Homestead Library Athletic Club of Homestead, Pa. for Men, Women, Boys and Girls, The finest equipment of any athletic club in the State* Gymnasium, Tub and Shower Bath, Billiard and Pool Room, Ladies' Parlor and Game Room, Card Room, Lounging Parlor, Educational Class Rooms, Bowling Alleys, Reading Room, Swimming Pool, Library* "Tis thus that on the choice of friends; Our good or evil name depend/' — Gay, Homestead Library Athletic Club* L. E. Ballard, Superintendent. H. M. Risher, Assistant Superintendent* The club rooms are all that could be desired for the social, intellectual and physical needs of its members, embracing as it does, parlor, game room, gymnasium, bowling alleys, bath room, swimming pool, billiard parlor, class rooms, etc. The club rooms are open each day during the week, except Sunday, from 10 a. m. to 10 p. m. from April to September, inclu- sive, and from 10 a. m. to 10.30 p. m. from October to March, inclusive. Bath rooms are open from 9 a. m. to 12 m. on Sundays. Gymnasium* "A man too busy to take care of his health is like a a mechanic too busy to take care of his tools/'— Anon. The gymnasium is fully equipped for all needs in physical culture, including two parallel bars, horizontal bars, German horse, vaulting buck, climbing ropes, ladders, spring board, traveling rings, trick rings, rowing machine, chest weights, running track (20 laps to the mile), standards for high jumping, etc*, etc* Classes are conducted by Physical Director S* P- Middleton as follows : Men's classes, Monday, 8J5 p* m* Wednesday, " Friday, Boys' classes, Tuesday, * 4 p, m, Thursday, Saturday, JO a* m. Girls' classes, Wednesday, 4J5 p* m* Saturday, 2J5 p* m* Ladies' classes, Thursday, 8. J 5 p* iru Billiard Room* For the use of members holding men's tickets* The billiard room contains 6 billiard tables of the very best make, and 3 pool tables* There is no extra charge to club mem- bers for the use of the tables* Memberships* Any person of good character may become a member by making application at the office and paying the dues* 3 Months* \ Year, • Carnegie Steel Company Employes* $J*50 $4.00 Non-employes* - $2*00 $6*00 Boys, - - - - - $ *50 $2*00 Girls, - - - - - $ *50 $2*00 Ladies, - - - $K00 $4*00 " For cleanness of body was ever esteemed to proceed from a due reverence to God t to society and to ourself." — Bacon* Swimming Pool and Bath* The swimming pool is 68 feet long by 36 feet wide and is 8 feet deep at one end and feet at the other end* There are four shower baths in this room and the men V bath rooms which adjoin the pool contain \ 8 bath tubs* There is also a separate bath room for ladies and girls* Swimming Pool Schedule* Women. Monday, 2-5 p* m* Tuesday, 5-6 p* m* Wednesday, Thursday, 5-6 p* m* Friday, 2-5 p* m* Saturday* 2-9 p* m* 2-5 p* m* Men have use of Pool outside of these hours* Evening* Educational Classes* FREE to club members* Classes will be conducted in any of the following studies in which 25 members enroll for Study* Mechanical Drawing, H* R. Stevens, Instructor* Asst. Mechanical Engineer, Carnegie Steel Company. English, including Reading* Penmanship* Arithmetic* Grammar* etc* Book Keeping* Advanced Mathematics* Languages* A deposit of one dollar will be required for each class entered which will be returned if 75 per cent* of the sessions are attended Ladies' Club Department* Ladies and girls have their own parlor which is furnished with sofa, easy chairs* pool table, card tables* etc** and separate bath room containing 6 bath tubs* The ladies have the use of the swimming pool on Monday afternoon and evening, also on Friday afternoon* Girls are permitted the use of the swimming pool on Monday and Friday afternoons* Entertainments* Concert Course* Season Tickets $J*00* *' The man that hath no music in himself, Nor is not moved with concord of sweet sounds, Is fit for treasons, stratagems and spoils. Let no such man be trusted, ** Members are entitled to reserve seats free by presenting mem- bership ticket and season ticket at club office* Oct* J 8* Band Concert* Oct* 3 J* Park Sisters* Nov* 15, Band Concert* Nov* 30* Sam* P* Jones* Dec. H, Louis Favour* Dec* 28* Boston Ideal Banjo Club* Jan* JO* Band Concert* Feb* \, Band Concert* Feb* 15* Ottumwas Male Quartet* Mar* 8* American Vitograph Co* Boys' Department* The club offers privileges to the boys of Homestead that can not fail to be valuable to them all through life* Parents should send their boys to the club that they may partake in the body-building exercises given in the gymnasium as well as the swimming in the swimming pool* Careful oversight is given to the boys all the time they are in the building and the aim of the department is to benefit the boy in every way possible* Library* W* F* Stevens, Librarian* The library contains over J 2*000 volumes of choice books* and all of the best current periodicals including many pertaining to the steel trades and mining* A children's room having several thousand volumes of juvenile books and many periodicals is open to the children on week days during the following hours: — 3 to 6 p* m* and 7 to 8*30 p* m* The library is free to the public* CARNEGIE LIBRARY OF HOMESTEAD Educational Department Announcement For the Season 1909-1910 COMMITTEE ON EDUCATION Rev. Nathan Dushane Hynson Rev. J. J. Bullion Thomas R. Davies W. F. Stevens, Librarian CLASSES Scientific and Literary The Library aims to help those who wish to help themselves in self-improve- ment. Educational classes are conducted for this purpose. The only tuition re- quired is membership in the Carnegie Library Club. In the Mechanical Drawing class the work is of the most practical character. The technical points that usually occupy time in a class of this kind are omitted. Every effort is made to have the student become proficient in the useful phases of the subject. Mr. A. W. Soderberg, the instructor in this class, is the assistant me- chanical engineer in the Homestead Steel Works and has conducted this class for several years. The outfit used in this class will be furnished at $4.50 and up. The class in Common Branches in- cluding practical arithmetic, grammar, geography; spelling, reading and writing will be taught by Prof. C C. Marshall of the Homestead High School. The class in Higher Branches includ- ing higher arithmetic, algebra, geometry, trigonometry, physics, also, will be taught by Prof. Marshall. The lessons in these classes are taught on the plan of individual instruction. A student may advance as rapidly as he is able. The Metallurgy class will be con- ducted on the lecture plan. A syllabus will be given of most of the lectures so that a student missing a night will have an opportunity of keeping up with the class. While a knowledge of chemistry is an advantage it is not necessary, to be able to understand most of the lectures. If sufficient interest is manifested a University Extension course may be estab- lished. This will be a fitting supplement to the educational classes and the study clubs. A class in which foreigners may learn English will be organized later in the season. Music The Carnegie Library Band is under the direction of Mr. John P. Jones. Free concerts are given each month in the Music Hall during the winter season and in the band stand during the summer. The band is composed of thirty members and is open for engagements at reasonable prices. The Symphony Orchestra also con- tributes towards the free musical concerts given during the winter. The Junior Orchestra under the di- rection of Mr. Thomas H. Jones, furnish- es an excellent opportunity for amateurs to play in concert. The Male Chorus this year will be directed by Paul Peters Reese the well known baritone. The voices will be se^ lected and only those coming up to a fixed standard will be admitted. Finally the Children's Chorus which will be under the direction of Miss Evalyn Laffer, the director of music in the Home- stead Schools. This chorus has the effect of concentrating the picked voices in the public schools in concert work that not only benefits the children but entertains the public once or twice each year. Schedule or Classes T at WO V. Mf m MUSIC HALL O H O o > CLASS ROOM n Higher Branches C. C. Marshall Junior Orchestra Thomas H. Jones MONDAY e organ recitals, b Men's Mechanical Drawing A. W, Soderberg Boys' Mechanical Drawing Slavish- English Common Branches C. C. Marshall TUESDAY and, orchestra con Higher Branches C. C. Marshall LABORATORY LECTURES Symphony Orchestra WEDNESDAY certs and choruses Men's Mechanical Drawing A. W. Soderberg Boy's Mechanical Drawing Slavish- English Common Branches C. C. Marshall Carnegie Library Band John P. Jones THURSDAY Metallurgy FRIDAY Children's Chorus 11:00 a. m. Evalyn Laffer Male Chorus Paul Peters Reese SATURDAY