mmm ii GUIDE T . I O HI 3 1 [\15°i) LIB R.AR.Y OF THE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS f 3S r JUINMS W5IWBCM STOfft Preliminary Guide to the RESEARCH MATERIALS of The Pennsylvania Historical and Museum Commission -~cymi- Commonwealth of Pennsylvania Pennsylvania Historical and Museum Commission Harrisburg, 1959 THE PENNSYLVANIA HISTORICAL AND MUSEUM COMMISSION Frank W. Melvin, Chairman James B. Stevenson, Vice Chairman Maurice A. Mook John W. Oliver J. Bennett Nolan Grace A. Rankin Charles H. Boehm, ex officio Mrs. Lawrence M. C. Smith Superintendent of Public Instruction Members from the General Assembly Leroy E. Chapman, Senator Israel Stiefel, Senator E. Gadd Snider, Representative Norman Wood, Representative Trustees Ex Officio David L. Lawrence, Governor of the Commonwealth Charles C. Smith, Auditor General Robert F. Kent, State Treasurer Administrative Staff Sylvester K. Stevens, Executive Director William N. Richards, Executive Assistant Earle W. Newton, Director Bureau of Museums, Historic Sites, and Properties Sanford W. Higginbotham, Director Bureau of Research, Publications, and Records PRELIMINARY GUIDE to the RESEARCH MATERIALS of The Pennsylvania Historical and Museum Commission ^Evsf- Commonwealth of Pennsylvania Pennsylvania Historical and Museum Commission Harrisburg, 19S9 Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2011 with funding from University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign INTRODUCTION In its archival, manuscript, and microfilm holdings the Pennsylvania Historical and Museum Commission has amassed a rich treasure of source materials for research and writing on the history of Penn- sylvania. By gathering and making these research materials accessible to the serious student and scholar, the Commission is meeting its responsibility to preserve public records and to gather information on Pennsylvania history by microfilming or otherwise copying historic documents, letters, and records. It likewise has the responsibility of compiling lists and guides to the materials for Pennsylvania history; and this Preliminary Guide is a step toward the fulfilment of that responsibility. This Preliminary Guide is in no sense a complete listing and analysis of the research materials in the Commission's collections. Its object is to present briefly the general character of the documents, letters, and other sources in the care of the Commission so that historians and other researchers may discover the materials which may be of value to them. Since the descriptive entries are necessarily brief, users of the Preliminary Guide may occasionally find it desirable to write for fuller information on the detailed contents of some of the collec- ^ tions. Aside from the two special and important collections at the Drake Museum near Titusville and at Old Economy in Ambridge, the Commission's holdings of research materials are divided between the two divisions of the Bureau of Research, Publications, and Records —the Division of Public Records in the State Education Building and the Division of Research and Publications in the State Museum Build- ing. The Division of Public Records as the repository for State records of permanent value and historical significance has many docu- ments of value for research. The volume of these records is im- mense; and many parts of them are as yet imperfectly arranged and lack detailed archival guides. Many can be used only with difficulty because of crowded storage facilities. It should also be noted that there are serious gaps in the holdings of the official records of the Province and the Commonwealth; some gaps represent items or whole record series irretrievably lost before the establishment of a State archives; other gaps exist because the records are still in the possession of existing State agencies. There are likewise a number of collections of private manuscripts in the Division of Public Records. iii INTRODUCTION The greater volume of the Commission's research materials is in the Division of Public Records, but there are many important col- lections of microfilms, transcripts, and manuscripts in the custody of the Division of Research and Publications. These materials were acquired in part by donations to the Commission, but the greater proportion were gathered as the result of a carefully planned program of locating and reproducing photographically manuscripts, maps, and newspapers relating to Pennsylvania which were in other depositories or in private possession. It will be noted that the two divisions in many instances have col- lections of the same types of material. The duplication is the result of the separate and unrelated origins of the organizations from which the divisions stem. It is perpetuated at the present time because of their physical separation and the shortage of suitable storage space. When better facilities are available to house the divisions and to store the collections, the research materials will be consolidated. Members of the Commission staff cannot undertake searches for information on the films or elsewhere in the collections, but they will be happy to advise and provide assistance for those doing such research. The Commission staff is likewise unable to carry on genealogical re- search, but the Division of Public Records will make its military and other records accessible to genealogists and will provide certificates under seal. Genealogists can obtain assistance and advice in their research from the Genealogical Section of the State Library. They may also find helpful information for locating sources of needed genea- logical data in the Division of Public Records' Information Leaflet No. 1, which is available on request. Henry Howard Eddy, Chief of the Division of Public Records, has been responsible for the listing of the holdings in that division. Donald H. Kent, Chief of the Division of Research and Publications, compiled the listing of the collections in his division and also edited the manuscript and prepared the index. Thomas J. Garin, late Curator of Drake Well Memorial Park, made the listing of the col- lections at the Drake Museum; and Lawrence Thurman, Curator at Old Economy, prepared the description of the Harmony Society Records. William A. Hunter, Associate Historian; Mrs. Autumn L. Leonard, Assistant Historian; Miss Martha Simonetti, Archivist; and Mrs. Mary Kelker Sturges, former Librarian of the Commission, gave valuable aid in checking entries and advising on the listing of various collections with which they are especially familiar. S. W. HlGGINBOTHAM Director of the Bureau iv CONTENTS PAGE Division of Public Records 1 The Province of Pennsylvania 1 Commonwealth of Pennsylvania 2 Departments and Agencies . 2 Temporary Boards and Commissions 4 Internal Improvements 5 State Institutions 6 Microfilm G Miscellaneous Public Records 7 Prtvate Manuscripts 7 Research and Publications Division 14 General 14 Newspapers 37 Historical Properties 47 Drake Museum 47 Old Economy 48 Index 49 DIVISION OF PUBLIC RECORDS Here are listed the holdings of the Commission's Division of Public Records, a Division which constitutes the State archives of Pennsylvania. For the most part these holdings are made up of records transferred from various State departments and agencies since the creation of the archives office in 1903. Before that time there was no general policy for the preservation of public records, and as a result there are many gaps in the archival holdings. As public records of permanent value or historical interest are con- tinually being accessioned for preservation, it follows that no list of holdings can ever be complete. Besides the public records, the Division has some manuscripts and collections of private origin. In the listing which follows the individual entries are arranged under nine main headings: Province of Pennsylvania, Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, Departments and Agencies, Temporary Boards and Commissions, Internal Improvements, State Institutions, Microfilm, Miscellaneous, and Private Manu- scripts. THE PROVINCE OF PENNSYLVANIA Provincial Council, Minutes and Papers, 1682-1775. 20 vols, and 12 cu. ft. Minutes, 1682/83-1775, 20 vols.; papers, 1682-1775, unbound. Port of Philadelphia, Registers, Accounts, and Correspondence, 1727-1838. 19 vols, and 5 cu. ft. Ships' registers, 1727-1776 (incomplete) ; accounts of customs col- lected, 1781-1788; correspondence and accounts of port officers, 1776-1838. Register of German Passengers, Ships' Lists, 1727-1807. 2 cu. ft. Covers non-British immigrants arriving at Philadelphia, 1727- 1775, 1785-1807. Published complete in Strassburger and Hinke, Pennsylvania German Pioneers. Naturalization Lists, 1740-1773. i/ 2 cu. ft. Unbound. Indian Deeds, 1682-1789. U/ 2 cu. ft. Originals or copies of deeds from various Indians to the Proprietary or the Commonwealth. Commissioners for Indian Trade, Accounts, 1758-1766. 2 vols. Ledger, 1758-1765, and journal, 1763-1766. 2 DIVISION OF PUBLIC RECORDS Provincial Secretary, Papers, 1709-1775. \y 2 cu. ft. Miscellaneous papers of James Logan, 1709-1730; Richard Peters, record of licenses issued, 1743-1761; and Joseph Shippen, Jr., record of licenses for Indian traders, 1765-1771. Land and Survey Records, 1675, 1762-1764, 1768-1769. 3 vols. Surveyor General's letterbook, Apr. 10, 1762-Sept. 22, 1764; field notes of surveys in 1675 and in 1768-1769. COMMONWEALTH OF PENNSYLVANIA Committee of Safety, Minutes, 1775-1776. 3 vols. Cover June 30, 1775 to July 22, 1776. Council of Safety (First Establishment) , Minutes, 1776-1777. 2 vols. Cover July 23, 1776 to Mar. 4, 1777. Council of Safety (Second Establishment), Minutes, 1777. 1 vol. Cover Oct. 17 to Dec. 4, 1777. Constitutional Convention of 1776, Journal. 1 vol. Supreme Executive Council, Minutes and Papers, 1777-1790. 12 vols. and 20 cu. ft. Minutes, 1777-1790; letters, 1777-1790; military papers, 1777-1790; public debt papers, 1780-1790; marriage bonds, Philadelphia County, 1784-1786. Council of Censors, Journal, 1784. 2 vols. Covers Aug. 6 to Sept. 25, 1784. General Assembly, Minutes and Papers, 1777-1909. 2 vols, and 175 cu. ft. Minutes, Oct. 23, 1780-Mar. 22, 1781, Oct. 27, 1783-Mar. 19, 1784; House papers, 1777-1873; Senate papers, 1823-1909. Governors' Proclamations, 1783, 1831-1935. 2 cu. ft. Most incomplete. Constitutional Convention of 1837-1838, Minutes. 4 cu. ft. Published complete. DEPARTMENTS AND AGENCIES Attorney General, Letterpress Book, 1875-1907. 25 vols. Correspondence. Auditor General, Accounts and Papers, 1809-1939. 800 vols, and 175 cu. ft. Accounts, military and civil, 1809-1939; vouchers, 1809-1875; letter- book, 1809-1866; letter register, 1878-1880; securities. GUIDE TO RESEARCH MATERIALS 3 Board of Finance and Revenue, Accounts, 1923-1927. 2 vols. General ledger. Board of Public Accounts, Minutes, 1894-1923. 3 vols. Review of closed accounts. Board of Revenue Commissioners (First Establishment) , Minutes, 1845. 1 vol. Hearings on economic questions. Board of Revenue Commissioners (Second Establishment) , Minutes, 1869-1924. 7 vols. Tax equalization and selection of State depositories. Commissioners of the Sinking Fund, Minutes and Accounts, 1849- 1923. 15 vols. Minutes, 1849-1922, and accounts, 1849-1923. Comptroller General, Accounts and Correspondence, 1775-1809. 480 vols, and 80 cu. ft. Accounts, civil and military, 1775-1809; vouchers, 1775-1809; letter- books, 1782-1809; tax lists. General State Authority, Construction Records, 1937-1939. 3 cu. ft. Chiefly photographs. Loan and Transfer Agent, Accounts, 1835-1919. 769 vols, and 15 cu. ft. Accounts, 1835-1919, and vouchers, 1835-1914. Receiver General, Accounts, 1789-1809. 47 vols. General accounts, including the public debt. Secretary of Agriculture, Pennsylvania Farm Statistics, 1924, 1927. 6 cu. ft. Detailed information on crop acreage, farm animals, equipment, etc., arranged by county and township. Secretary of the Commonwealth, Minutes and Papers, 1790-1943. 682 vols, and 1,075 cu. ft. Executive minutes, 1790-1943; letterbooks, 1790-1935; commission books (civil), 1777-1945; original engrossed laws, 1700-1867; law record books, 1710-1903; charters, constitutions, and Indian treaties of the Commonwealth, 1679-1838; military papers, 1790-1944; elec- tion returns, 1779-1840; patronage papers, 1776-1840; conviction and clemency papers, 1777-1899; bankruptcy papers, 1785-1793; attainder papers, 1777-1802; extradition papers, 1792-1868; oaths of allegiance, Philadelphia County, 1777-1794; legislative communications, 1790- 1843; vital statistics, 1852-1855; letters patent to corporations, 1830- 1864; charter books (corporations), 1812-1875; unpromulgated char- ters, 1847-1873; septennial census, 1779-1870; miscellaneous. 4 DIVISION OF PUBLIC RECORDS Secretary of Property and Supplies, Minutes, Correspondence, and Construction Plans, 1893-1942. 30 cu. ft. Minutes of Commissioners of Public Grounds and Buildings, 1915- 1930; selected correspondence, 1924-1942; construction plans for State institutions, 1893-1907. Secretary of Welfare, Correspondence, Reports, and Audits, 1896- 1948. 20 vols, and 16 cu. ft. Correspondence of Committee on Lunacy, 1896-1919; of Commission on Feebleminded and Epileptic, 1911-1915; reports of Secretary on visits to institutions for the insane, 1910-1921; reports on county homes, 1921-1922; reports on county poor relief, 1936; audits of institutions, 1928-1948. State Treasurer, Accounts and Correspondence, 1775-1930. 350 vols. Accounts, 1775-1930; letterbooks, 1843-1859; letterpress book, 1904. Superintendent of Public Instruction, Construction Plans and Correspondence, 1935-1942. 2 cu. ft. Contracts, blueprints, and correspondence regarding W. P. A. and P. W. A. projects for construction at historic properties administered by the Pennsylvania Historical Commission. Superintendent of Public Instruction, Certification and Appoint- ment Records, 1854-1918. 5 vols. Permanent teaching certificates, 1868-1908; college graduates' teach- ing certificates, 1893-1911; record of appointment of county super- intendents, 1854-1918; and of city, borough, and township superin- tendents, 1866-1908. TEMPORARY BOARDS AND COMMISSIONS Board of Commissioners of the Second Geological Survey, Minutes, Correspondence, and Fieldbooks, 1874-1894. 11 vols, and 1 cu. ft. Capitol Investigation Commission, Testimony and Exhibits, 1907. Transcripts and blueprints, 19 cu. ft. Chestnut Tree Blight Commission, Minutes and Accounts, 1911- 1914. 1 cu. ft. Minutes, 1911-1914, and accounts, 1911-1913. Columbian Exposition Commission, Papers, 1893. 8 vols. Chicago world's fair. Commissioners to Examine Witnesses Regarding the Contested Election for Sheriff of Philadelphia County, Minutes, 1806- 1807. Part of vol. GUIDE TO RESEARCH MATERIALS 5 Committee of Public Safety and (Pennsylvania) Council of Na- tional Defense, Papers, 1917-1919. 10 cu. ft. Minutes, Mar. 28, 1917-Oct. 3, 1919; accounts and scrapbooks. General Loan Offices of 1773, 1785, and 1793, Accounts, 1773-1800. 14 vols, and 5 cu. ft. Appraisements, mortgages, and vouchers; mortgage record books, 1773-1788; miscellaneous accounts. Gettysburg Fiftieth Anniversary Commission, Minutes, 1909-1913. 1 vol. Includes minutes of Executive Committee. Gettysburg Monuments Commission, Contracts, 1886-1893. 2 vols. Contracts and subsidiary documents. Highway Planning Commission, Minutes, 1949-1951. 2 vols. Minutes, 1949-1951; views submitted in advance of hearings, 1950. Independence Celebration Commission, Papers, 1922-1923, 1926. 1 cu. ft. Sesquicentennial of 1926. Louisiana Purchase Exposition Commission, Papers, 1904. 3 vols. Pennsylvania participation in St. Louis world's fair. Revolutionary Pension Claims, Court of Inquiry Regarding, Pro- ceedings, 1812-1817. Part of vol. A docket. Swedish Tercentenary Commission, Papers, 1938. i/ 2 cu. ft. Programs, photographs, and news releases. Wayne Monument Commission, Minutes, 1905-1908. 1 vol. Monument to Anthony Wayne in Valley Forge Park. World's Fair, State Commission on, Papers, 1938-1940. i/ 2 cu. ft. New York City exposition. INTERNAL IMPROVEMENTS State Roads and Turnpikes, Maps and Papers, 1706-1929. 9 vols, and 20 cu. ft. Maps of State roads, 1706-1871 (484) ; of turnpikes, 1821-1894 (36) ; bridge papers, 1787-1897; charters and subscription lists, licenses to take toll, accounts, reports, and correspondence. Include transfer to State ownership. Stream Clearance and Canal Papers, 1783-1908. 7 vols, and 14 cu. ft. Includes Susquehanna Lottery, 1805-1819; Allegheny Portage R. R., 1831-1851; navigation companies, 1783-1908; Delaware Division Canal, maps, 1868. 6 DIVISION OF PUBLIC RECORDS Public Buildings, Papers, 1777-1897. 4 cu. ft. Cover State House, Philadelphia, 1777-1821; President's House, Phil- adelphia, 1792-1802; Capitol, Harrisburg, 1810-1897. STATE INSTITUTIONS Eastern State Penitentiary, Minutes, Dockets, Accounts, and Papers, 1821-1918. 60 vols, and 3 cu. ft. Minutes and correspondence of building commissioners, 1821-1833; of trustees, 1829-1914; warden's daily journal, 1829-1914; convict dockets, 1829-1918; accounts covering construction, 1821-1834. Western State Penitentiary, Minutes, Dockets, and Papers, 1818- 1931. 65 vols, and 6 cu. ft. Minutes of building commissioners, 1818-1827, or trustees, 1826-1931; convict dockets, 1826-1902; contracts and correspondence regarding construction. Rockview is also covered, especially by photographs. MICROFILM U. S. Census (Population) Schedules for Pennsylvania, 1830-1880, and Part of 1890. 282 reels. These cover completely for Pennsylvania the censuses taken by the federal government in 1830, 1840, 1850, 1860, 1870, and 1880, as well as the part of the 1890 census which listed Union veterans of the Civil War. County Records, 1682-1850. 1,406 reels. Wills, deeds, orphans' court minutes, and tax lists for the period indicated from fourteen counties only: Adams, Berks, Bucks, Ches- ter, Cumberland, Dauphin, Delaware, Lancaster, Lebanon, Mont- gomery, Northampton, Perry, Philadelphia, and York. Purchased from the Genealogical Society of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, which photographed the records at the respective courthouses. Early Records of Pennsylvania, 1640-1838. 61 reels. Diverse items selected from the Pennsylvania section of the Library of Congress-University of North Carolina Microfilm Collection of Early State Records. Purchased from the Library of Congress. New Jersey v. Delaware, in the Supreme Court of the United States, October, 1929: Plaintiff's and Defendant's Exhibits, Briefs, and Decisions. 6 reels of 31 printed vols. Included is information regarding boundaries, including the Penn- sylvania boundary, along the Delaware River. Purchased from the Delaware Hall of Records. GUIDE TO RESEARCH MATERIALS 7 Letters Sent by the Office of the Chief of Engineers Relating to Internal Improvements, 1824-1830. 3 reels. These cover early surveys and reconnaissances. Purchased from the National Archives, where they are found in RG 77. MISCELLANEOUS PUBLIC RECORDS Baynton- Wharton-Morgan Papers, 1723-1794. 51 vols, and 1 cu. ft. Accounts, correspondence, and legal papers of firm engaged in the western trade; sequestered about 1800 during the investigation of the public accounts of Peter Baynton, State Treasurer. County Records: Franklin County Board of Commissioners, Tax Lists, 1794-1866. 709 vols. Bound in part. General Map Collection, 1681- . About 1,350 items. These cover Pennsylvania and parts thereof. Chiefly printed. John Mitchell Accounts and Correspondence, 1772-1785. 1 cu. ft. Papers sequestered about 1785 during investigation of a Philadelphia merchant who was a contractor with the Pennsylvania Navy. John Nicholson Papers, 1778-1843. 11 vols, and 2 cu. ft. Private accounts, sequestered in 1793 during the investigation of his conduct as Comptroller General; also records of the prolonged investigation. Penn Charter Papers, 1926. Subscription conducted by the Philadelphia Public Ledger to pur- chase the original of the First Frame of Government. PRIVATE MANUSCRIPTS James Abercromby, Report on American Colonies, 1751-1752. 2 vols. "An Examination of the Acts of Parliament Relative to the Trade and Government of the American Colonies." Duplicates, but the text varies. Account Books, 1761-1836. 33 vols. Vary widely but include some records of the iron industry. J. Simpson Africa Collection, 1772-1891. 2 cu. ft. Secretary of Internal Affairs, 1883-1890. Included are family and miscellaneous papers, chiefly from Huntingdon County. Col. H. C. Alleman Papers, 1856-1865. 20 items. Harrisburg attorney. 8 DIVISION OF PUBLIC RECORDS Judge Michael Arnold Trial Notes, 1883-1902. 4 vols. Philadelphia criminal cases. Samuel Penniman Bates Collection, 1833-1894. 3 cu. ft. Chiefly material related to his various publications on the Civil War. This collection is marginal between public and private material since under the Act of May 4, 1864, Bates was appointed State Historian to prepare a history of the Pennsylvania Volunteers. John Bear Papers, 1783-1836. 1 cu. ft. Cumberland County legal matters. William Bigler Letters, 1849-1859, 1864, 1875. 11 items. Governor, 1852-1855, and U. S. Senator, 1855-1861. George Bressler Diary, 1852. Transcript, 10 pp. Trip to California around the Horn. Fragmentary, Feb.-Mar., 1852. William P. Brobson Diary, 1825-1828. 1 vol. Economic development along the Brandywine. James Buchanan Letters, 1815-1863. 50 items. President of the United States, 1857-1861. Bucktails, First Rifle Regiment, Pennsylvania Reserves. Records, 1861-1864, 1886-1891. 9 vols, and i/ 2 cu. ft. Military service papers and subsequent rosters. Henry Buehler Papers, 1840-1851. i/ 2 cu. ft. Harrisburg hotelkeeper who was also interested in a Schuylkill County coal mine. Burd Family Papers, 1815-1833. 1 cu. ft. Chiefly transcribed correspondence and accounts of Col. James Burd and his sons and relatives. See also closely related Edward Shippen Thompson Collection. John Burrows Journal, 1779. Transcript, 1 vol. Journal of officer on Sullivan Expedition, Aug. 23-Oct. 13, 1779. Simon Cameron Letters, 1833-1877. 17 items. Canal Transportation, 1834-1846, 1863-1878. 7 vols. Accounts of forwarding companies. Tench Coxe Letters, 1792-1821. 62 items. Private and official letters. John A. J. Cresswell Letters, 1864-1889. 65 items. Postmaster General, 1869-1874. George Mifflin Dallas Letters, 1817-1863. 63 items. U. S. Senator, 1831-1833, and Vice President of the United States, 1845-1849. GUIDE TO RESEARCH MATERIALS 9 Dock Family Papers, 1865-1951. 7 cu. ft. Letters, diaries, photographs, and lecture notes from a Franklin County family gifted in diverse fields, notably medicine, nursing, forestry, and civic improvement. Elder Family Papers, 1760-1849. 34 items. Dauphin County family. Ephrata Cloister. 1 vol. Miscellaneous essays, poems, charts, etc. Samuel Evans Papers, 1752-1891. 55 items. Local historian and genealogist, Donegal Township, Lancaster County. John Ewing Memorandum Book, 1784. 1 vol. Commissioner for Pennsylvania-Virginia boundary survey of 1784. William Findly Diary, 1806. Photostats, 1 vol. of 13 pp. Diary of journey from New Jersey to Ohio. John Franklin Collection, 1753-1828. Photostats, 250 items. Materials relating to the land controversy between Connecticut and Pennsylvania settlers in the Wyoming Valley. Col. Reah Frazer Family Papers, 1784-1879. 7 cu. ft. Legal papers and correspondence of a Lancaster attorney. John White Geary Letters, 1847-1873. 35 items. Letters from the Governor (1867-1873) to his brother Edward R. Geary, who was Superintendent of Indian Affairs for Oregon Terri- tory, 1859-1861. John Bannister Gibson Letters, 1826-1833. 7 items. Chief Justice of Pennsylvania, 1838-1851. Joshua Gilpin Journals and Notebooks, 1790-1833. 62 small vols, and 1 cu. ft. Travels of a Philadelphia businessman, chiefly in Europe. Grand Army of the Republic Papers, 1867-1933. 60 vols, and 4 cu. ft. Rosters, surrendered charters, and accounts of Pennsylvania posts. Simon Gratz Papers, 1856-1860. 11 items. Concern settlement of the estate. Guard of Liberty, Minute Book of Camp No. 1, 1854-1855. 1 vol. Minutes and membership roll for Harrisburg unit of Native Ameri- can organization. Jacob Haldeman Papers, 1819-1833. 1 cu. ft. Businessman of Cumberland and Dauphin counties. 10 DIVISION OF PUBLIC RECORDS Wilmer C. Hall Letters, 1860-1879. 73 items. Correspondence and business papers of Cumberland County man, a private in the Civil War. Harmony Society Songbooks, 1817, 1822. 2 vols. Harris Family Papers, 1768-1845. 1 cu. ft. Concern Lancaster and Centre counties. Harris-Fisher- Russell Family Papers, 1749-1880. 5 cu. ft. From John Harris, founder of Harrisburg; George Fisher, founder of Middle town; and their descendants. James Harris Papers, 1787-1842. 1 cu. ft. Cover land and canal papers, accounts, and surveys of James Harris and his son James Dunlop Harris of Bellefonte, Centre County. Lieut. Frank A. Haskell Letters, 1863-1907. 9 items. Chiefly description of the Battle of Gettysburg. Dr. J. Heisely, Meteorological Journal, 1843-1850. 1 vol. Daily weather observation in detail. Hiester Family Papers, 1750-1865. 1 cu. ft. Chiefly correspondence in Berks and Dauphin counties. Templeton Brandon Hurst Diary, 1864-1865. 1 vol. Life in Confederate prisons, May 1, 1864-Mar. 15, 1865. Joseph M. Huston, Drawings and Photographs of Pennsylvania Capitol, c. 1903-1907. 10 cu. ft. Original architect's plans for the Capitol, engravings, and early photographs. See also Capitol Investigation Commission, above, page 4. John Jenkins Journal, 1779. Transcript, 1 vol. Journal of officer on Sullivan Expedition, July 31-Dec. 19, 1779. Juniata Forge & Mary Ann Furnace, Notebook, 1850. 1 very small vol. Careful description and a few accounts. Horace A. Keefer Letters, 1881-1916. 178 items. Manager of Pine Grove Furnace during the 1880's. A manuscript history of the Furnace is included. Kelso Family Papers, 1782-1816. i/ 2 cu. ft. Accounts, diary of trip to New Orleans, biographies, and portraits. James Reid Lambdin, Autobiography, 1807-1841. Typewritten tran- script, 1 vol. Reminiscences of a painter. GUIDE TO RESEARCH MATERIALS 11 Benjamin Lightfoot Journal, 1770. Photostats, 18 sheets. Deals with Wyoming settlement, Aug. 16-Sept. 15, 1770. Logan Guards, Constitution and By-Laws, 1859-1861. 1 vol. Volunteer militia company, Mifflin County. Col. S. C. Lyford Papers, 1877. 70 items. Deal with Centennial Exposition of 1876 at Philadelphia. McAllister Family Papers, 1777-1850. 25 vols, and 1 cu. ft. Chiefly accounts of family prominent in York, Lancaster, and Dauphin counties. J. Horace McFarland Papers, 1901-1948. 15 cu. ft. Correspondence and other papers of the conservationist, city planner, author, horticulturist, and master printer, President of the American Civic Association, 1904-1924. Samuel McKean Letters, 1830-1862. 12 items. Concern chiefly political patronage. John Hatton Marsden, Biographical Memoir, c. 1850. Photostats, 27 sheets. Clergyman, teacher, physician in Adams County. William Matthews Journal, 1846-1847. Photostats of typed tran- scripts, 29 sheets. Journal of private in Mexican War, Dec. 31, 1846-Sept. 13, 1847. Levi Merkel Family Papers, 1818-1912. 6 cu. ft. Cumberland County family engaged chiefly in agriculture and bank- ing. John W. Mish Papers, 1847-1875. 136 items. Correspondence, accounts, and legal papers, Lebanon County. Simon Cameron Mish Journal, 1849-1852. Transcript, 32 pp. Cruise of midshipman to the Mediterranean, July 25, 1849-Mar. 29, 1852. Daniel Musser Collection of Civil War Letters, 1860-1865. 178 items. Letters received from soldiers by the Musser family, Lebanon County. Nederlandsch Hervormde Kerkgenootschap, Synodus Van Overijs- sel, 1769. 1 vol. of 64 pp. List of churches supported in 1768, including congregations in Penn- sylvania. Col. Richard A. Oakford Papers, 1861-1862. y 2 cu. ft. Killed at Antietam while commanding 15th Regiment, Pennsylvania Volunteers. 12 DIVISION OF PUBLIC RECORDS William Orbison Family Papers, 1801-1868. 6 cu. ft. Correspondence, accounts, and legal papers of Huntingdon County attorney and businessman; also of his descendants, most notably of Ellen Matilda Orbison Harris, Civil War relief agent. The Philadelphia Bank, List of Stockholders, 1812, 1814-1815, 1822. 3 vols. Portsmouth National Blues, Constitution and By-Laws, 1851-1861. 1 vol. of 50 pp. Includes list of members of militia company of Middletown, Dauphin County. Potts Family Business Papers, 1705-1853. 93 items. Chiefly accounts, deeds, and legal papers related to the iron industry in the vicinity of Cornwall, Pennsylvania. Samuel J. Randall Letters, 1879-1889. 68 items. Deal chiefly with Democratic politics in Virginia. Peter Frederick Rothermel Papers, 1863-1872. 411 items. Relate to the painting of the Battle of Gettysburg, now in the State Museum. School Exercise and Note Books, 1779-1884. 13 vols. Varied in content. John Sergeant Letters, 1817-1838. 15 items. Relate to legal and canal business. Lewis Slifer Shimmell Papers, 1873-1914. 3 cu. ft. Correspondence and addresses of educator. Samuel Moore Shute Journal, 1779. Transcript, 1 vol. Journal of officer on Sullivan Expedition, May 29-Nov. 9, 1779. John Sloan Journal, 1826. 1 vol. Journal of surveys for canal route through Pennsylvania, June 12- Aug. 19, 1826. Simon Snyder Land Papers, 1787-1843. 57 items. Governor, 1808-1817. The papers concern property in Penn Town- ship, Snyder County; some papers of his son Henry are included. Society for the Improvement of Roads and Inland Navigation, Journal, 1791-1793. Photostats, 57 sheets. Includes list of members. William Heaton Staake Papers, 1773-1895. 2 cu. ft. Accounts, reports, etc., of Lutheran layman and attorney in Phila- delphia. Thaddeus Stevens Letters, 1833-1865. 7 items. Chiefly business and personal matters. GUIDE TO RESEARCH MATERIALS 13 William Strickland, Receipt Book, 1814-1845. 1 vol. of 104 pp. Architect and engineer. The volume contains 1814 report on the defenses of Philadelphia, family accounts, fragmentary architectural notes, and drawings. John Strohm Letters, 1821-1859. About 400 items. Correspondence of Lancaster County schoolteacher and his family. Susquehanna Canal Company, Minutes, Accounts, and Correspond- ence, 1835-1895. 19 vols. Permanent loan from Pennsylvania Water and Power Company, Baltimore. Taufscheins, 1726-1858. i/ 2 cu. ft. Private birth certificates, colored originals and also photostats. Edward Shippen Thompson Collection, 1746-1890. 4 cu. ft. From and about Col. James Burd and his descendants. Chiefly con- cerns Dauphin and Juniata counties. See also Burd Family Papers. John Tod Papers, 1788-1835. 5 cu. ft. Legal papers and correspondence of Bedford County attorney and politician, member of Congress, 1821-1824. Rev. Adam Torrance Letters, 1861-1865. 168 items. Civil War correspondence of Westmoreland County chaplain with his family and others. Treziyulny Family Papers, c. 1758-c. 1878. 20 cu. ft. Correspondence, plats, and papers of three generations of surveyors in the region of Centre County. James Trimble Family Papers, 1781-1836. i/ 2 cu. ft. Private business papers of James Trimble, Deputy Secretary of the Commonwealth, 1791-1836, and of his son, Dr. James Trimble. Frederick Watts, Addresses and Letters, 1844, 1871-1889. 7 items. Cumberland County jurist, and U. S. Commissioner of Agriculture, 1871-1877. A printed obituary is included. Willing, Morris, and Swan wick, Correspondence, 1774-1794. i/ 2 cu. ft. Mercantile firm of Philadelphia and Baltimore. John Witherow Journal, 1814. 1 vol. of 14 pp. Journal of private in militia, Mar. 1-Sept. 6, 1814. George Wolf Letters, 1830-1835. 35 items. Governor, 1829-1835. Chiefly letters to his son Horace. Jasper Yeates Correspondence, 1776-1807. y 2 cu. ft. Private letters of jurist, Lancaster County. RESEARCH AND PUBLICATIONS DIVISION Here are listed the collections of manuscripts, microfilms, photo- stats, and transcripts which have been gathered in the course of the research and publications program of the Commission. News- papers are listed in a separate group after the main alphabetical list. The materials are manuscript if not specifically described as microfilm, photostat, or transcript. When a collection is noted as Restricted, it may be used only by permission of the original depository. Maj. Gen. James Abercromby Papers, 1758. Microfilm, i/ 2 reel. From the Henry E. Huntington Library and Art Gallery, Pasadena, California. Restricted. Material relating to the French and Indian War in Pennsylvania selected from the papers of the British commander-in-chief who succeeded Lord Loudoun. Accounts and Account Books (Miscellaneous) . C. M. Anderson, ledger, Greensburg, 1842-1889. Microfilm, 20 ft. From the Greensburg Public Library. John and Peter Chevalier, ledger, Philadelphia, 1770-1781. Micro- film, 15 ft. Coal, ledger, 1895-1897. Microfilm, 16 ft. From Mrs. C. A. Corbett, Shippenville. Cook 6- Ford Carriage Works, Greenville, 1849-1860. 1 vol. Courier Office Ledger, Conneautville, 1854-1860. Microfilm, 3y 2 ft. From Carlton E. Irons, Conneautville. Newspaper accounts. Deardorff family, 1828-1898. 3 vols. Fort Pitt daybook, 1765-1767. Microfilm, 30 ft. From the Historical Society of Western Pennsylvania, Pittsburgh. William Hayes, daybook, c. 1756-1795. Microfilm, 20 ft. From the Ohio State Museum, Columbus, Ohio. Journals and daybooks, Clarion, 1868-1880, 1895-1901. 4 vols. Gift of C. A. Rankin. Kern, miller, Slatington, 1840-1850. 1 vol. Laurel Furnace, 1804-1812. 1 vol. Gift of F. W. Field. Lucinda Furnace, pig-iron book, 1848-1877. 1 vol. Gift of C. A. Rankin. A. M. Lynn, store ledger, Emlenton, 1874-1914. Microfilm, 7 ft. From A. M. Lynn, Emlenton. May Lumber Mills, Tionesta Creek, Forest County, 1815-1862. 3 vols. 14 GUIDE TO RESEARCH MATERIALS 15 Accounts and Account Books (Miscellaneous) (continued) Pennsylvania Militia, 112th Regiment, Second Brigade, 1821-1840. 1 vol. William Shippen, store ledger, Shippenville, 1827-1828. Microfilm, 20 ft. From R. L. R. Snyder, Shippenville. Store accounts, Greensburg, 1798-1802. Microfilm, 35 ft. From Greensburg Public Library. James H. Trimble, store accounts, Beaver County, 1818-1866. Micro- film, 2 reels. Vensell family, 1863-1894. Microfilm, 30 ft. Store, coal, paper- hanging. Also advertising and newspaper items. White Hill Oil Wells, Clarion County, 1885. Microfilm, 1 ft. From C. A. Corbett, Shippenville. William Wilson, daybook, Fort Franklin, 1797. Microfilm, 9 ft. From John E. Reynolds, Meadville. Reuben Wright, daybook, Canandaigua, New York, 1791-1793. Microfilm, 10 ft. From Ross Pier Wright, Erie. John Adlum, Memoirs, c. 1759-c. 1785. Microfilm, 17 ft. From Mrs. Edward P. Crummer, Pelham, N. Y. Adlum's reminiscences cover his boyhood in York and his service in the Revolutionary War. John Adlum Papers, 1794-1838. 28 items. From estate of Mary A. Godcharles, Milton; two letters presented by Mrs. Edward P. Crummer, Pelham, N. Y. Miscellaneous letters and papers including a letter from Alexander Hamilton, June 8, 1799. American Periodical Series, 1741-1799. Microfilm, 33 reels. From University Microfilms, Ann Arbor, Michigan. The American Apollo. Boston, 1792-1794. The American Magazine, or, A Monthly View .... Philadelphia, 1741. The American Magazine and Historical Chronicle. Boston, 1743- 1746. The American Magazine and Monthly Chronicle .... Philadel- phia, 1757-1758. The American Magazine, or General Repository. Philadelphia, 1769. The American Magazine .... New York, 1787-1788. The American Monitor .... Boston, 1785. The American Monthly Review .... Philadelphia, 1795. The American Moral 6- Sentimental Magazine .... New York 1797-1798. The American Museum .... Philadelphia, 1787-1792. 16 RESEARCH AND PUBLICATIONS DIVISION American Periodical Series (continued) The American Musical Magazine .... New Haven, Connecticut 1786-1787. The American Universal Magazine. Philadelphia, 1797-1798. The Arminian Magazine .... Philadelphia, 1789-1790. The Boston Magazine .... 1783-1786. The Boston Weekly-Magazine. 1743. The Censor. Boston, 1771-1772. The Children's Magazine .... Hartford, Connecticut, 1789. The Christian History .... Boston, 1743-1745. Christian's Monitor. Portland, Maine, 1799. The Christian's, Scholar's and Farmer's Magazine .... Elizabeth town, New Jersey, 1789-1791. The Columbian Museum .... Philadelphia, 1793. Courier de Boston .... 1789. The Dessert to the True American. Philadelphia, 1798-1799. The Experienced Christian's Magazine. New York, 1796-1797. The Free Universal Magazine. New York, 1793-1794. Ein Geistliches Magazien .... Germantown, 1764- (1770-1772 ?) The General Magazine, and Historical Chronicle .... Philadel phia, 1741. The General Magazine, and Impartial Review .... Baltimore, 1798 The Gentleman and Lady's Town and Country Magazine . . . Boston, 1784-1785. The Gentlemen and Ladies' Town and Country Magazine . . . Boston, 1789-1790. The Humming Bird, or Herald of Taste. Newfield, Connecticut 1798. The Independent Reflector. New York, 1752-1753. The Instructor. New York, 1755. John Englishman, in Defence of the English Constitution. New York, 1755. The Key. Frederick Town, Maryland, 1798. The Lady & Gentleman's Pocket Magazine .... New York, 1796. The Lady's Magazine .... Philadelphia, 1792-1793. The Literary Miscellany .... Philadelphia, 1795. The Literary Museum .... West Chester, Pennsylvania, 1797. The Massachusetts Magazine .... Boston, 1789-1796. The Medical Repository .... New York, 1797-1800. The Methodist Magazine .... Philadelphia, 1797-1798. The Monthly Magazine, and American Review .... New York, 1799-1800. The Monthly Military Repository. New York. 1796-1797. GUIDE TO RESEARCH MATERIALS 17 American Periodical Series (continued) The Monthly Miscellany or Vermont Magazine. Bennington, Ver- mont, 1794. The Musical Magazine .... Cheshire, Connecticut, 1792- (1801 ?) . National Magazine Richmond, Virginia, 1799-1800. The New American Magazine. Woodbridge, New Jersey, 1758-1760. The New-England Magazine of Knowledge and Pleasure .... Boston, 1758-1759. The New-Hampshire Magazine .... Concord, New Hampshire, 1793. New Hampshire and Vermont Magazine and General Repository. Haverhill, New Hampshire, 1797. The New-Haven Gazette, and the Connecticut Magazine .... New Haven, 1786-1789. The New-Jersey Magazine .... New Brunswick, 1786-1787. The New Star. Hartford, Connecticut, 1796. The New Star. A Republican, Miscellaneous, Literary Paper. Con- cord, New Hampshire, 1797. The New-York Magazine .... New York, 1790-1797. The New-York Weekly Magazine .... New York, 1795-1797. The Nightingale .... Boston, 1796. The North-Carolina Magazine .... New Bern, North Carolina, 1764-1765. The Occasional Reverberator. New York, 1753. The Pennsylvania Magazine .... Philadelphia, 1775-1776. The Penny Post .... 1769. The Philadelphia Magazine and Review .... 1799. The Philadelphia Minerva. 1795-1798. The Philadelphia Monthly Magazine .... 1798. Philadelphisches Magazin .... Philadelphia, 1798. Porcupine's Political Censor .... Philadelphia, 1796, 1797. The Religious Monitor .... Danbury, Connecticut, 1798. The Remembrancer .... Exeter, 1797. A Republican Magazine .... Fairhaven, Vermont, 1798. The Royal American Magazine .... Boston, 1774-1775. The Royal Spiritual Magazine .... Philadelphia, 1791. The Rural Casket. Poughkeepsie, New York, 1798. The Rural Magazine .... Rutland, Vermont, 1795-1796. The Rural Magazine .... Newark, 1798-1799. South Carolina Weekly Museum .... Charleston, 1797-1798. The Tablet .... Boston, 1795. The Theological Magazine .... New York, 1795-1799. Thespian Oracle .... Philadelphia, 1798. 18 RESEARCH AND PUBLICATIONS DIVISION American Periodical Series (continued) The Time Piece .... New York, 1797-1798. The United States Christian Magazine. New York, 1796. The United States Magazine .... Philadelphia, 1779. The Universal Asylum and Columbian Magazine. Philadelphia, 1786-1792. The Vigil. Charleston, South Carolina, 1798. The Weekly Magazine of Original Essays .... Philadelphia, 1798- 1799. The Weekly Museum. Baltimore, 1797. Worcester Magazine .... Worcester, Massachusetts, 1786-1788. Sir Jeffery Amherst Papers, 1754-1763. Microfilm, 40 reels. From the Public Record Office, London, England (negatives in the Library of Congress, Washington, D. C.) . The volumes of the Amherst Papers which contain material relative to Pennsylvania in the French and Indian War and the Pontiac War, including War Office 34, Volumes 9, 10, 14, 15, 21-23, 32, 33, 35, 36, 38-47, 49, 53, 59-66, 70-73, 75, 76, 86-98, 101, 197-201. Amish in Pennsylvania. Microfilm, 30 ft. "The Amish Family in Mifflin County," by John A. Hostetler. Master's thesis, Pennsylvania State University, 1951. Duperront Baby Family Papers, 1752-1794. Microfilm, 20 ft. From the University of Montreal Library, Montreal, Canada. Among the items selected from these papers are three letters from Joncaire, Contrecoeur, and Dumas on affairs in the Ohio country, and correspondence of William Berczy relating to the building of the Williamson Road in Lycoming and Tioga counties. Bell Telephone Company Letter Books, 1886-1892. Microfilm, 2 reels. From the Bell Telephone Company of Pennsylvania, Har- risburg. Bell Telephone Company v. People's Telephone Company, 1811. Microfilm, 1 reel. Proceedings in United States Circuit Court, Southern District of New York, printed Boston, 1884. Berry-Anshutz Family Papers, 1791-1936. Microfilm, 45 ft., from typewritten copies lent by Mrs. J. L. Lockhart, Pittsburgh. Family records and background material, with history of early iron furnaces in western Pennsylvania. Board of Trade Report, 1759. Photostats, 40 pp. From the New- York Historical Society, New York City. Report on nineteen acts passed by the Assembly of Pennsylvania in 1758 and 1759. GUIDE TO RESEARCH MATERIALS 19 Brig. Gen. Henry Bouquet Papers and Reference Material, 1754- 1765. Transcripts, 6 cu. ft.; photostats, 1,020 pp.; microfilm, 55 ft. From various depositories. Material collected for the Papers of Col. Henry Bouquet (mimeo- graphed, Harrisburg, 1940-1943) and the Papers of Henry Bouquet, Vol. II (Harrisburg, 1951) , including transcripts of the main group of Bouquet Papers from the Library of Congress photostats of British Museum, Add. Mss., Series 21631-21659, with 58 pp. of photostats of transcripts from Series 21643 in the Public Archives of Canada, 2i/2 ft. of microfilm of Series 21660 from the British Museum, and 40 ft. of microfilm of Vols. B. 22 and B. 25 of the Haldimand Papers transcripts in the Public Archives of Canada. To these have been added photostats of many other related papers from other deposi- tories: Franklin Papers (41 pp.) and Miscellaneous Papers (14 pp.) from the American Philosophical Society, Philadelphia; Bentinck Correspondence (56 pp.) from the Duke of Portland in England; Henry Ward Papers (75 pp.) , Shippen Papers (140 pp.) , and Miscellaneous Papers (94 pp.) from the Historical Society of Penn- sylvania, Philadelphia; Loudoun Papers (239 pp.) , Abercromby Papers (10 pp.) , and Miscellaneous Papers (41 pp.) from the Hunt- ington Library and Art Gallery, Pasadena, California (restricted); reproductions of British Public Record Office, W. O. 1 (45 pp.) , and microfilm of Bouquet letters in Washington Papers and of type- written copy of orderly book, June 17-Sept., 1758 (12i/2 ft.) from Library of Congress, Washington, D. C; and Bouquet-Sharpe Cor- respondence (12 pp.) and muster rolls (114 pp.) from the Maryland Historical Society, Baltimore, Maryland. Braddock Expedition. Microfilm, 60 ft. Restricted. "The Braddock Expedition," by Franklin Thayer Nichols, Doctoral dissertation, Harvard University, 1948. Bradford School District, McKean County. Records, 1837-1845. Microfilm, 4i/£ ft. From the McKean County Historical Society, Bradford. George Brooke Papers, c. 1779-1827. Microfilm, 1 reel. From the Historical Society of Berks County, Reading. Correspondence and papers of the Brooke family of Birdsboro and vicinity. Bucher Family Papers, 1768-1837. Microfilm, 1 reel. From Mr. George Irwin Phillips, Alexandria. Family correspondence and store ledgers. 20 RESEARCH AND PUBLICATIONS DIVISION Buffalo Historical Society Collections, 1684-1899. Microfilm, 7 reels. From the Buffalo Historical Society, Buffalo, New York. Material related to Pennsylvania selected from this Society's col- lections of which important groups include: Dobbins Papers, 1800-1899. Papers of Daniel Dobbins, builder of Perry's fleet, and of his sons, with family papers, ship registers and logs, business records, etc. Jasper Parrish Papers, 1812-1823. Relate to Indian affairs. Penn Papers, 1684-1788. Accounts of William Penn with Samuel Carpenter, 1684-1709, with a few other Penn family papers. Maris B. Pierce Papers, 1787-1874. Papers of a leader of the Seneca Nation. United States Hotel Register, 1811. Register of an Erie hotel. Burton Historical Collection, 1765-1841. Photostats, 36 items. From the Detroit Public Library, Detroit, Michigan. Letters from James to Elijah Backus, 1788-89; Gen. W. R. Smith Papers, 1838-1841; Richard Butler Papers, 1776-1791; letter from Maj. Gen. Thomas Gage to Sir William Johnson, Jan. 18, 1765; Benson J. Lossing Papers, 1811-1813; letter from J. P. G. Muhlen- berg to Gov. Thomas Mifflin, Sept. 8, 1788. Samuel Calvin Papers, 1850-1856. 136 items. Business and political correspondence of a congressman from Blair County. Simon Cameron Papers, 1836-1892. Microfilm, 10 reels. From the Historical Society of Dauphin County, Harrisburg. Incoming letters and business papers with 13 letters or drafts of letters by Cameron himself, totalling about 4,100 items. Nearly 3,800 items are in the period 1853-1865, with only a dozen dated before 1853 and most of the remainder in the years 1868-1876. There are single items for the years 1867, 1882, and 1892. Chiefly politics and business matters. Edward Camphausen Letter Books, 1882-1903. 3 vols. Letters of an Erie businessman and politician, including many during his service as U. S. Consul at Naples, Italy. Some incoming letters are inserted in the letter books. Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania Room. Catalogue. Microfilm, 3 ft. From the Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh. Partial list of manuscript holdings covering the papers of Isaac Craig, 1768-1815, the John Neville Papers, 1794-1800, and miscel- laneous papers. GUIDE TO RESEARCH MATERIALS 21 Carter Collection, 1756-1877. Microfilm, 30 ft. From Mr. C. Earle Carter, Sr., Camp Hill. Miscellaneous papers of Carter and Henry families. John J. Carter Diaries, 1861-1917. Microfilm, 5 reels. Diaries of John J. Carter, of Titusville, president and general man- ager of the Carter Oil Company. Centre Furnace. Typewritten, 76 pp. "Centre Furnace— A Chapter in the History of Juniata Iron," by S. K. Stevens. Master's thesis, Pennsylvania State University, 1927. Elizabeth M. Chandler Papers, 1830-1842. Microfilm, 40 ft. From the University of Michigan, General Library, Ann Arbor, Michi- gan. Letters from Jane Howell. Chicago Historical Society Collections, 1754-1903. Microfilm, 50 ft. From the Chicago Historical Society, Chicago, Illinois. Pennsylvania material selected from several collections. Church Records. Audenried Presbyterian Church, Presbytery of Lehigh, session book, 1871-1905. Transcript, 215 pp. Carlisle First Presbyterian Church, records, 1785-1920. Microfilm, 155 ft. Hill Church, Lebanon County, records, 1730-1839. Microfilm, 15 ft. Lancaster Moravian Church, burial records, 1744-1875. Transcribed and indexed by Kenneth A. Felker, Bethlehem, Pennsylvania. 130 pp. St. Paul's Reformed and Lutheran Church, Amityville, Berks County, record, 1754-1798. 91 pp. Tulpehocken Evangelical Lutheran Church, record, 1730-1845. 47 Western Missionary Society Records, 1804-1826. Transcribed under the direction of the Rev. G. J. Slosser in 1936. 207 pp. Civil War Diaries and Letters (Miscellaneous) . Anonymous, 1864-1865. Microfilm, 5 ft. From Mr. Richard Dexter, Reading. Company "G", Fourth Pennsylvania Regiment, roster. William H. Egle, journal, July 14, 1863-July 13, 1864. Col. Daniel Leasure, M.D., transcripts of letters 1861-1864. Micro- film, 10 ft. From Dr. M. G. McDowell. R. Laird McCormick, diaries, 1863-1864. Microfilm, 20 ft. Samuel A. Murray, diary, 1861-1862. Samuel M. Potter, M.D., letters to family, 1862-1864. Transcripts, 49 pp. From C. B. Potter, St. Louis, Missouri, 22 RESEARCH AND PUBLICATIONS DIVISION Civil War Diaries and Letters (Miscellaneous) (continued) G. L. Preston, diary, 1864, Company "B", 100th Pennsylvania Volun- teers. From Dr. M. G. McDowell. Joseph A. Shaw, letters, 1862-1864, and James T. Simpson, diaries, 1862-1864. Microfilm, 15 ft. Eli Slifer, letters, 1862-1863. Microfilm, H/ 2 ft. From Mrs. Harry E. McCormick, Lewisburg. Clearfield County Maps and Surveys, 1794-1895. 67 items. From Rev. Albert A. Bird, Penfield. Mat. Gen. Henry Clinton Papers, 1775-1778. Microfilm, 20 ft. From the William L. Clements Library, Ann Arbor, Michigan. Re- stricted. Pennsylvania material selected from the papers of the British gen- eral. Coal Industry. Microfilm, 20 ft. "Pennsylvania Coal, An Historical Study of Its Utilization to 1860," by Frederick M. Binder. Doctoral dissertation, University of Penn- sylvania, 1955. Judah Colt Diaries, 1761-1832. Microfilm, 25 ft. From typewritten copy of originals lent by J. C. Spencer, Erie. Diaries of an early settler and business leader of Erie and of his nephew, the first Judah Colt Spencer. The originals and other Colt and Spencer papers have been microfilmed with the Erie Public Museum Collections. Constitution of Pennsylvania. Microfilm, 15 ft. "Evolution of the Constitution of Pennsylvania," by Russell Henry Kistler. Master's thesis, Lehigh University, 1943. CONTRECOEUR PAPERS AND RELATED MATERIALS, 1686-1767. Microfilm, 4 reels. From the Archives du Seminaire de Quebec, with three items from the Provincial Archives of Quebec. Restricted. Papers of Captain Contrecoeur, who commanded Fort Niagara (1752-1753) and Fort Duquesne (1754-1755) and served in the northern New York campaign (1756) ; of Captain Marin, who built Forts Presque Isle and Le Boeuf (1753) ; and of Captain Legardeur de St. Pierre, whose papers deal mainly with western trade and ex- ploration (1731-1753). Also rolls of detachments sent to the Ohio in 1755 and nine journals of Chaussegros de Lery (1749-1759) . A selection was published by the Presses Universitaires Laval in 1952, and the Commission published a translation of The Journal of Chaussegros de Lery, 1754-1755, in 1940. GUIDE TO RESEARCH MATERIALS 23 Dr. John Cooper Papers, 1769-1843. Photostats, 12 items. From H. B. Cooper, Lynbrook, Long Island. Miscellaneous letters, including three on the last illness and death of Lola Montez. Cornell University, Regional History Collection. Microfilm, 120 ft.; photostats, 81 items. From Cornell University, Ithaca, New York. Includes journal of tours in Pennsylvania by Rev. C. Dorr, 1819- 1864; diaries of R. F. McCall, 1838, and of A. J. McCall, 1840, re- lating to lumbering and rafting on the Susquehanna River; Canvass White Papers, 1820-1830; Dr. Daniel Holmes Papers, 1861-1864; letters from George Collins, July 4-17, 1865; James Kites' journal, June 5-22, 1765; term papers on Pennsylvania folklore in course on folklore at Cornell University. Cornplanter Documents, 1790-1830. Photostats, 5 items. From the Manuscripts Division, New York State Library, Albany, New York. Three letters and two receipts. Cornwall Ore Banks Reports, 1866-1871. Microfilm, 10 ft. From the Historical Society of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia. Ray L. Cover Collection, 1759-1865. Microfilm, 4 ft. From Ray L. Cover, Highspire. Miscellaneous papers, a few of which deal with the care of the wounded and of prisoners after the Battle of Gettysburg. Rev. John Cuthbertson Diary, 1751-1791. Microfilm, 2 reels. From the Pittsburgh Theological Seminary of the United Presbyterian Church. Includes a transcript made by William H. McNaugher, July, 1914. Daughters of the American Revolution, Survey of Historic Sites, 1938. Microfilm, 4 reels. Card file of information on historic sites and markers compiled by local D. A. R. chapters throughout the State. Arranged by counties. Delaware and Hudson Canal. Microfilm, 10 ft. From the Wayne County Historical Society, Honesdale. "Delaware and Hudson Canal History," by E. D. Leroy. Denny-O'Hara Papers, 1784-1912. 7 reels. From the Historical So- ciety of Western Pennsylvania, Pittsburgh. Correspondence, journals, and accounts of Ebenezer Denny, Harmar Denny, James O'Hara, and others. Especially important for O'Hara's accounts as a military contractor; Josiah Harmar's regimental book, 1786-1789; Ebenezer Denny's military correspondence and journal, 1790's; and Captain Stanton Shole's military journal, 1812-1814. 24 RESEARCH AND PUBLICATIONS DIVISION Diaries and Journals (Miscellaneous) Rufus Barringer, 1770-1774. Microfilm, b\/ 2 ft. From typewritten copy in State Records Office, Raleigh, North Carolina. George Bressler, Feb. 5-Mar. 7, 1852. 10 pp. Gift of Mrs. Dewey F. Davis, Mill Hall. C. A. Corbett, 1870, 1882. Microfilm, 2i/ 2 ft. From C. A. Corbett, Shippenville. Relates to lumbering and rafting. Joseph Elkinton, 1815-1864. Extracts. 616 pp., part on microfilm. Copy by Pennsylvania Historical Survey. Journal of Quaker mission- ary to the Indians. Robert Green, 1849. Microfilm, by 2 ft. From Mrs. Harry E. Mc- Cormick, Lewisburg. Journey to California gold fields. Capt. John Grubb, 1795. Microfilm, \\/ 2 ft. From the Erie County Historical Society, Erie. Deals with the establishment of Camp Erie at Presque Isle. Mrs. Pliny Harris, 1851-1853. Microfilm, 4 ft. Deals with farm life. Not identified. John Hays, diary and account book, 1760-1776; account book, 1766- 1797. From Mrs. John C. Hays, Nisbet, Pennsylvania. John Jenkins, 1778-1781. Microfilm, 4 ft. From William J. Wilcox, Allentown. Covers service on Sullivan Expedition. George Lehner, 1862. Microfilm, 5 ft. From Mrs. John W. Houser, Chambersburg. Deals with a journey by railroad from Chambers- burg to Indianapolis. William Matthews, 1846-1847. Photostats, 29 pp. From Mrs. Philip R. Cleaver, Altoona. Mexican War diary. John F. Meginness, 1848. Microfilm, 1 reel. Mexican War diary. Jacob Miller, 1812-1813. Microfilm, 5 ft. From Mrs. Harriet S. Poffenberger, Pittsburgh. March of troops from vicinity of Belle- fonte to Buffalo, New York. Christian Frederick Post, Apr. 1-June 30, 1760. Microfilm, 10 ft. From the Historical Society of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia. W. S. Schofield, 1862-1863. Microfilm, 5i/ 2 ft. From C. M. Hutche- son, Harrisburg. Diary of a schoolteacher. Henry Simmons, Jr., 1796-1800. Microfilm, 7i/ 2 ft. From Mrs. Ross Ewing, West Grove. Journal of Quaker missionary to the Indians. Trip Through Central Pennsylvania, 1794. 68 pp. Anonymous travel diary. Samuel Vaughan, 1787. Microfilm, 20 ft. From the Library of Con- gress, Washington, D. C. Diary of a London merchant on a tour of the United States, GUIDE TO RESEARCH MATERIALS 25 Draper Collection. Microfilm, 40 reels. From the State Historical Society of Wisconsin, Madison, Wisconsin. The Commission has purchased positive films of all the series re- lating to Pennsylvania. A detailed description is given in Descriptive List of Manuscript Collections of the State Historical Society of Wisconsin, edited by R. G. Thwaites (Madison, 1906) . The letter designations are those of the original collection. A. Bedinger Manuscripts. Recollections of George Michael Bed- inger, who served in the Battle of Germantown and at Valley Forge. B. Draper's Life of Daniel Boone. Manuscript of incomplete biog- raphy (to 1778) . C. Boone Manuscripts. Material collected for the biography, with three volumes of original documents. D. Border Forays. Manuscript of unpublished work by Draper and C. W. Butterfield. E. Samuel Brady and Lewis Wetzel Manuscripts. Material col- lected by Draper on the lives of two frontier scouts of the period of the Revolution and the Indian wars. F. Joseph Brant Manuscripts. Material collected for a proposed biography of the great Mohawk leader, with three volumes of original documents. G. Brant Miscellanies. A collection of printed material. H. Daniel Brodhead Papers, 1775-1781. Include transcript of Brod- head's letter book, Fort Pitt, 1780-1781. Q. Draper's Historical Miscellanies, 1720-1887. Documents, corre- spondence, notes. U. Frontier Wars Manuscripts, 1756-1830. Material on wars with the Indians of the Northwest Territory and on western operations in the War of 1812. Included are papers of Richard Butler, Dr. Absalom Baird, Gen. James Winchester, and Charles S. Todd; records of the British superintendent of Indian affairs at Montreal, 1784-1791; and many other original documents, transcripts, and notes. The calendar to this series has also been microfilmed. W. Josiah Harmar Papers, 1778-1779. Transcripts made from the Harmar Papers, now in the William L. Clements Library, Ann Arbor, Michigan. AA. William Irvine Papers. Transcripts of letters, of which the originals are at the Historical Society of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia. NN. Pittsburgh and Northwest Virginia Manuscripts. Included are Daniel Brodhead's letter book, 1779-1781; letters from Rosenthal to William Irvine; orderly book of the 8th Pennsylvania Regiment, 1778-1783; Edward Hand Papers, 1775-1778; and much else re- lating to southwestern Pennsylvania in the period of the Revolution and later. 26 RESEARCH AND PUBLICATIONS DIVISION Draper Collection (continued) PP. Potter Papers, 1747-1807. Papers of John Potter, sheriff of Cumberland County, 1750-1757, and of his son, James Potter, soldier in the French and Indian War and general in the Revolution. SS. David Shepherd Papers. 1755-1804. Papers of an early settler at Wheeling, West Virginia. Du Simitiere Papers. Indian Treaties, 1721-1756. Microfilm, 30 ft. From the Library Company of Philadelphia. Copies of sixty items relating to Indian affairs, some but not all published in Colonial Records and in Pennsylvania Archives, First Series. East Buffalo Township, Union County. Records, 1838-1899. 2 vols. Supervisors' book and account book of overseers of the poor. Elk Township, Clarion County. Records, 1880-1891. Microfilm, 9 ft. Poor board and tax records. Erie Public Museum Collections. Microfilm, 42 reels. From the Erie Public Museum, Erie. Besides many miscellaneous letters and documents on the history of Erie and Erie County, Pennsylvania, the following important groups are included: Thomas Forster Papers. Port records, 1800-1823; assessment book, East Ward of Erie, 1860. Laura G. Sanford Papers. Materials collected by an Erie historian including papers of her family, business records, War of 1812 Papers, etc. Frances L. Spencer Papers. Pennsylvania Population Company papers, Judah Colt papers, and related materials. With these papers have been filmed the original diaries of Judah Colt and Judah Colt Spencer, lent by J. C. Spencer, Erie. Fall Brook Railroad and Coal Company Papers, 1826-1910. c. 1500 cu. ft. Received from former directors of the company. This collection is comprised of reports, letters, financial and legal documents, and operational records of the several railroad, mining, land, and canal companies with which John Magee, of Bath, New York, and his son George J. Magee were associated. The papers concern primarily railroad and mining activities in north central Pennsylvania (particularly Tioga County) and south central New York, focusing on Corning and Bath, New York, and Wellsboro, Pennsylvania. Other companies represented in these papers are the GUIDE TO RESEARCH MATERIALS 27 Fall Brook Railroad and Coal Company Papers (continued) Blossburg and Corning Railroad Company; the Tioga Coal, Iron, Mining and Manufacturing Company; the Tioga Railroad Com- pany; the Morris Run Mining Company; the Beech Creek, Clearfield and Southwestern Railroad; and the Clearfield Bituminous Coal Company. Various Magee Estate papers are also included, with many personal papers of both John and George J. Magee. Not catalogued or arranged for use. Dr. J. E. Fields Collection, 1762-1855. Photostats, 45 items. From the autograph collection of Dr. J. E. Fields, Joliet, Illinois. Documents signed by Benjamin Franklin, James Logan, John Penn, various Revolutionary leaders, and others. Nicholas Fish Papers, 1785-1786. Transcripts, 105 pp. From Mr. Stuyvesant Fish, New York City. Typewritten copies made for the owner. Nicholas Fish was an officer in the U. S. Army, serving under Harmar in western Pennsylvania and Ohio. John S. Fisher Biography. Microfilm, 15 ft. "The Political Career of John S. Fisher," by William A. Cornell. Master's thesis, University of Pittsburgh, 1949. John Fleming, Civil War Recollections, 1861-1864. Microfilm, 20 ft. From Mr. Howard W. Fleming, East Orange, New Jersey. Reminiscences of service in the Civil War. Forbes Road Notes, 1758. Microfilm, 15 ft. From William J. Laugh- ner, Greensburg. Notes and copied surveys by Mr. Laughner. Thomas Forster Papers, 1797-1836. Transcripts, 833 pp. From the University of Pennsylvania Library, Philadelphia. Typewritten copies of a part of this large collection. Forster was Collector of the Port at Erie. See also Erie Public Museum Col- lections. John Franklin Papers, 1754-1828. 114 items. On permanent loan from the Susquehanna County Historical Society, Montrose. Also on microfilm. Letters and papers relating to the land controversy between Con- necticut and Pennsylvania settlers in the Wyoming Valley. J. Alexander Fulton Papers, 1846-1861. 737 items. From Cecil C. Fulton, Jr., Dover, Delaware. Correspondence of a prominent Democrat of Armstrong County who published the Kittanning Mentor, a "Copperhead" newspaper. 28 RESEARCH AND PUBLICATIONS DIVISION Mat. Gen. Thomas Gage Papers, 1763-1775. Microfilm, 414 reels. From the William L. Clements Library, Ann Arbor, Michigan. Restricted. Pennsylvania material selected from the papers of the British com- mander-in-chief in North America who succeeded Sir Jeffery Am- herst. Albert Gallatin Papers, 1748-1803. Photostats, 64 items. From the New-York Historical Society, New York City. Miscellaneous letters and papers, 1748-1803, relating to Pennsylvania affairs, and minutes of Pennsylvania conferences with the Indians, Apr.-Aug., 1758. Gross Family Papers, 1805-1918. 115 items. Letters and other papers of the Gross family of Union County, in- cluding one account book. Harbor Creek Insurance Company Records, 1858-1915. Microfilm, 1 reel. From the office of the company, Erie. Brig. Gen. Josiah Harmar, Orderly Book, 1790. Microfilm, 10 ft. From Mr. George Lombard, Georgetown, Pennsylvania, and others. Covers expedition from Fort Washington (now Cincinnati, Ohio) against Indians on the Miami River. Brig. Gen. Josiah Harmar Papers, 1775-1798. Microfilm, 2 reels. From the William L. Clements Library, Ann Arbor, Michigan. Restricted. Selected letters and documents relating to military activities in western Pennsylvania and the Northwest Territory. Harrison Township, Potter County. Records, 1823-1880. Micro- film, 8i/£ ft. From Miss Lena Stevens, Harrison Valley, Pennsyl- vania. Also a history of the township by Miss Stevens; typewritten, 10 pp. Benjamin Hershey Papers, 1832-1863. Microfilm, 1 reel. From Mrs. Forest Zimmerly, Erie. Include family correspondence, accounts, some printed items. Joseph Higbee Letter Book, 1794-1801. 1 vol. Correspondence of a Philadelphia merchant. Hills Family. Microfilm, 50 ft. The Hills Family in America, by William S. and Thomas Hills (New York, 1906) . GUIDE TO RESEARCH MATERIALS 29 Holland Land Company Records, 1795-1804. Microfilm, 2 reels. From the Crawford County Historical Society, Meadville. Ledgers, accounts, and books of the Pennsylvania offices of this com- pany. There are transcripts of these records in the Pennsylvania Historical Survey Collections. Daniel Horsmanden Papers, 1714-1747. Microfilm, 40 ft. From the New-York Historical Society, New York City. Material relating to the Six Nations Indians selected by Dr. William Fenton from the papers of a New York provincial official. Hotel and Tavern Registers, 1845-1854. Microfilm, 40 ft. From A. C. Stalley, Camp Hill, and Dr. Richard Vensell, St. Petersburg. Register from Willow Grove Hotel, located on old Lincoln Highway between Bedford and Everett, 1845-1853; unidentified register from Foxburg, 1853-1854. Indian Languages— Material Relating to. Microfilm, 40 ft. Indian-English Dictionary, 18th century. From Brown University Library, Providence, Rhode Island. Indian Vocabulary, given orally by William Sack, a Conestoga Indian, at Fort Augusta, Jan. 25, 1757. From the American Philo- sophical Society, Philadelphia. Indiana State Historical Society Collections. Microfilm, 1 reel. From the Indiana State Historical Society, Indianapolis. Pennsylvania material selected from various collections. Indians of Pennsylvania. Microfilm, 1 reel; photostats and transcripts, 1 cu. ft. From various collections. Includes complete file of reproductions of Indian deeds and related documents, with two recorded in Philadelphia City Hall; selections from the Continental Congress Papers at the National Archives, Washington, D. C; Claus Papers, Haldimand Papers, and other records at the Public Archives of Canada, Ottawa; selected Wayne Papers and Yeates Papers and the journals of Andrew Porter for the survey of the northern boundary, from the Historical Society of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia; and other miscellaneous material. Indians— Delaware, Stockbridge, Christian, and Munsee. Microfilm, 40 ft. From the National Archives, Washington, D. C. Brief history of origin and migration from Court of Claims, No. H-226, Vol. I, Part 2. Internal Improvements, 1840. Microfilm, 20 ft. From the Library of Congress, Washington, D. C. Histoire et description des voies de communication, by Michel Che- valier (Paris, 1840) . Of importance for transportation history. 30 RESEARCH AND PUBLICATIONS DIVISION Iron Mining. Microfilm, 26 ft. Notes on Scotia Ore Mines, Centre County, by Harry M. Williams. Halliday Jackson Papers, 1793-1845. Microfilm, 2 reels. From the Historical Society of Chester County, West Chester. Journals and manuscripts of works by a Quaker missionary to the Seneca Indians. Jamestown and Franklin Railroad Papers, 1835-1868. Microfilm, 8 ft. From Mrs. J. C. Cooley, Sandy Lake, Pennsylvania. Letters, contracts, and other material relating to the railroad, with an article by Edgar T. Stevenson on its history, written in 1949. Justice of the Peace Docket, 1808-1846. Microfilm, 12 ft. From Mrs. Louise Ford, Laceyville. Docket kept by Edward I. Eldred, Hugo's Corner. Eldred was a former London barrister. Alfred King Papers, 1853-1855. Photostats, 44 items. From Mr. Robert Nick, Erie. Material relating to the Erie War of the Gauges from the papers of the Mayor of Erie at that time. Labor Collection, Newspaper Excerpts, 1827-1939. Microfilm, 2 reels. From the State Historical Society of Wisconsin, Madison. Typewritten transcripts of material relating to labor from Pennsyl- vania newspapers. John Kennedy Lacock Papers. Microfilm, 85 ft. From Mr. Voy Lacock, Washington, Pennsylvania. Notes and pictures relating to the Braddock, Forbes, and Cumber- land roads. Land Companies and Land Speculation, 1770-1842. Microfilm, 214 reels. From the Historical Society of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia. Material on this subject selected from various collections, including the Gratz Collections, Conarroe Autograph Collection, William Bingham Letters, North American Land Company Papers, Pennsyl- vania Population Company Papers, James Wilson Papers, John W. Godfrey Journal, etc. Land Companies and Land Speculation, 1796-1808. Microfilm, 15 ft. From the New- York Historical Society, New York City. Selections from "Observations on the North American Land Com- pany," 1796; 14 letters from Jared Ingersoll to Dunning McNair, 1797-1808. GUIDE TO RESEARCH MATERIALS 31 Land Papers, Pennsylvania and Delaware, 1667-1689. Photostats, 225 sheets. From the Manuscripts Division, New York State Library, Albany, New York. Grants made on the Delaware River by the New York government under the Duke of York, with surveys. Le Ray de Chaumont Family Papers, 1811-1832. Microfilm, 25 ft. From the Bradford County Historical Society, Towanda. Letters between the heads of the Le Ray family and their agent at Sheshequin, and other papers relating to their lands in Bradford County. Lord Loudoun Papers, 1754-1760. Microfilm, 2 reels. From the Henry E. Huntington Library and Art Gallery, Pasadena, Cali- fornia. Restricted. Pennsylvania sources selected from the papers of Lord Loudoun, British commander-in-chief in North America. Lumbering in Central Pennsylvania. Typewritten manuscript, 179 pp., with 18 pictures. History of early lumbering by C. Lee Berry. Douglas Macfarlan Collection. Photostats, 197 pp. From Dr. Douglas Macfarlan, Philadelphia. Maps and views to illustrate campaigns of the Revolutionary War in southeastern Pennsylvania. Map Collection, 1544-1867. Photostats, 3,300 sheets; printed and manuscript maps, 93 sheets. Maps to show the development of geographical knowledge of the Pennsylvania area from the beginnings to 1830, with some maps of later date. Photostated at the John Carter Brown Library, Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh, William L. Clements Library, Colorado State Archives, Free Library of Philadelphia, Historical Society of Penn- sylvania, Huntington Library and Art Gallery, Library of Congress, New- York Historical Society, New York Public Library, New York State Library, Public Archives of Canada, Universite Laval, and other depositories. Some printed maps acquired by purchase or gift. A few are restricted. Mercer County Records, 1803-1814. Microfilm, 58 ft. From the Mercer County Commissioners, Mercer, Pennsylvania. Commissioners' minutes, 1803-1810; assessment duplicates, 1804- 1814. Moore Family Papers, 1749-1934. 101 items. Letters and other papers of the Moore family of Carlisle. 32 RESEARCH AND PUBLICATIONS DIVISION Moravian Archives, 1749-1822. Microfilm, 5 reels. From the Moravian Provincial Archives, Bethlehem, Pennsylvania. Restricted. Diaries of various missions in western Pennsylvania and Ohio, 1765- 1821, and letters from Zeisberger, Heckewelder, Senseman, Loskiel, and others, 1749-1822. Edwin D. Morgan Papers, 1856-1877. Photostats, 92 sheets. From the Manuscripts Division, New York State Library, Albany, New York. Letters from Governor Morgan of New York to Governor Andrew G. Curtin of Pennsylvania, to Simon Cameron, and to other Pennsyl- vanians, chiefly about political campaigns. George Morgan Letter Books, 1775-1779. Microfilm, 1 reel. From the Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh. Correspondence relating to Morgan's activities as Agent for the U. S. Commissioners for Indian Affairs at Pittsburgh. Robert Morris Papers, 1775-1829. Microfilm, 12 reels. From the Library of Congress, Washington, D. C. Diaries and letter books of the Revolutionary financier and land speculator, with other correspondence and estate papers. John Nicholson Letter Books, 1795-1797. Microfilm, 4 reels. From the Historical Society of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia. Business correspondence relating to land companies and land specu- lation. Northumberland Bridge Company Minute Book, 1811-1816. Micro- film, 10 ft. From Kenneth M. Rowe, Northumberland, Pennsyl- vania. Contains material on Theodore Burr, noted early bridge builder. Henry O'Rielly Collection, 1790-1820. Microfilm, 2 reels. From the New- York Historical Society, New York City. One reel of Pennsylvania items selected by Dr. S. K. Stevens and one reel of Iroquois items selected by Dr. William Fen ton. Gen. William Jackson Palmer Papers, 1821-1948. Microfilm, 21 reels. From the Colorado State Historical Society, Denver. Papers of a Civil War general and railroad builder who began his career in Pennsylvania. William Penn Collection, 1701-1726. Microfilm, 1 reel. From the Pennsylvania State Library, Harrisburg. Works of William Penn (London, 1726), 2 vols. Manuscript ac- count book— Journal A, 1701-1710. GUIDE TO RESEARCH MATERIALS 33 Pennsylvania Biographies. Microfilm, 17 reels. Biographies of Pennsylvanians compiled from reference works, county histories, etc., by the Pennsylvania Historical Survey. Type- written; arranged alphabetically. Pennsylvania Canal Papers. Microfilm, 20 ft. Surveys of the route of the North Branch Canal in Luzerne County. Pennsylvania Cartography. Microfilm, 2 16mm. reels. From the Historical Society of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia. Catalogue of maps of Pennsylvania in various depositories compiled by a W. P. A. project. Filmed from unedited cards now in the Library of Congress. Pennsylvania Historical Survey Collections. 109 cu. ft. Transcripts, records, notes, and reports prepared by the W. P. A. Pennsylvania Historical Survey, a project sponsored by the Penn- sylvania Historical Commission, which combined the Frontier Forts and Trails Survey, the Historical Records Survey, the Federal Writers, and a few smaller research projects. Important groups include: Church Records. Records of survey of church records, 1938-1940. Arranged by counties and denominations. Incomplete and uncata- logued. County Records Inventories and County Guides. Records of sur- veys of county records with manuscripts of a few unpublished in- ventories; materials for various county guides; and related materials. Newspaper Checklists. Materials for unpublished checklists of hold- ings of Pennsylvania newspapers in Pennsylvania. Arranged by counties. Not complete for all counties. Northwestern Pennsylvania Transcripts. Transcripts of newspapers and other source materials, including Quaker Indian Records, trans- lations of selections from the French Archives Nationales, Haldi- mand Papers, etc. Pennsylvania Miscellaneous, 1682-1820. Microfilm, 1 reel; photo- stats, 49 pp. From the New- York Historical Society, New York City. This includes a Penn document, the Dunning McNair Papers, John Lacey's journal, Mrs. Browne's journal of the Braddock expedition, and various other papers and letters. Pennsylvania Miscellaneous, 1620-1850. Microfilm, 5 reels; photo- stats, 52 items. From the New York Public Library, New York City. A great variety of letters and papers of various persons, mostly isolated items arranged alphabetically by the signers. Reel 5 is the Chalmers Collection, 1620-1752. 34 RESEARCH AND PUBLICATIONS DIVISION Pennsylvania Population Company Records, 1792-1815. Microfilm, 1 reel. From the Crawford County Historical Society, Meadville. Minutes and account books of a land company which was important in the settlement of northwestern Pennsylvania. There are tran- scripts in the Pennsylvania Historical Survey Collections. Pennsylvania Writers, Specimen Manuscripts. 2 cu. ft. The following authors are represented in this collection: Margaret Deland, Joseph Hergesheimer, Grace Livingston Hill, Helen R. Martin, Katherine Mayo, Lloyd Mifflin, Christopher Morley, Mary Roberts Rinehart, Elsie Singmaster, Mark Sullivan, Ida M. Tarbell, Henry Van Dyke, Nelia Gardner White, Margaret Widdemer, and Owen Wister. Philadelphia Centennial, 1876. Microfilm, 30 ft. "Cultural Climate of the Centennial City, Philadelphia, 1875-76," by Dorothy E. Ditter. Doctoral dissertation, University of Pennsyl- vania, 1947. Point Park Commission, Pittsburgh. Report, 1943. Microfilm, i/ 2 reel. From the Point Park Commission, Pittsburgh. Report on archaeological study of the site of Fort Pitt. Father Pierre Potier Manuscripts. Photostats, 47 pp. From the College Ste. Marie, Montreal, and the Montreal Public Library. Itineraries, 1743-1754, and a Huron-French vocabulary, 1754-1755, by a French Jesuit missionary at Detroit. Public Archives of Canada, 1696-1796. Microfilm, 2 reels. From the Public Archives of Canada, Ottawa. Daniel Claus Papers, 1761-1796. Items of Pennsylvania interest selected from the papers of Daniel Claus, British Indian agent, which include papers of Alexander McKee, another British Indian agent, and papers of Gen. Arthur St. Clair which were captured by the Indians at the time of his defeat. Indian Records, 1723-1737. Items of Pennsylvania interest from Vols. 1-3 of the Minutes of the Commissioners of Indian Affairs at Albany, New York. Brig. Gen. Robert Monckton Papers (Northclifje Collection), 1760- 1761. Vols. 36-43 relating to Monck ton's command in Pennsylvania. Transcripts, 1696-1767. A general selection of Pennsylvania items in the transcripts from the Public Record Office, London (C. O. 5, C. O. 323, and A. O. 1) , including lists of persons naturalized, 1740-1761, and accounts for building Fort Pitt, 1756-1767. Also transcripts of the memoirs of Charles Deschamps de Boishebert and Joncaire de Chabert from the Bibliotheque Nationale, Paris GUIDE TO RESEARCH MATERIALS 35 Public Record Office, 1689-1810. Microfilm, \\/ 2 reels. From the Public Record Office, London, England. Pennsylvania material, 1689-1767; miscellaneous papers, 1712-1760; consular papers, 1809-1810; "Description de la Riviere Susquehanna et du Pays qui la borde depuis Harris Ferry jusqu'a l'embouchure," 1778, from the Cornwallis Papers. Joseph Reed Papers, 1757-1842. Microfilm, 3 reels. From the New- York Historical Society, New York City. Correspondence and other papers of Pennsylvania's Revolutionary leader. William F. Roberts Report, 1854. 8 pp. Report on coal property in Luzerne County for George R. Hazewell, Esq., of New York City. Moncure Robinson Letter Book, 1875-1876. Microfilm, 30 ft. From Moncure Biddle, Philadelphia. Letters of an important figure in railroad history. Schuylkill Navigation Company Books and Papers, 1793-1944. 150 cu. ft. Also microfilm, 3 reels. Transferred by the Schuylkill River Project. Reports, minute books, accounts, correspondence, and other papers and records of an important canal company. The reports and minute books have been microfilmed. Seanor Collection, 1795-1878. Microfilm, 60 ft. From Mrs. Fred Seanor, Greensburg. Genealogy, receipts, letters to William Reynolds. Seward Papers, 1856-1881. Microfilm, 10 ft. From the University of Rochester Library, Rochester, New York. Letters to William H. Seward from Simon Cameron and other Pennsylvanians. Shippen Family Papers, 1725-1812. Microfilm, 7 ft. From the Craw- ford County Trust Company, Meadville, Pennsylvania. Part of the diary of Joseph Shippen, June-July, 1755, and miscel- laneous papers of the family. Lieut. J. H. Simson, Report, 1841. 12 pp. Report on Presque Isle Harbor, Erie. Eli Slifer Papers, 1850-1870. Microfilm, 6 reels. Originals at Dickin- son College, Carlisle, Pennsylvania, presented by Edward G. Dill, Pittsburgh. Letters to a leading Pennsylvania politician, Secretary of the Com- monwealth, 1861-1867, many with regard to military affairs during 36 RESEARCH AND PUBLICATIONS DIVISION Eli Slifer Papers (continued) the Civil War. Arranged alphabetically by the names of the signers. Include letters from Simon Cameron, Andrew G. Curtin, and Wil- liam F. Johnston. John Spencer Papers, 1828-1861. 27 items. From the Oregon State Historical Society, Portland, Oregon. Letters, clippings, and other items. Stackhouse Family Papers, 1801-1890. 15 items. From T. Russel Stackhouse, Bucks County. Miscellaneous papers. M. C. Spaulding Notes. Microfilm, 20 ft. From the Mary A. God- charles Estate, Milton. Notes on early Pennsylvania history compiled by M. C. Spaulding, Columbus, Ohio. Sullivan Expedition Collection, 1778-1779. Transcripts and photo- stats, 1 cu. ft. Material gathered under the direction of Miss Frances Dorrance from the Library of Congress, the Public Archives of Canada, and other depositories in connection with the celebration of the Sesqui- centennial of the Sullivan Expedition in 1929. Mrs. Elizabeth Darling Swift Papers, 1790-1871. 115 items. Correspondence of the wife of a Pittsburgh clergyman. Tannehill's Brigade, Orderly Book, 1812-1814. Microfilm, 5 ft. From F. S. Gaggin, Erie. Relates to Niagara River campaign in the War of 1812. Taper-Sleeve Pulley Works Collection, 1873-1904. 7 vols. Letter books, 1874-1880, and two catalogues. R. Dudley Tonkin Scrapbook, 1938. Microfilm, 10 ft. From R. Dudley Tonkin, Cherry Tree. Newspaper clippings relating to the "Last Raft," 1938. Virginia Counties (Southwestern Pennsylvania), Records, 1775- 1780. Microfilm, 60 ft. From the Washington County Historical Society, Washington, Pennsylvania, and the Darlington Library, University of Pittsburgh. Records of West Augusta District and Yohogania County. Washington and Jefferson College Records, 1820-1947. Microfilm, 3 reels. From Washington and Jefferson College, Washington, Pennsylvania. Reports and minute books. GUIDE TO RESEARCH MATERIALS 37 Conrad, Samuel, and John Weiser Papers, 1754-1795, 1863-1867. 19 items. Two letters of Conrad Weiser, 1754 and 1755, two letters of Samuel Weiser, 1792 and 1795, and military papers of John Weiser, 1863- 1867. Welles Family Papers, 1805-1894. 1,362 items. Letters, accounts, and other papers of the Welles family of Bradford County, including correspondence about the lumbering business. Western Reserve Historical Society Collections, 1786-1813. Photo- stats, 31 items. From the Western Reserve Historical Society, Cleveland, Ohio. Selected documents relating chiefly to the Indian wars, 1791-1795, but including also account of goods shipped by Caldwell & Elliott, Pittsburgh, to Cuyahoga, 1786; copies of John Heckewelder's diaries, 1786 and 1789; letters from Gen. William Irvine to Major William Alexander, 1789-1800; and records of Capt. James Bonner's detach- ment at Fort Meigs, 1813. Gen. James Harrison Wilson Papers, 1867-1914. Microfilm, 24 reels. From the Colorado State Historical Society, Denver, Colorado. Papers of the Civil War general and railroad builder. Adam Witmer Papers, 1828-1863. 1 cu. ft. Business and family papers of Adam Witmer of Paradise, Lancaster County. George W. Woodward Notes, 1859. 1 small vol. of 283 pp. Notes on cases before the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania. Eugenia Zieber Letters, 1848-1850. Microfilm, 3 ft. From the Oregon State Archives. Letters from a student at Bethlehem Seminary to her family in Illinois. NEWSPAPERS This is a general guide to the extent and coverage of the collection of newspapers on microfilm. It is not a detailed checklist indi- cating every issue. Besides what is listed below for counties for which there are significant runs of newspapers, there are also scattered issues from Adams, Butler, Centre, Clarion, Columbia, Cumberland, Dauphin, Fulton, Indiana, Jefferson, Juniata, Le- high, and Wayne counties, and from New York State. A few original newspapers are also listed, and there are cross-references to the newspaper collection at the Drake Museum, near Titusville. 38 RESEARCH AND PUBLICATIONS DIVISION Allegheny County (205 reels) * Pittsburgh Courier, Jan. 20, Apr. 7- Dec. 31, 1923, Feb. 16, 1924-Dec. 30, 1950. Pittsburgh Gazette, Aug. 26, 1786-June 30, 1881. Title varies. Pittsburgh Post, Aug. 6, 1881-Feb. 16, 1901. Armstrong County (3y 2 reels) Kittanning Columbian, Mar. 4, 1820-Apr. 29, 1820. Kittanning Mentor, Dec. 9, 1862-July 28, 1864. Original. Parker City Weekly Phoenix, Dec. 26, 1879-Apr. 22, May 13-27, June 10-Sept. 23, Oct. 7, 14, 28-Dec. 23, 1881, Jan. 6, 1882-Jan. 19, Feb. 16-May 24, June 8-Nov. 1, 23, 1883-Dec. 15, 1899. Beaver County (16 reels) Beaver Argus, June 11, 1830-Sept. 10, 1873. Title varies: Western Argus, Beaver County Argus, Beaver Weekly Argus, Beaver Argus. No issues for 1840, 1841, 1859, 1860; many issues missing for 1830, 1833-1838, 1845, 1858, 1861; a few issues missing for other years. Beaver Radical, Jan. 3-Sept. 12, 1873. Beaver Argus & Radical, Sept. 24, 1873-May 29, 1878. A few issues missing in each year. Beaver Times, Feb. 25, 1875-Mar. 21, 1878. A few scattered issues missing. Bedford County (27 reels) f Bedford Gazette, Sept. 21, 1805-Apr. 19, 1809, Jan. 4, 1850-Dec. 30, 1898. Some issues missing. Bedford True American, July 2, 1813-Aug. 3, 1815. Bedford Democratic Inquirer, Feb. 15, 1850-Nov. 12, 1852, Mar. 24, 1854. Bedford Chronicle, Feb. 16, June 1-Aug. 10, 1854. Bedford Inquirer & Chronicle, Aug. 17, 1854-Dec. 27, 1901. Title varies: Bedford Inquirer from Nov. 27, 1857; Republican & Inquirer from Feb. 22, 1884; Bedford Inquirer from Mar. 2, 1888. Many issues missing, 1857-1860; some issues missing, 1888- 1901. Bedford Republican, Apr. 14, 1881-Dec. 27, 1883. Berks County (72 reels) Reading Eagle, Jan. 28, 1868-Dec. 31, 1899. •Six scattered issues of other papers, 1837-1838, 1842, 1861, 1879. f Two scattered issues of other papers, 1869-1903. GUIDE TO RESEARCH MATERIALS 39 Blair County (70 reels) Hollidaysburg Register, July 2, 1836-July 21, 1852, Mar. 4, 1868- Oct. 23, 1878. Title varies: originally Canal & Portage Register; Hollidays- burgh Register & Huntingdon County Inquirer from May 23, 1838; Hollidaysburgh Register & Blair County Inquirer from Mar. 4, 1846; Hollidaysburg Register from Mar. 4, 1868. Hollidaysburg Democratic Standard & Huntingdon County Gazette, Feb. 22-Oct. 11, 1839, Jan. 1, 1841, July 21, 1843. Hollidaysburg Beacon Light, Aug. 18, 1843-Oct. 30, 1844. Altoona Tribune, Feb. 4, 1858-Mar. 18, 1868, Apr. 14, 1874-Apr. 13, 1875, Jan. 28, 1878-Mar. 13, 1900. Title varies: Morning Tribune from Apr. 14, 1874. Bradford County (29 reels) * Athens Scribe, Aug. 5, 1841-Dec. 14, 1842. Athens Democratic Laborers' Advocate, Mar. 3, 1843-Mar. 6, 1844. Towanda Bradford Gazette, Sept. 7, 1813-Apr. 22, 1816. Towanda Bradford Settler, Aug. 16, 1823-Dec. 31, 1829. A few issues missing from each year. Towanda Northern Banner, Mar. 9, 1833-Mar. 11, 1837. A few issues missing, 1835-1836. Towanda Bradford Argus, Feb. 6, 1834-Feb. 20, 1836. A few issues missing, 1834-1836. Towanda Banner & Democrat, Nov. 30, 1839-Jan. 16, 1841. Towanda Bradford Porter, June 4, 1840-Mar. 27, 1844. Towanda Bradford Reporter, Apr. 10, 1844-May 25, 1882. A few issues missing, 1844, 1868-1879. Towanda Bradford Republican, June 2, 1881-Apr. 27, 1899. Troy Democratic Analyzer, May 22, 1840-May 22, 1841. Bucks County (12 issues) Quakertown Manna (monthly) , July, 1881-June, 1882. Cambria County (24 reels) Ebensburg Sky, July 21, 1831-Oct. 17, 1837. Some issues missing. Ebensburg Mountain Sentinel, Apr. 12, 1849-Aug. 11, 1853. Ebensburg Democrat & Sentinel, Aug. 26, 1853-Dec. 20, 1866. Ebensburg Alleghenian, Sept. 1, 1859-Aug. 19, 1869. Ebensburg Cambria Freeman, Apr. 18, 1867-Jan. 19, 1883, Jan. 9, 1885-Dec. 22, 1899. Ebensburg Cambria Tribune, June 3, 1898-May 25, 1900. * Eight scattered issues of various Athens papers, 1841-1844. 40 RESEARCH AND PUBLICATIONS DIVISION Cambria County (continued) Ebensburg Mountaineer, Feb. 4, 1858-Feb. 8, 1860. Johnstown Allegheny Mountain Echo, June 13, 1855-June 22, 1859. Johnstown Cambria Tribune, Dec. 14, 1853-Sept. 30, 1864, Dec. 9, 1864-Dec. 24, 1869. Title varies: Johnstown Tribune from Dec. 9, 1864. A few issues missing. Johnstown Democrat, Mar. 4, 1863-Feb. 13, 1867. A few issues missing. Cameron County (35 issues) Shippen Citizen, Dec. 28, 1860-Sept. 13, 1861. Clearfield County (17 reels) Clearfield Raftsman's Journal, June 15, 1854-Sept. 4, 1901. Clinton County (30 reels) Lock Haven Clinton County Democrat, Aug. 29, 1843-May 24, 1845. Lock Haven Clinton Democrat, Jan. 11, 1848-Dec. 26, 1854, Jan. 7, 1859-Dec. 25, 1862, July 8, 1869-Dec. 26, 1872, Jan. 6, 1876-Dec. 29, 1881, Jan 4, 1883-Sept. 10, 1885, Jan. 7, 1892-June 30, 1892, Jan. 4-Dec. 27, 1894, July 2, 1896-Dec. 30, 1897, Jan. 3-Dec. 30, 1901. A few issues missing. Lock Haven Daily Democrat, Apr. 1, 1885-Mar. 11, Sept. 6, 1886-Dec. 13, 1888, July 1, 1889-Dec. 31, 1891, July 1, 1892-Dec. 30, 1893, Jan. 1, 1895-June 3, 1896, Jan. 1, 1898-Dec. 30, 1899, July 2-Dec. 31, 1900. Crawford County (39 reels) * Conneautville Courier, Jan. 1, 1851-Oct. 28, 1863. Meadville Courier, Oct. 24, 1832-Sept. 12, 1837. Meadville Crawford Democrat, Sept. 12, 1837-June 29, 1858, May 7, 1861-Dec. 29, 1877. Meadville Crawford Journal, Jan. 11, 1877-Dec. 26, 1884. Meadville Crawford Weekly Messenger, Jan. 2, 1805-Nov. 7, 1835. Titusville Morning Herald, June 14, 1865-Dec. 31, 1874, with index, 1865-1875. Delaware County (30 reels) Chester Daily Times, Sept. 7, 1876-June 4, 1901. Title varies: Chester Times after 1882. Elk County (5 reels) Ridgway Advocate, Jan. 15, 1885-Aug. 14, 1902. One or two issues missing each year to 1890. * Two issues of Meadville Crawford Statesman, 1840, 1841. See also Drake Museum, page 48. GUIDE TO RESEARCH MATERIALS 41 Erie County (35 reels) * Erie Gazette, Jan. 22, 1820-Dec. 29, 1874. Many issues lacking. Erie Journal, Aug. 24, 1896-Aug. 31, 1898. Erie Observer, May 29, 1830-June 23, 1838, Nov. 30, 1839-Dec. 22, 1860, Jan. 3, 1863-Dec. 30, 1875. A few issues missing from each year. Erie People, Oct. 1, 1892-Sept. 22, 1894. Fayette County (10 reels) Connellsville Keystone Courier, Aug. 8, 1879-Apr. 13, 1900. Title varies: Courier from June 8, 1888. Lebanon County (36 1/ 2 reels) Lebanon Courier, Sept. 22, 1841-Sept. 13, 1843. Lebanon Daily News, Oct. 4, 1872-Apr. 9, 1900. Luzerne County (54 reels) Wilkesbarre Gazette & Luzerne Advertiser, Dec. 5, 1797-May 25, 1801. Title varies: Wilkesbarre Gazette & Republican Centinel after Nov. 10, 1800. Wilkes-Barre Luzerne County Federalist, Jan. 12, June 29, July 13, 1801-Dec. 28, 1810. Title varies: Luzerne Federalist & Susquehanna Intelligencer from Oct. 31, 1801. Wilkes-Barre Susquehanna Democrat, July 13, 1810-May 26, July 7, 1815-June 11, 1834. Many issues missing in 1826-1828 and 1832-1834. Wilkes-Barre Gleaner & Luzerne Advertiser, Feb. 8, 1811-May 22, 1818. Title varies: Gleaner from Aug. 14, 1812. Wilkes-Barre Republican Farmer & Democratic Journal, Apr. 29, 1831-Sept. 13, 1843, Jan. 1, 1845-Dec. 8, 1852. Wilkes-Barre Luzerne Union, Jan. 19, 1853-Dec. 30, 1874. A few issues missing from each year. Wilkes-Barre Daily Record of the Times, Oct. 25, 1873-July 2, 1881, Jan. 2, 1885-June 26, 1885, July 1, 1887-June 27, 1890. Title varies: Record of the Times from Sept. 27, 1876. Wilkesbarre Record, July 4, 1881-Dec. 31, 1890. Lycoming County (92 reels) Muncy Luminary, Apr. 10, 1841-Dec. 17, 1842, Mar. 16, 1844-July 30, 1886. * One issue of Erie Sledge, 1840, and fifteen scattered issues of Corry papers, 1871-1900. 42 RESEARCH AND PUBLICATIONS DIVISION Lycoming County (continued) Williamsport Gazette & Bulletin group, July 16, 1807-May 15, 1811, Oct. 12, 1812-Jan. 20, 1813, Aug. 4, 1819-Aug. 9, 1823, Aug. 3, 1825-Feb. 1, 1901. This includes: Lycoming Gazette, July 16, 1807-Dec. 24, 1836; Lycoming Chronicle, Jan. 16, 1833-June 7, 1837; Lycoming Gazette & Chronicle, June 21, 1837-Mar. 16, 1864; West Branch Bulletin, Jan. 3, 1863-Dec. 26, 1868; Lycoming Daily Gazette, Jan. 2-Dec. 31, 1868; Daily Gazette & Bulletin, Nov. 2, 1869-Feb. 1, 1901. Williamsport Sun group, July 29, 1870-June 30, 1900. This includes: Sun & Lycoming Democrat, July 29, 1870-June 24, 1880; Daily Banner, Oct. 22, 1879-June 13, 1881; Daily Sun & Banner, June 20, 1881-May 13, 1890; Sun, May 4, 1890-June 30, 1900; Weekly Democratic Banner, June 2, 9, 1881; Weekly Sun & Banner, June 16, 1881-June 26, 1884; Grit (then Saturday edition of Daily Sun & Banner) , Jan. 6, 1883-Mar. 8, 1884. McKean County (15 reels) * Bradford Miner, Mar. 12, 1858-Mar. 23, 1859. Duke Centre Augur, Nov. 29, 1890-July 16, 1892. Smethport McKean Citizen, Aug. 1, 1857-July 14, 1860. Smethport McKean County Democrat, Jan. 6, 1859-Sept. 30, 1865. A few issues missing. Smethport McKean Miner, Sept. 8, 1860-Dec. 24, 1861, June 6, 1863- Dec. 28, 1899. Title varies: McKean County Miner from Nov. 3, 1870. Smethport Settler, Oct. 26-Nov. 9, 1839, Mar. 26, 1840, Feb. 25-Nov. 11, 1841, Oct. 26, 1844. Title varies: Settler & Pennon from Mar. 26, 1840. Mercer County (25 reels) j* Greenville Argus, Sept. 22, 1866, Mar. 31, 1869-June 27, 1874, July 11, 1874-Nov. 3, 1877. Title varies: Shenango Valley Argus from July 11, 1874. Greenville Advance, Jan. 7, 1871 -Dec. 14, 1876. Greenville Advance Argus, Dec. 26, 1878-Dec. 1, 1898. Greenville Shenango Valley News, Apr. 7, 1882-Mar. 18, 1899. Greenville Evening Record, Nov. 7, 1899-Oct. 26, 1901. Mercer Western Press, Sept. 18, 1811-Sept. 12, 1827, Dec. 5, 1827-Aug. 29, 1829, Nov. 15, 1834, Aug. 13, 1836, June 12, 1840, Apr. 29, 1842, July 16, 1842, Jan. 27, 1854, May 24, 1861, May 31, 1889. ♦Seven scattered issues of various papers, 1847, 1849, 1855, 1861, and 1885. See also Drake Museum, page 48. -j-Ten scattered issues of Greenville, Fredonia, and Mercer papers, 1826, 1832, 1841. 1853, 1855, 1861, 1877, and 1889. GUIDE TO RESEARCH MATERIALS 43 Mercer County (continued) Mercer Mercer County Whig, June 19, 1845-June 8, 1847, June 26, 1856-June 21, 1858. Sandy Lake Lake Local, May 6, 20, 1879-June 30, 1880, Dec. 15, 1880. Sandy Lake News, Mar. 15, 1878-July 18, 1879, July 16, 1880-July 18, 1884, June 26, 1885, Nov. 20, 1885-Feb. 5, 1886, Jan. 7, 1887-Dec. 23, 1887, Jan. 18, 1889-Apr. 25, 1890, Jan. 3, 6, 1893-Dec. 8, 1893. Mifflin County (30 reels) Lewistown Juniata Gazette, Feb. 1, 1820, Mar. 19, 1822-Mar. 25, 1823, July 27, 1824-Dec. 28, 1824, Mar. 22, Apr. 9, 1825, Mar. 29, 1832- Jan. 23, 1833, Feb. 2, 1833-Dec. 8, 1834. Lewistown Mifflin County Gazette, Mar. 24, 1842, Oct. 7, 28, 1843- Nov. 11, 1843. Lewistown Gazette, Nov. 18, 1843-July 5, 1845, Nov. 7, 1846-Oct. 18, 1850, Oct. 24, 1851-Oct. 15, 1852, Nov. 13, 1856-Oct. 15, 1862, Jan. 6, 1864-Mar. 1, 1865, Jan. 2, 1866-Dec. 26, 1886, Jan. 1, 1890- Dec. 27, 1900. Many issues missing in 1844. Some scattered issues, 1846-1859, on supplemental reel. Lewistown True Democrat, Feb. 12, 1845-Aug. 8, 1850, July 19, 1855- May 2, 1861, Oct. 15, 1862-Apr. 15, 1863, Jan. 11, 1865-Feb. 7, 1866. Lewistown Free Press, July 10, 1895-Dec. 27, 1899. Lewistown Democrat & Sentinel, Jan. 7, 1897-Dec. 30, 1899. Lewistown Republican, Sept. 29, 1835-Jan. 1, 1845. Many issues missing. Monroe County (18 reels) Stroudsburg Jeffersonian Republican, Jan. 15, 1840-Nov. 22, 1855, Dec. 24, 1857-Jan. 23, 1862, Mar. 3, 1864- Apr. 1, 1869, Apr. 27, 1871-July 12, 1900. Title varies: Jeffersonian from May 5, 1853. Thirteen early issues dated from Milford, Pike County, where it was published simultaneously. Northampton County (78 reels) Bethlehem Daily Times, Feb. 4, 1867-Dec. 31, 1894. Easton Argus, Mar. 19, 1857-Dec. 21, 1865. Easton Free Press, June 2, 1859-Dec. 27, 1866. A few issues missing. Easton Northampton County Journal, Jan. 5, 1859-Sept. 16, 1868. Easton Sentinel, Apr. 27, 1849-May 1, 1851, May 18, 1854, Jan 5, 1860- Dec. 26, 1867, Aug. 6, 1868-Dec. 30, 1869. A few issues missing. Easton Whig, May 24, 1854-June 30, 1858, Sept. 1, 1858-Dec. 22, 1858. South Bethlehem Daily Globe, Jan. 1, 1895-July 16, 1901. 44 RESEARCH AND PUBLICATIONS DIVISION Northumberland County (y 2 reel) * Milton Ledger, June 2, 1838-June 22, Dec. 28, 1839-Oct. 2, 1841. Perry County (3 reels) Landisburg Perry Forester, July 12, 1820-Feb. 13, 1836. Philadelphia County (88 reels) f Philadelphia American Weekly Mercury, Dec. 22, 1719-Jan. 1, 1722. Philadelphia Daily Evening Bulletin, Dec. 14, 1857-June 30, 1862, Jan. 3, 1863-Mar. 23, 1866. Philadelphia Gazette of the United States, Aug. 7-10, 1801-Dec. 28, 1804. Philadelphia Pennsylvania Gazette, Oct. 6, 1827-Sept. 27, 1828. Philadelphia Pennsylvania Inquirer & Daily Courier, July 1, 1837- Dec. 31, 1838, July 1, 1839-June 30, 1840, Jan. 1, 1841-Jan. 4, 1842. Philadelphia Pennsylvania Inquirer & National Gazette, Jan. 4, 1842-Dec. 30, 1843. Philadelphia Public Ledger, Mar. 25, 1836-Dec. 31, 1869. Philadelphia Saturday Bulletin, Jan. 3, 1857-Dec. 28, 1861. Philadelphia Saturday Courier, Oct. 22, 1831-Oct. 13, 1832. Pike County (13 issues) Milford Eagle of the North, Dec. 24, 1827-June 6, 1828. Milford Jeffersonian Republican, see Monroe County, Stroudsburg Jeffersonian Republican. Potter County (14 reels) Coudersport Potter Pioneer, May 26, 1843-May 31, 1844. Coudersport Potter County Journal, Jan. 1, 1848-Nov. 9, 1849, Jan. 11, 1850-Mar. 21, 1861, June 13, 1861-Apr. 18, 1867, Dec. 20, 1873- July 11, 1895, July 13, 1898-Dec. 26, 1900. Title varies: People's Journal from Jan. 11, 1850; Potter Jour- nal, May 28, 1857-Feb. 19, 1880. Schuylkill County (52 reels) Pottsville Miners' Journal, Mar. 17, 1825-Apr. 26, 1828, May 2, 1829- July 9, 1836, Jan. 10, 1838-Dec. 27, 1862, Jan. 2, 1864-Dec. 25, 1874, Jan. 5, 1877-Dec. 25, 1896. Pottsville Republican, Oct. 28, 1884-Apr. 27, 1901. Somerset County (11 reels) Somerset Herald, Sept. 16, 1828-Sept. 27, 1831, Oct. 21, 1845, Nov. 16, 1847, June 5, 1872-June 10, 17, 1874-June 13, 1900. * Two issues of Northumberland Republican Argus & County Advertiser, 1803, 1804. tOne issue of Philadelphia Keystone, 1889. GUIDE TO RESEARCH MATERIALS 45 Susquehanna County (27 reels) Montrose Susquehanna Centinel, Feb. 20, 1816-May 9, 1818. Montrose Gazette, May 16, 1818-Nov. 6, 1819, Oct. 7, 1820, Dec. 15, 1821. Montrose Susquehanna County Herald, June 30, 1821-June 22, 1822. Montrose Susquehanna Register, Dec. 2, 1825-Mar. 12, 1846, Apr. 6- May 11, 1848, Apr. 26, 1849-Dec. 28, 1854. Montrose Independent Volunteer, Oct. 11, 1832-Dec. 28, 1837, Jan. 4, 1838-Nov. 17, 1842. One issue missing in each month, 1840. Montrose North Star, June 11, 1840-May 20, 1841. Montrose Northern Democrat, Jan. 25, 1844-Dec. 28, 1848. Montrose Democrat, Jan. 2, 1851-Dec. 29, 1864, Jan. 2, 1866-June 30, 1868, Jan. 5, 1870-Dec. 26, 1890. Montrose People's Advocate, June 18, 1846-Dec. 16, 1847. Montrose Independent Republican, Jan. 4, 1855-Dec. 29, 1859. Tioga County (16i/£ reels) Wellsboro Agitator, July 13, 1854-Dec. 26, 1900. Wellsboro Tioga Eagle, Aug. 23, 1838-Apr. 10, 1856. Union County (6 reels) * Lewisburg Chronicle, Oct. 30, 1847-Jan. 6, 1865. Title varies: Union County Star & Lewisburg Chronicle, May 6, 1859-Dec. 30, 1864. Lewisburg Standard, Apr. 4, 1839-Dec. 11, 1839. New Berlin Union Times, May 18, 1839-Aug. 31, 1839, Dec. 24, 1845- Jan. 1, 1848. Venango County (47 reels) f Oil City Blizzard, Apr. 1, 1896-June 30, 1896. Oil City Derrick, Sept. 11, 1871-Feb. 8, 1900. Warren County (12 reels) J Warren Gazette, Mar. 17, 1827-Sept. 10, 1829. Warren Voice of the People, Aug. 27, 1829-Jan. 6, 1836. Warren People's Monitor, July 28, 1840, July 16, 1846-Feb. 3, 1847. Warren Mail, Aug. 1, 1848-Dec. 30, 1879. Washington County (60 reels) Washington Advance (monthly), Sept.-Dec, 1871. Washington Weekly Advance, Jan. 2, July 4, 1872, July 9, 1873-Jan. 21, 1874. * One issue of Lewisburg Argus, 1864. f Eight scattered issues of Franklin papers, 1835, 1840-1842, 1845. See also Drake Museum, page 48. I Thirty scattered issues of Warren, Tidioute, and Youngsville papers, 1824-1825, 1836, 1839-1841, 1847-1851, 1872. See also Drake Museum, page 48, 46 RESEARCH AND PUBLICATIONS DIVISION Washington County (continued) Washington Observer, Nov. 14-Dec. 30, 1890, Jan. 6-15, 1948. Washington Petroleum Exchange, May 31, 1890-Nov. 12, 1890. Washington Reporter, Aug. 15, 1808-Dec. 26, 1825, Apr. 22, 1843- July 24, 1850, Dec. 1, 1852-Apr. 7, 1858, Apr. 21, 1858-June 20, 1890, Jan. 3, 1891-Dec. 30, 1899. Weeklies, biweeklies, and dailies at various periods. Westmoreland County (20 reels) Greensburgh Gazette, Oct. 19, 1821-Sept. 10, 1824, May 9-Dec. 25, 1828. Greensburg Pennsylvania Argus, May 23, 1834-Oct. 30, 1835, Mar. 10 1837-July 2, 1841, Jan. 21, 1842-Dec. 28, 1854, Jan. 6, 1864-Dec. 26, 1866, Dec. 25, 1872-Dec. 16, 1874, Dec. 20, 1876-Dec. 11, 1878, Dec. 15, 1880-June 7, 1882, Dec. 20, 1882-Dec. 1, 1886, Dec. 3, 1890- Dec. 26, 1900. Greensburgh Sentinel, May 15, 1840-May 14, 1841. Greensburg Westmoreland Intelligencer, Feb. 7, 1834-Mar. 26, 1841, July 5-Dec. 28, 1849, Jan. 2-Dec. 30, 1852. Greensburg Westmoreland Republican, Apr. 25, 1818-Apr. 9, 1824, Jan. 5-Dec. 28, 1849, Jan. 2-Dec. 30, 1852. Wyoming County (i/ 2 reel) * Tunkhannock North Branch Democrat, Aug. 14, 1862-July 31, 1867. Tunkhannock Wyoming Democrat, Sept. 3, Nov. 26, Dec. 31, 1850, Mar. 18, 1851, Aug. 7, 1867-July 26, 1871. Tunkhannock Wyoming County Record, Sept. 25, 1844-Dec. 1, 1847. York County (57 reels) Dillsburg Weekly Bulletin, Apr. 7, 1882-Apr. 4, 1890. York Gazette, Nov. 30, 1815, Apr. 11, 1816, May 13, 1819-May 1, 1821, Mar. 15, 1822-Feb. 17, 1900. Out-of-State Newspapers New York (41 reels) f New York Journal, Oct. 16, 1766-Aug. 29, 1776. New York Times, 1951. Virginia (6 reels) Williamsburg Virginia Gazette, Sept. 3, 1736-Dec. 9, 1780. Many gaps in sequence. ♦Five scattered issues of Tunkhannock Wyoming County Whig, 1849-1850, -f- Sixteen scattered issues of various newspapers. HISTORICAL PROPERTIES Two of the historical properties administered by the Pennsylvania Historical and Museum Commission have important collections of manuscripts, newspapers, and other source materials. At the Drake Well Memorial Park near Titusville a significant feature is the Drake Museum, a depository for all kinds of historical records and relics relating to the history of the petroleum industry. Old Economy, the third and final home of the famous Harmony Society, at Ambridge, has a large collection of the records of that organization which are significant not only for the history of the Society but for the economic and social history of western Penn- sylvania and the upper Ohio region in general. DRAKE MUSEUM Drake Well Memorial Park, near Titusville Brewer Papers. 50 items. Letters and other papers of Dr. Francis B. Brewer. Mather Photographic Collection, c. 1860-1890. 2,500 prints, 2,761 identified negatives, and 1,061 unidentified negatives. Photographs made by John A. Mather, photographer of the oil region. Miscellaneous. Edwin L. Drake's narrative of his 1858 trip to Titusville. Records of oil exchanges: Titusville, 1871-1881; Oil City, 1876-1908. Hotel registers: Titusville, 1865-1866; Pithole, 1866. Oil company prospectuses and stock certificates. 225 items. Scrapbooks. 38 vols. Roberts Torpedo Company Papers, 1865-1881. 115 cu. ft. John H. Scheide Papers, 1860-1890. 8 cu. ft. Papers of an oil man who was a founder of the Drake Museum. Ida M. Tarbell Papers. 5 cu. ft. The part of Miss Tarbell's papers relating to the history of the petroleum industry. Her other papers are in the Allegheny College Library, Meadville. James M. Townsend Collection. 166 items. Includes reports of Edwin L. Drake. 47 48 HISTORICAL PROPERTIES Peter Wilson Papers, 1861-1870. i/ 2 cu. ft. Newspaper Collection. Originals unless microfilm is specified. Crawford County. Linesville Leader, 1877-1878. (7 issues) Meadville Tribune Republican, 1884-1927. (179 vols.) Titusville American Citizen, 1877-1893. (7 vols.) Titusville Morning Argus, 1876-1879. (7 issues) Titusville Daily Courier, 1871-1877. (23 vols.) Titusville Daily Herald, 1865-1950. (312 vols.) Titusville Weekly Herald, 1871-1880. (14 vols.) Dauphin County. Harrisburg Morning Call, 1886-1887. (2 vols.) McKean County. Bradford Era, 1879-1905. (43 vols.) Bradford Sunday Herald, 1903-1909, 1926-1942. (26 vols.) Bradford Daily Record, 1890-1908. (33 vols.) Bradford Evening Star, 1888-1942. (152 vols.) Duke Center Sunday Morning News, Oct. 5, 1879. (microfilm) Venango County. Franklin Venango Spectator, 1855-1896. (36 vols., part also on microfilm) Oil City Derrick, 1871-1945. (672 vols.) Oil City Register, May 12, 1864-Sept. 13, 1871. (microfilm) Petroleum Centre Daily Record, 1868-1873. (6 vols.) Pithole Daily Record, 1865-1866 (3 vols.) , 1865-1868 (17 issues) , also Sept. 25, 1865-Dec. 31, 1866 (microfilm). Warren County. Tidioute News, 1879-1902. (13 vols.) Other. National Petroleum News, 1918-1943, 1946-1951. (252 vols.) Oil and Gas Journal, 1915-1949. (953 vols.) Petroleum Age, 1873. (microfilm) OLD ECONOMY Ambridge, Pennsylvania Harmony Society Records, 1799-1951. 190 cu. ft., 2,300 vols., 911 pamphlets. Correspondence, ledgers, business forms, diaries, scrapbooks, manu- script music, sketches and drawings, folk art, and textile sampler books. Also the Society Library, mainly scientific and philosophical. INDEX Titles of newspapers and periodicals are not indexed, since they may readily be located by reference to the names of the places where they were published. Abercromby, James, 7 Abercromby, Maj. Gen. James, 14, 19 Accounts and account books, 7, 8, 10, 11, 12. 13, 14-15, 19, 24, 28, 29, 34, 35; for building Fort Pitt, 34; of com- missioners for Indian trade, 1; customs, 1; State, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7; of William Penn, 20, 32 Acts, legislative, 3, 18 Adams County, 6, 11; newspapers, 37 Adlum, John, 15 Africa, J. Simpson, 7 Agriculture, 3, 11, 24 Albany, New York, 34 Alexander, Maj. William, 37 Allegheny College Library, 47 Allegheny County, newspapers, 38 Allegheny Portage Railroad, 5 Alleman, Col. H. C, 7 Altoona, newspapers, 39 American Civic Association, 11 American Philosophical Society, 19, 29 Amherst, Sir Jeffery, 18, 28 Amish, 18 Amity ville, 21 Anderson, C. M., 14 Anshutz family, 18 Antietam, Battle of, 11 Architecture, 13 Archives du Seminaire de Quebec, 22 Archives Nationales, 33 Armstrong County, newspapers, 27, 38 Army, U. S., 27 Arnold, Judge Michael, 8 Artists, 10 Athens, newspapers, 39 Attainder, 3 Attorney General, 2 Audenried Presbyterian Church, 21 Auditor General, 2 Baby, Duperront, 18 Backus, Elijah, 20 Backus, James, 20 Baird, Dr. Absalom, 25 Baltimore, 13; periodicals, 16, 18 Banking, 11, 12 Bankruptcy papers, 3 Barringer, Rufus, 23 Bates, Samuel Penniman, 8 Bath, New York, 26 Baynton, Peter, 7 Baynton-Wharton-Morgan papers, 7 Bear, John, 8 Beaver, newspapers, 38 Beaver County, newspapers, 38 Bedford, 29; newspapers, 38 Bedford County, 13; newspapers, 38 Bedinger, George Michael, 25 Beech Creek, Clearfield and South- western Railroad, 27 Bell Telephone Company, 18 Belief onte, 10, 24 Bennington, Vermont, periodicals, 17 Bentinck, Rudolph, 19 Berczy, William, 18 Berks County, 6, 10, 21; newspapers, 38 Berks County, Historical Society of, 19 Berry, C. Lee, 31 Berry family, 18 Bethlehem, newspapers, 43 Bethlehem Seminary, 37 Bibliotheque Nationale, Paris, 34 Biddle, Moncure, 35 Bigler, Governor William, 8 Binder, Frederick M., 22 Bingham, William, 30 Biographies, 33 Birdsboro, 19 Birth certificates, 13 Blair County, 20; newspapers, 39 Blossburg and Corning Railroad Com- pany, 27 Board of Finance and Revenue, 3 Board of Public Accounts, 3 Board of Revenue Commissioners, 3 Board of Trade, British, 18 Boishebert, Charles Deschamps de, 34 Bonner, Capt. James, 37 Boone, Daniel, 25 Boston, periodicals, 15, 16, 17 Bouquet, Brig. Gen. Henry, 19 Braddock Expedition, 19, 33 Braddock Road, 30 Bradford, 19; newspapers, 42, 48 Bradford County, 31, 37; newspapers, 39 Bradford County Historical Society, 31 Bradford School District, McKean County, 19 Brady, Samuel, 25 Brandywine Creek, 8 Brant, Joseph, 25 Bressler, George, 8, 24 Brewer, Dr. Francis B., 47 Bridges, 5, 32 Brobson, William P., 8 Brodhead, Daniel, 25 Brooke, George, 19 Brooke family, 19 Brown Library, John Carter, 31 Brown University Library, 29 49 50 INDEX Browne, Mrs., 33 Buchanan, President James, 8 Bucher family, 19 Bucks County, 6; newspapers, 39 Bucktails, First Rifle Regiment, Penn- sylvania Reserves, 8 Buchler, Henry, 8 Buffalo, New York, 24 Buffalo Historical Society, 20 Burd, Col. James, 8, 13 Burd family, 8, 13 Burr, Theodore, 32 Burrows, John, 8 Burton Historical Collection, 20 Business records, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 18, 19, 20, 21, 23, 26-27, 28, 29, 30, 32, 34, 35, 36, 37, 48 Butler, Richard, 20, 25 Butler County, newspapers, 37 Butterfield, Consul W., 25 Caldwell & Elliott, 37 California, 8, 24 Calvin, Samuel, 20 Cambria County, newspapers, 39-40 Cameron, Simon, 8, 20, 32, 35, 36 Cameron County, newspapers, 40 Camp Erie, 24 Camphausen, Edward, 20 Canals, 5, 10, 12, 13, 23, 26, 35; for- warding companies on, 8; surveys for, 12 Canandaigua, New York, 15 Capitol, 6; architect's plans, 10 Capitol Investigation Commission, 4 Carlisle, 31 Carlisle First Presbyterian Church, 21 Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh, 20, 31, 32 Carpenter, Samuel, 20 Carter, C. Earle, Sr., 21 Carter, John J., 21 Carter family, 21 Carter Oil Company, 21 Censuses, 3; U. S., 6 Centre County, 10, 13, 30; newspapers, 37 Centre Furnace, 21 Chambersburg, 24 Chandler, Elizabeth M., 21 Charleston, South Carolina, periodi- cals, 17, 18 Charters, 3, 5 Cheshire, Connecticut, periodicals, 17 Chester, newspapers, 40 Chester County, 6 Chester County, Historical Society of, 30 Chestnut Tree Blight Commission, 4 Chevalier, John and Peter, 14 Chevalier, Michel, 29 Chicago Historical Society, 21 Chicago world's fair, 4 Churches, 11, 12, 21, 33 Cincinnati, Ohio, 28 City planning, 11 Civic improvement, 9 Civil War, 10, 12, 35-36; diaries and letters, 10, 11, 13, 21-22, 23, 32, 37; publications, 8; regiments, 8, 11, 21, 22; reminiscences, 27; Union veterans of, 6 Clarion, 14 Clarion County, 15, 26; newspapers, 37 Claus, Daniel, 29, 34 Clearfield, newspapers, 40 Clearfield Bituminous Coal Company, 27 Clearfield County, 22; newspapers, 40 Cleaver, Mrs. Philip R., 24 Clements Library, William L., 22, 25, 28,31 Clergy, 11, 36 Clinton, Maj. Gen. Henry, 22 Clinton County, newspapers, 40 Coal, 14, 15; industry, 8, 22, 26, 27, 35 College Ste. Marie, Montreal, 34 Collins, George, 23 Colonial Records, 26 Colorado State Archives, 31 Colorado State Historical Society, 32 Colt, Judah, 22, 26 Columbia County, newspapers, 37 Columbian Exposition Commission, 4 Commanders-in-Chief, British, 14, 18, 19, 28, 31 Commissioner of Agriculture, U. S., 13 Commissioners of Indian Affairs, Al- bany, New York, 34 Commissioners of Public Grounds and Buildings, 4 Commissions, 3 Committee of Public Safety, 5 Committee of Safety, 2 Comptroller General, 3, 7 Concord, New Hampshire, periodicals, 17 Conestoga Indians, 29 Confederate prisons, 10 Congress, members of, 13, 20 Conneautville, newspapers, 14, 40 Connecticut; land dispute of, witli Pennsylvania, 9, 27; periodicals, 16, 17 Connellsville, newspapers, 41 Conservation, 11 Constitutional conventions: of 1776, 2; of 1837-1838, 2 Constitutions, 3, 22 Construction records, 3, 4, 6 INDEX 51 Consular papers, 35 Continental Congress, 29 Contrecoeur, Claude-Pierre Pecaudy de, 18, 22 Conviction and clemency papers, 3 Cook & Ford Carriage Works, 14 Cooley, Mrs. J. C, 30 Cooper, H. B., 23 Cooper, Dr. John, 23 Corbett, C. A., 15, 24 Corbett, Mrs. C. A., 14 Cornell, William A., 27 Cornell University, 23 Corning, New York, 26 Cornplanter, 23 Cornwall, Pennsylvania, 12 Cornwall ore banks, 23 Cornwallis, Lord, 35 Corporations, 3 Coudersport, newspapers, 44 Council of Censors, 2 Council of National Defense, 5 Council of Safety, 2 County guides, 33 County homes, 4 County poor relief, 4 County records, 6, 7, 23 Court of Claims, U. S., 29 Cover, Ray L., 23 Coxe, Tench, 8 Craig, Isaac, 20 Crawford County, newspapers, 14, 40, 48 Crawford County Historical Society, 29, 34 Crawford County Trust Company, 35 Cresswell, John A. J., 8 Crummer, Mrs. Edward P., 15 Cumberland County, 6, 8, 9, 10, 13, 26; newspapers, 37 Cumberland Road, 30 Curtin, Governor Andrew G., 32, 36 Customs, 1 Cuthbertson, Rev. John, 23 Cuyahoga, 37 Dallas, George Mifflin, 8 Danbury, Connecticut, periodicals, 17 Darlington Library, University of Pitts- burgh, 36 Daughters of the American Revolution, 23 Dauphin County, 6, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13; newspapers, 37, 48 Dauphin County, Historical Society of, 20 Davis, Mrs. Dewey F., 24 Deardorff family, 14 Deeds, 6, 12 Deland, Margaret, 34 Delaware, 31 Delaware County, 6; newspapers, 40 Delaware Division Canal, 5 Delaware Hall of Records, 6 Delaware and Hudson Canal, 23 Delaware Indians, 29 Delaware River, 6, 31 Democratic Party, 27 Denny, Ebenezer, 23 Denny, Harmar, 23 Detroit, 34 Detroit Public Library, 20 Dexter, Richard, 21 Diaries and journals, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 21, 22, 23, 24, 29, 30, 32, 33, 34, 37, 48 Dickinson College, 35-36 Dill, Edward G., 35 Dillsburg, newspapers, 46 Ditter, Dorothy E., 34 Dobbins, Daniel, 20 Dock family, 9 Donegal Township, Lancaster County, 9 Dorr, Rev. C, 23 Dorrance, Frances, 36 Drake, Edward L., 47 Drake Museum, 37, 47-48 Drake Well Memorial Park, 47-48 Draper, Lyman C, 25 Draper Collection, 25-26 Duke Center, newspapers, 42, 48 Dumas, Jean-Daniel, 18 Du Simitiere, Pierre Eugene, 26 Dutch Reformed Church, 11 East Buffalo Township, Union County, 26 Eastern State Penitentiary, 6 Easton, newspapers, 43 Ebensburg, newspapers, 39-40 Economics, hearing on, 3 Education, 12 Egle, William H., 21 Eighth Pennsylvania Regiment, 25 Elder family, 9 Eldred, Edward I., 30 Election returns, 3 Elizabethtown, New Jersey, periodicals, 16 Elk County, newspapers, 40 Elk Township, Clarion County, 26 Elkinton, Joseph, 24 Emlenton, 14 Ephrata Cloister, 9 Epileptics, 4 Erie, 20, 22, 24, 26, 28, 35; newspapers, 41; port, 27 Erie County, 26; newspapers, 41 Erie County Historical Society, 24 52 INDEX Erie Public Museum, 22, 26, 27 Erie War of the Gauges, 30 Evans, Samuel, 9 Everett, 29 Ewing, John, 9 Ewing, Mrs. Ross, 24 Executive minutes, 3 Exeter, periodicals, 17 Extradition, 3 Fairhaven, Vermont, periodicals, 17 Fall Brook Railroad and Coal Com- pany, 26-27 Farm life, 24 Farm statistics, 3 Fayette County, newspapers, 41 Feebleminded, 4 Felker, Kenneth A., 21 Fenton, William, 29, 32 Field, F. W., 14 Fields, Dr. J. E., 27 Fifteenth Regiment, Pennsylvania Vol- unteers, 11 Findly, William, 9 Fish, Nicholas, 27 Fish, Stuyvesant, 27 Fisher, George, 10 Fisher, Governor John S., 27 Fleming, Howard W., 27 Fleming, John, 27 Folk art, 48 Folklore, 23 Forbes Road, 27, 30 Ford, Mrs. Louise, 30 Forest County, 14 Forestry, 9 Forster, Thomas, 26, 27 Fort Augusta, 29 Fort Duquesne, 22 Fort Franklin, 15 Fort Meigs, 37 Fort Niagara, 22 Fort Pitt, 14, 34 Fort Washington (in Ohio), 28 Fourth Pennsylvania Regiment, Com- pany "C", 21 Foxburg, 29 Frame of Government, First, 7 Franklin, Benjamin, 19, 27 Franklin, John, 9, 27 Franklin, newspapers, 48 Franklin County, 7, 9 Frazer, Col. Reah, 9 Frederick Town, Maryland, periodi- cals, 16 Free Library of Philadelphia, 31 French and Indian War, 14, 18, 19, 22, 26 Fulton, Cecil C, Jr., 27 Fulton, J. Alexander, 27 Fulton County, newspapers, 37 Gage, Maj. Gen. Thomas, 20, 28 Gaggin, F. S., 36 Gallatin, Albert, 28 Geary, Edward R., 9 Geary, Governor John White, 9 Genealogical Society of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, 6 General Assembly, minutes and papers, 2 General Loan Offices, 5 General State Authority, 3 Geological Survey, Second, 4 Germantown, Battle of, 25 Germantown, periodicals, 16 Gettysburg, Battle of, 10, 23; painting of, 12 Gettysburg Fiftieth Anniversary Com- mission, 5 Gettysburg Monuments Commission, 5 Gibson, Chief Justice John Bannister, Gilpin, Joshua, 9 Godcharles, Mary A., estate, 15, 36 Godfrey, John W., 30 Governors, proclamations, 2 Grand Army of the Republic, 9 Gratz, Simon, 9, 30 Green, Robert, 24 Greensburg, 14, 15; newspapers, 46 Greensburg Public Library, 14, 15 Greenville, 14; newspapers, 42 Gross family, 28 Grubb, Capt. John, 24 Guard of Liberty, 9 Haldeman, Jacob, 9 Haldimand, Sir Frederick, 19, 29, 33 Hall, Wilmer C, 10 Hamilton, Alexander, 15 Hand, Edward, 25 Harbor Creek Insurance Company, 28 Harmar, Gen. Josiah, 23, 25, 27, 28 Harmony Society, 10, 47, 48 Harris, Ellen Matilda Orbison, 12 Harris, James, 10 Harris, James Dunlop, 10 Harris, John, 10 Harris, Mrs. Pliny, 24 Harris family, 10 Harris's Ferry, 35 Harrisburg, 7, 9, 10, 18; hotels, 8; newspapers, 48 Harrison Township, Potter County, 28 Hartford, Connecticut, periodicals, 16, 17 Harvard University, 19 Haskell, Lieut. Frank A., 10 INDEX 53 Haverhill, New Hampshire, periodi- cals, 17 Hayes, William, 14 Hays, John, 24 Hays, Mrs. John C, 24 Hazewell, George R., 35 Heckewelder, John, 32, 37 Heisely, Dr. J., 10 Henry family, 20 Hergesheimer, Joseph, 34 Hershey, Benjamin, 28 Hiester family, 10 Higbee, Joseph, 28 Highway Planning Commission, 5 Hill, Grace Livingston, 34 Hill Church, 21 Hills, Thomas and William S., 28 Hills family, 28 Historic sites, survey of, 23 Historical Society of Pennsylvania, 19, 23, 24, 25, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33 Holland Land Company, 29 Hollidaysburg, newspapers, 39 Holmes, Dr. Daniel, 23 Horsmanden, Daniel, 29 Horticulture, 11 Hostetler, John A., 18 Hotels, 8; registers, 20, 29, 47 Houser, Mrs. John W., 24 Howell, Jane, 21 Huntingdon County, 7, 12 Huntington Library and Art Gallery, Henry E., 14, 19, 31 Hurons, 34 Hurst, Templeton Brandon, 10 Huston, Joseph M., 10 Hutcheson, C. M., 24 Illinois, 37 Immigrants, German, 1 Independence Celebration Commission, 5 Indian traders, licenses, 2 Indiana County, newspapers, 37 Indiana State Historical Society, 29 Indianapolis, 24 Indians, 20, 25, 26, 29, 33, 34; agents to, 32, 34; conferences with, 28; deeds from, 1; languages of, 29, 34; mis- sionaries to, 24, 30, 32, 34; trade with, 1, 14, 15, 22; treaties with, 3, 26; wars with, 25, 28, 34, 37 Ingersoll, Jared, 30 Insane, institutions for, 4 Internal improvements, 7, 12, 29 Iron industry, 7, 10, 12, 18, 21, 23, 30 Irons, Carlton E., 14 Ironworks, 10, 14, 18 Irvine, William, 25, 37 Italy, 20 Jackson, Halliday, 30 Jamestown and Franklin Railroad, 30 Jefferson County, newspapers, 37 Jenkins, John, 10, 24 Jesuits, missionaries, 34 Johnson, Sir William, 20 Johnston, Governor William F., 36 Johnstown, newspapers, 40 Joncaire, Philippe Thomas de, 18 Joncaire de Chabert, Daniel de, 34 Juniata County, 13; newspapers, 37 Juniata Forge, 10 Juniata iron industry, 21 Justices of the peace, 30 Kelso family, 10 Kern, , 14 King, Alfred, 30 Kistler, Russell Henry, 22 Kites, James, 23 Kittanning, newspapers, 27, 38 Labor, 30 Lacey, John, 33 Lacock, John Kennedy, 30 Lambdin, James Reid, 10 Lancaster, 9 Lancaster County, 6, 9, 10, 11, 13, 37 Lancaster Moravian Church, 21 Land companies and land speculation, 29, 30, 31, 32, 34 Land grants, 31 Land surveys, 2, 10, 31 Landisburg, newspapers, 44 "Last Raft," 36 Laughner, William J., 27 Laurel Furnace, 14 Laval University Press, 22 Laws, 3, 18 Leasure, Col. Daniel, M. D., 21 Lebanon, newspapers, 41 Lebanon County, 6, 11, 21; news- papers, 41 Lehigh, Presbytery of, 21 Lehigh County, newspapers, 37 Lehigh University, 22 Lehner, George, 24 Le Ray de Chaumont family, 31 Leroy, E. D., 23 Lery, Joseph-Gaspard Chaussegros de, 22 Lewisburg, newspapers, 45 Lewistown, newspapers, 43 Library of Congress, 6, 18, 19, 24, 29, 31, 32, 33, 36 Library Company of Philadelphia, 26 Lightfoot, Benjamin, 11 Lincoln Highway, 29 Linesville, newspapers, 48 Loan and Transfer Agent, 3 54 INDEX Lock Haven, newspapers, 40 Lockhart, Mrs. J. L., 18 Logan, James, 2, 27 Logan Guards, 11 Lombard, George, 28 Loskiel, George Henry, 32 Lossing, Benson J., 20 Loudoun, Lord, 19, 31 Louisiana Purchase Exposition Com- mission, 5 Lucinda Furnace, 14 Lumbering and rafting, 14, 23, 31, 36, 37 Lunacy, 4 Lutheran Church, 12 Luzerne County, 33, 35; newspapers, 41 Lycoming County, 18; newspapers, 41- 42 Lyford, Col. S. C, 11 Lynn, A. M., 14 Macfarlan, Douglas, 31 Magee, George J., 26, 27 Magee, John, 26, 27 Maine, periodicals, 16 Maps, 7, 22, 31, 33 Marin, Pierre-Paul de la Malgue, Sieur de, 22 Marsden, John Hatton, 11 Martin, Helen R., 34 Mary Ann Furnace, 10 Maryland, periodicals, 16, 18 Maryland Historical Society, 19 Massachusetts, periodicals, 15, 16, 17, 18 Mather, John A., 47 Matthews, William, 11, 24 May Lumber Mills, 14 Mayo, Katherine, 34 McAllister family, 11 McCall, A. J., 23 McCall, R. F., 23 McCormick, Mrs. Harry E., 22, 24 McCormick, R. Laird, 21 McDowell, Dr. M. G., 21, 22 McFarland, J. Horace, 11 McKean, Samuel, 11 McKean County, newspapers, 42, 48 McKean County Historical Society, 19 McKee, Alexander, 34 McNair, Dunning, 30, 33 McNaugher, William H., 23 Meadville, 47; newspapers, 40, 48 Medicine, 9, 11 Mediterranean Sea, 11 Mercer, newspapers, 42-43 Mercer County, 31; newspapers, 42-43 Merkel, Levi, 11 Meteorology, 10 Mexican War, 11, 24 Miami River, 28 Middletown, 10, 12 Mifflin, Lloyd, 34 Mifflin, Governor Thomas, 20 Mifflin County, 11, 18; newspapers, 43 Milford, newspapers, 43, 44 Militia, 11, 12, 13, 15 Miller, Jacob, 24 Milling, 14 Milton, newspapers, 44 Mish, John W., 1 1 Mish, Simon Cameron, 1 1 Mitchell, John, 7 Mohawk Indians, 25 Monckton, Brig. Gen. Robert, 34 Monroe County, newspapers, 43 Montez, Lola, 23 Montgomery County, 6 Montreal, 25 Montreal Public Library, 34 Montrose, newspapers, 45 Moore family, 31 Moravian Archives, 32 Moravian Church, 21 Morgan, Edwin D., 32 Morgan, George, 32 Morley, Christopher, 34 Morris, Robert, 32 Morris Run Mining Company, 27 Muhlenberg, J. P. G., 20 Muncy, newspapers, 41 Munsee Indians, 29 Murray, Samuel A., 21 Music, 10, 48 Musser, Daniel, 11 Musser family, 11 Naples, Italy, 20 National Archives, 7, 29 Native Americans, 9 Naturalization, 1, 34 Navigation companies, 5 Nederlandsch Hervormde Kerkgenoots- chap, 11 Neville, John, 20 New Berlin, newspapers, 45 New Bern, North Carolina, periodicals, 17 New Brunswick, New Jersey, periodi- cals, 17 New Hampshire, periodicals, 17 New Haven, Connecticut, periodicals, 16, 17 New Jersey, 9; boundary, 6; periodi- cals, 16, 17 New Orleans, 10 New York, 29, 31, 34; newspapers, 37, 46; periodicals, 15, 16, 17, 18; south central, 26 New York City exposition, 5 INDEX 55 New-York Historical Society, 18, 28, 29, 30, 31, 33, 35 New York Public Library, 31, 33 New York State Library, 23, 31, 32 Newark, periodicals, 17 Newfield, Connecticut, periodicals, 16 Newspapers, 7, 30, 33, 37-46, 48 Niagara River, 36 Nichols, Franklin Thayer, 19 Nicholson, John, 7, 32 Nick, Robert, 30 North American Land Company, 30 North Branch Canal, 33 North Carolina, periodicals, 17 North Carolina, State Records Office, 24 Northampton County, 6; newspapers, 43 Northcliffe, Lord, 34 Northumberland Bridge Company, 32 Northumberland Countv, newspapers, 44 Northwest Territory, 25, 28 Nursing, 9 Oakford, Col. Richard A., 11 Oaths of allegiance, 3 O'Hara, James, 23 Ohio, 9, 27, 32 Ohio country, 18, 22 Ohio State Museum, 14 Ohio Valley, 47 Oil City, 47; newspapers, 45, 48 Oil companies, 47 Oil exchanges, 47 Old Economy, 47, 48 Orbison, William, 12 Orbison family, 12 Oregon State Archives, 37 Oregon State Historical Society, 36 Oregon Territory, 9 O'Rielly, Henry, 32 Orphans' court minutes, 6 Palmer, Gen. William Jackson, 32 Paperhanging, 15 Paradise, Lancaster County, 37 Parker City, newspapers, 38 Parrish, Jasper, 20 Patronage, 3, 11 Penitentiaries, 6 Penn, John, 27 Penn, William, 32, 33; accounts of, 20 Penn family, 20 Penn Township, Snyder County, 12 Pennsylvania: boundaries of, 6, 9, 29; central, 24, 31; constitutions, 5, 22; early records, 1-2, 6; General As- sembly of, 2, 18; land dispute of, with Connecticut, 9, 27; north central, 26; periodicals, 15, 16, 17, 18; Province of, 1-2; regiments, 8, 11, 15, 21, 22, 25; southwestern, 25, 36; western, 18, 27, 28, 32, 47, 48 Pennsylvania Archives, 26 Pennsylvania Germans, 1 Pennsylvania Historical Commission, historic properties, 4 Pennsylvania Historical Survey, 24, 29, 33, 34 Pennsylvania Militia, 112th Regiment, Second Brigade, 15 Pennsylvania Navy, 7 Pennsylvania Population Company, 26, 30, 34 Pennsylvania State Library, 32 Pennsylvania State University, 18, 21 Pennsylvania Volunteers, 8; Fourth Regiment, 21; Fifteenth Regiment, 11; 100th Regiment, 22 Pennsylvania Water and Power Com- pany, 13 People's Telephone Company, 18 Periodicals: eighteenth-century, 15-18; of petroleum industry, 48 Perry, Oliver Hazard, 20 Perry County, 6; newspapers, 44 Peters, Richard, 2 Petroleum Centre, newspapers, 48 Petroleum industry, 15, 21, 47-48; periodicals, 48 Pniladelphia, 12, 29; criminal cases, 8; defenses, 13; merchants, 7, 9, 13, 14, 28; newspapers, 7, 44; periodicals, 15, 16, 17, 18; port records, 1 Philadelphia Bank, 12 Philadelphia Centennial Exposition, 11, 34 Philadelphia County, 6; contested elec- tion for sheriff, 4 Phillips, George Irwin, 19 Photographs, of oil region, 47 Pierce, Maris B., 20 Pike County, newspapers, 43, 44 Pine Grove Furnace, 10 Pithole, 47; newspapers, 48 Pittsburgh, 14, 18, 25, 32, 36, 37; news- papers, 38 Pittsburgh Point Park Commission, 34 Pittsburgh Theological Seminary, 23 Poffenberger, Mrs. Harriet S., 24 Point Park Commission, Pittsburgh, 34 Politics, 11, 20, 27, 32, 35 Pontiac War, 18, 28 Poor relief, 4, 26 Porter, Andrew, 29 Portland, Duke of, 19 Portland, Maine, periodicals, 16 Portsmouth National Blues, 12 Post, Christian Frederick, 24 56 INDEX Potier, Father Pierre, 34 Potter, C. B., 21 Potter, James, 26 Potter, John, 26 Potter, Samuel M., M. D., 21 Potter County, 28; newspapers, 44 Potts family, 12 Pottsville, newspapers, 44 Poughkeepsie, New York, periodicals, 17 Presbyterian Church, 21 President's House, 6 Presque Isle, 24, 35 Presses Universitaires Laval, 22 Preston, G. L., 22 Proprietary, Indian deeds to, 1 Provincial Council, 1 Provincial Secretary, 2 Public Archives of Canada, 19, 29, 31, 34, 36 Public buildings, 6 Public Record Office, London, England, 18, 19, 34, 35 Public Works Administration, 4 Quakers, missionaries to Indians, 24, 30 Quakertown, newspapers, 39 Quebec, Archives du Seminaire de, 22 Quebec, Provincial Archives, 22 Railroads, 24, 26, 27, 30, 32, 35, 37 Randall, Samuel J., 12 Rankin, C. A., 14 Reading, newspapers, 38 Receiver General, 3 Reed, Joseph, 35 Regional history, 23 Revolutionary War, 15, 25, 26, 27, 31, 35; pension claims, 5 Reynolds, John E., 15 Reynolds, William, 35 Richmond, Virginia, periodicals, 17 Ridgway, newspapers, 40 Rinehart, Mary Roberts, 34 Roads, 12, 27, 30; State, 5 Roberts, William F., 35 Roberts Torpedo Company, 47 Robinson, Moncure, 35 Rockview State Penitentiary, 6 Rosenthal, Baron Gustavus Henri de, 25 Rothermel, Peter Frederick, 12 Rowe, Kenneth M., 32 Russell family, 10 Rutland, Vermont, periodicals, 17 Sack, William, 29 St. Clair, Gen. Arthur, 34 St. Louis world's fair, 5 St. Paul's Reformed and Lutheran Church, 21 St. Pierre, Jacques Legardeur de, 22 Sandy Lake, newspapers, 43 Sanford, Laura G., 26 Scheide, John H., 47 Schofield, W. S., 24 School exercise and note books, 12 Schools, 19; superintendents of, 4 Schuylkill County: coal mining, 8; newspapers, 44 Schuylkill Navigation Company, 35 Scotia Ore Mines, 30 Seanor, Mrs. Fred, 35 Secretary of Agriculture, 3 Secretary of the Commonwealth, 3 Secretary of Internal Affairs, 7 Secretary of Property and Supplies, 4 Secretary of Welfare, 4 Seneca Indians, 20, 30 Senseman, Gottlob, 32 Sergeant, John, 12 Sesquicentennial of 1926, 5 Seward, William H., 35 Sharpe, Horatio, 19 Shaw, Joseph A., 22 Shepherd, David, 26 Sheshequin, 31 Shimmell, Lewis Slifer, 12 Shippen, Edward, 19 Shippen, Joseph, 35 Shippen, Joseph, Jr., 2 Shippen, William, 15 Shippen family, 35 Shippen, newspapers, 40 Ships, registers and logs, 1, 20 Shole, Capt. Stanton, 23 Shute, Samuel Moore, 12 Simmons, Henry, Jr., 24 Simpson, James T., 22 Simson, Lieut. J. H., 35 Singmaster, Elsie, 34 Sinking Fund, Commissioners of the, 3 Six Nations Indians, 29, 32 Slatington, 14 Slifer, Eli, 22, 35-36 Sloan, John, 12 Slosser, Rev. G. J., 21 Smethport, newspapers, 42 Smith, Gen. W. R., 20 Snyder, Henry, 12 Snyder, R. L. R., 15 Snyder, Governor Simon, 12 Snyder County, 12 Society for the Improvement of Roads and Inland Navigation, 12 Somerset, newspapers, 44 Somerset County, newspapers, 44 South Bethlehem, newspapers, 43 South Carolina, periodicals, 17, 18 INDEX 57 Spaulding, M. C, 36 Spencer, Frances L., 26 Spencer, J. C, 22, 26 Spencer, John, 36 Spencer, Judah Colt, 22, 26 Staake, William Heaton, 12 Stackhouse, T. Russel, 36 Stackhouse family, 36 Stalley, A. C, 29 State House, 6 State institutions, 6 State Museum, 12 State Records Office, North Carolina, 24 State roads, 5 State Treasurer, 4, 7 Stevens, Lena, 28 Stevens, Sylvester K., 21, 32 Stevens, Thaddeus, 12 Stevenson, Edgar T., 30 Stockbridge Indians, 29 Stores, general, 14, 15, 19 Stream clearance, 5 Strickland, William, 13 Strohm, John, 13 Stroudsburg, newspapers, 43, 44 Sullivan, Mark, 34 Sullivan Expedition, 8, 10, 12, 24, 36 Superintendent of Public Instruction, 4 Supreme Court, Pennsylvania, 37 Supreme Court, U. S., boundary case in, 6 Supreme Executive Council, 2 Surveying, 13 Surveyor General, 2 Surveys, 2, 10, 22 Susquehanna Canal Company, 13 Susquehanna County, newspapers, 45 Susquehanna County Historical Society, 27 Susquehanna Lottery, 5 Susquehanna River, 23, 35 Swedish Tercentenary Commission, 5 Swift, Mrs. Elizabeth Darling, 36 Tannehill's Brigade, 36 Taper-Sleeve Pulley Works, 36 Tarbell, Ida M., 34, 47 Taufscheins, 13 Taxes, 26; and assessments, 31; equali- zation of, 3; lists, 6, 7 Teachers, 11, 13, 24; certification of, 4 Telephone companies, 18 Textiles, 48 Thompson, Edward Shippen, 8, 13 Thwaites, Reuben Gold, 25 Tidioute, newspapers, 48 Tioga Coal, Iron, Mining and Manu- facturing Company, 27 Tioga County, 18, 26; newspapers, 45 Tioga Railroad Company, 27 Tionesta Creek, 14 Titusville, 37, 47; newspapers, 40, 48 Tod, John, 13 Todd, Charles S., 25 Tonkin, R. Dudley, 36 Torrance, Rev. Adam, 13 Towanda, newspapers, 39 Townsend, James M., 47 Treziyulny family, 13 Trimble, James, 13 Trimble, Dr. James, 13 Trimble, James H., 15 Troy, newspapers, 39 Tulpehocken Evangelical Lutheran Church, 21 Tunkhannock, newspapers, 46 Turnpikes, 5 Union County, 26, 28; newspapers, 45 United States Hotel, Erie, 20 University Laval, 31 University Microfilms, 15 University of Michigan General Li- brary, 21 University of Montreal Library, 18 University of Pennsylvania, 22, 34; Li- brary, 27 University of Pittsburgh, 27 University of Rochester Library, 35 Valley Forge, 25 Van Dyke, Henry, 34 Vaughan, Samuel, 24 Venango County, newspapers, 45, 48 Vensell, Dr. Richard, 29 Vensell family, 15 Vermont, periodicals, 17 Virginia: boundary, 9; counties in southwestern Pennsylvania, 36; news- papers, 46; northwest, 25; periodicals, 17; politics, 12 Vital statistics, 3 War of 1812, 13, 24, 25, 26, 36 Ward, Henry, 19 Warren, newspapers, 45 Warren County, newspapers, 45, 48 Washington, George, 19 Washington, newspapers, 45-46 Washington County, newspapers, 45-46 Washington County Historical Society, 36 Washington and Jefferson College, 36 Watts, Frederick, 13 Wayne, Anthony, 29 Wayne County, newspapers, 37 Wayne County Historical Society, 23 Wayne Monument Commission, 5 58 INDEX Weather observations, 10 Weiser, Conrad, 37 Weiser, John, 37 Weiser, Samuel, 37 Welles family, 37 Wellsboro, 26; newspapers, 45 West, trade and exploration, 22 West Augusta District, Virginia, 36 West Chester, periodicals, 16 West Virginia, 26 Western Missionary Society, 21 Western Pennsylvania, Historical So- ciety of, 14, 23 Western Reserve Historical Society, 37 Western State Penitentiary, 6 Wetzel, Lewis, 25 Wheeling, West Virginia, 26 White, Canvass, 23 White, Nelia Gardner, 34 White Hill Oil Wells, 15 Widdemer, Margaret, 34 Wilcox, William J., 24 Wilkes-Barre, newspapers, 41 Williams, Harry M., 30 Williamsburg, Virginia, newspapers, 46 Williamson Road, 18 Williamsport, newspapers, 42 Willing, Morris, and Swanwick, 13 Willow Grove Hotel, 29 Wills, 6 Wilson, James, 30 Wilson, Gen. James Harrison, 37 Wilson, Peter, 48 Wilson, William, 15 Winchester, Gen. James, 25 Wisconsin, State Historical Society of, 25, 30 Wister, Owen, 34 Witherow, John, 13 Witmer, Adam, 37 Wolf, Governor George, 13 Wolf, Horace, 13 Woodbridge, New Jersey, periodicals, 17 Woodward, Justice George W., 37 Worcester, Massachusetts, periodicals, 18 Work Projects Administration, 4, 33 World War I, 5 World's Fair, State Commission on, 5 Wright, Reuben, 15 Wright, Ross Pier, 15 Writers, 34 Wyoming County, newspapers, 46 Wyoming Valley, 9; land controversy in, 27; settlement, 11 Yeates, Jasper, 13, 29 Yohogania County, Virginia, 36 York, Duke of, 31 York, 15; newspapers, 46 York County, 6, 11; newspapers, 46 Zeisberger, David, 32 Zieber, Eugenia, 37 Zimmerly, Mrs. Forest, 28