MANUAL BOARD OF CITY SERVICE COMMISSIONERS CITY OF MILWAUKEE MAY, 1914 THE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS LIBRARY ” 552:005 M (3) age; (4) place Of birth; (5) health and 'physical capacity for the public service; (6) previous em- ployment in the public service; (7) business or employ- ment and residence for the previous five years; (8) edu- cation. Such other information shall be furnished by the applicant as may reasonably be required by the Board touching the applicant’s fitness for the public service. Sec. 8. [As amended by Section 2, Chapter 218, Laws of 1897, and Section 4, Chapter 547, Laws of 1911.] The said Board shall appoint a chief examiner whose duty it shall be, under its direction, to superin- Examiner tend any examinations held in such city under this act, and ex-officio and who shall perform such other duties as the board Secretary. shall prescribe. Such chief examiner shall be ex-Officio Secretary of the Board, and under the direction of such Board he, as such Secretary, shall keep and record min- utes of its proceedings, preserve all reports made to it, keep a record of all examinations held under its direc- tion, and perform such other duties as the Board may from time to time prescribe. The salary of such chief examiner may be fixed by the Board of City Service Com- missioners, to be approved by the Common Council, pro- vided that such salary shall not be less than fifteen hun- dred dollars per annum, which shall be paid monthly by the City Treasurer on the certificate of the president of said Board, countersigned by the City Comptroller. He shall be subject to removal at any time by said Board. The said Board may also incur such expenses for clerk hire, printing, stationery, and other incidental matters as it shall deem necessary; provided, however, that the CH Pe service total amount of all expenditures by it incurred during Office. ervice any year, including the compensation of the chief ex- aminer, clerks, and other employees, shall not exceed the amount of the special fund herein provided and known as the “City Civil Service fund.” Sec. 8a. [Section 3, Chapter 218, of the Laws of 1897, as amended by Section 1, of Chapter 95, Laws 1911.] From and after the passage and publication of this act, the Common Council shall levy and collect an- nually upon all taxable property of the said city, at the same time and in the same manner as other city taxes are levied and collected by law, a tax not exceeding seventeen one thousandths of a mill upon each dollar of the assessed value of said taxable property, the amount C i ty civil of which shall be determined by said Board of City Serv-Service ice Commissioners, and certified by it to the Common Fund * Council and to the City Comptroller, within ten days af- ter the passage and publication of this Act, and there- after before the twentieth day of January in each year, and the entire amount of such tax shall constitute a sep- arate and distinct fund to be known as the “City Civil Service fund,” and shall not be used or appropriated, directly or indirectly, for any other purpose than paying the salaries of the chief examiner, clerks and employees of said Board, and the other necessary expenses of card- ing out the purposes of this Act. All disbursements on account of such City Civil Service fund, except for the salary of the chief examiner, shall be f>aid by the City Treasurer on the orders of the President and Secretary of the Board, countersigned by the City Comptroller. Sec. 8b. [Section 2, Chapter 95, Laws 1911.] All acts or parts of acts contravening any of the provisions of this act are hereby repealed. Sec. 9. The Board shall control all examinations, and may, whenever an examination is to take place, designate a suitable number of persons, either in or not in the official service of the city, to be examiners, and it Conduct f shall be the duty of such examiners, and, if in the serv-Examinations. ice of the city, it shall be a part of their official duty without extra compensation, to conduct examinations as the Board may direct, and make return or report thereof to such Board; and the Board may, at any time, substi- ture any other person, whether or not in such service, in the place of any one so selected; and the Board may themselves, at any time, act as such examiners, and without appointing examiners. The examiners, at any Exam j ners examination, shall not all be members of the same politi-Not to be of cal party, and no person shall serve in an examination of® a “ e . candidates for office under the provisions of this act inpjj^y®® case of a relative or connection by marriage within the degree of first cousin. Sec. 10. [As amended by Section 4, Chapter 218, of 1897.] Notice of the time, place and general scope of every examination shall be given by the board by publica- tion at least four times on alternate days, beginning at , least ten days before the date of such examination, in Examinations, one or more daily newspapers of general circulation pub- J lished in such city, and such notice shall also be posted by said board in a conspicuous place in its office at least ten days before such examination. Such further notice of examinations may be given as the board shall pre- scribe. Eligible Lists to be Prepared. Immediate Notice in Writing of Changes in Service. Creation or Abolishment of Office, or Place, to be Reported Immediately. Vacancies to be Reported. Certifications. Temporary Appointments. Sec. -.11. From the returns or reports of the ex- aminers, or from the examinations made by the Board, the Board shall prepare and keep a register for each grade or class of position in the service of such city, of the persons whose general average standing upon ex- amination for such grade or class is not less than the minimum fixed by the rules of such Board, and who are otherwise eligible, and such persons shall take rank upon the register as candidates in the order of their relative excellence as determined by examination, without refer- ence to priority of time of examination. Sec. 12. [As amended by Section 5, Chapter 218 , Laws of 1897, and Section 5, Chapter 547, Laws of 1911.] Immediate notice in writing shall be given by the appointing power to said Board of City Service Com- missioners of all appointments, permanent or temporary, made pursuant to this act and the rules made and estab- lished under the same, in those branches or departments of the Civil Service of such city which are subject to this act and the rules of said Board, and of all transfers, pro- motions, resignations, other changes or vacancies from any cause in such branches or department of the city serv- ice, and of the date thereof, and a record of the same shall be kept by said Board. When any office or place of employment, subject to such rules, is created or abol- ished, or the compensation attached thereto is altered, the officer or Board making such change shall immedi- ately report the same in writing to said Board of Com- missioners. Notice shall be given in writing by the appointing officer to the City Service Commission of the existence of any vacancy or vacancies in any office or employment in the competitive class under the provisions of this act, and within ten days after the receipt of such notice the Commission shall certify from the list of eligibles appropriate for the group in which the position to be filled is classified the three names and addresses of the candidates standing highest thereon which have not been certified three times to the department or office in which the vacancy exists. Whenever eligibles are certi- fied, they must always be those candidates who have been graded the highest in the examination held in pursuance with this act and the rules made in accordance therewith. In every case, after a name has been certified three times, it may be dropped from the list by the commission, but certifications for temporary appointments shall not be counted as one of such certifications. The head of any department or office may, with the approval of the Com- missioners, make temporary appointments to remain in force not exceeding thirty days, or until regular appoint- ment under the provisions of this act can be made. It shall be the duty of the appointing officer to appoint on probation, with sole reference to merit and fitness, one of the said candidates whose name shall have been certi- fied in the above manner set forth to fill such vacancy unless objection shall be made to one or more of the per- sons certified, for any of the reasons stated on the rules; 8 provided, however, that the provisions of this section may be altered by the Commission when the office or em- ployment comes within those where, by the rules, com- probatlon - petitive examinations are not required. The Commission shall make rules for the procedure in such cases. Sec. 12a. [Section 6, Chapter 547, Laws 1911.] There is hereby created a new division of the classified service to be known as the special expert class. Except Special where such positions shall be classified, exempt, or non-Expert Class, competitive, the Board of City Service Commissioner^ shall place in this class all positions of a technical, scien- tific, or professional character, together with all posi- tions where the qualifications are peculiar to the service in any department of the city government, and may in addition thereto temporarily classify as of the special ex- pert class positions where the service is new and experi- mental in character. 2. The provisions of the City Civil Service act now governing selections, appointments, promotions, rein- statements, removals, and transfers shall apply to the special expert class, except as may be otherwise provided in this section. 3. For the filling of positions in the special expert class the appointing officer shall be free to suggest names of persons for consideration in examination together with all other applicants and all other persons whose names have been suggested to the Board of City Service Com- missioners, and the Board shall inquire into the fitness of persons so nominated and may notify such persons and any other suitable person to participate in the examina- tion. 4. Previous to an examination to fill a position in the special expert class, the Board of City Service Com- missioners may provide in its published announcement that the resulting eligible list shall expire as soon as an appointment has been made therefrom, providing the ap- pointing officer so desires. When an appointing officer makes objection in writing to names of persons in the special expert class, certified from an eligible list, not especially appropriated for the position or group of posi- tions in question, such certification shall be invalid. 5. The appointing officer shall in all cases be con- sulted as to qualifications and requirements, examination standards, and procedure for filling positions in the spe- cial expert class. 6. In filling positions in the special expert class the Board of City Service Commissioners shall select a board of one or more experts to conduct the examination when requested in writing to do so by an appointing officer. 9 7. Whenever the Board of City Service Commission- ers or the officer having the power of appointment shall Special deem it advisable in the interests of the service, no quali- Expert Class fications as to residence or citizenship shall be imposed General Re 0 - 111 in tlle examination for a position in the special expert quirements. class. Any restrictions contained in any law, or in any charter of any city of the first class inconsistent with this provision shall not be applicable in such case. Sec. 13. Said Board of Commissioners shall, on or before the 15th day of March in each year, make to the Mayor for transmission to the City Counsel, a report showing its own action, the rules in force, the practical effects thereof, and any suggestions it may approve for the more effectual accomplishment of the purposes of this act. The Mayor may require a report from said Board at any other time. Rooms and Funds for Board. Sec. 14. All officers of any such city shall aid said Board in all proper ways in carrying out the provisions of this act, and, at any place where examinations are to be held, shall allow the reasonable use of the public buildings for holding such examinations. The Mayor of each city shall cause suitable rooms to be provided for said Board at the expense of such city; and a sufficient sum of money shall be appropriated each year by each city to carry out the provisions of this act in such city. Secret Information and False Marking Prohibited. Sec. 15. No person or officer shall willfully and cor- ruptly, by himself or in co-operation with one or more other persons, defeat, deceive or obstruct any person in respect to his or her right of examination, or corruptly or falsely mark, grade, estimate or report upon the exam- ination or proper standing of any person examined here- under, or aid in so doing or willfully or corruptly make any false representations concerning the same or con- cerning the person examined, or willfully or corruptly furnish to any person any special or secret information for the purpose either of improving or injuring the pros- pects or chances of any person so examined, or to be ex- amined, being appointed, employed or promoted. Sec. 16. [As amended by Section 6, Chapter 218, Claims for of 1897.] No comptroller or accounting or auditing Services Not officer of such city shall allow the claim for services of to be ^Allowed an y p ers0 n employed in the public service in violation troiier^ np " of the provisions of this act or of the rules made and established by the board of city service commissioners pursuant to this act. Sec. 17. The Board of City Service Commissioners shall certify to the Comptroller all appointments to offices Ail Changes and places in the civil service of the city, subject to their in Service to rules, and all vacancies occurring therein, whether by to Com 1 ^ ero visions are contained in the following Sections of said Chapter 218 of the Laws of 1897, to- wit : ] Sec. 7. It shall be the duty of every board of city service commissioners appointed under and in pursuance of the provisions of said chapter 313, of the laws of 1895, to investigate the enforcement of said act and of its rules, adopted in accordance with its provisions to investigations by Commis- sioners. Witnesses May Be Subpoenaed. Witnesses Under Oath May Be Guilty of Perjury. Reward or Punishment for Political Services Prohibited. carry out the purposes of said act and the action of the examiners in said act provided for, and the conduct and action of the appointees in the official service in its city, and may inquire as to the nature, tenure and compensa- tion of all offices and places in the public service thereof. In the course of such investigation each commissioner shall have power to administer oaths, and said Board shall have power to secure by its subpoena both the attendance and testimony of witnesses and the pro- duction of books and papers relevant to such investiga- tion. Sec. 8. Any person who shall be served with a sub- poena to appear and testify, or to produce books and papers, issued by the board of city service commissioners in the course of any investigation conducted under the provisions of section 6 [7], of this act, and who shall refuse or neglect to appear and testify or to produce books and papers relevant to such investigation, as com- manded in such subpoena, shall be guilty of a misde- meanor, and shall on conviction be punished by a fine or imprisonment or both in the discretion of the court, as provided in and by section 19, of the said act hereby amended. The fees of witnesses for attendance and travel shall be the same as the fees of witnesses before the cir- cuit courts of this state, and shall be paid from the appro- priation for the expenses of the board. Any circuit court of this state or any judge thereof, whether in term time or vacation, upon application of the board, may compel the attendance of witnesses, the production of books and papers and giving of testimony before the board by at- tachment for contempt or otherwise, in the same manner, as the production of evidence may be compelled before said court. Every person, who having taken an oath or made affirmation before a commissioner in the course of such an investigation, shall swear or affirm willfully, corruptly and falsely, shall be guilty of perjury, and upon conviction shall be punished accordingly. Sec. 9. No officer or employee of such city shall dis- charge, or degrade, or promote, or in any manner change the official rank or compensation of any other officer or employee, or promise or threaten to do so, for giving or withholding any contribution of money or other valuable thing for any party or political purpose, or for refusal or neglect to render any party or political service. Sec. 10. No applicant for appointment in such official service, either directly or indirectly, shall pay or promise Payments for to pay any money or other valuable thing to any person Appointments whomsoever, for or on account of his appointment or tioim r0in0 proposed appointment, and no officer or employee shall Prohibited. pay or promise to pay, either directly or indirectly, to any person any money or other valuable thing whatever for or on account of his promotion. 12 Sec. 11. No person while holding any office in the government of such city, or any nomination for, or while seeking a nomination for or appointment to, any such office, shall corruptly use, or promise to use, either di- 0fficial rectly or indirectly, any official authority or influence inAuthority or the way of conferring upon any person, or in order to^^ence for secure or aid any person in securing, any office or publicp urp0S es employment or any nomination, confirmation, promotionProhibited. or increase of salary, upon the consideration or condi- tion that the vote or political influence or action of the last named person or any other shall be given or used in behalf of any candidate, officer or party, or upon any other corrupt condition or consideration. Sec. 12. Any acts and parts of acts conflicting with the provisions hereof are hereby repealed. 13 CIVIL SERVICE RULES OF THE CITY OF MILWAUKEE CIVIL SERVICE RULES (Subject to change by the Board of City Service Commissioners upon approval by the Mayor.) RULE I. Definition of Terms. The several terms hereinafter mentioned whenever used in these rules or in any regulations in force thereunder shall be construed as follows: 1. The “city service of the city of Milwaukee,” which may be designated for convenient reference “city service,” in- cludes all offices and positions of trust or employment in the service of the city of whatever function, designation or com- pensation. 2. The term “unclassified service” refers to those posi- tions specifically mentioned in section 6 of the civil service law as exempt from the provisions of the civil service law. 3. The term “classified service” refers to that portion of the city service that is arranged in classes under these rules, and includes all of such offices and positions, except those in- cluded in the unclassified service as defined above. 4. The term “class” refers to the competitive class, the special expert class, or the common labor class, as defined in the civil service law and these rules. 5. The term “classification” refers to the arrangement in schedule form of the titles, offices and positions in the sev- eral classes, divisions and grades which is embodied in Rule III. 6. The term “Commission” when used by itself refers to the Board of City Service Commissioners. 7. The term “appointing officer” refers to the officer, commission, board or body having the power of appointment to subordinate offices or positions in any municipal depart- ment, office, board, court or institution. 8. The term “position” when used by itself refers to any office, position or employment in the city service. 15 RULE II. The Unclassified Service. Section 1. The unclassified service includes the following positions: a. Officials elected by the people — Mayor. Thirty-seven Aldermen. City Attorney. Comptroller. City Treasurer. Judge of Municipal Court. Judge of District Court. Clerk of Courts. b. Officials elected by the Common Council — City Clerk. c. Inspectors and Clerks of Election. d. Superintendents and Teachers of Schools. e. Board of School Directors. f. Heads of Principal Departments — Chief Examiner — Board of Examiners of Station- ary Engineers. Commissioner of Health. Commissioner of Public Works. Director of Municipal Research. Inspector of Buildings. Sealer of Weights and Measures. Smoke Inspector. Tax Commissioner. Water Registrar. g. Members of Law Department. First Assistant City Attorney. Four Assistant City Attorneys. h. Members of Fire Department. i. Members of Police Department. j. Officers and Clerks entrusted with the handling of money for which their superior officer is re- quired to give bond. k. Clerk of the Mayor. l. Officials specifically exempted — Deputy Commissioner of Public Works. Secretary of Sewerage Commission. Sec. 2. Appointments to positions in the unclassified service may be made without examination. Sec. 3. All positions not specifically mentioned or de- scribed in these rules or in the civil service law as in the 16 unclassified service, shall be deemed to be in the classified service. Sec. 4. Where positions are specifically named not more than one appointment shall be made to or under the title of any office or position in the unclassified service, unless a dif- ferent number is specifically mentioned in the schedule of un- classified positions as given in section 1 of this rule. RULE III. Classification. Section 1. All officers and places of employment in the city of Milwaukee, except those exempted by law from the provisions of the city civil service act, shall be classified into the following classes and grades. Said offices and places of employment shall be placed into classes according to the gen- eral line and character of the work involved in the respective duties thereof. Within each class there are established grades, each grade comprising offices and places having duties of sub- stantially similar authority, importance and responsibility. Sec. 2. The classes and grades within classes in the classi- fied service shall be as given in sections 3 to 11 of this rule. Sec. 3. Class A. Medical Service. Positions, the duties of which require training and ability in the medical profession or some branch thereof. Grade I. Positions, the duties of which require some skill and accuracy and a general training, but not necessarily much practical experience. Grade II. Positions, the duties of which require train- ing, experience and ability, involving fixed responsi- bility, but not supervisory. Grade III. Positions, the duties of which are supervisory, involving independent judgment and accountability for the work of others. All positions, the duties of which require a high order of specialized knowledge, but not necessarily supervisory. Grade IV. Positions, the duties of which are supervisory, involving accountability for the whole or part of a prin- cipal branch of a department. Also positions which require a high order of specialized knowledge and pro- fessional ability, but not necessarily supervisory. Sec. 4. Class B. Engineering Service. Positions, the duties of which require training and ability in civil, mechan- ical, electrical or chemical engineering, architecture, or re- lated technical work. Grade I. Positions, the duties of which require some skill and accuracy and a general training, but not necessarily much practical experience. Grade II. Positions, the duties of which require training, experience and ability, involving fixed responsibility; may or may not be supervisory. 17 Grade III. Positions, the duties of which are supervisory, involving independent judgment and accountability for the work of others and for a definite part of an en- gineering work. Also positions requiring a high order of specialized knowledge and professional ability, but not necessarily supervisory. Grade IV. Positions, the duties of which are administra- tive, requiring special qualifications and recognized expert knowledge. Grade V. Positions, the duties of which are executive and administrative, involving entire responsibility for an important department or bureau, either independently or directly under the head or heads of such department or bureau. Sec. 5. Class C. Clerical Service. Positions of persons rendering clerical service or service in connection with general office w r ork or management which does not require knowledge of any of the specialties included in other classes. Grade I. Positions, the duties of which are of general routine. Grade II. Positions, the duties of which require skill and accuracy and some experience, involving routine work. Grade III. Positions, the duties of which require train- ing, experience and ability, involving fixed responsi- bility; may or may not be supervisory. Grade IV. Positions, the duties of which are supervisory, involving independent judgment and accountability for the work of others. Grade V. Positions, the duties of which are administra- tive, requiring special qualifications and involving re- sponsibility for clerical work of an entire department, under the direction of the head thereof, or for the work of a division or minor bureau of such department, also positions, the duties of which are supervisory, requir- ing recognized expert knowledge and experience and ability. Sec. 6. Class D. Operating Engineering Service. Posi- tions, the duties of which require training and ability in the operation or maintenance of equipment for the production of heat, light or power, or in work relating thereto. Grade I. Positions, the duties of which require some knowledge of operating engineering but do not involve full responsibility for any part of a plant or station. Grade II. Positions, the duties of which require training and ability in operating engineering and involve fixed responsibility. Grade III. Positions, the duties of which require recog- nized ability in operating engineering and involve re- sponsibility for an entire plant or station. 18 Grade IV. Positions, the duties of which involve super- vision over a number of stations and plants, but not ex- clusive responsibility for their operation. Grade V. Positions, the duties of which are executive and administrative and involve full responsibility for a number of plants and stations. Sec. 7. Class E. Inspection Service. Positions, the duties of which relate to inspection (whether of work, materials or conditions), which do not require knowledge of any of the specialties included in other classes. Grade I. Positions, the duties of which involve the ob- servation of conditions, and require skill and experi- ence, but no specialized knowledge. Also positions of assistants or helpers to inspectors in Grades II and III. Grade II. Positions, the duties of which involve the exer- cise of independent judgment in passing on the quality of materials, workmanship or special conditions, and require skill, experience and specialized knowledge. Grade III. Positions, the duties of which involve the ex- ercise of independent judgment in the inspection and supervision of operations, activities or conditions, and require a technical knowledge of the principles of design and construction underlying the same, as well as training, skill and experience. Grade IV. Positions, the duties of which are supervisory, involving complete charge of an entire line of inspec- tion work. Sec. 8. Class F. Supervising Service. Positions, the duties of which are chiefly supervisory, involving accountability for the maintenance of public property, for the work of public employees, or for the custody of public charges, but not re- quiring knowledge in any of the specialties included in other classes. Grade I. Positions, the duties of which include the care of public property or of public charges involving a fixed responsibility, but not necessarily the exercise of inde- pendent judgment. Grade II. Positions, the duties of which are supervisory, involving accountability for the work of persons in Grade I positions, or for the care or custody of public property, or public charges, and requiring the exercise of independent judgment, also positions of principal assistant to persons in Grade III positions. Grade III. Positions, the duties of which involve account- ability for public employees in a specialized division of work or in a given territorial district, or for the care and custody of public property. Grade IV. Positions, the duties of which are administra- tive, involving responsibility for an entire department, either independently or directly under the head or heads of such department, or for an important bureau. 19 Sec. 9, Class G. Library Service. Positions connected with the administration of public libraries, and requiring training and ability in library methods. Sec. 10. Class H. Skilled Labor Service. Positions re- quiring knowledge of a trade, craft or useful art, or requiring special manual or mechanical skill, or involving the supervi- sion of skilled or unskilled laborers, and not included in other classes. The compensation for the performance of the duties of positions in any grade of the skilled labor service shall be uniform for similar character and responsibility of . work. Grade I. Positions, the duties of which require ability in a trade, craft or useful art, but do not necessarily involve the exercise of independent judgment. Grade II. Positions, the duties of which require the ex- ercise of independent judgment in the practice or pur- suit of a trade, craft or useful art, requiring special manual or mechanical skill, but not regularly involv- ing the supervision of work of more than one helper or assistant. Grade III. Positions, the duties of which are administra- tive, requiring special qualifications and involving re- sponsibility for the work of one or more gangs or crews of skilled or unskilled laborers, or for the work of an entire division. Also positions, the duties of which re- quire a high order of specialized knowledge and ability in a trade, craft or useful art, but not necessarily su- pervisory. Sec. 11. Class I. Labor Service. Positions of persons rendering labor service, specialized or general, where a choice of competition is impracticable. Grades or ranks shall not be provided or recognized in this service. The compensation for the performance of duties of posi- tions in either branch of the labor service shall be uni- form for similar character and responsibility of work. Branch a: Positions in which the service is general and common. Branch b: Positions in which the service is specialized. Sec. 12. The Commission shall, from time to time, by an order recorded in its minutes, specify the class and grades in which the various offices and places of employment shall be classified. The grade of an officer or employee shall not be changed except by examination under these rules. Whenever the duties of a position classified as provided in the foregoing sections of this rule are changed so that they differ substan- tially from the duties prescribed when such office or place was originally classified and from the duties of other positions in the grade with it as so classified, such change of duties shall operate to abolish such position and to create a new position, and the Commission shall classify such position in 20 accordance with section 15 of this rule, and fill the same by examination and certification from an existing eligible list. A change in compensation applying to all positions of the same grade shall not affect the status of employees in such grading. Sec. 13. Where minimum and maximum limits of com- pensation for each position in a single division and grade of service are prescribed, such compensation limits shall be pro- vided and specified by groups and schedules. Where grades are divided into salary groups, appointment to a position in such grades for either original or promotion registers to any one department shall in every case be made at the lowest com- pensation. Advancement shall be from group to group within a grade, and shall be made on the basis of efficiency and seniority in the position in such department, provided the duties of such position be not changed, and provided further, that service by actual employment in the group from which advancement is made shall cover at least the period specified in the schedules established under this rule. Sec. 14. Titles in the classified service shall be as nearly as possible descriptive of the general duties attached thereto and indicative of the grade, and shall be the same for all positions requiring the same kind of service, regardless of lo- cation of employment. Titles so prescribed shall not be changed except by order of the Commission upon a statement in writing from the department head setting forth the reasons why such changes should be made. Such titles shall be used to designate the position in all the reports to and records of the Commission, and on all pay rolls or accounts submitted to the Commission for certification. Section 15. Whenever any new position is created, report of such action shall be made immediately to the Commission by the department head, setting forth a statement of the gen- eral duties and other matters affecting the character and grade of such position. Upon receipt of such report the Commission shall promptly investigate and determine whether such po- sition is, in fact, new and has been created properly. No position shall be considered new unless the duties thereof are found by the Commission to be substantially different from those of every other existing position in the classified service. When the Commission finds the position to be, in fact, new and properly created, it shall, by a motion to amend the regula- tions, specify the class and grade in which such position shall be placed. Sec. 16. No officer or employee holding any office or posi- tion in the city service on January 1, 1914, the name or title of which has been changed by the classification of positions made in accordance with sections 3 to 11, inclusive, of this rule, shall by reason of such change in name or title be re- quired to take an examination for such office or position, but he shall continue to perform the duties of such office or posi- tion the same as though the title thereof had not been changed. 21 RULE IV. Applications. Section 1. No person shall be admitted to examination for any position in the classified service who is not a citizen of the United States and who has not been a resident of the city of Milwaukee for thirty days; provided, however, that in examinations for positions requiring technical, professional or scientific knowledge and experience or manual skill of a high order, the Commission may waive this rule by an order re- corded in its minutes; and, provided further, that this section shall not apply to officers who are not in the special expert class. Applicants for the position of tax assessor shall be residents of the ward for which they are to be appointed. Sec. 2. Male applicants must not be less than twenty-one years of age and female applicants not less than eighteen years of age. The Commission may, however, permit persons of sixteen years of age or over to apply for employment in the lower grade clerical positions, such as office attendant, messenger or page, or other positions, which the Commission may from time to time include by order entered in its minutes and by stating the age limits prescribed in the notice of ex- amination for such positions. Sec. 3. Every application must be in writing in the form prescribed, signed by the applicant, and made under oath or affirmation before an officer authorized by law to administer oaths. All applicants must furnish with their applications satisfactory proofs that they are persons of good moral char- acter, of correct and orderly deportment and of temperate and industrious habits. Applications for positions in Class I, Labor Service, may be filled out by a person other than the applicant and signed with the mark of the applicant duly witnessed. Sec. 4. In case of applicants for positions in the special expert class, or for positions the duties of which require special qualifications, the Commission may demand evidence of a suf- ficient degree of education, training or experience, and may demand such certificates of competency or licenses as the laws and ordinances may require for the practice of the profession, art or trade involved. Sec. 5. The Commission shall by regulation fix the limits of time within which applications for a given examination shall be presented, but such period shall in no case be less than two weeks, and there shall be not less than five days be- tween the last day for the presentation of applications and the date of examination. A person may at any time leave on file with the Commission his name' and postoffice address and the name of the position for which he wishes to take an ex- amination. Not later than two weeks before the date of exam- ination the Commission shall send notice to all persons who have filed with the Commission their names and postoffice ad- dresses for the particular position for which examination is to be held. Applications for positions in Class I, Labor Service, may be received at any time. 22 Sec. 6. The Commission shall suspend any application presented within the prescribed limits but found to be defec- tive, and shall notify the applicant of the particulars in which it requires correction. The Commission shall accept such ap- plication if it is corrected and returned five days before the date of examination, but not otherwise. Sec. 7. Any false statement knowingly made by any appli- cant in his application for admission to any examination, or made at his request or with his knowledge, in any certificate which may accompany his application or any other fraudulent conduct, shall be regarded as good cause for excluding him from such examination or for removing his name from any register or eligible list. Sec. 8. Proof at any time produced to the Commission of the physical disability or incapacity, or of the bad character, dissolute habits, immoral conduct or of dismissal for good cause from the public service, of any applicant or eligible shall be deemed sufficient cause to exclude him from examination or for removal from an eligible register. RULE V. Competitive Examinations. Section 1. Appointment shall be made to or employment shall be given in positions in the competitive class and the special expert class that are not filled through promotion, transfer, reduction or re-instatement by selection in the man- ner hereinafter provided from among those persons graded highest on the most nearly appropriate eligible list resulting from open competitive examination, except as provided by Rule IX. Sec. 2. The Commission shall hold examination for ap- pointment to positions in the competitive class and the special expert class, and shall fix the dates therefor and the condi- tions thereof, whenever necessary to meet or to anticipate the needs of the city service. Sec. 3. The examinations shall be practical in character and shall relate to such matters as will test fairly and ade- quately the relative fitness and capacity of the persons to be examined for the discharge of the duties of the service or of the positions into which they seek to enter. Sec. 4. The appointing officer shall in all cases be con- sulted as to qualifications and requirements, examination standards, and procedure for filling positions in the special expert class. Sec. 5. In filling positions in the special expert class the Commission shall select a board of one or more experts to con- duct the examination when requested in writing to do so by an appointing officer. The Commission may, in its discretion, fol- low the same procedure in the conduct of examinations for positions in the competitive class. 28 Sec. 6. Notice of the time, place and general scope of every examination shall be given by the board by publication at least four times on alternate days, beginning at least fifteen days before date of such examination, in one or more daily newspapers of general circulation published in the city of Mil- waukee, and notice shall also be posted by said Commission in a conspicuous place in its office at least fifteen days before such examination. Where the position to be filled is professional or technical, such notice may be published once or oftener in one or more technical journals devoted to such profession or trade. Sec. 7. Every examination, except for the position of civil service examiner, shall be under the responsible direction of the chief examiner, who shall consult when necessary with ap- pointing officers concerning the qualifications required for par- ticular positions; but such examinations shall be free from the influence or participation in any manner of the appointing officer. Sec. 8. Each examination shall embrace certain subjects, to which weights shall be assigned, the weight given to each subject to represent its value in ascertaining the fitness of ap- plicants. Each subject of examination shall be rated inde- pendently by the examiners. The examiners rating on the scale of 100 on each subject shall be multiplied by the weight assigned to such subject. The resulting products shall be added and the total product divided by the total weights of all subjects in the examination. The resulting quotient is the gen- eral average which shall be used in determining the order in which the name of the candidate shall appear upon the eligible register. Sec. 9. The Commission shall by regulation determine the subjects and relative weights given to each. Sec. 10. On the date of examination the identification sheets of the candidates shall be sealed and the identity of each shall remain hidden until the papers are graded. Sec. 11. Whenever in the judgment of the Commission physical qualifications are requisite, the candidate shall be re- quired to pass a physical examination and be certified as quali- fied in such respect either before admission to examination or before recording on the proper eligible list or before certifica- tion for appointment, as the Commission may announce. Sec. 12. The Commission may further direct oral exami- nations or special practical tests of fitness. Whenever oral questioning is prescribed as part of any scheme of examina- tion, so far as practicable, a stenographic record of such oral questions and of the answers thereto shall be filed with the papers of the candidates. Sec. 13. No person shall be admitted to an examination whose application therefor has not been presented and ac- cepted under the conditions of Rule IV. 24 RULE VI. Marking and Rating. Section 1. Whenever possible examination papers shall be rated by one or more than one person besides the Secretary and Chief Examiner. Each subject shall be marked upon a scale of 100 which shall represent the maximum possible attainment. Sec. 2. No person shall be placed upon an eligible list whose general average standing is less than seventy per cent of complete proficiency, or who has received less than seventy per cent in the special subject designed to test the applicant’s qualifications for the position he is examined for. Sec. 3. The Secretary and Chief Examiner, as early as practicable after the completion of an examination, shall notify each candidate therein of the rating he has received, and if such rating be above the required minimum, of his compara- tive standing. He shall likewise notify any candidate who, though admitted to the examination, has been rejected for reasons other than failure to receive the required minimum, stating such reasons specifically. Any candidate receiving any such notice may personally inspect his examination papers at any time during the office hours of the Commission, and in the presence of such officer or employee as the Commission may from time to time designate. Sec. 4. No examination or papers connected therewith shall be subject to review after the posting of an eligible eligi- ble list resulting therefrom, except that the Commission may correct clerical errors of examiners at any time before the can- cellation of such list; provided, however, that no persons theretofore certified from such list shall be displaced by reason of such correction, unless his actual standing is shown to be below the requirement established in Section 2 of this rule. Sec. 5. No examination paper resulting from any exami- nation shall be reviewed at any time unless all the examina- tion papers resulting from that examination are reviewed. RULE VII. Eligible Lists. Section 1. The names of those applicants who have at- tained a standing of seventy per cent and over and who have not received less than seventy per cent in their special subject shall be placed in the order of their relative standing on the proper list of eligibles. Sec. 2. When an applicant having qualified in accordance with Section 2 of Rule VI for the position sought, in the judg- ment of the Commission, merits special recognition for extra- ordinary services rendered to the city, the state of Wisconsin or the United States, the Commission may advance his ex- 25 amination rating not to exceed five points. The reasons of such action shall be recorded in the proceedings. Sec. 3. The Commission may consolidate two or more eligible lists of the same kind by rearranging all the eligibles named therein according to their standing. Sec. 4. The Commission shall, upon the request of the appointing officer, cancel any eligible list for a position in the special expert class as soon as an appointment has been made therefrom, provided, it has been specifically stated in the pub- lished announcement of such an examination that the resulting eligible list should so expire. Sec. 5. Eligible lists shall continue in force for one year from the date of their declaration, but the Commission may continue any eligible list in force for a second year, or for a shorter or a longer period. Sec. 6. When an applicant has been appointed to a posi- tion in the classified service, such appointment shall be entered upon the eligible list from which he was certified. Sec. 7. An applicant registered in any eligible list whose appointment is rejected by the appointing officer for reasons reported to the Commission may be retained on such list unless he or she is thus rejected three times. Such repeated rejec- tion shall be sufficient cause for removing the name of such person from the eligible list, except at the written request of the appointing officer to whom certification is made. Certifica- tion for temporary appointment shall not count as one of such certifications. Sec. 8. Failure of an appointing officer to appoint a per- son whose name is certified to him shall not count as a rejec- tion unless that name ranked higher on the eligible list than the name of the person actually appointed, and unless the rea- son for not appointing in numerical order is sustained by the Commission. RULE VIII. Requisitions, Certifications and Appointments. Section 1. Selections for appointment to all positions in the competitive class and the special expert class not filled by promotion, reduction, transfer or reinstatement shall, except as provided in Rule IX, be made in the following manner: The appointing officer shall notify the Commission of the title of the position, duties to be performed and the compensa- tion to be paid. The Commission shall thereupon certify to such appointing officer from the list most nearly appropriate to such position the three names at the head thereof, provided that no such names shall be certified more than three times to the same appointing officer for the same or a similar position, unless at such officer’s request. The appointing officer shall make selection with reference solely to merit and fitness from the three names certified, unless objection is made and sus- tained by the Commission to one or more of the persons named, in which case the Commission shall certify in addition the name next following upon the eligible list. If there be more than one vacancy to be filled, the number of names to be 26 certified shall be arrived at by multiplying the number of vacancies by five-thirds and counting each additional third as one and adding it. Sec. 2. The failure of an eligible person to respond within four days to an offer of appointment sent to his postoffice ad- dress as last shown on the records of the Commission shall be considered declination. On notice from an appointing officer that a person named in a certification has declined appointment and on receipt from such officer of such declination in writing or of evidence of the failure of such person to respond to a notice properly sent, such certification shall be completed by the addition of the name of the eligible next in order. RULE IX. Temporary and Provisional Appointments. Section 1. When services are to be rendered of a tem- porary character and for a limited period, the appointing offi- cer shall inform the Commission, stating the duration of such period, the rate of compensation, the authority for employing such temporary service, and other conditions of employment, and may select for such employment one of the first three per- sons on the appropriate eligible list who, after the notice of the conditions, are willing to accept certification therefor. In case of acceptance of appointment for temporary services, the eligible so appointed shall retain all rights to certification for permanent appointment as though no temporary appointment had been given. Sec. 2. Upon the expiration of any eligible list, the names of those persons who, at the time such list expires, are render- ing temporary service shall be transferred from the expiring list and placed in the order of original rating on the list most nearly corresponding to the list from which transfer is made. Sec. 3. Any person who is certified to a temporary posi- tion in the same manner as certifications are made to per- manent positions, in accordance with Section 1 of Rule VIII, and is performing the duties of that position when it is made a permanent position shall be eligible to appointment to that permanent position. Sec. 4. Any employee who has been certified in accordance with Section 1 of this rule, and whose services have been terminated, shall give immediate notice to the Commission of the termination of his employment, and it shall be the duty of the department head or employing body to make a like report to the Commission as provided in Rule XV. Sec. 5. Where there is a vacancy of an emergency char- acter in a position in the competitive class and it is not prac- ticable to secure a person by certification from an eligible list in time to meet such emergency, an appointment may be made without certification or examination, subject to the subsequent approval of the Commission, for a period not exceeding thirty days, or until an appropriate eligible list is established. 27 RULE X. Suspension, Leave of Absence and Reinstatement. Section 1. Whenever any permanent position in the com- petitive class is abolished or made unnecessary, or whenever the number of positions of a certain character is reduced, the person or persons legally holding such positions shall be deemed to be suspended without pay and the names of such persons shall, on due notice from the appointing officer, be placed by the Commission on a reinstatement list, in the order of seniority of appointment, under such title and correspond- ing to such competitive eligible list as in the judgment of the Commission most nearly cover the class of duties performed by such persons in the positions from which suspension is made. The person so certified who declines to accept, except for one of the reasons and under the conditions stated in Sec- tion 2 of Rule VIII, shall be permanently separated from the service. A reinstatement list shall have preference over the original eligible list. Sec. 2. Any employee who is suspended from the service under the conditions cited in the preceding section shall im- mediately give notice to the Commission of such suspension and state the reasons therefor, and a like report shall be made to the Commission by the department head or employing body, as provided in Rule XV. Sec. 3. The names of suspended employees shall be strick- en from the reinstatement list at the expiration of one year from the date of suspension, unless such employees shall in writing before the expiration of said year notify the Commis- sion that they wish to remain on such list. Failure to so notify the Commission shall be construed as a resignation. Sec. 4. Leave of absence from duty shall in no case be granted to an officer or employee who has been in the service of the city for less than three months immediately preceding his time of leave, except in case of absence on account of sick- ness, disability or urgent necessity in which case application for leave shall be accompanied by such proof of same as the Commission may require, and said leave shall be granted only upon the approval of the Commission. The head of a department may grant leave of absence from regular duty for a period not exceeding three months to an officer or employee who has been in the service of the city for more than three months, upon written application made to him by said subordinate officer or employee within his department, only with the approval of the Commission. In no case shall a leave of absence be granted for a period to exceed one year, except that where an employee in the classified service is granted leave of absence for the purpose of accepting appoint- ment in the unclassified service, such leave may be extended from year to year so long as such appointment in the unclassi- fied service remains in force. Sec. 5. Absence from duty without leave, or failure to report after a leave has expired or has been disapproved or re- 28 yoked and cancelled by the Commission, shall be cause for dis- charge; provided, however, that if the officer or employee so discharged shows to the satisfaction of the Commission that such absence or failure to report was excusable, the Commis- sion may then order his reinstatement. Sec. 6. Upon the expiration of a leave of absence, an offi- cer or employe shall be reinstated in his position; provided, however, that if such absence with leave exceeds thirty days, or, in the case of injury in the service, sickness or other dis- ability, ninety days, and the position in the meantime has been filled by certification, the name of such officer or employe shall be placed by the Commission on a reinstatement list and certi- fied therefrom in accordance with Section 1 of this rule. RULE XI. Transfer. Section 1. Transfers may be made as follows: (a) For a period not exceeding thirty days, from one position to a similar position of the same class, grade and char- acter of work, and having the same pay, within a department, without notice to the Commission. (b) From a position in one department to a similar posi- tion of the same class, in another department, provided the heads of the two departments concerned make request there- for. (c) Where an employe becomes physically incapacitated for the performance of his duties, the head of the department may, at the request of such employe transfer him to a position in a lower grade which he has the ability to fill. Sec. 2. • All transfers except as provided in paragraph (a) of Section 1, shall be subject to approval by the Commission. Sec. 3. Transfer shall not be allowed where the examina- tion upon which the appointment of an employe was based was not of a character and standard to test the fitness of such employe for the position to which it is proposed to make the transfer. RULE XII. Efficiency. Section 1. The Commission shall take all necessary meas- ures to ascertain the efficiency of persons employed in the city service. Sec. 2. The Commission shall from time to time prescribe in its regulations subjects or factors for ascertaining in- dividual efficiency. Such subjects or factors shall be uniform for all positions having similar duties and responsibilities. 29 RULE XIII. Promotion. Section 1. Whenever a vacancy in the classified service exists, unless such vacancy is filled by reinstatement or trans- fer, it shall be filled by promotion from the next lower rank or grade, when such rank or grade contains two or more eligible persons desirous of taking examination. Promotion shall be accomplished by means of a competitive examination. Should not more than one eligible candidate register, or should all candidates fail to pass, an original examination shall be held. Sec. 2. No person shall be eligible for promotion from a position in any grade unless the position in which he is em- ployed at the time of examination is in the same line and character of work as the position to be filled, and unless such person has served in such grade by actual employment for at least six months, unless otherwise prescribed by these rules, and is at the time of examination actually employed in such grade, or is on leave of absence, or is eligible for reinstate- ment. Sec. 3. Notice of promotion examination shall be pub- lished and shall be posted in the olfice of the Commission, as well as in the department or bureau in which the promotion may be made, for two weeks prior to such examination. Such notice shall give date and character of the examination, and shall indicate the grade or rank of those eligible thereto. Ap- plicants for promotion examination shall register in the office of the Commission at least three whole days before the date fixed for the examination. Sec. 4. The weight given to seniority in a promotion ex- amination shall in no case exceed one-tenth of the total weights of all subjects. Credit shall be given only for actual service in the grade or rank from which promotion is sought, whether such service has been continuous or not, except that whenever an employee takes a promotion examination for the purpose of obtaining legal standing under new grading schedules and is certified from the list resulting from such examination, his seniority shall be figured from the date of original certification to the position which he filled previous to taking the regrading promotion examination. The marking to be entered for seniority shall be obtained by adding to a mark- ing of 75, as follows: Each full year of the first 3 years of service 3 Each full year of the next 6 years of service IV 2 Each additional year of service (maxi- mum 14 years) % Sec. 5. The weight given to efficiency in any promotion examination shall in no case exceed two-tenths of the total weights. The marking to be entered for efficiency shall be obtained by averaging ail monthly general efficiency ratings for the six months immediately preceding the Examination. 30 Where no efficiency records exist covering the period the Com- mission shall investigate and enter such marking as it shall deem proper. The Commission may revise upward or down- ward the average efficiency markings of all employees in any department participating in such promotion examination, but such revision shall be on a pro rata basis, except that no em- ployee thereby shall be given a final efficiency average of more than 85 or less than 70. Sec. 6. Under the subject termed “duties” in any promo- tion examination, the candidate shall be examined in such mat- ters as will fairly test his knowledge of the actual duties, responsibilities and requirements of the position to be filled, and his fitness and qualifications to discharge such duties and meet such requirements. Where a physical test is not included in the schedules for promotion examinations, such test may be added as a subject, and the weight thereof shall be fixed by the Commission prior to the promotion examination. In examina- tions for positions in Class K, Skilled Labor Service, candi- dates may be examined as to their knowledge of a trade, craft or useful art, by practical test. The weight of such practical test shall be fixed by the Commission prior to the examination, provided that such weight shall be deducted from the weights given to the subject termed “duties” in such examination. Sec. 7. Eligible lists resulting from promotion examina- tions shall remain in force and effect for one year from the date of the posting unless the Commission, by order in its minutes entered prior to its expiration, extend the life of such list, but no such extension shall be held to continue any such promotion list in existence beyond two years of the posting of the same. Sec. 8. Eligible lists resulting from examinations held under the foregoing section shall in all respects have the same standing and be subject to the same restrictions as other original eligible lists. RULE XIV. Advancement on Efficiency and Seniority. Section 1. Where the limits of compensation for each office or place of employment in a single class and grade of service are prescribed, such compensation limits shall be pro- vided and specified by groups. Appointment to an office or place in such grade, from either original or promotion regis- ters, to any one department, shall in every case be made to the lowest compensation or salary group, except as hereinafter provided in this section. Advancement shall be made from group to group within a grade, and shall be made on the basis of efficiency and seniority in the position within departments, as shown by the records thereof kept in the office of the Civil Service Commission, and in accordance with the schedules established under Rule III. Where the condition of employment in a given office or place of employment is of such a character as to make ad- vancement from group to group on the basis of efficiency and 31 seniority impracticable, and the Commission so rules by an order in its minutes, the compensation for the performance of the duties of such office or place of employment shall be at such uniform salary rate as shall be fixed after investigation, which rate shall be set forth in the minutes of the Commission. Sec. 2. No person shall be eligible for advancement from a lower group to a higher group within a grade unless he has served in such lower group by actual employment for at least the period specified in the schedules provided in accordance with the classes and grades set forth in Rule III. Advance- ment of officers or employees from group to group within a grade shall be based upon efficiency and seniority. Unless otherwise prescribed by these rules, the total weight assigned to efficiency and seniority in advancement shall not exceed three; the weight given to seniority in advancement shall be one-third of the total weight, and the weight given to efficiency in advancement shall be two-thirds of the total weight. The method of ascertaining markings for efficiency and seniority for advancement shall be the same as provided for obtaining markings of efficiency and seniority in promotion. RULE XV. Reports. Section 1. The appointing officer or head of a department shall immediately report to the Commission: (a) Appointments, whether emergency, temporary, pro- bationary, permanent or promotional. (b) Refusal or neglect to accept appointment by a person who has been certified. (c) Changes in the compensation of ranks or grades, or of officers or employees serving under him. (d) Suspension or reinstatement made by him of any officer or employee. (e) Transfers in his department as provided in Rule XI. (f) Every vacancy, resignation or separation from the service under him, and its cause. (g) The creation or abolition of any office or place of employment in his department. (h) Changes in department organization, with details for charting. (i) Efficiency markings of employees in his department, as provided in Rule XII. ( j ) Employing officers shall report, monthly, lay-offs and reinstatements in positions in Class I, Labor Service. Sec. 2. All reports from departments to the Commission must be signed by the department head. RULE XVI. Common Labor Service. Section 1. The Commission shall maintain lists of persons eligible to employment in the Common Labor Service, and where the duties of the positions require, may establish separ- ate eligible lists for departments or bureaus or divisions therein, or for wards. Sec. 2. Applications shall conform to the requirements of Rule IV. The names of the candidates who pass examinations for positions in the Common Labor Service, unless otherwise disqualified, shall be placed on eligible registers, according to priority of application. Sec. 3. Examination of candidates for positions in divi- sion (b) of the Common Labor Class may be competitive where the Commission, after investigation of the duties of such positions, finds that such competitive examination is practi- cable and enters in its minutes an order to that effect in ad- vance of such competitive examination. In such cases appro- priate eligible registers shall be kept as in other cases where competitive examinations are held. Certifications and appoint- ments from such lists shall be made in the manner provided in Rule VIII. The Commission may give physical examinations to applicants for positions in the Labor Service. Sec. 4. In case of an emergency where it is not practi- cable to secure laborers from an eligible list with sufficient promptness, or where a list is temporarily exhausted, the ap- pointing officer may hire and employ for a period not exceed- ing thirty days as many , persons as may be required, but he shall in such case report his action, with full particulars thereof, to the Commission, and such action shall be subject to the Commission’s subsequent approval. In no case shall such emergency appointments exceed a period of two months. Sec. 5. In case it is impossible to secure a sufficient num- ber of applicants who are citizens of the United States, the Commission may, by an order recorded in the minutes, waive the citizenship requirement and establish separate lists for non-citizens from which certification shall be made only after the regular eligible lists have been exhausted. Whenever a reduction of force is necessary, persons certified from the lists for non-citizens shall in all cases be laid off first, and shall not be placed upon a reinstatement list. Sec. 6. It shall be the duty of an appointing officer to submit in such manner as the Commission may prescribe a re- port of appointments in the Common Labor Class, and upon the termination of an employment he shall in each case certify to the Commission the reasons therefore. Where such term- ination is due to a reduction of force, the name of the person affected shall be placed upon a permanent reinstatement list in the manner prescribed by Section 1 of Rule X. Whenever there are a large number of names on the eligible lists and a surplus of labor exists, the laborers qualified under these rules for positions in the city service shall, so far as practicable, be em- ployed in relays. A person employed in a labor position under these rules who, after three months’ service in such position, left it voluntarily and without fault or delinquency on his part, may be reemployed in the same position within one year of the date of his separation without further examination or registra- tion, if there be no persons eligible for reinstatement upon a permanent reinstatement list for such position. Sec. 7. No person employed in a labor position whose 33 employment is terminated for the reason of failure to work, incompetence, or physical or moral unfitness, shall be eligible for re-registration for a period of six months from the date of such termination, and then only upon furnishing to the Com- mission a satisfactory explanation of his failure to work, or satisfactory evidence that such other disqualification no longer exists. Sec. 8. A person who has served in a department or in- stitution for one year in a position in division (a) or division (b) of the Common Labor Class may be transferred to. any other position in division (a) of the Common Labor Class # for which he may be shown to possess such qualifications in re- spect either to previous experience or to physical fitness as may be required in the case of original appointment to such other position, on the issuance by the Commission of a certi- ficate to such effect for service in such department or institu- tion. Transfers from any position in division (b) of the Com- mon Labor Class shall be made only in the same manner and under the same conditions as transfers in the competitive class as provided by Rule XI. RULE XVII. Amendments.* Section 1. Any amendment to the rules shall be proposed at a regular meeting and final action thereon shall not be taken before the next regular meeting. Sec. 2. Whenever a change of the rules is proposed, the Commission shall give public notice of the proposed change, stating the date when a meeting to consider the change is to be held. Such meeting shall be open to the public. RULE XVIII. Adoption of Regulations. Section 1. The Commission shall from time to time adopt regulations to carry into effect the provisions of these rules. Sec. 2. Final action on any proposed amendment to the regulations shall be postponed not less than two weeks. Notice of any proposed change in the regulations shall be posted in a conspicuous place in the office of the Commission. 34 CITY SERVICE REGULATIONS. (Subject to change by action of the Board of City Service Commissioners.) REGULATION I. Classification. The following are the classes and grades within classes of the classified service established in accordance with Rule 3 of the City Service Rules. Class A. Medical Service. Positions, the duties of which require training and ability in the medical profession or some branch thereof. Grade I. Positions, the duties of which require some skill and accuracy and a general training, but not necessarily much practical experience. Includes the following positions: Hospital Helper. Laboratory Assistant. Orderly. Resident Interne. Grade II. Positions, the duties of which require train- ing, experience and ability, involving fixed responsibil- ity, but not supervisory. Includes the following positions: Field Nurse. Hospital Nurse. Supervising Night Nurse. Surgical Nurse. Grade III. Positions, the duties of which are super- visory, involving independent judgment and account- ability for the work of others. All positions, the duties of which require a high order of specialized knowledge, but not necessarily supervisory. Includes the following positions: Assistant Bacteriologist. Assistant Medical Inspector. Assistant Supervising Hospital Nurse. Hospital Physician. Senior Chemist. Special Vaccinator. Superintendent of Emergency Hospital. Supervising Field Nurse. Supervising Hospital Nurse. Grade IV. Positions, the duties of which are super- visory, involving accountability for the whole or part of a principal branch of a department. Also positions which require a high order of specialized knowledge 35 and professional ability, but not necessarily super- visory. Includes the following positions: Assistant Health Commissioner. Bacteriologist. Chemist. Chief Medical Inspector. Child Welfare Chief. Division Chief of Tuberculosis. Resident Hospital Superintendent. Class B. Engineering Service. Positions, the duties of which require training and ability in civil, mechanical, elec- trical or chemical engineering, architecture or related tech- nical work. Grade I. Positions, the duties of which require some skill and accuracy and a general training, but not necessarily much practical experience. Includes the following positions: Assistant Estimate Clerk. Draftsman. Electrician. Instrument Man. Rodman. Grade II. Positions, the duties of which require train- ing, experience and ability, involving fixed responsibil- requires a technical knowledge of the principles of de- ity; may or may not be supervisory. Includes the fol- lowing positions: Architectural Draftsman. Assistant Paving Chemist. Chief Electrician. Chief Estimate Clerk. Junior Engineer. Structural Draftsman. Grade III. Positions, the duties of which are super- visory, involving independent judgment and account- ability for the work of others and for a definite part of an engineering work. Also positions requiring a high order of specialized knowledge and professional ability, but not necessarily supervisory. Includes the following positions: Assistant Architectural Designer. Assistant Structural Designer. Construction Engineer. Electrical Engineer. Examiner of Plans. Paving Chemist. Grade IV. Positions, the duties of which are administra- tive, requiring special qualifications and recognized ex- pert knowledge. Includes the following positions: Architectural Designer. Senior Engineer. Structural Designer. 86 Grade V. Positions, the duties of which are executive and administrative, involving entire responsibility for an important department or bureau, either independ- ently or directly under the head or heads of such de- partment or bureau. Includes the following positions: Chief Engineer. City Engineer. Engineering Draftsman. Class C. Clerical Service. Positions of persons rendering clerical service or service in connection with general office work or management which does not require knowledge of any of the specialties included in other classes. Grade I. Positions, the duties of which are of general routine. Includes the following positions: Messenger. Office Attendant. Page. Typist. Grade II. Positions, the duties of which require skill and accuracy and some experience, involving routine work. Includes the following positions: Junior Bookkeeper. Junior Clerk. Junior Clerk Stenographer. Stenotyper. Grade III. Positions, the duties of which require train- ing, experience and ability, involving fixed responsibil- ity; may or may not be supervisory. Includes the fol- lowing positions: Complaint Clerk. Law Clerk Stenographer. Senior Bookkeeper. Senior Clerk. Senior Clerk Stenographer. Special Tax Appraiser. Tax Assessor. Grade IV. Positions, the duties of which are super- visory, involving independent judgment and account- ability for the work of others. Includes the following positions: Chief Assessment Clerk. Junior Accountant. Junior Investigator. Record Searcher. Grade V. Positions, the duties of which are administra- tive, requiring special qualifications and involving re- sponsibility for clerical work of an entire department, under the direction of the head thereof, or for the work of a division or minor bureau of such department, also positions, the duties of which are supervisory, requir- 37 ing recognized expert knowledge and experience and ability. Includes the following positions: Chief Clerk. Deputy Registrar of Vital Statistics. Senior Accountant. Senior Investigator. Class D. Operating Engineering Service. Positions, the duties of which require training and ability in the operation or maintenance of equipment for the production of heat, light or power, or in work relating thereto. ’ Grade I. Positions, the duties of which require some knowledge of operating engineering, but do not involve full responsibility for any part of a plant or station. Includes the following positions: Asphalt Plant Engineer. Gasoline Roller Engineer. Oiler. Steam Roller Engineer. Substitute Engineer. Grade II. Positions, the duties of which require train- ing and ability in operating engineering and involve fixed responsibility. Includes the following positions: Operating Engineer. . Grade III. Positions, the duties of which require rec- ognized ability in operating engineering and involve responsibility for an entire plant or station. Includes the following positions: Engineer in Charge. Grade IV. Positions, the duties of which involve super- vision over a number of stations and plants, not exclu- sive responsibility for their operation. Includes the following positions: Assistant Chief Engineer. Grade V. Positions, the duties of which are executive and administrative and involve full responsibility for a number of plants and stations. Includes the following positions: Chief Engineer of Power Plants. Class E. Inspection Service. Positions, the duties of which relate to inspection (whether of work, materials ©r con- ditions), which do not require knowledge of any of the special- ties included in other classes. Grade I. Positions, the duties of which involve the ob- servation of conditions, and require skill and experi- ence, but no specialized knowledge. Also positions of assistants or helpers to inspectors in Grades II and III. Includes the following positions: Hydrant Inspector. Inspector of Dredging. Inspector of Weights and Measures. 88 Meter Reader. Milk Inspector. Sanitary Inspector. Sewer Inspector. Sidewalk Inspector. Smoke Inspector. Street Inspector. Tunnel Inspector. Water Pipe Inspector. Grade II. Positions, the duties of which involve the ex- ercise of independent judgment in passing on the qual- ity of materials, workmanship or special conditions, and require skill, experience and specialized knowledge. Includes the following positions: Assistant Chief Sanitary Inspector. Building Inspector. Bridge Construction Inspector. Chief Meter Reader. Chief Tunnel Inspector. Elevator Inspector. Factory Inspector. Food Inspector. Junior Water Waste Inspector. Meter Inspector. Plumbing Inspector. Grade III. Positions, the duties of which involve the ex- ercise of independent judgment in the inspection and supervision of operations, activities or conditions, and sign and construction underlying the same, as well as training, skill and experience. Includes the following positions: Assistant Chief Food Inspector. Assistant Inspector of Buildings. Chief Milk Inspector. Chief Sanitary Inspector. Deputy Sealer of Weights and Measures. Examiner of Stationary Engineers. Senior Water Waste Inspector. Grade IV. Positions, the duties of which are super- visory, involving complete charge of an entire line of inspection work. Includes the following positions: Chief Food Inspector. Sealer of Weights and Measures. Class F. Supervising Service. Positions, the duties of which are chiefly supervisory, involving accountability for the maintenance of public property, for the work of public em- ployees, or for the custody of public charges, but not requiring knowledge in any of the specialties included in other classes. Grade I. Positions, the duties of which include the care of public property, or of public charges, involving a fixed responsibility, but not necessarily the exercise of 39 independent judgment. Includes the following posi- tions: Assistant Keeper of Pipe Yard. Assistant Storekeeper. Keeper of Reservoir. Market Master. Museum Attendant. Natatorium Assistant. Natatorium Matron. Storekeeper-Yardman. Grade II. Positions, the duties of which are super- visory, involving accountability for the work of persons in Grade I positions, or for the care or custody of pub- lic property, or public charges, and requiring the exer- cise of independent judgment, also positions of prin- cipal assistant to persons in Grade III positions. In- cludes the following positions: Assistant Curator of Anthropology. Assistant Curator of Invertebrate Zoology. Assistant Curator of Vertebrate Zoology. Assistant Superintendent of Distribution. Assistant Superintendent of Plumbing. Assistant Superintendent of Sewers. Assistant Truancy Officer. Bath House Superintendent. Custodian of City Hall. Deputy Water Registrar. Director of the Zoo. Harbor Master. Keeper of Pipe Yard. Museum Librarian. Museum Recorder. Natatorium Superintendent. Park Policeman. Secretary to Commissioner of Health. Storekeeper. Superintendent of Garbage Collection. Superintendent of Incinerator. Superintendent of Meters. Truancy Officer. Ward Superintendent. Grade III. Positions, the duties of which involve ac- countability for public employees in a specialized divi- sion of work or in a given territorial district, or for the care and custody of public property. Includes the fol- lowing positions: Chief Truancy Officer. Deputy City Clerk. Deputy Tax Commissioner. Field Superintendent of Bridges and Public Build- ings. Field Superintendent of Street Construction and Repairs. Park Police Sergeant. Secretary of Park Board. 40 I Secretary of Rivers and Harbors. Superintendent of Distribution. Superintendent of Plumbing. Superintendent of Sewerage. Grade IV. Positions, the duties of which are adminis- trative, involving responsibility for an entire depart- ment, either independently or directly under the head or heads of such department, or for an important bureau. Includes the following positions: Assistant Director of Municipal Research. Curator of Anthropology. Curator of Education. Curator of Invertebrate Zoology. Deputy Comptroller. Deputy Health Commissioner. Director of Public Museum. Secretary of Election Commission. Secretary of Harbor Commission. Secretary of School Board. Superintendent of Bridges and Public Buildings. Superintendent of Parks. Superintendent of School Buildings. Superintendent of Street Construction and Re- pairs. Superintendent of Street Sanitation. Superintendent of Water Works. Class G. Library Service. Positions connected with the administration of public libraries, and requiring training and ability in library methods. Librarian. Library Assistant. Library Page. Class H. Skilled Labor Service. Positions requiring knowledge of a trade, craft or useful art, or requiring special manual or mechanical skill, or involving the supervision of skilled or unskilled laborers, and not included in other classes. The compensation for the performance of the duties of positions in any grade of the skilled labor service shall be uni- form for similar character and responsibility of work. Grade I. Positions, the duties of which require ability in a trade, craft or useful art, but do not necessarily in- volve the exercise of independent judgment. Includes the following positions: Assistant Binder. Assistant Fireman. Assistant Janitor. Assistant Tapper. Assistant Station Engineer. Asphalt Plant Fireman. Asphalt Raker. Asphalt Tamper. Boatman. Caulker. Chauffeur and Assistant Inspector. 41 Fireman. Gardener. Janitor. Laundress. Meter Repair Helper. Paster. Sewer. Shademan. Signwriter. Slide Colorist. Teamster. Timekeeper. Tinsmith. Turn-on-and-of£-man. Watchman. Window Washer. Yardman. Grade II. Positions, the duties of which require the ex- ercise of independent judgment in the practice or pur- suit of a trade, craft or useful art, requiring special manual or mechanical skill, but not regularly involving the supervision of work of more than one helper or assistant. Includes the following positions: Assistant Taxidermist. Blacksmith. Bridge Tender. Cabinetmaker. Carpenter. Chauffeur. Chief Binder. Chief Caulker. Cook. Elevator Operator. Finisher. Iron Worker. Machinist. Meter Repairer. Painter. Photographer. Repairer of Heating Apparatus. Station Engineer. Steamfitter. Street Paver. Tapper. Grade III. Positions, the duties of which are administra- tive, requiring special qualifications and involving re- sponsibility for the work of one or more gangs or crews of skilled or unskilled laborers, or for the work of an entire division. Also positions, the duties of which require a high order of specialized knowledge and ability in a trade, craft or useful art, but not neces- sarily supervisory. Includes the following positions: Artist. Asphalt Street Foreman. Block Paving Foreman. 42 Carpenter Foreman. Chief Elevator Operator. Chief Taxidermist. Foreman of Asphalt Plant. Foreman of Grounds. Foreman of Incinerator. Foreman of Macadam Street Repairs. Foreman of Meter Shop. Modeler. Park Foreman. Sidewalk Finisher. Sidewalk Foreman. Class I. Labor Service. Positions of persons rendering labor service, specialized or general, where a choice of com- petition is impracticable. Grades or ranks shall not be pro- vided or recognized in this service. The compensation for the performance of duties of posi- tions in either branch of the labor service shall be uniform for similar character and responsibility of work. Branch a: Positions in which the service is general and common. Includes the following positions: Laborer. Branch b: Positions in which the service is specialized. Includes the following positions: Asphalt Laborer. Bath House Matron. Bridge Sweeper. Charwoman. Cleaner. Coal Passer. Craneman. Domestic. Furnaceman. Gateman. Gulf Custodian. Helper. Incinerator Helper. Lighter. Machinist Helper. Park Custodian. Park Matron. Plant Fireman. Servant. Taxidermist Laborer. REGULATION II. Positions, Subjects and Weights. Schedules of Subjects and Weights. The subjects and weights in original entrance and promotion examinations for the offices and places shall conform to the following schedules. Where a schedule of subjects and weights is not established and is not shown after an office or place, the board shall fix a new schedule for any examination at least two weeks prior to 43 the holding of such examination and record of such action shall be made in the minutes of the Commission. The following schedules apply to original entrance ex- aminations: Schedule I. Special subject weight of Educational weight of Experience weight of Shedule II. Special subject weight of Educational weight of Experience weight of Schedule III. Special subject Educational .. Experience . . Schedule IV. Special subject weight of Educational weight of Experience weight of Schedule V. Special subject Educational . . Experience . . Schedule VI. Special subject Educational .. Experience . . Physical Schedule VII. Special subject Educational . . Experience . . Physical Schedule VIII. Special subject weight of Experience weight of Physical weight of Schedule IX. Experience Physical . . Schedule X. Special subject weight of Physical weight of Educational weight of Experience weight of weight of weight of weight of weight of weight of weight of weight of weight of weight of weight of weight of weight of weight of weight of weight of weight of 5 3 2 4 5 1 5 2 3 4 1 5 5 1 4 5 1 3 1 3 1 4 2 3 3 4 4 6 4 3 2 1 44 The following schedules apply to promotion examinations: Schedule XXI. Schedule XXII. Schedule XXIII. Duties Educational . . Efficiency Seniority Schedule XXIV. Duties Educational Efficiency Seniority Schedule XXV. Duties Educational ., Physical . . . . , Efficiency Seniority Schedule XXVI. weight of 5 weight of 2 weight of 2 weight of 1 weight of 6 weight of 1 weight of 2 weight of 1 weight of 5 weight of 1 weight of 1 weight of 2 weight of 1 Schedule XXVII. Duties Educational . . . Physical Efficiency Seniority Schedule XXVIII. Duties Physical Efficiency Seniority Schedule XXIX. weight of 4 weight of 1 weight of 2 weight of 2 weight of 1 weight of 3 weight of 4 weight of 2 weight of 1 45 2. The schedules for original entrance and promotion ex- amination for the following offices and places shall be as shown herewith: Examination Schedule Orig- Pro- Title of Position Class Grade inal motion A. Alderman . J Architectural Designer . . B IV 5 25 Architectural Draftsman . . B II 3 23 Artist . . H III 4 Asphalt Laborer .1 . , 9 Asphalt Plant Engineer . .D I 6 Asphalt Raker .H I 9 Asphalt Street Foreman .H III 6 Asphalt Tamper .H I 9 Assistant Architectural Designer. . .B III 3 Assistant Bacteriologist .A III 3 Assistant Binder .H I 7 Assistant Cataloguer .G . . 3 Assistant Chief Engineer .D IV 7 27 Assistant Chief Food Inspector. . . . .E III 3 23 Assistant Chief Sanitary Inspector. .E II 3 23 Assistant City Attorney . J . . . . Assistant Clerk of Courts . J , , . . Assistant Curator of Anthropology. Assistant Curator of Invertebrate .F II 3 Zoology Assistant Curator of Vertebrate . F II 3 Zoology Assistant Director of Municipal .F II 3 Research . F IV 3 Assistant Estimate Clerk .B I 1 Assistant Fireman .H I 7 Assistant Health Commissioner. . . . .A IV 5 Assistant Inspector of Buildings. . . .E III 3 Assistant Janitor .H I 8 Assistant Keeper of Pipe Yard. . . . . F I 1 Assistant Librarian . G . . 3 Assistant Medical Inspector .A Ill 5 Assistant Paving Chemist . B II 1 Assistant Station Engineer .H I 7 Assistant Storekeeper . F I 1 Assistant Structural Designer .B III 3 Assistant Supt. of Distribution. . . . .F II 3 Assistant Supt. of Plumbing .F II 3 Assistant Supt. of Schools . J . . . , Assistant Supt. of Sewers Assistant Supervisor of Physical . F II 6 Training . J . . . , . . Assistant Supervising Hosp. Nurse. .A Ill 5 25 Assistant Tapper . H I 8 , , Assistant Taxidermist .H II 1 , , Assistant Truancy Officer . F II 3 . . 46 Examination Schedule Orig- Pro- Title of Position B Class Grade inal moti( Bacteriologist . .A IV 3 23 Bath House Matron . . I 9 Bath House Superintendent . .F ii 3 Blacksmith . . H ii 8 Block Paving Foreman . .H hi 6 Boatman . .H i 8 Bridge Construction Inspector. . . . . .E ii 3 Bridge Sweeper 9 Bridge Tender . . H H 7 Building Inspector . . E II 3 C. Cabinetmaker II 8 Carpenter . .H II 8 Carpenter Foreman III 6 Cashier , , Cataloguer . .G . . 3 Caulker I 8 Charwoman . .1 . . 9 Chauffeur . . H II 7 Chauffeur and Assistant Inspector . .H I 7 Chemist . . .A IV 3 Chief Asessment Clerk. . .C IV 3 23 Chief Binder ..H II 3 23 Chief Caulker . .H II 7 . . Chief Clerk — Comptroller . .C V 3 23 Chief Clerk — Pub. Wrks. — Adm. . Chief Clerk — Pub. Wrks. — Pur. & . .C V 3 23 Supls . .C V 3 23 Chief Clerk — Tax Department. . . . . .C V 3 23 Chief Clerk — Water Registrar.. . . . .C V 3 23 Chief Deputy Clerk of Courts. . . . . . J . . Chief Electrician . .B ii 3 23 Chief Elevator Operator . .H hi 6 , , Chief Engineer . .B V 6 25 Chief Engineer of Power Plants . . . . .D V 6 26 Chief Estimate Clerk . .B II 3 23 Chief Examiner of Stat. Engineers . . J . . Chief Food Inspector . .E iv 5 25 Chief Medical Inspector . .A IV 5 25 Chief Meter Reader . .E ii 3 23 Chief Milk Inspector ..E hi 5 25 Chief Sanitory Inspector . .E hi 5 25 Chief Smoke Inspector. . . J . . . . . . Chief Taxidermist . .H hi 3 , , Chief Truancy Officer . .F hi 3 23 Chief Tunnel Inspector . . E ii 3 23 Child Welfare Chief . .A IV 3 . , 47 Examination Schedule Title of Position Class Grade Orig- inal Pro- motion City Engineer .B 5 25 City Treasurer Cleaner 9 Clerk of Courts Clerk of the Mayor . J . . . Coal Passer .1 9 Commissioner of Public Works. . . . . J Complaint Clerk .C III 3 Comptroller . J . . Construction Engineer .B Ill 3 Cook .H II 8 Craneman .1 # # 8 Curator of Anthropology .F IV 5 25 Curator of Education . F IV 5 25 Curator of Invertebrate Zoology. . . .F IV 5 25 Custodian of City Hall .F II 6 . . D. Deputy City Clerk .F III 5 25 Deputy Clerk of Courts . J . . , , Deputy Commissioner of Pub. Wrks . J , , , , . # Deputy Comptroller .F IV 5 26 Deputy Health Commissioer .F IV 5 25 Deputy Registrar of Vital Statistics. .C V 3 23 Deputy Sealer of Weights and F III 5 25 Measures Deputy Tax Commissioner .F III 3 23 Deputy Treasurer . . J . . . . . . Deputy Water Registrar .F II 3 . . Director of Municipal Research .... . J . . . . . . Director of the Public Museum .... .F IV 4 24 Director of the Zoo .F II 5 , . Division Chief of Tuberculosis. .... A IV 3 Domestic I . . 9 . , Draftsman E. Election Commissioner B I 1 . J Electrical Engineer , B III 3 23 Electrician B I 4 . . Elevator Inspector , E II 3 . . Elevator Operator . , H II 7 . . Engineer in Charge D III 7 27 Engineering Draftsman B V 3 23 Examiner of Plans B III 3 . . Examiner of Stationary Engineers. . E III 3 F. Factory Inspector E II 3 . . Field Nurse A II 3 . . Field Superintendent of Bridges and Public Buildings.. F III 6 26 48 / Examination Schedule Orig- Pro- Title of Position Class Grade inal motion Field Superintendent of Street Con- struction and Repairs F III 6 26 Finisher H II 8 , , Fireman H I 7 27 First Assistant City Attorney J Food Inspector E ii 3 Foreman of Asphalt Plant. . . H hi 6 Foreman of Grounds H hi 7 Foreman of Incinerator H hi 6 Foreman of Macadam Street Repairs. H hi 6 Foreman of Meter Shop H hi 6 Furnaceman I 9 G. Gardener H i 7 Gasoline Roller Engineer. . . . D i 6 Gateman I 9 . , Golf Custodian I 8 H. Harbor Master F ii 5 Head Order Clerk G 3 Health Commissioner J . . Helper I *8 Hospital Helper A i 1 Hospital Nurse A ii 3 Hospital Physician A hi 5 Hydrant Inspector E x i 6 Incinerator Helper 1* I 9 Inspector of Buildings J Inspector of Dredging E i *3 Inspector of Weights and Measures. . E i 3 Instructor in Trade Schools. . J Instrumentman B i *3 Iron Worker H ii 8 J. Janitor . . . H I 8 . . Judge of District Court . . . J . . . , Judge of Municipal Court . . . J . . . . Junior Accountant . . . . . . . C IV 3 23 Junior Bookkeeper . . . C II 1 Junior Clerk . . . C II 1 . . Junior Clerk — Stenographer .. . . . . . C II 1 Junior Engineer . . . B' II 3 23 Junior Investigator . . . C IV 3 23 Junior Library Assistant . . . G . . 3 . . Junior Water Waste Inspector. . . . . .E II 3 . . Justice of the Peace . . . J . . . . 49 Examination Schedule Orig- Pro- Title of Position K. Class Grade inal motion Keeper of Pipe Yard . . .F IV 6 Keeper of Reservoir L. . . . F T JL 3 Laboratory Assistant . . . A I 3 4 . . Laborer . . . I 9 Laundress . . . H I 8 Law Clerk — Stenographer . . . . . C III 3 Librarian . . . G 5 Library Assistant . . . G o o . . Library Page . . . G 2 Lighter M. . . . I 9 Machinist . . .H II 8 Machinist Helper . . . I 8 Market Master . . .F i 1 Mayor . . . J Messenger . . .C i 2 Meter Inspector . . .E ii 3 Meter Reader . . .E i 3 Meter Repairer . . .H ii 8 Meter Repair Helper i 8 Milk Inspector . . .E i 3 Modeler . . .H hi 5 Municipal Reference Librarian. . . . .G 5 Museum Attendant . . .F i 1 . Museum Librarian N. . . .F ii 1 Natatorium Assistant . . .F i 1 Natatorium Matron . . .F i 1 Natatorium Superintendent O. . . .F ii 3 . . Office Attendant . . .C i 2 Oiler . . .D i 7 Operating Engineer . . .D ii G Orderly P. . . . A i 1 Page . . .C i 2 Painter . . .H ii 8 ! *. Park Custodian . . .1 7 Park Foreman . . .H iii 7 . . Park Matron . . .1 9 Park Policeman . . .F ii 10 Park Police Sergeant . . .F in 10 Paster . . . H i 9 Paving Chemist . . .B iii 3 23 Photographer . . .H ii 4 Plant Fireman . . .1 8 50 Examination Schedule Orig- Pro- Title of Position Class Grade inal motion Plumbing Inspector .E II 3 Principal — Graded School . J Principal — High School . J R. Recorder — Public Museum . F II 3 Record Searcher . C IV 3 23 Repairer of Heating Apparatus. . . . . H II 8 Resident Hospital Superintendent. . .A IV 5 Resident Interne .A I 1 Rodman I 1 Sanitary Inspector . • E I 3 Sealer of Weights and Measures. . . .E IV 5 25 Secretary and Chief Examiner . J Secretary to Commissioner of Health .F II 3 Secretary of Election Commission. . .F IV 5 25 Secretary of Harbor Commission. . . .F IV 3 Secretary of Park Board . F III 3 Secretary of Rivers and Harbors. . . . F III 3 Secretary of School Board .F IV 5 Secretary of Sewerage Commission . . J Senior Accountant .C V 3 23 Senior Bookkeeper . C III * 3 23 Senior Chemist .A III 3 23 Senior Clerk .C III 3 23 Senior Clerk — Stenographer .C III 3 23 Senior Engineer . B IV 3 23 Senior Investigator . C V 3 23 Senior Library Assistant . G 3 Senior Water Waste Inspector. . . . . E III 3 23 Servant . I 8 Sewer .H ii 8 Sewer Inspector . E i 3 Shademan .H i 9 Sidewalk Finisher . H ii 8 Sidewalk Foreman . H hi 6 Sidewalk Inspector . E i 1 Sign Writer . H ii 8 Slide Colorist . H i 3 Smoke Inspector .E i 3 South Division Librarian .G 3 Spectial Tax Appraiser .C iii 3 Special Vaccinator .A hi Station Engineer . H ii *7 Steamfitter .IT ii 8 Steam Roller Engineer . D i 6 Stenotyper .C ii 3 Storekeeper . F ii 3 Storekeeper — Yardman . F i 3 Street Inspector . E i 1 51 Examination Schedule Orig- Pro- Title of Position Class Grade Inal motion Street Paver H II 8 Structural Designer B IV 5 25 Structural Draftsman B II 3 23 Substitute Engineer D I 6 Supt. of Bridges and Public Bldgs. . . F IV 5 25 Supt. of Distribution , F III 6 26 Supt. of Emergency Hospital A III 5 25 Supt. of Garbage Collection . F II 6 Supt. of Incinerator , F II 6 Supt. of Meters F II 6 Supt. of Parks F IV 5 Supt. of Plumbing .F III 3 23 Supt. of Schools , J . . Supt. of School Buildings F IV 5 Supt. of Sewerage F III 6 26 Supt. of Street Const, and Repairs. .F IV 5 25 Supt. of Street Sanitation . F IV 5 Supt. of Water Works . F IV 5 25 Supervising Field Nurse .A III 5 25 Supervising Hospital Nurse .A III 5 25 Supervising Night Nurse .A II 3 Supervisor of Drawing . J Supervisor of Elementary Training. . J Supervisor of Household Arts . J Supervisor of Industrial Education. . J Supervisor of Music J Supervisor of Physical Training . . . . J Supervisor of Primary Grades J Surgical Nurse A ri *3 T. Tapper H II Tax Assessor C III Tax Commissioner J Taxidermist Laborer I Teacher J . . Teamster H I Timekeeper H I Tinsmith H I Tunnel Inspector E I Turn-on-and-off-man H I Truancy Officer F II Typist C I 8 3 * 8 ’ 8 1 8 3 1 3 1 Vice-Principal Ward Superintendent Watchman Water Pipe Inspector Water Registrar Window Washer V. J w. F II 6 H I 7 E I 1 J . . . . ...H I 8 Y. H I 7 Yardman 52 REGULATION III. Record System. 1. Records of eligibles from the filing of application to termination of service, shall be kept by card system based upon permanent book records, according to the following methods: (a) In all cases, except Class I (Labor Service), history cards shall be made from each approved applica- tion. They shall contain applicant’s name, ad- dress, date of birth, title of examination, examina- tion number, application number, date of filing and age of applicant, if an age limit is required, and shall be classified by names of positions ap- plied for pending result of examinations. (b) Averages obtained by each applicant in the subjects of examination, and the general average obtained therefrom, shall be entered in an examination register. From this record general averages shall be entered upon the history cards of successful ap- plicants. An eligible register for official approval, containing names and general averages in all ex- aminations, arranged in order of proficiency, shall be made from the examination register. Cards of applicants who attain a general average of 70 or more shall be filed alphabetically and shall con- stitute an index to eligible lists. Cards of those failing to qualify shall be filed alphabetically in a separate cabinet designated as the dead list. (c) Duplicates of the history cards filed in the index to eligible lists shall be prepared and arranged in reverse order of merit in the appropriate cabinets of the working list, separated from the cards of those working and those awaiting re-instatement in the same position. Pending certification, all matters affecting an eligible shall be entered upon the history cards in the index to the eligible lists. (d) The working list shall consist of cards arranged in reverse order as follows: (1) Those certified and at work. (2) Those certified, but laid off or on leave sub- ject to re-instatement. (3) Those awaiting certification. (e) Upon certification the history card of the appointee shall pass to a permanent service record cabinet designated as the civil list and the duplicate placed with those certified and at work as shown by the working list and given its appropriate permanent number. When a list has been cancelled the his- tory cards of eligibles failing certification shall be filed alphabetically in the dead list and the dupli- cates thereof then in the working list destroyed,, 58 (f) Every change of status of an employee in the serv- ice shall be entered upon his card and filed in the civil list. (g) The civil list shall contain history cards of all per- sons in the exempt or unclassified service, and such cards shall be of a different color from those of persons in the classified service. Class I. (Labor Service.) Applications shall be entered in a book in the order of receipt. After the ex- amination, two cards shall be prepared of those who qualify, one for use as an eligible register and the other as an index card, and entries shall also be made in the book register of the result of the examination. All reports affecting eligibles and employees shall be entered on both cards. Working cards shall be retained and shall con- stitute a working list. Cancelled cards shall be destroyed. REGULATION IV. Waiver of Certification of Reinstatement, The Commission may permit eligibles to waive certification or reinstatement in cases where it considers the reasons given for such waiver as good and sufficient, and Where it is desirable to keep the name of the eligible on the register from which the certification was made. If the reasons assigned are not ap- proved by the Commission, then the names of the eligibles so certified or tendered reinstatement shall be removed from the registers from which they were certified. Within thirty days thereafter the names of the persons so removed from the eligi- ble register may be restored, should satisfactory reasons for such action be offered. Waivers must be filed with the Com- mission within four days from date of certification, and, if ap- proved, the name of such eligible shall not be certified until the waiver has been withdrawn. Waivers, whether continuous or otherwise, shall not be permitted for a period of longer than one year. REGULATION V. Departmental Reports. 1. The head of department shall in all cases make re- quisition for eligibles before making appointments. In the absence of an appropriate eligible list, or in case of immediate necessity, authority shall be granted for an emergency ap- pointment. The Commission shall not approve any emergency appointment for which the department head did not make requisition and obtain authority in accordance with this regu- lation. Procedure As to Pay Roll Certification. The following correspondence passed between the City Serv- ice Commission and the City Comptroller; 54 OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER. Louis M. Kotecki, Comptroller. A. P. Puelicher, Deputy Comptroller. March 21, 1914. To the Honorable, The Board of the City Service Commissioners, Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Gentlemen: — I have given considerable thought for some time to the question of the sufficiency of the present method and the re- sponsibility of the Comptroller’s office in passing and allowing of claims for services of persons certified and employed in offices and places in the City Civil Service, as required in Sec- tions 16 and 17 of the City Civil Service act, and I am satisfied that the present method of certifying to this office of the ap- pointment and of all changes affecting the legality of employ- ment of such offices and employees is not sufficient, and in addition causes considerable duplication of work in the prep- aration of reports by department heads and in checking the pay rolls for changes in the service by this office and by your Board. Will your Board kindly take up this question with a view of devising a plan whereby all estimates, pay rolls or accounts of salaries or wages of officers and employees in all the city departments (excepting the Departments of Police and Fire and the Fire and Police Alarm System), can be accurately checked in advance of their payment and certification made to this office as to the legality of employment; this, with a view of more effectively carrying out both the letter and spirit of the sections of the City Civil Service act above referred to and the rules of your Civil Service Board. Yours very truly, A. P. PUELICHER, Deputy City Comptroller. March 23, 1914. To the Honorable, The City Comptroller, Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Dear Sir: — In reply to your communication of the 21st instant, the Board directs me to state that it has also had under considera- tion a plan whereby all estimates, pay rolls or accounts of salaries or wages of officers and employees in all the city de- partments (excepting the Departments of Police and Fire and the Fire and Police Alarm System), may be checked in ad- vance of payment, with a view, First, that this Board obtain an accurate check on all changes affecting employment which would enable it to make 55 a monthly certification to your office as to the legality of em- ployment of all such officers and employees, as required by Sections 16 and 17 of the City Civil Service act and the rules of this Board; and Second, in order that this Board obtain and maintain a complete and accurate record of all changes in employment in the City Service, which would he a basis of civil service ad- ministration and employment control. If your office will co-operate with this Board in having all the above department estimates, pay rolls or accounts for salaries or wages of their officers and employees sent regularly to this office for check in advance of payment and before same are delivered to your office, and if you will refuse to pay any item which does not bear this Board’s certification that the persons included in each estimate, pay roll or account have been appointed and are employed in accordance with the City Civil Service law and the rules of this Board, this Board will undertake to promptly check and certify as to the legality of employment of all persons included on such estimates, pay rolls or accounts upon receipt at this office and forward same to you bearing the following certification: “BOARD OF CITY SERVICE COMMISSIONERS. Received All officers and employees whose names appear upon this pay roll and opposite which the letter ‘L’ is stamped, are holding their positions according to the provisions of the Civil Service act; and those opposite which the word 'Exempt’ is stamped, are by law exempt from the classified service. BOARD OF CITY SERVICE COMMISSIONERS. Secretary?’ The Board will also inform your office and the respective department heads of any items, pay rolls or estimates for per- sons who are not employed in accordance with said sections of the Civil Service Law and Rules. In order that this change in the system of checking pay rolls be installed, the Board respectively suggests that the March estimates, pay rolls or accounts for salaries or wages of officers and employees in the above city departments be sent to this office for check and certification, as outlined above, and that you notify the heads of departments to that effect so that they may be ready for the contemplated change. This Board will also notify departments to the same effect. BY ORDER OF THE BOARD OF CITY SERVICE COMMISSIONERS. Respectfully submitted, JOHN J. VLACH, Secretaryr 56 OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER. Louis M. Kotecki, Comptroller. A. P. Puelicher, Deputy Comptroller. March 23, 1914. To the Honorable, The Board of City Service Commissioners, Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Gentlemen: — I am in receipt of your letter of this date in which you suggest a plan whereby all estimates, pay rolls or accounts of salaries or wages of officers and employees in all the city de- partments (excepting the Departments of Police and Fire and the Police and Fire Alarm System), be checked and certified as to legality of employment, in advance of payment, as re- quired under Sections 16 and 17 of the City Civil Service act. In reply thereto, will say that I shall accept this plan. I will require all estimates, pay rolls or accounts of salaries or wages to be transmitted to your office by the different depart- ments before they are sent to this office and in advance of pay- ment, to be checked and certified by your office as to legality of employment. I will refuse to pay any estimate, pay roll or account of salaries or wages unless the same is certified by your Board, and shall accept your certification as a strict com- pliance on my part and as relieving me of any further liability or responsibility under the sections of the act above referred to, and of the rules of your Board. As you suggest, I have drawn up a letter (copy enclosed), directed to the department heads (excepting those of the De- partments of Police and Fire, and the Police and Fire Alarm System), informing them of this new arrangement, and will require that the estimates, pay rolls or accounts of salaries or wages of these departments for March, 1914, and thereafter, shall be checked and certified as to legality of employment by your office. Yours truly, A. P. PUELICHER, Deputy City Comptroller. March 23, 1914. To All Heads of Departments: — On and after this date, this office will not accept estimates, pay rolls or accounts of salaries or wages of officers and em- ployees in the city service (except those in the Police and Fire Departments and in the Police and Fire Alarm System), or allow claim or payment for such service except where they have been previously checked and certified to by the Board of City Service Commissioners as to legality of employment. This change in system is made in order to comply more strictly with 57 Sections 16 and 17 of the City Civil Service act as amended by Section 6, Chapter 218, of 1897. You will therefore arrange to have all such estimates, pay rolls or accounts sent directly to the office of the Board of City Service Commissioners for such check and certification instead of sending them to this office. The Board will transmit the pay rolls to this office after they have been checked. In order to prevent any unnecessary delay in the final allowing and payment of claims, salaries or wages for services by this office, it is suggested that you arrange to have all esti- mates, pay rolls or accounts of salaries or wages delivered to the Civil Service office at least one or two days in advance of the usual time they were heretofore delivered to this office. Yours very truly, A. P. PUELICHER, Deputy City Comptroller. BOARD OF CITY SERA ICE COMMISSIONERS. Milwaukee, March 23, 1914. To the Honorable, The City Comptroller, Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Dear Sir: — This Board is in receipt of your communication of this date. I am directed to inform you that this office has made its plans accordingly and will be ready to check promptly the March estimates, pay rolls or accounts of salaries or wages of officers and employees in all the city departments (excepting those in the Departments of Police and Fire and in the Police and Fire Alarm System), and certify same as to legality of employment if they are sent to this office before being submit- ted to your office in advance of payment. For your information the Board encloses herewith copy of letter which it has directed be sent to the heads of the above departments explaining the new arrangement. BY ORDER OF THE BOARD OF CITY SERVICE COMMISSIONERS. Yours truly, JOHN J. VLACH, Secretary. BOARD OF CITY SERA ICE COMMISSIONERS. Milwaukee, March 23, 1914. To All Heads of Departments: — As a result of a conference between the office of the City Comptroller and members of this Board, it has been arranged that hereafter all estimates, pay rolls or accounts of salaries 58 or wages of officers and employees in all the city departments (excepting those in the Police and Fire departments and in the Police and Fire Alarm System), shall be checked and certi- fied as to legality of employment in this office before same are sent to the Comptroller’s office for audit and in advance of payment. This change is made to enable the Comptroller to obtain a more satisfactory compliance with Sections 16 and 17 of the City Civil Service act and the rules of this Board. The compliance with this arrangement will enable this Board to obtain an accurate check on all changes affecting em- ployment which will enable it to make a monthly certification to the Comptroller as to the legality of employment of all offi- cers and employees in accordance with the requirements of the above sections of the City Civil Service act and to obtain and maintain a complete and accurate record of all changes affect- ing employment in the city service, which will be used as a basis of civil service administration and employment control. In order that the work of checking and certifying the above estimates, pay rolls or accounts of salaries or wages can be expedited and cause no delay in final payment, it will be neces- sary that department heads report all changes affecting em- ployment in advance of the transmission of the monthly esti- mates, pay rolls or accounts of salaries or wages. New blank forms upon which to make these reports are now ready and will be furnished by this office to each department. These forms will supplement the forms heretofore in use. For the sake of accuracy, the Board respectfully suggests that each department designate certain employees who shall handle these Civil Service reports, and so far as possible, all other routine matters pertaining to employment in their re- spective departments or bureaus. The estimates, pay rolls or accounts of salaries or wages of officers and employees whose certification and employment con- form to the records in this office will be forwarded to the Comptroller by the Secretary, bearing the following certifica- tion: “BOARD OF CITY SERVICE COMMISSIONERS. Received All officers and employees Whose names appear upon this pay roll and opposite which the letter “L” is stamped are holding their positions accordingly to the provisions of the Civil Service act; and those opposite which the word ‘Exempt’ is stamped, are by law exempt from the classified service. BOARD OF CITY SERVICE COMMISSIONERS. Secretary.” 59 All estimates, pay rolls or accounts of salaries or wages which are not in conformity with the certification and em- ployment records of this office, will be red lined and the pay roll sent to the Comptroller’s office with these items elimi- nated. A notice will also be sent to each department of these items which are eliminated so that same be corrected. A sup- plementary pay roll with corrected items will be received in this office for check, certification and transmission to the Comptroller’s office. In order to prevent any unnecessary delay in the final allowing and payment of claims, salaries or wages for services by this office, it is suggested that you arrange to have all esti- mates, pay rolls or accounts of salaries or wages delivered to the Civil Service office at least one or two days in advance of the usual time they were heretofore delivered to the Comptrol- ler’s office. This arrangement is to go into effect with the March pay rolls. BY ORDER OF THE BOARD OF CITY SERVICE COMMISSIONERS. Yours very truly, JOHN J. VLACH, Secretary, Board of City Service Commissioners. 60 GENERAL INFORMATION TO APPLICANTS. 1. — This department has no official knowledge of vacancies in the various departments and therefore cannot answer questions as to whether there are ‘'openings” in the City service. It is important for the applicant to be on an eligible list when a vacancy occurs, therefore it is ad- visable to take examination and obtain a place on the eligible list. 2. — Applicants for positions in the City Service of Milwaukee must have lived within the city limits of Milwaukee for 30 days next preceding the date of examination. 3. — There are no regular dates set for examination, but regis- tration cards may be filed at any time for any position in the City Service. 4. — One registration card can be filed for one position only, but applicants may file as many registration cards for as many different positions as they desire. 5. — Those who have registration cards on file will be duly noti- fied of the time and place of examination for that posi- tion for which the particular registration card calls. 6. — After receiving notice of the date of examination for the position for which the applicant has registered, it is necessary for him to file a regular application on or before the date designated on the card as being the last day for filing applications for that position. Ap- plication blanks can be obtained at the City Service office, City Hall. 7. — Notices of all examinations and qualifications are posted in the Civil Service Bulletin case outside of the main entrances to the City Hall, and the City Service offices at least 15 days before the date of examination. 8. — Further information can be received at any time by calling at the City Service offices, seventh floor, south end of City Hall. 61 INDEX TO THE CIVIL SERVICE RULES. A Rule ABSENCE WITHOUT LEAVE, cause for dis- charge 10 ADOPTION OF REGULATIONS, rule on 18 ADVANCEMENT to be on basis of efficiency and seniority on efficiency and seniority, rule on to be from group to group to be on basis of efficiency and seniority. . . WTio is eligible for efficiency and seniority markings for o 14 14 14 14 14 AMENDMENTS, rule on procedure in adopting public notice to be given of meetings for, to be public. . 17 17 17 17 APPLICATIONS, rule on to be in writing, in form prescribed, signed by applicant, made under oath for positions in labor service, need not be in applicants’ handwriting time limit for presenting. for labor service, may be filled out any time defective, shall be suspended defective, may be corrected and returned. . for leave of absence, to be accompanied by proof for labor service to conform to Rule IV. . . . Priority of, to determine order of names on list . 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 10 16 16 APPLICANTS, male, must not be less than 21 years old 4 female, must not be less than 18 years. ... 4 must furnish proof of good character 4 may leave name and address on file. ...... 4 punishable for false statement or fraudu- lent conduct 4 extraordinary service of, to be given prefer- ence for 7 appointment of, entered upon eligible list from which certification was made 7 may be removed from list after three re-| jections | 7 for promotion examination, to register. . . . | 13 62 Section 13 1 1 2 2 1 2 2 r> o 5 5 6 6 4 2 2 2 2 3 5 7 2 6 7 APPOINTING OFFICER, defined to be consulted as to procedure in filling special expert positions upon request of, Board of Experts to con- duct examinations for special expert positions upon request of, eligible list for special ex- pert position to be cancelled duty of, in case of vacancy shall report to Commission to report appointments and lay-offs APPOINTMENTS, to the unclassified service. . . to be to lowest salary group to be made from lists resulting from ex- amination to be to lowest group emergency, temporary, probationary, per- manent or promotional to be reported . . . refusal or neglect to accept, to be reported. from labor eligible list emergency, in labor service in labor service, to be reported ARCHITECTURAL ENGINEERING B C CERTIFICATION, for temporary appointment not to count as regular appointment. . . . procedure of to be completed in case of declination to be completed by adding the next name in order on eligible list how made from reinstatement list from reinstatement list from labor eligible lists | Rule Section CHANGES in department organization to be reported 15 1 CHEMICAL ENGINEERING 3 4 “CITY SERVICE OF THE CITY OF MILWAU- KEE,” defined CLASS, defined CLASSIFICATION, defined CLASSIFICATION, rule on positions included in “CLASSIFIED SERVICE,” defined positions in 1 1 1 3 3 1 2 1 4 5 1 3 3 CLERICAL ERRORS, may be corrected in exam- nation papers 6 CLERICAL SERVICE 3 COMMISSION, defined to classify positions * to classify new positions to investigate new positions to classify new positions may waive residence requirements may permit persons of 16 years to apply for positions may demand special proof of fitness shall fix time limits for presenting applica- tions shall send notices to persons who have filed their names and addresses shall suspend defective applications to hold examinations may direct oral examinations may give practical tests may extend life of eligible lists to certify three names upon certification. . . to grant leave of absence to pass on transfers to ascertain efficiency of employees to prescribe factors for ascertaining effi- ciency may revise efficiency markings may fix uniform salary rate ta maintain lists for laborers to adopt regulations 1 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 4 4 5 5 5 7 8 10 11 12 12 13 14 16 18 COMMON LABOR SERVICE, rule on 16 4 5 6 12 12 15 15 1 2 4 5 5 6 2 12 12 5 1 4 2 1 2 5 1 1 1 64 Rule Section COMPENSATION, change in, not to affect status of employees limits to be prescribed by groups and schedules . . . ; limits to be prescribed by groups changes in, to be reported CREATION OF ANY POSITION to be reported . 3 3 14 15 15 D DECLINATION, procedure as to what constitutes 8 8 DEPARTMENT HEAD, to report new position. may grant leave of absence to sign all reports 3 10 15 DEPARTMENT ORGANIZATION, changes in, to be reported 15 DISCHARGE, absence without leave, cause for. 10 DISMISSAL from public service cause for ex- clusion from examination and removal from list 4 DUTIES, change of, to abolish position and to create a new position in a promotion examination 3 13 E EFFICIENCY to govern advancement rule on of employees to be ascertained by Commis- sion . . . weight given thereto in a promotion exami- nation rating in promotion examination, how ob- tained markings may be revised by Commission . . and seniority to be basis of advancement. . weight of and seniority markings for advancement. . markings to be reported 3 12 12 13 13 13 14 14 14 15 ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING 3 ELIGIBLE LISTS, names removed from for cause names removed from for cause. who may be placed on . . rule on the manner of placing names on may be consolidated for position in special expert class 4 4 6 7 7 7 7 65 12 13 1 1 1 2 2 15 4 2 1 5 8 12 6 13 1 5 5 5 1 2 2 1 4 7 8 2 i 3 4 ELIGIBLE LISTS, Continued. life of applicants’ appointment to be entered upon eligible list from which he was certified, names to be trnsferred to new list from ex- piring resulting from promotion examination, life of to be maintained for common labor may be maintained for departments or bureaus order of names on, for labor service for certain positions in labor service certification and appointment from for non-citizens Rule 7 7 9 13 16 16 16 16 16 16 EMERGENCY APPOINTMENTS, to be made without examination or certification .... duration of in labor service 9 9 16 ENGINEERING SERVICE 3 EXAMINATION, to change grade of officer who may be admitted to. ..... . competitive rule on to be held when shall be practical for competitive class, may be conducted by board of experts notice of, to be given to be under direction of chief examiner. . . to be free from influence of appointing of- ficer papers of how rated physical may be required oral may be given who may be admitted to papers of, to be rated by more than one person papers of, may be personally inspected .... papers of, when subject to review. papers of, when subject to review nature of, a factor in transfer promotion, to be held when promotion, who is eligible for promotion, notice to be published of promotion, weight given to efficiency in. . . promotion, “duties” in promotion, physical test in promotion, life of eligible list resulting from promotion, status of eligible lists resulting from original, to be given when original, who may enter 3 4 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 6 6 6 6 11 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 5 Section 5 6 2 7 1 1 2 3 3 5 5 5 4 4 12 1 *2 3 5 6 7 7 8 11 12 13 1 3 4 5 3 1 1 3 5 6 6 7 8 1 13 66 Rule Section original, who may enter original, rating in for positions in labor service, EXPERTS, boards of, to conduct examinations for special expert class 13 5 16 5 F 2 8 3 5 FACTORS FOR ASCERTAINING EFFICIEN- CY, to be uniform for positions with similar duties and responsibilities 12 2 FALSE STATEMENT BY APPLICANT PUN- ISHABLE 4 7 G GRADE, positions comprised in of officer not to be changed except by ex- amination length of service in, to be eligible for pro- motion examination 3 2 3 12 13 2 H I IDENTIFICATION SHEETS to be sealed . ..... 5 10 INSPECTION SERVICE 3 7 J K 67 Rule Section Jj LABORERS, reinstatement of re-employment of after discharge LABOR SERVICE lists to be maintained for emergency appointments in non-citizen eligible lists in LAY-OFFS, in Class I, to be reported monthly, in labor service to be reported LEAVE OF ABSENCE, rule on when it may be granted by whom granted.... length of reinstatement upon expiration of LIBRARY SERVICE M MARKING AND RATING, rule on MECHANICAL ENGINEERING MEDICAL SERVICE N NON-CITIZEN ELIGIBLE LISTS NOTICE OF PROMOTION EXAMINATION, to be published to be given of proposed amendments. . . . to be given of proposed changes in regu- lations O OFFICERS NOT IN THE SPECIAL EXPERT CLASS not governed by residence rule. . OPERATING ENGINEERING SERVICE ORIGINAL EXAMINATION to be given when . . rating in P PHYSICAL DISABILITY cause for exclusion from examination and removal from list. test in promotion examination examination for labor service 16 16 3 16 16 16 15 16 10 10 10 10 10 6 3 3 16 13 17 18 4 3 13 5 4 13 16 6 7 11 1 4 5 1 6 4 4 4 6 9 4 3 5 3 2 2 1 6 1 8 8 6 3 68 rJ l\ Rule Section POSITION, defined new, to be reported by department head. . new only when duties are different from duties of other positions new, to be classified by Commission excepted from residence requirement - creation of, to be reported 1 3 3 3 4 15 8 15 15 15 1 1 PRACTICAL TEST, may be given for positions in Class K weight to be fixed by Commission weight to be deducted from weight of “duties” 5 13 13 13 12 6 6 6 PROMOTION, rule on examination, who is eligible for examination, to be held when examination, who is eligible for examination, notice of to be published .... examination, weight given to seniority in. . examination, weight given to efficiency in. . examination, “duties” in examination, physical test in examination, practical test for Class K. . . . examination, life of eligible list resulting from 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 Q l 1 2 3 4 5 6 6 6 7 R REGULATIONS, Commission to fix time limit for presenting applications by subjects and weights to be determined by. factors for ascertaining efficiency to be prescribed in procedure in adopting notice to be given of change in 4 5 12 18 18 5 9 2 2 2 REJECTION, defined 7 8 RELAYS, laborers to be employed in 16 RE-EMPLOYMENT of laborer who has been discharged 16 6 7 69 I t Rule Section REINSTATEMENT, rule on list, who may be placed on list to have preference . list, names to remain on for fixed period . . . list, names to be stricken from after absence without leave. . . . upon expiration of leave of absence list, certification from . . . to be reported in Class I to be reported list for Labor Service, who shall be placed on of laborers 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 15 15 16 16 1 1 3 3 5 6 6 1 1 6 6 REPORTS, rule on to be signed by department head 15 15 2 RESIGNATIONS to be reported 15 1 REVISION of efficiency markings to be on pro rata basis . . 13 S SALARY RATE, uniform, to be fixed when. ... 14 SECRETARY and CHIEF EXAMINER to no- tify each candidate of his rating 6 5 1 SENIORITY to govern advancement weight given to, in promotion examination . how determined and efficiency to be basis of advancement. . weight of 3 13 13 14 14 13 4 4 1 2 SEPARATIONS to be reported 15 1 SKILLED LABOR SERVICE 3 10 SPECIAL EXPERT CLASS, special proof of fit- ness for 4 4 appointing officer to be consulted about filling positions in 5 4 SPECIAL RECOGNITION to be given for ex- traordinary services 7 2 STENOGRAPHIC RECORD to be kept of oral examinations 5 12 SUBJECTS and WEIGHTS to be determined by regulations 5 9 SUBJECTS to be rated on scale of 100 . . 6 1 SUPERVISING SERVICE 70 3 8 { SUSPENDED EMPLOYEES to give notice to Commission SUSPENSION, rule on period of to be reported T TEMPORARY APPOINTMENT, certification for not to count as regular certification . . . TEMPORARY AND PROVISIONAL APPOINT- MENTS, rule on appointments, how made appointments not to count as regular ap- pointments employees, names of to be transferred to new list from expiring list appointments made the same as permanent appointments to have preference. ...... appointing powers to notify City Ser. Dept. of termination of employees to give notice of termination of their employment TERMS, defined, rule on TITLES, to be descriptive of duties and indi- cate grade to be same for same kind of service. . . . not to be changed except by order of Com- mission change in, not to require a new examination TRANSFER, rule on to be made how to be subject to approval of Commission. . to be allowed when to be reported of laborers • U UNCLASSIFED SERVICE, positions included in appointments to not more than one appointment to be made under one title in UNIFORM SALARY, rate to be fixed when .... V VACANCIES to be reported Rule 10 10 10 15 3 3 3 3 11 11 11 11 15 16 2 2 2 14 15 Section 2 i i 7 i 1 2 4 4 14 14 14 15 1 2 3 1 8 1 2 4 1 1 71 L ; i l, ( , . i< > • c . * CONTENTS. Page 1. City Civil Service Act 3 2. Rules of the City Service Commission 15 3. Regulations of the City Service Commission, viz.: (a) Classification of Positions 35 (b) Subjects and Weights in Original and Promo- tion Examinations 43 (c) Alphabetical List of Positions with Classifica- tion and Schedule of Subjects and Weights. 46 (d) Record System in City Civil Service Office 53 (e) Waiver by Eligibles 54 (f) Departmental Reports ' 54 4. Procedure in Pay Roll Certification 54 5. General Information to Applicants 61 6. Index to Rules 62 ' ; ' 0F ILWPIS USftARY . ‘ a mho- u v-i