[027.831 |N5622b cop.l Nebraska State Teachers College at Kearney BULLETIN JULY, 1921 BOOKS FOR ELEMENTARY SCHOOLS SELECTED BY ANNA V. JENNINGS, Librarian STATE TEACHERS COLLEGE. KEARNEY, NEBRASKA LILA BOWEN, Librarian ELEMENTARY SCHOOLS, OMAHA, NEBRASKA SUGGESTIONS Every school should plan to spend, at least $25 a year for the library. The titles starred are recommended for first purchase. Con- sider the number of pupils in the grades and select books accordingly. Supplementary readers should be considered as text books and kept separ- ate from the regular school library. HOW TO ORDER In ordering books use all the items given in the list i. e. the author, title, publisher and price. Prices quoted will vary owing to the in- creased cost of materials. Books may be ordered from A. C. McClurg & Co., Chicago, 111., or through the local book dealer. PREPARATION OF THE BOOKS 1. When books are received, check the bill and write date, from whom bought and price, on first right hand page after the title page e. g. 2 Ja. 21. McClurg. 50c. 2. Use rubber stamp, like sample, on inside of front cover LIBRARY DISTRICT No. 40 AMHERST, NEBRASKA BOOK No Stamp may be bought at George Bros., Lincoln, or through local printer or book dealer. a . 7 * 88 * $ 6 ** b top ( Bannerman. Little Black Sambo Blaisdll. Boy Blue and his friends Brown & Bailey. Jingle Primer Chance. Little folks of many lands Coe & Christine. The story hour readers. Cox. Brownie primer Crane. Mother Hubbard’s picture book Dopp. Early cave men Dopp. Tree dwellers Dutton. In field and pasture Field. Eugene Field reader Grover. Overall boys Grover. Sunbonnet babies’ primer Holbrook. Hiawatha primer Jewett. Hopi, the cliff dweller McManus. Nursery tales primer Maguire. Two little Indians Miller. Little people of the snow O’Shea. Six nursery classics Potter. Tale of Peter Rabbit Quinn & O’Neill. Kewpie primer Robinson. In toyland Seri & Evans. Work-a-day doings Sherman. Little folks lyrics Smith. Little Mother Goose Smith. Eskimo stories Wiltsie. Folklore stories and proverbs .. Stokes Little A. B. C. Ginn Books 1-2 each A. B. C. Century Lane Rand Rand A. B. C. Scribner Rand Rand Houghton Educ. Pub. Co Scribner Flanagan Flanagan Heath Warne Stokes Little Silver Houghton Dodd Rand Ginn Grades 3 and 4 Alcott. Louise M. Alcott reader Little Alden. Why the chimes rang Bobbs Andrews. Stories Mother Nature told Ginn Bailey. Boys and girls of colonial days Flanagan Baldwin. Fifty famous stories A. B. C. Baldwin. Old Greek stories A. B. C. Bass. Stories of pioneer life Heath Bingham. Mother goose village - Rand Brown. In the days of giants Houghton Burgess. Mother West Wind’s neighbors Little Cady & Dewey. Picture stories from great artists Macmillan Campbell. Story of Jan, the Dutch boy Educ. Pub. Co. Carey. Ballads for the little folks Houghton Craik. Little lame prince'* illus. by Dunlap Rand Deming & Deming. American animal life Stokes Finley. Little bird blue Houghton Fox. Farmer Brown and the birds Page Grimm. Household stories Macmillan Harris. Uncle Remus and the little boy Small Henderson. Anderson’s best fairy tales Rand Kipling. Just so stories Doubleday Lorenzini. Pinocchio Ginn Mills. Story of Scotch Houghton Perkins. Dutch twins Houghton Perkins. French twins Houghton .33 .26 .26 .43 .50 .95 1.23 .38 .38 .50 .36 .45 .32 .40 .30 .43 .24 .30 .18 .43 .50 .40 .30 .60 1.00 .40 .32 .75 1.50 .50 .75 .35 .45 .40 .40 .50 .75 .3] .25 1.25 1.25 1.50 .75 .34 .50 1.00 .40 1.20 .40 .75 .50 •75 Pierce. Among the meadowpeople Dutton .40 Pratt. Legends of red children A. B. C. .30 Proudfoot. Hiawatha industrial reader Rand .30 Pumphrey. Pilgrim stories Rand .39 Radford. King Arthur, anf his knights Rand .30 Richards. Pig brother Little .50 Schwartz. Five little strangers A. B. C. .40 Sindelar. Father Thrift and his animal friends .... Beckley-Cardy .50 Smit, E. S. Good old stories for boys and girls Lathrop 1 .25 Smith, M. E. Holland stories Rand .50 Spyri. Moni the goat boy Crowell .50 Stories of brave dogs retold from St. Nicholas Century 1.25 Wade. Dolls of many lands Wilde .75 Williston. Japanese fairy tales retold ser. 1 Rand .50 Grades 5 and 6 Aesop’s fables. Jacobs, ed Macmillan 1.50 Alcott. Little Women Little 1.35 Arabian nights. Lang ed Longman 1.00 Baldwin. Old stories of the east A. B. C. .45 Baldwin. Story of Siegfried Scribner 1 .35 Baldwin. Thirty more famous stories A. B. C. .50 Blaisdell. Stories from English history Gin .40 Carroll. Alice’s adventures in wonderland Macmillan .67 Defoe. Robinson Crusoe Scribner .75 Dodge. Hans Brinker Grosset .75 DuChaillu. Land of the long night Scribner 1 .80 Eddy. Friends and helpers Ginn .60 Eggleston. American life and adventure A. B. C. .50 Frost. Knights of the Round Table Scribner 1.35 Gordy. American leaders and heroes Scribner .60 Jackson. Nelly's silver mine Little 1.35 Jacobs. English fairy tales Burt 1 .00 Indian stories, retold from St. Nicholas Century .65 Kingsley. The heroes .. Ginn .30 Kipling. Jungle book Century 1.50 Lagerlof. Wonderful adventure of Nils Grosset .75 Lang. Stories from the Faerie Queen Dutton .50 Lang. Joan of Arc Dutton .50 Longfellow. Song of Hiawatha Houghton .36 McDonald. Gerda in Sweden Little .60 McDonald. Kathleen in Ireland Little .60 MacDonald. Ume San in Japan Little .60 MacDonald. At the back of the North wind Burt 1 .00 Marshall. Stories of Beowulf Dutton .50 Page. Two little confederates Scribner 1-35 Pyle. Some merry adventures of Robin Hood Scribner .50 Rankin. Dandelion Cottage Holt 1 .60 Ruskin. King of the Golden River Heath .20 Schwartz. Wilderness babies Little .50 Scobey & Horne. Stories of great musicians A. B. C. .40 Seton. Wild animals 1 have known Scribner 1.35 Southworth. Builders of our country Appleton -45 §tpne. Eyeryday life in the cronies ......... Heath «45 Swift. Gulliver’s travels Macmillan 1 .50 Thackeray. Rose of the ring Macmillan .50 Wiggin. Bird’s Christmas carol Houghton .50 Wyss. Swiss family Robinson Ginn .45 Zollinger. Widow O’Callaghan’s boys McClurg 1.00 Zwilgmeyer. Johnny Blossom McClurg 1.00 Grades 7 and 8 Alcott. Old fashioned girl Little 1.50 Altsheler. Young trailers Appleton .50 Baldwin. Discovery of the old northwest A. B. C. .60 Baldwin. Story of Roland Scribner 1 .55 Bennett. Master Skylark Century 1.50 Church. Odyssey for boys and girls Macmillan 1.50 Clemens. Prince and the pauper Harper 1.75 Clemens. Tom Sawyer Harper 1.75 Cooper. Last of the Mohicians Putnam 1.25 Dickens. Pickwick papers - Macmillan 1 .00 DuChaillu. Wild life under the equator Harper 1.25 Dutton. Little stories of France Dutton .40 Eggleston. Hoosier school boy Scribner .50 Forman. Stories of useful inventions Century \ .54 Tox. Little shepherd of Kingdom Come Scribner 1.50 Gaines. Village shield Dutton 1.50 Gordy. American beginnings in Europe Scribner .75 Hale. Man without a country Little .35 Hawkes. King of the thundering herd Jacobs 1.25 Hawthorne. Wonder book for boys and girls Houghton .40 Hill. On the trail of Grant and Lee Appleton 1.50 Horton. Frozen north Heath .50 Inman. Ranch on the Oxhide Macmillan .50 Irving. Rip Van Winkle Stokes .50 Johnston. Deeds of doing and daring Wilde 1.12 Kipling. Captains courageous Century 1 .50 Knipe. Maid of old Manhattan Macmillan 1 .25 Lamb. Tales from Shakespeare Burt 1 .00 London. Call of the wild Macmillan 1 .50 London. Call of the wild Grosset .50 Lodge & Roosevelt. Hero tales from American history Century 1 .00 MacLeod. King Arthur and his noble knights Stokes 1.50 Nicolay. Boy’s life of Abraham Lincoln Century 1.00 Parkman. Boy’s Parkman Little .54 Pyle. Men of iron Harper 2.00 Rankin. Girls of Gardenville Holt 1.50 Richmond. Round the corner in Gay Street Doubleday 1.35 Roberts. Watchers of the campfire Page .50 Starr. American Indians Heath .45 Stevenson. Treasure Island Scribner 1.00 Stories of the civil war from St. Nicholas Century .59 Vaile. Orcutt girls Wilde 1 .25 Verrill. Ocean and its mysteries Duffield 1.40 Wiggin. Rebecca of Sunnybrook Farm Houghton 1 .20 Wiggin. Rebecca of Sunnybrook Farm Grosset .75 White. Land of foot prints Doubleday 1.50 Wright. Children’s stories in American literature ........... Scribner .45 Bailey, L. H. School book of fanning 1020 Macmillan Bancroft. Games for the playground, home, school and gym- nasium Macmillan Blackburn. Problems in farm wood work Manual Arts Beattie. School history of Nebraska Western Pub. Co. Bryant. Best stories to tell to children Houghton Carpenter. Stories pictures tell. 8 voi each Rand McNally Chamberlain. How we are clothed Macmillan Chamberlain. How we are fed Macmillan Chamberlain. How we are sheltered Macmillan Chapman. What bird is that Appleton Condra. Geography of Nebraska Univ. Pub. Co. Dickinson. Children’s book of patriotic stories Doubleday Doty. Good health, how to get it and how to keep it.... Appleton DePuy. Uncle Sam’s modern miracles Stokes Faris. Makers of our history Ginn Fifty common birds of farm and orchard. Supt. of Documents Wash. Guerber. Myths of Greece and Rome A. B. C. Hart and others. Source readers in American history. 4 vol. each Macmillan Hodge & Dawson. Civic biology Ginn Love joy. Poetry of the seasons Silver Mosley .Trees stars, and birds World Bk. Co. Nida. Story of the world war for young people. Rev. ed. .7. Hale Bk. Co. Olcott. Bible stories to read and tell Houghton Olcott. Good stories for great holidays Houghton Phelps. Debater’s manual. Ed. 3 H. W. Wilson Poole. Handbook of Nebraska trees Univ. of Nebraska Conservation & Soil Survey, Vol. 7 Price. Land we live in Small Ritchie. Primer of sanitation World Bk. Co. Ritchie. Primer of hygiene World Bk. Co. Sargent. Fine industrial arts in elementary schools Ginn Schauffler. Christmas Moffat Schauffler. Lincoln’s birthday Moffat Schauffler. Washington’s birthday Moffat Sheldon. History and stories of Nebraska Univ. Pub. Co. Smart. How to write business letters Shaw Stack. Wild flowers every child should know Grosset Tappan. Industrial readers. 4 vol each Houghton Tappan. Little book of the flag Houghton Tomlinson. Places young Americans want to know Appleton Turkington. My country, text book of civics and patriotism . ..Ginn Upton. Tn music land McClure Washurne. Common science World Bk. Co. Wiggin & Smith. Golden numbers, a book of verse for youth McClure Wildman. Famous leaders of industry Page Grades 1 and 2 Baldwin. Fairy stories and fables A. B. C. Baldwin. Robinson Crusoe A. B. C. 1.03 1.50 1.00 1.00 1.00 .40 36 36 36 1.25 .90 1.25 1.50 125 1.00 .15 1.50 .60 1.60 .50 1.50 .75 1.50 2.00 125 Free 1.50 .50 .40 .65 1.00 1.00 1.00 .80 .75 .50 .70 .40 1.25 125 1.50 1.69 1.50 1.50 .50 30 3. A careful record should be made of all books received, using for this purpose a “School Library Accession Book.” This is a blank book o[ 500 lines ruled, lettered and numbered especially for the library record and may be secured from the Library Bureau, Chicago or Gaylord Bros., Syracuse, N. Y., for $1. Enter the books in the accession book according to the rules found on the front page of that book. Do not enter old books, in bad condition, or books with paper binding. The accession number is the number of the line, on which the book is entered in the accession book. After a book has been entered, write the accession number after the Book No. on the stamped plate, inside the front cover. OPENING THE BOOK Open every book before it is placed on the shelf. First, lay the book back downward on the table, then press the front cover down until it touches the table, then the back cover, holding the leaves in one har.d while you open a few at the back then at the front, alternately pressing both down gently until you reach the center of the book. Never open a book quickly nor bend back the covers, as it may break the back and will loosen the leaves. Often the pages of a book need cutting; if they do, use a blunt paper knife. No book should be given out until the bill has been checked, the book stamped, entered in the accession book and properly opened. leach the children the proper care of the books while encouraging them to read. GENERAL REFERENCE Abstract of Census; Nebraska ed. (From Congressman) Wash. Free ChampLn. Young folks cyclopedia of common things Holt $3.00 Champlin. Young folks cyclopedia of literature and art Holt 3.00 Champlin. Young folks cyclopedia of persons and places Holt 3.00 Congressional directory. (From Congressman) Wash. Free Gregg. Handbook of parliamentary law; school ed Ginn .75 Nebraska State Dept, of Pub. Instruction. Special day Programs Lincoln Free State Railroad Com. Railroad map of Nebraska Lincoln Free Webster. Secondary school dictionary A. B. C. 1 .00 World Almanac Press Pub. Co. .35 Books for All Grades Allen. Geographical and industrial' studies. South America, New Europe, Asia, U. S each Ginn 1.00 Bailey. Domestic Science principles and application Webb 1 .00 Nebraska State Teachers College AT KEARNEY Fall Term Opens September 12, 1921 REGISTRATION DAYS SEPTEMBER 9 AND 10, 1921 WINTER TERM BEGINS DECEMBER 5, 1921 A splendidly equipped college for the training of teachers. Situated on one of the greatest arteries of commerce in the world. The demand for its graduates exceeds the supply. Plan to register early. Tuition free. Free placing bureau. Write for catalogue. t>278' N3622b Cop. 2. Nebraska State Teachers Col leg, at Kearney BULLETIN JULY, 1921 BOOKS FOR ELEMENTARY SCHOOLS SELECTED BY ANNA V. JENNINGS, Librarian STATE TEACHERS COLLEGE, KEARNEY, NEBRASKA LILA BOWEN, Librarian ELEMENTARY SCHOOLS, OMAHA, NEBRASKA SUGGESTIONS Every school should plan to spend, at least $25 a year for the library. The titles starred are recommended for first purchase. Con- sider the number of pupils in the grades and select books accordingly. Supplementary readers should be considered as text books and kept separ- ate from the regular school library. HOW TO ORDER In ordering books use all the items given in the list i. e. the author, title, publisher and price. Prices quoted w'H vary owing to the in- creased cost of materials. Books may be ordered from A. C. McClurg & Co., Chicago, 111., or through the local book dealer. PREPARATION OF THE BOOKS 1. When books are received, check the bill and write date, from whom bought and price, on first right hand page after the title page e. g. 2 Ja. 21. McClurg. 50c. 2. Use rubber stamp, like sample, on inside of front cover LIBRARY DISTRICT No. 40 AMHERST, NEBRASKA BOOK No Stamp may be bought at George Bros., Lincoln, or through local printer or book dealer. XZ/Yrlt* o %,?, d$i W % i t -X & C Gp>. Bannerman. Little Black Samto Blaisdll. Boy Blue and his friends Brown & Bailey. Jingle Primer Chance. Little folks of many lands Coe & Christine. The story hour readers. Cox. Brownie primer Crane. Mother Hubbard’s picture book Dopp. Early cave men Dopp. Tree dwellers Dutton. In field and pasture Field. Eugene Field reader Grover. Overall boys Grover. Sunbonnet babies’ primer Holbrook. Hiawatha primer Jewett. Hopi, the cliff dweller McManus. Nursery tales primer Maguire. Two little Indians Miller. Little people of the snow O’Shea. Six nursery classics Potter. Tale of Peter Rabbit Quinn & O’Neill. Kewpie primer Robinson. In toyland Seri & Evans. Work-a-day doings Sherman. Little folks lyrics Smith. Little Mother Goose Smith. Eskimo stories Wiltsie. Folklore stories and proverbs ... Stokes Little A. B. C. Ginn Books 1-2 each A. B. C. Century Lane Rand Rand A. B. C. Scribner Rand Rand Houghton Educ. Pub. Co Scribner Flanagan Flanagan Heath Warne Stokes Little Silver Houghton Dodd Rand Ginn Grades 3 and 4 Alcott. Louise M. Alcott reader Little Alden. Why the chimes rang Bobbs Andrews. Stories Mother Nature told Ginn Bailey. Boys and girls of colonial days Flanagan Baldwin. Fifty famous stories A. B. C. Baldwin. Old Greek stories A. B. C. Bass. Stories of pioneer life Heath Bingham. Mother goose village Rand Brown. In the days of giants Houghton Burgess. Mother West Wind’s neighbors Little Cady & Dewey. Picture stories from great artists Macmillan Campbell. Story of Jan, the Dutch boy Educ. Pub. Co. Carey. Ballads for the little folks Houghton Craik. Little lame prince* illus. by Dunlap Rand Deming & Deming. American animal life Stokes Finley. Little bird blue Houghton Fox. Farmer Brown and the birds Page Grimm. Household stories Macmillan Harris. Uncle Remus and the little boy Small Henderson. Anderson’s best fairy tales Rand Kipling. Just so stories Doubleday Lorenzini. Pinocchio Ginn Mills. Story of Scotch Houghton Perkins. Dutch twins Houghton Perkins. French twins Houghton .33 .26 .26 .43 .30 .93 1.25 .38 .38 .50 .36 .43 .32 .40 .30 .45 .24 .30 .18 .45 .50 .40 .30 .60 1.00 .40 .32 .75 1.50 .50 .75 .33 .45 .40 .40 .50 .75 .31 .25 1.25 1.25 1.50 .75 .34 .50 1.00 .40 1.20 .40 .75 .50 ,75 Radford. Wade. Grades 5 and 6 Aesop’s fables. Jacobs, ed Alcott. iLittle Women Arabian nights. Lang ed Baldwin. Old stories of the east Baldwin. Story of Siegfried Baldwin. Thirty more famous stories Blaisdell. Stories from English history . Carroll. Alice’s adventures in wonderh Defoe. Robinson Crusoe Dodge. Hans Brinker DuChaillu. Land of the long night .... Eddy. Friends and helpers Eggleston. American life and adventur Frost. Knights of the Round Table Gordy. American leaders and heroes Jackson. Nelly’s silver mine Jacobs. English fairy tales Indian stories, retold from St. Nicholas Kingsley. The heroes Kipling. Jungle book Lagerlof. Wonderful adventure of Nils Lang. Stories from the Faerie Queen .. Lang. Joan of Arc Longfellow. Song of Hiawatha McDonald. Gerda in Sweden McDonald. Kathleen in Ireland MacDonald. Ume San in Japan MacDonald. At the back of the North Marshall. Stories of Beowulf Page. Two little confederates Pyle. Some merry adventures of Robii Rankin. Dandelion Cottage Ruskin. King of the Golden River Schwartz. Wilderness babies Scobey & Horne. Stories of great musi Seton. Wild animals 1 have known .... Southworth. Builders of our country . Spyri. Heidi Stone. Everyday life in the colonies . .40 A. B. C. .30 Rand .30 .39 .30 .50 A. B. C. .40 kley-Cardy .50 .. Lathrop 1.25 .50 .. Crowell .50 .. Century 1.25 Wilde .75 Rand .50 Macmillan 1.50 1.35 Longman 1.00 A. B. C. .45 Scribner 1.35 A. B. C. .50 .40 Macmillan .67 .75 .75 .. Scribner 1.80 .60 A. B. C. .50 . Scribner 1.35 . Scribner .60 1.35 Burt 1.00 .65 .30 .. Century 1.50 ....Grosset .75 .... Dutton .50 .50 Houghton .36 .60 Little .60 ..... Little .60 1.00 .50 .. Scribner 1.35 .. Scribner .50 Holt 1.60 .20 .50 . A. B. C. .40 . Scribner 1.35 Appleton .45 Lippincott .93 Heath i .45 Swift. Gulliver’s travels Macmillan 1 .50 Thackeray. Rose of the ring Macmillan .50 Wiggin. Bird’s Christmas carol Houghton .50 Wvss. Swiss family Robinson Ginn .45 Zollinger. Widow O’Callaghan’s boys McClurg 1 .00 Zwilgmeyer. Johnny Blossom McClurg 1.00 Grades 7 and 8 Alcott. Old fashioned girl Little 1.50 Aitsheler. Young trailers Appleton .50 Baldwin. Discovery of the old northwest A. B. C. .60 Baldwin. Story of Roland Scribner 1.55 Bennett. Master Skylark Century 1.50 Church. Odyssey for boys and girls Macmillan 1.50 Clemens. Prince and the pauper Harper 1.75 Clemens. Tom Sawyer Harper 1.75 Cooper. Last of the Mohicians Putnam 1.25 Dickens. Pickwick papers .. Macmillan 1 .00 DuChaillu. Wild life under the equator Harper l .25 Dutton. Little stories of France Dutton .40 Eggleston. Hoosier school boy Scribner .50 Forman. Stories of useful inventions Century .54 Tox. Little shepherd of Kingdom Come Scribner 1.50 Gaines. Village shield Dutton 1.50 Gordy. American beginnings in Europe Scribner .75 Hale. Man without a country Little .35 Hawkes. King of the thundering herd Jacobs 1.25 Hawthorne. Wonder book for boys and girls Houghton .40 Hill. On the trail of Grant and Lee Appleton 1.50 Horton. Frozen north Heath .50 Inman. Ranch on the Oxhide Macmillan .50 Irving. Rip Van Winkle Stokes .50 Johnston. Deeds of doing and daring Wilde 1.12 Kipling. Captains courageous Century 1 .50 Knipe. Maid of old Manhattan Macmillan 1 .25 Lamb. Tales from Shakespeare Burt 1 .00 London. Call of the wild Macmillan 1.50 London. Call of the wild Grosset .50 Lodge & Roosevelt. Hero tales from American history .... Century 1 00 MacLeod. King Arthur and his noble knights Stokes 1.50 Nicolay. Boy’s life of Abraham Lincoln Century 1.00 Parkman. Boy’s Parkman Little .54 Pyle. Men of iron Harper 2.00 Rankin. Girls of Gardenville Holt 1.50 Richmond. Round the corner in Gay Street Doubleday 1 .35 Roberts. Watchers of the campfire Page .50 Starr. American Indians Heath .45 Stevenson. Treasure Island Scribner 1.00 Stories of the civil war from St. Nicholas Century .59 Vaile. Orcutt girls Wilde 1.25 Verrill. Ocean and its mysteries Duffield 1 .40 Wiggin. Rebecca of Sunnybrook Farm Houghton 1.20 Wiggin. Rebecca of Sunnybrook Farm Grosset .75 White. Land of foot prints Doubleday 1.50 Wright. Children’s stories in American literature Scribner .45 Bailey, L. H. School boot of farming i..... 1 920 Macmillan Bancroft. Games for the playground, home, school and gym- nasium Macmillan Blackburn. Problems in farm wood work Manual Arts Beattie. School history of Nebraska Western Pub. Co. Bryant. Best stories to tell to children Houghton Carpenter. Stories pictures tell. 8 vol each Rand McNally Chamberlain. How we are clothed Macmillan Chamberlain. How we are fed Macmillan Chamberlain. How we are sheltered Macmillan Chapman. What bird is that Appleton Condra. Geography of Nebraska Univ. Pub. Co. Dickinson. Children’s book of patriotic stories Doubleday Doty. Good health, how to get it and how to keep it Appleton DePuy. Uncle Sam’s modern miracles Stokes Faris. Makers of our history Ginn Fifty common birds of farm and orchard. Supt. of Documents Wash. Guerber. Myths of Greece and Rome A. B. C. Hart and others. Source readers in American history. 4 vol. each Macmillan Hodge & Dawson. Civic biology Ginn Love joy. Poetry of the seasons Silver Mosley .Trees stars, and birds World Bk. Co. Nida. Story of the world war for young people. Rev. ed. Hale Bk. Co. Olcott. Bible stories to read and tell Houghton Olcott. Good stories for great holidays Houghton Phelps. Debater’s manual. Ed. 3 H. W. Wilson Poole. Handbook of Nebraska trees Univ. of Nebraska Conservation & Soil Survey, Vol. 7 Price. Land we live in Small Ritchie. Primer of sanitation World Bk. Co. Ritchie. Primer of hygiene World Bk. Co. Sargent. Fine industrial arts in elementary schools Ginn Schauffler. Christmas Moffat Schauffler. Lincoln’s birthday Moffat Schauffler. Washington’s birthday Moffat Sheldon. History and stories of Nebraska Univ. Pub. Co. Smart. How to write business letters Shaw Stack. Wild flowers every child should know Grosset Tappan. Industrial readers. 4 vol each Houghton Tappan. Little book of the flag Houghton Tomlinson. Places young Americans want to know Appleton Turkington. My country, text book of civics and patriotism---Ginn Upton. 'In music land McClure Washurne. Common science World Bk. Co. Wiggin & Smith. Golden numbers, a book of verse for youth McClure Wildman. Famous leaders of industry Page 1.05 1.50 1.00 1.00 1.00 .40 .36 .36 .36 1.23 .90 123 1.50 1.25 1.00 .15 1.50 .60 1.60 .50 1.50 .75 1.50 2.00 1.25 Free 1.50 .50 .40 •65 1.00 LOO LOO .80 .75 .50 .70 .40 1.25 1.25 1.50 1.69 1.50 1.50 Grades 1 and 2 Baldwin. Fairy stories and fables Baldwin. Robinson Crusoe A. B. C. A. B. C. .50 .50 3. A careful record should be made of all books received, using for this purpose a “School Library Accession Book.” This is a blank book of 500 lines ruled, lettered and numbered especially for the library record and may be secured from the Library Bureau, Chicago or Gaylord Bros., Syracuse, N. Y., for $1. Enter the books in the accession book according to the rules found on the front page of that book. Do not enter old books, in bad condition, or books with paper binding. The accession number is the number of the line, on which the book is entered in the accession book. After a book has been entered, write the accession number after the Book No. on the stamped plate, inside the front cover. OPENING THE BOOK Open every book before it is placed on the shelf. First, lay the book back downward on the table, then press the front cover down until it touches the table, then the back cover, holding the leaves in one hand while you open a few at the back then at the front, alternately pressing both down gently until you reach the center of the book. Never open a book quickly nor bend back the covers, as it may break the back and will loosen the leaves. Often the pages of a book need cutting ; if they do, use a blunt paper knife. No book should be given out until the bill has been checked, the book stamped, entered in the accession book and properly opened. leach the children the proper care of the books while encouraging them to read. GENERAL REFERENCE Abstract of Census; Nebraska ed. (From Congressman) Wash. Free Champlin. Young folks cyclopedia of common things Holt $3.00 Champlin. Young folks cyclopedia of literature and art Holt 3.00 Champlin. Young folks cyclopedia of persons and places Holt 3.00 Congressional directory. (From Congressman) Wash. Free Gregg. Handbook of parliamentary law; school ed Ginn .75 Nebraska State Dept, of Pub. Instruction. Special day Programs Lincoln Free State Railroad Com. Railroad map of Nebraska Lincoln Free Webster. Secondary school dictionary A. B. C. 1 .00 World Almanac Press Pub. Co. .35 Books for All Grades Allen. Geographical and industrial' studies. South America, New Europe, Asia, U. S each Ginn 1.00 Bailey. Domestic Science principles and application Webb 1 .00 Nebraska State Teachers College AT KEARNEY Fall Term Opens September 12, 1921 REGISTRATION DAYS SEPTEMBER 9 AND 10, 1921 WINTER TERM BEGINS DECEMBER 5, 1921 A splendidly equipped college for the training of teachers. Situated on one of the greatest arteries of commerce in the world. The demand for its graduates exceeds the supply. Plan to register early. Tuition free. Free placing bureau. Write for catalogue. 027831 M3622b v cop. 3 > Nebraska State Teachers Colie at Kearney BULLETIN JULY, 1921 BOOKS FOR ELEMENTARY SCHOOLS SELECTED BY ANNA V. JENNINGS, Librarian STATE TEACHERS COLLEGE, KEARNEY, NEBRASKA LILA BOWEN, Librarian ELEMENTARY SCHOOLS, OMAHA, NEBRASKA SUGGESTIONS Every school should plan to spend, at least $25 a year for the library. The titles starred are recommended for first purchase. Con- sider the number of pupils in the grades and select books accordingly. Supplementary readers should be considered as text books and kept separ- ate from the regular school library. HOW TO ORDER In ordering books use all the items given in the list i. e. the author, title, publisher and price. Prices quoted will vary owing to the in- creased cost of materials. Books may be ordered from A. C. McClurg & Co., Chicago, 111., or through the local book dealer. PREPARATION OF THE BOOKS 1. When books are received, check the bill and write date, from whom bought and price, on first right hand page after the title page e. g. 2 Ja. 21. McClurg. 50c. 2. Use rubber stamp, like sample, on inside of front cover LIBRARY DISTRICT No. 40 AMHERST, NEBRASKA BOOK No Stamp may be bought at George Bros., Lincoln, or through local printer or book dealer. 0 >-?• 8 SI € $ Bannerman. Little Black Sambo Blaisdll. Boy Blue and his friends Brown & Bailey. Jingle Primer Chance. Little folks of many lands Coe & Christine. The story hour readers. Cox. Brownie primer Crane. Mother Hubbard s picture book Dopp. Early cave men Dopp. Tree dwellers Dutton. In field and pasture Field. Eugene Field reader Grover. Overall boys Grover. Sunbonnet babies* primer Holbrook. Hiawatha primer Jewett. Hopi, the cliff dweller McManus. Nursery tales primer Maguire. Two little Indians Miller. Little people of the snow O’Shea. Six nursery classics Potter. Tale of Peter Rabbit Quinn & O’Neill. Kewpie primer Robinson. In toyland Seri & Evans. Work-a-day doings Sherman. Little folks lyrics Smith. Little Mother Goose Smith. Eskimo stories Wiltsie. Folklore stories and proverbs ... Stokes Little A. B. C. Ginn Books 1-2 each A. B. C. Century Lane Rand Rand A. B. C. Scribner Rand Rand Houghton Educ. Pub. Co Scribner Flanagan Flanagan Heath Warne Stokes Little Silver Houghton Dodd Rand Ginn .33 .26 .26 .43 .50 .95 1.25 .38 .38 .50 .36 .45 .32 .40 .30 .45 .24 .30 .18 .45 .50 .40 .30 .60 1.00 .40 .32 Grades 3 and 4 Alcott. Louise M. Alcott reader Little .75 Alden. Why the chimes rang Bobbs 1.50 Andrews. Stories Mother Nature told Ginn .50 Bailey. Boys and girls of colonial days Flanagan .75 Baldwin. Fifty famous stories A. B. C. .35 Baldwin. Old Greek stories A. B. C. .45 Bass. Stories of pioneer life Heath .40 Bingham. Mother goose village Rand *40 Brown. In the days of giants Houghton .50 Burgess. Mother West Wind’s neighbors Little .75 Cady & Dewey. Picture stories from great artists Macmillan .31 Campbell. Story of Jan, the Dutch boy Educ. Pub. Co. .25 Carey. Ballads for the little folks Houghton 1 .25 Craik. Little lame prince I illus. by Dunlap Rand 1.25 Deming & Deming. American animal life Stokes 1 .50 Finley. Little bird blue Houghton .75 Fox. Farmer Brown and the birds Page .34 Grimm. Household stories Macmillan .50 Harris. Uncle Remus and the little boy Small 1.00 Henderson. Anderson’s best fairy tales ....Rand .40 Kipling. Just so stories Doubleday 1.20 Lorenzini. Pinocchio Ginn .40 Mills. Story of Scotch Houghton .75 Perkins. Dutch twins Houghton .50 Perkins. French twins Houghton .75 Pierce. Among the meadowpeople * .Dutton .40 Pratt. Legends of red children A. B. C. .30 Proudfoot. Hiawatha industrial reader Rand .50 Pumphrey. Pilgrim stories Rand .39 Radford. King Arthur, an