7 %u tlxjc Circuit (&anv t of the jltates FOR THE SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF NEW YORK. United States of America, Complainant, YS. The American Tobacco Company, and Others, Defendants. To the Honorable the Judges of the Circuit Court of the United States for the Southern District of New York : The United States of America, by Henry A. Wise, its at¬ torney for said district, acting by direction of the Attorney General of the United States, answering the petition of the American Tobacco Company and all the other defendants to the above entitled cause, except the Imperial Tobacco Com¬ pany (of Great Britain and Ireland), Limited, United Cigar Stores Company and R. P. Richardson, Jr., and Company, Incorporated, filed in this court October 16, 1911, and by way of cross-petition, respectfully shows : I. Under the decision of the Supreme Court it is made the duty of this court, either by way of an injunction restrain¬ ing the movement of the products of the combination in the channels of interstate or foreign commerce, or by the ap¬ pointment of a receiver, to give effect to the requirements of the Antitrust Act, unless within the time specified a con- , CO 2 dition of disintegration in harmony with the law is brought about, either— (1) As the consequence of the action of the court in as¬ certaining and determining upon some plan or method of dissolving the combination and recreating, out of the ele¬ ments now composing it, a new condition which shall be honestly in harmony with and not repugnant to the law or— (2) By accepting a plan agreed upon between the parties. And the matter is left to this court to work out a compli¬ ance with the law without unnecessary injury to the public or the rights of private property. Obviously the effect of any plan of disintegration sub¬ mitted to the consideration of the court must be more or less a matter of conjecture, and it is impossible for the court to determine in advance whether or not a plan which proposes to restore competitive conditions will actually accomplish the purpose intended. Any decree ascertaining and determining upon a plan should therefore reserve to the Government the right, at any time within five years from date of entry, to apply to the court for other and further relief upon a showing that, as a matter of fact, such plan has not resulted in creating a new condition which shall be honestly in harmony with and not repugnant to the law. To that end, as well as for the other purposes hereinafter expressed, each and every of the new corporations proposed to be or¬ ganized for the purpose of carrying out tne plan should be brought in as a party to this suit, in order to be subjected to the jurisdiction of the court and bound by its decree. II. The following conditions to the approval of the plan submitted or of any other plan should be imposed, viz. : 1. That, during a period of not less than five years, no one of the corporations among which the properties and businesses now in the combination are to be distributed, shall have any officer or di- 3 rector who is also an officer or director in any other of such corporations. 2. That the plan be so modified that the principal company shall dispose of and, when the disintegra¬ tion is complete, shall not retain any of the stocks of any of the accessory companies, and each of the accessory companies shall dispose of all of the stocks held by it of the principal and of each of the other accessory companies held by it. 3. That no one of the corporations among which the property and businesses now in the combination are to be distributed shall, during the same period, retain or employ the same agency for the purchase of tobacco leaf or other raw material, or for the sale of tobacco or other products, as that of any other of such corporations. 4. That no one of the corporations among which the property and businesses now in the combination are to be distributed shall retain or employ the same clerical or other organization, or occupy the same office or offices as any other of the said corporations. 5. That no one of the corporations among which the properties and businesses now in the combination are to be distributed shall retain and hold capital stock in any other corporation, any part of whose stock is also retained and held by any of the other of the corporations among ivhich such properties and businesses are to be distributed, or shall pur¬ chase or acquire any stock in any other of such cor¬ porations. 6. That no one of the corporations among which the properties and businesses now in the combi¬ nation are to be distributed shall, during a period of five years, directly or indirectly acquire any stock in any one of the others of said corporations, or pur- 4 chase or acquire the property or business, or both, of any other of said corporations. 7. To the end that the twenty-nine individual defendants in this suit shall not increase their control over any of the corporations among which the properties and businesses now in the combination are to be distributed, pursu¬ ant to the plan, that such defendants be severally enjoined from, at any time within five years from the date of the decree, acquiring, directly or indirectly, the legal or equitable owner¬ ship of any amount of stock in any one of said cor¬ porations in addition to the amounts which they will respectively hold if and when the plan shall have been carried out as proposed. 8. That the preferred stock of the American Cigar Company, aggregating in book value $2,530,216.69, held by American Snuff Company, and the stock and bonds of American Tobacco Company, held by American Snuff Company, referred to on page 11 of the plan (foot-note A), be sold or otherwise disposed of within one year, instead of three years, as pro¬ posed in the plan, with leave to defendants to apply to the court to extend such period for not more than two years. 9. That, in the distribution of the properties and businesses now held in the combination pursuant to the plan of disintegration, no corporation shall be allowed to acquire property, tangible or intangible, which would invest it with as much as forty per cent, in volume or in value of any particular line of the tobacco business. 10. That the stocks of Liggett and Myers Tobacco Company and P. Lorrillard Company, provided to be sold in accordance with the plan, be deposited with the 5 Guaranty Trust Company of New York, as the agent or depository of this court in this cause, for the purposes specified in the plan, and that, at the end of the period designated, the court make an order for their further disposition. That, in the mean¬ time, no voting right, with respect to such stock, shall be exercised except as the court may from time to time order. 11. That all covenants in any way restricting the right of any company or individual in the combina¬ tion to buy, manufacture or sell tobacco or its products should be rescinded by the affirmative action of the respective parties thereto who are par¬ ties to this suit. 12. That the action proposed in subdivision C of the plan, on page 6, terminating certain covenants, be amplified so as to include like action with respect to all covenants not only concerning the tobacco business, but any other business which is in any way embraced in the combination. 13. That all contracts or covenants between the American Tobacco Company, or any other companies in the combination, and the British-American To¬ bacco Company, giving to the latter company the ex¬ clusive right to manufacture or sell brands belonging to any of the companies in the combination, be re¬ scinded or otherwise terminated. 14. That the stock of the United Cigar Stores Company be sold and distributed to parties other than the twenty-nine individual defendants or others of the common stockholders of the American Tobacco Company, to the end that the corporation be entirely separated from any connection with the corporations to which the properties and businesses now in the combination are to be distributed. 6 That appropriate provisions be inserted in the final decree giving force to the foregoing conditions, by way of injunction upon all parties to the suit, etc. Ill. The questions of the capitalization of the various corporations among which it is proposed to distribute the properties and businesses now in the combination ; as to the distribution of assets, as between preferred stockholders and common stockholders; and as to the amount offered to be paid or distributed to the holders of bonds of either class, or preferred stocks, are submitted to the court as matters concerning the stockholders of the corporations and the bondholders ; the Government being concerned merely with the disintegration of an illegal combination, and the recreation of competitive conditions under such circumstances and with such safeguards as will insure the continuation of such com¬ petitive conditions and prevent a recurrence of the unlawful condition found by the court to exist in this case. IY. That, by the final decree to be entered herein, it be provided that the defendants named in the petition, their respective officers, directors, agents, servants, and employes, be forever ^enjoined and prohibited from continuing or carrying into further effect the combination adjudged illegal by the Supreme Court, and from entering into or forming any like combination or conspiracy, the effect of which is or will be to restrain commerce in tobacco or its products, or in articles used in connection with the manu¬ facture and trade in tobacco and its products, among the states or in the territories or with foreign nations, or to prolong the unlawful monopoly of such commerce obtained and possessed by the defendants, as adjridged herein in violation of the Act of Congress approved July 2, 1890, either : 1. By causing the conveyance of the physical property and business of any of the corporations 7 among which the properties and businesses now in the combination are to be distributed to any other of said corporations ; by placing the stocks of any one or more of said corporations in the hands of voting trustees or controlling the voting power of such stocks by any similar device ; or 2. By making any express or implied agreement or arrangements together or one with another like those adjudged illegal by the Supreme Court in this cause, relative to the control or management of any of said corporations, or the price or terms of purchase, or of sale, of tobacco or any of its products, or the supplies or other product dealt with in con¬ nection with the tobacco business, or relative to the purchase, sale, transportation or manu¬ facture of tobacco, or its product or supplies or other product dealt with as aforesaid, by any of the parties hereto, which will have a like effect in restraint of commerce among the states, in the territories and with foreign nations to that of the combination the operation of which is enjoined in this cause ; or by making any agreement or arrangement of any kind with any other of such corporations under which trade or business is apportioned between such corporations, in respect either to customers or localities ; or by any of such corporations doing business, directly or indirectly, under any other than their own corporate respective names ; by refusing to sell to any jobber any brands of any tobacco product manufactured by it except upon condition that such jobber shall purchase from the vendor some other brand or product, also manu¬ factured and sold by it; or 3. By the British-American Company and the Im¬ perial Company employing a common agent for the the purchase of leaf tobacco in the United States, or by either of said two companies uniting with any of the corporations among which the properties and businesses now in the combination are to be dis¬ tributed, in the employment of a common agent for the purchase of tobacco leaf ; or 4. By transferring to and vesting in any of the cor¬ porations among which the properties and businesses now in the combination are to be distributed, any part of the stock of the United Cigar Stores Com¬ pany ; or Wherefore the United States prays the court that, in connection w r ith any plan or method of dissolving the un¬ lawful combination of the defendants found by the Su¬ preme Court to exist in this case, and of recreating out of the elements now composing it, a new condition which shall be honestly in harmony with and not repugnant to the law, which this court may ascertain and determine upon and in the final decree, to be rendered in this cause, the foregoing requests and suggestions be adopted and embodied. Henry A. Wise, United States Attorney for the Southern District of New York. [6833]