Worcester Free Public Library ARTS AND CRAFTS Selected List Compiled by the Reference Department m Revised November, 1911 CONTENTS Page General Works, 3 Basketry, 6 Bookbinding, 8 Embroidery and Needlework, .... 12 Church Embroidery, 14 Lace, 15 Jewelry, 16 Leather Work, 18 Metal Work, 19 Pottery, 24 Stenciling, 28 Weaving, 28 Dyeing, 30 Rugs, 31 Textile Fabrics, - 32 Wood-carving, . 34 os.sr.kn ARTS AND CRAFTS Selected List * — Indicates that a hook may he taken out hy application to an attendant. ** — Indicates that a hook is for reference and may not commonly he taken out. R — Standing before a number {except in works of fiction) shows that a book is on the reference shelves. G — Standing before a number {except in works of fiction) shows that a book is in the Green library and may not legally be taken out. General Works. Addison, Mrs . J. DeW. Arts and crafts in the middle ages. 1908. Illust. 740 A22 American museum of natural history. Primitive art. 1904. Illust. (Amer. mus. jour. v. 4, no. 3; sup.) **505 A51 v. 4 Arts and crafts exhibition society, London. Art and life, and the building and decoration of cities; lectures by members. 1897. 700 A79 — Arts and crafts essays; pref. by W. Morris. 1893. 704 A79 — Same. 1899. **704 A79 Beard, L. and A. B. Indoor and outdoor handicraft and recreation for girls. 1904. Illust. j790 B368h Hoffmann, J., pub. German arts and crafts at the Brus- sels exhibition, 1910-191-? Illust. (partly col.) 740 qH69 Kultur und industrie sudamerikanischer volker, nach den sammlungen von A. Stiibel, W. Reiss, und B. Koppel; text von M. Uhle. 1889-90. 2 portfs. of plates. Shiv. 16 **609.8 xKg 3 Marks, M., ed. Home arts and crafts. 1903. 740 M34 Mason, O. T. Woman’s share in primitive culture. 1894. Iilust. 396 M41 Miller, F. Art crafts for amateurs. 1901. Iilust. 740 M64a Paret, A. P., ed. Harper’s handy book for girls. 1910. Iilust. aj790 P22 Petrie, W. M. F. The arts and crafts of ancient Egypt. 1909. Iilust. 709.32 P49a Priestman, M. T. Art and economy in home decora- tion. 1908. Iilust. 747 P94 — Handicrafts in the home. 1910. Iilust. 745 P94 Sanford, F. G. The art crafts for beginners. 1904. Iilust. 740 S22a Sedding, J. D. Art and handicraft. 1893. 704 S44 South Kensington museum. Portfolios of industrial art. 2 v. 18-? ' **708.2 S72p These are composed of fine colored plates. Studio. The Studio year-book of decorative art, 1906- date. Iilust. **749 qS93 Sturgis, R. The interdependence of the arts of design. 1905. p. 85-156. Iilust. 704 S93 Triggs, O. L. Chapters in the history of the arts and crafts movement. 1902. Iilust. 709 T82 West, M. The revival of handicrafts in America. ( In U. S. Bureau of labor. Bulletin, no. 55, p. 1573- 1622.) **331 U58, v. 9, pt. 2 Contents. — I. Domestic weaving and rug making. II. The arts and crafts movements. Williams, L. The arts and crafts of older Spain. 3 v. 1907. Iilust. 709.46 W72 William Morris. Morris, W. The art and craft of printing; a note on his aims in founding the Kelmscott press. 1902. **655.1 M87 4 — The decorative arts. 1878. 701 M87 — History of pattern designing. {In Poole, R. S. and others . Lectures on art. 1882. p. 127-73. 704 P82 — Hopes and fears for art. 1882. 704 M87 —Lesser arts of life. {In Poole, R. S. and others. Lec- tures on art. 1882. p. 174-232.) 704 P82 — Some hints on pattern-designing. 1899. 745 M87 — Some notes on early woodcut books, with chap, on illuminated manuscripts. 1902. Illust. **761 M87 Cary, E. L. William Morris, poet, craftsman, socialist. 1902. Illust. B M877c Mackail, J. W. Life of William Morris. 1899. 2 v. Illust. B M877m — William Morris and his circle. 1907. B M877mo Vallance, A. William Morris; his art, his writings and his public life. 1898. Illust. B M877v —Same. 1897. **759.2 M87v The library has nine volumes of the Kelmscott press publications. The periodicals in the following list contain articles and illustrations on the different subjects included under Arts and Crafts: Art education, vols. 1-7, 1894-1901. **705 fA7842 Art et decoration, vols. 1-date, 1897 — **705 qA784- L’arte, vols. 1-date, 1898— **705 qA786 Craftsman, vols. 1-date, 1901 — **705 C88 Dekorative vorbilder, vols. 1-date, 1890 — **705 fD32 Handicraft, vols. 1-date, 1902 — **705 H23 House beautiful, vols. 1-date, 1896 — **749 fH84 International studio, vols. 1-date, 1897 — **705 qS9i Kunst, vols. 1-date, 1900 — **705 K96 Kunst und handwerk, vols. 47-date, 1897 — **605 fK9 Palette and bench, vol. 1-3, 1908-1910. **705 fP15 School arts book, vols. 1-date, 1901 — *741 A65 Studio, vols. 1-date, 1893 — **705 qS9 5 Basketry. Brigham, W. T. Mat and basket weaving of the ancient Hawaiians described and compared with the basketry of the other Pacific islanders. 1906. Illust. (partly col.) **506 fH77 v. 2 Chesnut, V. K. Sedge-root baskets. {In U. S. Botany Div. of. Contributions fr. the U. S. national herbarium, v. 7, p. 316-17. 1901-02.) Illust. **580.6 U58c v. 7 Emmons, G. T. Basketry of the Tlingit. {In Amer. mus. of nat. hist. Memoirs, v. 3, p. 231-77. 1903.) Illust. **572 fN5 v. 3 Contains illusts. of berrying baskets and ancient style of coloring. Eppendorff, L. Handwork construction. 1908. Illust. 371.42 E64 Farrand, L. Basketry designs of the Salish Indians. {In Amer. mus. of nat. hist. Memoirs, v. 2, p. 391-99.) Illust. **572 fN5 v. 2 Firth, A. Cane basket work; practical manual. 1897. Illust. 674 F52 Hodge, F. W., ed. Basketry. {In his Handbook of Amer. Indians north of Mexico, p. 132-5. 1907.) Illust. R572 No. 30 S66b Holmes, W. H. Anthropological studies in Califor- nia. {In U. S. National museum. Report, 1900, p. 161-88.) Illust. **506 S6r 1900 — Study of the textile art in its relation to the develop- ment of form and ornament. {In Smith, inst. Bur. of ethnology. Ann. rept. 6th, p. 189-252. 1884-85.) **572 qS66 1884-85 James, G. W. Basket-weaving among Ramona’s In- dians. {In his Through Ramona’s country, p. 215- 28. 1909.) Illust. 917.94 J28t — How to make Indian and other baskets. 1903. Illust. 674 J27h 6 — Indian basketry. 1901. Illust. (Contains bibliog- raphy.) 674 J27 — The Indian and art work. {In his What the white race may learn from the Indian, p. 240-49. 1908.) Illust. 970.6 J29 Knapp, E. S. Raffia and reed weaving. 1902. Illust. 674 K67 Mason, O. T. Aboriginal American basketry. {In U. S. National museum . Report, 1902, p. 171-548.) Illust. (col.) **506 S6r 1902 — Basket-work of the North American aborigines. {In U. S. National museum. Report, 1884, p. 291-306.) Illust. **506 S6r 1884 — Directions for collectors of Amer. basketry. {In U. S. National museum. Bulletin, no. 39, pt. P. 1902.) Illust. 674 M41 and **507 U58b no. 39 pt. P. — The human beast of burden. {In U. S. National museum. Report. 1887, p. 237-95.) Illust. **506 S6r 1887 — Indian basketry; studies in a textile art without ma- chinery. 1904. Illust. (partly col.) **674 M41h — Vocabulary of Malaysian basket-work: a study in the W. L. Abbott collections. {In U. S. National museum . Proceedings. 1909. v. 35.) **507 U58p v. 35 Matthews, W. Navajo legends. {In Amer. folk lore society. Memoirs, v. 5, 1897.) Illust. **398 A51 v. 5 Morse, T. V. Basket making. 1902. Illust. 674 M88 Pepper, G. H. Ancient basket makers of southeastern Utah. {In American museum journal, v. 2, no. 4, 1902.) Illust. **505 A51 v. 2 Powers, S. Tribes of California. {In U. S. Geog. and geol. survey of the Rocky Mt. region. Contrib. to No. Amer. ethnology, v. 3.) Illust. **572.97 fU58 v. 3 Contains illusts. of baby baskets. 7 Purdy, C. Pomo Indian baskets and their makers. 1902. Illust. 674 P98 Russell, F. The Pima Indians. {In Smith, inst. Bur. of Amer. ethnol. Ann. rept. 26th. 1904-05.) Illust. **572 qS66 1904-05 Stevenson, J. Illust. catalogue of the collection ob- tained from the Indians of New Mexico and Arizona. {In Smith, inst. Bur. of ethnol. Ann. rept. 2d, p. 319-465. 1880-81.) **572 qS66 1880-81 Tinsley, Mrs. L. R. Practical and artistic basketry. 1904. Illust. 674 T79 Turner, L. W. The basket maker. 1909. Illust. 674 T94 Walker, L. Varied occupations in weaving. 1901. Illust. 372.2 W18 White, M. How to make baskets; with chap, on “ What the basket means to the Indian,” by Neltje Blanchan. 1901. Illust. 674 W58 — More baskets and how to make them. 1903. Illust. 674 W58m Bookbinding. Avery, S. P. Catalogue raisonnee; works on bookbind- ing, practical and historical ; examples of bookbindings of the 16th-19th centuries; from [his] collection. 1903. **686 A95 Barwick, G. F. A book bound for Mary queen of Scots; description of the binding of a copy of the Geographia of Ptolemy. 1901. Illust. **095 qB29 Bibliographica. v. 1-3. 3 v. 1895-97. **010.5 qB58 Bickell, L. Bookbindings from the Hessian historical exhibition, illust. the art of binding from the 15th to the 18th centuries. 1893. Plates. Shiv. 21 **686 fB5 Bookbinder; an illust, monthly-journal; vols. 1-7, 1887- 94. **686 B72 8 Books and bookbinding. {In Amer. bibliopolist handy book, p.60-121.) **010 A5h Bouchot, H. The printed book; its history, illustration and adornment from the days of Gutenberg to the present time; tr. and enl. by E. C. Bigmore. 1887. Illust. 655.1 B75 Brassington, W. S. Historic bindings in the Bodleian library. 1891. Plates. G095 fB82 Brassington, W. S., ed. History of the art of book- binding; with some account of the books of the ancients. 1893. Illust. **686 qB82 Briggs, V. H. and Briggs, E. L., ed. Twentieth cen- tury cover designs. 1902. Illust. **745 fB85 Brunet, P. G. Etudes sur la reliure des livres et sur les collections de bibliophiles celebres. 2d ed. 1891. **096 B89e Cockerell, D. Bookbinding, and the care of books; a handbook for amateurs, bookbinders and librarians; with drawings by N. Rooke and other illustrations. 1902. 686 C66 Crane, W. J. E. Bookbinding for amateurs. 188- ? Illust. 686 C89 Cundall, J. On bookbindings ancient and modern. 1881. Illust. G686 C97 Dana, J. C. Notes on bookbinding for libraries. 1906. Illust. 686 D16 Davenport, C. J. H. The book, its history and develop- ment. 1908. Illust aj655 D24 — English embroidered bookbindings. 1899. Illust. **095 D24 — Royal English bookbindings. Portfolio. 1896, pt. 2. **705 P8 1896, pt. 2 Emerson, G. D. Bookbinding for libraries. 190-? **686 E53 9 Fletcher, W. Y. Bookbinding in France. Portfolio. 1894, pt. 2. **705 P8 1894, pt. 2 — English bookbindings. (In Church, A. H. and others. Some minor arts. 1894. p, 8-26.) **745 fC56 — English bookbindings in the British museum. 1895. Illust. **095 fF61 — Foreign bookbindings in the British museum. 1896. Illust. **095 fF61f Gibson, S. Early Oxford bindings. 1903. Illust. **686 G45 Gruel, L. Manuel historique et bibliographique de 1’amateur de reliures. 1887. Illust. **686 qG886m Horne, H. P. Binding of books; an essay in the his- tory of gold-tooled bindings. 1894. Illust. **686 H81 Jacobi, C. T., comp. Printers’ handbook of trade receipts, hints and suggestions relating to printing, bookbinding, etc. 1887. **655.3 J16 McKenna, E. M. M. Bookbinding. (In Woman’s library, v. 4, p. 261-91. 1903.) 396.5 W872 v. 4 McNamee, J. H. H. The essentials of good binding; lecture before the Massachusetts library club. 1896. Illust. **686 M16 Matthews, J. B. Bookbindings old and new; notes of a book-lover. 1895. Illust. 686 M43 Miller, F. Bookbinding and leather work. (In his Art crafts for amateurs. 1901. p. 96-116.) 740 M64a Nicholson, J. B. Manual of the art of bookbinding; containing instructions in the branches of forward- ing, gilding and finishing; also the art of marbling. 1887. Illust. 686 N62 Oxford university press. Binding exhibit, Paris exhi- bition, 1900. 1900. Illust. **686 098 Pearce, W. B. Practical bookbinding; a text-book intended for those who take up the art of bookbind- 10 in g, and designed to give sufficient help to enable handy persons to bind their books and periodicals. 1908. Illust. 686 P35 Prideaux, S. T. Bookbinders and their craft. 1903. Illust. **686 P94 — Historical sketch of bookbinding; with a chapter on early stamped bindings by E. G. Duff. 1893. 686 P94 Sanderson, T. J. Cobden- Bookbinding. {In Arts and crafts exhibition soc. Arts and crafts essays. 1893. p. 134-48.) 704 A79 — Same. 1899. **704 A79 Smith, A. M. Printing and writing materials; their evolution. 1901. Illust. 655 S64 Studio. Modern bookbindings and their designers. 1900. Illust. (Special winter no. 1899-1900.) **686 fS93 Uzanne, L. O. La reliure moderne artistique et fan- taisiste; illust. reproduites d’apres les originaux par P. Albert-Dujardin et dessins allegoriques de J. Adeline, G. Fraipont, A. Giraldon. 1887. Illust. G686 U99 Wheatley, H. B. Bookbinding considered as a fine art, mechanical art and manufacture. 1882. Illust. **686 W55 — Leather for bookbinding. Library, ser. 2, v. 2, p. 311-320. 1901. **020.5 L697 ser. 2, v. 2 Zaehnsdorf, J. W. The art of bookbinding; a practical treatise. 1900. Illust. 686 Z17 — Same. 1880. **'686 Z17 — The binding of a book. 1890. **686 Zl7b Zahn, O. On art binding; a monograph. 1904. Illust. (col.) 095 Z19 11 Embroidery and Needlework. Alford, Lady M. M. Needlework as art. 1886. Illust. R746 A3 8 Carita. Lacis; practical instructions in filet brode or darning on net. 1909. Illust. 746 C27 Christie, Mrs. A. H. Embroidery and tapestry weavin g. 1906. Illust. 746 C55 Cole, A. S. Stitches and mechanism. {In Arts and crafts exhibition soc. Arts and crafts essays. 1893. p. 387-404.) 704 A79 —Same. 1899. **704 A79 Croly, Mrs. J. (C.), ed. Needlework; a manual of stitches and studies in embroidery and drawn work. 1885. Illust. 746 C94n Day, L. F. and Buckle, M. Art in needlework; a book about embroidery. 1900. Illust. 746 D27 Day, R. M. Embroidery. {In Woman’s library, v. 2, p. 1-99. 190-?) 396.5 W872 v. 2 Dolby, A. Church embroidery, ancient and modern, practically illustrated. 1867. **247.7 D66 Foster, K. M. Elementary needlework ; manual for sew- ing in kindergarten and primary schools. 1896. Illust. 646 F75 Goodwin, E. E. Goodwin’s course in sewing; practical instruction in needlework for use in schools and at home. 3 v. 1910. Illust. 646 G65 Griffith & Farran, pubs. Needlework demonstration sheets. 1878-79. 15 sheets. Study R. **746 fG8 Hall, M. R. English church needlework; handbook for workers and designers. 1901. Illust. 746 H17 Harrison, Mrs. C. (C.). Embroidery. {In Woman’s book. 1894. v. 2, p. 217-53.) *396 W87 v. 2 — Embroidery. {In her Woman’s handiwork in mod- ern homes. 1881. p. 1-95.) *746 H31 12 Higgin, L. Handbook of embroidery, ed. by Lady M* Alford; published by authority of the Royal schoo of art needlework. 1880. Illust. (partly col.) *746 H63 Image, S. On designing for the art of embroidery. {In Arts and crafts exhibition soc. Arts and crafts essays. 1893. p. 414-20.) 704 A79 —Same. 1899. **704 A79 Johnson, C. F. Progressive lessons in the art and prac- tice of needlework for use in schools. 2d ed. rev. 189.5. Illust. 646 J66 Jourdain, M. The history of English secular embroid- ery. 1910. Illust. (partly col.) 746 J£6h Kendrick, A. F. English embroidery. 1904. Illust. (partly col.) 746 K33 Kirkwood, L. J. Sewing primer with songs and music; for schools and families. 1909. Illust. j646 K59 Koch, A., pub. Moderne stickereien; eine auswahl moderner stickerei-arbeiten in jeder technik, sowie newzeitlicher entwiirfe hervorragender kiinstler und kiinstlerinnen. 2 v. 1900. Illust. **746 qK76 Lefebure, E. Embroidery and lace; their manufacture and history to the present day; tr. and enl., with notes by A. S. Cole. 1888. Illust. *746 L48 McGlauflin, I. Handicraft for girls; a tentative course in needlework, basketry, designing, paper and card- board construction, textile fibers and fabrics and home decoration and care, designed for use in schools and homes. 1910. Illust. 646 M14 Miller, F. Work of the needle and designing for same. {In his Art crafts for amateurs. 1901. p. 175-97.) 740 M64a Morgan, Mrs. M. E. (H.). How to dress a doll. 1908. Illust. j646 M84 13 Morris, M. Of embroidery. {In Arts and crafts exhibition soc. Arts and crafts essays. 1893. p. 212- 23.) 704 A79 — Same. 1899. **704 A79 — Of materials. {In Arts and crafts exhibition soc. Arts and crafts essays. 1893. p. 365-75.) 704 A79 —Same. 1899. **704 A79 Muntz, E. Tapisseries, broderies et dentelles; recueil de modeles anciens et modernes. 1890. Illust. **746 qM97 Patton, F. Home and school sewing. 1901. Illust. 646 P32 Ralston, V. When mother lets us sew. 1910. Illust. j646 R16 Sedding, J. D. Design. {In Arts and crafts exhibi- tion soc. Arts and crafts essays, 1893. p. 405-13.) 704 A79 — Same. 1899. **704 A79 Spitzer, F. Broderies et etoffes; 14 planches avec de- scription. {In his La collection Spitzer. 1890-92. v. 5, p. 195-239.) Study R. G708 fS7 v. 5 Townsend, W. G. P. Embroidery; or, The craft of the needle, by W. G. P. Townsend. . . . assisted by Louisa F. Pesel, with preface by Walter Crane; containing 86 illusts. 1908. 746 T75e2 Turner, M. E. Of modern embroidery. {In Arts and crafts exhibition soc. Arts and crafts essays. 1893. p. 355-64.) * 704 A79 —Same. 1899. **704 A79 TJ. S. Indian affairs , Office of. Synopsis of course in sewing. 1911. Illust. **646 U58 Church Embroidery. Barber, Mrs. M. Some drawings of ancient embroid- ery. 1880. Illust. G247.7 fB23 14 Dolby, A. Church embroidery, ancient and modern. Practically illustrated. 1867. **247.7 D66 Lace. C., A. S. A renascence of the Irish art of lace-making; illust. by photographic reproductions of Irish laces; with notes and descriptions. 1888. Illust. *746 Cll Clark, W. A. G. Lacy industry in England and France. 1909. Illust. **746 C61 Pub. by the U. S. Bureau of manufacturers. Cole, A. S. Of lace. {In Arts and crafts exhibition soc. Arts and crafts essays. 1893. p. 224-36.) 704 A79 — Same . 1899. **704 A79 Fischbach, F. Lace album. 1884. 25 plates, in portf. **746 fFS Goldenberg, S. L. Lace, its origin and history. 1904. Illust. 746 G61 Hale, L. P. Art needlework; point-lace; a guide to lace-work. 1879. Illust. 746 Hl6p Hawidns, D. W. Old point-lace and how to copy and imitate it. 1878. Illust. *746 H39 Ingalls, J. F., pub . Ingall’s handbook of crochet and knitted lace. 1885. Illust. 746 I44c — Ingall’s handbook of darned lace patterns; and , Macrame lace and rick-rack trimming. 1885. Illust. 746 144 Jackson, E. A history of hand-made lace. 1900. Illust. 746 J13 Jourdain, M. Old lace, a handbook for collectors; an account of the different styles of lace, their history, characteristics and manufacture. 1909. Illust. 746 J86 Lefebure, E. Embroidery and lace; tr. and enl. with notes by A. S. Cole. 1888. Illust. *746 L48 Milroy, M. E. W. Home lace-making; a handbook for teachers and pupils. 1906. Illust. 746 M66 15 Mincoff, E. and Marriage, M. S. Pillow lace; a prac- tical handbook. 1907. Illust. 746 M67 Moore, Mrs. N. H. The lace book, with seventy engrav- ings showing specimens of lace, or its wear in famous portraits. 1904. **746 M821 Muntz, E. Tapisseries, broderies et dentelles, recueil de modeles anciens et modernes. 1890. Illust. 4 **746 qM97 Palliser, Mrs. F. History of lace; rev., rewritten and enl. under the editorship of M. Jourdain and A. Dry- den. 1902. Illust. **746 Pi 682 Pollen, Mrs. J. H. Seven centuries of lace; with a preface by Alan Cole. 1908. Illust. **746 fP77 Sharp, M. Point and pillow lace; a short account of various kinds, ancient and modern, and how to recog- nize them. 1905. Illust. 746 S53 Strassen, M. zur, comp. Spitzen des 16-19, jahrhun- derts aus den sammlungen des kunstgewerbe-muse- ums zu Leipzig ausgewahlt Theil 1-2. (Ornamentale und kunstgewerbliche sammelmappe. 1887-95, v. 4-5.) Study R. **745 f07 v.4-5 U. S. Manufactures , Bureau of. Swiss embroidery and lace industry, by W. A. G. Clark. 1908. Illust. **677 U58s Jewelry. Bauer, M. H. Precious stones; a popular account of their characters, etc., tr. by L. J. Spencer. 1904. Illust. (partly col.) **553.8 R34p Babelon, E. La gravure en pierres fines; camees et intailles. 1894. Illust. 736 Bll Bryant, J. and Cole, W. Gemmarum antiquarum delectus; choix de pierres antiques gravees du cabinet du due de Marlborough. 2 v. 1845. Illust. G736 fB9 Contains engravings by Bartolozzi 16 Cattelle, W. R. The diamond. 1911. Illust. 553.8 C36d — The pearl. 1907. Illust. 553.8 C36p — Precious stones ; a book of reference for jewelers. 1903. Illust. 553.8 C36 Church, A. H. Precious stones considered in their scientific and artistic relations. 1883. Illust. (South Kensington museum art handbooks.) *708.2 S72a v. 4 Collins, J. E. The private book of useful alloys and memoranda for goldsmiths, jewelers, etc. 18 — . 671 C71 Davenport, C. J. H. Cameos. 1900. Illust. **705 P8 no. 41 — Jewelery. 1905. Illust. 736 B24 Dawson, N. Goldsmiths’ and silversmiths’ work. 1907. Illust. **739 D27 Edwards, C. The history and poetry of finger rings. 1855. Illust. 391.7 E26 Emanuel, H. Diamonds and precious stones. 1867. Illust. G736 E53 Gee, G. E. Jeweler’s assistant in the art of working in gold. 1892. 671 G29j — Practical gold-worker. 1877. 671 G29 Holme, C., ed. Modern design in jewelery and fans. 1902. Illust. (partly col.) **736 qH74 Jones, W. Finger-ring lore; historical, legendary, anecdotal. 1877. Illust. 391.7 J79 King, C. W. Antique gems and rings. 1872. 2 v. **736 K52a Kunz, G. F. Gems and precious stones of North Amer- ica. 1890. Illust. **736 qK96 Luthmer, F. Ornamental jewelery of the renaissance in relation to costume. 1882. Illust. (partly col.) **391.7 fL9 17 Morgan, J. P. Catalogue of [his] collection of jewels and precious works of art; compiled at his request by G. C. Williamson. 1910. Illust. Study R. **736 fM84 Pollen, J. H. Gold and silver smiths’ work. 1879. Illust. (Kensington museum art handbooks.) *708.2 S72a v. 18 Rathbone, R. L. B. Simple jewelry; a practical hand- book dealing with certain elementary methods of design and construction, written for the use of crafts- men, designers, students and teachers. 1910. Illust. 736 R23 Sanford, F. G. Bead work. {In his Art crafts for begin- ners. 1904. p. 261-70.) Illust. 740 S22a Spitzer, F. Les bijoux et les bagues; 7 planches avec description. {In his La collection Spitzer. 1890-92. v. 3, p. 127-71.) Study R. G708 fS7 v. 3 White, M. How to do bead work; illust. by the author. 1904. 746 W58 Wilson, H. Silverwork and jewelry. 1903. Illust. 739 W74 Wodiska, J. A book of precious stones. Illust. (partly col.) 553.8 W83 Leather Work. Charles, M. Lessons in leather work; tr. from the French by C. T. Mason. 1906. Illust. 745 C47 Leland, C. G. Leather work. 1882. Illust. **749 L531 — Leather work; a practical manual for learners. 1892. Illust. 698.8 L53 — The minor arts: porcelain painting, wood-carving, etc. 1880. Illust. 738 L53 Marks, M., ed. Leather decoration. {In his Home arts and crafts. 1903. p. 77-87.) 740 M34 18 Miller, F. Bookbinding and leather work. {In his Art crafts for amateurs. 1901. p.96-116.) 740 M64a Recy, G. de. The decoration of leather; from the French, by M. Nathan. 1905. Illust. 745 R29 Spitzer, F. Les cuirs; 6 planches avec description. {In his La collection Spitzer. 1890-92. v. 2, p. 191- 218.) Study R. 708 fS7 v. 2 Wilson, W. Leather work. 1908. Illust. 745 W75 Metal Work. American art in bronze and iron. 1906 — . Illust. Issued irregularly. **671 qA51 Bell, M. Old pewter. 1905. Illust. **739 B43 Bode, W. The Italian bronze statuettes of the renais- sance. 1907-08. 2 portfs. of plates. Study R. G739 fB66 Boston. Museum of fine arts. American silver, the work of 17th and 18th century silversmiths. 1906. Illust. **739 B74 Brannt, W. T., ed. Metal worker’s handy-book of receipts and processes. 1890. Illust. 671 B82m Buck, J. H. Old plate, ecclesiastical, decorative and domestic. 1903. Illust. **671 B9202 Cellini, B. Treatise on goldsmithing and sculpture. 1898. Illust. G739 qC39 Chaffers, W. Gilda aurifabrorum ; a history of English goldsmiths and plate workers and their marks, n. d. Illust. **739 C43 Colnen, F. Essays on glass, china, silver, etc., in con- nection with the Willet-Holthuysen museum collec- tion, Amsterdam. 1907. Illust. 738 C67 Cripps, W. J. Old English plate; ecclesiastical, decora- tive and domestic. 1903. Illust. **736 C9313 — Old French plate. 1880. Illust. G736 C931f 19 Dawson, N. Goldsmiths’ and silversmiths’ work. 1907. Illust. **739 D27 Ebbetts, D. J. Examples of decorative wrought iron work of the 17th and 18th centuries. 1879. Illust. **739 fEl5 Elwell, N. W. Colonial silverware of the 17th and 18th centuries. 1899. Illust. **739 fE52 Erskine, F. J. Bent iron work. 18- ? Illust. 745 E73 Evans, Sir J. The ancient bronze implements, weapons and ornaments of Great Britain and Ireland. 1881. Illust. G571.3 E92 Ferrari, G., ed. II ferro nell’ arte italiana del medio, del rinascimento, del periodo barocco e neoclassico. 190-? Illust. **729 qF38 Fortnum, C. D. E. Bronzes. 1877. Illust. *708.2 872a v. 7 — Descriptive catalogue of the bronzes of European origin in the South Kensington museum. 1876. Illust. **739 S72f Gale, E. J. Pewter and the amateur collector. 1909. Illust. *739 G15 Gardner, J. S. Iron work. 2 v. 1893-6. *708.2 S72a v. 10-11 — Old silver work chiefly English. 1903. Illust. 739 fG22 Gawthorp. A manual of practical instruction in the art of brass repouss6 for amateurs. 3d ed. rev. and enl. 1902. Illust. 739 G28 Gowland, W. The art of casting bronze in Japan. {In Smithsonian inst. Ann. rept. 1894, p. 609-651.) Illust. **506 86 1894 Greey, E. Brief history of Japanese bronze. 1888. Illust. **739 qG81 Haslope, L. L. Repousse work for amateurs; the art of ornamenting thin metal with raised figures. 1886. Illust. 739 H35 20 Hoentschel, G, Collections Georges Hoentschel, ac- quises par J. P. Morgan, et pretees au Metropolitan museum de New York; notices de Andre Perate et Gaston Briere. 1908. 4 portfs. of plates. G739 fH69 Howard, M. Old London silver. 1903. Illust. (partly col.) **739 qH85 Hurrell, J. W. Measured drawings of old oak English furniture, also of some remains of . . . metal work, . . etc. 1902. Illust. **749 fH96 Jones, E. A. The church plate of the diocese of Bangor. 1906. Illust. **247.8 qJ77b — The old church plate of the Isle of Man. 1907. Illust. **247.8 J77 Leland, C. G. Elementary metal work; a practical manual for amateurs and for use in schools. 1900. Illust. 739 L53 — Repousse work; or, Embossing on sheet brass. 1882. Illust. **739 L53 Lethaby, W. R. Lead work, old and ornamental. 1893. Illust. 739 L64 Lowes, E. L. Chats on old silver. 1909. Illust. 739 L91 Markham, C. A. Pewter marks and old pewter ware, domestic and ecclesiastical. 1909. Illust. 739 M 34 Marks, M., ed. Metal work. {In his Home arts and crafts. 1903. p. 88-113.) 740 M 34 Masse, H. J. L. J. Chats on old pewter. 1911. Illust. 739 M41 — Pewter plate. 1904. Illust. **739 qM41 Metman, L., and others. Le bronze, le cuivre, l’etain, le plomb. 190-? 80 plates in portf. G739 fM59 v. 2 — Le fer. 190-? 130 plates in portf. G739 fM 59 v. 1 Meyer, F. S. Handbook of art smithing ; translated from the German. 1896. Illust. 745 M61 21 Miller, F. Beaten metal work or repousse. {In his Art crafts for amateurs. 1901. p. 44-70.) 740 M64a — Clay modeling and metal work in relief. {In his Art crafts for amateurs. 1901. p. 71-81.) 740 M64a Moore, Mrs. N. H. Old pewter, brass, copper and Sheffield plate. 1905. Illust. 739 M81 Moser, F. Sketches for wrought iron art work; chiefly in the styles of the 16th-18th centuries. 189-? Illust. **745 fM8 Murray, A. S. Greek bronzes. 1898. Illust. **739 M98 — Same. {In Portfolio, 1898.) **705 P8 1898 Ornamental iron work. {In Internat. lib. of technology, v. 31, 118 p.) 600 161 v. 31 Pazaurek, G. E. Kunstschmiede und scholsserarbeiten des 13-18 jahrhunderts. (Ornamentale und kunst- gewerbliche sammelmappe. 1887-95. v. 6.) Illust. Study R. **745 f07 v. 6 Pugin, A. W. N. Designs for gold and silversmiths. 1830. Illust. {In his Gothic ornaments of the 15th and 16th centuries.) **723.5 qP9 — Designs for iron and brass work in the style of the 15th and 16th centuries. {In his Gothic ornaments, 1830- 36.) Illust. **723.5 qP9 Rade, M. Ornamental metal work from the Royal historical museum at Dresden. 190-? Illust. G739 fR12 Redfarn, W. B. Ancient wood and iron work in Cam- bridge. 1886. Illust. **736 fR31 Redman, W. Illustrated handbook of information in pewter and Sheffield plate. 1903. Illust.- 739 R31 Rose, A. F. Copper work; a text-book for teachers and students in the manual arts. 1906. Illust. 739 R79 22 Sanford, F. G. Sheet-metal work. {In his Art crafts for beginners, p. 67-133.) 1904. Illust. 740 S22a Schubert, A. Wrought iron railways in renaissance and Gothic style; sketches with drawings in working size. 18-? Plates (partly col.) in portf. **745 fS38 Somzee, L. Sammlung Somzee; antike kunstdenkmaler. Illust. G733 fS6 South Kensington museum. Science and art department. Iron work. 1898. Illust. **708.2 fS72i Spitzer, F. L’orfevrerie civile; 15 planches, avec des- cription. {In his La collection Spitzer, 1890-92. v. 3, p. 1-31.) Study R. G708 fS7 v. 3 — La sculpture, marbre, pierre, terre cuite, bronze. 22 planches avec description. {In his La collection Spit- zer. 1890-92. v. 4, p. 89-122.) Study R. G708 fs7 v. 4 Talbert, B. J. Gothic forms applied to furniture, metal work and decoration for domestic purposes. 2 v. 1873-77. Illust. **749 fTl3 Tavenor- Perry, J. Dinanderie; a history and descrip- tion of mediaeval art work in copper, brass and bronze. 1910. Illust. **739 T23 Tijou, J. New booke of drawings; cont. severall sortes of iron worke; reproduced by J. S. Gardner. 1896. Illust. **739 T56 Veitch, H. N. Sheffield plate; its history, manufacture and art. 1908. Illust. **739 V42 Weaver, L. English lead work, its art and history. 1909. Illust. **729 qW36 Welch, C. . History of the Worshipful company of pew- terers of the city of London, based upon their own records. 1902. Illust. (partly col.) **671 W93w Wheatley, H. B., and Delamotte, P. H. Art work in gold and silver; mediaeval. 1882. Illust. *739 W55 23 Pottery. American ceramic society. Transactions, vol. 1, 1899- date. **738 A51 Barber, E. A. Artificial soft paste porcelain, France, Italy, Spain and England. 1907. Illust. 738 B23a — Lead glazed pottery. 1907. Illust. 738 B231 — The pottery and porcelain of the United States. 3d ed., rev. and enl. 1909. Illust. R738 B23p2 — Salt glazed stoneware, Germany, Flanders, England and the United States. 1907. Illust. 738 B23s — Tin enamelled pottery; maiolica, delft and other stan- niferous faience. 1907. Illust. 738 B23t Berling, K. Das meissner porzellan und seine geschichte. 1900. Illust. G738 fB51 Binns, C. F. The potter’s craft; a practical guide for the studio and workshop. 1910. Illust. 738 B61p — Story of the potter; account of the rise and progress of the principal manufactures of pottery and porce- lain. 1898. Illust. 738 B61 Blacker, J. F. The A B C of collecting old English pot- tery. 1910. Illust. 738 B62 Boston. Mass. Museum of fine arts. Catalogue of the Morse collection of Japanese pottery, by E. S. Morse. 1901. Illust. G738 qB74 Bowes, J. L. Japanese pottery; with notes and illus- trations from examples in the Bowes collection. 1890. **738 qB78p Brinkley, F. Keramic art. {In his Japan and China. v. 8-9. 1902.) 952 B85 v. 8-9 Brongniart, A. Coloring and decoration of ceramic ware; tr. from the French by G. J. M. Ashby. 1898. Illust. 738 B86 Burton, W. History and description of English porce- lain. 1902. Illust. (col.) **738 B97 24 Bushell, S. W., and Laffan, W. M. Catalogue of the Morgan collection of Chinese porcelains. 1907. Illust. **738 B974 Bushell, S. W., ed. Oriental ceramic art; illustrated by examples from the collection of W. T. Walters. 10 v. 1897. AR16 738 xW2 Chaffers, W. The collector’s handbook to {ceramics of the renaissance and modern periods. 1909. Illust. R738 C43c — Keramic gallery. 2 v. 1872. Illust. G738 C43 Contains examples of rare and choice pieces of pottery and porcelain. Dillon, E. Porcelain. 1904. Illust. **738 D57p Boat, T. Grand feu ceramics; tr. from the French by S. E. Robineau, with notes on the use of American clays for porcelain and gres, by C. F. Binns. 1905. Illust. 738 D53 Downman, E. A. English pottery and porcelain. 5th ed. rev. and enl. by A. D. Gunn. 1910. Illust. 738 D75e2 Earle, Mrs. A. M. China collecting in America. 1892. Illust. R738 E12 — Same. 738 E12 Elward, R. On collecting engravings, pottery, porce- lain, glass and silver. 1905. 738 E52 Fewkes, J. W. Ruins in Tusayan: Pottery. ( In Smith, inst. Bur. of Amer. ethnology , 17th ann. rept. p. 650-728.) Illust. (col.) **572 qS66 v. 17 — Two summers’ work in Pueblo ruins. {In Smith, inst. Bur. of Amer. ethnology, 22d ann. rept. p. 1-196.) Illust. (col.) **572 qS66 v. 22, pt. 1 Fortnum, C. D. E. Majolica. 1896. Illust. **738 F74 Frantz, H. French pottery and porcelain. 1906. Illust. **738 F83 Guiland, W. G. Chinese porcelains. 2 v. 1898. Illust. **738 G97 25 Halsey, R. T. H. Pictures of early New York on dark blue Staffordshire pottery, with pictures of Boston and New England, etc. 1899. Illust. G738 qHl9 Havard, H. Histoire de la faience de Delft. 1878. Illust. *738 qH3 Hayden, A. Chats on English china. 1904. Illust. 738 H41 Hobson, R. L. Worcester porcelain. 1910. Illust. (partly col.) G738 fH67 Hodgson, Mrs. W. How to identify old china. 1904. Illust. **738 H69 — Same. 1905. 738 K69 Holmes, W. H. Aboriginal pottery of the eastern United States. (In Smith, inst. Bur. of Amer. eth- nology , 20th ann. rept. p. 1-237.) Illust. **572 qS66 v. 20 Janvier, Mrs. C. A. Practical keramics for students. 1880. 666.3 J35p Jervis, W. P., comp. Encyclopedia of ceramics. 1902. Illust. R738 J57 — A pottery primer. 1911. Illust. 738 J55 Jewitt, L. F. W. The ceramic art of Great Britain from pre-historic times down to the present day. 2 v. 1878. Illust. G738 J59 Keramic studio, vols. 5-10, 1903-date. 738 fK39 Knowles, W. P. Dutch pottery and porcelain. 1904. Illust. (partly col.) 738 K73 Langenbeck, K. Chemistry of pottery. 1895. 666.3 L27 Litchfield, F. Pottery and porcelain; a guide to col- lectors. 1900. Illust. R738 L77 McLaughlin, M. L. Pottery decoration under the glaze. 1885. 738 M16 Marryat, J. History of pottery and porcelain. 1868. Ifiust. G738 M36 Mew, E. Chelsea and Chelsea-Derby china. 190-? Illust. (partly col.) *738 M61c 26 — Dresden china. 190-? Illust. (partly col.) *738 M61d — Japanese porcelain. 190-? Illust. (partly col.) *738 M61j — Old Bow china. 190-? Illust. (partly col.) *738 M61 — Old Chinese porcelain. 190-? Illust. *738 M61o — Royal Sevres china. 190- ? Illust. (partly col.) *738 M61r Monkhouse, W. C. History and description of Chinese porcelain. 1901. Illust. **738 M74 Moore, Mrs. N. H. The collector’s manual. 1906. Illust. 749 qM82c — Delftware, Dutch and English. 1908. Illust. 738 M82d Old china; monthly; v. 1-3. Oct., 1901-Sept., 1904. Illust. Publication discontinued. Pier, G. C. Pottery of the near East. 1909. Illust. *738 P61 Prime, W. C. Pottery and porcelain of all times and nations. 1878. Illust. G738 P95 Rhead, G. W., and F. A. Staffordshire pots and pot- ters. 1907. Illust. 738 R46 Solon, L. M. E. Brief history of old English porcelain and its manufactories. 1903. Illust. (col.) **738 S68 Sparkes, J. C. L. and Gandy, W. Potters; their arts and crafts. 1897. Illust. 666.3 S73p Spelman, W. W. R. Lowestoft china. 1905. Illust. **738 S74 Spitzer, F. Les faiences de B. Palissy; 7 planches avec description. (In his La collection Spitzer. 1890-92. v. 2, p. 135-58.) Study R. G708 fS7 v. 2 — Les faiences de Saint-Porchaire; 3 planches avec de- scription. (In his La collection Spitzer. 1890-92. v. 2, p. 117-33.) Study R. G708 fS7 v. 2 27 - — Les faiences italiennes, hispano-moresques et orien- tates; 24 planches avec description. (In his La col- lection Spitzer. 1890-92. v. 4, p. 1-88.) Study R. G708 fS7 v. 4 Van de Put, A. Hispano-Moresque ware of the 15th century. 1904. Illust. (partly col.) **738 V22 Walters, H. B. History of ancient pottery, Greek, Etruscan and Roman. 1905. Illust. **738 W23 White, M. How to make pottery. 1904. Illust. 666.3 W58h Wylde, C. H. How to collect continental china. 1907. Illust. 738 W98 Yoxall, Sir J. H. The ABC about collecting. 1910. Illust. 738 Y83 For Greek pottery, see special list on Greek vases. Stenciling. Leland, C. G. The minor arts: stenciling, modeling, etc. 1880. Illust. 738 L53 — Stenciling. 1882. Illust. (Art work manual) **747 L53 Miller, F. Stenciling. (In his Art crafts for amateurs. 1901. p. 212-23.) Illust. 740 M64a Mitchell, F. Scott-. Practical stencil work. 1906. Illust. 747 M68 For stencil designs, see also — Books and plates on Japanese art; General index to The Studio, v. 1-21. **705 qS9x Weaving, Dyeing, Rugs, Textile Fabrics. Weaving Ashenhurst, T. R. Practical treatise on weaving and designing of textile fabrics. 1879. Illust. 677 A82p 28 Ashton, F. T. Theory and practice of the art of design- ing fancy cotton and woolen cloths. 1874. Illust. *677 fA82 Barlow, A. History and principles of weaving by hand and by power. 1878. Illust. G677 B25 Bayley, A. M. C. Spinning and weaving. (In Woman’s library, v. 4, p. 217-59. 1903.) 396.5 W872 v. 4 Beaumont, R. Woolen and worsted cloth manufacture. 1888. Illust. 677 B37 Bell, T. F. Jacquard weaving and designing. 1895. Illust. 677 B43 Brown, A. Practical treatise on the construction of the power loom and the art of weaving; 7th ed. rewritten. 1896. Illust. 677 B8772 Draper company. Labor saving looms; a treatise on plain weaving. 1904. Illust. 677 D761 Fox, T. W. Mechanism of weaving. 2d ed. rev. 1900. Illust. 677 F79m2 Geldard, J. Handbook on cotton manufacture. 1867. Illust. **677 G31 Gilroy, C. G. Art of weaving; with account of its rise and progress. 1845. Illust. **677 G48w — The history of silk, cotton, linen, wool and other fibrous substances; including observations on spinning, dyeing and weaving. 1845. Illust. **677 G48 and 677 G48 Gruner, A. Power loom weaving and yarn number- ing according to various systems; tr. by C. Salter. 1900. 677 G89 Hollister, U. S. The Navajo and his blanket. 1903. Illust. 970.3 N31h Hooper, L. Hand loom weaving, plain and ornamental. 1910. Illust. (partly col.) 677 H78 Knapp, E. S. Raffia and reed weaving. 1902. Illust. 674 K67 29 Marsden, R. Cotton weaving; its development, prin- ciples and practice. 1895. Illust- 677 M36c Mason, O. T. A primitive frame for weaving narrow fabrics. {In U. S. National museum. Ann. rept. 1899. p. 485-510.) Illust. **506 S6 1899 v. 2 Matthews, W. Navajo weavers. {In U. S. Bur. of ethnology . Ann. rept. 1811-82, v. 3, p. 371-391.) Illust. **572 S66 v. 3 Nourse, H. S. The power loom; its genesis in Worces- ter County. 1904. **677 N93 and 677 N93 Posselt, E. A. The Jacquard machine analyzed. 188-? Illust. 677 P85j2 — Recent improvements in textile machinery relating to weaving. 3 v. 1898-190-? Illust. 677 P85 — Technology of textile design. 1889. Illust. 677 P85t Taylor, J. T. Cotton weaving and designing. 1901. Illust. 677 T24 Todd, M. P. Hand loom weaving; a manual for school and home. 1902. Illust. 677 T63 Weeden, W. B. The art of weaving; a handmaid of civilization. {In Amer. hist, assoc. Ann. rept. 1902, v. 1, p. 191-210.) **906 A512 v. 1 Woolen and worsted cam looms, woolen and worsted fancy looms, etc. — Glossary of weaves, elementary textile designing, etc. {In International lib. of tech- nology. 1906. v. 80-81.) 600 161 v. 80-81 Young, T. M. The American cotton industry; a study of work and workers. 1903. 677 Y77 Dyeing Beaumont, R. Color in woven design. 1890. Illust. **677 B37c Fraps, G. S. Principles of dyeing. 1903. Illust. 667 F83 30 Gardner, W. M. Wool dyeing. 2 v. 1896-190- ? Illust. 667.2 G22 Hurst, G. H. Silk dyeing, printing and finishing. 1892. Illust. *667.2 H96 Contains colored samples. Matthews, W. Navajo dye stuffs. {In Smithsonian inst. Ann. rept. 1891, p. 613-615.) **506 S6 1891 Owen, F. A. The dyeing and cleaning of textile fabrics. 1909. 667.2 097 Paterson, D. Color printing of carpet yarns; manual for color chemists and textile printers. 1900. 667 P29 Rawson, C. and others, comp. Dictionary of dyes, mor- dants and other compounds used in dyeing and calico printing. 1901. **667.2 R26 Rugs Albee, Mrs. H. R. Abnakee rugs; a manual describing the abnakee industry, the methods used, with instruc- tions for dyeing. 1901. 677 A32 Coxon, H. Oriental carpets; how they are made and conveyed to Europe. 1884. Illust. *677 C87 Dunn, E. Rugs in their native land. 1910. Illust. (partly col.) 745 D92 Ellwanger, W. D. The oriental rug. 1903. Illust. 745 E47 Gurdji, V. Oriental rug weaving. 1901. Illust. 745 G97 Holt, R. B. Rugs, oriental and occidental, antique and modern ; a handbook for ready reference. 1901 . Illust. *745 qH75 Humphries, S. Oriental carpets, runners and rugs, and some Jacquard reproductions. 1910. Illust. (col.) **745 qH92 31 Langton, Mrs. M. B. How to know oriental rugs, a handbook. 1904. Illust. (partly col.) 745 L28h Mumford, J. K. Oriental rugs. 1901. Illust. G745 qM96 — Same. 1900. *745 qM96 Ripley, M. C. The oriental rug book. 1904. Illust. (partly col.) 745 R59 Robinson, V. J . Eastern carpets ; twelve early examples. 1882. Illust. (col.) Study R. **745 fR6 Vienna. Kaiserliche und konigliche kunsthistorisches Hof -museum. Oriental carpets; English edition ed. by C. P. Clarke. 3 v. 1892. Illust. (partly col.) AR-27 **745 fV6 West, M. Domestic weaving and rug making. ( In U. S. Labor , Dept, of , Bulletin, 1904, v. 9, pt. 2, p. 1573-97.) **331 U58 v. 9, pt. 2 Wheeler, Mrs. C. (T.). How to make rugs. 1902. Illust. 677 W56 Yerkes, C. T. The Yerkes collection of oriental carpets; with critical text by J. K. Mumford. 1910. Col. plates in portf. Study R. G745 fY47 Textile Fabrics Ashenhurst, T. R. Design in textile fabrics. 1883. Illust. 677 A82 Bagnall, W. R. Textile industries of the United States. v. 1, 1639-1810. 1893. Portraits. 677 B14 Barker, A. F. Textiles. 1910. Illust. 677 B25 Cyclopedia of textile work; a general reference library on cotton, woolen and worsted yarn manufacture, weaving, designing, chemistry and dyeing, finishing, knitting and allied subjects. 7 v. 1907. Illust. 677 C99 Dannerth, F. The methods of textile chemistry; being the syllabus of a lecture course adapted for use in textile laboratories. 1908. 677 D18 32 Dooley, W. H. Textiles for commercial, industrial, evening and domestic art schools. 1910. 677 D69 Holmes, W. H. Study of the textile art in its relation to the development of form and ornament. 1 8- ? Illust. 745 H75 Hummel, J. J. Dyeing of textile fabrics. 1885. Illust. 667 H92 Kittredge, H. G. and Gould, A. C. History of the American card clothing industry. 1886. **677 K62 and 677 K62 Lord, R. T. Decorative and fancy textile fabrics with designs and illustrations. 1898. 677 L86 Morris, W. Textiles. ( In Arts and crafts exhibition soc. Arts and crafts essays. 1893, p. 22-38.) **704 A79 and 704 A79 Nisbet, H. Grammar of textile design. 1906. Illust. 677 N72 Posselt, E. A. Structure of fibres, yarns and fabrics. 1892. Illust. 677 F85s — Textile calculations; a guide to the construction of all kinds of yarns and fabrics. 1896. Illust. 658 P85 Rock, D. Textile fabrics. 1876. Illust. (South Ken- sington mus. Art handbooks.) *708.2 S72a v. 21 Rothwell, C. F. S. The printing of textile fabrics; a practical manual on the printing of cotton, woolen, silk and half silk fabrics. 1897. Illust. 677 R84 Contains mounted specimens of printed fabrics. Stephenson, C. and Suddards, F. Text-book dealing with ornamental design for woven fabrics. 1897. Illust. 745 S83 Textile world; monthly, v. 7, 1894 — date. **677 T35 U. S. Consuls. Cotton textiles in foreign countries. 1890. (Special consular repts. v. 1.) **382 U58s v. 1 and 677 U58c 33 U. S. Manufactures , Bureau of . Cotton fabrics in Brit- ish India and the Philippines, by W. A. G. Clark. 1907. 677 U58ma — Cotton fabrics in middle Europe: Germany, Austria- Hungary, Switzerland. 1908. Illust. 677 U58c Verneuil, M. P., ed. Japanese textiles, woven and embroidered; a series of 80 colored plates illust. upwards of 200 choice examples from important museums and private collections, with introd. by G. Migeon. 4 portfs. AR-18 G745 fV53 Watson, K. H. Textiles and clothing. 1907. Illust. 640 L69 v. 10 Winship, A. E. Our industries; fabrics. 1897. Illust. J677 W77 The library has special books on Calico printing; Clothing; Cotton; Dry goods; Fibres; Flax; Linen; Silk; Tapestry; Wool; Worsted; Yarn. Wood Carving. Bemrose, W. Fret cutting and perforated carving. *749 qB45 — Manual of wood carving, with designs. *736 B45 Bentley, M. L. Practical hints on the art of wood carving. 1889. Illust. 736 B47 Bond, F. Wood carvings in English churches. 1910. Illust. 736 B71 Crallan, F. A. Details of Gothic wood carving; draw- ings fr. original work chiefly of the 14th and 15th centuries; with notes. 1896. **736 fC88 Denning, D. Fretwork and marquetry; a manual of instructions. 1895. Illust. 749 D41 — Wood carving for amateurs. 1894. Illust. 736 D41 Ferrari, G., ed. Illegno nelb arte italiana, riproduzioni in parte inedite di saggi dal periodo romanico al neo- classico. 190-? Illust. **729 qF38l 34 Gibson, J. S. The wood carver. 1886. Illust. *736 fG44 Hasluck, P. N., ed. Wood carving, comprising practi- cal instructions, examples and designs inch 1146 work- ing drawings and photographic illust. 1908. 736 H35 Hoentschel, G. Collections Georges Hoentschel, ac- quieses par J. P. Morgan, et pretees au Metropolitan museum de New York; notices de A. P6rate et G. Briere. 1908. Plates in 4 portfs. G739 fH69 Hope, A. Manual of Sorrento and inlaid work for amateurs, with designs. 1876. *749 H79 Hulme, F. E. Examples for fret cutting and wood carving. 1877. Illust. G736 fH91e Jack, G. Wood carving: Design and workmanship, by George Jack. 1903. Illust. 736 J12 Leland, C. G. Manual of wood carving; rev. by J. J. Holtzapffel. 1891. Illust. 736 L53 — The minor arts: Porcelain painting, wood carving, etc. 1880. Illust. 738 L53 Leland, C. G., ed. Wood carving. 1881. Illust. (Art work manual.) **736 L53 Leland, C. G. and Lambert, F. C. Gouge work and indented wood work. ( In Useful arts and handi- crafts, 1899-1900, p. 71-97.) Illust. **740 U84 Leland, C. G. Wood carving for beginners. ( In Use- ful arts and handicrafts, 1899-1900, p. 49-72.) Illust. **740 U84 Marks, M., ed. Wood carving. {In his Home arts and crafts. 1903, p. 32-55.) Illust. 740 M34 Marshall, A. Specimens of antique carved furniture and wood work. 1888. Illust. **749 fM3 Matsuki, B. Catalogue of remarkable antique carv- ings taken from famous temples and palaces of old Japan. 1902. Illust. **736 M43 35 3 0112 072632968 Metman, L. and Briere, G. plates. Miller, F. Wood carving, teurs. 1901. p. 15-43.) Le bois. 1908. 2 portfs. of G736 fM59 ( In his Art crafts for ama- Illust. 740 M64a Sawyer, G. A. Fret sawing and wood carving for ama- j teurs. 1875. Illust. 747 S27j Spitzer, F. Les sculptures en buis et en pierre de Munich; 11 planches. (In his La collection Spitzer jjj 1890-92. v. 3, p. 249-88.) Study R. G708 fS7 v.‘ Plowden, E. R. Progressive studies and other designs for wood carvers; 5 sheets with descriptive notes. 1898. **736 fP73 Redfarn, W. B. Ancient wood and iron work in Cam- bridge. 1886. Illust. **736 fR31 Reeks, M. E. Wood carving. (In Woman’s library. v. 4, p. 139-75. 1903.) Illust. 396.5 W872 v. 4 Rowe, E. Hints on chip carving and simple northern styles. 3d ed. rev. and enl. 1896. Illust. 736 R87 — Hints on wood carving, recreative classes and mod- eling for beginners. 1900. Illust. 736 R87w Rowe, E., ed. French wood carvings from the national museums; printed in collotype from photographs taken from the carvings direct. 1896-97. ,**736 fR87 Rowe, E. Practical wood carving; a book for the stu- dent, designer and architect; 114 illust. from photo- tographs and 55 from line drawings inch an original sketch by R. Caldecott. 1907. 736 R87p j! Sanders, W. B. Examples of carved oak wood work in the houses and furniture of the 16th and 17th centuries. 1883. Illust. **736 fS21 Seaton, Sir T. A manual of fret cutting and wood| carving. 1875. Illust. 736 S44|j Small, J. W. Scottish wood work of the 16th and 1 7thfi centuries. Illust. **736 fSC 36