■t- :m % m:i f p p 1^ |; ^4 ::y*-rii ^V -^^m^ :'X '*»ft^'- J*** -^^-^ \<^^. MR ^>»...v i'-^**-. UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS LIBRARY •l Class Book Volume •^ *'- *^ ^ M. '^■^'^' >^< "^-*^' ■y^n: The person charging this material is re- sponsible for its return to the library from which it was withdrawn on or before the Latest Date stamped below. Theft, mutilation, and underlining of books are reasons for disciplinary action and may result in dismissal from the University. UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS LIBRARY AT URBANA-CHAMPAIGN / UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS BULLETIN Vol. V. AUGUST. 17, 1908 No. 39b [Entered February 14, 1902, at Urbana, Illinois, as second-class matter under Act of Congress of July 16th, 1894. BULLETIN No. 8. DEPARTMENT OF CERAMICS C. W. ROLFE, Director A Study of the Heat Distribution in Four Industrial Kilns. By A. V. BLEININGER I 907- J 908 PUBLISHED FORTNIGHTLY BY THE UNIVERSITY A STUDY OF THE HEAT DISTRIBUTION IN FOUR INDUSTRIAL KILNS. BY A. V. Bleininger^ Champaign, Illinois. There is a decided lack of data in regard to the con- sumption of fuel in periodic ceramic kilns, expressed in accurate terms, as well as with respect to the way in Avhich tlie heat is distributed. It was hence thought advisable to undertake the exanunation of several kilns for the purpose of determining the ratio between the heat made useful and that escaping as waste. The kilns studied represented sev eral types and widely ditteriug conditions, one of them being a sewer pipe, one a paving brick, and two, terra cotta muffle kilns, entirely unlike in construction. In addition a building brick kiln was examined, which has already been reported upon elsewhere,* In making a heat balance of a kilns we must determine the following factors: A. Heat introduced as fuel. B. Heat lost by the waste gases. C. Heat lost by the unburnt fuel in the ashes. D. Heat used in the burning of the ware. E. Heat taken up by the kiln and lost by I'adiation. The last factor, important though it is, cannot be es- timated by any direct means available, since the difficulties opposed to its determination are too great. We must bo satisfied to obtain it by difference. For, since the first four items are readily obtainable by measurement, the fifth is arrived at by the evident relation : E=A— (B+C+D). *"The Balance Sheet of a Down Draft Kiln," Clay Worker, February, 1908. Read before the N. B. M. A. 4 A STUDY OF HEAT DISTRIBUTION IN FOUR INDUSTKIAI. KILNS. A. The heat introduced as fuel was of course readily calcuhited from tlie weight of the coal used from day to day. The calorific value of the latter was obtained by determining the heating value of a well averaged sample of the fuel in the calorimeter. This work aars done in the department of industrial chemistry at the University of Illinois, under the direction of Professor Parr. The weight of the coal multiplied by its heating value gave the total number of calories introduced. B. The heat carried out by the waste gases was cal culated from the daily coal consumption, the ultimate analysis of the coal, the analysis of the stack gases, the thermal capacity of the gases and the flue temperature. The first factor was, of course, easily determined by weigh- ing the coal, the second by the ultimate analysis of the coal, this work having been carried out in the de])artinent of chemistry under Professor Parr, the third by the analy- sis of the flue gases, using the Orsat apparatus, the fourth from known data, and the fifth by means of the Le Cliate- lier thermocouple applied in the flue as close to the kiln as possible. The daily coal consumption permitted of calculating the weight of coal fired per hour for a certain period, which was, for the sake of convenience, taken as twelve hours. This period was considered the unit in all the calculations. From the ultimate analysis, allowing for the carbon escaping Avith the ashes, the weight of the gases evolved with theoretical air supply was calculated. If, for instance, the coal had the following composition : Carbon 60.15% — 3-03 (lost in ashes)=57. 12% Hydrogen 415% Oxygen 9-37% Sulphur 4-34% — 1-30 (lost in ashes) = 3.04% IMoisture 7.90% Ash 14.09% A STUDY OF HEAT DISTRIBUTION IN FOUR INDUSTRIAL KILNS. O 1 kg. of coal Avould result, on burning with just tlie requi- site amount of air, in 0.5712.^1 = 2 09 kg: of carbon dioxide 0415.9 f 0.079 = 0.453 kg. of steam 0.0304 X 2 = 060 kg. of sulphur oxide 0.5712.»|X 3 35 = 5 900 kg. of nitrogen The weight of air required for the combustion of 1 kg. cf this coal would then l)e 7.66 kg. The tiue gas analysis was simply made for the purpose of determining the amount of excess air introduced into tlie kiln, as this evidently changes the weight of the gases resulting from 1 kg. of the coal materially. It was en- deavored to take sam])lcs from the flue so that they repre- sented average conditions, and from twd to three analyses were made each hour. This meant the making of hundreds of analyses during each burn. As the basis of the calcula- tion of the excess air present tlie oxygen found was used according to the relation : Coefficient of air-admission= 100— 4.76X 9f; Oxygen. To illustrate: Supposing the gas was found to con- tain 5% of oxygen. AVe would have then : ]Oo — 4 76 N- 5 =^-'^^, rcpi-esenting total aii- admitted. The excess air jnust then be 1.31 — 1^0.31. Applying this to the weights of the gases ol>tained above we would have: 2.090 kg. CO2 0.453 kg. H2O 0.060 kg. SO; 5.900 kg. N: kg. Air It might be added that the gas samples were taken as close to the kiln as possible, so as to avoid the dilution caused by the leakage of air into the flue near the damper. In calculating the heat lost by the waste gases during any given period we must first obtain the ratio of the heat A STUDY OF HEAT DISTRIBUTION IN FOUR INDUSTRIAL KILNS. carried out by the gases evolved from 1 kg. of eoal at the flue temperature to the heating value of this weight of coal. In this calculation there are necessary the weight of waste gases, their thermal capacity and the flue tempera- ture. The specific heats of the gases, as taken from the standard tables are not suitable for the.se calculations, since they apply only to a temperature range between 0° and 100 ^C, and if used would cause a more' or less grave error. The work of Le Chatelier and Mallard* has clearly shown tliat the thermal capacity of gases is exj^ressed by a parabolic formula of two parameters: T T^ in which Qu=heat capacity. a=a constant comon to all gases=fi.5. T=absolute temperature. b=a constant, variable for diiferent gases. The value of b for perfect gases like On, N21 H2 ^^^^^^ CO is O.G, for luO 2.9, and for CO2 3.7. This formula applies only to the molecular volume of each gas at abso- lute temperatures. For the sake of convenience it is pre- ferable to calculate the values in terms of one kg. and the temperature in degrees C. This has been done in the following table :t THERMAL CAPACITY OF I KG. GAS, IX KG. CALS. Temperature in Oxygen N'itrogen. Carbon 1 Steam Carbon Dioxide degrees C. Monoxide 0.0 0.0 I 0.0 0.0 200 47-3 50.0 100. 43-1 400 88.0 100. 203 . 91.0 600 1.34-0 154-0 1 326.0 145.0 800 181. 207.0 ! 461.0 208.0 1000 232.0 264.0 ! 609 . 277.0 1200 284.0 3^5-0 770.0 354 1400 334 383-0 943-0 435-0 *Tndustrial Furnaces and Methods of Control. Emilio Damour, p. li. Metallurgical Calculations. J. W. Richards. tindustrial Furnaces and Methods of Control. Emilio Damour, p. 13. A STUDY OF HEAT DISTRIBUTION IN FOUR INDUSTRIAL KILNS. 7 By plotting a curve from these data for each gas the heat capacity of 1 kg. of the gas can be read off at once for any temperature. This was done in the work under discussion. For the purpose of illustration let us take the figures obtained above for the weights of the gases, and assuming that the gases left the kiln ot 620 "C we would have the following heat capacities, the atmosplieric tem- perature being 20°. 2.09 X145 =303.05 kg. cals., heat capacity of CO2 0.453X326 =147.68 kg. cals., heat capacity of H2O 0.453X80+0.453X537 =279.50 kg. cals., heat of vaporization of HoO 5.9 X154 =908 00 kg. cals., heat capacity of Ni 2.37 X 149.4=354.08 kg. cals., heat capacity of air l992.3l^total heat carried out by waste gases. If the calorific power of the coal used is 0200, it is evident that the heat lost by the waste gases must be 1992 equal to ^^^^jX 100^52.13 per cent. For every 100 pounds of coal fired we thus lose in the waste gases 32.13 pounds. The temperature, as has already been stated, was ob- tained by means of the Le Chatelier thermocouple, inserted into the flue close to the kiln. Corrections were made for the atmospheric temperature. This was done by fastening a thermometer to the junction between the platinum and the copper wire. The correction is equal to 0.5 of the ther- mometer reading where the atmospheric temperature does not exceed 40°. In very hot places the correct procedure is to insert the copper junction in boiling water and to cali- brate the couple under these conditions. The calibration is to be made by means of the melting points of zinc, silver and gold or copper. In the losses due to the waste gases must be included also the loss due to the escape of combustible gases. Under the conditions of the kilns examined in this work the amount of carbon monoxide found in the gases was very small. Immediately after firing some of this gas was found, but it disappeared in a few minutes. For this rea- 8 A STUDY OF HEAT DISTRIBUTION IN FOUR INDUSTRIAL KILNS. son it was not included in the losses incurred by the flue gases. It seems that the hot mass of clay tends to promote the oxidation of the combustible gases formed in the furnace. D. The heat required to raise the ware to the ulti- mate temperature of the kiln w^as calculated from the weight of the ware, its specific heat and the kiln tempera- ture. The amount of water contained in the clay was taken into consideration. Unfortunately, several import- ant constants are lacking, such as the heat of dehydration of clay and the heat of vaporization of the hygroscopic water. Even the specific heat of clay is not known for the liigher temperatures, though it is usually given in text books as being 0.2. Mr. J. K. Moore, during some recent work in connection with his thesis, found the average ther- mal capacity of a burnt No. 2 fire clay between the limits of 400-1100° C to be 0.235. At the time the calculations for this work were made the specific heat of clay was taken as 0.2. The heat of dehydration was assumed to be 200 gr. calories per gram of water. No reliable data was obtain- able on this subject. The latent heat of the hygroscopic.' water which leaves in the neighborhood of 200 ' was taken to be 476 according to the formula of Griffith's, L=596.73— O.eOt. Assuming then a clay, containing 2% of hygroscopic and 7% of chemical water which is to be raised to 1120°, we would have for 1 kg. of the dried clav the following heat consumption, the atmospheric temperature being 20°. Tlie dehydration temperature to be taken as 650°. Hygroscopic water 0.02X180X1= 3.6 kg. calories 0.02X476 = 9.5 kg. calories Chemical water 0.07X .02X650^ 9. 1 kg. calories 0.07X200 =14.0 kg. calories Clay , 0.93X0.2X1100=204.6 kg. calories I kg. clay thus requires .' 240.8 kg. calories E. As has been mentioned above, the heat absorhed by the kiln and lost by radiation was obtained by differ- ence. A STUDY OF HEAT DISTRIBUTION IX FOUR INDUSTRIAL KILXS. U APPARATUS. The apparatus nsed in tliis work consisted of tlie Orsat gas apparatus, two tin gas samplers, snpported by tripods and painted with asphaltum paint, one Siemens-Halske niilli-voltnieter and donble throw switch, two thermo- couples, one for the fine, the other for the kiln, two ther- mometers reading to 100 C and two to 300°, the latter being nsed during the watersmoking period, and two Rich- ardson-Lovejov metal draft gauges, tilled with colored pe- troleum and showing a reading magnified four times. The gas was drawn from the flue through •>4" pipes l)lugged at the end and perforated around the side. The pipe connected to the draft gauge was provided with an elbow so that the end of the pipe was parallel to the axis of the flue and pointed in the direction of the stack. This was found to be important, giving more consistent readings than when the pipe was inserted at right angles to the flue. KRAFT GAUGE. The readings of the draft gauge were not necessary for the determination of the heat escaping through the stack, since the weight of coal actually tired was used as the basis of the calculations, but they were useful in indi- cating the increasing velocity of the gases in the stack. The draft gauge without a Pitot tube cannot be used to measure the velocity of the gases except it is calibrated against an anemometer. A Pitot tube suitable for the purpose was not available, since the usual metal instru- ment would soon be destroyed by the high temperature of the gases and the time was too short for making a clay tube of this kind. AVith the Pitot tnV)e the velocity of the gases in tlu^ flue or stack is calculated from the relation. where v=the velocity in feet or meters per second. 10 A STUDY OF HEAT DISTRIBUTION IN FOUR INDUSTRIAL KILNS. g=i:the gravity constant, 32.14 ft. or 9.8 meters. h=real heiglit of the petroleum column in feet or me- ters, shown by the draft gauge. clr^iirdensit}^ of petroleum, in terms of water at 4°C. d==;density of the gases at the temperature and pres- sure of the stack or flue in terms of water at 4°. The relation between the real velocity as determined by the anemometer and that calculated from the Pitot tube is approximately 1.1 — 1.2, for the velocities in question in ceramic stacks. The Pitot tube velocities are hence to be multiplied by this factor in order to obtain the real velocity.* Some erroneous conceptions are current in regard to the meaning of the draft gauge readings. The value indi- cated by the gauge does not represent the total magnitude or "head'' of the draft, but only that part of it which cor- responds to the velocity, of the gases and which is not avail- able for pulling the gases through the furnaces and kiln. The total head of draft which may be expressed in inches or millimeters of water or air at 0° is the pull ob- tained by a stack, measured by the difference in the weight of the hot gases occupying the chimney and the weight of the same volume of air at atmospheric temperature. To illustrate, assuming a stack 10 meters high and 1 square meter in cross section at 273° C, with the atmospheric air at 0°, we have a difference in weight as follows: The weight of 10 cubic meters of air (volume of stack) at 0°C= 12.93 kg. The weight of the same volume of air at 273°= 6.465 kg. We have, then, as the measure of the total draft the weight of 12.93-6.465=6.465 kg. This weight is dis- tributed over the cross section of 1 sq. meter=^10000 sq. cm. The pressure upon 1 sq. cm. is thus 0.65 gram. This cor- responds to a height of a water column of 0.65 cm. Ex- pressed in terms of air at 0° it is 0.65X772=501.8 cm., water being 772 times as heavy as air at the same tempera- *W. D. Harkins and R. E. Swain. Jour. Am. Chem. Soc, Vol. 29, p. 970. A STUDY OF HEAT DISTRIBUTION IN FOUR INDUSTRIAL KILNS. 11 ture. This head of 5.02 meters represents the total draft. But only part of it is available for forcing the air needed for combustion into the furnaces and pulling out of the kiln the gases produced. Part of this force is taken up by the velocity of the stack gases and part of it by the friction of the gases in the stack. The head available tor the kiln, then, is equal to the total head minus the velocity and friction heads. The velocity head is calculated from the relation V2 K=- . 2g Assuming the A^elocity of the gases in the above stack to be G meters per second, the velocity head, l^, becomes 36 h,= =1.84 m., in terms of air at 273°. 2X9.8 Reduced to terms of air at 0" tliis head becomes 0.02ni. According to Richards the friction head, Ih,, of a stack is: H h.,=1.9-K d where H=lieight of stack. d=diameter or side of chimney. k=constant, whose average value=0.08. Substituting, we obtain 10 ho=l . 0— . . 08=0 . 15 meters. 1 The head of the stack thus available for pulli3Jg the gases through the kiln=5.02 - (1.84+0.15 »=3.03 meters of air at 0°. Experimentally, the total head of a stack may ])Q de termined by suddenly dropping the damper and ol)serving the draft gauge reading instantly. The common idea tliat the draft of a kiln is increased greatly as the stack be comes very hot is not true. It is true that the draft in- 12 A STUDY OF HrlAT DISTRIBUTION IN FOUR INDUSTRIAL KILNS. creases up to a certain temperature but not beyond it, in spite of the fact tbat the velocity of the gases increases. But as Ave have seen, increased stack velocity means in- creased loss in available head. It must be remembered that the draft of a stack is not measured by the volume of the gases drawn off, but by the weight of gas removed per unit time. We have thus the expression : n„ Sd y 2ff 0.00366. L (ti-t2) , UU^^^^ ^^ where ^ If 0.UO366 ti Qu=the weight of the gases removed per second. S =cross section of stack, d =density of the gases at 0°. g =9.8 m. OT 32.14 feet. L =lieiglit of stack. ti =mean temperature of the gases in the stack in degrees C t ^temperature of the air in degrees C Since here Sdi 2 g 0.00366 L=constant we may say that Qu^K "i"^ u. 00366 tT By differentiation or grajjhical determination of the maximum value of Qu we find that the temperature at which the greatest weight of gases is removed is at 273°C. Nothing is gained, therefore, as far as the available draft of a stack is concerned, by maintaining a mean stack tem- perature higher than 273^ above the atmospheric tempera- ture. SEWER PIPE KILN. The kiln in (juestion was one of the older kilns on the plant and was rectangulai-, its dimensions being : Length, 42 feet, width, 17i(-. feet, height, 19 feet, inside measure- ments. It was set with double strength 20 inch pipe, nested with smaller sizes, and contained 120,460 pounds of clay, all told, including rings, etc. A S1*UDy OF HEAT DISTRIBUTION IN FOUR INDUSTRIAL KILNS. 13 In burning, 87,335 pounds of coal were used, which had the following composition: Carbon 59-76% Hydrogen •. 4.08% Oxygen and Nitrogen 10. 72% Sulphur 2.57% Ash 11.74% Moisture 11.13% The ash was found to show tlie following analysis : Carbon 29.17% Hydrogen 0.26% Oxygen and Nitrogen 3 . 13% Sulphur 3 . 16% Ash 68.99% Moisture 1 . 55% The calorific power of tlie coal was 6,020 calories, or 10,837 B. T. U. The weights of tlie gases from 1 kg. of coal were: CO;=2.070 kg. H-0=o.478 kg. N==5.76S kg. assuming perfect combustion. The weight of air re((uired per kg. of coal is 7.48 kg. ; 3.42 per cent of carbon were lost in the ashes. The length of the burn was 129 hours. This was di- vided into 10 periods of 12 hours and one of 9 hours. All the analyses and other data were averaged on the basis of the 12 hour period, care having been taken to make the analyses representative of the average conditions. In Fig. 1 we have represented the average coal con- sumption per hour during the burn. Fig. 2 shows the time-temperature curves of the kiln and flue. In Fig. 3 there are shown the average carbon dioxide and air per- centages for each period throughout the burn. HEAT LOST BY WASTE GASES. In calculating the heat passing off with the waste gases from the data represented by the above curves, the mean flue temperature from the beginning to the end of each period was taken and the atmospheric temperature 14 A STUDY OF HEAT DISTRIBUTION IN FOUR INDUSTRIAL KILNS. TRANS. AM CER 5nc. VOL X FIGl. SEWER PIPE KILN. FUEL CONSUMPTION PER HOUR. BLtlMINCiER. 14-00 \ \ \ 1000 \ \ / 800 \ \^ / N I oc ^ 600 oc UJ Q- < o o o 400 in o Z / / o 200 / ^ k n i' A r 24 HOURS 7i 96 120 (lediictecl. The heat carried out by the gases correspondiiiij; to 1 kg. of coal was then calculated, as shown in th(^ first part of this paper. In the case of the sewer-pipe kiln the waste heat of each period is given in the folloAving table : A SlUDV or HKAT IMSTRlIiUTlON IN FOUR INDUSTRIAL KILNS. 16 00 ON 00 ^ 1-4 00 HH H4 fO J^ CO fO O IN 01 l^ CO VO r:: N 00 N HH n bo Ah ^ A STUDY OF HEAT DISTRIBUTION IN FOUR INDUSTRIAL KILNS. 16 T«ANS AM CER- 50C. VOLX BLEININGER FIG Z. SEWER PIPE KILN. TIME-TEMPERATURE CURVE. 1100 / ^ 900 J^ — ' y i /tio / 1 5 1 J J \^P^ , j^ ] y k j > y /- ^^ ^>< Y „' .^i:::!!--. ^-J — ' h-r 2 3 PAYS TRANi AM. CER SOC VUL X FIG5. SEWER PIPE KILN. AVERAGE CARBON DIOXIDE Sc AIR CONTENT OF FIRE GA6E5. A ?TUDV OK KI:AT DISTUIIiL'TION IX FOL'R INDUSTRIAL KILNS. I( Adding up the pounds of coal wliioh express the loss of heat by the ^vaste gases we obtain 16351 pounds. Since tlie total coal fired was 87,330 pounds, it is evident that the heat escaping through the flue is equal to 18.6 per cent. Fig. 4 shows the losses for each period of the burn. HEAT IlIXiUIUEI) TO BURN THE WARE. Calculating the heat required to burn 120,160 pounds of clay, as illustrated above, to a temperature of 1100° there will be used 13,689,179 kg. calories, which equal 4987 pounds of the coal employed in this case. This cor- responds to 5.71% of the total heat introduced into the kiln. HEAT LOST IN THE ASHES. The carbon lost in the ashes amounts to 3.42% of the coal. Since practically no available hydrogen was found TRAN5 AM CER 50C vOl X. B L 1 1 M I N Ci t rs F1G4-. SFWER PIPE KILN. %HEAT LOST BY WASTE GASES IN TERMS OF HEAT INTRODUCED. 18 A STUDY OF HKAT DISTRIBUTION IN FOUR INDUSTRIAL KILNS. in the ashes, the heat lost in this way evidently is 0.0342 X 8080 kg. calories per kg. of coal. Calculating this loss in percentage we obtain 4.58%. HEAT TAKEN UP BY THE KILN AND LOST BY RADIATION. The heat coming under this heading is evidently ob- tained by subtracting the sum of 18.6%+o.Tl%-f-i-58% from 100 which gives us 71.1%, a very high percentage, approaching the similar losses of open-hearth steel fur- naces and must be ascribed to the poor condition of the kiln. In Fig. 5 the draft-gauge readings are plotted, ex- pressed in draft gauge divisions and inches. The gauge was*frequently set to the zero point to allow for the evapor- ation of the petroleum. TRANS. AM. CER SOC. VOL X. FIG 5. 5EWER riPE KILN. DRAFT GAQE CURVE. A STUDY OF HEAT DISTRIBUTION IN FOUR INDUSTRIAL KILNS. 19 Collecting; the data obtained in these calculations we find the heat distribution to be as follows : Heat lost by the fire gases 18.6 % Heat taken up by the ware 5.7 % Heat lost by ashes 4.58% Heat taken by kiln and lost by radiation 71 . i % 100.0% In burning looo kg. of ware there were used 4378341 kg. cals. In burning i ton of ware there were used 3984200 kg. cals. In burning i ton of ware there were used 1456.8 lbs. of coal Temperature iioo°C. Durinji' saltinj; the fire gases were found to contain 15.6% COo and 2,4% O^. An interesting fact observed was also that the temperature during salting rose 5° in spite of the fact that the reactions involved in salting are endo- thermic, thus showing that there is no diflflculty in main- taining sufficient heat. During the latter part of the burn some carbon mon- oxide was found in the gases, but only for a short time and in small amounts. The loss of heat due to this source was hence neglected, r.wixf; r.KicK kiln. This kiln was a 2(1 ft. round down draft kiln and con- tained 357,204 pounds of burnt clay. The amount of coal used was 121,028 pounds. The maximum temperature reached was 1110°O. Analysis of coal : Carbon 60.15% Hydrogen 4.15% Sulphur 4-34% Oxygen and Nitrogen 9-37% Ash 14.09% Moisture 7 .90% The calorific power was found to be 6231 or 11216 B. T. U, Analysis of ashes: Carbon 21 . 53% Hydrogen 0.11% Sulphur 1.81% Oxygen and Nitrogen 0.83% Ash" 77.30% Moisture ,,,.,.,,.,. o . 08% 20 A STUDY OF HKAT DISTRIBUTION IN FOUR INDUSTRIAL KILNS. Thus 3.03% of carbon in the coal was lost with the ashes. From 1 kg-, of this coal there would be evolved : 2.090 kg. carbon dioxide 0.453 kg. steam 5.900 kg. nitrogen TRANS. AM. CER. SOC. VOLX BLElNINGER. 800 700 600 500 4-00 300 200 100 FIG 6. PAVING BRICK KILN. FUEL CONSUMPTION PER HOUR. 3 A PA-rs. • 5 A STUDY OF HEAT DISTRIBUTION IN FOUR INDUSTRIAL KILNS. 21 TRANS AM. CER SOC VOlX. FIG 7. FAUINO BRICK tllLN. TIME -TEMrER/VTURE , ii. y^^''-^ V ' DRAFT GAOE CURVE5 - / ^^IZSn : >V 'y"^ ^\ y^^^^'^^^^A' cr / i ^c « / i L---^ ' i 1 .-T--J ! }' i l\ i \ / / / / -^ ^ / ^1 \ / r-^_ V / 1 / / 1 A Vh / /: / T / /> I i f y j r' / i / 1 / 1 1 1 4 > ! — .-' — > — f not eoiisiderino- the siilpliur dioxide and assuming perfett conditions of combustion. For eadi kg. of uoal tired tliere would have to be introduced 7.(10 leg. of air for theoretical combustion. The length of the burn was 204 hours. The coal consumption per hour is shown in Fig, for each period of 12 hours throughout the burn. Fig. 7 gives the time-temperature curves for the kiln (couple intro- duced on top) and the flue as well as the draft gauge read- ings. The latter are taken from the stack, and it must be remembered that each division equals 3,4 inch and that the readings are magnified four times. Each division thus corresponds to 3-16 inch of petroleum, verti-.-al height. In Fig. 8 the COo and air contents of the gases are repre- sented. From the air curve we observe that the shale is not a difficult one to oxidize, that the air content of the gases is not excessive, and the heat losses are not so much due to large air excess as to the high exit temperature of the waste gases. 22 A STUDY OF HEAT DISTRIBUTION IN FOUR INDUSTRIAL KILNS. TRANS AM. CER &0C VOl X FIGS. PAVING - BRICK KILN. AVERAGE CARBON DIOXIDE AIR CONTENT OF FIRE GASES BLEININaER < K \ \ ^ io 70 \ \ \ \ \ i ^ i V ; ^ k / ^ Y A i \ ) i \ A )\ ( ] i \ / / \ \ i k y \ l\ +0 > y 1 r-N i-'r- /\ { s T n A-YS HEAT CARRIED OUT BY WASTE GASES. Proceeding as before we can calculate the heat carried out into the flue from the weight of coal fired per period, the air content of the gases and the flue temperature, so that we have the followino- results : A STUDY OF HF.AT UISTKI IK'TlOX IN-POIR INDUSTRIAL KILNS. 23 ' o- o o o i 1 00 CO VC ^ T ^, Oil 00 00 H- 1 oi ^ 1 1 ^J^_ ^c N 00 OO i^ "^ 8 ^ 1 ^ d Z ^ ►H ^ '^ ^ 0\ lO ir; r^ i-c -On VO ^ i " 1 l^ w O — 1— ( ^ 1 ^ % ^ =^ --^ 1/- > 8 1 ° ?J. 1 ^ ,^ o . ■^ ^ : ^ 1 r, \ .r Tf ]£' cc -^ 2 o 1 vo (;;, in HH 00 IN I^ V^ « i N ; -1 r o\ • o r^ ^ , ^ i ^ ! 1^ 00 « R "^ ^ f {^ ^j o; On i Z \C ; M OO OJ ►H ^ ^ -' i ; 00 \o O .^ ^' ^ i '^ « OO _ g^ , ^ 1 ! 1 i 1 1 "rt r 1 (. •:3 .2 "^ *- >4- u C O c ) CO c ^ b It •r: be "rt " be C '■^ o r i i t l; O o a > c "o j: o c ■1 ei 5 ^ 1 b, =« >. 5 -^ bib „ 2 >. : J3 1 1 O '-' (« J 5 CJ 1 ""^ '.^ aj . . . 1- rt ^ c a o ^ > ^ \ / \ / \ \ 1 ' — -~4. ^ < k / / < 1 — rx;. ^ r \ / V "*^ — \ / o u o 3 — ^ 1 1 1 1 FIG 16. — TERfiA COTTA KILN B. AVeRAQE CARBON DIOXIDE k AIR CONTENT Of FIRE GASES. — r 1 1 A STUDY OF HEAT DISTRIBUTION IN FOUR INDUSTRIAL KILNS. 33 in construction between kilns A and B is brought out clearly by these curves. Fig. 16 illustrates the average carbon dioxide and air contents of the fire gases represent- ing for each period. It is observed that in this kiln also the conditions are decidedly oxidizing. HEAT LOSSES DUE TO THE FLUE GASES. The results of the calculations ai-e again indicated in a table, viz : in 34 A ?TUDY OF HEAT DISTRIBUTIOX TN FOUR INDUSTRIAL KILNS. o 00 o 00 1 CO "T) o ^ VO ITi H 0\ Q\ o ^ "^ in O lO 1^ tX 0) 00 l_l 00 VO 00 t^ 0» CO m 00 m IH CO m CO CO In O 0» CO m t^ tx lO l^ Ov VO vn 1-1 o\ n. •* in \o l-N 01 o o XT ' O CO CO rf lO Os ^ in ^ O CO CO -^ (<> ^ rj o 5 0\ CO o 01 5:__ PI rf 00 VO o • o (S t^ 00 t^ 0) ^ 04 :^£ \o o t-1 00 if?i - 0) CO rt -o O G O a lU u ^ 0) ^ to ,_ rt c bfi LOST BY RADIATION. This is equal to 100— (57.1+8.0+1.6)=33.3%. This item, therefore, is very small for this kiln, which speaks well for its construction. Summarizing, we have : Heat lost by the waste gases 57 • i % Theoretical heat required for charge 8.0% Heal lost by unburnt carbon i .6% Heat lost to kiln and radiation 33-3% 1000 kg. terra cotta required 5002518 kg. calories. 1000 kg. terra cotta and supports 307242^ kg. calories. I ton terra cotta required 1439 pounds of coal. I ton terra cotta and supports 884 pounds of coal. Temperature iii5°C. It will be observed that in spite of the large flue loss in kiln B and the higher muffle temperature the efficiency is about the same as that of A, this being due to the larger size and hence greater tonnage of B. For the sake of completeness the writer desires to quote the results obtained for a brick kiln,* burning hard ♦The Clay Worker, February, 1908. 36 A STUDY OF HEAT DISTRIBUTION IN FOUR INDUSTRIAL KILNS. shale building and sewer brick. This kiln was of the down draft type, 28 feet inside diameter, and contained 66,190 brick, each weighino- 6% pounds. The amount of coal con- sumed was 1)5,045 pounds, the B. T. U. value being 11162. The summary of the heat distribution of this kiln was as follows : Heat lost by the flue gases 27.33% Theoretical heat required to burn bricks 19-55% Heat lost by unburnt carbon 3-51% Heat taken up by kiln and lost by radiation 49.61% 100.00% 1000 kg. of brick recpiired 1,119,171 kg. calories, or for eadi ton of ware 168 pounds of coal were fired. The tem- perature was 1100° C. Comment on the work of this article is hardly neces- sary since the figures themselves are the conclusions to be drawn. It might facilitate comparison to arrange the ab- solute quantities of heat required in each case. 1000 kg. sewer-pipe 4378341 kg. calories 1000 kg. paving brick 2056230 kg. calories IQOO kg. terra cotta, A 4640756 kg. calories 1000 kg. terra cotta plus supports 3007205 kg. calories 1000 kg. terra -cotta, B 5002518 kg. calories 1000 kg. terra cotta plus supports 307242;^ kg. calories 1000 kg. hard building brick I449I74 kg. calories Expressing these values in pounds of coal per ton w(i have : I ton sewer pipe 1457 pounds coal I ton paving brick 660 pounds coal T ton terra cotta, .A.* 1524 pounds coal I ton terra cotta and supports 896 pounds coal I ton terra cotta, B I439 pounds coal I ton terra cotta and supports 884 pounds coal I ton building brick 468 pounds coal In conclusion the writer wishes to acknowledge his indebtedness to Professor C. W. Rolfe for having granted the use of the funds and apparatus which made the work possible. He also desires to express his appreciation of tlie conscientious services and faithful cooperation of Mr. C. *The coal used in \ is inferior in heating value to that in B. A STUDY OF HEAT DISTRIBUTION IN FOUR INDUSTRIAL KILNS. 0( E. Merry, of the departmeut of ceramics, Uui\ersit3' of Illinois. He wishes to thank especially the firms whose kind ooperatiou was enjoyed in every case. DISCUSSION. Mr. Laufjcnbrch- : I wish to ask about the percent loss of waste gases — I presume by that the speaker means both the lost heat of the gases during the combustion of the kiln and tlie lieat loss by radiation, not only from the out- side during the burning, but also during the cooling of the ware through the stack. Did you attempt in any waj^ tak- ing the temperature on the outside of the kiln at the var- ious points and times to determine what the percent of this loss was, this radiation of the kiln shell during the com- bustion? Mr. Bliiniiif/rr: I have made no attemjtt to do this since this is a very difficult matter, no reliable data being at hand to serve as the starting point of such calculations. The German Government is endeavoring to obtain the necessary facts by experimental researches. There is ab- solutely no reliance to be ])laced on any data found in handbooks concerning radiation. There are any number of theoretical calculations on this subject, but tiiey do nor agree in their deductions. Mr. Laiifjcnhrck : 1 am glar were they s]){^cially tired by expert workmen, and vras there any handling of the kilns? I will also ask Mr. Bleininger, in that loss which he ascribes to radiation and kiln loss, whether he attempted to r(Highly differentiate between the external shell loss and what might be safely deducted as not external radiation? If he could give us a hint on that it wouhl be greatly appreciated. J//". Blciniiu/cr: I have not attempted to do this. r>ut in one case where the conditions were favorable, where tlie air was being drawn out of the kiln by a fan, we at- tempted to measure the heat retained in the kiln. We in- serted a pyrometer and later on thermometers into the goose-neck, and knowing the ])ressure exerted by the fan we were able to roughly A STUDY OF HEAT DISTRIBUTION IN FOUR INDUSTRIAL KILNS. required for the expulsion of the mechanical water, the raising of the heat of the clay itself from the atmospheric temperature to the final temperature, and that taken by the expulsion of the chemical water. We have no accurate figures in regard to the heat of decomposition of the hy- drous clay substances. I have assunied it to be 200 calories per gram of such water. ;^.."- ^•■^ ^ V :»£"<<^' ^ :f-'^ r^-v M^ ;^^ I4i.5^^ ^^>W j^"^ .' ^ f^l ^A ^-if^^^^mi. '^. -Vf 'Va- vX .-^^^ UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS-URBANA ^ 3 0112 052567101 > /I f^M'. ;^:^' ■■M^, ^'fl^^^^^^^^^^^^^^K^ ^m a^^^' P,. 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