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To renew call Telephone Center, 333-8400 UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS LIBRARY AT URBANA-CHAMPAIGN JAN 131981 at 16 L161— O-1096 Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2013 Iter no *sec. | — I RESET PROCEED SET PROCEED FIGURE 4 FLOW CHART FOR SCAN 12 S3 OS CO W fc « fc o D Cx, PQ s > a M o w <3 Q W o 13 NITIALIZE'Qi) 1 ., + P Q x e COUNT • Q 2 * PROCEED m 1 1 f 5 *sec. #1 NITIALIZE'Qi ) + Ql = 1 COUNT - 1 Q 2 = PROCEED ■ 1 (FLAG) ■ p| 3 ^ sec • r (FLAG 'FILLED) Ql = 1 COUNT = 1 Q 2 ■ ^ PROCEED = (FILLED) 5 */ sec. #2 1 r Ql = COUNT - 1 Q 2 = 1 PROCEED - 1 FIGURE 6 STATE DIAGRAM FOR SCAN Ik the counter, by a decoding technique which is explained in detail in the chapter on the Transmitter/Receiver (Chapter VI), Scan is connected to Receive Control by a control line, called FILLED, which is controlled by Receive Control; PROCEED is also terminated at Receive Control. The outputs of the counter, bits A through E , and their complements are carried on a ten wire bus which is available to the Transmitter/Receivers. The manner in which each Transmitter/Receiver is connected to this bus is described in the chapter on the Transmitter/Receiver (Chapter VI). A normal Scan cycle begins when Scan enters state, Q Q p equal 00. When Scan enters this state, COUNT changes from "1" to "0, n and the counter is incremented. At the same time, the first monostable multivibrator is triggered as SHOT 1 changes from "0" to "1." The monostable multivibrator produces a five microsecond positive pulse; this pulse provides enough time to insure that the counter has been stabilized before there are any more state changes. The pulse's trailing edge triggers Flip Flop 1, thus placing Scan in state 10 and setting COUNT. Scan is now ready to examine FLAG from the Transmitter/ Receiver which corresponds to the number contained in the counter. If FLAG is "0," then the Transmitter /Receiver in question does not contain a word ready for transmission to the computer. If this is the case, the second monostable multivibrator is triggered, producing a five microsecond pulse, whose trailing edge triggers Flip Flop 1; this action returns Scan to state 00, and resets 15 COUNT, which increments the counter. Scan then continues its scanning procedure until it finds a Transmitter/Receiver for which FLAG is "1." If upon entering state 10, Scan determines that FLAQ is "1," this indicates to Scan that the Transmitter/Receiver, under consideration, contains a word which it is ready to transmit to the Receive Buffer. If FILLED is "1," this indicates that the Receive Buffer already contains a word which it is waiting for the computer to accept. In this case, Scan remains in state 10 until FILLED is reset. When FILLED is "0," this indicates that the Receive Buffer is empty and is ready to accept a word from one of the Transmitter/Receivers. After FILLED is reset (or if it was "0" when first checked by Scan), Scan enters state 11 and PROCEED is reset. After PROCEED is reset, the number contained in the counter is gated into the first five bit-positions of the Receive Buffer, and the ten bit word is gated from the Transmitter/Receiver into the next ten bit-positions of the Receive Buffer. When the Receive Buffer has received the word, it sets FILLED. When FILLED is set, the second monos table multivibrator is triggered, producing a five microsecond pulse, whose trailing edge triggers Flip Flop 1, thus sending Scan into state 01 and setting PROCEED, Scan automatically returns to state 00 from state 01. Initial conditions are established by the INITIALIZE pulse which resets Flip Flop 2 and triggers Flip Flop 1. Thus, 16 Scan initially enters either state 00 or state 10 depending on whether Q. is "1" or "0," respectively, at the time that the INITIALIZE pulse occurred. 17 CHAPTER IV RECEIVE BUFFER AND RECEIVE CONTROL The Receive Buffer, which is shown in Figure 7, is a buffer register composed of fifteen flip flops (cross-coupled NOR gates). Initially all fifteen flip flops are reset by the INITIALIZE pulse; after each transmission of the contents of the Receive Buffer to the computer, the flip flops are reset by a signal, called CLEAR, which is generated by Receive Control. The output gates for bits A through E of the counter are connected to the set leads of Flip Flops 1 through 5» and the output gates for bits F through of the Transmitter/ Receivers are connected in parallel (i.e., OR) to the set leads of Flip Flops 6 through 15, respectively. (The physical nature of this parallel connection is explained in the chapter on the Transmitter /Receiver, Chapter VI.) After Scan resets PROCEED, bits A to E are gated from the counter into Flip Flops 1 through 5, respectively, and bits F through axe gated from the Transmitter/Receiver, corresponding to the number contained in the counter, into Flip Flops 6 through 15, respectively. Receive Control is realized as a four state sequential circuit. The Flow Chart, Logic Diagram and State Diagram for Receive Control are shown in Figures 8, 9 and 10, respectively. Flip Flop 1 is composed of cross-coupled NOR gates followed by inverters, and Flip Flop 2 is a JK Flip Flop; Receive Control 18 pd « W ^ h ft 04 m s o w o > M fc w o o o a o o HI o o *1 19 INITIALIZE 00 L-JL RESET CLEAR RESET FILLED YES | 700 /usee. I SET FILLED SET REQUEST RESET REQUEST SET CLEAR FIGURE 8 FLOW CHART FOR RECEIVE CONTROL 20 o « I u w > M w o w OS 03 O a o M p o M 8 On W O M 21 INITIALIZE Ql ■ CLEAR ■ PILLED « Q 2 « REQUEST ■ ( PROCEED ) 3f 700 a/ sec. A Q t = CLEAR = FILLED = 1 Q 2 = 1 REQUEST = 1 (SERVICE) Q t = 1 CLEAR = FILLED = 1 Q 2 = 1 REQUEST = ( SERVICE* PROC] 2ED) 1 r 5 *sec. 1 Q x = 1 CLEAR = 1 FILLED = 1 Q 2 = REQUEST = FIGURE 10 STATE DIAGRAM FOR RECEIVE CONTROL 22 also contains two monos table multivibrators. Receive Control is connected to the computer by two control lines; these control lines are: REQUEST, which is controlled by Receive Control; and SERVICE, which is controlled by the computer. When the Receive Buffer is empty and is ready to accept a word from one of the Transmitter/Receivers, Receive Control is in state, Q Q_ equal 00. Initially Receive Control is placed into this state by the INITIALIZE pulse. When Receive Control is in state 00, FILLED is M 0"; this indicates to Scan that the Receive Buffer is empty. Scan resets PROCEED in order to load the Receive Buffer. When PROCEED is reset, the 700 microsecond multivibrator is triggered, producing a 700 microsecond pulse. The five bits from the counter are loaded immediately after PROCEED is reset; however, the eight bits from the Transmitter/Receiver are not gated into the Receive Buffer until the first FAST CLOCK pulse occurs, following the changing of PROCEED from "1" to "0." (This is discussed in the chapter on the Transmitter/Receiver, Chapter VI.) Since the FAST CLOCK period is approximately 560 microseconds, this 700 microsecond pulse provides more than enough time to insure that the Receive Buffer has been loaded before Receive Control changes states. The trailing edge of this pulse triggers Flip Flop 2, thus placing Receive Control in state 01 and setting FILLED and 23 REQUEST. FILLED indicates to Scan that the Receive Buffer contains a word, and REQUEST indicates the same fact to the computer. When the computer is ready to receive the word, it gates the word into its Input Data Channel by placing a positive pulse of approximately five microseconds duration on the SERVICE line. The leading edge of this SERVICE pulse sets Flip Flop 1, thus placing Receive Control into state 11 and resetting REQUEST. After SERVICE returns to "0" and PROCEED has been set, the five microsecond monostable multivibrator is triggered, producing a five microsecond pulse. This pulse's trailing edge triggers Flip Flop 2, thus placing Receive Control into state 10 and setting CLEAR, which resets all the flip flops in the Receive Buffer. Receive Control automatically returns to state 00, thus resetting CLEAR and FILLED; the resetting of FILLED indicates to Scan that the Receive Buffer is empty and is again ready to accept a word. 2k CHAPTER V TRANSMIT CONTROL The first five bite of the thirteen bit Output Data Channel of the computer are labeled as bits A through E., respectively, and comprise the five bit binary number corresponding to the teletypewriter to which the computer is attempting to send data. Bits A. through E. and their complements are carried on a ten wire bus available to the Transmitter/Receivers. The remaining eight bits of the Output Data Channel are labeled as bits F through M , respectively, and comprise the eight bit character which is being transmitted. Bits F through M are connected to the corresponding input gates in each of the Transmitter/Receivers. Transmit Control is realized as a two state sequential circuit composed of one JK flip flop and a monostable multi- vibrator. The Logic Diagram and the State Diagram for Transmit Control are shown in Figures 11 and 12, respectively. Transmit Control is connected to each Transmitter /Receiver by a control line called DEMAND which is controlled by Transmit Control. In addition, there is a line, called REJECT, by which the Transmitter/ Receiver, which corresponds to the binary number contained in bits A through E , can send an interrupt signal to the computer. (The decoding technique by which the correct Transmitter/Receiver is connected to the computer is discussed in the chapter on the Transmitter/Receiver, Chapter VI.) There is a control line, called RESPONSE, from the computer to Transmit Control; RESPONSE 25 e RESPONSE 1 T i if 5 //sec. DEMAND FIGURE 11 LOGIC DIAGRAM FOR TRANSMIT CONTROL Q « 1 DEMAND ■ 1 A k (RESPONSE) 5 /j sec. l-*0 Q = DEMAND - FIGURE 12 STATE DIAGRAM FOR TRANSMIT CONTROL 26 is controlled by the computer. When the Controller is ready to attempt to relay data from the computer to one of the teletypewriters, Transmit Control is in state, Q equals "1," with DEMAND equal to "1." When the computer is ready to attempt to send data to one of the teletype- writers, it sends a positive pulse, of approximately five micro- seconds duration, on the RESPONSE line and simultaneously gates the thirteen bit word on to its Output Data Channel. The RESPONSE pulse's trailing edge triggers the flip flop, thus resetting DEMAND and triggering the monostable multivibrator. This produces a five microsecond negative pulse on the DEMAND line to the Transmitter/Receivers. If the Transmitter/Receiver in question is not in the process of either transmitting a word to its tele- typewriter or receiving a word from its teletypewriter, it will accept the data and will transmit it in serial form to its teletypewriter. If the Transmitter/Receiver in question is in the process of either transmitting a word to its teletypewriter or receiving a word from its teletypewriter, it will reject the data and will send an interrupt signal to the computer on the REJECT line. The computer is required to keep data on its Output Data Channel for a period of approximately ten microseconds. If the computer is capable of placing new data on to its Output Data Channel at a faster rate than once every ten microseconds, then DEMAND must be connected to the computer, and the computer must wait until DEMAND returns to "1" before it places new data on its Output Data Channel and sends the next RESPONSE pulse. 27 CHAPTER VI TRANSMITTER/RECEIVER The Controller contains one Transmitter /Receiver for each teletypewriter connected to it. The Transmitter /Receiver consists of two sub-units, called the Interface Sub-unit and the Register Sub-unit. In the Receive mode, data is sent from a teletypewriter to the Interface Sub-unit of the corresponding Transmitter/Receiver. The Interface Sub-unit converts the teletypewriter current levels of the incoming data to digital voltage levels and forwards the data, in serial form, to the Register Sub-unit over the IN line. Similarly, in the transmit mode, data is sent from the Register Sub-unit to the Interface Sub-unit, in serial form, over the OUT line. The Interface Sub- unit converts the digital voltage levels of the outgoing data to teletypewriter current levels and 6ends the data to the corresponding teletypewriter. The Circuit Diagram for the Interface Sub-unit is shown in Figure 13. The teletypewriters are connected to the Controller in a Half Duplex configuration; when a teletypewriter is connected in this configuration and there is no data being sent in either direction, OUT is "1," and the teletypewriter contacts are closed. Therefore, there is current flowing on the line; transistors Tl, T2 and T3 are "on," thus causing IN to be "1." Resistor Rl is a 500 ohm variable resistor, which can be adjusted in order to set the line current at 20 ma. This condition in which there is 28 D CO w o s w EH « o < M Q En M M o r>» D O M EC * co e-< 29 current on the line and IN is "1" is called a "Mark." The condition in which the loop is broken and there is no current on the line is called a "Space." The loop ia broken when either the teletypewriter contacts are opened or OUT is reset by the Transmitter/Receiver. When the loop is broken, transistors Tl, T2 and T3 are turned "off," and IN changes to "0." In order to prevent interference to the rest of the Controller, by noise generated by the switching of 50 volts, the components comprising the Interface Sub-unit, except for Transistor T3 and the resistor connected to its collector, are contained within a ground-shielded case; the wire to the base of transistor T3 and the twisted pair of wires to the teletypewriter are ground-shielded. A ten wire bus connected to the five bit counter in Scan is available to each Transmitter/Receiver; this bus carries the counter outputs, bits A to E and their complements. The Register Sub-unit of each Transmitter /Receiver has a NOR gate which is connected to the complements of the corresponding binary number as shown in Figure l*f. The output of this NOR gate is called GO, and it is "1" only for the particular Transmitter/ Receiver corresponding to the number contained at that time in the counter of Scan. In each Register Sub-unit, GO is connected along with the PROCEED line from Scan to a NOR gate whose output is PROCEED if the Transmitter/Receiver corresponds to the number contained at that time in the counter; for all 30 IH O W o o Q w w o o w ca o 31 other Transmitter/Receivers, the output of this gate is "0." Therefore, when Scan resets PROCEED, in order to gate a word from a Transmitter/Receiver into the Receive Buffer, only the Transmitter /Receiver under consideration receives the PROCEED signal. Figure 15 shows that the GO and the FLAG lines of each Transmitter/Receiver are connected to a NOR gate (in the Register Sub-unit) f the output of which is connected to a switching transistor, which is in the common emitter configuration. The collectors of the thirty-two transistors are connected in parallel to a line which is connected through a limiting resistor to a 3*6 volt power supply; this line is the FLAG input to Scan. Whenever FLAG for the Transmitter/Receiver, under consideration by Scan, is "1," this line is grounded through the corresponding transistor (which is "on"), and the FLAG input to Scan is "0." At all other times, the voltage on the line is 3*6 volts and the FLAG input to Scan is "1." There is also a ten wire bus which carries bits A through E and their complements from the computer's Output Data Channel. In each Transmitter/Receiver, the complements of the corresponding binary number are connected to a NOR gate as 6hown in Figure 16 in a similar manner as was described for the complements of the counter output bits. The output of this NOR gate is called OK and is "1" only for the particular Transmitter/Receiver corresponding to the number contained at that time in bits A through E . In 32 GO (1) FLAG (1) GO (2) FLAG (2) 29 i GO (32) FLAG (32) 2N3903 2N3903 2N3903 6.8K FLAG (TO SCAN) FIGURE 15 FLAG CONNECTION DEMAND (FROM TRANSMIT CONTROL) At A t *t *t c t c t °t °t Et Et REJECT (1 ) OK (1) OK (1) BUSY (2)- CxPi> REJECT (2) OK (2) OK (2) 29 i BUSY (32) REJECT (32) OK (32) OK (32) FIGURE 16 REJECT CIRCUITS 33 each Transmitter/Receiver, OK and the DEMAND line from Transmit Control are connected to a NOB gate along with a signal called BUST. (The generation of BUSY will be discussed later; if BUST is "1," this indicates that the Transmit ter/Receirer is either transmitting data to its teletypewriter or receiving data from its teletypewriter.) The output of this NOR gate is REJECT. Therefore, when the computer is attempting to transmit data to one of the teletypewriters and Transmit Control produces a DEMAND pulse, if the corresponding Transmitter/Receiver is presently either transmitting data to its teletypewriter or receiving data from its teletypewriter, the Transmitter/Receiver will reject the data and will produce a five microsecond REJECT pulse. If the Transmitter/Receiver in question is not either transmitting data to its teletypewriter or receiving data from its teletypewriter, then REJECT will remain equal to n f " since BUSY is "1," and the Transmitter/Receiver will accept the data. Also, REJECT is "0," for all Transmitter/Receivers not corresponding to bits A through E . As shown in Figure 17, the REJECT signals from the Transmitter/Receivers are connected in parallel in a similar arrangement as was described earlier for the outputs of the NOR gates to which FLAG and GO are connected. As stated earlier, when the teletypewriter is not sending data, there is a Mark ("1") on the IN line. When a character is sent by the teletypewriter, a Space ("0") bit, called the 30 ad w > vo CO • • en + vO o o EH 8 o V\Ar o CM O O 9 CM cn O ON & CM <3r fer ®r 2 O HH E-t O W o o Eh O w *-* W OS vO vO C«"\ ON CM vO D O M Eh O W CM E-« O W W « CM en Eh U W 35 "start bit," is first sent, followed by an eight bit combination of Mark6 and Spaces representing the particular character, which is followed by two Mark bits ("1"), called the "stop bits." The same signal conditions apply when the Transmitter/Receiver sends data to the teletypewriter. Most of the logic of the Register Sub-unit is shown in Figure l8; the time relationship of the signals used in the receive mode is shown in Figure 19. A shift register, composed of Flip Flops 6 through lk (D flip flops) is used in both the transmit mode and the receive mode. Since in the receive mode, ' the "start bit" ("0") of a word can occur immediately following the two "stop bits" ("1") of the previous word, it is necessary to gate a word into a buffer register, composed of Flip Flops 15 through 22 (cross-coupled NOR gates) during the period of time that the two "stop bits" are occurring. This buffer register then holds the word until after PROCEED has been reset by Scan. In the receive mode, the "start bit" ("0") of an incoming word sets Flip Flop 1 (cross-coupled NOR gates), thus setting R RELEASE which gates FAST CLOCK to the trigger of Flip Flop 2; however, if the Transmitter/Receiver is already in the transmit mode, T RELEASE (which will be discussed in detail later) is "1," thus preventing the "start bit" from setting Flip Flop 1. Flip Flops 2 through 5 («JK flip flops) comprise a divide-by-sixteen circuit which provides SLOW CLOCK pulses to trigger the shift register (Flip Flops 6 through Ik ) . (In Figure 19* only four 36 CD = Z5 « (A*T RELEASE) Q 2? = 028 = 1 Z3 = 1 Z4 * ° Z5 - Q 2? = 1 028 = 1 Z3 B Z^ - 1 Z5 = i Q 2? = 1 028 ■ ° Z3 = Z4 - Zj-.l FIGURE 21 STATE DIAGRAM FOR A CIRCUIT ko On the second FAST CLOCK pulse, the A Circuit goes to state 11, and a positive pulse occurs on the Z^ line. This Z. pulse provides the following functions: (a) it gates the word from Flip Flops 6 through 13 (shift register) into Flip Flops 15 through 22 (buffer register); and (b) it signals the FLAG-R ERROR Circuit (Flip Flops 23 and 2*0 to set FLAG; this action informs Scan that the Transmitter/Receiver has a word ready for transmis- sion to the computer. (The FLAG-R ERROR Circuit will be discussed later.) On the third FAST CLOCK pulse, the circuit goes to state 10, and a positive pulse occurs on the Z_ line. This Z c pulse provides the following functions: (a) it resets Flip Flop 1 and R RELEASE, thus disengaging SLOW CLOCK; (b) it resets Flip Flops 2 through *f and sets Flip Flop 5, thus presetting the divide-by- sixteen circuit to eight; and (c) it sets Flip Flops 6 through 1^, thus placing all M l*s" in the shift register and setting A. On the fourth FAST CLOCK pulse, the circuit returns to state 00 with all outputs equal to "0." The circuit stays in this state until A again goes from "1" to "0." After FLAG has been set, and Scan is ready for the Transmitter/Receiver to transmit its word, Scan resets PROCEED. Figure 22 shows Flip Flops 29 and 30 (JK flip flops) which comprise a four state sequential circuit, called PROCEED Circuit, for which the State Diagram is shown in Figure 23. When PROCEED is "1," the circuit is in state Q Q Q equal 00, and both outputs kl PROCEED FIGURE 22 LOGIC DIAGRAM FOR PROCEED CIRCUIT (PROCEED) (PROCEED) * * x (PROCEED) r* Q 29 « Q 3 = ° z x = z 2 = (PROCEED) Q 29 - Q30 = 1 z 2 = Q29 = 1 Q30 - 1 z t ■ z 2 = 1 ( PROCEED ) -n Q 29 - 1 Q30 - ° z t = Z2 B (PROCEED) FIGURE 23 STATE DIAGRAM FOR PROCEED CIRCUIT are "0." On the first FAST CLOCK pulse following a change of PROCEED from "1" to "0," the circuit goes to state 01, and a positive pulse occurs on the Z. line. This Z.. pulse gates the outputs from the buffer register (Flip Flops 15 through 22) into the Receive Buffer (for transmission directly to the computer)* On the second FAST CLOCK pulse, the PROCEED Circuit goes to state 11, and a positive pulse occurs on the Z_ line. This Z pulse resets Flip Flop 25 and signals the FLAG-R ERROR Circuit (Flip Flops 2J> and 2k) to reset FLAG. Both Flip Flop 25 and the FLAG-R ERROR Circuit are used to generate error messages which will be discussed later. If on the third FAST CLOCK pulse, PROCEED is still equal to "0," the circuit goes to state 10 with both outputs equal to "0." It stays in this state until the first FAST CLOCK pulse following a change of PROCEED from "0" to "1," at which time it returns to state 00. The output gates for each bit (of the buffer registers) are connected in parallel in the same type of arrangement that was described earlier for FLAG. Figure 2k shows the connection for bit F . If bit F is "1" when the negative Z pulse (positive Z pulse) occurs, the corresponding transistor stays "off" and bit F is transmitted as "1," thus setting Flip Flop 6 of the Receive Buffer. If bit F is "0," then the negative Z n pulse r -L turns the corresponding transistor "on," and bit F is transmitted as "0." In this case, Flip Flop 6 of the Receive Buffer remains ft so m w PmOu Si Du CO £33 gs <0 vO 00 • • o 'VW pP 55 O M o c^ &H itY ON CM o o M CO -a- CM W « o M CM Eh CM reset. The other output gates are similarly connected. In addition to transmitting the eight bit character, the Transmitter /Receiver also transmits a two bit error message consisting of bits N and , which are transmitted to the Receive r r Buffer as the l^ftk and isu bits, respectively. These bits are gated into the Receive Buffer (for transmission to the computer) in the same manner and at the same time as the other eight bits by the Z.. pulse. Bit indicates an error caused by the simultaneous use of the Transmitter/Receiver for both the receive mode and the transmit mode; the generation of bit will be discussed later. r Bit N indicates an error caused when a word is loaded into the r buffer register (Flip Flops 15 through 22) while another word is still contained in the buffer register waiting to be gated into the Receive Buffer (for direct transmission to the computer). If both N and are "0," no error exists; if either N or is ,f l,' ! r r r r then the corresponding error has occurred. Flip Flops 23 and 2k (cross-coupled NOR gates with inverters) of Figure l8 comprise a three state sequential circuit, called FLAG-R ERROR Circuit, for which the State Diagram is shown in Figure 25. This circuit generates both FLAG and R ERROR, which is gated into the Receive Buffer as bit N . ° r When the Transmitter/Receiver does not contain a receive mode word in either its shift register or its buffer register, the FLAG-R ERROR Circuit is in state, Q Q . equal 00, and both FLAG and R ERROR are "0." As a word is being gated from the shift <*5 INITIALIZI 1 5 Q 2 c « FLAG « $26 " ° R ERR0R = ° (2^) (Z^) Q 2 t = FLAG ■ 1 Q 2 ^ =1 R ERROR ■ (z 3 ) (Z^) Q 2 r = 1 FLAG ■ 1 Q 2 5 =1 R ERROR = 1 (z 2 z^) FIGURE 25 STATE DIAGRAM FOR FLAG-R ERROR CIRCUIT 46 register into the buffer register and the Z, pulse occurs, the FLAG-R ERROR Circuit goes to state 01 with FLAG equal to "1" and R ERROR equal to "0." After the word has been shifted from the buffer register (Flip Flops 15 through 22) to the Receive Buffer, the Z ? pulse occurs, causing the circuit to change back to state 00 except for the case where the Z_ and Z. pulses occur simultaneously. In this case, no error has occurred, but the circuit remains in state 01 with FLAG equal to "1," and R ERROR equal to "0." If a Z, pulse is followed by a Z_ pulse without a Z pulse occurring between them, an error has occurred, since the Z pulse has reset the flip flops of the buffer register while the previous word was still waiting in the buffer register for transfer to the Receive Buffer. This type of error is signified by R ERROR being equal to "1." Therefore, if a Z-. pulse occurs While the circuit is in state 01, the circuit changes to state 11 with both FLAG and R ERROR equal to "1." After the FLAG-R ERROR Circuit has entered state 11, it remains in this state until a Z pulse occurs, at which time the circuit returns to state 00, except in the case where the Z_ and Z. pulses occur simultaneously. In this case, the circuit goes to state 01 with FLAG equal to "1" and R ERROR equal to "0." As discussed earlier, when the computer wants to transmit data to one of the teletypewriters, Transmit Control produces a five microsecond DEMAND pulse. If the Transmitter/Receiver, to <*7 which the computer is attempting to send data, is not presently either transmitting data to its teletypewriter or receiving data from its teletypewriter, REJECT will remain equal to "0," and the following actions will take place during the five microsecond DEMAND pulse: (a) bits F through M. will be gated into Flip Flops 6 through 13 respectively; (b) Flip Flop Ik will be reset, in order to provide a "start bit"; and (c) Flip Flops 2 through 5 will be reset, thus presetting the divide-by-sixteen circuit to zero. At the end of the DEMAND pulse, a monostable multivibrator is triggered, producing a 110 millisecond T RELEASE pulse which engages SLOW CLOCK, thus shifting the data on to the OUT line, T RELEASE prevents the data from being shifted back into the shift register from the IN line. BUSY is "1," whenever either T RELEASE or R RELEASE is "1." When the Transmitter/Receiver is transmitting data to the teletypewriter, the IN and OUT lines are checked bit-by-bit by a three gate comparator circuit connected to the set lead of Flip Flop 26 (D flip flop). The check is made when SLOW CLOCK rises from "0" to "1," which occurs in the center of each bit on the OUT line since the bits are shifted on to the OUT line when SLOW CLOCK falls from "1" to "0." Whenever the IN and OUT bits are not identical in value at the time of the check, Flip Flop 26 is temporarily set, setting Flip Flop 25, thus also setting T ERROR. Flip Flop 25 remains set until after the error bit has been r gated into the computer. In order to insure that the computer is 48 notified of the error, FLAG is set whenever Flip Flop 25 is set, regardless of the state of the FLAG-R ERROR Circuit. The INITIALIZE line is connected to the Transmitter/ Receivers in order to establish initial conditions; the INITIALIZE pulse: (a) presets the dlvide-by-sixteen circuit to tight; (b) resets Flip Flop 1 and R RELEASE} (o) sets Flip Flops 6 through Ik (shift register); (d) resets Flip Flops 23 and 2k % thus placing the FLAG-R ERROR Circuit in state 00; and (e) resets Flip Flop 25 and T ERROR. <*9 CHAPTER VII CONSPECTUS The Data Communications Controller, which has been described in this thesis, is designed to serve as an interface between a digital computer and up to thirty-two teletypewriters or other input/output devices. Although the teletypewriter is the principal input/output device which the Controller is designed to service, other devices could be connected to the Controller, provided that a data rate of greater than ten characters per second is not required. When a device, other than a teletypewriter, is connected to the Controller, the corresponding Transmitter/ Receiver may have to be modified in order to provide the proper interface with the device. When a teletypewriter (or other device) is located at a relatively large distance from the Controller, it may be neces- sary to modify the comparator circuit in the corresponding Transmitter/Receiver. Under normal conditions with the teletype- writer located relatively close to the Controller, the line delay is negligible, and the IN and OUT lines can be compared at the same time. However, with large distances it may be necessary to determine the number, N,, of FAST CLOCK pulses occurring between the time that a bit is placed on the OUT line and the time that the same bit appears on the IN line. It would then be necessary to modify the comparator circuit so that it compares the OUT line at the leading edge of the SLOW CLOCK pulse with the IN line at "N d " number of FAST CLOCK pulses later. 50 REFERENCES Bain, M. "Linking On-line Data Acquisition to General Purpose Computers ," Control Engineering , April 196^f, PP« 92-95. Cooper, W. and Heckathorne, R. "Hardware for On-line," Transition to On-line Computing: Problems and Solutions , F. Qruenberger, Editor, Washington, D. C: Thompson Book Company, 1967, pp. 39-6*f. Corbato, F. J. and Fano, R. M. "Timesharing on Computers," Scientific American , September 1966, pp. 129-1^0. Korn, G. A. "Digital Computer Interface Systems," Simulation , December 1968, pp. 285-298. Newell, D. E. "The Design of an Input/Output Control Unit," Master's Thesis, Graduate College, University of Illinois, 1967. Yourdon, E. Real-time Systems Design , Cambridge, Massachusetts: Information and Systems Institute, Inc., 1967* % *1 ty e