VS/\5fYN MOVERS BRIEF HISTORY OF ruLA: COUNTY liir f^ifmvtlf^'riuhtfrtlmm * I cWoD. ~ - ) MOYERS' BRIEF HISTORY OF PULASKI COUNTY T 1843 - 1943 IN FOUR PARTS I EARLY HISTORICAL BACKGROUND II PULASKI COUNTY IN WARTIME . Ill DEVASTATION AND RECOVERY FROM THE GREAT FLOOD OF 1937 I\' HISTORY OF CITIES AND VILLAGES U.OFfli.it'iP. W. N. MOVERS ^ 1 -W. N. Moyers- It is to W. N. Moyers that the credit must be given for the move to produce something to celebrate the county's 100th birthday. It is to him that most of the knowledge contained within this book must be credited. School teacher, surveyor and historian, he will long be remembered. He came up through life by work and by ability. To the very end, he was a student and ready to learn. His •3 quest for knowledge never ceased. •J It is to be regretted that he died before this book saw -)- print, and as it was being written, he could not aid as he lO^ would like to have done. He only knew that it was being ij^ done, and that much of the things he knew and had told about were being written. ■^ It is proper and fitting that it should be called his *j history. J. L. .Wall, his son-in-law, did the writing. We ^ contributed a chapter ourselves on the flood, and Joseph ■ O'Sullivan contributed a chapter on World War I and ^ World War II to present date. But the real history is Moyers'. it r% ^Foreword The publication of Movers' History of Pulaski County is not intended to be a deep and exhaustive history of this county nor is it intended to go into history of families. Rather, it is intended to tell in an interesting manner, the history of the county in a direct and simple manner, easy to read and under- stand, containing the important facts and recounting of the important events. It could have been made an exhaustive history, but such would have required much time, labor and expense. This is to fill a practical place and need. The history came about, indirectly, through the efforts of Mr. Moyers. He sought to get this county interested in ob- serving its centennial and to this end he worked. Because of war such a thing as a celebration was hardly possible, and it was suggested that perhaps a history might be issued. Encouragement was found at the hands of the County Board and others. Mr. Moyers agreed. The cost was con- siderable, but through advertising, sale of books and by help of the County, the book is produced. The writing is not by Mr. Moyers. but rather by his son- in-law, J. L. Wall. But when it comes to the facts in the book, many of them came from Mr. Moyers or he suggested where they might be found. In a good many ways, it is Mr Moyers speaking through Mr. Wall. Certainly the fund ol knowledge Mr. Moyers had and which passed on to 'Mr. Wall is very fortunate for this county. It is to be regretted that illness and death overtook Mr. Moyers before this book went to press. Very few counties can produce so complete a history, so brief and so well told. There is an added chapter by Joseph O'Sullivan about the First World War and about the present World War up to December, 1943. We have added a chapter about the greai flood of 1937. We trust the book will find favor as we think it deserves. — The Pulaski Enterprise, Mound City, Illinois. Frank Ledbetter. Part I EARLY HISTORICAL BACKGROUND OF PULASKI COUNTY Historical Background Pulaski County, as all of the other counties in the State, has an historical background which goes back to the first exploration of the continent of Xorth America. Prior to the coming of the French explorers. Joliet and Marquette, in the year 1673 A. D., little, if anything, was known by Europeans about the central portion of the Continent of Xorth America. They knew vaguely that there was a vast hinterland west of the Allegheny Mountains. How far westward the land ex- tended, no one knew and few dreamed of the vastness of the New World which was then in process of exploration. Joliet and Marquette, pursuing their explorations on foot and by canoe, penetrated the wilderness of the continent to the Great Lakes region. The country had been fairly well explored that far. After spending some time at ]^Iackinac. they with five other Frenchmen and two Indian guides left May 13, 1673, in two bark canoes laden with provisions. They traversed Lake Michigan and came to the Fox River on the banks of which stood an Indian village occupied by the Kickapoos. Mascoutins and Miamis. A missionary priest. Father Allouez, had a mission at this place. Here the explorers announced to the Indians their intention of seeking the great river of 'which they had heard rumors and of which their auditors had very vague conceptions. The Indian guides led them up the Fox and helped them portage to the Wisconsin River but would go no farther on such a mad expedition. Down the Wisconsin the daring Frenchmen drifted, their eyes gladdened by the beauties of the land on every hand, until on June 17, 1673. they floated onto the broad bosom of the mighty Mississippi. Moyers' History of Pulaski County Some 180 miles down steam they landed at an Indian village. They were very g-raciously received by the inhabitants who ' said, "We are Illinois," we are men, "the whole village awaits you. Enter our cabins in peace." After six days of rest, the explorers, conducted by the Indians who bestowed upon Marquette the calumet of peace, reembarked in their canoes and continued down the stream until they came to the Arkansas River. Here they turned back and returned to Green Bay, Wis., where they arrived in September, 1673. The vast new region which these intrepid Frenchmen had traversed was given the name of Illinois ' Country from the name which the Indians used in their greeting. From time to time other Frenchmen came and settle- ments were established in the new country. The first perma- nent settlement was at Kaskaskia, though the date of its establishment is unknown. Soon thereafter Cahokia was founded and others followed. "VaBache" and "Cantonment WilkinsonvUIe"- In the late years of the 1920's the U. S. Government built Dam 53 in the Ohio River for the purpose of controlling the depth of the water in that stream for purposes of navigation. This (Jam is situated some 15 miles upstream from the mouth of the Ohio in the northeastern part of Pulaski County. Built at the downstream end of the large outcrop of limestone in the Ohio known as "The Grand Chain of Rocks." the dam has raised the level of water in the river so that the "chain" is ever hidden from view. Looking upstream from the dam site on a clear day one can see the sites where formerly stood "Cantonment Wilkin- sonville" and "\'aBache". The former was a military outpost of the United States in the early part of the 19th centurv Moyers' History of Pulaski County and the latter was a tanyard established and operated by a Frenchman, Sieur Charles Juchereau, in the early years of the 18th century. "VaBache" Louis XIV of France, an enthusiastic patron of Canada, had many troubles in Europe. Sier Charles Juchereau de St. Denis was one of his staunch supporters in these troubles. As a reward, Louis gave him a royal patent to establish a tannery on the Ohio River (then called by the French "Ouabache") in the Illinois Country (then a French possession attached to Canada), and to kill and skin all the buffaloes he could and tan their hides. Juchereau organized a company for this purpose. In it were some thirty men of his own class as shareholders. These with their servants, the tanners and their helpers, the carpenters, sailors, cooks, doctors, and perhaps other workmen made up a large company for that day and place. In addition to the workmen, etc., there were a number of soldiers (fifty or more) who had seen service, but were not at that time in the King's army. The whole company included 150 men or more. No one knows how they arrived at Kaskaskia but in November 1702 they left there to go down the Mississippi and up the Ohio to the destined tanyard, at the head of the "Grand Chain of Rocks". When they had established the tannery they called it "VaBache". Near the head of the "Grand Chain" on the Illinois side was a low gap in the watershed. In recent years this gap has become known as Post Creek Gap. There the tanyard was established. The summit of the gap was about 2.400 feet north of the low water line of the river and about 80 feet higher. This made an easy grade down to the river and a bayou which was then there made a good foot way down to the water. Moyers' History of Pulaski County The site chosen for this venture was a mound-like hill, about four miles up stream from where U. S. Dam 53 now is, at the head of the Grand Chain of Rocks which extend across the Ohio at this point. Here an extensive wilderness establish- ment was set up and the skins of thousands of buflfalo. in which the region abounded, were tanned during- the few months following. Juchereau was faced with many difificulties. An incredible amount of labor must be done to build the tan vats, to erect shelters and to provide for the protection and safety of th(i company. Ten or twelve hunting lodges were built and a large cistern was dug. In time the cistern caved around the edges and filled from the bottom and became the '"Round Pond." This pond was drained by the digging of the "Post Creek Cutoff". On a hill to the east of the gap. which resembles a large potato mound, the soldiers of the party entrenched. The hill was about 100 feet higher than the gap. Barracks on the north side of the hill and rifle pits were dug on the east and west faces of the summit with connecting trenches on the south side of the hill. Apparently they expected trouble, if any. would come from the direction of the river. Having arrived late in Xovember the party spent the rest of the year 1702 in providing their cjuarters. etc. Early in 1703 the hunt began. Outposts were established on various streams and the hunt extended up the Wabash, the Tennessee, the Cumberland. Big ]\Iuddy. Apple Creek, and Castor River. Parts of three present States were covered. The skins were brought to "\'aBache" from these outposts by boat. By April. 1704. 13.000 buffaloes had been killed, skinned, and the skins transported to the tannery. Covertly the Indians watched the slaughter. Seeing thousands of the carcasses left as food for scavengers, they became highly incensed. Soon they were planning to extermi- Moyers' History of Pulaski County nate the spoilers. Dreading the rifles of the French they planned a concerted surprise of "VaBache" and all of its out- posts, devising a massacre of the hunters. The buffalo hunters had established outposts over a wide territory in which the skins of the buffalo were collected and boated to the tannery. The Indians from the Southeast, the Xorth, and the West planned together to exterminate these disturbers of their domain who were so greedy for skins that stood for gold. In June. 1704, the Cherokees, Creeks. Choctaws, and others including the Chickasaws gathered along the Tennessee River with their canoes. Some Spaniards came to lead them and furnished a few of them with muskets of Spanish make. The Miamis. Shawnee, Kickapoo, and other Illinois tribes rendezvoused along the Wabash with their weapons including such firearms as they owned. The ^lissouri tribes assembled on Clear Creek. The French traders of the woods, whose business had been ruined, kept the Indian leaders informed as to the movements of the hunters, that most of them were at the tannery and that they were short of ammunition. They also knew that there were no skins to be guarded in the outposts and that there would be little watchfulness on the part of the ones stationed in them. A simultaneous ambush and massacre was planned. On the same night the tannery and all of its outposts w.ere assulted. Places of vantage were chosen and at dawn a volley was fired in "Va Bache" announcing that the fight was on. Of the Frenchmen, Juchereau alone, escaped though the exact manner in which he did is not known. Over a hundred years later the bones of the massacred were found. Later a sawmill located near the site of "\^a- Bache" and in sawing up the timber, it was discovered that the logs were full of musket balls. After the land was in cultivation it was necessary to plow around the rifle pits. 6 Moyers' Histor y of Pulaski County Arrow heads, musket balls, and other evidences of the des- perate fight were found. The rifle pits may still be located by slight depressions and one is intact. The site is covered with small trees and underbrush. If one would visit it, it is necessary to follow the old Grand Chain-Metropolis road to Post Creek Cutofif and then walk one-fourth mile to the hill on which the battle raged. -Cantonment Wllklnsonville- When Washington became President, the Indian troubles in the Northwest Territory were serious. General Wayne was sent to the Wabash where he won some battles and built many forts. After the death of General Wayne, General James Wilkinson became the commander of the American Arm.ies. He was thoroughly familiar with the Spanish claim to everything west of the Tennessee up to the Ohio River. He also knew that Spain had once sent an expedition up the Mississippi to attack some forts, among which was Massac. These two things (the Spanish menace and the Indian troubles) decided Gen. Wilkinson to establish a military out- post at Massac and at "Grand Chain of Rocks". This was the southwest extremity of the Northwest Territory. Massac was garrisoned by a battalion of regular artillery, and the camp at the "Grand Chain" (called Cantonment Wilkinson- ville by him) was for the training of Militia. The Cantonment, Fort Wilkinson, stood on a beautiful site. 60 to 70 feet above low water mark, with a gentle slope to the river. Surrounded by the low hills in the shape of half an elipse, it contains 100 acres, nearly four times as long as wide. It is 2,000 feet from the river bank to the top of the low hills which divide the waters of the Cache basin from those of the Ohio and the gravel road which was the old trail used by Juchereau in reaching his tanyard just half a mile east of the site of the Cantonment. Moyers' History of Pulaski County Established in 1797 the Cantonment was composed of a number of log barracks, each of which held a mess sergeant and his 20 men. A large magazine was built, about 400 acres of land was cleared, a mound was built for a look out, and a road was built to the low water line of the river. The road is still in use. Lt. Col. David Strong, a veteran of the Revolutionary War, was the commander and it was under his directions that all of the preparations were made. Col. Strong remained as Commandant until his death on August 19. 1801. He had been in failing health for several years. On his death his wife and the men of the command buried him in the grounds just outside the fort. After the death of Col. Strong the Cantonment had various commandants. After the Louisiana Purchase in 1803 the frontiers of American territory were moved far westward and the soldiers stationed at Wilkinsonville had little employment and the Cantonment finally fell into disuse. By 1807 the buildings were gone and the cleared lands were grown over with brush and briers. Tradition says that some Indians came from Kentucky and demanded liquor of the inhabitants. Upon being refused they burned the buildings of the place. Several soldiers were buried near the fort in the grounds of the Cantonment. The graves have been plowed over and are now difficult to find. Besides Lt. Col. Strong and his son, Joseph, about 70 other soldiers lie at Wilkinsonville. The graves were never marked and this spot where so many soldiers lie has been practically forgotten. On May 30, 1936, the D. A. R.. and the American Legion united in the ceremony of placing and unveiling a marker in honor of Lt. Col. Strong within the bounds of the old Cantonment. 8 Moyers' History of Pulaski County ^Development to a Chartered County — Pulaski County, along with the rest of the Illinois Country continued a French possession until the close of the French and Indian War Avhich began in 1756. The Treaty of Paris, which marked the close of this War, transferred all of the possessions of the French east of the Mississippi River to the English. Thereupon England promptly took possession of the Illinois Country. They continued to so designate it. English possession of this fertile and beautiful country, however, was destined to be short lived. In 1776 the War for American Independence was begun and Patrick Henry, Gover- nor of Virginia, ordered Gen. George Rogers Clark to take the Illinois Country from the British. This he proceeded to do with a small, poorly equipped army of heroes. Thus in the space of some 15 years the English lost possession of our State. The first civil government set u\) by the new possessors of the country was the organization of a new COUNTY of \'ir- ginia by Act of the Legislature in December, 1778. It was given the name "Illinois County" and Gov. Henry appointed John Todd as Lieut. -Commander of the new county. This organization continued until 1784 when Virginia ceded her conquests to the U. S. Government and they became known as the Northwest Territory. By 1787 the population of the North-West Territory had increased until it was thought advisable to divide it and Illinois became a part of the new Indiana Territory. All of that part of Indiana Territory which later became Illinois was placed in one county in the new territory and called St. Clair Count}-. In 1809 Illinois was separated from Indiana Terri- tor)- and became Illinois Territory, divided mto two counties, VIZ. St. Clair and Randolph. Pulaski County was included in Randolph County. Moyers' History of Pulaski County In 1812 another division of counties took place and Johnson County was organized out of a part of Randolph. Johnson County at that time comprised all or part of what are now Johnson. Union, Alexander, Pulaski, Massac, Williamson, Pope, and Jackson counties. In 1818 Johnson was divided and Union County was organ- ized and included all of the present Union County, all of what is now Alexander County and that part of Pulaski County which lies south of the present Union County. The remainder of ovir county was still attached to Johnson County. In 1819, Alexander County was organized out of Union County and included that part of the present Pulaski County which lies west of the line dividing Townships 1 and 2 East of the Third Principal Meridian. Pulaski County was organized in 1843 from Alexander and Johnson Counties and included all of that part of Alexander Comity east of Cache River and Mill Creek and that part of Johnson County extending south of^Cache River to the Ohio River and lying west of the line dividing Townships Range 2 and 3 East of the Third Principal Meridian. Thus our county came into existence as a distinct political unit. It is bounded on the south and west by Alexander County, on the North by Union and Johnson Counties and on the east by Massac County and the Ohio River. The area of the county is approximately 190 scjuare miles. The county was named in honor of Count Pulaski, a Polish nobleman who was born in 1747 A. D. This gentleman, after the dismemberment of his native country. Poland, by the European nations, came to America and served with distinc- tion as an ofificer in the Army of Gen. Washington in our own Revolutionary War. Ill the act of the Legislature authorizing the setting up of Pulaski County, Henry Sowers, Thomas Lackey, Jr.. and Thomas Howard were named as Commissioners to select the 10 Moyers' History of Pulaski County seat of justice of said county in the event the citizens of the afifected territory decided to form the new county. Accord- ingly after the election the Commissioners met and after "mature deliberation" decided upon the town of North Cale- donia as the seat of justice. This town had been platted some time before 1843 by Justus Post but the plat had never been recorded. He and his wife Eliza G. made the first deed ever recorded in Pulaski County in conveying their donation for a seat of justice to the county. This consisted of Blocks No. 2, 3, 25, 26, 35, 36, and Water Blocks F and G in the town of Caledonia totalling some 1.79 acres, in lieu of the 10 acres originally required in the act of the Legislature authorizing the constituting of the new county. Only that part of the plat of Caledonia which was donated to the county for a seat of justice has ever been made a matter of public record and as a result there has always been some difficulty in regard to the location and title to the properties of this old town. Caledonia continued as County Seat until it was robbed of this coveted honor by the new City of Mound City in the 1860's. The story of this change will be told in connection with the history of Mound City which will be found in another section. Moyers' History of Pulaski County H Early Settlers — — The first white family to settle in what is now Pulaski County was that of James Conyers who came with his family from Kentucky in 1805 and located 12 miles upstream from the mouth of the Ohio where the Town of America later stood. The Indians of the vicinity were friendly at that time and often visited this lonely settler's house. The next family to come into the county was that of Jesse Perrv. He settled two miles above the Conyers family. In 1897 Thomas Clark settled where Mound City now stands and a short time later a man named Humphrey settled where Olmsted now stands. Next came Solomon Hess and settled on what is now known as Hess's Bayou. George Hacker settled on Cache River in 1806 and John Shaver soon settled near him. About 1810 Rice and William Sams also settled on Cache. They are all the people who lived in this region before the War of 1812, save a family named Phillips living not far from the Clark place in Mound City in 1812. Since the land had never been opened for entry or sale it is obvious that none of them owned any real estate and it is certain that they had very little in the way of per- sonal property. The War of 1812 stopped for the time all immigration into the country and the Indians, stirred up by British agents and hopes of glory, became very troublesome to the settlers. Consequently the "citizens" gathered together in one place for self protection. They chose the house of James Conyers and forted there having converted it into a block house. It seems, however, that this was not done until after the settlers at Mound City had been massacred l)y a band of roving Indian outlaws. The Indians had a crossing of the Ohio about a mile above the Conyers' place. Tradition has it that Tecumseh crossed 12 Moyers' History of Pulaski County the river here when he went south to induce the Creeks and other Indians to join his great Confederacy. The crossing" was located at the mouth of a little creek about one mile north of the site of the old Town of America. After the War of 1812 was over, settlers gradually came in and a kind of rude civilization sprang up. With the coming of permanent settlers, men began envisaging a great city on the lower Ohio and soon attempts were made to build one. In 1816 four men namely: James Riddle, Elias Rector, Nicho- las Berthend, and Henry Bechtle entered lands extending from below the mouth of Cache River to the Third Principal Meridian and by a general subdivision established Trinity. Xo lots were sold but James Berry and Col. H. L. Webb in 1817 erected a hotel and began a trading and supply business. A town was laid out on an extensive scale and two agents. William M. Alexander and John Dougherty, represented the proprietors. In 1818 another town was laid out with much pomp and ceremony as the future metropolis of the west about 12 miles above the mouth of the Ohio on the high banks of the Ohio and given the name of America. The proprietors of this new adventure in city building were James Riddle, Henry Bechtle, and Thomas Sloo of Cincinnati, Ohio, and Stephen and Henry Rector of St. Louis. Their agents were Wm. M. Alexander and John Dougherty. It seems that even then Trinity was fading away as a possible location for a prosperous and great city. Alexander was a physician of great eminence in those days and had been a representative in the State Legislature from Pope County in 1820. Lots were sold, businesses started, and the flamboyant processes of inducing people to invest and settle in the new town began. In 1819 when Alexander County was formed. Dr. Alexander had enough prestige to get the town selected as the "permanent seat of justice" for the new county which was, incidentally, named for him. However. Moyers' History of Pulaski County 13 in selecting the site of the new town, not enough care had been taken to assure a river port. The town depended on the river bourne traffic and after it was well started some one discovered that the river front was blocked to boats by a long sand bar which effectually prevented any but very small and shallow draft boats from landing. This spelled the doom of the new metropolis as a commercial city. It continued to exist as the county seat of Alexander County until 1833 when the countv seat was removed to a more central location and a new town named Unity was platted. However, it was not until 1837 that the new courthouse was finished and the actual transfer accomplished. An interesting item in connection with this removal of the county seat of Alexander County is that just a few years before the Commissioners of the County had bargained with the Trustees of the Town of America, for the town had been duly incorporated by Act of the Illinois Legislature, to keep America as the permanent seat of justice of the county in exchange for $1150 orders on the Treasury of Alexander County which the Town had accepted in payment of municipal taxes. It had been agreed that if the county seat should ever be removed, the debt should be reinstated and the county be- come liable for the full amount with interest at seven per- centum compounded annually from the date of such removal until the debt should be paid. The debt was never paid or at least there is no record of it. However, there is the record of the beginning of a suit in the circuit court of Alexander County by the Town of America for the recovery of the debt but there is no record of any disposition of the case. If this debt were collectible today it would make the present public debt of that county pale into insignificance for some $1150 compounded annualy at seven per centum over a period of mo'-e than one hundred years mounts to dizzy heights. 14 Moyers' History of Pulaski County Social and Economic Development- The earliest settlers of the county found a country covered with a dense forest abounding- in game and a soil of unsur- passed fertility. To provide grain and "sass" for their tables, it v/as necessary to clear the land on which it should grow. However, there was no market for anything which the soil produced since all the large settlements were far off so a small corn and vegetable patch sufficed. A small patch of cotton provided the means of making clothing. The women and girls usually tended to the truck and cotton and the men and boys hunted, cut cordwood for the steamers when they came, or dis- ported themselves generally after the corn crop was "laid by." The social life was necessarily simple for they had no such complex social organizations as we of today. Marriage usually took place very early in life. The l)ride and groom, with a few pewter dishes and table furnishings, a skillet, a pot. a knife, and a gun, were well off or at least as well off as their contemporary acquaintances. Their clothing was all home made in the purest sense, for they had to begin \\ith the raw materials which they of necessity must wrest bv their own labor from nature. For cloth, thev raised cotton, "inned it by hand, spun it on a wheel and then wove the cloth. Then such a time as the women and girls had in dyeing, cutting, and sewing. The swains could plainly see hanging from the walls of the cabins the handiwork of the damsels on whom they called and doubtless the evidences of industry on the part of the beloved had its effect in arousing the matrimonial in- stincts of the prospective suitor. The houses of those who settled in this wilderness country were built of logs and were usually one or two rooms with a loft reached by a ladder fastened perpendicularly to the wall. The furniture was home made and of the rudest sort. Heat was furnished by fire places made of sticks and clay or of fiat stones gathered with much labor from the hill sides and Moyers' History of Pulaski County 15 branches. The principal foods were fish and game with corn bread, hominy, beans, potatoes, sweet potatoes, pumpkins, squash, and perhaps a few other vegetables from the truck patch. Then there were wild berries, nuts, greens, and various wild fruits which these early settlers utilized for a much needed change of diet and to give them some variety in their food. None need starve even then or go undernourished but there was no complaints about a surplus of food such as some of us in this generation have heard. There were no corner grocery stores to tempt the appetite and not enough delicacies avail- able to pall the appetites of the people. Though the people knew little of luxury and much of privation and hardship, they were hospitable to both acquaint- ances and strangers and pay ofTered for such hospitality as their poor cabins afforded was accounted an insult. They were only too glad to have company and accounted it a privilege to aflFord hospitality to the wayfarer. As the population increased in numbers and the social and economic life of the people became more and more complex. Men of education came with their families. Men seeking wealth came and ere many years passed there came into being a spirit of class distinction and men came to have much regard to possessions. So passed the simplicity of frontier life to be replaced by the complex social and economic system of today. The pioneer life of our ancestors taught them to depend upon themselves and out of this grew that spirit of "rugged in- dividualism" which has characterized the "American way of life" for some generations. However, our ancestors knew not only self reliance they knew of dependence on others in times of danger or need and they knew how to share what the}- had with those who were less fortunate than they. They recognized interdependence as well as their individual independence. 16 Moyers' History of Pulaski County -Steamboats- Prior to 1811, no steamboat had ever sailed the waters of the Ohio or Mississippi Rivers. It was in December of that year that the first steamboat ever to ply the waters of these streams was launched at Pittsburgh. Ohio. The commander, Capt. Roosevelt, of New York, had gone over these rivers from Pittsburgh to New Orleans before the building of this steamer which was called the New Orleans and belonged to Robert Fulton and Chancellor Livingston. The New Orleans came down the Ohio and arrived at iis mouth December 18. 1811, on the day that the heaviest shocks of the New Madrid earthquake occurred. A brilliant comet was visible. The voyagers had previously been conscious of some great agitation of nature for they had noted the trees swaying and waving on the banks of the stream. But on this and the two succeeding days they saw the banks sliding into the river, islands disappearing, the trees jerking and the waters of the rivers rushing rapidly upstream. While these phenomena were occurring, the comet disappeared. Truly it muht have been a terrifyingly exciting experience. It was during the time of this earthquake which lasted for many days that the Reelfoot Lake in Tennessee was formed. Other evidences of the violence of its shocks are to be found in a large area embracing parts of several states. The superstitious, illiterate inhabitants along the rivers, seeing that the steamboat and the earthquake came together, thought that making a boat run with '"bilin" water" had called down the wrath of God. Man in his presumption had boiled when if God had wanted it to boil He would have so made it. As soon as the New Orleans had completed its trip to New Orleans and returned to Pittsburgh the commerce on the rivers began to grow. This first western steamboat had a NAVY YARD BUILDINGS DURING CIVIL WAR Now known as the Mound City Maiine Ways, Inc., and having an entirely different appearance, the Navy Yard buildings shown here were used in the Civil War. The large building at left was barracks, the small building was the quarantine station. These buildings burned in 1879 after the government abandoned the yards in 1874. EARLY TRANSPORTATION— THE STEAMBOAT Tops among river packets for looks, speed and dependability was the Steamer Dick Fowler shown here at the Grand Chain landing. Constructed in the 1890's, the craft was one of many traversing the Ohio, passing Pulaski county points. Moyers' History of Pulaski County 17 speed of about three miles per hour and in addition to its stern wheel, it carried two masts, for even Fulton believed that the occasional use of sails would be indispensable. Before the ability of this steamer to move through the water without the use of sails or oars had been thoroughly demonstrated, very few people believed that it would be of any real use. In fact, several voyages were made before many of the merchants along the rivers were convinced of the real utility of such a contrivance. To common observers, it was a great wonder and in some places spectators thronged the banks of the rivers to gaze in awed wonder at the puffing, smoking colossus of man's wizardry. The New Orleans was rated at 100 tons. The second steamboat called the Comet, 25 tons, was placed in service in 1813. The third boat, appropriately called the Vesuvius, was put into the river traffic in 1814. The fourth steamer, the Enterprise, went into service the same year. She was pressed into the service of the army by General Jackson at New Orleans in December, 1814, and rendered a speedy service for that time in conveying the necessary troops and supplies to the seat of war. thus making a substantial con- tribution to the victory which Jackson won over Pakeham in are "Battle of New Orleans" in the War of 1812. As soon as it was established that steamboats were prac- tical, improvements began to be made in their design and construction. Outstanding in the improvement of the steam- boat was Capt. Henry M. Shreve. On September 24, 1816, Capt. Shreve began his first voyage down the Ohio River in the steamer Washington which had been built from his own design. . The Washington was a '"two decker", the first on mid- western waters. The cabin was between decks. Another innovation was the placing of the boilers on the deck instead of in the hold. Fulton had designed his engines with upright 18 Moyers' History of Pulaski County and stationary cylinders and had powered his boats with them. D. French, another early builder of steamboats, had used vibrating cylinders also upright. Capt. Shreve placed the cylinders of his engine in a horizontal position and imparted the vibrations to the piston. Fulton and French used single low pressure engines. Capt. Shreve used a double high pressure engine with cranks at rightangles. Capt. Shreve also invented the cam cutoff for working the valves of the cylinder and installed flues in the boilers. These innovations in power- ing the boat saved more than half the fuel required to propel the boat. The performance of steamers was so improved that their success was assurred. Soon shipyards were being estab- lished in convenient localities and steamboat building became a leading and vigorous business. The great natural highways of inland travel, the rivers, soon became the scenes of bustling activity as the great fleet of packet steamers bore on their bosoms the vast commerce of the rapidly growing nation. Moyers' History of Pulaski County 19 -Rise of the Railroads- Soon after the success of the steamboat, men in England and in the eastern United States began experimenting with the idea of a steam carriage for land travel. Despite the ridicule heaped upon them as it had been on the pioneers of the steamboat these experiments were carried on until there evolved the steam railroads. At first the engines were crude adaptations of the carriage of that day and incapable of moving any considerable load but improvements in design and construction soon convinced the public that here was a new and successful method of transportation. As early as 1837 the Illinois Legislature launched an elaborate scheme of Internal Improvements which included the building of a railroad through the State to be known as the Illinois Central Railroad. However the expense involved in the "Infernal Improvement Scheme." as some of the taxpayers of that day called it, soon jeopardized the solvency of the young state and by 1840 the Internal Improvement Scheme was in ruins. The state faced bankruptcy and was actually unable to meet its financial commitments. On February 1, 1840. the Legislature repealed the Internal Improvement Act of 1837. Work which had actually begun on the Illinois Central and on which the State had expended more than $1,000,000 ceased. On March 6. 1843. the State Legislature passed an Act to incorporate the Great Western Railway Company which was a charter authorizing the construction of a railroad on the line of the original Illinois Central from Galena to Cairo. Two years later. March 3. 1845. the Legislature repealed the Act but th^e Legislature of 1849 on February 10 passed another law repealing the repealing Act. Men with axes to grind were at work. Finally the National Congress in September, 1850, passed an Act granting to the State of Illinois some 3,000,000 acres 20 Moyers' History of Pulaski County of public land to aid in the construction of the Illinois Central. Agam men besieged the Legislature with propositions for the building of the road and finally the Legislature, February 10, 1851, chartered a new Illinois Central Railroad Company to which it gave the magnificent donation of land for the con- struction of the railroad. The Railroad Company was ex- empted from general property taxes on this line but was to pay into the treasury of the State seven per cent of the gross earnings without any deductions thereof. There was some delay in starting work on the construction of the railroad due to diflficulties in getting title to the lands transferred to the Illinois Central Railroad Company. Finally this was accomplished and in March. 1852. the contracts for its construction were let and the road was rapidly built. On January 1. 1856. the first passenger train, on schedule time, ran from Chicago to Cairo. There had been trains over the road before but this was the first time a train ran on a schedule. Before that they had had no schedule. The Illinois Central was at last a reality and Pulaski County had its first railroad connection with the outside world. Not until after the Civil War did Pulaski Ct)unty have another railroad. When that great conflict was over the attention of men turned again to the development of the country. On March 6, 1867, the Cairo and Vincennes Railroad was chartered. This new company was authorized to build a railroad from the City of Cairo, by way of Mound City, to some point on or near the line separating Illinois and Indiana at or near Vincennes. On December 16, 1872, the first pas- senger train passed over it from X'incennes to Cairo bearing a delegation of the leading citizens of the former city, among whom was Gen. Burnside. of Civil War fame, who was the chief ofificer and builder of the road. This railroad has since changed hands several time through sales and mergers. In 1881 it became part of the Wabash system of railroads. Later Moyers' History of Pulaski County 21 ownership was transferred to the C. C. C. and St. L., com- monly known as the Big Four, which has since become a part of the New York Central System. The development of the railroads continued and in the very first years of the Twentieth Century, another railroad entered Pulaski County. The Chicago and Eastern Illinois built a branch line from Villa Grove to Thebes on the Mississippi River. The line crosses the northwest corner of the county passing through the villages of Perks and Ullin. This Com- pany also built a branch line from Cypress to Joppa on the Ohio River. This crosses the northeast corner of the County passing through the village of Karnak where it intersects the "Big Four." As the railroads were built, they entered into competition with the other great common carriers, the Steamboats. Due to their convenience, speed and other economic factors the railroads gradually put the elegant and luxurious passenger and freight carrying packet boats out of lousiness. The huge masses of ice which swept down the rivers following the record breaking freeze of the winter of 1917-18 destroyed practically all of the river steamers. Only a few were left and the railroads had their business. Steamboating languished for some years until the U. S. Government, realizing the need for river transportation for National defense purposes and for domestic economy, fostered the re-establishment of river bourne transportation through the building of dams, dredging operations to maintain suitable channels and encouraging the building up of barge lines. These things have led to a resurgence on the part of steamboating which now carries vast quantities of freight on barges over our great river systems. The development of the Automobile Industry during the present century has led to a metamorphosis of our transpor- tation facilities. A vast network of ^highways, paved with 22 Moyers' History of Pulaski County concrete, asphalt, brick and gravel, traverse our country. Pulaski County, small though it is in territory, has two concrete highways traversing its full length. U. S. 51, which enters the county a short distance north of Wetaug in the northwest corner and leaves it about a mile south of the U. S. National Cemetery, was built in 1922 by the State as a part of the $60,000,000 Bond Issue network and known then as 111. Route 2 traversing our State from the Wisconsin line near Rockford to Cairo. Illinois Route 37 was built by the State from Marion south to the Mound City National Cemetery in the years 1928 to 1934. The county has a network of gravel roads which make it possible for almost every citizen to travel by car in any kind of weather. Moyers' History of Pulaski County 23 -Schools- The Ordinance of 1787 which was passed by the National Congress for the government of the Northwest Territory set apart for school purposes Section 16 in each congressional township in all that vast territory. When the State of Illinois was admitted to the Union it accepted the provisions of this Ordinance or law. Consequently, there has been from the very first provision made, at least in theory, for the education of the youth of the State at public expense. However, it was in theory only, that this provision existed until 1825. The legislature of that year enacted a law allowing 15 or more families to levy a tax for running a school. The funds from the school sections all were paid into the State Treasury and used for the ordinary expenses of the government. It was not until 1845 that a school law was passed setting up school districts and permitting the voters to levy a special tax for school purposes. There had been no Superintendent of Public Schools until this time. This law added to the Secretary of State the duties of that office also. It also provided that the funds which came from the school lands should be used for school purposes and the State began paying interest on these funds to the schools. The children of Pulaski County either attended private schools or did not go to school at all. prior to 1845. It is probable that most of them received no schooling. The first public schools were sorry affairs indeed. The buildings were constructed of logs with fireplaces for heating. There were one or two makeshift windows and a door for light and ventilation. Rough benches and a desk, all home made, were the only furnishings. The text books were crude and appar- ently selected haphazardly and at random. Reading, writing, and arithmetic were about the only subjects taught by the teachers who themselves possessed only the rudiamentary 24 Moyers' History of Pulaski County elements of an education. These schools were open only a few weeks in the year. Attendance was purely voluntary and it is to be feared that most of the boys and girls attended very little even during those short terms. The first compulsory school attendance law was passed in Illinois in 1883. This was a step in the right direction, though enforcement was lax due to the unpopularity of the law. However, it has remained the law and as amended and revised through the years, it today requires all under the age of 16 to attend school until they have graduated from high school. In 1843 there were no public schools in Pulaski County. Today, 1943. after 100 years there are 47 grade schools with an enrollment of 2,874 pupils and seven high schools with an enrollment of 736, a total of 54 public schools with 3,590 pupils -^vhere a century ago there were none. The first school ever built in the territory of what is now Pulaski County was erected by the citizens of the Town of America, county seat of Alexander County, in 1831. The building was erected on public property by consent of the Trustees of the Town but was supported by subscription. Such schools served admirably in the education and training of the youth of our county until they were, as was inevitable, superceded by the development of the system of public schools supported by public funds. Moyers' History of Pulaski County 25 -Churches in the County- The Atherton settlement, west of \'illa Ridge, was one of the first in the limits of Pulaski County. Aaron Atherton came from Kentucky and settled here in 1816. Altogether there were nine families of Athertons and their relatives who settled there at about the same time if not together. The first church in the county was organized in this settle- ment and the first burying ground in the county was laid out in this settlement. It was in 1817 that this church, known as "Shiloh Baptist Church," was organized. It is said to be the second Church established within the State of Illinois. James Edwards and Thomas Howard were the leaders in the for- mation of this church and it still stands as a memento of their Christian character. The first building was of hewn logs. This was later replaced by a large frame house which burned. The present building which replaced the burned one is a frame building. The present pastor is Rev. H. E. Lockard of Mound City. It was here that the people of the old Town of America went to chunch when that town was the flourishing metropolis of Alexander County. Every precinct in the county has within its bounds one or several churches of various denominations. Generally the people have no lack of church privileges but many of the people do not avail themselves of the opportunities of instruc- tion and worship afiforded by the churches. Many of the faithful bewail this fact pointing to the "great falling away" spoken of by Paul. However, it would seem that the truth of the matter is that so many of the "churches" have paid so much attention to the "revenues" and so little attention to the sublime truths contained in the "good news" committed imto them that they fail to attract men as they should. Our religion has grown to be too much of an organized formality with not enough of the power of which Our Lord spake when 26 Moyers' History of Pulaski County he said "Ye shall receive power after that the Holy Spirit is come upon you". We sorely need the power of the Spirit of the Living God if we would do His work as we ought in this present world. Moyers' History of Pulaski County 27 County OfFicers- In November 1879, a fire occurred in Mound City, the present county seat of the county, in which nearly all of the records of the county up to 1860 were destroyed. Due to this regrettable event, it is difficult if not impossible to learn just who were the first officers of the county. However, from the records that remain it is possible to learn who some of them were. It appears from the records of the first term of the Circuit Court held in Caledonia, May 1844, that J. M. Davidge was the first Count}' Clerk. Algernon Sidney Grant, who figured largely in the affairs of the town of America was the first Circuit Clerk. From the same source we learn that B. B. Kennedy was the first Sheriff. Willis Allen was the first Prosecuting (State's) Attorney. The first County Judge was Richard C. Hall who served until 1847. 28 Moyers' History of Pulaski County Growth in Population When the county was organized in 1843. it had a population of probably about 1,500. In 1850, the first census after the county's organization the population was 2,264. In 1860 it was 3,943; in 1870 it had increased to 8,752. and bv 1880 to 9,507. In 1930, the population of the county was 14,834 divided among the following races : native born whites, 60 per cent ; foreign born whites .6 of 1 per cent, and Negroes, 33.3 per cent. In 1850 the population was about 98 per cent white with about 2 per cent colored. Following the Civil War the freed Negroes of the South began to come into Southern Illinois in large numbers and many of them stopped in Pulaski County. Some of the men had served in the Union Army and came to the North for safety sake. Others heard of oppor- tunities which they had been denied and came. Still others came for no particular reason save that they wanted to move. Through the years they have come until we have the third of our population composed of this race. It speaks volumes of the amicable aptitude of both races that through these years they have dwelt here with very few serious difficulties considering the numbers of both races and the density of the population, about 80 per square mile. In the county there are only two villages which have no Negro residents, Karnak and Wetaug. R. L. BRITTON Sheriff and Collector Member of a prominent Pu- laski county family, Britton is serving his first term as Sheriff. He has been assessor and treas- urer two terms and was at one time a game warden for the state. He is a Republican and resides in Mound City. L. H. NEEDHAM County Commissioner A successful box company owner for many years, L. H. Needham of Ullin is completing his second term as one of the commissioners of Pulaski county. A Republican, he has been town- ship treasurer for a number of years. He has been prominent in business affairs of the county for many years. E. C. HOGENDOBLER County Commissioner An Olmsted merchant and businessman. Commissioner Hog- endobler has been active in Re- publican political circles for 25 years. He is serving his fourth term in the office which super- vises the financial affairs of Pu- laski county. Mr. Hogendobler was born and reared in Pulaski county in the Olmsted vicinity and always made his home there. R. W. ENGLAND County Commissioner Judge Rome England of Mounds has been a commission- er in Pulaski county for over 30 years and is the only Negro to have been chairman of a county board in the State of Illinois. A Republican, he is a merchant at Mounds. He is the oldest of- fice holder in the county and has often been imopposed. W. W. WAITE County Clerk One of the best known mem- bers of the courthouse personnel is W. W. Waite, who since leav- ing the teaching profession in 1918, has been county clerk. A Republican, residing in Mound City, he has two sons in service. He taught school at Olmsted and in rural schools in the county before entering politics. JOE GRAIN County Judge Serving his second term as county judge is Joe Grain of Mound City. Judge Crain takes an active part in Republican politics and in 1940 was a dele- gate to the National Republican Convention and was the Illinois member of the Rules committee. He has practiced law in the county since 1925. M. C. HUNT School Superintendent An experienced school admin- istrator, Republican M. C. Hunt of Mound City is serving his second term as superintendent of Pulaski county schools. He was a teacher, principal and superintendent in the Mound City system for 19 years. He supervises education in 7 high schools and 46 elementary schools. CHARLES E. ADAMS Circuit Clerk Completing his first term as Circuit Clerk is Republican Charles E. Adams of Olmsted, who has been highly commended by patrons of the office for ef- ficiency and arrangement. Be- fore entering politics, Adams was a carpenter by trade. Assisting in his office is his wife, Mrs. Charles E. Adams. MAJ. BYRON L. CONNELL State's Attorney Major Connell of Mound City was in his second term of office as Pulaski county state's attor- ney when called to active duty in the army in February, 1942. He has been trained for special occupied service. A Republican, his term expires, December, 1944. In his absence Donald A. Miller is acting state's attorney. I. J. HUDSON, SR. Assessor and Treasurer Since 1918, "Sheriff" Hudson of Mound City has held an elec- tive office in Pulaski county. Familiarly known as "I. J.", he was elected assessor and treas- urer in 1918, 1926, 1934, and 1942, and sheriff in 1922, 1930, and 1938. His brother. Dr. O. T. Hud- son of Mounds is coroner. Both are Republicans. Part II PULASKI COUNTY IN WARTIME Pulaski County in Wartimes First War of This Area It is obvious that Pulaski County, as such, had no existence during- the War of 1812. However, it was during this War that there occurred at the site of what is now Mound City, at that time known as "The Mounds", due to the various mounds found there, the only known massacre of English speaking settlers in the territory of this county. At time of the massacre, only two families were living where Mound Citv now stands. One family was named Clark, the other Phillips. They had come from the state of Tennessee follow- ing the earthquake of 1811. The family of Clark consisted of only himself and his wife. The Phillips family was com- posed of Phillips, his wife, a son and a daughter l)oth of whom were nearly grown, and a man named Kenady who had ingratiated himself into the good graces of Mrs. Phillips, whose husband had had occasion to return to Tennessee on business. On a day in the fall of 1812, Mr. Phillips being absent from home, there came a man from Union County named Shaver. Mr. Shaver stopped at the cabin of the Clark family with the intention of buying a jug of whisky which it seems Clark manufactured and sold. Mr. Shaver found that Clark had company in the persons of 10 Creek Indians who lived in the lower part of Kentucky. These Indians were outlaws from their own people because of some outrages they had com- mitted against their own tribe. Mr. Shaver expressed appre- hension to Clark about the Indians, but was assured that they had been there before and meant no harm. The Indians asked for food and were told by Mrs. Clark that if they would grind some corn on the hand mill she would prepare a 30 Moyers' History of Pulaski County meal for them. They ground the corn and ate a hearty meal. Five of the band then left and went up the river to the cabin of Mrs. Phillips. Soon a signal was given and the massacre was on. Only M'r. Shaver, of all the people assaulted, was able to escape though badly wounded. He made his way back home and soon a band of settlers came to seek vengeance, but were unable to locate the Indians. They found the bodies of the victims and gave them burial. The body of the Phillips girl was not found and there was speculation that she was carried away. Moyers' History of Pulaski County 31 -Mexican War- Following- the War of 1812, the Indian menace was removed or largely abated and settlers began to come into the southern end of the State, until 1818 a Territory. Some of them were veterans of the War of 1812. Among the trees of the wil- derness that was Johnson, then Union, later Alexander, and finally Pulaski County, they erected their cabins and began to dream of the glories that should be. All apparently were ambitious to build up a thriving, prosperous, and populous city. Numerous town sites were platted and the great city of the Midwest was builded over and over again in their dreams. Never again in the history of our continent will settlements be made with the hardships, inconveniences, and dangers that the early settlements in Southern Illinois faced. Modern methods of transportation have removed the most of them. No longer do people trek into new regions afoot, in oxcart, horseback, or on slow barges. Rather they swiftly enter by rail, steamer, automobile, or even by air. No longer do they wait patiently for week after week for even a slight trickle of news but even before the papers are on the press the news is on the air. Especially is this true of news which is considered important to the people in general. When the Mexican War began in 1846, just three years after the organization of Pulaski County, Col. C. H. Webb and William A. Hughes immediately raised a company of volun- teers to fight in the War. The former was elected Captain of the Company and the latter First Lieutenant. There were 105 men in the Company which was mustered into the service at Alton, Illinois. This band of the bravest and best in Pulaski County was in but one engagement, the battle of Buena Vista. Through changes the Company was officered on the day of battle as follows: Captain, William C. Woodward; First Lieutenant, John Bartleson ; Second Lieutenant, Aaron Ather- 32 Moyers' History of Pulaski County ton; Third Lieutenant, William Price. Before the start of the battle Col. Bissell rode up to the Pulaski Company and said to Lieut. Price : "You are too old to go into this engage- ment ; you will remain in camp." Lieut. Price, nearly 80 years old. stood proudly erect and said, "Col. Bissell, I came here to fight. If my time has come, I just want to die for my country on this battlefield." As the company went into the action, Lieut. Atherton. seeing that Capt. Woodward had only a short sword gave his to the Captain, saying, "You can take this ; I know better how to use a gun!" The last seen of Atherton alive he was defending his prostrate friend Lieut. Price. Swinging his heavy rifle as he had often swung a cradle in the wheat fields of his farm, he fought to the end taking many a Mexican soldier with him. Of the 105 men who went to Mexico only 42 returned. Sixteen, including every ofificer down to the Second Sergeant were killed in this engagement. The others died of wounds and diseases. The ofificial name of this company. Company B, Second Regiment. Illinois Vol- unteers. On the return of the 42 survivors of this company in 1847 they were welcomed joyously at a public gathering. Speeches were made and a poem, all but two stanzas of which is apparently and regrettably lost, was read by J. Y. Clemson. The two that have been preserved follow. "We lost some noble men that day — Men that were stamped in nature's mold; For fame and country those they fell. Not for the sordid love of gold. "Conspicuous on that fatal day Was a small band from Illinois, Foremost they were in all the fray, The gallant, brave Pulaski boys." The Company was discharged from service at Caniargo, Mexico, on June 18, 1847. Moyers' History of Pulaski County 33 -Civil War- Pulaski County furnished two full companies in the Civil War. One of these was in the One Hundred Ninth Regiment and one Avas attached to the Thirty First Regiment. This latter was John A. Logan's Regiment. Besides these two companies there were many other enlistments in other regi- ments and in the naval services. Until the Civil War the large warehouse building on the Ohio River in Mound City, for from the outside the buildings appear as one. stood vacant. The Government took posses- sion of it in 1861 and converted it into a military hospital. It was the largest U. S. hospital in what was then the West until after the close of that bloody conflict. After the Battle of Shiloh, 2.200 sick and wounded were cared for at one time. After the Civil War the building was used variously as a hotel, courthouse, stave mill, furniture factory, and, in fact, most everything save that for which it was intended l:)y its builders until in 1916 a canning company bought it and erect- ing a processing plant adjacent to it began to use the old building for that purpose for which it was erected, namely a warehouse. It is at present owned and operated by the Ladoga Canning Company, Indianapolis. Indiana. During the Civil War the government also took over the foundry at Mound City, which belonged to a man named James Goodlow, and used it as a storehouse for shot and shell. In 1863 some sailors were handling shells in the foun- dry when one exploded. This set ofif the others and the build- ings were completely wrecked. Thus a promising industry passed from the local scene. Because of the excellent harbor, the splendid equipment and the central location the Marine Ways at Mound City were found by the Government to be ideally situated for the maintenance of the fleet of gunboats which was used in 34 Moyers' History of Pulaski County carrying on the war in the Mississippi and Ohio Rivers and their tributaries. Consequently the Government leased the Ways, paying a rental of $40,000 per year. Fifteen hundred men were employed in the building and maintaining of the fleet in this one yard. Not until 1874 were the Ways returned to their owners. The gunboats were converted river steamers and in some instances ferries. Their construction was an interesting thing. Mr. R. H. Hawley, grandfather of Mrs. Averil Baccus, with whom he spent the last years of his life, told how it was done. Mr. Hawley, a young man in those days, served his country during the conflict as a civil-courier, i. e. a spy, and never had any military standing, yet he served his country well. His orders came from the naval commandant of this district. Consequently he was in position to know how the work of converting wooden river steamers into ironclad gun- boats was done. The steamers were built of the best of white oak. In converting to a gunboat, the interior arrangement of the boat was changed to accommodate the crew. Magazines were built into her and gun emplacements were made. To protect the boai and crew some three or four inches of iron plating was placed over the outside of the boat. However, before this was done, a two inch layer of sponge rubber was placed over the boat and the iron on the outside of that. This was to give resilence to armor, absorbed the shock and enabled the ship to throw oflf the force of the shot or shell which came ag-ainst her sides. Due to the necessity of vision, the pilot house was the least protected part of the boat and it took a brave man to pilot the boat in time of battle. Mr. Hawley said that on one occasion, having been to Paducah to deliver some secret orders to that portion of the fleet which was stationed there, he was returning to Mound City via gunboat which was fired upon by artillery from the Kentucky shore just above 01m- Moyers' History of Pulaski County 35 steel. At the time he was in the pilot house with the pilot. When the shot began to come he said the pilot rushed down the stair to the lower deck and did not show his head again until the boat was anchoring at Mound City. Mr. Hawley had brought her in. -Spanish-American War- Several Pulaski County men served in the Spanish American \\^ar in various units of the armed forces. A full company was raised and readied for the war but due to the short time the conflict lasted, was never mustered into the service of the government. 36 Moyers' History of Pulaski County Pulaski County in World War I 1917-1919 The declaration of war against the German Empire on April 6, 1917, found the United States without an adequate Army. Within a month of this date a conscription bill boldly reciting the military obligations of citizenship for those between the ages of 21 and 31 was introduced in Congress and had become a law. In accordance with the terms of this law. the Presi- dent of the United States, by Proclamation, set June 5, 1917, as registration day. and on that date men between the ages of 21 and 31 registered for military dut}-. The law was administered, locally, by volunteer, non-paid, citizens. Pulaski County had one Selective Service Board. L. C. Perks of Mound City, G. J. ^Murphy of Mound City. and Dr. Charles Boswell of Mounds volunteered for and were appointed as the Pulaski County Board. These men assumed their duties soon after the first registration and served throusfh the War and until all local boards were disbanded as no longer needed. Pulaski County, like the balance of the United States, held its registration on June 5, 1917. The registrations were held at the usual polling places with volunteer registrars manning the polls. The registration cards were returned, by the registrars, to the County Clerk, who delivered them to the local board. The total registration in Pulaski County was 1248 by pre- cincts : Karnak, 68; Grand Chain, 98; Olmsted. 88; America, 28; Mound City, 250; Mounds, 249; Villa Ridge, 85; Pulaski. 81 ; Perks, 36; Wetaug, 38. The registration cards were seriallv numbered bv the board to await the national drawing for Order Numbers. On July 20, T917, the first number was drawn from a bowl in Wash- ington. This was number 258 and had been assigned to Moyers' History of Pulaski County 37 Walter Jiles, who then became Pulaski County's number one man Xumber 458 was drawn second and this number had been assigned to James Olin Hayes of Grand Chain, who be- came number two man in the County, and 854 was the third nuiTiber drawn and this had been assigned to Odie C. Wiggins of \^illa Ridge, who became number three for the County. The local board for Pulaski County immediately set about to assign the proper order number to each registrant and to proceed with the classifications as was required by the Selec- tive Service Act and Regulations. Registrants were placed in one of five classes. Class \' was the exempted class, and those qualifying for total exemption from military duty were placed in this class. This class included duly elected state oflficials. ordained ministers of religion, persons in the military service. alie;i enemies, resident aliens who had not declared their intention to become citizens, persons physically or mentally unfit for military services, persons convicted of crime, licensed pilots, persons discharged from the armed forces as an alien, citizens of a country neutral to the war. and certain citizens of Great Britain. Class I was made up of those who were found to be ready for immediate military duty. The deferred classes II. Ill and IV contained those who were considered not exempted from military duty but whose occupation was considered essential enough to defer their induction into the army until after the Class I had been exhausted. These classes contained the married men, the men with dependents, the men engaged in agriculture, the men engaged in essential industrial occupations, and the men holding certain elective offices. The question of deferment was not passed upon by the local board. A district board was established in E. St. Louis. Illinois, and all claims for deferments were referred to this board for determination. The district boards had original jurisdiction over all these claims for deferments and passed upon them, while the local board had only the power of recommendation, 38 Moyers' History of Pulaski County which were generally accepted by the district board. Agricultural claims were based upon the amount of pro- duction maintained on the farm, and farmers with only a sustenance operation were not considered for agricultural deferments. Industrial occupations were based on the essential nature of the enterprises and in time group defer- ments were granted to certain industries, especially to ship yards. The detailed regulations issued were complex and the classification of registrants into the various classes was dififi- cult, as the lines dividing them were very fine, for example if a "farm laborer was especially fitted for the work in which he Avas engaged" he was placed in Class II; if he were an "assistant, associate, or hired manager" he was put in Class III. and if he were the "sole manager, controlling and direct- ing head" he was put in Class lY. This same graduation of responsibility and presumably expertness Avas the basis of deferred classification in industry. After the local board and the district board had determined the proper classification of the registrants, they were ordered, in groups, to appear in ]\Iound City for physical examination. The first group examination Avas of the first sixty-four men on the list. This notice Avas published August 3. 1917. and the registrants Avere ordered to appear August 7. 1917; the second list, published on August 4. 1917. Avas for 65 men to appear August 8. 1917. and the third Hst, published August 5. 1917. Avas for 65 men to appear August 9, 1917. The physical examinations Avere held in the K. of P. hall in Mound City. Avith Doctors BosAvell, Hargan. Whiteaker. Hud- son and others doing the examining. The local examination Avas final as to the physical qualifications of the registrant subject hoAvever to appeal to a board Avhich Avas established in Cairo. A registrant not satisfied Avith the local doctor's findings, or the Government Appeal Agent, likcAvise, could appeal to this board and the registrant Avould submit to Moyers' History of Pulaski County 39 another ph}'sical examination, de-novo, and the findings of this board were final. Registrants passing the local examin- ations were then ready for induction into the Army. After the first three examinations had been completed the local board ])ublished a list of those accepted for the military service and those exempted and those deferred, giving in each case the reason for the deferment or exemption. This list appeared in the Pulaski Enterprise, August 17, 1917. This list also contained the names of those registrants who had made claim for occupational or agricultural deferment. On August 31. 1917. a list of those men selected for military service was published in the Pulaski Enterprise. On September 5, 1917. Pulaski County's first group of in- ductees entrained for Camp Grant. Illinois, on the Big Four train. This group was Ray Armstrong. Mound City; J. R. Wright, ]\Iound Citv ; Henrv Darragli. Mound Citv ; Clarence Dusch. Mounds; and Fred HofFmeier, Ullin. On September 18. 1917, a group of 38 men left Mound City via Big Four for Camp Taylor, Kentucky. The night before, a great patriotic demonstration was held in ]\Iound City. A parade through the streets was held and stirring speeches were made by Judge W. A. Wall, Attorney C. S. Miller, County Superintendent of Schools Miss May Hawkins, and l)y H. Reiling. This was the first large group to leave the County. A special train carried the men with a group from Alexander County and grovips were picked up at each County Seat on the way north. On October 4, 1917, a group of 20 men left Mound City, for Camp Taylor, Kentucky, via Big Four, to make the third contingent to leave under selective service. After this date the group departures became regular, as did individual de- parLures in selected branches of the services. Prior to the enactment of the Selective Service Act, many young men from Pulaski County were already enlisted in 40 Moyers' History of Pulaski County the various branches of the Armed Forces. Many men from Pulaski County had enlisted in Company K. Illinois Militia, and had gone with General Pershing to the Mexican Border. At the declaration of war this outfit was sworn into Federal service and was placed in the 130th Infantry which became a unit in the 33rd Division AEF. This outfit saw much service in France and was a part of the first Army of Occupation in Germany. In all. a total of 468 men from Pulaski County were in the Army, Navy, Marine Corps and other branches of the service during the period of 1917 to 1919. Many served with distinc- tion overseas and some made the supreme sacrifice. According to the records of the Pulaski County Alemorial Association, the men killed in action from Pulaski County were : Frank Cannon John Miller Barney Crouch Ray Palmer Elijah Duckworth Virgil Taylor Orin Koonce Otis Turbaville Boyd ]\Ietcalf Loren Lence Louis Phares DaA^e Fitzpatrick and according to the same records the men who died while in the Armed Services were: Sherman Bell Roy Morket Stephen Carney Henry Reece Chas. Crippen Geo. Ross Floyd Derr Ralph Vick Geo. Lampley Nelson Willis Robert Meals Thomas Price Silas Moore After the end of the fighting and after demobilization most of the men from Pulaski County retvu^ned home, to their former work, and life again resumed its normal, even keel. —One of the Early Draft Calls of World War I— FRONT ROW: J. C. Mench, Y. M. C. A.; L. C. Perks, Dr. C. J. Boswell, and G. J. Murphy. SECOND ROW: Ward Corzine, George Hardesty, Carl Mclntire, Charles Crippen, Ehjah Duckworth, and Seth Reed. THIRD ROW: Coleman, James Edwards, Jones, Charlie Vonnida, Harry Welting, and Henry Wiesenborn. FOURTH ROW: George Knupp, Robinson, Gilbert Ervin, Mat Fallenstein, and last Is unknown. FIFTH ROW: Clarence Taylor, Werner Schnaare, Walter Pauls, and Ernest Bagby. o Out of this group Duckworth was killed in action, and Crippen was either killed or died as his name is on the monument. Moyers' History of Pulaski County 41 -Pulaski County in World War II- 1941-19?? Unlike the situation in World War I. the United States had already prepared an Army prior to the declaration of War. On September 16, 1940. a Selective Training and Service bill became a law. Shortly thereafter, on October 16, 1940. the first registration, in peace time, in the history of the United States took place and every male citizen between the ages of 21 and 36 registered for service in a peace time army. Profiting by the experience gained in World War I the machinery for the registration was the same, that is, was done in the polling places by volunteer registrars under the direction of the County Clerk. In Pulaski County 1825 men between the ages of 21 and 36 registered in compliance with the law. A local board of three members had been organized consisting of H. C. Moore of Mounds, chairman; L. J. Beisswingert, Mound City, secre- tary; and John Scanlin, Ullin, member. Like World War I, the registration cards were numbered serially by the board to await the drawing in Washington. On October 29, 1940, the Secretary of War drew out the first number. 158. This num- ber had been assigned, by the local board to Charles Leo Stoner of Wetaug, who thus became Pulaski County's first man subject to induction into the armed forces. The local board then started to classify all registrants. The intent and purpose of the Selective Training and Service law was to tram an army and for that purpose each man to be inducted was to serve one year in training. Registrants were placed into one of four classes. The law did not provide an exempted class as did the law of 1917. Class I- A were the men who were found to be subject to military training under the law and regulations. Class II, subdivided into two groups. Class II-A men necesary to 42 Moyers' History of Pulaski County civiJian activities of community or nation, Class II-B men necessary to the National Defense Program; Class III-A men with persons dependent upon them for support ; Class IV was subdivided into Class I\^-x\ men in military service or who had finished their year of training; Class IV-B certain duly elected Public Officials; Class IV-C aliens; Class IV-D duly ordained ministers of religion ; Class IV-E conscientious objectors, and Class IV-F men physically and morally unfit for service in the armed forces. After the initial classifications, by the local board, the first man to be inducted under the law was George Mclntire of Mound City who left Pulaski November 25, 1940, after he had volunteered for induction. Since the classifications were for peace time service only those men, who in the opinion of the board, using the rules and regulations as a guide, could be best spared from civilian activities were classed in Class I-A and inducted. After the declaration of War, by the United States, on December 8, 1943. the rules and regulations were changed and stricter rules of classifications were prescribed, and the business of the local board became that of furnishing an army in war time. The local board, expanded to five members, has had several changes in personnel, John Scanlin resigned and was replaced h\ C. S. Rife of Pulaski, who later resigned and was replaced bv H. E. Wilson of Villa Ridge ; L. J. Beisswingert resigned and was replaced by J. C. ]\IcCormick of Olmsted ; and Henry Wiesenborn of Grand Chain and E. C. Holcomb of Ullin Avere appointed to bring the board membership up to five. Since the first registration other registrations were held in Pulaski County and registration is a continuous afifair, as men now become 18 years old they are required to register. The number of men now in the armed forces, from Pulaski County, is not, for military purposes, available for publica- Moyers' History of Pulaski County 43 tion. but the names shown on a shaft dedicated in Mound City on November 11. 1943. have reached the number of 340 from Mound City alone, nearly as many as served from the County in World War I. Several have been killed in action or taken prisoner. The list up to November 1. 1943 is: Jesse Herbert Gurley of Karnak. Dec. 7. 1941 — USN Pearl Harbor on U. S. S. Arizona. Frank Massengale. Ullin, Dec. 7. 1941 — USN. Pearl Harbor, on U. S. S. Arizona. Arthur \'incent Ledbetter. Ullin — Marine, aboard cruiser Houston, either killed or captured. Donald I. Titus. Mounds, captured in Philippines. C. W . Harrell. Mound City — Army, New Guinea, Dec. 9, 1942. Raymond Richards, Olmsted — Army. Pacific area. Ensign Chas. ^ladison James. Mounds — U. S. S. \'incennes. Sept. 13. 1942, in Solomons. Bernie Nelson, Mound City — Army, Feb. 21, 1943. Guadal- canal in gasoline fire. Billy C. Laws. Mounds. April 9. 1943. North Africa. Talmadge L. Phenix, Grand Chain. ^lay 1. 1943. North Africa. Frank Louis Sharp, Villa Ridge, Nov. 27, 1943, Italy. 44 Moyers' History of Pulaski County The people of Pulaski County as a whole have been a people who appreciate the blessings of peace. However, like most of the people of our great country they are proud of their heritage of freedom. Consequently, when they are convinced that that heritage is endangered they are ready to take up arms that "government of the people, by the people, for the people shall not perish from the earth." This spirit has been demonstrated over and over as parents have seen their sons, wives their husbands, children their fathers enter the service of their country. With sad hearts and smiling faces They have watched their loved ones go Forth to fight our country's battles Die or concjuer country's foe. Part III DEVASTATION AND RECOVERY FROM 1937 FLOOD The Great Flood The greatest flood disaster that ever visited Pulaski County happened in January. 1937, when possibly one-third of the entire county was under water. The damage may have been as great as $2,000,000. although no one ever compiled the figures. Early in January of that year, heavy rains fell all along the Ohio and on the mountain watersheds of this great stream. There were snows and sleets. By the middle of January, the Ohio was a big river and rising, and then came the rush of water from the upper reaches of the stream that flooded cities all along the river, Cincinnati, Louisville, Paducah, Harris- burg. Shawneetown and others. Levee construction by the government gave the towns' threatened in the county courage, and it was not until a week before the flood that some uneasyness was felt. Cities farther north were flooding. The river forecasts for this area were still within the bounds of safety. It was not until Saturday. January 24. that the government began warning people of the flood danger. The river then was surging to within a few feet of the top of Route Z7 . which now has a big levee protecting it but which was then, the top of the levee. The highway between Mound City and Mounds stood but a little way out of water. The water then, was almost at a record level. Mound City and Cairo began evacuating on Saturday, Jan- uary 23. Heavy sleet blocked tralTic. Many people went to Mounds, only to move two or three days later. Water rose rapidly and by Monday, January 25, was start- ing to spill over the road north of Mound City and was near the pavement between Alound City and Mounds. Mounds began moving as water came in from the over- flowing highwav. It could be seen approaching and then *t5 "•&' 46 Moyers' History of Pulaski County running along the ditches at the side of streets. It advanced in waves, receded a bit and advanced again, and each time it was farther than before. Tuesday found water over much of Mounds and by night- fall, nearly everyone was out. All connections with Mound City were broken by Tuesday morning, save foot passengers walking the levee to the Illinois Central. Inside Mound City the efforts of people to move or save belongings ; the lack of material to fight the fiood and the lack of men and organization, played their part. But even if these had been perfect, it would have been difficult to save the town. More personal property could have been saved. While Mound City and Mounds were fighting flood waters and trying to save property, another flood swept across the county, which was almost as disasterous. The Ohio River broke through a levee in Massac County and got into the Cache and swept down on Karnak. The attempt to stop the flood there was useless. Water soon had most of the town covered, and while never so deep, it was deep enough that nearly everyone abandoned their homes. The Cache River became a river. One could get in a motor boat at \\'hite Hill at the railroad, and ride to the Karnak Spur. The water shallowed in places, but the river was from two to five miles wide in places and in the early part of the flood, it flowed at high speed. This water swept down on Perks and it almost surrounded Ullin. It got so high that the Illinois Central kept cars on the track to keep it from washing. The state highway was flooded some three feet deep or more for a space of more than a mile. The Cache continued to race on west and south and turned and ran into the Mississippi. When Ohio waters rose high at th^ mouth of Cache it forced the Cache to turn backward to Moyers' History of Pulaski County 47 the Mississippi. The Mississippi, fortunately, was at a low stasre. which saved Cairo and it also saved cities farther south from destruction. The Mississippi River showed the effect of the Ohio River far past Cape Girardeau, Mo., and on the succeeding nights, when Cairo watched water from over l^ulkheads which were patroled, a slight rise of the Mississippi would have brought disaster. In other words. Cairo barely escaped. Even a windy da}- would have brought ruin to that city. In Mound City, it became apparent that the back levee was the danger spot. Water soon rose against the bulkhead. On Wednesday, shortly before noon, there was a serious leak and later one developed which was not stopped, and the fight was given up. vSoon water had undermined a gap and was pouring over. The levee never did break. The bulkhead was under- mined, possibly because it was not dug deep enough, and water came in. Even when it became a roaring torrent, it did not cut a gap over 20 feet Avide and 6 or 8 feet deep. Water rose in the town all that day and night. The howling of dogs, the cries of fowls and the mewing of cats could be heard everywhere along with the popping of ice, for heavy sleet sheets were floating about. Water rose again the last of the week. Actually, the bulk- head at the Shipyard was completely covered by water at the height of the flood, which shows that the town could prob- abh' not have been saved. The bulkhead on the back levee was covered almost entirely at the high point of the flood. The flood probably reached 65 feet at Mound City, a record height. From dates of the Pulaski Enterprise, these things are gleaned. Flood January 27. Entered the office February 20, which was in a boat with water still six feet deep. March 19 got out the first paper after the flood. The office had water in it for six weeks. Some of the town had water in it more 48 Moyers' History of Pulaski County than eight weeks. Greatest depth of water in Mound City, about 20 feet and shallowest about 12 feet at the Postoffice in the Phoenix Block. Mounds emerged from the flood earlier than Mound City and Karnak earlier than Mounds. Dazed and bewildered people returned to their homes. Many had been in refugee camps. Many had been with relatives. It was a discouraged and dismayed people who surveyed the wreckage of homes. Loss of furniture was one of the principal items. Some buildings were wrecked. All buildings were damaged. Plate glass was gone. The Red Cross came in and did considerable, but the Red Cross helped those who could not help themselves, as a rule, and while it is the only agency working in the flood relief, it gave relief to only a part of the loss. Perhaps all relief agencies meet tha.t criticism. The State of Illinois built a levee for Mounds to protect them from waters from the east and strengthened the back levee at Mound Cit}'. However, these are not adequate now unless they are strengthened further. The total loss over the county easily reached $2,000,000. The loss of time and interruption of business, of course, cannot be estimated. There were five lives lost when five Negros drowned as they left Mound City for Mounds in a boat and their boat hit an ice cake. At the peak of the flood, the Cache River actually made an island of most of Pulaski County, which could be reached only by boat. Route Z7 was blocked at White Hill and required boats and Route 2 at Ullin where boats were required. The Cache and Ohio surrounded most of the county and covered much of it too. During the peak of the flood, more than half of the people of this county were homeless. All of Mounds and Mound City Moyers' History of Pulaski County 49 were driven out. Almost every home in Karnak was vacated entirely. Perks was completely under and the outskirts of both Ullin and Pulaski were under water. In addition to this, many farm homes had to be left, for the Cache was a raging river the size of which no one had ever seen before, as the Ohio took a short cut to the Mississippi. Possibly the total who fled from home from one week to two or three months was 8,000. In evacuating people, the National Guard, the Illinois Emergency Relief and the W'PA took part and there was confusion. Those who experienced it know the need of an organization, centralized body which can command trucks, provide shelter and food and care. At that, these organiza- tions did well, and the Relief worked best. Those who experienced the need to suddenly leave home know of the need of help at that time. They also know that a more accurate forecast of river dangers in advance would provide time in which to leave and to store belongings. Given one day of time more than was granted before warning was issued, and given the help of a fleet of trucks, and half of the personal property loss would have been averted. The loss fell upon individuals, for there was no flood insur- ance carried. The restitution given by the Red Cross was to those not able to rebuild or without resources. The man of average resources bore his own losses. Those without resources, were helped. Now, some six years later, much of the traces of the flood are gone. Mound City, hardest hit, still bears the marks. But hard work and a determination to make home a home again gradually removed the flood stains. It is a tribute to the people to see what has been done after so terrible a flood. 50 Moyers' History of Pulaski County —Part IV CITIES AND VILLAGES OF PULASKI COUNTY Cities and Villages -The County Seat- Mound City, in the southeast part of the county on the banks of the Ohio, is the county seat. Situated in the flood plain of the Ohio River, it is protected from flood waters by huge levees. The city is about one and one-half miles long and one-half mile wide. When the city was first settled, it was the opinion of most of the residents that the Ohio River would never flood th^ site. However, in the spring of 1858 the question was an- swered. In June of that year, the river rose until it was some two or three feet deep over the town. The mounds were not covered. Again in 1862 the new city was likewise flooded. This led the authorities and the people of the city to con- template building a levee. Finally it was decided to do so. Bonds bearing ten percent interest to run for ten years were issued to pay for the levee and a contract was let to George W. Carter, Alexander Frazier and Timothy Booth to do the work for thirty cents per cubic yard. Payment was to be in citv bonds. Late in 1866 this first levee was completed. Its length was three miles. The new levee was to be immediately tested, for in the spring of 1867, the Ohio again overflowed its banks and the levee was soon surrounded. Fears were at once expressed that from the newness of the levee it might not be able to withstand the pressure of the water without the town. They were soon realized for in the northwest part of the levee a break fifty feet wide occurred. The water rushed into the city with great and forceful rapidity, yet it required twenty hours for the level within the town to reach the level of that without. There was no particular damage to the property for KOF 52 Moyers' History of Pulaski County the water attained a depth of approximately three feet. After the water receded, examination of the break revealed the fact that several old logs had been placed in the levee in the building of it. They were the cause of the break. Following this flood another contract, this time to build the levee broader at the base and raise its height, Avas made with A. J. Dougherty and George A. Lounsberry. These men were also paid in city bonds and the total bonded indebtedness for levee purposes was $47,500. These gentlemen proceeded to fill their contract and the levee was strong enough to with- stand the floods which came upon it in the following years. Hovv^ever, after the floods of 1897, 1912-13, and 1928 the levees were raised to greater heights and made broader to with- stand possible floods. After the building of the Dougherty-Lounsberry levee, which was completed in 1868, no flood water entered the city until January 1937. That year in an unprecedented winter flood the Ohio rose to heights never before conceived of and in spite of a levee at that time 20 feet above flood stage the river rose until the levee was topped and again through the northwest part of the levee the town was flooded. Following this flood a larger levee was erected or rather the existing levees were strengthened and made both wider and higher to protect the town. Only time will tell whether at last "01" Man River" is licked. A chapter dealing with the 1937 flood will be found in this book. Known in the early days of river travel as the "Mounds" because of the prehistoric mounds found there. Mound City had a small settlement because of its natural advantages in those days of river travel, as a trading point. Its growth was interrupted several times, }'et men persisted in their efiforts to build here. When the' steamboats began to ply the rivers, it became a favorite harbor with steamboatmen and was considered the head of navigation during periods of low Moyers' History of Pulaski County 53 water or when the upper river was frozen over. Many interesting anecdotes have been preserved for us about the very early days, l)ut space does not permit their teUing. In 1854, Gen. Moses M. Rawlings decided to lay out a city at "The Mounds". He owned about 85 acres of land and laid out the lower part of the city in town lots and began to sell them to settlers. Realizing the advantage of a railroad to his new city he secured the right of way and built, out of his own means, a railroad connecting Mound City, for that is what he called it, with the I. C. at what is now the city of Mounds. This was known as the Mound City Railroad and was completed in 1856. The point where the road connected with the I. C. was known as "The Mounds Junction." At the time of the building of this railroad there were only some dozen or so houses in Mound Citv. Emporium City Tn 1855 some men in Cincinnati, Ohio, organized a company under the name of the Emporium Real Estate and Manu- facturing Company for the purpose of establishing a great city somewhere on the banks of the Lower Ohio River. After securing about $1,500,000 of capital they came to Mound City and bought from Gen. Rawlings the land north of and ad- jacent to his development, laid it off in streets and lots, and proceeded to sell lots at both public auction and private sale. They named their development EMPORIUM CITY. They bought the Mound City Railroad from Gen. Rawlings. Through their operations a great boom took place. Lots sold for as much as $130 per front foot. Under the auspices of this company, a pottery and a large foundry were erected. After the erection of the foundry the Emporium Company con- structed the MARINE WAYS, but soon disposed of them to another firm. Houses were rapidly built both for sale and 54 Moyers' History of Pulaski County for rent. Soon the new city was a thriving place. In 1857 Emporium City and Mound City were incorporated under the name Mound City. The Emporium Company, in 1857, built the stone founda- tions for twelve warehouse buildings on the river front. Being unable to complete the buildings, the company in June 1858; sold the lots and foundations to private individuals. These jointly in the years 1858 and '59 built the block of buildings. The material used was brick, the best made in the pottery north of the city limits on the Ohio River. The build- ings were joined together and each was 25 by 80 feet and three stories high. The third floors of the two south build- ings were not separated but were thrown together and finished for a sort of community hall and called "Stokes Hall". Theatricals, dances, conventions, and court have been held in this hall. -Courthouse Moves- In 1865 an election to determine whether or not to move the county seat from Caledonia to Mound City was authorized by the State Legislature. The election was held on May 13, 1866 and Mound City won. However, the residents of Cale- donia and their proponents claimed that the soldiers and sailors stationed at Mound City had voted and challenged the legality of the change in the courts. The matter dragged on as only matters can in our courts with one delay after another and without any decision being rendered until 1868. Tradition has it that a verdict never was rendered by the court until George W. Carter, President of the Emporium Company at that time, and being vexed by such delay, hired some ox carts and descended on Caledonia at midnight subtracted the records from the courthouse by stealth and brought them to Mound Citv. Great was the consternation in Caledonia next -rt»,'V¥Vy»V»»»K'?'lf.i: If nn I m ^1 I PULASKI COUNTY COURTHOUSE Constructed in 1912, this two-story brick building houses the county offices. The second floor consists of a courtroom and smaller offices, with the first floor being occupied by the elective officials. Shown at left is a portion of the jail, constructed at the same time. A BUILDING OF MANY USES Now occupied by the Ladoga Canning Company, this building, one of the largest in Pulaski county, was used during the Civil War as a military hospital, being occupied by 2,200 sick and wounded after the Battle of Shiloh. Since the war it has been used variously as a hotel, courthouse, stave mill, furniture factory and now as a canning plant. Moyers' History of Pulaski County 55 day when it Avas discovered that the records of the county were missing and greater the chagrin of the citizens when it was discovered that while they slept the enemy had come and borne them away. From that day to this Mound City has .remained the county seat though there have been some sporadic efforts for another change. In 1912 a beautiful and commodious courthouse and a modern jail were built in Washington Square which had been set apart at the laying out of the city by the Emporium Company for the county seat. After the Civil War private industrialists saw opportunity at Mound City especially in timbering and woodworking activities. As a result a number of saw mills, a furniture factory and other establishments were built. These furnished employment to large numbers of men and the town grew and prospered. Eventually the timber resources were so depleted that most of these enterprises were moved away or aban- doned. Some of them burned and were not rebuilt. This has gone on until now there are only four industries left, namely, a stave mill, a veneer and basket mill, a vegetable cannery and the Marine Ways. This latter caught fire in 1942 and the old part of it which had been in service since before the Civil War was destroyed. -The First School- In 1857 a school house, wooden construction, was erected on Walnut Street. It was built by subscription. General Rav.'lings gave the lot and also $50.00. The building was un- pretentious but was large enough to hold all the children of the city. However, a school had been taught before the build- ing of this house in a small building located on the alley between Poplar and Walnut Streets south of where Ed. Beaver's store now stands. A young man named Samuel P. 56 Moyers' History of Pulaski County Steel from Pennsylvania was the first teacher and he con- tinued to teach in Mound City for a number of years. At no time since this small beginning have the people of this com- munity failed to appreciate the need of adequate schools. In 1879 a great fire occurred in Mound City which burned the Navy Yard buildings, the courthouse, most of the business section, much of the residences and the public school building. The directors immediately made arrangements for other quarters and school was continued almost uninterrupted. -Churches- Sunday schools, called Sabbath schools in those days, were organized as early as 1857 before there was a chtxrch organi- zation of any kind. That same year a temperance society was organized. In the year 1857 the Methodist Episcopal Church of Mound Cit}- was organized as part of the Cairo Circuit. Rev. R. H. Manier. pastor. As long as the church was a part of the Cairo circuit, the records were not kept at Mound City. Hov.'ever, the organization prospered so that in 1865 it was elevated to a station and Rev. J. P. Dew, sent by the Southern Illinois Conference, as pastor. It continued as a station until September, 1880, when it became part of the Alound City Circuit embracing Mound City and \'illa Ridge churches. Later, it separated, and while joined with Mounds at one time, is now a church with a pastor of its own. As early as 1857 several Catholic families lived in Mound Cit}" but there was no Church organization of any kind. A priest came from Cairo once or t\\ice monthly and held services but it was not until 1863 that the Catholics of Mound City had a church of their own. The building was located on High Street and extended back to Diamond Street where Moyers' History of Pulaski County 57 Hosea Dunlap now lives. The building, which rejoiced the hearts of the parishioners was 25 by 56 feet and elegantly finished and furnished. The Emporium Company gave the lot and the people in various ways raised the money to pay for the building. The Church was named St. Mary's from the very beginning. A Father Moor was the first priest in charge. The present commodious structure located on the corner of South Fourth and Walnut Streets was erected in 1892. and has since served. It was beautifully restored after the 1937 flood. In the year of 1907, the Rev. J. B. Kelly held a revival meeting in the Blum Block. This meeting resulted in a num- ber of conversions. Immediately following the close of the meeting the First Baptist Church of Mound City was organ- ized. The church continued to worship in the Blum building until 1911. Under the leadership of the pastor, the Rev. Allen Ferrill, the present building was erected by Contractor D. D. Harris. In 1920 the church was dedicated free from all indebtedness. The dedicatory sermon was preached ])y the Rev. W. P. Throgmorton, D.D., who was an outstanding leader among Baptists. Rev. B. F. Rodman, secretary of The Illinois Baptist State Association, and State Evangelist H. C. Mitchell took part in the services. The Rev. H. E. Lockard was pastor at that time. The church did not have a parsonage until 1921 at which time a five room house was purchased at 115 Pearl Street. The Rev. W. J. Ward was the first pastor to occupy the property. This place Avas used as a parsonage until 1940. It was sold and property adjoining the church on High Street was purchased. \\'hile a complete record of the membership is not available, the records that are available show that more than 600 per- sons have become members. The follo\\ing ministers have 58 Moyers' History of Pulaski County served as pastors: J. B. Kelly, E. H. Cunningham, Allen Ferrill, S. H. Allen, J. Grimm, C. R. Reeves, H. E. Lockard, W. J. Ward, A. H. Dace, H. B. Atherton, Wm. Shelton, B. E. Overby, J. L. Wall, and Robert E. Knight. Iti 1862 Dr. Stephen J. McMaster, an Episcopalian priest became Chaplain of the U. S. Government Hospital at Mound City. A chapel was fitted up in the hospital building where services were held and were attended not only by the soldiers in the hospital but also by the people. In 1863, Dr. Isaac P. Labough became rector of the Episcopal church in Cairo and desired to hold services in Mound Citv. The Methodists tendered him the use of their house of worship and he held services there for some time. In 1865 Rev. John Foster held services in the school house. During the year 1866 Rev. William Britton became pastor at Mound City and during this year the house of worship of the Episcopalian Church at Mound Citv was erected and dedicated. "St. Peter's". ♦™^ A FAMOUS MILITARY CEMETERY National Cemetery, in which lie the bodies of approximately 5000 soldier, sailor and marine dead, is a bsautifully maintained spot in Pulaski county. It was established in 1364, and because of difficulties in removing bodies from other resting places to the National shrine, nearly half of the number buried there are unknown. A large granite shaft stands in the center of the plot as a memorial to those dying in service of their country. Moyers' History of Pulaski County 59 National Cemetery The inscription on an antique gun near the northeast corner of the speaker's stand in the National Cemetery tells much in few words. UNITED STATES NATIONAL MILITARY CEMETERY MOUND CITY ESTABLISHED 1864 INTERMENTS 4,827 KNOWN 2.367 UNKNOWN 2,360 It will be noted from the above inscription that more than half the original inhabitants of this silent city of the dead were unknown at the time of interment. These were Civil War soldiers and sailors who were unidentified at time of 1:)urial. It came about this wise. During the Civil War, the soldiers and sailors who died in the Military Hospital at Mound City were buried in different places. Some of them, suffering from small pox, were kept isolated together on covered barges moored to the Kentucky shore and were buried as soon as possible after death. When the Cemetery was established the bodies of these men were removed from the original places of internment and buried in here In many instances it was impossible to find out just who the individual had been. Consequently there is a larger percentage of unknown dead buried here in proportion to the known. 60 Moyers' History of Pulaski County -Olmsted- Sometime before 1843 a village was platted on the banks of the Ohio River about 12 miles from its mouth and named North Caledonia. A man named Justus Post was the pro- prietor of the town and for some reason never recorded the plat. It remained only a paper town until 1843 at the forma- tion of Pulaski County it was chosen by the County Com- missioners as the county seat. At that time a few blocks of the paper town were given to the county as a seat of justice and the plat of these blocks was recorded. This village never attained a large size possibly 200 being the largest number of people who ever lived there at any one time. It remained the county seat until about 1868 when the county seat was re- moved to Mound City. The village immediately fell into decav and ruin. Incorporated in the present village of Olmsted is the old village of North Caledonia, commonly known as Caledonia. This is that part of Olmsted that lies on the hill near the river. It was platted sometime before the year 1843 but the plat was not recorded. Justus Post, one of the leading citizens of that day, was the Proprietor. In 1843. when Pulaski County was formed, Caledonia was chosen as the "Seat of Justice" and Justus Post gave the county the land for the site of the courthouse and jail. Only this portion of the plat of the village is on record. The village of Caledonia continued as the county seat of Pulaski County until 1868 when the county seat was moved to Mound City. In this part of the village of Olmsted is located an old house which was built by Justus Post about 1828 for his residence. Here he lived until his death sometime in 1846. The old house still continues to do duty as a residence though its builder has long been gone. Moyers' History of Pulaski County 61 It was here that ^Ir. Post was living when he penned the follcwing interesting document. "To All Persons Whom It May Concern : "Know ye the Nancy, the bearer hereof, a colored woman aged about twenty eight years, belonging to me, and who has been a servant in my family, during the period of about twenty years last past, is this day by these presents emanci- pated and liberated from any future and all subsequent in- voluntary servitude, and is at entire liberty to hereafter go, do, and act for herself. "In witness whereof I hereby subscribe my name and aflfix my seal at Caledonia in the County of Alexander and State of Illinois, this fifth day of May, A. D. 1837. ■'Signed, sealed and delivered in I'lesence of "E. B. Clemson "Justus Post "Ester Clemson SEAL" Numerous efiforts were made to build the "Citv of Dreams" on the high banks of the Ohio River. The first such efifort within the territory of what is now Pulaski County was the Town of America. Co-incident with this attempt was the paper town of Trinity, located at the mouth of Cache River, which was platted on an extensive scale but never amounted to any more than a frontier trading post and trans-shipping point at the beginning of the steamboating age. CALEDONIA which was located about a half-mile down stream from the limits of the present village of Olmsted was another such. Here, on a beautiful high bank of the Ohio, another rather ambitious town was platted but failed because of the difficult}' of loading and unloading goods on the river boats caused by inaccessibility to the river. The proprietors had failed to take into account the sheerness of the banks and the narrow- ness of the bayou leading down to the river. NAPOLEON, 62 Moyers' History of Pulaski County located at the site of the present Dam 53, passed into oblivion before it became more than a name. North Caledonia lived, became the first Seat of Justice for Pulaski County, declined when the County Seat was removed but survived and became a part of the present thriving village of Olmsted. All the romantic figures of the early days of the county moved throug'h Xorth Caledonia. ?klany of the important personages in the early years of the State visited this oldest of the present villages of the county. Abraham Lincoln, ac- cording to local legends, visited the little city and practiced law within the walls of the old brick courthouse, the remains of v.-hich are still to be seen atop the hill just where the road turns down to the river. Tn the early years this was an important shipping point l^oth as regards the receiving and the shipping of goods. With a good landing, easy access to the river, and an elevation high above flood vrater the community bade fair to become an important center. Roads led into the interior over which the farmers of that day came with their produce. In those days of slow travel the distance from market precluded the ship- ment of any perishable commodities. Consequently the principal outgoing items of commerce consisted of livestock, grain, and poultry. From as far as Jonesboro the farmers came with these commodities for sale and shipment to the markets of the south. So many chickens were shipped that the road to Jonesboro acquired the name of the "Chicken Road" and tradition has it that feathers from the birds marked out the entire course of the road. The coming of the railroads put an end to this phase in the economic life of the county and the removal of the county seat plunged the old town into shadows. Her glories dimmed but the hardy spirit within the breasts of her citizens precluded the abandonment of the town and she lived on until she lost her identity in the corporate name of OLMSTED. Moyers' History of Pulaski County 63 After the construction of the N. Y. C. R. R., Rev. E. B. Ohnsted, who owned about 200 acres, platted a village ad- jacent to North Caledonia and the railroad and called it OLMSTED, sometimes nowadays spelled Olmstead. Lots were sold and the village grew as an agricultural shipping and trading center until about 1915 when the Sinclair Refining Co. built a Fuller's Earth plant on the south part of the site of North Caledonia and begun to mine and refine Fuller's Earth for industrial purposes. Soon the Standard Oil Co. acquired property and erected a plant just south of the Sinclair plant. Since that time this industrial activity has contributed much to the development of this village. However, the Standard Oil plant ceased to operate in 1939 and the property has since lain idle. It has been sold by this company. About 1886 a move was started to incorporate the village and succeeded. The incorporation included the villages of Olmsted and North Caledonia under the name OLMSTED. The population of this village is 560 (Census 1930). 64 Moyers' History of Pulaski County -America- In 1818, Dr. Wni. P. Alexander, agent for James Riddle, Henry Bechtle and Thomas Sloo of Cincinnati, Ohio, and Stephen and Henry Rector of St. Louis, Mo., laid out a town some 12 miles above the mouth of the Ohio River with much ceremony. When Alexander County was formed in 1819 Dr. Alexander, for whom the new count}- was named, succeeded in having the new town chosen as the county seat. In 1821. the State Legislature, by special act incorporated the "Town of America" as a town. In 1818, a town was platted on the Ohio River and named America. Its proprietors were Henry Bechtle and William M. Alexander. Both at that time were citizens of Kentucky and both had visions of building a large city on the Illinois side of the Ohio. Mr. Alexander acted as agent for Mr. Bechtle and looked after all of the business of the partnership. He soon became influential in the new State and when Alex- ander County was formed in 1819 he was accorded the honor of having it named after himself. He also succeeded in getting his new town named as the "Seat of Justice". Thus America became the first county seat of Alexander County. In 1821 Dr. Alexander, for he was an M. D., succeeded in getting his town incorporated as a town by a special act of the Illinois Legislature. The town was located about three miles upsteam from where Mound City now stands, near where Otto Creek empties into the Ohio. Today the site of the Town of America is in farm land and the casual visitor would never suspect that a town once was there. In the 1820's a different scene would have been presented. Houses and store buildings, a courthouse and a jail, a cemetery, and streets would have been in evidence. Now these are all gone and only a few farmhouses, which have replaced the buildings of the town, are to be seen. Moyers' History of Pulaski County 65 Shortly after the incorporation of the Town it was dis- covered that a large sandbar in the river effectually prevented the landing- of steamboats except during high water. This was a difficulty which the town was unable to overcome. In 1835 the county seat of Alexander County was removed from America to Unity. This removal caused a law suit which, so far as any one now living knows, was never settled. In 1825 the Trustees of the Town of America had made an agreement with the County Commissioners to surrender $1150 worth of County Orders, which they held for the Town of America, in return for which the Commissioners agreed that the Seat of Justice should never be moved from the Town of America. In event the County Seat should ever be moved it was agreed that the debt of $1150 should be renewed in favor of the Town and bear interest from the date of such removal. In 1835 the county seat was moved to Unity. After vainly trying to persuade the County Commissioners to keep the agreement of their predecessors in office the Trustees of the Town of America, finally, 1837, appropriated $500 to pay the expenses of a suit to recover the money, employed attorneys, and began suit. In May, 1838, the County Com- missioners appointed a committee to employ counsel, sub- poena witnesses, and otherwise attend in the suit of the Trustees of the Town of America. These are the last entries in the records in regard to the matter. It is unknown today whether or not it was ever paid. If not and the debt could still be collected under the terms of the agreement it would require millions to liquidate the claim. After the removal of the county seat in 1835 the town fell into rapid decline finally reverting to farmland. It was not. however, until 1867 that the Act of Incorporation was vacated by Act of the State Legislature. There is at present and has been since the building of the present N. Y. C. R. R. in the 1870's a depot and postoffice some 66 Moyers' History of Pulaski County one and one-half miles west of the old town site called after it "America". However, the postoffice has been discontinued — the final chapter in the death of a city which early in history showed much promise. Moyers' History of Pulaski County 67 -Mounds- A detailed story of the founding and growth of the city of Mounds would read like a chapter out of the Arabian Nights. One day the Forest Primeval with huge oak. walnut, ash. poplar, hickory, pecan, gun, beech, and other trees standing in all their glory and the next a small village begun beside the railroad tracks. A great grove of beeches in the vicinity caused the proprietor to give the new city the name of Beech- wood. In a few years, due to the activities of the I. C. Rail- road, a thriving little city stood where once the deer had ranged and the wolf had raised his racuous howl. In 1889 when the railroad bridge across the Ohio River at Cairo was being built, the Illinois Central Railroad Company began the construction of a division terminal three miles west of :\Iound City where the railroad to the latter place joined the main line of the I. C. Capt. X. B. Thistlewood saw the need for a village to house the employees of the Railroad Company and laid out a small tract of land in streets and lots and sold the lots to those employees. Homes were built on those lots. He called the original village BEECHWOOD but the Railroad Company knew the place as Mound City Junc- tion. This name was soon changed to that of MOUNDS. As the activities of the railroad enlarged the number of em- ployees was increased and more lots were laid out and sold. The village continued to grow until the terminal was discon- tinued by the Railroad Company in 1931. For three decades, 1890 to 1920, while the railroads were enjoying their greatest prosperity and for a fourth, 1920 to 1930, when rail revenues fell off and adjustments were being made and were in the making. Mounds was a little Chicago. Retail businesses of all kinds prospered due to the large pay- rolls. Modern school buildings were erected. Comfortable homes were built by many of the citizens. The Baptists, 68 Moyers' History of Pulaski County Methodists, and Catholics erected church buildings consonant with their congregations. Mounds presented to the world the face of a prosperous, bustling little city. But alas, the adjust- ment being made by the I. C. led that railroad, in 1931, to discontinue the division terminal with its busy yards and shops and this city, whose prosperity was founded on the employment of its citizens by the railroad, fell on evil days. Unemployment mounted, business declined, adjustments had to be made. With unfaltering courage the citizens faced the situation. Gloomy as the future appeared they went to work to rebuild as best they could the prosperity of their commu- nity. The merchants of the place have attracted a large agri- cultural trade from the surrounding area and the cit}' bids fair to prosper in spite of the loss of the railroad terminal. This spirit of self-reliance and individual enterprise will build up any community, city, or nation. The percentage of college graduates among the younger ad- ults is high. The educational level of the city is consequently high. With an intelligent, educated citizenry the future of this city is full of promise. There should be developed at Mounds in the next few years a sound enduring prosperity engineered and built up by its own people. The population of the city of Mounds, for it is under city organization that it operates, is 2200. Since the discontinu- ance of the railroad division terminal the employees who owned their homes in Mounds continue in many instances to live there and work elsewhere. The merchants of the place have attracted a large agricultural trade from the surrounding area and the city of Mounds bids fair to prosper in spite of the cutting off of the rail revenues. Moyers' History of Pulaski County 69 -New Grand Chain- The village of Xew Grand Chain was laid out by Joseph W. Gaunt, Warner K. Bartleson. and David Porter. The plat was recorded October 31, 1872. A village called Grand Chain was laid out just north of where the present village of New Grand Chain stands but there is no record of its plat. Suffice it to say that Grand Chain failed to survive the competition of its new namesake. ' Kamak A village called CACHETOX was laid out November 13, 1873. as a town by John Butler. It was vacated by law on February 17, 1875. A small settlement continued at the place and a post office called OAKTOWN stood near the railroad. This situation continued until the year 1905 when W. N. Moyers platted a village for an industrial concern, Main Bros. Box and Lumber Co.. which included the old site of Cacheton. The village stands where the N. Y. C. R. R. and the Joppa Branch of the C. & E. I. R. R. cross in the northeast corner of the county. Due to the fact that this section of the state is known as "Little Egypt" and has several other place names of f:gvptian origin Main Bros, chose to call their new town KARNAK. For several years the proprietors refused to sell any lots in the village but in recent years have departed from that practice. Located on two railroads and within a short distance of the river as well as having a hardsurfaced road outlet, the village enjoys excellent shipping facilities and is the center of a prosperous agricultural community. Main Bros, have, through the years, operated a large wood working mill there and bid fair to continue to do so in the future. 70 Moyers' History of Pulaski County -Villa Ridge- About 1840 a settlement was started by immigrants from Ohio and Pennsylvania about three miles north of the pres- ent city of Mounds. Lands were cleared, homes erected, schools and churches built, and it soon became a thriving- agricultural community. When the I. C. Railroad was built in 1852 a depot was erected here. Soon thereafter the settlers began to raise fruits, strawberries, and vegetables for market. The railroad company had called the depot VILLA RIDGE. In 1866 a village was platted on the east side of the railroad. It grew rapidly in importance and soon became the largest agricultural shipping center in the county. This village has never been incorporated but the community has always been one of the best in the county. The homes are generally well constructed and well maintained and the people have high ideals of citizenship, morality, education, and religion. -Pulaski- During the building of the I. C. Railroad in 1852 a construc- tion camp was built about three miles north of V^illa Ridge. This was first called the "Camp in Pulaski County" b>' the engineer in charge in making his reports. Later he shortened the name of Camp Pulaski. A depot was erected there and called Pulaski. After the building of the road the residents of the camp began to cut cordwood to sell to the railroad and remained. In 1855, a village was laid out adjacent the railroad and platted in streets and lots. In the course of time, as the land was cleared, farming took the place of timbering activi- ties and the village, which started as a railroad construction camp, took on permanence as the shipping and trading center of a prosperous agricultural community. The population of the village is 521. Moyers' History of Pulaski County 71 -Ullin- Soon after the building of the I. C. Railroad a man named James Bell built a large saw mill near the place where the railroad crosse*; Cache River in the northwest part of Pulaski County. A post office was soon established there and called Ullin. Other mills were built in the surrounding bottoms at distances of from one to three miles from the Bell mill. Finally in 1858 a village was laid out on the west side of the railroad tracks and the plat recorded. The village grew and other lots were laid out on the east side of the tracks and sold. As the timber was cleared away agricultural activities began and the village became the center of an agricultural community as Vvcll as the location of an industrial enterprise of some magnitude. Finallv the mill burned and Mr. Bell sold out his interests to other people who rebuilt on a smaller scale. Mill after mill has burned here but always another has been built. Timbering activities have, in recent years, decreased because of a failing- source of supply and other difficulties in the industry but farming has greatly increased. About 1888 the village was incorporated as a village and has remained so. The population of the village is 625. -Wetaug- When the first white settlers came to this county they found an Indian camp called Wetaug located in the northwest part of vrhat is now Pulaski County. The camp took its name from the Indians living there. They were an offshoot of the Cherokee tribe who called themselves Wetaugas. The name Avas transliterated into English as Wetaug. A large spring was found there which was probably the attraction to the Indians. The opening of this spring was about 30 feet across and the depth of it was unknown. \\'hite men settled near 11 Moyers' History of Pulaski County here very early. After the building of the I. C. the railroad company placed a water tank near the spring to supply its locomotives with water. In 1856 a village was laid out and platted, a depot built and Wetaug became the center of the surrounding agricultural community. The last known chief of the Wetauga Indians was called John Wetaug. His death occurred about 1820 and he was buried at Wetaug. The location of this grave is known. This is perhaps the only Indian grave in Southern Illinois of which it can be said that the white men of our time know the name of the interred. His descendents in the direct line are still among- us. The Wetauga Indians all intermarried with the Axhites and lost their identity in that of the dominant race. In 1896 an earthquake occurred which shook Southern Illi- nois. For several days after the quake the waters of the Wetaug spring were muddy and then they began to fail. It soon became necessary for the railroad company to move its water tower to Cache River to secure a water supply. For many years the spring has been only a seep with very little flow. Still the ground is always saturated w^ith water where the spring was no matter how dry the season happens to be. Shortly after the removal of the railroad water tower a series of fires destroyed most of the houses in the village and a large flouring mill which was located there. The mill and most of the houses were never rebuilt and this old village seems to be doomed to extinction in the course of time. The village is not incorporated. Moyers' History of Pulaski County 73 Perks In 1900 when the Thebes Ijranch of the C. & E. I. Railroad was being built, W. N. Moyers laid out and platted a village in Cache River bottoms about five miles east of Wetaug for W. A. Wall of Mound City, 111., who was the proprietor. The village was and is located on the line of the C. & E. I. The proprietor gave the new town the name of Perks in honor of a fellow citizen of Mound City. Lots were sold and a few houses, one or two frame store buildings, a charcoal kiln and one or two small saw mills were built but the village failed to grow. As the land was cleared a small farming com- munity took form with Perks as the shipping and trading center. The population of the entire community is 363 (cen- sus 1930). 74 Moyers' History of Pulaski County -Outstanding Personalities- Local tradition has it that during- the boyhood of Orville and Wilbur Wright, inventors of the airplane, their father, who was a United Brethern minister, pastored a church near where the Crossroad School stands. There is an old log house south of Crossroads near the top of the hill on the Avest of the road where the family is said to have lived during the year that the father spent pastoring the long since disbanded church. The old log house is a ruin and stands in a thicket of brush. The story is unsubstantiated but is possibly true. John J. Sutherland, a Congregational Minister of note, who became nationally known as a writer of popular fiction in later years, pastored the Congregational Church of Mound City during the years 1900-1904. One of the books which he wrote featured Mound City under the name of Riverview and was titled "Thence Cometh the Devil" or "A Story of Life and Love in a Little Town on the River." His daughter Jean, Mrs. Jean M. Gageby of Warm Springs, Montana, graduated from the Mound City High School in 1904 and taught in the public schools of the city during the year 1906-07. Starting as the Bank of Beech wood in 1903 the FIRST STATE BANK OF MOUNDS, ILLINOIS is now the LARGEST BANK IN PULASKI COUNTY Deposists $1,200,000 Capital Stock 50,000 Surplus 50.000 Undivided Profits 19,000 Reserve Accounts 10.000 Organized as First State Bank of Mounds in August, 1906, and in 1914 took over the Security State Bank, increasing capital stock to $50,000, and in February, 1932, took over the Security National. —OFFICERS— Otis T. Hudson, President H. H. Melton, Asst. Cashier Mrs. M. Lily Rife, Vice-Pres. Agnes M. Alexander, Asst. Cash. H. C. Moore, Cashier Sara Struckmeyer, Bookkeeper —DIRECTORS— Otis T. Hudson E. L. Crain F. L. Graves Mrs. M. Lilly Rife August Crosson Mrs. Ada M. Wood Main Brothers Box and Lumber Co. MANUFACTURERS OF Packing: Cases and Wire Bound Boxes In the progress of mankind, the shipping of foodstuffs from one area to another or one country to another, has been greatly developed. From the days of the hogshead of days gone by to individual containers now in use. is the story. We are glad to have made these things and in the present war. during this, the county's centennial, we are now making boxes which carry meat to soldiers in every point of the world. Pulaski County products are in the frozen north of Russia and Alaska or in the deserts of Africa. They are in England, Australia, and the Solomons. Main Brothers Box and Lumber Co. Karnak, Illinois It is by reading history of the past that we may enjoy the present and foretell something of the future. SINCE 1868 Pulaski County Seat MOUND CITY, earlier named Emporium City, and in 1857 incorporated under the present name, has always been the industrial and business center of the county — ^Today a canning factory, veneer mill, stave factory, and other smaller industries employ hundreds of persons. Modern levees, built to withstand water higher than that of 1937, pro- tect the city which made an admirable comeback from the disastrous 1937 flood. Modern schools, churches of all denominations now contribute to the advantages of the present day — The city officials pay tribute to those early settlers who worked hard and long to establish Pulaski County 100 years ago. 1943 City Officials OSCAR EDWARDS, Mayor MIKE WINKLER. Clerk DAN O'SULLIVAN, Treasurer Aldermen JOE WESTERIMANN GENE HUGHES CAL SHEERER SAM TIDWELL HARVE CALVIN O. H. HENDERSON A Progressive Community Depending- upon the Natural Resources — Farm Land and Mineral Deposits — Located on the Ohio River, Highway 37, and New York Central Railroad — Choice Building Sites Available — OLMSTED Officials 1943 LLOYD CANNON, Mayor M. L. HUGHES, Clerk J. A. RUTHERMAN, Treasurer Aldermen E. C. HOGENDOBLER LESTER KRAATZ ROY BRITT CHARLES E. ADAMS CHAS. CORZINE VILLAGE OF Grand Chain When first established was a thriving farming and timber community and to- day ranks high in food production — good schools, good churches in a good town. Village Officials 1943 G. N. BOYD, Mayor MRS. E. E. EVERS, Clerk Aldermen J. R. McINTIRE T. R. REICHERT W. V. LEIDIGH GUY HARRIS C. C. WILMOTH P. A. HUEBOTTER A Progressive Community Depending- upon the Natural Resources — Farm Land and Mineral Deposits — Located on the Ohio River, Highway 37, and New York Central Railroad -Choice Building Sites Available- OLMSTED Officials 1943 LLOYD CANNON, Mayor M. L. HUGHES, Clerk J. A. RUTHERMAN, Treasurer Aldermen E. C. HOGENDOBLER LESTER KRAATZ ROY BRITT CHARLES E. ADAMS CHAS. CORZINE VILLAGE OF Grand Chain When first established was a thriving farming- and timber community and to- day ranks high in food production — good schools, good churches in a good town. Village Officials 1943 G. N. BOYD, Mayor MRS. E. E. EYERS, Clerk Aldermen J. R. McINTIRE T. R. RETCHERT W. Y. LEIDIGH GUY HARRIS C. C. WILMOTH P. A. HUEBOTTER FIRST STATE BANK OF OLMSTED Application for permit to organize was filed with the Auditor of Public Accounts on August 6th, 1921. Charter received and bank opened for business on November 8th, 1921, with F. L. Duschl as cashier and the following officers and directors: C. S. Miller, President Oscar Caraker J. W. Cook, Vice-President R. B. Endicott E. C. Hogendobler Original Capital Stock of $20,000 increased to $25,000 by declaration of stock dividend from earnings on No- vember 8th, 1940. —OFFICERS 1943— E. C. Hogendobler, Pres. J. A. Rutherman, Cashier Lloyd Cannon, Vice-Pres. Thelma Schweiger, Asst. Cash. —DIRECTORS 1943— Donald A. Miller Lloyd Cannon E. C. Hogendobler J. M. Merchant J. A. Rutherman Member Federal Reserve System and Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation. The Security and Protection Provided Througfh '&■ Dependable Insurance Companies Has played an important part in the past 100 years of Pulaski County and will play an equally important part in the next 100 years. Look to the Future, and Insure! ROBERSON & READ —GENERAL INSURANCE- MOUNDS VILLA RIDGE MOUND CITY, ILLINOIS TRI-CITY TRANSPORTATION CO. (INCORPORATED) -RIDE WITH INSURED SAFETY- CAIRO — MOUND CITY — MOUNDS Bus Hourly at all Points Cairo and Vienna — 2 Round Trips Daily Cairo and Kamak — 4 Round Trips Daily For Information Phone No. 1 Mound City I. J. HUDSON, Jr. MOUNDS, ILLINOIS Trading and Amusement center of Pulaski County — Churches of all denominations ; four public and one parochial school. —OFFICIALS 1943— J. F. Connell, Mayor J. F. Lonergan, City Clerk J. H. Jenkins, Treasurer —ALDERMEN— Hessie Sullivan George Sitter E. A. Stokes Sam Evers Fred Hallerberg Virgil Chambliss Homer Stokes, Chief of Police Forrest Spencer, Fire Chief Chester Parrott, City Engineer Pulaski County's OLDEST INDUSTRY -Founded in 1845- Just two years after the county was chartered by the state, the Yards were organized as the HAMBLE- TON COLLIAR COMPANY. The Yards have been in continuous operation for 98 years with the exception of the past year and a half. MOUND CITY MARINE V/AYS (Incorporated) WILLIAM WOLTERS, Pres. ROBERT F. NOLAN, Gen. Mgr. Since 1872 -OFFICIAL COUNTY NEWSPAPER- Good Advertising Medium Commercial Job Printing The Pulaski Enterprise FRANK LEDBETTER. Publisher and Editor s'i'iW/;' UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS-URBANA 977.3998W15M C001 MOVERS' BRIEF HISTORY OF PULASKI COUNTY,