl. French. 311 — A Trooper preparing to Mount. Original. 312 — A Trooper Mounting. Original. Veyrassat, Jules Jacques. French. Medals for etching in 1866 and 1869. 313 — Stable and Yard. Original etching. Beautiful. Artist’s proof. 314 — Group of Horses. Original etching. Artist’s proof. 315 — Mother and Child. Original etching. Artist’s proof. 316 — Mother and Child. Original etching. Artist’s proof. Vico, Eneas, 1520-1570. Italian. Early Italian engraver, said to have been instructed in his designs by Gulio Romano. 317 — Battle of the Lapethse and Centaurs for Hippodamia. After Rosso. Vivares, Francis, 1712-1782. ♦ English. Engraver’s trial proof. He was particularly successful in his plates after the works of Claude Lorraine, and his prints preserve much of the air and picturesque beauty which distinguish the pro- ductions of that great painter. Engravings, Etchings, etc. 83 318 — Landscape (Sacrifice in the Temple of Apollo). After C. Lorraine. Engraver’s trial proof. 319 — Landscape (called the Mill of Claude Lorraine). After Claude. Vogel, Fr. German. 320 — Death of Wallenstein. After Carl Piloty. Proof before letters, with engraver’s autograph. 321 — Lady. Artist’s proof, with engraver’s autograph. Volpato, John, 1738 - 1803 . 322 — Sibilla Delphica. Open letter proof. 323 — Joel Propheta. Open letter proof. 324 — Perseus and Andromeda. 325 — Jesus on the Mt. of Olives. Italian. After Mich. Ang. Buonarroti. After Mich. Ang. Buonarroti. After Poledoro. After Correggio. Weirotter, Franz Edmund, 1730 - 1771 . Pupil of Wille. 326 — Bui ns of Abbey St. Maur. 327 — Fountain near the Mill. German. After J. G-. Wille. After J. G. Wille. Willmore, J. T., A. R. A. English. 328 — Alnwick Castle, Northumberland, England. After J. M. W. Turner, R. A Artist’s proof. 329 — Venice — Bellini’s Pictures conveyed to the Church of the Redemptore. After J. M. W. Turner, R. A. Open letter proof. Woodman, Richard.* English. 330 — The Judgment of Paris. After P. P. Rubens. Proof before letters. 84 Art Catalogue, 1879. Woollett, William, 1735-1785. 331. Portrait of Rubens. Very rare. H. F. S. 332. The Temple of Apollo. First state. S. C. Tatum, English. After Van Dyck. After Claude Lorraine. Addenda. 85 ADDENDA. 333— Four Etchings. Pen. School of Ind. Art. By J. Fennell. 334 — Three Etchings. Pen. School of Ind. Art. By J. Pennell. 335 — Head. Etched by Walner after Dubois. Seth L. Thomson, 336 — Earl of Beaconsfield (Mezzotint.) Charles H. Justis. By Atkinson. 337 — Education of Love. Mr. Moore. By Gandolfi. 338 — Battle of Gettysburg. By John Sartain. 339 — Etching. By Blum. 340 — Lady. F. E. Jones, By Wagstaff. 341**- John Gibson, the Sculptor. F. E. Jones, By Wagstaff. 342 — A Jury of the Future. By W. H. Drake. . . 1 . ; . . • ■ , . p HOUSEHOLD ART. [The ceilings of rooms A., B., and C., in this department, were frescoed by Mr. W. Thien, of this city ; that of room A. after a Pom- peian design, that of room B. after an Egyptian design, and that of room C. after a Greek design.] 1. Silk (Modern English). Norris & Co., London Pennsylvania Museum of Art. 2. *Japanese Silk Fire Screen. Tiffany & Co., New York. 3. *Japanese Silk Fire Screen. Tiffany & Co., New York. 4. Silk (Modern English). Norris & Co., London Pennsylvania Museum of Art. 5. Silk (Modern English). Norris & Co., London Pennsylvania Museum of Art. 6. Silk (Modern English). Norris & Co., London Pennsylvania Museum of Art. 7. Silk (Modern English). Norris & Co., London Pennsylvania Museum of Art. 8. Steel Persian Vase. Tiffany & Co., New York. 9. Japanese Stone Yase. Reproduction of a lost art. (Cen- tennial Exhibition.) A. T. Goshorn. 10. Model of an Aubusson Tapestry Loom, showing the Mode of working Picture of Little Red Riding- Hood (Modern French). Pennsylvania Museum of Art. *For sale. ( 87 ) 88 Art Catalogue, 1879. 11. *Japanese Silk Fire Screen. Tiffany & Co., New York. 12. * Japanese Silk Fire Screen, Tiffany & Co., New York. lo. Silk (Modern English). Norris & Co. Pennsylvania Museum of Art. 14, 15.*Satsuma Tea Pots (very old). A. D. Vorce & Co., Hartford. 16. *Satsuma Jar (from the Sutton Collection). A. D. Vorce & Co., Hartford. 17. Swedish Majolica Vase. Mrs. L. M. Dayton. 18. Japanese Stone Yase. Reproduction of a lost art. (Cen- tennial Exhibition.) A. T. Coshorn. 19. *Vase, Decorated by Bennett. John Bennett, New York. 20. Steel Yase. Tiffany & Co., New York. 21. Italian Majolica Yase (Centennial Exhibition). A. T. Coshorn. 22. Spanish Porcelain Yase. Royal Works, Seville, Spain (Centennial Exhibition). A. T. Coshorn. 23. *Royal Worcester Jug. Isbell & Co. 24. *Japanese Silk Fire Screen. Tiffany & Co., New York. 25. Persian Yase. Tiffany & Co., New York. 26. * Japanese Silk Fire Screen. Tiffany & Co., New York. *For sale. Household Art. 89 27. Chair Cushion and Back, of Yellow Satin, Embroidered with Arabesques and Birds in Colored Silk (Modern Belgian). Pennsylvania Museum of Art. 28. Silk (Modern English). Norris & Co. Pennsylvania Museum of Art. 29. Brass Tray (Modern Egyptian). Pennsylvania Museum of Art. 30. Persian Yase. Tiffany & Co., New York. 31. * Turkish Lamp Mat. Isbell & Co. 32-40. *Nine Pieces of Cretan Embroidery (1700-1720). C- A. Worsnop, Philadelphia. 41. *Japanese Silk Fire Screen. Tiffany & Co., New York. 42. *Gold Lacquer Box. A. D. Yorce & Co., Hartford. 43. Bronze Glass Yase. .Edinburgh, Scotland. A. T. Goshorn. 44. 45. Minton Candlesticks. (Paris Exhibition, 1878.) A. T. Goshorn. 46. * Jade Cup (emerald green). A. D. Yorce & Co., Hartford 47. Minton Plate. A. T. Goshorn. 48. * Jade Cup. A. D. Vorce & Co., Hartford. 49. Cream Jug (Dunmore ware). A. T. Goshorn. 50-55. Swedish Plates (from Postrand Works, Stockholm, showing costumes of country). A. T. Goshorn. *For sale. 90 Art Catalogue, 1879. 56. Glass Pitcher. A. T. Goshorn. 57. Cup and Saucer (blue willow). (Paris Exhibition.) A. T. Goshorn. 58. Turkish Coffee Set (presented by Turkish Commission- ers, Centennial Exhibition). A. T. Goshorn. 59. Blue Willow Tea Pot. (Paris Exhibition.) A. T. Goshorn. 60. Cup and Saucer (Dunmore ware). A. T. Goshorn. 61. Vase (Faience des Alps). (Centennial Exhibition.) A. T. Goshorn. 62. Glass Jug (English). A. T. Goshorn. 63. Minton Stand. A. T. Goshorn. 64. Corean Bowl (Lobster Decoration). Dr. W. A. Hammond, New York. 65. Piece of Tycoon’s Lacquer, perfectly authenticated. (Notice Family and Official Crests.) Robert S. Davis, Philadelphia. 66. Egyptian Clock. Mrs. Brent Arnold. 67. Bronze Japanese Bell. Mrs. George Ward Nichols. 68. Apostle Mug of the 17th Century. Mrs. L. M. Dayton. 69. Egyptian Vase. Mrs. Brent Arnold. 70. 71.* Vases, Decorated by Bennett. John Bennett, New York. 72.*Green Vase. George W. Fenety, Boston. Boston Society of Decorative Art. *For sale. Household Art. 91 73. Japanese Bell. Mrs. George Ward Nichols. 74. *Antique Placque. Isbell & Co. 75-77.*Yases, Decorated by Bennett. John Bennett, New York. 78. Bronze Incense Table. Reproduction of Incense Table from Temple of Isis in Pompeii. Miss Clara B. Fletcher. 79. *01d Mahogany Cane Seat Chair. Sypher & Co., New York. 80. Wood Carving. Tyrolese Dance, Carved by F. Hnter- berger, Innsbruck, Tyrol, after a picture by De- feregger. Pennsylvania Museum of Art. 81. Wrought Iron Copy of an Austrian Grille, by Claude Ferdinand, a blacksmith. Pennsylvania Museum of Art. 82 . Portiere. Mrs. George Ward Nichols. 83. Painting “ In Camp.” Horace Yernet George Hoadly. 84. Cabinet, Carved by Rogers. L. B. Harrison. 85. Brass Flagon, by Lerolles. Albert Netter. 86. Japanese Bronze Yase, inlaid with Gold and Silver. Mrs. George Ward Nichols. 87. * Yase, Decorated by Bennett. John Bennett, New York. 88. Bronze Japanese Yase. Mrs. George Ward Nichols. 89. Widow Ipson Yase. Mrs. E. Buchanan. *For sale. 92 Art Catalogue, 1879. 90, 91.*Vases, Decorated by Bennett. John Bennett, New York. 92.*Chinese Jar. A. D. Vorce & Co., Hartford. 98 Cloisonne Enameled Candle Stick. Mrs. George Ward Nichols. 94. Brass Tankard. Albert Netter. 95. Psycbe. Beproduction of Naples Psyche. Mrs. F. G. Huntington. 96. Persian Mat. Pennsylvania Museum of Art. 97. Carved Chair. Mrs. A. S. Winslow. 98. Chinese Tea Kettle. A. Gunnison. 99. Gris de Elandres Jug. Mrs. George Ward Nichols. 100. Corean Bottle. Dr. W. A. Hammond, New York. 101. Cup and Saucer (200 years old). Mr. McCune. 102. Delft Jar. Dr. W. A. Hammond, New York. 103. Buhl Table. Reuben R. Springer. 104, 105.*Japanese Bronze Vases, inlaid with Gold and Silver. E. E. Isbell. 106 *Mirror, Black and Gold Frame. Doll & Richards, Boston. 1 07. Flute Players, by Erskine Nicol. Joseph W. Bates, Philadelphia. *For sale. Household Art. 93 108. Teakwood Chair. Mrs. F. G. Huntington. 109. Japanese Bronze Incense Burner. Mrs. J. M. W. Neff. 110. Silver Vase, Presented to R. R. Springer to commemo- rate the Completion of Music Hall. Reuben R. Springer. 111. Reproduction of Milton Shield. By Elkington. George W. Childs, Philadelphia. 112. Painting, “ Courtship ” (painted on copper by Am- brose Johns). Mrs. J. D. Jones. 113, 114. Painted Porcelain Panels, by Besche. A. Netter. 115. Terra Cotta Figure, “La Fee aux Moules,” the last work of Carpeaux. Mrs. D. H. Holmes. 116. Persian Battle Axe. Tiffany & Co., New York. 117. *01d Cloisonne Lunch Box. A. D. Vorce & Co., Hartford. 118. Moorish Ewer (600 years old). George W. Childs, Philadelphia. 119. Blue Chinese Enamel Teapot. Dr. W. A. Hammond, New York. 120*Boy’s Hand (from cast). Preston Powers. Preston Powers. 121. *Gustavus Adolphus Solid Silver Tankard, gold lined ; a very rare piece. It was a wedding present, and was bought of a family in Sweden, which held it 200 years. George W. Warner, Hartford. 122. *Gold Snuff Box. Vienna, 1784. A. D. Vorce & Co., Hartford. *For sale. 94 Akt Catalogue, 1879. 123. Diamond Enamel Bracelet, from Jeypoor, India. Na- tive workmanship. Very rare. Tiffany & Co., New York. 124. Bracelet, from Cutch, India. Native workmanship. Tiffany & Co., New York. 125. Gold Enameled Stand. Wiem, Austria. 80 years old. Tiffany & Co., New York. 126. French Watch. Chinese dial and enameled hack. About seventy years old. Tiffany & Co., New York. 127. English Watch. Withe, of London ; gold enameled case, and pearl settings. Tiffany & Co., New York. 128. English Watch. Elliot, of London; gold case, agate and jewel settings. 90 years old. Tiffany & Co., New York. 129. French Watch. Gold case of repoussS work. About 100 years old. Tiffany & Co., New York. 130. Necklace from Tranvancore, India. Native work- manship. Tiffany & Co., New York. 131. French Gold Enamel Case, with pearls and imitation stone settings. About 100 years old. Tiffany & Co., New York. 132. Watch. Mecallef & Giglio, of Malte. About 75 years old. Tiffany & Co., New York. 133. French Musical and Repeating Watch. Gold enam- case, and pearl settings. About 100 years old. Tiffany & Co., New York. 134. French Watch. Gold enameled case, and turquoise setting. About 50 years old. Tiffany & Co., New York. Household Art. 95 135. English Watch. Clay, of London; gold case, re- pousse work. 80 years old. Tiffany & Co., New York. 136. Necklace of Turquoise, Pearl, and Enamel, from Jey- poor, India. Native workmanship. (Very rare.) Tiffany & Co., New York. 137. French Watch. Gold enameled case, and pearl set- tings. About 70 years old. Tiffany & Co., New York. 138. French Watch. Betlion, of Paris; gold enameled case. About 80 years old. Tiffany & Co., New York. 139. English Watch. De St. Leu, London. Double case of gold ; shark skin and agate. About 80 years old. Tiffany & Co., New York. 140. Geneva Watch. Gold enameled case and pearl set- tings. About 70 years old. Tiffany & Co., New York. 141. Fruit Knives. Formerly the property of the late Pope Pius IX. Tiffany & Co., New York. 142. Geneva Watch. A chard & Co.; gold enameled back and dial. About 70 years old. Tiffany & Co., New York. 143. Sauce Boat and Cover, with gold and medallion heads, leaf ornament, and lion’s head. Original, of silver, in South Kensington Museum. English, 1788, 1789. Pennsylvania Museum of Art. 144. Incense Holder, boat shaped. Around the rim of the vessel is a hand of guillochS pattern, set with two amethysts and two garnets; on the lids a band in- scribed, u O ratio mea dirigatur sicut incensum;” with a small spoon, on the stem of which is an aged Hermes figure. Spanish, about 1540-1550. Orig- inal, of rock crystal, mounted in silver gilt, is in the South Kensington Museum. . Pennsylvania Museum of Art. 96 Art Gallery, 1879. 145. Needle Case. Enameled and set with pearls. Tiffany & Co., New York. 146. French Musical Watch. Gold enameled case and pearl settings. About 70 years old. Tiffany & Co., New York. 147. Japanese Bronze Vase. 2,000 years old. George W. Childs, Philadelphia. 148. Teak Wood Stool. Mrs. George Ward Nichols. 149. Russian Chair. George W. Childs, Philadelphia. 150. Damascus Sword. George W. Childs, Philadelphia. 151. Painting by DeGrave. Paris Salon, 1879. A. Gunnison. 152. Carved Owl, by Frullini of Florence. Bracket carved by Henry L. Fry. Mrs. F. G. Huntington. 153. Medallion of Italian Poets. Mrs. Rufus King, Jr. 154. Painting (Duke of Orleans), by Bigot. Joseph Jefferson. 155. Painting (Jenny Liud), on copper, by Magnus. Mrs. J. D. Jones. 156. Painting (“ Louise a sa Toilette ”), on copper, by Greve- don. Mrs. J. D. Jones 157. Sevres Placque. Mrs. Rufus King, Jr. 158. *Vase, Decorated by Bennett. John Bennett New York. 159. Chinese Bronze Vase. (Very rare.) Dr. Humphreys. 160. 161. Doulton Vases. (Paris Exhibition, 1878.) A. T. Goshorn. * For sale. Household Art. 97 162. Japanese Bronze Yase inlaid with Gold and Silver. Mrs. George Ward Nichols. 163. Old Bohemian Yase and Plate. Mrs. Rufus King, Jr. 164. *Dutch Inlaid Card Table. Sypher & Co., New York. 165 Teak Wood Stool. Mrs. Geo.rge Ward Nichols. 166. *Yase, Decorated by Bennett. John Bennett, New York. 167. Bohemian Beer Mug. A. T. Goshorn. 168. Satsuma Bottle Yase. Dr. W. A. Hammond, New York. 169. Kioto Yase. Mrs. F. G. Huntington. 170. Persian Mat. Pennsylvania Museum of Art. 171. Carved and inlaid Swiss Chair. Loring Andrews. 172. Sprinkler. (Persian work in brass.) Tiffany & Co., New York. 173. Beading Desk, carved by Mary Johnson. Henry L. Fry. 174. 175. Pair Silver Bronzes (Battledore and Shuttlecock). Albert Netter. 176, 177. Two Japanese Bronze Jars. Mrs. George Ward Nichols. 178, 179. Pair Bronzes. Atalanta’s Race, Barbedienne. Albert Netter. 180. Japanese Bronze Alligator. Dr. W. A. Hammond, New York. *For sale. 98 Art Catalogue, 1879. 181. Minton Pitcher. Mrs. L. M. Dayton. 182. Ebonized Cabinet. Panels painted by H. F. Farny. Mrs. Charles L. Mitchell. 183. *Bronze Placque (Charles IX), E. E. Isbell. 184. *01d Nankin Pitcher. A. D. Yorce & Co., Hartford. 185. *Kioto Yase. F. Sehultze. 186. Teakwood Table. Mrs. F. G. Huntington. 187. *Lotus-Leafed Bowl. A. D. Vorce & Co., Hartford. 188. Portiere. Mrs. George Ward Nichols. 189. *Placque, Decorated by Bennett. John Bennett, New York. 190. Venetian Cabinet. Mrs. A. S. Winslow. 191. Electro Copy of Bryant Memorial Yase. Tiffany & Co., New York. 192. *Chinese Tea Pot. A. D. Vorce & Co., Hartford. 193. Minton Cnp, Saucer, and Plate. Mrs. L. M. Dayton. 194. *01d Satsuma Yase. A. D. Vorce & Co., Hartford. 195. Persian Tile, in frame. Dr. W. A. Hammond, New York. 196. *Satsuma Teapot. A. D. Vorce & Co., Hartford. 197. Cloisonne Enamel Plate. Mrs. George Ward Nichols. *For sale. Household Art. 99 198. *Jadeite Teapot. (Very rare.) A. D. Vorce & Co., Hartford. 199. *01d Satsuma Jar. (From Dr. Draper’s collection.) A. D. Yorce & Co., Hartford. 200. Cloisonne Vase. Mrs. L. B. Harrison. 201-207. Reproductions of Venetian Glass, by A. Jenkin son, Edinburgh. Pennsylvania Museum of Art. 208. Bowl, Lattimo glass. Pennsylvania Musuem of Art. 209. Bowl, Schmelz glass. Pennsylvania Museum of Art. 210. *Old Wedgwood Creamer. (Very fine.) A. D. Vorce & Co., Hartford. 211. *01d Wedgwood Sugar Bowl. A. D. Vorce & Co., Hartford. 212. *01d Wedgwood Teapot. A. D. Vorce & Co., Hartford. 213. Kioto Placque (very old), Picture of Buddhist Saint. Mrs. L. M. Dayton. 214. Ivory Flagon. Miss Clara B. Fletcher. ,215.*Ivory Carving, Mother and Child. German. A. D. Vorce & Co., Hartford. 216-218.*Ivory Carvings. German. A. D. Vorce & Co., Hartford. 219, 220.*Ivory Skulls. A. D. Vorce & Co., Hartford. 221— 224.*Ivory Carvings. A. D. Vorce & Co., Hartford *For sale. 100 Art Catalogue, 1879. 225. Placque, by Lemonnier. Isbell & Co. 226. Minton Bowl. Mrs. L. M. Dayton. 227. Royal Saxony Vase. Mrs. J. D. Jones. 228. Ivory Carving. A. Gunnison. 229. Jade Idol. (Very fine and old.) A. Netter. 230. Yase, French Faience. Mrs. J. D. Jones. 231. Painting, “ Conversation in the Court Yard,” by Ri- cardo Madrazo. George Hoadly. 232. *Placque (Jupiter Destroying the Tritons). Isbell & Co. 233. Pair Dresden Candelabra. Mrs. Eufus King, Jr. 234-237. Carved Panels (Modern Chinese). Pennsylvania Museum of Art. 238, 239. Yases, Chinese. G. K. Shoenberger. 240. Yase (old Cloisonne). Mrs. George Ward Nichols. 241,242. Candlestick (old bn Mrs. George Ward Nichols. 243, 244. Yases, Cincinnati Faience. T. J. Wheatley. 245. Old Majolica Placque. Dr. W. A. Hammond, New York. For sale. Household Art. 101 246. Vase (Cloisonne on metal). Mrs. L. M. Dayton. 247. Picture of Window in Westminster Abbey. George W. Childs, Philadelphia. 248. *01d Dutch Chair. » Sypher & Co., New York. 249. Old Chair, Marqueterie. Mrs. L. B. Harrison. [The following articles, Nos. 250 to 271, inclusive, are by pupils of the McMicken School of Design, Cincinnati, Ohio :] 250. Sideboard. Miss Carrie E. Phipps. 251. Mahogany Bookcase. Miss Adelaide Nourse. 252. Hanging Cabinet. Miss Emma Alexander. 253. Pedestal Alms Box. Gift of Carving Class to Home of the Friendless. 254. Oak Washstand. Miss Agnes Pitman. 255. Drawing-room Mantel. Miss Eleanor Kemper. 256. Hanging Cabinet. Miss Nettie Illoway. 257. G-othic Cabinet. Miss Annie Empson. 258. Oak Library Table. Miss Abbie Allen. 259. Mahogany Bedstead, with Silver Bronze Panels of Ulysses and Penelope. Carved by Miss Adelaide Nourse ; headboard by Mr. Walter Palmer. * For sale. 102 Art Catalogue, 1879. 260. Black "Walnut Washstand, with Inlays of Minton Tile. Miss Agnes Pitman. 261. Framed Mirror. Miss Fannie Y. Ward. 262. Clock Case. Mrs. Titus. 263. Silver Bronze, Yenus Itising from the Sea. Benn Pitman. 264. Mantel. Mrs. Z. Freeman. 265. Bracket Clock. Ebony and French Walnut. Walter Palmer. 266. Fire Screen. Mrs. Z. Freeman. 267. What-Not (Cherry and French Walnut), made from doors of old Second Presbyterian Church, Cincin- nati. Miss Lydia Swift. 208. Pedestal. Miss Lydia Swift. 269. Glothic Table. Mrs. S. M. Barrett. 270. Hanging Cabinet, by Miss Agnes Pitman. Mrs. Plimpton. 271. Book Covers. Miss Carrie E. Phipps. 272-275. Yases, Decorated by Bennett. John Bennett, New York. 276. Flat Yase, Decorated by Wheatley. T. J. Wheatley. 277. Beatrice. (Painting on Ivory.) Mrs. Rufus King, Jr. 278. Painting. Flemish Lady of 17th Century. George Hoesslin. Household Art. 103 279. Brass Placque, Siege of Troy. Dr. W. A. Hammond, New York. 280. Reproduction, Shield of Henry II. of France. Mrs. George Ward Nichols. 281. 282. Swords. Reproductions. Mrs. George Ward Nichols. 283. Moorish Lamp. A. Netter. 284. Brass Clock. A. Netter. 285. Mirror. Doll & Richards, Boston. 286. Persian Rug. L. B. Harrison. 287.*Set, 5 pieces, old Dresden (about 1760). A. D. Vorce & Co., Hartford. 288. Sevres Cup and Saucer. (Very fine.) A. D. Yorce & Co., Hartford. 289. Blue Small-necked Vase. A. D. Vorce & Co., Hartford. 290-292. Old Dresden Cups and Saucers. A. D. Yorce & Co., Hartford. 293.*Tea Jar “Kaga,” with figures of famous Poets of Ja- pan. Isbell & Co. 294, 295. Vases, formerly belonging to Joseph Bonaparte. Mrs. L. E. Yorke. 296. *Capo di Monte Vase. (Very fine.) A. D. Vorce & Co., Hartford. 297. * Jeweled Cup and Saucer, Sevres. A. D. Vorce & Co., Hartford. 298. Cup and Saucer, formerly belonging to Louis Hapo leon. George W. Childs, Philadelphia. *For sale. 104 Art Catalogue, 1879. 299, 300. Berlin Yases. Mrs. Rufus King, Jr. 301. *Capo di Monte Yase. A. D. Yorce & Co., Hartford. 302, 303.*Sevres Jeweled Flower Pots, King’s Blue. A. D. Vorce & Co., Hartford. 304. *Koyal Worcester Cup and Saucer. F. Shultze. 305. *Old Dresden Cup and Saucer. A. D. Vorce & Co., Hartford. 306. *Capo di Monte Mug. F. Shultze. 307. *Royal Worcester Cup and Saucer. F. Shultze. 308. *Capo di Monte Cup and Saucer. A. D. Vorce & Co., Hartford. 309. Capo di Monte Cup and Saucer. Mrs. J. D. Jones. 310. Jeweled Cup and Saucer (Sevres). A. D. Vorce & Co., Hartford. 311. Cup and Saucer, with Miniature of Louis XYI. A. Gunnison. 312. Kaga Cup and Saucer. Mrs. Rufus King, Jr. 313. *01d Berlin Cup and Saucer. F. Shultze. 314. *01d Dresden Cup and Saucer. A. D. Vorce & Co., Hartford. 315. Koyal Saxon Yases. Mrs. Rufus King, Jr. *For sale. Household Art. 105 316. *Turquoise Blue Vase. A. D. Vorce & Co., Hartford. 317. Old Vienna Plate (about 1784). Mrs. C. B. Wilby. 318. Sevres Yase. F. Shultze. 319. Iridescent Glass Pitcher. A. T. Goshorn. 320. Capo di Monte Yase. Mrs. L. M. Dayton. 321. Turkish Pug. H. F. Farny. 322. Marquetrie Chair. Mrs. L. B. Harrison. 323. Placque, by Bennett. John Bennett, New York. 324. Sword, Sixteenth Century. Loring Andrews. 325. *Iron Placque. Battle of the Amazons. Original by Vechte in the Imperial Museum, Berlin. Isbell & Co. 326. Ebonized Cabinet. Panels painted by Miss Fletcher. Miss Clara B. Fletcher. 327. *Pilgrim Flask (Yacht Scene), Decorated by Wheatley. T. J. Wheatley. 328. Persian Bottle. Dr. W. A. Hammond, New York. 329. *Vase, Decorated by Bennett. John Bennett, New York. 330. *Fine Porcelain Jar. (Dr. Draper’s Collection.) A. D. Vorce & Co., Hartford. *For sale. 106 Art Catalogue, 1879. 331. *01d Satsuma Jar. (From the Sutton Collection.) A. D. Vorce & Co., Hartford. 332. *Yase, Decorated by Bennett. John Bennett, New York. 333 Japanese Placque. Reuben R. Springer. 334. *Yase, Cincinnati Faience. T. J. Wheatley. 335. Cloisonne Enamel Yase. Mrs. L. B. Harrison. 336. 337.*Yases, Decorated by Bennett. John Bennett, New York. 338. Doulton Pitcher. Mrs. George Ward Nichols. 339. * Yase, Decorated by Wheatley. T. J. Wheatley. 340. *Blue Yase, Decorated by Bennett. John Bennett, New York. 341-343.*Yases, Decorated by Bennett. John Bennett. New York. 344. *Tobacco Box, by Miss Lee, Boston. Boston Society of Decorative Art. 345. Limoges Pitcher. Mrs. J. M. W. Neff. 346. *Cloisonne Enamel Box. A. D. Yorce & Co., Hartford. 347-349.* Yases, Decorated by Bennett. John Bennett, New York. 350.*Yase, Cincinnati Faience. T. J. Wheatley. * For sale. Household Art. 10T 351. Saucer and Ladles (Chinese). Pennsylvania Museum of Art. 252.*Cylinder Yase, by George W. Fenety, Boston. Boston Society of Decorative Art. 353. *Pilgrim Bottle, by George W. Fenety, Boston. Boston Society of Decorative Art. 354. *Cylinder Yase, Decorated by Bennett. John Bennett, New York. 355. *Yase (Mill Creek clay), Cincinnati Faience. T. J. Wheatley. 356. *Cloisonne Enameled Box. A. D. Yorce & So., Hartford. 357. *Blue Yase, by George W. Fenety, Boston. Boston Society of Decorative Art. 358. Persian Pitcher. Dr. W. A. Hammond, New York. 359. *Yase, Decorated by Bennett. John Bennett, New York. 360. Yase, Deck. Robert S. Davis, Philadelphia. 361. Minton Pitcher. Mrs. J. D. Jones. 362. *Yase, Decorated by Bennett. John Bennett, New York. 363. *Yase, Cincinnati Faience. T. J. Wheatley. 364. Jug, Decorated by Mrs. Bourgoin. Mrs. Burgoin, Covington. 365. Painting, “ The Return from Fish Market.” By Hans Dahl, Dusseldorf. George Hoadly. * For sale. 108 Art Catalogue, 1879. 366. Painting, “ The Silent Guest.” IT. F. Farny. M. F. Force. 367. *Vase, Decorated by Bennett. John Bennett, New York. 368. Oid Satsuma Jar. (From the Sutton Collection.) A. D. Vorce & Co.. Hartford. 369. * Vase, Decorated by Bennett. John Bennett, New York. 370. Corean Jar. Dr. W. A. Hammond, New York. 371. *01d Mahogany Settee. Sypher & Co., New York. 372. Bronze Bust of Charles Sumner. T. H. Bartlett. T. H. Bartlett, Boston. 373. * Japanese Silk Fire Screen. Tiffany & Co., New York. 374. Fire Screen (Banner shape). Black cloth, embroid- ered with yellow and violet silk. Worked by Her Boyal Highness, the Princess Beatrice. Presented by Her Majesty, the Queen. Pennsylvania Museum of Art. 375. Edging of Garment (Albanian). Seventeenth Century Pennsylvania Museum of Art. 376. Piece of Turkish Embroidery. Robert S. Davis, Philadelphia. 377 Brocade, Yellow with Arabesques in Silver. Ger- man, Sixteenth Century. Pennsylvania Museum of Art. 378. Crimson Velvet, with Incised Pattern. German, Six- teenth Century. Pennsylvania Museum of Art. *For sale. Household Art. 109 379. Linen Napkin. In the center the Rose, Shamrock, and Thistle (emblematical of England, Ireland, and Scotland). For the corners the Royal Initials, V. A. and Y. R., and date 1873. The yarn for this napkin was spun by Her Majesty Queen Victoria. Presented by her to the Pennsylvania Museum. Pennsylvania Museum of Art. 380. Brocade, Violet, with Conventional Pattern in Gold. German, Sixteenth Century. Pennsylvania Museum of Art. 381. Brocade, Yellow, with Colored Flowers and Conven- tional Pattern in Silver. German, Sixteenth Cen- tury. Pennsylvania Museum of Art. 382. Silk, White, Embroidered with Pattern in Gold and Silver thread. German, Sixteenth Century. Pennsylvania Museum of Art. 383. Brocade, Yellow, with Conventional Flowers in Sil- ver. German, Sixteenth Century. Pennsylvania Museum of Art. 384. Cushion, Red Silk, Embroidered with Gold and Col- ored Silks, with an edging of Gold Lace. Italian, Sixteenth Century. Pennsylvania Museum of Art. 385. White Silk, Embroidered with Flowers in Colored Silks and Gold. German, Sixteenth Century. Pennsylvania Museum of Art. 386. Edging of Garment. Albanian, Seventeenth Century. Pennsylvania Museum of Art. 387. *Curtain, Embroidered by Miss Lamb, Brookline, Mass. Boston Society of Decorative Art. 388. Velvet, Yellow, with Incised Pattern. German, Six- teenth Century. Pennsylvania Museum of Art. *For sale. 110 Art Catalogue, 1879. 389, 390. Edging of Garments. Albanian, Seventeenth Century. Pennsylvania Museum of Art. 391-394.* Japanese Silk Fire Screens. Tiffany & Co., New York. 395. Panel of Window for the Harem. Modern Egyptian. Pennsylvania Museum of Art. 396. Tray, Wood, Inlaid with Mother of Pearl. Pennsylvania Museum of Art. 397. Lock and Key, Iron, Engraved. German, about 1580-1640. Pennsylvania Museum of Art. 398. Opium Box, Wood, Inlaid with Mother of Pearl. Pennsylvania Museum of Art. 399. Panel of Window for the Ilarem. Modern Egyptian. Pennsylvania Museum of Art. 400. A Pair of Small Scales. Pennsylvania Museum of Art. 401. Tambourine, Snake Skin, with Metal Bells. Pennsylvania Museum of Art. 402. Chinese Pillow, Leather, Engraved at ends. Pennsylvania Museum of Art. 403. Cabinet, Carved Sandal Wood, with Inlay of Ivory at corners. Pennsylvania Museum of Art. 404. Egyptian Brass Tray. Mrs. George Ward Nichols. 405. Chinese Shoes. Pennsylvania Museum of Art. 406. Byzantine Crucifix. Dr. W. A. Hammond, New York. *For sale. Household Art. Ill 407. Chinese Paper Case, Engraved Bamboo. Pennsylvania Museum of Art. 408. Chinese Purse, Leather. Pennsylvania Museum of Art. 409. Ancient Chinese Coins, in the shape of Knives, etc., from B. C. 1765 to B. C. 245. Pennsylvania Museum of Art. 410. Ancient Coins used as Charms. Pennsylvania Museum of Art. 411. Chinese Fly Brush, Carved Ivory. Pennsylvania Museum of Art. 412. Chinese Opium Pipe, Tortoise Shell. Pennsylvania Museum of Art. 413. Japanese Musical Instrument. Mrs. George Ward Nichols. 414. Malachite and Lapis-Lazuli Inkstand. George W. Childs, Philadelphia. 415. Six Buckles and two Clasps for Books. Specimens of German Silversmiths art work of the Sixteenth. Century, from Nuremburg. Pennsylvania Museum of Art. 416. Book Cover, Walnut, Carved with Arabesques, etc., by F. Bomanelli. Modern Italian. Pennsylvania Museum of Art. 417. Chinese Guitar, the Sounding Board of Snake Skin. Pennsylvania Museum of Art. 418. Limoges, Enamel. Sypher & Co., New York. 419. Bed Lacquer Box. Mrs. George Ward Nichols. 420. Damascus Dagger. Bought by Bayard Taylor. George W. Childs, Philadelphia. 112 Art Catalogue, 1879. 421. Chinese Guitar. Sounding-board of Snake Skin. Pennsylvania Museum of Art. 422.*Twelve Placques, Painted by J. M. Falconer. J. M. Falconer, New York. 428. Hanging Cabinet. H. L. Fry. 424-427.*Vases, Decorated by Bennett. John Bennett, New York. 428. *Vase, by Miss Lee. Boston Society of Decorative Art. 429. Bronze Incense Burner. Mrs. George Ward Nichols. 430. Chinese Bowl. Mrs. J. M. W. NefF. 431. *Chinese Bowl. (Very fine decoration.) A. D. Vorce & Co., Hartford. 432. *01d Satsuma Jar. A. D. Yorce & Co., Hartford. 433. *Blue Rice Grain Bowl. A. D. Vorce & Co., Hartford. 434-436. Chinese Bowls. Pennsylvania Museum of Art. 437. *Vase, Decorated by Bennett. John Bennett, New York. 438. *Imari Rice Grain Bowl. A. D. Vorce & Co., Hartford. 439. *Mug. Boston Society of Decorative Art. 440. *Satsuma Bowl. A. D. Vorce & Co., Hartford. * For sale. Household Art. 113 441. *Pair old Satsuma Vases. A. D. Yorce & Co., Hartford. 442. *Chinese Vases. A. D. Vorce & Co., Hartford. 443. Chinese Apothecary Jar. Dr. W. A. Hammond, New York. 444. 445.*Chinese Saucers. A. D. Yorce & Co., Hartford. 446. Cabinet, Carved. Benn Pitman. 447. *Lamp, Cincinnati Faience. T. J. Wheatley. 448. *Screen, Painted by Miss Bobbins, Boston. Boston Society of Decorative Art. 449. *Decorated Mirror. Miss Bobbins, Boston. 450. Painting of Christ. Specimen of Bussian art. Mrs. Moulinier, Covington, Ky. 451. Piece of Persian Embroidery. Robert S. Davis, Philadelphia. 452. *Brass and Glass Framed Mirror. Sypher & Co., New York. 453. 454. Persian Altar Candlesticks. Tiffany & Co., New York. 455. Portuguese Wine Jar. A. T. Goshorn. 456, 457.*01d Cloisonne Vase. (Fine color.) A. D. Vorce & Co., Hartford. 458. Bronze Vase. T. H. Bartlett, Sculptor, Boston. Doll & Richards, Boston. *For sale 114 Art Catalogue, 1879. 459. *Mahogany Chair. Sypher & Co., New York. 460. Model of Raft, with Sail of Bamboo, used for freight on the Canton River, China. Pennsylvania Museum of Art. 461. 462.*Vases, Decorated by Bennett. John Bennett, New York. 463. Blue Chinese Enamel Teapot. Dr. W. A. Hammond, New York. 464. Japanese Cloisonne Bowl. Dr. W. A. Hammond, New York. 465. Cabinet, Carved by H. L. Fry. Mrs. C. L. Mitchell. 466. *Painting (“ Priscilla, the Puritan Maiden”), by S. R. McKnight. S. R. McKnight, New York. 467. Cloisonne Enamel Placque. Mrs. L. M. Dayton. 468. Ancient Carved Box (200 years old). Mrs. Rufus King, Jr. 469. Old Turkish Coffee Pot. Mrs. George Ward Nichols. 470. Iron Placque, Francois First, Roi di France. Mrs. George Ward Nichols. 471. Bronze Figure, Japanese God of Content, Powtai. H. P. Boyden. 472. *Antiqu3 Italian Cabinet. Sypher & Co., New York. 473. * Walnut Sideboard, Carved by H. L. Fry. H. L. Fry. 474. *Walnut Cabinet, Carved by II. L. Fry. H. L. Fry. * For sale. Household Art. 115 475. Walnut Table, Carved by Charles Davis, under di- rection of H. L. Fry. Charles Davis. 476. Cabinet, Maple, with Mahogany Panels, Carved by W. H. Fry. Mrs. F. Eckstein. 477. Writing Desk, Walnut, Carved by W. H. Fry. Mrs. M. F. Force. 478. Cabinet, Carved by Misses Mary and Hattie Johnson, pupils of H. L. Fry. Mrs. W. Sampson. 479. Hanging Cabinet, Carved by Miss H. Johnson. Mrs. Westendorf. 480. Ebonized Pedestal, Carved by H. L. Fry. H. L. Fry. 481. Table, Carved by H. L. Fry. H. L. Fry. 482. Antique Carved Chair, Carved by H. L. Fry. H. L. Fry. 483. Hanging Cabinet, Carved by Miss E. B. Sherlock. Miss E. B. Sherlock. 484. Footstool, Carved by W. H. Fry. W. H. Fry. 485. Ebony Frame, Carved by H. L. Fry. Loring Andrews. 486. Gilt Florentine Frame, Carved by H. L. Fry. Mrs. L. Devinney. 487. 488. Antique Frames, Carved by H. L. Fry. Mrs. L. Devinney. 489, 490. Oak Frames, Carved by H. L. Fry. Mrs. L. Devinney. 116. Art Catalogue, 1879. 491. Writing Desk, Carved by W. H. Fry. Mrs. C. Anderson, Jr. 492. Bust of Gurth Fry, Modeled by Miss L. Fry. Miss Laura Fry. 498. Bust of H. L. Fry, Modeled by Miss L. Fry. Miss Laura Fry. [Tlie following articles, Nos. 494 to 539, inclusive, are exhibited by the Young Ladies’ Art Union of Covington, Kentucky.] 494. Portrait Placque, by Miss C. Abbott. 495. Portrait Placque, by Miss C. Abbott. 496. 497. Flowers (from nature), by Miss Laura Charles. 498. Embroidered Sash and Hose, by Miss EmmaClenden- ning. 499. Pin Cushion, by Miss Mamie Cooper. 500. *Dozen Butter Plates (original), by Miss Carrie H. Gedge. 501. *Fish Dish (original), by Miss Carrie H. Gedge. 502. Plate, Cup, and Saucer, by Miss Carrie H. Gedge. 503. Monochrome Kefreshment Set, by Miss Carrie H. Gedge. 504. Painted Fan (original), by Miss Carrie H. Gedge. 505. *Two Dozen Dinner Cards, by Miss Carrie H. Gedge. 506. Carved Work Table, by Miss Carrie H. Gedge. 507. Infant’s Shawl, Embroidered, by Miss Lily B. Gedge.; 508. Piano Stool Cover, by Miss Lily B. Gedge. 509. *Pin Cushion, and Toilet Bottles, by Miss Lily B. Gedge. * For sale. Household Art. 117 510. *Carved Box, by Miss Lily B. Gedge. 511. *Embroidered Handkerchiefs, by Miss Lida Hays. 512. One Pair Passepartouts, by Miss Lida Hays. 513. Painted Fan (from nature), by Miss Lida Hays. 514. Boses (from nature), by Miss Mattie Y. Hearne. 515. *Duck (from life), by Miss Mattie Y. Hearne. 516. *Pansies (from nature), by Miss Mattie Y. Hearne. 517. *Happy Childhood, by Miss Mattie Y. Hearne. 518. Portrait, Water Color, by Miss Kate E. Huffman. 519. Slate Table Top, by Miss Kate E. Huffman. 520. Silk Toilet Set, by Miss Kate E. Huffman. 521. *Fire Screen, by Miss Edith M. Linn. 522. *Study of Roses, by Miss Edith M. Linn. 523. *Pair "Water Colors, by Miss Edith M. Linn. 524. *Gladioli on Slate, by Miss Edith M. Linn. 525. *Rose Study, by Miss Edith M. Linn. 526. Bas Relief, and Carved Frame, by Miss Jeanie L. McKee. 527. Gilded and Carved Frame, by Miss Jeanie L. McKee. 528. Carved Writing Cabinet, by Miss Mamie Price, pupil of H. L. Fry. 529. Carved Wall Pocket, by Miss Mamie Price. 530. Carved Table, by Miss Mamie Rice, pupil of H. L. Fry. 531. Rose Studies, by Miss Mamie Rice. 532. 533. Portrait, Water Color, by Miss Cora Perry. 534.*Placque, Apple Blossoms, by Miss Lulu Wright. * For sale." 118 Art Catalogue, 1879. 585. Japanese Piteber (original), by Miss Lulu Wright. 536. Wild Flowers (on slate), by Miss Lulu Wright. 537. Slippers, Embroidered, by Miss Lulu Wright. 538. 539. Cups and Saucers (from nature), by Miss Lulu Wright. [The following articles, Nos. 540 to 660, inclusive, are exhibited by the Women’s Art Museum Association of Cincinnati :] DEPARTMENT OF DECORATIVE ART WORK. *POTTERY UNDERGLAZE DECORATION. 540, 541. Pansies, Water Color, by Mrs. Merriam. 542. Piteber, by Mrs. Keenan. 543. Pitcher, by Mrs. Raymond. 544. Pitcher, by Miss Spencer. 545. 546. Two Jars, Modeled in Clay, by Mrs. Plimpton. 547. Jar, Modeled in Clay, by Mrs. Plimpton. 548. Vase, by Mrs. William Dodd. 549. Cup, by Mrs. William Dodd. 550. Yase, Owls, by Mrs. William Dodd. 551. Plate, by Mrs. William Dodd. 552. 553. Two Bas-Reliefs, by Mrs. Plimpton. 554. Salad Bowl, Relief, by Mrs. Keenan. 555. Yase, by Mrs. C. A. Kebler. 556. Plate, by Mrs. A. B. Merriam. *For sale. Household Art. 119 5^7. Apothecary’s Jar, by Mrs. A. B. Merriam. 558. Cup, by Mrs. A. B. Merriam. 559. Vase (under and overglaze), by Mrs. F. Ellis. 560. Vase, by Mrs. George W. Nichols. 561. Vase, by Miss Eaton. 562. Yase, by Mrs. Meredith. 568, 564. Two Jars, Belief, by Mrs. Keenan. 565. Placque, Belief, by Mrs. Plimpton. 566. Pitcher, Belief, by Mrs. Plimpton. 567. Pitcher, Belief, by Mrs. Merriam. 568. 569. Two Pilgrim Yases, by Mrs. Meredith 570, 571, 572. Three Jars, by Mrs. Meredith. 573, 574. Two vases, by Mrs. Keenan. ^PORCELAIN, OVERGLAZE. 575, 576. Two plates (gris tendre), by Mrs. Merriam. 577. Cup and Saucer, by Mrs. Merriam. 578, 579. Plates, by Miss Spencer. 580. Pitcher, by Miss Edith Harrison. 581. Bonhonniere, by Miss Bauchfuss. 582. Jar, by Miss Bauchfuss. 583. Pin Tray, by Miss Bauchfuss. 584. Cup, Saucer, and Plate, by Mrs. William Dodd. 585. Two Plates (Dresden pattern), by Mrs. F. Ellis. 586. Placque, Dogs (after Landseer), by Mrs. F. Ellis. *For sale. 120 Art Catalogue, 1879. 587. Cup and Saucer in Royal Worcester, by Mrs. C. A. Kebler. 588, 589. Two Plates (ideal heads), by Mrs. Leonard. 590. BonhonniSre, Monochrome, by Mrs. Leonard. 591. Cup and Saucer, by Mrs. Leonard. 592 Persian Picket, by Mrs. Leonard. 593. Tile, Monochrome, Mrs. Merriam. 594, 595. Tiles, Monochrome (mounted), by Mrs. Merriam. 596. Tea Set (3 pieces), by Miss Clara Newton. 597. Coffee Pot (coffee plant), by Miss Clara Newton. 598. Plate, by Miss Clara Newton. 599. Bonbonniere, by Mrs. Leonard. 600. Vase, by Mrs. Leonard. ^STUDIES IN OIL. 601. Purple Grapes (wood panel), by Mrs. L. H. James. 602. Yellow Roses (wood panel), by Miss M. E. Spencer. 603. Flowers (slate), by Miss M. E. Spencer. 604. Chiccory and Primrose (wood panel), by Mrs. Ray- mond. 605. Elder Blossoms (wood panel), by Mrs. Raymond. 606. Thistles (wood panel), by Mrs. Raymond. 607. Daisies and Grasses (wood panel), by Mrs. Raymond. 608. Weeds and Grasses (wood panel), by Mrs. Raymond. 609. Japanese Figure, by J. Rettig. 610. Florentine Figure, by J. Rettig. *For sale. Household Art. 121 ^STUDIES IN WATER COLOR. 611. Weigelia, by Miss Keenan. 612. Snowballs and Cassia, by Mrs. Keenan. 613. Dogwood, by Mrs. Keenan. 614. Yellow Koses, by Mrs. Raymond. 615. Convolvulus, by Mrs. Raymond. 616. Dogwood, by Mrs. Raymond. 617. Blackberry, by Mrs. Raymond. 618. Corner Sixth and Elm Streets, Cincinnati, by Miss E. Nourse. 619. Blacksmith’s Shop, by Miss E. Nourse. 620. Brickyard, Clifton, by Miss E. Nourse. 621. Chicken and Grasses, by Miss E. Nourse. 622. Jar and Weeds, by Miss E. Merrill. 623. Clover, by Miss Nettie Wilson. 624. Bulrushes, by Miss Nettie Wilson. 625. Hollyhocks, by Miss Nettie Wilson. 626. Illumination, Book-Cover, by Mrs. Frank Lord. 627. Illumination, Psalm, by E. H. Barton. 628. W eeds and Grasses, by Miss Bewley. 629. Bulrushes, by Miss Bewley. 630. Wild Sunflower and Larkspur, by Miss Agnes Davis. 631. Study of Roses, by Miss Jessie Dodd. 632. Begonia Leaves, by Miss Holmes. *For sale. 122 Art Catalogue, 1879. 633. Daisies and Poppies, by Mrs. Kinsey. 634. Holyhocks, by Mrs. Jeffras. 635. Child’s Head, by Miss Merryweather. * WATER- COLOR DECORATION. 636. Yiolets on Silk, by Mrs. Merriam. 637. Pincushion, Silk, by Mrs. Merriam. 638. Geranium (panel), by Miss Powe, Plattsburg, New York. 639. Whist Counters, by Miss Edith Harrison. 640. Whist Counters, Miss Fannie Eaton. 641. Pallete, by Miss Fannie Eaton. 642. Birds (panel), by Miss Fannie Eaton. 643. Five Menu Cards, by Miss Clara Newton. 644. Earrings and Pendant, Silk, by Mrs. Frank Lord. 645. Two Leather Card Cases, by Mrs. Frank Ellis. 646. Three Postage Stamp Boxes, by Mrs. Frank Ellis. 647. Necklace and Pendant, by , New York. *PEN AND INK DRAWINGS. 648. 649. Child’s Head (portrait), by Miss C. A. Lord. 650. Two Panels (wood), by Miss C. A. Lord. 651. Young Sculptor, by Miss C. A. Lord. 652. Menu Cards, by Miss C. A. Lord. 653. Charcoal Sketch, by E. H. Barton. 654. Mantel Ornament (wood carving), by Mrs. Alexander. *For sale. Household Art. 123 655. Bracket, by Miss Bewley. 656. Card Receiver, by Mrs. James. 657. Work Box, by Miss A. Nourse. 658. Work Box, by Miss Rice. 659. 660. Panels, by Misses Johnson. *LACE WORK. 661. Circle Needle Point, by Miss Raucbfuss. 662. Collar, Needle Point, by Miss Percy. 663. Barb, Needle Point, by Miss Percy. ^EMBROIDERY BY PUPILS OF W. A. M. A. 664. Daisies, Stand Cover. 665. Wild Roses, Waste Basket Cover. 666. Corn, Flowers, and Bulrushes, Waste Basket Cover. 667. Blackberries, Waste Basket Cover. 668. Field Asters, Tidy. 669. Poppies, Carriage Spread. 670. *Duteh Hanging Clock. Sypher & Co., New York. 671. Rug. Mrs. L. B. Harrison. 672. Rug. Mrs. George Ward Nichols. 673. *Holy Family, Agostino Masucci. Rome, 1691. (Masucci was a pupil of Carlo Maratti, and the figure of Saint Jo- seph, in this painting, is said to have been executed by the master.) Mrs. S. Marfield, Jr., Circleville, Ohio. *For sale. 124 Art Catalogue, 1879. 674. Painted Placque. E. S. Hutchins. 675. Limoges Enameled Candlestick, Fifteenth Century. A. Gunnison. 676. Incense Burner. Mrs. George Ward Nichols. 677. Japanese Bronze Tea Kettle. Mrs. George Ward Nichols. 678. Doulton Yase. Mrs. L. M. Dayton. 679. Shield, Henry IY. Loring Andrews. 680-684. Antique Brass Placques. Joseph Jefferson, Hohokus, N. J.. 685. *Helmet, Francis I. E. E. Isbell. 686, 687. Bugs. Pitts H. Burt. 688. *Tea Pot and Stand. (Old Spode porcelain.) 689. *Tea Cup and Saucer. (Old Spode porcelain.) 690. *Cotfee Mug. (Old Spode porcelain ; very rare.) *For sale. Household Art. 125 [Testimonials presented to General Grant, while in Great Britain and Ireland. Nos. 691 to 719, inclnsive.] 691. Address (bound), from Workingmen of Northumber- land and Durham. 692. Book, from Chamber of Commerce of Newcastle and Gateshead. 693. Two (2) Bronze Medals, in case, from Geneva. 694. Gold Casket, from city of Ayr. 695. Address on parchment, and seal, in gold box and cover. 696. Silver Badge, from Inverness. 697. Parchment in velvet box, from Inverness. 698. Address (bound), from Manchester. 699. Address (bound), from Birmingham. 700. Address on parchment, from the trade and friendly societies of Sunderland. 701. Address on parchment, from the Chamber of Com- merce, Sheffield. 702. Address (bound), from Workingmen of Birmingham. 703. Silver Casket, from Edinburgh. 704. Gold Casket, with address on parchment, from Glas- gow (with seal in gold box and cover). 705. Wooden Casket, with address on parchment, from Stratford on Avon, 706. Book, “ Shakespeare’s Home and Rural Life” (from the daughters of the Mayor and Mayoress of Strat- ford on Avon.) 126 Art Catalogue, 1879. 707. Bill of Fare (framed) of Banquet at London, June 15, 1877. 708. Address, from Stirling. 709. Address, from Tynemouth. 710. Address, from Southampton. 711. Address, from Jarrow. 712. Address, from Folkstone. 713. Address, from Elgin. 714. Address, from the Cutlers of Sheffield. 715. Address, from Minister of Stratford on Avon. 716. Address, from Leamington Spa. 717. Address, from Sheffield. 718. Address, from Sunderland. 719. Framed Photograph, by Gutekunst. 720. English Tea Pot. 75 years old. Mrs. Bourgoin, Covington. 721. English Cup and Saucer. 75 years old. Mrs. Bourgoin, Covington. 722. Marble Table Top, painted by Miss Stuart, Baltimore. Miss Stuart, Baltimore. 723. Placque (Courtship).- Miss Belle Smith, Smith’s Landing, Ohio. 724. Placque (Head of Bog). Edward M. Spining, Glendale. 725. *Bottle Yase. George W. Fenety. Boston Society of Decorative Art. *For sale. Household Art. 127 726. *Chinese Vase. A. D. Vorce & Co., Hartford. 727. *Plate, Cup, and Saucer. Miss Lee. Boston Society of Decorative Art. 728*. Old Satsuma Cup. A. D. Yorce & Co., Hartford. 729. *Placque (Mandolin G-irl). Mrs. Robertson. 730. *Placque (Turkish Girl). Mrs. Robertson. 731. *Placque (Peasant Girl). Mrs. Robertson. 732*Vase (Sea Moss). Mrs. Celia Thaxton, Boston. Boston Society of Decorative Art. 733. *Satsuma Bowl. A. D. Vorce & Co., Hartford. 734. Fan and Lamp Shade (silk water-color painting) and Placque, “ Who said Bats.” Miss Minnie Spini ig, Glendale. 735. *Placque (Meditation). Mrs. Robertson. 736. * Wooden Placques. E. B. Southwick. 737. *Placque (“ Autumn ”). Miss L. C. Towne, Shoe- makertown, Pennsylvania. Boston Society of Decorative Art. 738. 739. Plates, Painted by Mrs. F. G. Cramer, Copen- hagen, Denmark. Charles H. Wolf. 740.*Chinese Tea Pot. A. D. Vorce & Co., Hartford. *For sale. 128 Art Catalogue, 1879. 741. *Blue Nankin Cnp and Saucer. A. D. Voree & Co., Hartford. 742. *Chinese Cup and Saucer. A. D. Vorce & Co., Hartford. 743. Autograph Letter of George Washington. John Waddle. 744. Autograph Letter of John Adams. John Waddle. 745. Painting, (“ The Serenade”), by Robellaz. A. Gunnison. 746. Painting (“Night Scene in Holland”), by Andreas Achenbach. A. Gunnison. 747. Painting (“ Charcoal Burners”), by C. F. Lessing, 1853. A. Gunnison. 748. Rug. W. W. Taylor. { Specimens of Enameled Faience. Painted by Miss M. Louise McLaughlin. Specimens of Porcelain. Decorated over the Glaze by Miss M. Louise McLaughlin. 750. Hispano-Moresque Placque. Sixteenth Century. Mrs. F. G. Huntington. 751. Helmet, Francis I. Mrs. George Ward Nichols. 752. Display of American Art Tiles. Chelsea, Mass., Art W orks. C. A. Wellington, Boston. *For sale. Household Art. 129 753. Russian Bronze (Troika). M. A. Fritsche, Philadelphia. 754. Russian Bronze Table, Malachite Top. M. A. Fritsche, Philadelphia. 755. Russian Bronze Table* Labradorite Top. M. A. Fritsche, Philadelphia. 756. Pair Yases (Rhodonite base and Colchian Jasper top). M. A. Fritsche, Philadelphia. [The following articles are exhibited by the Cincinnati Pottery Club, organized April, 1879] . Mrs. George Dominick (Articles marked A). Placque (Decorated in clays of natural colors). Fired by Frederick Dallas. Mrs. William Dodd (Articles marked B). Placque (Landscape, in blue). Fired by Frederick Dallas. Mrs. Frank R. Ellis ( Articles marked C). 1. Yase (Rich blue, ornamented with gold). Copy of a Sevres Yase. 2. Yase (Decorated with English birds). 3. Yase (Decorated with Stilts). 4. Three Plates (Flowers and grasses from nature). 5. Placque (Owl). 6. Placque (Stork, modeled in clay). Fired by Frederick Dallas. Miss Laura Fry (Articles marked D). Plates (Decorated in blue). Fired by Frederick Dallas. 130 Art Catalogue, 1879. Miss Fletcher (Articles marked E). Jar (Decorated in deep blue, after a Japanese design). Fired by Frederick Dallas. Miss Alice Holabird (Articles marked F). Jar (Decorated in blue — Japanese design). Fired by Frederick Dallas. Mrs. H. E. Keenan (Articles marked G). 1. Two Vases (Decorated in black, on gray ground). Fired by Frederick Dallas. 2. Pitcher (Decorated in black). 3. Two Vases (decorated in colors). 4. Pilgrim Vase. Fired by Scott & Co. Mrs. Charles Kebler (Articles marked H). 1. Vase (Decorated in black). 2. Placque. Fired by Frederick Dallas. Mrs. E. G. Leonard (Articles marked 1). 1. Vase (In blue and gold — Continental figure, after Hen- schel). 2. Ideal Head (After Strain). 3. Pilgrim Flask (Daisies and grasses). 4. Pitcher (Wild flowers). 5. Placque. Mrs. A. B. Merriam (Articles marked J). 1. Two Jars (Decorated in blue). 2. Vase (Red clay, decorated in blue). Household Art. 131 Mrs. L. P. Meredith (Articles marked K). 1. Yase (Decorated in blue — Japanese design). 2. Pilgrim Yase (Decorated with cherub and butterfly). 3. Placque. 4. Cup and Saucer. 5. Two Yases. Fired by Frederick Dallas. Miss M. Louise McLaughlin (Articles marked L). 1. Jar (Of red clay, carved). 2. Yase (Of red clay, carved). Fired by Coultry & Co. 3. Yase (Decorated in colors). 4. Pilgrim Yase (Blue and gold). 5. Plate (Blue and gold). 6. Yase (Blue, ornamented with gold). 7. Two Plates (Incised and carved decoration). 8. Cup and Saucer (Decorated in colors). 9. Parian Placque. Fired by Frederick Dallas. 10. Two American China Plates (From Greenpoint, Fbw York — Decorated under the' glaze in blue and gold). Miss Clara C. Hewton (Articles marked M). 1. Two Plates (Arabesque design in blue and gold). 2. Yase (Deep blue, ornamented with gold). 3. Parian Placque. Fired by Frederick Dallas. Miss Agnes Pitman (Articles marked N). Jar (Of carved red and yellow clay). Fired by P. Coultry & Co. Miss Spencer (Articles marked O). Cup and Saucer (Decorated in blue). . . .( . '