University of Illinois Library at Urbana-Champaign ACES ,640 L IL61b v. 11:32 /'£r.— Vegetable salad, bread and butter, cocoa, preserved peaches. Newport cakes. MONDAY, NOVEMBER II. Breakfast. — -Fresh fruit, wheat breakfast food, corn bread, corned-beef hash. Luncheon. — Clear chicken soup, beef stew, baked potatoes, celery, rice pudding with cream. Dinner. — Boiled leg of mutton with egg sauce, mashed potatoes, beans, lettuce salad, cheese wafers, hickory nuts, raisins, coffee. TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 12. Breakfast.— Fresh fruit, rolled-oat breakfast food, dropped eggs on toast, graham muffins. bulletin No. 129, Office of Experiment Stations. 15 Luncheon. — Cold roast beef, crab-apple jelly, samp, lettuce salad, baked Indian pudding with cream, Russian tea. Dinner. — Clear stock soup, baked bam, mashed potatoes, spinach, lemon sherbet. WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 13. Breakfast. — Fresh fruit, wheat breakfast food, bacon, baked potatoes, hot rolls. Luncheon. — Escalloped mutton, Saratoga potatoes, celery, chocolate, bread pudding with hard sauce. Pinner. — Roast rump, browned potatoes, succotash, grape jelly, lettuce salad, cheese wafers, coffee jelly with cream, sugar cookies. THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 14. Breakfast. — Fresh fruit, shredded-wheat biscuit, sausage, brewis, gra- ham rolls. Luncheon. — Baked beans and tomato soup, cold sliced ham, Spanish pickle, spaghetti with cheese, baked apples, Russian tea. Dinner. — Cream of Lima bean soup, toasted Boston crackers, rump steak, mashed potatoes, peas, barberry jelly, tapioca cream. FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 1 5. Breakfast. — Fresh fruit, wheat breakfast food, codfish balls, hot rolls. Luncheon. — Finnan haddie, baked potatoes, celery, apple pie. cheese, Russian tea. Pinner. — Cream of clam chowder, escalloped fish, baked sweet potatoes, parsnip cakes, celery, steamed apple pudding with foamed sauce. SATURDAY, NOVEMBER l6. Breakfast. — Fresh fruit, wheat breakfast food, creamed dried beef, fried potatoes, corn bread. Luncheon. — Cold sliced rump beef, samp, lettuce salad, hot gingerbread, cream cheese, Russian tea. Pinner. — Clear stock soup, corned beef, boiled potatoes, boiled cabbage, creamed carrots, lemon jelly. Too much variety at one meal is not desirable : it is not only unduly expensive, hut it is cloying. The menu below, which illustrates this point, is not a product of the imagination, but an actual meal served to do honor to guests : Celery Turkey with Oyster Stuffing Olives Mashed Potatoes Baked Sweet Potatoes Creamed Cabbage Stewed Onions Cold Boiled Ham Mixed Pickle Cold Tongue Peach Pickle Mixed Pickle Cucumber Pickle Pickled Onion- Strawberry Jam' Grape Jelly Peach Marmalade Crab Jelly Mince Pie Pumpkin Pie Fruit Cake Cookies Apples Oranges Nuts Candy Coffee UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS-URBANA 16 3 0112 096200479 Some one has said that the stomach secretes juices suitable in strength and composition to the food to be digested. If this view is true, the stomach, in this instance, would be paralyzed by the problem set before it. It can not be denied that this question of diet is an intricate and important one, involving considerations of the age, activity, size, and composition of each individual ; and to a less extent of climate, season, sex, and idiosyncrasy. Scientific men feel that they can talk with the most assurance about the energy requirements of the body, because with proper apparatus this can be accurately measured. Some day, not far distant, they may be able to speak with equal assurance of the body requirements for protein and mineral salts. Ms m m mm m ■