"LI B R.AR.Y OF THE UN IVER.SITY OF ILLINOIS 92O.O773 Ail 1897 Return this book on or before the Latest Date stamped below. University of Illinois Library Jin OCT -' i AUG14 JUL08 J 2000 L161 H41 ALBUM OF GENEALOGY AND BIOGRAPHY COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS WITH PORTRAITS EIGHTH EDITION, REVISED AND EXTENDED CHICAGO CALUMET BOOK & ENGRAVING CO. 1897 THE CALUMET PRESS PRINTED BY CALL-MET BOOK & ENGRAVING COMPANY 170-174 SOUTH CLINTON STREET CHICAGO /f?7 PRBFACB 6o "^ V\ -~. n r^ (A E BELIEVE the time has arrived when it becomes the duty of the people of this county to perpetuate the names of their pioneers, to fur- nish a record of their early settle- ment, and relate the story of their progress. The civilization of our day, the enlightenment of the age, and the duty that men of the present time owe to their ancestors, to themselves and to their posterity, demand that a record of their lives and deeds should be made. In biographical history is found a power to instruct man by precedent, to enliven the mental faculties, and to waft down the river of time a safe vessel, in which the names and actions of the people who contributed to raise this country from its primitive state may be preserved. Surely and rapidly the great and aged men, who in their prime entered the wilder- ness and claimed the virgin soil as their heritage, are passing to their graves. The number remain- ing who can relate the incidents of the first days of settlement is becoming small indeed, so that actual necessity exists for the collection and pres- ervation of events without delay, before all the early settlers are cut down by the scythe of Time. To be forgotten has been the great dread of mankind from remotest ages. All will be forgot- ten soon enough, in spite of their best works and the most earnest efforts of their friends to preserve the memory of their lives. The means employed to prevent oblivion and to perpetuate their mem- ory have been in proportion to the amount of intel- ligence they possessed. The pyramids of Egypt were built to perpetuate the names and deeds of its great rulers. The exhumations made by the archaeologists of Egypt from buried Memphis indicate a desire of those people to perpetuate the memory of their achievements. The erection of the great obelisks was for the same purpose. Coming down to a later period, we find the Greeks and Romans erecting mausoleums and rnonu- ments, and carving out statues to chronicle their great achievements and carry them down the ages. It is also evident that the Mound-builders, in piling up their great mounds of earth, had but this idea to leave something to show that they had lived. All these works, though many of them costly in the extreme, give but a faint idea of the lives and characters of those whose memory they were intended to perpetuate, and scarcely anything of the masses of the people that then lived. The great pyramids and some of the obelisks remain objects only of curiosity; the mausoleums, monuments and statues are crumb- ling into dust. It. was left to modern ages to establish an intel- ligent, undecaying, immutable method of perpet- uating a full history immutable, in that it is al- most unlimited in extent and perpetual in its ac- tion ; and this is through the art of printing. To the present generation, however, we are in- debted for the introduction of the admirable sys- tem of local biography. By this system every man, though he has not achieved what the world calls greatness, has the means to perpetuate his life, his history, through the coming ages, for the benefit of his posterity. The scythe of Time cuts down all; nothing of the physical man is left. The monument which his children or friends may erect to his memory in the cemetery will crumble into dust and pass away; but his life, his achievements, the work he has accomplished, which otherwise would be for- gotten, is perpetuated by a record of this kind. To preserve the lineaments of our companions we engrave their portraits; for the same reason we collect the attainable facts of their history. Nor do we think it necessary, as we speak only truth of them, to wait until they are dead, or un- til those who knew them are gone; and we need be ashamed only of publishing the history of those whose lives are unworthy of public record. '075231 PREFACE. The greatest of English historians, MACAU- LAY, and one of the most brilliant writers of the present century, has said: "The history of a country is best told in a record of the lives of its people." In conformity with this idea, the GENEALOGICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL ALBUM of this county has been prepared. Instead of going to musty records, and taking therefrom dry sta- tistical matter that can be appreciated by but few, our corps of writers have gone to the people, the men and women who have, by their enterprise and industry, brought the county to a rank sec- ond to none among those comprising this great and noble State, and from their lips have ob- tained the story of their life struggles. No more interesting or instructive matter could be pre- sented to an intelligent public. In this volume will be found a record of many whose lives are worthy the imitation of coming generations. It tells how some, commencing life in poverty, by industry and economy have accumulated wealth. It tells how others, with limited advantages for securing an education, have become learned men and women, with an influence extending throughout the length and breadth of the land. It tells of men who have risen from the lower walks of life to eminence as statesmen, and whose names have become famous. It tells of those in every walk in life who have striven to suc- ceed, and records how success has usually crowned their efforts. It tells also of many, very many, who, not seeking the applause of the world, have pursued "the even tenor of their way," content to have it said of them, as Christ said of the woman performing a deed of mercy "They have done what they could." It tells how that many in the pride and strength of young manhood left the plow and the anvil, the lawyer's office and the counting-room, left ever}- trade and pro- fession, and at their country's call went forth valiantly "to do or die," and how through their efforts the Union was restored and peace once more reigned in the land. In the life of every man and of every woman is a lesson that should not be lost to those who follow after. Coming generations will appreciate this vol- ume and preserve it as a sacred treasure, from the fact that it contains so much that would never find its way into public records, and which would otherwise be inaccessible. Great care has been taken in the compilation of the work, and every opportunity possible given to those represented to insure correctness in what has been written; and the publishers flatter themselves that they give to their readers a work with few errors of conse- quence. In addition to the biographical sketches, portraits of a number of representative citizens are given. The faces of some, and biographical sketches of many, will be missed in this volume. For this the publishers are not to blame. Not having a proper conception of the work, some refused to give the information necessary to compile a sketch, while others were indifferent. Occasionally some member of the family would oppose the enter- prise, and on account of such opposition the support of the interested one would be withheld. In a few instances men could never be found, though repeated calls were made at their resi- dences or places of business. CALUMET BOOK & ENGRAVING CO. ADDENDA. The preparation of this volume has involved the labor of several years. Since the pages were stereotyped, several of the subjects of biographies have passed away. Among these are : A. G. HURLEY .......... page 227 I. N. CAMP, 546 E. H. CASTLE, 544 J. D. CATON, 115 REV. OTTO GROENEBAUM, ........ 622 C. M. HENDERSON, 391 EDSON KEITH, 53 M. N. KlMBELL, 528 T. E. LEWIS, 297 ORRINGTON LUNT, ......... 503 JAMES MCMAHON, ......... 181 GEORGE M. PULLMAN, ... . 231 LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS Ills CenturyBjllisMnj 4 Zi - ica J. R. HOXIE. JOHN R, HOXIE. (JOHN RANDOLPH HOXIE. Chicago, the I Queen of our Great West, is indebted for its G) marvelous growth and rapid development, which have caused the whole world to acknowl- edge its commercial greatness, to a few men, who, to lay the foundations of metropolitan su- premacy, gave the best of their heart's blood, their brain power, and nerve forces. The ma- jority have as their reward wealth or honor, but few have both. Among the active business men who have acquired both was the subject of this sketch, who obtained it through close attention to business, and unswerving integrity and up- rightness of character. John R. Hoxie was born December 13, 1831, in Macedon, near Rochester, New York, and his parents were Cornelius and Anna (Brawnell) Hoxie. He received a partial education in the Macedon Academy, but as his tastes impelled him to use every opportunity for learning busi- ness ways, his schooldays were thus cut short. Many stories of his youthful trading propensities illustrate his ability in doing well for himself, and in him could plainly be seen the future financier and business man. On one occasion he wished to buy a fish-hook, but as his finances were low, he applied to the banker of the town, who lent him three cents. After catching and disposing of the fish he very promptly paid his debt, thus winning the esteem of his creditor. At the age of fourteen years he bought all the turkeys in the neighborhood and realized a handsome profit on them. At seventeen years of age he was able to buy his "time" or independence from his father, for one thousand dollars. He was always pru- dent with his earnings, and many times walked from Albany to Rochester to save the fare by stage. Mr. Hoxie became a sub-contractor on the Niagara Falls Railroad at an early age, and later was in the same position on the Staten Island Railroad. While in the latter position the yellow fever began raging and he was quarantined, but finally escaped to the mainland. After spending nearly two years in Virginia he returned to Rochester, New York, where he became a dealer in live stock, which he shipped over the Michigan Southern and other Railroads. His fame as a man of great business tact and ability spread over many States, and in 1857 he received an offer to assist in the management of the shipping business of the Michigan Southern Railroad, with headquarters in Chicago. This offer was re- ceived by telegram, and hastily packing his satchel, he told his mother he would return in a few days; but the days lengthened into weeks, months, and years, and he did not return home until 1862. The officers of the company recog- nized his ability, and the position of stock agent was offered him, which he accepted and retained during his connection with the road. At this time the company was almost bankrupt, but Mr. Hoxie infused new life into the business by building up the freight traffic, thus saving it from financial ruin. For this service the com- pany was ever truly grateful, and he was retained in office long after his active interest ceased. Largely through his influence the Railroad was able to retain its controlling interest in the Union Stock Yards, and the profits from the tremendous 8 J. R. HOXIE. traffic in live stock thus brought to it. When a combined effort was made by the other roads to induce Mr. Hoxie to retire from the service of the Michigan Southern, he declined every consider- ation offered him, and remained faithful through all temptation. From early morning until late eve did he labor in the interest of this road, and this was practi- cally his life work. He foresaw great possibilities in its future, and steadily strove to carry it for- ward to its destiny. His nature rejoiced in victory over opposition, and the sharp competition he often met was refreshing to his restless spirit, and a stimulus to greater exertions. He loved work for its own sake, not for praise and reward. In the end, however, he paid the usual penalty for living under such high pressure, by the in- vasion of sickness and premature death. His nature could not rest, and though his life was shorter, he accomplished much more than the majority of business men. Though an extremely busy man, he was al- ways cheerful, and liked the society of his fel- lows. He was, however, a stranger to the fashionable clubs, and made his home the scene of his rest and recreation. His wife was a worthy life companion, and her delight was to make the home pleasant, having a serene manner, a contented disposition, and being a great help to her husband in curbing his great ambition and teaching him the lessons of patience. As soon as he was able Mr. Hoxie began to invest money in securities, and so good was his foresight that he became wealthy. In 1878 he bought a large grant of laud from the heirs of Dr. Hoxie, a veteran of the Texan and the Mexi- can Wars, and an army surgeon under General Houston. This grant embraced ten thousand acres of land in Williamson County, Texas, to which he added another purchase of seven thou- sand acres. It is situated thirty-five miles from Austin, and six thousand acres of it have been cultivated, and fifty families reside on it. Mr. Hoxie also bought fifty-two thousand acres of land at Midland, Texas, in the Counties of Martin and Andrews, this land being used for grazing. Beside his mansion on Michigan Ave- nue, he had a country home twenty- one miles south of Chicago, which included seven hundred fifty-seven acres of land. Here he spent many hours away from the cares of business life, and lived close to the heart of Nature. On all his farms he has kept the buildings in excellent repair, having built many new ones. Unlike most business men, he early instructed his wife in the details of his affairs, being animated by the principle that what was his also belonged to her. To this wise precaution his widow now largely owes her ability to manage the property with such success. Mr. Hoxie made annual trips to his possessions in the South, and to every one of these Texas owed some improvement, and he many times used his influence in opening some avenue of commerce. In 1887 he decided to retire from business, but never fully carried out his intention. When he was in Texas he made his headquarters at Fort Worth and there he was held in high es- teem by all the inhabitants, and especially the business men. Prior to his coming to this town the business was very dull, but he inspired confi- dence by organizing the Farmers and Mechanics' National Bank, with a capital of one million dollars. He was the president of this bank and also of the First National Bank at Taylor, Texas. He was connected with twenty other banks in this State, his influence and standing giving them power to exist. In 1891, at the urgent request of the citizens of Fort Worth, he organized Stock Yards and Packing Houses, and the next year passed through a strike which made his presence at the yards necessary. This was such a severe strain on his finely organized nervous constitution that he never recovered his former health. A small bene- fit was gained at Carlsbad Springs, Germany ,but nothing could entirely stay the ravages of the disease, diabetes, from which his death resulted. He passed away November 21, 1896. Mr. Hoxie was a talented man, and had many charming traits of character. His influence was ever for good and his advice in municipal affairs was often sought and freely given. He was presi- dent of the Board of Trustees of Hyde Park and a LEONARD SWETT. school trustee in the town of Lake. During the centennial year he was a candidate for Congress on the Democratic ticket, but was defeated. Though he never afterward held any office his in- fluence was such that he controlled many positions of trust and responsibility. His rare wit and skillful repartee may be said to be gifts inherited from his mother, well-known for her good sense and quick perception. Mr. Hoxie became interested in the Chicago City Railway Company and was instrumental in extending the cable lines, being for many years one of the largest individual stockholders. He was many times the youngest member of various boards of management, where he was neverthe- less recognized as a born leader. His associates often called him "Boy", among these being such men as Silas B. Cobb, Daniel Jones, Solomon Sturges, Lyman Blair, John DeKoven, Samuel Nickerson, Lyman J. Gage, John B. Sherman, P. D. Armour, Samuel Allerton, and others equally well-known . He was called the ' ' Mogul ' ' of the Stock Yards Railroad along Fortieth street, which was secured by his indefatigable energy. In his business methods Mr. Hoxie was unlike the average man. Though possessed of sufficient ability to carry on numerous vast business enter- prises at the same time, he never used books to record his transactions, but so carefully was everything systematized that he suffered no loss from this fact. His was an eccentric character, but he was no recluse, and enjoyed rare friend- ships. He was well-known in Masonic circles, having attained the thirty-second degree. His wealth was accumulated in a legitimate way, and his only extravagance was indulged in providing for the comfort of his family. In religious belief he was a Quaker, and helped build and maintain the church at Twenty-sixth Street and Indiana Avenue. The principles of his forefathers seemed to be the guide and rule of his life. Mr. Hoxie was married October 22, 1872, to Mary J., daughter of P. D. Hamilton. Among the Quakers she was known as "John's wife. "but her husband always spoke of her with deference as Mrs. Mary J. Hoxie. Their union was blessed by three children, namely: John R., Junior, Gilbert H. and Anna C. LEONARD SWETT. I EONARD SWETT was born August n, 1C 1825, near the village of Turner, Oxford \ J County, Maine, on what was known as Swett's Hill. This hill slopes in all directions, and constitutes one of the most beautiful spots in New England, and has ever since been owned by the family. His father, John Swett, was born in Gorham, Maine, February 4, 1789, and mar- ried Remember Berry, on August 29, 1816. The latter was born at Buckfield, Maine, December 22, 1794. They settled after their marriage on the above-named hill, and lived and died there. The father was seventy years old, and the mother in her eighty-ninth year at the date of their respective deaths. Leonard Swett's grandfather was John Adams Swett, named for his mother, who was Sarah Adams, a descendant of John Quincy Adams, President. John Adams Swett was born June 23, 1763, and died July 14, 1844. He married Betsey Warren, who was born June 28, 1763, and died June 3, 1846. Leonard Swett's great-grandfather was Dr. Stephen Swett, born at Durham, New Hampshire, and died in Otisfield, in 1808. He married Sarah Adams, who was born in Durham, New Hamp- shire, and died in 1807. They were married at Durham in 1757. Mr. Swett, the subject of this sketch, died June 8. 1889. He married Laura R. Quigg, of 10 LEONARD SWETT. Bradford, Massachusetts, July 20, 1854, and they had one son, Leonard H. Swett. March 5, 1886, his wife died, and July 14, 1887, he married Marie A. H. Decker, who survives him. Leonard Swett was the second son and fourth child of his parents, and they conceived the idea, at an early date, of giving him a better education than the town afforded, consequently he was sent to select schools in the vicinity, and completed his education at North Yarmouth Academy and Waterville College, now Colby University. He then read law for two years with Messrs. How- ard & Shepley, at Portland, Maine, and started in the world to seek his fortune. At first he traveled in the South for nearly a year, then, with the spirit of adventure, he volunteered as a sol- dier in the Mexican War, and was under General Scott from Vera Cruz to the City of Mexico. The war closed in May, 1848, when Mr. Swett returned and settled at Bloomington, Illinois. He commenced the practice of his profession in the fall of 1849, and gave to that profession the labor of a life. He was in indifferent health, on ac- count of a disease contracted in Mexico, which rendered it impracticable for him to sit in an office and do office work, and, therefore, at first he commenced to travel the circuit. The bar of that circuit, the eighth at that time, embraced many men of marked ability, some of whom have since acquired a national reputation. David Davis, since distinguished as a judge of the supreme court and a senator of the United States, was the judge from 1849 to 1862. Abraham Lincoln, for two years a member of congress, and afterwards known to the world as the martyred President and the emancipator of a race, was one of its lawyers. Edward D. Baker, a member of con- gress from the Sangamon District, also afterward from the Galena District, later a distinguished citizen of California, and a senator of the United States from Oregon, who died leading his men at the battle of Ball's Bluff, in the Civil War, was also one of its lawyers. There were also Edward Hannagan and Daniel W. Voorhees, since sena- tors from Indiana, who attended the eastern part of the circuit, and Stephen T. Logan, John T. Stuart, U. F. Linder and Oliver L. Davis. The sessions commenced the ist of September, and ended about the ist of January. The spring circuit commenced about February and ended in June. In a life with' these men and upon this circuit, Mr. Swett spent his time from 1849 to 1862. The lawyers would arrive at a county seat of from five hundred to two thousand inhabitants, and the clients and public came in from the coun- try adjoining at about the same time. The law- yers were employed in such suits as were then pending in court, and the trials were immediately begun. After from three days to a week spent in this manner, the court would adjourn and the cavalcade start for the adjoining county seat, when the same processes would be repeated. Twice a year fourteen counties were traversed in this way, and in this manner Mr. Swett received his earlier legal education. David Davis, in a speech at Springfield, said in substance that this time constituted the bright spot of his life. In this expression he would doubtless be joined by every man named, most of whom now live beyond the river. In 1865 Mr. Swett moved to Chicago, where he soon acquired a prominent and leading position as a lawyer. During his life in the country, in Illinois, he took an active part in politics, taking part in the agitation of the slavery question, and canvassed nearly the whole state in the years 1852, 1854, 1856, 1858 and 1860. He, however, held but one office, which was that of member of the legislature, in 1858 and 1859, and this was at the special request of Lincoln himself, to save to the latter the vote of McLean County. That county at the previous election had been carried by four votes. Lincoln thought Swett could be elected, and asked him to run. He did so, car- rying the county by nearly five hundred majority. He then engaged earnestly in the work of secur- ing the nomination of Abraham Lincoln for Pres- ident, writing to public men and organizing other workers. The three men who did more than all others to make Mr. Lincoln the nominee in 1860 were Leonard Swett, David Davis and Norman B. Judd; and the two men who were closest of all to Mr. Lincoln until his death were Swett and Davis. Norman B. Judd was given a foreign LEONARD SWETT. ii mission, David Davis was made supreme judge, but Leonard Swett declined to take office under the administration. He was closer to Lincoln's innermost thoughts and sympathies than any man in the world. He was much like Lincoln in per- son, complexion and manner, so much so that he was often mistaken for the President in Washing- ton, and he was much of the Lincoln mould, in- tellectually. It has often been remarked that intimate as Lincoln was with Leonard Swett, he never gave him any office, and Swett was often asked the reason why. He always evaded the question, but, in a letter to W. H. Herndon, the author of the " Life of Lincoln," written a short time before Mr. Swett died, the latter explained this fact: When David Davis was a candidate for the su- preme bench, soon after Lincoln's election to the presidency, he was opposed by a senator of great influence, named Browning, whom Lincoln was almost ready to appoint. Leonard Swett was a warm friend of David Davis, and, going to the president, he said: " If you will give that place to Davis I will take it as one-half for him and one-half for myself, and never again will ask you for anything." David Davis got the appoint- ment, and Leonard Swett was true to his word. He said, not long before his death, that he was always glad he kept out of office. After his removal to Chicago, he devoted him- self exclusively to his profession, and absolutely ignored politics. Mr. Swett was distinguished as successful in the trial of causes, in fact, he did little else during his professional life. In Chicago the most important cases were intrusted to him, and it was a rare thing that he lost one of them. The reason of this was, that he attended to the details of the preparation personally, himself see- ing and talking with his witnesses, so that when the cause was heard in court it fitted together ' ' without noise of axe or hammer. ' ' His business, in the main, was in civil cases; for instance, Thomas A. Scott, during the war, employed him for the Quicksilver Mining Com- pany to go to California to get possession of the great quicksilver mine near San Jose, after an adverse decision in reference to the Almaden claim. This country acquired by the treaty of Guadeloupe Hidalgo, at the close of the Mexican War, a large tract of land, now embracing many States and Territories, described by boundaries, and our Government agreed, wherever individu- als owned lands within these boundaries, it would issue to such parties a patent. Under the Mexi- ican law there were two kinds of titles, a mineral title, or a right to what the land contained under the surface, and a surface title. One man might own one title and another man the other. We have but one, the surface, and one owning that owns all above and below. The Barons had a mineral title to what they called the Almaden mine, and had made, prior to the decision, im- mense improvements. Justos Larios owned the surface title, and this was bought, and the Quick- silver Mining Company was organized upon this title. In 1863 the Supreme Court of the United States decided that the Baron title was a forgery. The quicksilver claim of Justos Larios had not been heard, and this left this property of immense value belonging either to the Government or to the quicksilver company. A contract was made between the Government and the quicksilver compan}', by which a possession might be taken, which should be joint as between the Government and said mining companj-, and Mr. Swett was appointed by President Lincoln to go to California and acquire this joint possession, it being under- stood that he would offer the Barons one million dollars for their improvements. It was also a con- dition of this agreement that the proceeds of the mine should be deposited in the mint at San Fran- cisco until the termination of the litigation between the Government and the Quicksilver Mining Com- pany. He went to" California, arriving there May 19, 1863, and leaving September 14, having, by aid of the courts and negotiations, secured the possession of the mine. Although Mr. Swett maintained a large office at Chicago, he, occasion- ally, at home and abroad, defended persons from criminal accusations, when the defense presented something attractive. In the vindication of honor, or if, upon the common frailty of the race, an act was done, he was a most accomplished and effect- ive advocate for the accused. He dealt, like a 12 LEONARD SWETT. mental philosopher, with the purposes of the mind of the accused, and revealed to the compre- hension of the court and jury the mysterious in- fluences which produced the act of the party. He tried the will, purpose and intent, and not the mere physical act upon which the charge was founded. His mind delighted in the beautiful philosophy of the law; he dealt with its spirit, not with its letter. In this manner, in thirty-six years, he defended twenty men for murder, en- tirely clearing eighteen and two escaping with light punishment in the penitentiary. He was called out of the city in criminal cases from Hartford, Connecticut, to defend the officers of the Charter Oak Life Insurance Company for conspiracy; to Denver, where, with Hon. Thomas Patterson, he defended Stickney, who shot a man in a fit of jealousy, killing also a young and at- tractive woman; and to Yankton, where he de- fended Wintermute for the killing of McCook. His style in a trial was simply the abnegation of every consideration except winning that case. To this he sacrificed everything. His style of speaking was earnest and convincing. He was the Chicago counsel for the Union Mutual Life Insurance Company, of Maine, and distinguished himself by gaining a suit for that company against the Chicago University, which had become fa- mous in the legal reports for its knotty problems of law and equity. On the 2ist of June, 1888, he made the nom- inating speech for Walter Q. Gresham for Presi- dent of the United States. Mr. Swett's address was an independent utterance, touching in an extremely effective manner the salient qualities of the individual eulogized, and also those points in his public career which "had brought him so prominently before the people as a possible presi- dential candidate. In private life Mr. Swett was a man of social disposition and strong attachments. He was a pleasant companion and a warm and steadfast friend, and was generous almost to a fault. His nature was kind, genial and sympathetic, and his social intercourse was enlivened by so many gen- erous and endearing qualities, that it won for him the affectionate regard of those who knew him intimately to an extraordinary degree. In person he was imposing; six feet two inches in height, and weighing, when in health, two hundred and twenty-five pounds or more. He possessed a strong face, with heavy, bushy, black eyebrows, over-hanging deep-set brown eyes, sparkling and brilliant, but kindly withal. An expansive, in- tellectual forehead betokened his strength of character. His voice was extremely rich and musical, and always pleasant to listen to. The Chicago Bar, by Frank B. Wilkie, said of him the following: " As a speaker he had few or no superiors at the bar. He required scarcely any preparation to make a speech on any subject. He saw a case clearly, and had the faculty of presenting it with equal clearness. He had that tendency toward amplification found in all true orators, and by whose aid he presented a single point in so many salient aspects, that it became as apparent as sun- light to his auditory. This ability to not only clearly present a point, but to restate it and reit- erate it under a slightly changed form up to a boundary where it becomes thoroughly under- stood, and yet, which is not carried beyond into the region of verbosity and tiresome and useless reiteration, is one of a high order, and it is one which Mr. Swett seemed to possess to perfection. Its due and judicious exercise requires an accur- ate knowledge of the men whom it is employed upon, and the precise ideas and illustrations which are demanded by their comprehension. Mr. Swett had all these qualities, and the additional one of being an excellent logician and an admirable manager, who thus not only knew what should be presented, but the very best form in which the presentation should be made. "Possibly the not least remarkable feature of his oratorical power was his ability to employ pathos. Herein, when occasion required, he rose to a most effective level. He was both rhetorical and natural in this direction, the former being to some extent a sequence to the latter, in that he felt what he said, and therein, as usually happens, was eloquent. He was exceedingly happy in the use of this powerful element. When in this mood he smote the rock of men's hidden emotions, and LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS F. FRANK F. HENNING F. F. HENNING. obediently as in the case of Moses, the waters gushed forth in response to the summons. From the possession of this subtle power to touch ef- fectively men's emotional natures, Mr. Swett had what the world would suspect from seeing him, and that was a powerful element of poetry in his character. This was true; and its existence was not only the source of his power to touch the hearts of others, but it refined his nature and gave him a chivalry that exhibited itself in a lofty regard for women, an integrity in business mat- ters that could not be disturbed, and a kindly con- sideration that leavened all his intercourse with others. In fine, the poetical quality, while it in- troduced no element of effeminacy in his char- acter, while it did not detract from his masculine vigor or interfere with his comprehensive ability, softened his naturally rugged make-up, and gave him an efficient refinement. ' ' Leonard Swett was one of nature's noblemen, and worthy to be re- membered as Abraham Lincoln's most trusted friend. FRANK F. HENNING. f~RANK F. HENNING, President of the rft German-American Hospital, of Chicago, I has been connected with business interests and philanthropic institutions in that city for a third of a century. He was born May 3, 1840, in the city of Gransee, Germany, and is the eldest son of Frederick and Henriette (Kanow) Henning. The family is of Swiss descent, the an- cestors having left Switzerland about 1780, on account of religious persecutions. Frederick Henning and his wife were natives of the same part of Germany as their son, Frank F. He was by trade a harness-maker, but later cultivated a farm and, about 1848, decided to emigrate to America, but as his father objected, he went into the country and bought a farm, which he conducted until he came to the United States. In 1855, the parents, with six children, sailed from Bremen on the sailing ship ' 'Othien, ' ' and five weeks later landed at New York. They came to Chicago, and after remaining a week, re- moved to Port Washington, Wisconsin. They finally settled about six miles from Mani- towoc, Wisconsin, where Frederick Henning bought one hundred sixty acres of timber land, which he cleared, and cultivated several years. He is now living retired in Manitowoc. Of his ten children six were born in the Fatherland and four in Wisconsin. Only five of these are now living, namely: Frank F. , the eldest; Paulina, now Mrs. Schroeder; Henrietta, wife of George Bodmer, of Chicago; Emma and Matilda. The mother died in 1893, aged eighty-four years, and the father has reached the age of eighty-six years. Frank F. Henning was reared on his father's farm and educated in the common schools of his native city. In 1859 he left home, with only one dollar in his pocket to make his own way in the world. He worked at loading a cargo on a vessel at Monitowoc and unloading it at Chicago, to pay his passage to the latter city. From there he walked to Morris, Illinois, a distance of sixty miles, where he found employment on a farm at eight dollars a month. Here he attended school during the winter of 1859-1860. July 28, 1861, he enlisted at Aurora, for three years, in the Union Army, and was mustered September i2th of that year, in the Thirty-sixth Illinois Volun- teer Infantry, Company D. His regiment was assigned to the Western Division, and saw hard service in Missouri and Arkansas, and he par- ticipated in all the engagements where his regi- ment acted. Mr. Henning's first engagement was at Pea Ridge, and he was wounded at the battle of Stone River in the foot, head and right hip. He was taken, more dead than alive, to the field hospital, and after the wounds were F. F. HENNING. dressed, he was sent to the hospital at Nashville. From here he was sent to' Cincinnati, and was discharged in July, 1863, for disability. Upon his discharge he returned to his home in Wisconsin, where he remained until the early spring of 1864, and since that time has been a resident of the city of Chicago. He found em- ployment with Lohn & Koenig, for a time, in gluing chairs; then as salesman and bookkeeper, and in 1867 he bought a quarter interest in the business, the firm then becoming Koenig, Hen- ning & Gamer. Their business was located at Nos. 48 and 50 Fifth Avenue, where the fire of 1871 wiped them out, and left them with a debt of twenty-five thousand dollars, which was the amount of insurance they carried, but they were able to obtain only six thousand dollars therefrom. Immediately after the fire the firm built a furniture factory, and in a year and a-halfpaid- their liabilities. Mr. Henning remained a mem- ber of this firm until the spring of 1881 . About 1878 a German Young Men's Christian Associa- tion was organized, of which Mr. Henning be- came president; its members visited hospitals, jails and poorhouses. Being of a sympathetic nature, Mr. Henning became interested in the sufferings of humanity and their alleviation, and decided to devote the remainder of his life to philan- thropic work. He had acquired a comfortable competence, and when he retired from manu- facturing, in December, 1883, he secured the in- corporation of the German Hospital, and in 1884 it was opened in a building owned by Mr. Hen- ning. Most of the funds for the foundation of this institution were raised by Mr. Henning, who was its president. It was located at No. 242 Lincoln Avenue, where he donated two years' rent. The present site of this hospital was pur- chased in 1886, Mr. Henning advancing three thousand dollars for the first payment, and a year later nine thousand dollars for building purposes. Its generous benefactor was president until 1896, when he resigned and withdrew, on account of differences of opinion among some of the directors and physicians. The hospital had accumulated property worth sixty thousand dollars, with an endowment fund of twenty-one thousand dollars, and for thirteen years Mr. Henning had devoted his time and energy to it, with no compensation in money. In 1886 he organized a deaconess' society for the purpose of procuring trained nurses, and failing to get enough in this way, they branched out and erected a large building for a nurses' training school, which is now used as the German-Ameri- can Hospital. Nurses have received two years' training when they graduate from this institution, and about fifty nurses have been graduated. Thus this institution is not only a hospital, but a training school for nurses. The noble founder cared not for honor or glory to himself in this good work, but found his compensation in the lives made happier and better, and the benefit of his fellow-creatures from the results of his time and study. In 1893 Mr. Henning was one of the prime movers in organizing the Bethesda Industrial Home, at Morton Grove, Cook County, Illinois, for the aged, infirm and helpless. In 1894, a printing office was established at the home to assist in defraying the expenses. This has proved a success, and there are now two monthly papers issued from it. Mr. Henning has ever since been connected with its management. Though he is a firm supporter of Republican principles, he could never be induced to accept office for himself. He has been twice married. June 28, 1866, he wedded Miss Dorothy Gamus, a native of Han- over, Germany, and they had six children, of whom three are living, namely: Frank, Arthur, and Oswald. The mother died in 1881. Febru- ary 28, 1883, he was united in marriage with Miss Emily Buerstatte, daughter of Henry and Maria (Meister) Buerstatte. She was born in Manitowoc, Wisconsin. They have three chil- dren, Meta, Laura, and Walter. Mr. Henning has a wide circle of friends and acquaintances, and is known for his good works in all parts of the great metropolis. His example is worthy of study and emulation, and he is honored and admired by all. He has been connected with the Chicago Avenue Church (Moody's) a number of years. HERMANN RENDTORFF. HERMANN RENDTORFF. HERMANN RENDTORFF, an enterprising German-American citizen, has been identi- fied with Chicago for over thirty years. He was born August 6, 1843, in Sauk City, Sauk County, Wisconsin, being a son of Edmund and Henrietta (Graepel) Rendtorff, both of whom were natives of Hamburg, Germany. Edmund Rendtorff came to the United States in 1838. He was highly educated in his native tongue, as well as in three other languages, and was employed as correspondent and general office man. On coming to this country he worked on a farm in Illinois for a short time, and then went to Wisconsin. He was among the first settlers of Sauk City, and for some time was employed as clerk on a steamboat on the Rock River. He made a pre-emption claim to government land in Sauk County, and was able to buy eighty acres of it when it came into market. His education and ability fitted him for activity in the management of public affairs, and he soon became prominent in the county, being its first treasurer. He had been engaged to Miss Graepel before leaving Germany. In 1842. she came to America, and upon her arrival in New York they were married and settled upon his land, where he con- tinued farming for seven years. In 1847 he went to St. Louis as bookkeeper for Childs & Com- . pany, wholesale grocery dealers in that city. At the end of six years he returned to Sauk City and conducted a grocery store there for a period of twenty-five years. Mrs. Rendtorff died in 1889, at the age of seventy years, and her husband sur- vived until 1892, reaching the good age of sev- enty-six years. All of their six children grew to maturity, the eldest being him whose name heads this article. The second, J. Christian Rendtorff, resides on North Avenue, in Chicago. Susanna is the wife of F. A. Oswald, of the same city. Johanna is the next in order of birth. Emma, Mrs. Theodore Krueger, is also a resident of Chicago; and Richard O. is deceased. Hermann Rendtorff had but limited opportuni- ties for education. He was reared on the farm and attended school only during the winter months. He remained with his parents until he reached the age of eighteen years, and might have continued longer but for the outbreak of hos- tilities between the North and the South in 1861. He was filled with patriotic love for the land of his birth, and on the I4th of September, 1861, having just completed the eighteenth year of his age, he enlisted as a soldier in Company D, Ninth Wisconsin Volunteer Infantry. He bore an active part in all the engagements in which his regi- ment participated, and was wounded in the right thigh by a bullet at the battle of Newtonia, Mis- souri, in September, 1863. He spent three months in hospitals at Fort Scott and Fort Leaven worth, Kansas, and still carries in his flesh the bullet which caused his injury. On his recovery he rejoined his regiment, with which he continued until honorably discharged at the close of his period of enlistment, at Milwaukee, Wisconsin, December 4, 1864. He returned to his native place and remained until February 20, 1865, on which date he became a resident of Chicago. He entered the employ of Ressing, Inderrieden & Company, wholesale and retail grocers, with whom he remained two years. At the end of this time he entered into partner- ship with G. E. Roscher, in a retail grocery store at No. 206 North Clark Street, and two years later sold out to his partner. He now entered the hardware establishment of his brother : in-law, Mr. Oswald, at Nos. 139 and 141 Milwaukee Avenue, and rapidly mastered the business. At the end of one year he i6 PETER JACKSON. formed a partnership with Mr. Oswald, and they opened a store on the corner of Lake and Halsted Streets, under the firm name of Rendtorff & Oswald. This connection lasted only a few years, and Mr. Rendtorff removed to the North Side and established an independent business on North Avenue. Two years later he purchased property on the corner of North Avenue and Mohawk Street, consisting of four lots and build- ings, whither he removed his stock and contin- ued business. In 1 880 he added the manufacture of stove- boards, which he carried on in connec- tion with his hardware store. In the year 1883 he formed a partnership with his brother, J. Christian Rendtorff, and they opened two stores, one being at No. 154 North Avenue, and the other at No. 700 Lincoln Avenue. Their brother, Richard Otto, had charge of the former, and after his death they sold the Lincoln Avenue store. In 1883 Mr. Rendtorff felt that he had earned a vacation, and sailed for Europe in that year, spending thirteen months in visiting England, Ireland, France, Belgium, Switzerland, Austria, Holland, Italy and Germany. On his return he opened a jobbing house in stoves, at No. 16 Lake Street, which he conducted until 1896, and then sold out. In 1894, when Mr. Rendtorff began building the present block at the corner of North Avenue and Mohawk Street, the stock was removed to No. 1 54 North Avenue, now conducted by his brother, J. Christian, who owns it, the partnership having been dissolved by mutual con- sent in 1896. Mr. Rendtorff has continued the manufacture of stove-boards since he first established it, and is now extensively engaged in the manufacture of a patent milk -pail with a detachable strainer, and a patent split-lock stove-pipe elbow. At present he is giving all his attention to his manufacturing interests, which are rapidly growing under his prudent and energetic management. Thirty-five men are employed in this business, and the products are shipped to nearly every state in the Union. His long business career in Chicago has made him a wide acquaintance, and firmly estab- lished his reputation as an upright and fair deal- ing business man. September 8, 1875, Mr. Rendtorff was married in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, to Miss Ida Stuetze, a native of that city. Though not connected with any religious organization, Mr. Rendtorff is a supporter of all good works, and feels a keen in- terest in the moral, social and material welfare of the community in which he resides. His first pres- idential vote was cast in Little Rock, Arkansas, in 1864, for Abraham Lincoln, and he has since supported the candidates of the Republican party. He is a member of Hancock Post, No. 560, Grand Army of the Republic, and is highly esteemed by all classes of citizens because of his genial manner and manly worth. PETER JACKSON. POSTER JACKSON, who is an old settler iii LX Chicago, having lived here since 1870, was |*3* born in September, 1852, in County Carlow, Ireland, and is a son of William and Mary (Wynne) Jackson, natives of that country. He received his early education in his native land, and improved his opportunities for advancement in that country, but he was an ambitious youth and not satisfied with his prospects there, so de- cided to come to the new world. Previous to the age of eighteen years he emi- grated to the United States, coming direct to T. L. KRAMER. the "City by the Lake," which has since been his residence. His brother James came to Chi- cago and remained a short time, and another brother, William J. , emigrated later, and located in New York City, where he still resides. He was formerly employed as a buyer by A. T. Stewart. Peter Jackson realized the advantage of contin- uing at one trade through life, and accordingly satisfied himself of his abilities for his life work before beginning it. He decided to enter the employ of a railroad corporation, and he was compelled to begin with a small salary and a place at the bottom round of the ladder. By his care- ful study and attention to details, and his perse- verance, he was able to advance to the responsi- ble position of conductor, which position he held for about eight years. He is now a stationary engineer, and has the confidence and esteem of his associates and fellow-citizens. December 31, 1874, Mr. Jackson married Mary Josephine Kilcran, a daughter of Frank Kilcran, whose biography may be found on another page of this book. They had eight children, six of whom are living, namely: William, Mary, Sarah, Jane, Frank and Ellen. Mr. Jackson, as well as his parents and relatives in Ireland, are members of the Episcopal Church. He is a true and loyal citizen of the United States, and takes an interest in the affairs of the country. In national politi- cal matters he is a Republican, but is independ- ent in local politics. THEODORE L, KRAMER. 'HEODORE LALUCK KRAMER, a veter- an of the Civil War, was born December 9, 1846, in Towanda, Bradford County, Penn- sylvania, and is of German descent. His grand- father, Abram Kramer, left Germany on account of political trouble and his property was confis- cated by the German Government. Albert M. Kramer, father of Theodore, was born in Luzerne County, Pennsylvania, about 1822, and was a machinist for many years in Towanda. He died at the age of sixty years, in Ulster, in the same State. His wife, Carolina Long, was a native of Fairmont, Luzerne County, in that State, and was a daughter of Abram Long, a farmer. She died about the year 1850, in To- wanda. Their son, Theodore L. Kramer, attended the public schools of Towanda until he reached the age of fourteen years, when he began work as an iron moulder. Before the completion of his six- teenth year he enlisted, September i, 1862, in a militia regiment called to oppose the invasion of Maryland by General Lee in that month. He served thirty days at this time, and again for a like period in the following year, when Pennsyl- vania was invaded. In December, 1863, he joined the One Hundred Fifty-second Pennsylvania Heavy Artillery, which was stationed at [Fortress Monroe. On the ist of February following, the One Hundred Eighty-eighth Pennsylvania Infantry was formed from volunteers from the One Hundred Fifty- second Artillery, and Mr. Kramer was among these, and was assigned to Company G. The regiment became a part of the Eighteenth Corps, under Gen. "Baldy" Smith, in the Army of the James. The Tenth and Eighteenth Corps were subsequently consolidated and made the Twenty-fourth Corps. Mr. Kramer was dis- charged, with his company and regiment, Decem- ber 14, 1865, at City Point, Virginia. During his service he participated in the follow- i8 T. L. KRAMER. ing battles and skirmishes: Gettysburg, in Penn- sylvania; Swift Creek and Proctor's Creek, Dru- ry's Bluff, Petersburg, Deep Bottom, Cold Har- bor, Assault of Petersburg, June 18, 1864, Mine Explosion, July 30, 1864, Chapin's Farm and Assault of Fort Harrison, Sailor's Creek and Appomattox Court House, where Lee surren- dered, in Virginia. In the assault on Fort Harrison at Chapin's Farm, September 28, 1864, Mr. Kramer distin- guished himself in a manner which won the ap- plause of all who witnessed his action, including several field officers, and gained the thanks of Congress, whose approval was made apparent by conferring upon him a beautiful bronze medal. The assaulting column, commanded by Gen. E. O. C. Ord, was obliged to march one and one- fourth miles in the face of a heavy artillery fire, and the colors of the One Hundred Eighty-eighth went down five times. On the fifth fall, young Kramer ran forward, seized the flag and carried it to the fort, where he turned it over to one of the regular color guard. When the fort was reached Kramer was the first to mount the wall, and seized the standard of a Texas infantry regiment, which formed a part of the garrison . He was at once made the target of every rifle within the fort which could be brought to bear upon him, and four bullets pierced his blouse. On looking around he discovered that not a single comrade had followed his lead, and he at once threw him- self down and, taking the captured flag along, rolled back into the moat surrounding the fort, which was at the time dry and afforded shelter to the Union troops, as the guns could not be trained low enough to molest them. In a few moments they made a united attack upon the fort, during which Private Kramer cap- tured a lieutenant-colonel. The latter fired one cartridge point blank at his captor, but missed, and before he could again raise the hammer of his pistol Kramer's musket was pressed against his breast and he surrendered. For these brave acts, which were witnessed by General Ord, Kra- mer was recommended for gallantry to the War Department, and received the "Medal of Honor" with a letter of transmittal, as follows ; WAR DEPARTMENT, ADJUTANT GENERAI/S OFFICE, Washington, March 29, 1865. Sir. Herewith I enclose the Medal of Honor, which has been awarded you by the Secretary of War, under the Resolutions of Congress, approved July 12, 1862, "to provide for the presentation of Medals of Honor to the enlisted men of the army and volunteer forces who have distinguished or may distinguish themselves in battle during the present rebellion." Please acknowledge the receipt of it. Very respectfully, Your obedient servant, E. D. TOWNSEND, Assistant Adjutant General. Private Theo. Kramer, Company G, i88th Penna. Vols. On the reverse of this medal is inscribed: THE CONGRESS to PRIVATE THEODORE KRAMER, Co. G, 1 88th PENNA. VOLS. On the evening of September 28, 1864, follow- ing the capture of Fort Harrison, Kramer was one of the party of one hundred men sent by General Ord to occupy a redoubt on the James River. They were attacked by infantry in front, while the enemy's gunboats kept up a fire in the rear, from the river, and were all captured except Kramer and one other, who escaped at great risk. Thus was completed a day of most exciting and important events in the career of Mr. Kramer. After the close of the war, Mr. Kramer came to Chicago and was employed as an iron moulder until 1 880, when he was appointed a letter carrier, through the influence of Gen. John A. Logan, and has continued in that occupation ever since. He is a member of George H. Thomas Post, No. 5, Grand Army of the Republic, and in politics has always been a Republican. In 1875 he was C. T. WHEELER. made a Mason in Kilwinnig Lodge, No. 311, of Chicago, and in 1878 was exalted to the supreme degree of Royal Arch Masonry, in Sandwich Chapter, No. 107, of Sandwich, Illinois. In January, 1875, Mr. Kramer was married to Miss Ida E. Vosburgh, of Chicago, a daughter of Hiram A. Vosburgh, a painter of Janesville, Wis- consin, where she was born. Her mother was Sabra Doty, a member of a family prominent in that place. Four sons and three daughters have blessed the union, namely: Roy M., Carlisle L., Albert J., Jessie J., John A., Clara V. and Hazel L. Mr. Kramer lives at No. 930 North Hoyne Avenue in a pleasant home of his own. CALVIN T. WHEELER. QALVIN THATCHER WHEELER. Among I C the old-time merchants and bankers of Chi- \J cago who, by their firmness of character and honesty of purpose, left the impress of integrity in the volumes of unwritten history of our great metropolis and reflected the beacon" light of our commercial stability over the whole world, we must count him whose name heads this article. Mr. Wheeler was born in West Galway, New York, and is a son of Luther and Mary (Belts) Wheeler. His grandfather, Silas Wheeler, and two brothers went from Massachusetts to Fulton County, New York, and eventually removed to Steuben County, in the same State, where a town was named after them. They were known by the people in the neighboring section for their thrift, honor and fidelity. Luther Wheeler was by trade a builder. He was a good citizen, who was honored and respect- ed by all classes. In his old age, he and his wife removed to Amsterdam, New York, and here they died nearly at the same time, both at about the age of eighty years. Mrs. Wheeler was a devout Presbyterian, being an active member of the Church, and was the mother of five sons and three daughters. Her father, Isaiah Belts, was a lieutenant in the Revolutionary army. Calvin T. Wheeler received his primary educa- lion in Ihe common schools of New York and Il- linois. He left New York al Ihe age of len years, in Ihe company of his uncle, Dr. J. T. Belts, who practiced his profession in Kaskaskia, Illinois, where he sellled in 1818, being one of Ihe pioneer physicians of the Slate. He hoped to make a physician of Calvin T. Wheeler, but even al that early age his nephew had a tasle for active busi- ness life, and refused his uncle's offer to give him a college education. Instead, he entered his un- cle's store as a clerk. While al Kaskaskia he altended school, and profited by the instruction of Professor Loomis, a famous scholar and an honored man. Kaskaskia was at that time the social cen- ter of Ihe State, and many of the most prominent men in Illinois were located there. His associa- tions among Ihe people of Ihis town exerted a life-long influence on Ihe career of Mr. Wheeler, and his memory to-day is replete with pleasant recollections of his early life in Ihe capital of Illinois. In the flood of 1844 the waters of the Kaskas- kia and Mississippi Rivers rose lo such a height thai Ihe nuns, teachers and pupils of the Convent of the Sacred Heart, built by Pierre Menard, had lo be rescued in boats and removed to Saint Louis, where the convent now flourishes. Six months previous to the flood Mr. Wheeler had removed to Pekin, below Peoria, Illinois, where he was engaged in business. From there he removed to 2O J. A. ERICKSON. Saint Louis, where he secured a position as clerk in the banking house of Clark & Milton- berger. In 1850 he took a trip to California, going to New Orleans, and continuing the journey on a large steamboat called the ' 'Georgia, ' ' which was, according to custom in those days, commanded by a naval officer, to Chagres, Central America. The passengers were taken up the Chagres River in canoes to the head of navigation. From there they made their way over the mountains to the Pacific coast, where they took a sailing vessel at Panama, bound for San Francisco. The journey lasted sixty days, and when Mr. Wheeler arrived at the Golden Gate he at once set out for the gold mines, by way of Sacramento. He en- gaged in mining, and for a time was successful. Then he sold out his interest and returned to Saint Louis, where T. J. S. Flint made him a proposi- tion to come to Chicago and open a commission office under the name of Flint & Wheeler. He did so, and the office was located near the Wells Street bridge, their grain elevators being situated on the South Branch of the Chicago River, where the Rock Island elevators now stand. Mr. Wheeler continued in the commission bus- iness until he engaged in banking, in connection with the firm of Chapin, Wheeler & Company, which was located on the corner of Lake and LaSalle Streets. After two years they transferred their interests to W. F. Coolbaugh & Company. This was just previous to the war, when the so- called stump-tailed money was in circulation. During the war Mr. Wheeler re-entered the grain commission trade. When the Union Na- tional Bank was organized, he was chosen First Vice-President, and after the death of Mr. Will- aim F. Coolbaugh he was elected president of the bank. He continued in that capacity nearly four years, at the end of which time he resigned and organized the Continental National Bank. He was president of this five years, and then re- tired from business cares, at the close of a useful and influential career. JOHN A. ERICKSON. (JOHN ALFRED ERICKSON, a contractor I and builder, who resides in South Chicago, C/ was born December 8, 1844, near Gutten- burg, Sweden, and is a son of Eric Peterson and Ella (Johnson) Peterson. He received his edu- cation in his native country, and when he was old enough, found employment at farm labor in the region near his home. He was thus engaged until 1870, when he married and settled in Lind- holmen, near Guttenburg, where he became a carpenter in a ship-yard. He remained here from that time until 1881, and learned all the de- tails of ship building, being able to construct an entire vessel. He then emigrated to America and settled in South Chicago. On his arrival in this city he found employ- ment as a carpenter, and because of his ability and training he has followed this trade most suc- cessfully. He soon engaged in contracting, and has erected many buildings in South Chicago, the first one being a residence for John Danielson, a clothier, at Hoegswis, Illinois. He was married October 30, 1870, to Miss Louisa Larson, who is now visiting her relatives and friends in Sweden. They have one child, Charles Erickson. While Mr. Erickson has learned to love the country of his adoption, he still remembers the friends and associations of his native country, and in 1894 he visited the scenes of his boyhood, where his father, aged eighty- THOMAS CARBINE. 21 five years, yet resides. He is a member of the Swedish Lutheran Church. On coming to South Chicago, Mr. Erickson bought a lot at No. 8944 Houston Avenue, and built a small house, where he resided until 1894, and then erected a three-story brick building, at a cost of seven thousand dollars. He has kept his place in good repair, and has the finest prop- erty in the neighborhood. Mr. Erickson has reached his present prosper- ity through his tireless energy and careful study of all work going on in his sight. When in the ship-yard at Guttenburg, he formed the habit of learning the details of all that came under his observation, and has always improved his other opportunities in the same way. He has thus won the respect and confidence of his patrons and as- sociates. THOMAS CARBINE. "HOMAS CARBINE, an inventor, who re- sides in Chicago, was born October 22, 1819, in Manchester, England. The family were well and favorably known in that country for many generations, some being in the army, and some being merchants. The grandfather of Thomas Carbine, James Carbine, was a native of England, and went to Jamaica on commercial business, and there made his home thereafter. He married there, and reared a large family of chil- dren, one son being lost on the "Royal George." His son James became a soldier, and for forty- one years was an officer in the British Army. He was an aide of the Duke of Wellington at Water- loo and other battles. He was near the Duke when he gave the famous order, "Advance the guards," in a calm voice, and later when he uttered the world-famed words, "Would to God that night or Bluecher would come," He often told the history of battles in which he had par- ticipated to his children, and Thomas Carbine, whose name heads this article, can relate them in a most interesting manner. Captain Carbine was retired on full pay, whereupon he bought a fine black charger which he rode for twenty-one years, and the noble animal died at the age of thirty years. Captain Carbine was married in Manchester, England, where he died at the age of nearly eighty years. His wife had been a teacher in a private seminary. She was the mother of ten sons and died in Manchester, aged seventy- six years. Thomas Carbine was the only one of the children to come to America. Thomas Carbine was educated in Manchester, and learned the trade of carpenter, and being skillful as a mechanic he became an expert mill- wright in America, where he constructed some im- portant work in this line. He came to the United States in 1840, being six weeks on the journey. He located in Utica, Oneida County, New York, which was then only a country village, and remained there twelve years. He came to Chicago in 1853, and in 1856 sold his home in Utica and removed his family to Chicago. Here he followed the bent of his inventive genius, and took care of his real-estate interests, having interested himself in property in the city. While in Utica Mr. Carbine was able to render some valuable assistance to the New York Central Railroad Company, which paid him generously, and has since given him free transportation. He used the money received to purchase a lot and build his residence. Mr. Carbine invented a machine for winding balls of yarn without a bobbin, for which he received a royalty of five 22 A. H. PERKINS. thousand dollars, which he judiciously invested in real estate in 1855. This formed the nucleus of the prosperity which enabled him to retire from the cares of business life, and spend the latter part of his life in peace and comfort. He also invented a process by which kerosene oil is converted into a gas which may be used for heat- ing purposes. The latter invention he never patented, and humanity will receive the free gift of his labors in this way. Mr. Carbine was married in Manchester, England, August 5, 1838, to Miss Sarah Brad- bury, daughter of John and Frances Bradbury, natives of England. She was born January 3, 1819, in the city where the marriage took place. The two children now living are: Mary F. C. and Charlotte E. P. Mary is the wife of Frederich Bluhm, and Charlotte of James New- brun. The latter has three children, namely: Sadie, wife of Edward E. Reading; Arthur C. and James C. Mr. and Mrs. Carbine are mem- bers of the Episcopal Church. For thirty-six years the former has been a mem- ber of the Independent Order of Odd Fellows, and he is also connected with the Independent Order of Recceabites, an order of total abstinence. In his political views he is independent, and is a good example of Chicago's substantial citizens. In 1888 he and his wife celebrated their golden wedding, and received a gold medal from the German Old Settlers' Society for being the oldest non-German couple on the picnic ground, their combined ages amounting to one hundred fifty- seven years. AMOS H. PERKINS. Gl MOS HENRY PERKINS was born in Nor- J I wich, Connecticut, July 26, 1836, and was / I one of five children, three boys and two girls. He was the son of Isaac and Nancy N. (Allen) Perkins, and a direct descendant of Miles Standish on his mother's side. Isaac Perkins was a carpenter and builder, but died when Amos was but ten years old. The subject of this biography learned his father's trade, but followed it for only a short time. He was educated in his native place, and at the age of twenty came to Chicago, and soon afterward began taking contracts for paving, lay- ing sidewalks and roofing. Mr. Perkins was a man of more than average intelligence, and became a shrewd, careful and successful business man. He was one of the contractors who con- structed La Salle Street tunnel. He continued to be a large contractor in cedar blocks, asphalt pavements and Portland cement walks, having had contracts for this in most of the large cities in the country. During the war he was a heavy dealer in tar, and at one time controlled nearly all of that product manufactured in the United States. Mr. Perkins was married July 20, 1874, to Miss May, daughter of John and .Mary (De For- est) Tristram, of Norwalk, Connecticut. They had four children, Emery B., Lorenzo B., Mrs. Nellie M. Harris and Mrs. Jennie C. Brown, the latter being deceased. Mr. Perkins attended Dr. Hillis' church at Central Music Hall, and he was an exemplary citizen and a good man. In his sphere he con- tributed in no small degree toward making Chi- cago the western metropolis of the United States. He was widely known in the West, East and South, and was beloved by all who came within reach of his magnetic and benevolent influence. He was the originator of the Western Paving LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS DR. JOHN O. HUGHES (From Photo, by W. J. ROOT) J. O. HUGHES. Supply Company, and although V. W. Foster was its president, he was its practical head and manager. - He was a member of Covenant Lodge, No. 526, Ancient Free and Accepted Masons, and of Corinthian Chapter, No. 69, Royal Arch Masons. In politics he was a Republican. He died sud- denly, of apoplexy, at the age of sixty-one years, and at the time of his death was vice- president of the Western Paving Supply Com- pany. He had the universal respect of all representative elements of the city. Mrs. Perkins is an intellectual and accomplished woman and made for her husband the home which he prized so dearly, and which by her management always remained to him a haven of rest and comfort, where he ever found recreation from the cares of his ever-increasing business, and where he loved to entertain the friends who knew him best and loved him most. His was a most active and useful life, and although called away seemingly before his time, he accomplished much more than others do in a longer space of time, and, best of all, leaves to his posterity and friends an untar- nished name that will be remembered by future generations. JOHN O. HUGHES. HOHN OWEN HUGHES, M. D., who has an I extensive practice in Norwood Park and G/ vicinity, was born November 12, 1838, in New Brunswick, New Jersey, and is the second child of Owen and Catherine Hughes. Owen Hughes was for many years superintendent of a coal yard in that place, where he and his wife died. They were the parents of five children, only two of whom, John O. and Catherine, came to the West. The others are: Kirkpatrick, who died in Elizabeth, New Jersey; Catherine, a resident of Chicago; James, who has charge of the packing room of a rubber factory in New Bruns- wick, New Jersey; and Frank, superintendent of construction of boats in the Government^employ. John Owen Hughes became an orphan at an early age, and in his youth had very little educa- tion, being obliged to begin the battle of life when only a boy. His ambition was not satisfied by the employment he was able to find, and he wished for greater attainments than his limited opportunities for improvement had given him. He spent his leisure hours in study, and was thus able to obtain a teacher's certificate. He came to Chicago at the age of twenty, and taught in several parts of Illinois, occupying his spare mo- ments with the study of medicine. Thus his youth was spent in a struggle for advancement, and he formed habits of thought and application that have been retained in his after life. In 1862 Mr. Hughes enlisted in the One Hun- dred Third Illinois Volunteers, Company D, join- ing the Fifteenth Army Corps. This was the corps commanded by General Sherman, and with him Mr. Hughes continued until the close of the struggle. He was present in many important engagements, among them the Atlanta Campaign and the March to the Sea and through the Caro- linas. After Mr. Hughes had been with the army six months, he was placed in the medical department, where he remained, doing surgical work on the battlefield, such as dressing wounds temporarily, and preparing men for the operating board. At the close of the war Mr. Hughes entered Rush Medical College, and graduated in 1868, since which time he has practiced his profession. In 1873 he located in Norwood Park, which has F. W. PARKER. since been his place of residence. He acquired a large practice there and in neighboring villages, which has been principally attended to at his office for several years, and built a handsome residence in 1882. May 12, 1868, he married Mary V. Hartough, a native of Fairview, Fulton County, Illinois, and a daughter of Henry and Catherine (Vander- veer) Hartough, both of whom are natives of New Jersey. Mr. and Mrs. Hughes had four children, namely: Frank, who was drowned at the age of fifteen years; Kate Hazeltine, who resides with her parents; Martha Lilian, who died when six years old; and Edwin, who lives at home. Mr. Hughes is a man of progressive ideas, of broad intellect, and feels a warm interest in the public welfare. He is a member of the American Reformed Church of Norwood Park, and a valiant supporter of the principles of the Republican party. FRANCIS W. PARKER. r~RANCIS WAYLAND PARKER, who car- fri ried the Cook County Normal School to a | ' high degree of usefulness and is known among educators all over the United States and in many parts of Europe, is still a student and is active in promoting the cause of primary educa- tion. Colonel Parker disclaims utterly all pre- tensions to having found any new methods or principles of education. His only claim has been and is that he is trying himself to study the great subject of education in its applica- tion in the common schools, and to lead other teachers to study this great subject. He has a firm and unalterable faith in the common school system; he believes that the common schools will be brought to a point of efficiency equal to the demands of this great Republic; that the salva- tion and perpetuity of the Republic depend upon the proper education of the children. Francis W. Parker was born October 9, 1837, in the village of Piscataquog, Town of Bedford, New Hampshire, which has since been swallowed up in the neighboring city of Manchester. Col. John Goff, one of the ancestors of the subject of this notice, was the first settler on the present site of Manchester, and several local names still preserve his memory. His son, Maj. John Goff, was an officer of the Revolution- ary army, and was the great-great-grandfather of Colonel Parker. Colonel John Goff was a famous hunter, was an officer at the siege of Louisburg, and active in the French and Indian war. Being too old to participate actively in the Revolution- ary struggle, he yet acted an important part in training Generals Sullivan and John Stark in military tactics and preparing them for the duties which they so well performed. The family of Goff is supposed to be closely allied to that of Goff the regicide, made famous by the pen of Sir Walter Scott. William Parker, grandfather of the subject of this sketch, was a drummer under Gen. John Stark at Bunker Hill, and served through the Revolu- tion as a soldier. He was founder of the village at the mouth of the river Piscataquog, called Squog by the people, where excellent rafting and harbor privileges were found for the navigators of the river Merrimac. Three ancestors of Colonel Parker, a Rand, a Goff and a Parker, were buried on Copp's Hill, the graveyard of the Old North Church in Bos- ton. All were members of Cotton Mather's church. His maternal grandfather, Jonathan Rand, was the first recorded teacher at Old Der- F. W. PARKER. ry field, now known as the city of Manchester. Ministers and teachers were numerous among the ancestors of Colonel Parker. His mother, Milly Rand, was a teacher, said to practice original methods with great success. Her grandfather was a graduate of Harvard College, a classmate of John Hancock, and many years librarian at Harvard. John, brother of Milly Rand, was a famous portrait painter and inventor of the me- tallic tube, now in general use, for holding paints and oils. Robert Parker, son of William, was a cabinet- maker, noted in the section where he lived for his excellent work. He was an ardent adherent of the Baptist faith, and named his son in honor of the famous Dr. Francis Wayland, president of Brown University. He died when this son was but six years of age. The latter attended the school of his native vil- lagfe when he was three years old, having pre- viously learned to read, and entered the local academy at the age of seven. When eight years old he read in Porter's Rhetorical Reader, had been through Colburn's Arithmetic, and was taken from school and bound out to William Moore of Goffstown. He spent five years upon a farm, being privileged to attend school only eight or nine weeks in the winter, but considers this one of the most fortunate periods in his primary training. At the age of thirteen years he left the farm and entered the academy at Mount Vernon, New Hampshire. Here he worked his way along by sawing wood and performing various sorts of manual labor. With the addi- tional money earned on farms in summer he was enabled to pay his expenses at school in winter, and this hard experience served to develop the most sturdy habits of self-reliance and industry. When he was sixteen years old he attended Hopkinton Academy, and in the winter of 1854-55 he taught school at Corser Hill, now called Web- ster, New Hampshire. At a salary of fifteen dol- lars per month, he presided over a school includ- ing seventy-five pupils, many of them older than himself. The following winter he taught school in Auburn, New Hampshire, and such was his success that he was employed several successive winters in that town. His first winter's salary was eighteen dollars a month, and this included board on the old-fashioned system of "boarding 'round." By continuing his plan of farm labor in sum- mer, teaching and attending school, he came, at the attainment of his majority, to the charge of the village school in Hinsdale, New Hampshire, and was subsequently at the head of the grammar school of his native village. In 1858 he went to Carrollton, Green County, Illinois, where, with one assistant, in one room, he superintended the instruction of one hundred and twenty-five pupils, ranging in age from twelve to twenty-five years. Without striking a blow he continued to manage this school two years, where two of his predecessors had been driven out by the insubordination of the pupils. True to his inherited martial instincts, young Parker sought to enter the service of his country immediately upon the outbreak of hostilities in the Civil War, which occurred while he was at Carrollton. Being unable to secure admission to an Illinois regiment, he returned to his native state and at once entered the Fourth New Hamp- shire Regiment as a private. Before the regiment was mustered he was elected first lieutenant of Company E, and in the following winter was made captain. The first three years of the war were spent by this command at various points along the Atlantic Coast, in Florida, Georgia and South Carolina, participating in the long siege of Charleston. Early in 1864 the regiment was placed in the command of General Butler at Bermuda Hun- dred, and Colonel Parker was in several great battles during the long campaign of 1864. At Drury's Bluff he lost twenty-eight of his forty- two men. The regiment was under General Grant at Cold Harbor, and took part in the siege of Petersburg. In the Crater fight the Fourth New Hampshire lost fifty men, and immediately thereafter Captain Parker was placed in com- mand. August 16, 1864, at Deep Bottom, he was suddenly called to the command of a brigade, and was severely wounded in the chin and neck while engaged in repelling a second charge of the 26 F. W. PARKER. enemy. For many weeks he lay in the hospital, suffering from a crushed windpipe. In the spring of this year his regiment numbered a full one thousand men, and only forty could be mustered at the last charge in the fall. In October, 1864, he was able to leave the hospital and go home to recuperate. He was active in the presidential campaign of that year, and in December was married to Miss Phene E. Hall, of Bennington, New Hampshire. Having been promoted to lieutenant-colonel, he joined his regiment after the battle of Fort Fisher, succeed- ing Colonel Bell, who fell in the first attack upon the fort. He marched with General Scofield across North Carolina to meet Sherman. Soon after the junction of forces was made at Cox's Bridge, Colonel Parker was made a prisoner and taken to Greensburg, North Carolina, where he first learned of the failure of armed rebellion, through the surrender of General Lee. For his bravery at Deep Bottom he was made a brevet- colonel. Colonel Parker was mustered out with his command in August, 1865, and immediately took the position of principal of the grammar school at Manchester, New Hampshire, which he held three years, at a salary of eleven hundred dollars per year. Despite his aversion he was drawn into politics, and determined to move in order to avoid his mistaken friends, for he felt sure he could not succeed in politics and teaching at the same time. He felt that teaching was his mission, aud proceeded to Dayton, Ohio, where he was engaged as a teacher. Here he began to put in practice some of his ideas of reform in education, and, in spite of opposition from parents and teachers, was sustained by the Board of Educa- tion. In 1871 he took the position of assistant superintendent of the schools of Minneapolis, Minnesota. During this year his wife died, and he resigned his position and went to Europe to study the science of education. He spent two and one-half y ears in the Univer- sity of Berlin, Germany, and also took a course of two years in philosophy under a private tutor. During his vacations he visited the schools and art galleries of the continent and made a study of European geography and history, and returned to America in 1875. His trip abroad was under- taken largely to satisfy himself whether his ideas were in conformity with those of the great thinkers of the world, and he came back fully confirmed in his theories. In April, 1875, he was made superintendent of the city schools of Quincy, Massachusetts, which were then in charge of a board, including John Quincy Adams, Charles Francis Adams and James H. Slade. The board gave him full authority and co-operated with him in his labors of re-organization. Much opposition was en- countered on the part of teachers, and the con- troversy attracted thirty thousand visitors to ob- serve the workings of the schools of Quincy during the three years Colonel Parker was in charge. In 1880 he was made one of the super- visors of schools in Boston, where he again met opposition from teachers and principals, but he was re-elected. He was offered the superintend- ency of schools at Philadelphia, but refused this to accept the position of principal of the Cook County Normal School. Here was opportunity to exercise his talent for training teachers, and here he could get near to the children, whom he wished to reach and bene- fit. He entered upon his duties January i, 1883, and met once more the antagonism of teachers and conservative citizens. But results soon began to demonstrate to these the wisdom of his scien- tific theories, and he was heartily sustained by the school board, and the institution was placed in successful operation in spite of politicians and other enemies to progress. Colonel Parker is the author of "Talks on Teaching, ' ' ' 'Practical Teacher, ' ' ' 'How to Study Geography," "Outlines in Geography," tract on "Spelling," and "Talks on Pedagogics. " He has visited every state in the Union, and lectured before institutes and conventions in most of them. A few of his lectures may be here mentioned: ' 'The Child and Nature, ' ' ' 'The Child and Man , ' ' "Artist or Artisan Which?" "Home and School," "The Ideal School," "Education and Democracy." He is also the editor of a unique publication called the "Cook County Normal COL. VICTOR GERARDIN. 27 School Envelope," which shows the development of concentration in the Cook County Normal School, month by month. In December, 1882, he was married to Mrs. M. Frank Stuart, the first assistant in the Boston School of Oratory. Mrs. Parker is a leading ex- ponent of the Delsarte system of expression, and is a faithful coadjutor of her husband in his noble plans for benefiting the human race. Their home on Honore Street, Englewood, bears many evidences of her artistic taste in architecture and furnishings. Its library contains over four thous- and volumes, including many in the Norwegian, French, Dutch, German, Italian and Indian languages, which the Colonel reads readily. The lawns and extensive garden furnish him with physical exercise, by way of rest from his mental and literary labors. COL. VICTOR GERARDIN. EOL. VICTOR GERARDIN, known in Chi- cago as the "Father of the French," was born February 17, 1832, in Baccarat, France, where his father, Joseph Gerardin, was a farmer. The father of the latter, who bore the same name, followed the same avocation in the same locality. The mother of the subject of this sketch, Agatha Math, was a native of the same place, and, like her husband, was a scion of a family that has re- sided there since the eleventh century. Joseph Gerardin, junior, served under the great Napo- leon during the last two years of his campaigning in Europe. Victor Gerardin was the thirteenth child of his parents and was deprived of his mother by death when he was but three years old. For six years, until he was twelve years of age, he attended the village school and then came to America with a sister who was married. He arrived in New York on the ist of April, 1844, and went to work the next day in a glass factory, where he continued one year. He then entered into an apprenticeship at the hatter's trade, which he continued until he attained his majority. During his early apprenticeship his salary was not suffi- cient for his maintenance, and he supported him- self by selling papers and blacking boots in New York City. He did not neglect at the same time to improve his mind, and rapidly gained a mastery of the English language. In 1854 he came to Chicago and engaged in business with a partner, the firm being known as Grosset & Gerardin. The senior partner died in 1877, and Mr. Gerardin has continued the busi- ness of hatter alone ever since. He was the first in Chicago to engage in the manufacture of silk hats, and is now the oldest artisan in that line in the city. In the Great Fire of 1871 all his real and personal property went up in smoke. He continued business, however, opening first in the house of a friend within ten days after the fire; and eventually paid in full every dollar of claims against him. His first place of business was on South Water Street, where he continued three years, and afterwards remained on La Salle Street between Randolph and Lake Streets, until the fire. For one year thereafter he was located on Canal Street, and has continued ever since at his present location on Clark Street, near Monroe. He was an extensive manufacturer, and previous to the panic of 1873 turned out enough hats to supply the present trade of the Northwest. Mr. Gerardin has ever been active in promoting social and benevolent labors and has been a mem- ber of the Independent Order of Odd Fellows since he was old enough to be eligible, having been initiated in Sincerite Lodge No. 233, of New York City, on the day he became of age. In Chicago he was for many years a member of Union Lodge No. 9, and left that to become a charter member 28 J. M. KENNEDY. of Rochambeau Lodge No. 532, the only lodge in Chicago working in the French language, of which he was the principal organizer. This is one of the six lodges in the United States work- ing in that language, and was instituted Novem- ber 12, 1873. From the ist of March, 1859, Mr. Gerardin or- ganized the French Mutual Society (Societe Fran- caise de Secours Mutuels) and was its first presi- dent, filling that position for twelve consecutive terms. In 1861 he organized the Societe de Bienifaisance, of which he was president at the time of the fire in 1871. After that calam- ity this society distributed fifteen thousand francs to the sufferers. In 1886 Mr. Gerardin or- ganzed the Cercle Francais, of Chicago. All these societies are still in existence except the benevolent society, which was merged in the others when it had accomplished its pur- pose, after the fire. One of Mr. Gerardin's most highly prized treasures is an autograph let- ter from the wife of Marshal McMahon, who was president of the French relief society, acknowl- edging the receipt of funds sent from Chicago for the relief of the French flood sufferers, while McMahon was president of the French Republic. While a resident of New York City Mr. Ger- ardin served from 1852 until 1854 as a volunteer fireman with Engine Company No. 1 1 . He has been a member of the Grand Lodge of Illinois, Independent Order of Odd Fellows, since 1877. In religious faith he adheres to the Roman Cath- olic Church. He was a Republican up to the Cleveland-Elaine campaign of 1884, since which time he has adhered to the Democratic party. October 18, 1876, he was commissioned colonel of the "Hayes & Wheeler Minute Men of '76," on the staff of Gen. John McArthur. During the Civil War he was an ardent supporter of the ad- ministration, and an intense patriot. During the World's Fair he had charge of the Parisian Hat- ters' Exhibit, and had previously served as a member of the committee of one hundred, ap- pointed by Mayor Cregier. to secure the location of that exhibit in Chicago. He re-visited France in 1864, and again during the Franco-Prussian War, and on the last trip made a tour of England and Ireland. In Janu- ary, 1859, he was married to Marion, eldest daughter of John Magee, of Belfast, Ireland (for genealogy, see biography of Charles D. Magee, in this volume). Five of the nine children of Mr. Gerardin are now deceased. The names of all in order of birth, are: Minnie, Rea, Agatha, Eliza, Victor, Joseph, Walter, Emile and Esther. The third, sixth and seventh died within a period of two weeks, in the year 1875, of diphtheria, and are buried in Graceland Cemetery. Eliza died in 1867, and Emile in 1884. Mr. Gerardin has lived for the last fourteen years in his present residence, which is located at No. 1128 North Halsted Street. JOHN M. KENNEDY. QOHN MCMILLAN KENNEDY, for many I years a business man of Chicago, now living O in retirement at Oak Park, was born in the Parish of Colmonell, Ayrshire, Scotland, Feb- ruary 26, 1815. His parents were Alexander Kennedy and Elizabeth McMillan. The former was a farmer, a tenant on the family estate which was inherited by his eldest brother. He was born April 7, 1772, and died December 14, 1871, thus lacking only four months of being one hun- dred years old. He was the father of twelve children, of whom the following is the record: J. M. KENNEDY. 29 Margaret is the widow of Rev. Andrew Mc- Dowell and resides at Stirling, Scotland; David inherited the family estate, which consists of one thousand five hundred acres, and also the title of Laird of Craig; John M. is the subject of this sketch; Anthony M. was a merchant and planter in Camden, South Carolina, where he died De- cember 17, 1892; Sarah is the widow of George McAdam and resides in Rickton, Scotland; Robert was a merchant in Camden, South Carolina, where he died in 1896; Mary became the wife of David Denholm, and died in Chicago in 1854; Alexander died in 1852, in England; Elizabeth died in Scotland in 1861; Agnes, wife of David Thorburn, resides at Newton Stewart, Scotland; Jane died at the age of twelve years; and James died at his native place, aged twenty-one years. John M. Kennedy received a common-school education in Scotland, and at the age of fifteen years, in company with his younger brother, Anthony, sailed from Greenock, Scotland, Oc- tober 10, 1830, in the good ship "Rogers Stewart" for America. After a voyage of fifty days they arrived at Savannah, Georgia, and proceeded by steamer to Augusta, in the same State, and thence by stage to Camden, South Carolina. There they joined a cousin, a merchant, who gave them employment as clerks. The elder brother remained until March 24, 1834, when, in company with Frederick Witherspoon, he made the journey to Fox River, Illinois, on horseback, a distance of one thousand two hun- dred and forty-four miles. On Big and Little Rock Creeks, in what is now Kendall County, they located farms, and there Mr. Kennedy car- ried on farming until November, 1848. At that date he removed to Chicago, and from 1849 to 1852 was engaged in the lumber business. From 1852 to 1857 he did a commission business, which proved very successful, but his accumulations were swept away in the panic of 1857. During the terms of John Wentworth and John C. Haines as mayors of Chicago, from 1857 to 1860, he served as chief of police with much credit, and was urged to serve longer, but refused. For the next five years he was employed by Howe & Robbins, grain dealers, and from 1865 to 1878 dealt in lime as city salesman. In the last-named year he accepted the position of weigh-master on the Chicago & Alton Railroad, which he held until 1887, when advancing years compelled him to resign. Since that time he has been living in the enjoyment of the period of rest and recreation to which his long years of usefulness so eminently entitle him. In 1890 he built the pleasant cot- tage he now occupies at Oak Park, which has since been his home. Mr. Kennedy is one of the few men living who have witnessed the entire growth of Chicago as a city. On his first visit to that place he con- sidered it a very undesirable place to live, but later made it his home, wishing to secure skilled medical care for his wife, who was then an invalid. He was afterwards induced to remain in order to gain educational advantages for his children. His reminiscences of early Chicago are very interest- ing. Though he has passed his eighty-second birthday anniversary, his memory is excellent, and he recalls the events of his youth and early manhood quite as clearly as those of more recent occurrence. In earlier years he was opposed to the extension of slavery, and was successively a Whig and a Republican. He cast his first vote for President in 1836, and has therefore voted in sixteen presidential elections. In re- ligious views he has been a lifelong Baptist, and united with the Tabernacle Church of Chicago in 1851. He was a member of this church forty years, though it was afterwards named the Second Baptist Church. For ten years he served as deacon in this organization. Since 1891 he has been connected with the First Baptist Church of Oak Park, March 30, 1837, Mr. Kennedy was married to Eliza Ann Rogers, a native of Camden, South Carolina, and a daughter of Alexander and Mary (Kelso) Rogers. Mr. and Mrs. Rogers were both natives of Pennsylvania, the former of Irish and the latter of Scotch descent. Seven children were born of this union, as follows: Mary, now the widow of Samuel Ludington, resides with her father; Elizabeth, who was for thirty-eight years a teacher in Chicago, but now retired, also re- sides with her father; Alexander is in the insur- HENRY WINKELMAN. ance business in Chicago; Anthony is chief grain inspector of Boston, Massachusetts; John, James and Walter died in childhood. Mrs. Kennedy died in 1851. The subject of this notice was married a second time October 20, 1852, to Rosetta E. Hamilton, a daughter of David and Jerusha (Hulet) Hamilton. Mrs. Kennedy was born near Aurora, Erie County, New York. Her parents removed to Illinois in 1838. Seven chil- dren were born of this marriage, as follows: David, who is a member of the real-estate firm of Kennedy & Ballard of Chicago, and resides at Oak Park; William E., a railroad man on the Union Pacific Railroad; Hulbert, Ellen Eliza, Albert and Charles died in infancy; Robert B. is employed with his brother in Oak Park, where he resides. The mother departed this life Jan- uary 23, 1892. Mr. Kennedy is blessed by twenty-seven grandchildren and eight great- grandchildren. He has also cared for two orphan nieces, Mary L- Goff, now the widow of John J. Kott, and Agnes D. Kennedy, now Mrs. Frank M. Crittenden, both of whom reside in the city of Chicago. HENRY WINKELMAN. HENRY WINKELMAN was born January 3, 1847, in Tedinghausen, Braunschweig, Germany, and is a son of Henry and Eliza- beth (Klueber) Winkelman, neither of whom ever came to America. John Winkelman, brother of the subject of this sketch, came to America in 1861 and settled in Baltimore, Maryland. His sympathies were on the side of the South in the great civil strife, and he enlisted in the Confed- erate army, and was killed during the war. Mary Winkelman, his sister, came to America in 1863, and afterwards married Henry Kassens. She and her husband reside at Colehour. Henry Win- kelman served in the cavalry service of Germany. He came to America in 1875, and in 1878 went to South Chicago, where he now resides. Henry Winkelman received all his education in his native country, where he remained until he was nearly twenty years old. The example of his older brother and his sister gave him the desire to come to this country, and when he was able to do so, he emigrated. He reached New York in July, 1866, and located in Brooklyn, where he remained until 1 88 1, being employed by a grocer until 1872, when he engaged in busi- ness for himself, conducting a meat market. In 1881 Mr. Wiukelnian came to South Chi- cago and opened a meat market at No. 10026 Ewing Avenue. Later he bought some property a few doors away and moved his business, and in 1884 he bought property at No. 9801 Ewing Avenue. He moved his business to this place, where he has conducted it since that time, and in 1895 he built the comfortable brick flat which he occupies. In 1872 Mr. Winkelman married his first wife, Margaret Kolenberg, of Germany, but she died when they had been married less than two years. They had one child, who died when an infant. In 1876 he married his second wife, Miss Annie Kleemeyer. Mr. Winkelman has become well acquainted with the customs of his adopted country, whose interest he has at heart. In politics he does not follow party lines and prejudices, but votes for the man rather than for the party. He is a suc- cessful business man and enjoys the respect of his friends and neighbors. LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS HENRY C. FRICKK (From Photo, by W. J. ROOT) H. C. FRICKE. HENRY C FRICKE. HENRY CHRISTIAN FRICKE, a vener- able pioneer of Chicago, was born August i, 1815, in Springe, Hanover, Germany. His parents were Gottlieb and Mary (Ohm) Fricke, also natives of Springe, which is an ideal town, surrounded by mountains and having its own municipal government. The ancestry of Mr. Fricke dates back many centuries, its members having lived in the quaint little town of Springe, where they held positions of responsibility and led upright and useful lives, and were educated according to the opportunities of their times. Mr. Fricke's grandfather was a man of affairs, and occupied and tilled an estate of two thousand acres, for which he paid a yearly rental of two thousand German thalers to the King of Hano- ver. He was well educated, was a brainy man, of good executive ability, and reared a large fam- ily in the good customs of the country. His son, Gottlieb, succeeded to the homestead, and gradu- ally paid off the other heirs. He was industrious and frugal, and reared a family of ten children, two of whom, Henry C. Fricke and the youngest daughter. Louise Tamcke, now reside in Chicago. The subject of this sketch received the educa- tion afforded by his native town, and, being fond of study, made the best of his opportunities. He was gifted with excellent musical faculties, and was wont to associate with the best elements of society there, in the study of his favorite art. He became an expert performer on the spinnet, an instrument which was superseded by the piano, and he was among the musical leaders of the place. When it became necessary for him to select a vocation in life, he decided to become an ac- countant. He was elected to the office of city treasurer for life, and was subsequently elected burgomaster of Springe, but the Government re- fused to confirm this, because of his free expres- sion of liberal views during the stormy days of 1848. He was too democratic for happy life un- der a monarchy, and by this oppressive act Han- over lost a good citizen, while the United States was thereby a gainer. Although the ties which bound him to his native land were strong, he de- termined to seek his fortune in the new world. May 8, 1853, he left Springe and arrived in Chicago July 24 of the same year. In the fol- lowing November his wife, Fredericka (born Ho- bein), followed with their five children. He soon found employment as bookkeeper in a small shop on La Salle Street, near the present south entrance to the tunnel. The cholera attacked his employ- ers, Braunhold & Sonne, and the care of the en- tire business fell upon Mr. Fricke for a time. Soon after, through the friendship of George Schneider, the well-known ex-banker, he received the appointment of delivery clerk in the foreign mail department of the postoffice, a position for which his education and previous business expe- rience especially fitted him. George B. Arm- strong, who has left the impression of his genius on the mail service of the United States and the world, never to be effaced, was then assistant postmaster, and became a warm friend of Mr. Fricke. The latter served faithfully in the postoffice seven years, and then entered into a partnership with Dr. Julius Lubarsch, taking a one-third in- terest in the business of Dr. Lubarsch. Mr. 3 2 G. W. WIEDHOF. Fricke became business manager and conducted matters satisfactorily to all concerned from Feb- ruary, 1861, to January 2, 1872, when he bought out the interest of Dr. Lubarsch, and subsequently acquired the one-third interest of Dr. Louis Coni- itti, who had superintended the medical depart- ment of the business. The latter interest was conferred upon Mr. Fricke's son, Dr. Gustav H. Fricke, who had just completed his medical edu- cation at Rush Medical College. In 1882 Mr. Fricke was seized with writer's paralysis, and turned over the entire management of business to his son. In July of that year he set out for a trip to Europe, accompanied by his daughter, Augusta, who much enjoyed the visit to her father's native home. It was a memorable trip for both. In 1870 Mr. Fricke moved on fifty acres of land in Maine Township, one mile west of Park Ridge. He gradually improved it until it became a park farm, and was a happy gathering place for his children and grandchildren. In course of time he invested in city real estate, including a valuable property on Clark Street, near Goethe, and three houses on Superior Street. Since No- vember 5, 1896, he has lived in one of these, and has made a charming miniature garden in the rear, where he enjoys a well-earned rest from the toils of a long and busy life. He is well known to a large number of Chicagoans as an industri- ous, kind-hearted man, who loves to entertain his friends and relatives, and is a most excellent type of the thrifty German-American citizen. Mr. Fricke was married February 17, 1839, in Springe, to Miss Fredericka Hobein, who was a woman of fine qualities, and proved a worthy helpmeet to her husband. She died November 3, 1895, and was buried in Graceland Cemetery. After her death Mr. Fricke's youngest sister cared for his household until his return from the farm to the city. His children are named in order of birth: Mary, Mrs. Oscar Margraff"; Emma, wife of George Wittbold, whose biography will be found in this volume; Sophia, Mrs. Adolph Gar- the; Dr. Gustav H. Fricke; and Augusta, wife of George Garland. Besides these five children, Mr. Fricke is proud of twenty -four grandchildren and seven great-grandchildren. GEORGE W. WIEDHOF. JO)EORGE WHITTINGTON WIEDHOF I was born December 25, 1874, at No. 1402 vj Dunning Street, Chicago, and is the son of Alfred H. and Bertha A. Wiedhof. His great- grandfather was a general under Napoleon Bona- parte, and was of Polish birth. He had previous- ly served in the Russian army, but at the begin- ning of trouble between Russia and Poland he took sides with his native country, and later went to France and served until the downfall and exile of the Emperor. He shared the troubles of Napoleon, and when he was sent to St. Helena, Mr. Wiedhof and his wife, who was a Spanish lady, were on board the ship, called "Bellerophon." It was on this journey that their son, grandfather of George W. Wiedhof, was born. Mr. Wied- hof returned to Europe later, settling in Eng- land, which country the family adopted until A. H. Wiedhof emigrated to America in 1854. He is a contractor and builder, and still resides in Chicago, being now sixty years old, and a hale and stalwart man. George W. Wiedhof received his early educa- tion in the common schools of the North Side in G. H. BALL. 33 Chicago, and later graduated from the Lake View High School. His education was completed by a course in dentistry at the Northwestern Univer- sity, and previous to his graduation he assisted some of the most prominent dentists in the city. When only twenty-one 3~ears of age, he estab- lished himself in the profession, and has a rapid- ly growing practice. His best efforts are in crown and bridge work and in gold filling, in which line he has made a good reputation. Dr. Wiedhof was formerly a member of various military com- panies, but of late years has been too busily en- gaged in his business to retain his interest in them. In political affairs Dr. Wiedhof has very liberal views, and he always takes great interest in ben- efiting his fellow-men. He is connected with several social societies, in all of which he is a genial and influential member. He is one of the rising business men of the city, but has many outside interests, and keeps informed on all sub- jects, which enables him to be a brilliant conver- sationalist and a genial companion. GODFREY H. BALL, Y HO WITT BALL, a prominent business man of Chicago, identified in many ways with its commercial and social inter- ests, is descended from an old family prominent in the military affairs of Great Britain. He was born February 15, 1853, in the city of Melbourne, Australia, being the son of Capt. George Pal- mer Ball of the British army. The latter was in the East India service, and for meritorious conduct was made a captain at the early age of twenty-three years, and served all through the terrible Indian mutiny. His wife, Isabella Ball, was a daughter of Col. Robert Hazelwood, who served in India under Sir Arthur Wellesley, afterwards Du'ke of Welling- ton. While in India, Colonel Hazelwood was stationed most of the time at Madras (where Mrs. Ball was born), but saw some very hard fighting during the mutiny. When Captain Ball retired from the service, he went with his family to live in Australia. One of his sons, Albert T. Ball, who settled in that country, was killed with his wife, in a terrible railroad accident, which oc- curred at MacKay, June 14, 1897. When the subject of this sketch was four years of age his parents went to England, and after residing one year in Liverpool, came to America. In 1858 they settled on a farm in Smithtown, Long Island, forty-three miles from Brooklyn. The father was a highly educated man, a graduate of Dublin University, and from him the son re- ceived his primary education. During his youth he worked on his father's farm and spent con- siderable time in hunting and fishing. In the year 1863 the family moved to Brooklyn and he completed his education in the public schools of that city. At the age of fifteen years he entered the em- ploy of Jabez A. Bostwick, of New York, after- ward well known as one of the leading spirits of the Standard Oil Trust, and continued in his service two or three years. He next spent one year in the service of a man named Warner, in the custom-house business, at New York. His next engagement was in the capacity of private secretary to Walter Brown, of the firm of Walter Brown & Son, at that time one of the largest wool merchants in the country. Mr. Ball was now convinced that his business experience qualified him for advancement, and seeing little opportunity in, a house where so many preceded him, he replied to an advertise- 34 S. V. R. BRUNDAGE. merit, through which, upon the strong recom- mendation of Mr. Brown, he secured a position with Gardner G. Yvelin, founder of the establish- ment of which Mr. Ball is now the managing partner in Chicago. The firm was known for some time as Yvelin & Smith, and after the death of the founder it became Smith & Vander- beck, which was in turn succeeded by the present firm of James P. Smith & Company; the parent house, situated at Nos. 90 to 94 Hudson Street, New York, has been established since 1831. Mr. Ball has been twenty-five years connected with this house, and since December, 1880, when he located in Chicago, he has been manager of its business here. He has traveled extensively, and during a period of eleven years visited every large city in America many times. In June, 1886, Mr. Ball was married to Mary Clement Harriot, a native of Covington, Ken- tucky, and scion of a very old and loyal family of that State. Mr. Ball's family includes a son and daughter, namely: James Percival, and Louise Harriot, aged, respectively, ten and five and one- half years. The family is very comfortably settled at No. 4028 Lake Avenue. Mr. Ball was brought up in the Episcopal Church, to which he still ad- heres. He is entirely independent of political parties, having no faith in any organization, but is a good citizen, and casts his vote and influence where he believes they will result in the greatest good to the community. He is a true sportsman, with happy recollections of his youthful days, and enjoys an outing in fishing or the chase as much as ever. His genial and affable manners continue to make and retain friendships, and the success of the firm of which he is manager proves him an intelligent, clear-headed business man. STEPHEN V. R. BRUNDAGE. TEPHEN VAN RANSALAR BRUND- AGE, a prominent citizen of the West Side in Chicago, now deceased, was a scion of the sturdy Scotch blood which has been widely influ- ential in developing the best material and moral interests of the United States. Mr. Brundage was born December 25, 1839, in Barry County, Michigan, being the eldest child of Alonzo and Diadama (Dean) Brundage, both of whom were natives of the State of New York. George Brundage, father of Alonzo Brundage, was born in Scotland, and passed most of his life on a farm near Oswego, New York. He was well known in that section of the State, and was regarded as one of the representative citizens. He adhered to the principles of government ad- vocated by the Whigs, and was repeatedly chosen by his fellow-citizens to represent them in posi- tions of responsibility. Beside the subject of this sketch, he reared the following children: Alon- zo, George, Genoa, Frederick and Emma. Stephen V. Brundage was educated in his native State, and acquired the trade of blacksmith. Although he never served a regular apprentice- ship, he had a natural aptitude for mechanics, and became a highly skilled artisan in iron. After coming to Chicago, in 1867, he was sixteen years foreman of the blacksmith shops of the Chi- cago, Burlington & Quincy Railroad. He re- linquished this position to engage in business on his own account. In 1876 he established himself in a blacksmith shop on West Twenty-second Street, where he was assisted only by his eldest son. From this small beginning was built up a very successful business in the production of high-grade wagons OCTAVE CHAPLEAU. 35 and carriages, and the factory now employs twenty men, continuing to turn out only first-class goods, such as are sought by people preferring quality to cheapness. This growth was not sud- den, and was the result of the industry, prudence and upright character of the founder. Two of his sons, the first and third, became interested in the establishment, and are continuing on the lines laid down by their father. Mr. Brundage was married January 15, 1862, at Newark, Illinois, to Miss Maratta Hollenback, daughter of Wesley and Catherine (Rarich) Hollenback, who were among the pioneer set- tlers of northern Illinois. They resided in Ken- dall County during the Blackhawk War, and were among those warned by Chief Shabbona in time to escape the fury of the Indian warriors. They passed away at their home in Newark, Illi- nois. The children of Mr. and Mrs. Brundage are: Nelson Alonzo, Charlotte Louise (wife of G. G. Shauer), Edwin Wesley, Frederick Leroy and Stephen Walter, the last-named being a member of the dental profession in Chicago. Mr. Brundage passed from earth May 23, 1895, as the result of paralysis. He was widely known as a splendid mechanic, and a true friend and good companion. He was for many years a regu- lar attendant of worship at Saint Paul's Methodist Church, and was a most just and upright man. He was identified with the Masonic order, hold- ing membership in Pleiades Lodge, No. 478, Ancient Free and Accepted Masons, and most of the members of his family are connected with the order, either in the Blue or Eastern Star Lodges. Mr. Brundage was very successful as a business man, being far-sighted and conservative in management. He had a horror of debt, and had clear title to all property which he acquired. Among his possessions were a farm in Dakota, the shops where he conducted business and a substantial, four-story flat building, in which he made his home. OCTAVE CHAPLEAU. 0CTAVE CHAPLEAU was born February 27, 1834, in Saint Rose, Canada, and was the son of a farmer at that place. His early education was obtained in his native town, and when he was old enough he began the study of the stone-cutter's trade. Hoping to better his condition, he removed to Chicago, in 1866, and found ready employment at his trade. In 1880 he removed to South Chicago, and en- tered the service of the Illinois Steel Company in building a mill, where he was employed four years. He resolved to enter business in his own name, and accordingly bought ground and run a stone yard on Harbor Avenue. He was very successful and remained there until his death. August 5, 1866, he married Celina Hebert, daughter of Frank and Elizabeth (Seymore) Hebert. She was born February 16, 1841 , in Saint John, Canada. Mr. Chapleau was a member of the Roman Catholic Church. In politics he took an active part, and was a Republican in senti- ment. He bought a lot at No. 8902 Superior Avenue, and in 1882 built the house which is now occupied by Mr. and Mrs. Anton Gleitsman. He died May 26, 1893, and was mourned by a large circle of friends and acquaintances. Anton Gleitsman was born July 12, 1852, near Milwaukee. His parents were natives of Ger- many, but are old settlers in Wisconsin, having emigrated several years before Anton Gleitsman was born. He received his education in the com- mon schools of Wisconsin, and at an early age GEORGE DUNLAP. began to learn a trade. He became an engineer in a blast furnace. He came to Chicago in 1882, and since that time has been employed in a mill. May 22, 1895, he was united in marriage with Mrs. Chapleau, the widow of Octave Chapleau. Roman Catholic Church. They are highly es- teemed socially and have many friends. The former is a member of the Knights of Pythias, and in his political views is convinced of the jus- tice of the principles advanced by the Republican Mr. Gleitsman and wife are communicants of the party, and is one of its firmest supporters. GEORGE DUNLAP. /2JEORGE DUNLAP was born November 2, |_ 1825, in Lorraine, Jefferson County, New V.J York. He is a son of William I. and Mar- garet P. (Lane) Dunlap, both born in Cherry Valley, New York. John Dunlap, father of Will- iam I. Dunlap, was a captain of volunteers in the Revolutionary War from Cherry Valley, and his wife escaped the great massacre at that place by taking refuge in the fort. He was seven years in the service. His father was from the north of Ireland, and the family is of Scotch descent. He came to Cherry Valley, New York, where, with two brothers, he had a right of a township of land. The two brothers were lost at sea, with the papers showing the claim to the land, and the lawyer employed to settle the affair took all the land excepting two hundred acres. John was born on this farm and spent his life there. His wife was a Miss Campbell, and they have five children, namely: William I.; Livingston, a doc- tor, who practiced in Indianapolis until his death; Robert, who died in Milwaukee; Hannah, Mrs. Walrad, of Cherry Valley, deceased; and Eliza- beth, who died in young womanhood. William I. Dunlap served as a volunteer in the War of 1812. He removed to Jefferson County, New York, in 1822, and in 1836 he came to Ill- inois, settling first in Mendota, and later, in 1840, in Leyden, which latter place was his residence many years. He died in 1856, at the age of sixty- nine years. His wife died in 1865, at the age of seventy-seven years. She was born in Elizabeth- town, New Jersey, and removed to Cherry Val- ley with her parents when she was a child. Her father was of Dutch descent, and her mother of English origin. William I. and Margaret Dun- lap had ten children, of whom the following is the account: John, who was a tanner and cur- rier of Green Bay, Wisconsin, died when forty years old. Ann Eliza, deceased, married Oren Hotchkiss and lived at Champaign. Matthias L. , who died in 1875, was a horticulturist and a writ- er on kindred subjects in the Chicago Tribune, his column being "The Farm and Garden;" he lived in Leyden, where he started an extensive fruit farm, and subsequently removed to Champaign, Illinois; his son, Henry, is a member of the present state senate. Menzo is a farmer, whose home is in Sevoy, Illinois; Sally, deceased, mar- ried James H. Kinyon, of Champaign; William is a retired wheelwright, and resides at Irving, Lane County, Oregon; Robert, a dealer in agri- cultural implements, lives in Iowa City, Iowa; George is the subject of this sketch; Charlotte, deceased, married Erastus Bailey, of Wheeling, Illinois; and James Hamill died when twenty- two years old. George Dnnlap removed with his parents to Lewis County, New York, when seven years old, and there he attended the common schools. He came to Chicago in 1836, arriving on his eleventh birthday, and subsequently attended school in Z. M. HALL. 37 Troy Grove, La Salle County, Illinois. Later he attended a select school in Ottawa a few months. In 1840 he came to Leyden, then called Dunlap's Prairie, in honor of M. L. Dunlap, his brother, who surveyed much of the land in that vicinity, and was a prominent man, being a member of the state legislature one term. George Dunlap pre-empted one hundred and twenty acres of Gov- ernment land, and when it was put upon the mar- ket bought it. He lived on this farm, carrying on general farming until 1864, when he sold it. He was deputy sheriff six months, and then be- came assistant United States assessor, which posi- tion he held eleven years, resigning to take his seat in the twenty-ninth general assembly. He then engaged in the real-estate business, uniting with L. J. Swift in the firm of Dunlap & Swift. In 1884 he was compelled to leave the cares of the business, which had become one of the most successful on the West Side, on account of failing health. He subsequently removed to Santa Cruz, California, where he has ever since spent the winter months. In i8"69 he bought the first lots and built the first house in the village of Norwood, where he had his residence until 1884. In 1896 he built the pleasant home he now occupies. January 27, 1851, he married Almeda Pierce, of Sandy Creek, Oswego County, New York. She is a daughter of John and Hannah (Ballou) Pierce, the latter of French ancestry, and both natives of Rhode Island. Mr. and Mrs. Dunlap became the par- ents of six children: De Clermont is a civil en- gineer, and resides in Chicago; Hetty S., who is a school teacher, lives with her parents; Clifton F. is a printer of Chicago; Alice S. resides at home; Jessie D. married Percy V. Castle, a law- yer, who resides in Austin; and Mira died in 1894. Mr. Dunlap has held many local offices. He served four years as supervisor of Leyden, five years as justice of the peace, and was school di- rector twenty-three years. He is a member of the Masonic order, having at present a demit from Santa Cruz Lodge, Santa Cruz, California. He is a well-read man, an intelligent citizen, and one who takes an interest in the affairs and im- provements of the generation in which he lives. ZEBULON M. HALL. 7KBULON MONTGOMERY HALL is a I. descendant of an old colonial family who /~) emigrated from Coventry, England, in 1630, and settled in Boston, Massachusetts. The pro- genitor of the family in America was John Hall, the father of nine children. Of these Gersham Hall was the ancestor of the subject of this biog- raphy. He received the best collegiate education that could be obtained in New England at that time, and later took a part in the Revolutionary War, proving himself a brave officer. He was a man of great firmness of religious conviction, and his Bible is yet in possession of the family as one of its dearest treasures. His son, Gersham, also received a liberal edu- cation and resided in Boston. He died near Ball- ston Springs, New York. His wife's father, was also a soldier in the Revolution. His grandson, Loammi, married Miss Sarah Duell, a daughter of Benjamin and Sybil (Putney) Duell, who were of the Quaker faith. Loammi Hall and his wife resided in Perry, Genesee County, New York, where they were highly respected and wealthy farmers. For a time they kept a hotel, which was a landmark in the county. The family were blessed with long lives, and most of them lived to be more than seventy years of age. Loammi Hall and his wife died when they were compar- Z. M. HALL. atively young, in Genesee County. Their chil- dren were: Minerva, Jabesh, Loammi and Zebu- Ion M. Minerva married Walter Purdy, and is the only one living. Jabesh removed to Wiscon- sin, where he accumulated considerable property, and where he died. To secure this property for its rightful owners, Zebulon, though only a boy of sixteen years, undertook the long journey to Wisconsin, and was successful. Soon after this, in 1836, the subject of this notice came to Chicago, and eventually became one of the city's most influential citizens. He became employed in the grain elevator business by Charles Walker, and was for years a confiden- tial employe. When he had learned the details of the business, he engaged in it on his own respon- sibility and became very successful. His brother, Loammi, became his partner and they engaged in the wholesale grocery trade, under the firm name of Hall Brothers, but the city life and close confinement did not suit Loammi, who withdrew and engaged in agricultural pursuits, in which he prospered. Mr. Hall next took for a partner Charles Harding, and the well-known firm of Harding & Hall was formed, which conducted a lucrative wholesale ship chandlery business for many years. Mr. Hall at all times assumed the more active part in the conduct of business, and his management was characterized by such tact and ability that Mr. Harding was enabled to withdraw from the firm, which was continued by Z. M. Hall & Company until 1875, when Mr. Hall withdrew, in order to recuperate his health. For this pur- pose he went to Jackson County, Oregon. His active mind could not rest, however, and he was not entirely idle, but while there became interested in the stock business. After spending three years in Oregon, he returned to Chicago, where he resided until his death, which took place in Sep- tember, 1894, at the age of seventy-four years. Mr. ' Hall was married in Chicago, to Miss Kezzie Frost, a foster-daughter of Capt. A. W. Rosman, commander of the steamer "Atlanta," of the Goodrich line. He is one of the most noted captains on the lakes, having begun life on the water at the early age of seven years. At the age of seventeen years he became a captain, and for fifty years sailed the lakes, without having any serious accident. He was a grandson of Coonrod Rosman, who settled in Canada about the middle of the seventeenth century, and whose descendants removed from Canada to Pennsyl- vania. Captain Rosman was a son of Abraham and Rachel (Jones) Rosman, the former a soldier of the War of 1812, and the latter a descendant of the world- renowned Paul Jones. Captain Ros- man had two children, Charles A. and Eva, the latter the wife of Frank Hamilton. The former received a gold medal from the government for saving life on Lake Michigan. The exposure incident to this brave deed brought on con- sumption, from which his death resulted. The children of Mr. and Mrs. Z. M. Hall were: Francis Montgomery, Edgar Albert, Harry Vic- tor, Sadie Beatrice and Bessie Eugenia. The oldest son was drowned from the steamer "Ver- non," and left a wife and three children. Edgar A. is connected with the Hanchette Paper Com- pany; Harry V. is living in Arizona; Sadie B. is the wife of Lloyd James Smith; and Bessie E. is Mrs. A. G. Morely. Mr. Hall was a Mason, and was one of the liberal supporters of the New England Congre- gational Church, being one of its first members. In politics he was a strong Republican. To all enterprises which would assist in bettering the lives and condition of the human family, he gave his sympathy and aid. Though he was liberal to a fault, he accumulated a property, and had he been more selfish, the history of Chicago would have recorded another millionaire. He lived a life of noble impulse, and all that could be said of his inner life would reflect to his credit and in- tegrity. During the Great Fire he telegraphed to Indian- apolis for a fire engine, which was placed on a raft in the river, near his building, adjacent to the Randolph Street bridge, and thus it was saved, being the only one rescued in the center of the city. It was a five-story grocery store. After the fire he helped feed the public, and was pro- tected by a company of soldiers, sent to him by Gen. Philip A. Sheridan. They formed a double line, and he was thus able to distribute LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS JOSEPH H. ERNST (From Photo, by W. J. ROOT) J. H. ERNST. 39 alike to rich and poor, which he did without any compensation. He did not take advantage of the helplessness of his fellow-creatures, and try to raise the value of his goods, but by his gener- osity suffered a loss that weakened his business, and this, with the panic of 1873, caused him much embarrassment, but he continued it until the year 1875. JOSEPH H. ERNST. (JOSEPH HENRY ERNST. Germany has I contributed to Chicago and Cook County a Q) large percentage of their inhabitants. Many of these have achieved success in various business pursuits, while some have won distinction in the different professions, and others have risen to prominence in public affairs, and their names have become as familiar as household words. Among this vast number probably no one is more widely known or more highly respected than the gentleman whose name stands at the head of this article. For more than forty years he has been a resident of the city, much of the time occupying official positions, and in public and private life every duty has been honestly dis- charged and every trust held sacred. Mr. Ernst was born February 24, 1838, on the River Rhine, in Germany, near Bingen, made famous by an English authoress in the beautiful poem, "Bingen on the Rhine." He is a son of John and Barbara (Meyer) Ernst, natives of that place. John and Barbara Ernst became the par- ents of four children, namely: Joseph H., of whom this sketch is written; Adam, deceased; Catherine, widow of Mr. Hausman, of Chicago; and John, also deceased. The father died in 1877, and the mother preceded him eight years, passing away June 4, 1869. Joseph Ernst received his early education in the common schools of his native country, and spent one year at the mason's trade. In 1854 ne sailed in the sailing-vessel "St. Nicholas" from Havre, France, to New York, the voyage lasting forty-eight days. On landing he came to Chicago, going to Buffalo by way of the Hudson River and Erie Canal, and the remainder of the way by rail. Two years later, the family, consisting of his parents and two brothers and a sister, emigrated to the United States, and located in Chicago. Joseph H. Ernst lived with his aunt, whose brother, Joseph Meyer, came to Chicago in 1845, and was widely known as the sexton and super- intendent of the old Chicago City Cemetery from 1847 until the time of his death, which occurred December 1 6, 1864. Joseph became his assistant, and helped to keep the records of that time. While thus engaged he attended the old Franklin School two years, and graduated in 1856. The next two years he attended Sloan's Commercial and Law College, from which he graduated in 1858. In 1864 Mr. Ernst opened a grocery store on North Wells Street, at No. 581, which he con- ducted two years. He was then appointed j?y the mayor as superintendent of the vacation of that part of the old city cemetery known as the Milliman tract. This work occupied two years and the city council then passed an ordinance to vacate the remainder of the cemetery, which is now included in Lincoln Park, appointing Mr. Ernst to superintend the work. He was fre- quently consulted by the Lincoln Park Commis- sioners during the early part of their work and fur- nished them with much valuable information, be- ing of great assistance to them. At the time of the Great Fire the city cemetery records were des- HENRY LAWRENCE. troyed. Mr. Ernst was clerk in the comptroller's office, in charge of exchange of city cemetery lots, also city taxes and city real estate, and remained in this office until May, 1882. In 1874 he engaged in the real-estate and loan business in partnership with Mathias Schmitz, under the firm name of Ernst & Schmitz, at No. 271 East North Avenue, and in this venture he has ever since been successfully engaged. Since 1874 Mr. Ernst has been secretary of the German Mutual Fire Insurance Company, of North Chi- cago, being elected annually by a general meet- ing of all the members. Mr. Ernst was elected alderman of the Fif- teenth Ward in 1886, on the Democratic ticket, and was re-elected in 1888 in the present Twenty- first Ward. At the next election he declined a re-nomination. In 1892 his friends prevailed upon him to accept a nomination as an independ- ent candidate, and he was elected, receiving near- ly as many votes as both the other candidates. He has always discharged his public and private duties most faithfully, and was urged to accept a nomination for city treasurer, but declined. He is one of the directors of the German Catholic Orphans' Asylum of High Ridge. September 20, 1860, Mr. Ernst married Miss Katharine Schutz, a native of Germany, who came to the United States in 1853, an d reached Chicago in 1854. They have had eight children, of whom the six following are living: Anna, wife of William H. Weckler, residing on the corner of Wolfram and May Streets, Chicago; Adolph Charles, who is employed in his father's office; Andrew Joseph, also with his father; William Gregor, an attorney; Katharine Isabella; and Mary Angelica. Mr. Ernst and his family are members of Saint Michael's Roman Catholic Church. Mr. Ernst has resided on the North Side ever since he came to the city, in the vicinity of what is now Lincoln Park, and since 1873 his home has been at the corner of Eugenie Street and Cleveland Avenue, where he had a beautiful residence erected in 1892. HENRY LAWRENCE. HENRY LAWRENCE, D. D. S., for many years connected with the business interests of Chicago, and one of the most valuable citizens of that city, was born November 1 1 , 1823, in the city of London, England. He was a son of John Lawrence, for many years a resident of New York City. He received his primary edu- cation in the public schools of London, where he proved himself an apt and willing student. After coining to America, in 1859, he took up the study of dentistry with a prominent dentist of Philadel- phia, where he graduated, winning the esteem and admiration of his teacher. He then removed to Louisiana, and practiced his profession for a short time, and then went to Yazoo, Mississippi, where he remained until 1863, and then removed to New Orleans. He remained in the latter city until July, 1877, obtaining a profitable and lucra- tive practice. Most of his patrons were among the Creoles or old white settlers of that historic town, and thus he was enabled to save a comfortable fortune. His winters were spent in the North during this time, and he was especially attracted by Chicago, it then being a rapidly growing city, whose energetic citizens especially appealed to his regard. Mr. Lawrence always enjoyed the comforts of life, though he was industrious and frugal. He never ceased studying, and was a student of rare ap- plication, being the inventor of several dental in- JOSEPH JUNK. strunients, and often making his own tools. He was an ingenius craftsman, and frequently assisted his fellow.-dentists in some difficult operation or in the invention of some useful instrument. One of his inventions which has won fame for him is a water motor, thus doing away with foot power. He was a member of Chicago and New Orleans dental societies, being an honored guest at the meetings of these societies held in the homes of the members, as was then the custom. Mr. Lawrence was reared in the faith of the Church of England, and always adhered to that denomination, attending its services, although he liked other preachers very much, especially Dr. Thomas, whom he always delighted to hear. He was not connected with any secrect society, pre- ferring rather a quiet home life. He was very companionable and had great sympathy with all his fellow-men and women, being the happy possessor of a large number of friends and ac- quaintances. He exercised charity to all de- serving poor, not being ostentatious in all this, but believed in following the dictates of his heart only,- and not seeking the approval of his friends. He neyer, in any way, catered to the good-will of the masses. His every action was prompted by duty as he saw it, and thus in him is seen an ex- ample of an upright and honest man, true to his friends and principles. He died, in Chicago on the 6th of March, 1891, lamented by hosts of those who had learned to know him and call him friend. JOSEPH JUNK. (1OSEPH JUNK was born January 15, 1841, I at Salmrohr, near Trier, Germany. He was G/ the son of Joseph and Margaret Junk, natives of the same place. The former was a teacher there, and a scholarly man, who was esteemed and honored by all in the community. He lived to be over eighty years of age, and died in his native town. They had one son and five daugh- ters. Two of the latter were Sisters of St. Charles and well known as nurses during the wars. One of them, Margaret, was known as Sister Eu- phrasia, and was Mother Superior of the convent at Mettlach, the town where the famous German pottery is made. The owner of the manufactory built the convent. Her sister, Anna, was also in the convent, known as Sister Anastasia. Both of them are now deceased. The other three daughters are married, and live in Germany. The father of Joseph Junk, senior, was burgo- master of Salmrohr, and was killed by robbers, who mistook him for another man, for whom they were lying in wait. The subject of this sketch was educated in Ger- man}', and came to America at the age of twenty- seven years. After landing at New York, he came directly to Chicago, where he learned his trade with his old neighbor and countryman, Peter Schoenhoff, one of the early brewers of this city. He was afterward associated for several years with Huck's Malt House. May 18, 1871, he married Miss Magdalena, daughter of Hubert and Elizabeth (Thormann) Hagemann, well-known residents of Chicago, who came here in 1853. They formerly had a grocery on the West Side. In 1895 they celebrated their golden wedding. Of their nine children, only Magdalena now survives. Mr. Junk embarked in the brewing business in J. H. RAAP. 1884, on the corner of Thirty-seventh and Hal- sted Streets. In this he had a valuable assistant in his wife, who became familiar with the details of the business. They were but fairly started when he died, February 23, 1887. At that time they manufactured about nine thousand barrels of beer annually. The estate was involved in debt for half its value, but with commendable zeal Mrs, Junk continued the business, and so well did she manage it that from time to time she was able to increase it, until at the present time the brewery yields eighty thousand barrels of beer annually, all of which finds a market in Chicago. Mrs. Junk deserves great credit for her work, especially when we remember that she was then the mother of six small children. The names of the children are as follows: Joseph P., Edward H., Mary E., Rose Anna, Aloysius and Mary Magdalena. Religiously the family are members of the Saint Augustine Roman Catholic Church. The two eldest sons are associated in business with their mother, and the eldest, though but thirteen years old at the death of his father, was of great assistance to his mother, devoting his whole time and energy to the business. The eldest daughter, Miss Mary E. Junk, is fast be- coming well known as a musician, excelling es- pecially on the harp, to which instrument she has devoted many years of hard study. The successful life of Mrs. Junk is well calcu- lated to interest her descendants as well as the citizens of Chicago, who are ever ready to honor and give due credit to those who assist in build- ing up the city's manufacturing interests, thus adding wealth and comforts to many homes. In 1890 Mrs. Junk built a handsome home, in spacious grounds, on Garfield Boulevard, which her aged parents share with her and which very nearly represents the ideal home, where rest and comfort await those wearied with the business of the day. Not only does Mrs. Junk possess energy and business capacity, which all must admire, but in addition to these she possesses those quali- ties of mind and heart which make her a good mother and a true woman . JOHN H. RAAP. (JOHN HENRY RAAP was born August i, 1840, in L,udingworth, Hanover, Germany, (*) and was a son of Ernst and Catharina M. (Cords) Raap, both natives of that place. In 1854 the family removed to America, settling in Chicago, where Mr. Raap bought a house of three rooms on Cornell Street, near Ashland Avenue. They had two children, namely: John Henry Raap, whose name stands at the head of this arti- cle; and Mrs. Minnie Dilcherd, who resides at No. 67 Cornelia Street, in Chicago. The parents were thrifty and economical, and they won the respect of the community. They died at their home on Cornell Street. John Henry Raap received most of his educa- tion in his native country, which he supplement- ed by subsequent reading and observation. He was confirmed in the German Lutheran Church, and of this faith he remained an adherent. He was a bright, intelligent boy when he came to America and soon learned to speak the English language fluently. He possessed those qualities that insure success in the business world. On his arrival in Chicago he became employed in a brick yard, and, realizing the advantages of a better edu- cation than he then possessed, he attended a night school, and there he studied diligently to prepare himself for the business career that was after- C. D. MAGEE. 43 wards his. He had indomitable courage and per- severance and he saw the hopeful side of life. Mr. Raap's first business venture was a grocery store, on the corner of Pratt and Milwaukee Av- enues, which he conducted only a short time. He then removed to Dunkel's Grove, where he had a general store two years and then sold out to return to the city, engaging in the flour and feed trade at Nos. 572-74 Milwaukee Avenue in a small building which was gradually merged into a wholesale liquor house. In 1870 he built the large building occupied by the business at the present time. He gradually extended his trade until he ranked among the foremost and most successful German business men in the city. As would be expected, Mr. Raap was connect- ed with many social orders and societies, among which are the Independent Order of Odd Fellows, the Sons of Hermann, the Central Turner Society, the Teutonia Maennerchor and the Chicago Re- bekah Society. In political opinions he was a Republican, and he had much influence in polit- ical affairs, but he never held any office. He passed away April 23, 1897. Mr. Raap was twice married. His first wife was Sophia Sohle, a native of Germany, now de- ceased. May i, 1873, he married Miss Helena Hannah Gilow, a daughter of Fritz and Mary (Wagner) Gilow, natives of Grim, Prussia. She proved to be in every way a worthy helpmate, and was of invaluable assistance to her husband, being as ambitious and enterprising as he. She was ever willing to lead, and she conducted the home and helped in the business of her husband. She is a true type of the German- American house- wife, always alert and willing to further her hus- band's interests. She survives her husband, and is the mother of five children, now living, namely: John Henry, junior, Tillie L,., Robert R., Ernst E. and Pearl Frances. The two older sons con- tinue to carry on the business which was left by their father. CHARLES D. MAGEE. HARLES DAVIDSON MAGEE, who has 1 ( been connected with the iron industry of \J Chicago for many years, was born October 3, 1846, in the beautiful city of Belfast, Ireland. His parents were John and Elizabeth (Croft) Magee, both natives of that country. The fam- ily emigrated to America in 1855 and settled in the growing city of Chicago, which was then just beginning to give evidence of future great- ness. There the elder Magee engaged in the iron, steam and gasfitting business, which he had learned and conducted before leaving Ire- land, and continued it successfully until his death, at the age of sixty-five years, October 27, 1878. Charles D. Magee spent his early boyhood in his native city and there attended school. He was but nine years of age when the family set- tled in Chicago, and in the public schools of that city he completed his education. He then en- gaged in business with his father and spent twenty years in steam and gasfitting, thus se- curing a thorough and practical knowledge of all the details of that trade and gaining a wide and varied experience, which has been of great use to him in his later business connections. Having shown an aptitude for trade and having gained a large acquaintance among business men, he readil} 7 secured a position as traveling represen- 44 AUGUST DRESEL. tative of the Corundum Wheel Company, and since that time he has served the interests of many of the most prominent iron firms in the United States, to the advantage and satisfaction of all parties. At present he is interested in the Automatic Acetylene Gas Company and is de- voting his energies to the promotion of that en- terprise. Mr. Magee was married in 1865 to Miss Mary D. Williams, who was bom June 29, 1845, in Terre Haute, Indiana, and is a daughter of R. G. and Sophronia D. Williams, both natives of New York. Mrs. Williams died December 19, 1896. Mr. and Mrs. Magee are the parents of three children, John E., Albert M. and Charles D., aged thirty, twenty-six and nineteen years, re- spectively. The subject of this notice is a valued and in- fluential member of the Wesleyan Methodist Church, worshiping at the church on Halsted Street, near Fullerton Avenue. He is prominent in the Masonic order, and in 1894 organized the Order of the White Shrine of Jerusalem, for which he wrote the ritual This order bears the same relation to the adopted rites of Masonry that the Order of Knights Templar does to the main body of Masonry. The order was incorporated by Mr. Magee in the State of Illinois, October 3, 1895, and the Supreme Shrine was then organized with headquarters at Chicago, Mr. Magee being elected Supreme Chancellor for a term of three years. Later the headquarters were removed to Grand Rapids, Michigan, where they are still located. Membership in the order is limited to Master Masons and their wives, mothers, sisters, daughters and widows. It is rapidly growing in numbers, having extended itself into three States, Minnesota, Michigan and Illinois. Mr. Magee is a conservative in politics. He is a most genial and affable gentleman, ever ready to give help and advice to those who ask it, and is considered one of Chicago's most energetic business men. AUGUST DRESEL GJ1 UGUST DRESEL, for many years identi- J I fied with the business life of Chicago, has / I been engaged in his present occupation of florist since 1866. He began business at No. 656 Clybourn Avenue, and continued there until about 1888, when he sold out to Samuel J. Pearce. He then established himself at his pres- ent place of business, near the corner of Western and Belmont Avenues, where he has about one and one-half acres of ground under glass. His principal products are roses and plants for spring planting. He also raises palms and several varieties of flowers for cutting, selling the bulk of his product to dealers. Mr. Dresel was born October 9, 1838, in Hoi- stein, Germany, and is a son of Henry and Anna Dresel, both natives of the same province. The son was educated in his native land, where he went through a long and thorough course of training in landscape gardening, and the cultiva- tion of all kinds of pi ants produced for market. He continued in this occupation until his removal L. J. SMITH. 45 to the United States. In June, 1865, he left the Fatherland, taking passage on a steamship which sailed from Hamburg bound for New York. He landed in the last-named city in the latter part of July, and proceeded thence to LaFayette, Indiana, where he remained but a short time, removing to Jasper County, in the same State. In March, 1866, he had saved enough from his earnings as a farm laborer in Indiana to pur- chase a horse, and he rode the animal to Chi- cago. After his arrival he soon found employ- ment in the old Sheffield Avenue nursery of Mar- tin Lewis. During that season he worked at various occupations, and in the following spring he purchased from Mr. Lewis the floral depart- ment of his nursery, and began business for him- self. The beginning was small, but he was in- dustrious and attentive to the wants of his cus- tomers, working early and late to build up his fortunes. In a short time he was enabled to purchase the greenhouses which he occupied, and he has ever since continued to conduct the busi- ness with gratifying success. For six years he was also interested in the manufacture of brick, being a stockholder of the Northwestern Brick Company while it existed. He has usually supported the Democratic party in matters of political principle, but is not a strong partisan, and is wholly independent in considering local affairs. The candidate who seems to him best qualified and most willing to carry out the wishes of his constituents is certain to receive his support, regardless of party dicta- tions. December 20, 1866, Mr. Dresel was married to Miss Mary Kj-ersgaard, a native of Denmark. Two of their children died in childhood, and there are five living, namely: Claussin, Sophia, August, Henry and Louis. The family is identi- fied with the Lutheran Church and bears its share in the social life of the community, where it is held in the highest respect. LLOYD J. SMITH. I LOYD JAMES SMITH, one of the most It active and earnest of our business men, is l_^ a descendant of old Russian and English families, and is a native of Wheeler, Indiana. His grandfather, Peter Smith, was born in Eng- land, and was a brother of Sir Harry Smith, a noted officer of the British army, who fought in the American Revolution. Peter Smith's son, James P. Smith, who was born and educated in London, came to the United States at the age of fourteen years, and was for thirty years the manager of the Central Elevators of Chicago. He married Helen Christopher, daughter of a high official in the Russian govern- ment, who left his native country because of the jealousy of other officials, and left his property in Russia. Lloyd James Smith is one of their children. He was educated in a Chicago high school and the Metropolitan Business College. His first em- ployment was with the Northwestern National Bank, as messenger, at the age of seventeen years. After thus spending two years, he re- moved to Idaho, and in that state and in Oregon, spent two years in charge of a cattle ranch. After this he was a broker for the Central Elevator Company, and the Munger-Wheeler Company. In 1889 he became general manager of the Santa Fe Elevator and Dock Company, and the Chicago Elevator Company, and is now the sec- retary and treasurer of the Santa Fe Company. Since 1890 Mr. Smith has been a director of the Board of Trade, and his office continues until 1900. He is chairman of the executive commit- 4 6 A. H. BUSSE. tee, and has served on all important commitees of the directory. He has always represented the elevator interests in any controversies. Mr. Smith has been chairman of the Cook County Republican Central Committee, and served two years as its vice-president. For five years he was the vice-president of the Marquette Club, and is a member of the Chicago Athletic Club. In political principle he is a Republican, and takes great interest in national and local af- fairs. He has attained high rank in the Masonic fraternity, and affiliates with Medinah Temple of the Mystic Shrine. October 15, 1890, he married Miss Sadie B. Hall, and they are the parents of one child, Lloyda Kezzie Smith, born October 4, 1891. Mrs. Smith is a daughter of Z. M. Hall, whose biography appears in this work. AUGUST H. BUSSE. GlUGUST HUBERT BUSSE was born No- I I vember 10, 1867, in a house which stood on / I an alley between Commercial and Houston Avenues and Ninety-second and Ninety-third Streets. This house was subsequently moved to No. 9205 Commercial Avenue, where it still stands. August H. Busse is a son of August and Caroline (Albert) Busse. He received his education in the common schools of Chicago, part of the time attending the Bowen School. At the age of fourteen years he was obliged to leave his studies to attend to the more serious duties of life. He was first employed in the planing mill of Crandall, Fisher & Company, now belonging to Kratzer & Fisher. After spending a year with this firm, he was employed a year in the drug store of Arnold & Merrill, and then became engaged in carpenter work for Otto Schoening, with whom he remained about one year. May 9, 1885, Mr. Busse entered the service of the City Fire Department, as a driver at first, and truckman afterwards. In a fire which oc- curred in December, 1888, his left hand was in- jured, the small bones in his left knee were broken, and he received an injury in his side, so that he was compelled to remain at home six months. The fire which caused him so much suffering was on Mackinaw Avenue, between Eighty-fifth and Eighty-sixth Streets. Upon his recovery from injuries received while in the fire department, Mr. Busse resolved to find other employment, and accordingly, on May 23, 1889, he joined the police force as patrolman, and for the past two years has been employed as messenger in the South Chicago Station. In his business life he has attended strictly to the duties of his position, and has always shown a disposi- tion to rise in station. While serving at a large fire May 8, 1897, Mr. Busse took a severe cold, which brought on hemorrhage of the left lung, and incapacitated him from active duty for many months. Mr. Busse was married April 2, 1890, to Miss Catherine, daughter of Joseph and Catherine Leiendecker. They are the parents of the fol- lowing children: Joseph, Frederick William and George Augustus. Mr. Busse and his family are communicants of the Roman Catholic Church, and he is connected with the Policemen's Be- nevolent Association. He is a man of genial and pleasant manner, and has many firm friends, by whom his merits and character are appreciated. LIBRARY OF THE riMIVERSITY OP ILLINOIS JOEL ELLIS. 47 JOEL ELLIS. ELLIS, for nearly fifty years an active I citizen and useful business man of ChicagO ) G/ was descended from the old Puritan stock which has done so much in developing the men- tal, moral and material interests of the United States. The energy, fortitude and stern moral character which characterized the founders of the New England colonies is still observed in many of their descendants, and these attributes were possessed by Joel Ellis in a marked degree. His first ancestor of whom any record is now to be found was Barzillai Ellis, born June 9, 1747, presumably in Massachusetts, and of English blood. March 6, 1773, he married Sarah Tobey, who was born June 5, 1755, no doubt in the same State and of similar ancestry. They resid- ed in Conway, Franklin County, Massachusetts, whence they moved, about the close of the last century, to Chautauqua County, New York. Here Barzillai Ellis died in 1827. His youngest son, Samuel Ellis, died in Chicago in 1856. The other children were Barzillai, Asa, Freeman, Ben- jamin, Joel and Elnathan. The children of Benjamin Ellis were Parmtlia, Eleanor, Jane, Stephen, Mason, Datus, Joel (the subject of this sketch) and Ensign. His wife was Sophia Birch, a native of Connecticut. Ben- jamin Ellis died in Fredonia, New York, in 1855. He was a farmer, and cleared up land in the prim- eval forest, which consumed the best years of his life and required the assistance of his children, who had little opportunity to attend school. Joel Ellis was born in Fredonia, Chautauqua County, New York, May 25, 1818. As above indicated, his early years were devoted to the toil which usually befell farmers' sons in those days, and he attended school but very little. Schools were far apart and held sessions of only three months per year, in winter, when attendance on the part of many children was almost impossible. However, Joel Ellis was blessed by nature with a sound mind and body, and his clear judgment and active industry made him a successful busi- ness man and good citizen. When, in 1838, he set out for the West, whither an uncle (Samuel Ellis, before mentioned) had preceded him, he was an energetic and self- reliant young man of twenty years, full of cour- age and hopefulness and the ardor and ambition of a strong nature. Arriving in the autumn, he found the young city of Chicago suffering from the com- mercial and industrial stagnation which followed the financial panic of 1837, and his search for employment was a vain one. The only offer which he received was from his uncle, who was engaged in farming some miles from the then city, but on ground now built up with thousands of the finest homes in Chicago, along Ellis, Greenwood and other avenues of the South Side. He continued in farm labor with his uncle for two years, much of which time was occupied in chopping wood from the timber which then covered this region, and which must be cleared away to make room for a tillable farm. From 1840 to 1858 he was associated with Archibald Clybourn, an active business man of Chicago (see biography elsewhere in this work), and became thorough!}- conversant with the meat business, which was one of Mr. Clybourn's chief enterprises. It was at the house of Mr. Cly- 4 8 JOEL ELLIS. bourn that he met the lady who became his wife in 1844. This was Miss Susan Galloway, a sis- ter of Mrs. Clybourn and daughter of James and Sally (McClenthan) Galloway, of Pennsyl- vania birth and Scotch ancestry. Her grand- father, Samuel Galloway, was a native of Scot- land, whose wife was of Pennsylvania-German descent. They were among the earliest settlers on the Susquehanna River, and Samuel Galloway was a soldier in the Revolutionary Army. Mrs. Ellis was taken by her parents, when a small child, to Sandusky, Ohio, and thence the fam- ily came to Chicago, arriving on the gth of November, 1826. They left Sandusky on the ist of October, in a sailing-vessel, and were wrecked south of Mackinaw, but were rescued by another vessel, which brought them to Chicago. James Galloway had visited Illinois in the fall of 1824, and was very much charmed with the country' about the Grand Rapids of the Illinois River (now known as Marseilles), where he bought a claim. He spent the winter of 1826-27 in Chicago with his family, and settled on this claim in the following spring, and continued to reside there the balance of his life. His wife died in 1830, and he subsequently married Matilda Stipes, of Virginia. In character Mr. Galloway was a fit representative of his sturdy Scotch ancestry, and was well fitted for pioneering in those early days, when means of travel and communication were difficult, and the dwellers in the wilderness were compelled to forego many comforts and social advantages, besides braving the enmity of their savage neighbors. Of the five children of James and Sally Gallo- way, Mrs. Clybourn is the eldest. The second, Jane, wife of Washington Holloway, died in 1894. John died in Missouri. Susan is Mrs. Ellis. George, born April 12, 1828, at Marseilles, is now deceased. Of the second marriage, Archibald and Marshall are the only surviving offspring. The former now shares a part of the original farm at Marseilles with George's widow. The latter resides in Chicago. On leaving the employ of Mr. Clybourn, Mr. Ellis engaged in the retail meat business on his own account, and furnished supplies to many of the leading hotels and to vessels entering Chicago Harbor. In 1865 he formed a partnership with Thomas Armour and began an extensive whole- sale business in meats and provisions, which grew beyond his fondest dreams of success. In fifteen years he amassed a comfortable fortune, which was largely invested in improved real es- tate in the city. As the care of his property ab- sorbed much of his time, he decided to retire from active business, and, in the spring of 1871, he pur- chased twenty acres in the town of Jefferson (now a part of the city of Chicago), on which he built a handsome suburban home, in which he hoped to pass the balance of his days in well-earned rest from the arduous labors which had occupied his earlier years. Scarcely was he settled in his new home when the great fire of October, 1871, rob- bed him of all his buildings save the home at Jef- ferson, just completed. Without any repining, he set to work at once to repair the losses. It was his custom to rise at two o'clock in the morn- ing and drive into the city to begin business. There were no rapid-transit systems then to move suburban residents quickly from and to their homes, and he took means which would appall any but such stout natures as his to rebuild his fort- unes. In this he was moderately successful, and when a cancer caused his death at his home in Jefferson, October 29, 1886, he left his family comfortably provided for. A quiet, unassuming man, he gave little atten- tion to public affairs, though he took the interest in local and national progress which every true American must feel, and discharged his duty as it appeared to him by supporting the Republican party after it came into existence, having former- ly affiliated with the Whigs. He was a member of the Masonic fraternity, and was an active sup- porter of the Universalist Church, being among the organizers of St. Paul's congregation, whose pastor, Rev. W. E. Manly, performed the cere- mony which made him the head of a family. Be- sides his widow, he left three children, namely: Lucretia, now the widow of George W. Pinney, residing in Chicago; Winfield, of Highland Park, Illinois; and Mary Josephine, Mrs. Algernon S. Osgood, of Chicago. WILLIAM LEE. 49 WILLIAM LEE. {DQILLIAM LEE, a leading citizen of Pull- \ A I man, was born at Rochester, New York, YY June 14, 1851. He is a son of Rev. Henry Washington Lee and Lydia Mason Morton. Rev. H. W. Lee was a native of Hamden, Con- necticut. He entered the Episcopal ministry at an early age, and filled pastorates of several years each at Springfield, Massachusetts, and Rochester, New York. In 1854 he was made the first regular Bishop of Iowa, and filled that position during the balance of his life, his resi- dence being at Davenport, where his death oc- curred in 1874, at the age of fifty-nine years. He was one of the most active and distinguished men of that faith in the United States during his time, and greatly advanced the prosperity of the Episcopal Church in the West. The Lee family is of English lineage. Col. Roswell Lee, the father of Rev. H. W. Lee, served in the regular army of the United States for many years. He participated in the War of 1812, and subsequently had charge of the United States Armory at Springfield, Massachusetts, for a considerable period of time. He was very prominent in the Masonic order, and a lodge of that fraternity at Springfield was named in his honor. Mrs. Lydia M. Lee, who is now living at Salt Lake City, Utah, at the venerable age of eighty- four years, was born at Taunton, Massachusetts. She is a daughter of ex-Governor Marcus Mor- ton, of that State. The latter was of English de- scent, and served for many years as Chief Justice of the State of Massachusetts previous to his election as Governor. William Lee, whose name heads this article, spent most of his boyhood in Davenport. In 1864 he entered Hamden Military Academy, at Hamden, Connecticut, taking a two-years course at that institution. He subsequently became a student at Racine College, Racine, Wisconsin, but upon completing the junior year, in 1870, he went to Griswold College at Davenport, Iowa, an institution of which his father had been the founder. The following year he graduated, re- ceiving the degree of Bachelor of Arts. He then became connected with the engineer corps of the Burlington & Missouri River Railroad, and spent about one year about Kearney, Nebraska, where he was engaged in laying off the line of that road, then in course of construction. Being de- termined to perfect himself in this profession, he took a special course in engineering at Lawrence Scientific School, Harvard University. In 1873 he located at Chicago and engaged in general surveying, but the next year went to Salt Lake City, and occupied the next two sea- sons in surveying and mining. Four years more were spent in general engineering work at San Francisco. Returning to Illinois in 1880, he was employed as assistant engineer in platting the town of Pullman. Three years later he entered the service of the United States Government, on a survey of the Hennepin Canal, and also as- sisted in surveying the Illinois and Calumet Rivers. He was subsequently connected with the Public Works department of the village of Hyde Park, and upon the annexation of that ter- ritory to the city of Chicago, in 1889, he con- tinued for one year in the engineering depart- ment of the city. In the summer of 1890 he took charge of platting the town of Harvey. Two years were occupied in laying off this village, together with its drainage and water- works systems. Since Z. A. NEFF. that time he has done most of the surveying and engineering work for the villages of North Har- vey, Dolton, Riverdale, Homewood, Matteson and other places. During this time he has also done most of the work in this line for the Pull- man Land Association and Pullman's Palace Car Company. His reputation for accurate and reli- able workmanship causes his services to be re- peatedly sought wherever he is known. In October, 1873, Mr. Lee was united in matri- mony to Miss Anna Cleo Everett, daughter of William H. Everett, of Davenport, Iowa. Mrs. Lee was born in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, and her death occurred at Chicago June 25, 1884, at the age of thirty-five years. She left a son and a daughter, named, 'respectively, Henry W. and Mabel. Mr. Lee was again married, November 15, 1888, to Florence Isabel Ferguson, daughter of William and Anna W. Ferguson, of Cincin- nati. Two children have been born of this union, namely, Alice Ferguson and Lydia Morton. The family moves in the best social circles and enjoys the good- will of all its acquaintances. Mr. Lee is a member of the Western Society of Civil En- gineers. A Republican in political sentiment, he takes a patriotic interest in all important pub- lic affairs, but never seeks the political patronage of his fellow-citizens. ZACHARIAH A. NEFF. G7ACHARIAH ADDISON NEFF, a resident I. of Cook County for the past thirty years, I^J and a public official during the greater part of that time, is a native of Pennsylvania, born April 21, 1834, at Blairsville, Indiana County, in that State. His father, Amos Neff, was born in Virginia, probably at West Point, and was a son of John Neff. It is supposed that members of the Neff family came to America from Alsace- Lorraine, and settled simultaneously in Virginia, Pennsylvania and New York, in each of which States their posterity have been numerous for many generations. Amos Neff died when the subject of this sketch was about seven years old. Elizabeth Brewer, who became the wife of Amos Neff and mother of Z. A. Neff, was born in Huntingdon County, Pennsylvania. Her fa- ther, whose Christian name is supposed to have been Andrew or John Andrew, served in the Revolutionary army, and received a grant of six hundred acres of land in Wisconsin from the Gov- ernment in recognition of his services. While a young man he was captured by Indians and held a prisoner seven years. At the time of his death he lacked less than five months of completing his one-hundredth year. His daughter, Mrs. Neff, was born before the beginning of the present century, and was a strong and industrious wo- man. She died at the early age of fifty-seven, in 1856. Beside the son whose name heads this article, she had a daughter, Martha A., who is now the widow of James Amesbaugh, residing at Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Z. A. Neff grew to manhood at Blairsville, Pennsylvania, and received the full benefit of the public schools. He learned the tinner's trade, and during the Civil War had charge of the tin, cop- per and sheet-iron department of the Government railroad shops at Alexandria, Virginia, serving in that capacity throughout the war. The mili- tary railroad system was organized by the noted Andrew Carnegie, who brought to the scene of action a number of workmen, including Mr. Neff. These works grew to immense propor- tions before the close of the war. After peace came, Mr. Neff came to Chicago and opened a tin shop, to which was soon added a stock of general hardware, and he did much W. J. KEMPER. jobbing and railroad work. In the spring of 1872 he sold out and removed to Dolton, where he opened a hardware business and continued it about twenty years. He was appointed Post- master at Dolton by President Garfield, and re- appointed by President Harrison, serving in all about ten years. He is at present Clerk of the Village of Dolton, and since 1891 has been a County Constable, the duties of that office oc- cupying most of his time. During the time when not otherwise occupied, he does considerable col- lecting for Chicago houses, and on all occasions has shown himself to be a reliable, industrious and capable business man. He was married April n, 1872, to Miss Sarah S. Harter, who was born in Delaware, Ohio, and came to Illinois with her parents in 1843, theirs being the second family to locate on the site of the present village of Dolton. Mrs. Neffis the only child of John Harter and his second wife, Elizabeth, whose maiden name was Rheem. Her father had six other children, all of whom are or have been well-known citizens of Dolton. Mrs. Elizabeth Harter sprang from a distinguished fam- ily in Pennsylvania. She was a native of Rox- bury, Cumberland County, Pennsylvania, and died at Dolton in August, 1843. She was first married to William Grearson. The only son of this union, George W. Grearson, was killed by the explosion of a tug in the Chicago harbor in 1863. Mr. Neff aided in the organization of a lodge of the Independent Order of Odd Fellows at Dolton, which has since surrendered its charter. He has always been a Republican in his political allegi- ance, and has voted for every presidential candi- date of that party since attaining his majority, including John C. Fremont in 1856. He has always been a public-spirited and useful citizen, and enjoys the respect of all his associates. WILLIAM J. KEMPER. fDGjlLLIAM JOHN KEMPER, one of theold- \A/ es * res idents f Chicago, who gained a V Y competence here by his characteristic Ger- man industry, frugality and integrity, was born on the 2d of February, 1816, in the Province of Osnabrueck, Hanover, Germany. His parents were Juergen Bernhardt and Katharine (Schuster) Kemper. The latter died at the age of fifty-two years in Germany. The father came to America in 1840, and settled in Chicago, where he died twelve years later. The subject of this sketch received his primary education in the public schools of Germany. From fourteen to eighteen years of age he worked as a farm laborer for one employer. On reach- ing his majority he put into execution his pre- viously conceived determination to seek his fort- une in the new and free world beyond the seas. He landed in New York in 1836, and found em- ployment, in company with his brother, John Kemper, in a tannery in Sullivan County, New York. May 14, 1837, he settled in Chicago. His first employment here was in the capacity of cook, serving the people engaged in developing a Gov- ernment harbor in the Chicago River. For sev- eral years subsequently he was employed by the lale John Wentworth and others. His next em- ployment was in the milk business with Lill & Diversey, who were established at the foot of Chicago Avenue. In 1843 he engaged in the milk and vegetable business on his own account, and continued this for twenty-one years, or until he retired in 1864. By his honesty and strict W. J. McELDOWNEY. attention to business he gained favor in the eyes of the public, and was known and respected throughout the northern part of the city. In 1848 Mr. Kemper bought the block of ground bounded by Orchard and Larrabee Streets and Fullerton and Belden Avenues. This ground has appreciated immensely in value since then, and it has been gradually sold off, except a plot at the corner of Orchard Street and Fullerton Avenue, one hundred and thirty by one hundred and seventy-five feet in dimensions, where Mr. Kemper has his home, in the midst of one of the most beautiful residence districts in the city. The great fire of 1871 destroyed two large houses which he owned at the corner of Wells and Hill Streets. On the i gth of July, 1843, in Chicago, Mr. Kem- per was married to Miss Katharine Toenigen, a native of the Province of Otersberg, Hanover, Germany. She is a daughter of Nicholas and Mary (Gerken) Toenigen. Mrs. Kemper is the second of two daughters born to her parents; she was robbed of her mother by death at the age of eleven years. She came to America with her sister, Mrs. Henry Knopp, in 1842. Nine chil- dren have been given to Mr. and Mrs. Kemper, namely: Anna Marie, Katharine, John, Louise, Christina, Margaret, William Henry, Edward Hermann and Richard George. The eldest and second sons are now deceased. The second daughter is the wife of F. Kruse; the next mar- ried Frank Pfunder; the fourth is Mrs. William Ermeling; and the fifth is the wife of Charles Baltz. The surviving sons married respectively Stella and Anna Sourwine. All are happily set- tled in business and social life in Chicago. Anna Marie has devoted her life to her parents, and is the stay and comfort of their old age. One of the most joyful events in the history of the fam- ily was the celebration, in 1893, of the golden wedding anniversary of the parents, who are still in the enjoyment of good health, and have dwelt for forty-five years in the same place. They are associated with the Evangelical Association, be- ing identified with the Wisconsin Street Church. Mr. Kemper voted for the elder Harrison, and has supported the Whig or Republican ticket ever since. WILLIAM J. McELDOWNEY. JOHN McELDOWNEY, Pres- identofthe Bank of Chicago Heights, a son of John McEldowney , whose biography appears in these pages, have inherited many of the qualities which made his father a leading and influential citizen. He is honest, straightfor- ward and friendly, and keeps in view the welfare of his fellows and of the community. He was born June 30, 1843, in Bloom, and spent his boy- hood on his father's farm in his native town. In childhood, and in the intervals of farm labor in later years, he attended the common school of the neighborhood, and finished his studies at Lake Forest Academy. Soon after the completion of his nineteenth year, in October, 1862, he enlisted in his country's serv- ice in the suppression of rebellion. He became a member of Company M, Fourteenth Regiment of Illinois Cavalry, under Colonel Capron. He served nine months in Kentucky, and was dis- charged at the end of that time, with the rank of sergeant. C. D. HEWS, A. M., M. D. 53 On his return to Bloom in 1863, Mr. McEl- dowuey entered the store of James Hunter in the village, and continued in his service until the spring of 1868. He then purchased a farm of one hundred and twenty acres, which he subsequent- ly increased to two hundred and sixty acres in Bloom Township; this he retained and tilled until 1892, when he sold a quarter-section to the Chi- cago Heights Land Association. The remaining one hundred acres, adjoining the village, he still retains. Upon the organization of the Bank of Chicago Heights, January i, 1893, in which he was in- strumental, Mr. McEldowney was elected its pres- ident and has filled that position since. He is a member of the Presbyterian Church of Chicago Heights, of which he is treasurer and a member of the board of trustees. He has always taken an intelligent interest in the conduct of local affairs, and has often been selected to act in their administration. He has been Supervisor several years, and has also been Town Treasurer. He is a steadfast Republican in general political prin- ciple. He was married October 22,1866, to Miss Mary H. McQueen, a native of Elgin, Illinois, daugh- ter of George and Margaret (McCormick) Mc- Queen, both natives of Scotland. Five children complete the family of Mr. and Mrs. McEldown- ey, namely: John Howard, commercial editor of the Chicago Tribune; George I., book-keeper of the Chicago Heights Bank; Annie, William Frank and Ralph. As the result of his industry, prudence and sagacity, Mr. McEldowney is now at the head of one of the soundest and most suc- cessful business institutions of the community, and enjoys the respect and friendship of his fellow-citizens. CHARLES D. HEWS, A. M., M. D. (TJHARLES DEANEHEWS, A. M., M. D., I ( the first medical practitioner at Roseland, \J was born at La Porte, Indiana, April 5, 1846. His parents, Dr. Richard B. Hews and Jane Elizabeth Spaulding, were natives of Penn- sylvania, and became early settlers in northern Indiana. His paternal grandfather, Bursten Hews, was an Englishman, who crossed the ocean and located in the Keystone State about the beginning of the present century. He kept an inn at Can- ton Corners, in Bradford County. His wife was an offspring of the famous Clendenning family of Scotland. She was a lady of extraordinary physical vigor, and a devout adherent of the Baptist faith. She was accustomed to walk twen- ty miles and back regularly each Sabbath (proba- bly to Towanda) to reach the nearest point at which she could enjoy the close communion of that sect. Even in old age she persistently de- clined the services of a carriage in going to church. She died at La Porte, Indiana, at the venerable age of ninety-six years. Dr. R. B. Hews studied medicine at Phila- delphia, and became a practitioner of the "Thom- sonian" school. About 1830 he removed to La Porte, making the journey with a horse and sleigh, accompanied by his wife. He practiced there several years and also engaged in mer- cantile business, opening the first store in the place, and bringing his goods from Detroit by team. In addition to these pursuits, he oper- ated extensively in real estate upon the present 54 C. D. HEWS, A. M., M. D. site of Joliet, Illinois, and other Western cities. The ground now occupied by the Union Depot at Kansas City was purchased by him before any one had dreamed of a railroad at that point. His death occurred at L,a Porte in 1892, at the age of eighty-six years. Mrs. Jane E. Hews is still liv- ing at the last-named place, at the age of seventy- six years. Her father, Charles Spaulding, was also of English lineage. Dr. and Mrs. R. B. Hews were the parents of nine children, two of whom died in infancy. Robert is a resident of Oakland, California, where he is Commissioner of Public Works. William, a prominent business man of Kansas City, is a veteran of the Forty- eighth Indiana Volunteers. James died in 1895, in Chicago, while Assistant Auditor of the Wis- consin Central Railroad. Charles D. is the next in order of birth. Mary J. is the wife of George H. Serviss, a banker of New Carlisle, Indiana. Elizabeth died in 1884, at L,a Porte, Indiana, where Kittie, the youngest, now resides. Dr. C. D. Hews evidently inherits the vigor- ous constitution and tendency to longevity which distinguished his progenitors. He received a liberal education, first taking a course at Hills- dale College, Hillsdale, Michigan, from which he received the degree of Master of Arts. In 1864 he became a student at the Chicago University, and later attended the University of Michigan at Ann Arbor, graduating from that famous in- stitution in 1869, with the title of Doctor of Medi- cine. He had previously practiced about one year at Marengo, Illinois, with Dr. Green, one of the oldest surgeons in the State. Soon after leaving Ann Arbor he located at Roseland, where he has ever since been engaged in the active practice of medicine and surgery. When he came to this place the nearest physicians were at Blue Island and Hyde Park, and his practice extended for miles through the surround- ing country. Though his field of usefulness has been curtailed geographically, if measured by the number of patients treated it has been constantly increasing, and his popularity has been well merited. He is a member of the Chicago and Illinois Medical Societies. During Sherman's Atlanta campaign, in 1864, Dr. Hews enlisted under the call for three hundred thousand troops for one hundred days' service, and was enrolled in Company B, One Hundred and Thirty-eighth Indiana Infantry. He served un- der General Milroy, and accompanied the expedi- tion as far as Atlanta. He took part in a num- ber of skirmishes with Texas rangers, and other guerrilla bands. While encamped at Tantallon , Tennessee, his company, while on a foraging ex- pedition a few miles from camp, was surprised and captured by a Confederate force under Gen- eral Forrest, who was on the way to destroy Elk River Bridge, on the Nashville & Chattanooga Railroad. Not wishing to be encumbered by prisoners, the enemy were content with confiscat- ing all the clothing, money and other valuables of the Union men, who were obliged to work their way back to camp as best they could, and were afterward jeered by their comrades on ac- count of their scanty toilet. In common with the other volunteers who responded to that call, the Doctor received a certificate of thanks, which was signed by President Lincoln and Secretary Stan- ton ; this he still cherishes among his most valued relics. The Doctor was married in 1876, and has one daughter, Carrie Hews, now a student at Loretto Academy, Loretto, Kentucky. He is a member of the Masonic order, and has always been a Democrat in political sentiments. He served two terms as a member of the Board of Trustees of the village of Hyde Park (now the Thirty-fourth Ward of the city of Chicago) . He has always been interested in promoting public works, and was instrumental in securing the first appropria- tion for the improvement of Michigan Avenue through the village of Roseland, and in straight- ening that thoroughfare from Roseland to the Calumet River. Though his professional services are in almost constant demand, he finds time to keep well informed on the leading public ques- tions of the day, and displays independent judg- ment in forming and expressing his opinion. He keeps thoroughly abreast of the times on all pro- fessional and scientific subjects, and his library and instrumental appliances embrace all the latest and best productions in those fields. G. H. PETERMAN. 55 GEORGE H. PETERMAN. HENRY PETERMAN is one of l_ the oldest and most faithful employes of vU Pullman's Palace Car Company. His youth was spent upon the banks of the Potomac River, and his lineage has been traced from some of the early pioneers of the valley of that historic stream, a region famous for the production of men of sterling character and self-sacrificing devotion to principle. His parents were John Foster Peter- man and Pamelia Rosina Grosh. John F. Peterman was a son of G. W. Peter- man, a veteran of the War of 1 8 1 2 . He probably enlisted from Virginia, but was later found in Mercersburgh, Pennsylvania. He was a native of Martinsburgh, Virginia, and his mother's maiden name was Lingefelder. Her family at one time owned a tract of land in the city of Washington, including the site of some of the United States Government buildings. G. W. Peterman died January 21, 1845, aged fifty-seven years. His wife, Mary Catherine Tabler, died February 20, 1859, a ' the age of sixty-three. She was a native of Virginia, of German descent. John F. Peterman was born at Mercersburgh, Pennsylvania, and died at the age of fifty-four years, December 16, 1872, in Cumberland, Mary- land. He was a carpenter contractor by oc- cupation. Mrs. P. R. Peterman was a daugh- ter of Henry Grosh and Prudence M. L,eggett. Henry Grosh 's grandparents came from Bavaria before the Revolutionary War, and located at Graceham, Maryland. Frederick, the father of Henry Grosh, was born there about 1775. Frederick Grosh' s mother-in-law, Mrs. Smith, was captured by Indians during the Revolu- tionary War, was held a captive seven years, and died soon after her release. Henry Grosh was a baker and confectioner at Williamsport, Maryland, and also practiced the Thomsonian system of medicine. He died there at the age of eighty-seven years. Mrs. Peterman is the eld- est of his twelve children, and is now living at Pullman, aged seventy-four years. Her mother's people were of English lineage, and conspicuous for their longevity. The family was founded in the United States by two brothers, one of whom reached the great age of one hundred and twelve years. George H. Peterman was born at Cumberland, Maryland, November 10, 1846. He was there- fore less than sixteen years of age when the ani- mosities which had long agitated the people of the two great sections of the country culminated in civil war. Cumberland was destined to see much of the ravages of the strife. The majority of its people sympathized with the Confederate cause, and those inclined to be loyal to the Gov- ernment hesitated about taking any decisive action. Young Peterman was enthusiastic in the Union cause, and taking up a collection among those of his schoolmates who were patriotically inclined, purchased a few yards of bunting, which his mother sewed into a flag. This was raised on the public square and carefully guarded by the boys to prevent its destruction, which had been threatened. This was the first United States flag raised in the town after the beginning of hostilities. Young Peterman watched the progress of the war with impatience for two years, then enlisted, April n, 1863, in Company H, Third Maryland Potomac Home Brigade. He was JOSEPH CALDWELL. mustered out May 29, 1865, having served in the Middle Department, under Gen. Lew Wal- lace. Just previous to the battle of Monocacy, he received a bayonet wound in the groin, but continued on duty regularly. He took part in the battle of Monocacy, in Sheridan's entire campaign in the Shenandoah Valley, and in other minor engagements, and was with the regi- ment constantly except when on detached duty. After the war Mr. Peterman became a house car- penter at Cumberland, and thence removed to Newark, Ohio. In June, 1881, he came to Pullman, where he at once began work for the Pullman Company. He worked at house-building for a year or two, and then entered the car-shops. For the past twelve years he has been continuously employed in the trimming department, a fact which testifies to his skill and reliability. He was married September 27, 1892, to Miss Delilah V. Clem, of Baltimore, Maryland, daugh- ter of William S. and Julia Ann (Favorite) Clem. William S. Clem was a miller by trade, and when the war began he was employed at Culpeper Courthouse, Virginia. Though he sympathized with the Confederate cause, he took no part in the struggle, but during the disorder which pre- vailed there he was murdered. His wife died in 1852, soon after which event Mrs. Peterman went to live with her grandfather, George Favorite, at Mechanicstown (now Thurmont), Maryland, where most of her childhood was passed. She was reared in the Baptist faith, and her husband in that of the Lutheran Church. Mr. Peterman is a member of J. B. Wyman Post No. 521, Grand Army of the Republic, at Pullman, and of Cum- berland Lodge No. 60, Knights of Pythias, at Cumberland, Maryland. A stanch Republican from boyhood, in the fall of 1893 he helped to organize the Pullman McKinley Club, the first in the United States. It now has over seven hun- dred members. JOSEPH CALDWELL. (JOSEPH CALDWELL, a prosperous mer- I chant of Chicago Heights, represents one of G/ the oldest families of the southern part of Cook County. He was born October 22, 1847, in the township where he resides, and is a son of John and Mary Jane (Caldwell) Caldwell. John Caldwell was a native of Glasgow, Scotland. His father, Hugh Caldwell, died during his child- hood, and he lived with his grandfather, a farmer and milk dealer, in Kilbarton. Peter, a brother of John Caldwell, became an extensive mason contractor at Glasgow, Larges and Paisley. He fitted the system of gas lights for the streets of Larges and built a wall around the cemetery there. He died on the first night that the streets were lighted by gas, and his body was the first interred in the cemetery. John Caldwell came to America at the age of eighteen years and landed at Montreal, Canada, June i, 1833. About a year later he went to Detroit, Michigan, and for the next ten years he was employed most of the time in driving the stage on the Tuttle Brothers' line from Detroit to Chicago. Four and six horses were driven to each coach, and besides carrying the mail a thriv- ing business was done in the transportation of passengers. The only competitor of this line was that of Frink & Walker, and frequent races were indulged in by the drivers of rival stages, who were always ambitious to be the first to arrive at each point with their loads of human freight. Though there was an occasional breakdown or capsizal, and more zeal than prudence was some- time displayed by the drivers, everyone enjoyed JOSEPH CALDWELL. 57 the sport. Mr. Caldwell was always fond of re- lating reminiscences of those pioneer days. Mr. Caldwell was subsequently employed in a grain elevator at Michigan City, Indiana, and drove a team about one year between Chicago and Joliet, hauling supplies for contractors on the Illinois and Michigan Canal. At one time his buffalo robe was stolen by some of the workmen on the canal, many of whom were desperate char- acters. He searched about until he found it, con- cealed under the bunk where they slept. Find- ing themselves detected, they threatened to take his life, but were restored to good humor by a treat of liquor, and Mr. Caldwell was ever after one of the most popular men on the road. In 1844 he pre-empted a farm in Bloom Town- ship, and the following year added to this by the purchase of eighty acres from the Government at one and one-fourth dollars per acre. He then built a cabin and began cultivating his farm, to which additions were made from time to time, his present homestead being purchased in 1856. He became the owner of more than half a section in all, and lived thereon continuously until his death, which occurred August 26, 1886, his age at that time being more than seventy-two years. He was a thrifty farmer and an earnest Christian. Soon after locating in Bloom, he became one of the prime movers in organizing a Presbyterian Church at the present location of Chicago Heights, and he served as an Elder of this so- ciety for many years. Later he united with the Presbyterian Church at Homewood, in which he was an Elder the balance of his life. On Christmas Day of the year 1844, Mr. Cald- well was married to Miss Mary Jane, daughter of Joseph Caldwell, one of the earliest settlers of Bloom Township, who located there in 1838 and purchased four hundred acres of land from the United States Government. Mrs. Caldwell sur- vives, at the age of seventy-four years, residing on the homestead farm, a part of which has never changed hands since pre-empted by her husband. She was born at Belmalone, County Tyrone, Ire- land, and came to America with her parents in 1826. The family lived at Lennoxville, Canada, and continued to reside there until their removal to Cook County, in 1838. While en route by way of the Erie Canal, Mrs. Caldwell saw a train of cars for the first time in her life. Her father died in Bloom, April 29, 1860, aged seventy- seven years. His wife, Dorothy (Jack), survived until February 22, 1872, reaching the advanced age of eighty-three years. The following is a record of their offspring: James died November i, 1864. Rosanna, Mrs. John Little, born October i, 1817, died March 2, 1883. Archibald, born June 13, 1820, died November 18, 1892. Mary J., Mrs. John Caldwell, was born Augusts, 1822. Thomas, born September i, 1826, died June 16, 1881. Eliza, wife of William Caskey, born De- cember 7, 1828, died February 21, 1854. Martha, born October 15, 1829, is the widow of James Orr, residing at Harvey, Illinois. Dorothy, born June to, 1831, is the wife of James Brisbane, of New Lenox, Illinois. Mrs. Caldwell is quite active in mind and body, and exhibits her remarkable memory of events and dates. She often recalls the time when the prairie surrounding her home was almost unin- habited, and the groves which now dot the land- scape consisted of mere shrubs. None of the streams had been bridged when she came to this county, and travelers were obliged to make long detours to avoid those which were too deep to be forded. She had been the mother of eleven chil- dren, five of whom died in infancy. A record of the others is as follows: Julia was born October 1 1 , 1845; Joseph was born October 22, 1847; Maria, Mrs. H. M. Goodell, residing at Titusville, Florida, was born October 23, 1855; James was born June 21, 1857; John, born October 10, 1859, died June 28, 1878; Edward, born June 26, 1861, is now in business in New York City. Joseph Caldwell, whose name heads this article, grew to manhood on his father's farm, which he helped to cultivate and improve, attending the public schools of the district in the intervals of this labor. He spent two years at Lake Forest University , and then returned to the farm. He was married March 26, 1874, to Catherine R., daugh- ter of Robert Wallace, of whom further mention is made in this volume in the biography of E. A. Wallace. Mrs. Caldwell was born in the town- DR. j. MCLEAN. ship in which she resides, and has presented her husband with six children, namely: Clara Jane, Anna Maria, Martha Janett, Mertie Lorena, John and Jesse. Soon after his marriage Mr. Caldwell took charge of the farm of his father-in-law, which he continued to operate until 1890, maintaining an extensive dairy. In the last-named year two hun- dred and forty-one acres of this land were sold to the Chicago Heights Land Association, constitut- ing the first ground subdivided by that corpora- tion. Mr. Caldwell then purchased a general merchandise store in the village, where he has since been continuously engaged in trade. He is a progressive, public- spirited and reliable citizen, and has often been called upon to fill positions of trust by his fellow-townsmen. He has been a School Director for the past twelve years, and School Treasurer of the township eight years. He is Clerk of the Board of Education at the present time, and was thirteen years Treasurer of the Union Detective Association. He has been a steadfast Republican, and from early life a mem- ber of the Presbyterian Church, and was sixteen years Secretary and Treasurer of the Union Sun- day-school Association. DR. J. McLEAN. 0R. JOHN McLEAN is the able surgeon em- ployed by the Pullman Palace Car Com- pany to attend any of its employes who may be accidentally hurt while in pursuit of its duties. He is also engaged in a general practice of medi- cine and surgery at Pullman, and during his residence of fifteen years in that beautiful suburb has come to be regarded as one of the most ex- emplary and useful citizens in the town. He is remotely descended from the celebrated clan Mc- Lean of Scotland, which includes among its poster- ity many noted citizens of the United States. John McLean, great-grandfather of the Doctor, was born near Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, where he grew to manhood and married. About 1750 he removed to Greensboro, North Carolina, and built a house of cedar logs there, which is still occupied by some of his descendants. One of his sons, Joseph McLean, served in the Continental army. Robert McLean, another son of John McLean, was born at Guilford Courthouse, North Carolina, in 1763. He was a pioneer of Illinois, going to Franklin County in 1818. He erected a log house there, and returned to his native State, whence he brought his family the next spring. His wife was Jean Akin, a native of North Caro- lina, of Scotch descent. Two of her brothers were volunteers in the American army at the bat- tle of Guilford Courthouse. James Akin McLean, son of Robert and Jean McLean, was born March 25, 1809, in Guilford County, North Carolina. He became an ex- tensive farmer and stockman of Franklin County, Illinois. During the Black Hawk War he served under Captain Ewing, in Colonel De Ment's regi- ment, and took part in the engagement at Kel- logg' s Grove. While on this expedition he visited Fort Dearborn, where he met General Scott. J. A. McLean's wife, Lydia Smith, was born near Macon, Georgia, and was the daughter of James Smith, a native of the same State, who became a resident of Illinois in 1820. The Smith family was of English ancestry. Dr. John McLean, son of James Akin and Lydia McLean, was born in Franklin County, Illinois, October 7, 1837. His early life was spent on a farm, working during the summer and autumn, and attending school about three months each winter. At the age of twenty he began the F. B. MOORE, M. D., B. S. 59 study of medicine in the office of Dr. Francis Ronalds, then residing in Benton, Illinois. Dur- ing the winter of 1 860-61 he attended the St. Louis Medical College. In the following July he enlisted, and on the loth of August he was mustered in the Fortieth Regiment, Illinois Infantry. On the I4th of the following November he was commissioned Second Lieutenant of Company A of this regiment. He was present at the capture of Paducah and took part in the battle of Shiloh, where he received a serious wound, April 6, 1862, necessitating the amputation of his left foot. The regiment was highly complimented by the commander, General Sherman, for holding its ground under the enemy's fire after its supply of cartridges was exhausted. September 23, 1862, he resigned his commis- sion, but afterwards volunteered his services as a surgeon to accompany an expedition sent by the Sanitary Commission from Chicago. They pro- ceeded by steamboat to Vicksburg and picked up a load of sick and wounded soldiers, which they brought up the river. He then entered Rush Medical College at Chicago, from which he grad- uated in 1863. In June of that year he located at Duquoin, Illinois, where he practiced medi- cine and surgery until October, 1881. At this date he accepted the position of surgeon of the Pullman Palace Car Company and removed to his present residence. Dr. McLean was married in 1870 to Eugenie Paris, daughter of David and Elizabeth Paris, of Bloomington, Illinois. They have one son, Guy Marshall McLean, a practicing physician of La Porte, Indiana. The Doctor is associated with numerous fra- ternal and benevolent organizations, as well as professional societies, including the American Medical Association, the Academy of Railroad Surgeons, the Royal Arcanum, Independent Or- der of Odd Fellows, Knights of Pythias; J. B. Wyman Post, Grand Army of the Republic, and Illinois Commandery of the Loyal Legion. A life-long Republican, he takes little interest in local political strife, but entertains well-defined views of the leading political questions of the day. A man of self-reliance and much force of char- acter, he exerts a powerful and beneficent influ- ence in the community. FLOYD B. MOORE, M. D., B. S. f~LOYD BROWN MOORE, M. D., B. S., fills r3 a prominent position in the professional and I f social circles of Pullman, Roseland and other southern suburbs of Chicago. He was born December 13, 1866, at Brockville, Canada, and his parents, Abner Daniel and Betsey Jane (Brown) Moore, were natives of the same locality. Abner D. Moore is a son of Frederick Moore, whose parents came from Ireland and settled in Canada about the beginning of the present cent- ury. Frederick Moore is still living on a farm at Brockville, at the venerable age of eighty-four years. Abner D. Moore has been a speculator in grain and live stock nearly all his life. In 1867 he went to Portage, Wisconsin, and removed thence, two years later, to Fort Dodge, Iowa. He subsequently moved to Manson, in the same State, and is now living, at the age of fifty-five years, in Brockville, Canada. His wife, Betsey J. Moore, died in Manson, Iowa, in 1889. Her parents were natives of Canada, of English lineage. Dr. F. B. Moore graduated from the High School of Manson, Iowa, after which he entered the Northern Indiana Normal School at Val- paraiso, Indiana. After spending two years upon the scientific course of that institution, he grad- 6o LOUIS OSWALD. uated, in 1886, with the degree of Bachelor of Science. He then entered the Chicago Medical College (now Northwestern University Medical School), and in April, 1889, received the degree of Doctor of Medicine from that college. He immediately entered upon the practice of medicine at Pullman, where he has since re- mained, with gratifying and pecuniary success. In the spring of 1896 he built a modern brick residence at Roseland, in which he maintains an office, as well as at Pullman. He follows the general practice of both medicine and surgery, and has been enabled by his success to invest to some extent in suburban real estate, which he improves from time to time, and thus adds to the general prosperity of the community. Dr. Moore was married in November, 1891, to Miss Mattie Alice Rolston, of Kensington, daugh- ter of John M. Rolston, a well-known undertaker of Chicago, now deceased. Dr. Moore is identified with numerous social, fraternal and beneficial orders, in most of which he fills the position of examinimg surgeon. These include Prosperity Lodge, Independent Order of Odd Fellows; Palace Lodge, Pullman Chapter and Calumet Commandery, of the Masonic order; Calumet Lodge, Knights of Pythias; Pullman Council, National Union; Royal Council, Royal League; Pullman Tribe of Ben Hur, and the South Side Physicians' Club. He has been health officer of the South Side district for several months, and is now public vaccinator. He is local examining physician for a number of the leading life insurance companies of the United States, and is a useful and influential citi- zen, of whom any community might well be proud. He amply merits the prosperity and popularity which he enjoys. Politically he is independent, putting the man above party, and patriotism above politics. LOUIS OSWALD I GUIS OSWALD, one of the leading mer- I C chants of the southern portion of the county, \ J is a finely educated representative of a good German family. He was born in one of the beautiful villages which border the Rhine River, namely, Saint Guarshausen, Province of Hesse- Darmstadt, Nassau, March 7, 1836. His grand- father, Henry Oswald, was a farmer, who owned an estate in Westerfeld, Germany, and his father, also named Henry, was for nearly fifty years demanenrath of the Duke of Nassau, having charge of the extensive estates of that nobleman. He was but three years younger than the present century, and died in June, 1879, at the age of seventy-six years. His wife, Carolina Zink, died in April, 1847, at the age of forty- six years. She was the daughter of Rev. William Zink, a min- ister of the Evangelical Church, for many years pastor at Homburg for der Hoche. Louis Oswald attended the gymnasium at Wiesbaden, studying pharmacy and chemistry, and graduating in these branches at the early age of seventeen years. Immediately after this he came to America, and remained several months in New York City, where he found employment in a drug store. In April, 1854, he came to Chicago, and entered the drug store of Dr. Philip Mathie, on State Street, between Adams and Monroe. This store was then on the outskirts of the city, and Mr. Oswald boarded in a house on the pres- ent site of the Chicago, Rock Island & Pacific station. The cholera raged through the first season of his residence here, and the young emi- grant had ample opportunity to observe its effects. G. VAN DER SYDE. 61 The drug store in which he was employed was in a hotel building, in which more than forty people died of this terrible scourge during the season. In 1856 Mr. Oswald went to Homewood, and accepted a position in a general store kept by Herbert & Zimmer, with whom he remained eighteen months. He then entered a branch store there, operated by Charles Robinson, of Blue Is- land, which was later conducted by Robinson, Hastings & Company. In 1859 he removed to Bloom (now Chicago Heights), which village then contained two stores, a blacksmith shop, wagon shop and paint shop. After working as a clerk one year in the gen- eral merchandise store of James Hunter, he be- came a partner in the firm of S. B. Eakin & Com- pany, which conducted a similar establishment. In 1865 he bought out the interest of Mr. Eakin, and has ever since conducted the business alone. He was Postmaster from 1865 to 1893, a period of twenty-eight years, and in 1876 his original store building was greatly enlarged. For many years he bought and shipped grain from this station, which was originally established by the Michigan Central Railroad Company, on account of his business. Mr. Oswald was married May 2, 1861, to Miss Mary, daughter of Jacob and Barbara (Sauter) Claus. Jacob Claus, who was an engineer, lost his life by drowning in the Chicago Harbor. Bar- bara Sauter came in 1832 (then a young girl) to Chicago, in company with the family of John H. Kinzie, on the first steamer which landed here. Mrs. Oswald was born in Michigan City, Indiana, and died December 6, 1888, aged forty years. Five of her seven children are living, the others having died in childhood. Dr. Julius W. Oswald, the eldest, is a surgeon in the Alexian Brothers' Hospital in Chicago. Otto A. is a clerk in his father's store. Frederick C. is a student in the Chicago Art Institute, and Cora B. and Florence B. remain with their father. Mr. Oswald has just reason to be proud of his children (all of whom are finely educated) and of his business record. He was a member of the Evangelical Church in youth, but is not now connected with any society. He cast his first Presidential vote for Gen. John C. Fremont, and has voted for every Presidential candidate since. He was Col- lector of Bloom Township in 1863, and takes a warm interest in public schools, serving for many years as School Trustee and Director of his district. GORIS VAN DER SYDE. SORIS VAN DER SYDE is one of the earliest settlers at Roseland, and has been largely instrumental in promoting the growth and development of that thriving suburb. His par- ents were Leonard and Line (Steanberg) Van derSyde, who, with their family, joined the party which originally settled at this place in 1849. The father, who had been a butcher in the Fa- therland, became the owner of ten acres of land on the west side of what is now Michigan Ave- nue. He carried on the business of a market- gardener until the growth of the town necessitated the subdivision of his land for building purposes. Some of the principal residences and business blocks of the village now stand upon this site. His death occurred October 8, 1875, at the age of seventy-two years. His wife, who was born in the same year as her husband, survived until February 24, 1877. Their children are Goris, subject proper of this notice; Line, widow of 62 G. VAN DER SYDE. Peter Dalenberg, of Roseland; Agnes, Mrs. John Ton, of the same place; and Nellie, Mrs. John Prince, now deceased. Goris Van der Syde was born at Numansdorp, Province of South Holland, December 13, 1827. He was educated in his native town, and after coming to this country attended an English school one winter. He has always been an ex- tensive reader, and speaks and writes the English language accurately. When the family located here, deer, wolves and other wild game roamed over the. prairie about their home. Having been reared in a thickly populated country, the young- er members of the family were at first afraid to wander far from the house, but soon became ac- customed to their new surroundings. He engaged in the meat business at first, but a few years later, in 1852, opened the first store in the town, and continued in mercantile business until 1880, when he retired from active pursuits, being succeeded by his son, who now conducts one of the leading stores in Roseland. For several years after Mr. Van der Syde came here there were but two houses on Halsted Street between his place and Twelfth Street, that being the road which he usually traveled with his ox-team to bring his goods from the city. At first their postoffice was at Chicago, but after the Illinois Central Railroad was built to Kensington an office was established at that place, known as Calumet Junction. In 1861 this office was removed to Roseland, and named Hope, that name being aft- erwards changed to Roseland. Mr. Van der Syde was appointed the first Postmaster at this place, and held the office continuously for twenty-five years, through successive changes in the national administration. Realizing that there was a great future for in- vestors in real estate, about 1860 Mr. Van derSyde bought eighty acres, in company with his brother- in-law, Mr. Dalenberg, the price of the tract be- ing eleven hundred dollars. This they afterwards divided, each taking forty acres. Soon after pur- chasing land here, Mr. Van der Syde planted a great many shade trees, finding recreation from his indoor pursuits in this manner. These shade trees are now the pride and ornament of the town, and have greatly enhanced the value of his prop- erty. Mr. Van der Syde subsequently sold thirty- three acres of his property for $66,000, and the whole has been subdivided and mostly built up with residences and business blocks, all being now included in the city of Chicago. He has in- vested quite extensively in farming lands in New- ton County, Indiana, where he devotes consider- able attention to planting vineyards and the culti- vation of various kinds of fruits. He helped to organize the Pullman Loan and Savings Bank, and was one of the first Directors of this flourish- ing and solid institution, an office which he still holds. In December, 1856, Mr. Van der Syde was mar- ried to Engeltje De Young, daughter of Henry and Geertje (DeVreis) De Young, of South Hol- land, Cook County, Illinois. Her father died in 1893, aged nearly ninety years, and her mother in 1878, at the age of nearly eighty years. Mrs. Van der Syde was born in Puersen, South Hol- land, and came to America with her parents in 1848. Of the six children of Mr. and Mrs. Van der Syde who reached mature years, three are now living: Leonard, a prominent merchant of Rose- land; Henry, who is a farmer of Newton County, Indiana, and George, who is still at home with his parents. Those deceased are Mary, Harry and Nellie, the last named being the wife of George McCutcheon. Mr. and Mrs. Van der Syde are connected with the Dutch Reformed Church at Roseland. A Republican in politics, the former served as Col- lector of Calumet Township for two terms, and was for one term Town Clerk. When he occupied the former position the whole tax-roll of the township, which then included South Chicago, was contained in a small volume which he car- ried in a hand satchel. His duties as one of the township officials during the great Civil War re- quired him to assist in the expenditure of the bounty raised by the township to induce volun- teers to enter the service and fill its quota of troops. His public duties have always been dis- charged in a faithful and capable manner, and he enjoys the friendship and good-will of all his fel- low-citizens. LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS ALBERT J. LAMMORIS A. J. LAMMORIS. ALBERT J. LAMMORIS. G| LBERT JACOB LAMMORIS, whose career LJ strikingly illustrates the truth of the modem / I saying that "Nothing succeeds like suc- cess," was one of the self-made men of our times. He belonged to a class of young men who, though poor, find in metropolitan life the in- centives which superinduce the highest and best efforts of which men are capable; to master the disadvantages that are supposed to hinder their progress when opposed by rich and powerful rivals. The indomitable energy which char- acterized Mr. Lammoris was of a sort not to be balked by the inconveniences of poverty, and his career was a model one, in every way worthy of emulation. Although of foreign birth, he became, when yet a boy, thoroughly imbued with American ideas, and throughout his life he was actuated by that spirit of "push" which is distinctively characteristic of Americans. He was born in Gripskerk, one of the seven provinces of Gron- ingen, Holland, April 25, 1858, a son of Jacob and Johanna (De Vries) Lammoris, who came to America in 1864 and settled in Grand Haven, Michigan. Two years later they came to Chi- cago, young Albert being then eight years old. His parents were too poor to furnish him the essentials necessary to attendance on the public schools. As a boy he was naturally bright and active, having the faculty of adaptation, and could apply himself vigorously to the accomplish- ment of a purpose. But he lacked opportunities, and it was his misfortune to be deprived of the wholesome influence of home training. At the age of fourteen years he was admitted to the Industrial Home for Boys at Lansing, Michigan, where he remained one year. The influence of this institution was of the greatest benefit to him, and there he laid the foundation for a career which, though brief, has been paralleled in but few instances. In 1872 he re- turned to Chicago, being then less than fifteen years of age, practically without a home and des- titute of means. However, he was not dis- couraged by these disadvantages, but resolutely set about overcoming them, and for several years was variously employed. He had a natural aptitude for mechanics, and, acquiring a few tools, he established himself in the chair-repair- ing business. This he followed a few years, achieving sufficient success to enable him, with his scanty savings, to open a small furniture store, on the West Side, in 1881. In this venture he prospered, each year adding to the success which had begun to brighten his life. His circumstances warranting so important and necessary a step, April 13, 1882, he was united in marriage with Miss Mary L. Sherman, a young lady of talent and pleasing culture. Subsequently he opened another store in the same line of business, and successfully conducted both establishments until 1893, when he disposed of them. He had ample means now, and what, perhaps, is still better, an invaluable practical ex- 6 4 A. J. LAMMORIS. perience, which enabled him to execute a long cherished plan that of establishing cheap lodg- ing houses for the unfortunate poor of Chicago. His own early privations and battles with poverty had given him an insight into the needs of the poor, and to the betterment of their condition he now proposed to devote his time, talents and means. His plan was to furnish lodgings at the lowest price consistent with cleanliness, the minimum rates to be fifteen to twenty-five cents per day. The "Liberty House" was the first of the kind he erected, and it proved so successful that he im- mediately secured a large building on Clinton Street, now known as the "Friendship House," which he fitted up according to plans of his own. It is a mammoth house, having seven hundred twenty-five rooms, with baths, laundry, fire escapes, in short, modernly equipped throughout. From its opening the "Friendship" had a large patronage, and it continued to be deservedly popular. Subsequently Mr. Lammoris became connected with the "Arcade" and "Norwood," both houses similar in character but smaller. To the conduct of these hostelries he gave his per- sonal attention, it being to him as much a labor of love as of profit. It was his custom to give a dinner to the poor every Thanksgiving Day, feeding on some occasions eighteen hundred homeless men, at a cost of more than one thou- sand dollars. To the general relief fund of the charitable societies he was a regular and gener- ous contributor, and his donations to the boys of the Industrial Home were made semi-annually on July, fourth and at Christmas. To this in- stitution he was affectionately attached, always speaking of it as "my home," and yearly he visited it. In all his charitable works he was unostenta- tious, always giving freely of his means and in a way to attract as little attention as possible. Be- cause of his philanthropical works he was often spoken of in the public prints as "The best friend the homeless poor of Chicago ever had . " In all his habits Mr. Lammoris was decidedly tem- perate. Excesses of any kind were abhorrent to him, yet neither was he a purist of the extreme type. He knew the weaknesses of human nature, was always humanely human and his great, sympathetic heart went out in brotherly feel- ing to those unfortunates who had become slaves to the vices of appetite and passion. He was fond of travel, and in company with his wife, made five trips abroad, visiting the Paris and Vienna expositions, as well as nearly all the historic places of continental Europe and Great Britain . But it was in the public institutions for the poor and unfortunate of foreign lands that his greatest interest centered. As many of these as he could reach received his carefel scrutiny, that he might thereby be profited by this obser- vation when he came to develop certain plans which he had under deliberation pertaining to philanthropic work which he hoped to carry out in the future. Mr. Lammoris was a domestic man in the broadest sense of the term. To his family he was devoted. The noble impulses of the man are illustrated by the following incident: On his way home one night, he observed a little girl, about seven years old, on the street, alone and crying. She could give no intelligent account of herself. Pressing the waif to his bosom, he car- ried her to his home, and subsequently legally adopted her, giving her the name of Mabel S. He was an active participant in political affairs, in principle a Republican, but in no sense was he an office-seeker, the preferment of official place having no allurements for him. His death was both untimely and unexpected. From his youth he had been blessed with good health. For some months previous to his demise he had labored be- yond the point of human endurance, and being subjected to exposure as well, he took cold, which terminated in pneumonia, and after five days of suffering he passed to his reward April 2, 1895. John Sherman, father of Mrs. Lammoris, was born in England, where the years of his boy- hood were passed. His opportunities for ob- taining an education were of the best. His par- ents desired that he should enter the ministry, and to that end he was prepared in that old and famously historic seat of learning, Trinity Col- CAPT. BARTHOLOMEW QUIRK. lege, Dublin. But the life of a clergyman was not to his liking, and in consequence thereof he ran away from home and came to America, land- ing in New York a short time previous to the outbreak of the Mexican War. At the first call for troops he enlisted and was assigned to duty in the marine service and actively participated in the movements of that department during the war. He received several wounds in action, none of which was of a disabling character. In New York City, in 1853, he was married to Miss Louisa Philips. In 1865 he came to Chi- cago, where he lived permanently until his death, which occurred March 7, 1890, at the age of seventy-one years. Many years of his life were devoted to travel, and he visited most parts of the inhabited, civilized globe. He possessed a genial, sunny nature, which made him a great socral favorite, and he was deservedly popular with those who justly appreciate refinement and courtly grace. Mrs. Sherman is a descendant of an old New York family, a lady of many pleas- ing qualities. She resides with Mrs. Lammoris, her only surviving child. CAPT. BARTHOLOMEW QUIRK. EAPT. BARTHOLOMEW QUIRK was born in March, 1836, in Castle Gregory, County Kerry, Ireland. His ancestors were tillers of the soil. His parents, Francis and Ellen (Lynch) Quirk, were natives of the same town where he was born a beautiful site overlooking the Bay of Tralee and the Atlantic Ocean. Fur- ther mention of his ancestors will be found in the biography of James Quirk, in this work. The subject of this sketch received his educa- tion in Chicago, pursuing the primary course in the first public school of the city the old Dear- born School. He served an apprenticeship at the trade of carpenter, which occupied his time and attention for many years. With all of his broth- ers he served in the Volunteer Fire Department of early Chicago, and was a member of Red Jacket Company No. 4. He was one of the organizers of the Shields Guards, named after General and United States Senator Shields, of Mexican War fame. About ninety-five per cent, of this organization, of which Captain Quirk was one of the most active promoters, entered the Union army and did valiant service in preserving the country as a whole, being a part of the Twen- ty-third Regiment Illinois Volunteers, under the famous Col. J. A. Mulligan. Although the quota of the State had been filled, by the personal solicitation of Colonel Mulligan, President Lincoln was induced to accept the services of the regiment, whose memory has been perpetuated in the one famous song, ' ' The Mulligan Guards. ' ' In the mean time it had proceeded to Missouri and participated as an independent organization in the Battle of Lexington, where most of the regiment was captured by General Price. They were exchanged in the winter of 1861-62, and the regiment was reorganized and proceeded to Har- per's Ferry, in May, 1862, and joined the cavalry forces of General Sheridan, with whom they par- ticipated in many active engagements. Colonel Mulligan was killed near Winchester, Virginia. The regiment subsequently campaigned through- out the war under different commanders and became very much reduced in numbers, so that several of the companies were consolidated. Captain Quirk entered the service as a second lieutenant, and resigned in February, 1865, hav- ing served over three years. After the war he returned to Chicago and continued building 66 CHRISTOPHER REICH. operations, in connection with which he invested in real estate and improved property, and was quite successful. His first presidential vote was cast for Abraham Lincoln, and he has ever since been a warm adherent of the Republican party. He took a great interest in the struggles of Ire- land against British oppression, and was one of the warmest supporters of the Fenian movement. Captain Quirk served as a member of the City Council two terms, and was several years a dep- uty sheriff of Cook County. With his wife and family he adheres to the Roman Catholic Church. In 1857 he was married to Miss Jane McCarthy, and they have three children: Mary E., Helena J. and Francis I. The second daughter is the wife of Lawrence J. Reed, of Chicago. CHRISTOPHER REICH. CHRISTOPHER REICH, now living a re- 1 1 tired life in Ravenswood, is a native of \J Chicago, where his parents, Michael and Mary Ann (Tillman) Reich, were early settlers. Michael Reich was born in 1813, in Lorraine, France, and received his education in his native place, remaining with his parents until he was of age, and assisting his father, who was a dealer in tobacco. He served the term then required in the French army, which was seven years. About 1840 he emigrated to the United States, sailing from Havre and landing at New York. He came directly to Chicago, but soon removed to Saginaw, Michigan, where he found employment in a saw-mill, and received his remuneration in the product of the same. He remained two years, then sent for his wife and two children, and located in Chicago, living for a short time on Harrison Street, and then on State Street. He bought twenty-seven acres of land on the South Side, and ten acres on the North Side, and en- gaged in gardening. He cultivated this land for several years, and was very successful in this venture. He was married in his native country, and his two eldest sons were born there, four others being born in Chicago. His children were: Michael, who was drowned in Lake Michigan, while on the pleasure boat "Lady Elgin;" Mary and Jacob, deceased; Chris- topher, the subject of this notice; Caroline, wife of Peter Franzen, of Englewood; and Peter, of Lake Station, Indiana. In 1857 the family re- turned to France, with the exception of the two eldest sons. Mr. Reich had sold part of his prop- erty in Chicago, but in 1860 he returned to that city and resumed gardening. He again visited France in 1865, to look after some property he had purchased during his former visit, and he remained two years, after which he again re- turned to Chicago, and engaged in gardening. He was always thrifty in the management of his affairs, and accumulated a competence. He took an interest in public concerns, but never held an office, and supported the Democratic party. He and his wife were members of the Roman Catholic Church. Mrs. Reich died October 28, 1889, and Mr. Reich passed away January i, 1893. Christopher Reich was born March 13, 1844, receiving his primary education in the public schools of Chicago, and later attending school two years in France. He remained with his parents until he grew to manhood, assisting his father in the care of his garden until he was twenty-two years of age. When his parents went to France the second time, he and his brother Peter re- moved to Calumet, where they bought twenty- five acres of land, which they cultivated. The health of Christopher failed, and he sold his HENRY KARNATZ. 67 share of land to his brother, and traveled in Europe, learning the art of photography while there. January 3, 1867, he married Miss Mary A. Kerber, a native of Chicago, and a daughter of John and Floradiue Kerber. Her parents were natives of Baden-Baden, Germany, and were early settlers of Chicago. In 1868 Mr. Reich opened a dry-goods store on the corner of Larra- bee and Center Streets, which he conducted successfully until he lost his stock and building in the Great Fire of 1871. He rebuilt, and again engaged in business, which he continued until 1875, when he removed to Dyer, Lake County, Indiana, and kept a general store two years. He then removed to Crown Point, where he en- gaged in the same business, and five years later he returned to Chicago, and opened a store on Larrabee Street, opposite Wisconsin Street, which he conducted two years. He removed to Engle- wood, where he was proprietor of a store two years, and then retired from business on account of the death of his wife, which occurred April 12, 1891. Mr. Reich spent a year in Milwaukee, to rest and regain his health, which was then poor. Mr. and Mrs. Reich were the parents of ten children, only five of whom are now living. Their names are: John C., Margaret, Christopher, Jo- sephine and Edward. In August, 1895, Mr. Reich married Miss Catherine Leis, a native of Chicago, and daughter of Jacob Leis. In politics, Mr. Reich favors the Democratic party. He and his wife are communicants of the Roman Catho- lic Church, being identified with the parish of Our Lady of Lourdes. Mr. Reich is an honored and respected citizen of Ravenswood, and takes an active interest in the welfare of that suburb, and also of his native city. Michael Reich, the eldest son of Michael Reich, was born in 1834, in Lorraine, France, and came to Chicago with the family in 1842. He followed gardening all his life. In 1860 he married, and about three months later he was prevailed upon by friends to go on an excursion to Milwaukee. This was on the fatal eighth day of September, 1860, when the pleasure steamer, "Lady Elgin," collided with another boat, off Gross Point, and nearly all the passengers were lost. Mr. Reich was among those who perished. He was a man who took quite an interest .in public affairs, and was for some years a member of the Volunteer Fire Department of the city, being a member of Company No. 7 when first organized, and later of No. 10. He was well known and highly respected. HENRY KARNATZ. HENRY KARNATZ was born December 13, 1 86 1, in Mecklenburg-Schvverin, and is a son of Joachim and Mary (Deitlow) Karnatz, both of whom were born in the same locality. His father was a laborer, and in 1867 he moved to America with his family, starting from Ham- burg, and coining to Chicago by way of New York. In April, 1868, he came to Jefferson and rented forty-one and one-half acres, where he carried on gardening. The land is near what is now Forest Glen, and in 1877 he was able to buy it for six thousand dollars. It then contained but a few buildings, and he subsequently added good ones. Later, he bought thirteen and three- 68 E. S. OSGOOD. fourths acres. He had six children, three of whom died in Germany. The remaining three are: John, who resides on the home farm and owns a blacksmith shop near Bowmanville; Charles, who resides on a part of his father's farm; and Henry, the subject of this sketch. Joachim Karnatz died June 8, 1897, after an ill- ness of only two days, at the age of seventy-seven years, nine months and thirteen days. His wife survives him, having reached the age of seventy- fonr years. Both were members of the Evangel- ical Lutheran Church, being connected with Saint John's Church of Mayfair. Henry Karnatz attended the public school, and also the Lutheran School of Niles, then called Dutchman's Point. He left school at the age of thirteen years. He has since worked with his father on the farm, and at present he manages the part of it connected with the old home. He learned the painter's trade, and has a shop, where he does work for his brother, and sometimes for others. March 19, 1888, Henry Karnatz married Amelia Sell, who was born in Pomerania, and is a daughter of Charles and Minnie (Schroeder) Sell. Charles Sell died in 1897, in Leyden Township, where his widow still lives. Mr. and Mrs. Karnatz have four children, namely: Min- nie, Henry, John and Annie. Mr. Karnatz is a member of the same church as his parents, name- ly the Evangelical Lutheran. He is of the same political principle as his father, and supports the Republican party. He is a public-spirited and intelligent citizen, and enjoys the respect of all. EDWIN S. OSGOOD. |"~ DWIN SEW ALL OSGOOD, a well-known JO citizen of Austin, was boni November 21, I 1842, in Moulmein, in the British East Indies. He is the son of Rev. Sewall Mason and Sarah Maria (Willsey) Osgood. The Osgoods are an old English family, three of whom came to America in 1635, and settled in Massachusetts. They were William, Christopher and John, and from Christopher is descended the subject of this sketch. Emery Osgood, the father of Rev. Sewall M. Osgood, was a Baptist clergyman, whose field of labor was in western New York. Sewall M. Osgood was born in New York and there learned the printer's trade. He conducted a local news- paper at Jefferson, New York, a number of years. In 1836 he went to the East Indies, in connec- tion with the American Baptist Missionary Union, and he printed the first bible ever printed in the Burmese language. While he was there he was ordained a minister, and he continued in the missionary work until his death, in Chicago, in 1875, at the age of sixty-eight years. His wife, Sarah M. Osgood, was born in Tioga County, New York, and was of Dutch descent. She died in 1849, at about forty years of age. Edwin S. Osgood was four years old when his parents returned to the United States from India. He was educated in the common schools and in a high school in Philadelphia. In 1860 he came to Chicago, and soon after August 29, 1862 he enlisted in the Chicago Mercantile Battery, and served to the close of the war. He took part in the Vicksburg campaign, and was later in Louisiana, Texas, and Mobile, Alabama. He participated in Banks' Red River expedition, after which he was detailed in the paymaster's depart- ment, and he served in that capacity until the close of the war. After the war he returned to Chicago and en- gaged in business with a building contractor, and JOHN VAN NATTA. 69 later he was employed as solicitor and bookkeeper for the Terra Cotta Company. After this he was with H. C. & C. Durand, wholesale grocers. In 1880 he engaged' in the manufacturing busi- ness for himself, and since 1893 has been in the business of engraving and electrotj ping. He is now a member of the firm of Osgood & Company, engravers, the firm comprising Mr. Osgood and his son, Frederick S. Osgood. In 1868 Mr. Osgood was united in marriage with Elizabeth A., daughter of Timothy M. and Elizabeth (Covington) Bryan, of Philadelphia. Timothy Matlack Bryan was a grandson of Timothy Matlack, a soldier Quaker, whose picture hangs in Independence Hall, Philadelphia, in memory of his services to the country during the Revolution. Mr. and Mrs. E. S. Osgood have five children living, namely: Helen, Mrs. Henry Husted, of Austin; William P., a student in the Chicago University ; Frederick S., of the firm of Osgood & Company; Edwin H. and Elizabeth M. All the members of the family are con- nected with the Baptist Church of Austin, which village has been their home since 1871. The family furnished four of the thirteen constituent members of the First Baptist Society, and Mr. Osgood has since been an officer of the church, being at present superintendent of its Sunday- school. Mr. Osgood is a member of Kilpatrick Post, Grand Army of the Republic, at Austin. He has always been a Republican in his political views. He was two years a member of the Board of Trustees of the town of Cicero, and three years one of the school trustees. He is con- nected with all reforms in Austin, and interested in improvements, and though his business is in the city, his interest is chiefly in his home, and he is a valuable member of society in his com- munity. JOHN VAN NATTA. (lOHN VAN NATTA was one of the worthy I pioneers of Cook County, and numbered Q) among his friends most of the early settlers of northeastern Illinois. He was born in Dutch- ess County, New York, February 25, 1796, and was the son of James Van Natta, both of the lat- ter 's parents being natives of Holland. John Van Natta lived at several different points in New York, part of the time in Geneseoand Steu- ben Counties, and part of the time in Chautauqua County, where he was married. In 1832 he re- moved to Cass County, Michigan, and settled at Adamsville. As everyone in that region, includ- ing his own family, was suffering from fever and ague, he determined to seek a more salubrious climate, and accordingly, soon after the Black- hawk War, he took a trip to Illinois, and was so well suited with the country that, in 1834, he re- moved his family to this State, coming with a team and wagon. He landed in Chicago June 15, and stopped a few days at the Sauganash hotel, but decided to make his home on higher ground further west, so he continued his journey to Naperville. He made his home for a few years at Big Woods, in DuPage Count}'. As he pos- sessed one of the few horse teams in the county, he found it profitable to spend considerable of his time in freighting goods from Chicago and De- troit. He was employed by many of the emi- grants who arrived in Chicago during the next few years, to transport their families and effects to points in the interior of the State, and many of the acquaintances formed in this manner were continued through life. P. J. MAGINNIS. Later he moved to Kane County, and in 1841 he located on the western bank of the Des Plaines River, where he lived many years, and owned two hundred acres of timber and prairie land, situated on both sides of the river. His later years were spent in Chicago, where he lived some time in retirement from business cares. He was always distinguished for his gen- erosity to those of his neighbors who might be in want or trouble, and many a settler who arrived upon the prairies of Illinois a few years later than he did was supplied with seed and provisions, free of charge, by Mr. Van Natta. In 1821 he was married to Miss Polly Farns- worth, in Chautauqua County, New York. She was a native of Vermont, born in 1803. They had six sons and two daughters, namely: Ira, de- ceased; Harvey, of Trenton, Missouri; William, of McHenry County, Illinois; Mary, now Mrs. Lovett; Henry, of Littleton, Colorado; Maria L., who married George Hatchings, and died in Cedar Rapids, Iowa; Charles, of this city; and James, a resident of Cragiri, Cook County. Mrs. Polly Van Natta died in Leyden Township, Cook County, Illinois, September 12, 1851. She wasa devout member of the Baptist Church. Later Mr. Van Natta was married to Mrs. Sarah (Davidson) Fish, whose death occurred in Chicago a few years previous to that of Mr. Van Natta. In early life the latter was identified with the Baptist Church, but after his second marriage he united with the Methodist Church. He was al- ways distinguished for his uniform uprightness of character and his social, kindly disposition, which will cause him to belong remembered by all who knew him. He died near Berryville, McHenry County, Illinois, in June, 1885, in the ninetieth year of his age. PATRICK J. MAGINNIS. f"\ATRICK JOHN MAGINNIS, a self-made LX business man of Chicago and a valiant soldier [$ of the Civil War, was a native of Ireland, born March 6, 1842, in the town of Newry. His father, John Maginnis, who was a stone mason, came to America when the son was an infant. He found employment at first on Staten Island, New York, whence he proceeded to Chi- cago and finally engaged in the grocery business here. When Patrick was about eight years old he was brought to Chicago by his mother, who soon after died of cholera. The subject of this sketch was early left largely to his own resources, and rapidly developed in- dependence of character. He was largely self- educated, and worked his own way to success in life by the exercise of industry, guided by his natural talents and prudence. He acted as clerk in his father's store until the beginning of the Civil War, when he immediately offered his serv- ices in behalf of his adopted country. He was then only nineteen years old, and was twice re- jected on account of his youth, but was finally accepted, June 15, 1861, as a member of the sub- sequently famed Mulligan Guards. This com- pany was mustered into the service as Company I, Twenty- third. Regiment Illinois Volunteers. It was a fighting company and saw hard service, in which Mr. Maginnis bore his full share. He was discharged because of sickness at Lexington, Missouri, having risen to the rank of sergeant. After the war he went to Ireland to aid in the Fenian movement in the cause of Irish freedom. He was almost immediately seized by the British authorities, and spent eight months in an Irish jail. He was released near the close of the year LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS DR. A. R. SOMMERVILLE A. R. SOMMERVILLE, M. D. 1865, and returned to Chicago, bringing with him his only sister, Mary Maginnis, who became the wife of Thomas Boyle, Mr. Maginnis' sub- sequent partner in business. She died in Chi- cago March 17, 1891. For a time Mr. Maginnis was employed in a cooperage establishment, and then engaged in the grocery business. He met with success, and finally established himself in the ice business after the Great Fire of 1871. At first he was a member of the firm of Maginnis & Boyle; subsequently the enterprise passed into the hands of an incorporated company, known as the Lincoln Ice Company, which still continues, in which Mr. Maginnis held a controlling interest, and of which he was president at the time of his death, September 6, 1893. October 20, 1874, Mr. Maginnis married Miss Nellie, daughter of Thomas and Mary (Welsh) Whitty, natives of Ireland. The parents died in that country, and Mrs. Maginnis came to America in 1865. She was thirteen years old when, in company with her brother, Nicholas, aged twenty years, she came to America. She is a lady of much business acumen, and has taken her husband's place in the management of af- fairs with great success. The establishment is conducted on a large scale, and now employs eighty teams and nearly two hundred men. The children of Mr. and Mrs. Maginnis, who are re- ceiving the advantages of the best educational and social connections, are named in order of birth: Mary A., John F., Thomas B., Edward A., Charles P., Helen, Robert E. and George Washington. AGNES R. SOMMERVILLE, M. D. Gl GNES ROBENA SOMMERVILLE, M. D., L_l a prominent physician of Chicago, was born | I July 12, 1842, in Troy, New York, and is a daughter of John and Jessie (Armstrong) Som-- merville. Her father died in 1896, at the age of eighty-five years, and her mother is also deceased. They were the parents of twelve children, six daughters and the same number of sons. Agnes R. Som merville received her early edu- cation in her native town, and graduated from the Willard Seminary, one of the best schools of Eastern New York. In 1869 she was afflicted by a very severe attack of muscular rheumatism, and after having tried a great variety of medi- cines and treatments, finally decided to try the electrical cure. The science was then in its infancy, but has since advanced to a well-recog- nized place in the healing of diseases. She re- ceived the electric bath treatment, which com- pletely cured her. She was so grateful to the science for its benefits to her that she began the study of it at once, and has won great success with the "new dry bath" cure. Dr. Sommerville stands at the head of her profession, and is the only lady in Chicago who is a graduate of elec- tric therapeutics. In 1859 Miss Sommerville came to the city of Chicago to visit some friends, and while here, she met John Sommerville, whom she married in 1860, and has ever since resided in the great metropolis. She is the mother of two daughters, both of whom are married. They are: Effie, Mrs. John Clark Aubrey, and Jessie, Mrs. William Donely. Dr. A. R. Sommerville has not only followed the teachings of others, but has also made inde- T. G. SPRINGER. pendent research iu her profession. She is the patentee of several electrical instruments, which have proved a boon to the students of electricity as applied to the cure of disease. She enjoys a of offices located in McVicker's Theater Building, on Madison Street. Combined with her great business ability, and her love for her profession, she has a truly womanly character, and is honored large and lucrative practice, and occupies a suite and esteemed by all who know her. THEODORE G. SPRINGER. 'HEODORE GREEN SPRINGER. Among the truly representative men in the great metropolis of the Great West are many whose reputations have passed beyond the con- fines of the American continent, and whose names are also enrolled in the scientific annals of the European continent for giving the world new ideas in science, which have given to humanity greater comfort, thus benefiting the human race at large. Among those names should be men- tioned the subject of this sketch, whose unselfish life and devotion to science entitle him to a place in this volume. He was born February i, 1832, in Bellevernon, Fayette County, Pennsylvania, and is a de- scendant of a family distinguished in Europe. His great-grandfather, Michael Springer, born in Stockholm, in 1727, when a young man entered the service of King George of England and fought under the banner of his royal master. As a re- ward for services rendered, he received a grant of land in the American colonies, consisting of a tract of land two days' journey north and east of Fort Duquesne, now Pittsburg. The land com- prised five hundred fifty-seven acres, and was situ- ated in what is now Westmoreland Count}'. A part of the original homestead is still in the pos- session of the descendants of the family. Benjamin Franklin's name appears on the parchment which conveyed the land to Michael Springer. He im- proved the land and reared a large family. His son James was born in Westmoreland, and be- r / ,eame a thrifty manager of the patrimonial estate. He was a pioneer in developing the coal mines of southwestern Pennsylvania, and shipped its prod- uct by flatboats down the Monongahela River to Pittsburg. He was a sturdy Democrat in political matters and affiliated with the Baptist Church, but later his descendants became members of the Christian Church. He died at the age of seventy- six years. His wife, Sally Smith, was a native of Westmoreland County, and a daughter of Bar- tholomew Smith, a brave soldier of the Revolu- tion, whose death occurred while General La Fayette was making his second visit to America, and the military funeral services at the old Reho- both Cemetery were made more impressive by the General's attendance. Mrs. Sally Springer was fifty-five years old when she died. She was the mother of the following children: Martina, Theo- dore, Sophia, Anselmo, Caroline and Everill. The subject of this sketch, Theodore G. Springer, received the benefits of the schools of his county, but the ambitious boy was not satis- fied with the meager information they were then able to give. He qualified himself for a collegiate course, and in time entered Hiram College, which at that time was a shining light among educa- tional centers in Ohio. Here he improved his time, and laid the foundations for future years of study and research. He was a classmate of the lamented president, James A. Garfield, and from their acquaintance here sprang a friendship which lasted through life. After graduating, life on the S. B. HAGGARD. 73 old homestead became monotonous to the enter- prising young man and he resolved to go West. He did not come empty-handed, but was able to buy up large tracts of land and land warrants in Boone and Jasper Counties, and managed his es- tate with varying success. His mind was ever active amid his rural sur- roundings, and he invented several things of great utility to farmers, among them being a wagon brake, which is yet used quite extensively. He also invented a process for distilling water, and at about the same time a process for manufacturing an illuminating gas in hotels and farmhouses, which was the most successful of all his inven- tions, and which subsequently engaged all his attention. He took out forty or more patents, covering many useful inventions. The most noted is his invention ofsetteline gas. Mr. Pres- ton, the director of the United States mint in Washington, was one of his two partners, and they succeeded in getting out a first-class patent. Later this was sold to the old Setteline Gas Syn- dicate, which made a fortune from the manu- facture. In the interest of his inventions, and especially gas, Mr. Springer traveled extensively in Europe, where he was treated with great respect by the great scientists of the Old World, who recognized in him a genius. His water-gas invention, and its introduction, took him to France, Spain, Ger- many, Belgium and England. In the latter country he spent two and one-half years, mostly in London, and was compelled to return to America on account of the state of his health, as he was suffering from Bright's Disease, from which he finally died. Mr. Springer was a man of great determination and force of character. His perceptive and in- ventive faculties were developed to a remarkable degree, which enabled him to remember the prac- tical part of life while studying his inventions, and he left to his family a competency which will always surround them with the comforts of this world. He was always mindful of the welfare of his loved ones, which he showed in numerous ways. Mr. Springer was connected with the Masonic order, but was not a club or lodge man, as his home was his place of rest and recreation. His wife was a worthy companion of such a man. His portrait shows all that distinguishes the inventor and builder. Among his companions and fellow-men Mr. Springer stood for all that is rep- resented by honor, true manhood and integrity. His good name and his life-work are a rich legacy to coming generations, who will revere his mem- ory. He is survived by his wife and daughter, Mrs. C. W. Doton, both of Chicago. SAMUEL B. HAGGARD. (7JAMUEL BALDWIN HAGGARD, one of ^\ the surviving pioneers of Cook County, is )/ now living in retirement at Austin, and re- lates many interesting historical reminiscences of Chicago and other places. He was born near Winchester, Kentucky, Novembers, 1814, and is a son of Dawson Haggard and Charity Bald- win. The great-grandfather of Dawson Hag- gard was a Welshman by birth, but came from England to Virginia. His grandson, David, the father of Dawson, was born near Charlottesville, in that State. He was a carpenter by trade and assisted in the construction of Thomas Jefferson's magnificent mansion at Monticello, which was, no doubt, the finest residence in America at that time. David Haggard and his twin brother, Bartlett, 74 S. B. HAGGARD. who could scarcely be distinguished from each other, served alter tiately" in the Continental army under one enlistment for several years, and the for- mer was present at the surrender of Lord Corn- wallis. David Haggard afterwards removed with his family to Kentucky. They were accompanied by several other Virginia families, including the Breckenridges and Marshalls, and the journey was made by floating down the Kanawha and Ohio Rivers as far as Maysville, Kentucky, whence they went overland to Clark County. Owing to the hostility of the Indians, they were obliged at times to take refuge in a fort at Boones- boro. David Haggard lived in Clark County until 1823, when he removed to Christian County, and in 1836 he located in Bloomington, Illinois, where his death occurred seven years later, at the age of eighty years. His wife, whose maiden name was Nancy Dawson, survived until ninety years of age, passing away at Cerulean Springs, in Trigg County, Kentucky. Dawson Haggard became a farmer and also a carpenter. He lived in Clark County until about 1817, when he removed to Christian County, whence a few years later he removed to Trigg County, in the same State. His death occurred there in 1829, at the age of thirty-five years. He was a licensed preacher of the Baptist Church, and occasionally held services. After the death of her husband, Mrs. Charity Haggard removed to Indiana, and from there in 1841 removed to Bloomington, Illinois, where she died about eight years later. Her seven children are all living in Illinois, the youngest nearly seventy years of age. Their names and residences are as follows: Samuel B., Austin; Nancy, widow of Hiram Morris, Bloomington; David Dawson, of the same place; Mary Jane, widow of John Shrock, Chi- cago; Sarah Elizabeth, of the same city; John William, Bloomington; and Julia Ann, widow of John L. Matthews, Chicago. The two last-named are twins. Samuel .B. Haggard attended the frontier schools of Kentucky, in which State he also learned the trade of carpenter. In 1835 he became a resident of Bloomington, Illinois, where he fol- lowed his trade until the fall of 1843, when he removed to Chicago. He brought his family with a horse and buggy and paid one dollar per day for a man and team to bring his effects to this city, being several days on the road and camping out one night at Wolf Grove, five miles from the nearest house. He secured employ- ment in the iron foundry of Scoville & Gates, where he had charge of the woodwork for sev- eral years. In the fall of 1847 ne entered the employ of McCormick & Gray, who had just completed a factory building on the north side of the Chicago River east of Rush Street bridge. He superintended the erection of the machinery in this establishment and was superintendent ot the works until 1850. Five hundred reapers were built the first season, after which Mr. Gray retired and the firm became McCormick, Ogden & Company. Upon severing his connection with this concern, Mr. Haggard began the manufact- ure of chain pumps at No. 224 Randolph Street. He continued in that location until 1866, when he removed to the West Side and added a stock of hardware. He carried on this enterprise for ten years longer, when he permanently retired from active business. Since 1873 he has made his home in Austin, and is now one of the oldest residents of that suburb. For many years he en- joyed the acquaintance of the leading business men of Chicago, most of whom he has survived. In May, 1837, Mr. Haggard was married to Miss Mary Mason, daughter of George and Elizabeth (Howser) Mason, of Bloomington, Illinois. Mrs. Haggard was born at Nicholasville, Jessamine County, Kentucky, and was a member of the Baptist Church from childhood. She departed this life in 1889, at the age of seventy -three years. The union of Mr. and Mrs. Haggard was blessed with seven children, of whom the following is the record: Belle, widow of William Rucker, resides at Austin; Winfield Scott is a citizen of Chicago; Martha Jane is the wife of Albert Wicker, of Franklin Grove, Illinois; John David is a well- known citizen of Austin; Mary Frances, Mrs. S. S. Gould, lives in Oak Park, Illinois; Edith is the wife of E. W. Marble, of Austin, at which place Charity Elizabeth died at the age of thirty- four years. In 1887 Mr. and Mrs. Haggard cele- FRANK KUHN. 75 brated their golden wedding, which was attended by all their children and grandchildren, as well as by all of Mr. Haggard's brothers and sisters. For thirty years past Mr. Haggard has been connected with the Baptist Church, and his career has been in all respects well worth)' the emulation of posterity. Though in the eighty- third year of his age, he is still quite vigorous and his mind is clear and active. He distinctly remembers events which occurred when he was but three and one-half years old, and is likewise well posted on current events. He has always kept well informed on public affairs and remem- bers the presidential election of 1824, at which J. Q. Adams was elected by the House of Repre- sentatives, the opposing candidates being Henry Clay, Andrew Jackson and William H. Crawford. He cast his first presidential ballot in 1836 for William Henry Harrison and has voted for every Whig and Republican candidate for that office since that time. He has affiliated with few social organizations, but is a member of the old Tippe- canoe Club of Chicago, and is held in the highest regard by his contemporaries. FRANK KUHN. |~~RANK KUHN. Among the German citi- r^ zens of Chicago, who, by their world-re- I nowned thrift and economy accumulated wealth, was the subject of this sketch. He was born February 27, 1827, in Elsass, then in France, but now a part of Germany. He came to Amer- ica when quite a young man, in a sailing-vessel which anchored at the port of- New Orleans, be- ing thirteen weeks on the voyage. He soon af- ter left New Orleans on account of the yellow fever and went to Cincinnati, Ohio, where he re- mained one year. In 1853 he came to Chicago, where he worked two years at the cabinet-maker's trade, which he had learned from his father, who was a skilled mechanic. He then, in company with Peter Schmidt, established a retail store for the dispens- ing of beverages, on Kinzie Street, which was a resort for the early inhabitants of the West Side. After two years he moved to the corner of Mil- waukee Avenue and Des Plaines Street, where he was, until 1859, a landmark. At this time he removed to the corner of Milwaukee Avenue and Erie Street, and here conducted business for almost eight years, when he removed to Kuhn's Park, which pleasure resort he built up and im- proved and conducted for five or six years. He was married August 10, 1859, to Miss Katharine Otzel, a native of Kur-Hessen, Ger- many. They had eight children, four of whom are now living, namely: Frank C. ; Emma, wife of John Spenger; Adolph A., and Annie, wife of Herman Bartells, a bookkeeper for thirteen years in the Hide and Leather National Bank in Chi- cago, where he enjoys the confidence and respect of all its officers and employes. Another son lived to the age of thirty years and was married to Miss Ida Koch, whose father was an old and respected citizen of Chicago. Mr. Kuhn died May 31, 1890, in Chicago, of poison, administered in some unknown way to his entire family, though he was the only one who died from its effects. His large property is still in possession of his widow, who, as a good Ger- man wife often does, assisted greatly in its ac- cumulation. Mr. Kuhn also left a good name, and is remembered as an upright citizen, honest and true to every obligation. 7 6 CAPT. DANIEL QUIRK. CAPT. DANIEL QUIRK. OAPT. DANIEL QUIRK, whose life came I ( to an end as the result of his exposure to \J the hardships of war, was a native of County Kerry, Ireland, born about 1826. His parents, Francis and Eleanor (Lynch) Quirk, came to Chicago when Daniel was ten years old, and lived for several years on the North Side. Later they removed to Woodstock, McHenry County, Illinois, where they passed the balance of their days. Daniel Quirk attended the first free school in Chicago, located near the present site of Mc- Vicker's theatre. While yet a boy he was em- ployed in a book and news store kept by John McNally, where John R. Walsh, now president of the Chicago National Bank, was a fellow- clerk. The outbreak of the Civil War found him here. He had joined a militia company known as the Shields Guards. April 15, 1861, this company enlisted in the Twenty-third Regular Illinois Volunteer Infantry, and in July of the same year the regiment was sent to the front in Missouri. Daniel Quirk was elected captain of Company K, and served in that capacity; but the period of enlistment of the men was short, and he re-enlisted and went to Virginia, where he was in the Army of the Potomac. Within a few days after entering field service, in July, 1861, he was taken prisoner by General Early's command. He was quickly exchanged, and im- mediately re-entered the service, as before re- lated. In all his campaigns he was accompanied by his faithful wife, who shared the hardships and chances of war. She was also taken prisoner by the rebels, who treated her with great courtesy. After one week's detention she was released by the chivalrous rebel, General Early. Among their fellow-prisoners were Mrs. Dr. John Taylor, of Chicago, and Nathan Goff, afterward a member of President Garfield's cabinet. On Sunday, July 4, 1854, Mr. Quirk was mar- ried to Miss Margaret, daughter of Thomas and Margaret (O'Connor) Moore, the latter a native of Sligo, Ireland. The former was a native of Dublin, and a relative of Thomas Moore, the poet. The Moore family came to America in 1837, and for some years the father kept a grocery store in Albany, New York. In 1847 they came to Chicago. Mrs. Quirk was born March 15, 1834, in Dublin. She showed the most heroic devotion through hard campaigns, and many sick and wounded bear testimony to her skill as a nurse, and kindness of heart. For some time before leaving the service, Captain Quirk was ill, and the faithful nursing of his wife saved his life for many years, though he was forced to resign on account of his inability to perform military duty. After having served over three years, in July, 1864, he reluctantly abandoned military scenes and returned to Chicago. He never entirely recovered from the effects of his military priva- tions, although his partially disabled limb did not prevent him from volunteering for active duty in Ireland, when James Stephens proposed to fight there in 1865. Like many another pa- triotic Irish- American, Captain Quirk discovered that Mr. Stephens had miscalculated his military resources, and when the Irish people's office was seized, and most of the leaders arrested, he was compelled to escape by way of England; in this expedition he was also accompanied by his faith- ful wife. But Captain Quirk remained as enthu- siastic as ever Ireland was never absent from C. M. LEONARD. 77 his thoughts, and it is doubtful whether, during his periods of comparative health, he was ever absent from any gathering having for its object the advancement of the Irish cause. The Great Fire of 1871 burned Captain Quirk out of house and home. He set to work again with energy to regain a competency, and in this he was moderately successful. Although an invalid he responded promptly to his country's call when the Haymarket riot called out the Second Regiment. He commanded Company E in person till quiet was restored. The Govern- ment, mindful to some extent, at least, of his services to the Union, gave him a post office clerkship, which he retained till two years before his death. In 1880, accompanied by his wife, he went to Europe in the hope of recovering his lost vigor, but in vain, and the end came at his home on Superior Street, July 29, 1882. At the present writing Mrs. Quirk has resided a period of forty-four years in this house, where, sur- rounded by many of life's blessings, she is still devoted to the memory of her brave husband. Captain Quirk was a member of the Grand Army of the Republic and of Holy Name Church. He and his good wife adopted and reared a daughter, Leonora M. Quirk, who is now the wife of Nicholas Neary, of Chicago. From early youth Mrs. Neary has been devoted to art, of which she is a critical judge, and her home is adorned with some of the choicest gems of paint- ing and kindred arts. She is a painter of no mean ability, and excels especially in portrait work. The appended document is self-explanatory: HEADQUARTERS SECOND REGIMENT. May 13, 1877. Capt. Daniel Quirk, Commanding Co. E. Sir: The Board of Officers unanimously press you to withdraw the letter of resignation lately addressed to the Colonel commanding. They are of one mind that your withdrawal at this juncture would be a disastrous blow to Com- pany E, and a calamity to the entire regiment. Your conspicuous zeal in the organization and maintenance of the regiment, and the fidelity with which you have promoted its best interests and welfare, are appreciated by every member of the command and all would deplore your with- drawal. We therefore earnestly urge you to still stand by the colors of the Second and maintain the in- tegrity of Company E. Signed JOSEPH T..TORRENCE, COL. CHESTER M, LEONARD. CHESTER MARSHALL LEONARD, an 1 1 honored veteran of the late Civil War, was U born in 1845, in Granville, Washington County, New York, and is a son of Elijah D. and Matilda (Harrington) Leonard, natives of that State. Mrs. Matilda Leonard died in 1865, and her husband survived her until 1896, when he passed away, at the age of eighty-four years. When Chester M. Leonard was seven years of age his parents moved to the West, locating in Kenosha County, Wisconsin, where they were among the earliest settlers. They shared the hard life of the pioneer, and were deprived of many advantages. The schools of that section were then very poor, but Chester M. Leonard received a fair education, and he has supple- JOHN BUCHANAN. merited it with observation and experience throughout his life, having always striven for improvement and advancement. His early life was spent with his parents on the farm, and when he was a young man he found employ- ment in the Kenosha Carriage Works, where he remained until the outbreak of the Civil War. In 1 86 1 he enlisted at Ripon, Wisconsin, in the First Wisconsin Cavalry, and served under General Sherman at the battles of Stone River, Chickamauga, Altoona, Atlanta and many others. He married Miss Lydia A. Burdock, a native of Trenton, New York, in Racine, Wis., in 1866, and they became the parents of five boys, namely: Arthur Lee, William H., Adelbert Ellsworth, Herbert and Clarence. Since the war Mr. Leonard has been engaged in engineering, which trade he now follows, with especial attention to mechanical engineering, in which he takes great interest. From a boy his tastes have been in the direction of mechanical labor, and he has always improved every oppor- tunity for enlarging his knowledge and skill in that branch of work. He is genial and friendly of manner, and has the warm friendship of a large circle of acquaintances and associates. He has the confidence of his employers, and despite the fact that he has lived through many trying experiences during the war, he is as capable of doing his work well as many younger men, and is always found at the post of duty in civil life, as he was in military service. He is ever ready to favor any movement calculated to promote human progress and improvement. JOHN BUCHANAN. 3OHN BUCHANAN, a citizen of South Chi- cago, was born May 10, 1859, in Ireland, and is a son of John and Mary (Welsh) Buchan- an, both natives of the Emerald Isle. His par- ents lived all their lives in their native country, but John was such an ambitious youth that he became possessed of a desire to try his fortunes in the New World, by himself. He cherished this ambition until he was eighteen years old, and then he was able to emigrate. John Buchanan arrived in New York in 1877, and after spending a short time in that city, removed to Philadelphia, where he found employ- ment at various occupations, being some of the time with the firm of French & Richards. Not being very well satisfied with his life in Phila- delphia, he removed to Chicago in 1881, and after a few years' residence there, found employ- ment with the Illinois Steel Company, where he is at present engaged. November 12, 1884, Mr. Buchanan married Miss Annie Egan, and they became the parents of the following children: Denis Patrick (de- ceased), Mamie, John, Robert Emmett, Frank and Joseph Stephen. Mr. Buchanan is a thoroughly reliable citizen, and has an interest and pride in the progress of his adopted country. He and his family are com- municants of Saint Patrick's Roman Catholic Church. LIBRARY OF THE HNIVERSITY OP ILLINOIS ELISHA GRAY EUSHA GRAY. 79 ELISHA GRAY. QROF. ELISHA GRAY, whose inventive LX genius and persevering industry have played ]3 no inconspicuous part in revolutionizing the business methods of the modern world, bears in his veins the sturdy and vigorous blood of some of America's founders. His grandfather, John Gray, was of Scotch-Irish descent, and was a farmer in Chester County, Pennsylvania, where he died. Mary Moore, wife of John Gray, was a native of Delaware, presumably of English blood. She survived her husband and moved, with her younger children, to the vicinity of Georgetown, Ohio, and afterward to Monroe County, in the same State, where she died. She was the mother of Thomas, Elijah, Elisha, David, John and Samuel Gray. David Gray was an Orthodox Quaker; a quiet man, of noble character, and beloved by all who came within his benign influence. He was a farmer, and lived near Barnesville, Ohio, whence he moved to Monroe County, in that State, where he died, in 1849, in the prime of life, at the age of about forty years. His wife, Christiana Edg- erton, was a native of Belmont County, Ohio, where her parents, Richard and Mary (Hall) Edgerton, were early settlers. Richard Edgerton was born in North Carolina, of English descent, and was a prominent member of the Society of Friends. The family was noted for the large size of its members, all being six feet or more in height. They were also brainy people. John Edgerton was a noted leader of the "Hicksite" Quakers, and a powerful anti-slavery agitator in Ohio and Indiana. His brother, Joseph Edger- ton, was the leading Orthodox Quaker of his day, and a great preacher. He was vigorous to the end of his life, which came after he had attained the age of eighty years. The Halls were also a vigorous and intelligent people, and prominent among the Quakers. David Gray and wife were well-read and intell- igent, and engaged in teaching in early life. Mrs. Gray was liberally educated for that day in Ohio, and her influence went far in preparing her son for the prominent part he was destined to take in the development of modern practical science. She survived her husband many years, reaching the venerable age of seventy-eight, and died at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Sarah Cope, in New Sharon, Iowa. Elisha Gray was born near Barnesville, Bel- mont County, Ohio, August 2, 1835. From a recent work, entitled "Prominent Men of the Great West," the following elegant and carefully prepared account of Professor Gray's life is taken : "When young Gray was but twelve years of age, he had received three or four months of dis- trict schooling and the usual industrial training given to farmers' lads of his age and condition of life. Over forty years ago his father died, leav- ing Elisha in a large measure dependent upon his own resources for a living. When fourteen years of age he apprenticed himself to a blacksmith, and partly mastered that trade, but, his strength being greatly overtaxed, he was forced to give it up and joined his mother, who had removed to Brownsville, Pennsylvania. Here he entered the employ of a boat-builder, serving three and a- half years' apprenticeship, learning the trade of ship-joiner. "At the end of this time he was a first-class mechanic and began to give evidence of his 8o ELISHA GRAY. inventive genius. He was handicapped, how. ever, by the meagreness of his education, and was little more than able to experiment with the simplest contrivances. The testimony of one who knew him intimately at this time indicates that he had a consciousness of his own resources and was of the belief that Nature had destined him to accomplish some important work in life. He had a great desire to acquire that funda- mental knowledge which would open for him the way to intelligent research, investigation and ultimate achievements. "While working as an apprentice, he formed the acquaintance of Prof. H. S. Bennett, now of Fisk University, then a student at Oberlin College, Ohio, from whom he learned that at that institution exceptional opportunities were afforded to students for self-education; and immediately after he had completed his term of service he set out for the college, with barely enough money in his possession to carry him to his destination. He arrived in Oberlin in the summer of 1857, at once going to work as a carpenter, and supported himself by this means during a five-years course of study in the college. As a student he gave especial attention to the physical sciences, in which he was exceptionally proficient, his ingenuity being strikingly mani- fested from time to time in the construction ot the apparatus used in the classroom experiments. His cleverness in constructing these various appliances made him a conspicuous character among the students. While pursuing his college course he was not fully decided as to what pro- fession he would take up, and, at one time, he is said to have contemplated entering the ministry, finally deciding, however, not to do so. Perhaps the course of his life was decided by a remark of the mother of the young lady who afterwards became his wife. This was in a joking spirit, to the effect that ' it would be a pity to spoil a good mechanic to make a poor minister.' In fact, to this casual remark the now famous in- ventor has declared himself to be, in great meas- ure, indebted for what he has since accomplished. Truly, the worthy lady must have been of a sound and discriminating judgment, to discover the hidden worth of the young man, and she, doubtless, more than any one else, in his earlier days, fanned the latent sparks of genius into the flame which, in later days, revealed to his brain the contrivances which have made his name famous, and which have proved of inestimable value to civilization. "From 1857 to 1861 the Professor devoted himself to unremitting toil and study, and the result was that his naturally delicate constitution was impaired by the great strain upon his mental powers. In 1861, just when the future was brightening with the promise of success, and when he thought his days of struggling were past, he was stricken with an illness from which he did not recover for five years. After his mar- riage, in 1862, to Miss Delia M. Sheppard, of Oberlin, and, with a view to the betterment of his health, Mr. Gray devoted himself for a time to farming as an occupation. This experience was disappointing, both in its financial results and in its effects upon his health, and he returned to his trade, working in Trumbull County, Ohio, until he was again prostrated by a serious illness. Following this, came two or three years of strug- gle and privation; of alternate hope and disap- pointment, during which he experimented with various mechanical and electrical devices, but was prevented by his straitened circumstances from making any headway in profitable invention. Pressed by his necessities, he was once or twice on the point of giving up his researches and investigations entirely and devoting himself to some ordinary bread-winning industry; but he was stimulated by his faithful and devoted wife and her mother, both of whom had an abiding faith in his genius, and who aided him in his work with all the means at their command, and to whose influence was largely due the fact that he continued his efforts in the field of invention. "In 1867 a more prosperous era dawned upon him, with the invention of a self-adjusting tele- graph relay, which, although it proved of no practical value, furnished the opportunity of in- troducing him to the late Gen. Anson Stager, of Cleveland, then General Superintendent of the Western Union Telegraph Company, who at once ELISHA GRAY. Si became interested in him and furnished him facil- ities for experimenting on the company's lines. Professor Gray then formed a co-partnership with E. M. Barton, of Cleveland, for the manufacture of electrical appliances, during which time he invented the dial telegraph. " In 1869 he removed to Chicago, where he continued the manufacture of electrical supplies, General Stager becoming associated with him. Here he perfected the type-printing telegraph, the telegraphic repeater, the telegraphic switch, the annunciator and many other inventions which have become famous within the short space of a few years. About 1872 he organized the West- ern Electrical Manufacturing Company, which is still in existence and is said to be the largest establishment of its kind in the world. In 1874 he retired from the superintendency of the elec- tric company and began his researches in teleph- ony, and within two years thereafter gave to the world that marvelous production of human genius, the speaking telephone. Noting one day, when a secondary coil was connected with the zinc lining of the bath tub, dry at the time, that when he held the other end of the coil in his left hand and rubbed the lining of the tub with his right, it gave rise to a sound that had the same pitch and quality as that of the vibrating contact- breaker, he began a series of experiments, which led first to the discovery that musical tones could be transmitted over an electrical wire. Fitting up the necessary devices, he exhibited this inven- tion to some of his friends, and the same year went abroad, where he made a special study of acoustics and gave further exhibitions of the invention, which he developed into the harmonic, or multiplex, telegraph. While perfecting this device, in 1875, the idea of the speaking tele- phone suggested itself, and in 1876 he perfected this invention and filed his caveat in the Patent Office at Washington. That another inventor succeeded in incorporating into his own applica- tion for a telegraph patent an important feature of Professor Gray's invention, and that the latter was thereby deprived of the benefits which he should have derived therefrom, is the practically unanimous decision of many well informed as to the merits of the controversy to which conflict- ing claims gave rise; and the leading scientists and scientific organizations of the world, accord- ing to a certain periodical, have accredited to him the honor of inventing the telephone. In recog- nition of his distinguished achievements, he was made a Chevalier of the Legion of Honor at the close of the Paris Exposition of 1878, and Amer- ican colleges have conferred upon him the degrees of Doctor of Laws and Doctor of Science. "For several years after his invention of the telephone he was connected with the Postal Tel- egraph Company, and brought the lines of this" system into Chicago, laying them underground. He also devised a general underground telegraph system for the city, and then turned his attention to the invention of the 'telautograph,' a device with which the general public is just now becom- ing familiar through the public accounts of its operation. On March 21, 1893, the first exhibi- tions of the practical and successful operation of this wonderful instrument were given simultane- ously in New York and Chicago, and on the same day the first telautograph messages were passed over the wires from Highland Park to Waukegan, Illinois. The exhibitions were wit- nessed by a large number of electrical experts, scientists and representatives of the press, who were unanimous in their opinion that Professor Gray's invention is destined to bring about a revolution in telegraphy. ' 'One of the beauties of electrical science is the expressiveness of its nomenclature, and among the many significant names given to electrical inventions none expresses more clearly the use and purpose of the instrument to which it is applied than the term, 'telautograph.' As its name signifies, it enables a person sitting at one end of the wire to write a message or a letter which is reproduced simultaneously in fac simile at the other end of the wire. It is an agent which takes the place of the skilled operator and the telegraphic alphabet. Any one who can write can transmit a message by this means, and the receiving instrument does its work perfectly, without the aid of an operator. The sender of the message may be identified by fhe/ac simile of 82 EUSHA GRAY. his handwriting which reaches the recipient, and pen-and-ink portraits of persons may be as readily transmitted from one point to another as the written messages. In many respects the telautograph promises to be more satisfactory in its practical operations than the telephone. Com- munications can be carried on between persons at a distance from each other with absolute secrecy, and a message sent to a person in his absence from his place of business will be tound awaiting him upon his return. These and many other advantages which the telautograph seems to possess warrant the prediction that in the not very distant future telautography will supplant in a measure both telephony and telegraphy. The transmitter and the receiver of the telauto- graph system are delicately constructed pieces of mechanism, each contained in a box somewhat smaller than an ordinary typewriter machine. The two machines are necessary at each end of a wire, and stand side by side. In transmitting a message an ordinary feed lead pencil is used. At the point of this is a small collar, with two eyes in its rim. To each of these eyes a fine silk -cord is attached, running off at right angles in two directions. Each of the two ends of this cord is carried round a small drum supported on a ver- tical shaft. Under the drum, and attached to the same shaft, is a toothed wheel of steel, the teeth of which are so arranged that when either section of the cord winds upon or off its drum, a number of teeth will pass a given point, corres- ponding to the length of cord so wound or un- wound. For instance, if the point of the pencil moves in the direction of one of the cords a dis- tance of one inch, forty of the teeth will pass any certain point. Each one of these teeth and each space represents one impulse sent upon the line, so that when the pencil describes a motion one inch in length, eighty electrical impulses are sent upon the line. The receiving instrument is prac- tically a duplicate of the transmitter, the motions of which, however, are controlled by electrical mechanism. The perfected device exhibited by Professor Gray, and now in operation, is the result of six years of arduous labor, an evolution to which the crude contrivance used in his earliest experiments bears little resemblance. The man- ufacture of the instruments will be carried on by the Gray Electric Company, a corporation having offices in New York and Chicago and a large manufacturing establishment just outside the limits of the suburban village of Highland Park, Illinois, of which place Professor Gray has been for many years a resident. Here, in addition to his workshop and laboratory, the renowned inventor has a beautiful home, and his domestic relations are of the ideal kind. ' ' The title by which Professor Gray has been known for so many years came to him through his connection with Oberlin and Ripon (Wis- consin) Colleges as non-resident lecturer in physics, and his general appearance is that of the college professor or the profound student. He has none of the eccentricities which are the con- spicuous characteristics of some of the great inventors of the age, and, when not absorbed in his professional work, he is delightfully genial and companionable. "When the World's Congress of Electricians assembled in the new Art Institute in Chicago, on the 2ist of August, 1893, there were gathered the most noted electricians of all the world. The congress was divided into two sections, one of which termed the official section was com- posed of representatives designated by the vari- ous Governments of Europe and the Americas, and was authorized to consider and pass upon questions relating to electrical measurement, nomenclature and various other matters of import to the electrical world. To the other section ot the congress were admitted all professional elec- tricians who came properly accredited, and they were permitted to attend the sessions and partici- pate in the deliberations of the congress, although they were not allowed to vote on the technical questions coming before it. ' 'When it was determined that the convening of international congresses of various kinds should be made one of the leading features ot the Columbian Exposition, a body, which became known as the World's Congress Auxiliary of the World's Columbian Exposition, was organized for the purpose of promoting and making all B. C. MILLER. necessary preparations for these gatherings. To Prof. Elisha Gray, of Chicago, this body as- signed the task of organizing the congress of electricians, and placed upon him the responsi- bility of formulating the plans and making all initiatory preparations for what was, unquestion- ably, the most important and interesting conven- tion of electricians ever held in this or any other country. While the Professor called to his assist- ance many distinguished members of his profes- sion, by virtue of his official position, he was the central and most attractive figure in this great movement. "Professor Gray is a member of the Union League Club of Chicago. Politically, he is a Republican. He has traveled extensively, not only in this country but throughout Europe. He is now in his sixty-first year, and he stands as an illustrious example of the general rule, for, although not yet an old man, he is one of the few prominent in the early days of electrical development who maintained their prominence and added to their reputation in the rapid strides which have been made during the last decade. But few of the early workers in the electrical sciences have maintained their prominence in the later development. This is undoubtedly due to the lack of plasticity which is usually attributed to maturer years, the possession of which in younger men often gives them the advantage in the rush for supremacy in new adaptation and under ever-changing conditions. Where, how- ever, this plasticity has been preserved during maturer years, as has been the case with the subject of this sketch, the maturer judgment and riper experience which those years have enabled him to bring to bear upon the newer problems have in many cases resulted in inventions and improvements of the utmost importance to man- kind and the cause of civilization. Professor Gray is a man of fine personal appearance, pleas- ing address, commanding bearing, and a man who will attract attention in any assembly, and who, on account of his great electrical skill and general scientific attainments, and because of his pleasing and affable manner, has won for him- self many friends and admirers. ' ' DR. BENJAMIN C. MILLER. 0R. BENJAMIN COKE MILLER, one of the most successful physicians and most highly respected citizens of Chicago, passed away at his home on Everett Avenue, in that city, June 25, 1891. He was descended from a long line of American ancestors, who were dis- tinguished as physicians and gentlemen. The founder of the family in this country was Adam Miller, who was born near Metz, France (now included in the German Empire), and from whom the subject of this biography was a de- scendant in the eighth generation. He settled with his family in Frederick, Maryland, and be- came a large planter. He was noted as a man of wealth, culture and refinement, and held many slaves. These were liberated by his bequest on his death, and their loss at that time almost beg- gared his heirs; but they honored his behest. The family continued to reside in Maryland for several generations. The great-grandfather of 8 4 B. C. MILLER. Dr. Benjamin C. Miller moved to Shelby ville, Kentucky, where his son, Dr. Henry Miller, be- came an extensive planter. The latter was a tall and fine-appearing man, a noted physician and a man of affairs. He died at Shelbyville, of old age. Dr. Jefferson Miller, son of the last-named, was bsrn in Gallatin County, Kentucky, No- vember 29, 1807, and was educated in Virginia. Through over-confidence in his friends, he lost much of his property, and then took up the study of medicine with Dr. Clarke, a noted physician of his native State. While still a young man, he settled in the practice of his profession at Rush- ville, Indiana, and became widely known for his skill in the healing art. He united with the Methodist Church there in 1839. As a Chris- tian, he was liberal to all churches. As a citizen, he was public-spirited, and was much loved and respected by all. As a physician, he was un- usually successful, and was a man of extraordin- ary worth and usefulness in all relations of life. November 20, 1832, he married Eliza A. Stand- ford, of Greencastle, Indiana, and two of their children grew to maturity, namely: Dr. Benja- min C. and Henry Miller, the latter now a resi- dent of Ladoga, Indiana. The father died at that place, November 5, 1885, and his wife sur- vived him about five and one-half years, passing away in May, 1891. Benjamin C. Miller was born April 30, 1846, in Rushville, Indiana, and went with his parents early in life to Montgomery County, in the same State, receiving his primary education at Ladoga. In the spring of 1862, when he was barely six- teen years of age, he ran away from school at Battle Ground, Indiana, and enlisted as a private in the Eleventh Indiana Cavalry, then in camp at Indianapolis, preparatory to service in the Civil War. As this enlistment was made with- out the consent of his father, the latter was en- abled to claim him, which he did, and conducted the ambitious boy back to school. Before the father had reached home on the return from this duty, the son was again in camp, and he was this time permitted to have his way. He joined Company K, of the Eleventh Cavalry, of which he was made Sergeant, and participated in the service of that organization until December 19, 1863, before the completion of his eighteenth year, when he was mustered out as a First Lieu- tenant. One day soon after this, a handsome young man, some six feet, six and one-half inches in height, bronzed by exposure in the line of military duty, and dressed in the handsome uniform of a Lieu- tenant, called at the home of his parents in La- doga. On learning the number of his regiment, they plied him with questions about Company K, and inquired if he knew young Benjamin Miller. He replied in the affirmative. At this moment his favorite dog came into the room, and, upon being spoken to by his young master, gave the most extravagant expressions of joy, bringing tears to the eyes of Mrs. Miller, who could scarcely forgive herself for failing to recognize her son until after this faithful animal had shown her his identity. Entering Rush Medical College of Chicago, young Miller was graduated with honor on the gth of February, 1869. He passed the competi- tive examination, and was appointed House Phy- sician and Surgeon of Cook County Hospital, serving a year and a-half. He was then made County Physician, in which capacity he served two years. He was immediately made Superintendent of Public Charities, having charge of the County Hospital, Insane Asylum and Alms House. After filling this position about eighteen months, he was appointed Sanitary Superintendent of Chicago by Mayor Medill, and was continued in that office by Mayor Colvin. During this period he was very useful in the community by his skill- ful management of the cholera epidemic of 1873. In 1875 he was made Surgeon, with the rank of Major, on the staff of Gen. A. C. Ducat, Com- mander of the Illinois National Guard. In 1876 Dr. Miller resigned the position of Sanitary Su- perintendent and went abroad. He spent about a year in studying in hospitals at Aberdeen and Edinburgh, Scotland, and London, England. Returning to Chicago, with added knowledge from these observations, he was enabled to com- mand a large share of the most difficult and re- J. M. HANNAHS. munerative medical and surgical practice of the then metropolitan city. In 1889 he was ap- pointed by the United States Government a Pen- sion Examiner, and continued to fulfill the duties of this position until his death. December 24, 1872, Dr. Miller was married to Miss Etta Barnet, of Chicago. She, with one daughter, survives him. The latter, Miss Mary Etta Miller, is a bright Chicago girl. She is possessed of marked literary and artistic tastes, and her work as a pen-and-ink artist has attracted considerable attention. Mrs. Miller is a daugh- ter of the late George Barnet, a sketch of whose career will be found on another page of this work. Dr. Miller's character was summed up in a few heartfelt and well-chosen words by his con- temporary, Dr. Pagne, as follows: "A man of extraordinary talent and attainments was Dr. Miller. While City Physician, he inaugurated the system of newsboys' picnics and outings. His friends were many, by reason of his greatness of heart. Chicago loses a good citizen, and the pro- fession an able member." The last sad rites over his remains were con- ducted by South Park Masonic Lodge, and his body was interred in Oakwoods Cemetery. JAMES M. HANNAHS. flAMES MONROE HANNAHS, one of the I oldest residents of Chicago, having come Q) here as early as 1836, is a descendant of an old and influential New England family, which originated in Ireland, the family name having been spelled in that country Hannah. The great-grandfather of James M. Hannahs was the first member of the family to leave his native land for the New World. He settled in Litch- field, Connecticut, where he was an active and influential citizen, and later became a zealous patriot. On the breaking out of the War of the Revolution, that contest with the Mother Coun- try which tried the mettle of her sons so sorely, he made his adopted country's cause his own, and was made a member of the Committee of Safety formed at that time. Daniel Hannahs, son of the foregoing, and the grandfather of the subject of this notice, was a soldier in the War of 1812. He was wounded at the battle of Queenstown, and for his services enjoyed a pension from the Government until his death, which occurred in 1842. Leaving Con- necticut, he moved with his family to central New York, settling in the wilderness near the Mohawk River. Undaunted in courage, and of a fine, soldierly physique, he was well fitted by nature for the Herculean task of founding a home in the primeval forests, and in his wife he found a willing helpmate. The latter was Elizabeth Gordon, a cousin of Lord George Gordon, the hero of the "Gordon Riots" of 1798, for his leadership in which he was imprisoned in Lon- don and tried for treason, but finally acquitted. Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Hannahs became the parents of four children, all sons: Chauncey, Marvin, William and Daniel. Of these, Marvin removed to Albion, Calhoun County, Michigan, in 1835, and became one of the leading men in that locality, and in later years his son George 86 J. M. HANNAHS. was elected State Senator from Michigan. Will- iam, another son of Daniel Hannahs, became a prosperous woolen merchant of New York City. His son, a law student, immediately after his graduation from Yale College, raised a company of cavalry in New York City, in the first month after the Civil War opened, and took the field. He was made Captain of this company, but, sad to relate, was killed in Virginia, in May, 1861. Chauncey Hannahs, the father of James Mon- roe, was born in Litchfield, Connecticut, in the year 1791, and removed with his parents to New York State, assisting his father in clearing up his farm. In later years, in this same lo- cality, he engaged in the foundry business. In 1835 he removed to Wisconsin, then considered in the very far West, and located on Government land in Kenosha County, where the rest of his days were spent, his demise occurring in 1873, from old age. While living in New York State he had been Captain of an artillery company, and the title then gained he ever afterwards bore. In person large and strong, he delighted in out- door pursuits, and the pioneer life which he chose on leaving his old home in the East was one well suited to him in every respect. In his early life he had been an ardent Whig, but on the formation of the two great parties of Repub- licans and Democrats, he allied himself with the latter, and proved an equally earnest champion of its principles. In his religious leanings he was a Presbyterian, his wife being of the same faith. The latter was born in the year 1793, in Oneida County, New York, a daughter of Enos Nichols, a pioneer of that county, where he lived in a covered wagon until he could erect for him- self a house in the wilderness. He later became a pioneer of Lake County, Illinois, near the Wis- consin State line, and his family thus became neighbors of the Hannahs family. Mrs. Chauncey Hannahs died on the old home- stead in Keuosha County in 1882, also from old age. She had been the mother of seven children, as follows: Mrs. Ann Doolittle, William H., James M., Thomas J., Francis G., Frederick, and Adeline, who died at the age of fourteen years. A strange and shocking fatality occurred in this family, no less than six deaths taking place with- in twenty-two months, three children dying with- in three days of each other. All who now sur- vive are James M. and his brother, Francis G. The subject of this sketch was born June 26, 1821, in Herkimer County, New York, and re- ceived a common-school education in a little schoolfeouse on the banks of the historic Mohawk River. On leaving school he entered his father's foundry to learn the business, and after coming to Chicago he followed the trade of a foundry- man in connection with a partner, the firm name being Hannahs & James. He continued thus en- gaged until he entered the employ of Wahl Brothers, manufacturers of glue, with whom he remained for twenty-five years, during part of that time representing the firm in New York City. After leaving Wahl Brothers he was act- ively engaged in promoting elevated railroads in Chicago, on a new principle. July 3, 1851, in Cook County, Illinois, Mr. Hannahs married Miss Matilda Irish, a daugh- ter of Perry Irish, and a native of Holley, New York. Several children were born of this mar- riage, but all died in infancy. Mrs. Hannahs died September 19, 1885, in Chicago. Mr. Hannahs has been for over forty years a consistent member of the Baptist Church. In re- gard to politics he is a Republican, having been a stanch Abolitionist previous to the war. He is a strong believer in the efficacy of free silver, and champions his cause with great ardor. While in the employ of Wahl Brothers, his business led him to travel extensively throughout the United States, and he has hosts of friends up and down the country, as well as in Chicago. Like many other Chicago business men, he was at one time a farmer in Cook County, but he yielded to the superior attractions of city life and sold his farm of one hundred and sixty acres, which he had bought for $3 per acre. He has many reminiscences of early days in Illinois, and has contributed many interesting articles to Chicago newspapers, de- scribing the scenes and incidents of early days in this locality, and noting the stupendous changes wrought in the face of the country since he came here, a pioneer of 1836. LIBRARY OF THE HNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS JACOB FORSYTH. JACOB FORSYTH. (TACOB FORSYTH. In every community, I no matter how small, the intelligent observer G/ will find men who have risen above their fellows, both in fame and fortune, by sheer force of character and the ability to seize fortune at the tide. Though to the casual onlooker there often has seemed an element of "luck" in the chances of prosperity which have come to them, a closer observer will see that it has more often been the fortunate meeting of the man and the opportunity ; the opportunity may, perhaps, have occurred a hundred times before, but the man who should seize it, and by his ability and energy force results from it, has never before appeared. Jacob Forsyth, an old resident of Chicago, and one of its leading citizens, exemplifies the truth of the foregoing in a marked degree. Born in the North of Ireland, of Scotch descent, he possesses those fortunate characteristics which have placed so many of his countrymen on the highroad to success honesty, ambition, energy and resistless tenacity of purpose. Overlooking the daily dis- couragements, disappointments and hardships of their life, they keep ever before them the high object of their ambition; and if failure instead of success is their portion, it is through no weaken- ing of their powers by self-indulgence or idle re- pining. In the days of King James I. of England there sprang up a class of men known as "under- takers," who, in consideration of certain grants of land, undertook to locate a specified number of settlers upon the vast tracts of vacant ground in northern Ireland. It was at this time that a great emigration was made from Scotland to this region, and gave to the world that sturdy, industrious and highly moral class of people called Scotch- Irish. Prior to the siege of Londonderry, an epoch in the history of northern Ireland, the an- cestors of Jacob Forsyth settled in what is now the county of Londonderry. They were a rural people, and, as near as can be learned at the present time, were engaged in agriculture. To John Forsyth and his wife, Margaret Cox, was born a son, whom they christened Jacob. The latter married Elizabeth Haslette, and their son John was the father of the subject of this sketch. John Forsyth married Mary Ann Kerr, a native of County Londonderry, who was the daughter of Alexander Kerr and Anne Osborne, the latter of English descent. The Kerrs were of Scotch lineage, and very early in Ireland. The parents of Alexander Kerr were Oliver and Elizabeth (Wilson) Kerr. The father of Mr. Forsyth was an intelligent farmer, and the possessor of a small landed property. Anxious that his son should have the ' 'schooling' ' which is the ambition of most of his countrymen, he sent him to a celebrated private academy, the principal of which was a famous Greek and Latin scholar and a renowned mathematician, in his vicinity. Possessing the studious inclination and the quick perceptions of an apt scholar, the youth profited greatly by his attendance here, and the proficiency he ac- quired in penmanship gained for him his first position in America. Jacob Forsyth was born January 12, 1821, at the old town of Limavady, near the present rail- road station and thriving village in County Lon- donderry, Ireland, known as Newtown, Limavady. Filled with the ambitious spirit which builds 88 JACOB FORSYTH. cities and develops the commercial possibilities of the world, he set out for the United States at the age of fifteen years. Settling in Pittsburg, Penn- sylvania, he there first found employment as copying clerk and errand boy for the great com- mission and forwarding house of Forsyth & Com- pany, a member of which firm was a near relative. The firm was the oldest commission house in the city, and owned a large fleet of steamers, running on various western rivers. In those days the copying book had not been invented, and all let- ters had to be copied by hand, and this work fell to young Forsyth. By the interest he took in his work, and the care with which everything entrusted to him to do was performed, he soon won his way into the confidence of his employers, and was promoted from one responsible position to another, until he had attained that of head bookkeeper. Mr. Forsyth remained with Forsyth & Com- pany for fifteen years altogether, and at the end of that time his abilities had become so well known outside of the concern that he was offered several other advantageous positions. Accepting one of these, he became the Through Freight Agent of the Pennsylvania Railroad, with head- quarters in Chicago, and by this means became a permanent resident of this city in 1857. After a few years' service in this capacity, he accepted the position of General Western Agent for the old "Erie" Road. About this time, his business giving him op- portunities for observing the prevailing real-es- tate conditions, he became impressed with the excellent opportunities to buy land cheaply ; and with a premonition of the growth of the city, and the consequent rise in land values, he resigned his position and began to invest largely in real estate. His wife had inherited a large amount of land in Lake County, Indiana, from her brother, George W. Clarke, who died in 1866, and to this Mr. Forsyth added by purchasing the holdings of small owners in the vicinity, until he had ac- quired ten thousand acres, a large estate for this land of comparatively small holdings. He had the shrewdness to buy this so as to form one im- mense tract, arguing that one large tract would possess more value than the same amount in scat- tered portions. During subsequent years he ex- perienced much annoyance and was caused many years' litigation in his efforts to expel squatters from the tract. They were very numerous around Lakes George and Wolf at the time, and their dislodgment was a matter of much difficulty. Mr. Forsyth was in litigation for five years before he finally obtained redress, and during this time read book after book on land decisions and the question of riparian rights, on which he is now one of the best-posted men in the country, and able to give information to many an intelligent attorney in that line of practice. When, finally, a decree was pronounced in his favor, he sold eight thousand acres of his land to the East Chicago Improvement Company for one million dollars, one-third of which sum was paid down. The company, however, failed to meet subsequent payments, and as a compromise the present Canal and Improvement Company was formed in 1887. From this Mr. Forsyth ac- cepted as reimbursement part cash, a large amount of bonds, and some stock in the company. In 1881 he bought another large tract on the lake shore, lying directly north of the present site of East Chicago, and in 1889 he sold a por- tion of this to the Standard Oil Company, and on it has since been built its large plant, known as Whiting. The limits of the city of Chicago having been extended to the Indiana line, across which lies Mr. Forsyth's land, the latter has been consequently enhanced in value, and has been greatly benefited thereby. AtUniontown, Pennsylvania, Mr. Forsyth mar- ried Miss Caroline M. Clarke, daughter of Robert Clarke, of Fayette County, Pennsylvania, who has borne her husband nine children, five sons and four daughters, all of whom are living. The family occupies a handsome, comfortable house on Michigan Avenue, and the home is per- vaded by an air of taste and refinement which is not always an element in the homes of the rich. In politics Mr. Forsyth is a Republican, a stanch advocate of his party's men and principles, though, owing to the stress of his extensive busi- ness interests, he has never found it convenient T. T. PROSSER. 89 to take an active part in political affairs. Had he done so, and brought the same energy and discernment to bear that he has displayed in the management of his private interests, it is safe to say that he would have made his mark in the political world, as he has made it in the business affairs of his adopted city. In appearance Mr. Forsyth is a large, well- proportioned man, with a kindly, shrewd face, the true index of a man who has lived an honest, helpful and kindly life. Though bearing the weight of seventy-five years and the responsi- bilities which the possession of great wealth al- ways brings, he is elastic in mind and body, and bids fair to live to an extreme old age. TREAT T. PROSSER. 'REAT T. PROSSER. There are few tasks more difficult than to sketch the life of an inventor. The world is so jealous of inno- vation and improvement upon established meth- ods, so wedded to the past, and withal so disin- clined to recognize the brilliancy of more prac- tical genius, that the man who discovers de- ficiencies in practical mechanics and supplies them often goes to his grave unrewarded, even by the gratitude of the world he has benefited. He hears the name of the warrior, of the statesman, of the poet, even of the politician, in every household or business mart, but often his own, if mentioned at all, as of one who is building cas- tles in the air. But gifted innovators, while deeply feeling the lack of appreciation, have often adopted the sen- timent of Keplar, who said: "My work is done; it can well wait a century for its readers, since God waited full six thousand years before there came a man capable of comprehending and admir- ing His work." Now and then, however, genius is so practical, and its fruits contrast so brilliantly with what has preceded, that it compels almost instantaneous recognition and homage, and among the fortunate possessors of the latter class was the subject of this article, the late Treat T. Prosser. The Prossers are of Welsh descent, but the Treats, from whom Mr. Prosser was descended on the maternal side, were English. The first ancestors of the former family to come to America were two brothers, who came from Wales some time prior to the Revolutionary War, in which supreme contest two of their descendants partici- pated, and one met his death. The family lived on Prosser Hill, just outside of Boston, and it was in the Prosser barn that the members of the historic Boston "tea party" disguised themselves as Indians, previous to throwing the tea over- board into Boston Harbor. Grandfather John Prosser was one of the two members of the family mentioned previously as having served in the struggle with the Mother Country. He married Bethia Truesdale, daughter of a Connecticut phy- sician, and had eight sons and one daughter. Of these children, Potter A. Prosser, the father of Treat T., married Eliza, a daughter of Timo- thy Treat, whose son, a physician, became famous through the services he rendered during the great cholera epidemic. The Treat family came from Pitminster, Somerset, England. Richard Treat was baptized in 1584. Among the prom- inent descendants are Gov. Robert Treat, and Rev. Samuel Treat, of Pitminster. The father's birth occurred August n, 1793, and the mother go T. T. PROSSER. was born March 29, 1798. Their marriage was solemnized on the 5th of November, 1818, and of their union were born five children. The mother, a woman of many domestic virtues and lovable traits of character, died at the compara- tively early age of fifty-five years, but the father lived to the great age of ninety-six. Treat T. Prosser was born in the little town of Avon, New York, January 22, 1827. His youth and early manhood were passed in his native State, and his early education was received in its common schools. After reaching his majority he attended the academy at West Avon, feeling the need of a more thorough school training before starting out to earn his own way in life. Always handy in the use of tools, at the early age of fourteen he had been engaged at the trade of a millwright, in which he soon became a proficient workman. But while his hands were busily engaged at this work, his thoughts were wander- ing out upon the whole broad domain of mechan- ical science, and his studies at the academy were for the purpose of fitting himself for the career to which all his talents and his inclinations urged him. From the young millwright developed an inventor of agricultural implements of great value; of a superior system of machinery for the manufacture of bolts; of universally recognized improvements upon steam engines; of a practical and widely used machine for pegging boots; of coal machinery; of the Prosser Cylinder Car, and of many other mechanical devices, which either are now, or will become in the future, of great benefit to mankind. He drew the plans for the Chicago Hydraulic Company, which built the first water-works system in Chicago. In 1851 Mr. Prosser came to Chicago, and the wisdom of his choice of a location was demon- strated long ago. No other city has ever opened such welcoming arms to men of genius as has she, nor out of her own prosperity rewarded them so bountifully. The great fireof 1871 found him among its victims, and he lost the greater part of the accumulations of years; but financial loss is one of the minor evils to a man who has within himself the. power to mould, in a great measure, his own destiny, and is no mere inert mass, lying helpless under the buffetings of the winds of ill- fortune. The energy which was one of the marked points in his character asserted itself, and his days were ended in the prosperity he deserved. From 1851 until the date of his death, Decem- ber n, 1895, Mr. Prosser made Chicago his home, with the exception of two years spent in the Rocky Mountains, six years in Boston, and a short vacation spent in Europe. He was the first man to introduce the steam engine and the quartz-mill into the Rockies, the engine being constructed of material shipped from the East, the boiler being literally built in that wild region. While in Europe he was elected a member of the Society of Mechanics of England and Scotland, an honor which speaks of his high merits as a mechanical engineer. In West Bloomfield, New York, September 26, 1849, Mr. Prosser married Miss Lucy J. Phillips, and of their union two children were born: Henry Blinn Prosser, of Chicago; and Mary Augusta, wife of Oscar E. Poole, of Lakeside, Illinois. Mrs. Prosser was the daughter of Isaac Webster Phillips, a relative of the famous Web- ster family, his mother being a sister of Noah Webster's father. Isaac Phillips was a native of Hartford, Connecticut, but removed to West Bloomfield, where he served as Justice of the Peace, and was commonly known as Judge Phil- lips. He came to Chicago late in life, and died at the home of Mrs. Prosser, at the age of sev- enty-two years. His wife, whose maiden name was Laura Miller, reached the advanced age of ninety-two years. Closely wedded to his profession , Mr. Prosser generally refused the responsibilities of official positions, but made an exception to this rule after the Great Fire, when he acted as superintendent of the distribution of food to the destitute in Districts Four and Five. These duties he filled in an energetic and impartial manner, which accorded well with the other actions of his well- spent life. In his politics he voted with the Republican party. Oscar E. Poole, who married Mr. Prosser 's only daughter, was born January 18, 1857, * n Will J. W. LARIMORE. County, Illinois, and is a son of Ezra and Eliza Treat Poole, pioneers in Will County, where they settled in 1850. He received his principal educa- tion in Joliet, where his guardian lived. His father died when he was but one and a-half years old, and his mother died when he was ten years old. His boyhood was spent in Joliet. At the age of eighteen years he became a clerk in his uncle's store, and three years later became a partner. At the age of twenty-two he entered the employ of the State, in the capacity of storekeeper at the State Penitentiary, remaining a number of years in that position. From there he went to Chicago, where he first started a milk business and then became a traveling salesman for Kinney & Company, and, later, their manager. He finally bought out the business, and it is now conducted under the name of Poole & Company. Mr. Poole was married, February 27, 1885, to Miss Mary Augusta Prosser, who is the mother of four children now living: Edward Prosser, Helen Irene, Lucy Eliza and Malcolm Alan Poole. PROF. JAMES W. LARIMORE. (TAMES WILSON LARIMORE, who died I suddenly of heart failure at his home in Chi- G) cago, May 30, 1894, was for many years prominent in the literary, social and religious work of the city. He was born in Steubenville, Ohio, May 6, 1834, and was a son of Joseph and Mary Jane (Wilson) Larimore, both also natives of that place. The earliest progenitors of the family known were French Huguenots, who fled from their native land after the cruel revocation of the Edict of Nantes by Louis XIV., locating in Scotland. There the name was difficult of pronunciation on the Scotch tongue, and from "Laird o' the Moor," the name gradually came to its present form. The first settlement of the family in Amer- ica was made in Chester County, Pennsyl- vania, where David Larimore, grandfather of the subject of this sketch, was born March 31, 1782. For many generations the Larimores had been distinguished for literary tastes and attain- ments, and David Larimore was no exception to the rule. He was a man of affairs, and conserved the family estates, which were considerable. He died at Norristown, Pennsylvania, March 16, 1857, having almost completed his seventy-fifth year. James Wilson, father of Mrs. Mary J. Lari- more, came of a Scotch-Irish family, which has borne a prominent part in the literary and social life of the United States, furnishing many not- able statesmen, attorneys and generals to the Nation. This family is also a strong factor in the literary life of America, and Professor Lari- more inherited talents from both lines of ances- tors. The youth of the latter was spent at Niles, Michigan, whither his parents removed when he was two years old. He early manifested a fond- ness for books, and most of his life up to the age of twenty-six years was spent in school. He was sent, in 1852, to Olivet Institute, in Eaton County, Michigan. Having an uncle in the faculty of the Hampton and Sidney College in southern Virginia, he was induced to go there. He remained some time, but the climate did not J. W. LARIMORE. agree with him. Consequently, he decided to finish his education at the North. He took a course at the University of New York City, which graduated him in the Class of 1860. He had a thorough theological education, having spent a year at Union Theological Seminary, later taking a full course at Princeton Theological Seminary, Princeton, New Jersey, preparatory to entering the Presbyterian ministry. He preached most of the time, supplying different churches during the latter part of his theological studies, his first regular ' 'call' ' being to one of the largest and most important churches at that time in Albany, New York, the Third Dutch Reformed. He had, however, a decided preference for life in the grow- ing West, and became pastor of the First Presbyte- rian Church of Mount Pleasant, Iowa. Under his able ministry, this soon became the largest so- ciety of that denomination west of the Mississippi River. In 1863 he accepted the Chaplaincy of the Ninth Iowa Cavalry, at the earnest solicita- tion of his particular friend, Adjutant-General Baker, of Iowa, and at once went into the field with the regiment, spending most of the time in the Department of Little Rock, Arkansas, being Post Chaplain at De Vails Bluff. Just before the death of President Lincoln, in 1865, he was by him brevetted Major, and also assigned to the position of Hospital Chaplain in the regular United States army. He resigned his position at De Vails Bluff, as he had been ordered to re- port for duty at Webster Hospital in Memphis, Tennessee, in April, 1865. Owing to the uncer- tainty of the mails, he did not receive his papers until several days after the President's assassina- tion. At the close of the war Professor Larimore came to Chicago, and in the fall of 1865 was installed as pastor of the Seventh (now West- minister) Presbyterian Church of this city, which position he filled for something over two years. In the mean time he did much literary work, and for a period gave his exclusive attention to this congenial labor. He developed a great aptitude for journalism, and was offered the position of city editor of the Chicago Evening Journal in the spring of 1 87 1 , and accepted. He discharged the duties of this responsible charge with marked ability and success for three years. On the fatal ninth of October, 1871, when \h& Journal office was a ruin through the historic "great fire," Mr. Larimore gave a characteristic exhibition of energy and perseverance. With the aid of the editor-in-chief, Hon. Andrew Shu- man, an edition of the Journal was produced on a hand press, which they secured in a job-of- fice on the West Side; and with the flames threatening to consume the building over their heads, the paper was issued at the usual hour of publication being the only representative of the Chicago daily press put forth on that day. The numerous writings and publications of Professor Larimore had attracted the notice of the University of Chicago, and in March, 1874, he was elected to the professorship of physics in that institution. In consequence of this, he re- signed his connection with the Journal May 2 of that year. He did not, however, enter upon the duties assigned him at the university, but later on accepted a similar position at the Cook County Normal School at Englewood. In Sep- tember, 1878, he was elected teacher of physics and chemistry at the North Division High School of Chicago. He entered at once upon his duties, and continued to fill the chair for eleven consecutive years, with great credit to himself and the school, making many devoted friends among his pupils. Before coming West Professor Larimore was married, at Hudson, New York, to Miss Katie Hoysradt, a beautiful and talented young lady, who died in Chicago in 1865. Her remains, with those of their two little boys, rest in the cemetery at Niles, Michigan. In 1867 he was again married, by Reverend Doctors Humphrey and Harsha, to Miss Hattie Stevens, of Chicago, the soprano singer of his church choir. . She was born in Strykersville, Wyoming County, New York, being the young- est of the three daughters of the late Ira Stevens of that town. In the year 1854, while she was a small child, the family went to St. Charles, Kane County, Illinois. Her father, a talented singer, died very suddenly of cholera the day following CHRISTOPHER JOHNSON. 93 their arrival, which was during the great epidemic of that year. Her mother, Percy Talmage Hotchkiss, a refined Christian lady, was born near New Haven, Connecticut. She died in April, 1888, leaving her six children, and many friends, to mourn her loss. Mrs. Larimore received her education in the high school at St. Charles, finishing it in Chi- cago, where the greater part of her life has been spent. Possessing marked musical talent, she devoted most of her time to its development, which brought her some distinction. At one time, while a young lady, she was urgently solicited to enter upon an operatic career. She was turned from that course by conscientious scruples. Aside from her musical talent, she is a lady of much culture and pleasing personality, and was ever a true helpmeet and companion to her talented husband in all his labors. Three bright children were given to Mr. and Mrs. Lari- more, all of whom are now deceased. Hattie Gertrude, the eldest, passed away at the age ot two years. Paul, a promising lad, reached the age of ten years, and was the subject of a most touching and beautiful obituary from the pen of Dr. Nixon, of the Inter Ocean. Blanche died in infancy. The remains of the husband and father and their three children lie buried at Rose Hill. During his ministry in Chicago, Professor Larimore preached many quite noted sermons, one of the most marked being what was called by the daily papers his "Crosby Opera House ser- mon." He also preached the sermon at the in- stallation of the late Professor David Sw^ng, who was loved by so large a number of the leading citizens of Chicago. At the time of his death these two ministers were the only surviving mem- bers of the original Presbytery of the city. Pro- fessor Larimore was ever active in good works, always having the welfare of his kind at heart, but ' 'God's finger touched him and he slept. ' ' The following lines express but feebly the high opinion in which he was held by his friends: "To know him was to love him, None named him but to praise." CAPT. CHRISTOPHER JOHNSON. EAPT. CHRISTOPHER JOHNSON, one of the old landmarks of Chicago, who arrived in this city as long ago as 1838, was a native of the little kingdom of Denmark, and was born near Copenhagen, October 3, 1819, his parents being natives of the same locality. His father was killed by an accident before Christopher was a year old, and the latter was bound out to a farmer on the island of Als. Imbued with the strong love of the sea which has filled so many of his country- men and made them famous as sailors the world over, at the early age of fourteen years he shipped at Sonderburg, Denmark, on board an ocean vessel, and within the next two or three years had sailed around the globe. In the winter of 1837 he found himself in the city of New Orleans, and, having long desired to verify the statements he had heard of the advantages America offered to industrious, enterprising youth of all nations, he left his ship, and started for the heart of the country. Aftei reaching St. Louis, he went to Peoria, in this State, whence, by means of a hired team, he reached this city. Mr. Johnson's employment after reaching what was then the muddy little village at the mouth of the Chicago River was as a member of a survey- 94 CHRISTOPHER JOHNSON. ing party; but he served thus only a short time, and soon after sought the more familiar and con- genial life of a sailor on the Great Lakes. On one occasion, while on a trip on one of the Lower Lakes, on a vessel called the "Maria Hilliard," he was shipwrecked and met with other mishaps. But on the whole fortune favored him; and after a few years' service as a common sailor, he was able to buy a small schooner, the "Helena," and took charge of her as captain. In 1849, while coming with a cargo of bricks from Little Fort, near Kenosha, the "Helena" was sunk near the Rush Street Bridge. On her voyage to Chicago, she had sprung a leak, but by the efforts of the captain and crew, she had been kept afloat until the city was reached. After raising his vessel, Captain Johnson sailed her for some time longer, but in 1853 concluded to give up sailing for good. His life on the lakes had given him a pretty fair insight into the lumber business, and in this he embarked, remaining thus engaged until the Great Fire, when, in common with innumerable others, he lost almost his entire savings. Fort- unately, however, he did not lose his residence, which was then on the West Side. He was the owner of a farm at Lemont, and he moved his family there for a time. His handsome new farmhouse was destroyed by fire two years later, and he built another. Captain Johnson had married in 1849, and for the next twelve years he reared his children on the farm. He retained the real estate he had owned in Chicago previous to the fire, and had added to it, and at the end of the twelve years he removed his wife and family to the city, finding here greater scope for himself and promise of future occupation for his sons. His property interests increased to such an extent that his time was fully taken up in managing his private affairs, and he never entered any other business. During all his life in Chicago he lived on the North Side, where he was universally known and popular with all. He built his first home on the corner of Ohio and Market Streets, a spot which he then considered the most prepossessing in the city. His objection to the South Side was due to its mud, that portion of the city being almost impassable in the early days on account of its level. At one time he intended to buy the land on which the Briggs House now stands, but after considerable deliberation concluded the site was too muddy, a succession of mud holes having to be crossed to reach it. Captain Johnson's widow, who yet survives, was previous to her marriage Miss Emily Ray- mond, a daughter of John and Louise Raymond. She is a native of Copenhagen, and was born September i, 1833. At the age of ten years she came to America with her father, who was a ship- carpenter. He followed the lakes until his death, which resulted from an accident he met with while in the pursuit of his calling, being caught and crushed between two ships. His death occurred some months later, at the age of forty-five years, August ii, 1853. Mrs. Johnson's marriage occurred in Du Page County, this State, near Naperville, December 9, 1849, and resulted in the birth of thirteen children, of whom the fol- lowing are living: Maria Louise, Mrs. A. Nelson, of Chicago; Lena Amelia, Mrs. John S. Lee, of Lemont; Evelyn, Mrs. D. T. Elston, of Chicago; Henry W., living in Socorro, New Mexico; Benja- min Franklin, of Pomeroy, Washington; Charles Christopher and George W. Johnson, of this city. In politics Captain Johnson was an ardent sup- porter of the Republican party, and his party's candidates were never defeated by his failure to do his duty at the polls. During the early years of the Civil War he served as Collector of the North Town, but a naturally retiring and modest disposition kept him from ever being conspic- uous in politics. In religious faith he accorded with the Lutheran Church. The respect in which he was held was shown at the time of his death, which occurred September 28, 1895, within a week of his seventy-sixth birthday anniversary. He had been an enthusiastic member of Cleveland Lodge of the Chicago Freemasons, in which he was initiated June n, passed July 7, and raised October 13, 1859, and his fellow Masons attended his funeral in a body. His early life had been full of incident and adventure, but his later years found him quietly fulfilling the duties of a self- respecting, honorable life. LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS H. L. STEWART. 95 HART L. STEWART. EN. HART LE LAC STEWART, who was very prominent in the development of Mich- igan and Illinois, a participator in the Black Hawk War, and a leading citizen of Chicago for a generation, came of the sturdy stock which paved the way for and was active in the civilization of many of the eastern States of this country. He was born in Bridgewater, Oneida County, New York, August 29, 1803, and died in Chicago May 23, 1882. The name indicates the Scotch origin of his ancestry, but the date of their transplanting to America is not known. From the recollections of General Stewart, published by him at the re- quest of his family, it is learned that his grand- parents, Samuel Stewart and Patience Hunger- ford, lived in Tolland County, Connecticut. The latter was, undoubtedly, of English lineage. She died many years before her husband, who passed away in 1816, at the age of eighty-two years. They had nine children, and the second, William, was the father of the subject of this biography. William Stewart was born in 1772, in Con- necticut, and was an early settler in the Territory of Michigan. He was a soldier in the War of 1812, and also served in the militia regiment, com- manded by his son, which went from Michigan to aid in suppressing the Indians under Black Hawk in 1832. He was married at Mansfield, Windham County, Connecticut, in 1795, to Miss Validia Turner, eighth of the ten children of Timothy and Rachel (Carpenter) Turner, of Mansfield. Timothy Turner was born August 18, 1757, in Willington, Connecticut, which was also the native place of his wife. The latter died in Mansfield Center, Windham County, Con- necticut, June 22, 1799. They were married August 20, 1776. Timothy Turner was a soldier of the Revolution, serving in the "Lexington Alarm Party" from Mansfield, Connecticut. He was the son of Stephen, third and youngest son of Isaac Turner, born in Bedford, Massachusetts, whose father came from England. Rachel Car- penter's parents were James and Irene (Ladd) Carpenter. The former was a son of Ebenezer Carpenter and Eunice Thompson. Ebenezer, born in Coventry, Connecticut, as was his son, was the son of Benjamin Carpenter and Hannah, daughter of Jedediah Strong. Benjamin was the tenth child of William Carpenter and Priscilla Bonette. The former was one of the four chil- dren of William Carpenter, who came from South- ampton, England, in the ship "Bevis" in 1638, and settled in Rehoboth, Massachusetts. (See biography of Benjamin Carpenter in this volume. ) When Hart L. Stewart was twelve years old, his father moved to Batavia, Genesee County, New York, where he purchased land of the Hol- land Land Company, and the son helped to clear this ground of timber. When seventeen years old the latter went into the office of David D. Brown, at Batavia, to study law. At the end of a year he was forced, by lack of means, to take some remunerative employment, and after vainly seek- ing a situation as school teacher, in which he hoped to be able to continue his legal studies, he engaged as clerk in a store in Oneida County with an uncle. Through the recommendation of the latter, at the end of a year he was employed by a merchant named Blair in Rochester, New York. After four months' service at Rochester, he was sent by Mr. Blair to open a branch store 9 6 H. I,. STEWART. at Lyons, New York, where he continued in charge until the fall of 1822. He now determined to engage in business on his own account, and, securing the assistance of his brother, George Stewart, opened a store at Lockport, New York, where a successful trade was carried on, they having the benefit of credit with Mr. Blair and other Rochester merchants. In 1823 Hart L,. Stewart took a sub-contract to finish the work of Judge Bates on the Erie Canal, which he completed, with a fair profit, the next year. These facts indicate that the young man had developed good business qualifications, which attracted the favorable notice and assistance of influential men. Having now gained a practical experience in canal construction, he sent his brother, Alanson C. Stewart, who had become associated with him in the mean time, to Cleveland, Ohio, in October, 1824, to secure a contract on the Ohio Canal. Hart L,. had become engaged in the lumber busi- ness at Niagara, New York, and continued it un- til November, 1825, being at the same time in- terested in the Ohio contract which his brother secured. They next contracted to execute sec- tions on the western end of the Pennsylvania Canal, and in November, 1826, took the con- tract to bore a tunnel for the canal on the Coue- maugh River. This was finished in 1829, and was the first tunnel of its kind in the United States. Among those connected with the canal ' enterprise, they were known as the "boy con- tractors," the elder brother but twenty-four years old; but they were credited, and justly, with superior practical knowledge. They were the first to introduce the method of securing light by means of reflecting mirrors placed at the mouths of the tunnel. Work was prosecuted from both ends, night and day, and its completion was re- garded as one of the greatest achievements of the age, and the subject of this notice was furnished with some very flattering letters when he left Pennsylvania. Having made a considerable profit from his contracts, he now resolved to invest some of it in lands, before engaging in further ventures, and with that end in view, took a trip of exploration through Ohio, Indiana and Michigan, which oc- cupied three months. He purchased about one thousand acres on White Pigeon and Sturgis Prairies, in St. Joseph County, Michigan. Another plan which had for some time been considered was now consummated, and on the fifth of February, 1829, he was married to Miss Hannah Blair McKibbin, of Franklin County, Pennsylvania. In September of the same year they set out for their new home in Michigan. At the end of a six-weeks journey from Pitts- burgh, they arrived at White Pigeon, November 7, 1829, and here a log cabin was erected. After making further provisions for a home, young Stewart went to Detroit and presented to Gov- ernor Lewis Cass his letters of introduction. These were from Governor Porter, Senators Blair and Lacock, Judge William Wilkins and James S. Stevenson, President of the Canal Board, of Pennsylvania, all of whom Governor Cass characterized as his personal friends. In the spring of 1830 the Governor sent to Mr. Stewart a commission as Colonel of Militia, and a year later appointed him one of the commis- sioners to locate the county seats of St. Joseph and Cass Counties. At this time, the entire population of Michigan, including Detroit, the chief city of the West, numbered but a few thou- sand whites. Through the influence of Colonel Stewart, a post route was established by the Government to supply the few scattered settle- ments extending from Detroit toward Chicago. The two Stewart brothers before named were the contractors for carrying the mails once in two weeks, which was accomplished on horseback, over a region where one hundred tons are now carried daily. Hart L. Stewart was made Post- master at Mottville, with the franking privilege, and his own letters and papers constituted the bulk of the mail at his office. In 1832 he was appointed Judge of the County Court by Governor Porter, and the next year he was commissioned Circuit Judge, in which capacity he officiated the next three years. In 1836 Judge Stewart was elected a member of the Second Constitutional Convention, which was called to fix the southern boundary of the H. L. STEWART. 97 State of Michigan to correspond with the line as established when Indiana and Ohio were ad- mitted to the Union. By this convention he was sent to Washington to secure, if possible, the ad- mission of the State with boundary as established by the ordinance ceding the Northwest Territory to the United States, and including Michigan City and Maumee City. That he did not suc- ceed is a matter of history, but the State secured, in offset, all of what is now known as the North- ern Peninsula of Michigan. On this mission Judge Stewart formed the acquaintance of many of the leading men of the Nation at that time. On his return home, Judge Stewart found that the Legislature had chosen him Commissioner of Internal Improvements, and in this capacity he took charge of the survey of the St. Joseph River for slack- water navigation, and also of the Central Railroad. The latter was partially built by the State, and then turned over to the Michigan Cen- tral Railroad Company. In 1838 he received the commission of Brigadier-General, commanding the Fourteenth Brigade, Michigan Militia. When the Indians, under Black Hawk, threatened to kill or drive out the settlers in northern Illinois and southern Wisconsin, the Government requested the Governor of Michigan to send volunteers to the rescue. General Stewart was ordered by Governor Porter to raise a regiment as soon as possible, and this was found an easy tas,k, as volunteers, from the age of sixteen to sixty, were numerous. The service lasted about six months, and Colonel Stewart's regiment included his brothers, A. C. Stewart, as Commander of a com- pany; Samuel M. Stewart, as Lieutenant of an- other; besides two other brothers and his father as volunteers. The latter was especially valuable as a drill master, on account of his previous serv- ice in the War of 1812. He was now sixty years of age. In June, 1836, General Stewart attended the letting of the construction contracts on the Illinois & Michigan Canal, and contracted for a large amount of deep-rock work near Lockport. He had as partners A. S. Stewart, Lorenzo P. Sanger, James Y. Sanger, and others, who took personal charge of the work, while he continued in charge of his personal and official interests in Michigan. In 1840 the inability of the State to meet its financial obligations compelled the contractors to abandon the work, at great loss, and ruin in many cases. About this time General Stewart took up his residence in Chicago, and in 1842 he was elected a member of the Legislature, and was active in securing the acceptance of the for- eign bondholders' proposition to complete the canal. None of the contractors had ever received anything for their losses previous to that time. While on a trip to Canada to secure workmen for the canal in 1839, General Stewart was placed in arrest, under the impression that he was a spy in the interest of the "Patriot War. " Through the influence of friends, his mission was made known to the Canadian authorities, and he was discharged and furnished every facility for carry- ing out his business. From 1845 to 1849, under the administration of President Polk, General Stewart served as Postmaster at Chicago, being the first presidential appointee in that office. He now turned his attention to railroad con- struction, and became interested in some of the largest contracts ever given in the West to a single firm. The history of these undertakings is fully related in this volume in the biography of James Y. Sanger, who was associated with General Stewart in this work, and need not be repeated here. During the progress of their work, in partnership with several others, they became proprietors of the Rhode Island Central Bank, and this, in common with many others, was wrecked by the financial upheaval of 1857, though its proprietors were enabled to close up its affairs honorabl)- and with little loss to them- selves. General Stewart became a member of the Masonic fraternity in 1824, and subsequently took all the chapter and encampment degrees and several others. In political sentiment, he was a Democrat. He was one of the few brave spirits who stood with Stephen A. Douglas at North Market Hall, on the evening of September i, 1854, when a mob of political opponents refused to let the "Little Giant" be heard, and even threatened him with bodily harm. In religious 9 8 J. H. RICE. faith, General Stewart was a true "neighbor," a Presbyterian, and for forty years rarely failed to listen to Rev. Dr. Patterson's sermons in the Second Presbyterian Church of Chicago. He was an able leader, quiet and gentle in his man- ners, sociable and genial, making his home a happy place for the frequent reunions of a large and interesting circle of friends. On the i2th of February, 1849, authority was granted by the State to five individuals, one of whom was Hart L. Stewart, to incorporate the Chicago Gas Light and Coke Company, which was granted the exclusive right to supply gas to the city of Chicago for ten years. Before the close of the next year, the streets of the city and many private buildings were for the first time illuminated by gaslight. In 1857 General Stew- art was Vice-President of the Great Western In- surance Company, with a capital of half a million dollars, and office at No. 160 South Water Street. The Stewart Building, at the northwest corner of State and Washington Streets (which was torn down in 1896, to make way for one of Chicago's famous high office buildings), was the fourth structure erected by General Stewart on that spot the first one having been for many years his family home. Hannah Blair McKibbin, wife of General Stewart, was descended from old and honorable families. Her maternal grandfather, William Nelson, was a brother of the famous Admiral Horatio Nelson, the hero of Trafalgar. His wife was Mary Harvey, and their children were Will- iam, James and Mary Esther. William Nelson, senior, died in 1803, at which time his daughter was about fifteen years old. She married Col. James McKibbin, of Franklin "County, Penn- sylvania, and their eldest daughter, Hannah B., became the wife of General Stewart, as before re- lated, and the mother of the following children: Mary Esther, Frances Validia, Amelia Mott, Catherine E. , Jane, Anna Waldo, Hannah McKib- bin and Helen Wolcott. The first married Henry A. Clark in 1850, and both are now deceased, being survived by a son, Stewart Clark, of Chi- cago. The second died at St. Louis, Missouri, while the wife of Watson Matthews, leaving one child, Fannie V. Matthews. Amelia and Cath- erine died in childhood. Jane Stewart married John C. Patterson, and died in 1875, leaving a son, Stewart Patterson. Hannah McKibbin is the wife of George Sydney Williams, of Chicago. The youngest is the wife of Lorenzo M. Johnson, manager of the Mexican International Railroad. Mary C. McKibbin, sister of Mrs. Stewart, married James Y. Sanger, whom she survives, and is among the most interesting surviving pioneers of Illinois. She is spoken of by General Stewart as the "Daughter of the Regiment," during the campaign against Black Hawk. She was then a miss of fourteen years, and ready to ride on any expedition, carrying dispatches and otherwise aiding in conveying information. JAMES H. RICE. (TAMES HARLOW RICE, one of the oldest I and most highly respected business men of (*/ Chicago, passed away at his home on Michi- gan Avenue, in that city, February 6, 1896. He was born in Tompkins County, New York, in 1830. His parents, Asa and Polly (Reed) Rice, were natives of Massachusetts, and settled in New York in 1811, shortly after their mar- riage. Asa Rice was a prosperous farmer, well known and esteemed for his great moral worth. Both he and his wife were members of the Meth- odist Church and active in good works. They attained a venerable age, the former dying when eighty years old, and the latter at seventy-five. E. W. EVANS. Mr. Rice was an "old-line" Whig, and in later life became a Republican. His nine children reached mature years, and three came West, namely, Henry, Columbus T. and James H. Rice. The first two are now residents of Adair County, Missouri. Columbus Titus Rice came with his brother to Chicago in June, 1854, and proceeded to Missouri four years later, and has resided there ever since. In early life he was a carpenter, and worked at that occupation while a resident of Chicago. On going to Missouri he engaged in farming, but is now retired from act- ive life. He was married in New York in 1855 to Miss Catherine Wickoff, who is still his com- panion on life's journey. They are the parents of six children, namely: Edward, Flora, Mary, Elizabeth, Charles, Augusta and James. James H. Rice was also a carpenter, and very early after arriving in Chicago began contract- ing for the erection of buildings. Among the structures erected by him were the old Tremont House and the Commercial Hotel. He built the first structure put up after the fire of 1871, which was located on Quincy Place. From 1856 to 1878 he was associated in this business with Mr. Ira Foote, with whom he was acquainted in early life in New York. In 1872 he engaged in the plate and window- glass trade, and built up an extensive and pros- perous business. This passed into the control of an incorporated company, known as the James H. Rice Company, of which he was President. He also became President of the Stewart Estep Glass Company, which engaged in the manu- facture of glass at Marion, Indiana. Both these institutions were flourishing at the time of his death. In trade circles for years he had been a leader, and his counsel had ever been sought and his sterling qualities of mind and heart thor- oughly appreciated. Among Mr. Rice's personal friends was the late Cyrus H. McCormick, for whom he did much work during his building ca- reer. He was widely known during the early days in Chicago, and was esteemed and respected by all classes of citizens. In 1876 he was married to Miss Margaret Su- san Gilliland, a native of Ohio, at that time a resident of Perry, Iowa. She died February 4, 1896. During the last eighteen years of her life she had been an invalid. In life they were to- gether and in death not divided. No children blessed their union, but his wife was ever to him his child and care, and his devotion in this rela- tion was most beautiful. The double funeral from their late home was conducted by Rev. J. L. Withrow, a personal friend of Mr. Rice, with whom he was for some time associated on the Board of Directors of the Presbyterian Hospital. He spoke feelingly of the man and woman and their works, aims and ideas. The remains were laid away in Oakwoods Cemetery, the active pallbearers being workmen in the employ of the James H. Rice Company. By Mr. Rice his em- ployes were ever considered as his "boys." Some of these "boys" are men, aged and gray, who had been in his service for a quarter of a century, and all of them will miss his kindly, genial presence. ENOCH W. EVANS. ITNOCH WEBSTER EVANS, who for a Ky score of years ranked as a leading member L_ of the Chicago Bar, was born at Fryeburg, Maine, in 1817, and died in Chicago, September 2, 1879. He was one of eleven children born to Capt. William and Anna Evans, further notice of whom will be found elsewhere in this volume, in connection with the biography of Dr. Moses Evans. Enoch W. Evans received his early education IOO JOHN DICKINSON. at Fryeburg Academy and Waterville College, in his native State. Later he went to Dartmouth College, where he pursued a classical course, and graduated with the Class of 1838. He then en- gaged in teaching at Hopkinton, New Hamp- shire, and simultaneously began to read law in the office of Judge Chase, a noted jurist of that State. In 1840 Mr. Evans came to Chicago, where he was admitted to the Bar during the same year, soon after removing to Dixon's Ferry, Illinois, remaining at that place two or three years. Thence he went to Kenosha, Wisconsin, where he practiced his profession until 1858. At that date he again located in Chicago, and was en- gaged in general practice in this city up to the time of his death. During this time he tried many important cases, which he managed with marked ability, gaining a numerous and profit- able clientage. On the i6th of September, 1846, Mr. Evans was married, Miss Caroline Hyde, of Darien, New York, becoming his wife. Mrs. Evans, who is a daughter of James Hyde, still survives, at the venerable age of seventy-four years, making her home in Chicago. She is the mother of four living children: William W., a prosperous at- torney at Chicago; Lewis H., a civil engineer, at present connected with the track elevation of the Chicago & Northwestern Railway in Chicago; Carrie, Mrs. William L. Adams, and Mary W., the two latter also residents of Chicago. Mr. Evans was a gentleman of quiet, un- ostentatious habits, and gave but little heed to public affairs. He confined his labors and at- tention almost exclusively to professional sub- jects, and achieved an enviable standing among his contemporaries, which justly entitles this brief record of his life to a place among the annals of his adopted home. JOHN DICKINSON. (JOHN DICKINSON, a highly successful I operator upon the Chicago Board of Trade, Q) residing at Evanston, was born in the his- toric old town of Deerfield, Massachusetts, No- vember 21, 1855, and is a son of Philander P. and Mary A. (Feeney) Dickinson. The Dickinsons were among the earliest Colonial families of Massachusetts. Philander R. Dickinson, the grandfather of the subject of this notice, was a wholesale and retail shoe dealer in New York City for many years. He attained the great age of ninety-eight years, dy- ing at Springfield Massachusetts. Philander P. Dickinson became an extensive manufacturer of brooms at Springfield, and had at one time the largest factory in that State. This establishment was destroyed by fire, inflicting upon Mr. Dickinson a financial loss which he was never able wholly to retrieve. In 1860 he removed to Iowa, locating first at Claremont, and settling later at McGregor. At the latter point he again engaged in the manufacture of brooms, and built up a fair business On account of failing health, he retired from active business about 1865, and returned to the East. The last ten years of his life were passed at Norwalk, Florida, where he died in 1884, at the age of sixty-nine years. He was a member of the Baptist Church, and a steadfast Republican. Mrs. Mary A. Dickinson died at Evanston in 1878, aged forty-nine years. She was born in New York City, her parents being of Irish de- scent. Her father was a wholesale shoe mer- chant in that city. She was a member of the Baptist Church. Her children are named and reside as follows: Millie D., Mrs. Julius Ball, Montague, Massachusetts; Mary J., and Delia, wife of F. H. Bennett, Chicago; John, Evanston; Hattie M., Denver, Colorado. John Dickinson was a small boy when the fam- BENJAMIN SHURTLEFF. 101 ily came West, and he received his education at the Evanston High School. He began his busi- ness career in a furniture store, and established himself in business as a shoe dealer at Evanston, with success. In 1879 he sold out and joined the Chicago Board of Trade, with which he has ever since been identified. He was among the younger members of that body, but soon demonstrated his capability and soundness, and has won the confidence and esteem of the entire membership. He handles all kinds of grain and provisions, as well as stocks and bonds and other paper securi- ties, on his own account, and has met with al- most uniform success. His profits have been largely invested in real estate at Hammond, Indiana, and in Florida timber lands and orange groves. Mr. Dickinson was married, November 25, 1875, to Miss Mary Alice Johnson, daughter of Anthony Johnson and Catherine (Ganer) John- son. Mrs. Dickinson was born at Port Jervis, New York, where her father was connected with important railroad interests for some years. Mr. Dickinson is identified with the First Methodist Church of Evanston. He is a man of domestic tastes, and devotes little time to social recreations. He supports the Republican party, whose policy he believes to be in the interest of good govern- ment and the commercial prosperity of the country. In 1889 he built an elegant residence at the northwest corner of Asbury Avenue and Church Street, Evanston, which is surrounded by one of the handsomest and best- kept lawns in Cook County. In short, the home of Mr. and Mrs. Dickinson, throughout its exterior and interior appointments, bespeaks the refined tastes and cultivated instincts by means of which, only, such an establishment can be designed and main- tained. BENJAMIN SHURTLEFF. gENJAMIN SHURTLEFF, one of the found- ers of Lake View, whose identity is rapidly becoming lost in the vast city of Chicago, is still a resident of that former suburb, and affords an excellent type of the pioneers of the metrop- olis of the West. He was born in Ernesttown, Lennox County, Ontario, July 19, 1812. His ancestors were English, and were very loyal subjects of the British crown. The first one in the American colonies settled in Massachusetts, whence Lemuel Shurtleff, grandfather of the subject of this notice, removed to Canada at the beginning of the American Revolution. He settled in Ernesttown, Lennox County, Ontario, where he engaged in farming, reared a large family, and reached a good old age. He had three sons, Seldon, Jacob and Gideon. The last-named passed his life in Canada, exceeding the age of eighty years, and was a farmer. He was a quiet, faithful Christian, devoted to the Methodist Church, and the welfare of his fellow-men was dear to his heart. His wife, Mary Ward, probably of Irish descent, was a tender and true wife and mother, and, like himself, a faithful member of the Methodist Church. She died at the age of sixty-two years. Of their twelve children, eleven grew to maturity, and three of the sons became residents of the United States. Their names were Samuel, Jacob, Gid- eon, Lemuel, Benjamin, Miles, John, Polly, Amy, Lydia and Amanda. Lemuel was an able me- chanic, and built some of the large iron mills at Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, at which place he died. Miles was admitted to the Bar in New York, and became interested in the manufacture of iron at Rochester, New York, for many years. Benjamin ShurtlefF passed the first eighteen years of his life on the home farm, receiving such intellectual training as was afforded by the dis- trict schools and good home surroundings. At 102 BENJAMIN SHURTLEFF. the age of eighteen years he began learning the joiner's trade, of which he became master. In 1837 he joined his brother in Pittsburgh, Penn- sylvania, and was associated with him in erecting large manufacturing plants there. Among these may be mentioned the immense iron mills of Spang, Chalfant & Company at J3tna, and the rolling mills of Louis Dalzell & Company at Sharpsburgh, another suburb of Pittsburgh. Among his fellow-workmen was Mr. C. K. Gar- rison, since one of the most successful business men and capitalists of that city, who was regarded by Mr. Shurtleff as one of the brightest business men he ever met. Twelve years of industrious application there gave Mr. Shurtleff a small cap- ital, which he resolved to invest in a newer place, and he set out for Chicago. Arriving here in 1851, he immediately made investments in real property, which his foresight told him was sure to appreciate greatly in value. He secured twenty acres in Lake View Town- ship, beside three twenty-acre tracts in section 33, town 39 north, range 14, most of which has been subdivided and sold off. Shurtleff s Addi- tion was one of the most valuable and well-known subdivisions on the old maps, and he now has valuable property on the South Side of the city. His present possessions include about ten acres of the most valuable land in the city, including many improved lots in the vicinity of his home, on Oakdale Avenue. In 1870 he built six sub- stantial houses on the corner of Fremont and Oak- dale Avenues, which were beyond the ravages of the great fire of the next year and became immediately profitable. May 5, 1853, at Sharpsburgh, Pennsylvania, Mr. Shurtleff was married to Miss Lucinda J. Sewell, daughter of James H. Sewell, an old resident of Pittsburgh. Judge James Sewell, a well-known character of that city, was a brother of Mrs. Shurtleff. Mrs. Shurtleff was bom in Baltimore, Maryland, and died January 10, 1856, in the prime of young womanhood, being but twenty-seven years old at the time of her death. She left a daughter, Lucy J., who was reared by her aunt, Mrs. J. B. Roberts, well known in Pitts- burgh, Pennsylvania, society. She was educated at Ferry Hall Seminary, at Lake Forest, Illinois, and Hellmuth College, London, Canada, and is now the wife of Bruce M. Myers, of Chicago. Subsequently, at Chicago, Mr. Shurtleff married Mrs. Margaret A. Buker, who was born Sep- tember 2, 1837, at Greenwood, Maine. She was a daughter of Capt. Isaac P. Furlong, who was a native of Maine, and commanded a company in the War of 1812. His father took up the first claim in the town of Greenwood, Oxford County, Maine. Mrs. Shurtleff was a genial companion to Mr. Shurtleff in every sense of the word, and also a good business manager. She was a woman possessed of more than ordinary native ability, and esteemed for many good qual- ities of head and heart. She passed away July 7, 1894, leaving two sons by her first marriage. Harry Leslie Buker, who was educated principally at the Schattuck Military School, Faribault, Minnesota, is well known in musical circles in Chicago, and was associated twelve years with the Slay ton Lyceum Bureau of that city. The other son, .William F. Buker, is an actor by pro- fession and a resident of New York City. Mr. Shurtleff was among the early members of the old Fullerton Avenue Presbyterian Church of Chicago, and has been a stanch supporter of the political principles of the Republican party all his life. In 1844 he voted for Henry Clay for Presi- dent of the United States, and he was among the promoters and organizers of the Republican party, voting for Fremont in 1856. His has been a quiet life of industry and attention to his private affairs, with no seeking after public honors. He has ever given of his time, influence and means toward the promotion of any movement calculated to further the general welfare, and his example is commended to the careful attention of every youth who hopes to make something of himself in the business, social or moral world. His suc- cess has not been the result of accident, but has been built up by shrewd calculation, and the prudent use of means acquired by the practice of habits of industry and right living. He refused his share of his father's estate, preferring it should go to his sisters. D. B. FONDA. 103 DAVID B. FONDA, M. D. 0AVID BARTHOLOMEW FONDA, M. D., is a representative of an old and prominent Empire State family which settled in and named the county-seat of Montgomery County, New York. His grandfather, John Fonda, was a native of Holland, and settled at a place called Bogt, in Albany County, New York, where he owned an estate comprising several thousand acres. His only son, Henry Fonda, was born there and inherited this estate. Most of his life was passed at Watervliet, New York, where he died at the age of sixty-six years, in June, 1841. His wife, Rebecca Hall, was born at Mayfield, Fulton County, New York, and died in August, 1840, at the age of fifty-six years. Henry Fonda was somewhat active in political affairs, though he never sought or accepted office for himself. David B. Fonda was born November 6, 1834, in Watervliet, Albany County, New York, where he remained until he reached the age of sixteen years. In his native township, at a place called Elisha's Kill, he received his primary education, completing the course of the upper school before he was sixteen years old. He was then appointed principal of the Second District School of the Third Ward of Schenectady, New York, where he taught one year. His first teacher's certificate was granted by Jonathan Pearson, professor of languages in Union Col- lege, at Schenectady, and superintendent of the public schools of that city. The scene of his labors for the next four years was a place called Lowell's Corners, where he taught in the joint district embracing portions of the towns of Cherry Valley and Seward, in the Counties of Schoharie and Otsego. While teaching here he pursued a private course in moral and mental philosophy, and the Greek and Latin languages, under the tutelage of Franklin Pierce, a cousin of the Presi- dent who bore the same name. At the end of this time he was prepared for matriculation at Hartwick College, a Lutheran Theological institu- tion. It is evident from the progress made up to this time that Mr. Fonda was a close student. By the time he attained his majority he had occupied a responsible position as teacher for a period of five years. The hard work involved in these labors, coupled with the diligent pursuit of his studies preparatory to further advancement, made deep inroads upon his physical strength, and a connec- tion which he formed at this time changed his plans and the entire course of his life. March 22, 1855, he was married to Miss Clarinda Lowell, a descendant of the famous New England family of that name, who was born at Lowell's Corners. She was a daughter of Nyram Lowell. In 1855, with his bride, Mr. Fonda removed to Chicago. Having a relative who was in the service of the Galena & Chicago Union Railroad, he sought and secured employment as a brake- man on this line for the sake of the outdoor labor, and at the end of fourteen months spent in this capacity, he found his health fully restored. 104 D. B. FONDA. He then accepted a position as teacher at Rose- hill, and began the pursuit of a medical course at Rush Medical College. He attended lectures at this institution during the two years beginning in 1859 an( i ending in 1861. Early in 1862 he enlisted as a private soldier, in Company C, Eighty-ninth Illinois Volunteer Infantry known as the Railroad Regiment, being composed entirely of railroad men. By the time the regiment was mustered he was promoted to Orderly Sergeant, and continued in service through Kentucky with the Army of the Cumber- land until the battle of Perryville. After this engagement he was sent with a detail to escort an ambulance train to Bardstown, Kentucky. On his arrival there he found that he had been. ap- pointed chief steward of the hospitals at that point. He continued there until the latter part of 1863, and became secretary of the medical corps, which embraced eight army surgeons. When he entered the army his weight was one hundred forty- five pounds, but during his service it was re- duced to ninety-four pounds, and through the recommendation of the surgeons he was honorably discharged on account of disability, although he had never as yet asked for a release from duty. On his return to Chicago he was prostrated by a severe illness, which continued for a period of three months. Recovering his health, he again entered Rush Medical College in 1864, and two years later com- pleted the coarse. He subsequently entered Bennett Medical College, from which he received a diploma in 1878. In 1866 he began the practice of medicine at Jefferson Park, and has continued to reside there ever since. In 1867, without any solicitation on his part, he was elected by the County Board to the post of County Physician and superintendent of the insane paupers sustained by the county. Through his vigorous protest against the mixture of insane with the other wards of the county, the board was induced to appropriate money for a building to be devoted exclusively to the care of the insane. This was begun in 1868, and on the first day of the year 1871 Dr. Fonda installed the patients in his charge in their new quarters. At the end of four years' service he retired and resumed his private practice at Jefferson, in which he has since continued with the ever-increasing confidence and respect of the community. Dr. Fonda has been somewhat active in the conduct of local affairs, and the promotion of the common welfare. In 1874 he was elected a mem- ber of the village board of Jefferson, of which body he was immediately made president and continued four consecutive years in this position. He was for many years health officer of the vil- lage, which was co-extensive with the town of Jefferson, until it was merged in the city of Chi- cago, and was again a member of the village board from 1884 until 1886. During the first year of this service he was president of the board, but refused that office during the second year, in order that he might be active on the floor in the discussion of many important movements then pending. For many years he was County Phy- sician in charge of the medical relief of the poor outside of public institutions. In 1889, when Jefferson was annexed to the city of Chicago, Dr. Fonda was elected one of the first aldermen from the twenty-seventh ward, and in the following April he was re-elected and served two years. In political matters he has always acted with the Republican party, having allied himself with it in 1856, and although he has sometimes voted for individuals not on his party ticket, he has ever remained true to its principles. In recent years he has made numerous addresses on political and economic subjects, which have been received with much applause. Dr. Fonda is still a member in good standing of the Lutheran Church at Gardnersville, New York. On a visit to the scenes of his early life, made in the fall of 1897, he attended worship at this place, where he met but one person that he had previ- ously known. After an absence of forty years this visit to his childhood home, although a very pleasant one on the whole, was much saddened by the absence of familiar faces. In the midst of family connections numbering thousands, he was still among strangers. Dr. Fonda was for many years connected with Hesperia Lodge, Ancient Free and Accepted L. J. HALSEY. 105 Masons, of Chicago, and was a charter member of the first Masonic Lodge in Jefferson. He is now connected with Wylie M. Egan Lodge, Washington Chapter, Siloam Council, St. Ber- nard Commandery, and Medinah Temple, of the Mystic Shrine. He was for many years con- nected with Home Lodge No. 416, Independent Order of Odd Fellows, of Chicago, and is a mem- ber of George H. Thomas Post No. 5, Grand Army of the Republic. He is Grand Medical Examiner of the Independent Order of Mutual Aid of the State of Illinois. Mrs. Fonda passed away in 1890, at the age of fifty-five years, leaving one child, Carrie Azubah, who resides with her father. Dr. Fonda is yet in possession of sound health, and a vigorous intel- lect, and has many years of usefulness both as a citizen and physician before him. REV. LEROY J. HALSEY. REV. LEROY JONES HALSEY, D. D., LL. D. On the 28th day of January, A. D. 1812, Leroy Jones Halsey was born in Cartersville, Goochland County, Virginia, on the banks of the James River, twelve miles from Richmond, the first-born son of John and Lucy (Tiller) Halsey. His paternal ancestry is traced back through the Virginia and North Carolina settlements to a New England stock of the date of 1640. He was acquainted with the hardship >f straitened circumstances in his early childhood. When he was less than five years old his father met with reverses by too generously becoming liable for another man's debt. It deprived him of his business and his home, and forced his emi- gration to the far southwest to begin life anew. He located at Huntsville, Alabama. Leroy was always of a studious habit. He ac- quired the rudiments of knowledge at home, and from the few books and periodicals available he had gained much information before he went to school. At school learning was a pleasure to him. Study was a delight, and this love of ap- plication and research so early manifested was characteristic of his entire collegiate and theo- logical course, and remained with him through life. The days spent in the classic shades of the old Green Academy at Huntsville were among the happiest of his youth. At the age of nineteen he left his home in Huntsville to enter the University of Nashville, at Nashville, Tennessee, where he was matricu- lated in the autumn of 1831, and entered the junior class. His education had been begun and was prosecuted from first to last with the ministry of the Gospel definitely in view. In the summer of 1834 he was graduated, and after a visit to his home he returned to Nashville and taught a select school for a year, from the proceeds of which he repaid his college debt, and then accepted the position of tutor in the college. At the same time, in November, 1835, he placed himself under the care of the Presbytery of Nash- ville as a candidate for the Gospel ministry. Having served as tutor for a year he accepted the appointment of substitute professor of languages in place of a professor who was to be absent for a year. These three years succeeding graduation, one spent in private teaching, and two in college work, were beneficial in fixing and testing scholar- ship, and also from a financial point of view. They enabled him to discharge his debt and to accumulate a fund sufficient to defray the expense of a theological course. Retiring from these pleasing associations in the summer of 1837, after a brief visit to his home he journeyed eastward by stage coach and steam- io6 L. J. HALSEY. boat until, at Frederick, Md. , he had his first view of a railway train, and thence through Bal- timore and Philadelphia, his first experience of railway travel, as far as Trenton, N. J. On the gth day of November he entered the Theological Seminary of Princeton. On the agth day of September, 1840, the semi- nary life of Dr. Halsey ended with his gradua- tion. He had been licensed by the Presbytery of New Brunswick on the 5th day of August pre- ceding. He immediately began his journey to the West, stopping in Philadelphia to preach in several of the churches there and to receive his commission from the Board of Missions assign- ing him to missionary labor in the bounds of the Presbytery of Tuscaloosa, Alabama. This work continued for more than two years, when its widely known success and the growing reputation of Dr. Halsey brought such urgent calls to wider fields that he was constrained to give them heed. The one which proved the most attractive was the one which showed the greatest need. A recently organized congrega- tion in the city of Jackson, the capital of Missis- sippi, was seeking for consecrated leadership and preaching power. They were without a house of worship, with little numerical or financial strength, but with united and zealous purpose and with a growing and influential community around, in crying need of Gospel privileges and influence and work. He accepted their call, and removing to Jackson, was ordained by the Pres- bytery of Mississippi and installed pastor on the sistday of March, 1843. A commodious house of worship was soon provided. The congregation grew and the work enlarged. This prosperous work continued for five years. 'During this pastorate, on the 24th day of April, 1844, he was married to Caroline Augusta Anderson, of Pendleton, South Carolina, a granddaughter of Gen. Robert Anderson of Revolutionary fame. His well-known success in Jackson led to his being called to undertake a similar work in Lou- isville, Kentucky, where a small colony of Presby- terians desired him to lead them in the work of founding and establishing a church. Satisfied of the importance of the enterprise, and undismayed by its prospective difficulties, he accepted their call and entered upon the work in the autumn of 1848. The church grew rapidly under his ministry. A comfortable house of worship was speedily pro- vided, and very soon the congregation, in point of numbers and ability and efficiency, took rank with the older churches of the city. Here he conducted a happy, useful and success- ful pastorate for ten years, in connection with the Chestnut Street Presbyterian Church, the same organization that, in a different locality, is still ac- tive, strong and prosperous, under the name and title of the Warren Memorial Church. In 1859 he was appointed by the General As- sembly to the Chair of Ecclesiology, Sacred Rhetoric and Pastoral Theology in the Presby- terian Theological Seminary of the Northwest, which the same assembly located at Chicago, on the basis of an endowment of one hundred thou- sand dollars donated by the late Cyrus H. Mc- Cormick, of this city. The institution is now known as McCormick Theological Seminary. He entered upon his work in Chicago in the autumn of that year. The city then contained a population of barely one hundred thousand. The seminary was domiciled at first in a rented build- ing at Clark and Harrison Streets. Two years later it found temporary quarters in the base- ment of the North Presbyterian Church at Cass and Indiana Streets. The present location, at North Halsted Street and Fullerton Avenue, was first occupied for seminary purposes in the winter of 1863 and 1864. Dr. Halsey continued his active labors in the seminary for thirty-three years, terminating them only in 1892, when he was eighty years old. In addition to the labors of the pastorate and of the professor's chair he was a faithful and in- fluential helper in the councils of the church; he responded to invitations for addresses on public occasions, and was a frequent contributor to the columns of the press. In 1858 he published his first book, "The Literary Attractions of the Bible," a work of classic merit, which holds and will continue to hold an assured place among the L. J. HALSEY. 107 preserved gems of English and American litera- ture. After Dr. Halsey came to Chicago his voice and pen occupied a wider sphere than that of the seminary alone. He preached often and in many pulpits all over the land and always with great acceptance. In 1860 he issued "Life Pictures from the Bible, ' ' a work that has held, and will always hold with those who possess it, an eminent place among the delineations of Bible character. In 1861 appeared "The Beauty of Immanuel," an exposition of the life, character, person, work, offices and glory of the Christ whom he loved and adored, a work most stimulating to piety and helpful to devotion. In 1866 he published, in three large volumes, through the L,ippiiicott press, the "Life and Works of Philip Lindsley, D. D.," a labor of love, preserving to posterity the literary produc- tions of one of the most accomplished educators of his day. In 1871 appeared from his pen ' 'The Memoir of Lewis W. Green, D. D.," and in 1881 a volume entitled "Living Christianity," a brief, clear and strong presentation of the fundamentals of Christian faith and the essentials of Chris- tian duty. About this time he became Professor Emeritus and continued to give regular instruction in the matters of church government -and the sacra- ments. His pen was by no means idle, for in 1884 he published a very instructive and edifying book on "Scotland's Influence on Civilization," and in 1893 there came from his pen the work into which he had poured the affections of his heart and the accumulated events and emotions of thirty years, "The History of the McCormick Theological Seminary of the Presbyterian Church," an octavo volume of five hundred pages. Dr. Halsey lived to be eighty-four years old, dying June 18, 1896. One of the large privileges of human life is to dwell in immediate touch with great and good men. The very presence, the example, and the teachings of such men, tend to form the character, to guide the thinking, to elevate the taste and to direct the activities of whole communities. Be- neath their kindly but potent influence, society is rounded out into fairer proportions, the pur- pose to accomplish noble ends becomes more de- cisive, sympathy expands and deepens, and life is found, more and more, to be truly worth the living. One of the noblest of this high class was the subject of this sketch. For thirty-seven years Dr. Halsey lived in Chicago. He entered on his work in that city in the zenith of his powers. Long and painstak- ing education had fitted him to exercise with commanding ability the sacred office to which he had been chosen. He had reached first rank as a preacher and pastor before he entered on the re- sponsible task of training young men for the ministry, and he came to this new work ripe in learning, mature in piety, skilled in administra- tion, familiar with the best methods of profes- sional education, intimately acquainted with the foremost churchmen of the period, ardent in the cause of a world- wide evangelization, embalmed in the confidence of the influential communion, which he represented, and in every way well fitted to advance the important enterprise to which he stood committed. At the time of his entrance to Chicago Dr. Halsey was called to lay the foundations upon which varied structures should be raised. Society was hardly formed, and his influence was felt in directing it along lines of Christian refinement. There was but one Presbyterian Church on the North Side, and that near the heart of the city. He early helped plant another and then others as the years went by. McCormick Theological Seminary was but just opened in Chicago. Its maintenance and develop- ment and permanent establishment had yet to be provided for. Few men have ever been called to so large and so varied a work in so important a center and at such an epoch-making period. For this impos- ing undertaking he had the equipment requisite, whether we consider it on the side of a large and unhesitating faith in the sublime truths which he came to teach and defend, or in the stead y cour- age for the day of small things to be fostered in a period of unrest and conflict or of conspicuous io8 THOMAS GOODE. talents fitted to meet the diversified calls arising from the extensive task or of sublime patience in the midst of the fluctuations and discourage- ments incident to the sure establishment of a young institution in the center of a comoaratively new section of our great country. In the prosecution of these wide ranging labors Dr. Halsey laid his formative hand on a larger number of men than any other theological teacher of the Presbyterian Church in the West. His early colleagues soon passed on one in less than two years, to his heavenly home the others to important fields elsewhere. Dr. Halsey remained undaunted at his post in sunshine and in storm, when rude war rolled un- checked over the land, when peace once more settled on a still united nation. Under all the changes of an eventful period he stood fast, the one commanding figure in the changing scene, around whose person the destinies of the institu- tion revolved, and in whose lone hand its inter- ests often reposed. And ere yet unseen hands with gentle touch closed his eyes to earthly sight, to be re-opened so soon amid the splendors of mediatorial glory he had witnessed the triumphs of the cause to which he had devoted so many years of his life, in the establishment of a semi- nary of sacred learning, equal in its equipments to any in the land, and full to overflowing with in- genuous youth in preparation for the noble work of preaching the Gospel in every tongue and to every land under the sun. THOMAS GOODE, 'HOMAS GOODE, one of Chicago's most worthy pioneers, now living in rest and re- tirement on Racine Avenue, was born April 18, 1816, in the Parish of Enfield, in Mid- dlesex, near London, England. He is a son of Thomas and Maria (Head) Goode, the former a native of Warwickshire, and the latter of Middle- sex, England. Thomas Goode, senior, was an orphan from the time he was a small boy, and was sent to London, where his eldest brother lived, and where he learned the trade of baker, at which he worked for many years. He had seven children that grew to maturity, three of whom came to America with their parents. John and Thomas came in 1845, sailing from London, and upon arriving in New York, they went to Albany by boat, and from there proceeded to Buffalo by the canal. From Buffalo they came to Chicago by the old steamer "Madison." In 1859 Thomas Goode visited England, and when he returned to America his parents accom- panied him, spending their last years in Chicago. The father died in 1870, his wife having preceded him by three years. Edward, a younger brother, came to the United States about 1864, and still resides in this city, and John Goode makes his home in Florida. Thomas Goode received only an ordinary educa- tion in the schools of his native land, which were then much poorer than now, and was early em- ployed in a greenhouse, in the cultivation of flowers and plants. In 1840 Mr. Goode married Miss Ellen Colpus, and their first three children were born in Eng- land. Soon after coming to Chicago he bought property on the West Side, in Carpenter's Ad- dition, and later, bought twelve acres in North Chicago, afterwards Lake View. Here he raised vegetables extensively for the city market, and through his prudence and industry, and the great growth of the city, became wealthy. He sold G. N. POWELL. 109 some of his land to a railroad company, and the remainder mostly in lots. He retired from active business about ten years ago. Mr. Goode is an ardent Republican, but has never been willing to accept any public office himself. He is an ad- herent of the Protestant Episcopal Church. Mr. Goode has been married twice. By his first wife he had six children, two of whom died in infancy. Those of his children living are: Edwin Peto; Jane, wife of John M. Gibson; La- vinia and Rowland T. The mother of this family died about 1879. In 1891 Mr. Goode married Miss Margaret M. Gubbins, a native of the city of Chicago. Mr. Goode has lived many years in his present location, and has many friends. He is one of the oldest and most highly respected citizens of this part of the city, where, during his long residence, he has proven his sterling qualities of mind and heart. GEORGE N. POWELL. fJfEORGE NELSON POWELL, one of Chi- bcago's pioneers, came to the West in 1833. He was descended from English and Welsh ancestry, and his lineage has been traced back to Thomas Powell, who was born in August, 1641 (probably in Wales), and died at Westbury, Long Island, December 28, 1721. A descendant of his in the fourth generation, Obadiah Powell, was the grandfather of the subject of this sketch. Obadiah Powell died in Saratoga County, New York, at the age of nearly one hundred years. Some time previous to the Revolutionary War he removed thither from Dutchess County, in the same state, with his wife Betsy, taking all their belongings on the back of a pony. Like his Quaker ancestry, he was opposed to war, and was much censured during the Revolutionary struggle because of his non-combatant position, and most of his personal property was confiscated. He was steadfast in his convictions, however, and lived to be one of the leading farmers in the com- munity. At the age of ninety-eight years he husked several baskets of corn, which he carried on his shoulder to the loft of his carriage-house. He was the father of three sons and eight daugh- ters, all of whom lived to extreme old age, and his house was the favorite gathering-place of his descendants. His son, Frost Powell, lived until 1840 in Dutchess County, New York, where he married Katharine Nelson, who was of Dutch descent. In 1840 he removed to Waterford, Ra- cine County, Wisconsin, where he died a few years later. His son, George N. Powell, whose name heads this article, was born August 13, 1807, in Dutchess County, New York. He received the best edu- cation that the locality afforded at that time, and early in life became a general contractor. Being convinced that the West offered great business opportunities, he removed in 1833 to Chicago. Here he rented a tract of land from Archibald Cly- bourn, and engaged in farming and gardening. In 1836 he located in what was afterwards known as Jefferson Township, making claim to the north- east quarter of section thirty-six, which he pur- chased at the land sale of 1838. He at once com- menced the improvement of a farm on this land, which was then in a state of nature, and for sev- no G. N. POWELL. eral years kept a public house for the entertain- ment of travelers. While still in the prime of life, and apparently having many years of active usefulness before him, he was stricken with cholera and died August 18, 1850. Besides being a careful and successful business man he was ever active as a citizen and took a great interest in pub- lic affairs, affiliating in politics with the Dem- ocratic party. March 22, 1835, Mr. Powell married Miss Ara- mesia Harmon,' who was born in Montgomery County, Virginia, February 27, 1820. Her par- ents, Henry Harmon and Mary Ann Horn- barger, were natives of that state, and the chil- dren of Revolutionary soldiers. Henry Harmon enlisted as a soldier in the War of 1812, but peace was declared before his services were called for. He died October 29, 1829, and his widow mar- ried Jacob Miller. In 1832 this couple came to Chicago, where Mr. Miller worked as a carpen- ter. In 1849 he made the overland journey to California, and died there in the fall of that year. His widow died December 27, 1876, in Minne- sota. The family arrived in Chicago at the time of the Black Hawk War, and took refuge in Fort Dearborn. The daughter, Aramesia, was but twelve years of age at that time, and received her education and grew to womanhood in the pioneer settlement. She has been an observant witness of the marvelous growth of Chicago from a mere hamlet of log huts to the second city in the land. George N. and Aramesia Powell were the par- ents of six children, the first of whom, George W., died in childhood. John Frost, the second, is a prominent citizen of Waukegan, Illinois, where for some years he was largely engaged in manufacturing. He is especially active and in- fluential in the municipal affairs of that city, where he served many years as alderman, and was Mayor three terms. He is largely interested in Chicago property. William H., the third son, was a dealer in real estate in Chicago from 1870 until his death, in August, 1896. He married Elizabeth J. Ritchie, who bore him a son, George H. Powell, now engaged in the real-estate bus- iness in Chicago. Mrs. Elizabeth J. Powell died in 1886. Daniel N. and Mary C., the fourth and sixth, are deceased. A sketch of the fifth, Perry P., appears below. In 1862 Mrs. Powell married Theodore Mismer, a native of Strasburg, which was at the time of his birth, in France, but now belongs to Germany. They have one daughter, Clara, now the wife of Fred C. Irwin, of Chicago. Perry Polk Powell, the youngest son of George N. and Aramesia Powell, was born January n, 1845. He remained at home assisting in the cultivation of the farm and attending the district school until he reached the age of seventeen years. At that time the Civil War was stirring the martial spirit of every patriotic American, and young Powell was no exception to the rule. Though still very young, he enlisted, July 6, 1862, in Battery A, First Illinois Light Artillery. In the fall of that year he took part in the Vicks- burg Campaign under General Sherman, and celebrated his eighteenth birthday by participat- ing in the Battle of Arkansas Post. On account of sickness he was discharged August 7, 1863, but on his recovery re-enlisted in Battery G of the First Illinois Light Artillery, and was discharged at the close of the war at Memphis, Tennessee. After farming for one year in Cook County, Mr. Powell removed to Blairstown, Iowa, where he carried on a general store for about two years. He then returned to Cook County, and has since followed farming and gardening. In 1870 he also engaged in the real-estate business, in which he has been very successful. He has given his hearty support to the Republican party and was a member of the first board of trustees of Jeffer- son after its organization as a village. He was initiated into Masonry in July, 1867, in Lincoln Lodge No. 199, at Blairstown, Iowa. He is a member of Winfield Chapter No. 42, Royal Arch Masons, and is Past Commander of Winfield Com- mandery No. 15, Knights Templar, both of Win- field, Kansas. He is also a member of Siberd Post No. 58, Grand Army of the Republic, De- partment of Kansas. Mr. Powell was married January 10, 1872, to Miss Mary E. , daughter of Thomas and Christie McGregor. Three children have blessed this union, named in order of birth, Maud, Frank and Ethel. C. B. DUPEE. in CHARLES B. DUPEE. /TJHARLES BILLINGS DUPEE. Among 1 1 the business men who helped to promote \J the growth of Chicago, both materially and morally, the subject of this sketch should receive honorable mention. His ancestors were the de- voted French Huguenots, whose love of liberty and freedom of religious thought induced them to leave old France and settle in the New World. James, grandfather of Charles B. Dupee, was born in Walpole, Massachusetts. He was among the most progressive of the citizens of the old Bay State. (See sketch of H. M. Dupee for com- plete genealogy. ) Their son, Cyrus Dupee, was also born in Wal- pole, and learned the mercantile business in Bos- ton. For a long period he was engaged in the wholesale provision Iradein Brighton, Massachu- setts. He was married at Brighton (now Alls- ton), Massachusetts, to Miss Elizabeth English, of that place. He died there in 1841, leaving eight children. Three of his sons, Charles B., Cyrus and Horace Dupee, became prominent bus- iness men of Chicago, where the last two are still engaged in active life. He was a man of sterling character, devoted to his family and diligent in business. The family has for many generations been noted in mercantile business, and has al- ways maintained a high reputation for integrity. Charles B. Dupee was born in Brighton, Mass- achusetts, May 12, 1823. His first business under- taking was in the meat and ice trade at Fitchburg, Massachusetts, in which he was moderately suc- cessful. In 1 8 54 he became a resident of Chicago, establishing himself here in June of that year his family, which at that time consisted of a wife and two children, following in September. He continued in the meat business in Chicago, and after a time began putting up hams by a process of his own, which secured for him an excellent reputation and trade, and he grew prosperous and extended the business by adding the wholesale provision trade. He exercised great care in the preparation of his goods, which he insisted on giving his personal inspection, and the result was an ever-increasing trade and a high reputation for his wares, which continued to be popular on the market long after his demise. He was in- dustrious and economical, and his painstaking care provided him a handsome competence. For many years he carried on a large trade in supplies for the United States Government. Among his brother merchants, Mr. Dupee was known for his unswerving fidelity to those prin- ciples of true manhood that lift a man high above the rank of ordinary men and make for him a name in commercial centers that will forever be worthy of remembrance and emulation. He was a shrewd, far-seeing businessman, and his advice, often sought by friends, was safe and reliable. For about twenty years he was a resident of Hyde Park, and was highly esteemed by the res- idents of that suburb for his many noble qualities. He was identified with the Republican party, but was never connected with any office or political work, and was in everyway a model citizen, and, above all, an honest man the noblest work of God. After retiring from business, Mr. Dupee made good investment in real estate, and the rapid ap- preciation in value of his holdings added mate- 112 J. A. PEARSONS. rially to his resources, so that his declining years were passed in the enjoyment of the competence which his long years of industry had earned. He passed away at his home in Chicago August 12, 1887, and his last words were: "I have been an honest man." He left the impress of his strong character upon the business world of Chicago, and a good name that will be ever cherished by his family. On the yth of April, 1847, at Boston, Massachu- setts, Charles B. Dupee was married to Miss Em- meline, daughter of Seth and Louise (Miles) Wellington, old and respected residents of Bos- ton. The Wellingtons were among the noted pio- neers of the commonwealth of Massachusetts. Mrs. Dupee's ancestor, Roger Wellington, mar- ried Miss Foster, a daughter of Dr. Foster, who was the first settled physician in Charlestown, Massachusetts. The Wellington monument, standing in the Watertown (Massachusetts) cem- etery, was erected over two hundred years ago. Three children came to bless the home of Charles B. and Mrs. Dupee. Their names are, Charles Frederick, Elizabeth A. and Emma M. The sec- ond is now deceased, and the last is the wife of Reuben D. Coy, of Chicago. Her only child is a daughter, named Margaret Wellington Coy. Charles F. Dupee came with his parents to Chi- cago in 1854. His father admitted him to part- nership in his growing business in order to have his aid in its conduct. Since the business was closed out he has given his attention to the care of his large property interests. He has two children, Elizabeth S. and Charles Edward Du- pee. In 1890 Mrs. Emmeline Dupee built one of the handsomest residences in Glencoe, Illinois, where her family now resides. JOHN A. PEARSONS. (JOHN ALONZO PEARSONS, an early set- I tier of Evanston, was born in Bradford, Ver- Q/ mont, September 8, 1818. He is a son of John Pearsons and Hannah Putnam, natives, re- spectively, of Lyndeborough and Francestown, New Hampshire. John Pearsons was a promi- nent farmer and lumberman of Bradford, where he located at the age of twelve years. For some years he also kept a hotel there, known as the Mann House. He was a soldier of the War of 1812, serving throughout that struggle. His death occurred in Bradford, October 7, 1857, at the age of sixty-five years. His mother, whose maiden name was Elizabeth Kimball, also died there at an extreme old age. Mrs. Hannah Pearsons died at Holyoke, Mass- achusetts, in 1888, at the age of ninety-one years. She was a daughter of John Putnam, a Revolutionary soldier, and a relative of Gen. Israel Putnam. John Putnam served seven years in the Continental army, and was at one time a member of General Washington's Life Guard. He afterward became an Adjutant of Vermont militia, and, with two of his sons, participated in J. A. PEARSONS. the War of 1812. In later life he was a car- penter and bridge-builder at Bradford. His wife, Olive Barron, lived to the age of ninety-three years. John A. Pearsons spent his boyhood in Brad- ford, where he attended the district school, and, at the age of nineteen years, began teaching, a calling which he continued for four winters at and in the vicinity of Bradford. He helped to con- duct his father's hotel, and subsequently carried on the same business at White River Village and Norwich, Vermont. The latter place was then the seat of General Ransom's Military School. In September, 1852, he arrived in Chicago, where he was employed for a time by John P. Chapin, a prominent pioneer of Chicago. In March, 1854, he located at Evanston, being in- duced to settle there through the influence of Dr. Hinman. Mr. Pearsons was the first to build a house on the university lands, the location be- ing identical with his present residence on Chi- cago Avenue. Others soon followed his example, and when the Chicago & Milwaukee Railway reached that point the next winter, there was a rapid influx of people. Such was the demand for building materials and other merchandise, that Mr. Pearsons found it advantageous to engage in the business of general teaming. For eighteen years he operated Pearsons' Evanston Express, employing a number of teams and wagons on the road between Chicago and Evanston, and the business which he started has ever since been continued, and is still a prosperous enterprise. For some time he also kept a livery stable at Evanston. In 1872 Mr. Pearsons sold out his express line, and spent the following winter in the woods of northern Michigan in the interest of his brother, D. K. Pearsons, the well-known lumberman and philanthropist. Becoming interested in the lum- bering industry, and finding the business agree- able to his health, which had become considerably impaired, he spent the ensuing twelve years in the lumber woods, during a part of which time he operated a lumber-yard in Evanston. In 1885 he disposed of his lumber interests, since which time he has lived in practical retirement. He has filled nearly every office in the township, vil- lage, and city of Evanston, and his official as well as business obligations have always been dis- charged in a creditable and efficient manner. On the twenty-fifth day of October, 1842, was celebrated the marriage of Mr. Pearsons and Miss Hannah Stevens Bay ley, of Newbury, Vermont, a daughter of Amherst Bayley and Melissa Stev- ens, both natives of Newbury. Mrs. Pearsons' paternal grandfather was the distinguished Gen- eral Jacob Bayley, of the Continental army. Her maternal grandfather, Simeon Stevens, was an extensive farmer and highly exemplary citizen of Newbury, distinguished also for his musical tal- ents, being the possessor of a strong and very sweet voice, which he retained even in old age. He survived until nearly ninety years of age. Mrs. Pearsons is a lady of many graces of mind and heart. In her youth she won considerable celebrity as a participant in the State Musical Conventions of Vermont. She was one of the prime movers in organizing the Woman's Ed- ucational Aid Association, which was formed in 1871, and has been an officer of the association from its inception, and for eighteen years has served as its President. The object of this society is to assist worthy young ladies of lim- ited means in obtaining an education. The Col- lege Cottage, which was built soon after the or- ganization of the association, has been several times enlarged and improved, and now accommo- dates about fifty-five students, and is recognized as a worthy adjunct of the Northwestern Univer- sity at Evanston. Mr. and Mrs. Pearsons are the parents of two children, and have lost two by death, one passing away in infancy. The eldest, Henry Alonzo, is a business man of Chicago, residing in Evanston. Isabella is the wife of Wilbur F. Mappin, of Bryn Mawr, Pennsylvania. Helen, who was the wife of Rev. Harvey R. Calkins, died March 27, 1892, at the age of twenty-six years. Two grandchildren, Harry Putnam Pearsons and Lil- ian Mappin, make glad the hearts of this worthy couple. In October, 1892, the golden wedding of Mr. and Mrs. Pearsons was celebrated, and they are R. C. HALLETT. still in the enjoyment of excellent health and that contentment of mind which is "a continual feast, ' ' and few of their acquaintances, and none among strangers, can readily believe the number of their years of usefulness already spent. They are members of the First Methodist Church of Evan- ston, which they helped to organize in the sum- mer of 1854, at which time the society comprised but six members. Mr. Pearsons was the Chorister of the church for many years, and is one of the Trustees of the Des Plaines Camp- Meeting Asso- ciation. Mr. Pearsons cast his first vote for Will- iam Henry Harrison, and was a member of a military band which furnished music for many of the public gatherings of the famous po- litical campaign of 1840. He played in this band for ten years. Since the organization of the Re- publican party, he has been an adherent of its principles. When he first located inEvanston, a large portion of the present site of the city con- sisted of a marsh covered with water, and none of the streets had been improved. He has wit- nessed the material development of the town until it has come to be recognized as the first sub- urb of Chicago, and has simultaneously watched its intellectual and moral growth, in the promo- tion of which he has been an interested factor. REUBEN C HALLETT. REUBEN CROWELL HAlvLETT, grandson of one of the hardy pioneers of the Missis- sippi Valley, and son of James Hallett, of whom extended mention is made elsewhere in this volume, has the proud distinction of being a native of Illinois. He was born at Mount Car- roll, in Carroll County, on the isth day of Octo- ber, 1857, an d grew up in his native village, where he received his primary schooling. He attended Beloit College, Wisconsin, and finished his education at the Wesleyan University, Bloom- ington, Illinois, where he received instruction in the law department from Adlai E. Stevenson, Gen. Ira J. Bloomfield, John M. Hamilton, and other noted attorneys of the state. He was admitted to the Bar in 1880, and be- gan the practice of law at Mount Carroll, but soon turned his attention to other and more con- genial pursuits. He became the owner and pub- lisher of the Herald at Mount Carroll, which he retained about a year. He then went to Rock- ford, Illinois, where he was connected with the Rockford Watch Company seven years. He re- sided in Cleveland, Ohio, for a year, being iden- tified with the Arctic Ice Machine Manufacturing Company. During the last three years he has been the western representative of the Hildreth Varnish Company of New York, with headquar- ters in one of the Grand Pacific offices, on Jack- son Street, Chicago. Mr. Hallett possesses a keen business instinct, and his kind and genial manners and knowledge of human nature make him an exceptionally suc- cessful salesman. His dealings are largely with railroad companies, and cover many large con- tracts. He takes an active interest in all that pertains to the general welfare, and is thoroughly posted on questions that engage the public mind. He was the independent candidate for States At- torney of Carroll County in 1 880, but usually acts with the Republican party. He was made a Master Mason at Mount Carroll, and is now en- tering upon the work of the exalted degrees. LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS J. D. CATON. JOHN D. CATON. (JOHN DEAN CATON was born in Monroe, I Orange County, New York, March 19, 1812. O He is the fifteenth of the sixteen children of Robert Caton, and the third child of his mother, Hannah (Dean) Caton, who was the third wife of Robert Caton. The latter was born March 22, 1761, on a plantation owned by his father (Robert Caton) in Maryland. He joined the Continental Army at the age of fourteen. Though very young at the outbreak of the Revolution, he gave good service to his native land in that struggle, and after the triumph of colonial arms, settled on the Hudson River, in New York. He died in 1815. Robert Caton, grandfather of the subject of this biography, was born in England, of Irish de- scent, and served in the English army before set- tling in Maryland. He was a prominent citizen of that colony long before the Revolution, and the name is a conspicuous one in Maryland soci- ety to-day. Robert Caton, during the life of his second wife, joined the Society of Friends, and became a preacher in that denomination, his third wife being a member also. His four children by his third wife, according to the rules of that de- nomination, became birthright members, and so has the subject of this sketch continued; he is now a member of the society in good standing. When John D. Caton was four years old, his widowed mother took him to Oneida Count}-, New York. His advantages were few, but he re- ceived the primary training of a common school. At the age of nine years, he was set to work with a farmer, at two and one-half dollars per month, and brought home a quarter of beef as the fruit of his first earnings. Work was afforded only in the summer, and his winters were spent in school un- til he was fourteen. It had been his father's wish that he should be equipped for life with a trade, and he was apprenticed. A weakness of the eyes interfered with the completion of his time, and at sixteen, he joined his mother at Utica, New York, where he was enabled to put in nine months at the academy. He was so diligent and apt that he was thus equipped for earning by surveying and teaching school. While teaching, he pursued the study of the classics, and also did a little work in the law by practicing in justices' courts. He entered the office of Beardsley & Matteson, at Utica, as a student, at the age of nineteen years. He later studied with James H. Collins, who af- terward became a leader at the Chicago Bar and was a partner in practice with Mr. Caton. Having become well grounded in the theory of law, and having attained man's estate, he resolved to settle in the new West and establish himself in practice. He had a special incentive in this de- termination, in the fact that he was the accepted lover of one of "York State's" fairest daughters, and was anxious to secure a permanent home. Having reached Buffalo by canal, he took pas- sage on the steamer "Sheldon Thompson," which brought him to Detroit, and thence he took stage to Ann Arbor, still undetermined as to his loca- tion. Still pushing westward, he rode in a wagon to White Pigeon, and here, by pure accident, he fell in with a cousin, whose husband, Irad Hill, was a carpenter and was employed by Dr. John T. Temple, of Chicago, to build a house for him there. The doctor and Mr. Hill were then in White Pigeon getting lumber for this purpose. Young Caton joined the rafting party which transported the lumber down the St. Joseph River, and took passage on the schooner which conveyed it to its destination. This was the J. D. CATON. "Ariadne," whose cargo of lumber and immi- grants was about all she could carry. He soon determined to locate here, and in a few days set off on horseback for Pekin, one hun- dred and fifty miles away, to seek admission to the Bar. Here he met Stephen T. Logan, after- wards partner of Abraham Lincoln, and other leading attorneys of the State. After court ad- journed and supper had been taken, the young applicant accompanied Judge Lockwood, of the Supreme Court, in a stroll on the river bank, and after being plied with questions on the theory and practice of law, was addressed in these words: "Well, my young friend, you've got a good deal to learn if you ever' expect to make a success as a lawyer, but if you study hard I guess you' 11 do it. I shall give you your license." It took but nine years for the new licensee to attain a place beside his examiner on the supreme bench of the State. Mr. Caton's first case was in the first lawsuit in the village of Chicago, in which he appeared as prosecutor of a culprit accused of stealing thir- ty-six dollars from a fellow-lodger at the tavern. When the defendant was brought before Squire Heacock, Caton insisted that he be searched, and he was stripped to his underclothing. Before he could replace his apparel, as directed by the court, the prosecuting attorney discovered a suspicious lump in his stocking. Seizing hold of this lump, he turned down the stocking and disclosed the missing bills. The case was then adjourned till next day, and a Constable watched the prisoner all night, having confined him under a carpenter's bench. Next morning when he was arraigned, Spring and Hamilton appeared for the defence and took a change of venue to Squire Harmon, who held court in the old tannery, on the North Side near the river forks. The whole town was now agog with the novel spectacle of a public trial; and Harmon, in order to give all a chance to en- joy the show, adjourned to Wattle's Tavern, on the West Side, where the case came off with much eclat; all the young attorneys "spreading them- selves' ' in their respective speeches. Judge Caton remembers that he dwelt particularly on the enor- mity of the act of this serpent who had brought crime into this young community where it had been unknown. The thief was held for trial, but the device (then new) of "straw bail" gave him temporary liberty, which he made permanent by running away as soon as the money was recovered; and as the public had had the fun and excitement of a ' 'lawsuit' ' nobody cared much what became of the author of this welcome break in the village monotony. If he had been tried and convicted it would have been only the beginning of trouble, for there was no jail wherein to keep him. Young Caton got ten dollars for his fee the first money he had ever earned in Illinois by his profession and it just paid the arrears of his board bill. (History of Chicago, edited by Moses and Kirk- land.) Having now been launched in practice, Mr. Caton rented an office in the "Temple Building," having his lodging in the attic of the same struc- ture. To "make ends meet," he rented desk room in his office to his contemporary, Giles Spring. Justice Caton recalls July 12, 1834, an era in his youthful experience. It was the beginning of his judicial career; the date of his election to the office of Justice of the Peace, the only public office he ever held except those of Alderman of the city (1837-8) and Justice of the Supreme Court of the State (1843-64). He became its Chief Justice in 1857. The election of 1834 was a fierce contest, "bringing out every last voter in the precinct, from Clybourne to Hardscrabble and beyond, per- haps even taking in the Calumet Crossing." The Government piers had been built and the begin- ning of a channel had been cut across the imme- morial sandbar, but as yet it had never been used. On this memorable day, the schooner "Illinois" chanced to be lying at anchor, and the friends of Caton (George W. Dole and others), to the num- ber of a hundred or more, got ropes to the schooner and dragged her by main force through the un- finished dug-way. Then they decked her with all the bunting in the village, and, hoisting sail, sped triumphantly up the stream to the Forks the first vessel that ever penetrated the Chicago River. And when the votes were counted the J. D. CATON. 117 tally showed John DeanCaton, one hundred and eighty-two; Josiah C. Goodhue, forty-seven. (Story of Chicago, 130). An incident in the life of the future chief jus- tice, which saved him to the people of Illinois, is elsewhere related in the biography of Col. Julius \Varren, who was ever gratefully remembered by Mr. Caton as his dearest friend. In the spring of 1835 Squire Caton felt himself able to assume the cares of a household, and he returned to New York, where he was wedded to Miss Laura Adelaide, daughter of Jacob Sherrill, of New Hartford. Their wedding tour was an ideal one, being a passage from Buffalo to Chicago on the brig "Queen Charlotte." This was one of the vessels captured in Put-in-Bay and sunk in the harbor of Erie by Commodore Perry in 1812. After twenty years, it had been raised and refitted, and this was her first trip. In 1836 Mr. Caton built the first dwelling on the ' 'school section, ' ' west of the river. This was at the southwest corner of Clinton and Harrison Streets, and at that time it was so far from other dwellings that it was called the ' 'prairie cottage. ' ' It fell before the great holocaust of 1871. About the same time that he built this house, he entered into partnership with Norman B. Judd (who drafted-the first charter of Chicago) . The finan- cial difficulties of 1837 almost crippled the ambi- tious young lawyer, and to increase his troubles, his health became impaired and he was advised by his physician to return to farming. He took up a tract of land near Plainfield, which he still owns, and removed his family thither in 1839. He con- tinued the practice of law, and the records show that he tried the first jury cases in Will and Kane Counties, as well as Cook. Mr. Caton was appointed an associate justice of the Supreme Court in 1842, and his united terms of service, by successive elections, amounted to twenty-two years. During the latter portion of this time he occupied the position of Chief Justice. The duties of his high office were completed day by day, no matter how much of the night they might consume, and the court in his day was al- ways up with its docket. In 1864 he left the Bench, and has since given his time to travel, literary labors and the conduct of his private af- fairs. He has published several works, among which are "The Antelope and Deer of America," "A Summer in Norway," "Miscellanies" and "Early Bench and Bar of Illinois." Before 1850 Justice Caton became interested in the electric telegraph. This was before the organ- ization of the Western Union, and he set to work to re-organize and set in order the dilapidated and scattered lines. They had hitherto occupied the wagon roads, and he secured the adoption of a system by the railways, where it was soon found to be an absolute necessity. When the Western Union took hold of the business, Judge Caton and his fellow-stockholders were enabled to make most advantageous terms for the disposition of their interests. Death first invaded the home of Judge Caton in 1891, when a daughter, her mother's namesake, was taken aw?y, and in 1892, Mrs. Caton went before. For fifty-seven years, this happily-as- sorted couple had traveled together the journey o r life, and they were, no doubt, the oldest sur- viving couple in Chicago at the time of Mrs. Ca- ton's demise. During her last illness Judge Caton remarked to his family physician that they had lived together for more than fifty-seven years without a cross or unkind word ever passing be- tween them. Two children survived her, namely: Arthur J. Caton, a Chicago business man, who was admitted to the Bar, and Caroline, now the wife of the distinguished attorney, Norman Wil- liams. In August, 1893, Judge Caton suffered a slight stroke of paralysis. Before this affliction, advanc- ing years had brought on the old trouble with his eyes, which had, happily for his future career, turned his attention from a trade, but up to the beginning of 1893, he was able to read a little with the aid of strong glasses. By the aid of a reading- secretary, he keeps up an acquaintance with literature and current events. Even the added trial of decay in his powers of locomotion did not make him despair or become morose. To a close friend he said: "I do not repine. I do not lament the advance of age and the loss of fac- ulties; not one bit. I enjoy my life, and thank- n8 T. H. WEBSTER. fully recognize the numberless compensations and alleviations that are mercifully left me. No; I am well content." He still survives at the age of eighty-three, and it is a little remarkable that the first lawyer in Chicago to bring a case in a court of record is still with us, with intellect unimpaired, when the bar numbers more than three thousand. THOMAS H. WEBSTER. 'HOMAS HOLMES WEBSTER. Among the many fire-insurance agents with which La Salle Street abounds, there is, perhaps, no other man whose reputation for safe and con- servative business methods has been more con- sistently sustained than he whose name heads this notice. His entire business training and experience have been acquired in this city, and, while the opportunities for speculation have been abundant, and the chances for unusual profit have seemed quite as alluring to him as to others, he has conscientiously avoided all participation in that hazardous and demoralizing field, confining his attention to the regular channels of business, and thereby maintaining his business credit and securing the confidence and good- will of his asso- ciates. Mr. Webster was born in Leeds, England, on the 2gth of October, 1846. His parents, John and Mary (Holmes) Webster, were natives of York- shire. John Webster was employed for some years in the cloth-mills at Leeds, but being desirous of procuring better opportunities for his growing family, in 1853 he came to America. He located in Chicago and secured employment with the Chi- cago Gas Light and Coke Company, whose inter- ests he continued to serve until his death, which occurred in 1866, at the age of forty-two years. He began as a laborer, but with such faithful- ness and ability did he serve the interests of the company that he was soon promoted to a more re- munerative occupation, and at the time of his de- mise was the assistant Secretary of the company. His wife survived him but two years, passing away at the age of forty-four. They were mem- bers of the Second Baptist Church of Chicago, and had formerly been connected with the Taber- nacle Baptist Church. Thomas H. Webster, with his mother and the balance of the family, joined his father in Chica- go in 1855. He is one of a family of thirteen children, of whom but two others now survive. Their names are Sarah H., Mrs. W. C. Corlies; and Louisa L., Mrs. R. M. Johnson, all of Chi- cago. Thomas was educated in the public schools of this city, and upon the death of his father as- sumed the care of the family, supplying' to its members, as far as possible, the place of the de- ceased parent. His first employment was in the capacity of a clerk in a dry-goods store, where he continued for about one year. Since the ist of August, 1863, he has been consecutively connect- ed with the business of fire underwriting. He be- gan as office boy for the Chicago Firemen's In- surance Company, but was soon appointed to a clerkship, and about 1865 bcame the cashier of the company. This position he filled until the concern was annihilated by the great fire of 1871. After that disaster, the affairs of the corporation were placed in the hands of Hon. O. H. Horton, as assignee, and this gentleman secured the serv- ices of Mr. Webster as his assistant, his familiar- ity with the affairs of the concern being of great value in closing up its business. Mr. Webster was afterwards successively con- nected with the firms of Walker & Lowell, and LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF ILUN( W. C. GOUDY. 119 the Globe Insurance Company, continuing with the latter concern until it went out of business in 1876. He then became a clerk for S. M. Moore, with whom he soon after entered into partnership, under the firm name of S. M. Moore & Com- pany. Upon the retirement of the senior member in 1886, this firm was succeeded by that of Web- iter & Wiley, Mr. E. N. Wiley becoming the jun- ior partner. In 1889 the latter firm was consol- idated with that of H. de Roode & Company, under the name of Webster, Wiley & de Roode. On the first of November, 1 894, Mr. de Roode re- tired from the firm, since which time the business has been conducted under the name of Webster, Wiley & Company, Mr. C. P. Jennings having become a third partner on January i, 1895. Mr. Webster was married, September 13, 1881, to Miss Anna Martindale, a native of Ohio, and a daughter of Rev. Theodore D. Martindale, a Methodist clergyman of that state. Mr. and Mrs. Webster are the parents of two sons, Frank M. and Ralph N. Mr. Webster is identified with the Union League, Sunset and Metropolitan Clubs, and Lexington Council of the National Union. He is not an active participant in political strife, but has all his life been a supporter of Republican principles. Having been the head of a family from the age of twenty years, he has had few opportunities for recreation, and finds his greatest pleasure in the midst of the home circle. His business opera- tions have been confined to the realm of fire un- derwriting, and while others have in some in- stances accumulated more wealth than he, the substantial friendship and esteem of his colleagues are his, and his record is one which causes no re- grets. WILLIAM C GOUDY. CHARLES GOUDY. To be a leader in any profession in a city the size of Chicago, means to be the possessor of large intellect, of close application and happy fortune; to be in the front rank of contemporary lawyers in a metropolis whose courts decide as many cases as the combined judiciary of all Great Britain, is a mark of pre-eminence indeed. Such pre-eminent distinction has been already noted by the Muse of History in her vast temple of fame, where, chiseled in conspicuous recent strength, we read the sterling name of William Charles Goudy. Mr. Goudy was born near Cincinnati, Ohio (but "across the line" in Indiana), on the isth day of May, 1824, unto Robert and Jane (Ainslie) Goudy. His father was a native of North Ire- land and of Scotch-Irish ancestry, of that virile blood which has already played so thrilling a part in American history on sea and land. The name is spelled Goudie in Scotland, where the poet Burns immortalized it in song in that stanza of a poem wherein occurs the line, ' 'Goudie, ter- ror of the Whigs!" The family continues to hew true to the block, for who ever heard of any Goudy who was anything but a Democrat in the United States ? His mother, who was of English birth, was residing in Pennsylvania when taken to wife by Mr. Goudy 's father. Robert Goudy was a carpenter in early life, later changing, as do so many of our citizens, his calling to printing, in which craft he was busied for some years at Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. But when the future Judge Goudy was a boy of ten years, his father moved to Jacksonville, Illinois, a most fortunate field, as afterwards developed, for all the I2O W. C. GOUDY. family. Here, in 1833, he began the publication of Gaudy's Farmers' Almanac, the first annual of its kind to be printed in the Northwest, which, filling a greatly felt need, grew speedily into the deserved prominence it maintained for the many years during which it was a household word. Later, he embarked in a newspaper of fair pro- portions for that era; in which connection let it not be overlooked that it was the first press to call pointed attention to that rising young star, Stephen A. Douglas. The son also did his share of battling for this candidate during that heated campaign when Douglas defeated Lincoln in the memorable congressional contest. The subject of this sketch graduated at the Illinois College of Jacksonville in 1845, an alma mater made proud time and again by the grand deeds of her hero pupil, whom she has twice hon- ored with her post-graduate degrees, namely, Master of Arts and Doctor of Laws. Suffice to say, that none of her myriad graduates ever won such special favor more fairly than he of whom we are writing. While reading law thereafter, Mr. Goudy taught school in Decatur. Later he went for a time into the office of Stephen A. Logan, partner of Lincoln. In 1847 he was admitted to the Bar at Lewistown, Illinois, entering directly into partnership with Hon. Hezekiah M. Weed, of that place, where he rapidly rose in public notice and favor. Taking an active part in politics, he was partially rewarded in 1852 by being elected States Attorney of the Tenth Judicial Circuit, which position of trust he resigned in 1856; and from 1857 to 1861 was twice returned as State Sen- ator for the Fulton-McDonough district. In 1859 fame and rapidly growing practice invited him to Chicago, the great Western center, which, like Athens of old, calls annually for its tribute of talent and oratory from its outlying territory. For about the next thirty-five years his reputa- tion and his wealth grew with amazing rapidity, until none throughout the entire Mississippi Val- ley was better or more favorably known in his profession than Judge Goudy. His learned skill was demonstrated in the higher courts all over this western county, from which, in frequent triumphs, he went to more honorable laurels achieved before that tribunal of dernier resort, the Supreme Court of the United States. His specialty was the law of real property, in which branch of learning he was recognized as a leader all over the vast domain his talents dominated; indeed, there have been expressed on more than one oc- casion sincere regrets that Judge Goudy left no published work upon this broad field of judicature, of especial application in the newer West, for the guidance of future brothers. It would indeed have been the labor of a legal giant, gigantically performed. During all this later period, not a volume of Illinois Reports, and they number into the hundreds, but bears his name as attorney or counsel in cases of gravest import and represent- ing questions and corporations of greatest magni- tude. As illustrating the thoroughness with which he worked and the minuteness of inquiry and research to which he -would voluntarily go, rather than admit he was beaten or acknowledge there was no redress (in his opinion) for his client, we must digress sufficiently to call attention to that case (the Kingsbury-Buckner), perhaps most famous of all his many noted cases, which involved the question of the fee of that splendid piece of central real estate upon which now stands the Ashland Building, the great law office re- sort, corner of Randolph and Clark Streets, in our city. This case long looked hopeless for the party in whose interests Judge Goudy had been retained. Conviction of the fact that the grantee, who seemed to own the fee, was really a holder for cestuis qui trust was sincerely entertained, but in support of such hypothesis not a scintilla of evidence seemed possible to be introduced. Early and late, far and near, in and out of season, our lawyer toiled to find some slight link, so vital to support such a much-sought chain of title. In short, almost at a standstill, sufficient proof was at last unearthed from a letter written as casual correspondance to a relative of the writer in the Down East. This became the turning-point of the case. For his services the Judge is said to have been paid the largest fee known in the West. How many thousands is not known, but W. C. GOUDY. 121 surely it was earned in such a manner as to be gladly paid by a client who would have lived and died in ignorant non-assertion of rights, but for the untiring researches of his lawyer. Let every young attorney ponder well the significance of the story; just such opportunities time and again have made in an instant the name and fame )f the energetic hero. The ability to win cases is the crucial test of lawyers; and a still greater test is the ability to effect a desirable compromise, as the subject of this sketch often did; for exam- ple, in the notable Wilbur F. Storey will case. During the later years of his exceedingly active career, the firm of which he was senior member was styled Goudy, Green & Goudy, and for a considerable period prior to his demise he was chief counsel for the Chicago & Northwestern Railway, in which position he had the excep- tional fortune of holding his former private clientage. It is worth recording that the reasons for his being retained by that railway were found in numerous suits brought against it by Mr. Goudy for clients, who usually won. Mr. Goudy married, August 22, 1849, a most estimable and cultured lady, Miss Helen Judd, of Canton, Illinois, a daughter of Solomon Judd, quite a distinguished Abolitionist. His father was Solomon Judd, Sr., of Westhampton, Massachu- setts, coming of excellent ancestry, tracing back to the pride of all Yankees, the "Mayflower" of 1620. Mrs. Goudy's mother was Eleanor Clark, born of an old Northampton, Massachusetts, family. Two children cheered their most happy wedded life. Clara Goudy (an adopted daughter), born in October, 1857, married, in 1887, Ira J. Geer, of this city, a practicing lawyer of superior repute, by whom she has one child, William Jewett Geer. Judge Goudy left an only son, William Judd Goudy, who was born in 1864, for an extended sketch of whom vide other pages herein. Mrs. Goudy was born on the 2ist of November, 1821, at Otisco, Onondaga County, New York, was educated at the Aurora Academy of that State, after which she taught school for about nine years. She then removed to Canton, Illinois, where she had been teaching her own private school for young ladies about two years at the time Judge Goudy won her undying affections. She survives her deeply mourned husband, and, while not in perfect health, yet for her mature age well preserved; and it is the earnest wish of all her myriad friends and recipients of generous benefactions that she may long continue in a sphere of wisely contented usefulness. She is unostentatiously conspicuous for her many works of charity, formal recognition of which was made some years since in her elevation to the position of President of the Board of Managers of the Half Orphan Asylum. Truly may it be said in sim- ple, modest truth, her life has been a model for imitation. The old Goudy homestead, one of the choicest, most elegant of its time, was located in what has since become a very public neighborhood, about No. 1 140 North Clark Street. In the early days it stood in a magnificient grove of trees some acres in extent, whose retirement received a con- tinual benediction from the murmurs of the lake near at hand. Later operations have subdivided and covered with many dwellings this lovely property. "And the place thereof shall know it no more." Anticipating growing encroachment upon that privacy in which Mr. Goudy so much delighted, he finally built a solid, ornate mansion of gray granite at No. 240 Goethe Street, than which none of our citizens can boast of a more complete or elegant home. In full view of the lake (but a block distant), contiguous to a beautiful private park, within easy access of business haunts, and yet enjoying the stillness of a veritable country seat, Judge Goudy with his wife there found the oasis of existence, his seat of recupera- tive rest, his scene of domestic bliss, for he was emphatically, notwithstanding the grandeur and publicity which cast a halo about his character, a domestic man. Though a valued member of the Union and Iroquois Clubs, he was not an habitue of their inviting halls, save on rare special occasions. In politics, like all his lineage, he was a sturdy Democrat ; not particularly aggressive, but full of wise counsels and dictator of winning courses to 122 H. F. FRINK. be pursued in accomplishing certain political ends. His first vote was cast for L,ewis Cass in 1848; he had much to do with the nomination of President Cleveland to his last term of office; and might have passed away in occupation of the most dignified seat of judicial honor within the gift of our country, i. e., the Supreme Bench of the United States, had not his ever honorable principles decided him to withdraw in favor of his old friend, the present Chief Justice, M. W. Fuller. He was at one time President of the Lincoln Park Board of Commissioners, as he had been among those most actively valuable in lay- ing out the bounds and bringing into being that most beautiful of all our resorts. Judge Goudy was a "gentleman of the old school," always courteous and scrupulously hon- orable; the possessor of a frankly-bright, prepos- sessing face, brimful of character. A very broad forehead surmounted features all finely chiseled; his figure was but of medium height and physical weight, but capable of expressing great dignity upon occasion. Though rather sickly in youth, by abstemious habits he had grown for many years to be quite robust, in which condition he was maintained by studious attention to all his habits, save that of work. In this, he reminds one strongly of the great Csesar, who, sickly in youth, by careful regimen grew to endure in- credible labors. Indeed, it was from over appli- cation, following too speedily a season of malady, that Judge Goudy met his end April 27, 1893; which found him suddenly, like the lightning flash, seated in his chair by the office desk, whither he had injudiciously repaired upon important business. His tough, perennial thread of life, which had been vexed and tugged at time and again by his response to urgent demands, was strained beyond endurance; it snapped, and the heroic melody of a noble life became forever in- stantly silent. He was buried under the auspices of the Fourth Presbyterian Church, in which he had always had a vital interest, and now sleeps the peaceful sleep of the just in the family lot at Grace- land Cemetery, which spot will long continue to be marked by the dignified memorial now rising over his remains. He left a supremely honorable name. Out of the many illustrious heroes found herein, none need doubt that the memory of the greatest will not survive that of Hon. William Charles Goudy. HENRY F. FRINK. HENRY FARNSWORTH FRINK, whose business and social relations cause him to be well known in Cook County, enjoys the dis- tinction of being a native of Chicago, and repre- sents one of its most esteemed pioneer families. The house in which he was born stood at the corner of Wabasli Avenue and Randolph Street, and the date of his advent was April 17, 1848. His parents were John and Harriet Frink, an ap- propriate notice of whom is given elsewhere in this book. Henry F. Frink was afforded excellent educa- tional advantages, and at twenty years of age graduated with the degree of Bachelor of Arts from the Chicago University. It is needless to add that his subsequent career has been such as to reflect credit upon his Alma Mater. He began the study of law in the office of Sleeper, Whiton & Durham, and in 1872 was admitted to practice by a committee composed of members of the Bar appointed for the purpose of examining candi- dates. Since that date he has been continuously engaged in practice, making a specialty of real- estate law and the examination of abstracts. His J. M. ADSIT. 123 ample experience and accurate knowledge of these subjects are of great value to himself and his clients, and cause his opinions to be received with respectful attention by attorneys and officials generally. He deals in city and suburban realty to a considerable extent, and by the exercise of foresight and discrimination in these operations has accumulated a competence, which he endeav- ors to invest in such a manner as to promote the commercial interests of the community. In 1891 he organized the Austin State Bank, of which he has ever since been the President, giving consid- erable of his time and attention to its affairs. His business of all kinds has been conducted in such a manner as to secure the best results to his col- leagues and at the same time to inspire the confi- dence of the public in his judgment and integrity. On the I4th of April, 1886, occurred the mar- riage of Mr. Frink and Miss Louise Creote, a most estimable lady and a daughter of Joseph Creote, an early pioneer of Chicago. A daugh- ter, Mildred, helps to brighten the home circle of Mr. and Mrs. Frink. The former of this couple adheres to the Episcopal faith, in the tenets of which he was instructed in youth, while his wife is a member of the Baptist Church at Austin, where the family resides. Socially, Mr. Frink is identified with the Royal League and Athletic Clubs. While never an act- ive politician, he is not unmindful of the duties of citizenship, and usually casts his ballot in sup- port of Republican principles. Previous to the great Chicago fire he occupied an office with W. D. Kerfoot at No. 95 Washing- ton Street, and for a time subsequent to that dis- aster he shared with that gentleman the historic cabin in the street, which served them as a shel- ter pending the rescue of their safe from the em- bers and the erection of their new building. He did duty as a member of the citizens' patrol guard immediately after the great fire, a temporary ar- rangement for the protection of homes and prop- erty, which was instrumental in preventing a great deal of the pillage and plundering to which the city was exposed until the police force could be re-organized. JAMES M. ADSIT. (TAMES M. ADSIT. To have been among I the first in Chicago to engage in any honor- Q) able calling is quite sufficient to make such a one a local historical personage for all time to come, and so the career of James M. Adsit is filled with unusual interest, because of the con- spicuous fact that, apart from his being an excep- tional character, he was among the first bankers to enter upon a career of finance within the pres- ent limits of Cook County. Mr. Adsit was born February 5, 1809, in Spencertown, Columbia County, New York, unto Leonard and Frances Adsit {nee Davenport). His father dying when the son was but six years of age, he went to live and remain with his grandfather Adsit, and after finishing the com- mon-school education customary for those early days, went for a time into employment in his uncle Ira Davenport's store. On April 2, 1838, he arrived in Chicago, then a city of but a single year's standing, con- sisting of only a few streets stragglingly built up; and, as one of the earliest pioneers, founded a private bank at Number 37 Clark Street in 1850, having up to that time, from the date of his arri- val, been engaged in loans and investments on Lake Street. In 1856 he removed one door to Number 39 Clark Street, where he remained un- til the "Chicago Fire," at which time he had the great misfortune to lose all of his personal papers and books connected intimately with much of Chicago's early history, whereby vanished forever 124 J. M. ADSIT. valuable data covering the development of the city for its first three decades. But fortune was his on that occasion to save the bulk of moneys and securities in the vaults of his office, thereby being able to reassure his depositors, many of whom on days following came with woeful visage, in expectation of news of their hard-earned means having gone up in flames. Shortly after he had re-opened his banking busi- ness at Number 422 Wabash Avenue for a few months, he removed to a store on Wabash Avenue a few doors from Congress, thence to the Ogden Building, corner Lake and Clark Streets. He then built at Number 41 Clark Street, where he contin- ued in active life until 1881 . At that date, owing somewhat to failing health, he decided to merge his corporation into the Chicago National Bank, of which he became the first Vice-President, resign- ing, however, in 1885, a t which time he retired from active life. His shortsightedness, if indeed we are right to so style the matter, was a lack of faith in the future real-estate values of Chicago. Had a bold course been adopted in this direction, it would have resulted in the acquiring of an estate vast indeed: but sufficient honor is his, in that he un- swervingly carried out his financial life in strict integrity. While ever a stanch Republican in politics, Mr. Adsit was never prominent in public life, fig- uring rather in the background on movements which were to be carried out for the public weal. In that sense he was always a most active and useful member in aid of advances. Among the institutions with which he was conspicuously as- sociated was the Mechanics' Institute, of which he was the first Vice-President. Following the panic of 1857, when threatened by adverse cir- cumstances with destruction, he lent strong finan- cial support, and was for years one of the chief managers, until its future of honor and usefulness was assured. In 1871 he was Chairman of the Clearing House Association. Among the large estates promoted under his management was that of Allen C. Lewis, which was enhanced greatly in value through his shrewd handling. He was a member of the North Side Union Club, but growing infirmity of health and life-long devotion to home influences prevented much so- cial dissipation. On Dearborn Avenue, at the corner of Elm Street, in a luxurious mansion- house, to which he removed in 1884, he spent happy days following a most usefully busy career. Up to the time of the great fire, he had at- tended at the Wabash Avenue Methodist Church; afterwards for some years at the Plymouth Con- gregational Church, but finally became an habit- ual attendant at David Swing's church, on the North Side, following him to the Music Hall or- ganization across the river, being thus long in intimate relations with him who so feelingly offi- ciated at the final obsequies, preceding interment at Graceland. The time of going to the other shore was September 4, 1894; subsequent to a stroke of paralysis and some years of indisposi- tion; and when his venerable form, which had borne the trials of upwards of eighty-five years, was laid to rest, there was not a dry eye over the melancholy thought that the worthiest of the rem- nant of the early pioneers had gone to his well- merited reward. And thus the first generation passed into that history which it is the province of this publication to rescue from oblivion for the edification and teaching of future times. Said the well-known philanthropist, Dr. Pear- son, in speaking of Mr. Adsit: "He was a thor- oughly upright man, whom I never knew to fail in an>- undertaking. He passed through the pan- ics of 1857, l866 an( * l8 73. an d the great fire, not without financial loss, but without a blemish upon his reputation, meeting every obligation faithfully." Mr. John J. Mitchell, President of the Illinois Trust and Savings Bank, remarked shortly after his demise: "Mr. Adsit was a man of the very highest integrity, and none stood higher than he among the business men and bank- ers of Chicago. * * * In his death Chicago loses not only one of her foremost citizens, but one who helped to make the city's history, and the success she now enjoys." Mr. Adsit married, January 21, 1840, MissAr- ville Chapin, of Chicago, who, herself in ad- vanced age, survives him, waiting her message to join on the other side him she so long, so deep- H. M. ROBINSON. 125 ly loved. Seven children blessed their union, namely : Leonard D. Adsit, who was born January 29, 1841, and who died in Chicago in 1879, having been a banker, associated with his father; Isabella F., who married Ezra I. Wheeler, of Chicago, a commission merchant, now deceased, leaving her without children; James M. Adsit, Jr., born April 7, 1847, un- married; a former banker with his father; now a stock broker with office in the Stock Exchange; Charles Chapin, who is associated with his brother as a stock broker; born July 14, 1853; married in October, 1890, to Mary Bowman Ash- by, of Louisville, Kentucky, by whom one child, Charles Chapin, Jr., was born July 3, 1892; Caroline Jane, educated at Dearborn Seminary, then at Miss Ogden Hoffman's private school in New York City; unmarried; Frank S., born September 7, 1855; died in childhood ; Jeanie M., educated at Dearborn Seminary; unmarried. Mrs. Adsit comes of an old and distinguished New England family, of which she is a repre- sentative of the seventh American generation. Springfield, Massachusetts, is their leading home- stead, where members have erected a magnificent statue of their "Puritan divine" ancestor. Deacon Samuel Chapin, who married a Miss Cisily, was the progenitor from whom are de- scended all in the United States. He came from abroad to Dorchester, Massachusetts, in 1641, at which time he took the "freeman's oath" in Bos- ton. The following year he went to Springfield, then one of the frontier towns, where he was for a long time a local magistrate and one of its first deacons. His son Henry married Bethia Cooley, and re- sided in Springfield. Was a Representative in the General Court, a merchant sea-captain be- tween London and Boston; afterwards retired to live in Boston ; then to Springfield. He had a son, Deacon Benjamin, who married Hannah Col- ton, and lived in Chicopee, a set-off portion of northern Springfield, Massachusetts, where he was one of its first deacons. He had a son Captain Ephraim, who married Jemima Chapin, his own cousin ; lived in Chicopee, where he was an old-time inn-keeper. He also served in the French and Indian Wars. He had a son Bezaleel, who also married his own cousin, Thankful Chapin; living at Ludlow Massachu- setts. He had a son Oramel, who married Suzan Rood; living in Ludlow, Massachusetts, thence removing to Mil- waukee, Wisconsin, later to Chicago, where he died. Their daughter Arville married the subject of this sketch. HAMILTON M. ROBINSON. HAMILTON MOFFAT ROBINSON was born in Cheltenham, Gloucestershire, Eng- land, February 12, 1862, and is the eldest son of James Hamilton Robinson and Frances Jane Moffat. Both the parents represent ancient Scottish families. James H. Robinson, who was born in London and educated at the Edinburgh High School, engaged in business in Manchester, England, soon after completing his education, and later in London, in the East India trade. He continued ip business about thirty years, dealing in jute and export merchandise. During a portion of this time he resided at Calcutta, in order to give 126 H. M. ROBINSON. personal supervision to his export trade. In 1885 he retired from business and came to America, locating at Winnipeg, Manitoba, where his chil- dren had preceded him and where he still resides. His father, George Brown Robinson, had suc- ceeded his (George's) father in the East India trade, and also resided for some years in Calcutta. He married Jane Campbell Hamilton, like him- self a native of Scotland. She is still living in London, at the age of seventy-five years. Mrs. Frances J. Robinson was a daughter of Col. Bowland Moffat, who commanded the Fifty-fourth Regiment of the British army, was a veteran of the Crimean War, and was stationed for some years at Calcutta, at which place Mr. and Mrs. James H. Robinson were married. A num- ber of the ancestors of Colonel Moffat were well- to-do merchants in the West India trade, and sev- eral members of the family served in the British army. Hamilton M. Robinson was but six months old when the family moved from London and again took up its residence in Calcutta. Seven years subsequently he returned to Europe, and at- tended boarding-schools at various points in the South of England. At the age of sixteen years he finished the course at Chatham House College, Ramsgate, Kent. It had been his in- tention to enter the East Indian civil service, but owing to his father's financial embarrassments at that time, he abandoned this purpose and en- tered the London office of Kelly & Company, East India merchants. He began in the capacity of office boy, but with such vigor and intelligence did he apply himself to business, that in the brief space of four years he became the office manager of the firm. He continued in that connection un- til September, 1883, when he determined to seek a wider field for the development of his talents and ability, and came to America, joining his brother in the Northwest Territory of Canada. He homesteaded a farm in Manitoba, but a short time sufficed to convince him that the pursuit of agriculture was neither as profitable nor congenial as he had anticipated. In the following May he joined a friend who was coming to Chicage, and has ever since made this city his home and place of business. In the spring of 1885 he again visited the Northwest Territory, and as a mem- ber of Colonel Boulton's scouts, assisted in sup- pressing the Riel rebellion. He arrived here with neither money, friends nor influence, and wasted no time in seeking or waiting for a genteel position, but immediately began work at the first employment which he could obtain. In the mean time he was constantly on the alert for a more lucrative occupation, and in a few weeks secured a position as bookkeeper with the Anglo-American Packing and Provision Company, with which he remained for about three years. In May, 1887, he resigned this em- ployment and obtained a position with the firm of Crosby & Macdonald, marine underwriters. He continued in this connection about five years, winning the confidence and esteem of his em- ployers, and demonstrating his integrity and ability for the transaction of business. In what- ever position he has been placed he has ever been an indefatigable worker, striving to promote the interests of those whom he served, even at the expense of his own health and personal comfort. On the first of June, 1892, Mr. Robinson formed a partnership with James B. Kellogg, under the firm name of Kellogg & Robinson, marine average adjusters. This is one of the leading firms of marine adjusters upon the shores of Lake Michi- gan, and their success has been gratifying from the start. Mr. Robinson is a member of the Lake Board of Average Adjusters, and of the Association of Average Adjusters of the United States. He has never identified himself with any political party, but takes an intelligent interest in questions of public policy, and has been an American citizen since 1891. He is heartily in sympathy with the spirit of American institutions, and may be classed as one of the most desirable and useful among the foreign-born citizens of Chicago. He was married, in 1887, to Ida T. Cleverdon, of Toronto, province of Ontario, Canada, daugh- ter of William Thompson Cleverdon and Nanie Geech, both formerly residents of Halifax, Nova Scotia. LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS M. W. FULLER 127 MELVILLE W. FULLER. I ELVILLE WESTON FULLER. The fol- lowing sketch of Chief Justice Fuller was written by the late Major Joseph Kirkland for the "History of Chicago," published by Mun- sell & Company, by whose permission it is here reprinted: Chief Justice Fuller traces his descent direct to the "Mayflower. ' ' His father was Frederick A. Fuller, and his mother Catherine Martin Weston. His grandfather on the mother's side was Nathan Weston, Chief Justice of the Maine Supreme Court; and his uncle, George Melville Weston, was a prominent lawyer of Augusta. Melville Weston Fuller was born February n, 1833, at Augusta, Maine, and grew up with good educa- tional advantages. He was prepared for college at Augusta, and entered Bowdoin College in 1849, where he was graduated in 1853. Thence he went to Dane Law School (Harvard), where so many of our western jurists have earned their diplomas. He is described as having been a rather aimless youth, but in college a model student, with a special gift for public speaking. He began his law practice in Augusta, but find- ing business lacking, he employed his time and eked out his income by newspaper work; a cir- cumstance to which is doubtless due something of the literary facility which has always formed a strong feature in his career. An interesting fact connected with this journal- istic experience is this: At a certain session of the Legislature which Melville W. Fuller reported for the Augusta Age (which he and his uncle, B. A. G. Fuller, published together), James G. Elaine was engaged as correspondent of the Kennebec Journal. Though opposed in politics, the two men were always personal friends, and at last, by a curious coincidence, found themselves in Wash- ington together; the one Chief Justice of the Su- preme Court, and the other Secretary of State. Mr. Fuller's success in Augusta as a lawyer was in proportion to the law business of the place, and so not large or satisfying. His success in politics was in proportion to his ability, and there- fore excellent. At twenty-three he was City At- torney and President of the Common Council of Augusta. Still, it must have been unconsciously borne in upon him that Augusta and Maine, always loved and honored by him, were, after all, a "pent-up Utica" to such a soul as his. He must, at least, see the great West. In 1 856 he came to Chicago, meeting here his friend and fellow-townsman, Mr. S. K. Dow, a practicing lawyer, who urged him to emigrate, offering him a place in his office and, at his choice, either a partnership in the business or a salary of $50 per month. He chose the latter, and worked on those terms five months, living within his income. But scarcely a year had passed before he began to do a fine and prof- itable business, which went on increasing with remarkable speed and steadiness up to the time of his leaving the Bar for the Supreme Bench. In politics he was a stanch Democrat, and by friendship and sympathy a warm adherent ot Stephen A. Douglas. At Mr. Douglas's death in 1861, he delivered the funeral oration, his speech being a masterly production. In the same year he was elected a member of the Constitutional Convention, and two years later we find him in 128 M. W. FULLER. the Illinois Legislature. Here he gave the same strenuous support to the war which was offered by other Douglas men; he was a Unionist, but not an anti-slavery man or Republican. The war Democrats were in favor of the war as they thought it should be conducted, giving their ad- herence to the McClellan plan as being the most certain to triumph and restore the integrity of the country. Here it seems well to quote from some fine verses written by Mr. Fuller long afterward. They are on the death of General Grant, and show at once a loyal feeling for the great soldier's services and a true poetic thought and diction; a power of composition rare in the learned, prac- ticed and successful lawyer: Let drum to trumpet speak The trumpet to the cannoneer without The cannon to the heavens from each redoubt, Each lowly valley and each lofty peak, As to his rest the great commander goes Into the pleasant land of earned repose. * * * * Not in his battles won, Though long the well-fought fields may keep their name, But in the wide world's sense of duty done, The gallant soldier finds the meed of fame; His life no struggle for ambition's prize, Simply the duty done that next him lies. * * * * Earth to its kindred earth: The spirit to the fellowship of souls! As, slowly, Time the mighty scroll unrolls Of waiting ages yet to have their birth, Fame, faithful to the faithful, writes on high His name as one that was not born to die. Mr. Fuller was a hard worker in his profession ; and it is said of him that in any case his stoutest fighting is done when the day seems lost, when he is very apt to turn defeat into victory. He is reported to have had, during his thirty years' practice, as many as twenty-five hundred cases at the Chicago Bar; which, deducting his absence at the Legislature, etc., would give him at least one hundred cases a year; fewer, necessarily, in the earlier part of his practice, and more afterward. This shows a remarkable degree of activity and grasp of business. He has never made a specialty of any kind of law, though there are some where- in his name scarcely appears; for instance, di- vorce law and criminal law. Among his many cases are Field against Leiter; the Lake Front case; Storey against Storey's estate; Hyde Park against Chicago; Carter against Carter, etc., and the long ecclesiastical trial of Bishop Cheney on the charge of heresy. His partnership with Mr. Dow lasted until 1860. From 1862 to 1864 his firm was Fuller & Ham, then for two years Fuller, Ham & Shep- ard, and for two years more Fuller & Shepard. From 1869 to 1877 he had as partner his cousin, Joseph E. Smith, son of Governor Smith, of Maine. Since that time he has had no partner. His business was only such as he chose to ac- cept; and his professional income has been esti- mated at from $20,000 to $30,000 a year. His property includes the Fuller Block on Dearborn Street, and is popularly valued at $300,000. He was a delegate to the Democratic National Conventions of 1 864, 1872, 1876 and 1880, always taking a prominent place. Just after Mr. Cleve- land's first election to the Presidency, Mr. Fuller called on him in Albany, and Mr. Cleveland at once conceived for him a very high appreciation. On the death of Chief Justice Waite it seemed de- sirable that the new Justice should be taken from the West; and Mr. Fuller's liberal education, the catholicity of his law practice, his marked indus- try, abilit}- and command of language all these, joined with his devotion to the principles of his party, made him a natural choice for nomination to the position. High and unexpected as was the honor, Mr. Fuller hesitated before accepting it. If it satisfies his ambition in one direction, it checks it in another. The salary of the Chief Justice of the United States is $10,500 a year; very far less than the gains arising from general practice in the front rank of lawyers, or from service as counsel of any one of hundreds of great corporations. So there comes a kind of dead-lock; if a man happens to be born to riches, he is pretty sure never to go through the hard work which alone gives leader- ship in the law. If he starts poor, then, having his fortune to make, he cannot take Federal judi- cial office, that being a life-long position. The only way in which the Federal Bench can be ap- propriately filled, under the circumstances, is when by chance a man prefers power and dignity JOHN PRINDIVILLE. 129 to mere riches; or where his success has been so sudden that he, is able (and willing) to accept a judgeship as a kind of honorable retirement from the struggle and competition of practice. Aside from these considerations, Mr. Fuller felt a natural hesitancy in undertaking a responsibil- ity so trying and hazardous. As to the money obstacle, Mr. Fuller probably felt himself, through his great and rapid success, able to afford to accept the appointment. He ac- cepted it, was hailed in his new dignity with genial cordiality, and has filled the office with un- impeachable credit and honor. Mr. Fuller's first wife was Miss Calista O. Reynolds. She died young, after bearing him two children. He married a second time, taking to wife Mary Ellen, daughter of the distinguished banker, William F. Coolbaugh. His family now consists of eight daughters and one son; and his domestic and social relations are as happy as it is possible to imagine, the young ladies being full of gaiety and loveliness in all its styles and types. He himself is never so well content as in his own household, making merry with all. It is even whispered that should his resignation not throw his own party out of the tenancy of the office to which it chose him, he might give up the irksome and confining dignity and the forced residence in a strange city, and return to the West, to the city of his choice, to the home of his heart. CAPT. JOHN PRINDIVILLE. ft} APT. JOHN PRINDIVILLE, whose name is I ( a synonym for honesty, courage and gener- \J osity among the early residents of Chicago, was born in Ireland, September 7, 1826. The names of his parents were Maurice Prindiville and Catharine Morris. While a boy at school Maur- ice Prindiville ran away from home and went to sea, making a voyage to India, thereby gratifying his thirst for adventure and forfeiting the oppor- tnnity to enter Trinity College at Dublin. Re- turning to his native land, he there married Miss Morris, and in 1835 came with his family to Amer- ica. After spending a year at Detroit, he came to Chicago, where he was for several years in charge of Newbury & Dole's grain warehouse. With his family, he took up his residence in a log house on Chicago Avenue, at the northern terminus of Wol- cott (now North State) Street, which was subse- quently extended. The locality was long known as "the Prindiville Patch." The nearest house was Judge Brown's residence, on the west side of Wolcott Street, between Ontario and Ohio Streets, the only one between Prindiville' s and River Street, the intervening territory being covered with thick woods. Indians and wild beasts were numerous in the vicinity at that time, and John Prindiville became quite familiar with the Indians and learned to speak several of their dialects. His father and he were firm friends of Chief Wau- bansee and others, and always espoused their cause in resisting the encroachments of the whites upon their rights and domains. As a boy John was noted for his dare-devil pranks, though always popular with his comrades, whom he often led into difficulties, out of which he usually succeeded in bringing them without seri- ous results. He was one of the first students at St. Mary's College, which was located at the cor- ner of Wabash Avenue and Madison Street. Upon one occasion, he led a number of students upon a flqating cake of ice near the shore of the lake. The wind suddenly changed, and, before they were aware of their condition, floated their preca- rious barge out into the lake. Upon discovering JOHN PRINDIVILLE. the danger, John promptly led the way back to shore by wading through water breast deep. This prompt action, aided by his reputation for honesty and truthfulness, saved him from punishment at the hands of the college authorities. He always had a great desire to live upon the water, and at the age of eleven years he gratified this tendency by shipping as a cook on a lake schooner. Two of the first vessels upon which he sailed were the "Hiram Pearson" and "Constitution." His menial position made him the butt of the sailors, but he took so readily to the life of a mariner and performed his duties so thoroughly and capably, that he rapidly won promotion to more respon- sible posts, and when but nineteen years of age became the master of the schooner "Liberty," engaged in the lumber trade between Chicago and other Lake Michigan ports. For about ten years he was the skipper of sailing-vessels, abandoning the last of these in 1855, after which he com- manded several steamers, although that was never so much to his taste as sailing. In 1860 he for- sook marine life, though he has been ever since interested in the operation of lake craft. From 1855 to 1865 he and his brother, Redmond Prin- diville, operated a line of tugs upon the Chicago. River. During this time, in August, 1862, he had a narrow escape from instant death by the explosion of the boiler of the tug "Union." Though not regularly in command of the vessel, he chanced to be on board at that time, and had just left the wheel, going aft to hail another tug, when the accident occurred. Captain Daly, who took his place at the wheel, and several others were instantly killed. As a skipper, Capt. John Prindiville was noted for quick trips, always managing to out-distance any competing vessels, though he made wreck of many spars and timbers by crowding on canvas. One of his standing orders was that sail should not be shortened without instructions, though it was allowable to increase it at any time deemed desirable. He was ever on the alert and always took good care of the lives of his crew and pass- engers. He was a strict disciplinarian, but was always popular with his men, who considered it a special honor to be able to sail with him, and were ever ready to brave any danger to serve him. These included a number of those who had been accustomed to curse him when he first began his marine career in the capacity of cook. In 1850 Captain Prindiville commanded the brigantine "Minnesota" (which was built in Chi- cago, below Rush Street Bridge) , the first Amer- ican vessel to traverse the St. Lawrence River. Her cargo consisted of copper from the Bruce Mines on Georgian Bay, and her destination was Swansea, Wales. Owing to the stupidity and in- capacity of the pilot, she ran upon the rocks in Lachine Canal and was obliged to unload. This was a disappointment to the youthful captain, who was ambitious to be the first lake skipper to cross the ocean. He and his brothers owned the schooner "Pamlico," the first vessel loaded from Chicago for Liverpool. This was in 1873, and the cargo consisted of twenty-four thousand seven hundred bushels of corn. November 17, 1857, occurred one of the most disastrous storms which ever visited Lake Michi- gan, an event long to be remembered by the fami- lies of those who were sailors at that time. A number of vessels were wrecked off the shore of Chicago, and many lives were sacrificed to the fury of the elements. The number of fatalities would have been far greater but for the bravery and har- dihood of Captain Prindiville and his crew, who manned the tug "McQueen" and brought maity of the men to land in safety, though at the peril of their own lives. For this act of bravery and humanity, on the evening of that day, Hon. Stephen A. Douglas, in behalf of the citizens, who had assembled at the Tremont House, ten- dered him a purse of $700 in gold. This valua- ble testimonial he modestly declined, recommend- ing that the money be distributed among the families of the crew of the "Flying Cloud," all of whom had been lost in the storm. This is only one of the many instances of his courage and self- sacrifice in behalf of others. It is an acknowl- edged and well-known fact that he has saved more human lives than any other navigator on Lake Michigan. Captain Prindiville is the father of eight living children, the offspring of two marriages. On the J. W. GARY. i8th of November, 1845, Miss Margaret Kalehr became his bride. After her death he married Margaret Prendergast, a native of Burlington, Vermont, who came to Chicago with her parents about 1840. Of his three sons, Redmond is now an ex-captain of lake craft, and resides in Chi- cago. James W. and Thomas J. are associated with their father in the vessel and marine busi- ness. Captain Prindiville has been a steadfast Roman Catholic from boyhood, and is now a communi- cant of the Cathedral of the Holy Name. He is broad-minded and tolerant toward all sincere Christians. He is a member of the Royal Arca- num, and in national politics has been a life-long Democrat, but gives his support to any good citi- zen for local office, irrespective of party fealty. He has been a member of the Chicago Board of Trade since 1856, and is now one of the oldest citizens connected with that body. His noble, self-sacrificing spirit and unquestioned integrity of character have won a host of friends, by whom his memory will be cherished long after the mere man of millions has passed into obscurity. JOHN W. GARY. (JOHN W. CARY was the lineal descendant I in the fifth generation of John Gary, who (2) came from Somersetshire, near Bristol, Eng- land, in 1634, and joined the Plymouth Colony, and a son of Asa Gary, who was born in Mans- field, Connecticut, in 1774. He was born Feb- ruary ii, 1817, in Shoreham, Vermont. Four- teen years later, his parents removed to western New York, where he attended the common school, assisting his father on the farm until, at the age of twenty, he entered Union College. He supported himself through college, and was grad- uated with the Class of 1842. Two years later he was admitted to practice in the Supreme Court of New York, and followed his profession in Wayne and Cayuga Counties until 1850, when he re- moved to Wisconsin, taking up his residence at Racine. He took an active interest in educational matters, and as a School Commissioner was in- strumental in developing the public-school sys- tem of Racine. He was elected State Senator in 1852, and Mayor in 1857. Two years later he removed his home to Milwaukee, and was at once engaged as solicitor and counsel to fore- close the mortgages given by the La Crosse & Milwaukee Railroad Company. At the resulting sale, the property was purchased by the Milwau- kee & St. Paul Railroad Company (now the Chi- cago, Milwaukee & St. Paul), which he had in- corporated, and of which he continued as the legal adviser and one of the controlling spirits to the day of his death, a period of thirty-six years. Until 1887 he was the General Solicitor of that company, at which time the Board of Directors created the office of General Counsel, and he was then chosen to that position, which he continued to fill up to the time of his death. He was not only the legal adviser of that company, counsel- ing on all questions and conducting all its litiga- tion, in which he was eminently successful, es- pecially before the Supreme Court of the United States, but during all that time he was the chief counselor and adviser of the general policy of the company. He stood high in the legal profession, and was regarded by all as one of the best equip- ped railway lawyers in the country. Some of the 132 J. W. GARY. cases in which he appeared as counsel before the Supreme Court of the United States, and in which he was successful, rank among the most notable cases of that court. He argued before that court what is known as the Milk Rate case, which was the case of the State of Minnesota against the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Railway Com- pany, decided in April, 1890. The magnitude of that case, both as regards the principle in- volved and the moneyed interest affected, places it by the side of such cases as the Dartmouth College case, the case of McCulloch versus Mary- land, and the Slaughter House cases. The Su- preme Court in that case held, as Mr. Gary had for many years contended, that the reasonableness of a rate of charge for transportation of property by a railroad company was a question of judicial determination, rather than of arbitrary legislative action, and that State Legislatures, in fixing the rates of freight, must fix reasonable rates; that is, rates which are compensatory , such as will per- mit carriers to receive reasonable profits upon their invested capital, the same as other persons are permitted to receive. The success of Mr. Gary in this case is all the more notable from the fact that fifteen years pre- viously he appeared as counsel for the St. Paul Company in what are- known as the Granger cases, in which that court declined to adopt the rule which it afterwards established in the Milk Rate case. Of the members of that court at the time the Granger cases were argued, but one remains, Justice Field, and of the leading counsel who ap- peared in those cases all have passed away ex- cept William M. Evarts. It is a notable fact that Mr. Cary survived every justice who was a mem- ber of that court at the time of his first appearance therein, as well as the leading lawyers who were practicing in that court at that time. It is told of Mr. Cary that he successfully argued fourteen cases during one session of the Supreme Court, against such men as Caleb Cush- .ing, Matt H. Carpenter, Henry A. Cram, of New York, and other eminent men. In 1872, while a member of the Wisconsin State Legislature, he was requested to draw a general railroad law for the state, which he did, and the statute which he prepared was adopted and is still in force, and has passed into history as one of the most important laws ever enacted in Wisconsin, and is regarded by all as a law fair both to the people and the railway companies. No person in the State of Wisconsin was better or more favorably known than Mr. Cary. His reputation as a lawyer of marked abilities, and his character for candor and integrity as a man, were enviable. At all times and everywhere he maintained the honor of his profession and the majesty of the law. Those who knew him best respected him the most. He always took a great interest in political af- fairs, and was unusually well versed in national and political history. Throughout his entire man- hood he was a devoted adherent of Democracy, receiving in 1864 the nomination for Congress, and upon several occasions the complimentary vote of the Legislature for United States Senator. During the long period in which the Democratic party was in the minority, which covered nearly the whole of his maturer years, Mr. Cary re- mained steadfast in his loyalty to its principles. But for this fact his name would undoubtedly have found place on the pages of history among the most eminent statesmen of his generation. A man of vast mental endowment, clear of judg- ment, and true as the needle to the pole was he to the right as he saw the right. He resided in Milwaukee until 1890, when the general offices of the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Railway Company were removed to Chicago. At this time he removed his home to Hinsdale, a suburb of Chicago, where he resided until his death, which occurred in Chicago on March 29, 1895. In 1844 Mr. Cary was married to Eliza Vilas, who died in 1845, leaving a daughter, Eliza. In 1 847 he was married to Isabel Brinkerhoff. He has seven children living, namely: Eliza, who is the wife of Sherburn Sanborn ; Frances, the widow of Charles D. Kendrick; Melbert B., Fred A., John W., Jr., George P. and Paul V. In his intercourse with his fellow-men, and with his associates in professional labor, he was E. W. BAILEY. 133 alway considerate and gentle. No unkind or reproachful word ever passed his lips. He was true and faithful in friendship, magnanimous in his dealings with others, and every act was prompted by the highest sense of honor. He was modest and unassuming, simple and unaffected in manner, and admired, trusted and loved by all who knew him. " In his family and home life He was all sunshine; in his face The very soul of sweetness shone." EDWARD W. BAILEY. |~DWARD WILLIAM BAILEY, a member fJ of the Chicago Board of Trade, was born at Elinore, La Moille County, Vermont, Au- gust 31, 1843. His parents, George W. Bailey and Rebecca Warren, were natives of Berlin, Vermont. The Bailey family is remotely of Scotch lineage. George W. Bailey was one of a family of thirteen children, and was bereft of his father in childhood. He participated in the War of 1812, entering the sen-ice of the United States at the age of sixteen years. But little is known of his service, except that he was in the battle of Fort Erie. He be- came a prominent farmer and practical business man, officiating as President of the Vermont Mutual Life Insurance Company, and for many years filled the office of Judge of Probate in Washington County, a circumstance which indi- cates the regard and confidence reposed in him by his fellow- citizens. His death occurred at Montpelier in 1868, at the age of seventy years. Mrs. Rebecca Bailey was a daughter of Abel War- ren. She died upon the homestead farm at El- more in 1885, having reached the mature age of eighty-three years. Edward W. Bailey is the youngest of ten chil- dren. His education was obtained in the public schools, and in Washington County Grammar School at Montpelier. From the age of seventeen years, he assisted his father in the management of the homestead farm, thereby developing a strong muscular frame and acquiring strength and endurance for the subsequent battle of life. He also inherited the upright character and con- scientious principles for which his progenitors had been conspicuous, and when, in 1869, he en- tered upon his commercial career, he was fully competent to meet and master the exigencies and vicissitudes which ever beset the business man. At that date he purchased a grocery store at Montpelier, and the following year he and his partner increased their business by the addition of a gristmill. When the firm dissolved, a few years later, Mr. Bailey retained the mill and still continues to own and operate the same. In 1879 he located in Chicago, and, in partner- ship with V. W. Bullock, began dealing in grain on commission, an occupation which still em- ploys his time and attention. After the first two or three years, Mr. Bailey became sole proprie- tor of the business, and now occupies commo- dious quarters in the Board of Trade Building. In most instances, he has been successful, and he has ever maintained a reputation for honorable dealing and integrity of character, which has earned him the confidence of all his business as- sociates. There is, perhaps, no man upon the Board of Trade to-day in whom the public has better reason to trust or whose business credit is freer from imputation. In June, 1869, he was married to Miss Jennie Carter, daughter of Charles H. Carter, of Mont- pelier, Vermont. The lady was born in Wil- mington, Massachusetts, and has become the mother of two children: George C., who holds a 134 J. B. BRADWELL. responsible position with the great packing house of Swift & Company, and Mary D., wife of Fred- erick Meyer, of Chicago. Mr. Bailey holds liberal views on religious subjects, and was for many years a member of the congregation of the late Prof. David Swing. He is not in fellowship with any social or religious organization. Though not an active politician, he never fails to exercise the right as well as duty of casting a vote, and supports Republican principles, believing the Republican party to represent the best social and economic ideas. He is a man of resolution and prompt action, and his industrious habits have made him an exemplary business man, whose life and character are worthy of the emulation of the rising generation. HON. JAMES B. BRADWELL. HON. JAMES B. BRADWELL. This dis- tinguished gentleman, an excellent portrait of whom is herewith presented, was born April 1 6, 1828, at Loughborough, England. His parents were Thomas and Elizabeth (Gutridge) Bradwell. The family left England when James was sixteen months old, and settled in Utica, New York, where they resided until 1833, when they removed to Jacksonville, Illinois. They went from Jacksonville to what is now Wheeling, Cook County, Illinois, in Ma}-, 1834. The fam- ily made the trip in a covered wagon drawn by a span of horses and a yoke of oxen, and, although the distance was but two hundred and fifty miles, it took twenty-one days to complete the journey. Young Bradwell spent a number of years upon a farm in Cook County, splitting rails, breaking prairie, mowing and cradling in the old-fashioned way, which aided to give him that strength of body and mind which he possesses at the age of sixty -seven. His early education was obtained in a log schoolhouse; later in Wilson's Academy, of Chicago, in which Judge Lorenzo Sawyer, of California, was tutor; and was completed in Knox College, Galesburg, Illinois. He supported him- self in college by sawing wood and working in a wagon and plow shop afternoons and Saturdays, where he often had to take his pay in orders on stores, which he discounted at twenty-five cents on the dollar. This resulted in the young man taking an oath that if ever he lived to employ men he would never pa}- them in orders or truck. Although he has paid hundreds of thousands of dollars for wages, he has religiously kept his oath. For a number of years before his admis- sion to the Bar he worked as a journeyman at several different trades in Chicago. He is a natural mechanic, and, believing with Solomon that "the rest of the laboring man is sweet," he aimed, even when on the Bench and at the Bar, to devote a portion of every day to some kind of manual labor. It is said that he could earn his living to-day as a journeyman at any one of sev- enteen trades. As a process artist he has few su- periors. He invented a process of his own for doing half-tone work, and has the honor of hav- ing made the first half-tone cut ever produced in Chicago that of Chief Justice Fuller, of the United States Supreme Court. Nearly forty years ago he was admitted to the Illinois Bar, and, being a good speaker, a bold, dashing young man, and considerable of a "hustler, "he succeeded in building up a large and paying practice. In 1 86 1 he was elected County Judge of Cook Coun- ty by a larger majority than any judge had ever received in the county up to that time; and in 1865 he was re-elected for four years. Judge Bradwell was elected to the Legislature of Illi- LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS MRS. MYRA BRADWELL MYRA BRADWELL. 135 nois in 1873, and re-elected in 1875. He has held many offices in charitable and other institu- tions; presided at Cleveland during the organiza- tion of the American Woman Suffrage Associa- tion; was President of the Chicago Press Club; President of the Chicago Rifle Club, and for many years was considered the best rifle shot in Chicago; President of the Chicago Bar Associa- tion; President of the Illinois State Bar Associa- tion, and for many years its historian; President of the Chicago Soldiers' Home; Chairman of the Arms and Trophy Department of the Northwest- ern Sanitary Commission and Soldiers' Home Fair in 1865; one of the founders of the Union League Club of Chicago, President of the Board of Directors the first year, and the first man to sign the roll of membership, "Long John" Went- worth being the second; he has been President of the Chicago Photographic Society, and was Chair- man of the Photographic Congress Auxiliary of the World's Columbian Exposition. When on the Bench he ranked as a probate jurist second only to the distinguished surrogate, Alexander Bradford, 'of New York. He was the first judge to hold, during the war, that a marriage made during slavery was valid upon emancipation, and that the issue of such a marriage was legitimate upon emancipation and would inherit from their emancipated parents; or, in other words, that the civil rights of slaves, being suspended during slavery, revived upon emancipation. The opinion was delivered in the case of Matt C. Jones, and was published ap- provingly in the London Solicitors' Journal, and fully endorsed by Mr. Joel Prentiss Bishop ten years after it was rendered, in one of his works. Judge Bradwell was the friend of the widow and the orphan an able, impartial judge. He was an influential member of the Legisla- ture, and aided in securing the passage of a num- ber of measures for the benefit of the State and the city of his adoption. He holds advanced views as to the rights of women, and introduced a bill making women eligible to all school offices, and, mainly by his influence and power, secured its passage; also a bill making women eligible to be appointed notaries public. Judge Bradwell has taken the Thirty-third and last degree in Masonry, and is an honorary mem- ber of the Supreme Council with its Grand East at Boston, and also an honorary member of the Ancient Ebor Preceptory at York, England. He has recently published a neat volume of Ancient Masonic Rolls and other matter of interest to the order, showing that there was originally no pro- vision against the admission of women to the fra- ternity. MYRA BRADWELL IV^YRA BRADWELL. In these latter days I V I of the century, a century which has done |(jj| more for women than any other in the his- tory of the world, it is interesting to record the life of a citizen of Chicago of national reputation, who wrought earnestly, wisely and successfully for woman's advancement. To follow in a pathway which has been made for one is easy. To be an original and practical leader, clearing the way for others to come, is a difficult undertaking. Such a leader was Myra Bradwell, one of the pioneers in the movements to give woman equal rights before the law and equal opportunities to labor in all avocations. Myra Bradwell was born in Manchester, Ver- mont, February 12, 1831. In infancy she was taken to Portage, New York, where she remained until her twelfth year, when she came West with MYRA BRADWELL. her father's family. In the warp of her nature was woven the woof of that sterling New England character which has made such an impress on our national life. On her father's side she was descended from a family which numbers many noble men, philanthropists, eminent divines and noted statesmen. Her father, Eben Colby, was the son of John Colby, a Baptist minister of New Hampshire. Her father's mother was a lineal descendant of Aquilla Chase, whose family gave to the world the noted divine, Bishop Philander Chase, of the Episcopal Church, and Salmon P. Chase, Chief Justice of the United States. On her mother's side she was a descendant of Isaac Willey, who settled in Boston in 1640. Two members of the family, Allen and John Willey, served in the Revolutionary War, and were in the little army which suffered glorious defeat at Bun- ker Hill. Her family were aggressive Abolition- ists and stanch friends of the Lovejoys. The story of the murdered martyr, Elijah Lovejoy, as recounted by the friend of her youth, Owen Love- joy, made a deep impression upon her mind. Thus early was implanted a hatred of slavery and injustice in the soul of one who was destined, in after years, to bear a conspicuous part in free- ing her sex from some of the conditions of vas- salage in which it had stood a champion who broke one of the strongest barriers to woman's enfranchisement, the Bar, and paved the way for women into the upper halls of justice, into the greatest court of the world. As a student, pos- sessed of a keen, logical mind, with the soul of a poet, she early evinced a deep love for learning, and made the most of the limited educational ad- vantages which were then deemed more than suf- ficient for girls. After studying at Kenosha and the ladies' seminary in Elgin, Myra engaged in teaching. May 18, 1852, Myra Colby was united in mar- riage with James B. Bradwell. Soon after her mar- riage she removed with her husband to Memphis, Tennessee. While there she proved herself a veritable helpmate, conducting with her husband the largest select school in the city. In two years they returned to Chicago, where her hus- band engaged in the practice of the law, and where they have since resided. With the ardor of a true patriot, she could not remain inactive when danger threatened the Government which her Revolutionary ancestors fought to establish. During the war she helped care for the suffering, the wounded and the dying. The Soldiers' Fair of 1863, and the Fair of 1867 for the benefit of the families of soldiers, had no more active or efficient worker than Mrs. Bradwell. She was a member and Secretary of the Committee on Arms, Trophies and Curiosities of the great Northwest- ern Sanitary Fair, and was the leading spirit in producing that artistic and beautiful exhibition in Bryan Hall in 1865. When the war was over, she assisted in providing a liDme for the scarred and maimed and dependent veterans who shoul- dered the musket to preserve the Union. Becoming deeply interested in her husband's profession, she commenced the study of law un- der his tutelage, at first with no thought of be- coming a practicing lawyer, but subsequently she decided to make the profession her life work, and applied herself diligently to its study. In 1868 she established the "Chicago Legal News," the first weeekly law periodical published in the West, and the first paper of its kind edited by a woman in the world, and which stands to-day the best monument to her memory. Believing fully in the power of the law, she adopted as the motto of the "Legal News" the words Lex Vincil, which have always been at the head of its columns. Practical newspaper men and prominent lawyers at once predicted its failure, but they under-esti- mated the ability and power of its editor. She obtained from the Legislature special acts mak- ing all the laws of Illinois and the opinions of the Supreme Court of the State printed in her paper evidence in the courts. She made the paper a success from the start, and it was soon recognized by the Bench and Bar throughout the country as one of the best legal periodicals in the United States. With her sagacity, enterprise and mas- terful business ability she built up one of the most flourishing printing and publishing houses in the West. Two instances may be cited to show her business energy and enterprise. From the year 1869, when she first began to publish MYRA BRADWELL. 137 the Illinois session laws, she always succeeded in getting her edition out many weeks in advance of any other edition. At the Chicago fire, in common with thousands of others, she lost home and business possessions, but, undismayed by misfortune, she hastened to Milwaukee, had the paper printed and published on the regular pub- lication day, and thus not an issue of her paper was lost during this trying time in our city's history. She finally decided to apply for admission to the Bar and to practice law. She had been permitted to work side by side with her husband as a most successful teacher, why not as a lawyer ? In 1869 she passed a most creditable examina- tion for the Bar, but was denied admission by the Supreme Court of Illinois, upon the ground that she was a married woman, her married state be- ing considered a disability. She knew that the real reason had not been given. She filed an ad- ditional brief which combated the position of the court with great force, and compelled the court to give the true reason. In due time the court, by Mr. Chief Justice Lawrence, delivered an elab- orate opinion, in which it was said, upon mature deliberation, the court had concluded to refuse to admit Mrs. Bradwell upon the sole ground that she was a woman. She sued out a writ of error against the State of Illinois in the Supreme Court of the United States. Her case in that tribunal was argued in 1871 by Senator Matt Carpenter. In May, 1873, the judgment of the lower court was affirmed by the United States Supreme Court. Mr. Chief Justice Chase, who never failed to give his powerful testimony to aid in lifting woman from dependence and helplessness to strength and freedom, true to his principles, dis- sented. As has been well said, "the discussion of the Myra Bradwell case had the inevitable ef- fect of letting sunlight through many cobwebbed windows. It is not so much by abstract reason- ing as by visible examples that reformations come, and Mrs. Bradwell offered herself as a living example of the injustice of the law. A woman of learning, genius, industry and high character, editor of the first law journal in the West, forbid- den by law to practice law, was too much for the public conscience, tough as that conscience is. ' ' Although Mrs. Bradwell, with Miss Hulett, was instrumental in securing the passage of a law in Illinois granting to all persons, irrespec- tive of sex, freedom in the selection of an occu- pation, profession or employment, she never re- newed her application for admission to the Bar. Twenty years after, the judges of the Supreme Court of Illinois, on their own motion, performed a noble act of justice and directed license to prac- tice law to be issued to her, and March 28, 1892, upon motion of Attorney-General Miller, Mrs. Bradwell was admitted to practice before the Su- preme Court of the United States. A pioneer in opening the legal profession for women, Myra Bradwell' s signal service to her sex has been in the field of law reform. Finding women and children without adequate protection in the law, she devoted herself with the zeal of an enthusiast to secure such protection. One of the most wonderful phases of her character was the power which she exerted in securing these changes in the law. It is interesting in this connection to note that she was the only married woman who was ever given her own earnings by special act of the Legislature. She drafted the bill giving a mar- ried woman a right to her own earnings. A case in point, so monstrous in its injustice, gave an added impetus to her zeal. A drunkard, who owed a saloon-keeper for his whisky, had a wife who earned her own living as a scrubwoman, and the saloon-keeper garnisheed the people who owed her and levied on her earnings to pay her husband's liquor bill. It needed but an applica- tion like this for her to succeed in her efforts to pass the bill. She also secured the passage of the law giving to a widow her award in all cases. Believing thoroughly in the principle enunciated by John Stuart Mill, "of perfect equality, admit- ting no privilege on the one side nor disabil- ity on the other," she was an enthusiastic sup- porter of the bill granting to a husband the same interest in a wife's estate that the wife had in the husband's. While holding most advanced views upon the woman question, she recognized that the prejudice of years cannot be overcome in 138 MYRA BRADWELL. a day, and that the work must be done by de- grees. She therefore never missed an opportunity to try to secure any change in the law which would enlarge the sphere of woman. With this purpose in view, she applied to the Governor to be ap- pointed Notary Public. Finding her womanhood a bar to even this humble office, she induced her husband, who was in the Legislature, to intro- duce a bill making women eligible to the office of Notary Public, which bill became a law. The bill drafted by her husband permitting women to act as school officers, and which was passed while he was in the Legislature, received her hearty sup- port. In all the reforms which Mrs. Bradwell se- cured, she was not acting as the representative of any organization, but they were secured through her personal influence. Twice Mrs. Bradwell was honored by special appointment of the Gov- ernor, being appointed a delegate to the Prison Reform Congress at St. Louis; and it was mainly by her efforts that women, after a severe contest, were allowed a representation on the list of officers, she declining to accept any office herself; subse- quently she was appointed by the Governor as one of the Illinois Centennial Association to repre- sent Illinois in the Centennial Exhibition of 1876. Mrs. Bradwell circulated the call for the first Woman Suffrage Convention held in Chicago, in 1869, and was one of its Vice-Presidents. She was one of the active workers in the suffrage convention held in Springfield in 1869, and for a number of years one of the executive committee of the Illinois Woman Suffrage Association. She also took an active part in the convention at Cleveland which formed the American Woman's Suffrage Association. Once only was she per- mitted to exercise the right of suffrage. Under the recent school law in Illinois she cast her bal- lot for the first and last time, her death occurring on the fourteenth day of February, 1894. A thorough Chicagoan, in the life, progress and best interests of her city she had a citizen's interest and a patriot's pride. She was untiring in her efforts to secure the World's Fair for Chi- cago, accompanied the commission to Washing- ton, and rendered valuable services there in ob- taining the location of the Exposition in Chicago. She was appointed one of the Board of Lady Managers, and was Chairman of the Committee on Law Reform of its auxiliary congress. It is interesting to note that the woman who labored so courageously, persistently and effectively to secure for women their rights was herself a rep- resentative in the first national legislature of women to be authorized by any Government. Mrs. Bradwell was the first woman who be- came a member of the Illinois State Bar Associa- tion and the Illinois Press Association; was a charter member of the Soldiers' Home Board, the Illinois Industrial School for Girls, the Wash- ingtonian Home, and the first Masonic chapter organized for women in Illinois, over which she presided; was a member of the Chicago Women's Club, the daughters of the American Revolution, the Grand Army Relief Corps, the National Press League and the Woman's Press Association. A gentle and noiseless woman, her tenderness and refinement making the firmness of her char- acter all the more effective, Mrs. Bradwell was one of those who live their creed instead of preach- ing it. Essentially a woman of deeds, not words, she did not spend her days proclaiming on the rostrum the rights of women, but quietly, none the less effectively, set to work to clear away the barriers. A noble refutation of the oftimes expressed be- lief that the entrance of women in public life tends to lessen their distinctively womanly char- acter, she was a most devoted wife and mother, her home being ideal in its love and harmony. She was the mother of four children', two of whom survive her, Thomas and Bessie, both lawyers, and the latter the wife of a lawyer, Frank A. Helmer, of the Chicago Bar. Of this gifted and honored lady it has been truthfully said: "No more powerful and convinc- ing argument in favor of the admission of women to a participation in the administration of the Government was ever made than may be found in Myra Bradwell' s character, conduct and achievements." JOHN FRINK. 139 JOHN FRINK. (7OHN FRINK, who was probably as well I known as any man in the United States, out- G) side of National public life, was a leader in the operation of transportation lines before the days of railroads, as well as in railroad building and operation. He was born at Ashford, Con- necticut, October 17, 1797, and died in Chicago May 21, 1858. He represented the seventh gen- eration of his family in America, being descended from John Frink, who settled at New London, Connecticut, previous to 1650. The last-named took part in King Philip's War, as a Colonial sol- dier, and for his services in that conflict was awarded by the General Court of Connecticut a grant of two hundred acres of land and permis- sion to retain his arms. John Frink, the father of the subject of this notice, removed about 1810 from Ashford, Con- necticut, toStockbridge, Massachusetts, becoming the proprietor of the Stockbridge Inn, a noted hostelry, which is still kept there. He afterward kept taverns at Northampton and Palmer, Mass- achusetts. His death occurred at the latter place in 1847, at the age of sixty years. While a young man, John Frink, whose name heads this article, started out in the operation of a stage line. One of his first ventures was the establishment of a stage line between Boston and Albany, by way of Stockbridge. His partner in this enterprise was Chester W. Chapin, ofSpring- field, Massachusetts, afterward conspicuous in railroad operations. A branch to New York City was soon added, and the undertaking was entire- ly successful, becoming a prosperous medium of travel. Mr. Frink was subsequently instrument- al in the establishment of a stage line between Montreal and New York, an undertaking of con- siderable magnitude in those days. About 1830 he made a trip, by way of Pitts- burgh, to New Orleans, and was so favorably im- pressed with the development and progress of the West that he determined to transfer the field of his operations to a new territory. Accordingly, in 1836, he came to Chicago, and soon after his arrival purchased the stage line in operation be- tween Chicago and Ottawa, Illinois. He soon afterward established a connecting line of steam- boats on the Illinois and Mississippi Rivers, be- tween the latter point and St. Louis, and the route thus completed immediately became a pop- ular thoroughfare. Another stage line was short- ly afterwards put into operation between Galena and Chicago, by way of Freeport. Galena was then the metropolis of the Northwest, and this line of stages became the most important over- land route of travel in that region. Another ex- tensive undertaking was the establishment' of stages between Chicago and Madison, Wisconsin. The business was conducted at the outset by the firm of John Frink & Company, later known as Frink & Walker. This became one of the most powerful business concerns in the Northwest, and its operations eventually extended to Des Moines, Iowa, and Fort Snelling, Minnesota. All compe- tition was driven out of the way, even though business was sometimes conducted for a season at a loss, in order to maintain their supremacy. An immense number of men and horses was em- ployed. The stage sheds were located at the northwest corner of Wabash Avenue and Ran- dolph Street, with extensive repair shops adja- cent; and the principal stage office was on the southwest corner of Dearborn and Lake Streets, opposite the Tremont House, then the principal hotel of Chicago. One of the most important features of the busi- ness was the carriage of the United States mails, and the securing and care of the contracts for the same kept Mr. Frink in Washington a large por- tion of the time, and brought him in contact and intimate acquaintance with the leading politicians and public men of the nation. These contracts, 140 O. B. PHELPS. which involved large sums of money, were faith- fully carried out, a fact which enabled him to hold them in spite of aggressive competition. He was a man of rare executive ability, excelling the various partners with whom he was associated in that respect to such a degree that he was kept constantly on the move to regulate the adminis- tration of business. He was a man of fine phys- ical make-up and of most unusual colloquial and conversational abilities, which made him popular in any circle where he chanced to be. He was extremely fastidious in dress and the care of his personal appearance, and required the most scru- pulous care and thrift in all his employes. No man who failed to keep matters under his charge in first-class order could remain a day in his em- ploy. When the steam locomotive became a practical success, Mr. Frink at once saw that it would su- persede the horse as a means of propelling pas- senger vehicles. He accordingly began to close out his interests in the stage business, transfer- ring his capital and energy to railroad building and operation. He was one of the prime movers in the construction of the Chicago & Galena Un- ion Railroad, and also the Peoria & Oquawka, now a part of the great Burlington System, and in the Peoria & Bureau Valley Railroad, at pres- ent a branch of the Rock Island System. He did not live to witness the ultimate completion of these lines, but their success vindicated his foresight and judgment. Mr. Frink was first married to Martha R. Marcy, who died in Chicago in 1839, leaving three children: John, Harvey and Helen. The last-named became the wife of Warren T. Hecox, one of the original members of the Chicago Board of Trade, and all are now deceased. For his second wife he chose Miss Harriet Farnsworth, who was born in Woodstock, Vermont, July 2, 1810, and died at Wheaton, Illinois, March 7, 1884. Her father, Stephen Farnsworth, was a descendant of Matthias Farnsworth, an early set- tler of Groton, Massachusetts. The descendants of the last-named, in direct line, were Samuel, who was born at Groton, October 8, 1669; Steph- en, born in 1714, died at Charleston, New Hamp- shire, and who took part in the French and Indian War, in which two of his brothers were killed. Stephen, Jr., father of Mrs. Frink, was born in Charleston, New Hampshire, June 20, 1764. He moved to South Woodstock, Vermont, where he became a prominent fanner and miller. He served as a member of the Vermont Legislature, and was a Justice of the Peace for a great many years. Mrs. Harriet Frink was one of the earliest members of St. James' Episcopal Church of Chi- cago, and when Trinity Church was formed on the South Side she joined that society. She aft- erwards became a member of Christ Church, and continued to be a communicant thereof until her death, both she and her husband being buried from that church. Their children are George, Henry F., and Eva, Mrs John W. Bennett, all of whom reside at Austin, Illinois. OTHNIEL B. PHELPS. ITHNIEL BREWSTER PHELPS. The subject of this sketch was born at Cones- ville, Schoharie County, New York, Febru- ary 18, 1821, and was the elder of two children springing from the marriage of George W. Phelps with Zerviah Potter. His mother dying when Othniel was only two years of age, his father married Mary Chapman in the year 1824, O. B. PHELPS. 141 wherefrom it will be seen that his step-mother was the only maternal parent of whom he ever had a memory. From this second union eight children came into being, the eldest of whom was William Wallace Phelps, a sketch of whom will be found upon other pages in this work; in con- nection with which will also be found a succinct account of the Phelps genealogy, which, for ob- vious reasons, is not reprinted at this place. His early life was spent upon a farm (it seems as if the farms of that generation did the raising of all the brains, as well as vegetables, etcetera, of the country), and his erudition, save the self- learned, was limited to the common school. At a very youthful age, he went to Catskill, New York, as clerk in the mercantile house of Joshua Fiero, and, being one of unusual energy and self- reliance, after a few years he started a mercantile business for himself at Windham, Greene County, New York, to which place he removed, and in which occupation he was engaged for the next succeeding six years. Selling out at the end of that period at an ad- vantage, he removed to Williamstown, New York, where he engaged in the tanning business, be- coming the possessor of one of the finest proper- ties in that part of the country at that time ( es- pecially notable in one of so few years) . He was estimated to be worth an estate of $80,000, which, however, was entirely swept away by the panic of 1857. Almost directly with the disappearance of his household gods, he set his face towards the then far West to retrieve, as fortune should favor him, his lost accumulations. Chicago was the fortun- ate end of his journey, which was not then, as might be now, wooed into a longer continuance than necessary by luxurious conveniences for traveling. He bought a house on West Madison Street; but within a few years found the spot henceforth to be most dear to him on earth, pur- chasing again, at Number 2427 Indiana Avenue. The large brick mansion, standing to-day nearly as he found it, was one of the finest places in the city at that time, and a veritable landmark in this generation; for in the early sixties and for long after this was well out on the edge of the town, viewing to the westward, as far as Michi- gan Avenue, a thrifty cornfield in summer time. His business relations from the start were with our prince of citizens, Potter Palmer, for whom he acted as confidential adviser and credit man, with power of attorney (a position of great re- sponsibilities) up to the time of the Big Fire in 1871. From this time, although in the very mer- idian of life, hale and hearty, having re-made a conspicuous estate, he lived the retired life of a gentleman of leisure. Politically he was a Republican, and for sever- al years he acted as a prominent City Alderman, closing his record thus in 1882, because of the results of an outspoken nature, which would nev- er quietly allow public wrongs to be attempted. He was a keen lover of finely bred dogs and horses, of which he owned many in his time, finding in this about his only real extravagance. Most pleasant days found him on the boulevards behind as fine a pair of gentleman's drivers as our city could boast; and when a better pair passed him on the road, he quietly remarked to himself, "That is the team I want." From this trait, it has been said, those who knew this proud weak- ness often realized exceptional prices for horses from one who, they knew, would have them, if he had set his mind that way, regardless of cost. In this connection it should not be forgotten that he was a charter member of the famous Washington Park Club, now for long years one of the most distinguished places for race meetings in the country. Not what would be called a pious man, he was none the less a fair-minded, public-spirited citi- zen, who was a great credit to our city (more so, perhaps, than some who are prominent in mat- ters ecclesiastical) , and a regular attendant at Dr. Scudder's Congregational Church. Between Dr. Scudder and Mr. Phelps there was a deep and wholesome regard, and this pastor officiated with much feeling at the final obsequies, after which the remains were borne to Graceland Cemetery, where they lie at the foot of a sightly monument. Physically, he was a portly man; facially, he had a physiognomy in which all could read a grim determination that whatsoever was undertaken I 4 2 O. B. PHELPS. would, the Heavens permitting, be put through; yet, he was kind and generous; though blunt, warm-hearted indeed. His health was uniformly good, save for the vital lurkings of the insidious heart disease, which suddenly took him hence on the seventh day of February, 1891. Mr. Phelps was twice married. First, to Miss Emerette Steele of Windham, New York, about the year 1846. She died, without issue, in the year 1880, and was buried at Graceland. Second, to Mrs. Sarah Van Buren, the widow of Aaron R. Van Buren, of Catskill, New York, in Decem- ber, 1882. Her first husband was of the family of the so-called "Kinderhook" (New York) Van- Burens, which has produced a number of illus- trious men, chief among them being our eighth National Chief Magistrate, Martin Van Buren. Mrs. Sarah (Van Buren) Phelps survives her husband, in good health, and without children. Mrs. Phelps' parents were Franklin and Hannah (Groom) Graham, of Catskill, New York, her fa- ther being a son of Samuel and Martha (French) Graham, of Windham, New York. Her grand- mother French was of French parentage, and from Montreal, Canada. It is needless to remark that the Grahams are of Scotch antecedents. From Beers' "History of Greene County, New York" (p. 402), we learn that the said Samuel Graham went from Conway, Massachusetts, about the year 1800 to Windham, New York, where, in the village, he bought of one Constant A. Andrews a property (at present known as the Matthews Place, and owned by N. D. Hill), whereon the first tannery of the place, a large one for the times, was constructed prior to 1805 by said Samuel Graham. The latter passed into a son's hands, and continued to be operated up to 1832. Samuel died there in 1830, aged seventy years. The Massachusetts Grahams are undoubtedly descended from old Connecticut stock, which has been very prolific in numbers and emigrating members to other of the United States, not a few of whom have made prominent names for them- selves. From Cothren's "History of Ancient Woodbury, Connecticut" (pp. 545 et seq.}, we glean the following of both the trans-Atlantic and native tree: The family arms are: Or, on a chief sable three escalops of the field; crest, an eagle, wings hover- ing or, perched upon a heron lying upon its back, proper beaked and membered gules; motto, Ne Oubliez. The family is of great antiquity, tracing its de- scent from Sir David Graeme, who held a grant from King William the Lion of Scotland from 1163 to 1214. His descendant, Patrick Graham, was made a Lord in Parliament about 1445, and his grandson, William, Lord Graham, was, in 1504, by James IV., created Earl of Montrose. His son William was second earl, succeeded in turn by John, John ( Junior) and James, fifth earl, a very distinguished character in history. He was born in 1612, and joined the Covenanters against Charles I. , but later became loyal to his sovereign, who created him Marquis of Montrose. He had a varied career, which ended by his execution in 1645 by the axe on the scaffold, as did that of so many contemporaries. He was succeeded by James, James, and James, fourth Marquis, who was made Lord High Admiral of Scotland in 1705, and in 1707 Duke of Montrose. Then came David, Earl and Baron Graham, succeeded by William (his brother), James, James, the fourth Duke of Montrose, etc., who was a Com- missioner of India Affairs, Knight of the Thistle, Lord Justice-General of Scotland, Chancellor of Scotland, etc. The Rev. John Graham, A. M., a second son of a Marqnis of Montrose, was born in Edinburgh in 1691; he graduated at the University of Glas- gow, and studied theology at his native Edin- burgh; came to Boston in 1718, where he married Abigail, a daughter of the very- celebrated Dr. Chauncey, of Harvard College. Later Rev. Mr. Graham removed to Exeter, New Hampshire, but in 1722 to Stafford, Connecticut, and in 1732 to Woodbury, Connecticut, where he lived until his death, in December, 1774. He was an eminent man and left a family of five sons and four daughters, from whom are descended a numerous progeny. LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS S. B. COEP. 43 SILAS B. COBB. (7J ILAS BOWMAN COBB. In the entire his- 2\ tory of the world it has been vouchsafed to Q) but few men to witness the growth of a mu- nicipality from a few dozen in population to a million and a quarter souls. No story of Chicago's development can be written without cognizance of Silas B. Cobb as one of its initial forces. It was such sturdy, self-reliant and hopeful young men as he that began the development of her great- ness, and carried forward her growth in middle and later life. Ever since the little band of Pil- grims established a home on the rocky and frost- locked shores of Massachusetts, New England has been peopled by a race of enterprising and adven- turous men, whose habits of industry and high moral character have shaped the destinies of the Nation. It is not strange, then, that the hamlet planted by their descendants on the swampy shore of Lake Michigan in the 303' should become the commercial, industrial and philanthropical me- tropolis of America. Silas W. Cobb, father of the subject of this sketch, gained a livelihood by various occupa- tions, being in turn a farmer, a tanner and a tav- ern-keeper, and the son was early engaged in giving such assistance to his father as he was able. When other boys were applying themselves to their books, he was obliged to employ his strength in support of the family. His mother, whose maiden name was Hawkes, died when he was an infant, and he knew little of maternal love or care, growing up in the habit of self-reliance which carried him through many difficult enterprises and made him a successful man. He was born in Montpelier, Vermont, January 2$, 1812, and is now entering upon the eighty-fourth year of his age. He is keenly active in mind and sound in body, taking a participating interest in all the affairs of life. At the age of seventeen, young Cobb was regu- larly "bound out," according to the custom of those days, for a term of years, as apprentice to a harness-maker, having previously made a begin- ning as a shoemaker, which did not suit his taste. Within a twelvemonth after he was "articled" to the harness-maker, his employer sold out, and the new proprietor endeavored to keep the lad as an appurtenance to his purchase. Against this the manly independence of the youth rebelled, and the new proprietor was obliged to give him more ad- vantageous terms than he had before enjoyed. Having become a journeyman, he found employ- ment in his native State, but he was not satisfied with the conditions surrounding him. After nine months of continuous toil and frugal living, he was enabled to save only $60, and he resolved to try his fortune in the new country to the then far West. Joining a company then being formed at Mont- pelier to take up land previously located by Oliver Goss, the young man having but just at- tained his majority in spite of his father's re- monstrance, set out. From Albany, the trip to Buffalo was made by canal packet, and in the journey from home to this point all his little sav- ings, except $7, were exhausted. The schooner "Atlanta" was about to leave Buffalo for Chicago, and Mr. Cobb at once explained to the captain his predicament. The fare to Chicago was just $7, but this did not include board, and Mr. Cobb 144 S. B. COBB. was delighted, as well as surprised, when the captain told him to secure provisions for the jour- ney and he would carry him to Chicago for the balance. After a boisterous voyage of five weeks, anchor was dropped opposite the little settlement called Chicago. Its hundred white and half-breed inhabitants were sheltered by log huts, while the seventy soldiers forming the garrison occupied Fort Dearborn. And now a new hardship assailed the young pioneer. Disregarding the bargain made in Buffalo, the tricky commander of the schooner refused to let him leave its deck until his passage money had been paid in full. For three days he was detained in sight of the promised land, until he was delivered by a generous stranger, who came on board to secure passage to Buffalo. His first earnings on shore were applied by Mr. Cobb in repaying the sum advanced by his kind deliverer. Before the boat sailed he found employment on a building which James Kinzie was erecting for a hotel. He knew noth- ing of the builder's trade, but had pluck and shrewdness, and took hold with such will that he was placed in charge of the work, at a salary of $2.75 per day a very liberal remuneration in his estimation. The building was constructed of logs and unplaned boards, and did not require a very high order of architectural skill, but within a few days a man, seeking the position, called at- tention to the lack of experience on the part of the youthful superintendent, and clinched the matter by offering to do the work for fifty cents less per day. Mr. Cobb now invested his earnings in a stock of trinkets and began to trade with the Indians, by which he secured a little capital, and resolved to erect a building of his own and go into busi- ness. The nearest sawmill was at Plainfield, forty miles southwest of Chicago, across unbroken prairies. Getting his directions from an Indian, Mr. Cobb set out on foot to purchase the lumber for his building. There being 110 trail, he was guided solely by the groves which grew at long intervals, and found only one human habitation on the way. From one of the settlers at Plain- field he secured the use of three yoke of oxen and a wagon, with which to bring home his purchase of lumber. He was but fairly started when a three-days rain set in, and the surface of the prairies became so soft that the wagon sank deep in the mud, making progress almost impossible and compelling an occasional lightening of the load by throwing off a part. After sleeping three nights on the wagon with such shelter as could be made with boards from the load, with the rain beating down pitilessly and the wolves' howling the only accompaniment, he arrived at the Des Plaines River, still twelve miles from his destina- tion. The stream was so swollen by the rains that it was impossible to cross with the wagon, and the balance of the load was thrown off and the oxen turned loose to find their way back to their owner, which they did without accident. After the rains were over and the ground became settled, the trip was repeated, the lumber recov- ered and brought safely to Chicago. These are some of the experiences of the pioneer, and can never be forgotten by those who pass through them. When Mr. Cobb had completed his building, which was two stories in height, he rented the upper story, and began business on the ground floor. The capital consisted of $30, furnished by Mr. Goss, who was a partner in the venture, and was invested in stock for a harness shop. The industry and business ability of the working part- ner caused the enterprise to prosper and grow, and at the end of a year he withdrew and set up business on his individual account in larger quarters. His business continued to grow, and in 1848 he sold out at a good advance. He then engaged in the general boot and shoe, hide and leather trade, in partnership with William Os- borne, and found success beyond his fondest an- ticipations, and in 1852 he retired from mercan- tile operations. About the same time, he was appointed executor of the estate of Joel Matteson and guardian of the latter' s five children. When this trust closed in 1866, the estate was found to have been vastly benefited by his shrewd man- agement of the trust. With characteristic foresight, Mr. Cobb early began to invest in Chicago realty, and the wisdom of his calculations has been abundantly demon- S. B. COBB. strated. He has also been identified with semi- public enterprises, or those which largely con- cerned and benefited the city, while yielding a return to the investors. In 1855 he was elected a Director of the Chicago Gas Light and Coke Company, and subsequently one of the Board of Managers. This position he held until he sold his interest and retired from the company in 1887. It was his executive ability which was largely re- sponsible for the establishment of cable roads in the city, those on State Street and Wabash Ave- nue being constructed under his advice and direc- tion, while President of the Chicago City Railway. He is still active in the councils of that company, as well as of the West Division horse railway. For many years he was among the controlling members of the Chicago & Galena Union and Beloit & Madison Railroads, now a part of the Northwestern System (see biography of John B. Turner). Mr. Cobb is a Director of the National Bank of Illinois, and several blocks of fine build- ings in the business district contribute to his in- come, as the result of his faith in the city and sagacity in selection. While being prospered, he has not forgotten to add to his own felicity by contributing to the happi- ness of others. He has been one of the kindest husbands and fathers, and not only his family but the city of his home have often shared in his bene- factions. When the effort to raise $1,000,000 for the buildings of the new University of Chicago was straining every resource of the Trustees, Mr. Cobb came forward unsolicited and donated $i 50, - ooo, assuring the success of the movement. The "History of Chicago," by John Moses, says: "It is believed that up to the time when this subscrip- tion was made, few, if any, greater ones had ever been made to education by a Chicago citizen at one time. A noble building, the Cobb Lecture Hall, now stands on the University campus, a monument of the builder's liberality and public spirit. As long as the great university endures, this memorial of Silas B. Cobb's life will stand, the corporation having pledged to rebuild the hall if it should be destroyed." The Presbyterian Hospital and Humane Society of Chicago are also among the beneficiaries of his generosity, and Mr. Cobb will be remembered as one of the city's largest benefactors, as well as a successful busi- ness man. In 1840 Mr. Cobb married Miss Maria, daugh- ter of Daniel Warren, whose biography appears elsewhere in this work. He thus describes his first meeting with his future bride: "I arrived in Chicago in the spring of 1833. In October of the same year I was occupying my new shop op- posite the Kinzie Hotel in the building of which my first dollar was earned in Chicago. Standing at my shop one afternoon, talking with a neigh- bor, my attention was attracted by the arrival at the hotel of a settler's wagon from the East. With my apron on and sleeves rolled up, I went with my neighbor to greet the weary travelers and to welcome them to the hospitalities of Fort Dear- born, in accordance with the free and easy cus- toms of 'high society' in those days. * * * * There were several young women in the party, two of them twin sisters, whom I thought partic- ularly attractive, so much so that I remarked to my friend, after they had departed, that when I was prosperous enough so that my pantaloons and brogans could be made to meet, I was going to look up those twin sisters and marry one of them or die in trying." The same pertinacity and acumen which characterized his every undertak- ing carried him through seven years of toil and privation until he had won the prize, which in- deed she proved to be. Their wedding took place on the ayth of October. Her twin sister married Jerome Beecher (for sketch of whom see another page). Mrs. Cobb passed away on the loth of May, 1888. Of her six children, only two survive. Two daughters died in infancy, and Walter, the first-born and only son, and Lenore, wife of Joseph G. Coleman, are also deceased. The others are: Maria Louisa, wife of William B. Walker, and Bertha, widow of the late William Armour. Being a man of firm principle, Mr. Cobb has always adhered to a few simple rules of conduct, in the adoption of which any youth may hope to win moderate success, at least. He early discov- ered the disadvantage of being in debt, and made it a rule as soon as he got out to stay out. The 146 W. E. ROLLO. other words forming his motto are: Inaustry, economy, temperate habits and unswerving in- tegrity. A few more words from the pen of Mr. Cobb will fittingly close this brief article. On the guests' register in the Vermont State Build- ing at the World's Columbian Exposition, ap- peared this entry over his signature: "A native of Vermont, I left Montpelier in April, 1833, and arrived at Fort Dearborn, now the city of Chicago, May 2gth of the same year. I have lived in Chi- cago from that time to the present day. Every building in Chicago has been erected during my residence here. ' ' WILLIAM E. ROLLO. QGJILLIAM EGBERT ROLLO is a well- \ A / known citizen of Chicago and a veteran Y V underwriter, having been engaged in that line of business since 1850. He was born in the Parish of Gilead, Hebron Township, Tolland County, Connecticut, January 3, 1851. His par- ents, Ralph R. Rollo and Sibyl Post, were natives of South Windsor, Connecticut. The former was a farmer by occupation, and a son of William Rollo, who, in addition to his agricultural inter- ests, carried on the business of a tanner and cur- rier. Their progenitors were among the earliest colonists of Connecticut, and traced their lineage, through a long line of English ancestry, from the famous William Rollo, better known in history as William the Conqueror. Ralph R. Rollo died in 1869, at the extreme old age of eighty-eight years. Mrs. Sibyl Rollo passed away in 1833, in her fifty-first year. They were strict adherents of the Congregational faith, and observed most rigidly the rules of its creed. The names of their children were: Lucy A., who died in South Windsor, Connecticut, in 1858; Evelyn S., who died in Chicago in 1882, while the wife of Elizur W. Drake; Ralph R., who be- came a resident of Chicago in 1870, and died in 1872; Henry, who died in childhood; Lucinda F., Mrs. Solyman W. Grant, who departed this life at Conneaut, Ohio, in 1845; Samuel A., whose death occurred in New Jersey in 1864; and William E. , whose name heads this notice. The last-named became a student at East Wind- sor Academy, and completed his education at a similar institution at East Hartford, graduating therefrom at the age of eighteen years. It had been his intention to take up the study of law, but his father sternly forbade that plan, declaring that no man could simultaneously be a lawyer and a Christian. Accordingly he abandoned his cherished hopes, and in 1850 he went to Colum- bus, Ohio, as a representative of the Hartford Fire Insurance Company. While in that city he was also the agent of the Springfield Fire and Marine Insurance Company of Springfield, Mass- achusetts, the State Mutual Fire of Pennsylvania, and the Connecticut Mutual Life Insurance Com- panies. His faithful and efficient management of the business in his hands soon caused other cor- porations to seek his services, and in 1858 he be- came the General Agent of the Girard Fire and Marine Insurance Company, and during the next two years established agencies in Chicago and all the principal cities of the West. Since 1860 he has been permanently located in Chicago. In 1863 he organized the Merchants' Insurance Company of Chicago, which included among its stockholders many of the most substan- tial citizens and business men of the city. This J. G. ROGERS. corporation had become well established, and was doing a most flattering, lucrative business, when it was overtaken by the great holocaust of 1871, going down in company with many other or- dinarily invincible companies before the un- dreamed-of assault upon its assets. The year fol- lowing that disaster, through Mr. Rollo's efforts, the Traders' Insurance Company was re-estab- lished and made a successful and solid institution. After two years, owing to failing health and other great demands upon his time, he turned over the enterprise to other parties. Since that time he has been carrying on the insurance agency of William E. Rollo & Son. This firm manages the Western Department of the Girard Insurance Company, and represents a number of other lead- ing underwriting concerns. Mr. Rollo was married, in October, 1845, to Miss Jane T. Fuller, daughter of Gen. Asa Ful- ler, of Ellington, Connecticut. Mrs. Rollo is a native of the same state, born at Somers. They are the parents of two daughters and a son, Jen- nie Sibyl, Evelyn Lavinia and William Fuller, the last-named being a member of the firm of William E. Rollo & Son. Mr. Rollo has adhered strictly to the business of underwriting, meeting with success where men of less energy and perse- verance would have despaired. HON. JOHN G. ROGERS. HON. JOHN GORIN ROGERS, who was for many years one of the ablest and most popu- lar jurists in Chicago, has been thus de- scribed by previous writers: "Nature designed him for a Judge. His mind was of the judicial order, and he would in almost any community have been sought for to occupy a place on the Bench. The high esteem in which he was held as a jurist among the entire profession was the result of a rare combination of fine legal ability and culture and incorruptible integrity, with the dignified presence, absolute courage, and graceful urbanity which characterized all his offi- cial acts. Like the poet, the Judge is born, not made. To wear the ermine worthily, it is not enough for one to possess legal acumen, be learned in the principles of jurisprudence, familiar with precedents and thoroughly honest. Most men are unable wholly to divest themselves of preju- dice, even when acting uprightly, and are uncon- sciously warped in their judgment by their own mental characteristics or the peculiarities of their education. This unconscious influence is a dis- turbing force, a variable factor, which more or less enters into the final judgment of all men. In this ideal jurist this factor was not discernible, and practically did not exist." Judge Rogers traced his ancestry from some of the most honorable families of Virginia, being de- scended from Giles Rogers, who emigrated from Worcestershire, England, to Virginia in the sev- enteenth century. He settled at the present vil- lage of Dunkirk, on the Mattapony River, in King and Queen County. The maiden name of his wife, whom he is supposed to have married in Virginia, was Eason, or Eastham. They were the parents of three sons and three daughters. One of the sons, John Rogers, married Mary Byrd, daughter of Captain William Byrd, who came from England to Virginia late in the seven- teenth century. Captain Byrd was a native of Cheshire, and received from the Crown a grant of land embracing most of the site of the present city of Richmond and of Manchester, on the op- posite side of the James River. John Rogers was a farmer and surveyor, and lived in King and 148 J. G. ROGERS. Queen County. He also took up land on the border between Carolina and Spottsylvania Coun- ties. His initials, with the date 1712, are carved upon a rock there. Among the descendants of John and Mary (Byrd) Rogers may be men- tioned General George Rogers Clark, the noted Kentucky frontiersman, and his brother, William Clark, the explorer of the American Northwest, beside a number of prominent military men, in- cluding Colonel George Grogham, of Fort Meigs and Sandusky memory, as well as several emi- nent statesmen and jurists. Among the latter was Hon. John Semple, who became a United States Senator from Illinois. In the first year of the present century, Byrd Rogers, a son of John and Mary Rogers, moved to Fayette County, Kentucky, where he soon aft- erward died. He had four sons and two daugh- ters. One of the sons, George Rogers, became an eminent physician, and died at Glasgow, Ken- tucky, in March, 1860. He married Sarah Hen- sley Gorin, a daughter of General John Gorin, who served in the Continental army, and rose to the rank of Major during the War of 1812. Mrs. Sarah H. Rogers was born December n, 1800, and died in 1870. Dr. and Mrs. Rogers had four sons and five daughters, and two oi the former became Judges. These were John Gorin Rogers, the subject of this notice, and George Clark Rog- ers, who became a Circuit Judge at Bowling Green, Kentucky, and died there about 1870. John Gorin Rogers was born at Glasgow, Ken- tucky, December 28, 1818, and died in Chicago, January 10, 1887. His primary education was obtained at the village school, and at the age of sixteen years he entered Center College at Dan- ville, Kentucky, an institution famous for its lect- ures on law, in which he acquired the founda- tion of his professional knowledge. Thence he went to Transylvania University at Lexington, from which he graduated in 1841, with the de- gree of Bachelor of Arts. He began his practice in his native town, being a part of the time asso- ciated with his uncle, Hon. Franklin Gorin, one of the oldest lawyers of the State. In 1 857 he became a resident of Chicago, where his talents and ability soon won him a prominent position at the Bar. In 1870 he was chosen one of the five Judges of the Circuit Court of Cook County, a position to which he was repeatedly re-elected and continued to hold during the bal- ance of his life. He commanded the universal re- spect of the people and the members of the Bar, and, though he was always nominated as a Dem- ocrat, he received the support of many leading Republicans. Judge Rogers always took an active interest in public affairs, and previous to his elevation to the Bench he was interested in many prominent political movements, though he was never a vio- lent partisan. In early life he was an old-line Henry Clay Whig, and in 1848, and again in 1852, he was placed on the electoral ticket of that party in Kentucky. In 1860 he became identi- fied with the Democratic party, and was placed on the Bell and Everett electoral ticket of Illinois. In 1856 he was a member of the convention which nominated Millard Fillmore for President of the United States. Had he chosen to pursue a polit- ical career, he could, no doubt, have held some of the highest offices in the Nation; but after his election to the Bench he refrained from taking any active part in politics, contending that a Judge should be in all things strictly non-partisan, and should not lower the dignity of his office, or subject himself to a charge of prejudice or favor- itism, or place himself in any position where any one might think that he had a claim on him for special favors. Though not a total abstainer, Judge Rogers was always an advocate of the temperance cause, and at one time was Grand Worthy Patriarch of the Sons of Temperance of the State of Kentucky. In 1849 he joined the Independent Order of Odd Fellows, and from that time until his death was the recipient of numerous honors from the order. In 1863 he was elected Grand Master of Illinois, and in 1869 was Grand Representative to the Sovereign Grand Lodge of the United States. Aft- er the great Chicago fire, he was selected as one of the Chicago Odd Fellows' Relief Committee, and as treasurer of that body received and dis- bursed $ 1 2 5 ,000. He helped to organize the Char- ity Organization Society, which was formed to EDSON KEITH. 149 promote the co-operation of all the charitable or- ganizations of the city in 1883. In 1878 he was elected the first President of the Illinois Club, and was re-elected to that position in 1882. He was also a prominent member of the Iroquois Club. Judge Rogers was always popular in society, where his genial love for humanity and sincerity of purpose won him a host of friends, and his name carne to be a household word among the older residents of Chicago. He always manifest- ed a deep interest in the poor and humble of his fellow-citizens, and would often stop to grasp the hand of a man of no social position, while he might merely pass with a pleasant bow a million- aire or social leader. In 1844 Mr. Rogers was married to Miss Ara- bella E. Crenshaw, daughter of Hon. B. Mills Crenshaw, who afterward became Chief Justice of the State of Kentucky. Mrs. Rogers, who still survives her noble husband, is a lady of high culture and many accomplishments, and to her loving thoughtfulness and kindly assistance may be attributed much of the success achieved by her husband. They were the parents of four chil- dren, all of whom reside in Chicago. Henry, the eldest son, though finely endowed intellectually, owing to ill-health has not been actively engaged in business for many years; and George Mills Rogers, the second son, is a well known attorney and Master in Chancery; the eldest daughter is the wife of Joseph M. Rogers; and Sarah is the wife of ex -Judge Samuel P. McConnell. EDSON KEITH. HUDSON KEITH, one of Chicago's self-made Kj men, is numbered among the most energet- I ic, honorable, progressive and broad-minded residents of the city. He was born at Barre, Ver- mont, January 28, 1833, and is a son of Martin Keith, a prominent farmer and builder of that place, who afterward became a resident of Chicago. The Keith family in America are all descend- ants of Rev. James Keith, of Bridgewater, Mass- achusetts, who emigrated from Scotland about 1660. Though but sixteen years of age at that time, he was a graduate of Aberdeen College, and became the pastor of the Presbyterian Church at Bridgewater. It is said that his first sermon was delivered from a rock in "Mill Pasture," so- called, near the river. He married Susannah, daughter of Deacon Samuel Edson, and they had nine children: James, Joseph, Samuel, Timothy, John, Jariah, Margaret, Mary and Susannah. Unto James (second) were born eight children: James, Mary, Gensham, Israel, Faithful, Esther, Jane and Simeon. The children of James (third) were: Noah, Comfort, James and Abigail. One of the children of Comfort Keith was Abijah, born June 20, 1770. He was born in Uxbridge, Worcester County, Massachusetts, and was one of the early settlers of Barre, Washington Coun- ty, Vermont. Martin Keith was the second son of Abijah, and was born in Uxbridge, Massachusetts, Feb- ruary 23, 1800, and came with his father's family to Barre, Vermont, in 1804. He was married to Miss Betsey French, and had seven children: Damon, Judith, Osborn R., Edson, Byron and Elbridge Gerry. Betsey French was one of the fourteen children of Bartholomew and Susannah French, who came to Barre from Alstead, New Hampshire, in 1791. Bartholomew French, who was one of the earliest settlers of Barre, built the first mill in that place. 150 EDSON KEITH. He was a veteran of the Revolutionary War, and was born in Sutton, Massachusetts. A historian of the town of Barre says: "To this energetic man and his descendants much of the prosperity of the town, from the time of his arrival until the present day, is due." Twelve of his seventeen children lived until the youngest was past sixty years of age. At least two of his sons served in the War of 1812, and one of them, named Bar- tholomew, commanded a company of Vermont troops, and served as a Captain of militia for many years afterward. Mr. and Mrs. Martin Keith removed to Chica- go in 1859. The former died herein 1876, at the age of nearly seventy-seven years, and the latter in 1868, aged about seventy years. They were worthy representatives of the pioneer families of New England, and cherished the same love of hon- or and truth for which their ancestors were con- spicuous, while practicing that rigid adherence to principle which has distinguished their posterity. Edson Keith passed his childhood upon the homestead farm and in attendance at the public school. At the age of seventeen years he went to Montpelier, where -the next four years were spent. In 1854 he came to Chicago, beginning his mercantile career in this city as clerk in a re- tail dry-goods store. Two years later he became a salesman and collector for a wholesale house, dealing in hats, caps and furs. In 1860 he be- came a member of the firm of Keith, Faxon & Company, jobbers of hats, caps, furs and milli- nery. Since that time he has been continuously associated with that line of business, though the style of the firm has undergone a number of changes and transformations, and the volume of its transactions has been repeatedly multiplied. He is now senior member of the wholesale fancy dry-goods and millinery establishment of Edson Keith & Company, on Wabash Avenue, and President of the firm of Keith Brothers & Com- pany, wholesale dealers in hats, caps, etc., whose place of business is on Adams Street. In addition to these, he is proprietor of Keith & Company, grain warehousemen, and is a stockholder and Director of the Metropolitan National Bank. He has ever taken a keen interest in the growth and progress of Chicago, maintaining perfect con- fidence in its future greatness, and has at differ- ent times managed some extensive real-estate transactions, which not only have contributed to his personal gain, but have been important fac- tors in the financial prosperity of the commun- ity. But a few years had elapsed after casting in his lot with the growing metropolis before he had es- tablished a reputation for integrity of character and honorable dealing which has ever been con- sistently maintained, and he enjoys the esteem and confidence of his colleagues and coadjutors to a degree attained by few men in the West. In 1860 Mr. Keith was happily married to Miss Woodruff, of Chicago. This union has been blessed with two sons: Edson, Jr., a graduate of Yale College and later of Columbia Law School, New York City; and Walter W., a graduate of Yale. Though a sympathizer with Republican princi- ples, Mr. Keith is not a strict partisan, but sup- ports such men for public office as he deems most worthy of his confidence. And, while he does not hold membership with any religious organiz- ation, he isa liberal supporter of institutions tend- ing to upbuild the moral and intellectual senti- ment of the people. He is a patron of art and literature, and was for several terms a Vice-Presi- dent of the Art Institute of Chicago. He served for three years as President of the Citizens' Asso- ciation, in the inception of which he was one of the foremost movers, and which did a great work in the reform of municipal and state affairs. He was three years President of the Calumet Club, and is identified with numerous other leading clubs of Chicago and New York City. His hon- orable and successful career stands out on the horizon of Chicago's history, a fitting example to its rising generations of the rewards which await persistent and intelligent application, when accompanied by straightforward dealing, but- tressed with regular habits and unswerving integ rity of character. LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS J. F. EBERHART. JOHN F. EBERHART. (7OHN FREDERICK EBERHART, fifth I child of Abraham and Esther Eberhart (nee O Amend), was born January 21, 1829, at Hickory, Mercer County, Pennsylvania, his early years being busily spent upon his father's farm, situated in the then new-settlement region. In 1837 he moved with his parents to Big Bend (on the Allegheny), in Venango County, Penn- sylvania, still occupying himself with agricultural pursuits, save in winter, which time was given over to district schools. At sixteen he left school, becoming himself a country pedagogue, his first charge being located at the mouth of Oil Creek (near Franklin), Pennsylvania, where, after the manner so eloquently depicted by Eggleston in "The Hoosier Schoolmaster," he "boarded 'round" and received his few dollars per month for "teaching the young idea how to shoot." The following year he took advanced tuition in drawing, writing and flourishing, afterward teach- ing these accomplishments to others. After some further schoolteaching, and having himself com- pleted the curriculum of the Cottage Hill Acad- emy at Ellsworth, Ohio, he entered Allegheny College, in 1849, whence he graduated July 2, 1853, having, like many another contemporary who has since "made his mark," worked his way through college by teaching and working upon farms. He always took a leading part in his classes, as well as in many field sports, outlifting, outjumping and outrunning all his several hun- dred classmates. Perhaps we may allow this to speak as a prophecy of later superior achieve- ments. In oratory he was proficient, as is suffi- ciently attested by the plaudits of the several thousand auditors who attended his Fourth of July oration near his old home at Rockland, Pa., two days after his graduation. The succeeding fall he assumed the duties of Principal of the Albright Seminary at Berlin, Somerset County, Pennsylvania. This first in- stitution of letters founded by the Evangelical As- sociation developed and prospered under his fos- tering care. And here a digression is briefly made in order to call attention to the fact that the Rev. H. W. Thomas, now pastor of the People's Church, Chicago, was a pupil of his at this time. The first serious disappointment in his life work, as Mr. Eberhart had first planned it, oc- curred after two years' confinement over school duties, at which juncture several consulting doc- tors of medicine prognosticated a growing con- sumption, which he could not outlive beyond a few months at the furthest. Packing up his pos- sessions, he set his face toward the great West, a country destined to give him that abundant measure of renewed life which he has since spent in the interest of others as well as himself. April 1 5< l8 55. was the date of his first coming to Chi- cago, at which time in the then "Muddy City" he remained only a short interval, on his way to Dixon, Illinois, where for a time he edited and published an early newspaper, called the Dixon Transcript. About this time he also prepared and delivered lectures upon chemistry, natural philos- ophy, meteorology and astronomy, they being among the first popular lectures to be illustrated by practical apparatus. He also at this period traveled for New York publishing houses, and was largely instrumental in establishing district-school libraries in the state. But, best of all, in this in- vigorating climate, with its changes of diversified labors, attended by abundance of outdoor sports and healthy exercises, he regained and fortified that healthful virility which through more than three and a-half decades has amply sufficed to 152 J. F. EBERHART. keep him well engaged in honorable pursuits; until at this writing, through untiring self-efforts, he stands prominent and time-honored among the early educators of Illinois and the West. On locating in Chicago, he purchased and for three years edited and published, "The North- western Home and School Journal," interspers- ing such labors by lecturing before and conduct- ing teachers' institutes, not only in Illinois, but also in other western states, coming thus into personal contact with the leading educators of the day, such as Elihu Burritt, Henry Barnard and Horace Mann. He was elected Superintendent of Schools of Cook County in the fall of 1859. This office he uninterruptedly held for ten years, during which time he earnestly labored to arouse a unanimity of interest and enthusiasm of which our local school history affords no parallel. Our free schools in the county up to this time had never been under proper supervision, and were when he assumed the duties in a neglected condition. But he began a thorough systematic visitation of schools, conferring with teachers and directors, organizing institutes, etc. ; until, finding it im- possible to secure otherwise the services of ade- quately qualified teachers, he began his agitation for a county normal school, and with such suc- cess, that in 1867 a school was opened at Blue Island, through provisions made by the Board of Supervisors. This school, since removed to Nor- mal, has grown to be a power in the land, being sought by many pupils coming from long distan- ces, and always having a large attendance roll. Among other noteworthy acts we may call to mind the following: Mr. Eberhart was among the organizers of the Illinois State Teachers' As- sociation, the first seventeen consecutive sessions of which he attended; he assisted in establishing the State Normal University, and in making many valuable changes in the state school law, includ- ing the original act authorizing counties to estab- lish normal schools, and was the principal mover in forming the State Association of County Super- intendents, which chose him for its first President. As President of the County Board of Education, he was the means of introducing the ' 'kindergar- ten" into the Cook County Normal School, and also aided in establishing the system of free kin- dergartens in the city. During all this time he was a member of the American Institute of In- struction, as well as one of the first life members of the National Teachers' Association. Mr. Eb- erhart received many overtures to accept profes- sorships and presidents' chairs in some of our leading institutions of learning, but he always declined, principally because he did not again wish to risk his health and life in such work. Always imbued with a liking for travel and outings, and with generous tastes for a liberal, rational enjoyment and improvement of life and its grand possibilities, after a quarter of a century spent as before briefly indicated, he set about ac- cumulating a fortune out of real estate. At the time of the panic of 1873 he was esteemed one of the millionaires of the city. However, through joint interests with others, which he had to settle, he lost his possessions, but is now again a wealthy man, and is content in making a wise use of his powers and gifts, being a liberal parent and hus- band, and munificent in charity donations. Personally Mr. Eberhart is rather slender, but well proportioned, six feet in stature, of affable manners, positive in opinion, Republican in poli- tics and of deeply religious convictions. Christmas Day, 1864, the subject of this sketch was married to Miss Matilda Charity Miller, a daughter of Joseph C. and Mercie H. Miller, of this city. This most estimable lady was born in Toronto, Canada, but in infancy was brought to the United States, where, prior to her marriage, she became a prized teacher. She has become the tenderest of mothers, and full of thoughtful kindnesses toward unfortunates in life. Six chil- dren have blessed their union, namely: Maude Winifred, born November i, 1866, and who died February n, 1873; John Joseph, born September 8, 1870; Frank Nathaniel, December 17, 1872; Mary Evangeline, April 3, 1875; Grace Josephine, June 4, 1877; an d Wilfred, June 12, 1881, and who died December 26, 1882. A brief genealogy of the family is here added: The name has been variously spelled, Everhart, Everhard, Eberhardt, Eberhard and Eberhart J. F. EBERHART. 153 being the most common forms. Such changes of patronymic spelling are by no means unusual in German descendants living upon American soil; but Eberhart is believed to be the most general, as well as correct, English orthography, and is used by the branch which is the subject of this sketch. This family, which from 1280 to 1723 (a period of four hundred and forty -three years) gave birth to counts and dukes reigning over the province of Wurtemberg, is of Swabian (Bavarian) German origin. Through the middle ages its numerous descendants have figured very conspicuously in the history of that country and the advancement of civilization. As a generation they have lived ahead of their respective years; have been a mar- tial, well-educated, honorable and religious branch of the human race. One Eberhart rendered invaluable assistance to Martin Luther, hero of the Reformation, since which era most of the families have belonged to the Lutheran Church. Of its many men of let- ters, space permits a reference only to Johannes August Eberhardt, friend of Frederick the Great, Privy Councilor to the King of Prussia, mem- ber of the Berlin Academy, one of the greatest scholars of the eighteenth century, who composed many able treatises, some of them authority to this day. Of the sovereigns of this family, whose deeds and virtues are celebrated in prose and verse (the lyric king of German song, the immortal Schil- ler, pausing in Parnassian flights to do them homage), we must chronicle how "Duke Eber- hard the Noble," "Duke Eberhard the Groaner" (or "Rushing Beard"), "Duke Eberhard the Mild," "Duke Eberhard with the Beard," "Duke Eberhard the Younger," "Prince Eberhard" and "Duke Leopold Eberhard" were some of the most noted rulers springing- from the loins of this famous race. The first above was the founder of the royal line, being the most daring warrior Wurtemberg has ever produced, of whom it is written: "Then spoke Eberhard the Great, Wurtemberg's beloved lord, 'No great cities boast my state, Nay, nor hills with silver stored. " 'But one treasure makes me blest, Though the days are fierce and dread; On each subject's loyal breast I can safely lay my head.' " 'Eberhard !' cried one and all, And meekly before him bowed, 'Thou art richest of us all! ' And their praise rang long and loud.' The grandson of ' 'The Noble' ' was ' 'The Rush- ing Beard," whose episode connected with the fatal conduct of his son Ulrich is famed in art, compositions thereupon being hung in the Cor- coran Gallery at Washington (District of Colum- bia), in the Boston Museum of Fine Arts, and two canvases in the Museum of Rotterdam; while in Wurtemberg's capital is a life-size statue in mar- ble of "The Rushing Beard," which is among the first objects of interest to attract the attention of the visitor. Intermarriages were made with such leading families as the Ulrichs, Rudolphs, Henrys, Fred- ericks, Hartmans and Ludwigs, whose names are occasionally found in the line of rulers, when a male heir was wanting to the Eberharts; or, per- chance, a female sovereign for a time appears, as in the case of the Duchess Henrietta, widow of "Eberhard the Younger." With the death of Charles VI, Emperor of Ger- many, in 1740, passed away the glories of the House of Hapsburg. At this era the Eberhardts also ceased to reign in Wurtemberg, being de- throned partly by their own injudicious counsels and conduct, but more especially by the then growing ascendancy of the Catholics. This was the time of self-expatriation of many of their line in quest of better fortunes, together with the civil and religious freedom of the New World. In 1727 three brothers, Michael, Peter and Joseph, came to Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Of these, Michael Eberhart came from Germany in the ship "Friendship, John Davis master, land- ing in the City of Brotherly Love October 16, 1727. He had a son Paul, born during the voy- age to America, who lived in Northampton Coun- ty, Pennsylvania, until 1773, when he removed to the "Manor Settlement" near Greensburg, Pennsylvania. He had a third son, Christian, who married Anna Maria Snyder, of his native 154 D. H. PINNEY. place, where he died in 1849, at the advanced age of seventy -seven. He had a second son, Abra- ham, who was born December 28, 1797, and who married, August 22, 1820, Esther Arniend, of New Salem, Pennsylvania. At twenty-five he removed into the wilderness of Mercer County, Pennsylvania, where he cleared a farm and erect- ed a sawmill on the Little Neshannock. He afterward lived in Illinois and Iowa, and was the first to take up residence in the suburb of Chi- cago Lawn, October 2, 1877. He died August 7, 1880, and was interred in Rose Hill Cemetery. He was a man of great good sense and stanchest probity. From him descended a fifth child, John Frederick Eberhart, the subject of the foregoing sketch. HON. DANIEL H. PINNEY. HON. DANIEL HYDE PINNEY, a worthy member of the Chicago Bar, and formerly Associate Judge of the Supreme Court of Arizona, is descended from one of the early Colo- nial families of Connecticut. His grandfather, Peter Pinney , was a native of the ' 'Land of Steady Habits," and his parents, Martin and Nancy (Johnson) Pinney, were born in Vermont. Mar- tin Pinney was reared in Franklin County, Ver- mont, and settled in Western New York about 1830. He was a carpenter and builder, and erected many of the early buildings of Orleans County, New York, where he died in 1869, at the age of seventy years. His widow is still liv- ing there, in the ninety-second year of her age. The subject of this notice is the seventh of their nine children. Daniel H. Pinney was born in Albion, the seat of Orleans County, New York, June 2, 1837. He received the benefit of the common schools of his native town, and when still a young man joined the engineering corps employed in the enlarge- ment of the Erie Canal, continuing in that work two years and gaining a practical knowledge which ever after proved of advantage to him. He was possessed of energy, and a worthy ambi- tion to rise in the world, and resolved to try his fortune in the new West. The year 1856 found him in Chicago, looking for any honorable employment. For about two years he worked as a clerk and in various occu- pations, and in the mean time set his mind on the study of law. Going to Michigan City, Indiana, he entered the office of J. A. Thornton, a leading attorney of that place. When business called him to Joliet, Illinois, he continued his studies in the office of Snapp & Breckenridge, and applied himself with such industry and aptitude that he was admitted to the Bar of the Supreme Court of the United States in the fall of 1861. His first experience as a practical lawyer was obtained in the town of Wilmington, Will Coun- ty, this State, where he practiced two years with moderate success. At the end of this period he returned to Joliet and continued his way into the confidence and esteem of the public. This is shown by the fact that he was five times elected City Attorney of Joliet, and in 1876 he was the successful candidate, as an Independent, for a seat in the General Assembly. He espoused the cause of Judge David Davis as candidate for the United States Senate, and as an active and aggressive worker, was largely instrumental in the success of that candidacy. He continued his law prac- tice in Joliet until 1882, when he was appointed by President Arthur to a position on the Supreme Bench of Arizona, which he filled with credit to all concerned for four years. F. E. R. JONES. 155 After spending a year in California, Judge Pin- ney returned to Illinois, settling in Chicago, where he has continued in practice since. He is an exceptionally able trial lawyer, and has handled a wide range of cases, many of them taking him to the Supreme Courts of adjoining and distant States. He is, withal, a very modest man, and gets no more credit than he is entitled to. He is a member of the Chicago Bar Association and of the Sons of New York. Being an independent thinker, he has not allied himself with any organ- izations other than social ones. In religious faith he is a Universalist, and attended the Englewood church of that denomination as long as he dwelt near it. He was an original Lincoln Republican, and was for many years an active campaigner, but retains his independence of party lines, and acts in elections according to his faith in respec- tive candidates. In 1865, at Albion, New York, Mr. Pinney was married to Miss Mary, daughter of John B. Lee, a prominent citizen of that town, which was Mrs. Pinney 's birthplace. She died in 1872, leav- ing a son, William Lee Pinney, now in business at Phoenix, Arizona. In 1874 Mr. Pinney mar- ried Miss Mary E. Bowman, of Shawneetown, Illinois, a native of Kentucky, who has borne him three children, Harry Bowman, Sidney Breese and Nannie E. Pinney, aged, respectively, nine- teen, seventeen and nine years. FRED E. R. JONES. f~ RED ELLSWORTH RANDOLPH JONES. [3 To what extent the character of an individ- | ual is molded by the circumstances and con- ditions which surround him is a problem that ad- mits of almost unlimited discussion. But no stu- dent of human nature will attempt to deny that the environments of childhood exert a powerful influence upon the life of the future man or wo- man. A thorough business training, begun at an earty age, and vigorously adhered to in ma- ture years, while it may dwarf some of the finer sensibilities and smother many of the noblest at- tributes of a man's nature, seldom fails to develop a capable, systematic and successful business man. Mr. Jones was born at Chelsea, Washtenaw County, Michigan, January 18, 1860, and is a son of Aaron C. Jones and Carrie R. Clarke. A. C. Jones was born in New York, and came, during his childhood, with his parents to Michigan. They settled near Adrian, where his father, Ab- ner Jones, became a prominent farmer. The lat- ter was a native of New York. Aaron C. Jones was a master marble-cutter, but being troubled with weakness of the lungs, which was aggra- vated by the pursuit of this calling, he abandoned it. In 1868 he came to Chicago and engaged in the fire-insurance business, which occupied his attention until the great fire. The spring follow- ing this disaster he contracted a severe cold, which developed consumption and terminated his life. His death occurred in 1874, at the age of forty- five years. Mrs. Carrie R. Jones, who still resides in Chi- cago, was born in Goshen, Indiana, where her father's death occurred about the time she was eleven years of age. Her mother's maiden name was Randolph, and she was a relative of the noted Virginia family of that name the Randolphs of Roanoke. Her grandfather, who was a man of considerable means and influence, devoted much time and money to the cause of the American col- onies during the Revolutionary War. During the progress of that struggle he made an expedi- tion to the West Indies in the interests of the Na- 156 B. M. WIEDINGER. tional Government, leaving his motherless chil- dren in charge of a neighbor and friend. His absence was unexpectedly prolonged, and during this time the neighbor moved across the Ohio River to the western frontier, and the family was never re-united. The subject of this sketch attended the public school until twelve years of age, at which time, owing to his father's failing health, he was obliged to abandon his studies and begin the bat- tle of life. He obtained employment in the in- surance office of the late George C. Clarke, his first position being that of errand boy. Under the instruction and training of his kind employer, he rapidly developed an aptitude for business and was promoted to more responsible positions. At the age of twenty years he became the bookkeeper and confidential man of the concern, with which he continued to be identified until 1893. Few boys of his age had to contend with the stern, realistic problems of life to such a degree as he, but, with the advice and counsel of his employer and aided and sustained by his mother's counsel, he made the most of his opportunities. He at- tended night schools at intervals and subsequently became a teacher of bookkeeping to night classes at the Chicago Athenaeum. In January, 1893, he was made City Manager in Chicago of the Liverpool & London & Globe Insurance Company, which position he has filled up to this time with credit to himself and the mu- tual advantage of the parties concerned. He now occupies one of the finest suites of offices in the city, being located in the new and modern Asso- ciation Building. Few people who know Mr. Jones as an able, thorough-going business man are aware that be- neath his calm, sedate and unemotional exterior, there are veins of sentiment, philosophy and enthu- siasm which are seldom allowed to assert them- selves during business hours. His more intimate associates, however, know him as a man of re- fined and cultivated tastes, who has given consid- erable attention to the study of vocal music and other arts. He is a member of the Apollo and Mendelssohn Clubs. He takes little interest in political or other public movements, but feels a deep concern in the development of the intellect- ual and spiritual sentiments of mankind. BERNHARD M. WIEDINGER. BERNHARD MARIA WIEDINGER, an educator of prominence and one of the old- est members of Chicago's German colony, believed in the brotherhood of man and the equal- ity of all before the law, and this brief sketch of his life will show a little of the much he did for the emancipation of the down-trodden from op- pression and slavery, as well as something of his efforts in educating and preparing for the respon- sibilities of after life many of the active and in- fluential citizens of Chicago. Professor Wiedinger was born at Engen, near Constance, in Baden, Germany, on the isth of August, 1826. His ancestors, though not titled, were persons of property and influence, and were among the leading citizens of the municipality in which they dwelt. Abraham de Santa Clara, a monk and author of distinction some centuries past, was a near relative of Professor Wiedinger's maternal ances- tor of several generations ago. Among the host- ages shot by General Moreau in the Napoleonic wars, and whose bones were recently interred with great honor, was an ancestor on the mater- nal side. For a political offense another gave up his life under the leaden prison roof of Venice. His father, George, served as an officer in the French army in the famous Peninsular campaign, and with his brothers was in the Government em- ploy, he being engaged in arboriculture and viti- B. M. WIEDINGER. 157 culture, and having charge of a large number of men. George Wiedinger died some time in the fifties, aged seventy-seven. His wife, Apollonia, nee Fricker, died in 1848, at the age of fifty-six. This couple were the parents of thirteen children, only three of whom grew up to years of maturity, all the others dying in early childhood. The eld- est child was George, the second Julius Batiste, and Bernhard was the youngest. Bernhard Wiedinger obtained at Constance the education afforded by the real school and gymna- sium, and later attended the Heidelberg Univer- sity. There he spent two years, and was noted alike for his knowledge of languages and musi- cal versatility. The noted rebellion of 1848 broke out while he was a student at the university, he being then twenty -two years old, and enrolled as a soldier. Young Wiedinger had imbibed in his studies a fierce and unquenchable love of liberty, and hatred of all forms of oppression and tyranny, and did not hesitate to cast his lot with the Revo- lutionists and share in the dangers that the up- rising brought to those who participated in it. He saw bloody work, and was several times wounded. A wound which he received in the head was of a serious nature. The collapse of the Revolution brought swift and summary pun- ishment to many who had raised their hands for liberty. Among those who were taken was young Wiedinger. Until two days before his trial all who were tried were sentenced to death and exe- cuted. His punishment was severe, on account of his having been enrolled in the army. He re- ceived a sentence of ten years in prison, seven months of which were spent in solitary confine- ment. After spending something over a year in prison, by the aid of friends he escaped to Switz- erland, and later went to France. In the latter country, on account of a speech he made at a demonstration by Republicans, he was compelled to leave the political asylum he had sought in Europe, and come to America, where his efforts in the cause of freedom were destined to be far- ther-reaching and more successful than they had been in countries where oppression had crystalized in monarchy. Arriving in the United States in 1851, he re- mained for a time at Philadelphia, where he had distant relatives. He at once began to learn the language of the country, and in order to do so in what he thought would be the most successful way, he obtained employment on a farm where he would hear only English spoken. He re- mained on the farm one month, and in after life he often jocosely said that in that time he learned just five words, "breakfast, dinner and supper, horse and harness." He was not long, however, in acquiring a knowledge of English. Among his earliest acts was filing a declaration of his in- tention to become a citizen of the republic whose political institutions were so dear to him. His first permanent employment was as travel- ing salesman for a Philadelphia book house, and in that business he remained for some time and traveled much. He early became an enthusiastic worker in the cause of the abolition of slavery. He was a delegate to the first Republican Na- tional Convention held at Cincinnati in 1854, an( i stumped the state of Indiana with Oliver P. Mor- ton for that party, speaking in German. Later, he went to Kansas, where he thought his efforts in the abolition cause would be more helpful, and there had charge of a station of the "underground railroad," as it was called, for the aid of slaves escaping from the South. He spent some time in the law office of Sherman & Ewing, and was assistant Secretary of the famous Topeka Con- vention. John Brown numbered him among his band, and when he planned his historic raid on Harper's Ferry sent for him; but he arrived at the place of rendezvous twelve hours too late. In the early part of 1860 he started an abolition paper at St. Joseph, Missouri, but one night a mob visited his office, threw his type and presses into the river, and he was compelled to seek a more promising field of operations. Coming to Illinois, he recruited a company of one hundred men for the famous Hecker regiment, and was elected Captain. On account of defective sight, caused by injury to his eyes when a child, he was prevented from going to the front. Soon afterward he came to Chicago and bought out a German school of small proportions and en- gaged in the work of education. He was very B. M. WIEDINGER. successful as a teacher, and soon had three hun- dred pupils in attendance. Later he organized a company which built a schoolhouse on the corner of La Salle Avenue and Superior Street. His health failing, he was compelled to give up teach- ing in 1868 and seek outdoor employment. Sub- sequently he gave private lessons, was a clerk in the postomce for a year, and also held a position in the City Clerk's office for two years. A por- tion of the time between 1868 and 1878, when his health permitted, he was engaged in teaching. He spent a part of this time in the school, but most of the time as a private tutor. In those years, beside the misfortune of bad health, he suffered the loss of his schoolhouse and household goods in the great fire. In 1865 Mr. Wiedinger was married to Miss Mary D. Moulton, a native of Maine, and a daughter of Judge Jotham Tilden Moulton, of Chicago. Mrs. Wiedinger is a descendant of an- cestors who helped build up the New England States. Her father, born October 8, 1808, was a graduate of Bowdoin College, where the poet Longfellow was one of his teachers. He gradu- ated from Harvard Law School, where he was a classmate of Wendell Phillips and Charles Sum- ner, with the latter of whom he maintained a life- long friendship. Coming to Chicago in 1852, he bought a third-interest in the Chicago Tribune, which he sold a year later. He held the office of Deputy Clerk of the United States Court, and United States Commissioner and Master in Chan- cery, which last office he held until after the fire. His death occurred in 1881. Mr. Moulton was the son of Dr. Jotham Moulton, and grandson of Colonel Moulton, who died in 1777, after serving one year in the struggle for independence. Mrs. Wiedinger has been a teacher for a large part of her life, rendering valuable assistance to her hus- band in his profession. She has also written for the press, contributing translations, original stories and poetry. Mr. Wiedinger left three sons: George T., Bernhard M. and Frank A. The first of these is a lawyer, the second is engaged in real-estate work, and the third has chosen the newspaper profession. Mr. Wiedinger was one of those earnest and tireless men whose energies keep them always em- ployed. As a friend of freedom, he took an active part in the great moral struggle that pre- ceded the appeal to arms, in which he was unable to engage on account of physical infirmity, but to the aid of which his most effective assistance in every other way was given. He aided in the organization of the Republican party, in order that a bulwark of freedom might be es- tablished, and stood in the forefront of progress of that party till 1888, when he considered the party had gone from the position it formerly oc- cupied, and he then joined the ranks of the Dem- ocracy. As an educator, he took a place among the leading Germans of Chicago, and his worth as a teacher is often testified by the leading Ger- man-American citizens of Chicago, who were his pupils and life-long friends. He was liberal in his ideas and progressive in his work, and said that, if he had done nothing else, he had made it impossible to have a successful German school in Chicago without having an English teacher in it. In the organization of societies of various kinds he took a leading part. He was one of the or- ganizers and President of the Turners' Associa- tion of Chicago, also one of the organizers of the Schiller Liedertafel, and. its musical director. In recent years a bowling club, composed of his former pupils, assumed the name of " Wieding- er' s Boys." In physique Mr. Wiedinger was a powerful man, and a complete master of the art of self-de- fense. Once, when attacked by three ruffians, he knocked one down with his fist, kicked over an- other, and the third, seeing the condition of his companions, fled for safety. He was a prolific writer in his early years, and the habit of con- tributing to the newspapers he kept up through life. As a friend, a husband and father, he showed those rare characteristics that endeared him to his familiars. His gentle, confiding nature, his do- mesticity and devotion to his family were ap- parent to all. LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS SAMUEL J. JONES. 159 SAMUEL J. JONES, M. D., LL. D. (3AMUEL J. JONES, M. D., LL. D., is a na- /\ live of Bainbridge, Pennsylvania, born March Q) 22, 1836. His father, Doctor Robert H. Jones, was a practicing physician in the Keystone State for a third of a century, and died in 1863. The mother, whose maiden name was Sarah M. Ekel, is a member of one of the pioneer families of the old town of Lebanon, Pennsylvania, of Swiss and Huguenot descent. At the age of sev- enteen, their son Samuel, having finished his pre- paratory studies, in the fall of 1853, entered Dick- inson College at Carlisle, Pennsylvania, from which he was graduated four years later with the degree of A. B. In 1860 he received the degree of A. M., and in 1884 was honored by his alma mater with the degree of LL. D. His choice of a vocation in life was no doubt influenced by his father's successful practice of medicine, and at an early age he determined to follow in his father's professional footsteps. Accordingly, on leaving college, he began the stud}' of medicine, which he pursued for three years under his father's super- vision. In the fall of 1858 he matriculated at the University of Pennsylvania, and after pursuing the studies prescribed in the curriculum of the medical department of that institution, took the degree of M. D. , in the spring of 1860, just thirty years after the father had graduated from the same university. The advantages and opportunities for observa- tion and adventure presented by the United States naval service proved too attractive for the young practitioner to resist, and he became one of the competitors in the examination of candidates for the position of Assistant Surgeon. He success- fully passed the examination, and received his ap- pointment just before the outbreak of the War of the Rebellion, and entered upon a life which, for activity, change, excitement and opportunity for acquiring experience, should have fully satisfied his desires in those particulars. He first saw service on board the United States steam frigate "Minnesota," which sailed under sealed orders from Boston, May 8, 1861, as flag-ship of the Atlantic blockading squadron. Three months later he was present at the battle of Hatteras In- let, which resulted in the capture of the Confed- erate forts with fifteen hundred prisoners, and ended the blockade-running there. This was the first naval battle ever fought in which steamships were used and kept in motion while in action. In January, 1862, Doctor Jones was detached from the "Minnesota" and detailed as Surgeon of Flag-OfEcer Goldsborough's staff, on the expedi- tion of Burnside and Goldsborough, which re- sulted in the capture of Roanoke Island. Later he was assigned to duty as Staff Surgeon under Commander Rowan, and was present at the cap- ture of Newbern, Washington and other points on the inner waters of North Carolina. i6o SAMUEL J. JONES. Soon afterward Doctor Jones accompanied an expedition up the Nansemond River for the relief of the Union forces engaged in repelling General Longstreet's advance on Suffolk, Virginia. This force was under the command of Lieutenant Gush- ing, of Albemarle fame, and Lieutenant Lamson. In the spring of 1863 Doctor Jones was assigned to duty at Philadelphia, there passed a second examination, was promoted to the rank of Sur- geon, and assigned to duty at Chicago, where, among other duties, he was engaged as Examin- ing Surgeon of candidates for the medical corps destined for naval service in the Mississippi River Squadron. While occupying this position he was ordered to visit various military prisons, and there examined more than three thousand Confederate prisoners who had requested permission to enlist in the Federal service, and who were accepted and assigned to men-of-war on foreign stations. He was ordered to the sloop-of-war "Ports- mouth, ' ' of Admiral Farragut' s West Gulf Block- ading Squadron, in 1864, and was soon after as- signed to duty as Surgeon of the New Orleans Naval Hospital, where he was at the close of the Rebellion. In the fall of 1865 he was sent to Pensacola, Florida, as Surgeon of the navy yard and naval hospital. In 1866 he was again as- signed to duty at Chicago, where he remained until the marine rendezvous there was closed, in the same year. In 1867 he was ordered to the frigate "Sabine," the practice ship for naval ap- prentices, cruising along the Atlantic Coast, which was his last active sendee in the navy. In 1868, after eight years' continuous service, Surgeon Jones resigned to devote his attention to private practice. Not long after he was elected delegate from the American Medical Association to the meetings of the medical associations of Europe, and was, at the same time, commissioned by Governor Geary, of Pennsylvania, to report on hospital and sanitary matters of England and the continent. He attended the meetings ot the societies at Oxford, Heidelberg and Dresden, and in the month of September, at the last place, participated in organizing the first Otological Congress ever held. Combining travel with study, he enjoyed the remainder of the year in visiting various pans of Europe and investigating medi- cal and sanitary affairs, giving special attention to diseases of the eye and of the ear. On his re- turn to the United States he resumed practice in Chicago in 1868. Soon after he was elected President of the Board of Examining Surgeons for United States Pensions at Chicago, and was also made a member of the medical staff of St. Luke's Hospital, and there established the de- partment for the treatment of diseases of the eye and ear, with which he has since been connected. In 1870 Doctor Jones was again elected a del- egate from the American Medical Association to the meetings of the European associations, and, during his stay abroad, spent some months in re- search and investigation. In the same year he was elected to the newly-established chair of Ophthalmology and Otology in Chicago Med- ical College, now Northwestern University Medi- cal School, a position he continues to hold. He also established the eye and ear department in Mercy Hospital and in the South Side Dispensary, having charge of each of them for about ten years. For a number of years he was one of the attending staff of the Illinois Charitable Eye and Ear Infirmary in Chicago. In 1876 he was a delegate from the Illinois State Medical Society to the Centennial International Medical Congress at Philadelphia, and in 1881 represented the American Medical Association and the American Academy of Medicine at the Seventh International Medical Congress at London. The Ninth Inter- national Medical Congress was held in Washing- ton, District of Columbia, in 1887, and of this Doc- tor Jones was a member. He was President of the section of otology, and was e x-officio a mem- ber of the Executive Committee, whose duty it was to arrange the preliminary organization of the congress. In 1889 Doctor Jones was elected President of the American Academy ot Medicine, whose ob- jects, as stated in its constitution, are: "First, to bring those who are alumni of collegiate, scien- tific and medical schools into closer relations with each other. Second, to encourage young men to pursue regular courses of study in classical and scientific institutions before entering upon the WILLIAM O. KEELER. 161 study of medicine. Third, to extend the bounds of social science, to elevate the profession, to re- lieve human suffering and prevent disease." Doctor Jones, as may be inferred from the read- ing of the foregoing recital of his services in his profession, is an enthusiastic worker and an able physician, whose genial manner and success in practice have made him widely known. His la- bors in the many societies of which he has been a member have been ably supplemented by the product of his pen, which has been directed to- ward raising the standard of the practice of medi- cine. His writings have frequently appeared in medical journals, and for several years he was editor of the Chicago Medical Journal and Exam- iner, one of the leading periodicals of the country. He has successfully applied himself to acquiring knowledge pertaining to his specialty, and for twenty years has been recognized by both the medical profession and the public as authority on all matters pertaining to ophthalmology and otol- ogy. He has always stood high in the esteem of the profession, and has been active and influential in its councils and deliberations. His fine personal appearance, genial manners, fund of entertaining conversation, and frank, manly deportment have made him a favorite, both as an individual and a practitioner, and drawn to him a large clientele. He has never held any political office, but has preferred the reward which has come to him, un- sought, in his profession and in literature and science. He has for a quarter of a century been a member of the Chicago Academy of Science, and he is one of its Board of Trustees. He is also President of the Western Association of the Alumni of the University of Pennsylvania, and of the Illinois Alpha Chapter of the Phi Beta Kappa, the oldest Greek-letter society in the United States, founded in 1776, whose membership has always been restricted and conferred as a recognition of scholarship. When the Illinois Naval Militia was organized as a part of the National Naval Reserve, he was solicited to give that organization the benefit of his large experience in the naval service in the War of the Rebellion, and he is now Surgeon of the First Battalion, and has taken an active in- terest in its development. WILLIAM O. KEELER. O. KEELER, who after an active career i s spending his declining years at the home of his only surviving son, No. 6818 Wright Street, Englewood, was born in Danbury, Conn., on January i, 1819. His paternal grand- father, of Scotch descent, was extensively engaged in farming, and gave to each of his children as they married considerable tracts of land. His death occurred at the advanced age of ninety-five years. Abraham G. and Sarah (Dan) Keeler, parents of William O., were natives of Connecti- cut. The father followed farming in that locality until his death, which occurred December 23, 1836, at the age of sixty-two years. He was drafted for service in the War of 1812, but hired a substitute. His wife lived until 1860, passing away at the age of seventy-seven years. She was a member of the Baptist Church, under the in- fluence of which church her children were reared. William O. Keeler is the sole survivor of a family of eight sons and two daughters. He was reared in his native town, and at the age of seven- teen beganjearning the hatter's trade. For some years he engaged in the manufacture of hats and in merchandising, devoting his time and atten- tion to those enterprises throughout his business 162 ALBERT WILSON KELSO. career. He established the first hat manufactory in Yonkers, N. Y., employing eighty workmen, which was considered a large force at that time. On the 26th of April, 1843, Mr. Keeler was united in marriage with Miss Abigail Stuart Clark, daughter of Sallu P. and Hannah (Benedict) Clark. Eight children were born of their union, six sons and two daughters. Ella, now deceased, was the wife of J. Deville Dennis. William P. married Miss Temperance Hayward, daughter of Ambrose D. and Martha (Wiley) Hayward, the former a native of Maine, and the latter of Mass- achusetts. They have two children, William P. and Martha Abigail. William P. Keeler has since April, 1872, held the responsible position of City Cashier in the wholesale house of Marshall Field & Co. He and his wife are members of the Englewood Christian Church. On the nth of May, 1864, while yet a boy, he enlisted in the War of the Rebellion, joining the one hundred day men and becoming a member of Company A, One Hundred and Thirty-fourth Illinois Infan- try, U. S. A., continuing in the service until the 25th of October. Frederick S. and Isaac Ward were the next younger, but are now deceased, as also Frank, twin brother of Fannie. The latter is the wife of Walter Colby, of Chicago, and they have two children, Otis Keeler and Abigail Stuart. Susan C. and Charles L. have also passed away, and the mother of this family, who was a devoted member of the Christian Church, died May 17, 1889, in her sixty-seventh year. In 1852, William O. Keeler went to California in search of gold, and after a two-years stay re- turned to Danbury, Conn., remaining thereuntil the fall of 1854. He then came to Chicago and opened the first hat, cap and fur store on Randolph Street, under the old Mattsson House, occupying this stand for a number of years. He afterward removed to a new block on the opposite side of the street, conducting the business until 1861. He then accepted a clerkship with a hat house on Clark Street, near Lake, and later at No. 77 Lake Street, in the Tremont Block, remaining there until 1866. In that year he went upon the road as a traveling salesman, which calling he pursued for a limited time only. His later years have been mostly spent in the manufacture of dress hats, but in the spring of 1894, after pass- ing his seventy-fifth milestone, the infirmities of age compelled him to give up work. Father and son have never been separated in their lives ex- cept for comparatively brief intervals, the home of the one having always been the home of the other. ALBERT WILSON KELSO. G| LBERT WILSON KELSO, of Chicago, oc- I | cupies the responsible position of chief clerk /I in the office of the Assistant General Manager of the Chicago, Rock Island & Pacific Railroad. The record of his life is as follows: A native of Shippensburgh, Pa., he was born on the 22d of October, 1859, and is a son of James W. and Anna B (Shade) Kelso. His father was also a native of Shippensburgh, and died in that town when the son was only six months old. By trade he was a painter and decorator, and did a good business along that line. After the death of her first husband, Mrs. Kelso married Henry High, and is now residing in Wilson, Kan. Mr. Kelso whose name heads this record at- tended the public schools until fourteen years of age, thus becoming familiar with the common English branches of learning. His knowledge has since been greatly supplemented by reading, experience and observation, and he has thus be- WALES TOBEY. 163 come a well-informed man. At the age of eigh- teen he emigrated westward, removing with the family to Wilson, Kan. From the age of eight years he had been accustomed to work in a brick- yard, and also engaged in other labor, thus con- tributing to his own support. He is a self-made man, and whatever success he has achieved in life is due entirely to his own efforts. While living in Wilson, Kan., Mr. Kelso sought and obtained a position as night clerk in a hotel. Later he removed to Russell, Kan., where he was employed in the same capacity. In May, 1880, he entered the service of the Union Pacific Rail- road Company and removed to Wallace, Kan. For seven years he continued his connection with that road, becoming chief clerk in the Division Superintendent's office at Wallace, his merit and ability winning him a promotion to which he was justly entitled. Later he was in the office of the Superintendent of Bridges and Buildings of the Union Pacific Railroad Company at Omaha, and on the 27th of April, 1887, he engaged with the Chicago, Rock Island & Pacific Railroad at To- peka, Kan., occupying a position as clerk in the office of the Superintendent of Roadways. In August, 1890, he came to Chicago as chief clerk in the office of the Assistant General Manager, which position he now holds. He discharges his duties with promptness and fidelity, and wins the respect of all with whom he is brought in contact. Turning from the public to the private life of Mr. Kelso, it is noted that in June, 1883, was celebrated his marriage with Miss Elizabeth Spahr, daughter of John and Mary Spahr, who were residents of Carlisle, Pa. The family circle now includes four children, a son and three daughters: Mary, Edith, Newton and Nora. Socially, Mr. Kelso is a member of the Masonic fraternity, and has taken high rank in the order, belonging to Topeka Commandery and Medinah Temple of the Mystic Shrine. From his boyhood he has been an advocate of Republican principles, and since attaining his majority he has cast his vote for the men and measures of that party. He is an accurate and reliable scribe, who has won his way to his present responsible position by his own unaided efforts. His integrity, indus- trious habits and systematic business methods in- spire the confidence of his superior officers, and his many admirable social qualities have gained him numerous personal friends. WALES TOBEY JALES TOBEY, a leading citizen of Worth Township, claims New York as the State of his nativity, his birth having occurred near Plattsburg, on the 28th of September, 1831. His parents were Jesse and Statira (DeKalb) To- bey. The father, who was born in Champlain, N. Y., was an attorney by profession and became a large land-owner and iron-founder. He traveled extensively through the West, and in the commu- nity where he lived was recognized as one of its most prominent business men. His death oc- curred in Plattsburg, N. Y., in July, 1873, at the age of seventy-three years. The Tobey family was of English origin. Jesse Tobey, Sr., the grand- father of Wales, was one of four brothers who in an early day came to America. The others set- tled in Connecticut, Vermont and Ohio, respec- tively. Mrs. Statira Tobey was a native of the Empire State, but her parents were born in Penn- sylvania, and were of German descent. Her death occurred in 1841. Wales Tobey spent his boyhood days upon a 1 64 HIRAM P. CRAWFORD. farm in Jay Township, Essex County, N. Y., and attended the public schools and an academy. Thus he acquired a good English education, which well fitted him for the practical duties of life. At the age of nineteen he left home and entered upon his business career as book-keeper and salesman in a mercantile establishment in Newport, Mich., where he was employed for three years. He be- lieved it would be to his advantage to begin bus- iness in the West, and his judgment was not at fault, as the years have shown. He worked for the firm of E. B. & S. Ward, relatives of his grandmother. When the three years had passed, he went to Grand Haven, Mich., where he began business on his own account as a dealer in wood, furnishing steamboats on the lake. In 1851 he became a resident of Milwaukee, and thence went to Strong's Landing, Wis. The following spring he came to Cook County, 111., settling in Worth Township. ' In 1856, Mr. Tobey purchased his present farm near Worth Station. It was then a tract of wild land, but he at once began to clear and cultivate it, and now has a finely improved farm, supplied with all modern accessories and conveniences. He has bought and sold considerable real estate, and this branch of his business has also proved to him a good source of income. For ten years after locating on his farm, his nearest postofnce was Blue Island, a distance of nine miles, but through his efforts offices were established at Worth, South Mount Forest and Grosskopf. For a year after this result was attained the mail was brought from Blue Island by private enter- prise, for the Government had not then estab- lished a mail route. Mr. Tobey, in connection with two other men, supported the mail route by subscription. On the 8th "of January, 1858, Mr. Tobey was united in marriage with Elizabeth Van Horn, daughter of A. C. Van Horn, of Homer, 111. They had three children: John Dillon, a dealer in hay, grain and ice, in Chicago; Emma, wife of F. Hepperley, of Norfolk, Neb.; and Marion, wife of John Elliott, of Winside, Neb. The mother of this family passed away February 14, 1870, at the age of thirty years. She was a member of the Methodist Church. Mr. Tobey was married to his second wife, Elizabeth M. Burt, daughter of Alvin Burt, of Westport, N. Y., January 8, 1874. She was the mother of one child, Charles Clifford Tobey. She passed away June 14, 1892, at the age of forty-seven years. Mr. Tobey attends the services of the Meth- odist Church at Worth, which was built upon land contributed by him. In earlier years he was a Republican, but since the formation of the Prohibition party has been identified with that movement. He has never sought, nor would he accept, public office. He has witnessed the mar- velous development of Chicago and Cook County for more than forty years, and has borne no small part therein, ever striving to promote the moral and intellectual growth of the community as well as its material prosperity. HIRAM PRATT CRAWFORD HIRAM PRATT CRAWFORD, a real-estate dealer of Crawford's Station, Chicago, is a native of the Empire State, his birth having occurred in Buffalo on the 3d of January, 1831. He is a son of Pe:er Crawford, whose biography will be found elsewhere in this work. He at- tended the public schools of Buffalo and Chicago. At the age of nineteen, he was established by his FRANK H. NOVAK. 165 father in a lumber-yard in Marengo; and when the railroad was extended to Belvidere, he removed to that place, whence he afterward went to Rock- ford, 111. In 1855, he became a resident of Gales- burg, where he carried on business for two years. Since 1857, ne nas resided at the old homestead, where he is engaged in looking after his exten- sive real-estate interests. The original farm pur- chased by his father has constantly increased in value, and now includes some of the most valuable suburban property adjacent to the city. In 1870, Mr. Crawford married Miss Sarah A. Launt, daughter of Lewis L,aunt, of Hamden, Delaware County, N. Y., the birthplace of Mrs. Crawford. Three children graced this union, namely: Sadie B., wife of M. D. Broadway, of Chicago; Nettie S., and Jessie L., deceased. The parents and their children hold membership with the Baptist Church. In his political views, Mr. Crawford is a Republican, andstanchly advocates the principles of that party. He has filled vari- ous positions of trust, having been Assessor, Tax Collector and Superintendent of Public Works in Cicero Township. Mr. Crawford is a gentleman of rare physical strength for one of his years. He is kindly in manner, hospitable, and deeply in- terested in the growth and progress of Chicago. FRANK H. NOVAK. f~RANK H. NOVAK, a leading attorney of r^ West Pullman, was born near Iowa City, I Johnson County, Iowa, on the i6th of No- vember, 1862, and is a son of Frank and Barbara Novak, who are still living on a farm near Iowa City. The former is a native of Vienna, Austria. He crossed the Atlantic to America in 1858, and became one of the pioneer settlers of Johnson County, Iowa. He is now one of its most ex- tensive farmers and representative citizens. His wife, who was born near Praug, Austria, is a daughter of Frank and Mary Hiek, early settlers of Lynn County, Iowa, who emigrated to America from Praug, Austria, in 1855. In taking up the personal history of our sub- ject, we present to our readers the life record of one who is both widely and favorably known in this section of Cook County. After attending the common schools, he entered the Iowa City Commercial College, from which he was graduated in the Class of '85. He then engaged in teach- ing for several terms, and met with good success in that line of work. He afterward became a student in the Iowa State University, of Iowa City, and, on the completion of the collegiate course, entered the law department, having de- termined to become a member of the legal pro- fession. H^e received his diploma in 1889, and was thereby entitled to admission to the Bar and to practice in the federal courts. Immediately after completing his law studies, Mr. Novak opened an office in Iowa City, and was there engaged in business until August, 1893, when he crossed the Mississippi into Illi- nois and located at West Pullman, where he has since made his home, becoming the leading at- torney of that growing suburb, and doing business as a lawyer and loan and collection agent. He is also interested in real-estate and in live-stock investments near Iowa City, where the breeding of English Shire horses and Red Polled cattle is made a specialty. 1 66 JOHN J. LEAHY. On the 28th of March, 1890, Mr. Novak was united in marriage with Miss Nellie M. Burke, daughter of Thomas Burke, a resident of Oxford, Iowa. The lady is a native of Ottawa, Illinois. Their union has been blessed with one child, Marie Barbara. The parents both attend the Catholic Church. Mr. Novak is a member of the Knights of Pythias fraternity, the Knights of the Maccabees and the Order of Red Men. In politics, he is a Democrat, and warmly advocates the principles of that party. He has held a number of public offices, was Town- ship Clerk both in Lucas and Monroe Townships of Johnson County, Iowa, was Assessor of Mon- roe Township, and filled other positions of public trust. Mr. Novak is a gentleman of pleasing address, good business judgment and marked pro- fessional ability, making friends of all with whom he comes in contact in either business or social relations. JOHN J. LEAHY, M. D. (lOHN j: LEAHY, M. D., who is successfully I engaged in the practice of medicine in Le- Q) mont, was born in April, 1863, and is a na- tive of County Limerick, Ireland. His father, Thomas Leahy, was a native of Tipperary, and his mother, Margaret Leahy, of Kitteely. The Doctor acquired his primary education in the na- tional schools of the Emerald Isle, and then began the study of medicine in the College of Surgeons in Dublin, where he remained for three years. In 1883, he emigrated from Ireland, and in Sep- tember of that year reached Chicago, where he be- came a student in Rush Medical College. He there spent two years, and still another year in the Cook County Hospital. In April, 1885, Dr. Leahy acted upon the ad- vice given to the young men of America by the sage of Chappaqua and went West, settling at Delmar Junction, Clinton County, Iowa. At- tracted by the inducements offered at Lemont, however, he, in the autumn of the year 1885 settled in this place, where he has enjoyed a large and constantly increasing practice. Much of the time Dr. Leahy has been employed by corpora- tions working large forces of men. From 1886 to 1891, he was surgeon for the Santa Fe Railroad Company, and during the year 1892 he was physician and surgeon for the firm of Frazier & Chalmers, manufacturers of mining machinery at Chicago, where he was busily engaged, having in charge a thousand men and their families. Since the beginning of 1894, ne has been physician and surgeon to the Illinois Stone Company, and also to Section 5 of the Drainage Canal at Lemont, in addition to his general practice. In 1887, Dr. Leahy married Miss Margaret Reardon, of Lemont, daughter of Thomas and Helen Reardon, whose sketch appears elsewhere in this volume. Three bright and beautiful chil- dren, two girls and a boy, have blessed this un- ion. They are Clara Louise, John J. and Mar- ion. Dr. Leahy's cheerful disposition makes him many friends, professionally and otherwise, and he enjoys a large and lucrative practice. He has one brother in this country, Rev. Patrick Leahy, of Lyons, Iowa. LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS c CYRUS H. McCORMICK. CYRUS HALL McCORMICK. EYRUS HALL McCORMICK, measured by his achievements and their influence upon mankind, must rank as one of the greatest benefactors of modern times. This statement is, perhaps, a comprehensive one, but it is not un- warranted by facts, and indeed was given an au- thoritative stamp when, in the latter years of Mr. McCormick's life, he was chosen a corresponding member of the French Academy of Sciences, on the ground of his having done more for the cause of agriculture than any other living man. Why this broad and generous tribute ? Why is the name of Cyrus Hall McCormick remembered and honored, and why will his memory hold a sacred niche in Fame's enduring temple throughout all coming time ? To answer queries of this nature we must give a brief sketch of the life, the influ- ences, and the labors of him concerning whom they are asked. The McCormick family lived in Rockbridge County, Virginia. They were descendants of an early settler in that portion of the S.tate, who had been invited thither by the fertile fields lying in the broad valley between the Shenandoah and Blue Ridge mountain ranges. It was here that Cyrus Hall McCormick was born on the isth of February, 1809. His parents were Robert and Mary Ann (Hall) McCormick, and their circum- stances, while perhaps not warranting luxurious living, were, nevertheless, conducive to comfort and the peaceful enjoyments common to that pe- riod. It was an era when modern frivolities and diversions were comparatively unknown, and when the hearts of men and women found their sweetest solace in the regularly recurring sen-ices held in the little church. Light literature was there unknown, and books of travel, history and biog- raphy were almost equally scarce. As a conse- quence, the Bible was much read in the homes of the people, and its precepts were more carefully instilled into the minds of its students than is com- mon in this push-and-hurry age of ours. The parents of young McCormick were recognized by their neighbors as the possessors of marked abil- ity and integrity of character, and their lives and actions were shaped in conformity with the best ideals of Christianity. It was amid surroundings such as these that the subject of this sketch acquired those traits which mark the career of the successful man, and to which men of all times and of all nations have paid the tribute of their admiration and their praise. This schooling of his character at home was supplemented by young McCor- mick's attendance upon the " Old Field " school, where the rudiments of book knowledge were acquired, and this was further enhanced by an evident desire for knowledge not found in books, a knowledge of the practical, of the common things about him. Genius is rarely an accidental trait, and it will be seen that the natural environments in which young Cyrus lived were shaping his destiny. His father was a man of more than or- dinary ability, himself a student throughout all the years of his life, with an inclination toward in- vention, and indeed an inventor in fact, as sever- al useful devices are accredited to his ingenuity in this line. He was extensively engaged in farming, and had^, upon his premises both black- smith and wood-working shops for the prompt re- pairing of the various farm implements, as occa- sion demanded. He appears to have been fond of the workshop, and it was but natural that he should give considerable time and attention to the 1 68 CYRUS H. McCORMICK. construction of experimental devices as they sug- gested themselves to him. Among some of the improvements resulting from his experiments were a hemp-breaking machine, a threshing-machine, and a blacksmith's bellows. As early as 1809, he conceived the idea of a grain-cutting mechan- ism, and in the summer of 1810 his conception had assumed a tangible form and was taken into the field for practical test. The cutting device consisted of a system of rotary saws, revolving past the edges of stationary knives, so as to cut like shears. A witness who saw its performance in the grain field described it as " a somewhat fright- ful looking piece of machinery when moving." It failed to meet the expectations of its inventor and was laid aside, though the idea of the reaper kept possession of him for several years thereafter, and he in fact made one or two subsequent at- tempts to perfect the machine, but without success. To his father's experiments and failures young Cyrus paid much attention, and it is not un- likely that at an early age he brought himself to believe that he would some time bring order out of the chaos which had marked the elder's reap- er-inventing career. He had a natural liking for mechanical inventions, and spent a goodly portion of his time in his father's workshops, becoming quite an adept in the use of the various tools. At the age of fifteen he made a grain cradle, by the use of which he was enabled to go into the har- vest field and keep pace with the older laborers. A little later he constructed a hill-side plow, a practical and useful invention, which threw alter- nate furrows either right or left. This was pat- ented, but was in turn superseded by his horizon- tal self-sharpening plow. It was at the age of twenty-two that he determined to devote his en- ergies to the reaper; and with his father's fail- ures before him plainly showing what was im- practicable, and perhaps offering vague suggest- ions as to what the practicable machine must be, he dreamed, he thought, and he worked. He first convinced himself that the principle adopted by his father was fundamenUil.'y wrcfg, he believing that the cutting device should give way to a hori- zontal reciprocating blade, which should operate upon the grain in mass. Deciding upon the de- tails of such a machine, he set to work with his own hands to combine them in wood and iron. He became so deeply absorbed in his work that his father, remembering his own futile attempts in the same line, sought to discourage the boy, telling him that he was wasting both his time and talents. Happily, however, Cyrus saw deeper, and with that persistence which was an inborn trait of his character, continued on in his work, and in the summer of 1831 went into a field of grain with the first successful reaper that was ever built. The distinguishing features of that machine were the reciprocating blade, operating in fixed fingers; the platform for receiving the falling grain ; the reel to draw the grain back to the knives; and the divider, to separate the grain to be cut from that left standing. These features and their combina- tion must be credited to the genius and skill of Cyrus Hall McCormick. They are found in all grain-cutting machines now extant, of whatso- ever name or nature, and to dispense with them " would be to wipe every reaper out of existence." The words quoted are from " Knight's New Me- chanical Dictionary', ' ' compiled and edited by Ed- ward H. Knight, A. M., 1,1,. D. , in charge of the classifications and publications of the United States Patent Office. When the field experiment had demonstrated the practical utility of his invention, it was tem- porarily relegated to a secondary place in the mind of its inventor. To enter at once upon the work of building machines for general use would involve an expenditure and obligation which, at that time, it was felt, could not be assumed; and therefor, more perhaps as a stepping-stone than otherwise, Mr. McCormick entered into a partner- ship for the smelting of iron ore, a business which appears to have moved along smoothly and with some degree of success until the panic of 1837, when it went down in the general crash which carried with it so many older and more preten- tious enterprises. Looking out upon the wreck, Cyrus McCormick saw all material interests reced- ing from him; looking within, he saw a sturdy young manhood, and felt the red blood of ambi- tion coursing through his veins. Little time was spent in repining. The first thing to be done CYRUS H. McCORMICK. 169 or at least to be provided for was the payment of every obligation which the firm had assumed, and to this end Mr. McCormick sacrificed all his possessions, including the farm which his father had given him. Then, with his face turned toward the light, with faith in himself and the reaper, he cast about him for ways and means for the further improvement of his machine, its manu- facture and sale. Like most stories of great suc- cesses, this is the story of small beginnings, many vicissitudes and perplexities, and some anxiety; but over all the rainbow of hope. The shops of the old Virginia farm were utilized as ' ' factories ' ' during the first few years, and, as may be imag- ined, the annual output of machines was insig- nificant until the year 1845, when it was decided to start a plant at Cincinnati, Ohio. Arrange- ments were also made at this time with a firm at Brockport, New York, for building the reaper on a royalty. It was thought that from these two points the East and West could be supplied, but the popularity of the grain cutter outran the ex- pectations of its inventor, and, to accelerate the de- velopment of the regions farther west, a demand for it sprang up and became so general that it was decided to again enlarge the plant, increase the facilities, and locate near the great and grow- ing market of the West. Accordingly, in 1847, the McCormick Reaper Works became one of the great industries of the young city of Chicago. In 1848 seven hundred machines were built and sold, and from that-time to this the business has shown a steady growth, until its proportions are well nigh amazing. The present capacity of the Mc- Cormick Reaper Works exceeds 150,000 machines every year; and, with the possible exception of India, there is no grain and grass growing coun- try beneath the sun where the McCormick ma- chines are not employed in garnering the crop. After the assured success of the reaper at home, Mr. McCormick took measures to bring it to the attention of the agriculturists of the Old World. As an initial step in this direction, the machine was placed on exhibition at the first World's Fair, held in London in 1851. It was at a time when English eyes were given to the casting of unfriend- ly glances toward whatever emanated from Yan- keedom, and the McCormick reaper was not al- lowed to escape the ridicule of the press, the London Times characterizing it as "a cross between an Astley chariot and a wheelbarrow." Before the Exposition season closed, however, the reaper completely conquered prejudice and the Times made the amende honorable by stating editorially that it was ' ' alone worth the entire ex- pense of the Exhibition," and the Great Council Medal was awarded to Mr. McCormick 011 the ground of the originality and value of his inven- tion. From this moment fame and fortune were assured, and there were no fields either at home or abroad in which McCormick was not conquer- or. At the UniversalExposition at Paris, in 1855, he was awarded the Grand Prize. Again at Paris in 1867 he gained the Grand Prize and decoration by the Emperor with the Cross of the Legion of Hon- or. It was at this time that M. Eugene Tisseraud, Director-General of the Imperial Domains, said: ' ' The man who has labored most in the general distribution, perfection and discovery of the first practical reaper is assuredly Mr. McCormick, of Illinois. Equally as a. benefactor of humanity and as a skillful mechanician, Mr. McCormick has been adjudged worthy of the highest distinc- tion of the Exposition." A third triumph was secured at Paris in 1878, when the Grand Prize was once more bestowed upon Mr. McCormick, and he was also honored by the French Academy of Sciences, as was referred to in the opening paragraph of this sketch. Many personal trib- utes might be given illustrating the high regard in which Mr. McCormick was held, and showing the recognition of the value of his invention. During his life-time honors came to him thick and fast, and it is not untimely to add here that since his death the business which he founded, and the harvesting machines which still bear his name, stand first and foremost in the business and agri- cultural world. Honors have continued to come to the McCormick, not the least of which were those secured at the World's Columbian Exposi- tion 01*1893. Cyrus Hall McCormick encountered obstacles which only a matchless energy and ability could have overcome. At the beginning of his career, 170 JOHN B. TURNER. and ior a long time afterwards, he was inconveni- enced by a lack of capital and by his isolation from centres of communication and trade. He was forced to overcome the opposition originally brought to bear against all labor-saving machines. Congress refused to give him just patent protec- tion, for the reason that his invention was so val- uable that all should be allowed to make it ! But against all these odds he came out conqueror. Steadily he overcame every obstacle and estab- lished his claim to be A benefactor of the indus- trial world. Man's better nature, his human side, his kind- lier, gentler self, cannot be always seen to advan- tage in the hurly-burly of an active business ca- reer, and it is pleasant to recall the memory of Cyrus Hall McCormick as he appeared to those who knew him in social life, in his home, in his church relations, and in all those varied walks that lead away from business and touch the strings of human hearts. Mr. McCormick had this gen- tler nature, and, while it is not our purpose here to rehearse the many ways in which this charac- teristic evinced itself, still a sketch of his life should contain a brief mention of those more con- spicuous acts wherein are shown the trend of his benevolence and the munificence of his philanthro- py. In 1859, at the General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church held at Indianapolis, he made a proposition to endow the professorships of the Presbyterian Theological Seminary of the Northwest, on condition that it be located at Chi- cago. The conditions were accepted, and the seminary, which, in addition to the original en- dowment, received from Mr. McCormick numer- ous other magnificent donations, is to-day a proud monument to his liberality and nobility of heart. On the educational and religious lines of his work was also his purchase of the Interior, a news- paper established in Chicago to represent the Pres- byterian Church. In the hour of its financial struggles he purchased it, placed it upon a sound financial basis, and it is to-day one of the most able and influential religious journals published. He was also a liberal contributor to various schools and colleges in different parts of the country, those of his native Virginia coming in for gener- ous recognition at his hands. In 1858 Mr. McCormick married Miss Nettie Fowler, daughter of Melzar Fowler, Esq. , of Jeff- erson County, New York. Four sons and three daughters were born to them, two cf whom, a son and a daughter, died in infancy. The surviving children are: Cyrus Hall McCormick, now Presi- dent of the McCormick Harvesting Machine Com- pany; Mary Virginia; Anita, widow of the late Emmons Elaine; Harold and Stanley. Mr. McCormick died on the 1 3th of May, 1884. His life was rounded out by something more than the three-score and ten years of scriptural allot- ment; but we live in deeds, not years, and, meas- ured by this standard, the life of Cyrus Hall Mc- Cormick was long, and ever longer groweth. JOHN BICE TURNER. flOHN BICE TURNER, founder of the great I railway system now known as the Chicago (2) & Northwestern, will ever deserve the grat- itude of Chicago for his public spirit and perse- verance in carrying out his enterprises in the face of great financial and other difficulties. The pio- neers of Chicago, whose number is rapidly grow- ing small, speak of him in the most kindly and ap- proving terms. Probably but a very small percent- age of the thousands who daily ride to and from JOHN B. TURNER. 171 the city on the "Northwestern" suburban trains ever consider the hardships endured by those who first undertook to construct a railway to the West from the struggling young city by the lake. It had no double track at first, and no "parlor" or "palace sleeping" cars followed its strap rails. The generation which found a modern-equipped line ready for its accommodation can little under- stand the conditions that obtained when John B. Turner laid the first ' 'T' ' rails in Illinois. The subject of this biography was born in Col- chester, Delaware County, N. Y. , on the I4th of January, 1799, less than a decade after the estab- lishment of the present United States Government. His father, Elisha Turner, died when he was but two years old, and his mother when he was four- teen. Her maiden name was Patience Coville, and she was of Dutch origin. The Turners are of Eng- lish lineage. Soon after his father's death, J. B. Turner was adopted by David Powers, and passed his youth on a farm and about a tanyard operated by his foster-father, in the meantime receiving such instruction as the country schools of the time af- forded. In 1819, he married Miss Martha Volun- tine, and settled down at farming. Five years later, he sold out his interest in the farm and pur- chased a mill and store, and built a distillery at Maltaville, in Saratoga County, which he oper- ated six years. Financial reverses caused him to abandon these interests, and his attention was first turned to railroad construction in 1835, when he took a contract to build seven miles of the Ran- som & Saratoga Railroad. After its completion, Mr. Turner was placed in charge of this road, most of whose trains were hauled by horses, of which the company owned thirty head, and he constructed bams every ten miles for the accom- modation of the motive power. It was on this line, under Mr. Turner's management, that the "Champlain," an engine of five tons' weight, was placed in commission, being the second of its kind in use. In November, 1835, Mr. Turner, with a part- ner, broke ground on the Delaware Division of the New York & Erie Railroad, but was forced to suspend operations when the financial disasters of April, 1837, crippled the owners, and the capital of the contractors appeared to be swallowed up. The subsequent resumption of the company re- stored to Mr. Turner the $16,000 which he re- garded as lost, and with a brother-in-law, John Vernam, he engaged in building the Genesee Val- ley Canal. The suspension of operations by the State on the canal in 1840 again caused a heavy loss to Mr. Turner, but on the resumption of con- struction this was, in part, restored to him. By the spring of 1843, he had completed a section of the Troy &Schenectady Railroad with profit, and he turned his attention toward the growing West as the most desirable field for the investment of his capital. With his wife, he made a trip as far West as the Mississippi River, and decided to lo- cate at Chicago, returning East at once for his family. The I5th of October, 1843, found him again in Chicago, and he took up quarters at the old Tre- niont House. His active mind readily grasped the opportunities for investment, and one of his first moves was the purchase of one thousand acres of land near Blue Island, on which he placed a herd of sheep, brought from Ohio in the spring. An attempt at railroad building had been made as early as 1837, and a few miles of strap rails had been laid, terminating on the prairie not far from the present western limits of the city of Chi- cago. In 1847, Mr - Turner and William B. Og- den, the first mayor of Chicago, organized a com- pany to construct a road westward from Chicago, and on the 5th of April in that year, Mr. Ogden was elected President, and Mr. Turner Acting Director of the Chicago & Galena Union Railroad, the objective point being Galena a town little less than Chicago in size and importance at that time. Both the gentlemen above named were en- thusiastic in the interest of the enterprise, and by their untiring labor in soliciting subscriptions to stock and securing right of way from the people most benefited by its construction, said construc- tion was made possible. At the election of officers in December, 1850, when Mr. Turner was made President, the track was completed beyond Elgin and reached Freeport, where it connected with the Illinois Central in September, 1852. By this time, it had been demonstrated that the 172 E. F. L. GAUSS. western prairies were destined to support an im- mense population, and attention was turned to the construction of the "Dixon Air Line," from Turner Junction west to the Mississippi River. This was rapidly completed under Mr. Turner's active and able management, and a portion of the line across the State of Iowa was also completed under his presidency, before he resigned in 1858. He continued an active director of the road, and in the Chicago & Northwestern, after the consol- idation of the different lines, until his death. In 1853, he organized the Beloit & Madison Railroad Company, which became a part of the same sys- tem, being now a part of the Madison Division, and on the consolidation, in June, 1864, of these various lines, he was chairman of the committee having the arrangements in charge, and was af- terward a member of the Executive Committee of the Chicago & Northwestern. Mr. Turner was also a director of the North Side Street Railroad, incorporated in February, 1859, and continued to hold stock during his life. In 1853, Mr. Turner was called upon to mourn the death of the wife who had shared in his early toils and successes, and in 1855 he married Miss Adeline Williams, of Columbus, Ga. Three sons and three daughters were given to him. He was vigorous and active to the day of his death, which was the 26th of February, 1871, more than sev- enty-two years of life having been his allotted time. The end came peacefully and quietly, and on that day Chicago lost one of her most valued and upright citizens, who did what he could to benefit his fellows. On the day of his funeral, the offices of the Chicago & Northwestern Rail- way were closed out of respect for the "judicious and faithful counselor, genial companion, consider- ate friend and Christian gentleman. His devo- tion to the material interests of the country was exceeded only by the patriotism which never lost sight of the highest duties of citizenship. His great works live after him, and will keep his memory green forever." E. F. L. GAUSS. fT F. L. GAUSS is First Assistant Librarian in rp the Chicago Public Library, and the responsi- I ble position which he occupies finds in him a capable incumbent. He is also a patron of literature and music, and indeed is a friend to all those arts which are calculated to elevate and benefit man- kind. He claims Germany as the land of his birth, which occurred in Stuttgart in 1842. He came of one of the old aristocratic families of that country, and was reared accordingly. The father died in 1848, and the mother was called to her final rest in 1845. Mr. Gauss whose name heads this record at- tended school in his native land for a number of years, and in 1859, at the age of seventeen, he crossed the Atlantic to America, settling in New York City. When the war for the Union broke out, and President Lincoln called for volunteers to aid in crushing the rebellion which threatened to destroy the nation, he at once enlisted, joining the boys in blue of Company K, First New York Infantry. After two years of valiant service he was honorably discharged, in 1863. Mr. Gauss on leaving the army went to Mis- souri, where he studied theology in the Missouri Evangelical School, and later he pursued his studies in an Episcopal academy in Ohio. In 1871, in St. Louis, he was ordained as a minister, and was given charge of the church in Bunker Hill, 111., where, as there were many German ROBERT S. HILL- 173 settlers in that locality, his services were con- ducted in his native tongue. In 1874 he went to Europe in order to complete his studies, and from 1875 until 1878 was a minister in the State Church of the Canton of Zurich, Switzerland. In the latter year he again crossed the Atlantic to America, and took up his residence in Galena, 111., being called to the pastorate of the church at that place, of which he continued in charge for two years. In 1880 he came to Chicago, and en- gaged in literary work while in the employ of the Government, in which employ he continued until 1885. In 1887 he entered the Chicago Pub- lic Library. He was' afterward made First As- sistant Librarian, and still fills that position. He also continues his ministerial work to a limited extent, although he accepts no pastorates. In 1867 Mr. Gauss was united in marriage with Miss Henrietta Stehlin, and to them has been born a family of five children. The parents and their children are all members of the Con- gregational Church, and take a most active in- terest in church work, doing all in their power for its promotion and success. Mr. Gauss has won a high reputation as a pub- lic speaker, and at one time delivered many ad- dresses in support of the Republican party, the principles of which he warmly advocates. He has, however, never aspired to public office. He has also won note as a metrical translater. He is a man of most liberal education, and during the famous Anarchists' trial served as official in- terpreter. Socially, he is connected with the Schiller Club, of which he is Secretary, and also belongs to the Royal Arcanum, the National Union and the German Press Club, which latter he is now serving as Treasurer. He is also Pres- ident of the Chicago Library Club. ROBERT S. HILL. ROBERT S. HILL, who is successfully en- gaged in the practice of law in Chicago, was born in Buxton, York County, Maine, on the 3ist of August, 1851. His ancestors on his father's side came from England. Three brothers of the name of Hill crossed the Atlantic with the early English colonists and settled in Massachu- setts. One of them afterwards removed to the district of Maine, and from this branch of the Hill family the subject of this sketch is directly de- scended. The members of the family were prom- inent land-owners and business men, and often bore an important part in the events which went to make up the history of colonial days. Mr. Hill's great-grandfather was the owner of the property in Buxton, Maine, now occupied by his father. The grandfather was a resident of Bux- ton, and took part in the War of 1812, during which he was commissioned as an officer by the Governor of the Pine Tree State. Another of the ancestors of the subject of this sketch was an offi- cer in the Revolution, and was numbered among the heroes of the battle of Bunker Hill. Another was captured by the English and taken to Can- ada, where he was forced to live among the Indi- ans for an entire winter, during which time he was subjected to great hardships and suffering. He finally escaped and returned to his home in Maine, ROBERT S. HILL. much to the surprise and pleasure of his wife and family, who supposed him dead. On his mother's side Mr. Hill traces his ances- try back to the ' ' Mayflower, ' ' being descended from Moses Fletcher, who crossed the Atlantic in the vessel which brought the Pilgrim Fathers to the shores of the New World. The latter was a member of the Council of Plymouth, and now lies buried at Plymouth Rock, Massachusetts, where his name appears on the monument erected in memory of those old heroes. Mr. Hill's father, now retired from business with a competency, was an active lumberman and farmer in Buxton, Maine. He has always taken a keen interest in the religious, educational and po- litical matters pertaining to his town, state and country. He was a great admirer and a warm friend of the late Hon. James G. Elaine. The boyhood days of R. S. Hill were pleasant- ly passed in his native town, and he was given good educational advantages by his father. After leaving the common schools in Buxton, he at- tended Limington and Gorham Academies, both of Maine, and his first effort in life after leaving the latter institution was to engage in school teaching in his native state, being then twenty years of age. After a brief and successful experi- ence as a school teacher, he came to the West with his uncle, and entered Michigan State University at Ann Arbor, being graduated from the law de- partment of that institution in the Class of ' 74. He then returned to New England, and for one year studied law in the oflice of an attorney in Bos- ton. The year 1876 witnessed his return to the West and saw him located in Chicago. He im- mediately embarked in practice, which he has car- ried on continuously since. He makes corpor- ation law a specialty, and has been very success- ful, winning many important cases. At the pres- ent time he is employed as attorney for a number of corporations. On the 26th of January, 1877, Mr. Hill was married in Buxton, Maine, to Miss Fannie S. Owen. Her ancestors came from England and aided the colonies in their struggle for iudepen- ence, taking a leading part in the War of the Rev- olution. One of the number was captured by the British in 1807, taken on board a man-of-war, and forced to serve as a part of the crew. After a few weeks' service, while the ship was cruising off the coast of Massachusetts, he took advantage of a favorable opportunity, jumped overboard, swam safely ashore and returned home. To Mr. and Mrs. Hill have been born five children, as fol- lows: Harry Robert, who died of diphtheria in 1 882 ; Owen T. , now a student of the Fuller School, Hyde Park; Helen M. and Alice, who attend the same school; and Robert S., a little lad of three and a-half years. Mr. Hill is a great admirer and firm supporter of the Hon. Thomas B. Reed, who is his choice for the presidency. He has known Mr. Reid all his life, and on account of a knowledge of his character, ability and political proclivities, he supports him as a presidential candidate. Mr. Hill takes a very warm interest in political affairs, and labors earnestly to promote the growth and insure the success of his party. He is recognized as a good parliamentarian and, because of his knowledge of the rules of parliamentary usage, has often been called upon to preside over politi- cal meetings where trouble and turbulence were anticipated, and as such presiding officer has been able, even in very exciting meetings, to maintain order and discipline where one less skilled would have failed. Mr. Hill is a member of the Sons of Maine. He contributes liberally to benevolent institutions, yet makes no display of his charity. In his tastes he is domestic and enjoys the companionship of his family much more than that of general society. In his religious belief he is liberal, broad minded and charitable, believes in his children attending church and Sunday-school and having instilled into their minds the principles of Christianity. In both business and social circles he is well known as an honorable, upright man, and is held in the highest regard by his many acquaintances and friends. LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS ^^^ JESSE SPALDING. 75 JESSE SPALDING fl ESSE SPALDING is a descendant of one of the oldest American families. The euviron- ment of the New England fathers was calcu- lated to bring out and develop all that was sturdy and vigorous in both mind and body, and their descendants continue to manifest the traits of character which enabled them to survive the hardships which they were compelled to endure, and which rendered prosperity possible in the face of the most forbidding conditions. The town and family of Spalding are known to have existed in Lincolnshire, England, in the twelfth century. Between 1630 and 1633, Edward Spalding left that town and settled in Braintree, in the then infant colony of Massachusetts. From him the line of descent is traced through Joseph, Nathaniel, Joseph, Joseph and John to Jesse. The Spalding family first settled in southern Connecticut, early in the seventeenth century. Its members shared in the work of subduing the wilderness, as well as defending their homes from the aboriginal savages. Some of them achieved distinction in the heroic defense of Fort Groton, Connecticut. Many served in "King Philip's War," and fifty-two were active in the Revolu- tion, of whom nine participated in the battle of Bunker Hill, where one fell from his dying horse. Joseph Spalding, grandfather of Jesse, was born in Plainfield, Connecticut. He was an of- ficer of the Revolutionary army, and removed to Pennsylvania in 1780, settling on land near Ath- ens, Bradford County, on the upper waters of the Susquehanna River. This land was claimed by both Connecticut and Pennsylvania, and Mr. Spalding was obliged to pay tribute to both com- monwealths before he could secure a clear title. This was a great hardship, but he went to work with characteristic energy, and shortly thereafter, despite all discouragements, became a prosperous farmer and leading citizen of the community. John, father of Jesse Spalding, was active and influential in Bradford County affairs, and at one time occupied the office of Sheriff, winning uni- versal approbation by the intrepid and vigorous manner in which he discharged his official (and often perilous) duties in a new and somewhat lawless community. His wife, Elizabeth, was a daughter of Dr. Amos Prentiss, a distinguished physician of Groton, Connecticut, and a represen- tative of a prominent Colonial family. Jesse Spalding was born at Athens, Pennsylva- nia, April 15, 1833. While assisting his father in farm work, he found time to acquire such edu- cation as the common schools and the academy of his native town afforded. On attaining his majority he engaged in lumbering on the north branch of the Susquehanna, and became a woods- man and raftsman. At the age of twenty-three he began to deal in lumber on his own account, and was successful. His product was rafted to Middletown, Columbia and Port Deposit, and marketed in Washington, Alexandria, Norfolk and Richmond, Virginia, and other points. Foreseeing the rapid growth of the young city of Chicago, he removed hither in 1857, an( ^ soon after bought a sawmill at Menekaunee, at the mouth of the Menominee River, in Wiscon- sin, where he commenced the manufacture of lumber. This mill was burned in 1870, rebuilt and burned in 1871, rebuilt in 1872, and is now finely equipped with gang, band and circular saws and modern machinery, being thoroughlj r complete in all its appointments. For a time business was conducted by the firm of Wells & I 7 6 JESSE SPALDING. Spalding, the firm name later becoming Spalding & Porter, and subsequently Spalding, Houghtel- ing & Johnson. In 1871, the concern was incor- porated as the Menominee River Lumber Com- pany, and in 1892 Mr. Spalding purchased the interest of his partners, and has since been the sole owner. Shortly after he bought out the New York Lumber Company at Menekaunee, he secured a milling property at the mouth of Cedar River, about thirty miles above the city of Me- nominee, and in 1882 he organized the Spalding Lumber Company, of which he became President, being at the same time its active manager. His purchases of timber-lands in Wisconsin and Michi- gan to supply the mills of these companies with logs have aggregated two hundred and sixty-five thousand acres. Besides its value for timber, this land has proven rich in iron ore, and three mines are now successfully operated on the property. The output of the mills at Cedar River is shipped in boats owned by the Spalding Lumber Com- pany direct to Chicago, whence it is distributed from the Chicago yards to the western and south- western markets in Illinois, Iowa, Nebraska, Kansas and Missouri. Lumber has also been ship- ped recently, in large quantities, direct from the mills at Menekaunee to Detroit, Buffalo, Roch- ester, Albany and Boston. The companies of which Mr. Spalding is the head are among the largest of their kind, and annually produce from sixty to seventy-five millions of feet of lumber. Although he cannot be said to have been a pio- neer in the lumber business of Chicago, few men have been more closely identified with its growth than Mr. Spalding. In fact, his name is indissol- ubly linked with the political, social and business interests of the city and the Northwest. Mr. Spalding is amply fitted by nature and training for the manipulation of large interests, and his success is in no small degree due to the fact that he does not despise small things. All the minutiae of his extensive interests are famil- iar to him, and his practical experience enables him to give attention to the smallest details. His investments in banking and other financial con- cerns are made with the same judicious care, and are equally successful with his other undertak- ings. He is a director in many large corporations of the city, and his advice is frequently sought in the conduct of many important enterprises. It is not strange that his fellow-citizens should discover in him a capable man of affairs; and when the city was destroyed by fire in 1871, he was sought out as one who would be useful in adjusting public business to existing conditions, and in raising Chicago from its ashes and reviving business ac- tivity. He was three years in the City Council, and while Chairman of the Finance Committee, he, by judicious management, aided in the resto- ration of the city's financial credit, materially furthering the establishment of good municipal government. In 1861, when the Nation was threatened with destruction, Mr. Spalding was among its most active defenders. He was re- quested by the Adjutant-General of the State of Illinois to build and equip barracks for the Gov- ernment soldiers (afterward known as "Camp Douglas"), besides which he built barracks the following year on the North Side for returning soldiers. He furnished all the material for these structures, receiving in payment the State Audi- tor's warrants, there being no funds in the Treas- ury to be applied to this purpose. Mr. Spalding has been an active worker in the interests of the Republican party from its incep- tion, because he believed the weal of the Nation depended upon the success of the principles main- tained by that party. He was a personal friend of Grant, Arthur and Conkling, as well as other now prominent National leaders, and gave coun- sel in many grave exigencies. He presided at the unveiling of the Grant monument in Lincoln Park. In 1881 he was appointed by President Arthur Collector of the Port of Chicago, and filled that office in a manner most acceptable to the Government and the people of the city. With him a public office is a trust, to be executed with the same faithful care which one bestows on his own private affairs; and when he was appointed Director of the Union Pacific Railroad on behalf of the Government by President Harrison, he made a personal investigation of the property in his own painstaking way, submitting the report to the Secretary of the Interior. This report, which S. P. McCONNELL. 177 gave a careful review of the resources of the country traversed by the line, and its future pros- pects, was ordered printed by Congress, and com- manded careful attention from financiers and those concerned in the relations of the Pacific roads to the Government. It was also embraced in the annual report of the Board of Directors of the Union Pacific Railway Company. Mr. Spalding was associated with William B. Ogden and others in the project for cutting a canal from Sturgeon Bay to Green Bay, by which the danger of navigating "Death'sDoor" (as the entrance to Green Bay is known) could be avoid- ed, as well as saving a distance of about one hun- dred and fifty miles on each round trip between Chicago and Green Bay ports. This was com- pleted in 1882 by the Sturgeon Bay & Lake Michigan Ship Canal and Harbor Company, of which Mr-. Ogden was the first President, suc- ceeded on his death by Mr. Spalding. During the first year of its operations, 745,128 tons of freight passed through the canal, and in 1892 the business amounted to 875,533 tons. In 1891 4,500 vessels (trips) passed through, and the next year the number was 5,312. Congress hav- ing passed an act to purchase the canal and make it free to all navigators, it was turned over to the United States Government in 1893. HON. SAMUEL P. McCONNELL. HON. SAMUEL PARSONS McCONNELL was born in Springfield, Illinois, July 5, 1849. His parents, John and Elizabeth (Parsons) McConnell, still reside at Springfield. James McConnell, grandfather of the subject of this sketch, came from County Down, Ireland, about 1810, and engaged in the manufacture of gunpowder in New Jersey. He afterward re- moved to Sangamon County, Illinois, where he became an extensive farmer and wool-grower. He was one of the first to cultivate the prairie soil of Illinois, demonstrating its fertility and general advantages to his neighbors. He amassed considerable property, and died in 1867. John McConnell was born in Madison County, New York, but went with his parents to Illinois in his youth. When the United States became involved'in civil strife, he recruited a company of soldiers, and entered the military service as a Captain, rising by promotion to the rank of Gen- eral. Since the close of the war he has been en- gaged in the insurance business in Springfield. Mrs. Elizabeth McConnell was born in Connecti- cut, and is descended from English emigrants who located there about the middle of the seventeenth century. Her grandfather, John Parsons, was a Captain in the Continental army. Samuel P. McConnell was educated at the Springfield High School and Lombard University at Galesburg, Illinois, graduating from the latter institution in 1871, with the degree of Bachelor of Arts. He read law with the firm of Stewart, Edwards & Brown, of Springfield, and was ad- mitted to the Bar in 1873. In December of the same year, he came to Chicago, where he has since been a prominent member of the Bar, and has occupied an honorable position upon the Bench. In 1889 he was elected a Judge of the Circuit Court of Cook County, to fill the vacancy caused by the death of Judge McAllister, and, upon the expiration of the term in 1891, he was re-elected. In 1894 he resigned this office, and resumed his private practice. He was led to take this step by the inadequacy of the salary paid a Circuit Judge. It is much to be regretted that almost any man MINER RAYMOND. fitted to grace and honor the Bench is able to earn several times the salary of a Judge in private practice. Among the most prominent cases tried before Judge McConnell may be mentioned the first Cronin trial, the case of Ross versus White, the Chicago City Railway Company versus Springer, and the receivership of the J . H. Walker Com- pany, in which property to the amount of five millions of dollars was involved. His impartial and equitable decisions earned him the respect of attorneys, jurors and litigants, and his departure from the Bench was widely regretted. In 1876 he was married to Miss Sarah Rogers, daughter of Judge John G. Rogers, of whom ex- tended mention is made on other pages of this volume. Judge and Mrs. McConnell are the par- ents of three children, named, respectively, Julia, James and Eleanor. From youth Judge McConnell has been a Dem- ocrat, departing from the precepts and example of his father. He has never been a candidate for any other office than that of Judge, though re- peatedly importuned by party managers to be- come a political leader. Among the social and fraternal associations into which he has naturally been drawn, may be mentioned the Iroquois, Lit- erary and Waubansee Clubs. While President of the first-named organization, he took a decided position on the silver question, which was antag- onistic to that of many members, and he felt it incumbent upon him to resign, but this act aroused such a strong protest in the club, that he was induced to withdraw his resignation. He presided over the city convention which se- lected delegates to the State Democratic Confer- ence, held at Springfield in June, 1895, to deter- mine the attitude of the party on the silver issue. He was made Permanent Chairman of this con- ference, which wholly sustained his views upon the question at issue. In this, as in all other matters affecting public policy, he has been actu- ated by a desire to promote the general welfare, and without wish to occupy office. REV. MINER RAYMOND, D. D., LL.D. REV. MINER RAYMOND, D.D., LL.D., the oldest college professor in the Methodist denomination, both in respect to age and length of service, and one of the oldest teachers of theology now living, is a resident of Evanston, and until a short time since was active in edu- cational work, in which he had been engaged for more than sixty years. He is a native of New York City, and was born on the zgth of August, 1811. His father was Nobles Raymond, and the genealogist of this family has traced its descent from Raimonde, Count of Toulouse, France, and demonstrated that, on account of its espousal of the Huguenot faith, its members were expa- triated, and some fled to Essex, England, whence the emigration to America occurred. The Ray- monds became settlers in New England, and now a host of this name, many of them prominent in commercial and educational affairs, trace their descent to the two or three who came to the colonies in very early times. Nobles Raymond married Hannah Wood, and they became the parents of nine children, of whom Miner was the eldest. Soon after his birth his father removed with his family to the village of Rensselaerville, New York, and there the boy, when of school age, began to receive the rudi- ments of his education, remaining in school un- til twelve years of age. At that time his services were required in his father's shop, and he spent MINER RAYMOND. 179 the following six years in learning the art of making shoes, in which he became so proficient that his handiwork was second to that of no other workman in style or finish. The same rule of doing well whatever he did was as rigidly ad- hered to when he was a mechanic as it has been since he has held a position in the forefront of educators. The event in his youth most far-reaching in its results on character and fortune was his conver- sion and union, at the age of seventeen years, with the Methodist Episcopal Church, in which he was to be so conspicuous and honored. His father and mother were faithful adherents of that creed. For more than twenty years they were the only permanent residents of Rensselaerville who were connected with that church, and their house was ever a home for Methodist ministers. The account of the great revival at Wilbraham, Massachusetts, kindled in Miner Raymond a de- sire for knowledge; it was the turning-point in a great life, starting him on a new course and bringing him into intimate and helpful relations with an educational institution. Through the efforts of the Presiding Elder of the district in which he resided, he began his advanced educa- tion in the Wesleyan Academy at Wilbraham, then the only Methodist institution of learning of any magnitude on this continent, of which only three or four were then in existence. Like many another student, he added to his limited means by the labor of his hands; and the proceeds of his work on the bench, mending the boots and shoes of his fellow-students, helped to meet the expenses incident to his education. But this did not continue long. It was soon discovered that he was endowed with the gift of teaching, and he was made assistant teacher, a position which he held for three years, while still a student in the academy. His especial faculty for elucidating the principles of arithmetic, which were then very imperfectly treated in the textbooks, led to his selection as teacher of a class of teachers, and this was the starting point of his long career as an educator. Graduating in 1831, he was immediately made a member of the faculty, and taught in that in- stitution with marked success for ten years. In 1833 his name appears in the catalogue as usher, and it was then he began his remarkable peda- gogic labors. In 1834 he was advanced to the charge of the English department, where he labored with great success and growing popu- larity for four years. During this period he had been a diligent student and had delved deep into the mysteries of ancient languages, the natural, mental and moral sciences, and the higher mathe- matics, for which he discovered a taste and apti- tude. When the degrees were conferred by the Wesleyan University upon the students he had taught at the academy, he received, in recogni- tion of his high ability and efficient services, the honorary degree of Master of Arts. In 1838 he was promoted to the chair of mathematics, which he filled with distinction for the three years he remained as a teacher in the institution. While yet engaged in teaching, Professor Ray- mond joined the New England Conference, in 1838, and three years later entered upon pastoral work. He served two years at Worcester, Massa- chusetts, four years at Church and Bennett Street Churches, Boston, and in 1847 went to Westfield, where he remained one year. Upon the resignation of Robert Allyn as Prin- cipal of the Wesleyan Academy, Professor Ray- mond was requested by the trustees to take the position at the head of that institution. The pastorate was the ideal life work to which he was attached and for which he had educated himself, but, after mature consideration, he decided to put aside preference, and accept what he considered a call of duty, and entered upon the work with a devotion and energy that left a very deep impres- sion upon the school at the head of which he stood. The first two or three years of Dr. Raymond at Wilbraham were tentative and preparatory. New buildings were necessary to the success of the school, and how to get them was a problem, the solution of which demanded his full strength; but he met the difficulties and conquered where most men would have failed. In spite of debt and other obstacles, he succeeded in erecting Fisk Hall, in 1851. In the two years following i8o MINER RAYMOND. the number of pupils greatly increased, and in the year 1853 rose to over six hundred, nearly double the attendance of previous years. Through the efforts of Dr. Raymond, Binney Hall was built, in 1854. The principal building of the institution, including its dormitory and board- ing apartments, was destroyed by fire two years later. Nothing daunted by this calamity, he set about obtaining the means to rebuild it in still nobler proportions, and that same year suc- ceeded in completing a structure costing fifty thousand dollars. By the act of an incendiary, in 1857, this structure was also destroyed, but Dr. Raymond and a few brave aids rose superior to the discouragements that had beset them, ob- tained money by popular subscription, aroused the friends of education throughout the state, and, by petition and strong personal influence, secured legislative aid, by which means a third building, more commodious, more beautiful and more cost- ly than its predecessors, rose upon the site of their ruins, and to-day is the chief ornament of this seat of learning, a monument to the faith and indomitable courage of Dr. Raymond. In 1864 he was elected to the chair of system- atic theology in Garrett Biblical Institute, Evans- ton, Illinois, and resigned his position at the head of the academy, which he left enjoying a high degree of prosperity. Coming to Evanston, he entered upon a work which his long experience as a teacher, ripe scholarship, and" devotion to his profession have made eminently successful and gratifying in its results. For thirty-one years he filled a position in which he was eminently useful as a teacher, and during three years of that time was also pastor of the First Methodist Episcopal Church in Evanston. Soon after en- tering the institute, he became convinced that he was spending one-third of his time in telling the students what the meaning of the theological authors was. Then came the determination to write out his lectures and make the expression as plain as possible, so that theology might be clearly taught and readily understood. In due time appeared his "Systematic Theology," in three volumes, intended for students preparing for the Methodist ministry, which has proved to be a very popular book. One distinguished authority is quoted as saying: "It is the strong- est defense of Arminianism we have seen." Be- sides his pastoral work, Dr. Raymond has helped to direct the work of the church in its national councils. Six times he was elected as a delegate to the General Conferences, as follows: Pitts- burgh, in 1848; Boston, in 1852; Indianapolis, in 1856; Buffalo, in 1860; Philadelphia, in 1864; and Brooklyn, in 1868. Dr. Raymond was married, August 20, 1837, to Elizabeth Henderson, of Webster, Massachu- setts, who died September 19, 1877. Five chil- dren were born of this union, all of whom are now living. Mary is the widow of Philip B. Shumway, the builder of the Elgin, Joliet & Eastern Railroad, and now resides in Evanston. William is in the employ of that railroad. Samuel B. is a prominent citizen and prosperous sugar broker in Chicago. James H. is a well-known and successful patent lawyer in Chicago. Freder- ick D. is Secretary and Treasurer of the Elgin, Joliet & Eastern Railway Company. On July 28, 1879, Dr. Raymond was united in marriage with Isabella (nee Hill), widow of Rev. Amos Binney. Dr. Raymond's domestic life has been a pleasant one; his house has been the dwell- ing-place of peace and happiness. His exemp- tion from illness up to the past winter, and the contentment of his mind, have conspired to pre- serve his physical vigor, which is evidenced by the full head of hair, now of flowing whiteness, and the clear, bright eye which lends vivacity to his countenance. Rev. David Sherman, D. D., author of the ' ' History of the Wejleyan Academy at Wilbra- ham," has thus written of Dr. Raymond: ' ' His first essays in teaching reveal the born schoolmaster, destined to advance to the fore- front. No one who attended his classes can ever forget his clear and forcible instructions. The principles involved in the study were seized upon and traced onward through intricate problems as in lines of light. No one could fail to see or to be carried with the demonstration. But his superiority as a teacher was not simply in the ex- tent and accuracy of his knowledge, or even in JAMES McMAHON. 181 his ability to make truth visible; it was rather in that higher ability to develop the student and to create in him the capacity to investigate and master truth. It was not simply the amount of knowledge he communicated, it was the way he impressed himself upon other minds coming un- der his instruction. The man, even more than the pedagogue, was behind his utterances." The same writer, in speaking of him as a preacher, says: ' ' With him religion was the main considera- tion, and his convictions on the subject were deep and strongly expressed. He spoke with the demonstration of the spirit and power. If his prayers and exhortations were thoughtful and intellectual,, they were, at the same time, intense and fervid, enlisting the emotions of the heart as well as the accurate formulations of the brain. * * * * Though gifted with large capacity for astute and accurate thought, he was gladly heard by the people, because his logic usually came to a white heat. To the religious people of Wilbraham he was for a quarter of a century the oracle. No other principal, certainly after Dr. Fisk, obtained so firm and enduring a hold upon the people as Miner Raymond." What was said in those days may be repeated with emphasis concerning his labors in later years, when in the enjoyment of his full intel- lectual strength and the knowledge and experi- ence gained in more than half a century of con- tinuous mental activity. JAMES McMAHON. (TAMES McMAHON. Few people in Evan- I ston are as well known, or regarded with as (*/ much sincere respect and admiration, as the subject of this notice and his excellent wife. During their residence of over thirty years in Cook County, they have been almost constantly identified with charitable and philanthropic en- terprises, and have won the friendship of both rich and poor to an unusual degree. Mr. McMahon was born at Belfast, Ireland, June 4, 1813. He is a son of Alexander Mc- Mahon and Mar> 7 Ann Douglass, both of whom were of the stanch Scotch- Irish blood which has ever been active in promoting the best interests of mankind. Alexander McMahoii was the de- scendant of a family which had been for many generations engaged in the linen trade. Two of his brothers were extensive merchants at Belfast, Ireland, and amassed a fortune there. Alexander turned his attention to agriculture, and in 1819 came to America. After living for a time near Watertown, New York, he removed to a farm near Kingston, Canada, upon which he resided for fifty years, departing this life in 1883, at the age of ninety-three years. He was the father of fourteen children, of whom James was the eldest. He was an honorable and thrifty business man, and accu- mulated a competence, in the enjoyment of which his later years were spent. He and his wife were devout Presbyterians. The latter died at King- ston, several years later than her husband. James McMahon enjoyed excellent educational advantages, pursuing courses of study success- ively at Andover Academy; Cheshire Academy, at Cheshire, Connecticut; and Washington (now Trinity) College, at Hartford, Connecticut. His parents designed to fit him for the Presbyterian ministry., but, while a student at Washington College, he became converted to the Episcopal faith, and abandoned his theological studies, to their great disappointment. While a young man, he spent considerable time in travel, visiting Eu- 182 JAMES McMAHON. rope three times, and becoming quite familiar with the ways of the world and its business methods. In 1849, in company with a party of young men of his acquaintance, he went to Cali- fornia, by way of the Isthmus. He remained three years in that state, during which time he mined successively at Hangtown, American Val- ley and Big Bar, and also recovered his health, which had become considerably impaired before his departure from the East. At the last-named mines he gained a rich reward for his labors, and thence returned to the East, again making the voyage by way of the Isthmus, a regular line of steamers having been established since he first made the journey. He landed at New Orleans, thence went to Dal- las County, Alabama, where he purchased an ex- tensive cotton plantation with a retinue of slaves, and had just established a profitable business when the Civil War broke out. On account of his political views, he found it impracticable to re- main there, and in 1860 he was obliged to abandon his property and remove to the North. He located in Chicago, where he became asso- ciated with the insurance agency of Thomas B. Bryan, and continued to carry on that line of business for a number of years, representing the Mutual Life, the Mutual Benefit and the Equit- able Life Insurance Companies. His business ventures were fairly successful, and he had accu- mulated -considerable property when the great fire of 1871 visited the city. Most of what he saved from that disaster was swept away by the panic of 1873. At the latter date he moved to Evans- ton, and for a few years conducted a restaurant in Davis Street. Since 1882 he has filled the of- fice of Township Supervisor, being re-elected each season without opposition. In addition to his official duties, he acts as a purchasing agent for Evanston merchants, making regular trips to Chicago in their interests. He is a thirty-second-degree Mason, and is held in the highest regard by his brethren of that order, from whom he has received many testimo- nials. He first joined Oriental Lodge, and is now identified with Evans Lodge, Evanston Chapter, Evanston Commandery and Oriental Consistory, his duties as Tyler of these several bodies taking up considerable of his time. Mr. McMahon was married, in 1865, to Martha Cornelia Converse, daughter of Samuel Augustus and Anna (Easton) Converse, of Stafford, Con- necticut. Mr. Converse, who was a descendant of the French Huguenots who located in America during the Colonial period, died in Connecticut, at the extreme old age of ninety-three years. He was an influential citizen of Stafford, and a pen- sioner of the War of 1812. Mrs. McMahon came to Chicago in 1860, and was associated with Mrs. Mary A. Livermore in conducting the great San- itary Fair. Mr. McMahon was also one of the promoters of this undertaking, and sold thousands of tickets in its support. Though not blessed with children of their own, Mr. and Mrs. Mc- Mahon have adopted and partially reared several children, one daughter, Harriet Wilmina, having been a member of the family from infancy. She was first married to Professor W. W. Graves, an instructor in the Northwestern University, and since his death has become the wife of Edwin O'Malley, of Chicago. Jennie, another adopted daughter of Mr. and Mrs. McMahon, is now Mrs. Cameron, of Winnipeg, Manitoba. When he first located in Chicago Mr. McMahon resided on the South Side, near the home of Stephen A. Douglas, who became his intimate friend. He helped to organize St. Mark's Church, on Cottage Grove Avenue, and was for some years one of its most active and influential mem- bers. He served four years as Superintendent of Trinity Mission, and he and his wife have been communicants of St. Mark's Church of Evanston since removing to that city. Previous to the Great Rebellion, he was a Democrat, but since coming to Chicago has been a consistent Repub- lican. He is a life member of the Masonic Vet- erans' Association of Chicago, and during the war acted as agent for the numerous Masonic charities of the city of Chicago, securing relief and transportation for many indigent members of the order belonging to the Union army. The retrospection of his long and useful life may well afford comfort and satisfaction in his declining years. LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS (From Photo, by W. J. ROOT) JONATHAN CLARK JONATHAN CLARK. JONATHAN CLARK. (JONATHAN CLARK, prominent among Chi- I cago contractors and builders, was born at O West Walton, in the county of Norfolk, Eng- land, May 28, 1828. His parents were William and Christina Clark, and his father died when Jonathan, the eldest of four children, was only seven years old. At the age of eight he was put to work herding sheep on the Norfolk commons and keeping the birds off the fields of grain, for which he received two shillings (fifty cents) per week. He went out to service on a farm at twelve years of age. His earnings during the last year of service he saved to pay his way to America. Previous to that time he had contributed his wages to the support of his widowed mother and his younger brothers. On the 2ist of September, 1848, Mr. Clark sailed from England, and arrived in Chicago on the 2jth of November, via New York, being nearly ten weeks on the journey. He came by way of the Lakes directly to Chicago, penniless and friendless, but resolute and ready for whatever came. His first employment was hauling wood into Chicago. The winter was very severe, and he froze his feet, and, through the dishonesty of his employer, he lost his wages. In the spring of 1849 he worked six weeks for Jefferson Mun- son, of Downer's Grove, and then returned to Chicago and became an apprentice to P. L. Up- dyke and John Sollitt, with whom he spent three years, learning the trade of carpenter and joiner, and at the expiration of that time receiving'the sum of $200 for his services. He spent six months as a journeyman, and then began contracting on his own account, and was successful, accumulat- ing money from the start. By saving his earn- ings, he was able to pay his brother's passage to America in 1849, an< i i n l &5 the two brought over the remainder of the family. In 1860, in company with his brother, Mr. Clark went overland to Denver, where they fitted up the first express building and the post- office. After spending the summer there, they returned in the fall by team, as they had gone. On the Platte River Mr. Clark's horse was stolen, and while trying to recover it, he traveled on foot in the night, and was surrounded by wolves, barely escaping with his life. The thief was captured, and Mr. Clark's companions wanted to try him, but as that meant conviction and hang- ing, he refused to allow it, and the offender was permitted to accompany the outfit to Omaha, and to go unpunished. In 1867 Mr. Clark was ap- pointed by Gov. Oglesby to superintend the con- struction of Illinois buildings at the Paris Expo- sition. There the United States Government, recognizing his worth, secured his services in the Department of Works, and appointed him assist- ant to the Superintendent of the American por- tion of the exposition. Before returning to the United States, he visited his old home and por- tions of Switzerland and Germany. During the years he was engaged in contract- ing, Mr. Clark did an immense business, and erected many residences, stores and business houses. Among them were the Bowen Block, McCormick Hall Block, Kingsburg Music Hall, Kingsburg Block, the Chicago Water Works, Bigelow Hotel, the Young Men's Christian Asso- ciation building and Academy of Design, the 184 GEORGE G. CUSTER. Brother Jonathan building and the First National Bank building. The reconstruction of the Chi- cago Water Works was the first job he did after the fire, and the embers were still hot when he began work on it. The Bigelow Hotel occupied the site of the present postoffice, and disappeared in the great fire. Mr. Clark was both builder and owner of the Academy of Design, which was the first building ever erected in Chicago for a fine-arts exhibit. In 1852 Mr. Clark married Miss Alice Sarde- son, a native of Lincolnshire, England, but then a resident of Chicago. Of the marriage, five chil- dren were born and all are now living in Chicago. They are: Euna, the wife of Shea Smith, of Shea Smith & Co.; F. W.; George T.; Retta M., now the wife of Dr. Kauffman, of Chicago; and J. Y. The sous F. W. and G. T. are members of the firm of Jonathan Clark & Sons Co., contractors, who have erected many buildings, notable among which are the Art Institute and the Government buildings at Ft. Sheridan. The senior member of this firm is not now actively connected with the company, but is employed in erecting and manag- ing buildings, of which he has about a score, built on ground held on ninety-nine-year leases. Mr. Clark is a Republican, a member of the Union League and Sunset Clubs, and a Thirty- second Degree Mason, in which order he has held many high offices. He attends, but is not a mem- ber of, Dr. Thomas' Church. In his later years he has traveled largely through the United States, including the Pacific Coast and Florida. He has a fruit farm and an elegant residence at Fn..tland Park, in the latter State. Jonathan Clark is numbered among the men who have made Chicago, and given it the char- acter which it bears. Through trials, by perse- verance and an honest course, he has risen to prominent place in the city which he has made his residence for almost half a century, and where he is an honored citizen, who bears his years with dignity, and grows old gracefully in the midst of a large circle of devoted friends. GEORGE GRANGER CUSTER. f2fEORGE GRANGER CUSTER, who is now b serving as Auditor of the City Board of Ed- ucation, was born on the 6th of December, 1838, in Sanford, Edgar County, Illinois. His father's ancestors bore the name of Granger, and came from England to America, locating in Con- necticut. His father was a physician, and in Newark, Ohio, married Nancy Link. His death occurred at the early age of twenty-eight years, and soon after our subject, then a child of six months, was taken for adoption by Isaac D. Cus- ter, of Terre Haute, Indiana, whose name he then assumed. He found in his foster-father a kind-hearted and liberal man, who could not have treated an own son with more kindness and con- sideration. The maternal ancestors of the sub- ject of this sketch were of French origin, and on emigrating to the New World settled in Freder- icksburg, Virginia, about the middle of the eigh- teenth century. From there the maternal grand- father with his family removed about the year 1825 to Newark, Ohio. When George was a child of six years, the Custer family removed to St. Louis, Missouri, and for five years he attended Wyman's private school. Soon after he accompanied his father on a trip to California, where they remained for one year. Mr. Custer went to the West to see the GEORGE G. CUSTER. 185 country, and took his adopted son on account of his poor health. The result of the trip proved the wisdom of the father, as the son became a strong, hearty boy, and now enjoys a vigorous manhood. He made the journey across the plains on horse- back, leaving St. Louis on the 4th of April, 1850, on the steamboat "Princeton," and., arriv- ing at old Ft. Kearney, Nebraska, fifteen days later. There they remained until the early part of May, when, the grass having grown sufficiently to furnish feed for horses and mules, they re- sumed their journey. They were eighty-six days in making the trip from the Missouri River to Hangtown, now Placerville, California. Their next resting-place was Sacramento, from whence they went to San Francisco. They suffered the usual hardships and privations incident to the trip across the plains in days of the gold excite- ment, being sometimes for days with very small rations of food, and only water sufficient to moisten the lips; but, notwithstanding, no illness fell to the lot of father or son during the trip to and from California. Mr. Custer had no mining experi- ences, for he was then too young to dig for gold. After a sojourn of a few months in California, he returned home, by way of the Isthmus, stopping on the way at the island of Jamaica and in New York City, from whence he came West, by way of the Hudson River to Albany, thence to Buffalo by rail, by lake toChicago, by canal to La Salle, and on the steamer "Robert Fulton" to St. Louis. Mr. Custer then attended Jones' College until eighteen years of age, and resided in St. Louis until 1854, when the family removed to a farm near Davenport, Iowa. In the fall of 1855, he returned to St. Louis and accepted a position as assistant book-keeper in the retail grocery house of Ellis & Hutton, at that time the largest estab- lishment of the kind in the city. In the summer following he returned to Davenport and entered the employ of Thomas H. McGee, wholesale grocer, as chief clerk and book-keeper, and in the spring of 1857 took charge of the office of the Burtis House, then the best-equipped hotel west of Chicago. After a few months he was taken sick and returned to the farm, where he remained until coming to Chicago, in April, 1862. In the mean time Mr. Custer was married. On the 4th of October, 1860, he wec'ded Miss Sarah Ann Kelly, of Davenport. The lady was born in Mt. Carmel, near Cincinnati, Ohio, September 7, 1842. Her father, Daniel C. Kelly, a native of Cincinnati, is now living in Davenport, Iowa, where the foster-father of this subject also resides. They are aged respectively eighty and eighty- three years, and still active and in good health. Four children have been born to Mr. Custer and his wife: Tillie, who is now the wife of Robert J. Clark, and has one child; Hattie Winchell, wife of William G. R. Bell; Sadie Belle; and George G. On leaving the farm in Iowa, Mr. Cutter came to Chicago and accepted a position as assistant com- mercial reporter on the Morning Post, edited by J. W. Sheahan, with which he was connected for a year. He then entered the employ of Hobbs, Oli- phant & Co. , commission merchants, and at the end of three years started in business for himself as a member of the firm of Olcott, Lash & Co. , in the same line of business. This venture proved un- successful, on account of the credit given country customers. Mr. Custer then engaged in the brokerage business, but during the great fire again met with losses, after which he spent three years with Hall & Winch, sash and door manufacturers. He then returned to the Board of Trade, and was quite successful in business for several years, but at length lost his fortune in a "big corner." At that time Mr. Custer left the city, removing to Nevada, Illinois, where he took charge of an elevator owned by A. M. Wright & Co. On his return in 1880, he accepted a position with James H. Drake & Co., commission merchants, with whom he remained for a year and a-half, when failing health forced him to abandon that work. Farm life had previously proved benefi- cial, and he again resorted to that cure, carrying on agricultural pursuits until his health was re- stored. Once more he entered the employ of Hall & "Winch, with whom he continued until the death of the junior partner, when the business was closed out. He \vr.s then with the firm of Garvey & Jenkinson until they retired from busi- ness. In May, 1886, Mr. Custer became Auditor of i86 WILLIAM WEST. the Board of Education, and has been unani- mously re-elected since that time. He was the candidate for the office of Assessor of West Chi- cago, on the Democratic ticket, in 1871, but never sought political preferment, although he took an active part in politics in early life. He is known as a conservative Democrat. Socially, he is connected with the Royal Arcanum and the Royal League, and is the First Vice-Presideut of the California Pioneers. In early life he joined the Baptist Church, but as its doctrines were not in accordance with his broad and liberal views, he joined the Third Unitarian Church, and was, until his removal from the West to the South Side, one of its active and respected members. He is so- cially inclined, possessed of a genial nature and pleasant disposition. He is popular among his acquaintances, and is one who makes and retains friends. He possesses a sanguine temperament, is an energetic worker and not easily discouraged. Fond of home and family, he is true to those who rely upon him, and his faithfulness and sterling worth have won him warm regard. WILLIAM WEST. |t> QlLLIAM WEST, one of the enterprising \ A / citizens of Cook County, now successfully V V engaged in farming on section 30, Niles Township, is numbered among the early settlers of the State, having come to Illinois with his parents in 1836. He is a native of Yorkshire, England, born on the 2ist of June, 1814. His father, James West, was born in Shipton, Eng- land, in 1768, and died in the fall of 1838, two years after his emigration to America. His wife bore the maiden name of Jane Hodgen, and was a daughter of Thomas Hodgen, a shoe-maker of Great Husband, England. As above stated, James West, accompanied by his family, bade adieu to friends and native land and sailed for America in the good ship "Sylvenus Jenkins," which brought him to New York after an un- eventful voyage of thirty-one days. He was de- tained in New York quite a while on account of the sickness of a relative, John Dewes, but at length resumed his journey and traveled toward the setting sun until he reached Cook County. He became the first settler of Jefferson Township, and it was his intention to purchase a claim as soon as the land came into market, but death frustrated his plans. William West pre-empted a quarter-section of land in JeSerson Township, on which he resided until 1856, when he came to Niles Township, his present home. One of the most important events of his life occurred in 1843, when was celebrated his marriage with Mrs. Isabella Mosley, a daugh- ter of John Kendel, who was a native of York- shire, England, and a farmer by occupation. Mrs. West was born in \orkshire, December 18, 1821, and died January 28, 1864. Their union was blessed with four sons and five daughters, and five of the number are still living, namely: William, who was born June n, 1850, and now resides in Chicago; Mary Jane, who was born April 27, 1852, and is the wife of Robert Robin- son, of Avondale; Isabella E., who was born August 27, 1857, and is the wife of John Proctor, a resident of Arlington Heights; Martha Ann, who was born February 20, 1860, is the widow of Emil Haag, and resides in Niles; and Edward, who was born January 18, 1864, and is now en- gaged in the flour and feed business in Chicago. J. D. TOBEY. 187 In 1866, Mr. West was again married, his second union being with Mrs. Frances Ollinger, who is now deceased. Mr. West cast his first vote for William Henry Harrison and has voted at each Presidential elec- tion since that time. He now affiliates with the Democracy, but from 1860 until 1892 supported the Republican candidates. He received no spe- cial advantages in life, his school privileges being obtained previous to his tenth year, and his edu- cation from that time was acquired through con- tact with the world. He had no capital or influ- ential friends to aid him in business, and the suc- cess which has crowned his efforts is the just re- ward of his own labors. As a citizen he is pub- lic-spirited and progressive and devoted to the best interests of the community, and by those who know him he is highly respected. JOHN D. TOBEY. (TOHN DILLON TOBEY, who is doing an extensive business as a dealer in hay and grain in Chicago, was born at Worth Sta- tion, Cook County, on the 3d of September, 1859, and is a son of Wales and Elizabeth Tobey, who are represented on another page of this work. He spent his early boyhood days upon his father's farm, and acquired his education in the district school of the neighborhood and in the High School of Blue Island. At the age of seventeen he left home with $2.85 in his pocket. From that time he has made his own way in the world unaided, and the success he has achieved is therefore due entirely to his own efforts. He began work as a farm hand, receiving $15 per month in compen- sation for his services. With his first season's wages he bought a half-interest in a threshing- machine, and the following winter started a hay press. Fifteen months after leaving home, Mr. Tobey had accumulated $3,300, besides a hay-press, teams, etc. In connection with his other work he also did road contracting in Worth Township. For one year after coming to Chicago he was in the employ of Nelson Morris & Co. , buying sup- plies of feed for the stock. Since 1886 he has engaged in his present business as a dealer in hay and grain at No. 309 Twenty-sixth Street. He al- so handles ice. His business has steadily in- creased in volume, until it has now assumed ex- tensive proportions, and on the ist of June, 1894, the J. D. Tobey Hay and Grain Company was in- corporated. Of this Mr. Tobey is president and general manager. For some years he has been the best known dealer in his line on the south side and is now the largest retail dealer in the United States. He also deals in city real estate and farm property, and has invested to some extent in western lands. On the loth of September, 1885, Mr. Tobey was united in marriage with Miss Clara M. Burt. The lady is a native of Westport, Essex County, N. Y., and is a daughter of Alvin Burt. Their union has been blessed with one child, Gracie. They also lost two sons who died in infancy within two weeks of each other. Mr. Tobey takes considerable interest in civic societies, and is a member of Golden Rule Lodge No. 726, A. F. & A. M. ; a life member of Chi- cago Commandery No. 19, K. T. ; and also be- longs to Medinah Temple and the Mystic Shrine; to Acacia Club; to America Lodge No. 271, K. P. ; Longfellow Lodge No. 708, R. A. ; George B. McClellan Council of the National Union; Chicago Heavy-Weight Base Ball Club, the Sud- seite Turngemeiude, and several other social and 188 ALEXANDER McDANIEL. insurance orders. He votes with the Republican party, but has never sought or desired political preferment, in fact has several times refused pub- lic office. Physically, Mr. Tobey is the picture of health and strength. He is of a social, genial nature, and is a gentleman of rare business abil- ity, having attained success through good judg- ment, ready decision and energetic determination. ALEXANDER McDANIEL Gl LEXANDER McDANIEL, of Wilmette, is LJ now living a retired life, enjoying a rest which / I he has truly earned and richly deserves. He has for many years resided in Cook County, and is so widely and favorably known that he needs no special introduction to the readers of this vol- ume. This work would be incomplete without the record of his life, which is as follows: He was born February 13, 1815, in Bath, Steuben County, New York, and is a son of Daniel Mc- Daniel, who was of Scotch descent, but was born in the State of New York and made farming his life work. He married Rachel Taner, a lady who was born and reared in the Mohawk Valley, and was a descendant of the Mohawk Dutch. They became the parents of seven children, four sons and three daughters. Alexander McDaniel is the eldest son. The days of his boyhood and youth were spent in his parents' home and he became familiar with all the duties of farm life. He aided in the cultivation of the old homestead until he had attained his majority, when he started out for himself, and, leaving the East upon the tide of emigration which was steadily moving westward, he came to Chica- go, arriving in this city on the 2yth of May, 1836. Here he worked until the I4th of August, when he went to New Trier Township, spending sever- al days looking up lands on the Ouilmette Indian reservation. He then returned to Chicago, where he continued until October, when he again came to New Trier Township, and pre-empted one hun- dred and sixty acres of Government land where the town of Winnetka now stands. The land in the reservation had not then been surveyed. Mr. McDaniel deposited the price of the property with the Government agent until it should be surveyed and placed upon the market, which was four years later. He built a log cabin, one of the first four houses which stood between Chicago and the present site of Winnetka, and there he kept bach- elor's hall for four years. The only neighbors he had for the first year, except Erastus Patterson, were Indians, and he was the only young man in that locality. Speaking of the Indians, he said the Ouilmettes were quite enlightened and good neighbors, always being peaceable. Mr. McDan- iel purchased three forty-acre tracts of land, pay- ing the usual price of $1.25 per acre, and forty at twenty shillings per acre. Upon this land a part of the town of Evanston now stands. When he first came to Cook County there were only three small log cabins north of Chicago, and many of the now thriving villages and cities had not sprung into existence, while the work of progress and civilization seemed hardly begun. On the ayth of November, 1842, an important event in the life of Mr. McDaniel occurred, his marriage with Miss Emeline Huntoon. The la- dy was born in Champlain, New York, March n, 1824, and is a daughter of George W. and Lucin- da (Bowler) Huntoon, whose family numbered ten children. The father was a ship carpenter, and was born in Vermont, December 9, 1791. The mother was born January 9, 1796. With their family they came to Cook County in 1840, W. R. DERBY. 189 settling on the present site of South Evanston. Mr. and Mrs. McDaniel became the parents of six children. Jane, who was the wife of William H. Kinney, Postmaster of Wilmette, is now de- ceased; Ellen, widow of A. B. Balcam, resides with her parents; Charles, who enlisted at the age of sixteen and served three years in the Eighth Illinois Cavalry, is now a carpenter and contractor of Wilmette; George is interested in mining in Colorado; Henry is a policeman of Wilmette; and William Grant is a fireman on the North- Western Railroad. Mr. McDaniel exercises his right of franchise in support of the Republican party. His first vote was cast on the 4th of May, 1837, for William B. Odgen, first mayor of Chicago, and his first presidential vote supported William Henry Harri- son. Soon after the village of Wilmette was start- ed, he was appointed the first Postmaster, hold- ing the office for nineteen successive years, when he resigned in favor of Mr. Kinney, the present incumbent. He has never sought or desired po- litical preferment, his time and attention being largely occupied by his business interests. His wife, a most estimable lady, holds membership with the Methodist Episcopal Church, and takes an active part in its work and upbuilding. For twenty-six years Mr. McDaniel has been a resi- dent of Wilmette. His first home at this place, located on Center Avenue, was the fourth house built in the town, and in it he resided for twen- ty-three years. In 1891, he erected a more sub- stantial and modern dwelling on the same street, and there spends his declining days. He has wit- nessed almost the entire growth and development of the county, the best interests of the communi- ty ever find in him a friend, and his hearty sup- port and co-operation are given to those enter- prises which are calculated to advance the gener- al welfare. His sterling worth and strict integri- ty have made him a leading citizen of the com- munity and one well worthy of representation in this volume. WILLIAM R. DERBY. fDQlLUAM R. DERBY, who was for many \ A I years prominently identified with the his- Y V tory of this community, was numbered among the honored pioneer settlers, having be- come a resident of Cook County in 1834. He was born in Dorset, Bennington County, Ver- mont, on the 1 7th of March, 1805, and was a son of Sylvester Derby, whose birth occurred in the same locality in 1780. In 1816 the father removed with his family to Genesee County, New York, where he remained until his death, which occurred at the ripe old age of ninety years. William Derby spent the first sixteen years of his life at his parents' home, and then began to learn the trade of a wool carder and dresser, which he followed for nine years. He later engaged in the hotel business for nearly two years, and in 1834 he emigrated westward to try his fortunes on the broad prairies of Illinois. He settled on section 34, township 37, range n, about three miles southeast of the village of Lemont. At that time there were only two houses between Joliet and Chicago. The latter place was a small vil- lage, and the most far-sighted could not have dreamed of the prominence and importance which were to make it the metropolis of the West and one of the important cities of the world. Mr. Derby had for neighbors a brother-in-law, Jere- miah Luther, Orange Chauncy and Joshua Smith, all natives of Vermont except Mr. 'Luther, who W, R. DERBY. was born in New York. When Mr. Derby came to Cook County he had a span of horses, harness and wagon, some household effects and $40 in money. He disposed of his team in order to pay for his land when it came into market, and he was thus enabled to purchase one hundred and forty acres. It was wild land, but with charac- teristic energy he began its development, and in course of time transformed it into a fertile farm. He built a log house, in which he lived for about twenty-five years, and then erected a two-story brick residence, which he made his home until 1879, when he sold his farm (then containing two hundred acres) and removed to Lemont. Mr. Derby was married on the 28th of June, 1830, in Castile, New York, to Miss Eliza N. Luther. Together they traveled life's journey for about half a century. On the 5th of April, 1880, Mrs. Derby was called to the home beyond. She was beloved by all who knew her and her friends were many, By their marriage were born four children, of whom two are now living. Sylvester L-, the elder, was born in Castile, New York, September 18, 1836, and at a very early age was brought to Lemont, where he has since made his home. He graduated from the high school of Chicago, and during his early business career followed farming, but in 1879 he disposed of his land and removed to Lemont, where he embarked in the lumber trade, and also in the manufacture of lumber in Michigan. His standing as a busi- ness man is above reproach. His systematic methods, his enterprise and his fair and honor- able dealing have gained him the confidence and esteem of all with whom he has been brought in contact. He enjoys a liberal patronage, and has a well-equipped lumber-yard. On the 24th of September, 1855, l je was married to Charlotte D. Russell, of Dover, New Hampshire, and to them were born five children, four yet living, namely: Mrs. Ida E. Brown, Sylvester O.,O. R. and J. A. L. The three sons are associated with their father in the lumber trade. They are thor- ough business men, of sterling integrity, and the firm is one of prominence in the community. Sylvester L. Derby has been honored with sev- eral offices of trust, the duties of which have ever been discharged with promptness and fidel- ity. In politics he is a Republican. In 1892 he was President of the Illinois Retail Lumber Deal- ers' Association. Although he is now nearing his sixtieth birthday, he is still hale and hearty as a young man of twenty-five, and is recognized as one of the leading citizens of Lemont. John T. Derby, the younger son of William R. Derby, was born in Lemont, October 29, 1840, acquired his early education in a log schoolhouse at Gooding's Grove and later was graduated from Castile University. He began life as a school teacher in the town of Palos, Cook County, and for several years continued teaching in Cook and Will Counties. He studied law with Judge J. P. Atwood, of Chicago, where he was admitted to the Bar, and in 1 873 was chosen Assistant County Superintendent of Schools under George D. Plant, which position he held until the close of Mr. Plant's official term. He was the first City Attorney of Lemont, and was a member of its first Board of Education. On the 7th of May, 1862, was cele- brated his marriage with' Clara H. Dakin, of Millerton, Dutchess County, New York, and by their union were born three children, of whom Nettie E. and Edward D. are now living. Mrs. Derby died February i, 1885, and in 1886 Mr. Derby married Miss Abbie E. Jones, of Du Page, Will County, Illinois. He is at present engaged in the practice of law, and is a radical temper- ance man, who supports by his ballot the Prohi- bition party. William R. Derby, whose name heads this record, was an advocate of Democratic principles and was often called to office by his fellow-towns- men. He served as Supervisor, was also Justice of the Peace for five years, was Township Treas- urer sixteen years and Township Clerk for sev- eral years. In these various offices he was ever true and faithful. All who knew him respected him for his upright life and straightforward deal- ings and for a public and rjrivate career which were alike above reproach. LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS L. A. BUDLONG. . 191 LYMAN A. BUDLONG. j YMAN ARNOLD BUDLONG is a highly It representative type of all that constitutes a [_2r well-ordered life. He is descended from an ancestry which dates back to the crucial period of American history back to that period when the principles of liberty, involving perfect freedom of conscience first began to crystallize and take form in the minds and hearts of a brave and reso- lute people, from whom, as a nation, has been inherited that priceless legacy of liberty which is so distinctively American. From the best evidence extant, Francis Bud- long, the founder of his family, came to. this coun- try some time during the seventh decade of the seventeenth century, and effected a settlement in the province of Rhode Island. Here, in 1669, he married Mrs. Rebecca Howard (nee Lippit), of Warwick, Rhode Island. It was in the year 1675 that Massasoit, the renowned chieftain of the Wampanoags, died and was succeeded by his son Philip. Urged by his young warriors, Philip disregarded the treaty of his father, which had been kept by him for fifty years, and inaugurated a war for the purpose of destroying the whites and recovering his hunting grounds. For a year flame and the scalping-knife, in the hands of a merciless foe, wrought the destruction of more than six hundred houses, while nearly one thou- sand men fell in battle, and scores of women and children came tinder the tomahawk of the infuri- ated savages. During this struggle, known in history as King Philip's War, the family of Francis Budlong, save one, was massacred an in- fant boy having been spared. This little one was given a home in the family of Mr. John Lippit, its uncle, by whom it was reared, and from this rescued waif descended the numerous Budlongs widely scattered throughout the coun- try. Tradition asserts that they are of French origin, probably of Huguenot blood, as, a little previous to that time, a great number of Hugue- nots had fled from France to our shores to seek a place where they could exercise, without hind- rance, the privilege of free conscience. Lyman A. Budlong is of the seventh generation in direct descent from Francis, the founder of the family in America. His paternal grandfather and great-grandfather bore the name of Samuel, and gallantly served in the Continental army during the war for independence, the former as a drummer boy and the latter as a private soldier. The parents of Mr. Budlong were Joseph S. (born March i, 1804) and Mary Ann (Arnold, born April 20, 1804) Budlong, both of whom were born in Rhode Island, where their lives were passed. The father died March 14, 1887, and the mother departed this life January 5, 1894. Mary Ann (Arnold) Budlong was of the sev- enth generation from William Arnold, a native of Cheselbourne, England, who settled in Provi- dence Plantations (now Rhode Island) in early colonial days. Her parents were Ephraim and Waity (Warner) Arnold, the former being a son of Simon and Hannah (Chapman) Arnold. Of Joseph S. Budlong's ten children, nine grew to maturity and reared families. In order of birth, they are as follows: James Arnold (now deceased); Albert, who died in childhood; Will- 192 L. A. BUDLONG. iara Henry, a resident of Jersey City, New Jersey ; Lyman Arnold, the subject of this sketch; Mary Elizabeth, who became the wife of William Johnston, of Washington, Vermont, and died in 1862; Abbie Stone and Catherine Rhodes (twins), the former now the widow of Horace Bates, of Bel - lingham, Massachusetts the latter the wife of Daniel Burlingatne, of Cranston, Rhode Island; Waity Warner, who married William Tyler, of Brooklyn, New York; Joseph Arnold, a resident of Cook County, Illinois (see sketch in this work); and Simeon, who resides in Cumberland, Rhode Island. It was in the picturesquely rural town of Cranston, Rhode Island, that Lyman A. Bud- long was born, on the 22d of December, 1829. In the public school of his native town he was taught the rudimentary branches of learning, and subsequently he attended a seminary where a wider course of study was entered upon. When he was eighteen years old he was competent to teach, and for five years he was successfully en- gaged in that work during the winter months, devoting the rest of the year to farm labor. His first school lasted for a term of four months, for which he received twelve dollars per month, all of which he gave to his father. Subsequent to at- taining his majority he attended a few terms of school, which rounded out his education, making him highly proficient in the range of his studies and it is to the thoroughness of his educational training that is due in large measure his success in life. Equally painstaking had he been in acquiring a thorough knowledge, in all its details, of gar- dening. From his youth he was a connoisseur in plant-culture. He learned plant life as he learned books, by concentrated effort and intelligent ap- plication. It is in the combination of this mental and physical training, directed by a high aim, that enabled him to overcome adverse conditions, and, eventually, to reach the goal of successful accomplishment. His marriage with Miss Louise L. Newton, of Norwich, Vermont, was celebrated October 6, 1856. Mrs. Budlong was born in Norwich, Ver- mont, January i, 1833, and is a daughter of George and Orella (Snow) Newton, natives of Vermont, the former being a son of Dr. Israel Newton, who served through the Revolutionary war. To George and Orella (Snow) Newton were born two sons and four daughters, as fol- lows: Cyril C. (now deceased), who married Re- becca McConachie, by whom he had three chil- dren Emily, George and Mary; Louise L. (Mrs. L. A. Budlong); Lucy Amelia, widow of Mr. Lewis Wilson; Mary A., widow of Orlando Tal- cott; Ellen E. , wife of W. N. Spring, of Le Mars, Iowa; and George P., now deceased. Mr. Budlong, the subject of this sketch, contin- ued to reside in his native place until 1857, when, realizing that a constant narrowing of environ- ment was taking place in the East, he decided to seek in the West a field of operations where no restraint upon ambition from cramped surround- ings existed. He selected Cook County as the most promising field for contemplated operations. His working capital was small, but that in nowise checked the ardor of his ambitious spirit, although it necessitated beginning in a small way and on leased land. To increase his revenue, he taught a country school near his home during the winter of 1858-59, and in the two following winters he taught in the neighboring county of Du Page. The balance of the time was employed in garden- ing for the Chicago market. His income, though limited, was more than enough to meet his ex- penses, and the surplus was employed in extend- ing his operations. In 1861 he located on part of the estate he now occupies that of the late Dr. Foster and has made market-gardening his life's work. He is the pioneer of the West in the pickling business. His original plant was established im- mediately after his arrival in Cook County, the first output being four hundred bushels. From this modest beginning has grown his present mammoth business, the annual product of his present plant being one hundred thousand bush- els of pickles, one hundred thousand bushels of onions, and fifty thousand bushels of other kinds of market vegetables. This vast amount is grown on five hundred acres of land, which is tilled on the highest scientific principles. When L. A. BUDLONG. 193 he located upon this land, less than forty acres of a tract of six hundred was tillable. More than one hundred acres was a labyrinth of bog and quagmire, and the rest could be made arable only by an extensive system of drainage. Every acre has been reclaimed, subdued and brought to the highest state of perfection. In addition to the best drainage facilities, he has fitted up two pumping stations, with the best of modern appli- ances, to carry off the surplus water in wet sea- sons, when ordinary drainage is insufficient. One of these is located on a low tract of one hundred and twenty acres, and the other drains a quarter- section, their capacity being five thousand gallons a minute, each. During the harvesting season from July 15 to September 15 he employs an average of eight hundred people, and from one to two hundred during the balance of the year. All his products are justly celebrated for superior quality, his well- known brands being sufficient guaranty of their high excellence. A large part is sold direct to the jobbing trade in most of the states east of the Rocky Mountains, while no inconsiderable quan- tity is sold from wagons in the city to the retail trade. Mr. Budlong's career furnishes an illustration of the results to be obtained by a clear and well- defined purpose. He is not a theorist, but a calm, practical man, who reaches conclusions through a process of reasoning peculiar to men of methods and ripe experience. His well-defined power of application is particularly noticeable, and he is the possessor of marked administrative abilities. For many years, until his sons became competent, under his tutelage, to bear a part of the burden of cares arising from a large business, he person- ally superintended the operations of the various departments, carrying in his mind the innumer- able details. Although his life has been one of ceaseless activity, he has, withal, retained intact those pleasing social qualities which have made him so deservedly popular with all. His nature is thor- oughly democratic, and he caters to none because of wealth or social position. The laboring man upon his estate is treated with the same kindly consideration he would accord to a king. He is one of the most companionable of men, and, hav- ing been a close observer of passing events, and a student as well, he is an interesting and instruct- ive conversationalist. In early life Mr. Budlong's political preferment was for the Democratic party, but, being always an adherent of the principles which gave birth to the Republican party, he cast off his fealty to the former in 1 860, since which he has zealously sup- ported Republican men and measures. With local public affairs he has been prominently identified, having always taken an active and leading part in whatever, in his judgment, best subserved the public good. Upon the organization of the vill- age of Jefferson he was elected a trustee, in which capacity he has since served several times. He was also the first to be elected to the position of Mayor of the village. He held the office of school director twenty-eight consecutive years, until the village was merged in the city of Chi- cago. He is a prominent member of the Masonic order, being a charter member of Providence Lodge No. 711, of Jefferson, in which he accept- ably served many years as Worshipful Master. He is also identified with Corinthian Chapter, Apollo Commandery and Oriental Consistory, of Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. Budlong became the parents of five children, namely: Mary L., wife of A. L. Jones, of Mokena, Illinois; Edward L.; Lyman A. (deceased); Joseph J., and Laura W., wife of H. H. Chester, of Evanston, Illinois. All the children reside near their father, in pleasant homes, all worthily reflecting much credit upon their parents by the correctness of their lives. Mr. Budlong is essentially domestic, and derives much pleasure from the associations of the home circle, which has been enlarged by the arrival of thirteen grandchildren. His modern, well-appointed home is replete with all that a cultivated taste can suggest, and here he is spend- ing the evening of his days in the quiet content- ment of a successful and well-ordered life. His three- score and seven years rest lightly on his com- pact frame, time having made but slight impres- sion upon his rugged constitution. I 9 4 REV. C. F. EBINGER. REV. CHRISTIAN F. EBINGER. REV. CHRISTIAN FREDERICK EBIN- GER, the first minister of the Evangelical As- sociation ordained in Illinois, was numbered among the first permanent settlers of Cook Coun- ty. He took up his home in what is now the town of Niles in 1834. He was the youngest son of John and Katharine Ebinger, and was born February 8, 1812, near the city of Stuttgart, Germany. He was well educated in his native place, and reared to the occupation of florist and gardener. For a number of years he had charge of a flower garden of King William of Wurtem- berg. In 1831, John Ebinger, with his wife and three sons and one daughter, came to the United States and located at Detroit, Michigan. Early in 1834 he set out for Chicago, and in May of that year he pre-empted eighty acres of land on the Indian trail leading to Milwaukee, which was subsequently occupied by a plank road. He built a one-story log cabin, twenty-four by four- teen feet in ground dimension, and began life in true pioneer style. His children were: Frederick, John, Elizabeth (who became the wife of John Plank), and Christian F., all of whom are now deceased. Christian F. Ebinger had just attained his majority when he came with his parents to the United States. February 12, 1834, at Ann Ar- bor, Michigan, he was married to Miss Barbara Ruehle, who was born August n, 1812, in Indebach, near Stuttgart, Germany. Her par- ents were Joseph and Barbara (Schwegler) Ruehle. Her mother died when Mrs. Ebinger was eight years of age, and after her death her father married Eva Magdaline Allmeudinger. Mrs. Ebinger came to America in 1832, with her father and stepmother. They settled at Ann Arbor, Michigan, where the father died only six weeks after their arrival. She continued to re- side with her stepmother until her marriage, and then set out with her husband to accompany the latter' s parents to Chicago. All their belongings were placed in a light wagon, in which the old people rode, while the young couple made their honeymoon trip on foot, the journey consuming three weeks. They camped at night, with the blue canopy of heaven for a cover, and father and son took turns in guarding their resting-place against possible surprises by Indians or wild beasts. Christian F. Ebinger was reared in the Luth- eran Church, but in 1840 he became identified with the Evangelical Association, The follow- ing year he was ordained as a preacher, and acted in that capacity until his death. He oc- casionally supplied the pulpit for other ministers, but never became an itinerant. He followed farming, and was industrious and careful in his business methods, and was successful. He took a lively interest in public affairs, and was a friend to education. He served as school trustee for many years, and held nearly all the offices of the township, being its first assessor and overseer of the poor, and was many years supervisor. He died in 1879, after a useful career, and his funeral was one of the most notable in the community where he was the pioneer settler. ADOLPH ARNDT. 195 His family included thirteen children, of whom ten reached maturity, namely: Christian, a resi- dent of Niles; Mary, who became the wife of Henry Giffert, and died in 1860. (Her husband was a Union soldier, and died from injuries re- ceived in the Civil War. He was the father of William Giffert, now assessor of the West Town of Chicago.) Henry, now deceased; Eliza- beth, who was the wife of William Neff, and is deceased; Margaret, wife of Louis Grafius, of Chicago; Daniel, who died at the age of fifteen; Sarah, widow of William Weathers, now resid- ing with Mrs. Ebinger; Louise, wife of William Grafius, of Chicago; Caroline, Mrs. M. J. Good, of the same city; and William R., a resident of Aurora, Illinois. From the inception of the Republican party in 1856, Mr. Ebinger was one of its stanchest sup- porters. In the early years of his residence in Niles he dispensed a generous, open-handed hospitality to all comers, although he did not keep a hotel. The aboriginal inhabitants of the country were his friends, because he treated them with uniform kindness, and were often enter- tained at his home. He was intimately ac- quainted with Blackhawk, whom he often enter- tained, and who is described by Mrs. Ebinger as a man of fine appearance, who spoke English readily, and dressed in civilized costume. Mrs. Ebinger is one of the most interesting talkers upon early history in Chicago, although she has never mastered the English language, and converses freely with visitors, relating many interesting reminiscences. She has nearly com- pleted the eighty-fifth year of her age, and still assists with the labors of the household, and con- trols the management of an extensive farm. Her sister-in-law, the wife of Frederick Ebinger, was a resident of Fort Dearborn, having come from Ann Arbor as companion to Mrs. Wilcox, wife of the general in command of the fort. At the social functions which Mrs. Ebinger attended at the fort, she danced to the music of the only violin within a hundred miles. For some years after her settlement with her husband in Niles, there were no houses between their home and the village of Chicago, and the nearest residence to- ward Milwaukee was seven miles away. Her vision of Chicago, bounded by Fort Dearborn and the World's Fair, is one now enjoyed by very few. ADOLPH ARNDT. GlDOLPH ARNDT, a market-gardener of LJ South Evanston, is a representative Ger- / 1 man-American, who has resided in Cook County for nearly half a century. He was born in Schmolda, Prussia, June n, 1843, and is a son of Frederick and Anna Marie Arndt, natives of the same place. They, with their family of six children, came to America in 1854, landing at New York, whence they came direct to Chicago, arriving July 4 of that year. They located at Rosehill and engaged in farming on rented land. About six weeks after their arrival Mrs. Arndt died of cholera. Mr. Arndt continued farming until his death, which occurred a number of years ago. Adolph attended school for some time in Rose- hill and received a limited education. He was reared tQ farming and gardening, which have been his life work, and in which work he is -still en- gaged, operating about twenty-five acres. His father died before he was of age, therefore he early learned to depend upon himself, and is practically a self-made man, having acquired his valuable property by his own industry. In 1868 PETER BISDORFF. he bought twenty acres of land in sections 19 and 24, Evanston Township. This was new and un- improved land, which he cleared and improved himself. Mr. Arndt has always taken a lively interest in political affairs. He supports the Democratic party, and has held the offices of highway com- missioner and village trustee of South Evanston. May 12, 1869, he married Miss Mary, daughter of Peter Muno, whose biography appears on an- other page of this work. They have a family of ten children, namely: Elizabeth, wife of Michael Becker; Peter, who married Nettie Eiden, and resides at Edgewater; Henry, Charles, Christian, Mary, Joseph, William, Minnie and Theresa; two children died in infancy. All in this family are members of Saint Nicholas' Roman Catholic Church of South Evanston. Mr. Arndt is a good citizen, who encourages every worthy enter- prise. PETER BISDORFF, ("\ETER BISDORFF, an eminently respectable LX citizen and successful market-gardener, was [$ born January 8, 1841, near the city of Lux- emburg, Germany, and is a son of John and Kath- arine Bisdorff, both of whom were natives of the same locality. The father was a man of superior intelligence, and had the advantage of attending the best schools and colleges of Germany. His superior qualifications were recognized by his government, and he was given the important position of For- ester to the Crown, a place of honor and trust, which he filled many years to the entire satisfac- tion of his sovereign. Peter Bisdorff, whose name heads this article, passed the years of his minority in his native land, where he enjoyed the advantages of the splendid German school system and obtained a good education. In 1861, just after turning to his twentieth year, he went out from the parental home to secure a home and fortune for himself in America. After an uneventful voyage he disem- barked at New York, and at once made his way to Wisconsin, locating near Mineral Point. In 1862 he came to Chicago, where he had relatives, and at once began in earnest to lay the foundations for a successful career. He faith- fully served one employer four years and another two. His savings had been carefully laid by, and he was now enabled to open the business of market-gardening on his own account, although in a small way and on leased land. He had patience and perseverance, and each year added somewhat to his cash account, and in 1870 he was able to buy two lots near Halsted Street. This ground he cultivated most successfully eighteen years, and then traded for land on Argyle Street, where he now resides, and is engaged in gardening. At present he is the owner of six acres of land, five of which are devoted to cultivation of all kinds of vegetables for the city market. His career illustrates very aptly what can be accomplished in the long run, without capital at the start. Constant effort, intelligently directed, has won for Mr. Bisdorff that which he set out to acquire, namely, a competency to maintain him in comfort after his working days are over. Al- though his life has been a busy one, he has all this time kept himself thoroughly posted on cur- rent topics of the day, and is in touch with the spirit of the times. In politics he is independent, catering to no party, and is dominated by none, but votes as his best judgment directs him. His C. H. CEPERLY. 197 political interest stops at the exercise of suffrage, and he is in no sense an office seeker. He was married January 2, 1868, to Miss Anna Leider, a native of Wisconsin, who has borne him nine children: William, Nicholas, John, Katharine, Peter, Mary, Barbara, George and Joseph. Mr. and Mrs. Bisdorff and all of their children are members of St. Mathias' Roman Catholic Church, and are among its liberal sup- porters. Mrs. Bisdorff is the second daughter of William and Katharine (Michael) Leider, natives of Lux- emburg, who came to America in 1848, and settled in Ozaukee County, Wisconsin. Mrs. Bisdorff was born there July 14, 1849. The family included the following children: Mathias, Margaret (now deceased), Anna, Nicholas, John, Katharine, Samuel, George, Theodore and Bar- bara. Mathias and John live in Wisconsin, and all the others are residents of Chicago. Katha- rine is the wife of John Schiller, and Barbara, of Peter Funk. The mother of this family died in 1875, and the father survived her twelve years, dying in 1887. CORNELIUS H. CEPERLY. CORNELIUS HENRY CEPERLY, presi- I ( dent of the Old Settlers' Society of Rogers Vj Park, is a native of the State of New York, born October 31, 1841, in the town of Root, Schoharie County. He is the youngest child of Barnard and Dolly (Russell) Ceperly, both of whom were born in the same State, descendants of the early Dutch settlers of that region. They had a family of thirteen children, eleven of whom grew to maturity, and of this number five are liv- ing at this writing, namely: David, of Chicago; Daniel, a farmer of Gilmore City, Floyd County, Iowa; Hannah, widow of John A. Oliver, and a resident of West Monroe Street, Chicago; Clara, wife of William Russell, of Clarksville, Butler County, Iowa, and the subject of this notice. The father died in New York, and the mother came .West to settle with her sons about 1846, and lo- cated on a farm in Northfield Township, this county. Here Cornelius H. Ceperly grew to manhood, and received a fair education in the common school, which he attended in the winter months his time being occupied with the duties of the farm in summer. August 9, 1862, he enlisted as a soldier in Company G, One Hundred and Thirteenth Illi- nois Volunteer Infantry, and served until the in- tegrity of the Union was assured, participating in all the engagements in which his regiment fought. He never shirked, was never wounded or sick, but was always on duty at his post, until he was discharged, June 20, 1865, at Memphis.Tennessee. On his return from the field, he took up the arts of peace where he had left them, engaging for a short time in farming. He then resumed his practice in carpenter work, in which he had had some experience prior to going to the war, and became master of the trade. About 1868 he began contracting and building on his own ac- count, in which he continued with gratifying results to himself and patrons, until June, 1895. Since that time he has acted as building inspector in the service of the city of Chicago, and his pub- lic duties are discharged with the same care and fidelity which always characterized his work. The East End School and many of the residences at Rogers Park were erected by him, and his work testifies to his integrity and skill. In politics he is an ardent Republican, and his first presidential vote was cast for Abraham Lin- 198 MICHAEL WEBER. coin in 1864. He served several terms as a mem- ber of the school board of Rogers Park, and was one term its president. He takes a lively interest in the success of his part}-, which he believes to be devoted to the protection and service of the public interests, in which he aims to labor per- sonally. He is a regular attendant of the Con- gregational Church, of which his family are communicants, and is a member of the Royal Arcanum, Loyal League and Cumberland Post No. 737, Grand Army of the Republic. April 10, 1866, Mr. Ceperly was married to Miss Frances J. Kerr, a native of Roscoe, Winne- bago County, Illinois, a daughter of Charles and Ann (Larkin) Kerr, the former a native of Scot- land, and the latter of England. Mr. Kerr died February 14, 1874, his good wife having passed away November 8, 1873. Mr. and Mrs. Ceperly are the parents of a son and five daughters, namely: Clara, wife of Calistus Ennis, of Chicago; Cornelia, wife of R. M. Simon, the present recorder of Cook County; Walter, who resides with his parents; Alice (Mrs. John Jones) , of Rogers Park ; Lydia and Ruby , at home. Mr. Ceperly is a frank and genial gen- tleman, whom it is a 'pleasure to meet, and his friends are numbered by those who meet him in any of the relationships of life. MICHAEL WEBER. WEBER, a real-estate dealer residing at No. 3766 North Hermitage Avenue, Chicago, has been a resident of Cook County for forty-five years. He was born January 3, 1827, in Ebersheim, near Mainz, Rhein- Hessen, Germany, and reared to farm life there, receiving a good education. February 22, 1852, he was united in marriage with Miss Anna Maria Baer, who was born in Oberolm, near Mainz. About two weeks after their marriage they bade adieu to home and friends, and set out for far America, to seek a new home and make their fortune. They came direct to Cook County and located in the town of Ridgeville, where Mr. Weber bought the land on which he now resides. Some thirty years later his brother Mathiascame; three years later his sister, Mrs. Elizabeth Thart; and five years ago, his brother, John Weber, came to this country and located in Chicago, but their par- ents remained in Germany, where they died several years ago. After his arrival in Cook County Mr. Weber devoted his energies to farming and gardening, and by industry he acquired a hand- some property. At one time he owned one hun- dred and thirty-six acres of valuable land, and he also invested considerable in city property. In the Great Fire of 1871 he lost about eighteen thousand dollars' worth of property, but he was not discouraged, and renewed his activity in bus- iness. After this disaster he gave up farming, and in company with his son, Bernard F. Weber, en- gaged in real-estate transactions, which they con- ducted successfully several years. During the last eight years Mr. Weber has con- fined his operations to the. disposal of his own land. He occupies a beautiful residence, which he built in 1891. It is supplied with all the mod- ern improvements, and elegantly furnished, and he and his good wife live in happy contentment, surrounded by all the comforts of life and many of its luxuries. They began life in a humble way, amid the primitive surroundings of the pioneer days, and have earned, by their own prudence LIBRARY OF THE flNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS MATHIAS MANN (From Photo by W. J. ROOT) MATHIAS MANN. 199 and good management, the blessings which they enjoy. Their family includes a son and two daughters, all comfortably settled near them, namely: Bernard F. (see biography elsewhere in this work); Margaret, wife of Max Sorgatz; and Gertrude, Mrs. Fred Kellner, of Chicago. Mr. Weber has fulfilled the public duties of a good citizen, having served seven years as com- missioner of highways. In political matters he acts with the Democratic party. Both he and his wife are among the faithful members of Saint Henry's Roman Catholic Church, to whose sup- port they are liberal contributors. In all the years of his residence in Cook County, Mr. Weber has borne an important part in the development of city and country, and by his fair dealings and up- right character has won the confidence and re- spect of many friends. MATHIAS MANN. [ATHIAS MANN, an old settler and real- estate dealer of Rogers Park, is a native of Chicago, born February 16, 1844. His parents were Tillman and Katherine (Earth) Mann, both of whom were born and reared in Prussia and married there before coming to the United States. The name Mann is of English origin. The fam- ily was founded in Germany by the great-grand- father of our subject, who was a veterinary sur- geon by profession, and went to Germany during the early Napoleonic wars. The grandfather of Mathias was also a veterinary surgeon, and his father, Tillman Mann, served in the German Army as a horseshoer. Tillman Mann had two children, Nicholas and Mary, when he came to Chicago and settled on the North Side, in 1842. They traveled by water over the whole distance from the Fatherland. From New York they went by the Hudson River to Albany, and thence on the Erie Canal to Buffalo, where they took ship for Chicago, arriving in this city on the Na- tional holiday, July 4. For four years Mr. Mann labored in a brick yard in Chicago, and by saving his earnings lie was then enabled to purchase land which soon made him independent. He bought twenty-six acres on section 31 of Ridgeville Township, and engaged in farming and gardening. The subject of this sketch was born while the family resided in Chicago, and a daughter, Barbara, came at the farm home. All are still living except Mary. The father died January 26, 1872, and was sur- vived more than ten years by his wife, who passed away September 10, 1882. Mr. Mann was suc- cessful in life, and found opportunity to give some attention to the conduct of public affairs. He was chosen by his fellow-citizens to fill vari- ous official positions. Mathias Mann succeeded to the possession of the homestead, and continued farming and gar- dening until 1895, when he platted Mann's Addi- tion to Rogers Park, and is now engaged in dis- posing of the same and in the transaction of a general real-estate business. His sound and practical judgment and general intelligence fit him for the transaction of this kind of business. In politics Mr. Mann is a stanch Democrat, and takes an active part in the control of local affairs. He has served as trustee of the village of Rogers Park four years, was school director six years, and acted as judge of election in 1896. He is a public-spirited and progressive citizen, and takes a lively interest in all matters pertain- 200 J. A. BUDLONG. ing to the public welfare. He has been a di- rector in Saint Henry's Roman Catholic Church many years. April 23, 1868, Mr. Mann was married to Miss Margaret Muno, a native of Prussia, who came to this country in infancy with her parents, Peter and Mary K. Muno, of whom mention is made at length on another page of this volume. To Mr. and Mrs. Mann were born the following children: Mary K., wife of Joseph Trausch, of Rogers Park; Katharine M. , who became the wife of J. P. Jaeger, and died in 1893, leaving one child; Henry, Elizabeth, Birdie and Edward. Mrs. Mann died April 13, 1885. Mr. Mann has spent almost his entire life in Rogers Park, and has not only witnessed the growth and development of this beautiful suburb, but has contributed his share to its advancement, and is reckoned among its most worthy citizens. In 1894 he visited Europe and spent about three months in traveling among the interesting scenes of the Old World. JOSEPH A. BUDLONG. (JOSEPH ALBERT BUDLONG, a prosper- I ous florist of Chicago, is a native of Rhode (*/ Island, born March 17, 1841, at Cranston. He is a son of Joseph S. and Mary Ann (Arnold) Budlong, extended mention of whom, and their ancestry, is made in the sketch of L. A. Budlong, on other pages of this volume. Mr. Budlong's boyhood was passed under the parental roof, the public schools affording him the only means of an education, which, though mea- ger in scope, had the merit of thoroughness. In the great school of business experience, and through reading and observation, he has acquired a knowledge of men and things which makes him an intelligent and useful citizen. His father's occupation was market-gardening, and young Joseph was, early in life, introduced to an expe- rience between the rows of growing plants. He was thus employed until after passing his major- ity, when he decided upon a change of occupation and location, and went to Providence, Rhode Is- land, following the carpenter's trade two years. In 1862 he came to Cook County and joined his brother, Lyman A., who had settled here five years before, in the gardening and pickling busi- ness. From his brother he obtained employment on a salary, remaining with him three years. The country was low and almost continuously wet, and this, with other causes, gave rise to condi- tions which developed in him a serious rheumatic ailment, causing intense suffering, and he was eventually compelled to return to the East. In Brooklyn, New York, he secured a clerkship with another brother, who was a merchant, and while thus engaged he became acquainted with Miss Teresa Smith, to whom he was married February i, 1866. She is a native of Brooklyn, daughter of William and Priscilla (Timms) Smith, both of whom were born in London, England. Shortly after his marriage he returned, with his wife, to Cook County. Leasing land from his brother, he began gardening upon his own responsibility, and continued successfully two years. He then entered into a co-partnership with his brother in the gardening industry, and from a small beginning, they developed gradually one of the largest enterprises of its kind in the West. This business relation between the broth- ers was happy in conduct and results and was continued seventeen years, at the end of which period it was dissolved by mutual consent. The efforts of the subject of this sketch had CHARLES SMITH. 201 been so well directed that he was able to buy ten acres of ground, which he leased to another, who built greenhouses for the cultivation of vegeta- bles. Upon the expiration of this lease, Mr. Budlong assumed personal control and vigorously set about the cultivation of his own land. He extended the lines by erecting new greenhouses, and entered quite extensively upon the produc- tion of all kinds of garden vegetables, being thus engaged for a number of years. For the past ten years he has grown flowers exclusively, princi- pally roses and carnations for the cut-flower trade. This business, under his wise management, has been lucrative and has grown to great propor- tions. There are now upon his estate eighteen greenhouses, each having an area eighteen by two hundred feet, and one thirty by three hun- dred feet in size. The product is something enormous and is rapidly disposed of through the commission houses of the city. His is, probably, one of the largest individual businesses of the kind in the country, and it stands as the strong- est evidence that now, as ever success can be won by intelligent direction, supplemented by persistent and tireless effort. To Mr. Budlong and his estimable wife have been born three children. Albert Henry, the eldest, is married and resides near his father, having two children. The second died in early childhood. The youngest, Florence M., is the wife of John Spellman, of Kvanston, and the mother of one child. Mr. Budlong' s political affiliation is with the Republican party. He is prominently identified with the Masonic fraternity, being a charter mem- ber of Providence Lodge No. 711, of Jefferson. He maintains good standing in Corinthian Chap- ter, Royal Arch Masons, Apollo Commandery, Knights Templar, and Oriental Consistory, of this city. As no one can reach these exalted de- grees who is not of well-known probity and abil- ity, his standing in this great order is sufficient testimonial of his standing in the community which has been so long his home. CHARLES SMITH. /TjHARLES SMITH, one of the progressive I ( and successful German-American citizens of \J Cook County, is deserving of honorable mention among those who left home and native land, with all the endearing associations sur- rounding one's birthplace, to make a home and a name in the midst of strangers, whose language and customs were as strange as their faces. He was born February 26, 1854, near Hamburg, Schlesvvig-Holstein, Germany (then part of Den- mark). His parents, Asmusand Maria Schmidt, were born and lived at the same place until the death of the mother. Some years after this sad event, the father came to Chicago, and died at the home of the son whose name heads this notice, in 1891. Charles Smith received a good education in his native language and was early accustomed to the labors of the farm. He is made of the superior material which is not satisfied to sit down in idle contentment or drift with the current of events listlessly. He was not satisfied with his environ- ment and opportunities, and early determined to emigrate to that free country across the Atlantic Ocean, of which he had read and heard. In 1871 he arrived here, a poor boy of seventeen years, 202 J. G. FENN. yet rich in a good, sound mind and healthy body, with strong reliance upon himself and hopes of the future. When he reached Chicago he had about a dollar left, but he immediately went to work as a gardener, and continued diligently at work and saving his earnings until he had accu- mulated enough to begin business for himself in a small way. For a few years he tilled leased land, and by industry and careful management was able in time to purchase ground. In 1886 he bought seven acres of land on Touhy Avenue, Rogers Park (Chicago), and is now very comfortably situated, with a pleasant home and substantial furnishings. Here dwells a united and happy family. May 2, 1877, Mr. Smith was married to Miss Sophia Sobey, who was born April 21, 1854, in Wemorby, Sweden. Her parents died when she was but fourteen years old, and she came to America at eighteen, and has never re- gretted the fortune which brought her here. Three children complete the family of Mr. and Mrs. Smith, namely: Frederick, born July 25, 1878; Helen, October 3, 1882; and Lulu, March 3, 1888. Carl, born May 19, 1881, died at the age of eleven months. Though they are faithful believers in the faith of the Lutheran Church, on account of the distance from any house of worship of that denomination, they are accustomed to at- tend the Methodist Church services. Mr. Smith is held in high esteem by his fellow- citizens, as is attested by the fact that he was several times elected to the responsible position of trustee in the village of West Ridge while that corporation existed. He is not bound to any political party, and is wont to use his best efforts in securing honest and competent men to administer public affairs, regardless of party dis- tinctions. By upright practices and diligent at- tention to business he has gained the respect of all who know him and an independent position in the world. JOHN G. FENN. (JOHN GEORGE FENN, a representative \ German-American citizen who has now re- Q) tired from active life, has been a resident of Chicago since 1853, and now makes his home in that portion of the city known as Rogers Park. He was born October 22, 1825, in Kreis Unten Franken, Bavaria, and is the son of Charles and Margaret (Stratz) Fenn. The father was a cooper in his native land, and in 1853, with his wife and six children, came to the United States. Disembarking in New York on July 10 of that year, he proceeded by rail to Buffalo, New York, by boat to Detroit, and thence by rail to Chicago. He died in 1860, and his wife survived him nine- teen years. Their children, in order of birth, were: John George, whose name heads this sketch; Charles; John and Christian, who are now deceased; Margaret, wife of Charles Schmidt, residing in Wisconsin, and Barbara, who is also deceased. John George Fenn was reared in Bavaria, where he received the liberal education accorded to every German child, and became master of the cooper's trade, which he followed until he came to Chi- cago. The capital of the entire family on its ar- rival here consisted of about one hundred dol- LIBRARY OF THE HNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS REV. F. N. R. PKRRY REV. F. N. R. PERRY. 203 lars. The subject of this sketch soon found em- ployment in a lumber yard, and was so industri- ous and careful of his earnings that he was en- abled to go into business on his own account after three years. At that time he opened a restaurant at No. 229 North Clark Street, and continued there three years, when he bought a lot on the opposite side of the same street, and built a business block, which he immediately occupied. In the Great Fire of 1871 he lost all his posses- sions, including this building and two houses, for which he recovered a very little insurance. However, he had credit and friends, and im- mediately proceeded to rebuild, and continued the business about eight years on the same site. At the end of this period, owing to failing health, he was forced to give up business, and since 1879 he has been living a retired life at his present home. He has never taken much interest in political contests, and is content to leave to others the struggles of practical politics. August 31, 1863. he was married to Elizabeth Gundermann, a native of Hesse-Darmstadt, who came to the United States in 1854. She remained in New York City two years and then came to Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. Fenn are Lutherans in religious faith. The former is a member of the Ancient Order of Druids and the Sons of Hermann. REV. FRANK N, R. PERRY. REV. FRANK NOEL RANSOM PERRY, pastor of the Church of Our Lady of Lourdes at Ravenswood, is a representative of a prom- inent pioneer family of the State of Illinois. His maternal grandfather was Noel Le Vasseur, who was in Chicago when it was but a hamlet. He was the first settler at Bourbonnais Grove, in Kan- kakee County. He donated the site of Saint Vi- ator's College, and was long connected with the growth and development of that section of the State. Noel Le Vasseur came to Chicago with Gurdon S. Hubbard, who was his warm personal friend, and who. upon the death of Le Vasseur, went to Bourbonnais Grove to attend his funeral. Father Perry is the son of Albert S. Perry, who came to Illinois from Bridgeport, Connecticut. The subject of this sketch and his brother, Ed- ward H. Perry, are the only surviving members of the family of Albert S. Perry. Rev. Frank N. Perry was born in Kankakee, Illinois, February 9, 1862. He pursued a class- ical course of study at the College of Saint Viator's and his theological course in Saint Mary's Sem- inar}', at Baltimore, Maryland. He was ordained a priest June 16, 1887, and for about eight years succeeding his ordination he was assistant priest at Holy Name Cathedral in Chicago. The first religious services in the parish of which Father Perry now has charge were conducted by Father Coughlin at Bennett Hall, on the first Sunday in March, 1892. Services were held there until October of the same year, when the present church edifice was ready for occupancy. In May, 1893, on account of ill-health, Father Coughlin resigned pastoral charge of the parish, and was succeeded by Father Perry. The church was dedicated October 1 5th of the same year. In May, 1895, the priest's residence was completed. The parish, though comparatively young, is in a prosperous condition. 204 R. F. DILGER. ROBERT F. DILGER. ROBERT FRANK DILGER, a market-gar- dener of Chicago, residing at No. 4183 North Clark Street, is a native of Cook County, born January 13, 1859. He is the second son of Frank Paul and Charlotte (Wollner) Dilger. Frank P. Dilger was born at 2 o'clock on the morning of April 2, 1828, in Dorndorf, Koen- igreich, Wurtemberg, Germany, and died at Rose- hill, Cook County, Illinois, December 26, 1872, at'n o'clock A. M. Charlotte Wollner, born March 7, 1831, in Teszin, Mecklenburg-Schwer- in, Germany, died at 2:30 o'clock, November 24, 1869, at Rosehill. Mr. Dilger came to America in 1852, and located immediately at Chicago. Mrs. Dilger came with her parents to Milwaukee, Wisconsin, in 1851, and the next year removed to Chicago. They were married in this city, No- vember 29, 1856. All their children were born at Rosehill, as follows: Frank P., August 26, 1857; Robert F., January 13, 1859; Sophia, April 21, 1861; Mathias P., December 10, 1862; Anna Ma- ria, December 12, 1864. The last-named is the wife of William Volk, a grocer of Chicago. Ma- thias is a florist at Waukegan, Illinois. Frank P. Dilger enjoyed good educational ad- vantages in his native land, and there learned the carpenter's trade. On arriving in this country he continued as a journeyman for a short time, and then began the erection of buildings by contract. Many of the farm buildings in the former town- ship of Lake View, in Niles Township, and at Gross Point, were erected by him. He built the first Saint Henry's Church at what is now High Ridge. In connection with his building opera- tions, he carried on farming and gardening, where the son whose name heads this article now re- sides. At one time he owned a park at Rosehill Cemetery, which he exchanged in 1860 for eight acres of land, a part of which is now owned by Robert F. Dilger. He took a commendable in- terest in public affairs, but never sought an offi- cial position. He died at the age of forty-five years, in 1872, having survived his wife nearly four years. She passed away November 24, 1869. She was identified with the German Lu- theran Church, while he was a devoted member of Saint Henry's Catholic Church. Robert F. Dilger was educated in the public schools and has ever been an intelligent reader and observer. He is well informed on the ques- tions that engage public minds, and is a public- spirited and progressive citizen. He grew to manhood in the neighborhood in which he lives, and enjoys the respect and confidence of his con- temporaries. Believing that the Republican party is the exponent and advocate of the truest and best principles of public policy, as compared with other political organizations, he has ever been found among its most faithful adherents. While a boy Mr. Dilger worked eight years for Mr. Nicholas Kransz, of whom extended mention is made in this volume. After arriving at matu- rity, he spent three years in the seed store of J. C. Vaughan, a well-known seedsman and florist of Chicago. He has been self-sustaining since the age of thirteen years, and is essentially a self- H. E. ROUNDS. 205 made man. Being careful of his earnings, he was able, on leaving the service of Mr. Vaughan, to establish himself in business, and has continued ever since with gratifying success. November 24, 1887, he was married to Miss Maggie Riedel, daughter of Charles and Kathar- ine (Weber) Riedel, natives of Germany. Mrs. Dilger's parents now reside at De Pere, Wiscon- sin. She is the second of their six children. The others were: Mary, who died at the age of seven years; Charles, now a resident of Tacoma, Wash- ington; Edward, now deceased; Carrie and Lou- ise, the latter also deceased. Mrs. Dilger is the mother of three children, namely: Alois, Elmer and Robert Walter. The family is not connected with any church organization, but is respected and esteemed as among the best moral elements of the community. HORACE E. ROUNDS. HORACE E. ROUNDS, editor and proprietor of the Rogers Park News-Herald, is a native of Enosburg, Vermont, born September 29, 1838. He is a son of Lester and Aurilla (Parker) Rounds, the former being a native of Canada, and the latter of Vermont. The Rounds family is descended from English and Irish ancestry. Lester Rounds was a gentleman of good edu- cation, acquired in the schools and seminaries of Vermont and New York. He moved to the West in 1840, with his family, and settled in South port (now Kenosha), Wisconsin, in which locality he was among the first settlers. His fine attainments made him a desirable acquisition to the little frontier settlement, where he was one of the pioneer school teachers. In 1844 he moved to Ceresco (now Ripon), Wisconsin, founded by the "Fourierites," a society of the community order, originated by Francois Marie Charles Fourier, a French Socialist, whose plans for so- cial reform were never successfully realized. While living in Ceresco, Mr. Rounds was ap- pointed postmaster, which position he held until the phalanx went to pieces in 1848. In 1850, he, with three others (his brother, J. M. Rounds, William Starr and W. C. Dickerson) founded the village of Eureka, Wisconsin. Here Mr. Rounds, or "Uncle Lester," as he was familiarly called, established himself in a general mercantile business, in which he achieved con- siderable success. Being fitted by nature and ed- ucation for leadership, he became a sort of public functionary, holding many local offices, such as postmaster, justice of the peace and administrator of estates. In his early life he was an ardent Whig, and later espoused the principles of the Repub- lican party, being one of its most radical de- fenders. He was a man of great goodness of heart, and few men had a greater popularity at home than "Uncle Lester." To him and his de- voted wife were born five children, namely: Ster- ing P. , at one time public printer of the United States Government, and a gentleman of the high- est attainments, who died in 1887, aged nearly sixty years; Rhoda A. (Mrs. Alberts. Bolsten, of Sugar Grove, Illinois) ; Horace E. ; Edward Q. , who died at the age of three years; and Florence, who died in infancy. Lester Rounds died in 1888, at the age of eighty four years, and Mrs. Rounds in 1882, at the age of seventy-five years. The subject of this sketch was a year and a- 206 H. E. ROUNDS. half old when his parents settled at the present site of Kenosha, Wisconsin, and received his ed- ucation in Eureka, in such branches as were taught in district schools. In 1854, when fif- teen years of age, he came to Chicago, then a city of only sixty-five thousand people, to learn the printer's trade in the office of his brother Sterling, who was then proprietor of the most important job printing establishment in the city. He remained here six years, and thoroughly mastered the intricacies of the printer's art, also acquiring some proficiency in writing for the Chicago Sunday Leader and Rounds' Printers' Cabinet. The discovery of gold at Pike's Peak made him ambitious of acquiring wealth by the ' 'short cut, ' ' and in 1860 he started for that Eldorado in charge of a train of six wagons drawn by oxen, carrying mining machinery and supplies. Forty- five days were consumed going from St. Joseph to the Gregory mining camp. He remained a year and a-half in Russell Gulch, meeting with poor success, and finally sold the mill and ma- chinery for about one-fifth of its cost. He was a member of a law and order committee, which had for its object the trial and punishment of the many criminals who infested the mining camps, and assisted in preserving order at the execution of one criminal and in flogging another for heinous crimes. From there he went to Denver, Colorado, and with his brother, Sterling P. , bought a quarter interest in the Rocky Mountain News, remaining there eighteen months. In 1863 he sold to Gov. John Evans, returned to Chicago, and shortly after went to Eureka, Wisconsin, where he joined his father in the mercantile business, after being rejected as a volunteer for the Union army on ac- count of a temporary physical disability. In June, 1864, he tried again with better suc- cess and enlisted in Company C, Forty-first Wis- consin Volunteer Infantry, a hundred-day regi- ment, which went at once to Memphis, Tennes- see, in the vicinity of which it became actively engaged in desultory warfare with marauding bands of the enemy, under General Forrest, and other bushwhacking bands. He was at Memphis when the rebel General Forrest raided that city, and took part in the hot skirmish that followed. He served a month longer than his enlisted term. Returning to Eureka, he resumed business vt ith his father for a time, then established the Eureka Journal, the first and only paper the town ever had, conducting the enterprise one year. During this year, 1867, he was united in mar- riage with Miss Hattie N., daughter of LaFayette and Lucy M. Parker, of Racine, Wisconsin. Subsequent to this event, he went to Oshkcsh, Wisconsin, and established the Oshkosh Journal, having for a partner Hiram Morley. This vent- ure proved fairly successful, and after five years of unremitting toil in building up a circulation and acquiring a good advertising patronage, the business was sold to the Oshkosh Northwestern. Returning to Chicago in 1873, he again took a position with his brother, Sterling P., with whom he was associated for ten years. In 1884 he ac- cepted the assistant editorship of Peck' s Son, published at Milwaukee, Wisconsin, which po- sition he ably filled for two years, doing a large share of the literary work. Succeeding this, he established a job printing office in Milwaukee, which he conducted until 1891, which year dates the establishment of his present paper at Rogers Park, the News-Herald, which is considered to be one cf the essential fixtures of the place. Mr. Rounds is a member of Cumberland Post, No. 737, Grand Army of the Republic, of which he has been quartermaster ever since its forma- tion, except one year, when he was commander. He is a Republican in politics, and cast his first vote for the lamented Lincoln when a candidate for his second term. To Mr. and Mrs. Rounds have been born four children, three of whom are living: Elinor, wife of Howard D. McLeod, of Muskegon, Michigan; La Fayette and Aurilla. Both Mr. and Mrs. Rounds are members of the Congregational Church, and take an active interest in religious works. It can be truthfully said that much of the progress made by the handsome and thriving suburb of Rogers Park is due in considerable part to the publicity given it by the News- Herald. LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS WILLIAM S. JOHNSTON (From Photo by W. J. ROOT' W. S. JOHNSTON. 207 WILLIAM S. JOHNSTON. p QlLLIAM SKEA JOHNSTON, the well- \ A / known carriage manufacturer of Oak Park, V V comes of that sturdy, God-fearing Scotch lineage which has given so many substantial citi- zens to all the newer parts of the world. He was born January 12, 1841,111 the parish ofOrphir, in the Orkney Islands. His parents were John and Janet (Skea) Johnston. The former was born in the Shetland Islands, where his ancestors had lived for many generations. His father re- moved with his family to the Orkney Islands, where the son became a blacksmith. Mrs. Janet Johnston died in 1847. She was the mother of nine children, as follows: John, who died in Lon- don in 1848; James, now residing in Oak Park, Illinois; Janet (Mrs. Joseph Haloro), who still lives in the Orkney Islands; Thomas, a blacksmith in Stockton, California; Magnus, who died in childhood; William S., the subject of this sketch; Andrew, a blacksmith and carriage builder, re- siding in Chicago; Archibald, who died in the West Indies in 1867; and one who died in infancy. John Johnston married, as his second wife, Miss Katherine Wilson, who became the mother of four children, of whom the following is the rec- ord: Ann (Mrs. David Scott) died in Edin- burgh, Scotland; John resides in Oak Park; David died in the Orkney Islands, where Mary (Mrs. Peter Turn's) still resides. William S. Johnston learned the trade of a blacksmith in his father's shop, where he worked until he reached his majority. His educational advantages were very limited, but he has largely made up for the lack of early advantages by the use of rare business judgment and strong common sense. In the year 1862 he engaged with the Hudson Bay Company to go to York Factory, located about four miles from Hudson Bay, for five years. There he did various kinds of black- smith work for the Indians, in the interest of the above company, such as making traps, spears and axes, and repairing their guns and other im- plements. For this work he received thirty-six pounds a year and fifty acres of land at the end of the five years. At the end of his term of service he received a grant of a piece of land near Winni- peg, though at that time it was still a wilderness. This he sold and engaged for another year with the same company at Fort Pelley, in what is now Manitoba. He subsequently journeyed down the river to York Factory, where he took passage to London. Thence he went to his old home, and after a short visit, removed to Edinburgh, where he remained eighteen months, working at his trade. In 1870 he resolved to seek his fortune in the United States, and, having previously married, he came to New York, whence he continued his way to Wilmington, Will County, Illinois, where he worked for about one and a-half years. He re- moved in 1872 to Oak Park and opened a carriage and horse-shoeing shop on Lake Street, in a building which had previously been used as a carpenter shop. Though he received much oppo- sition and- even threats from others in the same line of work, he remained at his post and soon saw his business begin to prosper. After five years he erected a fine building, near the same lo- cation, and continued the business until 1886. During that year he built a more commodious structure on Harlem Avenue, and in 1887 opened 208 W. H. REEDY. a carriage shop, taking his two sons into partner- ship. This shop is complete in every detail, and is equipped for doing all work connected with car- riage and wagon building. He has also built a number of dwelling houses at Oak Park. November 19, 1869, Mr. Johnston was married in Edinburgh, Scotland, to Miss May Linklator Scarth, daughter of John Stuart Scarth and May Linklator. Mrs. Johnston, who is a lady of cult- ure and refinement, was born at Kirkwall, in the Orkney Islands, a town famous for its monument to the Covenanters who suffered martyrdom near there, as well as for St. Magnus' Cathedral, the oldest institution of its character in Scotland. John S. Scarth was the son of a British soldier, and was born on board a man-of-war en route to France from Malta, where his father had been stationed. The latter served twenty-one years in the army, participating in the Battle of Waterloo and many other engagements, and finally retired upon a pension. John S. Scarth learned the tailor's trade, but spent most of his life as an in- structor in vocal and instrumental music, for which art he had a peculiar talent. For forty years he was precentor at St. Magnus' Cathedral. He died in Liverpool, England, in 1888, aged seventy-nine years. His wife, who was descend- ed from an old Orkney family, died at the same place in 1875. Mr. and Mrs. Johnston have been the parents of six children, of whom two died in childhood. The others are: Ellen (.Mrs. Peter L. Petersen), of River Forest; Lillie, who is at home with her parents; John and Archibald, associated in busi- ness with their father. Two nieces, Adelaide and Flora, have also been adopted into the family. Mr. and Mrs. Johnston were members of the Free Church of Scotland, and are now connected with the First Presbyterian Church of Oak Park. In 1893 they made a visit to their old home in the Orkney Islands, and also to many other points of interest in England and Scotland. Fraternally Mr. Johnston is connected with Harlem Lodge No. 540, Ancient Free and Accepted Masons, and with General Grant Council No. 916, Royal Arcanum, both of Oak Park. WILLIAM H. REEDY. HENRY REEDY, an enterpris- ing young business man of Chicago, was born in Rock Island, Illinois, September 10, 1861, and is a son of John and Mary (Graham) Reedy. John Reedy was born at Manaugh, near Silvermines, County Tipperary, Ireland, and his wife was a native of the same country. He came to America in 1851, stopping in Cincinnati, Ohio, where he learned the trade of machinist. Three years later he went farther West, and after living temporarily at Muscatine, Iowa; St. Louis, Mis- souri, and other places, finally settled at Rock Island, Illinois, where he worked at his trade in the Deere Plow Works until 1872. In that year he removed to Chicago, which has since been his home. From 1872 to 1889 he was engaged in the Reedy Elevator Works, and since that time has been retired. Mrs. Mary Reedy died in Chicago April 20, 1897, at the age of sixty-six years. She was a faithful member of the Church of the Holy Name (Cathedral), in which the family has worshipped for many years. Nine children were born to Mr. and Mrs. Reedy, of whom two died in childhood. The others are: William H., of whom this article is written; Mary, Mrs. C. O. Foltz, Antioch, Illi- nois; John T., employed in the store of A. H. Abbott, Chicago; James W., a machinist in the T. L. HUMPHREVILLE. 209 works of the Reedy Elevator Company; Henry J., connected with the Board of Trade firm of Swartz & Dupee; Kate, Mrs. O. J. Walsh, of Chicago; and Graham D., bookkeeper in the of- fice of the Reedy Elevator Company. William H. Reedy, the subject of this sketch, attended the public schools of Rock Island and also of Chicago. In 1877 he left school and the following year entered the employ of Gardner, Stone & Company, a Board of Trade firm of Chi- cago, with whom he remained one year. In 1879 he became bookkeeper in the office of his uncle, J. W. Reedy, who was engaged in the manufacture of passenger and freight elevators. On the organization of The Reedy Elevator Manufacturing Company in 1885, J. W. Reedy became president and W. H. Reedy secretary and treasurer of that concern. In 1889 the former died and his sister succeeded to his office, but the latter still retains the offices held by him. The business was established in 1864 and has an extensive trade in the West, Northwest and South, and has a branch in New York City. September 18, 1889, Mr. Reedy was married to Miss Clara Downey, who was born in Liver- pool, England, and is a daughter of John and Mathilda Sophia (Fowler) Downey. This union has been blessed by four children, named in order of birth, Marie, Clara, Leo and Marguerite. The family is connected with St. Luke's Roman Catholic Church of River Forest. That beauti- ful village has been its home since 1891, and since 1893 it has occupied the elegant residence which was completed in that year. Mr. Reedy has been a Democrat in all National questions, but in local affairs he is independent of party prejudice. He has always been much interested in athletics, being himself well developed physically. In former years he devoted considerable attention to rowing, having been a member of two well-known boat clubs, the Delaware and the Iroquois. He was also at one time an enthusiastic hand-ball player, and for several years was interested in the game of base ball in a semi-professional way. In 1878 he was one of the .first amateur pitchers in Chicago to throw the curved ball, which had been introduced by professionals the previous season. THOMAS L. HUMPHREVILLE. 'HOMAS LIBERTY HUMPHREVILLE is one of the best known citizens of the village of River Forest, whose long years of professional labor have extended his acquaint- ance throughout Cook County. His lineage is traced from some of the oldest and most esteemed New England families, his ancestors on the paternal side, who were doubtless of English origin, having first settled in this country in the vicinity of West Haven, Connecticut. His grandfather, Lemuel Humphreville, was one of five brothers who resided in that locality. He was a farmer by occupation and served some time in the Continental army, contracting rheu- matism from exposure on the battlefield, on ac- count of which he was granted a furlough and went home to recuperate. While he was there his neighbors, who were nearly all tories, at- tacked his house at night with stones and clubs, breaking out the doors and windows, and mak- ing it uninhabitable for the time being. His son, Lemuel, then a lad of seven years, was knocked senseless by a stone. Lemuel Humphreville, senior, married a Miss Beecher, a member of the family from which sprang the noted Brooklyn divine of that name. Mr. and Mrs. Humphre- 210 T. L. HUMPHREVILLE. ville reared a family of seven daughters and two sons, most of whom were noted for their great longevity, two of the daughters reaching the age of ninety-eight years, and another, Anna Peck, surviving to the age of one hundred and three. Liberty Humphreville, the second son of this worthy couple, was born at Northfield, Litch- field County, Connecticut, his birthday being identical with that of the nation, July 4, 1776, on account of which fact he was so named by his patriotic father. While a young man he re- moved to Chenango County, New York, and thence to a farm in the town of Pompey, Onondaga County, New York. His death, which was caused by an accident in the hay-field, occurred July 20, 1818. His wife, whose maiden name was Milly Marsh, survived until 1857, passing away in Delphi, New York, at the age of sixty- seven years. She was also a native of Litchfield County, Connecticut, and her parents, Thomas Marsh and Polly Peck, became early settlers in Pompey, New York. Besides Mrs. Humphre- ville, their family included a daughter, Sally, and three sons, Edward, Hiram and Thomas Horatio. The last-named, who was an attorney by profes- sion, was for some years a resident of Chicago. Liberty and Milly Humphreville were the parents of two sons and two daughters: Charles L., who died at the age of twenty-two years; Lucena, Mrs. Charles Jones, who died in River Forest, Illinois, in 1895, at the age of eighty-three years; Olive, wife of Dr. Eli Cook, who died in Delphi, New York; and Thomas Liberty. The last-named was born at Pompey, New York, July 16, 1817. His early boyhood was passed upon a farm, the time being varied with attendance at the country school and one or two terms at a select school. In the seventeenth year of his age he turned his back upon his home and early associations, determined to seek his fortune in the western wilds of Michigan, a point which seemed as remote at that time as China or Japan are to the people of Chicago at the present day. With all his possessions packed in a small hand satchel, he made the journey from Syracuse to Buffalo by way of the Erie Canal. At the latter city he met a former school-mate, whose hospitable reception served to alleviate the pangs of homesickness which he had begun to feel, and permitted him to continue the journey with a cheerful heart. The steamer "Daniel Webster" bore him from Buffalo to Detroit, whence he traveled by stage to Saline, Michigan, a frontier town, in which his uncle, Thomas H. Marsh, was engaged in the practice of law. At the lat- ter 's suggestion he determined to fit himself for that profession, but in the mean time was obliged to become a clerk in a general store in order to earn a livelihood. He spent several years in that way, pursuing his legal studies by night, and at odd intervals, often burning his tallow candle or dip until 3 o'clock in the morning. Once each year during her lifetime, he made the journey to New York to visit his mother. In 1843 he was admitted to the bar at Ann Arbor, and for a num- ber of years thereafter he was engaged in legal practice in that city and the adjacent towns, re- taining his residence at Saline. He was subse- quently employed by mercantile houses in New York City to attend to their legal business through the West, his operations extending to several States. In 1863 he located in Chicago, where he has ever since been engaged in general practice. His first office was on Randolph Street, and at the time of the city's destruction by fire, eight years after his arrival, his place of business was at No. 87 Washington Street. At that time he had an elegant residence on the lake shore, at Whitney Street (now Walton Place), which, with its con- tents, was also destroyed. He and his family barely escaped with a horse and buggy, taking such few articles as they could carry and fifteen dollars in cash. Driving to the country on the north-west side of the city, they encamped on the prairie for the first night, amid thousands of other homeless refugees. Many victims of that awful holocaust who had less reason to feel discouraged than Mr. Humphreville, gave up in despair, but though then past fifty years of age, he set res- olutely about the task of retrieving his fortunes and providing a home for his family. In a few days he secured the use of a building at the cor- ner of Green and Van Buren Streets, which served DELOS HULL. 211 for a time the double purpose of office and resi- dence, the office portion being shared with several other attorneys. Old and new clients began to seek his services, and a prosperous practice was soon established. Since May 27, 1881, his home has been at River Forest, 'and for twelve years past he has served as police magistrate of that village. The high regard in which he is held by members of his profession and the uniform fair- ness of his decisions cause many cases to be brought to his court for adjudication from all parts of the city and county. Mr. Humphreville was married December 3 1 , 1843, at Saline, Michigan, to Miss Ann Eliza Oliphant, a native of Barnegat, New Jersey. She died in April, 1846, leaving one daughter, Anna Eugenia, now the wife of R. M. Van Ars- dale, of New York City. Mr. Humphreville was again married, July 16, 1848, the bride being Mary Ann Gurley, daughter of Dr. Royal and Sally (Post) Gurley, of Saline, Michigan. This lady was born in Ontario County, Michigan, and died at River Forest, Illinois, June 20, 1885, aged nearly fifty-two years. She bore her hus- band five sous, named respectively, James Royal, Torrence Liberty, Erasmus Darwin, Gurley Mc- Clellan and Louie D. The second son is engaged in business at Fondis, Elbert County, Colorado, and all the others reside in Cook Count}-. Mr. Humphreville has always been a consistent Democrat. He cast his first Presidential vote for Martin Van Buren in 1840, and recalls many in- teresting reminiscences of that famous "hard cider" campaign. He was postmaster at Saline, Michigan, for eight years or more, receiving his official commission from President Tyler. Mr. Humphreville also served several terms as Cir- cuit Court Commissioner in Washtenaw County, Michigan. In 1885 he was appointed postmaster at River Forest by President Cleveland, holding that office until its consolidation, four years later, with the Oak Park office. Though nearly eighty years of age, he is still as sprightly and active as most men of forty or fifty. The dignified and honorable course which he has always pursued, whether acting in an official capacity or in that of a private citizen, causes him to be universally esteemed. DELOS HULL, 0ELOS HULL, one of the most patriotic and public-spirited citizens of Oak Park, was born at Lafayette, Onondaga County, New York, April 12, 1842. Heisason of EdwardH. Hull and Maria Van Valkenburgh, the former of whom was born at Truxton, Cortland County, New York, November i, 1806, and died at Lombard, Illinois, May 22, 1878. He learned his father's trade, that of miller, and afterwards en- gaged in mercantile business at De Ruyter, New York. Later he read law with A. Scott Sloan, since a judge of the Supreme Court of Wisconsin, and also with H. C. Miner, at De Ruyter, New York. In 1852 he headed a company of sixteen emigrants who went to California by way of the isthmus. There he engaged in mining for two years, and afterwards operated a grist mill at San Jose, an enterprise which proved quite remunera- tive. In the spring of 1856 he returned to New York, and the next fall came to Illinois, making his home at Lombard, where he practiced law during the remainder of his life. He filled a number of public offices in Du Page County, in- cluding those of district attorney, clerk of the circuit court and county recorder. The ancestry of this family has been traced to 212 DELOS HULL. Tristram Hull, who came from Hull, England, in 1632, and settled on Nantucket Island. He was a sea-faring man and commanded a merchant ves- sel. He and his people were Quakers and suf- fered their share of the persecution which was accorded to their sect in those days. One of his female relatives was burned at the stake for "her- esy" on the public square of Boston. John Hull, one of the descendants of Tristram Hull, laid out the city of Hudson, New York, at which place his son, George, the father of Edward Hull, was born in 1787. George Hull died at Oak Park in 1886, lacking only six months of being one hun- dred years old. His mother, whose maiden name was Anna Haight, reached the age of ninety-four years. Sallie Barnard, who became the wife of George Hull, was the daughter of a sea captain, who was a relative of Benjamin Franklin. Her mother's maiden name was Myrick. Mrs. Maria Hull was born at Canaan, Colum- bia County, New York, in August, 1812. The names of her parents were Lambert Van Valken- burgh and Freelove Aylesworth. Mr. Van Valk- enburgh was a scion of one of the Knickerbocker families, and became a prominent farmer near Lockport, Niagara County, New York, where he settled about 1820. Mrs. Hull is now living at Oak Park, having reached the venerable age of eighty-five years. She is the mother of five sons and one daughter who survived the period of childhood. Of these, George Henry and Frank- lin are now deceased; Thomas M. is a well-known citizen of Wheaton, Illinois; Dewitt C., who served two years in Company D, Seventeenth New York Cavalry, died in July, 1865, from disease contracted in the service; Delos is a twin brother of the last-named; and Sally J. is the widow of Liberty Jones, and now resides at Oak Park. Delos Hull was six years old when the family removed to De Ruyter, New York, where he at- tended the public schools and the Seventh Day Baptist Seminary. In June, 1858, he came to Lombard, Illinois, and continued his studies for a time. His first business experience was acquired as clerk in a general store in Lombard, and in 1860 he began teaching in the country schools near that village. The next spring he became a bookkeeper in the first steam laundry opened in Chicago, but abandoned that occupation to go to the defense of his country, enlisting on the 2oth of August, 1861, in Company H, Eighth Regi- ment Illinois Cavalry, known as Farnsworth's Black Abolition Regiment. He served in the Ar- my of the Potomac during his entire service, being in almost constant activity until July 21, 1865, when he was honorably discharged. He partici- pated in nearly all of the engagements of that army, including many cavalry fights and a num- ber of general battles, among which may be men- tioned Williamsburgh, Fredericksburg, Antietam, Gettysburg, South Mountain, and the Seven Days' Campaign in the Wilderness. The next morning after the battle of South Mountain his regiment was sent out to Boonesboro to reconnoiter, and unexpectedly encountered a force of four thousand Confederates, which they defeated in a hand to hand fight, by the use of seven-shooting carbines, which had then just been introduced, and took the enemy considerably by surprise. It was in this conflict Mr. Hull was struck by a spent ball, which was stopped by a diary in his pocket, but escaped serious injury throughout, which seems almost miraculous, considering the many dangers to which he was exposed. Upon the return of peace he was employed for about one year by the American Express Compa- ny in Chicago, and in the fall of 1866 he went to Lockport, New York, where he was in the employ of his uncle, D. A. Van Valkenburgh. Two years later he returned to Lombard and engaged in farming and dairying. But he was of too active and enterprising a spirit to be long contented in that occupation. In the fall of 1870 he became assistant bookkeeper in the Chicago office of the Weed Sewing Machine Company, and soon after took charge of its city business. One year later he became the state agent of that concern for Min- nesota, making his headquarters at St. Paul. He afterwards traveled for three years as special rep- resentative of the company, and about 1876 start- ed an independent city agency in Chicago in company with J. VV. Kettlestrings. He subse- quently became traveling representative of the A. H. PRESTON. 213 clothing house of Charles P. Kellogg & Company, which connection was continued until his appoint- ment, June i, 1889, to the office of postmaster at Oak Park, a position which he held until April, 1 894. During the previous year he had purchased the coal business of Johnston & Company, at that village, to which he has since devoted most of his time and attention. Under his management the trade has grown to considerable proportions, and besides doing an extensive retail business, which employs a number of men and teams, a wholesale office was established in Chicago, May i, 1897. He is also president of the Oak Park Business Men's Association. December 31, 1868, Mr. Hull was married, at Oak Park, Illinois, to Amelia E. Whaples, daugh- ter of Reuben Whaples, one of the pioneers of northern Illinois. Of three children born to this union, two sons died in infancy, the only survivor being a daughter, Mabel L., now the wife of George Sinden, of Oak Park. Mr. Hull is a member of the First Congregational Church of Oak Park; and, being naturally of a social and genial nature, has affiliated with a num- ber of fraternal organizations, among which may be mentioned the Masonic order, the Inde- pendent Order of Odd Fellows, Grand Army of the Republic, and the Royal League. He has al- ways been a stanch Republican, but has never filled any elective office. Embodying the phys- ical vigor and unswerving devotion to principle which distinguished many of his progenitors, he commands the respect and admiration of all with whom he comes in contact. AUGUSTUS H. PRESTON. GJUGUSTUS HITCHCOCK PRESTON en- I \ joys the unique distinction of being the old- / i est locomotive engineer (measured in years of continuous service) whose headquarters is Chicago. He has been in the railway train serv- ice for about forty -five years, and since 1855 has been employed as an engineer on the lines now in- cluded in the Chicago & Northwestern system. During all this time he has never lost a whole month nor been suspended for any cause. He has covered in all about 2,200,000 miles, and though by the rules of the company he was entitled to retire on a pension several years since, he is still hale and hearty, and continues to cover his daily route with the regularity of clock-work. Mr. Preston was born at Atwater, Ohio, De- cember i, 1831, the names of his parents being Justus and Sina (Hall) Preston. The ancestorsof Justus Preston were among the colonial emigrants who came from England and settled in this coun- try in 1635. He was born near Meriden, Con- necticut, where his father died about ten years subsequent to his birth. The boy learned the trade of wheel-wright.and during the War of 1812 spent about three months in military service, being employed in defense of the New England coast. He subsequently removed to Atwater, Ohio, and followed his trade there for a number of years. Thence he removed his family and ef- fects with ox-teams to Illinois in 1837. He settled at Sycamore, DeKalb County, near which place he bought a large tract of land from the United States Government and engaged in farming. He was a natural mechanic, and made most of his agricultural implements, besides erecting his farm buildings. His first house at this place, which was built of logs and roofed with split shingles, did not contain a single nail. He died June 2, 1847, at the age of fifty-three years. He was a man of simple tastes, who concerned 2I 4 A. H. PRESTON. himself but little with public affairs. He was married at Meriden, Connecticut, to Lodema Brockett, who died at Atwater, Ohio, about 1827, leaving one son, Jared, a farmer now residing at Genoa, Illinois. Mr. Preston's second wife was a Miss Hall, of Wallingford, Connecticut, to whom he was united January 18, 1829. She died Feb- ruary 26, 1869, at the age of sixty-seven years. She was the mother of six children, as follows: Henry, who died at Genoa, Illinois, in February, 1868, in the thirty-eighth year of his age; Au- gustus H.; Charles; George; Norman and Eliza- beth, Mrs. De Witt Greene. The last-named lives in Chicago, the two youngest sons live at Sycamore, and Charles at Genoa, Illinois. Augustus H. Preston spent most of his boy- hood upon his father's farm. While driving thence to Chicago in June, 1847, he saw a loco- motive for the first time in his life, near the pres- ent village of Oak Park. The following fall he came to the city and began to learn the black- smith trade, in the shop of Hollingsworth & Pierce, which stood on the east side of Canal Street, between Randolph and Lake Streets, west of which was then along stretch of open prairie. In July, 1852, he began work on the Michigan Central Railroad, as a fireman, and on the 24th of June of the following year, entered the employ of the Chicago & Galena Union Railroad. Two years later he was promoted to the position of engineer, in which capacity he was first employed on a gravel train at Sterling, Illinois. For two years, beginning in 1857, he drew an accommo- dation train between that place and Fulton, haul- ing all the freight and passengers between those points. After this he was placed in charge of passenger trains between Chicago and Fulton, and since the consolidation of the road with the Chicago & Northwestern in 1864, has been al- most constantly employed on passenger trains. For several years he spent two weeks of each month drawing the pay-car over the entire sys- tem. From 1865 to 1890 he drew nearly all the special fast trains sent out over the road. In June, 1866, he hauled a special fast excursion train to Omaha and return, for the officials of the road, and two months later took a party of editors to Omaha on another fast run. In June, 1876, he took the Jurrett & Palmer Special Fast Con- tinental Train from Chicago to Clinton, covering the distance of 140 miles in two hours and thirty minutes, stopping eight minutes for water. This was the fastest time made by the train on any di- vision between New York and San Francisco. In the period covered by the World's Fair Mr. Preston covered 96,000 miles and carried 100,000 passengers. During his connection with this system he has drawn material for the construction of about 1 50 miles of its lines, and for three months drew a passenger train between Clinton and Marshalltown, Iowa, when there was not a house along the route. Mr. Preston was married September 8, 1856, to Eliza, daughter of Dorastus and Juliet (Saf- ford) Wright, of Elgin, Illinois. Mrs. Preston was born at Malone, New York, and came to Illinois with her parents in 1849. Her father, who was a carpenter by trade, was born at Fair- field, Vermont, and died at Nelson, Illinois, in 1864, aged sixty-six years, his remains being in- terred at Elgin. Both he and his wife were of English lineage, and sprang from some of the earliest Vermont families. Mrs. Juliet Wright died at Elgin in 1863, at the age of fifty-three years. She was born at Cambridge, Vermont, and was a daughter of Eric Safford, whose father, David Safford, served as an officer in the Con- tinental Army. Mr. and Mrs. Preston are the parents of five children, of whom the following is the record: Frank D. is an engineer on the Chicago & North- western Railroad, living at Oak Park; Harry W., who lives at Danville, Illinois, holds a similar position on the Chicago & Eastern Illinois Rail- road; Juliet is the wife of C. H. Haight, of New York City; Percy C. is a fireman on the Chicago & Northwestern Railroad, residing at Elgin, Illi- nois; and Jessie M. is still with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Preston are communicants of Grace Church (Episcopal) of Oak Park, and the for- mer is a member of the Brotherhood of Loco- motive Engineers and of the Masonic order, be- ing identified with Harlem Lodge No. 540, and Cicero Chapter No. 180. LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS WILLIAM BEYE WILLIAM BEYE. 215 WILLIAM BEYE. (3 QlLLIAM BEYE. In the death of William \Al ^ e y e > which occurred at his home in Oak V V Park, April 10, 1897, Cook County lost a patriotic and exemplary citizen, and the city of Chicago lost an energetic and useful business man. Though an alien by birth, he was a thorough rep- resentative of American principles and senti- ments, and no citizen of the United States could have been more loyal to the traditions of this country. He was born in Halle, Duchy of Brunswick, Germany, May 12, 1841. He was the son of Henry and Hannah (Bummer) Beye, his father's name being probably of French origin. Henry Beye was the proprietor of a stone quarry which furnished material for buildings. He died in Halle, in the fall of 1886, at the age of eighty-three years. He was a prominent citizen, interested in public affairs, of temperate habits, and a mem- ber of the Lutheran Church. Mrs. Hannah Beye died at the age of fifty-three years, in 1857, leaving four children, namely: Hannah (Mrs. Wiechert), former wife of C. Lember, who was killed near Stover, Missouri, soon after the Civil War commenced. (He was a Union soldier and was killed by a guerrilla.) Henry, who died Sep- tember 13, 1895. in Marshall Count)', Iowa, at the age of sixty years; William; and Fred, who still lives at the old homestead in Germany. Hen- ry Beye, senior, married a second time, having one daughter, now Mrs. Eiler, of Marshall Coun- ty, Iowa. William Beye lived in his native country until he was fifteen years old, receiving a common- school education. In 1856 he came to the United States, locating in Elk Grove Township, Cook County, with his cousin, Louis Albright. He spent the next few years in farm work, attending school in winter. In September, 1861, he en- listed in Company D, Eighth Illinois Cavalry, and was mustered out in the Army of the Poto- mac. After serving two and one-half years, he re-enlisted in the same company. He took part in the battles of Williamsburg and Fair Oaks, when Companies F and D acted as body guard of General Keyes throughout the seven-days fight. On the last day of this campaign, the troops on the James River were overtaken by a terrific thun- derstorm, and many of the men thought the last day of the world had come. On reaching Alex- andria, they were joined by Pope's returning army. The next fight was at South Mountain, where they met Allen Pinkerton, who brought news of the surrender of Harper's Ferry. During the week between South Mountain and Antietam, there was almost constant fighting. His regi- ment held a bridge leading towards Sharpsburg, under fire of a Confederate battery. Mr. Beye took part in the review of the army by President Lincoln, soon after which General Burnside took command. After the battle of Fredericksburg they were sent further South, and guarded the ex- treme left of the army during the following winter. In June, 1863, Mr. Beye was at Chancellorsville under General Hooker. During Lee's invasion of Pennsylvania, they came almost every day into active service. On the second day of Gettysburg Mr. Beye was left a target for many rebel bullets, in an open field, having been separated from the rest of the company. Before the battle closed, his regiment, with others, was sent to Boonesboro, to intercept the retreat of the enemy. They had constant fighting for a week, when Leerecrossed the Poto- 216 A. A. KNAPP. mac. After the battle of Gettysburg they were alternately driving and being driven, till the two armies confronted each other on the Rappahan- nock, in the second battle of Fredericksburg. In the spring of 1864 his brigade was employed in keeping the guerrillas in subjection in Lowdon Valley. During General Early's advance upon Washington, in the summer of 1864, they were employed in the defense of that city. From this time until Lee's surrender, their headquarters were at Fairfax Court House. They received the news of Lincoln's assassination about one o'clock on the morning following its occurrence, with orders to guard all roads and ferries. The regiment acted as an escort at his funeral, soon after which they were sent by way of the Baltimore & Ohio Rail- road to Parkersburg, Virginia, thence down the Ohio River to Saint Louis, where they were mus- tered out. Returning to Illinois, Mr. Beye attended the Elgin Academy one winter, then entered Bryant & Stratton's Business College, and obtained a sit- uation in the county treasurer's office, where he remained sixteen years. For twelve years he was left in complete charge, as assistant treasurer, un- der eight different heads of that department. His reliability in discharging the duties of that respon- sible position was so generally recognized that the bondsmen of each successive treasurer, during this time, required his retention in that place. In the spring of 1883 Mr. Be}^e entered into partnership with James H. Heald, forming the grain and commission firm of William Beye & Company. In the following winter they were joined by J. C. Howell, the firm becoming Howell, Beye & Company, which firm continued to do business until 1889, when Mr. Beye withdrew and became a stockholder in the well-known McNeill & Higgins Company, wholesale grocers, and he was identified with it until his death. He was also to some extent interested in banking in the city. In 1878 he was married to Miss Nellie C. Lom- bard, of Boston, Massachusetts, and they had eight children, who are still living, namely: Han- nah C. ; Marian and William, junior, who are" students at Oak Park High School; Cudworth, Howard, Edward Lawrence, Elizabeth and Hel- en J. The family of William Beye has lived in Oak Park since 1884, and attends the Unity Church in that village. Mr. Beye was always a Republican in politics. He was a member of the Oak Park Club, which he served as president, and of Phil Sheridan Post, Grand Army of the Republic. For a number of years he was a member of the board of education in Oak Park. After a very short illness Mr. Beye died, as above noted, at his home, No. 242 Maple Avenue, in Oak Park. ALBERT A KNAPP. Gl LBERT ASA KNAPP, a well-known busi- I_l ness man of Oak Park , was born in the town / I of York, Du Page County, Illinois, January 20, 1852, and is a son of Asa Knapp, of whom an extended notice appears elsewhere in this volume. He spent his boyhood on his father's farm, and attended the district school. Later he became a student at Wheaton College, and after completing his studies returned to the farm. From 1872 to 1882 he carried on a cotton plantation at Athens, Alabama. In the latter year he again took up farming in Du Page Count}-, which he continued until 1891, when he removed to Oak Park and opened a livery business. He is still engaged in ASA KNAPP. 217 that vocation, which has proved very lucrative and successful, he having one of the most finely equipped stands of the kind in Cook County. July 20, 1876, Mr. Knapp was united in mar- riage to Miss Ellen Sabin, who was born in Schaumburg, Cook County, Illinois. Mrs. Knapp is a daughter of John and Laura (Aldridge) Sabin, who came from Susquehanna County, Pennsylvania, to Schaumburg, Illinois, in 1845, being among the early settlers of that locality. John Sabin was a native of Connecticut. Five children have blessed the union of Mr. and Mrs. Knapp, as follows: Asa Lee, Grace, Earl, Hattie and Owen. All are at home, and all except the eldest and the youngest are in school. Fra- ternally, Mr. Knapp is a member of Court Oak Park No. 3119, Independent Order of Foresters. In politics he is an ardent Republican. ASA KNAPP. (S\ SA KNAPP, an early pioneer of DuPage LJ County, Illinois, who was for over twenty / I years a resident of Cook County, was born at Pine Plains, Dutchess County, New York, March ii, 1811, and died at Melrose Park, Illinois, August 23, 1896. The Knapp family is of Ger- man origin, but has been located in America for several generations. The father and grandfather of the subject of this notice, each of whom bore the name of Asa, were natives of Connecticut, and became farmers in Dutchess County, New York. Asa Knapp, of whom this sketch is written, spent his boyhood on his father's farm and grew to be a fine specimen of physical manhood. He also acquired a practical knowledge of business affairs and was well fitted to lead a pioneer life. Having reached his thirtieth year he resolved to invest his savings in a region where land was cheap, and to aid in the development of the Great West. Accordingly, in 1837 he removed to the prairies of DuPage County, where he purchased a claim to a half-section of land in the town of York, for which he paid five hundred dollars. Two years later, when the survey was made, he was obliged to pay one dollar and a-quarter per acre in addition, to the United States Government. This land was soon brought under cultivation and he rapidly acquired more. At one time he had one thousand acres and was able to give a finely improved farm to each of his three sons, be- sides retaining the original homestead. He was a persistent, hard-working man, and though a part of his land was rented he always gave it care- ful supervision. He took an active interest in the affairs of the town and county and held sev- eral offices of trust and honor, being supervisor of the town of York in 1854, and serving as a mem- ber of the DuPage County Board of Commission- ers in 1846-47-48. Wishing to give his children better educational advantages, Mr. Knapp removed in 1861 to Oak Park, where he resided about two years. He then returned to his old home, but in 1876 retired from active farm life, removing to Melrose Park. There he spent his declining years, still giving personal attention to his business affairs and retaining his health and strength until a short time before his death. October 10, 1841, Mr. Knapp was married to Philura Plummer, daughter of Caleb and Polly (Webster) Plummer. Caleb Plummer was born in Vermont, March 31, 1780, and removed to Alden, Erie Count}', New York, where he mar- ried and where his daughter Philura was born August 6, 1818. He died there November 29, 218 GEORGE NORDENHOLT. 1840. His wife was born March 3, 1783, and died in DuPage County, Illinois, August 2, 1853. Eight children blessed the union of Mr. and Mrs. Knapp, one of whom died in childhood. Of the others the following is the record: Phoebe (Mrs. John J. Dooley) resides in Baker City, Oregon; Emma (widow of Henry Vernon) resides in Wheaton, Illinois; Hattie and Evelyn reside at Melrose Park; Albert A. and William P. are citizens of Oak Park; and Charles Elmer is secre- tary of Price Brothers Printing Company, of Minneapolis, Minnesota. Mr. and Mrs. Knapp celebrated their golden wedding October 10, 1891, surrounded by many friends and relatives. Both were members of the First Congregational Church of May wood, Mrs. Knapp having united with that denomination while a resident of Oak Park. The latter departed this life March 28, 1895. GEORGE NORDENHOLT. NORDENHOLT, a well-known j_ business man of Oak Park, at present presi- VU dent of the Cicero and Proviso Ice Company, has been for many years prominently connected with the business and real-estate interests of the suburbs of western Cook County. He was born near the seaport city of Bremen, Germany, No- vember 30, 1855, and is the only son of Frederick and Margherita (Wragge) Nordenholt. The fa- ther, who was a mason by trade, died when his son was three years old. Besides the son, the family consisted of one daughter, Mary, now Mrs. Louis Stahmer, of River Forest. Mrs. Nordenholt, who afterwards married Diedrich Barkemeyer, died in Germany in 1888, aged sixty-two years. Mr. Barkemeyer is now living in Oak Park, at the age of sixty-five years. George Nordenholt received the common-school education of his native land, and when about fourteen years of age was apprenticed to learn the baker's trade. This he accomplished in three years, and for about two years traveled in various parts of Germany. He then became baker on one of the vessels of the North German Lloyd line of ocean steamers, and continued in this work, with the exception of one or two short in- tervals, until 1878. His first trip to America was in 1872, when he made a short stop in New York City. In all he crossed the Atlantic eighty- six times. In 1878 he removed permanently to the United States, locating in Chicago, where he worked at his trade nearly two years. At about this time he began to recognize the advantages of Oak Park as a location for a bakery, and wishing to establish himself where he could receive the full benefit of his own efforts and business manage- ment, he concluded to locate in that suburb. With a small amount of money which he had ac- cumulated, he opened a bakery, and for some time he was able to do all the work with the help of a boy. But as the patronage increased, more help was required, so that when the business passed into other hands it employed eighteen men and three girls. Having acquired a com- petency, and wishing to retire from active labors, Mr. Nordenholt sold the bakery in 1895 to Mr. Albert Burgess, by whom it is still operated. After a few months of leisure, Mr. Nordenholt found that idleness was not in accord with his enterprising nature, and in looking for something to employ his time, hit upon a bankrupt ice com- pany, which he concluded might be put upon a paying basis by judicious management. He there- fore incorporated a new company, under the name of the Cicero and Proviso Ice Company, of which LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS JOHN D. WALLER, M. D. (From Photo by W. J. ROOT) J. D. WALLER. 219 he became the president. Under his able super- vision the enterprise has been very successful, and its business is still growing. In the season of 1896 four thousand tons of ice were sold. New ice houses and barns have been erected , and new wagons and machinery purchased, all of the best to be obtained. Sixteen horses are used to distribute the ice, and the industry gives employ- ment to about twenty men during the season. Aside from the pursuit of his regular business, the subject of this notice has been equally suc- cessful in handling and improving real estate. His dealings in that line have covered a wide area, including Melrose Park, May wood, River Forest, Harlem and Oak Park. It has been his custom to improve his holdings as far as possible, and he has erected many houses and other build- ings. In 1895 he built the elegant modern resi- dence, at the corner of Chicago Avenue and Marion Street, which is the family home. Be- sides this he still owns a residence in Oak Park, two in River Forest and a fine brick store build- ing in Harlem. April 28, 1883, Mr. Nordenholt was married to Miss Mary E. Burkhardt, who was born in Hesse-Cassel, Germany, and is a daughter of August and Elizabeth (Middendorf) Burkhardt. The family emigrated from the Fatherland to England, whence in 1873 they came to Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. Burkhardt now reside in Harlem. Five children have been born to Mr. and Mrs. Nordenholt, named in order of birth, George D., Louis B., Arnold, Bertha B. and Walter Wash- ington. The third died in childhood. The mem- bers of the family are regular attendants of the Presbyterian Church of Oak Park. The subject of this sketch is a hearty supporter of the Republican party, but takes active part in public affairs only when his services are necessary to carry some important measure. He is devoted to his home and family, and allows no outside affairs to crowd out his domestic interests. His chief recreation is a few weeks of hunting and fishing each year. He usually spends his vaca- tion in northern Wisconsin, and in his home are many trophies proving his skill as a sportsman. JOHN D. WALLER. (JOHN DUKE WALLER, M. D., a leading I member of the medical profession in Oak Q) Park, was born in Maysville, Kentucky, April 6, 1852. He is the son of Hon. Henry Waller, whose biography is given elsewhere in this work . John D. Waller attended the public schools of Chicago. His health failing, he engaged in busi- ness and eventually, through his own efforts, prepared himself for the study of medicine and entered Rush Medical College, from which he graduated in 1883. In 1882 he began to practice, as assistant physician in the insane asylum at Jacksonville, Illinois, where he remained for five and one-half years. While there he was one time president of the Morgan County Medical Society. In May, 1888, he came to Oak Park, where he has since remained, engaged in the practice of medicine, to which he has given his exclusive at- tention, and in which he has been eminently suc- cessful, having frequent calls to all the neighbor- ing suburbs. Dr. Waller was married in 1888 to Miss Katherine, daughter of Rev. William Short, D. D., a Methodist preacher, who was presi- dent of the Illinois Female College in Jacksonville for a period of eighteen years. Mr. Short is now superintendent of the Illinois Institute for the Education of the Blind, at Jacksonville. Dr. and Mrs. Waller are the parents of three 22O G. M. DAVIS. children, namely: Judith Car}', Marie Short, and Katherine. Dr. Waller and his wife are members of the Presbyterian Church of Oak Park. He is a member of Siloam Commandery of Knights Templar, of Oriental Consistory, the National Union, of the Independent Order of Odd Fellows, a charter member of the Oak Park Club, a prominent member of the Masonic order, and of a number of other orders. Though reared amidst the precepts and traditions of the Demo- cratic party, he began at an early age to have in- dependent and liberal ideas concerning the ques- tions of public policy, and for the past twenty years he has supported the Republican party, though his political activity does not extend be- yond the casting of his own ballot. GEORGE M. DAVIS. EEORGE MORTIMER DAVIS, an influen- tial citizen of Austin, and a successful busi- ness man of Chicago, was born at Eaton, Madison County, New York, August 25, 1844. His parents, Richard Mowry Davis and Rowena Wells Davis, both sprang from families which were conspicuous in the early history of the United States. Richard M. Davis was born to Nathaniel and Sophronia (Johnson) Davis, in Erieville, New York, and was a millwright by trade, also working at pattern- making. He died at the age of nearly seventy-seven years, at Ham- ilton, New York, December 31, 1889. In 1858, while working at making patterns, in Utica, New York, Mr. Davis wrote on a slip of paper, which he nailed between two pieces of lumber, "When you find this, I will be in kingdom come." It was found by workmen a few months after his death, but no one in the foundry at that time knew who the writer was. Mrs. R. W. Davis was born in Erieville, New York, and died at Eaton, New York, November 4, 1872, at the age of nearly fifty -eight years. She was a daughter of Barker Wells and Fanny Stillman. The parents of the last-named were John Stillman and Mary Potter, the latter a lineal descendant of Ichabod Potter, who was born in Portsmouth, Rhode Island, in 1637. His descendants in direct line to Mrs. Stillman were named respectively, Thomas, Thomas and George. Mr. and Mrs. Davis' children were: Frances C. (Mrs. James P. Marsh, of Chicago), Helen Celeste (Mrs. Walter Morse, of Eaton, New York) and George M. George M. Davis lived at Eaton, New York, until nearly grown to manhood. At fifteen years . of age, he began to learn the machinist's trade. After two years he went to Binghamton, New York, where he worked in a gun factory which was engaged in filling contracts for the United States Government. Later he worked in a gun factory in Watertown, and then in Ilion, New York. In 1865 he went to Oil City, Pennsylva- nia, and from there to Cincinnati, Ohio. After spending six months in that city, he came to Chicago, in 1866. On his arrival he began the business of mak- ing steam gauges, his first location being on Washington Street near Fifth Avenue. He has ever since been engaged in that line of busi- ness, with which he now includes different special- ties in steam fittings, many of which are his own invention. He originated the idea of an auto- matic air valve for steam radiators and first intro- duced the use of the same in steam-heated buildings. He afterwards devised an automatic steam regulator for reducing the pressure of steam used for heating purposes; also a patent steam trap, and many other appliances now in general H. H. HUNT. 221 use; while in some cases he has anticipated a de- mand for articles sure to be appreciated at some future time. This enterprise has always prospered, as have others in which he is interested. Since 1870 he has been located at Austin, and since 1894 he has owned the electric light plant in that place. He is a director of the Prairie State National Bank of Chicago, is extensively interested in silver mines in Mexico, and is a member of the March-Davis Bicycle Company, Chicago. December 31, 1867, he married Miss Henrietta, daughter of Dr. Ira and Frances Dales, of Chica- go. Dr. Ira Dales was born at Courtright, Dela- ware County, New York. His parents were John and Sarah (Cavin) Dales, the latter a cousin of Alexander Hamilton, the eminent statesman and financier. Three of the nine sons of Mr. and Mrs. Dales became physicians. Dr. Ira Dales was married at Monticello, New York, to Frances Coit. He practiced a number of years at Port Jervis, New York, and in 1854 came to Illinois, locating at Aurora, where his death occurred two years later. Mrs. Frances Dales, who is now over eighty years of age, has lived at Austin since 1871. She is a daughter of Dr. Joseph Coit and Mary Voris. Dr. Coit, whose family was of English lineage, served as a surgeon in the Texan army during the war between that State and Mexico, and died in that service. Mary Voris was born on Long Island. Her ancestors were among the old Knickerbocker families which came from Holland. Mrs. Davis was born in Monticello, New York. She is the mother of two sons, Walter Edgar, manager of the March- Davis Bicycle Company, Chicago; and George Coit, a student of mechan- ical engineering at Michigan State University, Ann Arbor, Michigan. The family is identified with the Presbyterian Church of Austin, and its members are recognized at leaders in the most progressive public movements of that suburb. Mr. Davis is an ex-president of "The Oaks," the principal social club of that village, in which he has taken a lively interest. He was a charter member of the Park Lodge, Independent Order of Odd Fellows, and has passed through all the chairs therein. Always a Republican, his only official service has been in the capacity of a mem- ber of the Board of Education at Austin, of which he is now the oldest member. During his connec- tion with that body the number of teachers em- ployed has increased from four to more than fifty, and it is largely due to the wise and far-seeing policy adopted by himself and his colleagues that the schools of that place are acknowledged to be among the most efficient and progressive in the State. HARRISON H. HUNT. HARRISON HOBART HUNT, a veteran of the great Civil War, was identified with im- portant business interests in Chicago for nearly a score of years, and led an exemplary and useful life in both civil and military affairs, which amply entitles him to commemoration in this rec- ord. He was born at Orange, Franklin County, Massachusetts, July 8, 1845, and died at Oak Park, Illinois, June 15, 1893. The names of his parents were Rodney Hunt and Margaret Parker. Rodney Hunt, who was a scion of an old New England family, was born at Ashburnham, Mas- sachusetts. For over thirty years he was engaged in the manufacture of woolen mill machinery at Orange, and both he and his wife passed away at that place. After leaving the public schools, Harrison H. Hunt pursued a course at a business college at 222 H. H. HUNT. Poughkeepsie, New York. When only seventeen years of age he enlisted in the Fifty-second Regi- ment, Massachusetts Volunteer Infantry, and served one year as an orderly under General Grover, in the Department of the Gulf. He took part in General Butler's expedition against Fort Gibson, and in the subsequent Vicksburg cam- paign. After his term of enlistment expired he went to Boston and became a bookkeeper in a whole- sale paper house. In 1867 he went to Milwaukee, Wisconsin, where he was employed for a time by Josiah A. Noonan & Company, wholesale paper dealers. He afterwards did a commission busi- ness in hides and wool in that city, and from there removed to Cincinnati, Ohio, whence he traveled through Ohio, Illinois and other West- ern States, in the interests of the wholesale paper firm of Moore, Wilstach & Moore. Still later he became a traveling representative of a firm of safe manufacturers in that city. Returning to Milwaukee in 1871, he spent the next year in the United States Internal Revenue service. He then returned to Orange, Massachusetts, where for three following years he was connected in business with his father. In 1875 Mr. Hunt located in Chicago, believ- ing that this rapidly growing city presented the best field for putting to practical use the knowl- edge gained by his previous varied experience. Here he first became a salesman for F. P. Elliott & Company, wholesale paper dealers. From the time of his arrival in this city he gave his exclu- sive attention to this branch of business and upon severing his connection with the above-named firm entered into an engagement with McCann, Fitch & Converse, which lasted about three years. Upon the death of Mr. McCann he purchased the interest formerly held by that gentleman and the firm became Fitch, Hunt & Company, under which name the enterprise continued five or six years. In 1887 Mr. Hunt sold his interest in this concern, after which he became the head of the house of H. H. Hunt & Company, which continued to do a prosperous wholesale paper business during the balance of his life. His com- mercial transactions were always conducted with the utmost integrity, and his relations with pat- rons and contemporaries were such as reflected great credit upon his character. On the 3oth of August, 1870, at Milwau- kee, Wisconsin, occurred the wedding of Mr. Hunt and Miss Annie E. Mower, daughter of Samuel F. and Anna C. (Litch) Mower. Samuel F. Mower, who was a dealer in butter, eggs and cheese in Boston, Massachusetts, was born at Worcester, and died at Newton, in the same State, January 16, 1856, having reached the age of fifty-three years. His father, Ebenezer Mower, who was a farmer at Worcester, reached the great age of one hundred years. After the death of her first husband, Mrs. Anna C. Mower married Gen. Harrison C. Hobart, and they removed to Wisconsin, living for a number of years at Chilton, and later at Milwaukee, in that State. General Hobart, who still resides in the last- named city, has long been distinguished in the military and political affairs of the State of Wis- consin. Mrs. Hobart died at Milwaukee August ii, 1896, at the age of seventy-nine years. She was born at Bradford, Vermont. Her maternal grandfather, John House, was one of the original proprietors of the town of Hanover, New Hamp- shire, and built the first two-story house in that place. During the Revolutionary War he was very active in the cause of American Independ- ence and in the course of the conflict served as captain of three different companies of New Hampshire troops. He participated in engage- ments at Saratoga, White Plains and Ticonderoga, and shared the horrors and privations of the ter- rible winter at Valley Forge. Since 1876 Mr. Hunt had been a resident of Oak Park, and that attractive suburb is still the home of his family, which includes, besides his widow, a son, Rodney, who is a student at Rush Medical College, Chicago, and a daughter named Helen A. The family has long been identified with Grace Church (Episcopal), of Oak Park, and Mr. Hunt was a member of Phil Sheridan Post No. 615, Grand Army of the Republic. He was a charter member of Garden City Council, Royal Arcanum, but afterwards united with General Grant Council at Oak Park. LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS J. N. GAGE. 223 JOHN N. GAGE. (JOHN NEWTON GAGE. The subject of I this sketch was born in Pelham, New Ramp- ed shire, May 30, 1825, unto Nathan and Me- hitable (Woodbury) Gage. Being brought up on a farm, a fact which holds true of most of our leading pioneer citizens, his early educational ad- vantages were limited to such common schools as the ubiquitous energy so characteristic of New England Puritans and their descendants had at that early date made possible at the scene of his nativity. At about twenty years of age, he put forth his "best foot" in taking the first step upon his pathway through life, and though he often found the way beset with difficulties, yet he was always found bravely and tirelessly at work, per- forming his tasks as a man and Christian in the best of the light given unto him. His first independent work was in the Waltham (Massachusetts) Cotton Company's Mills, where, in he later became overseer in its weaving-room. After a period of eight years of such service, mak- ing it his determination to come West, he took private evening lessons in bookkeeping, so as not to interfere with the discharge of his paid duties, which he finally resigned to others (and, we fain believe, less competent) hands. He set out for Chicago, the distant but much-sought El Dorado of our country at that time, which he first saw, spread out in a panorama almost as Nature's God had made it, in the spring of 1857. He soon met with co-operative energies in the persons of Christopher C. and Daniel Webster, with whom he directly entered into articles of partnership, establishing one of the earliest wholesale and retail millinery houses of our city, known then by the firm style of Webster & Gage, their first place of business being located on Lake Street. Having the misfortune of being burned out in 1857, they re-opened at No. 78 Lake Street, where they continued until the withdrawal of the Websters, about 1868. Mr. Gage took into a new partnership formed at that time a brother, Seth Gage, and a nephew, Albert S. Gage, under the new name of Gage Brothers & Company, a name retained to this day (after a brief interval of change to A. S. Gage & Company), by which the house has continued to grow and remain known throughout the entire West and Northwest. Being burned out by the Great Fire, they set up temporarily in A. S. Gage's private house, until they were enabled to re-open for a period of two months in a temporary structure upon the Lake Front. From this location they removed to Wa- bash Avenue, near Jackson, thence to the corner of Madison Street and Wabash Avenue, where the trade still finds them profitably busy, one of the noted houses of the city. The subject of this sketch sold out to his part- ner, A. S. Gage, about 1878. Thereafter, though in excellent health, he lived a life of respected re- tirement until the sad event of his demise from blood poisoning, following upon what seemed to be a trivial complaint, June 1 1, 1887, & t h' 3 man- sion house, No. 1 308" Michigan Avenue, whence his remains were borne to the family lot in Oak- wood Cemetery. The following is a copy of the resolutions adopted by the Directors of the Wright & Law- ther Oil and Lead Manufacturing Company on this sad occasion: "WHEREAS, Death having taken from us our esteemed fellow-member and Vice-President, Mr. 224 J. N. GAGE. John N. Gage, one of the founders of this com- pany, who died June n, 1887, it is hereby "Resolved: That in the death of Mr. John N. Gage the company has suffered an irreparable loss. Appreciating, as we do, his worth as a man, his careful, just and conservative business methods, we can never fully fill his place in the Company's affairs; "Resolved: That the heartfelt sympathy of each and every member of this Board is felt for his family in their great loss and affliction; and that a copy of these Resolutions be sent to them, and also spread upon the records of this Company. ' ' In politics he was an inflexible Republican, always casting his ballot, but as carefully avoid- ing any approach towards active politics. In re- ligious faith he was liberal, having for many years attended Dr. Ryder's church, St. Paul's Universalist, whose pastor held and was held in mutual esteem from as far back as the early '6os. And so, with little variety or romance, lived and died one of the sturdiest, most useful of our citizens. Subsequent generations, with more lei- sure and wealth, may develop more elegance and refinement; but to men of Mr. Gage's virile stamp the city of Chicago (as well as the entire West, yes, in truth, all new countries) owes the founda- tion stones of future greatness and prosperity. Without the first courses of masonry there can never be builded high superstructures, with or- nate, elaborate and admirable dome and spire. What Washington, Jefferson, the Adamses and others were to the infant colonies, straggling for very existence and recognition as an independent nation, such were Mr. Gage and his associates to Chicago. Most of them are now gathered to their fathers, but their deeds are immortal. That Chicago is now the wonder and envy of the world is mainly owing to the persistent, honest efforts early and late of such citizens as Mr. Gage fitly typifies. Mr. Gage married, December 15, 1849, at the scene of his nativity, Miss Martha Webster, by whom, fortunately, he left one child, a sou, to bear his esteemed name, Frank Newton Gage, who was born July 24, 1853. After receiving a good education in Chicago, he entered his father's store, but later withdrew, and is at present an active member of the Stock Exchange. He mar- ried, in 1889, Olive E. Lewis, of this city, who has borne him a son, John Newton Gage, named for his grandfather, the subject of this sketch. Martha Webster is a daughter of Enoch and Betsy Webster (relatives before marriage) born in Haverhill, Massachusetts. Enoch was a son of Caleb Webster, of Revolutionary fame. Betsy was a daughter of Stephen Webster. Mrs. Gage is thus related through both her parents to the greatest of America's statesmen and orators, Daniel Web- ster, of Marshfield, Massachusetts. She is also related to the famous Mrs. Dustin, of Colonial times. Captured by Indians, who dashed out the brains of her sleeping babe, she was marched miles into the wilderness. While her captors were asleep, she loosened her fetters, and, having slain every colored face of them, safely made her return home, as set out in graphic early historical authorities. Of all the heroines of "good old colony times, ' ' and there were thousands of such, it has always appeared that she was queen of them all by this single episode. The family of Gage (which is of Norman ex- traction) derives its descent from one De Gaga (Gauga or Gage), who accompanied William the Conqueror into England in 1066. After the "Conquest" he was rewarded by a large grant of land in the forests of Dean, Gloucester County, adjacent to which he fixed his abode and erected a family seat at Clerenwell (otherwise Clarewell). He also built a large, mansion house in the town of Chichester, wherein he died, and was buried in the neighboring abbey. His posterity re- mained in the vicinity for many generations, in credit and esteem, of whom there were Barons in Parliament in the reign of Henry II. The line from the beginning of the fifteenth century has been traced as follows: John Gage had a son, John Gage, born 1408; married Joan Sudgrove. Their son was Sir John, knighted 1454; married Eleanor St. Clere; died September, 1486. Will- iam, Esquire, born 1456; married Agnes Bolney. Their son, Sir John, born 1480, knighted May 22, 1541; married Phillippa Guilderford; died April 28, 1557. Their eldest son, Sir Edward, knighted by Queen Mary, married Elizabeth Parker. Their son, John, Esquire (eldest of nine E. McK. 225 sons), thirty years old at his father's death; heir to fifteen manors and other Sussex lands. John (nephew) made Baronet March 26, 1622; married Penelope, widow of Sir George Treuchard; died October 3, 1633. John (second son), of Stoneham, Suffolk Coun- ty, England, came to America with John Win- throp, Jr., landing at Salem June 12, 1630; in 1633 one of twelve proprietors of Ipswich; wife Anna died in June, 1658; married (2d) Mary Keyes, November, 1658; moved to Rowley 1664.; held many responsible offices of trust and fidelity in Ipswich and Rowley, in which latter place he died in 1673. Daniel (second son) married Sarah Kimball in 1675; died November 8, 1705. Daniel, born March 12, 1676; married Martha Burbank, March 9, 1697; settled on the batiks of the Merrimac River, on the main road to Me- thuen, where the old Gage House, the oldest in town, still stands. Died March 14, 1747. Dan- iel (third son), born April 22, 1708, removed to Pelham, New Hampshire; died September 24, 1775. David (fourth son), born August 9, 1750. Nathan (fifth), the father of the subject of this sketch, whose son and grandson, enumerated herein, bring the record up to the extraordinary number of seventeen consecutive male generations. EDWARD McK. TEALL. [~~DWARD McKINSTRY TEALL. The de- j^ velopment of the insurance business has kept |_ pace with the growth of other commercial enterprises and has assumed such magnitude and variety, and become so complex and at the same time so vital to life and property, that it must now be regarded as one of the important industries of the United State. The last few years have seen reductions in the rates of insurance, and corres- ponding advantages to property-holders, in Chi- cago, in consequence of the rapid development of the art of constructing fire-proof buildings and the great improvement in the facilities for check- ing and extinguishing fires. These important changes, which are still in progress, require prompt attention and action by the companies doing business here, for competition is just as fierce in this line of business as in any other. In fact, the sharp, but honorable, rivalry among in- surance men has developed a number of experts in the business, men with sufficient mental pene- tration to foresee the result of changed conditions, and sufficient executive ability to carry out such methods as are most likely to secure favorable results. Among the most successful and systematic manipulators of this art is the gentleman whose name heads this notice. His birth occurred at Albany, New York, July 27, 1839, his parents being Edward McKinstry Teall and Eliza Perry. The founder of the family in America was Oliver Teall, who came from England and settled at New Haven, Connecticut, about 1723. His fa- ther had been Apothecary General to the British army, serving under the Duke of Marlborough during the reigns of William I. and Queen Anne. Prudence, the wife of Oliver Teall, who came with him to America, died at Killingsworth, Con- necticut, June 24, 1780. Oliver Teall, second son of this Couple, married Ruth Hurd and set- tled at Killingsworth. He served as a Surgeon in the British Army during the French and In- dian War, and also during the War of the Amer- ican Revolution, maintaining his loyalty to the crown throughout his life. Five of his sons, Timothy, Titus, Oliver, Joseph and Nathan, 226 E. McK. TEALL. served in the Continental army. Father and sons were mutually antagonized by their loyalty to their respective causes, and never became rec- onciled. Another son, named Benjamin, having lost an eye during his childhood, was thus inca- pacitated for military service and did not partici- pate in the conflict. Oliver Teall (third) was born in Middletown, Connecticut, January i, 1759. When only six- teen years old he enlisted under General Putnam, Captain Gale's company, and afterward served in Captain Hyde's company, which was success- ively stationed at Fort Trumbull and at Provi- dence, Rhode Island. He was subsequently as- signed to Colonel Sommers' command at Ger- mantown, Pennsylvania. He was one of the devoted band which endured the historic hard- ships of Valley Forge, where his brother Titus died of smallpox. Later in the war he was sta- tioned at West Point and on the Highlands. He acted as guard to General Washington and his family while they attended church. After peace came he married Susan, daughter of Col. Brin- ton Paine, of Dutchess County, New York. They settled at Upper Hillsdale, Columbia Coun- ty, New York, where he became a prosperous, farmer. They were the parents of twelve chil- dren. His death occurred at Albany on the i8th of September, 1842, aged eighty-two years. Col. Brinton Paine, who was an officer of the Continental army, was a descendant of Stephen Paine, who came to Massachusetts in 1638, and became one of the leading citizens of the colony, He was one of the chief contributors to the pros- ecution of the Indian wars. His son Stephen was present at the great swamp fight in which King Philip's band was exterminated. Edward M. Teall, Sr., was a son of Oliver Teall, third. He became a prominent merchant of Albany, and was also proprietor of one of the first lines of boats on the Erie Canal. He did a general forwarding business, and the Chicago American of April 9, 1839, the first issue of a daily paper in this city, contained his business advertisement. He was for many years influen- tial in New York politics. Eliza Perry was born at I^enox, Massachusetts. Her father, Freder- ick Perry, who was a son of a clergyman, was a native of Connecticut. He was a graduate of Williams College, and became a cotton manufac- turer at Stockbridge, Massachusetts. The subject of this biography received his primary education in private schools, and after- ward became a student in the academy of Albany. In the spring of 1857 he came to Chicago and soon after secured employment as a clerk in the insurance office of Higginson & James. This line of business was then in its infancy, and the most sanguine enthusiasm could not have foreseen the extent to which that industry would be developed. He went to work' with a will, and his fidelity, thoroughness and aptitude soon won the confi- dence and good-will of his employers. In 1863 he became one of the partners of the firm of Alfred James ^& Company, which continued to transact business for about three years. Their place of business was at the southeast corner of South Water and Clark Streets, which location was the center of the insurance business at that time. He afterward formed a partnership with Freder- ick P. Fisher, a relation which continued for ten years, during one of the most important eras of the insurance business in the West. At the end of that period the present firm of Edward M. Teall & Company was formed, Cyrus A. Hardy, a trusted clerk of the former firm, being the jun- ior member. Mr. Teall is one of the Directors of the Westchester Fire Insurance Company of New York, and in addition to serving the local interests of that corporation the firm represents several leading insurance companies of other cities. The business in its charge is conserva- tively and honorably conducted, and the firm en- joys the confidence of the public and of under- writers to a remarkable degree. Mr. Teall is President of the Chicago Fire Underwriters' As- sociation, and has been for a number of years. On the nth of June, 1862, Mr. Teall was mar- ried to Miss Katherine Mead, of New York City, daughter of Isaac H. Mead and Rachel Van Voor- hees Demorest. Mrs. Teall's maternal grand- father was also a native of New York City, being a scion of a very old and well-known family of that municipality. Mr. Teall has been for many A. G. BURLEY. 227 years a member of the Third Presbyterian Church of Chicago, in which he officiates as Trustee and Elder. He is a member of the Illinois Club, and Deputy Governor of the Society of Colonial Wars of the State of Illinois, which he helped to organize. He is also a member of the Illinois Society of Sons of the American Revolution, and still preserves the Teall coat-of-arms granted to the family by George I. in 1723. He has been often urged to enter the arena of politics, has been tendered important nominations by the Re- publican party, of which he is an active and dis- tinguished member, but prefers to devote himself to his business, home and social duties. For rec- reation, he and his wife have always spent the summer at their beautiful farm and summer home in the Berkshire Hills, Stockbridge, Massachu- setts. ARTHUR G. BURLEY. GJRTHUR GILMAN BURLEY. The year I I 1812 is a national epoch, for at that time / | the United States, for a second time within the easy memory of man, started in to chastise the British Lion. What events of world-wide significance have transpired during those more than eighty intervening years ! To think of it is * like a dream: to have predicted it, would have re- sulted in that day in an inquirendo de lunico pro- ceeding concerning the lack of brain matter in the bold transgressor of common sense who should prophesy. Two years later, Robert Fulton was making his (the very first) steamboat trial upon the Hudson River. Then came steam as applied to locomotives, which has done more than any- thing else in so rapidly opening up the great in- terior and West of our immense country, where- as, before, ox-carts and canal-boats were the most approved forms of transportation of chattels, prior to the advent of the "prairie schooner," which shortly preceded the "Union Pacific." The telegraph, reapers, thousandfold manufac- tories, electric light and locomotion (not to men- tion scores of other wonderful economic and utili- tarian inventions of more recent date within the present century), all cry out that, in point of actual comfort and intelligent means of effecting business ends, the world has since that year 1812 done almost more than had been done in the hundreds and thousands of years which had pre- ceded. And all this within the memory of liv- ing men; yes, within the memory of one now liv- ing in our midst, who, wonderful to relate, like Gladstone, an octogenarian, is still in the harness of active business life. We who live in Chicago know what that means in this day. Honor to whom honor is due ! Arthur Gilman Burley, the subject of this sketch, was born in the aforesaid year of 1812, upon the fourth day of October, at Exeter, New Hampshire, unto James and Charlotte I. (Gilman) Burley, his father being the Cashier of the Exeter Bank. The Burleys are regarded Down East as ' 'good stock;" that seems to be the prevailing opinion in our city, from all that is thus far known of them in our-midst. The first by the name who came to our shores was Giles Burley, who, with his wife, Elizabeth, settled at Ipswich, Massachu- setts, in the year 1648. Here, in 1664, he took the proper oath and became a "commoner." He was also a "planter," and lived eight years of his useful life upon Brooke Street of that ancient town, and owned "Division Lot No. 105, on 228 A. G. BURLEY. Great Hill, Hogg Island," in that vicinage. He had a son, Andrew Btirley, who was born at Ipswich, September 5, 1657. The latter married Mary, a daughter of the rather celebrated Roger Conant. Upon the death of his father, while in childhood, he was bound out (as was the old cus- tom) to one John Brown. He was called in records "husbandman and yeoman," and bore the rather dignified title of ' 'Cornet. ' ' He had a son , Hon. Andrew Burley, who was born at Ipswich in June, 1694. His career was replete with hon- ors, including among others the positions of Jus- tice of the Court of Sessions and Representative to the State Legislature in the years 1741 and 1742. He acquired, and left intact, a large es- tate. He was twice married; first, to Lydia Pengry, by whom he had six children; secondly, to Mrs. Hannah Burnham. He had a son, An- drew Burley, Jr., who married a Mrs. Hannah Cogswell (a daughter of his father's wife). He graduated at Harvard College in 1742, and lived on Brooke Street in Ipswich (near the location of his first American progenitor) , upon land for- merly granted to Governor Dudley's son Samuel. He left a son, James Burley, who was by trade a cabinet-maker, also an officer in the Revolu- tionary War. The latter married Susannah ' Swazey, and died in Exeter, New Hampshire, leaving a son, James Burley, Jr., who has been already noticed as the father of the subject of this sketch. Arthur Gilman Burley received for his educa- tion the best that the common schools of his na- tive Exeter had to offer, which information was somewhat rounded out by a supplementary year at the Exeter Academy. He resolutely turned his young face toward the distant West at the age of twenty-three, reaching his future home, Chi- cago, on the seventeenth day of May, 1835. (Sixty long years ago. Imagine the appearance at that time of the country which is at present covered by our fair city ! How many of the comers of that day are yet in the flesh ?) Mr. Burley first worked as clerk for John Hoi- brook in a boot and shoe shop for about two years. In 1837 he went to New York City, to buy for his brother-in-law, Stephen F. Gale, a stock of books and stationery (one of the very first to be imported among us), and remained with Mr. Gale for about two years following. In 1838 the crockery business of the North- west was founded by Mr. Burley, who bought from the State Bank of Illinois a stock of such goods, his place of trade being then located at the corner of La Salle and Lake Streets. He has been in that, business ever since, a period of over fifty-seven years, and is now regularly on duty at the old stand. He was burned out in 1842, and then moved to No. 105 Lake Street, later to No. 175 on the same thoroughfare, where, in 1852, he was joined by a brother-in-law, Mr. John Tyrrell, who came on from New Hampshire to enter into a partnership. This still continues in operation, being incor- porated under the firm style and name, "Burley & Tyrrell, Importers and Dealers of Crockery, Chicago." They had built their own quarters at No. 48 Lake Street about 1857, but, fortunately, had disposed of the same before the time of the Great Fire in 1871. They still had their store located therein, which, of course, went up in smoke and down to the ground in ashes. After this fire they had a temporary office at the corner of State and Sixteenth Streets; then occupied a store for about three years at the corner of Van Buren and Wabash; then removed to No. 83 State Street; and finally to Nos. 42, 44 and 46 Lake Street, which premises they continue to occupy at this time. Having found it cheaper to rent, they have never cared to build. Mr. Burley also had the misfortune of having his home burned up in 1874, when he was living below Harrison Street. He is now, as for a long time, cosily situated at No. 1620 Indiana Avenue. Although an unostentatious man, Mr. Burley has been a very prominent figure in social and business matters for very many years. Few in- deed, if any, can antedate him in this relation. He aided in the formation of the First Unitarian Church (since called the Messiah) in 1836, one of the oldest and foremost in the entire North- west, and of which he has always been a most in- terested and conspicuous member. R. R. CLARK 229 In politics, he has always been, since the days of the Whigs were no more, a consistent Re- publican, but in no sense or wish a public charac- ter. A true exemplifier of the best principles of Free Masonry, with which he affiliated as early as 1848, he has never cared to go to the height of degrees his proficiency and long service would have richly entitled him to, and undoubtedly have brought choice flowers of honor in their train, but he has been Treasurer of Oriental Lodge for forty-two years. He was also for a time much interested in the mysteries of Odd-Fellowship. Not at heart a club man, he has nevertheless been a member of the Calumet, as he is at present upon the roll of the Chicago Club. Very do- mestic in habits, he is not frequently found in the circle of club habitues. In public affairs and whatever promotes the business and social good and welfare of the community, Mr. Burley always is an interested, and usually a participating, citi- zen. Young in enthusiasm, certainly he bears his laurel of years gracefully, as we will sincerely hope he may long live to do. Upon the twenty -fourth day of September, 1849, Mr. Burley was joined in marriage with Welthy- an Loom is Harmon, who comes of a good old- time Down-East family. It is regretted that no children have been born to them to perpetuate the name and further the noble traits the family has conspicuously borne up to this time in the history of our country. ROBERT R. CLARK. ROBERT RODMAND CLARK, an early resi- dent of Lake View, now a part of Chicago, is descended from English ancestors and was born in Clarkson, Monroe County, New York, May 24, 1831. His great-grandfather, William Clark, came from England and located first on the Hudson River, at Albany, New York, later re- moving to the Mohawk Valley. He was pos- sessed of some means, and dealt in realty during his residence in America. His son William had large holdings of lands and farms in central New York, and was one of the first American import- ers of Morocco leather, having his headquarters at Utica, New York, his native place. He was among the first settlers of Monroe County, and the town of Clarkson was named for him and another settler of the same name, though no rela- tive, who located there in the same year. He died there at the age of sixty-eight years. Five of his seven children, four sons and a daughter, grew to maturity. The third of these, William L. Clark, born in Utica, was about twenty years old when his par- ents moved to Clarkson. He married Cornelia Stewart, a native of Wyoming County, New York. Her parents, Daniel and Sallie (Fish) Stewart, were children of native Scotch parents, and were born in Chemung County, New York. She lived to the age of eighty-two years, passing away at the home of her son in Lake View in 1886. William L. Clark was an extensive fann- er, but lost heavily in speculation in later life. He was an upright man, and reached the age of seventy-two years, dying in Lake View in 1876. 230 R. R. CLARK. He was affiliated with the Universalist Church, while his wife adhered to the Presbyterian teach- ings of her fathers. They were the parents of three children. The eldest, Sallie, is the widow of George B. Marsh, now residing in Chicago; and the youngest, Laura, is the wife of Charles L. Bassett, ot LaPorte, Indiana. Robert R. Clark is the second child of his par- ents. He combines in a happy degree the sturdy qualities of physical and mental make-up of his ancestors. When a mere boy he determined to recover his father's lost homestead as a home for his parents, and before he had reached the age of twenty years had accomplished his purpose. Previous to the age of sixteen years he had the educational advantages afforded by the common schools, and he then went to Michigan, where he found employment as a school teacher. Return- ing for a short time to the home farm, he became, in his eighteenth year, check clerk on board the steamer "Empire State," plying between Buffalo and Chicago, then the finest vessel on the Lakes. He was subsequently on board the "Wisconsin" one year, and returned, as chief clerk, to the "Empire State," where he continued five years. He also served on the "Southern Michigan" and "Western Metropolis, " all these boats being the property of the Lake Shore & Michigan Southern Railroad. The last two only ran from Buffalo to Monroe or Toledo, where they connected with that portion of the railroad completed from Chi- cago to those points. Mr. Clark was on board the steamer "Northern Indiana" when it burned on Lake Erie, one beautiful morning, off Point au Place, with a loss of between four and five hundred passengers. Being a good swimmer, he remained on board until the fire had swept to the stern of the vessel (because of its propulsion toward the shore), and after entering the water saved several passengers by giving up to them doors which he had wrenched from the staterooms for his own use. He was finally picked up by a boat bound for Buffalo, and made his regular trip out of that port on another vessel the night of the same day. When the "Golden Gate" was wrecked on the bar at the mouth of Erie Harbor, a short time later, Mr. Clark was on board, and was saved with all the rest save one, who tried to swim ashore in the midst of the wreckage. The wreck was continually swept by the waves, but it was safer than the choppy bay, full of the floating cargo of the "Golden Gate." All who remained on board were safely conveyed to shore by a Government vessel in the morning. With the exception of one year, which was spent as re- ceiver in charge of the ticket office at Buffalo, Mr. Clark continued in the marine service until he settled in Chicago in 1857. Having made some successful investments in Chicago during his previous visits here, he de- cided to settle here, a resolution which was, prob- ably, strengthened by his marriage, in 1857, to one of Chicago's fair daughters. This was Miss Blanche, only daughter of the late Daniel Elston, one of Cook County's most worthy and honored pioneers. In 1859 Mr. Clark turned his atten- tion to the fuel trade, and later dealt in lumber, but his chief occupation has been the handling of realty. For the last twenty years he has made a specialty of leasing residence property to others who would improve it, and has been largely in- strumental in building up what was formerly a . suburb known as Lake View, now a part of the great metropolis in name as well as in fact. He has naturally taken a keen interest in the moral and material welfare of that section, and has act- ively participated in the government of the town and village of Lake View. In political affilia- tion he is found with the Democratic party on national issues. In religious belief he is ex- ceedingly liberal, and very independent in all thought and action. His early experience taught him self-reliance, and his history should serve as a worthy example to the ambitious young man. He is still the owner of the old homestead in New York. Mr. Clark is fond of hunting, and is a member of the Poygan Shooting Club, whose members spend much of the duck-hunting season on Lake Poygan, in Wisconsin. LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS G. M. PULL-MAN. 231 GEORGE MORTIMER PULLMAN. (3 EORGE M. PULLMAN was born in Brocton, bChautauqua County, New York, March 3, 1831, and is the third child of James Lewis and Emily Caroline Pullman. The father was a native of Rhode Island. Emily C. Pullman was the daughter of James Minton, of Auburn, New York. She was a good wife and mother, and assisted her husband in implanting in the minds of their children the best moral principles, while inculcating habits of industry' and careful study. The father was a builder and house-mover, and George early began to observe his methods, while assisting in his operations. Some very useful ap- pliances of the business are the invention of the elder Pullman. He died in 1853, and the respon- sibility of head of the family fell upon George, who was the eldest unmarried son. Through almost forty years of her widowhood, he was the stay and loving aid of his mother, who passed away in May, 1892, after seeing all her seven chil- dren occupying responsible and useful positions in life. Royal H., the first-born, is pastor of the First Universalist Church of Baltimore. His interest in public affairs is demonstrated by the fact that he was the candidate of his party for Congress in 1890. Albert B., who died in 1893, occupied up to 1882 responsible positions in the Pullman Palace Car Company, which is the creation of his younger brotli-.r, George. James M. Pullman, D. D., is pastor of the Universalist Church at Lynn, Massachusetts, the leading parish of that sect in America. Charles L. was, until Septem- ber, 1894, contracting agent for the Pullman Com- pany, but is now engaged in other business in Chicago; and Frank W. was Assistant United States District Attorney of New York, where he died in 1879. Helen A. is the wife of George West, of New York; and Emma C. is the wife of Doctor William F. Fluhrer, chief surgeon of Belle- vue Hospital, New York. George M. Pullman was always of a practical turn of mind, and was a diligent student of branches which were calculated to fit him for a business life. He enjoyed the benefit of a com- mon-school education, and is remembered as an industrious and hard-working pupil. At the age of fourteen, he undertook to sustain himself, his first employment being that of a clerk at $40 per year. Neither his remuneration nor his tastes or habits were likely to lead him into dissipation, and he seems to have done his work with credit to himself and satisfaction to his employer. At the end of the year he joined his eldest brother, who had a cabinet-making shop at Albion, New York. This pursuit was well calculated to pre- pare him for the subsequent conduct of the larg- est building and furnishing enterprise in the world, though he was, probably, wholly uncon- scious of his future at that time. He persevered and was faithful, because it was part of his nature, as well as the natural result of his teachings and early surroundings. He continued in the cabinet work until the death of his father, in 1853. The long illness of the head of the family, who wasted away in gradual decline, had exhausted the means of the common purse, so that the widow was con- fronted with the necessity of providing for her- self and her minor children. In doing this, she was not left to battle alone, for her son George at once took up the responsibility of head of the household and relieved her of financial burdens. The Erie Canal was about to be enlarged, and the commissioners had asked for bids for raising or removing many buildings along its banks. Young Pullman was the successful bidder on some 232 G. M. PULLMAN. of these contracts, and so well did he manage his enterprise that he was enabled to maintain the family in comfort, and arrived in Chicago in 1859 with a capital of $6,000 as the result of his sav- ings. About this time the courts decided that Chicago had the power to grade the streets, and he quickly found ample employment in raising the buildings to correspond with the grade. Probably but few of the modern residents of the city know that the streets of the South Side are some ten feet above the original prairie level, and that the buildings standing in 1856 had to be raised that distance to meet the street level. In 1860 Mr. Pullman was occupying a lot of two hundred feet front, at the corner of Washington and Franklin Streets, with his machinery and ap- pliances, and a small one-story building for an of- fice. He was full of the spirit of push and prog- ress which animated Chicago in those days, and did not hesitate to enter upon undertakings of great magnitude. Among these was the lifting of the entire block of brick buildings facing the north side of Lake Street, between Clark and La Salle. This was successfully accomplished by the aid of six thousand jackscrews, without in- terruption to the business conducted in the struc- tures, or the breaking of a single pane of glass or a yard of plaster. A recent writer says: " His true mission was the creation of the sleeping-car system. * Nowhere else has the matter of splendid, ingen- ious, artistic appliances for indoor comfort been carried to such a pitch as in the devising and constructing of the palace car, of which thousands have been built; and each year, if not each day and each car, brings a studied advance on its pre- decessor. * * Giving his days to labor and his nights to restful travel, a man may spread his field of usefulness over a continent, without the sapping of his strength or the shortening of his days." The idea of the sleeping-car came to him one night while observing his fellow train-passengers buying head-rests from a vendor to mitigate the discomfort of an all-night ride. Soon after, he took passage on one of the ' ' night cars ' ' of the time, and while seeking repose on the comfortless shelf provided, evolved the idea of the modern sleeper. His knowledge of cabinet-making here came to his aid, and he met and overcame many difficulties in the preparation of a model. The general plan varied but little from the present form, having comfortable berths that could be put away during the day, leaving a coach suitable for day travel. In 1859 he secured from the Chicago & Alton Railway two old passenger coaches to experiment with, and in an unused railway shed, on the present site of the Union Passenger Station at Chicago, he worked to realize his idea, wholly at his own expense. The result was the first pair of real "sleepers" in the country, which were put in successful operation on the night trains between Chicago and St. Louis. This result did not deter him from an undei- taking which he had for some time contemplated, namely, a trip to the gold fields of Colorado. After three years of mining, he returned to Chi- cago very little richer in purse, but with addi- tions to his stock of experience. He now set to work to improve his original design of sleeping- cars, which no one had had the shrewdness to take advantage of during his absence. The cars which he had remodeled were too small and not of sufficient strength to carry out his ideas, and he set to work to construct one especially for the purpose. The car must be higher, the berths wider, and more taste and elegance employed in its furnishing. At an expenditure of one year's time and $18,000 in money, he produced the first real ' ' palace car. ' ' It was named the ' ' Pioneer, ' ' and is now stored in honorable retirement at Pullman; but it was found to be too high to go under some of the viaducts spanning the rail- roads, and the wide steps would not pass the platforms of many stations. It began to look as ii he must build a railroad to accommodate his invention. Just at this time the body of the martyred President, Lincoln, was to be brought from Washington to his native state, and the obstacles to the passage of the ' ' Pioneer ' ' were removed, in order that it might be employed in that sad funeral journey. It formed a part of the train which took the body to its last resting- place at Springfield. From that time the eastern G. M. PULLMAN. 233 roads were open to it and its counterparts. The present wide use of the Pullman sleepers, in Europe as well as in .America, is too well known to need comment. The history of the Pullman Palace Car Company is almost as well understood, though many who enjoy the facilities for comfort- able travel afforded by it know little of the labors of its founder in establishing a happy and desira- ble home for its employes at Pullman. The history of the great strike at Pullman and among railway employes in 1894 is also now a matter of history. During its progress Mr. Pull- man maintained a dignified and consistent atti- tude, notwithstanding much harsh and unjust criticism; and the course of the Pullman Com- pany in that struggle has been generally vindi- cated. The Nation, in its issue of November 22, 1894, refers to the general feeling that the existence of the Government and of society itself was at stake in this strike, and that to give in to the strikers at that point, or at any point, would have been a deadly blow to liberty and the rights of property ; and says: " What account of the circumstances accompanying this strike, which was not so much a strike as a social convulsion, can be complete if it leaves out the intense anxiety of the best citizens lest a fatal surrender of principle should be made?" * * * " There were hundreds of thousands of the best American citizens who re- joiced with great joy at that critical moment that Mr. Pullman was unyielding;" and "Americans abroad anxiously scanned the fragmentary des- patches and prayed fervently that Mr. Pullman would at any rate stand firm." Mr. Pullman has been identified as an initial force with other large enterprises than the Palace Car Company, of which he is the head. Among these may be mentioned the Metropolitan Ele- vated Railway of New York, which was con- structed in the face of determined and powerful opposition. He has taken an active interest in the project for the construction of a canal across the isthmus of Nicaragua. Another work in which he rendered great public sen-ice was in the distribution of relief funds after the great fire of 1871. At the earnest appeal of Mayor Mason, he accepted the charge of disbursements as trus- tee, which was accomplished without the loss of a dollar, though to the detriment of his private interests through consumption of his time. In private life Mr. Pullman is a patron of art and literature, and a supporter of elegance and refinement in society. In 1867 he married Miss Hattie A., daughter of James Y. Sanger (whose biography appears elsewhere in this work). Two daughters, who are active in philanthropic and religious work, and twin sons complete the fam- ily. They are: Florence Sanger; Harriet S., now the wife of Francis J. Carolan; George M., Jr. , and Walter Sanger. It has been Mr. Pullman's happy privilege to erect for the Universalist Society at Albion, New York, a memorial of his parents, in the form of a handsome and substantial church edifice. It is built of dark brown Medina stone, 125x80 feet in ground dimensions, with perfect furnishings and decorations. On the right and left, as one enters the auditorium, are placed the bronze medallion portraits of Mr. Pullman's father and mother. They were designed by Sculptor Carl Rohl Smith, of Chicago. They are oval, two feet five inches by one foot nine inches, and framed in a narrow moulding, ornamented with pearls. The tablet inscription is as follows: Erected by a Son as a Memorial to His Father, JAMES LEWIS PULLMAN, In Recognition of His Love and Work for the Universalist Church and Its Faith, and In Memory of His Mother, EMILY CAROLINE PULLMAN, One with Her Husband in the Joys and Hopes of Religion. Dedicated January, 1895. It is inclosed in a lx>rder composed of a wreath of ivy, the symbol of affection. A beautiful me- morial window is in the west transept. The dedicatory services were held on the last day of January, 1895, the sermon being delivered by Rev. R. H. Pullman, of Baltimore. At the installation of the pastor, on the same day, the 234 C.'G. HUTCHINSON. Rev. James M. Pullman, of Lynn, Massachusetts, preached the installation sermon, when the Rev. Charles Fluhrer, D. D., late of Grand Rapids, Michigan , was made pastor. Others who officiated in the services were the Rev. Dr. C. H. Eaton, D. D., of New York; the Rev. Dr. J. K. Mason, D. D., of Buffalo; and the Rev. Asa Saxe, D. D., of Rochester. CHARLES G. HUTCHINSON. QHARLES GROVE HUTCHINSON, a pro- 1 1 gressive and energetic business man of Chi- vj cago, was born in Williamsville, Erie Coun- ty, New York, January 24, 1847, and is a son of William H. Hutchinson and Jane Grove. The Hutchinson family, which is, doubtless, of Eng- lish origin, located in the Connecticut Colony as early as the seventeenth century. Joseph, the father of William H. Hutchinson, served through the War of 1812, as lieutenant of a compan}' of Connecticut troops. He took part in the campaign about Fort Erie and Buffalo, and the close of the war found him stationed at Detroit. Soon after the cessation of hostilities he resigned his commission and settled in western New York. His sojourn in this locality during the war had revealed to him its pre-eminent advantages as an agricult- ural country. For many years he was landlord of the Mansion House at Williamsville. His death occurred in Chicago in 1877, at the a & e f seventy-nine years. William H. Hutchinson, who was born in Leb- anon, Connecticut, removed with his family to Chicago in the spring of 1849. Soon after com- ing to this city he began the manufacture of soda water, which he continued up to the time of his death, which occurred in 1880, at the age of six- ty-five years. His place of business was at the corner of Randolph and Peoria Streets, where he erected a large factory, which escaped destruction in the Great Fire. The family residence, at the corner of North State and Erie Streets, was swept away in that conflagration. His prompt loan of a quantity of soda-water boxes, which afforded admirable pigeon-holes at the time, enabled the postoffice to resume the distribution of the mails with little delay after the fire. He was ever a public-spirited citizen and an enthusiastic ad- herent of the Democratic part}-, contributing much of his time as an organizer and worker for its success, though always refusing to be himself a candidate for any office. Mrs. Jane (Grove) Hutchinson was born in New York. Her father, who was a native of Penn- sylvania, was of Dutch descent. The name was originally written Groff. While returning from a visit to Mackinaw, in 1856, Mrs. Hutchinson became a victim of one of the saddest disasters which ever occurred upon Lake Michigan, being one of the passengers of the ill-fated steamer " Niagara," which burned off Port Washington, Wisconsin. She was the mother of four sons: Chester M., of Hawthorne, Cook County, Illi- nois; William A., who is in the United States revenue service at Port Townsend, Washington; and George C. and Charles; G., both of whom are residents of Chicago. William H. Hutchinson was married a second time, to Miss Mary M. Warner, of Williamsville, New York, and they became the parents of two sons, Douglas and Eugene, the latter of whom is now deceased, and the former resides in Chicago. G. M. ROGERS. 235 Charles G. Hutchinson attended the Washing- ton School of Chicago until he was fifteen years old, after which he was a student for four years at the Military Academy at Fulton, Illinois. After the close of the Civil War there being no further promise of demand for military service he re- turned to Chicago, and became identified with his father's business, which he continued to con- duct for some time after the death of its founder. In 1879, in company with his brother, George C. Hutchinson, he established a factory for the pro- duction of bottlers' supplies and extracts, under the firm name of W. H. Hutchinson & Son, which is still retained. Two years later the present factory on Desplaines Street was built, and about forty men are employed therein. The subject of- this notice is also identified with several other im- portant industries. He is a stockholder and Treasurer of the Independent Brewing Associa- tion, and President of the Chicago Fountain Soda Water Company. He is one of the stockholders of the Coit Paint Company (incorporated) , and is the inventor and patentee of the Hutchinson Spring Bottle Stopper, a unique and useful ap- pliance, which has come into almost universal use. Mr. Hutchinson is a prominent member of the Masonic fraternity, being identified with D. C. Cregier Lodge, Washington Chapter, Chicago Commander}', Knights Templar, Oriental Con- sistory and Medinah Temple of the Mystic Shrine. Like his father, he has been a life-long Democrat, but never seeks public position. He is an en- thusiastic and successful sportsman, and makes frequent excursions to the woods of Northern Wisconsin for the purpose of indulging his taste for fishing and hunting. He is a member of the Eagle River Fishing and Shooting Club, and of the Cumberland Gun Club, two of the leading sportsmen's organizations of Chicago. In all his business and social relations he is deservedly pop- ular, through his genial and social disposition and his kind and courteous manners. GEORGE M. ROGERS. MILLS ROGERS is not only dis- btinguished as one of the foremost attorneys and jurists of Chicago, but has given much study and careful attention to the leading public questions of the day. He is well versed in prob- lems relating to political economy and municipal reform, and his views are never narrowed by con- siderations of party policy, nor are his expressions colored by mere personal or mercenary motives. His professional integrity and his reputation as a citizen have been equally well maintained, and no modern record of Chicago's representative men would be complete without some notice of his achievements. Mr. Rogers was born at Glasgow, Kentucky, on the sixteenth day of April, 1854, and is a son of the Hon. John Gorin Rogers and Arabella E. Crenshaw, extended notice of whom, together with the genealogy of their families, is given elsewhere in this volume. The subject of this sketch was but four years old when the family came to Chicago. He was educated at the public schools and the Chicago University, supplement- ing the instruction so received by a course at Yale College, from which famous institution he was graduated in 1876. He began his legal studies in the office of Crawford & McConnell, and con- tinued the same in the Union College of Law 236 G. M. ROGERS. now the law department of the Northwestern University. In 1878 he was admitted to the Bar, and began practice in partnership with Samuel P. McConnell, a well-known barrister, since one of the Judges of 'the Circuit Court of Cook County. During the continuance of this partnership he was chosen at- torney for the Citizens' Association, and was a member of the committee which prepared and secured the passage of the original reform city election law. He also personally prepared the primary election law, which was adopted verbatim by the committee of the association having that subject in charge, and was presented to the Legis- lature for adoption. Owing to the fact that this bill was in charge of Senator Crawford during its passage, it became known as the ' ' Crawford Election Law." His services in behalf of this association could not fail to attract attention to his signal ability as a lawyer and a statesman, and caused his ap- pointment as Assistant City Attorney. This po- sition he filled with such credit that, in 1886, he was appointed City Prosecuting Attorney, but ow- ing to the ill-health of his wife, which demanded that he should travel with her, he resigned the office in April of the following year. After return- ing to the city he was appointed, in November, 1887, to the office of Assistant United States At- torney, but resigned that position in the following March, to re-engage in private law practice. With this business he has combined that of real- estate and loans, and his transactions have grown to such volume as to require the assistance of several clerks. On the ist of February, 1889, he was ap- pointed :i Master in Chancery of the Circuit Court of Cook County, and has discharged the duties of that judicial office with such candor and im- partiality as to earn and receive the approbation of courts, attorneys and litigants. In 1893 it was deemed advisable by the leading lawyers of Chicago to take some practical steps toward the separation of judicial affairs from the contamination of political interests. With this end in view, they placed in nomination eight candidates for judicial positions, who were equally divided in political affiliations between the two leading parties. Mr. Rogers received the highest vote of any candidate before the Bar Association the total number being 1346, out of which he received 1222. This nomination came to him without any solicitation on his part, and, although the " party machine" which dominated the Dem- ocratic convention prevented the endorsement of his nomination, which he made no effort to secure, his endorsement by the members of the Bar, who were influenced by no political consid- erations, but by a desire to elevate the judiciary and purify the administration of justice, was re- garded as a far greater compliment than an elec- tion as a candidate of any political party could have been. On the 3d of June, 1884, Mr. Rogers was mar- ried to Philippa Hone Anthon, a daughter of the late Hone Anthon, of New York City, whose family is conspicuous for the large number of eminent professional men among its members. Mr. Rogers is one of the founders of the Iro- quois Club, and among the other clubs with which he is prominently identified may be men- tioned the Illinois, University and Law Clubs. In the fall of 1888 he united with the Independent Order of Odd Fellows, in which his father had been one of the leading spirits, and he has repre- sented his lodge in the Grand Lodge of Illinois. In 1882 he made a foreign tour in company with his brother, who was suffering from ill-health, and visited the principal cities and other points of interest in Europe. His active mind and keen observation could not fail to make this trip of value to him in broadening his experience and extending his knowlege of men and the affairs of the world. For a number of years after beginning his pro- fessional career, he was prominent in the political counsels of the Democratic party. In 1880 he was nominated as the candidate of his party for State Senator. His personal popularity may be judged from the fact that the usual Republican majority of two thousand in his district was re- duced to eight hundred. For some time he was Vice- President of the Cook County Democratic Committee, and labored diligently, though in ROBERT HERVEY. 23? vain, to bring about some needed reforms in the organization and methods of the party. Becom- ing displeased with the methods of politicians, he became one of the organizers of the Iroquois Club, which was established for the purpose of exerting an influence in National politics, leaving local strife to those whose taste led in that direc- tion, and he was elected one of its first Vice- Presideuts. ROBERT HERVEY, LL. D. ROBERT HERVEY, LL. D., who was for nearly forty years a familiar figure in Chi- cago court rooms, was born in Glasgow, Scotland, August 10, 1820. He is a son of Alex- ander and Elizabeth (Gibson) Hervey. The fa- ther was a son of Robert Hervey, who founded a mercantile establishment at Glasgow, in which Alexander succeeded him. The business career of the latter was cut short by his death, when his son Robert was but eleven years of age. Mrs. Elizabeth Hervey afterward came to America, and for a number of years resided with her son in Chicago. She died at Brockville, Canada, in 1862. Robert Hervey was educated in his native city, first at a grammar school and later at the Uni- versity of Glasgow. While at this institution he began the study of medicine, and the knowledge thus obtained was of great use to him in subse- quent legal practice. With this information he often surprised courts, as well as expert witnesses. At the age of seventeen years he went to Canada, intending to enter into mercantile business in connection with uncles who were residing there. By the advice of one of the latter, however, he de- cided to study law, and became a student of Hen- ry Sherwood, of Brockville, afterward the Attor- ney-General of Ontario. When this gentleman removed to Toronto, Mr. Hervey accompanied him to that city, where he was admitted to prac- tice in 1841. He then opened an office at Otta- wa, then called By town, the eastern terminus of the Rideau Canal, which had recently been com- pleted. He continued his legal business at Otta- wa until 1852, when he came to Chicago, and has since been continuously in legal practice here. He first opened an office in partnership with Buckner S. Morris and Joseph P. Clarkson, at the southeast corner of Lake and Clark Streets, in the same building where Judge Thomas Drum- mond then held United States Court. Mr. Her- vey subsequently took James R, Hosmer into partnership for a time, and in May, 1858, became a partner of Elliott Anthony since a distin- guished Judge of the Superior Court. Mr. A. T. Gait was afterward admitted to this firm, and for many years the firm of Hervey, Anthony & Gait was one of the best known in Chicago. Mr. Hervey 's early partner, Joseph Clarkson, was a brother of Bishop Clarkson, who was then Rector of St. James' Church on the North Side, and afterward became Bishop of Nebraska. Mr. Hervey has practiced in all courts, from Justices' up to the Supreme Court of the United States, to which latter he was admitted in 1873, and has been employed on some of the most im- portant criminal cases in Cook County. The first of these was in 1855, when he defended Patrick Cunningham, accused of killing a policeman. This case created a great sensation in Chicago, but Mr. Hervey secured a change of venue to Wau- kegan, where the minds of the jurors were less prejudiced than in Chicago, and his client was sentenced to the penitentiary for eight years for manslaughter. The adroit and skillful manage- ment of the defendant's attorney saved the latter from a death sentence and established the law- yer's reputation. Though he has defended some ROBERT HERVEY. notorious criminals, none of his clients have ever been executed. He was attorney for some of the aldermen and Cook County Commissioners who were accused of "boodling," and all his clients were acquitted. One of the most important cases taken up by the firm of Hervey & Anthony was the dissolu- tion of the consolidation of the Chicago & Galena Union Railroad Company with the Chicago & Northwestern Railroad Company, a deal which was manipulated by the directors of the respect- ive roads to the dissatisfaction and alleged dis- advantage of the stockholders of the former road, who had not been consulted in the matter. The contest was finally settled by payment of dam- ages to the plaintiff stockholders of the Chicago & Galena Union. For six years past Mr. Hervey has been afflict- ed with ill-health, which has confined him to his house and prevented his attendance at court or social gatherings. While his health permitted him to do so, he attended the Episcopal Church. Since 1865 he has been a member of the Masonic fraternity, having joined Blaney Lodge at that date. While a young man he joined the Inde- pendent Order of Odd Fellows at Ottawa, and be- came the Noble Grand of Ottawa Lodge No. 1 1. His connection with this order was abandoned, however, on his coming to the United States, though he has often regretted this action. While a citizen of Canada he was quite an active politi- cian, and spent considerable of his time, energy and money in the effort to help shape local affairs. His uncle, who realized the futility of this course, exacted a promise from young Hervey on coming to Chicago, that he would not mingle in the pol- itics of the United States. This pledge has been faithfully observed, and he did not become a voter until 1887. In 1852 he became a member of St. Andrew's Society, an organization in which he has ever taken an active interest, and has probably done as much for its promotion as any single member. He has served as President of the society for six terms. The object of this association is to relieve the distress of the unfortunate among the coun- trymen and women of its members, and it has come to be one of the leading charitable institu- tions of the city. In the winter of 1865, during which there was much suffering to be relieved among the poor and unfortunate, the funds of the society became exhausted, and, at the request of his friends, Mr. Hervey prepared and delivered a lecture on Robert Burns at the old Metropolitan Hall. The receipts of this lecture netted the society about $450. This address met such pop- ular approval that it was afterward several times repeated in other places. In 1883 the faculty of Wesleyan University at Bloomington, Illinois, invited him to deliver this lecture, together with an address to the graduating class of that institu- tion. This request was cheerfully complied with, and as a token of their appreciation of this effort the degree of Doctor of Laws was conferred upon him by the university. Another lecture on Walter Scott, which he delivered several years later at the same hall, also netted the society a handsome sum. In 1865 he helped organize the Caledonian Club, and was chosen its first Chief, a position which he filled several years. Mr. Hervey was first married to Miss Maria Jones, daughter of Dunham Jones, a farmer near Brockville, Canada, who removed thither from the United States during the Revolutionary War, on account of his loyalty to the British Crown. Mrs. Maria Hervey fell a victim to the cholera in 1854. In 1861 Mr. Hervey was again married, to Frances W. Smith, a native of Rochester, New York, and his present helpmate. Her mother, who is now Mrs. T. B. Bishop, is a native of England, and resides in Chicago, aged over eighty years. Mr. Hervey has three children. Alexan- der is a farmer near Charleston, Missouri. Rob- ert is the manager of an extensive lumber com- pany at Tonawanda, New York; and Sophia is the wife of Sidney F. Jones, of Toronto, Ontario. For twenty-four years past Mr. Hervey lias lived near the lake shore, on Twenty -fifth Street, hav- ing moved to that location a short time previous to the great Chicago Fire, and thereby avoided becoming one of its victims. In this pleasant lo- cation his most recent years have been altogether spent, and here his friends always receive a hearty welcome. LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS AUGUST BECK AUGUST BECK. 239 AUGUST BECK. (3| UGUST BECK, for nearly forty years an f I active business man of Chicago, and one of / 1 the city's most popular German- American residents, passed away at his home in that city, on the morning of March 5, 1897. Mr. Beck had not only a distinct and pleasing personality, but he had as well, in happily blended combination, a nicety and precision of mental adjustment that made him at all times, and under all circumstan- ces, the master of every business complication. He was born August 8, 1830, at Steinbach, in the Grand Duchy of Hessen, and was descended from a family which has included among its mem- bers, in the last century, a number of men high in the political and official circles of Ger- many. His father, Frederick Wilhelm Beck, was born July 29, 1800, in Bersrad, Grand Duchy of Hessen, and was a school teacher, being employed previous to 1840 in Grosskarben, and thereafter, until 1870, at Giessen, where he died in 1883. Here was celebrated in 1875 the golden wedding anniversary of himself and his estimable wife, in the presence of all their children. February 13, 1825, Mr. Beck was married to Miss Elizabeth Sang, who was born November 17, 1807, in Sauerbach, Hessen. She died in 1877, in her seventieth year. August Beck was educated at the gymnasium of Giessen, and when eighteen years old entered the employ of a leaf tobacco house at Mannheim. Later he was with G. W. Gail & Company, of Giessen, manufacturers of tobacco, with whom he continued several years. In 1854 he came to the United States and entered the branch house of the same company at Baltimore. He came to Chicago in 1855, and July 17 of that year he began business under the firm name of August Beck & Company, handling tobacco at wholesale and manufacturing cigars. The latter part of the business, however, he soon abandoned. In 1857 he entered into a partnership with Mr. Carl Wirth, 1 under the style of Beck & Wirth. After the death of Mr. Wirth the concern was in- corporated in 1881, Mr. Beck becoming president. In this capacity he labored with untiring zeal to promote his business interests, in which he was eminently successful. The disastrous conflagration of 1 87 1 swept away almost his entire fortune of about one hundred thousand dollars. But he was not disheartened by this catastrophe. To him this was but an in- cident in his career, and the iron-like quality of the man asserted itself. On the ashes of his for- tune, he resolutely set about re-organizing his affairs. His integrity and probity of character had been thoroughly established in his fourteen years of ceaseless business activity, and the great confidence which he enjoyed in commercial circles is attested by the fact that on the day after the Great Fire he received from the well-known firm of C. F. Tag & Son, of New York, a telegram authorizing him to draw upon them for seventy- five thousand dollars. With everything gone but his good name, he established himself squarely on the principles of his high code of honor, scorning to take advan- tage of his creditors by forcing a liquidation of his indebtedness at a discount, as many did. He steadfastly refused to make any proposition of settlement on a compromise basis. For years he toiled early and late, with an eye single to one purpose that of recovering from his losses; and in time he paid every creditor in full, with inter- est, declining every other settlement. He trav- eled extensively throughout the territory in which he sold goods, and thereby laid the solid foundation of the success of the present firm, largely upon personal acquaintance with jobbers 240 J. A. REIS. and merchants of the retail trade. In 1892 he laid aside the active cares of his large business his son-in-law, Otto C. Schneider, purchasing his interest. The latter insisted, however, upon Mr. Beck retaining the title of president in the cor- poration, which he did. Mr. Beck traveled extensively abroad, and crossed the ocean ten times, to visit his beloved Fatherland. His love for the country of his na- tivity in no sense detracted from his loyalty to the land of his adoption. He was thoroughly Ameri- can in his views, and loved the institutions of this country, and he enjoyed thoroughly and to the fullest extent the liberties and advantages all en- joy in common in this favored land. His family connections in Germany are of the highest order. His eldest brother, William Beck, in Darmstadt, enjoys the distinction of being a Privy Councillor to the Grand Duke ofHessen. His brother-in- law, at Mayence, has been a member of the Ger- man Reichstag, and his youngest brother, Charles Beck, whose place of residence is in Havana, Cuba, has the honor of representing different countries as Consul to "The Pearl of the Antilles." Mr. Beck was Consul of the Grand Duchy of Hessen at Chicago, from 1866 to 1871, and when he retired from that service was decorated by the Grand Duke with the "Ritterkreuz of the Order of Philip the Magnanimous. ' ' He was an hon- ored member of the Germania Club of Chicago, and was a supporter of the Republican party in American politics, but was not a politician, al- ways declining to become a candidate for political preferment. In 1857 he was married to Miss Louise Ger- lach, of Frankfort-on-the-Main. She died in 1893, leaving three children, namely: William C., Charles F., and Emily, the wife of Otto C. Schneider. Mr. Beck's last continental trip was made in 1894, upon which occasion he visited Egypt and other remote lands. While on the African conti- nent his health became impaired, but he was greatly benefited by a sojourn of several weeks in the pure air of the mountains of Switzerland. Upon his return from this trip he lived a quiet life, at his comfortable home on La Salle Avenue, surrounded by his children and grandchildren, to whom he was devotedly attached. He was one of the most companionable of men, and his con- genial, sunny nature always made all who came into his presence feel at ease. He was well informed and a pleasing conversationalist. His leisure hours were whiled away at his favorite pastime, the intricate game of skat, at which he was considered an expert player. Said one who knew him well: "His loyalty to friends, the per- fect simplicity and frankness of his character, and the total absence of affectation and outward dis- play made him an exceptionally good friend to all who enjoyed his confidence. ' ' JOSEPH A. REIS. (JOSEPH ADAM REIS, of Rogers Park, is a I carpenter and builder, also a florist, and was (/ born in Monroe County, Illinois. On the maternal side he is descended from the oldest German family in the State. The Reis family was founded in this State by his father, Peter A. Reis, who was born in Rhenish Bavaria about 1838, and came to this country when a small boy with his parents, Peter and Margaret Reis, lo- cating in Monroe County, where the parents died, and where Peter A. Reis still resides. On the maternal side, Joseph A. Reis is de- JOHN BERG. 241 scended from an old German family that was founded in this country in the early part of this century by his great-grandfather, Joseph Platz, who came from Rhenish Bavaria, and settled near New Orleans, Louisiana. Joseph Platz, the ma- ternal grandfather of Mr. Reis, came to Illinois when a boy, with his mother and two half-broth- ers, the family settling at Columbia, Monroe County. On reaching manhood he became the owner of the first stone quarry and lime kilns in the State. He died in 1871, leaving a family of four daugh- ters, Deborah, the mother of Mr. Reis, being the second. Peter A. and Barbara Reis have ten children, all of whom are living. 'Joseph A. is the only member of the family who lives in Cook County. He was educated in the public schools of Colum- bia, and learned the carpenter trade with his uncle, spending his vacations working at the trade, and one year after graduating from school. After learning the trade he worked as a journeyman several years. For some years he was foreman for Mr. Kinney, of Evanston. In 1892 he en- gaged in the production of vegetables in green- houses, but two years ago turned the business into the growing of flowers for the city market. He is also engaged in contracting for building greenhouses. September 16, 1884, he married Margaret Muno, a daughter of Henry and Margaret (Pink) Muno. They have seven children, namely: Mar- garet, Agnes, Clarence, Elizabeth, Arthur, Hen- rietta and Joseph. All are members of Saint Henry's Church. Mr. Reis is a Democrat in politics, but has never sought office. He is an intelligent, reading man, and a useful member of society. JOHN BERG. 3OHN BERG, of Bowmanville, is one of the old residents of Chicago. He was born- in Germany, January 18, 1825, and is a son of Nicholas Berg. In 1840 he emigrated to the United States, being the only member of his fath- er's family who came to America. He spent a short time in Indiana before locating permanently in Chicago. Being without means or influential friends, he was obliged to accept any kind of em- ployment as a means of earning an honest living. By carefully saving his earnings he was enabled to buy a team and wagon, and for some years did an express business. For a few years he kept a buffet on Clark Street, in Lake View. In 1871 he bought two acres of land in Bow- manville, and started a small grocery store, where his sons are now conducting the large business that has grown from that small beginning. About two years later he added a saloon to his grocery business, and here continued to do a profitable trade until 1894, when he turned the business over to his sons, and has since been living in retirement. His business career was characterized by indus- try, enterprise and fair dealing. In public affairs he has taken a considerable interest. In National and State elections he usually acts with the Re- publican party, while in local concerns he is found supporting the men best qualified for administra- tive positions. He served several years on the board of trustees of Jefferson Township, and a number of years as justice of the peace, and is at the present time a notary public. Mr. Berg and his family are members of Saint Mathias' Roman Catholic Church. He has been twice married, h;s first wife dying without issue. 242 RICHARD RUvSK. April 21, 1854, lie married Miss Mary Nernberg, a native of Germany. To this union nine chil- dren have been born, namely: Mary, wife of Peter Gort; Anna, now Mrs. August Goetz, of Bowmanville; Theresa, wife of Edward Munz, of West Pullman; Katharine, wife of John Sumnick, of Chicago; William, a grocer of Bowmanville, who married Elizabeth Penning, by whom he has two children, Andrew and Peter (twins), both in business at Bowmanville. John Adam married Miss Alvina Singstock; and Susie, the youngest of the family, is the wife of Elmer Clark. Andrew Berg married Helen Miller, and Peter, his twin brother, married Miss Jennie Brown. RICHARD RUSK. RICHARD RUSK has been a resident of Cook County for over a quarter of a century. He was born February 28, 1838, in County Armagh, Ireland, and is a son of Alexander and Elizabeth (Fair) Rusk, the former born in Scot- land and the latter in County Armagh, Ireland. Mrs. Rusk died in Ireland, June 20, 1859, the very day that Richard Rusk landed in the United States. After the death of his wife Alexander Rusk went to Australia and remained three years, returned to Ireland, and after spending three years there, came to America, bringing with him his three daughters. He located near Washington, District of Columbia, and bought twelve acres of land, part of General Lee's farm. After the heavy oak timber was cleared off the land, he planted it with peach trees, and spent most of the remainder of his life there. Mr. Rusk lived the last five years of his life in George- town, where he died about 1873. The family consisted of four sons and four daughters, namely: George, who died in Ireland; Richard, the sub- ject of this notice; William, now living in Wash- ington, District of Columbia; Samuel, of Cali- fornia; Margaret and Jane, twins, the former de- ceased, and the latter living in Washington; Lucy and Elizabeth. Richard Rusk was educated in the national schools of Ireland. At the age of nineteen years, he began to learn the trades of carpenter and wagon maker. He was apprenticed for the term of seven years, but after working five years and a-half with no pay, he became tired of it, and ran away to work for another man, who paid him four- pence a day, about fifty cents a week. He was an ambitious youth, and with even these small earn- ings he was able to save enough to buy himself clothing for two years and his passage to America. In May, 1859, he sailed from Belfast, arriving two days later in Liverpool , and started the same night for America, in the sailing ship "White Star," having on board nine hundred and eighty emigrants. After an uneventful voyage of five weeks he landed in New York, and from there he went by way of Albany to Rutland, Vermont, to visit a cousin. He worked in Vermont at his trade two years, and then, in 1862, went to New York, and from there to Washington, where he worked at his trade in a Government shop one year. He was transferred to the field and em- ployed in repairing ambulances and buggies, which he continued until the close of the war, with the exception of two months when he was ill. He was in the employ of the Government at the time of the assassination of President Lin- coln, and attended his funeral. After the war, Mr. Rusk opened a wagon shop at No. 22 West Washington Street, Chicago, and did a successful business. He next went to Rut- land, La Salle County, Illinois, and built a new L. C. WEMPLE. 243 wagon shop and carried on a successful business nearly three years. In 1869 he came to Cook County and bought ten acres of land in sections 1 1 and 1 2 Jefferson Township, and engaged in garden- ing. He leased three hundred acres of the Jack- son farm and carried on farming also. He now owns thirty acres of the same land, and, besides the farm, owns a fine business block on Lincoln and Graceland Avenues, Chicago. On Christinas day of 1864, in Washington, Mr. Rusk married Miss Margaret Wallace. Mr. and Mrs. Rusk had eight children, seven of whom are now living. They are: Charles, who lives on Belmont Avenue; John; William; David; Anna, wife of John Flood; Mary, now Mrs. James Shea, of Rogers Park; and Margaret, wife of Arthur Bairstow. Mr. Rusk has always shown great interest in the prosperity of his adopted country, and is a progressive citizen. He usually acts with the Republican party, but always supports the man he considers most fit for an office, whether local or national. The family is identified with the Episcopal Church. LEONARD C WEMPLE. I EONARD CARL WEMPLE, of Rogers 1C Park, was born in the town of Fonda, Mont- l_y gomery County, New York, February 9, 1836. He is the son of Jacob Van Alstine and Eleanor (Veeder) Wemple. His ancestors were Holland Dutch, and both families were founded in America before the Revolutionary War. Jacob Van Alstine, the great-great-grandfather of Leon- ard Wemple, served as a soldier in the War for Independence and was present at the surrender of Burgoyne. In 1848, when the subject of this sketch was twelve years of age, the family came to Chicago. Jacob V. A. Wemple was a manufacturer of threshing machines, and obtained the third patent granted by the United States Government on a machine for threshing and separating the grain from the straw and chaff. He carried on the manufacture of machines in Chicago until 1859, when he failed in business. He then went to Winnebago County, in this State, and engaged in farming, on land previously purchased. Subse- quently he removed to a farm in Branch County, Michigan, where he died in 1873, and his good wife died seven years later. They had a family of fourteen children, three of whom died in childhood. The following grew to maturity, and four are living at this writing: Caroline, John; Leonard C. , the subject of this article; Maria Jane, deceased; Virginia Catherine, deceased; Lavina, deceased; Elizabeth, deceased, and Eu- gene. These are among the heirs of the cele- brated Trinity Church property of New York. Leonard C. Wemple was fairly educated in private schools in Chicago. He was early trained in his father's shop, and became an ex- pert workman in both wood and iron, and has all his life followed that form of mechanics. For nearly half a century he has been a resident of Chicago, with the exception of some months which he spent in California, on two different oc- casions. No better testimonial of his ability as a workman, of his reliability and good habits can be formed than the fact that for the past fourteen years he has been in the employ of the William Deering Harvester Company, of Chicago, as a pattern-maker, a position which he still occupies. March 23, 1864, Mr. Wemple married Miss Ruth, daughter of Philip G. and Anna (Austin) Whelden. She was born in Rensselaer County, 244 H. C. HANSEN. New York, and came to Illinois with her parents when a child, and was reared on a farm in Boone County. Her parents were natives of the Empire State, and had five children, namely: Charles G., Elizabeth, Ruth, Nathaniel G. and Isaiah. The mother died when Mrs. Weniple was five years of age. A few years later Mr. Whelden married Miriam Harriet Austin, sister of his first wife, and they became the parents of three children Harriet Ann, Philip G. and Jabez. After coming to this State Mr. Whelden engaged in farming in Boone County, until he retired from active busi- ness and became a resident of Rockford, where he died in June, 1895, his wife having been dead five years. To Mr. and Mrs. Wemple were born three chil- dren, as follows: Willis Grant, an engineer on the Chicago & Northwestern Railway; Clarence Nelson, also in the employ of the same railroad company; and Ada Louise. Mr. Wemple is a Republican in political opinion, and is a regular attendant of the Methodist Church. HENRY C HANSEN. HENRY CHRISTIAN HANSEN, a promi- nent business man of Oak Park and Chi- cago, was born at Waygaard, near Tondern, Schleswig-Holstein, October 8, 1840. As far as known, nearly all his progenitors have been noted for longevity and physical vigor. His grandfa- ther, Daniel Hansen, was born at Leek, in the same State, March 19, 1766. He was engaged in mercantile business at Waygaard during the greater part of his life. In this enterprise he was succeeded by his only son, Hans Johann Diedrich, who became the father of Henry C. Hansen. Hans J. D. Hansen was born at Waygaard, Oc- tober 8, 1802, and died in the same place in 1851, at the age of forty-nine years, one month and three weeks. His wife, whose maiden name was Anna Sonnichsen, died there in 1893, having at- tained the age of ninety-two years. She was born at Nord Waygaard and was the eldest in a family of eleven children. Henry C. Hansen is the youngest .of six chil- dren born to his parents, and the only represen- tative of the family in the United States. He was educated in the public schools of his native place, and at the age of sixteen years entered a mercantile establishment at Niebull, where he spent five years in learning the details of that business, serving four years of this time without wages. He was afterward employed in other cities, and spent one year in a large wholesale and retail dry-goods house at Hamburg. After the close of the War of 1866 he came to America and spent the next year in a grocery and market at Wheeling, West Virginia. He then came to Chicago, where he was first employed in a retail grocery store on Chicago Avenue. He was afterwards connected with dry-goods houses in that city, and in 1873 removed to Oak Park, where he purchased a stock of general merchandise and carried on that line of trade for the next fourteen years. Since that time he has devoted most of his attention to the real-estate and loan business, maintaining an office for that purpose in Chicago. Having acquired considerable property in the city and suburbs, its care now oc- cupies most of his time. He has always taken an active interest in movements calculated to promote the development of Oak Park and ad- jacent suburbs. He was one of the first men in- terested in the construction of the Cicero & Pro- SIVERT HOLLESEN. 245 viso Electric Railroad, and was for a time a mem- ber of the board of directors of that corporation. This organization built the first line of electric road in Cook County, and has since constructed a number of other lines, connecting the city with most of the West Side suburbs. He was also one of the prime movers in the organization of the Ogden Street Railway Company, which was formed for a similar purpose. In 1892 he became one of the incorporators of the Oak Park State Bank, and has ever since been vice-president of that thriving institution. He has several times served the town of Cicero in official capacities, having filled the office of collector for one year, and that of trustee four years. In political action he has always been unbiased by party prejudice, and supports such men and measures as he be- lieves to be in the best interests of the country. In 1872 he was a warm supporter of Horace Greeley for the presidency, and for a number of years thereafter sustained the national Democratic ticket. In 1896 he was a delegate to the con- vention at Indianapolis which nominated John M. Palmer for the presidency, but, becoming con- vinced that the business interests of the country could be best served in that manner, he cast his ballot for William McKinley. Though reared in the Lutheran faith, he has never affiliated with any religious or social organization since coming to the United States. He was married in March, 1874, to Catharine Gaugler, daughter of Moritz Gaugler, of whom further notice appears on another page of this book. Mrs. Hansen was born in Chicago, and has developed unusual skill in painting and wood- carving. Among many other things, she has designed and executed a fire screen of combined carved and embroidery work which has attracted considerable attention as a remarkable amateur production. She is a member of the Gesellschaft Erholung, a charitable organization in Chicago, and pieces of carving contributed by her have realized good prices for the benefit of that society. Mr. and Mrs. Hansen have two sons, Moris and Edward, both of whom are graduates of the Oak Park High School, and the latter of Bryant and Stratton's Business College. The elder son is an amateur painter of ability, and no guest of this family can fail to be impressed by the skill dis- played in the handiwork of its members. SIVERT HOLLESEN. DIVERT HOLLESEN, an industrious, pro- 7\ gressive and successful citizen of North \~) Chicago, was born August 10, 1849, in Schleswig-Holstein, Germany (then a part of Denmark). His parents, John and Mary Chris- tina Hollesen, were natives of that place, where they passed their entire lives. The father died in 1856, and the mother iri 1892. Sivert Hollesen grew to manhood in his native land and received a fair education, which is as- sured to every citizen of that country. He was early accustomed to the duties of farm life; but has always spent his leisure time in reading and studying, and is thoroughly well informed on the topics which engage the attention of the people of the present day. He writes and reads rapidly in the Danish, Norwegian and English languages, and speaks the German tongue fluently. In 1871 he came to the United States, by way of Leith and Glasgow, Scotland, and first touched American soil at Quebec, proceeding thence to Chicago, by way of the Grand Trunk Railroad. On his arrival here he possessed twenty dollars in gold, with which he began life. He was first em- 246 CELESTIAL KELLER. ployed as a laborer, and very soon found employ- ment at gardening, at which he served twelve years for one employer, Mr. R. J. Lewis, a well-known gardener and florist. During most of this time he occupied the position of foreman. In 1886 he began business for himself, on rent- ed ground, at the corner of Fullerton and Racine Avenues, and has achieved remarkable business success. In 1887 he purchased fifteen acres of land, at the corner of Devon Avenue and Perry Street, on which he has placed all of the improve- ments, including a good residence and out- buildings. He is now doing a large and profitable business in producing vegetables for the city markets. He employs four men all the time, and this force is, of course, largely increased during the summer months. In 1892 he bought twenty-three acres in North Evanston; the following year he pur- chased ten acres in Niles Township. These are considered by good judges to be shrewd invest- ments. Mr. Hollesen has never been ambitious to manage the affairs of his neighbors or of the public generally, but is a steadfast Republican, and does not fail to perform his duties as a private citizen, as he understands them. June 17, 1882, he was married to Miss Frances Schoenbeck, who is a daughter of Peter and Anna Schoenbeck, natives of West Prussia, in which country Mrs. Hollesen was born May 13, 1859. In 1880 she came to America, with her parents, who are now residents of Rogers Park. Mr. and Mrs. Holleseu have seven daughters Anna, Mary, Fallie, Martha, Sophia, Clara and Frances. They lost a son at the age of three months. All are identified with Saint Henry's Roman Cath- olic Church. Mr. Hollesen is deserving of credit not only for the material success which he has attained, but for the cultivation of his mind and talents, in the midst of a most laborious life, and he is now respected as one of the most intelligent and pro- gressive citizens of the community in which he resides. CELESTIAL KELLER. CELESTIAL KELLER, who is engaged in I ( farming on North Clark Street, Chicago, has \J been a resident of Cook County since 1857. He was born September 22, 1830, in Argon, Switzerland, and is a son of Frank Lorenz and Mary (Stagmeyer) Keller. He was educated in the beneficent public schools of Switzerland, and became master of the carpenter's trade, at which he worked in connection with farming. He came to the United States in the year before named, disembarking at New York and proceed- ing directly to Chicago, where he secured employ- ment at his trade until the Great Fire of 1871. After this he took up farming at his present loca- tion, and has continued that occupation since. Mr. Keller does not take an active part in the management of public affairs, leaving these cares to more ambitious souls. He is a faithful adhe- rent of the Roman Catholic faith, while the re- maining members of his family are connected with the Presbyterian Church. November 25, 1867, Mr. Keller was married to Katharine Klein, daughter of Christopher and Anna (Young) Klein. Mrs. Keller's family came to America in 1866, and arrived February 2 of that year in Chicago. A month later they bought LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS HENRY O. LOVETT H. O. LOVETT. 247 land on Clark Street, and continued farming there for many years. The mother was killed by an accident September 9, 1876, and the father died April 14, 1886. They were adherents of the Presbyterian religious faith. They were from the Rhine Province of Prussia, Germany, where both were born, as were their children, who came with them, namely: Katharine (Mrs. Keller); Anna, wife of Jacob Meelbeier; Michael, now deceased; Christopher, a resident of Chicago; Barbara, wife of Henry Rumstick; Sybla (Mrs. Frederick Meyer); and Elizabeth, wife of Michael Boscheit. Mr. and Mrs. Keller have lost three children, and have two living, namely: Albert and Bertha. HENRY O. LOVETT. HENRY ORISON LOVETT was born in Bath, Steuben County, New York, in 1826, and was the son of Joseph and Lydia (Crouch) Lovett, the latter being a native of Connecticut, in which State she was married to Mr. Lovett. About 1835 the family came to Cook County, locating on Grand Avenue (then known as the Elgin Road), in the present village of Galewood. His father died here, and his mother died in Palmyra, New York, at the home of her son, Joseph Lovett. When grown to manhood, Henry O. Lovett settled in the town of Leyden, where the remainder of his life was spent. He became the owner of six hundred acres of prairie and timber land, and was one of the most exten- sive farmers of that township. Much of his prop- erty has been sub divided, the present village of Ellsworth having been laid out thereon. Mr. Lovett was one of the leading members of the Norwood Baptist Church at Norwood Park. He took an active interest in establishing a good system of public schools in the town of Leyden, and aided in many other progressive movements. He filled many local offices, and discharged every public duty in a most acceptable and conscientious manner. He was a Republican in principle, but could hardly be called a politician, and never sought to advance his private interests at public expense. He was married December 3, 1848, to Miss Mary, daughter of John and Polly Van Natta, of whom further notice is given elsewhere in this volume. Mrs. Lovett was born in Mina, Chau- tauqua County, New York. They were the par- ents of seven children, namely: John J., of Mont- clare; Mary H., who died September 23, 1860, at the age of nine years; Ella A., the wife of Rev. John L- Jackson, pastor of a Baptist Church in Hyde Park; Charles Edwin, who died August 5, 1883, at the age of thirty years; Stanley Ernest, who died at the age of eighteen months; Emery Orison, a Baptist minister at Fort Scott, Kansas; and lona Esther, wife of William C. Brown, who resides at Oak Park. Mr. Lovett died January 4, 1873, at Ellsworth, Cook County, Illinois, at the age of forty-seven years. Since 1891 Mrs. Lovett has made her home at Oak Park. She relates many interesting incidents and reminiscences of earl}' life in Chi- cago and Cook County, and anyone who is inter- ested in the history of this locality and its pioneers will find it a treat to listen to her, as one can learn much from her on this topic. 248 MORITZ GAUGLER. MORITZ GAUGLER. lORITZ GAUGLER, one of the worthy pioneers of Cook County, was born June 12, 1808, at Undercept, Elsass (at that time a part of France) , and his death occurred at Oak Park, October 3, 1879. His father, Nicholas Gaugler, was a professional cook and was em- ployed for many years in the family of a French nobleman. His wife died when the son, Moritz, was but three years old. The latter learned the trade of cabinet-maker in his native land, and in 1830 emigrated to the United States. He located at Watertown, New York, where he followed his trade, though he found that much of the skill which he had acquired was of but little use in this country. He was married there, and in 1836 came to Chicago, spending six weeks in the journey, which was made by the way of Erie Canal and the Great Lakes. A short time after his arrival he went to Lake Geneva, Wisconsin, where a number of Chicago people were inter- ested in the construction of a sawmill. He was employed about two years at that place, then in the midst of the wilderness. During this time he made several trips to Chicago with an ox- team, sometimes being several weeks upon the way, owing to the almost impassable condition of the roads. He subsequently took up his resi- dence in Chicago, where he worked at the car- . penter trade and such other employment as of- fered opportunity to gain a livelihood. He some- times eked out his income by picking strawberries for market, as that fruit grew very abundantly in the vicinity of Wright's Grove, on the North Side. After a time he began taking building contracts, but in this enterprise was not very successful. Soon after coming to Chicago he made the ac- quaintance of William B. Ogden, and an intimate friendship always existed between them. He was often advised by Mr. Ogden to invest his savings in real estate, but hesitated for several years about accepting this advice. Among the tracts which he had been urged to purchase was one of about two acres, on the west side of Clark Street, between Schiller Street and North Ave- nue, which was offered to him for six hundred dollars. A few years later, having become con- vinced of the advantage of such investments, he paid ten thousand dollars for the same piece. He made his home there for several years, in the mean time subdividing and selling portions of it, which yielded him a handsome profit on the in- vestment. About 1865 he removed to Oak Park, which was then a small straggling village. He bought considerable property at that place, much of which he subdivided and improved from time to time. He built two houses on Chicago Avenue, among the first erected on that thoroughfare in Oak Park. He was always interested in public affairs, and served several terms as a member of the board of trustees of the town of Cicero, dur- ing which time some noteworthy public improve- ments were made. He was a natural musician, JULIUS RISTOW. 249 and all of his descendants have inherited more or less of his talent in that direction. Mr. Gaugler was married in 1835, to Catharine Young, who survives him and is now living at Oak Park, at the venerable age of eighty-six years. She was born at Winterburg, France, and came to the United States about 1830, in company with her brother, who left his native land in common with many^of his countrymen, to evade the onerous military duty imposed there. Pre- vious to her marriage, Mrs. Gaugler was em- ployed as head cook in a hotel at Watertown, New York. Her father, Nicholas Young, oper- ated a line of teams engaged in transporting salt from Germany into Elsass. About 1835 became to the United States, and lived at Watertown, New York, until his death, at the age of seventy- five years. His wife reached the age of ninety- eight years. Her brother, Nicholas Wehrung, was an officer in the army of Napoleon I, as was also a Mr. Marzloff, who married a sister of Mrs. Gaugler. Of five daughters born to Mr. and Mrs. Gaugler, three grew to womanhood, name- ly: Josephine, Mrs. Frederick Cronemeyer, of Omaha, Nebraska; Emaline, deceased wife of George Timme, of the same place; and Catharine, now the wife of Henry C. Hansen, of Oak Park. JULIUS RISTOW. (1 ULIUS RISTOW is one of the industrious I and progressive citizens which Germany has G) furnished to Cook County. He is the eldest son of the late Erdman and Katherine Ristow, of whom further mention is made in the biography of Otto Ristow, in this work. The subject of this sketch was born October 13, 1845, in Germany, where he grew to manhood, receiving a thorough training in the profession of florist. At the same time he received the liberal education which is guaranteed to every German subject by the munif- icent educational system of the Empire. In 1858 lie married Miss Amelia Hager, and ten days after this interesting event in his life he set sail, accompanied by his loving bride, to make a home and fortune in free America. It is easy to imagine with what conflicting emotions this young pair severed their connection with home, friends and native land, while buoyed up with youthful hopes and confidence in each other, to begin life amid strange surroundings, in a country whose language was strange and un- musical to them. They had been bred to habits of thrift and industry, and felt sure that they would never want while health and strength were spared them. For a few years after his arrival in Cook Coun- ty, Mr. Ristow worked in the service of others, until he could save something from his wages. He did not falter in his determination to make a home, and in this he was cheered and aided by his faithful wife. In 1872 he located in what was then called Bowmanville, and with his brother, Otto Ristow, began business as a florist, upon leased land. This arrangement continued seven years, and in 1884 he bought an acre of land on Western Avenue, where he now lives. After- ward he purchased an additional half acre, and the greater portion of his ground is now covered by greenhouses, devoted to the production of roses for the cut-flower trade. As Mr. Ristow thoroughly understood every detail of this im- portant industry, he has made a success of the business. Although he began a poor man, he is now in comfortable circumstances, but he does not relax his careful attention to business or his 250 SIMON SIMON. accustomed diligence in its prosecution , and every youth anxious to succeed in life is advised to study the plan of his operations. While he has usually supported the Democratic party in political contests, Mr. Ristow is not strongly partisan, and does not believe that any party or set of men embodies all the patriotism or true philosophy of government, and is disposed to ignore party lines, especially in local matters. He has never desired or sought public honors, preferring to devote his time to his own business and the best interests of his family. He is a member of the Lutheran Church, and has ever borne his share in its maintenance. The family of Mr. and Mrs. Ristow includes nine children, all born in Chicago and all living at this writing. Clara, the eldest, is the wife of Herman A. Banske, and the mother of three children, Otto August, Herman William Albert and Elsie Amelia, besides one who died in in- fancy. The second daughter, Anna, is the wife of Albert Kuno, a gardener of Bowmanville. The other children are: Mollie, Ida, Leo, George, John, Richard and Edward. SIMON SIMON. ilMON SIMON, of Ravenswood, Chicago, is a pioneer settler of that locality. He is a native of Prussia, Germany, born May 19, 1840, and is a son of Jacob and Gertrude Simon, natives of the same place, where the father learned and followed the trade of shoe-nail smith. In 1847, with his family of nine children, he set out for America, and arrived in Chicago on the 7th of July in that year. Having exhausted his means in the journey, he was obliged to accept any employment that offered, and set bravely about making a home and a name for himself and children in the land which they has sacrificed so much to reach. He took up his residence on Dearborn Avenue, between Elm and Division Streets, where Mrs. Simon died in the fall of 1865. After the Great Fire of 1871, the father lived with his son, Michael Simon, where he died in 1885. Both he and his good wife were born in the year 1795. Their children were: Mathias; Mary, widow of Peter Moulton; Jacob, deceased; Anna, wife of Jacob Weber; Peter; Johanna, widow of Mathias Cossman; John, Nich- olas and Michael, deceased; William; and Simon, the youngest. Besides these, one died in infancy in the old country. When the parents celebrated their golden wedding in 1865, seventy-three chil- dren and grandchildren were present to con- gratulate them. Simon Simon, the subject of this notice, was educated in the Franklin School, at the corner of Sedgwick and Division Streets. At the age of sixteen years he went to learn the trade of moulder, in the study and practice of which his time was occupied for several years, until failing health compelled him to abandon it. For about twelve years he was a member of the Chicago police force, and for a period of eight years he kept a restaurant. He is now in the service ot the county, as an attache of Sheriff Pease's office, and has acted as turnkey a number of years, un- der two preceding sheriffs. In 1860 Mr. Simon was married to Miss Anna Elizabeth Myer, a native of Prussia, who came to Chicago when a small child. She was a foster daughter of Jacob Myer, who was the second CAPT. ANDREW TORKILSON. 251 husband of her mother. Mrs. Simon passed from life September 3, 1892, leaving a family of three sons the second of whom is recorder of Cook County and two daughters, namely: George, Louise, Robert M., Henry and Katharine. The eldest son is an artist of well-known skill. Mr. Simon became a resident of Lake View (now part of Chicago) in 1875. Since becoming a citizen of the United States he has given his earnest support to the principles advocated by the Republican party. To all of his children he is devoted, and he has given to each the best educa- tional opportunities. These have been appreciated, and the family is known as a united and highly cultivated one, enjoying the respect of the com- munity in which it resides. CAPT. ANDREW TORKILSON. EAPT. ANDREW TORKILSON was an early settler of Chicago, and one of the city's representative Scandinavian citizens. He was born on the western coast of Norway in 1825. His advantages for obtaining 'an education in the primary branches were good. His parents were ambitious for him to have a bright future, and, after completing an elementary course in the com- mon schools, he had his choice of what his career should be, though they themselves were inclined to see him enter the ministry. This was not young Andrew's choice, however, and as he had a predisposition to military life, he chose that, and at once entered the National Military School of his country, at Christiania, where he was care- fully taught in the manual of arms and the ab- stract principles of war. He graduated after six years of close application. Afterwards he entered the Government service, having been commis- sioned lieutenant, and served a year, when he re- signed to come to America. He could not leave without a permit from the Government officials, which he had difficulty in securing. In 1854 ne emigrated to America in a sailing- vessel, which was seventy-two days en route, landing at New York. From there he came to Chicago by the water route, and upon settling here he learned the cooper's trade, which he fol- lowed for some years. He had a shop of his own, and at times employed as many as thirty men. In this business he was very successful, accumu- lating considerable property. Previous to the outbreak of the Civil War he was appointed to the police force of the city, proving himself a brave and efficient officer. In 1856 he made a Euro- pean trip, visiting England, Ireland, many points of the continent, and his own home in Norway, being gone a year. Early in 1861 came the opportunity to distin- guish himself in the profession of arms, for which he had been carefully fitted. He recruited one hundred twelve men in the city, tendering them, with himself, to Governor Yates, but the State quota being then full, the Governor was compelled to refuse acceptance. In this dilemma he com- municated with the Executive of Wisconsin, ten- dering himself and all the men he had recruited, and was accepted. Out of his own pocket he paid the fare of these men to Madison, Wisconsin. Beside this he had clothed and lodged the men for sixty days previous, in order to keep them to- gether. They were a magnificent body of men, not one of whom measured less than six feet in height. Upon arriving in Madison they were organized as Company A, Fifteenth Wisconsin Infantry, and Mr. Torkilson was appointed captain. The regi- ment was at once sent to the seat of war, and was 252 CAPT. ANDREW TORKILSON. incorporated in General Grant's army at Cairo, Illinois. Under this redoubtable chietain the regiment took part in the decisive victories which resulted from Grant's first campaign, fighting at Perryville, Forts Donelson and Henry, and at Island Number Ten. Then under General Buell, but still in Grant's army, it fought in the last day's fight at Shiloh; then came the bloody en- gagements of Corinth, Murfreesboro, Chatta- nooga, Missionary Ridge, and the subsequent fighting of Sherman's army up to the final siege of Atlanta. Captain Torkilson acquitted himself as became a true and gallant soldier, which he was. The deafening noise of the scores of con- flicts so impaired his hearing that he was obliged to surrender his commission, which he did with reluctance. Upon his return to civil life he settled in Chi- cago, aud was for the second time appointed to the police force, this time by his friend, Mayor John Wentworth. He was active in the city's politics, and wielded an influence that was con- siderable. Mayor Wentworth said of him, "To Captain Torkilson' s influence I am indebted for my election." The mayor was his devoted friend, and their mutual confidence was never disturbed to the end of their lives. Some years after the war Captain Torkilson settled in Fort Dodge, Iowa, where he followed coopering and hotel-keeping, and held numerous official positions of trust. In 1873 he returned to Chicago and settled in Rogers Park, which could then boast only a few scattering homes. For a time following his settlement there he had charge of the toll-gate, and was subsequently engaged in the cooperage business. He was an active and energetic man, and en- joyed the confidence and esteem of all who knew him. In height he stood six feet three inches, and weighed about two hundred twenty pounds. His scholarly attainments were of a high order and he remained a Student all his life, keeping himself informed upon the leading and important questions of the day. He was an honored mem- ber of the Masonic order, having attained to the Master's degree. He was twice married, his second wife, Miss Christina Smith, a native of Nonvay, being wed- ded to him in Chicago. Their union resulted in seven children, six of whom are living, namely: Benjamin, Andrew F., John A., Thomas F., Clara F. and Anna C. ; Mary E. is deceased. Mrs. Torkilson, who is still living, is a daughter of Benedict and Elizabeth Smith, of Norway. The former still survives, and is a gentleman of influ- ence and worth, having followed the seas for a great many years. He has visited America twice, attending the Centennial Exhibition at Philadel- phia, in 1876, and in 1893 the World's Fair in this city, making the last journey both ways un- attended, though over ninety years of age. Captain Torkilson was an ardent Republican in politics, and his party had no more stanch supporter than he. Public service was uncon- genial to him in many ways, but he sought to fulfill his share of the duties of a good citizen. His death occurred October 18, 1881, and his remains repose in Rogers Park, where they were interred with Masonic honors. Benjamin Smith Torkilson, eldest son of Cap- tain Torkilson, was born in Chicago November 15, 1859. He was reared in the city, and edu- cated in its public schools. In youth he learned the cooper's trade, and later learned stone-cutting. Politically, he affiliates with the Republican par- ty. He was married to Miss Emma Collins in 1883, and they have four children, namely: Ella, Marion, Anna and Margaret. Mrs. Torkilson was born at Bailey's Harbor, Wisconsin. The second son, Andrew F. Torkilson, was born in Chicago in 1863. He was reared in Rogers Park and educated in the elementary branches in the public schools of that suburb. This was supplemented by a course in a business college, and he has, for a number of years, ac- ceptably filled a responsible position with the Chicago and Northwestern Railroad Company, being store-keeper of its dining-car service. He is an esteemed member of the Masonic fraternity and of the Royal League. His wife, Clara (Bart- lin) Torkilson, has borne him a son, named Fremont. Mr. Torkilson is a young man of pleasing, affable manners, and of good business and executive ability. HENRY WALLER. 253 HENRY WALLER. HENRY WALLER, for many years a promi- nent representative of the Chicago bar, was born in Frankfort, Kentucky, November 9, 1810, and died at River Forest, Illinois, July 28, 1893. He sprang from a family which has pro- duced many illustrious men, both in this country and in Europe. Among the noted members of the Waller family in England were Sir William Waller, a distinguished general and member of Parliament during Cornwall's time, and Edward Waller, the poet. A member of this family came to Virginia about the time of the Restoration , and settled in Spottsylvania County. Among his de- scendants were John and William Edmund Wal- ler, eminent Baptist ministers, who suffered con- siderable persecution from the Church of England. Richard, the son of Rev. William E. Waller, was the father of C. S. Waller, deceased, formerly commissioner of public works in Chicago, and at one time assistant state auditor of Kentucky. William S., another son of Rev. William E. Waller, was for about forty years cashier of the Bank of Kentucky. He married Miss Brecken- ridge, a lady whose deep religious convictions and conscientious devotion to principle made her a typical representative of one of the foremost fam- ilies of the Bluegrass State. The four sons of this couple, Henry, James B. , William and Edward, became prominent citizens of Chicago, and all are deceased. There were two daughters, Mrs. Cath- arine Carson, deceased, and Mrs. Susanna P. Lees, who is a resident of New York City. The former was the mother of Mrs. Clifton Brecken- ridge, wife of the present United States Minister to Russia. Henry Waller graduated from West Point in 1833, but soon resigned from the military service and studied law at Maysville, Kentucky, where he was a law partner of the Rev. John A. Mc- Clung, attorney, and was one of the lawyers en- gaged in the celebrated Dred Scott case. In 1855 he came to Chicago, where he practiced law twen- ty years. In 1875 he was appointed a master in chancery. He continued to discharge the duties of that office until about 1891, when he declined a reappointment on account of failing health. He lived on Ashland Avenue about twenty years, but in 1886 he moved to River Forest, where the. re- mainder of his life was spent in retirement. Mr. Waller was married to Miss Sarah Bell Langhorne, daughter of John T. Langhorne, ot Maysville, Kentucky, a well-known hotelkeeper of that city, whose wife was Elizabeth B. Payne, a daughter of Col. Duvall Payne, who was a brother of the noted Col. Thomas Y. Payne. 'She was the second of five children. The others were: Mrs. Elizabeth Green, Mrs. Judith L. Marshall, Maurice Langhorne, and John D. Langhorne. Maurice Langhorne was captain of a Mississippi steamer before the war, and a well-known charac- ter on the Father of Waters. His brother graduated from Annapolis, and was an officer in the United States Navy for many years. Mrs. Sarah B. Waller died in Chicago, December 13, 1883, at the age of sixty- two years. Mrs. Waller was a student at Aberdeen, Ohio, where she was a class- mate of Gen. U. S. Grant. She was married at the age of fifteen years, and was the mother of ten children before she was thirty-six years old. She was chiefly self-educated, and was a historian of some note. She was a remarkable woman, queenly in social circles and a leading spirit among 254 P. H. DOBBINS. the brilliant men and women of her time. During the war she was a ministering angel to the sick and suffering Southern prisoners at Camp Doug- las. Her influence for good was felt by everyone who came within her reach, and many bless her memory. Following are the names of her chil- dren : William Smith Waller, who died in Chicago in 1874, aged thirty-six years, and who was a dealer in real estate; Rev. Maurice Waller : D. D., of Lebanon, Kentucky; Lilly L-, chief matron of the Police Department of Chicago; Henry, a well- known real-estate dealer in Chicago; Edward C. , of the same occupation, residing at River Forest; Catherine, wife of Rev. John G. Hunter, D. D. , of Harrodsburg, Kentucky; Judith C. W. (Mrs. William S. Johnston) , of Chicago; John D. ; Bell Langhorne, of Chicago; and James B., of Norfolk, Virginia, who is connected with the Seaboard Air Line Railroad Company. Politically Mr. Waller was a conservative Dem- ocrat. He served two terms in the Kentucky Legislature before leaving that State, from 1845 to 1849. In Illinois he was the firm friend and co-laborer of Stephen A. Douglas, at whose funeral he was an honorary pall-bearer. They stumped the State together in several campaigns. During his earlier years in Chicago, Mr. Waller was a member of the old South Presbyterian Church (of which Rev. W. W. Harsha was then pastor) . He was afterward identified for a number of years with the Third Presbyterian Church of Chicago. He was firm and uncompromising in all his con- victions, and able to hold his own in debate with the ablest speakers of his day. PARIS H. DOBBINS. RARIS HORACE DOBBINS, a successful yf young business man of Chicago, who now J>3 resides at River Forest, was born in the city of Paris, France, October 6, 1869, and is a son of Thomas S. and Mary C. Dobbins, of whom ex- tended notice will be found in this volume. While an infant, Paris H. Dobbins was brought by his parents to the United States, arriving in New York City on the first anniversary of his birth. His education was obtained in Chicago, where he attended the public schools, and later the Har- vard School, one of the best-equipped private educational institutions in the city. At the age of seventeen years, he began his business career as a clerk in the First National Bank. Three years in this connection sufficed to give him a thorough knowledge of practical business methods, and in 1890 he formed a part- nership with his brother, Charles E. Dobbins, and engaged in the manufacture of steel springs. Though begun on a rather limited scale, the en- terprise has been prosperous from the start, from twenty to forty men being now employed. All kinds of wagon and carriage springs are manufactured by the firm, which is now known as Dobbins & Company. December 29, 1890, was celebrated the marriage of Paris H. Dobbins to Miss Lottie C. Spurck, daughter of P. E. Spurck, of Peoria, Illinois. They have two living children, named respect- ively, Mary Corinneand Thomas Deshler. Since May i , 1896, their home has been at River Fuicst, where they attend Saint Luke's Catholic Church. In this rural suburb Mr. Dobbins finds much pleasant recreation from the noisy and tumultuous life of the city. He is connected with the Bank- ers' Athletic Club of Chicago. He has usually supported the Democratic party, but has more recently acted independent of party lines, and in the fall of 1896 supported William McKinley for President of the United States, believing his can- didacy to be in the interests of national prosperity. A. B. MCLEAN. 255 ARCHIBALD B. McLEAN. RCHIBALD BRUCE McLEAN. It is a re- LJ markable circumstance that this gentleman, / I although he has attained the age of over seventy-five years and has spent the greater part of this time either in active business or military service, has never been a witness of an accident. He was born at Stirling, Scotland, a locality teem- ing with romantic interest and historic reminiscen- ces, on the yth of April, 1820. Both his parents were worth y representatives of the Scotch nation . His father, Alexander McLean, who was born at Callendar, became a cabinet-maker at Stirling, where his death occurred when Archibald was but three years old. The mother, Elizabeth (Robinson) McLean, was a native of Bannock- burn. After reaching the age of eighty years she came to America, and died at Brooklyn, New York, in 1871, at the venerable age of one hun- dred and one years and two months. She was the youngest of a family of ten children which was conspicuous for the longevity of its members. Her eldest brother, James Robinson, reached the age of one hundred and fifteen years, dying at Glengary, Canada. Mr. and Mrs. Alexander McLean were the parents of seven sons, four of whom still survive. James is a business man of Glasgow, Scotland. Alexander and George are citizens, respectively, of Brooklyn and Albany, New York. John died in Cork, Ireland, after serving fifteen years in the British army. Neal died in a hospital from the effects of wounds re- ceived during the great American Civil War; and Archibald B. is the next in order of birth. Don- ald, the eldest of the family, died in boyhood. Archibald B. McLean grew to manhood in his native town, and at the age often years began to learn the tailor's trade, an occupation which he has continued ever since, with the exception of the time spent in military service. At the age of seventeen years he entered the British army as a member of the Seventy-first Highland Light In- fantry, which was soon afterward ordered to Can- ada to assist in quelling the rebellion then in progress in that colony. He saw considerable skirmish duty during this expedition, and was stationed most of the time at Montreal or St. John's, Canada. In 1843 he was discharged from the service of the Crown, and, coming to the United States, lo- cated at Albany, New York, where he worked at his trade for the next two years. At the end of that time he enlisted in the United States navy and embarked on the seventy-four-gun ship "Col- umbus," which sailed from Brooklyn, New York, upon a voyage around the world. While at a Chinese port the crew first heard of the war be- tween the United States and Mexico and received orders to sail for the coast of California. Upon their arrival they patroled that coast until the close of hostilities, when they returned to the Atlantic Coast by way of Cape Horn. The voy- age, which terminated at Norfolk, Virginia, had lasted for thirty-five months, during which time they had sailed sixty-eight thousand miles. Mr. McLean again went to Albany and opened a tailoring establishment, carrying on business at that place until 1854, when he came to Chicago and engaged in business on Randolph Street. Three years later he removed to Janesville, Wis- consin. Here he carried on a merchant-tailoring establishment until the outbreak of the rebellion, when he was again seized with the spirit of mil- 256 R. N. TRIMINGHAM. itary enthusiasm. Soon after the fall of Fort Sumter he recruited Company D of the Second Wisconsin Infantry, and, declining a Captain's commission, became the First Lieutenant thereof. He reached the field with his regiment in time to take part in the disastrous battle of Bull Run, and after serving six months resigned his commission and applied for a position in the Ma- rine Corps. Having passed the prescribed age, and the officers not being aware of his past naval experience, his services were declined, and he re- enlisted in Company C, of the Twenty-seventh Wisconsin. He chose the position of color-bearer, and served in that capacity until the close of hos- tilities. Though he was constantly exposed to the fire of the enemy, taking part in many of the bloodiest engagements of the war, Mr. McLean received no wounds and was never in a hospital. After participating in the battles of Fort Donel- son, Pittsburg Landing and Corinth, he took part in General Shield's expedition in Arkansas. This campaign encountered fourteen general en- gagements in twenty-one days, besides meeting a great deal of guerrilla warfare. After the close of the campaign he was sent to Mobile and took part in the siege of that place, which terminated the war. After peace came he remained one year in Janesville, but in 1866 again located in Chicago, where he was continuously engaged in merchant tailoring until June, 1894, when he resigned the business to his son, W. S. McLean, who had previously been for some years a partner in the business. During the twenty-nine years' exist- ence of this establishment it has won and retained a valuable patronage and is still in a flourishing condition. On the nth of April, 1849, Mr. McLean was married to Margaret Shields, a native of Elgin, Morayshire, Scotland. Four children have been born to them, all of whom are residents of this city. They are: William S., the present successor of his father in business; Archibald, who is also connected with the establishment; George', who has charge of a department in the great wholesale establishment of Marshall Field & Co. ; and Isa- bella, now the wife of William L- Melville. Mr. and Mrs. McLean are the proud grandparents of eight children. For over forty years Mr. McLean has been con- nected with the Masonic order, and although he has been at times a member of other societies, is not identified with any other organization at the present time. He has been a steadfast Repub- lican from the organization of that party, and has ever been a patriotic and public-spirited citizen of the land of his adoption. RALPH N. TRIMINGHAM. RALPH N. TRIMINGHAM, Secretary of the Chicago Underwriters' Association, is one of the best known insurance men in the city. He was born in St. John's, Newfoundland, Sep- tember 2, 1838, and is the eldest son of Ralph and Ann (Brine) Trimingham, and a member of one of the oldest Colonial families. The Trimingham family was founded in Ber- muda by James Trimiugham, who emigrated thither from England during the reign of Charles II. and died there April i, 1735, The mercan- tile house which he established and conducted there during his lifetime was inherited and en- larged by successive generations of his descen- dants. He was the father of four sons and two daughters. Of these, John, the third son. mar- ried Elizabeth Jones. Francis, the third son of this couple, died in 1813. He inherited the rare R. N. TRIMINGHAM. 257 commercial instincts of his ancestors, and under his able guidance the business assumed extensive proportions, and branch houses were established in the Barbadoes, St. Vincent, and St. John's, Newfoundland. Several of his sons became partners in the concern, and continued the busi- ness for some time after his death. The firm owned a number of vessels and maintained exten- sive trade between the places above mentioned and various ports in Great Britain and South America. Francis Trimingham married Frances Light- bourn, and they were the parents of eight chil- dren, the youngest of whom was Ralph, father of the subject of this notice. The last-named gen- tleman, who was born at Bermuda in 1801, re- moved while a young man to St. John's, taking charge of the company's interests at that place. He was married there, and about 1847 removed to Baltimore, Maryland, where the firm of which he was a member also established a mercantile house. Four years later he disposed of his inter- est in the business, and in 1851 removed to St. Vincent, where he turned his attention to agri- culture and operated a large sugar plantation for the next four years. He then came to Chi- cago, and for a brief period re-engaged in mer- chandising, but soon retired from active business. His death occurred in 1869, at the age of sixty- eight years. His wife survived until August, 1874, departing this life at the age of sixty-three years. She was born in Newfoundland and was a daughter of Robert and Ann Brine. They came from the South of England and settled at St. John's, where Mr. Brine was for many years a prosperous merchant. Ralph N. Trimingham was educated at private schools, it being the intention of his parents to give him a college education and fit him for the Episcopal ministry. This purpose had to be abandoned, however, and at the age of sixteen years he entered upon his business career as clerk in a lawyer's office at St. Vincent. His subse- quent occupations have usually been of a clerical order, and he seems to be peculiarly adapted for the accurate, methodical labors which are so es- sential to success in such avocations. For some time previous to the departure of the family from St. Vincent he was employed as cashier in a dry- goods store, and his first occupation in Chicago was of a similar nature. A few years after locat- ing here he entered the office of Magill & La- tham, vessel-owners and commission merchants, with whom he remained for some time. He sub- sequently became a bookkeeper for his uncle, William Brine, who was a commission merchant operating upon the Board of Trade. Since 1866 he has been identified with the fire- underwriting interests of the city. His first con- nection in that line was with the Home Insurance Company of New York, under the management of Gen. A. C. Ducat, with whom he remained for a little over ten years. After leaving the em- ploy of the Home he for a short time became en- gaged in mercantile pursuits, but soon re-entered the business of fire insurance. In 1882 he was elected Secretary of the Underwriters' Exchange, a combination of insurance companies, and when the members of that organization united with those of the Chicago Board of Underwriters in forming the Chicago Fire Underwriters' Associa- tion, an institution organized for a similar pur- pose, he continued to serve the new concern in the same capacity. In 1894 the last-named cor- poration was succeeded by the Chicago Under- writers' Association. In recognition of his expe- rience and previous services, Mr. Trimingham was elected Secretary of the new association, and the performance of his duties to these successive organizations has absorbed his time and attention since 1885. On the 1 6th of April, 1885, he was married to Miss Carrie J., daughter of Robert G. Goodwillie, an early resident of Chicago. They are the par- ents of two daughters, named, respectively, Eliz- abeth and Anna. For thirty-eight years Mr. Trimingham held membership with the Third Presbyterian Church of Chicago, in which, for seventeen years, he was Elder and Clerk of the Session. He is now Elder of the First Presby- terian Church at Oak Park, where he lives. He has been identified with the Masonic order for the last twenty years, being a member of Cleve- land Lodge, Washington Chapter and Siloam G. W. BARNARD. Commandery, Knights Templar, of which he is Past Eminent Commander. His life has been marked by diligent, punctual habits and the con- scientious observance of upright principles. He has witnessed the growth and development of Chicago for nearly forty years, and during all that time he has spent but little time out of the city, his chief recreation being found in his domestic and social relations. GILBERT W. BARNARD. 0ILBERT WORDSWORTH BARNARD is bwell known amid Masonic circles through- out America and Europe, and has a world- wide reputation for sterling character, accommo- dating manners, and devotion to the interests of the order. He was born at Palmyra, Wayne County, New York, June i, 1834, and is the son of George Washington Barnard, whose death oc- curred previous to the birth of this son. The father of George W. Barnard, whose name was spelled Bernarde, was a Frenchman. Following the noble example of the immortal La Fayette, he came to America to enlist in the cause of free- dom, and upon the termination of the conflict settled in western New York, where he married and became the father of two sons. The elder of these died without issue, and the second lived and died in Wayne County, that state. The lat- ter became the captain of a passenger packet on the Erie Canal, a position of considerable import- ance in his time. His wife, Sabrina Deming, was a native of New York, and now resides in Howard City, Michigan, at the extreme old age of eighty years, her present name being Preston. Gilbert W. Barnard was reared in the family of his maternal grandfather. David Demming, a na- tive of Connecticut, who removed to Jackson County, Michigan, soon after his grandson be- came a member of his family. The Demming family was founded in America by four brothers, who settled in Connecticut early in the seven- teenth century. The name was originally spelled Dummund, but by a process of evolution peculiar to foreign names in America, it became Demming, and was contracted by the present generation by the omission of one " m." The subject of this biography spent the first fifteen years of his life in Jackson County, Mich- igan, whence he came to Chicago and began his business career as clerk in a general store. He afterward engaged in the book and stationery business, which line of trade he carried on for several years, achieving a reputation for upright and honorable dealing, and winning the esteem and confidence of his fellow-citizens. During the first year of his residence in Chicago he joined the volunteer fire department, and during the next nine or ten years rendered much valuable service to the city. - In October, 1864, he joined the Masonic order and has ever since been actively identified with its interests. He has taken over three hundred degrees known to Masonry, and has filled most of the principal offices in the subordinate and grand lodges. He is at present Past Master of Garden City Lodge; Past High Priest of Cor- rinthian Chapter No. 69, R. A. M.; Past Emi- nent Commander of St. Bernard Commandery No. 35, Knights Templar; Past Commander-in- Chief of Oriental Consistory ; Grand Secretary of the Grand Chapter; Grand Recorder of the Grand Council and of the Grand Commandery; and Grand Secretary of the Council of Deliberation, S. P. R. S., and other bodies. JACOB MANZ. 259 In 1877 he was elected Secretary of the Capit- ular, Cryptic and Chivalric Grand Bodies of the State of Illinois, a position he has ever since filled, and has devoted the best years of his life to the interests of the fraternity, administering to the wants of his brethren, and relieving the needs of their widows and orphans in distress. His sig- nal ability and unrelenting efforts in the perform- ance of his duties have won for him a host of friends and admirers. He has labored untiringly in behalf of the Illinois Masonic Orphans' Home, of which he was the first Secretary, and through his active efforts has contributed much to the up- building of that worthy institution. His long connection with the Ancient Accepted Scottish Rite has placed him in correspondence with all branches of the order in all parts of the world. His commodious quarters in the Masonic Temple are general headquarters for Masonic affairs, and the resort of brethren from every civ- ilized country on the globe. They contain an ample library, and are filled with numerous other articles of use or interest to members of the fra- ternity . Mr. Barnard was married in 1863, and one child, a daughter, is still living, he having lost three children. JACOB MANZ. (JACOB MANZ, one of the self-made men of I Chicago, and prominent among its Swiss- (*/ American citizens, is an excellent representa- tive of the benefits of a Republican Government. He was born October i, 1837, in Marthalen, in the canton of Zurich, Switzerland, in which his grandparents and parents, Jacob and Elizabeth (Keller) Manz, were also born. Jacob Manz, Sr., was a stone-cutter in early life, and became an architect and superintendent, which indicates that he made the best use of his faculties and opportunities. Having heard much of the wonderful republic beyond the seas, he came to America in 1853, to ascertain for himself if it afforded better opportunities for an ambitious man than his native land. He spent six months at Lima, Ohio, and came to Chicago in the spring of 1854. He soon decided to remain here, and wrote to his wife to dispose of their property in Switzerland and follow him, with the children. On account of the youth of some of the latter, whose studies were not yet completed, as well as the difficulty of disposing of the property to ad- vantage, the move was postponed until death pre- vented the meeting again on earth of husband and wife. The latter died in 1860, at the age of fifty-eight years. Mr. Manz did some building in Chicago, but was forced in a short time to give up business by the failure of his sense of hearing. His latter years were occupied in carving marble monuments, and he died in 1886, aged eighty- four years, leaving two sons and two daughters. Marguerite, the eldest, is the wife of Ulrich Liechty, residing at Polk City, Iowa. Elizabeth, Mrs. Toggenburger, is living at Bluffton, Ohio, near which place the younger son, William, also resides. Jacob Manz, the elder son and third mature child of his parents, grew up in his native village, attending the public schools until his thirteenth year. He was then apprenticed to a firm of wood- engravers in Schafihausen, with whom he re- mained until sixteen years old. Through the dissolution of partnership of his employers, he was unable to finish the prescribed term of his ap- prenticeship, but has natural ability and industry 260 HUGO NEUBERGER. had already made him a skillful engraver. He immediately set out for America, crossing the ocean on a sailing-vessel, and arriving in Chicago in the middle of July, 1855. He soon found em- ployment with S. D. Childs & Company, with whom he continued six years, and was next for five years in the employ of W. D. Baker, a well- known Chicago engraver. His long terms in these connections are sufficient indication of his faithfulness and skill. After a short period with Bond & Chandler, Mr. Manz formed a partner- ship with another engraver and went into busi- ness for himself, late in 1866. The firm was known as Maas & Manz, and was first located at the corner of Clark and Washing- ton Streets, and was two years later moved to Dearborn and Madison. While here, Mr. Manz became the sole proprietor of the business, by purchasing the interest of his partner, and was a very heavy loser in the great fire of 1871, realiz- ing almost nothing of insurance. He had faith, however, in himself and the city, and very soon opened a shop on West Madison Street, near Union, whence he shortly removed to Clinton and Lake Streets. He subsequently occupied locations on LaSalle, Madison and Dearborn Streets, and is now established atNos. 183 to 187 Monroe Street. The business, in the mean time, has kept pace with the growth of the city and the improvements in the art of engraving. It is now conducted by an incorporated company, known as J. Manz & Company, of which Mr. Manz is President, F. D. Montgomery Vice- President, and Alfred Bersbach Secretary and Treasurer. Every process of engraving adaptable to the printing-press is carried on, and about one hundred people are employed in the establish- ment. The genial and benevolent character of Mr. Manz has naturally led to participation in the work of many social and charitable organiza- tions. He is a member of the Sons of Hermann, Schweizer Maennerchor, Swiss Benevolent Socie- ty, Germania Lodge, Ancient Free and Accepted Masons, and Gauntlet Lodge, Knights of Pythias, also of the Royal League and National Union. In religious faith, he adheres to the Swiss Reformed Church, and has been a Democrat in political preference since 1876. His only visit to the home of his childhood was made in the summer of 1894, when he made a tour of interesting localities in Europe. Mr. Manz has been twice married. January 6, 1859, he wedded Miss Carolina Knoepfli, who died September 7, 1866. She was a native of Ossingen, Switzerland. Two of her children are living, namely: Caroline and William Manz. November 24, 1867, Mr. Manz married Johanna Hesse, who was born in Crivitz, Mecklenburg. Germany. Her children are Ida, Paul, Adolph and Helena Manz. HUGO NEUBERGER. HUGO NEUBERGER. Germans as a class are a thrifty people, and when, after some years, those who have come from the Fa- therland return to pay their visits to old, loved scenes, their friends wonder at the wealth Fort- une has allowed them to so quickly acquire in our beloved country of such advantages; for here each man is equal in the eyes, not only of God, but the law; here he may do as he pleases, so long as he does not commit a crime or trespass upon the rights of his neighbors. Politically, they are formidable too, for we can see in the election of Governor Altgeld what power is theirs when they unite upon a candidate. A man of influence among his fellow-citizens was Hugo Neuberger, who was born at Camberg, HUGO NEUBERGER. 261 near Frankfort, Germany, on the 8th day of April, 1819. He came of a good family, one of his brothers afterward becoming Mayor of his native place, in which office he was 'continued for a period of twenty years. Hugo, being a younger son, and denied, according to the laws of the Old World, some of the rights and advantages of an elder child, like so many other enterprising young men, came to this country to seek his fortune (or, let us say, to make his fortune) , in boyhood. He settled very soon after his arrival in his life-long home, Chicago, which he grew to love with that strong attachment entertained by all the old set- tlers, who have seen its wonderful rise from a sandy lowland (not unlike a part of Holland) to its present growth as the metropolis of the Mis- sissippi Valley, and destined before long to be- come one of the most powerful cities of the globe. He bought, after many exchanges (for he was a man of speculation, a typical American, always ready for a trade), the valuable piece of property now known as Nos. 284 and 286 North Clark Street, about the year 1860. Here he built a substantial frame house, used as a grocery and (according to the Old Country custom) a beer hall combined, with his residence adjoining. This was destroyed some years after his death, in the great fire of 1 87 1 . His widow rebuilt more substantiall}' in brick a structure of three stories, now used as dwelling flats, having by self-denial and unusual good sense been able to keep the property and family together, and to see the latter properly brought up to become useful members of the community. Mr. Neuberger had been a landscape-gardener in Germany; but it is needless to remark in those early days there was no demand for such services in this vicinity, although no doubt at this date, were he again to come among us as he did so many years ago, his able intelligence would be eagerly sought by the owners of some of our pal- atial residences, for we have already grown to number in our midst some of the finest homes to be found anywhere in the country. Accord- ingly, he turned his active mind to something that was practicable in those days, from which he had the satisfaction of knowing that he died in fair circumstances, and future advances certainly con- spired to give to his family who survived him a success in life which at that time could not have been altogether foreseen. He was a consistent Democrat, voting regularly but never seeking office. He was a Catholic in faith, although his family, like their mother, have altogether embraced the Lutheran tenets. As a citizen he was law-abiding and reliable and had many friends. He died in July, 1863, and was buried in the family lot in Graceland Cemetery. Had he lived to more mature years he would have been justly proud of his family, whom it was fated he should be taken from in middle life. Mr. Neuberger married, May 25, 1854, Miss Magdalena Ludwig, of Detroit, Michigan, a daughter of Simon and Margaret (Knaben) Lud- wig, who emigrated from Baden, Germany. She was born in the City of Straits, July 18, 1835, removing to this city in early life, where she grew to know and love the subject of this sketch; and although widowed in early life, she has been faithful to his memory ever since, as she will die, filled with the trust of guiding aright the family of young people entrusted by God to her moth- erly charge. All of them have grown to be a comfort to her, respectable members of the com- munity, and some of them with descendants who call her "Grandma." It is owing to her watch- ful care during the past more than thirty years that her children grew up in honor, and that they could be kept together in a home, and with a property left them (of comparatively little value at the time) now grown to be of considerable worth. Four children were the fruits of their happy, though short, wedded life. Louise, born April 3, 1855, married, April 5, 1883, Julian Vaudeberge, of Chicago, an editor in good standing; they have two children, Madeline Marie and' Julian. Ba- betta married, in 1892, David J. Lyons, of the merchant police force, who unfortunately died the following year, leaving no children. Magdalene is unmarried. Hugo George married, in 1887, Miss Emma L. Hunting, of Chicago, who died in 1892, leaving two children, Anna Louise and Florence Augusta. He has been for some years a 262 E. F. PEUGEOT. commercial traveler, but at present is employed on the merchant police. We thus see that Mr. Neuberger established bring honor and fame to his name. Therefore it is eminently fitting that his history should be preserved herein, that those who shall follow in one of the representative German families of the after years ma)- gain a faint idea of the early life city, whose members, as they grow more and more into harmony with American ideas, will of this Chicago pioneer. EDWARD F. PEUGEOT. [TOWARD FREDERICK PEUGEOT, an 1^ early citizen of Chicago, and at one time a I leading merchant and importer, was born in Buffalo, New York, September 8, 1836, and was the son of Peter Peugeot, a native of France. He was also a relative of Peugeot Brothers, the fa- mous bicycle manufacturers of Paris. Peter Peu- geot was a highly esteemed citizen of Buffalo, New York, to which city he removed from France in 1833. He was engaged several years in the hardware business, and as a manufacturer of ma- chinery, but, having amassed a competency, he retired from active business twenty years before his death, which occurred November 22, 1875, in the seventy-fourth year of his age, having been a resident of Buffalo forty-two years. His wife, De- siree, nee Sachet, also a native of France, survived him, and her death occurred in November, 1886. They were the parents of thirteen children, all but two of whom died before their father. Ellen J. became the wife of Judge W. M. Oliver, ol Buffalo, and died at San Marcial, New Mexico, while there trying to restore her health. An- other daughter, Amelia, now deceased, became the wife of George P. Bird, now a wealthy mill- owner in Helena, Montana. The other survivor was Edward, the subject of this sketch, who came to Chicago in 1857, when twenty-one years of age, and displayed great ability in building up the largest toy im- porting house in the West, which was known as Peugeot' s Variety Store. During the time when his business was largest, he made annual visits to France to select goods. He was the local rep- resentative of some of the largest and best known manufacturing companies in France. When Chi- cago was destroyed in 1871, he lost everything, and, on account of the failure of the local insur- ance companies, caused by the unparalleled mag- nitude of their losses, he realized nothing from that source. However, he went into business again after the fire, and to some extent retrieved his fortune. On the I4th of March, 1861, Mr. Peugeot was married to Maria L. Flershem, daughter of Lem- uel H. Flershem, who is mentioned at length in this volume. Four children blessed the home of Mr. Peugeot, namely: Nina, now the wife of Conrad Mueller, real-estate dealer and Assistant Clerk of the Sheriff of New York County; she has one child, Edward Herman Mueller. lone, the second daughter, resides with her mother. Pierre and Leon are now in the employ of W. McGregor & Company, of Chicago. Mr. Peugeot died August 8, 1886, and subsequently his widow became the wife of William McGregor (see sketch elsewhere in this work). Edward F. Peugeot was a man in whom those elements so essential to social popularity and business success were prominent, and he was al- ways the center of a large circle of admiring friends. He was a very enterprising merchant, possessing a high character and integrity, and left to his children, as a legacy, a good name and an excellent example of true manhood. LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS Bk ,*. C.y. Co. Cficayo. /^> FERDINAND LINK. 263 FERDINAND LINK. l"~ ERDINAND LINK. ' 'Der Gipfel des Ber- IV es f un ^ e ^ * m abend Sonnenschein," sings | ^ the beautiful, irresistible Lorellei, seated upon the picturesque summits of those storied, castle-crowned highlands of the Rhine, whence she drew to herself all who came within the scope of her vision. It is proper now to write modestly of one born in the Fatherland, to whom the sound of "America" was, like the harmony of theold folk- song, an entrancing melody, full of bright proph- ecy, the hope of whose fulfillment he could not withstand. Ferdinand Link was born on the ist of No- vember, 1829, in Birkigt Herzogthum, Meinin- gen, Germany, his parents being Trougott and Rosina (Schmidt) Link, persons of respectable attainments, who lived and died in the Old Coun- try. At about his fourteenth year he had com- pleted the learning of the same trade as his father, a carriage-maker, after which, in accord- ance with the custom of his country-men, he traveled to improve his knowledge of the craft, a phase of intelligent life very interestingly set forth by the great Goethe in his immortal ' ' Wilhelm Meister." Having acquired whatever seemed necessary to thoroughly fit his genius to his life-work, he re- solved to come to the United States of America; so, in 1848, at the age of nineteen, he set sail from Bremen upon a passage which took forty- nine days in crossing to Baltimore, where he disembarked on the 6th of July, 1848. Presently he found employment at his old trade with a Mr. Bishop, with whom he remained for a time in mutual good-will. Anon, desirous to see more of the New World, and getting on famously with the new language, he set out for Richmond, Vir- ginia, via the Natural Bridge, up to Abington, where he continued his trade for a season, or un- til the ist of November, 1850. Thence, at that time, he proceeded to Kingston Springs, and by way of the Mississippi River as far south as New Orleans, directly returning as far north as this city, which he reached the last week in Decem- ber, 1850. and where for more than forty years he has continued uninterruptedly to reside, pros- pered, honored, and full of dignified interests in our midst. Mr. Link is a very modest man, but in his craft it remains true that in the younger days he was the peer of any in our city, which is amply evidenced by some handiwork, so superior and excellent, that it raises a well-defined doubt as to whether there was any other here who at that time could have done so skillfully. In the lan- guage of the country whence he came to our shore, he was a master mechanic, a "turner" of rare ability. Among the things which came like magic from his deft touch were the following, which recur readily to the mind: A finely carved turnout for Governor Wise, of Virginia; the first hearse ever used in our city which had glass sides, made for Undertaker Gavin, before which they used a rough conveyance with a pall thrown over the coffin; and the first public hack ever con- structed here or seen upon our pioneer streets. Surely this is quite sufficient to establish Mr. Link's right to be remembered as one of the best "turners" who ever lived with us, and certain- ly the man who did the first really fine kind of work in several valuable lines. For eleven years he was foreman for Richard 264 FERDINAND LINK. Biel, a carriage manufacturer on the West Side, who "has now gone to the "bourne whence no traveler returns. ' ' While working at his trade, Mr. Link also began to turn his attention to that source of financial wealth which has made most of our rich men, and that was to real-estate in- vestments; for never in the history of the world has there been so much money made in so short a time out of building sites as right here in our little Cook County, Illinois. Foreseeing himself what would certainly come of it, he began to make good moves in this direction as fast as he could get money to buy with. On State Street, near Chestnut, which for the greater part has been the locality of his winning moves, he purchased a piece of land and proceeded, in 1858, to put up some houses for rent. The results were gratify- ing from the start. In the winter of 1864, in reduced health (ad- vised by his physicians to do so if he wished to prolong his life), he took his family and went to California. The route, before the days of the steam horse, was from New York City, via the West Indies and the Carribean Sea, to Aspinwall and Panama, and then by another line of steam- ers to San Francisco, in which last city he stopped for some time, his condition being much amelior- ated by the salubrious climate, and his interest deeply aroused by the quaint customs of that strange new country, whose hills were made of gold . For a season he soj ourned at Los Angeles (at a period prior to this of they? de siecle) , Alame- da, Warm Springs, and returned home in March, 1867, via Nicaragua and Greytown. Mr. Link's love of travel is remarkable, and his keenly- observing eyes, with the note-book which he invariably keeps, make it intensely interesting after long years to revisit with him in memorized record those scenes of former delights. On his return he invested in more real estate near the site of his former possessions, and put up houses upon the same; then came the fire of 1871, that mighty holocaust which cost so many their entire fortunes, and did inestimable damage for a time to all our citizens, until returning courage resulted in rebuilding better than was ever dreamed of before. Mr. Link lost by this fire seven houses, which shows that he had already grown to be quite a landlord. Nothing daunted, with that admirable energy which was so charac- teristic of the age, he mortgaged his land to set to work and build again, this time including the construction of a grocery store near the corner of State and Chestnut Streets, which he personally conducted up to the year 1882, when he finally retired from business, well intrenched in his fort- unes, with hosts of friends his genial, honest and frank nature had won him, for he never made an enemy in his life. That he might spend his closing years ' 'under his own vine and fig tree," he bought a fine lot at Number 76 Walton Place, overlooking the lake at its foot (and which now has within plain view the celebrated Newberry Library, since construct- ed, one of the famous libraries of the world) . where he erected a commodious home, wherein the years pass by (when he is not in other scenes) like a dream of the fabled days of old. In 1852, tired of single blessedness, Mr. Link took to his heart a wife (one of the most congen- ial, entertaining, whole-souled women in our whole city), Miss Mary Laux being her maiden name. She was born, like himself, in Germany, in the town of Losheim, County of Merzig, Province of Trier, West Prussia, it being territory formerly belonging to the French, and quite adjacent to the famous Alsace-Lorraine country of later years' contest. Her father, Peter Laux (coming of an old French family) , had been a second orderly for the great Napoleon. At the battle of Leipsig, his horse being shot under him, he caught the horse of the first orderly, who had himself been killed, which was so bewildered by the fray and smoke of battle, that when soldat Laux, being ig- norant of the way to his troop, gave the horse his head, he dashed away into the very enemy 's lines, where, by a singular mistake, a French flag, which had been captured, was handed him, he being taken for one of their own German forces. Thereupon, he put spurs to his horse and started like lightning away for the opposite side among his friends. His horse was shot by the volley sent after him, and he himself badly wounded in the leg, sustaining, besides several flesh wounds, FERDINAND LINK. 265 a fracture of the leg bone. Crawling under a corn stack, he managed to escape apprehension, and in this way was left for three days before be- ing rescued by his own men and taken to hospital to have his painful wounds dressed. In the mean time, however, he had crawled to the River Katz- back to bathe himself, and had kept the old flag, which later came safely into Napoleon's hands. This episode stamps him as a man not only of strong vitality, to withstand such suffering and hardships, but also as a heroic soul, of no common mould. Mr. Laux, in 1840, took his wife and family, including those who were married, to America; and at this juncture befel a very pathetic scene. As they were about to leave France forever, the vessel bringing from St. Helena the remains of his old general, Napoleon, was coming into port. He wept like a child, and exclaimed, "Why art thou not alive, that I might again forsake my friends and family to follow thee?" With Barbara, his wife, he landed upon Chicago soil on the twenty- fifth day of August, 1840. They have both passed to their eternal rewards, for few of the older settlers are longer left to greet us. Mrs. Link was born the twenty-fifth day of March, 1833, so that she began her blissful wed- ded life at the early age of nineteen. One child has blessed their union, Ferdinand Eugene Link, who was born September 10, 1852. He learned his trade of druggist with Mr. Van Derburg, and went into the employ of Tollman & King, whole- sale druggists, with whom he still remains, his services being rewarded with the responsible po- sition of manager. He was married, in 1875, to Miss Marion Langdon of this city, by whom he has three children , Ferdinand (third) , Marion and John. Politically the subject of this sketch is a Dem- ocrat, not an office-seeker, nor fanatic in his views; locally, he invariably selects the best man, in his candid judgment, for support. Physically Mr. Link is not a large man, but so engaging in manner that he seems to rise at times to the stature of a giant, as he graphically depicts interesting experiences he has passed through in his varied life of many vicissitudes. He is one of the most unassuming, genial men it is one's good fortune to run across, hospitable and full of good parts. As an instance of the po- etic feeling of his soul (a thing somewhat rare in our crowding, rushing city) , at an advanced age, he bought a fine piano, and started in to learn music. He progressed with such amazing rapidity that, although he had but six months' lessons, he really plays very well, and some difficult pieces of classical music, too. Jt is one of the proudest recollections of his experience that he was per- mitted, on a foreign tour, to play for a few mo- ments upon the piano of Frederick the Great, in the castle at Potsdam, during which exceptionally honored occasion he very touchingly ran through the pathetic bars of "Sad Thoughts of Thee." One can readily picture this inspiring incident, of one returning from a new country, full of honor and wealth, to the home of his nativity, to view for a season the place that gave him birth. Ah, it is a strange world we live in, and strange in- deed are the changes which come to us all! The incident above related occurred upon his memorable tour of the continent in 1892, when he felt he must visit again the old endeared scenes of his boyhood. Not alone those, but France, Bel- gium and England were traversed; and if anyone doubts the good use our friend made of his sight, let him sit for a while listening to the "logbook," as it has been the writer's privilege, and doubt would vanish before the perfect light of enrapt- ured conviction. It is understood that he is plan- ning another trip abroad for the near future, for lie is an indefatigable traveler. In closing, we must not forget to say, that as his earthly life has been correct, and his surround- ings beautiful and uplifting, so he has had the wise foresight to see to it that his remains after death may be in a temporary earthly mansion suitable to his wishes. In the family lot at St. Boniface Cemetery, he has finished the construc- tion of a family tomb, which for exquisiteness of design and perfection of execution is unsurpassed. There is no finer owned or erected in this city s places of burial. The exterior facades are of that handsome, durable stone, rock-faced, known as Blue Bedford; while the interior rises grace- 266 W. W. PHELPS. fully and without that sense of oppression so fre- quent in low-constructed burial places, being com- posed of English Channel fire brick and elegant imported Italian marbles. In the center rises the catafalque, which will one day contain the last mortal remains of our dear friend and his beloved spouse. Each one has his themes of delight. Can there be a more beautiful wish than to lie securely safe after one's earthly existence is over, surround- ed by the beauties which, like the hills, pass not away until the judgment day? WILLIAM W. PHELPS. WALLACE PHELPS, one of the earliest and most conscientious of our business men, was born at Conesville, Schoharie County, New York, June 17, 1825. His parents were George and Mary (Chapman) Phelps. Being of the generation of self-made men, he started out with a clear, straightforward mind, aided by a common-school instruction, to do his life work as the Creator foresaw it would come to pass. First in Oneida, at nineteen years of age, and elsewhere in his native State, he waited upon customers as a clerk behind merchants' counters, and in 1847 went to Catskill, Greene County, New York, to clerk for Potter Palmer. It is needless to add, he did his humble early duties as faith- fully and ably as he bore the later more hon- orable and distinguished burdens which time demonstrated he was more than equal to carrying. Henceforth he was fated to join forces with that truly royal man, Potter Palmer, the bare mention of whose name thrills the listener with intense admiration, and conjures up in his mind the rapid achievement of our unrivalled city; in all and through all of which none has been more modestly conspicuous and helpful than Mr. Pal- mer. Along with Mr. Palmer, Mr. Phelps was mainly to work out his destiny. It was fitting, for they were brothers-in-law; and so long, un- ruffled and intimate were their mutual relations and regard for each other, that the two men actually grew more and more in personal appear- ance alike. One glance at Mr. Phelps' face, as the artist left it for our delight, and the lineaments of his "dear friend Potter" suggest themselves. Together they removed, in 1851, to Lockport, New York, there engaging in business for about one year only, for in 1852 they started resolutely for the then Far West, resting their weary limbs by the head of the beautiful Lake Michigan, in which place fortune had decreed they should win honorable names and a goodly portion of the desires of this life. One has quite finished his labors and is at rest above all earthly value. Soon the other will go to his comrade's side, while this scene shall know their presence no more; but history is the better, and future genera- tions, though they may lealize it not, will be the happier and better that two such American noble- men were among us in our infancy. Soon after their advent, Mr. Palmer, having some capital at command, entered into the dry- goods business, wherein Mr. Phelps was his con- fidential friend and financial secretary for long years, always in every way satisfactory in his discharge of onerous trusts. In 1865 Mr. Phelps went for himself into the wholesale and retail carpet business with a part- ner, under the style of Hollister & Phelps, hav- ing purchased the interest of the former partner, Mr. Wilkins. He sold out his interest in this W. W. PHELPS. 267 paying establishment the June preceding the his- torical fire of 1871. Thereafter for some six months he enjoyed the delights of old Europe, with the keen intellectual appreciation so charac- teristic of him, combining business with health- ful recreation, as he did considerable buying for Mr. Palmer, who was furnishing the Palmer House, recently built at that time. Returning to the United States in good condi- tion, he lived the easy life of an ' 'old-school' ' gentleman for a period of eight years. But act- ive life extended too great temptations to one of his temperament; so it is not surprising, when Mr. Palmer made him a flattering offer, that he found it impossible to resist, and so it is chronicled that the last twelve years of his life were spent as confidential financial manager of that great hostelry, one of the grandest and best known in the wide world, the Palmer House. In him Mr. Palmer had full and explicit trust and confidence. He said: "I can goto California; I maybe gone six months; and when I return, I feel I shall hear everything has gone on just the same." Alas, all must pay the sad debt of nature. Mr. Phelps died May 18, 1891, of Bright's Disease, and was interred in the family lot at Graceland, where a fine monument marks his beautiful final resting-place. For many years he was an at- tendant at the Plymouth Congregational Church, where he held a pew. Bishop Cheney, a warm friend, officiated at the funeral obsequies at his magnificent mansion house, No. 2518 Prairie Avenue. Mr. Phelps married, first, Lydia Palmer, sister of Potter Palmer, in the fall of 1867. She died on the very day of the Fire of 1871 , without issue. September 9, 1873, he wedded Miss Cornelia Austina Hubbard, of Spring Prairie, Wisconsin. In good health, she continues to survive her lamented husband, whose memory is sacred in her heart and whose worth she delights to exalt and honor. How strong under such circumstances does the merit of this undertaking appear ! They who make for themselves honorable names, but are barred by fate against leaving children, must herein find their most lasting and fitting monu- ment in this record of their good deeds. Cornelia A. (Hubbard) Phelps is a daughter of Alfred Hubbard and Hannah Steele, of Wind- ham, Greene County, New York, being the youngest of eight children. Alfred Hubbard was a son of Timothy Hubbard and Dorothy Raleigh, of Connecticut. Hannah Steele was a daughter of Stephen Steele and Hannah Simonds, also of Connecticut. Mr. Phelps was a stanch Republican, a con- scientious Christian, a gentleman and a lover of home. Tall and straight of stature, his pale blonde face, handsome, yet full of kindly charac- ter, firm mouth, prominent eyes, heavy eyebrows and massive forehead well denoted the strength he possessed. He and Mr. Palmer might have been taken for brothers. Their names are indelibly associated, and those who, in coming years, when the flowers are blossoming over ancient graves, shall read the records of the two lives, will un- derstand more deeply and solemnly than words can depict what this age and this city owe to men like Potter Palmer and William Wallace Phelps. It is fitting that this work shall record the fol- lowing quite full and satisfactory genealogical descent: Ichabod Phelps, who was a merchant in Eng- land, married Betsy Bristol, and, coming to this country, in company with three brothers, settled at Salisbury, in Litchfield County, Connecticut. Later he removed to Wyoming, Pennsylvania, where he continued to reside until the historical massacre there by the Indians under the notorious Brant, upon which event he took a fresh depart- ure for Broome, Schoharie Count y, New York, where he built and conducted a general store. His son, Othniel Phelps, born in 1777, died in 1856. He was twice married; first, to Polly Fiero, and secondly to Hannah Frost, who lived to the remarkable age of ninety-two years, dying in 1876. The eldest son by the first marriage was George W. Phelps, who was born in 1798, at Conesville, Schoharie County, New York, and died July 3, 1866. He was twice married; first, about the year 1820, to Zerviah Potter, who died three years later, leaving two sons, Othniel B. and Samuel P. (for a sketch of Othniel B. vide 268 C. E. PIPER other pages herein) ; second, he married, about 1824, Mary Chapman, who was born February 25, 1801, and died January 28, 1879. She was a daughter of Samuel Chapman (born January 13, 1773, died November 30, 1858) and Rhoda Cowles, his wife (born September 3, 1775, and died in 1801). By this second marriage there were eight children: Helen M., John M., Mary Z., Catherine, Lucinda M., George C., Abbie A. and William Wallace Phelps, the subject of this sketch. CHARLES E. PIPER. QHARLES EDWARD PIPER was bom in 1 1 the city of Chicago June 12, 1858. His fa- \.J ther, Otis Piper, well and favorably known to the pioneer business men of Chicago, was of English extraction, and traced his descent di- rectly to ancestors who arrived in America and settled at the town of New Salem in 1782. His mother, Margaret (McGrory) Piper, of Scotch- Irish lineage, was a native of Prescott, province of Ontario, Canada, whither her father removed in 1824. Otis Piper, with his family, came to Chicago in 1851, at a time when the struggling town was barely beginning to give promise of future impor- tance, and cast in his lot with the few fervent- spirited citizens whose eyes of faith saw, above the alternating sand dunes and swamps of that early period, something of the glory of the present me- tropolis. Amid the surroundings common to the pioneer outposts of civilization in our country, Charles Edward Piper, the subject of this sketch, first saw the light of day. The foundation of his education was laid in the public schools of the city, and in the face of many trials and vicissi- tudes was, nevertheless, so firmly planted in the mind of the young boy that an unquenchable thirst for knowledge, and an indomitable deter- mination to obtain it, impelled him to successively graduate from the high school in 1876, the North- western University in 1882, and the Union College of Law in 1889, earning, in the mean time, his own livelihood and the means to meet his stu- dent's expenses. After completing his law course, he entered upon practice with Mr. Wilbert J. Andrews, un- der the firm name of Andrews & Piper, a firm which is recognized as one of the leading real-es- tate law firms in Chicago. The business of buy- ing and selling real estate has naturally grown up with the practice of real-estate law, and the sub- urban town of Berwyn was founded by and is to- day, to a considerable extent, the property of Mr. Piper and his associates. Socially Mr. Piper is a genial, warm-hearted gentleman, easy in his man- ners and a favorite in several social organizations with which he is connected, notably the Prairie Club, of Oak Park, and the Lincoln Club, of West Chicago. In religious matters he is a fol- lower of Wesley, and a consistent member of the Methodist Church. He is President of the State Epworth League and Treasurer of the National Epworth League. Politically he is a Republican, "dyed in the wool," is President of the town of Cicero, and has held the office of Supervisor of the town of South Chicago, as well as that of member of the Board of Education of the town of Cicero. August 15, 1882, he married Carrie L. Gregory, FRANCIS WARNER. 269 daughter of Edwin and Anna S. Gregory, of Nauvoo, Illinois, and granddaughter of Robert Lane, partner of John Morris, of Philadelphia, of Revolutionary fame. The three living children of Mr. and Mrs. Piper are: Carrie E., born May 29, 1884; LuluL.; and Robert G. , December 6, 1889. Mr. Piper vividly recalls the burning of Chi- cago on the fatal October 8, 1871, but at that time, fortunately, was residing outside of the burnt district, and escaped any serious personal dam- ages or loss. He is the President of the Method- ist Forward Movement of Chicago, and takes deep interest in the building of the Epworth House, at Number 229 Halsted Street, now in process of erection. This house, like its prototype, Hull House, is designed to serve as an oasis in the desert of poverty and iniquity, and will aid greatly in the regeneration of that benighted re- gion. He was one of the founders, and is now an officer, of the Epworth Children's Home, and is at the present time President of the Chicago Meth- odist Social Union. FRANCIS WARNER. F~ RANCIS WARNER, a quiet, worthy citizen ry of Chicago, is a descendant of very early | English and German yeomanry. He was born at Watertown, Massachusetts, January 26, 1819. His parents, George Warner and Mary Salisbury, were natives, respectively, of Pack- ington and Ashby de la Zouche, in Leicestershire, near the border of Nottinghamshire, England. The family name was originally Werner, and was brought to England from Germany, after the Re- formation of Martin Luther. England had just become a Protestant country, and the founder of this family on English soil received a grant of land near the Welsh border. He had a coat-of- arms, the principal objects on which were a castle surmounted by a squirrel, with a motto signify- ing, " Not for ourselves alone, but for others." Mary Salisbury was a lineal descendant of a man- at-arms who flourished long before the first Werner came to England, and was granted a "hide " of land (being all that he could surround with an ox's hide cut into strips) by the lord of the manor, whose life he had saved in battle. Members of the Warner family came to America in the early Colonial days, and it is a tradition that one settled in each of the colonies of Massa- chusetts, Connecticut and Pennsylvania. George Warner and Mary Salisbury were mar- ried in England in 1806, and removed four years later to Massachusetts, where eight of their eleven children were born. Mr. Warner was a lace weaver, and was employed at his trade in and about Watertown, Massachusetts, until 1837, when he came to Illinois. He engaged in farm- ing in Northfield Township, La Salle County, for over twenty years, and then went to Iowa, and settled on the Soldier River, near the present site of Ida Grove. After he retired from farming he returned to Massachusetts and died at Ipswich, in that State, in 1874, at the age of eighty-nine years. Both he and his wife were born in 1785. The latter died in Illinois in 1851, age sixty-six. All of their seven sons and two of their daugh- ters grew to adult life. Samuel, born in England, and an upholsterer by occupation , passed most of his life in Massachusetts, and died, as the result 270 FRANCIS WARNER. of an accident, in St. Louis, Missouri. George, born in Massachusetts, was a farmer; he died in La Salle County, Illinois, in 1882, from the ef- fects of a fall. Mary, Mrs. Sanford Peatfield, resides in Ipswich, Massachusetts. Alfred is a resident of Michigan, and John died in Newton, Massachusetts, in 1892, at the age of seventy- three. The subject of this sketch is the sixth. Elizabeth, deceased, was the wife of William Powell, a farmer in La Salle County, Illinois. Thomas died in California from the effects of drinking alkali water; and William is engaged in mining in Utah. Francis Warner was reared in Newton, Massa- chusetts, and was taught to read by his mother. His only attendance at a public school was one half-day, at which time the teacher was absent. At the age of fifteen years he was apprenticed to a cabinet-maker, and his articles of indenture stipulated that he was to receive $50 per year and his board. During this apprenticeship he made the most of his opportunities for material and mental advancement. He joined several others in a plan to secure instruction, and they were taught four nights each week, for which the teacher received fifty cents per night. So faith- ful and diligent was young Warner, that he be- came a journeyman at the age of nineteen. He immediately went to Boston, where he continued to ply his trade until 1843, when he came to Illi- nois and took up farming on Somomauk Creek, in La Salle County. In the spring of 1861 Mr. Warner responded to the call for troops to defend the Union. He first went out in the three-months service, under General McClellan, who was a personal acquaint- ance, in West Virginia. He was a participator in the battle of Rich Mountain, and was one of the detail which accompanied the body of the Confederate General, Garnett, to Washington, en route to his home in Virginia. In 1862 Mr. Warner again joined the Federal forces, being attached to the Provost- Marshal's department, with the pay and rank of Captain, and was chiefly employed in the charge and hand- ling of prisoners of war, with headquarters in Washington. After the surrender of New Or- leans, he joined Colonel Wood's command, the First United States Regiment, with which he con- tinued until May, 1865, when he was honorably discharged. While a resident of La Salle County, Mr. War- ner was twice elected to the office of Sheriff, and demonstrated such superior ability in the capture of offenders, that his services were sought by de- tective agencies throughout the country. Soon after leaving the army he took charge of Allen Pinkerton's New York detective agency, where he continued a year, removing thence to Chicago, where he occupied a similar position until his health failed, in 1879, and he was compelled to resign. After spending three months at the sea shore, on the advice of his physician, he returned to Chicago, very much improved in health anc strength, and at once, in 1880, took charge of the detective service of the American Express Com- pany at Chicago. This was his last active em- ployment, in which he still holds an honorary po- sition. Though now in his seventy-seventh year, Mr. Warner exhibits plenty of mental and physi- cal vigor, and is still a useful member of society. Mr. Warner is a Royal Arch Mason, and was for many years active in the order. He is a mem- ber of the Congregational Church, and a con- sistent and stanch Republican in principle, being one of the founders of that political organization. In 1840 he married Miss Juliette Back, who was born in Burlington, Vermont, August 17, 1819, and is a daughter of Jasper and Sally (Harring- ton) Back. Mr. Back was one of the minute- men who served at the battle of Plattsburgh, during the last war with Great Britain. Four of Mr. Warner's eight children are now living. Francis Armstrong Warner, the eldest, is a resi- dent of Chicago. Alice, the second, died while the wife of Albert Forbes, leaving an infant daughter, who was reared by Mr. Warner. Juli- ette died at the age of eighteen months, and Isabel is the wife of Dr. Edward J. Lewis, of Sauk Cen- ter, Wisconsin. Ernest died at three years of age, Charles at fourteen, and Gray resides at Denver, Colorado. Nellie is the wife of Henry B. Gates and resides in Wilmette. LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS LYMAN J. GAGE. 27 x LYMAN JUDSON GAGE. I YMAN JUDSON GAGE, President of the I C First National Bank of Chicago, is widely l~) known as the leading financier of the West, as well as an active power in political and other movements. As a promoter and active Di- rector of the World' s Columbian Exposition, he earned and received the good-will of every citi- zen of Chicago, as well as of most of the world be- side. Eli A. Gage and Mary Judson, parents of the subject of this biography, were natives of New York, of English descent, their ancestors being numbered among the early settlers of New Eng- land. The student of American history cannot fail to note that much of the energy and good sense which gave direction to the development of the entire northern half of the United States was contributed by the New England blood. L,yman J. Gage was born at De Ruyter, Madi- son County, N. Y., June 28, 1836, and passed the first ten years of his life in that village. On the removal of the family to Rome, N. Y., in 1846, he entered the local academy, but left school to engage in business life at the age of fourteen. For a year, he was employed as clerk in the Rome postofHce, and was detailed by the Postmaster as mail-route agent on the Rome & Watertown Rail- road at the age of fifteen. In 1854 he became junior clerk in the Oueida Central Bank at Rome, at a salary of $100 per annum. His duties in that position were somewhat varied, and involved the sweeping of the bank, as well as many other duties which are fulfilled by a janitor in larger institutions. The ambitious soul of the youth who was destined by fate to control in time great financial enterprises, could not always be content in this position, and after a year and a-half of service, with no immediate prospect of advance- ment in position or salary, he resolved to try his fortune in the growing West. On the 3d of October, 1855, young Gage, being then a little past the completion of his nine- teenth year, arrived in Chicago with a capital consisting of brains and energy. He shortly found employment in the lumber-yard of Nathan Cobb, a part of the time in keeping books, and often in loading lumber. He continued in this employment until the business changed hands in 1858. The financial depression of that period made many changes, and, rather than remain idle, Mr. Gage accepted the position of night-watch- man at the same place. At the end of six weeks in this service, in August, 1858, he was offered and accepted the position of book-keeper in the Merchants' Savings, Loan & Trust Company, at an annual salary of $500. Here he found field for the exercise of his abilities, and his advance- ment was rapid. On the ist of January follow- ing, he was promoted to the position of paying teller, with the accompanying salary of $1,200 per year. In September, 1860, he became As- sistant Cashier at $2,000 per annum, and a year later was made Cashier. In August, 1868, he resigned this position to accept a similar one in the First National Bank. On the re-organiza- tion of this institution, at the expiration of its charter in 1882, Mr. Gage was elected Vice-Pres- ident and General Manager, and became Presi- dent January 24, 1891. Thus are briefly related the steps of his progress, but they were not the result of accident. Back of them were the quali- ities which inspired the confidence of his fellows, and the ability to make intelligent use of his op- portunities. 272 O. P. BASSETT. Mr. Gage was one of the organizers of the Amer- ican Bankers' Association at Philadelphia, in Oc- tober, 1876, and was made President of that body in 1882, and twice successfully re-elected, a com- pliment both to Chicago and the man. He is a member of two social clubs of the city, the Chi- cago and the Union, an ex-President of the Com- mercial Club (an organization limited to sixty members) , and a Director and Treasurer of the Art Institute. Mr. Gage takes a warm interest in all matters affecting the public welfare, and has been quite active as a member of the Republican organization, because he considers the Republi- can party the best exponent of his ideas on the conservation of human liberty and general pros- perity. While somewhat active in promulgating his principles, he is by no means a narrow parti- san, and will not tolerate anything which his judgment or conscience does not approve, because it bears the endorsement of his party. He has been frequently urged to accept a nomination for some public position, as the spontaneous choice of the public urged, but his business interests could not be set aside sufficiently to permit. At the last regular municipal election he could have been almost unanimously elected mayor, had he per- mitted the use of his name. In spite of the cares of his responsible position, he gave much of his energy to the promotion of the World's Fair en- terprise, and was made President of the Board of Directors at its organization in April, 1890. This he resigned on his accession to the bank presi- dency, nearly a year later, but continued as an active member of the Board. It is no injustice to his contemporaries to say that the final success of the scheme was in a large measure due to the influence and efforts of Mr. Gage. When the hostility of New York seemed likely to take the location away from Chicago, Mr. Gage was one of four local capitalists to guarantee the comple- tion of the ten-million-dollar guaranty fund re- quired by Congress from Chicago. It was while on his way to attend a banquet in New York in' honor of this event, that Mr. Gage was stricken with a serious illness, which it required a dan- gerous operation to overcome, and the whole na- tion rejoiced when it was announced that he would recover. Mr. Gage is a student of rare discrimination, and his public speeches show a cultivated taste in literature, as well as a mind well stored with use- ful knowledge. He has a happy faculty ofim- parting information to others, and his occasional addresses on financial, political and other topics are greeted with wide and careful attention. In private life, he is a most companionable gentle- man, and gives ear as readily to the request of the humble individual as the large investor. He has been twice married. In 1864 he espoused Miss Sarah Etheridge, daughter of Dr Francis Etheridge, of Little Falls, N. Y. She died in 1874, and he was married to his present wife, Mrs. Cornelia Gage, of Denver, Colo., in 1887. Their home is on North State Street, near beautiful Lin- coln Park, and here Mr. Gage spends most of his evenings, ever gathering something from his well- selected library. ORLAND P. BASSETT. | RLAND P. BASSETT, of the Pictorial Print- ing House, of Chicago, and the owner of large greenhouses in Hinsdale, where he makes his home, was born March 31, 1835, in Towanda, Pa. His father, John W. Bassett, was a wheel- wright of the Keystone State, and in 1872 became to Illinois, spending his last days in Chicago at the home of his son, where he died at the age of eighty-four years. He was a member of the Pres- byterian Church. His wife bore the maiden name J. O. CLIFFORD. 273 of Angeline Crocker, and passed away several years previous to the death of her husband. Their family numbered nine children, of whom four are yet living: Henry, John, Orland and Chauncy. Mr. Bassett whose name heads this record was reared in his native State, and remained with his parents until he had attained his majority. The greater part of his education was acquired in a printing-office. In 1854 he began the printing business, which he has followed up to the present time, and step by step he has worked his way up- ward until now he is President of the Pictorial Printing Company, of Chicago. He owned the entire business until about four years ago, when he sold the controlling interest. It was in March, 1857, that he came to the West and located in Sycamore, 111., where he published a paper, the Sycamore True Republican, for nine years. He then sold out and removed to Chicago, where he carried on a job printing-office until 1874, when he bought out the establishment of the Pictorial Printing Com pan y, as before stated. On the 5th of April, 1858, Mr. Bassett was united in marriage with Miss Betsey M. Shelton. One child has been born to them, Kate B., wife of Charles L. Washburn, of Hinsdale. They have one son, Edgar B. For many years Mr. Bassett was a supporter of the Republican party, but is now independent in his political views. In 1887 he removed to Hins- dale, where he makes his home, but still does business in Chicago. He also has in Hinsdale the largest greenhouses to be found in the West, does an extensive business in this line, and em- ploys a large number of men. When he began business in Sycamore he had 110 capital and bought his outfit on credit, but he has steadily worked his way upward, and the business of the Chicago Pictorial Printing Company has at times amounted to $1,000 per day. The company is well known throughout the United States and Canada, and . also in parts of Australia and South America, and its success is due in a large measure to the untir- ing efforts and good management of Mr. Bassett. He is a genial and pleasant gentleman, is very popular, makes friends wherever he goes, and is justly deserving of the high regard in which he is held. JAMES ORRA CLIFFORD. (TAMES ORRA CLIFFORD was born Decem- I ber 8, 1856, at Salem, Kenosha County, G/ Wis. , being the son of Emery and Mary Jane (Osgood) Clifford. He comes of English ances- try, and his forefathers were among the early set- tlers of the New England States. His paternal grandparents, John and Nancy (Ray) Clifford, were born in New Hampshire. They afterward settled at Collins, Erie County, N. Y. They were the parents of eleven children. Emery, the sev- enth of these, was born at Collins, Erie County, N. Y., October 21, 1832. In the year 1846 his parents removed from New York and settled near Salem, Kenosha County, Wis. His maternal grandparents, John Sherman and Jane (Orvis) Osgood, were natives of Brookline, Windham Count}', Vt. They were the parents of five chil- dren. Mary Jane, the eldest, was born at Brook- line, Windham County, Vt., November 30, 1838. In the fall of 1851 they removed from Vermont, settling on a farm near Salem, Kenosha County, Wis. Emery Clifford and Mary Jane Osgood were married at Salem, Kenosha County, Wis., on February 8, 1856. They settled on a farm near Salem, Wis., where their four children were born. 274 J. O. CLIFFORD. Emery Clifford enlisted in the First Wisconsin Heavy Artillery, Company L, and was stationed at Arlington Heights, near Washington, D. C., guarding the United States capital until the close of the civil war, after which he returned and was engaged in agricultural pursuits until the autumn of 1874, when he sold his farm and removed to Delmar, Clinton County, Iowa, where he still re- sides. Of his four children, James O. is the eld- est. Jennie O. resides with her parents. Lurie E. died unmarried in 1882; and Gay Emery, the youngest, is married and resides at Arthur, Ida County, Iowa, where he is the manager of a lum- ber-yard. The subject of this sketch entered the public (country) schools at the age of eight years. From the age of eleven he was employed in assisting his father with the farm work during the summer, and attending school in the winter, until the summer of 1873, at which time he left home, going to Delmar, Clinton County, Iowa, where he entered the railway service as a messenger boy and ap- prentice under his uncle by marriage, William E. Roberts, who was agent for the Chicago & North- western Railway Company at that station. Here, during the following year until October, he learned telegraphy and the duties of a station agent generally, and has since been in the employ of the Chicago & Northwestern Railway Company consecutively, as follows: October, 1874, to Au gust, 1880, at various stations on the Iowa Divis- ion as telegraph operator and agent. In August, 1880, while he was stationed at Montour, Iowa, he was appointed to the position of Traveling Auditor. In this capacity he traveled over the entire Northwestern System. On November 7, 1887, he was appointed Freight Auditor of the Chicago & Northwestern Railway ; Fremont, Elk- horn & Missouri Valley, and Sioux & Pacific Railroads, with office at Chicago, which position he holds at the present time. His long continu- ance in this position, where a thorough knowl- edge of the intricacies of railway accounting, sys- tematic supervision, and accuracy in every detail, are essential, attests his executive ability and faithfulness. His management in business affairs is characterized by a progressive spirit, seeking improved methods and higher efficiency in mat- ters pertaining to his chosen profession. In har- mony with this idea he has been a member of the Association of American Railway Accounting Of- ficers since its organization, having always taken an active and influential part in its deliberations, and having been honored by his fellow-members with the office of Vice-President of the Associa- tion. On November 7, 1883, Mr. Clifford married Miss May Elizabeth Dannatt, who was born at Low Moor, Iowa, June 25, 1859, and who is a daughter of Benjamin and Jane (Cortis) Dannatt, natives of Lincolnshire and Yorkshire, England, respectively. In 1851 her grandfather, Samuel Dannatt, came from England and purchased five thousand acres of land in Clinton County, Iowa, giving to the location the name of his old home in England, and to his residence the name of Kill- inghome Hall, after his English estate. They resided at Clinton, Iowa, until October, 1885, at which time they removed to Wheaton, 111., where they now occupy a pleasant home on Main Street, corner of Franklin. To them have been given five children. Grace Edith was born at Clinton, Iowa, February i, 1885. The other four were born at Wheaton, DuPage County, 111. Lewis Dannatt on April 17, 1886; Oliveon JuneS, 1887; Marshall Emery on February 26, 1892; and Alice on April 8, 1893. Mr. Clifford has served two terms in the City Council of Wheaton as represen- tative of the ward in which he lives, having de- clined further honors in that direction. Mr. Clifford possesses a fine physique, and has the easy, cordial bearing which makes and retains friendships. He is of a social disposition and is prominently identified with numerous fraternal orders, among which may be named the Masonic, Knights of Pythias, Modern Woodmen of Amer- ica and National Union. He attends the Epis- copal Church, in which Mrs. Clifford is a com- municant, and gives his political fealty to the Republican party. Mrs. Clifford is a refined and amiable lady, who presides over their pleasant home with easy grace, and aids her husband in making it a hospitable and attractive abode. THEODORE HUBBARD. 275 DR. THEODORE HUBBARD. 0R. THEODORE HUBBARD, the first Postmaster of Babcock's Grove, and a prom- inent citizen of Cook County, was born in Putney, Vt. , October 19, 1803, and died in Chicago, February i, 1873. His parents were Theodore and Dorothy (Wilson) Hubbard. The family is descended from Edmund Hubbard, who was born in Hingham, England, about 1570, and crossed the Atlantic to Charlestown, Mass., in 1633. He died in Hingham, Mass., March 8, 1646. One of his sons, Rev. Peter Hubbard, a dissenting clergyman, founded the oldest church now in existence in the United States, located at Hingham. He died there January 20, 1679, in the seventy-fifth year of his age, and the fifty- second year of his ministry. He was a graduate of Magdalen College, of Cambridge, England. Among Edmund Hubbard's descendants are num- bered many eminent judges, ministers and educa- tors, and the present Earl of Buckinghamshire, England, is a descendant of the same family. The Hobarts, or Huberts, of England came from Nor- mandy during the reign of William the Conqueror. The earliest known record of the family locates them near Dieppe, Normandy, in 1198. They were a baronial family in Norfolk, England, where John Hobart resided in 1260. One of his de- scendants, James Hobart, was made a Knight of the Sword by Henry VII. in 1504. They were created baronets in 1611. Our subject repre- sented the eighth generation in America. The names of his progenitors in direct line were Ed- mund, Thomas, Caleb, Benjamin, Peter, Sr., Peter, Jr., and Theodore. Peter Hubbard, Sr., died near Ft. William Hen- ry during the French and Indian War, of wounds received in that service. His son was an Ensign in a New Hampshire company during the Revo- lutionary War. The father of our subject was born in Keene, N. H., October 25, 1774, and died in Hartford, Vt., February 15, 1814. His wife died at Babcock's Grove, July 16, 1840, at the age of sixty-seven years. Doctor Hubbard was the fourth in their family of seven children. He was married November 25, 1828, to Anne Ward Ballou, who was born December 29, 1809, in Deerfield, near Utica, N. Y. , and was a daughter of Ebenezer and Marana (Ward) Ballou. The Ward fataily has an ex- tensive genealogical history, which can be traced back to 1 1 30. The name is derived from ' 'Gar' ' or "Garde." Ralph de Gar, ordelaWarde, flour- ished in Norfolk, England, at the time of Henry II. Returning to the personal history of Dr. Hub- bard, we note that he settled in Chicago May 21, 1836, and about a year later went to DuPage County, pre-empting a farm near the present vil- lage of Glen Ellyn. A few years later he was made the first Postmaster of Babcock's Grove, keeping the office in his house and bringing the mail from Bloomingdale on horseback. In 1851, he returned to Chicago, where he engaged in the practice of medicine until his death. He had pre- viously studied for the ministry, but later entered the medical profession, and as a physician se- cured a liberal patronage. He also had an ex- tensive knowledge of law, and was a man of more than ordinary intellectual ability, although he had little opportunity for education while a boy. For several years he served as County Commis- sioner of DuPage County. Of the children of Doctor and Mrs. Hubbard, Augustus, a civil engineer, died in Amboy, 111., in April, 1865. Carlos, manager of a wagon factory, died in Chicago at the age of forty years. Oscar died in Groesbeck, Tex., in April, 1877; Adolphus, who was the founder of the Sons ol the American Revolution in 1879, is now connected with the California University of San Francisco, 2 7 6 NATHAN DYE. and is a member of many historical societies. Ed- ward Clarence, who '^as a prominent attorney of Hartford, Ky., died in Chicago, June 27, 1887, at the age of forty-four years. He was a mem- ber of the Thirteenth Illinois Infantry during the late war. Enlisting April 21, 1 86 1, he was dis- charged June 1 8, ^864, after having participated in the battles of Chickasaw Bayou, Arkansas Post, Lookout Mountain, Missionary Ridge, siege of Vicksburg, and other engagements. Ellen, who died soon after aer graduation from the Chicago High School, pnd Laura complete the family. Mr. Hubbard was a life-long Democrat, but all of his sons sup port the Republican party. In his re- ligious views he was a Universalist. Of the first Masonic lodge of Chicago he was a charter mem- ber and was made an honorary member previous to his death. Prominent in public and business af- fairs, he was an honored and highly respected citizen, who for many years was connected with the leading interests of Chicago. His skill and ability as a physician won him an enviable repu- tation, and he was widely known as a man of ster- ling worth. Mrs. Hubbard is an honorary mem- ber of Chicago Chapter of the Daughters of the American Revolution, and is honorary Vice- Pres- ident of the Daughters of 1812. She is also a member of the Historic Council, which was estab- lished to keep alive the memories of the men who gave liberty and fraternity to the western world. She now resides in Glen Ellyn with her daughter Laura, who is a lady of intelligence and refine- ment, and a corresponding member of the Chi- cago Historical Society. PROF. NATHAN DYE. . NATHAN DYE. No mention of the LX musical fabric of Chicago and the West can 1$ be considered complete without a notice of Professor Dye, who was endeared to many of the early families of Chicago. A man who attained the ripe old age of eighty-three years, he was beloved by all with whom he came in contact. He was a pioneer in his chosen profession, and taught both vocal and instrumental music in three generations of some families. One of the secrets of his great success lay in his love of the divine art, and his ability to so simplify his meth- ods as to bring them within the grasp of almost infantile minds. Nathan Dye was born in the town of De Ruy- ter, Madison County, New York, June 30, 1808, and lived on the homestead farm until he was sixteen years of age. The country schoolhouse was a mile and a-half away, and the boy attend- ed school half of each year from the age of seven to ten years, helping on the farm during the in- tervals, as was customary with lads of his time. After this, he had but three months' schooling, although always a student. When he was twelve years of age, he met with an accident which caused a lameness from which he never entirely recovered. He was married, in 1833, to Miss Lucy Maria Kinyon, of Milan, New York, and four years later they removed to Kenosha, Wis- consin, then called Pike Creek, and later South- port. A few years after coming West, Mr. Dye deter- mined to devote his life wholly to music, which had hitherto employed but a portion of his time and energy. In 1844116 introduced his induct- ive method of teaching in Milwaukee, Wiscon- sin, by giving a series of concerts there with a class of his Kenosha pupils. He continued to teach in Milwaukee, with pronounced success, un- til 1848, when he settled permanently in Chicago. His phenomenal power of teaching children to read music at sight attracted wide attention. For years his classes, both adult and juvenile, were a prominent feature of the musical world of Chi- NATHAN DYE. 277 cago and adjacent cities. A part of his life work which is full of beautiful memories was that con- nected with those of his pupils whom he assisted in the development of musical powers that must have remained dormant but for this generous and kindly teacher. How many were placed in con- dition of self-support along the line indicated by nature's gift, only their helper knew. Several of Professor Dye's pupils made brilliant reputa- tions on the lyric stage and in great oratorios. He numbered in his early classes some of Chica- go's most prominent citizens. The well-known comic opera singer, Lillian Russell, first started on her musical career under his tutelage. In the spring of 1880 the Professor was tendered a tes- timonial and complimentary benefit concert at Central Music Hall, which his old friends and pupils made a great success. In November, 1843, ^ e was bereaved by the death of his wife, which occurred in Kenosha, and a year's illness followed this sad blow. The loss was somewhat compensated by the survival of his three children for many years thereafter. His only son, Byron E. Dye, died at Paola, Kansas in September, 1883, and his remains were taken to Kansas City for burial. His daughters are Harriet A. and Frances E., of Chicago, the former being the wife of N. Buschwah, and the latter the wife of Gen. C. T. Hotchkiss, who won his title in the Civil War. This sketch is penned in loving memory of Professor Dye by Mrs. Hotch- kiss. In 1855 Professor Dye married Miss Cor- delia A. Hamlin, daughter of the late Rev. E. H. Hamlin, once pastor of the First Baptist Church of Chicago. Twin sons were born of this union. After thirty-five years of happy wedded life, they were separated by death only two months, her demise occurring first. He passed away July 30, 1891, at his home, 383 Park Avenue. He had been an invalid about seventeen months, though his final illness was a severe attack of pneumonia, which his great age made resistless. His funeral took place Sunday, August 2, at Cen- tral Music Hall, and his remains were interred in the family lot at Kenosha, beside those of his first wife. The funeral services were conducted by Rev. Thomas G. Milsted, of the First Unita- rian Church of Chicago, assisted by Mrs. Emma J. Bullene, a trance speaker and an old pupil of Professor Dye. Professor Dye was an advanced thinker in the line of religious conviction, investigating fear- lessly and impartially new theories, and listening gladly to the presentation of truth, as seen by Christian or unbeliever. He accepted the tenets of spiritualism, after the most careful and can- did research, finding satisfaction in its teachings as given by the scientific writers in that line of thought. He was a great admirer of Rev. Dr. Thomas, in whose discourses he found much food for reflection. Professor Dye was a descendant of old Revolu- tionary stock, and imbibed the love of liberty with his earliest breath. It is not strange, there- fore, that he was identified with the earliest Aboli- tion movement, and labored unflinchingly for the emancipation of the colored man. Fifteen mem- bers of the Dye family served in the Continental army, several of them being officers. Among the number was Gen. Thomas Dye, a personal friend of Washington and La Fayette, who were often entertained at his house in Bergen, New Jersey, during the memorable winter of 1777-78. Daniel Dye, grandfather of the subject of this biography, endured the horrors of that winter at the Valley Forge encampment, his feet being swathed in rags for protection. He often related reminiscences of the privations endured by him- self and comrades at that time. At one time a number of British officers visited General Wash- ington under a flag of truce, and such was the destitution prevailing in the camp that the only refreshment he was able to offer them consisted of baked potatoes and salt, which were served on pieces of bark, in lieu of plates. Daniel Dye was born in Kent County, Connecticut, February 10, 1744. He enlisted in Captain Beardsley's company, Seventh Regiment of the Connecticut Line, May 28, 1777, and was under command of Col. Heman Sift. He was discharged from that company February 17, 1778. Prior to entering the regular service, he was a member of Captain Fuller's company of militia, and did duty in the New York campaign of 1776. He was the father 2 7 8 THOMAS TAGNEY. of eight children, the eldest of whom was John P. Dye, born May 9, 1768. About 1791 he moved from Connecticut to western New York. His wife's name was Sally Rhodes, and Nathan was the tenth of their eleven children. Professor Dye was a member of the old Tippe- canoe Club, and ever maintained the principles upon which that organization was founded. He was always thoroughly posted on current political events and matters of historical interest. Every movement looking toward the moral and physical uplifting of humanity in general received his cordial support and commendation. THOMAS TAGNEY. "HOMAS TAGNEY, whose death occurred on the seventh day of September, 1894, a * 897 Seminary Avenue, was one of the early settlers of Chicago, having first .visited this city in 1836, nearly sixty years ago. He was a native of Sheffield, England, born May 15, 1818. His father, Thomas Tagney, was a musician in the British army, as was also one of his brothers. In 1833 the elder Tagney migrated with his family to Canada, where he taught music, in which he was very proficient, for several years. The family afterward returned to England, but the subject of this sketch preferred to remain in this country, and continued for a short time with his uncle in Canada. Young Tagney was of a restless and roaming disposition, and desired to see other parts of the world. He accordingly went into the Southern States, and was engaged on different plantations in Alabama and Louisiana, in the vi- cinity of New Orleans, for several years. Al- though only a boy in his teens at the time he went there, he rapidly acquired knowledge that enabled him to direct plantation work, and he be- came an overseer. In this employment he earned good wages, a large portion of which he managed to save. Abandoning that life in 1836, he came direct to Chicago, with a small fortune, which he invested in North Side property. Two lots, 143 and 145 Illinois Street, for which he paid $600, he still had in his possession at the time of his death, and their value had increased to twenty-five thou- sand. For several years Mr. Tagney was a steam- boat engineer, and sailed all over the Lakes, from Buffalo to Duluth On retiring from the lake service he settled at Muskegon, Michigan, where he resided 'five years, and was engaged as engi- neer in the sawmill there. Returning again to Chicago, he engaged as mechanical engineer in the employ of the Fulton & St. Paul Grain Ele- vators. He superintended the construction of the former (first known as Munn & Gill's Elevator), both in its original construction and when rebuilt in 1873. He was continuously in the employ of this elevator company for thirty-three years, a testimony to his regular habits, ability and devo- tion to the interests of his employers. At the time of the great fire in Chicago, in 187 1 , Mr. Tagney owned houses and lots on Illinois, Indiana and Wells Streets, which, of course, were consumed by the element which devastated the entire North Side. But he had great confidence in Chicago, and within three months rebuilt the Illinois Street property, selling the other; this property being the first house rebuilt. In the year 1885, having spent the greater part of a long life in active, arduous and useful labors, Mr. Tag- ney retired from business and moved to L,ake View, where he remained until his death. In his later years he bought residence property on LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS ALONZO J. CUTLER (From Photo, by W. J. ROOT) A. J. CUTLER. 279 Fletcher, Baxter, North Halsted Streets and Lin- coln Avenue. In 1847 he was married to Miss Alice Steele, daughter of Hugh and Mary Steele. She was bora in May, 1828, in Canada, to which country her parents had immigrated from the North of Ireland, and died in Chicago on the 7th of August, 1892, aged sixty-four years. Mr. and Mrs. Tagney were the parents of seven children, of whom five grew to maturity. Henry Thomas, the eldest, was an engineer by profession, and succeeded to the place made vacant by his father in the Fulton Elevator. He married Miss Ella Moore, and died in 1893, leaving a widow and three children, Henry T., George and Effie. The second son, James William, is a sign-paint- er, and resides on Lincoln Avenue in Chicago. February 27, 1872, he married Miss Kate Casey, a native of County Cork, Ireland, daughter of Dennis and Mary Casey. They have four liv- ing children, Thomas, Charles, Harry and Alice Marion. Alice Jane, the third child, was married, in 1873, to William Young, and now has two children. Hugh, the elder, is a salesman, and William, the younger son, is an artist. Mrs. Young conducts a prosperous business on Diver- sey Street. John E. is an engineer. He married Ada Weinberg, and has three children, Willie, Charles and Nellie. Charles S., the youngest son of Thomas Tagney, is now engaged in the livery business. He was married, February' 18, 1893, to Miss Hilda Anderson, a native of Sweden; they have one child, an infant. Mr. Tagney was one of those men whose busy, but quiet, lives have been spent in the upbuild- ing of the great city of Chicago, and in the ac- cumulation of wealth for his posterity. He was a man whose temperate life and intensely domestic characteristics were fit patterns for imitation of those who succeed him. His disposition was quiet and undemonstrative, but his impulses were generous, and he never refused aid to the needy. In politics he was a Democrat, supporting the men whom he deemed best qualified for the offices which they sought, but never asking for place for himself. In his early life he was a member of the Baptist Church, but in his later years he cher- ished liberal ideas. In his investments he was fortunate, in his domestic life happy, always pro- viding for his wife and children a comfortable and pleasant home. His sterling qualities of head and heart attracted to him many friends, who are left to mourn his departure from their midst. ALONZO J. CUTLER. GlLONZO J. CUTLER is widely known as I I one of the most daring and successful brok- / | ers operating upon the Chicago Board of Trade. His transactions are distinguished by a display of exceptional judgment, discretion and foresight, which causes his movements to be watched and commented upon by the whole field of speculators and investors. It is a notable fact that the men who have made and retained fort- unes on the Board of Trade were all of a kind especially endowed with the trading instinct, or ' made wise in the school of experience; and Mr. Cutler can justly be classed under both these heads. Every move made by him is carefully calculated and planned, and all his financial ar- rangements are faithful to well-grounded princi- ples of business. Mr. Cutler first came to Chicago in the spring of 1869, being then but seventeen years of age. His cash capital at that time consisted of about $20, but this lack of means was abundantly com- pensated for by brains, pluck and energy, and he 280 A. J. CUTLER. immediately set about the task of bettering his financial condition. With that end in view, he vigorously applied himself to the first employment which presented itself. This was the position of driver of a wagon for the Singer Sewing-Machine Company. A few weeks' experience in this ca- pacity demonstrated his capability for employ- ment demanding more skill and acumen, and within a few months he was promoted to the po- sition of head salesman of the Chicago agency. It was not long before he was dealing in sewing- machines at wholesale, and in a single year cleared over $5,00x3 in this way. Such a prac- tical demonstration of business ability and apti- tude for trade could not fail to attract the atten- tion of live business men, and in the spring of 1883 O. H. Roche, the well-known Board of Trade operator, suggested to him that his trading talents would find a more extended field in spec- ulation. Other friends pointed out the dangers and hazards, and advised him to persevere in his previous line of business. But Mr. Cutler had abundant confidence in his own powers, and, after a brief consideration, re- solved to enter the speculative field, as a more congenial and speedy method of gaining a compe- tence. He soon became an active trader in the capacity of broker for Mr. Roche, for whom he has ever entertained the highest respect, and whom he regards as his preceptor in the specula- tive field. When Mr. Roche retired from business the fol- lowing year, Mr. Cutler opened a brokerage office for himself, and his rise has been steady and not less remarkable than that of the renowned Ed Pardridge, whom he has actively represented in many great deals. But he has an outside busi- ness of his own, and numbers customers by the score, who have the utmost confidence in his judgment, integrity and ability. One of the most active traders on the Board, Mr. Cutler is always in the thick of the crowd when there is any ex- citement in the wheat pit. He is generally known "on "change" as "the man behind Pardridge," and his natural instinct and adaptability as a trader have made his success no less remarkable than that of the great speculator, in whose service and under whose tuition his peculiar talents have been developed. That these two men, being similarly endowed by nature, and having knowl- edge of each other's abilities, should have made a record unparalleled in successful speculative an- nals is not surprising. Their immense daring and successful operations have become a part of the absorbing and wonderful history of the Chi- cago Board of Trade. Some of their boldly and cleverly executed plans have evoked the admira- tion of the commercial world. The appellation of "plunger" is a misnomer when applied to either of this pair, for the reason that their move- ments, upon analysis and investigation, appear plainly to be the results of the most carefully laid plans and calculations. None of their deals have been reckless, although they have been pro- nounced so by persons not familiar with the inner details. Alonzo J. Cutler was born at Montpelier, Ver- mont, March 24, 1852. He is the youngest in the family of four children born to David W. Cutler and Maria Marshall. The father, who was a farmer and ice dealer at Montpelier, died of typhoid fever during the infancy of the subject of this sketch, who was afterward placed under the guardianship of Elon Hammond, of East Montpelier. Owing to the incompetence and mis- management of this guardian, young Cutler was removed to the charge of Hon. Clark King, a prominent farmer, in whose home he remained until about sixteen years of age. Most of his education was obtained by attending a country school in winter, and his first money was earned by working as a farm hand at $7 per month. Be- fore coming West he spent one year as clerk in the Pavilion Hotel in Montpelier, but becoming dissatisfied with the irksomeness of this position, which consumed nineteen hours per day of his time, he resolved to seek a change by moving to the West. The Cutler family in America is of English de- scent. The first progenitor of A. J. Cutler in America was John Cutler, Senior, who is sup- posed to have come from Sprauston, a sub- urb of Norwich, England. About 1637 he set- tled at Hingham, Massachw ;etts, where he soon W. O. TYLER. 281 afterward died, leaving a widow and seven chil- dren. He and his immediate posterity furnish examples of the typical Puritan character. His fifth son, Thomas Cutler, who was a farmer by occupation, died at Charlestown, Massachusetts, in 1683. The next in the line of descent herein traced was Jonathan, a tailor by trade, and the generations following him are successively repre- sented by the following names: David, Jonathan, David, and David W., the father of the subject of this notice, who died in 1854, aged thirty -nine years. His mother was Abigail, daughter of Daniel Carroll, of Montpelier, Vermont, and a niece of Charles Carroll, the noted statesman of Carrollton, Maryland. A. J. Cutler was married, December 26, 1891, to Jessie Estelle, daughter of O. B. Warner, of Peoria, Illinois. This lady is endowed with mu- sical and elocutionary powers of a superior order, and is the mother of two charming children. They are named, respectively, E. Warner and Fanchon T. Mr. Cutler is essentially a family man, and, when able to leave the haunts of trade, finds his greatest pleasure in the attractions fur- nished by the home fireside. He is not connect- ed with any religious, social or political organi- zations of importance, but always votes the Re- publican ticket. He is well known and respected in Vermont, where he has scores of warm friends, who admire his liberal and genial disposition as well as his gift for making a trade. Mr. Cutler honors his Yankee ancestors by exhibiting the proverbial New England thrift and shrewdness, and is abundantly able to take care of himself. In the course of his transactions it is no rare mat- ter for him to handle checks representing a half- million dollars. WARREN O. TYLER. fi>G|ARREN OLIVER TYLER. Among the I A/ i ua lif ac tions which are essential to an hon- V V orable and successful business career may- be mentioned physical endurance, sound judg- ment, ready decision, unswerving integrity, patient application, keen foresight and prudent and reg- ular habits. It may be safely asserted that the man of noteworthy accomplishments will possess most, if not all, of these qualities, and while some of them may be acquired or developed by the im- mediate surroundings and conditions to which the individual has been subjected, many of the most essential elements of his character may be attributed to inheritance. Hence, in contemplating the personal history of the gentleman whose name heads this notice, it is well to observe that his ancestors were among the early and substantial colonists of New England, to whose physical vigor, longevity and integrity of character the present generation is indebted for the founding of some of its most cherished institutions. The Tyler family was planted in America by several brothers of that name who came from England in the seventeenth century. One branch of this family settled in Virginia, and among its descendants was John Tyler, ninth President of the United States. Another branch of the family was located in Connecticut, and a third in Vermont, near the Canadian border, where for several successive generations it has furnished some of the most useful and patriotic citizens. One of these was 282 W. O. TYLER. David Tyler, a man of sterling virtues and noble impulses. He was born at Cambridge, Vermont, and for many years kept hotel at Essex Junction and neighboring places. In 1864, he moved to Chicago, where the balance of his days was spent, his death occurring in 1886, in the ninetieth year of his age. His wife, whose maiden name was Clarissa Butler, died in 1890, in the seventy- fourth year of her age. She was born on a farm between Essex Center and Jericho, Vermont. The Butler family was one of the oldest of that commonwealth, and, like the Tyler family, of English lineage. Mr. and Mrs. Tyler had six children who attained mature years. Edwin T. , of Stevens Point, Wisconsin, is the eldest, and the rest, in order, are: Warren O. ; Fred C. and Henry W., dealers in paper mill supplies in Chicago; Frank P., connected with the Ameri- can Paper Company; Mattie A., unmarried, re- siding in Chicago. Besides these, Mr. .David Ty- ler had a daughter by a previous marriage, Amelia, now the wife of G. T. Woodworth, of Chicago. The members of this family are con- spicuous for their domestic harmony and marked fraternal regard several of their number having avoided all matrimonial or other relations likely to interfere therewith. Warren O. Tyler was born at Essex Junction, Vermont, March 3, 1844. When he was but seven years of age, the family received a visit from an aunt of the lad, by whom he was easily in- duced to return with her to Chicago. He was charmed with her glowing descriptions of the growing metropolis of the West and already longed to be a participant in the activity and development which were there going on. Upon his arrival, he became an inmate of the home of his uncle, Mr. O. N. Butler, by whom he was placed at school in the village of St. Charles, Illi- nois. He subsequently returned to Vermont and spent three years in his father's hotel. He had in the meantime imbibed too much of the spirit of western freedom to be long contented in the nar- row limits of Vermont semi-rural life, and at the age of fifteen we again find him in Chicago. At that time he entered the employ of Butler & Hunt, manufacturers of and dealers in paper, then located at No. 48 State Street. At the end of five years, he was admitted to a partnership in the concern and continued to be identified therewith for a period of twenty-five years, al- though the name of the firm underwent several changes during that time and the business was subjected to disasters and vicissitudes which would have discouraged less determined men than Mr. Tyler and his associates. In 1870, the greatest conflagration which had visited Chicago up to that time occurred on Wabash Avenue. The loss of Laflin, Butler & Company by this disaster was $88,000. In the great fire of the following year, the firm, then known as J. W. Butler & Company, suffered a loss of $455,000. Only a small percentage of this loss was recovered from the insurance com- panies. After the Wabash Avenue fire, the firm came near suffering a loss of its books by the premature opening of its safe, and, warned by this experience, in the second instance the safe was placed upon a stoneboat and drawn out upon the paririe and carefully cooled with ice before being opened, and its contents were thus well preserved. Nothing daunted by the catastrophies which had overtaken it, the firm immediately re-engaged in business, which continued prosperously for many years. Under the management of Mr. Tyler, a branch establishment was opened in Milwaukee, known as the Butler Paper Company, afterwards succeeded by the Standard Paper Company. In 1885, Mr. Tyler retired from connection with this establishment and organized the Tyler Paper Company, of which he became the Presi- dent. This was in turn succeeded by the Calu- met Paper Company, and he disposed of his inter- est therein a few years before its annihilation by fire, in 1893. He subsequently, in 1889, organ- ized the American Paper Company, of which he is now the presiding executive officer, and which is conducting a successful and growing business. At different times, he has been a stockholder in several paper mills. Mr. Tyler attends the Episcopal Church, with which his parents were identified. He has been a lifelong adherent of Republican principles, ful- filling his duty as a voter, but never seeking any w. H. ALSIP. 283 public position. He has always been a model of industry, often devoting eighteen hours per day to his business, and has been successful in the face of obstacles which would appal men of less resolution and perseverance. The history of his life furnishes an additional example of the fact that consistent and well-directed effort is certain of an ultimate reward, a principle too often lost sight of in the modern scramble for pelf. WILLIAM H. ALSIP. HENRY ALSIP, Secretary and Treasurer of the Alsip Brick Company, was born in Prairie du Chien, Wisconsin, January 23, 1858. He is a son of Frank and Mary Jane Alsip. The former, who is well known as one of the leading contractors and man- ufacturers of the West, was born in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, and began to learn the trade of brick-making at that place at the age of twelve years. He subsequently spent two or three years in California, and in 1857 located in Prairie du Chien. He established extensive brick yards at that place and in McGregor, Iowa, and en- gaged in contracting and building. His opera- tions extended throughout northern Wisconsin, eastern Iowa and southern Minnesota. The period immediately subsequent to the great Chi- cago fire offered an immense demand for building material in this city, and Mr. Alsip was one of the first to respond to the demand. He removed his entire plant to the vicinity of Chicago, where he has ever since had his headquarters. He has become identified with several large brick manu- facturing concerns, and is recognized as one of the leading brick makers of the world. The product of the Alsip brick yards has been used in the construction of many of the principal build- ings of Chicago, including the Masonic Temple, Great Northern Hotel and the Grand Central Station . The subject of this sketch spent most of his boyhood in McGregor, Iowa, where the founda- tion of his education was laid in the public schools. He afterward attended the Chicago High School, and in 1880 he graduated from the University of Chicago, with the degree of Bachelor of Arts. Two years later he graduated from the Union College of Law, and was admitted to the Bar. He began his business career as foreman of the Hayt & Alsip brick yards, at Thirty-ninth and Robey Streets, filling that position for three years. In 1885, in company with his father, he built the Lincoln Street brick yards, and when the Alsip Brick Company was incorporated two years later he became -its Secretary and Treasurer, which position he still occupies, having almost exclusive charge of the office work. The com- pany, which is composed of Frank Alsip, William H. Alsip and Frank B. Alsip, now operates four extensive brick yards and furnishes employment to about five hundred men. The business has been constantly increasing, and is recognized as one of the largest in that line. The output ranges from one hundred to one hundred and twenty-five millions per day. Mr. Alsip was married on the 3oth of Septem- ber, 1887, to Marcella Cusak, daughter of Mrs. Joan Cusak, of Chicago. Mrs. Alsip was born in St. Louis, Missouri, and has presented her hus- band with two children William Henry and Virginia. Mr. Alsip is a member of the Lincoln Street Methodist Church, and is identified with 284 JOHN MORRIS. the Illinois and Union League Clubs. He also holds membership with the Royal League and Royal Arcanum. For six years past he has been a member of the National Brick Makers' Associa- tion, and is now its President. He takes an active interest in political affairs, and is a mem- ber of the Republican Committee of the Eleventh Ward. He positively and consistently declines the use of his name as a candidate for office, though he has been repeatedly requested to be- come a candidate for Alderman from his ward. He is a man of recognized business ability and unquestioned integrity, and is filling a responsible and useful position in the community. JOHN MORRIS. (JOHN MORRIS, assistant superintendent of I the Piano Manufacturing Company at West (*) Pullman, was born near Blue Mounds, Iowa County, Wisconsin, on the i2th of April, 1858, and is of Welsh descent. His parents, Rev. Owen R. and Catherine (Jones) Morris, were both natives of Wales. The father was born in Blaenan, Festiniog, Merionethshire, July 18, 1828, and came to America in 1849 from Merionethshire, North Wales, with his parents, Robert and Ellen Morris, the family locating on a farm in Iowa County, Wisconsin. On October 17, 1851, he married Mrs. Catherine Williams, widow of I. N. Williams, and lived in Iowa County until March, 1868, when, with his wife and children, he removed to Fillmore County, Minnesota, where he now re- sides. For a number of years he was pastor of the Welsh Presbyterian Church at Blue Mounds, Wisconsin, and for twenty-four years had charge of the Welsh Presbyterian Church at Bristol Grove, Minnesota. He is an earnest and untir- ing worker in behalf of the church, and his work has been productive of much good. All who know him hold him in high regard. Mrs. Morris was born in Llanrug, Carnarvonshire, North Wales, February 25, 1816, and came to America in 1845. She first married I. N. Williams, by whom she had one son, I. N., now a resident of Fillmore County, Minnesota. After the death of her first husband she returned to Wales, in 1848, but in 1849 again came to America, with her father, Thomas Jones, who died in Iowa County, Wisconsin, a few years later. Mr. and Mrs. Morris had a family of four sons, three of whom are yet living. William and Thomas both reside in Fillmore County; Evan is now deceased; and John completes the family. Mr. Morris of this sketch spent his boyhood days upon, his father's farm and was early inured to arduous labor. He followed farming through the summer months and in the winter season at- tended the public schools, until eighteen years of age, when he began teaching. He had early evinced a taste and aptitude for carpentry and machine work, and that instinct has been con- stantly developing since; but it was some time before he entered upon that line of work as a business. After teaching for five seasons, he be- came a student of the University of Minnesota, and was graduated therefrom in 1888, with the degree of Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering. During his four years' attendance he had received some of the highest markings ever given in that department. In 1888 he became connected with the city schools of Minneapolis, and continued to there serve until 1893, being for three years an instructor in the Manual Training Department, while for two years he was assistant superintend- ent and had entire charge of the Manual Training Department. His services were eminently satis- HENRY ABRAHAMS. 285 factory, and the work of the department prepared under his direction for the World's Fair exhibit was deservedly worthy of the high commendation it received. During this period he also engaged in consulting work and mechanical engineering, and developed new devices and secured a number of patents for patrons. Prof. Morris was married on October 8, 1889, in Cambria, Wisconsin, to Miss Lizzie Williams, daughter of Robert G. Williams. The lady was born in Cambria, and died in Minneapolis on the 27th of February, 1892, at the age of thirty-three years, leaving one child, a daughter, Lizzie. In June, 1893, Prof. Morris severed his connec- tion with the Minneapolis public schools and ac- cepted the position of assistant superintendent and mechanical engineer of the Piano Manufacturing Company at West Pullman. He had previously spent a number of vacations as an expert and traveling representative of the firm. His man- agement of the affairs of the factory has given entire satisfaction to his employers and won him high commendation. His natural inventive genius is constantly active, and new mechanical devices are being continually developed under his direc- tion. Mr. Morris has invested in West Pullman real estate, with the view of making this place his home. Mr. Morris is a member of the Welsh Presby- terian Church of Minneapolis, and for six years served on its board of deacons, taking an active part in the work of the church and everything pertaining to its advancement. In politics he has been a life-long Republican, and its men and measures receive his earnest support. He is a warm advocate of temperance principles, is of cordial and pleasant manner, and takes a deep and abiding interest in public advancement and progress. HENRY ABRAHAMS. HENRY ABRAHAMS, one of the self-made men of Chicago, was born September 28, 1837, at Kornmarck, near Posen, Prussia, and was one of the seventeen children of Louis Lipman and Rosa (Moses) Abrahams. His ca- reer furnishes a forcible illustration of what may be achieved through force of natural ability, energy, perseverance, industry and integrity. Born in penury and reared in poverty, with no advanta- ges and every obstacle, outside of his own person- ality, to overcome, he won his way to affluence and an influential position among the representa- tive citizens of Chicago. Louis L. Abrahams was a tailor, who supported his large family by the earnings of his needle. Hoping to better his condition, he went to Newcastle, England, in 1840, and remained there until 1849, when he came to Chicago, where his widow still resides, at the age of eighty-five years. Henry Abrahams showed his force of character and instinct for trade by starting out in life as a peddler in Chicago, at the age of twelve years, and was eminently successful. He continued in this occupation for twelve years, at the end of which period he felt able to take a wife and set- tle down in business. He accordingly married Elizabeth Gerber, a daughter of Joseph and Julia (Levy) Gerber. Joseph Gerber was a dry-goods merchant in Hoston, near Prague, Austria. Mr. Abrahams established himself as a retail grocer at the corner of Fifth Avenue and Adams Street, on the site now occupied by the Phelps, Dodge & 286 HENRY ABRAHAMS. Palmer Company, where he remained until his buildings and entire stock, valued at $55,000, were swept away by the great fire of 1871. At this time he was the owner of the southeast quar- ter of the block upon which he did business, be- sides nine houses on Adams and Quincy Streets and Fifth Avenue. It is said that he was before the fire the leading retail grocer of the city. As was the case with many others, his loss by the fire was nearly total, on account of the failure of the insurance companies. Subsequent to the fire, Mr. Abrahams disposed of all his South Side property and bought lots on the corner of Van Buren and Halsted Streets, covering all of the block fronting on Van Buren Street, except two lots, which he owned at the time of his death. At the same time he purchased eight acres at Fifty-fifth Street and Garfield Boul- evard. For the latter property he paid $8,000 in 1872, and sold the same in 1891 for $60,000. He continued business on the West Side until his re- tirement from commercial relations in 1880. He subsequently engaged in the real-estate and loan business, giving his attention largely to his own investments. It was always a gratification to him to reflect that he had never filled a subordin- ate position, being always the proprietor of the business in which he was engaged. The success of this remarkable man is especial- ly noteworthy from the fact that until his second marriage, in 1867, he had not learned to read or write. He never kept any books, and was able to refer with as much reliance to his memory for the details of every transaction as the ordinary merchant does to his books. The date of a note, its maturity and the interest accrued could always be told by him at a moment's notice. His memory with regard to other matters was equal- ly retentive. He attributed this remarkable fac- ulty to constant reliance upon his memory, unas- sisted by the usual accessories. In 1866 Mr. Abrahams was bereaved of his wife by cholera, and her body was the first one buried in Graceland Cemetery. She left three children: Abraham Abrahams, late Health In- spector of the Fourth Ward; Moses, a furniture dealer in Clinton, Iowa; and Albert, who died at seven years of age. In 1867 Mr. Abrahams married Eleanora, sister of his first wife, who sur- vives him and is the mother of the following chil- dren: Max, a plumber, and Fanny, the wife of Isadore Weiskopf, of Chicago; Bessie, the wife of Albert Richmond, of Philadelphia, formerly pro- prietor of the Standard Theatre of Chicago, and now sole wholesale agent for the Schlitz Brewing Company at Philadelphia, where his wife operates one of the largest photograph gal- leries; Joseph, a graduate of the public schools of the West Side Business College, now manager of his father's estate; and George and Louis, at pres- ent students at Notre Dame University, Indiana. Elizabeth, the second, died at eighteen years of age; Albert, the sixth, at thirteen; and Sarah, the seventh, in childhood. Mrs. Abrahams' grandchildren are: Leo Weiskopf and Leroy and Wilfred Richmond. Mr. Abrahams' death occurred on the eleventh day of April, 1894, at his home at No. 3355 For- est Avenue, which he purchased and occupied in 1891. He was a man of fine appearance and pleasant address, and his friendship was of that warm and earnest character which attracted and held men to him. He was generous, and many remember with pleasure the time when he was to them a friend in need. His eminent geniality and social qualities brought him so closely in con- tact with his fellow-men that he naturally became a member of many societies, among which may be mentioned the Masonic and Odd Fellows' or- ders, B'nai B'rith, Hebrew Beneficiary Associa- tion, Sons of Benjamin, Old Settlers' Society of Chicago, and others. He was prominent and in- fluential in politics, a member of the Democratic partj', and a man whose counsel had great weight with his associates in party affairs. He always refused nominations for office, which were fre- quently urged upon him, preferring to be a work- er for the interests of the party to which he gave his allegiance rather than receive the emoluments of office. He was not only a genial and popular citizen, but was the kindest and most indulgent of fathers and husbands, and was the idol of his family. G. S. INGRAHAM. 287 GRANVILLE S. INGRAHAM. [RANVILLE SHERWOOD INGRAHAM, youngest of a family of nine, was born May 27, 1824, in Montgomery County, New York. His father, born April 23, 1782, was a tanner and currier, who came from England to the State of Rhode Island in his boyhood, remov- ing subsequently to the State of New York, where he became a very prominent Free Mason and was universally esteemed, dying at the age of seventy- three. He was one of the claimants of the cele- brated "Leeds Estate" in England. His mother, Philinda Taylor by maiden name, was born May i, 1784, at Hartford, Connecticut, living to the remarkable age of ninety-two. Owing to the disability of total blindness which afflicted his father for the last twenty-five years of his life, the subject of this sketch, after an or- dinary education obtained at the Union Mills Academy, was obliged to leave home at the boy- ish age of twelve to seek his own fortunes, and well indeed did he find them. His first employ- ment was in a merchant's store in New York City; afterward, returning to Saratoga County, was engaged in similar pursuits for a period. At this juncture the turning point of his busi- ness life was presented. James McKindley, the veteran pioneer wholesaler of our metropolis, had spent many happy boyhood days in companion- ship with Mr. Ingraham; and now, being at the head of the mercantile house, McKindley, Church & Co. , thoughtful for and kindly disposed toward this early associate, offered Mr. Ingraham, in 1856, a position with his house as traveling sales- man. Losing no time in reaching his new field of employment, destined always to be his home, so well did he foresee the requirements of his own and higher positions, at the same time bending every energy toward fulfilling more duties than those imposed upon him, that in an incredibly short time, namely in 1860, he was elevated to the standing of a full partner in the firm, there- after to be styled McKindley, Ingraham & Co. The next seven years witnessed severest appli- cation and unremitting efforts upon his part, gaining him unstinted meed of praise from all with whom he had to do, wonderfully fruthering the interests of his concern, but carried to the excess of personal disability, so that at the end of the period of which we are speaking, quite de- bilitated and "run down" in health, he was com- pelled to leave his office and seek the means of regaining strength for the following two years. The firm, in which he still retained his interests, was burned out by the great fire of 1871, but being well insured, it declined offers of finan- cial aid as well as volunteered extension of time on bills payable falling due. With marvelous recuperation, being actually engaged in trade within a week after the burning, and by good fortune, it was enabled to meet all obligations as rapidly as they matured. About this time was organized the wholesale grocery and tea house of Ingraham, Corbin & May (now Corbin and May) , with which he was thenceforth prominently identified in its very suc- cessful upbuilding, until, in 1884, overtaxation of mental and physical powers rendered retire- ment again necessary, this time forced to become practically final. But his fortune continued to be thus mainly embarked with his firm, and during the semi-invalid existence of his slow decline, he always enjoyed thinking and speaking of trade, and dreaming the optimist's dream of the golden days bound to come to the trade when the entire Northwest was better developed in its vast re- sources. The last years were made comfortable by a portion of the means his industrious ability had accumulated, the summers being mainly spent in Chicago, while in winter he sought a less rigorous climate; now in California, now in Florida, until finding in Pass Christian, Mississippi, surround- ings thoroughly congenial and beneficial, he there bought a home in 1888, that he might regularly 288 G. S. INGRAHAM. surrendei himself to the delights of the semi- tropic Gulf Coast. Alas for the brevity of life! Love may not entice away, nor fortune bribe against the visitation of grim, universally fated death. The end came on December 20, 1892, to a patient, long sufferer, resigned to the will of God. In boyhood he had followed family affiliations with the Christian Church, that being a liberal and righteous faith; but in maturer years he was attracted by the stanch tenets and rugged char- acter of Presbyterianism, and so had been for many years united with the Hyde Park Presby- terian Church, in which, wholly obedient, he passed to a reward of good merits. In Whig days he was a willing follower of Henry Clay, but on the breaking up of old lines and the drawing of new ones, he took and held a liberal Democratic attitude, in local affairs sup- porting the best man, irrespective of party. He was always deeply interested in parks and other public improvements, and all educational works had his generous approbation and furtherance. Being most happily environed, and strongly do- mestic in temperament, he cared not for "club life" or society, so called; yet he was not a re- cluse, neither, as his friends well knew, was he at all unsociable. His first home in Chicago was purchased at the corner of Prairie Avenue and Eighteenth Street; removing, in 1872, to Washington Ave- nue, just south of Fifty-fifth Street, he was en- gaged in the construction of an elegant mansion in the immediate neighborhood (No. 5520 Wash- ington Avenue) , when he was taken away. She who is left to execute his wishes may long find a noble employment in the finishing of his ap- pointed work. The humanitarian shows out nowhere more plainly than in his will. Years of affliction had taught him the needs of the sick, while abundant means enabled him to intelligently contrast the wretched condition of the indigent ill. Therefore, in his last testament, after liberal provisions for his family and near relatives (not overlooking generous legacies to several charitable institu- tions) , he directed that the residue of his estate should be invested and spent in the founding, building, usefully equipping and maintaining of a hospital for the poor sick, to be conducted on as free a plan as possible. Would that all our wealth accumulators, circumstanced like unto himself, could be prompted by as philanthropic motives! Then would riches become a general blessing in disguise, and the abyss between the financially high and low forever kindly bridged. Realizing that he had few dependents, and that he was largely indebted to the city of his adoption for his opulence, he, in this dignified, munificent, last- ing manner of endowing a glorious charity, con- ceived that that debt should and would be paid; and though for a time there be a contest over the will, while something of doubt exists as to the ultimate fate of the quarter of a million of dollars thus bequeathed by Mr. Ingraham to the found- ing of a hospital, which was to bear his name, let us trust the law will vindicate itself and our testa- tor friend's wishes, and that his widow, unswerv- ingly devoted to the administration of his estate, may be speedily confirmed in her legal rights as his representative, and so enabled to proceed un- der the will-terms toward the completion of the conceived edifice; and generations to come will thank the justice of the decree while blessing the memory of him, their patron and benefactor. Mr. Ingraham was twice married; (i.) July 14, 1847, to Miss Frances Sarah Foster, of Sara- toga County, New York, who died January i, 1878, having had as issue a son, Hiram Foster Ingraham, who died February 10, 1874, leaving a widow, Fannie Ingraham (nee Wood), and a son, Granville Foster Ingraham, which latter were cared for by the subject of this sketch while liv- ing, and abundantly provided for in his last will. (2.) December 6, 1 88 1, to Miss Harriette Au- gusta Foster (sister of his former wife, a daugh- ter of Hiram Clark Foster) , who had no children, but who was and is the soul of faithfulness toward him and his house, and appointed as one of the executors of his will. (For some details of the Foster pedigree, vide under sketch of James Mairs Gilchrist, on another page herein.) Mrs. Ingraham' s mother was Elizabeth Platt, NICHOLAS BUSCHWAH. 289 of a family of honorable standing and mention in Eastern centers. Elizabeth was the fifth child and daughter of Alexander Smith and Annie Platt (nee Wakeman, of Greenfield, Connecticut) and Galway, New York; Alexander being the fourth son of Obadiah and Thankful Platt (nee Scudder, of Huntington, Connecticut), and North Fairfield, Connecticut; Obadiah being the fourth son of Obadiah and Mary Platt, nee Smith, who removed from Huntington across Long Is- land Sound (with his brother Timothy), found- ing the Fairfield branch of the family ; Obadiah was the eldest son of Jonas and Sarah Platt (nee Scudder), of the "Older Huntington" (Connecti- cut) branch. Jonas was the second child and eldest son of Isaac and Elizabeth Platt (nee Wood) who (with his brother Epenetus) founded the "Older Huntington" branch. Isaac was probably born in England, being the third son of Richard and Mary Platt, who came to this coun- try from England in 1638, landing at New Haven, Connecticut, where he afterward acquired valuable landed possessions. The old family seat, how- ever, is at Milford, a few miles thence west, where the first American progenitor is buried, and where have ever since dwelt the honored de- scendants. The English seat of the emigrating branch is believed to be Bovingdon, a village near Hert- ford, England. The Herald's College shows some seven coats-of-arms assigned and granted to different English families by the name of Platt. From the foregoing it will be seen that Mrs. Ingraham, through her mother, represents the eighth generation of Platts in the United States. NICHOLAS BUSCHWAH. JJJICHOLAS BUSCHWAH is, doubtless, the \j best informed man living in regard to titles to I /!) Cook County realty. His long experience of over thirty years in the preparation and examin- ation of abstracts, together with his reliability and unquestioned integrity of character, has earned the confidence and respect of all political parties, and of investors and business men generally. He was born amid the romantic scenery bordering the River Rhine, the place of his birth being the village of Wahlen, Rhenish Prussia, and the date of his advent being the igth of October, 1842. His parents, Nicholas and Marie (Dewald) Buschwah, were natives of Germany, of French extraction. The father was a carpenter and builder by occupation. In 1 844 he sold his beau- tiful home and grounds in the land of his birth and emigrated with his family, which then in- cluded four children, to the United States, in or- der to secure to them the blessings of political and religious liberty. He located in Chicago, where he followed his trade until death, January 24, 1864. His wife survived him several years, dying at the age of seventy years. They em- bodied the regular habits and sturdy character for which our German citizens are conspicuous, and left to their posterity sacred memories and a good name. Seven of their children survive and are residents of Chicago. Margaret, the, eldest, is now Mrs. John Woltz ; Catherine is the widow of Caspar Koerper; and the others are Matthew, Nicholas, John, Peter and Jacob. One died in childhood, and Mary, who was the wife of Mi- chael Schwiser, passed away May 4, 1877. The subject of this notice received his primary education at the Kinzie School, then the only public school in North Chicago, and known as Alden Q. Wilder's School. He afterward became 29 NICHOLAS BUSCHWAH. a student at the Franklin School, Daniel C. Fer- guson Principal, and completed the course of study at the age of fifteen years, the Chicago High School not being built at that time. He then entered the real-estate office of James H. Rees, to learn the real-estate business, and subse- quently he entered the office of Rees, Chase & Company, abstract makers, with whom he began his clerical career, serving their interests for eight years, during which time the style changed to Chase Brothers. He became very proficient in the preparation of abstracts, and after the ter- mination of his engagement with this house he served one year as money-delivery clerk in the office of the American Express Company. This was a responsible and arduous position, and he often handled a million dollars in a single day. He was next employed by Fernando Jones & Company, the well-known abstract makers, whose office was then located at No. 42 Clark Street. He remained with this firm four years, filling the place of chief abstract maker, after which he was employed in the office of the City Comptroller up to the time of the great fire of October 8 and 9, 1871. During the period immediately subsequent to that catastrophe he assisted the Chicago Relief and Aid Society as chief clerk and paymaster of the Third Division of the city. For two and one- half years thereafter he was an assistant in the office of the City Clerk. At this time the firm of Williams & Thielcke sought his services in the conduct of their abstract office, and when, in Sep- tember, 1885, their books became the property of Cook County, he continued with the work, re- maining in the employ of the county over seven- teen years making the first abstract turned out by the county and was chief abstract maker in the department of abstracts in the Recorder's of- fice throughout this period. During his long ex- perience in the examination and production of abstracts, he has becomes familiar with all the details and technicalities of the business, and has prepared more instruments of the kind than any other individual. In April, 1893, he resigned his position in the Recorder's office, since which time he has con- ducted an independent business as examiner of titles, in connection with which he does a general loan, real-estate and investment business. The extensive acquaintance which he has formed dur- ing his connection with this line of work brings to him an ample and lucrative patronage, and many large investors find it to their advantage to en- trust to him the conduct of their financial trans- actions. For many years past he has conducted a loan and real-estate agency in connection with his other undertakings, and has displayed such judgment and discretion in placing funds entrust- ed to his care that he has never found it necessary to foreclose a mortgage or trust deed. His integ- rity, justice and fairness are recognized alike by creditors and debtors, and every man who forms his acquaintance through a business transaction becomes a permanent friend. By his shrewd management many a poor and delinquent debtor has been saved from total loss, while the interests of the creditor have been at the same time fully protected. On New Year's Day of 1868 occurred the marriage of Mr. Nicholas Buschwah to Miss Har- riet A. Dye, daughter of Prof. Nathan Dye, whose life history appears on another page of this work. She was born at Truxton, Cortland Coun- ty, New York, and at an early age began 10 de- velop a talent and taste for music, taking her first lesson from her father at the age of three years. At fourteen she became a teacher of music, and for many years previous to her marriage gave instruction in both vocal and instrumental work, often assisting her father in the conduct of his classes and concerts. Ida A., the only child of Mr. and Mrs. Buschwah, is a graduate of the Chicago Conservatory of Music, and a teacher of recognized ability in musical circles. She is the wife of Leroy Grant, with whom she resides at Laramie City, Wyoming. For many years Mr. and Mrs. Buschwah were members of Unity Church of Chicago, the soci- ety established by Rev. Robert Collyer, who con- ducted the ceremony at their wedding and the wed- ding of their daughter, Ida A. They are among the original members of the Independent Liberal Church, organized by Rev. T. G. Milsted in Oc- tober, 1894. It is a society founded upon prin- GEORGE DEARLOVE. 291 ciples of benevolence and Christian brotherhood. Mrs. Buschwah is one of the trustees of the soci- ety, and both she and her husband are enthusiastic and active in good works. She is a member of Chicago Chapter, Daughters of the.American Rev- olution. Mr. Buschwah is a member of the Exec- utive Board of the Twenty -first Ward Republican Club, and has been a life-long supporter of the principles of that party, and numbers among his friends many of the leading citizens of Cook County, irrespective of political or other connec- tions. GEORGE DEARLOVE. DEARLOVE, a prominent pioneer of Northfield Township, now living in Chi- cago, was born in Harrowgate, Yorkshire, England, in May, 1824. He is the only surviving child of Richard and Hannah (Matterson) Dear- love, who in 1836, with their family, came to America, settling in Northfield Township, Cook County, where they became the owners of an ex- tensive tract of land on Milwaukee Avenue. This tract, which is still retained in the family, includes several of the finest and most productive farms in Cook County, well supplied with first- class improvements. The children of Richard and Hannah Dear- love were Mary, William, Peter, Richard, Thomas, George and Hannah, all of whom be- came leading citizens of Northfield Township, but, as stated above, are now deceased, with the exception of George. The latter became the owner of several fine farms in Northfield Town- ship, but in 1885 removed to Chicago, where he has since dealt in real estate, his long acquaint- ance with the county giving him an intimate knowledge of land values which has helped him materially in his business. Mr. Dearlove was married in 1872 Miss Mary A. Dwyer, daughter of Peter and Maria Dwyer, of Newport, Herkimer County, New York, be- coming his wife. Mrs. Dearlove, who is a lady of refinement and ability, acquired her primary education in the public schools of Herkimer County, and later attended a select school at New- port for one year. She then took a three-years course at Fairfield Seminary, and still later at- tended the State Normal School at Albany, New York, but did not finish the course on account of sickness. From the age of seventeen years she was engaged at intervals in teaching. She came to Cook County in the year 1867, and taught for several years after her arrival, she and her sister being the first teachers of the Normal System in Cook County. March 5, 1888, Mrs. Dearlove graduated from Bennett Eclectic College of Medicine and Surgery, with the degree of M. D., and afterwards grad- uated from the Chicago College of Ophthalmia and Aural Surgery. Since her graduation she has practiced her profession with marked success, and has won the confidence of the public and of her associates to a most flattering degree. Dr. Dearlove holds membership in the Chicago Eclec- tic Society, and in the State Eclectic Medical So- ciety, and during the progress of the World's Columbian Exposition was in charge of the Illi- nois Woman's Hospital at the Exposition grounds. To Mr. and Mrs. Dearlove were born the fol- lowing children: George M., whose biography appears elsewhere in these pages; Thomas, a student at the North- Western Military Academy; 292 JOHN CRAWFORD. and Mabel H. In his religious adherence Mr. Dearlove is a member of the Church of England, and in his political leanings he is a Republican, though not a strict partisan, and never an as- pirant for public honors. He is a successful farmer and business man, and he and his family enjoy the esteem of a large circle of acquaintances. JOHN CRAWFORD. HOHN CRAWFORD, deceased, was for years I connected with the business and official in- O terests of Cook County, and was a prominent and representative citizen. He was born in Buf- falo, New York, October 14, 1832, and died in Chicago on the ist of February, 1894. His father, Peter Crawford, is mentioned elsewhere in this work. John spent the first twelve years of his life in the Empire State and then accompanied his parents on 'their removal to Chicago. Here he became his father's assistant in the lumber trade, and was thus employed until nineteen years of age, when he entered Knox College, at Galesburg, Illinois, where he pursued a prepara- tory course of study. Later he entered Hamilton University (now Colgate University) of Hamil- ton, New York, and when his literary education was completed he taught in Cicero Township, Cook County, for several years. At the age of twenty- four Mr. Crawford began reading law in the office of Judge Buckner S. Morris, of Chicago. He did not complete his legal studies, but yet obtained a knowledge of law which proved of great benefit to him in his sub- sequent business and official transactions. For many years he dealt largely in real estate, hand- ling not only his own subdivisions at Crawford Station, but also much other property. He served for several terms as Supervisor of Cicero Town- ship, also as Trustee and Assessor, and in numer- ous other local offices. He was County Commis- sioner for two terms, being a member of the Board at the same time with Carter H. Harrison, about the beginning of the latter's political career. They were elected on the "Fire Ticket," as it was called, the election being held soon after the great fire of 1871. On the 22d of August, 1861, Mr. Crawford was united in marriage with Miss Adelaide F. Neff, daughter of William and Olive NefF, of Chicago, and a native of Buffalo, New York. When a little maiden of six summers she came with her par- ents to this State. Her father died in March, 1887, but her mother is still living in Chicago. To Mr. and Mrs. Crawford were born three chil- dren: John H., a real-estate dealer of Chicago; Florence, who is now deceased; and Genevieve. Mr. Crawford was a member of the Millard Avenue Baptist Church, and the family still at- tends tha,t church. He belonged to the Masonic fraternity, and in his political affiliations was a Republican. He was a man of earnest convic- tions and conscientious motives, and by straight- forward dealing and uniform courtesy he won the good-will of all with whom he came in contact. Probably no man in Cook County had fewer enemies. C. P. BRYAN. 293 CHARLES P. BRYAN. HARLES P. BRYAN was born in Chicago, October 2, 1855. His childhood was spent \,J at Elmhurst, where his parents took up their residence in 1856. Young Bryan completed his education at the University of Virginia and the Columbia Law School. He was admitted to the Bar in Washington, D. C., in 1878. The follow- ing year he removed to Colorado, where he en- gaged in mining and in editorial and literary work. He edited the Denver Inter Ocean and the Colorado Mining Gazette, which he owned, and was elected President of the Colorado Editorial Association in 1884. A year after his arrival in the Rocky Mountains he was chosen to represent Clear Creek County in the Legislature, of which he was the youngest member. He was Chairman of the Railroad Committee. As champion of the people against monopolies, he was called the "Plumed Knight of the Rockies." He had a voice iu every Republican State convention during his sojourn in Colorado, and stumped the State for Elaine. Twice he was urged by the slate- makers, but declined to allow his name to be pre- sented to the Republican State Convention as a can- didate for Secretary of State. The probable nom- ination for Lieutenant-Governor was also offered him as an inducement to remain in Colorado. Filial duty, however, called him back to Illinois in 1885. In 1 890, Col. Bryan was, unsolicited, nominated for the Legislature and elected. In 1892 he was re-elected to represent DuPage County. His chief efforts in the Legislature have been directed to- ward ballot reform, World's Fair and National Guard measures, and those locally of interest to his constituents. As a boy, he entered the First Regiment of Illinois National Guards, and has nearly ever since served in the State troops of Illi- nois or Colorado, having been commissioned Aide- de-Camp by four Governors. Col. Bryan is now on the general staff of the Illinois National Guard. His occupation is that of contributor to newspapers and magazines, his line of work be- ing editorial, historical and descriptive. The paternal and maternal families of the sub- ject of this sketch, the Bryans and the Pages, set- tled in Virginia about 1660. They intermarried with the Lees, the Carters, Barbours, Crawfords and Penns. Daniel Bryan, the grandfather of Charles, made speeches in the Senate of Virginia as far back as the '303 advocating the abolition of slavery. On account of his pronounced Union views he endangered his life at Alexandria at the beginning of the late war. His son, Thomas B. Bryan, came to Illinois iu 1852. As a member of the Union Defense Committee, as president of the Soldiers' Home and Sanitary Fair, and in aiding to equip regiments for the war, he constantly showed his loyalty to the Union. Company H of the One Hundred and Fifth Illinois Infantry, composed of the flower of the youth of DuPage County, was called the "Bryan Blues" in honor of the liberality of Thomas B. Bryan. As cham- pion of Chicago for the site of the World's Fair in speeches made in Washington and other cities, as Vice-President of the Columbian Exposition, and as Commissioner-at-Large to Europe, Mr. Bryan has won international fame. His son has seconded him in all these efforts. Famous men from all over the world have been entertained at the 294 A. F. HATCH. "Bird's Nest," the Bryans' home. Edward Ev- erett, President and Mrs. Harrison, the Logans, Blaines, Cardinal Gibbons, princes, nobility and ministers and commissioners from nearly every land have been guests at this beautiful home, whose hospitalities have helped to give renown to Elmhurst and to DuPage County. AZEL FARNSWORTH HATCH. Gl ZEL FARNSWORTH HATCH, a promin- LJ ent and well-known attorney-at-law of Chi- / I cago, living in Lisle, was born on the 6th of September, 1848, in Lisle Township, DuPage County, and was the fifth in a family of six chil- dren born to James C. and Charlotte (Kidder) Hatch. He remained upon the home farm until sixteen years of age, and attended the public schools of the neighborhood, there acquiring his primary education. In 1867 he entered Oberlin College, of Oberlin, Ohio, where he continued his studies until 1870, when he became a student of the senior class in Yale University. In 1871 he was graduated from that institution, after which he accepted the principalship of the High School of Sheboygan, Wis., where he continued for a year. Mr. Hatch arrived in Chicago in 1872, and be- gan the study of law in the office of Shorey & Norton, attorneys, with whom he continued for about two years, when, in September, 1874, he was admitted to the Bar. In December following he entered upon the practice of his profession, and during the first year was associated with Messrs. Norton and Hulburd, under the style of Norton, Hulburd & Hatch. In 1880 he formed a part- nership with O. F. Aldis, and under the firm name of Hatch & Aldis these gentlemen con- tinued business for several years, when the part- nership was dissolved. Mr. Hatch is now alone in business. He has been very successful in his legal practice and has won an enviable reputation therein. On the sth of February, 1880, our subject was united in marriage with Miss Grace H. Greene, of Lisle, daughter of Daniel Greene, of DuPage County. By their union were born four daugh- ters: Alice V. , Helen, Laura and Grace P. All are still with their father. The mother's death occurred in Chicago, on the i8th of April, 1886. Mr. Hatch is a Republican in political sentiment, but is not strongly partisan, and has never been an office-seeker, preferring to devote his entire time and attention to his legal practice and other business interests. He is connected with various important concerns of the city. He is one of the Directors and owners of the Chicago Herald and the Chicago Evening Post, and is also one of the exchequer committee of the Equitable Trust Com- pany of Chicago. He is a Director of the United Press, and is also connected with several other enterprises. He has been a member of the Board of Directors of the Chicago Library for three years. He had charge of the organization of the committees of the World's Fair and of the first meeting of the stockholders. This was one of the most wonderful corporations ever formed, as there were at that time over twenty-eight thou- sand stockholders. He took an active part in promoting the interests of the World's Columbian Exposition, and did all in his power toward mak- ing the Fair a success. He is a well-known and leading citizen and a worth}' representative of the enterprise and progressive spirit which have made Chicago the second city of the Union. LIBRARY OF THE HNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS P. D. ARMOUR. 295 PHILIP DANFORTH ARMOUR. DANFORTH ARMOUR, who is LX known throughout the world through his t$ extensive business interests, is also widely known for his efforts in behalf of his fellow-men. While his financial gains have been great, he has not neglected opportunities for devoting a fair proportion to benevolent and educational work. Through his generosity and fostering care, the Armour Mission, originally established in 1881 by a bequest of $100,000 from his brother, Jo- seph F. Armour, has grown to cover a very wide extent of educational and philanthropic work, be- ing permanently endowed and supplied with ade- quate buildings and apparatus and a large corps of instructors. This institution is recognized as a powerful factor in the city's literary develop- ment, and one of Mr. Armour's benevolent works is thus made too prominent to be hidden. Of his many private and quiet acts of charity the world will know but little. Philip D. Armour was born in Stockbridge, Madison County, N. Y., on the i6th of May, 1832, being one of a family of six sons and two daughters given to Danforth Armour and Juliana (Brooks) Armour, his wife. The parents left Union, Conn., in September, 1825, and settled at the above-named place, where they engaged in farming. The paternal ancestors were of Scotch- Irish lineage, and were early established in this country. The maternal progenitors were, no doubt, of English blood, though they must have early renounced allegiance to the mother coun- try, as we find them honorably mentioned for acts of daring in the struggle for American inde- pendence. Amid the simple surroundings of a New York country home, P. D. Armour and his brothers and sisters grew to maturity, imbibing the frugal and industrious habits which have been handed down from New England, and have done so much to develop and husband the resources of the United States. Wherever the New England spirit has been prevalent, schools, churches and manufactories have risen simultaneously, and so- ciety has rapidly advanced in the arts and sci- ences. The mother of this family was noted for a joyous disposition, and under her loving care its members grew up in a strong affection one for another, and readily adopted habits of cheerful industry, which led them all to material success. Circumstances so favored Philip that, in addi- tion to the district school, he was privileged to attend the village academy . Here he became a leader in both sports and studies, and it was con- sidered a privilege to belong to his "set," for he early developed a perseverance and determination that carried through whatever he undertook. His ambition had already looked beyond the nar- row limits of a country hamlet, and when the dis- covery of gold in California became a topic of gen- eral interest throughout the country, he eagerly joined a company which proposed to make the overland trip to the land of gold. They left Oneida, N. Y., in the spring of 1852, and reached their destination after six months of toilsome and dangerous journeying. Not all the dreams of all the Argonauts were realized. They found the country full of desperate adventurers, who had everything to gain and nothing to lose, with lit- tle or no law to restrain them. Here the habits 296 P. D. ARMOUR. and ideas absorbed in early life by young Armour served him well. He went to work, and after four years of moderate success, in which the sal- ient points of his character were more fully brought out, he returned for a short visit with his parents and the companions of his youth. After a visit of a few weeks at his native place, he again started West, and located at Milwaukee, Wis., where he entered into partnership with Frederick B. Miles in the grain and commission business. To this business he gave his time and energies, with the result that it flourished and gave him a high standing among business men. In 1863, the firm was dissolved, and in the spring of that year he formed a connection which gave ample scope to his energies and abilities, and hastened his pecuniary advancement. This was a partnership with John Plankinton, a wide- ly-known merchant and provision dealer, who had been long established at that point, and the new firm engaged extensively in pork-packing for the market. At this period, the tendency of prices was ever upward, because of the large de- mands and limited supply made by the Civil War, and business prospered with Plankinton & Ar- mour. Herman O. Armour, a brother of the junior partner, had established himself in the grain and commission business at Chicago in 1862, and three years later he was induced to take an interest in and charge of a New York branch, under the style of Armour, Plankinton& Co. At the same time, the Chicago business of H. O. Armour & Co. was placed in charge of Jo- seph F. Armour, and so continued until 1870. In 1868, Armour & Co. began packing meats in Chicago, and two years later absorbed the busi- ness of all the Armour brothers in this city. In 1871, Armour & Plankinton established a pack- ing-house at Kansas City, under the supervision of Simon B. Armour, who gave the same judi- cious and active care to its interests which have characterized all the business undertakings of the Armours. In 1883, the Kansas City business was assumed by the Armour Packing Company, in which Kirkland B. Armour was the leading spirit. For four years previously it had been op- erated by the Armour Brothers Packing Compa- ny, with Andrew Watson Armour as President. In 1875, P. D. Armour came to Chicago, and from this center of the provision business has ever since manipulated the business of the several plants. The extent of this can be judged from the fact that the distributive sales of the Chicago branch exceed the receipts of any single railroad corporation in the world. Mr. Armour has as yet relaxed but little of his labor, and is found at his desk at seven o'clock in the morning directing business. To all he is most affable and courte- ous, and he is regarded by his friends as the most genial of men. His only departure from atten- tion to his private business consisted in the ac- ceptance of a directorship in the Chicago, Mil- waukee & St. Paul Railroad, at the earnest re- quest of his friend, Alexander Mitchell, of Mil- waukee, now deceased. He has been a stock- holder in the Milwaukee Mutual Fire Insurance Company, and many other enterprises which de- served and needed his sanction and support. The simple habits and healthful surroundings of his boyhood gave him a vigorous physique, which, seconded by a sound constitution, has enabled him to perform wonders in the line of business, and he still possesses a wonderful vitality, which promises many more years'of labor to him. He is ably assisted by his sons, Jonathan Ogden Ar- mour and Philip D. Armour, Jr. , who have proven themselves apt pupils in the school of business in which their sire is past master. Mr. Armour was married at Cincinnati, Ohio, in October, 1862, to Miss Belle, only daughter of Jonathan Ogden. Starting in life with the same sound New England training, Mrs. Armour has been a true sharer in the labors and successes of her husband. The family is affiliated with the Plymouth Congregational Church, in the work of which strong organization Mr. Armour takes a deep interest and bears his due share. If the am- bitious American youth seeks an example worthy of his emulation in the struggles of life, let him study the qualities which have made Mr. Armour financially successful, and which have led him to share his prosperity with those around him. T. E. LEWIS. 297 THOMAS EDWARD LEWIS. "HOMAS EDWARD LEWIS, a self-made, enterprising and progressive citizen of Whea- ton, is one of the pioneers of Illinois, hav- ing come to the State with his parents in 1839. He is a native of Swansea, Wales, born on the ad of July, 1826. His ancestors were prominent in the military service of Great Britain, and were among the most ancient in that country. His grandfather, Joshua Lewis, was a farmer, and lived to be over ninety years old, being succeeded on retiring by his son Joseph, father of Thomas E. Lewis, all being born on the same farm. Joseph Lewis married Margaret, only daughter of Thomas Rob- erts, a neighboring farmer. Beside this daugh- ter, Mr. Roberts had two sons, John and Thomas. The former was a very stalwart specimen of manhood, being six feet and six inches in height. He led the choir in the Independent Church near his home. As above stated, in 1839 Joseph Lewis came with his family to America. Proceeding at once to West Northfield, Cook County, 111., he pre- empted a quarter-section of land, on which he passed the balance of his life. His wife died in her seventy-first year, and he lived to see his eighty-eighth. Of their thirteen children, twelve grew to maturity, the third dying in Wales, and nine are now living. Following are their names: Joseph, Mar) r , Elizabeth, Thomas, Evan, John, William, Sarah, David, Charles, Eli, Maria and Margaret. The eldest mastered Hebrew, Greek, Latin, navigation and surveying before he was twenty years old, and became a Methodist Epis- copal clergyman. He died at the early age of twenty-seven years, at Norwood Park, 111., where he was buried, though his home was at Beloit, Wis., where he built the first Methodist Church of that city. David and Mary are deceased, and William is a resident of Portland, Ore. Charles is practicing medicine in Chicago. Thomas E. Lewis attended school in his native place till he was nine years old, when he went to work. His first week's wages were eighteen cents, which he kept as a souvenir for many years. With the exception of about a quarter's attendance at night school in Chicago, the balance of his education has been supplied by contact with the world, and he has proved a most apt pupil. Nature blessed him with a sound mind and constitution, and he is considered one of the solid men whose presence in the community is a blessing, for his judgment is correct and he has the courage to carry out his convictions. With no early advantages, with no aid save his own in- dustry and adherence to an ideal, he has amassed a modest competence, and has earned the respect and good-will of his fellows. The old proverb says, "Where there is a will, there is a way," and one morning in the spring of 1843 young Lewis set out on foot for Chicago to find the way, his capital on starting consisting of fifty cents. His feet becoming sore from the action of a pair of new and stiff boots, he made a bargain with a teamster bound for the city to carry him thither for eighteen cents. Arriving on South Water Street, he came opposite the lumber-yard of Sylvester Lynd, the first person to whom he had spoken after alighting, and he at once engaged to work in the lumber-yard at such remuneration as Mr. Lynd found him worth after trial. This was soon fixed at $i 2 per month, and in addition his kind employer provided him with a new suit of clothing, complete, in order that he might attend Sabbath-school. He soon made 298 T. E LEWIS. himself familiar with the lumber business, and was promoted to the position of inspector, with a corresponding salary. He remained in the city for seven years, being for a short time in the em- ploy of the late Deacon Philo Carpenter, a well- known pioneer of Chicago. In the spring of 1850 Mr. Lewis took a help- mate, in the person of Miss Margaret, daughter of Edward and Elizabeth Jones, all of Bala, Wales, where the family has dwelt for many gen- erations on the same farm, called ' 'Nanthir, ' ' and which is still occupied by some of its members. Mrs. Thomas J. Evans, a pioneer of Racine, Wis. , is a sister of Mrs. Lewis. Mr. Lewis immediately took his bride to a farm of his own at Arlington Heights (then called Dunton), Cook County, where he broke up and improved wild land and got a good start in the world. He remained there eighteen years, serving continuously as School Director, and then removed to Blue Is- land, in the same county, and continued his agri- cultural pursuits, being there also a school officer for six years. Beside farming, Mr. Lewis has dealt extensively in lands, and is a large owner of Chicago and Hyde Park real estate, as well as numerous farms. He dwelt two years in Engle- wood, and removed thence on the ist of May, 1891, to Wheaton, where he built a handsome home on an eminence near College Avenue Station. He still occupies himself with the care of his large farms near Wheaton, though he finds time to give attention to all matters of public concern, especi- ally education, on which his judgment is emi- nently sound and practical. He has striven to equip his children for the battle of life, and six of his daughters are graduates of the Cook County Normal School, and successful teachers. Like all true Welshmen, Mr. Lewis is proud of his native land, its people and their achieve- ments, though this does not detract in the least from his loyal American spirit. He is a Director and Treasurer of the Cambro Printing Company, of Chicago, which publishes a Welsh and English newspaper called Columbia, the largest of its kind in the world. For a short time Mr. Lewis was President and General Manager of this company, but as soon as it was firmly established he re- signed those positions, because he could not de- vote his time to them. When it was found neces- sary to provide a bond for the payment of prizes offered for competition in the International Ei- steddfod, in Festival Hall, at the World's Colum- bian Exposition, Mr. Lewis, with true patriotic spirit, came forward and gave his personal secur- ity for $12,500, which was ultimately paid out of the receipts of the festival, thus justifying his faith in his compatriots and the Fair. In religious matters, Mr. Lewis is liberal and pro- gressive. He attends the Congregational Church with his entire family. In political concerns, he adheres to the Republican party, because he be- lieves it rests on true underlying principles, but has never found the time nor had the inclination to seek preferment. He took a deep interest in the public school management, because he had a large family to educate, and gave much time to this interest, always insisting on the conduct of the schools with a sole view to the public welfare, sometimes making enemies by his course, but al- ways triumphing in the end. He is now serving as Alderman from the Second Ward of Wheaton. He is a member of the Welsh Society, Cymrodo- rion, and the League of American Wheelmen, he being an expert bicycle-rider. On the 6th of May, 1889, death entered the home of Mr. Lewis and took the kind, faithful wife and mother, leaving, beside the bereaved husband, seven of her nine children to mourn her absence. The eldest of these, Margaret J., wife of George H. Brewster, of Wheaton, died July 9, 1891. Joseph W. resides at Blue Island, where he is engaged in manufacturing; and Sarah M., who for some time held the position of Critic Teacher at the Cook County Normal School, is now her father's housekeeper. Alice U., wife of James H. Kerr, resides at Amsley, Neb., and is prominent in temperance and Sunday-school work, making frequent public addresses in their behalf. Mary A., Mrs. William H. Hoar, died a few weeks before her mother. Cora E. gradu- ated at the Blue Island High School, at the Cook County Normal (being valedictorian of the two-years graduating class), and at Oberlin Col- lege, Ohio. She is now Principal of the Belle R. S. GOUGH. 299 Plaine School in Chicago, and Chairman of the Executive Committee of the Illinois State Teach- ers' Association. She makes frequent addresses on educational topics, and was chosen to conduct the model school which served as a World's Fair exhibit near Jackson Park, and carried it through successfully. AdaL., widow of J.W. Bannerman, with her son Tommy, resides with Mr. Lewis. Edward J. is engaged in the real-estate and fire- insurance at Wheaton, 111. Grace May (often called Minnie) is pursuing a medical course at the Woman's College in Chicago. Mr. Lewis is a frank, whole-souled gentleman, with refined instincts and manly self-respect, which forbid his doing a mean or low act, and his conversation is always cheerful and entertaining. Out of a ripe experience, he has gathered a large stock of general and useful knowledge. Now, in his sixty-eighth year, he is in the full vigor of a temperate and well-spent life. He has a closely knit frame, weighing one hundred and ninety pounds, and has promise of an extended continu- ance of an existence which has blessed himself, his family, and the community at large. When his time comes to lay down the active duties of life, which have been a perennial source of pleas- ure, he can safely consign the good name that he has won to the care of a worthy posterity. RICHARD S. GOUGH. RICHARD S. GOUGH, Manager of the Postal Telegraph Cable Company at the stock yards in Chicago, although doing business in the metropolis of the West, makes his home in Turner, preferring the quiet of a small town in which to spend his leisure hours. England has furnished a number of valued citizens to DuPage County, among whom is our subject. He was born in Buckingham, England, February 6, 1844, and his parents, James and Ann (Scott) Gough, were also natives of the same country. The paternal grandfather was an English farmer, and spent his entire life in his native land. The maternal grand- father, William Scott, who was also an agricul- turist, was a member of the regular militia, and was an Episcopalian in religious belief. He reached a very advanced age. James Gough was an extensive farmer of Buck- inghamshire, and died in the land of his birth in 1851, at the age of forty-two years. His wife long survived him, passing away in 1892, at the age of eighty. They were both members of the Episcopalian Church. He was one of the parish officials, and belonged to the Royal Bucks Yeo- manry, a cavalry association. In the Gough family were three sons and three daughters, but only two are now living: Richard S., and Re- becca, who is now a resident of Great Marlow, England. Richard S. Gough left his native land in 1859, at the age of fourteen years, and, coming to Amer- ica, located in Brooklyn, N. Y., where he spent one winter. The next summer was also spent in the Empire State, and in 1861 he made his way westward to Chicago. He there enlisted in the war, in the telegraph service, and served for two and a-half years, when he was discharged on ac- count of sickness. After the war he went to Dixon , 111., as telegraph operator, spending one year at that place, and going thence to Bureau Junc- tion, where he served in the capacity of operator for two years. His next location was in Musca- tine, Iowa, and subsequently we find him in Wilton Junction, Iowa, where he was employed as agent for the Chicago & Rock Island Railroad Company, remaining in that place until 1867. 3 oo EDWARD HAMMETT. That year witnessed his arrival in Chicago, and saw him employed in the Chicago Union Stock Yards, as chief operator in the office of the West- ern Union Company. In May, 1872, he was ap- pointed manager of the office, which position he filled until 1881, when he resigned to accept the position of manager for the Mutual Union Com- pany at the stock yards. With that company he remained until 1883, when the two companies consolidated, and he then accepted the position of manager of the Postal Telegraph Cable Company, which he has filled to the present time, employing two assistants. He now has charge of thirty- seven men, and the business has increased from $3,600 to $200,000 per year. On the 8th of June, 1864, Mr. Gough wedded Miss Sarah E., daughter of E. H. and Jane (Sher- man) Ketcham. Seven children have blessed this union, two sons and five daughters. Ger- trude, the eldest, married Council Sheffler, who is engaged in business in the stock yards in Chicago, and they have two sons, Richard and Rankin. Julia is the next younger. Jennie is the wife of Charles E. Trescott, a printer of Choteau, Mont., by whom she has two children, Gertrude and Richard. The other members of the family are Alice, Rea and Raymond. One died in infancy. The family occupies a pleasant home in Turner, which is the property of Mr. Gough, who also owns several town lots. He is a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church, of the Modern Woodmen, and of the Telegraphic Mutual Benefit Association. For about two years he was Presi- dent of the School Board in Turner, and dis- charged the duties of that position with the same fidelity which has characterized all his affairs, both public and private. He now occupies a very responsible position, and that he discharges his duties faithfully and well is manifest by his long continuance in the service. He is a man of good business ability, honorable and upright in all his dealings, and has the confidence and good-will of those with whom he has been brought in contact. EDWARD HAMMETT. ' DWARD HAMMETT, Cashier of the Lin- coln National Bank, Chicago, and a resident of Wheaton, is descended from an old New England family of English origin. His great- grandfather, Nathan Hammett, spent his life in Newport, R. I., where he had an estate on the harbor front, which he divided at death between his surviving sons, Edward and Nathan. He passed away July 18, 1816, and his wife, Cathar- ine Yates, of Providence, R. I., survived him many years, dying February 17, 1837. Edward, eldest son of Nathan Hammett, was a builder and vessel-owner, interested in the whal- ing industry, and passed his life at Newport. He died about 1858, being upwards of eighty years old. His wife, Amy Lyon, was of English descent, and was, like himself, a native of New- port. They had five sons and two daughters. Albert, the youngest of these, is still a resident of Newport, being seventy-two years of age, and being still, as always, engaged in the lumber trade, occupying the site of his grandfather's es- tate on the harbor front. For a few years he dwelt at New Bedford, but returned to Newport in 1853. His wife, Sarah Swasey, was born in Salem, Mass., and was a daughter of Alexander Swasey, a captain in the merchant marine service, making voyages to China. Through her mother, Mrs. Hammett was descended from Jerathmel Bowers, who came from England about the mid- EDWARD HAMMETT. 301 die of the seventeenth century, and settled on the Taimton River, near Somerset, Mass. He was an extensive shipbuilder and slave-owner, and built a magnificent mansion near his shipyards. On account of its commercial surroundings, this is now an undesirable residence property, and is used as a tenement for laborers. Edward Hammett was born at New Bedford, Mass., June 26, 1848, and was reared at Newport. He attended the public school and a private school there, and a business college at Providence, but left school at the age of fifteen years, and has since been actively engaged in business. He was employed for a time in the Newport postoffice, and later in his father's lumber office. With an ambition to be numbered among the citizens of the growing West, he set out for Chicago at the age of nineteen. He secured employment as a clerk with S. H. McCrea & Co., grain and produce commission dealers, and remained in their employ fourteen years, which is a strong testimonial to his ability and faithfulness. For several years subsequently he was a partner in the firm of W. F. Johnson & Co. , in the same line of business. He was one of the original stock- holders and corporators of the Lincoln National Bank, and was one of its first officers, and after two years in other business, resumed his connec- tion with that bank, of which he is now Cashier. In the spring of 1883 he became a resident of Wheaton, and purchased sixteen acres of land, with a handsome mansion facing College Avenue, at the corner of President Street. This house occupies an elevation commanding a view of the city of Wheaton and surrounding country, and is an ideal home in which to rear a family. On November 28, 1870, in Chicago, Mr. Ham- mett married Miss Mary E. Culver, who is a native of that city. Her parents, John Breese Culver and Margaret A. Boyd, were born in New Jersey, and the city of Leith, Scotland, respec- tively, the latter being a daughter of John and Jeannette Boyd. Mrs. Hammett's paternal grand- father, Phineas Culver, was born March 17, 1764, in Bernard, Somerset County, N. J. His father came from Shrewsbury, England, to Bernard when an old man, and Phineas was early left an orphan. With three elder brothers he joined the fortunes of the Continental Army, being employed for sev- eral years as errand boy, and carrying a musket at last. He settled at Horseheads, N. Y., and became wealthy, owning five hundred acres of land, but he refused to employ slave labor, as did many of his neighbors. His wife, Phoebe Breese, was a daughter of John and Hannah (Gilder- sleeve) Breese, the former one of the first set- tlers at Horseheads, N. Y., and his wife a scion of an old Protestant- Irish family. John, father of John Breese, was born in Shrewsbury, England, in 1713, and settled at Bernard, Somerset County, N. J., in 1735. His wife, Dorothy Riggs, was also a native of Shrewsbury. John Breese, their son, was born at Bernard in November, 1738. Hannah Gildersleeve was born in June, 1750, and they were married June 30, 1769, a date which is supposed to have followed his settlement at Horse- heads. Phoebe and Deborah Breese, their twin daughters, were born in February, 1773. From the Breese family are descended many noted American citizens, among whom may be men- tioned the late Judge Samuel Sidney Breese, Chief Justice of the State of Illinois; Samuel Findlay Breese Morse, inventor of the electric telegraph; and Samuel Sidney Breese, Rear- Admiral of the United States Navy, who was buried at Newport. John B. Culver, one of the prominent early citizens of Chicago, now resides with his daugh- ter, Mrs. Hammett, at Wheaton. The children of the latter, nine in number, are as follows: Albert, a student in the medical department of the Michigan University at Ann Arbor; Llewel- lyn; Edith May; Edward; Helen; Amy; Law- rence; Dorothy and Margaret. The eldest mar- ried Mary lone Cook, of Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. Hammett are communicants of the Methodist Church, and in many ways are active in furthering the best interests of the community. Their home bears many evidences of refined and cultivated taste, and is the domicile of a happy and well-trained group of children, the central figure being the cheerful wife and mother. Mr. Hammett has never taken a prominent part in political affairs, but has always adhered to the Republican party, as the advocate and adminis- 302 P. P. MATTHEWS. trator of sound principles of government. He has served as a member of the Town Council of Wheaton, and is now a Trustee of the Adams Memorial Library. Without any sound of trump- ets, he proceeds daily to perform to the best of his ability his duty to himself, his family and his fellow-men. PASCHAL P. MATTHEWS. r\ASCHALP. MATTHEWS, one of the highly LS respected citizens of Hinsdale, who well de- |^9 serves representation in the history of his adopted county, is a native of the Empire State. He was born in Herkimer County, August 3, 1811, and is a son of Edmund and Lucy (Mc- Clelland) Matthews, the former of French descent, and the latter of Scotch lineage. Edmund Matth- ews was twice married, and by his first union had a son, Charles. By the second, there were five children: Henry; Lucy, deceased, wife of Reuben Wellington; Paschal P.; Emery, and Lucretia, deceased, wife of Myron Everetts. In early life the father of this family was a carpenter, and helped to build the first market-place in Bos- ton. Later, however, he followed agricultural pursuits. He served during the War of 1812, as Quartermaster, and died on his farm in New York September 2, 1848, at the age of seventy- three years. His wife survived him some time, and passed away February 17, 1862. They held membership with the Presbyterian Church in Mexico, Oswego County, N. Y. Mr. Matthews whose name heads this record spent his boyhood and youth upon his father's farm, remaining at home until he had reached his twentieth year, when he began to earn his own livelihood. Later, he attended school for a few months, and then engaged with a stage company for ten years. He was afterward for nearly ten years captain of a packet-boat on the Erie Canal, running between Syracuse, Schenectady and Utica. With the hope of bettering his financial condi- tion, he determined to come to the West in 1859, and, carrying out this resolution, took up his residence in Chicago. He embarked in the grain business, and was connected with the Board of Trade for many years, continuing operations along this line until 1883, when he retired from active business. On the2istofMay, 1840, Mr. Matthews wedded Miss Louisa Vinton, and they became the parents of one child, a daughter, Alice, now the wife of Nelson R. Davis. The mother died in 1891, since which time a niece of Mr. Matthews has been keeping house for him. For many years our subject has been a mem- ber of the Odd Fellows' fraternity. In early life he exercised his right of franchise in support of the Whig party, but on its dissolution joined the ranks of the new Republican party and has since fought under its banner. It was in 1889 that he came to Hinsdale, where he has a beautiful home and ten acres of valuable land within the corpora- tion limits of the town. He has now reached the age of eighty-two, but his years rest lightly upon him, and he is still strong and active. His eyes are bright, his mind clear and keen, and he is a good and rapid penman. While not a church member, he has always attended religious services and contributed liberally to church and benevo- lent work. He is a man of fine physique and excellent carriage, and bids fair to live for many years to come. His life has been honorable and upright, and his many friends hold him in high regard. LIBRARY OF THE HNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS MARSHALL FIELD MARSHALL FIELD. 33 MARSHALL FIELD. I ARSHALL FIELD, the merchant prince of Chicago, who believes in sharing his pros- perity with his fellow-citizens, comes of the hardy New England blood which has done so much toward developing the whole northern half of the United States. He was born in Conway, Franklin County, Mass., in 1835, and is a son of a farmer of that town. His early life differed none from that of lads of that time and region. His education was supplied by the local public school and academy, and his attention was early turned toward a mercantile career, which accord- ed best with his tastes and ambition. The student of human progress, and the youth who seeks an example worthy of his emulation, in the struggle for success will find in the career of Marshall Field one more proof that the road to prosperity is a plain and narrow path, wh'ich lies open to almost every American youth. With no capital other than an active brain and the en- ergy of youth, he laid the foundation of a mag- nificent estate, and a firm adherence to a simple rule of business has enabled him to complete the superstructure. He has never borrowed money, and has always insisted on the same rigid com- pletion of contracts on the part of others which has characterized his own actions. At the age of seventeen, young Field went to Pittsfield, in his native State, where he spent four years as clerk in a general store. Having thor- oughly mastered the details of the business, he began to look about for a field that promised a wider opportunity for a young man. At that time (1856), Chicago was a city of about sixty thousand people, and he resolved to cast his lot in the growing town, which showed an energy that promised a rapid development. On his ar- rival in Chicage, he at once secured employment in the wholesale dry-goods house of Cooley, Wadsworth & Co., which soon after became known as Cooley, Farwell & Co. Though he occupied a subordinate position, his ability and familiarity with business soon became appar- ent to his employers, and at the end of four years he was taken into partnership, and the largest house of its kind in the West became Farwell, Field & Co. In 1865 this firm was dis- solved, and Mr. Field entered into a partnership with Potter Palmer and L. Z. Leiter, under the title of Field, Palmer & Leiter, which connection continued two years, at the end of which time Mr. Palmer withdrew, and the house was hence- forth known as Field, Leiter & Co. until 1881, when, upon the withdrawal of Mr. Leiter, the style became Marshall Field & Co., and has so continued. For almost thirty years Mr. Field has been the head of the firm, and under the operation of his simple business rules it has steadily prospered. In 1868 the business was located at State and Washington Streets, where the buildings and stock were totally consumed in the great fire of 1871, entailing a loss of three and one-half millions of dollars. After serious delays, and with much difficulty, _ two and one- half millions of this were collected from the insur- ance companies, and with a dead loss of one mill- ion dollars, the business was continued, being temporarily located at State and Twentieth Streets, while the rebuilding of the house at State and Washington went on. This has been grad- ually increased in size by purchase and construc- tion until it covers more than one-half of the block bounded by State, Washington and Ran- dolph Streets and Wabash Avenue. In the year 34 J. A. DOLLINGER. 1893, the portion covering the southeast corner was constructed, embodying every essential of comfort and convenience known to the modern builder's art. The wholesale department was separated from the retail in 1872, and removed to the corner of Madison and Market Streets. This location was soon found inadequate fop- the needs of the business, which was continually increasing, and in 1885 the construction of a building for the wholesale business was begun on the block sur- rounded by Fifth Avenue and Franklin, Adams and Quincy Streets. This was completed in 1887, and at once occupied, and continues to be the model of its kind for the whole world. Such, in brief, is the record of achievements. Let none ask for further details. To the subject of this biography all publicity is extremely dis- tasteful. The public demands all the knowledge obtainable, some from motives of mere curiosity, others from honest desire to benefit from the ex- perience of a successful man. If one would em- ulate his example, let him adopt the same rules of life: Always pay cash, never give a note or mortgage, labor steadily, and never speculate or spend anything idly. In the conduct of the great wholesale house of Marshall Field & Co., goods are purchased for cash and sold on short time. Customers are strictly required to meet their payments, and are thus led to be cautious in contracting obligations, and prompt in their cancellation. By this method, the house retains the trade of the best and most success- ful merchants, and the interests of all are con- served. Under this safe and wholesome system, the trade has grown to the annual dimensions of $35,000,000. The pay-roll of the two stores in- cludes from 3,500 to 4,000 persons, and to all of these, as well as any who may have business with him, Mr. Field is always accessible. With a won- derful power of organization, and the ability to gauge the qualifications of his subordinates, he encourages each by uniform kindness and consid- eration, and all are most loyal and faithful aids in the prosecution of business. Mr. Field's home is the seat of quiet luxury, with no ostentation. He goes little into society, but takes a deep interest in the welfare of the city of his home,' and responds liberally to all just calls upon his purse, though much of his benevo- lence is secretly bestowed. When the estab- lishment of the new University of Chicago was made possible by the liberality of Mr. Rockefeller and others, Mr. Field donated a valuable tract of city ground as a part of the site. This gift seems all the more liberal in view of the fact that the institution is controlled by the Baptist Church, while Mr. Field is a Presbyterian. After the World's Columbian Exposition was closed, the people of Chicago began to agitate the idea of preserving as much as possible of the exhibits in a permanent home, which was made possible by Mr. Field's gift of one million dollars. On the second day of June, 1894, this institution was formally opened, under the title of ' ' The Field Columbian Museum, " with a few simple ceremo- nies, and its benefits are likely to extend to many generations and many millions o r the American people. JOHN ANTON DOLLINGER. (JOHN ANTON DOLLINGER, a traveling I salesman residing at Wheaton, is numbered G) among the early residents of DuPage County, and has made his own way in the world since he was ten years of age. He was bom in Baden, Germany, on the 24th of December, 1845, and is the eldest child of Christopher Dollinger, a native of the same place. His mother died when he was an infant, and when he had arrived at the age of twelve years his father brought the four children D. N. CHAPIN. 35 to America. The second child, Adelaide, Mrs. George Rieser, resides in Naperville Township, DuPage County. Christopher, Jr., is a resident of Colorado Springs, Colo. ; and Margaret, Mrs. lyUther, dwells in Fredericksburg, Neb. Chris- topher Dollinger engaged in farming in Naper- ville Township, where he died in 1873, aged about sixty years. From the time of his arrival in America, our subject has been independent of parental aid in supporting or educating himself. He took em- ployment in a hotel and meat-market kept by his maternal uncle, Nicholas Graff, at Danby, now Glen Ellyn, attending school a portion of the time, and continued in this way until the death of his uncle. He was afterward employed in a general store until 1862, when he entered the military service, as a member of Company I, One Hundred and Fifth Illinois Infantry, in defense of the American Union. This service continued about three years, and involved a participation in many of the most decisive battles of the war. Mr. Dollinger was mustered out at Washington in June, 1865. While in front of Chattanooga, he was excused from duty on account of illness, but refused to leave his comrades, and remained at the front to the finish. Since 1 867 Mr. Dollinger has been in mercan- tile business, and for some years kept a grocery in Chicago. For the last seventeen years he has traveled in the capacity of salesman, and twelve of those years have been passed in the service of his present employers, Franklin MacVeagh&Co. In 1872 he became a resident of Wheaton, and he is the owner of a handsome brick residence on Wesley Street, near Scott. He takes an active interest in the social affairs of the town, being a prominent member of the Grand Army of the Re- public and Knights of Pythias, as well as a genial, magnetic gentleman, whose friends are numbered by his list of acquaintances. He entertains lib- eral religious views, and is an ardent supporter of the principles of the Republican party. In 1868 Mr. Dollinger married Miss Emagene C. Wicks, who was born in Carthage, N. Y., and bears in her veins the blood of the principal Eu- ropean settlers of New England and New York French, English and Dutch. Her parents were Stutley and Ann E. (Strong) Wicks, the former being a son of Stutley Wicks, whose wife's maiden name was Treadway. Three children complete the family of Mr. and Mrs. Dollinger, namely: Anna W., Charles A. and William. DEACON NEWTON CHAPIN. 0EACON NEWTON CHAPIN, deceased, a prominent resident of northeastern Illinois, was a man widely and favorably known. He was born in Chicopee, Mass., April 17, 1821, and was a son of William and Lucy (Day) Chapin. The family is descended from Deacon Samuel Chapin, who emigrated from England about 1 640. He was one of the seven men who founded Spring- field, Mass. , and was prominent in the govern- ment of that town for many years. Twenty thousand of his descendants contributed to the erection of a monument to his memory in Spring- field a few years since. His direct descendants now number fifty thousand people, about three- fourths of whom are professed Christians, many of them being widely known in church work and other fields of labor. The family is indeed an honored one. Newton Chapin spent his boyhood upon a farm, aiding in the labors of the fields from an early 306 D. N. CHAPIN. age. His school privileges in youth were limited, but, wishing to acquire a good education, he at- tended Andover Academy after reaching the age of twenty-one, meeting his tuition with money saved from his wages as a mechanic. Leaving school, he engaged in carpenter work in Spring- field, and followed that occupation and bridge- building until 1856, when he decided to seek a home in the West, hoping thereby to benefit his financial condition. Coming to Illinois, he located in Chicago. The previous season he spent a few months in St. Louis, Mo. In 1867, he removed to Lombard, where he made his home until 1874, when he returned to Chicago. In this city Mr. Chapin was engaged in bridge and depot building, his first contract being the building of the first Van Buren Street bridge. He was associated first with William B. Howard, and later with D. L- Wells, and built many bridges for the Chicago, Burlington & Quincy Railroad, and other corpor- ations. He was the inventor of the "Newton Chapin Clamp and Key" for truss bridges. In the great fire of 1871, he lost all his property, but managed to pay off his creditors in full, al- though he never afterward became a wealthy man. He was a man whose word was as good as his bond, and no one ever suffered loss at his hands. After the fire he became interested in the manu- facture and sale of the Babcock Fire Extinguisher, and was also associated with his son in the station- ery business. He was the publisher of "Chapin's Lumber Reckoner, ' ' which is now in general use throughout the United States and Europe. A short time before the great fire Mr. Chapin had returned home after a fifteen-months trip abroad. He was accompanied by his family, and visited many places of interest in Europe, Asia and Africa. The journey was made chiefly on account of the health of Mr. Chapin, and in 1876 he went to Denver, Colo., hoping thereby to benefit his health. He returned to Chicago in 1878, where he continued to reside until his death, December 17, 1887. He was married forty years previous, in 1847, to Carra B. Sawin, a native of Ashland, Mass. They became parents of six children, four of whom died in childhood. William Newton Chapin, the eldest, now has charge of the produc- tion of the Ticonderoga Paper Campany, of Ticon- deroga, N. Y. He married EllaT. Hull, daugh- ter of R. E. Hull, of Detroit, Mich., and they have had five children, of whom one died in infancy, while Edna, Mary, Helen and Newton are still living. Charles O. , the other son of the family, is engaged in the manufacture of stationery special- ties in Chicago. He resides in Lombard and is a member of the Congregational Church of that place. He takes a very active part in the work of the church, and the Christian Endeavor Society, and is always ready to aid in promoting the best in- terests of the community in which he lives. In Denver, Colo. , he wedded Fannie E. , daughter of J. G. A. and S. E. Finn. They have adopted three children, two of whom died in infancy, and Ruth Sawin Chapin, the third, died June 20, 1893, at the age of four years and three months. Mrs. Carra Chapin, wife of our subject, was called to her final rest November 24, 1885, at the age of fifty-nine. Mr. Chapin became one of the Deacons of Ply- mouth Congregational Church of Chicago as early as 1857, and was ever prominent in its work and upbuilding. He contributed liberally to the erec- tion of the house of worship, and on removing to Lombard became the prime mover in the building of the Congregational Church at that place. He was always active in church work, and at his death was a teacher in the Sunday-school of the Union Tabernacle Congregational Church. He was a man of fixed principles and strict integrity, whose whole life was governed by conscientious motives. Always interested in the spiritual welfare of the community, he left to his famil} 7 an untarnished name, well worthy of perpetuation in the history of his adopted county. C. H. HARRISON. 307 HON. CARTER H. HARRISON. HON. CARTER H. HARRISON, deceased, late Mayor of Chicago, was one of the most prominent citizens of the western metropolis for the long period of thirty-six years, and was its most popular citizen. The record of his life is interwoven with the history of the community, with its social, business and political career. A native of Fayette County, Ky., he came of an old Virginian family, which was connected with the struggle for independence, and which had among its members one of the signers of the Declaration of Independence. His father was a gentleman planter, and from his birth, February 15, 1825, until his sixteenth year, he remained in the old southern home. After completing his common- school and academic education, he studied under Dr. Marshall, of Lexington, brother of Chief Justice Marshall, thus preparing himself for his university course. He entered the sophomore class at Yale in 1842, and was graduated in law and letters in 1 845. At college he was a member of the Scroll and Key Society, whose roster em- braces the names of the most prominent men who claim Yale as their Alma Mater. After his re- turn to Kentucky, Mr. Harrison attended a post- graduate course of law lectures for a year. He then went back to his boyhood home, and was the manager of the large plantation from 1847 to 1851 In the latter year, Mr. Harrison went abroad, spending some months in visiting Paris, London, Edinburgh and the cities of Germany and Austria. The ostensible purpose of this trip was the pur- chase of some blooded cattle, and this business brought him in contact with the Earl of Ducie, at whose country seat he made a long visit. It was during this trip that he studied the French and German languages, his knowledge of which proved of immense benefit to him in later years, and made him one of the best representatives of the nation in receiving the foreign visitors at the World's Columbian Exposition, so lately closed. Leaving Europe, Mr. Harrison then spent many months in travel through Syria, Palestine and Asia Minor, in company with Bayard Taylor, who was then gathering material for his book, "The Land of the Saracen," in the preface of which the author refers to "my traveling com- panion, Mr. Carter Henry Harrison, of Clifton, Ky." Returning to his native land and State in 1852, Mr. Harrison completed his law studies and was soon afterwards admitted to the Bar. In 1855, he married Miss Sophie Preston, of Henderson, Ky. , and unto them were born four children who are yet living: Lina, wife of Heaton Owsley, of Chicago; Carter H., Jr.; William Preston and Sophie G. There were six other children, all of whom died in early youth. Chicago was first visited by Mr. Harrison the year of his marriage, and so well pleased was he with -the young city that he sold his Ken- tucky home, and in 1857 made a permanent loca- tion here. The $30,000 which he secured from his Kentucky property he at once invested in real estate. One of his earliest purchases Was the block at the corner of Clark and Harrison Streets, which he still owned at the time of his death, and which in the years that have passed has be- come very valuable. He also bought unim- proved land on the West Side, which was later made the Carter Harrison Subdivision. His first home was at the southwest corner of Hermitage Avenue and Congress Street, where he erected a residence in 1860. Six years later he purchased the Honore home at No. 231 Ashland Avenue, where he continued to reside until his death. On coming to Chicago, he engaged to a limi- ted extent in law practice, but he who was to be- come so well known as an orator and extempor- 308 C. H. HARRISON. aneous speaker was then so timid about public speaking that he abandoned the law. In 1871, he entered upon his official career, being elected County Commissioner. In 1872, he was pre- vailed upon to make the race for Congress against Jasper D. Ward, but was defeated by seven hundred votes. In 1874, he again accepted the nomination. He and his opponent, Mr. Ward, who had defeated him two years previously, both claimed the election, and on a recount of votes Mr. Harrison was declared the winner by a majority of eight. It was while he was in Congress that, in September, 1876, his wife died. She passed away in Gera, Germany, where the elder children were attending school, and was there interred. While Mr. Harrison was crossing the ocean to bring his motherless children home, his Democratic constituents nominated him for Congress, and a few days after his return he was re-elected, defeating Col. George R. Davis by six hundred votes. Later the remains of his wife were brought back to Chicago and interred at Grace- land. He refused the re-nomination for Congress in 1878. In 1879, by the vote of the people, Mr. Har- rison was placed in the Mayor's chair, which he filled for eight years, being three times re-elected. During his second term, he was again married, the lady being Miss Margaret Stearns, daughter ot Marcus C. Stearns, one of the oldest settlers of Chicago. The ceremony was performed in July, 1882. In 1887, Mr. Harrison was offered a fifth nomination, but declined. Even after this his name was put before the convention as a dele- gate, and he was nominated by acclamation. Mr. Harrison, who had hitherto been absent, then ap- peared before the convention, and his coming was the signal for an ovation. Cheer after cheer rent the air. When quiet had been restored, he said that he would only accept on one condition, namely, that every man in the convention should by raising his right hand pledge himself to loyally support his candidacy. Every hand went up, and again a mighty cheer shook the building. The local press antagonized his nomination bit- terly, and friends of President Cleveland gave it out that the administration at Washington de- sired Mr. Harrison's defeat. Worried by this opposition in his party and the illness of his wife, who died a few weeks later, he sent a letter of res- ignation to the Democratic Committee. Two months after the death of his wife, Mr. Harrison started on his journey around the world, and during his travels the public was made familiar with his wanderings through his letters to the Chicago Mail. On his return he was urged to put these into book form, which he later did, under the happily selected title, ' 'A Race with the Sun." His was certainly one of the most comprehensive journeys ever made in one circuit of the globe. He visited the north- western part of our own country, the Pacific Coast, and sailed from Vancover to Yokohama. He spent many pleasant hours in Japan; studied the habits and quaint customs of the Chinese; be- came intimate with the King of Siam; visited the various points of interest in India and Ceylon; sailed the Indian Ocean, the Red Sea and the Suez Canal; took a trip up the Nile, and after- wards studied Greece in the light of its past and of its present, and drew his conclusions as to its future. In conclusion he wrote: "Again I look out of our window; clouds are gathering over the sky; the curtain of the far West is dyed in purple and salmon. Through a cloud-rift the round, low-down sun is bloody red. Nearly five hun- dred times has he run his course since we started in our race with him around the world. He has reached our home and passed it, and we are not yet quite there. He dips his rim and is gone. He has won the race. To him and to you good- bye." Mr. Harrison reached home on the 8th of No- vember, 1889, and the following year was again urged to become the candidate for Mayor, but he refused the honor, and during the two succeed- ing years lived a quiet, retired life. At the ex- piration of that period, however, he was again a nominee for Mayor on an independent ticket. Nothing else could have so indicated his personal popularity. There were four candidates in the field, and Mr. Harrison polled a very large vote, the three leaders being separated by but three thousand ballots. Members of the Democracy GEORGE ERASER. 309 greatly opposed his course, but the majority of the party believed in him, and he became their candidate for the campaign of 1893. He was elected by an overwhelming majority to a position all the more important from the fact that his city, where the World's Fair was to be held, would receive distinguished visitors from all lands, and he would virtually be the country's representa- tive in welcoming them to the United States. All summer long as a courteous host he presided, and each day added to the number of his friends. Again and again he had presided on different pub- lic occasions, and on the 28th of October, two days before the official closing of the Fair, Mayors' Day was celebrated, a day set apart for the Mayors of all the cities of the Union. Mr. Harrison, in his capacity of host, presided, and at the close of the ceremonies returned to his home. A few hours later a shot was fired which terminated his life, and the city, which was making such extensive preparations to close the Fair with brilliant cere- monies, went instead into mourning for its Chief Executive. GEORGE ERASER. FRASER is an influential Scotch- b American citizen, who has made his home in Chicago for nearly thirty years. Allen Grange, near the village of Munlochy, in Ross- shire, Scotland, where he was born, has been the home of his ancestors for more than a century, and three generations of the name are now living there. His father, Donald Fraser, was a blacksmith by trade, succeeding his father, John Fraser, in that occupation. Donald Fraser died at Allen Grange in 1875, at the age of seventy years. His wife, whose maiden name was Isabella Young, still lives there, having attained the venerable age of more than ninety-one years. She is a na- tive of the same place, her father having been a farmer in that locality. George Fraser was born on the 2d of June, 1840. He attended the parish school at Mun- lochy, and when he was old enough went to learn the trade of a baker at Dingwall. He served a four-years apprenticeship without wages, and subsequently spent two years in working at his trade in Edinburgh, and one year in London, England. In 1866 he resolved to come to Amer- ica. Upon reaching Brooklyn, New York, he tarried a few months in that city, but in the fol- lowing spring continued his journey to Chicago. Here he immediately found work at his trade, and in 1868 he opened an establishment of his own on Division Street, near his present location. In common with most of his neighbors in that vicin- ity, three years later he lost everything he pos- sessed by the Great Fire, and for a few months thereafter moved to the West Side. For twenty- three years past he has been in his present loca- tion, and the constant arrival and departure of customers attests the popularity which his busi- ness has attained. About sixteen years ago Mr. Fraser united with St. Andrew's Society, an organization in which nearly all of the best of his countrymen in Chicago are interested. His active interest in this association has caused him to become one of its most popular members, and for six years past he has officiated as one of its Board of Mana- gers. He has been a member of the Caledonian Club for ten years, and, with few exceptions, has voted the Republican ticket since becoming a cit- izen of the United States. 3io J. J. RUSSELL. In 1867 Mr. Fraser was married to Catharine Ross, a native of Invergordon, Ross- shire, Scot- laud. She is the daughter of David Ross, a rep- resentative of one of the oldest Scottish families, in honor of which their native shire was named. Mrs. Fraser is a valuable helpmate to and ad- viser of her husband, and the mother of five chil- dren, named, respectively, Anna, Isabel, Donald George, Kate and Margaret. Born and reared amid the historic and pic- turesque scenes of the Highlands, Mr. Fraser is a typical representative of the Gaelic race, a people noted for their sturdy character and industrious and frugal habits. Their adherence to principle has led them to endure much in past centuries, and they have exerted no small influence upon the progress and civilization of America. JOHN J. RUSSELL. (TOHN J. RUSSELL, an esteemed pioneer of I Cook County, now deceased, was born in (*/ Sharon Springs, New York, on the I4th of August, 1810, and made farming his life work. Emigrating westward, he reached Chicago on the I4th of February, 1836, and purchased one hun- dred and sixty acres of timber-land, including the site on which Rush Medical College now stands. About a year and a-half later he sold and removed to Niles Township, where he lived six months. He then became a resident of Northfield Town- ship, purchasing land on section 14, to which he aftenvards added until he had on sections 14, 15 and 22 three hundred and forty acres of rich land, all in one body, which yielded to him a good income. Here he devoted the greater part of his time and attention to agricultural pursuits, winning success in his undertakings. He mar- ried Ann Eliza Legg, daughter of Isaac Legg, a native of Tennessee. The lady was born in Ken- tucky on the gth of October, 1813, and with her parents came to Chicago in 1833. Her death occurred at Wilmette, August 20, 1886. She was a lady of many admirable qualities, and she and her husband had been for many years identified with the Methodist Church. They con- tributed liberally to its support, and were always considered among the leading members. To Mr. and Mrs. Russell were born six chil- dren, three sons and three daughters: Isaac H., who is now proprietor of a paper and paint store in Chicago; John J., deceased; Edward, whose sketch will be found elsewhere in this work; Lizzie, wife of B. F. Kay, who for twenty- four years has been connected with the postof- fice of Chicago; Ella, wife of Heny McDaniel, a policeman of Wilmette; and Lena, who completes the family. After many years spent in farming, John J. Russell removed to Wilmette, where his death occurred April 30, 1889. He always advo- cated the principles of the Republican party, and kept well informed on the issues of the day. He took quite an interest in military affairs and be- longed to the State militia, in which he held a Lieutenant's commission from Gov. Ford. He was for ten years a member of the Board of Supervisors and for several years Count}- Com- missioner, a faithful officer in both positions. He was ever a public-spirited citizen, and the best in- terests of the community found in him a friend. LIBRARY OF THE DIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS W. H JONES. WILLIAM HUGH JONES. HUGH JONES, the President of \ A / the Piano Manufacturing Company, one of V Y the substantial industries of Chicago, is a na- tive of Wales. He was born in 1845, and is one of eight children whose parents were Hugh and Jennett Jones. The father was a farmer by occu- pation and was comfortably situated. In 1812, when eighteen years of age, he crossed the At- lantic to America, locating near Utica, N. Y., where the death of his first wife occurred. He afterward returned to Wales, where he was again married, the second wife being the mother of our subject. They were both members of the Welsh Calvinistic Church, in which the father served as Deacon. In 1857 he again came with his family to this country, and located in Wiscon- sin, from where he removed to Iowa in 1873. His death occurred in Howard County, Iowa, in 1876, at the age of eighty-two years. His wife survived him for about four years. Her father, Richard Jones, was an extensive farmer in Wales, and reached the advanced age of ninety-two y ears. The family to which our subject belongs num- bered six sons and two daughters, but only four are now living: William H., Hugh H., John H. and Owen W. The last-named is Secretary of the Piano Manufacturing Company. We now take up the personal history of W. H. Jones, who is truly a self-made man, in the best sense of the term, for he started out in life empty- handed and has worked his way upward by un- tiring labor, making the most of his opportuni- ties and overcoming the difficulties and obstacles in his path by a determined effort to succeed. He continued in his native land until twelve years of age, and then accompanied his parents to this country, and with them went to Wisconsin. He was early inured to hard labor, but thereby he developed a self-reliance and force of character which have proven of incalculable benefit to him in his later years. His youth was spent in work upon the home farm, and to his father he gave the benefit of his services until the spring of 1866, when he had attained his majority. He now turned his attention to other pursuits, and became agent for the Dodge Reapers and Champion Mowers in Berlin, Wis., selling those machines until 1868, when he became traveling salesman for the firm of L. J. Bush & Co., of Milwaukee. Two years covered his continuance with that company, and in 1870 he formed a connection with E. H. Gam- mon for the sale of the Marsh Harvester, which at that time was the only machine of the class on the market. Subsequently, the firm became Gam- mon & Deering, and Mr. Jones continued in their employ as general traveling salesman and super- visor of agencies until the partnership was dis- solved in the fall of 1879, on the retirement of Mr. Gammon. Mr. Jones, however, continued to serve in the interests of Mr. Deering until 1881, when he, in connection with Mr. Gammon, Lewis Steward, and others who had been previously in- terested in the Han-ester W T orks in Piano, 111. , organized the Piano Manufacturing Company. He became its President and has since contin- ued at its head, and owing to the good man- agement, keen foresight and excellent business and executive ability of the President, the Pia- no Manufacturing Company now is one of the prominent industries of this city. During his business career, Mr. Jones has kept informed concerning all inventions along this line, and no agricultural implement is put on the market without his knowledge. His early life as a farm- er made known to him what was needed in farm work. His later experience made him familiar with all kinds of farm machinery; hence in plac- ing upon the market such machinery he would 3 I2 SHEPHERD JOHNSTON. combine in its construction his knowledge of the mechanical necessities with that which was re- quired for the actual work. Many inventors who know nothing about farm work in itself fail to do this. The wisdom of his method is shown in the result, for the Piano machines have met with un- qualified success and fill a long-felt want in farm implements. Through the dark hours of the greatest panic known to commerce (in 1893), the company built and now occupies a new factory, which for completeness and detailed perfection is without an equal, covering twenty-five acres. It is located on i2oth Street, West Pullman. In the old factory, although it afforded extensive facilities, it was unable for several years to satisfy the popular demand. With improved machinery and perfect arrangement for manufacturing, it is now prepared to meet the full demand not only of its American but rapidly increasing foreign trade. In 1867, Mr. Jones was united in marriage with Miss Elizabeth Owens, and unto them have been born three sons, Hugh W. , William O. and Gar- field R. The parents are faithful members of the Methodist Episcopal Church, contribute liberally to its support, and take an active interest in its work. Mr. Jones is now serving as one of its Trustees. In politics, he advocates Republican principles, but in voting does not feel himself bound by party ties. He has never sought official honors, desiring rather to give his entire time and attention to his business interests and the enjoy- ment of the home and the companionship of his family. In April, 1872, he came to Evanston, where he has resided almost continuously since, and among the people of this beautiful suburb he is held in the highest regard, for he is a man of upright character and his example is worthy of emulation. In the fall of 1878 he opened a wholesale implement house in Minneapolis, which has since done a large business, and with which he was connected until 1889. The farm has fur- nished to this country many of its most prominent and successful business men, and among these is W. H. Jones. SHEPHERD JOHNSTON. iHEPHERD JOHNSTON, late Secretary and Clerk of the Board of Education of Chicago, was descended from Scotch ancestry, his pater- nal grandfather, who was a soldier in the War of the American Revolution , being an emigrant from Scotland to New York City some time in the lat- ter part of the eighteenth century. Mary, the wife of this ancestor, was born in 1761, and died June 1 2, 1838, at the age of seventy-seven. The pa- ternal grandmother was "Knickerbocker" Dutch. Shepherd Johnston, the father of the subject of this sketch, was born in New York City Sep- tember 28, 1797, and was for many years a well- known educator in his native place. His wife was Jane Sherwood, also a native of New York, born September 28, 1807. Her parents were na- tives of Connecticut, and were .the descendants of generations of New England ancestors, one of whom was a minute-man in the Revolution. Her death occurred on the 27th of December, 1846, at Big Rock, Illinois. Shepherd and Jane John- ston had a family of nine children, and eight of these grew to mature age. The subject of this biography, who was born on the 1 8th of Septem- ber, 1823, laid the foundation of his education in the private school taught by his father. His pre- cocity and the thoroughness of his education are vividly shown by the fact of his entering college at the almost unparalleled age of thirteen years. After spending two years at Columbia College, SHEPHERD JOHNSTON. 313 New York, circumstances necessitated the aban- donment of the further prosecution of his studies except as a private and independent student but in this latter capacity it can be no more truly said of any other man in the city of Chicago, that he was throughout his life a devoted, ear- nest and successful student, consecrating himself to the acquisition of knowledge for the purpose of making it most useful to those for whose inter- ests he spent a lifetime of toil. In 1839 the elder Johnston, tiring of the con- straint of New York, came West by way of the Lakes to Detroit, and thence, in company with his eldest son, Shepherd, crossed Michigan on po- nies to Chicago,' which they found to be a muddy city of about four thousand inhabitants. Not liking Chicago, they pursued their way westward to Kane County, and there the father bought a thousand or more acres of land near Big Rock, to which he removed his family soon after. There he spent seven years, but, not being adapt- ed either by education or taste to farm lite, at the end of that period he returned to New York, where he died in 1853. After a residence of five or six years on the farm, young Johnston tired of the monotony of rural life and settled in New York City, when twenty-one years of age, and obtained a position as teacher in the Institute for the Blind. He filled this position with that fidelity and ability which characterized his life work in any capacity in which he was called upon to act. On the 27th of July, 1849, at Whitlockville, Westchester Coun- ty, New York, he married Mary Ann Wild, a native of Sheffield, England, a daughter of James and Mary Ann Outram (Hobson) Wild. Imme- diately after his marriage he came to Illinois, and tried farm life for a few months, but again re- turned to New York City in 1850. There for a year he was employed in the ticket office of the Hudson River Railroad. In 1851 he engaged in the retail grocery business in New York, in which he continued for seven years. In the fall of 1859 he again removed to Illinois, locating at Aurora, and in the following year settled in Chicago, where he resided until the time of his death. In February of the same year he began work as clerk in the office of the Board of Education, and remained there continuously until his life work was finished. He saw the public-school system grow from comparatively insignificant propor- tions to the wonderful educational power which it is at the present time. When he began work in the office of the Board the population of the city was one hundred and ten thousand, and the number of teachers was one hundred and twenty - three. Now the total enrollment of pupils is one hundred and fifty thousand, and the number of teachers in the public schools is three thousand two hundred and twenty-eight, and the amount required to pay this vast army is two and one- half millions of dollars. Mr. Johnston died at his home on the 3rd of October, 1894, leaving a widow and one daugh- ter, the latter, Laura Ann, being now the wife of John M. Stanley, of Chicago. His only son, Charles Sherwood Johnston, died in 1889, at the age of thirty-nine. Not only as a worker in the field of education, but also as a zealous laborer in the cause of relig- ion, was Mr. Johnston known. For nearly a score of years he was a member of the Episcopal Church, in which he held the office of vestryman. He also took a deep interest in the affairs of the Sunday-school, of which he was Superintendent. He was a devoted student of the Bible, to the study of which he gave many hours of his crowd- ed life. As might be expected of a man of his intelligence, taking the interest he did in public affairs, a knowledge of and an interest in politics were not overlooked. He was a member of the Republican party, whose great underlying princi- ples he fully understood, endorsed and supported. But he was far above the petty broils of partisan strife, and contented himself with working for those higher principles and ends which interest the thinker and philosopher. A fitting summary of the life and works of Mr. Johnston can be no more aptly expressed than is done in the following eloquent tribute paid to his memory by the members of the Board of Educa- tion, taken from the records of said body: J. S. RUMSEY. "At a special meeting of the Board of Educa- tion of Chicago, held October 5, 1894, the follow- ing memorial was unanimously adopted: " 'The Board of Education of the City of Chi- cago learns with the most profound sorrow of the death of their scholarly, faithful and most tireless Secretary, Shepherd Johnston, after a continuous service of thirty-four years of unparalleled devo- tion to the educational interests of this great me- tropolis. " 'He had reached the limit of years allotted to man. He closed his books at the office, went to his quiet home, retired to sleep, and awoke no more to consciousness here. The book of his life was gently closed, and he was transferred to the unknown realm which is beyond our mortal sight. " 'Mr. Johnston possessed those habits of mind and character which made him eminently fitted for the responsible duties of the office which he held so long and filled so efficiently. His early training and experience as a teacher made him acquainted with the details of educational work, and gave him a familiarity with the school sys- tem of the country, as shown in the financial and statistical reports which were published annually. As his labors multiplied, his ability to cope with them multiplied in like ratio. There was no detail of his office with which he was not familiar. He was a well of information, imparting courteously to all who desired to know aught of the historical progress of the city for nearly two score of years. In the varied and perplexing duties of his office, he won the confidence and esteem of the members of the Board of Education, the Superintendents, his associates in the office, the teachers and citizens of Chicago. The members of the Board of Edu- cation take this method of expressing their appre- ciation of his valuable services and their high regard for his life and character. " 'THEREFORE, Be it resolved, that this memo- rial be entered upon the records of this Board, and that a copy be suitably engrossed and presented to the family.' " JULIAN S. RUMSEY. (JULIAN S. RUMSEY, a very early resident I of Chicago and one of the founders of its G/ Board of Trade, was born in Batavia, Gene- see County, New York, on the 3d day of April, 1823. His parents were Levi Rumsey, of Fair- field, Connecticut, and Julia F. Dole, of Troy, New York. The line of descent is traced from Robert Rumsie, who is supposed to have been of Welsh ancestry, and who settled at Fairfield, Connecticut, before 1660. His name appears in the town records under date of January 23, 1664, the earliest entry in said records bearing date of January 12, 1649, which must have been about the time of the first settlement there. The will of Robert Rumsey appears in the same record, under date of November 28, 1710, in which he bequeaths to his widow and children a large amount of laud and personal property, his inter- est in commonage and his negro man, Jack. The early residents of New England had to contend with conditions differing widely from those sur- rounding pioneers of the present day, and few can realize the energy and perseverance required to make a home in the wilderness. Only those of strong body and mind could survive the rigorous climate and overcome the obstacles to human progress. Among the present generation, only those who have made a study of the subject can realize, in a faint degree even, what were their surroundings, ideas and character. J. S. RUMSEY. Levi Runisey was one of the first graduates of Williams College, at Williamstown, Massachu- setts (in 1800), and settled at Batavia in 1822, becoming one of the foremost attorneys of western New York and serving as District Attorney of Genesee County. He died there in 1834. At the solicitation of her brother, George W. Dole, already a resident of Chicago, the widow decided to move to the new and growing city with her younger son (the subject of this biography) and two daughters, in the spring of 1835, but death interposed and removed the mother before this purpose could be consummated. With an aunt, Mrs. Coffin, and her husband and MissTownsend (who afterward became Mrs. Dole), Julian Sid- ney Rumsey and his two younger sisters came to Chicago, arriving on the steamer "Michigan" July 28, 1835. This vessel was owned by Mr. Dole's partner, Oliver Newberry, of Detroit, and was by far the finest vessel then on the Lakes. The trip was made from Buffalo to Chicago, with a stop at Green Bay, in a little over eight days. Among the passengers were George Smith, who afterward became a wealthy banker of the city ; Mr. and Mrs. John H. Kinzie and a young infant, and Miss Williams, who became the wife of Mark Skinner, one of the judges of Chicago in later life. Young Rumsey had attended a private school in Batavia taught by Rev. John F. Earnst, a widely-known educator of that place and Buffalo, and after his arrival here he had the benefit of such schools as the new town afforded for a few months. He soon took employment in the ship- ping house of Newberry & Dole, where his elder brother, George F. Rumsey, was already estab- lished. This association made him acquainted with all the boats coming to Chicago and their officers. These included the bark "Detroit" and brig "Queen Charlotte," former British vessels, which had been sunk in the bay at Erie, Penn- sylvania, by Commodore Perry in 1813, and sub- sequently raised and fitted for commerce. In September, 1839, the Runisey brothers, while still in the employ of Newberry & Dole, shipped the first cargo of grain ever sent out of Chicago, consisting of about 2,900 bushels of wheat, put on board the brig "Osceola" for Buffalo. This had been taken from farmers' wagons and stored, awaiting an eastbound boat. In 1841 Capt. E. B. Ward brought eighty tons of bituminous coal to Chicago, which was probably the first here, and this was sold out by the Runisey brothers in two years' time, thus indicating that the consumption was small in those days. The firm of Runisey, Brother & Company ultimately succeeded New- berry & Dole, and became one of the heaviest grain shippers and dealers in the city. Mr. Rumsey was one of the organizers of the Board of Trade early in 1848, and continued his membership with his life. During the early years of its existence, it was his custom, with others of the younger members, to visit business men in their offices and urge them to go "on "Change," in order that it might be truthfully recorded that such a meeting had been held. He was elected President of the Board in 1858 and again in 1859, and in the latter year he drew and secured the passage of its charter and code of rules. He also secured, in the face of much opposition, the pres- ent system of grain inspection Chicago being the first city to adopt the plan. During his adminis- tration, the current plan of obtaining and publish- ing statistics of trade was inaugurated, and the first annual report of the Board issued, and in the same period the membership doubled and the permanency of its existence was established. Mr. Rumsey was one of the organizers of the Volunteer Fire Department in 1844, and at one time was Foreman of Engine Company Number Three, and did much to improve the old and or- ganize new companies. In those days, many of what are now the most prominent and wealthy citizens regularly "ran with the boys." The venerable Stephen F. Gale was Chief Engineer and Mr. Rumsey Foreman in 1847, when the pa- rade was made in honor of the famous River and Harbor Congress of that year. In his report to the New York Tribune, Horace Greeley said: "I never witnessed anything so superb as the appear- ance of some of the fire companies, with their en- gines drawn by led-horses, tastefully caparisoned. Our New York firemen must try again. They certainly have been outdone." Thurlow Weed wrote to his paper: "Let me here say that the J. S. RUMSEY. firemen's display in this infant city to-day excited universal admiration. I never saw anything got up in better taste. The companies were in neat uniforms. The machines were very tastefully decorated. There was also a miniature ship, manned and full-rigged, drawn by twelve horses, in the procession. While moving, the crew on board 'The Convention' made, shortened and took in sail repeatedly." In early life Mr. Rumsey associated himself, as a political factor, with the Whig party, and joined its successor the Republican at its inception. He was often a delegate in the county and State conventions, and was a member of the State Cen- tral Committee of his party when Abraham Lin- coln was first elected to the Presidency. He had the honor of entertaining Mr. Lincoln at his home in Chicago, was present at his inauguration, and was a member of the committee on which devolved the sad duty of receiving his remains when brought back to Chicago, preparatory to final interment at Springfield. In 1871 Mr. Rumsey was elected County Treasurer and Collector on the "Fire- proof ' ticket, the result of a political compromise, and served two years in that responsible capacity. Before the actual commencement of hostilities, in the War of the Rebellion, early in 1861, a Com- mittee of Safety was organized in Chicago, and Mr. Rumsey was made a member of the sub-com- mittee to carry out its objects. This involved the judicious expenditure of nearly fifty thousand dollars, and required the labor of its members for nearly two years, much of it of a secret character, and all of vast importance to the State and Nation. One of the first undertakings was the fitting out of an expedition to take possession of Cairo, and thus save Illinois to the Union. After four days and nights of arduous effort, a force of five hundred men was dispatched by the Illinois Central Rail- road, and the plan successfully carried oat. Mr. Rumsey never asked for office, but was elected Mayor of the city in the troublous days of 1861, and maintained the high financial standing of the municipality. During his term of service, the Government sent twelve thousand rebel prisoners here from Fort Donelson, without any warning or previous provision for their care. They were quartered in the sheds of an old race track, after- wards known as Camp Douglas, until suitable barracks could be erected for their care and reten- tion. Among them were about two hundred offi- cers, most of whom possessed knives or pistols, and with the small police force and absence of firearms (caused by the drain in supplying Union troops) , the city seemed entirely at the mercy of its unwilling guests. Through the vigilance of Mayor Rumsey, and his appeals to the Govern- ment, the danger was averted the officers being removed elsewhere, and the privates speedily pro- vided with suitable lodgings, and safeguards cre- ated for the city. July 31, 1848; at Chicago, occurred the wedding of J. S. Rumsey and Miss Martha A. Turner. Mrs. Rumsey, who still survives her husband, is a daughter of John B. Turner, one of the most honored and worthy of Chicago's early citizens, whose biography will be found on another page of this work. This union resulted in eleven chil- dren, eight of whom were daughters. One of the latter died in infancy, and one after a short mar- ried life. Two daughters are married and reside in Massachusetts and New York, respectively, and the eldest son and two daughters, also mar- ried, reside in Chicago. Mr. Rumsey passed away in Chicago April 20, 1886, aged sixty-three years. He was ever inter- ested in the city and its welfare, and did much to place it in its present proud commercial position. He did not shirk any duty as a citizen, and left to his children an honored name. His recollections of early Chicago are very interesting, and extracts from his pen picture are here given: "When the 'Michigan' arrived off Chicago in July of 1835, a dense fog covered the surface of the lake, and the town could not be easily located. After reaching the mouth of the Calumet River, the captain was set right by the direction of an Indian, and returned to the city. In the mean time the fog had lifted and when the boat came to anchor the fort and Government pier and light- house seemed the most prominent features. No entrance to the river existed for lake craft, and even the yawlboat which brought the passengers ashore grounded on the bar at the mouth of the ANDREW ORTMAYER. 317 river, and a passage had to be carefully sounded before it could be brought in. The river was then but little more than half as wide as at present, and portions of its shores were occupied by wild rice, and near the mouth the abode of the musk- rat was prominent. Fish and wild fowl were abundant. There was one 'gallows-frame' hoist bridge at Dearborn Street, crossing the river, one pontoon over the South Branch, between Lake and Randolph Streets, and another across the North Branch, just south of Kinzie Street. The Tremont House was then a yellow wooden build- ing at the southeast corner of Lake and Dearborn Streets, kept by Star Foot. "The population was about twenty-three hun- dred, divided in something like this proportion: Eight hundred on the North Side, twelve hundred on the South Side, and three hundred on the West Side. The Postoffice was located in the angle at the intersection of Lake and South Water Streets. There were no sidewalks or improved streets, and cattle, pigs and wolfish dogs occupied the thoroughfares at will, and sometimes at night wolves came into the settlement Street lights were unknown, as were sewers, cellars or water service, and there were very few brick buildings. The people came from all parts of the world and included many half-breeds, and all were exceed- ingly democratic in habit. It was no uncommon thing for ladies to employ a dump-cart, uphol- stered with hay or buffalo robes, as a means of transportation when making social excursions. There was still a garrison at the fort, and on two subsequent occasions Indians to the number of thirty-five hundred and five thousand, from the Pottawatamie, Winnebago and Sacs and Foxes tribes came here to receive pay for their lands from the Government. During the summer of 1835, the 'Michigan' made four trips between Chicago and Buffalo, and one or two other vessels visited the port. While anchored in the bay off Milwau- kee, on her first trip, only one house was dis- cerned at that point, though the weather was clear." ANDREW ORTMAYER. Gl NDREW ORTMAYER, who was for nearly LJ half-a century a resident of Chicago, was I I numbered among the most substantial and well-known citizens of German birth. He was born in Bartenstein, Wurtemberg, Germany, on the first day of May, 1826. His father, Joseph Ortmayer, was a native of Neuoetting, Bavaria, and his mother, Margaret Uhlman, was born in the same village as her son, where her ancestors had for several generations carried on the saddlery business. Joseph Ortmayer was also a saddler, and when the son had completed the prescribed German term of school, ending at the age of fourteen years, he entered the shop and was able through being the son of a master to become a journeyman at the age of sixteen. He first sought employment in his father's native city, where he remained one year, and was afterwards employed in Saalzburg and other Austrian cities. By the time he had attained his majority, he determined to follow the sun towards that land of promise, the United States, as he saw little op- portunity for a mechanic to better his condition in Europe. His was the same spirit which not only led to the discover)- of the Western continent, but to the development of its resources, east and west. Being in London, England, in the spring of 1849, he took passage in March of that year on board the sailing-vessel "Apeona" for New York, where he arrived on the fourth day of ANDREW ORTMAYER. July, the voyage consuming nearly four months. He proceeded directly to Buffalo, New York, where he was able to maintain himself at his trade until the following spring. Again moved by the spirit of enterprise, he took the first steamer which left the port of Buf- falo for the upper lakes in the spring of 1 850, and landed in Detroit on the 3oth of March, after a two days' voyage. Thence, he proceeded di- rectly by rail to Chicago, arriving on the last day of the month. His first employment in this city was with J. O. Humphrey, the first carriage manufacturer in Chicago, by whom he was engaged as a carriage trimmer. This continued until Mr. Humphrey went out of business two and one-half years later, when Mr. Ortmayer rented a room in the now idle factory and engaged in trimming carriages on his own account. He had by this time formed business acquaintances and established a reputa- tion for honest and faithful work, and did a fairly prosperous business. At the end of six months, he established a shop on Franklin Street, and in the fall of 1854 he opened a harness shop on Randolph Street, between Canal and Clinton Streets. Though his work as a carriage trim- mer had proved satisfactory to his patrons, it did not satisfy himself, on account of the unsteadiness of the demand, and he found business much more remunerative in the harness and saddlery line. In 1863, he began the wholesale trade at No. 42 Lake Street, in partnership with William V. Kay and William H. Turner, under the style of A. Ortmayer & Company. For a quarter of a cen- tury, beginning with 1866, the business was located at Nos. 16 to 22 State Street. Messrs. Turner and Kay successively retired from the firm, and after the great fire of 1871, it was known as Ortmayer, Lewis & Company, until it became A. Otrmayer & Son in 1882. In 1891, the firm purchased of the Farwell estate the building now occupied, on Illinois Street, be- tween La Salle Avenue and Wells Street, to which two stories were added, and the building was fitted for the extensive manufacture of har- ness and saddlery ware now carried on there. Mr. Ortmayer was married at Buffalo, New York, in the spring of 1850, to Miss Marie Cher- bon, who was born in the same place as himself, and is- descended from French ancestors, her grandfather having moved from France to Ger- many. In 1876, he built a pleasant mansion at No. 496 Dearborn Avenue, where dwells a united and happy family. Mr. Ortmayer was also pos- sessed of other improved real estate, which was secured through his own industry and prudent management. Having made his way from hum- ble beginnings, he was in sympathy with all hon- est efforts for success, and held out encourage- ment not only by word but by his own example, which any American youth may well emulate. The same steadfast and persistent effort which characterized his career in life is sure to bring prosperity to any one. He never spent time or money in the follies which are all too prevalent among young men of the present day, but re- solved on a course of industry and thrift, and ad- hered to his plans through "good" and "bad times." Of the seven children born to Mr. and Mrs. Ortmayer, three died in early childhood. The eldest of the others, Annie, died while the wife of Albert Kuhlmay. Carl G. is manager of the business of A. Ortmayer & Son. Carrie is now the wife of Albert Kuhlmay, and Emma is Mrs. Theophile Pfister, all of Chicago. Though always a busy man, until failing health compelled him to abandon his activities three years ago, Mr. Ortmayer found time to cul- tivate pleasant social relations, and was always deservedly popular among his fellow-citizens. He was for many years an active member of the Germania Club, and held membership in Accor- dia Lodge, No. 277, of the Masonic order. He cherished liberal religious views, and always ad- hered to Republican principles in politics. He was never 1 ambitious to hold public office, but always strove to fulfill the duties of a good American citizen, and with eminent success. He died on Sunday, February 3, 1895, having succumbed to an acute attack of bronchitis, which, combined with other difficulties, burst the bonds of life. LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS ISRAEL G. SMITH (From Photo, by W. J. ROOT) I. G. SMITH. ISRAEL G. SMITH. CVSRAEL GROVER SMITH, one of the oldest settlers of Cook County, was born September I 7, 1816, at White Creek, Washington Coun- ty, New York, and is a son of Henry and Ann (Waite) Smith, natives of that county. The family is an old one in this country, having re- sided here since the Revolutionary War. Henry Smith and his wife had ten children, as follows: Gustavus, who came to Cook County in 1835, and died here in January, 1855; Marcellus B.; Israel Grover, the subject of this sketch; Waldo W., Harlow H., Edwin D., H. Lafayette, Sarah A., Adoniram J. and Emily M. Of this number only two are still living Israel G. and Sarah A. Henry Smith died in Cook County, in March, 1841, and his wife survived him until 1872, and died in Chicago. The first of the fam- ily to come to the West was Gustavus, in 1835, and the remainder of the family followed in 1836. Israel and his brother Marcellus came through with a horse and jumper, starting March 16 and coming through Ontario to the place where the home of the former is still located, which they reached April 10. They settled on this land, then in what was called Monroe Precinct, afterward Jefferson Township, and when it was surveyed and put upon the market, they bought a large tract on a beautiful ridge, which for many years was called Smith's Ridge, and much of this land is still in the possession of the family. Israel G. Smith was educated in the subscrip- tion schools of his neighborhood, and was reared on a farm, where he learned the usual farmer's work. At the age of nineteen he began learning the trade of blacksmith, but six months later he came to the West. Since coming here he has been engaged in agriculture. He owns one hundred fifty-three acres of fertile land in section 18, in the town of Norwood Park. Mr. Smith was a successful farmer, and in a comparatively few years became wealthy. In 1853 he built a house on what is now Jackson Boulevard, between Desplaines and Halsted Streets, where he lived a few years and then re- turned to his farm. Later he bought a stock of groceries on State Street and conducted the busi- ness about a year, when he sold out and returned to his farm. He had built a couple of stores on Lake Street, one of which he rented. Failing to find a tenant for the other, he opened a boot and shoe store in it, in company with a Mr. Barney, under the firm name of Smith & Barney. This business venture again necessitated his becoming a resident of the city, to enable him to give the business his personal supervision. This connec- tion continued about a year, at the end of which time Mr. Smith abandoned mercantile pursuits. In 1869 he bought the Judge Bradwell home- stead on Washington Street, intending to improve it and remain permanently in the city. Having always been accustomed to an active life, idleness soon became irksome to him, and after the fire of 1871 he returned to his farm, and a few years later built the beautiful farm residence which has been his home ever since. Mr. Smith has always taken an active interest 320 T. M. TURNER. in public affairs, and keeps himself well informed on the great questions of the day. He was a Whig until the establishment of the Republican party, since which time he has been one of its most ardent supporters. At the first election held in Jefferson Township he was elected Justice of the Peace, and held the office several years. He was never an office-seeker, but he has filled several local offices. April 13, 1843, Mr. Smith was united in mar- riage with Miss Susannah Pennoyer, who was born June 17, 1814, in Connecticut. Her father, John Pennoyer, was born June 16, 1780, in Connecticut. March 4, 1807, he married Sallie Fox, who was born September 17, 1780. They came to Cook County in 1837. Mrs. Pen- noyer died May 15, 1843, and Mr. Pennoyer passed away August 28, 1856. Mrs. Smith was well educated for her time, and was of a studious nature. She was a suc- cessful teacher in the Empire State, and taught the first school in Ley den Township, this county. She was very highly respected for her many excellencies of head and heart. Mr. and Mrs. Smith had seven children, as follows: Frederick A., an attorney of Chicago; Frank G., deceased; Milton Henry, who died ot cholera; Emily, wife of H. R. Clissold, who resides in Morgan Park; Edwin D., a farmer; Sarah M., now the wife of George W. Wilcox, a resident of Minneapolis; and Stella, Mrs. D. C. Dunlap, who resides in Chicago. Mrs. Smith died March 28, 1893, in her seventy-ninth year, after nearly fifty years of happy married life. When the family first came to their present home the nearest neighbors were Christian Ebinger on the north, and Elijah Wentworth on the east. Mr. Smith has witnessed almost the entire growth of the great metropolis, its population being about four thousand when he came to Cook County, and he is well known by the oldest set- tlers of this part of the county. Mr. Smith's life has been one of activity and usefulness, and, although, by reason of a good constitution and temperate habits, he has exceeded by a decade the psalmist's limit of "three-score years and ten," the cares of life have rested lightly upon him. He is still in good health, vigorous intellectually, cheerful in disposition, of a pleas- ing personality, and, from his sprightly step, might easily be taken for a much younger man than he is. THOMAS M. TURNER. 'HOMAS MCCLELLAN TURNER was born July i, 1829, in Bellefonte, Center County, Pennsylvania, and is a son of James B. and Mary A. (McClellan) Turner, both of whom were natives of that county, where their parents were early settlers. James B. Turner was a contractor and builder, and especially success- ful in the erection of forges, furnaces and rolling mills. During his business career he was widely known, and one of the important pieces of work done by him was the construction of forges for Mr. Curtin, father of the well-known Governor, A. G. Curtin. James B. Turner died in his native place, February 17, 1870, at the age of seventy- two years, and his wife survived him until Au- gust 22, 1890, when she passed away, at the ven- erable age of eighty-nine years and four months. The Turners are descended from an old English family, and the McClellan family is of Scotch descent. The father of James B. Turner was born in New York City, and emigrated to Carlisle, Pennsylvania, and later removed to Center Couu- T. M. TURNER. 321 ty. Thomas McClellan, the maternal grand- father of the subject of this sketch, was born in Scotland and settled in Philadelphia, Pennsylva- nia. He was a noted marble-cutter when that city had only about four thousand inhabitants. About the time the British bombarded Philadel- phia, he fell in love with a beautiful 3'oung girl, fifteen years of age, named Ann Kinnier, and they were married. As it was not safe for them to remain in the city, they journeyed westward on horseback and soon reached Bellefonte, by fol- lowing an Indian path. In this town he erected the seventh house. Bellefonte afterward became the county seat, and of this town Mr. McClellan was a useful and honored citizen. His descend- ants have been pioneers in many districts, and his family is represented in all parts of the United States. Mrs. McClellan's father, James Kinnier, was a merchant of Philadelphia. Thomas McClellan Turner is the eldest of a family of six children. The others were: Matilda; William K.; James, who was killed by guerrillas near Santa Fe, New Mexico, in the beginning of the Civil War; Deborah A., now Mrs. Thomp- son; and Mary J. He received his education in his native State, and when he was sixteen years of age he assisted his father in the erection of buildings and similar labors. In 1854 ne came to Chicago, and soon after engaged in building the Chicago & Alton Rail- road, with headquarters at Joliet. The iron rails reached their place from England by way of the ocean and the Mississippi and Illinois Rivers. In 1855 Mr. Turner removed to Bloomington and built the Chicago & Alton Railroad shops, when that town had only two thousand five hundred inhabitants. Later, he acted as road master, superintending the division between Bloomington and Joliet. At the opening of the Civil War the spirit of patriotism, so frequently found in natives of his State, induced him to return to Bellefonte and enlist in Company C, of the Twenty-second Penn- sylvania Volunteer Infantry, as a private soldier. When the regiment was disbanded at Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, his company gave him a vote of thanks for coming so far to join it. His conduct was most praiseworthy, when we remember that he was an expert engineer and capable of hold- ing a position of comparative ease and safety. Such men are the safeguards of our Nation, and they deserve to be remembered by posterity. Returning to Chicago, Mr. Turner became interested in mining and prospecting for coal. While hunting ducks near Wilmington, Illinois, he found traces of coal in a creek, and after searching, he was rewarded by finding a three- foot vein of coal, sixty-three feet from the sur- face. He carried the sample to Chicago for analysis and subsequently developed the coal lands and made a producing mine. Seeing the necessity of the use of larger capital, he induced Mr. James Robbins, of Boston, Massa- chusetts, to become his silent partner. The latter never took an active interest in the management of the business, which rapidly assumed large pro- portions. A few years later he sold his interest to the Chicago & Wilmington Coal Association, with the exception of one hundred sixty acres, which he still owns, at the center of the field. He next developed the Bloomington field, and man- aged it three years. Dr. Streator (for whom the city of Streator, Illinois, was named) induced him to sell out at Bloomington, and invest his money in the Streator mine, where there had been much trouble with quicksand. Where others failed in overcoming this difficulty, Mr. Turner was successful, and, after two. years, Dr. Streator having sold his interest, he did the same, and returned to Chi- cago, where he has since resided. Later he bought land east of the Calumet River, where he still owns property. He has sold two subdi- visions, on which eighty houses have been built. He was a liberal contributor to the fund which secured the James Brown Iron Mill, whose plant is situated 0*1 the Calumet River. Mr. Turner was married in Chicago May 30, 1865, to Miss Carrie K. Ferguson, daughter ot Stauts M. Ferguson, one of Chicago's honored pioneers. They are the parents of three children, namely: James Lyle, Helen N. and Thomas M. The sons fill offices of trust and responsibility in the offices of the Chicago City Railway Company. 322 C. O. WESTERGREN. Stauts Morrison Ferguson, an old settler of Chicago, was born December 10, 1799, in the State of New York. He was of Scotch descent, but his ancestors for many generations were Americans. He was reared in New York, where he was a manufacturer of woolen goods, and in 1840 sold his mills in Orange County, New York, and, with his family, came to Chicago, settling ten miles northwest of the city, at Union Ridge, now called Norwood Park. His farm comprised three hundred acres of choice agricultural land, which he cultivated. He sold out a part of this in 1858, and removed to Chicago, where he resided on West Adams Street. He died while on a return journey from Gait, California, where he had visited at the homes of his children. He was well known to the West Side residents of Chicago. He took quite an interest in religious matters, and was a high-minded man, much esteemed and respected. He was a Presbyterian, and a stanch Republican in politics, and exerted a wide influence. He was an active Abolitionist, and always showed his friendship for the colored man. Mr. Ferguson was married in Orange County, New York, to Miss Naomi A. Rice, who died January 21, 1866. She was the mother of nine children. CHARLES O. WESTERGREN. CHARLES OSCAR WESTERGREN, a reli- I ( able citizen of South Chicago, was born \J March 8, 1853, on a farm situated near the town of Westervik, in the congregation of Tor- nesfalla, Sweden, and is a son of John and Jose- phine Ulrica (Johnson) Westergren. .His sister Matilda was the first one of the family to emigrate to the United States. She came in 1869, and in 1872 married Mr. John Smith, and they at present reside on North Clark Street, in this city. Charles O. Westergren received his education in the schools of his native country, and at an early age became possessed of a desire to try his fortunes in the new world. In 1872 he sailed for America, and reached Chicago June 5th of that year. He was first employed at general labor, and after spending six months in the city he found employment at farm labor, which he continued eight months, and then returned to the city. On his return he became engaged in the service of Marshall Field & Company as a box nailer. By his faithfulness and ability he has gradually risen in position, and is at present engaged by that firm as a packer. He has been in its service for many years, and has the respect and esteem of his employers. June 14, 1 88 1, Mr. Westergren took up his res- idence in South Chicago, and for ten years con- ducted a large boarding-house, having sometimes as many as forty guests. He has owned several houses, the first one being built by him in 1882 at No. 9038 Superior Avenue. In 1 887 he sold it and bought two lots at the northeast corner of Su- perior Avenue and Ninety-first Street, where he built two houses. He sold this property in 1890 and bought a lot at No. 74 Ninety-first Street, where he built a house, and occupied it until it was destroyed with others in the fire of 1893. The loss sustained by him was about fifteen hundred dollars. He rebuilt on this land, and still owns the property. June 18, 1894, Mr. Westergren bought the lot he now occupies, at No. 9033 Superior R. H. SAGE. 323 Avenue, and the same year he built a comfortable residence, consisting of a four-story, modern flat building. July 31, 1875, he was united in marriage with Ellen Margaret Frankenburg, daughter of Olof Frankenburg. She was born April 4, 1845, in the town of Lusdahl, Sweden, and came to Chi- cago before the Great Fire of 1871. Their union has been blessed by the following children: John Olof Evan, who was born October 6, 1876, and died August 20, 1896; Hilda Josephine Margaret, born August 9, 1878, died in July, 1880; and Charles Algert David, born June n, 1882, now residing with his parents. Mr. Westergren and his family are connected with the Swedish Luth- eran Church. He is a thoughtful and conscien- tious man, and in all his dealings with his fellow- men is thoroughly just and honorable. He takes an active interest in the affairs of his adopted countr} r , and is a friend to progress and improve- ment. In politics he is a supporter of the Re- publican part}'. RUFUS H. SAGE. RUFUS HENRY SAGE was born November 22, 1837, in Troy, New York, and was a son of Henry Rufus Sage, who was a brother of the world-famed Russell Sage, of New York City. The family is of Welsh descent, and the first American progenitor settled in Connecticut. The ancestry is traced back to the time of William the Conqueror, who, in 1066, gave a coat-of-arms and a grant of land to this family. They were tillers of the soil, and led upright and honorable lives. On the coat-of-arms is this motto, "JVon Sit>t," meaning "Not for ourselves." Rufus Henry Sage received an academic edu- cation in his native State, and was subsequently appointed to a cadetship in the United States Mil- itary School at West Point. He received this ap- pointment through his uncle, Russell Sage, but after two years of hard study he was compelled to abandon his military life, and engage in some other occupation. Soon after leaving West Point he removed to Milwaukee, Wisconsin, where he remained only a short time, and came to Chicago in the spring of 1858, and became an agent for one of the oldest and most reliable commission firms of the city. After becoming acquainted with the details of the business, he embarked in it on his own responsibility, and from the begin- ning then made was successful, and the name of Rufus H. Sage became a familiar one among the commission men of the Northwest. Mr. Sage had always the happy faculty of mak- ing and keeping friends, and he often loaned the better class of his customers money for conduct- ing their business, and was thus of assistance in preventing the failure of many men who after- wards became prominent in the financial world. He was seldom the loser in these transactions, as his heart and his head were in perfect har- mony with each other. He was one of the largest flour merchants of Chicago, and shipped this product in great quantities to the .Eastern cities. Prior to the Great Fire of 1871, Mr. Sage was one of the best known commission mer- chants in Chicago, but by this disaster he was left a comparatively poor man. However, he retrieved his fallen fortunes to the best of his ability, and eventually became eminently successful, mostly through a brokerage business on the Board of Trade. Mr. Sage was known as one of the quiet, hon- orable and industrious citizens of this great me- tropolis, and his word was as good as his bond. 324 LEIGHTON TURNER. He was surrounded by a host of friends, and ap- parently had no enemies. He was a man who possessed strong likes and dislikes, so that it was an honor to be counted among his friends, and although he v\ as a man of few words, he always drew friends to him. Mr. Sage passed away May 7, 1897, nl hi s sixtieth year. He was a member of the Presbyterian Church. He was married March 6, 1857, while in Wis- consin, to Miss Ellen Wicker. Mr. Sage was a stranger at the prominent clubs and societies of Chicago, though at one time he was often to be found in Masonic circles. He loved the compan- ionship of his wife, and highly valued his home, where the atmosphere of tender sympathy per- vaded all, and where he ever found a haven of rest and comfort after the fatigues of business hours. His death, though not unexpected, left his friends deeply grieved at the thought of miss- ing the quiet man, whose gentle nature had endeared itself to all by the practice of every manly virtue. LEIGHTON TURNER. I EIGHTON TURNER, who was for many 1C years identified with the business interests I J of Chicago, was a pioneer of 1836, and was born February 17, 1812, in Gilberdike, York- shire, England. His parents were William and Mary Turner, both of whom grew to maturity and married in Yorkshire, where all of their nine children were born. In the early part of the thirties all the family except the eldest emigrated to the United States, locating at Detroit, Mich- igan, where the parents lived the remainder of their lives, and where they died several years ago. Leighton Turner received only a limited educa- tion, in the schools of his native land, and was reared to farm pursuits. He was about twenty years of age when he came to America. In 1836 he came to Chicago, in company with his brother John, and two years later they engaged in the livery business in a small way, on Wolcott Street (now State Street) between Kinzie and North Water Streets. This enterprise prospered and gradually increased in importance until it became one of the most lucrative of its kind in the city. They continued the partnership about fifteen years, during which time they had made a financial success of the business. By investing their money judiciously in land they soon had large interests in real estate, owning several hun- dred acres of land in Lake View, Jefferson and Niles Townships. The brothers dissolved the partnership by mutual consent, and made an equitable division of their property. Leightou Turner then re- moved to Jefferson Township, in Cook County, where he engaged in farming, and carried on this business successfully until 1867. He then lo- cated in Evanston, in order that his growing chil- dren might enjoy the educational advantages of- fered by that place. For some years he lived in comparative retirement, giving attention only to his landed interests. In 1872 he took a trip to Europe, and remained there a few months. He engaged in the livery business in Evanston in 1882, in connection with his sons, and they con- tinued until the building was destroyed by fire about 1890. When Mr. Turner came to Chicago he was a poor man, who had enjoyed few advantages for education and improvement in his early life. He had, however, learned the valuable lessons of self- help and self-reliance, and he became, in the J. T. McCULLOUGH. 325 truest sense, a self-made man. His success in life was owing to his industry, his integrity and his keen business foresight. His career was al- ways characterized by honesty in his dealings with his fellow-men. He achieved his ample fortune through the legitimate channels of busi- ness, and not by taking advantage of the neces- sities of others. In politics he was a Republican, but he never sought any office, being content to leave the management of public affairs to others. He was not lacking in enterprise, as all measures for public good found in him a liberal supporter. In religious faith he was a Methodist, as is also his wife, and both took an active interest in church work. December 17, 1844, Mr. Turner married Miss Mary Elizabeth, daughter of Thomas and Jane (Osmond) Briden. She was born December 26, 1824, in Yorkshire, England, the native place of her parents. When she was ten years old, her mother died, and in 1842 the family came to the United States and settled in Cook County. Of the twelve children born to Thomas and Jane Briden, only two are now living. The father died in Iowa about 1866. Mr. and Mrs. Turner had eight children, all of whom grew to maturity, and are now living, namely: Jane (now Mrs. J. F. Lang, of La Crosse, Wisconsin), Mary E. , Sarah C., Miles L-, Charles W., Julia P., Leighton I. and Walter I. Soon after Mr. and Mrs. Turner settled on the farm in Jefferson Township, they were instru- mental in organizing the first Methodist congre- gation in that community, and the students who went out from school to conduct religious services among the pioneers always found a hearty wel- come in their hospitable home, and were the recipients of many kindnesses at the hands of Mrs. Turner. In December, 1894, Mr. and Mrs. Turner quietly celebrated their golden wedding in their pleasant home, with all the members of the fam- ily present. After a long, useful and successful life, Mr. Turner was called to his reward, Feb- ruary n, 1895, and in his demise the community lost a valuable citizen. In his home, where his happiest hours had been passed, his death caused an irreparable loss, and left a sadness and gloom which will never be overcome. JOHN T. McCULLOUGH. (JOHN THOMAS McCULLOUGH, a skilled I mechanic of South Chicago, was born June G) 19, 1854, in Troy, New York, and is a son of Edward and Susan (Lynch) McCullough. Edward McCullough was born in Belfast, Ireland, and became a member of the Queen's Guards. He followed the occupation of his great-grand- father, Andrew McCullough, and of his grand- father, who were musicians in the Six-foot Regi- ment Queen's Guards. Edward McCullough was especially noted as a performer on the flute, of which instrument he was a good master. He came to America about 1830, and lived in the State of New York. He became a foreman in cotton mills in Troy, and married Susan Lynch of New York. He and his wife were the parents of four children, as follows: John, William, Ed- ward and Lucretia. Mrs. McCullough married for her second husband Daniel Reardon, with whom she resides in Chicago. They have two children, August and Mary Reardon. John T. McCullough received his early educa- tion in his native State, and at a very early age began the serious business of life for himself. He 3 26 C. A. WENZLAFF. came to Chicago when thirteen years old, and began to learn the machinist's trade. For twenty- six years he was employed by Robert Owens, and for sixteen years was his foreman, which speaks well for his faithfulness, industry and careful at- tention to his work. He was then employed by Sherman & Flavin as foreman in 1895, and is still engaged in their services. July 25, 1878, Mr. McCullough married Miss Annie Esther Garrity, daughter of Thomas Gar- rity, whose biography appears on another page of this volume. She was born September 8, 1855, on Stony Island Avenue. Their children pre: Helen Gertrude, born May 14,, 1879, and died January 20, 1881; Lilian Marie, Helen Marcia and Edward Michael. Mr. McCullongh and his family are communicants of the Roman Catholic Church. He is an intelligent and law- abiding citizen, and has the interest of his country at heart. In his political views he favors the principles of the Republican party, of which he is a firm supporter. CHARLES A. WENZLAFF. HARLES AUGUST WENZLAFF, a good citizen of South Chicago, was born Novem- ber 8, 1862, in Pommern, Germany, and is a son of Carl and Henrietta (Behnke) Wenzlaff. Carl Wenzlaff emigrated to America when the subject of this sketch was a small boy, locating in Blue Island. Charles A. Wenzlaff had limited educational advantages, attending school only un- til he was thirteen years of age. He received part of his training in a school connected with the German Lutheran Clunch, and later studied in the public schools of Blue Island. When he left school, he began work in the planing mill of Riggs & Goodwill, as a helper at a machine, and he followed this branch of employment for a number of years. He next found a place in the mill of Mr. Russell, on Har- bor and Green Bay Avenues, where he remained until he found employment with the North Chi- cago Rolling Mill Company, now the Illinois Steel Company. When he began working for the above company, he helped the brick ma- sons, then was assistant to the straighteners, working on the hot bed two and one-half years, and for the past seven years he has been a rail straightener. He is careful, thoughtful and faith- ful in his work, and has thus been able to ad- vance in position by degrees. When Mr. Wenzlaff bought a lot in September, 1896, at No. 9018 Green Bay Avenue, he was able to build a comfortable home, which he has occupied ever since. April 29, 1889, he married Miss Louise Augusta Stark, daughter of Fred- erick and Mary (Boger) Stark. Her parents are among the oldest families in Blue Island, where they are universally respected. Mr. and Mrs. Wenzlaff had four children, namely: an infant son, deceased; Charles Elmer, Edward William and Herbert John. The last-named also died when an infant. Mrs. Wenzlaff was reared in the Methodist faith, and the family is now connected with the Emanuel Evangelical German Lutheran Church. Mr. Wenzlaff sympathizes largely with the Re- publican party, but he is independent in politics. He is thrifty in business, and has always been so careful in his expenditures that he upholds the reputation of German-Americans for frugality. LIBRARY OF THE WYERSITY OF ILLINOIS CHARLES E. BOLLES. C. E. BOLLES. 327 CHARLES E. BOLLES. EHARLES EDWIN BOLLES, a leading citizen of Oak Park, has long been identified with large enterprises in Cook and Du Page Counties. He was born at Cambridgeport, Wind- sor County, Vermont, October 14, 1844. His parents were Lemuel Bolles and Mary Ann Wea- ver. The former carried on a general store at Cambridgeport, and also employed a number of wagons and carts in distributing his goods through the country. He died there in May, 1848, at the age of thirty-six years. He was a son of Lemuel Bolles, a native of Richmond, New Hampshire. The first ancestor of this family of whom a record has been preserved was Joseph Bolles, born 1608 and died 1678. He was of Scotch and English lineage, and came to Am- erica early in the colonial period. His descend- ants in direct line to Lemuel Bolles, senior, were Samuel, Jonathan, and Jonathan, junior. The last-named, who was born in 1732 and died in 1824, removed to Richmond, New Hampshire, and later to Rockingham, Vermont. The mem- bers of this family have always been conspicuous for longevity 'and physical vigor, a number of them having lived past the great age of ninety years. Lemuel and Mary A. Bolles were the parents of one daughter and two sous. Besides Charles E., these were: Delia I., who is now the wife of Hon. Gilbert A. Davis, a leading attorney of Windsor, Vermont, and Esek C., who was born October 4, 1842, and served from May 24, 1861, to June 18, 1864, in Company K, Thirteenth Illinois Volunteers. He was afterwards employed for a number of years as a conductor on the Chi- cago & Eastern Illinois Railroad, and was ac- cidentally killed . while in the service of that corporation, December 6, 1878. After the death of her first husband, Mrs. Mary A. Bolles was married to George J. Atcherson, and in 1855 the family came to Illinois, locating at Turner (now West Chicago), Du Page County. Mr. Atcherson became a leading citizen of that village, where he did a general business in hides, real estate and loans. He took considerable in- terest in public affairs, and for a number of years was supervisor of the township. He died Jan- uary 26, 1884, .and Mrs. Atcherson passed away in the same year. She was very prominent in the work of the Methodist Church at that place, and was held in the highest esteem by all her neighbors. Out of respect to her memory the public schools were closed on the day of her fun- eral, that being the first instance in which a resi- dent of the village was honored in this manner. When the Civil War began Charles E. Bolles, whose name heads this article, offered to enlist in defense of the Union cause, but was rejected, ow- ing to his youth. On the 8th of May, 1862, he was enrolled, however, as a recruit in Company K, Thirteenth Illinois Volunteers. Starting with his comrades from Rolla, Missouri, he inarched to Batesville, Arkansas, where they joined the regiment soon after the battle of Pea Ridge. 328 C. E. BOLLES. Thence they marched to Helena, Arkansas, being cut off for three weeks from all communication with the other Union forces. This march from Rolla, Missouri, to Helena, Arkansas, covered a distance of 1218 miles, much more than the route in a direct line. As it was a dry season, there were but few sources from which supplies of fresh water could be obtained, and most of these had been poisoned by the enemy. They also suffered considerably from lack of food, but upon reaching St. Charles, Arkansas, received abun- dant supplies from the Union gun boats, which had been making every effort to communicate with them. The Thirteenth Regiment was afterwards made the First Regiment, First Brigade, Second Di- vision, of the Army of the Southwest, under com- mand of Gen. Eugene A. Carr. Mr. Bolles participated in a number of skirmishes, and at Chickasaw Bayou, near Vicksburg, he was shot through the right arm, and owing to this dis- ability was mustered out February 10, 1863. Upon his recovery he re-entered the army, as quartermaster's clerk of the Fourteenth (colored) U. S. Infantry. In 1864 he received a certificate from the examining board at Nashville, as a first lieutenant and regimental quartermaster. In the fall of that year he became a quartermaster's clerk, under Captain Eaton, at Dal ton, Georgia, the outermost Union post, after Sherman's evacua- tion of Atlanta. He was afterwards ordered to go by way of New York to Savannah, Georgia. Upon reaching Cincinnati he received orders to return to Chattanooga and close up Captain Eaton's accounts with the post quartermaster at that place. After resuming his journey he had reached Cincinnati, when he was seized with typhoid fever and sent home. After the war he attended the military academy at Fulton, Illinois, and spent one term in the com- mercial department of Wheaton college. He then became a traveling representative and purchasing agent of H. C. Tillinghast & Company, of Chi- cago, with whom he continued five years. After dealing in hardware four years at Turner, he was again connected with that firm until 1880, at which date he became a member of the firm of Bolles & Rogers, wholesale dealers in hides, pelts, and similar goods. This relation still continues, and the firm does the largest business in that line of any concern in Chicago. Mr. Bolles has always been greatly interested in real estate at Turner and other places. He owns a large farm adjacent to that village, and at dif- ferent times has laid out eight or nine subdi- visions. In company with J. H. Lesher, in 1893, he organized the Turner Brick Company, and the product of this establishment has entered into the construction of many of the finest buildings of Chicago and its suburbs. In 1894 he erected upon the old homestead of Mr. Atcherson a fine opera house and business block, which is one of the most substantial and attractive structures in that suburb. He has recently been instrumental in changing the name from Turner to West Chi- cago, and spares no pains in promoting the growth and development of that thriving suburb. He has made a proposition to donate a site and erect a ten-thousand-dollar building for a public library, provided that the citizens raise a fund to stock and equip the same. This offer will no doubt be accepted at an early date. Mr. Bolles was married to Miss Mattie Butter- field, daughter of George W. and Ann (Bennett) Butterfield, pioneer settlers of Du Page County. Mr. Butterfield was born June 29, 1820, and died May 3, 1848. Mrs. Bolles was born in Chicago, and has always lived in Cook and Du Page Coun- ties. Her only daughter, Maud E. , is the wife of Abram Gale, now a resident of West Chicago. Mrs. Bolles is connected with the Congregational Church of Oak Park, which place has been the home of the family since 1878. Mr. Bolles is prominently identified with the Oak Park Club, of which he was vice-president two years. He was always an ardent admirer of James G. Elaine, whose death he regards as a national calamity. He participates to some extent in the local coun- cils of the Republican party, and is chairman of the finance committee of the Oak Park Republican Club. Though often solicited to become a can- didate for public office, he uniformly declines, believing that he can best serve the interests of the community in the capacity of a private citizen. THOMAS GARRITY. 329 THOMAS GARRITY. 'HOMAS GARRITY, an early settler in Chicago, was born in County Mayo, Ire- land, and is a son of Patrick and Mary (Brown) Garrity, natives of that country. His grandfather, Conrad Garrity, spent his life in Ireland, and was engaged in fanning. Some of his children were: Owen, Martin, Mary and Catherine. The sons of Owen - Owen, Patrick, Dominick and John came to America. Patrick now resides in Boston, Dominick in Massachu- setts, and John in Chicago. The children of Martin Garrity John and Owen emigrated to America. John is deceased, and Owen resides in Maryland. Patrick Garrity was born in Ireland, where he was a farmer, and died in 1847, a * the a S e or " eighty-nine years. His wife died three weeks after, at the age of eighty years. They had thir- teen children. Those who lived to maturity are: George, Michael, Owen, James, Thomas, Cath- erine, Biddy and Mary. George was married in Ireland, and died there at the age of forty years; Owen was drowned in Saint Catharines, Canada; Catherine never left Ireland, and died at the age of fifty years; and Mar}' married John Lavelle, and lived in Saint Catharines, Canada. Michael Garrity emigrated to America in 1841, coming to Chicago, and locating at Morgan Park, where he bought about eighty acres of land, and resided until his death. James also emigrated, coming to the United States in 1849. He lived in Mor- gan Park two years, and then removed to South Chicago. The maternal grandfather of Thomas Garrity, the subject of this sketch, married Mary Roan, and Mary Brown was their only child. The Brown family was a wealthy one, and was prom- inent in Irish politics, furnishing three members of the British Parliament, who were brothers, and resided in Dublin. Thomas Garrity received his education in his native country, where he remained until April, 1841. He then emigrated to America, and with his brother built a house on Stony Island, now called Calumet Heights. They occupied it three years, and then Thomas built himself a house on Ninety-fourth Street, where he resided ten years. About 1860 he moved to South Chicago Avenue, where the Calumet Theatre now stands, and erected two houses. The smaller one was after- ward made into a stable, and the other was burned in a fire which caught from a spark from a locomotive engine. Mr. Garrity made his res- idence on South Chicago Avenue until 1871, and then moved to No. 8923 Exchange Avenue, and purchased the right to a tract of land from a man who had a squatter's claim on it. He erected a temporary dwelling, and in 1894 he built his present comfortable residence. For the first nine years of Mr. Garrity's resi- dence in South Chicago, he was employed by Thomas Morgan in the lime kilns in Stony Island, and lie also found time to cultivate his land. He then found employment on various lines of rail- road, at section work, which he continued until about ten years ago, since which time he has en- joyed a life of ease and retirement. January 25, 1842, Mr. Garrity was married, in Parish Kilmore, County Mayo, Ireland, to Miss Ellen McGlain. She was a daughter of Patrick and Mary (Crump) McGlain, wealthy and in- fluential citizens of Ireland. The latter was a daughter of James Crump. Mrs. Garrity was born in 1828, and passed away September u, 33 A. B. BRINKERHOFF. 1882. She was the mother of the following children: George, who died when an infant; Stephen, who died when one week old; Patrick, who was born February 2, 1848, and is now liv- ing at No. 7318 Evans Avenue, Chicago; Mary, who died in infancy; Mary (the second) , who was born August 15, 1851, and died December 2, 1882, being the widow of Laurence O'Neil, who died a year before his wife, and left two children, John Joseph and James Laurence; Michael, who was born March 18, 1852, resides at Saint Paul, Minnesota, and is employed as engineer on a locomotive; Cordelia (called Bridget), who was born October 18, 1857, married Michael S. Mon- roe, and resides in Trenton, Missouri; Ellen, who was born August 18, 1859, married J. T. P. Pick- ett, and lives in Saint Paul, Minnesota; James, unmarried, who was born May 10, 1861, and is employed by the Pullman Palace Car Company as an axle-maker; Thomas, who was born March 18, 1863, and lives in South Chicago, where he is engaged as an engineer in a mill; and John, who was born June 19, 1865, and died when nine months old. J. T. P. Pickett, who married Ellen Garrity, belongs to the Western Associa- tion of Baseball Players, and plays first base in the Minneapolis team. All the children of Thomas Garrity have followed the worthy exam- ple of their father, and lead honest and 'industri- ous lives. ABRAM B. BRINKERHOFF. Gl BRAM BEVIER BRINKERHOFF. Among LJ the railroad men of Chicago who have, by / I their long and faithful service, won a name and place in the history of the Great West and in this volume, should be mentioned the subject of this sketch. He was born June 15, 1836, in Barton, Tioga County, New York. The gen- ealogy of this family in America dates back to Joris Dircksen Brinckerhoff, who was born in Drenthe, Holland, in 1609, and came to America with his family, and settled on the banks of the beautiful Hudson River, where ten successive generations have since made their home. There are to-day at least one thousand persons who bear the name of Brinkerhoff, and about ten thousand others who are descendants, but who bear other names, thus making this family one of the most numerous of the Knickerbockers in America. Joris Dircksen BrinkerhofF settled on Manhattan Island when New Amsterdam num- bered only about three hundred inhabitants. One of his sons was killed by the Indians, probably in Kieft's Indian War of 1643. He held positions of trust for many years, positions which required probity and integrity of character, thus making the family motto, " Constantes fides et integritas," most applicable to him, as it is to the subject of this sketch. As far back as the family can be traced in direct line, the ancestry is as follows: Joris D. , Hendrick, Jacobus, Joris, James I. and Abram B. Joris, grandfather of A. B. BrinkerhofF, was a captain in the Revolutionary War. He married Miss Annatie Demarest, and they had a family of seven sons and four daughters. James I. Brinkerhoft married Rachel Bevier, and their children were: Horatio, Martha, Helen, Abram B., Jacob O. and Annatie. The father was a merchant, farmer and lumberman, being a thrifty, honest man. He came West with his family in 1854, and set- tled near Elgin, Kane Count}-, Illinois, but later removed to McHenry County, where he died at HENRY BIRREN. the age of sixty-five years, and his wife at the age of ninety -two years. Of their children only "Jacob O. and Abram B. are living. The subject of this biography was educated in the common schools of his native State, and learned the mercantile business. He worked on a farm for two years, and then secured a posi- tion as baggageman at Elgin, Illinois, at nine shillings a day, a position for which he was thankful. His mercantile career had fitted him for this position, and he gave general satisfaction. After two years' service at Elgin he was sent to Chicago, as clerk in the freight department of the Chicago & Northwestern Railroad, under J. D. Tyler. His skill and close attention to busi- ness soon won him the confidence and esteem of his superiors, and he became familiar with every detail of the service, in time filling every office in the department. For a short time he was sent to the country to fill temporary vacancies, and then secured the position of agent at Dundee, Kane Count}', Illinois, where he remained eight- een years. But he was not forgotten by the managers of the road, who showed that they ap- preciated his alertness, fidelity and attention to detail by appointing him freight agent at Chi- cago, which position he has filled with great credit to himself ever since, enjoying to a marked degree the confidence of his superior officers. Mr. Brinkerhoff was married at Dundee, Illi- nois, to Miss Ellen E., daughter of Henry E. Hunt, who was a native of New York and an early settler in Illinois. He is a Master Mason, and politically a Republican, but never a politician, belonging to that conservative class of men who consider it a sacred duty to guard the interests of the community by the ballot. He is not a mem- ber of any club, but regards his home as a haven of rest, where he can recreate himself after the day's work is done. HENRY BIRREN. HENRY BIRREN (deceased) was one of the well-known old settlers of Chicago. He was born in Steinsel, Luxemburg, Germany, in July, 1812. In the common schools of his native land he received a good, practical educa- tion. In early life he was apprenticed to the smithing trade, at which he served his time and became a skillful workman. He followed this oc- cupation in various places, and for nine years worked at it in Paris, France. He was also a successful veterinary surgeon, having gained a knowledge of the science from private study and practical experience. In 1845 he came to the United States, crossing the Atlantic in a sailing-vessel and being several weeks on the water. Settling in Buffalo, New York, he remained there three years, working at his trade. He was poor in purse, but ambitious to attain success, and piit away his meagre sav- ings for future investment. In 1848 he settled in Chicago, the city at that time having only fifty thousand inhabitants. Soon after his arrival he established himself in business, although for a brief time at first he worked in the machine shops of the McCormick Reaper Company, and was the first German to establish a blacksmith shop on the North Side. This was located on Dearborn and Chicago Avenues, where for some years he carried on a fairly successful business in smithing and gen- eral repair work, to which he added his veterinary practice. He did quite a business in treating 332 G. H. HOOS. farmer's horses. Later, he removed to North Park Avenue and Eugenie Street, where he lo- cated a shop, and in 1859 branched out in the un- dertaking business, though in a small way at first. His business in this line grew to extensive pro- portions, and for several years he was the only undertaker on the North Side, and had three dif- ferent establishments, one each on Clark Street, North Avenue and Eugenie Street. He grew prosperous, and his surplus was invested in real estate, and he was on the highway to fortune when the Great Fire of 1871 swept away nearly all that he owned, including five buildings. This loss did not dishearten him, however. He re- covered three thousand dollars of insurance, re- built, and continued his former business, and in 1873 he had three undertaking establishments, one on Chicago Avenue and the others on North Avenue and Eugenie Street. Although he labored under disadvantages after the fire, he was yet successful and carried on his business until age compelled its relinquishment, when he turned it over to his two eldest sons. He was united in marriage, in the Fatherland, to Miss Katharine Faber, who bore him twelve children, two of whom died in infancy. Ten grew to maturity, namely: Nicholas, now de- ceased; Cornelius, an undertaker at No. 283 North Avenue; N. H., deceased; Margaret, Mrs. Bernard Brosterhaus; Mary, deceased; Anna; John H.; Peter A., undertaker at No. 842 Lincoln Avenue, Joseph P., an artist of Chicago; and Elizabeth, wife of Henry Zuber, of Chicago. Mr. Birren died November 10, 1880, and his devoted wife survived him, departing this life March 20, 1895. Both were communicants of St. Michael's Roman Catholic Church, and were among its most liberal supporters. Mr. Birren was a public- spirited man, and took an active interest in what- ever, in his judgment, subserved the public good. GEORGE H. HOOS. 0EORGE HENRY HOOS was born July 2, biSsg, on his father's farm in Sandusky, Coun- ty, Ohio. He is a son of Jacob and Christina (Ream) Hoos. Jacob Hoos was born in Ger- many, was a blacksmith by trade, and came to America in 1845, locating in Tiffin, Ohio. When the Civil War broke out, he enlisted in Company F, One Hundred and Twenty-third Oliio Volunteer Infantry, and died in October, 1862, of camp fever, at the age of thirty-five years. His wife was a daughter of Philip Lau- renz Ream, who was a farmer in Germany, and emigrated to America about the same time as Mr. Hoos. After the death of her husband she managed to keep the family together, though she found it no easy task. George Henry Hoos removed to Seneca Coun- ty, Ohio, with his parents when he was two years old. He lived on the farm left by his fa- ther until he was thirteen years old, and then went to Tiffin, Ohio. His educational advan- tages amounted to about one year's attendance at the public schools, and he obtained his educa- tion by his own efforts and by private study. When he removed to Tiffin he was employed in the Tiffin Agriculture Works, where he labored in various departments. He found employment in a grocery store as clerk, and remained three years, next engaging in business with Mr. P. J. Sconnell as a partner, dealing in books, stationery and musical instruments. After three years in this occupation his health was so poor that he decided to try some outdoor employment, and accordingly lived on a farm the next two years. He then P. W. GRAY. 333 returned to Tiffin and was engaged as a clerk in the freight office of the Baltimore & Ohio Rail- road, at which he worked until December i, 1890, when he took a position as cashier in the freight department of the same road, and in January, 1891, he was made station agent. In June, 1892, he became a switchman for the Baltimore & Ohio road, and he remained in that position two years. June 19, 1894, he began as switchman for the Chicago, Lake Shore & East- ern Railroad, and is at present in their employ. Mr. Hoos was married November 16, 1881, to Miss Hattie C. Fisher, daughter of William H. Fisher, of Tiffin, Ohio. They have three chil- dren, namely: Nina Christina, Jennie May and Delia Marie. Mr. Hoos is a member of the Knights of Pythias, being connected with Pick- wick Lodge, No. 177. He was reared in the German Reformed Church. In politics he is an adherent of the Republican party. He is a self- made man, and is intelligent and well read, hav- ing been so anxious to have the greater power and ability which education alone can give, that all through his life he has been a student, learn- ing not only from books, but by careful obser- vation as well. PRESTON W. GRAY. QRESTON WILLIAM GRAY, of Ravens- yr wood, is a representative of one of the early ^5 and well-known families of Cook County. He was born in Monroe Precinct, afterwards the town of Jefferson (which now forms part of the city of Chicago), September 15, 1848. His father, William Perry Gray, of Jefferson Park, is one of the pioneers of Chicago, having come to Cook County in September, 1844. Chicago had at that time about ten thousand inhabitants, and gave no promise of its present size and importance. William Perry Gray was born in Fort Coving- ton, Franklin County, New York, May 24, 1821, and is a son of John and Rebecca (Hastings) Gray. John Gray was born near Dumbarton Castle, in Scotland, and came to America with his parents when but two years old. The family settled in the old town of Cambridge, now Jack- son, Washington County, New York. There John Gray grew to manhood, and about 1808 removed to Franklin County, where he remained until his death. This occurred June 24, 1821, when his son, William Perry Gray, was an in- fant one month old. He was about fifty )'ears old when he died, and the wife and mother sur- vived until April, 1877. She made her home in the town of Jefferson for a number of years. John Gray and his wife were the parents of nine children who grew to mature years. Will- iam P. was the youngest of them, and is the only one now living. Mary, Agnes, Caroline and Rebecca were the daughters, and the first born. They all lived in the State of New York all their lives, and all left children. The eldest son was John, who came to Chicago in 1836. He made his home here for many years, then located in Niles, where he kept a hotel and operated a saw- mill, then moved to a farm in Jefferson, where he lived the remainder of his life. He was at one time sheriff of Cook Count}-. The second of the brothers, Wareham, died at the age of nineteen years. The next son, Walter B. Gray, came to 334 P. W. GRAY. Cook County in 1854, and resided here until his death. James Gray died at the age of twenty- two years. He came West in 1839, and his death occurred quite suddenly soon after. William Perry Gray, as before stated, was the youngest. He lived on the homestead farm in the State of New York until he reached his nine- teenth year. The mother remained a widow un- til her death. She was a most remarkable wo- man, possessing great energy and force of char- acter, and kept her family together until they were successively married and settled, and until her youngest child reached manhood. When William Perry Gray left home he went to Washington County, New York, where his fa- ther had grown from early childhood to manhood. In 1844 he came to Cook County, and in 1845 he returned to Washington County, New York, where he was married in April of that year to Miss Catherine Donahue, a native of that county, and daughter of James and Catherine (Hastings) Donahue. In May following Mr. Gray returned to his work in Cook County, and in 1846 pur- chased one hundred and sixty acres of land in the town of Jefferson, now within the limits of Chi- cago. The purchase price was six and a- quarter dollars an acre, or one thousand dollars for the whole. Later he added forty acres, and still later he divided the land equally between his two sons. The wife he brought from the East died December 31, 1881. Two sons are the only chil- dren surviving from this marriage, Preston W. and Henry A. Four others, John W., James, Caroline M. and Charles E., were born to them and are now deceased. On April 5, 1883, Mr. Gray was married to Miss Louisa Wier, who was born in the town where his first wife was born. He has one son by this union, Herbert W. by name, and has lost two daughters, the elder being named Catherine. Mr. Gray has seen Chicago grow from a few thousand inhabitants to. the second city in America, and has seen Cook Coun- ty grow from a wilderness to its present position of importance and" influence. He is widely known throughout this region and esteemed by all who know him. In early life he was a Demo- crat, but during the Civil War and since he has voted the Republican ticket in national elections. He is not a strong partisan, being liberal in both his political and religious views. Preston W. Gray continued to live on the home farm in the town of Jefferson until 1884. In the mean time the land had become too valuable to be used for farming purposes, and was divided into several parts for market-gardening. The two oldest brothers still own one hundred acres of the old farm. December 24, 1872, Mr. Pres- ton Gray was married to Miss Celia Jordan, ol Allegany County, New York. She is the daugh- ter of Andrew and Eleanor (Stevens) Jordan, early settlers in Allegany County. In May, 1884, the family went to Allegany County, to visit the old home of Mrs. Gray. In August of the same year Mr. Gray joined his family in the State of New York. That portion of New York was producing large quantities of coal oil and the subject of this sketch decided to engage in the oil trade, which proved a successful venture. He continued in this business until 1890, when, hav- ing been severely and apparently permanently in- jured by falling from an oil tank, he decided to retire, and accordingly sold his interests. His family had returned to Chicago the previous year, and on his return he made his home in Jef- ferson Park, where he remained until 1891, when he settled in Ravenswood. He eventually recov- ered from his injury, and is now engaged in the real-estate business at No. 69 Dearborn Street, Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. Gray have two sons, Charles M. , born in the town of Jefferson August 23, 1877, and Louie O. , born at Richburg, Allegany County, New York, February 14, 1888. In politics Mr. Gray is an active Republican, but desires and accepts no official positions. Mr. Gray, his wife and son take an active part in religious work, and are members of the Baptist Church. Mr. Gray is a member of Ravenswood Lodge, No. 777, Ancient Free and Accepted Masons, and Columbia Chapter, No. 202, Royal Arch Masons, and for several years has been a member of the Independent Order of Odd Fellows. LIBRARY OF THE OF ILLINOIS T. F. WITHROW. 335 THOMAS F. WITHROW. 'HOM AS FOSTER WITHROW was born in Kanawha County, Virginia (now West Virginia), March 6, 1832. His father, who was a physician, was bound his son should be a medical practitioner, but the son had an early bent for the law, which brooked no opposition; on this account, as his father would not furnish necessary funds, his early years were mainly self-educated. When sufficiently advanced, he taught district schools, thereby earning the means wherewith to attend the Western Reserve College, situated at Delaware, Ohio. By reason of his father's death during his youth, he was obliged to drop his books, leave college, and forthwith pro- ceed to business life in order to support his wid- owed mother and his sister. Adopting for a season the journalistic field, that he might lay up money to prosecute ultimate legal aims, at the age of twenty-one he was ap- pointed local editor upon the Republican, pub- lished at Mt. Vernon, Ohio, removing in 1855 to Zanesville, in the same State, to assume editor- ship in chief of the Free Press. Although excep- tionally brilliant in this sphere of occupation (a fact amply vouched for by his rapid rise therein), he felt that his powers were not called upon to their fullest extent, and that he would be alto- gether unable in any field, save the law, to find a theme whose ringing echoes should sound the melody of his life. Upon the death of his dearly beloved mother in the fall of 1856, he commenced the study of law in the offices of Miller & Beck, of Fort Madi- son, Iowa. The following year witnessed his admission to the practice of the local bar of his newly acquired home in Des Moines, Iowa, where he first opened his office. Directly his unusual abilities became voiced, he was sought for private secretary by Governor Ralph P. Lowe (the first Republican to assume the gubernatorial functions in that State), as also by his successor in office, Governor Samuel J. Kirkwood. Fancy can read- ily picture what flames were added to his aspira- tions by such distinguished environment at the inception of his young career. Prosperity, how- ever, far from spoiling him, amplified both his talents and his tact; wherefore, recognizing his fitness for so exacting a function, the proper au- thorities selected our modestly-laureled subject to act as Official Reporter of the Supreme Court of the State of Iowa; the well-digested results of his long incumbency of such office being embodied in some fourteen volumes of Iowa State Reports, containing decisions upon all branches of law as issues were made on appeals, and which, as the decrees of the court of dernier resort, are prece- dents in that State for future adjudication. In 1863 the deserts of his exceedingly enthusi- astic political services were formally acknowledged in his elevation to the highly responsible position of Chairman of the Iowa State Republican Com- mittee. During this period his alert faculties were so impressed by the necessities calling for better means for effectual campaign work, that he originated a new code of methods, thereupon proven to be so superior in conception that they have been very largely followed and patterned after ever since. The unusual needs of these ' 'war times' ' so enthused his impressionable mind that he foresaw and spoke as a party prophet or law- giver. None has left a brighter, more wholesome memory in the political annals of that State, so long his honored and honoring home. In 1866 he was made local Division Attorney for the Rock Island & Pacific Railway, his ser- vices manifesting such activity and success that in 1873 he was rewarded by an advancement to the chief post of his department; under the title 336 T. F. WITHROW. of General Solicitor, whereupon removal of resi- dence was made to the situs of the general offices of that road at Chicago. Litigation increased in bulk to such a degree, that in after years they found it would be expedient to select two such solicitors, at which juncture Mr. Withrow was installed in the newly created office of General Counsel for the entire system, having a general supervision over a corps of able legal subordi- nates, in person only going into the highest courts upon questions of weightier import. These duties he continued with conscientious energy to administer until the time of his decease, Febru- ary 3, 1893, since which time the Rock Island Railway has withheld from elevating any suc- cessor to his so peculiarly honored seat. On the occasion set apart by the Supreme Court of Iowa for the delivering of eulogies upon the life-work and character of Mr. Withrow, among numerous eloquent tributes paid to his superlative worth on the part of professional old friends and associates, we find in the address par excellence, spoken by Judge Wright, the follow- ing passage: ' 'As a lawyer, he was industrious, conscientious, aggressive, and of the quickest perceptions. He had a genius for hard and ef- fective work, all of which was done thoroughly, slighting nothing. * He was the very soul of fidelity to his client. His greatest power was fertility of resource. * * Generous and considerate, alas, that he must pass away in the prime of life!" It was this ' 'genius for hard and % effective work" which led to his untimely, sudden death, through heart failure. The fall previous, in the retirement of his summer home at Lake Geneva, he had spent several very laborious weeks in pre- paring for hearing an extremely important case for his corporation, from which particular over- work, though he respited, he never fully recov- ered. Sturdy as an oak, which under careful cherishing outstands the violence of myriad sea- sons, his ardent temperament recked not of the prudences of life; with him it was always ' 'This is the battle! This must end in victory!" And so into the seething flames of a too consumingly brilliant professional life, he had cheerfully thrown that score of years of reserved force which, along more conservative lines, would undoubtedly have sufficed him to meet with heroic fortitude the slowly gathering shadows of a quite advanced age. But who will take upon him to assert that he was not well contented on the whole that it befell as indeed it did? For had not the solicita- tions of friends often cautioned him against his so lavish expenditure of exceptional energies? Let us take example of this ' 'faithfulness unto death, ' ' his most fitting eulogy, and rarest, pure balm ol solace to the bereaved. By religious faith he was a Unitarian; always in attendance upon the inspiring services of the Rev. Dr. Robert Collyer while he so long and efficiently filled the pulpit of Unity Church of this city. Of later years a warm friendship had grown up between him and the late Rev. Dr. David Swing, who officiated so feelingly at the obsequies, unspeakably regretful over the loss of his lawyer- naturalist comrade; for they were boon mates together in the woods and fields, mutually wor- shiping the omnipresent God as they walked. Like his father, Mr. Withrow was an exceed- ingly devoted abolitionist, at a period when Vir- ginia was not at all prolific of such citizenship. Many a colored man was able through their agency to breathe the free air of the North. In- deed, so bitter grew the local sentiment engen- dered by the temerity of so exceptional an attitude, altogether hostile to southern tenets, that it became expedient, and was the chiet cause of, the family removal to Ohio. No less zealous -in this new field, and grown to great prominence in the dominant party, what pleasure our friend must have experienced over that im- mortal proclamation of President Lincoln, with its ensuing complete practical ratification! We sincerely believe that no happier moments than these crowned his life, unless, possibly, the con- templation of these signal, national transactions in later years, while seated upon his own mag- nificent premises overlooking Chicago Lincoln Park, of which he was a Commissioner, being thus in full view of the superb bronze statue of the President himself, of the fund for erecting which he had been a trustee. J. M. WARREN. 337 Vivacious and sociable, a semi-public life had found him a member of many choice clubs and societies; but with growing domesticity necessi- tated by maturer years, added to the drains made by constant prefessional duties upon his vitality, he withdrew more and more into the quiet enjoy- ments afforded by home life, especially delighting in belles lettres, in whose rich domain he was during the thirty-five most busily occupied years of professional activity, never less than an ambi- tious student and philosophic meditator. Here the richest verbal expressions of genius became again his living legacy, always ready at a neces- sitous crisis to do his eloquent bidding. At the time of his demise he was still enrolled with the Chicago Literary Club, as for the many years past, as well as with the famous Grolier Club of New York City. Mr. Wi throw was married October 27, 1859, at Hamilton, Madison County, New York, to Miss Jane Frances Goodwin, who survives him, together with three children born unto them, as follows: Henry Goodwin Withrow, born April 29, 1861, whose advanced education was com- pleted in the University of Michigan, now being engaged in railroading; Charles LeBaron With- row, born in June 1866, matriculated at the Cam- bridge (Massachusetts) Law School, but now in journalistic labors with the Associated Press in New York City; Bonnie Withrow, born in Au- gust, 1867, educated at Ogontz, near Philadel- phia, now largely devoted to philanthropic work, especially the welfare of young women whom fate has thrown upon their own resources. Mrs. Withrow is a daughter of the sea captain, LeBaron Goodwin, of Old Plymouth, Massachu- setts, and Mary, his wife (nee Leggett), of Sarato- ga Springs, New York. Her father removed in mature years to De Ruyter, Madison County, New York, where he led a retired and studious life. The said Mary Leggett was a daughter of Samuel and Susannah Leggett (nee Smith) ; Sam- uel being a son of Isaac and Rebecca Leggett (nee Starbuck), a daughter of Benjamin and Hepsibah Starbuck (nee Bunker). The said LeBaron Good- win was a son of William and Lydia C. Goodwin, (nee Sampson), the former a son of Nathaniel and Lydia Goodwin (nee LeBaron) , a son of John and Mary Goodwin (nee Roby), a son of Nathan- iel (who died in 1754) and Elizabeth Goodwin. Mrs. Withrow is related to eminent families, as will be seen from the fact that through her pa- ternal grandmother, Lydia C. Sampson, she traces back to Nathaniel Gushing, born in 1588 (a son of Peter Cushing, of Norfolk, England), an early American colonist; also to Henry Pitcher, born in 1586, who came early to Hingham, Massachu- setts, in the ship "Delight;" also to Capt. Miles Standish, famous of the "Mayflower" crew; also to Henry Sampson, compeer of Standish, whose grandson Isaac married Lydia, a granddaughter of Captain Standish, and who became in due time grandparents of the said Lydia C. Sampson, the grandmother of Mrs. Withrow. JULIUS M. WARREN. (lULIUS M. WARREN, only son of Daniel I Warren, a pioneer settler of Du Page Coun- G/ ty (see biography elsewhere in this volume), was born in Fredonia, New York, June 13, 1811, being the first white child born in Chautauqua County. He became a member of the New York militia, in which he attained the rank of colonel. With the family, he came to Du Page County in the autumn of 1833, and spent the balance of his life there. He was a very genial and happy-dis- 338 J. M. WARREN. positioned gentleman, and early became a favorite in society. A recent writer in the Chicago Her- ald speaks thus of the society ofthatday: " The so- ciety of all this region, including town and coun- try, forty-five years ago, had its attractive seat and held its principal revelries in the valley of Fox river. 'The best people' that came out from the eastern states to settle in this region did not stop in Chicago, but made for the magnifi- cent farming lands in this vicinity. Some came from central and western New York, where they had seen families of the aristocracy plant them- selves and flourish on the fat lands of the Mohawk and Genesee valleys. To clear off timber and re- duce those great farms to productivity, had taken half a century of time and had exhausted the lives of three generations. This was known to the new emigrants, and as they heard of or saw these Illinois lands, bare of obstinate trees, but clothed with succulent grasses, of nature's sowing; in a climate that possessed no torridity, nor yet any destructive rigors; all this being known before- hand, many refined and cultivated families came out with all their effects, and bought or entered land and proceeded to make themselves homes, which, they had no doubt, would be homes to them for their natural lives." Mr. Warren had a keen sense of humor and was always amiable and cheerful, which made him a favorite in all circles. Instead ofdisaprov- ing the amusements of the young people, he al- ways had a strong sympathy and interest in their pleasures. He was the constant attendant of his sisters, and often laughingly mentioned them as seven reasons why he should not marry. He was also devotedly attached to his mother who was justly proud of her only son. Together they kept house until her death, when he induced his nephew to bring his family to live on the old homestead at Warrenville, where he continued to reside. He passed away on the first of May, 1893, his last words being, ' 'Take me home to my mother. ' ' In speaking of Colonel Warren and the village of Warrenville, we again quote from the Herald: "He called in a storekeeper, a blacksmith, a coop- er and a carpenter, and a tavernkeeper came in good time. Naperville was a smaller village, hav- ing but two log houses. Aurora scarcely had a being, and St. Charles was not. But all along on the banks of the Fox river were settlers of a high class, who had knowledge of and corres- pondence with the eastern portions of the United States. Foremost among these was Judge Whip- pie, who, acting with the Warrens, father and son, organized and gave direction to local affairs. They were without postal facilities of any kind, and every family had to send a member into Chicago for letters and papers. A letter from Buffalo to any place on the Fox river was from four to six weeks in coming, and to Chicago cost fifty cents postage. Colonel Warren making use of eastern friends, got a postoffice (the first in the valley) established at Warrenville in 1833, and himself appointed postmaster. He was his own mail-carrier, making weekly trips, on foot some times, to Chicago and out again, with letters and papers for distribution through his office to people in all that section. Colonel Warren held this of- fice for fifty years, and only lost it when President Cleveland came in the first time. ' ' Although chiefly self-educated, Colonel Warren was a thoroughly well-read man, and was admir- ably fitted for a leader in politics, as well as in so- ciety. He represented his district for three suc- cessive terms in the State Legislature, from 1840 to 1843, but refused to longer remain in public life, preferring the quiet joys of his home and neighborhood to anything the capital or metropo- lis might offer. He continued to manage the large homestead farm until his death. He was a loyal adherent of the Republican party, having espoused its leading principles before its organi- zation. The following incident will indicate the kindly nature of Colonel Warren and his noble mother, as well: A young lawyer of Chicago, now known throughout Illinois as the venerable ex- Chief Jus- tice of the State, John Dean Caton, fell sick of fever while staying at the log tavern in Naper- ville, one of the two buildings of that village. Hearing of the case, Colonel Warren went at once to see what he could do to render the suf- ferer comfortable, and soon decided to remove him to his own home, where he could receive better F. W. PECK. nursing than at the little frontier tavern. This probably saved the life of the patient, who attrib- utes his recovery to the careful nursing of Mrs. Warren and her daughters, with such aid as Colonel Warren could apply. The last-named saw the completion of his eighty-second year, full of humor and harmless badinage to the last, and died as the result of an attack of pneumonia, after an illness of only two days, leaving as an inspiration to those who come after the record of a well-spent life. FERDINAND W. PECK. ["" ERDINAND W. PECK. Among Chicago's r^ native sons, of whom she is justly proud, is the subject of this sketch. He is the youngest son of P. F. W. Peck, the pioneer settler and merchant of the city (for biography see another page), and was born in the family residence, which stood on ground now covered by the Grand Pacific hotel, July isth, 1848. It is not often that one not stimulated by necessity or forced to cultivate self-reliance achieves anything worthy of note among the active men of to-day. Without this stimulus, Mr. Peck applied himself first to the acquirement of an education, passing through the grades of the city schools, graduating at the High School, the Chicago University and the Union College of Law. Next he took up the practice of his chosen profession, and met with the full measure of success vouchsafed to the young lawyer in a field already occupied by a multitude of able and experienced jurists and attorneys. After several years of practice, with growing business that is bound to come to one of his energy and ability, he was forced to abandon the law to engage in caring for the estate which his father had left to the charge of his sons, at his demise. This property consisted principally of real estate, much of which had been stripped of its im- provements by the great fire of 1871, and which now required constant and careful attention. Under the conservative management of the senior Peck's sons, the estate has prospered, at the same time it has conferred upon the city some of its most valuable and permanent features. Mr. F. W. Peck is a devotee of music and a lover of art, and has been the means of bringing to Chicago much of its culture in these elevating and ennobling studies. For some years he cher- ished the idea of providing the city with facilities sufficiently ample and substantial to bring hither all that was best in the line of intellectual and refining entertainments. The Opera Festival of 1885, of which Mr. Peck was President, brought to the city the finest musical and dramatic enter- tainments ever offered to an American audience, and made apparent to the citizens the need of better facilities for such entertainments. Mr. Peck seized upon this sentiment and organized the Auditorium Association, of which he was unanimously chosen President. The stock was distributed among three hundred subscribers, including the most prominent and wealthy citizens, and the result is known to every denizen of the city, in one of its most conspicuous land- marks the Auditorium. A recent writer says : ' ' The genius of the world has exhausted itself in devising and erecting architectural edifices. The Parthenon in the age of Pericles, glorious in all the adorn- ments of art wrought by the chisel of Phidias and brush of Praxiteles, was a temple of heathen worship; the mighty walls of the Coliseum were 340 F. W. PECK. raised to furnish an arena for gladiatorial brutal- ity. Mediaeval architects reared the clustered columns and vaulted arches of Gothic cathedrals to woo men to pious aspirations; the chaste lines and sculptured walls of the " Nouvelle Opera" were raised as a temple of music and dramatic art; each had or has its beauties and special use; but it remained for the genius of Chicago to con- ceive and its enterprise to provide, by private munificence, a structure as perfect as any in sub- stantial utility, both as a gathering place of the multitude and a temple of all the arts; the per- fection of architectural genius. It is more capa- cious than the Albert Hall of South Kensington, more substantial than the new opera of Paris; chaste, solid and sublime." Mr. Peck has shown the same zeal, energy and ability in the conduct of public business which has been placed in his charge that mark all his own undertakings. As chairman of the finance committee of the World's Columbian Ex- position he assumed a heavy responsibility, and aided in bringing that stupendous enterprise through successfully and paying every pecuniary obligation. This involved the expenditure of over $30,000,000, and was calculated to test the capacity of the greatest financiers. Mr. Peck is also associated in official capacity with many of the permanent institutions of the city, including most of those calculated to promote an aesthetic sentiment among the people. Some of these official positions are the presidency of the Chicago Athenaeum, the Auditorium Association and the Union League Club; he has been Vice-president of the Board of Education of the city of Chicago, and was Vice-president of the World's Columbian Exposition, with a seat in its board of reference and control, on its executive committee, commit- tee on legislation and special committee on cere- monies, in addition to the finance committee, as above noted. Mr. Peck's habits and manners are wholly un- ostentatious, and he is ever affable and kind to all who may come in contact with him. In the midst of a busy life, full of cares and responsibil- ities, he gives much attention to the amenities of life and has been an extensive traveler. In sum- mer he spends much time out of doors, and main- tains a summer home at Oconomowoc, Wisconsin, and enjoys the honor of being Commodore of the Wisconsin Yacht Club. His favorite yacht is named the "Tarpon," in honor of his good for- tune in capturing an enormous tarpon while fish- ing off the coast of Florida at one time. In his handsome home on Michigan Avenue, in the city, are found a happy and congenial wife, four sons and two daughters. Mrs. Peck is the daughter of the late William A. Spalding, a sketch of whom appears on another page. In speaking of Mr. Peck, the History of Chi- cago says: "One only slightly familiar with the telltale disclosures of physiognomy, looking upon his mild, refined and thoughtful features, cannot fail to be impressed that behind them is character of more than ordinary delicacy of sentiment and maturity of mind, that belongs rather to the aes- thetic than to the gross and material lines of thought and action. While not an artist, he is a lover of art; his mind has a constructive qual- ity, which, with sympathy with human needs and enthusiasm for the uplifting of the standard of life among the masses of the people, calls him to undertake enterprises of pith and magnitude, for the education of the people, for inspiring them with higher ideals of life, and leading them from the indulgence of degrading passions, through the ministries of the ' diviner arts, ' to higher planes of living and enjoyment. This type of mind is not often found amid the rush and com- petition of life in our great cities. To its pos- session and well-developed proportions by so many of the well-to-do young men of Chicago, whose names will readily occur to the observant student of her inner life, is due in great part the aesthetic character which Chicago has taken on, despite her unwonted devotion to the more sordid pursuits of her gigantic enterprises. With her university and schools of every "sort, with her art studios and collections, with her social clubs, mu- sical festivals and dramatic entertainments, and especially since her magnificent triumph in con- structing and maintaining the grandest exhi- bition of art and industry which the world has ever seen, Chicago easily leads all other Ameri- J. F. STAFFORD. can cities in aesthetic development, and stands not far behind such old-world centers of art and artists as Paris, Brussels and Florence. ' ' The stockholders of the Auditorium Associa- tion have caused to be placed in the foyer of the Auditorium a bronze bust of Mr. Peck, upon the granite pedestal of which has been inscribed: "A tribute to the founder of this structure, from the stockholders of the Auditorium Association, in recognition of his services as their President, in behalf of the citizens of Chicago. 1 889. ' ' CAPT. JOHN F. STAFFORD. EAPT. JOHN FRANCIS STAFFORD, who was for many years connected with the mer- cantile and maritime interests of Chicago, was born in Dublin, Ireland, August 12, 1820. His father, John Stafford, was a provision mer- chant, and an intimate friend of Daniel O' Council, the famous Irish patriot. His mother's maiden name was Sarah Mallon. In the year 1828 the family removed to Port Hope, Canada West (now Ontario), where John Stafford bought and operated a grist, saw and fulling mill. In the following winter he was frozen to death while on the road between Port Hope and Toronto. The next spring his widow moved to Rochester, New York, where, a few years later, her son John began the study of medicine in the office of Elwood & Toby, the former then one of the eminent surgeons of the State, and the latter a prominent physician. Two years later, in 1832, Mrs. Stafford died of cholera, and the son abandoned his medical studies; but he never forgot his mother's counsel and made it the rule of his life, which has always been up- right and stainless. At the age of fourteen he began life on the great lakes in the capacity of cabin boy on the ship "Julia Palmer," of Buffalo, New York. In those days the old custom of serving grog (in this case it was Santa Cruz rum) prevailed, and at eleven o'clock each day the crew had its daily rations. Being anxious to succeed, young Staf- ford spent several years as a sailor, and gradually worked up to a position as master, which he ac- quired in 1849, at which date he became part owner and captain of the brig "Boston," of Buf- falo. In this capacity he spent three years on the lakes. In 1851 he settled in Chicago, and engaged in the business of ship chandler and grocer on South Water Street, in which occupation he re- mained nine years. During that time he bought vessels, and in 1860 he owned a fleet often. One of these, the brig "Banner," made the voyage from Chicago to Buffalo in four days and two hours. In the year 1859 he purchased a half interest in Sans' Ale Brewing Company. This firm manufactured a very fine quality of ale and supplied the United States Government, under contract, with one hundred barrels of ale daily, for use in the hospitals of the sick and wounded, during the War of the Rebellion. Mr. Stafford was a member and principal cap- italist in the firm of Bennett, Peters & Co., then the largest wholesale liquor house west of New York. He sold his interest in the two last-men- tioned firms in 1869, and disposed of his fleet of ships the following year, since which time he has not been actively engaged in business. During all these years he had been active in politics, and through this activity became well acquainted with 342 J. F. STAFFORD. all the public men of his political (Republican) faith in the State of Illinois since Richard Yates was elected Governor of this commonwealth. Although often solicited to become a candidate for office, he would never consent, and has held but one political position. During Mr. Yates' term as Governor of Illinois Mr. Stafford was prevailed upon to accept the appointment of Coal Oil Inspector, in order to give the city the bene- fit of his experience and ability in straightening out the irregularities previously prevailing in the administration of that office. This he did in eight months, and promptly resigned. After the great fire of 1871 he was a prominent member of the Aid and Relief Committee, and contributed liberally to assist the sufferers by that disaster. It was in a work of vast importance to the citi- zens of Chicago that Captain Stafford most dis- tinguished himself, not only by his steadfastness of purpose, but also by the results of his efforts in a matter which involved the title to millions of dollars' worth of property. In the year 1869 the Legislature of the State of Illinois granted to the Illinois Central Railroad Company the use of the lake shore a long distance south of the Chicago River. The company afterward, in the exercise of its riparian rights, usurped the rights of own- ership over the adjacent portions of the lake and filled up a portion of the harbor, subjecting so much of the lake as it chose to its own purposes. At the time of the passing of the statute providing for the conveyance of an easement to the com- pany, it was held to be illegal by some of the best lawyers, and a meeting of merchants, cap- italists and others was called to take measures to resist the encroacnments of the railroad company. As a result of this meeting, J. Young Scammon, Thomas Hoyne and John F. Stafford were ap- pointed a committee to take proper steps to re- strain the company from exercising riparian rights on the lake front. In pursuance thereof, an injunction was obtained from the lower court, which was sustained, but the railroad company carried the case up until it finally reached the Supreme Court of the United States, and there, twenty-four years after its institution, the case was decided adversely to the company. One hundred million dollars' worth of property, it was estimated, was thus saved to the citizens of Chicago. While the suit was in the courts, Cap- tain Stafford's colleagues had died, and he alone had been left to see the end of this famous suit. During all the years of this litigation Captain Stafford had given the case unremitting attention, and expended his money liberally in forwarding the interests of the people, and did it all gratu- itously. In March, 1854, at Buffalo, New York, Cap- tain Stafford was married to Miss Elizabeth C. Cadwallader, daughter of Michael Cadwallader, City Comptroller of that city, and for many years editor of the Buffalo Journal. It is a noteworthy fact that Gen. Thomas Proctor, the maternal grandfather of Mr. Cadwallader, inducted Gen- eral Washington into the mysteries of Free Ma- sonry. Mrs. Stafford died in 1861, leaving two daughters, Juniata and Minnie, who reside with their father. Although Mr. Stafford finds no more pleasant place than his comfortable home on the North Side, he has spent much time during recent years in travel, always accompanied by one of his daughters. The summer season of the year was spent in northern resorts and the winter in the South, sometimes as far away as Cuba or Mex- ico. During the year 1888 Captain Stafford and Miss Minnie spent six months in Europe, visiting the home of his childhood (after an absence of sixty-two years), the four quarters of Britain and the principal countries of Southern Europe. In politics Captain Stafford has been an earnest and unflinching Republican since the organization of the party. He has never been a candidate for office, but has chosen, rather, to help deserving friends to good positions. In religious faith he is an Episcopalian, and for seventeen years has been vestryman of Trinity Church. There is no man in Chicago deserving a larger circle of warm friends, or more highly esteemed for public ser- vices than genial, warm-hearted Captain Stafford, whose fidelity to the interests of the people of Chicago will be long remembered. LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS C. M. HAWLEY. 343 HON. CYRUS M. HAWLEY. EYRUS MADISON HAWLEY was born in Cortland County, New York, in January, 1815. His liberal education, for the times, was received at the Albany (New York) Normal School, under the tutelage of the eminent scholar, Professor Woolworth. His law studies were begun under the guidance of the distinguished advocate, Joshua A. Spencer, of Utica, New York. On coming to Chicago, in 1847, he con- tinued his application until admission to the local bar in 1849, and in 1862, on motion, was admitted to practice in the Supreme Court of the United States. Says a noted contemporary, "By force of native genius and industry, he directly took a front position in the ranks of his profession." Remarkable indeed was the degree of success which attended his twenty-five continuous years of legal practice here, being annually retained by such opulent clients as John V. Farwell & Com- pany and Field, Leiter & Company; and his profes- sional affiliations being for many years with such 1 ^a\ giants as Senator Lyman Trumbull and his brother, George Trumbull. In 1869 he was nominated by President U. S. Grant to act as Associate Justice of the Supreme Court for the Territory of Utah, which appoint- ment was, on the I5th of April of that year, unanimously confirmed by the United States Sen- ate. To this new sphere of usefulness he was warmly welcomed, delivering the Fourth of July oration at Salt Lake City the year of his arrival, which was very highly complimented and at once established his ability as a public speaker, in addition to his known superior legal acquirements and the laurel crown of jurist about to be won. Of the succeeding four years, through which he sat upon the Supreme bench of that polygamy- practicing territory, it would be quite difficult to speak in full justice, but, in the language of two of his conservative biographers,- we may chron- icle, "Among the distinguished persons who have figured in the affairs of Utah, there is none deserving a more respectful notice than Judge Hawley . ' ' ' 'Every subject demanding his official attention has been grasped firmly and fearlessly, and his written decisions and opinions upon the various legal issues which have been submitted to his consideration are noted for their soundness, ability and perspicuity." Taking a firm stand against the Mormon sys- tem, as might have been expected, he encoun- tered the solid antagonism of its united press and public efforts, in which he was made the sub- ject of undeserved censure and even vituperative abuse. But the golden purity of his judgment and decisions continued unsullied by malign tra- ducers, living now in the immortal canons of law of that region, wherein his own bravely sown seeds were among the first and noblest to bear governmental fruit. On all questions involving polygamy or other associated evils, which were a growing menace to these United States, he took the most determined and unwavering stand against further usurpation by, or continuance in the prac- tice of such customs. No more doughty champion of the right has ever thrown down the glove of challenge against Mormon-entrenched hierarchy; for to the subject of this sketch, as much as to any single person, is due credit for the improved pres- ent tone and condition of that territory, now ad- mitted to our sisterhood of States. From among many of his prominent decisions, afterward published in pamphlet form, we make mention of the following: "Opinion of the Su- preme Court as to the Jurisdiction of Probate Courts in the Territory of Utah," 1870; "An Important United States Supreme Court Decision for Utah," 1871; "Arrest of Militia Officers in 344 C. M. HAWLEY. Utah Territory," after 1870; "Militia Officers in Utah Territory, Habeas Corpus Decision," after 1870; "Habeas Corpus Decision of January 28, 1873;" "The Mormons and the Treaty with Mexico;" "A Review of a Decision of the Su- preme Court of the United States," after 1870; "Opinion on the Original Jurisdiction of the Su- preme Court," Supreme Court of the United States, October term, 1873, on appeal. One of the most memorable acts of Judge Haw- ley in connection with this epoch of his career was his causing the arrest of Bishop Lee, leader of the Mountain Meadow Massacre, who was sub- sequently indicted, tried and convicted, the death penalty being executed upon the very spot of the bloody massacre. Because of such heroic and judicial acts as the foregoing, upon the eve of his departure from Utah for he had been too stu- dious in performance of duties to seek subtle means of continuance or preferment in office his recent friends and associates, made in these few but eventful years, tendered him a dignified but cordial banquet in this formal manner: "SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH, April 8, 1873. "Hon. C. M. Hawley, ' 'Dear Sir: Understanding that it is your intention to return to your former home in Chi- cago, we desire to evince before your departure in some suitable manner our appreciation of your character as a citizen, gentleman, and an able, fearless and incorruptible judge. "We, therefore, respectfully tender to you the compliment of a dinner on the evening of the nth instant, when we may have another opportunity of expressing the esteem, confidence and friend- ship we now entertain and have ever entertained for you in your personal and official capacity." The foregoing was signed by leaders at the bar, and, upon acceptance, was the occasion of a remarkable gathering, including many distin- guished legal lights, federal functionaries and army officers, which called forth many a brilliant and touching expression of sentiment. From that post of honor, after some journey- ings, he settled for a time at Washington, D. C., as a copartner of the Hon. A. G. Riddle, where his, by this time, widely voiced reputation brought distinguished and lucrative retention. But the old home by the lakes always held a warm spot in his heart, and returning to Chicago, he here passed the final years of a worthy life. The vital spark too soon burned out at his substantial resi- dence, No. 5326 Washington Avenue, at ten o'clock in the morning of Wednesday, August 29, 1894. Aside from pursuits of law, he was profuse in discursive literary outpourings on social as well as legal problems. Among numerous lectures delivered we find gratifying reviews of those upon these subjects: "What is Life," "Corinne," "The Mutations of Time." He was, at the time ol his decease, President of the Hyde Park Phil- osophical Society. He was very proud of hav- ing been one of the founders, as likewise a most active and able supporter, of the Chicago "Old Tippecanoe Club, ' ' before whom he repeatedly ap- peared in edifying contributions, notable among which was a paper in 1891 (afterward published as a pamphlet) upon the Italian Mafia trouble at New Orleans. Therein was furnished a learned review of the international laws covering the dis- pute, together with the treaty in force between the two countries, which was made the occasion for suitable resolutions. Most feelingly of their recent loss the Tippecanoe Club adopted the fol- lowing resolutions at a regular monthly meeting, held at the Grand Pacific Hotel, September 29, 1894: "RESOLVED, That the President appoint a committee of three to present a paper expressive of the profound sorrow of the Club for the death of Judge Cyrus Madison Hawley." The President therefore appointed the following committee: Dr. J. W. Harmon, Henry Sayrs and Rev. W. S. Post. That committee presented the following report: "Since our last meeting this Club has met with an irreparable loss in the death of Judge Cyrus Madison Hawley. "He was one of our most talented and influen- tial members. No member of this Club could speak upon questions which were discussed at our meetings with more force and eloquence. He attended our meetings quite regularly, and always contributed to their interest. "He was a patriot. Descended from a long line of revolutionary and patriotic ancestors, he was a worthy son of such noble sires. ' 'He was an able expounder and defender of C. M. HAWLEY. 345 the foundation principles of this Club and of the Republican party. In him were embodied the essential and enduring principles which are the foundation of the prosperity of our government. "Judge Hawley was a man of great ability. He was a logical and consecutive reasoner. His keen intellect enabled him to see the pith and very essence of questions which he discussed, and he always supported his propositions with con- summate skill, force and ability. "He was the author of many papers which have been published. "He also left a large number of manuscripts, which the writer of this has read, and they all give evidence of profound study and research and great ability. "The death of Judge Hawley is a great loss to this Club. We all mourn the sad event. There- fore, be it ' 'Resolved, That by the death of Judge Hawley, the old Tippecanoe Club of Chicago loses one of its most esteemed and valuable members, and that we all deeply deplore the sad event. ' 'Resolved, That this report be entered upon the records of this Club, and that a copy of it be sent to the family of the deceased." It is thus apparent that the subject of this sketch was in political views a Republican, in whose ranks few were more modestly conspicu- ous. An Abolitionist, he lived to see the greatest stain upon national and domestic annals wiped away; an early advocate (in 1861) of the right and duty of government to issue treasury notes as a circulating medium, as a means with which to meet immediate fiscal governmental demands, he saw that opinion become an established adminis- trational dogma. What affords a more impressive spectacle than to see one pass away in the fullness of years and fame? Prominent, as lawyer; consummately able, as a jurist; stanch, as a friend; devoted, as husband and father; independent in means ac- quired through channels of laborious honor; surely we may safely leave his memory and his fame to the goddess of impartial hand, who con- siders the consciences, and records for all eternity the deeds of each . Judge Hawley 's charities were dispensed with quiet unostentation, but were none the less very substantial both in amount and judicious selection of the donees. Witness, during his lifetime he was a periodical giver to the Chicago Presbyte- rian Hospital, the Newsboys' and Bootblacks' Association, and the Protestant Orphan Asylum, his contributions to each of these often amounting to as much as $500 yearly. In his will he pro- vided for the annual payment to all of said insti- tutions of $500 during the lifetime of two of his immediate relatives, and upon their deaths the whole o his ample estate is devised in fee to be divided among the said institutions. Who can foresee the amount of good thus accomplished, the suffering relieved and the buds of many noble manhoods forever quickened? Thus he reared a monument in the hearts of unborn thousands who are yet to arise and bless his life and memory. Judge Hawley was a lifelong Presbyterian in religious faith, having been a member of the First Presbyterian Church, of Chicago, for upward of thirty years. Its pastor, the Rev. Dr. Barrows, preached his funeral sermon in sincerely glowing terms. He was buried at Penfield, New York, beside his deceased wife. In 1862 he married Sophia Fellows, of Penfield, New York; her father being a lawyer of good abilities, and her grandfather the General Fellows who performed heroic service for the colonies in the Revolutionary War. Upon her decease, Mr. Hawley, January 19, 1893, married Mrs. Annie Fulton Loomis (a widow), of Chicago, who survives him. Her maiden name was Fulton, the family being of Scotch-Presbyterian descent, one branch of which produced the immortal Robert Fulton, inventor of the first steamboat, successfully launched on the Hudson River in 1814. Her mother was Elizabeth Moore, a daughter of Major Thomas Moore, famed in connection with the War of 1812. He had two children: C. Myron Hawley, who was admitted to the bar and served his father as Clerk of the Court in Utah, where he untimely died of pneumonia; and a daughter, now Mrs. Charles Bumford, of New York City. Cyrus Madison Hawley was a son of Lewis and Sarah Hawley, nee Tanner, a daughter of James and Hannah Tanner, nee Hazard, of Newport, Rhode Island, they having been formerly of Huntington, Connecticut, but removing to Solon, 346 I. N. CAMP. New York, where they were prominent residents for upward of half a century. Ascending the lineage in America, we record the following: His grandparents were Joseph and Anna Hawley, nee Lewis, a daughter of Na- thaniel and Ruth Lewis, nee Beardsley, of Hunt- ington, Connecticut. Joseph was a son of Cap- tain Francis and Rachel Hawley, nee Davis, a daughter of John and Sarah Davis, nee Chatfield, of "Great Hill" Derby, Connecticut, residents of Huntington. Francis was a son of Samuel, Jr., and Bethia Hawley, nee Booth, a daughter of Ephraim and Mary Booth, nee Clark, of Strat- ford, Connecticut, who lived at Stratford, and later at Derby, Connecticut. Samuel, Jr., was a son of Samuel, Sr., and Mary Hawley, nee Thompson, a daughter of Thomas and Ann Thompson (nee Welles, of Farmington, Connect- icut) , of Stratford, Connecticut. Samuel was a son of Joseph Hawley, ' ' Yaoman and Town Re- corder," and Katherine Birdsey, of Stratford, Connecticut. The last said Joseph Hawley came to America about 1629 or 1630, from "Parwidge" (now Par- wick), Derbyshire, England, which is a place located about nine miles northwest of Old Derby; he settled upon "Home Lot No. 37," as set off by the "first inhabitants of Stratford, Connecti- cut." Here he died at the advanced age of eighty-seven, his burial spot being still identified by a well-worn slate tablet (an exceptional mark among early New England settlers) , on which is yet legible its inscription, "J. H. May 20, 1690." From a work embodying the results of great labor and research, into which we have been privileged to examine in connection herewith (the volume being entitled the "Hawley Record, 1066 to 1890," a heavy quarto tome), we ascertain that this family is both very ancient and honor- able. The line is of Norman origin; the first Hawley, as appears from the "Roll of Battel Abbey' ' (that consummate aggregate genealogical tree builded by "The Conqueror," back to whom is traced so much of the good and bad of the past nine hundred years of English history), came into England in 1066 from France with the con- quering King William I. The arms of the Derby (England) Hawleys are, " vert a saltier engrailed argent. Crest, a dexter arm in armor ppr. , gar- nished or holding in the hand a spear in bend sinister, point downward ppr. Motto, "sitivez moi." The etymology of this patronymic sug- gests itself as a compound of the root words, "haw" and "ley," which might be intelligently interpreted as ' 'A meadow field enclosed by haw- thorns. Stratford, Connecticut, the ancestral American seat, is situated very advantageously upon Long Island Sound, in Fairfield County, which is not only the southwesternmost in that State, but all New England; here the Hawley family has been prominent for many generations. As one au- thority states, ' 'The name of Hawley has stood pre-eminent in the ranks of jurists and statesmen of New England." ISAAC NEWTON CAMP. CVS AAC N. CAMP, one of the prominent busi- ness men of Chicago, who has been success- X fully engaged in mercantile pursuits in this city for more than a quarter of a century, is a native of Elmore, Lamoille County, Vermont, having been born thereon the igth of December, 1831. His ancestors were colonial settlers in the Green Mountain State. His parents, Abel and I. N. CAMP. 347 Charlotte (Taplin) Camp, were both natives of Vermont. The father was a farmer, whose sound sense and good judgment gave him the position of leading citizen among the people of the town in which he lived. For several years he held the office of Postmaster and Town Clerk. He died on the 22d of December, 1890, aged ninety years. In respect to his longevity, he was like his father, grandfather and great-grandfather, each of whom lived to a very advanced age. Among other things that came to Mr. Camp, on account of his integrity and financial ability, was the charge of a large tract of land which was left to the Uni- versity of Vermont by Guy Catlin. In connec- tion with the management of this land was a scholarship in the university held by Mr. Catlin, and placed at Mr. Camp's disposal. Isaac Newton Camp, after the usual course in the common schools, attended the academy at Bakersfield, Vermont, where he paid his board by teaching music. At the age of twenty he entered the University of Vermont, where he made use of the scholarship above mentioned, and in his spare time earned enough money to pay his cur- rent expenses. After four years of hard study, interspersed with a liberal amount of hard work, he was graduated and received his diploma from his Alma Mater in 1856. Soon afterward he be- came assistant principal in Barre Academy, which had been transferred from Bakersfield during the time he was in college. There he taught math- ematics and music for four years, after which he became principal of the High school, at Burling- ton, Vermont, filling that position until he came to Chicago, April 20, 1868. In this city Mr. Camp became associated with H. L. Story, and entered the business in which he spent a large portion of his life. The firm took the name of Story & Camp, and continued in business until the spring of 1884, when the Estey Organ Company bought Mr. Story's inter- est, and the firm assumed the style of Estey & Camp, which has been continued to the present date, 1895. Mr. Camp's life is an exemplification of what a man may do if he has ability and business meth- ods. He began life on a small capital which he had saved out of his salary as a teacher. With that as a base, and an abundance of energy, per- severance, enterprise and integrity of the highest character, he was prepared to enter the contest for success in commercial circles with a good prospect of winning, and he succeeded. The house of which he is a member is one of the most reputable and substantial in Chicago, and its status is the outgrowth of the efforts of the gen- tlemen who have managed its affairs. It grew up on fair dealing and honest and successful competition with its rivals. At the time of Mr. Story's withdrawal from the firm, the capital exceeded $500,000, and he received $250,000 for his interest in the business. The capital to-day exceeds $1,000,000. Mr. Camp has been prominently connected with public enterprises. He is a director in the Chicago Theological Seminary and the Royal Trust Company. In April, 1891, he was ap- pointed a director of the World's Columbian Ex- position, and served as a member of the commit- tees on Agriculture and Liberal Arts. In politics Mr. Camp is a Republican, but he does not serve his party with a blind devotion, rather taking a liberal view of political matters, and in local affairs votes for the man whom he thinks best qualified to discharge the duties of the office. For many years he has been a member of Union Park Congregational Church, and is president of its board of trustees. He is a member of the Illinois and Union League Clubs. On the ist of January, 1862, Mr. Camp mar- ried Miss Flora Carpenter, daughter of Hon. Carlos Carpenter, of Barre, Vermont. Of the four children born of this marriage, three are now living. The daughter, Charlotte, is the wife of M. A. Farr, of Chicago; Edward N., the elder son, is in business with his father; and William Carpenter, the younger son, is also in the business. Mr. Camp has found time in his busy commer- cial life to see his native land quite thoroughly, and has also traveled extensively abroad with his family. As a result of his journeyings, he is a better citizen and more loyal American than he would otherwise have been. He is a generous giver to the church and for charitable purposes. E. A. JEWETT. In consequence of his industrious, well-spent life, and his energy, integrity and force of character, Mr. Camp has raised himself from the bottom round of the financial ladder to a position of in- dependence, and at this advanced period of his life enjoys the luxuries of wealth, the society of numerous friends, and the pleasures of an environ- ment of refinements. EDWARD A. JEWETT. ITDWARD ADAMS JEWETT, one of the 1^ successful sons of Vermont, now identified I with the greatest enterprise of Chicago, was born at St. Johnsbury, July 18, 1838. His grandfather, Dr. Luther Jevvett, was one of the pioneers of that town, where he officiated first as a clergyman and later as a physician. He was also a member of Congress from Vermont, elected in 1815 and re-elected in 1817. He was born in Canterbury, Connecticut, and reached the age of eighty-seven years. Ephraim Jewett, the father of the subject of this notice, was in turn a promi- nent citizen of St. Johnsbury, where he carried on a mercantile business. He married Miss Jane Fairbanks, a daughter of ex-Governor Erastus Fairbanks and sister of ex-Governor Horace Fairbanks a name which is a household word in the Green Mountain State, and familiar in this and other countries in connection with Fairbanks' scales and philanthropic deeds. Mrs. Janejewett's grandfather was remotely of English descent, his ancestors being among the first settlers of Massa- chusetts. Both he and his wife lived to extreme old age, departing this life during the boyhood of Edward A. Jewett Mrs. Fairbanks at the age of ninety-nine years. Erastus Fairbanks was born in Brimfield, Massachusetts, in 1792, and was known as Vermont's "War Governor," his second elec- tion to that office having occurred in the fall of 1860. The first election was in 1852. The ancestry of Edward A. Jewett on both sides was of prime New England stock a lineage distinguished for sturdy character, industrious habits and intellectual force and this scion per- petuates those characteristics to a marked degree. He attended the schools in St. Johnsbury, and later became a student at Phillips Academy, at Andover, Massachusetts, graduating from that famous educational institution in 1857. He then entered Harvard University, but his health hav- ing become impaired, he was obliged to relinquish his studies there at the end of the second year. He soon after entered upon the business career in which he has since been almost continuously occupied. His first employment was with a large wholesale boot and shoe house in Boston, where he remained until 1861. He was then sent to Burlington, Vermont, to settle up the affairs of a boot and shoe store which had become largely indebted to his employers. Having adjusted this business in a manner creditable to himself and satisfactory to the creditors, he purchased the business of the bankrupt concern and carried on the same for four years. At the end of that period he became interested in the construction of a railway from Swanton, Vermont, to St. John's, Quebec, which subsequently became a part of the Vermont Central system. From 1866 to 1870 he was in the service of the United States Govern- ment as deputy collector of internal revenue at Burlington, Vermont, after which he engaged in the book and stationery business at that place for three years. In 1873 Mr. Jewett became a resident of Chi- GOTTLIEB MERZ. 349 cago, and in July of that year he was appointed Assistant Superintendent of the Chicago division of the Pullman Palace Car Company. On the ist of June, 1874, he was promoted to the office of Division Superintendent, and held that position until April i, 1888, when he was appointed As- sistant General Superintendent of the company, a position which he still capably fills. This high and responsible position was given to him in recognition of his merits and qualifications. This important trust involves in its operations millions of dollars, under a method so thoroughly systematized that the checks and balances must tally to a cent. The vast system managed by the Pullman Palace Car Company extends throughout the United States, Canada and Mex- ico, its domain being so broad as to be almost incomprehensible all under the sagacious super- intendency of this quiet and unpretentious gen- tleman, whose hand is felt and recognized as being constantly at the helm. He has been the recipient of many evidences of the high regard in which he is held by the heads of this great cor- poration. In 1870 he married Miss Jennie M. Hubbell, of Charlotte, Chittenden County, Vermont, a member of an old and highly -respected family, the daughter of S. W. and Polly Hubbell. The home of Mr. and Mrs. Jewett in Chicago is the seat of pleasant hospitality, where their friends are always sure of cordial welcome. In his social and fraternal relations Mr. Jewett occupies an enviable position. He is an honored member of the Masonic fraternity, being affiliated with Washington Lodge, Burlington Chapter and Council, of Burlington, Vermont; of Chevalier Bayard Commandery, Chicago; and Boston (Mas- sachusetts) Consistory. He served one year as Deputy Grand Master of the State of Vermont, Grand High Priest of the Grand Chapter.for two years, and Grand Generalissimo of the Grand Commandery for one year. He was an early member of the Sons of Vermont in Chicago, and one of the vice-presidents of that society in 1894. He is a stanch supporter of Republican principles of government, and in 1872 and 1873 he served as aide-de-camp on the staff of Gov. Julius Con- verse, of Vermont. His bearing is uniformly courteous and dignified, and inspires the confi- dence and regard of all who come in contact with him. He can have the proud satisfaction of knowing that it has been to his own capacity, diligence and careful observance of the highest rules of business that his uniform success is due. GOTTLIEB MERZ. gOTTLIEB MERZ. Among the self-made and patriotic citizens of Chicago of foreign birth, is the subject of this biography. His ancestors were among the prominent people of Menziken, in the canton of Aargau, Switzerland, and he does honor to his lineage. His grandfather moved from that city to Erlach, Canton Berne, where his parents, Jacob and Elizabeth Merz, were born. Jacob Merz was a carpenter, and passed his whole life in the pursuit of his occu- pation at Erlach. Gottlieb Merz was born at the last-mentioned place on the I4th of October, 1838, and attended the public schools of his native place until he was fourteen years old. He was then apprenticed to a cabinetmaker and became a journeyman two years later, at the age of sixteen. After this he worked at his trade in several of the Swiss cities 350 GOTTUEB MERZ. bordering on the Lake of Geneva, such as Neuf- chatel, Locel, Lucerne, Vevey and Merges. He was also employed for some time in the principal city of Geneva. At the age of twenty-four, possessed by that spirit of enterprise which has made the American Nation pre-eminent in the world's progress, he determined to settle in the western world, and came direct to Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. After working six months in a cabinet shop there, he went into a factory employed in the manufacture of picture frames, mirrors and show cases, and after being there two months, was made foreman and had charge of a large business. Mr. Merz became a resident of Chicago in 1865, and was employed for two years by Stotz & Wolz, makers of cabinet ware. In 1867 he established his present business the manufacture of cigar boxes which has grown under his energetic and judicious care to enormous magnitude. His first shop was in the old Turner Hall on Kinzie Street, where, in 1871, he lost everything in the great fire. The North Side residents did not suppose the devouring element would cross the river from the South Side, until it seemed to leap over all along the river front, and Mr. Merz was sur- rounded, like many others, before he could make arrangements to save anything, and was glad to escape with his family to a place of safety. After this disaster he set cheerfully to work to repair his losses, as far as possible, without wasting any time in repining. He began on Twenty-second Street, whence he removed in June, 1872, to North Franklin Street. His business continuing to grow until he was again compelled to move, he built the brick buildings now occupied by him at 209 to 215 Superior Street, in 1879. Here he turns out daily five thousand cigar boxes, beside from one to two thousand other light packing boxes. The establishment is equipped with the latest improved machinery, much of which is the result of Mr. Merz' inventive genius. Mr. Merz is the founder and builder of his own fortune, and his example is commended to the youth of the land. His success is the result of no sudden turn of fortune, but to the persistent pushing of his enterprise, which is the only real "luck" in the world. Sometimes a fortune is rapidly accumulated, but an examination of the case will show that, with rare exceptions, the foundation of such success was laid by long years of patient preparation which fitted the individual for seizing the opportunity when it came. Mr. Merz labored patiently many years at his trade to secure a start in the way of a small capital and a business experience and knowledge of the En- glish language, which fitted him for the promi- nent position he now holds in the business world of Chicago, that typical city of American enter- prise. While he has been energetic in business, Mr. Merz has also fulfilled his duty to society. He has long been an active member of the Grutli Society, an organization of Swiss-born citizens, of which he was treasurer for ten years. He is a member of the Schweitzer Maennerchor, the North Side Turners' Society, and was for many years identified with the Sous of Herman. He holds membership in Miethra Lodge, No. 410, in the Masonic Order, beside that of the Consistory and Shrine of the same order. In religious faith he adheres to the German Lutheran Church, and has usually affiliated with the Republican party in matters of public policy. Mr. Merz was married, in 1864, to Miss Jo- sephine Boppart, who is a native of St. Gallen, Switzerland. Two sons and a daughter of this family died in childhood. The living are, Emilie, widow of Henry Kallemberg; Louise, Mrs. Charles Stierlin; Edward G., who is associated with his father in business (the firm now being G. Merz & Son) ; and Lily, still in the home of her parents. All reside in Chicago. By his uniform courtesy and fair dealing, Mr. Merz has won the confidence and good will of all with whom he comes in contact, and he is unan- imously voted one of the most popular of the North Side citizens. He has never aspired to public station, but has been content to fill his place as a gentleman among his fellows and at his own fireside, where he is the center of conjugal and filial regard. LIBRARY OF THE BNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS (From Photo by W. J. ROOT I J. W. TOPE, M. D. JOHN W. TOPE, M. D. (lOHN WESLEY TOPE, M. D., ofOak Park, I who has achieved some distinction in medical (~/ and surgical science, there and elsewhere, was born at New Philadelphia, Ohio, November 10, 1845. He is the eldest son in the family of Jacob J. and Mary (Brown) Tope. John Tope, the grandfather of Jacob J. Tope, was a native of Maryland, who became a resident of Holliday's Cove, West Virginia. During the War of 1812 he and his brother, George, held ex- tensive contracts with the United States Govern- ment for furnishing beef to the army. In 1815 he removed to Carroll County, Ohio, of which he was one of the original settlers. He and his sons erected extensive mills at a place still known as Tope's Mills. His son, George, who became the father of Jacob J., was born at Holliday's Cove, West Virginia. He was a miller by trade and continued the business founded by his father for many years. Jacob J. Tope was born at Tope's Mills, Ohio, February 22, 1822. He was a blacksmith by trade, and during his latter years engaged in fanning. He also had a taste for military affairs, and served for some time as captain of a rifle company in the Ohio militia. During the Mexican War this company tendered its ser- vices to the United States Government, but, owing to the termination of the conflict a short time afterward, it was not called into service. Mr. Tope died in 1862, of typhoid fever, con- tracted while on a visit to his son, John W. Tope, who was then in the United States serv- ice in Virginia. Mrs. Mary Tope is still living at New Philadelphia, Ohio, at the age of sixty-nine years. She was born in Harrison County, in the same State, and is a daughter of John Brown, a farmer, who went thither from Pennsylvania. Three sons and one daughter were born to Jacob J. and Mary Tope. John W. is the eldest of these; George W. is a farmer of New Philadel- phia, Ohio; William A. is a physician at Dow- ner's Grove, Illinois; and Mary is the wife of John Heaton, of Harrison County, Ohio. John W. Tope passed his early boyhood upon the homestead farm. He was in his sixteenth year when the great civil strife, which for years had threatened to dismember the nation, devel- oped into actual warfare. Though but a youth in stature, he already began to manifest the patriotic determination and enthusiasm which foretold the distinguishing characteristics of the future man. Embracing the first opportunity, he enlisted August 20, 1861, in Company I, Thirtieth Ohio Infantry. After serving three years, he re- enlisted in the same company and remained in the ranks until the close of hostilities. He was at first attached to the Army of West Virginia, under General Rosecranz, and participated in engage- ments at Gauley Bridge and Fayetteville. When that commander was succeeded by General Coxe he participated in the latter' s unsuccessful expedi- tion, which was designed to cut off communication between Richmond and North Carolina. Just after the second battle of Bull Run his regiment joined Pope's Army and took part in the famous battles of South Mountain and Antietam. They were afterward transferred to West Virginia and went into winter quarters at Gauley Bridge, under 352 CAPT. J. D. COURTRIGHT. command of Gen. Joseph Lightburn. Thence they were ordered South, and joining Sherman's army just after the battle of Chickasaw Bayou, were attached to the First Brigade, Second Divi- sion, Fifteenth Army Corps. Mr. Tope was on the first detail set at work upon the famous Vicks- burg canal, but, having contracted the measles, he was disabled for three weeks, and took no further part in that gigantic enterprise. After the fall of Vicksburg he accompanied Sherman's army in the march from Memphis to Chattanooga, served throughout the Atlanta campaign, the March to the Sea, and thence northward to the city of Washington, where he participated in the Grand Review. After this his regiment was sta- tioned for a time at Little Rock, Arkansas, whence they returned to Columbus, Ohio, and were mus- tered out August 20, 1865, just four years from the date of Mr. Tope's enlistment. He had passed through these successive campaigns without real injury, and returned to the pursuits of peace, matured and developed in both mind and body. He then began the study of medicine with Dr. J. D. Otis, at New Philadelphia, Ohio. In the fall of 1868 he entered Rush Medical College, Chicago, where he spent two years in practical preparation for his chosen profession. During eighteen months of this time, August, 1868, to January, 1870, he was an interne in the Cook County Hospital, and upon his graduation he was appointed medical superintendent of the Cook County Insane Hospital, which had just been completed at Jefferson, a position which he filled with credit for four years. In 1876 he located in Oak Park, where he has ever since been engaged in general practice, though his field of usefulness is by no means con- fined to that village. He gives special attention to practical surgery, and for three years past has been an attending surgeon at the Cook County Hospital. From time to time he has become in- terested in different business enterprises; in 1892 became one of the incorporators of the Oak Park State Bank, and has ever since been a member of the board of directors of that thriving institution. The Doctor was most happily married in 1880, to Delia Whaples, daughter of Reuben Whaples, one of the earliest pioneers of Cook County. The three children which have been born to them are named respectively, Helen, John and Oliver. The family attends the Congregational Church of Oak Park and is welcomed to the most select social circles of that delightful suburb, a village justly celebrated for its many cultivated and happy homes. The Doctor is identified with Phil Sher- idan Post No. '615, Grand Army of the Republic, and holds a conspicuous position in Masonic circles, having been a charter member of Siloam Commandery No. 54, of which body he was commander in 1886. CAPT. JAMES D. COURTRIGHT. JAMES DEARBORN COURT- RIGHT, who was long known as one of the most skillful and reliable navigators on the Great Lakes, was born February 27, 1828, in the State of New York. He was the son of James and Eliza (Dearborn) Courtright. When he was a boy, his parents moved to Madison, Ohio, and later to Painesville, Ohio. At the age of sixteen years he began sailing on the lakes, and he fol- lowed that business for nearly forty years, mak- ing trips to all the ports on the lakes, but chiefly between Chicago and Buffalo. For many years he commanded the "City of Painesville," one of the finest vessels on the lakes, in which he owned W. M. MEREDITH. 353 an interest. At one time he was wrecked in a storm on Lake Erie, though fortunately no lives were lost. He afterwards commanded the "Dick Sommers" for several years. About the year 1 88 1 he retired from business, owing to failing health. He had lived in Cook County since No- vember, 1876, having been two years in Austin, and the remainder of the time in Chicago. He died in Chicago, September n, 1886, at the age of fifty -eight years. He was married January 8, 1862, to Mrs. Nancy Custin, widow of Edwin Custin, and sister of Capt. Stephen Seamens, whose biography ap- pears elsewhere in this history. Mrs. Courtrightis now living in Austin, and is nearly sixty-six years old. Mr. and Mrs. Courtright had two children, one of whom died in infancy. The other lives in Austin, and is now Mrs. Clara E. Seamens, wife of George R. Seamens. While a young man, Mr. Courtright made two trips to California, but he soon returned to the pursuits and surroundings in which the most of his life was spent, and which possessed such great attraction for him. Captain Courtright was a member of the Masonic order and was identified with a commandery of Knights Templar at Painesville, Ohio. He was a lifelong Democrat, but never an office-seeker. WILLIAM M. MEREDITH. fS QlLLIAM MORTON MEREDITH was born \ A I in Centerville, Wayne County, Indiana, VV April n, 1835. He was educated in pri- vate schools and in White W r ater College, served an apprenticeship to the printing business, in 1852 commenced work as a journeyman in the office of the Indianapolis Journal, and was en- gaged there as a compositor when the War of the Rebellion broke out in 1861. In 1860 he was a delegate to the National Typographical Union, which assembled that year in Nashville, Tennes- see. For some years prior to the war he had been a member of the Indianapolis City Grays, and was among a great many of that organization who at once tendered their services to the Union. A few days after marching into camp, and before being regularly mustered into the service, young Meredith was appointed by Governor O. P. Mor- ton, assistant to the Commissary General of In- diana, and served in that capacity, instructing regimental quartermasters and commissaries, until June, 1862, when he was commissioned second lieutenant, with authority to recruit a company. In about one month the company was fully enlisted to the maximum number of one hundred one men, and Meredith was mustered and commissioned captain of Company E, Seventieth Indiana Vol- unteer Infantry, Col. Benjamin Harrison com- manding, in which he served until discharged for disability contracted in the line of duty at Atlanta, Georgia, August 12, 1864. He was with his regiment every time it was engaged in battle, re- ceiving honorable mention for gallantry during the Atlanta campaign, and especially for his con- duct at the battle of Resaca, Georgia. Return- ing to Indianapolis, Meredith again went to work as a printer in \he. Journal office in that city, and in 1867 became foreman of the establishment. In 1872 he removed to Saint Louis and accepted the foremanship of the office of the Daily Democrat of that city, which position he retained until July, 1875, when the Democrat and Globe were consoli- dated, and he accepted a position with the Western Bank Note Company of Chicago, and removed to that city. After ten months residence within the city limits he removed to the beautiful 354 STEWART COLLINS. suburb of Austin, where he bought a home, and where he has since made his residence. July ist, 1889, Captain Meredith was appointed by President Harrison, chief of the Bureau of Engraving and Printing, Treasury Department, Washington, District of Columbia, and filled that office with honor and credit to himself, and acceptably to his superiors Secretaries Windom, Foster and Carlisle, until July ist, 1893, when he was relieved, to give place to a Democrat. He then returned to Chicago, and again entered the service of the Western Bank Note Company, as superintendent of the Steel Plate Printing De- partment, which position he holds to-day. He was married April 23, 1867, to Miss Ter- ressa A. Richey, of Indianapolis, Indiana. Their married life has been a most happy one. They have been blessed with five children, two sons and three daughters, all of whom are living. Politically, Captain Meredith has been a faith- ful Republican. It is his proud boast that his first vote was for Fremont, the first Republican candidate for president, -and that he has never forsaken the line. He conies of Welsh descent, his great-grand- father, Luff Meredith, having come to the colony of Delaware from Wales early in 1700. His grandfather, John Wheeler Meredith, served un- der Washington during the War of the Revolu- tion. His uncle, John Meredith, was an officer in the regular army during the War of 1812; an- other uncle, Joseph Busbey Meredith, was an In- dian fighter during the Blackhawk War; several cousins served in the Mexican War, and the sub- ject of this sketch, as stated above, served honor- ably in the Union Army during the War of the Rebellion. His father, Samuel C. Meredith, was for many years editor and publisher of a newspa- per in Indiana, and now lives, aged ninety, in the city of Indianapolis, beloved and respected by all. Captain Meredith belongs to the Methodist Episcopal Church, is a companion of the military order of the Loyal Legion, a comrade of the Grand Army of the Republic, an Odd Fellow, and a member of the Veterans' Union League of Chi- cago. He also belongs to the Army and Navy Club of Washington, District of Columbia, the Sons of the American Revolution, the Press Club of Chicago, and is an honorary member of the Chicago Typographical Union. STEWART COLLINS. Q TEW ART COLLINS (whose genealogy may ?\ be found in the biography of W. H. Collins, C*y on another page of this volume) was born August 13, 1864, at Cleveland, Ohio. He is the son of William and Lavinia (Harvey) Collins. Stewart Collins began earning his own living when a very young boy, and until he was twenty years old he gave his money to his mother as he earned it. He first started to work in a blast furnace at New Straitsville, Ohio. In 1882 his parents came to South Chicago, and upon coming here he began work as a laborer in the steel mills. Later he was able to obtain a position at work on steel ladles, and he has been at that work ever since. August 30, 1887, Mr. Collins married Miss Caroline Horner, a daughter of William Peter Horner. She was born in Ohio, but she had spent CAPT. STEPHEN SEAMENS. 355 most of her life previous to marriage in Ken- tuck)'. They have two children, William Peter and Clarence. Mr. Collins is numbered among the good citi- zens of South Chicago, and is a hardworking and honest man, who tries to do his duty by his fel- lowmen. Until recently he has been a member of the Republican party, but for the last three years he has been identified with the People's party. In 1896 he was one of the judges of election in the Fifteenth Precinct of the Thirty-third Ward. Mr. Collins and his family are members of the Second Congregational Church. He takes an interest in public affairs, and promotes any cause for the benefit of his City and State, as well as of the Na- tion. CAPT. STEPHEN SEAMENS. EAPT. STEPHEN SEAMENS, whose death occurred at Austin, Illinois, June 19, 1896, was a man of remarkable physical develop- ment and noteworthy intellectual powers, a record of whose life should not be omitted from this his- tory. He was a native of Pennsylvania, born August 25, 1823, his parents being Stephen and Angeline (Snyder) Seamens. The father of Stephen Seamens, senior, came to this country from England, in company with a bachelor brother, and was the progenitor of all the members of that family now living in Amer- ica. Stephen Seamens, senior, was born in the State of New York in the year 1783, and was married to Miss Snyder in 1807. He was a far- mer by occupation, and lived for a time in Penn- sylvania, subsequently removing to Lake County, Ohio, where his death occurred in May, 1862. His wife, who was of German parentage, died there in July, 1852. Fourteen children were born to this couple, eleven of whom became grown men and women, and five are now living. Their names, and the present homes of the sur- vivors, are as follows: Jeremiah, Andrus, Nelson, George; Mary, widow of John McClintock, Elyria, Ohio; James; Stephen; William, Seneca, Missouri; Sabra, widow of Leonard Swetland, North Madison, Ohio; Eliza, Mrs. Bronson Robin- son, Pierpont, Ohio; and Nancy, widow of James D. Courtright, Austin, Illinois. While a young man, Andrus Seamens left his home in Ohio and went to New York State, where he was married and had one son. Little was known of him or his family by their relatives until recently, when it was learned that he subsequently came to Illi- nois and died in this State. Capt. Stephen Seamens, whose name heads this notice, spent most of his boyhood in Ohio. About 1842 he came to Illinois and became a sailor on the Great Lakes, a business which he followed for a number of years. He also ac- quired an interest in a packet on the Illinois & Michigan Canal. He made his home for several years about New Buffalo, Michigan, and Michi- gan City, Indiana, but about 1851 he traded his interest in the canal packet for eighty acres of land in Mazon Township, Grundy County, Illi- nois, and removed to that place, which was then a wilderness, abounding in wolves and other wild beasts. In 1852 he went overland to California, where he spent two years in getting out mining timbers. Returning by way of the isthmus, he lived on his farm until 1861, when he removed to another near Wheeler Station, Porter County, Indiana. The next year he came to Chicago, and again became a sailor upon the lakes. About 1863 he purchased five acres of land in the town of Cicero, now included in the village of 356 D. E. WASHBURN. Austin, and built the third house there, before a name had been given to the place. For several years longer he continued to sail upon the lakes, and also operated a boat upon the canal, which was chiefly employed in transporting stone be- tween Chicago and Lemont. During the winter season, when navigation was closed, he was ac- customed to find employment in the packing houses in Chicago. After his removal to Austin he was employed for two or three years as fore- man in the clock factory at that place. About 1880 he retired from active business and found recreation and diversion in the care and subdivi- sion of his property, which had greatly increased in value, its original cost to him being one hun- dred dollars per acre. Captain Seamens was married December 5, 1844, to Minerva F. Pratt. She was born at Buffalo, New York, July 23, 1823, and died at Austin, Illinois, March 15, 1891. The only son of this couple, Morton G. Seamens, died at Aus- tin September 20, 1895, aged thirty-nine years and nine months. Captain Seamens was an exhaustive reader and profound thinker. He was well informed in historical matters and the leading questions of the day, and enjoyed nothing better than the discussion of these topics with his neighbors and acquaintances, and was always able to handle his side of the debate with skill and ability. He was an enthusiastic disciple of Thomas Paine, and in questions of national policy a stanch Democrat. He weighed over three hun- dred pounds, was six feet four inches in height, and was always noted for his great muscular powers. A feat which he occasionally practiced by way of diversion was to pick up a barrel of salt by the chines and toss it from the deck of a vessel to the dock. DANIEL E. WASHBURN. 0ANIEL ERASTUS WASHBURN was born in Adrian, Michigan, August 13, 1846, and is the son of Daniel and Vashti H. (Pratt) Washburn. His father was a native of New York, a contractor, and in a small way a specu- lator, and died in Adrian when the subject of this sketch was but six weeks old. Mrs. Vashti Wash- burn was born in Buffalo, New York, and her father, Mr. Pratt, was a boy living in Trenton, New Jersey, when Gen. George Washington passed through that place with the army at the close of the Revolution. After his death, in 1833, his family came from Buffalo to Michigan, settling at New Buffalo. They drove a team composed of one ox and one cow. After the death of her first husband, Mrs. Wash- burn came to Chicago. Later she returned to New Buffalo, and married George R. Selkirk, aeon- tractor. They moved to Michigan City, Indiana, where Mrs. Selkirk now lives, at the age of nearly seventy-eight years. George Selkirk built the first piers and warehouse at Michigan City, and he died at that place. Daniel E. Washburn is the only surviving son of his father. He was an infant when his mother came to Chicago, where they lived on the present site of Hooley's theatre. He afterwards lived for some time with his uncle, Capt. Stephen Sea- mens, whose history can be found on another page of this volume. May 5, 1864, he enlisted in Company D, One Hundred and Thirty-eighth Indiana Volunteer Infantry. He served until September i, of the same year, in the Army of the Cumberland, on garrison duty around Nashville and Chattanooga. In July, 1866, he re-enlisted at Indianapolis, In- H. M. NORTHROP. 357 diana, in the regular army, and served three years in Texas. During this time he was in a number of engagements with Indians and outlaws. He then returned to Chicago and was for some time engaged in teaming. He was employed six years in Walker Oakley's tannery, and later with A. F. Woolensack, who handled hardware specialties. For the past four years he has been on the special police force for the Town of Cicero, and has lived in Austin since 1892. Mr. Washburn married Miss Emma E. , daugh- ter of William Bunting, a native of England, who came to Rahway, New Jersey, in 1848, and four years later to Chicago. He was engaged in busi- ness at Market Hall, on West Randolph Street, for some years, handling green groceries, fish and game. Mr. Bunting was born February 21, 1825, and died in 1891. His widow, Martha Bunting, is now living in Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. Washburn have one son, Stephen A. Washburn. The family is identified with the Methodist Church. Mr. Washburn belongs to Kilpatrick Post, Grand Army of the Republic; to the An- cient Order of Foresters, and the Royal Circle. He has been a Republican in political principle all his life. HENRY M. NORTHROP. HENRY MARVIN NORTHROP, a highly esteemed citizen of Oak Park, was born in Kent, Litchfield County, Connecticut, Au- gust 3, 1828. He is the son of Thomas Grant and Aurelia (Curtis) Northrop, natives of Con- necticut. Thomas G. Northrop was born in New Milford, Connecticut, and was the son of Amos Northrop, a graduate of Yale College, who en- listed as first lieutenant in the Second Company , First Battalion of Connecticut, in 1776, and served under General Wooster and General Spencer. His farm in New Milford was kept in the family until a few 3'ears ago. Amos Northrop was born in Old Milford, Con- necticut, December 9, 1742. His ancestors were of Welsh and Scotch lineage. His wife, Anne Grant, was of the same family from which General Grant descended. His daughter Sally, a maiden lady, lived in Old Milford until her death in 1877, at the age of over one hundred years, having been born June 28, 1776. A photograph of her at the age of one hundred years is in the possession of the family. Her birthday had been celebrated by the children and the New Milford citizens for several years. Her faculties were well preserved, and she was very patriotic and well versed in his- toric lore. A number of Amos Northrop's descendants have been students at Yale College, and several are en- gaged in educational work, including Professor Harry E. Northrop, of Brooklyn, who is a teacher of German. Thomas G. Northrop lived upon a farm at Kent until his death, which occurred when he was eighty years old, in 1850. He was a regular attendant of the Congregational Church. Mrs. Aurelia Northrop died at Kent in 1839. She was born in Huntington, Connecticut, and was a very superior woman, a devout member of the Congregational Church. She had four sons and one daughter, namely: Thomas Welles, Ann Au- relia (Mrs. Joel Pratt), Agur Curtis; Birdsey Grant, LL. D. , a lecturer of Clinton, Connecti- cut, and formerly secretary of the boards of edu- cation of Massachusetts and Connecticut for a period of about thirty years, being the successor of Horace Mann; and Henry M.; the last two are the only ones living. Henry M. Northrop attended the public school 358 HENRY vSCHEURMEIER. and afterward entered Yale College, Later he went to Harvard Medical School and there studied two years under Drs. O. W. Holmes and Eben S. Horsford. Before completing the course, he began teaching, and spent five years in the public schools of Saint Louis. Just before the war began he returned to the East. When at Alton, Illi- nois, he saw a load of arms and other war imple- ments, which had been brought from Saint Louis to prevent its confiscation by the Confederate army. He enlisted July 6, 1864, in Company A, For- ty-second Massachusetts Infantry. He was em- ployed in garrison duty at Alexandria, Virginia, and was discharged in November, 1864. Soon after the war Mr. Northrop came to Chicago and entered the employ of the Chicago & Northwest- ern Railway Company, as a clerk in the freight department. For twelve years past he has been in the general ticket office of the Chicago, Rock Island & Pacific Railroad. Since 1873 ne has been a resident of Oak Park. In 1864 Mr. Northrop married Sarah Elizabeth, daughter of Reuben and Sarah (Lamprey) Hunt- ing. Her father was a native of western Massa- chusetts, and for a period of forty years was in business in Boston. Mr. and Mrs. Northrop are connected with the First Congregational Church of Oak Park, and Mr. Northrop is a member of the Grand Army of the Republic and of the Sons of the American Revolution. Mrs. Northrop is a member of George A. Clarke Chapter, Daughters of the Revolution, at Oak Park. .Her grand- father, Amos Hunting, endured the horrors of the historic winter at Valley Forge in General Wash- ington's army. He was detailed to bring back the horses driven away by General Arnold, which he successfully accomplished. HENRY SCHEURMEIER. NENRY SCHEURMEIER, a progressive and public-spirited citizen of South Chicago, was born April 26, 1839, in Canton Zurich, Switzerland. He is the son of John and Katrina (Keller) Scheurmeier, and the only one of his fam- ily to come to this country. He came in 1870, and located at Chicago, on the West Side. In his na- tive country he had learned the carpenter's and cabinet-maker's trades, which he followed in Chi- cago. He lived four years on the West Side, and then went to Colehour, now a part of Chicago. He bought some property on Avenue F, near One Hundred Third Street. Here he built a comfort- able home and lived there three years, working at his trade. He returned to the West Side of the city in 1878, and lived there five years. In 1882 he returned to Colehour and remained five years. In 1887 he again made his home in South Chicago, and be- gan working as sales agent for the Peter Schoen- hofen Brewing Company, which has ever since been his occupation. His territory includes Grand Crossing, Riverdale, Kensington, Colehour and South Chicago. May 4, 1865, Mr. Schetirmeier married Miss Barbara Wiesendanger, a native of Switzerland. They are the parents of two daughters. Anna Matilda, the elder, married Leonard Seiler and lives at Colehour; she has four children, namely: Ella, Harry, Edward and Arthur. The second daughter is Clara Louise. Mr, Scheurmeier is a member of Fortschritt Lodge, No. 27, Independent Order of Odd Fel- lows, which he joined in 1888, and is connected with Chicago Lodge No. i, Sons of Hermann. Mr. Scheurmeier is a man of good principles and of great business ability. He is interested in public improvements and is a valuable citizen. LIBRARY OF THE OF ILLINOIS LYMAN G. HOLLEY (From Photo by W. J. ROOT) L. G. HOLLEY. 359 LYMAN G. HOLLEY. I YMAN GIDD.INGS HOLLEY, a prominent I C business man of Chicago, and one of the I \ J most influential citizens of Oak Park, was born in Ellisburg, Jefferson County, New York, June 29, 1845. He is the son of Nathan Tillot- son and Martha S. (Giddings) Holley. His an- cestors are supposed to have removed from Con- necticut to Vermont during the colonial period. Nathan Holley, the grandfather of Lyman G. Holley, was born (probably in Vermont) August 6, 1750. He removed from Dorset, Vermont, to New York, settling first in Oneida County. At about the time his son, Nathan T., was born, he located at Ellisburg, becoming one of the pio- neers of that locality. He died there in 1833, having attained the ripe old age of eighty-three years. October 26, 1800, he married for his second wife, Cynthia Tillotson, who became the mother of Nathan T. Holley. She was born Au- gust 16, 1771, and died July 20, 1822. Nathan T. Holley, who was born January 2, 1812, passed nearly three-score years in Ellis- burg. He owned several farms in that locality, and dealt in live stock to a considerable extent, amassing a comfortable fortune. In 1870 he re- moved to Oak Park, Illinois, where he made some judicious investments in real estate. Among his purchases was a tract of five acres on the north side of Lake Street, which he subdivided, and at the same time laid out the thoroughfare known as Holley Court. He died in that village at the age of seventy-eight years, February 2, 1890. He was a man of excellent judgment and stable character, a member of the Methodist Church and identified with the Masonic order in New York. In early life he was a Whig, and later a Republican, though he never accepted any public office. Mrs. Martha S. Holley died Au- gust 9, 1845, aged twenty-six years, in Ellisburg, the place where she was born. She was the daughter of Lyman and Beulah (Emerson) Gid- dings, who removed from Dorset, Vermont, to Ellisburg, and died a few years later. She was the mother of five children, only two of whom are living, namely: Augusta (Mrs. O. D. Allen), of Oak Park, and Lyman G. N. T. Holley mar- ried for a second wife Mrs. Electa Giddings, widow of Monroe Giddings, who was a brother of the first Mrs. Holley. He was married the third time to Mrs. Sarah Angeline, widow of Rev. James Manning, who still lives at Oak Park. Lyman Giddings Holley was educated in Union College at Schenectady, New York, and grad- uated in 1866 as a civil engineer, after which he re- moved to Chatfield, Minnesota, intending to follow his occupation of engineer, but being offered a position in a bank he accepted and remained two years; then removed to Chicago and engaged in the grain and flour commission business, being one of the firm of Easton & Holley. In 1872 the firm name changed to N. T. & L. G. Holley, two' years later to Holley, Easton & Allen, and in 1878 became Holley & Allen, which continued until 1887. Since that year he has been manager of the Pillsbury-Washburn Flour Mills Com- pany in Chicago, supplying the trade with the product of that concern, which is everywhere recognized as a staple article of merchandise. Some idea of the magnitude of the local business done may be gained from the fact that it fur- 3<5o C. A. SCHROYER. nishes fully one-third of the flour sold for family consumption in Chicago. He was married in August, 1872, to Miss Minnie Lyon, daughter of Henry Pilkington and Margaret (Miller) Lyon, of Utica, New York, .at which place Mrs. Holley was born. Since their marriage Mr. and Mrs. Holley have been resi- dents of Oak Park. They move in the most select circles of society in that suburb, which is justly celebrated for the culture and intelligence of its people. Since 1885 they have been iden- tified with the First Congregational Church, of which society Mr. Holley was treasurer fourteen years. He is secretary of the board of trustees of the Scoville Institute, and has been a member of that body from its incorporation. While tak- ing a wholesome interest in all important public movements, Mr. Holley avoids the contaminating influence of politics, but casts his ballot in sup- port of Republican principles. CHARLES A. SCHROYER. QHARLES A. SCHROYER, superintendent l( of the car shops of the Chicago & North- Lj western Railroad in Chicago, has made a specialty of car construction for many years and acquired his present responsible position as the result of ripe experience, accompanied by supe- rior mechanical skill and executive ability. He was born at Milton, Pennsylvania, October 14, 1853, and is a son of Allen and Rebecca (Crites) Schroyer. The grandfather of Allen Schroyer came to this country from Germany before the Revolutionary War. His son, Abraham Schroyer, the father of Allen, was a skilled artisan, and established one of the first piano factories in America at Milton, Pennsylvania. Most of the product of this estab- lishment was shipped by water to Philadelphia, where the instruments were placed on exhibition and sold. His granddaughter, now Mrs. George Evans, who was an accomplished musician, often accompanied the shipment of goods to that city, where her skill was employed in exhibiting the pianos to best advantage. Allen Schroyer, who was a native of Berks County, Pennsylvania, continued the enterprise founded by his father for a time, and was subse- quently engaged in the manufacture of cabinet goods at Lock Haven and Bellefonte, Pennsyl- vania. He died at the latter place in 1883, at the age of seventy-eight years. He was a man of firm con'victions and was very pronounced in the expression of his views on public questions. He held to the Presbyterian faith in religious matters, and was one of the early advocates of the abolition movement. In his later years he was identified with the Republican party. Mrs. Rebecca Schroyer died at Oak Park, Ill- inois, November 4, 1892, having attained the age of seventy-five years. She was born at Chil- lisquaque, Northumberland County, Pennsyl- vania, and was a daughter of John Adams Crites, a prominent farmer of that county, who was also a native of Germany. He was the father of thirteen children, of whom Mrs. Schroyer was the youngest and the latest survivor. She was the mother of five sons and five daughters, of whom the following is the record : Margaret is the wife of George Evans (who was previously mentioned in this article), of Lock Haven, Penn- sylvania; Minnie, Mrs. Jonathan Harper, resides at Bellefonte, Pennsylvania, which place is also the home of Maria, Mrs. Hoffman; Louisa, Mrs. Garvin, died at the same place; Lydia, Mrs. Hathorne, died at Williamsport, Pennsylvania, FREDERICK MILLER. 361 as did her eldest brother, William; Charles A. is the next in order of birth ; Benjamin is an agent of the Adams Express Company at Hollidays- burgh, Pennsylvania; Hayes is an auditor of the same corporation at Altoona, Pennsylvania; and Harry Hunter is a dealer in groceries at Belle- fonte, in the same State. Charles A. Schroyer attended the public schools of Lock Haven and learned the trade of cabinet- maker. He served an apprenticeship of five years in his father's shop, acquiring a thorough knowledge of that line of work, which has always been of great value to him. In 1878 he engaged in car-building in the shops of the Philadelphia & Erie Railroad at Renova, Pennsylvania. Thence he subsequently went to Jefferson ville, Indiana, where he was employed for six years as car-builder by the Ohio Falls Car Company, one of the leading establishments in the United States in the construction of railway coaches. He spent two years more in the shops of the Jeffersonville, Madison & Indianapolis Railroad, at Indian- apolis, and in February, 1886, entered upon his engagement with the Chicago & Northwestern Railroad Company. He has ever since been superintendent of the immense shops of this cor- poration near the western line of the city, and about one thousand six hundred men are em- ployed under his charge, including several hun- dred who are dispersed along the lines of the system. He commands the highest respect of his subordinates and associates, both as an arti- san and as a gentleman, and under his careful and systematic management this gigantic enter- prise proceeds with the least possible friction and delay. The results accomplished during his eleven years in this connection have been highly satisfactory to the company, as is attested by his long continuance in the responsible position he occupies. In October, 1875, Mr. Schroyer was married to Miss Amanda Galbraith, daughter of Bartram and Sarah Galbraith, of Bellefonte, Pennsylvania. In 1882 the family was bereaved by the death of this lady, which occurred at the same place, when she was but twenty-nine years of age. She was a devout member of the Methodist Church at Bellefonte, in which she had worshipped from childhood. She left two daughters, Mary and Minnie, who survive to cheer their father's home. The family is at present connected with the Methodist Church at Oak Park, in which attract- ive suburb it has resided some years. Socially Mr. Schroyer is identified with the Oak Park Club, and Harlem Lodge, Ancient Free and Accepted Masons. In questions involving national issues, he has always supported the men and measures of the Republican party, but finds no time for participation in the rewards of practical politics. FREDERICK MILLER. f~ REDBRICK MILLER, oneof the landmarks r3 of Taylor's Addition, sometimes called Cole- | hour or East South Chicago, was born March 22, 1836, in Ifenack, Mecklenburg-Schwerin, Germany. His father bore the same name as he. In Germany he learned the trade of wagon-maker and blacksmith, but he was too ambitious to re- main there, and wished for wider opportunities than were offered to young men in his own country. In the spring of 1857, he came to La Porte, In- diana, and lived there until 1869, when he came to Chicago and started a shop for himself, locating at Blue Island Avenue and Henry Street. In March, 1880, he moved to South Chicago, and 362 G. W. SHEARBURN. bought some property on Sixth Avenue (now Av- enue J) , where he started another shop. In 1883 he bought his present place of business at No. 9915 Avenue K. He however still owns the property on Avenue J. Just before leaving Germany, in 1857, he mar- ried Louisa Koch, a native of the village in which he was born, and they came to America together. Their children are: William, Jacob and Augusta. In politics Mr. Miller is a supporter of the Demo- cratic party. He is one of the oldest settlers of South Chicago, and is honored and respected by the early settlers of the city. He is a hard work- ing, honest mechanic, who has prospered only by his own industry, thrift and frugality. He has enough of this world's goods to make himself and his family comfortable, and in his wife he has a good helpmate. Having lived in South Chicago long enough to have the opportunity of seeing its every period of growth, he is especially interested in all that concerns its welfare and that of its in- habitants. GEORGE W. SHEARBURN. 0EORGE WILSON SHEARBURN, a trusted l_ employe of the Chicago & Northwestern ^| Railway and a well-known citizen of River Forest, was born in Whitby, Yorkshire, England, March 25, 1848. His father, George Linol Shearburn, was also born in Whitby, where he became a farmer, following the occupation of his father, Thomas Shearburn. George L. Shear- burn married Margaretta Wilson, and in 1851 emigrated to America, locating in Macoupin County, Illinois. There he purchased land and carried on general farming. He subsequently re- moved to Mendota, La Salle County, Illinois, where he bought a farm and made his home until the time of his death, which occurred in July, 1891. Mrs. Margaretta Shearburn passed away at the same place in June, 1886. Ten children were born to this worthy couple, of whom the following is the record: George W. is the subject of this notice; John died in infancy; Thomas is a farmer at Ohio, Bureau County, Illinois; Ben- jamin W. is a farmer at Nodaway, Adams Coun- ty, Iowa; Elizabeth Ann resides at Mendota, Illinois; William Finder is a fanner at Corning, Adams County, Iowa; Mary Caroline is the wife of James Armstrong, of Ohio, Bureau County, Illinois; Arthur is a physician at Walnut, in the same county; Edwin W. resides on the old home- stead at Mendota, Illinois; and Phcebe Emma died in September, 1894. George W. Shearburn was but three years of -age when he crossed the Atlantic with his parents, to find a home on the prairies of Illinois. He re- ceived such educational advantages as were offered by the country schools of Macoupin County, and alternated farm labor with attendance at school. At the age of eighteen he went to the city of Peo- ria, with the intention of learning the trade of cabinetmaker. Not liking that occupation, he returned to farm work, which he followed until 1874. In that year he came to Chicago and en- tered the employ of the Chicago & Northwestern Railway Company, and has ever since been con- nected with that corporation. His first position was that of brakeman, which, together with that of train baggage-man, occupied seven years. For two years he was cashier in the baggage depart- ment, and in 1883 he became a clerk in the general baggage department. He has served in this ca- pacity fourteen years, and his long period of serv- LIBRARY OF THE DIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS IOHN M. RICE i E ; rom Photo by W. J. ROOT) J. M. RICE. 363 ice is sufficient evidence of his reliability and of the value of his services to the corporation he serves. May 8, 1878, Mr. Shearburn was united in marriage to Miss Libbie Jennette Gilson. She was born in Syracuse, New York, and is a daugh- ter of Lester J. and Jennette (Carpenter) Gilson. Mr. and Mrs. Gilson lived many yeajs in Men- dota, Illinois, and later removed to Chicago, where they still reside. Three children have blessed the union of Mr. and Mrs. Shearburn, of whom two are living, Edna Jennette and Ray- mond L. The family has resided in River Forest since June, 1884, and is connected with the Meth- odist Episcopal Church of that place. Mr. Shear- burn is a member of General Grant Council No. 916, Royal Arcanum, of Oak Park. His genial disposition and excellent social qualities have made him popular among his associates, and his fine business ability induced his fellow-citizens to elect him clerk of the village of River Forest in 1888. With the exception of the year 1892 he has held the office continuously since, to the emi- nent satisfaction of all concerned. In national affairs he uniformly supports the men and measures of the Democratic party. JOHN M. RICE. (JOHN MILTON RICE, a prominent business I man of Austin, was born in Freeport, Illinois, G/ May 26, 1845. He is the son of John and Milvira (Williams) Rice. John Rice was a son of Gershom Rice, and was born in Burlington, Vermont. Gershom Rice was a farmer in Ver- mont and a son of John Rice, a lieutenant in the Revolutionary Army. The latter enlisted from Mansfield, Connecticut. He was of Welsh lin- eage. John Rice, the father of the subject of this no- tice, was a contractor and builder in western New York. About 1838 he went to Ann Arbor, Mich- igan, and from there to Freeport, Illinois, where he continued the business of contracting with great success. In 1854 he abandoned that busi- ness and spent most of the remainder of his life as a missionary. He went first to Nauvoo, Illinois, and established the first public school ever there, and also the first church, hiring the minister and teacher at his own expense. He spent several years in this place, working to christianize the people. The town had been abandoned by the Mormons a short time before he went there. His next field of labor was Carlinville, Illinois, where he established a fruit farm, having been attracted thither by the excellent schools of that place, which afforded a good opportunity for the educa- tion of his growing family. Later he lived at Riverside, near Hamilton, Hancock County, Illi- nois, and in the spring of 1865 he came to Chi- cago, living here about three years. In 1868 he went to Quincy, and from there he moved to Hematite, Missouri, where the remainder of his days were spent. Froni 1862 he did much mis- sionary work, and built several churches at dif- ferent places, his missionary work at first being in behalf of the Presbyterian Church. He was not educated for the ministry, and the Presbyterian Church refused to ordain him to preach. While living at Riverside he became a member of the Congregational Church, and after that his mis- sionary work was done in the interest of that de- nomination. He died at Hematite, Missouri, No- vember 19, 1880, at the age of sixty-seven years. Mrs. Milvira Rice, wife of John Rice, was born in Allegany County, New York, and was the daughter of John Williams (a millwright) and 364 N. H. KRANSZ. Sally (Wright) Williams. Like her husband, she was a devout member of the Presbyterian Church. She died November 30, 1856, at the age of forty-three years. Mr. and Mrs. John Rice were the parents of the following children: Julia V., widow of James Molineaux, of Rogers Park, Illinois; John M.; Harvey J., of Huron, South Dakota; Irene R. (Mrs. Cunningham), whodied in Chicago; and Ella J. , who is a resident of New York. John M. Rice attended Blackburn Theological Seminary, at Carlinville, Illinois, where he pur- sued a scientific course. Before completing the same, he enlisted, August 24, 1861, in Company C, Thirty-second Illinois Infantry, and was mus- tered out July 19, 1865. He took part at the bat- tle of Shiloh, being in the Western Army. He also participated in the Corinth, the Vicksburg and the Atlanta campaigns. He was taken pris- oner by Hood's troops soon after the fall of At- lanta, together with part of his own regiment and the veteran portion of the Fourteenth and Fif- teenth Illinois, who were employed on a skirmish line. He was a prisoner from this time to the close of the war, at Milan, Savannah, Blackshear, and Anderson ville, at which latter place he spent six months. April 28, 1865, he was turned over to the Union lines at Jacksonville, Florida. He was brought by rail within twenty miles of the lines, which he reached in a very short time by walking, being more vigorous than many of his comrades. He saw all the principal features of the war. In 1865 he came to Chicago, where he engaged in the business of building, and after two years began contracting, which he has followed since. Since i86c) he has lived in Austin, where he has erected many buildings. He has built many pub- lic buildings, such as post-offices and court hous- es, in all the States of the Northwest. He is in- terested in quartz mills in Arizona, and has also been interested in other enterprises. In 1866 he married Miss Lottie, daughter of Orrin and Myra Rice, of Adrian, Illinois. She was born in Defiance, Ohio. They are the par- ents of four children, namely: Lottie M., Helen A., Myra K. and Irene B. The family is con- nected with the First Presbyterian Church of Austin. Mr. Rice has always favored the princi- ples of the Republican party, and has filled a number of the principal offices of the town of Cicero. He is a member of Columbia Post, Grand Army of the Republic, and of Siloam Command- ery, Knights Templar. He is a prominent Ma- son, having taken the thirty-second degree, and being a member of the Mystic Shrine. He is a valuable citizen of Austin, and is universally ad- mired and respected. NICHOLAS H. KRANSZ. NICHOLAS HENRY KRANSZ, the eldest | / son of Nicholas and Margaret (Faber) |/5 Kransz, was born October 9, 1851, near where he now lives. He was educated in the public schools and reared to farm life, which pur- suit he followed until 1879, at which time he en- gaged in the insurance business, in which he has been continuously engaged since. He has been in the employ of the Home Fire Insurance Com- pany for a period of twelve years, having pre- viously been with the American Insurance Com- pany. Mr. Kransz is a Republican in politics, and has taken a lively interest in the success of his MICHAEL CARTER. 365 party. He served about five years on the school board of Lake View. He is a member of the Cath- olic Order of Foresters and the National Union. October 7, 1880, he married Miss Sophia Dil- ger, who was born in Cook County, and is a daughter of Frank Paul and Charlotte (Wollner) Dilger, natives of Prussia, and early settlers of Cook County, both now deceased. Mr. Dilger was born April 2, 1828, and died in Cook County, December 26, 1872. Mrs. Dilger, born March 7, 1831, died November 24, 1869. They had a family of nine children, five of whom are now living, namely: Frank Paul, of Milwaukee; Robert F., of Rosehill; Mrs. Kransz is next; Mathias P., of Waukegan; and Anna, wife of William Volk, of No. 1936 South Ashland Ave- nue, Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. Kransz have had three children, namely: Charles, who died at the age of eight years; Lydia and Margaret. They are all mem- bers of Saint Henry's Church, and most esti- mable people. MICHAEL CARTER. ly/llCHAEL CARTER, who has been for IV I many years a citizen of Oak Park, was \(S\ born in Antigouish, Nova Scotia, April 27, 1827. He is a son of Thomas and Bridget (O'Neal) Carter, who emigrated from Limerick, Ireland, to Nova Scotia about 1818. Thomas Carter was a farmer in both countries and be- longed to that sturdy class of Irish emigrants which has given the New World so many noble men and women. He was a friend to education and was instrumental in organizing the first school in his locality in Nova Scotia. He was twice married, his first wife being Margaret Gallagher, who died in Ireland, leaving five children, of whom the following is the record: John died in St. John's, Newfoundland; Mar- garet, Mrs. Ronan, died in Maiden, Massachu- setts; Francis and Thomas died in New Bruns- wick; and William, whose home was in Cape Ann, Massachusetts, was drowned at sea. Mrs. Bridget Carter was the mother of nine children, of whom Michael is the only known survivor. The names and residences of the others were as follows: Henry, on the old homestead in Nova Scotia; Ann, Mrs. Powers, Antigonish, Nova Scotia; James, Dubuque, Iowa; Mary, Mrs. Cluney, Sacramento, California; Bridget, Mrs. Coffin, Lawrence, Massachusetts; Daniel, Boston, Massachusetts; George, Woburn, Massachusetts; and Joseph, Barre, Vermont. George was a member of the Twenty-first Regiment, Massachu- setts Infantry, and was wounded at Newbern, North Carolina. Joseph, who was a stone cut- ter by occupation, possessed considerable literary genius and was the author of a number of poems. Thomas Carter died in Newfoundland in 1863, aged about eighty years. Mrs. Bridget Carter passed away at Lawrence, Massachusetts, in 1870, aged about seventy years. Michael Carter, who is the fifth child in the family of his parents, remained in Nova Scotia until he reached his majority, attending the school which his father had helped to establish. Like most schools of that day its methods were crude and its course of study quite limited. Though of a studious and thoughtful nature he was somewhat repelled by the harsh measures then prevalent, and much preferred to study na- 366 MICHAEL CARTER. ture by himself and to give his attention to such studies as pleased his fancy. Still he acquired considerable general knowledge, and in later years became a careful reader, especially of poetry. In 1858 he removed to Massachusetts, landing at Newburyport, and going thence to Cambridge. There he made his home for nearly ten years, during most of which time he was en- gaged in raising vegetables for the Boston market. Living in the midst of such classical surround- ings, he naturally formed the acquaintance of a number of noted literary men, whose influence helped to develop his taste for choice reading. Upon leaving Cambridge he invested his savings in land at Butler, Jackson County, Iowa, but owing to his inexperience in selecting western lands, this venture was unsuccessful. In 1865 he removed to Oak Park, Illinois, where he has since carried on market-gardening, renting land first from H. W. Austin and later from J. W. Scoville. His labors in this direction have been blessed with a reasonable degree of success, and though he still operates a small area, he has practically retired from active busi- ness. August 19, 1852, Mr. Carter was united in marriage with Miss Catharine Mooney, a native of Nova Scotia, and a daughter of John and Mary (Dunfey) Mooney, both of whom were born in County Derry, Ireland. Ten children have blessed the union of Mr. and Mrs. Carter, of whom the record is as follows: George died in Austin, Illinois, in 1883; Louis and Harriet died in infancy; Mary, a teacher in the Chicago schools, resides with her parents; Ann is a teacher in Chicago; Joseph is Indian agent for the United States at the Flathead Reservation in Montana; Sarah, Mrs. Ambrose Mullen, resides at Austin, Illinois; James W. is a dealer in coal and ice at Oak Park; Frank is a dealer in bicycles at Butte City, Montana; and Clement died at the Flat- head Agency in Montana in 1892. In the spring of. 1894 Mr. Carter made a trip to Montana, visiting his son at the Flathead Agency, and spending about four months in the Rocky Mountains. His account of his adventures and experiences is very interesting. He pos- sesses the true poetic instinct, and his descrip- tions of nature betoken keen observation. Among many excursions which he made were one to Flathead Lake and another to McDonald's Peak. The latter had been scaled but once before by a white man, but Mr. Carter's party went nearly to the summit, and his story of the climb and at- tending circumstances is most realistic. A quota- tion is here given: "As we feasted our eyes on this magnificent array of peaks and domes and minarets, we little dreamed of what the Moun- tain God was preparing for us, till, some one glancing downward, noticed and remarked numer- ous bodies of fleecy clouds collecting below us. They looked like hundreds of millions of tons of cotton batting, and the sun shining upon them made them look a sea of silver. The surround- ing mountains seemed to have been submerged, and none but the highest peaks were to be seen. When, all at once, there was an explosion at our feet, and for a moment we seemed to be petrified and awe-stricken as it dawned upon us that a thunder storm was raging below us, while we stood upon our giddy perch, with the sun shining brightly above our heads and not a cloud in the sky. But all eyes were directed downward, for such a sight we had never witnessed before. The clouds, pierced and lashed by the lightning, seemed to sink and roll and tumble, while the thunder sounded more like explosions than any- thing else I can liken it to. We expected to find the mountain torn to pieces, provided we should be able to make the descent, as silently, with bated breath, we picked our way down the side of the mountain." Mr. Carter is a member of St. Luke's Catholic Church of River Forest. In political faith he was originally a Democrat, but in the years im- mediately preceding the Civil War his love of liberty and just-ice caused him to affiliate with the Republican party, and he has since supported its doctrines. He is intensely patriotic and is ever ready to protest against any measure tending to destroy true American sentiments. He keeps fully abreast of the times in current events, and spends considerable time in general reading and reflection. LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS MRS. M. A. ROBERTS (From Photo by W. J. ROOT) MRS. M. A. ROBERTS. 367 MRS. MARGARET A. ROBERTS. |RS. MARGARET AGNES ROBERTS, a well-known member of North Side society in Chicago, and a lady of rare discrimina- tion and business ability, has been long a resident of the city, and is a daughter of one of its pioneers. Her father, Edmond Gleason, was born near Thirles, Ireland, and was educated for the priest- hood. His father was a highly educated man and a landed proprietor, a scion of an old and wealthy family of the West of Ireland. The name is derived from the dwellers in a famous glen of that region, and is very ancient. Edmond Gleason was not desirous of entering the priesthood, and decided to emigrate to Ameri- ca. Soon after his arrival he was married, in Boston, Massachusetts, to Miss Hannah Gleason, who was no relative, though bearing the same name. They settled on a farm near Burlington, Vermont, and remained there ten years. In 1836 Mr. Gleason paid a visit of exploration to Chi- cago, and concluded to remain, being followed by his family the next year. The father died in St. Louis, Missouri, and the mother expired at the home of her daughter, Margaret A., in Chicago, May 22, 1878, aged eighty-eight years. When the family arrived in Chicago it included two daughters, Mary and Margaret A.; and a son and daughter, John and Ellen, were born in Wau- kegan. Margaret Agnes (Gleason) Roberts was educa- ted in Chicago. She was married here to Andrew Gilbert Benton, a son of a New York State clergy- man. Mr. Benton was a clothing merchant in Freeport, Illinois, where he died August 22,1852. He left a son, Charles F. Benton, now a resident of Chicago. In 1857 Mrs. Benton became the wife of Russell M. Roberts, of Chicago, a native of Binghamton, New York, who died in August, 1871. The children of this union are William Olney and Marie Genevieve Roberts. Mrs. Roberts has been a resident of Chicago nearly all her life. She takes a keen interest in all things pertaining to the history of the city, and is an active mem- ber of the Old Settlers' Society of Cook County, being one of its best-posted sustainers. Being at one time, by force of circumstances, left to her own resources, Mrs. Roberts made such good use of her quick mind and willing hands as to accumulate a comfortable provision for future years. She has a host of friends who honor her for her independence and strength of character, as well as for her kind deeds, whose number is known only to a few, though generally appre- ciated. She has a strong love for her home and friends, is still in possession of the keenest facul- ties, and is well known among the society people of Chicago. 368 PETER REINBERG. PETER REINBERG. pvETER REINBERG, an extensive florist of Lj/ Chicago, is not only a representative of an JC) old pioneer family of the city, but is a lead- ing representative of his business in the West. His parents, Henry and Katherine Reinberg, were natives of Germany, and were married in their native land. Soon after their marriage they resolved to try their fortune in the free land across the Atlantic. So, leaving home, friends and familiar scenes, with little hope of ever seeing them again, they set out with brave hearts, in 1847, to begin life where every face was strange, and where business must be conducted in a lan- guage unknown to them, and which must be acquired by slow study and at the cost of many unpleasant experiences. Landing in New York, they were so fortunate as to find employment at once, and with willing hands did they toil to make a beginning in the new world. Upon arrival, Mr. Reinberg was in debt ten dollars, and had only seven cents in his pocket, but his industry and good habits soon made him friends, and with the aid of his good wife he was able at the end of a year to begin business on his own account. After remaining in New York a year they came to Chicago and soon secured a few acres of land in Lake View Township, Cook County. From this time until his death Mr. Reinberg engaged in gardening for the city market, and was very successful. He did not abandon his early habits of industry and thrift, and was enabled gradually to extend his holdings until they included eighty acres of land. All this was accomplished, with no aid except the co-operation of his faithful wife, in a strange land, before he reached the age of fifty-nine years, when he died, in 1881. His widow survived him fourteen years, reaching the age of seventy-one years. Mr. Reinberg was a public-spirited citizen, identified in politics with the Democratic party, but was never a seeker for public honors. He passed away at an early age, mourned by a wide circle of acquaintances, and all who knew him honored him for his sterling honesty and sturdy character. His family included two sons and five daugh- ters, all of whom are living in Cook County, as follows: Margaret, wife of Mathias Weiland, of Evanston; Mary, widow of Lawrence Zender, Rosehill; Katherine, Mrs. Peter Smith, Rogers Park; Anna, wife of Mr. Hoffman, a confectioner in Chicago; Peter, whose name heads this article; Lena, wife of Adam Zender, Rogers Park; and George, a gardener of Chicago. Peter Reinberg was born March 5, 1858, in Chicago, and was educated in the public school and Saint Henry's parish school. The intervals of school life were filled by assisting his father in the cultivation of vegetables, and he was early made familiar with the duties and labors of a market- gardener. He began business for himself in this line in 1883, and won the success due to industry JOHN HUNTINGTON. 369 and prudence. Four years later he commenced the cultivation of flowers, and has gradually ex- tended his operations until he has about seven acres under glass. He gives attention chiefly to the cultivation of roses and carnations, and em- ploys twenty-five men in his greenhouses alone. He maintains a wholesale house at No. 51 Wa- bash Avenue, where five men are constantly engaged in packing and shipping cut flowers. The trade is confined to this branch of the indus- try, and the products are shipped East, South and West, some of them going as far as Denver, Colorado. Mr. Reinberg has built up a steady patronage, and has no seasons, the business being almost uniform throughout the year. He is a member of the Chicago Horticultural Society, and has won many prizes at the local flower shows. Following the example of his parents, Mr. Reinberg is a faithful member of Saint Henry's Roman Catholic Church, and adheres to the Democratic party in political contests. He gives his earnest attention to his own concerns and does not seek to manage those of others, either as a meddler or in official positions. His only association with fraternal orders consists in mem- bership in North Shore Commandery, Catholic Order of Foresters. In May, 1883, he was mar- ried to Miss Mary Kronenberger, a native of Cook County, of German parentage. JOHN HUNTINGTON. (JOHN HUNTINGTON, of Niles Township, I is an honored pioneer of Cook County. He (*/ is a native of Stephentown, Rensselaer Coun- ty, New York, born September 9, 1824, and is descended from Revolutionary stock. His par- ents were Ezekiel and Phebe (Berry) Hunting- ton, natives of Connecticut. The grandfather was also named Ezekiel, and is supposed to have descended from the same family as Samuel Hunt- ington, one of the signers of the Declaration of Independence, and of which C. P. Huntington, the great railroad king, is also a scion. The father of John Huntington came to New York State when five years of age, and was reared on a farm. He was born in Connecticut, March 30, 1790, and his wife, Mary Berry Hunt- ington, December 25, 1791. He followed fann- ing all his life, and was prominent in public af- fairs. He served several years as justice of the peace and as sheriff of his county. He died at the age of eighty-nine years, and his wife passed away several years before his death. John Huntington was reared on his father's farm, and obtained a limited education in the subscription schools, which has been largely sup- plemented by private reading and in the practical business affairs of life. He remained at home until of age, when he began life for himself. He carried on farming and teaming until he came West. In December, 1845, he married Miss Sarah Ann Finch, a native of the same county as him- self. In 1855, accompanied by his wife and three children, he came to Cook County, locating in Niles Township on the ist of April. The town- ship was then but sparsely settled. He was for some time sawyer in the mill of Robert Heartt and John Gray. About a year and a-half after his arrival, he bought four acres of land. In 1857 he bought the stage line running be- 37 JOHN PROESEL. tween "Dutchman's Point" (Niles) and Chicago, and ran the mail route for a period of about fifteen years. Since that time he has been engaged in various occupations, farming, teaming and similar employments. Mr. Huntington was a Whig in early life, and has been a Republican since the organization of that party. He has always taken a lively interest in public affairs, and especially in educational matters, having served a number of years on the school board. In 1872 he was elected supervisor of Niles Township, and served two years. By his first marriage he had five children, namely: Julia, the wife of David Evans, of Chi- cago; Phoebe, wife of John W. Hamilton, of Chi- cago (a flour dealer) ; Fidelia, now Mrs. Alex- ander Robinson, of Chicago; John, who died at the age of three months; and Marvin, who died at the age of three and one-half years. They adopted a boy who bore the name of Edward John, who is now living in Maine Township. Mrs. Huntington died in 1880, aged fifty years. August 18, 1881, Mr. Huntington married Mrs. Christena McKay, widow of John McKay. She had been previously married to Mr. John Tarplit, by whom she had two children, James Tarplit, of San Francisco; and Margaret, wife of James Sharp, of Washington, District of Columbia. After his death she married Mr. Mc- Kay, but they had no children. Mrs. Hunting- ton is a Canadian by birth, and of Scotch origin. She is the daughter of Hugh McKay, of Simcoe County, Ontario, and came to Chicago in the year 1865. Mr. Huntington is not a member of any church, but Mrs. Huntington is a Methodist. Mr. Hunt- ington has always been an industrious and en- terprising citizen, ever ready to espouse the cause of the public welfare, and winning the respect and admiration of the community. JOHN PROESEL. n OHN PROESEL, a prominent German farm- I er of Cook County, was born in Bavaria, Q) Germany, in October, 1835. He was the son of George and Magdaline Proesel, both na- tives of Bavaria. They came, with their family of six children, to the United States in 1845. They embarked on a sailing-ship from Bremen, Ger- many, their sea voyage taking several weeks. From New York they went by way of Albany to Buffalo, and by the Great Lakes to Chicago, at which place they arrived on November ist. Mr. Proesel had two thousand dollars, and, coming direct to Niles Township, bought a farm of one hundred sixty acres, in section 35. At that time there were but a few settlers between him and Gross Point. He set about clearing and improv- ing the land, and followed farming until his death, in 1884, aged eighty-two years. His wife died in 1890, aged eighty-nine years and nine months. Their children were: Joseph, now of Livingston County, Illinois; Katharine, wife of Frank Alles, living on Division Street, near Clark Street, Chicago; George, deceased; John, of this article; John Baptiste, of Lawrence Avenue, Chi- cago; and Anna, wife of Henry Brandt, of Rog- ers Park. As John Proesel was but ten years of age when he came from Germany, and the country being new where he settled, he enjoyed but meagre advantages for education. He was reared to P. N. KIRSCHT. farm life, and at nineteen years of age began learning the trade of brick-layer, which he fol- lowed sixteen years in the city. In 1873 he went to the country and became engaged in farming, at which occupation he has since continued. In 1861 he married Miss Magdalene Lochner, and they had two children, Michael and William. Mrs. Proesel died in 1867, and in 1869 Mr. Proe- sel married Miss Katharine Becker, daughter of Henry and Mary (Green) Becker. Mrs. Proesel was born in Prussia, and came to the United States in 1867. Mr. and Mrs. Proesel became the parents of ten children, namely: John, of Larrabee Street, Chicago; Robert, Louisa, Joseph, Oscar, Franklin, Nicholas, Clara, Ella and Henry. All are identified with Saint Peter's Roman Catholic Church, of Niles Center. Mrs. Proesel 's parents are deceased, the mother dying in Chicago in 1872, and the father at West Bend, Wisconsin, in 1888. Mr. Proesel is not a politician, and is not bound by party lines in supporting candidates for office, but gives his vote to those he deems best qualified and most worthy. He is a very domestic man, honest and industrious, and a very successful farmer. PETER N. KIRSCHT. QETER N. KIRSCHT, a florist of Niles Town- yr ship, residing on section 16, is a member of J3 an old pioneer German family. He was born in Niles Township, October 20, 1861, being the eldest living son of John H. and Clara (Hauer) Kirscht, of Trier, Germany. Both of the parents came to the United States in 1854, the former stopping a few months in New York before coin- ing to Cook County, and the latter coming direct. In 1857 they were married. Mr. Kirscht was a poor man, and began life in the New World by- working at his trade of carpenter, which he learned and followed in his native land. Soon after their marriage he bought land in Niles Township, and in 1866 engaged in farming, but continued at his trade some of the time. For the past two years he has lived in com- parative retirement. He is now sixty-seven, and his wife sixty-two years of age. Mr. Kirscht has always been interested in the affairs of his adopted country, and, as a Democrat, in the success of his party. For five years he has held the office of school trustee, of which office he is the present incumbent. Mr. and Mrs. Kirscht had a family of thirteen children, only nine of whom grew to maturity. These are still living (in the spring of 1897), namely: Elizabeth, wife of Adam Dotzauer, of Niles Center; Apolonia, wife of Joseph Dittiich, of Glencoe; Peter N.; Barbara, now Mrs. Joseph Schinler, of Glencoe; Mary, Mrs. J. J. Durruebeck, of Kenosha, Wisconsin; Theodore M., of Niles; Nicholas H., with Peter in the florist business; Katherine and Anna, who live with their parents. Peter N. Kirscht was educated in a public and parochial schools, and he spent four winters at a night school. He grew to manhood on his father's farm and assisted in its cultivation until twenty-two years of age. He then spent three years as a clerk in a general store at Niles Center. In 1887 he built greenhouses and established him- self in business as a florist, in connection with a 372 HON. G. c. KLEHM. partner, with whom he continued only one year. He was then associated with his father in the business four years, since which time his brother, Nicholas Kirscht, has been in partnership with him. They grow roses, carnations and violets for the city market, which they sell through com- mission houses. Mr. Kirscht is public spirited and progressive, and keeps himself informed on the public ques- tions of the day. In politics he was formerly a Democrat in national affairs, but for two years has favored the Republican party. He was school director of his district six years. In 1888 he was elected town assessor, and served two years, but declined a re-election. In 1895 he was 'again elected, and has served continuously ever since. Mr. Kirscht is a member of the Cath- olic Order of Foresters, the Saint Joseph Reading Society and the Niles Center Volunteer Fire Com- pany. The members of the family residing here are connected with Saint Peter's Roman Catholic Church. HON. GEORGE C KLEHM. HON. GEORGE CONRAD KLEHM, one of the most prominent and public-spirited citi- zens of Niles Township, is numbered among the pioneer citizens of that community, having been a resident since 1856. He was born in Hesse-Darmstadt, Germany, on the 2Qth of July, 1839, and is a son of Paul and Katharine ,Klehm. The father died when George was a child less than one year old, and the mother set out with her two sons, in 1851, to find a home for them in the free land beyond the Atlantic. These sons were John Klehm, now a resident of Arlington Heights, Illinois, and the subject of this sketch. They remained in Buffalo, New York, until 1856, and then removed to Cook County. At the time of their arrival here they were poor in purse, though rich iti health and ambition, the family purse containing at that time but seventeen dol- lars. The mother continued to reside here until her death, at the age of nearly ninety years, in the spring of 1886. George C. Klehm received an elementary edu- cation in his native land, which was supplemented by a brief attendance at the public schools of Jefferson Township. In Buffalo he was appren- ticed to the trade of brick-laying and plastering, and completed his knowledge of these arts after the removal of the family to Cook County, in the then town of Jefferson, now a part of the city of Chicago. Mr. Klehm has been self-supporting since early boyhood. While living in the town of Jefferson he attended the public schools in winter and was a diligent student. Being possessed of much natural ability, his studious habits soon fitted him to be an educator of others, and for several years he busied himself during the winter in teaching school, and in building operations through the summer. In 1865 he engaged in the mercantile business in what is now Niles Center, a forest region then known as the ' ' Big Woods. ' ' This was the sec- ond store established at that point, the previous one having been opened a few years before by Mr. A. J. Snell. With the exception of eight years, Mr. Klehm has been continuously engaged in mercantile business since that time, and has been in many ways conspicuously identified with the growth and development of the best interests of the place. He has borne no inconsiderable MICHAEL SCHREIBER. 373 part in the conduct of local affairs, and has been influential in political matters since 1860, in which year he cast his first presidential vote for Abraham Lincoln. He is in no sense an office- seeker, but his fellow-citizens have insisted on his taking positions of responsibility, because of his well-known capability and enterprise. He has filled nearly all of the township offices, and served as treasurer for a period of twenty years. He has been treasurer of the village of Niles Center since its incorporation, and has served twelve years as Justice of the Peace. But the field of his usefulness could not be confined with- in the limits of a township, and his ability and public spirit soon made him known throughout the county. In 1877 he was elected as a Repre- sentative of his district to the General Assembly. But Mr. Klehm was not ambitious for public honors, preferring to give his time and talents to the conduct of his own affairs, and leave political emoluments to those whose desires ran in that direction. He is fond of his home and family, and is the center of a large group of admiring and appreciative friends. He is a progressive and intelligent .citizen, and is distinctly a self- made man. He owes his prosperity to his own unaided efforts, and his popularity to his genial and upright character. He is an active and val- ued member of the Evangelical Lutheran Church. Mr. Klehm has been twice married first, in 1864, to Miss Eliza Harms, a native of Germany, who died in 1878, leaving six children Emma, Edwin, Lydia, Amelia, George and Alma. In 1 88 1 he married Miss Eliza Ruesch, a native of Niles Township, and a member of one of its old families. She is the mother of five children, namely: Florence, Hubert, Harold, Grace and Raymond. Mr. Klehm has fitted up at Morton Grove station, on the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Railway, near Niles Center, a spacious and handsome picnic ground, known as St. Paul Park. This is covered with natural trees, and is traversed by a stream of water, which has been dammed, thus creating pleasant boating privi- leges, and is a very popular resort. It is kept in excellent condition by its obliging and enterpris- ing proprietor, and on account of this and its proximity to the city of Chicago, is much fre- quented by societies and pleasure parties. MICHAEL SCHREIBER. [ICHAEL SCHREIBER, a representative of one of the old German families of Cook County, residing at No. 3393 Ridge Ave- nue, Chicago, was born June 18, 1853, on the spot where he now lives. His parents, Nicholas and Katharine (Metzler) Schreiber, were born near the city of Mainz, Germany, and came to the United States in 1848. They located in Evanston Township, Cook County, where, soon after their arrival, Mr. Schreiber bought forty acres of land and engaged in fanning and garden- ing. This he continued until his death, which occurred November 25, 1852. Mrs. Schreiber is still living, at the age of eighty-five years, and her declining years are made happy by the loving care of four of her seven children, who are com- fortably settled near her. Two died in the old country, and John, the fourth, died in Chicago, at the age of thirty-six years. The others are: Frederick, a gardener of Niles Center; Anna Mary, wife of John Letto, residing at No. 243 Townsend Street, Chicago; and Dominick and Michael, twins. Michael Schreiber was educated chiefly in Saint 374 FREDERICK MIGELY. Henry's parish school, and filled the intervals of study by assisting his father on the farm. He is now engaged largely in market-gardening, and is reckoned among the successful and leading citi- zens of the community in which he resides. He has never sought to manage any but his own af- fairs, and has never had a desire to occupy official positions, but is a steadfast supporter of Demo- cratic policies and candidates. He is a member of the Catholic Order of Foresters, and, with his family, affiliates with Saint Henry's Roman Catholic Church. May 17, 1 88 1, he was married to Miss Kathar- ine, daughter of John and Mary Alles, both of whom were born in German}'. Mrs. Schreiber is, like her husband, a native of Cook County, born November 14, 1859. Of the seven children born to Michael and Katharine Schreiber, five are now living, namely: John, Eva, Mary, Amelia and Aluyse. Mr. Schreiber is an industrious, enterprising and public-spirited man, who gives his hearty support to all movements which he considers valuable to the community or the world at large. FREDERICK MIGELY, r~ REDBRICK MIGELY was born in Chicago, rft August 26, 1845, at Nos. 180-182 Ran- | dolph Street, where the Hotel Bismarck now stands. This property was then owned by his father, Rudolph Migely, and is now owned by the subject of this sketch. The family is of Swiss descent. The grand- father, Emanuel Migely, was a native of Bern, Switzerland, where the family held positions of trust and responsibility. The old way of spelling the name was Muegely. Rudolph Migely was educated in the schools of Bern, and at the age of eighteen years came to the United States, and located at Buffalo, New York. In 1835, at the age of twenty-four, he came to Chicago, and found employment as a wagonmaker for Briggs & Humphrey. (Briggs later built the hotel which bears his name.) This firm manufactured the heavy, strong wagons used at that time. Finally Mr. Migely started a general store and hotel at Nos. 180 182 Ran- dolph Street, where he conducted a successful business fifteen years, and then, having bought considerable property and improved it, he retired from active business. He was well and favorably known by all of the old settlers of Chicago, who honor his memory. His death occurred in Chi- cago, September 5, 1885, at the age of seventy- five years. Mr. Migely married Katharine Goodman, daughter of Frederick and Mary Goodman, na- tives of Bavaria. Frederick Goodman was a merchant tailor, and died at the age of ninety- seven years. He was a very well-preserved man, and at the age of eighty-eight, could walk to the city and back. Katharine (Goodman) Migely died in Chicago, August 26, 1883, at the age of sixty- six years. The subject of this sketch is the only child of his parents who reached maturity. He was edu- cated here, and engaged in the dry-goods business for many years, and was for a short time in the grocery trade. After the death of his father he retired from business, and now looks after his real-estate interests in Chicago and elsewhere. He was married in Chicago, May 4, 1869, to I. G. SMITH. 375 Miss Mary Schall, a daughter of Andrew Schall, a former hotel-keeper and ex-alderman of Chicago. To this union were born seven children, as fol- lows: Rudolph E., William J., Jeanette B., Frederick, Andrew P., Katharine and Walter Louis. In political matters Mr. Migely has always favored the Republican party. He is a good citi- zen, and belongs to the class of well-to-do de- scendants of Chicago pioneers, who, by their honorable and conservative lives, give tone and security to our great commonwealth. ISRAEL G. SMITH. CVSRAEL GROVER SMITH, one of the oldest settlers of Cook County , was born September I 7, 1816, at White Creek, Washington Coun- ty, New York, and is a son of Henry and Ann (Waite) Smith, natives of that county. The family is an old one in this country, having re- sided here since the Revolutionary War. Henry Smith and his wife had ten children, as follows: Gustavus, who came to Cook County in 1835, and died here in January, 1855; Marcellus B.; Israel Grover, the subject of this sketch; Waldo W., Harlon H., Edwin D., Lafayette W., Sarah A., Adoniram J. and Emily M. Of this number only two are still living Israel G. and Sarah A. Henry Smith died in Cook County, in March, 1841, and his wife survived him until 1872, and died in Chicago. The first of the fam- ily to come to the West was Gustavus, in 1835, and the remainder of the family followed in 1836. Israel and his brother Marcellus came through with a horse and jumper, starting March 16 and coming through Ontario to the place where the home of the former is still located, which they reached April 10. They settled on this land, then in what was called Monroe Precinct, afterward Jefferson Township, and when it was surveyed and put upon the market, they bought a large tract on a beautiful ridge, which for many years was called Smith's Ridge, and much of this land is still in the possession of the family. Israel G. Smith was educated in the subscrip- tion schools of his neighborhood, and was reared on a farm, where he learned the usual farmer's work. At the age of nineteen he began learning the trade of blacksmith, but six months later he came to the West. Since coming here he has been engaged in agriculture. He owns one hundred fifty-three acres of fertile land in section 1 8, in the town of Norwood Park. Mr. Smith was a successful farmer, and in a comparatively few years became wealthy. In 1853 he built a house on what is now Jackson Boulevard, between Desplaines and Halsted Streets, where he lived a few years and then re- turned to his farm. Later he bought a stock ot groceries on State Street and conducted the busi- ness about a year, when he sold out and returned to his farm. He had built a couple of stores on Lake Street, one of which he rented. Failing to find a tenant for the other, he opened a boot and shoe store in it, in company with a Mr. Barney, under the firm name of Smith & Barney. This business venture again necessitated his becoming a resident of the city, to enable him to give the business his personal supervision. This connec- tion continued about a year, at the end of which time Mr. Smith abandoned mercantile pursuits. In 1869 he bought the Judge Bradwell home- 376 M. L. ECKERT. stead on Washington Street, intending to improve it and remain permanently in the city. Having always been accustomed to an active life, idleness soon became irksome to him, and after the fire of 1871 he returned to his farm, and a few years later built the beautiful farm residence which has been his home ever since. Mr. Smith has always taken an active interest in public affairs, and keeps himself well informed on the great questions of the day. He was a Whig until the establishment of the Republican party, since which time he has been one of its most ardent supporters. At the first election held in Jefferson Township he was elected Justice of the Peace, and held the office several years. He was never an office-seeker, but he has filled several local offices. April 13, 1843, Mr. Smith was united in mar- riage with Miss Susannah Pennoyer, who was born June 17, 1814, in the Empire State. Her father, John Pennoyer, was born June 16, 1780, in Connecticut. March 4, 1807, he married Sallie Fox, who was born September 17, 1780. They came to Cook County in 1837. Mrs. Pen- noyer died May 15, 1843, and Mr. Pennoyer passed away August 28, 1856. Mrs. Smith was well educated for her time, and was of a studious nature. She was a suc- cessful teacher in her native State, and taught the first school in Leyden Township, this county. She was very highly respected for her many excellencies of head and heart. Mr. and Mrs. Smith had seven children, as follows: Frederick A., an attorney of Chicago; Frank G., deceased; Milton Henry, who died of cholera; Emily, wife of H. R. Clissold, who resides in Morgan Park; Edwin D., a farmer; Sarah M., now the wife of George W. Wilcox, a resident of Minneapolis; and Stella, Mrs. D. C. Dunlap, who resides in Chicago. Mrs. Smith died March 28, 1893, in her seventy-eighth year, after nearly fifty years of happy married life. When the family first came to their present home the nearest neighbors were Christian Ebinger on the north, and Elijah Wentworth on the east. Mr. Smith has witnessed almost the entire growth of the great metropolis, its population being about four thousand when he came to Cook County, and he is well known by the oldest set- tlers of this part of the county. Mr. Smith's life has been one of activity and usefulness, and, although, by reason of a good constitution and temperate habits, he has exceeded by a decade the psalmist's limit of "three-score years and ten," the cares of life have rested lightly upon him. He is still in good health, vigorous intellectually, cheerful in disposition, of a pleas- ing personality, and, from his sprightly step, might easily be taken for a much younger man than he is. MICHAEL L ECKERT. IV^ICHAEL L. ECKERT, wholesale and re- IV I tail dealer in cigars, at No. 1632 North \(\ Clark Street, is an enterprising young business man. He was born in Lake View Town- ship, near Rosehill, July 9, 1860, and is the son of John Eckert, whose biography appears on another page of this work. He received a good, common-school education in the public school, which has been largely supplemented by his reading, observation and practical experience. His boyhood was passed upon his father's farm, which he helped to cultivate until he attained his HENRY RUMSTICK. 377 majority, after which he was engaged for nearly four years in the wholesale crockery house of Burley & Tyrrel. His next occupation was that of traveling salesman for the firm of O. Schroeder & Company. In 1891 he established himself in business near his present location, and has built up a good trade. In public affairs he has always taken a deep interest and he keeps himself informed on the issues of the times. In 1881 he acceptably filled the office of assistant assessor of Lake View Township. To the men and measures of the Republican party he formerly gave his support, but for some years past, he has not been bound by party ties, preferring to support the man who seems to him to be best qualified, and who will most faithfully discharge the duties of office, regardless of his political opinions. On the isth of October, 1886, Mr. Eckert was married to Miss Mary Spelz, who was born in Chicago, and is a daughter of John and Mary Spelz, both natives of Germany, who came to Chicago some years ago. To them were born three sons, namely: John, Fred and Harold. Mr. Eckert is a member of the Knights of Pythias, Royal League, National Union, Lincoln Turner Society, and the Harmonia Singing Society. He is progressive in his ideas, courteous to his patrons and all others, and very public- spirited. He gives encouragement and support to every deserving public enterprise, and is de- servedly popular throughout a wide acquaintance, having a large number of true friends. HENRY RUMSTICK. HENRY RUMSTICK, a member of one of the early North Side German families of Chicago, is engaged in gardening in that section of the city. He was born on the 3d of May, 1850, in North Berlin," Prussia. Both his parents, Christian and Doris (Arndt) Rum- stick, were natives of Prussia, and came in 1851 to Chicago, with their son Henry, the eldest of the family, whose life has been mostly passed here. On reaching Chicago they proceeded di- rectly to Lake View, where the father purchased five acres of land, and at once engaged in garden- ing for the city markets, and also worked as laborer for his neighbors. Five children were born after their arrival, namely: Otto, now a resident of Indiana; Augus- ta, who became the wife of John Paccaduck, of Chicago; Otto, who died at the age of seventeen years; Minnie, wife of Henry Rosch, of Indiana. The father is still living at the age of eighty years, residing with his son Henry, and is active and industrious. His wife died in 1883. They were members of Saint Paul's Lutheran Church, with which the former is still identified. He has served several years as school trustee of Rogers Park. Since becoming a citizen of the United States he has given his support uniformly to the Republican party. Henry Rumstick was educated in the public schools of Cook County, but was obliged to give most of his time from an early age to his own support, and that of the family. At the age of eighteen years he went to learn the trade of stone-cutter, and after serving an apprenticeship of three years he continued as journeyman until 1890. He then engaged in gardening and now 378 JOSEPH CLARK. tills thirteen acres of land. He has never sought for political preferment, and has given his time and talents to the prosecution of his private business, but has always been an enthusiastic Republican in politics. July 4, 1874, Mr. Rumstick was married to Miss Barbara Klein, a daughter of Christopher and Anna Klein, whose history is given in this volume, in connection with the sketch of Celestial Keller. Mrs. Rumstick was born January 24, 1856, in Germany, and has had five children, namely: Anna, born June 26, 1875, now the wife of Axel Lindgren of Chicago; Otto, July 13, 1877, died October 13, 1879, at the age of two and one-half years; Minnie, April 7, 1879; Emma, August 13, 1882; Katharine, December 28, 1886. The family is associated with the Lutheran Church, and Mr. Rumstick is a member of the Knights of Honor; he is a progressive citizen, who appreciates the advantages and benefits of American institutions, and is providing his chil- dren with excellent educational opportunities. JOSEPH CLARK. (JOSEPH CLARK, one of the worthy pioneers I of Cook County, was born August 8, 1826, Q) in Brechin, Forfarshire, Scotland. He is a son of David and Catherine (Dackers) Clark, both natives of that county. David Clark died when Joseph, his son, was a child, leaving his nine children to the care of his wife. They were: John, who came in 1832 to Chicago, where he died many years ago; Margaret, Elizabeth, James, William, Alexander, David, Robert, and Joseph, the last-named being the only one surviving. Joseph Clark received a good common-school education in his native land. His brothers John and Alexander were so well pleased with the op- portunities offered to young men in the United States, whither they had come, that Joseph was ambitious to come to this country also. He sailed from Greenock in May, 1844, on a sailing-ship, spending three months on the voyage. He land- ed in Quebec, and came through to Chicago by the lakes. When he arrived in Chicago, in August, he had a cash capital of but twenty- five cents. He went immediately to section 14, Jefferson Township, where his brothers were lo- cated. He began gardening on land which was furnished him by his brother, who had bought it from the Government for one dollar and a-quarter an acre. Ever since that time, Mr. Clark has lived on this land, with the exception of three years spent in California. He originally had eighty acres, but has given each of his children five acres, and has only about twenty-five acres remaining. In 1849, attracted by the vast fortunes being made in the gold-mining regions of California, he went thither by the overland route, seven months being consumed by the journey. He spent a short time in mining, and then bought a mule- train and engaged in packing for the miners, which business was so lucrative that, at the end of three years, he returned to Cook County, Illi- nois, well satisfied with his expedition. At the time of his return, the county was only sparsely settled, and he engaged in farming and gardening, which he continued until, in 1890, he was obliged to retire on account of advancing years. Mr. Clark has always taken an active interest in public affairs, and has been a useful member ofsoci- LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS FRANK A. BAER F. A. BAER. 379 ety, having filled many local offices. In 1857 he married Miss Sallie Ann Ferguson, daughter of Stauts Morrison and Neoma (Rice) Ferguson, pio- neers of this county. Mr. and Mrs. Clark have five children, namely: Charles, a gardener; Richard; Martin; Maud, the wife of Winfield Glenn; and Kittie, wife of Harry Jackson, of Bowmanville. Mr. Clark was a Whig until the formation of the Republican party, whose cause he has since espoused. He is intimately connected with the growth and development of the town of Jefferson, and has always favored public enterprises. He has given his faithful service to his adopted land on all occasions, and is a progressive citizen. He is a member of Myrtle Lodge No. 795, Ancient Free and Accepted Masons, of Irving Park. Stauts M. Ferguson, the father of Mrs. Clark, was born in Orange County, New York, of Scotch and English ancestry. Neoma Rice was a native of Pennsylvania. After their marriage they set- tled in Tioga County, New York, where Mr. Ferguson engaged in mercantile business at Fac- toryville, until he came to Cook County in 1838. He bought land in Ley den Township, where the village of Norwood Park now is. He owned two hundred acres of land and engaged in farming, stock-raising and dairying, continuing until 1859, when he sold out and moved into Chicago. He lived retired until his death, which occurred while on his way from California about 1873. His wife passed away in Chicago in 1862. They had nine children, namely: Emily and Henrietta (now de- ceased); Mary, who married Dr. Richard Ever- ett, a pioneer physician of Cook County, and died in 1894; Martha (Mrs. B. Bryant), of California; Mrs. Clark is next in order of birth; Caroline, wife of Thomas Turner, of Ellis Park, Chicago; Charles G., now a miner of Cripple Creek, Colo- rado; Frances, wife of Anson Bryant, of Gait, California; and Jennie, now Mrs. Samuel Wrist- on, also of Gait, California. Mr. Ferguson was quite prominently identified with the early history of Cook County. Although not an office-seeker he held a number of official positions, and was a very earnest worker in the Presbyterian Church. FRANK A. BAER. |~~RANK ADAM BAER. Among the well- r3 known and popular men of the }'ounger gen- | eration, comprising North Siders, none were held in higher esteem or more widely known than Frank A. Baer. He was born in Rosehill in 1853, and was the son of Franz and Dorothea Baer, na- tives of Germany, who emigrated to America and settled in Rosehill in 1851. Here Mr. Baer was engaged in business for many years, and was a prosperous and influential citizen. The boyhood of Frank Baer was spent in Rose- hill, and in the parochial schools he received a practical education in the English branches. He remained under the parental roof until he became of age, when he, in company with his brother Lawrence, started a saloon business, at which they were engaged for several years. The subject of this sketch moved to Ravenswood and conducted a greenhouse three years, and was prosperous in this venture. In 1892 he disposed of his interest and established the Lake View Exchange, which became a popular resort, and which he conducted until his death. In his busi- ness relations Mr. Baer reached a high standard. 380 COL. JAMES QUIRK. His reputation for integrity and fair dealing was of an order that always inspired confidence in his business associates. His attentiveness to his per- sonal business was marked, and led to the achieve- ment of financial success. Public office had no allurement for him. In politics he was a Republican, and always dis- charged the duties of citizenship at the polls. The only office he ever held was that of street commis- sioner, while he was living at Rosehill. He was an honored member of the Catholic Order of For- esters and Sons of Chicago, and a communicant of the Mount Carmel Roman Catholic Church, of which he was a liberal supporter. He was united in marriage with Miss Anna, daughter of Margar- ita Koch, who settled in Chicago in 1865. To Mr. and Mrs. Baer were born four children, three of whom are living, Frank P., Anna and Julius. Margaret, the other, lived only to the age of five years. Mr. Baer was a kind and indulgent hus- band and father, and a most exemplary citizen. His last illness was of brief duration, and after five days of suffering he passed away, March 29, 1897. COL. JAMES QUIRK. EOL. JAMES QUIRK, a valiant soldier of the Civil War, and a prominent citizen of Chicago, was born April 27, 1832, in Castle Gregory, County Kerry, Ireland. He is a son of Francis and Ellen (Lynch) Quirk, who were born in the same town. Francis Quirk was a shoe manufacturer and employed a number of people in his business. He was induced by friends to come to the United States, and sailed from Ireland about 1840. For a few years he was located in Buffalo, New York, whence he came to Chicago in 1844, arriving in this city September 14 of that year. He brought with him his wife and eight children. He continued in the business of shoe manu- facturer in this city, and some of his sons became familiar with the trade. Only two of these are now living, Capt. Bartholomew Quirk (see biog- raphy on another page) and the subject of this sketch. All of the others, as well as the parents, died in Chicago, except John, who died in St. Joseph, Missouri. The father reached the good age of eighty- four years, and the mother that of eighty-eight years. Both of Mr. Quirk's grand- parents lived to be over ninety years of age. He was an intelligent and successful business man, and was numbered, with the members of his fam- ily, among the faithful adherents of the Roman Catholic faith. James Quirk attended school in Chicago, being a pupil in the old Dearborn School, the first free public school erected in the city. In early life he was employed as a clerk in a shoe store kept by William H. Adams, where he continued several years. In 1857 he entered the employ of the city, as a clerk in the old Court House. In 1854 he joined the State militia, in a company known as the Shields Guards, belonging to the Sixtieth Regiment, Illinois National Guard, in which five of his brothers also served. He enjoyed the military training which this connec- tion afforded, and became quite proficient in mili- tary tactics, and was elected captain of the com- pany. In this capacity he entered the Union army, having in the mean time raised another company known as Company B, of the Shields Guards. These were technically known as Companies I and K of the Twenty-third Illinois Regiment. When he opened his recording office for the first company, on the I7th of April, 1861, he enrolled one hundred and forty-nine men in one hour. REV. W. H. GANSKE. In the following June he was elected lieuten- ant-colonel of the Twenty-third Regiment, with which he proceeded to Missouri, the services of the regiment being accepted by President Lincoln, although rejected by the State of Illinois under the Twelve Regiment Bill. They participated in the Siege of Lexington, Missouri, where the regiment was captured and paroled, and sent to Benton Barracks, Missouri, to await exchange. Owing to the supersedure of General Fremont by General Halleck, the regiment was mustered out of the service by order of the latter. This justly provoked the leading officers of the regi- ment, and Colonel Mulligan, Major Moore and Lieutenant-Colonel Quirk visited General Mc- Clellan and President Lincoln at Washington, and secured the countermanding of General Hal- leek's order. The regiment went East in June, 1862, and joined the Eighth Army Corps in Virginia. Colonel Quirk remained with his regiment, participating in its active service, until Septem- ber 28, 1864, when he resigned and returned to Chicago. He had been in command of the regi- ment nearly three years, as his superior, Colonel Mulligan, was most of the time in charge of a brigade or division. Colonel Quirk received a wound in Missouri, from which he quickly recov- ered, and was an efficient and brave officer. He was a good disciplinarian, kind though just, and very popular with his men, whom he was willing to lead and never followed. After the war Colonel Quirk was for many years the incumbent of prominent civil positions. He entered the Custom House service as inspector, and was connected with the United States Custom House of Chicago about twenty years. For some time he was in the auditor's department, later in the clearance department, and organized the weighing department, of which he was chief. Later, he was gas inspector under Mayor Roche. In politics he has always been a Republican. Having made judicious investments in real estate, his wealth has been much increased by its appre- ciation in value, and he is now the owner of many houses in Chicago, and has practically retired from active business. September 5, 1854, he was married to Miss Rose C. McKenna, a native of central New York, born in 1835. She came to Chicago with her parents when an infant. Mrs. Quirk died May 6, 1895. She was a faithful member of the Roman Catholic Church, as are her husband and children. The latter were three in number, namely: Daniel F., who died in California; Alice, wife of Ed F. Haydon; and James P., a successful physician of Chicago. REV. WILLIAM H. GANSKE. REV. WILLIAM H. GANSKE is pastor of Saint Philippus' German Evangelical Lu- theran Church and teacher of the parochial school connected therewith. The church build- ing is located on the corner of Oakley and Law- rence Avenues, Chicago. Mr. Ganske has been pastor and teacher since August, 1893. For about two years previous to that time, this was a mission-post in charge of Rev. J. H. Miller, the present pastor being the first settled minister. The church was completed in October, 1896. Previous to the completion of 3 82 P. L. GORMAN. the church, religious services were held in the present school building. The Saint Philippus' Church property is valued at about eleven thou- sand dollars and the school property at fifteen thousand dollars. The church has forty-two members, but the families that attend its services number about two hundred. Rev. William H. Ganske is a native of Chi- cago, having been born on the West Side. His father, William Ganske, is a pioneer in school work in that part of the city, and has had charge of Saint Matthew's Church and parochial school for the past twenty -seven years. He is a native of Germany, a successful educator and a well- known and esteemed citizen . Rev. William H. Ganske received his early education in the school under his father's super- vision, and later was a student at Concordia Col- lege, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, for four years. He graduated from the college of the same name at Fort Wayne, Indiana, in the class of 1890. He pursued a theological course at Concordia Col- lege, at St. Louis, and was ordained pastor Au- gust 6, 1893. Previous to that time he had been assistant to Rev. J. H. Miller for one year. He was married January 20, 1897, to Miss Emma Wegner, also a native of Chicago. Saint Philip- pus' Church, under the pastorate of Rev. W. H. Ganske, is making rapid progress and takes high rank among the churches of that denomination. PATRICK L, GORMAN. QATRICK LAWRENCE GORMAN was born LX in County Mayo, Ireland, in the year 1837, [3 and is a son of Patrick and Margaret (Dur- kin) Gorman. The family moved to England when Patrick Gorman, the subject of this sketch, was eleven years of age. He began the serious business of life at a very early age, his first work being at a furnace. This was soon after the family moved to England, and he carried pig iron twenty years. They were first located in Staffordshire, and later in North Lancashire, where young Patrick worked at the furnace at Barrow. In 1866 he came to America, being the only one of the family to do so. He located first at Scran- ton, Pennsylvania, and worked there at a furnace three and one-half years. He left Scranton for Shenandoah, Pennsylvania, in 1870, and there worked in mines a few years. In 1881 Mr. Gor- man came to South Chicago, and entered the service of the Potter Company, tending a furnace. He has been in the same employ most of the time since. He has thus continued at the same kind of work till the spring of 1897, a thing which is done by very few men. Before leaving England, Mr. Gorman married Catherine Durkin, daughter of John and Bridget (Jordan) Durkin. They were married June 10, 1861, and their children are: Mary, Agnes, Sa- bina, John, Catherine and Gertrude. Sarah and William P. died at the age of sixteen years, re- spectively. Beside these, they lost three children. All are communicants of the Roman Catholic Church. Mr. Gorman is a member of the Cath- olic Order of Foresters, and of the Ancient Order of United Workmen. He is an honest, industri- ous citizen, and is careful and trustworthy in his work. Mrs. Gorman has been a faithful help- meet to her husband, and both have the con- fidence and esteem of the community in which they reside. S. E. GROSS. 383 SAMUEL EBERLY GROSS. (3 AMUEL E. GROSS is one of Chicago's best ?\ known business men, and especially in real- Q} estate circles has he a wide acquaintance. He has long been active in promoting the growth and advancement of the city, not merely for his own interest, but largely for the benefit of the community as well. He was born on the Old Mansion Farm in Dauphin County, Pennsylva- nia, November 1 1, 1843. He is descended from Huguenot ancestry, and reliable information shows that the family lived in America in 1 726, at which time Joseph Gross was the owner of property in Montgomery County, Pennsylvania. His grandson, who was the great-grandfather of our subject, valiantly aided the colonies in their struggle for independence and became a captain in the sen-ice, his commission, dated November 25, 1776, being signed by John Hancock, Gov- ernor of Pennsylvania. When the war was over he went to Dauphin County, Pennsylvania, where he owned extensive farm and milling interests. His wife, who bore the maiden name of Sahler, was of Holland descent on the paternal side, and of Huguenot on the maternal, coming from the Du Bois family, which was prominent in Kings- ton, New York, as early as 1649. The mother of Mr. Gross was in her maidenhood Elizabeth Eberly. She came of a family of German origin, whose representatives have been prominent in various professional walks in life. The American people are coming ..o recognize more fully ever}- day the fact that good blood tells. The most prominent characteristics of Mr. Gross are inherited from ancestors who were active in war and in the same lines of business as himself. His genealogy is traced as follows: Seigneur Jean de Gros, Master of the Chamber of the Count of Dijon, (died 1456), married Peronette le Roye; their eldest son, Jean, of Dijon, Secre- tary to Due de Bourgogne, married Philiberte de Sourlam; their son, Ferry, of Dijon, in 1521, married Phillipolte Wielandt; their son, Jean, of Dijon, (died 1548), married Catharine Laurym; their son, Jean, of Dijon, in 1599, married Jacque- line de Berneincourt; their son, Jean, of Dijon, in 1620, married Leonore de Briard; their son, Jacob, married Marie Debar, and removed from France at the time of the persecution of the Hugue- nots to the Palatinate, Germany, and later re- moved to Mannheim on the Rhine. Their son, Johann, of Mannheim, in 1665, married Miss Neihart; their son, Johann Christopher, of Mann- heim, in 1703, married Elizabeth Metger; and their son, Joseph, in 1719, accompanied the Men- nonites from the Palatinate to America, residing for some time on the banks of the Hudson, and removing afterward to Pennsylvania. He mar- ried Catherina , owned property in the neighborhood of the Trappe, Montgomery Count}', Pennsylvania, previous to 1726, and land in Philadelphia County in 1728, and died in 1753; their son, John, of Montgomery County, married Clara , and died in 1788; their son, John, born in 1749, was a Captain in the War of the Revolution. In 1778 he married Rachel Sah- ler, and died in 1823; their son, Christian, born in 1788, of Dauphin County, Pennsylvania, mar- ried Ann Custer, of Montgomery County, and died in 1843; their son, John C., in 1843, married Elizabeth Eberly, of Cumberland County, Penn- sylvania; and their eldest son, Samuel E., is the subject of this biography. Through his great-grandmother, Rachel Sah- ler, wife of Capt. John Gross of Revolutionary fame, Samuel E. Gross is directly descended from Matthew Blanshan, Louis Dubois and Christian Deyo, Huguenots of France, who, like Jacob de Gros, at the time of the persecution, removed to S. E. GROSS. the Palatinate in Germany, and thence emigrated to America in the middle of the seventeenth cen- tury. Matthew Blanshan and his family were the first of the refugees to try their fate in the New World, sailing from the Palatinate April 27, 1660. Louis Dubois and Christian Deyo soon followed, and were two of the twelve patentees who, in 1677, obtained title to all the lands in Eastern New York State lying between the Shawangunk Mountains and the Hudson River, and were in- strumental in founding New Paltz and Kingston in Ulster County. Rachel Sahler was the daughter of Abraham Sahler and Elizabeth Dubois. Her mother, Eliza- beth Dubois, was the daughter of cousins, Isaac Dubois and Rachel Dubois. Isaac Dubois, her father, was the son of Solomon Dubois, and her mother, Rachel Dubois, was the daughter of Sol- omon Dubois' eldest brother, Abraham. The mother of Rachel Dubois was Margaret Deyo, daughter of Christian Deyo, the patentee. Abra- ham Dubois, Rachel's father, and Solomon Du- bois, her husband's father, were both sons of Louis Dubois, the patentee and founder of New Paltz, and his wife, Catherine Blanshan, daugh- ter of Matthew Blanshan, the first of these Hugue- not arrivals. In 1846, Mr. Gross came with his parents to Illinois, and after residing for a time in Bureau County removed to Carroll County. His early ed- ucation was acquired in the district schools, and he afterwards attended Mt. Carroll Seminary. Prompted by patriotic impulses, he enlisted in his country's service on the breaking out of the late war, although only seventeen years of age. He joined the Forty-first Illinois Infantry, and took part in the Missouri campaign, but was then mus- tered out by reason of the strong objections made by his parents to his service, on account of his youth. He spent the following year as a student in Whitehall Academy, Cumberland County, Pennsylvania, but in June, 1863, he again left school, for the Confederates had invaded the Key- stone State and he could no longer remain quiet- ly at his books. On the 29th of June he was made First Lieutenant of Company D, Twentieth Penn- sylvania Cavalry, being one of the youngest offi- cers of that rank in the army. His faithful and valiant service won him promotion to the rank of Captain of Company K. February 17, 1864. He participated in many of the important battles of the eastern campaign, and when the war was over was mustered out at Cloud Mills, Virginia, July 13, 1865. At this time Chicago ' was becoming a city of prominence and gave rich promise for a brilliant future. Attracted by its prospects, Mr. Gross here located in September, 1865, and entered Un- ion Law College. The following year he was ad- mitted to the Bar, entering at once upon practice. In the mean time, however, he had invested a small capital in real estate. He built upon his lots in 1867, and as his undertakings in this di- rection met with success, he gave more and more attention to the business. He was instrumental in the establishment of the park and boulevard system in the winter of 1869. When the great fire broke out in 1871, and Mr. Gross saw that his office would be destroyed, he hastily secured his abstracts, deeds and other valuable papers, as many as he could get, and, putting them in a row- boat, carried them to a tug. When the flames had completed their disastrous work, he returned to the old site of his office and resumed business. A financial depression from 1873 until 1879 fol- lowed the boom, and Mr. Gross gave his time to the study of politics, science, and to literary pursuits. On the revival of trade, Mr. Gross determined to devote his entire time to real-estate interests, and to the southwest of the city founded several suburbs. In 1882, to the north, he began what has now become Gross Park. In 1883, he began the work which has made him a public benefac- tor, that of building homes for people of moderate means, and the selling the same to them on time. Thus many a family has secured a comfortable home, where otherwise their wages would have been expended in rent, and in the end they would have had nothing to show for it. Unimproved districts under his transforming hand became pop- ulated and flourishing neighborhoods. In 1886, Mr. Gross founded the town of Brookdale; platted Calumet Heights and Dauphin Park the following CALVIN DE WOLF. 385 year, and platted a forty-acre subdivision on Ash- land Avenue. A large district near Humboldt Park was improved by him, and some three hun- dred houses were built near Archer Avenue and Thirty-ninth Street. The beautiful town of Gross- dale has been one of his most successful ventures. He established the town one mile west of River- side, and beautiful drives, lovely homes, churches, a theatre and fine walks make this one of Chica- go' s best suburbs. He has also recently founded the beautiful town of Hollywood, and during the last twelve years he has founded sixteen thriving suburban towns and cities. His fortune is esti- mated at $3,000,000, or over, and although his reputation is that of a multi-millionaire the United Workingmen's societies showed their confidence in him by nominating him to the mayoralty in 1889, an honor which from press of private busi- ness he was obliged to decline. Constantly has the business of Mr. Gross in- creased, until his dealings have reached the mill- ions. He buys property outright, and then sells as the purchasers feel that they can pay. It is said that he has never foreclosed a mortgage, and his kindliness, forbearance and generosity have won for him the love and confidence of the poorer people and the high regard of all. Mr. Gross was married in January, 1874, to Miss Emily Brown, a lady of English descent. He is a member of the Chicago Club, the Union Club, the Washington Park, the Athletic, Mar- quette and Iroquois Clubs. He is a patron of the Art Institute and the Humane Society, and his support is given to other benevolent organizations. He holds membership with the Chicago Union Veteran Club; U. S. Grant Post No. 28, G. A. R.; the Western Society Army of the Potomac, and the Sons of the American Revolution. In 1886, Mr. Gross made a trip to Europe, spending four months in visiting the leading cit- ies and points of interest in that continent. He also made investigations concerning city develop- ment. In 1889, he traveled through Mexico and the cities on the Pacific Coast, and later in the year attended the Paris Exposition. In 1892, he went to Europe once more, and also visited the Orient. In manner, Mr. Gross is genial, pleas- ant and entertaining, and the kindliness of his face at once wins him friends. Although he would not be called a professing philanthropist, his life has certainly been characterized by a practical charity, which has probably proven of more bene- fit than the acknowledged philanthropic work of some others. His success in business seems mar- velous, yet it is but the result of industry, enter- prise, and careful and well-directed management. CALVIN DE WOLF. eALVIN DE WOLF, now one of the foremost citizens of Chicago, is an example of the manner in which men rise to stations of wealth and honor through sturdy moral integrity and unceasing, ambitious toil. His story is that of a young man who came to Chicago with nothing in the days of the city's infancy, and by a sustained effort has grown with the city's growth, until he is numbered among the representative men of the "great city by the inland sea." Calvin De Wolf was born in Braintrim, Luzerne County, Pennsylvania, on the i8th of February, 1815, and was one of the family offifteen children of Giles M. De Wolf, a well-to-do farmer. His father and grandfather were born in Pomfret, Con- necticut, and his more remote ancestors were among the early settlers in Lyme, Connecticut, being colonists who came over from Holland, to which country they had probably been driven from France (where the family originated) by religious 3 86 CALVIN DE WOLF. persecution. His mother, whose maiden name was Anna Spaulding, was born in Cavendish, Ver- mont, and was a descendant of Edward Spaulding, who settled in Chelmsford, Massachusetts, in 1633- Soon after the birth of Calvin De Wolf, his par- ents removed to his mother's native place and re- mained there until he was five years of age, and then returned to Braintrim, Pennsylvania, from whence, four years later, they removed to the ad- joining county of Bradford, where his father pur- chased a farm in the beech woods of that county. This farm was covered with heavy timber, the clearing of which was a task of a different kind and of much greater magnitude than falls to the lot of most farmers of the present day. Putting this land into condition to be sufficiently produc- tive to support the large family of its owner fur- nished work for every hand for years. Calvin De Wolf was the eldest of his father's sons who lived beyond the infantile period, and converting the beech forest into tillable land was a task in which he was required to practice, and which, with the tilling of the soil, required all his time except the three winter months, when he at- tended school until he was twenty-one years of age. After attaining his majority he made up his mind to obtain an education, and, under the in- struction of his father, who was a man of more than ordinary ability, had a good common-school education and was well versed in mathematics, he obtained a good knowledge of arithmetic, algebra and sun-eying. He was also assisted to a knowl- edge of the elements of Latin by a gentleman of liberal education who lived in the neighborhood. When he had progressed to this point in educa- tion, he left home and entered Grand River In- stitute, in Ash tabula County, Ohio, in 1836. That institution, then famous throughout eastern Ohio and western Pennsylvania, was conducted some- what on the plan of agricultural colleges of the present day, in that students who desired to do so could partially support themselves by manual la- bor and pursue a course of study at the same time. For a year and a half young De Wolf maintained himself at this school and fitted himself for teach- ing; he also presided for a term or two at the peda- gogue's desk. At all times, however, when op- portunity offered, he was intent on study and made the most of his educational opportunities. Then, as now, the West was looked to as the land of opportunities and the goal of the ambition of every aspiring young man. Calvin De Wolf, with his industrious habits and ambitious desires, was not content to spend his days in the East, but looked westward with longing eyes, and in those days the West was not so far away as now and Chicago was included in the term. In the fall of 1837, young De Wolf arranged with a trader who was making a shipment of fruit by boat from Ash- tabula to Chicago to pay his passage between the cities by assisting to load and unload the fruit and take charge of it in transit, which agreement he faithfully carried out and, in due time, found him- self in this city, then covering a small area of ter- ritory at the mouth of the Chicago River and hav- ing but one four-story brick building the old Lake House, then the pride of the West. The first thing the young man had to do was to look for employment, for he had come West with very little money. He hoped to obtain a situation as teacher in the city schools, and passed the required examination for license to teach, but his hopes were disappointed and he had to seek elsewhere, as there were others whose claims had to be first considered. Disappointed but not cast down, he set out on foot across the prairie to seek like em- ployment in some other locality. After traveling thirty-five or forty miles, he at last arrived at Hadley, Will County, Illinois, with only a York shilling in his pocket. He was more fortunate in his quest there, and obtained the position of vil- lage schoolmaster, teaching during the winter of 1837-38, and returning the following spring to Chicago. Here he again made application for em- ployment as teacher, and was successful. While teaching school he also engaged in various other occupations which were calculated to improve his financial condition. In 1838, Mr. De Wolf began the study of law in the office of Spring & Goodrich, a firm com- posed of Giles Spring, afterward Judge of the Su- perior Court of Chicago, and Grant Goodrich, for many years one of the prominent lawyers of the CALVIN DE WOLF. 387 city. In 1843, he was examined and admitted to the Bar by Judge Richard M, Young, and The- ophiltis W. Smith, then sitting on the Supreme Bench, and immediately after began practice in this city, which then had a Bar consisting of about thirty lawyers, a large number of whom became prominent as jurists in later years. Up to 1854, Mr. De Wolf was engaged in the active practice of law. He was then elected Justice of the Peace, an office which at that time and place was a highly important and responsible one, as the city was de- veloping rapidly and the amount of business in- cident to its growth gave rise to a great deal of friction, which had to be adjusted in the tribunal of law. Mr. De Wolf held this office six successive terms, four by popular election and two by ap- pointment. The whole period covered was more than twenty-five years, and more than ninety thousand cases were disposed of by him, a far greater number than any other judicial officer in this State had ever decided. Preliminary exam- inations in many important cases which afterward became celebrated in the higher courts were heard in the earlier years of his magistracy by Judge De Wolf, as he was then known to the profession and the public. Judge De Wolf had been taught from childhood to hate slavery, and as early as 1839 became Sec- retary of an anti-slavery society, of which Rev. Flavel Bascom, a Presbyterian minister, was the first President, and Judge Manierre, Treasurer, and of which many of the prominent business and professional men of the city were earnest and ac- tive members. In 1842, the Illinois State Anti- Slavery Society held a meeting in Chicago, at which an organization was effected to raise funds for establishing an anti-slavery newspaper in Chi- cago. Henry L. Fulton, Charles V. Dyer, Shu- bal D. Childs and Calvin De Wolf were appointed a committee to collect funds and set the enterprise on foot, Mr. De Wolf being made Treasurer of the committee. As a result of their efforts, the West- ern Citizen came into existence, with Z. Eastman as editor and publisher, and for several years it was recognized as one of the leading Abolition newspapers in the country. It was in 1858, that Mr. De Wolf, in connection with other Abolition- ists of Chicago, brought down upon himself the wrath of a disappointed slave-hunter and his sym- pathizers, who sought to inflict upon him condign punishment for facilitating the escape of a liberty- seeking black woman. Stephen F. Nuckolls was a southern man who had carried his slaves with him into Nebraska. One of these slaves, a young negro woman, Eliza, made her escape, and by some means or other found her way to Chicago, to which place she was followed by her master, Nuckolls, who came near effecting her capture. His scheme was frustrated by the parties who appeared before Judge De Wolf, charging him with riotous conduct. Under the warrant issued from the magistrate's court, the slave-owner was arrested and locked up for a few hours, and in the mean time the colored wo- man made her escape from the city. Nuckolls carried the matter to the United States Courts, and succeeded in having the magistrate, Mr. De Wolf, George Anderson, A. D. Hayward and C. L. Jenks indicted for "aiding a negro slave called Eliza to escape from her master," she having been ' 'held as a slave in Nebraska and escaped to Illinois. ' ' This involved the constitutional ques- tions as to whether or not slaves could be held in free territory. The defendants held that the negro woman was not lawfully held as a slave in Nebraska, and moved to quash the indictment on that ground. This motion was never passed upon by thecourt, but, in 1861, the case was dismissed by advice of the Hon. E. C. Larned, United States District Attorney. It is almost superfluous to state that a man hold- ing the radical views of Calvin De Wolf became identified at the outset of its existence with the Republican party, and that he still remains in the ranks of the same organization. But he has never been an active politician. He served two terms as a member of the Board of Aldermen ol Chicago, and from 1856 to 1858 served as Chair- man of the Committee on Revision and Publication of Ordinances, where he rendered important service to the city in codifying and putting the ordinances in form to be easily referred to, to be generally un- derstood and easily and systematically enforced. He retired from the position of Magistrate in 1879, 3 88 C. IvI. FITCH. and is not now engaged in the practice of law, but devotes his time mainly to the management of his financial affairs. Mr. De Wolf is a member of the Presbyterian Church, and is now one of the Elders of the Sixth Presbyterian Church of Chicago, in which he is an influential member, and in the work of which he bears a prominent part. "Do right" is a motto which he has made the rule of his life. In the discharge of his duties as a public official he was conscientious and upright; as a lawyer, watchful over his client's interests and honorable in his dealings with both court and client; in his general business dealings he "has been a man of his word, upright and honest. His residence in Chicago from pioneer times has caused him to be well known, and he is regarded as one of the land- marks of a generation of sagacious business men now rapidly passing away. DR. CALVIN M. FITCH. 0R. CALVIN MAY FITCH, one of the oldest physicians now in active practice in this city, graduated at the medical department of the university of New York in 1852, and subse- quently studied in Europe. He came to Chicago in 1855, and is therefore in the fortieth year of his practice in this city. Doctor Fitch was born January 3, 1829, in Sheldon, Franklin County, Vermont. His grandfather, Dr. Chauncey Fitch, married the daughter of Colonel Sheldon, for whom the town of Sheldon was named, and prac- ticed there until his death. Colonel Sheldon com- manded the Connecticut Cavalry during the Revo- lutionary War, and the family have several letters of Washington's still in their possession. Doctor Fitch's father, Rev. John Ashley Fitch, an Epis- copal clergyman, married the daughter of Dr. Cal- vin May, who for nearly fifty years practiced medicine in St. Armand, Canada, just across the Vermont line. Doctor May graduated from Yale about the close of the Revolutionary war, and he and Dr. Chauncey Fitch were the pioneer physi- cians in that section, and although eighteen miles apart, frequently met in consultation. Doctor Fitch is of old New England stock, the sixth in descent from Rev. James Fitch, who came to this country from Becking, England, in 1638. Maj. James Fitch, son of Rev. James Fitch, served in King Philip's War. He was active in promot- ing the founding of Yale College, donating to the college in October, 1731, six hundred and forty- seven acres of land in the town of Killings!}-, and all the glass and nails which should be necessary to build the college edifice. Rev. Ebenezer Fitch, a grandson of this Maj. James Fitch, and brother of Dr. Chauncey Fitch, was a tutor in Yale for several years prior to 1791, when he resigned from Yale to take charge of the Academy at Williams- town, Massachusetts, and when that academy was chartered as a college (Williams College) in 1793, Mr. Fitch was elected its first President, which position he held for twenty-two years. In 1860 Doctor Fitch married Susan Ransom, daughter of Daniel Ransom, originally from Woodstock, Vermont, and for many years in business in this city. In 1871 Mr. Ransom re- moved to L,ongmont, Colorado, where he recently died at the age of eighty-one. Doctor Fitch has one son, Dr. Walter May Fitch, a graduate of Rush Medical College, who is associated with his father in practice. Doctor Fitch is or has been a memberof several medical societies, the Chicago Medical, the South Avenue, the State Medical and American Medical Associations, but has never been connected with any medical school, although a professorship has CHARLES HUNTINGTON. 389 been twice offered him. He has always enjoyed the study of languages, and speaks several fluently, and it is partly in consequence of this fact that no small percentage of his large practice is among our foreign-born citizens. A practice of this char- acter involves much hard work, but carries with it the chance to do much good. CHARLES HUNTINGTON. CJHARLES HUNTINGTON, a veteran of the I { railroad service in Chicago and the oldest U general baggage agent, in point of service, in the United States, was born in Hartford, Con- necticut, May 29, 1824. He is a son of Christo- pher and Mary (Webb) Huntingdon. The Hunt- ington family is one of the oldest in Connecticut. All persons of that name in America are supposed to be descendants of Christopher Huntington and his brothers, who came from England in the early days of the Connecticut colony. They sprang from an ancient English family, and the name is supposed to have originated as a military title. Their posterity is numerous, and includes many noted American citizens. The name of Christo- pher Huntington was perpetuated through seven successive generations, the father of the subject of this sketch being the last. His father, Christo- pher Huntington, was a physician who practiced in Connecticut. The father of Charles Hunting- ton was a wholesale manufacturer of shoes, and was a member of the Governor's Foot Guards, a regiment of Connecticut militia. He died in 1832, at the premature age of thirty-five years. Mrs. Mary Huntington was a daughter of Ab- ner Webb, a Revolutionary soldier, who also rep- resented one of the early Connecticut families. She survived her husband but one 3 - ear, dying in 1833, and leaving three orphaned sons. Charles is the eldest. Henry is now a prominent citizen of Burnham, Michigan, and George died in 1850, of yellow fever, at Mobile, Alabama. Soon after his father's death, on the 3d of July, 1832, .Charles Huntington left his boyhood home and took passage by stage to Albany, en route to the home of an uncle at Penn Van. His young heart was sorely tried by this separation from natal ties, but the celebration of the Nation's birthday at Albany the next morning after his ar- rival there distracted his attention from his child- ish sorrow and so cheered the way that his further stage journey to Schenectady was made in com- parative comfort. Here he took passage on the Erie Canal as far as Geneva, whence the journey was completed by stage. At Penn Yan, he found a comfortable home with his uncle, Elisha H. Huntington, who afterwards became a banker in Chicago. Charles received about two years' schooling in all, spending most of his boyhood in working at odd jobs. Being a robust youth, he was adapted to many useful employments, and among other things, assisted in building the Congregational Church at Penn Yan, for which his uncle had the contract, handling all the material for that struc- ture. At the age of nineteen, he was entrusted by his uncle with an important mission to Phila- delphia, where he was sent to purchase an outfit for bottling mineral waters, and subsequently took charge of a drug store at Rochester, owned by Elisha Huntington. At one time, he was em- ployed as conductor of a construction train on the Canandaigua & Elmira Railroad. . At an early age, he went to the Isthmus of Panama, to take charge of the machine depart- ment of the Panama Railroad, at Aspinwall. He was one of the very few non-residents who escaped the Chagres fever, and at the end of his one year's engagement, he resigned and returned to New York. Thence, in March, 1854, he came to Chi- cago and soon after accepted a position as en- gineer on the Great Western Railroad now a 390 CHARLES HUNTINGTON. part of the Wabash system his headquarters be- ing at Springfield, Illinois. On the loth day of January, 1855, he entered the employ of the Chicago & Alton Railroad, with which he has been since continuously engaged. He was pro- moted from engineer to freight conductor, and soon afterward became a passenger conductor. In 1858, he was made general baggage agent with office on the site of the present Chicago Union Passenger Station. His appointment was made by a receiver, in whose hands the affairs of the company were then placed, and as the duties of the office were comparatively light, he continued to run a passenger train between Chicago and St. I/ouis until 1865, employing only one assistant in his office at Chicago. These statements show a vast difference between the passenger traffic of those days and the present. When he first en- tered the service of this road, the eastern terminus was at Joliet, whence all freight for Chicago was transferred to the canal, the passenger trains reaching this city by way of the Chicago & Rock Island tracks. The southern terminus was at Alton, where all passengers and freight for St. Louis were transferred to Mississippi steamboats. In 1857, Mr. Huntington took a prominent part in a strike on the part of employees of this line, which suspended all business thereon for eighteen days. This strike was caused by arrear- age of salaries, ranging from three to eighteen months. Mr. Huntington was a member of a committee which settled the matter with ex-Gov. Joel A. Matteson, who was lessee of the road, the trouble being compromised by payment of part of the arrearages at once and the promise of double payments each month until all were paid up in full. The scarcity of currency at that time is illus- trated by the fact that the conductor rarely col- lected sufficient cash on a trip to pay the board bills of his crew for the same time. The rude appliances and equipments of railroads in those days made railroad operation a very difficult mat- ter. Many cars were without sufficient brakes, and a "down grade" had terrors for the men on a heavy train. It was often necessary to set out cars with defective brakes or, as was not infrequent, with no brake at all, to avoid disaster. On one occasion, while approaching Alton on a steep down grade, Conductor Huntington was horrified by the discovery that there was not a working brake on the train. The labors of the reversed engine, however, attracted the attention of the Alton station agent, who ran out and so placed the switches that they passed the station without doing any damage and were able to bring the train to a stop after running a mile beyond their destination. In his domestic affairs, Mr. Huntington has been sorely afflicted. In July, 1845, he was mar- ried to Miss Amelia, daughter of Harvey Tomlin- son, of Geneva, New York. In 1856, he was called upon to mourn her death. Of their three children, but one survives Mary Isabella, who is now the wife of Edward L- Higgins, ex-Adjutant of Illinois. Mr. and Mrs. Higgins have four chil- dren, and reside at Springfield, Illinois. Mr. Huntington's two sons, Edwin and William, died in childhood, of scarlet fever. He was again mar- ried, in 1866, to Mary Goodrich, of Chicago, whose death occurred on the i6th of April, 1890, at the age of sixty years. The death of his sons and of his first wife occurred during his absence from home, and was more trying on this account. Mr. Huntington has been for many years a mem- ber of the Masonic order, being connected with Bloomington Lodge. He is Secretary and Treas- urer of the Conductors' Mutual Aid Association, which he helped to organize in 1874. In early life, he was a Whig, and supported the candidacy of William H. Harrison in 1840, though not old enough to vote at that time. Since 1860 he has been a Republican. Before leaving New York, he served as Deputy Sheriff of Yates County, and the State still owes him for a tedious trip which he made in securing a requisition from the gov- ernor of New Yoik and serving the same on the governor of Pennsylvania, in securing and bring- ing to justice a notorious thief. While a boy, he visited Baltimore and witnessed the operation of the first telegraph line in the world, which had just been completed. He is now the oldest employee of the Chicago & Alton Railroad, in point of service. LIBRARY OF THE HNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS c '/? // e? *~/vt> t C. M. HENDERSON. CHARLES M. HENDERSON. HARLES MATHER HENDERSON, a rep- resentative business man and exemplary citi- \J zen of Chicago, a scion of the old Puritan stock, was born in New Hartford, Litchfield County, Connecticut, and is a son of James F. Henderson and Sabrina (Marsh) Henderson, both natives of the "Land of Steady Habits." His paternal grandmother, in maidenhood, bore the name of Mather, being a lineal descendant of Cot- ton Mather, the noted Puritan divine and author, of Massachusetts colony. His maternal grand- father, Roswell Marsh, was a Revolutionary sol- dier and witnessed the execution of the unfortu- nate Major Andre. The first fifteen years of C. M. Henderson's life were passed in the usual manner of urban New England boys of that period, during which time he was a pupil in the district school of his native village. After attending the Baptist School at Suffield one year, he went out, at the age of sixteen years, to teach a district school, in which undertaking he acquitted himself with credit, re- turning at the end of one term to his studies at Suffield, where he continued another year. His tastes and ambition pointed to a commercial career, and when, in 1853, an uncle in Chicago offered him a position in the wholesale boot and shoe house of C. N. Henderson & Co., he promptly accepted. He was then eighteen years of age, and was installed as general clerk and salesman. Applying himself diligently in both store and of- fice, wherever his services were most needed, he rapidly acquired a general knowledge of the busi- ness, and shortly became very useful to his em- ployers. So rapid was his advancement that in less than four years after entering the establish- ment he became a partner in it, in which connec- tion he continued until the death of his uncle in 1859. Mr. Henderson immediately organized a new firm, under the name of C. M. Henderson & Co., his partner being Mr. Elisha Wadsworth, for- merly the head of the great dry goods house of Wadsworth, Farwell & Co. Mr. Wadsworth was virtually a silent partner, as the entire manage- ment of the business was left to Mr. Henderson, who carried it on so successfully that, at the end of two or three years, he was enabled to purchase the interest of his partner. He now associated with himself his brother, Wilbur S. Henderson, who had been several years in his employ as clerk, and also gave an interest to his bookkeeper, Ed- mund Burke, who sold his share to Mr. Hender- son some years later. The firm continued to do a jobbing business until 1865, when a small factory was established for the production of the heavy goods demanded by the western trade. This was the nucleus of what has become one of the largest establishments of its kind in the United States. The original factory is still in operation, surrounded by im- mense modern buildings, equipped with all that genius has supplied for the saving of labor and the improvement of the quality of finished products. In 1880 a building was constructed, devoted to the production of ladies' fine wear, and recently an- other immense structure has risen, whose mission is the construction of gentlemen's fine shoes. These factories are located at Dixon, Illinois, and the offices and shops employ over one thousand people daily. In 1888 the firm was incorporated under the laws of Illinois, the name remaining unchanged, and several of the old and faithful employes became stockholders. The business has occupied many locations in the city, the first being on South Water Street. Subsequently three different stores on Lake Street were used in succession, and in 1868 the building 392 ALEXANDER BEAUBIEN. and stock at the corner of that thoroughfare and Michigan Avenue were swept away by fire. The great fire of 1871 found the business located at Nos. 58 and 60 Wabash Avenue, and in common with thousands of others it was annihilated. No time was wasted in repining, and inside of three weeks after this disaster business was resumed in a one-story board shanty on Michigan Avenue. In four months after the loss, the firm was estab- lished in a new brick building on Wabash Avenue, the plastering being completed after its occupancy. In the fall of 1872, another removal was made, to the corner of Madison and Franklin Streets, and five years later it was moved to the corner of Monroe Street, one block south, where it con- tinued until the firm was able to occupy its own fine building. This is located at the northeast corner of Adams and Market Streets, and was built in 1884. It covers a ground space 170x120 feet, is six stories high, and is devoted exclusively to the purposes of an office and distributing depot. The development of this immense and successful business is the result of Mr. Henderson's execu- tive ability, industry and well-known integrity. As a business man, he commands high standing among Chicago's enterprising and superlatively aggressive business circles, while he enjoys the respect and friendship of a wide acquaintance as a man and gentleman. Mr. Henderson is somewhat socially inclined, and holds membership in several clubs, among which are the Union League, Chicago, Calumet and Commercial. Of strong religious nature, he early adopted the Christian religion as his rule of practice, and has been a communicant of the First Presbyterian Church of Chicago since 1868. He has been active and useful in church and mission work, was two years President of the Young Men's Christian Association and for ten years, until failing health compelled him to resign some of his work, acted as Superintendent of the Rail- road Chapel Mission. In political sentiment, he is a Republican from principle, and has always been active in every ef- fort to promote good government for the city. In the reform movement of 1874, which secured a re-organization of the fire department and numer- ous other changes among them a new city char- ter, the present one he was especially active, contributing liberally in money to carry on the work, and giving of his time and counsel. In many other ways he has shown his disposition to discharge his whole duty and shirk no responsi- bility as a citizen. He seeks the best and right thing in government, regardless of partisan preju- dices or advantage. As a part of his duty to the public, he is now acting as Trustee of the Home for Incurables and the Lake Forest University. He is devoted to his home and family, and when duty does not call him away, he is found, out of business hours, at his pleasant home on Prairie Avenue. In 1858 he was married to Miss Emily, daughter of James Hollingsworth, of Chicago. A son, who died in infancy, and three daughters have been given him. Amid kind friends and many other surroundings that conduce to peace and happiness, he is enjoying the fruits of a busy and useful life. ALEXANDER BEAUBIEN. LEXANDER BEAUBIEN enjoys the dis- Htinction of being the oldest individual born in Cook County. The date of his birth was January 28, 1822, and the place is on the east side of Michigan Avenue, between Randolph and Washington Streets. The house in which he was born had been built a few years earlier by John Dean, and was one of five or six buildings, including Fort Dearborn, which then stood upon the site of Chicago. ALEXANDER BEAUBIEN. 393 Alexander is one of twelve children born to John B. and Rosette (La Frambois) Beaubien. The father was born at Detroit, Michigan, during the closing days of the American Revolution. His father, Antoine Beaubien, and his grand- father, who also bore the name of Antoine, were among the earliest settlers of Detroit, and carried on an extensive farm at that place. An- toine Beaubien, Sr. , was a native of France, and doubtless came to America before the French and Indian War. John B. Beaubien first visited Fort Dearborn in 1809. His purpose in coming hither was to trade with the Indians, and in the pursuit of that object he was quite successful, remaining in the vicinity for some time. At the time of the mas- sacre, in 1812, he had gone to Mackinaw, but the following year he returned as agent of John Jacob Astor and built a trading-post near the site of the old fort. Branch posts were also established at Milwaukee, Pecatonica, Hennepin and Danville, goods being transported on pack- horses between these points and the main store- house at Chicago. Mr. Beaubien had the super- vision of all these posts, and remained in charge of them for some years. He made a pre-emption claim to the land between State Street and the lake, extending as far south as Madison Street, and including about one acre on the north side of the river; but, owing to some technicality, the government refused to give him a title to the same. About 1840 he settled on a half-section of land near the Desplaines Eiver, in Leyden Township, with his familj*, improving the same until it became a desirable farm. He died at Naperville, Illinois, in 1864, at the age of eighty- four years. Had all white men manifested the spirit of justice and fairness exhibited by him in dealing with the Indians, much trouble and mis- ery might have been averted. Mrs. Rosette Beaubien was born in Michigan. Her father, Joseph La Frambois, was a French- man, and her mother was a member of the Potta- watomie tribe. In 1804, while still a young girl, Mrs. Beaubien came to Chicago, accompanying the party in command of Major Whistler, which originally built Fort Dearborn. She was living with the Kinzie family when the fort was aban- doned in 1812, and with her Mr. and Mrs. Kin- zie, and one or two other persons, started in a canoe to follow the troops. They were near shore and in plain sight of the massacre which took place near the foot of Eighteenth Street, and Mrs. Beaubien often described the scene to her children in later years. After the battle was over, Mr. Kinzie and party continued the journey in safety to St. Joseph and thence to Detroit. Mrs. Beaubien died at River Park, Illinois, in 1845. Following are the names of her children: George, who died at the age of fourteen years; Susan and Monique, twins; Julia; Henry and Philip, twins; Alexander; Ellen Maria, wife of Joseph Robeson; William S.; Margaret (Mrs. De Witt Robinson) ; Louise (Mrs. N. D. Wood); and Caroline (Mrs. Stephen Fields). Alexander and the four last mentioned are the only members of this family now living, but they probably know more of the early history of Chicago than any other family in existence. The circumstances attending his youth gave Mr. Beaubien little opportunity for education save that gained in the school of experience, but ex- tensive reading and observation have given him a well-stored mind. He was eighteen years old when the family removed from Chicago to Ley- den Township, where he became one of the leading farmers, and filled all the township offices except that of Justice of the Peace, which he declined. In 1862 he returned to Chicago, which has since been his home. During the most of this time he has been connected with the police force of the city, and for seven years past has been in charge of the lock-up at the Harrison Street Station, discharging the duties of that position in a man- ner which meets the approval of all his superior officers, though the administration of the city government has several times changed during this period. He readily recalls the time when every house in the then village of Chicago could be counted from the roof of his father's home. He saw the first frame house built by his uncle, Mark Beau- bien. The latter also built the first brick resi- dence, a one and one-half story structure, on the 394 J. S. TOPPAN. north side of Lake Street, about fifty feet west of Fifth Avenue. Mr. Beaubien witnessed the first public execution in Cook County, when John Stone was hung for murder. This took place on the prairie, about where Thirty-first Street now is, and one-quarter of a mile west of the lake. Mr. Beaubien was married, in 1850, to Miss Susan Miles, a daughter of Stephen Miles of Can- andaigua, New York. Five children have blessed their union, as follows: Julia Caroline, wife of Eugene Wait; Ida E. (Mrs. Albert H. Moulton, of Alexander, Genesee County, New York) ; Fannie G., wife of Richard S. Beaubien; William S., Jr.; and Harry Miles; all except Mrs. Moul- ton living in Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. Beaubien also have five grandchildren, in whose company they find great comfort and delight. Mr. Beaubien was the first child baptised by a Catholic priest in Chicago, although the rite was not performed until he was six years of age, when Father Badden chanced to visit this place. It is needless to add that Mr. Beaubien has con- sistently retained that faith to the present time. Since 1882 he has been a member of the Police- men's Benevolent Association. He is independ- ent in political action, supporting such men and measures as he deems best suited to the public interests, irrespective of party allegiance. He leads a quiet, unassuming life, and takes great pleasure in discussing events connected with the pioneer days of Cook County, the most important of which either came under his own observation or that of his parents. JAMES S. TOPPAN. (TAMES SMITH TOPPAN, a man of broad I business experience, has been an extensive (*/ traveler and has resided and been engaged in business in nearty every quarter of the globe. He was born in Newburyport, Massachusetts, October 7, 1830, of good old New England stock, as is shown by the following resume of his gene- alogy: The name Toppan was originally Topham, taken from the name of a place in Yorkshire, England, meaning upper hamlet or village. The pedigree, as far back as it has been traced, com- mences with Robert Topham, who resided at Linton, near Pately Bridge, which is supposed to have been in the West Riding of Yorkshire. He made his will in 1550. His second son, Thomas Topham, was of Arnecliffe, near L,inton. He died in 1589, and was buried in the church at Arnecliffe. Edward Topham, alias Toppan, eld- est son of Thomas Topham, was of Aiglethorpe, near L,inton, and has his pedigree recorded in the College of Arms, with armorial bearings. Will- iam Toppan, fourth son of Edward Toppan, of Aiglethorpe, lived for some time at Calbridge, where his son Abraham was baptised April 10, 1606. The family still exists in England, and is now of Middleham, in the northwest part ot Yorkshire, on the river Ouse. The crest is a Maltese cross (croix patee) with entwined ser- pents. As early as 1637 Abraham Toppan re- sided at Yarmouth. His wife was Susanna Taylor. In the first volume of the fourth series of the publications of the Massachusetts Historical So- ciety, pp. 98-99, is the following: ' 'A Register of the names of such persons who are 21 years and upward and have license to passe into forraigne parts from March, 1637, to 2gth of September, by virtu of a Commission of Mr. Thomas May hew, Gentleman." Among these persons are the following: "Abraham Toppan, cooper, aged 31, Susanna, J. S. TOPPAN. 395 his wife, aged 31, with their children Peter and Elizabeth, and one mayd servant, Anne Goodin, aged 18 years, sailed from Yarmouth, 10 May, 1637, in the ship 'Rose,' of Yarmouth, Wm. Andrews, Master." In October, 1637, Abraham Toppan was in Newbury, Massachusetts, as appears by the fol- lowing extract from the town records: "Abraham Toppan being licensed by John En- dicott Esqr. to live in this jurisdiction, was re- ceived into the town of Newberry as an inhabi- tant thereof, and has promised under his hand to be subject to any lawful order that shall be made by the towne. "Oct. 1637. ABRAHAM TOPPAN. " The genealogy from this time on is as follows: Jacob (son of the above) , b. 1645, m. Hannah Sewall 24th August, 1670. Abraham, b. 2gth June, 1684, m. Esther Sewall 24th October, 1713. Edward, b. 7th September, 1715, m. Sarah Bailey 7th September, 1743. Enoch, b. 7th May, 1759, m. Mary Coffin 2nd February, 1794. Edward, b. 7th April, 1796, m. Susan L. Smith, 22nd January, 1821. James S., b. 7th October, 1830, m. Juliet A. Lunt, 1 3th August, 1861. The old homestead upon Toppan Street, in Newburyport, was built by Jacob Toppan in 1670, and was first occupied by himself and his bride. The house has been lived in almost continually since, and is still in the possession of the fam- ily, being, even now, in a remarkably well-pre- served condition. Edward Toppan, the father of the subject of this sketch, spent his entire life as a farmer in the neighborhood of his native town, and was the fa- ther of the following children : EdwardS., Charles, Hannah, James S., Margaret, Susan L,., Serena D. and Roland W. James S. left school at twelve years of age, and remained at home upon the farm until he was fifteen, when he entered a stationery store in his native town. In May, 1849, when less than nineteen years of age, he left Boston for California in the barque ' 'Helen Augusta." ' A stop of seven days was made at St. Catherines, Brazil, where, on the day after their arrival, six of the crew deserted, and as no others could be had to fill their places, four pas- sengers, including Mr. Toppan, volunteered to fill them, and did sailors' duties for the remainder of the voyage. After rounding Cape Horn, they spent one day on the island of Juan Fernandez, made famous as the home of Robinson Crusoe. Another stop of a week's duration was made at the Gallapagos Islands for the purpose of secur- ing supplies of water, terrapin and fish, and on the ist of October they arrived in San Francisco. Mr. Toppan's first work here was to build a fence around some lots on the Sand Hills for a Mr. David Murphy, and also to cloth and paper two houses for the same person. When this was completed, he, in company with another young man, bought a whale-boat, which they ran as a ferry-boat between San Francisco and what is now Oakland. Shortly afterwards this was sold out at a good profit, and, in company with two others, Mr. Toppan laid claim to one hundred and sixty acres of mission land, supposing it to be public property. A redwood tree, measuring eight feet in diameter at the butt, was cut down, and from one length of the trunk they built a house some thirty by eigh- teen or twenty feet in size. Two yoke of oxen and an old prairie wagon were purchased for $1,200, and the land was cleared, plowed and planted. While waiting for their crops to mature they employed their leisure time in cutting wild hay and building a lever press a young sycamore tree serving as the lever. Strips of green raw- hide were used in binding the bales, and in this manner six tons of hay were baled. They then loaded it on old overland wagons, two of which were borrowed, drawn by oxen, and started for San Francisco, a distance of forty-eight miles. Upon arriving at the Dolores Mission, they found a large number of persons waiting to pur- chase the ha}% and in less than an hour they had disposed of their loads for $2,400. This was the first large quantity of hay that had ever reached San Francisco. 396 J. S. TOPPAN. On their return they gathered their crops and purchased a sloop, with which to take them to market at San Francisco. Potatoes brought eigh- ty-five cents per pound, and other products were proportionately high. After remaining in this business for a year, Mr. Toppan was prostrated with fever and ague, and was obliged to sell out and return to San Francisco. Having remained there three months and experienced no improve- ment, he accepted an invitation from the master of the ship "Lowell," of Newburyport, to take a trip with him to Mazatlan, Mexico. From there the vessel was ordered to Ypala, a thousand miles south, where it was loaded with a cargo of dye- woods for Boston. As Mr. Toppan did not care to return home by the way of Cape Horn, he ac- cepted an invitation from a wealthy Spanish gen- tleman to accompany him to the City of Mexico. They made their way to Typic, and thence to their destination, making the entire trip on horse- back, stopping at the principal towns along their route. Mr. Toppan remained in the City of Mexico six weeks, and was then appointed a special bearer of dispatches to Washington by the United States Minister. After delivering these dispatches and visiting his home he went to New York and took passage in the Vanderbilt steamer "Daniel Webster" for San Francisco, by way of Nicaragua. They reached Nicaragua during the rainy sea- son, and were eighteen days in crossing the Isth- mus, and while passing up the Pacific Coast to San Francisco eleven stops were made for the purpose of burying people who had died of fever contracted on the Isthnius. On reaching the Golden Gate City, Mr. Top- pan formed a partnership with George Mansfield, a former chief steward of the Massasoit House, of Springfield, Massachusetts, and they opened a hotel on Clay Street, which they called the Mas- sasoit House. This venture proving a success, they carried on the hotel until it was destroyed in the second big fire. They then purchased an in- terest in a stern-wheel boat called ' 'The Fashion, ' ' which they ran between San Francisco and Colusa, the latter place being on the Sacramento River, one hundred miles above the city of Sacramento. A year after this Mr. Toppan, being ill with bilious fever, sold his interest in the boat and took passage for Honolulu, Sandwich Islands. After a stay of six weeks he boarded the clipper ship "Sovereign of the Seas," bound for New York. At that time this ship was the largest sailing-vessel afloat, and eighty days after leaving Honolulu they reached New York, having made the shortest passage ever made by a sailing-vessel. Two months were now passed at home, and then, the family physician having advised a warmer climate for him, he sailed from Boston to Calcutta, going as third mate of the vessel. Be- fore starting he had made arrangements with Frederick Tudor, a large dealer in and shipper of ice, to act as his agent. He represented Mr. Tudor for eight years in Calcutta, two years in Ceylon, two years in Singapore, and two years in Java, opening new houses in the last three places. During his residence in the East, Mr. Toppan visited Newburyport three times, remaining about three months on each occasion. These trips were made through the Red Sea, Suez Canal, the Med- iterranean and overland across Europe to Liver- pool. He was on the eve of going to Hong Kong, to open an ice-house there when Mr. Tudor' s death prevented. Mr. Toppan then returned home and accepted a position with Addison, Gage & Co., of Boston, to start an ice business in Havana, Cuba, but af- ter three years they were obliged to discontinue operations on account of the internal dissensions of the people of Cuba. He then returned to Boston and became inter- ested in petroleum oil. By experimenting, he discovered a new way of filtering, and went to Cleveland, Ohio, where he made arrangements for manufacturing and placing his oil upon the market. This business venture continued until the peculiar grade of oil which was used as a base became exhausted, since which time none like it has been found. Again, he went to Boston and purchased a one- third interest in a large fish-oil house, taking possession on the i5th of September, 1872. On the loth of November the entire plant was de- stroyed in the great Boston fire. The business, N. S. HAYNES. 397 however, was soon resumed, and continued until the following September, when the Jay Cook panic caused a failure. Four years after this, or in May, 1877, Mr. Toppan became identified with the Galena, and the Signal Oil Works, Limited, of Franklin, Penn- sylvania, coming to Chicago as their Resident Manager for this territory. He was the originator of the contract system of supplying railroads with their lubricating oils, these contracts being based upon the car and lo- comotive mileage of the different roads. So sat- isfactory and successful has this system proved, that to-day upwards of seventy per cent, of the railway mileage of the United States and Mexico is supplied in this manner by the above-named concerns. Mr. Toppan was married, August 13, 1861, in Newburyport, Massachusetts, to Miss Juliet A. Lunt, who immediately accompanied him to Java. She is the daughter of the late George and Caroline (Chase) Lunt, and had one sister. Both her parents died in Newburyport, the father at the age of seventy-six, and the mother at seventy-five. Mr. Lunt was a ship-owner and master, and spent the major part of his life at sea. Mrs. Toppan made two or three trips with him around the world, and first met her husband in Calcutta. Mr. and Mrs. Toppan became the parents of four sons and two daughters. The first child, James S., was born in Batavia, Java. When this child was ten months old, Mr. and Mrs. Toppan left Java for home, sailing from Liverpool on the old Cunarder "Africa." When two days out, small-pox broke out in the cabin, the child took it and died ten da\'s after reaching home. Frank W. was born in Cleveland, and lived only a few weeks. Of the remaining children, George L., who married Grace D. Chapman, of Boston, resides in Evanston. William R. married Carrie H. Clark, 01 this city, and has a son and daughter. Carrie L. married George T. Loker, of this city; and Fannie C. is still at home. Mr. Toppan is a member of the society of Cali- fornia Pioneers, and of the Sons of Massachusetts; is domestic in his tastes and fond of his family. He was brought up in the Unitarian faith, and he and his wife attend Prof. Swing's and Bishop Cheney's Churches. He always votes the Republican 'ticket, and is a stanch supporter of his party, keeps abreast of the times, is broad-gauged and well informed, and is a pleasant, genial man and an entertain- ing companion. REV. N. S. HAYNES. REV. N. S. HAYNES, pastor of the Engle- wood Church of Christ, Chicago, is a native of Kentucky, his birth having occurred in Washington, Mason County, on the yth of March, 1844. When he was a lad of eight summers, his parents removed to Illinois, settling in Woodford County, on a farm near the town of Eureka. No event of special importance occurred during his youth, which was passed in the usual manner of farmer lads. During the summer he aided in the labors of the field, and in the winter months be- came familiar with the common branches of learn- ing by study in the district schools. In 1859, he became a student in Eureka College, where he 39 N. S. HAYNES. remained until after the breaking out of the War of the Rebellion, when, prompted by patriotic im- pulses, he joined an Illinois regiment and went to the front. On his return from the South, he re- sumed his study in college, and in 1867 was grad- uated from the full classical course. He con- tinued his studies after this, however, and in 1868 the degree of Master oi Arts was conferred upon him. In the fall of 1867, Mr. Haynes received the ap- pointment of principal of the public schools of Kan- sas, Edgar County, Illinois, and for a year filled that position in a creditable and acceptable man- ner. In May, 1868, he determined to enter the ministry, feeling that his services were needed in the cause of Christianity, and in June of that year he was ordained to the ministry by the churches of Kansas and Eureka. In July he became the regular pastor of the churches of Kansas and Dud- ley, and did good work in both. During that time he also organized the church in Newman. In the fall of 1869, he entered the Bible College of Lex- ington, Kentucky, where he remained during the school year, and then returned to his former field in Edgar County. In July, 1872, he went to Prince Edward Island, where he spent one hun- dred and two days, during which time he delivered one hundred and five sermons and held a two-days public discussion with Rev. Mr. Melville, a min- ister of the Kirk and a graduate of Edinburgh Uni- versity. As a result several prominent members of the Kirk were converted and a strong and influ- ential church was organized at Montague Bridge, where the debate was held. After his return from abroad, Mr. Haynes, in August, 1873, became pastor of the church in De- catur, Illinois, where he remained almost uninter- ruptedly until January, 1 88 1. He found there a church of small membership, with little influence, and the services were held in a very dilapidated house. Undaunted by the obstacles in his path, with zeal and energy he began his labors there, and during his pastorate a commodious chapel was erected at a cost of over $7,000, the membership of both the Sunday-school and congregation was more than doubled, and the church was placed on a good working basis, becoming one of the lead- ing religious organizations in the city. Soon after his removal to Decatur, Mr. Haynes was married. On the 2oth of November, 1873, he was joined in wedlock with Miss Rose Frazier, the ceremony being performed near Paris, Illinois. Three children have been born to them, but Ruth, the eldest, died at the age of eighteen months. Rose, aged fifteen, and Ethel, ten years of age, are still at home. On resigning the pastorate of the Decatur Church, Mr. Haynes entered upon his duties as State Evangelist, to which position he was elected by the Illinois Christian Missionary Convention on the ist of January, 1881. He thus served un- til September i, 1886, during which time the Permanent Fund of the society grew from less than $2,000 to $20,000, and it is now a source of constant income for the evangelistic work in the State. He traveled extensively all over Illinois, laboring untiringly, aiding missions, preaching the gospel, locating pastors, and performing all the labors that came to his hand which were calculated to ad- vance the cause of Christianity. On the ist of September, 1886, Mr. Haynes be- came pastor of the First Christian Church in Pe- oria, Illinois, where he continued until the ist of March, 1892. There again his labors were very successful and he left the church in a flourishing condition, its work being carried on systematically, while everything was in a harmonious condition. On the ist of March, 1892, he accepted a call from the church of Englewood, where he has since con- tinued, winning the love and respect of his con- gregation and the esteem of all with whom he has been brought in contact, of whatever denomina- tion. He is an able writer and has long been a valued contributor to the Christian Evangelist, one of the leading papers of the denomination. His writings are clear, logical and to the point, and in every department of church work he has proven almost equally successful. As a teacher, evangelist, pastor, writer and superintendent of missionary operations, he has indeed shown him- self to be "a workman that needeth not to be ashamed. ' ' LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS JOHN CHIPP JOHN CHIPP. 399 JOHN CHIPP. (JOHN CHIPP was bom June 24, 1828, in I Worcestershire, England, and was the son Q) of Isaac and Martha (Lanning) Chipp. Isaac Chipp and his wife lived to the unusual age of more than eighty years; he died in 1868, at the age of eighty-six years, and his wife in 1872, at the age eighty-three years. Their children were: Elizabeth, Hannah, Richard, Obadiah, John, Isaac and Samuel. Samuel and Richard came to America, where Samuel died, and Richard is still living on a farm in Du Page County, Illinois. When he was thirteen years of age, John Chipp was apprenticed to a butcher, with whom he re- mained five years, and then, not liking his work, ran away to the Isle of Guernsey, where he con- ducted a business for himself six years, and there he was married in 1853. I" I ^54 ne decided to come to America, and emigrated to Chicago, locating at what is now Blue Island Avenue and Morgan Street, and he opened a meat market in stall No. 7, in the old West Side Market. He remained here doing business until the building was condemned, when he started a market on West Polk Street, near Blue Island Avenue, and later had a market on Jefferson Street, near Har- rison. His next venture was packing and ship- ping meat for the pinery trade. After some time spent in this way, he moved to Pike's Peak, at which place he started in business, buying about seven thousand dollars' worth of stock and opening a store in California Gulch. His busi- ness here was unprofitable, so he returned to Chi- cago at the end of eleven months, but did not remain long. In the latter part of 1863 he again went to California Gulch and opened a store with ten thousand dollars' worth of stock, and this venture was a success. In a year and a-half, however, he returned to Chicago, where he built three houses, one of which he occupied himself five years in the dry-goods business. He lived a re- tired life the next six years, and then built two stores at the corner of Sixteenth Street and Blue Island Avenue. He exchanged this property for two hundred and fifty-two acres of improved land in section n, Virgil Township, Kane County, Illinois. The object of this was that he might live a retired life, having the farm culti- vated by a tenant. Mr. Chipp was married February 20, 1853, to Miss Jane, daughter of Abraham and Jane (Wales) Crossland. She was born December 29, 1832, in the Isle of Guernsey. Her father, Abraham Crossland, was born in Leeds, and her mother, Jane Wales, was born in Kendall, Wales. John, the father of Abraham Crossland, was a silk weaver, and lived in Wales all his life. He married Elizabeth Wincupp, and their only chil- dren were Abraham and John. Mrs. Jane Cross- land's father, William Wales, was a tanner, who came to America and located in Philadelphia, where he was accidentally killed by falling from a bugg3 r . His wife was Jennie Riggs, and their children were John, William and Jane. Abra- ham Crossland died in 1862, at the age of seventy- seven years, and his wife, Jane, died in 1853, at the age of sixty-eight years. Their children were: John, Mary, Elizabeth, Louisa, Annie and Jane, Mrs. Chipp. Mr. and Mrs. John Chipp became the parents 400 J. A. SIMPIER. of the following children: Martha Jane, born No- vember 20, 1854, in Guernsey; she married John Keating, living in Aurora until her death, January n, 1897. ( Her children are Lena, born July 20, 1886; Roy, June 17, 1887; and Edward, February" 3, 1890.) James Harris, who was born in this city November 17, 1856, and died August 12, 1872; Vincent, born September 12, 1857, and died in December, 1867; Wales fanning, born April 8, 1873, in Kane County, and is in busi- ness in the city. Mr. Chipp died at his comfortable home on his farm in Kane County, February 9, 1888, and he was laid to rest in Rosehill Cemetery, Chicago. He united with the Masonic order in 1859, by becoming a member of Old Bigelow Lodge in Chicago. Subsequently he became a member of Ashland Lodge, and was buried under the auspices of the Masons. In politics he was an ardent Republican. He was nominated for alder- man on the West Side, but did not accept the nomination. He was a worthy member of the English Church. Mr. Chipp's wife survives him, and she is a valuable citizen of South Chicago. She is a member of Lady Garfield Lodge, Order of the Eastern Star; of Charity Lodge, Daughters of Rebekah, and a valued member of Burnside Relief Corps. Since her husband's death she has very ably managed the business of his estate. Her son, Wales Lanning Chipp, and her nephew, George Dobin, have a large grocery business in South Chicago, which is conducted at three different stores. She has been an active business woman, showing great ability in the conduct of all her affairs, and she has won the admiration and esteem of the community. JOSEPH A. SIMPIER. (JOSEPH ASDRASE SIMPIER was born in I Montreal, Canada, August i, 1846. He is G/ of French descent, and is the son of Amos and Sophia (Brothers) Simpier, natives of France. His grandfather, Amhern Simpier, was born in Paris, France, and was a watchmaker by trade. He traveled from place to place, making and re- pairing watches and clocks. In 1812 he emigra- ted to Canada and located at Montreal, where he died in 1862. His wife was Mary Robscheo, and they had three children, among them Amos Sim- pier, father of the subject of this notice. Amos Simpier was born in Montreal and came to the United States in 1852, settling in Olean, New York. Here he remained one year and then returned to Canada, and lived there until 1867, when he again came to this country, and located at Chicago. He brought his family this time, and worked at his trade, shoemaking, in South Chicago. He married Miss Sophia Brothers in Point de Tremble, Canada, and they had fourteen children, of whom Joseph A. is the eldest. Amos Simpier died in 1885, in South Chicago, at the age of sixty-four years, and his wife survives him and lives in this city. Joseph Simpier was born in Montreal and learned the shoemaker's trade there when a youth. When he was twenty-one years of age, he went to Olean, New York. This country has always offered to young men of courage and ambition, a field for study or labor, where they can make good prog- ress in whatever line of work they follow. Wheth- er rich or poor, whether born of the aristocracy or of the common people, only those are able to rise who are fitted by intellect, energy, and firm- ness of character. Mr. Simpier remained at Olean nine years and was there engaged in business. In 1873, attracted by the wider field of opportuni- J. H. JONES, SR. 401 ties in the Great West, he came to Chicago. He bought a triangular lot in South Chicago, at the corner of Harbor and Mackinaw Avenues, and there built the house in which he lived until 1887. In that year he bought a lot at No. 9142 Mackinaw Avenue, and built his present comfort- able home, where he still carries on the boot and shoe business. When Mr. Simpier first came to Chicago, he engaged successfully in the dry-goods business, and owned one of the largest stores in the city, which he sold out in 1891. When he was only twenty years old, he married Mary Butcher, but they had no children. Mrs. Simpier died when they had been married only a few years, and in 1883 Mr. Simpier married Mary O'Marro, daughter of Timothy O'Marro, and a native of Watertown, Wisconsin. They have two children living Amos, aged twelve, and Laura, aged ten years. One child, Lulu, died at the age of two years. Mr. Simpier was reared in the Catholic faith, but never has been active in church matters. He is an upright, law-abiding citizen, and is inter- ested in all that concerns the welfare of his adopt- ed country. In politics he favors the Republican party, but has never cared for any office. JOHN H. JONES, SR. (JOHN HUGH JONES, Senior. This is a I name that will readily be recognized in Chi- C/ cago building circles as that of one of the most honorable and reliable contractors with which large building interests in the city have ever had occasion to deal. He was killed while superintending the construction of the plant of the North Chicago Rolling Mill Company in South Chicago, the circumstances attending his death being peculiarly sad and tragic. His father, Hugh Jones, died October 19, 1893, in Llangfui, County Anglesea, North Wales, at the advanced age of eighty- four years. He was a farmer, and had a life lease of twenty acres of land, which he held, without rent, from his brother, Harry Jones. John Hugh Jones, senior, was born March 28, 1831, in North Wales, and came to this country in 1849, in company with his brother Hugh. He settled at Rome, New York, where he remained one year, and then found work in Milwaukee, where he lived until 1862. He moved that year to Winona, Minnesota, where he followed the builders' trade for ten years. The year of the big fire brought him to Chicago to engage in re- building the ruined city. He took up his resi- dence at No. 227 Fulton Street, and devoted his last years to the gigantic work of reconstruction that the rapid growth of Chicago made necessary. He was a practical mason, and served as foreman in Milwaukee. In Winona he did independent contracting on an extensive scale, and was the principal partner of the building firm of Jones & Butler. In Chicago he built some of the most imposing buildings that were completed in the seventies, among them being the Hale-Ayer building, Orrin W. Potter's residence, as super- intendent of mason work for Carter Brothers, and Adolph Loeb's fine house on the North Side. He built the mill work for the Joseph H. Brown Com- pany at Irondale, and the D. K. Pierson block on North Clark and Schiller Streets. He put up the blast furnace at Irondale, and laid the first track for the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Rail- road that was put across Halsted Street. In a contracted sketch like this it is impossible to re- count all his varied activities and labors. But this is enough to show the manner of the man 402 C. W. TRAVIS. and the bent of his disposition. He was capable and energetic, and not afraid of the largest un- dertakings. Mr. Jones wedded Jane Thomas, in Waukesha, Wisconsin, December 18, 1856. She was a daughter of John William and Elizabeth (Jones) Thomas. Her father died April 13, 1894, at Waukesha, when over eighty-three. He was a farmer, and came from Wales to Wisconsin in 1849. He bought Government land, which he cultivated with much profit, and was a successful man. Elizabeth (Jones) Thomas died May 10, 1884, at the age of seventy-two. Her children are: Owen, who died at the age of eighteen; William, who is at Waterville, Wisconsin; Jane, who was born October 16, 1837; Ellen, Mrs. Howell Will- iams, of Delta, Pennsylvania; and Mary, who married William C. Jones, and lives in Waukesha. To Mr. and Mrs. John Hugh Jones were born five children, of whom John Hugh was the eldest. His sketch appears elsewhere. William Owen was born July 15, 1860, and lives at No. 175 Seventy-third Place. He is doing a good commis- sion business. David Richard, whose sketch is in this work, was born June 12, 1863, and is deputy sheriff. Abraham Lincoln was born De- cember 3, 1865, and died January i, 1870. Eliz- abeth Jane was born August 7, 1870, and married Martin Weightman, whose sketch forms a part of this work. Mr. Jones united with the Indepen- dent Order of Odd Fellows in Winona, and throughout his life was much interested in its welfare. He filled all its chairs and reflected credit upon the institution. He was a Presbyte- rian, and a Republican, but never held a public office. CHARLES W. TRAVIS. /TJHARLES WINFIELD TRAVIS, a promi- 1 1 nent man among railroaders, was born April \^J 25, 1849, in Fishkill Village, Dutchess County, New York. He is the son of Jeremiah Banker and Catharine (Bogardus) Travis, both of whom are native-born Americans. Richard, father of Jeremiah Travis, was a native of New York. His children were: John, Susan, Jere- miah and Nathaniel. Susan married Henry Slau- son, and is living at Dwight, Illinois. Jeremiah Travis was a stone mason and plasterer. He was foreman of repairs on the Chicago & Alton Rail- road fourteen years, and during the fifteen years preceding his death he lived a retired life at his home, No. 134 Forty-third Place, Chicago. He died May 25, 1897, at the age of seventy-nine years. His wife, Catharine Bogardus, was born October 15, 1817, at Fishkill, and died June 8, 1884. She was the daughter of Abraham Bogardus, whose children were: Catharine, John, Oliver, Frederick, Jeanette and Phrebe. Jere- miah Travis and his wife were the parents of the following children: Daniel, George, Martha, William, Alonzo, Richard, Mary, Charles, Jere- miah and Annie, the first five of whom are now dead. Charles W. Travis removed with his parents to Dwight, Illinois, in 1855. In 1864 he left home to earn his own living, though then only fifteen years of age. At first he was a brakeman for the Pittsburgh, Fort Wayne & Chicago Railroad, and was later employed in switching, and after some time was promoted to be a conductor. He was in the service of the Fort Wayne Road until 1870, and subsequently worked for the Chicago & Alton as a brakeman. Then he went back to the Fort Wayne Railroad, and continued with it until the strike of 1894, in the positions of brakeman FRANK HENNEBOHLE. 403 and switchman, and finally as a conductor. In 1895 he engaged with the Calumet & Blue Island Railway, and is at present in the same serv- ice. Altogether he has worked about twenty years as a conductor, and he has in that time made a good record for himself. October 27, 1870, Mr. Travis married Frances Jane, daughter of Martin and Lejah (Graham) Berry. Mrs. Travis was born April i, 1852, on Polk Street, in Chicago. She is the mother of one child, Charles Edward Travis, born at Washing- ton, Illinois, June 20, 1872. Mr. Travis is a member of Renfrew Lodge No. 144, Inde- pendent Order of Odd Fellows, of Washington, Illinois. In political matters he supports the principles upheld by the Democratic party. He is a man who is esteemed by his fellow-workmen as an honest and reliable friend. FRANK HENNEBOHLE. j"~ RANK HENNEBOHLE, one of the most JM successful inventors of this country, and an | expert mechanic, was born September 30, 1856, in the city of Ruethen, Westphalia, Ger- many. He is the son of Casper and Theresa (Tillman) Hennebohle, natives of Germany, and the first one of his family to come to America. He landed in New York, April 2, 1880, and went to Pittsburgh, where he worked a year for the Pittsburgh Locomotive Works, and afterward a year for the McKinney Hinge Factory. In 1882 he came to Chicago and worked in the Allen Paper Car- Wheel Works, at Pullman, six months. He worked four months in the city, and then went to South Chicago, where he was employed by Fieldhouse, Butcher & Belden, manufacturers of wrought-iron pipe, for a period of eight months. From August, 1883, till 1889, he worked for the Illinois Steel Company, as head machinist. He then began business for himself, with his factory on Ontario Avenue near Ninety- first Street. He moved to his present location, South Chicago and Erie Avenues, in July, 1894, and has since done business under his individual name. He had been working at the machinist's trade since he was twelve years old, having then begun his apprenticeship of three and a-half years. This was at the time of the Franco-Prussian War, when this business was very lucrative. From 1875 to 1878 he served as foreman for the Bochu- mer-Verein (manufacturers of steel rails and all kinds of railroad equipments, as well as cannon and other implements of war, such as steel pro- jectiles, etc.), located at Bochumer, Germany. Mr. Hennebohle has perfected and patented more than twenty-four inventions, including useful articles that are now in use throughout the world, and are manufactured exclusively by him at his plant in South Chicago. Among his later inventions may be mentioned the Air and Hy- draulic Compressor, in which not over five per cent, of the power in operating other similar ma- chines is used; and he has applied for a patent on this. The Hennebohle Rotary Engine is another late invention, and promises to be the only really successful engine of its kind ever placed on the market. He is the inventor and manufacturer of steam and hydraulic specialties, which include man}- steam and gas regulators. His patents on the Automatic Stop Safety Valve and the Boiler Steam Check Valve, as well as the F. Hennebohle Noiseless Automatic New Relief Valve, cover the United States, England, Ger- man}', Belgium, Austria and France, and he is destined to be made wealthy by the universal use 40 4 EDWARD NOMMENSEN. of these valuable appliances. Many lives which have been lost in steam boiler explosions might have been saved, had the invention of Mr. Henne- bohle been in use on those boilers. At the World's Columbian Exposition he re ceived medals and diplomas, and he supplied many buildings at the Great Fair with machinery. He purchased from the German inventor, Custo- dis, the chimney exhibited by the latter at the Fair, and has it now in use on his factory at South Chicago. It is made of hollow bricks, in octagonal form, each brick being in dimension identical with the dimension of the chimney. Mr. Hennebohle employs about thirty-five men, and gives to every part of the work his personal attention and supervision, understanding all that takes place within his factory. The building is at the corner of Erie and South Chicago Avenues, and is a two-story and basement building, sixty by one hundred feet in dimension. Mr. Henne- bohle is honorable in all his dealings, and is in- terested in any project for the improvement of the city. November* 16, 1877, Mr. Hennebohle married Miss Anna, daughter of Johann and Margaret Schildges. They have the following children: Martha, who was born December 24, 1878, and died when one year and nine months old; Henry, who was born March 28, 1880, and died at the age of one year and ten months; Frank, who was born April 4, 1882, and died when five months old; Theresa, who was born July 12, 1883; Elizabeth, who was born March 10, 1885; and Anna, who was born September 6, 1886; Mary, who was born July 13, 1888; and Katharina, who was born November 4, 1890. Besides these children he is rearing five children of his brother, who are or- phans. Their names are: William, who was born January 13, 1879; Frank, born February 19, 1885; Emil, born December 9, 1887; Mar- garita, born July 10, 1891; and John, born Sep- tember 15, 1892. Mr. Hennebohle is a member of Branch No. 317, Catholic Knights of America, and also of the German Catholic Central Society of America, under the Catholic Church. In poli- tics he is a Democrat. He is prominent among the citizens of South Chicago, among whom he has many friends and admirers. EDWARD NOMMENSEN. |~ DWARD NOMMENSEN was born August fy 6, 1832, in the village of Klickspiel, Thun- L_ den, Germany, and died March 27, 1893, at his family residence in Chicago. His parents were John and Margareta (Marcelon) Nommen- sen, and in their home he remained untrT he reached the estate of manhood. He was united in marriage in the old country to Mary An- derson, a daughter of John and Christina (Broder- son) Anderson. She was born November 20, 1835, in Teck, Germany, and before the family came to America was the mother of several chil- dren. They reached South Chicago in May, 1870, bringing with them their children, Christina, Laura, Mary, John and Edward. The husband and father was a horse dealer in Germany, but on coming to this country did whatever came to his hand until he was wonted to the ways and ac- quainted with the language of the country. In 1892 he bought property at No. 603 Ninety- seventh Street, and built a house there. He was very active in helping to rebuild the city after the great fire. Mr. and Mrs. Nommensen were the parents of eight children, whose history is here briefly given: Christina was born July 25, 1859, married JOSEPH PECKER. 405 Andrew Hansen, an engineer in the employment of the Illinois Steel Company, and lives on Hous- ton Avenue. Laura, born April 25, 1861, married William Martz, an engineer for the Illinois Steel Company, and lives at No. 8723 Exchange Ave- nue. Mary, born November 29, 1863, married Marcus Hansen, and is a widow, with a home on Exchange Avenue, just north of her sister Laura. John, born October 28, 1866, an engineer, in the employ of the Illinois Steel Company , wedded Mary Tiege, and lives at No. 8906 Superior Avenue. Ed- ward, born August 25, 1869, married LenaSchim- kie, and has his home at No. 8729 Houston Avenue. All these children are of German na- tivity. Anthony, born September 23, 1872, is an engineer and a skilled workman in the Illinois Steel Company's works. He served under Will- iam Gillice, master mechanic in the bessemer de- partment, eight years. He attended the South Chicago schools, and is a man of much character and genuine worth. Andrew, born December 19, 1874, a native of South Chicago, is a house paint- er, lives at home and works by the day. August was born June 20, 1877, at the family homestead, and is employed by the Illinois Steel Company as fireman, a position that he has held three years. John, father of Edward Nommensen, died in 1849 in Klickspiel. By occupation he was a la- borer. He was the father of four children beside the subject of this sketch, Nicholas, Johannah, Katharina and Peter. These children remained in the old countiy, where their families are still living. The father studied for the ministry, but joined the German army, and served throughout the Franco- Prussian war, his military experiences covering a period of eight years. John Anderson, father of Mrs. Mary Nommen- sen, was born in 1804, and died when Mrs. Nom- mensen was a mere child. He was the father of three children. Meta Marie, the eldest, married George Peterson in the old country, came to Amer- ica in 1882, and is now living on Houston Ave- nue. Mary is Mrs. Nommensen. Christina married Lawrence Petersen in Germany, where they now reside, and is the mother of four chil- dren. The grandfather of Mrs. Nommensen, Andrew Anderson, was a tailor and had four chil- dren. Christina (Mrs. Hans Hollenson), Andrew, John and Christian. Broder Broderson, father of Mrs. John Anderson, had four children, Inge, Christina, Dorothea and Christian. Mr. Nom- mensen was an honest, hard-working man, and his modest, unassuming virtues are tenderly re- membered. JOSEPH PECHER. (JOSEPH PECHER was born May 21, 1823, in Doelitscheu, Bohemia, and is a son of Mathias and Margaret (Croy) Pecher. The father was a tailor, and the grandfather a black- smith. The family was an old and respected one, and has representatives in various walks of life in the home country to-day. Mr. Pecher grew to manhood in the old coun- try home, where he was married and reared quite a family before the spirit moved him to emigrate to America. He crossed the ocean, and landed in New York October 18, 1866, having with him his wife, and his children, John, Joseph, Ernes- tina, Frank and Paul. One son, Charles, had come over six months .before. The family came direct to Chicago, and settled on Blue Island Avenue, They are still together, with the ex- ception of Ernestina, Frank and Joseph. John was born November 15, 1850, in Vienna, and was a shoemaker in Germany. In Chicago he 406 R. E. LITTLE. was a butcher until 1881, and has been engaged in the commission business since that time. Joseph was born in Vienna, November 29, 1852, and is a cabinet-maker. He wedded Mary New- man, and has four children in his South Morgan Street home: Joseph, Leo, and the twins, John and Addie. Ernestina, born May 25, 1858, mar- ried Jacob M. Strauch, for account of whom see sketch in this volume. Frank is also the subject of a biography in this work. Paul was born April 20, 1865, and is a hardwood finisher and painter, now in business. He was married February 7, 1888, to Annie Heinz, a Chicago girl. Her parents were Christian and Catharine (Hartman) Heinz, and she was born October 31, 1866. She is the mother of one child, Maria, born February 18, 1889. Charles was born June 20, 1869, at No. 213 Blue Island Avenue, and died when six months old. Mrs. Joseph Pecher was born De- cember 4, 1825, in Machren, Bohemia, where her parents were living on a farm. Their names were Frank Steppan and Annie Marie Groeber. They became the parents of six children, of whom Mrs. Pecher is the youngest. The others were Theresa, Annie Maria, Anton, Barbara and Elizabeth. ROBERT E. LITTLE. QOBERT ELLISON LITTLE. Among the ^ names of sturdy Scotchmen who came to. f 3 \ America in early youth, and among the best citizens and protectors of our national reputation and honor, will be found that of Robert E. Little. He was born November 4, 1840, in Stirling, Scot- land, and is the son of Robert and Jane (Liddell) Little, natives of that country. His father was a farmer and came to Goderich, Canada, in 1856. Here he purchased a farm, on which he lived until his death. He had nine children, of whom the eldest is Robert Ellison Little, the subject of this notice. Robert E. Little was an ambitious youth, and when he was only fourteen years old he followed his desire for sea life and sailed on salt water four years. In 1858 he came to America, and took command of the schooner "Experiment," and sailed the lakes five years. Then he went to Memphis, Tennessee, where he spent eighteen months as a bookkeeper. After this he was nine months in Canada, with his parents, and in the spring of 1870 he located at Hyde Park, Chicago. He lived there a year, and then came to South Chi- cago, where he bought and fitted out the schooner "Jim," and for two years kept it on the lakes. This was practically the close of his sailor's career. When Mr. Little was in South Chicago, he made his home with Mrs. Mary Hunt, widow ot William Hunt. They were among the earliest settlers of South Chicago, and their home was located where the elevators now stand. The Hunt House was in early times a landmark for miles around. It was a favorite resort of hunters and visitors to the Calumet region. After the close of his sailing Mr. Little bought this house, in 1871, and conducted it till 1888. August 28, 1883, Mr. Little married Miss Anna, daughter of Gottfried and Marie (Sipple) Deist, who came to Chicago in 1849. Mr. and Mrs. Little are the parents of three children, namely. Emma Bella, Robert Gottfried and John William. Mr. Little has taken the degree of Master Mason, but is not at present an active member of any lodge. He and his family are members of the Presbyterian Church. In politics he is a stanch Republican. He is a man who loves his home, and is a good husband and father. He is a generous, true-hearted friend, and has the respect of all who know him. LIBRARY OF THE BNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS DR. ALFRED HAKANSON (From Photo, by W. J, ROOT) ALFRED HAKANSON, M. D. 407 ALFRED HAKANSON, M. D. GlLFRED HAKANSON, M. D., a prominent L_l physician of South Chicago, was born May /| 12, 1866, at Geneseo, Illinois, and is the son of John and Hannah (Pearson) Hakanson. The latter's father was Peter Johnson, who mar- ried Christine Mousen. Hakan Johnson, the pater- nal grandfather of Dr. Hakanson, was born in 1785, and died in 1825. His wife was named Elizabeth. John Hakanson was born March 2, 1817, in Christianstad, Sweden, and emigrated to Amer- ica in 1860. He located in Henry County, Illi- nois, and lived there six years, removing to Henry County, Iowa, at the end of that time. In 1874 he moved to Clay County, Nebraska, and took up Government land. He has lived there ever since, and the land is much improved. He was married in Sweden December 3 1 , 1847, and two of his children were born there, namely: Anna and Elizabeth. The others, Peter, John and Alfred, were born in the United States. Mrs. Hannah Hakanson was born February 9, 1823, in Sweden, and died July 9, 1891. Alfred Hakanson was reared on a farm and had the advantage of a high-school education at Oakland, Nebraska. Later he went to Luther Academy, Wahoo, Nebraska, from which he was graduated. After leaving the academy he went to Augustana College, at Rock Island, Illinois, where he took a select course through the sophomore year, taking also some of the junior studies. In the autumn of 1886 he took .up the study of medicine, his first preceptor being Dr. John B. Ralph, city physician at Omaha, Nebraska; the next preceptor was Prof. D. C. Bryant, M. D. , an oculist and aurist of the same city. March 27, 1890, he graduated from the Medical Department of the University of Omaha. He then practiced at Rockford, Illinois, for a year, and thence went to South Chicago, where he has practiced ever since May 12, 1892, Dr. Hakanson married Bertha Wilhelmina, daughter of Martin and Mary Christine (Olson) Lindberg. She was born June 4, 1870, in Chicago. Dr. Hakanson is medical examiner of the Linnea Society No. i, the In- dependent Order of Svithiod No. 6, and Court Norden No. 203, Independent Order of Foresters. He is a member of the South Chicago Medical Society and of the American Medical Association. He is a Republican in politics, and had the honor of serving as county physician for the period of two years. In 1895 Mr. Hakanson took a post- graduate course at the New York Post-Graduate Medical School and Hospital, where he took a course in clinical medicine and gynecology. Though a comparatively young man, he has a good practice, and is one of the most reliable physicians of South Chicago. He is progressive in his ideas, is interested in the public welfare, favors public improvements, and is an honor to his profession. 408 H. S. SPARROW. HANNAH S. SPARROW. HANNAH STEELE SPARROW, M. D., is one of the leading eclectic physicians of the country, and a woman known throughout the city for her charitable work and connection with benevolent associations. She practices her profession and makes her home at No. 9125 Erie Avenue, Chicago. Her parents and their nine children emigrated from England in March, 1868, and came through to Chicago. Her father was born March i, 1832, in Snainton, England, and died November 30, 1868. His profession was that of veterinary surgeon. The mother was born May 12, 1831, in Hutton Buscel, England, and now makes her home with Mrs. Sparrow. She owns property at No. 909 North Robey Street, Chicago, and has owned property on Crossing Street, and at No. 87 Commercial Street, in which neighborhood she was one of the old set- tlers, having kept a residence there for twenty- nine years. The children of this family are as follows: Hannah, the subject of this sketch; Eva, Mrs. William Salmon, now residing in Chicago; Agnes, who married Daniel Lucy, and also resides in Chicago; Robert Dunhill, who died at the age of eleven years; Charlotta, who married William Griffith, and resides at Dundee, Illinois; Mary, wife of William De Critehlar Langston, a resident of Chicago; Fred, also of Chicago; Caro- line, who married Terrence O'Neil, and lives in South Chicago; Ruth, Mrs. Edward Mann, a res- ident of Chicago. Mrs. Sparrow's paternal grandfather was Thomas Steele, who was a veterinary surgeon in Snainton, England. His wife was a Miss Maria Dawson, and their children were: Mary, Robert, William, Dawson, Martha, George, Jane and John. None came to America, except the father of Dr. Sparrow. Tradition states that the Steeles were of French origin, and located in England at an early day and made a permanent home there until the members of the family came to America. The maternal grandfather of Dr. Sparrow was Leonard Dunhill, who died in January, 1878, at the age of sixty-four years. He was born in Hutton Buscel, England, and married Jane Leaper, of Leeds, England, who died in 1862, at the age of fifty years. Their children were: Caroline, who died in infancy; Mary Ann, Elizabeth, Robert and Leonard Wilson, who died an infant. The great-grandfather was Leonard Dunhill, who married Caroline Charlotte Holt. Their children were: Robert, Leonard, William, Mary, Charlotte and Elizabeth. Mary and Elizabeth came to this country and reared large families, the latter being the wife of Thomas Sharp, and the former of David Gill. Dr. Hannah Steele Sparrow was born January 2, 1854, in Hutton Buscel, Yorkshire, England, and is a daughter of William and Mary Ann (Dunhill) Steele. She pursued her studies in England until she came to America, and in 1881 she began the study of her profession with Doctors Wilson H. Davies and Henry C. Tucker, of this city. In 1887 she took her degree from Bennett Eclectic Medical College of Chicago. While at- tending school she had an office in the college building, and was subsequently located at No. 68 Oak Street, No. 23 Townsend Street, at No. 3027 Fifth Avenue, and No. 9125 Erie Avenue, and has been in South Chicago since 1881. She never associated with a partner in practice. ALFRED DIBBEN. 409 May 23, 1870, she married Richard Sparrow (see sketch elsewhere) . Their children are : Willie Harold Steele, born February 28, 1878; and Richard Paul Steele, November 26, 1896. Dr. Sparrow has a membership in the South Chicago Medical Society, the Woman's Medical Club of Chicago, and the Eclectic Medical and Surgical Society of Chicago. She has a philanthropic and patriotic nature and takes an active interest in charitable affairs and the Grand Army of the Republic. She is identified with nearly all the leading benevolent associations in South Chicago. She is an ardent Republican, and always takes as active a part in politics as the limited franchise will allow. She was one of the six women who were instrumental in establishing a Woman's Hospital on the World's Fair grounds. This hospital was intended to take care of the sick and wounded or injured of all classes during the continuance of the Fair, and the plan was originated and carried to successful completion by women physicians. To Dr. Sparrow was assigned the arduous task of inspiring interest in the enterprise throughout the various States, among the lady physicians, and so well did she succeed that the Woman's Hospital was pro- nounced one of the greatest successes of the Fair. All the labor and talent expended on this work were purely gratis, and given for the love of her profession and the good of mankind. Dr. Sparrow has .in her possession a certificate issued by the World's Congress Auxiliary of the World's Columbian Exposition, which reads as follows : "This certifies that Hannah S. Sparrow, M. D., has been appointed by the World's Con- gress Auxiliary, a member of the Woman's Ex- ecutive Committee on a congress of eclectic phy- sicians and surgeons, to convene in the city of Chicago during the week commencing Monday, May 29, 1893. In witness Whereof we have here- unto affixed our names and the seal of the Auxil- iary. BERTHA HONORS PALMER, President of Woman's Congress Auxiliary. ELLEN M. HENROTIN, Vice-President of Woman's Branch. C. C. BONNEY, President of World's Congress Auxiliary. CLARENCE E. YOUNG, Asst. Sec'y of World's Congress Auxiliary." Only six of these signed certificates were issued. ALFRED DIBBEN. Gl LFRED DIBBEN, who comes of a family I I noted for health and strength, was born in / I Worthing, Sussex County, England, and is a son of Reuben and Mary Ann (Boyling) Dib- ben. Reuben Dibben was a blacksmith, who owned his shop. He died in 1877, at the age of seventy-three years. His wife, Mary Ann Dib- ben, was born in 1832, and is still living in the old home in England. They were the parents of eight children, namely: George, John, James, Alfred, Frederick, Walter, and two who died when they were young. George was a sailor, who came to America in 1862. He enlisted and served through the Civil War. He now lives at No. 3439 South Marshfielcl Avenue, and works at Bridgeport in a rolling mill, as a ladle liner. John came in 1867, and is now a watchman, and lives at No. 994 North Lincoln Street, Chicago. James came in 1869. He was a clipper in the foundry at the North Chicago rolling mills. He returned to England in 1872, and in 1873 he was killed by accident. The subject of this sketch came to America next. Frederick came in 1885, and worked as a cupola-man in a mill. He returned 4io A. A. PETERSEN. on a visit in 1896. Walter emigrated to the United States in 1889, and returned in 1896. He was a runner-man in a mill, but was compelled to return to England on account of ill-health. Alfred Dibben came to the United States in April, 1876, and entered the service of the North Chicago Rolling Mill Compaq' at its North Works, as a cupola-man. In 1882 he went to South Chicago, and has lived there ever since. He built a home at No. 7949 Reynolds Avenue, in 1890, living there till 1895, when he went to his present home, No. 9120 Superior Avenue. He also owns lots in the city. August 21, 1 88 1, Mr. Dibben married Miss Caroline, daughter of James and Mary Turner. They are the parents of the following children: Arthur Reuben, born January 14, 1884; Earl Chester, January 25, 1890; Carrie Pearl, June 15, 1892; and Frederick William, December 10, 1895- Mr. Dibben is a member of Good Samaritan Lodge No. 90, Sons of Saint George. He is a Republican in politics, and has served as election judge in the Eleventh Precinct of the Thirty-third Ward. He is a devout member of the Episcopal Church. August 4, 1882, while Mr. Dibben was at work in the Illinois Steel Company's South Chicago Works, an explosion occurred, which covered his body with hot metal and water, and as a result of this accident he lost his right eye. ANDREW A. PETERSEN. GlNDREW ANDERSEN PETERSEN was J I born March 21, 1846, in Tandem, Germany, l\ and is a son of Olde and Otelia (Wolfsen) Petersen. His father was a shoemaker, and died in 1861, at theageof fifty-seven. His widow sur- vived him many years, and died in 1891, when over eighty-three. She never came to America, but spent all her days in the land where she mar- ried and buried her husband. Their children were: Johanna, Christina, Peter Boysen, Othelia, Andrew Andersen and Johannis. All are dead except Johannis, Peter and Andrew, the last being the only one to leave the old country. An- drew Andersen Wolfsen, the maternal grand- father of the subject of this notice, was a tailor, and had reached the great age of eighty-nine years and five months at the time of his death in 1855. Two of his daughters, Annie and Cecelia, never married. Andrew Andersen Petersen passed his boyish days in the German homestead, attended school until it was time for him to go to work for him- self, when he became an apprentice at the trade of locksmith. He served several years at this branch of industry, and knows it in all its details. In 1 867 he was summoned to serve in the Ger- man army, and was in the Franco- Prussian war from its beginning to the end. He was an artil- leryman, and passed unhurt through fifteen heavy battles, though on more than one occasion horses were killed under him. He was discharged from the army in 1871, and the same year he came to the new world, landing in Quebec. He had a friend in Chicago, a Mr. Schrader, and he imme- diately came to this city, and boarded in Mr. Schrader's home for a year or more, while he did any kind of iron or sign work that he could find to do. Mr. Petersen came to South Chicago July 15, 1874, and bought a small house, and in 1881 built his present home at No. 9932 Commercial Avenue. In South Chicago he was busy at gen- DAVID KOENIG. 411 eral labor for a year, and then went into the ma- chine shops of the Baltimore & Ohio Railroad, where he was employed about the engines five years. He was in the service of the Illinois Steel Company as a stationary engineer from 1879 to 1890. The ensuing five years he spent in various ways, and in 1 895 was engaged by the city to do repair work in the water-pipe department, and this position he still holds. Mr. Petersen has been twice married , his first wife being Caroline Lorensen, whom he wedded May 12, 1873. She was born May 31, 1854, and died April 12, 1889. Her father's name was Christopher Lorensen, and she was the mother of a goodly family, of whom few representatives are now living. Christopher Olde was born Febru- ary 26, 1874, and died when seven years old. Johannis, November 19, 1876, lived four years; Peter Boysen, April n, 1877, died when two years old. The next child, a girl, never lived, and Christian Olde, June 28, 1880, is at home. Othelia F., June 21, 1882, is at home. A sis- ter Caroline died young. Andrew Andersen, born June 18, 1887, and Carolina Fredrika, Au- gust 9, 1885, are bright young girls at home. Mr. Petersen' s second marriage united him with Caroline Lissen, a daughter of Christopher and Annie (Lusie) Lessen. She was born in Ger- many, January 17, 1860, and came to this coun- try when eighteen years old. She is now the mother of four children: Peter Boysen, born August 12, 1890, died December 28, 1890; Peter Boysen, November 27, 1891; Anton Louis, April 12, 1894; and Herman Otto, August n, 1895. Mr. Petersen belongs to the Krieger Verein, an association of veterans of the great war with France, and delights in the old memories. He is a Republican in political principle, and is highly esteemed in all the business and personal rela- tions of his life. DAVID KOENIG. 0AVID KOENIG, of the firm of Koenig & Gross, dealers in paints, oils, glass and wall-paper, was born on the I3th of De- cember, 1868, onWentworth Avenue near Twen- ty-seventh Street, Chicago, and is the son of Theo- dore and Anna ( Deist) Koenig. Theodore Koe- nig was born March 17, 1844, ' n Germany, and emigrated in 1858, locating in Chicago. Anna Deist was born February 3, 1841, in Germany. They were the parents of three children, namely: Mary, who married Arthur V. Daegling, and now lives at No. 9006 Houston Avenue, Chicago; Da- vid, whose name begins this sketch; and George, who resides in California. David Koenig was a youth of great energy, and began life for himself at the age of thirteen years. He worked at first for his father at the butcher's trade, and was subsequently employed by Mr. W. H. Stone. After this he attended school at South Chicago, feeling that a young man who has education has many advantages over one without. When he left school, he went to work for M. C. Magnussen, with whom he learned his present trade. He stayed with Mr. Magnus- sen eight years, which fact attests his faithfulness and skill. But his ambition was not satisfied with working for others, and in 1890 he attended public night school, and studied bookkeeping with a view to starting in business for himself. In 1891 he began dealing in paints on his own account, and in 1894 he was joined by a partner, his brother-in-law, Henry Gross, and they have been associated in business ever since. They have from time to time enlarged their business, and at 4 I2 J. H. HASKIN. the present time are enjoying a very profitable trade. They are the leading dealers in paints, glass and similar materials, in South Chicago. Both are young men of business ability, the firm has a name for honest dealing, and the partners make a careful study of their line of business. April 18, 1891, Mr. Koenig married Miss Mary Weimar, daughter of Theodore Weimar, of German}-. They are the parents of two children: Theodore, who was born May 14, 1892; and Al- fred, September 21, 1895. Mr. Koenig is a mem- ber of Sherman Lodge No. 279, Knights of Pythias, which he served two terms as vice chan- cellor, and is connected with the German Lutheran Church. In political opinion he is a Republican, and he is now judge of election for the Twenty- second precinct of the Thirty-third Ward. Mr. Koenig is a man of great sociability, and has many firm friends. He is well known, and is one of the representative business men of the city. JOHN H. HASKIN. (lOHN HAMILTON HASKIN (deceased) I was for nearly a quarter of a century well G) known in the business and social circles of Chicago. He was born in London, Ontario, in the year 1842, and was a son of John H. Haskin. He had the misfortune to lose his mother in his earliest childhood, and at seven years of age he was orphaned by the death of his father. In con- sequence thereof his early life was devoid of that care and training which have so much to do in fit- ting the child for the duties of adult life. When only a boy he came to the United States, locating in Chicago some years previous to the outbreak of the Civil War. He was an ambitious, energetic youth, and easily made his way, and having the faculty of making and retaining friends, his progress was rapid. The war coming on, he enlisted at Blackberry, July 26, 1861, in what was then called the Kane County Cavalry, but which became Company H, of the Fifteenth Illinois Cav- alry, Col. Warren Stewart commanding. He participated in the battles of Wilson's Creek, Mis- souri, August 10, 1861, and Belmont, Missouri, November 7, 1861. 'The following spring his regiment was assigned to Steele's division of Curtis' army, and participated in the battle of Pea Ridge, Arkansas, in which fight he was seriously wounded in the breast by a piece of shell. He was confined in the hospital at Benton Barracks, Missouri, about ten months on account of this wound, and as it prevented his performing active service in the ranks, he was honorably discharged February 13, 1863. He was then detailed as re- truiting officer at Nashville, Tennessee, but re- mained only a short time. Subsequently he en- tered the quartermaster's department of the army, where for some time he did clerical duty. Late in 1864 he went into the ranks of Gen. GeorgeH. Thomas' army, and was in the battle of Nashville, when Hood, the rebel general, was overthrown. In this battle he was again wounded. A mus- ket ball passing through his hand, glanced from the stock of his rifle and lodged back of the knee- cap. The surgeons were unable to extract it, and he carried it with him until the end of his life. This wound left him helpless on the field of bat- tle, where he remained throughout the night. The war over, he studied law at Nashville, but never practiced, owing to ill-health. At Elgin, Illinois, May 14, 1866, he was mar- ried to Miss Abbie Ellithorpe. Subsequently he went to Belvidere, Illinois, wheie he engaged in business, remaining there a year, then settled in Chicago. He became connected with the Steele MARTINUS PETERSEN. 413 & Price Baking Powder Company in the capacity of traveling salesman, and later went with Heuer & Brockschmidt, now Aug Heuer & Sons, dealers in furniture and upholsterers' supplies, as travel- ing salesman. In 1873 he settled in Rogers Park, then a straggling village of four houses, on the prairie. Mr. Haskin was a man of good abilities. He had a natural talent that made up in good part for the lack of advantages in his early life. He was a close observer of people and events, and a great reader. His memory was excellent, retain- ing and digesting all that he read. He had won- derful aptness of speech, making use of all that he read. Although not cultured in graces of rhet- oric, he possessed a natural oratory that was both effective and pleasing. As a platform speaker he was in demand at political and social gatherings. As a Democrat he was prominent in the local councils of the party, and upon the political ros- trum he carried the flag of Democracy to victory in many exciting contests. August 2, 1881, he was elected to the office of justice of the peace for the town of Evanston, a position he creditably filled until his death. He was widely known and respected by a host of friends and acquaintances. Two children were born to Mr. and Mrs. Has- kin, Middleton A. and Roy H., both promising young men. Mr. Haskin died June 30, 1883. Mrs. Haskin is a daughter of Oliver H. and Ade- line (French) Ellithorpe, who settled in Kane County, Illinois, about fifty-five years ago. The Ellithorpes are a very old English family, and are closely allied to the Oglethorpe family, of whom General Oglethorpe, the founder of the State of Georgia, is the most famous member. The first one of the family to emigrate to this country was Ichabod Ellithorpe, who came in the year 1710, and settled in Connecticut. His grandson, John Ellithorpe, grandfather of Mrs. Haskin, was a soldier of the War of 1812, and took part in the battle of Lake Champlain. Oliver Ellithorpe, her father, was born in Sheldon, Vermont, November 21, 1814, and died in Elgin, Illinois, June 30, 1889. Mrs. Ellithorpe is still living. She is a daughter of Isaac French, an English-Canadian, and a soldier in the English army. Mrs. Has- kin's great-grandfather, Timothy Chapman, was a soldier of the Revolutionary War, enlisting at Stratford, Connecticut, April 15, 1777, as a ser- geant in Col. Heman Swift's Connecticut regi- ment, and served throughout the war. MARTINUS PETERSEN. | ARTINUS PETERSEN, one of the most progressive Danes of our great metropolis, and a hardworking, useful citizen, was born in Hillerslev, near Thisted, in Northern Denmark, September 19, 1859. He is the son of Peter Christian and Karen Marie (Christiansen) Petirsen, natives of Denmark. Martinus was the first one of his family to emigrate to the United States, and he came to Chicago in Jan- uary, 1879. His first work was shoveling coal in South Chicago, at which he was occupied only a short time; then he went to Dwight, Illinois, where he worked on a farm three months, but did not like this employment. With the excep- tion of the three months spent at Dwight, he has lived continuously in the city since arriving here. In 1 88 1 he became clerk in a grocery store for Hans Heinsen. This is the store at which he is himself now located, Nos. 9176 and 9178 Harbor Avenue. He worked for Heinsen until 1890, by which time he had saved sufficient money to join him as a partner, and the firm of Petersen & M. C. MAGNUSSEN. Company "was then formed. This firm continued to do business until 1895, when Mr. Heinsen bought the business and Mr. Petersen again worked for him. April 14, 1896, Mr. Petersen bought out Mr. Heinsen, and the establishment has since been conducted under the name of M. Peterson & Company, with Mr. Petersen as sole proprietor. He comes of an industrious family, and has three brothers in Chicago, namely: Charles, who is a merchant tailor; Nels, a shoe- maker; and Arthur, who is connected with the fire department of South Chicago, in which city all three reside. September 20, 1884, Mr. Petersen married Miss Anna Margerita, daughter of Nels Jacobsen. They have two children, Peter Christian, aged eleven years, and Matilda, aged five years. Mr. Petersen is a member of Court Denmark No. 219, Independent Order of Foresters. In politics he is not controlled by party lines, but always de- cides for himself the relative fitness of candidates, independent of party. He is a valuable resident of the community, and sets a good example of thrift and energy. He has practically built up the grocery trade which he controls from the be- ginning. Mr. Petersen has been doing a profit- able business and has accumulated a considerable amount of money. He also owns a handsome three-story and basement flat building at Nos.. 9120 and 9122 Mackinaw Avenue. MEINERT C MAGNUSSEN. CONRAD MAGNUSSEN was JYI born December 5, 1850, in Emmelsbuell, Kjl Schleswig, Prussia, and is the son of Carl and Brigetta (Bonnigsen) Magnussen. He is the only one of his family who came to America, and reached Chicago on the 28th of October, 1872. In the old country he had served the time of ap- prenticeship as a general painter, and was skilled at his trade. He first worked for Dahinden & Schroeder on Milwaukee Avenue, and stayed with them three months. In the fall of 1873 he went to South Chicago to live. He did general work for Mr. Oemich and also worked for William Kratzenburg. In 1875 he returned to Chicago and lived on Milwaukee Avenue, near Carpen- ter Street. He at this time worked at graining and ornamenting chairs for Herhold & Company. He continued there till February, 1882, when he returned to South Chicago and bought a lot at No. 9143 Superior Avenue. The same spring he built a shop and started business for himself. He does general painting and contracting, and is conducting a prosperous business. In 1874 Mr. Magnussen married Ingeburg Heinsen, daughter of Nicholas and Anna (Han- sen) Heinsen. Mrs. Magnussen was born Octo- ber ii, 1850, and became the mother of the fol- lowing children: Brigetta Johanna, born Sep- tember 9, 1875; Anna, April 24, 1879; Clara Nic- olina, February n, 1887; Meinert Conrad, Feb- ruary 22, 1889; Arthur Henry, April 25, 1890; and Nellie Irene Maria, November n, 1892. Four children died in infancy, Nicholas and Carl Mau- rice, and two not named. Mr. Magnussen is a member of the Old Set- tlers' Society, and of the Evangelical Lutheran Church. He is not confined by party lines in politics, but favors the man he thinks to be most worthy and best fitted for office. He is a repre- sentative of the sturdy class of people who fur- nish the bone and sinew of a nation in time of peace or war. LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS r tin, nr TA y -u*J .Cifcn A. C. DTJCAT. GEN. ARTHUR C DUCAT. /2fEN. ARTHUR CHARLES DUCAT was I born in Dublin, Ireland, on the 24th of Feb- Vj ruary, 1830. His father, Mungo Moray Ducat, was a gentleman who traced his lineage from a very ancient Highland family, renowned in the annals of Scotland. He was a native of Cupar Angus, but in early life removed to New Lawn, County Dublin, Ireland, where he also possessed large estates. His wife, Dorcas Julia Atkinson, was born in County Armagh, Ireland, and died in Downer's Grove, Illinois, in Novem- ber, 1889, aged eighty-six years. Her father was an Englishman, of Cambridgeshire. Arthur C. Ducat was educated at private schools in his native city, and at the age of nineteen years came to America with the inten- tion of becoming a civil engineer. He pursued that profession for some years on important rail- road lines and other public works. This occupa- tion was abandoned when he was tendered the position of Secretary and General Surveyor of the Board of Underwriters of Chicago, which position he accepted and occupied until the opening of the Civil War. In the mean time he began to mani- fest a keen interest in the affairs of the city, and organized, drilled and disciplined the Citizens' Fire Brigade, a semi-military and armed body of citizens. Their duties were to attend fires and save and guard property and life. This action also had a deeper meaning, for Ducat had resolved to abolish the old ' 'volunteer' ' fire department and introduce a new one in its place on a paid and disciplined basis, employing steam fire-engines. He was obliged to protect the first engines brought to Chicago from the demonstrations and attacks of mobs, incited by the bad element of the volunteer department, which he did by the aid of his fire brigade. He wrote the ordinances estab- lishing and substituting steam engines for the old hand machines, and enlisted the vote of the Com- mon Council to adopt it. Upon the beginning of hostilities between the North and the South, he was one of the first to offer substantial aid in support ol the Government. His taste had led him to the study of military history and science, and he knew as much of the art of war as a lieutenant fresh from West Point. The roar of the first guns had scarcely ceased before he had raised and offered first to the State of Illinois and then to the National Government a corps of three hundred engineers, sappers and miners. Many of these men were professionals who had seen service and understood the details of field and permanent fortifications, and works connected therewith, the rapid construction of bridges, roads, etc. The Government was not aware, however, of the struggle before it and per- haps thought that engineers would not be neces- sary. So Ducat was chagrined and disappointed by the rejection of what he foresaw would be a much-needed service. Notwithstanding this re- fusal, he immediately enlisted as a private, and 416 A. C. DUCAT. in April, 1861, became a member of the Twelfth Illinois Infantry. He was without political, gov- ernmental or family influence, and resolved to do his duty and depend upon his merits for promo- tion. Although a good horseman, he selected the infantry arm of the service, as he believed it would do most of the fighting. His regiment was among the first that seized the important strategic point of Cairo and supported General Lyon in taking possession of the arsenal at St. Louis. It was not long before Ducat's military acquirements and capabilities were appreciated. Within a month he was commissioned Second Lieutenant, and afterwards appointed Adjutant of the regiment. Upon the expiration of the three months for which he had enlisted, he was again enrolled for three years in the same regiment, and appointed Captain of Company A. The Twelfth formed a part of the brigade that first occupied the sacred soil of Kentucky, taking possession of Paducah in August, 1861. Here he was pro- moted to be Major of his regiment, and in the month of April following, at Fort Donelson, he was promoted to the rank of Lieutenant- Colonel. In August, 1862, he was appointed to the command of the grand guards, pickets and outposts for the Army of the Tennessee. When Major-General Ord was appointed to the com- mand, Ducat was ordered to his staff, and when Major-General Rosecrans relieved General Ord, Ducat was attached to the staff of the former. At Rosecrans' great battle of Corinth and the subse- quent pursuit of the enemy, he served as acting Chief of Staff and Inspector- General, and so con- ducted himself as to receive the warmest con- gratulations of his superior officers, not only for bravery, but for efficiency, making most important suggestions as to movements, and carrying them out with great success. Subsequently he was directed by the general in command to conduct a flag of truce to the enemy at Holiy Springs, Mississippi, a distance of over seventy-five miles, through a country infested with a superior force of guerrillas and the enemy's cavalry, who were not to be depended upon to recognize a flag of truce. He succeeded, and dis- played as much tact and discretion in the im- portant negotiations entrusted to him as in the field. He was afterward detailed to arrange with General Burnside the Knoxville campaign, rep- resenting General Rosecrans on that occasion. When Major-General Rosecrans took command of the forces known as the Army of the Ohio (which subsequently became the Army of the Cumberland), Colonel Ducat was ordered to ac- company General Rosecrans and named as acting Chief of Staff and acting Inspector-General. In this important and responsible position he ren- dered the most efficient service in re-organizing, equipping, disciplining and drilling the army, in raising the siege of Nashville, and in opening the railway from that city to Louisville. He was afterward appointed by the War Department In- spector-General of the Fourteenth Army Corps, and after the battle of Stone River and the or- ganization of the Army and Department of the Cumberland, he was appointed Inspector-General of that army and department (the most military of the staff positions), in addition to which he had charge of the grand guards, pickets and out- posts, and the organization of the signal corps of the army. When it is recollected that Ducat was a self-educated soldier, his selection from among the many able and experienced men who had made war their profession is a distinc- tion indicating a high degree of merit. He or- ganized the Bureau of the Inspector-General on a system substantially new, but adapted to secure the greatest efficiency and discipline of a great army in the field. At first his strict and rigid exactions rendered him unpopular, but as soon as results began to manifest themselves in the greater efficiency of the troops, their sanitary condition and military spirit, he became, among officers and men, one of the most popular officers of that army. He formulated and put in practice a system of picketing and outposting an army which highly distinguished him. When General Rosecrans was relieved and Maj.-Gen. George H. Thomas took command, Ducat was ordered to the staff of the latter, in which capacity he served until he left the service at the close of the war, respected and beloved by all. Many of these facts are obtained from an arti- A. C. DUCAT. cle written by General Rosecrans, who also said of him: "I regard him as an extraordinary man, * * * an excellent tactician, * * a soldier by nature; so much so, that he never exacted the credit he easily merited, nor the promotion given to less able and more plodding men." The following is from the pen of General Grant: "His services have been very valuable and have been highly appreciated." General Thomas wrote: "One of the most able and use- ful of the army staff and cannot well be spared." General Sheridan characterized him as "an officer of high standing and distinguished merit." Another writer "on the war says: "Ducat was early distinguished for his thorough knowledge of military details, his organizing powers and his executive ability; but especially for his sleepless vigilance and activity, that mastered all details of topography and the movement of hostile armies. ' ' The late President Garfield, Quartermaster General Meigs, Major Generals Ord, Palmer, and others, addressed the war department, recom- mending the higher promotion of Ducat, but the lack of influence at headquarters, together with his own indifference regarding promotion, seemed to prevent him from receiving appointments to higher commands. He was always fully con- tented in any capacity in the army to which he was appointed. Soon after the close of hostilities, the Home In- surance Company, of New York, appointed him to superintend its business in Ohio, Indiana and Kentucky, and shortly afterward he became its general agent in Chicago. His career as an act- ive underwriter was eminently successful, his popularity and acquaintance throughout the West being of great advantage to his employers. The firm of Ducat & Lyon, of which he was the head, carries on a general fire-insurance business. The business under his control has always been successful and profitable. One of the standard works of America is "Ducat's Practice of Fire Underwriting," which he brought out in 1857. Before the great fire he was chairman of the committee that organized the celebrated Fire Insurance Patrol of Chicago. He remained chairman of the Patrol Committee five years after the fire, and infused into it the esprit du corps and military spirit that have characterized it and brought about the extension of the fire limits to be co-extensive with the city limits an important work, adroitly managed in the face of great opposition. He was chairman of the committee which framed the new building law after the great fire, and, in conjunction with Frederick Baumann, wrote the most elaborate and well-digested building law in this or any other country. The Board of Local Fire Under- writers was organized on the basis of his recom- mendation, in the capacity of committee for that purpose, to which position he was appointed soon after the great fire. In 1873 there was a movement in Illinois to re- organize the National Guard of the State. The advice of General Ducat on this subject was sought, and the military code upon which the present efficient Guard was organized is the prod- uct of his brain and pen, for which he was made major general and its commander. In 1886 he was elected commander of the Illinois Comman- dery of the military order of the Loyal Legion. He was a member of the Grand Army of the Re- public, and of the Masonic order, being identified with Apollo Commandery, Knights Templar; and a member of the Chicago Club. He was always a staunch Republican, though never a candidate for civil office. He was married to Miss Mary Lyon, daughter of William Lyon, Esq., of Bedford, Pennsylvania. Her death occurred in Chicago, October 26, 1890, at the age of forty - three years. In 1892 he was married to Miss Alice Jane Soutar, daughter of P. J. Soutar, an eminent lawyer of Dunfermline, Scotland. Six of General Ducat's children survive. Arthur C. , Jr., a graduate of West Point, is a lieutenant in the United States Army; Kate, the second child, is the wife of C. P. Stivers, of Chicago; and Mary, Reginald, Elizabeth and Alice complete the family, whose members are communicants of the Episcopal Church, in which General Ducat was reared. The latter died January 29, 1896, at his home in Downer's Grove. 418 DANIEL WARREN. DANIEL WARREN. 0ANIEL WARREN, one of the pioneers of Illinois, deserves more than passing notice in this record. He was the representative of one of the oldest American families, which will always live in history because of the brave general who lost his life at the battle of Bun- ker Hill. Daniel Warren was a successful busi- ness man, who came West to embrace the op- portunity to secure a large landed estate at small original outlay. He was a native of Massachu- setts, born about 1 780, near Concord, the scene of the first conflict of arms in behalf of colonial in- dependence and American liberty. In early life, Mr. Warren went to western New York, and opened the first store in Fredonia, Chautauqua County, that State. He afterward lived about fourteen years in Westfield, same county. While a resident of New York, he be- came acquainted with the Naper brothers, who settled the present prosperous town of Naperville, in DuPage County, Illinois. Naturally, when he decided to locate in the West, he called upon them, at their Illinois home, and at once found a satisfactory location about halfway between Na- perville and the present town of Warrenville. This was in the spring of 1833, while Chicago was scarcely thought of as a city, and certainly, its present marvelous development undreamed-of by the wildest speculator on human destiny. In a few years, Mr. Warren sold out his claim and moved to the present site of Warrenville, where he built a sawmill and laid out a town. He also secured nearly a section of land, and made farm- ing his principal industry until advancing years caused his retirement from active life. In all his undertakings, he was assisted by his only son, Col. J. M. Warren, a sketch of whom will be found elsewhere in this volume. The father passed away at his home in Warrenville in 1866, aged eighty-six years. Nancy Morton, who became the wife of Daniel Warren, and the mother of a son and seven daughters, was born in Orange, Worcester Coun- ty, Massachusetts, on the ninth day of February, 1785. When nine years old, she went with her parents to Madison County, New York, and was the favorite companion of her brother, Rev. Sal- mon Morton, a well-known pioneer clergyman of western New York. That she was a woman of refinement and graces of mind is shown by the character of her daughters, several of whom be- came ornaments of Chicago society. The pio- neers were largely dependent upon their own re- sources for amusement and culture, and the youth of the time were fortunate whose parents brought educated and refining influences with them. Mrs. Warren took a keen delight in the lives of her offspring, and lived to a great age, retaining her faculties to the end, which came February 4, 1873, and she was buried on the eighty-eighth anniversary of her birth. Following are the names of the children of Daniel and Nancy (Morton) Warren: Philinda, widow of P. H. Fowler, now in her ninety-first year, residing at Warrenville; Louisa, married Frederick Bird, and died at Rockton, Illinois; Julius Morton (see biography elsewhere in this volume); Sarah, wife of Abel Carpenter, died in Chicago; she was one of the first teachers in this city, in a select school; Harriet, Mrs. C. B. Dod- son, lived at Geneva, Illinois, where she died; Mary and Maria were twins, the former now re- siding in Chicago, being the widow of Jerome Beecher, and the latter died in the same city, while wife of Silas B. Cobb; Jane married N. B. Curtiss, a prominent business man of Peoria. LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS CHARLES C. P. HOI.DEN. MRS. C. C. P. HOLDEN LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS C. C. P. HOLDEN. 419 CHARLES C. P. HOLDEN. EHARLES C. P. HOLDEN was born at Gro- ton, New Hampshire, August 9, 1827. His father's name was Phineas H., and his mother, prior to her marriage, was Miss Betsey Parker. His genealogical record shows his earliest American ancestor to have been one Richard Holden, who, in 1634, with his brother Justinian, came from Ipswich, England, in the sailing-ves- sel "Francis," settling in the locality which after- ward became Watertown, Massachusetts. Mr. Holden' s maternal grandfather was Lieutenant Levi Parker, a patriot who served in the army of the Revolution, taking part in the battle of Bun- ker Hill and not returning to his fireside until after the surrender of Cornwallis. He chanced to be with Washington at the time of Arnold's trea- son and Andre's capture, and served as one ot the guards at the execution of the gallant British officer who was punished as a spy, and whose conspicuous bravery Lieutenant Parker sincerely admired. Mr. Holden' s father, with his family of nine children, came West in 1836, reaching Chicago June 30. With hired ox-teams he at once set out for the prairie, where he pre-empted one hundred and sixty acres of Government land, selecting as a location Skunk's Grove, on the "Sauk Trail," in the edge of Will County, thirty miles south of the future city. He was the first settler in that region, his nearest neighbor being two miles and a-half distant, and his children being compelled to walk three miles across the trackless prairie to receive instruction in the rude log hut which served as a school house. Among such surroundings Charles rapidly de- * This sketch is taken from the "History of Chicago," by per- mission of the publishers Munsell & Co. veloped great physical strength. When not more than ten years old he drove a breaking team of five yoke of oxen, his father holding the plow, and was able to do all that usually fell to the lot of farmers' boys in those early days. When he was fifteen, his father placed him in Sweet's gro- cery store, on North Water Street, near Wolcott, now North State Street, where for six months he worked hard for his board. At the end of that time, however, his employer presented him with a pair of cassimere pantaloons, which the young clerk highly prized. In the spring of 1847 his patriotic ardor, no less than his love of adventure, prompted him to en- list in Company F, of the Fifth Regiment of Illi- nois Volunteers, and after serving until the end of the Mexican War he was mustered out of serv- ice at Alton, Illinois, October 16, 1848. He immediately secured employment in the book otore of A. H. & C. Burley, where he remained until March, 1850. On the igth of that month he joined a party which set out from Old Fort Kearney, Missouri, for California. The route was overland, and the pilgrims took up their weary journey with two teams. They reached Hangtown July 1 2 and at once began mining on the Middle Fork of the American River. Young Holden spent two seasons on this stream, pass- ing the second at Coloma Bar. In the fall ot 1851 he began farming and stock-raising at Napa Valley, which pursuits he followed until Decem- ber i, 1853, when he turned his face eastward. He took passage on the steamship "Winfield Scott, ' ' bound from San Francisco for Panama, but the vessel was wrecked in a fog on the reef of Anna Capa Island, at midnight, December 2. As soon as the grinding of the ship's bottom on 420 C. C. P. HOLDEN. the rocks aroused the three hundred or more pas- sengers to a comprehension of their danger, they buckled on life preservers, promptly given them by the officers, and anxiously awaited their sup- posed fate. They recalled the doom of the ill- fated "Independence," which had gone to the bottom a few months before with four hundred souls on board. The officers of the "Winfield Scott" did their duty nobly, the furnace fires were promptly extinguished and the first boat- loads of impatient, terror-stricken voyagers were landed on the shelving rocks, which, however, seemed a veritable haven of refuge. The pass- age to these rocks was perilous, but every one was safely transported. The stranded passengers and crew, however, underwent torments of hun- ger and thirst upon a barren ledge until rescued, seven days after the wreck, by the steamship "California," which carried them to Panama. The ' 'Scott' ' was abandoned to the pitiless buffet- ing of the elements and ultimately went to pieces. Neither cargo, express matter (except the money ) , mail nor baggage was rescued. The destitute passengers made the best of their way across the isthmus and were taken to New York by the Pacific Mail steamer "Illinois," landing January 3, 1854. Mr. Holden returned to Chicago, reach- ing this city March 18, 1854, precisely four years (lacking one day) from the date of his departure. The next important event in his life was his entry into the service of the land department of the Illinois Central Railroad Company, which occurred February 20, 1855. Seven months later on September 17, 1855 he was married to Miss Sarah J. Reynolds, daughter of Isaac N. and Rue Ann Reynolds, of New Lenox, Will County, Illinois. Mrs. Hol- den was the granddaughter of Abraham Holder- man, of Holderman's Grove, Illinois, where he settled in 1830. Mr. Holden has been a prominent figure in Illinois politics since 1858, when he went as a delegate from Chicago to Springfield to the Re- publican State Convention. The train that car- ried the delegation was decorated with a banner bearing the legend, "For United States Senator, Abraham Lincoln." It was after the adjourn- ment of this convention that the great commoner uttered those memorable words: "A house divided against itself cannot stand. I believe this Government cannot endure per- manently, half slave, half free. I do not expect the Union to be dissolved. I do not expect the house to fall, but I do expect it will cease to be divided. It will become all one thing, or all the other." Mr. Hoiden was elected a member of the city council in April 1861, he representing the old "fifth ward," and continued a member of the municipal legislature until December, 1872. Dur- ing his protracted term of sen-ice he had an eye single to the city's good. He worked as did few of his confreres, "public office" being, in his esti- mation, a "public trust." Measures of genuine improvement not for his own ward, but looking to the benefit of all Chicago found in him an ardent champion. The improvement of streets was one of his cherished hobbies, of which he never lost sight. In this connection due credit should be given to Mr. Holden' s labors. The water supply received his thoughtful considera- tion, and it was largely through his efforts that the present system of abundant distribution through- out the city took its inception and received its im- pulsive force. While a member of the council he was constantly agitating this question. He was the advocate of pure water, and plenty of it, for every man, woman and child within the corporate limits. Indeed had it not been for him and others like him, Chicago would have been, to-day, as poorly supplied with water as some of her sister western cities. It was through his persistent la- bor that the city authorized the building of the second tunnel under the lake, with its extension, besides the construction of the watenvay ending at Ashland Avenue and Twenty-second Street. As to Mr. Holden's influence in this regard, see proceedings of the common council for 1869 and 1870, pp. 87, 91, in, and page 690, Pro- ceedings 1868-9. During the dark hours of the nation's history, Mr. Holden was conspicuously loyal. His vote, his voice and his efforts were always in support of the Union. His vote as a municipal legislator C. C. P. HOLDEN. 421 was always in behalf of aiding the National Gov- ernment with men and money. In 1862 he raised a company for the Eighty- eighth regiment of Illinois Volunteers, his brother, Levi P., being elected its captain. In 1864, when a draft was ordered in case the quota of troops allotted to Chicago was not furnished through voluntary en- listment, he determined that there should be no draft in his ward the Tenth. He organized a "Ward Draft Association" and was chosen its president. The members worked with a will, and the sum of $51,912 was raised wherewith to pay bounties to volunteers, thus warding off what Mr. Holden was inclined to regard as a threat- ened disgrace. Mr. Holden furnished three rep- resentatives for his family for the army Harris Dtirkee, for his wife; Frederick A. Hausmann, for his sister-in-law, Rowena P. Reynolds; and Alonzo C. Ide for himself. His part in civic affairs has always been a prom- inent one. He was marshal of the city council on the occasion of the reception of the remains of President Lincoln on their way to their final rest- ing place at Springfield , and chairman of the com- mittee named to secure the attendance of General Grant at the great fair held at Dearborn Park, July, 1865. It was he who introduced the reso- lutions which were adopted by the council relative to Lincoln's funeral.* At the time of the great fire of 1871, he was president of the council, and rendered valuable service in bringing order out of chaos and secur- ing succor for the destitute. A detailed account of his efficient work at that trying period may be found in Andreas' History of Chicago, Vol. II, pp. 761-772.! At the next municipal election both the great political parties Republican and Democratic placed Mr. Holden in nomination for the mayoralty, each also nominating a full ticket for the other city offices. But there was an element in the community which was of opinion that political considerations ought not to be re- garded at such a time, and in consequence a com- plete "citizens' " ticket, known as the "fire- proof," was nominated, containing the names of *See Council Proceeding! for ISGB, p. 8. tSee also Council Proceedings for 1871, pp. 346, 347. Joseph Medill for Mayor and David A. Gage for Treasurer. The "fire-proof " ticket was elected. In 1872, Mr. Holden was an elector on the Greeley ticket, but, with his associates, went down in the political cyclone which swept the country in November of that year. Previous to this in March, 1869 Governor Palmer had appointed him a West Chicago Park Commissioner, and re-appointed him in 1871. He accepted the trust, and with his brother commis- sioners laid out the magnificent system of parks and boulevards which has so largely aided in building up the great West Side. He resigned from the board in 1878. In 1873, he was called upon to mourn the loss of his wife, who for a lifetime had been his coun- sellor, his helpmeet, and the honored mistress of his happy home. She passed away July 26, after a lingering illness, and was laid to rest at Rosehill. It was a source of regret to both Mr. and Mrs. Holden that the latter 's youngest sister, Rowena (who had been a member of the family since 1858), was not at home during this protracted sickness, she being absent on an extended tour through Europe and the Orient. An adopted daughter, Sarah J. , remained to sustain him in his bereavement. In February, 1873, Mr. Holden left the employ of the Illinois Central railway, after eighteen years' consecutive service, during which period he had aided in selling two million acres of the corporation's lands. He then took a prominent part in the construction of the Chicago & Illi- nois River Railroad, running from Joliet to Coal City, the charter and organization of which he virtually controlled; he disposed of his interest in this company, whose line ultimately became a part of the Chicago & Alton system. In 1874, he was elected a County Commissioner, and July 4, 1877, as president of the board, laid the corner stone of the county court house. His investments in real estate proved fortunate, and he has erected several blocks, among them one at the corner of Monroe and Aberdeen Streets and another at Nos. 298 to 302 West Madison Street. Mr. Holden' s adopted daughter, Sarah J., was 422 W. B. PARSONS. married, February 17, 1885, to Mr. George M. Sayre. and now resides at Elmira, New York. They have two children, Charles Holden and Grade. Some three years later, July u, 1888, he was married for a second time, his bride being Miss Thelena N. McCoy, daughter of Henry M. and Mary (L,akin) McCoy. She was born at Port Perry, Canada, where she received her schooling and musical education. Her mother died in 1879, and she being the eldest daughter, much fell to her lot in caring for the family, which consisted of her father, two brothers and three sisters. She bravely assumed the responsibility. The children were educated, and while caring for her household she was pursuing her musical and other studies. The western fever having seized her father, he removed with his family to South Dakota, where, in the winter of 1888, they passed through the terrible blizzard that scourged the Dakotas, and where he is now living a quiet life with his second wife, in Mitchell, of that State. Thelena, who had in previous years met Mr. Holden, was married to him July n, 1888, and accompanied him to their cozy home in Chicago. Her brother Charles, with his wife and three children, lives in Rapid City, South Dakota. Her brother George and wife reside in Hart, Michi- gan. Her eldest sister, Addie, married Dr. J. H. Reed, of Lansing, Michigan. Her sister Nettie married Dr. T. Allen, of Garnett, Kansas; and Emma, her baby sister, who was always Mrs. Holden 's favorite and especial charge, was mar- ried to Mr. L,u Newman, of Chicago, in 1888. She died December i, 1893. Mrs. Holden is of a very domestic nature, and strives to make their home pleasant. It is adorned with much of her own work, she being handy both with the brush and needle, as is clearly shown in their domestic home, which is on the great West Side in'thiscity. Mr. Holden's mother passed away September 23, 1869, and his father February 23, 1872. They died on the farm they had located in 1836. His sister Mary E. (Mrs. J. W. Freer) died November 28, 1845, and his sister Sarah Ann C. February 13, 1847. In his social relations he is a member of sev- eral well-known organizations, among them the Illinois State Association of Veterans of the Mexican War, the Sons of the American Revolu- tion, the California Pioneers' Association of Chica- go, the Old Settlers' Society of Cook County and the German Old Settlers' Association. By the latter Organization he was presented with a gold medal in 1888. At the age of sixty-seven, Mr. Holden still retains his mental and physical faculties un- impaired, hale and hearty in his declining years, one of the distinguished products of Chicago's cosmopolitan influence. WILLIAM B. PARSONS. BOSTWICK PARSONS, a for- mer citizen of Chicago, now deceased, is we ll worthy of a place in the columns of this work, on account of his family connections, his precocity as a child, his ability as a student, and the part which he took in the legal profession and in business. He was born at Burlington, Vermont, on the last day of the year 1833, and was the son of Judge Sylvanus Parsons, a promi- nent citizen and scion of one of the old families of New England. As a youth he was quiet and studious, much preferring the company of books to the society of other children, and so rapid was his progress in the acquisition of an education that he not only completed the primary studies incident to prepa- ration for college, but mastered Latin and Greek, which he taught in Spalding's School at Barre, Vermont, at the age of thirteen years. Entering Dartmouth College when a mere lad, he made a brilliant record as a student in that institution, and graduated third in his class, the most of LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS WILLARD SCOTT, SR. 423 whose members were several years older than he. His subsequent career showed that the teachings of this old and honored institution the alma mater of Daniel Webster and a host of other emi- nent statesmen, lawyers, orators and men of other professions were not lost upon him. At the completion of his college course, stirred by the same spirit which has caused the migration from New England of thousands of her worthy sons, who have contributed in a great measure to people the West, build up our interests and shape the destiny of the Nation, and full of love for the free institutions for which his ancestors had per- iled their lives in the great struggle for freedom, he decided to cast his lot with the liberty-loving people of Kansas, who were then in the throes of that mighty moral struggle which preceded the War of the Rebellion. Settling in Coffee Coun- ty, the young lawyer engaged in the practice of his profession and soon rose to a prominent place at the bar, and was honored by being elected County Attorney. The outbreak of the Civil War interfered with the practice of the law and stirred his patriotism. He volunteered at an early date, as a private in a Kansas regiment, and served out the term of his enlistment, after which he re-enlisted and was appointed to a place in the Paymaster's department, where he served until the close of the war. Returning to Kansas, he was again elected attorney of his county. After spending several years in the profession and acquiring prominence as a lawyer, declining health compelled him to abandon the practice, and he sought a higher altitude and new em- ployment in the mountain districts of Colorado, where he was engaged in mining enterprises until the year 1882. At the latter date he came to Chicago and retired from active life. He died here January 3 1 , 1885. On the i2th of November, 1861, William B. Parsons and Julia W. Kinzie were united in wed- lock at Burlington, Kansas, the home of Robert A. Kinzie, the pioneer of Chicago, whose biogra- phy appears in this work. Mr. and Mrs. Parsons were the parents of three children, namely: Rob- ert Wilkins, now a resident of Chicago; William Guy, cashier of the United States Rubber Com- pany, of New York; and Frank Kinzie Parsons, who is a stock-raiser in Montana. Mrs. Parsons survives her husband, and occupies a responsible position in the Chicago postoffice, which she has held for twenty years. WILLARD SCOTT, SR. SCOTT, SR., deceased, who for man y y ears was connected with the leading business interests of Naperville, and for half a century made his home in this section of the great commonwealth of Illinois, was a native of New York, born in Unadilla, Otsego County, April 20, 1808. His parents were Stephen J. and Hadassah (Trask) Scott. The father followed the sea in his early years and became the owner and master of a schooner, which bore his name and was engaged in the coast trade along the At- lantic shore. In Connecticut he wedded Miss Trask, who was a relative of Gen. Israel Putnam, one of the heroes of Revolutionary fame. On leaving Hartford, Conn., they went to Unadilla, and the year 1816 witnessed their removal to Maryland, where they spent the next decade. During this time our subject was acquiring an. education in the common schools, and also took a short course in mathematics. It was his desire to become a sailor, but his mother urged him not to do this, for the life was too fraught with dan 424 C. J. MAGILL. gers. In 1825 the family made a visit to New York, and then started for St. Joseph, Mich., go- ing through Canada to Detroit, and thence by water. The goods were shipped by sailing-vessel to Detroit, and thence Willard took them to their destination. He went to Detroit with a man from Ohio, and the journey thither was a perilous one through the unbroken forest, there being no road except the Indian trails. They reached De- troit ten days before the arrival of their goods, during which time they lived on corn and pota- toes. The family were not pleased with their home in Michigan, and, crossing the Lake, located in Evanston. On the i6th of July, 1829, Willard Scott wed- ded Caroline Hawley, in Holderman's Grove. In 1818, her father, Pierce Hawley, went from Ver- mont to Vincennes, Ind., and afterwards came to Illinois, locating in Holderman's Grove in 1825. In the fall of 1830, he and his family, accompa- nied by Mr. Scott and his family, located three miles south of Naperville, in what is now DuPage County, but was then a part of Cook County. Cook County at that time also comprised Lake, McHenry and Will Counties. There were thirty- two votes polled in Chicago that year, Mr. Scott's father depositing the first one. During the War of 1832, our subject proved a valued citizen in the settlement, on account of his knowledge of the Indians and their methods of warfare. In 1838 Mr. Scott became a resident of Naper- ville, built the Naperville Hotel, and conducted it for eighteen years, after which he carried on mer- chandising for twenty years, most of the time be- ing associated with his son Thaddeus. The firm of Willard Scott & Co. controlled the leading bus- iness in this place, and operations are still carried on under that name, Willard Scott, Jr., succeed- ing his father and brother Thaddeus in the busi- ness. Retiring from merchandising after the Civil War, Mr. Scott was President of the Du- Page County Bank, subsequently of the Bank of Naperville, and was a private banker until his death, September 13, 1892. He possessed busi- ness ability of a high order, was sagacious and far- sighted, and his enterprise was tempered by a commendable conservatism. He won success, and his prosperity was the reward of his own labors. In political belief our subject was a Democrat, and his first vote was cast for Andrew Jackson in 1828. He was a resident of Naperville for more than half a century, and was ever found in the front rank of those enterprises calculated to advance the best interests of the community. Throughout DuPage and Cook Counties he was widely known, and was held in the highest re- gard by young and old, rich and poor. The name of Willard Scott is inseparably connected with the history of this community, and the rec- ord of the county would be incomplete without his sketch. CHARLES J. MAGILL. (3HARLES JAMES MAGILL, whose name William Magill, was a native of Middletown, Con- 1 l has for years been a synonym for unbiased \J integrity and honesty of purpose among the early residents of Chicago, was born at St. John's, Newfoundland, in November, 1818. His father, necticut, born June 30, 1792. The Magill family- is of Irish extraction, and was founded in Con- necticut by two brothers, named Robert and Will- iam Magill, who came from Belfast and were C. J. MAGIUv. 425 among the first settlers of the Connecticut Colony. The old family homestead, which has sheltered many successive generations, is still standing at Middletown. While a young man, William Magill moved to Newfoundland. For many years he was in the service of the British Government, first as the Collector of the port of St. John's, and later as Governor of the provincial prison at that place. Retiring from public life, he removed to Char- lottetown, in Prince Edward Island, where his death occurred on the fourteenth of August, 1878. He was a man of exemplary character and note- worthy ability, as is evidenced by his long contin- uance in public life. His wife, Ann Morris, who was a nativeof Dublin, Ireland, died atSt. John's, Newfoundland, about the year 1850. Of their three children, Charles J. is the eldest. John was for many j'ears a prominent citizen and public official of Chicago; and Sarah, Mrs. Henry L. Messieur- er, now deceased, was well known to the early residents of Chicago. William Magill was one of a family of six children, all of whom, with their posterity, have been conspicuous for longevity, intelligence and refinement. His sister, Mrs. Ann Campbell, who was at that time a widow, came to Chicago soon after 1850. For some years she taught a private school on the North Side, and many of her pupils are prominent in the business and social life of Chicago to-day. She was a lady of rare intelli- gence, tact and benevolence, and was regarded by her pupils as a model of wisdom and strength of character. Mrs. Juliette Kinzie, who was well known throughout America as the author of "Wau-bun," was a niece of William Magill. At the age of eleven years Charles Magill left home and went to sea, and followed a marine life until the autumn of 1852. A portion of that pe- riod was spent in navigating the Great Lakes. In the year last named he located permanently in Chicago, though he had frequently visited this port previous to that date. He engaged in the forwarding and commission business, becoming the owner of vessel property, and simultaneously acting as agent of vessel-owners at other points on the lakes. Among other corporations which he represented was the Ohio, Superior & Huron Railroad Company, which was operating a line of boats on the middle lakes. He dealt in salt and other merchandise, and was one of the first mem- bers of the Chicago Board of Trade, joining that body in 1853, and still retaining his membership, though he retired from active business operations in 1893. While on a voyage to the Bermuda Islands, Mr. Magill, who was then a young man, formed the acquaintance of Miss Esther S. Chalker. This gifted lad\' became his wife, the marriage taking place at Guilford, Connecticut. The couple first located at Buffalo, but in July, 1854, removed to Chicago, where Mrs. Magill died in October, 1886. She was born at Hamilton, Bermuda, Feb- ruary 7, 1819. Her mother, whose maiden name was Stowe, was descended from one of the oldest families in that colony, her ancestors receiving a grant of land from the British crown upon locat- ing there. The old Stowe residence, now the property of the Government, is still standing at Hamilton. Mr. and Mrs. Magill were the parents of eight children. Jacob C., the eldest, is a well-known business man of Chicage. Anna C., Mrs. Hugh Alexander, is a resident of Brooklyn, New York. William C. is also well known in Chicago. Ed- ward S. is a commercial traveler residing in Wich- ita, Kansas. Mary E. is the wife of E. C. Ward, of Chicago, in which city Arthur W. also resides. Sarah L., now deceased, was the wife of C. S. Spencer, of Indianapolis, Indiana; and Charles A. is engaged in mercantile business at Kingman, Kansas. Though he has a host of friends, Captain Ma- gill has formed but few social connections. For many years he has held membership with the Church of the Epiphany, of which he is a Senior Warden. He has always enjoyed the confidence of his associates to a remarkable degree. As an illustration of this fact may be cited the case of one of his early friends in Chicago, who, upon his demise a few years since, made Mr. Magill the sole administrator of his large estate, providing in his will that if any of the heirs should question any act of the executor they should be disinher- 426 J. A. SWEET. ited. After a long, eventful and useful life, Cap- tain Magill is spending his declining years in well- merited peace and tranquility, which it is the wish of his many friends may be long continued. JOHN A. SWEET. (TOHN ALLEN SWEET, a member of one of I the leading mercantile firms of Chicago, was O born March 20, 1846, at Farmington, Frank- lin County, Maine, and comes from the genuine Puritanic New England stix:k. His ancestors were of those long-lived, hardy, industrious, fru- gal, as well as moral people, who, notwithstand- ing all the hardships and privations consequent upon the early settlement of the country, did not forget to devote themselves to laying the founda- tion for, and the shaping and rounding out of a moral character as an example for their posterity. His great-grandfather, whose name was Eben- ezer Sweet, was born at Attleboro, Massachu- setts, January 18, 1741. In 1782, he went to that portion of Maine which was then uninhabited ex- cept by Indians, save perhaps, half a dozen white families. He cleared off a little patch of timber land, as the beginning of the settlement after- wards known as Farmington, one of Nature's most beautiful spots to be found anywhere. Here he resided during his long life, and died Novem- ber 4, 1838, at the age of ninety-seven years and ten months. He was a tanner by trade, and in the year 1785 built the first tannery in that township. He was a man of the strictest integ- rity, and lived an exemplary, moral life, industri- ous in his habits, and accumulated a pecuniary independence. He married Desire Daggett, who was also a native of Attleboro, Massachusetts, born September 17, 1745, and died at Farming- ton, Maine, October 4, 1839, at the age of ninety- four years. They had five sons and two daugh- ters. The third son, Ellis Sweet, who was born November 20, 1770, died May 7, 1848, at the age of seventy -eight years. He married Mary Fuller, who was born in 1775, and died January 2, 1854, at the age of seventy- nine years. He became the owner of his father's farm, in the year 1822. During the War of 1812, he entered the United States service, and was promoted to the rank of Colonel, commanding a regiment during that struggle. He and his wife became the parents of five children, two sons and three daughters. The eldest son, Loring Sweet, was born August 7, 1796, and died July 6, 1881, at the age of eighty- five years and eleven months. He was married, June 7, 1828, to Elizabeth Berry Allen, who was born in 1809, at Canton, Oxford County, Maine, and died in Farmington, March 28, 1875, at the age of sixty-six years. Her father was a Revolu- tionary soldier, and lived to the age of one hun- dred and three years. Five sons and three daugh- ters were born to Mr. and Mrs. Loring Sweet, the subject of this sketch being the fifth son and seventh child. John Allen Sweet laid the foundation of his ed- ucation in the public schools and academy of his native town, and at the age of twenty-one years graduated from the State University. It was his intention in early life to qualify himself for the practice of law. Coming West in 1868, at the age of twenty-two years, he studied law for about two years, and for several years following applied E. W. CASE. 427 himself at intervals to legal study, giving his at- tention chiefly to its bearing upon trade and commerce. Ill 1872, Mr. Sweet became connected with the wholesale dry goods firm of Carson, Pirie, Scott & Company, of Chicago, assuming charge of their collection and legal departments, and after six years' service, or in 1878, he was promoted to the exclusive charge of the credit, legal and collection departments of this firm, and has occupied that position up to the present time, having retained his present connection for nearly a fourth of a century, and in his particular line of business he has earned the reputation of being the most suc- cessful man in the trade, being admittedly with- out a peer as a credit manager. In appreciation of his ability, integrity and long and faithful service, the firm rewarded him with a general partnership, to which he was ad- mitted on the first of January, 1892. Mr. Sweet is thoroughly known among bankers and business men of Chicago, the seat of the keenest commercial competition, where only the fittest can survive, and enjoys a most enviable reputation as a manly, straightforward and safe business manager. In speaking of him, the Inter Ocean recently said: ' 'In appearance, Mr. Sweet is tall and symmet- rically proportioned. He is genial, affable and courteous, and has a faculty of making and re- taining friends. He is a natural physiognomist, and has rarely been known to make a mistake in reading men's characters. It is to these qualities that his success in a most important department must be largely attributed. He is an indefatigable worker, and is as well known as a man of grand business capacities among the commercial circles of New York, as he is here in Chicago, where he has lived and labored. ' ' Mr. Sweet is a member of the Chicago Athletic Club and prominent in Masonic circles, being a member of Chicago Commandery and Oriental Consistory, having taken the thirty-second degree. On the 1 8th of June, 1878, he was married to Miss Mary Stevenson, daughter of John W. and Caroline C. Stevenson, of Sandusky, Ohio, where Mrs. Sweet was born, October 2, 1855. They have had two children: Fred Kent Sweet, born September 26, 1879, and died December i of the same year; and John Allen Sweet, Junior, who was born April 27, 1881 The family is in com- munion with St. Andrew's Protestant Episcopal Church, and holds a desirable position in social circles. ELISHA W. CASE. ITLISHA W. CASE. The New England 1^ Yankee never forgets the home of his child- I hood. Wherever he may wander, and in whatever situation he may be placed, visions of his native hills and dells are retained in his mind, and these scenes always recall many little acces- sories which contributed their share towards the comfort and delight of the youthful mind or body. The typical New England homestead is no less famous for its Christian principles, and the sturdy characters which it has trained and sent forth to leave their impress upon every important institu- tion of the great West, than for its culinary tri- umphs and the superior quality of the pastry 428 E. W. CASE. found upon its hospitable boards. And who knows to what extent the memory of the latter has served to keep alive the recollection of precepts and teachings which have helped to mould the characters of many of the best men and women of the present day? Elisha \V. Case, whose name is identified in the minds of hungry people with one of the most popular articles of daily consumption, was born in Norwich, Connecticut, in January, 1833. He is the youngest son and ninth in a family of ten children born to John Case and Diana Congdon. The Case family is one of the oldest in Connect- icut. Their first American ancestor came, while a young man, from England, and was married in Connecticut, about 1657, t Sarah, daughter of William Spencer. Several successive generations of their posterity have lived in the same locality, and the name is still one of the most common ones to be found in that state. John, father of Elisha W. Case, was a son of Samuel and Susannah Case. During his youth he became a sailor, and while on board a whal- ing vessel was taken prisoner by a British man-of- war, whose officers claimed him as a subject of the Crown, and he was pressed into the naval service. He made an ineffectual attempt to es- cape, for which he was severely flogged. He finally succeeded in eluding his captors, and re- turned to the United States in time to enlist in the War of 1812, and rendered valuable service at the battle of New London. After the war he learned the trade of a machinist and was em- ployed for many years in the railroad shops at Norwich. With the exception of a few years spent in Washtenaw County, Michigan, this place continued to be his home until his death, which occurred in April, 1847, at tne a g e of six- ty-two years. His wife's death took place about eight years earlier. At the age of fourteen years, his father having died, Elisha W. Case left home and went to New York City, where he learned his trade in the or- iginal Connecticut pie bakery. In 1854 he came to Chicago and, taking advantage of the wide- spread reputation which everywhere existed for New England cookery, he began the manufacture of "Connecticut pies" on Milwaukee Avenue, near Halsted Street. This was the first exclu- sive pie bakery in the city. The people employed were all natives of the Nutmeg State, well versed in the culinary art, and the superior quality of their wares, which far surpassed anything previ- ously offered in this market, created a demand for them which has been continuously increasing to the present time. About 1859 the "Mechanical Bakery" began doing business on Clinton Street. Mr. Case be- came the foreman of the pie department of the concern, which filled large contracts for supplies for the Union army. In 1869 he severed his connection with this establishment and became a member of the firm of Case & Martin, which built a large bakery at the corner of Wood and Wal- nut Streets, where the business of exclusive pie- baking was resumed and has ever since been con- ducted. Upon the death of Mr. Martin in 1890, Mr Case became the sole proprietor, and contin- ued to conduct the enterprise until June i, 1894, when the Case & Martin Company was incorpor- ated. The fame of their Connecticut pies is well known to everybody in Chicago and many adja- cent cities and towns, and there are few people who cannot testify to their excellence as appeas- ers of appetite. Their goods, which are for the most part hand-made, are prepared from formulas used by the best Connecticut cooks, and such is the demand for this particular article of dessert that about one hundred people are employed in its production, and they turn out from ten thou- sand to eighteen thousand nine-inch pies per day. Mr. Case is the inventor of the pie wagon which is now used by nearly all bakers and which he began to employ in 1872. He has contrived a number of articles and appliances which are useful in his business, and, though he has spent considerable time and money in experiments, has never patented any of his ideas, some of which have been adopted and patented by others. June i, 1851, Mr. Case was married to Eliza Jane Baldwin, daughter of William and Char- lotte Baldwin, of Braufort, Connecticut. Of C. T. NICHOLS. 429 their five children, one died in infancy, and Ever- ett passed away at the age of twenty-five years. The names of the survivors are John M., Elmer G. and Edna J., the latter the wife of P. M. Vermass, all of Chicago. The family is connected with the Western Avenue Baptist Church, in which soci- ety Mr. Case has been a Deacon for twenty -five years. He has voted for every presidential can- didate nominated by the Republican party, and though he refrains from political agitation he always endeavors to fulfill his duty as a citizen. In private and social circles as well as in business affairs, he has maintained a reputation for stabil- ity and integrity, which causes him to be among the best known and most highly esteemed citi- zens of this great city, the growth of which has been almost identical with that of his business. CLIFFORD L. NICHOLS. CLIFFORD L. NICHOLS, of Blue Island, I ( the efficient and well-known Superintendent \J of the Illinois Division of the Chicago, Rock Island & Pacific Railroad, was born in Wyanet, 111., on the 30th of November, 1856, and is a son of David T. and Hulda G. (Barry) Nichols. The father came to this State in 1839, taking up his residence in the then town of Chicago, where he carried on a harness-shop for several years. In 1846 he removed to Kane County, 111., where he was engaged in the same line of business for some time. In 1850 he crossed the plains to California, attracted by the discovery of gold on the Pacific Slope, but returned to Illinois the following year, as he did not find that wealth was as easily ob- tained in the West as reports had indicated. In 1853 he removed to Wyanet, Bureau County, where he opened a harness-shop, and in 1854 he became agent for the Chicago, Burlington & Quincy Railroad at that place, continuing with that company in the same capacity, with the ex- ception of two years, up to the time of his death, which occurred on the loth of December, 1893, at the advanced age of eighty-one years. He was born in Broadalbin, N. Y. His wife, who is a native of Madison, N. Y., still resides in Wyanet. The gentleman whose name heads this record attended the public schools until fourteen years of age, when he began to learn the art of telegrapfc.y in his father's office. In 1876, having mastered the business, he left Wyanet and secured a posi- tion as operator, train dispatcher and ticket agent elsewhere. He was employed at various points on the Chicago, Burlington & Quincy Railroad until 1880, when he entered the employ of the Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe Railroad as train dispatcher. From time to time he won promo- tion as the result of his faithful and meritorious service, until he had become Superintendent of the Eastern Division. Later he was made Super- intendent of the Kansas City Division, and with the exception of a short period remained with that company until 1890, as Superintendent of the Elgin, Joliet & Eastern Road. He then be- came connected with the Chesapeake & Ohio, and the Missouri, Kansas & Texas Railroads. In 1892 he engaged with the Chicago, Rock Island & Pacific Railroad Company as chief train dis- patcher at Horton, Kan., and in August, 1893, he came to Blue Island as Superintendent of the Illinois Division of that road, which position he now fills. Mr. Nichols was married in 1878 to Miss Mabel E. Frans, daughter of Harry B. Frans, of Gales- burg, 111., and a native of California. They now have four children, Earl, Jessie, Ethel and Allan. 430 AIX)NZO HUNTINGTON. ALONZO HUNTINGTON. aLONZO HUNTINGTON, who was born at Shaftesbury, Vermont, September i, 1805, and died in Chicago, November 17, 1881, was a Vermonter of good old stock. Capt. Amos Huntington, of the Revolutionary army, was his grandfather, and, like Samuel Huntington, one of the signers of the Declaration of Independence, was a great-grandson of the first of the name in America. Samuel was also President of the Con- tinental Congress, Chief Justice of Connecticut, Governor of Connecticut, and (1789) recipient of two electoral votes at the first Presidential elec- tion. Alonzo was also grand-nephew of Gov- ernor Galusha, of Vermont. His father owned and operated a marble quarry, in which business young Alonzo took his share of work and respon- sibility, even while laying the foundation of his education; his higher teaching being deferred to that of an elder brother, whom his service at home helped through Union College. In spite of this sacrifice, he managed to secure a fair degree of good practical culture, and, so grounded, he studied law in Buffalo under the Hon. I. T. Hatch, and was there admitted to the Bar. He came to Chicago in 1835, became State's Attorney in 1837, and administered his office so well as to be re-elected in 1839, serving until 1841. His most noteworthy case in this connec- tion was the prosecution of John Stone for the murder of Lucretia Thompson, which ex- cited great interest, and elicited from the Ameri- can remarks which the presiding judge (Pearson) thought demanded prosecution for contempt of court. A suit was accordingly instituted by the State's Attorney under the orders of the court. It had no result, except the usual one of calling down the united voice of the press on the head of the prosecutor, who had simply done his of- ficial duty and obeyed orders. His term of office ended, Mr. Huntington re- sumed practice, wherein (as in his official life) his qualities and attainments assured success. His manners were dignified, yet cordial; his standing as a man and citizen flawless; his relations in private and family life kind, generous and de- voted. Many know that by his energy, ability, foresight and self-denial he gained a handsome fortune; few have any idea of the burden of duty he was taking so voluntarily on his strong shoul- ders. During much of his later life he was the stay and support of his father, mother, two broth- ers and a widowed sister, besides his own con- siderable family; the whole load sustained with an heroic cheerfulness that either felt no weari- ness, or concealed what it felt. Three genera- tions carried wholly by one inflexible conscience and faithful heart! Mrs. Huntington was also of distinguished descent, being granddaughter of Gideon Olin, one of the founders of Vermont and a member of Congress (1803-7); a niece of the late Abraham Olin, a member of the Thirty-fifth, Thirty-sixth and Thirty-seventh United States Congresses, and Judge of the Supreme Court of the District of Columbia, and a lineal descendant of the Quaker- ess, Mary Dyer, who suffered religious martyr- dom on Boston Common in 1 660. She was a sis- tor of Dr. Charles V. Dyer, the celebrated wit and humorist of the early days of Chicago, whose engaging qualities she shared and transmitted to her children, of whom two survive their parents: Frances, Mrs. Benjamin M. Wilson, and Henry Alonzo, late Brevet Major in the United States army, a brave soldier in the Union War, and stil! distinguished in literary and social life. EDWIN PARDRIDGE. EDWIN PARDRIDGE. ["" DWIN PARDRIDGE, one of the most re- jv) markable characters ever connected with the Chicago Board of Trade, passed away at his residence on Prairie Avenue on the morn- ing of April 17, 1896, in the sixty-first year of his age. The Chicago Tribune said: "The his- tory of Mr. Pardridge's sixty years has few paral- lels. He was a man of the clearest perceptions, and his strong convictions and the nerve with which he backed them made him a marked man. Since 1869 he has been a familiar figure in local commercial circles, and for the last ten years, during which time he had devoted himself almost exclusively to speculation, his name and fame were world-wide. Probably no man as merchant and operator has been called upon in the West to meet such odds and face such opposition; and those who knew him are agreed as to his busi- ness acumen, courage, common sense and kind- liness of heart. ' ' Mr. Pardridge exemplified in a marked degree the sturdiness of character handed down by a long line of New England ancestry. The pro- genitor of this family came from England, and first settled in Massachusetts early in the history of that colony. Thence the line extending to this subject was transferred to Grafton, near Troy, New York, where his grandfather was a thrifty farmer. He was a man of large stature, and reached a green old age. He was twice married. His first wife, Miss Smith, of an old New York family, was the mother of eleven chil- dren, and died at the age of fifty years. She was a woman of great thrift and economy, and a devoted mother. Six of her children reached maturity, namely: Asa, Ambrose, Abiah, Anson, Julia and Lydia. All were born at Grafton, were interested in farming, and were highly re- spected and prospered in life. The youngest son, Anson, was reared on the old homestead, where he remained until he had attained his majority. He then went to Durham- ville, Oneida County, New York, where, after four years of patient labor, he was enabled to set- tle down upon a farm. He married Miss Amanda Field, a native of Leyden, Massachusetts, a daughter of John Field, a Revolutionary soldier, who reached the age of eighty-two years. His father and two brothers immigrated from Wales before the French and Indian War, and settled in Massachusetts. His wife, Silence Lincoln, was a native of that State, and was, no doubt, a scion of the same family as the late martyred President, whose family was of English descent and located in Massachusetts. Ansou Pardridge was born June 10, 1804, passed his entire life upon a farm, and died April 28, 1877. His wife was born in the same year as himself, November 23, and died January 26, 1890. She was a de- voted member of the Baptist Church, and was the mother of five children, Anson, Marion, Edwin, Charles W. and Ellen. The eldest daughter is the wife of Charles J. Stokes, and the other of Charles Oscar Gleason, all residing in Evanston. The elder son remained on the home farm until 1877, when he removed to Chicago, where he now resides. The younger son has been inter- ested all his life in the dry-goods trade," and is now in Chicago. Edwin Pardridge was born at Durhamville, 432 EDWIN PARDRIDGE. New York, October 24, 1835. His life was an independent one, and his success was achieved en- tirely through his own unaided efforts. His educa- tion was supplied by the district schools, and he very early began his mercantile career, in which he laid the foundation of his fortune, in .a village store near his home. After working five years in a general store at Lyons, New York, he en- gaged in the dry-goods business at Buffalo, in partnership with his youngest brother. This con- tinued until 1869, when he came to Chicago. He was ambitious and desired a larger field of opera- tions. His first store was located at Lake and State Streets, and in its conduct he showed the same discriminating judgment and mastery of de- tail which later characterized his operations on the Board of Trade. In 1870 he formed a part- nership with his brother, Charles W. Pardridge, to continue the business. The great fire of 1871 destroyed this store, which was then on Wabash Avenue. After that disaster they built the Boston Store, and pur- chased the adjoining one at Nos. 112-116 State Street, which was known as Pardridge' s Main Store. He finally reverted the Boston Store to his partner, Charles W. Pardridge, and retained the main store. He also had a dry-goods store in Detroit at the time of his demise. He had started and operated numerous other stores, but had largely abandoned trade to gratify his pas- sion for speculation. He made careful invest- ments of his profits, and soon after the fire he was the owner of one hundred rented houses. His faith in local real estate continued, and when he died he had more than seven hundred tenants in flats, houses and store property. Beside this, he conveyed much property to members of his family to provide against the possible disasters of speculation. Mr. Pardridge operated upon the Board of Trade for about twenty years, and for the first five years, as is the case with most beginners, he was a buyer, and was much of the time a loser. He was attracted to speculation by the success of a few very wealthy men who had acquired their property in this manner. He was not an im- pulsive, but a systematic and persistent, operator. He formulated a plan which he ever afterwards fol- lowed. He became a seller, and though he often took great risks, and even approached seeming recklessness, and on a few occasions narrowly escaped bankruptcy, his gains far exceeded his losses and justified the soundness of his plan. The fortunes Mr. Pardridge won and lost through his boldness in plunging became the gossip of the world. He used to say that it did not require much education to make a speculator, but it needed plenty of cool common sense. Mr. Pard- ridge's clear foresight was emphatically shown in August, 1892, when May wheat was selling at $1.06 per bushel, and the majority of traders were predicting that it would reach $1.50. Mr. Pardridge said that it would sell for eighty cents per bushel, and it became the case of one man against the world, for all the speculative trade at home and abroad believed in higher prices. Though he lost nearly three-quarters of a million dollars during that summer, he stuck to his pre- diction, which was verified before the following March, and the speculative world, which had laughed at him, was forced to pay him tribute to the extent of millions of dollars. He was never exacting in times of stringency, and it is well known that he could have closed out many houses by exacting the margins due him. He never attempted to corner the market, but contented himself with putting in prac- tice his theory of short selling. His fame be- came world- wide, and between 1890 and 1894 his movements meant a great deal more than the crop reports or the amount of exports. As seen on the floor of the board, Mr. Pardridge was a modest, unassuming man, and while he could play like a wizard with millions of dollars as if .they were so many pennies, he was one of the most plainly dressed men on the board. His most pronounced characteristic was dogged de- termination, though it was never expressed in his face. Mr. Pardridge had few intimate friends on the board, but this was principally because he did not care about casual friends. His chief friend and supporter was A. J. Cutler, whose biography will be found in this volume. Scores of traders H. D. BAKER. 433 remember with gratitude how Mr. Pardridge saved them from bankruptcy by timely loans. These kind acts he was accustomed to do without ostentation, and he never desired to hear them mentioned. He practiced silent charity, and never permitted his left hand to know what his right hand did. The poor and unfortunate were special objects of his bounty, and many cases of his liberality hitherto unknown have come to light since his death. The tension under which Mr. Pardridge lived as an operator undermined his constitution, and his death resulted from Bright's Disease, after three months of almost constant suffering. But his vitality was something remarkable. A few weeks before his death Mr. Cutler called at his home, but learned that he was unable to talk about anything pertaining to business. The next day he was thunderstruck on receiving orders from Mr Pardridge to sell wheat, and within a day or two the latter was seen on the floor of the exchange. July 10, 1861, Mr. Pardridge was married, near Durhamville, New York, to Miss Sarah Swallow, a native of the town of Verona, Oneida County, New York, and a daughter of William and Mary (Hicks) Swallow, both natives of England. The father was nineteen years old when he came to this country, and was known as an energetic business man of Durhamville. His wife came to the United States when eleven years of age. They were active members of the Methodist Church, and were highly respected by the people of Durhamville, at which place they ended their days in peace and quiet contentment. The five children of Mr. and Mrs. Pardridge have all reached maturity. The eldest, Sarah Blanche, wife of R. C. Price, resides at Wauke- gan; Grace Emily, wife of C. W. Leeming, Will- ard Edwin and Frederick Charles Pardridge re- side on Indiana Avenue; and Florence Eva re- sides at home with her mother. HENRY D. BAKER. HENRY DAVIS BAKER is a native of Illi- nois, whose patriotic impulses and thorough- going business methods have gained for him a reputation well worthy of perpetuation in this record. He was born at Lockport, Will County, April 7, 1845, and is the elder of two sons born to James S. Baker and Adeline H. Eddy. James S. Baker was born in Otsego County, New York, and removed to Illinois in 1837, be- coming one of the pioneer settlers of Lockport. He was a carpenter by trade, and followed that occupation there until his death, which occurred in 1890, at the age of seventy-four years. He was prominent in the Masonic fraternity and the Independent Order of Odd Fellows, but interested himself little in public affairs. His only official service was in the capacity of Justice of the Peace. He was a sou of John Baker, an Englishman, born near the city of Hull, who came to this country about the beginning of the present cent- ury. He settled in Otsego County, New York, where he was married, and died there at the age of sixty years. His wife survived to the age of eighty-four. Mrs. Adeline H. Baker was born near Nor- wich, Chenango County, New York. She was a daughter of Eli Eddy, a farmer of that locality, whose ancestors were among the number ban- ished from the Massachusetts Colony in company with Roger Williams, and became pioneers of Rhode Island. Mrs. Baker died of cholera in 1854. Her second son, Ernest, died in Eugle- 434 H. D. BAKER. wood, Chicago, in 1891, at the age of forty-two years. After the death of his first wife, Mr. James S. Baker was married to Mrs. Philinda B. Moon, a native of Rochester, New York. Henry D. Baker received a common-school education, and at the age of nineteen years en- listed in Cogswell's Independent Battery, Illinois Light Artillery. He entered the service on the 23d of February, 1864, and served until June 23, 1865, being mustered out at Vicksburg, Missis- sippi. He participated in the battle of Nash- ville, under General Thomas, ' and was subse- quently employed on detached service at that place under General Rosseau. Still later, he served under Captain Barr, Ordnance Officer at Fort McPherson, Natchez, Mississippi. Though the bullets sometimes whizzed in close proximity to his body, he came unscathed from the conflict, and returned to the pursuits of peace. The next few years after the war he spent at different places in the South and West, and in 1871, just previous to the Great Fire, he located in Chicago. He was employed for a short time by a commission house on the Board of Trade, and for fifteen years thereafter was connected with the Singer & Talcott Stone Company. After severing his connection with that house, he spent four years in the office of Fraser & Chalmers, the well-known foundrymen. His clerical duties were always dispatched in a thorough and com- petent manner, and he gained a reputation for being an expert accountant. About twelve years ago Mr. Baker began in- vestigating building and loan associations, and demonstrated to his own satisfaction that this form of investment, when properly managed, of- fered one of the very best opportunities for people of moderate incomes. He became identified with the Bankers' and Merchants' Building and Loan Association, one of the earliest and most reliable concerns of that character organized in the city. He has served as a Director of that institution since 1884. In 1891 he became its Secretary, filling that position with marked ability for the next three years. Owing to ill-health, he re- signed the office of Secretary at the end of that period, and devoted the next year to rest and re- cuperation. In 1894 he became Secretary of the Grand Army of the Republic Building and Loan Association. This institution, which has been established for about eleven years, is in a sound and healthy condition, having matured its first five series of stock, and is now recognized as one of the most substantial and prosperous corpora- tions of the kind. Mr. Baker is a conservative, energetic and far- seeing business man, and eminently adapted to the management of involved and extensive finan- cial accounts. He is known as one of the well- informed men in the city on matters pertaining to building and loan associations, and his services and counsel are frequently sought by other in- dividuals and corporations whose affairs have be- come entangled through incompetent or unfaith- ful management. In addition to his duties as Secretary of the association with which he is now identified, he transacts a general loan and fire in- surance business. In 1877 Mr. Baker was married to Miss Agnes M. Milne, daughter of Robert Milne, of Lock- port, Illinois. Mr. Milne, who was an early set- tler at that place, became one of the leading farm- ers and stock-breeders of Illinois, and served as a member of the first Board of Canal Commis- sioners appointed by the Governor of the State. He lived to the age of eighty-seven years, passing away in November, 1891. Mrs. Baker, who is an accomplished and amiable lady, is the mother of a son and two daughters. Horace S., the son, is a student at the Evanston Township High School. The daughters are named, respectively, Adeline M. and Elsie M. The family is con- nected with the Congregational Church of Evan- ston, which city has been its home since the spring of 1890. Mr. Baker is a member of Unity Council of the National Union at Evanston, and of John A. Logan Post, Grand Army of the Republic. He has been connected with the Ma- sonic order since he was twenty-one years old, and in political sentiment is an independent Re- publican. He entertains no aspirations for polit- ical honors, but endeavors in a quiet way to fulfill all the duties of an American citizen. U. H. WHEELER. 435 URIAH H. WHEELER. HRIAH HARMON WHEELER. The clos- ing life work of Uriah H. Wheeler ended a branch of one of the distinguished Bay State families; which pathetic fact invites attention well back towards primal Pilgrim days, an era -of rug- gedly severe but sterling deeds. Briefly told, the story runs as follows: Traditionally from Wales, in 1640 (only twenty years subsequent to the im- mortal landing of the Pilgrims), Thomas Wheeler is found at Concord, Massachusetts, historic scene of the "Minute-men" fight in earliest Revolu- tionary times. Here he founded a large family, in evidence of which fact it is only necessary to say that persons bearing this name have from that day to this always exceeded the numbers of those of any other family name in that town. He rose to the rank of Captain, and as such was in command of that intrepid score of com- rades who made the march in 1675 to Brookfield, to treat with King Philip, where, falling into an ambush, about one-half of the band was slaugh- tered. Captain Wheeler had his horse shot under him while in the saddle, and, being himself badly wounded, was from under the very tomahawks of savage foes rescued by his son, Sergeant Thomas Wheeler, who, although suffering from wounds, placed his father upon another horse of a fallen soldier, and from the bloody scene both found safety in flight. The following year, Captain Wheeler died, never having recovered from the effects of his wounds. Thomas Wheeler, junior, in the mean time having married and had children, later re- moved to the rapidly developing town of Marl- boro, situated only a few miles west. The scene now changes to New Marlboro, in Berkshire County, western Massachusetts, whose original grantors were principally from Marlboro, whence the name. Benjamin Wheeler, a de- scendant of the said Thomas Wheeler, junior, was the first settler in this new grant, and one of the organizers of New Marlboro. The winter of 1739-40 was spent by him entirely alone in his log cabin, provisions being brought from Shef- field, the nearest settlement, ten miles distant. The next year he brought his family, who, the following season, were reinforced by the arrival of several other families. The old Wheeler homestead is situated one mile northwest of New Marlboro Center, on the road to Great Barrington, on the right of An- thony Brook (so called from the last Indian oc- cupant of the valley), and remained in the family for one hundred and forty years, through five generations of direct descendants, four of the number bearing the Christian name of Benjamin. From the first Benjamin Wheeler, above named, the descent is traced to the subject of this biog- raphy through Zenas Wheeler and his wife, Azubah; their son Zenas, born October 22, 1756, and his wife, Elizabeth; their son, Warren Wheel- er, born March 10, 1788, who was the father of Uriah H. Wheeler, as related below. Trans- planted to new soil, the family tree throve and spread out its branches, many of them bearing distinguished offspring, conspicuously Capt. Ze- nas Wheeler of Revolutionary War times. In the western part of New Marlboro, at a place locally known as "Mill River," is a fine water power upon the Konkapot River, where in 436 U. H. WHEELER. later years paper and lumber manufacturing has been extensively carried on. Attracted thither in 1836, Warren Wheeler erected the first mill for the manufacture of writing paper. So rapidly did the new industry develop, that in 1855, of three paper mills then running there, that of Warren Wheeler & Co. was the largest, more than forty hands being employed and a yearly output of $50,000 worth of stock being made a remarkable showing for so early a day ; therefore no wonder the firm was rated very high in the metropolis of New York. This firm later became Wheeler & Sons, after- wards Wheeler, Sheldon & Babcock, and was finally sold out to a syndicate known as the Marlboro Paper Company, and later to the Brook- side Paper Company, while to-day these large in- dustries of the vicinity are controlled by the well- known Berkshire Paper Company. It will thus be seen that Warren Wheeler was one of the founders of the trade. The subject of this sketch, Uriah Harmon Wheel- er, was born at New Marlboro in the year 1825, being a son of the said Warren Wheeler and wife, Alice (Harmon) Wheeler. Of delicate mould, he was an apt pupil, and we know made the most of opportunities at local schools and later at Meriden (Connecticut) Academy. At the age of twenty-one, he became a partner with his father in the paper mill, succeeding to a place made vacant by the death of an elder brother, Warren Wheeler, junior, who had formerly been the first partner of Cyrus W. Field, father of the Atlantic Telegraph Cable. Uncertain health led to disposing of this lucrative business in 1854, at which period father and son came West; the former to Berrien Springs, Michigan, the latter to the welcoming city of Chicago, where he located on the South Side, destined henceforth to be his home. For ten years he was a partner and Chicago repre- sentative of the great lumber firm of E. & J. Can- field of Chicago, and Manistee, Michigan, which then owned extensive local yards, situated on the West Side, near the Lake Street Bridge. When this branch of the business was sold out, not wishing to leave Chicago, Mr. Wheeler severed his pleasant relationship with this firm. Subsequently he bought from the well-known John B. Idson his interest in the wholesale belt- ting and rubber business at No. 174 Lake Street, thus becoming a partner of Sylvanus Hallock (formerly of New York), under the firm style of Hallock & Wheeler, one of the first, largest and most reputable houses of its kind in their day. Here failing health found him in January, 1875, obliged to halt midway in life's pleasant march. For the final two years, he endured the lot of a patiently resigned invalid; and so when the Angel of Death visited his earthly home, April 21, 1876, he found not an anxious but a prepared well-doer, at peace with both God and men. The remains were borne by loving friends from the family mansion at Twenty-second Street to their last home, Rose Hill. The Rev. Dr. Mitchell officiated at the obsequies of one who had for a long time been a stanch supporter of the First Presbyterian Church. In politics, he was an unswerving Republican; never aggressively active in political life, but quietly fulfilling his duties of citizen as he wisely knew them. Mr. Wheeler was married, in 1846, to Miss Lorinda Canfield Wheeler, of New Marlboro, who was born at Hudson, on the Hudson, where her parents were for a time residing. She was a daughter of Abraham Wheeler, who married a Miss Lorinda Canfield, of eastern New York, a descendant of an old Connecticut family. Their happy union was blessed with four chil- dren, whom unkind fate removed upon the very threshold of their lives. Mr. Wheeler possessed a typical old-school Massachusetts face, intellectu- ally refined and bearing an expression almost feminine in gentleness. Deeply set dark blue eyes lent a spirituelle radiance to finely chiseled, classic features, as vividly portrayed by the skilled brush of the well-known New York artist, Theodore Pine. Beloved by those with whom he became intimate, he was held in respectful esteem by all acquaintances in business relations. Socially he was an ever-welcome, genial compan- ion, full of clever, refined thoughts, delivered without ostentation. His superior success was AARON OLLENDORFF. 437 mainly due to a well-defined, consistent conser- vation of energies, for while naturally conserva- tive, a delicate constitution was continually teach- ing this essential lesson. And here we stay our narrative, with an observation of an honored fel- low-citizen: "He was faithful in all things. None of our business men has better merited the epithet gentleman." AARON OLLENDORFF. QEV. AARON OLLENDORFF, one of the kf most highly respected citizens of Chicago, P \ died at his home in that city October 30, 1895, and his remains were deposited in Wald- heim Cemetery. He was born August 31, 1816, in Rawicz, in the Province of Posen, Prussia, and was a son of Marcus Ollendorff, a wealthy contractor of that city, where his ancestors had been born and reared for many generations. The subject of this sketch received a liberal education, preparing for a teacher, and com- menced his career at the age of seventeen as tutor in a private family in Kozmen, Germany. At the age of twenty five years he was a teacher and minister in Holland, where he achieved con- siderable fame through an address made at the funeral of a noted rabbi. This address was printed and sold throughout the entire kingdom, the proceeds being devoted to the building of a synagogue. Proceeding to Pleshen, in the Prov- ince of Posen, he opened a school, and also be- came an instructor in the Jewish religion. He received the degree of Doctor of Divinity from the Theological Seminary at Posen. In 1855 he accompanied his brother and broth- er-in-law to Australia, whither the}' were led by the brilliant promise of the newly opened gold- fields. They were ten weeks on the voyage from England to Australia on a sailing-vessel. Arriv- ing in Melbourne, he immediately became pastor of a Hebrew congregation, but returned in 1858 to Germany, locating in Breslau, where he opened a college for boys in company with his brother- in-law, P. Joseph, Doctor of Philosophy. Mr. OllendorfFinvested his means in real estate, but the speculation proved unfortunate, and in 1866 he came to America to retrieve his fortunes. He located for a time in Baltimore, where he was associated for a time with Mr. Joseph, a brother-in-law, in the wholesale jewelry business. From there he was called to Chicago to take charge of the North Chicago Hebrew congrega- tion, the first of that sect on the North Side. He officiated there three years, the house of wor- ship being located on Superior Street, near Wells Street, and his residence was on Illinois Street, near LaSalle Avenue. He was next called to Quincy, Illinois, where he officiated three years, thus escaping the great Chicago fire. In 1873 he returned to the city and became an active member of his former congregation, devoting himself for the remainder of his life to private pursuits. Beside the subject of this sketch, the Ollen- dorff family has produced another noted scholar Professor Ollendorff, of Paris, France, who was the author of grammars in all modern languages, many of which are still in use. Doctor Ollendorff was married in Great Glogau, Germany, March 29, 1853, to Miss Sophia Joseph, of Great Glogau, Silesia, Germany. She was a native of that place and daughter of Jacob and Henrietta (Peisach) Joseph. The children of Doctor and Mrs. Ollendorff were Fannie, Martha, Max, Paul and Arthur. The only survivor, Fannie, is the wife of Millard Cass, a prominent real-estate dealer of Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. Cass are the parents of two sons, namety: Mr. Philip Cass, a promising young man of twenty- one, who is an expert electrician and bicyclist; and Sigmund Cass, now eleven years old, a stu- dent of the Chicago public schools. 438 S. P. SKINNER. Doctor Ollendorff 's mother, Helen Ollendorff, was a famous beauty, born and reared in Dantzig, West Prussia. The fame of her beauty extended to Rawicz, where her future husband lived. He hastened to Dantzig and succeeded in bringing her home as his bride. The beauty of this lady was transmitted to her posterity, and is noticeable in her only granddaughter living on this side of the Atlantic. She lived to the great age of ninety-six years, and preserved her remarkable beauty and vivacity of spirits until her death. Reverend Doctor Ollendorff was one of the greatest Tahnudic and Hebraic scholars of the age, and was considered an authority on all mat- ters pertaining to ancient Hebrew history. His funeral was one of the most imposing ever seen on the North Side, and was conducted from the new temple of the North Side Hebrew congrega- tion, corner of LaSalle Avenue and Goethe Street, the Reverend Doctor Norden, pastor of the con- gregation, and Reverend Doctor Felsenthal offici- ating. SAMUEL P. SKINNER. REV. SAMUEL PROUTY SKINNER, one of the fathers of Universalism in the West, and for seven years the publisher of its lead- ing western organ, passed away in Chicago, August 12, 1858, at the age of forty-eight years. He was the son of Baxter Skinner, a farmer in Manchester, New Hampshire, where he was born in 1810. The family was noted for its intellect- ual force, and furnished one of the Presidents of Lombard University, at Galesburg, Illinois, Otis A. Skinner. Samuel P. Skinner was educated in New Eng- land, and at the age of twenty-two was married, in Conway, Franklin County, Massachusetts, to Miss Armenia Pulsifer, a native of that town. She survived him two years, dying in Chicago in 1860. They had no children, but adopted a niece, Sarah A., who is now the wife of Charles E. Lake, residing in Chicago. Dr. Skinner, as he was called by his contemporaries, was justly so styled, for Lombard College (as it was then known) conferred upon him the degree of Doc- tor of Divinity; but he did not accept it, for reasons best known to himself. He was a man of rare beauty of character, and spread sunshine wherever he went. He was beloved by all who knew him. He first preached at Cambridgeport, Massachu- setts, whence he went to Baltimore, Maryland, and was pastor oi the Universalist Society there ten years. Returning to Boston, he preached oc- casionally at Newton Upper Falls, near that city. His health was never robust, and he decided to try the western climate. He arrived in Chicago in October, 1845, and six months afterward accepted a call to the First Universalist Church, now known as St. Paul's, and at present presided over by Rev. A. J. Can- field, D. D. He purchased land at the north- west corner of Van Buren Street and Wabash Avenue, upon which was erected in i856achurch edifice patterned after the church of Rev. Dr. Neal, at Boston. This was destroyed in the great conflagration of 1871, soon after which the society built a church at great expense on the east side of Michigan Avenue, between Seventeenth and Eighteenth Streets, on what was known as the Widow Clark property, for years a land- mark of Chicago. Later the church was abandoned as being too far down town, and the present handsome house of the society was put up at Thirtieth Street and Prairie Avenue. Rev. Mr. Skinner continued as pastor until 1852, when he was compelled to give up the ministry on account of feeble health. Though not possessed of a good voice, his sermons were able, and he held the society together and established it firmly. Upon abandoning the pulpit, he did not get out of church work, and bought the Belter Cove- LIBRARY OF THE HWVERSITY OF ILLINOIS J. Y. SANGER. 439 nan/, a small denominational paper, which he en- larged and improved, changing the name to the New Covenant. It is now a flourishing religious journal, known as the Universalist. He was an easy writer and superior editor, and continued the management of the paper for some years, when he sold it to Rev. D. P. Livermore, who con- ducted it a long time, until his removal to Bos- ton, where he now resides. In his last years Dr. Skinner gave some atten- tion to real-estate investments, and he left a com- petence to his family. Cut off at a comparatively early age, the church lost in him one of its most faithful and useful workers, and his memory is still lovingly cherished in its records. He was of a retiring disposition, and those who intimately knew him best appreciated his worth. His works live after him. JAMES YOUNG SANGER. (TAMES YOUNG SANGER was conspicuous I for many years among the prominent eastern- C2/ born citizens of Illinois. His birthplace is in Sutton, Vt. , his birth having occurred on the 7th of March, in the year 1814. He received a prac- tical common-school education, and was a pre- cocious youth in business matters. At the age of fourteen, he became head clerk in the store of Isaac Harris, of Pittsburgh, Pa., then the largest mercantile establishment of its kind in the city. He was methodical, devoted to the interests of his employers, remarkable for his readiness and facility in business, and commanded the admiring commendation of his associates. His father, David Sanger, after removing from Vermont, associated with himself one of his sons, and they became contractors on the Erie Canal and other public works in the State of New York. They built some of the locks at L,ockport, N. Y., and had other contracts on the canal, James Y. Sanger being associated with them . The four sons of David Sanger all became contractors and build- ers of public works. After completing their work in New York, they went to Pennsylvania and engaged in the same kind of business. Going from there to Ohio, they assisted in the construc- tion of the Ohio canals; still going westward, they performed similar work on the Wabash & Erie Canal. Following the completion of this undertaking, J. Y. Sanger moved to St. Joseph, Mich. , where he opened a general store, and was interested in bridge-building and similar enter- prises. In 1836 James Y. Sanger, his father and Gen. Hart L. Stewart came to Chicago and bid for contract work on the Illinois & Michigan Canal, which was let by the State of Illinois. Several of these contracts were secured by these gentle- men, who had formed a co-partnership for that purpose, and their first work was in the vicinity of Chicago. As the work progressed southwest- ward, the canal was constructed where now the famous quarries of Lemont and neighboring towns are situated, and a vast amount of rockwork was excavated. They also built the aqueduct and bridge at Ottawa, the locks at Peru, and constructed various other public works. In the spring of 1840 J. Y. Sanger moved to Chicago. The year 1842 proved disastrous to them. There was due them a large amount of money for work which they had performed at an im- mense outlay. The State defaulted payment, and they were compelled to accept in satisfaction of their claim State script, whose commercial value was twenty-five per cent, of its face repre- sentation. Mrs. Sanger received as a present 440 T. Y. SANGER. from her husband $2,000 of this script, worth $500, with which she bought a lot, on which the Stewart House now stands. One half of this she afterward sold to her sister, the wife of Gen. Stewart, at cost price; upon the other half, which constituted the corner lot, she erected a two- story frame house, with frontage of twenty-five feet, and planted the remainder, a strip of fifteen feet, with trees and flowers for ornament. This property she sold a few years afterward for $12,000. In the year 1850, James Y. Sanger, Gen. Stewart, L- -'. Sanger and others organized a company to build public works, especially rail- roads, on a more extensive scale than the people of the West had ever seen them carried on be- fore. This organization was known as Sanger, Camp & Co., and its first undertaking was the construction and equipment of the Ohio & Mississippi Railroad, which was projected to run from East St. Louis to Vincennes, Ind. For the completion of one hundred and fifty miles of line the compensation was to be $5,000,000. Shortly afterward, they contracted with the Belleville & Alton Railroad Company to build a line from Belleville, by way of St. Louis, to Alton for $1,000,000. In the winter of 1853-54, the North Missouri Railroad Company contracted with this firm for a railroad from St. Louis to the Iowa State line, northwesterly one hundred and eighty miles. The estimates for this work were about $7,000,000. In 1855 another contract was made by Sanger, Camp & Co. to complete a railroad from St. Louis, by way of Vandalia, to the Wabash River, near Terre Haute, a distance of one hun- dred and sixty miles, and for this they were to receive $8,000,000. The total of the contracts undertaken by this company, within the dates mentioned, amounted to more than $21,000,000. Nothing more clearly illustrates the energy and enterprise of the members of this company than the mention of these figures. Their work was pushed with vigor, and their operations were watched with interest by the people of the entire West. In addition to the works which the company constructed, and which have been already men- tioned, a line of railroad fifteen miles in length was built from St. Louis to Belleville, which be- came one of the most profitable pieces of railroad property in the United States, in proportion to its length. The year 1857 scattered broadcast its calamities with an impartial hand, and financial troubles involved Sanger, Camp & Co. , as they did thousands of others. The railroad companies with which their contracts were made were una- ble to meet their financial obligations, and this company was compelled to take $8,000,000 for the work they had performed, which, if completed according to the contract, would have brought them $21,000,000. In 1857 James Y. Sanger, disappointed in his expectations with regard to eastern railroads, turned his attention toward the West, and went to California, where he put in operation a railroad from Sacramento to Marys- ville, the first one ever operated in California. He remained on the Pacific Coast for two years, and then returned to Chicago. At the outbreak of the Civil War he became a contractor for Government supplies, which con- tinued to be his principal business during the continuance of the war. After the return of peace, he again engaged in railroad work, and^ associated with Gen. James H. Lecllie in the or- ganization of a syndicate to build the Union Pa- cific Railroad. The syndicate secured several large contracts. Before any considerable amount of work had been done, Mr. Sanger 's health failed, and he was disappointed in his expecta- tion of putting his whole time upon this pro- ject. In a short time his condition compelled him to abandon it entirely. His interest in the company was taken by Gen. John M. Corse, who was afterward Postmaster at Boston. Thus it was that Mr. Sanger missed an opportunity of sharing the large profits of this enterprise. He returned to Chicago, where he remained until his death, on July 3, 1867. It was after his settlement at St. Joseph, Mich., that Mr. Sanger met Miss Mary Catherine Mc- Kibben, daughter of Col. James McKibben, whose family had moved from Pennsylvania to Michigan after his death. Col. McKibben's wife was the daughter of William Nelson, an Irish H. W. THOMAS. 441 gentleman, who emigrated to America after the Revolutionary War and settled in Bedford, Pa., where his family grew up and his only daughter married Col. McKibben. The acquaintance of Mr. Sanger and Miss McKibben resulted in mutual affection and led to their marriage, which occurred at Lockport, 111., April 5, 1841. Miss McKibben was born in Westmoreland County, Pa., and was one of four children born to Col. and Mrs. McKibben. She was the true help- mate and companion of the noble husband whom she survives, and for the honor of whose memory she has performed many good works. She is familiar with the history of Chicago from the period of its early growth, and is still a resident of this city. She has been the mother of two sons and one daughter, all of whom were born in Chicago. One son, James McKibben Sanger, died Septem- ber 19, 1877, leaving two sons, James P. and John Foster Sanger. The other son, Fred W. Sanger, resides in his native city. The daugh- ter is the wife of George M. Pullman, of Chicago. For more than thirty years Mr. Sanger was one of the most prominent citizens of Illinois, and one whose efforts contributed as much as those of any other toward the growth and development of the State. The influence of the enterprises with which he was identified upon the commerce of the West is incalculable. The four hundred and fifty miles of railroad in the construction of which he was largely instrumental, were built at an out- lay of $12,000,000. It is not necessary to speak of the many lesser enterprises with which he was identified. He was widely known, not only in commercial, but also in social circles, and was a prominent member of the Masonic order. His success in life was due to his fertility of resource, his wonderful ability to recover from pecuniary embarrassments, and his indomitable energy. REV. HIRAM WASHINGTON THOMAS. REV. HIRAM WASHINGTON THOMAS, D. D., the subject of this sketch, is the son of Joseph and Margaret (McDonald)Thomas, who were well-to-do farmers in Hampshire Coun- ty, W. Va. On his father's side he is of Ger- man and Welsh, and on his mother's Scotch and English, extraction. Hiram is the fourth in a family of six children, having three brothers older and two sisters younger than himself, and was born in Hampshire County, among the moun- tains of West Virginia, April 29, 1832. When but a year old the family removed to Preston County, near the Maryland line, where he grew to manhood. He was naturally of a slender con- stitution, with a massive brain overtopping his body, and it was fortunate that his childhood and early manhood were spent on a farm among the rugged mountains. The outdoor active life of a farmer toned up his physical constitution to a reasonable equality with his mental capacity, so that he has been able to bear an amount of in- tellectual work surpassed by few, and at the age of sixty years his vigor is unimpaired and his personal appearance still youthful. The educa- tional facilities of his native place were, fortu- nately perhaps for him, meagre and primitive, and he was left to the very necessary work of preparing a constitution for future use. The thirst for knowledge was, however, so great in him, that at the age of sixteen he went one hun- dred miles on foot to Hardy County, Va., and worked nights and mornings for a winter's school- ing at a little village academy. Two years after, one Doctor McKesson, of his neighborhood, took 442 H. W. THOMAS. him under his private tutelage for two years, after which he attended the Cooperstown, Pennsyl- vania Academy, and subsequently the Berlin Seminary, in the same State, then under the di- rection of J. F. Eberhart, now a member of the People's Church, Chicago, and a fast friend of the Doctor's. On moving to Iowa he continued his studies privately under Dr. Charles Elliott, formerly President of the Iowa Wesleyan University. His studies have, however, never been discontinued. Like many men of mark, he has never graduated, but expects to remain a student to the end of his life. The greater part of his knowledge of books he has acquired since he began to preach, and has facilitated his work greatly, and fastened his ' acquirements in his memory, by making immedi- ate use of them as fast as acquired, a most ad- mirable method. His mother was a devout Methodist, and his father a Quaker. The moral tone of the family was exceptionally high, and its religion both practical and intensely devotional. At the age of eighteen Hiram became converted, and began soon after to preach. Like many other great preachers, he had the conviction from childhood that he must one day preach, and although he fought against it long and energetically, yet when the time came he yielded and entered into the work. He at first joined the Pittsburgh Conference of the Evangelical Association, or German Method- ists, with whom he remained till in 1856, when he joined the Iowa Conference of the Methodist Episcopal Church. March 19, 1865, he married Miss Emmeline C. Merrick, an accomplished young lady of Demp- seytown, Pa. Her people were Presbyterians, and Methodist preachers, and though popular with the same class who used to hear Christ ' 'gladly, ' ' were, nevertheless, at that period considered rather among the proletariat. The union has been, how- ever, a happy one, and through all the extraordi- nary trials of the life of an itinerant Methodist preacher on the frontier, they have found in each other an unfailing source of strength and consola- tion. In the autumn of 1854 his pa rents sold out their Virginia home, and the family removed to Wash- ington Count}- , Iowa, and bought a tract of land. Thither Hiram, with his young wife, followed them the following spring. The summer was spent opening a new farm, house-building, etc., the young preacher working faithfully seven days in the week, six on the farm and one in the pul- pit. In the fall that scourge of a new country, congestive chills and fever, brought him and his faithful wife to the verge of death, but, as he firmly believes, his life was spared in answer to prayer. Whether his faithful spouse was included in the petition, or is indebted to the efficacy of a stronger vital organization for her escape, is not recorded, but it is certain that she, too, was spared to re- mark that there was little left of Hiram but ' 'a handful of bones and a tuft of red hair. ' ' But he was not ordained to bury himself or his talents in Iowa soil, and speedily relinquished the farm entirely for the pulpit, and entered fully upon the arduous life of a Methodist itinerant. For several successive years he managed to eke out a subsistence for himself and family on $300 a year. The leading charges of Marshall, Ft. Madison, Washington, Mt. Pleasant and Burling- ton enjoyed the benefit of his labors, besides which he spent two years as Chaplain of the State Peni- tentiary. In 1869 he was transferred to the Rock River Conference, and stationed at Park Avenue, Chicago. After three years he was appointed to the First Church (Methodist Church Block) of the same city, where likewise he remained three years. He was then sent to the First Church of Aurora for two years, and next to Centenary Church, Chicago, where his term of three years expired in October, 1880. His early preaching gave promise of all his later fame. He always drew large congregations and the church flour- ished under his care. It was predicted many years ago by astute friends that he only had to be transferred to a large city to acquire a na- tional reputation. He has captured every place in which he has preached, and his success in Chicago is only a repetition of his career on a smaller scale in the villages and towns of his H. W. THOMAS. earlier ministry. There have usually been many demands for him, and a spirited rivalry between the leading churches of his conference, as there is now between cities and denominations. Dr. Thomas has been a man of sorrows as well as of privations and arduous labors. Of seven children born to his home but one survives, Dr. Homer M. Thomas, now a prominent physi- cian of Chicago. His large personal experience in the school of grief has opened a door for him into the hearts of the afflicted and desolate few not tempered in the same school can enjoy. He was born and reared in humble life; he drew his first breath among the freedom-inspiring moun- tains; he had his long struggle with poverty, and is familiar with its trials and temptations; he has mingled with the lowly, and become familiar with their wants and woes, and no fame, honor or pelf of his later years can lift him above the common people in his sympathies or his labors. He began his life with them, he has spent it for them, he will close it among them. This is the secret of his heresy it is the secret of his power. And had not Methodism progressed out of its primitive simplicity and liberality, it would not have scandalized and wronged itself by driving 'him from among them. However, it gave him a broader field, and probably increased his useful- ness by breaking down for him the wall of parti- tion which the church unconsciously had erected between her ministers and the people, and by casting him with her ban upon him into the bosom of the people whom he loved. "Nothing pains me more, ' ' he said at one time, ' 'or gives me more anxious thought, than that the world's great need, and religion's great gift man's want and God's fullness cannot be brought together. It rests upon me with such a weight that I have sometimes almost felt that God calls me to a min- istry at large outside of the church, that I might get near to the hearts and homes of the people. ' ' The expression of such sentiments could not but make him very popular among those who most need human sympathy and ministerial coun- sel and assistance, and naturally the narrow bigots of his own class would look with increasing dis- favor upon him. He would be regarded by the scribes and pharisees with jealousy, anger and suspicion, in proportion as it became manifest that "the common people heard him gladly." It hence became early apparent that a separation must sooner or later come the drift of events could not be checked. With the deepening of his sympathies for humanity came the inevitable broadening of his religious, or rather theological, views of truth and his understanding of the Script- ures. With him to study, to learn and to preach were necessary steps in a process continually go- ing on. He never waits to inquire how truth will be received, or what will be its consequences to himself. He only asks if it be truth; his duties to proclaim it he never questions. His opposers did not stop to inquire if his views were truth, nor yet whether they were contrary to the essen- tials of Methodism, but placed the issues of their cause against him upon the standards of the Church, and themselves determined the stand- ards. There could be but one issue of such a trial. It is difficult to ascertain the date of the earliest expression of heresy by the Doctor, and it is of little moment. It is probable that his early popularity arose from his human and rational view of God, the Bible, and its teachings, which came to him unconsciously, and was expressed as unconsciously and as naturally as he breathed. However, rumors of his unsoundness were heard as far back as 1865, while yet in Burlington, Iowa, and on that account an effort was made to prevent his transfer to Chicago. It was not, however, until he became the pastor of the First Church that his liberal views attracted general notice. His nearness to the people, and his pop- ularity among publicans and sinners who flocked to hear him, and many of whom he reformed, seemed to give offense to the brethren. Besides this he did a good deal of undenominational work. He originated the Philosophical Society of Chi- cago, and was its second President. The society was organized soon after the great fire, and held its meetings for a time in the Methodist Church Block. It was composed of such men as Judge Booth, Prof. Rodney Welch, Dr. Samuel Wil- lard, Gen. Buford, Dr. Edmund Andrews, Rev. Dr. Joseph Haven, Dr. E. F. Abbott, J. W. Ela, 444 H. W. THOMAS Prof. Austin Bierbower, and two hundred or three hundred more orthodox, liberal sceptics, spirit- ualists, atheists, Catholics and all the shades be- tween these. Its discussions were not always orthodox, as might be expected, and Dr. Thomas was held responsible for every variation there- from. He affiliated with liberal-minded people outside of his own church. He preached a powerful ser- mon in defense of Prof. Swing, and followed it with one on hell, something after the example of Henry Ward Beecher; sometimes preached for the Uni- versalists and Unitarians; organized an undenom- inational preachers' meeting, called the Round Table, and in general conducted himself in a way which indicated that he could no longer, "after the straighter sect of our religion, live a pharisee. ' ' When, therefore, in the fall of 1875, his term at the First Church in Chicago expired, the com- plaints had grown so loud in certain quarters that he was sent out of the city to Aurora. There was much dissatisfaction about this. His own church, the newspapers, and the general public believed it was designed to lessen his field of in- fluence. Several large and wealthy churches of other denominations offered him places. Charges in other conferences sought his services, but he went quietly to his new appointment and soon built up a large congregation in Aurora. Per- sistent efforts were, however, made to get him back to Chicago, and with final success, for he was appointed to Centenary Church in 1877. Immediately this society became one of the largest in the Northwest, and other clergymen claimed that their congregations were rushing off to Cen- tenary Church and getting "Thomasized." Dur- ing all this time he was lecturing throughout the Northwest, giving during the lecture season one or two lectures a week in Iowa, Indiana, Illinois, Wisconsin, and occasionally other States. This spread both his fame and his opinions, and mul- tiplied both his friends and his enemies. But the crisis of his religious affairs was approaching. When the next conference met at Mt. Carroll, in October, 1878, the subject of Dr. Thomas' recent utterances was privately discussed, and a plan carefully matured in secret to bring the mat- ter to a head. With characteristic boldness, and rejoicing in his own freedom, Dr. Thomas preached before the conference a sermon in which he took occasion to give free expression to his peculiar views and criticise the narrowness of some of his brethren. A committee on conference relations was ap- pointed. This was a sort of Star Chamber, be- fore which complaints might be secretly brought against any minister, and some one, unknown to anybody except the committee, made charges against Dr. Thomas, and an adverse case was worked up. The committee reported the case to the conference, and there was much discussion of the matter, but finally the presiding bishop, Dr. Foster, cut the matter short by asking all those . to rise to their feet who felt that no loyal Method- ist could preach such a sermon, an unwarrant- able proceeding, asking, as it did, judgment be- fore trial. A large majority, nevertheless, stood up and set themselves right on the question of heresy before the world. A resolution ofiered was then adopted, asking Dr. Thomas either to abandon his objectionable teaching, or withdraw from the church; in other words, to become a hypocrite and stay in, or remain an honest man and get out. He very properly refused to do either, thinking probably that the church was in need of honest and independent thinkers, rather than regulation preachers. The trial began at the opening session, Oc- tober 5, 1879, and continued at intervals till Oc- tober 10, when, as was anticipated, he was again found guilty and expelled, both from the minis- try and the membership of the church. The committee, however, did not sustain the charge upon the question of the inspiration of the Bible, but acquitted him on that account. Upon the atonement the vote stood nine to six, and on endless punishment eleven to four. Shortly before the meeting of the conference at Rockford in 1880, a number of Chicago gentle- men met and pledged themselves to be responsi- ble for the expenses of a service in the central part of the city. Accordingly, Hooley's Theatre was engaged, and to it the Doctor went after the action of that conference. A large congregation H. W. THOMAS. 445 greeted him at once, and he continued to hold services there with great success till in 1885, then in the Chicago Opera House for a few months, and since then in McVicker's Theatre. Upon this expulsion by the conference at Syca- more, although it endangered his right of appeal to the judicial conference, he felt it his duty to continue his work, and did so. As he feared, so it turned out. The judicial conference which met at Terre Haute, Ind., December 6, 1881, re- fused to entertain the appeal, and the decision of the conference at Sycamore stands as final. To his new relation the Doctor and the public have both become accustomed and are well satis- fied. He still preaches to large audiences every Sunday at McVicker's Theatre, his influence and popularity are unabated, and the People's Church of Chicago has been a source of comfort and bless- ing to thousands, and is every year growing in numbers and usefulness. The following statement of his belief is from his own defense, when on trial before the con- ference: "And now, what is the substance of what I be- lieve and what I deny ? "It must be evident that I hold to the great and fundamental doctrines of Christianity, and that I am in hearty accord with the spirit and work of Methodism. "I hold to the inspiration and authority of the Scriptures, that in matters of doctrine and duty they are final the authority of God. But I do not accept the verbal theory of inspiration, nor claim that all parts of all the sixty-six books of the Bible are of equal authority, inspiration, or value, nor that all parts of the Old Testament are critically infallible. And in these things, am I not in accord with the best scholarship of our own church and of the world ? Certainly I am. Does the Methodist Church, or the fifth ar- ticle of religion, require our ministry to believe more or differently ? I think not. "I hold to the doctrine of a vicarious atonement, but I hold it in that form that is called moral or paternal; or, in other words, I hold to the govern- mental view with the penal idea left out I deny the doctrine of a literal penal substitution. It is, I think, both unreasonable and unscriptural. It is an offense to our deepest moral institutions and a burden to Christian faith. I am aware that in saying this I am compelled to differ to some extent from what seems to be the teachings of Wesley and Watson, but I claim to be in sub- stantial accord with Raymond and Miley, and to hold in substance what in its last analysis must be declared to be the true Arininian Doctrine. "I hold to the strength and integrity of the gov- ernment of God, that all sin will be properly pun- ished, but I do not believe in a material hell fire, nor in the terrible ideas of future torment that have come down to us from the past. Such teachings, to my mind, negate the very idea of a God. I must agree with good Dr. Raymond, that 'it is competent to think of God as making hell not as terrible, but as tolerable as possible. If God punishes sinners, it is because He must. He is vindicatory, but not vindictive. He is a righteous being, and a righteous sovereign, but not a malicious murderer. ' But I cannot agree with Dr. Williamson, who says: 'Mr. Wesley, in his sermon on Hell, states the doctrine of the Methodist churches on this subject. From this teaching, so far as known, there are no influential dissenters. ' I should rather say with Dr. Whe- don, 'We imagine the census would be small of American Methodist ministers who would accept Mr. Wesley's physical views of hell.' "I hold to the endlessness of the law by which sin must be punished, and hence to endless pun- ishment for the endlessly obdurate, if such there be; but, assuming as I do the freedom of souls after death, I cannot affirm that any soul will or will not forever remain in sin, and hence I can neither affirm nor deny endless punishment for any soul. But, postulating endless punishment upon endless sinning, I am logically bound to suppose that if the sinning come to an end, the suffering must also come to an end, unless, in- deed, it be that suffering of loss that in the nature of things seems to be remediless. And I have a hope a hope that has come to me through much suffering and prayer, and that seems to be strengthened by the nearest visions of God that, somehow, all the divine love and striving to win 446 H. W. THOMAS. and save souls will not end with this poor, short life, but that the work of discipline and salvation may go on in the immortal world. And it seems to me that whilst there is upon some texts a sur- face look of finality, there is a deeper and far- reaching vision of other texts, and the Scriptures as a whole, on which this hope may rest. ' ' Dr. Thomas is a born student. Everything he sees, hears and feels, or in any way comes in con- tact with, he investigates, and the impress is left on his mind. He seeks for the essence and cause of things. No one analyses and interprets past history, or present human activities, with a keener or more truthful philosophy, or reads nearer the lines of truth in all things that affect humanity. He is an honest student, intent on getting the true meaning of life and all its related conditions and existences, without reference to their supporting any pre-conceived notions or dogmas of church or society. As a public speaker, he is himself and nobody else. When ready to begin his sermon he steps slowly to the front of the platform, without note or manuscript about him, and pausing a moment and casting his eyes over his expectant congrega- tion, he commences in a low and measured tone of voice that scarcely reaches the outer sittings of his large audience-room. At first he is very slow and articulate in his utterances, and pauses at the end of every sentence. He is addressing the un- derstanding. His sentences are terse, condensed, and plain in their meaning. Every one is very likely complete in itself, though nearly related to the preceding ones, and adding to their strength and clearness. There is no effort at oratory, and his thoughts are couched in the simplest language. He presents deliberately accepted facts of life and the world, and multiplies generalized statements along the line of the subject under discussion; statements which all know to be true, but which few have considered in their relations to the theo- ries or views he is presenting. He at once creates an interest and prepares the way for his discourse, and lays the foundations on which to build his arguments. And he is so eminently fair and truthful in all his propositions, that from the start he wins both the sympathies and understanding of his hearers. As he continues to add proposi- tion to proposition, and argument to argument, and to interweave these, his voice gradually rises, becoming clear, strong and emphatic; the interest intensifies, and a pleasing spell steals over his audience, which holds them with greater or less tension until the last word has been spoken. Every sentence now comes weighted down with meaning, and the central idea and unity of his discourse soon become more and more apparent. Each statement makes clearer and stronger his points. Reflection on what he has said adds force to what he is now saying, and brings out in fuller form and grandeur the high ideals of his lofty and inspiring conceptions. And he always has an ideal, a lofty ideal, that lifts his hearers above the cruder every-day thoughts and scenes of exist- ence. He invites them to quit the valleys of de- spair and tread with him the highlands of a nobler life. As he passes along, he attacks every evil and exalts every virtue. The long face of the phari- see is no protection to him. Self-righteousness, oppression, the dead formalities of the old churches, and unreasonable and obsolete church creeds, are each in their turn pierced by the keen blade of his logic, and in this his wonderful memory serves him well and brings all needed facts for his use; while poetry, rhetoric, apothegm, wit, wisdom and ridicule each comes at the proper time un- bidden to his aid. While intensely devotional and reverential in his ministrations, he yet occasionally hurls the lance of ridicule at some dominant or excused so- cial sin with such force and in such a way that his audience breaks into applause. He seldom hesitates for words or uses a re- dundancy of speech. Every word comes forth as though it gushed from a great suppressed foun- tain of thought and emotion. And every sermon is a complete philosophy in itself. It is the result of a study of all the things bearing on that sub- ject. And he has a wonderful way of grouping facts, history, experiences and philosophies to make clear and impressive a point. He is a man great even beyond the appreciation of the multi- tude who flock to hear him gladly. LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS I J. G. SHORTALL. 447 JOHN G. SHORTALL. HOHN G. SHORTALL has been prominently I connected with the history of Chicago for Q) almost forty years. Especially has he been a leader in benevolent work and an influential patron of those arts which tend to elevate man- kind. Literature has found in him a friend, and along these various lines the efforts of Mr. Short- all have greatly promoted the best interests of this western metropolis. Mr. Shortall was born in Dublin, Ireland, Sep- tember 20, 1838, and is a son of John and Char- lotte (Towson) Shortall. When the son was be- tween two and three years old, his parents emi- grated with their family to America, joining an elder branch long settled in New York. The only brother of our subject, Pierce S. Shortall, served continuously throughout the entire War of the Rebellion, as a member of a regiment of New York volunteers, until killed at the battle of Averasboro, North Carolina, in April, 1865. After the death of his parents the subject of this sketch was employed by the late Horace Greeley, and the two or three years, 1852, 1853 and 1854, passed in the editorial rooms of the New York Tribune proved to be a period of ed- ucation that he feels he could in no way have dispensed with, for he was there brought in con- tact with the men who molded public opinion in those days, and the master minds of the age were often there present. In the summer of 1854, following the advice of Mr. Greeley, he came to the West, locating first in Galena, where he was engaged for a short time with the Illinois Central Railroad Company in the completion of the construction and survey work between Scales Mound and Galena. Going thence to Chicago, in the late autumn of 1854, he was engaged for a few months upon the Chicago Tribune, and then withdrew to enter the office of J. Mason Parker, and incidentally the study of real-estate law and titles, which profession he has followed to the present time. At the time Mr. Shortall entered the office, Mr. Parker was engaged in the work of preparing the real-estate abstract books afterwards known as the Shortall & Hoard Abstracts, and which are now the prop- erty of the Title Guarantee and Trust Company, of which Mr. Shortall is a Director. Upon the completion of the books in 1856, he leased them and began the business of making abstracts and examining titles of real estate, which was then assuming great importance. He was among the first to reduce the details of that business down to the perfect and simple system of to-day, so that security in transferring real estate could be guaranteed. In October, 1871, the Great Fire swept over the city, and the county records were entirely destroyed. The volume of the abstract business had largely increased. At that time there were three abstract firms iu Chicago, each of which saved a large part of its valuable records. It was soon found that while the most valuable portion of the abstract records were saved, not one set was entire!}' complete; and as it seemed very- probable that difficulties and involvements would in consequence arise, the three firms decided that the public interests would be best served by a consolidation of all the evidences of title extant. This was done. Moneyed men relied upon the accuracy of the books and the skill and integrity of the owners, and, thus confident, loaned the hundreds of millions of dollars necessary to the J. G. SHORTALL. rebuilding of the city. Mr. Shortall continued with his associates in the conduct of the business until 1873, when the property was leased to Messrs. Handy & Company, and Mr. Shortall retired from active participation in it, though still retaining his holdings and interest. On the 5th of September, 1861, Mr. Shortall married Miss Mary Dunham Staples. They be- came the parents of one son, John L. Mrs. Shortall died in August, 1880. There are two grandchildren, Katherine and Helen. Although he retired from private business, Mr. Shortall has been none the less active, for he has devoted his time and energies untiringly to matters pertaining to the welfare of the city, be- lieving a man's duty to his fellow-citizens to be continuous. For twenty-five years he has been devoted to the welfare of his townsmen, doing all in his power to aid in the promotion of the city's welfare, and imbued with an exalted pride in its progress. He is a constant patron of the fine arts, and was one of the Directors of the old Philhar- monic Society, and afterwards was President of the Beethoven Society, during almost its entire existence. He is also one of the honorary mem- bers of the Amateur Musical Club of this city. A writer of intelligence and force, he has made valuable contributions to papers and periodicals. His keen appreciation of the thoughts of master minds through all ages has led him to do much for literature. As a member of many organiza- tions, he has sought through them to influence public opinion in high and honorable channels. In 1880 he was appointed by the School Board one of the appraisers of the school property, and in 1886 was appointed Appraiser of School Lands by Mayor Harrison. In the appraisement of 1880, the application of the rental value to ma- terially aid in determining the value of realty was, it is believed, first introduced and applied as a system. It has since become almost universal. In 1883 Mr. Shortall was appointed a Director of the Chicago Public Library, served three terms as President, and conducted negotiations on be- half of the board which resulted in securing Dearborn Park as the site of the public library building and in the successful adjustment of all opposing claims. Under his administration the plans of the superb new library building were se- lected under large competition, and the necessary appropriation of moneys made by the city. He was originally made a Director by Mayor Harrison and re-appointed by Mayors Harrison, Cregier and Washburn, successively, and still serves in that position. In politics he is independent. He has been connected with various reform movements in the city government, and the Municipal Re- form Club, which did such valuable service, and the Citizens' Association attest in their records his service and labors. Of the Masonic fraternity, Mr. Shortall is an old, though no longer an active, member. In re- ligious belief he is an Episcopalian and formerly was a member of Trinity and Grace Episcopal Churches; but since the withdrawal of Professor Swing from the Presbyterian Church, and his organization of the "Central Church," he has been a regular attendant on its services. Along few lines of work, however, has the name of Mr. Shortall become so widely known as through his connection with the Illinois Hu- mane Society. In 1869, one of its original 01- gauizers, he became one of its Directors, and in May, 1877, was chosen President of that most commendable organization, to which position he has ever since been annually elected. He has earned the recognition and gratitude of the benevolent people of the city and State, for it is largely through his instrumentality, his business ability and legal acumen, as well as his industry and devotion, that the success of what is now one of the strongest forces of our social system was assured. Its beneficial results cannot be over- estimated. It was through his efforts that the society joined the protection of children to its work. Mr. Shortall called the American and Canadian societies for the prevention of cruelty together in 1877, and the American Humane As- sociation was thereupon organized in Cleveland, Ohio, in that year. In 1884 Mr. Shortall was elected its President, and again in 1892 and 1893. He is also an honorary member of the Pennsyl- vania Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals. During the World's Columbian Ex- J. A. MALTBY. 449 position, Mr. Shortall, as the Chairman of the Men's Committee on Moral and Social Reform of the Auxiliary Congresses, assisted in the noted work of that committee, and organized and con- ducted the Humane Congress in October, 1893, which was so successful. He also arranged the Humane exhibit of the American Humane As- sociation in the Liberal Arts Building, for which it obtained a reward, medal and diploma. Of social organizations not above mentioned, Mr. Shortall is a member of the Chicago Club, the Chicago Literary Club and the Algonquin Club of Boston. If asked what is the controlling ele- ment in the life of Mr. Shortall, his many friends would undoubtedly respond," A sense of justice and kindness." A warm and sympathetic heart, which reaches out in charity and love to the worthy helpless, the suffering and the needy, has made his name synonymous with good works, yet it is but just to him to say that he does not seek the admiration of the public, and, were it pos- sible to do so, his works would be concealed from all save himself. JASPER A. MALTBY. gEN. JASPER ADALMORN MALTBY, one of the distinguished officers of the great Civil War, was born November 4, 1832, in Ashtabula, Ohio, and died December 12, 1867, in Vicksburg, Mississippi. The Maltby family conies from England. The great-grandfather of the subject of this sketch settled in Ohio, being one of three brothers who came from England, the others settling, respectively, in New York and Baltimore. The Ohio and New York brothers left man} 1 descendants. David Maltby, a grand- son of one of these, was the father of Gen. Jasper A. Maltby. David Maltby was an able attorney, and also a clergyman of the Methodist Episcopal Church and an ardent churchman. He was a man of considerable local prominence in Ohio. He finally removed with a younger son to Texas, and died in Corpus Christi, in that State, at the age of seventy -eight years. His wife, Lucy Marsh, was a daughter of Dr. Marsh, a prominent physician of Ohio. She died at Plymouth, in that State, and left three sons and two daughters, namely: Jasper A., Elizabeth, Henry A., Matilda and William. The last-named died in Corpus Christi, Texas, where he had been a noted editor, and was at one time publisher for the Emperor Maxi- milian. He was the author of a sketch entitled "Poor Carlotta," which was published immedi- ately after the death of the unfortunate Maxi- milian, and was received with much favor and widely copied. He was a Captain of Confederate artillery in the Civil War, and was captured dur- ing General Banks' expedition up the Red River. He was paroled, and a year later returned to Texas. His brother, Henry A., also a prominent newspaper man, now resides in Brownsville, that State. Elizabeth Maltby married Albert Barber, and is the mother of two sons, one of whom is a teacher in a college at Oberlin, Ohio. Matilda Maltby married Allen Barber, a brother of her sister's husband, and is now deceased, having left five children. David Maltby and Sarepta Marsh, a sister of the wife of the former, were among the founders of Oberlin College, in which the latter taught many 450 J. A. MALTBY. years. Mrs. Lucy (Marsh) Maltby was also a teacher, as was her husband. She was a woman of rare character, and was highly reverenced by all who knew her, especially by her husband's family. Jasper A. Maltby enlisted in the Mexican War at the age of sixteen years, and served gallantly, receiving a wound at the battle of Chapultepec. He came to Chicago in 1850, and a year later went to Galena, where he at once assumed promi- nence through his energy, ability and sterling character. Soon after taking up his residence there, he perfected the telescope sight for the rifle, which made his name famous. He was an ex- tensive dealer there in sporting goods. He was associated with Gen. John E. Smith, now a resident of Chicago, in raising the famous ' ' Washburne Lead Mine Regiment' ' for the Union army, which became the Forty-fifth Illi- nois, and within a short time after the fall of Fort Sumter it was in the field. Mr. Smith was elected Colonel of the regiment; and Mr. Maltby Lieutenant-Colonel, on the organization at Camp Douglas, in Chicago. The first action was at Fort Henry. At Fort Donelson, Colonel Maltby received a bad wound, and was carried to the hospital in the same ambulance with General Logan, who was struck about the same time. Immediately after the battle of Pittsburg Land- ing, Colonel Maltby was able to rejoin his regi- ment, which, as a part of Logan's division, participated in the marches, engagements and siege which led to the fall of Vicksburg. Col. John E. Smith having been promoted for gallant conduct in battle, he was succeeded by Lieu tenant- Colonel Maltby, who led the charge at Fort Hill on the bloody 25th of June, 1863, receiving three wounds before gaining the coveted position. This was accomplished with great loss, and temporary breastworks were immediately thrown up to hold the ground. While Colonel Maltby was personally adjusting a heavy piece of timber for the protection of his sharpshooters, it was struck by a cannon ball. The shot passed close to his person, and the timber was shivered, hurling splinters in every direction. Three of these penetrated his body, making six wounds which he suffered in that costly, but victorious, action. For his fearless and effective bravery, Generals Sherman and Logan sent a recommen- dation from the field that he be made a Brigadier- General, and President Lincoln forwarded his commission as such at once. When the final entry was made into Vicksburg, the Forty-fifth Illinois led the way, with General Maltby's horse and trappings at its head. The General was also at the head of his regiment, but rode in an ambulance. The fight at Fort Hill was hand-to-hand, and the colors of the Forty-fifth were literally torn to tatters. General Maltby was mustered out January 16, 1866, and was soon thereafter made Military Mayor of Vicks- burg. He never recovered from his wounds, and died from their effects December 12, 1867, while still administering the office of Mayor. He was also operating a plantation, and kept a com- mission store in Vicksburg. He was held in the highest regard by the people of the conquered city, and was the idol of the colored people. General Maltby was married at Galena, March 25, 1852, to Miss Malvina A. James, who sur- vives him, and now resides in Chicago. Besides his widow, he left a son, Henry Maltby, a journal- ist. Mrs. Maltby is a daughter of David James, a Sergeant under General Scott, who fought at Lundy's Lane in the War of 1812. Her mother, Catherine Jamieson, was the daughter of an Irish- man who was a famous distiller. He owned the ground in Canada where Tecumseh was killed. David James was a native of North Carolina, and his wife of Canada. Many of the most noted military men of the war testified to General Maltby's great courage and moral worth, and the following extract from the Vicksburg Republican shows the estimation in which he was held by his erstwhile enemies: "With an unfeigned regret, we announce the death of Gen. J. A. Maltby, the recently ap- pointed Mayor of this city. No northern man who has cast his fortunes with our people has commanded more respect from our citizens than General Maltby. As an officer of the United States army, he was humane to our people; as a citizen of Mississippi, he was kind in his social A. B. CAPRON. 451 life and impartial in his official action. We sin- cerely sympathize with his bereaved family, and we believe they have the sympathy of the entire community. "He met us upon the field of battle in aid of a cause which he felt sacred, but, like a true soldier, he recognized the valor and honor of his enemy, and, when Peace spread her white wings over the land, all animosity was sheathed with his sword. Peace to the gallant soldier. ' ' ALBERT B. CAPRON. EOL. ALBERT BANFIELD CAPRON, a member of the Chicago Board of Trade and a brave soldier of the Civil War, was born at Laurel, Prince George's County, Maryland, June 12, 1844. His father was Gen. Horace Capron, who went to Maryland when a young man and erected the Laurel Cotton Mills, whose product, the famous Laurel Cotton, was shipped to all parts of the world. His mother was Louise Snowden daughter of General Snowden, whose grandfather received a patent from the king for twenty thousand acres. His estate joined that of Charles Carroll, of Carrollton. Louise Snow- den was born July 3, 1811, and married Horace Capron June 5, 1834. She was a devout church- woman, and built the Episcopal Church of Laurel, which she gave to the people. Her life was full of kind deeds. She died March 27, 1849, mourned by the entire community. She left five children . Ad- aline, Horace, junior, Albert Banfield, Elizabeth Snowden, and Osmond Tiffany (the eldest child, Nicholas Snowden, died in infancy). The planta- tion on which their childhood was passed was known as the "Model Farm of Maryland," it being a pet scheme of General Capron to see to what a state of perfection that soil could be brought. The genealogy of the family points to Ban- field Capron as the progenitor of those bearing the name in America. He was born in England, but was of French- Huguenot descent, and derived his Christian name from Lord Banfield of Eng- land. He came to America near the close of the seventeenth century and settled in Attleboro, Massachusetts, where he became the possessor of large estates. He was a man of marked ability, both mental and physical, having great muscular development and wonderful powers of endurance. He lived to the age of ninety-two years, dying in 1752. He was twice married. His first wife was a Miss Callender, of Rehoboth, Massa- chusetts, daughter of a former neighbor in Eng- land. The second wife was Sarah Daggett. He was the father of twelve children. Jonathan, sixth child of Banfield Capron, married Rebecca Morse, and was the ancestor of the subject of this biog- raphy. His son, Jonathan, junior, married Alice Alden, a great-granddaughter of John Alden, of the Plymouth Colony. Elisha, another son of Jonathan Capron, married Abigail Makepeace, and they had nine children. The eldest son, Dr. Seth Capron, grandfather of the subject of this sketch, was born in Massachusetts, September 23, 1762, and married Eunice, daughter of Dr. Bezaleel Mann, of Attleboro, Massachusetts, a man of prominence as a physician and educator. Dr. Seth Capron served in the War of the Revolution. He enlisted March 31, 1781, and was first at- tached to General La Fayette's corps of light in- fantry. In 1782 he was transferred, and served until the close of the war as aide-de-camp on Gen- eral Washington' s staff. He was a personal friend of General Washington, and commanded the barge which conveyed him to Elizabethtown Point, after he had taken leave of his army at New York at the close of the war. Immediately on returning home Dr. Seth Capron began the study of medicine with Dr. Bezaleel Mann, an eminent physician of that period. In 1806 he settled in Whitesboro, Oneida County, New York, where he practiced his profession, 452 A. B. CAPRON. Doctor Capron was a man of great enterprise and industry, and was possessed of large resources and fertility of commercial ideas. His name is identified with the history of the manufactures of the State of New York. He was the originator of the enterprise which, in 1807, resulted in the establishment of the "Oneida Factory," the first cotton-mill erected in the State of New York, followed shortly by the "Capron Factory," of New Hartford. In 1809 he organized a com- pany and established the "Oriskany Woolen Factory," the first woolen factory ever erected in the United States. Another enterprise of which he was the originator was the importation from Spain of the first Merino sheep ever introduced into Oneida County. In 1825 he removed to Orange County, and with his son, Capt. Seth Capron, established the beautiful manufacturing town of Walden, on the Walkill, where he died September 8, 1835. Dr. Seth Capron had six children. Gen. Hor- ace Capron, father of Albert B. Capron, was the fourth son. He was born August 31, 1804, in Attleboro, Massachusetts, and died at the Na- tional Capital on Washington's birthday, 1885. His death was caused by exposure at the dedica- tion of the Washington Monument the day before, on which occasion he and the orator of the day, Hon. Robert C. Winthrop, were among the few survivors of those who officiated at the laying of the corner-stone, forty years before, when he commanded the cavalry which took part in the ceremony. General Capron was connected with the army many years before the outbreak of the Civil War. For seven years he was stationed in Texas, hav- ing charge of the Indians under the War Depart- ment. After the removal of these Government wards to the Indian Territory he came to his farm in Alden, Me Henry County, Illinois, to which, a few years previously, he had moved his family and valuable stock from Maryland. He married Miss Margaret Baker, of New York City, and now settled down to the agricultural pursuits of which he was so fond. His beautiful farm of a thousand acres was conducted on principles so superior to anything then dreamed of in this part of the country, that it soon became famous, and visitors wondered and admired. The latest inven- tions and improvements in machinery and farm implements were always at hand, and his noble herds were his pride. His home was beautiful in all its appointments and pervaded by an atmosphere of culture and refinement. His large library was ever at the disposal of his neighbors and friends. General Capron was in every sense a pro- gressive man, and was always foremost in advancing better methods. He was, at this time, much interested in the State Fairs, feeling that they should have the influence of the best agri- culturists of the land. In 1858 he was appointed by the United States Government as General Superintendent of the United States Fair, which was held in Chicago in September of that year. The fair was at that time considered a great event, and to this day is spoken of as a notable success. He had on exhibition his famous herd of forty-two Devons and a large number of his blooded horses, many of which won first premiums. About this time he decided to make a change of ,home, and moved to another farm near Peoria, Illinois. Soon the war broke out, and his two eldest sons quickly enlisted . Governor Yates requested Gen- eral Capron to drill and prepare cavalry troops for the field, as that branch of the service was much needed. He therefore raised and drilled three cavalry regiments, and in 1862 went out him- self in charge of the last one, the Fourteenth Illinois Cavalry. He was soon promoted to the command of a brigade. After the war General Capron was appointed Commissioner of Agriculture by President Grant. At this time the department was located in dark, dingy quarters in the Interior Department. Gen- eral Capron felt that it was a disgrace to the great interests it represented, and spared no efforts until he had secured appropriations fora building. He was given full charge of plans, and in due time the stately Agricultural Building, with its beautiful grounds, gave to the department a home befitting its dignity. In General Capron 's cor- respondence is found a letter from Secretary and A. B. CAPRON. 453 Adjutant-General Dent, in which he says: "When Sheridan met his beaten, demoralized army near Winchester, Virginia, and turned it right about and on to victory, he did what you have done with the Agricultural Department of the United States." In April, 1871, while still at the head of this department, he was waited upon by certain high officials of the Japanese Government, who pre- sented to him their plans and wishes in regard to the development of the agricultural and mineral resources of the island of Yesso, a very important possession of Japan, and invited him to accept a position as Commissioner and Adviser under their Government. This he decided to do, and his resignation being accepted by the President, he sailed in September, 1871, for Japan, where he entered upon this great work with his usual energy and earnestness. The island of Yesso, about two-thirds the size of the State of Illinois, was turned over to him as the site of his ex- perimental farms, mills and railroads. He de- veloped the gold and coal mines, and did such re- markable work and showed such grand results, as to win the lasting gratitude of the Emperor and his people. When General Capron took leave of the Emperor at his castle in Tokio, Japan, in 1875, the Emperor made use of the fol- lowing language in his parting address: "In- deed your services were valuable and deserve my highest appreciation, and it is hardly a matter of doubt that the future progress of the island, the fruit of your labor, will much advance the hap- piness of my whole empire." A year after his return to this country the Hon. John A. Bingham, American Minister Plenipotentiary to Japan, in a letter to General Capron says: "Kuroda, Kido and others of the Ministers of State have spoken most kindly of you and said your name would live in the grateful remembrance of their people. Rely upon it, you may well commit your name to the present and future generations of Japan. Long after you shall have joined those who have gone before you, when Yesso shall be covered with cattle and sheep and fields of golden wheat and corn, and its mountains clothed to their summits with the purple vine, will it be said of you, 'This was the work of General Capron.' ' On January 16, 1884, General Capron was in- formed by the Charged' Affairs that His Majesty, the Emperor of Japan, had been pleased to confer upon him the decoration of the Second Order of the Rising Sun. This was the first time the order had ever been conferred upon a foreigner. The lacquer box in which the decoration is en- closed is said to be eight hundred years old. By right of inheritance his son, Col. A. B. Capron, is now in possession of the decoration. The latter, as purchasing agent of his father, shipped to Japan machinery, horses, cattle, sheep and seed-grains. He sent over a great variety of fruit trees, and the Japanese were trained in the art of pruning and grafting. The shipments in- cluded the best strains of Morgan, Hambletonian, and Kentucky thorough-bred horses and all the choicest varieties of domestic animals. Every- thing flourished even beyond the most sanguine expectations. General Capron remained four and one-half years in Japan, and then took up his residence in Washington, where he enjoyed nearly ten years of peaceful retirement from the activities which had engaged him beyond the allotted years of man. His son, Col. Albert B. Capron, has a military record both unique and brilliant. The firing of the first gun roused the patriotic blood of this boy in his quiet home on the Illinois farm, and quickly he responded to the first call of his coun- try. He was soon after stationed at Benton Bar- racks, Missouri. His first taste of battle was when General Lyon ordered five hundred to cross over and seize the guns just unloaded on the opposite side and intended for the rebels at Camp Jackson, numbering three thousand infantry. It was a sharp contest, but the guns were secured and General Lyon's prompt and masterly action saved St. Louis to the Government. Under Siegel's command he participated in the severe battle of Wilson Creek, August 8, 9 and 10, 1861, when they were under almost contin- uous fire during the three days. 454 A. B. CAPRON. The death of the brave General Lyou at the head of his command made a deep impression on this young soldier. At this time he was trans- ferred to the Thirty-third Infantry, where for eighteen months he was Color- Bearer. When, in 1862, his father went into the field, it was his wish to be transferred to his father's com- mand. His older brother, Horace, was also transferred from the Eighth Illinois Cavalry. Soon, too, his youngest brother, Osmond, a mere lad, joined them, and now father and sons were together united in the one grand effort to protect their country's honor. His brother, Capt. Horace Capron, was killed in an engagement with the Cherokee Indians at Cedar Cove, in North Carolina, February 2, 1864. He was a gallant soldier, and his untimely tak- ing-off was a loss to the service and to his many friends. He was buried at Peoria, Illinois, and a monument was erected to his memory by his de- voted company. While a Sergeant, he received a bronze medal for capturing a rebel flag, with this inscription: THE CONGRESS To FIRST SERGEANT HORACE CAPRON, JR., COMPANY G, EIGHTH ILLINOIS CAVALRY, FOR GALLANT CONDUCT AT CHICKAHOMINY AND ASHLAND, JUNE, 1862. Albert B. Capron rode beside his brother in the last charge, and took command of the company at his death. One of the most thrill- ing of his army experiences was his night ride of one hundred miles through the enemy's line, bearing dispatches from General Burnside in Knoxville to General Wilcox at Cumberland Gap. It was a hazardous under- taking. Twenty brave men had already failed in the attempt. When he returned General Burnside, overcome with emotion, said, "You have won your spurs," and presented him with a pair of his own spurs. Colonel Capron still guards them sacredly. He was also one of the cavalry brigade, led by his father, which helped to capture Gen. John Morgan and his entire com- mand, after a ride of nineteen hundred miles in thirty-one days. He participated in twenty-three general battles, beside a great many skirmishes and sharp cavalry actions. Two horses were shot under him while in action. He and his command were under fire for one hundred days on the march to and siege of Atlanta, Georgia, at which place he was taken prisoner. His last service of the war was under General Sheridan on the Texas frontier, where he was in expectation of proceeding to Mexico to help in relieving the people of that country of the pretended sovereignty of Maximilian. Happily, the Mexicans were able to drive out the invader, and the Monroe Doctrine continued to rule in the Americas. Colonel Capron was three times made a prisoner, and received three severe wounds in the service of his country. He was brevetted Major at the close of the Civil War. A few years since he was appointed aide-de-camp on the staff of General Lawler, Com- mander-in- Chief of the Grand Army, with the rank of Colonel. Before his employment as purchasing agent for the Japanese Government, he was engaged in mercantile business at Kenosha, Wisconsin. He came to Chicago in 1872, and has since resided in this city, on the North Shore. For more than twenty years he has been a member of the Board of Trade, and carries on a general grain commis- sion business. In business he pursues the same energetic and straightforward course which won him distinction in military circles, and he is held in the highest regard by his social and commercial associates. Colonel Capron was married at Kenosha, Wis- consin, October 20, 1869, to Miss Amelia Doo- little, daughter of Alfred W. and Ann Urania (Hannahs) Doolittle, natives of Oneida County, New York. Their union has been blessed with three chil- dren: Horace Mann, born in Kenosha, Wiscon- sin, August27, 1872; Florence, born in Evanston, Illinois, November 18, 1873; Albert Snowden, born in Winnetka, Illinois, February 8, 1877. Their home is now in Winnetka, Illinois. The head of the family has always been a loyal and earnest supporter of Republican prin- ciples, and he is now a member of the Illinois Commandery of the Loyal Legion. LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS HENRY WEBER. 455 HENRY WEBER. WENRY WEBER, one of the most successful manufacturers of Chicago, a thoroughly self-made man, is among the large number of industrious and prosperous citizens given to Chicago by German ancestors. His birth took place in that unfortunate disputed territory which has alternately belonged to France and Germany being now in possession of the latter country. September 15, 1822, when Mr. Weber was born in the village of Hochweiler, Canton Soultz, Elsass, the locality was in possession of the French, and he was, therefore, by birth a French- man, though his ancestors were among the most sturdy Germans. They had long resided in Al- sace, and several members of the family were soldiers under the first Napoleon. Michael Weber, father of Henry, was a farmer of Hochweiler, where he reached the age of seventy-eight years. His second wife, mother of the subject of this sketch, Helena Langenbrunn (Studi) Weber, died at the age of sixty-seven years. Both she and her husband had reared good-sized families by former marriages. Henry Weber received a scanty education un- der the French system. He was made of the am- bitious stuff which peoples and develops nations, and he early resolved to join his fortunes with those of the free land across the seas, of which he had heard through a friend who had visited the United States. At the age of eighteen, he joined a party of five young men, including the one before referred to, who had been in America, and together they came to New York. They sailed from Havre, France, on an English sailing-vessel commanded by Captain Thompson, and after a voyage of thirty-three days they arrived in the harbor of New York, a very speedy voyage for that day. On the way they maintained them- selves, and took turn about in cooking. In New York they separated, and Mr. Weber went to Lyons, New York, where he served a three-years apprenticeship at wagon-making, be- coming a skillful workman, and able to compete with any man in his line of work. Having com- pleted his term of indenture, Mr. Weber went to Detroit, Michigan, and found employment. But he did not long remain there. He determined to locate in the growing and enterprising town of Chicago, then beginning to attract notice through its favorable location and the enterprising char- acter of its citizens. On the z6th of June, 1844, Mr. Weber arrived in Chicago, where he has ever since made his home, and in the develop- ment of whose commercial, social and moral in- terests he has borne no unimportant part. Like another distinguished German citizen, who is now deceased (Andrew Ortmayer, whose biography appears in this volume) , he at once found employment with the pioneer wagonmaker of Chicago, Mr. Joseph O. Humphrey. Here he continued one and one-half years, at the end of which period, being then twenty-three years of age, he engaged in business for himself, having as a partner Mr. Jacob Gauch. With a capital of $250, they built a small shop on Randolph Street, near La Salle, and began working up a business, boarding themselves in the building in the mean time. Later, they boarded at the New York Hotel, an hostelry well known to the old residents of the city. In 1849 Mr. Gauch was seized with the gold fever and went to Cali- fornia. His partner, who was satisfied with the slow but certain gains of business in Chicago, purchased Mr. Gauch's interest, and continued 456 HENRY WEBER. to manage the growing industry alone until 1883, when a company was incorporated to continue it, with his sons as partners. This is known as the Weber Wagon Company, and turns out an- nually twelve thousand wagons and four thou- sand bob sleds, and employs a large number of men. Mr. Weber was for many years a member of the old "Number Two" volunteer fire com- pany, which did good service in the early days, when steam was unknown in Chicago as a power to be used in subduing fires. In 1852 Mr. Weber was enabled to purchase land for the location of his works. At the north- west corner of Lake and Union Streets he se- cured ground, ninety by one hundred and forty feet in area, on which he built three frame buildings. These were all two stories in height, one being occupied as a dwelling and the others for a fac- tory'. He was among the first manufacturers on West Lake Street, and was uniformly success- ful, laying the foundation for a large business, which furnished a livelihood to many families. In the spring of 1871 he erected a fine four-story brick building on this site, which escaped the fury of the great fire in the autumn of the same year, and was at once occupied by profitable tenants. In 1886 the factory was removed to Eighty- first and Wallace Streets, where superior railway facilities were secured, and here it is now con- ducted by Mr. Weber's sons, who have taken from his hands and mind much of the labor re- quired in its management. The founder very appropriately occupies the position of President of the company, with W. H. Weber as Secre- tary and Treasurer, and George A. Weber as Superintendent. The product is shipped to nearly every State of the Union, and enjoys a reputa- tion for reliability such as has always been at- tached to the name of its worthy maker from the beginning. On the loth of August, 1887, a fire destroyed nearly all the plant except the lumber-yard, but no time was lost in repining, and, with the in- surance which careful foresight had previously provided as an assistance, its owners were en- enabled to start with an entirely new outfit of machinery, and the business was soon a greater success than ever before. The plant is now one of the largest and most complete of its kind in the United States. With the arrival of the year 1849, Mr. Weber felt that he was warranted in assuming the re- sponsibility of a householder, and on the 4th of November in that year he married Miss Eliza- beth Schoeneck, a German girl, who arrived in Chicago with her parents the same year as him- self. She is a daughter of Adam and Elizabeth Schoeneck, all natives ot Mainz, Germany, who set- tled on a farm on the North Branch of the Chicago River, about fifteen miles from the city. Mrs. Weber was in every way fitted to be the wife of the sturdy young mechanic, and proved a worthy helpmeet to her enterprising husband. The little home on Fifth Avenue was kept scrupulously neat and tidy, and Mr. Weber's success is in part due to her good management and many good traits of character. Six children came to bless their home, namely: Elizabeth, now the wife of T. Wasserstrass; Louise, Mrs. Albert Kaempfer; William H. and George A., before mentioned; Mary M., who died at the age of twenty-nine years; and Emma, wife of Henry Rietz, all of Chicago. The family is connected with the German Lu- theran Church, and in political action its head is thoroughly independent, affiliating with the best elements in both parties in national and local af- fairs. He is a member of the Masonic frater- nity, being one of the oldest living members of Germania Lodge No. 182, and is a charter mem- ber of Harmonia Lodge No. 221, Independent Order of Odd Fellows. Mr. Weber has richly earned his success in life, and enjoj's his well-earned competence in the comforts of home life and the society of his many friends. His example may afford a good lesson to the young man of to-day, who needs to be impressed with the value in business of indus- try and unswerving integrity. In this connection, a brief mention of the pres- ent managers of the Weber Wagon Company is appropriate and desirable. To them is due, in a great measure, the marvelous growth and pros- W. W. FARWELL. 457 peril)- of the business. It requires more than ordinary talent to conduct successfully a business involving a capital of nearly half a million dollars, and yearly increasing in volume. All the de- tails are carefully watched by the superintendent in the construction department, and by the busi- ness manager in the office. The continued sub- stantial development of the concern in the face of the financial stringency of 1894 and 1895 is es- pecially worthy of note, and the year 1895 is re- corded as the most prosperous in its history. The factory gives employment to a large number of men, many of whom have grown gray in the service of Mr. Weber and his sons, some of them having been in the con- tinuous employ of Mr. Weber more than forty years. The high esteem in which the founder and present managers are held by their employes is a strong testimonial to their executive ability and upright character, and their course is worthy the emulation of every employer of labor. A personal interest is shown in every man on the pay roll and in those dependent upon him, and no man is ever discharged except for indolence or inefficiency. Consequently a strike, with its train of misfortune for all concerned, was never known in the establishment. The members of the com- pany do not enter into any outside speculations, but confine themselves to their legitimate field of operations, which fact is entitled to credit for much of their prosperity. George A. Weber, the superintendent of the works of the Weber Wagon Company, was born in Chicago, and completed his education in the West Side High School of that city. He is gifted with a taste and talent for mechanics, and at the early age of sixteen years he entered the fac- tory of his father to master its mechanical details. Here he made quite as rapid progress as he had previously shown in his studies, and he steadily rose to the position of superintendent, which he has filled since. William Henry Weber, business manager of the Weber Wagon Company, was born April 21, 1855, in the city which now numbers him among its most substantial and respected citizens. He was educated in the Chicago West Side High School, and took a thorough course of business training in Bryant & Stratton's Business College. After one year's connection with the wholesale dry-goods firm of Stettauer & Weiman, in 1879, at the age of twenty-four years, he entered the service of his father, with whose business he has ever since been identified. With his natural apt- itude, and as a result of his careful training, he readily fitted in with the office management oi the concern, and soon came to be its responsible head. He attends strictly to business, his only recreation being an occasional hunting trip of a few days' duration, and to him is due much of the credit for the high commercial standing of the house. Being of a genial nature, he comes naturally to possess the respect and cordial good- will of all with whom he comes in social or busi- ness relations. WILLIAM W. FARWELL fD6|lLLIAM WASHINGTON FARWELL, \ A I who graced the Bench of Cook County for V V nine years, and was an honored member of the Chicago Bar forty years, was descended from good old English stock. His ancestors were among the early pioneers in the settlement and civilization of the New World. Henry Farwell came from Somersetshire, England, and located in Connecticut with the founders of that colony, and bore his part in sweeping away the wilder- ness which then occupied all New England and in developing a Christian community. He had a 458 W. W. FARWELL. son and grandson named Isaac. Thomas, son of the last-named, was born in Mansfield, Connecti- cut, and practiced agriculture in that State. His son, John Farwell, also born in Mansfield, was the father of Judge William W. Farwell. John Farwell was possessed of the same spirit which led the Pilgrim Fathers to seek a home under new conditions, in an untried world, and, moved by this pioneer instinct, he went to Mor- risville, New York, in his young manhood and opened up a farm in that then new region. He was a highly respected citizen, and served as Postmaster at Morrisville for many years. His wife, Elmira Williams, was, like himself, a na- tive of Mansfield, Connecticut, and was a daugh- ter of Amariah Williams, supposed to have been of English lineage. The marriage of this couple took place in their native town, and they began housekeeping at the new home of Mr. Farwell in Morrisville. Their children, five in number, were named as follows: John William, Benjamin Franklin, William Washington, Thomas Lyle and Elmira Jane. William W. Farwell, third child of his parents, was born in Morrisville, New York, January 5, 1817. His early life did not differ much from that of other farmers' sons in that day and region. He made the most, however, of his educational opportunities, passing through the primary schools and academy of his native town, and entered Hamilton College, at Clinton, New York, in 1833. Before attaining his majority, in 1837, he was graduated from that old and solid institution of learning with credit to himself and his Alma Mater. He at once began the study of law in the office of Hon. Otis P. Granger, of Morrisville, whose daughter he subsequently married. He finished his legal studies at Buffalo, New York, and was admitted to practice by the Superior Court at Rochester, in that State, in 1841. After practicing law with success for seven years in his native village, he felt the promptings of the an- cestral enterprise, and determined to cast in his lot with those fearless and energetic spirits who were just then developing the nucleus of the wonderful city on Lake Michigan, whose future greatness was beyond the predictions of their wildest fancies. Arriving in Chicago in 1848, he set out the next year for California, and re- mained in that modern El Dorado one year, re- turning to the East by way of Panama and New York City. At Morrisville, New York, on the I2th of February, 1851, Mr. Farwell led to the marriage altar Miss Mary Eliza Granger, who was born in Morrisville, November 8, 1829. Hon. OtiS P. Granger, father of Mrs. Farwell, was a native of Suffield, Connecticut, his birth occur- ring February 21, 1796, and bore in his veins the blood of the early English settlers of that State. He was a graduate of Williams College, Class of 1816, and became a noted lawyer in cen- tral New York. He studied for his profession in the office of Talcott & Maynard, and later with John Bradish, of Utica, New York, and was ad- mitted to the Bar July 21, 1821. He practiced his profession in Morrisville, New York, until 1827, when he was appointed Surrogate of Madison County, New York, and filled that position thir- teen years. He passed away at Morrisville at the venerable age of eighty-seven years. His first ancestor in this country was Launcelot Granger, who was born in the West of England and was brought to America when fourteen years old. Mr. Granger's wife, Elvira Gates, was a native of Morrisville, daughter of Abiather and Lois (Holt) Gates, who were natives of Massa- chusetts. Mrs. Gates was a descendant of Nich- olas Holt, who came from England to Connecti- cut in the early days of that colony. Mrs. Farwell is the eldest of the four children of her parents. Only one beside herself, Mrs. Agnes Elvira Groves, is now living. She was educated at a female seminary at Utica, New York, and was fitted by birth and breeding to be the companion of her husband during his long and useful career in Chicago. She is a well-pre- served lady, of much natural refinement, and her charitable and kindly character has made her dear to all who have been privileged to come within her influence. Two sons born to Judge and Mrs. Farwell, Granger and John Williams Farwell, are well-known brokers of Chicago. The elder, born C. G. AVARS. 459 in Chicago, May 25, 1857, married Sarah C. Goodrich, daughter of James G. Goodrich, of Chicago, and has five children: Leslie, Ruth Goodrich, Olive, Sarah Granger and Helen. The younger son was born in Chicago, March 30, 1862, and is the stay and companion of his mother. It was in 1854 that Mr. Farwell settled perma- nently in Chicago. He had been admitted to the Bar of Illinois in 1848, and he now devoted himself assiduously to the labors of his profes- sion, rapidly winning for himself a reputation for soundness and ability. In the spring of 1855 the firm of Goodrich, Farwell & Scovell was formed, the senior member being Grant Goodrich, who was subsequently an honored occupant of the Bench in Chicago. A year later Mr. Scovell withdrew, and Mr. Sidney Smith joined the firm, which became Goodrich, Farwell & Smith. Mr. Farwell was elected to the Circuit Bench in 1870, and was twice re-elected, serving in a most impartial and efficient manner nine years. Upon his retirement from the Bench, he was en- gaged, in 1880, as Lecturer in the Union College of Law, which position he continuously filled un- til failing health compelled his resignation in 1893. His practical experience, his ripe scholar- ship and sound judgment made him especially useful in preparing young men for the practice of law, and his resignation was received with regret by faculty and students. He died April 30, 1894. Judge Farwell was a faithful member of the Congregational Church, in which he appropri- ately and consistently filled the office of Deacon for some time. In every relation of life he was true, and the history of his life stands as an in- spiration and encouragement to young men every- where. Especially are his upright life and official course commended to the emulation of all who wish to win friends and enjoy the good opinion and blessing of their fellows. CHARLES G. AVARS. EHARLES GERRY AVARS, a capable busi- ness man of Chicago, and at one time one of the most widely-known public officials of Cook County, was born at Newton, New Jersey, December 28, 1831. His parents were Rev. James Ayars and Harriet Amelia Reed, both na- tives of Bridgeton, New Jersey. The family is of Scotch, Welsh and German ancestry, and fur- nished some of the Colonial emigrants to the present United States. Noah Ayars, grandfather of the subject of this sketch, attained the age of ninety-three years, dying at Bridgeton, New Jersey, about 1858. Rev. James Ayars was educated at Bridgeton, and entered the ministry of the Methodist Epis- copal Church in 1827. He continued actively in the work of that church for fifty years, holding pastorates in the principal towns of New Jersey. In 1856 he became Secretary of the American Sunday-school Union. He lived at Covington, Kentucky, three years, and at Evanston, Illinois, two years. Returning to New Jersey, he re- entered the regular ministry, and died at Summit, New Jersey, in 1880, at the age of seventy-five years. He was a man of great public spirit, and did much work in the temperance cause and in the management of municipal affairs in the towns where he was located. Mrs. Harriet A. Ayars died at Trenton, New Jersey, in 1870, at the age of sixty- four years. She was a daughter of Dr. John Reed, who was born in New Jersey, where he practiced medi- 460 C. G. AVARS cine most of his life. He was also engaged in the manufacture of woolen goods at Deerfield, New Jersey. His father was a native of Ireland. Rev. and Mrs. James Ayars had five sons. Enoch Reed, the eldest, was a dentist in New Jersey, and went to California in 1849. While there, he joined Walker's expedition to Nica- ragua, was wounded at the battle of Rivos, and died in hospital. Charles G. Ayars is the second. James was for many years a prominent citizen of Cook Count}', and is now deceased. William Henry Ayars was a student of the North- western University of Evanston when the Civil War began, and enlisted and served eighteen months in the Union army. He became a Lieu- tenant in a colored regiment, and was killed at the battle of Petersburgh, Virginia. Howard B., the youngest, died at the age of five years. Charles G. Ayars, whose name heads this article, gained his primary education in the pub- lic schools of various points where his father was stationed in the ministry, and finished at Rutgers College, New Brunswick, New Jersey. At the age of seventeen years he entered mercantile life, being employed as a clerk in stores at various places. He spent one year with a wholesale paper house in New York City, and in 1857 went to Covington, Kentucky, where he entered the general western agency of the Phcenix Fire Insurance Company, of Hartford, Connecticut. In 1859 he became a resident of Cook County, and engaged in farming at Evanston. Two years later he removed to the vicinity of what is now known as Forest Hill, at the crossing of the Wa- bash and Pan Handle Railroads, where he oper- ated a large farm, producing annually large quantities of hay for the Chicago market. While residing here, he served six years as Clerk of Lake Township. In 1867 he was appointed a Deputy Sheriff of Cook County, and removed to Chicago, where he filled this position under successive Sheriffs for eight years. His duties brought him in contact with people of all avocations, and he gained an acquaintance exceeded by few men. Probably, not a half-dozen persons know personally more people in Cook County than were included in his list of friends. About this time there was much litiga- tion over land titles. Many squatters had to be dispossessed, and Mr. Avars' duties as Deputy Sheriff sometimes brought him exciting experi- ences. His impartiality, coupled with firmness, and his uniform kindness to the unfortunate in- spired the public with confidence in him, and gained for him a host of true friends. In 1874 he was elected County Commissioner for the Evans- ton District, and at the expiration of his term he was re-elected, serving six years continuously, during which period the present court house was built. In 1883 Mr. Ayars formed a connection with the Phosnix Fire Insurance Company, of Hart- ford, Connecticut, as State Agent for Illinois, having general charge of all its business outside of Chicago, which relation still continues. In this connection he travels all over the State, giv- ing careful and diligent attention to his duties, and, as a result, the volume of business trans- acted by the company in his jurisdiction has very largely increased. Mr. Ayars was married, April 25, 1859, to Miss Margaret, daughter of William Fredenberg, of New York City, where her Knickerbocker an- cestors located in the early Colonial period. Many of the name now reside there, and Mrs. Ayars is the first who left that city. For twenty-five years Mr. and Mrs. Ayars have been connected with the First Methodist Church of Evanston. The former is a member of Evans Lodge, Evanston Chapter and Commandery of the Masonic order, and of the Evanston Club and Evanston Boat Club, being among the organizers of the last- named organization. Mr. Ayars was among the supporters of John C. Fremont for the United States Presidency in 1856, and since that time has consistently ad- hered to the Republican party from principle. His varied business experience has given him a wide knowledge of many subjects and made him a capable judge of human nature, enabling him to give to his business and social duties the benefit of a mind ripened by years of practical training. . S. LACEY. 461 EDWARD S. LACEY. r~DWARD SAMUEL LACEY, President of rp the Bankers' National Bank of Chicago, L_ enjoys a national reputation as an able financier, and has won his way to his present honored position in the business, social and pol- itical world through his pre-eminent perseverance, foresight and integrity. He was born in the town of Chili, Monroe County, New York, November 26, 1835, and is a son of Edward DeWitt and Martha C. (Pixley) Lacey. Edward D. Lacey was born at Beunington, Vermont, and died at Charlotte, Michigan, November 6, 1862, aged nearly fifty-three years. He possessed in a notable degree those qualities of integrity, intelligence and tenacity of purpose for which the people of the Green Mountain State are notable. He removed, with his par- ents to Monroe County, New York, when but ten years of age, and was educated at Henrietta, in that State. He engaged in mercantile business at Chili, New York, and in 1842 removed to Michigan, locating the next year at Kalamo, Eaton County, then a comparative wilderness. He was a man of prominence in that locality, filling many positions of public trust and respon- sibility, and was a leading spirit in the develop- ment and improvement of that section of the State. He was a son of Maj. Samuel Lacey and grandson of Ebenezer Lacey, natives of Wood- bury, Connecticut. The latter served in the Connecticut Line through the Virginia and Penn- sylvania campaigns of the Revolutionary War, under Generals Washington and La Fayette, be- coming an Orderly-Sergeant in the latter's com- mand. He was a son of Thaddeus Lacey, who moved to Connecticut from Boston, Massachu- setts. The first ancestor in America came from the vicinity of Belfast, Ireland, and located at Boston in 1704. Samuel Lacey was born at Woodbury, Con- necticut, and went with his parents Ebenezer and Mary (Hurd) Lacey to Vermont in 1784. He established the second cloth-dressing works in the State at Bennington, and in 1818 removed to Monroe County, New York, where he was a prosperous and influential citizen. During the War of 1812 he was Major of the First Regiment of Vermont Militia, which was called into service on the northern frontier. He assisted in the first organization of the Whig party at Syracuse, New York, in 1835, and was for many years one of its ablest supporters. He died at Marshall, Michigan, May 9, 1863, in the eighty-fifth year of his age. He married Ruth, eldest daughter of Anthony Sigourney, of Oxford, Massachusetts, a Revolutionary veteran, who took part in the disastrous campaign of 1776, on Long Island and about New York City, being twice wounded in battle during that service. He was the fourth in line of descent from Andrew Sigourney, a prom- inent Huguenot, who, with his wife, escaped from Rochelle, France, after the revocation of the Edict of Nantes in 1685, and became one of the founders of Oxford, Massachusetts. Mrs. L. H. Sigourney, the famous writer and poet, married a descendant of the same family. The subject of this biography was about seven years old when the family settled in Eaton County, Michigan, where he continued to reside until 1889. He was educated at the public schools and Olivet College. At the age of eight- een years he began his business career as clerk in a general store at Kalamazoo, Michigan. In 1857 ne returned to his home at Charlotte, 462 E. S. LACEY. Michigan, and in 1862, in partnership with Hon. Joseph Musgrave, established a private bank, which became, in 1871, the First National Bank of Charlotte. He was the active manager of this institution from its organization, officiat- ing as Director and Cashier, and upon the death of Mr. Musgrave became its President. He was distinguished for ability and thoroughness in his methods, and became identified with many im- portant business interests. He was a Director, and for many years Treasurer, of the Grand River Valley Railroad Company, which he helped to organize. Early in his career his fellow-citizens began to recognize his fitness for the discharge of public duties, and his opinion on financial questions has always been accorded great consideration. His first official position was that of Register of Deeds of Eaton County, which he held four years, beginning in 1860. In 1874 the Governor of Michigan appointed him a Trustee of the State Asylum for the Insane, and he continued to fill this position for six years. In 1876 he was a delegate to the National Republican Convention at Cincinnati, and from 1882 to 1884 was Chair- man of the Republican State Central Committee of Michigan. He also served as the first Mayor of the city of Charlotte, and assisted in inaugu- rating its excellent system of public improve- ments. In 1880 he was elected to Congress from the Third Michigan District, and served two terms. He was nominated by acclamation and elected by a vote far ahead of his ticket in each instance. He declined to accept the candidacy for a third term, but in 1886 became a candidate for the United States Senate, in which he was unsuccessful, though he showed great strength and popularity. In Congress he served on the Committees on Postoffices and Post Roads and Coinage, Weights and Measures. But he was distinguished chiefly through the ability displayed in the consideration of financial questions. In the Forty-eighth Congress he attracted wide attention by a mas- terly speech on the silver question. His address on the use of silver as money, delivered before the American Bankers' Association in Chicago in 1885, was received with marked attention and increased his popularity among financiers. His prominence in monetary circles caused him to be recommended by friends in Michigan, New York, Boston and Chicago for the position of Comptroller of the Currency, to which he was appointed in 1889. This office, so far as regards national finance, is second only to that of Secretary of the Treasury. His administration, extending from 1889 to 1892, covered one of the most critical periods in the history of the national banking system. He pursued a vigorous and yet conservative policy, keeping in view the protection of depositors and creditors, and his conduct of the office was endorsed by the ablest financiers. His integrity and ability have always been recognized, and his national reputation caused his services to be sought by many of the leading financial institu- tions of the country. Believing in the resources and future of Chicago, he resigned in June, 1892, to accept the presidency of the Bankers' Na- tional Bank of that city. On New Year's- Day, 1861, Mr. Lacey married Miss Annette C. Musgrave, daughter of his busi- ness partner, Hon. Joseph Musgrave, of Char- lotte, Michigan. Two daughters and a son, named, respectively, Jessie P., Edith M. and Edward Musgrave, complete the family. Since coming to Cook County, the family has resided at Evanston, where it is identified with the First Congregational Church. Mr. Lacey is a mem- ber of the Society of the Sons of the American Revolution, the Union League Club, Bankers' Club (of which he has been President), Bankers' Athletic Association, Evanston Club and Evans- ton Country Club. He has always been an enthusiastic Republican, and wields a strong influence in the party councils. Personally, Mr. Lacey is a man of fine phys- ique, ready discernment, and pleasing manners. All who have occasion to approach him in regard to social or business matters are certain of receiving courteous attention, notwithstanding the attention necessarily bestowed upon the financial and business matters of great magni- tude entrusted to his management. LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS JOHN TURNER MRS. JOHN TURNER LIBRARY OF THE BNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS JOHN TURNER. 463 JOHN TURNER. (JOHN TURNER. While the race is not al- I ways to the swift, or the battle to the strong, Q) the invariable law of destiny accords to tire- less energy, industry and ability a successful career. The truth of this assertion was abun- dantly verified in the life of John Turner. Every step in his progress was an honorable tribute to industry, humanity and true manhood. Mr. Turner was born July 10, 1815, in Gilberdike, Yorkshire, England, and was a son of William and Mary Turner, who were natives of that county. William Turner and his wife had a family of two -daughters and seven sons. Their names were: Sarah, Elizabeth, Thomas, William, Robert, Leighton, John, George and Charles. With the exception of the eldest, all became resi- dents of the United States, and all are now de- ceased except Charles, who resides in Detroit, Michigan. William and Robert Turner emi- grated in 1830, and two years later Leighton fol- lowed. In 1834 the parents came, bringing with them one daughter, and the other sons. They settled at Detroit, Michigan, where the parents died several years ago. In 1836 John Turner came to Chicago, accom- panied by his brother Leighton, arriving October 25, the same day which witnessed the advent of John Wentworth. In early life he enjoyed very few advantages, and received only a limited edu- cation. He had attained his majority when he came to Chicago, and he determined to seek the broad field of western enterprise in beginning life on his own account. Estimated in dollars and cents, his resources at this time were very mea- ger, but in mental endowment, pluck and self- reliant manhood, he had abundant capital. He soon found employment with the proprietor of the old Lake House, being put in charge of the horses and stables. At the end of a year the proprietor failed and was unable to pay Mr. Tur- ner his salary, so that the only remuneration he received for his first year's services was the gratuitous contributions made by the guests in consideration of the excellent care he had taken of their horses, the whole of which he carefully saved. Undaunted by his first year's hard experience, he continued to labor, engaging in any honest work he was able to procure. Mr. W. B. Ogden, recognizing the industry and integrity of the young emigrant, urged him to engage in the livery business on his own responsibility, and offered him the necessary assistance, and Silas B. Cobb insisted upon furnishing him with harness on credit. In 1838 John and Leighton Turner opened a livery stable on Wolcott (now State) Street, between Kinzie and North Water Streets. They began on a small scale, increasing their business to meet the growing demands of their trade. They were very prosperous, and in a few years began to invest their surplus capital in Gov- ernment land in Cook County, and the Turner Brothers soon began to take rank among the sub- stantial and wealthy business men of the city. After a successful partnership of about fifteen years, the brothers separated, making an equitable division of their realty and personal property, Leighton turning his attention to farming, and John continuing the livery business. From this time on the career of the latter was a prosperous 464 JAMES SMITH. one, and he erected a number of valuable build- ings. The fire of 1871 swept away nearly his entire fortune, which he had been over thirty years in accumulating, and which amounted, at least, to one hundred and fifty thousand dollars, leaving him comparatively poor. He did not attempt to rebuild and re-commence his business in the city, but moved his family to a farm he owned in Section 19, Lake View Township (now in the city), and with the assistance of his eldest son, set about to retrieve his lost fortune by farm- ing and gardening. By pushing this industry vigorously, he accumulated a handsome compe- tence, and passed the last years of his life in com- parative ease and retirement. January 18, 1843, Mr. Turner married Miss Sarah Patterson, sister of John G. , and daughter of Andrew Patterson, the latter a pioneer of Chicago. She was born March 22, 1825, near Newburg, New York. They had eight children, namely: Mary P. ; Sarah Elizabeth, wife of Carman Moody, who has one son, named Mervin Turner Moody; John W. ; Charles Wesley ; Ella Bird, now Mrs. John Trelease, who has three children, Justin Patterson, John Dudley and Ella Trelease; Thom- as Andrew, who married Fannie B. Wilkins; Hen- rietta Pamelia, wife of John Arthur Fishleigh, who has three sons, Walter Turner, John Arthur and Clarence Fishleigh; and William Edward, all of Chicago. The mother of this family died May 14, 1882, and Mr. Turner passed away February 17, 1892, their remains being laid side by side in Rosehill Cemetery. For over fifty years Mr. Turner was an honored and respected citizen of Chicago and Cook County. When he came to the city it contained a popula- tion of about four thousand, so that he witnessed almost the entire growth of the second city in the Union, and bore no inconsiderable part himself in promoting its best interests. From boyhood Mr. Turner was a member of the Methodist Church, and his delight was al- ways in doing good, his religion being a part of his daily walk in life. He was one of the found- ers of the First Methodist Episcopal Church in Chicago, a liberal contributor to its building fund, and for many years its treasurer. He was a friend to the poor, and was always ready to ex- tend a helping hand to the needy. He achieved success, not by over-reaching his fellow-men, or by any questionable means, but through honest industry, and he bequeathed to his family not only an abundance of this world's goods, but also the priceless heritage of a good name. JAMES SMITH. 3 AMES SMITH, a retired farmer of Mayfair, has been identified with that place thirty- three years. He was born July 29, 1841, in Yorkshire, England, and is a son of Francis and Ann (Robinson) Smith, natives of Yorkshire. In 1845 the family moved to Canada, and settled in Ontario Count)', Ontario, where Francis Smith bought a productive farm, which he cultivated until his death, in 1876. Mrs. Smith still lives there, aged ninety-two years. They had five daughters and one son. James Smith was educated in the public schools of Ontario County, Ontario, and was reared to the occupation of agriculture, which has been his life work. In 1864 he came to Chicago and lo- cated in Jefferson Township, where he was em- ployed at farm labor for a short time. In 1869 he bought twelve acres of land in Montrose, R. Y. SPIKINGS. 465 which he sold four years later, at an advance of twelve thousand dollars on the cost. He after- wards bought twenty acres, on which he made a profit of ten thousand dollars, and during this time he was engaged in cultivating land he had rented. By judicious investment he has become wealthy, all his investments in land proving a success. He is now the owner of two hundred and twelve lots in Mayfair and in Jefferson Town- ship. In 1873 Mr. Smith began selling milk in a small way, which business has grown to large proportions and is conducted by his sons. Mr. Smith now devotes his time to superintending his private interests, dealing in real estate and loan- ing mone}'. He attributes much of his success in life to the influence of Mr. L. C. P. Freer, who was his friend and adviser in most of his im- portant transactions. April 3, 1866, Mr. Smith married Miss Sarah Mitchell, who was born in Ontario, and is a daughter of Amos and Sarah (Stuart) Mitchell, who were of Scotch descent. Her parents died when she was an infant, and she was adopted into the family of Chester Dickenson. Mr. and Mrs. Smith have four sons and two daughters, namely: Frank Eugene, Archie C. , Howard G. , Albert J., Florence L,. and Nellie G. The family is con- nected with the Baptist Church of Irving Park. Mr. Smith has always been identified with the Democratic party, but has never sought any of- fice, preferring rather to spend his time in the conduct of his business. He has achieved suc- cess through his careful attention to every detail of his business, and has always been a very busy man. He well deserves his wealth and the respect and admiration given him by the members of the community in which he has his residence. RICHARD Y. SPIKINGS. RICHARD YOUNG SPIKINGS is one of the oldest living representatives of the pi- oneers of the town of Jefferson, and has been intimately connected with its growth. He was born November 14, 1821, near Wisbech, Cam- bridgeshire, England, where his ancestors had lived for many generations. He is the fifth son of John and Mary- (James) Spikings. The for- mer was a farmer and land-owner in Wisbech, where he died in 1847. His wife passed away two years later. They were the parents of four- teen children, eight of whom died in childhood. Six sons grew to manhood, of whom the following is the record: John died in England; Thomas came to the United States, served in the American Army in the Mexican War, and afterward went to South Africa; William came to America, but returned to England, where he died; James was a farmer in Valparaiso, Indiana, where he died; Richard Y. is the subject of this notice; Henry went to Africa as a veterinary surgeon, and sub- sequently died there. Richard Young Spikings spent his boyhood on his father's farm. He came to America in 1842, making the voyage in a sailing-vessel, and spending six weeks on the trip from London to New York. He spent one winter in Lyons, Wayne County, New York, and in 1843 came to Chicago. He remained in the city about ten years, working for Archibald Clybourn as a butcher most of the time, and one year keeping the Old Bull's Head Tavern, near the bridge, at Clybourn's Place. During the first few years he made frequent trips to London. In 1852 he 466 J. A. KAY. bought a farm of sixty acres in Jefferson, where for several years he raised vegetables for the city market, but when railroads began to open greater facilities for transportation, the business became less profitable, and in 1859 was discontinued. In that year he rented his farm and went to Thornton Township, where he managed a large farm for Clarence Dyer. He subsequently be- came a partner in a brewery, for which he acted as salesman. At the beginning of the Civil War he accompanied an old friend, Maj. Lewis Hubbard, during one year of. the campaign in Missouri, having charge of the officers' baggage most of that time. Being called home by sick- ness in his family in March, 1862, he returned to his farm, and carried on general farming for many years. Upon the approach of old age, he divided the land among his children, most of it still being owned by members of the family. July 2, 1847, he married Cornelia Augusta Harding, who was born in New York City, and is a daughter of Henry W. and Rachel Harding. The ceremony took place in an old log cabin, then the home of Mr. Harding, which was built by the Indians, and had been the home of their chief. Five children have blessed the union of Mr. and Mrs. Spikings, as follows: William, of whom extended notice is given elsewhere within this volume; Richard, who is deceased; Cornelia, wife of John Hebert; Louis, a contractor at Bowmanville, Illinois; Joseph, a contractor in Jefferson, who died in 1896; Zana, widow of James Ferguson, residing with her parents; and George, also a contractor. All those living, ex- cept Louis, reside upon the home property. Mr. Spikings is a member of Providence Lodge, Ancient Free and Accepted Masons, at Jefferson. He is a Democrat in national political affairs, but in the campaign of 1896 he supported William McKinley for president, believing that the issues were not those which usually separate the two great parties. He has ever been in harmony with American institutions, and though never aspiring to public office, has conscientiously fulfilled his duty as a citizen. He has been a stanch friend of the public schools, and for many years was director in his district. Like the majority of pioneers, he has had to contend with many trials and hardships, and has lived to see the land to which he has devoted the best years of his life become a means of wealth and independence to his children. JOSEPH A. KAY. (JOSEPH ARCHDALE KAY was born June I i, 1844, on the old homestead of his parents Q) in Jefferson Township, Cook County, Illi- nois. He spent his boyhood on the farm of his father, Abel Kay, attending school in the winter, and assisting in the labor of the farm as soon as he was able. In 1859 he drove a milk wagon, and took care of an engine in a grist mill. In September, 1861, he enlisted in the First Mis- souri Cavalry, Company D, which was con- solidated with the Tenth Missouri Cavalry in the winter of 1862. He served three years and one month, and then enlisted in Hancock's Veteran Corps, in Company K. The first service of his company was in Missouri, against Price, at Pea Ridge, and soon after they were in Arkansas, and then they went down the Mississippi to a point below Vicksburg. In northern Mississippi he saw many skirmishes and battles. From Corinth they made a forced march to Florence, passing through Shiloh. During the war he was home for a few months on furlough. He J. W. TURNER. 467 spent one year in the Veteran Corps, and was discharged April n, 1866. During the last of Mr. Kay's service he did provost duty in Wash- ington. After the war Mr. Kay returned to Jefferson and engaged in farming. He remained with his mother two years, and then moved to the place he now occupies, and has since been engaged in gardening. His sons cultivate the farm, which contains eighteen and one- half acres. June 23, 1866, he was married to Maggie, daughter of Alexander and Elizabeth (Best) Primrose, the former a native of Scotland and the latter of England. They died in Jefferson. Mrs. Kay was born in Elgin, and died October 3, 1881. Mr. and Mrs. Kay had nine children, namely: Marshall, who lives with his father; Joseph, deceased; Stephen, deceased; Carrie, now Mrs. Lincoln Smith, who resides in Chicago; David, deceased; De Mar, who resides at home; Annie, who lives in Chicago; Bert, deceased; and Maggie, who resides in Chicago with a sister. Mr. Kay was married November 17, 1886, to Mrs. Katie Stull, of Monmouth, Illinois, and they, have two children, namely: Jefferson and Edith. Mr. Kay is a member of Providence Lodge, No. 711, Ancient Free and Accepted Masons, of Jefferson Park, having been connected with the order thirty-two years. He is also connected with George H. Thomas Post, No. 5, Grand Army of the Republic. He takes an active in- terest in politics and is a supporter of the Repub- lican party. He is interested in local affairs, and favors all movements for public improve- ment. JOHN W. TURNER. (JOHN WESLEY TURNER, an honored citi- I zen of Chicago, was born March 22, 1847, Q) in the great city of the West, and is the old- est son of John and Sarah (Patterson) Turner, extended mention of whom appears elsewhere in this volume. He was educated in the public schools of Chicago, and grew to manhood in this city, being occupied, when old enough, with as- sisting his father in the care of his livery stable, and with other business interests. When he reached his majority, most of the management of his father's affairs devolved upon him. The disastrous fire of 1871 swept away much of the fortune of the family, and they removed to the farm in Lake View, when John W. Turner faced the inevitable, and resolving to do his best for the welfare of their interests, determined to try market-gardening, and to make a success of it. He assumed almost the entire management of the farm, and personally contracted for the sale of the products, most of which were disposed of by wholesale. Having lived all his life in a great city, this life and work were new to him, and it was only by his giving great energy and study to his labor that he was able to succeid so well. For eighteen years Mr. Turner supplied the Goodrich line of lake steamers with all their vegetables, besides making large shipments an- nually of carload lots to different ports of the country. The cultivation of about sixty acres of land for the growth of vegetables necessitated the employment of considerable capital and labor. Mr. Turner gave his personal care and attention to every detail in the management of his large business, and so successfully was it conducted that about 1890, father and son were both able to retire from active business cares. Since his retirement Mr. Turner has enjoyed 468 PROF. O. 0. BAINES, M. D. the fruits of his industry, and he busies himself in superintending the management of his farms in Niles Township, and other landed interests. He has fully improved all opportunities for the promotion of his financial interests, and thor- oughly enjoys the results of his well-directed efforts. Mr. Turner has always taken an active in- terest in the affairs of the country and in men of note, and he keeps himself well informed on the general topics of the day. In politics he is an ardent supporter of Republican principles, and is a recognized leader in the councils of his party, having for several years been chairman of the Central Republican Club of the Twenty-sixth Ward. He is a member of the Marquette Club and of the National League, and is popular among his friends and acquaintances. Mr. Tur- ner is a very companionable gentleman, of pleas- ing presence, an entertaining conversationalist, and possesses to a remarkable degree the qualities of good-fellowship. PROF. OSCAR O. BAINES, M. D. RROF. OSCAR ORLANDO BAINES, M. D., LX who was one of the most successful of the [3 younger physicians of Chicago, was born March 5, 1863, in Ashtabula County, Ohio. His father, William B. Baines, emigrated from England at the age of eighteen years, and settled near Janes- ville, Wisconsin, where he became a prominent farmer, owning what was then widely known as the Willard farm, where Frances E. Willard, the famous temperance worker, was reared. His wife, whose parents were wealthy manufacturers in Germany, came to this country from a little village on the Rhine, when she was twenty-two years old. Their children were: Mary, now the wife of William Blandon, assistant cashier of the Merchants' & Mechanics' Bank in Janesville, Wisconsin; William, a farmer, who is now de- ceased; Charles, a thriving commission merchant in Omaha, Nebraska; Frank, the foremost leaf tobacco merchant of Wisconsin; and Oscar O., the subject of this sketch. Oscar began his education in Janesville, Wis- consin, acquitting himself with honor in the pri- mary and high schools of that city. He was pos- sessed of a strong love for literary work, and was well adapted for the study of medicine, which he began in the office of Dr. S. S. Judd, of Janesville. After spending two years there, he entered Bennett Medical College, Chicago, and graduated in 1885, carrying the highest honors of his class. He then located in the northern part of Chicago, and in the fall of 1886 was elected demonstrator of anatomy at his alma mater. He held this position until 1889, when he was elected to the chair of general descriptive anatomy, and in 1890 he received the additional honor of the chair of surgical anatomy and the office of secretary of Bennett College. He was a member of the National Eclectic Medical Association, of the State Medical As- sociation, and was vice-president of the Chicago Eclectic Medical and Surgical Society. In 1895 he received an unusual honor for one of his years, being appointed by Governor Altgeld as a member of the State Board of Health. He was also secretary and attendant doctor of the Baptist hospital, at which place he was loved by all the patients. Dr. Baines ranked high among the members of his profession, both in his specialty of diseases of women and in general medical and surgical work, the extent of his practice dem- onstrating his standing in the community. In EDUARD KLEINDIENST. 469 politics, though non-partisan, his sympathies were with the Democratic party, and he belonged to the honorable class of men who always vote. He was a member of the Congregational Church, and was a most worthy and respected citizen. He was very ambitious in his profession, and his fellow- laborers lost a valuable associate when he died, May 19, 1896. He was also active in social and religious life, having been superin- tendent of the Lincoln Park Congregational Sun- day-school one year, and also a deacon and trustee in the church. He was always ready to come to the aid of those who needed a leader, and always gave his services cheerfully. He was a member of the Masonic order, the Royal League and the Royal Arcanum. It is a pleasure to know such a man as was Dr. Baines, and to have been his friend is a great privilege. His memory will be cherished in Chicago for many years, and his life will be an example to young men in this and other generations. Christmas Eve, 1887, Dr. Baines married Miss Ida. Christie, daughter of Angus and Elizabeth (Walker) Christie, of Chicago, who were de- scendants of very old Canadian and English fam- ilies. Mrs. Baines was in every way fitted to be the wife of a man like her husband. She is ac- complished in music and in other ways, which helped make the home life pleasant, and to make the home one that it was a pleasure to enter. To Dr. and Mrs. Baines were born two children, Oscar Roland and Alice Elizabeth. EDUARD KLEINDIENST. FT DUARD KLEINDIENST was born Decem- rS ber 14, 1853, in Schlesien, Melisch, Ger- |_ many, and is a son of Gottlieb and Anna Rosa (Pittoli) Kleindienst. His maternal grand- father was lost in the battle of Leipsic, when his mother, Anna Pittoli, was only three years old. Gottlieb Kleindienst was born in the same province as his son, Eduard, and was by trade a mason and a contractor. He settled in the Province of Posen, near the city of Posen, and there followed his trade until he died, in 1868. His wife is still living, at the age of eighty- seven years. They had nine children, five of whom died in childhood, of diphtheria. William died in 1889, in the Province of Poseu. The living are: Charles, who follows the mason's trade, and lives in Chicago; Dorothea, wife of Adolph Peschel, a resident of Schokken, in Posen; and Eduard, whose name heads this sketch. Eduard Kleindienst removed to Posen with his parents when he was two > r ears old. He received a common-school education, and then began to study for the profession of architect in a private school, but he did not follow this work. He learned the trade of mason, and had some prac- tical experience in the work before he came to America, at the age of eighteen. He came from Bremen to New York, and thence to Philadelphia, where he remained three months and found em- ployment as an interpreter of the Polish and Ger- man dialects. After coming to Chicago he worked at his trade one year, and in 1874 entered the employ of Goodwin & Elder, commission merchants, and spent three years with them. After this he spent one year as superintendent in the oleomargarine factory of James Turner. He then returned to Goodwin & Elder and was in their employ two and one-half years. He was later emplo3 r ed as salesman for ex-County Commissioner Knopf, one of the largest commission dealers on the street, and continued two years, after which he was with 470 C. W. TURNER. J. H. Phillips & Company, commission merchants, over four years. Mr. Kleindienst then entered into partnership with F. Heinze, under the firm name of F. Heinze & Company. This connec- tion continued one year, when it was dissolved by mutual consent. Mr. Kleindienst estab- lished a partnership with C. W. Cleveland and H. T. Marsh, under the name of Kleindienst, Cleveland & Company. This continued only about six months, when his partners withdrew and Mr. Kleindienst continued alone about six months. He then entered the employ of Barren & Bir- mingham and continued with them four years, and after that was with N. E. Hollis for two years. He was then with O. P. Emerson nearly two years. October 27, 1880, he married Maria Johanna Seiring, a native of Leipsic, Saxony, Germany. She is a daughter of Gottlieb and Johanna (Kohler) Seiring. The former died in 1866, in Leipsic, and the latter still lives in that city, at the age of seventy-two years. Mrs. Kleindienst came to Chicago in 1872. She had one child, who died in infancy. Mr. and Mrs. Kleindienst were both reared in the Lutheran faith, and he favors the Democratic party with his political support. In 1885 he removed to Norwood Park, where he built the handsome and comfortable residence in which he now resides. He came to this country when a very young man, and has carved his own fortune by his perseverance and energy, and is worthy the admiration and respect he receives. CHARLES W. TURNER. EHARLES WESLEY TURNER, a retired clergyman, living in Chicago, is the second son of John and Sarah (Patterson) Turner, whose biographies appear elsewhere in this vol- ume. He was born July 8, 1849, in Chicago. His primary education he received in the public schools, and he later attended tne Chicago High School, from which he graduated in 1869. He spent one year at the Chicago University, and then took a classical course at the Northwestern University, at Evanston, where he graduated with the class of 1875. He was always much in- terested in the church and its work, and in this he was encouraged by his father, who was also an influence and power in such w.rk. For one year after graduation, he was assistant secretary and librarian of the Young Men's Christian As- sociation of Chicago. In 1877 Mr. Turner removed to Milwaukee, where he filled the office of general secretary of the association for a period of six 3 T ears, after which he spent five years in South Dakota, rest- ing, recuperating his health, and preaching oc- casionally for the Methodist Episcopal Church, with which he has all his life been identified. In 1889 he was ordained to preach, and was as- signed to regular work in the ministry. His first charge was at Stockbridge, Wisconsin, where he spent two years, and subsequently spent one year at Elo, three years at Waukau and two years at Amherst. In 1896 failing health forced his retirement from active labor in the ministry. March 19, 1879, Mr. Turner married Miss Florence N. Wakeman, of Oshkosh, Wisconsin, and they became the parents of seven children, whose names are as follows: John W., Frederick N., Anna Belle, Glenn P., Forrest H., Florence N. and Charles W. GEORGE BUTTERS. GEORGE BUTTERS. OEORGE BUTTERS, one of the most b spirited citizens of Oak Park, was born Sep- tember 14, 1849, in South Boston, a division of the Massachusetts metropolis, and is a son of John Arnauld Cormerais Butters and Caroline Elizabeth (Sampson) Butters. His first American paternal ancestor was Will- iam Butters, who settled in that part of Woburn, Massachusetts, now called Wilmington, in the year 1665. He served in King Philip's War as a member of Capt. Joseph Sill's company. He was a farmer by occupation and also operated a sawmill at Wilmington. He probably came from Dedham, England, and his posterity in the seventh generation, which is now scattered all over the United States, is represented by the sub- ject of this sketch. His great-grandson, Samuel Butters, and a son of the latter, who bore the same name, enlisted from Wilmington, in the Con- tinental army, and were among the "Minute Men" who were called out at Lexington. Samuel But- ters, junior, continued in the service until 1781, and was a corporal in Capt. William Bird's com- pany, of Colonel Webb's regiment. His son, William Butters, was a counselor-at-law, at Pitts- field, New Hampshire, and later at Boston. John A. C. Butters, who was a son of the last- named, was born at Pittsfield, New. Hampshire, and for some time kept a book store at Lynn, Massachusetts. He went from there to Boston, as bookkeeper for Phillips & Sampson, the lead- ing book publishers in the United States at that time. He died at West Roxbury, Massachusetts, Febuary 19, 1856, at the early age of thirty-four years. His brother, William A. Butters, be- came a well-known citizen of Chicago, where he was engaged in the auction and commission busi- ness for many years. Another brother, Isaac N. Butters, was a prominent business man in Min- neapolis, Minnesota. The mother of these children was Eloisa Monreau Cormerais, a daughter of John Arnauld and Jane Vaughan (Rindge) Cor- merais, the former a native of France. George Vaughan, great-grandfather of Jane V. Rindge, was a lieutenant governor of New Hampshire in the early days of that province. He was a grandson of Hon. Richard Cutt, and married a daughter of Hon. Robert Elliot, one of the first counselors of the province of New Hampshire. The maternal great-grandfather of Jane V. Rindge was Col. Timothy Gerrish, a grandson of Maj. Richard Waldr.on, who was killed by Indians at Dover, Massachusetts. Mrs. Caroline E. (Sampson) Butters was born April 5, 1824, at Plympton, Massachusetts, and died of apoplexy at Oak Park, Illinois, March 17, 1893. She had lived in Chicago since 1870, and was a member of Dr. N. W. Thomas' Church. She was a daughter of Capt. John Sampson (who commanded the Old Artillery Company at Ply- mouth, Massachusetts) and Priscilla (Bramhall) Sampson. Captain Sampson represented the sixth generation of descendants from John Alden, and also Capt. Miles Standish, of Plymouth Colony. Zabdiel Sampson, grandfather of Capt. John Sampson, was killed September 9, 1776, at 472 GEORGE BUTTERS. the battle of Harlem, New York. He enlisted from Plymouth, Massachusetts, and had pre- viously served in the French and Indian War. During the last-named struggle, he was captured by the Indians, who (as related in Giles Memorial, by John A. Vinton, page 400) "tied him to a tree and amused themselves by throwing hatchets, to see how near they could throw and miss." Mr. and Mrs. J. A. C. Butters had two children. The eldest, Mary Priscilla, was born September 16, 1847, at Lynn, Massachusetts, and died unmar- ried, January 12, 1872, at Quincy, in the same State. George Butters attended a private school at West Roxbury and also at Brookline, Massachu- setts. At the age of nine years he went to live with an uncle at Quincy, Massachusetts, where he attended the primary and high schools. When fifteen years old, he entered the employ of Samuel Greves, a furniture manufacturer in Boston, and learned the trade of upholsterer. He took up his residence at Chicago in July, 1868, and was employed by D. Long & Com- pany, upholsterers and furniture dealers, in whose business his uncle, William A. Butters, had an interest. He became a salesman in this estab- lishment, and a few years later was employed as bookkeeper. When the business was closed out in 1870, he entered the service of William A. Butters & Company, having charge of their shoe department. The following spring, owing to ill- health, he went to Colorado, where he remained until after the Great Chicago Fire in October of that year. The next spring he moved to Oak Park, and purchased a tract of land, which he subdivided and sold. He has ever since given his attention to real-estate investments, and was in a portion of these transactions associated with the firm of E. A. Cummings & Company. He is one of the original stockholders of the Proviso Land Association and also in the Union Land Pool. He was one of the corporators and a mem- ber of the first board of directors of the Cicero & Proviso Electric Railroad Company, and was as- sistant consulting engineer during the construc- tion of its lines and performed all the duties of that office. Upon their completion, he was elected the first general manager of the company, and was later elected president, to succeed D. J. Ken- nedy. He held this position until February, 1896, and is still one of the directors. He has always manifested a great interest in the progress and development of Oak Park, es- pecially of the portion known as Ridgeland. He has not only sought to promote its material growth, but has wisely taken a leading part in the work of developing the intellectual culture and social instincts of the people. He was one of the first members of the Ridgeland Literary Club, an organization which became very popular, grew rapidly and was eventually merged into the Ridgeland Hall Association, a corporation which included most of the citizens among its stock- holders, and erected the handsome brick block on Lake Street known as Ridgeland Hall. Mr. Butters was president of this corporation until it disbanded. November 17, 1872, he was married to Miss Maria Shaw Bramhall, of Boston, Massachusetts, a daughter of William Bramhall, president of the Shawmut National Bank of that city, and his wife Elizabeth (Shaw) Bramhall. The only child of this marriage, George Russell Butters, born October 6, 1878, died July 21 of the following year. Mr. and Mrs. Butters are connected with Unity Church of Oak Park. Mr. Butters was made a member of the Masonic fraternity in Lincoln Park Lodge, No. 611, of Chicago. He subsequently joined Harlem Lodge of Oak Park, in which he has held all the prin- cipal offices, being elected worshipful master in 1879, in which lodge he is now a life member. He was created a sublime prince of the thirty- second degree, October 5, 1875, in Oriental Con- sistory of Chicago, of which he is also a life mem- ber. He was made a Knight Templar April 28, 1880, in Apollo Commandery, Chicago, from which he was demitted to join Siloam Command- ery of Oak Park. He was made a Noble of the Mystic Shrine, in Medinah Temple of Chicago, November 20, 1891. He is one of the early members of the Society of Colonial Wars of Illi- nois, and also of the Illinois Society, Sons of the American Revolution . HENRY SCHADE. 473 Mr. Butters has always been a Republican in political principle. In 1877 he was elected a member of the Oak Park Board of School Di- rectors, and served six years, being at first secretary, and later president of the board. It was during this time that the first school build- ing at Ridgeland was erected. In 1878 he was elected assessor of the town of Cicero, and was five times successively re elected. This office made him an ex-officio member of the Town Board of Trustees, and at the expiration of his services as assessor, in the spring of 1884, he was elected treasurer of the town. In the year 1889 he was elected a town trustee for the term of four years. During this period of eleven years of his connection with the Town Board he served on the most important committees of that body. He helped to organize the first fire company in the town of Cicero, known as the Ridgeland Fire Association, was elected its first president, and has held that position most of the time since. This organization created an endowment fund by subscription, with which it built the first en- gine house in the town, installed the first system of electric fire alarms, and has introduced most of the improved features of the service in that town. In recent years Mr. Butters has spent con- siderable time in the preparation of a large volume entitled "A History of the Butters Family, from 1666 to 1896," which he published in the latter year, at his own expense. HENRY SCHADE. HENRY SCHADE, who is now conducting a florist's establishment in Norwood Park, was born December 26, 1839, in Prussia, and is a son of Henry and Margaret Schade, na- tives of that country. In 1846 they came with their family of three children to Chicago. Henry Schade, senior, was a painter and decorator, and worked at his trade many years in Berlin. His first employment in Chicago was on Mr. Ogden's house, and he was engaged at his trade when he could find such employment, until his death, from cholera, in 1856. His widow is still living, and is eighty-three years old. They had six children, three of whom were born in Chi- cago. They are: Nicholas, of No. 239 North Avenue, Chicago; Henry, the subject of this sketch; Elizabeth, wife of Julius Nieman, of No. 235 North Avenue; Peter, of South Dakota; Hat- tie, deceased; and Margaret, Mrs. Bruno Hacker, residing on North Avenue. Henry Schade of this notice was educated in the parochial schools of Saint Joseph and Saint Michael's Churches. At the age of fourteen years he began to learn the trade of upholstering, and after completing this was employed at his trade by the Tobey Furniture Company. He remained with this company thirty-three years, thus demonstrating his ability and faithfulness. In 1883 he bought six acres of land in Norwood Park, and moved his family to it. He sold this land later, and bought about an acre and a- quarter where he now lives, at the corner of Evergreen and Locust Streets. In 1895 he es- tablished his present greenhouses, where he cul- tivates roses, carnations, geraniums and potted flowers for the city market. August 4, 1861, Mr. Schade married Miss Margaret Stelzer. She was born in Baden, Ger- many, May 7, 1843, and is a daughter of George Michael and Margaret Barbara Stelzer, who came to Chicago in 1856. Soon after their arrival the father died, and the mother lived only until 1860. 474 I. N. HUESTIS. Mr. and Mrs. Schade have four children, namely: Elizabeth, wife of Christ Otto; Christina, wife of Charles Stacle; Peter and Henry, the latter being still at home. Mr. Schade was reared in the Catholic faith, but he is not now a member of any church. Mrs. Schade is a member of the Presbyterian Church. At the time of the Great Fire of 1871, Mr. Schade lived at No. 237 North Avenue and was burned out, losing about five thousand dollars. In the cyclone which passed through Norwood Park May 24, 1896, he lost about four thousand dollars' worth of property, but fortunately his family escaped without injury. Mr. Schade was a member of the Volunteer Fire Department ot Chicago six years and a- half, from about 1852, and nearly lost his eyesight in the fire of 1858. He has always taken an active interest in pub- lic affairs, and is a Republican in politics. He is public-spirited, and keeps informed on the topics of the day, thus proving his interest in the progress of the country of his adoption. He is connected with the Ancient Order of Druids, and also with the German Working Society, of which societies he is a valuable member. His flourish- ing business gives evidence of his diligence and thrift, and he has the high regard of a large circle of friends. ISAAC N. HUESTIS. VSAAC NEWTON HUESTIS, who has been connected with the business interests of Chi- X, cago and Cook County for nearly half a century, was born May 19, 1824, at Dover, Dutchess County, New York. He is a son of John and Emmeline (Losee) Huestis, both mem- bers of old New York families. John Huestis was a son of Reuben Huestis, and was born at Dover, where he died about 1827. His wife sur- vived him to the venerable age of eighty-eight years, passing away in 1892. They were the parents of four children, namely: Harriet, Mrs. Daniel Chase, who resided in Providence, Rhode Island, and is now deceased; Isaac N., the sub- ject of this sketch; Elias, deceased, who formerly lived in New York; and Edwin, deceased, whose home was in New Jersey. Isaac N. Huestis was deprived of a father's care at the age of three years, and lived with his paternal grandfather until he was ten years old, and from this time on he was obliged to earn his own living. He obtained work with farmers, and attended school during the winter months. In 1840 he went to New York City and entered a dry-goods store as clerk, continuing this occupa- tion until 1852, when he came to Chicago and found employment in the same line of business, continuing about four years. He then obtained a situation as conductor on the first line of horse- cars used in Chicago. His route was from Lake to Twelfth Street, on State Street, and he was the second conductor employed by the company. Subsequently he engaged in the lime trade, which business he followed successfully until 1873, and then, having acquired a competence, he decided to retire from active business. Ac- cordingly he removed to Jefferson Park, and there built the pleasant and comfortable home which he now occupies. After a few years, how- ever, as might be expected from one of his ener- getic nature, he felt the need of occupation , and accordingly engaged in the insurance business, in which he is quite actively interested. He served as justice of the peace between the years 1877 and 1894, during which time his business increased rapidly. A. W. LANDON. 475 October 28, 1854, Mr. Huestis married Altieri Butler, a native of Chicago, and daughter of Na- thaniel F. and Rachel (Little) Butler. Her father went from New Hampshire to New York, settling at Watertown, and moving from there, in 1837, to Chicago, where he engaged in the hardware business. Mr. and Mrs. Huestis had nine chil- dren, of whom the following are living: Lilian B., widow of Charles S. Brown, who resides at May- fair; Celia T., wife of Fred E. Eldred, city sealer of Chicago; Altieri A., Mrs. Arthur W. Dickin- son, residing south of Jefferson Park; Eva M., Mrs. David Gilliard, of Mayfair; and Isaac J., who resides with his parents. Mr. Huestis has been a supporter of the Re- publican party since its organization, before which time he was a Whig. Fraternally he is connected with Providence Lodge, No. 711, An- cient Free and Accepted Masons, at Jefferson Park, and is a member of the Chicago Society of the Sons of New York. For the past ten years he has been a school trustee, and for some time was notary public. He has gained his success by his own efforts, and is truly a self-made man. He still writes much of the insurance in his lo- cality. He is the owner of considerable property on the West Side in Chicago, and in Jefferson. He is a prominent and representative citizen of the town of his residence, and enjoys the respect of a large circle of acquaintances. ALBERT W. LANDON. GILBERT W. LANDON. Everyone identi- LJ fied with the broad work of humane societies, / | or cognizant of the good they have done, will regret that Albert W. Landon, editor and publisher of The Humane Journal, has passed away. He died at his home in Chicago, February 20, 1897. For many terms Mr. Landon filled with abil- ity the office of secretary of the Illinois Hu- mane Society and the American Humane Asso- ciation. When he resigned it was to broaden the scope of his usefulness, through the medium of The Humane Journal, and his success in this direction has been great. It is to be deplored that after a vigorous campaign of upwards of a quarter of a century, in defense of the dependent of the human race and the helpless of the dumb animal creation, he overtaxed his physical strength. The work which he so ably conducted must be assumed by others, whose accomplish- ments in the future, it is to be hoped, will not fall short of his. Born in the vicinity of Cincinnati, Ohio, May 4, 1840, Mr. Landon was in his fifty-seventh year. At a youthful age he left home to . find a resi- dence in Indianapolis, where he remained ten years. He acquired the printer's trade, becom- ing an adept in job work. His great taste for the art preservative of all arts prompted him to se- cure a more promising field for his efforts. This he sought in the Garden City. He arrived here in 1865 with means enough to establish a busi- ness which for a long time prospered at Nos. 121 and 123 Clark Street, under the style of Landon & Kroff, printers. Ill health eventually caused Mr. Landon to in- hale the invigorating ozone of Minnesota. The Northern Star, a flourishing daily and weekly pub- lication at Minneapolis, became his property. Though not conducive to his health, the Chicago spirit possessed him and the year 1869 found him once more in the bustle and strife of the prosper- ing young metropolis. On his return to Chicago, Mr. Landon invested in real estate, which was A. W. LANDON. rising in value under the influence of a boom, and he acquired money easily. At the time of the Great Chicago Fire he was associated with the late E. M. Haines in the publication of The Legal Adviser. Mr. Haines, whose death occurred a few years since, left an honored name, prominently identified with the State's history. As an indication of the enter- prise evinced by Mr. Landon it may be stated that within ten days after the fire of 1871 he had formed a partnership with a former Cincinnati friend, and under the name of Landon, Boyd & Company, had five steam presses in operation in an old planing mill at the junction of Twelfth and Lumber Streets. The same enthusiasm which resulted in prompt decisions in time of disaster seems to have actuated Mr. Landon as a man of affairs throughout his subsequent career. He was married April 22, 1893, to Mrs. Martha J. Manning, daughter of William McDwine and Ruth A. (Dean) Mc- Dwine. She survives him, and now ably edits The Hii.ma.ne Journal, having taken up the work previous to her husband's illness, thus carrying on a part of his life work. Mr. Landon always voted the Republican ticket. He was identified with Englewood Lodge, No. 690, Ancient Free and Accepted Masons, and was made a life mem- ber April 6, 1893. Before the initial meeting of the Illinois Hu- mane Society, Albert W. Landon's heart was tenderly in the work. He loved all nature and delighted in its cultivation. His mind could brook no abuse of the smallest plant or blossom, while the protection of the dumb animal and the defenseless of the human kind was his constant care. The Stock Yards of Chicago at one time pre- sented an opportunity for faithful, disinterested work in the humane cause. It had to be done without price, without the applause of man. The populace had not been wrought to the point of opposing the flagrant abuses existing there; in fact, it was not generally known that reforms in this quarter were called for. It seems to have been the habit of shippers whose cattle arrived too late on Saturday for market to confine their property in pens through- out Sunday without water. The aim was ad- ditional profit. It was believed that by exciting an abnormal thirst until Monday morning and then giving unlimited quantities of fluid to the parched beasts, just before the opening of busi- ness, the animals would be induced to consume enough to greatly enhance their weight. This inhumane system had been carried on un- interruptedly for years, when Mr. Landon under- took the apparently hopeless task of ending the heartless practice. His crusade in the interest of those who could not speak for themselves brought him to the Stock Yards every Sunday, regardless of inclement weather, and the neglected dumb prisoners were given relief. The righting of a wrong and the consciousness of a good deed done were his reward, and to his niind he was well compensated. Through Mr. Landon's devotion to his friend, the horse ever his pet the city parks to-day af- ford spacious, attractive drinking fountains. Though purely a labor of love, it was not always an easy task to interest public officials in reforms upon the results of which we are now accustomed to look as being a matter of course. Stories might be evolved from the experiences of Mr. Landon, which cover a period of three dec- ades, in his efforts to suppress chicken fighting, coupled with his thrilling adventures among the rough elements of society which fostered the cruel sport. Mr. Landon took with him the benediction of countless friends, who have learned to esteem him for his unselfish devotion to the helpless ones in- cluded in his motto: "We speak for those who cannot speak for themselves." Just before his death, Ferdinand W. Peck said of Mr. Landon: "Mr. Landon has done more for the Humane So- ciety work in Illinois than all others," which expression is echoed by many letters sent to him before he died. The following resolutions in connection with the death of Mr. Landon were adopted by the Board of Directors of the Illinois Humane So- ciety at a meeting held on April 17, 1897: WHEREAS, It has pleased Almighty God tore- A. C. T. PREGLER. 477 move from our midst Albert W. Landon, one of the most useful and honored members of our So- ciety, who by thirty years of faithful toil as founder and publisher of The Humane Journal and other good works, has rendered most valuable service to this Society and to the humane cause in general, therefore be it Resolved, That while we deeply deplore his death, and fully realize that we have lost one of our most valuable members, yet we know that the influence of his life and work will go on, and that his memory will be cherished because of his kindly life and deeds. Resolved, That we extend to the bereaved fam- ily of our departed brother our sincerest sympathy in their affliction. Resolved, That these resolutions be spread upon the records of this Society, and that the secretary be requested to send a copy to the fam- ily of our deceased brother. A true copy of the records. JOHN G. SHORTALL, President. Attest: BELDEN F. CULVER, Secretary. ANTON C T. PREGLER. Gl NTON CLEMENT THOMAS PREGLER, LJ a prominent citizen of Jefferson Township, / I was born September 21, 1849, in Kuntenberg, Bohemia, and is a son of Thomas and Mary (Strachovsky) Pregler, both of whom were na- tives of that country. Thomas Pregler was a son of George Pregler, and was at one time a rev- enue officer of Austria, and afterwards was en- gaged in the mercantile business. He came to America in 1865, his wife being already here, as she and her son Louis emigrated in 1864. After he had lived in America about ten years, he and his son, Anton C., engaged in the grocery busi- ness, which they continued for eighteen years. Thomas Pregler died February 7, 1889, and his wife survived him seven j-ears. They were the parents of three children, namely: Rosa, who married Joseph Novak, and died March 23, 1892; Anton C., the subject of this sketch; and Louis, who died in 1896. Anton Pregler attended the public schools of his native country, and later a business college in Prague. He came to America when he was in his sixteenth year, and upon settling in Chicago, he attended the Foster School two years. When he was about eighteen years old, he began to learn the trade of silver gilding on picture frames and mouldings, which industry he followed six years. Then he entered the grocery trade with his father, as above stated, at No. 440 South Jefferson Street. After several years thus spent, he bought property and erected a building to rent for a summer resort, but he decided to occupy it himself when it was completed. The building is still standing, and is situated on the North Branch of the Chicago River, in Jefferson Township. He owns thirteen acres of land, on which are situated ar park and three picnic grounds, which are made attractive by an artificial pond, stocked with fish, and many cages containing a large variety of animals, such as wolves, foxes, deer and birds. He has provided swings and a merry- go-round for the amusement of children, and everything needed to accommodate the people who patronize the grounds, and to make a successful picnic. They are used mostly by lodges and societies. Mr. Pregler was united in marriage, September 28, 1880, with Miss Julia Raback, daughter of Joseph and Magdalena (Steinbach) Raback, and a native of the same part of Bohemia as himself. 478 THOMAS WHELDON. Joseph Raback was born in Bohemia, and his wife was of German origin. They emigrated to America, settling first in Milwaukee, and later in Chicago, where Mr. Raback died in 1885, and his wife ten years later. Mr. and Mrs. Pregler were both reared in the Roman Catholic Church, and still attend its worship. In politics Mr. Pregler supports the principles of the Republican party. Mr. Pregler has always been much interested in relics and has made a handsome collection of curiosities, among which are many mementoes of the days when this region was occupied by the American Indians. He sent fifteen hundred ar- ticles of interest to the school which he formerly attended in his native land, where they occupy a place of honor, and are much admired and studied. He is a lover of music, and was the founder of the Bohemian Singing Society in Chicago. He is now a member of what is termed the Lyre Singing Society, and was formerly connected with the T. J. Sokol Bohemian Turner Society. He is a man who enjoys social life, and who holds the friendship and good-will of his country- men and friends. THOMAS WHELDON. 'HOMAS WHELDON was bom May 2, 1834, in section 19 of Niles Township, and was a son of James and Sarah (Bins) Wheldon, both natives of England. James Whel- don and his wife emigrated to America in 1832, and settled in Niles Township soon after their arrival, buying a quarter-section of land from the Government when it was put upon the market. At that time the Indians were numerous in this part of the country. He cleared a tract of land for a farm, and built himself a comfortable home, engaging in farming until his death, August 25, 1868. His good wife died January 6, 1862. They had three children, namely: Elizabeth, Sarah and Thomas. Elizabeth became the wife of Joseph Bickerdike, of Jefferson, and is now deceased. Sarah is the widow of John Winter, who died some years ago, and resides in Perry, Iowa. Thomas, the youngest child of his parents, was reared to farm labor, and received only a very limited education, as the schools near the home of his boyhood were few and poor. He inherited the old homestead, and was engaged in its culti- vation all his life, being quite successful. He was also proficient as a veterinary surgeon, and had a large practice, treating the horses and cat- tle of his neighbors. In politics Mr. Wheldon was a Republican, but he refused to accept any public office, though re- peatedly urged to do so. He took a great inter- est in educational matters, and although his own opportunities had been few, he had improved them, and was a competent member of the school board. He also took an active part in church work, adhering to the Methodist Episcopal Church, and being quite liberal in its support. April 29, 1863, Mr. Wheldon married Miss Mary Ann Kay, daughter of Abel and Elizabeth (Paylor) Kay, natives of Yorkshire, England, and early settlers in Cook County. Mr. and Mrs. Wheldon had five sons, but the eldest, James A., died when three years old. Those liv- ing are: Charles A., who is in the employ of Siegel, Cooper & Company, Chicago; Thomas J., a machinist, and a resident of Edison Park; George W. and Joseph Abel, who reside with their mother. Mr. Wheldon died April 17, 1896, and his widow still occupies the old homestead in Niles. LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS COL. E. D. SWAIN (From Photo by W. J. ROOT) E. D. SWAIN. 479 EDGAR DENMAN SWAIN, D. D. S. f~ DGAR DENMAN SWAIN, D. D. S., is en- KS gaged in the practice of dentistry at the I corner of Randolph and State Streets, Chi- cago, and is prominent in both professional and military circles. He was born in Westford, Vt., in August, 1836, and is a son of Dr. Marcus and Charlotte (Woodbury) Swain. On the paternal side he is of Scotch lineage, and on the maternal side is of English descent. The father became a resident of Oshkosh, Wis., in 1857, an d during the war he was appointed Surgeon of the Wis- consin Penitentiary at Waupun. About 1878, he removed to Englewood, 111., and thence to Glen- coe, where his death occurred at the age of sev- enty-nine. His wife died in Waupun, Wis. In their family were four sons and two daughters: Edgar D. of this sketch; Dr. Oliver D., a resi- dent of Chicago; Marcus W., who was killed in a railroad accident in 1862; George A., who died of typhoid fever in the army in the summer of 1863; and Alice M. and Charlotte, both living. The gentleman whose name heads this sketch remained under the parental roof until seventeen years of age, and then left home, going to Wor- cester, Mass., where he worked in a machine- shop. He afterward removed to Saratoga Springs, N. Y., where, in 1855, he began the study of den- tistry. Two years later he became a resident of Wisconsin and began practice in Oshkosh. Sub- sequently he was engaged in the prosecution of his profession in Aurora, 111., and inBatavia, 111. Mr. Swain watched with interest the progress of events which preceded the Civil War, and after the South had attacked Ft. Sumter, he resolved to strike a blow in defense of the Union. He raised a company, and on the 22d of July, 1861, became Captain of Company I, Forty-second Illi- nois Infantry. He was afterward promoted to the rank of Lieutenant-Colonel, in October, 1863, and in 1865 was placed in command" of the Second Brigade, Second Division, Fourth Army Corps. He served until the close of the war, and took part in many important engagements, including the Fremont campaign in Missouri. His was the first regiment to enter Columbus, Ky. , and with his company he took part in the siege of Island No. 10, being largely instrumental in its capture. Under the command of Gen. Polk, he then went to Hamburg, Tenn., and aided in the capture of Corinth. The following summer he was employed in guarding railroads, and in the fall was ordered to report to Gen. Buell, of Nashville, remaining with the command of Gen. Negley in possession of that city during Bragg and Buell' s Kentucky campaign. After the cessation of hostilities his regiment was ordered to Texas for duty. Dr. Swain was finally mustered out in Springfield, 111. , on the 1 2th of January, 1866. He was wounded in the left knee at New Hope Church, Ga. , and for three months his injury would not permit him to engage in active service, but he saw nearly all of the important campaigns of the war west of the Alleghany Mountains, and was in twenty-seven engagements. Dr. Swain's connection with military affairs has since continued, and in army circles he is a leader. In 1877, he became Major of the First Regiment Illinois National Guards, and took part in suppressing the railroad riots of that year. In August he was made Lieutenant- Colonel, and in December, 1877, was promoted to the rank of Colonel, in which capacity he served for four years, 480 WILLIAM HAHNE. when he resigned. He has long been a promi- nent member of the Grand Army of the Re- public, served for three years as Commander of George H. Thomas Post, and for two years was Commander of the Department of Illinois. He has also served as Senior Vice- Commander in Chief of the National Encampment, and is a mem- ber of the military order of the Loyal Legion of the United States. After the war, Dr. Swain began the practice of dentistry in Chicago, and for a time was associated with Dr. Cushing, and afterward with Dr. Noble. Since 1870 he has been alone in practice, and now finds little time for other pursuits. He is an accomplished microscopist and has given much time to the investigation of histology. He was President of the Chicago Dental Society in 1874 and of the Illinois State Dental Society in 1875. He was also Secretary of the latter for two terms, and was Secretary of the Chicago Octontological Society. At present he is Dean of the dental department in the Northwestern University. The degree of D. D. S. was conferred upon him by the Ohio Dental College in March, 1883. Dr. Swain was married in 1869 to Miss Clara Smith, who was born in Kane County, 111. , and is a daughter of Benjamin Smith, one of the pio- neers of Chicago. The Doctor is a close observer and careful student, thorough and industrious in all undertakings, and has steadily risen in his profession until he is numbered among the lead- ing dentists of the city. WILLIAM HAHNE. P wife f Dexter Minard, who is represented elsewhere in this work. The father, George Lucas, was a native of the Buck- eye State, but during his boyhood left his Ohio home, and has since resided in Illinois. By oc- cupation, he is a farmer. His wife is a native of Buffalo, N. Y. , and a daughter of James and Margaret (McMartin) Drummond. To Mr. and Mrs. Hamilton have been born three children, Margaret Florence, Emily Clara and John Emerson, and all are still under the parental roof. In his political views, Mr. Hamilton is a stalwart advocate of Republican principles, and has served as School Trustee of Bremen Town- ship, but has never sought political preferment, desiring rather to give his entire time and atten- tion to his business interests, in which he has met with good success. JOHN McELDOWNEY. (TOHN McELDOWNEY, one of the honored I pioneers of Cook County, has for almost (*) sixty years resided on the site of Chicago Heights, although it was long years after his ar- rival that the town sprang into existence. The history of Cook County as a frontier settlement is well known to him, and the experiences of the pioneer form a part of his record. He was born in Ireland, on the nth of October, 1811. His father, John McEldowney, and his grandfather, who also bore the name of John, likewise were natives of the Emerald Isle. The mother, who in her maidenhood was Martha Caldwell, was born in Ireland, and was a daughter of James and Jane (Moorhead) Caldwell. Mr. McEldowney, the father, was a farmer, and followed that occupation throughout his entire life. In 1832, he crossed the Atlantic to Canada, and in 1836 came to Cook County, 111., where he spent his remaining days, his death occurring on the 2oth of January, 1875. With the Presbyterian Church he held member- ship. His wife was called to her final rest March 5, 1861. They were married in 1810, and became the parents of nine children, namely: John of this sketch; Jane, who was born January 21, 1814, became the wife of Robert Wallace, and died in 1874; James, who was born May 4, 1816, has followed farming throughout his life, and now re- sides in Chicago Heights; Ann, who married John Hughes, and died May 4, 1888; Thomas, born De- cember i, 1821, retired, living in Chicago Heights; Rosana, born May 28, 1822, and who died May 17, 1845, being the first one interred in Bloom Ceme- tery; Catherine J., born June 15, 1824, thewifeof Stewart B. Eakem; Martha, who was born Jan- uary 21, 1827, became the wife of John W. Mor- rison, a minister of Bloom for twenty-five years, and died on the 2d of May, 1894; and Elizabeth, born July 10, 1829, deceased, wife of j'ohn Miller. The eldest member of the family, in whom the readers of this volume are especially interested, well deserves representation in the history of his adopted county. He acquired his education in the public schools, and remained on the Emerald Isle until 1832, when, with his father, he boarded a sailing-vessel and became a resident of Canada. JOHN McELDOWNEY. LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS EVERITTE ST. JOHN. 485 There he began working on a farm, receiving $7 per month for his services. He was thus era- ployed until 1835, when he resolved to seek his home in Illinois, and in the spring of that year started for Chicago. He made the first part of the journey on foot as far as Burlington, Vt., and by way of the Canal and Lakes to Detroit, from whence he came on foot to his destination, a dis- tance of three hundred miles. For two months Mr. McEldowney worked in the New York Hotel stable. He has cut hay where the court house of Chicago now stands, and has witnessed almost the entire growth and devel- opment of Cook County. On the i st of July, 1835, he took up his residence at Thorn Grove, now Chicago Heights, and made a claim of four hun- dred acres of land on sections 28 and 29, Bloom Township, for which he paid the usual Govern- ment price of $1.25 per acre. His first home was a log cabin, built on the site of the present town, and there he lived in true pioneer style. His farming was done with crude machinery, and he worked early and late in order to make a start. His enterprise, perseverance and industry were at length crowned with success, and at one time he was the owner of a very valuable farm of five hundred and twenty acres. He acquired a hand- some competence, which now enables him to rest from business cares. On the 1 5th of July, 1836, Mr. EcEldowney married Miss Ann Wallace, daughter of William and Elizabeth Wallace, and a native of Ireland, born June 4, 1814. They have eight children. Dorothy, who was born March 28, 1838, became the wife of James Hunter, and died June 28, 1870; Mary A., born May 17, 1840, isthewifeof Samuel McDowall, an attorney at law, engaged in practice in Salt Lake City; William J., born June 30, 1843, is President of the Chicago Heights Bank; Martha E., born May 19, 1846, died Feb- ruary 27, 1867; James H. was born May 20, 1848; Margaret J., born May 13, 1850, died on the 6th of July following; Rebecca, born October 8, 185^ is the wife of William J. Campbell, an attorney at law; and Andrew W., born February 6, 1854, completes the family. Since the organization of the party, Mr. Mc- Eldowney has been a stanch Republican in poli- tics, and has been honored with several local offi- ces. He has served as Supervisor, and for the long period of twenty years was Justice of the Peace, proving a capable and efficient officer. In 1886, he was called upon to mourn the loss of his wife, who died on the 7th of September, and was laid to rest in Bloom Cemetery. She was a member of the Presbyterian Church, to which Mr. McEldowney also belongs. His life has been well and worthily passed, and throughout the community in which he has so long made his home he has the high regard of all. EVERITTE ST. JOHN. |~~ VERITTE ST. JOHN, General Manager of ft) the Chicago, Rock Island & Pacific Rail- I road, was born at Sharon, Litchfield County, Conn., February 4, 1844. Both parents were natives of that State and of English lineage. When four years old, his father died, and his mother, though left with a large family of chil- dren, managed to provide for their physical com- fort and gave each a public-school education. Ambitious to begin a career of usefulness, at an early .age the subject of this biography began to earn his livelihood by becoming a clerk for his elder brother, who filled the combined offices of Postmaster, station agent, Town Clerk and gen- 486 EVERITTE ST. JOHN. eral store-keeper of the village. Here, and in his mother's home, were imbibed in a large degree those principles of industry, economy and perse- verance which have characterized the man, and which are essential to the successful management of an extensive railway system, or other large en- terprises. Through the medium of the local gossip, which had its natural center at the village postoffice, he heard much of the success of other young men who had left the Nutmeg State to seek their fortunes in the great West, and becoming inocu- lated with the western fever, at the age of seven- teen years he resigned his position as his broth- er's assistant and went to Quincy, 111. Here he became a clerk in the general ticket office of the Quincy & Toledo Railroad, at a salary of $30 per month. When that road was consolidated with the Great Western Railroad, of Illinois, he was transferred to a similar position at Springfield, with a slight increase of salary. One year later, having received an offer of a better position from the Chicago, Rock Island & Pacific, he came to Chicago, and on the 4th of July, 1863, began his career with that corporation. His steady appli- cation and untiring energy soon attracted the at- tention of his superiors, and secured promotion to a more responsible and lucrative position. Suc- cessively he became Chief Ticket Clerk and Gen- eral Ticket Agent, occupying the latter position for fourteen years. At the expiration of that period, he was appointed General Ticket and Passenger Agent of the road, and six months later became Assistant General Manager, while still holding the former position. In July, 1887, he was made General Manager of the lines east of the Missouri River, and the duties of that office were supple- mented by those of Assistant General Manager of the lines west of the Missouri River. On the ist of April, 1889, he assumed the position of General Manager of the entire system, bringing to the discharge of his duties the ripened experience of a quarter-century of active railroad labors. With the growth and development of the . great West, the Chicago, Rock Island & Pacific Rail- road system has grown, and in many localities has preceded the development of its tributary terri- tory. Mr.St.John has constantly striven to improve and perfect every department, and to that end has devoted much of the time given by others to recreation, having often given, for many years, twelve to fifteen hours per day to his work. His industry has been something phenomenal, and it is a source of wonder to his acquaintances that he has not given way in physical vigor under the assaults made by his own ambition and industry. He is remarkably free from all ostentation and those assumptions of exclusiveness often affected by men in high and responsible positions, and is among the most approachable and genial of men. Having conquered by labor his own elevation, he can sympathize with all who labor, and his latch- string is always out to the humblest employe who has a grievance, or a request to make. As Chairman of the General Managers' Asso- ciation, Mr. St. John bore no small part of the re- sponsibility in overcoming the great sympathetic strike of 1894, i R which the American Railway Union, composed largely of switchmen, and others identified and unidentified with railroad opera- tions, sought to compel the railroads of the country to abandon the use of Pullman cars, be- cause of an alleged grievance of members of the union against the Pullman Palace Car Company. The principle thus sought to be set up being wholly un-American, and not acknowledged by thinking people, the railroads set about carrying on their own business according to existing con- tracts with the Pullman Palace Car Company, and for the accommodation of the traveling pub- lic. The false principle was set up, and an at- tempt made to force the railroads and the public to accept it, that the strikers had a right to pre- vent, even by force, anyone from operating the- roads by fulfilling the duties and service they had left. The General Managers met every emer- gency, and by co-operation soon secured men to operate trains; and the National Government protecting its mails and inter-state commerce, de- lays were averted, and as speedily as possible the resumption of traffic, both passenger and freight, thereby secured. All this was not accomplished until much valuable property, chiefly the cars of the railroads and their freight, belonging to ship- C. H. McCORMICK, JR. 487 pers all over the country, had been destroyed by fires set by strikers and their sympathizers. By their firm position and prompt action in securing the most ready and valuable protection, the Gen- eral Managers won, and received the admiration and thanks of law-abiding people everywhere, and also made mofe certain and intelligible the principle that every American citizen has the right to undertake any honorable employment he wishes, and that no class can rightfully cut off the privileges of the rest of the world to secure its own selfish ends. As Chairman of the Railway Finance Commit- tee of the World's Columbian Exposition, he en- abled that association to add nearly $1,000,000 to its treasury. He has been for years connected with many important railway associations, as fol- lows: Chairman of Executive Committee of the Trans-Missouri Freight Association; Chairman of Western Railroad Weighing Association and Inspection Bureau; Chairman of the Chicago Car Service Association, and a member of the Executive Committee of the Western Freight As- sociation. Mr. St. John was happily married in 1869 to Miss Emilina B. Lamson, of Andover, Mass. They occupy a pleasant home on Rush Street, Chicago, where is stored his library of over one thousand choice volumes. He is a communicant of the Episcopal Church; a member of the Union League Club, and of Waubansee Lodge No. 160, A. F. & A. M. ; Past Eminent Commander of Montjoe Commandery, No. 53, K. T., and ex-President of the Sons of Connecticut. CYRUS HALL McCORMICK, JR. EYRUS HALL McCORMICK, Jr., is the eldest child of the great inventor of the reaper, Cyrus H. McCormick. His mother is Nettie Fowler McCormick. He was born on the i6th of May, 1859, in Washington. D. C., where his parents lived for several months while his father was securing patents on his reaper. At an early age, young McCormick entered the pub- lic schools of Chicago, and at the age of eighteen was graduated from the High School at the head of his class. He at once entered Princeton Col- lege and became a member of the Class of '79. In the autumn following, he entered the business of the McCormick Harvesting Machine Company, and served in several departments in order that he might obtain a knowledge of its various branches. On the death of his father in 1884, he was elected to succeed him as President of the company, and has continued in that position up to the present time. On the 5th of March, 1 889, Mr. McCormick was married at Monterey, Cal., to Miss Harriet Brad- ley Hammond, a niece of Mrs. E. S. Stickney, of Chicago. They have three children, two sons and a daughter. For several years Mr. McCormick has been a director of the Merchants' Loan & Trust Company, of Chicago. Since June, 1889, he has been a member of the Board of Trustees of Princeton Uni- versity. He is also Secretary of the Board of Trustees of McCormick Theological Seminary' of the Presbyterian Church, and was for several years the first Vice-President of the Young Men's Christian Association of Chicago. In the summer of 1889, he spent some time in Paris in the inter- est of the company's exhibits at the International Exposition, and was soon after decorated by the President of France ' 'Officer of the Merite Agri- cole.'" In speaking of this honor, the Courier d' Illinois said: "This is one of but a few instances 4 88 ALBERT WINGATE. where that decoration has been bestowed upon a citizen of the United States, it being rarely con- ferred upon a foreigner." Cyrus H. McCormick, who has inherited many of his father's qualities of head and heart, is a gentleman whose education and business training have fitted him to fill the responsible position to which he has been called. Under his manage- ment, the great manufacturing industry has de- veloped successfully, and its output of harvesting machines is the largest in the world. ALBERT WINGATE. G\ LBERT WINGATE, one of the highly re- LJ spected and prominent citizens of Worth / I Township, was born in Hallowell, Me., June 15, 1817, and is a son of Paine and Mary (Page) Wingate, The family is descended from John Wingate, who was a planter at Hilton's Point, now Dover, N. H., in 1657. He was a native of England, and the founder of the family in Amer- ica. One of his ancestors was the Sheriff who committed the famous John Bunyan, author of "Pilgrim's Progress," tojail. The name Wingate, according to a popular legend, originated with a powerful warrior, who during the siege of an an- cient castle tore its gate from its fastenings and bore it away on his shoulders, thereby allowing his comrades to obtain an entrance. Members of the Wingate family were numerous in many parts of England and Scotland as early as the twelfth century, although the name was spelled in several different ways. They occupied many leading positions, becoming prominent in various walks of life. Descendants of the family were living in Bedfordshire, England, in the early part of the nineteenth century. Descendants of John Win- gate still own his original homestead near Dover, N. H. He became one of the principal house- holders of that place, was a leading and influen- tial citizen, and took an active part in the service during King Philip's War. His second wife, Sarali Wingate, was a daughter of Anthony Tay- lor, a native of England. One of their sons, Joshua Wingate, was born in Hampton, N. H., and became Colonel of a regiment of New Hampshire militia. He took a prominent part in the siege of Louisburg in 1745. He wedded Mary Lunt, and his death occurred in 1769, at the advanced age of ninety years. His wife passed away three years later, also at the age of ninety. Their son Paine, the eldest in the family of eleven children, became a Congregational minister, and for sixty years was pastor of the Second Congregational Church in Amesbury, Mass. He wedded Mary Balch, and his death oc- curred in 1786, aged eighty-three years. His wife also reached that age, passing away in 1789. Joseph, the youngest son of Rev. Paine Wingate, was born in Amesbury, Mass., and about 1800 removed to Hallowell, Me. , where he died in 1826, at the age of seventy-five. His wife, Judith, was a daughter of Elder James Carr. By their mar- riage they became the parents of ten children, of whom the father of the subject of this sketch was the fifth in order of birth. He cleared and de- veloped a farm near Hallowell, where he spent his entire life, being called to the home beyond Jan- uary 12, 1849, in his sixty-third year. The gentleman whose name heads this record spent the days of his boyhood and youth in Hallo- well, and in 1842 emigrated to Cook County, driving across the country with a team. The journey was accomplished in six weeks, and he settled on a farm on section 28, Worth Township, C. H. FELTON. 489 but subsequently removed to section 27, where he now resides. For thirty-four years he lived on the first farm, and placed it under a high state of cultivation, making many excellent improvements upon it. He arrived in Cook County four years before the first school districts were organized, and for several years he held the three offices of Township Treasurer, Township Trustee and School Director. He was one of the leading spirits in the development of the educational in- terests of this locality, and has ever taken a prom- inent part in promoting those enterprises calcu- lated to advance the general welfare. Mr. Wingate was married, June 29, 1842, to Rhoda, daughter of Lowell and Lois Mitchell. She was a native of Chesterville, Me. , and died May 30, 1864, at the age of forty-five years and two months. Mr. and Mrs. Wingate had a fam- ily of five children: Levi Page, who died at the age of four years; Elizabeth, who died at the age of eighteen; Mary Caroline, wife of J. M. Green, of Blue Island; Levi Albert, who is engaged with the Piano Manufacturing Company of West Pull- man; and Mrs. Martha Alice Trumble, of Worth Township. Mr. Wingate cast his first Presidential vote for William Henry Harrison, and is a member of the Chicago Tippecanoe Club. On the organization of the Republican party hejoined its ranks and has since been one of its stalwart supporters. He has also served as Assessor and Highway Commis- sioner of Worth Township, in connection with the other offices before mentioned. He has never failed to keep an obligation or agreement, and al- though constantly in debt for thirty-three years, he was never dunned, sued nor refused a loan, a fact which indicates the confidence and trust re^ posed in his personal integrity. He possesses a remarkable memory, is considered an authority on matters of local history, and his evidence is of- ten required in court, especially on questions per- taining to early surveys and titles to real estate. CHARLES HENRY FELTON. QHARLES HENRY FELTON, one of the 1 1 well-known business men of Chicago, now \J Secretary and Manager of the White Swan Laundry Company (incorporated), was born in Troy, N. Y., February 18, 1840. His ancestors were of English origin, and the founders of the fam- ily in America, who came here in 1636, settled and resided in Salem, Mass. His great-grandfather, Capt. Benjamin Felton, took a prominent part in the Revolutionary War. He was a brave and valiant officer, as well as a highly educated man, and at the close of the war he was appointed Pro- fessor in a college, which position he held until disqualified by old age. He was a leader in Ma- sonic circles, and was an influential citizen, who was honored with several public positions of trust. He lived to be eighty years of age, and was the father of ten children. The grandfather of our subject, Skelton Felton, of Brookfield, Mass. , was a lieutenant in the regu- lar army, receiving his commission from President Madison. He served in the War of 1812; and af- ter its close received a pension for gallant services rendered. He was also a Professor in a college of Massachusetts for a time. Later he removed to Troy, N. Y., and died at the age of sixty -five years. His children were Ainory, Benjamin, Henry, Lucinda, Sarah and Amanda. Only one is now living, who resides in New York. The mother of this family bore the maiden name of Hough ton. Her death occurred in the Empire State at the ripe age of seventy years. 490 C. H. FELTON. Amory Felton, father of Charles Henry j was a native of Brookfield, Mass., born in 1813. From his father he received an excellent education, and at the age of nineteen years was Principal of Dud- ley Academy, Brookfield, Mass. Later, he re- moved to Troy, N. Y., and established the whole- sale grocery house of Felton & Mathews. He af- terward went into the iron business, purchasing the Empire Stove Works. He was very success- ful in this enterprise, and left to his family a for- tune. In 1863, at the age of fifty-one years, he was called to his final rest. He married Nancy Boynton, a native of the Bay State, and a descen- dant of Hughes De Boynton, a Norman baron, who went with William the Conqueror into Eng- land. The manor and lands granted to DeBoynton by William the Conqueror in 1067, in the old Kingdom of Wessex, are still in possession of the family. Her mother reached the very advanced age of one hundred and one. The children of this mar- riage are William, Charles, Herbert and Emma Louise. William resides in Troy, N. Y. Herbert is Division Superintendent of the Philadelphia & Reading Railroad, and a graduate of the Polytech- nic Institute of Troy, N. Y. ; and Emma Louise is the wife of F. K. Lyon, of Dunkirk, N.Y. Mrs. Fel- ton is still living, at the age of seventy-eight. She is a remarkable old lady, in perfect health, and in perfect possession of her faculties; her eyesight, and hearing are good, and no silver threads are yet seen in her hair. Tall and straight, her step is firm and elastic, and she seems not to have passed the prime of life. She is also a well-in- formed lady, extensive reading having made her well informed on the questions of the day. Mr. Felton whose name heads this record ^yas educated in the common schools of Troy, N. Y., and in Bennington Seminary, of Bennington, Vt., from which he was graduated at the age of nine- teen. During his school days, he manifested a restless spirit, longing to be a locomotive engineer, and would often run away from school, get aboard a locomotive, and try to run it. On completing his education, he remained at home for a while, and then went to Marion, Ala. , where he remained for one year. Later we find him in Selma, Ala., where he obtained employment in a jewelry store. About a year later, as the War of the Rebellion was approaching, and his sympathies were with the North, his residence in the South be- came, in consequence, very unpleasant. He there- fore decided to come to Chicago, and on his ar- rival here, he entered the employ of A. H. Miller & Co., the leading jewelry firm of the city at that time. With them he remained until February, 1862, when he enlisted in Battery L of the Second Illinois Light Artillery, then located at Camp Douglas. . " The company was soon ordered to the front, and went to St. Louis, where it received its equip- ment, and from there was ordered to Pittsburg Landing, to reinforce Gen. Grant, but arrived too late to take part in the great battle which occurred at that place. They were actively engaged in the campaign which soon followed under Gens. Grant and Halleck, when they advanced on Corinth, and in the battles of the Grant campaign, including the battles around Memphis and at Jackson, Tenn., Bolivar and Holly Springs, Miss. After re-organizing at Memphis for the siege of Vicks- burg, Mr. Felton' s company was sent to Lake Providence, La. , and from this point they started on their march through the interior to Grand Gulf, where they crossed the Mississippi River be- low Vicksburg. Then followed the battles of Raymond, Champion Hills, Big Black River, and the siege of Vicksburg, in which Mr. Felton took part. During the campaign, he received several promotions for gallant services, until he reached the rank of Senior First Lieutenant, and Adjutant of Artillery of the District of Vicksburg, which comprised Vicksburg, Natchez and Milliken's Bend; then followed his promotion as First Assist- ant Provost-Marshal of the city of Vicksburg. About this time, Mr. Felton was recommended by Gen. Logan, of Illinois, and Gen. M. D. Legget, of Ohio, for the position of Adjutant of Artillery on Gen. Grant's staff, the place being then vacant; but as the war was now drawing to a close, he de- cided to resign, but did not do so till all the rebel armies had surrendered, when he returned to Chicago. On the 25th of September, 1865, in Albany, N. Y. , Mr. Felton married Miss Lizzie R. Borthwick, C. P. HUEY. 491 who had been his playmate in early childhood. She is a daughter of Alexander Hamilton and Rachael (Esm6) Borthwick, the former a leading and successful merchant of Albany. Her grand- father was a grandson of Lord Borthwick, of Grands Hall, Scotland. Her ancestors were Scotch-French, and her maternal grandfather was an officer in the French army and came to Amer- ica with Gen. La Fayette. Mrs. Felton was born in Albany, N. Y., and there resided until the age of fourteen. The three succeeding years of her life were passed in a college for young ladies in Lyons, Iowa, and after graduating she returned to her native city. Mrs. Felton is a linguist and a vo- calist of some note, having studied under the best teachers in America and Europe. In 1865, soon after Mr. Felton left the army, he re-entered the service of A. H. Miller &Co., with whom he continued until 1870, when he en- gaged in the railroad business. He was appointed contracting agent of the Empire Freight Line, which was a part of the Pennsylvania system, and to the duties of that position devoted his energies for ten years, when he became general agent of the Merchants' Dispatch Dairy Line (having charge of the territory west of the Mississippi River) of the New York Central System, in which capacity he served for two years. In 1882 Mr. Felton purchased one of the largest steam laundries in Chicago, successfully conduct- ing the same until 1884, when, accompanied by Mrs. Felton, he went to Europe and located in London, England. He there embarked in the man- ufacture of laundry machinery, and did a prosper- ous business for three years, when he became a financial agent, and dealt in all kinds of Ameri- can enterprises and investment securities. With this business he was connected for five years, and was again very successful. During this period, in company with his wife, he visited and resided in some of the principal cities of Europe. In 1892, he returned to Chicago, and soon after secured an extensive interest in the White Swan Laundry, one of the largest in the city. This corporation, of which he is now Secretary and Manager, is doing a very prosperous business. Mr. Felton is a very energetic and capable man, yet modest and unas- suming, polite and courteous, intelligent and well informed. His views are broad, his understand- ing having been well developed by travel and ex- perience. He is domestic in his tastes, very fond of music, and an admirer of the opera and art. In religious belief, he is independent, and in his political views is a Republican. He keeps abreast with the times in all things, and is well posted on the leading questions of the day. We predict for him the same success in the future, that has crowned his efforts in the past. CHARLES P. HUEY. EHARLES P. HUEY, who is successfully en- gaged in the practice of law in Harvey, re- ceiving a liberal patronage, was born in Cape Town, Cape Colony, October 3, 1849. His fa- ther, Robert T. Huey, was born and reared in Halifax, Nova Scotia, where he made his home until the age of thirty -five, when he entered the British service and became a soldier in the Colonial army. He was sent with his command to South Africa, and reached Cape Town about 1838. In that place he was united in marriage with Wil- helmiiia Thomas. At the close of the war he was discharged from the service and returned to Cape Town, from whence he afterwards removed to Port Elizabeth, on the extreme southern coast of Cape Colony, where with his family he resided 492 C. P. HUEY. for many years, engaged in trading and in various business pursuits. He finally engaged in mer- chandising, and in the interests of that business, and partly for recreation, departed for Liver- pool in 1860. He took passage on a sailing-ves- sel, which was never heard from again, and is supposed to have sunk in mid-ocean, not a pas- senger escaping to tell the tale of the disaster. He left a wife and six children. Anna, the eldest, became the wife of Samuel Slaughter, who is now serving as a County Assessor in southern Utah; Mary is married and resides in northern Mon- tana; Charles is the next younger; Leonard is in the railway service and resides in southern Colo- rado; Nellie is the wife of Ernest H. Price, of Fresno, Cal. ; and Walter resides in the same State. Charles P. Huey began his education in the private schools of Port Elizabeth, which he at- tended until nine years of age, after which he spent two years in the Gray Institute, a large and most excellent school. At the age of ten years he began the study of Latin. When a child of eleven summers he accompanied the family to America, locating in Salt Lake City, where he attended St. Mark's Grammar School, an Epis- copal institution of learning, for two years. At the age of nineteen he entered a printing-office and worked as a compositor until 1872, becoming an expert printer. He learned so rapidly that in half the usual time he had completed the regular apprenticeship and was made a journeyman. He then, until the fall of 1873, was engaged in the newspaper and publishing business, and during a part of the time assisted John C. Young, a nephew of Brigham Young, in the publication of a local paper, which was opposed to the system of polyg- amy, and was really the beginning of the great opposition developed in Utah against the system. So bitter was the opposition of the Mormon lead- ers, that the printing establishment was once broken up by a mob and Mr. Young assaulted. In the fall of 1873, Mr. Huey became a student in the law department of the University of Michi- gan at Ann Arbor, pursuing a two-years course, and graduating with honor in the Class of '75. He at once began practice in Salt Lake City, and soon acquired prominence in the prosecution of the case of the United States against Rossiter, a prominent Mormon in the employ of Brigham Young, who was bound over under the Poland Law to keep the peace for having threatened with violence John C. Young, the old friend and asso- ciate of Mr. Huey, and who was then local editor of the Salt Lake Tribune, the leading Gentile paper of the city. The case, under the advice of Mr. Huey, was prosecuted before Mr. Pratt, United States Commissioner, who held the accused under bonds. The prisoner's counsel, one of the lead- ing lawyers of Salt Lake City, and attorney for the Mormon Church, appealed to the United States District Court for discharge, under writ of habeas corpus, which, after an able argument by Mr. Huey in opposition to the release, and argu- ments in its behalf by the prisoner's counsel, was denied by the Chief Justice, and the prisoner re- manded to the custody of the United States Mar- shal. Mr. Huey's maiden speech at the Bar won the first signal victory for the anti-polygamist un- der the Poland Law and gained him a well-de- served prominence. He continued in practice in Salt Lake City until 1882. In 1878, Mr. Huey wedded MaryJ. McFerren, of Hoopeston, 111., and in 1882, on account of his wife's health, removed to Hoopeston, where he practiced law for some time, but was mostly en- gaged in the banking business for six years, in company with his brother-in-law, J. S. McFerren, who is President and chief owner of the First National Bank of Hoopeston. Mr. Huey served as Assistant Cashier until 1889, when he resumed law practice, and also for a year published the Hoopeston Sentinel. He also founded and pub- lished the Danville Sentinel, and in March, 1892, came to Harvey, where for a few months he edited the Harvey Citizen. In the same year, however, he retired from the newspaper field, and has since successfully engaged in law practice. In politics, Mr. Huey is a Republican, but at local elections subordinates party to the best in- terests of the town, laboring with other promi- nent citizens for temperance, good government, and the material interests of this thriving suburb. He now holds the office of City Attorney. He is PLEASANT AMICK. 493 a r,:ember of the Episcopal Church, and an active James J., who is now nine years of age. Mr. member of Dirigo Lodge No. 399, K. P., which he represented in the State Grand Lodge at Spring- Seld. He has taken the highest degree in the Odd Fellows' fraternity, and has passed all the chairs in the local lodge. He has only one child, Huey is recognized as one of the most prominent and progressive citizens of Harvey, and in the history of his adopted county he well deserves mention. PLEASANT AMICK. 1"^ LEAS ANT AMICK, a pioneer of northern LX Illinois, now engaged in the real-estate busi- t& ness in Chicago, has for some years been con- nected with the business and official interests of this city, and is recognized as one of its represen- tative men. He was born near Diamond Lake, Cass County, Mich., October 14, 1834, and is a son of Jacob and Rachel (Corron) Amick, natives of Virginia. They removed to Cass County, Mich. , previous to 1830. The Amick family is of German origin, and the ancestors were among the pioneer settlers of Pennsylvania. Members of the family afterward removed to the Old Domin- ion, and Jacob Amick was born near the Natural Bridge in Virginia. The Corron family is Eng- lish, and its founders in America settled in Vir- ginia. The mother of Mrs. Rachel Amick was a daughter of James Pinnell, Jr., who came from Lambeth, London. One of his uncles, Rev. Robert Pinnell, served as rector of a church for more than half a century in one of the parishes near London. In 1835, Jacob Amick removed with his family to Illinois and located on a farm in Kane County, becoming one of the first settlers of that locality. He was a cooper by trade, and carried on that bus- iness in connection with farming. He was the in- ventor of the grapevine cradle-swath. In 1844, he removed to Chicago, where he engaged in the manufacture of scythes and grain-cradles until 1849, when he went overland to California. There his death occurred, October 25, 1850, at the age of forty-eight years, resulting from an attack of cholera. He was an old-time Abolitionist, being identified with the movement from the beginning, and left Virginia on account of the slavery there tolerated. He was distinguished for his strong convictions and devotion to principle, and had the confidence of all who knew him. He held mem- bership with the Tabernacle Baptist Church, now the Second Baptist Church of Chicago, the house of worship being then located on La Salle, between Washington and Randolph Streets. His wife, who was a member of the same church, passed away in 1878, at the age of seventy-two. Of their children, one died in infancy; Mary Elizabeth be- came the wife of Alanson Miller, and died of chol- era in Chicago in 1852; Martha, deceased, was the wife of Joseph Shaw; Pleasant is the next younger; Hiram, who is now living in California, was a member of the Mercantile Battery of Chicago, and for a number of years was Secretary of the Fire Department of Chicago; Myron J., who for many years was a member of the United States army, and did much scouting duty during the Great Rebellion, now resides in New York City. The gentleman whose name heads this record was in his tenth year when the family located in Chicago. The house built by his father in 1844 on Curtis Street is still standing. Pleasant Amick, 494 H. T. BYFORD. his wife, and afterward two of their children, at- tended the Scammon School on Madison Street, the first free-school building in the West Division, of which Prof. A. D. Sturtevant was the Principal, and Pleasant was afterward a pupil in Gleason's Academy. At the age of fifteen he became a clerk in a grocery- store on Clark Street owned by T. B. Doggett, with whom he continued until 1855, when he embarked in business for himself as a member of the firm of Leybourn & Amick, grocers. In 1859, they sold out, and during the war Mr. Amick served as enrolling officer under Col. William James, of Chicago. In 1864, he was elected Tax Collector for the West Division, on the same ticket with Abraham Lincoln, and served two years. In 1866, he embarked in the real- estate business, which he has followed almost con- tinuously since, being considered one of the best judges of real-estate values in the city. During the three succeeding years he served as City As- sessor, and in 1880 and 1881 he was Assessor of ihe Town of West Chicago. For fourteen years he was in the tax department of the West Division, serving in various capacities. On the 1 5th of November, 1854, Mr. Amick was joined in wedlock with Julia S. Bishop, a na- tive of Lewis, Essex County, N. Y., and to them have been born three children: Frank S., a real- estate dealer of Chicago; J. Stella; and Mamie, who died at the age of three and a-half years. Mr. Amick was reared in the faith of the Bap- tist Church, but now holds membership with no religious organization. He is a member of Columbian Lodge No. 819, A. F. & A. M., of Lawndale, and in politics he has been a stalwart Republican since the organization of the party. He is a gentleman of genial and pleasant manner, has an extensive acquaintance among the earlier settlers of Chicago, and feels a keen and abiding interest in their early history. His long residence here makes him familiar with much of its devel- opment, and in the work of advancement he has ever borne his part. HENRY TURMAN BYFORD, M. D. HENRY TURMAN BYFORD, M. D., Profes- sor of Gynecology in the College of Physi- cians and Surgeons of Chicago, and in the Chicago Post-Graduate Medical School, and of Clinical Gynecology in the Woman's Medical College of Chicago, and ex-President of the Chi- cago Gynecological Society, is a native of Evans- ville, Ind., born on the I2th of November, 1853. He is the second and only surviving son of the late Dr. William Heath Byford, of Chicago, and Mary Ann Byford, his wife, the latter a daughter of Hezekiah Holland, a physician of Mt. Vernon, Ind., and sister of a physician, Andrew Holland. Dr. William H. Byford, the pioneer gynecol- ogist of Chicago, was a man whose intelligence and culture, extended observation and experience, fitted him to fully appreciate the benefits of edu- cation, proper environment and morality upon the young, and took such measures as afforded his sons ample opportunity to enjoy them and to pre- pare to enter one of the learned professions. The subject of this sketch obtained in the pub- lic schools of Chicago his primary education, and at the age of twelve had completed a large portion of the public-school course. He then accompa- nied his elder brother to Europe, where he spent four years (1865-1868) in travel and study. At Berlin, he learned French and German, and also took a full regular classical course including Lat- in and Greek. It would seem that under the H. T. BYFORD. 495 circumstances he would have labored under in- surmountable difficulties in competition with the pupils of native birth, but at graduation he took prizes in divinity and also in German composition. Upon his return to the United States, Dr. By- ford matriculated in the University of Chicago, where he contemplated taking higher honors in the classics; but discovering a preference for the sciences, he. entered the scientific department of Williston Seminary in East Hampton, Mass. , from which he was graduated in the year 1870. En- tering the Chicago Medical College, he took a three-years course, which he completed in 1873, graduating as valedictorian of his class. It is a matter worthy of remark that the college records show that he was marked one hundred per cent, in all branches of medicine taught, except diseases of the eye and ear, which at that time did not re- ceive so much attention as at the present date. During his second year lie attended the lectures and demonstrations given to the senior class, and at the end of the year passed a successful exami- nation in all branches and fairly won the position of interne in Mercy Hospital. The serious illness of his brother in Louisiana requiring Dr. Byford's presence there, interrupted his hospital course, and prevented his delivering the valedictory address to his class at graduation. Although absent from the commencement exer- cises, his extraordinary proficiency and excep- tional standing were distinctly recognized by the faculty, which granted him his degree of Doctor of Medicine without examination, a very unusual act, but one which the circumstances of the case fully justified. One condition was attached to the granting of the degree, and that was that the young graduate, then hardly twenty years of age, should not enter the active practice of medicine un- til he had attained his majority. This was done out of regard for the ethics of the profession, which does not encourage the practice of medicine by minors, however proficient. The interim between graduation and the attain- ment of his majority was spent by Dr. Byford in at- tendance upon his brother in Colorado, where he had the satisfaction of seeing him recover. Declin- ing his father's proffered partnership, the young physician thought it best to begin professional life independently, and associated himself with his col- lege friend, Dr. J. A. St. John, opening an office in one of the less fashionable districts of the city. The brilliant promise of future success which had appeared in the student was fully realized in the practitioner. He was energetic, competent, pop- ular, and successful from the first. In 1879, he visited Europe a second time, and for a year and a-half devoted his time about equally to study in the hospitals and travel for pleasure. On his return to Chicago, Dr. Byford associated himself with his father, and directed his attention principally to obstetrics and the diseases of women and ehildren, working steadily toward his life ob- ject the diseases of women and abdominal sur- gery. Although busy with his private practice he has not spent his whole time therein. He has been Curator in the museum of the Chicago Medi- cal College, lecturer on diseases of children in the Chicago Medical College, and lecturer on obstet- rics in Rush Medical College. These positions, however, were relinquished on account of their requiring time that he could not spare from his favorite study and specialty. In December, 1888, he received the appointment to the chair of Gynecology in the Chicago Post-Graduate Medi- cal School, of which he is one of the founders; and the following year he was chosen Professor of Clinical Gynecology in the Woman's Medical College, and upon the death of A. Reeves Jack- son, in 1892, was elected Professor of Gynecology in the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Chi- cago. He has also been Gynecologist to St. Luke's Hospital for several years past and surgeon to the Woman's Hospital. He is a member of the American Medical Association, Illinois State Medical Association, of the American Gynecolog- ical Society, of the Chicago Medical Society, the Chicago Gynecological Society (of which he was President in 1887), of the Chicago Academy of Medicine, and the Chicago Medico-Legal Society. Dr. Byford is known throughout the United States as one of the most original and progressive men in his specialties, and has originated a num- ber of operations which have been approved and adopted by medical practitioners generally. 496 J. A. MACK. Among these are inguinal suspension of the blad- der, shortening of the sacro-uteiine ligaments, bi- lateral anterior elytroirhaphy, subcutaneous peri- neal tenotomy and the vaginal fixation and vaginal drainage of the stump in abdominal hysterectomy. Not only surgical operations, but also surgical instruments, have been the objects of Dr. Byford's study, and of these latter he has originated many new forms of greater utility tiian their predeces- sors that are in daily use and called by his name. As a clinical and didactic lecturer he has been very successful, and as a writer on medical topics is able and voluminous. He was one of the edi- tors of "Byford's Diseases of Women," a treatise originally by his father, one of the authors of the "American Text Book of Gynecology," and also of ' 'A Treatise on Diseases of Women, by Emi- nent American Teachers. ' ' While in Paris, Dr. Byford was a student at the school of Julian, where he studied drawing of the human figure. From other artists of Europe he learned landscape-painting from nature, and now seeks recreation in the study of art and the treas- ures of literature. On the Qth of November, 1882, Dr. Byford married Mrs. Lucy L- Richard, a daughter of Frederick learned, who was a near relative of N. P. Willis. They have four children, Genevieve, Mary, Heath Turman and William Holland. REV. JOSIAH AUGUSTUS MACK. REV. JOSIAH AUGUSTUS MACK, Gen- eral Secretary and Manager of the Chicago Bible Society, was born in Gilead, Tolland, County, Conn., on the 4th of July, 1828, and isa son of Ela Augustus and Esther (Cone) Mack, who were also natives of Gilead, and came of old New England families. The father was adopted in his infancy by a man bearing the name of Mack, which became his surname, although his own father was named Gillette. The father of Mrs. Esther Mack, John Cone, was killed, dur- ing her childhood, by the accidental explosion of a cannon on one of the training days of the Con- necticut militia. E. A. Mack served as Captain of a company of militia, and made farming his oc- cupation through life. He died at the age of forty-six years, and his wife passed away in Chi- cago at the advanced age of eighty-seven. They came to Illinois in 1836, and the journey by way of the Erie Canal and the Great Lakes covered a period of six weeks. The family settled on a claim near the Fox River, iu Kane County, after- ward purchasing the land of the United States Government, and for several years they lived the typical frontier life. Later they removed to Ba- tavia, 111. Josiah A. Mack acquired his early education in the district schools, then the only educational in- stitutions. Afterward he attended a boarding- school in Batavia for several terms. At the age of eighteen he began clerking in a general store in Batavia, and three years later entered into part- nership with his uncle in the same business. After two years he yielded to the desire for Christian work and became agent for the Ameri- can Bible Society, and in that capacity labored in northern Illinois for three years. This occupa- tion gave him experience and training for public speaking and determined him to enter the Chris- tian ministry. A college course being out of the question, he took up the study of theology with Dr. William E. Merriman, who afterward became President of Ripon College, at Ripon, Wis. After studying for one year, Mr. Mack was REUBEN LUDLAM. 497 licensed to preach by the Elgin Association of Congregational Churches, and in 1839 he ac- cepted his first pastorate at Udina, 111., where he was ordained by a special council, Rev. N. C. Clark preaching the sermon. He was later called to Plainfield, where he labored with growing suc- cess for four years. When the war broke out he took an active interest in organizing troops for the service, and during the struggle was sent to Helena, Ark., as a representative of the Christian Commission. There he engaged in Christian work among the soldiers and colored people. He spent some further time in the South for the ben- efit of his health, which had broken down under his labors at Peoria, in the First Congregational Church of that city. He held pastorates also at Moline and other points in Illinois, and in 1876 was called to his native town in Connecticut, where he served as pastor of the church for over six years. In 1883 Rev. Mr Mack returned to Illinois and became General Secretary and Agent for the Chi- cago Bible Society, in which service he continues. Under his management the receipts of the society have increased from $2, oooto$i4,ooo per annum. In 1889 the society was reorganized and special provision made for a Bible-work department, in which fifteen to twenty young women have been employed, and the force is increased as fast as means justify. This work is undenominational, and the society is supported by benevolent con- tributions. It has been in existence for over fifty years, and is managed on the broad basis of the fatherhood of God and the brotherhood of man. Mr. Mack was united in marriage in 1850 with Eliza Sophia Towne, a native of Troy. N. Y. and a daughter of Deacon Silvanus Towne, of Batavia, 111. To them were born six children who grew to maturity. Emily Eliza, wife of George C. Clark, of Peoria, 111.; Charles Augus- tus, pastor of the Congregational Church at Ran- toul, 111.; Mary L-, wife of Charles Alden Smith, Principal of the preparatory school at Lake Forest University; William Howard, of Philadelphia, Pa. ; Fannie Cone and Rose C. Mr. Mack has always taken an intelligent in- terest in political and other public interests, though he is not a partisan politician. Growing up among the people, and earnestly sympathizing with what- ever makes for good government and mutual con- fidence, he has cast his vote and given his influ- ence in ways promotive of these ends. His good judgment and conscientious labors have been of inestimable value to the cause with which he is identified, while his genial, pleasant manner has won him many warm personal friends. REUBEN LUDLAM, M. D. REUBEN UJDLAM, M. D., one of the fore- most physicians, surgeons and medical writers in the Northwest, was born in Camden, N. ]., on the yth of October, 1831. His parents, natives of New Jersey, were descended from early Colonial immigrants. His father, Dr. Jacob W. Ludlam, an eminent physician, spent his earlier years in the East, but removed with his family to Illinois in 1856, and died in Evanston in 1858, after a long life spent in alleviating the sufferings of humanity. His widow, Mrs. Mary Ludlam, now eighty-six years of age, still resides in Evanston. Reuben Ludlam's inherited tendencies and early training led him to follow in the professional foot- steps of his father. In his childhood he was ac- customed to accompany his father in his daily round of visits, and took great interest in the cases 498 REUBEN LUDLAM. lie saw. His studious habits and thoughtful na- ture caused his rapid advancement at school, and at the age of nineteen he was graduated from the old academy at Bridget on, N. J., with the highest honors of his class. At the age of sixteen he be- gan the study of medicine in his father's office, and when qualified matriculated at the University of Pennsylvania (where his father had received his medical education) , finished the curriculum, and was graduated therein in 1852. He had spent six years in preparation for the practice of his chosen profession. Soon after receiving his diploma, Dr. Ludlam came to Chicago. He was a young man fresh from the influences of the regular or allopathic school of teachers, but he did not allow his train- ing or environment to overbalance his judgment, and after weighing the doctrines of Hahnemann, the great founder of homeopathy, with care and conscientious attention, he decided they were largely true and should be adopted. To renounce the teachings of those he had learned to re- spect for their great knowledge of the healing art was a matter that required a great effort, but, his mind once made up, he was equal to the effort, embraced the new theory of medicine and became a practitioner of the new school. In 1859, the Hahnemann Medical College of Chicago was or- ganized, and he was chosen to fill the chair of physiology, pathology and clinical medicine therein. On account of the high degree of skill he showed in those branches, he was transferred, four years later, to the chair of obstetrics and the dis- eases of women and children. He was made Professor of the Medical and Surgical Diseases of Women a few years later, and elected Dean of the college faculty. In each of these capacities he rendered inestimable service, and his cheerful and attentive manner endeared him to all who came within the circle of his acquaintance. For twenty-five years he was Dean of the faculty, and resigned that place to become President of the college and hospital in 1891, which office he still holds. From the first Dr. Ludlam gave very close at- tention to gynecology, and after exhausting the opportunities of this country he made four medi- cal journeys to Europe, where he spent some years in hard study and painstaking labor in order to make himself complete master of the subject. As might be expected from the man and from the ef- fort, his success was abundant and almost beyond belief. In the department of uterine surgery, his services in difficult operations are constantly in demand throughout the Northwest, and as a con- sulting authority his ability is recognized wherever he is known. Dr. Ludlam was chosen President of the Amer- ican Institute of Homeopathy, the oldest National Medical Society in America, in 1869, and presided over its deliberations at Boston, and delivered the annual oration, entitled "The Relation of Wo- man to Homeopathy." He was also elected President of the Chicago Academy of Medicine, of the Illinois Homeopathic Medical Society, and the Western Institute of Homeopathy. In 1870, he was offered, but declined, the position of Physician in Chief of the Woman's Homeopathic Infirmary of New York City, and that of Professor of Obstet- rics and Diseases of Women and Children in the New York Homeopathic Medical College. The confusion and almost total disorganization of mercantile and social functions that succeeded the great fire of 1871, made it necessary to or- ganize a Relief and Aid Society for attending the sick and homeless, who otherwise would have been left to suffer, and in many cases to die, for want of medical attention. Dr. Ludlam was one of the physicans who with tireless gener- osity devoted their best efforts toward the relief of suffering without pay or hope of reward. In 1877 the State Board of Health was organized, and Gov. Cullom, recognizing Dr. Ludlam 's fit- ness for the place, appointed him a member of the Board. He was twice re-appointed and his service extended over a period of fifteen consecutive years. Although Dr. Ludlam is so well known as a physician and surgeon, it seems probable that he is best known, to the reading and professional world at least, as a writer. For six years, begin- ning in 1860, he was editorially connected with the North American Journal of Homeopathy, publish- ed in New York, and for nine years with the United States Medical and Surgical Journal, pub- LIBRARY OF THE ONIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS STEPHEN D. JONES (From Photo by W. J. ROOT) S. D. JONES 499 lished in Chicago. Since 1879, he has been edi- tor of the Cliniqttc, a monthly abstract of the work of the Clinical Society and the Hahnemann Hospital. His paper entitled "Clinical Observa- tions Based on Five Hundred Abdominal Sec- tions," was one the most important contributions to this paper. In 1871 his great work entitled "Clinical and Didactic Lectures on Diseases of Women' ' was published, and is now in its seven- teenth edition. It is an octavo of over one thous- and pages, employed as a text-book in all home- opathic colleges, and is an acknowledged author- ity among homeopathic physicians both in Amer- ica and Europe. This work has been trans- lated into French, and has equally as high a standing among the physicians of continental Europe as among the English-speaking med- ical practitioners. In 1863, Dr. Ludlam brought out a volume entitled "A Course of Clinical Lectures on Diphtheria," which was the first work of a purely medical character ever pub- lished in Chicago and the Northwest. In 1880, in return for the compliment paid him by the translation of one of his volumes into French, Dr. Ludlam rendered into English a valuable work by Dr. Jousset, of Paris, entitled "A Volume of Lectures on Clinical Medicine." Dr. Ludlam has been twice married. His first wife was Anna M. Porter, of Greenwich, N. J., who died three years after her marriage. His second wife was Harriet G. Parvin. They have one son, Dr. Reuben Ludlam, Jr., a young man ot ability, whose education and habits have enabled him to be of assistance to his father in the perform- ance of his multifarious labors, as well as to estab- lish for himself an enviable reputation as a prac- titioner. Dr. Ludlam is an untiring worker, an enthusiastic student and an accomplished linguist. He is social and a very entertaining conversa- tionalist, whose fund of humor and anecdote en- riches his instructive familiar discourse. As a writer he is forceful, graceful and lucid, and as a physician he stands in the front rank. STEPHEN DECATUR JONES. (STEPHEN DECATUR JONES, a worthy ?\ representative of one of the pioneer families Q) of Cook County, now resides in Blue Island, where he is engaged in business as a dealer in con- fectionery, stationery, etc. This is the place of his nativity, for his birth here occurred on the 23d of October, 1846. His parents were Stephen and Martha (Crandall) Jones. His father, who was a native of Broome County, N. Y., born No- vembers, 1806, died in Blue Island, June 14, 1851. His ancestors were early settlers of the Empire State, and took part in the War of the Revolu- tion. Mrs. Jones was born in Westford, Chit- tenden County, Vt., on the ist of November, 1808, and died in Blue Island on the 5th of Au- gust, 1890. Stephen Jones came to Blue Island in 1 836, being one of three who in that year lo- cated there. He opened a wagon-shop, and car- ried on that line of business most of the time un- til his death. His wife came to Cook County in 1836, and the following year they were married. Three children of the six who were born of their union survived the period of infancy: Eda Ann, who was the first white child born in the village which is now her home; Stephen D. of this sketch; and Alice A., now the wife of C. A. Roberts, of Pasadena, Cal. The mother was one of the orig- inal members of the Universalist Church of Blue Island, and in many other ways the family was con- nected with the early history of this community. 500 J. P. YOUNG. The gentleman whose name heads this record was reared and educated in his native town, and at the early age of sixteen years started out in life for himself. He began to earn his livelihood by working at the carpenter's trade, which he fol- lowed in this locality until 1868, when he went to Brushton, Franklin County, N. Y., where he engaged in farming. In 1872, he returned to Blue Island, and followed his trade until 1880, when he embarked in his present line of business. He earnestly desires to please his customers, and his courteous treatment and straightforward deal- ing have won him the confidence and respect of all. On the i2th of September, 1871, Mr. Jones was joined in wedlock with Miss Martha Slate, daugh- ter of Charles P. and Ann (McElwain) Slate, of Bangor, N. Y. The lady, who was born in Ft. Covington, N. Y. , April 24, 1849, was a member of the Universalist Church, and died in Blue Island, December 17, 1893, at the age of forty-four years. In the family were five children, but two died in infancy. Those still living are Emma Alice, Asa Charles and Martha Lillian. Mr. Jones .was one of the original members of the Universalist Church of Blue Island, and has ever identified himself with those interests calcu- lated to improve the community and promote the general welfare. Socially, he is a member of the Masonic fraternity, the Royal Arcanum and the Knights of the Maccabees. In politics, he was formerly a supporter of the Republican party, but now affiliates with the Democracy. For two terms he served as Clerk of Worth Township. He is a man of upright character, of a pleasant and accom- modating spirit and manner, and has the high re- gard of all who know him. He can recall many interesting reminiscences of the early days in Blue Island, and may well be numbered among her pioneer settlers. JOSHUA PALMER YOUNG. (JOSHUA PALMER YOUNG, an honored I pioneer of Chicago and Blue Island, was born \2) in Brockport, Monroe County, N. Y., on the i8th of March, 1818, and is a son of Eli M. and Temperance (Palmer) Young. Their family num- bered four children: Eli, a resident farmer of Brockport, N. Y. ; William, who died in Morgan- ville, N. Y.; Joshua P. of this sketch; and Reu- ben, who died in Williamston, Mich. The father of this family was killed by a falling tree, when Joshua was about six years old, and his wife died several years later. Soon after the father's death the family became scattered. Joshua was adopted by a Mr. Staples, a farmer residing near Brockport, who treated him kindly and gave him fair educational ad- vantages. When he had attained his majority he began life for himself as clerk in a store in his na- tive town, and later engaged in teaching school. On the isth of January, 1845, Mr. Young was united in marriage with Miss Louisa J. Spencer, daughter of Oliver and Electa Spencer, of Sweden, N. Y. The grandfather of the subject of this sketch and the grandfather of Mrs. Young were Revolutionary soldiers, and were quartered at New London, Conn., at the time that place was sacked by Gen. Arnold; but having been sent out on an expedition some distance from the town, they es- caped capture. The young couple began their domestic life upon a farm near Sweden, N. Y., where they resided until 1848, which year wit- nessed their removal westward. Taking up their residence in Chicago, Mr. Young here embarked in business. He built the first house on the West H. H. MASSEY. Side, south of Polk Street, and in 1856 he pur- chased eighty acres of land, comprising a part of the present site of Blue Island, which tract lay between Western and Maple Avenues, and in- cluded the most valuable portions of the present village, extending from Vermont to Burr Oak Streets. During the next four years he made his home thereon, devoting his time and attention to the improvement of his purchase, after which he returned to Chicago and engaged in the produce commission business at Market and Lake Streets, being thus employed until after the death of his wife. Mrs. Young passed away in Chicago in Oc- tober, 1863. She was a member of the Congre gational Church, and was highly esteemed for her many excellencies of character. She left two chil- dren, and one had died in infancy. The surviv- ing sons, Charles S. and Frank O., are both prominent residents of Blue Island. On the yth of February, 1866, Mr. Young was again married, his second union being with Min- erva P., daughter of Sweet and Eliza Brayton, of Blue Island. The lady was born in Marion, Wayne County, N. Y., and still resides in Blue Island. She has one son, Chauncey Brayton Young. In 1866, Joshua P. Young returned to Blue Island, erected a fine residence and began dealing in real estate in Chicago, handling both city and suburban property. In company with John K. Rowley, he laid out the south part of Englewood, between Sixty-third and Sixty-eighth Streets, and subsequently they platted the town of South Lawn, now Harvey. Mr. Young continued to engage in the real-estate business until his death, which occurred on the 26th of May, 1889. From the age of sixteen years he was identified with the Congregational Church. In Blue Island he organized the society, and contributed liberally toward the erection of the house of worship. He served as Deacon of that church until called to the home beyond, and was ever one of its most faithful members. He cast his first Presidential vote for William Henry Harrison, and his last vote for Benjamin Harrison. He was a member of the Tippecanoe Club, and filled several local offices, discharging his duties with promptness and fidelity. He was a man of unquestioned in- tegrity and lofty, noble-minded principles. He was not partisan or sectarian, but advocated human rights in politics, righteousness and tem- perance in society, and Christianity in the church. He was ever progressive, and gave much thought to social and theological questions, though con- stantly engaged in active business. The influence of his exemplary life will be long felt wherever he was known. HENRY HART MASSEY. HENRY HART MASSEY, one of the pioneers of northern Illinois, now living in Blue Is- land, has since an early day witnessed the growth and development of this part of the State, and has borne his part in its progress and ad- vancement. A native of New York, he was born in Watertown, February 25, 1828, and is a son of Hart and Nancy (Matteson) Massey. His mother, who was a devout member of the Pres- byterian Church and an earnest Christian lady, died in Watertown October n, 1845, at the age of thirty-nine. The father afterward married 502 H. H. MASSEY. Emeline Utley, and about 1855 removed to Jack- sonville, 111., where he engaged in the lumber business for a few years. He then came to Blue Island and carried on a fire and life insurance agency. He, too, was a member of the Presby- terian Church, and. was a highly respected citi- zen. His death occurred on the 3ist of January, 1882, at the ripe old age of seventy-nine. To Hart and Nancy Massey were born eight children: Harriet Amelia, who died December 14, 1846; Henry H. of this sketch; Julia Jane, who became the wife of A. B. Safford, of Cairo, 111. , and died January 31,1 862 ; Heman Whelpley, who died in Santa Rosa, Cal., November 25, 1891; James Bates, who is living in Oakland, Cal. ; Emily Elizabeth, who died in Blue Island, April 18, 1894; Ann Eliza, widow of A. H. Irvin, and a resident of Blue Island; and Charles M., who died in Blue Island, August 15, 1864. The children of the second marriage are: Ella Amelia, wife of Rev. Samuel F. Dickenson, now of Grand Junction, Colo. ; and Harriet Holmes, wife of George T. Hughes, of Downer's Grove, 111. The mother died in Blue Island April 20, 1876. H. H. Massey of this sketch was reared to manhood on his father's farm, and in 1847 re- moved to Joliet, 111., where he was employed as clerk in a general store for two years. He then went to Chicago and secured a position in the dry-goods store of O. Sherman & Co., at No. 104 Lake Street, then one of the leading dry-goods establishments of the city. Nearly all of the bus- iness was done on Lake Street, while the present commercial center of the city was a residence dis- trict. In the fall of 1851, Mr. Massey went to Blue Island as clerk for the contractor who graded the Rock Island Railroad. The following yeai he became Treasurer of the southern division of the Illinois Central Railroad, with headquarters at Jonesboro, until the road was completed to Cen- tralia, when his office was removed thither. He also acted as pay-master between Wapello and Cairo, 111., until 1855, when he resigned and re- turned to Blue Island. Soon after he bought an interest in a general merchandise store, and carried on business along that line for twelve years. Mr. Massey has since been prominently identi- fied with the business of this locality. In 1868 he engaged in the grain and commission business on the Chicago Board of Trade, with which he was connected until 1871. From that time until 1876 he dealt in real estate in the city and in Blue Island, after which he was appointed Cash- ier in the County Recorder's office, and served for five years. During the succeeding year he was employed in the real-estate department of the Chicago & Western Indiana Railroad Company, and was then in the grain commission business until 1892, when he retired to private life. He now occupies his time and attention with improv- ing his grounds and looking after his real-estate interests in Blue Island. He has added a num- ber of subdivisions to the village at various times. On the 4th of August, 1853, in Blue Island, was celebrated the marriage of Mr. Massey and Miss Clarissa C. Rexford, daughter of Norman Rexford. They have become the parents of five children: Willie R., who died at the age of six years; Mary S., now the wife of Charles R. Clark, of Chicago; Julia R., wife of W. N. Rudd, of Blue Island; Harry A.; and Fred F., who is now a clerk in the Continental National Bank of Chicago. The members of the family are all communi- cants of the Universalist Church of Blue Island, and Mr. Massey has served as one of its Trustees and as Treasurer during the greater part of the time since its organization. Socially, he is a member of the Masonic fraternity, and is Treas- urer of the Illinois Universalist State Convention, of which organization he was a charter member. In politics, he is a stalwart Republican, and never fails to vote in support of the men and measures of his party, although he has never sought office for himself. With the educational interests of the community he has long been identified, serving as School Treasurer of Worth Township for twenty years. He has also been Notary Public since 1856. He takes a commendable interest in all questions of public concern, and is one of the most esteemed citizens of Blue Island. Mr. Mas- sey remembers when tliere was only one house at Washington Heights and one at Auburn Park. LIBRARY OF THE BNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS ORRINGTON LUNT. 503 ORRINGTON LUNT. RRINGTON LUNT is one of the founders of Evanston, and of the Northwestern Uni- versity, and has been one of the important factors in the upbuilding of Chicago. In the days of the infancy of the city, he cast in his lot %vith its settlers, and his interests have since been con- nected with theirs. Many monuments to his handiwork still stand, and the history of Cook County would be an incomplete volume without the record of his life. He was born December 24, 1815, in Bowdoinham, Me. His father, William Lunt, was a leading merchant of that place, and represented his district in the State Legislature. He was a direct descendant of Henry Lunt, of Newburyport, Mass. , who emigrated to the United States from England in 1635. The mother of our subject died when he was ten years old, and his father afterwards, married again. He lived to a ripe old age, and both he and his second wife died December 31, 1863. Mr. Lunt of this sketch attended the public and private schools of his native town, and in his fourteenth year entered his father's store, serving as clerk until he attained his majority, when he was admitted to partnership. They safely passed through the financial panic of 1837, for their busi- ness had been prudently managed, and they could thus meet the crisis. Soon after, the father re- tired, and a partnership was formed between Or- rington and his brother W. H. They did a good business, and besides dealing in dry goods traded largely and shipped hay and produce to the South. In 1842, Mr. Lunt sold out, preparatory to mov- ing westward. He believed that better advant- ages were furnished by the new and rapidly grow- ing West, and the then young town of Chicago attracted him. He left home on the ist of No- vember, and on the nth reached his destination. This western town had then not a single railroad, and its business at that time was very slack, not much being done through the winter season. Mr. Lunt hoped for better opportunities in the spring, but his wife's health at that time forced him to return to Maine. The many discourage- ments which he met disheartened him, but he would not give up, and in the later part of July we again find him in Chicago. He had no capi- tal, but was furnished with letters of recommen- dation from leading merchants in the East. He began business as a commission merchant, and soon had built up a flourishing trade. In the summer of 1844 he began dealing in grain, and in the following winter packed pork to a limited extent. Both of these ventures proved profitable, and he then leased one hundred feet of ground on the river front for ten years, erecting thereon a grain house. With the growth of the city his business increased, and in those early days he made one sale of fifty thousand bushels, which was considered a large transaction. He had now made about $10,000, but trade the following spring proved disastrous, and he lost all he had. He never shipped grain East, Chicago being his only market, and through the experience gained by his losses he became a prudent and careful busi- ness man. He has been a member of the Board of Trade since the beginning, but the business done there in early years was little, as the organi- zation had to struggle for existence for some time, notwithstanding a lunch of crackers and cheese served as an attraction. In 1853 he aban- doned the grain trade, and retired for a time from commercial life. Mr. Lunt has been connected to a considerable extent with official positions. He was first called to office when in his twenty-second year, being elected Clerk and Treasurer of his town, and also appointed Justice of the Peace. In 1855 he was elected to the office of Water Commissioner for three years for the south division of the city. 504 ORRINGTON.LUNT. On the expiration of his first term he was re-elect- ed, and during the last three years he served as Treasurer and President of the Board. At the end of the six years the city departments were con- solidated in the Board of Public Works. He was made a Director of the Galena & Chicago Union Railroad in 1855, and continued as such until the consolidation of the road with the Northwestern. For several years he was one of the Auditors of the Board of Directors, and his time was largely given to the business of the office. During his last two years with the road he served as its Vice- President. In 1877 Mr. Lunt was elected by the lot owners of Rose Hill Cemetery Company as one of the three trustees for the care of the lot owners' fund. He was President of the Board, and for the last few years its Treasurer. It has been well managed, and a fund of $100,000 col- lected and now in their hands has been invested in Cook County and city bonds. Mr. Lunt had previously leased his warehouse, but the parties failed after the panic of 1857, and he took possession of it in 1859. Forming a partnership with his brother, S. P. Lunt, they used the warehouse as a canal elevator, and did a large business, sometimes handling three and a- half million bushels annually. Impaired health, however, forced him to abandon the grain trade in 1862, and in 1865 he started for the Old World with his family, spending two years abroad, dur- ing which time he visited many of the famous cities of Europe and Asia. Mr. Lunt was united in marriage, on the i6th of January, 1842, to Cornelia A. Gray. Her father, Hon. Samuel Gray, was a prominent attorney of Bowdoinham, his native town, and was Repre- sentative, Senator and a member of the Gover- nor's Council of the State. He was also promi- nent in commercial circles. Four children were born unto Mr. and Mrs. Lunt, three sons and a daughter, but one son died in infancy. Horace, who graduated from Harvard University, is a leading attorney; and George is a sturdy busi- ness man. Cornelia G., the accomplished daugh- ter, seems to have inherited her father's philan- thropic nature, and takes a most active part in charitable and benevolent work. During the late war the Union found in Mr. Lunt a faithful friend. He was a member of the Committee of Safety and War Finance, appointed at the first meeting, which convened April 13, 1 86 1. The Sunday after the fall of Sumter he spent in raising supplies and in preparing the first regiment to start from this city to Cairo. His labors in behalf of the army and the Union then continued until victory perched on the banners of the North. Four years after the commencement of the struggle he had the pleasure of being present when the Old Flag was again flung to the breeze from the battlements of the fort, attending the Grand Review of the victorious army, and visiting the principal cities of the late Confed- eracy. When about twenty years of age, Mr. Lunt joined the Methodist Episcopal Church, and his name is inseparably connected with the history of its growth in this locality. For about twenty years he was Trustee of the Clark Street Method- ist Church, and during much of that time was Secretary of the Board. He bought several lots on the corner of State and Harrison Streets in 1848, and five years later sold them on three years' time to the church at cost price. That ground was afterwards exchanged for the site of the Wabash Avenue Methodist Church, to which he transferred his membership in 1858. He has always given most liberally for the erection of church edifices, both of his own and other denom- inations in the city, and struggling churches in the West. Of the Clark Seminary at Aurora, he was one of the first Trustees. This was built by a private company, but subsequently turned over to the church without compensation. He was one of the charter members, and has been Secre- tary, Treasurer and General Business Agent of the Garrett Biblical Institute from its organiza- tion in 1853. In company with a few others, he procured the charter for and incorporated the Northwestern University of Evanston. The com- mittee was appointed to secure a site. They wished to get land on the lake front, but could find none which they thought near enough to the city, and were almost closing a deal for property in Jefferson. Through the instrumentality of MATERNUS SCHAEFER. 505 Mr. Lunt, however, who, in riding one day, vis- ited the present site of Evanston, the business was deferred, and his iudgment led to the selection of the spot where now stands the University. To this institution he has contributed in time, energy and money, and while he was in Europe the board set aside land, now valued at $100,000, which he had given, as the Orrington Lunt Library Fund. Desirous, also, to render passible the erection of a suitable library building, he has given $50,000 toward the one now in process of completion. This splendid building is of Bedford stone, beau- tiful in style, graceful and enduring. The finest structure on the campus, it is a fitting memorial of the man whose name it perpetuates in the let- ters carved upon its noble entrance: THE OR- RINGTON LUNT LIBRARY. He has always been on the executive committee of the school, and has been largely instrumental in the success of the institution. He was early connected with the Chicago Orphan Asylum, and raised nearly $20,- ooo to complete the edifice, while a member of the building committee in the summer of 1854. The Chicago fire consumed the home of Mr. Lunt and all of the buildings from which he de- rived an income. The winter following he served on the Special Fire Relief Committee. Many Methodist Churches and the Garrett Biblical In- stitute also suffered great losses, and a committee to devise means for their relief was appointed by the Rock River Conference. Arrangements were made to solicit funds, and Mr. Lunt became Sec- retary and Treasurer. For eighteen months he was actively engaged in the disbursement and collection of the money raised, about $150,000. By this means he was enabled to rebuild the Gar- rett building, the structure being finer than the former one. When he could find time for his own work he built the fine banking-house occupied by Preston, Kean & Co. He has truly borne his part in the upbuilding of Chicago. On the 1 6th of January-, 1842, was celebrated the marriage of Mr. and Mrs. Lunt, and a half- century later was celebrated their golden wedding. Two hundred friends met to extend to this worthy couple their congratulations for the happy years that had passed, to review the lives so well spent, and to wish them the return of many more such pleasant occasions. The co-workers of Mr. Lunt in church, in business and in his university labors all bore their testimony, not only to his pleasant companionship, but to his honorable, upright life and exemplary character. Many beautiful gifts attested the esteem and love of guests, which could not be expressed in words alone. Al- though Mr. Lunt has led a very prominent life, he is yet retiring and very unassuming in man- ner. He has followed the Golden Rule, has walked in the light as he saw it, has been un- wearied in well-doing, and when he shall have been called to the home beyond he will leave to his family what Solomon says is better than great riches, "a good name." MATERNUS SCHAEFER. I ATERNUS SCHAEFER, a retired farmer residing in Gross Point, has, as ;the result of his enterprise and industry in former years, acquired a competency that now enables him to lay aside business cares. He claims Prus- sia as the land of his birth, which occurred on the 26th of August, 1833. He is the eldest in the family of thirteen children born to Peter and Lena (Bleser) Schaefer. In 1843 the parents bade adieu to the Fatherland, and, having crossed the briny deep to the New World, took up their residence in New Trier Township, Cook County, where they continued to make their home until called to their final rest. The father died June 12, 1894, in his ninetieth year, and his wife passed away in 1891, at the age of seventy-nine. They 506 GEORGE WEIMER. were well-known and highly-respected people, and further mention of them and their children is made in connection with the sketch of John Schaefer, on another page of this work. The gentleman of whom we write became fa- miliar with farming in all its details at an early age. He was married on the 26th of August, 1854, to Miss Mary Schaefer, daughter of John Schaefer, a tanner. She was born in Prussia, November 4, 1835, and died May 21, 1891, the last of her family to pass away. Fourteen chil- dren were born of this union, seven sons and seven daughters, of whom two sons and six daugh- ters are yet living, namely: Katrina, who was born March 4, 1856, and is the wife of Louis A. Brucks, a real-estate dealer and insurance agent of Englewood; Christina, who was born Decem- ber 19, 1857, and is the wife of Mathias Wagner, a carpenter and contractor of Englewood; Anna Maria, who was born March 26, 1861, and is the wife of Gerhard Steffens, a liquor dealer of Gross Point; Peter Joseph, who was born December 29, 1862, and is a contractor and builder of Wilmette; Frank, who was born October 18, 1864, and fol- lows farming at Gross Point; Helena, who was born February 21, 1867, and is the wife of Peter Sesterhenn, an agriculturist of the same locality Margarite, born November 24, 1868, wife of Max Engels, who is engaged in the beer-bottling busi- ness at Gross Point; and Eva, who was born No- vember 13, 1870, and is the wife of William Wer- ner, a teamster of Chicago. Mr. Schaefer and his family are Catholics in religious faith, belonging to St. Joseph's Church in Gross Point. He cast his first Presidential vote for Buchanan, then supported Lincoln, and has since been a stanch Republican. He has filled the offices of Town Collector, was President of the Village Board for thirteen years, and has been School Director for a quarter of a century. He is a member of St. Joseph's Library and Sick Benefit Association, and is a loyal citizen, devoted to the best interests of the community. He now owns thirty-five acres of valuable land on section 33, New Trier Township, besides a number of residences in Wilmette. He is a worthy repre- sentative of an honored pioneer family, and is a highly-respected citizen, whose excellencies of character have gained for him the confidence and esteem of all with whom he has been brought in contact. GEORGE WEIMER. (2JEORGE WEIMER is one among the repre- bsentative citizens of Lemont. He was born in Nassau, Germany, on the 23d of Septem- ber, 1835, and is a son of John and Margaret (Weis) Weimer. The father was a blacksmith, and died when George was only five years old. Three years later, Mrs. Weimer became the wife of John Noll. Our subject was the third in a famity of four children, two sons and two daughters. At the age of five years, he began to attend the public schools, and finished the course at the age of twelve. During the next two years he attended the high school and also took lessons as a private student, acquiring a good practical education. In 1853, he left Germany for the United States, and landed at New York on the 23d of August of that year. In New York City and Raritan, New Jer- GEORGE WEIMER. 507 sey, during the succeeding two years, he learned the cabinet-maker's trade, .after which he started westward, arriving in Chicago August 23, 1855. There he learned carpentering and made the city his home until the latter part of 1857, a portion of the time being engaged as a carpenter and builder. In November of that year he went to Europe and returned with his parents and their family the following spring. They settled near Downer's Grove, Du Page County, and Mr. Weimer resided in Chicago, where he did business as a contractor. He erected many buildings in various parts of Cook County. In 1860, became to Lemont. On the 23d of June, 1861, Mr. Weimer and Miss Elizabeth C. Hein were united in marriage in this place. The lady is a native of the same town as her husband and came to America with her parents in 1856. After two or three years' residence in Lemont, Mr. Weimer removed to Chicago, where he was engaged in merchandising until 1865, at which time he went to New Buffalo, Michigan, and car- ried on contracting and building, erecting more than a hundred buildings during his stay there. For years he devoted his time and attention to merchandising, and also held the offices of Asses- sor and Supervisor from 1867 until 1877. For ten years he was also Justice of the Peace. In 1877, he returned to Lemont, where he has since resided. For a short time, in company with his brother, Andrew Weimer, he conducted a wagon and blacksmith shop, but during the greater part of the time he has been a contractor and builder. In 1879, he was elected Justice of the Peace, and held that office for four years. In 1893, he was again elected to that position, and is kept busy during the greater part of the time in the discharge of his official duties. Mr. and Mrs Weimer have become the parents of seven children, namely: George A.; Rosa, wife of Peter Meilinger, of Chicago; Mary Ann, Joseph M., Maria Elizabeth, Frank Joseph and Benjamin Franklin. George A. Weimer, of Lemont, is a son of George and Elizabeth C. Weimer, whose sketch is given above. He was born at this place on the 5th of June, 1862, and obtained a good education in the schools of the town, where he spent his early life, attending until nineteen years of age. In 1882, he began to learn the drug business, ar.d continued in that line until May, 1893, becoming in the mean time a very proficient pharmacist. His first employer was G. A. Boclenschatz, with whom he remained six years, when J. G. Boden- schatz succeeded to the business, and Mr. Weimer spent the remaining years in his employ. His genial disposition and good character made him a favorite with Lemont people, and when but twenty-one years of age, he was elected to office, and from that time to the present he has filled some public position. In 1883, he was elected Town Clerk and filled that office until 1888, when he was appointed City Clerk, thus serving until the next election, when he was elected. In dis- charging the duties of that position his time was passed until April, 1893, he being annually re- elected. At the last-mentioned date, he was elected Township Supervisor, and was again the people's, choice in 1894. In 1893, he was ap- pointed to a place in the County Treasurer's office, which he held until February, 1894, when he was made deputy in the office of the Recorder of Deeds in Cook County, in which capacity he is now serving. In the fall of the present year (1894) he was nominated by the Democracy as the can- didate of that party for State Senator from the Seventh Senatorial District. On the 22d of October, 1883, Mr. Weimer was joined in wedlock with Miss Lizzie V. Hettinger. daughter of George Hettinger, who came to Le- mont about 1863. He was a member of the first volunteer fire company of Chicago. To them four children, two sons and two daughters, were born, all of whom died of diphtheria in less than two weeks' time, in May. 1893. The death of his children destroyed Mr Weimer's faith in the ef- ficacy of medicines and caused him to abandon pharmacy. He is an ardent and influential sup- porter of Democracy and a member of several fra- ternal societies. 508 W. S. WHITE. WILLIAM S. WHITE, M. D. G>G|ILLIAM SEYMOUR WHITE, M. D., is a \ A I native of Greenwood, McHenry County, Y Y Illinois, and was born on the 3oth of De- cember, 1864. The records show, and the Doc- tor modestly admits, that he is descended on the maternal side from Francis Capet (Coquilette) , the Huguenot half-brother of Louis XIV., King of France, who, on account of the persecutions to which that sect was subjected, fled to America, and, changing his name to Coquilette, became the progenitor of a numerous family in Westchester County, New York, and later removed with his family to Rockland County, New York. His de- scendant, William Coquilette, the great-grand- father of the subject of this sketch, died in Rock- land County, New York, at an early age. Maria (Garrison) Coquilette, his wife, died at the age of eighty-eight years. Peter Cook, Dr. White's maternal grandfather, a native of New York and a descendant of the Knickerbockers, married Eletta, daughter of William and Maria Coquilette. Capt. William White, the paternal grandfather* of Dr. White, was born in the city of Gottenburg, Sweden, in 1813, and at an early age became a sailor. In his voyages, Capt. White carried troops to Mexico while the United States was at war with that country, transported the first ship- load of stone for the construction of Ft. Moultrie, and twice circumnavigated the globe. His wife, who still survives him, was Mary Ehrhardt, of Philadelphia. William R. White, the father of the subject of this sketch, and the son of Capt. William and Mary White, was born in New York City, in 1841, and has been engaged in mercantile pur- suits all his life. He married Emily A. Cook, daughter of Peter and Eletta Cook, two children, William S. and Wilomene T., being the result of this union. William S. White came to Chicago with his parents in 1865. He received his education in the public schools of Chicago. His first work was in the grocery store of John A. Tolman & Co. , where he remained a year. He later entered the employ of D. S. Munger & Co. as office boy, and in three years worked his way upward to the position of cashier. In 1884 ne entered the Chi- cago Homeopathic Medical College. At that time the course required only two years, but he at- tended three years, and during the season of 1886-87 demonstrated anatomy to the class of which he was a member, and also a part of that time to the senior class. He graduated in 1888. Following his graduation, he was successful in winning honors in a competitive examination, and during the years 1888 and 1889 was interne in the Cook County Hospital for eighteen months. Subsequently he was called to Rochester, New York, where he opened and put in practical oper- ation the Rochester Homeopathic Hospital, com- monly known as the Monroe Avenue Hospital. Returning to Chicago, Dr. White entered into the general practice of medicine and dermatology, in which he has since been engaged, with office at No. 70 State Street. In the fall of 1889 he re- ceived the appointment of Demonstrator of An- atomy in the Chicago Homeopathic College. In 1890 he was made clinical assistant in the depart- ment of dermatology, and in 1893 was appointed Adjunct Professor of Physiology in the same insti- tution. In January, 1893, he received the ap- pointment of Dermatologist in the homeopathic department of the Cook County Hospital, and still fills all of these positions. He is a member JEROME BEECHER. 509 of the Illinois Homeopathic Medical Association and of the American Institute of Homeopathy. He holds membership in two fraternal organiza- tions, being medical examiner in the Improved Order of Heptasophs. On the 5th of October, 1892, Dr. White was united in marriage with Miss Isabelle Stone, of Charlotte, Vermont, daughter of L,uther D. and Phoebe (Rogers) Stone. f o judge the future from the past, it is not diffi- cult to predict for Dr. White success in a much greater measure than usually falls to the lot of the medical practitioner. His mind is active, his memory retentive, his habits studious, his com- prehension of the science of medicine rapid, intui- tive and thorough. His manner is easy, affable and vivacious, with a dash of bonhomie, which, no doubt, is inherited from his Gallic ancestors. It is not too much to say that mental attrition with Dr. White would brighten many preten- tious members of the medical profession. JEROME BEECHER. (TEROME BEECHER, among the early, sub- I stantial and most exemplary citizens of Chi- C2J cago, was a scion of old and well-known New England stock. His father, Mather Beecher was one of the pioneers of Central New York, going thither from New Haven, Connecticut. He was a tanner by occupation, and gave to his family the training which has developed so much of thrift, enterprise and morality among the sons of New England, and has made an indelible impres- sion upon the religious, educational and mercan- tile conditions of the United States, and particul- arly the northern half of the country. Wherever a leaven of Yankee blood is found in a community, there are sure to be found churches, schools, fac- tories and sound business men, Chicago was es- pecially fortunate in that the major portion of her pioneers came from the land of industrious habits and careful economy, and to this cause alone may be attributed her wonderful progress in busi- ness supremacy, as well as in social and moral culture. Jerome Beecher was born in the town of Rem- sen, Oneida County, New York, January 4, 1818. His first implement for self-help was the intellect- ual training afforded by the village school, and he was early made familiar with the occupation of his father, mastering all that pertained to the manufacture of leather and its uses. His natural sagacity and shrewdness, with these helps, en- abled him to conduct the large business which he built up in later years, and to manage intricate financial trusts which were placed in his care. The year 1838 found him in Chicago, whither his father sent him to look after a stock of leather, boots, shoes and findings which had been entrusted to an incompetent or unfaithful agent. He managed this undertaking with such success and found such glowing prospects in the young city that he decided to remain here and engage in business permanently. At that time the center of business clustered about the corner of Lake and LaSalle streets, and his pioneer store was among those forming the group. He shortly set up a tannery, which was destroyed by fire about 1858. During these years, he had grown in wealth with the rapid growth of the city and surrounding country, his industry and integrity bringing him a large trade, which he retained until he de- cided to retire and give attention to his invest- JEROME BEECHER. ments. His accumulations had been invested in land and improved real estate. With other care- ful investments, these had grown in value beyond his fondest anticipations, and he found himself while yet in vigorous middle life a man of in- dependent means, and at the time of his 'demise, after more than half a century's residence here, his estate had become very valuable. He became interested in the gas business as early as 1850, and was made a director in the Chi- cago Gas Light & Coke Company. He was in- terested in the Merchants' Savings, Loan & Trust Company, and was one of the purchasers of the Chicago West Division Railroad, of which he was many years a director, in 1863. A recent writer says: "Among the enterprises of his earlier years, for which he should be remembered with grateful regard by those who survive, was his connection as trustee and treasurer with the Graceland Cemetery Improvement Company, in whose peaceful grounds so many once active in the brisk life of Chicago have found their last resting place." Mr. Beecher had in his youth attended the worship of the Unitarian society near his home in New York, and he adhered to the faith which he there imbibed throughout his long and useful life. The First Unitarian Society of Chicago was a feeble band, in the third year of its exist- ence, when he came to Chicago, and to his zealous aid much of its subsequent strength is due. At his decease, after completing more than the allotted years of the scripture, the church pre- pared and had engraved a most beautiful and touching memorial, which was presented to his widow. He was a member of the Calumet Club, whose meetings of old settlers in annual reunion gave him great pleasure. The Old Settlers' As- sociation embraced most of his business and social companions, and he was prominent in its con- duct. Mr. Beecher always endeavored to fulfill the duties of citizenship, but was conspicious in politics only once in his life. This was in the memorable campaign of 1840, when the Demo- cratic party was overthrown and William Henry Harrison, the Whig candidate, elected to the Presidency. Mr. Beecher was a delegate in the convention which nominated Harrison, and took part in the political meetings held in a log cabin on the north side, near Rush Street bridge. In his business relations, Mr. Beecher was a man of unspotted integrity, careful and quiet in action, and reticent in speaking of himself or his affairs. One of his favorite methods of benevolent action was the assistance of some worthy man in starting in business, realizing that the truest way to help others is to teach and aid them to help themselves. He loved to gather children and young people about him, and a number were taken into his family and educated. He was es- pecially fond of music, and to his own family con- nections and friends he was ever generous. His style of living was unostentatious, and his hab- its were simple and domestic. In bearing, he was affable and considerate, and he always spoke charitably of men, making it a rule never to speak ill of any person. Four years after his arrival in Chicago, Mr. Beecher took a helpmeet in the person of Miss Mary Warren, daughter of Daniel Warren, whose biography will be found on another page of this book, and she proved in every way a companion to him. Mrs. Beecher's twin sister married Silas B. Cobb, another pioneer leather merchant (see skeech in this work). The sisters so closely resembled each other as to be often mistaken, one for the other. The first housekeeping experience of Mr. and Mrs. Beecher was in a modest rented house at the corner of Lake Street and Michigan Avenue, and they afterwards built a home on Michigan Ave- nue. The advance of business drove them to several removals until thi family homestead at No. 241 Michigan Avenue was constructed. This is one of two or three which escaped the flames in the great fire of 187 1 , and is almost the sole repre- sentative on the lake front of ' 'old Chicago. ' ' Here they dwelt for more than thirty years, and here Mrs. Beecher continues to reside. She is greatly in- terested in benevolent work, and has been active in promoting several of the most important charities of the city, regarding a fortune as a blessing only in the proportion it is devoted to doing good. LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS REV. JOSEPH RUTERSHOFF (From Photo by W. J. ROOT) REV. JOSEPH RUTERSHOFF. REV. JOSEPH RUTERSHOFF. REV. JOSEPH RUTERSHOFF, pastor of Saint Henry's Roman Catholic Church, of West Ridge, was born April 12, 1861, in the Province of Westphalia, Germany, and is a son of Theodore and Mary (Lakenberg) Ruters- hoff. At the age of seven years he was sent to the parochial school at Castrop, which he attended several years. L,ater he took a course of study at the Rectorate School at Walthrop, and was graduated from that institution when eighteen years old. He then pursued a higher course of study at Paderboru, being graduated therefrom after four years of diligent work. In 1883 Father RutershofF was called to Amer- ica by Archbishop Feehan , of Chicago, and after his arrival, took up the theological course at the Seminar}^ of Saint Francis, near Milwaukee. Soon after completing the work in that institu- tion, in 1887, he was ordained a priest and was assigned to the pastorate of Saint Mary's Church, at Elizabeth, Illinois, in August of that year. Besides this pastorate, Father Rutershoff had charge of two missions, one at Scales Mound and another at Hanover. In addition to his pastoral labors, he gave instruction to the pupils of the parochial school connected with the church. Here he labored faithfully and with success until his appointment to his present charge April 15, 1891. Saint Henry's congregation was established by the Rev. General- Vicar Kopp, previous to 1860, and was attended to by the same during the first years. In the year 1863 the congregation was augmented by the Rev. Father Jacob Nagel, Re- demptorist. He had charge until July, 1864. From then until October, 1879, the Reverend Re- demptorist Fathers, Charles Hahn, Albert Schaeffler, Theodore Majerus, Peter Zimmer, John Kuehn, Albert Stiessberger and Francis Oberle, alternately labored here. After the Redemptorist Fathers, the Rev. Fathers Marschell and Haemers had charge of the congregation. In 1870 Rev. Father Michels, of Covington, Kentucky, came here and had care of this place until 1873. He was succeeded by Rev. Father Wagner, during whose pastorate the present church edifice was built. Father Wagner remained as pastor until Sep- tember, 1875, and then Rev. F. Niederberger took his place until June, 1879. Father Nieder- berger's successor was Rev. A. Thiele, who re- mained here and built the new schoolhouse. Af- ter his departure, in 1884, Rev. Jacob Mellertook up the pastorate, and under the active manage- ment of this zealous priest a parsonage was built in 1884. In the year 1887 the congregations of Saint Matthias, at Bowmanville, and Saint Nicholas, at South Evanston, branched off from Saint Hen- ry's and formed new, permanent congregations. The Saint Henry's parochial school is conduct- ed by Sisters belonging to the Order of the Poor Handmaids of Christ (who also conduct the German Catholic Orphanage at Rosehill), and a lay teacher for the large boys. At present two hundred eighty-five pupils attend the school. After the branching off of the two new congrega- tions there were one hundred sixty-five families remaining, and the number has increased to about three hundred sixty. There are four societies, three courts of Catholic Foresters, Saint Henry's 512 E. F. HEDRICH. Court, No. 51, having one hundred fifty mem- bers. Saint Mary's Ladies' Society has one hun- dred fifty members. In June, 1890, Rev. J. Meller left for his home in Europe, from whence he did not return. In his place were stationed for a short time the Rev. Fathers E. Goldsmith and A. Royer. In the spring of 1891, the present pastor, Rev. J. Ruters- hoff, took charge of Saint Henry's. Under his guidance the congregation, especially the school, flourishes. At present the school is visited by two hundred sixty-six pupils, and is conducted by four Sisters, Poor Handmaids of Christ, and a male teacher, Mr. J. Hellrung, for the large boys. The cares of the parish have become so great that the pastor now has an assistant, the Rev. Clement Duerr, a priest of large experience. Father Rutershoff is a most scholarly man, of pleasant manners and genial nature, and withal, wholly unassuming. His influence among the Catholic people of West Ridge is far- reaching and he is also regarded with the utmost respect by all who may corne into the wide circle of his acquaint- ance. EDWARD F. HEDRICH. r~DWARD FREDERICK HEDRICH was rj born in Saxony, Germany, July 8, 1841, a L. son of Carl F. Hedrich, of the Fatherland. In his youth young Edward was half orphaned by the death of his mother. His early advantages for obtaining an educa- tion were such as the public schools afforded, learning to read and write. He was early ap- prenticed to the cabinet-maker's trade and was a good workman before he was fourteen years old. In 1856 he came to the United States, being in his sixteenth year at the time. He took up his resi- dence at first in New York City, where he in- dustriously followed his trade until the outbreak of the late Civil War, when he enlisted in Com- pany I, of the Eighth New York Infantry, hav- ing been mustered into service April 23, 1861. He went at once into active duty at the front with his regiment and in one of the engagements that followed he received a wound in one of his wrists, which necessitated his accepting a dis- charge. He then came West and temporarily located in Indianapolis, Indiana, in which place, December 8, 1863, he re-enlisted in Company B, Ninth Indiana Cavalry. While in this command he participated in many hard-fought battles, bravely sustaining the part of an heroic soldier until his capture by the enemy in one of the sanguinary conflicts of the war. He was incarcerated in the Catawba prison, where he was held a close prisoner for a long time, suffering greatly from exposure and want. Finally, his exchange was effected, and he, with others of his comrades, started for home. At Vicksburg, Mississippi, he boarded the ill-fated steamer, "Sultana." This was a large Mississippi River steamer, and was loaded to her fullest capacity with soldiers returning to their homes, the most of whom were either invalids or exchanged prisoners of war. While nearing Memphis, Tennessee, her boilers blew up and nearly two thousand of her pas- "sengers were lost. Mr. Hedrich miraculously escaped drowning. He was blown into the water, where for a short time the scene was in- describably appalling. The river was almost choked with wreckage and a seething mass of humanity. He swam until nearly exhausted, when, fortunately, he floated near a piece of wreckage, which he grasped, and with it he finally HENRY WIETOR. succeeded in making his way to land. Only four hundred were saved. After the war he resided in Indianapolis, In- diana, and > Louisville, Kentucky, for several years. In 1872 he came to Chicago, and soon after he received an appointment to the city police force as patrolman. Later, for meritorious service, he was promoted to be desk sergeant at the North Avenue Station, which position he re- tained several years. He was later transferred to the Central Station, where he creditably filled the office of sergeant, and for twenty-three years he served in this department. For some years he was chief clerk of the detective bureau. He was a brave and resolute officer, and no danger, how- ever great, appalled him. Wherever duty called he was there to execute. During the celebrated Cronin trial, he was detailed to work up evidence for the State, and he was engaged in this for several months. It was to his indefatigable ef- forts that the State was largely indebted for its success, and it was Mr. Hedrich who, after weeks of searching, finally ran down and captured "Little Kunze." Mr. Hedrich was in the Haymarket riot, and also the riots in South Chicago. He was greatly feared by the lawless element in the city, and he received many letters threatening his life. He was a member of General Hancock Post, No. 560, Grand Army of the Republic, of which he was adjutant eight years, and also quartermaster for a considerable length of time. He was also an honored member of the Masonic fraternity, af- filiating with Lincoln Park Chapter, and of the order of Maccabees. Mr. Hedrich was a social gentleman, and decidedly popular with a large number of friends and acquaintances, who always delighted in doing him honor. He was married in Chicago, January 27, 1875, to Miss Catherine, daughter of Mathias Barcal, an old settler of the city. Their union resulted in nine children, all of whom are living, namely: Arthur Edward, Stella, Katie, Walter, Josephine, Archibald, Percy, Ella and Thomas. Mr. Hedrich died August 29, 1896. He was a kind and indulgent father, and his death left a void in the family that can never be filled. His life's work was well and thoroughly done, and he left to his children as a legacy the heritage of a name free from the taint of dishonor. HENRY WIETOR. HENRY WIETOR, a successful florist of the old town of Lake View, is a native of the locality, born at Calvary November 6, 1861, a representative of one of the old families. His parents are George and Lena (Reinberg) Wietor, both natives of Germany. They were married in Paris, France, where they lived a few years be- fore coming to America. Having resolved to seek a home in the free country across the Atlan- tic Ocean, they set out in 1857, and came direct to Cook County. Their fortune was yet to be made, and Mr. Wietor accepted any honorable employment which came in his way. He was in debt on arrival, but his patience and industry were rewarded, for he was able, after half a dozen years of toil, to purchase twenty acres of land with his savings. He engaged in market-gar- dening, and was successful, so that his old age is being spent in quiet and contented retirement from labor. His four children are still living, namely: Katherine, wife of John Muno (see biog- raphy in this work) ; Henry, whose name heads this sketch; Mary and Nicholas, still residing with their parents. CAPT. P. N. HAGEN. Henry Wietor was educated at Saint Henry's parochial school, and he received practical train- ing on his father's domain. He started a green- house in 1883, in which he cultivated vegetables until 1892, and since that date has given his attention to the production of flowers. He is a member of the Rogers Park Floral Company, with salesroom at No. 41 Wabash Avenue, Chi- cago. His greenhouses cover a space of twenty- five by one hundred twenty feet each, and num- ber twenty-six, all devoted to the growth of roses and carnations. His success is due to his con- stant exercise of industry, combined with good judgment and prudent care. Mr. Wietor is numbered among the faithful communicants of Saint Henry's Roman Catholic Church, and he is a member of the Catholic Or- der of Foresters. In politics he affiliates with the Democratic party, but gives little attention to practical politics, preferring the sure gains found in careful attention to his own business to the emol- uments and attendant worries of public service. October 7, 1889, he was happily wedded to Miss Maggie Evert, who was born in the same locality as himself, and is a daughter of Franz and Mary Evert, both of German birth. One son, named George Wietor, has come to the home of Mr. Wietor. As a result of the careful train- ing the son is receiving, he may be reasonably expected to follow in the footsteps of his father, reflecting credit upon his parents, and upon his native place. CAPT. PETER N. HAGEN. EAPT. PETER N. HAGEN, of Rogers Park, is a native of Kragero, Norway, born in 1836, and is a son of Martin and Ellen Hagen, natives of Norway, who died in their native land. The boyhood of Peter N. Hagen was passed in Kragero, a place somewhat noted for the high character of its schools, where he received a prac- tical education, and received papers showing his efficiency. His father was a sea-faring man, and at the early age of thirteen years young Peter was placed before the mast. His career as a sailor is an interesting one. He has visited all of the Mediterranean countries, Russia, and many other European parts. For nine months he was aboard the Norwegian war ship "Disaderia," while on her first trip, and which proved to be her last. That was in 1854. In 1856 he came to New York aboard one of his country's merchant vessels. He then shipped on American and other vessels, and later returned to Norway. In 1863 he returned to America and settled in Chicago. He followed the lakes for a while, having secured a one-third interest in the schooner Pilot, which he sailed as commanding officer for six years. Leaving the lakes, he was appointed a patrolman on the city police force and served three and a-half years, proving him- self a brave and efficient officer and securing the confidence and esteem of his superiors on the force. The Great Fire of 1871 occurred during the time he was on the police force. In 1 88 1 he went to Rogers Park to take charge of the toll gate, which position he held five years, until the abolition of the toll road. Subsequently he received an appointment as policeman, being the only night police in the place, which position he creditably filled for two years, to the satisfac- tion of the trustees and citizens. Since then he has been employed in various ways, at the present time being engaged in the oil and gasoline busi- ness. In Rogers Park he has a pleasant home, own- WILLIAM STEAD. ing one acre of ground at Rogers Avenue and Robey Street. He has been twice married, both wives being now deceased. He has two children living promising boys Richard and Harry. Sadie, his only daughter, died late in December, 1893. Captain Hagen is a member of the Independent Order of Foresters, and in politics is a stanch Re- publican. He is the eldest of eleven children born to his parents, of whom ten are living, and all reside in Chicago. Captain Hagen is a well-preserved man, con- sidering his years and the exposure he has expe- rienced. He has a large acquaintance with the old settlers of the city; as well as many men of the representative and official classes. WILLIAM STEAD. fi>QlLLIAM STEAD, a wealthy farmer of \ A I Niles Township, residing on section 34, V V and having land in sections 34 and 35, is a native of Yorkshire, England, born April 10, 1822. He is a son of John and Hannah (Grange) Stead. John Stead died when William was but seven years old, and his widow married again. Not being satisfied with the treatment he re- ceived from his step-father, William Stead re- solved to leave home, and at the age of ten years he ran away , becoming the master of his own for- tunes, and beginning the battles of life for himself. Although so young, he endured the hardships and difficulties he encountered with patience that would be considered remarkable in a much older person. His opportunity for acquiring an educa- tion was extremely limited, and he was able to spend only a few months at school, which barel}' enabled him to read and write. He found em- ployment as a farm laborer, and so carefully saved his earnings that he had accumulated sufficient money to defray the expenses of his marriage, in March, 1848, to Miss Ann Hannican, and to pay their passage on a sailing-vessel to the United States. On their arrival in New York, in April of the same year, he was entirely destitute of funds. He worked on a steamboat to pay their passage to Albany, where he was engaged to assist in driv- ing on the Erie Canal, and such other work as might be required of him, to pay their passage to Buffalo, and when there he worked on a steam- boat for their transportation to Chicago. They reached Chicago in May, and Mr. Stead found employment with a farmer named Sweney, of Jef- ferson Township, for whom he worked six months. He was afterward employed two years as a farm hand by the late Leighton Turner, of the same township. Three years later Mr. Stead bought sixty acres of land in sections 34-35, Niles Township, most of which was covered with a heavy growth of timber. His first residence was a small log shan- ty, built without the use of nails or window glass. In this primitive style he and his faithful wife be- gan housekeeping, and immediately set to work to clear the land and make for themselves a com- fortable home, and thus laid the foundation of their future success. By great perseverance and industry the land was cleared and improved, and it gradually developed into a beautiful and pro- ductive farm, upon which Mr. Stead has success- fully carried on agriculture ever since. One child was born to them, but it died in infancy. In 1879 Mr. Stead met with an irreparable loss in the death of his devoted wife, who had shared his re- verses and successes through so many years of ceaseless toil and anxiety. MICHAEL BECKER. Mr. Stead has met with some severe financial losses, but has never succumbed to misfortune. When the Fidelity and State Savings Banks of Chicago failed a few years since, he lost fifty- two hundred dollars, and this destroyed his confidence in banks, and he resolved to be his own banker. December 20, 1880, about six o'clock in the even- ing, his home was visited by five men, who beat him into insensibility and robbed him of twenty- four hundred dollars, leaving him for dead. He ultimately recovered from these injuries, after a surgeon had taken thirty-seven stitches in his scalp, and set about the apprehension and con- viction of his assailants. After spending five hundred dollars in this effort he had the satisfac- tion of seeing three of them sentenced to the peni- tentiary, but was justly annoyed and grieved, as were all good citizens cognizant of the facts, at their release within a short time. Mr. Stead is distinctively a self-made man, as he has been self-supporting since the age of ten years. He has passed a quiet, industrious, unas- suming life, attending strictly to his own affairs, and is numbered among the substantial and wealthy members of the community. He has been able to achieve success, but only through untiring industry and judicious management of his own affairs. MICHAEL BECKER. ICHAEL BECKER, son of a pioneer mar- ket-gardener of Cook County, is now engaged in the occupation to which he was reared by his father. He was born March 8, 1862, near the spot where he now resides (corner of Peterson Avenue and North Lincoln Street), being the second child and eldest son of Lawrence and Elizabeth (Seibert) Becker. The parents were born, reared and married in Germany. They set out to seek their fortune in the New World soon after their marriage, and came direct to Chicago. This was about 1858. Having no fortune, Mr. Becker took up any labor that was honorable, and was able, after a time, to begin business on his own account, on rented land. He continued from this time to grow veg- etables for the city market, and was prospered so that he soon purchased eleven acres of land, on which his sons are still pursuing the calling in which he earned his success. By their aid he car- ried on the business until his death, which oc- curred October 4, 1883, at the age of fifty-five years. He was an industrious, honest man, and succeeded in accumulating a nice property. While he took an intelligent interest in the affairs of his adopted country, he desired no part in the management of even local affairs, but went on his peaceful way, caring for his family and leaving public concerns to more ambitious souls. He was a consistent member of Saint Henry's Roman Catholic Church, and his remains were interred in the beautiful cemetery of the parish, near the church where he was wont to worship. His good and faithful wife still survives. To them were born five children, namely: Katherine, now the wife of Peter P. Krantz, an insurance agent re- siding in Chicago; Michael, whose name heads this article; Nicholas, deceased; Lawrence, a gardener, who occupies the old family residence and cultivates a part of the original estate; and a second Nicholas, who died in childhood. Michael Becker was early wont to assist in the labors of his father, and had but little opportunity to attend school, but he has become, through the force of his own character and ability, recognized as a leading citizen of the locality in which he NICHOLAS MILLER. lives. From constant association with his busi- ness he became master of all its details before he reached manhood, and has followed in a creditable manner the example of his father. His green- houses cover an area of one hundred twenty by one hundred twenty-five feet, and are devoted to the growth of vegetables. His brother has about the same amount of ground under glass for the same purpose. Mr. Becker is an enterprising citizen, who takes a commendable interest in public affairs, and sup- ports the men and measures of the Democratic party. He is connected with Saint Henry's Roman Catholic Church and with the Catholic Order of Foresters. March 3, 1886, he was married to Miss Eliza- beth Katherine Arndt, who was born in this county, of German parents. Their family in- cludes three children, natned, in order of age, Cecelia, Henry and Lawrence. NICHOLAS MILLER. IJjICHOLAS MILLER. Among the many fy sturdy pioneers and excellent citizens that I IS Germany has furnished to Cook County, Mr. Miller is especially prominent and deserving of honorable mention in this volume. He was born February 2, 1821, near Trier, Rhine Province, Germany, and came to America in 1846. After spending three years in Cleveland, Ohio, he lo- cated permanently in Cook County in 1849. He purchased eighty acres of land in the town of Ridgeville, now a part of the city of Chicago. It was mostly timber land, and with the industry characteristic of his countrymen, he began clear- ing it up, selling the timber and making for him- self a home and good farm. After his land was cleared he devoted his ener- gies to market-gardening, which he followed sev- eral years with good success. Although he began life in this country a comparatively poor man. and with the disadvantage of having no knowledge of the English language, he was eminently success- ful, and became one of the wealth} 7 and substan- tial men of his time. This came through his in- dustry and good management, with the assistance of his good wife. They are now living in retire- ment in their pleasant home near Rosehill. In 1850 Mr. Miller was married to Miss Anna Gruenewald, who arrived in that year from Ger- many. To this worthy couple were born ten children, of whom eight grew to maturity, name- ly: John, a gardener of Chicago; Joseph, of Perry County, Illinois; Katherine, now deceased; Nich- olas, a grocer of Rees Street, Chicago; Peter L., of whom further mention is made in this sketch; Henry, a gardener near Rosehill; Anna, wife of John Meyer, a dry-goods merchant of Chicago; and Mathias. Mr. Miller gave his children the best educa- tional advantages, and sufficient financial aid to each to afford a good start in life, and has seen them become good and useful citizens, a credit to their training and the communities in which they live. He takes an interest in all matters pertain- ing to the public welfare, and his life has been characterized by perseverance, honesty and good will to all. In politics he is a Democrat, and in religion a Roman Catholic, being affiliated with Saint Henry's Church of High Ridge. Peter L. Miller, the fifth child and fourth son of Nicholas and Anna Miller, was born February 17, 1863, in the town of Ridgeville, Cook County. He was reared to gardening, and liberally educa- ted in the public schools. In 1888 he began bus- iness for himself, and opened a grocery store at NICHOLAS KARTHAUSER. Nos. 202 and 204 Foster Avenue, Chicago, his present place of business. 1111893, to meet the demands of his growing trade, he established a meat market adjoining the grocery. He is always courteous and pleasant, and his customers are steadily increasing in number. His stock is care- fully chosen to meet the wants of the community, and is always full and complete. He follows the political and religious tenets of his father, and is a faithful communicant of Saint Matthew's Church at Bowmanville. August 6, 1889, he married Miss Anna Agnes Mailman, a native of Chicago, daughter of Phil- ip and Mary Mailman, the former a native of Germany and the latter of Cook County, Illinois. Mr. and Mrs. Miller have had three children. The first died in infancy, and the living are named Anthony and Mary. NICHOLAS KARTHAUSER. UJICHOLAS KARTHAUSER, son of John and | / Mary Karthauser, was born December 10, |/9 1860, in the Rhine Province of Prussia. The father died there, but the mother is still living, in Chicago, whither she came in 1877. The son, whose name heads this notice, was reared to the occupation of florist, and received a good educa- tion in his native language. He was early left to his own resources by the death of his father, and left Germany before he reached the age of four- teen years, to seek his fortune in the New World. He landed at New York, March 23, 1874, and came direct to Chicago. The first year after his arrival was spent at Riverside, in the employ of Charles Reisig, a florist of that place. Being anxious to learn the English language, he decided to go into the country, where he would be separ- ated from his German friends, and have more leisure and opportunity to study. For three years he worked for a farmer in Jersey County, Illinois, and utilized every opportunity for study, becom- ing a proficient reader and writer of English. He spent the next two years at Gladstone, Henderson County, in the same State, working for a gar- dener. He now determined to make a start on his own account, and went to Devil's Lake, North Dakota, and took up a homestead claim of a quarter sec- tion of land. Thence he proceeded to Belcourt Mission > on the Turtle Mountain Indian Reserva- tion, and remained four years, being employed in farm labor during the summer and baking bread for the Government school in the winter. Tiring of life among the Indians, he secured a position as gardener at an industrial school at Morris, Min- nesota, conducted by Sisters of Mercy. After spending two years there, he returned to Chicago to settle down. November 5, 1890, he was married to Miss Mary Zender, a native of Rogers Park, a former suburb of Chicago, now part of the city. Two children have come to bless his home, namely: Maria and Peter. Mrs. Karthauser's parents, John and Mary (Schmidt) Zender, were born in Germany, and came to the United States in 1840, sailing on the same vessel. They were married immediately after arriving in this country, and set out to make a home for themselves. Though poor and among strangers, they were industrious and hopeful of the future. For five years they lived in Chicago, and Mr. Zender tilled rented land. In 1845 he bought twenty-eight acres of land LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS REV. B. J. SCHUETTE (From Photo by W. J. ROOT) REV. B. J. SCHUETTE. on what is now Ridge Avenue (Rogers Park) , Chicago. He.vigorously prosecuted farming and gardening, and filled every day not thus occupied by teaming, getting out timber, or any labor that promised to enable him to better his condition. By such industry, which never flagged, he accu- mulated a handsome property. He died in 1876, and his wife in 1892. Of the seven children born to this worthy couple, but four are now living, namely: Anna, widow of Henry Muno (see bi- ography of Mr. Muuo in this volume); John, a resident of Ridge Avenue; Mary, wife of Mr. Karthauser; and Adam, a florist, located on Ridge Avenue. For a year after settling in Chicago, Mr. Kart- hauser kept a flower store on North Avenue; and then opened a cafe and pool room at No. 3543 Ridge Avenue, where he has continued since to cater to the tastes of his neighbors. He is a member of the Catholic Order of Foresters, and North Shore Commandery of the Knights and Ladies of Honor. He supports the Democratic party in political matters, but is in no sense a pol- itician or office-seeker. REV. BERNARD J. SCHUETTE. REV. BERNARD J. SCHUETTE, pastor of Saint Peter's Roman Catholic Church of Niles Center, was born August i, 1863, in Everswinkel, Province of Westphalia, Germany, and is the son of Conrad and Gertrude Schuette, natives of the same place. He received his early education in the parochial schools of his native village, and at the age of fourteen years entered the gymnasium of Warendorf, remaining there five years, studying the classics. At the end of that time he came to the United States, and after paying a brief visit at Quincy, Illinois, he went to Saint Francis Seminary at Milwaukee, where he took a three-years course in philosophy and theology. He then attended American College, at Louvain, Belgium, two years, and was or- dained there in June, 1887. In September of that year he returned to America and became an assistant at Wilmette, Illinois, one year, and then went to Saint Mary's Church at Sublette, Lee County, in this State, of which church he had charge three years and a-half. He came to Niles Center in 1892, and has since had charge of Saint Peter's Church, which was founded in 1868. Under his pastorate the church has had a steady, healthy growth and now has a member- ship of about one hundred and forty families. Father Schuette is loved by his congregation, and by all the citizens of the place is respected as a pleasant and genial gentleman, who is a benefactor of the community. He is well edu- cated, and is still a close student. In 1894 and 1895 he built the present beautiful church edifice, which has a seating capacity of about eight hundred. He has had to enlarge the school building, in which are now three school rooms, with an average attendance of one hundred and fifty scholars, in charge of three sis- ters. The church property, consisting of six acres, was donated by the late Peter Blameuser, and the first building was a frame structure forty by sixty feet. The first pastor was Rev. J. J. Reinecke, who remained three years, coming in 1869. He died 520 CAPT. MARTIN HAUSLER. in Kankakee some years ago. In 1872 came Rev. A. J. Thiele, at present pastor of Aloysius Church of Chicago. After him came his brother, Rev. D. Thiele, in 1880. At present he is pastor of Saint Francis' Church, Chicago. In 1882 Rev. W. J. Revis took charge of the church, was fol- lowed in 1883 by Rev. Clement Duerr, who re- mained until 1892. The new church is one hun- dred and thirty-two by fifty-three feet in dimen- sions, and cost about twenty-six thousand dollars. CAPT. MARTIN HAUSLER. EAPT. MARTIN HAUSLER was born in Aschersleben, Saxony (now Prussia), Germany, December 25, 1848, and is a son of Gottfried Hausler and Mary Schuster. The father was the first of the family to seek the larger life that America offered the workingman, and came to this country in 1852. He found work in Chicago, and the following spring was joined by his wife and their five children, namely Albertina (Mrs. Philip Ehrenfelts), Emily (Mrs. Henry Neuenberger) , Louis, Charles (deceased) and Martin. The father never became wealthy, but was an honest, hard-working man, and cared well for his family. He kept house in the winter of 1852-53 at the northwest corner of Lake and Clark Streets, and in the spring moved to Mil- waukee Avenue. Later on he moved to Indiana Street, and again to a cottage on the north fork of the Chicago River, located near where Feather- stone's machine shops now stand, west of Halsted Street. He became a landowner, paying eight dollars an acre for one hundred and twenty acres of good farm land a mile south of the present site of Riverdale. Here he engaged in farming for a time, then sold and bought twenty acres on the Calumet River, and removed to South Chicago in the winter of 1861-62, and settled on section 7, which was purchased of Stephen A. Thurston. Mr. Hausler built a house that still stands at the corner of Commercial Avenue and One Hun- dredth Street. In 1870 the canal company desired this property and secured it in exchange for two lots on Harbor Avenue, and twenty-five hundred dollars in cash. This property was presently ex- changed for other Harbor Avenue property, near Mackinaw Avenue, which is still in the family. Martin Hausler is a veteran lake captain, and is familiar with all the lakes excepting Superior. He began life as a sailor when quite young, and has had a long and honorable business career. He received his license as a captain in 1877, and the first boat he commanded was the tug " Two Brothers, ' ' now owned by the Star Construction Company. It was also the first boat owned by the Hausler Brothers. They built the tug "Holli- day" in 1881; the "William Raller," now owned by McGillis & Co., in '1882; the "C. W. El- phicke in 1889; the "M. G. Hausler" in 1893, and the "T. C. Lutz," the largest tug on the Calumet, in 1895. All these tugs were built by Captain Hausler and his associates in business. The firm of Hausler Brothers continued until 1890, when the subject of this sketch became the sole proprietor. In January, 1893, he sold a half- interest in the towing business to J. S. Dunham, and the firm became the Hausler & Dunham Towing and Wrecking Company. The following year he sold a part of his pile-driver business to T. C. Lutz, and the next }'ear Mr. Dunham bought of him one-quarter of the pile-driver busi- ness. Mr. Dunham sold a part of his holding to Mr. Lutz, and the firm became the Hausler & Lutz Towing and Dock Company. This firm was regularly incorporated in 1896, and is pre- pared to do a general towing and pile-driving business. The business has taken on large pro- portions and ranks high among all similar con- cerns around the lakes. Captain Hausler has JOHN ZENDER. 521 retired from active labor, but occasionally takes out a boat in rush times. When the Hauslers first came to South Chi- cago, fishing and trapping were about the only paying industries established along the Calumet, and with characteristic enterprise the subject of this sketch was among the leading fishermen of the south shore. The Hausler Brothers conduct- ed for many years the most extensive fishing establishment along the lake, and many of the most important catches are recorded on their books, from which are taken the following fig- ures: The spring catch of white fish for 1873 was 64,223 pounds; for 1874 it was 62,933 pounds; for 1875, 45,600 pounds; for 1876, 65,480 pounds; and for 1877, 89,830 pounds. The sturgeon catch usually exceeded the white fish by a few thousand pounds. The spring catch of herring for 1873 was 64,904 pounds; for 1874, 49,871 pounds; for 1875 it was 37,471 pounds; for 1876, 45,752 pounds, and for 1877 it reached 55,549 pounds. It was a hard life, fraught with much care and anxiety, and attended by uncertain prof- its, and in 1890 the Hausler Brothers retired from all connection with or interest in it. In the six- ties game of all kind was abundant on the Calu- met. Ducks and deer were plentiful, and -the muskrat, mink and raccoon richly rewarded the trappers' skill and persistence. The Hauslers had as many as eight dozen traps set about at one time, and in addition shot large numbers of rats, using a shot gun for that purpose. Captain Hausler in one day shot one hundred and four, and his brother ninety -six. In ten days these two young men shot rats enough to bring them in three hundred and twenty-seven dollars, at twenty-seven and a-half cents each. They had a dog who would frequently catch more rats than the boys could shoot. He would also catch ducks and kill them by breaking their necks. The hunting on the Calumet gradually died away, and in 1885 came to an end. Captain Hausler was married January 14, 1872, to Miss Augusta Eggers, and they are the parents of an interesting family of children. They are: Fredrika, Mary, Martin, Henry, William, Au- gusta (deceased), Charles, Frederick and Ernest (twins), and Albertina. Captain Hausler is the only survivor of the original members of the . Evangelical Lutheran Emanuel Church of South Chicago, and is a stanch Republican. He has taken an active part in all matters that look to public improvement, and served for seven years on the South Chicago School Board. Gottfried Hausler, the father of Captain Haus- ler, was born in Germany in 1806, and died in Chicago December 13, 1893. He was a cloth weaver by trade, but never engaged in that occu- pation in this country. His father was a weaver and bought and sold wool, beet seed, blankets, and kindred commodities. He was delivering a consignment of blankets to the German army, when both he and Gottfried were captured by the Russians, and held for some time as prisoners. The maternal grandfather of Captain Hausler was a prosperous German farmer and miller. His name was Christopher Schuster, and he was a prominent character in his community. JOHN ZENDER. (JOHN ZENDER. John and Mary (Schmidt) I Zender were natives of Germany, and came Q) to the United States on the same vessel, in 1840, and were soon married after their arrival in Chicago. They began life with no capital, save strong hands and willing, hopeful hearts. For five years they resided in Chicago, carrying on agriculture on rented land, and in 1845 bought twenty, acres on what is now Ridge Avenue (then called the Ridge Road), which they imme- 522 NICHOLAS REIS. diately began to clear and improve. The timber found a ready market in Chicago, and Mr. Zender was very busy in teaming, fanning and garden- ing. By that indefatigable industry and thrift which are characteristic of the German people, he was successful in accumulating a handsome prop- erty, and left, beside, to his family the priceless heritage of a good name. He died in 1876, being survived many years by his widow, who passed away in 1892. They were honest and valuable citizens and faithful members of the Roman Catholic Church. Of the seven children born to this worthy couple, only four are now living, namely: Anna, widow of Henry Muno (whose biography appears in this work) ; John, a resi- dent on Ridge Avenue, Chicago; Mary, wife of Nicholas Karthauser (see sketch in this volume) ; and Adam, a florist of Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. Zender celebrated their silver wedding in May, 1867, and on the same day the parents of Mrs. Zender, Peter and Mary Schmidt, celebrated their golden wedding. NICHOLAS REIS. REIS, who was known to many of the early settlers of the South Side in Chicago as "Honest Nic," was a native of the city, born March 14, 1842, on the present site of the Palmer House, State and Monroe Streets. He died at his home on Indiana Ave- nue, in his native city, December 30, 1896, in the fifty-fifth year of his age. Peter Reis, father of the subject of this notice, was born May 18, 1815, in Uhrexweihler, Saxe- Coburg, Germany, and was a son of John Peter Reis, a chorister of that place. In 1837 the last-named came to Chicago, with his family, which consisted of his wife, Barbara, and nine children, namely: Margaret, Peter, Nicholas, Barbara, John, Ellen, Jacob, Mary and John Peter. The first home of the family was on Adams Street, near the present post-office site. For ten years Peter Reis was associated with his brother Nicholas in delivering water with a horse and wagon, which they sold by the barrel to the citizens of the town. Of course, this was before any system of water service was adopted by the city, and the fact is illustrative of the primitive conditions which obtained for ten years following 1837. On the decadence of this busi- ness, through the public improvements inaugu- rated by the young city, Peter Reis opened a grocery store on La Salle Street, near Randolph. He also kept boarders, and finally abandoned the grocery and devoted himself to the business of hotel-keeping. The demands of business in the center of the city made his ground valuable, and he sold out and moved to No. 403 State Street. About 1850, for six hundred dollars, he purchased two lots at this location, on which he erected a hotel, in which he lived and did business until his death, March 2, 1870. His wife, Eliza- beth (Baumgarten) Reis, survives him, and still resides on this homestead, where she has lived since 1852. She is a native of Pitlingen, Lorraine (now a province of Germany), and a daughter of Moritz Baumgarten, who came to Chicago, with his family, in 1836. He was well known among the pioneers, and followed teaming all his life in this city. All the children of Mr. and Mrs. Reis LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS JOHN ECKERT JOHN ECKERT. 523 Margaret, Nicholas, Magdalena, Barbara, Katharine, Elizabeth and Caroline married and reared children. Of these, only three are now living, namely: Mesdames Barbara Sinclair, Elizabeth Lauer and Caroline Martzel. Nicholas Reis, whose name heads this notice, was educated in a German Catholic school of Chicago, and learned the tinsmith's trade, which he followed with such success that he was able to purchase his father's business when the latter was ready to retire. This he continued until his death, and he was known to the law-abiding citi- zens of Chicago as "Honest Nic," a title which he won by his integrity and regard for the welfare of society. He was the friend of rich and poor. He served as a soldier in defense of the Union, and was esteemed by a wide circle of acquaintances for his open, manly character. He was married May 17, 1868, to Miss Ellen Murphy, a daughter of Michael and Ann (McComb) Murphy. She was born August 30, 1848, in Albion, New York, where her father was for a time engaged in business. He was later a clothing merchant in Detroit, Michigan, where he died. He was a native of Cork, Ireland, and a nephew of Bishop Murphy of that city. L,ike all their near relatives, Mr. and Mrs. Reis were faithful members of the Roman Catholic Church. JOHN ECKERT. (JOHN ECKERT, now living in retirement I from the active cares of life, is an early set- Q) tier of Chicago. He was born April 19, 1830, in Kreis Mainz, Hesse-Darmstadt, Germany, and was educated there. He was reared upon a farm and was early accustomed to the duties and labors of rural life, and continued in that capacity until he came to the United States in 1857. He arrived in New York in August of that year, and re- mained a few months in that city. He then came to Chicago, whence he proceeded to Galesburg, Illinois, and remained there until March 15 of the year 1858. He then returned to Chicago and bought twenty-two and one-half acres of land where he now lives. In 1865 he engaged in market-gardening and continued until 1891, when he sold all of his land except the por- tion occupied by his residence, and since then has not been engaged in active business. He takes an interest in what is going on around him and is a patriotic son of the country in which he has been so blessed. He is independent in political matters, being ruled by his own considerations as to the fitness of candidates. In 1859, in Chicago, he was married to Anna Kneib, a native of Hesse-Darmstadt, Germany, who was born in 1836. Two children were born of this union, namely: Michael and Mary. The former resides at No. 1635 North Clark Street, and the latter is the widow of Dr. Mathias L,inster, who died October i, 1896. Mrs. Anna Eckert died August 18, 1893, and on the I2th of April following Mr. Eckert married Magdalena Thart, daughter of Michael and Elizabeth Thart, who came to the United States in 1886. The 'family is identified with Saint Henry's Roman Catholic Church. Mr. Eckert visited the Fatherland in 1874, in 1877, and again in 1890. 524 PHILIP ROGERS. PHILIP ROGERS, ROGERS, deceased, was one of the L/ prominent pioneers of Cook County. He 1^) was born August 15, 1812, in Dublin, Ire- land, and came to the United States in childhood, with his parents, James and Catherine (Mc- Gregor) Rogers, of Scotch-Irish origin. They located at Watertown, Jefferson County, New York, where Philip grew to manhood and re- ceived his education. Under the instruction of an elder brother, who was a college graduate, he acquired considerable proficiency in civil engin- eering. He was deeply interested in the study of geology, and before coming West had made an extensive examination into the formations of the earth strata of the United States, and was em- ployed for some time as assayist by an iron ore firm. He soon decided to locate in Illinois, and started in 1835, in company with his brother, Milton Rogers, the founder of Saint Joseph, Mis- souri. The latter was not pleased with the pros- pects of the West and returned to New York, only to repair to the far West again. The sub- ject of this sketch was not dismayed by the hardships which the pioneers were compelled to endure, and went to work at ditching, splitting rails, and any labor that seemed to be demanded in this region. He staked out a claim in Lake View Township, which included a judicious pro- portion of timber and prairie, and subsequently purchased land from time to time, chiefly from the Government, until his landed estate comprised sixteen hundred acres. Much of this he improved, and his farming operations became quite exten- sive, being conducted under his own supervision. In 1841 he married Mrs. Mary Ward Hickey, widow of James Fox Hickey, and daughter of Thomas Breen Masterson, Esq., of Mishal, County Carlow, Ireland. Thomas Breeu Mas- terson was a native of Mishal, descended from the Breens of Bally Breen, County Wicklow, Ire- land. He was born May 4, 1781, and died in 1814. Mrs. Rogers was born July 15, 1802, in Blossom Terrace, London, England, and was married to James Fox Hickey, in Saint Paul's Cathedral in that city, October 12, 1829. They took ship at Gravesend May 23, 1831, on a sail- vessel, bound for the shores of the New World. After a prolonged journey, caused by storms and adverse winds, they arrived in New York July 4 glorious Independence day. Those were the days when the great anniversary was properly commemorated by the veterans of the Revolution and their patriotic children, and woe to the rash "Britisher" who would point a finger of scorn at the thirteen stars and stripes as they floated triumphantly over all that hot July day, sixty-six years ago. In her widowhood Mrs. Hickey was left child- less, and with considerable property at the present site of the Sunnyside Hotel. With her second husband, Philip Rogers, she began life in true pioneer style, and two children came to bless their western home. The youngest of these, Philip M., died a year after attaining his majority. The other, Catherine, is now Mrs. P. L. Touhy, of Rogers Park. Mr. Rogers was a Jacksonian Democrat, and took a keen interest in the success of his party, as well as in all measures that seemed to him calcu- lated to promote the general welfare. He was FREDERICK SULZER. 525 very enterprising and public-spirited, and was respected by all with whom he came in contact. He lived at peace with the Indians, who were numerous about him in the early days, as well as with all others, and always counseled harmony among the settlers. He spoke and wrote the German language with ease, and assisted in bringing many Germans to settle about him, and aided the early settlers in many ways. He was a deep reader, of broad and liberal views. In religious opinion he most nearly coin- cided with the Roman Catholic Church. He held the office of assessor in the town of Evans- ton for twelve years, or from the time of its organization to his death. Physically he was large and powerful, and was noted for his great good humor. He died of congestion of the brain December 13, 1856, after a short but very active and useful life. The memory of Mr. Rogers will always be revered by his grandchildren, though none of them bear his name. His daughter Catherine, educated in Saint Agatha's Academy of Chicago, married P. L. Touhy in 1865. They have had ten children, as follows: Mabel, Edniond Rogers, Stephen Rogers, Catherine, Joseph G., John Rogers, Alice B., Grace A., and two who died, unnamed, in infancy. The second, who was a graduate of the Chicago Law Institute, class of 1891, died January 9, 1894, and the sixth died at the age of four years. All of the living are pos- sessed of exceptional talents and are enjoying excellent educational advantages. Mrs. Rogers died in 1890, sincerely mourned by a large number of persons. She was a member of the Humane Association in London from its origin. After the death of her second husband she managed the estate, with the assistance of her son-in-law. The name was given to the former suburb of Rogers Park in honor of Mr. Rogers, its founder. At present the estate is being managed by Mrs. Catherine C. Touhy and his son, S. Rogers Touhy, a practical and efficient real-estate man- ager. FREDERICK SULZER. f~ REDERICK SULZER, whose death occurred ry at his home in Ravenswood, February 6, | 1892, belonged to one of the pioneer families of Cook County. He was born in Watertown, Jefferson County, New York, March 5, 1836. In June of the same year his parents, Conrad and Christina Sulzer, emigrated from the State of New York to Chicago. The great city was then but a village on the lake shore, of a few hundred inhab- itants, and gave no promise of the wonderful growth to which it has since attained. In 1837 the family removed to what was sub- sequently Lake View Township, where Mr. Con- rad Sulzer purchased a farm, which is now includ- ed in the city, formerly the suburb of Ravenswood. Forty acres of the original plat of one hundred ninety -four acres, which was laid out by the Ra- venswood Land Company, was purchased from Mr. Sulzer in 1868. Mr. Conrad Sulzer and fam- ily were probably the first settlers on the site of Ravenswood. He engaged in farming and stock-raising, and was prominently connected with the growth and development of this part of Cook County. He was assessor of the town of Lake View in 1857, and the first to hold that office after the organization of 524 PHILIP ROGERS. PHILIP ROGERS. ROGERS, deceased, was one of the L7 prominent pioneers of Cook County. He jsJ> was born August 15, 1812, in Dublin, Ire- land, and came to the United States in childhood, with his parents, James and Catherine (Mc- Gregor) Rogers, of Scotch-Irish origin. They located at Watertown, Jefferson County, New York, where Philip grew to manhood and re- ceived his education. Under the instruction of an elder brother, who was a college graduate, he acquired considerable proficiency in civil engin- eering. He was deeply interested in the study of geology, and before coming West had made an extensive examination into the formations of the earth strata of the United States, and was em- ployed for some time as assayist by an iron ore firm. He soon decided to locate in Illinois, and started in 1835, in company with his brother, Milton Rogers, the founder of Saint Joseph, Mis- souri. The latter was not pleased with the pros- pects of the West and returned to New York, only to repair to the far West again. The sub- ject of this sketch was not dismayed by the hardships which the pioneers were compelled to endure, and went to work at ditching, splitting rails, and any labor that seemed to be demanded in this region. He staked out a claim in Lake View Township, which included a judicious pro- portion of timbtr and prairie, and subsequently purchased land from time to time, chiefly from the Government, until his landed estate comprised sixteen hundred acres. Much of this he improved, and his farming operations became quite exten- sive, being conducted under his own supervision. In 1841 he married Mrs. Mary Ward Hickey, widow of James Fox Hickey, and daughter of Thomas Breen Masterson, Esq., of Mishal, County Carlow, Ireland. Thomas Breeu Mas- terson was a native of Mishal, descended from the Breens of Bally Breen, County Wicklow, Ire- land. He was born May 4, 1781, and died in 1814. Mrs. Rogers was born July 15, 1802, in Blossom Terrace, London, England, and was married to James Fox Hickey, in Saint Paul's Cathedral in that city, October 12, 1829. The}' took ship at Gravesend May 23, 1831, on a sail- vessel, bound for the shores of the New World. After a prolonged journey, caused by storms and adverse winds, they arrived in New York July 4 glorious Independence day. Those were the days when the great anniversary was properly commemorated by the veterans of the Revolution and their patriotic children, and woe to the rash "Britisher" who would point a finger of scorn at the thirteen stars and stripes as they floated triumphantly over all that hot July day, sixty-six years ago. In her widowhood Mrs. Hickey was left child- less, and with considerable property at the present site of the Sunnyside Hotel. With her second husband, Philip Rogers, she began life in true pioneer style, and two children came to bless their western home. The youngest of these, Philip M., died a 3 r ear after attaining his majority. The other, Catherine, is now Mrs. P. L. Touhy, of Rogers Park. Mr. Rogers was a Jacksonian Democrat, and took a keen interest in the success of his party, as well as in all measures that seemed to him calcu- lated to promote the general welfare. He was FREDERICK SULZER. 525 very enterprising and public-spirited, and was respected by all with whom he came in contact. He lived at peace with the Indians, who were numerous about him in the early days, as well as with all others, and always counseled harmony among the settlers. He spoke and wrote the German language with ease, and assisted in bringing many Germans to settle about him, and aided the early settlers in many ways. He was a deep reader, of broad and liberal views. In religious opinion he most nearly coin- cided with the Roman Catholic Church. He held the office of assessor in the town of Evans- ton for twelve years, or from the time of its organization to his death. Physically he was large and powerful, and was noted for his great good humor. He died of congestion of the brain December 13, 1856, after a short but very active and useful life. The memory of Mr. Rogers will always be revered by his grandchildren, though none of them bear his name. His daughter Catherine, educated in Saint Agatha's Academy of Chicago, married P. L. Touhy in 1865. They have had ten children, as follows: Mabel, Edtnond Rogers, Stephen Rogers, Catherine, Joseph G., John Rogers, Alice B., Grace A., and two who died, unnamed, in infancy. The second, who was a graduate of the Chicago Law Institute, class of 1891, died January 9, 1894, and the sixth died at the age of four years. All of the living are pos- sessed of exceptional talents and are enjoying excellent educational advantages. Mrs. Rogers died in 1890, sincerely mourned by a large number of persons. She was a member of the Humane Association in London from its origin. After the death of her second husband she managed the estate, with the assistance of her son-in-law. The name was given to the former suburb of Rogers Park in honor of Mr. Rogers, its founder. At present the estate is being managed by Mrs. Catherine C. Touhy and his son, S. Rogers Touhy, a practical and efficient real-estate man- ager. FREDERICK SULZER. j~ REDBRICK SULZER, whose death occurred fy at his home in Ravenswood, February 6, I 1892, belonged to one of the pioneer families of Cook County. He was born in Watertown, Jefferson County, New York, March 5, 1836. In June of the same year his parents, Conrad and Christina Sulzer, emigrated from the State of New York to Chicago. The great city was then but a village on the lake shore, of a few hundred inhab- itants, and gave no promise of the wonderful growth to which it has since attained. In 1837 the family removed to what was sub- sequently Lake View Township, where Mr. Con- rad Sulzer purchased a farm, which is now includ- ed in the city, formerly the suburb of Ravenswood. Forty acres of the original plat of one hundred ninety-four acres, which was laid out by the Ra- venswood Land Company, was purchased from Mr. Sulzer in 1868. Mr. Conrad Sulzer and fam- ily were probably the first settlers on the site of Ravenswood. He engaged in farming and stock-raising, and was prominently connected with the growth and development of this part of Cook County. He was assessor of the town of Lake View in 1857, and the first to hold that office after the organization of 526 REV. A. P. LONERGAN. the township. He was deeply interested in edu- cational progress and whatever tended to promote the moral and material interests of the community. His death occurred in 1873. The wife and mother survived her husband a number of years. Frederick Sulzer was but an infant when the family came to Cook County. He lived at home on the farm with his parents until 1857, when he went to Rochester, New York, to learn the nursery business, returning in the fall of 1859. There he acquired a thorough knowledge of that industry, and in the spring of 1860 began the planting of a nursery. He was successfully engaged as nurs- eryman and florist for many years. The former he discontinued some time previous to his death, but continued as florist until about two years pre- vious to that event. February 2, 1870, Mr. Frederick Sulzer was married to Miss Anna M. Buether, of Chicago. Mrs. Sulzer is a daughter of Glaus and Rebecca Buether, natives of Hanover, Germany, but early settlers of Chicago. Her father is deceased, but the mother is still living. Mrs. Sulzer is one of a family of two sons and one daughter. The chil- dren born to Mr. and Mrs. Sulzer are: Julia R., Angelina M., Harriet L., Albert F. and Grace E. At the time of his death Mr. Sulzer was, doubt- less, the oldest settler of the town of Lake View. He held various official positions, including that of town clerk, to which he was elected in 1867. He was elected highway commissioner in 1868, and supervisor and treasurer in 1875. He was especially interested in the growth and efficiency of the schools, acting as school director for many years. Several of his children are now engaged in educational work, in connection with the schools of Ravenswood. He was long a represen- tative citizen, and highly esteemed by all who knew him. His family resides in a beautiful home, No. 1306 Perry 'Street, where the husband and father passed away after a brief illness. Mr. Sulzer resided on the land which his father pur- chased in 1837 for the long period of fifty-five years. REV. ARTHUR P. LONERGAN. REV. ARTHUR PATRICK LONERGAN, pastor of St. Jerome's Church in Rogers Park, was born in Yarmouth, Nova Scotia, and is the son of Edmond and Anne M. Loner- gan. He received his classical education at Saint Francis Seminary, Milwaukee, and his theological education at Saint Mary's Seminary in Baltimore. He was ordained deacon in the cathedral, Balti- more, December 23, 1882, and was promoted to the priesthood by the Most Reverend Archbishop Feehan, December 29, 1882. He was then ap- pointed assistant to the Reverend Father Roles, at Saint Mary's Church, Wabash Avenue and Eld- redge Court, Chicago. Later he served as as- sistant to the Very Reverend Doctor Butler, at Saint John's Church, on the corner of Eighteenth and Clark Streets, in the same city. From Saint John's Church he went to Amboy, Illinois, where he labored as pastor for four years, when he was called to this city to assume charge of the newly organized parish of Saint Jerome, May 10, 1895. Under his able guidance the parish has been thor- oughly organized and is now in a most prosper- ous condition. O. D. RANNEY. 527 ORRIN D. RANNEY. IRRIN DATUS RANNEY was born at East Granville (on Holden Hill), Massachusetts, March 6, 1812, unto Orrin and Betsy Ran- ney, ( nee Gibbons. ) He had one brother and three sisters, all of good attainments. The brother, Timothy Pickering Rauney (now deceased), was long a prominent laywer at Newark, New Jersey. His sisters, Nancy Deborah and Sarah Sheppard Ranney, were both graduates of Mount Holyoke Seminary, Massachusetts. The former (now de- parted) for many years had a private ladies' seminary at Elizabeth, New Jersey. Sarah mar- ried Mr. J. Austin Scott, a capitalist, of Toledo, Ohio. Sarah Sheppard Ranney Scott and hus- band are now both dead. The subject of this sketch, on account of ill health was obliged to forego youthful aspirations for becoming a clergyman. After finishing his common school education, at the age of fourteen years, he began clerking in Westfield, Massachu- setts. Upon his marriage, at the age of twenty- one, he began to conduct his own store at Lee, Massachusetts, whence he removed to Adrian, Michigan. Thence he went to Maumee City, Ohio, where he remained for a period of about ten years; thence to Toledo, Ohio. In all of these places he continued, with varying fortunes, in the mercantile business. Removing from Toledo, Ohio, he came to the final destination of his earthly life, arriving in Chicago in 1856. He went directly into the pro- vision commission business, on South Water Street, where he was long associated with the still surviving veteran Sherman Hall. Later he was for some years a member of the Board of Trade, in which we need not add he was deeply interested, and at whose marvelous growth he was, with his compeers of earlier days, obliged to mar- vel greatly. In May, 1872, he became attached to the force of the First National Bank, serving that corpora- tion most faithfully in the capacity of Manager ol the Safety Deposit Vaults, for upwards of a score of years, unto the very time of his death, March 4, 1894. By political faith, he was a staunch Republi- can, following the progressive career of that su- premely American party in every election with his unvarying support at the ballot box. The uplifting force of his long and good life is found in the Presbyterian dogma, to which he sub- scribed by actions which "speak louder than words. ' ' At the time of his coming to our city, he identified himself with the First Presbyterian Church,, in which he was ever honorably promi- nent, acting as an Elder for long years, up to within about two years of the time of his decease. He was also warmly interested in the welfare of the Foster Mission, a time-honored school of that denomination. The Rev. Herrick Johnson offici- ated at his funeral, and he was laid at rest in Albion, Michigan. Our departed friend belonged to no clubs, he was no society man; he belonged to his home; he was a man for the fireside and his tried, true friends. Said one of those high in position, with whom business associations for a lengthy period had brought the subject of this sketch into close relations of importance, ' ' I would as soon have thought of our bank suddenly becoming bankrupt for some inexplicable reason, as to know that anything had gone wrong with our Deposit De- partment while it was under Mr. Ranney's super- vision." Another, standing under the shadow of his tomb, said, "He was an honest man in every way, church, business, social and domestic life; none could come nearer perfection than Orrin Datus Ranney. All knew him only to respect and love, as one of God's noblemen." As the Creator does not finish the lives of any, 528 M. N. KIMBELL. no matter how saintly, upon this lower earth, so we cannot record in worthy fulness what is most deserving of historic remembrance and emulation on the part of succeeding generations of business men, about to enter upon important duties in our vast and rapidly growing metropolis. Surely, we may trustfully believe, as he was without fear, he passed to fields of Paradise without punish- ment; as he submissively wore the cross, the crown of eternal bliss is already encircling his be- loved brow. Mr. Ranney was twice married, having and leaving children only by the former marriage. The first union was with Miss Phoebe Eldredge, the ceremony being performed by the Rev. Isaac Knapp, at Westfield, Massachusetts, April 15, 1833. Three children came to them, as follows: Charles Luce Ranney, born January 14, 1834 in Westfield, Massachusetts; went through the Civil War, and died in a hospital in Portland, Oregon, in 1890, unmarried. Ellen Maria Ranney, born July 5, 1839, in Lee, Berkshire County, Massa- chusetts, died in childhood at Maumee City ; Alice Maria Ranney, born July 5, 1849 at Maumee City, Ohio; educated at Miss Ranney's Private School in Elizabeth, New Jersey, and later a graduate of the Chicago Dearborn Seminary. She married December 10, 1868, Walter Weeks Hilton, a banker of early Chicago, by whon she has two children: Myra Fisk Hilton, born Sep- tember 27 1869, educated at the Chicago Dear- born Seminary; and married June 26, 1889, to Mr. William Z. Mead, formerly of Virginia, now of Minneapolis, Minnesota, where he is engaged in the insurance business. John Ranney Hilton, born September 5, 1873, educated in the Chicago High School, unmarried. On the i gth of January, 1881, Mr. Ranney was married to Mrs. Adeline S..Peabody, (wrcGrosve- ner) a prominent family of Albion, Michigan, by the Rev. Daniel M. Cooper, of Detroit, Michigan. Their more than half a score of happy years of wedded life were not blessed by offspring. She still survives him, living at Albion, and visiting his last resting place on frequent occasions, feel- ing honored in being the associate of one in every way so worthy of the best of womankind. It will be seen that Mr. Ranney leaves no male child to bear his name throughout the coming years; therefore, although the good traits of fe- male descendants will loudly voice themselves in his behalf, it is especially appropriate that at this time and in this place and manner, in dignified setting, surrounded by the best of his contempo- raries, a lasting memorial be created, befitting in some degree the superlative characteristics of manhood possessed by him of whom this is written. It is to be regretted that some fuller record of Mr. Ranney's lineal ancestry is not available; for- the present it is known that his maternal grand- parents were Timothy and Elizabeth Gibbons, and that the preceding in the male line was Peter Gibbons. It is unnecessary to call attention to those prominent in this family, a Cardinal being in the mouths of us all, at first mention. The pa- ternal grandfather was Jonathan Ranney. MARTIN N. KIMBELL, [ARTIN NELSON KIMBELL, one of the most public-spirited of Cook County's pio- neers, who ably bore his part in promoting its moral and intellectual progress, as well as aid- ing in its material prosperity, was born in Still- water Township, Saratoga County, New York, January 24, 1812. He was the eldest child of Abel Kimbell and Maria Powell. The former M. N. KIMBELL. 529 was born at Pownal, Bennington, County, Ver- mont, and was a son of Noah Kimbell, a native of Rhode Island, who removed to Vermont while a young man. The last-named was of Scotch- Irish descent, and a farmer and miller by occu- pation. He joined the Continental forces and took part in the battle of Bennington. Abel Kimbell, in early life, removed to Saratoga County, New York, where his death occurred in 1833 at the age of forty-two years. He was a veteran of the War of 1812. Mrs. Maria Kimbell died in Saratoga County, New York, in 1830. Her mother, whose maiden name was Nelson, was of Dutch descent, and her father's name was Frost Powell. He was of English-Welsh extraction, sonof Obadiah Powell, a Quaker, who died in Saratoga County at the age of nearly one hundred years. Some time previous to the Revolutionary War he removed thither from Dutchess County, New York, with his wife Betsy, bringing all their belongings on a pack pony. They became the parents of three sons and eight daughters, all of whom lived to extreme old age. During the Revolutionary struggle, Obadiah Powell was much censured by his neighbors on account of his non-combatant principles, and most of his personal property was confiscated. He was steadfast in his convictions, however, and lived to become one of the leading farmers of the county. At the age of ninety -eight years he husked several baskets of corn and car- ried them to the loft of his carriage house. His house was a favorite gathering-place of his nu- merous descendants, including the subject of this sketch, who was the recipient of considerable at- tention from the old gentleman on account of his being the first great-grandchild. About 1840 Frost Powell moved to Wisconsin, settling near Waterford, in Racine County, where he died a few years later. Martin N. Kimbell was but six years old when the family moved to Windham, Bradford County, Pennsylvania, and a few years later another remov- al was made to Tioga Count}', New York. Though his parents were able to equip him with little other education, they implanted in his mind those upright and honorable principles which, with the habits of industry, frugality and sobriety acquired in early youth, admirably fitted him for the battle of life. At the age of twelve years he began working out among the neighboring farmers, his first wages being $4 per month. The money earned in this way was spent for schooling most of his education being obtained after he had passed the age of eighteen years. At the age of twenty he returned to Saratoga County, New York, where he was employed as foreman upon a large farm at the extraordinary salary of $11 per month, the other help receiving from $6 to $8. So satisfactory were his services that he was offered still farther advance in salary, but after a few years he again went to Tioga County and taught school for several terms at a salary of $15 per month, " boarding around. " Having heard wonderful tales of the great West, in 1836 he came to Chicago. His first employment here was at farm work and teaming. In the fall of the same year he made a claim to a quarter-section of land in Jefferson Township, now inside of the city limits, and in the spring of 1837 built a shanty of hay on his claim. In 1838 he purchased this land, paying to the middle man who secured the title from the Government, the sum of $2.50 per acre in annual installments of $100. The same year he built a frame house near the location of his late residence, and engaged in active farming operations. Four years later he rented a hotel on Milwaukee Avenue, at the corner of the thor- oughfare now known as Warner Avenue. This house was at that time known as ' ' The Prairie Grocery," but he changed its name to " Live and L,et Live. ' ' Although this enterprise was quite successful, he resolved to abandon it because it did not provide satisfactory environment for his growing family, and two years later he returned to his farm, which was his home during the rest of his life. At one time his farm comprised two hundred and seventeen acres, most of which has been subdivided in city lots. In addition to his farming operations he engaged for some years in jobbing and general contracting. In 1849 ne began to grade and plank the highway known as Milwaukee Avenue, and built about three miles thereof, and was afterward employed for five 532 A. J. GALLOWAY. compensation offered to competent engineers. Under the instructions of Professors Harney and Thompson, he made special studies in mathemat- ics and engineering, and received his diploma as civil engineer in April, 1837. Proceeding to Evansville, he hoped to obtain a position on the Indiana Central canal, but was of- fered the charge of the Mount Carmel Academy at Mount Carmel, Illinois, soon after, and accepted for one year. Among his pupils were many young men who have since become distinguished men of business, law and letters. At the close of his school year, he accepted an appointment as assistant engineer in the service of the State, and was actively employed in the location and con- struction of railways in that section of the State. In the fall of 1840, he went to Springfield, and was employed during a part of the following win- ter as assistant enrolling clerk of the Senate. In the following July, he received an appointment from the Canal Commissioners as engineer on the Illinois & Michigan Canal, under Chief Engineer William Gooding and his assistant, Edward B. Talcott. He continued in this work until the suspension of operations in the winter of 1843-4, when he retired to the farm which he had pur- chased in 1842, on the Big Vermillion river in La Salle County. In 1845, he resumed his posi- tion and employment on the canal, with head- quarters at Marseilles, and continued until De- cember, 1846, when the work was about com- pleted and he was relieved. Within a few days, he was elected enrolling and engrossing clerk of the lower house of the Legislature, to which posi- tion he was also elected in 1848. At the close of the session in 1849, he was appointed Secretary to the State Trustee of the Canal Board, with of- fice in Chicago. He moved his family to the city, and for over two years filled this position, until he resigned to accept the office of assistant engineer under Col. Roswell B. Mason, on the Illinois Central Railroad. Mr. Galloway located about one hundred and fifty miles of the line of this road, and superin- tended the construction of the twelfth division until near completion, when he was transferred to the land department of the same road, with an increase of $1,000 per annum in salary. He superintended the survey of more than a million acres of the company's lands, and made sketches for maps of the same, with descriptions of the character and quality of every tract surveyed. He retired from the railroad service in July, 1855, and formed a company, with two others, to deal in real estate and lands, under the title of A. J. Galloway & Company. Before the close of that year, they bought sixty thousand acres of Illinois Central lands, all of which eventually passed into the individual possession of Mr. Gal- loway. For some years he was occupied in dis- posing of these holdings, together with sales on commission for the company and other owners, and has done his share in securing the location of desirable citizens in the State. Mr. Galloway cast his first Presidential vote for Martin Van Buren, in 1836, and has voted in every national contest since. He adhered to the Democratic party until the organization of the Republican in 1856, since which he has af- filiated with the latter party. He was a member of the Twenty-seventh General Assembly of Illi- nois, and chairman of the committee on canal alid river improvements in the house. This was the first Legislature under the present State Consti- tution, and held four sessions, two of them being called by the Governor of the State, and one of which was made necessary by the fearful conflagra- tion which destroyed some two hundred million dollars' worth of property in Chicago in the brief space of twenty hours. He was elected to fill a va- cancy in the Cook County Board of Commissioners in November, 1872, by some eight thousand major- ity, but was beaten on the "law and order" ticket in the following year for the same office, by some ten thousand majority given for the candidate on the "people's ticket." In 1882, he was a candi- date on the Republican ticket for County Clerk, and though elected by the legal votes cast, was counted out. While at Springfield, he formed the acquaintance of Abraham Lincoln, and their mutual friendship continued with the life of the latter. As chairman of the committee on taxation of the Citizens' Association, he has rendered valu- JAMES TOMPKINS. 533 able aid to that very useful organization, and at various times, through the medium of the press, has given to the public useful hints, facts and statistics which ought not to be forgotten. In November, 1838, Mr. Galloway was mar- ried to Miss Rebecca Buchanan, youngest daugh- ter of the late Victor Buchanan, senior, of Law- rence County, Illinois, a well-known and highly esteemed farmer, a native of Pennsylvania, who died and was buried on his farm in the year 1843, having reached the ripe age of eighty-one years. Following are the names of Mr. Galloway's children: Rebecca Elizabeth, wife of George G. Gunther, now residing in California; Robert Wil- son, an amateur artist and member of the Chicago Board of Trade, died at the age of twenty-seven years; Margaret, widow of Samuel L. Fogg, and James Buchanan, a prominent business man, re- side in Chicago. Jessie died in 1870, aged twenty years. REV. JAMES TOMPKINS, D. D. REV. JAMES TOMPKINS, D. D., for seven- teen years Superintendent of the Congrega- tional Home Missionary Society of Illinois, is not only an able preacher but a superior busi- ness man as well. His practical ideas and genial, sunnj 7 disposition inspire confidence and interest in all with whom he comes in contact, and secure ready co-operation in his work. He was born in Galesburg, Illinois, on the 6th of April, 1840. His father, Deacon Samuel Tompkins, was one. of the founders of that city, being a member of the committee that came from New York, in 1835, to select the site of an institution of learning and, incidentally, of a town in the "wild West." The committee entered a township of Govern- ment land and platted a village in its center, in the name of Knox College. Tompkins Street, on which is located Knox Female Seminary, is named in honor of this pioneer. Samuel Tomp- kins was a native of Rhode Island, and his wife, Mary Grinnell, was born at Paris Hill, Oneida County, New York. James Tompkins spent his early years in his native place, studying in the public schools, until 1854, when he entered the preparatory depart- ment of Knox College. He graduated from that institution in 1862, taking the degree of Bachelor of Science. In 1865, having pursued special lines of study, he received the degree of Master of Arts. In 1867, he graduated from Chicago Theological Seminary, and in 1888 he received the honorary degree of Doctor of Divinity from Illinois College. During his preparatory and college course, he maintained himself by teaching school, and the same year of his graduation at the age of twen- ty-two he took charge of Elmwood Academy, at Elmwood, Illinois. He continued here two years, at the end of which period a regular system of graded schools was established by the town and the trustees of the academy decided to merge that institution in the public high school. The formation of the grades and establishment of the high school was a task assigned to Mr. Tomp- kins, and faithfully carried out. While he was in college, the call of President Lincoln was issued for seventy-five thousand men to put down the rebellion, and a company was enlisted at Knox College, Mr. Tompkins being among the first. So many men were enlisting 534 JAMES TOMPKINS. throughout the State that it was feared the com- pany of students would not be accepted, and its captain was sent to Springfield to urge the matter upon Governor Yates, but the mission was vain, and thus several good soldiers were spoiled in the making of some good ministers. After graduating, Mr. Tompkins aided in re- cruiting some companies of volunteers under a later call. These went into the Seventy-seventh and Eighty-fifth Regiments of Illinois Volunteers. Through much open air speaking in recruiting, Mr. Tompkins was suffering from a slight inflam- mation on the lungs at this time, and the exam- ining surgeon refused to pass him for military duty. As he was anxious to go out with the men he had enlisted, he endeavored to persuade the surgeon that his ailment was temporary, but the official was inexorable and he was compelled to remain behind. After resigning his position at Elmwood, however, in June, 1864, he was en- abled to give his* services to the country by join- ing the United States Christian Commission, which did such valuable work for the "boys in blue" in camp and hospital and on the battle- field. In this service, he remained until the close of the war. He was first sent to the Army of the Potomac, in company with Rev. W. G. Peirce, the beloved and heroic chaplain of the Seventy- seventh Illinois. When they reached City Point, Virginia General Grant's headquarterc they responded to a call for volunteers to go to the front, and were assigned to duty at Point of Rocks, on the Appomatox river. Here Mr. Tompkins met with an accident which nearly proved fatal. After hovering between life and death for a week, he rallied sufficiently to betaken in an ambulance to City Point, and was placed on a steamer bound for Baltimore. On his recovery, he was engaged for several weeks in lecturing throughout Central Illinois on the work of the Christian Commission, and col- lected several thousand dollars for its use. He then visited the Army of the Cumberland and followed General Thomas as he drove the Con- federate army, commanded by General Hood, out of Tennessee. He cared for the sick and wounded of both armies, took the last message of the dy- ing for the loved ones at home, and aided in giv- ing a decent burial to the remains of those who had given up their lives for their country. Mr. Tompkins was ordained to the work of the Gospel Ministry April 24, 1867, immediately after graduating from Chicago Theological Seminary, in the Congregational Church at Prospect Park (now called Glen Ellyn), and entered upon the duties of the Congregational pastorate, serving jointly this church and the First Church of Christ in the neighboring village of Lombard, Illinois. On visiting Minnesota for rest and recuperation, he was engaged as stated supply of the Congre- gational Church at St. Cloud. From there, he was called to the pastorate of the First Congrega- tional Church of Minneapolis. Three years' resi- dence in Minnesota made it apparent that a milder climate was necessary to the health of both himself and wife, and he resigned his charge in Minneapolis. He soon after accepted a call from the Congregational Church at Kewanee, Illinois, which he served as pastor for over six years. In May, 1878, the General Congregational As- sociation of Illinois voted to appoint a Superin- tendent of its work in the State. A number of prominent clergymen were candidates for the position, and after several ballotings, Mr. Tomp- kins received a majority of all the votes cast and was declared elected. He entered upon his new duties in the succeeding July, with headquarters in Chicago, and is still occupying that position. He has introduced several new methods in the prose- cution of the work, and awakened a deeper inter- est and more hearty co-operation in all the churches. The most important of the new in- strumentalities was the employment of able men as State Evangelists. This gave new impetus, strength and enlargement to the work. In 1869, on the 8th of September, Mr. Tomp- kins married Miss Ella A. Kelley, a native of Rutland, Vermont, daughter of J. Seeley Kelley and Mary E. Hall. To Mr. and Mrs. Tompkins have been given four children, namely: Roy James, born in Minneapolis, Mabel Ella, William C. , born at Kewanee, Illinois, and Seeley Kelley, born at Oak Park, Illinois. LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF H MNOIS KASPAR G. SCHMIDT K. G. SCHMIDT. 535 KASPAR G. SCHMIDT. RASPAR G. SCHMIDT was born in Vocken- hausen, near Wiesbaden, Nassau, Germany, February 20, 1833. His parents' names were John and Elizabeth (Dinges) Schmidt. John Schmidt was a tailor by trade and, in later life, became foreman of a tannery. He served in the German army as a sergeant-major under General Blucher. After participating in the bat- tle of Waterloo, he accompanied the victorious army to Paris. His death occurred in 1854, at the age of sixty-two years. Mrs. Elizabeth Schmidt survived until 1882, attaining the vener- able age of eighty-two years. Kaspar G. Schmidt is one of a family of nine children, of whom but one beside himself came to America. This was a brother, named Nicholas, who now resides in Chicago. Kaspar received a common-school education and, at the age of four- teen years, began to learn the trade of a machinist. After serving a four years' -apprenticeship at Mines, he followed the same occupation for some time at Frankfort-on-the-Main. In April, 1854, he set sail for America. After a tempestuous voyage lasting fifty-six days, he landed in New York. Thence he came direct to Chicago, where he soon obtained employment at his trade. His enterprising spirit was not destined to be confined to mere mechanical labor, however, and he began saving his surplus earnings with a view to mak- ing a permanent investment. He did not have to wait long for an opportunity, and when, in 1857., several large Milwaukee brewers became bankrupt, he purchased a stock of beer at an ad- vantageous figure and began doing a small whole- sale business in that product. This enterprise continued to prosper until 1860, when he was en- abled to start a small brewery, at the corner of Superior and Clark Streets. Two years later, he removed to Grant Place, which has ever since been the scene of his operations. His extensive buildings were totally destroyed in the great fire of 1871. His loss at that time, including his residence, amounted to one-fourth of a million dollars. He was able to recover but a small per- centage of his insurance, and the entire business had to be built up anew. Rebuilding upon a small scale, he enlarged the establishment at in- tervals until it attained a capacity of one hundred and fifty barrels per day and furnished employ- ment to one hundred men. Having more than recovered his loss by the great fire, and being re- solved to retire from active life, he sold out his plant in 1890, and is practically retired from business. Mr. Schmidt was married in 1856 to Barbara Wagner, who was born in Rhodt, Rheinpfalz, Bavaria. She died on the 2ist of September, 1894, at the age of sixty years. Of the eight children born to this union, five reached mature years. Barbara Elizabeth is now the wife of George W. Kellner, of Chicago; Katie Emma is Mrs. Martin Herbert, of Chicago; August died in 1889, at the age of twenty-eight years; George K. and Edna complete the list of the survivors. Ten living grandchildren make glad the heart of Mr. Schmidt. Mr. Schmidt was a charter member of Mithia Lodge No. 410, F. & A. M., in which body he has filled all the chairs, and served as Master for five years. He helped to organize the Germania Club, with which he has since been identified, and is one of the original members of the Sonne- felter a German singing society. Ever since he became a citizen, he has given faithful allegiance to the Republican party, because its principles embodied his ideas of progress and good govern- ment. In 1868, he was elected Alderman of the Thirteenth Ward, serving four and one-half years 536 G. M. DEARLOVE. in that capacity. The time of election was changed during his term from fall to spring, thus prolonging his term six months. From 1874 to 1877, he served as County Commissioner, during which time he was chairman of the Building Committee of that body, and had charge of the construction of the present court house. His ex- perience in the repeated construction of his own ample buildings was especially useful to him in the discharge of this duty, and was of great benefit to the county, and the city of Chicago. He owns a fine stock farm at Twin Lakes, Wis- consin, where he has spent considerable time in recent years, and where he finds enjoyment and recreation. Though sixty-two years of age at this writing, Mr. Schmidt is still hale and hearty. His interest in the growth and development of Chicago is unabated, and he views with pride and satisfaction the continuous progress in which he was for many years an active participant. GEORGE M. DEARLOVE. OEORGE M. DEARLOVE, B. L., a young I ( man of pronounced judgment and business \J ability, who makes his home in Chicago, though spending much of his time in travel, is a native of Cook County. He was born in Northfield Township, in 1873, and is a son of George and Mary A. Dearlove, the his- tory of whose lives may be found elsewhere in this volume. In his early years he attend- ed the public schools of Chicago, and later, as a youth, the Morgan Park Military Academy. After graduating from the last-mentioned institu- tion, he attended the North- Western Military Academy at Highland Park, from which, after passing the Government examination in an able manner, he received his commission of Second Lieutenant in the State Militia, subsequently at- taining to the rank of Senior Captain and Ad- jutant. While attending the academy he was President of the Class of 1891. Not satisfied with his attainments thus far, Mr. Dearlove then attended Lake Forest University, completing the entire course with the exception of the senior year. Thence he went to Monmouth College at Monmouth, Illinois, where he took a course in Liberal Arts, graduating June 6, 1893, with the degree of B. L- While a student of Lake Forest University, he was a member of the Zeta Episiton, and of the Eccritian Society while attending the college at Monmouth. In the lat- ter institution, as well as at Lake Forest, he made a special study of Economics and of Finan- ciering. Possessed of strong human interests and a live- ly intelligence, it is not strange that Mr. Dear- love should find one of his keenest delights in traveling, especially as lie is financially able to do so. Since 1887 he has spent most of his vaca- tions in traveling, chiefly through the South and West. In these journeys he has happily com- bined pleasure and business, for, being possessed of considerable foresight and discernment, his travels have given him abundant opportunities for investment in promising enterprises. He was one of the promoters and constructors of the As- toria & Columbia River Railroad, and is still one of the Directors of the company which operates the same a corporation which pays the largest dividends of any railroad company in the United States. He was also one of the original incor- porators, and is now Vice-President of the Florida, Ocean & Gulf Railroad ; Director of the Florida Central & Peninsular Railroad; and Director and Vice- President of the Florida Engineering and E. C. LONG. 537 Construction Company, which owns about two million acres of land in Florida. In addition to these numerous offices, Mr. Dearlove is a Direc- tor of the Florida Development Company, which has extensive fruit lands in Florida, with offices at Jacksonville, Florida and Chicago; and a Di- rector of the Avon Park National Bank at Avon Park, Florida. With the foregoing record of his business con- nections before one, it is hardly necessary to re- mark that Mr. Dearlove is a young man of keen perception and ready decision, who never loses a business opportunity for lack of promptitude in action. In address he is pleasing and intelligent, showing a great general knowledge of men and affairs, remarkable in one so young. EUGENE C LONG. FT UGENE CON ANT LONG was born in Bran- re) don, Vermont, October 31, 1834, and is a |_ son of James and Cerusa (Conant) Long, who were among the early pioneers of Cook County. James Long was born in Washington, District of Columbia, and was a son of Andrew and Alice Long, of Baltimore, Maryland. An- drew Long was killed in the service of the United States during the War of 1812. The family of Long (or Laing, as it was originally spelled) is of Scotch extraction, and was founded in America by four brothers who settled at Baltimore about 1660. Commodore Long, who was in the United States naval service during the Revolution, was descended from one of these. While a young man, James Long went to New York City, where he became a partner with Sam- uel Hoard, afterwards Postmaster of Chicago, in the publishing business. A few years later, the firm removed to Brandon, Vermont, where they published a newspaper for some years. In 1835 James Long moved, with his family, to Cook County and engaged in farming in Jefferson town- ship, near the present village of that name, now within the limits of the city of Chicago. Not find- ing agriculture very profitable, after three years' experience, he sold out and moved to Chicago and built a steam grist mill on Michigan Avenue, at the corner of Lake Street. This he operated for several years. The engine in this mill was employed in pumping the water which was first supplied by the city to the people of Chicago. This contract continued some years, the water being forced through hollow logs laid in a few streets near the river. Those outside the service were wont to keep barrels for storing a supply, and these barrels were filled by private enterprise, at ten cents per barrel. After disposing of the mill, Mr. Long was ap- pointed by President Polk as Keeper of the light- house, which stood near the site of the present Rush Street bridge. He subsequently served as County Treasurer, and for a number of } r ears filled the office of Alderman of the First Ward. After re- tiring from business and public life, he spent con- siderable time in travel, and his death occurred in Paris, France, on the loth of April, 1876, at the age of seventy-four years. Mrs. Cerusa Long died in Chicago in 1874, a * the age of sixty-seven years. She was a daugh- ter of John Conant and Chara Broughlon, of Brandon, Vermont. John Conant was descended from one of the earliest American families. His grandfather, Ebenezer Conant, served in the Con- tinental army, as Captain of a Massachusetts com- pany. Roger Conant, father of the last-named, was among the Colonial Governors of Massachu- setts preceding Governor Endicott. 538 FRANCIS HUTCHISON. Eugene C. Long was still in his infancy when the family came to Cook County, Chicago being at that time a village of three or four thousand in- habitants. While a boy, he was accustomed to do the family marketing. The chief produce market was on State Street near Randolph, and its wares were brought by farmers from long dis- tances and displayed in wagons and other vehi- cles, much after the present fashion of the Hay- market of the West Side. The pioneers of that day did not lack for the substantials, though there was little cash in circulation, and they were largely ignorant of the present style of living in the city. At the age of seventeen years, Eugene C. Long graduated from the Beardsly Seminary, and soon after became a clerk and teller in the Marine Bank. His connection with that institution con- tinued for twenty-two years, during the last twelve of which he served as Cashier. In 1874 he re- signed this position and engaged in the stock and brokerage business, continuing that occupation five years. He then entered the office of the late Judge Van H. Higgins. Since 1880 he has been a stockholder and Secretary of the Rose Hill Cem- etery Company, and since 1893 has also been Treasurer of the corporation. He was married in October, 1858, to Harriet Alexander, step-daughter of Van H. Higgins, and daughter of the first Mrs. Higgius Elizabeth (Morse) Alexander. Mrs. Long was born in Jacksonville, Illinois, and is the mother of two daughters, Eugenie and Harriet, the first being now the wife of Edward L- Frasher, of Chicago. Mr. Long and his family are members of the Protestant Episcopal Church, and he has been a life-long Republican in principle and practice. The record of his business career shows him to be capable and upright, for only through these qualities could any one hold the positions he has filled. In manner, he is courteous and easy, show- ing long familiarity with the best men and methods of the day. FRANCIS HUTCHISON. ["~RANCIS HUTCHISON, a successful Chi- rQ cagoan now living in practical retirement, | is a Scotchman by nativity and spent his youth upon the banks of the river Leven, the outlet of Loch Lomond, a locality which has been rendered famous in song and story, and abounds with historic interest and romantic scenery. His birth occurred on the 3oth day of April, 1828, in the village of Alexandria, Dumbartonshire. His parents, James and Janet (Weir) Hutchison, were in humble circumstances and, though able to afford their offspring but a rudimentary intel- lectual training, endowed them with habits and principles which fitted them for filling responsible and useful positions in life. James Hutchison was born at Abernathy, near Perth, Scotland, but removed during his youth to Dumbartonshire where his later life was spent. Mrs. Janet Hutchison was a daughter of Donald Weir, a well-to-do farmer and herdsman of Argyle- shire. But three of their nine children are now living, and Francis is the only resident of the United States. The other survivors are Rev. John Hutchison, an Independent (Congrega- tional) minister at Ashton-under-line, England, who has filled his present pastorate for upwards FRANCIS HUTCHISON. 539 of forty years,' and Donald Hutchison, who is the chief engineer of a steamship company, which operates a line of vessels plying between Liver- pool and the La Plata river in South America. At the age of eight years, Francis Hutchison began to earn his daily bread by laboring in the print and dye works which abound in the vicin- ity of his birthplace. At fourteen he was set to learn the carpenter trade serving five years ap- prenticeship at that industry. He was afterwards employed as a ship-carpenter and acquired a de- gree of skill and proficiency which has since served him in good stead. Having heard fabulous-sounding stories of the great land beyond the Atlantic ocean, he deter- mined to see and investigate its wonderful re- sources by a personal visit and, not without con- siderable misgivings as to the duration of his sojourn, in 1858 he took passage upon the steamer "Kangaroo" for New York, arriving in that city on the ninth day of June. He went from there to Rochester, New York, and after spending a few months at that place, took passage by way of the lakes for Chicago whither he arrived in due time, landing upon a temporary pier at Clark Street. His destination was the home of his uncle, Donald Weir, who lived on the Des Plaines river near "the Sag," but as the address which had been furnished him was rather vague, he spent several days in unnecessary travel before reach- ing the place, a delay which was amply atoned for by the hearty welcome accorded him upon his arrival. As a number of farm houses were being erected in that neighborhood, he found a ready demand for his services, and his first season's earnings so far exceeded any sum he had ever received for a corresponding period of time that all doubts concerning the superior advantages of this country as a permanent place of residence were dispelled from his mind and he determined to become an American citizen. In the fall of 1860 he went to Helena, Arkan- sas, where he was employed at his trade until the following spring, when, owing to the outbreak of the rebellion and not wishing to be pressed into the Confederate service, he returned to the North without being able to collect the money he had earned there. His brief residence at the South had given him a good understanding of the con- ditions which prevailed there, however, and en- abled him to take a more conservative view of the questions which divided the union than pre- vailed among the more enthusiastic partisans of the North. The prevailing wages for house-builders in Chicago at this time ranged from seventy-five cents to one dollar per day, and Mr. Hutchison found it more profitable to engage in ship car- pentry. He was subsequently employed in build- ing gun-boats for the United States Government at St. Louis, and at Cairo, Illinois. In 1863 he purchased an interest in a distillery at Joliet, but as some features of the business became distaste- ful to him, he sold out the following year and in- vested his profits in vessels plying between Chi- cago and the lower lake ports. He continued the carrying trade for the next nine or ten years, and in the meantime purchased several lots and a residence at the corner of Van Buren and Throop Streets. The rapid growth of the city soon created a demand for this location for com- mercial purposes and he replaced his residence with several substantial business blocks. He has since bought and improved other valuable west- side property, and of recent years the care and renting of these buildings has absorbed most of his time and attention. Mr. Hutchison was married in 1864 to Miss Elizabeth Jones, daughter of Thomas Jones, who died in Chicago in 1882, at the age of more than eighty years. The lady was born in Denbigh- shire, Wales, and came to America in 1856. She has been an able helpmeet and counsellor of her husband, and their union has been blessed with four children, three of whom are still under the par- ental roof, namely: Elizabeth Agnes, Catherine Jane, wife of S. B. Foster, James Francis and Jean- nette Weir. All the members of this family are identified with the Jefferson Park Presbyterian Church. Mr. Hutchison is a man of simple tastes, and leads a quiet and unostentatious life, though he does not think it out of place to crack an occa- sional joke among his old-time friends. Since the 54 W. B. SNOW. war he has been a pronounced Republican, but sometimes ignores party lines concerning ques- tions of local import. When he first arrived in Chicago his total cash assets were c6mprised in a gold quarter eagle. This he carefully hoarded for some time and when obliged to spend a por- tion of it for repairing his shoes, he received in change a one-dollar bill of "wild-cat" currency, which proved to be worthless. His subsequent prosperity, therefore, may be attributed solely to his frugal, industrious habits, correct judgment and integrity of character. WILLIAM B. SNOW. P GJlLLIAM BLAKE SNOW, who put on track \A/ *^ e fi rs t railway passenger coach built in V Y Chicago, is descended from an old Ameri- can family. The environment of the New Eng- land fathers was calculated to develop all that was sturdy in mind and body, and in many of their descendants are found the qualities which enabled them to survive the hardships they were com- pelled to endure and caused them to prosper in the midst of most forbidding conditions. The spirit of adventure and progress which led to the colonization of New England, still lives in the posterity of the Pilgrims, and has raised up sim- ultaneously throughout the northern half of the United States churches, school houses and fac- tories. William B. Snow was born in Bellows Falls, Vermont, February 13, 1821, and -is a son of Sol- omon and Lucina Snow. His ancestors were, doubtless, English, and early located in America. His paternal grandfather was a chocolate manu- facturer near Boston, and his maternal grand- father, "Bill" Blake, established the Bellows Falls Gazette, one of the first newspapers in Ver- mont. His wife was Polly Wait, of Milbury, Massachusetts. The subject of this biography passed his boy- hood in his native village, receiving his education in the schools there existing. At the age of four- teen years, he began working in his father's wagon and carriage shop, becoming expert in the use of woodworking implements. For some years he was employed by his uncles in a paper mill. When twenty-two years of age, he set out to make his fortune, going to Springfield, Massachusetts, where he took contracts for carpenter work. From there he went to Seymour (then called Hum- phreysville), Connecticut, where he was employed by the American Car Company, and moved with that establishment to Chicago in 1852. At this time he had a contract with the company for building coaches, and set up the first one ever constructed in this city. This was purchased by the Chicago & Galena Union Railroad, then in its infancy. An account of the origin of that en- terprise will be found in this work, in the sketch of John B. Turner, who was its founder. When the American Car Company sold out to the Illi- nois Central Railroad Company, Mr. Snow was employed by the new proprietor, with whom he continued from 1857 to 1872. His integrity and ex- ecutive ability had meantime become known to many Chicago citizens, and he was offered a lucra- tive position by the Pullman Palace Car Company, for which he traveled three years. At the end of this period, he again took employment with the Illinois Central Company, and so continued until he retired from active business in October, 1891. Mr. Snow has always been a quiet citizen, giv- ing his undivided attention to business, and leav- ing others to manage their concerns in their own way. He has been a faithful attendant of the A. G. LULL. Reformed Epistopal Church, with which his fam- ily is affiliated , being identified with Bishop Che- ney's congregation. He is a member of the Inde- pendent Order of Odd Fellows, and a demitted Freemason. His early political associations were with the Whig party, and he has adhered to the Republican organization since it came into exist- ence. He has never sought political preferment, but has fulfilled that imperative duty as well as privilege of the good American citizen, a vote in every important contest. In 1843 he was mar- ried to Miss Orra L. Dyke, of American parentage, and two children have blessed this union. The eldest, Frank Austin Snow, resides in Chicago, as does also the other, Lottie, wife of A. G. Farr, of the firm of N. W. Harris & Company. ALBERT G. LULL GILBERT GALLATIN LULL was born in I I Windsor, Vermont, February 20, 1827, and / I died in Chicago, February 13, 1892. His parents, Joel and Celia (Smith) Lull, were na- tives of the Green Mountain State, the Lull fam- ily being one of the oldest in that commonwealth. Mrs. Celia Lull died in Windsor, and her hus- band afterwards came to Chicago, where he served as constable for several years. His death occurred in 1880, at North Attleboro, Massachu- setts. After leaving the public schools, Albert G. Lull became a student for a time at Dartmouth Col- lege. At Springfield, Massachusetts, he took up the study of gunsmithing and mechanics. In 1849, he came to Chicago and obtained employ- ment in the machine shop of H. P. Moses. While thus engaged, he assisted in the construction of the first water works in the city. He was subse- quently employed by Foss Brothers, in a large plan- ing mill on Canal Street, near Monroe, the site of which is now occupied by the Union Passenger Station and railroad tracks. When this mill was torn down, preparatory to the construction of the depot, he purchased the machinery, in company with his brother-in-law, Isaac Holmes, and built a new mill on the west side of Canal Street, be- tween Jackson and Van Buren Streets. The firm dealt in lumber and carried on the manufacture of packing boxes, doing an extensive business until 1871, when the entire plant was consumed in the fire, which occurred on Saturday night, the 8th of October, preceding by one day the memor- able "great fire." The disaster which destroyed the mills of Lull & Holmes made a gap which saved the West Side from the ravages of the suc- ceeding fire. The firm rescued the safe contain- ing their books from the ruins and placed them in the office of a friend, on the south side of Van Buren Street, only to be lost in the greater conflagration of the following day. This alone inflicted a serious loss on Mr. Lull, whenever recovered his fortunes and suffered a permanent loss of health from the shock and exertions in trying to rescue his prop- erty. He retired a few years later from all busi- ness activities. On the 5th of April, 1855, he was married to Mrs. Maty Sammons, daughter of John and Ellen Holmes, widow of Elijah H. Sammons. Mrs. Lull was born at Bradford, England, and came to America with her parents in 1835, arriving in Chicago in April of that year. She is still active in mind and body, and relates many incidents of pioneer life in Chicago. She is a member of the Cathedral Church of SS. Peter and Paul, in which Mr. Lull was also a communicant. Two children were born to Mr. and Mrs. Lull Rich- ard H., who is a physician now practicing in Chicago, and Mary C., who is the wife of Mark R. Sherman, an attorney of the same city. Mr. Lull was a prominent member of the Ma- sonic order, and likewise, of the Independent 542 E. F. DANIELS. Order of Odd Fellows, in which last fraternity he had taken all the degrees and was a member of the Grand Lodge of the United States. From the first organization of the Republican party, he was one of its most steadfast and consistent suppor- ters, and as a man and citizen, he ever sought to promote the material, moral and intellectual growth of the community in which he lived. EDWIN F. DANIELS. P~ DWIN F. DANIELS, an enterprising busi- Iv) ness man of Chicago, was born at Concord. L Jackson County, Michigan, January 23, 1848. He is a son of George and Delzina (John- ston) Daniels, both of whom died before he was five years old. George Daniels was born at Hull, England, and was one of a family of eleven chil- dren who came to America with their parents in 1832. They settled at Dearborn, Michigan, near Detroit. George Daniels afterwards moved to Jackson County, where his death occurred in 1854, at the age of thirty -two years. His wife was of Irish descent. Edwin F. Daniels lived with his paternal grandparents and attended school at Hudson, Michigan. Before completing his education, how- ever, he went to Chattanooga, Tennessee, to as- sist his uncle, Capt. William H. Johnston, who was a commissary officer in charge of forage for the army. He continued in that employment until Sherman's army started on its famous "march to the sea," when he became a messenger in charge of forage on the railroad from Chattanoo- ga to Atlanta. At the time when the rebels tore up the track, at Big Shanty, Georgia, the train on which he was serving returned to Al- toona, just in time to escape capture. After the battle between Hood and Corse, in which the for- mer was defeated, Mr. Daniels returned to Chatta- nooga and soon afterwards left the service and returned to his boyhood home in Michigan. He then, for some years, engaged in the manufac- ture of woodenware and also operated a planing mill. In February, 1876, he came to Chicago, and was employed for four years as Clerk in the County Treasurer's office. In 1881, he began dealing in coal, an occupation which he has con- tinuously and successfully followed until the present time. The original firm of Weaver, Daniels & Co. , was succeeded in turn by Pea- body, Daniels & Co., and Edwin F. Daniels & Co. Since 1890, Mr. Daniels has been sole pro- prietor, and the business, which was inaugurated on a rather limited scale, has grown to immense proportions and is now one of the most extensive in its line in the city. He was married in 1880, to Miss Kate Elkins, daughter of Henry K. Elkins, whose biography appears elsewhere in this work. Mrs. Daniels was born in Chicago, and has presented her hus- band with two sons, Henry Elkins and Raymond Elkins Daniels. Mr. and Mrs. Daniels are mem- bers of the First Unitarian Church of Chicago, and the former is identified with the Union League, Kenwood, Chicago Athletic and Tolles- ton Shooting Clubs, and the Chicago Board of Trade. During the hunting season, he finds recreation by making weekly trips to Tolleston for shooting water fowl. He is an advocate of Republican principles, but ignores party lines in voting upon local issues. His success may be at- tributed to his enterprising business methods, ready decision and integrity of character. I,. C. CLARK. 543 LYMAN C. CLARK. I YMAN C. CLARK is one of the leading and I C prominent business men of Turner, where 12 he has made his home since 1870. During the years which have since passed, he has con- tinuously engaged in the insurance business. He was born June 10, 1833, in Darien, Genesee County, N. Y. , and is a son of Henry S. and Deb- orah R. (Carpenter) Clark. The paternal grand- father, Joshua Clark, was a Revolutionary soldier and served under Gens. Washington and Green. He was a native of Rhode Island, and after his re- moval to New York he took up several hundred acres of land. Throughout his life he followed farming as a livelihood. A prominent and influ- ential citizen, he was honored with the office of Justice of the Peace for over forty years. His death occurred in the Empire State at the ad- vanced age of eighty-seven. In his family were thirteen children, twelve of whom grew to mature years. The maternal grandfather of our subject, James Carpenter, was a native of Connecticut, and his entire life was spent in that State, where he died at an advanced age. Henry S. Clark was born in Rhode Island, and became a contractor and builder of New York. He also engaged in painting, and his death was the result of his being poisoned by paint, in 1855, at the age of sixty-two years. His wife, who was born in Connecticut, died in the Empire State in 1881, at the age of eight}-- four. Both were members of the Baptist Church, and the father was a local preacher of that denomina- tion. He served as a soldier in the War of 1812, and his widow received a pension on that account. In their family were four sons and five daughters, of whom the following are now living: Henry H. ; Lyman C. ; Loriiida E. , wife of William Waldron, of Trenton, Canada; and Susan M., wife cf Albert Blackman, of Erie County, N. Y. Two brothers lost their lives during the late war. Jerome was killed at Bentonville, N. C., and Dennis died at home from injuries received in the service. We now take up the personal history of our subject, who was reared in the State of his nativ- ity, and in the common schools of the neighbor- hood acquired a good English education. When about fourteen years of age, he began learning the trade of carriage- maker, which he followed continuously until 1865. The following year he emigrated westward and took up his residence in Davenport, Iowa, where he embarked in the life- insurance business. In 1870 he came to Turner, where he has since devoted his time and energies to the same pursuit with good success. On the 1 8th of September, 1855, Mr. Clark was united in marriage with Miss Laura E. Babcock, daughter of Rev. R. and Lucinda (Gilbert) Bab- cock, the former a native of Massachusetts, and the latter of New York. Seven children have been born of this union, two sons and five daugh- ters. Altie Florence is the wife of C. E. Norris, of Turner, by whom she has four children: Charles H., Carroll W., Ernest L. and Florence. Clar- ence Henry, deceased, was a twin brother of Altie Florence. Clara Louise, Henrietta and Charles Herbert are all deceased. Ella Laura is the wife of E. B. Holmes, of Turner; and Lulu Pauline completes the family. The parents are both members of the Method- ist Episcopal Church and take a most active part in church and benevolent work. Mr. Clark has been Steward of the church for thirty -seven con- secutive years, and has also served as Trustee and Class-leader for many years. He is now Su- 544 E. H. CASTLE. perintendent of the Sunday-school, which is mak- ing good progress under his able management. He has also been prominently identified with tem- perance work. In politics, he is a Republican, and socially is connected with Amity Lodge No. 472, A. F. & A. M.; Doric Chapter No. 166, R. A. M.; and Siloam Conimandery No. 54, of Oak Park. He and his wife are both members of the Order of the Eastern Star. Mr. Clark has a good home and other town property in Turner, and is numbered among the valued and representative citizens of this community. He has lived an up- right, honorable life, and his career is one well worthy of emulation. He has the confidence and high regard of all with whom he has been brought in contact, and it is with pleasure that we present to our readers this record of his life. EDWARD HERRICK CASTLE. |"~DWARD HERRICK CASTLE. To the 1^ student of human progress, or the youth who seeks an example worthy of his emulation, the history of this successful man offers especially interesting features. His career has been full of adventure and excitement, and yet the experi- ences of his life have made his mind philosophical and his heart sympathetic. When he was born, the nation was young and still almost an experi- ment, so that men were not encouraged to ven- ture into strange fields of action. He has lived to see the American nation become one of the great- est of the earth; and now, in his old age, he re- joices that he has been permitted to witness the triumph of the institutions of liberty. E. H. Castle was born in Amenia, Dutchess County, N. Y., on the 5th of August, 1811, and is now nearing the completion of his eighty-third year. His great-grandfather, Gideon Castle, was one of the early Colonists who came from Eng- land. A brother went to Virginia, while another accompanied him to New York. Gideon, son of Gideon Castle, who lived to the age of ninety- six years, occupied an honorable place in his- tory as a member of Gen. Washington's per- sonal staff. He was with the immortal com- mander through the Revolutionary War as Com- missary of Subsistence. He owned a mill in Dutchess County, which manufactured flour for the Continental army. After the treaty of peace he removed to Amenia, where his son, William Castle, father of the subject of this biography, passed his life. His farm was situated about two miles from the village of Amenia, and here Ed- ward H. Castle grew up to be a strong and hearty youth, full of ambition. He longed to go to sea and visit strange lands, and to make his fortune in the world. However, he remained upon his father's farm until about ten years of age, attend- ing the small school in the vicinity. He after- ward attended Dr. Taylor's academy in Cortland County, but his restless disposition soon drove him to sea, and he shipped on a bark bound for a distant port. After a voyage of many months, he returned to find his mother dead and the house- hold in mourning. This seems to have been a turning-point in Mr. Castle's life. The death of his dear mother af- fected him deeply. He had started out into the world full of youth's bright hopes, and this sud- den bereavement was a severe blow. He'had not been permitted to close the dying eyes of his best friend on earth, or receive her last blessing. He determined to honor her memory by making something of himself. In deference to his father's earnest wish, he consented to enter the office of E. H. CASTLE. 545 his father's attorney, Samuel Perkins, and take up the study of law. He studied faithfully two years, until an attack of measles resulted in a partial loss of his eyesight. He had long been convinced that he was not calculated to make a lawyer, and on being relieved from his studies, he began to look about for an opportunity to enter a business life, much to his father's disappoint- ment. His subsequent fortune shows the wisdom of his choice. Soon after attaining his majority, on the ist of September, 1832, Mr. Castle started out from his father's home in Freetown, Cortland County, whither he had moved from Dutchess County. He traveled on foot over a lonely road to Carbon- dale, Pa., one hundred miles distant. At Car- bondale, Deacon Hodgden had a force of men and horses employed in hauling coal from the mines to the canal. Young Castle applied to him for employment, and was offered $14 per month and board. He stipulated, however, for what he proved to be worth at the end of three months, a unique plan, which was accepted by the Deacon with alacrity. Before the day of settlement came around, Castle was foreman and was paid $40 per month. By gradual increase his salary soon rose to $100 per month, and he shortly bought out his employer, giving in payment his personal note, which was promptly paid when due. After three years of business, Mr. Castle en- tered into partnership with Stephen Clark, and the firm carried on a large lumber trade and opened a general store. They also secured through attorneys the lease of the Fall Brook coal mines for ninety-nine years, and added mining to their lumbering and mercantile business. Mr. Castle finally became sole owner by purchasing his part- ner's interest, and continued to prosper until his store and stock were destroyed by fire in 1838. The year previous to that last above mentioned had brought reports to Mr. Castle's Pennsyl- vania home of the wonderful village on the shore of Lake Michigan, under the shadow of Ft. Dear- born. During that year this village began to be a thriving business center, and streets were opened &.-, far west along the main river as the north and sourb branches. A paper was established by John Calhoun, of New York, and was making the prospective advantages of the town known. Although he had been very successful in Carbon- dale, Mr. Castle felt that the growing West of- fered him greater advantages than he had hith- erto enjoyed. He purchased a stock of goods in Philadelphia, which was transported by the only method then known by wagon over the moun- tains to Pittsburgh. Here he added iron, nails, and the heavy goods manufactured at Pittsburgh, and chartered a steamer to carry his stock, with which he proceeded down the Ohio and up the Mississippi and Illinois Rivers to Peru. Here he decided to open business, and soon after started another store at Joliet, having added to his stock at St. Louis on the way up. In a short time, Mr. Castle went into partnership with Gov. Mat- terson and Hiram Blanchard, in a contract for excavating a part of the Illinois & Michigan Canal. In the spring of 1839, Mr. Castle became a resident of Chicago, arriving on the ist of May, having previously disposed of his mercantile bus- iness at Peru and Joliet. He opened a store in an unfinished building at the corner of Lake and Wells Streets, so far out of the then business cen- tre that his venture was considered risky by many. The business soon grew to be profitable, however, and Mr. Castle shortly became a pioneer in what has since proved one of the greatest glories of the western metropolis the grain trade. Although the modern grain elevator was then unknown, he handled in one year 100,000 bushels, shipping by lake and canal to New York. With his usual business foresight, Mr. Castle early secured large tracts of land, entering one tract of swamp lands in the Illinois Valley, em- bracing six hundred acres, at ten cents per acre. Many derided him for buying this worthless land, but he, with others, secured the passage of a drainage act by the State Legislature, and within ten years after its purchase he sold portions of it for $50 per acre. Mr. Castle also opened a dairy farm at Wheeling, and found a ready market for the product of his fifty cows in the city. Navigation seemed natural to Mr. Castle, and we find him engaged hi the Mississippi River E. H. CASTLE. trade for seven winters, exchanging the products of the St. Louis markets for those of New Or- leans. At one time he sailed the fine steamer ' ' Alonzo Child. ' ' He secured a tract of two hun- dred acres of land in Washington County, Tex. , and several years of his life were spent in making a beautiful plantation of this land. In November, 1849, Capt. Castle bade farewell to his Chicago friends and set out for the newly- discovered gold fields of California. Proceeding down the Mississippi River to New Orleans, he accepted the position of mate on the "Florida," and set sail for Chagres. Crossing the Isthmus, he found at Panama the good ship ' 'Unicorn, ' ' of the Aspinwall Line, and was tendered its com- mand by the owner. On account of the crowded condition of the port, it was found impossible to carry all who wished to go, and a plot was made by some of the disappointed ones to murder Capt. Stout, but the plot was overheard by Capt. Castle and a friend, and was frustrated. With a crew of one hundred and thirty men and seven hun- dred passengers, Capt. Castle set sail for San Francisco, stopping on the way at Acapulco to secure as much provisions, cattle and coal as could be procured. January 5, 1850, found them in San Francisco without accident. Among all the hordes found there, one desire seemed para- mount gold. Fabulous prices were paid for all the necessaries of life, and the most fortunate were those who discreetly remained in town and sold merchandise. Capt. Castle was one of these. He plied a small steamer, the "Eldorado," be- tween San Francisco and Sacramento, and opened a store ,in the latter city. On the 5th of. Feb- ruary, 1850, he opened a hotel, called the Illinois House, in San Francisco, which at once did a thriving business. He also purchased, or secured the consignment of, over four hundred cargoes, and operated a very extensive warehouse trade. Being admonished by failing health to return home, Capt. Castle sailed on the steamer "Col- umbus" for Panama in the fall of 1851. The sea voyage and careful nursing which he received from the ship's matron soon made him compara- tively well. During the voyage, he was sent for by a Mr. Saltpaugh, who had noticed that Capt, Castle was a Mason. Mr. Saltpaugh was dying with cholera, and confided to Capt. Castle's care his money ($1,200) to be delivered to Mrs. Salt- paugh at Port Gibson, N. Y. The captain of the vessel claimed the custody of this money un' der a United States law, but Capt. Castle said: "I promised that man, who was a brother Mason, to deliver the money to his widow, and you can only secure it from my dead body." The matter was not pressed any further, and Capt. Castle subsequently had the pleasure of delivering the money to its rightful owner. By steamer "Fal- con" to Cuba, and "Ohio" to New York, Capt. Castle was once more united with his wife and daughter, who met him in New York, and the meeting was a joyful one. Soon after his return to Chicago, Capt. Castle was appointed Western Agent of the Erie Rail- road, and administered its affairs for four years, largely increasing its traffic, and at the same time he dealt more or less in city property, with profit to himself. During most of this period he acted as General Agent for the entire Mississippi Val- ley. After retiring from the railroad agency, Mr. Castle engaged in the real-estate business on a large scale, in partnership with Lewis W. Clark, which continued until the death of Mr. Clark, after which Mr. Castle continued alone. In 1858, Mr. Castle turned his attention to rail- road construction, and secured, after much ef- fort, a charter from the State of Missouri for a road from Canton to the Missouri River, a distance of two hundred miles. The people along the line promptly subscribed for double the stock, and he had completed about fifty miles of track when the outbreak of the Civil War stopped all operations and caused him a heavy loss. The rebel, Gen. Greene, drove Capi. Castle and his men from the State and seized all the stores, iron and cars, valued at about $2 ,000,000. Nearly all of Capt. Castle's force was composed of single men, who were loyal to the Union, and when he asked them to join the Union army they responded almost to a man. Chartering a steamer, he took them to St. Louis, where they were accepted by Maj.-Gen. Fremont, and Mr. Castle was made a colonel on Fremont's staff. Col. Castle was made K H. CASTLE. 547 Superintendent of Railroads for the Western De- partment, comprising twenty-seven lines, with" headquarters at St. Louis. By his arrangement, various lines centering there were connected, and a vast amount of delay and expense thus saved to the Government. He prepared a uniform scale of freight rates, which was accepted by Congress and known as the Castle Rates. He and his faith- ful men were kept busy in repairing the damage to bridges and grades by the rebels, who well knew that the success of the Union troops was much enhanced by rapid transportation. A warm friendship sprang up between Col. Castle and his brave commander, which contin- ued as long as both of them were permitted to live. When Gen. Fremont was ordered to Vir- ginia, Col. Castle accompanied him and was em- ployed in bridge-building. He had bridges and wagons for their transportation built in Pitts- burgh, and because of his presence everywhere in preparing a way to cross rivers on pontoon bridges, the soldiers dubbed him "Col. Pontoon." After Sheridan's famous raid up the Shenan- doah River, Col. Castle was summoned to Wash- ington by President Lincoln, for whom he per- formed some special services, and received the thanks of the President and Congress. After the surrender of Vicksburg, Col. Castle contracted to furnish Gen. Grant's army with twenty-eight thousand tons of ice, which was done with con- siderable difficulty on account of the fall of water in the Mississippi, necessitating the employment of railroad transportation a part of the way, and re-shipment by boat at Cairo. When the ice was delivered at Vicksburg, Gen. Grant thanked Col. Castle with tears in his eyes, and the town was illuminated. Col. Castle was sent by the Presi- dent to confer with Gen. Banks at New Orleans concerning the contemplated Red River expedi- tion, but Banks spurned the advice of Col. Castle, who showed him the disaster that was sure to re- sult from his plans, and the result proved the wis- dom of Col. Castle's conclusions, based upon his long experience in travel and navigation. In the spring of 1865, he again entered the real-estate business, with office on La Salle Street, in which he continued to be successful. About two years later he experienced religion, and devoted much of his time to the cause of the Master, with tell- ing effect among his neighbors and friends. Col. Castle's first wife, Miss Caroline E. John- son, of Norwich, Conn., was a woman of deep piety and many beautiful graces. He first met her in Carbondale, Pa., and after a married life of thirteen years she was called to her reward in heaven. His present wife, Mrs. Emeline Castle, was born in Pittston, Luzerne County, Pa., in 1818. She is descended from Quaker ancestors, and married Wells Bennett, of Wilkes Barre, Pa. , for her first husband, with whom she came to Illinois more than fifty years ago. She was one of the pioneers of Methodism in northern Illi- nois. Col. Castle has been for over fifty years a Free Mason, and more than forty years a Master Mason. He believes the society has led him to high and noble resolves, and has contributed more than $25,000 to the benefit of the order. He is the only surviving charter member of Cambrian Lodge No. 58, I. O. O. P., of Carbondale, to which he has been a liberal contributor. As a member of the Chicago Union Veteran Club, he has taken a deep interest in the welfare of old soldiers. His great pleasure now, how- ever, is the Mission on West Lake Street, near Garfield Park, which is now known as the Garfield Park Methodist Church. It was his interest in this mission which led him to sever his connec- tion with the Park Avenue Methodist Church two years ago, in order to devote more time to mis- sion work. He is one of the supporting mem- bers of the Lake Street Mission. At the present time, Col. Castle is actively en- gaged in business, and attends to his large inter- ests with a regularity remarkable for one of his great age. His large hall at the corner of Lake and Paulina Streets is occupied by the Salvation Army, and a godd work is being accomplished by this, the greatest corps in the world. And now, as the long and eventful career draws to a close, Col. Castle looks back over the many years of struggle and strife with a tranquil mind. Having done the best that he could, he leaves the rest with his God. His life is well worth the E. D. PARMELEE. study of any young man. His is a character of true nobility, formed by years of honest labor and honorable dealings with his fellow- men. No dif- ficulty was so great that it could not be overcome, and no path so rough that could not be made smooth. He can well say to the young, with Bryant: " So live, that when thy summons comes to join The innumerable caravan that moves To that mysterious realm where each shall take His chamber in the silent halls of death, Thou go not, like the quarry slave at night. Scourged to his dungeon; but sustained and soothed By an unfaltering trust, approach thy grave Like one who wraps the drapery of his couch About him, and lies down to pleasant dreams." EDWARD DAVID PARMELEE. |"~ DWARD DAVID PARMELEE, city ticket r) agent at Chicago of the Chicago & North- Li western Railroad, claims New York as the State of his nativity, his birth having occurred in Aurora, Cayuga County, August 27, 1859. His parents were David L- and Jeannette Brown (Kimball) Parmelee. His father was born in Middlefield Centre, Otsego County, N. Y., and was a graduate of Hamilton College, of Clinton, N. Y. Later he served as Principal of the Cay- uga Lake Academy, and subsequently carried on a private bank in Aurora, N. Y., where he made his home until his death, which occurred in 1866, at the age of thirty-eight years. In politics, he was a Republican, and was connected with a num- ber of college societies. In religious belief, he was a Presbyterian, and lived an honorable, up- right life, which won him high regard. His wife was born in Chicago, and is a daughter of Mark Kimball, who was one of the pioneers of this city. Her birth occurred on Monroe Street, near the present office of the Adams Express Company, which locality was then one of the chief residence portions of the metropolis. The lake then ex- tended to Michigan Avenue. In the Parmelee family were four children, but our subject is the only survivor. He had one sister, Fannie, who died in Canton, N. Y. , about six yenrs since, and the other two died in infancy. He was a lad of seven years when the family re- moved to Orange, N. J. Subsequently they took up their residence in Adams, N. Y. , where hf At- tended Hungerford's Collegiate Institute, pu_ .su- ing a classical course of study. At the ag<; of seventeen, just before completing the course, he came to Chicago, to accept a position as clerk in the General Baggage Agent's office of the Chicago & Northwestern Railroad. Since that time he has been with the same company, and has won promotion from time to time, until he has attained his present responsible position. He was first made assistant depot ticket agent, and in 1884 was made assistant city ticket agent at the old of- fice in the Sherman House. Since 1887 he has filled his present position, and a large volume of business is transacted under his supervision and management. Mr. Parmelee supports the principles of the Republican party, and was one of the original members of the Marquette Club. He served for several years on its board of directors, during which time it first nominated Benjamin Harrison for the Presidency. He is now a member of the Chicago Athletic Association, and is a cultured and accomplished gentleman, who has gradually risen to his present responsible position by fidel- ity and strict attention to business. He merits and receives the confidence and good-will of the traveling public as well as that of his superior officers. A courteous aud genial gentleman, he is well fitted for his position, which he is acceptably and creditably filling. CHARLES ADAMS. 549 CHARLES ADAMS, M. D. MARGES ADAMS, M. D., oueofthephysi- cians of Chicago who have risen by their own \J unaided efforts to a conspicuous place among the medical practitioners of the city, is of English birth. He was born in Northamptonshire, Eng- land, on the zgth of May, 1847. His father, John Adams, was of a yeoman family, which for gen- erations had been engaged in agricultural pur- suits and stock-raising. His mother, Elizabeth (Clarke) Adams, was a daughter of a gentleman farmer of the same country. At an early age the Doctor began his studies, and when a youth of ten he had completed the course in the grammar school at Wellingborough, in his native county. In 1856, his father bade adieu to Old England, and the fair fields, pretty leas and spreading elms that cause its scenery to be so long remembered, and, accompanied by his family, sailed for the United States. He settled in the then new and crude West, which years of patient effort are making to resemble, in its phys- ical features and in many of its institutions, the land of our forefathers. The Adams family first located in Milwaukee, where they remained until 1861, when they came to Chicago. During that period, the Doctor spent the greater part of his time in school, but on moving to Chica- go he became book-keeper for his father, who was engaged in the live-stock business. There he continued until 1868. Much of his leisure time was devoted to study, and in this way he obtained a wide and varied knowledge. In connection with his general reading, he also took up the study of medicine, mastered various works on that science, and resolved to make the practice of the healing art his life work. He finally entered the office of Dr. J. S. Mitchell, and, after spending some time there as a student, he entered Hahne- mann Medical College of this city, from which in- stitution, on the completion of a three-years course, he was graduated in 1872. The year after his graduation he spent as house surgeon in Scammon Hospital, of Chicago. The greater part of the year 1873 he passed in Europe, taking a special course of surgery in London. On his return to the United States, he took up the practice of medicine in Chicago, where his thorough training and fit- ness for the profession soon brought him a profit- able practice among the upper classes of Chicago's citizens. In 1875, Dr. Adams again crossed the Atlantic and visited the land of his nativity. He went to Wellingborough, and was there wedded to Miss Mary Curtis, daughter of Thomas S. Curtis, a mer- chant of that place. By their union were born two children, one of whom, Cuthbert, a young man of eighteen, is still living. Mrs. Adams died in 1888, and the following year the Doctor was united in marriage with Mrs. Elizabeth (Mitchell) Gaylord, of Chicago, widow of Henry Gaylord, and a daughter of W. H. Mitchell, the well-known Vice- President of the Illinois Trust and Savings Bank. When he again came to the United States, in 1873, Dr. Adams accepted the chair of surgical pathology in Hahnemann College and thus served until 1875, when, on the organization of the Chi- cago Homeopathic College, he accepted the chair of principles and practice of surgery, which he filled for some years. Now, after an absence of considerable length, he again occupies that posi- tion. The Doctor is also surgeon of the Chicago Homeopathic Hospital, the Chicago Nursery, the Half Orphan Asylum and the First Regiment, Illinois National Guards. He is a member of the 550 HENRY BUDDE. Association of Military Surgeons of the United States, of the Illinois Homeopathic Medical Asso- ciation, the Chicago Medical Association, belongs to the Academy of Science of Chicago, and is a Fellow of the Royal Microscopical Society of London. Dr. Adams possesses a large library of profession- al works and also of general literature, the charac- ter of which shows his wide knowledge of books, and splendid ability to select the best, and none other. He not only possesses a library, but has a knowledge of the contents of almost every volume in it, whether English, French or German. His success is a fitting reward of his labors. He has been, and still is, a hard student, an earnest, pains- taking and successful practitioner, a faithful friend and a cultured, genial gentleman. HENRY BUDDE. NENRY BUDDE, a well-known farmer of Niles Township, Cook County, residing on section 17, is the youngest in a family of three sons, whose parents were Conrad and L,eo- nore (Baesner) Biidde. He was born December 5, 1815, in Messenkomp, Hanover, Germany, and his brothers were William and Christian Budde. His parents died when he was only two years of age. Losing the entire estate which came to them from their father, the three brothers separated, and Henry, when only a child, was thrown upon the mercies of a cold, and often pit- iless, world. In July, 1845, he left his native land and sailed for America, landing in New York after a voyage of five weeks. He at once came to Cook County, arriving July 20, 1845. Here, during the following winter, he chopped one hundred and seventy-five cords of wood, re- ceiving in compensation for his hard labor three shillings per cord. The next year he became the possessor of sixty acres of land on section 17, Niles Township, where he now resides. In 1846, when war's cruel tongue was calling for brave men to do battle against the Mexicans, Mr. Budde believed it his duty to enlist in de- fense of his country , for although he was not an American born, he was now an American cit- izen. In June he became a member of Company K, First Illinois Infantiy, under Capt. Mowers, and was honorably dischaiged in 1847. At the battle of Buena Vista, on the 22d of February of that year, he was wounded in the left leg. Returning from the scene of strife, he laid aside the. weapons of war for Cupid's bow and arrow, and wooed and won Miss Marie Linaman, who became his wife April 8, 1848. They had four children: Henry, born October 4, 1850; Marie, May 20, 1852; John, born in 1854; and Louis, January 21, 1859. After the death of his first wife, Mr. Budde, in July, 1882, married Mrs. Marie Ludwig, who was called to the home be- yond December 5, 1887, at the age of fifty years. He was again married, for the third time, August 23, 1894, to Mrs. Sophia Uhrscheller, widow ot Charles Uhrscheller, of Chicago. Mrs. Budde' s first husband, Henry Schmidt, served many years on board of a United States man-of-war. From New York he removed to Chicago about 1864, and died there in 1878. Mr. Budde has devoted the greater part of his time and attention through life to agricultural pursuits. He received from the Government one hundred and sixty acres of land in return for his services as a Mexican soldier, and this he traded for the farm upon which he now resides. It is a valuable place, highly cultivated and well im- JOHN UNOLD. 551 proved, and its neat and thrifty appearance indi- cates the careful supervision of the owner. He has erected thereon a fine brick residence, one of the most beautiful homes in this locality. Mr. Budde holds membership with the Luth- eran Church, in which he is now sen-ing as Trustee. For several years he has served as School Director, and the cause of education finds in him a warm friend. He cast his first Presi- dential vote in 1848. He said, " I went so far astray as to vote for Buchanan, but since that time I have been a Republican," and he is true to the party of his choice to this day. In Mr. Budde is seen a self-made man, who began life without capital, but success crowned his efforts and he has won a handsome competence. He is now recognized as one of the substantial agricul- turists of this community, as well as one of its highly respected citizens. CAPT. JOHN UNOLD. EAPT. JOHN UNOLD, who is now living a retired life in La Grange, is one of the hon- ored veterans of the late war, who followed the Old Flag in defense of the Union for about three years and faithfully aided in securing the victory that made the United States inseparable. He was born in Germany on the 2gth of Novem- ber, 1829, and is a son of George and Elizabeth (Brechiesen) Unold. The family numbered six children, four sons and two daughters, as follows: George and David, both now deceased; Chris- topher, who is the owner of a factory for the man- ufacture of wooden-ware in Germany; Elizabeth, who is still living in the Fatherland; and Mary, now deceased. George Unold was a millwright by trade, and in German}' he spent his entire life, as did the mother of our subject. The Captain was born and reared in his native village, and attended the public schools of Ger- many until thirteen years of age, when he was bound out for a three-years apprenticeship to the harness-maker's trade. He then traveled through Germany for three years, working at that occupa- tion, and in 1849, when a young man of twenty years, he crossed the broad Atlantic to America - on a sailing-vessel, which after six weeks upon the bosom of the Atlantic dropped anchor in the harbor of New York City. He made his first lo- cation in Newark, N. J. , where he worked at his trade for two years. He then went to New Haven,. Conn., where he spent the four succeed- ing years of his life, and in 1855 removed to Chi- cago. For two years he was there employed as a harness-maker, after which he went to Fullers- burg, DuPage County, where he started a shop of his own and engaged in business until 1861. He also carried on a general store at that place, and was Postmaster of Fullersburg for a time, but in 1862 he disposed of his business interests in order to enter the service of his adoped coun- try. Mr. Unold had watched with interest the prog- ress of events and saw that the war was to be no holiday affair; so, prompted by patriotic impulses, on the isth of August, 1862, he became a private of Company D, One Hundred and Fifth Illinois Infantry. Before he was mustered into service, which event took place at Dixon, he was trans- ferred to Company I, and became Second Sergeant. The first active engagement in which he partici- pated was at Frankfort, Ky. He afterwards took part in the battles of Resaca, New Hope Church, Cassville, Kennesaw Mountain, Peach Tree Creek and Clintonville. He was wounded in the left ankle by a shell at the battle of New Hope Church, but did not go to the hospital. At At- 552 L. P. HASKELL. lanta, he was promoted to the rank of First Lieu- tenant, and was mustered out as Captain. He re- ceived his discharge June 15, 1865, for the war was then practically over, and the preservation of the Union an assured fact. Capt. Unold at once returned to his home in Fullersburg, where he established another har- ness shop, which he carried on until 1868, when he came to La Grange, and opened a general store. He carried on business along that line until 1887, when he sold out and has since lived retired. He was successful in his business dealings and there- by acquired a comfortable competence, which now enables him to enjoy the rest which he has so truly earned and richly deserves. He now owns considerable real estate in La Grange. On the 5th of February, 1852, Capt. Unold was united in marriage to Miss Martha Hoppach. Unto them have been born nine children, namely: Willemanie, now deceased; Lewis, who holds the position of book-keeper in his brother's store in La Grange; George, who carries on a large general merchandise establishment in La- Grange; Julia, deceased; Amelia, wife of Ed- ward Tillotson, who is living in Michigan; Ottil- da, widow of Samuel Clifford; and Amanda, Lou- isa and Sherman, all of whom have now passed away. In politics, Capt. Unold is a supporter of the Republican party, and from 1869 until 1875 he served as Postmaster of La Grange. He was for seventeen years one of its School Directors, and did effective service in the cause of education, proving a capable officer. Socially, he is con- nected with the Grand Army of the Republic. He came to this country a poor boy and has made all that he possesses by his own careful business management, his thrift and enterprise. Kis life has been well and worthily spent, and he has achieved a success which now enables him to spend his declining years surrounded by all the comforts and many of the luxuries of life. LOOMIS POMROY HASKELL, I OOMIS POMROY HASKELL, who has for 1C thirty-seven years been successfully engaged |_2? in the practice of dentistry in Chicago, has won a reputation for skill and ability that has made him known not only in this city but through- out the world. His prominence in professional circles makes him well worthy of representation among the leading citizens of Cook County. Dr. Haskell was born in Bangor, Me., April 25, 1826, and is a son of Benjamin and Mary (Fuller) Haskell, who were natives of Gloucester, Mass. The Haskell family in America was founded by three brothers, who in an early day emigrated from England, their native land, to the New World, and became early settlers in the Mass- achusetts Colony. About 1823, the father of our subject removed to Bangor, Me. , and five years later went to Marblehead, Mass. , where his last days were passed, his death occurring in 1830. He was a shoe-maker by trade, and opened the first shoe-store in Bangor, Me. His wife, who survived him thirty years, died in Milwaukee, Wis., in 1860. She was a daughter of Rev. Thomas Fuller, a Congregational minister of Gloucester, Mass. Both Mr. and Mrs. Haskell were members of the Congregational Church, and, socially, he was connected with the Masonic order. After the death of the father the family removed to Salem, Mass. , where the Doctor attended school until fifteen years of age. He then went to Bos- ton and entered a printing-office, where he was J. O. HUTCHINSON. 553 employed for four years. His experience there formed an excellent supplement to the limited ed- ucational privileges he had previously received. On leaving the printing-office, he took up the study of dentistry in the office of his brother-in- law, Dr. M. P. Hanson, of Chelsea, Mass., and in connection with the latter he gave considerable attention to the manufacture of carved block teeth. It was through this means that he became widely known among his professional brethren in New England. Ere leaving the East, Dr. Haskell was united in marriage with Sarah E. Wason, a native of Chester, N. H. Six children were born of their union, but only four of the number are now liv- ing, namely: Ella P.; Lizzie M., wife of Rev. W. J. Clark, of Lamoille, 111.; Sarah Isabel, wife of Col. J. B. Parsons, of Dwight, 111.; and Anna N., wife of W. T. Barr, of Hinsdale, 111. The two children now deceased are Harriet N. , who died in infancy ; and Mary F. , who died at the age of fifteen years. In 1856, Dr. Haskell left his old New England home and removed to Milwaukee, Wis. The following year he came to Chicago, where he has since been almost continuously engaged in prac- tice. He demonstrated the excellence of his methods for two terms in the Baltimore College of Dental Surgery, and for two terms in the Minn- eapolis College. He was Professor of prosthetic dentistry in the Chicago College of Dental Sur- gery for four years, and for three years in the dental department of the Northwestern Univer- sity. In 1888 he established the first post-grad- uate school of dentistry, which since that time has furnished instruction to hundreds of students, mostly practicing dentists from all parts of North America, as well as England, Germany, Holland, Chile, Australia and New Zealand. The Doctor is a frequent contributor to dental journals, and is the author of "The Student's Manual and Hand Book for the Dental Laboratory," which circulates extensively among the profession in America, and has been republished in France and Germany. Since the organization of the party, Dr. Haskell has been a stanch Republican. In 1848 he cast his first vote, supporting Martin Van Buren on the Free-Soil ticket, and he was a delegate to the first Free-Soil Convention ever held in the United States, which met at Worcester, Mass. He is a member of the Chicago Dental Club, the Illinois State Dental Society, and the American Dental Association. He and his fam- ily are members of the Congregational Church of Hinsdale, where they make their home. He has practiced dentistry longer than any other dentist in Chicago, and with one exception has been ac- tively engaged in dental work here longer than any other member of the profession. He keeps fully abreast of the times, and is continually studying to gain new knowledge on the subject to which he has given his life work. Thus has he won a front rank among the dentists of the world. He is a gentleman of pleasing address and prepossessing manner, and is an interesting writer and able speaker. So well known is he throughout the Northwest, that the history of Cook County would be incomplete without this sketch. JAMES O. HUTCHINSON. (I AMES O. HUTCHINSON, who for nine I years has been in the employ of the well- ed known firm of Thomas Cook & Sons, now oc- cupies the position of General Western Agent, with headquarters at No. 234 South Clark Street, Chicago. His long continuance with the com- pany is a testimonial of his ability and fidelity more expressive than any words could be. Mr. Hutchinson was born in Syracuse, N. Y., in 1845, and comes of one of the oldest families of 554 C. A. COOLEY. the Empire State. His ancestors were originally natives of Scotland, and came from that country to America not long after the Colonies had been founded on the shores of the New World. The father of our subject was a man of prominence and influence, and served as a member of the General Assembly of New York. The maternal grandfather, Judge Strong, sat on the Supreme Bench of the State in 1812, and was a prominent figure in the history of that time. James O. Hutchinson spent the days of his boy- hood and youth in his parents' home, acquiring his education in the public schools and in the naval academy. He acted as Lieutenant for five years, from 1860 until 1865, and then became Chief Clerk in the office of the Adjutant-General of New York. There he remained until 1880. Two years later he formed a connection with the firm of Thomas Cook & Sons, which has contin- ued up to the present time, and which has seen him advanced from one position to another, until he is now General Agent for all western territory, having entered upon the duties of that position on the 2oth of April, 1893, Thomas Cook & Sons are general steamship and railway agents, and secure passage for sin- gle tourists or parties visiting any known point on the face of the globe. They have their agents in all countries, who make the traveling arrange- ments, and secure a hotel and other accommoda- tions for visitors, thus giving the tourist time for sight-seeing which otherwise would be largely taken up in planning and executing the trip. They also issue letters of credit and do all ex- change business with the banks. Mr. Hutchinson himself has made several trips to distant lands, has visited Asia, spent some time in India, China and Egypt, and has seen many of the points of interest, historical and otherwise, in Europe. He expects soon to start for Japan, where he will spend seven months among one of the most interesting peoples known. In his social relations, he is connected with the Grand Army of the Republic, and in his political affiliations is a Democrat. His life has been a busy one, and he well merits the confidence and trust reposed in him by the company with which he is now connected. His position is a responsi- ble one, for he is agent for the entire Western Territory, and attends to all the business of this section of the country. CLARK A. COOLEY. ELARK A. COOLEY is the efficient Clerk of Elk Grove Township, Cook County. He resides on section 16, and is numbered among the prominent farmers of the community. His entire life has been spent in this locality, and an honorable, upright career has gained him the high regard of all with whom he has been brought in contact. He was born in Elk Grove Town- ship, this county, September 21, 1847, and comes of an old New England family. His father, Charles Cooley, was a native of Vermont, and emigrated to Illinois in 1845, locating in Elk Grove Township, where he took up a claim from the Government and began the development of a farm, transforming the raw prairie into rich and fertile fields. There he carried on agricultural pursuits and made his home until his death, which occurred in 1884, in his sixty-fourth year. In politics, he was a Democrat, and served as School Director. Mrs Cooley, who bore the maiden name of Clara Green, is a native of Mass- achusetts, and is yet living, at the age of seventy- two. Both families were of English origin. In the Cooley family were seven children, our subject, who is the eldest, being the only son. The daughters were: Kittie, wife of William LOUIS VOLTZ. 555 Higgins, of Elk Grove Township; Mary, who died at the age of six years; Sarah, widow of John B. Weeks, and a resident of Beadle County, S. Dak.; Addie, who died at the age of a year and a-half; Clara, wife of John Carson, a resident of Iowa; and Mary, who is engaged in teaching school, and makes her home in Arlington Heights. C. A. Cooley spent the days of his boyhood and youth in the usual manner of farmer lads, and in the schools of Elk Grove Township acquired a good English education. From an early age he has been familiar with all the details of farming, for as soon as old enough to handle the plow he began work in the fields, and to agricultural pur- suits has since devoted his energies. In his deal- ing, he has been quite successful. His farm com- prises one hundred and fifty-six acres of valuable land, and is considered one of the best in the town- ship, for the fields are well tilled, and it is sup- plied with all modern accessories and conven- iences. In connection with general farming, the owner also carries on stock-raising and dealing, and has met with success in this line. In 1871, was celebrated the marriage of Mr. Cooley and Miss Rosa J. Crego, a native of New York, who, when a maiden of twelve summers, removed with her parents to Arlington Heights, 111. There her girlhood days were passed. Two children grace this union, a son and daughter, Frank A. and Anna E., both of whom are still at home. In his political affiliations, Mr. Cooley is a Re- publican, and in 1893 was elected Clerk of his township, which position he is now creditably fill- ing. He has also served as School Director, and has filled other offices. Having spent his entire life in this community, Mr. Cooley has witnessed the many changes which have taken place in the county, has seen its growth and upbuilding, and has aided in its development. He has ever been a progressive and public-spirited man, and is rec- ognized as a valued citizen. LOUIS VOLTZ. I GUIS VOLTZ, who is successfully engaged 1C in fanning on section 10, Northfield Town- I \ J ship, Cook County, claims Germany as the land of his birth. He was born in Hesse-Darm- stadt, September 30, 1833, and is the second in or- der of birth in a family of six children whose par- ents were Louis and Elizabeth Voltz. They were also natives of Germany. In the common schools of the neighborhood our subject acquired his edu- cation. No event of special importance occurred during his boyhood and youth, which were quietly passed in his father's home. Having arrived at years of maturity, he determined to seek his for- tune in America, and in 1857 crossed the Atlantic to the New World. He made his way direct to Chi- cago, and thence removed to McHenry County, 111., where lie secured work as a farm hand by the month. When he had acquired a sufficient capi- tal, he purchased land in Jefferson Township, Cook County, and began fanning in his own interest. For a time he continued the cultivation and im- provement of that tract, but at length sold out, and in 1870 purchased the farm on which he now re- sides in Northfield Township. Mr. Voltz was married in Jefferson Township in 1862, the lad}- of his choice being Miss Mar- garet Kilwy, a native of Germany, who at the age of fourteen years left the Fatherland and came to the United States. By the union of this worthy couple were born the following children: Louis, who is now deceased; William, who is married; Katie, who has passed away; Charlie, at home; Emma, deceased; Emma, the second of that name; Edward, Walter, Sophia, Ella, George, Frank, 556 A. SOHM. Richard and Albert, all of whom are yet under the parental roof. The children were all born in Cook County, and nine of the number are still at home. Mr. Voltz now carries on general farming, and is the owner of one hundred and six acres of good land, which he has placed under a high state of cultivation. He has also made many good im- provements upon his farm, audits neat and thrifty appearance indicates his careful supervision. His life has been a busy one, and as the result of his energy and untiring labors he has become the possessor of a comfortable property. He may truly be called a self-made man. In religious belief, Mr. Voltz is a Lutheran, and in politics is a Republican, having supported his party by his ballot for many years. He has held the office of School Director for a long period, and the cause of education finds in him a warm friend. For six years he served as Township Commissioner, and is now Township Treasurer. In September, 1883, he was elected Supervisor of Northfield Township, and has held that position continuously since, discharging his duties with a promptness and fidelity that have not only caused his retention in office, but have also won him the high commendation of all concerned. A. SOHM. a SOHM is at the head of one of the leading engraving establishments of Chicago, and is doing a good business, which has been se- cured through excellent workmanship, courteous treatment and honorable dealing. His success is therefore well deserved. Mr. Sohm claims Aus- tria as the land of his birth, which occurred in 1862. His father, Joseph Sohm, was also a na- tive of Austria. Under the parental roof our subject was reared to manhood, the days of his boyhood being quietly passed. The schools of the vicinity afforded him his educational privi- leges, and when he had mastered the common branches of learning, he turned his attention to business pursuits, whereby he might earn his own livelihood. For some time he engaged in block-cutting. At length Mr. Sohm resolved to try his fortune in America, for he had heard much of its advan- tages and privileges, and believed that he might thereby benefit his financial condition. In 1881 he crossed the ocean to the New World, and on his arrival in America learned the engraving business in the establishment of the Acme En- graving Company, of Chicago. He spent three years in mastering the trade, becoming a most excellent workman, and then for five years fol- lowed that vocation in the employ of other firms in the city. It was in 1888 that Mr. Sohm embarked in business for himself, being then located on L,a Salle Street. About a year later, however, he removed to the Staats Zeitung Building, where he has now been for the past four years. He en- gages in mechanical engraving, and the artistic work which he turns out has secured for him a liberal patronage. He is recognized as one of the best engravers in the city, and his high reputa- tion is well deserved. In the year 1891, was celebrated the marriage of Mr. Sohm and Miss Gertrude Bruh. He and his wife are members of the Catholic Church, and in the social circles in which they move they have many friends who esteem them highly. In his political views, our subject is a supporter of the Democracy, but has never been an aspirant for public office, preferring to devote his entire time and attention to other interests. It proved a for- tunate day for him when he determined to leave his native land and make a home in the New World, and he has never yet had occasion to re- gret the change, for he has here won a prosperity that would probably not have come to him had he remained upon his native soil. MATHIAS HOFFMAN. 557 MATHIAS HOFFMAN. HOFFMAN, a prosperous and highly respected fanner of Niles Township, Cook County, residing on section 18, was born on the 25th of July, 1825, on the River Rhine, in Prussia, and is a son of Peter and Su- sannah (Saul) Hoffman, both of whom were born in Prussia in the year 1799. The grandfather, Mathias Hoffman, was also a native of the same country and was a farmer by occupation. In 1842, the parents with their children turned their faces toward the setting sun and started for the New World. They crossed the Atlantic in a sailing-vessel and made their way to Chicago, taking up their residence on the northwest quar- ter of section 18, Niles Township, Cook County, where the father purchased a farm of ninety -five acres, paying $3 per acre. At his death in 1846, he was the possessor of two hundred and sixty acres, a valuable and desirable place. The children born to Peter and Susannah Hoffman were: Mathias; John, who was a farmer of Northfield Township; Michael, who lives in Des Plaines; Marguerite; Nicholas, a farmer of Niles Township; and Mrs. Catherine Schmelzer. John and Marguerite are deceased. Mathias Hoffman was in his seventeenth year when, with the family, he bade adieu to the Fa- therland and came to the United States. In Niles Township he has since made his home, and during the long years which have since passed his hon- orable, upright life has made him many friends. He was married on the jth of September, 1850, to Miss Barbara Harsom, daughter of John Har- som, a farmer and a native of Bavaria. The lady was born September 19, 1828, and by their union have been born five children, who in order of birth are as follows: William, who was born Sep- tember ii, 1851, and is now a carpenter of South Evanston; John, born February 24, 1853, who is now living retired at Gross Point; Nicholas, a farmer of Northfield Township, born October 19, 1854; Catherine, who was born March 23, 1857, and is now the wife of James Dalton, of South Chi- cago; and Marguerite, who was born March 11, 1859, and is the wife of Anton Mayer, a farmer of Hamlet, Indiana. Mr. Hoffman received as his portion of his father's estate forty acres of the old home place and twelve acres of timber-land. All his other property has been acquired through his own ef- forts. By perseverance and untiring industry, he has made life a success and has acquired a hand- some competency. Some years since he gave to each of his children seventy acres of valuable prairie land, and ten acres of timber, save to one daughter, to whom he gave $7,000 in cash. He has ever been of a liberal and generous nature, free and open-handed with those in whom he takes an interest, and cannot do too much to en- hance the happiness and promote the welfare of his family. Although he has transacted a large volume of business, he has never had a lawsuit, but has ever been at peace with all mankind. The parents and their children are all members of the Catholic Church, and are highly respected, having many friends in this community. In his political views, Mr. Hoffman is a Democrat, and cast his first Presidential vote in 1848. Although he has never been an office-seeker, he has served as Assessor of Niles Township for twenty-four years, has been Road Commissioner six years, and School Director for a quarter of a century. Be- ing a man of excellent judgment, he has made an efficient officer, and his fidelity to duty is well attested by his long service. 558 T. S. ROGERS. CAPT. THEODORE S. ROGERS. EAPT. THEODORE S. ROGERS is one of the leading citizens of Downer's Grove, and an honored veteran of the late war, who wore the blue in defense of the Union, and vali- antly followed the Old Flag in many of the most hotly contested battles of that struggle, which not only did away with slavery, but made the Union more indissoluble than before. The Cap- tain was born in Morristown, St. Lawrence County, N. Y., August 30, 1831. The family is of English lineage. The father, Joseph I. Rogers, was a native of Rhode Island. Removing to the Empire State, he there married Caroline Smith, who was born in New York, and was also of English extraction. Her father was a well- educated man, and kept a hotel in New York for a number of years. In 1844 Mr. Rogers came with his family to Illinois, making the journey by water to Chicago, where he hired a team, with which he came to DuPage County. Here he purchased a farm, upon which he spent his re- maining days. He was a stanch Republican, and took quite an active part in local politics. His death occurred in this county, at the age of sixty-two years. He was the only son of the family who lived to any age, but has a sister, Mrs. Julia Aldrich, who is now living in this county, at the advanced age of ninety-five years. The mother of our subject still survives her hus- band, and although now in her eighty-third year, her mental and physical faculties are well pre- served. The Rogers family numbered six children, three sons and three daughters, but Ella is now deceased. The others are Mary L-, widow of Chauncy Harmon, and a resident of Downer's Grove, Theodore S.; Joseph W., a prosperous merchant of this place; Francis A., a successful farmer of Downer's Grove Township; and Sarah, wife of John A. Kinley, of Aurora, 111. Capt. Rogers spent the first thirteen years of his life in the State of his nativity, and in 1844 came with his parents to Illinois. He remained at home until twenty years of age, when he be- gan teaching school in this county. For twelve winters he followed that profession, while in the summer months his labors were devoted to work upon the home farm. He had attended the com- mon schools, and was graduated from the Down- er's Grove High School. On the igth of July, 1862, prompted by patriotic impulses, he re- sponded to the country's call for troops, and en- listed as a private of the One Hundred and Fiftt Illinois Infantry. On the organization of Com pany B, he was elected Captain. The regiment went into camp at Dixon, and was mustered into the United States service September 2, 1862, and sent thence to Louisville and Frankfort, Ky., en- gaging at the skirmish at the latter place. Capt, Rogers took part in the battles of Bowling Green, Taylor's Ridge, Smoke Creek Gap, and at the battle of Resaca had charge of the skirmish line in front of the assaulters. He led his men at Calhoun, Cassville, the advance on Dallas, New Hope Church, Kenesaw Mountain, Lookout Mountain, Golgotha, the assault on Kenesaw, the battle of Marietta, Chattahoochee River, Peach T:ee Creek, the battle of Atlanta, and the siege of that city. On the 3oth of September, 1864, he resigned and was honorably discharged from the service. He participated in many skirmishes and battles, and his war record is one of which he may well be proud. On the 1 3th of December, 1855, the Captain CAPT. THEO. S. ROGERS LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS P. C. GARDNER. 559 married Miss Helen M., a daughter of Dexter and Nancy (Capron) Stanley, who were among the early settlers of DuPage County. She was born in Pennsylvania, February 6, 1833, but since her second year has made her home in this county. Mr. and Mrs. Rogers had two children, Bertha and Glen, but both died in infancy. The Captain was elected Sheriff of DuPage County in 1860, but on entering the sen-ice of his country he left reliable deputies to perform the duties of that office. He has served as Super- . visor, Township Clerk and Collector. He was a member of the Board of Town Trustees for four- teen years, and, with the exception of one year, was President during that entire time. He cast his first Presidential, vote for Scott, but it is need- less to say that he is now a stanch Republican, supporting that party which was formed to pre- vent the further extension of slavery. In 1892 he was appointed by Gov. Fifer on the Board of Equalization to fill the vacancy caused by the death of Henry L. Bush. He is a prominent Grand Army man, and with the exception of one year has been Commander of Naper Post No. 468, G. A. R., of Downer's Grove, since its or- ganization: At that time he refused to have the office, but, his comrades insisting upon his ac- cepting the position again, he is now the incum- bent. He has served as Superintendent of the Agricultural Society of the county for a number of years, and is a member of the Masonic frater- nity of Downer's Grove, and the Royal Arcanum of Hinsdale. He also belongs to the Loyal Legion of Illinois, the last two being societies of the Army of the Cumberland and the Army of the Tennessee. After his return from the war, the Captain en- gaged in teaching school for a year, then spent one year in the insurance business, and in July, 1866, embarked in the market and provision busi- ness in Chicago. In 1871, in the great fire, he was burned out, and again in 1874, but with characteristic energy he rebuilt, retrieved his losses, and has since successfully carried on busi- ness. He now has one of the finest markets in Chicago, located at the corner of Wabash Ave- nue and Eighteenth Street. His possessions have all been acquired through his own earnings, and he has gained a handsome competence, but in- stead of using it all for selfish ends, he gives lib- erally to charitable and benevolent work. The needy are never turned from his door empty- handed, and probably no man has contributed so much to the poor of Downer's Grove as has Capt. Rogers. He has a beautiful home here and several lots and business houses. Through- out DuPage and Cook Counties he has a host of friends, and is held in the highest regard by all with whom he has been brought in contact. CAPT. PETER G. GARDNER. EAPT. PETER G. GARDNER, one of the representative citizens of La Grange, and a man prominent in public affairs in this com- munity, claims Ohio as his native State. He was born near Zanesville, September 12, 1842, and was the second in a family of four children, three sons and a daughter, born unto Adam and Eliza- beth Gaertner. The mode of spelling the sur- name was changed to Gardner by the Captain. The father was born in Germany, and there grew to mature years. Having married, he came to this country, locating near Zanesville, Ohio. His wife died in 1846, after which the family was scattered, and the father joined an Ohio regiment for sen-ice in the Mexican War. He was killed in the siege of the City of Mexico. Capt. Gardner was only four years of age at the time of his mother's death. He was bound 56o P. C. GARDNER. out to a farmer near Zanesville, and there resided until fifteen years of age, when he began work- ing as a farm hand by the month through the summer season, and in the winter he attended the common schools. On the lyth of April, 1861, he joined Company A, of the Fifteenth Ohio In- fantry, for three months' service, being among the first to respond to the call for troops. When that term had expired, he immediately re-enlisted, and was made Corporal March 7, 1862. He was ap- pointed Sergeant January i, 1864, and was made First Lieutenant February 9, 1865. On the ist of January, 1864, he again enlisted for another term of three years, if the war continued so long. On the gth of February, 1865, he was dis- charged as an enlisted man, to accept a commis- sion as First Lieutenant of his old company and regiment. On the 22d of December, 1865, in Columbus, Ohio, he received his final discharge. He participated in the engagement at Philippi, W. Va. , and afterwards took part in the battles of Carricks Ford, Cheat Mountain and Shiloh. He also participated in the engagement at Liberty Gap, Chickamauga and Mission Ridge, and was in the entire campaign from Chattanooga to At- lanta, which lasted from May i until Septem- ber i, 1864. During all that time hardly an hour passed during which the sound of the guns could not be heard. He took part in the engagements at Resaca, Peach Tree Creek, New Hope Church, Kennesaw Mountain, Chattahoochee River, and for five weeks was in the siege of Atlanta. The army then went South, and after the battle of Franklin the regiment in which Mr. Gardner served, which formed a part of the rear-guard, had to destroy the bridge at that place. They then returned to Nashville, Tenn., with Gen. Thomas in com- mand, and participated in the campaign. In June, 1865, Capt. Gardner was sent to western Texas, and during the month of August, with his troops, marched from Matagorda Bay to San Antonio, where he remained on duty until December, 1865. He then marched back to the Gulf of Mexico, after which he returned home. He received no serious wounds, but had some very narrow es- capes. He still has in his possession the sword which he carried through the greater part of the war, and upon it is a large scar that was caused by a piece of shell striking it. When his country no longer needed his serv- ices, Capt. Gardner returned to his home in Zanesville, Ohio, but after a short time went to visit his sister in Mattoon, 111. The eldest brother of the family, now deceased, was in the Sixth Iowa Infantry. The Captain had not seen him since the home was broken up until the night following the battle of Shiloh, when they chanced to meet. The brother was wounded at the battle of Missionary Ridge, and was a cripple throughout the remainder of his life. George A., another brother, was a member of the same com- pany and regiment as our subject, and is now residing in Chula, Mo., a retired farmer and prominent citizen of that place, where he is en- gaged in the banking business. Their sister, Catherine, is now the wife of Henry Hortinstine, a farmer residing in Chillicothe, Mo. Removing to Clinton, Iowa, in 1866, Capt. Gardner there engaged in the fire-insurance bus- iness until 1869, when he went to Chicago, where he followed the same pursuit and where he is still engaged in business. In the spring of 1871, he came to where the town of LaGrange now stands, being the first resident of the village. Purchasing a lot on the prairie, he has made this place his home continuously since. In June, 1869, was celebrated the marriage of Mr. Gardner and Miss MaroaE. Conklin, of Dar- ien, Wis., who died in 1873, leaving one son, Charles A., who is now in the Treasurer's office of the Chicago, Burlington & Quincy Railroad, filling a responsible position. Our subject was again married, in December, 1874, his second un- ion being with Miss Luella W. Humphry, of Port- land, Me. They had five children, but three of the number died in infancy, and William R., a young man of much promise, died at the age of seventeen. Eugene, the youngest, is a lad of eleven years. Mr. Gardner takes considerable interest in civic societies, especially in Masonry, in which he has taken the Thirty-second Degree. He is a mem- ber of the La Grange Lodge, and an honorary member of Garden City Lodge of Chicago. He N. S. CARRINGTON. belongs to the Commandery of the military order of the Loyal Legion of the United States, and to the Grand Army of the Republic. He was one of the organizers of Hiram McClintock Post No. 667, G. A. R., of La Grange, and was its first Commander. He also organized the Masonic lodge at this place, was its Master for six years, and is now High Priest of the Chapter. With the Royal Arcanum he is also connected. In his political views, he is a stanch Republican, who always gives his support to the men and meas- ures of his party. He is now serving as Secre- tary of the High School Board, is Secretary and Treasurer of the Music Hall Association of La- Grange, is a warm friend to education, and is a patron of all those enterprises which are calcu- lated to uplift humanity. He is now doing a large insurance business in Chicago, and has the respect and esteem of all who know him. He is an honored member of various societies, and has won prominence through merit and ability. He was ever true to his country in her hour of peril, and for four years and a-half was actively en- gaged in her service, faithfully defending the Old Flag which now floats so proudly over the united nation. N. STARR CARRINGTON. |O STARR CARRINGTON, who resides upon \"l a farm on section 18, Lyons Township, is I /J numbered among the pioneer settlers of Cook County of 1836. His residence therefore in this community covers a period of fifty-seven years. He was born in Middletown, Conn., on the I2th of December, 1816, and is a son of Henry and Susan (Starr) Carrington, both of whom were of English descent. The Starr family was founded in America in 1634. The grandfather, Nathan Starr, served in the Revolutionary War. Unto Mr. and Mrs. Carrington were born seven chil- dren, as follows: Susan, Elizabeth, Mary, Henry, Starr, Lorrania and William, but our subject is now the only one living. While in the East, the father served as cashier of the Middletown Bank. At length he determined to seek a home on the broad prairies of the West, and emigrated to Chi- cago, then a small town, giving little or no evi- dence of its future growth and importance. He there engaged in the brokerage business in con- nection with E. K. Hubbard until 1837, when he removed to the farm of three hundred and twenty acres which he had purchased of B. Jacobs for $12.50 per acre the year previous. Upon this farm he made his home until 1840, when he re- turned to Middletown, Conn., and became Treas- urer and Secretary of the Savings Bank of that place. He was entirely a self-made man, and for the success of his life deserves great credit. With the Congregational Church he held membership, and his career was an honorable, upright one. He died at the advanced age of ninety-three years. In the schools of his native town, Mr. Carring- ton of this sketch acquired a good business edu- cation and under the parental roof he spent his childhood days. With his father he came to Illi- nois, but he remained in Chicago only a short time. On leaving that place he took up his resi- dence upon the farm which is now his home. There were no improvements upon the place, save a log cabin, which is still standing, one of the few landmarks that yet remain. Chicago was the nearest trading-point and they hauled all their grain and farm produce to that place. When he first reached that city, Mr. Carrington boarded at the old Lake Street Hotel. There was not a bridge in the place, and many portions that are now solidly built up with fine residences or busi ness houses were then only wet prairie. Mr. Carrington now owns two hundred and twenty 562 WESLEY POLK. acres of good land, and carries on general farming and stock-raising. Idleness is utterly foreign to his nature, and a busy and well-spent life has brought him a comfortable competence. On the i6th of August, 1841, Mr. Carrington was joined in marriage with Miss Laura Butler, and unto them have been born eight children, namely: William H., now deceased; Susan; Mary; Elizabeth; William H.; Lorriana, de- ceased; Laura and Edward. In his political affiliations, in early life, Mr. Carrington was a Whig, and since the organiza- tion of the Republican party has been one of its stanch supporters. He has been honored with some public offices, has served as Commissioner, for the past twelve years has filled the office of Justice of the Peace, and is the present incum- bent. The best interests of the community have ever found in him a friend. His co-operation and support are given to worthy enterprises, and all that is calculated to benefit the community re- ceives his assistance. The history of Cook County is well known to him, for since its early days he has watched its growth and advance- ment. He may truly be classed among the hon- ored pioneers, and it is with pleasure that we pre- sent to our readers the sketch of this worthy gen- tleman. WESLEY POLK. POLK was a native of Kentucky. He was born in Jefferson County, on the 4th of November, 1818, and was one of six children whose parents were Edmund and Mar- garet Polk. Their children were H. H., James, William, Wesley and Wilson, but Henry H. is the only 'one now living. Our subject was born and reared upon the home farm in Kentucky, and acquired the greater part of his education outside the school-room. He began life for himself when a young man, and was afterward dependent upon his own resources. In 1831 he left the State of his nativity and re- moved to Indiana, where he made his home un- til 1833, when he came to Illinois, making the journey by wagon. He located in Lyons Town- ship, where he purchased a tract of wild, uncul- tivated land on section 2 1 , upon which a log cabin was built. He was accompanied by his parents and family, and they experienced all the hard- ships and trials of life on the frontier. The In- dians were still numerous in the settlement, and Chicago was the trading-point of the pioneers. Mr. Polk grew to manhood upon the new farm, and there made his home until 1849, when, in connection with his brother H. H., and three other young men, they started with pack mules for California. They walked much of the dis- tance, but at length after traveling for several months reached their destination. There Mr. Polk engaged in prospecting and mining from 1849 until 1851. His trip proved quite a success- ful one, and he returned home .by way of New York City and the water route. He then came back to the farm, and to agricultural pursuits de- voted his energies until the breaking out of the war, when, in 1861, prompted by patriotic im- pulses, he responded to the country's call for troops. He enlisted as a private, was assigned to Company H, One Hundred and Twenty -seventh Illinois Infantry, and was mustered into service in Chicago. He faithfully followed the Old Flag for three years, and during that time was never either wounded or taken prisoner, but was always found at his post of duty, participating in all the engage- ments in which the regiment took part, a faithful and valiant defender of the Union. When mus- tered out he held the rank of Corporal. When the war was over, Mr. Polk returned to the old farm, where he lived until 1881. He then C. H. HARRISOX. JR. 563 purchased the farm now owned by the family. It comprised one hundred and ninety acres of rich and valuable land, under a high state of cultiva- tion and well improved with all the accessories and conveniences of a model farm. Mr. Polk be- gan life a poor boy, but his career was a success- ful one, for he was diligent and enterprising and possessed good business ability. In 1860 Mr. Polk was united in marriage with Miss MaryJ. Bielby. Her birthplace was near Utica, N. Y. They had only one child, Edmund R., who was born March 7, 1866. He attended the public schools and was graduated from the .Metropolitan Business College of Chicago. On the 1 4th of January, 1891, he married Miss Agnes L,ittle, and they have become the parents of one son, Wesley W. Edmund now carries on the home farm and is a wide-awake and enterprising agriculturist. The father was called to his final rest May 23, 1893, and his remains are interred in Lyonsville Cemetery. He had the respect of all who knew him and his death was deeply mourned. In poli- tics, he was a stalwart advocate of the Republican party and its principles, and did all in his power to insure its success. For fourteen successive years he creditably and ably filled the office of Justice of the Peace, was Township Collector, and also served as Supervisor. Socially, he was a member of the Grand Army post, and in religious belief he was a Congregationalist. Alike true in public and private life, and faithful to every trust, he had the confidence and regard of all with whom business or social relations brought him in contact. CARTER H. HARRISON, JR. EARTER H. HARRISON, JR., the editor of the Chicago Times, the leading Democratic newspaper of the city, has spent his entire life here, with the exception of three years spent in Germany and the time passed in college. The Harrison family has been prominently connected with the city's interests since an early day, and the ancestors of our subject were among those who aided in achieving the independence of this country. The family originated in England, and some of its members came from that country to the United States in the seventeenth century, lo- cating in Virginia. It had several representatives in the Colonial army during the Revolutionary War, and Gen. William Russell, one of the ma- ternal ancestors of our subject, won his title during that eight-years struggle. Benjamin Harrison, who first came to America, was a man of promi- nence in Virginia, and served as Colonial Gov- ernor. For three generations after him the blood was transmitted through a Benjamin Harrison. The fourth Benjamin had two sons, Benjamin and Carter. In direct line the descendants of the former are William Henry, Scott H. and Benja- min. Of the latter they are Robert Carter, Carter H., Carter H. (the late Mayor of the city), Carter H., Jr., of this sketch, and his little son, who also bears the name of Carter H. The gentleman whose name heads this record was born in Chicago, on the 23d of April, 1860. His father had located here several years previ- ous, and from that time until his death was ac- tively connected with the welfare of the city. The son was educated in private schools until 1873, when he went to Germany. In 1876, he attended college in New York, and later was graduated from St. Ignatius' College, of Chicago. He afterwards entered Yale College, and com- pleted the law course in that renowned institution in the Class of '83. Returning to his home, Mr. Harrison then em- barked in the real-estate business, and carried on 564 CHRISTIAN THIELE. operations along that line for a number of years, when, in 1891, in connection with his father, he bought out the Chicago Times, and assumed charge of the editorial department of the paper. The Times is too well known to need mention here. It is an old paper, yet its success and high reputation have been greatly increased since Mr. Harrison's connection with it. In the year 1887, our subject was united in marriage with Miss Edith Ogden, daughter of Rob- ert N. Ogden, of New Orleans, La., and to them has been born a son, who was named for his father and grandfather. Mr. Harrison holds member- ship with the University Club and the Chicago Athletic Club. His connection with the Times at once indicates his political views to be Democratic. He is well known in his -native city, his father's prominence having brought him a wide acquaint- ance among leading people, while his own qualities have gained for him their high regard and es- teem. He possesses the same attractive manner for which the Harrison family is noted. Although yet a young man, he is recognized as one of the leading and influential citizens of the second city in the Union, and whether he should continue in newspaper work or leave the journalistic field he is sure to occupy a position of importance. CHRISTIAN THIELE. /2f HRISTIAN THIELE, a well-known citizen 1 1 of Proviso Township, this county, is a native \j of Germany, his birth having occurred in Hanover, on the igth of January, 1834. His boy- hood and youth were quietly passed; the common schools afforded him his educational privileges, and in his native land he learned the carpenter's trade. Thinking to better his financial condition by emigrating to the New World, in 1850 he sailed for America, and after a voyage of nine weeks landed in New York City. During the trip across the water he served as the ship's car- penter. He left home with a capital of $50, which his father gave him, and with this he started out in life in the United States, a stranger in a strange land. After remaining in New York City for a short time, he took an emigrant train to Chicago. On reaching that place, Mr. Thiele found that his money was exhausted, but he soon secured employment as a carpenter, and thus worked for about eighteen months. He then went to what is now Addison, and worked at his chosen trade, building houses for the farmers of that locality for a period of about nine years. With the capi- tal thus acquired, he purchased a ten-acre tract of land where the village of Proviso now stands,' and has here made his home continuously since. He rented an additional tract, and turned his atten- tion to farming, which he carries on in connection with the hay business. In 1857, Mr. Thiele was joined in marriage with Miss Minnie Summerman, of Cook County, and unto them were born two children: Henry, who is now carrying on a grocery on Madison Street, in Oak Park, Chicago; and Sophia, wife of William Ruchty, a resident of Fullersburg. In the year 1872, the mother of this family was called to her final rest, and in 1874 Mr. Thiele was again married, his second union being with Miss Margaret Bernard, by whom he has two children, a son and daughter, Arno and Lizzie, both at home. Mr. Thiele is now the owner of one hundred and sixty acres of valuable land in Cook County, together with a handsome brick residence, store and saloon, which are valued at $23,000. He also has a granary worth $6,000. Everything that he now possesses has been acquired through his own efforts. When he reached Chicago, he A. F. WEBB. 565 slept for two nights in the depot, for he had not money enough to pay for lodging. Undaunted, however, by the difficulties in his path, he soon secured work, and as he was enabled to save something from his earnings, he made judicious investments of his capital, and is now numbered among the substantial citizens of this community. He may be truly called a self-made man. In his political views, Mr. Thiele is a Republican, and has served his township as Highway Commis- sioner. ALBERT F. WEBB. Gl LBERT F. WEBB, superintendent of the J 1 Stinson Stock Farm at Thornton, was born /I in Chicago, on the ist of March, 1863, and is a son of Francis and Amelia (Wheeler) Webb. The father was a native of England, born near London. In 1861, he took up his residence near Thornton, having that year crossed the Atlantic to America, and upon the farm where he located he made his home until his death, which occurred in 1881, at the age of fifty-one years. Hiswidow still resides on the old homestead. She was born in Oxford, England, and came to America in 1862. Mr. and Mrs. Webb had a family of four children, but two of the number died in child- hood. Albert F. and Bessie are the survivors. The father of this family was a well-known citi- zen of Thornton and vicinity for some years. For a long time he carried on a general store in the village of Thornton and did a good business in that way. At the same time he operated his farm, and it also yielded him a good income. He was not a member of any church, but was an hon- orable, upright man, and for several years was superintendent of a union Sabbath-school in Thornton, and was always recognized as one of the most useful and esteemed citizens of the place. Albert F. Webb attended the public schools, where he acquired a fair English education, and at the age of sixteen years he began clerking in a grocery store in Chicago. Thus he started out in life for himself and since that time he has made his own way in the world. For a year he con- tinued to serve as a salesman, and then began learning the carpenter's trade, which he followed for nine years. On the expiration of that period, in the spring of 1890, he became the superintend- ent of the Stinson Stock Farm at Thornton, which position he yet fills. This farm com- prises about seven hundred acres of land and is devoted to the breeding of trotting horses and Jersey cattle. About two hundred and fifty thoroughbred trotters are kept on the farm, most of them bred under the management of Mr. Webb. His stables are extensive, are well lighted and ventilated and are models of conven- ience in all particulars. They were built under the personal supervision of Mr. Webb and indi- cate his thorough knowledge of the needs and care of horses. The farm is now a first-class stock-breeding establishment. About thirty men are employed upon the place, including several expert trainers, and altogether it is considered one of the best stock farms in the State. Since locating here Mr. Webb has also superintended the establishment of another stock farm on a similar plan at Highlands, Indiana. In 1882, was celebrated the marriage of the subject of this sketch and Miss Winnie Wendt, daughter of Frederick Wendt, of Homewood. She was born in Germany, and came with her par- ents to Cook County when four years of age. Two children were born of their union, but the 566 son, George, died at the age of ten years, daughter, Amy, is still with her parents. Mr. Webb is a member of the Masonic frater- nity and of the Independent Order of Foresters. In politics, he has been a life-long Republican, and is a warm advocate of the principles of his party. He served for two terms as School Direc- E. P. PATCH. The tor of Thornton. His position as Superintendent of the Stinson Stock Farm lie has filled for four years, and in its management has given entire satisfaction. He is a systematic farmer and busi- ness man, a practical and enthusiastic stockman, and a public-spirited citizen. EDWARD P. PATCH. IT D WARD PATRICK PATCH, Clerk of the 1^ village of Wilmette, is a native of Cook I County who reflects credit upon the place of his nativity. He was born in Chicago, on Saint Patrick's Day, 1867, and is a son of Theodore J. and Rose (Cassidy) Patch, the former a native of Albany, New York, and the latter of Ireland. T. J. Patch is still a resident of Chicago, where he located in 1844, settling on the West Side, and has ever since been engaged in the dray and ex- press business. He has built up a large business, and employs a number of men and teams. His father was a native of Germany, the name being originally spelled Fach. Mrs. Patch came to Amer- ica in 1851, and after living five years in Brook- lyn, came to Chicago. Her father, Edward Cassidy, was a Captain in the British army, and lost his life at the battle of Waterloo. His widow, Bridget Cassidy, died in Chicago, at the age of ninety-eight years. Mr. Patch was born in 1855, and his wife two years later. Edward P. Patch was educated at the school attached to the Church of the Holy Family, at Twelfth and Morgan Streets, completing the course before he was eighteen years old. He im- mediately entered the employ of the North Amer- ican Accident Insurance Company, and continued one year. For the past nine years he has been with the Standard Life and Accident Insurance Company, for the last five years in the capacity of manager of its general agency at Chicago. He has supervision of the business of the company all over the West, which is chiefly transacted with railroad employes. His long continuance and steady progress with his present employers attest his faithfulness and business ability. In 1890 Mr. Patch took up his residence at Wil- mette, where he built a handsome home, and in April, 1895, he was elected Clerk of the village. Since August, 1894, he has been the Wilmette correspondent of the North Shore News. He is a progressive, public-spirited citizen, and takes an intelligent interest in the affairs of his native country. He keeps thoroughly informed on all questions of the day, and adheres to the Republi- can party in matters of public policy, because its principles and practice exemplify his ideas of good government. He is a member of Ouilmette Council of the Royal Arcanum. May 27, 1889, he was married to Miss Lavinia M. Bruno, and they are the parents of one child, Rose Louise, aged five years. Mrs. Patch is a native of Geneva, Illinois, and is a daughter of John and Louise M. Bruno. Her father died from wounds received in the service of the United States during the Civil War. HENRY GREENEBAUM. 567 HENRY GREENEBAUM. HENRY GREENEBAUM, a well-known bus- iness man of Chicago of long years' stand- ing, is descended from very ancient and hon- orable families. His grandfather, Elias Greene- baum, was an iron merchant at Reipolskirchen, in Rhenish Bavaria. It is notable that this line of mercantile industry has been continued to the present, one of the leading iron houses of Chicago having been until recently conducted by great- grandsons of Elias Greenebaum. Being a Jew, the last-named was at a great social disadvantage in Germany, yet such were his energy, capability and integrity, that he was appointed Treasurer of his county. This position involved great re- sponsibility at that time, owing to the existence in the neighborhood of a powerful bandit, who com- manded a strong organization of followers, whom he ruled with despotic power. He was known by the nickname of "Schinderhannes," and acted much upon the plan of the Robin Hood of Eng- lish history, who took from the rich and gave largely to the poor. For many years he was a terror to the people and officers of the region where he flourished, but was finally captured and beheaded at Mainz. During his term of official life Elias Greenebaum was compelled to maintain a strong guard about his premises continually to protect the public funds, as well as his own, from attacks of the robber king. Jacob Greenebaum and Sarah Herz, parents of the subject of this biography, were cousins, and grandchildren of "Jakob," of Rathskirchen, who was born in the early part of the eight- eenth century, and whose descendants have been active and prominent citizens in many lands. One of his sons, Herz Felsenthal, was a delegate to the synod held in Paris in 1806, by decree of Napoleon I. It was during this time that the Jews in Germany took surnames, and this family assumed that of Felsenthal. Among Jakob's great-grandchildren were Dr. Felsenthal, an emi- nent physician of Darmstadt, who died in 1885, and Dr. Greenebaum, who was Rabbi emeritus at Landau, Bavaria, and died in 1893. Dr. B. Fel- senthal, of Chicago, now in his seventy-fifth year, and long known here as a man of science and pub- lic spirit, is one of the great-great-grandchildren; so also is August Blum, Cashier of the Union Na- tional Bank of Chicago; Eli B. Felsenthal, an at- torney-at-law, and a Trustee of the Chicago Uni- versity; also Mrs. Hannah Greenebaum Solomon, President of the National Council of Jewish Women of America. A niece of Mrs. Solomon, and representing the sixth generation from Jakob, was married in San Diego, California, at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Max^Lesem, in 1894. Jacob Greenebaum was born at Reipolskirchen, and lost his father by death when he was six years old. He was brought up to commercial pursuits, having the advantage of a thorough ed- ucation in the German, French and Hebrew lan- guages, and became a merchant at Eppelsheim, in the Grand Duchy of Darmstadt. He possessed a taste for agriculture, and gradually came into possession of land in the Commune of Eppelsheim and adjoining territory, until he owned and man- aged a large estate. His wife, of sacred memory, 5 68 HENRY GREENEBAUM. was a daughter of Michael and Jetta (Felsen- thal) Herz, of Eppelsheim, where Mr. Herz was a veterinary surgeon and a livestock dealer. They were able to give their children the benefit of the best schools, and did not fail to thus perform their duty in preparing them for the stations for which they were fitted by birth and capability. In 1852 Mr. Greenebaum sold his possessions and came to Chicago to be near his sons, three of whom had preceded him by several years. He did not engage in active business after coming here, but made real-estate purchases and built a number of houses for rent. He died in 1870, at the age of seventy-three years, and was followed to the grave by a very large concourse of people, the large courthouse bell being tolled as the pro- cession moved, May n, 1870. His wife survived him thirteen years, reaching the age of eighty- seven years. Eight of their thirteen children came to America, the others having died before the removal of their parents from Eppelsheim, several of them in infancy. Elias, the eldest, is a prominent banker in Chicago. Michael, the second, was an iron merchant, and did an exten- sive business in Chicago, where he died in 1894, leaving a widow and a large and interesting fam- ily of sons and daughters. He came to America in 1846, and to Chicago the next year. Jacob, the third, died here in 1871, and Isaac in 1885. The latter was a hardware merchant, and later in life became a broker in Chicago. Henry is the next in order of birth. Hannah died while the wife of Gerhard Foreman, an old-time banker of this city. Barbara is the wife of A. Wise, of Chicago; and David S., the youngest of the fam- ily, is engaged in the banking business in the same city. Elias, Michael and Henry preceded the rest of the family to Chicago. Henry Greenebaum was born at Eppelsheim, Germany, June 18, 1833. He received his prim- ary education in the public schools, where he early attracted the favorable notice of the teachers and school officers. He then took up the classics at Alzey and Kaiserslautern, and only left off his literary researches when he started for Amer- ica. He arrived in Chicago October 25, 1848, and at once took employment as a hardware sales- man in the establishment of W. F. Dominick, who conducted a strictly cash and one-price busi- ness. Young Greenebaum found this employ- ment congenial, especially as its conduct harmon- ized with his ideas of integrity and sound financial management. After two years of service, in which he did not fail to improve his opportunities, he engaged as clerk in the banking house of General R. K. Swift. Here he met many prom- inent citizens of the state, and his intercourse with them enhanced his knowledge of men and affairs. He was inspired with a laudable ambition to be- come a man of business, and he so applied him- self as to be thoroughly conversant with banking in the course of four years, during which time he made a trip to Europe and formed business con- nections for his employer. At the end of this period, in connection with his elder brother, Elias, a clerk in the same bank, he opened a similar business on his own account. In fact, all of the Greenebaum brothers, except Jacob, became at one time or another bankers, though not in the same bank. The subject of this sketch did not follow the limited lines of nationality or religious affiliation, but fraternized with New Englanders and Southerners, as well as the natives of the Fatherland. He was a reader and lover of books, and joined the Young Men's Library Association, in whose affairs he was an active officer, with Robert Collyer and others, until the Great Fire. He was among the early officers of the Athenaeum, another literary institution after the fire, and was among the promoters of the City Library. As a member of the commit- tee of which the late Thomas Hoyne was Chair- man, he went to Springfield and aided in securing the permanent establishment of this great institu- tion, which has grown to be one of the most im- portant and valuable establishments of the city of his home. He became President of the German-National Bank, which was compelled by the panic of 1877 to close its doors after a long-continued run, in which it paid eighty per cent, of its liabilities in cash, and within a comparatively short time paid the balance, with interest. The German Sav- ings Bank, of which he was also President, had HENRY GREENEBAUM. 569 a similar experience at the same time, and met its liabilities in the same honorable manner. The aggregate deposits of these banks in the time of their highest prosperity approximated five mill- ions of dollars. In his social and benevolent activities Mr. Greenebaum has accomplished a stupendous work, the simple enumeration of which almost exceeds the capacity of this article. His great heart and wide popularity are evidenced by the mere mention of these associations. He is a life member of the Chicago Historical Society, the Academy of Sciences, the Astronomical Society, and of several kindred associations. Through secret and benevolent societies he has been per- mitted to do more for his fellows than often falls in the way of a single man. All Jewish interests, congregational, charitable and educational, owe a heavy debt to the tireless energy and enthusiasm of Mr. Greenebaum. In 1855, at Cleveland, Ohio, he joined the nearest lodge of the Independent Order of B'nai B'rith, and two years later took a card of withdrawal in order to assist in institut- ing Rammah Lodge Number 33, of that frater- nity, in Chicago. He was an active member of District Lodge Number 2 for ten years, and one of the founders of the Cleveland Orphan Asy- lum, of whose Board of Trustees he is still a member. At the convention of the order in 1868, at New York, as a member of the Committee on Constitution, he was largely instrumental in plac- ing the entire body upon a Democratic basis, es- tablishing the sovereignty of lodges. . At that convention a charter was granted to District Grand Lodge Number 6, of which he became the first Grand President by unanimous choice, and twice succeeded himself. His usefulness in these and other matters is well known to the great body of the Jewish people in Chicago, and has become almost as well established in foreign lands. In June, 1885, he assisted Julius Bien, President of this order, in instituting District Grand Lodge Number 8 at Berlin, Germany. Five years later he was in attendance at the convention of the order at Richmond, Virginia, representing the Berlin District Grand Lodge, and in May, 1895, repre- sented District No. 9, Roumania, at the conven- tion in Cincinnati, Ohio. He has delivered many addresses in various conventions, the last being at Grand Rapids, Michigan, in February, 1892, upon "Knowledge and Character." His spoken and written matter is always clear and effective. He is an officer of the Jewish Training School, a Director in the German Altenheim, and holds membership in many other organizations. In the purely religious institutions of his people in Chicago he has ever been foremost and efficient. Before he was of age he was Secretary of the con- gregation B'nai Sholom. In 1855 he withdrew to join that of Anshe Maarib, and was elected an honorary member of the congregation of B'nai Sholom. He was one of a minority in Anshe Maarib who proposed a modification of forms of Jewish worship, and was associated with Levi Rosenfeld and Lazarus Silverman as a commit- tee to make the desired changes in the official rit- ual. Although the majority were favorable to their report, Mr. Greenebaum would not consent to its adoption by a mere majority, and accord- ing to his desire the reformers were induced to go out and form a new congregation, which is now known as Sinai, and is the strongest con- gregation in Chicago. In 1864 Mr. Greenebaum was the founder of Zion Temple on the West Side, and was its President seven years. In 1882 he was requested to take charge again, which he did for two years, and during this time the move- ment was started for the building of the beautiful temple of the society erected at Washington Boulevard and Ogden Avenue. In the fall of 1895 a large number of co-religionists living south of Thirty-ninth Street united to organize the Isaiah Temple, a Jewish Reform congregation, with Dr. Joseph Stoltz as Rabbi, and Mr. Greene- baum was elected the first President of the con- gregation by a unanimous vote. Mr. Greenebaum was one of the foremost in placing on a firm foundation the United Hebrew Charities, formerly known as the United Hebrew Relief Association. It built and maintained a hos- pital on La Salle Avenue. At the laying of its cor- ner-stone, when Mayor John B. Rice was the only speaker beside Mr. Greenebaum, the latter said: "While it is true that it is to be built and when 570 HENRY GREENEBAUM. completed will be maintained by the Jews of Chi- cago, yet its doors will ever be open to any poor or sick man, without any reference to nationality, de- nomination, creed or color;" and his utterance was deeply applauded by the Jewish people pres- ent. He takes a just pride in the fact that he is an honorary member of Johanna Lodge, the lead- ing organization of Jewish ladies in Chicago, devoted to charity and intellectual culture. He is also President of the Past- Presidents' Associa- tion of District Grand Lodge Number 6, 1.O.B.B., and for thirty years officiated in Zion Temple as reader on the most important Jewish holiday, the eve of the Day of Atonement. As early as 1856 he took an active part in or- ganizing several German societies, and was Pres- ident of the German Aid Society in 1861. He was the first President of the Orpheus Mannaer- chor, in 1869. On account of his services in fur- thering the war for the preservation of the Amer- ican Union, he is an honorary member of the Eighty-second Illinois Veteran Association. Dur- ing the Civil War he maintained a recruiting of- fice in Chicago at his own expense, and furnished a man to serve in the army as his representative. He was Chief Marshal on the following occasions: the Siegel Festival in 1862; the great Peace Jubi- lee of 1871; the opening of Humboldt Park by. the German people; and the unveiling of the Humboldt monument. He was Division Marshal at the unveiling of the Fritz Reuter monument, and was Adjutant-General on German Day at the World's Fair in 1893, and also at the recent commemoration of the German victory at Sedan. It will thus be seen that he is and has been for forty years a prominent representative of the best German element in Chicago. Mr. Greenebaum has never been a politician, and holds broad and liberal views on political, as well as religious, questions. He originally af- filiated with the Democratic party, and was a warm admirer of Stephen A. Douglas, whose personal friend he was. Without his previous knowledge, he was placed on the Democratic electoral ticket in 1860. His only political office previous to that was that of Alderman from the Sixth Ward, defeating in the election the ' 'know- nothing" candidate. In the City Council he act- ed as Chairman of the Finance Committee. After the war he became a Republican, and was chosen Elector-at- Large on the Presidential ticket of that party in 1872. With Charles B. Farwell, he represented Cook County on the first Equaliza- tion Board of the state, and the clear financial ideas of these two gentlemen enabled the first board to complete its business in five'days. He was appointed by Governor Palmer a delegate to a national convention at Indianapolis to devise means for protecting European immigrants, and was a member of the committee which laid the matter before Congress. He was a member of the Committee on Finance to make preliminary arrangements for the Philadelphia Exposition of 1876. He was active in promoting the adoption of Chicago's park system, and was appointed a member of the West Chicago Park Commission in 1869, and was once re-appointed. He was one of the first promoters of direct trade between Chicago and Europe, and for many years his let- ters-of-credit were readily cashed throughout the civilized world. In 1855 Mr. Greenebaum was married, in New York, to Miss Emily Hyman, whose birthplace is not far from that of her husband. Having been trained in the same manner and under the same customs, they have been happily united all these years in aim and thought, and are warmly wel- comed in general, as well as Jewish, society. Mrs. Greenebaum sympathizes wholly with her husband's benevolent disposition, and does her part in aiding him. For twenty-two years she has been the representative of the Jewish people in the directory of the Home for the Friendless, and has fulfilled her duties in perfect accord with her associates. The only child of this couple, born August 24, 1856, was named George Wash- ington, and died on the day which completed his first year of life. Several orphaned children of relatives have been reared by Mr. and Mrs. Greenebaum with the same loving care which their own would have received had he been spared to them. Though still influenced much by his early Ger- man training, Mr. Greenebaum is a true Ameri- D. S. SMITH. can, loyal through and through. He is a student of literature and modern languages, of which he speaks half a dozen, and is much interested in music. He has contributed liberally to the mu- sical culture of Chicago, and to providing a home for musical art. He is a firm believer in the power of woman in the ethical development of the world, and approves of every effort to remove her trammels and make her the equal of man in lib- erties and power, as she is in talent. Mr. Greenebaum is a resident Manager at Chi- cago of the Equitable Life Assurance Society of the United States, and has been connected with the company since the spring of 1882. His ster- ling character and business activity have secured for him a large business from the best element of Chicago, and won for him a deserved respect and confidence on the part of the general officers of the society. Although in his sixty-third year, he is a special favorite of the young people, to whom he is sympathetic and congenial as an associate. He is an optimist, and always pleasant and agreeable. PROF. DAVID S. SMITH, M. D. . D. S. SMITH, M. D., late President of yr the Hahnemann Medical College of Chicago, [3 was born in Camden, New Jersey, April 28, 1816. His father, Isaac Smith, was born in Salem County, of that state. His mother's family name was Wheaton, a family of Welsh extraction. The sturdy, manly principles which mark the career of Professor Smith are largely due to the character he inherited from his parents. They were both noted for great force of character, and they trained their children in ways of strict right- eousness and integrity. Besides this training, David received from his parents a nature full of energy and perseverance, attributes which were strong factors in leading him to a grand success in the field of labor he eventually chose as his life work. From his mother, particularly, he received a taste for learning that led him to be- come a most diligent student. He made rapid progress in his studies, and early evinced a strong inclination for the study of medicine. In this he was encouraged, and when only seventeen became a medical student in the office of Dr. Isaac Mul- ford, of Camden, New Jersey. He attended three full terms of lectures at the Jefferson Medical Col- lege in Philadelphia, and graduated in 1836. Chicago, at that time, began to attract the en- terprising youth of the East, and Dr. Smith, with his references, began practice in Chicago. He was successful from the start, and in 1837 went back to Camden to visit his parents. It was a momentous visit, as it was then that Dr. Smith attained the first insight into the then new doctrine of homoeopathy. So interested did he become in the subject, that he resolved to investi- gate it thoroughly. He bought all the books he could find in the English language treating upon the matter, and brought them with him when he returned to Chicago. Circumstances led him to Joliet for a time, and there he studied assiduously the doctrines of Hahnemann. The world to-day knows the result of his researches. Dr. Smith brought the new science to the front to such pur- pose that he has been called ' ' the Father of Western Homoeopathy." He procured from the Illinois Legislature, in 1854-55, the charter of Hahnemann Medical College of Chicago. The original draft of this charter was written by Dr. Smith in the law office of Abraham Lincoln at Springfield, Illinois. The achievement of con- ceiving and establishing this college gave to Dr. Smith great honor and credit. 572 D. S. SMITH. Dr. Smith remained in Joliet until 1842, when he returned to Chicago. In the spring of 1843 he adopted the new system in his practice. He was thus the first physician to introduce homoe- opathic practice west of the Great Lakes, a region that now has six medical colleges, twice as many hospitals, and more than two thousand prac- titioners to represent what he stood for singly and alone. He was both surprised and gratified at the favor with which the new system was received by the public. He soon had more calls than he could respond to, and other practitioners were attracted to his side. So rapidly did the new school increase in members, that a medical body was soon formed whose power has kept pace with the other great factors in the growth of the west- ern metropolis. Dr. Smith was naturally elected President of the Board of Trustees of Hahnemann Medical College when it was organized. He held that position until 1871, when he resigned in favor of Dr. A. E. Small. At the death of the latter he was again elected President, and held the office up to the time of his death. He was obliged to desist from his labors on account of failing health at various times, and in 1866 he went to Europe, where he spent a year in travel. His reputation had preceded him, and he was received at the various hospitals and colleges which he visited with the friendliest attention and consideration from the distinguished mem- bers of the profession. When he returned home, in 1867, he was fully restored to health, and fol- lowed his profession till the day of his death. Dr. Smith was an attendant of the Methodist Episcopal Church, and through his mother's in- fluence he became early imbued with a deep religious conviction. He was a man of sterling integrity and unflinching uprightness, simple in his habits, dignified, urbane and generous. His noble efforts and humane spirit were recognized when the cholera epidemic fell upon the city from 1848 to 1854. Instances of his devotion to the suffering poor at that time can be related which place him in the ranks of the most noted bene- factors of the human race. He was hospitable in the extreme, and an attentive listener to all who sought his ear for counsel. Thoroughly ac- curate in his own habits, he was a strict disciplin- arian, and demanded the same adhesion to duty which he rendered himself. In recognition of his ability, and in appreciation of his services to the cause of homoeopathy, an honorary degree was conferred upon him, in 1856, by the Homoe- opathic Medical College of Cleveland, Ohio. In 1857 he was elected General Secretary of the American Institute of Homoeopathy, in 1864 was chosen President, and in 1865 Treasurer of this national association. Naturally, with his many professional duties, Dr. Smith never sought political honors, but he lived and died a stalwart Republican. He was President of the Second Ward Republican Club in its palmiest days, during the Hayes campaign. He was at the time of his death the honored and popular President of the old Tippecanoe Club of Chicago, which was organized in July, 1887, by those who ad voted for General Harrison in 1840. Dr. Smith was married, in 1837, to Miss Rebecca Ann Dennis, a native of Salem, New Jersey, who survives him. She came to Chicago in 1835 with her uncle, E. H. Mulford, in whose family she resided until her marriage. Four children blessed their union, two of whom survive. The eldest is the widow of Maj. F. F. White- head, of the United States army. Caroline is the wife of E. L. Ely, of New York City. Dr. Smith died in Chicago, April 29, 1891. The following resolutions were adopted by the faculty of Hahnemann Medical College and Hos- pital of Chicago, and the members of the hospital staff: ' ' Inasmuch as we have been deeply grieved by the death of our worthy and venerable colleague, Dr. David S. Smith, we, as a faculty, in expres- sion of deep sorrow, and in acknowledgment of his inestimable services, do hereby adopt the fol- lowing resolution: ' ' Resolved, That we recognize first of all the loss of the profession at large, in which, as the first representative of our school of practice in this locality, his undaunted energy and marked abil- ity during the pioneer days have given the im- print of success and of character to the modern F. I. JACOBS. 573 standard of medicine. What he knew to be right he faithfully prescribed. What he honestly be- lieved he bravely defended and earnestly applied. To his ability and his faithfulness the followers of homoeopathy owe a debt of gratitude, and the generations to come will bow in reverence to his name. ' ' Resolved, That as the President of our College and Hospital, we shall miss his guiding spirit and his encouraging presence. In all our work he has ever been a willing helper and a good ad- viser. His life was consecrated to the college he established and loved, and his pride was centered in her prosperity. The joy of his last days was the realization that ' Old Hahnemann ' had ful- filled the desire of his heart and had become the largest homeopathic college of the world. To every student his words were an encouragement to honest ambition. To every graduate he gave the inspiration of hope. ' ' Resolved, That more than all we admire the manly qualities and the Christian character of his life. In all things he was ennobling. At all times the silent dignity of his faith gave a strength to his work. His absence will ever be mourned and his memory forever honored. In our loss we shall sacredly prize the record he leaves us. ' ' Resolved, That to his bereaved family we ten- der our sincere sympathy, and offer the token of love we bore our departed friend and associate in their sorrow." FRANCIS I. JACOBS. ["" RANCIS IRVING JACOBS, a gallant vet- It) eran of the great Civil War, residing at Wil- | * mette, was born at Spafford Hollow, Onon- daga County, New York, October 4, 1846. He is the son of Rev. Milo E. and Cornelia (O'Far- rel) Jacobs. Milo E. Jacobs was born in Ver- mont, and removed with his parents to New York in boyhood. His father, Elias Jacobs, was a native of Vermont, of German descent. Betsey Jacobs, wife of the latter, was of Welsh descent. The Jacobs family dates from early Colonial times in this country, Elnathan Jacobs, the father of Elias, having been born, probably in Vermont, in 1750. Milo E. Jacobs was educated at Cazenovia, New York. He entered the Methodist ministry while a young man. In 1857 he went to Ogle County, Illinois, and settled on a farm. Two years later he removed to Winnebago, Illinois, where he joined the Rock River Conference, and was successively located at Lena, Richmond, Sand Lake, Lanark and other charges. He died in Winnebago, on account of an injury received in Chicago in the spring of 1874, a ged fifty-one years. His widow died in Chicago in 1893, a ged seventy-two years. She was born at Spafford Hollow, New York. Her father, William O'Far- rel, who was born August 28, 1784, was a farmer, of Irish descent. His wife, Dinah, was a daugh- ter of Henry and Catharine Turbush, of Fishkill, New York. Mr. and Mrs. Milo E. Jacobs had three sons and a daughter: Francis I. ; Charles H., of Marble Rock, Iowa; Wilbur F., of Rock- ford, Illinois; and Alfaretta, who died at the age of eleven years, at Winnebago. Francis I. Jacobs attended the public schools until the beginning of the Civil War. In August, 1861, being then fourteen years and ten months old, he enlisted in Company C, Thirty-seventh Illinois Volunteer Infantry. He served nearly five years, beginning with Fremont's campaign in Missouri. This included the battles of Pea Ridge and Prairie Grove (where five thousand Union troops drove twenty thousand rebels from the 574 F. I. JACOBS. field), and other engagements of minor character. After the Missouri service he was taken down the river to Vicksburg, and took part in the siege of that place and other expeditions in Mississippi. Thence he went to Port Hudson, where he was stationed for some time, and later he was at Mor- ganza Bend, Louisiana. He camped at New Orleans and various points in Louisiana. He was on the Texas frontier during the winter of 1863 -64, where the regiment re-enlisted, and he re- ceived a veteran's furlough. While returning to the front after the expira- tion of his furlough, Mr. Jacobs met General Banks' army on retreat from its disastrous Red River expedition. The steamers going down stream met those going up and formed a bridge, on which the army crossed from the west bank to an island in the river. This temporary bridge was instantly and readily removed before the enemy could advance and take possession. Mr. Jacobs continued to New Orleans. Later the regiment went to Pensacola by boats, thence overland to Mobile Bay, and helped capture the forts opposite the city, with severe fighting. After, the capture of Mobile, they encamped three miles from the city, where pieces of iron fell in camp at the explosion of the arsenal at Mobile Bay. From here they went, by way of Selma, to Montgomery, Alabama, and heard of Lee's surrender on the march. Mr. Jacobs was soon afterward sent to New Orleans, and thence went on an expedition to Sabine Pass, Columbus and Houston, Texas. While on the levee at Morganza Bend, Louisiana, he was detailed to serve in the artillery force. Being surprised by the enemy while saddling a horse, he received a kick from the animal, in con- sequence of its pain at being shot. This consti- tuted the only injury he received during his service of four years and ten months, though frequently exposed to a galling fire. He was captured that evening and marched about a mile to the enemy's camp. Being unable to walk on account of lame- ness from the kick of the horse, he was assigned to an ambulance, and helped to care for the wounded. During the night a Union ambulance corps arrived, under cover of a flag of truce, and by claiming to be wounded he was taken in the wagon to the Union camp. Among several hun- dreds of his comrades captured on that day, most were kept prisoners for eighteen months, and many were starved and killed. While on duty guard- ing a plantation in Texas, he was offered the use of a large cotton plantation for three years, free of cost. The owner was about to leave the state for fear of arrest for treason, and thought he could leave his property in no safer hands than those of a Union soldier; but his offer was declined. Dur- ing his service he traveled over 13,000 miles, marching on foot about one-fourth of that dis- tance, and took part in four battles and thirteen skirmishes. After the war he was engaged in stock-farming at Downer's Grove, Illinois, where he reared thoroughbred horses and cattle. In the fall of 1871, he moved to Chicago, where he was em- ployed in overseeing preparations for rebuilding the burned city. He was also engaged in buying old iron for an eastern foundry. For two years he was engaged in the grocery trade on West Madison Street, and two years in commission business On South Water Street. Five years were spent in the office of the ' ' Panhandle ' ' Railroad, at Crown Point, Indiana. The next six years were passed on a stock farm in Franklin County, Iowa, breeding high-grade horses, cattle and swine. Since 1887 he has been connected with the commission firm of Wayne & Low, on South Water Street, Chicago, taking charge of their butter trade. Since the fall of 1894 Mr. Jacobs has lived at Wilmette, where he built a pleasant home. His business career has been marked by integrity, activity and thoroughness. He was married, in 1869, to Miss Julia Flora Hudson, daughter of Horace Hudson, of Winne- bago, Illinois. They have one adopted child, Edith Wilson Jacobs. Mr. Jacobs is a member of George H. Thomas Post Number 5, Grand Army of the Republic. While living at Crown Point he joined the Masonic order. He takes considerable interest in public affairs, and gives his enthusiastic support to Republican candidates and principles. LIBRARY Of THE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS GEORGE McKINNEY GEORGE McKINNEY. 575 GEORGE McKINNEY. QEORGE McKINNEY was born in Hender- I son County, Illinois, November 18, 1836. \Jl His ancestors were the hardy and thrifty people of Scotland. On the authority of Alex- ander McKenzie, one of the most noted genealo- gists of Scotland, in the revised edition of his celebrated work, published in 1894, the family is a very old one, and is traced back to the O'Beolan, Earls of Ross, or Gilleoin of the Aird, one of the Celtic earls who besieged King Malcolm at Perth, in 1 1 60; and we find from the oldest Norse Saga connected with Scotland, that the ancestor of the Earls of Ross was chief in Kintail as early as the beginning of the tenth century. This powerful chief in the north of Scotland, named O'Beolan, married the daughter of Ganga Rolfe, or Rollo, the noted pirate, who afterward became the cele- brated Earl of Normandy. Following down the genealogy of the family, it will be seen that they are descended from the ancient Celtic McAlpine line of Scottish kings; from the original Anglo- Saxon kings of England, and from the Scandina- vian, Charlemagne and Capetian lines as far back as the beginning of the ninth century. Through their inter-marriages they formed the network of cousinship which ultimately included all the lead- ing families in the Highlands, every one of which, through these alliances, has the royal blood of all the English, Scottish and Scandinavian kings, including the royal blood of Bruce and the Plan- tagenet royal blood of England, and many of the early foreign monarchs, coursing in their veins. The family name was derived from John, the son of Kenneth, who would be called in the original native Gaelic "Ian MacChoinnich," the pronunciation of which, to a foreigner, would be as if spelled MacKenny, and it is from this pro- genitor the McKennies, McKinneys and McKen- zies derive their family name. In the case of the McKenzies, in Scotland the Z has the sound of Y, and the name is pronounced as if spelt "Mc- Kenyie." In the early part of the eighteenth century, Collin McKinney and his wife, with three broth- ers of this old family, emigrated to America, loca- ting in Virginia. A part of the family remained there, and have occupied many positions of hon- or and trust in the Old Dominion, one having re- cently been Governor of the state. Others moved out into East Tennessee, from which family came Judge McKinney, of Knoxville, who for many years was upon the Supreme Bench of Tennessee. Collin McKinney had five sons and three daugh- ters. A part of the family, among whom was his son, George McKinney, the grandfather of the subject of this sketch, moved to Casey Coun- ty, Kentucky, in 1800. While on their way thither, over the mountains, he became attached to Ann Riley, a beautiful Irish lassie, whom he married, and who was closely related to Barnabas Riley, the author of the first Ohio code of laws. To them were born a number of sons and daugh- ters, the latter noted for their beauty, which they inherited from their mother. The children were: John, the father of the subject of this sketch; Col- lin, who spent most of his life in Tennessee, as a minister of the Presbyterian Church; Archibald, who was a noted lawyer and Judge in Texas at the time of his death; Margaret, Mary and Ann. A portion of the family who came out to Ken- 576 GEORGE McKINNEY. tiicky, led by Uncle Collin McKinney, went to Texas and settled in Collin County, of which Mc- Kinney is the county seat. John McKinney was born in Lincoln County, Kentucky, November 2, 1801, and was married there, in November, 1827, to Elizabeth Goode, a native of the same state. In early life he was a farmer, and then spent five years in the office of John Riley, Clerk of Butler County, Ohio; and he later on studied law in the office of Hon. John Pope, in Springfield, Kentucky, who had been a United States Senator, and was afterward ap- pointed Governor of Arkansas by President Jack- son. Here he obtained a good knowledge of human affairs, but he soon tired of the confine- ment of an office, and returned to farming. He had, before studying law, in 1825, settled his fa- ther's estate in Kentucky. He settled on Gov- ernment land in Illinois in 1832, at a place since known . as McKinney 's Grove, in Henderson County, where he pre-empted a large tract of land and lived like a patriarch, surrounded by a large family and a host of friends. In Ohio he had become an Abolitionist, which induced him to settle in a free state. He was quite prosperous as a farmer, and owned eight hundred acres of land. In 1844 ne removed to Oquawka, where he became a merchant and pork-packer. Success followed his efforts, and he removed to Aledo, the county seat of Mercer County, Illinois, and en- gaged in banking, with a partner, under the style of McKinney & Gilmore. After a time he pur- chased the interest of his partner in the banking business. He died at Aledo, rich in years, honors and in this world's goods, January 14, 1892, hav- ing attained the ripe old age of ninety-one years. Elizabeth, his first wife, died at the age of thirty- six years. The following are the children who grew to maturity: Hiram, Ann, Elizabeth, John, George and Collin. Of these, Hiram and John are now deceased. Another son, William, died in infancy. Mr. McKinney 's second wife was Mary M. Stewart. She was the mother of Ade- laide, James, Archibald, Mrs. Mary Bergen and Robert McKinney, who are yet living. John McKinney had a personal acquaintance with many of our National statesmen, especially of the West, among them Henry Clay, Abraham Lincoln, Stephen A. Douglas, Horace Greeley, William H. Seward, Gov. William Brass, Rich- ard Yates, and others. In early life, at one time he occupied the same bed at a hotel with Abra- ham Lincoln, then a young law student. He, at one time or another, entertained most of these people at his home in Oquawka, Illinois. George McKinney was partially educated in the public schools of Oquawka, but, tiring of school life, he requested his father to allow him to learn the printer's trade, which he did, enter- ing as an apprentice, or "devil," in the office of the Oquawka Plaindealer, edited by F. A. Dai- lam, a well-known journalist. After a year's ap- prenticeship, he entered Knox College, at Gales- burg, Illinois, but, having been badly burned by the explosion of a lamp in which burning fluid was used, he was unable to pursue his studies, and hence left the college about the time Pres- ident Blanchard left the institution. Through ill -health, and a love of adventure and roving, which he has retained to the present day, he was induced to accompany his brother-in-law on a trip to New Mexico, visiting Santa Fe and Los Vegas. At the latter place he bought a Mexican mustang, and, joining a wool train, returned to the Missouri River. At Topeka, Kansas, he dis- posed of his pony, and after working a short time in a printing-office, returned home, via the Mis- souri and Mississippi Rivers. Arriving in Oquaw- ka, he returned to the store, filling the position of bookkeeper and clerk. Here Mr. McKinney was married to Miss Sarah Frances Chickering, daughter of Joseph Chickering, a talented musi- cian and popular citizen of that place. Rev. J. W. Chickering, the well-known divine, was a brother of Mrs. McKinney 's father. Only two of the children born to Mr. and Mrs. McKinney survived the period of childhood, namely: Alice and William. The former, Alice, is now deceased, and the other, William, is connected with a Chi- cago business house as bookkeeper. Before the war the father of Mr. McKinney had retired from business, and turned the store over to his sons. The eldest, Hiram, died in Novem- ber, 1 86 1. Another son, Collin, enlisted in the R. J. HAMILTON. 577 army at the first call for troops, and he was fol- lowed to the field by John. This left only George to manage the store, and, his health fail- ing, he sold the store back to his father, and, ac- companied by his wife, went to California by the Nicaragua route, returning two years later by the Panama route, and locating in Chicago in the fall of 1864. His health began to improve gradually, and he became a member of the Board of Trade. His field of operation was chiefly in the grain- commission business, and for eighteen years he was a well-known figure in business marts. He had the required perseverance, and was rewarded by satisfactory results. He began early to invest in North Shore real estate, and yet owns valuable property there. In the spring of 1872 he took up his residence at Winnetka, and has been ever since a useful citizen of that suburb. He feels an interest in every movement calculated to further the moral and material welfare of the community in which he resides. He has always been a Republican in political sentiment, because he believes the Republican party most active in promoting the general welfare of the people, regardless of local or personal factions, but has at times been inde- pendent in his votes, especially when the old par- ties conflicted with his moral ideas of reform movements. Mr. and Mrs. McKinney are char- ter members of the Congregational Church at Winnetka, where both are held in high esteem. Mrs. McKinney was organist for many years in the church and Sunday-school, and she and her husband were active in the early upbuilding of the church. They originally united with the Cumberland Presbyterian Church in Oquawka, and while in California became charter members of the first Congregational Church in Redwood City, and later of the Tabernacle Church of Chicago. RICHARD J. HAMILTON. RICHARD JONES HAMILTON, who is famous in the annals of Cook County as its first Circuit Court Clerk, was born at Jones- boro, near Danville, Mercer (now Boyle) Coun- ty, Kentucky, August 21, 1799, his parents be- ing James L. and Sarah (Jones) Hamilton. The father was born in England, but his parents emi- grated to this country when he was only a year old, and settled in South Carolina, on the Savan- nah River. At the age of twenty the father went northward into Kentucky, and after his marriage with Miss Sarah Jones, settled near Danville, in that state. Sarah Jones was a daughter of Rich- ard Jones, of Kentucky, whose wife was a Miss Wills, of Maryland. In 1803 he removed to Shelby County, where Richard J. spent his boy- hood and youth and received his early education, chiefly at the Shelbyville Academy, then in charge of instructors of some eminence, among others Rev. Mr. Gray and Rev. Mr. Cameron. Finishing his academic education at the age of seventeen, young Hamilton then entered a store at Shelbyville, as clerk, and later held a similar position at Jefferson, devoting altogether some fifteen months to this calling, which seems, how- ever, to have had little attraction for him. In 1818 he went to Louisville, where he studied law until 1820, then removing to Jonesboro, Union County, Illinois, in company with his friend, Abner Field. The two young men owned a horse jointly, and the journey was made in alternate stages of walking and riding, the horse, which constituted their sole property, being sold on their arrival at their destination. Here Mr. 578 R. J. HAMILTON. Hamilton taught school for some time, still, how- ever, continuing his law studies at intervals, un- der the direction of Charles Dunn, who had re- cently been admitted to the Bar, and who gained great distinction as a lawyer, finally becoming Chief-Justice of the then territory of Wisconsin. At its session of 1820-21 the Second General Assembly of Illinois established the old State Bank, and at the first meeting of the Directors at Vandalia, a branch was authorized at Browns- ville, Jackson County, and Mr. Hamilton was appointed its Cashier. In 1822 he was married to Miss Diana W. Buckner, of Jefferson County, Kentucky, but then residing near Jackson, Cape Girardeau County, Missouri. Mrs. Hamilton was a daughter of Col. Nicholas Buckner, of the historic Kentucky family of that name. January 14, 1826, by the General Assembly, Mr. Hamilton was confirmed as Justice of the Peace for Jackson County, and March 31, 1827, he was admitted to the Bar. In 1829 he is on record as one of the itinerant lawyers who rode the circuit of the southern counties, deriving a meagre and precarious subsistence from the few and scattered clients who fell to his share in those early days in Illinois, when the cases were rare and fees were small. The Brownsville branch bank closed its career about this time, Mr. Hamil- ton retaining to the last, as far as known, his po- sition of Cashier, the duties of which, especially in those later years, were neither exhaustive nor remunerative. He now turned his eyes toward northern Illi- nois, and was elected by the General Assembly as the first Probate Judge of the new county of Cook, January 29, 1831. His friend, Judge Young, of the Fifth Judicial District, appoint- ed him Clerk of Cook County Circuit Court, and Governor Reynolds, who was also especially interested in his welfare, commissioned him as Notary Public and Recorder. He arrived in Chi- cago early in March, being present at the organ- ization of the county on the 8th of the month, and removed his family (which consisted at this time of his wife and two children, Richard N. and Sarah A.) from Brownsville in August. In October he was appointed Commissioner of School Lands for Cook County, and the school fund re- mained in his charge until 1840. As an illustra- tion of the backward condition of Chicago at the period of his arrival, he used to refer to the lim- ited mail facilities, saying that special care was used in reading the older papers first, that they might be properly advised of the events in the outside world in the order of occurrence. He re- sided with his family in Fort Dearborn for some time after his arrival, and there his second daugh- ter, Eleanor, was born, February 14, 1832. This daughter, now Mrs. E. H. Keenon, is still a resi- dent of the city, and is stated to be the first child of purely American parentage born here; she is certainly the oldest woman living a native of the city. The eldest daughter is the widow of Col. Henry A. Mitchell, who died from the effects of a bullet wound received at the battle of Perry- ville, in the Civil War. He had previously com- manded a revenue cutter on the Great Lakes, and was Provost- Marshal at Covington, Ken- tucky, after he was wounded. The year that witnessed his daughter's birth saw Mr. Hamilton appointed Clerk of the Coun- ty Commissioners' Court, which office he held until 1837. Besides discharging the. duties of his various offices, which were more numerous than remunerative, he took a pioneer part in tem- perance work, and in 1832 co-operated energetic- ally with Colonel Owen, the Indian Agent, and other influential men, in keeping the Indians in this section from joining the hostile bands in the disturbances of that year. Public-spirited in the highest degree, he was the first of thirty-seven volunteers who, on May 2, 1832, "promised obe- dience to Capt. Gholson Kercheval and Lieuts. George W. Dole and John S. Hogan, as com- manders of the militia of Chicago, until all appre- hension of danger from the Indians may have subsided." Later in the month, with Capt. Jesse B. Brown, Joseph Naper and twenty-five mount- ed men, he scoured the Fox River country to carry succor and encouragement to the scattered settlements. Unfortunately, they did not arrive at Indian Creek until the 22d of the month, the day after the terrible massacre by the Indians at that point. Here they found thirteen dead bod- R. J. HAMILTON. 579 ies, those of members of the families of Davis, Hall and Pettigrevv, terribly mangled. The com- pany escorted some of the refugees to Chicago, where a much larger number had sought refuge as early as the loth. Colonel Hamilton (whose title seems to have been one of courtesy, due to the fact of his identification with the state militia for some years) was one of the commissioners appointed to supply them with food and shelter, and was indefatigable in his efforts in their behalf. He moved his family into the old agency-house about this time, the fort being crowded with ref- ugees, and being occupied after July by the troops who had arrived to take part in the Black- hawk War. In the spring of 1833, m conjunction with Colonel Owen, Colonel Hamilton employed John Watkins to teach a small school, near the old agency-house, where he still resided, but which he soon abandoned for his own house, built on what is now Michigan Street, between Cass and Rush Streets, where he lived for nineteen years. He was one of the voters for the incorpora- tion of Chicago August 5, and for its first Board of Trustees five days later. He was a subscrib- ing witness to the Indian Treaty of September 26, and his claim of $500 was allowed. The claims allowed against, and paid in behalf of, the Indians at that time aggregated in their entirety about $175,0x30. In October, as Commissioner of School Lands, in compliance with a petition signed by the principal residents of the place, he authorized the sale of the Chicago School Section. November 13 of that year, in virtue of his office as Probate Judge, he performed a marriage cere- mony between John Bates, junior, and Miss Har- riet E. Brown. He was one of the original sub- scribers to the first Chicago newspaper, which appeared November 26, and in December he ad- vertised $10,000 to loan, which was probably part of the net cash proceeds of the sale of school lands two months before. In 1834 he was Pres- ident of the Board of School Trustees, and with characteristic energy labored tirelessly in the in- terest of the early schools of Chicago. In con- junction with Hiram Pearsons, he laid out four hundred and twenty acres at Canalport, adjoin- ing what is now Bridgeport, which, judging from the first preliminary survey, they supposed would be the actual terminus of the Illinois & Michi- gan Canal, but which the final survey passed by and left comparatively worthless. In 1834 Colonel Hamilton suffered a deep be- reavement in the death of his first wife, soon after the birth of her fourth child, who was named Diana B. in memory of her mother. Mrs. Ham- ilton was highly esteemed as an intelligent and zealous Christian lady, one who suffered the hard- ships of pioneer life uncomplainingly, and proved a devoted wife and mother. She was a member of the first Methodist Church of Chicago, in whose behalf she took an active and efficient in- terest. March 25, 1835, the Colonel married Miss Harriette L,. Hubbard, sister of Henry G. Hub- bard, of Chicago. Mrs. Harriette Hamilton died February 7, 1842, leaving one child, Henry E. She had lost an infant daughter named Pauline August 21, 1839, and another of the same name about two years before. The son is now famil- iarly known as "Colonel Hamilton," as it were, by right of inheritance. About 1834 the subject of this sketch became largely interested in outside lands, being also probably the most extensive owner in the county and the whole Northwest. These lands were often purchased on joint account with non-resi- dents, and perhaps at the time with no larger in- terest on his part than a commission for the transaction of the business, but they were usually made and recorded in his name for greater con- venience in transfer and negotiation. About 1835 he became a candidate for election as Recorder, and published the following card in answer to certain cavilings about his many offices: "In 1831 I received the appointment of Clerk of Circuit Court, Judge of Probate and Notary Public. I then moved to Chicago, and found that nobody wanted these offices. Soon after, the gentleman holding the position of Clerk of the County Commissioners' Court resigned, and I was appointed. The office of School Commis- sioner was then held by Col. T. J. V. Owen, who resigned. Up to September, 1834, that of- fice has yielded me in all about $200; notary R. J. HAMILTON. fees have not exceeded $50; probate fees have not amounted to more than $50. I have not re- alized from all offices, including that of Recorder, during four years more than $1,500. The whole number of instruments recorded, including a large number of Receiver's certificates for lands pur- chased at late sales, have been to July i, 1835, about thirteen hundred, at seventy cents each." At the August election of 1835 he was elected Recorder by six hundred two votes, and removed his office, toward the end of October, to the new building recently erected by the county on the public square. In December he became a Di- rector in the Chicago branch of the new State Bank. The offices he held at this time were: Judge of Probate, Clerk of the Circuit Court, Clerk of Commissioners' Court, Recorder of Deeds, Notary Public, School Commissioner and Bank Commissioner. He continued to discharge the various duties of these offices, with the help of deputies and clerks in the more exacting ones as the volume of business in each required. As Clerk of the Circuit Court, his first deputy was Henry Moore, in 1834, succeeded by J. Young Scammon in 1835. Solomon Wills, who had married the sister of his first wife, became his deputy in 1836, and was succeeded in 1837 by George Manierre, who gave way to Thomas Hoyne in 1839. All these were lawyers, and nearly all young men, who served as his assist- ants until the professional business of each suc- cessively required his entire attention. Colonel Hamilton was elected a member of the new Board of School Inspectors for the city of Chicago May 12, 1837, in recognition of his serv- ices and interest in the early schools, and of his position as School Commissioner. Pinched by the financial depression of 1837, he weathered the storm without becoming bankrupt, or failing to meet his financial obligations. In 1840 he was nominated Alderman of the Sixth Ward by the Democrats, and was elected; and the same year he was chosen a delegate to the State Democratic Convention held at Springfield. In contemporary notices of the press Colonel Hamilton appears frequently as an active mem- ber in public meetings of the period on all ques- tions of social, political, educational and religious interest, and he was frequently chosen on com- mittees of all sorts for the furtherance of public business, being apparently one of that worthy class of men who suffer themselves to be over- worked rather than shirk the responsibilities of active citizenship. He was prominent in the meeting held in memory of President Harrison in 1841, and was no less active in the reception given the same year to Governor Carlin in Chi- cago. Meanwhile the time had arrived for re- linquishing some of his offices, the increased du- ties of which had now made them too unwieldy even for superintendence by one individual. In 1835 he had ceased to be Judge of Probate, in 1837 Clerk of the Commissioners' Court, and in 1839 Recorder of Deeds. In 1840 William H. Brown was elected School Agent, an office which entitled him to the care of the school funds of Chicago, which therefore passed out of the care of Colonel Hamilton with the close of that year. He still, however, retained his position as Com- missioner of School Lands for the county, for he is found to have advertised section 16, township 41, for sale August 9, 1841, as such. On the reorganization of the judicial system in 1841, Cook County fell within the circuit of Associate- Justice Theophilus W. Smith, who appointed his son-in-law, Henry G. Hubbard, to replace Col- onel Hamilton, who resumed the practice of law, his clerkship terminating March 12, 1841. About 1843 the Colonel formed a law partner- ship with J. S. Chamberlaine, which was, how- ever, dissolved in 1845, and in 1846 his firm be- came Hamilton & Moore, Francis C. Moore be- ing the junior member. In 1847 this partnership was also dissolved, and he remained alone until his retirement from practice, which took place in 1850. In 1849 he was elected Alderman from the Ninth Ward, upon the resignation of Samuel McKay, and in 1850 and 1851 as his own suc- cessor. He was Presidential Elector on the Dem- ocratic ticket in 1852, and in 1856 he was a can- didate for Lieutenant-Governor on the same ticket, which was, however, defeated by the Repub- licans. His appearance as a candidate for the above J. F. HENROTIN. office seems to have closed his long, useful and honorable public career. December 26, 1860, he died of paralysis, in his sixty-second year. Five children and his widow, his third wife, whom he married in 1843, survived him. She was for- merly Mrs. Priscilla P. Tuley, of Louisville, Ken- tucky, and the mother of the present Judge Tuley, of Chicago. Colonel Hamilton was buried on the 28th of December, 1860, with Masonic hon- ors. He had long been a member of the Ma- sonic order, and stood high in its counsels and honors, having been an officer in the first grand lodge in Illinois. At a memorial meet- ing of the Bar held on the same day, Judge Morris said : ' 'There is scarcely a lawyer here now but owes much in his early life to Colonel Ham- ilton. He took every young practitioner who came here by the hand, and helped him to busi- ness and practice." Judge Wilson said: "Mr. Hamilton was a gentleman remarkable in many particulars; of very high notions as a gentleman, and of unusual sympathies." Judge Manierre re- ported a series of resolutions, from which the fol- lowing are extracted: "His death has removed one of our most distinguished citizens and pio- neers, and the oldest member of the legal frater- nity; we take pleasure in bearing testimony to the high character of the deceased as a man and a citizen. His life was a career of active useful- ness. He was foremost in all public enterprises for the advancement and prosperity of the com- munity. We remember with pleasure the social and genial qualities of our deceased brother. He was a zealous friend; his heart was warm and his hand ever ready. In losing him the com- munity has lost one of its most valued citi- zens, and this Bar one of its most respected mem- bers. ' ' Twenty years after death he was char- acterized by Hon. Thomas Hoyne as being "of a generous and open nature, a good citizen, and a kind man, and one of those men who were then shaping the destinies of the state. ' ' During the last years of his life Colonel Ham- ilton lived on the West Side, in a residence he had erected himself, "on Madison, west of Bull's Head," afterward the southwest corner of Hoyne Avenue. He devoted the remaining years of his life largely to beautifying this place, which was then regarded as a suburban home. Towards the close of 1860 he became a member of the South Presbyterian Church, the denomination with which he had most intercourse in early life, and to which his wife belonged. DR. JOSEPH F. HENROTIN. @R. JOSEPH FORTUNAT HENROTIN was among the early physicians of Chicago, and endeared himself to a large number of citizens, especially on the North Side, by his brave and unselfish labors during the cholera epi- demic of 1849 to 1855. At that time there was a large German settlement between State Street and the lake shore, north of Chicago Avenue, known as New Buffalo, the gratitude of whose denizens toward the "good French Doctor," as they called him, was unbounded. Without stop- ping to inquire about the certainty of his fees, when many others had left the city in alarm, Dr. Henrotin went among the poor and rich alike, carrying good cheer and healing balm to the stricken ones. His success in exterminating the J. F. HENROTIN. scourge gave him at once a very large practice, and he acquired what is a large fortune to be gained in medical practice in a few years. It was only his lack of a thorough knowledge of our lan- guage that prevented his taking the prominence in the professional and literary world that he de- served. He was a ripe scholar, and his diction in French was considered an ornament to the language. His reports to his native Government while serving as Consul are still preserved as models of elegance, clearness and practical value. Joseph Fortunat Henrotin was born in Tellin, Belgium, March 17, 1811. His grandfather was a farmer at that place. His father, Dr. Clement Henrotin, was a graduate of the Medical Univer- sity of Paris, France, to which place he walked in youth, because of the limited means of transporta- tion in that day and region, to gain an education in medicine. While there he befriended and en- couraged young Dubois (who afterward became the French Court Physician) to take up the study of the healing art. Dr. Clement Henrotin prac- ticed medicine sixty-five years at Tellin, where he died, full of honors, at the age of ninety-six years. His wife was Miss Rossion. Joseph F. Henrotin pursued his elementary studies in his native town, and entered the Uni- versity of Liege, Belgium, from which he gradu- ated at the age of twenty -two. He then spent three years in further study in the Belgian hos- pitals, being a pupil and friend of Dr. Seutin, the inventor of the starch bandage, who secured his appointment, at the age of twenty-five, as sur- geon in the national army, with the privilege of further pursuing his investigations and studies in the hospitals. He continued to hold this position for nearly twelve years, at the end of which time he resolved to come to America. He arrived in Chicago in the autumn of 1848, and, as above related, soon acquired a large and remunerative practice. This was general through- out the city, but most of his work was done on the North and Northwest Sides. Having placed himself in independent circumstances by eight years of arduous and incessant labor, he returned to his native land, in 1856. A year later he was appointed by the Belgian Government to be Consul to the Northwestern States of this country, and returned to Chicago, leaving several of his children abroad to be educated. In 1858 he was commissioned by Belgium to make a spe- cial inspection of the states of Illinois, Wisconsin and Minnesota and report on their adaptability as homes for Belgian emigrants. In the fulfillment of this charge he traveled throughout the states named, rendering a prompt and exhaustive re- port to his Government. For this service he re- ceived the thanks of the Belgian Parliament, on account of its practical value and literary merit, and copies of the report were widely distributed over Germany and other neighboring countries, as well as throughout Belgium. He continued to serve as Consul until his death, which occurred March 17, 1876, on the sixty fifth anniversary of his birth. He was succeeded in office by his eldest living son, a sketch of whom will be found elsewhere in this work. Dr. Henrotin was a heavy sufferer by the great fire of 1871, but par- tially recovered from his loss before his death. In the fall of 1840, Dr. Henrotin married Adele Kinsoen, a native of Tournai, Flanders, born in 1821, and daughter of Henri Kinsoen, who had a contract to furnish the Dutch army with sup- plies. A brother of Henri Kinsoen was a noted portrait painter, who numbered the members of the French Court among his patrons. Both were natives of Bruges, Belgium, as was Mrs. Henro- tin's mother, Josephine Brice. Besides his widow, Dr. Henrotin left eight children. The eldest son, Henry, was killed at the siege of Vicksburg, Mississippi, during the Civil War, while serving in Taylor's Battery. All the living, save the sixth, who is engaged in business in Havre, France, are residents of Chi- cago. Following are their names: Charles; Mar- garet, Mrs. James H. B. Daly; Dr. Fernand; Adolph; Mary; Victor; Fortuni, wife of George Le Jeune; and Louise, now Mrs. Maurice Pin- coffs. Mrs. Henrotin survived her husband many years, dying, widely mourned, November 29, 1893. She was an able helpmate to her husband, whom she nobly aided in his labors among the cholera sufferers, and was held in high regard by all who enjoyed her acquaintance. W. M. COULTER. 583 WILLIAM M. COULTER. ,'LLIAM MITCHELL COULTER, one of the survivors of the war with Mexico, re- siding in Chicago, is a native of the Key- stone State. His birth occurred in Oliver Town- ship, Mifflin Count}-, Pennsylvania, November 17, i?)23. He is a son of Irwin Coulter and Mary C. Mitchell. The latter was the daughter of an Irish gentleman named George Mitchell, who was born near Belfast, Ireland. He married a Scotch lady named Elizabeth Thompson, and they emi- grated to America previous to the Revolutionary War. Mr. Mitchell became one of the first set- tlers in Mifflin County, on the banks of the Juniaia river. He cleared and improved a large farm, and became one of the most prominent citi- zens cf that county. Irwin Coulter, whose Christian name was given him to perpetuate the family name of his mother, was a native of Mifflin County. His father, David Coulter was born in the North of England, but became a loyal citizen of Pennsylvania dur- ing the colonial days. Soon after the beginning of the Revolutionary conflict, he enlisted under Geneial Washington, and afterwards became the captain of his company. He was wounded while doing gallant service at the battle of the Brandy- wine. The rifle which he carried into that war and the sword which he wore in his official capac- ity are still preserved in the family. Irwin Coul- ter succeeded to the ownership of the Mitchell homestead, where his death occurred about 1830, at the age of forty-nine years. Both the Coulter and Mitchell families were ardent adherents of the Presbyterian Church, and exhibited many ad- mirable characteristics, being firm in the support of principle and fearless in defense of their con- victions. William M. Coulter passed his boyhood ia his native county and, at an early age began to take an active part in local political affairs. He was frequently chosen as a delegate to local and State conventions of the Democratic party, and helped to nominate several Governors of the common- wealth. When the United States Government called for volunteers to help prosecute the war with Mexico, he enlisted as a member of Company D, of the Eleventh United States Infantry. After being drilled for a time, with other recruits, near Corpus Christie on the coast of Texas, they were sent forward to join General Scott's army at Puebla, Mexico. As Scott's limited force did not permit him to leave any garrisons at places hs had vanquished, the recruits were forced to figlit their way over the route previously pursued by the main army. One of their duties was to escort a pay train, loaded with many thousands of dollars in gold sent to pay Scott's army. The Mexicans having knowledge of this fact, made desperate efforts to capture the train, and the whole course of the journey was almost a con- tinuous battlefield. At the National Bridge, the enemy lay in ambush, and made extraordinary ef- forts to destroy the little band of devoted Ameri- can troops. Several wagons, containing accoutre- ments and supplies of the soldiers, were thrown over a high precipice in the struggle and des- troyed, and Mr. Coulter narrowly missed accom- panying one 'of these wagons in its fall. The at- tack was repulsed, and a portion of the knapsack? and other paraphernalia was recovered next day. The train was turned over to General Scott at Puebla in June, 1847, without the loss of a dollar, after many days of struggle in its defense. After joining the main army, Mr. Coulter par- ticipated in the battles of Contreras Mountain, Cherubusco, Chapultepec?:id the numerous figbts T. E. HILL. about the gates of Mexico. It is a matter of his- tory that the American troops, in a strange land, far from their base of supplies, conquered im- mensely superior numbers throughout their march and triumphantly entered the city of Mexico on the 1 3th ot' September, 1847, having traversed more than a thousand miles of distance, over mountain ranges and across lava beds and other regions supposed by the Mexicans to be impass- able. At the capture of Molino del Rey, where the Mexicans were engaged in casting cannon, most of his superior office r s having been killed or disabled, Corporal Coulter took command of a company, and held possession of the foundry un- til Lieutenant U. S. Grant came up and received the-svvords of the captured Mexican officers, who refused to deliver them to a non-commissioned officer. For his gallantry on this and other oc- casions, he was made Second Sergeant and re- ceived honorable mention by Maj. John F. Hun- ter, commanding the Eleventh regiment. Mr. Coulter gives a very graphic description of a brief engagement on the igthof August, where eight thousand mounted Mexican lancers rode down upon three brigades of American infantry, with the evident intention of overwhelming them. The lancers were quickly repulsed by the infan- try, formed in a hollow square, with fixed bayo- nets, who reserved their fire until the enemy came within close range. So deadly were the volleys that met the onslaught that the lancers were thrown into confusion, and the survivors turned and fled. The Americans suffered but slight loss, and this incident illustrates the superiority of courage and discipline over mere strength of num- bers, even when accompanied by the advantage of position. The impression which this brief en- counter made upon the mind of Mr. Coulter is one never to be effaced. In 1858, Mr. Coulter moved from Pennsylvania to Monroe County, Missouri, where he was en- gaged in agriculture for some years, and during his residence there served two terms in the Missouri Legislature. His business career reflects equal credit with his military record upon the character of Mr. Coulter. In 1876 he became a resident of Chicago, where he has since been dealing in real estate. He was married in 1856, to MissLydiaF. Cox, of McVeytown, Pennsylvania, and four of their five children still survive. Mr. Coulter is still iden- tified with the Presbyterian Church, in the faith of which he was reared. In early life, he was a member of the Independent Order of Odd Fellows. Having inherited a powerful frame and iron con- stitution from his ancestors, Mr. Coulter is still the picture of robust manhood and strength, and is evidently prepared to continue his honorable busi- ness career and socially-useful life for many years to come. THOMAS EDIE HILL. "HOMAS EDIE HILL was born in Sand- gate, Bennington County, Vt., February 29, _ 1832. He was reared on his father's farm, attending in the winter the district schools of that vicinity, and finishing his school instruction at the Cambridge Academy, at Cambridge, N. Y. Possessing natural aptitude for teaching, Mr. Hill entered upon that work, and taught his first school at Eagleville, East Salem, N. Y., receiv- ing therefor $10 per month; following which, at the age of nineteen, he taught the winter school in Londonderry, Vt., receiving $14 per month and "boarding "round." Fitting himself in Bos- ton for teaching penmanship, he entered upon the T. E. HILL. 58: work of conducting evening schools, teaching penmanship and forms, and followed that profes- sion during the fifteen succeeding years, the field of his teaching being in Vermont, New York, Ohio, Wisconsin and Illinois. He left this work in 1866, and has taught none since, except a school in parliamentary practice, which (being deeply impressed with the importance of such a school) he opened at the Chicago Athenseum in 1891, conducting the same for several months and closing with a public exhibition. This class was the first of its kind, up to the time when it was established. Settling at Waukegan, 111., in 1854 with his wife, formerly Miss Rebekah J. Pierce, of Lon- donderry, Vt., by whom he had one child, Flor- ence G., at present Mrs. George M. Porteous, he remained there until 1866, when he located at A.urora, 111., and began the publication of the Aurora Herald, from which he severed his con- nection a few years afterward. He continued his residence in that city for twelve years, during which time he founded and obtained a large cir- :ulation for the Herald. He also established the Suburban Chicago Purchasing Agency business, and as manager for a time of the Aurora Silver Plate factory, placed that institution upon a suc- cessful basis. While Mayor of Aurora, in 1876 and 1877, he introduced various improvements into the city, among them being the suppression of cows from running at large, the setting out of thousands of shade trees, the taking down offences around dwellings, and the organizing of an im- provement society, which since that time has been largely instrumental in making that city the metropolis of the Fox River Valley. Giving a liberal portion of the property which he had accumulated up to that time (1878) to his wife, she secured a separation from him by mutual consent, he taking up his residence in Chicago to give personal supervision to the management of "Hill's Manual of Social and Business Forms," which had been brought out by Moses Warren, a publisher of Chicago, in 1873, Mr. Hill assuming the publishing of it in 1879. Subsequently mar- rying Mrs. Ellen M. Whitcomb, at Shushan, N. Y.. he continued his residence in Chicago un- til 1885, at which time he purchased a farm ad- joining the village of Prospect Park, DuPage County, 111. In the succeeding year he settled thereon, returning thus to the employment with which he had been familiar in his boyhood. His return to farming was voluntary and not of neces- sity, a phrenologist on one occasion, when exam- ining his head, having told him when he began his teaching that he would succeed in anything that he undertook. With large natural love of the ornamental in landscape and building, he became the publisher and editor, in 1884, of the Chicago National Builder, in which he gave to the world many beautiful designs of buildings and ornamental grounds. Retiring from this publication after making it the best magazine of its class, he or- ganized a land syndicate at Prospect Park, en- abled several of the old fanners of that vicinity to sell their farms so well as to retire on a competency, changed the name of the village to Glen Ellyn, and secured the making of the charm- ing little Lake Glen Ellyn, the construction of an elegant hotel upon its borders, and the develop- ment of several springs near the lake, among them being the famous Glen Ellyn Apollo, the waters of which have large sale in Chicago. Among Mr. Hill's literary works have been several books of large circulation, of which "Hill's Manual" has had a sale of about four hundred thousand copies at this writing, at an average price of $6 per copy; "Hill's Album of Biogra- phy," having a circulation of eighty thousand copies; "Hill's Guide to Chicago;" "Ways of Cruelty," an illustrated pamphlet used in great numbers by humane societies; "Right and Wrong Contrasted;" and "Money Found," the latter a popular book on the subject of finance. This latest work is an original publication, which fully outlines the plan by which the Gov- ernment may assume the ownership of banks, and may operate them at all central points, guaran- teeing depositors against loss, preventing finan- cial panics, and the consequent depressions in busi- ness. Mr. Hill is the first person to put forth to the world a practical method by which Govern- mental banking may be established. At this L. C. RUTH. writing, the book, "Money Found," is having an immensely large sale, with a fair probability of so educating the people as to cause them to de- mand Government ownership of banks in the very near future, thus revolutionizing the present in- secure system of banking, giving the profits per- taining to the handling of the people's money to the people; and at the same time securing relief from bank failures, and permanent financial pros- perity for all. While Mr. Hill's efforts have been crowned with success for himself, his labors have been largely of a public character, and have resulted in great educational benefit to the people in all parts of the country. Though a quiet resident of Glen Ellyn, his works have had such large circu- lation as to make his name much more familiar to the inhabitants of New England, the Middle States and the Pacific Coast than it is to the peo- ple of DuPage County. LINUS C RUTH. I INUS C. RUTH, of Hinsdale, is a prominent 1C member of the DuPage County Bar, and I \ J well deserves representation in this volume. He has the honor of being a native of Illinois, for he was born at Long Grove, Lake County, on the 1 8th of December, 1854. His parents were Irwin and Leah (Brown) Ruth, natives of Penn- sylvania The family is of English origin, and was founded in America by George E. Ruth, the grandfather of our subject, who left England, his native land, and emigrated to America, locating in Northumberland County, Pa. The year 1836 witnessed his arrival in Illinois. He settled near Waukegan, then called Little Fort, where he died when past the age of sixty years. He reared a family of eight children. The maternal grand- father, John Brown, was born in the Keystone State, and was for some years engaged in mer- chandising in Philadelphia. He came to the West in 1838, settling in Cedarville, 111., where he died at the age of eighty-one years. Mr. Ruth whose name heads this record spent his early boyhood upon the home farm, aiding in the labors of the field through the summer months, while in the winter season he attended the district school and acquired the rudiments of his educa- tion. Later, he was a student in the High School, and in the Iowa State College, of Ames, Iowa. On the completion of his literary education, he en- tered Bryant & Stratton's Business College of Chicago, from which he was graduated in 1873. His time was then devoted to business interests for several- years, after which he determined to enter upon a professional career, and began the study of law in the Union College of Law in Chi- cago. Two years later he was admitted to the Bar. During several succeeding years, he was engaged in delivering lectures on commercial law and the law of real property in Bryant & Strat- ton's College, in which he had formerly been a student. On the 1 8th of August, 1880, Mr. Ruth was united in marriage with Miss Ella F. Reardon. Three children have been born of their union: Irwin, Chester and Linus C. The parents are members of the Hinsdale Unity Church, and con- tribute liberally to its support. They occupy an enviable position in social circles, and have won the high regard of all who know them. In 1881 Mr. Ruth came to Hinsdale, and has since engaged, in the practice of his profession with excellent success. He has been honored with a number of official positions, having served as a member of the Board of Trustees and the Board of C. B. SMITH. 587 Health, and for three years has been Village At- torney. He discharges his duties with a prompt- ness and fidelity that have won him high com- mendation, and his public and private life are alike above reproach. In politics, he is a supporter of the Republican party. He owns some good prop- erty in Hinsdale, including his pleasant residence, and was one of the organizers of the Hinsdale Building and Loan Association, of which he has served as attorney from the start. He is ever found in the front rank of any enterprise calcu- lated to prove of public benefit, and is alive to the best interests of this community and its wel- fare. Public-spirited and progressive, he is a valued citizen and a man of sterling worth. CHARLES BENNETT SMITH. /TJHARLES BENNETT SMITH, only son of 1C William G. Smith, a pioneer of DuPage U County, this State, is one of the most suc- cessful business men of Wheaton. He was born in Whitehall, N. Y., April 6, 1853, and was brought to Illinois when an infant. He attended the public schools at Warrenville and Wheaton, and was a student of Wheaton College two years. At the age of seventeen, he began learning the railroad station business at Elmhurst, and soon found employment in the station at Wheaton, be- coming a skillful telegraph operator. In the spring of 1872 he was made agent for the Chicago & Northwestern Railway and the American Ex- press Company at Westside, Crawford County, Iowa, and filled that position eight years. He then took charge of the station at Carroll, an im- portant division point on the Northwestern sys- tem, for three years. At the end of that time, at his request, he was transferred to the charge of Wheaton Station, being at the time the oldest ' agent in point of service on the Northwestern line west of Boone. Mr. Smith was determined to improve his opportunities, and soon after locat- ing at Wheaton, he opened a real-estate and in- surance office, in which he transacted a large amount of business. He is one of those who are responsible for the incorporation of the city, and for the modern improvements which make it a desirable place of residence. He served foui years as City Clerk, but has never been a seeker after political preferment. He is keenly alive to business opportunities, and is quite content to let others handle the reins of government. He is a stockholder in the company which supplies the city with electric light, and during the Columbian Exposition was Vice- President of the Epworth Hotel Restaurant Company, an organization which built and operated a successful hotel near the Fair grounds. In 1890 Mr. Smith was appointed Assistant Claim Agent of the Chicago & Northwestern Railway Company, a position that he has accept- ably filled since. With no influence to push him, save his own energy and ability, he has attained a responsible position with an extensive corpora- tion at an age when many are still apprentices. Mr. Smith is an active and enthusiastic Republi- can, and carries an influence in local political af- fairs. He is a member of the Methodist Church, and of several fraternal orders. On the 3oth of December, 1875, Mr. Smith was married to his childhood's playmate and schoolmate, Laura Elizabeth, youngest daughter of Jude P. Gary, a pioneer of DuPage County. Mrs. Smith was born in Wiufield Township, and 588 J. R. WHEELER. is a valuable member of Wheaton society. To the aged parents of Mr. Smith she is like one born to them, and in every relation of life is the worthy helpmate of a popular citizen. Mrs. Smith has been throughout her adult life one of the most faithful and efficient members of the Methodist .Episcopal Church, and has been for many years the leading soprano singer in the choir of the Wheaton Church. Two children have been given to Mr. and Mrs. Smith, namely, Laura Eoleen and Winifred Alice. In 1892 Mr. Smith built the fine residence which he occupies at the southwest corner of West Street and Washington Avenue. It is the seat of quiet elegance and refined hospitality. JOHN R. WHEELER, (TOHN R. WHEELER, for many y ears promi- I nent in the business, social and religious life O of Chicago, was born in East Greene, Che- nango County, N. Y., on the 3ist of Decem- ber, 1827. His grandfather, Samuel Wheeler, came with his family from England and settled in East Greene in 1792. At that time the town of East Greene had not been created. It was taken from the town of Union, Tioga (now Broome) County, in 1798, and was named for Gen. Na- thaniel Greene, of Revolutionary fame. A set- tlement of French refugees was made on the east side of the river at Greene in 1792, and a few families of these remained to form a part of the permanent settlement, though most of them moved away in a short time. Samuel Wheeler was among the settlers of the northern part of the town, where he engaged in farming. Both he and his wife died in 1808. Capt. Samuel Wheeler, son of Samuel, was a soldier in the War of 1812. The subject of this biography was the seventh in a family of nine children born to him and his wife, Tainar Barnes. Their names in order are: William, Melissa, Har- riet, George, Sarah Ann, Charles H., John R., Mary and Margaret. John R. Wheeler passed his minority upon his father's farm, completing his school days at the academy in Greene. In early life he taught school at East Greene and Oxford, and for five years engaged in farming near Oxford, after which he kept a general store twelve years at Oxford, N. Y. He served several terms in Oxford as Town Supervisor and County School Commis- sioner. Having been moderately successful, the result of persistent attention to business, he re- solved to seek a new field of operations in the great West, and removed to Chicago in March, 1869. Here he invested his capital in real estate, and with such good judgment did he handle his holdings that he was made independent. He always took an intelligent interest in questions affecting the general welfare, and was soon called upon to serve his fellows in various official capac- ities. For a time he served as Superintendent of the Western Railway Weighing Association. Be- lieving in the fundamental principles of the Re- publican party, he gave his earnest support to the cause of that organization. In 1884 he was a delegate from the Third Illinois District to the National Republican Convention, and was in- tensely devoted to Mr. Elaine. The next year he presided over the Cook County Republican Convention, and the following spring was elected LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS DR. LEONARD PRATT LEONARD PRATT 589 Alderman from the then Ninth Ward. He was the Republican Presidential Elector from the Third District in 1888, and was appointed a member of the State Railroad and Warehouse Commission the next year, being made Chairman of the Board. He was re-appointed in 1891, and acted until about a month before his death, which sad event occurred February 19, 1893. His demise, soon after the completion of his sixty-fifth year, was supposed to be the result of a severe attack of la grippe in the spring of 1892. Mr. Wheeler was for eighteen years a Deacon in the Second Baptist Church of Chicago. In every relation of life, he strove to do his whole duty, and entered into every undertaking with his full strength. During the Civil War he at- tempted to give his services in defense of the Union, but was rejected on account of an injury which he sustained in earlier years. By precept and example, he sought to lead others in the way of duty and right. In July, 1849, Mr. Wheeler took for a help- mate Miss Eliza Ann Tremaine, who was born in East Greene, and was three months and eleven days his junior. She is the fifth of the eight chil- dren of Erastus and Lucretia Tremaine, the lat ter's maiden name having been Race. Her grand- father, Daniel Tremaine, was among the pioneers of East Greene, and was a member of the Bap- tist Church organized there in 1795. It is prob able that he was a descendant of a Huguenot refugee in America, as the name is of undoubted French origin. Daniel Tremaine served in the Revolutionary army, and was present at the sur render of Burgoyne at Saratoga in 1777. He reached the ripe old age of ninety-four years, passing his latter years with his son Erastus, the father of Mrs. Wheeler, near East Greene. Three children were given to Mr. and Mrs. Wheeler, namely: George A., Luella and Ida. The daughters were married on the same day, in October, 1873, the elder becoming the wife o< John W. Midgley, Chairman of the Western Freight Association, and the other wedding En- field D. Moore, Manager of the Chicago Car Service Association. Mrs. Midgley is the mother of four children, Stanley, Arthur, Ethel and Edith. DR. LEONARD PRATT. 0R. LEONARD PRATT, for many years a leading physician of Wheaton, and now a resident of San Jose, Cal., is a native of Towanda, Pa. His parents, Russell and Olive (Towner) Pratt, whose names indicate English ancestry, passed their lives in that place, where Russell Pratt carried on a cooperage business. Leonard Pratt was born December 23, 1819, and is therefore now in his seventy-fourth year, but is still vigorous in mind and bod}' and actively en- gaged in the practice of his profession. He re- ceived his primary education in the Pennsylvania common schools, and his medical training at Jefferson and Hahnemann Medical Colleges in Philadelphia. For more than fifty years his time has been employed in the healing art, the first years of his practice being passed in his native town. In 1852 he removed to Carroll County, 111. , settling on a farm in Rock Creek Township, one of the finest farms in that county. He re- moved in 1865 to Wheaton, 111., for the purpose of educating his son, a biography of whom will be found elsewhere in this volume. He built a fine brick mansion on Main Street (now occupied by Dr. E. C. Guild) , where his home remained until 1889, when he removed to his present residence. 590 F. D. COSSITT, JR. Dr. Pratt is a member of the American Insti- tute of Homeopathy and of the Illinois and Cali- fornia State Associations of that school, and is a man of fine attainments and progressive ideas. He has always given his political allegiance to the Republican party since its organization. His religious faith is represented by the New Church, commonly known as the Swedenborgian. His time has been given to the demands of a large medical practice, and he has been able to devote but little personal attention to public affairs, although he always took a deep interest in any effort to pro- mote and secure good government. The original charter of the town of Wheaton, which has since become a city, was the work of his mind and pen. Dr. Pratt was for seven ~^ars a member of the faculty of Hahnemann Me .iical College, of Chi- cago, filling the chair of Special Pathology and Diagnosis, and was an extensive contributor to medical literature, being the first Western physi- cian to call the attention of the profession to the clinical thermometer. At the same time he was constantly employed in attending patients in and about Wheaton and Chicago. Dr. Pratt's wife, Betsy, is a daughter of Lemuel Belding, of LeRaysville, Bradford County, Pa., a widely known Swedenborgiaii clergyman and physician, who was eminently successful in both capacities. He was a calm, logical speaker, and achieved considerable reputation as an orator. The Belding family is of English lineage. Two sons and two daughters were born to Dr. and Mrs. Pratt, one son dying in infancy, and a daughter, Hattie, at the age of thirteen yeais, the latter being carried off by the first case ol diphtheria known in Rock Creek, Carroll County, 111. One daughter, Nettie L,., is a successful teacher of music at San Jose, Cal. FRANKLIN DWIGHT COSSITT, JR. |~~RANKLIN DWIGHT COSSITT, JR., only r3 surviving son of F. D. and Martha I,. (Moore) Cosjsitt, was born in La Grange, Tenn., December 4., 1861, and during his infancy was taken by his parents to Chicago. About a year later his mother died, and he was taken back by her sister to Tennessee, where he continued to make his home until 1869. In his eighth year he returned to Chicago, and attended its public schools and pursued a course in one of its busi- ness colleges. At the age of eighteen he opened a general store in La Grange, whicli he conducted for three years. At the end of this period he sold out, and again took up study at a business college. He next became associated with his fa- ther in the real-estate business, a connection which has continued until the present time. On the loth of February, 1886, Mr. Cossitt married Miss Margaret A. , daughter of Dr. George M. Fox, a prominent citizen of La Grange, whose biography appears elsewhere in this work. Foui children have been born to them, namely: Frank- lin D., named for his paternal grandfather; George M., named for his maternal grandfather; Jean, who bears the name of her maternal grandmother: and Margaret, her mother's namesake. In 1889 Mr. Cossitt was elected Trustee of the village of La Grange, and has twice been re- lected, now serving his third term. In 1892 he was elected Highway Commissioner of Lyons Township, and is now Treasurer of that town- ship. In political sentiment, he is a Democrat, and is now serving his second term as a membei of the County Democratic Central Committee. The prominent part which he has taken in public affairs, and especially in the upbuilding of this community, entitles him to representation among the public-spirited and progressive citizens ol Cook County. LIBRARY OF THE 8NIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS (From Photo, by W. J. ROOT) JACOB HUBER JACOB HUBER. 59i JACOB HUBER. (JACOB HUBER, who is now living retired in I his pleasant home at No. 271 Racine Avenue, Q) has been a resident of Chicago since March, 1854. He was born in May, 1820, near Zurich, Switzerland, and is a son of Kasper and Regula (Huerlimann) Huber. He was reared on a farm, assisting his father in its cultivation, and received but a limited education. In the seventeenth year of his age he entered the employ of a neighboring farmer, and served him two years. On the expiration of this term he returned home and worked for his father until he was nearly twenty years old. Then he went to the city of Zurich, where he found employment with a man for whom he worked ten years. In compliance with the custom of his native country, he entered the army at the age of twenty years, and took part in the Revolutionary wars of 1844-45 and 1847. He was several times promoted, and finally attained the rank of Quartermaster. This distinction was practically a reward of merit, as it was won by him in conse- quence of his passing the annual examinations so creditably. In 1849 he was honorably discharged from the army on account of having lost the middle finger of his left hand. The same fidelity to duty that caused his promotion in the army was always observed in his business pursuits and secured his advancement in the employment spoken of above. He began as a teamster and gradually worked himself up to the second highest position in the largest soap factory in Switzerland. In 1841 Mr. Huber married Miss Mary Verena Schnabel, who was born and educated in Zurich. On the first day of January, 1854, Mr. Huber, accompanied by his wife and children and a party of friends, sailed from Havre, France, bound for the United States. The party consisted of thirty- five members, and after a voyage of seven weeks landed in New York, and reached Chicago March 13. Their objective 'point was Wisconsin, but as Mr. Huber had only twenty -five dollars on reaching Chicago, he decided to remain in the city, and the other members of the part}' continued their journey to the Badger State. The next day after ^his arrival Mr. Huber found employment in a soap factory, his compen- sation to be seventy-five cents per day of twelve hours. Not being able to support his family with this meager salary, he obtained a situation on South Water Street, which he retained three summers, working winters in packing houses. August 2, 1854, his wife died, leaving him with the entire care of three children. February 2, 1855, he married Mrs. Elizabeth Catherine Mangold, who had a son by her former marriage, and with mingled pride and pleasure Mr. Huber relates that their wedding expenses were thirty-five cents, spent for cake to give the four children a feast. Soon after their marriage, with their combined capital, he bought a quarter of an acre of land on Larrabee Street, where they lived the succeeding ten years. Both were in- dustrious and energetic, and hopeful for the future. Mr. Huber continued to work in the city, and for eleven successive winters was in the employ of Reynolds & Hay wood. He practiced the closest economy, and was able to save a part of his salary, besides paying all his obligations. His good wife cultivated their garden, growing vegetables for the city market. On the first basketful of vegetables sold she realized twenty- 592 J.'K. EDS ALL. eight cents, with which she bought coffee. As their means increased they bought a few cows and engaged in selling milk. While residing on Larrabee Street Mr. Huber bought several lots, which were used for garden- ing purposes. In 1864 he bought eight acres of land on Racine Avenue, a part of which he now occupies. After locating on this land he carried on market gardening extensively, and was very prosperous. For the eight acres of land he paid nine hundred dollars an acre, and in 1895 s ld five acres of this for seventy thousand dollars, to the Alexian Brothers. He also bought other lots, and at one time owned sixteen acres of land in Chicago. His different investments proved profitable and by indefatigable industry, strict integrity in all his dealings, and keen business foresight, he achieved success. At the age of seventy years he retired from active business, with a handsome competence, and has since en- joyed a well-earned rest. In his domestic relations Mr. Huber was always happy. By his first wife he had seven children, only three of whom are now living, namely: Conrad, who resides in Lake View; Elizabeth, widow of Mr. Schwackert, of South- port Avenue; and Jacob, who lives at No. 255 Racine Avenue. Mr. Huber and his second wife were the parents of the following children, Ru- dolph, who died of scarlet fever at the age of three and a-half years, and Wilhelmina, wife of William George Reichwald. The mother of these died in April, 1879. Mr. Huber supports the principles of the Republican party. He has been for a number of years one of the directors of an orphan asylum, and is also a director of the German hospital, and identified with Saint Paul's Lutheran Church. He is a highty respected and valuable citizen, and evinces a creditable interest in the affairs of the country of his adoption, and of the city in which he resides. JAMES K. EDSALL. (JAMES KIRTLAND EDSALL was born at I Windham, Greene County, New York, May O 10, 1831, and was the son of Joseph Edsall and Nancy Kirtland Edsall. His grandfather, John Edsall, served in the Revolutionary War, and was with General Washington at the crossing of the Delaware. He belonged to a family that settled with the early colonists in New Jersey. Samuel Edsall, the first of the name in this country, came from the West Riding of Yorkshire, England, in 1644. By marriage this English an- cestry was mingled with the sturdy qualities of the Knickerbocker Dutch. Joseph Edsall, the father of the subject of this sketch, was a man possessed of unusual natural ability and extensive general information, and ever manifested a determination to secure for his children the best educational advantages that lay within his reach. His wife, Nancy Edsall, was born in Connecticut, but removed with her parents, Richard and Lydia (Lord) Kirtland, to Durham, New York, whence the family subse- quently moved to Windham. She was a woman of superior education, and an exemplary Christian, who left upon her children the impress of her character. James K. Edsall received his education in the common schools, and later pursued a course of study comprising modern science, mathematics, languages, and classics, in the academy at Pratts- ville, New York. He paid his expenses at the latter place by teaching and working upon the J. K. EDSALL. 593 home farm. His father selected him as the lawyer of the family, and at the age of twelve years his brothers and sisters conferred upon him the title of ' ' The Counsellor. ' ' His brother Henry was in like manner selected for a physician . The suc- cess which attended each one in his life work, shows the correctness of their father's judgment. James left the academy in 1851, and began the study of law in the office of Herman Winans of Prattsville, and taught school during the follow- ing winter. In the spring of 1852, he took a clerkship in the office of Alexander H. Bailey, of Catskill, New York, where he could pay his ex- penses and at the same time pursue his studies. In the following September, he passed an exami- nation for the bar, before the Justices of the Supreme Court, at Albany, New York. In December, 1853, he moved to Milwaukee, Wisconsin, and the following summer to Fond du Lac, in the same State. From there he went to Saint Paul, Minnesota, and in the fall of 1854, he settled at Leavenworth, Kansas. There he was made a candidate on the Free State ticket for rep- resentative in the first Territorial Legislature; and though he received a majority of the local votes, armed bodies of men came over from Mis- souri, and by fraudulent means, elected a Slave State candidate. In 1855, he was elected to the Legislature which was organized under the " To- peka Constitution." He participated in the de- liberations of that body and was a member of the committee to draft a code of laws for Kansas. He was present as a member of the Topeka Legisla- ture, when, on July 4, 1856, it was broken up by United States troops, by order of President Pierce. July 24, 1856, Mr. Edsall married Caroline Florella Moore, at Florence, Michigan, whence her family had moved from Delhi, New York. Three children were born to them as follows: James Star, Samuel Cook and Emily Farrington. The only one living is Samuel Cook, who, after several years spent with his father in the study and practice of the law, entered the ministry of the Episcopal Church, and is now Rector of St. Peter's Church, Chicago. James K. Edsall became, in his early manhood, and continued through life, an ardent adherent of the Episcopal Church, giving liberally of his means to its support and regularly attending its services. For several years before his death, he was a vestryman in his son's parish. In August, 1856, he moved to Dixon, Illinois, and there con- tinued in the practice of his profession. Though then only twenty-five years old, he soon attained a leading position at the bar of northern Illinois, and built up an extensive practice. His name frequently appears as counsel in the reports of the Supreme Court, and rarely upon the losing side. In 1863, he was elected Mayor of Dixon, and in 1870 was elected to the Senate of the Twenty- seventh General Assembly of Illinois, in which capacity he served two years. This body con- tained several of the ablest lawyers of the State, and of these Mr. Edsall was accorded a place among the first. The adoption of the new Constitution of 1870, rendered it necessary to frame general laws to take the place of the incongruous mass of special legislation which had previously been in vogue, and by common consent it seems to have been thought expedient to confide that duty to the most competent hands. The present general law for the incorporation of cities and villages was framed in the Senate Committee on Municipalities, of which Mr. Edsall was then chairman, and most of its provisions bear the impress of his study and thought. The sections of the Conveyance Act, which prescribed short forms of deeds and mort- gages, so brief that they contain but few more words than an ordinary promissory note, aside from names of parties and necessary descriptions, and yet so complete that the single word ' ' war- rant ' ' expresses full covenant for title written out in the most exact legal phraseology, were drafted by him. The public and the bar are more indebted to him than to anyone else for the incorporation into the Practice Act of 1872, of those liberal provi- sions which did much to rescue the common law system of pleading and practice, in use in this State, from the reproach which rested upon it. His clear thought, sound judgment and legal ac- quirements, were such as to distinguish between the real merits of the system based upon the com- 594 J. K. EDS ALL. mon law and the mass of outgrown technicalities by which it was overlaid. He took a leading part in the discussion of the important subjects which came before the Senate and prepared the report of the Judiciary Committee in support of the right of the State to impose and collect reason- able tolls for the use of the improvements which it had made in the navigation of the Illinois River. He made an argument of great power in support of the constitutionality of Governmental control of railroads and warehouses. At the close of his speech, he predicted that this power would ulti- mately be sustained by the Supreme Court, a pre- diction which was subsequently verified by the decision of that court in " Munn versus the State of Illinois, ' ' a cause argued by him as Attorney- General. At the conclusion of the opinion of the United States Supreme Court in that case, Chief Justice Waite said, " In passing upon this case, we have not been unmindful of the vast impor- tance of the question involved. This and cases of a kindred character were argued before us more than a year ago by most eminent counsel, and in a manner worthy of their well-earned reputations. ' ' Mr. Edsall's work in the State Senate made such an impression upon his fellow-members of the Legislature, that many of them insisted he was the man needed by the State for its Attorney- General. His nomination by the Republican Convention followed, and in 1872 he was elected Attorney -General of the State, and was re-elected to the same office in 1876. The manner in which he discharged the duties of that office earned for him the admiration of his professional brethren, and the gratitude of the people. The case of Munn versus the State had been argued a year prior to his election, and, upon the authority of members since retired from the bench, is said to have been decided against the State, when con- sidered in conference, but the opinion had not been announced. A re argument of the case was ordered by the Court after the election of two new judges, who filled vacancies. Mr. Edsall availed himself of this opportunity, and as Attor- ney-General, filed an argument in behalf of the State, which became the basis of the opinion of the Court, sustaining the power of the State to pass laws prescribing the maximum charges by public warehouses for the storage of grain. The eight years which he held the office of Attorney- General formed an epoch in the legal and consti- tutional history of the State. The revenue cases which he successfully carried through the courts of the State and the United States, involving taxes to the amount of millions of dollars, speak for themselves as to the value of his services, and the untiring labor and legal talent displayed in their management. In all his varied career as student, lawyer, legis- lator, senator and attorney-general, Mr. Edsall showed himself in every way worthy of the im- portant trusts imposed upon him. Prompt in all his actions, decided in his opinion and independ- ent of thought, he never deviated from the course which duty had marked out, and always acted without regard to popular favor. A lover of free- dom and equality, his sympathies were ever en- listed in the cause of the oppressed, and he firmly maintained the rights of the people. In the dis- charge of his official duties he showed himself the possessor of a sound judgment, a thorough knowl- edge of constitutional law and the principles of government, and that he was profoundly versed in jurisprudence. He was one of those rare lawyers capable of arguing from first principles, and able to strike out in original paths. During his incumbency of the office of Attorney- General his official opinions were constantly sought and relied upon by the Governor and other executive officers of the state, upon all questions of legal or constitutional difficulty, and he invariably met the demands of the occasion in such manner as to solve the problem presented and make plain the path of official duty. Gifted with a high order of talent, patience, perseverance and most estimable social qualities, few men stood higher in the ap- preciation of the public than did the subject of this sketch, James K. Edsall. The reputation he made, and the position he achieved before the public, were such that it was quite generally assumed that he would be a can- didate for Governor of the State at the election of 1880. But mere official positions not within the line of his profession, appeared to have no attrac- JOSEPH MEISNER. 595 tion for him. He did not even entertain the propo- sition to become a candidate for Governor, and more than a year prior to the expiration of his term gave notice to all aspirants to the office of Attorney- General, that he designed to retire to private practice and would not be a candidate for that office. In pursuance of this resolution, he moved to the City of Chicago in September, 1879, and there opened an office for the practice of law. After Mr. Edsall's retirement to private prac- tice he was several times retained as private coun- sel for the State, when it became necessary to defend the constitutionality of important laws; notably in the cases of the Illinois Central and Chicago, Burlington & Quincy Railroads in the United States Supreme Court, in which it had been asserted that the charters of these companies exempted them from State control. During the years of his private practice in Chicago, Mr. Edsall's services were frequently sought in cases of a public character, involving the application of great skill in constitutional law, and, as was to be expected, his role was nearly always that of an advocate for the people. Among the more promi- nent cases with which his name thus became as- sociated, and in which he materially contributed to the final victories achieved, were the Lake Front case and the Gas Trust case. It was a marked characteristic of his legal career that he always won the respect and admiration of his legal opponents. Able lawyers who had met de- feat at his hands repeatedly sought his aid as counsel in their own difficult cases. In his later years a large proportion of his practice was of this character, and this still further developed his re- markable power of concentration, and those quali- ties of keen perception which enabled him to speedily get at the root of things and unravel difficult snarls. But while it was as a lawyer that James K. Edsall deserves to be classed as a really great man, it was in his domestic and social life that the amiability and kindness of the man shone most brightly forth. He was never so happy as with his grandchildren on his knee. Those who knew him intimately loved him best. He was one of those men who are a tower of moral strength in the circle in which they live; and when, on June 19, 1892, he died, after an illness of four months succeeding a stroke of paralysis, brought on by overwork, he was mourned by many who had experienced his ever kind gener- osity. His body was laid away in the cemetery at his old home in Dixon; where, after an interval of some two years, his beloved life partner came to rest by his side. JOSEPH MEISNER. (70SEPH MEISNER, who was for several I years an expressman of Chicago, was born \*S December 24, 1809, in Hirshberg, Austria. He was educated in his native country, and there fell in love with a young girl named Anna Froech- lich, a daughter of Joseph and Theresa (Schluka) Froechlich. They were married in Jung Buns- lau, Austria, in 1850, though the bride was then only seventeen years old. Two years later they came to America and settled in Chicago, where Mr. Meisner obtained employment. They resided at No. 175 Jackson Street, their home having been bought by Mrs. Meisner. Mr. Meisner died in Chicago, September 24, 1883. After the death of her husband Mrs. Meisner bought the property at No. 8n Fairfield Avenue, where she now resides. She has been a success- ful business woman and a good wife and helpmate 596 A. J. NOWLEN. to her husband. She has been able to accumu- late a comfortable fortune, which she manages to the best advantage, being possessed of good judg- ment; She is the mother of six children, name- ly: Anna, Amalia, August, Matilda, Peter and Mary. Anna first married Henry Thage, who died, and now she is the wife of William Molzen; Amalia married John Stepens; Matilda is the wife of William Rohe; and Mary was married to Henry Busche. Mrs. Meisner always practiced frugality and in- dustry, and so able was she in the management of her affairs that she laid the foundation of a small fortune, which will benefit her posterity for many generations. She is a kind mother and was a dutiful and affectionate wife, combining those qualities of mind and heart which win for a wo- man the respect of all. She is an example of what may be accomplished by a woman left with no protector, if ambitious and willing to do her best. She is well known in her community, and has the respect and esteem of all. ADDISON J. NOWLEN. Gl DDISON JOSHUA NOWLEN, a prominent J 1 citizen and well-known business man of Irv- / I ing Park, was born March 28, 1828, at Conesville, Schoharie County, New York. He is a grandson of Joshua Nowlen , who was born in Connecticut of Irish descent, and who moved to New York. He served his country as a soldier in the War of 1812. He was a farmer by occupa- tion, and married Miss Rhoda Scoville. Their son, Ira Nowlen, 'the father of AddisonJ. Nowlen, was born in Conesville, which was his home most of his life. He was a prominent citizen and served as Captain in the State Militia several years. When quite a young man, he married Sophia Toles, who was of Welsh descent, but was a relative of the Tinkham family, which is of Pilgrim origin in this country. Subsequently he removed to Ben ton Harbor, Michigan, where he and his wife both died in 1871. Of their five children, the following is the account: Almira is the wife of Rev. A. M. Shaw, of Whitney's Point, New York; Albert is a farmer, fruit grower, and business man of Benton Harbor, Michigan; Louisa died in Nemaha County, Kansas; Victorine is the wife of John McCoy, who lives in Nemaha County, Kansas; and the subject of this sketch. Addison J. Nowlen spent his early youth on the farm of his father, and after completing the course of the district school, he continued his education at the Delaware Literary Institute of Delaware County, New York, in which he pur- sued a course for four years. With this good foundation, he took a legal course at Hamilton College, and later studied in a law office at Oneonta. At the latter place he had access to the law books from the library of the famous novelist, James Fenimore Cooper, for whom the town was named. In 1853, having been admitted to the bar, Mr. Nowlen practiced law in the courts of New York for the next twelve years, making a specialty of criminal cases. He soon became prominent in this line and was retained on some of the most noted cases that have ever been tried in the courts of that State. In 1856, his health had become so seriously impaired by his diligent application to his profession, that he found it necessary to seek some employment which would give him exercise in the open air, and at the solicitation of his brother, he removed to Benton Harbor, where, when his health permitted, he assisted the county surveyor. So proficient did he become in this A. D. KENNEDY. 597 line of work, that he was elected to the office of county surveyor. Immediately after the great fire, he came to Chicago and took up the business of examining titles and similar work connected with real estate. This venture has proved so successful that he has continued it ever since. Soon after locating in Chicago, he built a fine residence in Irving Park, which is surrounded by pleasant grounds. He also has other interests in that suburb, with whose social and business welfare he is in sympathy. September 4, 1850, Mr. Nowleti was united in marriage with Clarinda Niles, who was born at Sydney Center, Delaware County, New York, and is a daughter of Joseph and Sally (Barstow) Niles. They have no children of their own, but have adopted one daughter. Mr. and Mrs. Nowlen attend the Reformed Church of Irving Park, but they still hold membership in the Congregational Church at Benton Harbor, Michigan. In the latter Church Mr. Nowlen was a most valued and influential member, and it was by his energy and perseverance that the funds were raised to build the first church edifice. He has always been active in movements for political reform, and is at present president of the Civic Federation of the twenty-seventh ward. While he favors the prin- ciples of the Prohibition party, his support has usually been in the interests of the Republican party since its organization, having " stumped " the State of New York, in 1856, for John C. Fre- mont. Throughout his life Mr. Nowlen has found his main enjoyment in music and art. He was for- merly a member of the Mozart Society and has been the leader of many choirs, being still en- gaged in that kind of work. He is a member of the Art Institute. ALEXANDER D. KENNEDY. GlLEXANDER DALTON KENNEDY, one I I of the best -known underwriters of Chicago, / I was born in Kendall County, Illinois, March 24, 1842, and is the son of John M. Kennedy, of whom extended notice is given elsewhere in this volume. His parents moved to Chicago when he was seven years of age, and he was educated in the public schools of this city. One of his first business ventures was in the capacity of sutler of the Eighth Illinois Cavalry, which position he filled from October, 1861, till April, 1862. In May, 1862, he entered the employ of James K. Murphy, one of the pioneer underwriters of Chicago, and has since been almost exclusively engaged in that line of business. Beginning as office boy he worked his way by degrees to the position of cashier and manager, and in the spring of 1866 succeeded Mr. Murphy as agent of the Peoria Marine & Fire Insurance Company, the firm name changing to Kennedy & Williams. Mr. Kennedy was a member of this firm until 1868, when he received an appointment in the grain inspecting department of Illinois. In 1871 he became policy clerk and manager of the underwriting department of E. E. Ryan & Company, and in 1876 he was given an interest in the business. When Mr. Ryan died, in 1882, the firm became Kennedy & De Roode, and in 1886 was changed to A. D. Kennedy & Company and so it has since remained. In the twenty-two years following the year 1871, the firms with which Mr. Kennedy was connected wrote insur- ance policies in twenty-eight different companies, on which the premiums amounted to nearly two million dollars. The present firm occupies com- modious offices in the Woman's Temple, and is H. I. ROWLAND. recognized as one of the most reliable concerns doing business in its line in the city. Mr. Kennedy was married in November, 1869, to Miss Lizzie Elliott, daughter of H. J. Elliott, an early resident of Chicago, who died when Mrs. Kennedy was a young child. Mr. and Mrs. Kennedy became the parents of six children, namely: Alexander D. , Junior, a professional athlete, who has won considerable renown in that line; Harry J., manager of a department in the store of the Monarch Bicycle Company in this city; Mattie, wife of Joseph Burton, a receiv- ing teller in the American Exchange National Bank, in Chicago; Lallah Rooke, wife of R. W. Kinsely, manufacturer of cornice and metal roofing, of Chicago; Memay, a student of Notre Dame College, South Bend, Indiana. One son died in childhood. Mr. Kennedy has always been a Democrat in political principles, but takes little interest in practical politics. He was one of the first judges of election under the Australian ballot system, in his precinct, and has since been several times appointed in the same capacity. In the campaign of 1896, believing that the business interests of the nation could be best promoted by that course, he supported Major McKinlejr for the office of President. HIRAM I. HOWLAND. HIRAM ISBUN HOWLAND, a retired citi- zen of Chicago, who has borne no incon- siderable part in promoting the growth and development of that great western metropolis, is a native of Erie County, New York, born February 3, 1818. He is a descendant of an old New Eng- land family, being a son of Isbun and Sylvia (Smith) Howland. His mother was a native of the same state as himself, and the father was born in New Bedford, Massachusetts. The Howland family was founded in America by John Howland, one of the little band who left their native land in the quest of religious freedom, and came on the good ship Mayflower, to Ply- mouth, Massachusetts, in 1620. Isbun Howland was a soldier in the War of 1812. He had three sons and four daughters, all of whom are now de- ceased except Hiram I. and James Howland. In 1845, the family removed from New York to Ing- ham County, Michigan, where all but the two sons above named passed away. Hiram I. Howland was educated in the com- mon schools of Erie County, New York, and passed the intervals of his youth, when not in school, upon his father's farm. He became a resi- dent of Illinois in 1845, and located on a farm near Wheaton, Du Page County. He remained there but a short time and was employed for two years in a distillery at Batavia, Kane County. Thence he went to Elgin and continued in the same business. In 1850 he came to Chicago, and was twelve years employed by Crosby & Company, distillers. In 1862 he established a distillery business of his own on Indiana Street, where for nine years he conducted a prosperous business. This was ter- minated by the great fire of 1871, which swept away nearly his entire possessions. He was en- abled to collect from the Aetna Insurance Com- pany the sum of twelve hundred dollars, which was all that he saved from total loss. He now en- tered the service of George Burrows & Company, who conducted a distiller}-, and for ten years was numbered among their faithful and efficient assist- T. A. FOLEY. 599 ants. For the past fifteen years he has been re- tired, and enjoj's in quiet contentment the savings accumulated by many years of industry and pru- dent management. In 1850 he was married to Miss Diana M. Levens, who bore him two children, who, with the mother, are now deceased. Mr. Howland was identified with the Whig party in early life, and joined the ranks of the Republican party when that organization was first formed, and of which he has ever since been .a faithful adherent. He was made a Mason in Lincoln Park Lodge No. 611, many years ago, and has endeavored to practice the benevolent principles inculcated by that order in all his intercourse with his fellow- men. THOMAS A. FOLEY. 'HOMAS AMBROSE FOLEY, police jus- tice at the Seventh District Police Court, South Chicago, was born May 2, 1857, near Maple Grove, Wisconsin, and is a son of Thomas and Bridget (Keeley) Foley. His grandfather, Dennis Foley, was a farmer in Ireland, and was the father of eight children, only one of whom, Thomas, emigrated to America. Thomas Foley was born in Tipperary County, Ireland, and reared in County Clare, and emi- grated to America at the age of eighteen years. While in Ireland he was employed at farm labor, and when he came to America he first located in Philadelphia, where he found employment in a grocery store. Later he lived in Morristown, and in 1855 removed to Wisconsin and took up land in Brown County, for which he paid the Government fifty cents per acre. This land was in Morrison township, where he was one of the earliest settlers. After a few years he engaged in buying and selling live stock. He removed to Chicago in 1889, and has remained here since, now living with his son. He is now (1897) eighty years old. His wife was born in County Clare, Ireland, and emigrated in the same year as her husband. She died in 1883, at the age of fifty- eight years. They were the parents of the fol- lowing-named children: Dennis, Thomas A. (subject of this article), John, Michael, Martin and Margaret. Thomas Ambrose Foley attended school in Wisconsin until he was twelve years old, and then left home to become a porter on the steamer Muskegon, of the Goodrich line. He came to Chicago soon after, where he was for a time engaged in cleaning brick on the marine hospital. He then returned to Wisconsin, where he worked at farm labor in the summer time, and at lumber- ing in the winter. In 1879 he returned to Chicago and found employment in shoveling grain. In 1880 he began work for the Michigan Central Railroad Company, where he spent a short time as a repair man, and then became inspector in the stock yards. In September, 1880, he took the position of foreman of car repairs at Kensington, for the Michigan Central Railroad Company, which position he held ten years. In 1 88 1, realizing the advantages he would have if he possessed a more liberal education, he attended night school at Pullman. He continued this three years, and took, among other studies, lessons in elocution and oratory. In this he was encouraged and assisted by his wife and by Mr. J. H. Snyder, now Superintendent of the Western Division of the Michigan Central. His tastes had always inclined toward law, and while in Chapin's book-store one day, he met Judge Bailey, who was about to establish the Chicago School of Law. As a result of this meeting, he entered the school in 1889 and in 1891 received the certificate which admitted him to the bar. At the time of his graduation he was made 6oo T. A. TURNER. Justice of the Peace, with an office at Kensington. He took a post-graduate course at the Chicago College of Law, and in June, 1895, received the degree of Bachelor of Law. He practiced at Ken- sington until February, 1894, and then removed to South Chicago where he continued as a justice, and had an office in the Commercial Block. In June, 1895, Mr. Foley, in companj' with Frank Foster, began a partnership under the firm name of Foley & Foster, with offices at No. 9249 South Chicago Avenue. On the fol- lowing June this partnership was dissolved, and Mr. Foley has continued to practice under his own name since, with offices as before. Mr. Foley was formerly a supporter of the Re- publican party, and his first presidential vote was cast for James A. Garfield. His political views and career were changed by a series of articles which appeared in the Chicago Times, advocating free trade and attacking protection. Since that time he has agreed with the views held by the Demo- cratic party. He gave his support to Carter Harrison, Senior, when he was candidate for Mayor, and has been quite active in political campaigns, and began "stumping" for his party in 1890. He was requested by the State com- mittee to make a tour of the State, but he declined the invitation. He has never received any com- pensation for political work, and during the hard- fought campaign of 1896 he made nearly as many speeches as Mr. Bryan. He was given his present position April 27, 1897. In November, 1884, Mr. Foley married Miss Julia Sullivan, daughter of Owen Sullivan, of Kensington, formerly of Kankakee, and now in the employ of the Illinois Central Railroad Com- pany. Mr. and Mrs. Foley have four children, namely: Anna, Mary, Lenore, and Zoe. Mr. Foley is a member of Tribe No. 102, Improved Order of Red Men. The tribe has lapsed, but Mr. Foley is still in good standing. He belongs to Division No. 9, Ancient Order of Hibernians; to the Catholic Mutual Benefit Association, to the Catholic Order of Foresters, and is connected with Council No. 335, National Union. He is a man of social habits and has many firm friends. THOMAS A. TURNER. 'HOMAS ANDREW TURNER, the third son of John and Sarah (Patterson) Turner, was born September 23, 1853, in Chicago. His early education was received in the public schools of Chicago, and he remained at home until he had attained his majority, assisting his father in the duties attending his business from the time when he was old enough. In 1876 and 1877 he was employed in the office of the Chicago Gas Light and Coke Company as a clerk. Mr. Turner decided to try his fortune in the West, and in 1883 removed to South Dakota and took a Government claim of one hundred sixty acres of land, to which he added by purchase a second quarter-section. He engaged in farming, which he continued six years, with good success. November 18, 1883, Mr. Turner married Fannie Bell, daughter of John L. and Frances B. (Ken- dall) Wilkins, of Chicago. This marriage cere- mony was the first ever performed in Edmonds County, South Dakota, taking place at Ipswich. The parents of Mrs. Turner were natives of Pike County, New York, and their families were early settlers of Waukegan, Lake County, Illinois, where Mrs. Turner was born. Her maternal grandfather built the first farmhouse in that NICHOLAS OLSON. 60 1 county, and kept the first hotel. She had been formerly married to Mr. D. H. Hard, and has one son named Merril Wilkins Hard. Mr. and Mrs. Turner are the parents of two sons, namely : William Patterson, and Chester Kendall. In 1889 the family returned from Dakota, and located in Ravenswood, where, in 1894, Mr. Turner built a beautiful residence at No. 518 Ad- dison Street, which they have occupied since that time. Since his return from Dakota, Mr. Turner has served three years as a member of the Chicago Fire Department. He now enjoys a life of re- tirement from business cares and worries. The family is connected with the Methodist Episcopal Church of which Mrs. Turner is a member. In politics Mr. Turner is a Republican, and though he has never held any public office, he is a stanch supporter of the principles of his party. NICHOLAS OLSON. PjJICHOLAS OLSON, whose life abounds in Y/ adventure by sea, is now a resident of South I IS Chicago and is held in the highest respect and esteem by the residents of that former sub- urb. He was born October 30, 1843, on the Island of Oroust, Sweden, and is a son of Olof and Johanna (Nelson) Johnson. His parents lived out their days in Sweden, the mother dying in 1876 and the father in 1883. One of their sons and three daughters live in Sweden, and three sons came to America. One of these, Martin Olson, arrived in December, 1869, and died in Chicago in September, 1872. Adolph Olson came here in April, 1871, and now resides on Wallace Street. Nicholas Olson began the life of a sailor at the age of eighteen years, going before the mast on the Swedish schooner "William," which sailed between Guttenberg and England. He followed the ocean many years, visiting various parts of the globe, and sailing on many ships. Among these and their voyages may be mentioned: The brig "Brilliant," which sailed between England and Sweden ; a Scotch schooner which sailed from Hamburg to Dantzig, Prussia, and to Hull, Eng- land; an American ship to Shields, England; the Norweigan ship "Brederne," which went to Genoa, Italy, and to Sicily, where it took on a cargo of salt for Stavanger, Norway; a Swedish schooner, in which he reached London , England ; here he shipped on an American vessel, on which he sailed to Melbourne, Australia, and Callao, Peru, and back to London, whence he went by rail to Cardiff, Wales, and shipped on an English ship which visited Barcelona, Spain, and Con- stantinople, Turkey; next he took service on a steamer which carried him back to London, then to Malta, and Alexandria, Egypt, and again to London; thence he sailed to Guttenberg, Sweden, and paid a visit of three months to his parents at Oroust; he then went with a Norwegian brig to Antwerp, Belgium, from there to Sundvald, Sweden, and once more to London. On the fourteenth of December, 1868, Mr. Olson set out from London for America, on a sail- ing-vessel, and this voyage ended his career on the ocean. It was a long one, and the supply of water and provisions became so low before it was ended as to cause severe suffering to passengers and crew. Arriving in Philadelphia March 24, 1869, Mr. Olson reached Chicago May 3, of the same year. He was still fond of a life on the water, and spent the sailing seasons of that year and the next on the schooner "Mary Ann," ply- ing between Chicago, Cleveland and Detroit. 602 TIMOTHY COUGHLIN. In 1871 he was engaged as night watchman at the planing-mill of Palmer & Fuller, where he remained three and one-half years. His love of a sailor's life led him to resign this position and again go on the lakes, but he retired permanently from the water in 1882. His record for faithfulness and attention to every detail of his work is of the best, and the citizens of Chicago are proud to reckon among their number one who has served so long and faithfully, and traversed the paths of the sea around the world . His presence on a vessel always seemed an omen of good luck, as no life was ever lost on any ship with which he was at the time connected. Accidents often hap- pened just before or just after his association with a vessel, but never while he was a member of its crew. In 1882 Mr. Olson began contracting for hand- ling lumber cargoes in Chicago, and was thus en- gaged two years. April 18, 1884, he settled in South Chicago, and at once proceeded to organ- ize a union of lumber unloaders, by which he was authorized to make contracts. He subsequently entered the service of the Hedstrom Coal Com- pany, and has acted as its foreman during the last two years. Mr. Olson resides at No. 9650 Avenue L, and has been twenty-four years an agent for the sale of steamship and railroad tickets. He is prepared to furnish transportation to Europe to any one who may desire, and conducts an honorable and straightforward business. The esteem in which he is held is shown by the following testimonial from the management of the International Navi- gation Company which operates the "Red Star Line" of steamers on the Atlantic: "To whom it may concern: "This is to certify that Mr. Nick Olson, of South Chicago, has acted as agent for the sale of steamship tickets for us during the past twenty- four years, and that we have always known him to be straightforward, honest, and an upright man, and cheerfully recommend him to whoever de- sires to employ him. ' ' May 29, 1878, Mr. Olson was married to Miss Wilhelmina Johnson, a native of Sweden. They have the following children living: Oscar Albert, Gustav, Maurits Leonard, Johanna, Laura Eliza- beth, Herbert Jonas and David Emanuel. One child, Albert Emanuel, died in 1884, when only three weeks old. Mr. Olson has been four years a deacon in the Swedish Lutheran Bethesda Church, of South Chicago, with which his family is identified. In politics he is a Repub- lican, and has served two terms as judge of elec- tion. TIMOTHY COUGHLIN. 'IMOTHY COUGHLIN was born August 15, 1834, in County Cork, Ireland, and is a son of John and Hannah (Burke) Coughlin, natives of that country. John Coughlin and his wife were parents of the following children: Michael, John, Timothy (the subject of this no- tice), Cornelius and Jeremiah. All save Timothy and Cornelius are now deceased. John Coughlin died in 1847, and his widow, with five children, emigrated to America. They landed in Montreal, where they spent three weeks, and then removed to Burlington, Vermont, where they remained five months, going thence to Boston. Cornelius Coughlin was a soldier in the Civil War, and is now an inmate of the Soldiers' Home at Washing- ton. Timothy Coughlin remained in Boston until 1858, being engaged in general labor. In that year he went to Valparaiso, Indiana, and entered the service of the Pittsburgh, Fort Wayne & MARTHA A. BOWERMAN. 603 Chicago Railroad Company, being part of the time foreman of a section. July 15, 1872, he- came to South Chicago, and in 1874 entered the employ of the Baltimore & Ohio Railroad Com- pany, taking charge of the transportation as watchman. He has been in this service since that time, being employed in various depart- ments. Mr. Coughlin bought land at No. 8839 Superior Avenue, and built a residence there, which he has occupied since. He also owns a lot adjoining this. In 1852 Mr. Coughlin married Miss Hannah Donahoe, and they had seven children, namely: Hannah, Mamie, Julia, Nellie, Maggie, John and Elizabeth. The second, third and fourth are deceased, and Mrs. Coughlin died in 1889. Mr. Coughlin is a man of great ability in his line of work, and has always given his employers good satisfaction. He won his way in a strange coun- try, and did this by his own efforts and persever- ance. He is recognized as a man of good habits and a valuable citizen. DR. MARTHA A. BOWERMAN. 0R. MARTHA ALMINA BOWERMAN was born March 27, 1841, in Bergen, Gen- esee County, New York. Her parents, Porter and Sarah Ann (Knapp) Brink, removed to Churchville, New York, when she was an in- fant, and resided there a number of years. When she was six years old they removed to Wisconsin, settling first in Lake Mills, where they lived a few years; then located in Neenah, where they spent three years, and subsequently made their home in Ripon, Wisconsin. Porter Brink was named after Commodore Porter, famous in the War of 1812, and he was an active and enter- prising citizen. His ability as a builder was rec- ognized by the Government during the war, and he was put in charge of General Sherman's Con- struction Corps of the Army of the Tennessee, in which position he rendered valuable services. He stood beside General Sherman, when the latter gave the command to burn Atlanta, before his famous March to the Sea. He built many build- ings in Ripon, Wisconsin, the college buildings being among them. Mr. Brink died December 20, 1876, in Los Angeles, California, at the age of sixty-two years. His widow, now in her eightieth year, is living with her only remain- ing daughter, Mrs. Sarah D. Oaks, on North Horseman Street, Rockford, Illinois. Martha A. Brink received most of her education in the schools of Ripon, and attended the college, then known as the Brockway College. She was the oldest of five children, and much of the care of the younger ones fell to her lot. She was a bright student and made rapid progress in her studies at Ripon College, and would have gradu- ated in 1861 had not the war closed the school. In the spring of 1861 she became the wife of Nelson Bowerman, editor of the Ripon Times, now Commonwealth. Four years after their mar- riage Mr, Bowerman made his residence at Madi- son, Wisconsin, where for a period of twelve years he was connected with the Wisconsin State Journal. In the fall of 1878 Mrs. Bowerman determined to carry out a long-cherished ambition, and re- moved to Chicago. Upon her arrival she began at once the study of medicine. Since her girl- hood she had wished to do this, and had secretly resolved to carry her plan into execution some day. Though she had but limited means at her command, she entered into her work with great energy under the preceptorship of President A . 604 I. D. KINNE. E. Small, and three years later she graduated in the class of 1882 from Hahnemann Homeopathic Medical College. After receiving her diploma, she began to practice her profession, on Oak wood Boulevard, in which she won the admiration, trust and affection of her patients and fellow- practitioners. She became identified with the American Institute of Homeopathy, the Illinois Homeopathic Medical Association, the Woman's Homeopathic Medical Society, of Chicago, and the Clinical Society of Hahnemann Hospital. She said, "Whatever success I have attained has been achieved by a stubbornly contested fight against adverse circumstances." July 31, 1897, srie passed away at her home, 3948 Cottage Grove Avenue, and her remains repose in a beautiful lot in Oakwood Cemetery. Nelson Bowerman was born June 12, 1838, in Bloomfield, Prince Edward County, Ontario, and is a son of Josiah and Sarah (Brewer) Bowerman, the former a native of Massachusetts and the latter of the State of New York. The family can trace its ancestry back to the early Massachusetts colonies shortly after the coming of the Pilgrims in 1620. The Brewer family is of Holland origin. Nelson Bowerman was educated in the schools of Canada, and later at Brockway College, Ripon, Wisconsin. In 1860 he entered the field of liter- ature, by securing an interest in the Ripon Times, of which he became publisher and editor. He lived in that city until May, 1864, when he en- tered the army as First Sergeant of Company B, Forty-first Wisconsin Volunteers, Army of the Tennessee. Mr. Bowerman remained with the army until his regiment was mustered out, in October, 1864. He returned to Wisconsin after the war, and served one year on the Milwaukee Sentinel, after which he was employed on the Madison Stale Jour- nal twelve years. He has shown great ability in his work, and for nearly twenty years has been employed on the Chicago Tribune. He is an ar- dent supporter of the Republican party, his first presidential vote having been cast for Abraham Lincoln, in 1860. Mr. Bowerman has always been a popular man socially, and is a member of many societies. He was made a Master Mason in 1873, in Madison Lodge No. 5, Madison, Wisconsin, and is now a member of Landmark Lodge No. 422, Ancient Free and Accepted Masons. He belonged to Hope Lodge No. 17, Independent Order of Odd Fellows, and was an active worker in Capital Lodge No. i , Independent Order of Good Tem- plars. He is a comrade of U. S. Grant Post No. 28, Grand Army of the Republic; is a member of Press Council No. 71, National Union, and an ac- tive member of No. 16, Chicago Typographical Union. He has a genial manner, and is a good conversationalist, a man whom it is a pleasure to know, and his acquaintance and friendship are highly valued by those who know him. ISAAC D. KINNE. CVSAAC DUDLEY KINNE was born August 10, 1820, in Hannibal, Oswego County, New A York, and is a son of Isaac and Lydia (Dud-. ley) Kinne, the former from Dutchess County, New York, and the latter a native of Shaftsbury, Vermont. The Kinne family was founded in Rhode Island some time during the seventeenth century, and is of Scoth-Irish origin. Elijah Kinne, the great-grandfather of the subject of this article, served in the War for Independence, I. D. KINNE. 605 as did also his son, Elijah, who crossed the Dela- ware River with General Washington, at Trenton. A pair of moccasins which he wore on that memorable occasion is still carefully preserved by the family. Elijah Kinne was a captain, and he died in Ovid, Seneca County, New York, about 1830. Isaac Kinne was a soldier in the War of 1812. He was married twice, his first wife being Lois Seely, who bore him one daughter, Orpha, who died in 1850. For his second wife he married Lydia Dudley, of English origin, and a member of one of the oldest New England families. She was a descendant of Lord Dudley and a daughter of John Dudley, her mother's maiden name being Miner. She was one of a large family of children, all of whom lived to old age. Isaac Kinne and his second wife became the parents of five daughters and two sons. In 1832, with his family, he removed from New York to Ohio, settling in Lucas County, where they spent two years on a farm, and then came farther west and settled at what was then known as Meecham's Grove, in Cook County. After the division of the county it became a part of Du Page County, and is now situated in Addi- son Township. On his arrival Mr. Kinne took a claim of one hundred acres, which he bought from the Government when it was placed upon the market, and he continued the cultivation of this farm until his death, in 1849. His wife died in 1876, at the venerable age of nearly ninety-six years. Their children were: Elijah, who con- ducted the farm at Bloomingdale, Du Page County, several years, and now resides at Kansas City, Missouri; Lois, who married Alanson Watson, and lives in Kansas with her daughter; Lydia, who married James Vint, and died in Iowa; Clarissa, who is dead; Mariette, deceased; Isaac Dudley, whose name heads this biography; and Miranda, the widow of James Shaw, who resides at No. 1449 Fulton Street, Chicago. Isaac Dudley Kiune was reared on the frontier and had but a limited chance for education, hav- ing attended the public school only three months after coming to Cook County, and while in New York he was able to attend school only a few days. He is almost entirely self-educated, and has made the most of his opportunities. In his boyhood he studied reading and writing at home in the evening, by the light of a hickory baik fire. He formed habits of reading, which he has cultivated until he is a well-informed man on all subjects of general interest. He was reared to farming and stock raising and has made this his life-work. Since the age of fifteen years he has been self-supporting. At the age of sixteen he made a claim to one hundred sixty acres of prairie land in Addison Township, which he afterward bought. He improved it and for many years cultivated it. He also bought twenty-two acres of timber. In 1855 he removed to Wheaton, and there spent six years, conducting a hotel, until he was burned out in 1861, losing a valuable property which cost him five thousand dollars, and he also lost five hundred dollars in money. He then re- turned to the farm. In 1876 he moved into Chi- cago, for the purpose of affording his children greater educational advantages. Three years later he sold his farm and invested in city real estate. He has a farm of one hundred twenty acres in White County, Indiana, and eleven lots on St. Louis Avenue, between Van Buren Street and Colorado Avenue, in Chicago. June 10, 1845, Mr. Kinne married Miss Eveline A. Kinney, born March 31, 1827, in the town of Ira, Oswego County, New York, a daughter of Asa and Betsy (Miller) Kinney, of Scotch-Irish descent. They had ten children, seven of whom are living, namely: Asa Winfield, of Blooming- ton, Illinois; Leland D., who resides at the corner of Park and Fortieth Avenues, Chicago; Morris B., who lives at No. 896 West Harrison Street, Chicago; Humphrey H., who lives on St. Louis Avenue; Minnie, wife of William Barret, of No. 448 Colorado Avenue; Isaac B., of No. 52 Shake- speare Avenue; and Mina. In early life Mr. Kinne was a Whig, and since the organization of the Republican party he has been one of its firm supporters, though he has not been bound by its action at all times. When he was about twenty- one years of age, he was elected constable, and served seven years. He is 6o6 A. D. RICKEY. a member of the Masonic Order, of the Independ- ent Order of Odd Fellows, and of the Tippecanoe Club. He now lives in ease and retirement at No. 254 St. Louis Avenue, Chicago. He has earned and enjoys the respect and esteem of many friends and acquaintances. ' ALFRED. D. RICHEY. GJLFRED DAY RICHEY was born De- | I cember 13, 1866, in Marseilles, LaSalle / I County, Illinois, and is a son of Henry Chapin and Susan Adelia (Day) Richey. Henry C. Richey is a son of William Welch Richey who is still living in Ontario, Washington, at the age of eighty-three years. William W. Richey for- merly lived in Noblesville, Indiana, where he had a home for many years. He was married four times and was the father of three children, Henry C. being one of the two children of his third marriage. He was for many years a merchant, and later was engaged in agriculture. Henry C. Richey has lived in the State of Illinois most of his life. He was a member of Company C, Seventy-second Illinois Volunteer Infantry, during the Civil War, and was at one time taken a prisoner and exchanged. He was in early life a bridge builder, later a merchant and then a coal miner. For ten years he has been engaged in agriculture. His wife died in 1867, leaving three children, namely: Friedel Lincoln, who is a credit man in the wholesale house of Marshall Field & Company; Gertrude Adelia, now Mrs. Henry T. Reed, a resident of Roseland, Louisiana; and Alfred D., the subject of this sketch. Alfred Day Richey lived in Marseilles, Illinois, until he was six years old, and then spent five years in Braceville, Peoria and Henry, Illinois. In 1877 he went to Archer, Alachua County, Florida, where he remained two years and then returned to Braceville and resided in that place nine years. He attended school until he was twelve years of age and was employed in the office of the Braceville Coal Company eight years, beginning as office boy and rising to a better position. He then went to Iowa with his father to assist him in conducting a farm, and remained there one year, after which he re- moved to Chicago. In 1887 he was employed by the Fidelity and Casualty Accident Insurance Company, and re- mained with it six months, soliciting through the central part of Illinois. He was next em- ployed in the Freight Claim department of the Chicago, Burlington & Quincy Railroad. April 7, 1897, he married Mrs. Carrie N. Miller, of Aurora, Illinois. She is a daughter of James and Anna Eliza (Graves) Freeman, the former a boot and shoe dealer in Aurora for forty years. He died in 1896 and his widow still resides there. He was a native of Nantigo, England, and his wife is a native of New York, daughter of Daniel T. Graves, who was a pioneer Baptist minister of Aurora. Mr. Freeman was ten years old when he came with his parents to Aurora, which was then only a small village. Mrs. Richey is a member of the Baptist Church of Irving Park. Mr. Richey is connected with the Royal Arcanum, being a member of Irving Park Council No. 891 . He is also a mem- ber of the Irving Park Club, of which he was secretary in 1895 and 1896. In politics he sup- ports the Republican party. He is a member of the Irving Park Cycling Club, of which he was president during the first three years of its exist- ence. He has been a collector for four years. He is a public-spirited and progressive citizen, and is connected with many movements of reform. He is an intelligent and well-read man, and is in- terested in the affairs of the day. LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS MICHAEL WINANDY (From Photo by W. J. ROOT) MICHAEL WINANDY. 607 MICHAEL WINANDY. I ICHAEL WINANDY, contractor, builder and gardener, living in what was formerly known as West Ridge, is one of the most prominent business men of that community. He was born December 16, 1849, in Merscheid, and was reared from the age of three years at Esch- dorf, Luxemburg, Germany. He is a son of Valentine and Elizabeth Winandy, both of whom died in that country, and where their sons were reared to farm life. In May, 1869, the subject of this notice set out for America, in company with his brother, John. About two years later, two more of the brothers, Jean and Joseph, came to join them, but the last- named returned to his native country and did not become a citizen of this. John is a resident of Rosehill, and Jean lives near by. Michael Winandy acquired the trade of cabinet- maker before coming to this country, and took employment in this line as soon as he arrived in Chicago, whither he came direct from Europe. He continued this through the summer, and in the mean time attended a night school, by which means he was considerably benefited. He had received a fair education in his native language and needed only to gain some knowledge of the English tongue to fit him for an active business life here. In 1870 he joined his brother in renting land in Lake View, then a suburb of Chicago, and be- gan market-gardening. Immediately after the Great Chicago Fire of 1871, he began taking building contracts in the city, in which he con- tinued two years. He then resumed gardening, and at the same time continued building opera- tions. He erected most of the greenhouses in Lake View, a region thickly dotted with that class of structures. His industry and good management have been rewarded with success, and he now tills about eight acres of land, nearly half of which is under glass, and is a very ex- tensive producer of vegetables for the market. He has one boiler which supplies steam for heat- ing about an acre of space. In 1877 he was married to Miss Mary Borst, who was born in Port Washington, Wisconsin. She is a daughter of Thomas and Mary (Weis) Borst, natives of Germany. Of the eight chil- dren born to this union, six are living, namely: Mary, Regina, Susie, Frederick, Michael and Peter, all residing with their parents. Valentine died when four months old, and Albert at the age of eight years. The family is associated with Saint Henry's Roman Catholic Church, and con- tributes its share to the social enjoyment of the community. Mr. Winandy is a member of the Catholic Order of Foresters and takes a com- mendable interest in the general welfare of the community, and the country generally. He acts with the Democratic party, which represents his political principles. During all the years in which the incorporated village of West Ridge existed as a separate municipality, he acted as its treasurer. 6o8 CAPT. C. VON LUKOWITZ. CAPT. CHARLES VON LUKOWITZ. EAPT. CHARLES VON LUKOWITZ, a distinguished officer of both the German and American armies, is now a retired resi- dent of Chicago, with which city's commercial interests he was honorably connected for seven- teen years. He was born August 20, 1826, in Koenigsberg, East Prussia, and, as the name shows, is descended from noble ancestry. At the time of his birth his father, Peter Paul Aloisyus Von Lukowitz, was a colonel, commanding the First Regiment of German Infantry, which is the oldest regiment in the German army, having been organized in 1619, before the landing of the Puritan Pilgrims on the shores of Massachusetts. His mother was Antoinette Paulina, nee Thiel. Ernest Adolph Hugo Charles Von Lukowitz, the subject of this sketch, attended the public schools of his native land from his fifth to his twelfth year, and then entered the military academy, where he continued until his seven- teenth year. After a successful examination he was commissioned, August 20, 1843, a second lieutenant in the Fourth Regiment of German Lancers. February u, 1847, he was married to Miss Johanna Borchert, a daughter of Christian and Caroline (Stande) Borchert, of Koenigsberg, in East Prussia. Mrs. Von Lukowitz was born September 8, 1828, in Koenigsberg, in East Prussia. On the fiftieth anniversary of their wedding, Captain and Mrs. Von Lukowitz cele- brated the happy occasion in the parlors of the Chicago Avenue Church, in the presence of their three children and sixteen grandchildren (nine boys and seven girls) and a concourse of one hun- dred and fifty friends. One great-grandchild, too young to appreciate the festivities, will here- after read this record with pride and gratification. Appreciating the fact that the old world offered few opportunities for advancement, Lieutenant Von Lukowitz resigned his commission in the army in 1850 and set out for America, accom- panied by his bride. They crossed the ocean in a sailing-vessel from Liverpool to New York, called the "Rebecca," and landed in New York in the early part of June of that year. After re- maining about five years in New York City, Mr. Von Lukowitz went to Pottsville, Schuylkill County, Pennsylvania, where Mrs.Constantine, his youngest daughter, was born, and where the be- ginning of the Civil War found him. He at once offered his services to his adopted country, and became a member of Company F, Sixth Pennsyl- vania Volunteer Infantry, a three-months regi- ment. This company was one of the first five to reach Washington, and was attacked by rioters in Baltimore. Mr. Von Lukowitz re-enlisted at the close of his first term, for three years or during the war, and became a member of Company B, Seventy-second Pennsylvania Volunteer Infantry, under Colonel Baxter. The term of this or- ganization expired soon after the battle of Gettys- burg, and the subject of this biography was trans- ferred to the One Hundred and Eighty-third Regiment, known as the Fourth Union League Regiment, both this and the Seventy-second hav- ing been recruited in the city of Philadelphia. Captain Von Lukowitz was one of those who NICHOLAS BRITZ. 609 fought at Appomattox, and saw Gen. Robert E. Lee's flag of truce come into General Grant's headquarters. He was mustered out as a second lieutenant, having been promoted by Governor Curtin, of Pennsylvania, for bravery in the field. He assisted in planting the colors of his regiment on the South Side railroad, the last one in the possession of the rebels. In all, Lieutenant Von Lukowitz took part in seventeen engagements. After the war he returned to Pottsville, and about a week before the 4th of March, 1869, wrote a personal letter to General Grant, asking for a position in the regular army. This letter was answered in the same manner, and he called upon the President March 8, in response thereto. About April 10, he was given the executive ap- pointment of first-class clerk in the Second Auditor's office of the Treasury Department, and continued twelve years in this service, after pass- ing successfully through three competitive ex- aminations, attaining the rank of fourth-class clerk, with a salary of eighteen hundred dollars per year, serving two terms under President Grant and one under Rutherford B. Hayes. In 1880 he resigned his position and came to Chicago, and September 10 of that year entered the credit department of Marshall Field & Com- pany. He served this employer seventeen years, and was honorably discharged with a pension of two-thirds of his salary, January 8, 1897. He is the only living pensioner of this firm, and the only office man who was ever pensioned by it. He is also a pensioner of the general Government, receiving twelve dollars per month in recognition of his long and faithful services in the army. Captain Von Lukowitz is a Lutheran in re- ligious faith, and has sustained the principles of the Republican party since becoming a citizen of thie United States. He is a member of Lyon Post No. 9, Grand Army of the Republic, of Washington, District of Columbia, and a gentle- man honored and respected in civil life, as he is in military circles of Europe and America. His children are: Annie, now the widow of James Thompson, the mother of four children, of whom two are married; Eli, the father of seven living children; and Antoinette, Mrs. A. W. Constantine, mother of five children. Eight grandchildren of Captain and Mrs. Von Lukowitz are deceased, and a great-granddaughter and great-grandson make proud and glad the ancestors of whom this record is written. NICHOLAS BRITZ. KJNlCHOLAS BRITZ, a retired farmer resid- r7 ing at No. 815 Dover Avenue, has spent I Is most of his time in Cook County, the family having located here in 1852. He was born Oc- tober 20, 1842, in Luxemburg, Germany, and came to this country when ten years old, with his parents, Henry and Katherine Britz. Their passage across the ocean was attended with some thrilling experiences. The ship on which they sailed was wrecked in a violent storm, and a num- ber of lives were lost. Mr. Britz and family lost all their effects, except the clothing they wore. Their lives were saved, with some others, by an English sailing-vessel, which took them back to Europe. The ship that brought them on the second trip encountered severe storms, but finally reached harbor in safety. Their hardships did not end with the sea voyage, for they saw hard times after their arrival in Cook County. They located at Rosehill, and were obliged to 6io JACOB SICKINGER. accept any employment that offered, as they were left, by their misfortunes, in poor circumstances. Wages were low, and on account of their lack of knowledge of the language of the country, they were at a disadvantage. But they persevered, and at the end of three years, Mr. Britz pur- chased fourteen acres of land, where the son, Nicholas, now lives, and engaged in gardening for several years. He is still living, at the age of eighty-four years, in good health and spirits. His faithful wife died October 10,1884. Nicholas, whose name heads this article, is the eldest of their children and the only son. All were born in Germany except the youngest. Anna, the eldest daughter, is the wife of Nicholas Treff, residing at South Evanston. Maggie married William Bergemeir, of Ashland; and Katherine is Mrs. Christian Muno (see sketch in this volume), of Ridge Avenue, Evanston. Nicholas Britz received little education in the schools of this country, as he was early obliged to assist in the support of the family, but he is possessed of native intelligence and is able to transact business in a creditable and able manner. He assisted in the cultivation of the farm from the time of its purchase, and has been many years its sole manager. October 12, 1869, he was married to Miss Elizabeth Welter, a native of Germany. They have four sons and one daughter, namely; Peter, Nicholas, Katherine, Henry and Edward, and all are enjoying good educational advantages. All are connected with Saint Henry's Roman Catholic Church. For many years Mr. Britz followed gardening with satisfactory results, but the rapid advance- ment in value of the land for building purposes caused him to sell much of it at a handsome price. He is now living a retired life in his pleasant home, enjoying the fruits of his former industry. He is a quiet, unassuming man, who has never sought notoriety, and enjoys the respect and con- fidence of the community in which he makes his home. JACOB SICKINGER. (JACOB SICKINGER, who resides at No. I 902 Devon Avenue, is a native of Chicago (~) and a member of a pioneer family. He was born February 27, 1846, in the then suburb of Ravenswood, now a part of the city of Chicago. His parents were Sebastian and Mary Sickinger, natives of Germany, who emigrated to the United States in 1843 and settled in Cook County at once. Soon after his arrival, Sebastian Sickinger bought thirty acres of timber land, near the present site of Summerdale, and began to clear and improve it. On this ground he reared his family and carried on farming operations until his death. He subsequent!}' purchased ten acres a few miles farther west. At the beginning his means were limited, and this part of the country was mostly in a primitive condition. As a con- sequence of these circumstances, the family en- dured the numerous trials and hardships incident to pioneer life. There were six children, all, save the eldest, born in Cook County. Their names are as follows: Katherine, born in Ger- many, now the widow of John Simler, residing at Washington Heights; John, who lives on the old homestead in Summerdale; Jacob, whose name heads this notice; the fourth died, unnamed, in infancy; Lawrence, a resident of Niles Center; and Maggie, wife of Michael Barthlme. Mary Sick- inger, mother of this family, was accidentally SEBASTIAN KEIL. 611 drowned in a well in 1855, and the father died May 7, 1887. They were frugal, industrious people, and faithful members of Saint Henry's Roman Catholic Church. Jacob Sickinger secured a limited education in the early schools of the county, and was reared to fanning and gardening, which have been his life work. By industry and the assistance of his frugal wife, he has won success in it. October 7, 1870, he was married to Miss Anna Eager, who was born in Germany December 9, 1849, a daughter of Albert and Josephine Eager. Both her parents died in Germany, when Mrs. Sickinger was only sixteen years old, and she left her native land and came direct to Cook County, where she had rel- atives living. She supported herself by her own labor until her marriage. Her first two children are now deceased, the second passing away in in- fancy. The others still reside with their parents, and the names of all in order of birth are: Casper, Emma, Joseph, Augustine and Anna Sickinger. The family is in communion with Saint Henry's Roman Catholic Church, and the son is a mem- ber of the Catholic Order of Foresters. Mr. Sickinger is still occupied with gardening, cultivating about four acres of land, growing vegetables for the city market. He remembers well when most of the land upon which Summer- dale, Ravenswood and Rosehill are built was almost entirely covered with timber or stumps of trees, and the few dwellings occupied by the set- tlers were built of logs. He has not only wit- nessed the marvelous growth of this part of the city, but has contributed his share to its develop- ment and upbuilding. He is a Republican in politics, but not an office-seeker; is public-spirited and ever ready to encourage any undertaking cal- culated to serve the general welfare. SEBASTIAN KEIL (7) KBASTIAN KEIL was an early settler of ?\ Chicago, where he located in 1857. He was VlJ/ born in the Rhine Province of Prussia, Ger- many, near the city of Trier, in 1824, and was ed- ucated in his native land. For several years he was the superintendent of an asylum in Trier, and his wife also occupied a position in the same institution. They were there married, the bride being Miss Elizabeth Laux, also a native of the same locality. The family, consisting of the parents and three children, came to the United States in 1856, and remained the first winter with friends in Windsor, Connecticut. The following spring they came to Chicago and took up quarters on Indiana Ave- nue, at the corner of Twenty-sixth Street, and lived there until 1863, when Mr. Keil was elected superintendent of Saint Boniface Cemetery. He removed to the locality of the cemetery and as- sumed the duties of that office, which he held nearly twenty- four years. He then retired from active business, and on the gth of August, 1893, he passed from earthly scenes. His wife is still living at the age of eighty years. John Keil, their eldest son, died April 1 1, 1887, leaving a wife and two children. Katharine, the second child, is the wife of Peter Williams, resid- ing at No. 254 North Clark Street, Chicago. Mr. Keil was a life-long Democrat in political principles and associations, and was a faithful member of the Roman Catholic Church. Jacob, the youngest child of Sebastian Keil, was born July 29, 1854, and was educated in the public schools of Chicago. After attaining his majority he secured employment in a meat market at Rogers Park, and within a few years succeeded 6l2 F. J. WENDT. his father in charge of Saint Boniface Cemetery, where he continued twelve years. .He then built the restaurant now occupied by August Biewers, on North Clark Street, which he conducted eight years. He is now engaged in the manufacture of a compound for cleaning steam boilers. April 29, 1879, he was married to Miss Mary Mann, daughter of Nicholas Mann, an early resi- dent of the locality. Six of their seven children are living, the third, named Elizabeth, being now deceased. The others are: Nicholas, Sebastian, Katharine, Mathias, Molly and Peter. Mr. Keil is independent in politics, but his worth and integrity have been recognized by his appointment as building inspector for the Twen- ty-fifth and Twenty-sixth Wards, which position he filled two years. He is an active and efficient member of Saint Matthew's Roman Catholic Church, and of the Catholic Order of Foresters. FREDERICK J. WENDT. f~ REDERICK JOHN WENDT, of Ravens- 1M wood, is a well-known early resident of that | * part of Chicago. Mr. Wendt is a native of North Germany, where he was born September 21, 1841. His father, William Wendt, was a shepherd by occupation, and Frederick in early life followed the same business. The father died when his son was but nine years of age, leaving the mother with four children, of whom Freder- ick was the eldest. One of the younger brothers survived the father but a short time. The only daughter of the family is still a resident of Ger- many, and the only surviving brother of the sub- ject of this sketch is Charles Wendt, a resident of Summerdale, in this city. The mother, who has now attained an advanced age, lives with her son in Ravenswood. In 1868 Mr. Wendt emigrated to America. His first year in this country was spent in Ozau- kee County, Wisconsin. There he was engaged with a man named Membler, a prominent con- tractor and builder. In April, 1869, he came to what is now Ravenswood, and engaged in work for the Ravenswood Land Company. In November of the same year he was married to Miss Minnie Nave, a native of Holstein, Ger- many, and the following winter was passed in Chicago. Ravenswood was not identified with the city until a number of years later. In the spring of 1870 Mr. Wendt returned and continued in the service of the company above mentioned for about two years, when he was engaged by Mr. Daniel Downing, of the Sunny Side Hotel, with whom he continued until 1875. While in the service of Mr. Downing he assisted in laying out and beautifying Sunny Side Park, and with his own hands planted many of the trees with which that elegant park abounds. It is an interesting fact that when the site of the park was purchased by Mr. Downing not a tree was growing upon it. Many of the larger ones had attained a large growth when set out, and one thousand dollars, or one hundred dollars each, were paid by Mr. Downing for ten of the largest trees and the trans- planting of the same. Mr. Downing erected for Mr. Wendt his first residence, which is still standing, and is one of the landmarks of Ravenswood, and there the three oldest children of Mr. and Mrs. Wendt were born. In 1875 Mr. Wendt was engaged as janitor of the Ravenswood school building, and on July 23d of that year removed his family into the building, the lower part of which he has occupied as a resi- dence to the present time having served contin- A. P. GLINES. 613 uously as janitor for the long period of twenty- two years. Here the youngest child of the family, Rosa, was born. The children in the order of their birth are: Anna, who is now the wife of Clarence Gilberg, Gustave, William and Rosa. When Mr. Wendt first became a resident of what is now known as Ravenswood, much of the land was devoted to the nursery industry, and the many acres of nursery and evergreen trees pre- sented a most beautiful appearance. These have now given place to elegant homes with beautiful lawns, paved streets and stately business blocks a transformation so complete that no evidence re- mains that Ravenswood was a rural district but a few short years ago. The many years that Mr. Wendt has occupied his present position attest the faithfulness with which he has performed its du- ties. He also has charge of the Masonic build- ings at Ravenswood. He is connected with many societies, is a prom- inent Mason, having passed the Royal Arch degrees, is a member of the Order of the Eastern Star, National Union, Royal League, Royal Ar- canum, Columbian Knights and the Engineers and Janitors' Association of Chicago. Mr. Wendt is well known socially, and has ever possessed the respect, confidence and esteem of his fellow-citizens. ANDREW P. GLINES. G\ NDREW PERRY GLINES, a retired gar- LJ dener living on Bowmanville Road, is one of / I the pioneers of this part of the city (formerly Lake View). He was born in Grafton County, New Hampshire, January 31, 1822, and is the son of Isaac and Hannah (Kimball) Glines, both of whom were natives of that State. The subject of this sketch received such edu- cational training as the public schools of the time and region afforded, and at the age of twenty years began learning the stone-cutter's trade. He served a regular apprenticeship, and worked as a journeyman several years at Quincy, Massachu- setts. About 1846 he went to Jackson, Vinton Count} 1 , Ohio, where he remained three years, working at his trade, and subsequently spent a like period in Missouri, in the employ of the Iron Mountain Railroad, as stone-cutter. In 1852 he came to Chicago, and has been a resident of Cook County ever since, with the ex- ception of two years spent in Louisiana, before the war. In 1863 he enlisted in the service of the Union, as a carpenter, and served six months. For four months, in 1861, he worked at his trade at Rosehill, and, with the above exceptions, has followed market-gardening up to the time of his retirement. At first he tilled leased land, and later came into possession of land which he cared for until 1890, and then retired from active busi- ness. His success is due to the patient exercise of diligence, coupled with prudent management. August 18, 1865, Mr. Glines was married to Mrs. Elizabeth Moore, widow of John Moore. She is the daughter of Robert and Maria Dixon, both of whom were born in England and died in Ireland. Mrs. Glines was born March 14, 1832, in the North of Ireland, and came to Canada when about ten years old. She lived in Montreal until 1854, and then came to Cook County, where, in 1859, she married Mr. Moore. The latter died in 1862, leaving two children, both of whom are now deceased. Mr. Moore was possessed of the prop- erty where Mr. and Mrs. Glines reside, and here Mr. Glines resumed gardening immediately after marriage. Six children have been born to Mr. and Mrs. Glines, of whom four are now liv- 614 PETER MUNO. ing, namely: Minnie, wife of Louis Magrath; Ellsworth, of Lake View; Beatrice (Mrs. Louis Higgins), and Walter, at home. Mr. Glines acted with the Democratic party in early life, but is now independent of party affilia- tions, being unwilling to endorse wholly the policy of any party. Though not a communicant of anj' church, Mrs. Glines is a firm adherent of the faith of the Congregational Church, and her influence over her family has always been elevat- ing and progressive. All the children have been given excellent educational advantages, and the family occupies a good position in the society with which it mingles. PETER MUNO. r*\ETER MUNO, a retired farmer and early L^ settler of Cook County, was born in Damflos, }3 near Trier, Prussia, September 16, 1816, and is a son of Christian and Elizabeth Katharine (Detample) Muno, further mention of whom is made in the sketch of Henry Muno, in this volume. Peter Muno was educated in his native land, and at the age of fifteen years went to learn the trade of shoe-nail-making, which he followed un- til he emigrated to America. In February, 1842, he was married to Miss Anna Pink, who was born and reared in the same locality as himself. In 1857, in company with his wife and four children, his brother, Henry, and sister, Mary, he came to America. The year after his arrival he and his brother bought land about thirty miles south of Chicago, near the Indiana line, which they ultimately lost. After remaining there a few years, he removed to High Ridge, Cook County, and for the first five years rented land from Michael Weber, and engaged in market- gardening, meeting with good success. He then purchased forty acres of land on section 24, Evanston Township, where he now resides. This land was in its raw state, but he cleared and developed a farm, engaged in its cultivation, and carried on farming and gardening until about 1886, when he retired. Mr. and Mrs. Muno had born to them ten chil- dren, but one of these, Henry, died in the old country when a child. Nine are now living, namely: Mary, wife of Adolph Arndt, a gardener at Evanston; John, of No. 194 North Avenue, Chicago; Carl, of Rogers Park, a gardener on Touhy Avenue; Maggie, wife of Peter Kloss, a coal merchant of Fullerton Avenue; Barbara, wife of Lorenz Bugner; Katharine, now Mrs. Au- gust Richard, of Indiana; Lena, Mrs. Lawrence Marthaler, of Chicago Heights; Caroline, wife of Michael Wiltgen; and Mary, wife of Christian Michials, of No. 735 Larrabee Street, Chicago. Mrs. Muno died January 28, 1897, at the age of seventy-six years and nine months, after a married life of fifty-four years. Mr. Muno is a member of Saint Nicholas* Roman Catholic Church of South Evanston, and acts with the Democratic party in political matters. Michael Wiltgen was born in Luxemburg, Germany, December 14, 1862, and is a son of Mathias and Anna Wiltgen , who came to Amer- ica in 1873, settling in Evanston. The wife died in 1889, and Mr. Wiltgen in 1895, leaving four sons, Michael being the eldest; the others are, Martin, Felix and Eugene. Michael married Caroline Muno November 17, 1886. They have two children, Anna and Joseph. Mr. Wiltgen supports the Democratic party, and is a member of Saint Nicholas' Church. LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS HERMAN A. SCHMEDTGEN MRS. H. A. SCHMEDTGEN LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS H. A. SCHMEDTGEN. 615 HERMAN A. SCHMEDTGEN. HERMAN AUGUST SCHMEDTGEN, for many years one of the most enterprising citi- zens of Chicago, who is now retired from active labor, occupying a pleasant home on North Western Avenue, Chicago, is a native of Butt- staedt, Saxe-Weimar, Germany, born August 26, 1834. Both his parents, Frederick and Sophia (Werner) Schmedtgen, were born in the same locality. They followed the son to Amer- ica, coming two years after him, and died soon after the father at Fond du Lac, Wisconsin, in 1856, and the mother in Buffalo, New York, in 1859- The subject of this sketch learned the trade of shoemaker in his native land, and there received the excellent common-school education for which Germany is famous. He is of ingenious mind, and could readily take up almost any kind of mechanical work. In 1852 he came to this coun- try, and worked for nine months after arrival at his trade in Buffalo, New York. He then took up cabinet-work and painting, and was found to be a hand}' man with tools of any kind. He re- mained in Buffalo three years, and then went to Fond du Lac, Wisconsin, where for three years he was engaged in cabinet-making. In April, 1858, he came to Chicago, and for two years was employed in a daity, and a like period in a wholesale grocery house on South Water Street. His next undertaking was an independ- ent one. Having saved his earnings, he pur- chased a horse and wagon and for two years did an express business. He then secured a con- tract for sprinkling streets on the North Side, and, beginning with one wagon, soon increased the number to six. For about twenty-two years he continued this occupation. At the time of the Great Fire of 1871, he was able to haul away a portion of his furniture and saved his teams and wagons, but his home and stables were left smok- ing ruins. He still had the lot, however, and possessed the confidence of the business men, so that he could readily borrow money with which to resume business and replace his buildings. In 1885 he purchased one hundred and twenty acres of land where he now lives, and carried on agriculture four years. He planted all the beau- tiful shade trees which surround his home, and otherwise improved and beautified his property. The next year after his purchase he built the sub- stantial brick mansion in which he lives, and also large farm buildings. He has sold twenty-five acres of his land, and has retired from active business. Mr. Schmedtgen has always supported the Re- publican ticket in political contests, though he is independent of party lines in selecting local of- ficials. He entertains liberal religious views, and has, for that reason, refrained from associating himself with any sect. His upright character and straightforward manners have won and held the esteem and respect of his fellow-citizens, and he is considered a valuable member of society. October 31, 1856, he was married to Miss Bertie BischofF, who was born in the same place in Germany as her husband, and came to Chi- cago in 1848. They had six children, namely: Anna, wife of Frederick Capel, a butcher of Chi- 6i6 J. A. GORGES. cago; William, an artist in the employ of the Chi- cago Record; Bertha, Mrs. Henry Capitain, resid- ing in Chicago; Herman, also of Chicago, and Emma and Matilda, at home. Mrs. Schmedtgen died March 21, 1894, in San Diego, California, while visiting that country. Mr. Schmedtgen is a progressive and enterpris- success in life. When he arrived in the United States he was in debt for his passage, and is now in affluent circumstances. This is due to his energy and unflagging diligence, and the prac- tice of economy and good judgment in business. His habits have always been regular and exemplary, and he is now enjoying the fruit of ing citizen, and is entitled to great credit for his his industry and upright life. JOHN A. GORGES. (JOHN ADAM GORGES, who is now retired I from active business and liyes in a pleasant Q) home at No. 4645 North Western Avenue (Rogers Park), Chicago, is one of the honored pioneers of this locality. He is a native of Prussia, Germany, born about eighteen miles from Trier, September 8, 1820. He came to America in 1845, landing in New York in the autumn of that year. He went to Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, and remained in that State until the following spring, when he came to Cook County. In his native land he was reared to farming, and received the usual liberal education provided to every subject of the German Em- peror. For the first three years after his arrival here he worked by the month, to earn means with which to begin life for himself. He then en- gaged in farming, and continued until he retired in 1886. When he came to this part of the coun- ty it was sparsely settled, and he has borne no in- considerable part in developing and improving the land, and in promoting the moral and ma- terial welfare of the community. In the early years of his citizenship Mr. Gorges supported the Democratic party, but he could not agree with its policy in regard to slavery, and when the Republican party was organized he gave it his allegiance and has ever since sup- ported its men and measures, but never sought any official position for himself. He is a faith- ful member of the Methodist Episcopal Church, and zealous in every good work. He is still in hale and hearty enjoyment of the blessings of life, and has accumulated a competence by the prac- tice of diligence, and upright dealings. November 19, 1849, he was married to Miss Susan Rohrer, who was born near Indianapolis, in Marion County, Indiana, in 1832, and is a daughter of Samuel Rohrer, a native of Mary- land. Further mention of Mr. Rohrer will be found on another page of this article. One daughter, Susie Birdie, completes the family of Mr. Gorges. Samuel Rohrer, the father of Mrs. Gorges, came of an old Maryland family, of German de- scent. He came to Cook County in 1835 and bought a large tract of Government land in what was afterwards called Ridgeville (now in the town of Evanston). He was the first actual set- tler in this immediate vicinity, at a time when Chicago contained but a few small shanties. He followed farming here for several years and then moved to Niles Center, where he continued in the same pursuit until about 1860. At this time he removed to Blackhawk County, Iowa, settling on a farm at what is now Hudson, where he remained until his death, nearly twenty years OTTO RISTOW. 617 later. He was three times married. By the first wife he had seven children, three of whom are living, namely: Rebecca; Jacob, a resident of Chilton, Wisconsin; and Samuel, now in Hud- son, Iowa. His second marriage resulted in nine children, Mrs. Gorges being the eldest of these. Two others are now living: Jane, wife of Chester Cory, of Hudson, Iowa; and Sarah, Mrs. Charles Currier, residing in Omaha, Nebraska. The mother of these children died at Niles Center, Illinois. Mrs. Gorges established, in 1879, a retreat for the protection of unfortunate women at her home near Rogers Park, and has done a noble and im- portant work. The large mansion and adjacent cottages afford accommodations for a large num- ber of patients, and hundreds have been treated here. In all these, not a patient has been lost, a phenomenal record, and many children have been provided with good homes. Mrs. Gorges is by na- ture designed for a nurse. She is exceptionally kind and sympathetic, a true Christian woman, with an acute sense of her responsibility to her God and society. OTTO RISTOW. ITTO RISTOW, who is a successful florist of Chicago, with greenhouses on North Western Avenue, was born July 22, 1850, in Ger- many. His parents, Erdman and Katherine Ristow, were born in the same locality, where they resided most of their lives. They passed away in Chicago, whither they had followed their children after their own retirement from active life. Otto Ristow received the excellent education provided in German laws for all the natives of that happy Empire, and was reared to the busi- ness of a florist, so that he was prepared to enter at once upon a successful career upon his arrival in this country. He left his native home at the early age of seventeen years, and came to the United States, being the first of his family to be- come a citizen of this country. The next year he was followed by his brother, Julius, and two years later the parents and three sisters came. All the sisters are now residents of Chicago. After landing at New York, young Ristow proceeded to Milwaukee and continued two years in Wis- consin, where he was employed as a farm hand and gardener. He came to Cook County in 1870, and has ever since continued to reside here. For a year or two he worked in the service of other florists, and about 1872 he and his brother began business for themselves, as florists. They leased land and conducted business under the title of Ristow Brothers, and this connection continued several years. The partnership was dissolved by mutual consent and each purchased a small tract of ground where they now live. Owing to his lim- ited means, Mr. Ristow was compelled to begin business on a small scale, first building two green- houses. As he was prospered he built additional roofs of glass, and now has about an acre of space thus covered. At this time he produces nothing but roses for the cut-flower trade, and markets them through a commission house in the city. The example of Mr. Ristow is commended to all ambitious youths, who may, if they will, learn from it the secret of success. By diligent attention to one line of labor, he was enabled to earn some money, and his careful habits made it possible to save some of the money earned. An investment of this money gave him land on which to produce that which found ready sale, and the same indus- 6i8 J. C. SCHIESSWOHt. try and prudent management which has charac- terized all his life extended his operations, until now he owns and operates ten large greenhouses. Although he is now in an independent position, he continues his careful attention to business, and thus preserves the accumulations of industry and prudence. He is a good citizen, and does his part in the support of all worthy public enter- prises. He is independent in political action, using his best efforts to ensure the selection of competent and faithful men for the administration of public trusts. He is a faithful member of the Lutheran Church, as are his wife and children, and is among the most liberal contributors to its support. Mr. Ristow has been twice married. In 1871 Miss Fredericka Haas became his wife. She was born in Germany and came to this country in 1867. She bore her husband eleven children, of whom seven are now living, namely: Krnest, William, Louis, Lena, Lily, Arthur and Frede- rick. The eldest married Miss Tina Haker Sep- tember 24, 1896, and is established in business as a florist, while the others still reside with their father. The mother of this family died in March, 1892, and September 29 of that year Mr. Ristow married Miss Louise Konka, who was born in Chicago, and is a daughter of Peter and Johanna Konka, both of whom were born in Germany and are now residents of St. Louis, Missouri. JACOB C. SCHIESSWOHL. flACOB CHRISTOPHER SCHIESSWOHL, I who is living in retirement at his beautiful Qj home, No. 3957 Ridge Avenue, Chicago, has been actively identified with the business inter- ests of Chicago and Cook County forty-four years. He is a native of Wurtemburg, Germany, born November 29, 1835, a son of John and Christina (Ried) Schiesswohl, both of whom were born in the same locality. In his native land, Jacob C. Schiesswohl en- joyed the advantages of the splendid school sys- tem in vogue there, and at an early ajje became proficient in the elementary branches, in the mean time having learned the butcher's trade. In 1852, when he was seventeen years of age, with his parents and only sister, Albertina, he set out for the United States. At Havre, France, the port from which they were to embark, they found immediate passage could not be obtained, owing to the vast throng of emigrants from the continental countries of Europe who were crowd- ing to the guards every outgoing vessel. After waiting three weeks, they joined a party of two hundred people, mostly Germans, who chartered the sailing brig ' 'Excelsior, ' ' commanded by Capt. George Smith. During the voyage, a long and tedious one, young Jacob was selected to appor- tion the ship's supply of water to the passengers, each receiving a certain daily allowance. As supplementary to this duty, he was charged with the duty of looking after the sanitary condition of the vessel, by the enforcement of its rules. After disembarking at Castle Garden, New York, the family started for the West, traveling by rail to Buffalo, thence to Detroit by boat, and to Chicago by rail. The father was possessed of but limited means, and he and Jacob worked at any employment offered, the first work of the latter being in unloading lumber from lake ves- sels. Both were industrious, and by frugal liv- ing, they were enabled to save something. In 1856 the}' established themselves in a meat market J. C. SCHIESSWOHL. 619 on Fifth Avenue, between Harrison and Polk Streets. Shortly afterward Jacob left the busi- ness to the sole care of the father and accepted employment in a packing house. At the outbreak of the Civil War, in 1861, the elder Mr. Schiesswohl laid aside his business and enrolled himself as a member of Company E, Eighteenth Kansas Volunteer Infantry. He nobly did his duty, and for three years and four months he maintained the proud record of his country- men as being among the best soldiers in the world. He participated in many of the hottest engagements of the war, and marched with Gen- eral Banks in the famous Red River Expedition and other exploits somewhat similar, in Arkansas. The war over, he received an honorable discharge and returned to his home in Chicago and resumed business. This he continued until 1872, in which year both he and his good wife expired, their deaths occurring within two weeks. Sub- sequent to his death, the colonel of his regiment in the army, without consulting the son, ordered a headstone to be erected at his grave. His gal- lant conduct in the ranks had endeared him to his commanding officer, and this graceful act was a tribute of remembrance of a soldier's duty well done. Jacob C. Schiesswohl began business on his own responsibility in 1860, when he opened a small meat market at Ohio and North Clark Streets, which he conducted successfully three years. He then entered into a co-partnership and acquired an interest in a pleasure garden known as Huck's Garden, and in a brewery. Six years later he disposed of these interests and purchased property on the corner of Sheffield and Fletcher Avenues, and engaged in general team- ing. This property, which has greatly enhanced in value, he still owns. Two years later he re- sumed the butcher business, which he conducted in different places, uninterruptedly, for nineteen consecutive years, and with profit to himself and satisfaction to his patrons. By judicious investments of his savings in real property, he accumulated a valuable estate. He bought lots 41 and 43, on Evanston Avenue, while a member of the firm of Schiesswohl & Peterson, and in 1873 he acquired land at the corner of Lincoln and Wrightwood Avenues, op- posite the car barns, which proved a profitable venture. He also owns other valuable properties, among which are eleven stores. In all his various enterprises he has been ably assisted by his de- voted wife, who has done much to make his career successful. They builded sure at the bot- tom, and as their business expanded, it took on healthful growth under their joint management, and developed into a handsome fortune. At his twenty-first birthday he was a qualified voter, and cast his first presidential vote for Gen. John C. Fremont, since which time he has con- tinuously voted with the Republican party, hav- ing always taken an active interest and leading part in public affairs. In 1863 he became a resi- dent of Lake View, and in 1866 he was elected police justice for four years, and at the end of the term was re-elected, creditably serving in this capacity eight years. Before the expiration of the second term he was elected to a place on the Board of Trustees of Lake View, in which he acted three years, and upon the incorporation of Lake View as a city he was honored with a seat in the Council as alderman, and re-elected the follow- ing year without opposition. So acceptably did he discharge the duties incumbent upon him, that at the beginning of the second term as alderman he was petitioned by a large number of leading citizens, irrespective of party, to allow his name to be presented as a citizens' candidate forMayor, which honor, however, he declined. He is an acceptable member of the Turner's Society, which he joined soon after arriving in Chicago, and he is now one of the oldest living who belonged to it at that time. He is a charter member of Mythra Lodge No. 410, Ancient Free and Accepted Masons, and was as well a charter member of Wright's Grove Lodge No. 779, of the same order, and a charter member of Lincoln Park Chapter, Royal Arch Masons. Mr. Schiesswohl was united in marriage No- vember 27, 1860, with Miss Maria Phillip, daugh- ter of Jacob and Katharine Phillip, early settlers in Rogers Park. Eight children have blessed the union of Mr. and Mrs. Schiesswohl, as follows: 62O HENRY KEMPER. Anna, who died in her eighteenth year; Philip, a butcher and grocer of Chicago; Elizabeth, the wife of Albert U. Peterson; John A., grocer and meat dealer at Argyle Park; Albertina, residing with her parents; Jacob, who carries on a fruit ranch in Colorado; Ottillie and May, at home. While not members of any church, both Mr. and Mrs. Schiesswohl are Christians in their lives and character, and take an active interest in and sup- port all enterprises that subserve the public good. Mr. Schiesswohl retired from active business March i, 1889, at which time he turned the busi- ness over to his son and daughter. Since then he has lived in the quiet retirement of his well- appointed home. When he arrived in Chicago, the city's population scarcely exceeded fifty thou- sand souls. Boundless prairies extended to the south and west, while on the north, adjacent to the lake shore, was a dense growth of dwarfish timber. During the forty-four years he has resided here, the wonderful transformation has been ac- complished, by which the prairies and chaparral have disappeared covered now by mammoth business blocks and stately mansions of brick and stone, and the population has been increased more than thirty-fold. HENRY KEMPER. HENRY KEMPER, of the firm of Kemper Brothers, dealers in flour and feed at Nos. 663 and 665 North Halsted Street, is a rep- resentative of the progressive element of Chicago. He was born February 17, 1845, in Westphalia, Prussia, a son of Frank and Elizabeth Kemper, both natives of that place. Frank Kemper was a laborer, who saw little hope of bettering his condition in his native land, and, when his family included three children, he determined to seek a home in America. Bidding a sad farewell to wife and children, he set out, strong in hope and faithful resolve to carve out his fortune in an unknown land, whose language was as strange to him as its people. Arriving in New York, he shortly found employment in the city, but soon removed to Woodstown, New Jersey. In the course of a year he saved up enough to send for his wife, and with her aid he was able, within the next year, to send for two of the children. Henry, whose name heads this article, was the last to come, arriving in January, 1860. Another child, Christina, was born to the parents after their arrival in this country, but she is now deceased. The others are, beside the sub- ject of this sketch: William, his partner in busi- ness; and Anna, wife of Albert Westphal, of No. 66 1 North Halsted Street. The family remained in New Jersey until 1868, when they removed to Chicago. Soon after his arrival Mr. Kemper bought forty acres of land on the present site of Grogan, then called Whiskey Point, half a mile south of Fullerton Avenue, and engaged in farm- ing for a few years. He then sold his land and moved into the city. At the time of the Great Fire he lost nearly all he possessed, but he ulti- mately recovered his fortune, and is now living in honored retirement. Mrs. Kemper died in 1890, aged seventy-two years. Henry Kemper was educated in the public schools of his native place, and was employed in practical pursuits from the time of his arrival in this country. He remained with his parents and assisted in the labors of the farm until he was of age. In 1872 he began the business in which he is now engaged, and located in his present store FREDERICK BRISTLE. 621 about ten years since. Although he began life with few advantages, he has steadily advanced to a position of affluence and importance in the com- munity. In 1891 he built the handsome and commodious residence in which he has since dwelt, at No. 3749 North Paulina Street, Chi- cago. In 1868 Mr. Kemper was married to Miss Anna Stilling, a native of Westphalia. Three of the children born of this union are now living, name- ly, William, Albert and Clara. Death robbed the children of their mother in July, 1887. In the spring of 1888 Mr. Kemper married Miss Kath- erine Altenhofeu, who was born in Prussia, across the river opposite Lunenburg, Germany. By this marriage there are five children: Lena, Frank, Hubert, Matthias and Carrie. Mr. Kemper is a public-spirited citizen, and a thorough American in ideas and principle, be- lieving this to be the best country in the world.- In State and National elections he supports the candidates of the Republican party, but in local affairs, the man he deems best fitted to administer affairs receives his vote. Both he and his family are faithful communicants of Saint Henry's Ro- man Catholic Church, and he enjoys the confi- dence and esteem of the entire community in which he lives. His example of energy, industry and fair dealing is commended to the youth of the land as worthy of emulation. FREDERICK BRISTLE. P~ REDBRICK BRISTLE (deceased) was a r3 native of Chicago, born in that portion of I ^ the city then called Lake View, August 21, 1857. Extended mention of his parents, Chris- tian and Katharine Bristle, is made in this vol- ume, in connection with the biography of Conrad Bristle. The boyhood of the subject of this sketch was spent beneath the parental roof and he was edu- cated in the public schools. During his early youth he was taught the rudimental branches of learning. His school days, however, were of brief duration. When he became large enough it was necessary for him to perform his part of the manual labor required for the support of the family. It was early in life that he learned the all- important lesson of depending upon his own efforts, and as well did he recognize and respect the rights of dependence upon himself of those who had just claim upon his strength. At the age of twenty-one he began life on his own account, as a market-gardener. The frugal and industrious boy soon developed into a shrewd and energetic man of business. He exercised good judgment in the investment of his surplus capital in real estate, and its rise in value in a short time made him comfortably well off. He was married June 27, 1883, to Miss Mary E. Johnston, who was born July 30, 1861, in Chi- cago, and is a daughter of John and Jane (Keys) Johnston, natives of County Tyrone, Ireland, where they were married. Immediately after, in 1860, they came to the United States, and resided in Pike County, Illinois, nearly a year before coming to Chicago. The father was first em- ployed in the old Chicago Cemetery, and about 1867 he bought five acres of land in Lake View Township and engaged in gardening, at which he was very successful. He departed this life in 1889, at fifty- five years of age, surviving his wife a period of eighteen years. They were the par- ents of seven children, three of whom died in infancy. Those living are: Mary E. (Mrs. F. Bristle) ; Arthur, residing on Ridge Avenue, Chi- 622 REV. OTTO GRCENEBAUM. cago; Jane, wife of John B. Sanderson, of the same city; and William, of Downer's Grove, Illi- nois. Mr. and Mrs. Johnston were adherents of the Episcopal Church, and lived in strict con- formity to the requirements of their creed and religious convictions. To Mr. and Mrs. Bristle were born three chil- dren: Frederick John, Joseph Henry and Jennie Katharine. Mr. Bristle's death was untimely and unexpected. His career was full of promise, and his early achievements predicted for him assured success, had his life been spared. He passed away August 21, 1887. His early religious training was in the Lutheran faith, but in man- hood he became a member of the Congregational Church, of which he was a liberal supporter. His devoted wife survives him, and has proven her- self equal to the emergencies incumbent upon widowhood, and has managed the unfinished life- work of her husband, as contemplated by him, with an adroitness that has crowned her efforts with success. She combines with her business acumen all the graces of true womanhood, and her. mind and heart are in her home, where her domesticity is apparent to her large circle of friends and acquaintances. REV, OTTO GRCENEBAUM. REV. OTTO GRCENEBAUM. Among the highly esteemed and respected citizens of South Evanston, none are more worthy than Rev. Otto Graenebaum, who is now pastor of Saint Nicholas' Roman Catholic Church. He was born in the Province of Westphalia, Ger- many, August 28, 1837. His parents were Frank and Ludovika Grcenebaum, natives of that place. In the parochial schools of his native place he re- ceived his rudimentary education. When a young man he entered the gymnasium of Warendorf, from which he graduated in 1859, after which he spent four years at the University of Minister, in the Province of Westphalia, completing his philo- sophical and theological education. In May, 1864, he came to America, locating in Wisconsin, and for over two years was a teacher in different academies in Milwaukee. In the fall of 1866 he resumed his studies for the priesthood, and was ordained February 15, 1867, at Milwau- kee. Subsequently he assumed charge of a church in Omaha, Nebraska, where for fourteen years he labored faithfully and efficiently. In 1881 he came to Illinois, and for several years he had charge of different congregations. In 1887 he or- ganized Saint Nicholas' Church in South Evans- ton, with sixty-three families. In that year he purchased the ground and built the church and residence, at an expense of twenty thousand dol- lars. The church is a plain, but substantial structure, the upper part being used for the church and the lower or ground floor for a school room and dwelling for the Sisters. Under the careful and able management of Father Groenebaum the church has prospered and grown, until the congregation numbers about one hundred seventy families. His own excellent education eminently fitted him to look after the welfare of the school, and at present it has an av- erage attendance of about one hundred fifty scholars. Father Grrenebaum is loved by all his flock, for his careful watch over them and his kindness to the poor. Not only is the church out of debt, but it has a handsome surplus in its treasury. Father Grcenebaum is a ripe scholar, a kind, genial gentleman, and deservedly popular, not only with the members of his large congrega- tion, but also with the community. LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS GEORGE A. PHILBRICK (From Photo, by W. J. ROOT) G. A. PHILBRICK. 623 GEORGE A. PHILBRICK. (2JEORGE ALBERT PHILBRICK, who has l_ been connected with public affairs in the \^4 town of Cicero for over a quarter of a century, is a descendant of one of the oldest New England families. The Philbricks have always belonged to the great middle class, which is the mainstay of our modern civilization. While re- ceiving their share of public offices, they have never been willing to sacrifice their independence to se- cure any position, either political or commercial. Thomas Philbrick was a sea captain, and man}' of his descendants have followed the sea, or made their homes near the ocean or some other body of water. They have usually been fairly prosper- ous men, none of them being either very rich or very poor. The first of the family in America was Thomas Philbrick, who emigrated from Lincolnshire, England, to Watertown, Massachusetts, about 1630. He was a shipmaster, and, about 1650, removed to Hampton, New Hampshire, where two of his sons had preceded him. He died in 1667, surviving his wife, Elizabeth, who passed away in 1663. The names of the parents in direct line from Thomas to George A. Philbrick, are as follows: James (eldest son of Thomas) and Ann Roberts (daughter of Thomas Roberts); Capt. James and Hannah (Perkins); Deacon Joseph and Elizabeth (Perkins) ; James and Tabitha (Dow); David and Jane (Marston); and Simon and Louisa (Young). The family has been known in England for many centuries; one member (then called De Philbrique) was one of the followers of William the Conqueror, in his conquest of that country. In England the name is gen- erally spelled Philbrick, though by some it is still called Philbrique. Simon Philbrick was born in Ossipee, New Hampshire, and there learned the trade of car- penter. After his marriage he removed to Corinna, Maine, where he purchased a farm and lived for the remainder of his life. He was a man universally loved and respected, being noted for his strict honesty and integrity. He was a sin- cere member of the Free Will Baptist Church, and his house was the meeting place for all the clergy, who always found a warm welcome. He died June 19, 1878, aged seventy-five years. Mrs. Louisa Philbrick was of Scotch descent. She passed away in 1888^ aged eighty-two years. They were the parents of three sons, as follows: Jacob, a farmer in Corinna, Maine; George, the subject of this notice; and John W., who died in Corinna in 1873. The latter, who was a most estimable young man, contracted the small-pox of a woman for whom he did a service on a rail- way train, which caused his death. George A. Philbrick remained on the home farm until he reached the age of twenty years, at- tending the country schools and the academy at Corinna and Fox Croft. He then taught school two years in the country schools of his native State, and the same length of time in Delaware and Maryland. In 1857 he removed to Illinois, where he taught one year in Adams Count}-, and then served six years as principal at Hamilton. In 1864 he entered the employ of Gafford & Com- pany, pork packers in Iowa, as bookkeeper, and in May, 1865, he came to Chicago. In the school year of 1868-69 he taught in a part of Cicero, which is now included in the city, and in the meantime was elected town clerk, also receiving at this time the office of secretary of the, Union Park Lodge of Ancient Free and Accepted 624 JOHN BARTELS. Masons. He held the office of town clerk four and one-half years, and April 24, 1874, was ap- pointed treasurer of the school trustees of Cicero. The latter position he has ever since retained, his term expiring in 1898, and making twenty-four years of continuous service. During that time the town of Cicero has had remarkable develop- ment, and though of much smaller area than for- merly, its population is made up largely of wealthy and intelligent men, who take great pride in their schools, and insist upon having the best in the State. The amount expended through Mr. Philbrick, as shown by his report for the year from April, 1896, to April, 1897, was $235, 593. 72. On the organization of the Cicero Building and Loan Association, in 1886, Mr. Philbrick became a director and was four years treasurer, and since 1891 he has been secretary. At the time of the Great Fire of 1 87 1 he was in charge of the books of the township treasurer of Cicero and many corporations, and so thoroughly familiar was he with their financial affairs, that, though the books were destroyed, including many notes, he was able to supply substitutes for all the missing papers and the names of all the debtors of the town in school matters. It is doubtful if there is another record of such powers of concentration and memory in America or elsewhere. At this time he filled the following offices and kept their accounts: secretary of Union Park Lodge; town clerk of the town of Cicero; ex-officio secretary of the board of trustees of the town of Cicero; secretary of the Chicago Asphalt Company and secretary and treasurer of the Chicago and Joliet Gravel Company, also secretary of the town treasurer and supervisor. Over one and a-half million accounts were destroyed and not a dollar was lost track of, owing to his remarkable memory. October 25, 1855, Mr. Philbrick married Mary Hinds Stevens, who was born in Dover, Maine, and is a daughter of Nathaniel M. and Betsy (Hinds) Stevens. One daughter was born of this union, Mary A., now the wife of Oliver W. Marble, an architect of Chicago. Mrs. Philbrick is an enthusiastic disciple of Christian science, devoting much of her time to that study. She is one of three ladies that prevented saloons from being established in Austin. Her husband also takes great interest in this subject, feeling that he has had practical demonstration of the truth of this science. Mr. Philbrick was initiated into Masonry in Penobscot Lodge, Dexter, Maine, in 1855. He was subsequently connected for ten years with Union Park Lodge, of Chicago. He is now a member of Cicero Chapter, No. 180, Royal Arch Masons, at Austin, and has been its treasurer since 1878. He is also a member of Siloam Comtnandery. JOHN BARTELS. QOHN BARTELS was born December 4, 1828, I in Luderditmarshen, Holstein, Germany, of Q) honored German ancestry. He came to America when he was twenty-four years of age, being an ambitious youth, and attracted thither by the great opportunities offered to men of en- terprise. He settled in Chicago, and being a frugal and industrious man, worked and saved until he was able to engage in business for him- self, and gradually gained prosperity. In 1880 he started a flour and feed store on the corner of Milwaukee Avenue and Pratt Street, and two years later he was able to buy a lot on the corner of Milwaukee Avenue and Carpenter Street, where he built a store. This was about the time of the assassination of President Lincoln. Mr. Bartels W. L. WILCOX. 625 continued business there until his death. For many years John Baumgartner was his partner. January 7, 1871, Mr. Bartels' death occurred, resulting from an injury done by a wagon. His wife continued the business many years, with commendable commercial tact and enterprise. She finally sold out and began improving the real estate she owned, and in this she was also successful. John Bartels was well and favorably known by the community, and especially by the German element. He was a shrewd business man and had a remarkably large acquaintance. He was a member of the Independent Order ol Odd Fellows, the Schleswig-Holstein Verein and the German Lutheran Church. January 9, 1872, Mrs. Bartels married Jacob Bartels, a brother of her first husband. She was married the first time on June 14, 1857, and by this union had two children, Robert Herman and Lewis. She and her second husband became the parents of two children, Alvina A. and Alfred J. The family is connected with the Lutheran Evangelical Church, and its members are honored and respected by all who know them. WILLIAM L WILCOX. LE ROY WILCOX was born, November 13, 1859, in Allegany County, New York. He was the son of William and Elizabeth (Van Velzor) Wilcox, of Allegany County, near the town of Friendship. The fam- ily moved in 1871 to Grand Rapids, Michigan, where, a few years later, his mother died, leaving the other children in his care. Notwithstanding this heavy responsibility, he was able to enter the Michigan Agricultural College at Lansing at the age of eighteen years, teaching school during vacations and pursuing the study of medicine without a preceptor, when not engaged at his regular duties. In 1 88 1 he moved to Chicago and entered Ben- nett Medical College, where a number of prizes for scholarship marked his devotion to his work. Upon his graduation, in 1883, he began the prac- tice of his profession at Irving Park, near Chi- cago, at the same time occupying successively the chairs of Demonstrator of Chemistry and Assist- ant Professor of Surgery in his alma mater. In time his increasing practice compelled a relin- quishinent of these positions. He graduated from Rush Medical College in 1889, and was health inspector of the Twenty-seventh Ward until his trip to Europe in 1891. He took his family with him and spent a year abroad, most of it in the London hospitals and Heidelberg University, Germany. December 18, 1883, Dr. Wilcox married Miss Mary Elma Adams, daughter of James W. and Lee (Bowman) Adams the former of Scotch descent and a native of Ohio, and the latter a native of Canada. Four children blessed their union, namely: Hazel Lee, Leon Bowman, Albyn Adams and Mary Eula. Dr. Wilcox was always true to the trust left him by his mother, and never forgot the welfare of his brothers and sisters. He was the architect of his own fortunes and made a success in life, under circumstances that would have appalled most men. In his noble life-work he was ably assisted by his wife, who survives him and who was a worthy companion of such a man. She was ever ready to aid and support him in all his un- dertakings, with her encouragement and faith in him. Both were active members of the American 626 ARCHIBALD CLYBOURN. Reformed Church of Irving Park. At the time of Dr. Wilcox' death he was a member of the Illinois State Medical Society and Chicago Medi- cal Society. He was a member of the Masonic order, being a Master Mason; a member of Irving Park Chapter and Saint Elmo Commandery. He died from an accident, September 22, 1895, and was buried with Masonic honors. ARCHIBALD CLYBOURN. RCHIBALD CLYBOURN, the second civil- I 1 ian settler of Chicago, might with much / I truth be called the first. Though he was preceded by Gurdon S. Hubbard, the latter came here to trade with the Indians, and it is an open question whether he intended at the time to make a permanent location. Mr. Clybourn left his Vir- ginia home with the intention of settling here, be- cause he had heard glowing accounts of the beauty and fertility of the country. In his day he saw the wilderness grow to be a city, having a popu- lation of many hundreds of thousands. He was born in the second year of the present century, on the 28th day of August, at Pearis- burgh, Giles County, Virginia, and was a son of Jonas and Elizabeth (Mackenzie) Clybourn. His mother, with a sister, was stolen from their home near Pearisburgh, by the Indians in child- hood, but was afterward restored to her friends. While in captivity she married a trader named Clark; and her sister married John Kinzie, of whom extended mention appears elsewhere. Archibald Clybourn lived on a Virginia farm until he attained his majority, enjoying the limited advantages of that period and region. On the 24th day of August, 1823, he arrived in Chicago, and soon afterward took a position in the store of John A. Kinzie at that point. In 1826 he was located on the Fox River, engaged in trade with the Indians. The next year, in com- pany with his brother, Henly Clybourn, he en- tered into a contract with the United States Government to furnish beef to its soldiers in this section, and for several years traveled over the State and Northwest, buying up and driving in cattle with which to carry out this agreement. On one occasion, the Rev. Peter Cartwright, afterward celebrated as a pioneer preacher, was assisting him to drive in some cattle which Cly- bourn had purchased from Cartwright; and being provoked at the clergyman's clumsiness in hand- ling cattle, the frontiersman, with characteristic bluntness, assured the preacher that he would have to be a better herder of sinners than of cattle or he would never make his salt in the business. During the Black Hawk War, when thousands of settlers flocked to Fort Dearborn for protection, Mr. Clybourn drew heavily on his large flocks for the sustenance of the refugees, for which he never received any appreciable remuneration, and this liberality was all that avoided a famine in the little hamlet of Chicago. After a short time Mr. Clybourn bought out his brother's interest in the beef contracts, which he continued to fulfill until the removal of the garrison from Chicago to Green Bay. He con- tinued extensively in the meat business at Chi- cago until his death, which occurred on the 2jd of August, 1872. In the course of his life Mr. Clybourn dealt con- siderably in real estate, and one of the principal North Side avenues is named in his honor. For a short period, at the time of the first settlements at Milwaukee, he was interested with Byron Kil- bourn in the site of that town, and one of its thoroughfares now bears his name, but he soon returned to Chicago. Mr. Clybourn took an active interest in the affairs of this city during its ARCHIBALD CLYBOURN. 627 formative period, and was called upon to bear his share in the conduct of local affairs. He served several years as a justice of the peace, being appointed in 1831 the first in Chicago, and was the first treasurer of Cook County. While Chi- cago was yet a precinct of Peoria County, he was made its constable, and later served as trustee of the school section. In early life he was in polit- ical sentiment what was known as a Henry Clay Whig, was an ardent Abolitionist and was among the founders of the Republican party, which he lived to see in possession of all the departments of the National Government; and was able to rejoice with many others in the emancipation of the American slave. In religious faith he was a Uni- versalist, and was one of the organizers of Saint Paul's Church of that denomination in Chicago. He helped to build Baptist and Methodist churches, and in every way sustained his part in developing the moral, as well as the material, wel- fare of his home city. In the memory of the pioneers of Chicago he has ever been cherished as one of her most upright and worthy citizens. Jonas Clybourn was descended from one of the founders of the American Nation, Capt. Will- iam Clayborne, a member of the council and secretary of the colony of Virginia. Captain Clayborne was the first to settle on lands now within the State of Maryland, and contested the possession of Kent Island, in Chesapeake Bay, with Lord Baltimore. From him are descended all bearing the name, which has undergone sev- eral changes in spelling, being oft en written Clai- borne, as well as Clybourn, in America. The Magazine of Western History says: "Coming of this stock on his father's side, Archibald Clybourn inherited in addition, from his mother, a love of the broad, grassy plains, the hills and dales, the riv- ers and lakes, of the far West with which she had become acquainted in childhood and young wo- manhood. The acquaintance was not made under the most favorable circumstances, it is true, but the natural beauty of the country had ap- pealed to her in the midst of her savage surround- ings. " After eighteen years of captivity 1777 to 1795 she was restored by the treaty of Wayne to her parents and friends, and was married in her native Virginia to Jonas Clybourn. At the time of her capture by predatory Shawnees, her mother, brother and older sister and a baby were killed. The father and a brother were at the time at a fort in quest of protection for the settlers. Archibald Clybourn was one of the three origi- nal white settlers of Chicago. The first was John Kinzie, who married Cly bourn's aunt while she was in Indian captivity, and who came to Chicago in 1804. Following him was GurdonS. Hubbard, who arrived in 1818 and engaged in trade with the Indians. The story of Clybourn's journey to Chicago is thus interestingly told by the same writer quoted above Mr. Howard Louis Conard: "Accepting from his father a pres- ent of one hundred dollars in money and a horse, he left his Virginia home on the 23d day of May, 1823. He had determined to make the trip to Fort Dearborn on horseback, and the journey which commenced when he turned his back on the place of his birth was a long and tedious one. After leaving Chillicothe, Ohio, his course lay through an almost unbroken wil- derness until he reached the open, prairie coun- try. There were no roads and in many places no well-defined trails to be followed, and his progress was necessarily slow. For hundreds of miles he traveled through a country almost as thickly settled now as New England in which there was not to be found so much as a settler's cabin. When he laid down at night it was with no other shelter than the starry canopy overhead, while for protection against wild animals and savages alike he could only rely upon the rifle, which was always at his side. The same trusty rifle fur- nished him the means of subsistence, which con- sisted of the game shot from day to day and cooked in the most primitive fashion over a camp fire. ' ' Two years later he induced his parents to come to Chicago, with the entire family. "Jonas Clybourn, the father, was a sturdy old Virginian, who had served his country in the War of 1812, fought Indians in his boyhood and early man- hood, and felt quite at home among the natives of the prairie region. * * Mrs. Clybourn found herself in a familiar locality. Twent3'-five years 628 JOHN KAY. earlier she had traversed the country with the Indian tribe by which she had been brought up, and the changes of a quarter of a century had not materially altered the appearance." Mr. Cly bourn's business experience was not unlike that of many early residents of Chicago, who supposed themselves able to retire on a com- fortable competence before the Great Fire of 1871. He was a diligent worker and shrewd investor, and by the time he had been a dozen years in Illi- nois he was considered immensely wealthy. He owned large tracts of land in Wisconsin and Michigan, besides his extensive holdings in the embryo city of Chicago. The financial troubles of 1837 found his interests widely diversified, and he endeavored by the sale of his lands out- side the city of Chicago to retain his business standing and credit. He succeeded in selling the lands, but before he could get to Chicago with the "carpet sack full of money" which they brought him, the money had become almost valueless and his sacrifice was largely in vain. However, he had in large measure recovered his fortune when the Great Fire again robbed him of most of his accumulations. He was now almost seventy years of age, and it was too late to begin life anew. He never lost his cheerfulness, and his closing years were passed in the peaceful con- templation of the city 's rapid growth and in happy social intercourse with his contemporaries. His handsome brick dwelling, which stood on a slight eminence near the North Branch of the Chicago River, on what is now known as Elston Avenue, was the first of that material in or near Chicago, and was known as the Clybourn mansion. In 1829 Mr. Clybourn was married to Miss Mary Galloway, who was born in Conneaut, Erie County, Pennsylvania, on the I2th of Aug- ust, 1812, and who still survives, in a vigorous and peaceful old age. She is a daughter of James Galloway, of whom extended mention will be found in the biography of Joel Ellis. Of the ten children of Archibald and Mary Clybourn, Sarah, Mrs. Vincent Barney, resides at Morley, Illinois. Margaret, now deceased, was the wife of Richard Holden, who resides in Chicago; James is the successor of his father in business, being proprie- tor of a fine meat market in Chicago. John died here, as the effect of his service in the Union army; he went out as a captain, and returned as major of the Twelfth Illinois Volunteers. Will- iam and Henry C. reside in Chicago, where Charles died, leaving five children. Mary is Mrs. John C. Parks, of Chicago; Frank is a commis- sion dealer at the Stock Yards in Chicago, in which city Martha also resides. JOHN KAY. (lOHN KAY was born April 14, 1842, in Yorkshire, England, at Borrow Bridge. He is a son of Abel Archdale and Elizabeth (Marshall) Kay, both of whom were born in the same locality, which was the home of their fam- ilies. Abel A. Kay was a poor man, and his wife was the daughter of a wealthy landowner. They came to America with their eight children in 1843, and went direct to the hotel of Charles McDonald, on the corner of Market and Randolph Streets, Chicago, which was the rallying place for all English emigrants who came to Cook County. Mr. Kay bought over one hundred acres of land, on which Captain Johnson had filed a claim and built a very comfortable house, and in this Mr. Kay lived until his death. He died in 1848, and for several years his wife conducted the farm, and then rented it until her son John LUDWIG HAMMERSTROM. 629 was old enough to cultivate it. Mr. and Mrs. Kay had the following children: Ann, who mar- ried Mr. McClanathan and is now dead; Abel, who died in 1891; Elizabeth (Mrs. Thomas Burkill, of Jefferson Township), now deceased; Frances, Mrs. McClanathan;'Jane, who married Edward Gray, and is deceased; Emma, Mrs. William Myers, who lived on the old homestead, and is now deceased; Marshall, who died at the age of seventeen; John, the subject of this sketch; and Joseph Archdale, who was born in Jefferson Township, and still lives on part of the old farm. John Kay enjoyed a very limited opportunity for an education. His father and a neighbor built a log schoolhouse, and his father's house was usually the home of the teacher. When he was sixteen years of age, he began the care of the farm, and he was engaged at this until 1869, when it was divided. Mrs. Kay died in December, 1889, aged eighty-four years, and thus ended the life of one who had been of good influence in the community, and who had lived a long and useful life. She was reared in the Church of England and joined the Congregational Church in later life, and her children were reared in the Baptist faith. John Kay is a member of the Sons of Saint George. In politics he thinks for himself, and does not follow the dictates of any party, but sup- ports the man he regards as most fitted for office. He is a good, reliable citizen and enjoys uni- versal respect. LUDWIG HAMMERSTROM. I UDWIG HAMMERSTROM, an old citizen It of Cook County, was born January 17, l_2r 1829, in Tueckhude, Kreis Demmin, Pom- mern, Germany. He received a limited educa- tion in his native country and then learned the trade of mason. Being eager for an opportunity to rise in position, and hoping to find this in America, he decided to emigrate. With his wife and one child he set sail from Hamburg in the summer of 1856, and arrived in Chicago October 15 of the same year. Since that time Mr. Hammerstrom has been a resident of Cook County, taking great interest in the growth of the great metropolis. He followed his trade until the fire of 1871, when his home on Tomey Street and his household furniture were destroyed. He owned two houses on Sedg- wick Street, from which he received one hun- dred and sixty dollars in insurance, on a claim of thirty-five hundred dollars. Shortly after the fire he built a comfortable residence on Sedg- wick Street, and in 1872 he established a saloon and liquor store at the corner of Willow and Hal- sted Streets, which he conducted for five years. About 1877 Mr. Hammerstrom bought land near Niles Center, where he resided two years, engaged in farming, and then removed to the northwest corner of Halsted and Willow Streets. Five years later he sold his business interests, and now lives in retirement and ease. In 1883 he built the handsome brick structure on that corner, in which he has his residence. Mr. Hammerstrom is a supporter of the Re- publican party, but has never held any public office. He is a member of the Workingmen's Society. He and his family are connected with the Lutheran Church, and are respected as in- telligent and refined members of society. 630 FRANK KILCRAN. In 1855 Mr. Hammerstrom was married to Miss Caroline Gutyahr, who was born in 1834 in the same place as her husband. They have four children, namely. William, who is a coal dealer at Cly bourn Avenue and Garfield Street; Elizabeth, the wife of Jacob Sherrer, of Niles Center; Louis, who resides on Halsted Street; and Anna, the wife of Henry Richter, of Chicago. FRANK KILCRAN. [""RANK KILCRAN, who was one of the old- rft est settlers of South Chicago, was born in | ^ County Leitrim, Ireland, and was a son of Patrick and Bridget Kilcran, natives of that country. He received his education in his native land, and in 1847 emigrated to America, settling on the South Side in the city of Chicago. For a number of years Mr. Kilcran was in the employ of Richmond & Company, vessel owners and grain shippers, and later he was engaged by Gage & Haynes, with whom he remained until their business closed out. He went on the Board of Trade as a represent- ative of his last employers, buying and selling for them, and later entered the commission business with Michael Kerwin. Mr. Kilcran became an expert grain inspector, and as such found employ- ment on the Board of Trade, this position then being an important one. He was thus employed when there were only ten members on the Board, and was the most expert inspector, all matters of dispute being settled by him, and his opinions were unquestioningly received. In 1875 he retired from active business and removed to South Chicago, where he resided un- til his death. He bought land on Superior Av- enue, between Eighty-eighth and Eighty-ninth Streets, where he remained five years, and then bought property at No. 9056 Ontario Avenue, where he built and occupied a comfortable resi- dence and hotel. February 4, 1855, he was married to Miss Hannah Cagney, daughter of Cornelius and Mary (Connel) Cagney, born in Limerick, Ireland, in 1834. She emigrated to America in 1849, and has lived here since. Mr. and Mrs. Kilcran had six children, as follows: Mary, who married Peter Jackson, a biography of whom appears on another page of this volume; Frank, who died at the age of fourteen years; William, who died when twen- ty-five years of age; Annie, who died at the age of seven months; another Annie, who died when four months old; and James T. , who has a posi- tion in the county recorder's office, and who married Nellie A. Reilly, and has two children, Frank and James. Mr. Kilcran was a communicant of the Roman Catholic Church. He died June 23, 1891, at his residence, and in his death Chicago lost a valu- able and useful citizen. He always had a kind look and word for all who had dealings with him, and was beloved by old and young alike. He was genial and witty, and liked to detail his early ex- perience in the city when it was in its infancy. He was sick only ten days before his death, from dropsy, which followed an attack of la grippe. He was a member of the Old Settlers' Associa- tion, and had the respect and esteem of all resi- dents of South Chicago. In politics he was a supporter of the Republican party. In all his business dealings he was honest and fair, and al- ways inspired confidence in others. LIBRARY OF fHE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS LOUIS F. J. M. KURZ (From Photo, by W. J. ROOT) L. F. J. M. KURZ. 631 LOUIS F. J. M. KURZ. I GUIS FERDINAND JOSEPH MAXIMIL- I 1 LIAN KURZ was born November 23, 1835, l J at Salzburg, Austria, which place is well known all over the continent for its picturesque scenery, the magnificent Alps forming the back- ground, and the grand old castle of Hohen Salzburg seeming to stand as the pinnacle of a high rocky mound, round which the town is built. The salt mines, from which this city received its name, are also far-famed. The father of Mr. Kurz was an officer in the Austrian army and was appointed to the office of controller, an important one on account of col- lecting the revenue of the country. However, Mr. Joseph Aegid Kurz thought a better field opened for him in America, and in 1846 he ar- rived in New York City, where he remained two mouths. Not being satisfied with his opportu- nities in this city, he followed the advice of Hor- ace Greely to "Go West, young man," and reached Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Here he formed a musical society, celebrated for its encourage- ment of high-grade music. He also frequently visited Chicago, and formed in that city and in Milwaukee the first German theatre. His meth- ods were conducive of culture and refinement, and Mr. Kurz had the respect and admiration of all who knew him. In 1855 the worlds of music and drama were called upon to mourn the loss of this benefactor. The subject of this sketch received his first education in the Normal school of his native town, Salzburg, and subsequently attended a military school, where he devoted most of his time to the study of drawing and painting. His first work, which drew attention to his art, was a pitcure of the battle of Buena Vista, Mexico, which was brought before the public in 1848. He has also made many paintings of churches in America, and many scenes in the theatres of Mil- waukee and Chicago and other cities are the work of his hand. Mr. Kurz spent his time in both Milwaukee and Chicago. Going to Chicago in 1848, he re- mained two months, then returned to Milwaukee, where he remained until 1852, and after the burn- ing of his father's theater in 1854 he again went to Milwaukee. In 1863 he located in Chicago and formed a partnership with William Floto and Ed- ward Carqueville, the company then being known as the Chicago Lithographic Company. This firm was burned out in the Great Fire of 1871, when Mr. Kurz removed to Milwaukee and re- mained until 1878. He then formed a partner- ship with Alexander Allison, and they still con- tinue business at art publishers at Nos. 267 and 269 Wabash Avenue. He always retained his interest in affairs of art, and was of immense serv- ice to the people of Chicago by founding what was then known as the Academy of Design, now called the Art Institute. In the year 1857 he was married to Miss Mary Erker in Jefferson, Wisconsin. She was born in Truebau, Moravia, Austria, and came with her parents to the United States when very young. For several years Mrs. Kurz' parents made their home in New York City, and when the}' came West located in Jefferson, where Mr. Erker was a 632 H. W. MARTIN. cabinet-maker. Mr. and Mrs. Kurz have ten children living. The eldest daughter, Laura, was born in 1858, Louis Otto in 1860, Frank Siegel in 1861, Martha in 1863, Ida in 1865, George Maximillian in 1867, John Hans in 1869, Anna in 1872, Henry in 1874, and Mollie in 1876. During the Civil War Mr. Kurz was employed in making topographical sketches of the southern forts. When he sailed from Bremen in the old- fashioned side- wheel steamer "Washington," the voyage was scarcely begun when it was necessary to put into Southampton for repairs to the ma- chinery, which again gave out in mid-ocean, so that the voyage to New York occupied thirty days. This he describes as being more of a hard- ship than he experienced while in service during the war. He came up the -Hudson to Troy in the old "Isaac Newton," from there went by canal to Buffalo, and thence to Milwaukee by the steamer "Niagara." It is such highly educated people as Mr. Kurz that realize the needs of America, give a tone of refinement to our society, and make us ad- vance in the arts and sciences as a nation. America has always a warm and heart}' welcome for such men and feels proud of being able to record them among her citizens. HARRY W. MARTIN. HARRY WESTLUN MARTIN was born October 15, 1837, in a United States Arsenal at Bridesburg, now in Philadelphia, Penn- sylvania, and is a son of John Thomas and Eliza Ann (Westlun) Martin. His maternal great-grandfather was a Scotch Highlander, who took part in the Revolutionary War, and his son, Charles Westlun, the father of Eliza A. Westlun, was born in New Jersey. He was a shoe manufacturer of Philadelphia, and took part in the War of 1812. His wife, Char- lotte Jones, was born in New Jersey, and they were the parents of the following children: Elmer, Alvey, Mary, Eliza Ann (mother of Harry W. Martin), Charles and Annie. John Thomas Martin was born in the northern part of Ireland, and emigrated to America with his parents when six years old. He was a cedar cooper, and was working in the arsenal at Brides- burg when his son Harry was born. He died in 1858, at the age of forty years, and his wife died March 8, 1869, at the age of fifty-one years. Harry Westlun Martin received his education in the common schools of Philadelphia, and at the age of fourteen years began learning the trade of paper-making, which he followed three years, and was subsequently engaged three and one-half years at the trade of machinist and engineer. He remained in Philadelphia until 1859, and then re- moved to Wheeling, West Virginia, where he was living at the outbreak of the Civil War. He enlisted at Wheeling in May, 1861, in Company I, First West Virginia Regiment. He served for three months, and then went into the United States Navy, as a fireman on the gun-boat ' ' Massachusetts. ' ' He served eight months, and was then made third assistant engineer and served as such until the close of the war. He took part in the engagements at Fort Fisher and Mobile, and the vessel on which he was employed co- operated with General Sherman on his famous March to the Sea. Mr. Martin was taken prisoner at Fredericksburg, Virginia, and spent four months in a prison at Belle Isle before he was ex- W. H. SPIKINGS. 633 changed. Me was discharged in New York, July 2, 1865, from the gun-boat "State of Georgia." At the close of the war Mr. Martin removed to Decatur, Illinois, and was employed by his uncle, John K. Cole, who owned a paper mill, where he remained two years, and then went to Moline, Illinois, where he worked at the same trade. Later he started a mill for the New York & Fred ericksburg Fiber Company, in Fredericks- burgh, Virginia, and conducted it three years. At the end of this time he removed to Elmwood, New Jersey, and was engaged as a machinist in a mill, in the employ of Nelson Gavit, of Phila- delphia. He erected works at Pittston, Pennsyl- vania, went to Pittsburg, Pennsylvania, and later to Newark, Ohio, and this was the close of his career in paper mills. In February, 1882, he came to Chicago, and en- tered the service of the Baltimore & Ohio Rail- road as engineer and engine dispatcher. He re- mained in this employ for three years and then went into the service of the Illinois Steel Com- pany, then known as the North Chicago Rolling Mill Company, as stationary engineer, and he has since continued this work, having won the trust of his employers by his attention to duty. He was married October 15, 1861, to Lydia Ann Weese, a daughter of Absalom and Eunice (Marstellar) Weese, of Randolph, West Virginia. They have three children, namely: Clifford Henry, Emlin Albert and Ell wood Preston. Mr. Martin and his family are connected with the Baptist Church. He takes an active interest in politics, and is a stanch supporter of the principles of the Republican party. WILLIAM H. SPIKINGS. IILLIAM HARDING SPIKINGS, a well-known contractor and public-spirited citizen of northwest Chicago, was born May 3, 1848, within a few rods of his present residence. He is the oldest son of Richard Y. and Cornelia A. (Harding) Spikings, of whom extended notice will be found elsewhere in this volume. William H. Spikings spent his early years on the old homestead, which was near the North Branch of the Chicago River. He attended the common schools of the district, then a part of the town of Jefferson, and later he completed his education at the Newberry, Franklin, Ogden and Mosely schools of this city, graduating from the latter in 1866. On leaving school, he chose the trade of wire-working, in which he became quite proficient, but in order to take up work more in keeping with his vigorous nature, he became a member of the Northwestern Bill-Posting Com- pany. This enterprise was quite successful, though at that time this method of advertising was still a novelty. In 1867 Mr. Spikings opened a brick yard on the old farm, where he manufactured brick about seven years. Much of the product of this yard is still in use, being seen in many of the finest houses of Irving Park and vicinity. Having acquired a considerable knowledge of building, he began taking contracts for the erec- tion and moving of houses and other structures. In this line of work he has since continued with marked success, making a specialty of raising and moving various kinds of buildings. As an 634 ROBERT HASTINGS. evidence of his versatility, it may be mentioned that he manufactured bricks for the fine residence he now occupies, and that he built the same through- out, having the assistance of only one man. On his own estate he has built several houses, which are good evidences of his skill as a mechanic. January i , 1874, was celebrated the marriage of Mr. Spikings and Miss Minnie Steele, who was born in Stockholm, Sweden, at which place her parents are buried. This union was blessed with five children, as follows: Alice Cornelia, Florence Matilda, William Robinson, Frank and Richard Young. The three eldest children are graduates of the Jefferson High School. The second is the wife of Dr. F. I. Brown, of Irving Park, and the third is in the collecting department of the mer- cantile establishment of Marshall Field & Com- pany. The family is connected with the Re- formed Church of Irving Park. Mr. Spikings contributed a lot for the benefit of the branch of the church in his vicinity. Fraternally he is a member of Jefferson Lodge, No. 103, Independent Order of Mutual Aid, and Court Irving, No. 45, Independent Order of Foresters. Since attaining his majority, he has been an adherent of the Republican party, and has been judge of election in his ward for manj- years. He is a warm supporter of the free edu- cational system, and for about thirteen years previous to the annexation of Jefferson to the city, acted as school director. Though modest and unassuming in manner, he is, moreover, genial and companionable, and has many warm friends among all classes. ROBERT HASTINGS. ROBERT HASTINGS, who is now an hon- ored citizen of Jefferson Park, was born July 2, 1822, in Kirkliston, Linlithgow- shire, Scotland, and is a son of John and Jane (Dunlop) Hastings, both of whom were born in that locality, where they spent their lives dying on the same day, about 1858 or 1859. John Hastings was a farmer, and to this occupation his son was reared. Robert Hastings received his education in the schools of his native country, and when he became a man he resolved to emigrate to America, of whose opportunities he had heard so much. He came in 1855, directing his steps to Chi- cago. The country in Jefferson Park pleased him so much that he bought land there, of which he still owns forty acres. He was occupied in general farming until 1891, when he sold two hundred acres, and since that time the remainder has been mostly rented to gardeners. Mr. Hastings has a very pleasant home, which is lo- cated on a slight elevation of ground. In 1846 he married Mary Duncan, a native of Kinrosshire, Scotland, and she came to the United States with him, dying here in 1876. Mr. Hastings has learned to love the country of his adoption, and takes an active interest in the affairs of the nation. He is a naturalized citizen, and since he gained the opportunity to vote has been a stanch supporter of the prin- ciples and candidates of the Republican party. He is active in religious matters and is a member of the Jefferson Park Congregational Church. For more than thirty years he has been connected with Saint Andrew's Society, of Chi- cago. His success in life is due to his industry, integrity and to his frugality. Mr. Hastings has always shown very good judgment in the manage- ment of all his affairs, and has won the respect and friendship of all who know him. LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS FRANK DIESEL (From Photo, by \V. J. ROOTI FRANK DIESEL. 635 FRANK DIESEL. |"~ RANK DIESEL, president and treasurer of to the Frank Diesel Can Company, is a fine | type of the progressive and successful Ger- man-American citizens, among those who have contributed an important portion of Chicago's population. He was born April 9, 1838, in Rhenish Bavaria, being the second in a family of five children born to Michael and Theresa ( Deris) Diesel. The parents were natives of Buechel- berg, on the border of Alsace. They came to America in 1842 and settled in Cincinnati, Ohio. Michael Diesel was a poor man, and came to the United States in the hope of bettering his financial condition and to rear his family where they could have greater opportunities for ad- vancement and broader fields of usefulness. On his arrival in Cincinnati his cash capital consisted of three five-franc pieces. He bought an axe and spent the first winter in chopping wood, after which he worked for a time in a packing house. Two years later he engaged in digging wells, and soon began taking contracts for this line of work on his own account, meeting with gratify- ing success. This avocation he industriously pur- sued until his death, in 1854. The following year his widow sold her effects and brought her fam- ily to Chicago, where she had relatives. The first two children, Frank and Peter, were born in Germany, and the latter died in Cincinnati about 1867. Charles, the third, was born upon the ocean and died at the age of ten years. Eliza- beth and Mary, who were born in Cincinnati, are deceased. The mother survived her husband many years, and died in Chicago, at the home of her son Frank, in April, 1895, in the eighty- second year of her age. Frank Diesel, the only surviving member of the family, was instructed in the common branches of learning in Saint John's Parish School at Cin- cinnati, in addition to which he attended night school one winter. At the age of twelve years he was bound out for a period of five years to learn the barber's trade, but he was not satisfied with the business, nor contented to remain away from home, and was soon released. He was then em- ployed in a tin and hardware store for a year. At the age of fourteen years he began learning the tinsmith's trade, and by working in different places he followed the trade nearly three years in Cincinnati. Soon after his arrival in Chicago he entered the employ of Michael Greenebaum, as a journey- man, and remained with him until 1860. He was then induced by a friend to go to Memphis, Tennessee, and he remained in that city about six months. He was urged to enlist in the Con- federate service after the- Civil War began, but this was not to his liking. On the 26th of April, 1 86 1, he took passage for Cincinnati on the last passenger steamer which came north before the realities of war were inaugurated. He arrived in Cincinnati on the first day of May, and spent a few days there in visiting his old home and re- newing the acquaintances of his youthful days. He found that most of his old associates had joined the Union army, and he immediately came 6 3 6 FRANK DIESEL. to Chicago and again entered the employ of Mr Greenebaum. August 26, 1862, he enlisted for three years in the Union army, and became a member of Com- pany K, Eighty-ninth Illinois Volunteer Infan- try, entering at once upon active duty. On the last day of that year he was wounded at the bat- tle of Stone River, near Murfreesboro, Tennessee, and was sent to the hospital at Nashville, go- ing from there to Louisville, and thence to Quincy, Illinois. He was discharged at the last- named point on account of disability, April 10, 1863. He now returned to Chicago, and was soon established with his old employer, with whom he continued until June i, 1864. He then accepted a position with Cross & Dane, manu- facturers of tinware, at No. 50 State Street, and for some time was employed in cutting out piece work for their men. He was promoted to fore- man in the pressing and stamping department, and remained with this establishment during various changes of ownership. He became su- perintendent for the Dane, Westlake & Covert Company, under Mr. Westlake, who was general manager. After the Great Fire this concern was consolidated with Crerar & Adams, and Adams & Westlake Manufacturing Company was estab- lished, with whom Mr. Diesel continued to fill the position of superintendent until March, 1877. About this time he formed a partnership with Conrad Folz, who was at that time county jailer, under the firm name of Diesel & Folz, and in a small way they began business at No. 425 Larra- bee Street. Most of their capital was borrowed, but they did a successful business, and this con- nection lasted six years, at the end of which time Mr. Diesel bought out his partner's interest and continued the business alone. In 1885 he bought two lots on North Halsted Street, on which he built a large factory, which he later enlarged to meet the growing demands of his trade. In 1887 he bought additional ground and erected his present commodious residence, at No. 701 North Halsted Street. Under Mr. Diesel's able manage- ment the business continued to grow, and as- sumed such proportions that the capacity of the plant had to be enlarged, and in order to enjoy .better shipping facilities, in 1894, at a cost of twenty-four thousand dollars, Mr. Diesel pur- chased lots on the corner of Stewart Avenue and Fortieth Street, on which he erected the present large factory, and it was occupied in October of that year. In the previous year the present cor- poration, known as the Frank Diesel Can Com- pany, was formed, the stock being held by Mr. Diesel and his sons. They bought out the can de- partment of the Chicago Stamping Company, which was added to their already large plant. This is the most important industry of its kind in the West, if not in the United States. In it is carried on the manufacture of fruit, meat and oyster cans, sheet-metal specialties and dec- orative ware. In connection is maintained a lithographing department. An average of forty people are employed, and the goods are marketed in various parts of the United States, the annual output amounting to nearly one million dollars. Mr. Diesel is an earnest supporter of Repub- lican principles in politics, but has no time for office seeking, and has declined the urgent request of friends to become a candidate for alderman in his ward. He is a member of American Post, No. 708, Grand Army of the Republic. In 1864 he was married to Miss Barbara Roos, a native of Rhenish Bavaria, and daughter of Louis Roos, who came to Chicago in 1851. His family includes five sons and two daughters, namely: Louis, Conrad, John A., Lambert, Rosa, Charles and Lena. Two daughters and one son beside these died in childhood. All are com- municants of Saint Michael's Roman Catholic Church. Mr. Diesel is essentially a self-made man. Without wealth or influential friends to start him in life, by his own industry and the care of his earnings he was enabled to begin business in a small way. He did not relinquish his industry and thrift, but continued to give close attention to his business and was thus enabled to enlarge and extend it until it became one of the greatest industries of Chicago. To such men the city owes its commercial supremacy, and the example afforded by the story of his life is earnestly com- mended to the emulation of our youth. J. P. CHAPIN. 637 JOHN P. CHAPIN. (JOHN PUTNAM CHAPIN, one of the I worthy pioneers and early mayors of Chi- C/ cago, was descended from one of the earliest settlers of Massachusetts. Deacon Samuel Cha- pin came from England in 1642, and settled at Springfield, Massachusetts, where he died No- vember n, 1675. His son, Jacob Chapin, born in 1642, died February 20, 1712. He married Aberlenah Cooley, and they had ten children. The third son, Thomas, born May 10, 1671, died August 27, 1755. He had eleven children, and his eldest son, Thomas, born January 2, 1694, reached the venerable age of eighty-seven years, dying in 1781. Luther, youngest of the five children of Thomas Chapin, junior, had six children. His third son, Eber, died in 1839. The last-named married Sarah Putnam, of Bradford, Vermont, who was a daughter of Adjutant John Putnam, an officer of General Washington's staff, and a cousin of the famous Gen. Israel Putnam. Eber and Sarah (Putnam) Chapin had four sons, Eber, William, Pascal and John Putnam, the last- named being the subject of this biography. The second Eber Putnam above mentioned was a prominent lumber merchant of Chicago in the early years of the city's history. John Putnam Chapin was born in the year 1808, in Haverhill, Vermont, and received his education in his native State. He began his mer- cantile career as an employe of a general store in his native place, where he grew to manhood. He first visited Chicago in 1833, and invested the small amount which he had been able to save from his earnings in real estate. After a resi- dence of two years here, he went to Morris, Ill- inois, where he bought a farm, a portion of which now forms a park adjoining the town of Morris. He did not find agriculture a congenial pursuit and was anxious to mingle in the commercial life which was already springing into activity at Chi- cago. Returning to this city he established the first line of boats on the Illinois & Michigan Canal. He speedily became interested in the grain trade, to which he devoted the most of his business life. He was very industrious, had the fullest faith in the future development of the city, and was ever ready to establish new enterprises calculated to develop the resources of the surrounding coun- try and extend the commercial influence of his home city. He predicted that the time would come when a waterway would be opened between Lake Michigan and the Gulf of Mexico, for which he was ridiculed at the time. His long foresight is proven by the fact that this prediction is on the speedy road to realization, through the move- ments of the Chicago Drainage District and the national Government. For many years Mr. Chapin was identified with the grain forwarding firm of Wadsworth, Dyer & Chapin, and he was at one time in partnership with Nat. Laughlin and Ebeu Doore, of Buffalo, and owned the wharf property on the south side of the Chicago River from its mouth up to Clark Street. In May, 1842, at Lancaster, New Hampshire, Mr. Chapin was married to Miss Harriette Louise White, daughter of Samuel and Sarah (Freeman) White. For a time after bringing his bride to Chicago Mr. Chapin resided at the old Lake House, a landmark of pioneer days on the North Side, which was destroyed by the Great Fire of 1871. He built a substantial residence at No. 7 Randolph Street, and this was for many years conspicuous in what was at the time of its erec- tion a suburban district. It was constructed in the colonial style, finished by workmen from New York City, and was for many years one of the 6 3 8 G. W. GIVEN. handsomest residences in Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. Chapin were very hospitable, and the pleasant gatherings at this home are still fondly cherished in the memories of the few of their contemporaries now living. Six children came to bless this hap- py home, namely: William, Henry Clay, John Putnam, junior, Louise W., Ella Dana and Fan- nie. The eldest daughter is now the wife of J. H. Norton, a prominent member of the Chicago Board of Trade. During the Civil War Mr. Chapin dealt quite extensively in cotton, a commodity which offered tempting profits to the shrewd dealer at that time. In the midst of a busy career, and in the prime of his social and political usefulness, he died, after an illness of only three days, in this city, June 27, 1864. His wife survived him until June 3, 1895, reaching the age of seventy-nine years. Mr. Chapin was a great reader and possessed a wonderful memory. Time spent upon his Morris farm was not lost, for he continued at all times to be a student, and did not permit himself to grow dull. He was in early life a vigorous sup- porter of the public policy of the Whig party, and was one of the most faithful adherents of its successor, the Republican party. He was not, however, a spoilsman, and when he was elected mayor of the city, in 1846, he accepted the trust because he was the spontaneous choice of a large majority of his fellow-citizens. Had he been more selfish and labored more exclusively for his own interests, and less for those of the city, he would to-day be remembered as one of the mill- ionaires for which Chicago is noted. But his aim in life was higher, purer and nobler than that of many in commercial life. His monument is in the grateful remembrance of those who knew him best and esteemed him for his good qualities. GEORGE W. GIVEN. WALLACE GIVEN, an iron- b worker, whose residence is in South Chicago, was born September 8, 1855, nl Lewiston, Maine, and is a son of Benjamin L. and Sarah (MacFarland) Given. His father and grand- father were born in the same town, the family being thus an old one in the place. The great- grandfather of George W. Given was a merchant in Liverpool, and later a Revolutionary soldier, serving through the war. Benjamin L. Given was an engineer by trade, and he served as a Union soldier through the War of the Rebellion. In 1868 he removed to Chicago, settling on Ash- land Avenue, where his wife still resides. George W. Given learned the machinist's trade, helping his father, who had charge of an engine in the tanneries, and later working in a machine shop. At the age of sixteen he left home, and began the serious business of life on his own account, finding employment in a ma- chine shop for a period of three years. In 1882 he came to Chicago, and was engaged by the Illinois Steel Company for spiegel work, and he has continued at this occupation until recently. During the last year he has been employed at Whiting, Indiana. June i, 1881, Mr. Given married Miss Lottie Lyman, of Chicago, a daughter of Henry and Catherine (Earle) Lyman. They became the parents of five sons, only one of whom, Earle Lawrence, is still living. Mr. Given is connected with the Ancient Order of United Workmen. He worked his way to the position he recently occupied by his faithfulness and attention to duty. LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS MARTIN WIORA (From Photo. l>y W. J ROOT) MARTIN WIORA. 639 MARTIN WIORA. [ARTIN WIORA, an influential citizen of South Chicago, was born November n, 1857, near the corner of Larrabee and Oak Streets, Chicago, and is a son of Frank and Ed- wiga Wiora. Frank Wiora was born in Poland, and came to America in 1848, settling in Chicago, on the North Side. He was a workingman, and in 1860 he removed to Black Oak, in the Town of Worth, Cook Count}-, and engaged in farming. In 1872 he bought a farm of three hundred and twenty acres in Jefferson County, Illinois, and in 1877 he moved to it, and was occupied in its cul- tivation until 1881, when he retired, and lived a life of quiet until his death, May 14, 1888, at the age of seventy-eight years. Mrs. Edwiga Wiora was born in 1814, in Poland, and was united in marriage with Mr. Wiora a short time before they emigrated to America. She died July 26, 1877. They had the following children: Law- rence, who resides in Stevens Point, Wisconsin, and is engaged in agriculture; John, who died in 1880, at the age of thirty-four years; Martin, whose name heads this article; and Lora, who married Frank Hiduck, an undertaker, and resides at Exchange Avenue and Eighty-eighth Street, Chicago. Martin Wiora's opportunities for obtaining an education were limited. He attended public school about three months in a year until he was thirteen years old, and after that time his education was acquired by his independent read- ing and study. He was a boy who cared enough about learning to gain a very fair amount of in- formation. He learned the trade of carpenter, and when he was twenty years old he went with his parents to the farm in Jefferson County, where he had the greater part of the management of its cultivation. Later he returned to Chicago and followed his trade, locating at Sixteenth and Paulina Streets. In 1883 he began the business of a contractor, on his own responsibility, and he has continued at this occupation many years, his location hav- ing been in South Chicago since the beginning of the enterprise. In 1887 he bought property at No. 8754 Exchange Avenue, and built a house. In 1896 he moved his house to its present loca- tion, No. 8753 Escanaba Avenue. His work has been chiefly in South Chicago, though he has erected buildings in other cities. He built the Polish Catholic Church in Hammond, Indi- ana, and has built many handsome residences north of Ninety-first Street, in the city of Chi- cago. August 2, 1 88 1, Mr. Wiora married Mary Zedroseki, a native of Poland, who came to America in 1880. They had the following chil- dren: Joseph, deceased; Frances, Agnes, John, Peter, Mary (deceased), Thomas and Joseph. Mr. Wiora is connected with Saint Michael's Church of the Conception, and is a member of the six church societies, being always active in church affairs. Mr. Wiora was always actively interested in political movements. His first participa- tion was in the Garfield-Hancock campaign. In the spring of 1896 he was a candidate for supervisor, but was defeated. While living on 640 A. A. KAY. his father's farm he was elected street supervisor and served one year. In 1897 h was nominated for alderman, and was elected by the largest ma- jority ever given a candidate in the Thirty-third Ward. He has a place on the following commit- tees in the council: fire department, health department, streets and alleys south, and city markets. He is a self-made man in the true sense of the term, holding the respect of the en- tire community which sends him to the city council, and the friendship of a great number of people. ABEL A. KAY. Gil BEL A. KAY was born January i, 1801, in LJ Yorkshire, England, and was reared in his / I native land, where he learned the trade of shoemaker. He was married in England to Miss Elizabeth Marshall, and in 1843 they came with their family, comprising eight children (and a daughter-in-law), to America. They came in the sailing-vessel "Shakespeare," the voyage taking six weeks and two days, and the passage being very rough. From New .York they traveled to Albany, thence by way of the Erie Canal to Buffalo, and from there to Chicago through the Great Lakes, the last voyage occupy- ing two weeks, thus making the entire time in coming from England to Chicago nearly three months. Mr. Kay bought a farm of ninety-three and one-third acres of fertile soil, in Jefferson Town- ship, for five hundred dollars. It was an im- proved farm with a large house and barn, fenced, and partly in cultivation, being located one mile north of the Jefferson depot. He also bought ten acres of timber land, and continued to live on his farm until his death, which occurred in 1847. His wife survived him forty years, expiring in 1887, at the age of eighty-four years, having been born in 1803. Mr. Kay was a Methodist in his religious be- lief, and was a true Christian, giving his sym- pathy to members of all denominations. He took an active part in religious matters, and for many years his house was a meeting place for all denominations, and many services were held there. Mr. and Mrs. Kay had the following children: Ann, who married Loren McClanathan, and died in March, 1847, soon after her marriage; Abel, who died June 16, 1889, leaving one son, who is now dead, and a daughter, who is the wife of Thomas Wheldon, of Cook County; Elizabeth, who married Thomas Burkill and died in August, 1896, leaving a large family of chil- dren (Almira, wife of James Carpenter, a resident of Cook County; Thomas A., a resident of Jeffer- son; Sydney, who dropped dead on the day follow- ing the death of his mother; Althea Moisley, who lives in Mayfair; Stella, who married William Ditcher, and lives in Jefferson; Alice, now Mrs. Klink, of Mayfair; Scott, a resident of Jefferson); Frances, who married Loren McClanathan, Sep- tember 16, 1849; Jane, who married Edward Gray, and died, leaving two children, Lida and Emma; Emma, who married William Myers, and died, leaving seven children (Eliza Young; Anna, wife of Charles Low, of Norwood Park; William; Ella, now Mrs. Stockbridge, who lives in Jefferson; Clarence, who resides in Jefferson; Ida, of Dakota; and Frank, a resident of Jeffer- son); John and Joseph Kay, who still live on the old homestead. Loren McClanathan was born January 24, 1818, in Madison County, New York. He was edu- cated in the schools of New York, and after he CARL WENZLAFF. 641 became of age he went to the Southern States, teaching at one time in Kentucky. In 1843 he came to Chicago, and here he married his first wife soon after. He was a currier by trade and was for a short time foreman in a currier shop. In 1855 Mr. McClanathan taught school in Jef- ferson Township. In 1856 he entered the em- ploy of the Illinois Central Railroad Company as a conductor, and remained with it until a short time previous to his departure for the South, to engage in the defense of his country. In August, 1861, he enlisted in the Union army, and was one of General McClellan's body guard, in which capacity he served a year and a- half, when he was transferred to the Twelfth Illinois Cavalry, Company I, and was discharged March 18, 1864, on account of disability. He took part as a private in the battles fought in front of Richmond, while McClellan was in com- mand of the army. After the war he returned to Chicago, where he was made yardmaster of the Great Eastern Yards, having charge of passenger trains. September 16, 1849, he married Miss Frances Kay, and when he died, January 20, 1895, he left two children, as follows: Loren B., who re- sides in Boston; and Harriet A., wife of Henry Elkins, of Chicago. One child, Lucien L., died in 1893, at the age of thirty-nine years. Mr. McClanathan was a member of the Grand Army of the Republic, being connected with Winfield Scott Post, No. 445, of Chicago. He took an active interest in the questions of the day, and was a Republican in political opinion. He was a well-informed man, and a public-spirited and Valuable citizen. CARL WENZLAFF. EARL WENZLAFF was born December 27, 1835, in Grosjanewitz, Kreis Lauenburg, Pommern, Germany. He lived in his na- tive land until he was thirty-five years old, and then came to America with his wife and three children. He came to Chicago and located at Blue Island, where he found employment as a laborer. In 1872 he went to South Chicago and leased land from the Calumet & Chicago Canal & Dock Company, where he built a small house for his family. This is the location at which he still lives. In 1882 he bought the land, and im- proved the house as he was able, by building ad- ditions. In 1893 the house was destroyed, with others, by a large fire. He then built the house which he still occupies, and which is situated at No. 9041 Mackinaw Avenue. Ever since coming to South Chicago, Mr. Wenzlaff has been employed in lumber yards, having served several different firms. He first worked for the firm of Cook & Powell five years, then five years for Blanchard & Giddy, and then he was engaged by A. R. Beck, with whom he remained until he was unable to work longer, on account of age and failing strength. The length of time he remained with each establish- ment named attests his faithfulness and honesty. He was always industrious and prudent, and so was able to buy his own home, besides property on Green Bay Avenue, which he has improved. In 1896 he retired from active labor, and now lives a life of ease. Mr. Wenzlaff was married in Germany, in November, 1859, to Miss Henrietta Behnke, who 642 FRANKLIN STEWART. was born Decembers, 1841, in Pommern, Ger- many. They had twelve children, four of whom were born in Germany, and five of whom are dead. Charles, William, Albert, Lisette, Emil, Martha and Johann are living, and Johanna, Wilhehnina, Emma, Frederick and Hermina are deceased. Mr. Wenzlaff is a good citizen and an honest and industrious resident of South Chicago. He and his whole family are members of the German Lutheran Church. In politics he be- lieves in and supports the principles of the Repub- lican party. FRANKLIN STEWART. r"RANKLIN STEWART was born May 8, r^ 1844, in Huntingdon County, Pennsylvania, | ^ and is a son of John and Sarah D. (Warfel) Stewart. His grandfather, James Stewart, was born in Scotland, and when a young man emi- grated to America. He was a teamster, and carried freight between Philadelphia and Pitts- burg. He was successful in this business, and was enabled to buy a farm of about two hundred acres in Huntingdon, Pennsylvania, where he located and spent the remainder of his life. He married Miss Gray, and their children were: William, John, Thomas, Andrew, Matthew, Robert, Alexander, James,. Jane, Eliza, Mary, Margaret, and a girl who died when very young, thus making thirteen. Mary married Henry C. Warfel, and lived at Ashkum, Iroquois County, Illinois. Robert and Alexander made their home in Pleasant Valle\-, near Columbus, Ohio. An- drew lived in Fairfield County, Ohio, and the other children resided in Huntingdon County, Pennsylvania. James Stewart died on his farm, which has now been divided and is not owned by the family. John Stewart was born March 23, 1813, in Pennsylvania, and died February 22, 1883, at Cummings, Cook County, Illinois. He was a carpenter and cooper, and spent most of his time in Huntingdon County, in his native state. In 1857 ne moved to Franklin County, Missouri, where he remained a year. He enlisted at the outbreak of the Civil War, but was discharged at Camp Chase, Ohio, because of poor health. In 1862 he removed to Buffalo County, Wiscon- sin, and remained a year. He then worked at his trade wherever he found employment, and in this way traveled over a great deal of territory. In 1882 he located in Cook County, where his death occurred the next year. He married Sarah D. Warfel, who was born January 12, 1828, in Huntingdon County, Penn- sylvania, and was a daughter of Adam Warfel. The latter was probably born in Germany, and was a farmer by occupation. He married Asenith Clark, who was of English descent, and their children were Elizabeth, Sarah D., Arietta and Henry C. Mr. and Mrs. John Stewart had the following children: Franklin, whose name heads this article; Elizabeth Jane, who was born Sep- tember 2, 1845, and died March 18, 1847; Laura Etta, who was born January 10, 1848, married Hugh W. Brandle, and resides in South Chicago; Millard Fillmore, born June 30, 1850, was hurt by a boiler explosion in a pump-house, where he was employed as engineer, and died ten days later from his injuries, September 29, 1886; and Asenith Bilda, born December 26, 1869, married John Long, and lived in Hammond, Indiana, where she died March 15, 1897. Franklin Stewart attended school until the beginning of the Civil War, at which time he was in Buffalo County, Wisconsin, and enlisted JOHN WINSTON. 643 August 12, 1862, in Company G, Twenty-fifth Wisconsin Volunteer Infantry, for three years, or until the end of the war. He remained with this company until January 24, 1863, and then, under an order from the war department, giving all volunteers the privilege, he went into the reg- ular army in Company C, Eighth United States Infantry, enlisting for five years. While with the first-named company he was sent to Minne- sota to help subdue the Indians. He remained with the Eighth United States Infantry five years, and during that time was never wounded or taken prisoner. He was at the great City Point explosion, where fifty-two were sent to the hospital, and though within a few feet of the explosion, he alone of the number escaped in- jury. Only fourteen were able to join the regi- ment after this calamity, the others either being killed or sent to the hospital. Mr. Stewart was discharged from the sendee January 24, 1868, at Columbia, South Carolina. At the close of his service he visited home, and then spent some time in traveling, stopping wherever he found employment. He spent four years in Kansas, and then returned home, after which he spent two years at a blast furnace at Moselle, Missouri. He came to Cummings (now the city of Chicago) in August, 1883, and found employment in mills, part of the time as engineer. He then worked in the shops of the Nickel Plate Railroad. In 1890 he found employment in the Morden Frog Works, South Chicago, as machin- ist, and two years later was installed as engineer, and since that time has filled that position without losing a single day's time, except one week on account of illness. His industry and integrity are recognized by all who know him, and he is regarded as a patriotic and valuable citizen. He is connected with A. E. Burnside Post, No. 109, Grand Army of the Republic, and is held in high esteem by the members of this organization. He gives his political support to the Republican party. The family attends the Methodist Church. November 30, 1875, Mr. Stewart married Susan Frances Witt, daughter of William Witt, of Missouri. They became the parents of the fol- lowing children: Arthur Wesley, Frank Elmer, Annie L,oretta, Jessie, Adda May and Claude Henry. Mrs. Stewart died January 29, 1890, at the age of thirty-one years. JOHN WINSTON. (TOHN WINSTON, a citizen of South Chi- I cago, was born January 13, 1841, in Brecken- G) shire, England, and is a son of John and Elizabeth (Harris) Winston. His education was very limited, as he was able to attend school only until he reached the age of fourteen years. He was then employed as a stone cutter, and for twenty-two years he followed this occupation. He remained in his native country until he was forty years of age, and then determined to emi- grate to the United States. He sailed to New York in 1883, reaching that city in April, and came direct to Chicago. He spent ten and one-half years at caging in a furnace of the Illinois Steel Company, and then became a fireman in the boiler house of the same establishment. At present he is employed in the same department, where crude petroleum is used for fuel, his duties involving the care of the boiler flues. In 1886 he bought a lot at No. 8924 Superior Avenue, and has since built himself a comfort- able residence there, which is now occupied by the family. March 10, 1874, he married Mrs. Elizabeth 644 C. H. SAUER. Jones, widow of John Jones, and a daughter of John and Elizabeth (Hardwick) Williams. She was born in Herefordshire, South England, Jan- uary 28, 1835. Mr. and Mrs. Winston have the following-named children: Alfred John and Ronwyn Elizabeth (twins), Breeza Annie and William. Mrs. Winston has two sons and a daughter by her first marriage. George Jones, the eldest of these, is assistant superintendent of the furnace department of the Illinois Steel Com- pany. Evan, the second, resides on Eighty-ninth Street; and Sarah is the wife of Walter Ander- son, also a resident of South Chicago. Mr. Winston is an energetic and progressive citizen, and enjoys the confidence and esteem of his many friends and acquaintances. He is a member of the Sons of St. George. He began life in a hum- ble position, but has steadily improved his oppor- tunities, and has used every means of progress open to him. GLAUS H. SAUER. ELAUS HENRY SAUER was born on the 2oth of October, 1842, in Winkeldorf, Hanover, Germany, and is a son of John Adam and Mary (Detels) Sauer, natives of that country. John A. Sauer was married twice. He and his first wife had four children, namely: Peter, John, Jacob and John Henry. He had six children by his second marriage, namely: Katrina, Herman, Gersche, Glaus Henry (the subject of this sketch), Heinrich and Frederich Wilhelm. Peter and Jacob were the first of the family to emigrate to the new world. They landed in New York, living there for a time, and then Peter removed to Wabasha County, Min- nesota, where he still lives, at the age of eighty years. Jacob lives at Reed's Landing, in the same county. John came next, and is now living in the State of Washington. John Henry also came to this country, and is residing in Minnesota. Katrina is a resident of Hamburg; Herman is in New Zealand, and Heinrich is now postmaster in Gibbon, Minnesota. Claus Henry Sauer came to America a year after his brother Heinrich. He removed first to London, England, where he met Heinrich, and both found employment in sugar factories, gas houses, and at the trade of blacksmith, which Claus had learned in his native country. They next came to Canada, reaching Quebec in May, 1870. Claus proceeded to Chicago, and located first on Huron Street, where he lived a year and a-half. He lived next on Chicago Avenue, and later on Milwaukee Avenue. Mr. Sauer was engaged in working at his trade on his arrival in Chicago, following it most of the time since. In May, 1875, Mr. Sauer moved to South Chi- cago, which has been his place of residence till the present time. In the fall of 1883 he bought a lot at No. 8804 Buffalo Avenue, and built a house the following spring, which he now occu- pies. For seven years he was engaged at his trade in a mill, and then he worked for black- smiths. At present he is in the employ of the Standard Oil Company at his trade, in Whiting, Indiana. February 14, 1872, Mr. Sauer married Miss Susanna Haab, daughter of William and Susanna (Baer) Haab. She was born September 20, W. G. WRIGHT. 645 1842, in Zurich, Switzerland, and emigrated to America in 1866 with her brother Wilhelm, who is living in New York City. Her brother Henry came to the United States later, and he, too, resides in New York. Mrs. Sauer removed to Racine, Wisconsin, where she lived until her marriage, coming to Chicago on her wedding day. Mr. and Mrs. Sauer had five children, namely: William, George, Frederick (deceased), Clara and Lydia. Mr. Sauer is a deacon in the First German Baptist Church of South Chicago, with which the family is connected. In politics he supports the Republican party and its principles. He is an intelligent and useful citizen, and is an upright and highly respected member of society. WILLIAM G. WRIGHT. GEORGE WRIGHT was born June 23, 1839, in Melton Mowbray, Leicestershire, England, and is a son of George and Mary (Barsley) Wright. His great- grandfather was Francis Wright, whose son, William Wright, married Elizabeth Benson, and became the father of one child, George. William Wright was a captain on a canal boat for many years, and died at the age of eighty-six years. George Wright, father of William G. Wright, was born in 1818, in Ratcliffe, England, and was employed on a canal boat. He lived in his native country until his death, which occurred in 1891. He married Mary Barsley, and their children, besides the subject of this sketch, were: Anne Elizabeth, who married Robert Wood, and is deceased; Mary, who married John Davidson, and is deceased; and John, who resides in Columbus, Ohio. Mary Barsley's father was a native of England, where the members of his family were cottagers. He had the following children: Will- iam, Frank, Samuel, Richard, John, Jane and Mary. The Wright family has always been con- nected with the Methodist Church. William G. Wright received a very limited education, being obliged to leave his studies and engage in the business of life at a very early age. When he was three years old his parents re- moved to Grantham, England, where he remained until he reached the age of eighteen years. He served as an apprentice to a blacksmith until 1857, an d continued to work as a journeyman at his trade until 1888. On leaving Grantham he spent two years in Boston, England, returned to Grantham and spent a short time, and then emi- grated to America in 1871. He spent a short time in Belvidere, Illinois, and removed thence to Berlin, Minnesota, and remained a short time. He was engaged at his trade during this time, and after spending a year in Winona, Minnesota, a short time in Cleveland and Delaware, Ohio, and a year at Columbus, in the same state, he removed to South Chicago, which has been his place of residence ever since that time. He reached this city in 1874 and for six years was employed in the service of the Baltimore & Ohio Railroad Company at its shops. In 1880 he moved to Saline County, Nebraska, where he conducted a farm two years, and then returned to South Chicago. He found employ- ment with the Illinois Steel Company, remaining in its service until 1885, and for three and one- half years did blacksmith work for the Illinois Central Railroad Company. He has been faith- ful and earnest in his work, and has always proved a useful and reliable employe. After leaving the employ of the Illinois Central Rail- 646 J. H. WRIGHT. road Company he spent three and one-half years in the service of the New York, Chicago & St. Louis Railroad Company. Mr. Wright is a firm supporter of the Re- publican party. He served as sewer inspector two years when Mr. Washburne was mayor, and held the same position two years during the administration of Mayor Swift. May 29, 1859, he married Martha Robinson, and they have the following children: Robinson William, John Henry, Mary Elizabeth, George Francis, Martha Ann, Frederich Harris and Nettie Pearl. One daughter, Rebecca, died when four and one-half years old, and another, Delia Agnes, when eleven months old. Mr. Wright is a member of the Masonic order, being connected with Harbor Lodge, No. 731, and Sinai Chapter, No. 185. He joined Calumet Commandery, No. 62, and was knighted in 1892. He was one of the charter members, and is now a standard bearer, and expects to become a member of the Shrine, and take the Scottish rite degrees. He is connected with the First Congregational Church, and is a trustee of same. He has improved his opportunities for gaining knowledge, and is well informed on matters of public interest, and has a social disposition, and his many friends recognize his ability and good judgment. JOHN H. WRIGHT. HOHN HENRY WRIGHT was born March 15, 1862, in Grantham, Lincolnshire, G) England, and is a son of William George and Martha (Robinson) Wright (see biography else- where). He emigrated to the United States at the age of nine years, and received the greater part of his education here. He attended school until he was fourteen years old, and then entered the employ of Willard Sons & Bell Company, where he was first engaged as a hammer boy, and then spent two and one-half years learning and working at shingling. He subsequently removed to Fort Kearney, Nebraska, and became a cattle- drover. After remaining two years he entered the service of the Chicago, Burlington & Quincy Railroad Company, working seven months in its blacksmith shop in Plattsmouth, Nebraska. In 1883, being attracted by the active business methods of Chicago, he removed to this city, and in May began to work for the Illinois Steel Com- pany, remaining in the blacksmith shops one year. He was for six months fireman on the Baltimore & Ohio Railroad, and for one year, beginning April i, 1884, was rail inspector in the mill of the Illinois Steel Company. For. the same period of time he was steel charger, for three years he operated a buggy, and subse- quently became the day foreman of the rail mill, where he remained until 1895. In that year he became the night superintendent, and retained this position until August i, 1897. He has steadily advanced in position since entering the employ of this company, and has done this through his energetic and systematic exercise of ability and skill. Mr. Wright was united in matrimony October 1 6, 1884, to Miss Harriet Eliza Wilder, daughter of Ebenezer and Mary Elizabeth (French) Wilder, of English extraction. Her father was born July 21, 1813, in Middleboro, Massachusetts, and died November 7, 1890, in Chicago. He re- ceived his education in Middleboro, and removed to Baltimore, Maryland, when a young man. He was a member of the Red River Iron Works Company, and was a builder of bridges. He subsequently lived for short periods in Kentucky, LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS CARL MKWKS (From Photo, by W. J. ROOT) CARL MEWES. 647 near Lexington; in Dover, Delaware; and in Newcastle, Pennsylvania (in which latter place he was a nailer) ; and removed to Chicago in 1868. He located in Englewood, bought land at Fifty-ninth Street and Princeton Avenue, and built a house. He was then engaged in putting in filter wells in which force pumps were used, and later became Brink's City Express agent, locating at Wentworth Avenue and Sixty-second Street. Mrs. Mary Elizabeth (French) Wilder was born September 9, 1830, in Baltimore, Mary- land, and died March 20, 1891, in Chicago. She was a daughter of Judge John French, of Mary- land. Mr. and Mrs. Wilder were parents of the fol- lowing children: Sylvanus, deceased; John F., deceased; Anna A., who married Dr. O. J. Price, and resides at No. 538 West Adams Street, Chi- cago; Sylvanus, who lives at Seattle, Washington; Carrie L., deceased; Mrs. Wright, wife of the subject of this sketch; and Nettie F., who married L. P. Brown, a dealer in hardware, and lives at Cheltenham Place, Chicago. Mrs. Wright's grandfather, Eben Wilder, was born in Middle- boro, Massachusetts, and was a Methodist minister. He married Mary Bump, sister of the father of Lavina Stratton Bump, the midget who married Tom Thumb. Mr. and Mrs. John H. Wright had four chil- dren, as follows: Earl Davis; Athlene Mary, who died when four years old; Bernice, who died in infancy; and Elva Eunice. Mr. Wright was made a Master Mason in 1886, becoming a member of Englewood Lodge, No. 690, with which he is still connected. He took the degree of Royal Arch Mason in 1887, and is connected with Englewood Chapter, No. 176. His wife is a member of the Lady Garfield Chap- ter, No. 91, Order of the Eastern Star. He is also a member of the Royal Arcanum and of the Royal League. He is a genial and sociable gentleman, and has the happy faculty of making friends and also of retaining them. Those who are favored with his friendship give him their full confidence, and regard him with great respect. CARL MEWES. EARL MEWES was born Febuary 26, 1843, in Pommern, Germany, and is a son of John and Marie (Huthe) Mewes. His paternal grandfather was a carpenter in Germany, and his children, beside John, consisted of three daugh- ters, one of whom married Fred Wilt. She died in Germany and her husband removed to Amer- ica with their children. John Mewes spent his life in Germany. One of his daughters, Marie, was married in Germany to John Flack, and emigrat- ed to America with her husband, settling in Cleveland, Ohio, where they and their four chil- dren now live. A son of John Mewes, Henry, was the first of the family to come to America. He arrived in 1868, and took up his residence in Syracuse, New York, where he remained until 1872, and then removed to Chicago, with his brother Carl, the subject of this article. In 1873 he moved to Cleveland, Ohio, and was employed at general labor until his death, in 1881. The maternal grandfather of Carl Mewes, Mr. Huthe, was a native of Germany, where he resided and fol- lowed the trade of miller. Carl Mewes was educated in Germany, and learned the trade of stone mason, which he fol- lowed in his native country until about thirty years of age. He emigrated to America in 1872, 6 4 8 PETER RINGGENBERG. reaching New York in November. He came to Chicago, locating on the North Side, and found employment at his trade. He entered the em- ploy of J. H. Jones, who removed his business to South Chicago, whither Mr. Mewes went to re- tain his position. April 7, 1880, he was engaged by the Illinois Steel Company at mason work on its mill, and when the mills were completed he did general mason work. In 1882 Mr. Mewes bought a lot at No. 8835 Commercial Avenue, and immediately built a res- idence, which he has since occupied. He was married February 7, 1872, to Miss Augusta Luedtke, a daughter of John and Louisa (Keller- man) Luedtke. She was born July 24, 1844, in Pommern, Germany, and in emigrating to Amer- ica took the same vessel as her future husband. Mr. and Mrs. Mewes are the parents of the fol- lowing children: Charles Frank Louis, Martha, Emma, Albert, Annie Matilda, Johannah, Au- gust William, Emil and Walter Christopher Louis. Charles F. Louis is a hard-wood painting finisher, and is also a musician, making a specialty of vio- lins and mandolins. He is a pupil of Prof. Will- iam Keuhner, of Chicago, and is a teacher of music himself. Martha died when fifteen months old, Emma when nine months old, and Albert is also deceased. Johannah is employed as a clerk by Charles Fink. Mr. Mewes is a thorough master of his trade, and has been favored with prosperity. He is a member of Zion Evangelical Lutheran Church, and is a friend to movements of public reform tending to the general welfare. PETER RINGGENBERG. PETER RINGGENBERG, a fisherman of South Chicago, was born August 12, 1845, J5 in Canton Berne, Switzerland, and is a son of Charles and Mary (Ringgenberg) Ringgen- berg. He decided to come to America when about twenty years of age, and accordingly sailed for New York, from which city he proceeded di- rect to Chicago, reaching the latter place in May, 1866. He went from here to Quincy, Illinois, and after remaining two months, he returned to the city and located in South Chicago. He found employment with three brothers, Henry, Theo- dore and Alexander Oehmich, who were engaged in fishing. He had been with them several years, when an accident occurred which will never be forgotten by those who escaped with their lives. At three o'clock on the morning of April 8, 1874, nine men went to Whiting, Indiana, to drive piles for fishing, taking a scow and a sail- boat with them. It was a calm day, and they worked until four o'clock in the afternoon, driv- ing one set of piles in that time. Suddenly a storm came up, which Mr. Ringgenberg describes as the hardest storm and the quickest to gather of any he has witnessed in his experience, one which has been quite extensive. At the time he was on the scow, and the remaining eight, includ- ing the three brothers who owned the boats, were on the sail-boat. Each man tried to save his own life, the boat being turned over instantly. Mr. Ringgenberg held to the scow, and was drifted ashore at Whiting, and the only one of the others saved was Alexander Oehmich. Mr. Ringgenberg remained in the employ of Alexander Oehmich until 1875. The latter died in 1888. For a year Mr. Ringgenberg was engaged at general labor, and in 1876 he formed a partner- ship with John Stengel for the purpose of fishing. After two years the partnership was dissolved, CARSTEN ANTHONISEN. 649 and he found various employments, much of the time doing general work for Hausler & Lutz. In January, 1897, he resumed his partnership with John Stengel, and they continue to carry on a fishing business. In 1874 Mr. Ringgenberg bought property at No. 9807 Avenue M, where he now makes his home, having improved the house and added to it. From 1884 to 1894, he was employed on bridges, serving successively on those at Ninety-second, Ninety-fifth and One Hundred and Sixth Streets. He was married December 21, 1873, to Matilda Hubner, daughter of William and Henrietta (Post) Hubner. They became the parents often children, three of whom died in infancy. The others are: Matilda, Henry, Edith, Rudolph, Martha, Frederick and William. Mr. Ringgen- berg is connected with the Order of Harugari, being a charter member of Melomania Lodge, No. 330,- which was organized in 1874. He is a patriotic and law-abiding citizen, and is a friend to progress and improvement. CARSTEN ANTHONISEN. EARSTEN ANTHONISEN was born July 2 3> '859, in Sueder Luegem, Schleswig, Germany, and is a son of Martin and Chris- tina Anthonisen. Martin Anthonisen was born January 28, 1812, in Germany, where he spent his entire life. He was superintendent of a large farm, and held this position for a term of fifty years. His children were: Nicholas, Helena, Katrina, Carsten, Theodore and Mathias. Carsten Anthonisen and his sister Helena emi- grated to America, coming to Chicago by way of Quebec, and arriving here June 30, 1882. Carsten was a miller in German y, but he never worked at his trade in this country. He located in South Chicago, and has lived there ever since, with the exception of about two months spent in Decatur, Illinois. He worked a short time in a stone quarry, and then found employment with the Illinois Steel Company, and he was engaged seven years firing in the boiler house. For one and one-half years he was selling milk, and then he obtained the position he now holds, as roll- hand in a mill. In 1887 he bought land at No. 8932 Buffalo Avenue, built a house in 1888, and has made his residence there ever since. Soon after he came to this country, Mr. An- thonisen had an experience which he will always remember with horror. He and a very deai friend, Christ Johnson, were traveling south from Chicago, and looking for work. They tried to obtain a ticket for a ride on a freight train which was about to leave, and when the agent refused to sell it to them they tried to get on the train after it began to move. Mr. Johnson's foot was caught between a brake and a wheel, and he was instantly killed. Thus Mr. Anthonisen was left alone with his dead friend, and was unable to ex- plain the circumstances, because he could not speak English. His brother, Boyd Theodore Anthonisen, fol- lowed him to America a few months after he emigrated, and came to South Chicago. He learned the trade of blacksmith, but he never worked at this trade in the United States. He found employment with the Illinois Steel Corn- pan}-, as a straightener, and has been with this company ever since. He resides at No. 167 Ninety-third Street, between Superior and On- tario Avenues. October6, 1887, Carsten Anthoni- sen married Miss Bertha Struebing, daughter of Peter Struebing. Peter Struebing was born January 15, 1835, in 650 T. F. DOYLE. Pommern, Germany, and is a son of Peter and Mary (Westfall) Struebing. He emigrated to America with his wife and five children, land- ing in New York, and reached Chicago May 30, 1869. He located in South Chicago immediately, and has made it his residence ever since. He leased land from the Calumet & Chicago Canal & Dock Company, on the northeast corner of Ninety-second Street and Buffalo Avenue, where he built a small house, fourteen by twenty-two feet in dimension, and having only two rooms on the ground floor. He paid for it with German money, which he brought with him, and it cost about one hundred and fifty dollars. The house is still standing, and is used as a stable by Mrs. Clark. He lived there three years, and then moved to his present place, No. 9024 Green Bay Avenue, and leased land from the same company until he was able to buy it, in 1875. The house he first lived in was bought from a Frenchman who had lived at this place. When Mr. Strueb- ing came to South Chicago, he found employment in a factory, and then for two years he was a fisherman. Next he worked in a lumber yard, where he remained until 1887, since which time he has been retired. November 5, 1858, Mr. Struebing married Albertina Ulrech, daughter of William and Wilhelmina (Krum) Ulrech. She studied for a midwife when a young woman, "and has been engaged in her profession in South Chi- cago. They had the following children: Caro- lina; Minnie; William; Frederick, who died at the age of one year; Annie, who died when five years old; Herman, who died at the age of three months; Bertha, now Mrs. Carsten Anthonisen; Emma, who died at the age of eighteen years; Louis, who died when eighteen months old; and Matilda, who died at the age of two and one-half years. Mr. Struebing and his wife are members of the Zion German Lutheran Church, Mr. Struebing being one of the organizers and first members of the church, and having served many years as a trustee. Mrs Bertha Anthonisen was born September 10, 1867, in Charles Hagen, German}', and was eighteen months old when she came with her parents to the United States. Mr. 'and Mrs. Carsten Anthonisen have three children, namely: Martin William, Elmer Peter and Ruth Jacobina. The family has been con- nected with the German Lutheran Church twelve years. Mr. Anthonisen is a member of the Amalgamated Association, and of other societies. He has been a trustee of the church and also of the school connected with it, and his wife is a member of the Ladies' Society. Mr. Anthonisen takes an active interest in the progress of his adopted country. In politics he is independent. THOMAS F. DOYLE. 'HOMAS FRANKLIN DOYLE, a promi- nent business man of South Chicago, was born February 22, 1850, in Westchester, New York, and is a son of Michael and Cathe- rine (Cullen) Doyle. Michael Doyle was born in Wicklow, Ireland, and emigrated to America in 1848, settling in Westchester, New York. Thomas F. Doyle received his early education in the schools of Chicago, and this has been supplemented by reading and observation through his later life. At the age of fifteen years he left his studies, and found employment with the Northwestern Fertilizing Company, where he held the position of shipping clerk four years. At the age of twenty-one years he engaged in business for himself, by opening a store on Com- J. H. CUNNINGHAM. 651 mercial Avenue, south of the railroad tracks, where he dealt in groceries and liquors about three years. In 1876 Mr. Doyle became justice / of the peace. He also entered the real-estate business, having an office in the Commercial Building, South Chicago. He was the agent of Colonel Bowen, locating factories and selling land for him, retaining this position until the death of Mr. Bowen, and then continued busi- ness on his own responsibility. In 1883 Mr. Doyle removed to Omaha, Neb- raska, where he was for three years interested in the real-estate transfers of that growing town. In 1886 he changed his location to Sioux City, engaging in the same occupation, and in 1892 returned to Chicago. He secured an office at No. 80 Dearborn Street, which he retained until 1896, and then moved to his present quarters in the Commercial Block, South Chicago. He has pros- pered in his ventures, and is one of the reliable business men of the community. His residence is at No. 8006 Bond Avenue, Chicago. July 12, 1884, Mr. Doyle was united in matri- mony with Miss Elizabeth Quass, of Cedar Rap- ids, Iowa. He is a most public-spirited and pro- gressive citizen, and his ideas are modern and practical. His interest in political affairs never fails, and he is a stanch Democrat. JOSEPH H. CUNNINGHAM. (JOSEPH HENRY CUNNINGHAM, an en- I ergetic business man of South Chicago, was Q) born August 12, 1840, in County Armagh, Ireland, and is a son of John and Jane (Brooks) Cunningham, natives of that country. His grandfather, William Cunningham, was a fann- er, and members of his family were extensive manufacturers of Irish linen. His children were John, Leonard, William, Thomas, Sarah and Elizabeth. Joseph H. Cunningham's maternal grandfather, John Brooks, was engaged in agri- culture. His children were James, John, Jane and Ann. Joseph Henry Cunningham was educated in his native county-, where he spent his early life. February 12, 1860, he emigrated to America, and spent a few years in Westchester Count}', New York, where he found employment at farm labor. He remained a year in New Jersey, six years in Zanesville, Ohio, and one year in Licking County, Ohio, during all of which time he followed the occupation of fanner. In 1878 he removed to Francisville, Indiana, where he spent a year on a farm, and then moved to South Chicago and en- gaged in teaming and expressing. He met with success in this venture, and has since continued the occupation. He is now associated with part- ners, under the title of Cunningham, Son & Com- pany, and their offices are located at No. 306 Ninety-second Street. In 1863 Mr. Cunningham married Miss Lizzie, daughter of Thomas Ferguson. She was born in County Monaghan, Ireland. Their children are, Libbie Jearette, Amber Zala and James Pierce. The first married Charles G. Bryon, and resides at No. 9716 Exchange Avenue. The second be- came the wife of George Shortridge, and their home is at No. 9131 Houston Avenue. The son married Elenore Cutter, daughter of Abijah and Amanda (Poole) Cutter, of Cincinnati, January 14, 1891, and they have a son named for his fa- ther. Their first-born, Blanche Hazel, died when fourteen months old. He is associated with his father in business, and is one of the most active business men in South Chicago. He has a keen observation, a practical knowledge of his occupa- 6 5 2 I. J. REIS. tion, and the ability to put his ideas into practice. The firm is known for its honest and fair dealings with customers, and prompt attention to their wants. Mr. Cunningham is a member of the First Presbyterian Church of South Chicago, cherish- ing the faith of his parents, and is connected with Calumet Lodge, No. 44, Independent Order of Foresters. His birthplace is near that of the late famous New York merchant, A. T. Stewart, with whom he was personally acquainted in earlv life IGNACE J. REIS, CjTGNACE J. REIS was born November 24, 1864, in Kis Palugya, Hungary, and is a son Jt of Jonas and Julia Reis, both of whom are living at his birthplace. Jonas Reis was a lieu- tenant in the army of Kossuth and fought in the Revolution of 1848. The subject of this notice received his early education in Buda Pesth, and after graduating from the gymnasium there he took up the study of medicine, which was his mother's choice of profession for him. He continued his studies in Vienna, Austria, and later studied in Berlin, Germany. He served a year in the army, and then traveled through western Europe. On the invitation of an older brother, who lived in San Francisco, he came to America. The activity of the American people appealed to his tastes and habits, and after visiting New York, San Francisco, St. Louis, Milwaukee and Chicago, he decided upon the last-named city as a place of residence, and in 1889 settled in the great a'nd growing metropolis. He engaged in his profession immediately, but his inability to speak the English language prevented him from establishing himself in business in his own name, so he became an assistant to a prominent chirop- odist, until he was able to master our language. His employer wondered at his success in the treatment of corns, bunions, ingrowing nails, de- formed toes, club feet and all foot diseases, and offered him a very good income if he would re- main, but Dr. Reis wished to be independent, and established an office of his own. He soon had a large practice, and in six months his suc- cess warranted his obtaining a large and com- modious office, at No. 125 State Street, next door to Mandel Brothers, where he was proclaimed "the most successful surgeon-chiropodist in the coun- try. " His fame has reached all over the United States, and he has patients from the 'far North, West, South and East. He is the inventor of the bunion shield, which has been of great bene- fit to suffering humanity. The fame and success of Dr. Reis are still in- creasing, and he enjoys the confidence and friend- ship of his patients. He is connected with many social orders, and in all of them enjoys the re- spect and esteem of its members. He has a beau- tiful home for his family, which consists of his wife and one son. He was united in matrimony, March 31, 1895, with Miss Mamie Ashenheim, a well-known author, and a translator of English, German, French, and other languages. Dr. Reis has a reputation for great integrity in all his dealings. His affable manners and ready flow of thought in conversation make him an agreeable companion, and he is soon recognized as a man of superior attainments in any assemblage. H. A. FARNUM. 653 HENRY A. FARNUM. HENRY ALBERT FARNUM, a valued citizen of Norwood Park, was born Novem- ber 27, 1844, in Dublin, near Monadnock, New Hampshire, and is a son of Rowland and Mary W. (Brooks) Farnum, natives of New Eng- land. Rowland Farnum was a son of Joshua and Mary W. (Borden) Farnum, the former a native of Draycot, Massachusetts. He was a soldier in the Revolutionary Army, having run away from home to join it. After the war he settled in Mount Monadnock, New Hampshire, and there spent the remainder of his life. Family tradition says that the blood of the red men ran through his veins, though there is no satisfactory proof of it. His wife, Mary W. Borden, was a native of New Hampshire, and a daughter of Jonas and Mary (Filton) Borden. Her father was a native of New Hampshire, and his wife of Massachusetts, but both were of English origin. Rowland Far- num and his wife had four children, of whom an account is given below: Henry Albert Farnum, of whose life this article is written, and John M. were the sons. The latter was a soldier for a short time during the Civil War and later a whole- sale grocer at Keene, New Hampshire. He sub- sequently opened a retail grocery store in Nor- wood Park, Illinois, where his death occurred July 17, 1896. Sobrina, wife of C. P. Grant, resides on West Seventy-second Street, Chicago. Frances is the widow of Stephen A. Randall. Rowland Farnum and his wife died at Keene, New Hampshire, at an advanced age. Henry Albert Farnum remained on the home farm in New Hampshire and attended the com- mon schools, where he received his early educa- tion. At the outbreak of the Civil War he was attending a high school, but he left his studies and enlisted, September 20, 1861, and was must- ered- into service and assigned to Company F, Sixth New Hampshire Regiment Volunteer In- fantry. He went first to Maryland, and then on Burnside's expedition to Hatteras. Of the nine transports sent, only the "Old Louisiana" was not sunk. Mr. Farnum spent most of the time during the war with the Army of the Potomac, being in battles at Roanoke, Hatteras, Chantilly, South Mountain, Antietam, the second battle of Fredericksburg, at Vicksburg, Jackson, and other places, being under General Grant at Vicksburg and Fredericksburg. He returned to the Poto- mac under General Grant and fought in the bat- tle of the Wilderness. On the second day, May 6, 1864, he was taken prisoner, and sent to Rich- mond to Libby Prison and then to Danville, spending a few days in each place. He was then sent to Andersonville, where he was confined eight months. Later he was sent to Florence, South Carolina, and while in the prison pen was not only starved nearly to death, but was also ex- posed to extreme cold and had his feet so badly frozen that part of the flesh fell from his toes. From Florence he was taken to Wilmington, North Carolina, and there exchanged, after which he spent a few days in Grant's general hospital at Willit's Point, New York, and was then sent to the hospital at Manchester, New Hampshire. After gaining strength and partially recovering his health, he went to Concord to get his dis- charge, May 20, 1865. Two reports of his death had been published before his safety became known to his friends. At the close of the war, Mr. Farnum learned the trade of cabinet-maker, and worked at it at Keene, New Hampshire, and also Fitchburg, Massachu- 654 F. M. WOJTALEWICZ. setts. In 1876 Mr. Farnum came to Chicago and worked at the trade of making sashes, blinds and doors, and later found employment with the Johnson Furniture Company. He chose Nor- wood Park as a home and still resides there, oc- cupying a comfortable residence at No. 3585 Clarendon Street, which he built in 1897. Since 1890 he has taken charge of the Union Ridge Cemetery, as superintendent. October 15, 1867, Mr. Farnum married Sarah E. Wheeler, and they had two children, namely: Edward Ellsworth, now residing at Athol, Massachusetts; and Isora L. , wife of L,. L. Foster, of the same place. Mr. Farnum was married June 24, 1893, to Eleanor A. Turner, a native of Pittsburg, Pennsylvania, and a daughter of Miles S. and Clara (Moore) Turner. The former was a native of New Jersey and fought with the Sixth Regiment New Jersey Volunteer Infantry in the late Civil War. He was also a member of the Thirty-sixth Company, Second Battalion Vet- eran Relief Corps. He lived in Milwaukee, and is buried in Union Ridge Cemetery. Mr. Farnum is a member of B. F. Butler Post, No. 754, Grand Army of the Republic, of Irving Park. He is a Republican in his political views, and a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church, as is his wife. FRANCIS M. WOJTALEWICZ. |~~ RANCIS MAXIMILIAN WOJTALEWICZ r^ was born December 2, 1861, in Zalesie, Po- | * land, and is a son of Maximilian and Lucy (Budzbanowska) Wojtalewicz, who were both natives of that country. His maternal grand- father, John Budzbanowski, was the superintend- ent of an estate in Poland, and his father's people were farmers in that country. Maximilian Wojtalewicz and his family emigrated to America April 25, 1869, and settled in Chicago, locating at No. 31 Chapin Street. He is a tailor by trade, and still lives in this city, where he has bought ground and built upon it. The subject of this biography attended Saint Stanislaus' School, of Chicago, until he was thirteen years old, and was then employed at gilding picture frames in a factory a short time. He next attended public school until he was eighteen years of age, and subsequently entered Saint Francis Seminary, Milwaukee, where he completed a classical course. He next attended school at Saint Meinrad, Indiana, completing the course in 1889. December 21, 1889, he was ordained at Holy Narne Cathredal, by Arch-bishop Feehan. He was then appointed assistant to Reverend M. Pyplatz, and remained with him one year. For nine months he had charge of Guardian Angel Orphan Asylum, at High Ridge, and for eight months was in charge of a mission at Downers Grove, DuPage County, Illinois. His occupa- tion had fitted him for more independent efforts, and he next engaged his energies in organizing a mission at Sobieski, Cook County, in which he was very successful, and he remained in charge there three and one-half years. September 20, 1895, Reverend Wojtalewicz took charge of the Church of the Immaculate Conception, Blessed Virgin Mary, of South Chi- cago, and he has since been engaged in promoting the welfare of this church. He is the friend of the poor, the comforter of the sorrowful, and sympathizes with the joys and trials of all his parishioners. All who attend the services, and are connected with the church, give him their utmost confidence and regard. LIBRARY OP THE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS CitI have assumed the practical manage- ment of the business, thus giving the father a much-needed rest after a long life of useful activ- ity. The two brothers, Charles W. and John P. Willard, are now enjoying a competency, which they have earned by a life of hard labor and hon- est endeavor. 6 5 6 C. W. WILLARD. September 28, 1846, Charles W. Willard was married to Miss Martha Ann Babcock, a daughter of Lemuel E. and Sarah Emmeline (Buell) Bab- cock. Martha A. Babcock was born October 22, 1832, in Windsor, Vermont, and died September 20, 1883, at South Chicago. She was the mother of eight children. The eldest of these, Charles Edward Willard, was born May 22, 1849, at Dor- chester, Massachusetts. He married Ellen, daugh- ter of Charles E. Felton , of Chicago, and has one child, named George Gale. Martha Emma Wil- lard, born April 12, 1851, at Dorchester, Massa- chusetts, married Kossuth H. Bell, March n, 1879, and has five children. Frank Eugene, third child of C. W. Willard, was born November 10, 1854, in East Boston, Massachusetts. In March, 1885, he married Anna, daughter of John Moran, of Cleveland, Ohio. Their children are: Frank Valentine, born February 14, 1894; Dorothy, April 26, 1895; and Gladys, March 22,1896. After graduating from the Chicago High School in 1870, Mr. Wil- lard was employed six years at the forge. He then went into the offices of the Chicago Steam Forge Works, which were located in the Holley Building, in 1882. Seven years later they were moved to the Western Union Building, and in August, 1896, to the Great Northern Building. Since July i, 1889, Mr. Frank E. Willard has had entire charge of these offices. Freddy C., the fourth child of C. W. Willard, born February 17, 1855, i n Dorchester, Massa- chusetts, died July 30, 1857. Harriet Emmeline, next, was born May 30, 1859, in Bridgewater, Massachusetts, and died in Chicago, May i, 1877, having just graduated from the Chicago High School. Lemuel Clifton Willard was born October 17, 1862, in Bridgewater, Massachusetts. December 12, 1885, he was married to Miss Ellen, daugh- ter of Anton Kahl, of Chicago. Their children are: Ella Martha, born May 2, 1887; Harriet Emmeline, December 12, 1893; and Wright Clifton, September 6, 1896. At the age of six- teen years, he left school, and entered his fa- ther's employ. In 1888 he took charge of the mechanical portion of work of the establishment, and has continued in this position ever since. Mr. Willard is connected with Court South Chi- cago, No. 171, Independent Order of Foresters. He was made a Mason in August, 1892, in Triluminar Lodge, No. 767, and is identified with Sinai Chapter, No. 185, and Calumet Com- mandery, No. 62, of that order. The last two children of C. W. Willard and wife were twins, Willie and Winnie, born in Chicago, October 10, 1865. The former died on the following day, and the latter September 30, 1867. November 19, 1888, Charles W. Willard was married the second time, the bride being a sister of his first wife, and the widow of his younger brother, H. O. Willard. Hezekiah Oscar Wil- lard was born February 13, 1827, in Winchester, New Hampshire, and died March 22, 1886, at Alstead, in the same State. January 28, 1846, he was married to Sarah Emmeline Babcock, and they became the parents of nine children. Mr. Charles W. Willard was made a Mason, at Bridgewater, Massachusetts, in 1861, becoming a member of Bridgewater Lodge of that city. He is a steadfast Republican in political principle, but has never aspired to political offices or honors. Amos Fisk Willard, eldest son of Hezekiah Willard, was born March 20, 1824, and died in Winchendon, Massachusetts, May 15, 1894. He was married December 31, 1846, to Amelia M. Smith, of Langdon, New Hampshire, and became the father of eight children. John Peters Willard, youngest son of Hezekiah Willard, was born November 24, 1830, in Al- stead, New Hampshire. The history of his early life is given in connection with that of his elder brother, Charles W. Willard, whose name heads this article. In 1872 he sold out his interest in the firm of Pynchon, Willard & Company, and moved to De Pere, Wisconsin. Here he estab- lished himself in business under the title of the De Pere Steam Forge Works, and has achieved a most gratifying success. He became connected with the Masonic order in that city in 1876, in De Pere Lodge. He is a Republican in politics. He married Harriet P. Hurd, daughter of CHARLES KRIEWITZ. 657 Collins and Sarah (Way) Kurd. Their children are as follows: Cora Sultana, born December 24, 1855, died September 3, 1856, in Alstead, New Hampshire; Nellie Asenath, born April 17, 1857, in Dorchester, Massachusetts, married Paul Scheuring, April 12, 1877, and had eight chil- dren; Myra Hurd, born January 23, 1859, in Al- stead, New Hampshire, married Harry McRoy, of Chicago, June 16, 1880, and has three children; Freddie Collins, born May 18, 1861, in Bridge- water, Massachusetts, died February 9, 1862; Mabel Emma, born September 16, 1866, in Chi- cago, died July 20, 1895; Clara May, born April 4, 1870, in Chicago, died April 17, 1874. CHARLES KRIEWITZ. EHARLES KRIEWITZ, a very successful South Chicago grocer, has been established in his present location some thirteen years, and has acquired an enviable reputation along Commercial Avenue, where he has a store at No. 9700. Mr. Kriewitz is of German origin, his parents, Jacob and Fredrika (Lubtke) Kriewitz, residing in the little Pommeranian town of Lassan at the time of his birth, September 2, 1844. His father was a fisherman, and died at the early age of forty-three, in 1864. His mother kept her wid- owed state many years, and died in Chicago, when past seventy-five years of age. She was the mother of four sons and one daughter, who are living in this country, except as noted below. She crossed the ocean in 1871 to spend her declining days with her children in their American home, and her only daughter, Minnie, bore her company. Her son Frederick was the first to emigrate, and now lives atTolleston, Indi- ana, where he cares for a family of four children. John, the only son who persisted in clinging to the Fatherland, still lives at Kiel, where he follows ship carpentering. He is the father of four chil- dren. Ernst lives in South Chicago; and Minnie is Mrs. Rudolph Hargens, and has her home at Clark Station, Indiana. She is the mother of four children. Mr. Kriewitz struck out for himself early in life, and something of his sturdy character may be at- tributed to the discipline of these earlier years. When fourteen he left home and became a sailor, serving for several years on coast trading vessels. Before he was twenty he took an able-bodied sail- or's position on an ocean-going vessel, and was on the salt water for ten years. He served in the German navy for upwards of two years, from 1864 to 1866, and has an honorable record in that ca- pacity. In 1869 he came to this country on board the barque ''Lincoln," of Bath, Maine. He landed at Philadelphia, and came straight on to Chicago, where his brother Frederick was already established. He was a capable and trusty sea- man and at once found remunerative employment on the lakes. He left the water in the autumn of 1872 to engage in business for himself as propri- etor and manager of a saloon and grocery at Clark Station, Indiana, and continued in this business for the next ten years. In June, 1883, he came to his present location, put up a convenient store building, and has built up one of the most com- plete grocery establishments on the street. January 17, 1873, Mr. Kriewitz married Miss Matilda Ludewig, whose parents, Henry and Eliza- beth Dorothea (Kroekel) Ludewig, werenativesof Hanover, Germany. She came to this country in 1870, in company with her three brothers, all of whom have met with success in the intervening years. William is a physician at Rock Island; Fred is a farmer near Woodstock ; and Adolph is 6 5 8 ROBERT COLLINS. seeking restoration of health under Italian skies. She is a lady of many musical gifts, and is es- pecially proficient on the guitar. Her two older sons, Charles Frederick, born September 12, 1874, and Bernard Otto, February 17, 1876, were estab- lished by Mr. Kriewitz in the meat and grocery business at No. 1010 Commercial Avenue, in May, 1895, an d have rapidly risen to the front rank in that line. They do a large business with freight boats that come in the Calumet River, and seek renewal of their larder before returning to the lake. A daughter, Freda, August 4, 1877, lived only eleven days. Clara Matilda, born August 8, 1878, inherits her mother's musical gift, and is a graduate of the Chicago Musical College, and was a pupil of Dr. F. Ziegfeld. She is now at- tending the Chicago Female College, and teaches a class in musical home. Emmertina Elsie, Feb- ruary 20, 1883, died on the last day of July in the year of her birth. John, who was born Janu- ary 10, 1884, died in the following August. Mil- ton Ludwig, September 12, 1885, was drowned in Lake Michigan, at the foot of Ninety-fifth Street, August 4, 1896, while out swimming. He was a very bright lad, and had become a fine violinist. His loss is deeply mourned, not only by his own immediate family, but by many friends who feel that a promising career was suddenly cut short. Mr. Kriewitz is a member of the Independent Order of Odd Fellows, and has his name on the rolls of Earl Lodge No. 333, Hubbard, Indiana. He takes much interest in the order, and has filled all its chairs. He also belongs to the Sons of Hermann No. 41, South Chicago. In religion he affiliates with the Congregational Church, and in politics acts with the Republican party. He was school director in Lake County, Indiana, for six years, and served a short term as postmaster at Clark Station. He is an active and capable bus- iness man, and takes much interest in public af- fairs. ROBERT COLLINS. ROBERT COLLINS. Many men in our great metropolis have risen to positions of trust and responsibility through their own efforts, unaided by money or the influence of others, and among these valuable citizens is found Robert Collins. He was born November 22, 1857, m Conshohocken, Pennsylvania, and is the son of William and Lavinia (Harvey) Collins. His genealogy will be found with that of his brother, W. H. Collins, contained in this work. William Collins was foreman of a blast fur- nace, and worked at the following places: Youngs- town and Cleveland, Ohio; Knightsville, Indi- ana; Grand Tower, Illinois; and Saint Louis, Missouri. When Robert Collins was a lad of lit- tle more than nine years, he thought best to leave school and begin the battle of life. From that time he has worked all his life. Until he was twenty-three years of age he gave his earnings to his parents, as soon as received. In November, 1882, he began life for himself, and after a few years of traveling about, in which time he saw many hardships, he was able, by reason of his skill as a mechanic, to secure a valuable and perma- nent position with a reliable establishment. He first began as a common laborer for the Illinois Steel Company in South Chicago. After a year and one-half of this, he spent a year as runner- man; then, beginning as fourth vesselman, he has advanced to the position of second vesselman, which last position he has held five years, to the satisfaction of his employers. RICHARD SPARROW. 659 August 23, 1880, Mr. Collins married Miss. Eliza Horner, and they are the parents of three living children, Malissa, Stella and Arthur. Joshua died in infancy. They live at their com- fortable home, No. 9742 Avenue M, Chicago. Mr. Collins is a true representative of the substan- tial class of American self-made men. He has well earned the respect and admiration that the community accords him, and deserves the many firm friends he has, and whom he is so willing to serve. In politics Mr. Collins is independent in his views, believing that true patriotism looks rather to the ability than the party affiliations of a candidate. RICHARD SPARROW. RICHARD SPARROW was born August i, 1831, in Dudley, Staffordshire, England, and is a son of James and Mary (Turner) Sparrow. His mother died when he was but five years of age, and two years later his father mar- ried again. His first employment was with a glass house. At the age of eight and one-half years he began work as savator, which he con- tinued two years, and then secured employment in iron works, which business he continued right along. He was helper to a puddler until nineteen years of age, and was then "boss" of a furnace, and continued as such until he came to America. In February, 1868, he reached America and came direct to Chicago. Mr. Crossley Law, who married the sister of the first wife of Mr. Sparrow, was then working in the North Chicago Rolling Mills, and through him the latter secured a posi- tion as puddler in this mill. He then took charge of the furnace, and in 1879 was made nighf'boss" of the puddlers. In 1881 he went to South Chi- cago and was put in charge of the boiler house. In 1887 he left the mill, and has lived a retired life since that time. Mr. Sparrow was married in 1853 to Miss Mary, daughter of Joseph and Mary Brown. She died February 27, 1868, at the age of thirty-six years, leaving one child, Arthur James. He was born August 20, 1856, and married Sarah Ann Cooper, and is now a bookkeeper in San Francisco, California. His children are named: Mary Ade- laide Cooper, Harvey Mark Cooper and Howard Cooper. Mr. Sparrow married for his second wife Dr. Hannah Steele, whose biography appears elsewhere in this volume. James Sparrow, the grandfather of the subject of this sketch, located in New York City, where he married a second wife, and his descendants are very prominent there. By his first wife he had a son and daughter, the former being the father of Richard Sparrow. The second wife, Miss Rhodes, was a lady of wealth, and at her death she left her property to James Sparrow, who was, therefore, at one time a man of very comfortable means, but he had reverses and lost so much of his property that in later life he was compelled to work for his living. His children by his first marriage were seven in number, namely: James, now deceased; Elizabeth, Mrs. John Bolton, now deceased; Mary, wife of Joseph Chance, now de- ceased; John, deceased, and Richard. Joseph resides at Seventy-ninth Street and Coles Avenue, Chicago. The children of James Sparrow by his second marriage were: Martha, who died at twelve years of age; William and Thomas, both of whom are in England. Mr. Sparrow is a member of the Order of Foresters of Court Briscoe, No. 9, and is a Re- publican in politics. 66o W. B. MONTGOMERY. WILLIAM B. MONTGOMERY. BELL MONTGOMERY, who has the honor of being one of the first per- sons to locate a home in Taylor's First Ad- dition, sometimes known as the East Side of South Chicago, was born March 8, 1836, in Mercer County, Illinois, and is the son of John and Sarah (Vail) Montgomery. John Montgomery was a Presbyterian minister, of what is termed by some the Old School, and came West as a missionary to the Indians. He went among the Osage Indi- ans of Missouri, and finally settled in Mercer County, Illinois, where he entered land, engaged in farming, and lived until his death in 1842. His wife was born in Connecticut. She also died in the same year and place as her husband. Their children now living are: William Bell and Asen- ath; the latter married Solomon Gardner, and is now a widow, living in Austin, Illinois. The names of the deceased children are: Joseph V., a merchant, and Christiana, wife of W. I. Moore, of Austin, Illinois. William Bell Montgomery lost both parents when he was only eight years of age, and his guardian was Thomas Vail, his mother's brother, who lived at the old homestead. William lived with him until he was fourteen years old, and then, at his own expense, attended the Geneseo High School. When eighteen years old, he began learning the trade of carpenter and joiner in Gen- eseo. In 1856 he began a dry-goods business for himself, in Kewanee, Henry County, Illinois, with W. I. Moore as partner, and .they continued two years. For a year he conducted the Empire House in that city, and then went to Memphis, Tennessee, and followed his trade. He stayed two years, and in 1861 went to Cincinnati, Ohio, and enlisted in General Fremont's mounted body guard, known as the Kentucky Company, made up of picked men. He remained with them until General Fremont was superseded, and is one of the few survivors of the famous Fremont's Body Guard charge, October 24, 1861, at Springfield, Missouri. He returned to Cincinnati and worked at his trade until 1869, when he went to Put-In-Bay Is- land (Lake Erie), Ohio. There he did his first contracting. He built all the first-class hotels at this summer resort during his three-years stay, and this gave him a start in life. Next he went toSandusky, Ohio, where he spent one season in contracting and building. In the spring of 1873, he came to Chicago and bought some property at what is now No. 992 Avenue K. He was one of the first investors on the East Side .after the town was located. He came under a contract to build mills for the Ness Silicon Steel Company, from Rome, New York. The company failed later, and though the mills had been completed, they were never used by the builders. Mr. Montgomery remained in South Chicago until 1878, and in this time built principally houses, among them the Taylor and the Krimbill residences. Some of the work done by him in J. O. KNALL. 66 1 1875 was the building of the first draw-bridge across the Calumet River at Ninety- fifth Street. He also built the Chittenden and the One Hun- dred Sixth Street Bridges. In 1878 he removed to Chicago, living on the West Side, although he still retained his property in South Chicago. He lived on the West Side until 1890, following his trade mean time. When he returned to South Chicago, he improved his property, and continued building operations. In the spring of 1893, he erected the present building on his property, and opened the hotel, Saint Elmo, the following July. Since that time he has given his time and energy to the successful and satisfactory conduct of this hotel. November 5, 1879, Mr. Montgomery married Mrs. Hattie De Wolf, widow of Louis De Wolf. She died March 24, 1893. In politics Mr. Mont- gomery is a Republican, but he has never held any office. The friends of the genial landlord of the Saint Elmo Hotel are many, and he is re- spected by all who know him. He is truly a ben- efactor of his city, and is most intimately con- nected with its past and present growth. JOHN O. KNALL. (JOHN OSCAR KNALL, chief engineer of the Illinois Steel Company, was born February Q) 5, 1858, in Norkoping, Sweden. He is the son of August and Louise (Johnson) Knall. August Knall was born May 10, 1826, in Sweden, and his wife, Louise Johnson, was born March 25, 1824, in the same country. The former was a carpenter by trade, but served thirty-two years as a soldier in his native land. He and his wife came to South Chicago, by the request of their children, who were already there, in 1883, and they have ever since made that locality their home. The first of the family to remove to America was Matilda, the eldest daughter. In 1869 she came to Chicago, and lived here ten years before she visited Sweden. After remaining at home a year, she returned to this city, and has lived here ever since that time. She has never married, and now resides with her parents in South Chicago. Her brother Charles was the next to come to the United States. He came in 1860 to Chicago, and later he removed to Santa Barbara County, Cali- fornia, where he has lived since, and is engaged in farming. He is married and has five children. Annie Knall, another daughter, came with her eldest sister in 1881, when the latter returned from Sweden. Annie Knall married Edward Reen, and has two children. She and her hus- band make their home in South Chicago. Ida A. , the youngest daughter of August Knall, gradu- ated in May, 1897, from the University in Cali- fornia. She is a student of ability and a rare linguist, owing her education to her individual efforts. John Oscar Knall reached New York March 3, 1880, and came on to Chicago immediately. In Sweden he had prepared himself for the work of machinist, having served an apprenticeship of seven years. He first began work in the city in the service of Crane Brothers, dealers in elevators, with whom he remained three months. He then worked six months at the Deering Harvester Works as machinist. July 5, 1881, he began working for the Illinois Steel Company, and he has ever since been one of its most valuable 662 L. A. FREY. employes. He worked four years as a machinist, and then was made assistant to James Penny, the chief engineer. In less than a year he was made chief engineer, and he has since retained that responsible position. Mr. Knall bought some property on Avenue H in 1883, and in 1886 built a comfortable home on it, in which he has since made his home. He also owns property on Exchange Avenue, between Eighty-ninth and Ninetieth Streets. October 6. 1882, Mr. Knall married his first wife, Cbarlotta Hulltner, a native of Sweden. She died January 9, 1884, leaving one child, Frank, who still lives at home. June 9, 1888, he married Miss Hedwig Carolina Hermann, a native of Sweden. They have three children, John, David and Jos( ph. Mr. Knall and his family are mem- bers of the Lutheran Church. On national ques- tions Mr. Knall favors the Republican party. He is an expert at his trade, and is one of the oldest and most trusted of the employes of the corpora- tion which he serves. He is progressive in his ideas and warmly interested in all public im- provements. LOUIS A/ FREY. I OUIS ALOIS FREY carries on an extensive It real-estate, loan, insurance and steamship- IH/ ticket business in South Chicago, and is re- garded as authority on anything that relates to values or business deals in this part of the city. He was born in New York, February 26, 1852, and his parents, Lucas and Catharine (Muller) Frey, moved to Detroit in 1853, and came to Chi- cago the next year. Mr. Frey was given good educational advantages, both in the parochial and public schools and in Deyrenfurth College. When he was sixteen years old he left school to engage in business under his father's direction. His father owned the Lake House, then located at the corner of Kinzie and Rush Streets, and young Louis took charge of it for him. In 1873 he went into the real-estate business with Jacob Bremer, and continued until 1881. He formed a partnership that year with Capt. R. D. Lender, under the firm name of Frey & Lender, which continued for three years; and then, Mr. Frey carried on business alone until 1889. At this time he went into the firm of Frey & Schlund, and the partners were together for six years. Since that time Mr. Frey has been alone. He has served as president of the Royal Building and Loan Association, an institution in which he takes a lively interest. Mr. Frey united his matrimonial destinies with those of Anna Katharine Schwall, May 3, 1881, and from this union have come the following chil- dren: Man' Magdalene, born February 2, 1882; Anna Maria, October i, 1884; Elizabeth Pauline, January 26, 1887; Frances Catharine, December 26, 1888; Louis Alois, May 16, 1890 (dead); Frank Alois, twin of Louis (dead); John Louis, July 18, 1891 (died October 29, 1895); and Olive Euphrosine, March 29, 1895. Mrs. Frey was born at Wilmette, Cook County, Illinois, Decem- ber 21, 1862, and is a daughter of Jacob and Ma- ria Schwall. Lucas Frey was a native of Baden, Germany, born in 1822, and died June 4, 1871, in Chicago. He left Germany when he was twenty-four years old, and came to New York, where he began to manufacture brushes on a large scale. He came LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS PETER J. RUBEY (From Photo by W. J. ROOTI P. J. RUBEY. 663 to Chicago in 1853, and enlarged his business. He was also interested in a brewery, which he operated in connection with his brush factory on State Street, between Congress and Harrison Streets. He sold his brewery interests in 1862 to Mosler Brothers, and two years later started a hotel at the corner of Twelfth Street and Fourth Avenue, which he called the Chicago House. He disposed of it in 1867, and the next year opened the Lake House,at the corner of Rush and Kinzie Streets, and was its proprietor when he died. His wife, Catharine Muller, who survives him, and lives at Colehour, is an Alsatian, and was born at Rohweiler, France. Her father, Michael Muller, was a farmer, who never left the land of his birth. He owned the land he tilled, and was the sire of many children. Mrs. Frey, with her brother, sisters and uncle, Anthony Muller, emi- grated to America in 1847, and was married to Mr. Frey in the city of New York. Louis A. Frey is a man of social instincts and is associated with several fraternal societies. He is a member of Calumet Council No. 569, Royal Arcanum, and is a charter member of Branch No. 317, Catholic Knights of America. He is one of the leading spirits of St. Peter and Paul's Benevolent Society, of South Chicago, and is a member of the Columbus Club. He has a pleas- ant home on Exchange Avenue, and is sur- rounded by a charming and interesting family. PETER J. RUBEY. QETER JOSEPH RUBEY is one of Chicago's LX most progressive and reliable business men. J5 He is one of the largest cigar manufacturers in South Chicago, and does both a wholesale and retail business in this line, thus providing employment for many men. Among these are numerous agents, who do business in fields out- side the city, as well as in it. Peter J. Rubey was born March 31, 1856, in Hostan, Germany, and is the son of Joseph and Katharine (Thomas) Rubey. In 1869 his par- ents came to America, locating in Chicago Sep- tember 19 of that year. Here Joseph Rubey died in 1885. Peter J. Rubey began in early life to work in the tobacco business, being employed by Alfred Singer, at No. 31 1 Larrabee Street, and oth- ers, seven years. During this time he learned the essential features and methods of the business, as he was an observing youth, and with the typical German ambition and thrift, he was able to start in business for himself August 12, 1876. He be- gan at No. 87 Cornell Street, manufacturing only cigars at this time. He remained there till 1882, when he removed to No. 217 Ninety-second Street, where he bought a lot and where his present building stands. Mr. Rubey has been very successful in business and has, ever since moving to his present location, not only manu- factured cigars, but also employed many agents for the sale of these goods, both at wholesale and retail. June 12, 1882, Mr. Rubey married Catherine Paul, daughter of John Paul, of Wisconsin. They are the parents of the following children : Cath- erine, Frances, Annie, Clara, Joseph and Charles. Mr. Rubey is a member of Saints Peter and Paul's Roman Catholic Church, of the Catholic Knights and of the Benevolent Society of Saints Peter and Paul's Church. In politics he supports the Democratic party, believing its principles to be best for the interests of his adopted country. Mr. Rubey is a good husband, a kind father, a good neighbor, and is a respected member of the com- munity in which he resides. 664 E. A. STARR. ELIZA A. STARR. IT LIZA ALLEN STARR. In its early days Yy Chicago held little of encouragement for the L_ artist or litterateur, and the subject of this sketch may be rightly considered the pioneer in turning the thoughts of the citizens of Chicago toward the fine arts. Since 1856 she has labored with brush and pen, and as a teacher, and the city owes much to her refining influence, not only as an artist, but in the purity and beauty of her personal life and example. Miss Starr came of old and true Puritan stock. Her first ancestor in this country was Dr. Comfort Starr, of Ashford, County Kent, England, who came to Cambridge, Massachusetts, in 1634. His son, the Rev. Comfort Starr, was graduated from Harvard College in 1647, and was one of the cor- porators of the college in 1650. Next in line was Joseph Starr, whose son, William, was the great- grandfather of Eliza Allen Starr. William Starr was a merchant engaged in the West India trade, owning his vessels, and was lost at sea. William, son of the last-named, was a ship-carpenter, and later a miller at Deerfield, Massachusetts. He entered the Revolutionary Army at the age of six- teen, and served four years. Having wintered at Valley Forge, gone through the battle of Mon- mouth, and seen Lord Cornwallis' sword given up to General Washington, he returned to his home, hatless, coatless and shoeless. In Decem- ber, 1781, he was married to Miss Elizabeth, daughter of Samuel and Chloe Crittenden, and they had the following children : Esther S. , Will- iam, Elizabeth, Samuel, Seth, Oliver. Lucy, Elizabeth and Beverly. Miss Starr still preserves with care much of the furniture with which this couple, her grandparents, began their house- keeping. Oliver Starr was born April 2, 1791, in Middle- town, Connecticut, and was two years old when his parents removed to Deerfield, Massachusetts. He was an enthusiastic student of chemistry, and be- came an expert in the science. He continued to till his farm, Meadow Homestead, until the winter of 1854-55, when he determined to move West. The old home was sold, and he settled with his family at Laona, Winnebago County, Illinois, where he died April 26, 1870. His wife, Lovina, was a daughter of Caleb and Judith (Hawks) Allen. "The Aliens of the Bars" came from Chelmsford, Essex, England, and their de- scendants were distinguished in the Colonial period of Massachusetts, being identified with the old town of Deerfield from the time of King Philip's War. Samuel Allen was killed August 25, 1746, while defending his family against the Indians. His daughter, Eunice, was tomahawked, but sur- vived, and his son Samuel was taken captive, but rescued by his uncle, Col. John Hawks. Caleb, another son, became the father of Lovina Allen Starr, who was born October 9, 1786. She died at Laona February 15, 1864. Her children were: Caleb Allen, Eliza Allen, Eunice Allen and Oliver Starr. The mother was a remarkable woman, and bequeathed to her children many of her lovely E. A. STARR. 665 traits of character, among which were a marked ideality and love of family traditions. Eliza Allen Starr was born in Deerfield, Massa- chusetts, August 29, 1824, and was educated in the famous old academy of that historic town. She afterwards studied drawing in Boston, under Mrs. Caroline Hildreth, wife of the well-known histo- rian, Richard Hildreth, and made rapid advance- ment, owing to her natural talents and faithful application. She taught drawing in a large boarding school in Brooklyn, New York, and went thence to Philadelphia, where she taught drawing and the French language, having per- fected herself in the latter accomplishment by diligent study while pursuing art work. In 1851 she accepted a position as teacher in the family of wealthy planter at Natchez, Mississippi, where she remained two years. During all this time she labored with her pen, as well as with the pencil, and contributed both prose and verse to different magazines and papers. Subsequent to the above-mentioned year, she opened an art studio in Boston, but the climate of the latter city began to tell upon her health, and she removed to Chicago in 1856. The population of this city was growing stead- ily, and many of its citizens who came from East- ern centers began to realize the need of art schools and teachers in the community. Miss Starr's studio was immediately crowded with pupils, and her time was happily divided between literary and art work. She was urged by friends to collect and publish her poems, and in 1866 the first vol- ume was issued. In 1869 appeared "Patron Saints;" this was so successful that large editions followed in 1880 and 1896. In 1885 "Pilgrims and Shrines," a two- volume work, came out, and a second edition followed later. This work was illustrated from designs by the authoress, who etched the pictures as well. In 1887 Miss Starr published "Songs of a Life-time," including both her early and late poems, which have been im- mensely popular; some of the poems have been re-published in school text books. In 1889 was published "Isabella of Castile, which gained for the authoress the benediction of the Pope and the thanks of all scholars. In 1890 and 1891 were issued several works, entitled "What We See," "Christian Art in Our Own Age," and "Christ- mas Tide. ' ' Several of her later works have been published by the authoress. The twelve illustra- tions in "Patron Saints" were drawn on wood by her, and she etched twelve similar ones on steel plates for a second volume under the same title. Her "Ode to Christopher Columbus" formed a prominent feature of the celebration of the four- hundredth anniversary of the landing of that discoverer at New York, in 1892, where it was sung by a chorus of five hundred trained voices, accompanied by an orchestra of fifty pieces. The Great Fire of 1871 destroyed many of her art treasures, which can never be replaced. Her beautiful home, called Saint Joseph's Cottage, was swept out of existence, with the collections of all her previous years. She accepted an invita- tion to make her home at Saint Mary's Academy, near South Bend, Indiana, until her own home in Chicago could be re-established. While there, she aided the Sisters of the Holy Cross, in charge of the academy, in establishing an art depart- ment after the best models of Europe and America. In 1875, in company with her nephew, William W. Starr, the sculptor, she visited Europe, remaining several months, during which time much of the material for "Pilgrims and Shrines" was gath- ered. Illness prevented the consummation of her plan to visit the home of her ancestor at Ash- ford, England, during this trip abroad. In 1877 she re-built Saint Joseph's Cottage, which has accumulated many new treasures, and holds a valuable collection of manuscripts and works of art. Miss Starr is better known to the public as an authoress than as an artist, though her talents and work in the latter direction are well known to connoisseurs. Since 1877 she has given annual courses of lectures to the ladies of Chicago on the "Literature of Christian Art," beginning with the Catacombs and ending with the artists of the present century. She possesses a fine voice for the rostrum, and has been very successful as a lecturer throughout the United States. In 1896 she gave a course before the Winter School at New Orleans, and at the Sum- mer School at Madison, Wisconsin. In her home 666 W. H. MEYERS. is an auditorium capable of seating two hundred persons, and here she gives a course of ten lect- ures upon art and literature each year. She was the first woman to receive the Laetare Medal, which was conferred upon her in 1885 by the University of Notre Dame, South Bend, Indiana. This is a medal of gold annually given to some one distinguished for contributions to the welfare of mankind. It is now granted to a woman every third year. On her arrival in Boston, in June, 1845, Miss Starr heard a sermon by the famous Dr. Theodore Parker, which awakened in her mind doubts as to the correctness of Puritan teachings. In 1848 she went to Philadelphia, where she met many re- fined and talented Catholics, among them Arch- bishop Kenrick. After nine years of mental struggle, she adopted the faith of the Roman Catholic Church, and has been ever since one of the most faithful workers and teachers of that organization. Many of her writings have been inspired by her enthusiastic devotion to her re- ligion, and she is held in the highest regard by both the priesthood and laity. WILLIAM H. MEYERS. HENRY MEYERS, a member of the firm of W. H. Meyers & Company, leading hardware dealers of South Chicago, was born October 10, 1854, in Westphalia, Ger- many. He is the son of Charles and Katharine (Heidenrich) Meyers, natives of Germany. His parents were attracted to this free land, and in 1865 the family emigrated to Amer- ica, and located at Burlington, Iowa, where Charles Meyers became engaged in farming. Both he and his wife lived on their farm near Burlington until their death. They were the parents of three children: Frederick, who lives on the old home farm; Mrs Mary Fellows, who lives near there; and William H., the subject of this notice. William H. Meyers spent his youth, from the time he was eleven years of age until he was twenty-four, at his father's farm. In 1878 he left home and began for himself, by going to Kansas City and working as clerk for the Hall & Willis Hardware Company. Later he was employed in the establishment of Richardson & Conover, of the same city, and dealers in the same goods. In 1885 he came to Chicago and was six months a conductor on a street car line. In March, 1886, he went to South Chicago and be- gan working for C. Carr & Sons, at No. 275 Ninety-second Street, where he himself is now located. In the fall of 1892 he opened a hard- ware store for himself at the northeast corner of South Chicago and Commercial Avenues, in the Eigenman Block. Later he took as a partner in the business Mr. S. M. Arnold, and the firm for the term of one year was Meyers & Arnold. In 1893 W. J. Lightburn took an interest, and the next year Mr. Meyers bought him out and took in his present partner, Christian Feldman, of Burlington, Iowa. The firm then became W. H. Meyers & Company, which it has ever since remained. Under its present management the business has prospered, and the trade at present is lucrative. Mr. Meyers is a shrewd, careful and thrifty business man. In February, 1886, Mr. Meyers married Miss C. W. PETRIE. 667 Katy, daughter of Anthony Oxford, of LaFayette, Indiana. They are the parents of one daughter, Antoinette, who was boni January 24, 1890. Mr. Meyers is a sociable man, and is a member of South Chicago Lodge No. 696, Independent Order of Odd Fellows, in which he is chairman of the Board of Trustees. He is connected with the Knights of Pythias, being identified with Bowen Lodge No. 213. He is also a member of Calumet Lodge of South Chicago Gesang- Verein . Mr. Meyers' parents were Lutherans and he was reared in their faith, though he is not now con- nected with any church. In political opinion, he is a stanch Republican. He has many friends, and is popular with a large class of people, being universally respected. CHARLES W. PETRIE. OHARLES WILLIAM PETRIE was bom I ( April 7, 1862, in Michigan City, Indiana, and \J is the son of Alexander and Elathyne (Poor) Petrie. Alexander Petrie's father was a native of Paris, France. He moved to Canada and there married a Canadian lady. He was a lumberman and engaged extensively in contracting. His children were: William, Susan, James (now de- ceased) , and Alexander. The last-named is a farmer and lives with his wife at Watseka, Illi- nois. He was born October 19, 1822, in Canada, and his wife was born in New Brunswick, Nova Scotia. She is seventy-three years of age, and is the daughter of David Poor, who was born in Maine, and was a lumberman in very comfortable circumstances, owning mills and other property. He lived to be seventy-five years of age. His children are: Joshua and Elathyne (now Mrs. Petrie). Joshua Poor lives at Walkerton, Indi- ana, and is retired from active business. David Poor was descended from an old New England family, and was a soldier in the War of 1812. Charles W. Petrie went to Ontario, Canada, with his parents in 1866. After living there two years, they went to North Liberty, Indiana, and in the latter place Charles attended school. Then his family removed to Walkerton, and he there attended school two years, which finished his ed- ucation by books. In March, 1879, he came to Chicago and had a home with his uncle, H. A. Lewis, a contractor for filter and artesian wells, who lived on Ninety-second Street, between Com- mercial and Houston Avenues. Young Petrie worked for Wilder & Parker, grocers, located on Ninety-second Street, near Commercial Avenue, for about three years. Then he engaged with William Farnsworth, a grocer at Ninetieth Street and Superior Avenue, and continued with him as a clerk five years. For eighteen months he was employed in the rolling mills as tonnage timekeeper and superintendent's clerk, and then for a year he was made a steel charger. Since that time he has been a crane man on tonnage, and has been continuously with the Illinois Steel Company since he first entered its service. He was married December 30, 1886, to Miss Minnie Cameron, a native of Syracuse, New York, and a daughter of Hugh and Euretta (McElroy) Cameron. Her father has been dead since she was two years of age, and her mother subsequent- ly married James Maher. Mr. and Mrs. Petrie have no children of their own, but they have an adopted son, Harry Cecil Petrie. 668 C. D. L. NEWTON. Mr. Petrie is a charter member of Nonpareil Lodge No. 361, Knights of Pythias, and also of the Amalgamated Association of Iron and Steel Workers. In politics he is a stanch Republican, and is one of South Chicago's most reliable citi- zens. While he is working in the mill, his indus- trious wife conducts a store at No. 9100 Superior Avenue, which is a profitable venture. Both Mr. and Mrs. Petrie are useful members of society , and have the respect of the whole community. CHAUNCEY D. L. NEWTON. fTjHAUNCEY DE LOS NEWTON, a direct 1 1 descendant of the illustrious Sir Isaac New. l^J ton, was born September 17, 1841, in Genesee County, New York. He is the son of Alanson and Eunice (Palmer) Newton. Alanson Newton and his family moved to Chi- cago in 1846, and after staying here a week, went to Beloit, Wisconsin, where they remained two years. In 1878 they moved to Rockton, Illinois, where they were engaged in farming. Alanson Newton was born August i, 1795, at Windsor, Vermont, and died July 4, 1877. His wife was born August 10, 1807, and died in Rock- ton, Illinois, April 29, 1877. They were the par- ents of four children, three of whom are living, namely: Charles A., Hiram P. and Chauncey D. Newton; the latter lived at home and worked on his father's farm until he was thirty-five years of age. He was an expert penman, and taught the Spencerian system of penmanship successfully for thirty-three years, from 1857 t 1890; from the Atlantic to the Pacific Ocean ; in twenty states, two territories, and also in Canada; devoting the winter months principally to this occupation, and then came to Chicago, arriving May 5, 1890. In 1875 he went to California, followed the next year by his family. He was in that State two years and was very successful in his profession. In the spring of 1877 he returned to Rockton, Illinois, being induced to take this step by the ill- health of his parents. He remained with them till their death, after which he removed to Michi- gan, and after twelve years returned to Illinois and located in South Chicago. February 27, 1867, Mr. Newton married Miss Mary Eliza, daughter of Darius Stephen and Paulina (Miller) Towne. Their children are: Hattie Eunice, who married William Owen, and is living in the city; Jennie Paulina and Lily Lu- cindy. Hubert Harry, the second child, died when an infant. Mr. Newton is a member of Rockton Lodge No. 74, Ancient Free and Accepted Masons. He has served as secretary of this lodge, and in May, 1867, he was made Master Mason. In 1870 he was made a Royal Arch Mason, at Beloit, Wiscon- sin, in Beloit Chapter No. 9. He has also been an active member for nine years of Belding Lodge No. 32, Ancient Order of United Workmen. In political opinions Mr. Newton is a Republican, though he is not in any sense an office-seeker. He is an honest, hardworking citizen, and a social, genial gentleman, having the respect and regard of his associates. For the last two years he has been in the employ of the city of Chicago, at the Hyde Park waterworks. CAPT. j. MCDONALD. 669 CAPT. JAMES MCDONALD. EAPT. JAMES MCDONALD was one of the first lake captains to sail a steamboat out of Chicago. He was born in Waterford, Ire- land, and was of Scotch descent, and was reared in the Emerald Isle, and there learned the baker's trade. He was a wide awake youth, and came to America when a mere lad. He came direct to Chicago and at once engaged in the lake marine service, where he was promoted by rapid stages to captain, and at the time of his untimely death owned the ill-fated brig "Welland," which was lost November 5, 1857, during a terrible storm. With him perished fourteen sailors and passen- gers, including his brother-in-law, Capt. William White, whose vessel was at that time in dry dock. Captain McDonald was one of the forty-niners that crossed the continent in search of gold. He traveled by way of Saint Louis and Saint Joseph, and after a successful career of four years as a miner, returned to Chicago, with the intention of again visiting California. His wife induced him to remain in Chicago, and he bought the "Wel- land," in which he found his grave. He was married in Chicago, in November, 1846, to Miss Mary A. Cummings, daughter of Capt. M. Cummings, of Picton, Nova Scotia, British America,- who came to Chicago in 1844, with his wife and six children, of whom only Mrs. Mc- Donald survives. Her brother, Hon. Michael Cummings, was the first city marshal of Saint Paul, one of the first members of the Legisla- ture of Minnesota, and a prominent man in Saint Paul, having filled almost every office of any im- portance in that city. Mrs. McDonald was born December 28, 1825, in Picton, Nova Scotia. She was the mother of four children, Mary, Michael, James P. and Alice M. All are now deceased except the last, who resides at home. Michael W. attended the Ogden School, and worked for the Illinois Central and Chicago & Northwestern Railroads as check clerk, and from there entered the service of Franklin MacVeagh, wholesale grocer, where he was entry clerk fourteen years. His services were valued by the latter employer, and he earned the sobriquet of "Old Reliable," through his punctuality and attention to busi- ness. He had a great political influence and a wide acquaintance. He died October 19, 1893. James P. McDonald was also educated in Chi- cago, where he is remembered by pioneers through all his life of boyhood and sturdy manhood. He was, like his father, charitable, and helped many a man who was in distress and trouble. He was a fine specimen of manhood, being nearly six feet in height, very strong, and was known as one of the best horse-shoers in the city, and had a host of friends. He was a dutiful son, and as soon as he was old enough he helped support the family. It is ow- ing to the efforts of himself and brother that the family enjoys its present easy circumstances and was enabled to keep the property left by the father. The children were born in a little frame, one- story white cottage at No. 177 Dearborn Avenue, 6yo GUSTAVE LUEDTKE. which was destroyed by the Great Fire of 1871. This was replaced by a two-story frame house, which was in turn succeeded by a handsome four- story Bedford stone front flat building. The family worships at the Cathedral of the Holy Name. Much credit is due Mrs. McDonald for her courage and perseverance in rearing her family amid the adversity and vicissitudes she had to contend with. When left a widxjw her youngest child was but three months old, but she never lost courage, doing her life-work faithfully, and, although afflicted by the loss of her eyesight, is kind, cheerful, and a worthy example to others. Captain McDonald was one of the best known and most highly esteemed lake captains in the early history of the lake marine service. He was pop- ular and beloved by all whose pleasure it was to know him. He was charitable to a fault, and loved his home and family. GUSTAVE LUEDTKE. ftJUSTAVE LUEDTKE was born January i, |__ 1838, in Darsow, Pommern, Germany, near ^| the town of Lauenburg, and is a son of John and Caroline (Drisius) Luecltke. He received a liberal education in his native land and then worked at the trade of carpenter and millwright until he came to America. His brother Richard was the first to emigrate. In 1864, in company with his sister, Augusta, and her husband, Charles Bjeck, he came through to Chicago. The father, mother and their children, Minnie, Adolph and Albert, were the next to come over, arriving in 1868, and coming direct to Chicago, where they made their home. The subject of this sketch landed in New York the last of April, 1872, coming thence to Chicago. He secured work as carpenter and millwright with his brother, with whom he remained a year and a-half, then began contracting, which busi- ness he continued until 1894. When unable to secure contracting work, he was employed at piece work. He built many private residences in different parts of the city, also erected the John L. Marsh school building. In the spring of 1894 he opened a grocery in the Misch block, Erie Ave- nue, remaining about two months, when he came to his present location, No. 9112 Superior Avenue. November 22, 1863, he was married to Fred- ricka Konetke, daughter of Carl and Henrietta (Krift) Konefke, in the town of Carthaus, Ger- many. Mrs. Luedtke was born June 25, 1838, in Germany, and is the third of seven children, four of whom died. The other two came to America. The children of Mr. and Mrs. Luedtke are as fol- lows: Emil, born June 27, 1865, in the town of Carthaus, Germany, now living at No. 948 Bel- mont Avenue, is a machinist by occupation; Reinhold Hermann, born March 22, 1866, was married November 14, 1889, to Elvira Heimke, daughter of August and Wilhelmina (Behn) Heimke; Gustav, born March n, 1873; Richard, March 17, 1875; Agnes Emily Evelina, March 17, 1882. In 1890 Mr. Luedtke erected a three- story frame building at No. 132 Ninety -first Street, which was destroyed by fire August 2, 1893. This loss financially embarrassed Mr. Luedtke, but he now owns property on Superior and Ontario Avenues. He is a member of the Old Settlers' Society, also a member of the German Lutheran Church, being one of its organizers. He is a Republican in prin- ciple, but has never sought any part in the man- agement of party affairs, having refused all honors that might have been conferred upon him. LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSI1V OF ILLINOIS /"trff trt/i NICHOLAS KRANSZ. 671 NICHOLAS KRANSZ. lOlCHOLAS KRANSZ (deceased), of whom | / it is a pleasure to write, was for many years | /9 an important factor in the business and social affairs of Chicago and Cook County. He was a native of the Fatherland, born in Bus- chrodt, Province of Luxemburg, August 16,1816. His boyhood was passed under the parental roof and in a manner common to German lads of that period. When old enough he was sent to school. Being of a studious nature, he closely ap- plied himself to study and soon became proficient in the elementary branches of learning. Upon leaving school he accepted a position in a dry- goods manufacturing establishment in his native town, where he remained for a number of years, acquiring a practical knowledge of the business in all its details. Subsequently he engaged in the same line of business on his own account for several years and was successful. Early in life he realized the narrowness of op- portunities surrounding him in his native land, and longing for a field of wider environment, he decided to seek his fortune in America. Conse- quently he set sail, in 1845, and after an unevent- ful, though tedious, voyage on a sailing-vessel he landed in New York, whence he came direct to Chicago. At that time the city had a population of less than fifteen thousand, while Cook County could boast of having only about twenty thousand. Upon his arrival he obtained work as a laborer for one year. The following year he purchased one hundred and twenty acres of land in Lake View, near Rosehill, where his family now reside. At that date only a few families were living in that part of Cook County. Prairie abounded to the south, west and north. The surface of the country was low, wet, and in places covered with a scraggy growth of timber. But these conditions, hard as they were, did not dismay Mr. Kransz. He resolutely set to work to put his land in condition to be cultivated, and ere long, under his intelligent efforts, his raw and apparently non-productive acres soon began to pay tribute as a reward to labor well performed. Mr. Kransz, immediately upon settling in Lake View, took an active part in local public affairs. His townsmen soon recognized his fit- ness for office, and he was elected to all the offices of the township excepting that of supervis- or. He possessed good executive ability, was us- ually accurate in his judgment, and candor and absolute fairness characterized every move of his life. He was public spirited too, and gave liber- ally to any enterprise which in his judgment would be a benefit to the public. His success in the accumulation of means was steady from the beginning of his business career in America. He became interested by large investment in the American Insurance Company, to the affairs of which for many years he gave his personal atten- tion, only ceasing his efforts when the demands of advancing years demanded a laying aside of the burdens and cares of business which he had so long borne. Mr. Kransz was generous and charitable. December i, 1886, he endowed a school in his native village with one thousand five hundred dollars, for the education of poor children. This fund was so invested that the in- come from it supports and pays tuition for one pupil each year. 672 WILLIAM BOENING. He was, perhaps, as well informed upon busi- ness and economic questions as any other man in Cook County. He was a close student, the range of his reading covering nearly the whole field of literature, and his deductions were invariably drawn from correct premises, which made him nearly always right in his conclusions. It was while sitting in his favorite chair, reading a morn- ing paper, that he suddenly expired, February 12, 7896. He was united in marriage with Miss Margaret Faber, February 7, 1849. She is a native of Luxemburg, Germany, and a daughter of John and Mary Faber, who came to the United States in 1845. John Faber, the father of Mrs. Kransz, was twice married, first to Mary Grent, by whom he had two children, Andrew and Katherine. After the death of his first wife he married Mary Ockolau, who bore him three children: Margaret (Mrs. Kransz), Mary Ann and John, the last now deceased. Both Mr. and Mrs. Faber died in Cook County, the former May i, 1864, and the latter in 1873. To Mr. and Mrs. Kransz were born nine chil- dren, four of whom died in infancy, and five are living at this date, as follows: Nicholas H., Peter P., both well-known and successful insurance men of Chicago; Mary A., wife of N. J. Schrup, of Dubuque, Iowa; Henry P., in the real-estate and loan business; and Anna M., wife of B. F. Weber, of Ravenswood, whose biography appears in this work. Mr. Kransz was a Republican from the organ- ization of that party, and at the polls usually sup- ported its men and measures. He and his es- timable wife were communicants of Saint Henry's Catholic Church and were among its most liberal supporters. WILLIAM BOENING. BOENING, one of the pioneers who have contributed to the city's growth and development, is now living in com- parative ease and retirement. He was born De- cember 5, 1837, in Hesse-Darmstadt, Germany, and is a son of George and Elizabeth Boening, who were also natives of that place. George Boening followed the trade of mason and brick-layer, and worked at it until fifteen years before his death. In 1852 he emigrated with his family to Chicago, where he spent his remaining days. He continued at his trade in this city, one piece of work done by him being the first Kettle Brewery in Chicago. He died in 1890, about ten years subsequent to the demise of his wife. They had two sons and three daugh- ters, all of whom are living. They are: Mary, now the wife of William Nicolai, of Kensington; Eliza, Mrs. John Schmidt, of Chicago; William, whose name heads this article; Katharine, widow of John Hoop; and Herman, who resides on Cly- bourn Avenue. William Boening received his early education in his native country, and continued in school after coming to Chicago, first attending the old Franklin School, and later a night school. He learned his father's trade, and has followed it most of his life. Through his thrift and industry he is now able to enjoy a competency. For two years he engaged in building on his own respon- sibility as a contractor. Mr. Boening supports the principles and candi- dates of the Republican party. His first presi- dential vote was cast for Abraham Lincoln. He has never been an office-seeker, preferring rather to spend his time and energy in the care of his JOHN HUFMEYER. 673 private interests. In the fire of 1871 he lost all his property, but by careful management he soon recovered from the loss. October 9, 1859, Mr. Boening was married to Miss Christina Egenhafer, who was born in Ger- many and came to Chicago in 1852. They have eight children living, namely: William, Herman, George, Elizabeth, Henry, Frances, May and Lena. Mrs. Boening and the other members of the family are communicants of the Roman Catholic Church. They are people of high intelligence, and enjoy the esteem of all who know them. JOHN HUFMEYER. (lOHN HUFMEYER, of the real-estate and I general brokerage firm of Sickels & Huf- G/ meyer, No. 695 Lincoln Avenue, Chicago, is a native of Cook County, and a member of a prominent pioneer family. He was born July 10, 1845, in Niles Township, and is a son of Adam and Gertrude (Gang) Hufmeyer, both natives of Hanover, Germany. This couple emigrated to America in 1834, first locating at Syracuse, New York, and two years later removing to Cook County, Illinois, where they settled on a home- stead, in what afterward became Niles Township. They were among the first settlers in that part of the county, and for a time their only neighbors were the Indians. They cleared the farm to which they had laid claim, and there made their home until 1853, when they removed to Chicago, in order to give their children better educational advantages. Mr. Adam Hufmeyer filled many public offices, the most important of which was that of county commissioner. He was an excellent example of the better class of German emigrants, and died August 7, 1854, mourned by a large circle of friends among the early settlers of the county. His wife survived until 1860. Of the nine chil- dren born to them, two died in Germany. The others, all of whom reached maturity, were as follows: Eliza, Mrs. F. Eiterman; Augusta C. D., widow of John Naper; Mary, Mrs. Jonas Huehn; William, deceased; Ellen, Mrs. Richard Aspin- wall; John and Theodore. All those living are residents of Chicago. John Hufmeyer received his elementary educa- tion in the public schools of Chicago, supple- menting his training with a course in a commer- cial college. As a further preliminary to his business career he spent some time as clerk in a mercantile establishment. When but twenty years of age he engaged in the grocery business on his own account, and by close attention to de- tails, fair dealing and the courteous treatment of his customers, soon established a profitable trade. The fire of 1871 not only swept away his entire property, causing a loss of eight thousand dol- lars, but also left him somewhat in debt. This, however, did not discourage him, as he was still full of pluck and energy, and had an abiding faith in the future of Chicago. He did not seek to compromise with his creditors, as he might have done, but claiming their indulgence for a few years, promised to pay each in full. He at once opened a general store at No. 701 Lincoln Ave- nue, which from the first enjoyed a prosperous career, and in a comparatively short time satis- fied every claim against him with one hundred 674 AUGUST BUSSE. cents on the dollar. Mr. Hufmeyer possessed a keen business foresight, which, combined with industry and strict integrity, enabled him to acquire a competence through the legitimate chan- nels of trade. He changed from his former bus- iness to that in which he is at present engaged in 1885. In politics Mr. Hufmeyer is a Republican and takes a keen interest in the success of his party. Though not an office-seeker, he has several times accepted positions of trust from his fellow-citizens, and was at one time a member of the town board of L,ake View. Fraternally he is a member of the Masonic order, in which- he has attained the Royal Arch degree. In 1865 the subject of this notice was married to Miss Nellie Gilette, who was born in Belgium, being a daughter of William Gilette. Mrs. Huf- meyer died in 1878, leaving four children: John E. , Matilda, Edward and Frederick, who is now deceased. In 1879 Mr. Hufmeyer married Miss Katharine Hoyt, who is a native of Wisconsin, and a daughter of Peter Hoyt. Three children have been born of this union, as follows: Nellie, Gertrude and Laurina. The family is connected with the Lutheran Church. AUGUST BUSSE. (31 UGUST BUSSE, one of the earliest settlers | I of South Chicago, was born January 14, I I 1839, in Berlin, Germany. He received his early education in his native country, where he also learned and practiced the profession of veteri- nary surgeon. He was a lover of horses. In 1859 he emigated to America, locating in Chicago, where he joined his brother Frederick, and the two lived on the corner of Chicago Ave- nue and Wells Street, where the latter conducted a saloon. August Busse was employed in the old gas works as an engineer. In 1862 he re- moved to Racine, Wisconsin, where he was em- ployed as engineer in the tannery of Burbank & Son, and remained two years. On April 29, 1865, he removed to South Chi- cago and opened a general merchandise store, and also kept a hotel. He changed his location to what is now No. 9205 Commercial Avenue, and the hotel was called the Ainsworth Inn. He conducted the first store in Ainsworth, after- ward called South Chicago. He entertained dis- tinguished guests, and many of the most promi- nent men in Chicago made their headquarters with him when they came to the Calumet region for hunting. The house which he first built is still standing, and he conducted his business until his death, September 12, 1884. In 1864 Mr. Busse was married in Racine, Wisconsin, to Miss Caroline Albert, born April n, 1829, in Kaup, on the River Rhine, Germany. She was a daughter of Reinhardt and Charlotte (Weichman) Albert, her mother having been born April 10, 1816. Mr. and Mrs. Albert were the parents of the following children besides Mrs. Busse: Charles Daniel, born November 3, 1825; Hubert, March 28, 1827; Magdolin, February 18, 1830; Nanchen, September n, 1834, and William, November 5, 1835. The maternal grandmother of Mrs. Busse, Katharine (Van Baum) Richard, was born in Antwerp. The Albert family dwelt in the forests of Germany, and its members were sometimes employed in the service of the king. Mrs. Albert MATHIAS SCHMITZ. 675 died when Caroline was only ten years of age, and the latter became a lady's waiting maid, and resided for fifteen years with an old English lady named Miss Hicks. She emigrated to America, and made her home with her uncle, C. D. Albert, who then lived in Racine, Canada, but who now resides in Racine, Wisconsin. Mr. and Mrs. Busse have the following chil- dren: Amelia Dorothea, Barbara Ellen, August Hubert (an account of whose life is to be found on another page of this volume), and Frederick William. Amelia Dorothea married Joseph Bitz, and they are the parents of four children. Mr. Bitz follows the trade of carpenter and resides at Monroe, Michigan. Barbara Ellen makes her home with her brother Frederick, who married Marie Anna Kleefisch, daughter of Theodore and Marie Annie (Lussem) Kleefisch, August 19, 1896. They have one child, George Ira. Mrs. Caroline Busse is now deceased. Mr. Busse was connected with all the early growth and improvements of South Chicago, and was always a most public- spirited citizen. He was one of the organizers of the old Volunteer Fire Company, No. 5, of South Chicago. He did a great part of the contracting for, and build- ing of, the streets of South Chicago. He was a man of social instincts, and had many warm friends, whose esteem and confidence he well merited. He was a member of the German Order of Harugari. He was reared in the Protestant, and his wife in the Catholic faith. Their chil- dren were taught the Catholic doctrine, of which they have remained adherents. MATHIAS SCHMITZ. b A ATHIAS SCHMITZ, a prominent German- I V I American citizen of Chicago, was born Oc- \(y\ tober 12, 1831, in Niederscheidweiler, in the Rhein province of Trier, Prussia. His parents, Jacob and Lena (Schmitz) Schmitz, were natives of that place, where they spent their entire lives. Jacob Schmitz was a gardener by occupation, and died when Mathias was ten years old, his wife having preceded him three years. Mathias was thus left an orphan at an early age, as was also his elder brother, Nicholas. The latter died in 1888 in the Fatherland, leaving six children, all of whom Mathias brought to America at his own expense, and provided for until they were able to be self-sustaining. Mathias Schmitz made his home with a relative until he was thirteen years old, and attended a village school. He then began learning the tailor's trade, at which he served an apprentice- ship of two years. At the end of this time he began life as a journeyman tailor, which he con- tinued for a number of years in many different localities. April 7, 1857, he sailed from Rotterdam on the steamer "Mary Bridgeport" for New York by way of London. After a sailing voyage of forty- five days, during which time they encountered many storms, the good ship landed in New York. From here Mr. Schmitz proceeded to Philadel- phia, and subsequently to Chicago, reaching the end of the journey June 7, 1857. He arrived during the panic, and wages at any trade were very small, so that he was able to earn only four or five dollars per week at his trade, using a sew- ing machine. In 1868 he established himself in business on the corner of Mohawk Street and North Avenue as a merchant tailor, and kept a small stock of ready-made clothing. In July, 1870, he sold his business, and after the Great Fire of 1871 he 676 JOSEPH ROELLE. engaged in life insurance as an agent for the Teu- tonic Life Insurance Company, continuing with it until 1874, at which time he formed a partner- ship with Joseph H. Ernst, in their present line of business, at No. 271 North Avenue, where they deal in real estate and loans. Mr. Schmitz has been identified with the North Side since he became a resident of the city. After his marriage, in 1861, he located at No. 278 Blackhawk Street. In the fire of 1871 he was burned out, losing four houses, valued at about seven thousand dollars, on which he recovered only forty-five dollars insurance. He rebuilt after the fire and resided there until 1883, when he erected his present beautiful mansion, at No. 545 Larrabee Street, where he has since resided, enjoying all the comforts and many of the lux- uries of life. Mr. Schmitz is a self-made man in the truest sense of the term and is the architect of his own fortunes. Since 1876 Mr. Schmitz has been president of the German Mutual Fire Insurance Company of North Chicago. He supports the Democratic party, but was never an aspirant for public office of any kind. Since 1858 he has been a member of the Saint Vincent de Paul Society, and was for a number of years its president. He belongs to Saint Michael's German Catholic Society, with which he has been connected since 1866, and has many times served as its president. The two last-named societies are composed of members of St. Michael's Parish. January 13, 1861, Mr. Schmitz married Mrs. Elizabeth Eich. By her first marriage she had one daughter, now Mrs. John Knappstein, of Chicago. The parents of Mrs. Schmitz, Peter and Marguerite Lenz, were natives of Reil, Rhein province of Kreis Weitlich, Germany, where they spent their last days. She came to Chicago No- vember 7, 1856. Mr. and Mrs. Schmitz had five daughters and one son, namely: Louise, wife of Martin Schmitzens, ofOsgood Street, city; Ger- trude, deceased; Anna M.; Susanna, now Mrs. Henry W. Frische, of Chicago; Nicholas J., who is associated in business with his father; and Bar- bara, who is the wife of Joseph P. Koeller, of Chicago. Nicholas J. Schmitz married Miss Cecilia Jung, October 24, 1894. The family is connected with Saint Michael's Roman Catholic Church. Its members are people of refined tastes and in the community where they reside they are regarded with universal respect. JOSEPH ROELLE. (lOSEPH ROELLE, who was for many years I an influential business man of Chicago, was (*) born January i, 1832, in Olpa, Westphalia, Prussia. While Joseph was still a young boy his father died, but he enjoyed the splendid edu- cational advantages offered by the school system of his native land, and learned the trade of painter. In 1846 he emigrated to the United States, and located at Burlington, Wisconsin, where he worked at his trade a year, and then re- moved to Chicago. After remaining five years in America he returned to Germany and brought to this country his widowed mother, two sisters and a brother. He was engaged in contracting work at his trade in this city, and had sometimes twenty men in his employ, thus doing a profitable business. About 1857 he formed a partnership with Anton Junker, and they opened a distillery at River- dale, and a store and warehouse on Kinzie Street, Chicago. The profits of this industry were such that Mr. Roelle was soon on the way to fortune. PHILIP SCHUETZ. 68 1 Mobile, whence he was removed to Montgomery, Alabama, and later to Andersonville, Georgia. Six weeks afterward he was transferred to Ca- haba, Alabama, where he spent nine months. He was then paroled and sent to Vicksburg on the ill-fated steamer, "Sultana," which blew up in the early morning of April 25, 1865, with two thousand persons on board, mostly Union pris- oners. Of this number only seven hundred and eighty-six were rescued. An investigation of the catastrophe showed that the steamer's capacity was but three hundred and seventy-six. The war having ended, Mr. Brachtendorf re- turned to Chicago, and for a time was employed in the establishment of the crockery firm of Bur- ley & Tyrrell. About 1881 he engaged in the livery business on Larrabee Street, and still car- ries on a successful establishment in that line. In 1890 he added the undertaking department, in which he has a large patronage. Mr. Brachtendorf has uniformly supported the Democratic party, and though he has been averse to holding public office, was induced to accept the nomination for alderman in the Twenty-first Ward, to which place he was elected in 1893 and served two years. Socially and fraternally he is active, being a member of the Knights of Pythias, of the Independent Order of Foresters, of the Sharpshooters' Club, and of Hancock Post, No. 560, Grand Army of the Republic. September 21, 1868, he was married to Miss Helene DeWald, who has since been his faithful helpmate. PHILIP SCHUETZ. SCHUETZ, who is now spending LX his days in ease and retirement at No. 540 J3 Larrabee Street, is one of the older settlers of Chicago. He was born June 17, 1839, in the Province of Trier, Germany. His wife, Margaret (Lock) Schuetz, was born in the same country, December i, 1836. Her parents had five chil- dren, namely: Philip, Margaret, Caroline, Kath- arine and Peter. The father, John Nicholas Lock, died when Margaret was about fourteen years of age. Mr. Schuetz and Margaret Lock came to America in the same ship, sailing from Hamburg, and ar- riving in Chicago January 30, 1860. In April of that year their marriage was solemnized, in the old Saint Joseph's Church. They were the pos- sessors of only a small amount of money, but though their cash capital was small, both were young and strong, as well as ambitious. He soon found employment and she did washing at twenty-five cents a day for the first year. In 1861 Mr. Schuetz was the recipient of some money from the estate of his father. With this they purchased the lot on Larrabee Street where they still make their home, and in a small way began gardening, Mrs. Schuetz taking charge of it, and also doing the marketing. Mr. and Mrs. Schuetz were very prosperous until the Great Fire of 1871, in which they lost all their property except the land, but they bravely started anew, and by diligence and thrift regained what they had lost. Since 1880 Mr. Schuetz has been an invalid, but his faithful and dutiful wife continued to carry on her garden, and she has some customers who have given her their patronage for a great many years. She supplied the Grand Pacific Hotel with vegetables for twenty-two years, the Palmer House eighteen 682 ROBERT LENARD. years, the Auditorium since its establishment, and the Great Northern, Leland, Sherman and Tremont for some time. Mr. Schuetz owns eight acres of land on West- ern Avenue, near Bowmanville, also five lots on Southport Avenue. The gardening is now car- ried on by the son and sons-in-law of Mr. and Mrs. Schuetz. They had twelve children, only four of whom are now living. They are: Mar- garet, Alphonzo Frederick, Anna and Lena. Margaret is the wife of Charles Geniskie, of Rav- enswood, and Anna is now Mrs. Frank Schneider, of Lincoln Avenue. Lena resides with her parents. Mrs. Schuetz is widely known among the bus- iness men of the city. She is a member of Saint Michael's Roman Catholic Church. In 1891 she visited her native land, and travelled through France, Italy, Switzerland and Germany, spend- ing about five months in the trip. ROBERT LENARD. ROBERT LENARD, an enterprising and energetic young business man of South Chi- cago, partakes of the spirit which has made Chicago famous as a business center, as well as the home of art and culture, the spirit which makes the city the arena of activity among young men whose ambition and tireless industry have told upon the commerce of the whole world. It is a well-known fact that the trade and social circles of this city are dominated by men below middle age, and that the highest rewards are being daily gathered by these dauntless spirits. In olden times it was the fashion for old men to direct affairs almost wholly, while the younger population was forced to be content to fill sub- ordinate positions, under the direction of those of large experience. Under our present educational system men and women are early fitted for re- sponsible situations, and the spirit of the age de- mands that only those possessed of strong ambi- tions and the greatest energy take control of affairs. Hence we find every leading enterprise in the hands of young and energetic persons, and the commercial supremacy of Chicago is to-day the result of this arrangement. Mr. Lenard is a native of Chicago, having been born March 27, 1873, and has been reared in the midst of that city's developing influences. His father, Martin Lenard, is a native of Germany, born in the Province of Posen November 1 1, 1841. His parents, John and Rosalie (Kaczmarek) Len- ard, lived and died in his native country, where his grandfather, Charles Lenard, was a laborer. John Lenard died in 1847, when Martin was six years old, and the mother survived only two years after that. The orphan then entered the home of his maternal uncle, Kashmier Kacz- marek, with whom he remained one year. He then began to carry the serious responsibilities of life, and took up the trade of glazier. By the time he had reached the age of thirty years he resolved to seek a betterment of his fortunes in the Western world. The experiment has proved a most happy success. He arrived in Chicago,. by way of Baltimore, July 4, 1872, and accepted any employment he could secure, being engaged for some time as a common laborer. In the mean- time he acquired a knowledge of the English language, and was competent to establish a bus- iness on his own account. About the beginning of the year 1879 he se- cured a position in the service of the South Chi- cago Rolling Mills, and took up his residence in what was then the suburb of South Chicago. In J. J. JUNG. 683 1 88 1 he opened a grocery and meat market on Mackinaw Avenue, and a year later moved to the northwest corner of Superior Avenue and Eighty- fifth Street, where he erected a building. In 1893 this was destroyed by fire, and he immediately put up the handsome brick block that now occu- pies the site. In 1872 he married Katharine, daughter of Simon Schnaza, who bore him the following children: Robert, whose name heads this article; Margaret, who died at the age of eight years; Baldina, Medard, Cecelia (who died in infancy), Leon, Felix and Joseph. The last died at the age of one year. Mr. Martin Lenard is the fourth of his father's six children, and the only one who came to America. Robert Lenard attended the public schools of Chicago, the German Catholic and Polish schools, and went to Notre Dame, Indiana, in 1888, and spent two years in pursuit of a business course at the famous Notre Dame College. He next entered the Northwestern University School of Pharmacy, from which he secured a degree in 1893. In August of that year he established himself in the drug and prescription business on Superior Ave- nue, near Eighty- fifth Street, where he has con- tinued with success to carry on business since. During the World's Columbian Exposition he operated a restaurant at the south end of the grounds, known as the Tunis Cafe, with satisfac- tory results. Mr. Lenard is active in the social and political life of the community, and is recognized as an in- fluential member of society. He is a member in good standing of Nonpareil Lodge, No. 361, Knights of Pythias, and acts in political matters with the Democratic party. He has been useful in the committee work of his party, and did some very effective campaign work in the fall of 1896. In the spring of 1894 he was nominated for supervisor of the Town of Hyde Park, but was de- feated with other candidates on his party ticket. September 18, 1895, he was married to Miss Clara Isabella, daughter of John Biedrzicki, of Milwaukee. One child born to this union did not long survive. Mr. Lenard still has much of the world before him, and is bound to make his mark on .the social, political and commercial life of the great Western metropolis. JOHN J. JUNG. (JOHN JOSEPH JUNG was born June 10, I 1847, in Canton Graubunden, Switzerland, Q) and is a son of John and Fannie Jung. He was reared in his native country, receiving his education there. His family remained in the mother country, and he was the only one of the children who emigrated to America. He arrived February 29, 1880, at Hoboken, New Jersey, and came direct to Chicago. He had learned the trade of watch-maker in Switzerland, and opened a store and watch-making establishment at No. 141 West Randolph Street, which he conducted a year and one-half. He then opened the first Swiss hotel on the North Side, which was situ- ated at Nos. 101, 103 and 105 North Wells Street. It was called the Garden City House, and was conducted by him three years, when he was com- pelled to remove to the country on account of the poor health of his wife. He opened a saloon at what is now the corner of Western Avenue and Indiana Street, and kept a summer garden there three years. Then he became the proprietor of a wine room at Nos. 128 and 130 Fifth Avenue. He sold this one year later and invested in a hotel known as the Exchange, located at No. 66 Wells Street. Later he became traveling 68 4 WALTER McCALL. salesman for the Old Hickory Distilling Com- pany, and spent four years visiting the principal cities of Illinois, Missouri, Indiana, Wisconsin and Iowa, in the interests of that company. He then became connected with the interests of the Acme Distillery, of Tell City, Indiana, and still has charge of its Chicago trade. April 20, 1896, Mr. Jung opened business at No. 10287 Indianapolis Avenue, and improved what is now known as Jung's Grove. He also began the improvement of ground now known as Casino Grove, at No. 9601 Ewing Avenue. These two resorts are among the most popular ones on the East Side of South Chicago. They have been fitted up with great care under the personal supervision of Mr. Jung, and contain all modern improvements and comforts to make them attractive. In December, 1879, Mr. Jung married Miss Maggie Brenner, a native of Switzerland, and they are the parents of seven children, namely: Otto, Lena, John, Mollie, Anton, Louisa and Frank. Mr. Jung is a member of Columbia Lodge, No. 150, Knights of Pythias. In national affairs he upholds the principles of the Republi- can party, but in local matters he chooses rather to consider the man than his party, and is thus independent of partisan dictation. WALTER McCALL, McCALL, a self-made man of South Chicago, was born April 13, 1865, at Saint William's, Norfolk County, Can- ada, and is a son of James Walter and Adelia (Loftus) McCall. His paternal grandfather was the founder of the family in this country. The latter was born in Glasgow, Scotland, and in his native country was a magistrate. On coming to America he engaged in farming. His children were: Fannie, John J., and James W. (father of Walter McCall) besides others who are deceased. The maternal grandfather of Walter McCall, Dennis Loftus, was a native of Ireland, who emi- grated to Canada about 1849, engaged in farm- ing, and died in 1866. He married Miss Mar- garet Denis, and they had six children, as fol- lows: Hugh F. , Dennis, John, James, Mary and Adelia. All of these children, except Mary, emigrated to the United States. Hugh F. Loftus is captain of the steamer ''Manhattan," and resides in Chicago. Walter McCall received his elementary educa- tion in the schools of Saint William's, where he lived until he was fourteen years of age. He then removed to Buffalo, where he found employment as time-keeper. After spending a few months in this employment he became a conductor on a street car line, which position he filled two years. Realizing the advantages he would gain if his education were supplemented, he completed a course at Bryant & Stratton's Business College. After taking a diploma from this school he be- came a sailor on the lakes, and soon rose to the position of second mate. He spent seven years on the lakes, making Chicago his headquarters, and became mate on the steamer' ' Massachusetts, ' ' on which he remained four years. In August, 1890, he entered the service of the Illinois Steel Company as crane engineer, and after two years in this position became a lever- man in the finishing mills, where he spent three years. May 15, 1895, Mayor Swift appointed Mr. McCall harbor master of the Calumet dis- trict, which office he retained until May 6, 1897. He was then made superintendent of the Chicago Ballast Company, with headquarters at the plant THOMAS BOYLE. 685 of the Illinois Steel Company, and is thus occu- pied at this time. He is now pursuing a medical course at Harvey Medical College, in Chicago, and is a member of the class of "99. February 19, 1890, Mr. McCall married Miss Annie Gardner, daughter of James Gardner, of Vittoria, Canada. Mr. McCall is a man who is able to concentrate his attention on whatever oc- cupation he is engaged in, and shows his ability in a way that inspires the confidence and esteem of his employers and associates. He was made a Master Mason in Walsingham Lodge, No. 174, Port Rowan, Canada, and is now a member of Harbor Lodge, No. 731, of Chicago. He took the degree of Royal Arch Mason in Sinai Chap- ter, No. 185, in which he is a Past High Priest, and belongs to Calumet Lodge, No. 569, Royal Arcanum. He is a man of social habits, and has a genial, pleasant disposition. In politics Mr. McCall takes an active interest, and during the last campaign gave his party valuable help. He supports Republican principles. THOMAS BOYLE. 'HOMAS BOYLE. Among Chicago's self- made men who have been very successful in business is Thomas Boyle. He was born in Dundalk, Ireland, January 6, 1842, and was the son of Patrick and Mary (Megham) Boyle, who were natives of that place. He is descended from sturdy Scotch ancestry, and as far back as it has been traced the family were of the better class of citizens, who were worthy the honor and respect they received. His grandfather, Daniel Boyle, was a farmer, and lived to the unusual age of one hundred and eight years. Patrick Boyle was a volunteer in the British army, and fought in the battle of Waterloo. After the war was over he left the profession of arms to engage in farming. He was married at this time, and became the father of nine children. He lived to be sixty-six and his wife to be eighty-eight. One son, William Boyle, is a government ganger. Thomas had an opportunity to attend school but a few years, but by making the most of his time, and by dint of hard study by himself in the evenings after his day's work was over, he had a fair education before he came to America. For many years after coming to this country he con- tinued his habit of study, and he is therefore practically a self-educated man. He came to the United States in 1866, landing in Chicago on Fri- day, February 13, with thirteen dollars in his pock- et, but with perseverance and integrity, honesty and rugged health in his possession, which were worth thousands of dollars. So, as time proved, he was fully equipped for the struggle with for- tune in the New World. He was always very conscientious in all his business relations, and is regarded as one of the most careful as well as suc- cessful business men of Chicago, who owes his success to his own unaided efforts. He had learned the carpenter's trade in Ireland, and his first employment in Chicago was in the exercise of this trade. The hours were long in those days, but even though he worked sixteen hours a day he took time in the evening to pur- sue his studies, in order that he might be better prepared to fight the battle of life. In 1868 he established himself in the grocery and ice bus- iness at the corner of White and Franklin Streets, where he was burned out by the Great Fire. He owned a lot at the corner of Halsted Street and Garfield Avenue, and here he built a frame build- ing only a week after the fire, with an ice-house in the rear. Here he conducted his business for nearly three years, when he built ice-houses on Montana and Perry Streets in Lake View, and devoted his whole attention to the ice business. He commenced this venture in a small way, 686 J. A. FAIR. and for five years had but one wagon, which he drove himself. From year to year he increased the business, having a partner who started in the business with him and continued with him till called away by death. With his partner, P. J. Maginis by name, he started the Lincoln Ice Company, which at the present time is doing a thriving business, often employing as many as one thousand men in winter, and in summer four hundred men, and eighty-two teams. For five years they had ice-houses at Sturgeon Bay, ship- ping by vessel to Chicago. Finally they built ice-houses at Silver Spring, three miles north of Milwaukee, and eventually sold them for twenty- five thousand dollars, thus making a clear profit of seventeen thousand dollars. Then they bought land in Burlington, Wisconsin, on Rockland and Brown's Lakes, where they erected new buildings, which are connected with the Wisconsin Central Railway. In 1886 they established ice-houses at Camp Lake, Wisconsin, and in 1890 at Madison, in the same State. Their business has steadily grown and requires close attention, but the ad- mirable way in which every detail is arranged by Mr. Boyle makes it comparatively easy to con- trol. The company steadily employs harness- makers and blacksmiths, and raises its own horses. Many of the men in Mr. Boyle's em- ploy have been with him nearly a quarter of a century, and the policy of the company is to keep with it as many of the good men as possible. Mr. Boyle was married to Miss Mary Maginis, a sister of his partner, and they have four chil- dren now living: John P., who was formerly assistant prosecuting attorney under Hempstead J. Washburne; James T.; and two daughters, Mary Alice and Irene. Mr. Boyle is. a citizen of whom our city may well be proud. In his politics he is a stanch Republican. He will compare well with many men who have had a liberal education given them and also a start in business and wealth. JOHN A. FAIR. (JOHN ADAM FAIR, an honest and reliable I citizen of South Chicago, was born June 28, Q) 1859, in Wyandotte, Michigan, and is a son of John Adam and Margaret (Ruede) Fair. An account of the life of his father may be found elsewhere within these pages. He received his education in the common schools, and when old enough began work in a mill. He was satisfac- tory to his employers, and has ever since been occupied with this kind of labor, for which he had ability and liking. In 1882 he removed to South Chicago and en- tered the service of the Illinois Steel Company in the rolling mills, spending three years at work connected with the furnace, and since that time has been engaged on the rolls. He is energetic and faithful to duty, and the fact that he has been fifteen years in the employ of one establishment attests his capability. December 15, 1892, Mr. Fair married Miss Bertha Zoerner, daughter of Ernst and Louise (Debus) Zoerner, of Chicago. She was born on the West Side of the city of Chicago, December 23, 1866. They have no children of their own, but have adopted a girl, Edna Louise Zoerner, born June 4, 1891, and she enjoys the privileges and affection which would be hers if one of the family by birth. In his relations with his fellow-men Mr. Fair is upright and honorable, and his many friends can depend upon his interest in their welfare. He is informed upon the most important subjects of the day, and is a public-spirited and highly respected citizen. LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS IIKK.M \N\ REVDTORFF (From Photo, by W. J. ROOT) HERMANN RENDTORFF. 687 HERMANN RENDTORFF. HERMANN RENBTORFF, an enterprising German- American citizen, has been identi- fied with Chicago for over thirty years. He was born August 6, 1843, in Sauk City, Sauk County, Wisconsin, being a son of Edmund and Henrietta (Graepel) Rendtorff, both of whom were natives of Hamburg, Germany. Edmund Rendtorff came to the United States in 1838. He was highly educated in his native tongue, as well as in three other languages, and was employed as correspondent and general office man. On coming to this country he worked on a farm in Illinois for a short time, and then went to Wisconsin. He was among the first settlers of Sauk City, and for some time was employed as clerk on a steamboat on the Wisconsin River. He made a pre-emption claim to Government land in Sauk County, and was able to buy eighty acres of it when it came into market. His education and ability fitted him for activity in the management of public affairs, and he soon became prominent in the county, being its first treasurer. He had been engaged to Miss Graepel before leaving Germany. In 1842 she came to America, and upon her arrival in New York they were married and settled upon his land, where he con- tinued farming for five years. In 1847 he went to St. Louis as bookkeeper for Childs & Com- pany, wholesale grocery dealers in that city. At the end of six years he returned to Sauk City and conducted a general store there for a period of twenty-five years. Mrs. Rendtorff died in 1889, at the age of seventy years, and her husband sur- vived until 1892, reaching the good age of sev- enty-six years. All of their six children grew to maturity, the eldest being he whose name heads this article. The second, J. Christian Rendtorff, resides on North Avenue, in Chicago. Susanna is the wife of F. A. Oswald, of the same city. Johanna is the next in order of birth. Emma, Mrs. Theodore Krueger, is also a resident of Chicago; and Richard O. is deceased. Hermann Rendtorff had but limited opportuni- ties for education. He was reared on the farm and attended school only during the winter months. He remained with his parents until he reached the age of eighteen years, and might have continued longer but for the outbreak of hos- tilities between the North and the South in 1861. He was filled with patriotic love for the land of his birth, and on the I4th of September, 1861, having just completed the eighteenth year of his age, he enlisted as a soldier in Company D, Ninth Wisconsin Volunteer Infantry. He bore an active part in all the engagements in which his regiment participated, and was wounded in the right thigh by a bullet at the battle of Newtonia, Missouri, September 30, 1862. He spent three months in hospitals at Fort Scott and Fort Leaven worth, Kansas, and still carries in his flesh the bullet which caused his injury. On his recovery he rejoined his regiment, with which he continued until honorably discharged at the close of his period of enlistment, at Milwaukee, Wisconsin, December 4, 1864. He returned to his native place and remained until February 20, 1865, on which date he became a resident of Chicago. He entered the employ of Ressing, Inderrieden & Company, wholesale and retail grocers, with whom he remained two years. At the end of this time he entered into partner- ship with G. E. Roscher, in a retail grocery store at No. 206 North Clark Street, and two years later sold out to his partner. He now entered the hardware establishment of his brother-in-law, Mr. Oswald, at Nos. 139 and 141 Milwaukee Avenue, and rapidly mastered the business. At the end of one year he 688 JOHN SCHIRRA. formed a partnership with Mr. Oswald, and they opened a store on the corner of Lake and Halsted Streets, under the firm name of Rendtorff & Oswald. This connection lasted only a few years, and Mr. Rendtorff removed to the North Side and established an independent business on North Avenue. Two years later he purchased property on the corner of North Avenue and Mohawk Street, consisting of four lots and build- ings, whither he removed his stock and contin- ued business. In 1880 he added the manufacture of stove-boards, which he carried on in connec- tion with his hardware store. In the year 1883 he formed a partnership with his brother, J. Christian Rendtorff, and they opened two stores, one being at No. 154 North Avenue, and the other at No. 700 Lincoln Avenue. Their brother, Richard Otto, had charge of the former, and after his death they sold the Lincoln Avenue store. In 1883 Mr. Rendtorff felt that he had earned a vacation, and sailed for Europe in that year, spending thirteen months in visiting England, Ireland, France, Belgium, Switzerland, Austria, Holland, Italy and Germany. On his return he opened a jobbing house in stoves, at No. 16 Lake Street, which he conducted until 1896, and then sold out. In 1894, when Mr. Rendtorff began building the present block at the corner of North Avenue and Mohawk Street, the stock was re- moved to No, 154 North Avenue, now conducted by his brother, J. Christian, who owns it, the partnership having been dissolved by mutual con- sent in 1896. Mr. Rendtorff has continued the manufacture of stove-boards since he first established it, and is now extensively engaged in the manufacture of a patent milk-pail with a detachable strainer, and a patent split-lock stove-pipe elbow. At present he is giving all his attention to his manufacturing interests, which are rapidly growing under his prudent and energetic management. Thirty-five men are employed in this business, and the products are shipped to nearly every state in the Union. His long business career in Chicago has made him a wide acquaintance, and firmly estab- lished his reputation as an upright and fair-deal- ing business man. Septembers, 1875, Mr. Rendtorff was married in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, to Miss Ida Stuetze, a native of that city. Though not connected with any religious organization, Mr. Rendtorff is a supporter of all good works, and feels a 'keen in- terest in the moral, social and material welfare of the community in which he resides. His first pres- idential vote was cast in Little Rock, Arkansas, in 1864, for Abraham Lincoln, and he has since supported the candidates of the Republican party. He is a member of Hancock Post, No. 560, Grand Army of the Republic, and is highly esteemed by all classes of citizens because of his genial manner and manly worth. JOHN SCHIRRA. (JOHN SCHIRRA, a retired merchant of Chi- I cago, was born January 18, 1822, in Dam- (*/ floss, Trier, Germany. His education was received in the schools of his native country, and he was reared to farm life. He was ambitious of better chances for advancement than were offered by his native land, and in 1850 he came to the United States, settling in Cook Count}-, Illinois, where he found employment at various occupa- tions. First he worked at farm labor, next at getting out railroad ties, and then at burning char- coal. Later he moved to the rapidly growing CHRISTIAN MADARY. 689 city of Chicago and opened the first grocery store located north of Chicago avenue, at the corner of Siegel and Wells streets, in the old stone house. In October, 1857, Mr. Schirra married Miss Barbara Scheidt, and soon after opened the store above referred to. For nine years he did a large and profitable business, and then moved to the sharp corner of Wells and Clark streets and Lin- coln avenue, where he conducted a saloon two years. While at this location he bought the property he now owns, at No. 606 Sedgwick street, and moved a building onto it, where he en- gaged in the grocery and saloon business, which he conducted with good success until the fire of 1871 carried away all his property but the very land. After the fire Mr. Schirra rebuilt and resumed business, carrying it on until 1880, when he re- tired with a competence. After the fire he bought two lots adjoining his business place and built on them, and now occupies the house at No. 602. Mr. Schirra's energies were always devoted to his private interests and he spent little time in politics, never having held an office. He is, how- ever, interested in the affairs of the nation, and is a supporter of the Democratic party. His suc- cess in business is due to his industry and good judgment in his investments and his careful and frugal habits. The union of Mr. and Mrs. Schirra has been blessed with twelve children, only six of whom are now living. Matilda is the wife of Mr. Jacob Becker. George has been a member of the Chi- cago Fire Department for many years. John fol- lows the trade of plumber. The others are: Jo- seph, Teresa, and Martha. All are communi- cants of Saint Michael's Roman Catholic Church, and are worthy members of its large congregation. CHRISTIAN MADARY. CHRISTIAN MADARY, who, after a long 1 1 life of honest toil is enjoying a period of \J comfort and rest in this city, has lived here many years, and is well known among the older residents of the city. He was born November 29, 1817, in Canton Basel, Switzerland, and re- ceived his education in his native country. When he was old enough to choose a trade, he wished to learn silk manufacture, and was occupied in this for many years in Switzerland. He was married in March, 1844, to Miss Eva Elizabeth Meyer, and soon after resolved to try his fortunes in the New World. In 1845, accom- panied by his wife and her parents, he embarked at Havre, France, on a sailing-ship and, after forty-five days on the water, reached New York. They proceeded on their way to Chicago by water, sailing up the Hudson River to Albany, whence they traveled by canal to Buffalo, and stopped six weeks at Detroit. Upon arriving in Chicago Mr. Madary was compelled to work at any honest labor he was able to procure for sev- eral years, but he was industrious and reliable, and rapidly succeeded in bettering his condi- tion. In 1849 he rented a piece of land on North Clark street, and in a modest way, suited to his means, began gardening. This venture was so successful that, in 1852, he was able to purchase a lot sixty-one by two hundred fourteen feet, on North Avenue, where his home is now located, and was able to build a house in 1855. For many years Mr. Madary carried on gardening, and is still in a small way interested in it. Of the ten children who have blessed the home of Mr. and Mrs. Madary, seven are living. 690 JOHN BRUSZER. Elizabeth is the wife of Fred Becker, of No. 78 Wells street. Next in order of birth are: Mary, William, Charles, Carrie, Albert, and Sophie, the last-named being the wife of Mr. William Beenner. Mrs. Madary passed away April 9, 1886. Mr. Madary's first presidential vote was cast for John C. Fremont, and since that time he has sup- ported the Republican party in national issues. He and his family are members of the Reformed Church or the Evangelical Association, and are known as citizens of loyalty and patriotism to their adopted country, and have the respect of the community for their honest and upright lives and good works. JOHN BRUSZER. (TOHN BRUSZER, a prosperous and influen- I tial citizen of Chicago, was born November G) 9, 1839, in Wadstena, Oster Gotland, Swe- den, and is a son of Jonas and Catarina Larson, his name being changed by him shortly after coming to America. His education and training for the business of life were received in the land of his birth, where he spent all his earlier life. At the age of eight years he entered the marine service as cabin boy on a passenger steamer ply- ing between Guttenberg and Stockholm. In 1851, at the age of thirteen years, he shipped as cabin boy on the sailing-ship Eugenia, a govern- ment vessel fitted out for scientific research and exploration purposes, sailing in the northern waters in search of the North Pole. He remained on this boat till 1853. After this he became a sailor in the summer and learned the machinist's trade in the winter months. He followed this for many years. About 1865 he bought a vessel, the Freda Nord, and sailed it on Lake Wetter until 1868, when he sold it, and the next year came to America. One brother, Andrew, came to America in 1868, and this roused the ambition of John Brus- zer to follow him and try his fortunes in the land across the water. He followed his brother the following year, arriving in New York April 29, and proceeded westward to the State of Illinois. He remained one year engaged in farm labor near Rock ford, and then spent some time in trav- eling, going to Whitehall, Michigan; to St. Louis, to New Orleans, to the State of Arkansas, to St. Louis again, to St. Paul, and then worked along the Mississippi River, which often brought him to St. Louis, a city that he greatly liked. In 1872 Mr. Bruszer established himself in Chicago, and found employment on the city dredges arid tug-boats. He was willing to spend his time and energy in any honest labor, and during this time was rapidly mastering the Eng- lish language. Mr. Bruszer removed to South Chicago in May, 1873, and entered the employ of the Calumet & Chicago Canal & Dock Com- pany, on tug-boats. He remained at this work about one year, and then secured a position with the Chicago Forge & Bolt Company, where he remained nine years. At the end of this period of time he found employment in the coal yard of E. L. Hedstrom, and since then he has continued in this employ, now acting as engineer. His poor health causes the loss of much time, but through his reliability and faithfulness he is invaluable to his employer. In 1894 he took a well-earned vacation, and visited the scenes of his childhood and also other parts of Europe, remaining from September, 1894, to April of the next year. Mr. Bruszer built a house in 1874, on Green Bay Avenue, between Eighty-ninth and Ninetieth Streets, on the east side of the avenue, and re- MRS. E. E. THILO. 69.1 sided there until 1880, when he built a house on a vacant lot adjoining the one where his present home is situated. In 1891 he built a dwelling on the site where he now resides, which was de- stroyed by fire in 1893. To meet his immediate need he built a house on the rear of his lot, which is still standing, and in 1894 built an elegant apartment house of four stories, which is his present home. He has been most successful in his business transactions, and prosperity has crowned his efforts. Mr. Bruszer was married December 25, 1873, to Miss Matilda Krantz, of his old home in Swe- den. Their union has been blessed with five children. They are Oscar Conrad, Carl Wol- ford, Remer, Chester and Elsie. All are living, with the exception of Remer, who died when two and a-half years old. Mr. Bruszer is active in social and political circles in his community, and has many friends. He was reared in the Luth- eran faith, to which he still adheres. In politics he is a Republican. MRS. EVA. E. THILO. IV/lRS. EVA ELIZABETH THILO, an old I V I and respected pioneer of Chicago, was born 101 in Langensaltz, Saxony, Germany, Sep- tember 25, 1836. She is a daughter of Fred- erick Christian and Christina (Ackerman) Sper- ber, and came with her parents to Chicago in 1847. Christian and Christina Sperber were the parents of five children, three of whom died in Germany, and when they came to Chicago they brought with them besides Elizabeth one other daughter, Christine. Mr. Sperber died about 1869, and the mother survived him until August, 1893, when she also passed away, at the age of more than ninety years. Eva E. Sperber was married March 10, 1851, to Charles Henry Nibbe, who was born December 6, 1828, near Hamburg, Germany. He left his home at the tender age of twelve years and fol- lowed a sailor's life, becoming a captain when still a young man, and at one time became the owner of a number of boats on the Great Lakes. In 1848 he came to the United States, and until about 1857 was a captain on the Lakes. At this time he engaged in the grocer's business on Larrabee Street, and continued this until the fire of 1871, when he lost everything in the confla- gration. He did not lose his courage, however, and rebuilt and again engaged in business, being successful. He was diligent and prudent and was able to accumulate a competence. He was an ardent Republican, and in the success of his party he took an active interest, and contributed largely to it. For two years he was custom- house surveyor in Chicago, during which time he was associated with the brother-in-law of President Grant, William Dent. Mr. Nibbe was a member of Saint Paul's Lutheran Church. He and his wife were blessed with seventeen children, of whom only the fol- lowing are now living: Charles H., a printer; Peter; Elizabeth, now widow of John Whitty; Minnie, wife of Dr. W. H. Dodge; Emma, wife of Reese Steffy; Paul; and Paulina. Mr. Nibbe died January 19, 1881. July 12, 1885, Mrs. Nibbe became the wife of G. Wilhelm Thilo, who was born December 31, 1829, in Dering, Saxony, Germany. He re- ceived his education in his native country, and learned the trade of mason, which he followed for many years. His ambition led him to leave his home for the New World, where he determined to seek his fortune, which, however, he knew 692 GEORGE ERNST. could come to him only through his own efforts. In 1855 he left Germany, and upon his arrival in the United States he came direct to Chicago. For six years he was employed as a mason, and then he engaged in gardening on Halsted Street. He was married in Prussia to Miss Susanna Hausen, a native of the same place as himself, in 1853, and by that marriage he had five children, only two of whom lived to maturity Minnie, now Mrs. Hammerstrom, and William, deceased. The mother died in 1883. Mr. Thilo continued the conduct of his garden until he was able to retire, about twenty years ago, having acquired a comfortable fortune. He is now interested in a factory for making linseed oil, belonging to the Crescent Linseed Oil Corn- pan}'. He has been interested in this industry for fifteen years, during most of which period he has served as vice-president of the company- his present position . Mr. Thilo has been for many- years a member of the German Mutual Fire In- surance Company of North Chicago, and served as its treasurer several years. He is also promi- nently connected with various social and benefit societies. In political sentiment he adheres to the principles maintained by the Republican par- ty. He and his family are connected with the Lutheran Church. CAPT. GEORGE ERNST. EAPTAIN GEORGE ERNST, who was many years connected with the Fire Depart- ment of Chicago, was born in Baden Baden, German}-. He was a son of Joseph Ernst, who came to Buffalo, New York, when George was but eight years of age. He died during the epidemic of cholera in that city, where his widow after- ward made her residence until her death. Their children were: Mary, Elizabeth, Joseph, George (of whom this article is written), and Charles. The last three were residents of Chicago. Joseph never married, and was a soldier in the Civil War. He is now an inmate of the Soldiers' Na- tional Home, at Milwaukee. When a young man of eighteen years George Ernst came to the growing city of Chicago to try his fortunes. He was a cigar-maker by trade, and found employment readily. He was married in that city to Miss Anna Ludwig, a daughter of Mathias and Mary (Preseau) Ludwig, natives of the village of Idersdorf, Trier, Germany, who came to Chicago when it was a mere village. Mathias Ludwig was well known to the old pioneers of the town, by whom he was honored and respected, as an upright and honest citizen. He was a grocery merchant, and accumulated what was in those times considered a fortune. Late in life he and his wife removed to Saint Paul, Minnesota, where both died. Mr. Ludwig had been educated in Germany with a view of taking up the life of a priest, but he fell in love with a pretty German girl, and gave up his desire for the sacred robe to marry her and come to America. Their six children who grew to ma- turity are: Barbara, Leonard, Nicholas, Susan, Anna and Mary. Barbara married Gilbert Budgeser and they have three children Mary, Mathilda, and Minnie. Leonard and Nicholas are residents of Saint Paul, the former having one daughter. Susan married John Cody, an attorney, and Mary married Henry Stoebly, a shoe merchant of Saint Paul, Minnesota. Anna married Mr. George Ernst, the subject of this sketch. George Ernst was a member of Long John Wentworth's Fire Brigade and was the first fire- EDWARD SIMONS, JR. 693 man in Chicago to receive any remuneration for his services. He was Captain of John Went- worth Hook and Ladder Company and served for many years, rendering the city valuable services in that capacity. He died in Chicago May 18, 1890, at the age of sixty-three years, and is buried in Rosehill Cemetery. Mrs. Ernst survives him and is to-day one of the oldest liv- ing pioneers of Chicago. She is a member of the German Old Settlers' Society, and at a picnic given in 1897, received a gold medal for being the oldest woman settler on the ground. She was well acquainted with the early notables of Chicago, and is well remembered by the few sur- viving pioneers. She is the mother of three chil- dren, namely: George, who died at the age of forty years; Susie, who died at the age of thirty- eight years; and Louis, for twelve years a fireman but now an employe of the Chicago, Alton & St. Louis Railroad Company. The latter married Lillie Whitchurch, and they have two children Charlotta M. and Gertrude L. Mrs. Ernst is a genial conversationalist and her memory of the affairs of the city in its infancy is very clear and reliable, and it is a pleasure to listen to her remi- niscences of pioneer days. EDWARD SIMONS, JR. JT DWARD SIMONS, a contractor of Chicago, K3 is a member of a prominent pioneer family L_ of Cook Count}-. He was born June 4, 1843, on Section 35, of Jefferson Township, now a part of the city of Chicago. He is a son of Edward and Laura B. (Sprague) Simons, of whom extended mention is made elsewhere in this work. Mr. Simons received his early education in the common schools of Jefferson Township, and as- sisted his father on the farm until the opening of the Civil War. In July, 1862, though still a mere youth, he enlisted in the Chicago Mercantile Batten', and at once proceeded to the South. He participated in General Sherman's campaign in Mississippi, including the battles of Arkansas Post and Yazoo Pass, and the Siege of Vicksburg, and also in the Red River Expedition. In the spring of 1863, having been taken violently ill with swamp fever, he was placed on board the hospital boat, City of Memphis, and sent to St. Louis, where he was kept for some time. While at St. Louis he was discharged on account of disability, and later in the year was brought home, though he had not fully re'covered, and in fact suffered many years from rheumatism, due to his exposures. In 1866 he took a course of business training in Bryant & Stratton's Commercial College, and since that time has engaged successfully in vari- ous lines of business, including real-estate trans- actions and contracting for buildings, street pav- ing and sidewalks. October 5, 1871, was celebrated the marriage of Mr. Simons and -Mary E. Orr, daughter of Robinson and Margaret Orr. Mrs. Simons was born in Guernsey County, Ohio, but during her childhood removed with her parents to Sauk County, Wisconsin. Robinson Orr was a mem- ber of Company D, of the Eighteenth Regiment Wisconsin Volunteers, and died from injury and exposure during service. Six children have blessed the union of Mr. and Mrs. Simons, named as follows: Lottie, William W., Edith M. (now Mrs. J. H. Stube), Edna L., Mary F. and Frederick Glover. The first-named died at the age of two years. The family is connected with the Pacific Con- 6 9 4 FREDERICK BERGMAN. gregational Church and Mr. Simons is a member of the following societies: George H. Thomas Post No. 5, Grand Army of the Republic; Court Black Forest, Independent Order of Foresters; Humboldt Park Lodge No. 813, Ancient Free and Accepted Masons; Court Justice No. 31, United Order of Foresters; and Camp No. 22, Patriotic Order Sons of America. Of the second, third and fifth he was a charter member. Since attaining his majority he has been a Republican, casting his first presidential vote for Abraham Lincoln, in 1864. He has always contributed to the success of his party, and has held nearly all of the township offices, including the important ones of Commissioner of Highways, Supervisor and Collector. FREDERICK BERGMAN. [~REDERICK BERGMAN, a retired gardener rft of Chicago, has resided on the property he I now occupies since 1853. He was born Oc- tober 28, 1836, in Westphalia, Prussia, and is the only living child of Frederick and Anna (Stern- brier) Bergman. The father was a mason in his native land, from which he emigrated to America in 1839, first settling in New Orleans. He subsequently removed to St. Louis, whence he came to Chicago, and here located permanently. He shortly after- ward purchased two acres of land on North Wells Street at what is now the corner of Carroll Street, and was the first settler in that portion of the city. Being without capital, he followed teaming and laboring for some years, and in 1848 bought twenty acres in section twenty-nine, Lake View Township, where he carried on farming and gardening. He disposed of his first purchase and later secured a tract of timberland farther north. Having left his wife and two children, a son and a daughter, in Germany, he intended sending for them as soon as he was able, but his wife died before this could be brought about, and shortly after the daughter followed her, so that the son was the only one to reach America. About 1845 Mr. Bergman again married and of his second family three children are living: John, Herman and Louise. Mr. Bergman died in 1879, but his widow still survives, having reached the advanced age of eighty-three years. Frederick Bergman of this sketch was about three years of age when his father left for Amer- ica, and a year later was left an orphan. He was supported by friends of the family for a few years, but knew none of his relatives except an aunt with whom he lived one year. He received the ordinary educational advantages and since the age of six years has been practically self-support- ing. He earned his first wages during his seven- teenth year, in a brick yard, and a friend of his father's having looked him up for the purpose of taking him to Chicago, he left his clothes and what money he had earned in order to make the journey. In August, 1853, he sailed from Bremen for New York, spending six weeks on the water. He proceeded at once to Chicago where he joined his father and remained with him until he be- came of age. He subsequently worked for others for two years, saving two hundred dollars, with which modest sum he set up an establishment of his own after his marriage. By diligent applica- tion and hard work he accumulated one thousand dollars, which he loaned to a friend and lost. He then began investing his savings in building LIBRARY OF THE UNIVFRSITY OF ILLINOIS CAPT. THOMAS BROWN THOMAS BROWN. 695 lots and at the time of his father's death owned ten lots and inherited eighteen more. He con- tinued his gardening operations until 1881, but since that time has devoted himself principally to building up and improving his property, also dealing more or less in real estate. May 6, 1860, occurred the marriage of Mr. Bergman to Miss Augusta Arnhold, who was born May n, 1843, near Nordhausen, Prussia, and came to Chicago the same year as her hus- band. Her parents, Christian and Justina Arn- hold, both died in Chicago, the former in 1890, aged eighty years, and the latter in 1892, aged eighty-one years. Seven sons and seven daugh- ters have been born to Mr. and Mrs. Bergman, but only the following are now living: Frederick, in the employ of the United States Express Company; Augusta, wife of Henry Hachmeister, residing on May Street; George, Annie, Hattie and Frieda, living at home. The family is con- nected with the Independent Evangelical Church. Mr. Bergman has supported the Republican party since its organization, but has never consented to hold any public office. CAPT. THOMAS BROWN. EAPT. THOMAS BROWN was born in Crail, Fifeshire, Scotland, October 28, 1823, a son of Alexander Brown. The latter was born in Crail in 1796, and was reared in his native place, and educated in such schools as were then in vogue. He married Margaret Brown, (no relative) in 1820, and April 6, 1834, they, with their family, took passage on the "Roger Stewart," a sailing-vessel, from Greenock, Scot- land, for the United States. The good ship was five weeks and two days in plowing her way through the waters of the Atlantic to New York, where she arrived May second. Chicago was the objective point and thither they traveled, by boat up the Hudson to Albany, thence by canal to Buffalo, where passage was taken on a boat to Detroit. From that place they traveled by ox-team and wagon across Michigan to St. Joseph, where they again took boat, which landed them in Chicago June 8, 1834. Mr. Brown had been reared to farm pursuits. He was am- bitious for the future welfare of his children, and not wishing to change his vocation, soon after arriving he made a selection of a quarter-section of laud in Niles township, paying one hundred sixty dollars for a claim upon it held by an- other. There was a log house on this land, and though small and somewhat uncomfortable, it was made to answer the purpose of the family domicile for two years. He was a hard-working and in- dustrious man, and with such assistance as his wife and young children could render, he soon had a part of his land under cultivation and was on the way to prosperity. When the land came into market he bought four hundred acres in all, at goverment prices. For a year or two after his settlement in Niles, they had a camp of Indians for near neighbors, who were very annoying on account of their largely developed thieving propensities. They were only dangerous when drunk, at which times they would become quarrelsome and murderous. Mr. Brown was a man who possessed the material which makes successful pioneers. He was hardy and courageous. No hardship daunted him. He was patient in his labors of conquering the pri- meval soil, which, in this section, stubbornly re- sisted man's effort at cultivation. He possessed 6 9 6 THOMAS BROWN. a high order of intelligence, which was supple- mented by a good practical education. Reserved as Justice of the Peace a great many years, and was universally respected by all who knew him. He and his estimable wife, who was in every sense a true and faithful helpmate, were Presby- terians and among the strictest of their faith. Mr. Brown took an active and leading part in erecting the first church in the township. It was a sort of a union affair, as all evangelical de- nominations used it. He took a keen interest in political affairs, and was an adherent of the Dem- ocratic party. Mr. and Mrs. Brown were the parents of eight children (five of whom were born in Scotland), namely: Andrew, Thomas, Alexander, William, Isabella, Grace, James and John. The last two were born in Niles Township, and Grace was born on the ocean. Mr. Brown died November 30, 1854, and Mrs. Brown passed to her final re- ward in April, 1849, aged fifty-one years. Thomas Brown was a little more than ten years of age when he came to Chicago. He had learned to read and write in his native land. There were no schools here when the family arrived. Such education as he received in his youth was obtained in the "Land of the heather." In August, 1862, he enlisted in Company I, Eighty-eighth Illinois Volunteer Infantry. Soon after, he with his regiment was transferred to the seat of war in Kentucky, and October 8 following, participated in the battle of Perryville. From this time on his command was in the thick of the fray, and fought at Stone River, Chickamauga and Missionary Ridge. It then went to the relief of Knoxville and the release of East Tennessee from threatened rebel dominion. Subsequently, when the Atlanta campaign opened, the Eighty-eighth Regiment took an active and aggressive part, sus- taining in many a severe conflict its well-known and deserved reputation for the fighting qualities of its men. After the fall of Atlanta the regiment took part in the campaign against the rebel general, Hood, acting in the battles of Spring Hill, Franklin and Nashville, which so disastrously resulted in the annihilation of Hood's army. At Spring Hill Mr. Brown received a slight wound, which, however, did not deter him from accompanying his regiment in pursuit of Hood's flying remnant, in which large stores were cap- tured. Subsequently the regiment went to Hunts- ville, Alabama, where it enjoyed for two months a well-deserved rest, then went to East Tennessee, and after Petersburg fell, proceeded to Nashville, where it was mustered out of service June 24, 1864. Mr. Brown enlisted and was mustered in as a private, and soon after was made company drill master; later, third sergeant. After Stone River was fought he was advanced to first sergeant, and after the battle of Kenesaw Mountain he received a first lieutenant's commission. A little later he was promoted to a captaincy and assumed com- mand of his company. His rise in rank was due entirely to the soldierly qualities of the man. Brave to a fault, clear of sight, decisive of action, qualities indispensable to a good soldier, he won the confidence of his superiors and the respect 'and esteem of his subordinate followers, whom he so gallantly led on many hard-fought fields. John Brown, brother of Capt. Thomas Brown, served throughout the war in the same company and regiment. He enlisted as a private and was discharged a corporal. He was a good soldier, and was wounded at the battle of Chickamauga. He is now a resident of Cook County, Illinois. When the war was over Captain Brown re- turned to Niles Township, and in the following spring settled in Chicago, where he has since re- sided. He was married June 30, 1849, to Miss Josephine Schroeder, who was born on Long Island, New York, in 1833. To them a child was born, Margaret Isabella, now Mrs. A. Caldwell Anderson, of Chicago. Mrs. Brown ^ame to Chicago with her mother, Sarepta Schroeder, in 1838. A few years after their arrival Mrs. Schroeder married John Toops. They settled in Northfield Township, where they lived until the death of Mr. Toops, in September, 1848. Mrs. Toops died in Chicago, in February, 1878. They had five children, namely: Charles, John, Mary, Anna and Almira. The last is deceased. Mrs. Brown, although but five years old at the time, well remembers the tedious journey of the family EDWARD SIMONS. 697 from New York to Chicago, being three weeks en route. Aside from having held the office of Justice of the Peace for several years, Captain Brown has not been identified with public affairs. His first presidential vote was cast for Henry Clay, but since the formation of the Republican party he has been a stanch supporter of its principles. EDWARD SIMONS. IT DWARD SIMONS, deceased, was promi- j^ nentty connected with the early history of I Chicago and Cook County. He was born in Hanover, Grafton County, New Hampshire, January 30, 1811, and was a son of Cady and Eunice (Loudon) Simons, whose ancestors settled in New England prior to the Revolutionary War. While he was a child his parents moved to Ripley, Chautauqua County, New York, where his father bought a farm, which he afterwards sold, and in 1820 moved to Conneaut (then called Salem), Ashtabula County, Ohio. Here Edward received his education and, in the spring of 1830, he ac- cepted a position as clerk in the general store of Bloss & Woodbury , at Monroe, Ashtabula County. They also conducted a distillery and dealt in cattle. He remained with them two years, after which he had charge of a large store in Conneaut for a time. On the first of April, 1834, he left Conne- aut for Chicago, where he arrived on the eleventh. He had formed a partnership with Sylvester Marsh, an experienced cattle buyer, butcher and packer. Some time during that summer he bought Mr. Marsh's interest and conducted the business alone, which included supplying the garrison with meat. A severe illness in the fall of 1834 compelled him to go out of business. While settling up his affairs he took charge of books in their market for Archibald Clybourn & Son, and later formed a partnership with Mr. Clybourn. This connection continuing about two years. In 1836, he made claim to the southeast quarter of section thirty-five, Jefferson Township, then called Monroe Precinct. December 17, 1837, Mr. Simons was married to Laura B. Sprague, and soon after this important event the young couple located on his land and began their domestic life in true pioneer style. They erected a small frame house, twelve feet square, which is still standing. He began the arduous task of developing a farm from the raw and wet prairie, and continued farming until the fall of 1847, when he opened a general store at No. 40 West Randolph Street, where he had bought property a few years previously, when the West Side began building up. Six years later he gave up merchandising, returned to his farm and engaged in its cultivation until his death, in 1876, at the age of sixty-five years. On his arrival in Chicago the city contained a population of less than three thousand people. Not only did Tie witness the wondrous growth of the western metropolis, but nobly bore his part, and aided in the material advancement of both city and county. He was ever regarded as an in- telligent, enterprising citizen, and on the organiza- tion of Jefferson Township, was elected to the school board, being its first treasurer. In early life he was a Whig and later adopted the princi- ples of the Republican party. In religion he was a Universalist. Laura B. Sprague was born in Hamburg, Erie County, New York, February 2, 1815, and is a 6 9 8 GEORGE METZ. daughter of Hosea Sprague and Lucy Warren, both natives of Vermont. The Sprague family was founded in that State in colonial times, the first immigrant being an English Quaker. Jabez Warren, father of Lucy Warren, was a soldier in the Revolutionary War, and the son of an English officer. Mrs. Simons was educated in the district schools of Erie County, New York, and at the age of sixteen years began teaching. Two years later she entered Aurora Seminary, and in 1835 left that institution to move with her parents to Illinois. She was also acompanied by her brother, Jabez Warren Sprague, and her sister Almira, now Mrs. Brearley, of Rockford, Illinois. The family left Erie County, New York, May 5, and reached Chicago June 3, having been four weeks and two days making the journey with a team of horses and covered wagon. They stopped over night at a hotel kept by Franklin Washburn, eighteen miles east of Chicago, and on arriving in Chicago the}' rested some days at the home of Seth Washburn, and then journeyed on to Du Page County. In the spring of 1836, they moved to McHenry County, which was afterward divided, putting them in Lake County. Jabez W. Sprague made a claim to eighty acres of land in Vernon Township, which he bought from the Government in the fall of 1838. In the winter of 1837-1838, the first postoffice was estab- lished at Half Day, with Seth Washburn as post- master. Jabez W. Sprague is still a resident of Lake County. His father died there in October, 1837, and his mother in March, 1872. Laura B. Sprague began teaching school August i, 1835, at Zarley's Grove, near Joliet, in a small log house, at a salary of one dollar and a-half and board per week. In the fall of that year she re- turned to Half Day and taught the first school at that place, it being the first school established in Lake County. The schoolhouse was on the bank of Indian Creek, and was built of logs, with a puncheon floor. She had twenty-five pupils, children of the pioneers, and as compensation she received the munificent sum of one dollar and a-half and board per week. She was also the pioneer teacher in East Joliet, where she taught in the summer of 1837, in a small unfinished building that stood on what is now Chicago Street. Mrs. Simons has been a resident of Chicago for nearly sixty years, and is one of the few remain- ing links that connect the pioneer days with the present. She resides with her daughter, Mrs. Winkleman, and although in the eighty-third year of her age and somewhat frail in health, re- tains her mental faculties to a remarkable degree, and converses interestingly of the times when the second city in the Union was in its infancy. Mr. and Mrs. Simons were the parents of seven children, four of whom grew to maturity, as fol- lows: Junius, of Washington, District of Colum- bia; Almira, wife of Frederick A. Winkleman, of Chicago; Edward, whose biography appears else- where; and Charles B., a Chicago attorney. GEORGE METZ. fTjEORGE METZ, a leading market-gardener I ^^ I of North Chicago, has the honor of being a V.J native son of that city, born June 4, 1851. His parents, George and Katharina (Spoerer) Metz, natives, respectively, of Baden and Bavaria, Germany, were married in that country, and set out to make their home in the New World, which held out so much better hopes of advancement than the Old, in 1848. Mr. Metz was possessed of no capital, save his CORNELIUS KUYPER, JR. 699 good health, ambition, and ardent hopes for the future, all of which were shared by his faithful wife. In his native land he had acquired the trades of cooper and brewer, and for two years after his arrival in Chicago he was employed in this line of labor. In 1850 he established a brew- ery on State Street, which he conducted success- fully, until the great fire of 1871. About 1865, he built a brewery at the suburban town of Blue Island, and when the disaster of 1871 came he had built up a very extensive business. His loss at that time was nearly half a million of dollars. About forty men were employed by him in the two establishments. At this time his son-inlaw, Edward R. Stege, was a partner in the business, which was conducted under the firm name of Metz & Stege. Through the losses they sustained by the fire they were compelled to give up the Blue Island establishment also, and Mr. Metz did not again engage in active business. Mrs. Metz died in 1873, and her husband sur- vived until May, 1880. As was natural in the case of an active and intelligent business man, Mr. Metz felt a keen interest in the welfare of his native country as well as the city of his home. He was a Republican in political principle, and acted upon the counsel of his party, but declined to accept office for himself. In religious faith both he and his wife adhered to the Lutheran Church. They had four children who grew to maturity, and two of these are now living the subject of this sketch, and Katharine, wife of Herman Prell, of Chicago. George Metz was educated in the public schools of Chicago, and Dyrenfurth's Commercial Col- lege. After leaving the latter institution he vis- ited Germany, and spent two years in college at Munich, the capital of Bavaria, and at Wheinste- phan, the brewers' school of that kingdom. After this he traveled over Europe and worked in various breweries, becoming a thorough master of the arts there employed. On his return to America he was enabled through the knowledge thus gained, to be of great service to his father. In 1884 he engaged in gardening for the city market, in Lake View, and has ever since continued in this line of endeavor. He is at present engaged in supplying club-houses and restaurants with choice vegetables. December 18, 1884, Mr. Metz was married to Miss Emma Junius, a daughter of Peter and Barbara Junius, of whom extended mention will be found in another part of this volume. Mr. and Mrs. Metz have two sons, George and Charles. The family is identified with St. Michael's Roman Catholic Church, and its head is a Republican in political principles. He is a reading man, and an intelligent thinker, and is recognized as one of the progressive and useful citizens of his native city. CORNELIUS KUYPER, JR. EORNELIUS KUYPER, JUNIOR, was born March 28, 1853, on the corner of Michigan Avenue and One-Hundred-Third Street, in Roseland, Illinois, then known as Calumet. He is a son of Cornelius Kuyper, one of the founders of "The Holland Settlement," now known as Roseland. The latter was the only one of his father's fam- ily to try his fortune in America, and came with nine or ten other families of his countrymen who set sail for New York City. They spent six weeks on the water, and before they reached their desti- nation were attacked by the terrible scourge of cholera. Among those who lost their lives were four children of Mr. Kuyper. On arriving in this country the little band of immigrants made their 700 PETER JUNTOS. way direct to Cook County, and bought a quarter- section of land in what seemed to them to be a desirable location, for five dollars an acre. This land was divided among them, Mr. Kuyper's share being sixteen acres. He afterwards invested in other tracts of land, as he was able, and all of this is now a part of the city of Chicago. He built his first house at the corner of Michigan Avenue and One-Hundred-Third Street, and con- ducted a market garden for a number of years. He was prominent in the affairs of the community and was one of the founders of the Dutch Re- formed Church, which he always helped support. Cornelius Kuyper, junior, attended the schools of Roseland until he was fifteen years of age, acquiring a good, common-school education. He afterwards worked at farm labor for a time. At the age of twenty-three years he took charge of a farm at St. Johns, Lake County, Indiana, and remained there five years. He then returned to Chicago, and in 1881 secured employment in the Allen Paper Car Wheel Works, at Pullman, where he continued two years. In 1883 he en- tered the employ of the Chicago & Western In- diana Railway Company, with whom he is now engaged as gateman. In 1885 he suffered the loss of his left arm, by an accident. In 1 883 Mr. Kuyper located at Burnside, where he now resides, occupying property purchased by him in 1895. He has always endorsed Republic- an principles, and is a member of the Dutch Re- formed Church, at Roseland, which his father was so influential in founding. He was married April 9, 1875, to Miss Wilhelmina Broertjes, who was born in 1856, in Holland, and in 1886 came to America, making her home at Roseland until her marriage. Their children are: Cornelius, born October 25, 1875; John, August 29, 1876; Jacob, May 30, 1879; Marcus, February 12, 1882; Gertie May, July 18, 1885; William and Cornelia (twins), August 8, 1888; Andrew, January 15, 1890; Nellie Johanna, December 25, 1892; and Mary Martha, August 3, 1895. Jacob died, May 9, 1881; William, September 20, 1888; Cornelia, September 27, 1888; and John passed away on the zgth of November, 1890. Jacob is buried at Roseland, and the others at Morgan Park. Mr. Kuyper is a well-informed man, and takes great interest in the affairs of the city, state and nation. He has broad ideas on all subjects, and his actions in life are governed by good judg- ment and sound principles. He is a kind father, and is a lover of his home. PETER JUNIUS. JUNIUS, a German- American citizen yr of Chicago, who is now enjoying a life of \S ease and comfort, which he earned by years of toil and thrift, was born April 17, 1830, in Luxem- burg, Germany. He is a son of Peter and Made- line (Corth) Junius, the former being a native of Lorraine, France, and the latter born in Luxem- burg. Peter Junius, the subject of this sketch, lived in his native country until he reached middle life. After receiving an education in the schools of his native city, he began working in a manufactory where he proved his industry and skill by quickly learning the trade of woolen manufacture. He rose rapidly, his ability being recognized by his employers, and he remained in their service seven- teen years, finally occupying the position of fore- man. June 29, 1853, Mr. Junius was married to Miss Barbara Wellenstein, who was also a native of ADAM SCHILLO. 701 Luxemburg. Not being content with the meagre opportunities for advancement offered in his native country, he determined to seek a field of labor in the New World, and accordingly he and his family, which included four children, sailed for the United States from Antwerp, in a steamship which landed after a voyage of fourteen days, at Baltimore, on April 14, 1872. The family came direct to Chi- cago, where Mr. Junius spent two and one-half years as a laborer, and then embarked in business for himself. This venture was a garden in Lake View, on the corner of Halsted and Addison Streets. He built a residence at No. 225 Mohawk Street, and here the family resided seventeen years. Mr. Junius was a careful manager, and was prudent in carrying on his business affairs, in which he was very successful. In 1888 he was enabled to retire from business, and the family removed to Los Angeles, California, remaining there until 1895. While on a visit to Chicago, Mrs. Junius died in that city, December 8, 1894. The children of Mr. and Mrs. Junius were: Peter, John B., Emma K., and Anna. The second is deceased. Emma is the wife of George Metz; and Anna is the wife of Joseph P. Crosby, of No. 169 Fremont Street, Chicago. The family won the high esteem and regard of the community in which its members lived for so many years, and wherever they are known, they are held in respect and honor. Mr. Junius is connected with St. Theresa's Roman Catholic Church, and is in- terested in all Christian and benevolent works, to which he gives his sympathy and support. ADAM SCHILLO. (S\ DAM SCHILLO, one of the prominent I_l German-American citizens of Chicago, has / I been connected with the business interests of this city since May 8, 1852, and is recognized as a valuable and upright citizen. He was born May 22, 1837, on the banks of the River Rhine, in the Province of Trier, Germany, and is a son of John and Katherine (Klein) Schillo, natives of the same place. John Schillo had served in the German army. He and his family sailed from Antwerp in a sail- ing-ship and in forty-eight days reached the United States. Though this family was poor, it was honest and industrious to an unusual de- gree, and Mr. Schillo worked as a laborer, care- fully saving his earnings until, he was able to buy two lots on West Holt Street. Of the chil- dren now living the following are the names: Katherine, wife of Peter Kimllburger, of No. 202 Holt Street; and Peter, who resides on Wells Street. John Schillo died in 1856, and his wife survived him until 1864. Adam Schillo received his education in his na- tive land, and was employed as a laborer for a time. In 1866 he purchased an interest in the Union Lumber Company, and remained with it three years, at the end of which time he formed a partnership with Mr. William Waldo, with the firm name of Waldo, Waters & Co. Mr. Waldo and Mr. Schillo bought out the interest of Mr. Waters, and the name became Waldo & Schillo, under which they continued the lumber trade six years. In the past twelve years Mr. Schillo has been alone in the business. At the time of the fire of 1871 Mr. Schillo lived at No. 440 Sedgwick Street, and in that conflagration lost his home and household effects. In 1858 he was married to Miss Mary Jung, 702 LOUIS FISCHER. (daughter of John and Ellen Jung), a native of the same part of German}' as himself, who came to Chicago in 1848. Mr. and Mr. Schillo had five children, namely: Carrie, wife of Christian Wildner; John; Louise, wife of Peter Bantze; Mathias and Julia. All are communicants of Saint Michael's Roman Catholic Church, and the family stands high in the esteem and regard of the community. Mr. Schillo is a member of Saint Vincent de Paul's Society. LOUIS FISCHER. I GUIS FISCHER, a member of the firm of I C Kraetzer, Fischer & Company, manufac- l**/ turers of sash and doors, is a well-known resident of South Chicago. He was born Sep- tember 26, 1826, in Sachsen- Weimar, Germany, and is a son of Johannes and Katrina (Kett) Fischer, natives of that country. Johannes Fis- cher was a son of John George Fischer, a land owner in Germany. The latter and his wife, Mary Ann Fischer, were the parents of two chil- dren: Johannes, before mentioned; and Ida, who married and resides in Germany. Johannes Fischer was a stonemason and owned about six acres of land in his native State. His children were: Rosa, who died when nine years old; Louis, of whom this article is written; Law- rence, who came to Chicago in 1892, and is now in the employ of Kraetzer, Fischer & Company; Elizabeth, now the wife of Peter Graff, of Chicago; and the oldest child, a boy, who died in infancy. Johannes Fischer died in 1887, at the age of seventy-two years, and his wife preceded him two years, passing away at the age of sixty-eight. Louis Fischer received a limited education in his native country, which has been broadened since by his own efforts. He learned the trade of cabinet-maker and followed it until his removal to the United States in 1881. His wife had friends in Chicago, and upon his arrival in this country he proceeded thither. Mr. Fischer found employment at carpenter work with Christ Rasch, with whom he remained eight years, with the exception of nine months when he worked for the R. A. Beck Lumber Company. During this time Mr. Rasch was associated with various partners, but Mr. Fischer retained his position, having risen in the confidence and esteem of his employers until he became foreman. In 1889 the firm of Kraetzer, Fischer & Company was formed to succeed Rasch, Dornedden & Company, and under this firm name the business has since con- tinued. The factory is located on the corner of Ninety-fifth Street and South Chicago Avenue, and is one of the most extensive establishments for the manufacture of doors, sash and other in- terior finishings in the city. There is in connec- tion with it a planing-mill. Mr. Fischer married Miss Magdalena Reinhart June 6, 1880. She is a daughter of Adam and Martha (Miller) Reinhart, and was born Sep- tember i, 1856, in Hessen, Germany. Their children were: Charles, who lived to be four years old; Herman, who also died at the age of four years; Freda, ten years old; Lydia, aged eight years; Louis, aged four years; and Emil, who reached the age of seven months and then passed away. Mr. Fischer is known to be upright and hon- orable in business and in his social relations. He takes an interest in the affairs of his adopted country, and has espoused the cause of the Re- publican party. He does not care for popularity in social circles, but rather finds his pleasure and recreation in his home. FREDERICK WELLER, SR. 703 FREDERICK WELLER, SR. REDBRICK WELLER, SR., a successful locomotive engineer of Chicago, was born January i, 1836, at No. 131 Scott Street, Baltimore, Maryland, and is a son of Christopher and Priscilla (Wilted) Weller. His paternal grandfather was born in Wurtemberg, Germany, and always lived in his native country, where he was a land owner. Christopher Weller emi- grated to America from Germany about 1834, and located in Baltimore, spending the remainder of his life there. He followed the trade of butcher in his native country', but on coming to the United States he became a farmer, and took charge of the Ross Winans farm, near Baltimore. His children were: Jac6b, Ephraim, Priscilla, Frederick, Katie, George, Sophia, Caroline and Charles. Frederick Weller received his education in the common schools of his native State, and at the age of thirteen years began to assist his father, for whom he worked until he was twenty years of age. At the age of eighteen years he began switching for the Baltimore & Ohio Railroad, and svas afterwards a fireman. In a few years he became a competent engineer, and has continued in this occupation since that time. For fifteen years he had charge of an engine used in switch- ing, and then for two years operated an engine which ran between Baltimore and Martinsburg. In January, 1883, he came to South Chicago, where he had charge of a switch engine. In June, 1886, he entered the service of the Illinois Steel Company, and later was employed by the Chicago, Lake Shore & Eastern Railroad, in whose service he is now engaged. Mr. Weller is a very able engineer, and is reliable and trust- worthy. The first engine, an old ' 'grasshopper, ' ' so-called, was named the "Thomas Jefferson, " and is now in the Field Columbian Museum, as is also the next one he took charge of, which was called the "Mazeppa." June 12, 1857, Mr. Weller married Ann Maria Rimby, daughter of Reuben Lewis and Sarah (Hilton) Rimby. She was born February i, 1839, on Baltimore Street, Baltimore, Maryland. Her grandfather, Jacob Rimby, was born in Holland, and was a carpenter. He married Helen Taney, and their son, Reuben Lewis Rimby, was an iron moulder. Mrs. Weller's maternal grandfather, James Hilton, was pre- sumably an Englishman, who followed the occu- pation of farming. He married Polly Hickey, and their daughter, Sarah Hilton, was born in Harford County, Maryland. Mr. and Mrs. Weller became parents of the following-named children: Charles Christopher, Ida Priscilla, Reuben Ellsworth, Frederick Washington, Annie, Mary Virginia, Katie Adella, Lillie May, Ella Viola, Harry Evers, Walter Willis, Edith and Gracie Allen. Charles Christopher married Clara Slaughter, and resides in Chicago, having two children, Edna and Charles C. Ida Pris- cilla died at the age of three years, and Reuben Ellsworth at the age of twenty months. Annie married Hurd Ingraham, and resides in South Chicago. Katie Adella married Henry Peters, and lives at Grand Crossing. Lillie May married William Wjthnow a stationary engineer in the 704 CHRISTIAN ERICKSON. employ of the Illinois Steel Company, and lives at Cheltenham. Ella Viola became the wife of William Gubbins, and lives on Division Street, Chicago. Gracie Allen died when twenty months old. The other children reside at home. In April, 1887, Mr. Weller built a residence at No. 8218 Commercial Avenue, and here the family has since resided. While living in Balti- more Mr. Weller was a member of the United Brethren Church, but the family is now con- nected with the First Presbyterian Church, on Houston Avenue. He is a public-spirited and patriotic citizen, and takes a commendable interest in the affairs of his country. CAPT. CHRISTIAN ERICKSON. EAPTAIN CHRISTIAN ERICKSON was born May 7, 1839, in Bergen, Norway, and is the son of Erick Christensen. The family is an old one in Norway, where its members have lived for centuries. Erick Christensen died at the age of seventy-eight years, leaving a good record behind him. His wife, Bertha, was born in 1800, and died in 1882. She was the mother of three children, namely. Mrs. Marie Anderson, Christian Erickson and Ole Erickson. All are now in America. Christian Erickson received only a limited edu- cation, but learned bookkeeping in Norway. At the age of twenty years he came to the United States, and when he arrived here at once recog- nized the importance of a good education, and with the intention of acquiring one, attended the Lake Forest College, making his home for the time with Professor Dickinson. After two years of study he came to Chicago and took a position in a dry-goods store on Lake Street, which was owned by J. B. Shay. In March, 1862, he en- listed in Company I, of the Eighty-second Illinois Volunteer Infantry, as a private, and soon after was promoted to Orderly Sergeant. Shortly after entering the field in Virginia he was promoted to Second Lieutenant, and after the battle of Chancellorsville, to First Lieutenant, and as such took command of the company until after the battle of Gettysburg. The next year he took part in the battles of Lookout Mountain and Missionary Ridge, under the command of Gen- eral Hooker. Later he went to Knoxville, but arrived too late for that battle. He was with Sherman's army on the campaign to Atlanta and the glorious March to the Sea, participating in the battles on the way. On the March to the Sea he was on the Regimental Staff as Quartermaster, and after being honorably discharged, was given a captain's commission, signed by President Johnson, for gallant and meritorious services during the war. He was present when General Johnson surrendered to General Sherman, and after the return march to Washington took part in the grand parade. His company was nearly all from Chicago, and composed of Scandinavians, and the other nine companies were Germans. The regiment was known in the army as the "Hecker Boys," who could always be depended upon in a fight. Fol- lowing is a list of the main battles in which Mr. Erickson participated: Chancellorsville, Gettys- burg, Vauhatchie, Tennessee, Missionary Ridge and Lookout Mountain, Resaca, Dallas, Kenesaw Mountain, Peachtree Creek, Atlanta, Savannah, and Bentonville, besides which he took part in many minor engagements. Captain Erickson was a temperate man in all things, and during the war saved enough money to enable him to start in business in Chicago. G. F. F. SUBE. 705 He engaged in the dry-goods business on Mil- waukee Avenue, and later he started a branch store on Division Street, which later was de- stoyed by the Great Fire. In 1882 he built a four-story brick building at Nos. 1190-1192 Mil- waukee Avenue, where he continued the dry- goods business till 1896, when ill-health compelled him to retire from a successful business career. September u, 1870, he married Miss Agnete Jevne, a native of Hamar, Norway. She is a daughter of Hans Jevne, who was a tanner in Norway and died there. She came to America in 1867, and is a sister of C. Jevne, of Chicago, and H. Jevne, of Los Angeles, California. She is the mother of four children: Ernest Alexander, Agnes Camilla, Forence May, and Christian Arent. Captain Erickson is a member of the Grand Army of the Republic and the Loyal Legion, and takes an active interest in their affairs, especially since his retirement from business. He has been successful, and has earned a competency for his future years. Politically he is a stanch Re- publican. Mrs. Erickson is a member of the Relief Corps, and takes a deep interest in all matters pertaining to the Grand Army. In April, 1897, she was appointed a member of the Board of Trustees of the Illinois Soldiers' Widows' Home, at Wilmington, by Governor Tanner. Both Captain Erickson and his wife are valued and re- spected by their many friends and acquaintances. Their children are well settled in Chicago. Ernest A. is in the grocery business; and Agnes C. is a musician of great talent. She was educated in Chicago and Germany, and during the World's Fair received a bronze medal and diploma as an amateur player. She has marked ability and bids fair to become renowned in her art. GUSTAV F. F. SUBE. EUSTAV FREDERICK FERDINAND SUBE was born July 8, 1847, in Pommern, Germany, and is a son of Frederick and Augusta (Krueger) Sube. Frederick Sube was born December 27, 1820, in Pommern, and his wife in September, 1823. He was a painter, and died in April, 1884, at the age of sixty-four years. His widow is still living in Germany. They were the parents of four children, namely: Augusta, Gustav F. F., Elizabeth and Annie. Gustav Sube received his education in his na- tive country, where he spent the early part of his life. He resolved to emigrate to America, and reached New York May 29, 1880, his wife fol- lowing later. He came direct to Chicago and lived at first on Weed Street, on the North Side. He had learned the trade of machinist, and work- ed six weeks in McCormick's Reaper Works, after which he found employment with Brown & Smith, and remained with them two years. He next entered the service of Benjamin & Fisher, who were then located on Jefferson Street. This firm removed to South Chicago, April t, 1883, and Mr. Sube went with it. In September, 1886, he was engaged by the Illinois Steel Company, and since that time has remained in this service. On moving to South Chicago, Mr. Sube bought ground at Colfax Avenue and Eighty-eighth Street, and built a cottage, which he occupied four years. At the end of that time he moved to No. 8927 Commercial Avenue, where he built a most comfortable residence, which is his present home. Mr. Sube was united in matrimony February 706 N. L. SCHADE. 25, 1872, with Adelaide Quant, daughter of David and Johanna (Dackow) Quant. She was born February 28, 1846, in Pommern, Germany, and joined her husband in Chicago, September, 12, 1880. They became the parents of the following children: Adolph Otto, John Frederick, Mar- garet, Annie, Otto, Mary, Elizabeth and Ger- trude. Adolph O. Sube attended the public school until he was fourteen years of age. He learned the finishing trade, and is now a station- ary engineer in the employ of the Illinois Steel Company. He was married July 15,1897, to Miss Bertha E. F. Becker, daughter of William and Mary (Banclow) Becker. John Frederick is a cigar maker; Annie married Adolph Berke, and resides in South Chicago. Otto died at the age of eleven years, and Mary at the age of eight weeks. Mr. Sube is a supporter of the Democratic policy, and favors the free coinage of silver. He is a man of social habits and is connected with several societies. He is a member of the Inter- national Association of Machinists, the Ancient Order of United Workmen, and the Knights and Ladies of Honor. He was the only one of his family who left Germany, and has won position and prosperity through his independent efforts. NICHOLAS L, SCHADE. NICHOLAS LEONARD SCHADE, who is nV now enjoying a retired life on North Avenue, \ls was born December 10, 1836, in Prussia, and is the eldest son of Henry and Margaret Schade. The family came to America in 1847, sailing from Bremen in a sailing-vessel, spending ninety-two days on the ocean and landing at Quebec. Thence they sailed up the St. Lawrence River to Montreal, and from there to Oswego and Buffalo, thence up the lakes on the steamboat "Empire" to Chicago, and spent the first year in what was then known as New Buffalo. Nicholas Schade attended school in his native land, where he learned to read and write the Ger- man language. After coming to Chicago, he at- tended the Wilder and Kingsbury schools for five years, becoming familiar with the English lan- guage, also attending a German parish school for a few months. At the age of fourteen years he began learning the machinists' trade, and served an apprenticeship of two and one-half years at Gates' shops He then entered the employ of Walker & Company, where he learned wood- turning and millwrighting, remaining a year and a-half. He then worked for J. F. Temple, put- ting up machinery for a time, after which he en- tered the service of John McEwan, and for eight years had charge of his planing mill. At the end of this time he began working for the firm of John L. Dietz & Company, where he remained four years. Mr. Schade was burned out in the great fire of 1871, losing his house and furniture, and re- ceiving the paltry insurance of thirteen dollars. After this he returned to the service of John L. Dietz & Company, and remained three years, after which he was employed by Charles Ridz & Company, with whom he remained two and one- half years, since which time he has been living retired. Mr. Schade has taken an active interest in public affairs, and formerly endorsed the princi- ples of the Republican party, though for several years past he has given his support to the Demo- cratic party. In 1856 he joined a volunteer fire company, and served eight years. CORNELIUS KUYPER. 707 August 12, 1869, Mr. Schade married Miss John, Hattie and Nicholas. The daughter is the Barbara Lang, who was born February 18, 1847, wife of Fred Schmidt. The family is not coil- in Bavaria, Germany, and is a daughter of John nected with any religious society, though inter- Lang. She came to Chicago in 1866. Mr. and ested in any reforms or movements conducive to Mrs. Schade have four children, namely: Adam, the welfare of the public. CORNELIUS KUYPER. EORNELIUS KUYPER is the only male sur- vivor of the founders of "The Holland Set- tlement," now known as Roseland. He was born near the historic city of Alkmaar, in the Province of North Holland, February 13, 1816, and is a son of Jacob and Mary (Dunnmeyer) Kuyper. Jacob Kuyper lived and died in the lo- cality of Alkmaar, dying at the early age of forty- seven years. His wife lived to the great age of ninety-one years and five months. Cornelius Kuyper is the only member of his fa- ther's family who came to America. In 1849 he joined a colony of emigrants, consisting of nine or ten families of his countrymen, and they set sail for America, the country of free institutions and cheap lands. They proceeded to Havre de Grace, France, whence they took passage on an American vessel for New York. The voyage consumed six weeks, and although favorable weather prevailed, its prosperity was sadly marred by the deadly scourge that broke out among the passengers, when only three days out from port. The malady was soon discovered to be cholera, and man}- of the immigrants became its victims before New York Harbor was reached, four of Mr. Kuyper's children being among the number. The party proceeded by steamer to Albany, thence by the Erie Canal to Buffalo, and by steamer thence to Chicago. After tarrying a few days in Chicago, in June, 1849, they decided to locate upon the sightly ridge in Calumet Township, now famous as the site of Roseland. A quarter- section of land between what are now One-Hundred-Third and One-Hundred- Eleventh Streets was purchased at five dollars per acre, and divided among the families constituting the colony. Mr. Kuyper secured sixteen acres as his share, and subsequently bought other parcels of land, becoming the owner of seventy-two acres of laud at one time. He sold fifty-two acres about 1876 to the Calumet & Chicago Canal & Dock Company at two hundred dollars per acre. He afterwards sold thirteen acres for fifteen thousand dollars, the property having advanced rapidly in value after the previous sale. This land has all been subdivided and is now a part of the city of Chicago, most of it being improved. Mr. Kuy- per built his first house at the corner of Michigan Avenue and One-Hundred-Third Street, where for a number of years he was engaged in market- gardening. He is now the owner of a farm at St. John, Indiana. He was married in 1840, in Hollaud, to Mary Dalenberg, who died April 16, 1865, aged forty- six years. Five of their children grew up, name- ly: Jacob, now deceased; Annie, Mrs. C. K. Madderom, of Roseland; Mary, Mrs. Nick Rog- geveen, of Chicago; Nellie, Mrs. John Brant, of Roseland; and Cornelius, gateman of the Illinois Central Railroad at Burnside. Mr. Kuyper has twenty-three living grandchildren and four great- grandchildren, seven grandchildren being now deceased. Soon after coming here Mr. Kuyper helped to 708 JONAS HUEHN. organize the Dutch Reformed Church at Rose- land, of which he has ever since been a member. Since becoming an American citizen he has sus- tained the Republican party by his voice and vote. He served six years as a County Con- stable, and for a like period as a member of the Hyde Park police force. For six years he was Road Commissioner, and has served twenty-three years as School Director. Though he is over eighty years of age, Mr. Kuyper is still as active and sprightly as most young men, and bids fair to become a centenarian. He has seen marvelous changes in the appearance of Cook County. When he first arrived there was but one brick house in Chicago on Randolph Street; the prairies to the south of the city, in the midst of which he made his home, are now occupied by many populous suburbs. Among the curiosities which he cherishes are two rare products of the United States mint a three-dollar gold piece of 1855, and a gold quar- ter-dollar of 1875. For some years after he came here the only bridge across the Calumet River be- low Blue Island was a toll-bridge at Riverdale. Through Mr. Kuyper's influence the county was induced to build a public bridge at that place, thus relieving a large number of people of an unnecessary burden. JONAS HUEHN. (JONAS HUEHN, one of the wealthy old set- I tiers of Chicago, who enjoys a life of quiet at (2) his home on the North Side, is a representative of the thrifty German element that has so largely contributed to the material growth and prosperity of the western metropolis. He was born January 8, 1827, in Eigenrieden, in Thiiringen, Prussia, Germany, and is a son of Christian and Rebecca Huehn, natives of that country. Jonas Huehn was reared to the occupation of farming and worked at this in the Fatherland until he reached man's estate, and then he decided to seek his home and fortune in the New World. He took passage at Hamburg in April, 1848, in a sailing-ship bound for America. After a voyage of sixty days the boat landed at Quebec, from which place Mr. Huehn made his way to Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Though poor in purse he had plenty of determination to succeed and consequently was willing to engage in any honest labor he might be able to find. For one year he worked on a farm and then came to Chicago, but he soon returned to the country and found em- ployment again as a farm laborer, at Fox River, Illinois. From there, in March, 1850, accompanied by a number of others, he started for California by the overland route, then beset with so many dan- gers. Five months were spent in crossing the plains, and when they were in the vicinity of the Sweetwater River their horses were stolen, and in consequence they had to pack their goods for a few days. For two years he was occupied at mining, and when he returned at the end of that time had about five thousand dollars. He bought a farm of one hundred sixty-five acres in Niles Township, near Evanston, and still owns one hundred twenty -five acres of this. After spending six months on his farm Mr. Huehn engaged in teaming in Chicago for three years and then spent two years in the cultivation of his farm. He then located in Chicago and built a store and dwelling house on the corner of Beethoven and Wells Streets. He opened a grocery store here in May, 1859, and successfully conducted it until 1868, when he sold it to Mr. John Hufmeyer. Mr. Huehn had bought a dock on the canal, at the foot of Oak Street, in 1865, and the following year, 1866, started to conduct a wood and coal yard, which, under his judicious management, became a large and profitable business. In 1871 his business career was interrupted by the great fire which swept away his coal and wood yards and also a number CHARLES LINDERMANN. 709 of houses he had built on lots which he had from time to time purchased, thus causing him the loss of a handsome fortune. Of his twenty thousand dollars' insurance, he was able to collect only one hundred fifty dollars. Soon after the fire he built at No. 423 Wells Street and opened a gro- cery store and saloon, where he did a thriving business for six years. On land owned by him he built a number of small houses, which are rented. Having acquired a competence, he retired from active business in 1878. He was a Republican in political sentiment, but has never sought political preferment. September 23, 1852, he married Miss Anna Mary, daughter of Adam Hufmeyer a worthy pioneer of whom more extended men- tion is made on another page of this work. Mr. and Mrs. Huehn have two children Gertrude Rebecca, wife of Theodore Hohenadel; and Fred- erick August. Mr. Huehn and family are mem- bers of Hartman's St. Paul's Lutheran Church, whose house of worship Mr. Huehn helped twice to build, and to the support of which he has lib- erally contributed. CHARLES LINDERMANN. EHARLES LINDERMANN, a pioneer of Cook County, was born September 16, 1837, in North Germany, and is a son of Charles and Frederica Lindermann, who were natives of Germany. Charles Lindermann, junior, received his education in the schools of his native country, attending them until he was fourteen years of age. He was then employed to take care of a gentle- man's saddle horses. In 1854 he sailed from Hamburg for the United States, and landed in New York City, whence he proceeded by rail to Chicago. The ship on which he sailed for America was a two-master, and the journey occupied ten weeks and three days. Mr. Lindermann found employment with a farmer, and remained with him until the fol- lowing spring, when he worked for various farmers in Jefferson Township, the first year re- ceiving but six dollars per month. Four years after Mr. Lindermann's arrival in the United States, his parents and one brother, Andrew, followed him. At about this time he bought ten acres of land from the Northwestern University, situated in Niles Township, where he engaged in gardening. Later he bought eight acres from Mr. Calvin DeWolf, and still later, ten acres from Mr. McDonald. Mr. Lindermann married, and lived in a log house built by him- self, his life in the woods thus being passed in true pioneer style. He cleared his land and culti- vated it twelve years, growing trees, and conduct- ing a small nursery and garden for the Chicago market. At the end of that time he removed to the city and leased two acres from Mr. W. B. Ogden, and again engaged in the nursery trade, this time on Diversey Street, and subsequently he bought two and one-half acres on the corner of Halsted and Diversey Streets. For seven years Mr. Lindermann was super- intendent of the Rosehill and Evanston gravel road, attending to it in connection with his own interests. In 1879 he became interested in real estate, in addition to his regular business, and has frequently acted as the agent of parties in buying or selling property. He bought a small tract of land on Lincoln Avenue, which he sub- divided, and subsequently purchased five acres from Mr. W. B. Ogden, on Belmont and Shef- field Avenues. This he also subdivided and sold. Later he purchased five acres between Baxter 7io HENRY BEST. Street and Seminary Avenue from Mr. Altgeld, which he sold in the same manner, being success- ful in all three transactions. Mr. Lindermann has always taken a great in- terest in public affairs, though he is not a politi- cian, and supports the Republican principles and policy. He spent some time on the special police force in Lake View. He is president of the John A. Logan Building and Loan Association, which office he has held for eight years. He was at one time a member of the Sharpshooters. In 1857 he married Miss Caroline Turner, a daughter of Frederick Turner, and a native of Prussia. They had seven children, of whom the following are living: Charles J. , who is interested in real estate and insurance; Carrie, wife of Theo- dore Rieck, of Chicago; Mary, the widow of Mr. Dieckman; and George H. , who is engaged in the livery business in this city. All have emulated the example of their father, and like him, they have a reputation for fair and honest dealing with their fellow-citizens. Mrs. Lindermann died, December 13, 1891, in California, where she was spending the winter with her husband. The father of Mr. Lindermann died about one year after arriving in Chicago, but his mother is still living, at the venerable age of eighty-eight years. HENRY BEST. HENRY BEST, of the undertaking and livery firm of Best Brothers, Wrightwood Avenue, was born August 6, 1842, on Rush Street, North Chicago, and is the eldest of five children, born to Henry and Helen (Bordiker) Best. The former was born in Prussia in 1804, and learned the trade of blacksmith in his fa- ther's shop. In 1836 he immigrated to the United States, first locating in Albany, New York, where he worked at his trade until 1842. In that year he came by way of the Erie Canal and the Great Lakes to Chicago, where he secured work on the Illinois & Michigan Canal. Though he was a poor man when he arrived in America, he was industrious and economical, and after working one year in Chicago, was able to purchase a team and wagon, with which he es- tablished a teaming business, being engaged principally in conveying new settlers to their destinations. He also frequently accompanied parties of English sportsmen, who visited Illinois for the purpose of hunting on the prairies, and for his services received two dollars per day for himself and team, being frequently away from home for several weeks at a time. He was the first settler in what was called the Buffalo settle- ment, and laid claim to a small tract of land at what is now Rush Street and Bellevue Place, which he bought from the Canal Company when it came into the market. He continued teaming for some years, and also hauled lumber for a lum- ber company. He invested his savings in eight acres of land in Lake View Township, where his sons now reside, and at one time owned one hundred sixty acres at Barrington. He died in 1892, at the age of eighty-eight years. His wife preceded him one year, passing away at the age of seventy- three years. They were both members of the Evangelical Church. Their children, all resi- dents of Chicago, are as follows: Henry, Jacob, Mary (Mrs. Michael .Kunkel), Catharine (Mrs. H. E. Muehlke), and John. For some years be- fore his death, Mr. Best was a conspicuous figure PETER JUNG. 711 at the annual meetings of the German Old Set- tlers' Society, and received a number of gold medals for being the oldest settler present. Henry Best, Junior, received his education in the public schools of Chicago, and followed the teaming business for many years, remaining with his father until after his marriage. In 1885, in company with his brother John, he established a livery at No. 1412 Wrightwood Avenue, adding an undertaking department two years later, and now the company does a thriving business in each line. Mr. Best has contributed to the success of the Republican part}' in his locality, and was for three years road commissioner in Lake View Township, but has never consented to hold any other office. He is a member of the Knights of Pythias, and he and his family are connected with the Evangelical Church. In 1873, he was married to Miss Anna Wahl, a native of Darmstadt, Germany, and five children have blessed their union: Tillie, Ida, Anna, Clara and Harry. John Best, youngest son -of Henry and Helen Best, was born in Chicago, October 3, 1856. He received his primary education in the common schools of his native city, and attended Naperville College, at Naperville, Illinois, four years. At the age of eighteen years, he entered the grocery store of James Hickson, on Madison Street, as a clerk. After serving one year in this capacity, he opened a grocery on his own account, at No. 1406 Wrightwood Avenue. He continued this business successfully eight years, when he sold out and made a visit to California. In 1885, he engaged in the livery business with his brother, Henry, as related above. In May, 1887, he married Miss Lillie Nienstedt, who was born in Wisconsin, of German parents. Both he and his wife are members of the Evangelical Church. PETER JUNG. POSTER JUNG has been identified with the LX business interests of Chicago since 1865. He \3 was born December 13, 1838, on the River Rhine, in the Province of Trier, Germany, and is a son of Peter and Maria Jung, natives of the same place. Peter Jung was the first of the family to emi-" grate to the New World. He sailed from Ham- burg, November i, 1865, on a steamship, arriving in Chicago the last of the same month. Seven months later his brother Mathias came, and the same year his parents and two sisters followed. Peter Jung, Senior, was a carpenter by trade, and served three years as a soldier. He had four children, namely: Peter, the subject of this sketch; Mathias; Lena, the wife of Mathias Johannes, of Lake View; and Barbara, the widow of Mathias Klein. The father of this family died in the year 1880, at the age of seventy-five years, and the mother, aged eighty-six years, is still living. Peter Jung, Junior, received his education in the public schools, attending them until the age of thirteen years, when he left to learn the trade of carpenter with his father. At the age of twenty-three years he voluntarily enlisted in the army, where he served three years. He was oc- cupied at his trade with his father until he came to America, and after landing in Chicago, he soon found employment at building. He re- mained with one employer seven years, then in the Fifteenth Ward, now the Twenty-first Ward. At the end of that time he began contracting for buildings on his own account, and was careful and thrifty, so that he was able to invest in two lots on Eugenie Street. On these lots he built 712 ALBERT KRAETZER. houses which were destroyed by the fire of 1871. He is still engaged in contracting and building, in which he has been very prosperous. Mr. Jung is a Democrat in politics, but has never sought office. He is a member of St. Vin- cent de Paul's Society, being treasurer of that or- ganization. He is a member of the German Mutual Fire Insurance Company, and is a mem- ber of the pioneer committee. July 17, 1872, he married Margaret Seger, daughter of Joseph and Margaret Seger, old set- tlers of Chicago. She was born in Chicago, January 31, 1854. Joseph Seger was born in Baden, and his wife in Trier, Germany. They were the parents of nine children, of whom the following six are living: Susanna, widow of Peter Joseph Hand; Christian, of Chicago; John; Mar- garet, now Mrs. Jung; Bernard; and Joseph. Mr. Seger died in 1879, aged seventy-five years, and his wife died in 1877. To Mr. and Mrs. Jung were born six children, of whom only two are living, namely: John C., and Marie Tillie. The family is well known in German circles, and is everywhere regarded with respect. ALBERT KRAETZER. Gl LBERT KRAETZER, of the firm of Kraet- L_l zer, Fischer & Company, was born May / I 13, 1864, at Bainbridge, Michigan, and is a son of Ferdinand and Marie (Wagner) Kraetzer. Ferdinand Kraetzer was a native of Eisleben, Saxony, Germany, the birthplace of Dr. Martin Luther, and emigrated to the United States in 1854. He first settled in Two Rivers, Wiscon- sin, where he was employed at the trade of car- penter. He removed to Michigan later, and after spending fourteen years there he came to Chi- cago, where he has since lived. For a time he was foreman for the Chicago Forge & Bolt Com- pany. He spent five years in California, living in San Francisco, Los Angeles and San Diego. Albert Kraetzer received his education in the public schools, which he attended until he was fifteen years of age. Later he attended Cook County Normal School for a short time, and then worked one year in the South Chicago postoffice. Mr. Kraetzer spent three years in the employ of Christopher Carr, a hardware merchant, and then one year as bookkeeper for the South Chicago Wood-working Company. Later he became ship- ping clerk in the employ of Thad Dean & Com- pany, where he remained one year. Mr. Kraetzer next bought a one-twelfth inter- est in the firm of Crandall, Rasch & Company, and later increased the interest to one-sixth. The firm thus became Rasch, Dornedden & Company, and two years later the name was changed to Kraetzer, Fischer & Company. The business at that time was conducted at the present address, Ninety-fifth Street at the foot of South Chicago Avenue. It includes the manufacture of sash and doors, and the planing-mill business. At first about fifteen men were employed, but later an addition of machinery, engines, and boilers required an increase of the force, and at present about seventy -five men are here employed. The firm has a local trade, and also a trade in all parts of the South Side, including Hyde Park, Wood- lawn, and other suburban points. Mr. Kraetzer was married, October 20, 1889, to Mrs. Marie Reidhead, daughter of James Davidson. He built a comfortable residence at GEORGE WITTBOLD. No. 8935 Exchange Avenue, in 1892, and now resides there. He takes a commendable interest in political affairs, and favors the principles of the Republican party. He is a member of the Bowen Cycling Club, whose rooms are at No. 309 Ninety-first Street. He assisted in its organiza- tion, which occurred in March, 1896, and was its first secretary, and is now its presiding officer. He is a patriotic citizen, and is progressive in his ideas, being a friend to improvement and reform. GEORGE WITTBOLD. WITTBOLD, a florist, who resides at No. 1708 North Halsted Street, has been engaged in his present business since 1862, and has been a resident of the city of Chicago since 1857. He was born on the 25th of April, 1833, in the city of Hanover, Germany, and is the son of Frederick and Elizabeth Witt- bold. Frederick Wittbold was a florist, and after re- ceiving his education in the schools of his native city, George Wittbold learned the details of his father's occupation. The former was very suc- cessful in this line of work, which he followed all his life. George Wittbold spent five years in the king's garden and there learned many valu- able points in his trade. In 1857 he set sail for the United States from Bremen, in a steamship, and landed in New York. He came direct to Chicago, and upon arriving here, found employ- ment with Ebenezer Peck, taking charge of his greenhouses for three years, and then spent two years in the service of L. B. McCaig. In 1862 Mr. Wittbold established himself in business on the corner of North Avenue and North Clark Street, where he continued to pros- per for many years. In 1867 he bought four acres of land on North Halsted Street, where he is now situated. Two years later he improved this land and built two small greenhouses, where he cultivated flowers for the city market. Mr. Wittbold has confined his attention to palms and ferns for the past ten years, cultivating such varieties as can be successfully grown indoors, and in winter he has a large decorating trade. His plants are sent to most of the different states of this country, and to Canada. About two acres of his land are covered with glass, and he steadily em- ploys a force of sixteen men. He has a sales- room at No. 512 North Clark Street, where he carries on a good retail trade, which has been es- tablished fifteen years. His is the oldest estab- lishment of its kind in the city. Mr. Wittbold has always shown himself prudent and industri- ous, and has attended carefully to the details of his business, thus having little time for public affairs. He was married in 1861 to Miss Emma Fricke, a native of Germany, who came to the United States when a child. She is a daughter of Henry C. Fricke, a sketch of whose life appears in these pages. Mr. and Mrs. Wittbold were the parents of eight children, namely: Henry, Fred, Gus- tav, Louis, Otto, Mary, Sophia and Helen. Four children died in infancy. Mr. Wittbold and his family are faithful members of the Lutheran Church. 7*4 JOHN SCHOEN. JOHN SCHOEN. C|OHN SCHOEN, an enterprising business I man of Chicago, was born January 12, 1843, O in the Province of Schlesien, Germany. His parents, Joseph and Anna Mary (Matchke)Schoen, were also natives of that province, the former having been born December 5, 1794, and the latter August 15, 1804. About 1812 Joseph Schoen was engaged as a soldier in a war with Russia. He was taken prisoner by a party of Russian soldiers, but while his captors were intoxicated he escaped, muffling his horse's hoofs with straw to prevent arousing the soldiers. Returning to his home in Germany, he learned the trade of carpenter and also worked as a farmer. He was twice married before leav- ing the Fatherland. By the first marriage he had two children, neither of whom is living. Of the second family two sons survive: Anton, now living in retirement in Chicago; and John, whose name begins this article. The family emigrated to America in 1854, sail- ing from Bremen to New York on the ship "Von Stein, ''which was then making her third voyage. They were seven weeks on the Atlantic, arriving in New York August 10, and proceeding at once to Chicago, which city they reached a week later. Mr. Schoen brought with him one thousand four hundred dollars in gold, and did not engage ac- tively in business after reaching America. John Schoen was a boy of eleven years when the family located in Chicago. He was obliged to devote himself whenever possible to profitable employment, his first money being earned in dis- tributing handbills. His first business venture was the gathering of wild flowers which he made into bouquets and sold on the streets, thereby earning from three to five dollars a week. In winter he attended school, receiving part of his education in the old Franklin school and part in Saint Michael's parochial school. When he was unable to attend the day school he studied even- ings, thus showing his desire to improve every opportunity. At the age of thirteen years he be- gan an apprenticeship in the upholstering busi- ness at which he continued for seven years, gain- ing a thorough knowledge of the furniture busi- ness. In 1859, in company with Patrick Walsh, he opened a small furniture store on State Street, be- tween Jackson and Van Buren Streets and two years later bought out his partner and removed his business to the corner of North Clark and Erie Streets. After one year at this location, he sold out and entered the employ of the Tobey Fur- niture Company, in the upholstering department of their establishment. Having built two build- ings on North Avenue, he opened a retail fur- niture store in one of them in 1870, and continued in business until the great fire of the next year. This conflagration destroyed all his property, but PETER SIMON. having six hundred dollars in cash, and good credit, he was able to rebuild at once, and again started in business, clearing four thousand dollars the first year. A few years later he engaged in the wholesale upholstering business, first as a member of the firm of Seng, Schoen & Company, and afterward of the Hafner & Schoen Furniture Company. The establishment was on Canal Street, where they did a very large business, shipping goods to many foreign countries. At the same time Mr. Schoen also had an interest in the Zangerly Manu- facturing Company. In 1890 he gave up these connections, and embarked in the lumber busi- ness. He and his sous constituting the Columbia Hardwood Lumber Company, located at 65 Southport Avenue, foot of C Street. May 10, 1864, Mr. Schoen was married to Miss Theresa Urwanger, a native of Bavaria, who was brought to America while still an infant. Twelve children have been born of this union, of whom the following are living: Maria Theresa, Mrs. J. P. Simon; John, President of the Columbia Hard- wood Lumber Company; Anna Rosa, Mrs. Will- iam Reueu; Joseph, Secretary of the Columbia Hardwood Lumber Company; George William; Edward C. ; Alexis Henry; and William Carl. The family is connected with St. Michael's Roman Catholic Church, and all are residents of the city of Chicago. PETER SIMON. F^ETER SIMON was born June 29, 1829, in LX Bierfelt, Prussia, and is a son of Mathias and \3 Christina Simon, natives of that place. Mathias Simon followed the trade of nail-maker in his native land, and served three years in the army. He decided to emigrate to the United States, and, accordingly, sailed from Havre, France, with his wife and eight children, and thirty-seven days later they landed in New York. The family located in Buffalo and lived there fourteen months, removing thence to Chicago. Mr. Simon found employment at his trade in Buf- falo, but upon settling in Chicago, he was a gar- dener until twenty years before his death. Mrs. Simon died in 1873. From 1870 until his death, which occurred in 1889, at the age of nearly ninety-two years, Mr. Simon lived in retirement from business cares. Of their eight children only three are living, namely: Peter, of whom this biography is written; Maria, widow of Joseph Roelle; and Elizabeth, widow of Hugo Stern- berg. Peter Simon was educated in his native land , and for a short time attended an evening school in Chicago. In 1847 he began to learn the tin- ner's trade with Mr. S. J. Surdam, at No. 178 Lake Street, and for thirty-seven years worked for him without losing a single day; in addition, for a few years after leaving his employ, helped him a few months of each year during the busy sea- son. He was an industrious and prudent youth and his habits enabled him to save a part of his earn- ings, which he invested in real estate from time to time. The property bought by him in this way increased so much in value that he thus be- came wealthy, and is now living a life free from heavy business cares, having only to look after his property interests. In 1848 he was offered a nomination for alderman, but refused to accept it. September 21, 1854, he married Miss Mary Rasher, who was born within two miles of his home in the Fatherland, and came to America in 1842. They -had five children, of whom the fol- 7 i6 PAUL ABRAHAM. MATHIAS JUNG. lowing are living: Mary, who married Christ Temple, of No. 511 LaSalle Avenue; Joseph P., who assists his father in the care of his extended interests, and resides at No. 555 Cleveland Ave- nue, with his wife, Theresa W., (born Schoen) ; and Regina, wife of Walter Vogler, residing at No. 484 Sedgwick Street. Mrs. Simon died Oc- tober 12, 1896. The family is connected with Saint Michael's Roman Catholic Church, and is highly respected and esteemed in the community. PAUL ABRAHAM. [~}AUL ABRAHAM, a German-American citi- LS zen of South Chicago, who came to this city 1^3 when a young man, and who has always been a desirable citizen, was born October 16, 1859, in Posen, Germany, and is a son of Charles and Er- nestina (Felberg) Abraham, both of them natives of that country. His sisters, Minnie and Augus- ta, came to America in 1870, and thus his at- tention was turned to the opportunities offered by this country. Paul Abraham obtained his education in his native country, and in 1880 he was able to sail for the United States. He came direct to Chica- go, arriving in October of that year. January i, 1 88 1, he removed to South Chicago, and the next year his parents followed. The father lived only a short time after his arrival. He bought a lot at No. 8949 Superior Avenue, and built the house now occupied by Paul Abraham. Paul Abraham built a house at No. 8406 Mack- inaw Avenue, and occupied this until 1893, when he bought the property formerly owned by his father. On coming to South Chicago, he entered the employ of the Illinois Steel Company, in the blast furnace, where he remained until 1894, and then for one year he and his brother Otto conduc- ted a milk route. In 1896 he returned to the employ of the Illinois Steel Company, in the plate-mill department, and has filled this position ever since. December 10, 1884, he was united in holy mat- rimony with Emma Rosalinda Noehring, a daughter of Ernest and Paulina (Shieve) Noeh- ring. Mr. and Mrs. Abraham are the parents of two children, Ida Paulina and George Paul. Mr. Abraham is a useful and honored citizen, and he is successful in his business life. He and his family are connected with the German Lutheran Church. MATHIAS JUNG. IV /lATHIAS JUNG, youngest son of Peter I V I Jung, whose biography appears elsewhere 1(91 in this work, was born March 24, 1841, in Cornfeld, Rhine Province of Trier, Germany. He received his education in his native land and learned the trade of carpenter, following this oc- cupation until he emigrated to America in 1865. The sea voyage was made from Bremen in the steamship "King of England," which landed him in New York, and he then spent seven days PETER EBERTSHAUSER. 717 in a journey to Chicago. Mr. Jung reached the United States not only a poor man, but owing seventy-six dollars for his passage. A few days after reaching Chicago he found employment with Strauser & Kaserback, and he continued to follow his trade until 1879. He and his brother were contractors and builders for eight years, liv- ing on Eugenie Street, near Sedgwick Street, where the latter owned a good, two-story house until the fire of 1871, which left them homeless. In 1879 Mr. Jung opened a buffet on the cor- ner of Sedgwick Street and North Avenue, and conducted it with good success until 1884, when he bought an acre of land on the corner of Ash- land and Lincoln Avenues, and built the large block now owned by him, which contains a saloon, a large hall, which he rents to various societies, and stables and sheds for the accommodation of horses. Here he has carried on a lucrative busi- ness, and his place is known for its quiet and or- derly management. Mr. Jung is a genial host, who never encourages excesses of any kind, and is a public-spirited citizen, taking a commend- able interest in everything pertaining to the pub- lic good. He is a supporter of the Democratic party, but has never sought the emoluments of office, preferring rather to devote his energies to the management of his own affairs. Mr. Jung is a great lover of fine horses, and himself owns a number of good specimens of that noble animal. He is a member of Saint Vincent de Paul, and Saint Joseph's and Saint Alphonse's Societies. January 30, 1872, he was married to Miss Anna, daughter of Mr. Kreoser, a native of Germany, who came to America when two years of age. They have two sons and two daughters, namely: Lilly, George, Peter and Anna, all of whom live with their parents and are enjoying ex- cellent educational advantages. Mr. Jung and his family are connected with Saint Alphonse's Roman Catholic Church, of which he is one of the most liberal supporters. PETER EBERTSHAUSER. QETER EBERTSHAUSER, a mason and yr contractor, residing at No. 281 Cleveland K9 Avenue, has lived in Chicago since 1867. He was born October 27, 1848, in Nassau, Ger- many, and is a son of Jacob and Anna Eberts- hauser, natives of that place. The former, a mason by trade, is still living, at the age of seventy -five years, in this city. In 1867, the family, including five children, came to America, sailing from Antwerp in a steamship and spend- ing eighteen days in the voyage. Their children were: Peter, of whom this article is written; Katharine, wife of William Lauer, of Chicago; John, whoresidesat No. 32 Star Street, Chicago; Jacob, who died in 1895, and Henry, who is the owner of a cut stone yard in the city. The mother of these children died the 7th of October, 1890. Peter Ebertshauser had the advantage of a common-school education in his native country, and then learned the trade of his father. He has always followed this occupation, and in 1876 be- gan business on his own account, as a contractor and builder. He was diligent in his efforts when a young man, and has been successful in his line of work, having built many prominent buildings. Among these are churches, hospitals, elevators, breweries and residences. When his business is most prosperous he gives employ- ment to from sixty to eighty men. Mr. Ebertshauser is a man of broad mind, and is well informed concerning the most important questions of the day in all parts of the world. He feels an interest in public affairs beyond his city, and is a firm supporter of the Democratic party. He was appointed building inspector in 7 i8 P. A. BIRREN. BERNHARD KNOPF. his district by the present Mayor, in June, 1897. He is a member of Saint Michael's Society also Saint Vincent de Paul's Society, having been for seven years president of the latter. He is one of the organizers of the Knights of Saint George No. 68, all of whose members belong to Saint Michael's parish. He was married November 14, 1872, to Miss Gertrude Eich, who was born in Germany. They have had nine children, four of whom are living, namely: Anna, Katharine, Josephine and May. All the members of the family are communicants of Saint Michael's Roman Catholic Church, and are well known and respected in the community, for their sympathy and help in all movements for improvement and reform. PETER A. BIRREN. |~}ETER A. BIRREN, a prominent business man LX and popular undertaker, located at No. 842 K> Lincoln Avenue, was born February 14, 1862, in the city of Chicago. His parents were Henry and Catharine (Faber) Birren, pioneer settlers of Chicago, extended mention of whom will be found on another page of this work. The son received his education at Saint Michael's pa- rochial school, and when old enough became the assistant of his father, with whom he remained until of age, learning all the details of the under- taking business. In 1883, he and his brother, John H. Birren, established themselves in the livery business on Eugenie Street, where they continued until December, 1895. In December, 1885, Mr. Birren opened his present undertaking establishment, and has had a constantly increas- ing and profitable trade. During the first two years his was the only establishment of the kind in Lake View. He also has a well-equipped car- riage livery in connection. July 24, 1882, Mr. Birren was united in mar- riage with Miss Julia K., daughter of Nicholas and Catharine Schneider, by whom he has one son, Alex C. The family is prominently con- nected with Saint Alphonse's Roman Catholic Church. Mr. Birren is a member of the Catholic Order of Foresters, Independent Order of Mutual Aid, and other organizations. He is not a poli- tician, but usually gives his support to the Dem- ocratic party in national elections. As he is an enterprising and public-spirited citizen, he takes an active interest in all that best subserves the public good. BERNHARD KNOPP. BERNHARD KNOPP, a member of a pioneer German family of Chicago, was born in that city December 6, 1844. He is a son of Henry and Anna Marguerita (Toening) Knopp, natives of Germany, who were born near Han- over, and came to Chicago in 1842. Henry Knopp came to America about 1830 and located in Philadelphia. His father had been a wealthy farmer in Germany, and he had been reared to farm work. He returned to Germany about 1841, JOHN KOENING. 719 and was married, bringing his bride to Chicago, and settling on the North Side near the corner of Oak and State Streets. He engaged in the dairy business, and in this venture he was successful to a great degree and accumulated a competence. In 1848 Mr. Henry Knopp bought several acres of land from the Illinois & Michigan Canal Company, in what afterward became Lake View Township. A few years later he removed to this place, and for a number of years conducted a large garden, until compelled by age to retire. The last years of his life were spent in Oak Park, where he died, in 1890, at the age of ninety-three years. By his first marriage he had two sons, namely: Bernhard, the subject of this sketch, and Henry, who lives on Florence Avenue. Mrs. Knopp died about 1847, and later Mr. Knopp married again and had one son, Frederick, who resides in Lake County, Illinois. Bernhard Knopp was educated in the public schools and at Plainfield College. He learned the trade of painter, which he has followed for a number of years. He is a Republican in politics but has never held any office. In the fall of 1861 he enlisted in Company D, of the Forty-eighth Indiana Volunteer Infantry, and participated in a number of engagements, being wounded at luka, and losing the thumb and forefinger of his left hand. He spent two months in the hospital and then took part in the battles at Vicksburg, Jackson and Raymond, Mississippi, and was discharged in Chicago early in 1865. He is a member of Washington Post No. 573, Grand Army of the Republic. October 14, 1868, Mr. Knopp married Miss Philipina Zahn, a native of Morscheim, Rhine Provinces, of Germany, and a daughter of Diet- rich Zahn. She came to the United States in 1864, and her father in 1869. Her mother died when she was twelve years old, and her father died in Chicago. Mr. Knopp and his wife have two daughters, Julia and Clara. He and his family are members of the United Evangelical Church, and are held in high esteem. JOHN KOENING. (lOHN KOENING, a dealer in general hard- I ware and house-furnishing goods, whose Q) place of business is located at No. 494 Lar- rabee Street, has been a resident of Chicago since 1851. He was born August 24, 1850, in Darm- stadt, Germany, and is a son of Jacob and Mary Koening, who were natives of that place. Jacob Koening, with his wife and family, con- sisting of four children, came to America in 1851 and located in Chicago. The ship on which they took passage sprung a leak during the voyage, which consequently occupied about three months. Jacob Koening was by trade a basket-maker, and had lived in America only a short time, follow- ing this trade, when he died of cholera. His widow married again, and died in 1894. Of their four children only two are now living. Godfred died in Chicago several years ago; Jacob died in 1896; Katherine is the widow of Adam Kehn, and John, the other survivor, is the subject of this biography. John Koening was educated in the public schools of Chicago. At the age of eighteen years he began learning the tinner's trade with Louis Henrich, and served an apprenticeship of three years. He then worked at his trade as journey- man until 1880, when he engaged in business on his own responsibility in the same block where he is now located. In 1889 he bought his pres- ent store and moved into it. He carries a care- 720 JOHN STENGEL. fully selected stock, and has a growing trade, having a reputation for fair dealing with his customers. In national politics Mr. Kjoening favors the principles set forth by the Republican party, but is not a politician. He is a member of the Inde- pendent Order of Foresters. October 13, 1876, he married Miss Magdalena Brown, who was born in Rochester, New York. They became the parents of one son, Robert George. Mr. Koening and his family are members of Saint Paul's Evangelical Lutheran Church. They are held in high esteem by their numerous friends and acquaintances, and are valuable mem- bers of society in the community where the)' reside. JOHN STENGEL. (TJOHN STENGEL was born May 25, 1847, in I Baden, Germany, and is a son of John and Q) Annie (Dafferner) Stengel, who were na- tives of that country. Mr. Stengel was the first of his family to emigrate to America, landing in New York, March 12, 1869, and immediately traveling westward, as do the majority of foreign- ers, on account of the better opportunities for progress. He worked four weeks at farm labor near Buffalo, and then came to Chicago, and was engaged as a fisherman by Martin Hausler, by whom he was employed almost continuously from that time until 1889. During the years 1875, 1876 and 1877, he was a companion with Peter Ringenburg, who managed a fishery of his own, but he returned to Mr. Hausler at the end of three years, and has since been connected with his business, two years as pile driver and one year driving a wagon, and is at present Mr. Ha'usler's general business manager. April ii, 1875, Mr. Stengel married Agnes Wolter, a native of Germany, who was born in Berlin, and came to America when a young wo- man. They have three children, namely: Charles, Albert and Theodore, besides two children who died. In 1880 Mr. Stengel bought property at No. 9700 Avenue M. He had previously been living on the lake front, and he removed this house to his lot, building an addition, and thus making a comfortable home. Mr. Stengel takes an interest in the affairs of the day, and in politics he supports the Democratic party. He is an old citizen of South Chicago, and is ever ready to support any measure for its progress. INDEX Abraham, Paul 716 Abrahams, Heury 285 Adams, Dr. Charles 549 Adsit, J. M 123 Alsip, W. H 283 Amick, Pleasant 493 Anthoniseu, Carsten 649 Armour. P. D 295 Arndt, Adolph 195 Ayars, C. G 459 B Baer, F. A 379 Bailey, E. W 133 Baines, Dr. O. 468 Baker, H. D 433 Ball, G. H 33 Barnard, G. W 258 Bartels, John 624 Bassett, O. P 272 Beaubieu, Alex 392 Beck. August 239 Becker. Michael 516 Beecher, Jerome 509 Berg, John 241 Bergman. Frederick 694 Best, Henry 710 Beye, William 215 Birren, Henry 331 Birren, Peter A 718 Bisdorff, Peter 196 Boening, William 672 Bolles, C. E 327 Bowerman, Dr. M. A 603 Boyle, Thomas 685 Brachtendorf, A. J 680 Bradwell, J. B 134 Bradwell. Myra 135 Brinkerhoff, A. B 330 Bristle, Frederick 621 Britz, Nicholas 609 Brown, Capt. Thomas 695 Brundage, S. V. R 34 Bruszer, John 690 Bryan, C. P. . . 293 Buchanan, John 78 Budde, Henry 550 Budlong, J. A 200 Budlong, L.A 191 Burley, A. G 227 Bu?se, August 674 Busse, A. H 46 Buschwah, N 289 Butters, George 471 Byford, Dr. H. T 494 Caldwell, Joseph 56 Camp, 1. N 346 Capron, A. B 451 Carbine, Thomas 21 Carrington, N. S 561 Carter, Michael 365 Case, E. W 427 Castle. E. H 544 Cary, J. W 131 Caton, J. D 115 Ceperly, C. H 197 Chapin, Newton 305 Chapin, J. P 637 Chapleau, Octave 35 Chipp, John 399 Clark, Jonathan 183 Clark, Joseph 378 Clark, L.C 543 Clark, R. R 229 Clifford, J. O 273 Clybourn, Archibald 626 Cobb, S. B 143 Collins, Robert 658 Collins, Stewart 354 Cooley, C. A 554 Cossitt, F. D., Jr , 590 Coughlin, Timothy 602 Coulter, W. M 583 Courtright, Capt. J. D 352 Crawford, H. P 164 Crawford, John 292 Cunningham, J. H 651 Custer, G. G 184 Cutler, A. J, 279 Daniels, E. F 543 Davis, G. M 220 Dearlove, George 291 Dearlove, G. M 536 Derby, W. R lBf> De Wolf, Calvin 385 Dibben, Alfred 409 Dickinson, John 100 Diesel, Frank 635 Dilger, R. F 204 Dobbins, P. H 254 Dollinger, J. A 304 Doyle, T. F 650 Dresel, August 44 Ducat, Gen. A. C 415 Dunlap, George 36 Dupee, C. B m Dye, Nathan 276 E Eberhart, J. F 151 Ebertshauser, Peter 717 Ebinger, Rev. C. F 194 Eckert, John 523 Eckert, M. I, 376 Edsall, J. K 592 Ellis, Joel 47 Erickson, Capt. Christian 704 Erickson, J. A 20 Ernst, Capt. George 692 Ernst, J. H 39 Evans, E. W 99 Fair, J. A 686 Fair, F. F 679 Farnum, H. A 653 Farwell, W. W 457 Patch, E. P 566 Felton, C. H 489 722 INDEX. Fenn, J. G 202 Field, Marshall 33 Fischer, Louis 7 02 Fitch, Dr. C. M 388 Foley T. A 599 Fonda, Dr. D. B 103 Forsyth, Jacob 87 Fraser, George 39 Frey, L. A 662 Fricke, H. C 3' Frink, H. F 122 Friuk, Johu '39 Fuller, M. W 127 G Gage, J. N 223 Gage, L. J 271 Galloway, A. J S3 1 Ganske, Rev. W. H 3*1 Gardner, P. G 559 Garrity, Thomas 329 Gaugler, Moritz 248 Gauss, E. F. L 172 Gerardin, Victor 27 Given, G. W 638 Gliues, A. P 613 Goode, Thomas 108 Gorges, J. A 616 Gorman, P.I, 3& 2 Goudy, W. C 119 Gough, R. S 299 Gray, Prof. Elisha 79 Gray, P. W... 333 Greenebaum, Henry 567 Groenebaura, Rev. Otto 622 Gross, S. E 383 H Hagen, Capt. P. N 514 Haggard, S. B 73 Hahne, William 480 Hakanson, Alfred. M. D 407 Hall, Z. M 37 Hallett, R. C 114 Halsey, Rev. L. J 105 Hamilton, R. J 577 Hamilton, William 483 Hammer=trom, I,udwig 629 Hammett, Edward 300 Hannahs, J. M 85 Hansen, H. C 244 Harrison, C. H 307 Harrison, C. H., Jr 563 Haskell, L. P 552 Haskin, J. H 412 Hastings, Robert 634 Hatch, A. F 294 Hausler, Martiu 520 Hawley, C. M 343 Haynes. Rev. N. S 397 Hedrich, E. F 512 Henderson, C. M 391 Hennebohle, Frank 403 Henuing, F F 13 Henrotin, Dr. J. F 581 Hervey, Robert 237 Hews, Dr. C. D 53 Hill, R. S 173 Hill, T. E 584 Hoffman, Mathias 557 Holden, C. C. P 419 Hollesen, Sivert 245 Holley, L. G 359 Hoos, G. H 332 Rowland, H. I '. 598 Hoxie, J. R 7 Hubbard, Dr. Theodore 275 Huber, Jacob 591 Huehn, Jonas 708 Huestis, I. N 474 Huey, C. P 491 Hufmeyer, John 673 Hughes, J. 23 Hull, Delos 211 Humphreville, T. L 209 Hunt, H. H 221 Huntington, Alonzo 430 Huutington, Charles 389 Huntington, John 369 Hutchinsou, C. G 234 Hutchinson, J. O 553 Hutchison, Francis 538 Ingraham, G. S 287 Jackson, Peter 16 Jacobs, F. 1 573 Jewett, E. A 348 Johnson, Capt. Christopher 93 Johnston, Shepherd 312 Johnston, W. S 207 Jones, F. E. R 155 Jones, J. H 401 Jones. S. D 499 Jones, S. J., M. D., 1,1,. D 159 Jones. W. H 311 Jung.J. J 683 Juug, Mathias 716 Jung Peter 711 Junius, Peter 700 Junk, Joseph 41 K Karuatz, Henry 67 Karthauser, Nicholas 518 Kay, A. A. 640 Kay, J, A 466 Kay, John 628 Keeler, W. O. 161 Keil, Sebastian 6n Keith, Edson 149 Keller, Celestial 246 Kelso, A. W 162 Kemper, Henry .; .620 Kemper, W. J 51 Kennedy, A. D 597 Kennedy, J. M 23 Kilcran, Frank 630 Kirabell, M. N 528 Kinne, I. D 604 Kirscht, P. N 371 Klehm, G. C 372 Kleindieust, Eduard 469 Knall,J.0 661 Knapp, Asa 217 Knapp, A. A 216 Knopp, Bernhard ." 718 Koenig, David 411 Koening, John 719 Kraetzer, Albert 712 Kramer, T. L 17 Kransz, Nicholas 671 Kransz, N. H 364 Knewilz, Charles .657 Kuhn, Frank 75 Kurz, L. F. J. M 631 Kuyper, Cornelius 707 Kuyper, Cornelius, Jr 699 Lacy, E. S 461 Lanimoris, A. J 63 Landou , A. W 475 Larimore, Prof. J. W 91 Lawrence, Henry 40 Leahy. J. J., M. D 166 Lee, William 49 Lenard, Robert 682 Leonard, C. M 77 Lewis, T. E 297 Lindemiann, Charles 709 Link, Ferdinand 263 Little, R. E 406 Louergan, Rev. A. P 526 Long, E. C 537 Lovett, H. 247 Ludlam, Dr. Reuben 497 Luedtke, Gustave 670 Lukowitz, Charles 608 Lull, A. G 541 Luut, Orrington 503 M Mack, Rev. J. A 496 Madary, Christian 689 Magee, C. D 43 Magill, C. J 424 Maginnis, P. J 70 Magnussen, M. C 414 Maltby, J. A 449 Mann, Mathias 199 Manz, Jacob 259 Martiu, H. W 632 Mas ey. H. H 501 Mattes, Peter 678 INDEX. 723 Matthews, P. P 302 McCall, Waiter 684 McConnell, Hon. S. P 177 McCormick, C. H 167 McCormick, C. H., Jr 487 McCullough, J.T 325 McDaniel. Alexander 188 McDonald, James 669 McEldowuey, John 484 McKldowney, W. J 52 McKinney, George 575 McLean, A. B 255 McLean, Dr. John 58 McMahon, James 181 Meisner, Joseph 595 Meredith, W. M 353 Merz, Gottlieb 349 Metz, George 698 Mewes, Carl 64? Meyers, W. H 666 Migely, Frederick 374 Miller, B. C., M. D 83 Miller, Frederick 361 Miller, Nicholas 517 Montgomery, W. B 660 Moore, Dr. F. B 59 Morris. John 284 Muno, Peter 614 N Neff, Z. A 5<> Neuberger, Hugo 260 Newton, C. D. L 668 Nichols, C. L 429 Nommensen, Edward 404 Nordenholt, George 218 Northrop, H. M 357 Novak. F. H 165 Nowlen, A. J 596 O Ollendorff. Aaron 437 Olson, Nicholas 601 Ortmayer. Andrew 317 Osgood, E. S 68 Oswald, Louis 60 Pardridge. Edwin 431 Parker, F. W 24 Parmelee. E. D 548 Parsons, W. B 422 Pearsons. J. A 112 Pecher, Joseph 405 Peck. F. W 339 Perkins, A. H 22 Perry, Rev. F. N. R 203 Peterman, G. H 55 Petersen, A. A 410 Petersen, Martinus 413 Petrie, C. W 667 Peugeot, E. F 262 Phelps, O. B 140 Phelps, W. W 266 Philbrick, G. A 623 Pinney, D. H 154 Piper, C. E 268 Polk, Wesley 562 Powell, G. N 109 Pratt, Dr. Leonard 589 Pregler, A. C. T 477 Preston, A. H 213 Prindiville, John 129 Proesel , John 370 Prosser, T. T 89 Pullman, George M 231 Q Quirk, Capt. Bartholomew 65 Quirk, Capt. Daniel 76 Quirk, Col. James 380 Raap, J. H 42 Ranney, O. D 527 Raymond, Rev. M 178 Reedy, W. H 208 Reich, Christopher 66 Reinberg, Peter 368 Reis, J. A 240 Reis,I. J 652 Reis, Nicholas 522 Rendtorff, Herman 687 Rexford, Norman, 481 Rice, J. H 98 Rice, J. M 363 Richey, A. D .606 Ringgenberg, Peter 648 Ristow, Julius 249 Ristow, Otto 617 Roberts, Mrs. M. A 367 Robinson. H. M 125 Roelle. Joseph 676 Rogers, G. M 235 Rogers, J. G 147 Rogers, Philip 524 Roger-, T. S 558 Rollo, W. E 146 Roth, Gerhard 677 Rounds, H. E 205 Rubey, P. J 663 Rumsey, J. S 314 Rumstick. Henry 377 Rusk. Richard 242 Russell, J. J 310 Rutershoff, Rev. Joseph 511 Ruth.L.C 586 Sage, R. H 323 Sanger.J. Y 439 Sauer, C. H 644 Schade, Henry 473 Schade, N. L 706 Schaefer, Maternus 505 Scheurmeier, Henry 358 Schiesswohl, J . C 618 Schillo, Adam. 701 Schirra, Joh n 688 Schmedtgen, H. A 615 Schmidt, K. G 535 Schmitz, Mathias 675 Schoen, John 714 Schreiber, Michael 373 Schroyer, C. A 3 6o Schuette, Rev. B. J 519 Schuetz, Philip 681 Scott, Willard 423 Seamens, Capt. Stephen 355 Shearburn, G. W 362 Shortall, J. G 447 Shurtleff, Benjamin 101 Sickinger, Jacob 610 Simon, Peter 715 Simon, Simon 250 Simons, Ed ward 697 Simons, Edward, Jr 693 Simpler, J. A 400 Skinner, S. P 438 Smith, Charles 201 Smith, C. B 587 Smith, Dr. D. S 571 Smith, I. G 319 Smith, James 464 Smith, L. J 45 Snow, W. B 540 Sohm, A 556 Sommerville, Dr. A. R 71 Spalding, Jesse 175 Sparrow, H. S., M. D 408 Sparrow, Richard 659 Spikings, R. Y 465 Spikings, W. H 633 Springer, T. G 72 Stafford, J. F 341 Starr, Eliza A 664 Stead, William 515 Stengel, John 720 Stewart, Franklin ...642 Stewart, Gen. H. L 95 St. John, Everitte 485 Sube. G. K. F 705 Sulzer, Frederick 525 Swain, E D 479 Sweet. J. A 426 Swett, Leonard 9 Taguey, Thomas 278 Teall, E. M 225 Thiele, Christian 564 Thilo, Mrs. E A 691 Thomas, Rev. H. W 441 Tobey. J. D 187 Tobey, Wales 163 Tompkins, Rev. James 533 Tope, Dr. J. W 351 Toppan, J. S 394 Torkilson, Capt. Andrew 251 Travis, C. W 402 Trimingham, R. N 256 724. INDEX. Turner, C. W Turner. John Turner, J. B Turner, J. W Turner, Leighton . Turner, T. A Turner, T. M Tyler. W. O U Unold, John 551 Van derSyde, Goris.. Van Natta, John Voltz, Louis W Waller, Henry. . Waller, Dr. J. D. .470 Warner, Francis 269 .463 Warren, Daniel 418 .170 Warren, J. M 337 .467 Washburn, D. E 356 .324 Webb, A. F 565 .600 Weber, Henry 455 .320 Weber, Michael 198 .281 Webster. T. H 118 Weimer, George 506 Weller, Frederick 703 Wemple, L. C .'. 243 Wendt, F. J 612 Wenzlaff, Carl 641 Wenzlaff, C. A 326 West, William .186 Westergren, C. 322 Wheeler, C. T 19 Wheeler, J. R 588 Wheeler, U. H..'. 435 Wheldon, Thomas 478 White, Dr. W. S 508 Wiedhof, G. W 32 .253 Wiedinger, B. M 156 .219 Wietor, Henry 513 . 61 . 69 555 WilcoT, W. L 625 Willard, C. W 655 Winandy, Michael 607 Wingate, Albert 488 Winkelman, Henry 30 Winston, John 643 Wiorn, Martin 639 Withrow, T. F 335 Wittbold, George 713 Wojtalewicz, F. M 654 Wright, J. H 646 Wright, W. G 645 Young, J. P 500 Zender, John 521 liiiifilr s 30112048364506