*vm^t&3%y ,fp& - To the Reform Advocate Subscribers I call your attention to my line ot special decora* tions, with few flowers and a gorgeous display, It takes original artists, which I have, and the best that money can secure. 1 handle (he largest quantity and choicest quality of cut flowers in Chicago, and do the business, Never do I per* mit myself to be undersold by my competitors in the same line of goods. I will pie ass you, and you will be pleased by giving me a trial order, I know I can always save you 25 per cent. This is my motto of doing business. Northeast Corner Slate Opp. Palmer Hguse A, LANGE,,,,,FLORIST TELEPHONE 2522 CENTRAL. 51 Monroe Street THE REFORM ADVOCATE. 241 Nothing Succeeds Like Success Federal Lite insurance Gonanu OF CHICAGO The success of the FEDERAL LIFE has been phenomenal. It is an Illinois legal reserve company with a cash capital of $150,000.00 fully paid. It is an institution organized on BEST PRINCIPLES and conducted in accordance with MODERN METHODS. Its policies are actuarially sound. Its methods are progressive and aggressive. Its rates are as low, and its policy conditions are as liberal as consistent with safety and prudence. Best Is None Too Good. The FederaJ [offers only the best, writes all standard forms of policies, participating and non-participating, Optional Life, Endowment, Annuity, and Bond; also Provident policies with premiums payable monthly. Ita Continuous Life Endowment Policy, copyrighted and written bv no other company, is the most modern and attractive policy ever written. Literature furnished on application. Capable Agents Wanted t following State Agencies: Marquette Bldg Chicago; - - - - Mack Block, Milwaukee; Carew Bldg., Cincinnati; Hammond Bldg., Detroit. ISAAC MILLER. HAMILTON. President. D. B. AINGER, Vice-Pres. and Treas. Home Offices: MARQUETTE BUILDING. CHICAGO J. C. DENISON, Secretary. R. M. WILBUR.. Asst-Sec. FRED L MECKEL Manufacturer of High Grade | Business j Waggons PaJrvtmg Repairing j 67-71 E. 13th St. j Between State St. and Wabaslt Ave. | Telephone So. Chicago, 111. im 242 T HE REFORM ADVOCATE. Kabo Corsets 102 Models of Marvelous Merit including 48 straight-front and box effects. All creations of fascinating grace and surpassing excellence. Foremost in Design, Accomplishment and Finish. Retailing at from $1.00 to $5.00 The Form R.ed\icing KABO that Gibraltar among Corsets, is yet the only Corset in all the world that reduces a too high abdomen without harm or discomfort, and makes a straight front effect possible, so that it is surely best for large figures. Price of Form-Reducing (superb English Coutil) $2.50 Bvist Perfectors weakly imitated, remain the only garments that infallibly create a faultless form, and mask every deficiency. FO*R SALE A T ALL LEADING 'D'Ry GOODS STOKES CHICAGO CORSET COMPANY CHICAGO: 200 Monroe Street NEW YORK: 388 Broa.dwa.y REFORM ADVOCATED 243 WHEELER & WILSON Dewing PlacHines ex-re the best for factory and family use Th New Hi$n speed Vertical Hook is a power machine un- equaled for Durability, Range of Work. Qual- ity of Stitch. Special Machines a.nd Special Attachments for all classes of cloth and leather work. Estimates given on power plants complete. THE NEW NO. 9 for household use is twenty years in advance of all others. It ij tb* only locK. flitch machine tvithout aj huttle It sews one - third faster and one-third easier than any vibrat- ing shuttle machine. It makes a perfect, elastic stitch on all materials. Try one and be con- vinced. Wheeler & Wilson M'f'g Co. 72 and 74 Wabash Avenue Chicago DAYLIGHT PRISMS They Light Your Dark Rooms. Make Them Bright and Cheerful. Prices Made So You Can Afford to Buy Them. Head What One of Many Thousands Say: OFFICE OF MAURICE R08ENFELD 76 Fifth Avenue Chicago, June 9, 1899. Daylight Prism Company, Chicago, 111. Gentlemenn : I enclose you check for bill rendered, which please receipt and return to me. The Daylight Prisms which you installed in my building. 76 to 82 Fifth Avenue, for the offices occupied by the County Assessor's office, are a success in every sense of the word, and particularly unique in design, and I cannot speak too highly of the results obtained, as they far exceed anything which your president claimed for the Daylight Prisms. I congratulate you upon your success, and your business methods are to be approved most highly. Very truly yours, MAURICE ROSENFBLD. You are invited to ca.ll or write for information SEND FOR CATALOGUE: Daylight Prism Co. 1114 Chamber of Commerce, Chicago Electricity the Light ^Problem Keep abreast of the times and use elec- tricity to light your home and the office. Electric Fa.ns, a summer luxury at small expense. New and novel effects in ornamental and decorative lighting-. Absolutely safe, no danger of its explod- ing, igniting costly curtains or draperies, or asphyxiating any member of the family. We supply the current for lighting or power. A postal card to this office and our representative will call. CHICAGO EDISON CO. EDI30N BUILDING Phone Main 1280 139 Adams St., CHICAGO Established 1885 . C. Loomi'j Tel. Harrison 1957 Commercial and Architectural 3hotographer Pioneer of Commercial Glace PKotog r a. p Ks 331-333 Wa.ba.sh Ave. Corner Congress Street Mammoth 14 Foot Freight Elevator f lease send postal and oar Agent tviil call WE WAJVT y OVR 5 24-i REFORM ADVOCATE.. "Safe as 1he 'BanK. of England" No money proposition can be safer. The security is absolute. But suppose you add the Bank of France, and the Imperial Bank of Germany and the Bank of Russia. There you have the four great banks of the World. Security heaped on security. Yet the united ca.pita.ls of all of them is but little more than half the urn held for the payment of its policies by the MutuaJ Life Insurance Company of New York RICHARD A. McCURDY. President Bank of England, Bank of France, Imperial Bank of Germany, Bank of Russia, Total, $ 86,047,935 36,500,000 28,560,000 25,714,920 $176,822,855 Assets of the Mutual Life, $325,753,152. On the 31st of December, 1900, the cash assets of the United States government, including the $150,000,000 of gold reserve, were $290,107,072, or $35,646,080 less than the assets of the flutual Life at the same time. The Mutual Life is the largest, strongest, and most progressive Life Insurance Company in the world. Its policies are without technicalities, their provisions are liberal, their variety meets every requirement of investment or protection, they provide insurance at the lowest possible cost consistent with security and mutual interest. The vast business of the company is conducted solely for the benefit of policy holders. Every cent of the profits is theirs. Income for 1900, $60.582.802.31 PaJd Policy Holders in 1900, $26.361.863.83 Insurance e^nd Annuities in force, $1,141.497,888.02 During the 57 yea rs of its existence The Mutual Life Insurance Co. of New York has returned to policy holders the enormous sum of $540,497,810.44 No more profitable field can be found by the man of energy and intelligence than to represent the Mutual Life as an agent. B. Carlisle* Tacoma Bldg. Chicago REFORM ADVOCATE. 245 Any man choosing the Northwestern may feel confident of three things: first, that his money is safely and honestly in- vested; second, that he will receive fair and honorable treatment; and third, that no Life Company can do so much in reducing the cost of life insurance or making large returns on money invested as the North- western. Sincerely yours, PHILIP D. ABMOUB. I 2 a o 8 -2 g s 11 8 .a a a* S * c8 g t> B. rd M 3 | j "3 I a a $ S 1 M -J3 -s > t> S " a t W .g Old Life Age Irvsura.nce po<, orator or tage may tan of it. Old age it ttill old age." Longfellow, Yes, but how it mitigates the asperities if you have been wise, and In earlier years provided yourself an annual income during old age; thus saving yourself from being dependent on anyone. Refrains from the Poets WITHOT7T SUCH PROVISION "My days are In the yellow leaf: Toe flowers and fruits of love are gone: The worm, the canker and the grief Are mine alone '." .Byron. WITH SUCH PBOTIilOli "Bat an old age serene and bright. And lovely u a Lapland night Shall lead thee to thy grave." Wordsworth. "When he 1 forsaken. Withered and shaken, "The very staff of my age, What can an old man do but Met" My very prop: and I will MM." Hooa. Shakespeare, Yes, It does make all the difference In the world whether you did or did not. Shakespeare's reference to his annuity is touching. A most excellent provision and the best thing obtainable in those days. It takes however a large lump.some cash down to purchase an annuity, while the new Policy Contract of the Northtuestern Life of Milwaukee, requires an annual premium equal only to a fair interest on the principal sum. These new Contracts may be se- cured in amounts from Jl.ilOO to $100,000, and secured by Cash Assets and Surplus, J133.00 1,003. The one single contract combines in itself these advantages: Life Insurance for wife If you die 1 Endowment Insurance for yourself If you live I Arvnual Income till you die ! Then Annua.1 Income to wife till she dies 1 Then full fa.ce amount to children 1 It is in all reRpects a flexible, business-like, comprehensive contract. It is what you need to-day, and twenty years from to- day. Send your exact nge to A. W. KIMBALL, General Agent. C. 'D. NORTON, Associate General Agent. 8th Floor Chicago Stock Exchange. s S S. 8 if B B >d g; o o' g. P P 1 g' S. P S i S o- - m ^* QD p O ^* (D K- S S I a S S 1 B 2 B c*- l.i .* 3' 8-g e-i a a ff 1 1 p B (t 2. < B P p on I ffg.f I ' i 1 1 i 'UlSsI <*S B P en fP c+ I have been a trustee of the Northwestern Mutual Life Insurance Company for twenty years. I have several times made an examina- tion of its assets and investments, and know the manner in which the company transacts its business. There is not a more careful, conserva- tive or safe company in the country than that. ' I have two policies in it, and would take more if I could afford to carry them. Yours very truly, D. J. BREWER, Associate Justice U. S. Supreme Court. Was an excellent showing, and I congratulate your company on being able to do so well for its customers. No other company has done so well for me. Yours very truly, E. BUCKINGHAM, Prest. N. W. National Bank. Turn REFORM ADVOCATED D R. IN K -/IkALTINE OUR TONIC Strengthens a^nd Vivifies the Entire Organism A Fine Table Beer, Family Trade Supplied TKe P. SchoenKofen Brg. Co. Phone Canal 9 18th St. and CaLnaJport Ave. Conraa $eipp Brewing Co/ Celebrated Extra, Sa.lva.tor, Ba,va.ria,n a.nd Pa.tervt Stopper Bottled . Beers. Mail and Telephone orders promptly attended to. Telephone South &69. Kjeeley Company Lager Beer Fool of 28th St. and Gro-Ocland farX. Telephone South 3+9 REFORM ADVOCATE. f. H. RICB SVtAl-TING 247 INDEPENDENT BREWING ASS'N. 586612 North HalstedSt ERNST BROTHERS, managers. ' When merit talks the world must listen ' It is conceded on all sides that the celebrated and popular "BEERS" brewed and bottled on improved and hygienic principles and known as "Prima" and "Burg Brau" are unequaled as the finest table beers PR.IMA TONIC A highly concentrated extract of Malt, Sops and Honey. In- valuable to nursing mothers; gives health and vigor to the sick and convalescent. Delivered Free to a.11 parts of the city. WWV^WVVWWWWVV THE FINEST PALE BEER ON EARTH YOU SHOULD TRY A CASE AT YOUR HOME Telephone Monroe 44- The Wackcr & Birk Br'.g and M'lt'g Co. vx v -v w w w wwww w The Largest Malting Concern Now In the World. The P. H. Rice Malting Company erected a magnificent new malting-house last year, which in capacity placed it well to the front among the great mailing-houses of the world. This fall they have by the stress of business been compelled to contract for the exact duplication of their plant, thus doubling their capacity. Bith P. H. Rice and his brother, T. J. Rice, are veteran malsters, having been in the business all their lives. They are most ably seconded by William P. Rice, son of Mr. P. H. Rice, who has charge of the entire works. Mr. Rice, jr., is thoroughly qualified for thii position, having been carefully trained for years. He possesses both a practical and a scientific knowledge of the business, being a graduate with high honors of the Massachusetts School of Tech- nology of Boston. With their thorough knowledge of the business and their floor capacity, they are enabled to produce the best malt In any market. First-class malt must be bright, sweet and light colored. These results are obtained by this company, first, by having the floor space to spread the barley thinly while germinating and, second, by drying the malt by fresh, warm air instead of over-heated air which invariably browns the product. The new addition to their plant will be finished next June. They will then have a capacity to make 4,000,000 bushels of malt per annum. The elevators will then hold, 1,500,000 bushels of barley. Even this will not be suffi- cient, as they can today sell more malt in a month than they can manufacture in a year. BOXES BOUGHT AND SOLD P. J. Welsh Box Co. DEALER IN ALL KINDS OF Boxes, Barrels, Casks, Tierces, Etc OPPI&E and YARD, 79-S1-83 Bast 12th Street MAIL ORDERS PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. 1315 State Street. CHICAGO. ESTABLISHED 1884 STAR BARREL AND BOX CO. ...Dealers in... Barrels and Boxes . . . Wabash Avenue and Peck Court W. P. HAPNBR, Manager W. B.CRAWFORD, Salesman 248 REFORM ADVOCATE. THE SAHLIN Cultivates naturally ibe fashionable Straight Front Effect and also the erect Hgure so much desired. Sahlin Perfect Form and Corset combined Pat'd July 26, 1898. and Feb. 20, 1300. Is Identified by having NO HOOKS. NO CLASPS, xo LACES, NO STRINGS, NO HEAVY STEELS. Avoid Imitations and accept no substitutes. The Sahlin Perfect Form ann Corset combined retains all the good and avoids the evil of tbe ordinary corset. Nothing Is lost In style or shape. Bust will not cave In, and therefore padding or Interlining Is avoided. The effect as here shown Is an exact reproduction of a perfect form obtained only by wearing "THE SAHLIN;" no corset Is necessary as It Is a corset and form combined. Approved and endorsed DT physicians and health reformers. Only to be worn to be appreciated. Every garment guaranteed. Made In corset coutll, white and drab. Also white sum- mer Netting. Price 11.00 and II 50. ASk your dealer; IF he cannot supply von order direct, adding 18 cents for postage. Write for free catalogue. SAHLIN CORSET COMPANY 251 Franklin Street CHICAGO. U.L. atbograpbp PUTS LIFE INTO YOUR ADVERTISEMENTS and Is the ONLY satisfactory process for the getting of special color effects, bringing out all the finer details, and absolutely true to life. Lithography is standard: it has none of the uncertainty of experiment: It Gives the Best Results. We are specially equipped to execute your Booklet and Cat- alogue Covers, Show-Cards, Posters, Labels, Calendars, Office Stationery, etc. Our prices compare favorably with any. We would like to show you samples of our work. Send for our representative before placing your next or- der. Good work means good advertising, that will make you business. Edwards, Deutsch & Heitmann ..LITHOGRAPHERS... Telephone Harrison 472. 194-202 South Clinton Street ...CHICAGO... JOHN V. FARWELL ...COMPANY... NOTIONS WHOLESALE DRY GOODS CARPETS WOOLENS UPHOLSTERY Monroe and Market Streets CHICAGO A few of My customers in Chicago Warner Bros. Corset Co. Gage-Downs Corset Co. Mandel Bros. Carson, Pirie Scott & Co. Siegel-Cooper & Co. Schlesinger & Mayer, The Hub John T. Shayne Chicago Cloak Co. D. Lelewer & Sons Phillipsborn Anisfleld Co. National Clothing Co. Chicago Corset Co. Detroit References Newcomb & Endicott Hunter & Hunter Siegel Bazaar Figures - Agent for the best manufac- turers of Wax Figures and Paper Mache Forms, and can furnish them at lowest trade prices. I make a specialty of renting figures for opening displays of Millinery, Dress- making, Tailoring, etc., etc. The Dressing of Corset and Display Figures a Specialty Special Attention Given to the Repairing and Cleaning of French Dolls All Work Done Under My Personal Supervision and a Guarantee That My Colors Will Not Fade Estimates on all Work In my Line Promptly Submitted Mrs. G. Oberlander, 40 D?rbo! Telephone 8818 Central Rooms 303-305 St.. Chicago Turn REFORM ADVOCATES. 249 A STRONG HOME COMPANY THIRTY YEARS OF PROSPERITY CAPITAL SURPLUS , $50O,OOO.OO $ 1 ,5 1 5,272.24 OFFICERS E. BUCKINGHAM, President. J. J. MITCHELL, Vice-President. S. A. ROTHEKMEL, Secretary. S. T. COLLINS, Ass't Secretary. A. D. SMITH, 1. W. ROCKEY, Sup'ts of Agencies. E. S. WHITTLESEY, Cashier. Caterer Weddings and Receptions A Specialty Pure Ice Creams Fancy Cakes Fine Table Decorations, Linen , Silvers ware. Etc,, furnished, Telephone Oakland 672 579 E. 43d Street, 722 E, 47th Street. 1845 RECORD 1901 The Mutual Benefit Life Insurance Co. NEWARK, N. J. AMZl DODD, President. Premium Receipts to January I, 1901, $215,271,971.95 Of this sum there has already been returned to Policy Holders: For Policy Claims 46.2 per cent., $99,381,402.82 For Surrendered Policies 12.8 " 27,598858.24 ForDividends 25.8 " 55,528,928.99 Total 84.8 per cent., $182,509,190.05 Leaving still in the Company's possession $32,762,78 1 .90 The Company's investments have yielded sufficient returns to pay all Expenses and Taxes, and still to add to the Policy Hold- ers' Fund for the fulfillment of existing contracts $41,548,686.35 Total Assets, Jan. 1, 1901, Market Values, $74,311,468.25 Strength. The Mutual Benefit's assets are over Seventy-four Million Dollars: insurance in force is $278,171,436. It docs nu foreign business Earnings. The Mutual Benefits interest receipts during 1900 paid all expenses and taxes and added over $1,355,000 to its assets. Mutuality. The Mutual Benefit paid in 1900 in dividends to policy holders, over SI ,720,341 or SEVENTEEN PEB CENT of its premium income for the year. For Illustration or Agency address Home Office, or R. D. BOKUM, State Agent Marquette Building, CHICAGO. The effective way in which the Jews care for their poor and suffering, affords to other religions an example worthy of emulation. Munger's Laundry Applies common sense to the busi- ness of Laundering, and handles the goods of its patrons in a careful, painstaking manner, which is effec- tive in producing good work. LAUNDRIES! 2408-10-12 INDIANA AVENUE . 518-20 W. MADISON STR.EET 5203-05 LAKE AVENUE SEE TELEPHONE BOOK WAGONS CALL EVERYWHERE 250 THEI REFORM ADVOCATE. < Importers and Manufacturers WHOLESALE & RETAIL. S* ESTABLISHED 1888. 189 Wabash Ave., Chicago, 111. M. SCHOSBERG. Manager. Seal, Sa.ble, Mink, BrosvdtaLil e^rvd JPersia.n La^mb Garments Our Specialty. V V V Best Facilities for Fine F\ir R-emodeling artd Repairing. V V V Fur Storage. NgsgNgNgsg^NgsgNgNgvgNgvgx Borden's Pure Wholesome Milk Produced from HEALTHY COWS, under the most hy- gienic principles. DO YOU KNOW that your supply is free from Contamina- tion, both in the country and city? TRADE: MARK. Milk: Food for the In- fant; Nourishment for the Invalid. Consumed Daily by every member of your family. THF I IIC Mild miLIX has given the production of pure milk much careful study during the past forty- three years, inaugui ating and enforcing principles at its dairies, located in the wagon passes your door every day delivering. Burden's (unsweetened and sterilized) Condensed Milk: Burden's Pure Bottled Milk: Borden's Rich Cream; Borden's Pure Fresh Buttermilk. All Bottled and Hermetically Sealed in the country into Steam Cleaned and Sterilized Jars and Bottles. 627-633 EdSt 47th St. Phones Oakland 5O3 546-554 West Van Buren SL 1081-1095 W. Ravenswood Park. 153 North Park Ave. Monroe 8S6 Lake View 581 Austin 21 REGISTERED These tra.de marks sttvnd for Superiority. "ELK BRAND" and "Longley" Ha.ts are the best LONGELY. LOW & ALEXANDER TRADE MARK CHICAGO. THE RKFORM ADVOCATE. A* 251 Removal Notice TO OUR PATRONS: In order that we may be able to give our undivided attention to our large and growing family trade, we have concluded to dispense with our retail establish- ment, (wine room) and from May 1st, will transact our entire business in our building, 222-224 E. INDIANA STREET between N. Clark St. and Dearborn Ave. , where our spacious cellars will be constantly stocked with the choicest and rarest of Hungarian Wines which for medicinal and table purposes are unsurpassed. Orders by telephone or mail will receive the promptest attention. Soliciting a continuance of your past favors, we remain Very respectfully yours, H. TALLERT 6. SON P. S. In addition to our Hungarian Wines we also carry a complete stock of Ehines. Ports and Sherries of our importation. H. T. & S. True F\imit\ire The existence of a class of people not satisfied with anything less than the best that can be made ia re- sponsible for the creation of Tobey Ma.de Fxirnitvire Economical men and women, who do not SPEND money but who INVEST it, cannot afford to buy any other kind, because nothing else in furniture offers such real value. To all men the ideas of beauty and service appeal: Add to the rarest natural grains of wood a marvelous finish, and bu.ild furniture adjusted to every demand of climate and artificial heat constructed to last a century and yon have the Tobey Hand Made Furniture, the kind which is true economy to buy. To see our great store is worth a visit to Chicago. Send for our free booklet it tells what Tobey Hand Made means. Tobey Fxirnitvire Co. CHICAGO 10.000 PeJrs of Shoes made daily in our factories Life Means Progress If you are a retailer, you appreciate the necessity of keeping abreast of the times. We are exclusive manu- facturers of shoes and sell only to retailers. You save the jobbers' ex- penses and profit in buying directly from us. We are near the tanneries and near you. The saving in freight charges is yours. Send for our cat- alogue and have your name put on our "Helpful Hints" list. :::::: C. M. Henderson ^ Co. Cor. Market a.nd Quincy St.. Chicago CORSETS Can be had in all of the prevailing shapes at prices from $1 upward Ask your dealer for them. If he cannot supply your de- mands write to us for catalogue. GAGE DOWNS CO. 262-264 5th Ave, Chicago. 252 Turn REIKORM ADVOCATE. BioMGRen BROS.* co. Thomas & Smith Stea.m and Waiter Hearting Ve t\ t i I Wrought Iron Pipe, Fittings, Valves, etc. Heating Specialties or all kinds. 16 North Canal Street CHICAGO The only Air Washing and Purifying Apparatus invented that successfully cleans and purifies the air. Kravit Pra.cticaJ Cutlers... Importers and Dealers of fine Cutlery 202 S- Clark Street. CHICAGO. ILL. Practical Instruments suit- able for gifts, high grfvde goods only. M. Schimmeyer ...Manufacturer of HARPS And Expert fLep&lrirvg on V V ^ Pipe Orga.ns Pia.nos Violins Gviitatrs Zithers Mevndolins Music Boxes Etc. 220 WABASH AVENUE 4th Floor Telephone Harrison 1372 THE REFORM ADVOCATE. 253 The crowning glory of life is HEALTH and STRENGTH. Use Your Body to Develop Your No Mechanical Appliance Whatsoever Used or Needed I Increase your Shoulders, Biceps, Chest. Limbs. Reduce svrvd Increa.se yoxir Flesh, relieve you of Nerv- ousness, Constipation. Irx- somonia. and all Stoma.cn troubles arvd give you Per- fect Form Perfect H.-;xlth. SIMON'S Natural Development System. For Men For Women Individual Treatments only. Send for Pamphlet. Correspondence Solicited. S. J. SIMON, Originator, Suite II07-II08-II09 Champlain Bldg,, 126 State St. Treatments by Mail Also Taylor Market and Adams Chi ctxgo Manufacturers of tKe celebrated "Kingsbury" "Taylor" "King" HATS Send _ for catalogue Apply for agency PLAITING ACCORDION AND KNIfE TUCKING, CORDING, HEMSTITCHING, ETC. Having modern high speed machines and a corps of expert operators, we are able to turn out your work promptly and in first class style. Special attention to mail orders Linden & Stevens Tel. Central 935 52 State St., Chicago, 1.1. Reference, Cbas. A. Stevens & Bros. HARNESS SADDLES PDLO GOODS STABLE REQUISITES CHAS. MEURISSE & Co. f ' * Telephone Calumet 2882 I7O4 Wabash Ave., Chicago; And Lake Forest, III. PHOTO JEWELRY MFG. CO. 195-197-199 State Street, CHICAGO Manufacturers, Jobbers, Wholesalers Photo Buttons Photo Jewelry Premium Novelties Advertising and Campaign Buttons Button Machines -. Findings. Etc., 'Etc. 254 THAT'S IT! THE REFORM ADVOCATE. The Greet! "Majestic" MeJIesyblo Iron eknd Steel Range. Qires entire tatisfaction, because they are riveted, not bolted (as others). All joints are tight. Heat water more quickly for bath. Bake better. Use less fuel than any others. Call and interview our range experts, or send for booklets. REFRIGERATORS To the "Majestic," add the Alaska. R_efrigera.tor to your kitchen equipment and you will be happy. The warm air from the provision chamber falls directly over the center of the ice, making the driest, coldest and most p3rfect circula- tion. It is the vital point of the Alaska Patent. No other refrigerator has it. Prices from 86.73 up. Star Refrigera- tors from 85.00 up. We build to order portable refrigerators and cooling rooms for private residences, clubs, hotels, hos- pitals, meat markets, etc. With over twenty-five years' ex- perience, we guarantee results. Send for catalogues. ORR 962 2931 COTTAGE, G-ROVt. AVEJVVE Elias China Repairing Co. v LOANING v CHINA. GLASS. LINENS. SILVERWARE. TABLES. Etc. For a.11 occasions on short notice. NEVERTOO I *TETb MEND* ....2132 MICHIGAN AVENUE.... Opposite Lexington Hotel TELEPHONE 478 SOUTH DAV/2) H. WEI*R, .<. Caterer... Than* South 1129 If you want to borrow China and Silverware get my prices. 3O19 Michigan A-Ce. J J CHICAGO. TABLE BY WEIR First Prize at Chrysanthemum Show, 1895. THE. REFORM ADVOCATED 255 r The J Instantaneous and Portable Water Heater Possesses merits never before attained by any water heater, as you will discover by reading the following: This heater will heat water from 70 to 120 de- grees in one minute and keep a stream of water at that temperature running one gallon a minute. Cooler water, if wanted, can be had by in* creasing the flow.. Itcanbensed in the Bath- * room, Kitchen or Laundry or wherever there is gas, and can be moved readily from room to room, as all connections may be made with rubber hose W / &s shown in the picture. The Heater is hung on supports fastened to the wall by four screws; with each heater an extra pair of supp'.rcs is furnished free. Within the Heater the water passes through a 40 foot coil of 1 inch brass tubing placed in a steel frame above a powerful burner. As the water does not come in contact with the products of combustion it is perfectly wholesome for cooking or drinking. There is a place for a 4 inch flue connection at the top, to be used if desired. The burner can bo pulled out to heat 'the room. When burning under the coil the water absorbs all the heat. The Heater is small and com part, about one foot square, and just one foot high. ' The water connections can be made at either end. This heater will burn man- ufactured, natural and gasoline machine gas in ordering state the kind to be used. With gas at $1.00 per 1000, it costs but 2 cents to heat enough water for a bath. In addition toils adaptability to Bath-room, Kitchen and Laundry Uses, it is invaluable because of its prompt- ness and efficiency, in the Sick Hoom, Hospital, Barber Shop, Office, Restaurant, Drug Store, Buffet, Laboratory, Luncli Counter, Surgeon's office, the Nursery and for Dentists' use, as well as many other places. Three six foot lengths of cloth insertion rubber tubing and one reducer (to attach to gas fixture) are furnished with each heater. Any one can attach it. It can be set on floor or stand if preferred. Every one guaranteed. LOWEST PRICED WATER HEATER ON THE MARKET. our dealer doesn't have the "Jewel" send to us and we will see that you are supplied. Illustrated The Chicago Chronicle The best "Daily fletvs paper! Altvays publishes all the netets ! Alterays preserves the best moral tone I Al&rays the favorite family netarspaper! Altvays the best for business and industrial men I Al&jays shotvs profitable returns to advertisers! It is a twentieth century netvspaper for all the people ! HJDMS, Grsrs, S;c. A SPECIALTY Telephone No. 2756 Main ' THE REFORM ADVOCATED Educators This pa.ge contains a.dvertise- ments of some of Chicago's Leading Educators whom the Reform Advocate recommends to its readers a.s reliable. Chicago Auditorium Conservatory THIS institution offers unexcelled advantages for the study of Music in all its branches, Elocution, Modern Languages, Oratory, Physical Culture, Delsarte and Stage Training. Private and professional courses. Pupils may enter at any time. All Concerts, Lectures, Recitals, and Dramatic Entertainments free to students of the Conservatory. Frederic Grant Gleason, Director Roy Arthur Hunt. Acting Manager AUDITORIUM BUILDING ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE SENT FREE Telephone Harrison 1910 RUSH MEDKAL (OLLEfiE In affiliation with the University of Chicago Organized 1837 The academic year of the Rush Medical Col- lege Is divided Into lour quarters, correspond- ing with those recognized with the University of Chicago. They are designated as Summer, Autumn, Winter and Spring Quarters, begin- ning respectively the first of July, first of Octo- ber, first of January, and first of April, each continuing for twelve weeks. A recess of one week occurs between the end of each Quarter and the beginning of the neit following. In- struction in all departments of medcine will be riven in each quarter. The general course of Instruction requires four years of study in residence, with a mini- mum attendance upon three Quarters of each year. A student may begin his college work on the first day of any Quarter, and may continue In residence for as many successive Quarters M he desires. Credit will not be allowed, how- ever, for more than three successive Quarters. At least 45 months must elapse between the date of a first matriculation and the data of graduation. For further information, address correspond- ence to Rush fledical College, Chicago, III. Watson's Institute SHORTHAND and TYPEWRITING 648 Garfield Boulevard (W. 55th Street) CEO. WATSON. Prln. It will pay you to attend a private school where you will get individual attention, and more thorough instruction than in crowded colleges. Save time and money. Write for catalogue. ....... SARAH SABOLSKY, Ass't Telephone Harrison 1736 Mrs. H. Harshman Retouching Studio Instructions Given Auditorium Building Room 91 CHICAGO STANDARD TEXT- BOOKS FOR SCHOOLS. ACADEMIES AND COLLEGES : : : TH LATEST AND BUST TEXT-BOOKS m ALL BRANCHES OF INSTKUCTION. : : : : : SEND FOR CATALOGUE AND CIRCULARS. NEW YORK CINCINNATI CHICAGO AMERICAN BOOK COMPANY 521-531 \V ABASH AVB., CHICAGO American Method of Singing MARY M. SHEDD Selrvway Hall. CHICAGO This method develops voices into tones the same with which Pattl, DeEeszke, and all great artists were born. Sand for Bookie; VOUNG -MEN AND YOUNG WOMEN Who are preparing for a life of usefulness and look- Ing forward to a profession, or a successful business career, will find THE WALLACE J- J COMMERCIAL COLLEGE 52 DEABHOKS ST., CHICAGO, a stepping stone that they cannot well afford to omit, opening tbe way, as It does, to a self-earned course In law or medicine, or to lucrative employment In the business world. Tbe school Is prepared to do all that It claims. H MSh School of music. H hi$h School of Elocution. HAHMONr, THEORY. SCIENCE, ART AND GENERAL CULTURE. Sight Singing, Unite*! Composition, Iformtl Training, Conducting UMurn, BteluU, ConMrl*. DR. HENRY SOUTHWICK PERKINS, DIRECTOR. An /UuitrateJ Catalan* Mailtd (D). Number 11. MAY 4 1901. -' HE REFORM ADVOCATE rrxicicifiLKX i ic A x x :r ...WE OWN AND OFFER... $485.000 United States of Mexico Government 5 per cent Gold Bonds SPECIALLY SECURED BY EXPORT AND IMPORT DUTIES. AND FREE FROM ALL MEXICAN TAXES, PRESENT AND FUTURE. The bonds are in coupon form, engraved in English, Spanish, French and German, and are payable principal and quarterly interest coupons in United States Gold Dollars at our office, or at the office of J. P. Morgan & Co., New York; ^.Iso in London, Berlin, Frankfort, O.-M., and Amsterdam. They can be readily converted into cash in this country or abroad, and we recommend them as a safe investment and as the cheapest bond on the market. PRICE 100 AND ACCRUED INTEREST; NET 5$, OTIS, WILSON * Co., ...BANKERS... 182-84 La Salle Street The Temple CHICAGO. 258 THE REFORM ADVOCATED LEONARD MANDEL DRY GOODS CO. 218-226 THIRTY-FIRST ST., near Indiana Ave. of \7nderlzvear and Hosiery ts complete in e^ery de-fail. An inspec- tion Refill convince you o_f -this _facl. Charge Accounts solicited. Tel. 2791 Calumet. Japanese Curiosity. COMPRESSED AIR CARPET CLEANER We are the only compressed air carpet cleaners in this city the only perfect compressed air carpet cleaners in the world. The machinery and equipment of our Chicago plant will cost about $30,000. Our Carpet clean- ing machine is a wonder. They go in one side dirty and come out on the other side thoroughly cleaned and aired with NAP RAISED, COLORS BRIGHTENED, NOTHING FRAYED OR TORN The American Pneumatic Carpet Gleaning Go,, Telephone, Monroe 14-96. Cor. Lake and Carpenter Sts., CKica go. roy Caundry Jflacbincry OUR LINE IS THE LARGEST, BEST AND MOST COMPLETE. We make a spec- ialty of Steam Dry- ing Closets for apartment houses and flat buildings. Catalogues upon application. j> ' j* San Trancisco Chicago new York "A characteristic which has been po- tent in the modernizing of Japan is that insatiable curiosity, an intense desire to see and understand anything new. While the present day Chinese attitude is tnat of contempt for any beings or institutions not evolved in China, the Japanese are eager to know of everything connected with our form of civilization, and to adopt it if -it is good. Sometimes their great recept- iveness and power of imitation and adoption, lead them to adopt innova- tions which they afterward find it wiser to discard. Hence the accusation of fickleness. A perusal of Japanese history shows that the people have ever progressed by impulses, by ac- tion and reaction, and that in the end, good judgment seems to become su- preme. The foreigner traveling in Japan is soon made aware of the qual- ity of curiosity. On every railroad platform he is surrounded by a crowd of people who, with their mouths as wide open as their eyes in their effort to lose no detail of interest, regard him slowly from head to foot, and comment upon him amongst themselves the while. These people may have seen hundreds of foreigners they may see them every day but they continue to act as if they had never seen one be- fore. I visited some Americans in Tokio who had lived in the same house with the same Japanese neighbors for about a year. Yet each time that we went out to drive, the people in the little Japanese house nearby would rush to their windows and stand there watching as eagerly as a small Yankee at the circus. This happened every day. It is always posible to tell whe- ther a foreigner happens to be in his garden, for a good-sized crowd of Ja- panese gathered about the gate an- nounces the important fact. I gave sev- eral talks and lectures to school chil- dren and young men and women in Japan. They were interpreted, I, of course, speaking in English, so that half of the address was understood by only a few. Yet I have never seen audiences more absolutely attentive. Not a word was lost, and the same concentration was shown while I was speaking as when the interpreter was turning it into Japanese. Little school children boys and girls sat drinking everything in, with their eyes popping out of their heads until I had finished. I never nattered myself that this was due to the fascination of my discourse, but merely to the great curiosity of my audience, their power of concentration and their receptiveness." Anna N. Benjamin in Ainslee's. THE REFORM 259 Wickes' Refrigerators Porcelain-lined Inside and outside, or oak exter- iors, are now for the first time offered to pri- vate families. Can be had In all wi/>s. Tncy easily pay for themselves In the Raving of ice. The leading packing houses every where reeogr- nlze Wickes* system as the acme of perfection inrefrtgerators and all their refrigerator cars. This Is the best test of their merit. HONE BILLIARD TABLES We make Billiard Tables for private home use a specialty. The table asillustrated above 86. with our guarantee that It Is equal to any of our $200 tables for playing purposes. A smaller size, $65. adjusta By means of the table is readi library table. . table top which we supply, this table is readily converted into a handsome dining or SOLD ON EASY PAYMENTS. Catalogue showing different size tables on application and we will mail book showing 100 new "shots" on receipt of 80 cents. Address Brunswick-Balke-Collender Co., Dept. D, Chicago, III. Branch oncost Hew?ort, Cincinnati. ' ' I St. Louie, San Francisco. ft SflrFE PLftGE, /T SM/YLL COST TO KEEP YOUR BANK BOOKS, TAX RECEIPTS, DEEDS, NOTES, BONDS AND OTHER VALUABLE PROPERTY IS THE Illinois Trust Safety Deposit Co.'s Vaults. j La Sillo Ct. 4 Jackson Blvd. BOBEBT EOVD, Manager, STORAGE FOR TRUNKS AND SILVERWARE AT REASONABLE RATES. HART & ^RANK, MORTGAGE BANKERS I28-I3O WASHINGTON STREET. MONEY LOANED ON CITY REAL ESTATE, VACANT OR IMPROVED. LOWEST RATES. FIRST COLD MORTGAGES FOR SALE. Established 1871. First-Class Work Only. THE PHILIPS <& OSBORINE Carpet Cleaning and Upholstering Works. MATTRESSES RENOVATED AND MADE. 2551 Wentworth Avenue. 461 East Forty-Seventh Street, Telephone South 300. Telephone Drexel 6142. Reception: a Socially Telephone Oakland 672. 679 E. 48d STREET* 7B2 E. 47th STREET. Pure Ice Creams. Fancy Cakes. "IF AT FIRST YOU DON'T SUCCEED," TRY SAPOLIO FOREIGN NOTES. The famous Synagogue of Toledo, which for several centuries past has been used as a church, is to be re- stored as a Jewish house of prayer. The Synagogue was erected under the government of Don Pedros, of Castile, in 1357, at a time when Jewish schol- arship in Spain had reached its high- est. After the expulsion of the Jews the building was converted into a church. Recently a commission, ap- pointed by the Spanish Academy of Science and Arts in Madrid, has re- ported in favor of it being once more transformed into its original purposes. The Hebrew inscriptions, many of which are still in excellent condition, are to be preserved, and excavations will be undertaken for the purpose of finding the Beth Hamedrash and other rooms. Ex. Although Italy is a Catholic country the Jews in Florence enjoy unrestrict- ed social and political liberties. Its synagogue is one of the finest in Eu- rope, and its rabbi, Dr. Margulies, is one of the most highly esteemed of Florentines. Here on the beautiful banks of the Armoanti, Semitism is a thing wholly unknown. The superin- tendent of police is a Jew, and many other lucrative and honorable offices are held by Jews. Florence is one of the most progressive cities in Italy, and it cannot be gainsaid that the ab- sence of anti-Semitism has had much to do with this advancement. Ex. About two years ago a Jewish ia- stitution was established in Paris to assist young girls in finding employ- ment as teachers, in commerce and in- dustry, and to provide with a home, until they obtain employment, such ladies as have no relatives or friends in that city. The institution has proved a great success, 400 persons having been assisted to procure a livelihood. The temporary home has become inadequate for the den-.auds made upon it, and a second house has been rented. Among the contributors toward the maintenance of the borne fivhich is available for foreigners as well as for French women) are Bar- oness Salomon de Rothschild, Mm. Rothschild brothers and the Alliance Israelite Universelle. FOR OVER FIFTY YEARS An Old and Well-Tried Remedy. Mrs Winslow'a Soothing Syrup has been used for over Fifty Years by millions of mothers for their children while Teeth- ing, with perfect success. It soothes the Child, softens the Gums, allays all Pain; cures Wind Colic, and is the best remedy for Diarrhoea. Sold by druggists in every part of the world. Be sure and ask for Mrs. Winslow'e Soothing Syrup and take no other kind. Twenty-Five Cent* Belli*. 260 THIS REFORM ADVOCATE. EDUCATIONAL. M. SCHIMMEYER, . Manufacturer of ..HARPS.. and expert repairing on Pipe Or* ifan*i. I 'latins, Violins, Guitars, Zithers. Mandolins. Music Boxes, etc - 220 Wabash Ave., 4th floor. Ti.ephone Hirrison 1372. The Gregg Shorthand School A simple, sensktlf modern system; no (hading or position writing. v Write or call for catalogue. Tuition- Day or Evening 57 WASHINGTON ST College of Caw LAW Department of Lake Foreit University. Hon. Thos, A. Moran, LL, D., Dean. Three year course leading to degree LL. B. Sessions each week day evening. For further Information, address Secretary, ELMER E. BARRETT, LL. B., tf 01 Title and Trust Bldg., CHICAGO P HOSPHATE-CALISAY A COMPOUND TABLETS Efficacious in Nervous troubles, and affections of the Liver. In constipation, flatulence, gastric irritation, or fer- mentation, it will be found to go to the seat of the trouble. Unlike other prepara- tions it is not a palliative or corrective, but arouses the dormant juices of the liver so they will secrete, thereby causing the food to be properly assimilated. * A FOOD FOR BRAIN WORKERS. IN ALL FORMS or NCRVOU* TROUBLES IT WILL BC FOUND TO ALLAY AND CURC, BUILDING UP ALL NERVE CENTERS. Phosphate Caltsaya Co. Chicago, Aug. 12, 1900. Have always recommended to alt my friends your Phos- phate Caltsaya Compound. It is the best thin? 1 have ever used for Liver and Nervous troubles. 1, A. NEWSOME. with White Sewing Mch. Co. Price.. ..Small size, 50c Large size. $1.00. ISend your address and we will send you sample I package, postpaid, with absolutely no expense. | FOR SALE BY ALL DRUGGISTS, or CAN BE MAILED Phosphate Calisaya Co,, 362 Wabash Ave., Chicago. M. WALSH, Livery and Boarding Stable I 30-1 22 TWENTY-FIFTH ST. Bet. Prairie and Indiana Aves. The l.atrNt In Rabbr Tire Hansom Cabi Carriage* and Broughams. Telephone SOf.'TH ISO. D.T.JOHNSON Express Storage and Van Co,, 3505 Cottage Grove Ave. Storage Warehouse, 17 Bryant Ave. FURNITURE MOVER Baggage checked to all depots, two-trips, Daily at 9 A. M. and 3 P. M. Telephone. Oakland 717. MATTERS MUSICAL. CONDUCTED BV MAURICE ARONBON. D. H. S. Perkins gave a concert in Medina Temple (A. F. and A. M.) at Oak Park last Saturday evening by six juvenile performers from the Chi- cago National College of Music. Mas- ter Harry Dushoff, soprano, thirteen years of age; Master William McCon- nell, fourteen and the Mozart String Quartette: Hazel G. Welsh, first violin; Wayne Osborn, second violin; George Hall, violin and Ralph Hall, cello, as- sisted by Miss Ethel Stillwell, soprano and accompanist and Miss Maude M. Campbell, the brilliant piano student of the college. Master Harry and Wil- liam sang solos and the duet "Robin Ruff and Gaffer Green." These young- sters have fine voices and are well received wherever they sing. The string quartette plays with remarkable accuracy, and each one is also a solo performer of considerable merit. It is interesting to see young people de- veloping their musical talent so early in life. The Mozarts are pupils of A concert of far more than passing interest was the popular four o'clock concert on Sunday afternoon at the Studebaker by an orchestra of 50 mu- sicians under the direction of Theodore Spiering, assisted by David Bispham, baritone. Mr. Spiering has been known for many years as a violinst of most excellent attainments and as the leader of the popular string quartet bearing his name. Of late Mr. Spiering's am- bition has been in the field of con- ducting, and it is but just to state, that with the results of the concert of Sun- day last he has at once and for ever set aside any doubt as to his ability to conduct a large orchestral body. If the impressions of Sunday last and his recent appearance in Milwaukee as a conductor do not deceive, Spiering is destined to wield a baton in the near future over a body of musicians wor- thy of his talent and his ambition. There is a movement on foot to make the Sunday four o'clock popular con- cert a permanent feature of the next season and it is to be hoped that the new management of the Studebaker, headed by the able and popular Louis Francis Brown, will succeed in making these concerts a lasting success. Mr. Spiering is the right man and the only one in Chicago who has a right to as- pire to the position of conducting these concerts. Herr Ludwig Gero of Grosswarden, an important town in Hungary, has been appointed chief of police. He is the only Jew who holds so high a posi- tion in that district. EDUCATIONAL. Maurice Aronson > ii f Auditorium Bldg. rianiQt \ (Tower. 140t IfllllMifrnisir.PPTSj Recitals : musicales .- Cccturw For the past four years chief asssistant J| LEOPOLD GODOWSKY in the Chicago COM servatory of Music. Instruction along the pear, gogical ideas and methods originated by the k& ter. Technic and interpretation. * Four Competent Assistants. Wrltefor Circul' DVORAK DRAMATIC SCHOOL Klmball Hall, 243 Wabash Ave., Chicago Acting, Elocution, Physical Cultu Oratory, Fencing. Catalogue mailed Edward Dvorak, Director MRS. LEOPOLD WEIL'S Boarding ?nd Day Sehoo) F"0a OIIiL.3. 109 and III West 77th Street. New York Thorough Preparation for Colleges School Opens Sept. 26, 1900. Chicago College of Commerce, 63d STREET & YALE AVE. This inst itut ion ranks with the lead- injf commercial col- leges of the country. It offers courses in Commerce, Business, Finance, Stenogra- phy, Typewriting, Penmanship. Young people seek- ing to prepare them* selves in a short time for a good position in business will find here unsurpassed facilities. Students may enroll at any time for a f ull or a partial course. Send for catalogue to GRANT ORR, President. ROBERT PELZ, VIOLIN MAKER, 301 STEINWAY HALL, 17 VAN BUREN STREET. Artistic Repairing a Specialty ALL WORK GUARANTEED. DR. H. IN. MEYERS SCIENTIFIC OPTICIAN. Call and have your eyes thoroughly examined with tae latest appliances. Popular Prices. Ex- amination Free. Dr. H. N. Meyers, feH E. Wash- inirton St., with Clapp A Cowl, Jewelers. KINSLEY'S 105-107 Adams St... Ladies' Restaurant, 2d floor. Newly Decorated and Furnished. Schildkret'i Orchestra, 6 to 12 p. m. Special attention given to After-Theater Suppers Table d'Hote, Cafe 5:30 to 8 p. m . Ji.oo. German Restaurant, - - Hani's frrcbestrs. REFORM 261 CELINE IMPORTED MILLINERY 4652 Grand Blvd. CHICAGO. CARPET CLEANING Fine Carpets, Rugrs. etc., cleaned, repaired, re- laid, etc. Perfect work; colors restored and will not fade; prompt service, lowest prices. Send for estimates; all work guaranteed, and all gotxJs in- sured while in our possession. Phone Main 133. IMPERIAL CARPET CLEANING CO, C. K.. JVicholj. Mgr. Main Office, I2OI Stock Exchange Bldg., HO La Salle St., Chicago. DO YOU Most Headaches come from eye strains. 1 give the most scientific examination of eyes and correct all defects CONSULTATION FREE Dr. C. D. Strow, Ophthalmologist. 1516 MASONIC TEMPLE. BRAUNSCHWEIGER 'CAFE' H. SPECKMANN, Proprietoi. JE" Braie Delicatessen EVERYTHING OF THE BEST. 637 FORTY - THIRD STREET, Bet. Indiana and Prairie Aves, Meals at all Hours. Telephone, Oakand 480. A Telephone In the House permits instant speech with all the tradespeople with whom you deal enables you to converse with THEM at the office and store at pleasure. A Modern Convenience, A necessity in everv complete home. Business and Residence Telephones I6c Per Day -"p 1 ! The new measured service costs only ior outgoing calls. Ask us about it. PKirarfn Tolonhrmo Cn f<"*tr*rt Prpjirimpnt, ^.mcago i eiepnone 1,0., tiaitJSSmC Superstition and Folklore of the the South. During a recent visit to North Caro- line, after a long absence, I took oc- casion to inquire into the latter-day prevalence of the old-time belief in what was known as "conjuration" or "goopher," my childish recollection of which I have elsewhere embodied into a number of stories. The derivation of the word "goopher" I do not know, nor whether any other writer than myself has recognized its existence, though it is in frequent use in certain parts of the South. The origin of this curious superstition itself is perhaps more easily traceable. It probably grew, in the first place, out of African fetichism, which was brought over from the dark continent along with the dark people. Certain features, too, suggest a dis- tant affinity with Voodooism, or snake worship, a cult which seems to have been indigenous to tropical America. These beliefs, which in the place of their origin had all the sanctions of re- ligion and social custom, became in the shadow of the white man's civilization, a pale reflection of their former selves. In time, too, they were mingled and confused with the witchcraft and ghost lore of the white man, and the tricks and delusions of the Indian conjurer. In the old plantation days they flour- ished vigorously, though discouraged by the "great house," and their po- tency was well established among the blacks and the poorer whites. Educa- tion, however, has thrown the ban of disrepute upon witchcraft and conjur- ation. The stern frown of the preacher, who looks upon superstition as the ally of the Evil One; the scornful sneer of the teacher, who sees in it a part of the livery of bondage, have driven this quaint combination of ancestral tradi- tions to the remote chimney corners of old black aunties, from which it is difficult for strangers to unearth them. Mr. Harris, in his Uncle Remus stories, has, with fine literary discrimination, collected and put into pleasing and en- during form the plantation stories which dealt with animal lore, but so little attention has been paid to those dealing with so-called conjuration, that they seem in a fair way to dis- appear, without leaving a trace be- hind. The loss may not be very great, but these vanishing traditions might furnish valuable data for the sociolo- gist, in the future study of racial de- velopment. In writing, a few years ago, the volume entitled "The Conjure Woman," I suspect that I was more in- fluenced by the literary value of the material than by its sociological bear- ing, and therefore took, or thought I did, considerable liberty with my subject. Imagination, however, can A. FLESHAM UNDERTAKER GRADUATE PHILA. TRAINING SCHOOL FOR EMBALMER Personal Service I>ay and Night. t en- clorsementH of Philadelphia Rabbis. 529 E. 47th St. 'Phone Prexel 7593 SUPERFLUOUS HAIR Moles, Birthmarks, Red Nose, Pimples, Skin Diseases, Dan- ' druff and Scalp Affections cured. Book free. Hew York Electrolysis Co., m 1118 Masonic Temple. CHICAGO. ILL MitcKell & a aifors, 36 Monroe Street, Chicago. Palmer House. IYIADOCQUE Imported Millinery. 574 East 43d Street, S. E. Cor. Calumet Ave. Formerly with Mandel Bros. We furnish everything complete and make you a stylish costume after the latest Parisiennes' modes, strictly man- tailored, from $50 up. or you can furnish your own (foods and we will cut, trim and make you costume from $18 up, Perfect fit and work- manship jfuaranteed. Samples and selfmea- surement blanks mail- ed free to any one on application. Joseph Husak Merchant Tail- oring Co., 192-194 Madison St., Cor. 5th Ave. , Chicago. Established 1875. The Goold Storage House AND Safe Deposit Vaults, J. E. GOOLD & CO., Proprs. STORAGE FOR FURNITURE, PIANOS, ETC. Goods Packed for Shipment. Fire and Burglar Proof Vaults for Silver- ware and Valuable Goods. 2219-2221 Cottage Grove Ave. Tel. 1222 South. iim 262 REFORM ADVOOATR. The Best Shoes for Women. SorosU Shoes have ninny Imitators they have no equals. They fit and wear perfectly are stylish and comfortable. "A perfect shoe at a popular price," S3. 50 never more never less. The Sorosls Shoes are distinctly unrivaled, and are sold In Chicago exclusively by SCHLESINOER & MAYER. State St. Annex. P. D. MADIGAN & CO. Importers and Retailers of DRY GOODS. 183, 185, 187, 189 and 191 THIRTY-FIRST STREET. THE BOULEVARD PRY GOODS STORE. DRY GOODS AND GENTS' > WplfplH & FURNISHINGS. . . . . < W ClieiU Ct 558-558 EAST FORTY-THIRD STREET. 157 STATE, STREET. ON DISPLAY A COMPLETE LINE OF STRAIGHT FRONT CORSETS. FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC MODELS, correct in every detail. We can fit any figure. All corsets purchased from us kept in repair free of charge. MUNGER'S LAUNDRY. TELEHONE, SOUTH 1175. OFFICE TOWEL SUPPLY DEPARTMENT St. Louis, Mo., Kansas City, Mo. Des Moines, la- Fine Hand Work a Specialty. 2410 Indiana Ave., Chicago. Borden's UNSWEETENED, STERILIZED, Condensed Milk ABSOLUTELY PURE AND CLEAN MILK AND CREAM Also PEERLESS BUTTERMILK. All bottled In the country at our own plants, Elgin and Belvldere, 111., Into steam-cleaned and sterilized bot- tles. Orders by mall or telephone will receive prompt attention. BORDEN'S CONDENSED MILK CO., Telenbone Oakland SOS Telephone Monroe 56 627-633 EAST 47th ST. 546-554 WEST VAN BUREN ST, MERCHANTS' LOAN AND TRUST SAFE DEPOSIT COMPANY. ADAMS AND CLARK STS. CHICAGO. BOXES $3 PER YEAR AND UPWARDS. AB80HJTEH.TT KlRB AND BUHOLAR PROOF SAFES. FOB DEEDS, BONDS, SECURITIES, JEWELRY, SILVERWARE AND VALUABLES. SEPAHATB VAULTS FOK STOKAGE OP LAKGE PACKAGES AND TRUNKS. ALFREDiL. GOLDSMITH, Manager. only act upon data one must have somewhere in his consciousness the ideas which he puts together to form a connected whole. Creative talent, of whatever grade, is, in the last analysis, only the power of rearrangement there is nothing new under the sun. I was the more firmly impressed with this thought after I had interviewed half a dozen old women, and a genuine "conjure doctor;" for I discovered that the brilliant touches, due, I had thought, to my own imagination, were after all but dormant ideas, lodged in my childish mind by old Aunt This and old Uncle That, and awaiting only the spur of imagination to bring them again to the surface. For instance, in the story, "Hot-foot Hannibal," there figures a conjure doll with pepper feet. Those pepper feet I regarded as pecu- liarly my own, a purely original cre- ation. I heard, only the other day, in North Carolina, of the consternation struck to the heart of a certain dark individual, upon finding upon his door- step a rabbit's foot a good omen in itself perhaps to which a malign In- fluence had been imparted by tying to one end of it, in the form of a cross, two small pods of red pepper. Most of the delusions connected with this belief in conjuration grow out of mere lack of enlightenment. As prime- val men saw a personality behind ev- ery natural phenomenon, and found a god or a devil in wind, rain, and hail, in lightning, and in storm, so the un- taught man or woman who is assailed by an unusual ache or pain, some strenuous symptom of serious physical disorder, is prompt to accept the sug- gestion, which tradition approves, that some evil influence is behind his dis- comfort; and what more natural than to conclude that some rival in business or in love has set this force in mo- tion ? Charles W. Chestnutt, in Mod- ern Culture Magazine for May. The Hebrew Free Loan Association of New York presents a brief report of its activity during the three months since its last annual report. During the months of January, February and March of 1901, 3610 new applications for loans were filed. Out of these 719 were rejected, 2891 applications were granted with loans amounting to $58,- 881 as follows: January, 1901, 803 per- sons borrowed f 16,591; February, 1901, 972 persons borrowed $20,365; March, 1901, 1116 persons borrowed $21,915. These figures illustrate how much good can be done in this great metropolis, helping from misery and poverty with- out humiliation; it pictures to us that there is a respectable class of people, who can be helped and made to feel their self-respect. THE REFORM ADVOCATE, 263 TO THE MEN AND WOMEN OF AMERICA WHO HAVE HEARTS: TO ALL WHO ARE INTERESTED IN CHARITY: I am not ambitious to become a rich man; all I want is enough for a rainy day, and I have almost enough now. On the first day of May, 1901, I will open a HAT STORE, and I propose to give oneshaU the net profits to charity, and I agree not to draw anything for my services, directly or indirectly. The half donated to charity to be divided between the Masonic, Hebrew, Catholic and Protestant needy ones in equal amounts. In a few days I will name three prominent men and women to represent their respective charities, they to appoint an expert to examine my books on the first day of April, 1902, and they (not the expert) to decide to what charities the money shall be paid. This is not for one year only, but to be continuous. Examination and payments to be made every six months thereafter, and it is my intention to give, as soon as possible, one- half of the profits of my Furnishing Goods business to the same cause. And I will not stop at this. As the business grows I will give a still greater percentage to charity. I am prompted to do this for two reasons: FIRST I hope to leave behind me a well organized business, that will continue after my death to pay the greater share of profits to the suffering and poor. SECOND I trust that this example will be followed by others, more particularly, some of our Chicago millionaires in the mercantile business; also the millionaires of other cities in our great and glorious America, / always do as I agree. With all sincerity, I am, Yours truly, March 8, 1901. TOM MURRAY. Jackson Boulevard, near Board of Trade, ! THE MAGAZINES. The contents of the May issue of Everybody's Magazine are very varied. They range from a superb character study of Chief Croker of the Fire De- partment, of New York, contributed by Lindsay Denison, to a compilation of opinions of prominent actors and managers on "How to go on the Stage," gathered by Franklin Fyles. An admirable story of deer's life, "Ter- ror," by Maximilian Foster, "Making Rain by Electricity," a study of Elmer Gates' curious experiments in Wash- ington; stories of the newspaper world, "Adventures in Newsgathering," by Allen Sangree, a study of Mrs. Piper, the famous medium, by Mary C. Blos- som. The Novel Bequests, by Eugene P. Lyle, Mrs. Kasebier's photographs, J. P. Mowbray's "Making of a Country Home" all will be found readable, en- tertaining and informative. The mere enumeration of the articles and writers that appear in the Woman's Home Companion for May is sufficient evidence of the value of the number without any word of comment. "Memorial Day in the South," by Mrs. V. Jefferson Davis; "The Countess von Waldersee," by Mabel Percy Haskell; "Two Meetings with Garfield," by Clara Morris; "A vacation Tour in an Old Street-Car;" "Woman's Part in the Pan-American Exposition;" "Two Odd Chicago Clubs;" fiction by Lillian Bell, Leroy Scott and Onoto Watanna; household articles by experts in every department, and the usual number of reproductions from great paintings. Published by the Crowell & Kirkpat- rick Co., Springfield, Ohio; one dollar a year; ten cents a copy; sample copy free. "Two Bosses: Platt ana Croker" is the leading article in Ainslee's for May. The name of the author is not given, but whoever he is, he knows his subject well and handles it masterful- ly. "The Men that Control Our Railroads," by Earl D. Berry, is a readable and important study of the eight men that control the two hun- dred thousand miles of railway in the United States. "The Word to the Water People," by Bliss Carmen, is an origin- al poem, describing the advent of spring in the depths of the rivers and of the sea. "The New Japan," by Anna Northend Benjamin, is a richly illustrated study of Japanese life from the viewpoint of a woman. "Rubber," by H. E. Armstrong, a well-written ac- count of this enormous industry, con- tains a graphic detail of tne dramatic career of Charles Goodyear, that pov- erty-stricken, ambitious Yankee to whom all rubber millionaires are in eternal debt. "Topics of the Theater" is unusually well illustrated; and there is a batch of exceedingly good fiction. Of these stories the best are "Money Maze,'' by O. Henry; "Laviny Saun- ders," by Mary Sherburne; "The Forged Suicide," by H. T. Gardner, and "A Wall Tent Bewitchment," by Gwendolen Overton. Modern Culture for May is a maga- zine for nature-lovers. "An Ohio May Time" by Austin Matlack Courtenay is a dainty bit of spring poetry full of the rhythmic music of the May. "In the Garden with Shakespeare" by Mrs. E. A. Matthews, "Wood-Notes" by Nora Archibald Smith (the sister of Kate Douglas Wiggin), and "Birds in Literature" by C. A. Urann form a tri- ology of nature articles of enticing interest to the lover of birds and trees and flowers. A Nature Department be- gins in this number also, and Mr. Or- lando J. Stevenson in his "Rambles Out of Doors" will take the reader with him into the depths of his Cana- dian wilderness through all his sum- mer outing. "Some American Sculp- tors" form the subject of N. Hudson Moore's art article, while the Muse of History is cultivated by Jane W. Guth- rie in the first of a series of notable articles on "Chillicothe the Cradle of a Commonwealth" and by David Gar- dyne in a sketch of "Daniel Boone in Missouri." The historic Muse inspires 264 THE REFORM ADVOCATE. Established 1838 120 WABASH AVE. Table China, Earthenware, Hand Polished Cut Glass, Lamps, also Art Pottery. Bronzes and Lamps, Quaint and Odd Decorative Plates, Placques, and all the Latest Nov- elties for the Breakfast, Lunch- eon and Dining Table. Wedding Gifts the most complete assortment in the north- west. Rookwood, Royal Copen- hagen, Hawkes and Libbey Cut Glass. THE RIENZI. o * EM1L GASCH - CONCERT EVERY EVENING AND SUNDAY AFTERNOON. I BOO imrRBFY.BOTTT,FT4RI>. Cornftr Ewnsf-nn \v. n"l rio^v c * J. M. Ooodell, Prescription Druggist Cor, 45th St, and St, Lawrence AVI, 'KSIJKIPTIONS ACCCRATEIT AND CJ RKFCLI-Y COMPOUNDED. Teiei: & Oakland H82. E. HOBBS, GREENHOUSES, 3112-3114 INDIANA AVE. A choice selection of Plants and Fresh Cut Flowers con- stantly on band. Floral designs of every description. ..FLORIST.. PLANT DECORATION A SPECIALTY. . . RUPTURE . . Positive cure with my new improved Tiuss; also all Deformities cured, as Spine Curved, Bow Legs, Knock Knee, Weak Ankles, Round Shoulders, etc.. We keep the largest stock in Trusses, Elastic Stockings, Abdominal Sup- porters, Crutches, Suspensory Bandages, De- formity Apparatus, etc. The largest establishment of its kind in the West. Wholesale prices. Competent lady assistant in attendance. Attention given to crvjtomer personal!^- by DR. ROB'T WOtFERTZ, Mfr. and Specialist for Rupture and Deformity. 6O Fifth A ve., near Randolph St.. Chicago AUG. OBERDIECK. . .Caterer WEDDINGS, RECEPTIONS, DINNERS. ETC. UNITY CLUB . . . 3140 INDIANA AVENUE. TILZPHONE SOTTTH 1129. IP YOU WANT TO BORROW CHINA AND SILVERWARE GET HY PRICES. 301 9 Michigan Ave., Chicago. also Florence Estelle Little, the first installment of whose illustrated serial story "The Squire" a romance of the .Underground Railway appears in this number. Vivid description and a dash of scientific interest give flavor to Cal- van Gale Home's article Pen Pictures of Three Eclipses," and a familiar problem of science suggests the short story "A Collection of Meteorites" by the Editor. , jj- J Paul Laurence Dunbar's new novel, "The Sport of the Gods," is published entire in the May "New" Lippincott Magazine. This is by far the strong- est and best fiction from a pen noted for its humor and pathos. In addition to the complete novel there is plenty of good short fiction, varied in theme, in the May '"New" Lippincott. A story of Mexico, by Edwin Knight Buttolph called "The Slavery of Mo- ses," gives a glowing instance of man's sacrifice for one he loves. "The Su- preme Court of Love," by Julia Mac- Nair Wright, is an amusing prose farce in an apartment house. Jesse Van Zile Belden's little story called "Tony" has to do with the softer side of a United States Senator. In this some violets, a lovely woman, and innocent little "Tony" are important factors. The college tale this month is in hon- or of Chicago. It is called "The Head Marshal of the University of Chicago," and is written by James Weber Linn, assistant in the department of rhetoric at Chicago. He has written other tales of undergraduate life, but none to ex- cel this lively one. Much has been told about China, but nothing has been written at once so dramatic and so convincing in regard to missionary life as the two incidents given under the title "In the Dragon's Grip." They are recorded by Frederick Poole, for many years missionary, to whom and his wife they befell. Mr. Poole is now working among the Chinese in this country. His signature in Chinese characters at the close of the article is typical. Poetry takes a forward place in the May "New" Lippincott: "Can Such Things Be?" a sonnet of rare fe- licity, is by Madison Cawein; "The Loss of the First-Boru," by Mabel Thornton Whitmore. Edith M. Thomas contributes "Masts in Harbor," and C. W. Doyle, M. D., "The Two Brothers." Willa Sibert Gather sings of "In Media Vita," and Edmund Vance Cooke, "The Tomb of Shakespeare." "The Monu- ment" is a Memorial Day Poem by Dal- lett Fuguet. Bound volumes 19 and 20 of the Reform Advocate are now ready for delivery. Two vols. bound in one, $4. THE REFORM ADVOCATED 265 Annual Meetlng'orjAnshaf Emeth Congregation of Peorla, III. The regular annual meeting of the congregation of Anshai Emeth, of Peorla, III., was held Sunday after- noon and all the old officers were re- elected unanimously. They are as fol- lows: President, Samuel Woolner; vice-president, David Ullman; secre- tary, A. Raffman; treasurer, M. Sal- zenstein. Rev. Dr. Levy, who has been the pastor of the congregation for the past three years, was unanimously re- elected for another term of three years, notwithstanding the fact that he sent in his resignation several days ago. He is reported as still insisting on leaving the city for other fields, it be- ing said that he has received a call that is very hard to decline, such ac- tion upon his part being a great sacri- fice. At the meeting it was decided by a unanimous vote of the congregation that a committee of three be appointed to use their best efforts to obtain the consent of Dr. Levy to accept the re- election. The chair appointed William F. Wolfner, David Ullman and Henry Schwabacher, and this committee will wait on the doctor during the coming week and endeavor to have him stay 'with the congregation for at least three years longer. Great stress was laid upon the grand work performed by Dr. Levy during his stay here. The model Sunday school under his care and direction is second to none in the United States. His wise leadership has attracted a large number of new members to the congregation and his able lectures have edified all his lesteners. Peoria cannot afford to lose such a public spirited minister and every effort shoud be made to retain him in Peoria. The report of the officers of the con- gregation showed that the finances were in good shape and that with the aid of the ladies a large part of the indebtedness, had been paid. The firm of Sidney 'Wanzer & Sons, dealers in high-grade milk, cream and butter, 305 and 307 Thirtieth street, RACINE WJGOH ft CARRUGE Co. 365-361 W ABASH A?S., COBNEB SABBISON mttT. Telephone Main 3838 The Latest Styles High Grade Carriages, Buggies and Wagons. tlluntrnlf.it Catalogue THE WISE SPEND MONEY FOR RECREATION, THE FOOLISH FOR DISSIPATION. ARE YOU GOING TO WASTE**** YOUR SUMMER BY NOT BEING PRE- PARED TO MAKE THE MOST OF IT? YOUR OUTING WILL BE A FAILURE IF YOU ARE NOT PROPERLY ** ** ** EQUIPPED. IT IS AS IMPORTANT TO BE WELL PREPARED FOR PLAY AS FOR WORK. **************** GOOD TOOLS DO NOT MAKE**,*** ******GOOD WORKMEN, BUT YOU WOULD NOT GIVE A SOLDIERJTA LEADEN GUN, NOR RIDE ON A TIN BICYCLE YOURSELF IF YOU KNEW IT. THERE ARE SOME THINGS**** THAT MUST BE PERFECT TO BE FIT TO USE. ****************** A. G. SPALDING AND BROS. NEW YORK. 147-149 WABASH AVENUE CHICAGO. DENVER. NOTHING LESS THAN A FIRST-CLASS BICYCLE IS SAFE OR ENJOYABLE. IT'S POOR ECONOMY TO PAY $35 FOR $10 WORTH OF WHEEL, WHEN $50 WILL BUY THE VERY BEST, AND YOU WILL NOT BE ASHAMED TO SHOW YOUR FRIENDS THE NAMES COLUM- BIA SPALDING^C LEVEL AND IMPE- RIAL. ************ WHEN THE LARGEST HOUSE IN THE WORLD IN ANY SPECIAL LINE PUTS ITS NAME ON ITS PRODUCT, IT'S "RIGHT." THE NAME "SPALDING" MEANS PERFECTION ON SUPPLIES FOR GOLF, BASE BALL, TENNIS, CRO- QUET AND ALL PARAPHERNALIA FOR RECREATION AND SPORT. The Automobile Store Electric, Steam. Gasoline Vehicles Stanhopes, Drag*, Runabout*, Dondoj, Park Traps, Doctors' Carriages, Brakes, Delivery Wagons. Motor Cycles and Bike Wagons Manufacturers' Supplies and Accessories of AH Kinds Furnished. Expert Repair Men Constantly on Duty. RALPH TEMPLE 293-295 WABASH AYE. Harlem Jockey Club HARLEM RACE TRACK., Commencing June 1O. Six or More Races Daily. Stake, Steeple Chase and other High-class Events. ADMISSION, ONE DOLLAR. FOR TIME TABLE AND PARTICULARS SEE DAILY PAPERS. SPECIAL LOW PRICES AT On \7p-to-date Styles and "Best Quality of Jackets, S"u/ts r K^indly Gt'-tte u-r a Urial and you STATE STREET. J.^ffetvman^Jr. 266 THE ADVOCATE. 35c per Pound. Li W. HIMMEL, Proprietor. $1:00 Formerly Consumers Tea Co. Coffee Roasted and Delivered Daily. 46 Randolph St. P. J. NORTON, CONTRACTOR FOR % Steam and Hot Water Heating: and Ventilating. By High or Low Pressure Steam or Hot Water Circulation. ENGINES, BCHLERS, PUMPS, PIPE. FITTINGS, BRASS GOODS, RADIATORS. ASBESTOS MATERIALS, PIPE COVERING, ETC. ALSO REPAIR WORK. J* <* <* J* J* 4* Telephone Central 2658. g N, STATE ST., CHICAGO. When You Haven't A Minute to Spare -She MONO ROUT BETWEEN CHICAGO IND1 CINCINNATI HAVE 4 TRAINS DAILY ctrv TICKET omee aaa CLARK ST DEPOT DEARBORN STATION CHICAGO CHAS. PRETSCHOLD Makers of AWNINGS, TENTS, Horse and Wagon Covers. 2963-65 STATE STREET, Telephone South 282. 608 E. 63 D STREET, Telephone, Oakland 1213. Chicago, is composed of Mr. Sidney Wanzer, Sr., and his two sons. The business was first started in this city in 1857 by Mr. S. Wanzer, Sr., and his long experience makes him an author- ity on all matters pertaining to this business. Their trade has rapidly in- creased, not from luck or chance, but because of the purity and high quality of their goods. Their plant is always open to the inspection of visitors, and family trade is especially solicited. The milk is delivered to customers right off the ice. They are now serv- ing over 4,000 families per day. A postal card will bring one of their wagons to your door before breakfast every morning. Substitutes for the Saloon. Whatever the effects of prohibition may be on political agents, experi- ence goes to show that a law aimed at the evils of drinking generally over- shoots the mark and hits feebly, if at all, the manufacturing brewer. To take the saloons away from a man who wants to drink does not, in my opinion, reform his views or make it appreciably harder for him to get what he wants to drink. In addition, it does not take into account the man who all his life has been accustomed to the use of alcoholic beverages with- out any visible harm to himself, his prospects, or his family, and has a tolerably well-grounded belief that it is his right to do so if he chooses, whether it is in the back room of a sa- loon or at his own table. One naturally turns, as public opin- ion seems to be turning, from the theory of prohibition to the question of a substitute for the saloon, which, shorn of its bad influences, will retain the social features that appeal to workingmen in their times of idleness and relaxation. Considerations of this sort, assuming that the saloon is the workingman's club, and that environ- ment and a desire for social satisfac- tions drive or coax men to their drink- ing places, is somewhat new, but al- ready thinking men of the human sort are discussing it, and it is along this E.W.SILSBY, Manufacturer of PLEATING, PINKING, TUCKING, CORDING, Etc BUTTONS COVERED (Cloth and Ivory Rims). CHICA60 uuiunuu OFFICES' 18 III I IVLOi WESTERN AVE Davenport: w - " * st - Ryan's Blcck. Sole Manufacturer of Silsby's Pleating and Button Machines, sold in all parts of the World. THE REFORM ADVOGATR, ,267 A NEWS SERVICE E WITHOUT PARALLEL / I A HERE) is ample justification for the claim made by THE 1 CHICAGO RECORD-HERALD that its readers enjoy every day in the week, Sundays included, a news service that is without parallel in range and completeness. The reason is obvious the combination of the varied and extensive facilities of the two great dailies, The,Chicago Record and The Chicago Times-Hearld. In ad- dition to the independent news facilities of both papers, THE REC- ORD-HERALD receives the complete news service of The New York Herald, The New York Tribune and The Associated Press; and when it is considered that its news columns are supplemented by all the spec- ial features so popular in The Record and The Times-Herald it will be seen that THE RECORD-HERALD holds a unique place among the great newspapers of the United States. In the Sunday issues, especially, the great advantages of the combination of all the resources and world- wide facilities of the two papers united in the combination are made manifest. The world's news is covered with unexampled fullness, due to the fact that never before in the history of jour- nalism did an American newspaper possess news facilities so varied and extensive. The circulation of THE CHICAGO RECORD-HERALD is the largest very much the largest 2-cent newspaper circulation in the United States. 268 THE REFORM ADVOCATE, Spring Medicine There's no season when good medicine is so much needed as in Spring, and there's no medicine which does so much good in Spring as Hood's Sarsaparilla. Do not delay taking it. Don't put it off till your health tone gets too low to be lifted. Hood's Sarsaparilla Will give you a good appetite, purify and enrich your blood, over- come that tired feeling, give you mental and digestive strength and steady nerves. Be sure to ask for HOOD'S, the best medicine money can buy. It is Peculiar to Itself Bad Feelings In Spring -"In toe spring I was feeling very badly. My blood was very poor. I began taking Hood's Sarsaparilla. It did me much good. I think it is a wonderful spring medicine and recommend it to all sick and suffering." KTHP. L. Brui. Baton Center, N. H. line that we may expect development, at least in our large cities. But one does not get very far in his consideration of the substitute before he encounters difficulties which bid fair to create violent partisanship and more or less feeling. You can substi- tute for the saloon warm, comfortable buildings, reading rooms, billiards and pool games ad lib., but will your sub- stitution of coffee or tea for beer at- tract the men you want to reach who insist on having beer? Are you com- promising with the devil if you give them beer? From "Saloons," by Robert A. Stevenson, In the May "Scrlbner's." Why Jesus was Mocked as King. Recently some data, largely from papyrus finds, have come to light that explains why it was that the soldiers, after the condemnation of Jesus to crucifixion, mockingly derided him as king. The philologian and Philo-edi- tor, Paul Wendland, in Hermes (Vol. XXXIII), has drawn attention to the custom of celebrating the Saturnalia by the Roman soldiers by the appoint- ment of a mock king, who was then slain. Every year the festival of Kronos, or Saturn, was celebrated, es- pecially in the army. One of the num- ber was selected by lot to act as king, and upon him royal robes were placed, and for a certain number of days this king directed the wildest carousals of his subjects, after which he was put to the sword. Mock imitations of these riotous celebrations of the Sat- 'Brand Food 'Products Each -the Finest of its KJnd. Prepared and Fully Guaranteed by Steele-Wedeles Company, Wholesale Grocers, Importers and Manufacturers. If your dealer refuses to supply them ask us to furnish the name of another in your neighborhood who will. urualia king were evidently a favorite amusement among the Roman soldiers in the c;.se of culprits who had been condemned, and, according to the man- ner of the times, were handed over to the executioner as objects of sport, as also in the case of other persons who had incurred the displeasure of the soldiers. Philo narrates such a mock celebra- tion on the part of the soldiers par- ticipating in an anti-Semitic riot in Alexandria, directed against King Agrippa, to whom the Emperor Cali- gula had given the tetrarchy of Philip. A dirty Jewish beggar is taken from the street to represent King Agrippa; he is dressed up as a king, escorted by soldiers, is the recipient of royal salutations, while he, with a crown ou his head, carries a stick picked up from the street as a scepter, and then is cast out. The description is almost verbally the same as that of the mock- ery of Jesus. In the light of these facts, it is evi- dent that the mockery of Jesus by the soldiers of the cohort in the barracks was a specimen of sport which they were accustomed to engage in when- ever they could. For them it was a mock celebration of a festival of sport, and Jesus was to them a Saturnalia king. That just this was the favorite sport in the case of one condemned to death was natural. The Saturnalia king dies as the earthly reproduction of Saturn, who dies when his mission has been fulfilled. Saturn was the dy- ing god among the heathens, and him who was the dying God of the Chris- tians, the heathen mocked by imitat- SAUCE THE ORIGINAL AND GENUINE WORCESTERSHIRE. All dishes, such as soups, fish, meats, gravy, game, salads etc. are doubly appetising and digestible when fla- vored with Lea &Perrins' sauce. BEWARE Of IMITATIONS. StONATLrRr On E.v,ry Bort ~ JohnDuncan'sStms THE REFORM ADVOCATE, 269 tt The Store of Quality, Scholle's occupies an unique position among retail stores, It Is the Largest Exclusive Furniture Store in this country A store where nothing that is not worthy in furniture mating can hare a place, and a most interesting place for people who demand the best of ererything in furniture making as in all else. It will interest the readers of this work, many of whose palatal homes hare been furnished with "Scholle's Good Furniture A broad welcome awaits visitors who come to Scholle's, to gire its Good Furniture Exhibit, leisurely and critical inspection. H, E. SCHOLLE & COMPANY, 222 Wabash Ave. Sr/SSK CHICAGO, ILL. FREDERICK and L. M. PARKER, Accordion, Side or Knife Plaitings. Fancy Dress Plaitings of All Kinds. 1 55 STATE ST,A CHICAGO. FOR RENT HOUSES AND FLATS ON CALUMET AND FOREST AYES., Near 33d Street. Strictly Modern; every con- venience. Apply to V, 0, SAN60RN, Room 99 140 Dearborn Street, Telephone Central 1692. ing the cultus of their dying god. Prof. Geo. H. Schodde, Ph. D., in Sun- day School Times. Wood carpet and parquet flooring is not, as many people suppose, a temporary floor to be laid down and taken up at pleasure, but is a perma- nent new floor on top of the old one, carefully fitted and firmly! nailed down with small brads, and when finished has the appearance of a thick Euro- pean floor. They are made up in the various colored hard woods worked in a hundred different styles and pat- terns. The Chicago Floor Co., 155 Wabash avenue, this city, manufacture their own goods, employing competent workmen, and are pre-eminently in a position to lay and finish new floors and repolish old ones. A visit to their show rooms will delight the intending purchaser. Should any of our readers be in need of any work of this kind, drop them a line and they will send a catalogue, or if desired an experi- enced salesman. The Acme Parquet Foor Company are prepared to show special designs in hardwood flooring and grilles. Es- timates cheerfully submitted. They have on hand a large supply of hard wax and floor material. They will also take your order for renovating old floors. Address 4703 Cottage Grove avenue, or call up Oakland 1015. AS LONG AS WE ARE ENGAGED IN botoptapbE We shall continue to progress in Artistic Excellence. This year we are making permaner t PLATINUM AND CARBON PHOTOS, Exquisite MINIATURES, beautifully tinted, on very. We also carry a line of high art novelties in frames of all sizes. OUR PHOTOGRAPHS are seen in the homes of all the first families on the South Side. 3937 Drexel Blvd 'Phone Drexel 8562; Varney l'/if ojfraplier. JjjITITTlIJ IIIITTTTTTTTTTTTV1 DR. ELKAN W. FISHELL, = DENTIST * I'D mw<> tin J448 WABASH AVE. M CHICAOO :iiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiini\ We might advertise It as a tonic, and you'd pay more for It because you were buying medicine. Because HOFBRAU costs only what you'd expect to pay for a high grade beer, is a.n additional reason why you should have It. Delivered to your door. SCHOENHOFEN BREWING COMPANY, Phone: Ca.ua! 234. Burllnfton & 16th Sts. 270 THE REFORM ADVOCATE. $10,000 to be given a. w a. y i t\ PRIZES What Will *Be the Population of the Dominicn of Canada April 1st, 1901? Census noto being taf^en and completed by July 14-. The first prize of $5,000 Every Subscriber to The Inter Ocea.n who takes advantage of the following liberal offers will be given FREE GUESSES. Our Offers: Every one who subscribes for the daily and Sunday Inter Ocean for one month, and pays in advance at our regular price, 75c, will be entitled to ONE GUESS free. You may send in your subscription for as many months as you wish, and you will be entitled to one free gness for every month's subscription paid in advance. SPECIAL OFFER ON THE SUNDAY INTER. OCEAN Every one who subscribes for The Sunday Inter Ocean for three months at our regular subscription price of 65c will be entitled to one guess free. For a six months' subscription we will give two guesses, for a nine months' sub- scription we will give three guesses, and for a twelve months' subscription we will give four guesses. Headers who have their subscription paid in advance may take advantage of this liberal offer, and we will extend their subscription from present date of expiration. SPECIAL NOTICE TO STATE READERS Send your orders direct to us with cash to pay for same. If you are at present taking our paper from any of our State Agents, please state from whom, and, if paid in advance, give us the date. We will then notify the agent for how long you have paid us in advance and see that his account gets proper credit for your remittance. THIS OFFER. IS LIMITED. DO NOT DELAY. TAKE ADVANTAGE OF IT AT ONCE. The Following Is a Fvill Explanation of the Guessing Contest: We have made arrangements with THE PRESS PUBLISHING ASSOCIATION to enable our subscribers to participate in the distribution of prizes, amounting to 810,000. The 810,000 is deposited in the Central Savings Bank, Detroit. , Mich. , for the express purpose of paying these prizes. VALUABLE INFORMATION To aid subscribers ID forming their estimate we furnish the following data of Canadian population; Total Year. Population. Increase. Perot. 1871 3,688,257 1881 4,324.810 635,553 17.23 1891 4,833,239 5'J8.429 11.19 The population for 1901 at an increase of 12 per cent over the population of 1891 would be 6,413,227 (An increase of 579.988.) At an increase of 15 per cent it would be 6,558,224 (An increase of 724,985.) At an increase of 80 per cent it would be 6,799,836 (An Increase of 966,647.) At an increase of 26 per cent it would be 6,041.543 (An increase of 1,208,309.) RRIZES TO BE AWARDED AS FOLLOWS: To the nearest correct guess 85,000 To the 2d 200J TotheSd 700 To the 4th 300 To the 5th 100 To the 8th 50 To the next 12 nearest correct guesses $1" each, nm't'g to.. . 120 To the next 42 nearest correct guesses $5 each, am't'g to .. 210 To the next 100 nearest eoi reel guesses J3 each, am't'g to... 80J To the next 380 nearest correct guesses $2 each, air.Vg to. . . 760 To the next 460 nearest correct guesses $1 each, am't'g to ... 460 Total, 1,000 prizes, amounting to J10.00J In case of a tie, or that two or more estimators are equally cor- rect, prizes will be divided equally between them. ^When you send in your subscription you make your guess. Be sure and write your name, address, and guess as plainly as possible. As soon as we receive your subscrip- tion we ( will fill out and send you a certificate corresponding to guess made by you, which will entitle you to any prize that you may draw. Be sure to keep your certificate. We will file the duplicate with the Press Publishing Association. SUBSCRIPTION BLANK THE CHICAGO IKTEB OCEAN, Chicago, 111. : You will find inclosed $ , for which please send me THE. INTER OCEAN for months. Name Town My Guess State CASH MUST ACCOMPANY YOUR ORDER. ADDRESS THE INTER. OCEAN CHICAGO. ILL. THE REFORM ADYOCATE. CHICAGO MAY 4, 1901. THE REFORM ADVOCATE. PUBLISHED EVERY SATURDAY IN THE INTEREST OF REFORM JUDAISM. " EMIL G. HIRSCH, EDITOR. BLOCK & NEWMAN, - - - PUBLISHERS. 204 Dearborn Street, Chicago. Subscription Price, $2.00 per Year Entered at the Chicago Post-Office as Second-Class Matter. * EDITORIAL PREFACE. The editor in ordinary of "The Reform Advocate" takes great pleasure in inviting the readers to peruse the contents of this week's issue. The work of gathering the data and of putting them into shape was done by Mr. Eliassoff. To him is due whatever credit at- taches to the labor, as he is responsible for the ac- curacy of the statements and the facts collected. By some inadvertency the statement was permitted to pass the scrutiny of the proof-reader, that the un- dersigned had edited Mr. EliassofFs paper. This is a mistake. Time and talent were both wanting to undertake the task. On the surface it would seem as though "The Reform Advocate," in publishing a detailed account of the trials and triumphs of the Jews in Illinois, had laid itself open to the just criticism of inconsistency. For all along it has con- tended that the Jews, their religion excepted, consti- tute no distinct element in our population. They are marked by the same traits and are under the im- pulse of the same helpful or hurtful influences as are the rest of humanity. "The Reform Advocate" does not propose to abandon this, its fundamental con- tention, but it has recognized the fact that as yet its opinion is not generally accepted. Perhaps under the circumstances now unfortunately prevailing the round world over it is not a work of supererogation to demonstrate the correctness of our thesis by in- voking certain indisputable facts. Our columns to- day speak most eloquently in corroboration of our proposition. One who will read this issue with un- prejudiced eyes cannot but come to the conclusion that the Jews are not peculiar either in their virtues or their vices. The experience of the pioneers of our- Jewish communities has been none other than that through which the pathfinders of other religious organizations had to pass. The story of their strug- gles or their gradual rise to 'comfortable affluence can easily be duplicated by the records preserving the accounts of the deeds, the failures and the suc- cesses of early settlers in our State, whose religious affinities bound them to the church, or whose opin- ions perhaps led them to form no connection with any creed or sect. The Jews of Illinois have no cause to blush for their record. They have done their full share in the development of our beloved State. Many of them took an active part, even if it was in a restricted circle of influence, in the debates and discussions pre- ceding the outbreak of "the inevitable conflict." Many knew personally the great men who went forth from Illinois to guide the nation and to fight its bat- tles, and in the regiments that marched out in obedi- ence to Lincoln's, Illinois' greatest son's, call there were many whose ancestral faith quivered with the traditions of remote Palestine. And as during this fateful period, so in every crisis of our political life, affecting the nation or the State, the Jews of Illinois have been found at their post of duty. Only one deaf to the truth and blind to its light may, in view of these incontrovertible proofs, maintain that the Jews lack in patriotism or fail to act in response to the calls of a delicate and active civic conscience. In commerce and the channels of industry the Jews of Illinois have also demonstrated their in- fluence. Many business houses witness to their en- terprise and attest their integrity in the management of mercantile ventures. Theirs has been a moderate share of the rewards which come to honest and de- voted labor. On the whole the Jews of Illinois have again proven that the influences of Judaism make for thrift, economy, temperance and independence. In the domain of philanthropy the Jewish citizens of Illinois have not been laggards. While, As their co-religionists always and everywhere, contributing to the maintenance of public institutions, under what- ever denominational auspices, they have never neglected to provide for the nearer needs of their own dependent classes. In certain ways the Jews of Chicago may claim the credit of having been among the first to inaugurate the better methods according to the truer standard of the new philanthropy in the dispensation of relief or the provision for the educa- tion of the young. The Michael Reese Hospital de- servingly has come to be known as a model institu- tion of its kind. The Jewish Manual Training School is on an altitude attained by none other of its class. It has won the recognition of educators throughout the world, and the prophecy is certainly not too bold that in very near years its system is bound to be- come the pattern after which our public schools will be re-constituted. The Jews of this city can proudly point to the fact that they were the first to bring about systematic co-operation among the various agencies for the administration of the charities. While writing these lines the report reaches us that one, who for many years was prominently as- sociated with the work of our United Hebrew Chari- ties, has passed to his Heavenly reward. In the his- tory of the Jews of Chicago Mr. Francis E. Kiss will always hold a prominent place. In his hands was, for many 3ecades, the direction of public assist- ance as organized under the Hebrew Charities. He brought to his task enthusiasm and capacity of a 5:72 REFORM ADVOCATE. high order. Where he failed the blame was not his. Laboring under peculiar difficulties, incidental to those early days, and always more or less hampered by limited resources, he did his utmost to mitigate the evils which could not be remedied. None other could have done better ; most would have done worse. To his memory posterity owes a debt of gratitude which cannot be paid in words. Perhaps in the domain of Jewish religious thought the Jews of Illinois occupy a position peculiarly their own ; but this very fact demonstrates again the truth of the proposition that Jewish life is, after all, only a reproduction of the life of those with whom the Jews come in daily contact. It is not merely in the Synagogues that Chicago has wielded an influence for greater religious liberalism. Our city is the home of many so-called independent churches. Professor Swing of blessed memory wasi a Chicagoan. Doctor Thomas could nowhere else have found con- ditions as favorable for his new development as he did in our own city by the lake. Sinai Congregation and the radical tendency pervading the Judaism of Illinois generally is the effect in the same manner of the telling influence of a broad and liberaliz- ing spirit undoubtedly cradled in the broad prairies of our State. Chicago is a cosrrio- politan center. It extends hospitality to every opinion honestly held and candidly stated. It is hostile to bigotry, unhospitable merely to fanat- icism. The Jewish community is characteristically Chicagoan in this also, that whatever the opposition and the bickerings, the distrusts and the denuncia- tions which have assailed the positions of one or the other teacher among us elsewhere, within this State, and more particularly within our city, men of all shades of religious opinions agree to disagree, allow- ing each one to seek his own salvation as knowledge or conscience suggests, but co-operating in all things making for the better and the nobler life. Fifty years is but a small measure of time. What has been accomplished during this limited period is an earnest of what the next century asks us to bring about. If the spirit that inspired the pioneers and the founders of our Jewish institutions in this State will be transmitted to their sons and successors, no doubt will ever lodge in open minds that the unborn future will not be true to the achieve- ments of the remembered past. With grateful recog- nition of the debt which the living owe to those that have passed beyond, in the joy that many of the veterans are still among us to cheer us on while tell- ing us of their trials and their triumphs, let us, hav- ing learned of the past, turn our faces to the future, determined to do our share as conscientiously as did they who prepared the way for us, theirs. EMIL G. HIRSCH. A Card from the Publishers! publication of this number of the REFORM ADVOCATE, containing- the history of "The Jews of Illinois" was unavoidably delayed for a few days. We therefore beg the indulgence of our friends and readers, and hope that the contents of this edition will amply repay for the disappointment caused by its non-appearance on time. BLOCH & NEWMAN. Their Religious and Civic Life, their Cha.rity and Industry, their Patriotism and LoyaJty to American Institutions, from their earliest settlement in the State xinto the present time. By Hermann EUassof . Edited by Dr. Emil G. Hlrsoh. INTRODUCTION. The marvelous progress of the American people and its rapid rise to national importance and political power have surely surpassed the most san- guine expectations of the founders of the independence of the colonies. The ethnological and historical develop- ment of nations is generally a very slow process. The fathers of the Amer- ican nation could only have measured institutions and events according to the standards established by time and history, and the infant nation, the child of the revolution of the colonies, broke all the records of history and the confines of time. The main cause of these unforeseen attainments was, without doubt, the constant influx of a heterogeneous immigration, which the young nation assimilated during the years of its growth. The rare ad- vantage of adding to the population a continual current of mature elements enabled the American people to speed on eagle wings in achievements of civilization, in national development and in the attainment of political pow- er. Each of the component parts of the assimilated mass of immigrants contributed its share of valuable building material for the construction of a vigorous national character, for the rearing of ramparts in protection of liberty and for the strengthening of the edifice of equality. Each com- ponent part helped to hasten the prog- ress of the young American nation. To the Jews of America must be as- signed a place among the very best and most desirable immigrants. The Jew possesses the capability of assim- ilation in a higher degree than many other people. His appreciation of lib- erty is keener and deeper, for his love of freedom was born In the flames of the auto-da-fe; his thirst for right and his hunger for justice took firm roots In the depths of his soul, in the dark- ness of dungeons, during centuries of cruel persecutions. Indeed, the Jew fitted well in the new conditions of the new world, and he quickly fell in line with the builders of the free American institutions, American civilization and commercial and industrial power. Peddlers though many of them were, in the first years of their settlement in America, the Jews at once upon their arrival rendered val- uable service to the undeveloped coun- try. As the Jew trudged along on the highways and by-ways of the new world, with his heavy peddler's pack, he carried civilization and commerce from the large cities, the market cen- ters, across the vast prairies, over the. steep mountains and through the wild woods, to the rural towns, to the ham- lets and villages, to the isolated log cabins and to the lonely farm houses. Wherever he passed, the Jewish pio- neer left a message of the new life which was unfolding itself in the cities; of the new industries which were established in the land and of the general progress of the nation. He brought hope and encouragement to the lonely laborer on the outskirts of civilization, and the recluse toiler worked with a new-born ambition and brighter prospects. So the Jew helped, often perhaps unconsciously, to widen the clearings in the forest primeval of the new life, to spread the bright light of the broader thought until it penetrated into the narrow sphere of the children of nature in field and for- est, on the high hill top and in the deep valley. But they were not all peddlers. The American Jew has made his mark in the history of the country of his adoption. The history of the revolu- tion, the civil and the Mexican wars, and later of the Spanish war, tells the story of the patriotism, the loyalty and the 'bravery of the American Jew. On the battlefields of the American nation, wherever Old Glory floated in the breeze, leading the American sol- dier to victory or to a patriot's death, were heard the footsteps of the Amer- ican Jew, as he marched along side by side with his American brothers, in the ranks, or as officer and leader, and like all the rest he willingly shed his blood and gave his life for the life of his country. Nearly 8,000 Jews served in the civil war and 4,000 fought against Spain. It cannot be denied that the advent of the Jews in noted numbers in the new Republic was a severe test of the value of the American constitution and the sincerity of the young nation in its promise of liberty and equality before the law to all comers. Before the arrival of the Jews in large num- bers, the young American people, the austere principles and the stubborn re- ligious convictions of the pioneer Purl- tans still fresh in its midst, had to deal almost entirely with an immigration consisting of members of a kindred race and of sects and factions of a common church. The Jew came as the scion of an alien race and as an adherent of a religion considered by the world as a living protest against Christianity, the religion of nearly all the inhabitants of the young Repub- lic. The American constitution was only a few years old, while the preju- dices against the Jew, social and re- ligious, were hoary with the age of centuries. But the constitution tri- umphed, the young American nation established 'before the world its faith- fulness to the teachings of true liber- ty and the life of the American Jew demonstrates more convincingly every day that the bitter accusations of his enemies have absolutely no foundation in truth. When the history of the Jews of the United States of America will be writ- ten, it will positively prove that the Jewish genius asserted itself to the benefit of the country of his adoption wherever and whenever it found fav- 284 REFORM ADVOCATED orable opportunity. For many decades the Jews arrived in the new world In very small numbers. There may have been a few secret Jews, Spanish Ma- ranos, with Columbus. Dr. Kayserling, the noted writer on the history of the Spanish and Portuguese Jews, claims that there were five Jews in Colum- bus' fleet. The entire register of the men who sailed with Columbus has been lost, but a great many of the names of the men who sailed with him have been recovered and among them are undoubtedly five Jews. The inter- preter whom Columbus took with him, Luis de Torres, was a Jew. A nephew of the Treasurer-General of Aragon, Sanchez, was delegated to go with Co- lumbus by the special request of Queen Isabella. The surgeon of the ship was a Jew and there were two other Jews upon the ship. Some few Jews may have arrived, from time to time, from Brazil, Barbadoes, Jamaica, Spain and Portugal, who settled in New Amster- dam (New York), in Newport, Rhode Island, the Roger Williams Colony and in Charleston, S. C.* But the in- flux of Jewish immigration from Germany in large numbers did not be- gin until about the middle of the XIX. Century. Most of them hailed from the Rhenish Palatinate and from Ba- varia. Still almost in every state of the Union the Jews are today not be- hind their American fellow citizens, not only in commerce and industry, but also in their religious and social life. Their distinctive institutions and organizations are models of economic management and useful administra- tion. Led by the Jewish genius they have succeeded in a comparatively shorter time than many other denomi- nations, to reach the true American standard of excellence. The American spirit dwells in their hearts and their homes, and united with the Jewish gen- ius It helped to build up their congre- gations, their religious schools, their benevolent institutions and social or- ganizations on a grand and magnifi- cent scale. The first attempt to gather statis- tics of the Jews of the United States, was made by a committee representing the Board of Delegates of American Israelites and the Union of American Hebrew congregations. The chairma'n of that committee was Mr. William B. Hackenburg, a prominent Jewish citi- zen of Philadelphia. The result of the labors of this committee was pub- lished in September, 1880, by the Union of American Hebrew congregations, In a pamphlet of 59 pages entitled "Sta- tistics of the Jews of the United States." According to this pamphlet the Jewish population of Illinois In !">. B. Felsenthal, in a letter to Judge Duly, of New York, calls the attention of Jewish historians to the fact, .that while the Jews In the colonies were admitted to full citizenship already In 1740. yet In some of "the states" they were excluded from the enjoyment of the rights of cltl- xenshlp by constitutional provisions. He names Maryland and North Carolina. Vide Appendix II to The Settlement of the Jews In North America, by Judge Charles P. Daly, p. 1B6. 1SSO was 12,625, ten thousand of whom lived in the city of Chicago. Jewish congregations were in the following five cities: Chicago, Rock Island, Peo- rta, Qulncy and Springfield. The total nurrfber of Jewish congregations in the state was ten, and their entire mem- bership 567; number of Jewish chil- dren attending religious schools 675. Two years ago the Jewish Publication Society of America undertook to con- tinue the work of collecting statistics of the Jews of the United States. The Publication Society has issued two vol- umes of The American Jewish Year Book, one each year. The "Year Books" are edited by Prof. Cyrus Ad- ler of Washington, President of the American Jewish Historical Society, and contain much valuable informa- tion. We thankfully acknowledge that the "Year Book" of 1900-1901 was of great help to us in compiling the data for this history. We do not claim that in this work we have furnished a complete history of the Jews of Illinois. The Jewish communities, their organizations and institutions in the state, are all yet too young for such an undertaking. Not even seventy years, the allotted span of life for one individual man, has passed since Jews first settled in Illinois, and this is, indeed, too short a period of which to write a complete history, with philosophical research of cause and effect and historical analysis of character. Events have not had time to clarify and to reach historical strata, and character had as yet no chance to become purified in the cru- cible of time to reflect historical light and luster. We have simply sketched a certain number of events, often in mere outline, venturing here and there also to depict the life of some leaders, in their relation to the development of communal and Institutional life, in a superficial biographical form, endeavoring in the main, to collect material for the future historian of the American Jews. Our aim has been to give accurate statements of facts and to be just and impartial to individuals and institu- tions. If we have erred In any of our estimates and representations, we must solicit the indulgence of our readers and critics, and request them to take into consideration the facts, that in many instances we had to rely entirely for our information upon the contradictory statements of a few old, very old, people, whose memory is suc- cumbing to the feebleness of old age. Especially in regard to the history of the Jews of Chicago prior to the great fire, it was a very difficult matter to obtain authentic information, as all the documents bearing upon the sub- ject were consumed in the terrible conflagration of 1871. We cheerfully invite impartial crit- icism and convincing correction, for the sake of truth, -syh pan na net? "The lip of truth shall be established forever." H. Bliassof. Chicago, March 15, 1901. General Review. The history of the Jews of Illinois furnishes ample evidence in substan- tiation of the facts, that wherever the Jew finds a welcome reception and rightful treatment, he quickly rises to the full understanding of his environ- ment and readily fulfills his full duty to his surroundings; that he works out his destiny to his benefit and to the profit of his neighbors. Not quite a century has passed since a part of the northwest territory was organized into the state of Illi- nois. It was in the year 1818, and to- day the progress of her people and the development of her institutions are In- deed the great wonder of the world. The vast stretch of prairie land which but a few decades ago was carpeted only with wild grass, where the deer and the bear roamed and played hide and seek, is now dotted with fer- tile farms, bearing a rich harvest of golden grain, and is studded with cities, like precious gems, teeming with a population of nearly five millions. The plowshare has furrowed millions of miles of the rich soil and God has blessed the toils of his children with the "dew of heaven and the fatness of the earth." The western spirit has imbued the sturdy inhabitants of Illi- nois with tireless activity and the till- ers of the soil and the builders of the cities have produced untold wealth. Commerce and industry have flour- ished beyond description; palatial homes have been erected in many parts of the state, where art brings Its ben- ediction and institutions established where learning leads and lofty thoughts hold sway as unrivaled rul- ers, where civilization points the way to man's higher destiny, where benev- olence beckons to the heart and illu- mines the soul with lessons of love, teaching to aid and assist, to encour- age and to redeem. "Wer kennt die Voelker, nennt die Namen, Die gastlich hier zusammenkamen?" Who knows the nationalities, who can tell the names of all the different denominations who came to seek homes and happiness in the hospitable boundaries of this great and glorious commonwealth? For nearly a quarter of a century the Jew was missing. But he, too, was at last attracted by the new country and the new promise. He came from the east and from the north to join hands with the sturdy sons of the western prairies; he came to help and to hope, to plan and progress, and although he arrived several decades later, and at first in very small num- bers, he did not lag in the rear. Work- ing with extra energy he soon pushed ahead until he gained a place in the front ranks of the advancing hosts. Today the Jews of Illinois are factors in the commerce and manufacture of the state and their financial Influence and power manifest themselves in many directions. Political life is the only field where the Jew gained less prominence than the Germans or the THE REFORM ADVOCATED 285 Irish people. Political ambition was not to his taste. The Jew shunned politics. The bitter experiences which fell to his lot in the old country were yet too fresh and too vivid in his mind. But in this direction, too, the Jews of Illinois are gradually emerg- ing from their wanted retirement. Their courage and ambition are grow- ing with their numbers and they have lately been recognized by both of the leading political parties of the coun- try. Mr. Samuel Alschuler of Aurora, Illinois, was nominated for Governor of the State by the Democratic party in the campaign of 1900, and although he failed of election, the extraordinary large vote of 518,966 which he received, is highly complimentary. Dr. Emil G. Hirsch was chosen Republican elec- tor at large for the state by a popular vote some years previous. Judge Philip Stein is now serving a second term ou the bench of the Superior Court of Cook County and Governor Yates has lately ap- pointed Dr. E. G. Hirsch a member of the State Board of Charities. The rev- erend gentleman has also filled sev- eral other posts of honor, such as a member of the Library Board and Board of Education of the city of Chi- cago. A number of Jews held the of- fice of mayor in smaller towns of the state. At one time the city of Quincy had a Jewish chief of police. The present city clerk of Chicago, William Loeffler, under the Democratic mayor, is a Jew, and the late Mr. Joseph Pol- lack, who was very prominent in Jew- ish congregational and charity circles of Chicago, was once clerk of Cook County and afterwards justice of the peace. Since his time several Jews held, and some are still holding, office as county commissioners and alder- men in several counties and cities of the state. In 1892 Abram E. Frankland was superintendent of compulsory education of the city of Chicago. Even as far back as the fifties Abraham Kohn was city clerk of Chicago. Gen- eral Edward S. Salomon, of Chicago, was clerk of Cook County and governor of Washington Territory. In 1883 Pres- ident Arthur appointed Mr. Max Pola- chek, a Jewish citizen of Chicago, as Consul General at Ghent, Belgium. The United States paid him the high compliment of confirming his nomina- tion, without reference to the proper committee, as is usually done in such cases. Mr. Berthold Loewenthal, now living in Chicago, was alderman of Rock Island, 111., from 1855 to 1857; supervisor of the South Town of Chi- cago from 1871 to 1873, and a member of the Public Library Board from 1875 to 1882. Mr. Leopold Mayer was supervisor of the Second Ward in Chicago from 1868 to 1S69. Herman Felsenthal was member of the Board of Education, and many others held public offices of hon- or and trust. Chas. Kozminski, Frank- cnthal and Edward Rose were a'so members of the Board of Education, and Dr. Joseph Stolz is now a very ac- tive member of the same board. In 1867 Henry Greenebaum was appointed by Gov. Oglesby a member of the State Board of Equalization. Julius Rosenthal was Public Admin- istrator for many years. Adolph Kraus was president of the Chicago School Board and corporation counsel under the old Mayor Harrison. In 1818 there were only 3,000 Jews all told in the United States* and hardly any Jews west of the Alle- ghany mountains. Today the Jewish population of the United States is es- timated at 1,058,135 and in the state of Illinois it surely reaches the 100,- 000 mark, of which Chicago takes the lion's share. There are at present in Chicago not less than 75,000 Jews, 20,- 000 German, 50,000 Russo-Polish and 5,000 Jews from Austro-Hungary and other countries, the rest of the Jewish population is scattered through the 102 counties of the state. Peoria and Quincy have the largest Jewish popu- lation outside, of Chicago, the former city close on 2,000 and the latter not less than 600. In commerce and in- dustry, in charitable, religious and so- cial institutions, in attainments of wealth and in professional life the Jews of Illinois rank next to the Jews of New York. More than $150,- 000 is annually collected by the Jews for non-sectarian institutions in the state of Illinois. Hardly any Jews ever become a burden upon the state and the state alymosinary institutions have hardly ever contained Jewish in- mates. The Jews of the state have al- ways taken care of their own poor, even before they entered the period of communal organization. The Asso- ciated Jewish Charities of Chicago alone collect over $100,000 annually for the support of the five main Jew- ish charity institutions of the city, the United Hebrew Relief Association, Michael -Reese Hospital, Home for Aged Jews, Jewish Orphans' Home and Jewish Training School. This is done without resort to charity balls, fairs and such like means for raising money. The Jewish residents of Illinois carry more than $75,000,000 life insurance, the Jews of Cook County alone are holding policies amounting to more than $58,000,000. Nearly $1,000,000 were donated and bequeathed to Jewish charities within the last twenty years by Chicago Jews, besides their regu- lar annual contributions. ' Mr. Leon Mandel gave $75,000 to the Chicago University, the Standard Club collect- ed from Jews $27,000 for the same in- stitution and Sinai congregation collected from some of its members $5,000 more for a Semitic Library, making a total of $107,000. The sums of money expended by the Jews in the main cities of Illinois, for cemeteries, synagogues, temples, homes, asylums and social clubs reach away up into the millions of dollars. The Jew con- tributes liberally to all charities, Jew- ish and non-Jewish, and receives very little from outsiders, he seems to take As estimated by Mordecai Noah. it as a settled matter and does not expect it to be different. His Chris- tian friends and neighbors rarely think of offering a contribution to a Jewish institution. They, too, seem to take it for granted that the Jew is able to carry a double burden with ease and comfort. There are today in the state of Illi- nois 78 Jewish congregations, 45 be- nevolent associations, 25 ladies' soci- eties, for charity and social purposes, 10 social clubs and 25 cemeteries, most of these institutions and organizations are located in the city of Chicago and many of them are only a few years old and small in membership. Most of the congregations were established by the immigrants from Russia, Po- land, Roumanla and Austro-Hungary. A commendable feature of these con- gregations, especially of the Russian Jews of Chicago, are the loan associa- tions, which are connected with the older and richer of these religious in- stitutions. These loan associations are doing much good, they save many a family from ruin and from becom- ing paupers in consequence of reverses in their small 'trade ventures. The Jews of Illinois are well rep- resented in the. professions. The law- yers, physicians, architects, engineers, pharmacists, professors, teachers, den- tists and journalists will add up into many hundreds and a number of them have been successful and stand very high in their respective lines. We will only mention a few names to prove our statement. Lawyers: Julius Rosen- thai, Adolph Moses, Adolph Kraus, Samuel Alschuler, Levy Mayer, Jacob Newman, Simeon Straus, Max Pam and Sigmund Zeisler. Physicians: Drs. Edwin J. Kuh, Joseph Zeisler,' J. L. Abt, Hy. Gradle, L. Frankenthal. Dr. Meyerowich, who is a member of the State "Board of Health, and of the younger ones we mention Drs. Greens- felder and Daniel N. Eisendrath, and some of those who passed into eternity, but whose names are still mentioned with honor by all and with gratitude by many, like Drs. M. Man- heimer and S. D. Jacobson. Archi- tects: Dankmar Adler, whose death was mourned by the entire city of Chi- cago and who left enduring monu- ments to his great talents in many of the public buildings of Chicago and other cities. Of the living architects we mention Simeon Eisendrath, the ex-building commissioner of Chicago, and H. L. Ottenheimer, the dainty de- signer of beautiful homes. There are in Chicago also a number of Jewish designers and engravers for plate printing and lithographing, who are very skillful and artistic in their work. The best results in the new three- color process printing have been at- tained by a Jewish firm in this city, consisting of several brothers. Their exact copies from nature and their wonderful reproductions of articles in their natural colors, havs won for them high admiration in Europe as well as in America. 286 Turn REFORM ADVOGATB.. There are in Chicago at present three Jewish justices of the peace, E. C. Hamburgher, on the north side; Adolph J. Sabath, on the west side, and L. Wolf, on the south side. Ham- burgher and Sabath have also served an police justices. Jews have worked on the streets as day laborers in Illinois, and some of the very same Jews rose to honored and important positions by their own merit of thrift, integrity and energy. We have had quite a number of Jew- ish bankers, whose business transac- tions amounted to many millions an- nually and who reflected credit on the Jews by their honesty and integrity. The number of Jewish bankers in the state has decreased in the last twenty years, but the number of arti- sans, of skillful mechanics and of hardy handicraftsmen has greatly in- creased. There are even some black- smiths among the Russo-Polish Jews, in the Ghetto of Chicago, who are good, honest workmen, and of whom we may be proud indeed. But it is mainly in the commercial life of the state where the Jew gained the greatest prominence. In Chicago, Peoria, Quincy, Bloomington and other cities in the state Jewish brains and Jewish capital have- accomplished wonders in creating commercial and manufacturing establishments of great magnitude and immense proportions, giving employment to many thou- sands of salesmen, saleswomen, ac- countants, mechanics and laborers. Jewish business ability helped and is still aiding in the management of the "Fair," the giant department store of Chicago and the oldest emporium of its kind. From the first jabbing dry goods business of Rosenfeld & Rosen- berg, established in Chicago in 1842, to the present magnificent retail dry goods stores of Mandel Brothers, Schlesinger & Mayer and A. M. Roths- child, there was a gradual develop- ment which 'has kept pace with the city's growth. Many were and still are the firms and houses which have grown up in the intervening time and have gained name and fame in the commercial world of the country. We can only mention a few of them here. In Chicago, for instance, the following names will sound familiar and com- mand great respect: Kohn Brothers, Rosenbaum Brothers, Joseph Beifeld, Selz, Schwab & Co., Cahn, Wampold & Co., Bach, Becker & Co., Sllberman Brothers, Foreman Brothers Banking Co., Greenebaum Sons, Adolph Loeb & Son, M. Born & Co., Eisenstaedt Brothers, Hart. Schaffner & Marx, Hasterlik Brothers, Stein Brothers & Baumgartl, Hart Brothers, W. N. Ei- sendrath & Co., Stein & Ellbogen Co., Hyman, Berg & Co., J. L. Gatzert & Co., Stein, Hirsch & Co., Strouss, Ei- sendrath & Co., Kozmlnski & Yondorf, B. Kuppenheimer and N. A. Mayer. In Peoria there are the Woolners, Schwabacher, and Greenhut. The Lesems in Quincy and the Liv- ingstones in Bloomington. These firms represent an aggregate capital of many millions of dollars, they command the highest confidence and respect in the business circles of the entire country. There are many more such well-known mercantile establish- ments in the state and were we to name them all they would fill an entire volume. We close our "General Review" with extracts from a paper entitled "Jews and Judaism of Early Chicago Days," published in the Chicago Journal of Nov. 14, 1899. This paper was pre- pared and read by Mr. Leopold Mayer, the well-known banker and old set- tler of Chicago, before the Chicago Council of Jewish Women, on Nov. 13, 1899. Mr. Mayer was an eye-witness to many of the events of tho early days and his vivid description of the beginnings and progress of the Jew- ish community of Chicago will >be read with absorbing interest not only by the old, but also by the young gener- ation. Mr. Mayer said, in passing: "I re- . late what I remember, and offer my reminiscences as a slight but perhaps not entirely valueless contribution to the history of the beginnings and progress of our people in Chicago. "Fifty years ago, on the 19th day of this month, on a cold, rainy morning, at about 5 a. m., with my sister and sainted father, I boarded a Rhine steamer. After some delay I reached Antwerp, and here, I saw for the first time, a Jewish burial from the syn- agogue, instead of from the home. The funeral was that of the president of the congregation, chief of the branch house of the Rothschild; otherwise, the rites would have been of the same character as in my home, a small town in the interior of Germany. "Finally, after a stormy voyage of 65 days, I arrived on Friday, Feb. 15, 1850, in New York. I gave my first exhibition of 'greenness' during the ride in an omnibus to see so much twist bread, used in Germany, only for the Sabbath, and I remarked that Jews must be numerous, as Sabbath bread was so in evidence. "How happy I was when I reached the promised land of freedom, where the laws, at least, are the same for Jews as for non-Jews. "At that time, the stigma of ine- quality burned in me like a fiery coal, because I felt its sting and suffered its pangs. In New York, my best friend and former teacher, known to many of you, Moses Spiegel, took me to the first Jewish Reform temple I had ever visited; situated in Christie street, Dr. Mezbacher was Us rabbi. There I found the male attendants di- vided, one class composed of those with hats, the other of those with caps. The women were then still in a separate part of the temple, but whether they, also, were classified as to headgear, I can not say. From the observations of later years, I might say 'yes.' Reform Judaism deserves credit for the redemption of the wom- en from separation during the divine service. In Chicago, Sinai congrega- tion granted equality to the women from its inception. "April 23, 1850, when I came to Chi- cago, the Jews numbered possibly 200. The congregation had 28 contributing members, and on the very first day I was introduced to most of them, in- cluding the president and minister. The congregation provided for a read- er, a chasen, and a shochet a man able to kill cattle and fowl according to Jewish rites. The German arrange- ment of prayers was in vogue, but it was so diversified that it dften de- pended on the reader what prayer was read, although the addition or omission of a prayer was an infringement upon the religion, and so I remember that as late as 1858 the omission of a certain prayer created a row in the synagogue. "The duties of a minister were manifold. He was the reader, he had to perform the marriage ceremony, he had to be present at funerals and read the prayer there as well as in the 'house of mourning, and he had to act as shochet. "Instruction in both the tenets and the morals of Judaism were lacking. Every Jew was his own teacher and rabbi. A religious school for chil- dren was not necessary, as there were but few children of school age here. "The two previous years, 1848-9, had been trying for the Jewish colony, on account of the cholera, which not only bore away several of its members, 'but left the survivors in constant dread of its return. A burial ground had been purchased from the city as early as 1846. It is remarkable how anxious the Jews are to provide a resting place for their dead, when, as yet, they have scarcely a foothold for the liv- ing; this is noticeable through all their history. To the praise of the Jews then here, I must say, that they clung together in sorrow and in joy. The good fortune of one was the happiness of the other, while the gloom of one cast a shadow over all. Thus, on my first Friday night in Chicago, I watched, with one of my brothers, at the bedside of the sick child of a friend. "The place of worship was then lo- cated on the southwest corner of Lake street and what is now Fifth avenue, on the third floor. The narrow, unin- viting entrance was unpleasantly ob- structed by the goods of an auctioneer, who occupied the store floor below. Already at this period the Sabbath was more or less violated. It is true that most of the women and many of the men were regular attendants, but the latter, as a usual thing, left hurriedly for their places of business. Many stores were already open, and the younger men, engaged as clerks, were invisible In the synagogue. The young- er women, likewise, were few, and of children under 15 there were scarcely any. "When I left Europe, my intention was to seek another occupation than Turn REFORM ADVOCATE. 287 that of a teacher, out necessity com- pelled me to return to my first love among life's vocations. Encouraged by my friends, Messrs. Elias and Henry Greenebaum, who introduced me to the several private schools, I began to teach German, privately. But, alas, I had no means of communication! I could neither speak or understand English, and were I to tell you of my attempts at correct pronunciation, you would laugh just as heartily as did the young ladies that listened to them. "During the fall of 1850 I tried to organize a religious school from the few scholars I already had and the few more I might gather round me. To show the necessity for this, one In- cident will suffice. To make known my purpose, I went to the president of the congregation to ask leave to post on the door of the synagogue a notice to the effect that I would open a school to teach religion. In all se- riousness he, the president, asked me what I intended to teach, and I found that my first lesson must be given to the head of the congregatfon. "The year 1851 was important in the religious development of Jewish life. In June the first Chicago syn- agogue, on Clark street, between Adams and Quincy, was dedicated by Mr. Isaacs of New York. The exer- cises were well described by Mr. Elias- of in -his history of K. A. M. Mr. Isaacs, in his Saturday morning ser- mon, charged the congregation with neglect of the purity laws, and then declared that the punishment of God was visible in the death of young mar- ried women, several of whom had re- cently died. To the credit of the pres- ident be it said that he at once left the synagogue. "A second important movement was the organization of the young men into a benevolent society. The first at- tempts at organization had failed be- cause of the wish of some, to incor- porate in the Constitution, clauses ex- cluding those who married Non-Jews and those who would violate the sanc- tity of the day of Atonement. But among some of the young men there was no abandonment of purpose, and some months later, ten or twelve of them organized the Hebrew Benevolent Society, with those exclusive laws in the Constitution. Severe, was the struggle before the society gained in- fluence over Jewish Life, but under the prudent guidance of its President, the sainted Michael Greenebaum, it soon became a power in both religious and social life. Ladies, to this organiza- tion, we can trace the beginnings of Sinai Congregation. There, were united the youths who strove to follow the precepts learned in the old German home. But soon they observed, that to follow, to the letter, the Jewish law, meant a return to the ghetto of the middle ages. They quickly learned tti* religion is for the living and not for the dead, and recognized the fact that in order to live a religious life they must first lighten the ship of its bal- last. More-over, some had imbibed the progressive ideas then spreading in Germany and had read the minutes of the Convention of Rabbis in Braun- schweig, Frankfort and Breslau. The earliest serious question arose when candidates were proposed who were known to violate the sanctity of Yom Kippur. After a long and hard strug- gle the question was decided in favor of progress. "Let us now turn to the social and political life. Our people were far from being a political unit. Some were hard-shell Democrats and some were ardent Whigs; Free-soilers, there were hardly any. My first political knowledge came from the Free-soilers, and I readily adopted their doctrines, as they coincided closely with the ideas of liberty I had imbibed in Ger- many during the stormy times of '48. "The relations between Jews and non-Jews were cordial, and many of the former not only belonged to the various political and fraternal organ- izations, but also held offices therein. Numbers belonged to the volunteer fire department, and Henry Greene- baum was captain of engine company No. 6, when he was scarcely 21 years old. The balls and festivities given by the non-Jews were often attended by the Jews, who were never in the least looked upon as undesirable. The Germans, Jews and non-Jews, were one, and the prejudices from the fath- erland, if not dead, were at least hid- den. For myself, I must say that I was made welcome in every American household in which I had scholars or where I had been introduced. I was invited to all the parties given by the young people of my acquaintance, and it was to an American lady that I owed my success. "Among the Jews themselves social entertainments gradually increased in number as the number of young men and women grew. Engagements were still few, but the young folks longed for diversion. In summer, carriage rides and joint walks in the fields, and in winter, sleigh-rides were in order; sometimes there were even theater parties given. "The visiting day was Sunday, and it was always prearranged at whose house the following Sunday should 'be spent. There were no whist nor poker parties as yet, the ladies did not play cards. Dances, today called balls, were difficult to arrange; but we had them. "The first affair which might be com- pared to our present entertainments was arranged by the Hebrew Benevo- lent Society, and was held during the Fall Festivals of 1853. It took place in the State Street Market Hall, and was a failure owing to the death of one of our members on that very night. "Now a word to the commercial and financial condition of the Jews. La- dies, please remember, that most were German immigrants and that rich peo- ple seldom emigrate. Hence, in com- parison with their standing in the fatherland, the Jews in Chicago were fairly well situated. They were already engaged in the various branches of commerce. Some had dry goods, others clothing stores; many were engaged in the cigar and tobacco business, and there were already a plumber and joiner, and even a carpenter, here. Some loading their goods upon a wagon, others upon their shoulders followed the honorable vocation of peddling. Honor to them! They were respected and liked by their custom- ers, who every season awaited their ar- rival before laying in a stock of nec- essary goods. Whether or not to com- pare them to the renowned Yankee ped- dler, I leave to you. At all events, they made a good living for their fam- ilies, and while gathering money, at the same time established a business that grew with the country. At that time there were no millionaires among the Jews, but all felt independent. The words and acts of the charity of to- day were not then in vogue, for each lived by his 'own exertion. "Far be it from me to convey the Idea that the Jews then were uncharitable. They were always ready to help the needy and when in 1855 the Yellow Fever was raging in Norfolk, Va., the Chicago Jews within a few days raised in answer to Mayor Bloome's appeal, almost $400. "In order to give my picture tone and color, I must take up one more subject, the last but not the least the home. What had the Jews pre- served of the old home traditions of the fatherland, so often lauded and cited as the greatest cause of the pre- servation of the Jews in spite of cen- turies of persecution? The home was the cement which bound child to par- ent and parent to child. The bond between brother and sister. We might call It a three-stranded thread which could not be torn asunder. If the Englishman called his house his cas- tle, the Jew could with justice call his home his religion, his comfort, and his delight. "To give you an idea of the Jewish home in Germany, let me lead you into one. We will make our visit on neither a festive day nor a Friday eve- ning, for of these you have doubtless heard or read very often. "Let us step over the threshold si- lently, lest we disturb the inmates. We enter a gloomy room with but one light on the so-called Sabbath lamp, just bright enough to bring out the darkness. "Our first glance discloses a man of about 45 years, sitting at the table and surrounded by his children. His face and the silence and tears of the chil- dren, all express dismal grief and sor- row. A closer inspection reveals the cause of the gloom. On the bed lies a sick woman, emaciated by the dread disease, consumption. The body is nothing but skin and bones. Disturbed by our entrance, she turns to the light, her eyes still -bright. In a hushed voice, scarcely audible, she asks for her boy; he is not only her nurse, but iiss REFORM ADVOCATE. her angel, and in her suffering her comfort. She desires him to com- mence his usual vocation during the long, dreary nights, to read to her. There, my friends, you see a Jewish home in distress. The oldest child, the staff and support of his sick moth- er, reading to her night after night to while away the dreary, dreary hours, when sleep does not come to relieve the patient sufferer whom the angel of death has already marked for its victim. Such devotion, such filial love, you found among the Jews of the fath- erland, and it is not remarkable that with such memories to spur them on the Jewish pioneers in America, to some degree, at least, emulated their parents. "The houses in which we lived in those days in Chicago were modest one or two story frame dwellings. Samuel Cole was the only one occupy- ing a brick home, though Mr. Schu- bert lived over his brick store. The dietary laws were strictly observed and the Sabbath and festivals were celebrated with Jewish rites. Business houses were at no great distance from the homes and the men were generally to be found with their families after business hours. The women occupied themselves with needlework, house- hold duties, and reading. The chil- dren were reared to honor and obey their parents. The father had not yet attained to the dignity of 'governor,' nor was the mother mentioned as the 'old woman.' If the Jewish home was not quite what it was in Germany, it was still founded on filial love and re- spect. "Now, members of the Council, allow me to make but one suggestion: You, as mothers of Israel, should include among your aims, the resurrection of the Jewish home. Let us return once more to the good old times and enjoy once more the home life of the last generation! Write in capitals in the second article of your Constitution: "OUR PURPOSE IS TO BRING TO LIFE, ONCE MORE THE IDEAL JEWISH HOME." If you have.at hand, no method of producing this end, search for one. It is worthy of a des- perate effort! Rekindle, if you can, the love of the daughter and the respect of the son, for the parent. If you ac- complish this, then, indeed, will future generations bless you and your organ- ization." II. FIRST JEWISH SETTLERS. Prior to 1838 there were hardly any Jews in Illinois, at least no records can be found of their presence in the state. The first Jewish settlement was in the city of Chicago. The first Jew who settled here was J. Gottlieb. He came to Chicago in 1838. He was fol- lowed in 1840 by Isaac Ziegler, the brothers Benedict and Jacob Schu- bert and Phillip Newberg. The follow- ing settled in Chicago' between the years 1840 and 1844: H. Fuller, Jacob Fuller, Marx L. Mayer, Rosbach, Isaac Engle, B. Stern, A. Frank, Marcus Peisser, Levi Rosenfeld, Jacob Rosen- berg, Morris Einstein, the brothers Julius, Abraham and Moses Kohn, James Marks, two brothers Benjamin, . H. Meyer, and Mayer Klein. Isaac Ziegler peddled for many years in and around Chicago. Benedict Schubert was the first Jewish merchant tailor and he built the first brick house in Chicago. Ph. Newberg was the first Jewish tobacco dealer in the state. H. Meyer was the first Jewish real estate dealer. Mr. Meyer 'bought of the gov- ernment 160 acres, situated in the town of Schaumburg, Cook County, where he remained until he was ad- vanced in years, when he removed to Chicago. His brother-in-law, M. Kling, who lived near him, in Shaumburg, stayed there some years longer. Mayer had sold his farm and invested all his funds in Chicago real estate. The following arrived here in 1845 and 1846: Morris Kohn, B. Weig- selbaum, Samuel Cole, M. Braunschield, M. Leopold, Louis Leopold, Martin Clayburg, Henry Leopold, Michael Greenebaum, Louis Mayer, Ben Schlossman and wife, Joseph Schloss- man and wife, Simon Schlossman, Samuel Schlossman and wife, Levi Cline and wife, Hirsch Kohn, Mrs. Dilah Kohn and Miss Clara Kohn, her daughter. Mrs. Dilah Kohn was the mother of the five Kohn brothers, who then lived in Chicago. A sixth broth- er, Joseph, came in 1847. In the same year arrived Elias Greenebaum, the Rubel family, consisting of the father, four daughters and five sons, Gabriel, Abraham, Isaac, Ruben and Moses; Isaac Luckey and wife, Isaac Wolf and sisters, Henry Homer, Louis and Samuel Haas, Jacob Friedman, Isaac Louis and Simon Wormser, Mr. Greene- baum with his sons, Leon, Abraham, Herman, Jacob and Moses, with three sisters, and their cousins Leon Greene- baum and Abraham Becker. The last two went to California, where they lost their lives in the big fire of 1851 at San Francisco. Mr. B. Barbe and family came about this time (1847). The main Jewish boarding house where, in later years, nearly all the unmarried Jews made their home, was kept by Mr. B. Brunemann, who died in New York a few years ago at a very old age. M. M. Gerstley, E. Frankenthal and Max Weineman came in 1848. Of the very first settlers only six are still living in Chicago and they are: Marx L. Mayer, Isaac Wolf, Mayer Klein, Morris Kohn, Elias and Henry Greensbaum. M. L. Mayer is a brother of Leopold Mayer, the well-known teacher and banker of Chicago. Mr. M. L. Mayer came to Chicago in 1843. He was born Aug. 7, 1817, in'Abenheim, near Worms. Germany. On April 20, 1897, he cele- brated his golden wedding surrounded by children and grandchildren. Isaac Wolf came to Chicago in 1847. Before that he lived in Jollet, 111., for one year. He came to America in 1845, "hen the Mexican war was in prog- ress. He was the first to peddle with a horse and wagon around Chicago, and was the first Jew to join the Free Masons in Joliet. He married a sis- ter of the Rubel brothers, and they raised a numerous family of good chil- dren, who are making life easy for them in their old age. Mayer Klein landed in New York on Sept. 1, 1840. Mr. William Renau, a cousin of his, who was very popular at that time among the Jews of New York city, took him into his house and treated him very kindly. Mr. Renau was one of the organizers of the Order of B'nai Brith in the east and his pet scheme was to establish a Jewish colonization society for the purpose of settling the Jewish immigrants on farms, and so establish agricultural pursuits among the Jews. He called meetings of prom- MARX L. MAYER. inent co-religionists and traveled through the country lecturing, en- deavoring to interest the American Jews in his plans and projects. He at last succeeded, the colonization soci- ety was organized and Mr. Henry May- er was sent to Chicago to find a suit- able location for a Jewish colony. Mr. Mayer wrote to New York to send some families; that the land which he bought at Schaumburg, Cook County, Illinois, was good and promising. A number of Jews came to Chicago in consequence of Mr. Mayer's report, but only two settled in the vicinity of Shaumburg, the rest scattered through- out the state and drifted back into their old occupation of trading. Mr. Mayer Klein came to Chicago in 1S43. Chicago was then such an in- significant place that he did not think he would be able to earn a living there, and he soon removed to Troy Grove in La Salle County, Illinois. In Grundy County of this state, the brothers, Benjamin, formerly known under the name of Bentleben, and a Mr. Vogel kept general stores. They all moved to Chicago a short time after he left. A daughter of this Mr. Vogel married Mr. Nelson Morris, who became one of the richest men of Chi- cago. Mr. Klein was the first baal- tephilla, cantor, in Illinois. He re- REFORM ADVOCATE. 289 lates that in 1846 he came from Troy Grove to Chicago for the fall holidays, Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur. The few Jews living in Chicago had no place of worship of their own, but they rented a. room where services were held. The brothers Kohn 'brought along a Sepher Torah and Mr. Klein officiated as reader. As just enough MAYER KLEIN. men were present to constitute a Minyan (ten male adults, the requis- ite number for public worship), the services had to be discontinued when- ever one of the congregation left the room, and the assembly had to wait until the absent member returned. Mr. Klein was assisted by Mr. Ph. New- berg at these services. Mr. Newberg shortly after moved to Cincinnati, Ohio. Mr. Klein married a sister of the Rubel brothers and on the 12th of December, 1899, they celebrated their golden wedding. They live with their children and the days of their old age pass quietly and peacefully. Morris Kohn is the only one living of the six brothers who came to Chi- cago in the early days of Jewish set- tlement. He was born, as were all his brothers, in Moenichsroth, Bavaria. His brothers were in the dry goods business. No. 85 Lake street, in the Tremont House building, Chicago. MORRIS KOHN. When he arrived he joined his broth- ers in the business which became very popular. He relates that he took a ride on the first boat which com- menced to run from Chicago to Joliet in 1848, after the Illinois and Michi- gan canal was completed. Drinking water had to be brought from the lake and was sold at Z5 cents per barrel. Only a few blocks were supplied with water from a hydraulic mill, corner Lake street and Michigan avenue, through wooden pipes. The country roads were, so bad that very few farmers were able to come to the city. The prices of produce were very small. Wheat sold at 37% cents per bushel and corn was worth 10 cents, half cash and half in store goods. It fre- quently happened that a farmer who brought a load of farm produce from some distance did not have money enough after he sold his goods to pay his expenses to return home and he had to borrow money for that purpose. The Jewish merchants generally loaned the money to these farmers and gained their confidence and their trade. Mr. Kohn has retired from business and himself and wife are living with their children, enjoying their old age in rest and peace. Some old settlers state that about that time a Jewish farmer used to come into the city with kitchen vegetables which he raised on a farm near Chicago. The first Jewish auction store in the state was kept by Edward A. Jessel under the firm name of Jessel & Co. His son-in-law, I. Jones, was his partner. He came here in 1855, opened his 'business in 1856 and con- tinued it to 1874. Mr. Edward Jessel was born in Lon- don, 89 years old, and today, being nearly 90 years old, he is a fine look- ing old man. He is an inmate of the Old People's Home of Chicago and seems to, enjoy life there. He is hale and hearty and satisfied with his lot. He claims to be a 'brother of Sir Geo. Jessel of London, who was knighted by the late Queen Victoria. There were two other Jews in the auction business in the early days of the Chicago Jewish settlement. They were the Levi Brothers. The auction store of Levi Brothers was well known in the city and vicinity. One of the brothers was stricken with total Kindness and they had to give up their business. The first Jewish importer of fancy goods was a man by the name of Abrahams. He imported his stock, es- pecially albums, direct from Europe and was very prosperous in his un- dertaking. The first Jewish printers to estab- lish printing offices in Chicago were M. Hoffman and Max Stern, and the first binders were Kiss & Ringer. Both the bindery and Stern's office is still in existence but Mr. Kiss has long ago retired. Mr. Ph. Ringer is an artist in his line. In the neighboring states, Indiana, Michigan and Wisconsin, Jews settled at an earlier date than In Illinois. In Indiana there lived several Jews even as far back as 1820. A Jew by the name of Samuel Judah lived at Vin- cennes, Indiana, about 1830, and he was then already known as a success- ful lawyer and as a prominent poli- tician. General Usher F. Linder in his "Reminiscences of the Early Bench and Bar of Illinois" devotes a chapter to "Mr. Samuel Judah, a Jewish Law- yer of Indiana." General Linder writes: "Samuel Judah of Vincennes, Indiana, one of the oldest lawyers of Indiana. I don't know where he was born, but I know that his father was a Jew, and that he, himself, was a Jew. This was in the summer of 1835. As a land lawyer I don't know that I ever knew his equal. Judah was once Speaker of the House of Representatives in the legislature of Indiana and I have understood made a good one. He died at a very ad- vanced age and I revere his memory as one of the greatest lawyers of the northwest." We mention this because we have -been informed that this Mr. Samuel Judah of Vincennes, Indiana, was the father of a prominent lawyer and poli- tician now living in Chicago. Both, father and son, married outside of the synagogue, and the son takes no part in the life of the Chicago Jewish community.* III. FIRST COMMUNAL ORGANIZATION With the year 1846 closes the primi- tive period in the history of the Jews of Illinois. Chicago was still the only city in the state where Jews lived in numbers sufficient to be called a Jew- ish settlement. There were a few Jews in the state outside of Chicago, but they were scattered in different towns and isolated in various country villages. Even in Chicago there were not enough Jews to make communal organization possible until the yea 1847. Religious services were held for the first time in the Jewish settlement of Chicago, on the day of Atonement, 1845. The temporary congregation ~st in a private room above a store on Wells street, now Fifth avenue. The following persons were present and constituted just the requisite number of adults for public worship, the so- called Mlnyan: Benedict Shubert, Jacob Rosenberg, S. Friedheim, who lived at Pigeon Woods, west of Elgin, 111., the brothers Julius, Abraham, Morris and Mayer Kohn, Harry Benja- min, Philip Newberg and Mayer Klein. The last two officiated as readers. The Judah family Is of Knglish origin, very old and prominent. It was well rep- resented In Canada and the United States. One of the first Jews who entered Canada with General Amherst In 1759, as commis- sary officer, was Aaron Hart, who after- wards settled at Three Rivers, Canada. He was born In London In 1724. Dorothea Judah was his wife. When Edward, Duke of Kent, father of the late Queen Victoria, visited Three Rivers, he was entertained there in sumptuous style by Monsieur Hart. 290 REFORM ADVOCATE. The second public services were held on Torn Kippur, 1846, also in a pri- vate room, above the store of Messrs. Rosenfeld & Rosenberg, 155 Lake street The cantors this time were Philip Newberg and Abraham Kohn. Not many more persons were present at this service than at the first. In the same year the Jews of Chi- cago formed an organization under the name of "Jewish Burial Ground Society," of which Isaac Wormser was President. This was the first public act by which the Jews of Illinois demon- strated their existence in the state as a body corporate. This society pur- chased from the city one acre of ground for a cemetery, for which it paid $46.00. This parcel of ground was located east of the then city limits, along the shore of Lake Michigan and now part of Lincoln Park. This so- ciety existed but a short time as an Independent organization, when it be- came merged In the first congregation, which was organized soon after. FIRST JEWISH CONGREGATION. The population of Chicago was growing rapidly and the Jewish set- tlement, too, increased in numbers. The desire and necessity to establish a congregation strongly manifested it- self. The leaders of the Jewish com- munity met to discuss the question, and they decided that the number of Jewish families was as yet too limited to support two institutions, a Burial Ground Society and a congregation. The members of the Burial Ground So- ciety, who were anxious to have a con- gregation established then offered to donate their burial ground to the con- gregation to be established and the leaders again took up their delibera- tions and resolved to organize a con- gregation. On the 3d day of November, 1847, about twenty co-religionists assembled in the dry goods store of Rosenfeld & Rosenberg, 155 Lake street, and formed a congregation under the name of "KEHILATH ANSHE MAYRIV. This is the first Jewish congregation in the entire northwest. The Burial Ground Society turned over its prop- erty to the new congregation and finally ceased to exist. On Nov. 4, 1847, a constitution was adopted and signed by the following fourteen mem- bers: Abraham Kahn, Jacob Rosen- berg, Samuel Cole, Morris L. Leopold, Philip Newberg, Benedict Schubert, Leon Greenebaum, Lev! Rosenfeld, Ja- cob Fuller, M. Becker, Isaac Worm- ser, B. Stern, M. Braunschild, Judah Kohn. The following oflicers were elected: President, Morris L. Leopold; vice- president and treasurer, Abraham Kohn; secretary, Philip Newberg; trustees, Benedict Schubert, Lev! Ros- enfeld and Leon Greenebaum. The president was at the time of his election a young man of 26 years. He was born in Laubenheim, Wurtem- berg, April 10, 1821, and came to America in 1839, being then in his *"In transcribing the Hebrew n^np 'tWM 21JJD the mistake was made of ren- dering in the English wording "Kehilath Anshe Mayriv," instead of "Kehillath Anshe Maarabh," meaning "Congregation of the Men of the West." The charter was obtained for the misspelled name, which is the legal title of Congregation K. A. M. to the present day. We use the in- corporated name wherever It is unavoid- able, otherwise we render the correct paraphrase. 19th year. In 1845 he married Rose Goodheart of Cincinnati, Ohio, and in the same year he moved to Chicago. In 1851 he returned to Cincinnati, where he remained until 1867, and then moved to New York, where he died October 22, 1889. His widow still resides in New York. He was a man of tact, of good administrative ability and he managed affairs of the young congregation with wisdom and to the satisfaction of the members. This was no light task, for the members were not all united in regard to the tenden- cies of the congregation. Each mem- ber had ideas of his own and was eager to see his opinions followed and carried out. TEMPLE K. A. M., Indiana Ave. and 33d Street, First Congregation Organized in the State. MORRIS L. LEOPOLD, First President K. A. M. From the start Minhag Ashkenas, the ritual of the German Jews, was adopted, 'but it did not take long be- fore demands were made for a more reformed ritual and more modern serv- ices for the synagogue. The leaders of the congregation yielded gradually, granting few concessions from time to time. The Piyutim and Selichoth were first abolished, then the hymns were sung in the vernacular of the country, the organ was introduced in the syn- agogue and then a few more such slight reforms were adopted. The die- tary laws were still strictly adhered to by most of the members of the con- gregation and they were in need of a schochet, a slaughterer according to the Jewish ritual. The vice-president, Abraham Kohn, went to New York, and there he made the acquaintance of Rev. Ignatz Kunreuther, whom he recommended to the Chicago congre- gation. Rev. Kunreuther was elected its rabbi, shochet and reader on Nov. 5, 1847, and remained with this con- gregation for six years. He was ultra- orthodox in his views, and although he was not fanatically intolerant, when he noticed that the congregation was leaning towards liberal views of re- ligion, he resigned his position and retired to private life. He en- gaged later in the real estate and loan business, and was quite successful. He died in Chicago June 27, 1884, 73 years REFORM ADVOCATE. 291 old, and is still remembered by many as an unassuming and quiet old gentleman. His widow died a few years ago. Their two married daugh- ters are still living in Chicago. Mr. Godfrey Snydacker was then engaged by the congregation as reader and teacher. Mr. Snydacker was a man of modern education and pro- gressive ideas. It was to be expected that he would teach the children in his new way and imbue them with his new thoughts of Judaism, and his en- gagement was quite a step in advance for a congregation which was then still strictly orthodox. Prom Kunreuther to Snydacker was a long stride in the direction of reform; it opened new possibilities in the way of more mod- ern tendencies, of breaking away from old traditions and established customs and ceremonies, which were entirely out of harmony with the spirit of the times and the life of the new world. What influence Induced the congrega- tion to take such a far-reaching step? It was the influence of a man who was a graduate of a German teachers' sem- inary and who brought with him and within him from the mother country the force and power of a modern edu- cation and a systematic training. In 1850 there arrived in Chicago a gifted young Jewish teacher by the name of Leopold Mayer. He was born in Abenheim, Germany, a village in the Grand duchy of Hesse, on March 3, 1827. He was educated in the teach- ers' seminary at Bensheim, and for four years he taught in his native country. His first work in Chicago was as a teacher of German and He- brew in private families. In 1853 the Garden City Institute was opened, and Mr. Mayer was taken into the faculty as teacher of these languages. In the Jewish community Mr. Mayer at once became a power, and he used his influ- form Judaism in Chicago made it pos- sible for later friends of reform to establish the "Reform Verein," in which society Mr. Mayer was one of the main moving spirits, and which subsequently culminated in the organ- ization of the Sinai Congregation, the strong bulwark of reform Judaism in America today. It was this Mr. Mayer's influence which induced Congregation Anshe Maarabh to entrust the instruc- tion of its children to a progressive man like Mr. Snydacker. In 1851 Mr. Mayer established in Chicago a religious private school, and for the first time in Illinois he publicly conferred the right of confirmation upon a Jewish boy, one of his pupils, in the Anshe Maarabh synagogue. The confirmant spoke his part in English, and the teacher addressed the con- gregation in German. The confirma- tion ceremony found great favor with the congregation, and Mr. Mayer was REV. IGNATZ KUNREUTHER. ence to bring about more enlightened and progressive conditions. To him must be awarded the laurel wreath for having paved the way for reform Judaism in Chicago and in the state of Illinois. His early, energetic and sincere agitation in the interest of re- LEOPOLD MAYER. invited in 1852 to deliver a sermon on the first day of the Passover and he accepted. In his sermon he strongly advocated the necessity of systematic religious instruction, which is of great- er consequence than a prayer meeting. He spoke in favor of introducing Ger- man prayers and he recommended the engagement of a trained rabbi. The first day of Passover, 1852, fell on a Sunday and the synagogue was crowd- ed, while on the previous day, the Sab- bath, it was deplorably empty. Mr. Mayer raised his voice in his sermon against the neglect of the Sabbath, and his words made a deep impression on the congregation. A religious school was established without delay, and Mr. Snydacker was engaged as a teacher and reader. The last two offices were separated from the functions of the shokhet and a new spirit en- tered into the life of the congrega- tion. Of course we must not deceive ourselves, the congregation was still adhering to the tenets of the regula- tion orthodoxy of that day and was far from the desire to enter the field of reform Judaism. We do not intend to create the impression that with the engagement of Mr. Snydaoker, con- gregation Kehilath Anshe Maara'bh be- came at once a reform congregation. We only anticipated somewhat in or- der to point out the very first attempt at religious freedom and to designate the men who gave the very first feeble impulse to religious emancipation in the midst of the Chicago Jewish com- munity. The first boy who was publicly con- firmed in the old style niVO 13 in the state of Illinois was Julius New- berg, a son of Philip Newberg. In Jan- uary, 1851, he was admitted to the duties of an Israelite during the Sab- bath services in the Anshe Maarabh Congregation of Chicago. The first regular services of Con- gregation K. A. M. were held on the second floor of a 'building on the south- west corner of Lake and Wells streets, in a room which was appropriately fitted up as a synagogue. This room was soon found to be too small, and in 1849 the congregation leased a lot for five years on Clark street, between Adams and Quincy, where the post- office is now being built. Here a syna- gogue was to be erected. This first synagogue of K. A. M. and the first Jewish house of worship in the state of Illinois, was dedicated on Friday, June 13, 1851. The auditorium was crowded to excess. The most in- fluential citizens of Chicago were pres- ent, and several co-religionists traveled hundreds of miles in order to partici- pate in the consecration. Rev. S. M. Isaacs of New York was the minister invited to deliver the dedicatory ser- mon. All the city papers teemed with paragraphs laudatory of his address. We quote from the Daily Democrat's report of the dedication: "No person that has made up his mind to be prejudiced against the Jews ought to have heard such a ser- mon preached. It was very captivat- ing, and contained as much of real re- ligion as any' sermon we have ever heard preached. We never could have believed that one of these old Jews we have heard denounced so much could have taught so much liberality towards other denominations. The ser- mon was appropriate and eloquent, and was preached from the text: 'They shall make unto me a sanctuary, so that I may dwell among them.' The Jewish ladles cannot be beaten in decorating a place of worship. The flowers, leaves and bushes were woven into the most beautiful drapery that Chicago ever saw before." The following hymn was sung at the dedication by a temporary choir to the tune of Old Hundred: HYMN. Be thou, God, exalted high, And as Thy glory fills the sky, So let it be on earth displayed, Till here on earth, as there, obeyed. This temple to Thy hallowed name Is raised, Thy glory to proclaim; Here we our sins' forgiveness crave, Our hearts from secret pangs to save. 292 THE REFORM ADVOCATE. Vouchsafe this house Thy kind regard. Aud to our prayers incline Thine ear: 0, let its founders meet reward, And blessings its supporters cheer. O grant that Israel soon may see Jerusalem to its site restored; When all men's hearts, from sin set free, Shall sound Thy praise with one ac- cord. The congregation prospered, the membership increased and the syn- agogue was soon too small, and it be- came necessary to have a larger house of worship.' K. A. M. then purchased the northeast corner of Adams and Wells streets, on which the building from Clark street was moved and a basement built under it for a school and meeting rooms. THE FIRST JEWISH SCHOOL. The day school established by con- gregation K. A. M. of Chicago in 1853 was the first Jewish school in the state of Illinois. The building was of frame, the entrance to the synagogue was on the level with Wells street, which was about eight feet higher , than Adams street. Adams street was not filled up until later, and the en- trance to the school was on the level with Adams street. The school was conducted in three rooms, or rather in two rooms, one of which was very large and was divided into two by folding doors. The older scholars were In the east, the younger in the west of these two rooms, while the pupils of the primary class were in- structed in a small room to the west. This day school of congregation Anshe Maarabh existed for twenty years, from 1853 to 1873. A number of non-Jewish teachers were engaged to instruct in the common English school branches and Hebrew and German were taught by the reader and teach- er of the congregation. Among the non-Jewish teachers were Mr. Brews- ter and Mr. Gleason. The latter taught In this school for many years and is still well remembered by the younger Jewish generation of Chicago. In 1854 Rev. Isidor Lebrecht was en- gaged by the congregation as reader, and shochet and he succeeded Mr. Sny- dacker. Mr. Lebrecht was succeeded by Rev. Marx Moses, from Alsheim, Rhen- ish Hessia, who 'had charge of the school under Dr. Mayer Mensor, who was elected Rabbi of the Congregation in 1857. Rev. Marx was an excellent teacher and good Hazan. Mr. B. Schlossman, the President of the Con- gregation induced the Trustees to con- sent to female singing, and a new mixed choir was engaged, consisting of Misses Engal, Alschuler and H. Adler. Rev. Marx was succeeded by Mr. Lip- man Levi. Mr. Levi was an excellent teacher and under his instruction the school was in a very good condition. Dr. Mensor was succeeded by Dr. Sol- omon Priedlander. He was first elect- ed as teacher and then as Ilabbi of congregation Anshe Maariv. He, too, was a very good school man and ac- complished very much in the school. He met with a sad and sudden end which cast a veil of gloom on the en- tire Jewish community. In 1861 Rev. Liebman Adler came from Detroit to Chicago to take charge of the pulpit and the school of K. A. M., and his work and influence will live forever in the midst of the Chi- cago Jewish community. Under his management the school attained the zenith of its usefulness and prosperity. He trained the older pupils of the school to sing in- the choir during divine service. Teacher Gleason, who was an Irishman, be-- came the choirmaster. For weeks be- fore Rash Hashanah and Yom Kippur Rabbi Adler and Mr. Gleason drilled the children of the school choir in the Hebrew responses. The choir had to attend services in those days as early as six o'clock in the morning. It must have been a strange sight indeed to behold a number of Jewish boys and girls being led in chanting the Hebrew responses by an Irish-American. In that choir were among others Ben Goodkind, brother of Dr. Good- kind, Jacob and Joseph Bauland, Wil- liam N. Eisendrath, Joseph Bateman, Maurice Rosenfield, now county com- missioner; Moses Rothschild, Simon Wineman, Joseph Rosenberg, Julius Rosenberg, Simeon Straus, Max Frank, Aaron Shubert, Joseph Homer, Isaac Horner, Abe Adler, Charles and Philip Axman, Solomon Witkowski, Joe and Mark \veigselbaum and Joe Schlossman." Among the girls were: Emma Frank, now Mrs. Joseph Rosenbaum; Nannette Frank,, now Mrs. Eugene Arnstein; Rosa Fuller, now Mrs. M. M. Rothschild; Ida Leopold, now Mrs. Henry N. Hart; Paulina Wineman, now Mrs. Adolpli Loewenthal, Sarah Straus, now Mrs. Samuel Despres; Leah Adler, now Mrs. Joseph Weisel, and Lena Clayberg, now Mrs. Asa F. Leopold. In 1873 this day school was discon- tinued and a Sabbath school for re- ligious instruction exclusively was es- tablished. A paid choir, consisting of professional non-Jewish singers, has displaced the children's choir some years previous and such a choir has been in charge of the musical part of the services ever since. It is perhaps a remarkable fact worth mentioning that since a number of years the leader of the K. A. M. choir, Mr. Erst, a Bo- hemian, and a Roman Catholic has been singing the Hebrew responses as impressively as any old Jewish Haz- zan. IV. FIRST REFORM MOVEMENT. The year 1857 marks the beginning of very Important events in the life of Congregation Anshe Maarabh. The consequences of these agitations, movements and achievements had much to do with the shaping of the subsequent religious life of the entire Jewish community of Chicago and even of the Jewish communities of the entire state of Illinois. The founders of Congregation Anshe Maarabh were men of deeply rooted religious convictions. They organized the congregation upon an orthodox basis. The flood of new ideas with which the rushing years deluged the advancing world, did not pass over them altogether unheeded. The pow- erful force of progress moved them a short distance in the onward march of humanity and at the end of the first decade of the life of the con- gregation they found themselves standing upon the platform of a more rational conservatism. To this day held on with main and might. They reluctantly made concessions to the wishes of the younger and more pro- gressive members of the congregation. The order of worship was improved. An organ and choir were introduced. The prayers were recited by the read- er in the vernacular and a number of other reform measures were adopted. But as men of prudence and circum- spection, they advanced slowly and cautiously, always endeavoring to re- main within the lines of conservatism, never losing sight of their main aim and their original intention, to perpet- uate Judaism, Jewish life and Jewish thought and to leave their religion to their children as they themselves In- herited it from their fathers. From their standpoint they were perfectly right, for their religious ideas and their conception of Judaism were formed by orthodox training and the deep impressions of their childhood days in the sdhools and_ synagogues' of the German Ghetto. But the young- er members of the congregation, who had thrown themselves with the ar dor of youth into the rushing waves of the new life in the new world, who drank thirstily and eagerly from the fresh waters of the new wells dug by the hands of time in the new era of emancipation and human liberty, were not satisfied. To their effervescent spirit this cautious conservatism was too slow and inadequate. They want- ed to ride on the wings of tne whirl- wind of reform, to rush onward in the chariot race of innovation, to create a new Judaism on the basis of the modern dispensation of the new era of progress. The two elements of the congregation could not agree on a compromise. The feeling of union was constantly disturbed, opposition par- ties formed themselves in the ranks of the members, and the continued agitation retarded for a time the growth and development of the con- gregation. "Reform" became the slogan of the day with a number of the members of $he Chicago Jewish community. Dr. Einhorn's burning eloquence, which he used with full force in the periodical "Sinai," which he published at that time in Baltimore, Md.,setthesouls of the Chicago enthu- THE REIKORM ADVOCATE. 293 siasts on fire and "Light, more light!" was the cry on all sides. At that time Mr. B. Felsenthal, a German-Jewish teacher, a young man of considerable Hebrew knowledge and rabbinical learning, published ihis "Kol Kore Bammidbar" (a voice calling in the wilderness), and his strong plea for reform aroused the progressive ele- ment of the Chicago Jewish commu- nity to feverish activity. A new con- gregation by the name of "Ohabe Or" (Lovers of Light) was formed, In which the brothers Leon and Samuel Straus were the leading spirits. They engaged a minister, a certain Rev. Dr. Cohen, and instituted a temporary syn- agogue in which they held public serv- ives. This congregation existed only a few months, but it helped to influ- ence the members of K. A. M., who were now divided into two camps, the conservative and reform parties, to stand in more determined antagonism to each other. The "Ohabe Or" con- gregation was the precurser of the "Reform Verein" and the "Reform Verein" became the basis upon which "Sinai congregation" was built four years later. The election of officers of the year 185,7 was a very stormy one. There were two candidates for president in the field. The conservative party nom- inated Samuel Cole for re-election, and the candidate of the reform faction was Ellas Greenebaum. The election took place on the 27th of September. The fight was hard and bitter, for in those days the Jews took a warm in- terest in the affairs of their religious institutions. Finally the reform party won the day by electing the following: President, Elias Greenebaum; vice- president, Benedict Schlossman; sec- retary and first trustee, Leopold May- er; second trustee, Joseph Lleben- stein; third trustee, Bernhard Barbe; fourth trustee, Jacob Benjamin; fifth trustee, Henry Foreman. The watch- word of the conservative leader was, "Peace, Harmony and Moderate Re- form." "Equality, Reform and Education" was the motto of the successful can- didate. In 1859 a Christian gentleman, hav- ing visited the synagogue of K. A. M., gives the following account in the Daily Democrat: "It gives me great pleasure to in- form you that I visited last Saturday, the synagogue of the Israelite Congre- gation.'Kelilath Anstoe Maarabh.'on the corner of Wells and Adams Streets, Chicago, and that I have 'been so well satisfied with the changes Which the mode of worship in the synagogue has undergone, that I feel obliged to com- municate this to you and the readers of your valuable paper. "The said congregation was happy In engaging the services of Rev. Marx Moses, late of New York, as minister and reader, who is a great musician, and possesses a very rich voice, and such an excellent manner of reading the Holy Scriptures, that I must con- fess I felt amazed about his perform- ance of the sacred duties. He has also introduced a choir of ladies and gen- tlemen, who sing the Psalms of David so sweet and beautiful that one believes ihimself to be within the walls of the Temple in Jerusalem, listening to the harp of the pious King. When I en- tered the ihall, which has been rebuilt and enlarged, a gentleman showed me to a seat and let me have his prayer book, which is in the Hebrew lan- guage, translated into English. He was also kind enough to point out to me the several prayers which were offered by the minister aid choir. These prayers manifest and contain the strongest wish for the welfare of man- kind, and the highest praise and thanks unto Him, the Maker of all. I can hard- ly describe how much I was moved when the reverend gentleman, aid-' by the president and vice president, advanced toward the Ark, to take out the scroll of parchment upon which the 'Torah," that is, the Pentateuch, is written. The sweet songs of the choir on that occasion, and afterwards, when the Torah was replaced, made such an impression upon my mind that I would wish my Christian friends would pay attention to the worship of said con- gregation, held every Saturday morn- ing after half-past 8 o'clock, and I am sure they will all feel, like me, well satisfied and pleased. "I understand tihat the new Board of Administration has caused all this change in the mode of service; when some time ago, a stranger, who visited their synagogue would hardly believe he was among a civilized people. The butcher of the congregation, who killed the cattle for the Jews according to their rites, was then the reader, and of course, butchered the service stil more. But now everything is so nice and acting harmoniously, that all prejudice against these, our fellow cit- izens, must give way; and my sincerest wish for them is that they will con- tinue to do as they have commenced, and they will soon fill their place in public society, since they show by their worship that they are 'better men than many think them to be. The hall is fine and airy, and plenty of seats are provided for visitors, both ladies and gentlemen." The year 1861 will forever remain a memorable one in the annals of K. A. M. In that year Mr. M. M. Gerstley was elected president, and Rev. Dr. Liebman Adler was called from De- troit to the office of Rabbi and teach- er. These two men, so well beloved and so highly respected, came to lead the congregation just in time, when their efficient services were most needed. The question or ritual was still agi- tating the minds of the members. Res- olutions were adopted in one meeting and reconsidered in another. Minhag Hamburg was proposed by one group and the Merzbacher prayer-book by another. As a compromise Minhag Frankfort was re-introduced, but shortly afterwards again discarded. The reform party of the congregation was now restless and dissatisfied, and the conservative element unyielding and persistent. Towards the close of 1861- twenty-six members seceded K. A. M. and formed a new organization under the name of "Sinai Congrega- tion." Among the withdrawing mem- bers were some of the brightest and most liberal supporters of K. A. M., men like Henry Greenebaum, Elias Greenebaum, Leopold Mayer and others. But Congregation Anshe Maar- abh stood the shock bravely. Peace now reigned in its midst, and under the guidance of President Gerstley and Rabbi Adler, K. A. M. started hope- fully on the road to new triumphs. The membership kept on increasing so that the synagogue proved inadequate to accommodate the many worshipers. In November, 1868, the congregation purchased the northwest corner v of Wabash avenue and Peck court, with the church building standing upon it, lor the sum of $50,000. The church was remodeled and changed into a synagogue, and the congregation soon moved into the new edifice. The or- der of worship was again improved, a new organ, an excellent choir and other reforms were introduced, and the congregation was once more united. On the 9th day of October, 1871, an ocean of fire swept over the Garden City. Churches, synagogues, privatn dwellings and public buildings were laid in ashes. Innumerable documents, the most valuable public records and registers of private possession were buried in the smoking ruins, consumed by the unchained element and irre- trievably lost. Fortunately the Tem- ple of K. A. M., corner Peck court and Wabash avenue, was untouched by the all-consuming conflagration. But all its books and documents were irrecoverably gone. The officers of the congregation for 1871-1872 were: President, M. M. Gerstley; vice-presi- dent, Jacob Rosenberg; treasurer, H. A. Kohn; secretary, Joseph Pollack. To the indomitable energy, liberality, circumspection and strict business tact of these men it is due that the con- gregation escaped with little loss. Jo- seph Pollack, the secretary of the congregation, was at that time clerk of Cook County; he had all the papers, books and refords belonging to the congregation in a vault in the Court House, and there they were burned with all the registers and deeds of the county. The books, which were in the hands of the treasurer, H. A. Kohn, were also consumed by the great fire, and the congregation found itself without any proof of outstand- ing indebtedness, even without a pew register indicating the ownership of seats in the temple. In spite of these, as it seemed, unsurmountable obsta- cles, order was soon restored without hardly an interruption in the regular run of the congregation's affairs. At 29i REFORM ADVOCATES. a general meeting held October 29, 1871, the second meeting after the flre, the members showed their readiness to stand by the congregation, to assist with might and main to bring it back to the usual standard of financial pros- perity. Mr. Jacob Rosenberg, the ven- erable vice-president, with his usual liberality, refused to accept interest due him on a loan which he had ad- vanced to the congregation; even the Collector of the Congregation, Marks Jackson, in a letter addressed to the board of administration, requested to have $200 deducted from the annual" salary voted to him at his last elec- tion. Of course this was declined, with thanks, but it indicates the spir- it prevailing at that time among all those who were connected with K. A. M. The question of a change in the rit- ual now became the main topic for discussion. At a meeting of the board, December 18th, on motion of Samuel Cole, it was resolved to recommend the adoption of Dr. Einhorn's prayer-book in the English translation. At a meet- ing of the congregation on January 9, 1872, this was complied with, but action was postponed. On March 21, 1872, Dr. M. Machol of Leavenworth, Kansas, was unani- mously elected minister of the con- gregation, to take the place of Adler, who was released from preaching. On April 4, 1872, it was resolved that the congregation again open a day school. This school was discon- tinued in April, 1875, for want of scholars. School was held in a house on Thirteenth street, between Wabash and Michigan avenues, belonging to Lazarus Silverman. The Merzbacher prayer-book was adopted in January, 1873, and the same is still in use today. A motion to have Friday evening services, with choir and sermon, was also adopted at the same "meeting. The congregation joined the Union of American Hebrew Congregation January 4, 1874. In the second Chicago fire of July, 1874, the congregation lost its syna- gogue, on corner Peck court and Wa- bash avenue, and was now homeless. The trustees of the Methodist Epis- copal church, on corner Wabash ave- nue and Fourteenth street, generously granted the use of their church to K. A. M., and j-egular Sabbath serv- ices were held there until the congre- gation had a house of worship of its own. In December, 1874, the congre- gation purchased the lot and church building from Plymouth Church, on the southeast corner of Indiana ave- aue and Twenty-sixth street, and changed it Into a synagogue. This property, with all furniture, etc., was purchased by Nathan Elsendrath for K. A. M. for $20,000. The lot on the corner of Peck court and Wabash ave- nue was sold for $32,000. The synagogue, corner Twenty-sixth street and Indiana avenue, was dedi- cated on Friday, February 5, 1875. On Kol Nidre Eve of the same year, the practice of collecting in the syn- agogue contributions for the support of the United Hebrew Charities vas, for the first time, introduced. In a meeting of the congregation held September 9th, Henry N. Hart moved that the gentleman remove their hats during worship, and his mo- tion was adopted by a good majority. Dr. Samuel Sale of Har Sinai Con- gregation, Baltimore, Md., was elected minister of the congregation August 5, 1883. He assumed charge of the pulpit during the following month of September. He remained with the congregation for four years. He was then tendered a re-election, which he declined, and accepted a call from Shaare Emeth congregation of St. Louis. Financially the congregation was then in an excellent condition; it re- ceived more revenue in that year than in any previous one. In the month of April, 188S, Rabbi Isaac S. Moses of Nashville, Tenn., was elected minister of the congre- gation, and occupied the pulpit of K. A. M. for eight years from 1888 to 1896. For several reasons he declined a re-election, and in September, 1896, he organized a People's Synagogue in Chicago, on the basis of minimum con- tributions, thus creating for himself an independent pulpit. He is now the minister of Congregation Ahavath Chesed, in New York. On December 5, 1889, the southeast corner of Thirty-third street and In- diana avenue, was bought for the sum of $36,000, and the present temple was erected thereon, furnished and equipped at a cost of $110,000. The synagogue, on corner Twenty-sixth street and Indiana avenue, was sold to Congregation B'nai Shalom on March 16, 1890. The new temple was planned and erected under the supervision of Messrs. Adler & Sullivan, the well- known architects. It has 190 pews in the auditorium, 90 pews in the gallery, and a seating capacity of about 1,500 persons. According to the annual report of the president, submitted in 1890, the congregation had a membership of 155, and 30 widow members, a total of 185. The new temple was dedicated June 11, 1891, and Drs. Adler, Felsenthal, Hirsch, Stolz, Austrian, Messing and Norden, assisted Dr. Moses in the ded- icatory ceremonies. The congregation then had a total membership of 194. In December, 1896, Rev. M. P. Jacob- son of Youngstown, Ohio, was elected to fill the vacant pulpit of K. A. M., dating from March 1st, 1897, for a term of three years. Before his term expired he sent in his resignation to the board of directors and it was ac- cepted. In April, 1896, Mr. A. Sinks, who was teacher of the K. A. M. Sabbath Echool for over twenty years, was pen- sioned, with full salary, for life. Mr. Sinks removed to New York, where he died in 1900. During the absence of a minister, from July, 1896, to March, 1897, Mr. H. Eliassof, for many years teacher in the K. A. M. Sabbath school and then principal of the same, officiated as reader. On November 4, 1897, Congregation Anshe Maarabh celebrated its golden jubilee. In the afternoon special di- vine services were held in the temple. An elaborate programme, consisting of excellent vocal and instrumental music and eloquent addresses by the president, Mr. Henry N. Hart, Rabbi Jacobson, Dr. Samuel Sale of St. Louis, Dr. E. G. Hirsch and Rabbi I. S. Moses. In the evening the members of K. A. M. and their honored guests assembled at the Lakeside club to partake of a grand- banquet, arranged by the con- gregation Among the guests were: Judge John Barton Payne, Hon. Thomas B. Bryan, Prof. W. R. Har- per, president of the Chicago Univer- sity, and others. Mr. H. Elias- sof, with the assistance of the venerable Dr. B. Felsenthal, wrote and published, under the auspices of the congregation, a History of K. A. M. This work contains a complete record of the organization and devel- opment of Congregation Anshe Maar- abh. It also contains an ode, on the oc- casion of the golden jubilee, written in classic Hebrew, and an English translation of the same by the author. Congregation Anshe Maarabh Is en- titled to a share of the credit for this contribution to the history of the Jews and Judaism of America. In January of this year Dr. Tobias Schanfarber was called to the pulpit of K. A. M. and on the 15th day of last March he delivered his inaugural address before a large and apprecia- tive audience. Dr. Hirsch, Dr. Stolz and a number of other rabbis of Chi- cago assisted at the installation of the new minister of K. A. M. and the cor- dial reception and warm welcome DR. TOBIAS SCHANFARBER. which they extended to their honored colleague, marked a new epoch in the life of the Chicago rabbis. REFORM ADVOCATED 295 DR. TOBIAS SCHANFARBER. was born in Cleveland, Ohio, Decem- ber 20, 1863. He attended the public schools of that city and graduated from the Cleveland High School in 1881. He pursued a course of study in Hebrew under Rev. Dr. Aaron Hahn, then Rabbi of Tiffereth Israel Con- gregation, Cleveland. In 1881 he ma- triculated at the University of Cin- cinnati and the Hebrew Union College, being admitted to the highest grade of the preparatory department of the latter. He received his degree of Bachelor of Arts from the Cincinnati University in 1885 and his rabbinical degree from the Hebrew Union Col- lege in 1886. During the year 1885 the college authorities permitted him to assume temporary charge of the con- gregation of Toledo, Ohio, he having completed his course at the university. This is the only instance in which the college authorities allowed a ^tudent to assume charge of a congregation before he had finished his full course at the college. In 1886, he was elected as permanent rabbi of the Shomer Emoonim congregation of Toledo, Ohio. In 1887 he received a call to the Achduth Vesholom congregation of Fort Wayne, Ind. After remaining there about a year and a half, Har Sinai congregation of Baltimore ten- dered him a call to its pulpit. He was rabbi of Har Sinai Temple for ten years. While Rabbi of Har Sinai con- gregation he introduced Sunday serv ices. For five years he attended a course of study in Semitics under Pro- fessor Paul Haupt of the Johns Hop- kins University. In May, 1899, he was called to the pulpit of Shaarai Sho- mayim congregation of Mobile, Ala., having been elected without the cus- tomary trial sermon. He was editor of the Jewish Comment of Baltimore for five years and contributed leading articles to the Baltimore Sun and Bal- timore American. While in Mobile he edited and published the Mobile Jew- ish Chronicle. Dr. Schanfarber Is a scholar and a thinker. He is a fluent and pleasant speaker, an able, earnest and conscien- tious teacher in Israel, who deserves the full support and encouragement of the entire Jewish community of Chicago. V. LEADERS OF K. A. M. We devote a little more space than we first intended to the history of Congregation Anshe Maarabh, because we think that the first and the oldest congregation of the state, the mother, so to say, of some of the younger con- gregations of Chicago, is entitled to some extra consideration. In 'the glor- ious record of the proud history of the mother, the children will read the record of their own origin and the rec- ognition of some of their own achieve- ments. The history o" Congregation Anshe Maarabh can never be called complete without th special mention of some of its brave and blessed leaders, whose manly characters and faithful devotion to Israel's cause have forever endeared them to the hearts of their brethren in faith. Nearly all of them are slum- bering in their eternal homes these many years, but their memories still linger with us and we can never forget ABRAHAM KOHN. them. The first of these departed eons of K. A. M. is ABRAHAM KOHN. Mr. Kohn was the third president of K. A. M k He was born in 1819, in Moenichsroth, Bavaria. He came to America with his brother Moses. For a time they lived in New York, where they were joined by a third brother, Judas, and the three brothers then peddled in the state of Massachusetts. The section of the state in which they peddled was mostly inhabited by Mil- lerites, a religious sect founded by William Miller of Massachusetts, hoH- ing peculiar millenial views. About 1843 the millenium was expected by as many as 50,000 believers in the doc- trines of Miller. Business suffered very much in that section, as the Mil- lerites were preparing for the millen- ium and bought nothing. The three traveling merchants determined to go west. They read in the papers that far in the western country there was a promising town of the name of Chi- cago, a good point where to start in business. They bought a stock of dry goods and notions, and went to Chicago. Abraham Kohn became very popu- lar in the Chicago Jewish communi- ty. He was a man of excellent qual- ities. He was a truly religious man, endowed with a fine mind and admin- istrative ability, which he cheerfully devoted to the service of his congre- gation. He received a very good edu- cation in his native town and was quite a Hebrew scholar. He was a diligent reader, and ruickly acquired knowledge of the English language. He was truly public spirited. All this fitted him admirably to be a leader among men. The Chicago citizens rec- ognized his superior abilities and he was elected to the office of city clerk in 1861, under Mayor John Went- worth. In 1861, while Abraham Lincoln waa on his way to Washington, Mr. Kohn presented him with a beautiful flag inscribed with the following words from Joshua (verse 9, chapter I): "Be strong and of a good courage; be not afraid, neither be thou dismayed: for the Lord thy God is with thee whith- ersoever thou goest." Abraham Lin- coln was very much pleased with this flag, and acknowledged the receipt of the same in an autograph letter to Mr. Kohn. He took an active part in arousing his American co-religionists to pro- test against the Swiss treaty, which excluded the Jewish citizens from the treaty rights accorded to citizens of other faiths. He was also an enthu- siastic advocate of the establishment of a rabbinical college in this country, and wrote several spirited articles on 4&e subject. He died in Chicago in March, 1871. deeply mourned by the entire commu- nity. SAMUEL STRAUS. Mr. Straus was born at Kirchheim- bolanden, in the RJhein-Pfalz, on Janu- ary 22, 1823. He graduated from the seminary at Kaiserslautern and was a teacher in Germany prior to his leav- ing for America. He came to Chicago in July, 1852, married in 1853, moved to Milwaukee, Wis., in 1855, and re- turned to Chicago in 1856. He joined K. A. M. in 1854 and was often re- quested by the board of administration to assist in reading the prayers, es- pecially on New Year's day and Day of Atonement. In August, 1853, he was one of the collegium of three rabbis who officiated at the conversion to Judaism of Mrs. C. F. Spiegel, wife > . SAMUEL STRAUS. of Colonel M. Spiegel. The other two rabbis were Rev. Isidor Kalish, who came to Chicago from Cleveland ex- pressly for the purpose of officiating at this ceremony of conversion, and Rev. I. Kunrenther, Rabbi of K. A. M. Mr. Straus studied law and was ad- mitted to the bar some years later. He died in Chicago July 8, 1878. He 296 THE REFORM ADVOCATED left two sons, Simeon and Joseph Straus and one daughter, Mrs. Sam- uel Despres. M. M. GERSTLEY. Mr. M. M. Gerstley, the eighth pres- ident of K. A. M., was born in the vil- lage of Fellheim, Bavaria, August 17, 1812. He received for those days a good education. In early youth he went to his brother In Vienna, Aus- tria. There he became very much dis- satisfied with the laws restricting the M. M. GERSTLEY. Jews, and in 1839 he came to America. After living for several years in Penn- sylvania, chance led him to Chicago In 1848, and he made this city his home. He gave much of his time and attention to the various organizations with which he was connected. Soon after his arrival he joined Congrega- REV. LIEBMAN ADLER. tlon K. A. M., in 1849. In 1856 he was secretary of the congregation, and for a number of years he was chair- man of the school board. For thirty years, from 1861 to 1891, he held the office of president, and his strict busi- ness methods, his great tact, prudence and integrity were of inestimable benefit to the congregation. He took a warm interest in charitable work, and was for some years vice-president of the Hebrew Relief association, and was actively Identified vith the work of that Institution until old age and falling health forced him to retire. In 1891 he declined to be re-elected president of the K. A. M. for the same reason. After a long and useful life he was gathered unto his fathers Saturday, April 29, 1893. REV. LIEBMAN ADLER. Rev. Liebman Adler was born on the 9th of January, 1812, at the town of Lengsfeld, in the Grand Duchy of Saxe-Weimar. His father, Judah Ad- ler, was also a teacher. Until his thirteenth year he received instruc- tion partly at his father's school and partly at a preparatory school in the vicinity, presided over by a clergy- man. He also received Hebrew In- struction from Rabbi Isaac Hess, then Rabbi at Lengsfeld. His later studies in Talmud and Rabbinica he continued under Rev. Kunreuther, the father of Rev. Ignatz Kunreuther, who was Rab'bi at .Gelnhausen, then at the Jew- isn high school, in Frankfort-on-the- Main, under Rabbi Solomon Trier and Rabbi Aaron Fuld, and later in the teachers' seminary at Weimar. After two years' study here he graduated as teacher and was given charge of the Jewish congregational school of his native town, Lengsfeld. In 1849 this school was united with the public school at Lengsfeld, and . Adler was appointed head teacher of the amal- gamated school. In the year 1854 he left his native country and emigrated to America. A few months after his arrival in this country he was elected preacher In the Detroit congregation, where he re- mained until the spring of 1861. In that year he was called to Chicago by Rehillath Anshe Maarabh, and here he preached and taught for many years, and became a blessing to the whole community. His entire activity, all the rich treasures of his great mind, his golden thoughts and his vast knowledge, he devoted to his congre- gation and to its school. He held the light of truth aloft, and showed the leaders and members of K. A. M., who became his warm admirers and faithful friends, the path of righteous- ness and uprightness. A whole gener- ation grew up to manhood and wom- anhood under his guiding love and in- struction, and their hearts overflowed with affection, gratitude and venera- tion for their true-hearted and learned teacher until the name of Adler be- came a household word in the entire Chicago community. He possessed the gift of endurance and patience In a very high degree, and was kind to every one. His spirit overflowed with sparkling humor, yet he could be ear- nest, and his words of wisdom made the deepest impression. He could win the most hardened heart with his gen- tleness, and soothe the weeping soul with the magic of his sympathetic ut- terances of consolation. Liebman Adler was a warm patriot in the truest sense of the word. Dur- ing the year of doubt and suspense, when the fate of the Union hung In the balance, and the stoutest hearts failed and faltered, he flashed rays of hope and enthusiasm into the hearts of his fellow-citizens. He raised his voice against shameful slavery, and spoke most earnestly for the cause of union and liberty. He in- spired the souls of his congregation from the pulpit with the justice of emancipation, and sustained with hope the sympathies he aroused. A pamphlet containing five of his pa- triotic speeches, delivered in the pul- pit of K. A. M., was published in 1866, and these speeches give evidence of his abhorrence of the institution of slavery and his love of freedom. The fact that he sent his oldest, at that time very young, son to enlist in the Union army, to offer his life for the preservation of the Union, is the strongest proof of the sincerity of his utterances. As a religious teacher and preacher he was consistently conservative, clinging to old-time customs and usages, but he never was an obscur- ant. His thoughts were clear and free from bigotry; he fully understood the demands of modern times, and was therefore tolerant to the opinions and claims of the young generation. He gathered his inimitable sermons and published them during the last years of his life In a work consisting of two volumes, which he called fM'im rtJ'KX after the name of a well-known religious book, which, during the last two centuries, had been very popular among the Jews of Germany and ad- jacent countries. The press through- out the country paid him a just trib- ute of praise for this monumental work. Rev. Adler was a frequent contribu- tor to the Jewish journals of this country. He wrote many scholarly ar- ticles on a variety of subjects. It is especially the "Deborah" of Cincin- nati, to which he was a steady con- tributor for many years, and in which some of his very best efforts were published. On February 20, 1872, Rev. Adler was released by the congregation from preaching, and elected as teacher and reader. This was done in order to enable the congregation to engage an English-speaking minister, as Rev. Adler preached mostly In the German language. In the following month of March, Dr. M. Machol of Leavenworth, Kansas, was elected minister, and he occupied the pulpit of K. A. M. until 1876, and when he resigned, Rev. Adler was again elected minister, reader and teacher, which position he held until 1883. At a meeting of the congregation held November 5, 1882, the following resolution was unanimously carried: Whereas, This congregation, fully recognizing the long and faithful serv- ices performed by . Its honored and much esteemed minister, Rev. Lieb- man Adler; be it, therefore, THE. R&FORM ADVOCATED 297 Resolved, That this congregation, in meeting assembled, hereby pensions said Rev. Liebman Adler during the balance of his life. On the 15th of January, 1882, Dr. Adler was 70 years of age, and the congregation celebrated his seven- tieth birthday in a befitting manner. On the 29th of January, 1892, Rev. Liebman Adler, at the high age of 80 years, closed forever his peaceful and blessed career on earth, to abide with the immortals in the realms of bliss. As he lived so he died, patiently en- during the pangs of a painful illness, thinking more of others than of him- self and uttering with his last breath words of submission to the will of God, and sentiments of love and ad- monition to his beloved wife and dear children. During the week preceding his de- mise and at a time when he was in- tensely suffering from very acute pains, Rev. Dr. Liebman Adler wrote a paper which he headed "Mein letz- ter Wille" (My last Will). The docu- ment is a brief one, and yet rich In its contents. On reading his plain but touching words one cannot help being deeply impressed with the outpouring of a grand soul and of a truly pious heart. We deem it proper to publish here an English translation of the same. K characterizes the man; it mir- rors clearly his inner life; it reflects his ideas in its simplicity. It is the magic melody of a dying Paganini, flooding the soul with joy and the eyes with tears. It is a work created by a mas- ter favored with rare inspiration, an idealized reality, an ideal realized. Our forefathers in former times used to call such a document nxix (Tzava'ah), modern writers name it "Last Will" or "Ethical Testament." Truly, Liebman Adler's Last Will is such an "Ethical Testament," which deserves to be printed here, as a mark of honor to the venerated teach- er, as a grateful remembrance of the departed Rabbi and as an inspiring word for us who are still among the living. Adler and Gerstley! The death of these two illustrious and faithful friends, leaders and benefactors of K. A. M., closes an epoch in the history of the congregation. To K. A. M. Gerstley and Adler are not dead. No, they are not mere shadows that flitted around for. a while and then floated away into the darkness to be heeded no longer. To K. A. M. they are brilliant rays of light that will forever shine on its path to lead it on- ward and upward to God's truth and Israel's duty. REV. LIEBMAN ADLER'S LAST LETTER TO HIS FAMILY. MY LAST WILL. I desire that there be no haste in my interment. If there are no signs of decomposition sooner, the funeral should not be until forty-eight hours after my death. If the physician who treated" me should find it desirable in the interest of science to hold a post-mortem ex- amination, I would like that he be not interfered with. My coffin shall not cost more than *7. No flowers. My funeral to be directly from the place of demise to the cemetery. No funeral oration. Dear Hannah: In view of your del- icate health, I desire that you remain at home and not join the funeral if the weather is the least inclement. Not more than three days' mourn- ing in domestic retirement. I cherish the kaddisch prayers of mourning in the synagogue of my sons and daughters as it deserves, but I do so only if you, after the expira- tion of the year of mourning, do not omit attendance at the synagogue without necessity. If financial conditions permit, each of my married children should join a Jewish congregation, the fittest being the K. A. M. Kehillath Anshe Maar- aoh, "Congregation of the Men of the West," corner of Indiana avenue and Thirty-third street. Those children who do not live too distant should, if the weather permit, and if it can be done without disturb- ing their own domestic relations, gather every Friday evening around the mother. My children, hold together. In this let no sacrifice be too great to assist each other and to uphold brotherly and sisterly sentiment. Each deed of love you do to one another would he balm to my soul. The example of eleven children of one father who stand together in love and trust would be to his grave a better decoration than the most magnificent wreath of flowers, which I willingly decline, but leave to your judgment. The small savings which I leave will come to you only after the death of the mother. I know you; I trust that you will not meet in an unfilial way about possession and disposition. The heritage which is already yours is a good name and as good an education as I could afford to give. It does not look as if anyone of you had a dis- position to grow rich. Do not be wor- ried by it. Remain strictly honest, truthful, industrious and frugal. Do not speculate. No blessings rests upon it even if it be successful. Throw your whole energy into the pursuance of the calling you have chosen. Serve the Lord and keep Him always before you; toward men be amiable, accom- modating and modest, and you will fare well even without riches. My last word to you is: Honor your mother. Help her bear her dreary widowhood. Leave her undisturbed In the use of the small estate, and assist if there should be want. Farewell, wife and children! Another point, children. I know well you could not, if you would, practice Judaism according to my views and as I practiced it. But re ; main Jews and live as Jews in the best manner of your time, not only for yourself, but also where it is meet to further the whole. JACOB ROSENBERG. Mr. Rosenberg was one of the four- teen who, in 1847, signed the first con- stitution of Kehillath Anshe Maarabh, and for over fifty years he was an able JACOB ROSENBERG. and faithful officer of the congrega- tion. He was born at Altenmuhr, Ba- varia, March 25, 1819, and came to America in 1837. He was eighteen years old when he arrived in New York. For four years he traded through New England and New York state, parts of Pennsylvania, Ohio and Indi- ana. In 1841 he came to Chicago. Here he found Lev! Rosenfeld, and with him formed a copartnership under the firm name of Rcsenfeld & Rosenberg. They were very successful, and in 1845, they were recognized as the most prosperous retail and wholesale dry goods mer- chants in the West. Mr. Rosenfeld had married a sister of Michael Reese. An- other sister, Miss Hannah Reese, came to Chicago to visit Mrs. Rcsenfeld, and in 1849, she became Mrs. Rosenberg. Theirs wss the first Jewish wedding ever known in Chicago. For ten years Jacob Rosenberg was a volunteer fire- man, mejnber of Company I, or the Fire King. In 1876, he was selected by the municipal reformers of that year to stand in the second ward for alderman. He was elected by a handsome major- ity and served for two years with cred- it He was auditor of the Chicago In- dustrial Exposition for several consec- utive years. By the will of his brother- in-law, Michael Reese of San Francis- co, $200,000 were given in trust to Mr. Rosenberg and Mrs. Rosenfeld, jointly, for benevolent objects in Chicago. They determined to build and endow a hos- pital, to be called Michael Reese Hos- pital. This they accomplished, and it If now very justly the pride of the Jew- ish community of Chicago. At a special meeting of the congre- gation, held July 16, 1888, Mr. Rosen- berg offered to donate to K. A. M. a tract of land in the town of Jefferson, 298 THE. REFORM ADVOCATE. containing twenty acres, for a burial ground, and his generous offer was gratefully accepted. The ground was properly inclosed and laid out in family lots. This burial ground is now known as "Mount Maariv Cemetery," In Dun- ning station, on the Northwestern rail- road. Mr. Rosenberg died March 31, 1900. In his will he bequeathed nearly $ 10,000 to charity. The congregation reserved a large plot of ground in the center of the cemetery for the Rosenberg fami- ly. Here Mr. and Mrs. Rosenberg, his noble wife, who was a true mother In Israel, who died January 16, 1890, are now resting side by side In eternal slumber. A beautiful monument of white marble stands in the center of the lot and the Hebrew Inscriptions en- graved on the stone tell the story of their good deeds In plain but earnest words of truth. Pour children, two sons and two daughters, survive them. They are Julius, Bernard, Mrs. Dr. M. Man- helmer and Mrs. Maurice Rosenfeld. HENRY N. HART. To tell the story of the past good life of the noble dead~and to recount their deeds of kindness and benevo- lence, is the duty of the historian which he owes to their sacred memory. But to record the unselfish devotion of the living leaders of Israel to Judaism, to Jewish life and Jewish thought, is a HENRY N. HART. privilege and a pleasure which the reader shares with the writer, for the Interest of man is deeper and warmer in the achievements of the living than in the closed account of the once ac- complished deeds of the dead. Mr. Henry N. Hart, the present pres- ident of Congregation Anshe Maarabh, has always taken such a lively interest in the welfare of the congregation that no step of importance was ever under- taken in K. A. M. since he became a member, without his wise and watchful co-operation. In fact, many of the best and most beneficial measures which ths congregation has adopted during the last twenty-five years, were intro- duced or instigated by Mr. Hart. While he zealously watched with his fellow members over the preservation of the congregation; while he earnestly sought with them to retain the true Jewish spirit in the midst of K. A. M., he at the same time endeavored to place his beloved congregation within the reach of the rays of modern life, of progressive decorum and decorous progress. Truly the mantle of Elijah, (Gerstly), has fallen upon a worthy Elisha! On September 6, 1891, Mr. Hart was unanimously elected president of K.. A. M. During the nine consecutive years he was annually re-elected to this hon- orable office, and often against his ex- pressed wish to retire. Henry N. Hart was born in Eppels- heim, Rhenish Hessia, in 1838. He came to America in 1854 with his eld- er brother, Abraham, and they settled in Chicago. Twenty-seven years ago he joined K. A. M.. Since a number of years he has been a member of the board of directors of the United He- brew Charities, and chairman of the Michael Reese Hospital Committee. He is also a director of the Humane Society and devotes much of his valu- able time to charitable work. President Hart is assisted in the management of the affairs of the con- gregation by four officers and ten di- rectors, who, with the president, con- stitute the Board of Administration. The present officers are: David Worm- ser, vice-president; Henry Gerstley, treasurer; Israel Cowen, recording sec- retary, and Jacob Newman, Jr., finan- cial secretary. The directors are: Jo- seph M. Schnadig, J. Aaron, David Pfaelzer, Leo Polachek, J. N. Strauss, Samuel Spitz, L. H. Freiberger, Louis Benjamin, Sig. Silberman and A. H. Kohn. V. NEW ORGANIZATIONS. THE HEBREW BENEVOLENT SOCIETY. This institution was organized in Chicago by a number of young Jews in 1851. The aims and objects of the society can best be learned from the preamble to the first constitution and by-laws of the association. The title page is missing in the printed copy which we have before us, and we are therefore unable to give the year of its publication. The preamble reads as follows: PREAMBLE. "Whereas, the hand of Providence Is held over us we are prompted by a sense of duty and brotherly love to pro- mote our interest and mutual assist- ance for the- welfare, happiness and protection to each other; and as the republican laws of the United States, founded on equality and toleration to all men, either citizens or sojourners, grant the right to associate for lawful and good purposes; therefore, we signers, do associate together to pro- vide in time of health for each other; for times of need and sickness to which the human frame is liable; and also to pay the last duty and homage in what all living must fall; and being anxious while we are able to do good and to assist our brethren and fellow- men while life Is granted to us; there- fore, we have formed ourselves into a body corporate by the name and style of the Hebrew Benevolent Society of Chicago, in the county of Cook, state of Illinois, and have agreed, and by these presents do agree, that the fol- lowing shall be our constitution and by-laws by which we mutually assent to be governed." Prom this document we learn plainly that the Hebrew Benevolent Society was organized for the mutual benefit of its members, to aid each other In need, to nurse the sick and to give proper burial to the dead. Following are the names of the organizers : Moses Rubel, Michael Greenebaum, Mayer L. Klein, Ellas Greenebaum, Levi Klein, and Isaac Wolf. This society purchased for $600 three acres of ground in the town of Lake View, a little south of Graceland Cemetery and laid it out as a burial ground. The society was about to dis- solve in 1852 for want of support, when new members, partly of those who lived here for some time and partly new arrivals, among whom were: Ralph Guthman, J. Liebenstein, I. Greensfelder, Henry Greenebaum, A. Hart, B. Schoeneman, Moses Shields. J. M. Stine, Leopold Mayer, Lazarus Silberman, Julius Rosenthal, Ben and Aaron Caihn, L. Wampold and Mar- cus M. Spiegel. For nearly twenty years the Hebrew Benevolent Society was actively en- gaged in the good work. It was an essential factor in the development of the Chicago Jewish community. Mr. Michael Greenebaum was the first president of this society. The mem- bers met once a month and their meet- ings were well attended and orderly, In contrast to other Jewish meetings of those times. The members were ani- mated by an earnest desire to do good, to learn and to improve. The society became a strong support in the subse- quent organization and growth of the United Hebrew Relief Association, and as a promoter of Jewish reform In the congregation. Mr. Isaac Greenefelder, the president of the United Hebrew Charities of Chi- cago, relates that at a festival cele- brated at his house by the members of the Hebrew Benevolent Society In 1861 one of the members, Anton Her- zog, bought the privilege of "Bensch- en," saying grace after meal, for which he paid $25.00. This sum was the nucleus of a fund for a hospital. The Hebrew Benevolent Society still owns the burial ground near Graceland and exists nominally. It meets once a year, in March, to elect officers. The present officers are: President, Simon Rubel, son of the first member, Moses Rubel; vice-president, Jos. R. Beiers- dorf; treasurer, L. E. Lebolt; secr- REFORM ADVOCATED tary, L. Sonnenschein. The society has 123 members. CONGREGATION B'NAI SHOLOM. Until about the year 1850 the Jewish community of Chicago consisted almost entirely of emigrants from southern Germany, Bavaria and the Rhenish Palatinate. In 1850 a number of Jews arrived, who hailed from the Prussian province of Posen and adjacent parts of Germany. Their numbers kept on Increasing from year to year. Among the first to come to Chicago were the following: Solomon Harris, J. Lewis, the Jewish settlement in Chicago there was no affiliation between the Polish Jews or the "Herzogthuemer," as the Jews coming from the Prussian prov- ince of Posen were called, and the German Jews as a body, neither In charitable matters nor otherwise, and therefore In May, 1852, the Posner Jews organized a congregation for them- selves under the name of "B'nal Sho- lom." The second Jewish congregation was organized by eleven members on a strictly orthodox basis. The first ser- vices were held in a room above the TEMPLE B'NAI SHOLEM. C. Sunrmerfield, Jacob Peiser, M. Mor- ris, S. Marks, Jonas Moore, David Wit- kowski and Jacob Frost. A little later came: Charles Kozminski, Charles Cohn, J. Gelder, E. Henoch, the Hefter brothers, and Isaac Glogosky; after- wards Livingston. The entire population of Chicago at that time did not exceed 20,000, and the Jewish community consisted of about 30 families and a few young unmarried men. Third and Fourth avenues were the main Jewish residence streets. Sil- vester Hotel, on Randolph near Wells treet, was the only Jewish hotel in the City. During the first decade or so of clothing store of S. Harris, on Clark street between Washington and Mad- ison streets. Rev. Alexander officiated. The congregation adopted Minhag Po- len. Mr. S. Harris was elected first president. Mr. Henry Greenebaum, who was a member of Congregation Anshe Maarabh, became also a member of this congregation for the purpose of filling the office of secretary. He never attended the services of Kehllla B'nai Sholom. In 1855 the Anshe Maarabh congregation passed a law forbidding its members from holding member- ship in any other congregation, and Mr. Greenebaum resigned his member- ship In Congregation B'nal Sholom. In 1855 the congregation worshiped in rooms over Kendall's bakery, corner Dearborn and Washington streets; they then removed to the building cor- ner Clark and Jackson streets, where the Grand Pacific Hotel now stands. In 1864 they bought 75 feet on Harri- son street, near Fourth avenue, and there they built and dedicated their first synagogue at a cost of $20,000. This structure was in its time the most beautiful synagogue in Chicago. This house of worship was destroyed In the great fire of 1871. The congregation rented a church on Wabash avenue, corner Harmon court. The congregation suffered much by the fire, but It rallied again and through the efforts of Mr. Joseph Peiser, at that time president of the congregation, they exchanged the lot on Fourth avenue for 75 feet on Michigan avenue, between Fourteenth and Fifteenth streets, and erected a synagogue at a cost of $23,000. In 1886 they sold this property to the Russo- Jewlsh congregation, Beth Hamedrash Hagodol Ubnal Yacob, for $31,000, and bought from Congregation Anshe Maarabh the frame synagogue and lot corner Twenty-sixth street and In- diana avenue for $28,000. This syna- gogue they still occupy. The following Rabbis officiated In Congregation B*nai Sholom; M. Loe- venthal, S. Kohn, N. Havre, A. J. Messing, Henry Gersonl, Kauf- man, and again A. J. Messing. In 1853 the congregation bought one acre of ground from the Hebrew Benevolent Society for $400 for a ceme- tery, and this cemetery Is still used by them. The progressive spirit of the last thirty years has also reached this Jew- ish institution and the congregation was forced to yield to the reform movement and to make some improve- ments in their worship. In 1880 they discarded Minhag Polen and adopted Minhag America. A mixed choir and family pews were Introduced some time before. The congregation con- sists of about 100 members, and they maintain a Sabbath school, where about 125 children receive instruction in Hebrew, religion and Jewish history, on Saturdays and Sundays. The present officers of the congregation are: S. Richter, presi- dent; I. Peiser, vice president; Chas. Cohen, recording secretary; L. Living- ston, financial secretary, and Chas. G. Livingston, treasurer. Rev. A. J. Messing is the present minister of the congregation." An auxiliary society was organized by the ladles of the con- gregation in 1859 under the name of "B'nal Sholom Ladles Social Society." This society is still In existence and Is of great help to the congregation. Mrs. Chas. Cohen was the first presi- dent of this society. Shortly after the organization of Congregation B'nal Sholom and in con- nection with it, was organized a La- dies' Relief Society and Relief Society No. 2. 300 REFORM ADVOCATED LEADERS OF KEHILLA B'NAI SHO- LOM. RABBI A. J. MESSING. Toward the end of the sixties and for some time during the seventies Rabbi Messing was a power in Chicago, espe- cially with his countrymen of Prussian Poland. At that time German was the language used in many of the syna- gogues of the country for prayer and for sermon. Even in New York city the great Dr. Einhorn, Dr. Kohut and many other of the bright lights' of the REV. A. L. MESSING. Jewish ministry in other large cities, preached their eloquent sermons in the German language. Dr. Einhorn's great prayer book, the ritual of many Jew- ish reform temples, which has touched and stirred thousands of Jewish hearts to their very depths by its inimitable eloquence, that burns like celestial fire and inspires like the outpourings of the undying prophets of Israel, this masterpiece of a master mind was originally written by Dr. Einhorn in the German language. Many of the Jewish school books of that time were also compiled in the language of the Fatherland. Most of the rabbis and preachers of the Jewish- American con- gregations were imported from Ger- many and the Jewish congregations of the United States were nearly all Ger- manized to the core. Rabbi Messing could preach a German sermon in a manner that appealed strongly to the sentiments of his countrymen. Congregation B'nai Sholom owes much to this once very popular rabbi and it has shown its appreciation of his services In many ways. He left the B'nai Sholom con- gregation repeatedly to accept other calls, but he always returned to his old love and the congregation was always happy to take him back. He is now permanently located In Chicago as minister of Congregation B'nai Sho- lom, where he expects to remain dur- ing the rest of his life. . Rabbi Messing is a native of Ar- genau, Germany, and was born on June 18, 1840. He is a son of the well- known Hebrew author, Rabbi Joseph Messing, who died in London in 1881, and is the oldest of three brothers, Rev. M. Messing, rabbi at Indianapolis, Ind.; Rev. Henry J. Messing, rabbi United Hebrew Congregation, St. Lou- is, and Simon J. Messing, a well-known merchant of Pittsburgh. From his earliest youth Rabbi A. J. Messing was educated for the ministry. He received his Hebrew education under Gutt- macher and Graetz, and studied in Ber- lin under Ettlinger and Zunz. When not quite twenty years of age he be- came minister of the congregation in Militch, Schlesien. After remaining in this position three years he was called to Mecklenburg Schwerln, where he re- mained for five years and left that place to accept a call from the Christy street synagogue In New York, to which position Dr. Zunz had recom- mended him. After but one year's connection with this last mentioned congregation, he re- turned to Europe, and shortly after his return he received a call from the B'nai Sholom Congregation of Chicago, in which position he remained for three years and would have remained with them longer, had he not thought best to accept a call to San Francisco, where he went June 2, 1870. In June, 1873, he returned to Chicago and again resumed his position as minister of the B'nai Sholom Congregation. When the second fire broke out in '76 and left the rabbi and his congregation without a home he accepted a call to the Peoria Temple, but only remained there a short time, when he responded to an- other call from San Francisco and as- sumed charge of the Congregation Beth Israel in March, 1877. While on the coast he founded a number of congre- gations and established religious schools throughout California, and in the interest of this mission he under- took a journey to Australia, which was quite successful. Shortly after his re- turn from this journey he left San Francisco and returned to Chicago. A son of Rabbi Messing, Abraham J. Messing, is also a Jewish minister, a graduate of the Hebrew Union College of Cincinnati, who has charge of the Jewish Congregation in Montgomery, Alabama. RABBI HENRY GERSONI. If any Jewish teacher has a right to be called "rabbi," Henry Geraonl cer- tainly was entitled to It He was a great scholar, a linguist, a journalist and especially one of the best. If not the best, Hebrew writers of his time In this country. His life, alas, was a failure, and he died in poverty, unap- preciated and unnoticed by the very men who should have tried their ut- most to help and to encourage a man of his genius, for the sake of his vast erudition, his great rabbinical learning, his journalistic talent and his various other glorious gifts of mind. If he was a misanthrope, quarrelsome and even abusive to a high degree, all these faults, grave as they were, were not fundamental in his nature, they were rather the effects of his many bitter disappointments, the total lack of appreciation by the Jewish leaders, the Jewish teachers, the popular idols of the day, for whom it was a very easy matter to crush, to humble and to humiliate, a deformed, weak and fee- ble little body like Gersonl. This sensitive little man, who walked In the midst of his people under the black shadow of the unfounded accu- sation of apostasy, was easily goaded by the constant call of "Meshumod," hurled at him from certain directions, as the savage hurls the poisoned arrow on its mission of death, into writing the uncalled-for articles like "Wises" Heder" and "Jew Against Jew," in the Jewish Advance, and the "Historical Sketch" of the Russian career of the sainted Dr.Lilienthal,in the "Independ- ent." During Gersoni's stay in Chicago, the writer had the pleasure of seeing him often and at last to become inti- mately acquainted with him. Gersonl has often poured out his aching and breaking heart to the writer and laid bare his whole past before him. We can testify that Gersoni was not a "Meshumod," that he never left the faith of his fathers to bend before strange gods. His first article, onn> anjn rrnoi pub- lished in "Hameliz," of St. Petersburg, Russia, while he was yet in London, and the second article, pvh ruya which Gersoni sent from New York to the same Hebrew journal, do not contain a single word of confession of apostasy on his part. If anything, every word of these two articles, which have been so often used against him, breathes the spirit of true love for and of unshaken loy- alty to Judaism and his Jewish breth- ren. It is due to the memory of this misjudged scholar to set at rest the rankling rumors and to wash out the dark stain from the name of a faith- ful son of Israel. Professor Marx of London, the venerable editor of the Jewish World, has testified once, that Gersoni came to London as a political fugitive from Russia, that he was helplessly walking the streets of the British Babylon in a starving condition and was picked up by one of the Chris- tian soul catchers, taken to the Chris- tian Bible House and given some food, which the hungry young man greedily devoured. He was set to work first In the bindery of that institution, and then at translating *he bible into the several languages with which he was familiar. As soon as Gersoni found out the character of the house and the nature of that which was expected of him, he at once appealed to Dr. Marx, for help, to be rescued from the snare of the fowlers. Dr. Marx immediately released him and helped him to emi- grate to America. This Is all there is to the whole "meshumod" story, and no just man will deny that Gersoni was to all intents and purposes as good a Jew in this country as anyone of us. THE. REFORM ADVOCATE, 301 Perhaps any other Jew, living among his own countfymen, could have easily outlived this unwarranted accusation. But Gersoni had drafted away from the narrow confines of the ghetto and sought to gain a recognition in more refined circles, to which he was fully entitled by virtue of his education, his tastes and his talents. But like many other educated countrymen of his, he lost the sympathy of his own country- men and failed to attain the apprecia- tion of those Jews who pride them- selves upon the fact that their cradles stood on the Main, on the Rhein or in the Grand Duchy of Posen. Yes, the greatest fault of Gersoni was, indeed, the fact that he was a Russian Jew. Taking his high education and his bril- liant talents into consideration, the fact that he was born in darkest Rus- sia and raised in the gloomy atmos- phere of superstition and fanaticism of the Heder and Yeshi'ba, sihould have redounded to his credit. But this was not the case. Only one great and good man understood him, appreciated him, in Chicago and helped him while he was fighting the wolf from the door In New York. This man was our vener- able Dr. B. Felsenthal, who has a great mind and a big, warm and sympathetic heart. Henry Gersoni was born In 1844 in Wilna, Russia, he being the youngest child of a family of eleven children seven sons and four daughters. Three of his brothers are rabbis of different towns In their native country. At the age of six he started to go to Heder, studied Talmud up to the age of 16 years, then he entered the Rabbinical Seminary of Wilna. In 1864 he went to St. Petersburg, became a student at the university, where he remained for two years. He was then appointed tutor to Count Uvaroff's only daughter. For political reasons he left St. Peters- burg in 1866 and went to England. In 1869 he arrived in the United States and became teacher in Temple Eman- uel of New York, holding that position to 1874. He was elected rabbi of the congregation at Atlanta, Ga., in the same year, where he remained two years. In 1876 he accepted a call to the pulpit of Congregation B'nai Sha- lom of Chicago, holding this position until 1880. While in Chicago he edited a weekly paper ia English and Ger- man, called "The Jewish Advance." In 1881 this paper was discontinued and Gersoni published and edited in Chi- cago a monthly magazine under the name of "The Maccabean." In 1882 he returned to New York, where he sup- ported himself by literary work. In 1873 he published a volume of stories, "Gersoni's Sketches of Jewish Life and History," mostly from Jewish life in Russia. In later years he trans- lated into English some of the best stories of Ivan Turgenieff, the celebrat- ed Russian writer, who was called the Russian Auerbach. Henry Gersoni die in New York on June 17th, 1897, aged 54 years. He left a widow but no chil- dren. A sister and two nephews, Henry M. Shabad, a lawyer, and A. M. Sha- bad, a physician, are living in Chicago. SOLOMON HARRIS. Mr. Harris was the first president of Congregation B'nai Sholom, and the services which he rendered to the con- gregation during its struggles for ex- istence, were of inestimable value. Mr. Harris was born in 1825, at Felelhne, Grand Duchy of Posen, Germany. He came to America in 1844, and lived for three years in New York City. In 1847 he went to St. Louis, Mo., where he married, and in 1851 he moved to Chicago. For many years he held the office of president in the congregation, al- ways filling some office after that, and his interest in the walfare of Congre- gation B'nai Sholom never flagged. He became very popular in Chicago, made many friends and was always esteemed by young and old. He is a man of a very pleasant disposition and to hear him tell his reminiscences of men and measures of the old days of the Chi- cago Community, is indeed a treat. He seems to have known personally every prominent Jewish inhabitant of Chi- cago, from the time he came here up to the present day. On April 5th. 1900, Mr. and Mrs. Harris celebrated their golden wedding, at the Auditorium, surrounded by six children, twelve grandchildren and a host of relatives and friends. He is now retired from business and is leading a tranquil life, in company with his good and faithful helpmate, finding full satisfaction in looking back upon a past of many years spent in the interest of his fellow men, and the service of Judaism. SIMON RICHTER. Mr. Richter, the president of B'nai Sholom Congregation, is a son of Isi- SIMON RICHTER. President B'nai Sholem Congregation. dor and Hannah Richter, and was born Jan. 10, 1850. He came to America as a boy of ten years, and has since been in various occupations, such as clerk and merchant. He has been actively identified with congregational work and has been president of the B'nai Sholom Congregation for eleven years, prior to which time he served as vice- president and trustee. He is a contri- butor to the Associated Charities and to the Altenheim. Mr. Richter mar- ried Jennie Rosenthal and they have four children living. ' Institutions $ Q raanizations VII. FRATERNAL ORGANIZATIONS. INDEPENDENT ORDER B'NAI BRITH. The influence for good exerted toy the Order of B'nai Brith upon tlhe Jewish communities of Illinois, was certainly deep and far reaching. The lodges es- tablished by the order in the state be- ame schools for citizenship, for patri- otism, for education and enlightenment. At the lodge meetings the members learned order and decorum, parliamen- tary rules and regulations, speaking and debating, and they were imbued with a higher conception of religion, charity and benevolence. The Jews of Illinois, as well as all the Jews of this country, owe a debt of gratitude to the Order of B'nai Brith, which can never be fully paid; for the benefits which the Jews of America in general have derived from this order cannot be limited to any particular line or sphere. They were universal and ex- erted their influence for many years over the home, social and religious life of the American Jews. The mission of the order was from its incipency, a lofty and ideal one. For over a half century the noble leaders of the order worked with untiring zeal for the spir- itual union and material benefit of Israel and the highest interests of hu- manity, and their good work is not yet done. The order has not yet out- Hved its mission. As long as the Czars of Russia and the tyranny of the Rom- anoffs will drive away thousands of Jews, to seek homes in this land of Liberty, and other enlightened coun- tries; as long as Anti-Semitism will brazenly resurrect the dead accusa- tions of the middle ages against the Jewish people; as long as the barbari- ans of Roumania will treat the native Jews of that country as aliens; as long as fanatics will defy the enlightenment of the twentieth century and persecute our Jewish brethren, there will be plenty of work for the Order of B'nai Brith. RAMAH LODGE, NO. 33, I. J. B. B. The first lodge of the Order of B'nai Brith established in Chicago was Ra- man Lodge. The facts concerning the history of this lodge we quote from a paper written by Henry Greenebaum and read by him before the Zion Literary Society of Chicago on Feb. 16th, 1883. In this connec- tion we improve the opportunity to extend our thanks to Mr. Greene- baum for placing at our dis- posal a book containing a collection of documents bearing upon the history of the Chicago Jewish community. This book has been of great help to us in our work. In regard to Raman Lodge, Mr. Greenebaum states: "Ramah Lodge was instituted June 15th, 1857. The in- stalling officers were Rev. Dr. Lilien- thal, Mr. Renau, one of the leaders of the order, and myself. I had become a member of the order two years be- fore that time by joining Solomon Lodge, No. 16, at Cleveland, Ohio, where I went to be initiated, and re- turning there again one month later, to receive all the degrees under dis- pensation. Immediately after the in- stitution of Ramah Lodge, I applied for a card of withdrawal from Solomon Lodge, and joined Ramah Lodge, whose first president and vice president were respectively, G. M. Cohen and Rudolph Rosenthal. I consider the in- stitution of Ramah Lodge as the most important factor in the subsequent rapid development of Judaism in Chi- cago, and of an incalculable influence upon the glorious progress since at- tained by the order at large. Under the able guidance of Brother B. Felsenthal, ways and means to pro- mote the intellectual and moral status of the members, and the Jewish So- ciety generally, were made legitimate objects of inquiry, at weekly meetings of RamaJh Lodge, which were regularly attended by all the members, and an earnestness prevailed, akin to that which animated the leading spirits of the French Revolution. Here some of the best minds of German and Polish Jews joined hands to remove the mis- erable provincial barriers existing in Chicago, and the motto of the order, "Benevolence, Brotherly Love and Har- mony," became the living motive of all their actions in the outside world. The members of Ramah Lodge co-operated In every true and noble movement that was urged, either in the Hebrew Benevolent Society or in the existing congregations; and after a term of two 302 years of self-imposed preparation, Ra- mah Lodge had the proud satisfaction of uniting our existing Jewish Organi- zations, Polish and German, in one common organization. Jewish reform was systematically inculcated in Ra- mah Lodge, literary culture stimulated and refinement of manner cultivated. The idea of the brotherhood of men was rooted deeply in the souls of the members, and a determination acquired to battle honorably for the elevation and appreciation of Israel, which has left indelible marks on the minds of many of the members of the Chicago Jewish Community. All subsequent "Jewish Organiza- tions have been influenced by the im- proved and advanced spirit, that hal- lowed the sacred precincts of Ramah Lodge. This same spirit has been felt ever since in the councils of the order, state and national. Among the most prominent members of Ramah Lodge were the following: B. Felsenthal, Herman Felsenthal, Charles Kozminski, H. Goldsmith, A. Hart, J. L. Gatzert and L. Solomon. Many of the older members have since left the order, and some have left the city, some have died and ethers have joined other lodges in the city, in the interest of the order. Ramah Lodge is still in existence in the city of Chicago, and is continuing in the good work, which it has chosen for its aim from the very start. The membership has considerably increased and so has its general fund which amounts today to many thousand dol- lars. Some years ago it had created a special widows' and orphans' fund, the interest of which is devoted to helping poor widows of members, and to the education of their orphaned children. Prior to 1858, efforts were made in Chicago to establish different societies. There was also organized about that time a society which flourished a few years under the leadership of Ed S. Solomon, and was discontinued after Mr. Solomon entered the United States Army of Volunteers in 1861. The name of this society was "Young Men's Fra- ternity." It was a secret organization, and had two sister lodges outside of Illinois, one at Milwaukee, Wis., and one .at Detroit. Mich. In the meantime the Jewish popula* T X HK ADVOOATfie 303 tion of Chicago (had materially in- creased by immigration from Europe and different states of the Union, and the constant additions of new comers Boon enabled the Chicago Jewish Com- munity to expand in all directions, and to create new organizations and institutions, and the Order of B'nai Brith found ample material for new lodges. HILLEL LODGE, NO. 72, I. O. B. B. The second lodge of the Order B'nai B'rith in the State of Illinois was Hillel Lodge, also in Chicago. Dis- trict Grand Lodge, No. 2, granted the charter for this lodge on January 28, 1866. The following were its charter members: Henry Greenebaum, Isaac Greenebaum, Abraham Newberger, Mayer Hirsch, Gabriel Rubel, Moses Goodman, Solomon Rothschild, Levi J. Unna, Dr. Bernhard Felsenthal and Michael Newgass. The first President was Henry Greenebaum, who took a withdrawal card from Romah Lodge for the purpose of organizing Hillel Lodge. It was installed by Lewis Abram, Grand Nassi Ab., and other officers of the Grand Lodge. Hillel Lodge readily followed in the footsteps of its older sister, Raman, and had soon established' for itself an enviable reputation. It always re- sponded liberally to an appeal for any good cause. It counts among its mem- bers some of the most prominent Jew- ish citizens of Chicago, and is consid- ered the banner lodge of District No. 6. The membership of Hillel Lodge is now 117 and quite a number of young applicants are awaiting initiation. The present officers are: Wm. S. Neuberger, President; Meyer H. Eich- engreen, Vice-President; David A. Fel- senthal Secretary, and Adolph Loeb, Treasurer. As the Jewish population of the state kept on increasing the Order of B'nai B'rith gained a stronger foothold in Illinois and lodge after lodge was added to the ranks. It soon became necessary to establish a separate dis- trist for the western states, and Dis- trict No. 6 was consequently called into existence. This district now comprises the following states: Illinois, Michi- gan, Wisconsin, Minnesota, Iowa and Nebraska with the following lodges at Chicago: Ramah, Hillel, Maurice Mayer, Jonathan, Sovereignty, Orien- tal, Chicago, Northwestern, Herder, Alexander Hamilton, and Samuel Hirsch Auxiliary Lodge, consisting of Jewish Youths. In the state, outside of Chicago, are the following lodges: Ernes, No. 67, Springfield; Zuleika, No. 99, Quincy; Quincy, No. 151, at Quin- cy; Progress, No. 113, Peoria; Island, No. 169, Rock Island; Humboldt No. 180, Ottawa; Abraham Lincoln, No. 190, Bloomington; Egypt, No. 268, Cairo, and Liberty, No. 294, Lincoln. Altogether there are twenty lodges in the state. The fraternal organizations are not strictly independent Illinois institu- tions. They are in reality branches of a main body belonging to different states. We therefore do not feel jus- tified to devote much space to them in this history of the Jews of Illinois. We made an exception with the first two lodges and this will suffice to give the character of the fraternal organiza- tions. We only mention the names of some of the other Jewish orders and lodges without entering into details. I. O. FREE SONS OF ISRAEL. This order entered into the state in the beginning of the seventies. There are nine men's lodges in Chicago and one ladies' lodge, called Esther Lodge. They all belong to District No. 2. H. M. Shabad is the present Grand Mas- ter of this district. I. O. KESHER SHEL BARZEL. This order has but two lodges in the state, one in Chicago and one in Otta- wa. It flourished for a time, but of late has been losing ground very fast. SONS OF BENJAMIN. Eight lodges represent this order in Chicago. Two are ladies' lodges. THE ORDER B'RITH ABRAHAM is very strongly represented in the state. It has thirty-one lodges in Chicago, three of which are ladies' lodges, and two lodges in the city of Peoria. THE WESTERN STAR ORDER Is also well represented in the state by a number of lodges in Chicago and other places. ZIONISTS' ORGANIZATIONS. There are three Zionist organizations in Chicago which are affliated with the Federation of American Zionists. ORDER KNIGHTS OF ZION. The headquarters of this order are in Chicago. The subordinate lodges are in Chicago. The subordinate lodges are called "gates." There are six such gates in Chicago. VIII. THE ERA OF REFORM. THE REFORM VEREIN. The year 1858 marks the beginning of the era of Jewish Reform in the state of Illinois. The battlefield was still Chicago, and here it was, in that year, when the persistent, courageous , and valiant endeavors of the men who did pioneer yeomen services in the re- form cause, like Leopold Mayer, God- frey Snydacker, Henry and Elias Greenebaum, Raphael Guthmann, the brothers Samuel and Leon Straus, and others, culminated in the first practi- cal organization. This first reform or- ganization was called the "Reform Verein." In 1898, Dr. B. Felsenthal, who was the secretary of that organization, wrote a pamphlet "Beginnings of the Chicago Sinai Congregation, a Contri- bution to the Inner History of Ameri- can Judaism." This pamphlet which was published under the auspices of the Sinai Congregation, contains the history of the "Reform Verein," and also of the organization of Sinai Con- gregation, which was the consequence of the establishment of the "Reform Verein." As the esteemed author of this pamphlet was closely connected with both institutions, we deem it best to quote, as much as possible, from his reports. Dr. Felsenthal writes: "In April, 1858, the present writer or let us hereafter call him by his proper name, by the name of B. Felsenthal came to Chicago and found employment in a banking house. Said Felsenthal also entertained reform views. Some of his countrymen and personal friends whom he met here were among those whose mental life was not entirely absorbed by their business pursuits, but who had kept and nourished within themselves the love of the more idealistic tenden- cies of life, and who especially wished another state of things in Judaism. It was natural that they, he and his friends, in their private conversations, often came to speak of Jewish affairs and how to better them, and in one of their private intercourses it was agreed to invite a number of friends to come together and found, if possible, a society for the purpose of fostering Jewish reform. "Invitations were sent out and ' in consequence of them a number of friends met on Sunday, June 20th, 1858, at 3 p. m., at the office of Greenebaum Bros. (45 Clark St.), and then and there the 'Juedische Reformverein' was instituted. The following were present in the memorable meeting: Gerhard Foreman, Elias Greenebaum, Michael Greenebaum, Raphael Guthmann, Isaac Greensfelder, Leopold Mayer, Leopold Miller, Samuel Straus and Bernhard Felsenthal. "Mr. Leopold Mayer was elected as chairman, and B. Felsenthal as secre- tary. After an address by the chair- man, the secretary submitted a paper containing twenty-seven theses. The same were read and it was resolved to accept them as a basis for further con- sideration. "The secretary's theses, together with a preamble, read as follows: " 'We are deeply convinced that Is- rael has been called by God to be the Messiah of the nations and to spread truth and virtue on earth. In order to fulfill this high mission, Israel has to undergo a process of purification in its own midst. This abject will be best accomplished in free and blessed Amer- ica, where no material forces check spiritual progress. The special mis- sion of American Israel, therefore, is to place Judaism before the world pur- ified in the doctrine and conduct and so to become a shining example for Is- raelites the world over. In order to do our share in this work, we organize today a Jewish Reform Society for which we draw up the following guid- ing principles: " 'I. Object of the Society. " '1. The object of the Jewish Re- form Society is to awaken and culti- vate a truer conception of Judaism and a higher realization of Jewish Relig- ious Life, first among its own mem- bers, and, if possible, also in wider circles. "'IT. The Religious Basis of the Society. 304 THE. RE.FORM ADVOCATED " '2. The Jewish Reform Society, as its name indicates, has a decidedly Jewish as well as a decidedly reforma- tory tendency. In order to explain this more fully the following fundamental views are here laid down.' " (Here follow a number of paragraphs in explanation of the foregoing.) "In a meeting held Jan. 30th, it was resolved to appoint a committee, whose duty shall be to submit in the next meeting a report on the religious basis of a reform congregation. "Many of those who have joined the Verein and who favored the institut- ing of a new congregation were mem- bers of Kehillath Anshe Maarabh. In fact, the majority of members of the Verein were still members of said con- gregation. In order to receive more light on the questions involved from an authority, who, as such was ac- knowledged and honored by many of the Chicago friends of reform, a letter was sent to Dr. S. Adler, the Rabbi of the Emanuel Congregation in New York, submitting to him several ques- tions and requesting his answers there- to. The first letter dated Nov. 24th, 1858, contained the following four questions: "1. Is it desirable to establish a new Reform Congregation here? "2. What do you think of Minhag America? "3. What ways are to be pursued in a mixed congregation, that is, a con- gregation consisting of members dif- fering in their religious views, In or- der to satisfy, at least the most urgent demands for reform? "4. Eventually, what ways should be pursued by a pure and unmixed reform congregation? "In a meeting held Jan. 30th, it was 1859, Dr. Adler answered these ques- tions. "On Dec. 31st, 1858. the Chicago friends of reform, sent a second let- ter to Dr. Adler, asking his opinion concerning Einhorn's Prayerbook. On Jan. 18th, 1859, he wrote his answer, and therein he recommended most warmly the new Prayerbook of Dr. Einhorn, "No Prayerbook in exist- ence can stand comparison with that of Einhorn," he said, and this, his opinion, is supported by good argu- ments. "In 1859, B. Felsenthal issued his pamphlet, "Kol Kore Bamidbar, Con- cerning Jewish Reform." This pam- phlet was a factor of considerable pow- er in furthering the cause of reform in Chicago, and in making the plan of founding up a Reform Congregation in this city a success. "The little book was stirring ana made a great sensation. In accordance with a resolution passed, immediately after by the Reform Verein, a public meeting was held, April 17th, 1859, which was attended by hundreds of Chicago Jews. At that meeting Leo- pold Mayer and B. Felsenthal ad-, dressed those assembled. It was al- most in compliance with the resolution of the Verein that a second mass meet- ing took place on Dec. 29th, 1859, and Bern-hard Felsenthal addressed on this occasion, hundreds of his fellow Is- raelites, who had come to that meet- ing. "During the year 1860-61 very little transpired in the Verein. The political excitements in those years were too intense, civil war between the North and South was threatening and rapidly approaching. The minds of all were al- most totally occupied by the ail-ab- sorbing political question. After the fall holidays of 1860, a considerable num- ber of members of K. A. M., seeing that their endeavors to introduce re- forms in their synagogue was fruitless, left their congregation and joined the Verein. In numbers and in means the Verein was now so much strengthened, that successful steps could be taken for establishing the congregation. A committee was appointed of whom B. Felsenthal was a member, to draft a constitution for the congregation about to be founded. In this constitution the name "Sinai Congregation," was given to the new congregation. On Feb. 17th, 1861, it was resolved to adopt Ein- horn's Prayerbook as the ritual of the new Temple. "It is meet and proper that, as a mat- ter of history, we should record here the names of those who first instituted this Reform Verein; these were: Ellas Greenebaum, Michael Greenebaum, Ja- cob Greenebaum, Henry Greenebaum, Gerhard Foreman, Leopold Mayer, Leo- pold Miller, Raphael Guthmann, Isaac Greensfelder, Samuel Straus, Leon Straus, Bernhard Felsenthal, Nathan Mayer, Moses Rubel, Samuel Alschular, Isaac Liebenstein, Moses Schields, Laz. E. Lebolt, Simon Haas, Moses Hirsch, Henry Kaufman, L. Rubens, and Isaac Waixel." DR. BERNHARD FELSENTHAL. The name of B. Felsenthal has been mentioned so often in these pages and will be alluded to frequently hereaft- er, especially in connection with the Sinai and Zion Congregations of Chi- cago, that it is time we should in- form the reader more particularly In regard to the antecedents, life and la- bors of this teacher in Israel. Bernhard Felsenthal was born Jan. 2nd, 1822, at Muenchweiler, near Kais- erslautern, in the Rhenish Palatinate. His earliest education he received in the Elementary School of his native village. After he had reached the age of 13 years his father sent him to the "Kreisgewerbschule," in Kaiserlau- tern, from which institution he grad- uated in 1838. When stijl at the school at Muenchweiler, he was led into the field of Rabbinic literature 'by the dis- trict Rabbi, M. Cohen, who then re- sided at Muenchweiler. At Kaiserslau- tern, young Felsenthal continued his Rabbinic and taltnudic studies under Rabbi Moses Cohen, who, in 1835, had chosen the city of Kaiserslautern as the place of his residence. In the fall of 1838, B. Felsenthal went to Munich to continue his studies at the Polytechnic High School, and as a "hospitant," he heard also lectures at University. At that time he devoted himself mostly to mathematical stud- ies, and he had formed the plan of en- tering into tue Civil Service of Bavaria. But soon he was convinced that his hopes in this regard would never be realized. Being a Jew, he could not ex- pect that he would be appointed to some office, and so he discontinued his studies in Munich in the fall of 1840. The question now was what to do. Some practical course had to be taken. REV. DR. B. FELSENTHAL. and so young Felsenthal made up his mind to become a teacher, and for that purpose he entered the Teachers' Semi- nary at Kaiserslautern. After a two years' course in this institution, he graduated in 1843, and soon thereafter he was engaged as a teacher in a small Jewish Congregation, in his native Province, the Rhenish Palatinate. In 1854 he emigrated to America. For the first two years of his American life, he was employed as a tutor of the chil- dren of a befriended family in Law- renceburg, Ind. In March, 1856, he re- ceived a call from the Jewish Congre- gation in Madison, Ind., to be their minister; he accepted the situation, and remained with that congregation for two years. Then he was invited by some friends to come to Chicago and enter into a new field altogether. He did so; in the month of April, 1858, he went to Chi- cago. He found employment as a clerk in a banking house. He led, as such, a retired life, devoting his leisure time mostly to talmudic literature, which always had been very attractive for him. In the summer of 1858, a number of younger Jewish men In Chicago, formed a society under the name of "Juedischer Reform verein;" of this so- ciety Felsenthal was the secretary un- til it dissolved in 1861. While secretary of the Verein, Felsenthal published his pamphlet (in 1859), "Kol Kore Bamid- bar; Ueber. Juedische Reform." This pamphlet did very much in promoting the Jewish Reform movement in Chi- cago. In the spring of 1861, after it REFORM ADVOCATE. 305 had been resolved by the Reform Ver- ein to establish a 'Reform Congrega- tion, and the question arose, where to find a Rabbi for their spiritual guide for this congregation. The members al- most unanimously asked Mr. Felsen- thal to become their Rabbi; they urged aim to accept the office, and in addition to these urgent requests, letters from the late Rabbi Dr. Einhorn and the late Rabbi Dr. Samuel Adler, reached him, in which he was also urgently re- quested to accept the office; he hesi- tated no longer. In June, 1864, after Felsenthal had officiated three^ years in the "Sinai Congregation," he was re-elected for another term. A committee, consisting of Messrs. Schoeneman, Frankenthal and Gatzert, informed Felsenthal of his re-election. B. Felsenthal thought that the congregation, being otherwise sat- isfied with him, should make his posi- tion more secure and elect him either for life time or during good behavior. To this condition the congregation would not consent, and in consequence of this disagreement, Felsenthal re- tired. A few weeks thereafter, during the summer of 1864, a number of Chicago Israelites founded the "Ziori Congrega- tion," and unanimously resolved to in- vite B. Felsenthal to become their min- ister. In September, 1864, he entered upon the duties of his new position. For twenty-two years, that is, until the fall of 1886, Felsenthal was the of- ficiating Rabbi of the Zion Congrega- tion. In 1886 Rabbi Felsenthal was pen- sioned and retired from office. Only oc- casionally he has since then ascended the pulpit. In 1866, he was greatly hon- ored, by the old Chicago University, with a diploma as a Doctor of Philoso- phy. In 1868 he published a practical grammar of the Hebrew language. About a year previously ihe had pub- lished "Yuedisches Schulwesen In Amerika." In 1869: "Kritik des Mis- sionswesens." In 1878: "Zur Proselyt- renfrage im Yudenthum." In 1869: "Yuedische Fragen." He contributed often to various peri- odicals as "Sinai," "Jewish Times," "Young Israel," "Zeitgeist," "Jewish Advance," "Reform Advocate," "The Menorah," etc. Also articles from his pen appeared in the year book of the Central Conference of American Rab- bis, in the publication of the American Jewish Historical Society, etc. On Jan. 2nd, 1892, the members of the Zion Congregation, and a number of his friends, celebrated the 70th anni- versary of the birth of Dr. Felsenthal, by a grand banquet arranged in the vestry rooms of the "Zion Temple," and on the Saturday previous a special service was held at the Temple in hon- or of Rev. Dr. Felsenthal, who has been their spiritual guide for so many years. Dr. Felsenthal was on this occasion the recipient of a great number of congrat- ulatory telegrams, letters and Hebrew poems, laudatory of his fine character, manly virtues, and scholarly attain- ments as well as a faithful exponent of the word of God, and as a sincere min- ister of religion in the Chicago Jewish Community. The work of Dr. Felsenthal, as a leader in Israel, has made an indelible impression and will occupy a conspic- uous part in the 'history of the Ameri- can Jews and Judaism in this country. Especially will his pioneer labors in the interest of the Reform Judaism claim the attention of the Jewish his- torians. In Illinois he was the first practical path-finder of Jewish Reform; he sowed the seeds, tilled the soil, worked and watched with unabating interest and energy until the blossoms appeared, the buds sprouted and the fruit ripened. As a man he stands prominently high in the esteem of his fellow men; as an American Citizen, he is 'held in great regard by his fellow citizens, and as a Jewish savant he is looked up to by scholars, as a man of great erudition. He is an authority on Rabbinical questions, on subjects of Jewish history and literature and one of the best Hebrew scholars in this country; he is a profound thinker and logical and forcible writer in the He- brew as well as in the German and English languages. Like the late Dr. Liebman Adler, of blessed memory, he 'has made many friends and very few enemies dur- ing his long and useful career in the Chicago Community. The hand of time is exhibiting the signs of old age on his head, and a host of friends ardently pray that our Father in Heaven may lighten the burden of the loss, of his noble, true and kind helpmate, and that many more years of happiness may be vouchsafed to this venerable and honored teacher of Israel. CLAY LITERARY ASSOCIATION. This association was established in Chicago by eleven Jewish young men in September, 1859. The object of the association was to gain a more inti- mate union among the young men of Chicago and for the promotion of lit- erature. The members were prominent business men and good speakers, and many a spirited debate enlivened their meetings. The officers were: Henry N. Hart, president; D. J. Boehm, vice-presi- dent; G. A. Levi, recording secretary; Martin Barbe, financial seretary, and F. S. Mandle, treasurer. EXCELSIOR CLUB. About that time there was also in existence a Jewish club by the name of Excelsior. This club was noted for its theatrical performances and mu- sical entertainments. Mr. E. Salomon was at the head of this club, which had about seventy-five members. IX. FIRST CHARITY INSTITUTrON. UNITED HEBREW RELIEF ASSOCI- ATION. The population of Chicago contin- ued to increase very rapidly. The Jewish community kept pace by con- stant additions to its members. The demands upon Jewish charity were growing from day to day and the necessity of organizing some charity institution was very much felt in the community. In February, 1859, the leaders met in the vestry rooms of the synagogue of Congregation Anshe Maarabh, cor- ner Wells and Adams streets, for the purpose of starting a charity associa- tion. Six or eight meetings were held before a system of organization was devised. For several years past various Jew- ish organizations of the city main- tained a special relief fund for the as- sistance of non-members. There was also a relief society for the assistance of needy co-religionists. The subject of a union of all these charity-giving societies was proposed to Raman Lodge No. S3, I. O. B. B., and at the suggestion of Henry Greenebaum, Ramah Lodge appointed a committee to wait upon the several Jewish so- cieties. A convention composed of delegates, on the basis of one for each ten members, from the Hebrew Relief society, Hebrew Benevolent society, Ramah lodge, Young Men's Fraterni- ty, Relief society No. 2, Young Ladies' Benevolent society. Ladies' Benevo- lent society, and of the presidents of K. A. M. and B'nai Sholom congrega- tions, held several meetings, adopted a constitution and elected an execu- tive board. The final object of this association was to provide for the hospital In which poor co-religionists shall be attended to when sick and for an asy- lum to receive Jewish widows and orphans without means. On Novem- ber 20, 1859, the executive board held its first meeting and elected Henry Greenebaum president, Isaac Greens- felder treasurer and Edward S. Salo- mon recording secretary. Of this orig- inal board President Henry Greene- baum and Treasurer Isaac Greensfeld- er are the only two surviving officers. On October 4, 1860, the board of del- egates held their first annual meeting at which the following delegates were present: Hebrew Relief society, M. M. Gerstley, A. Cohen, G. Snydacker and J. Cook; Hebrew Benevolent so- ciety, R. Guthman, J. Liebensteln, I. Greensfelder, A. Hart, B. Schlossman, M. Schields, J. M. Stine and L. Frei- berger; Ramah lodge, Henry Greene- baum, L. J. Unna, J. Greenebaum, Sr., B. Barbe, H. Felsenthal, Julius Ham- burger, J. L. Gatzert and B. Brunne- man; Young Men's Fraternity, Ed. S. Salomon, J. Biersdorf, M. Morris and B. Engel; Relief society No. 2, A. Alex- ander, A. Barnett, Anton Herzog and S. Levy; Ladies' Benevolent society, Mrs. J. Hyman, Mrs. F. Greenebaum, Jr., Mrs. R. Foreman and Mrs. Joseph Liebenstein. Young Ladies' Benevo- lent society, Mrs. A. Rubel, Miss E. Stiefel and Miss F. Salomon; K. A. M., President B. Schlossman; B'nai Sho- lom congregation, President Jonas 306 REFORM ADVOCATED Moore. The following board was elected: H. Greenebaum, president, Godfrey Snydacker, vice-president, Is- aac Greensfelder, treasurer, Jacob Lle- benstein and Julius Hamburger, trus- tees, J. L. Gatzert, recording secretary and A. Alexander, financial secretary. The mayor of the city, J. C. Haines, gave his official encouragement to the new society and promised his aid and assistance. The Michigan Central, Michigan Southern, Pittsburg, Ft \Vayne and Chicago, Illinois Central and the New York and Erie railroads offered their aid to forward passengers In the charge of the society at reduced rates, and Drs. M. B. Isham and N. S. Davis performed the medical services and Mr. Mathea, druggist, furnished medicines at reduced prices. The Clay Literary society also became a con- tributor to the United Hebrew Relief and sent the following delegates: Lew- is Reitler, Morris Barbe and Aaron Schloss. On September 20, 1861, the Ladies' Sewing society was organized. The subject to organize such a society was first introduced by the Ladies' Benevolent society ana about 100 la- dies became members of the sewing society. The object of this society was to procure material and finish garments, bed quilts, etc., for the ben- efit of poor co-religionists, the United Hebrew Relief society was to see to the proper contribution of same. At a meeting of the delegates of the He- brew Relief association held Septem- ber 23, 1861, Mr. Isaac Greensfelder was elected president. Mr. Greensfeld- er has served as president, treasurer and trustee for forty years, and is still at the head of the association. In April, 1862, the Hebrew Relief as- sociation sent a check for $200 to the Sanitary Commission, in aid of sick and wounded soldiers, the heroes of Pittsburg Landing. The necessity for a Jewish hospital was constantly increasing. Jewish patients were sent to Jewish hospitals in other cities, which involved much expense and many hardships. The Hebrew Relief association of Chicago had created from the start a hospital fund and this fund was now increas- ing. The deliberations of the third annual meeting were mainly devoted to the subject of a Jewish hospital. What the patriotic feelings of the Chicago Jews were in regard to the Civil war, which was then raging in the country, was graphically expressed in the third annual report of the ex- ecutive board, from which we quote: "But unfortunately we are surrounded by circumstances, which, aside from charity, require great sacrifices. We are living in a time which, indeed, tries men's souls. The very existence of that good government, to which the Israelite especially is indebted for the enjoyment of political equality and re- ligious liberty, is threatened at the hands of a most bold and wicked con- spiracy. The stars and stripes, that emblem of justice and free institu- tions, have been trampled under foot by traitors at home, while the act, if not openly commended, is secretly cheered by desperate and crowned heads of tyrannical Europe. Brave hearts and strong arms are rushing to the rescue by the hundred thou- sands, in support of the government, and every loyal man is called upon to bring' sacrifices in a holy cause and nobly, yes, thrice nobly and patrioti- cally did the Israelites of Chicago re- spond in the emergency with a burn- ing love for country and freedom, did they arise, far above all selfish consid- eration, and praise resounded throughout the land for their support of the war, most liberal and truly magnificent." Ten thousand dollars were raised in one meeting to fit out a company of soldiers. The Jewish ladies sub- scribed $150 for a splendid flag to this company. An attemept to organize a society for a widows' and orphans' home was made in 1863. A meeting was held August 3d of that year, in the K. A. M. synagogue, M. M. Gerstley in the chair and Rev. Liebman Adler serving as secretary. Fifty ladies signed their names to show their willingness to es- tablish such a society. The following ladies were appointed a committee to perfect the organization: Mrs. Henry Homer, Mrs. L. Rosenfeld, Mrs. L. Goodkind, Mrs. L. F. Leopold, Mrs. Isaac Lucky. In 1863 the following societies were added as contributors to the United Hebrew Relief, Frauen Wohlthaetig- keits Verein. The delegates of this ladies' society were Mrs. Michael Greenebaum and Mrs. Leah Goodkind. The ladies' Sewing Society sent Mrs. Rebecca Levi, Mrs. Henrietta Rosen- feld, Mrs. Mina btine, Mrs. Bertha Snydacker. And Chebra Kadisha Ubikkur Cholim sent L. Mayer, D. Wit- kowski, H. L. Marks and Casper Burg- heim. This society then numbered about thirty-eight members. Destitute Jewish families came to Chicago from the South and the de- mands upon the Hebrew association were greatly increased. In an address to the public in the interest of the Hebrew Relief associ- ation, embodied in the fourth annual report, we find the following foot- note, which is very characteristic of the men and the time. It was hardly written by the president, Mr. M. Gerst- ley; it was more likely the work of Rev. Liebman Adler, for the knowl- edge of talmudic and rabbinic liter- ature displayed in this appeal is al- most too much for a layman. "Aniye Irkha waaniye ir akhereth, aniye Irkha kodmin." "Baba Mezia, fol. 71, a. Compare Maimon, in Hilk- hoth Mathnoth Anlym, chap. 7, Ha- lakha 13; Jacob ben Asher In Tur Yoreh Deah, Art. 251. Joseph Karo in Shulkan Arukb. ibid, sec. 3. (Where Shabthai Cohen adds): Even the poor of the holy land have no such claims as the poor of our own city; same in Tur and Sh. A. Choshen Mishpat, art. 97, sec. 1. Compare also Yalkut Thorah, sec. 350 and sec. 897, Mekhiltha and Rashi to Exod. 22, 24; Sifri and Rashi to Deut. 15, 7; Aben Esra to Deut. 12, 11, and many other places." Surely, if the writer of this note would have addressed to the Rabbini- cal society of Chicago such quotations from the Rabbinical authorities, it would have been sufficient to gain for him the title Moreno and a diploma authorizing him to p.asken shaaloth in the most prominent Jewish congrega- tion in the country. The Washington Irving Literary as- sociation and the Zion congregation joined the Hebrew Relief association and sent delegates. From a ball ar- ranged for the benefit of the Hebrew Relief association $15,054.92 were re- alized and $34,000 were collected by a committee. In this year the Sisters of Peace joined the Hebrew Relief as- sociation and sent delegates. Sinai congregation also became a member of the U. H. R. A., and was represented at the annual meeting. The delegates were as follows: S. Floersheim, Moses Snydacker, Elias Greenebaum, Benedict Schlossman, L. Levi, Isaac Greensfelder, J. M. Stine, Leopold Mayer, Sigmond Hyman and Isaac Liebenstein. During that year the society supplied many crippled Jewish soldiers with artificial arms and limbs. In defining the sphere of action of the Hebrew Relief association, the board opposed a collection for an or- phan asylum on the ground that the only beneficial asylum for an orphan is within the circle of a private fam- ily. Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Lucky of Chicago were the first to practice this charity by adopting an orphan girl into their home. In 1866 the name of Hillel Lodge B. B. was added to the list of the con- tributing societies. A piece of ground in the north .di- vision of the city was purchased on which to build a hospital. At a mass meeting held on October 22, 1866, for the purpose of raising funds for the hospital, over $17,000 were subscribed. The Hebrew Relief association now comprised fourteen components with about 1,080 members, who sent 108 delegates. Two hundred and sixty of this number were ladies. The hospital lot was on North La Salle street between Schiller and Goe- the streets, 130 feet front by 170 deep, cost about $7,000 all paid up. A build- ing committee was appointed at a spe- cial meeting held March 24, 1867, con- sisting of the following: Isaac Greens- felder, chairman, Jacob Greenebaum, Jr., Godfrey Snydacker, Jonas Moore, Lazarus Silverman, L. Rosenfeld and Leopold Miller. Architect F. Bauman was selected to draw the plans for the hospital. THE. REFORM ADVOCATE. 307 In this year a charter was granted the United Hebrew Hospital associa- tion. On September 2, 1867, the corner stone of the hospital was laid. It was a great day for the Chicago Jewish community. All the Israelites, indi- vidually and in their organizations, turned out in procession, mayor Rice was one of the speakers. The author- ities of the city, county and some of the United States officers were pres- ent. Other speakers were Godfrey Snydacker, in German, and Henry Greenebaum, in English. We quote the following from the speeches: Mayor Rice said: "Fellow citizens, when this building shall be completed and tenanted by the maimed and sick; when wants shall be ministered to, by the kind and the capable, then will the prayers of its inmates implore blessings on all who have assisted in this noble char- ity, and the names of its founders shall remain ever bright in the rec- ords of Chicago, to be read with ad- miration by generations yet unborn." Mr. Snydacker remarked: "Union of hearts, will and purpose enabled us to begin this edifice; let us stand firmly together to complete and to put It in operation." Henry Greenebaum gave expression to the following sentiments: "May all of you live, not only to see this building completed, but also to behold emanating from its hallowed walls deeds of bravest charity, and may you also live to be gratified in contemplating He blissful results of your own efforts in your respective spheres of action." The meeting of the association was held at the rooms of Sinai congrega- tion. Concordia club placed its rooms at the disposal of the board for mass meetings free of charge. The U. H. R. A. limited the cost of the hospital to $18,000, but the speci- fications exceeded considerably, the calculated cost reaching the sum of about $25,000. A fair for the benefit of the hospital was held in December, 1867, and the sum of $11,500 netted. The hospital was finally opened for reception of visitors August 9, 1868, and patients were received next day. Mr. A. Lev! and wife were appointed steward and matron with a salary of 4800 per an- num. According to the first medical report the hospital contained fourteen inmates, twelve men and two women, nine German, three Polanders and one Bohemian, some pay and some free patients. Mr. Charles H. Schwab and Mrs. L. Lieberman furnished one room each. In April, 1869, Mr. Greenebaum re- signed from the office of president on account of a trip to Europe which he was about to undertake. Before leav- ing he became a life member of the hospital by paying $100, the first and only one at that time, creating there- by the endowment fund. He is still In possession of the certificate issued to him at that time and values it very highly. On October 9, 1871, the red letter day in the calender of Chicago, the hospital was destroyed by the great fire. In order to give a correct report of the conditions prevailing in the Jew- ish community of Chicago immediate-> ly after the fire, we can do no better than to quote from the twelfth annual report of the executive board of the Hebrew Relief association: "Since the catastrophy of the 8th and 9th of October our association has undoubtedly entered upon a new phase of its history. Your dealing with pov- erty and pauperism, forms henceforth only an insignificant part of your gi- gantic task. "It is with another class o* your people, relatives, friends and neigh- bors, men and families, that stood side by side with you heretofore in society, in congregation, in this coun- cil, that you have to engage your hearts, your minds and all your ef- forts. You know how they were turned out of their homes, sometimes In the middle of the night, 'by the per- nicious element, striking down what could not keep pace with its volatile strides. You know that in most cases they had hardly time to grasp* their wives and little ones, to flee for their lives, and then even to find no rest- Ing place except after a wearying stampede of ten or twelve miles with a cloud of fire chasing after them. Nothing saved, no clothes or under- wear, for husband, wife or children; no furniture, beds or bedding, no stove, cooking utensils or crockery; nothing to make home cheerful and what was gradually amassed by the industrious toils of the model wife. "Ah, how long will it take to make up these losses, or even for so much that will make their home tolerably comfortable? But this Is not all; the husband's business is gone with their homes and mostly insured in bank- rupt companies. Thrown out of busi- ness, employment or usual occupation, where shall he find the means to sup- port wife and children that he loves so dearly? Will he ever be able to raise from the grave of utter demo- lition? This is henceforth the Her- culean task that we have to shoulder. You can not, you dare not, rest until every one of these families are placed beyond the reach of want and need; aye, even there you must not rest, un- til they are restored to their former well-to-do condition. Don't under- rate the work before you, go into the details that are wanted for each of these families and you will find your aim almost beyond the extent of hu- man power, for the lowest estimate Is that 400 Jewish families share the fate of this utter destruction that we have so poorly attempted to depict. "Like the sun ray tearing the dark clouds, pregnant with mischief, af- fected us, however, this spontaneous uprise of sympathy with our distress throughout the civilized- world. This feeling of our pain, and the attempt to alleviate it from near and 'far, as though we were all limbs and mem- bers of one body, contributed greatly to our consolation. These showers of contributions of victuals, clothing, bed- ding, stoves and money were the best means to remove the first effect of our terrible disaster. We know that our Jewish brethern from abroad contrib- uted their ample share to this relief, intended for the benefit of our suffer- ers without distinction, that saved us from famine or worse disaster. We also gladly admit that our unfortunate co-religionists received their ample share of these contributions, but these could certainly be intended only to afford momentary assistance and to continue so to do in the worst cases of impoverishment during the whole dreary winter is the task that is be- fore us. "But in the true sense of Jewish charity our brethern abroad collected large funds for the special purpose of supplying their reduced co-religionists in Chicago with means to start again in business and thus protect them against pauperism. "Although the U. H. R. A. has been for the last thirteen years the only recognized organ receiving all con- tributions of charity and distributing them, we can not complain if the con- tributions raised within the lodges of the I. O. B. B. for the special assist- ance of their brethren went into the funds of the relief committee of the I. O. B. B. and were applied exclusive- ly to their benefit, however, injurious to the cause of Judaism and the idea of equality and coherence of all its members, it might have been in our opinion. But we certainly have a right to expect and to claim that all contributions not collected for the special benefit of the I. O. B. B. should have been or should be here- after, at least, turned over to the U. H. R. A. for the benefit of all poor Yehudim, and for the purpose of sus- taining the integrity and existence of our association that has been for the past and will be for the future, iden- tified with all Jewish institutions of this city In the province of charity and benevolence. "We can only ascribe it to this cir- cumstance of mixing up funds that the relief committee of the I. O. B. B. col- lected over $20,000, while according to the report of the special committee the U. H. R. A. has received up to date the modest sum of $4,384.15, of which, doing the best under the circumstanc- es, they have relieved up to date 178 cases with the amount of $3,115.67, leaving a balance on hand of $1,268.48. Most of the families having been thus far relieved in accordance with our means ought to receive additional as- sistance; other families have not been reached at all and will be found out only in the course of time, as most of the sufferers do not apply for aid for themselves but must be searched :;ns THE. R&FORM ADVOCATED and found out, and labor under the mistaken idea that their misfortune, although not caused by any fault of theirs, does not entitle them to any acceptance of assistance, and that this acceptance would degrade them and place them on a level with habitual beggars. "In order to meet all the wants of our sufferers during the winter and to prepare them for their new career in life which they must open for them- selves, we estimate that a sum of $50,- 000 is required, and we think the sum can be approximated, if not reached, if all passion, and jealousy are laid aside, if there is only one head center to receive and distribute the contri- butions which come from abroad, and that there is only one pass-word that will establish the full title for assist- tance if otherwise worthy, 1. e., yatr "Earnest and constant efforts should be made to let our Jewish brethren know our wants, to let them know that our barriers of distinctions have been dropped within the pale of Juda- ism, that we are all B'nai B'rith, that is', sons of the covenant of our father, Abraham, and all will be well, and the proverbial Jewish charity will mani- fest itself in our sister cities in these, our days or trial and affliction, as we can expect but little in the way of annual contributions from the re- duced condition of our heretofore most liberal contributors in this city for the present winter. "As we stated before, the books and vouchers of the treasurer and finan- cial secretary were destroyed by the flre, but through the efforts of Mr. C. Witkowski, acting secretary, our rec- ords were saved, which enables us to present you with a correct financial report, showing the following result of the annual collections to the relief fund from members of the respective congregations and societies auxiliary to the U. H. R. A. Sinai congregation ............ $2,200.00 K. A. M ...................... 1,150.05 Zion congregation ............ 779.00 K. B'nai Sholom ........... .... 789.00 K. Ahawas Achim ............ 43.50 Chebra Bikur Cholim ......... 62.00 The Hospital was laid in ruins by the late flre, but owing to the efforts of Dr. Win. Wag 1 ner, and the steward, Mr. Levy, none of the patients or occupants perished in the flames. Up to the time of its. destruction the hospital, under the special care of Dr. Wagner has been well patronized by free and pay pa- tients, irrespective of creed; with am- ple accommodations at our command, we did not make religion or national- ity a test. This report is signed by. B. Loe- wenthal, president, L. Wampold, Laz. Sllverman, Conrad Witkowsky, R. Ru- bel, Gerhard Foreman, Julius Rosen- thai, Chas Kozniouski and Godfrey Snydacker. The report of the special relief com- mittee is of great interest. It reads as follows: "The special relief committee for the benefit of the Jewish sufferers through the late fire, acting in concert with and under the auspices of the U. H. R. A. beg leave to submit to you the following report: J. W. Seligman & Co $1,000.00 Cincinnati committee 1,000.00 Nelson Morris 60.00 Felix Marx, N. Y., through Abe Hart 156.85 A poor Jew of Beimont, Ohio. 5.00 From the Israelites of Louisi- ana, Mo 60.00 From the Israelites of Marion, Ala 34.75 Ladies' Hebrew Benevolent So- ciety, Jackson, Mich 99.75 Mrs. I. Frankel, Oskaloosa, la. 15.00 M. Frankel 25.00 Froelich & Freiberger, Mt. Carroll, 111 10.00 T. Alexander & Co., Browns- ville, Texas 25.00 S. Bernstein, Champaign, 111. . 34.50 M. Loth, Cincinnati 25.00 Zadok Lodge, Salem, Ala 142.50 Donation through B. Cahn 25.00 Through Messrs. Bloch & Co., Cincinnati 34.00 M. S. Dessauer, Montrose, Pa.. 25.00 From the Israelites of Boston. ..1,104. 80 J. & S. Bernheimer 300.00 Hebrew Ladies' Bene. Soc.; Canton, Mass 40.00 M. Frank, Delaware, Ohio 7.00 Bloch & Co., Cincinnati, O., from diverse col 155.00 $4,384.15 Of this amount 178 cases have been relieved to the extent of $3,115.67. Besides this, a great many goods of all kinds have been distributed among our co-religionists. (Signed) B. Loewenthal, Chairman. G. Snydacker, Acting Treasurer. E. Wikowsky, Rec. Secretary. The executive committee found its sphere of action largely increased in consequence of the flre. An attempt to give each applicant enough to start in business failed. The appli- cant was no longer admitted to the meetings of the board, but were called upon at their homes to receive what, after due investigation, the board deemed it proper to give. Mr. J. L. L. Gatzert was appointed as superin- tendent, who rendered faithful and ef- ficient services gratuitously. He was presented by the board at withdrawal, in thankful acknowledgment of his services, with a memorial, executed in the highest style of art by the talented penman, Mr. A. Sinks, at the house of the president, Abe Hart. Mr. Francis Kiss was engaged as su- perintendent. B'nai Brith Order turned over sur- plus of $2,149.50 to treasurer of H. R., and harmony prevailed. The board decided to rebuild the hospital. It expected to receive a large contribution from the surplus in the hands of the Chicago Relief and Aid Society. The Order of B. B. made a very generous offer to issue appeal to the lodges of district for every member \m pay one dollar to the Hos- pital Fund. This offer was accepted, but not carried out for above reason. The Ch. R. & A. S. demanded a free bed for every $1,000 and this was found unadvisable, as it would have been an incumbrance on the property. Fifteen thousand dollars were again offered to the board by the Chicago Relief & Aid Society, which was only accepted on condition that the U. H. R. A. should have the privilege to refund whenever able. In 1876 the Deborah Verein, Sisters of Peace, Sisters of Harmony and La- dies' Society of West Chicago accept- ed the mission to bring consolation and material help to women who were left destitute by their husbands going South. The second fire, on July 14, 1874, was indeed a serious blow to many of the poor Jews of Chicago. The U. H. R. A. was again taxed to the utmost and it again helped and aided as much as it was possible. Rev. Liebman Adler was requested by the board to write an appeal to the Jews for financial supp6rt of the as- sociation, and the following appeal, prepared by Rabbi Adler, was pub- lished: "Scarce two decades have elapsed since all the Israelites of this city wefe living as in the bonds of one family circle. Each knew the other, all wor- shiped harmoniously in one temple and shared each others woes and joys. "How great is the change! Thou- sands scattered over a space of nearly thirty miles, in hundreds of streets, divided by pecuniary, intellectual and social directions, provincial jealousies and even religious distinctions and dif- ferences. Separation, division, disso- lution, estrangement repeated and con- tinual, are the words which character- ize the history of our brothers in faith until now. Dissolved in the mass of our population, we are losing the consciousness of homogeny and the strength gained for each individual by concerted action. "Let us also consider the oftheard complaint that Poles and Russians ab- sorb a disproportional large share of the means of this association. "Brothers and Sisters: Are these poor ones less to be pitied, are they less poor, are they less Israelites be- cause Poland or Russia is the land in which they first saw the light, or rath- er the darkness of this world? The poor of those countries are doubly poor. These unfortunates come to us from a country which is the European headquarters for barbarism, ignorance and uncleanliness. In those countries thousands of Israelites are densely crowded and pressed into small towns THE REFORM ADVOCATE. 309 and villages, and they become singu- lar and peculiar in their customs, man- ners and ideas. In conferring charity, it is the duty of the Israelite first to look to the needs and then to the de- serts of the recipient." In 1878 the Jewish young men of Chicago organized to contribute to the U. H. R. A. The leaders in this move- ment were: Louis Falk, Louis B. Kuppenheimer and Joseph Schaflner. In 1879 Henry L. Frank and his brother, Joseph Frank, trustees of a fund bequeathed to them by Michael Reese of San Francisco, Cal., ottered the sum of $30,000 for a hospital build- ing, on condition that it shall be known as Michael Reese Hospital. Mr. Jacob Rosenberg and Mrs. Henrietta Rosenfeld, likewise trustees of a fund 'bequeathed to them by the same Michael Reese, offered to donate $50,- 000 as an endowment maintaining the new hospital, to be named after the creator of the trust funds, Michael Reese Hospital. The U. H. R. A. ac- cepted both offers. The old hospital site was exchanged in 1880 for a lot corner Twenty-ninth street and Lake avenue, 208x252 feet. The Jewish young men of Chicago formed a Hospital Association, with the following as leaders: Louis Frank, Joseph Schaffner, Jonas Kuppenheim- er, Louis Kuppenheimer and Moses Weinberg. The cornerstone for the new hospital was laid on Nov. 4, 1880*, and On the 23d of October, 1881, it was dedicated and opened for the admission of pa- tients. The cost of the building and lot reached the sum of $48,521.41. The building committee consisted of the following gentlemen: Jacob Rosen- berg, Isaac Greensfelder, Henry L. Frank, Abe Hart and G. Snydacker. In January, 1881, the Young Men's Hebrew Charity Association was or- ganized. In 1882 twenty-two component socie- ties were contributing to the U. H. R. A. On Feb. 1, 1884, the Employment Bureau was opened and Mr. S. Barten- stein engaged as superintendent of the same. In their annual report, dated Oct. 10, 1886, the executive board suggests the founding of a Manual Training School, and in their next report of Oc- tober, 1877, they recommend the estab- lishing of an Old People's Home. In 1888 the name of the association was changed from the "U. H. R. A." to the "United Hebrew Charities of Chicago," and on November 24th of that year the legislature of Illinois granted a charter under the new name. In 1889 the United Hebrew Charities bought a lot on 223 Twenty-sixth street and erected a commodious brick building for the use of the association. The net cost of the lot was $4,575 and the expense of the building was $6,400. In the same year they also bought a cemetery at Ridge Lawn. On Sept. 1, 1890, the United Hebrew Charities established a training school for nurses in connection with the hos- pital. According to the report of the execu- tive board, dated October, 1891, over $58,000 was expended in the conduct of the relief office and of the hospital, from October, 1890, to October, 1891. Over 17,000 persons received assist- the United Hebrew Charities, other- wise the totals here given would have been much greater. In the conduct of the Relief Office there was expended nearly $19,000; in the Hospital, over $38,000; for the Hospital and Dispensary, about 11,000 prescriptions were filled. One thousand and fifty patients were treated in the hospital, more than half being non-Jews, while during the pre- vious year there were less tha*n 800 all told. At the Employment Bureau, 658 applications were filed for work, of which 549 were provided for. At the Ridge Lawn Cemetery there were seventy-four interments, while last year there were forty-seven. Up to September 1st of that year all Russian refugees worthy of assistance were provided for by the United He- brew Charities. At that time the Rus- sian Refugees' Society was formed for the special care of refugees who were MICHAEL REESE HOSPITAL. ance, this being nearly 600 more than during the previous year. Since the Chicago fire no record equal to this has been made. In this year the Russian Jews of the West Side established a general relief society of their own under the name of "Zedoko Kololos." This materially helped to decrease the demands upon driven from their homes in Russia and came here without means. The Young Men's Hebrew Charity Association contributed $6,000 to the Hospital from the proceeds of their ball, and the La- bor Bureau was exclusively supported by them besides. The Training School for Nurses, es- tablished about a year ago, had proven It is generally the custom in civil- ized countries, and so it is in this coun- try, to deposit if the cornerstones of public institutions a box containing a number of documents, such as a his- torical sketch of the respective asso- ciation and institution, copies of the daily press of the respective date, and denominational publications of the re- spective time. The object of this act is obviously to furnish data concerning the history of the time and the institu- tion to coming generations. It is a wise and commendable act. But we venture to suggest that duplicates of all the documents which are deposited in the cornerstone should also be de- posited about the same time In some accessible fireproof vault. The objects deposited in the corner- stone may remain hidden from sight for many, many years, but the dupli- cates would form the basis of a his- tory of the respective institution and society, which could be referred to at any time. From time to time addi- tions could be made to these dupli- cates, such as short extracts from the minutes, newspaper clippings and oth- er important papers, bearing directly upon the development of the respec- tive organization or institution. The accumulated minute-books generally become too cumbersome, and the main historical facts are often buried under such a mass of unimportant matter that it is difficult to get at them when wanted without great loss of time and much labor. It should be made the duty of the secretary to look after the historical department of his association. In this manner every in- stitution or organization would be gradually preparing and constantly completing a record of its own history. 310 REFORM ADVOCATE.. a success, and in order to increase the sphere of action in this school it was determined to erect a home for nurses in connection with the Hospital. This home was now under roof on the hos- pital grounds, and contained besides the reception and lecture rooms, li- brary and maternity ward. Accommo- dation for forty nurses was provided in the building. The majority of those who sought to nter the school were non-Jews. It was a source of regret to the board that not more Jewish young women had filed applications during the past The Ladies' Sewing Societies have been of great assistance to the U. H. C. Association. The South Side La- dies' Sewing Society expended $4,000 for the relief of the poor; the West Side Ladies' Sewin-g Society, over $2,100; the Young Ladies' Aid Society, nearly $650, and the West Side Ladies' Aid Society about $1,000. An innovation was made at the hos- pital on Rosh Hashana; a pulpit was improvised in the hall of the dispen- sary by the superintendent, Max Salo- mon, and religious services were con- ducted by Rabbi Moses of K. A. M. MICHAE L .m:KSE-H^lTM..AX:<[EXtimiME\t.Clllt,PKEX Stum. D.EEPJDRMH year, and the board recommended that an effort should be made to teach the public that a trained nurse Is not a menial; that the calling is a profes- sion everywhere expected. The children's ward of the hospital proved a blessing, not only to the little ones treated, but to their parents, who had neither the means nor the facili- ties to give them the proper care. Many of the little sufferers, having undergone medical or surgical treat- ment, appreciated in a childish way the cleanly surroundings, the care and attention given them, and objected to be sent back to their homes. during the afternoon. Twenty-eight of the patients were able to be present and take part in the services. A fireproof vault was constructed at the hospital for the preservation of all books, papers and pamphlets connect- ed with the association. Mr. Jacob Rosenberg and Mrs. Henrietta Rosen- feld contributed the necessary funds to defray the expenses of this improve- ment. They also contributed, out of ' the Michael Reese Trust Fund, the amount necessary to pay for the build- ing of the Home for Nurses. From October, 1891, to October, 1892, 10,000 persons were assisted. The board recommended that sufficient money be appropriated to defray the expense of preparing a directory of the Jews of Chicago, for the purpose of reaching those who are charitably inclined. At the Labor Bureau there were 866 applications for work, of which 777 were provided for. At the Hospital 1,088 persons were treated. There were 82 Jewish pay patients and 251 non- Jewish, 597 Jewish charity patients and 159 non-Jewish. The amount ex- pended at the Hospital for all pur- poses was $39,000. Mr. B. I. David was appointed superintendent in place of Mr. Salomon. Thirten thousand, four hundred pre- scriptions were filled, 7,000 for patients at the hospital, 5,000 for patients out- side of the hospital, sent in by the re- lief office, and about 1,400 outside of the dispensary upon orders from the relief office. The contributions of the Young Men's Hebrew Charity Association during the year aggregated nearly $9,000. Mr. S. Bartenstein, superintendent of the Employment Bureau, gives an in- teresting table of the classification of applicants, which we consider valuable as an indication of the distribution of trades among the Jews, and we there- fore copy it here. No. of Occupation. Appli- cants. Peddlers 75 Merchants 95 Students 4 Teachers 5 Laborers and Porters 118 Clerks 76 Women and Girls 60 Boys 42 Bookkeepers 23 Bakers > 4 Bartenders , 2 Bookbinders 5 Capmaker 1 Cabinetmakers 29 Cooks 4 Cutters 6 Cigarmakers , . . 17 Blacksmiths 4 Coppersmiths 4 Tinsmiths 10 Locksmiths 5 Machinists 11 Photographers ... 2 Painters and Paperhangers 13 Paperbox-maker 1 Shoemakers 21 Tailors 53 Cloakmakers and Operator 16 Jewelers 5 Printers and Typesetters 6 Brewer 1 Diamond Cutter 1 Surgeons 2 Dyers 3 Umbrellamaker 1 Watchmakers 7 Iron Molders 5 Waiters 13 Butchers 24 Glovemaker 1 Pressers 12 THE REFORM ADVOCATE. 311 Bricklayers 3 Furriers 9 Hatmaker 1 Farmers 3 Tanners 11 Soapmakers 3 Plumbers 4 Chemists 3 Lawyers 6 Glaziers . i 4 Nurses 2 Distillers 2 Forester 1 Finishers 2 Opera Singers 2 Engineer 1 Weavers and Fringemakers 5 Barbers 2 Upholsterers 5 Varnishmaker 1 Harnessmakers 2 Buttonholemaker 1 Turners 2 Artificial Flowermaker 1 Pocketbookmaker 1 Picture Frame Maker 1 Carpet Layer 1 Bristle Cleaner 1 Total 866 The annual report of the executive board for the year 1892-1893 contains the following introductory remarks which treat upon the scope of the work undertaken by the United Hebrew Charities: "In 1859 the United He- brew Relief Association, the predeces- sor of the United Hebrew Charities, was- organized. In looking back over a stretch of thirty-four years, in con- templating the growth of the chari- ties and the growth of Chicago, we have much to be thankful for. True, our conceptions of charitable or, bet- ter, philanthropic work, have changed since those days. We have improved our methods and we seek to realize other aims, but we may well pause and listen to the voice of that distant past, and learn many a lesson therefrom. "In the very first report of this asso- ciation, a doctrine was taught that we at times forget. They say, 'It has been just as much our aim to refuse all unworthy applicants, as we have been anxious to assist those really worthy of our support. You know full well that many Israelites, in utter want of even the necessities of life, are too proud to beg. We have used every exertion, by the appointment of standing committees of relief in each division of the city, to find out such families. We have found them in the midst of winter without fuel, and often without bread, and found that we had to argue and persuade them that it was not dishonorable to take what they have not asked, in or- der to make them recipients of our charities, and we have several in- stances where donations of this kind have been refunded to the association after the parties relieved felt able to do so. It is for such cases as these that this association has been organ- ized.' "And one, whom full of years and after a life of faithful labor, God called to his eternal rest, points out the idea of our work in his presidential report, thirty years ago, when he says, "Your officers have assumed the delicate task of finding out such families as were actually in want amongst us and came in peace to their assistance without any special notice from any source, saving them the heartrending neces- sity and the humiliating alternative of exposing their own misery." M. M. Gertsley, who uttered these words of love in charity work, served you faithfully as president, vice-president and trustee, during eighteen long years, a term succeeded but by two men, both members of the present board. Truly, his deeds will live after done more than ever before in every field. May they continue In their no- ble work and may their increased forces increase the good they spread about them. "The Younfg Ladies' Aid Society, too, has continued to brighten the hos- pital patients with flowers and delica- cies. Its assistance will be heartily welcomed in every branch of the work." The total number of cases during this year was 3,134, consisting of 13,- 300 persons; $21,000 were expended directly in the work. Ten thousand yards of wearing apparel and irearly 1,500 pairs of shoes were distributed and 800 school boys were clothed. No child attending the public school or TRAINING SCHOOL FOR NURSES MICHAEL REESE HOSPITAL. him. It is impossible, however, In these 'busy days for the present board to engage in this kind of work. They cannot seek out the deserving, timid poor. Their hands are more than full ' in attending to the applicants for aid. Here, however, is a field where the women can do more than the men. "Inquisitive charity dispensers, who take up this work, and many others, too, as a fad, we cannot use; but wom- en, young and old, whose hearts are filled with a sense of human brother- hood and whose heads control both heart and hand, can render priceless assistance if they will work in co-op- eration with the relief office. "The Sewing Society, the Deborah Verein, the Jochannah Lodge and the Baron Hirsch Ladies' Society have Jewish training school was compelled to stay away from school for want of clothing or shoes. The only require- ment was inability of the parents to provide them and a certificate of a teacher that a child was attending school. The board recommends to the dele- gates that a special committee be ap- pointed to provide for the opening of rooms on the West Side, as a "Crfiche," where the young children of women who are able to work should be taken care of in the absence of their mothers. As the poor women cannot leave their little ones, they are therefore de- prived of the opportunity to earn their living. In this year the West Side Dispen- sary was established. 312 THE. RKFORM In the report of the executive board for the year 1893 to 1894 the board rec- ommends most strongly a union of all Jewish societies, and the advancement, as far as possible, of woman's share in the work. Every branch shows an enormous increase. Four thousand, four hun- dred and sixty-two cases, comprising 20,600 persons, were assisted. Only $37,000 were collected from all sources. That year 2,187 pairs of shoes were given away and 1,174 school boys were clothed. The direct expenditure In money and supplies among the 20,000 recipients was but $31,000, a little over $1.50 ?or each person, or $7 in each case. The pension list of the association contained thirty names and amounted to $275 per month, which comprised the old, the sick and the widows with families. They were among the wor- thiest of the recipients of charity. The sewing societies expended over $10,000 not included in the report of the superintendent of the U. H. C., during the nine and one-half months of their existence. At the West Side Dis- pensary 13,500 patients have been treated, an average of 1,410 per month. Twelve thousand, five hundred prescriptions were filled. The Dispen- sary, being not a year old, was the second largest in the city. At the La- bor Bureau 1,120 applications were re- ceived for work and 911 were rovided for. A maternity ward was established at the Hospital; twenty-three nurses and one probationer were at the training school for nurses; 1,022 patients were treated at the hospital. In the dispen- sary over 10,000 patients were treated. The druggists prepared nearly 17,000 prescriptions. In that year the Hospital received from: The widow of the late Max M. Rothschild $ 5,000 The heirs of Leopold Loewen- stein 1,000 Little Nelson Morris Rothschild 500 The bequest of Mrs. Eliza Frank 6,000 erected 'by Jacob Rosenberg, a surviv- ing trustee, at a cost of over $14,000. The total number of persons helped at the Relief office during the year from September, 1897, to 1898, was 10,742. Five hundred and ninety-five persons applied for work at the Employment Bureau and work was procured for 534. At the Hospital were treated the following patients: Jewish, pay, 95; charity, 1,234. Non- Jewish, pay, 100; charity, 87. Total 1,516. In the Hos- pital Dispensary a total of 20,949 pa- tients were treated. Of these 5,490 were non-Jewish; 20,991 prescriptions were filled at the pharmacy. At the West Side Dispensary there were treated 19,- 525 cases and 18,151 prescriptions were filled. At the Sheltering Home 100 Henry A. Kohn 5,000 Max Goodkind 500 And the fifth annual payment of 100 (From the estate of E. Gross- man.) Total $13,100 The Hospital endowment fund amounted to $139,900. The board urged that as New York raises $175,000 a year for Jewish char- ity, the Jewish Relief of Chicago, should raise not less than $60,000 for the same purpose. . In 1895 a Sheltering Home was opened by the United Hebrew Charities on the west side. In 1896 Mrs. Eman- uel Mandel donated $10,000 for a West Side Dispensary building. On April 18, 1897, the children's building was opened In the Hospital grounds, children belonging to 49 families were kept at the Home for a total period of 2,581 days. In the annual report of the Executive Board for 1898 to 1899 we find the fol- lowing remarks: "Complaints are heard at times, even today, of unjust treatment at the Re- lief office. Nearly every disappointed applicant has words of abuse and de- nunciation, which find only too willing an ear, particularly with those mem- bers of the community who fail to con- tribute to this department. We cau- tion you against accepting these sto- ries. We invite investigation. We urge you to visit the Relief office, to examine into the work, to see how the applicants are treated. Our records are open to the inspection of anyone who has a legitimate interest therein. In- formation can be obtained and will be willingly given at the office. Year after year we have repeated this invi- tation, and year after year we have kept on complaining, but you have failed to respond. The work is your work, not ours alone; we are but your representatives. You yourselves, are the representatives of the Jewish com- munity. An attendance at these an- nual meetings, a payment of an annual contribution, is not the full perform- ance of the duties which you have as- sumed. A personal Interest In the work, such as will enable you to sug- gest at these annual meetings neces- sary changes of reform, is essential. "As long as we are given $27,500, as long as we are compelled to grant as- sistance in 1,010 cases, as often as 2,335 times, we cannot hope to effect aid in many cases. We have on our books today 49 persons receiving regular monthly assistance, aggregating $350. They are mostly, the aged, the sick and the widowed with dependent children, the most deserving of all our appli- cants." Public exercises were held in June in the K. A. M. Temple at which the first three-year class of twelve nurses were graduated. At the Hospital Dispen- sary about 13,000 patients were treated, while In the pharmacy nearly 22,000 prescriptions were filled. The Fair and the charity ball of that year arranged by the Young Men's Hebrew Charity Association netted the sum of $84,000. Of this the Michael Reese hospital re- ceived one-half, the other departments of the United Hebrew Charities re- ceived in all $14,250. On May 1, 1899, the Sheltering Home was closed. The West Side Dispensary building was erected on the 50-foot lot on the west side of Morgan street, south of Max- well. The cost of the lot was $5,000. We received for this purpose from the Young Men's Hebrew Charity Associa- tion $3,000, the balance of $2,000 was taken from the building fund. It was found that the plans called for a build- ing which would cost $1,300 in excess of the amount of money on hand. One of the trustees, Mr. Edwin F. Meyer, generously guaranteed that the amount necessary to complete the building would be paid when needed. The plans for the building were drawn by Mr. Dankmar Adler, one of the trustees, as architect. Mr. Francis Kiss, who had been the efficient superintendent of the United Hebrew Charities for twenty-eight years, was retired by the board on ac- count of old age, and his son-in-law, Mr. Edward Rutoovits, elected to take his "place. Mr. Kiss earned, during his many years of service, the highest re- spect and appreciation of the entire community. The board often expressed their warm gratitude and full ac- knowledgment of the services ren- dered to the cause of charity by Mr. Kiss. He worked hard, intelligently and faithfully, and fully deserves the rest he is now enjoying. A new superintendent, Doctor Un- gerleider, was also elected for the hos- pital, and the United Hebrew Chari- ties have cause to congratulate them- selves upon securing the services of so able, zealous and efficient a superin- tendent for the hospital. During the period from September, 1899, to April, 1900, assistance was given at the Re- lief Office to 1,511 applicants, represent- ing 7,160 persons. The hospital re- ceived frpm the Young Men's Hebrew Charity Association the sum of $5,000; 984 patients were treated in the hos- pital, of whom 681 were Jewish charity patients. The new building of the West Side Dispensary was completed and occu- pied during the current year. It is a splendid memorial to the architect, a late member of the board, Dankmar Adler, as well as a beautiful testimo- nial of the generosity of Mrs. Emanuel Mandel, who donated $10,000 to be ap- plied to the building of the dispensary. During the year 1900, an important step was taken in the financial manage- ment of the Jewish charity institutions of Chicago. It was resolved to put the collection of the necessary funds for all the charity institutions into the hands of one board or committee, thereby relieving the individual boards of the task of collecting the necessary funds wherewith to run the institu- tions. It was also hoped that thereby the revenue of the charity institutions would 'be materially increased. This general or associated board was REFORM ADVOCATED 313 to distribute the collected funds among all the charity institutions in a judi- cious manner. For over forty years the United He- brew Chanties of Chicago labored un- ceasingly, unselfishly, ardently and de- votedly in the cause of benevolence. Boards came and boards went. The Jewish population of Chicago in- creased and multiplied rapidly. The demands upon the patience, the intel- ligence and the devotedness of the dif- ferent boards were frequently enor- mous. A terrific conflagration swept over the city, creating a crisis of vast importance in the Jewish community, threatening life and existence of all the communal institutions. The United Hebrew Charities was found equal to the emergency. By reading the ex- tracts of the reports which we have given, one is amazed at the enormity of the work accomplished. The numbers of applicants treated at the Relief Of- fice, at the hospital and at the branch institutions, as the West Side Dispen- sary, Sheltering Home, Lying in Hos- pital, etc., are dazzling in their im- mensity. During all these years the United Hebrew Charities maintained its position as the first and the great- est Jewish benevolent institution In the State of Illinois, and it has been only surpassed, so far, by the United Hebrew Charities of New York City. As the years roll by and new gener- ations step into the places of the old leaders, all the complaining and fault finding will toe forgotten, and the names of the true and faithful workers in the ranks of the United Hebrew Charities of Chicago will stand out as shining examples of true manhood, of ideal benevolence, worthy of emula- tion. The blessings of the entire com- munity will follow them beyond this life to their eternal homes, and the unanimous verdict will be, "Well done, true and faithful servants!" ASSOCIATED JEWISH CHARITIES OF CHICAGO. The movement for the creation of the Associated Jewish Charities of Chicago began to take shape in Janu- ary, 1900. After several prelimi- nary meetings the work was ac- complished, and on April 16, 1900, a charter was granted to the As- sociated Jewish Charities of Chi- cago. This is the object which ths Associated Charities had set for itself: To substitute for the annual contri- butions to the various institutions one single contribution to its funds, the proceeds of which will be distributed by it among the various charities in aid of the Jews of Chicago in accord- ance with their requirements. We quote from the report of the United Hebrew Charities for the period of Sep- tember 18, 1899, to April 30, 1900. From this report we learn that during that time a larger sum has been subscribed than has heretofore been collected by all of the Jewish charities combined, including the annual charity ball, and that, too, among a fewer number of persons than have contributed to the relief department. Less than one thousand persons have subscribed over $ 120,000, and it is hoped that at least $30,000 more will soon be raised. Pursuant to a call issued by the tem- porary officers of the new movement a meeting of the subscribers to the Asso- ciated Jewish Charities was held April 12, 1900, in the vestry rooms of Sinai Temple. The very large attendance was an evidence of the great interest felt in the movement. All sections of the city were well represented, as were all the leading Jewish institutions and organizations. Mr. Edwin G. Fore- man opened the meeting by making the following statement: treatment received from everyone ap- proached in the matter.. It did, indeed, seem as though the entire Jewish com- munity acted as a committee of one to further a cause which one and all con- sidered to be a good move in the right direction. "During the time subscribers were being solicited, the plans which will be submitted to you this evening were formulated and carefully considered at meetings held by a committee of twen- ty-one, consisting of four members of each of the executive boards of the fol- lowing instructions namely, the Uni- ted Hebrew Charities, the Jewish Training School, the Home for Aged Jews, and the Chicago Home for Jew- OHICAGO LYING-IN HOSPITAL. "The work in connection with this undertaking of making one annual col- lection for the charities was com- menced about three months ago. Since that time we have obtained 835 sub- scribers, the amount subscribed being $115,940. Inasmuch as the United He- brew Charities alone had 1,200 sub- scribers last year, I feel safe in pre- dicting that there are at least one thou- sand more persons who will subscribe under the new system, while some of my co-workers estimated the number .at two thousand. "I am satisfied that the methods heretofore pursued in collecting money for the charities did not receive such generous and enthusiastic support nor met with such unanimous ap- proval. "While the work performed has been great and laborious, it has, neverthe- less, proved a pleasant and agreeable task, owing to the general willingness to assist, and the kind and courteous ish Orphans, and the five members of the self-constituted committee, and these plans have also been approved by the boards of these respective insti- tutions. "Before you enter upon your delibera- tions this evening permit me to offer this suggestion namely, that you place the fullest and most implicit confi- dence in your first board of directors. "Do not hamper them or limit their sphere of action by rules and conven- tionalities, but leave them free to work out, along the lines dictated by their own reason and judgment, the prob- lems that will necessarily confront them. Your confidence will not be mis- placed. The interests of the organiza- tion will be the individual Interests of each member of the board, and will be fully conserved by them." The following statement made by Mr. Julian W. Mack, Secretary of the United Hebrew Charities, at this meet- ing clearly outlines the work and in- 314 REFORM ADVOCATED tentions of th,e organization. Mr. Mack said: '"For some time past it has been con- sidered desirable by a number of mem- bers of this community to adopt a new system of collecting and distributing the charitable donations of the Jews. At the last annual meeting of the Uni- ted Charities this matter was suggested by the report of the executive board, and independently, from the floor, a resolution was offered and adopted In- structing the executive board to invite a conference of the other Jewish chari- table organizations. "Before anything was done under this resolution, and entirely indepen- dently thereof, Mr. Edwin G. Foreman and Mr. Edwin F. Meyer determined to ascertain to. what extent a move- ment of this kind would be supported. On the 7th of January, 1900, they in- vited a conference of a few citizens to test their feelings on the subject. The response was gratifyingly unanimous. amount necessary for proper work, will be raised. After $100,000 had been subscribed the central committee de- cided it was time to organize. They invited a conference with representa- tives from the 'board of United Hebrew Charities, the Jewish Training School, and the Chicago Home for Jewish Orphans. A number or meetings were held by this con- ference. A sub-committee was ap- pointed to draft a charter and by-laws. These were submitted to the general conference, and after several meetings, at which all the questions involved were thoroughly discussed, the charter and by-laws, practically as presented to you tonight, were unanimously adopted. The by-laws adopted have been submitted to the board of direc- tors of the United Hebrew Charities, the Home for Aged Jews, the Jewish Training School and the Chicago Home for Jewish Orphans, and have been unanimously approved of. WEST SIDE DISPENSARY. They thereupon associated with them- celves, as a provisional central commit- tee to take charge of the work, Doctor E. G. Hirsch, Messrs. Leon Mandel and Julian W. Mack. This committee se- lected a sub-committee from the vari- ous clubs, and they one and all worked with unabated zeal in soliciting contri- butions from their fellow members. The central committee invited confer- ences with the Rabbis and obtained their assistance in soliciting subscrip- tions from the congregation members, and finally when this meeting had been determined upon they sent out general circulars to the public at large invit- ing subscriptions. As a result of these efforts 870 persons have contributed nearly $116,000 to date. As soon as the organization is completed active steps will have to be taken to obtain sub- scriptions from every Jew and Jewess in the City of Chicago, and it cannot be doubted but that $150,000, the "Before reading the draft of the charter it may be permissible to say a few words on the functions o?the new organization, and particularly to em- phasize, what it is not expected to do. It is to be primarily a financial insti- tution, a clearing house, to collect the contributions and to distribute them among the various charities. There is no intention of engaging in direct charity work, or of competing in any manner with any of the existing insti- tutions. The officers and trustees who are to be elected by you to manage it should, therefore, be selected because of their ability to collect funds and to maintain the present collections and because of their well established repu- tations for fairness and impartiality. "The new society, if carried on on these lines, will not and cannot solve all the acute charity problems that must be solved at once by the Jews of this city. The chief of these is the amalgamation of all of the relief giving bodies into one central body. The new organization, as a distributer of the funds; will certainly take up this prob- lem immediately and endeavor to bring about a complete co-operation of all the organizations which now dispense direct relief among the Jews. This amalgamated relief body will, it is hoped, include all of the ladies' socie- ties, the relief department of the Unit- ed Hebrew Charities and various bod- ies working in co-operation with the Seventh Ward Bureau." The following officers were unani- mously elected to serve for the first year: President Edwin G. Foreman. Vice-President Harry Hart. Treasurer Isador BaumgarU. Secretary Julian W. Mack. A board of seven directors was also elected as follows: For three years A. G. Becker and L. B. Kuppenheimer. For one year Mrs. Hannah G. Solo- mon and George Frank. From the speeches of the President and the Secretary of this new associa- tion we believe that the reader will be able to form a clear conception of the intentions, aims and objects of the As- sociated Jewish Charities. The forma- tion of this association was a step in the right direction, which will be imi- tated by the larger Jewish communi- ties of this country. The officers elec- ted have the full confidence of the community, and the results of their work will tell a cheerful and gratifying story. THE CHICAGO LYING IN HOSPITAL AND DISPENSARY. Just a few words in regard to these two very necessary and beneficial in- stitutions in connection with the United Hebrew Charities. These institutions are growing larger, better and more useful every year. The board of direc- tors stands as follows: Mrs. E. C. Dudley, President. Mrs. Leon Hartmen, First Vice-Pres- ident. Mrs. Charles L. Strobel, Second Vice- President Mrs. George Bass, Secretary. Mr. B. R. Cahn, Mrs. Emanuel Man- del, Mrs. Frank M. Avery, Mrs. Charles Sherman, Mrs. L. Lowensteln, Mrs. H. C. Chatfleld-Taylor, Mrs. George W. Meeker, Mrs. Levy Mayer, Doctor J. B. DeLee, Mrs. S. B. Steele, Mrs. W. H. Atwater, Mrs. George E. Wood, Mrs. S. C. Stanton, Mrs. Charles D. Norton, Mrs. J. L. Cochran, Mrs. M. D. Wells, Mrs. L. J. Wolf. The objects of the institution are: "To provide proper medical care for poor women during confinement at their own homes; to establish and maintain a hospital for the care of such pregnant women as are without homes or need hospital care during confinement; to instruct students of medicine in the art of midwifery, and to train nurses in the care of women during confinement" REFORM ADYOGA.TR. 315 The first of these objects is being ac- complished at the dispensary, at 298 Maxwell street, which cares for nearly one thousand women a year at their homes. The society turns its efforts toward establishing the much wished for maternity hospital, the necessity for which as an adjunct to the dispen- sary was being more and more acutely felt. No case is refused at the hospital if there is a vacant bed Jew or Gen- tile, rich or poor, white or colored the hospital will do its best for them all. In September a course of obstet- ric training of nurses was established. This course is of two months' duration, and many nurses of the other hospitals have availed themselves of its privi- leges. The service is both indoor and among the dispensary patients. Its fame is rapidly spreading througfiout the training schools of the city and elsewhere. in connection with the nursery an Incubator Station has been opened, for the care of prematurely and weakly born infants. This is the only thing of the kind in the city, as is also the ambulance incubator used in trans- porting these delicate children from distant parts of the city and the sub- urbs. While this society is not exclusively a Jewish organization, yet so many of our co-religionists take an active in- terest in its work and so many poor Jewish women benefit by it, that wo thought it proper to give an account of this institution in connection with the U. H. Ch. The fact is that a Jewish physician, Dr. J. B. De Lee, is the very soul of the entire establishment and a sub- stantial part of the funds are con- tributed by Jews. THE DISPENSARY. At 298 Maxwell street the dispensary continues to do great good among the poor women at their homes. During the past year 889 cases were treated and no death is to be recorded in the whole service; 10,982 visits were made these women, representing a vast amount of effort. One hundred and six students were trained in the essentials of midwifery, and the minutiae of obstetrics and cleanliness. SOUTH SIDE LADIES' SEWING SO- CIETY. The South Side Ladies' Sewing So- ciety was organized in the fall of 1S63, with thirty members. There T/as only one officer at that time, and that was a president. The first presi- dent was Mrs. Michael Greenebaum. The dues were ten cents per week. The ladies met at the homes of the members and sewed garments for poor women and children, which wore distributed by the Hebrew Relief As- sociation. From the start until the present day the Sewing ' Society was an auxiliary of the Hebrew Relief Association. On the 3d of April, 1888, the Society was incorporated. The officers were then: Mrs. M. Schmaltz, president, Mrs. H. F. Hahn, vice-president, Mrs. E. Mandel, recording secretary. Mrs. l-i. Simons, treasurer, Mrs. J. Hirsch, financial secretary. When the Mi- chael Reese Hospital was opened the South Side Ladies' Sewing Society supplied said Hospital with all linens, such as aprons, comforters, etc. For the last few years the Society has employed four Jewish women to do the sewing, which in former years was done by its members, expending for this purpose from four to six hundred dollars a season. Lately the Society has been working in co- opera- tion with the Chicago Women's Aid, in operating the work room on Canal Street, the Sewing Society supplying all material and distributing the fin- ished garments. In addition to this the L. S. Society furnishes employ- ment to thirty women at their homes, who are unable to attend the work room. The present staff of officers consists of Mrs. J. Schmaltz, president; Mrs. A. Rheimstrom, vice-president; Mrs. L. Strauss, treasurer; Mrs. N. F. Leo- pold, financial secretary; Miss Bins- wanger, recording secretary. The mem- bership numbers 310. The annual ex- penditures have reached the sum of $4,000. The number of families sup- plied are about 225. For the last thirteen years the pies- Ident, Mrs. Schmaltz, has attended to the duties of her office with a zeal and devotion commanding the highest praise. Mrs. Schmaltz is a sister of Abe and Henry N. Hart, and charity, the strong trait of character in the Hart family, exercises its fascination and influence upon the daughters as well as upon the sons. Mrs. Schmaltz seems to grow younger every year un- der the benign and rejuvenating in- fluence of sweet charity. She is still vary active in her blessed work and with the aid of her devoted sisters in charity, her companion officers of the L. S. Society, she accomplishes a vast amount of good for the benefit of the Jewish poor of Chicago. May her powers never grow less. The other Ladies' Sewing Societies of the North and West Sides have af- filiated with the United Hebrew Chari- ties. THE JOCHANNAH LODGE. The Jochannah Lodge is one of a number of lodges constituting "The In- dependent Order of True Sisters" ("Unabhaengige Orden der Treuen Sch western"), with its headiuarters in New York. Jochannah Lodge was organized twenty-seven years ago, on the 12th of February, in this city, with Mrs. Babbette Weise its first president. The charter members were: The above-named president, Mrs. Johan- nah A. Loeb, Mrs. Michael Greene- baum, Mrs. Leopold Simon, Mrs. Sa- rah Cole and Mrs. Jochannah Koeh- ler. It was organized for mutual benefit and advancement. The mem- bers are entitled to a sick benefit. There is also an endowment feature connected with the association. Joc- hannah Lodge has always bfcen close- ly allied with all charitable projects in the city. In former years it an- nually clothed 100 poor children, but for the past six years it has confined its work to the maintenance of a certain number of widows and their children. Its annual entertainments and festi- vals are undertaken for the purpose of raising funds to be so applied. Dur- ing the last year it has been work- ing in conjunction with the United Hebrew Charities, and has charge of about twenty-five families. Jochan- uah Lodge was first to organize and maintain a free kindergarten for poor Jewish children, and it points with pride to the fact that the present Manual Training School is an out- come of the feeble efforts of Jochan- nah Lodge in that direction. The membership at present is near- ly 300. THE YOUNG LADIES' AUXILIARY. This is a powerful adjunct to the society. During the year these young women contributed $613 to the insti- tution; $300 for furnishing the nursery and $313 for its support. In addition they donated large quantities of babies' clothes, the labor of their own hands. Their membership now numbers 86, and all are deeply imbued with the im- portance of their work and active in their efforts in furtherance of it. President Miss Minnie Sax. First Vice-President Miss Rose Des- pres. Second Vice-President Miss Emma Steele. Secretary Miss Lulu Newman. Treasurer Miss Nettie De Lee. In charge of the work room Miss Rebecca Hefte'r. LEADERS IN CHARITY WORK. MR. HENRY GREENEBAUM. The First President of the U. H. R. A. In tracing the development of a community the historian often finds the foot-prints of a single individual deeply impressed in the sands of time, extending through several epochs of progress and achievement. From the faintest border lines of first attempts in the pioneer period to the very cen- ter of the movements of maturity the light of this individual character radi- ates like a brilliant star on the firma- ment of the communal life, leading the way to thrift and to triumph, to strength and to stability. In the history of the Jewish commu- nity of Chicago Henry Greenebaum oc- cupies just such an exalted position. He was the pioneer leader and the pow- erful promoter of good and noble achievements through many years of the life of the Jewish community. The irresistible force of his energetic indi- REFORM ADVOCATE. viduality gave the impulse to the cre- ation of many of the religious, benevo- lent, fraternal, educational and social institutions, and his enthusiastic na- ture and lofty idealism, tempered with practicability and commercial sagacity, helped to sustain them and to extend their beneficial influences. Henry Greenebaum was born at Ep~ pelsheim, Germany, June 18, 1833, and his parents were Jacob and Sarah (Herz) Greenebaum. He received his primary education in yie public schools of his native town and then took up the study of the classics at Alzey and Kaiserslautern. He came to Chicago October 25, 1848, where two elder broth- ers, Michael and Elias, had preceded him, and took employment as a hard- ware salesman in the establishment of W. F. Dominick. After two years he engaged as clerk in the banking house of General R. K. Swift Here he re- mained four years, becoming thorough- ly conversant with the banking busi- ness. At the end of this period he opened HENRY GREENEBAUM. First President U. H. R. A. a bank in partnership with his elder brother, Elias, who was also a clerk In Swift's bank. Mr. Greenebaum be- came president of the German Savings Bank, and in the time of their high- est prosperity the deposits of these banks approximated five million dol- lars, quite a large aggregate In the earlier bank history of Chicago. He was one of the promoters of the city library and Is a life member of the Chicago Historical Society, the Chicago Atheneum (to which upon his motion It was changed from the origi- nal name of Christian Union), the As- tronomical Society, the 82d Illinois Vol. Regiment of Veterans, and of several kindred associations. He served in the City Council as Alderman from the Sixth Ward, was Presidential Elector on the Douglas ticket, in 1856 he repre- sented Cook County on the first Equal- ization Board of the States and was a member of the West Chicago Park Commission during the administration of Governor Palmer. The greatest interest he always took In Jewish affairs. Before he was of age he was secretary of the Congrega- tion B'nai Sholom and when he with- drew in 1855 to join Kehilath Anshe Maarabh, Congregation B'nai Sholom elected him an honorary member. In 1857 he assisted in instituting Ra- man Lodge No. 33 of the Order of B'nai B'rith. He was an active mem- ber of District Grand Lodge No. 2 for ten years and one of the founders of the Cleveland Orphan Asylum. At the institution of District Grand Lodge No. 6, in 1868, he was elected first President by unanimous choice and twice succeeded himself. He was one of the founders of Sinai Congregation. In 1864 he established the Zion Congre- gation on the west side and was its President for seven years. In 1882 he was again elected President, holding the office for two years. In the fall of 1895 a large number of co-religionists living south of Tltfrty-ninth street or- ganized the Isaiah Congregation and Mr. Greenebaum was elected the first President. He was the father of the United Hebrew Relief Association, now known as the United Hebrew Charities, and was elected its first President. He is an honorary member of Jochannah Lodge, an organization of Jewish women devoted to charity and intel- lectual culture. He is also President of the Past-Presidents' Association of District Grand Lodge No. 6, I. O. B. B., and for thirty years he officiated in ZioB Temple as reader on the eve of the day of Atonement. In 1855 Mr. Greenebaum was married in New York to Miss Emily Hyman and she proved a true and noble help- mate to him through many years of his eventful life. She died in Septem- ber, 1899, after forty-four years of wedded life, lamented by a large circle of friends and admirers of her many womanly virtues. The only child born to them lived but one year, and Mr. and Mrs. Greenebaum raised several or- phaned children of relatives, bestowing upon them the loving care of parents. Since 1882 Mr. Greenebaum has been connected with the Equitable Life As- surance Society of the United States, and is now one of the managers of this company in Chicago. Mr. Greenebaum, though advanced in years, still retains the freshness and activity of youth. He is still taking a lively interest in B'nai B'rith and other Jewish communal affairs. He is still a student of literature and lan- guages and is much interested in mu- sic. The Jewish community honors him as the acknowledged leader of over half a century, who has fully earned the love and veneration of the past and present generations. MR. ISAAC GREENSFELDER. Present President of the U. H. Charities. Among the many Jewish emigrants who left Germany in 1848, the year of revolutions In Europe, was a young man of 21 years, by the name of Isaac Greensfelder, who had learned the shoemaker's trade. He was born In Lehrberg, Bavaria, in 1827, and his pa- ISAAC GREENSFELDER. rents' names were Nathan and There- sa. In his native town he received a public school education and he had full confidence in his ability to earn an honest living in the new world. In 1853 he came to Chicago and here he suc- ceeded far beyond his modest expecta- tions. A year ago he retired from a bus- iness which counted among the largest and most prosperous wholesale boot and shoe establishments of the west and his standing in the Chicago com- munity as man and merchant is in- deed an enviable one. Mr. Greenfelder has devoted almost his entire life to charitable work. From the very first day of the organi- zation of the Hebrew Relief Associa- tion, October, 1859, he was one of its prominent and active leaders. This benevolent society is now known as the United Hebrew Charities. For thirty-three years he has been an officer of the society and its president for thirty-one years, and he is still filling this honorable position. He is a charter member of Sinai Congrega- tion and for many years one of its di- rectors. As president of the United Hebrew Charities he also has the Mi- chael Reese Hospital under his official management, and in spite of his ad- vanced age he attends to his duties with earnest zeal and astonishing reg- ularity. He is also director of the Jewish Orphans' Home and a mem- AQRAHAM HART. THE REFORM ADVOCATED 317 ber of the Standard Club. Mr. Greens- felder married Miss Emilie Blum, and of the children born to them seven are living, four sons and three daugh- ters, Nathan, Dr. Louis, Adolph, Ju- lius, Thekla, Rose, and Bella. MR. ABRAHAM HART. The town of Eppelsheim, in the Rhein country, is the place where Mr. Hart was born in 1831. He Is the son of Michael and Babetta (Newberger) Hart. In 1854 he came to America and settled in Chicago. He is the founder of the well known wholesale furni- ture house of Hart Bros, and is still the active senior partner of this firm. Mr. Hart is a member of Sinai Congre- gation and an ex-director of the same, also a member of the Standard Club. Mr. Hart is a prominent figure in the Jewish community of Chicago, for he was for many years the heart and soul of the most important movements which resulted in the establishment of the best Jewish communal Institutions. His enviable reputation as a father of the orphans and as a friend of the needy even went beyond the limits of the state. For eighteen years he served the United Hebrew Charities of Chi- cago. Twice he was elected President, twice Treasurer and four times Trus- tee. He is a life member of the Cleve- land Orphan Asylum, and for elev- en years he held the honorable position of President and twenty- six years as Trustee of this In- stitution. He is also a contribut- ing member of the Orphans' Home of Atlanta, Ga., and of the Monte- flore Old People's Home of Cleveland, O., and he still takes warm interest in the welfare of the inmates of the Cleveland Orphan Asylum. Mr. Hart married Miss Hannah Rosenheim and they have three children, Mrs. H. Levi, Harry R. and Milton R. work and was an ex-President of Sinai Congregation. He died April 12, 1892, after a successful career, honored by all who knew him. He married Han- nah Frank, and six children are now living Joseph, Clara, Emanuel, Ar- thur, Rose and "Elsie. GODFREY SNYDACKER. ^ GODFREY SNYDACKER. Mr. Snydacker was born In Enger, Westphalia, September 7, 1826. He came to America in 1854; was German Consul in this city in 1857, and was prominently identified with the early growth of Chicago. He took an active part in Congregational CHAS. KOZMINSKI. CHARLES KOZMINSKI. Charles Kozminski was born June 12, 1836, in the Prussian province of Si- lesia. His parents were well to do and educated him in the higher schools of Breslau. At the age of 16 he entered the employ of a commission house at Breslau and his employers had such great confidence in his ability and in- tegrity that they entrusted to him their entire business upon the local bourse. When he reached the age of 17 he came to America and settled in New York City, where he remained about a year. He came to Chicago in 1854. His first mercantile venture in this city was in the grocery business and for years he conducted one of the larg- est retail grocery stores in the West, situated at the northwest corner of Monroe street and Fifth avenue. In 1866 he disposed of his grocery store and engaged in the dry goods business at No. 360 State street, where he re- mained about three years. He then abandoned mercantile pursuits and en- tered the banking business, and was also general western passenger agent of a number of lines of ocean steamers. In the '50s he was the first president of the first German Republican organi- zation in Chicago, called the Washing- ton Club. In 1887 he was appointed by Mayor Roche a member of the Board of Edu- cation, and as chairman of the Finance Committee he proved himself an active, enthusiastic and useful member. He took great interest in the work of the board and was one of the main factors in securing the passage of the compul- sory education law. He was connected with the United Hebrew Relief Asso- ciation and held different offices in the same; he was trustee from 1869 to 1871, financial secretary from 1871 to 1873, and president from 1873 to 1874. His charity knew no bounds and he was never too busy to give advice and counsel. At the time of the Chicago fire he was actively connected with the different relief societies and gave up much time and money in aiding the poor. He was an active and enthusias- tic Republican in politics, and died on the platform after having finished a most patriotic speech nominating ex- Mayor Swift for Mayor of Chicago. He left a widow who is also very ac- tive in charity circles; since a number of years she is a director of the Cleve- land Orphan Asylum and secretary of the Chicago Auxiliary Association of the same institution. One son, Maurice Kozminski, also survives him; he is a well-known and prominent citizen of Chicago; he is a member of the mort- gage banking firm of Kozminski & Yondorf, and is also the general agent for the French Trans-Atlantic line of steamers. The Board of Education of Chicago paid a high compliment to the memory of Charles Kozminski, as a sign of ap- preciation of his work while a member of the board; they named a school on the west side after him, and the Jewish community highly appreciated this friendly act of the Board of Education. NATHAN EISENDRATH. MR. NATHAN EISENDRATH. Mr. Eisendrath was born in Dorsten, Prussia, in the year 1823, and came to America in 1848. He is one of the Jew- ish pioneers of Chicago, and has for many years occupied a prominent posi- tion in the business world. He helped to establish the North Side Hebrew Congregation, in which he held the of- fice of President for several years. He served the United Hebrew Charities as oflicer for six years and for one year, 1874 to 1875, he was president of this association. He is a member of Con- gregation Anshe Maarabh, and for a number of years he was one of the di- rectors. He married Miss Helena Fell- heimer of Bavaria, and nine children were the fruits of this union, four of whom are living, Benjamin W., Wil- liam N., Joseph N., and Dr. Daniel N. Some years ago he retired from busi- ness to enjoy in his old age the rest which he so well deserves. Mr. Nathan Eisendrath is the pioneer of the Eisen- drath family in the United States. 318 REFORM ADVOCATE. H. F. HAHN. MR. HERMAN F. HAHN. The Chicago Jewish community is indeed deeply indebted to Eppelsheim, a small town in the Grand Duchy of Hesse-Darmstadt. Many of its best and noblest members hail from that distant German place. There stood the cradles of the Greenebaums, the Harts and the Felsenthals, and there, too, the subject of our sketch first saw the light of day. Destiny seems to have dedicated him to a free and indepen- dent life in the land of liberty at his very birth, for he was born on the day consecrated to the celebration of Am- erican independence, July 4, 1841. His parents, John and Florin Hahn, emi- grated to America in 1849 and settled in Ohio. There Herman F. Hahn was educated in the public schools. Coming to Chicago, he engaged in the wholesale jewelry business and was very success- ful. He is a member of Sinai Congre- gation and the Standard Club. He was a member of Zion Congregation for many years, also Treasurer of the We'st Chicago Club. Since 1883 he has been connected with the United He- , brew Charities in an official capacity, and for ten years, from 1889 to 1899, be held the office of Vice-President in that institution. He married Miss Jose- phine Joseph and they have three chil- dren, two sons and one daughter Mrs. G. T. Bauer, Harry W. and Ed- ward J. His good qualities, public-spirited- ness, ability and integrity, were al- ready recognized by his fellow citizens when he was quite a young man in the state of Ohio and they bestowed upon him many a political honor, and the rich experience of a long and honor- able career in Chicago has gained for 'lim the full measure of esteem due to a good and able man. MR. MAURICE ROSENFELD. Mr. Maurice Rosenfeld was born in Chicago in the year 1855. He was edu- cated in Germany at the city of Frank- fort-on-the-Main. His first business enterprise was in the wholesale dry goods line. At present he is engaged ifl the real estate business. He is director in three very prominent financial Institutions of Chicago, the Chicago National Bank, the Equitable Trust Co., and the Home Savings Bank. He is also director of the Chi- cago Relief and Aid Society and the United Hebrew Charities. At the last election he was chosen by the citizens as a member of the Board of County Commissioners. He is a member of Congregation Anshe Maariv, which his father and father-in-law, the late Jacob Rosenberg, helped to establish fifty- four years ago. Mr. Rosenfeld mar- ried Miss Mattie Rosenberg, and the fruits of this union are two very lovely children. MAURICE ROSENFELD. MR. ELIAS GREENEBAUM. Mr. Greenebaum, who is the senior partner of the popular banking house of Greenebaum Sons, is so well and favorably known in the Chicago com- munity that it is superfluous to preface this biographical sketch with any in- troductory remarks. His name alone suffices, for it is synonymous with all that an honorable career of a half cen- tury can possibly imply. Mr. Greene- baum was born at Eppelsheim, Grand Duchy of Darmstadt, in June, 1822. He was educated in Germany, and at the age of 25 (in 1847), he came to the United States. His first employment was as a clerk in a country store in Ohio. He soon came to Chicago and accepted a position as clerk in the dry goods store of Francis Clarke, 168 Lake street. He subsequently entered the banking house of Richard K. Swift. On January 1, 1855, he joined his brother, Henry, in the banking and brokerage business. In 1862 he 'joined his brother-in-law, Mr. Gerhard Fore- man, under the firm name of Greene- baum & Foreman. The business was carried on until 1874., when the firm was dissolved, and Mr. Greenebaum joined his brother Henry, entering into the firm of Henry Greenebaum & Co. In 1878 Mr. Ellas Greenebaum started a loan brokerage business with his sons, Henry E. and Moses E., the firm name being as at present, Greenebaum Sons. Mr. Greenebaum is one of the found- ers of the Sinai Congregation, and is ELIAS GREENEBAUM. still a member of the same. The mem- bers of the Congregation have bestowed on him the highest honors within their gift. He was director, treasurer, vice-president and president at different times. He was a member of the Hebrew Benevolent Society, the second oldest charity organization in the Jewish community of Chicago, and was President of the same for ten years. Mr. Greenebaum married a Miss Ro- sina Strauss and has three sons, Moses E., Henry E., and James E., and one daughter, Emma, now the wife of Mr. Nathan Guthman. MR. GERHARD FOREMAN. The history of the Chicago Jewish community would indeed be incomplete without relating the life of Gerhard Foreman. His work and influence were important factors in the building up of a number of Jewish institutions and the community is indebted to him for much that is good and noble in its midst. Mr. Foreman was born in Dermstein, Rheinpfalz, Germany, April 29, 1823. His parents were Isaac and Fannie Foreman. He went to school at Grun- stadt, Germany, and in 1848 came tO' America and embarked in the whole- sale clothing business at Delphi, Ind., which business was afterwards re- GERHARD FOREMAN. REFORM ADVOCATE. 319 moved to Chicago. In 1857 he entered the banking business in Chicago and continued in this business until 1885 when he retired, having founded the banking institution now known as Foreman Bros'. Banking Company. Mr. Foreman started life as a teacher and his fine education was of great help in his business career. He was a member and an officer of Sinai Congregation. On August 17, 1856, he married Miss Hannah Greene- baum of Chicago and nine children were born to them. Mr. Foreman died August 13, 1897, and Mrs. Foreman died April 5, 1886; a daughter, Mrs. Amanda F. Ballenberg, died in 1893. Three sons, Henry G., Edwin G. and Oscar G., and five daughters, Mrs. Tillie F. Rosenberg, Mrs. Ida F. Fleischer, Mrs. Lydia F. Steele, Mrs. Florence F. Leopold and Mrs. Birdie F. Schwab, are still living. Socially he is well known, and is a member of the Standard and Lake- side clubs, having been director, vice- president and president of the latter. He has taken much interest in the M. EINSTEIN. MR. MORRIS EINSTEIN. Mr. Einstein was born in Germany in 1826 and came to America in 1843. For some years he lived in Joliet, 111., where he conducted a mercantile es- tablishment, he then settled in Chica- go, where his business prospered. For fourteen years he has been Irustee of Michael Reese Hospital. He is a mem- ber of Sinai Congregation and an ex- director of the same. He is also a mem- ber of the Standard Club and was one of its directors. He married Miss Julia Rosenheim and their union was blessed with seven children, six of whom are now living, Mrs. Jennie Schaffner, Ar- thur M., Mrs. Emma Pierce (Roches- ter, N. Y.), Mrs. Rose Longini, Mrs. Tillie Rosenfield and Miss Anna. CONRAD WITKOWSKY. Mr. Witkowsky is a son of Solomon G. and Dora Witkowsky, and was born in 1839 in Posen, Prussia. He came to America in 1847 and to this city in 1852 and has since been engaged in the mercantile and insurance business. He has seen the city grow, from an unpre- tentious town to the present great me- tropolis of the west. He is a member of Sinai Congregation and has served as one of its directors. CONRAD WITKOWSKY. charitable organizations, and has been a director of the United Hebrew Relief Association. Mr. Witkowsky is married and has three children living. ADOLPH MOSES. Mr. Moses was born in the ancient city of Speyer, Germany, Feb. 27, 1837. He is a son of Joseph and Rebecca (nee Adler) Moses. He attended the public and private schools of his native town. In 1852 he came to America and settled in Louisiana. He is a graduate of the University of Louisiana, and in 1861 he was admitted to the bar in that state. He came to Chicago in 1869, (after a residence -of six years in Quincy, 111.), and his ability and legal learning soon placed him in the foremost rank of his profession. Mr. Moses is a member of Sinai Congregation and of the Stand- ADOLPH MOSES. ard, Lakeside and Iroquois clubs. He is ex-President of the Lakeside club and for six years was a director of the Chicago public library. He is ex- President of the Grand Lodge of Dis- trict No. 6, I. 0. B. B. At present he is a member of the Executive Commit- tee for this district, and President of Covenant Culture Club. He also serv- ed for several years as Secretary of District Grand Lodge No. 6, and was one of the Trustees of the Cleveland Orphan Asylum. Mr. Moses is editor of the National Corporation Reporter (since 1891), was Vice-President of the Illinois State Bar Association, is a member of the Executive Committee of the Civic Federation and Director of the Chicago Commercial Association. He is the author of a number of pam- phlets on law and other subjects and has delivered many lectures before large and appreciative audiences, not- able among these lectures are those on the legal phase of the "Captain Dreyfus case," on "Haym Solomon, a Neglected Hero of the American Revolution," on "Adolph Cremieux, the French lawyer, and an eulogy on the life of the late Isidore Bush of St. Louis. Mr. Moses HON. PHILIP STEIN. was the original organizer of the "John Marshall Day" celebration, Feb. 4, 1901, which was a notable celebration in all parts of the United States. Mr. Moses still takes a warm inter- est in every important movement of the Jewish community. In 1869 Mr. Moses married Miss Matilda Wolf, of Man- tieim, Germany, and they have six children living. Two of his sons are associated with him in the law prac- tice, and like their father, are steadily ascending the ladder of popularity and fame. HON. PHILIP STEIN. Judge Stein was born in Rhenish Prussia, March 12, 1844. At the age of ten years he came to America and set- tled on a farm in Wisconsin. From 1861 to 1865 he was a student at the Wisconsin State University. He then went to Europe and spent two years at the universities of Heidelberg, Bonn and Berlin. He was admitted to the bar in Milwaukee in 1868. In 1870-71. he was associated with Mr. Adolph Moses under the firm name of Moses & Stein, and in 1887 he became a mem- ber of the law firm of Kra'us, Mayer & Stein. He was one of the founders of the Standard club and its secretary for 320 REFORM ADVOCATED many years. He helped to organize the West Chicago Club and was Its President for eight years in succession. He is a member of the Isaiah Congre- gation. In 1885 he served as chairman of the general convention of the In- dependent Order of B'nal B'rith, held in New York, and in 1886, in a similar capacity at the general convention of the Order of Free Sons of Israel, at Cincinnati. He was Secretary of the United Hebrew Relief Association for a number of years. He married April 4, 1875, Miss Emma Stein of Chicago, and has five daughters, one of whom is married to Mr. Sam Eisendrath. Judge Stein is now serving the sec- ond term on the bench of Cook county, and is the first Jew ever elected to the bench in the state of Illinois. MARIAN HART SCHMALTZ. Mrs. Schmaltz was born in Eppelsheim and her parents, Michael and Babette Hart, came from Hesse-Darmstadt. She came to Chicago in 1852 and is an old and respected resident, and has MARIAN HART SCHMALTZ. ' taken an active and prominent part in charity work. She has been president of the South Side Ladies' Sewing Society for 25 years, which office she now holds, and has helped many a poor family in time of need. Her husband, Mr. Jos. Schmaltz, died in 1867. Pour children are living Mrs. James H. Heller, Nathan and Jos. Schmaltz and Mrs. M. Rothschild. Mrs. Schmaltz is a member of K. A. M. and is still active in charity work. MRS. JOHANNA M. LOEB. Mrs. Loeb was born in Rendsburg, Germany. She came to America in 1856, with her parents, Lev! J. and Caroline (Moses) Unna. She was edu- cated in Chicago; is a member of the Sinai Congregation, Jochanna Lodge, Council of Jewish Women, and Debo- rah Verein. She is a director of the United Hebrew Charities and the only woman member for many years. For a number of years she was President of Jochanna Lodge, and under her able leadership the Lodge reached a high degree of prosperity, manifesting a very beneficial influence. She is the mother of four sons, Sidney, Julius, Al- bert Henry and Jacob Moritzy. Mrs. Loeb earned her high. standing in the community by her intellectual gifts, her lofty character and many deeds of charity and benevolence. MRS. JOHANNA M. LOEB. MRS. EMANUEL MANDEL. Mrs. Emanuel Mandel is the wife of Emanuel Mandel of Mandel Bros. Her ancestral home is Germany, and she came to this country shortly after her husband's arrival in 1844, although at that time she was Miss Babette Frank. Mrs. Mandel has always been an active worker for the charity organizations, she has not only given much of her valuable time but has also contributed liberally in a financial way. She can always be relied on for cheerful as- sistance when her aid is asked for charitable purposes. Mrs. Mandel will ever be remembered for her many kind deeds and loving disposition. MRS. E. MANDEL. EDWIN G. FOREMAN. Edwin G. Foreman was born in Chi- cago, July 14, 1862, and received his early education in the schools of his native city. His parents, Gerhard Fore- man and Hannah (Greenebaum) Fore- man, were well known and respected citizens of Chicago, whose work and influence in connection with Jewish charitable undertakings was felt and appreciated. He commenced his busi- ness career in 1879 as a messenger in the Corn Exchange National Bank, of which institution he is now a direc- tor, and in 1882 entered the banking house of his father, which institution is now known as Foreman Bros.' Bank- ing Co. Mr. Foreman takes a deep interest in the growth and welfare of Jewish charitable institutions in this city and is a loyal and public-spirited citizen. In addition to being president of the EDWIN G. FOREMAN. Foreman Bros'. Banking Co., and a di- rector of the Corn Exchange National Bank, he is president of the Associated Jewish Charities, treasurer of the Sinai Congregation, president of the Stand- ard Club, treasurer of the Merchants' Club, treasurer of the Illinois Manual Training School Farm, at-Glenwood, treasurer of the State Fawners' Society at Chicago, and a member of the Bankers' Club. He was married June 1, 1887, to Miss Rose Kohn, daughter of the late Henry A. Kohn of Chicago, and has three sons Harold, Alfred K. and Edwin G. Foreman, Junior. SIMON W. STRAUS. MR. SIMON W. STRAUS. Mr. Straus is a native American. He was born in Ligonier, Ind. His REFORM ADVOCATE, 321 parents were Frederick William and Madelon (Goldsmith) Straus. For a number of years they lived in Ligonier, Indiana, where the father was engag- ed in the banking business in partner- ship with his brother, Jacob, who is still a resident of Ligonier, Ind. The family moved to Chicago, and Simon W. was educated in this city, where he is now conducting a bank under the firm name of S. W. Straus & Co. Mr. Straus is a member of Sinai Con- gregation and a director of the same. He is also a member of the Standard and Hamilton Clubs. He was direct- or of the United Hebrew Charities and is now holding the same office in the Associated Hebrew Charities. He mar- ried Miss Hattie Klee, and they have two children, Madeline and Louise. MR. LEO A. LOEB. Mr. Leo A. Loeb is a son of Adolph and Lucille Loeb and was born June 20, .1867, in Memphis, Tenn. He re- ceived his early education in the schools of Chicago, to which city he came when still a boy. Mr. Loeb has been actively identified with a number of the charity institutions to which he LEO A. LOEB. has lent valuable aid and assistance. He is a trustee of the Denver Hospital for Consumptives and is -chairman of the relief committee of the United He- brew Charities and has been one of the factors in the organizing of the Associated Hebrew Charities of Chi- cago. In social circles he is well and favorably known and is a member of the Standard Club. Mr. Loeb Is a junior member of the firm of Adolph Loeb & Son, fire insurance agents. He married Minnie Elson.one of the prom- inent society young ladies of this city. LOUIS ECKSTEIN. Louis Eckstein was born and edu- cated in Milwaukee. He started his active life career when seventeen years old as a messenger boy with the Wis- consin Central Railroad. His irrepres- sible virility brought him within ten years to the position of General Pas- senger and Ticket Agent, of this road. When the offices were moved to Chi- cago, Mr. Eckstein came also. In 1891 Mr. Eckstein resigned his position with the Wisconsin Central and associated with Ben. J. Rosenthal and Louis M. Stumer opened a business house on State street, known as the Emporium, with which he still is connected. In 1899 he accepted the Presidency of Streets Western Stable Car lines. LOUIS ECKSTEIN. In charities he is one of the most ac- tive and effective workers in Chicago. He was for years a director of the Manual Training School and Young Men's Hebrew Charity Association, the latter of which he was President during its banner years. While in this office three years ago he arranged with the publishers of one of the evening papers to manage one edition for charity, by which he raised $5,000 from advertising. This is a small in- cident in his active career, but it is a striking example of his strong per- sonality. He is a member of Sinai Congregation. Mr. Eckstein married Elsie Sny- dacker, daughter of Godfrey Snydack- er. He is a member and was a director of the Standard Club. and was born, April 24th, 1869, in Bal- timore, Md. He attended the public schools and is a graduate of Notre Dame College. Mr. Stumer is a mem- ber of the firm of Stumer, Rosenthal and Eckstein, wholesale and retail mil- liners, one of the largest establishments of its kind. He is a member of the Standard and Lakeside clubs and has taken a great deal of interest In the charities, and is at present a director of the Chicago Home for Jewish Or- phans. Mr. Stumer has exerted con- siderable influence in raising money for charitable purposes. He is a member of Sinai Congrega- tion. LOUIS M. STUMER. LOUIS M. STUMER. The subject of this sketch is a son of Michael and Jennie Kellner Stumer, JULIAN W. MACK. JULIAN W. MACK. Mr. Mack is a native of California, born in San Francisco, July 19, 1866. His mother was a native of Kentucky, her parents having come from Bava- ria. His father, Wm. J. Mack, was born in Bavaria, Germany. Julian re- ceived his common school education in the public schools of Cincinnati, later graduating from Harvard Uni- versity Law School and completing his course of study at the Universities of Berlin and Leipsic. He came to Chi- cago in November, 1890, and has since practiced law. He is also professor of law at the Law School of the North- western University, where he is held in high esteem. Mr. Mack is a member of Sinai Con- gregation and an active worker In the charity associations. He has been secretary of the United Hebrew Char- ities for eight years, was one of the founders and is the first secretary of the Associated Jewish Charities. He married Jessie Fox and has one child, Ruth J. Mack. HARRY PFLAUM. Mr. Pflaum was born in Chicago, April 25, 1863. He is the son of Mor- ris and Hannah Pflaum, and although a young man has taken a very active interest in congregational and charit- able work. He is now a member of Sinai Congregation and has been a di- rector of the North Chicago Hebrew Congregation. He has also been FI- 322 THEL REFORM ADVOCATED nancial Secretary, Director and Presi-. dent of the Young Men's Hebrew Char- ity Association, Secretary and Direct- or of the Ideal club, director of the Standard Club and of the Jewish Training School. In his official duties he has always been a hard and consci- entious worker, and a competent and valuable aid. HARRY PFLAUM. ISRAEL, SHRIMSKI. Mr. Shrimski was born in Chicago, April 9, 1869, and is a son of Isaac and Rebecca Shrimski. Graduating from the grammar schools, he received his higher education in the University of Wisconsin and then took a course in law at the Union College of Law. He is known as an aggressive and bright lawyer, having an extensive practice. Socially, Mr. Shrimski is prominently identified with the Standard Club and has been vice-president of the Lake- side Club. He has taken much in- terest in charitable affairs, and was president of the Young Men's Hebrew Charity Association from 1898-1899, and is now a director. He is a member of Sinai Congregation. Jewish social organization in the State of Illinois. Its members were among the best known young men in the Jew- ish community. It catered mostly to the social part of its members, but it took great pride in its literary debates and dramatic performances, which were highly enjoyed and appreciated by the community. Among the members were: Mr. Emanuel Mandel of Mandel Brothers, Mr. Adolph Shire, Mr. Jacob Metzler, Mr. Louis Rothschild, Mr. Louis Oberndorf, Mr. Jacob Katz, Mr. Max Polachek and Mr. Jacob L. Cahn, who was afterwards County Commis- sioner. It had a very prosperous exist- ence for a number of years, until the majority of its members entered the state of matrimony and lost interest In the society, which succumbed to a nat- ural death. We were unable to ob- tain the names of the first officers of this society. We can only give a list of officers who served six years later, in 1866: J. Greenhood, President. M. Newberger, Vice-President. Jacob L. Cahn, Secretary. J. Kahn, Treasurer. J. Katz, Librarian. ' From this list it appears that the so- ciety also maintained a library, the nature of which we are unable to state. In 1860 Dr. Isaac M. Wise delivered a lecture before the Washington Irving Literary Society, on the position of Is- rael among the nations. A large con- course of co-religionists assembled to listen to this celebrated Rabbi and his words made a deep and lasting im- pression almost upon the entire com- munity. ISRAEL SHRIMSKI. THE WASHINGTON LITERARY SO- CIETY. This society was organized in Chica- go in the year 1860, and was the first SINAI CONGREGATION OH CHI- CAGO. Sinai Congregation was established on April 7th, 1861. The first mem- bers were, In addition to those named above in the history of the "Reform Verein," the following: B. Schoene- mann, B. Schlossman, Henry Leopold, E. Frankenthal, J. Friedman, M. Selz, Charles Schwab, Abraham Hart, J. L. Gataert, G. Snydacker, Herman Leh- mann, Isaac Wolfner, Aaron Cahn, Nelson Morris, Moses Reinemann, A. Rubel, J. M. Stine, Jacob Bayersdorf, S. Hymen, Henry Berg, Joseph Lieben- stein and others, whose names cannot be ascertained at present, as all the old lists, together with books and doc- uments, were destroyed in the great fire of October 9, 1871. Mr. B. Schoene- mann was the first President of the Congregation. The Congregation, was chartered on July 20, by the Secretary of the State of Illinois, and the follow- ing named persons were the incorpora- tors: Benjamin Schoenemann, Leo- pold Mayer, Rapheal Guthmann, Jo- seph Liebenstein, Benedict Schloss- man and Elias Greenebaum. THE FIRST SINAI TEMPLE. The young Congregation was fortu- nate enough to acquire a frame build- ing, a former Christian church, as a house of worship. This first temple of the Sinai Congregation, a very modest structure, was situated on Monroe street, 'between Clark and La Salle streets. On June 21, 1861, the temple was dedicated by Dr. S. Adler of New York. The first public divine service was then held by the young Congregation and the Einhorn Ritual, was for the first time, used in a west- ern Congregation. The secretary of the "Reform Verein," whose history of the beginnings of the Chicago Sinai Congregation we utilize to a great ex- tent, reports in regard to this temple as follows: "It characterizes some- what the religious views prevailing generally among our Jewish people in those years when in this connection we state, that at the time the Congrega- tion was negotiating for the acquisi- tion of its first temple, objections were raised by some members to the buying of the building proposed, for the rea- son that in this building the congrega- tion would have to sit with their faces towards the- northern wall, while a Jewish congregation for religious pur- poses assembled, in accordance with law and custom, should turn their faces towards Mizra'h, that is: to- wards the east. In order to quiet the religious scruples of some, the Rabbi- elect was asked to give his opinion in writing about this matter and he did so. The Congregation began its corporate existence without any treas- ury whatsoever. In its circumscribed condition it invited repeatedly and urgently B. Felsenthal to become the Rabbi. He did so. In those years the Rabbi was elected, as it was the custom then in aimost all Jewish congregations in the land, from year to year. Towards the end of the third year of his service Rabbi Felsen- thal thought it would be not more than proper that the congregation should now appoint him for a longer term of years, and he gave notice to that effect to the officers of the congregation. In May, 1864, the congregation re-elected Felsenthal, but for one year only with an increased salary. (In the third year of his officiating with the congre- gation his salary had been $1,200; for the fourth year he was to receive $1,500.) A committee consisting of Messrs. Schoenemann, Frankenthal and Gatzert, two of whom are still among the living and honored mem- bers of the Sinai Congregation, came to Dr. Felsenthal's house, to inform him officially of his having been re-elected unanimously for another year ,and of his salary having been increased, but Rabbi Felsenthal declined to accept. He asked the committee to report to the congregation that he would continue to be their Rabbi under the condition that he should be elected for a longer term of years, or if the congregation would prefer this, that they would se- cure him in his position during good behavior. The committee reported this to the congregation in a general meet- THE. REFORM ADVOCATE.' 323 ing assembled on the following Sun- day, and a motion was made to recon- sider the action of the week previous. This a majority at .the meeting de- clined to do. The resolution passed in the preceding meeting was re-adopted. The consequence was that in June, 1864, Rabbi Felsenthal retired from his office and ceased to be the minister of Sinai Congregation. On June 17, 1864, he preached his farewell sermon. During the three years Dr. Fe'.sen- thal occupied the pulpit of Sinai Congregation, the Rabbi and the mem- bers were bound together by ties of mutual friendship and esteem. His ministrations within the congregation were blessed and brought forth good fruit. *From 1864 until 1866 the congrega- tion had no regularly engaged minis- ter. In its efforts to secure a Rabbi the -congregation stipulated, among other qualifications, that the applicant be a university graduate and a regularly ac- knowledged Ra'bbi. As an organiza- tion, Sinai was always prompted to be abreast of modern thought. The pulpit meant to these early members, these brave and sturdy pioneers of a great movement, not merely a religious po- sition to be occupied by a ready can- didate but the honored place for an honored teacher. The vacancy in the pulpit did not, however, interfere with the holding of regular Saturday services. Before and after the en- gagement of Mr. Heiman of Milwaukee, who officiated as reader and teacher for about one year after the autumn of 1864, various members conducted the services. Enthusiasm and an honest love of Judaism prompted many a lay- man modestly to contribute his share toward establishing the permanency of the congregation. B. Schoenemann, Raphael Guthmann, Elias Greenebaum, Leopold Mayer, Godfrey Snydacker, L. W. Reiss, and perhaps others, offi- ciated. The services of these volun- teers, whose example cheered the ac- tive and whose efforts aroused the in- different, are recalled with pleasure and apreciation by the members of Sinai Congregation. They remember and gratefully acknowledge the serv- ices rendered to Sinai Congregation by the minister of Kehilath Anshe Maarabh, the Rev. Dr. Liebmann Ad- ler, of 'beloved memory, who at one time in 1864 left his own temple to preach a sermon before Sinai Congre- gation on Yom Kippur. The second Sinai Temple was locat- *For the facts relating to the his- tory of Sinai Congregation from 1864 to 187 i, we are indebted to the histori- cal committee of Sinai Congregation, consisting of Mr. J. L. Gatzert, Chair- man; B. Loewenthal, Elias Greene- baum, Leopold Mayer and Julius Ro- senthal. This committee prepared a- written document covering that" period and this document, which they call "Contributions to Sinai's History,'.' they have placed at our disposal. We frequently copy their manuscript ver- batim. ed at the corner of Third Avenue and Van Buren Street. The property was deeded to the congregation April 1st, 1863, for seven thousand dollars. On September 15th, 1871, Sinai Con- gregation sold the above propeity to Benjamin Lombard for |62,500, on which he paid $2.500 cash, and was to pay $7,500 cash upon delivery of war- ranty deed si.vty days from October 1st, 1871; balance in three equal annual payments with interest at 8 per cent per annum. Owing to the great fire of '71; Mr. Lombard failed to ta';s ths property and after long and tedious litigation the property reverted to Si- nai congregation. On August 20th, 1880 the congregation sold this proper- ty to Rezin Lancaster for $30,000. The above property is the lot on which the Fisher Building, at the cor- ner of Dearborn and Van Buren Streets is now located. DEDICATION OF TEMPLE. In the spring of 1SG3 the new temple at the corner of Third Avenue and Van Buren Street was dedicated with ap- propriate ceremonies by Dr. Maurice Meyer of New York. The music was rendered by a choir consisting of Mr. Simon Florsheim, Mr. and Mrs. Sam- uel Alschueler, Miss Holden and Mr. Bischoff, and led by Mr. John Molter.who was a popular organist for many years. Jt may be noticed in passing, that on this occasion all mem- bers, by common consent, took off their hats during divine services, thereby abolishing an oriental custom and establishing a uniformity of action in this regard. PAROCHIAL SCHOOL. While Sinai Congregation from its beginning realized that the work in its pulpit must be of greatest importance, it conceded that for the time being the establishment of a Parochial School was necessary and therefore gave this matter careful attention. A special building was erected next to the tem- ple for the use of the school and sev- eral teachers were engaged to give the pupils daily instructions in the same branches of education as those which were then obtained in the pub- lic schools. Mr. F. Heimbach, succes- sor to Mr. Hyman, was the head teach- er for several years and until the school was changed from a day to a Sabbath school. His services as teach- er in the Sabbath school in connection with the office of reader were contin- ued until April 1st, 1884, when he was retired with a pension. CALL EXTENDED TO DR. CilROMC. In 1865 Mr. B. Schoneman, when in Europe, consulted Dr. Abraham Gei- ger upon the subject of securing a suit- able candidate for Sinai's pulpit, and at his advice Mr. Schoenemann went to Koenigsberg to see Dr. Chronic. Upon Mr. Schoenemann's return to America and his report to the congre-' gation, Dr. Chronic was elected for a term of five years, at a salary of three thousand dollars- per annum. Dr. Chronic's reputation for fine scholarship had preceded his arrival, and his professional work more than satisfied the expectations of a number of Sinai's most p.-ominent members. Besides attending to his official duties he issued a German monthly magazine, in the interest of Jewish reform, called "Zeichen der Zeit," and deliv- ered one or more courses of ethical lec- tures in the old Metropolitan building. At the Rabbinical Conference held at the home of Dr. Samuel Hirsch, of Philadelphia, in 1869 and attended by Doctors Wise, Einhorn, Adler and oth- er leading reform representatives of America. Dr. Chronic, tha delegate of Sinai congregation, made a motion without comment to transfir the Satur- day Sabbath to Sunday. This proposi- tion was referred to a committee to report at the next meeting which was to take place the following year at Cin- cinnati, Ohio, but this meeting never convened; no action was ever taken upon Chronic's proposition. Probably no more accurate estimate of Dr. Chronic and his work can be rendered than that given by Mr. Julius Rosenthal in his interview on Sinai's Sunday Services, printed in the Reform Advocate on January 14th, 1898. In part Mr. Rosenthal says:- "The memory of Dr. Chronic and of his sermons and lectures is still fresh in the minds of the living who had the pleasure of listening to him. As a man and teacher admiration for him has not abated. He was the one that made it clear to those that were as yet un- decided in the opinion about Sunday services, that it is the only remedy for the preservation and dissemination of prophetic Judaism. It was Dr. Chronic who made us acquainted with the teachings of Dr. Samuel Hirsch of Luxemburg, Germany, and his cate- chism, thereby satisfying us, that if a man like the latter, whose faithful ad- herence to Judaism cannot be doubted, conceded it necessary for the preserva- tion of Judaism to introduce a Sunday Sabbath, such innovation in the trans- fer of the Saturday to the Sunday ser- vice could absolutely not be non- Jewish. CONTRACT WITH ROSEHILL CEMETERY COMPANY. A contract was made with the Rose- hill Cemetery Company on July 15th, 1867, for a plat of ground to be used as a cemetery by Sinai Congregation. This was the first instance of its kind in Chicago where a Jewish congrega- tion secured burial lots in a non-Jew- ish cemetery. This, however, was ac- complished only after a considerable opposition on the part of a large num- ber of members. This contract was for two hundred and three burial lots, averaging about three hundred square feet each, at eleven cents per square foot; fifty-three of these lots were to be taken and paid for at once, the re- mainder of one hundred and fifty lots were to be taken and paid for at the rate of thirty lots per annum, bringing the last installment to July 15th, 1872. Rosehill Cemetery Company further 32* THE REFORM ADVOCATE. extended the privilege to Sinai Congre- gation to purchase* -within ten years one hundred and fifty additional burial lots adjoining the original plat at one- half the rate at which burial lots are sold hy said company at the respective time of this purchase. Blocks of burial lots were subse- quently deeded to Sinai Congregation as follows: October 15th, 1884, 11,550 square feet, $2,000. June 19th, 1890. S2,639 square feet, J9.791.70. July 29th, 1899. 22.286 square feet, $14.486.22. Mr. B. Schoenemann held the office of president from 1861 to 1863. Prom 1863 to 1899. the following held the of- fice of president In Sinai Congregation : From '63 to '65, J. M. Stlne; from '65 to '67, Godfrey Snydacker; from '67 to '68, Simon Florsheim; from '68 to '70, Elias Greenebaum; from *70 to '73, Gustave Eliel: '73 to '77, B. Loewen- thal; "77 to '78, G. Snydacker; "78 to '79. B. Loewenthal; '79 to '80, M. Selz; '80 to '83, G. Snydacker; '83 to '86, B. Loewenthal; '86 to '96, J. L. Gatzert; '96 to '99, Albert Fishell. In 1899 Mr. Adolph Loeb was elected, who was re- elected at the last general meeting. The following were secretaries of Sinai Congregation from 1861 to 187S: R. Guthmann, J. L. Gatzert. John Cahn, Simon Florsheim, L. Friedman. At a meeting of the congregation held Sept. 1. 1872. for the purpose of revising the constitution, a motion was made to strike out from the constitu- tion the words "Biblical Sabbath." The motion was lost: sixteen voted for it and twenty-six against it. DOCTOR KAUFMAN KOHLER. In October. 1S71. just before the great fire, Sinai Congregation extended a call to Doctor Kaufman Kohler, who was then minister of Beth El Congregation. Detroit, Mich. The doctor accepted the call and was preparing to come to Chi- cago to take charge of Sinai's pulpit. The reverend gentleman was induced to come to America by the Detroit con- gregation two years previous; he had been warmly recommended to Beth El Congregation by European and Ameri- can scholars of note, especially Doctors Geiger, Einhorn and Lilienthal. He was then a young man scarcely in the prime of life, but already noted as a scholar and fine pulpit orator. But be- fore he completed his arrangements at Detroit to leave for Chicago, the great fire broke out on the evening of Oct. 8. 1871, and Sinai Temple was destroyed. Beth El Congregation of Detroit eager- ly re-elected Doctor Kohler as rabbi for a term of years, but Sinai Congregation decided to rebuild at once and they were unwilling to release him. Doctor Kohler arrived in Chicago on Thurs- day, October 29, 1871. Dr. Kohler was born in Fnerth, Ba- varia, in 1843. Of orthodox parentage, he was in youth an ardent and unfal- tering adherent of Rabbinism. But his University studies, and especially the deepest application to and study of the History of Jewish institutions and above all of Jewish thought, soon con- vinced him that the Jewish Religion had been undergoing development from its earliest period, that each age adopted rites and symbols which ex- pressed these eternal truths in a man- ner best suited to its intellectual con- dition, and that it was a most dan- gerous fallacy to regard Judaism as identical with its ceremonies and creeds of centuries ago. These views were strengthened by a thorough critical study of the Bible and Rabbinical literature, and when his thesis for the Doctor of Philosophy degree, entitled "Der Segen Jakobs," appeared, it showed him to be one of the most radical, but also most loyal adherents of Reform Judaism and one of the earilest of the new school of Bible critics. Under his ministry at Chicago a new and larger Synagogue was dedicated by the Congregation and many con- verts to the cause of positive Reform Judaism were secured for it. Here Dr. Kohler introduced Sunday lectures in addition to the regular Sabbath serv- DR. KAUFMAN KOHLER. ices, which he labored to prevent from superseding the latter. His efforts met with great success. The site of the present temple, south- west corner Indiana avenue and Twen- ty-first street, was bought in October, 1872, from Mr. C. M. Culbertson for the sum of $35.000, including a two-story frame house: size of lot, 100 feet on Indiana avenue by 160 on Twenty-first street. At a meeting held Oct. 27, 1872, the following committee was appointed to look into the matter of establishing Sunday services. Elias Greenebaum, Berthold Loewenthal. Godfrey Sny- dacker. James Mayer and J. Beiers- dorf. On Nov. 24. 1872. the School Com- mittee was instructed to confer with Doctor Kohler in regard to writing a book on Jewish Religion and History for the use of the Sunday School. Sunday services were held for the first time in Sinai Congregation at Mar- tin's Hall on the loth day of Jan., 1874; Doctor Kohler. minister of the congre- gation, officiated. Mr. Berthold Loe- wenthal was then president of the con- gregation. The congregation then .had about 80 members, and a fair repre- sentation of the membership was pres- ent on this auspicious occasion. A majority of the congregation had for years been convinced of the need and justice of Sunday services; others were educated up to this idea by the gifted spiritual leader who was then the hon- ored occupant of Sinai's pulpit. Up- held by their Jewish optimism and strengthened by their enthusiastic earnestness of purpose, their persistent endeavors had won for them success. They considered Sunday services a ne- cessity for the preservation of Juda- ism in America. With them it was & conviction of a religious obligation and all the negative views of the congrega- tions in America could not swerve Sinai's handful one iota from what it conceived to be its duty in the crisis which threatened to estrange the ris- ing generation from the synagogue. The following resolutions were unan- imously passed at a special meeting of the Congregation held September 1st, 1872: "Be it resolved, first, that a bet- ter attendance at the public worship is henceforth expected and thereby an interest and progress in religion at- tained. Whosoever advocates Satur- day shall show it by example, and he who advocates Sunday shall not stay away, as an attendance will bring about material understanding and har- monious action cherished by all. 2. It is conceded on all sides that the light participation in our public worship is a detriment and reproach upon the congregation and Judaism, and that either one change or another must follow, therefore, if public wor- ship on Saturdays is upheld by the members the question of a change will rest, otherwise it will soon come np again as a natural consequence. 3. For the purpose of affording an opportunity to the youth to hear some- times a word of religion, this congre- gation will as soon as possible arrange for a periodical or Sunday service or lecture, and the members shall use their influence upon the youth to have them attend the same. At a general meeting of the Congre- gation held on April 6th, 1873, It was resolved, that the frame house standing on the lot purchased from Culbertson by the congregation should be moved to the rear of the lot and that Doctor Kohler should be allowed to occupy the honse as his residence. Martin's Hall was rented. During the month of November, 1873, Doctor Kohler sent a communication to the Board of Directors of Sinai Con- gregation complaining of the small at- tendance of the members at his lec- tures on Saturday. At the special meeting of the Con- gregation the Board of Directors sub- mitted to the Congregation Doctor Kohler's communication, with the tol- lowing additions by the Board: "The undersigned Board of Direc- REFORM ADVOCATE. 325 tors beg to submit to you the following in connection with the communication of Rev. Doctor Kohler: Considering that the demands of Rev. Doctor Koh- ler in regard to the participation of the members in our public worship are just and fair, and that his position cannot give him any satisfaction un- less the congregation hears his lec- tures and profits by his instruction, and, "Considering further that it is of vital importance for you to retain the valuable services of the reverend gentleman, who, notwithstanding the brilliant inducements offered him from abroad, is willing to remain with you, provided he can gain the conviction that he enjoys your confidence, and can exercise a beneficial influence on the religious and moral education 01 the congregation, we beg to recom- mend to you the adoption of the fol- lowing resolutions: "1. Resolved, That the Sinai Congre- gation express its full and implicit trust and confidence in the ability, learning and devotion to Judaism of the Reverend Doctor Kohler, and its wish to retain his valuable services for the benefit of the young and the old by all means. "2. Resolved, That we consider it the duty of every member of our congre- gation to attend promptly to public worship on the historical Sabbath, and are willing to preserve it in Its proper integrity, but it appears from practical experience that a large number of our members are prevented by circum- stances from enjoying the benefits thereof and In order to give them and to the rising generation an opportunity to receive religious instruction weekly, provision shall be made for this pur- pose as soon as practicable in addi- tion to the present worship." (Signed by the entire board.) The first resolution expressing full confidence of the entire congregation in Doctor Kohler was carried unanimous- ly. The second resolution pledging tp keep up the historical Sabbath in all its integrity as a duty of all good Israelites, and to establish a Sunday service, besides the regular Sabbath service, for those who are prevented from attending on Saturday, was amended by inserting Friday evening instead of Sunday. The amendment was upon motion tabled unanimously, and the second resolution was then carried unanimously. Doctor Kohler's salary was fixed from the beginning at the rate of $3,- 000.00 per annum. The holiday services of 1874 were held in the Church of the Messiah, cor- ner of Twenty-third street and Michi- gan avenue. The corner-stone of the present tem- ple was laid on June 20, 1875. In the corner-stone were deposited the fol- lowing documents: History of the con- gregation from its organization to date, written by Mr. Herman Felsenthal, secretary of the congregation; consti- tution and by-laws of Sinai Congrega- tion; complete list of members; list of officers and Building Committee of the same; the daily papers of this city: Tribune and Times of date. Inter Ocean, Post and Mail of June 19, Jour- nal, June 18; Jewish organs: Jewish Messenger of New York, June 11, Jew- ish Times of New York, June 18, American Israelite of Cincinnati, June 18; printed sermons of Doctor Kohler, delivered in August, 1873, and in Janu- ary, 1874; the last annual report of M. M. Gerstley, president of K. A. M.; Legal News, June 18, 1875, containing decision of the Supreme Court of Illi- nois in reference to the lawsuit be- tween Sinai Congregation and Lom- bard, affecting the congregation's prop- erty, corner Van Buren street and Third avenue; the last city comptroller's re- port for the year ending April 1, 1875; last report of Board of Trade for 1874; last report of Chicago Relief and Aid Society, and the last report of the United Hebrew Relief Association. The speakers on this occasion were Doctor Kohler and President Loewenthal. The Germania choir furnished the music. The total cost of the temple reached the sum of $128,000. The dedication of the temple took place on April 8, 1876. A special meeting of the congrega- tion was called for October 6, 1874. The object of the meeting was to con- sider the feasibility of uniting with Kehilath Anshe Maarabh as one body. It was moved and seconded that the Congregation is ready to unite with K. A. M., if it can be done upon satis- factory terms. This motion was car- ried. It was then moved and seconded to appoint a committee of nine to confer with a similar committee of K. A. M.. if said Congregation should appoint such a committee of conference, for the purpose of uniting the two con- gregations. This motion was also carried. It was moved to instruct the commit- tee representing Sinai Congregation that a consolidation with K. A. M. can only take place provided the Sunday service will be guaranteed to Sinai Congregation. A substitute was of- fered to instruct the committee of Sinai Congregation to endeavor to pre- serve the Sunday service, but if this be the only obstacle in the way of the consolidation to report back to the Congregation. An amendment to the substitute to make it read: "That the committee be instructed to preserve the Sabbath and Sunday services" was accepted by the mover and was then passed unani- mously. The following committee of confer- ence, of which the president was by motion made a member, was then ap- pointed: B. Loeventhal, E. Greene- baum, Charles H. Schwab, M. Ein- stein, S. F. Leopold, D. M. Lindauer, H. Felsenthal, G. Eliel and G. Sny- dacker. . The Committee on Conference re- ported as follows, at a special meeting held November 24, 1874: "Your committee of nine appoint- ed to confer with the similar commit- tee of K. A. M. for the purpose of ex- amining into the feasibility and prac- ticability of affecting a fusion of the two Congregations beg leave to sub- mit to you the following report: "Upon notice to the President of K. A. M. a committee of nine was also appointed by said Congregation to meet with us and to discuss the object in view. Three meetings of the com- bined Conference Committee were held. "While the deliberations were gen- erally friendly and courteous, both committees were bound by instructions antagonistic to each other. Our com- mittee was to insist upon the guaran- tee of a Sabbath and Sunday service, and the committee of K. A. M. was to oppose the Sunday service under all circumstances, and to make no other concession for the instruction of those who are unable to participate In the Sabbath service, except lectures on Friday and Sunday evenings alter- nately. In a congregational meeting of K. A. M. intervening between the second and third meetings of the Conference Com- mittee no change whatever was made in their instructions, as far as we were able to ascertain. Thus we may safely say that your committee is utterly un- able to come to any understanding with the committee of K. A. M., and from all appearances a union of the two congregations seems impossible, wherefore your committee begs to be discharged." (Signed by the entire committee.) The committee was on motion dis- charged. A Building Committee was appoint- ed consisting of the following: Charles H. Schwab, S. Florsheim, M. A. Meyer, Henry Leopold, G. Snydacker, G. Ellel. Charles Schwab was appointed chair- man and S. Florsheim secretary. The committee recommended the adoption of the plans for the new temple, submitted by Burling & Adler, architects. The recommendation was accepted by the Congregation. Mr. Leopold Miller and Jacob Friedman were added to the Building Committee. At a general meeting of the congre- gation held April 4th, 1876, the salary of Doctor Kohler was unanimously raised to $4,000 per annum. In the year 1876 a convention of Jew~- ish Congregations' was held in New York City for the purpose of consider- ing vital questions concerning Judaism in America. Sinai Congregation was represented at this convention by its secretary, Hermann Felsenthal. The delegate reported to the congregation that a Theological Seminary Associa- tion was created at the convention and upon motion the President appointed the following committee to consider the feasibility of the recommendation of Delegate Felsenthal that Sinai Con- gregation become a member of the 326 THE REFORM ADVOCATE. Seminary Association: G. Foreman, B. Schoeneman and A. Hart. At the annual meeting of the congre- gation, held March 27th, 1879, Julius Rosenthal proposed the following amendment to the by-laws: No Hebrew shall be taught in the Sabbath School of the congregation. No action was taken on this amend- ment at that meeting. At the special meeting of the congre- gation, June 17th, 1879, the president, M. Selz, announced that the meeting had been called for the purpose of con- sidering the formal resignation ten- dered by Dr. Kohler. Following is a copy of Dr. Kohler's letter of resignation: M. Selz, Esq. President Sinai Congre- gation. Dear Sir: As you are no doubt aware, it has since years been a matter of constant complaint from the pulpit and of sad discouragement both to the members of the congregation, and to myself, that my persistent efforts and pleading in behalf of a larger partici- pation in Divine Service and a greater appreciation of our sacred cause, failed to arouse our members from their in- difference and lethargy, which have successively been assuming a more alarming and critical state. Disheart- ened at last by such experience, I could not help longing for a more promising and fertile field of labor. When, there- fore, about three weeks ago, the Presi- dent of the Beth El Congregation, in New York, opened a correspondence with me In reference to the pulpit soon to become vacant by the retirement of my father-in-law, Dr. Einhorn, I, con- sidering what I owed to my own fu- ture, felt bound to express my willing- ness to accept the call although no material advantages were offered to induce me to take this step. The pending negotiations having now been brought to a close and the contract having been ratified by the Beth El Congregation enjoining me to enter upon my new duties by Septem- ber 1st, 1879, I herewith tender you my resignation to take effect on the last day of August, 1879. It would be a vain attempt for me to describe my feelings of keen sorrow at the thought of parting with a con- gregation in which I have these nearly eight years lived in unclouded har- mony working and striving in common with it for a great and holy cause, and with the members of which I have, while ever in sympathy, sharing their joys and griefs, past in cordial friend- ship many of the most pleasant days of my life, the memory of which time can never blot out of my mind. I can only give expression to my most sincere wish and prayer, that with the help of God, the congregation may find a leader more successful than I have been in promoting its material and spiritual welfare and in rousing the interest of all its members in up- holding the standard of radical yet positive Reformed Judaism, to which the congregation is pledged by its past and with which alone it will, unshak- en by fears and trials, grow, I trust, in power and influence. I especially regret, being obliged to leave here sa shortly before the au- tumn holidays, but hope for kind in- dulgence in a matter which was be- yond my power to alter, intending to continue holding regular services and lectures during the summer until the close of my term. Assuring you in behalf of the Sinai Congregation generally and individual- ly of my lasting sympathy and friend- ship, hoping and wishing that these re- lations will continue unaltered by my departure, I remain, Yours most respectfully, Dr. K. Kohler. On motion the resignation of Dr. Kohler was accepted to take effect June 30th. The free use of the parsonage was tendered to the Reverend Doctor for the ensuing months of July and Au- gust. During the holidays of 1879 Reverend M. Samfield of Memphis, Tennessee, of- ficiated in the pulpit of Sinai Congre- gation. On Rosh Hashanah a collection was taken up in the Temple for the relief of Memphis sufferers from the yellow fever epidemic. At the special meeting of September 30th, 1879, a vote was taken upon the motion of Julius Rosenthal to discon- tinue instruction in Hebrew in the Sab- bath School, and the motion was lost, but a motion to adopt the recommen- dation of the school committee to es- tablish a separate class for the study of Hebrew was carried. The following resolutions were adopted at a special meeting held Feb- ruary 19th, 1880: "With a view of securing to this Con- gregation a minister whose name will be an honor to Judaism and of whom we may have reason to expect that by word and deed he will teach the tenets of our faith in full accord with the convictions shared by all members of this Congregation; and thereby inspire young and old with that love for our holy cause which to the preservation of our religion is essential. "Be it resolved, that the Executive Board be herewith requested to invite and receive applications for the posi- tion of minister of this Congregation from Jewish Theologians of modern reform principles and of good repute, who have graduated at a German university, with honor, are excellent also in all those branches of study which characterize the learned Rabbis of our day and who are good orators, able to preach in the German and English vernacular. "Resolved, that inasmuch as circum- stances over which we have no control prevent a large number of our mem- bers and young Israel especially from attending public worship on the biblical Sabbath, this Congregation considers it an imperative duty to continue to hold services on* the com- mon day of rest, and to this end it shall be the duty of the incoming min- ister to attend to all functions of his station on Sabbaths and festivals and to deliver lectures before this Congre- gation on every Sunday. "Resolved, that the. incoming minis- ter shall also take charge of our Sab- bath school and devote a portion of his time to the instruction of a class of young men and ladies who have graduated from our Sabbath School and are desirous of making further ad- vancement in Jewish lore and history." ELECTION OF DR. EMIL G. HIRSCH It was in July, the midsummer month, that a new star appeared on the firmament of Sinai Congre- gation. At a special meeting of the Congregation held July 25th, 1880, Reverend Dr. Emil G. Hirsch, of Louisville, Kentucky, the worthy son of an illustrious father, was unani- mously elected minister of Sinai Con- gregation. Dr. Hirsch was destined to uplift Sinai Congregation to an eminence far above many other Congregations in Israel. He hastened the ripening of all the plans and projects, thoughts and teachings entertained by Sinai Congre- gation in the interest of Reformed Ju- daism; he impressed the world with the power and potency as well as the everlasting vitality of the ethics of Israel's prophets; he turned the searchlight of truth upon the past and present life of the Jew and forced many of our Christian neighbors to recognize the true traits of the charac- ter of the Jew and of his misunder- stood religion. On Rosh Hashanah eve Septem- ber 5th, 1880, Dr. Hirsch deliv- ered his inaugural sermon before Sinai Congregation. His theme was "The Crossing of the Jordan" and his text "V'attem tissoo mim'kom'hem," "Then ye shall remove from your place." In this sermon he sounded the keynote of true Jewish Reform when he said: "The mission of reform is twofold, critical and constructive. It is the sa- cred duty of modern Judaism to con- struct on the eternal principles of Ju- daism, an all embracing philosophy of life. Forward! From the spot where we are resting. Follow me to the dy- ing decades of the Eighteenth cen- tury! A hurricane is sweeping over 'both hemispheres; America and France are in the throes of a new era. But where does the storm bring in its folds life, where death? Beyond the ocean they defy reason but she can with bloody hands only tear down, not build up; here, on this side of the At- lantic, with the God of their fathers a living presence in their hearts, the sturdy champions of the Revolution, not only tear down, they build up. Let these instances suffice! Let us, too, heed their warning. Forward! That is indeed the order of the day; but only when the arc of the covenant leads the way. But on the other hand, let us not forget that this idea of the covenant which makes us kin to the THE REIKORM ADVOCATE. 327 Infinite must ever remain a living thought, not degenerate into a dead dogma. If Judaism protests with all the fervor, that strength and truth of conviction can command, against the dogma of materialism; it does no less raise its voice against the materialism of dogmas. Like Reuben and Gad our Congregation is commissioned and pledged to march the advance guard of the army and bear the brunt of the bat- tle." These were powerful words, spoken for the first time by the new Rabbi in Sinai's pulpit, in a clear, resonant REV. DR. EMIL G. HIRSCH. voice, and with a faultless pronuncia- tion of the vernacular. The Temple was crowded to its utmost capacity, the congregation was spellbound and cap- tivated by the earnest eloquence of the masterful speaker, whose words car- ried conviction to every soul. The hush and silence of the attentive lis- teners lingered with the audience even after the voice of the speaker had ceased to vibrate, and silently the vast concourse of people dispersed in deep communion with their newly awakened thoughts. Sinai became con- scious ' on that memorable Rosh Hashanah eve that it must fol- low this bold and brave leader, or otherwise, retrogress and become un- faithful .to the principles of Reform Judaism.' Dr. Hirsch was elected for a term of ten years at a salary of $3,600 per an- num. At the semi-annual meeting of the congregation, held September 20th, 1881, a committee of three was ap- pointed, on motion of Mr. Julius Ro- senthal, consisting of Dr. E. G. Hirsch, Julius Rosenthal and B. Lowenthal to draft resolutions expressing the pro- found sorrow and the deep felt grief of Sinai Congregation of Chicago at the death of President Garfleld, the martyr, who fell a victim to the bullet fired by the hand of an assassin. The Committee reported as follows: "The Sinai Congregation of Chicago in general meeting assembled feel it their duty in presence of the mournful calamity, that today has visited the na- tion in the demise of James A. Gar- field, to give expression to the feelings swelling their hearts. In common with all loyal citizens they recognize in the departed chief- tain the noblest illustration of the pos- sibilities of the American character. His short administration of public af- fairs in the responsible office of chief magistrate as his sterling worth in the long career of public devotion had elicited from them their unqualified admiration. His heroism on the bed of agony has revealed to them his noble manhood. He is dead, and in this sad reality disappointing their fondest hopes and earnest prayers for his ultimate re- covery, the members of this congre- gation pledge themselves to emulate his noble example in the several duties of life. To the bereaved widow and family, this Congregation extend their warm- est sympathy in the hope that the knowledge that millions weep with them may prove a soothing balm for their burning wound. Resolved, That these sentiments be spread upon the minutes of the Con- gregation and a copy, signed by the Minister, President and Secretary of this Congregation, be transmitted to Mrs. James A. Garfield. The resolutions were adopted by a rising vote. According to the semi-annual report of the Board of Directors, dated Sep- tember 12th, 1882, the Congregation was in a very prosperous condition and a marked improvement in the affairs of the Congregation was noticeable in every department. The membership was increasing rapidty, the finances showed a prosperous and thoroughly satisfactory state of affairs, and what was most gratifying was the fact that Sinai was becoming a recognized re- ligious force in the community. The new members who flocked to Sinai's standard all occupied representative positions in the Chicago Jewish com- munity and the future prospects of Sinai were very bright and promising. At the annual meeting on March 27th, 1883, the Board of Directors recommended "that in the event of a death in the family of any member of this Congregation the funeral services, if so requested, may be held in the Temple," and this was adopted. Mr. Leopold Mayer offered the fol- lowing: "Resolved, That all confirmations shall in future take place on the Sun- day preceding Shebuoth, or on the said Holiday if the same happens to fall on Sunday." This resolution was unanimously adopted. At a special meeting held April 21st, 1884, $6,500 were appropriated for the building of a gallery in the Temple, and $4,000 for re-decorating the same. The building of the gallery was a ne- cessity for the membership kept on in- creasing and seats in the main audi- torium were nearly all sold. On March 26th, 1885, Mr. P. Heim- bach, the teacher and reader of the Congregation, was relieved from fur- ther duties and a pension of $1,000 per annum was voted to him for life. The annual meeting, March 26th, 1885, Mr. J. L Gatzert offered the fol- lowing resolution: "Owing to the ar- duous labors devolving upon our worthy minister, Dr. E. G. Hirsch, this Congregation hereby resolves to re- lieve him from the duty of preaching on Saturdays." Action on this resolu- tion was postponed until the next spe- cial meeting held April 9th, 1885, when it was adopted by a vote of 28 affirma- tives and 15 negatives. At the same special meeting the question of the use of Hebrew in the services came up in t)ie shape of a recommendation of President Loewen- thal. Mr. Herman Felsenthal offered the following resolution: "Resolved, That this Congregation regard the reading in Hebrew of the time-honored "Shema" and the "Kedu- sha" during services as specially Jew- ish, and that their accents so familiar to the Jew of every land, shall not be missed in any Jewish- house of prayer. The whole question was referred to the Committee on Public Worship, with power to act. The following motion offered by Mr. Julius Rosenthal was unanimously adopted: "Resolved, That the Abrahamitic rite is not an essential, condition, the compliance with which must precede or . follow admittance to membership in Sinai Congregation." , The salary of the minister was raised to $4,500 in 1882, and in 1883 it was raised to $5,000. In 1885 it was raised to $6,000, and in 1886 to $7.000. Upon motion of Mr. Snydacker, made at the annual meeting, March 29th, 1886, the Congregation voted $150 to the Hebrew Union College of Cin- cinnati, and Alliance Isrealite $200. The following recommendations of the Executive Board were unanimous- ly adopted at the annual meeting of April 4th, 1887. First, to excuse Dr. Hirsch from officiating at funerals on Sunday mornings; to pension the sex- ton, Louis Mayer, for his natural life at $400 per annum; that the salary of Dr. Hirsch be raised to $7,500. At a special meeting of the Congre- gation December 25, 1887, the follow- ing resolutions were unanimously adopted: Whereas, the ministrations of our highly esteemed minister and teacher, the Reverend Dr. E. G. Hirsch, during the last seven years have been fruit- ful of the most flattering results; and, Whereas, under his care and guid- ance the aims and objects of this Con- gregation have been developed and furthered to a degree beyond our most sanguine expectations, and. Whereas, in acknowledgment of these facts we deem it a high privilege to administer to the comforts of the Reverend gentleman and his worthy family in a manner commensurate to their position, and, Whereas, the present parsonage is no longer suitable as a residence for our minister.owing to the condition and 328 Turn REFORM ADVOCATED location of the building, necessitating an early and at the same time perma- nent change, and inasmuch as the con- tract of our Congregation with our worthy minister will expire April, 1890; therefore, be it Resolved, That the trustees of this Congregation are herewith empowered and instructed to extend the contract of Dr. E. G. Hirsch for a term of ten years from the first of April next and that his salary shall be fixed at a rate of $12,000 per annum from said date, and his life insurance policy of $5,000 be kept in force during the continu- ance of said contract. In the minutes of the regular meet- ing of the Executive Board December 28th, 1885, we find the following: "Dr. Hirsch reported to the Board that for the reason of a lack of wor- shipers no service had been held on Saturdays for the past four Weeks, that on each Sabbath morning the Temple had been open, minister, sex- ton and choir were on hand, but no audience. TWENTY-FIFTH ANNIVERSARY. On Sunday, the 16th 'day of May, 1886, Sinai Congregation celebrated the twenty-fifth anniversary with ap- propriate ceremonies. In the morning .services were held in the Temple, cor- ner Indiana Avenue and Twenty-first street, which were largely attended. Great preparations had been made for the event, which was made one of gen- eral rejoicing and thanksgiving. The pulpit was arrayed in all the gorgeous magnificence of the choicest flowers and the tasteful arrangement was beautiful in the extreme. Along the entire front of the pulpit was a pro- fuse bordering of lilacs, above which were placed vivid-hued geraniums, and towering behind these were a row of blooming calla lilies, interspersed with palms. In the rear of the pulpit was a tasteful arrangement of bego- nias, of varigated colors, and growing palms and ferns immediately behind the reading desk.which was ornament- ed with boquets of rare cut flowers.the flags of America and Germany were crossed and between the tasteful fes- toon were hung the silver letters "C. S. C." The organ loft was profusely draped with verdant festoons, and on either side were suspended the figures "1861- 1886." The front of the galleries and the gas pendants were all adorned w'ith graceful festoons of green, and hanging baskets of trailing plants and bright- hued flowers. On the platform were seated a number of leading Rabbis, among whom were Dr. Samuel Hirsch of Philadelphia, the venerable father of the incumbent of Sinai's pulpit; Dr. Samuel Sale, minister "of Congregation Anshe Maarabh, Dr. Kaufman Kohler of Congregation of Bethel, New York; Dr. B. Felsenthal of the Zion Congre- gation, Chicago; Dr. Liebman Adler; Dr. Emil Hirsch, and others. Dr. Hirsch opened the exercises with a trief tribute to the day, and to the noble leaders of progress and reform in the Synagogue, he then introduced Dr. B. Felsenthal, the first Rabbi of Sinai Congregation, who delivered a uerman address commemorative of the occasion. After singing by the aug- mented choir, Dr. Kohler was introduc- ed. The learned doctor who, for eight years presided over the Congregation devoted himself to the consideration of the leading tenets of progressive Judaism. He congratulated the audi- ence upon the phenomenal success which they had achieved and trusted that still greater blessings were in store for them. The venerable Dr. Samuel Hirsch of the Reform Temple of Philadelphia then followed in an able address in German, which was at- tentively listened to. The choir then tendered an apppropriate anthem, after which Dr. Hirsch closed the exercises with an eloquent address. In the evening a banquet was at- tended by most of the members of the Congregation accompanied by their wives. The President of Sinai Congre- gation, Mr. J. L. Gatzert, presided and delivered an eloquent address of wel- come to the members and the honored guests. He referred to the work and record of the chief guests of the even- ing, Dr. S. Hirsch, the father of the present Rabbi of Sinai, he described as the veteran pioneer of Jewish re- form who, far in advance of his sur- roundings stood for progressive ideas of religion, even forty years ago. Dr. Felsenthal, he said, plowed the fertile soil from which a Sinai arose inspiring new hope for the perpetuation of a Judaism whose purity and influence cannot be impaired by the supersti- tious notions otfhe laggards in Jewish ranks, nor by the assumedly new theo- ries in ethical societies. He referred to Dr. Kohler's great work while in charge of the congregation and to his labors at the Pittsburg Conference, and in conclusion he spoke of Reformed Judaism, holding that retrogression was now impossible, inasmuch as "in- vestigation" and thought had taken the place of blind adherence to lifeless forms and obsolete customs." The toasts and responses were as follows: "Chicago Sinai Congregation," re- sponse by the First President of the Congregation, B. Schoeneman; "Our Ministers," response by B. Loewenthal. "Our Sister Congregations," response by Dr. K. Kohler; 'The Reformed Ju- dahism in Europe and America," re- sponse by Dr. S. Hirsch; "Our Guests," response by Dr. Sale; "The Sunday Schools,' response by H. Felsenthal; "Our Old Members," response by G. Snydacker; "The Pioneers," response by Leopold Mayer; "Our Absent Friends," response by Dr. E. G. Hirsch. In April, 1888, Rev. Dr. Samuel Hirsch of Philadelphia, came to Chi- cago.with the view of making this city his home, and Congregation Sinai ex- tended to the father of their minister a royal welcome. Highly complimentary resolutions were passed at a special meeting of the Congregation, and he was unanimously elected an honor- any member of the Sinai Congrega- tion. The membership continued to in- crease and it again became necessary to enlarge the seating capacity of the Temple. A special committee was appointed consisting of nine members to consider and devise ways and means of mak- ing the contemplated improvements. This committee consulted with Mr. G. Adler, the architect, who estimated the cost of the change to reach the sum of about $60,000. Some of the members of the Executive Board were of the opinion that as many of the members of Sinai Congregation have removed further south it would be advisable to build a new Temple nearer to the center, where most the members are located. But after the special commit- tee again consulted Mr. Adler they de- cided to. recommend to the Congrega- tion to build an addition to the old Temple, which recommendation was ac- cepted by the Congregation. Mr. Ad- ler was ordered to draw plans for the addition, these plans were submitted to the Congregation by the special committee, and after a thorough ex- amination of the plans and specifica- tions the recommendation of the com- mittee was concurred in. The next annual meeting of the Sinai Congregation was held at the vestry rooms of Temple K. A. M. on April 4, 1892, as work had been commenced on the addition to Sinai Temple. At that meeting Sinai Congregation donated $500 to the Russian Refuge Society. SINAI'S BEAUTIFUL TEMPLE. The remodeled, enlarged Temple was finished in October, 1892. The Temple has been materially extended in area; new stairways and new exits to the building have been added and the seat- ing capacity largely increased. New and complete systems of electric light- ing and ventilation have been intro- duced, the decorations are all of the most complete character. The walls and ceilings are covered in implicate patterns in many colors, the whole ef- fect being very quiet and harmonious. The chief feature of the new interior consists of the organ loft gallery and its frame; the treatment of this in plastic ornamental work colored in gold is very rich in effect. The light- ing, which is all electric, is well dis- tributed and very soft in effect. The seven domes in the ceiling are ar- ranged for this purpose in a novel way, the result being that the lights are mostly hidden from view and a very soft and pleasing illumination pro- duced; new stained glass of a very rich character has been introduced in all the windows, and the equipment of the building from top to bottom thorough- ly renewed. The platform is a model of beauty; on each side of the pulpit are two fine, artistic, wrought iron lamps, with silk shades, the arc has been omitted, the scrolls of the law not being used in Sinai Temple. The wealth of originality which the archi- tects of Sinai Temple, Messrs. Adler THE REFORM ADVOCATED 329 & Sullivan, have shown in the newly completed interior of the building, is well carried out in the typical forms of the decorations. The colors which predominate in this building are the reddish 'browns and gold colors on the walls, and the light blue on the ceilings. The transition between the two is a bold one and gives a pleasant effect of lightness and atmosphere to the upper portion. The ceiling is linked in effect to the walls by means of a broad frieze of he- roic design the .sharp outline of which against the vaulted ceiling al- most suggests out-of-door effect. The shrine is resplendent with exquisitely worked leaf designs, the golden ivory tones of which bring out the lacelike detail. A feature of the interior consists of - a. series of small domes on each side of the vaulted ceiling. These domes are decorated in a most effective and unusual manner, by a repetition around them of a species of a conven- tionalized growth combined with curved lines, and reminding one of the old Egyptian ornaments, in which the lotus was shown, with curved lines be- neath it, representing the ripples of the Nile. Over all is shed the soft, mellow light of the stained glass in its many varied .and intricate designs in which one dis- tinguishes as the chief motif, the star of David, in a variety of forms and colors. The re-dedication of this exquisitely beautiful edifice took place on Wednes- day, September 21, Erebh Rosh-Has- hanah, 1892, when services were held in the Temple for the first time after the remodeling. The Temple was crowded to its utmost limit. The in- terior decorations enhanced by the tasteful floral decorations on and about the platform aroused general enthusi- astic admiration. Dr. Hirsch opened the services by reading an original poem, "Our Spell Words," composed by him for this occasion. This was fol- lowed by the choir chanting a response and an address by President Gatzert. Dr. Hirsch seemed inspired. The fiery eloquence of his words when he delivered his sermon entitled "The Two Books," perfectly enthralled the souls of his listeners. A spirit of re- joicing, praise and thanksgiving seemed to hover over all. Mr. Gatzert, too, seemed to be filled with the pro- found thought of the solemn hour. His address was also a masterpiece, and made a deep impression. Space will not permit u<=, we regret, to give the inimitably beautiful sermon of Dr. Hirsch in full, but we will present our readers with a few quotations from the same. Mr. Gatzert's lecture we copy here in full. The eloquence of Dr. Hirsch is well known, but the beauty of Mr. Gatzert's composition will be a pleasant surprise to many. Dr. Hirsch "aid: "To the sacred In- spiration of this hour, to the solemn appeal of this house, let me bid you welcome. We return after prolonged absence to our home. At the thresh- old meets us the New Year to usher us to the njw Temple. The presence of this herald is warning to remember the caution: 'Rejoice in fear.' Not that the conceit possesses us, that ex- cessive joy must be ransomed by cor- responding depth of grief. To such dread we do not slave. The fetters of this heritage of remote days does not weigh down the wings of our soul, though in such bondage, the brightest even among the Sun-kissed minds of the enterprise. We have reason to re- joice that our fondest expectations have been realized. And yet, mingled with the glad congratulations is the trembling tone of a more serious senti- ment. The New Year's tide makes al- ways a refrain set to a minor key. The first tribute it asks are tears. Its wreaths are wound of memories, and on many of their flowers glisten the pendants of regret. The flitting, shadowy semblance of life, it lays near I Iff I I I I I SINAI'S NEW TEMPLE. Indiana avenue and Twenty-first street. Greece were paying homage to tyrant fear. We know that the exultations, as well as the lamentations of mortal tongues are neither challenge nor charm to storm or lightning, to tide or wave, to fire or plague. Not by such modes may either their fury be aroused, or their ravages stayed. What should it matter to others than men, that joy abide with us? Not the gods are jealous, but men; and certainly in an hour so full of stirring thought as is this, the petty spite of possible envy cannot speed or slacken the flight of reflection. "We have cause to be thankful to the men who doubted not but did, who devised and carried to a successful end the reflective mind, and thus oppresses with suspicion, that vain is human deed, and deceptive human victory, the thirsting, hungry heart. Like a skill- ful organist playing grave and fancy descant in lofty figures, the natal hour of the New Year constructs its com- position on one theme, the fleetness, and flightiness of earthly existence. But this subject does not exhaust its store of motives. The prelude may, perhaps, harmonize and enunciate this old, yet ever new, side. But soon the movement passes into a more jubilant tempo. It sings of the permanent and abiding reality, to which the passing days, the seeming shadows, are but an ever changing setting. 330 REFORM ADVOCATEI "Paradise Lost symbols at best idle contemplation; Paradise to be gained tests and evokes the mettle of the men. Its prospect Is a fitting frontispiece to the volume, recording what poet ca'l3 .'God's Occasions.' Weave, chaste fan- cy and airy hope your garlands! Fes- toon the hearts with the flowers of dreamland! Let your palm leaf wave the greeting of peace and beckon on- ward the eager wanderer on 'life's up- ward path.' All stars set; all suns of -things, stands forth also as an ap- peal to Israel itself, in its own house- hold, to remember and to apply the law universal. The flower fadeth, but the spirit shall abide. Who would de- ny that many a blossom, beautiful and chaste, and sweetly scented, there grew in the garden of old Judahism; but these flowers fade, and when they have faded away they are dull to the message from on high. Their speech must be sounded by other tongues; ' ' . V .. ..< >'..:>< INTERIOR OF SINAI TEMPLE. burn out; your lamp is lit at a higher light. He who sails his course by your constellation may dare the voyage over life's trackless waste and be of good cheer. "The voice of the Lord is upon the waters; and the word of our God endureth forever.' Storms may await the seafarer; tears may be pressed from eye, and the breast may heave the pricking sigh. 'Yet trouble springs not from tha ground Nor pain from chance. The eternal order circles round, And wave and storm find mete and bound, In Providence.' "This temple, in witnessing thus to this conception of the u'timate reality their charms must be tokened by other buc!s. This is the emphasis which we lay on the spiritual factor. Judahism is not a mere memory; it is not a mere psst. Those that constantly talk about the ancient religion of Israel forget that in the procession of the years, we are the most aged. The nearer we stand to the beginning the less is the number of our years. The immaturi- ties of youth mark the religions and religious symbolism of our fathers. The ripeness of thought and the broad- er outlook, is characteristic of those periods that are a development out of the teachings of many predecessors. It is not true that what is old, and des- ignated by mere old age, contains more of truth. The spirit which abideth is a living force, and as it links age ^o age, its stfeam broadens and deepen^. More of that spirit is within the reach of new Judaism, then was in the pos- session of the old. In execution, then, of these views, our Congregation, in- spired by its new hall of assembly, will remember its own history, and ap- ply to its own intentions the great pre- cepts projected on the screen of the past. Ours is the conviction, that Ju- dahism is a destiny. The everlasting word of God found incarnation in Ju- dahism, only as a means towards its fuller realization in the world" at large. A preparation for a still more inclusive covenant of humanity is Judahism it- self. The flower fadeth; Judaism will fade. The grass withereth; even the new pasturages, along which have grazed the herds of Israel, will dry up. But the spirit of God will abide. That sacred word, which is echoed by the ages and sounded by the stars will not be hushed, but its peal and appeal will win to higher motives and nobler re- solves the whole human race, on that New Year's day when Israel's volume will be closed and the new tome of a united, redeemed humanity will be be- gun. We make no effort to conceal this, fact that for the coming of this time, we are not merely awaiting, but work- ing. This, our Temple, welcomes all who with us, regardless of an inte- rior religious affliation, or of the for- mulation of the faith, will co-operate to bring about this hope, which is the vital spark of Judahism." PRESIDENT GATZERT'S DEDICA- TION ADDRESS. "Build thee more stately mansions, O my soul, As the swift seasons roll! Leave thy low- vaulted past! Let each new temple, nobler than the last, Shut thee from heaven with a dome more vast, Till thou at length art free, Leaving thine outgrown shell by life's unresting sea!" To this new home, this temple, "no- bler than the last," let me call out to you a welcome heartfelt and sincere! A welcome laden with its weight of thankfulness, heightened by its power of joy a welcome thrilling from heart to lips with gratitude profound to Him above, who spared me in His mercy, thus to speak it, unto you, thus lend- ing ear to it a welcome throbbing with gladness at the boon of witness- ing the realization of our earnest wish to call our own a house of worship with surroundings as representative as the advance that has marked the phe- nomenal career of our beloved Sinai Congregation. We are indebted for the enjoyment of this great change, this marvelous improvement in our Temple, to the generous spirit that pervades this en- tire Congregation, as well as to the members who have so cheerfully ad- vanced the necessary funds. We are indebted to our leader and teacher, Dr. E. G. Hirsch, through whose elo- quent discourses, so many have joined THE REFORM ADVOCATE. 331 our ranks, and whose aid and influ- ence was the most potent factor in our onward march. We are indebted to our architects, Messrs. Adler and Sulli- van, who in fulfillment of their prom- ise, have re-constructed a temple for us, capable of meeting all our require- ments for public services, as well as for educational and social purposes, and one which in point of interior completeness and artistic beauty com- pares favorably with any church build- ing in the World's Fair city. The con- tractors, too, have faithfullly per- formed their task, and may be justly proud of their participation in the re- modeling of this beautiful edifice. As Chairman of the -Building Committee, I feel myself especially indebted to its members, Messrs. Jos. Austrian, Albert Fishel, Lee Fox, B. Lowenthal, Edward Rose and W. S. Rosenthal, with Dr. E. G. Hirsch and Mr. Adolph Loeb as advisory members, all of whom have worked with unflagging zeal, and with untiring energy. Many have been their anxieties, many their hopes and fears, and constant their prayers that the reconstruction so generously author- ized might result to the entire satis- faction of all. To the members of the Executive Board and the Pew Com- mittee we also owe a debt of gratitude for their indefatigable labors in the re- adjustment of our pews, and for the happy solution of this most difficult problem. Sincere thanks are due, and are heartily tendered to the courteous officers and kind members of our Mother Congregation, the K. A. M., who opened wide their gates to us, dur- ing our temporary absence from our own place of worship. A word, too, in grateful acknowledgment to Plymouth Church, under whose hospitable roof our holiday services were held. It is an old and honored custom in Israel to recite upon certain occasions, a portion of the history of its institu- tions; what more joyful occasion than this of our return? What institution more worthy than this, our Congrega- tion? The most sanguine expectations of the original founders of this organi- zation are certainly surpassed by the sight that greets us this evening, and yet the very height of our progress and success causes memory to travel back- ward to that noble band of seventeen courageous and self-sacrificing men, who, true to their convictions, joined together to form this Congregation. All honor to these pioneers, who, feel- ing within themselves the spirit of in- quiry and progress, stood manfully by their religious ideas, and, failing ut- terly to introduce their views into the service of the Mother . Congregation, called Sinai Congregation into exist- ence on the 7th of April, 1861. Soon thereafter its first Temple, a very sim- ple, wooden building on leased ground, located on Monroe street, between Clark and La Salle streets, was dedica- ted by the Sainted Dr. Samuel Adler of New York, and a new era dawned upon the progressive Jewish element of this city. The adoption 1 of Dr. Einhorn's prayer-book, satisfied the men of schol- arly attainments and revived the Inter- est in Jewish, affairs among the laity. Sinai's first and highly esteamed min- ister, Dr. B. Felsenthal, did yeoman's service in laying the foundation upon which our structure is reared. It was indeed no easy task, to destroy the idols of superstition, and to erect in their place a religious belief to which the mind, as well as the heart, could subscribe. The Congregation's second temple, dedicated by the late Dr. Moritz Meyer of New York, In the spring of 1865, marked even thus early a decided growth in our material pros- perity. But stronger than this, and more important, a spirit of research, well calculated to strengthen the cause of reform Judaism sprang up and de- veloped in a limited circle under the able leadership of the lamented Dr. I. Chronek, who at that time, and dur- ing the five succeeding years, occupied Sinai's pulpit. Like to many thousand firms and in- dividuals in our community the great fire of 1871 proved a dire disaster to our Congregation from a worldly standpoint. Our temple was destroyed, our records burned, our members scattered and busy with re-establishing themselves. One fortunate circum- stance, however, rallied the leaders of our Congregation to an extent which made them equal to the emergency. The knowledge of their arrangement previously made with Dr. K. Kohler, to act as Sinai's minister from No- vember, 1871, re-awakened the keen desire within them not to lose the serv- ices of this eminent scholar. Dr. Koh- ler found Sinai Congregation, though much decried by orthodox factions, an earnest, thoughtful and upward striv- ing organization of some seventy mem- bers, well equipped to comprehend the spirit of Jewish Reform, and willing to bring sacrifices for the propagation of its theories and the realization of its ideals. Whatever the learned Rabbi's position may now be, we will ever gratefully remember that his logical arguments and forceful plead- ings for a Sunday service, aye Sunday Sabbath, took root in the thought-life of our members and flourished in the fertile soil ploughed by his predeces- sors. "A Congregation without a home is no Congregation." Such were the words, and others of a like import that frequently greeted the ears of a de- creasing and already heavily burdened membership from the pulpit of the temporary Church, corner Fourteenth street and Wabash avenue, and the ros- trum of Martine's Hall, in which places Sinai Congregation held its services. The crucial test of loyalty to the cause and the self-forgetting spirit of unfal- tering devotion to the task assumed, was now supplied and Maccabeean-like triumphantly borne. The Temple was erected upon its present site, at a cost of $120,000, and dedicatory services were held in 1876. For a while mat- ters ran smoothly until a reactionary attempt to check the reform tendencies of our Congregation injured the at- tendance at our services, and thinned the roll of our members. The hard times in our Congregation reached their culmination in 1878. A debt of $50,000, a salary list of about $10,000 per an- num, the almost unbearable cry of bankruptcy from our opponents, all combined to dim the lustre of our pros- perity. These were times that tried men's souls; but the managers of Sinai's affairs were men of undaunted courage. With a conviction in their breasts that the cause of Reform Juda- ism as espoused by their congregation, could not be injured by vacillations in quarters least expected, nor by the on- slaught of unprincipled antagonists, they met the unrest that threatened in- ternal disruption by a well taught les- son that retrogression has no place In Sinai Congregation. The clouds began to fade from our horizon with the ad- vent of Dr. Emil Hirsch in the year 1880 the seed planted in richest fields, varmed by the rays of his intellect's bright sunlight sprang into life and sent forth their fruitage. Under his able leadership our list of members in- creased fourfold and we now number 280 co-workers. The expounding from our pulpit of theories of value in a practical work- ing-day world the various philoso- phies of life so clearly touched upon, the sound ethics so earnestly and im- pressively taught, must stimulate to greater activity in the paths of duty and of justice, must arouse the nobler, truer self, making it possible for eager listeners to become better citizens, bet- ter men and women, better Jews! The men who forged the principles tlia* support this organization through tiij-is, and through struggles, through difliculties and disasters before which a wea>er body would have fallen back dismayed, may see in the sacred beauty of this hour, the realization of their pure and noble ideals, may find here- in the reward of their faithful labors. These men insisted upon Sinai Congre- gation's right to manage its own af- fairs without let or hindrance from other congregations or conferences; these men dared to proclaim to all the world, that Sinai Congregation, freeing itself from all burdensome, and for our time, meaningless customs, seeks the perpetuation of Judaism through the purity of its moral idea by adhering to the ethical truths contained in the Bible and the teachings of the proph- ets; these men and their co-workers to and of the present day, saw in the es- tablishment of a well regulated Sun- day service the only means of keeping the rising generation within the pale of Judaism. All are not here with us in the body, some having gone home, to sleep the last, long sleep the busy brains have ceased their thinking, the hands that toiled are quiet in the rest of rests; yet in this Temple find they remembrance strong as immortality and its success shall be for them a last- ing monument. In this solemn hour, solemn, yet joy- ful beyond all measure, I appeal to the young men and young women here as- 332 REFORM ADVOOATB,. sembled, to crown the work of their parents and teachers by joining our ranks with a whole heart. I ask them to place the proper value upon the sac- rifices that their parents have brought In educating them with a lavish hand, and thereby fitting them out to aid in the upbuilding of the moral nature and character of our co-religionists, by rea- son of their own intelligence; so that, when their time comes to feel the re- sponsibility for the continued progress of this Congregation, an institution which makes for righteousness, and will outlive us and them the joy, the happiness and satisfaction which fill our hearts today may also swell their breasts with pride and with thanks- giving! At the annual meeting held March 30, 1893, the recommendation of Presi- dent Gatzert that the incoming board should devise ways and means for equipping the Semitic Department of the Chicago University with a requisite Library was concurred in by a motion of Mr. Adolph Nathan, that it is the sense of this meeting to raise the amount necessary by subscription from individual members, such amount not to exceed $5,000. The President also recommended that the Congregation assist and en- courage young men studying for the Jewish ministry by setting aside one- half per cent of the annual assess- ments. Mr. Lowenthal then moved that the Congregation donate a sum not to exceed $1,000 per annum but of the general fund at the dis- cretion of the board, and this motion was carried. President Gatzert's annual re- port, presented to the Congregation April 2, 1894, contains the following announcement: "The contributions from members of Sinai Congregation to the various charitable educational and other helpful institutions, are as follows: To the United Hebrew Chari- ties $11,462.50 To the Michael Reese Hos- pital 5,325.00 To the Cleveland Orphan Asylum 3,820.00 To the Jewish Training School 5,168.00 Averaging as a whole, 58 per cent of the entire amounts which the several other organizations have collected in the usual manner from the Jewish pop- ulation in our city. Mr. Gatzert recom- mends to the Congregation to give to the United Hebrew Charities an extra $500 to help to replenish their empty treasury. According to the report of the Exec- utive Board the Congregation then had a total membership of 304. The following resolution was unani- mously adopted: "That the public worship committee be Instructed to take into considera- tion the propriety and expediency of eliminating from our service on holi- days the reading of lengthy prayers in Hebrew, and bring the services on holidays in harmony with our Sunday services." The Sabbath School was attended by 175 children. Only paid teachers are employed and no volunteers. The teachers are paid a liberal salary. At the Executive Board meeting May 7, 1894, the following resoluton was adopted: "Whereas, the Congregation is the owner of a Sepher Thorah, the use of which in the services has been dis- pensed with; Therefore, Resolved, that said Sepher Thorah be donated to the University of Chicago as a part of the Semitic Library, donated by the Congregation." The donation of the congregation to the United Hebrew Charities was raised to $600.00 for the year 1893 to 1894. T-he President reported that the Liberal Religous Congress, the first of its kind in the history of the world, had held its sessions in Sinai Temple on May 22d, 23d, 24th and 25th; that said Congress was excep- tionally well attended and marks an era in their history of liberal religious movement; and that Sinai Congrega- tion can be proud of the part taken therein by Dr. Hirsch and the mem- bers of the Congregation. Mrs. H. L. Frank was appointed by the President a member of the Choir Committee. The Chicago Tribune of September 15, 1894, contained the following re- port of a reception tendered to Dr. Hirsch on the 14th of that month: "An informal reception was given to Dr. Emil G. Hirsch by his congregation tion last night in the vestry room of Sinai Temple. Between 500 and 600 people were present and the greater part of the evening was taken up in greetings. The main hall was deco- rated with flowers, ferns and flags, and over the rotunda was a circular de- sign illuminated with electric lights bearing the inscription, 'Sinai's Greeting.' In the center was a por- trait of the doctor. While 'Home, Sweet Home' was being rendered by a mandolin orchestra Dr. Hirsch was led into the room by J. L. Gatzert, President of the Board of Directors of the church. The doctor was greet- ed with prolonged applause and af- ter the quartette had sung Mr. Gat- zert delivered an address of welcome. Dr. Hirsch responded saying this was the first speech he had made for twelve weeks, and he had almost forgotten how to make one. He had been glad to get away, but was equally glad to get back. The Torn Kippur donations collect- ed in Sinai Congregation in 1894 for the United Hebrew Charities amount- ed to $12,000.00. On March 4, 1895, President Gatzert announced to the executive board that he deemed it proper to state that he would not accept a renomination as President for the ensuing year, being prevented by the necessity of devoting his entire time to his pri- vate affairs. The members of the Board expressed great regret that the President felt called upon to make such an announcement. On Shebuoth of 1895 subscriptions of the members during confirmation for the benefit of the Jewish Train- ing School were inaugurated and the sum of $1,518 was realized. On Kol- Nidre Eve $13,158.43 were subscribed by the members to the United He- brew Charities, and on Purim of that year the sum of $157.40 was subscribed for Alliance Israelite Universale. The regular donation to the United H. C. was increased from $100 to $1,- 000. Twelve young men petitioned the Board of Directors for the permission to become members of Sinai Congre- gation without being compelled to buy pews, and their petition was granted. At the annual meeting of 1896 the Congregation appropriated $600 for a religious school to be established in the Jewish settlement on the West side, as requested by 'the Council Jewish Women's Council. Dr. Hirsch was unanimously re- elected for a term of ten years from the expiration of his contract at a sal- ary of $12,000 per annum. Dr. Einhorn's prayer book in Eng- lish as revised by Dr. Hirsch was adopted by the Congregation, and a vote of thanks to Dr. Hirsch for devot- ing his summer vacation to the great task of translating into pure English the beautiful and inspiring prayers of the lamented Dr. Einhorn. According to President Fishell's re- port April 5, 1897, the total member- ship was 430. The attendance at the services on Sunday showed by a closely kept record an average of 1,- 100, notwithstanding the severity of the storms and inclemency of the sea- son. We quote from the President's report: "There is, however, one thing to which I beg to call your special at- tention, and that is, the small num- ber of confirmants. We take the child from its entrance to the school, carry it through from class to class, year after year, but when we hope to see it become a strong link in the chain of our Congregation, through the rite of confirmation, we meet with disappointment. "What is the cause of this failure to secure the culminating advantages of the religious instruction imparted in the school? Having been closely con- nected with the Sabbath School, and having given some care and atten- tion to the subject, I believe I can point out to you the special cause un- derlying the motive for failure to have pupils of the school publicly con- firmed in our temple. For years past our esteemed Rabbi has advised and insisted that the young lady members of the class foster simplicity in dress on confirmation day, instead of being clad in expensive garments elaborately decorated, and this -suggestion has in a great measure been complied with; but, unfortunately, another and a se- THE REFORM ADVOCATE, 333 rious feature accompanying the con- firmation, that of giving large and ex- pensive receptions to the confirmants, has gradually arisen. Another, and no less potent objection is urged, that children of rich or affluent parents are more favored with callers than those having less of the world's goods, notwithstanding the fact that they may be leading in their classes and no less worthy. This, when it becomes known to the children as it always does produces heart-burnings, and thus almost on the threshold of life their progress seems to be impeded by barriers erected by social conditions. "Is it any wonder, then, that under such circumstances a man of moder- ate means sacrifices his own pride and that of his child, and foregoes the gratification of having him or her confirmed? "I would therefore suggest, as a remedy, that you aid in the abolition of all private receptions to confirm- ants, and instruct the incoming Board to tender, in behalf of the Con- gregation, to the conflrmants, their parents and friends, a reception in the afternoon of confirmation day at our vestry rooms, which are so well adapt- ed for large gatherings, the expense to be defrayed out of the contingent fund, and thus the day will become to all the children, rich and poor alike, a happy and a joyful one, and to members and friends a social re- union, and the objections to non-con- firmation will in great part be re- moved. Our congregation can well af- ford to take the first step in this di- rection, and I feel confident that ere long we will not only have the satis- faction of seeing the desired object accomplished, but that other congre- gations will adopt the same measures." EXTRACT FROM REPORT OF THE SINAI MISSION SCHOOL. "I herewith submit to you a report of the Sabbath School of the Council of Jewish Women of Chicago, which your generous support has enabled us to carry on in a most satisfactory manner. "We hold our sessions on the third and fourth floors of 571 South Canal Street, having there the use of four well lighted, well heated and well ventilated rooms. These sessions take place on every Saturday from 2:30 to 4:00 o'clock P. M. "We have enrolled about 260 chil- dren with an average attendance for this season of 240. "Our school consists of girls only. We were compelled to limit ourselves as to numbers, and after careful con- sideration thought for various rea- sons that this would be the wisest course: "First. The boys were receiving religious instructions while the girls with but few exceptions were entirely untaught in this direction. "Second. We thought that the les- sons of cleanliness, thrift, etc., taught to the girls might be more productive of good results in the home. "A special stress is laid on the mor- al and ethical lessons derived from the bible stories. "Regarding the results, I would say that they are more than satisfactory and encouraging. "The appearance of the children has changed greatly. Unwashed faces and unkempt heads are now the ex- ception; now we are always greeted by the sight of clean, bright and smil- ing faces. "We feel satisfied that these influ- ences- do not end with the Sabbath School, but are carried into the homes and lives of these children. "ROSALIE SULTZBERGER, Chairman Sabbath School Committee C. J. W. of Chicago." The President's recommendation in regard to the reception to be given to the confirmants on Confirmation day was unanimously adopted and the Ex- ecutive Board made the proper arrange- ments. A prominent and gratifying feature of the thirty-seventh annual meeting of the Chicago Sinai Congregation, held April 4, 1898, was the attendance of a large number of the younger mem- bers of the Congregation and their ac- . tive participation in the proceedings. At a meeting of the Executive Board held October 1, 1898, it was stated that on the third Sunday in January, 1899, twenty-five years would have elapsed since Sunday services were inaugurated in this Congregation. Whereupon the Executive Board unanimously re- solved to recommend to the Congrega- tion that it hold suitable services on that day. At the special Congregational meet- ing, held to take action on said mat- ter, the recommendation of the Execu- tive Board was adopted, and a com- mittee of eleven members of the Con- gregation, part of whom were members of the Executive Board, was named to arrange and carry out plans for the celebration. The following persons composed this committee: Augustus Binswanzer, Leo Fox, Joseph L. Gat- zert, Harry Hart, Dr. Emil G. Hirsch, Adolph Loeb, Berthod Loewenthal, Ju- lian W. Mack, Leon Mandel, Edward Rose, Julius Rosenthal. Albert Fishell, ex-officio. In compliance with the res- olution the committee extended an In- vitation to the following Rabbis and scholars to grace the occasion with their presence: The Rev. Dr. K. Kohler, Ne^York; Rabbi Moses J. Gries, Cleveland, O.; Prof. Morris Jastrow, Jr., Philadelphia, Pa.; Dr. Joseph K. Krauskopf, Phila- delphia, Pa.; Dr. Max Landsberg, Rochester, N. Y.; Rabbi J. Leonard Levy, Philadelphia, Pa.; Dr. L. Mayer, Pittsburg, Pa.; Dr. Adolph Moses, Louisville, Ky.; Dr. Samuel Sale and Dr. Leo Harrison, St. Louis, Mo., and Dr. Gustav Gottheil of New York, whom old age prevented from attend- ing, was requested to write a letter em- bodying his views. The celebration took place on Jan- uary 15, 1899. Two services were held, one in the morning and the other in the evening. In the morning the spa- cious auditorium was filled with over 2,200 congregants, among whom were all the local Rabbis and representa- tives of their congregations. The plat- form was becomingly decorated with flowers, plants and flags. Overhead, in floral letters was the motto: "Das neue Wissen der alte Glaube," the title of Dr. Kohler's first Sunday ser- mon. The services opened with sing- ing of Psalm CL. by the choir, after which the regular ritual services were read by Dr. Hirsch. Mr. Loewenthal, who was President of the Congregation in 1874, the year in which Sunday serv- ices were first introduced, was to be the first speaker, but unfortunately the state of his health would not permit him to venture the experiment. In his stead Mr. Gatzert was introduced by Dr. Hirsch, and made some very ap- propriate remarks. Dr. Hirsch then de- livered % characteristic address In 'which he warmly welcomed his hon- ored colleagues to the house of God. He said in substance: "If ever men loved Judaism, Einhorn, Hirsch and Holdheim did; if ever men were con- vinced of the world-enlightening and world-redeeming mission of our ances- tral faith, Holdheim and Samuel Hirsch were. Let the slanderer use his venomous epithets to the contrary, his is vain babble. Before the throne of God, where these transfigured leaders and pioneers are now standing, our pathfinders have been crowned with the wreath of immortality, and in the book of life, whose letters shall never fade, is recorded as the rhythm of every heartbeat of theirs,- their un- quenchable love for Judaism and their unshakeable faith in the God of Israel. If Holdheim and Hirsch, and at one period of his noble life, the blessed Einhorn, thought it necessary to march on from Saturday to Sunday, it was because the land of promise beck- oned them. They felt intensely that not to abide in a desert of indifference was Israel led out from Egypt. They were convinced that for the promulga- tion of the hope, and the realization of the faith of a God-blessed and God- united humanity, God's own had come into the patrimony of liberty. "The Sabbath idea is cardinal to Ju- daism. Without a Sabbath, no Juda- ism. This is fundamentally true, and no one may take even as much as a tittle away from this root proposition. If Judaism had given to the world nought but the Sabbath, its history would be crowned wherever justice is done to service rendered and acknowl- edgment is made for inspiration given, with the lustre of having brought to toiling man the richest of all blessings. Not Rome and not Greece, not Assyria and not Egypt, offered to the strug- gling race such sweet boon. Among them, slavery clanked its chain, the scourge of selfishness lashed the back of brother men, lust held the sceptre, and thought of gain and pelf alone was the magnet of life. The Sabbath bride could never feel at home among their art treasures, their martial trophies. 334 THE. RE.FORM ADVOCATE, Her cradle was not the forum, and not the agora, not In the Parthenan, nor in the Pantheon, not at the foot of the pyramids, nor in the shadow of the Pa- goda, Not from Ganges nor from Eu- phrates radiated forth her light of joy to diffuse in home the glow of duty and the glory of peace in the hearts of men. In Jerusalem, at Sinai, across the Jor- dan, where liberty was written on the first tablet of God's communication, wnere light was apprehended to be the first audible articulation out of chaos seething and whirling into cosmos where duty was sung as the primal chord and the final diapason of life's melody and meaning where love was prized the universal magnet and re- ward there, and there alone, the Sab- bath lamp could shine its brightest, and the Sabbath law could be garbed with deepest import and guarded in its unutterably impressive importance. "The Sabbath is the badge of God's covenants with men and in blhalf of man with Israel. It is the sign of God's abiding in the world; of His guidance of the nations in history. Take it away, night enwrapts human- ity, Time is robbed of purpose. Ages lose their awful trumphet notes as successive heralds of the God who leads men from slavery to sublimity. The men who led our advance have recognized this, if they have recog- nized one truth. But looking into the life of the modern world, they soon apprehended that if Israel was to be genuinely true to its mission, if Ju- daism was not to ebb away as a reli- gion of the ghetto and to petrify into a ghettoized religion, it was necessary for the Jew td live to the full the mod- ern life. That modern life entailed up- on him, deaf to his regrets and blind to his romances, accommodation to modern institutions and adjustment to modern necessities. Deny this whoso- ever will, to this effect is the universal testimony of far spread experience." The sermons preached on that cele- bration day were printed in pamphlet form. They form a rare collection of pearls of thought thoughts to kindle the perpetual lamp of truth in the sanctuary of humanity and keep the altars aglow with celestial fire in the temples of religious aspiration. The pamphlet contains the addresses by Dr. Kohler, Dr. Sale, Dr. Mayer, Rabbi Leonard Levy, Rabbi Moses Gries, etc., all illustrious leaders in Reform Judaism in America. In the evening of the next day after a reception tendered the visitors by the Chicago Section of the Council of Jewish Women, Mr. B. Loewenthal en- tertained the Rabbis and other guests at a banquet at the Standard Club. The list of participants included a number c.' the leaders of the Congregation, and the presidents of the local institutions accompanied by their ladies. Mr. Au- gustus Binswanger presided as toast- master. Wit and wisdom flowed in profusion. Shortly after this event the equa- nimity of the Congregation was con- siderably disturbed by the news that Dr. Hirsch had been the recipient of a call from Temple Emanuel, New York, to become the Chief Rabbi of this the most influential and prominent Congregation of the East if not of the country. Efforts were at once made to induce the Doctor not to accept the call. Young men, to the number of seventy, enrolled themselves as mem- bers in order to evidence by this that there was a future in this city for the Doctor's work. The newspapers took up the matter and editorially asked the Rabbi not to leave Chicago. Dr. Hirsch had sent in his resignation, fully determined to seek the new field offered him. But after long efforts to convince him that it was his duty to remain with the Congregation and when the Congregation elected him for life, the Doctor consented to ask Temple Emanuel to release him from whatever promise the mem- bers of that Congregation had ^thought he had given to come. After Temple Emanuel took the desired ac- tion, Dr. Hirsch accepted the election under the new terms. Did he do wise- ly? The opinions on this are divided. Perhaps he might have made his influ- ence tell in the larger field to much greater advantage for the whole com- munity of Israel. But this is what the President of Sinai has to say on this matter in one of his reports. At the annual meeting of April, 1900, President Loeb writes in his message: "The closing scenes of last year's events are still fresh in our minds. Sinai Congregation had passed thiough a crisis, which, to say the least, caused an excitement among its members such as is rarely witnessed by an organization like our. The Congre- gation, in tones that could not be mis- understood, decided under any and all circumstances that our minister must remain, and if any sacrifices were nec- essary to obtain this sole object, the Congregation was ready to make them. The incoming Executive Board, officers and all, were elected, so to speak, un- der these conditions and Dr. Hirsch re- mained. Now that a year has passed, it behooves us to pass the calm and retrospective glance and ask ourselves the question: 'Was our action hasty, and have we occasion to repent it?' The answer is readily found. The year just closed has been one of unparalleled prosperity. New members flocked to us in great numbers regardless whether they could get a good seat or not; the services .throughout the whole year were of the highest order. The best of understanding was at all times maintained between the Board and the Minister, the latter outdoing himself in his great efforts to furnish the Con- gregation with the best creations of his master mind and master tongue. Not satisfied with his efforts in the pulpit up stairs, Dr. Hirsch also took personal charge of the Sabbath School, and the result of his wonderful patriotism is apparent in that the school has at- tained an attendance and a standard never before reached. "We come before you tonight with a membership of 463, including all classes." The collection from the Congrega- tion for the United Hebrew Charities for the year 1899 to 1900, amounted to $14,430.41, the highest figure ever col- lected. Munificent donations have been made this year to the Chicago Univer- sity by quite a number of the members of Sinai Congregation, reaching all the way from $5,000 to $50,000. The year 1900 to 1901 -was also re- markably prosperous for the Congre- gation. The President in his annual report says: "Our Rabbi, Dr. E. G. Hirsch, seems to have made it his am- bition to make each sermon de- livered on Sunday greater and more admirable, more instructive, and more magnificent, than the preceding one. The experiment to transfer the school hours from Sunday morning to Saturday has proven a great success, enabling our superinten- dent and staff of teachers to devote twice as much time to their task, and the result Is most gratifying, both as to attendance and decorum, as also ta the dissemination of knowledge and the infusion of religion into the minds and hearts of the young. The removal from the city of Miss Sadie American . deprived the school of an able and com- petent teacher, and so did also the ad- vancement of young Mr. Baker to the ministry of a sister congregation. Both resignations were reluctantly ac- cepted and their places filled by the election of Miss Block and Mrs. Abra- ham. We have now on the rolls 473 members, which will soon reach 500,. according to the assurances of the Committee on Membership." President Loeb strongly recommends, to Sinai Congregation to join the Union of American Hebrew Congrega- tions at Cincinnati. A Young People's Association was recently organized from among the members and their families, in the hope that they will help swell the audiences at the Sun- day services to a degree worthy of a congregation like Sinai. In consequence of the organization of the Associated Jewish Charities of Chicago the collection of contributions at the service on the eve of the day of atonement for charities has been; discontinued. The amount of $677.70 was promptly contributed by the mem- bers of the Congregation to assist in alleviating the distress of the Galves- ton sufferers. Dr. Hirsch in a letter to the Congre- gation, earnestly advocates the" accept- ance of the President's recommenda- tion, that Sinai Congregation join the Union of American-Hebrew Congrega- tion. He also suggests that Sinai Con- gregation follow the example set by Temple Emanuel of San Francisco and establish one or two fellowships in semitics at the Chicago University, each to bring every year $500 to be open to a graduate student, preferably of Rabbinics. The following officers were elected: President. Adolph Loeb; Vice-Presi- dent, Leon Mandel; Treasurer, Edwin THE REFORM ADVOCATED 335 G. Foreman; Financial Secretary, S. Greenebaum; Recording Secretary, Ju- lius Stern; Directors to serve two years, Harry Hart, Joseph Kahn, S. W. Strauss and S. J. Klein; Director to serve for one year, Mr. Herman Lan- dauer. This completes the history of Sinai Congregation from the day of its birth to the present time. We deemed it best to follow the records of the Con- gregation chronologically from year to year, keeping close even to the parlia- mentary language of the minutes. The wonderful success and the mar- velous achievements of Sinai Congre- gation during the forty years of its ex- istence, in the fields of religion and charity, free thought and free giving, will no doubt stimulate other Jewish congregations to emulation. Under the leadership of its Rabbis Sinai Congre- gation has emerged from the desert of doubt, problematic experimenting and halting hesitation. It aims at a positive, prophetic Judaism a Juda- ism of duty and righteousness. It is now also emerging from its isolated retreat and is seeking the fellowship of its sister congregations in the house of Israel. It is marching onward with flying colors towards the promised land of ethical and religious truth, and it confidingly follows the new device in- scribed on its banner: "Das neue Wissen der alte Glaube." As stated before, as soon as Dr. Samuel Hirsch resolved upon his re- tirement from active duties as Rabbi of the Reform congregation Kene- seth Israel of Philadelphia, to make Chicago his residence, Chicago Sinai Congregation honored itself by elect- ing this veteran leader of the Reform cause to honorary membership. Dr. Hirsch came to this city March 23d, 1888. The hope that here he would be spared to live many more years and enjoy the fruitage of his teachings in the prosperity of his son's congre- gation was not realized. Only a little over a year did he tarry with us. Dur- ing this time he occupied the pulpit of Sinai Congregation once, on Yom Kippur morning, 1888, and read the concluding prayer in the evening. Af- ter a torief spell of sickness he passed to his reward on May the fourteenth, 1889, and was buried in Rosehill, the cemetery of Sinai Congregation, on a lot dedicated to his memory by the congregation. Soon after his demise the Board of Sinai resolved that it was their duty to mark in a becoming manner the resting place of this noble teacher. An invitation was extended to the congregation over which he had presided so long in Philadelphia to join Sinai in this work of love, but the Philadelphia admirers of Dr. Samuel Hirsch thought it best to give expres- sion to their feelings in a memorial window in the new Temple then pro- posed and since erected, and therefore did not accept Sinai's suggestion. September 6th, 1890, the monument, a beautiful shaft, was dedicated with ap- propriate ceremony. Dr. Sale of St. Louis, at the invitation of the Congre- gation, delivered the dedicatory ser- mon, and Dr. E. G. Hirsch gave ex- pression to his dear mother's thanks for this signal mark of reverence for a man who had not been the minister of Sinai, though his principles were indeed fundamental to the aims of Sinai's members. An inscription re- counting the services of the great lead- er and a quotation from an address delivered by him at the twenty-fifth anniversary of the founding of the Congregation marks the beautiful monolith. Dr. Samuel Hirsch was survived by his widow only a few years. She died beloved by all who knew her, in August, 1893, and was carried to her resting place by the sido of her dear husband by the members of Sinai Congregation, the executive board acting as pallbearers. DR. SAMUEL, HIRSCH. . REV. DR. SAMUEL HIRSCH. Dr. Samuel Hirsch was born June 8th, 1815, at Thalfangen, Rhinish Prus- sia. For a number of years he attend- ed the celebrated Jeshibha at Metz. Then he became a student at the Bonn University. His thirst for knowledge was so great that he walked all the way to Berlin to continue his studies there under the great professors. His first sermon he preached at Bessau, but he was too liberal a man for the ortho- dox faction and they forced him out. In 1844 he wrote his main work "Re- ligions Philosophie der Juden." In 1845 he received the title of Doctor of Phil- osophy from the Leipzig University. During that year he officiated as sec- retary of the Second Rabbinical Con- ference at Breslau. Before this confer- ence he advocated Sunday services and afterwards published a pamphlet on the subject. In the same year he was called to the postiion of Rabbi at Lux- emburg, where he remained until 1866. He then emigrated to America and be- came the Rabbi of Kenesseth Israel Congregation at Philadelphia, where he remained until 1888. He also wrote: "Humanitaet als Religion" and a Cate- chism of the Jewish religion, shortly after he removed to Chicago, and Sinai Congregation, whose pulpit is occupied by his son, Dr. Emil G. Hirsch, extend- ed to the venerable father of their minister a very cordial welcome. He died in Chicago at the residence of his son. May 14th, 1899, and was bur- ied by Sinai Congregation at Rose Hill Cemetery. In 1890 Sinai Congregation erected a magnificent monument In" honor of his memory, over his grave at Rose Hill. The monument is an obelisk of Barre granite, extending 18 feet high on a symmetrical base, meas- uring more than seven feet square at the ground. On the shaft appears in raised letters "S. H." in monogram, and the name "Samuel Hirsch" is on the base. The die bears the following inscription in polished letters: "Erected by Chicago Sinai Congre- gation, the first to adopt without com- promise or hesitation the principles he taught, and consecrated to the memory of Dr. Samuel Hirsch. Born in Thal- fangen, Prussia, June 8, 1815, he died in Chicago, May 14, 1889. For fifty years of active life as rabbi, both in Europe and in the United States, he was the most fearless and consistent champion of enlightened, liberal Judaism, and by words of mouth and pen never tired of holding its tenets as fundamentally the doctrine destined to be the religion of humanity, looking neither to the right nor to the left, but confident of the in- vincible power of truth. Those who now lag behind will follow, and those who now oppose will indorse our movement." Dr. Hirsch was thirty years in the Jewish ministry in his native land, and for twenty three years he preached progressive Judaism in this country. His contributions on the philosophy o.f the Jewish religion and his text books on the tenets of Judaism, rank among the best of their kind. LEADERS OF SINAI CONGREGA- TION. BENJAMIN SCHOENEMAN. Benjamin Schoeneman, the first President of Sinai Congregation, was born July 6th, 1825, at Hainsforth, Germany. He was liberally educated in his native country. In 1849 he emi- grated to America, and in 1852 he came to Chicago, where he engaged in the packing business in which he was very successful. He was versed in Jewish literature, was a man of progressive ideas and a warm champion of Jewish reform. From 1863 to 1867, he was Chairman of the School Board of Sinai Congregation. From 1862 to 1863, he was Trustee, and from 1867 to 1868, Financial Secretary of the United Hebrew Charities. 336 REFORM ADVOCATED B. SCHOENEMAN. First President Sinai Congregation. He married Miss Eliza Unger of Koeln (Cologne), Germany, who was his second wife; his first wife was her sister. His wife and four children sus- vive him: Mrs. Eliza Stein, Simon, Frieda Katz and Leo Schoeneman. MR. ADOLPH LOEB. In the year 1873, there arrived in Chicago a man whose refined manners and lofty character at once won for him the love and esteem of his fellow citizens, especially that of his Jewish co-religionists. Almost immediately he became an active member of the Jewish community and his influence soon manifested itself in Jewish cir- cles. In his southern home he was prominent in B'nai B'rith affairs, and the leaders of district No. 6 received him with open arms. He was elected Grand Secretary for the district, which office 'he held for ten years. Those who know something about the history of the Jewish community of Chicago for the last quarter of the past century will easily recognize our friend Adolph Loeb, in the short pen sketch which we have drawn. Mr. Loeb was born in the old historic city of Germany, Bingen on the Rhine, in the year 1839. The family of Loeb has been prominent in Germany for ADOLPH LOEB Present President Sinai Congregation. several generations. At the age of 14 he came to America and spent his youth in the city of New York. From there he went south and for a number of years he lived in Memphis, Tenn. Very early in life he started in the in- surance business, became an expert in his line, was very successful and re- mained in this business to this day. Mr. Loeb is manager of the North Ger- man and Transatlantic Insurance Com- panies of Hamburg and Vice-President and Western Manager of 'the North- German Insurance Co., of New York. Several years ago he admitted his son, Leo, into his business and the firm name now is Adolph Loeb & Son. Mr. Loeb was the President of the Russian Aid Society, established for the benefit of the Russian refugees, and existed for two years, from 1892 to 1894. For twenty-five years, up to last year, he was a member of the Board of the United Hebrew Chari- ties and during the last twenty years he frequently held important offices in the Standard Club, of which he is a charter member. At present he is President of the Sinai Congregation, Grand President of District No. 6, B'nai B'rith, President of the Jewish Agricultural Aid Society of America, Trustee of the Cleveland Orphan Asy- lum, a member of the Art Institute, of the Civic Federation and of the Citi- zens' Association. All these high honors and distinc- tions Mr. Loeb carries with dignified modesty, always finding a kind word and a pleasant smile for the humblest as well as for the most influential. MR. SIMON FLORSHEIM. Mr. Florsheim was born in Ronerad, Germany, May 28, 1837, and his par- ents' names were Isaac and Marian (Weiler) Florsheim. He came to Am- erica in 1853 and to Chicago four years later. He first engaged in the insur- ance business and became secretary of the Germania Insurance Company, then he embarked in the wholesale hat business and now he is the proprietor of the Chicago Corset Company, with offices in Chicago and New York, fac- tory at Aurora.Ill., where 900 operators are employed. He is also Vice-Presi- dent of the Aurora Automatic Machin- ery Company, where about 250 ma- chinists are employed, Mr. Florsheim is the inventor of the Ball corset and several other mechanical devices. For a number of years he was a leading member of the Underwriters and Treasurer of Fire Insurance Patrol and a member of the Patrol which he helped to organize. He is now treas- urer of the Protection Mutual Fire In- surance Company. He was a member of a vocal quartet, which started the first singing society in Chicago, the at one time well known Concordia Maennerchor. He is a member of Sinai Congregation, of which he was Direct- or, Secretary, Treasurer, Vice-Presi- dent and for many years member of the choir. For two years, from 1896 to 1898, he was a director of the United Hebrew Relief Association. He is a member of the Standard and Hamilton Clubs, and an ex-Director of the first. He married Miss Elizabeth Friesleben and of the children that were born to them six are now living. Mrs. Flora Altman, Norman,- Sidney, Isaac, Leonard and Isabel. Mr. Florsheim was the youngest President ever elected in Sinai Con- SAMUEL FLORSHEIM. gregation, being but 27 years old. He organized the first choir for the con- gregation and sang in it for 15 years as basso. MR. BERTHOLD LOEWENTHAL. In the congregational, charity and social circles of the Jewish commun- ity, as well as in the financial world, municipal affairs and public life of Chicago in general, the name of Ber- thold Loewenthal occupies a place of honor. Mr. Loewenthal was born in Mueh- ringen, Wurtemburg, Germany, August 6, 1830. His parents were Joseph and Yetta Loewenthal. He was educated in the public schools of his native town. At the age of twenty he came to America, and settled in Rock Island, 111., and for two years, from 1855 to 1857, he served as Alderman of that town. In 1863 he moved to Chicago. He was a member of the Board of Di- rectors of the United Hebrew Charities for a number of years, and President from October, 1870, to January, 1872. In December of 1871 he was elected South Town Supervisor on the Fire ticket (non partisan) and for two years he served creditably without compensation. From 1875 to 1882 he was a member of the Board of Direct- ors of the Chicago Public Library, es- tablishing for himself an excellent rec- ord. From Sept. 1, 1890 to Feb. 21, 1898, he was President of the Interna- tional Bank, when its business was transferred to the Continental National bank, and he became a director of the last named institution, a position which he continues to hold at the pres- ent time. Mr. Loewenthal is a member of Sinai Congregation and for ten years he was President of the same, and held the THE. RE.FORM ADVOCATED 337 BERTHOLD LOEWENTHAL. position of Director and Treasurer for fully 25 years. He is a member of the Standard Club, and also of this insti- tution, he was President for two years. He is a member of the Board of Di- rectors of the Home for Aged Jews and has been its Treasurer ever since the Home was organized, to the pres- ent day. He married Miss Nannie Kaufman, and they have two children, a daughter, Julia, the wife of Mr. A. H. Wolf, and a son, Julius W. JOSEPH L. GATZERT. Mr. Gatzert was born in Hofheim, near Worms, May 6, 1836. His parents were Abraham and Sarah Gatzert. His ancestral home was at Alsbach, in the Rheinish Palatinate. He received an excellent education in his native country. In December, 1852, he came to America and settled in Chicago, where he engaged in merchandising, and was very successful. Being of a charitable disposition, a man of tact, refinement, and possessing adminis- trative ability to a high degree, he soon became a prominent figure in Jewish communal life of Chicago. He early identified himself with the Jew- ish charities, rendering valuable ser- vices to the good cause. For his faithful gratuitous services as super- intendent he received a highly artisti- cally executed testimonial from the J. L. GATZERT. Board of the United Hebrew Relief Association. From October, 1860, to 1862, he was recording secretary, and from October, 1864, to 18(i5, he was financial secretary. From 1873 to 1874, and again from 1896 to 1898 he was a director of the charities. He stood at the cradle of Sinai Congrega- tion and was materially instrumental in the successful development of this .great 'religious institution. In. by a number of no- ble-minded and intelligent people, Jews of Chicago. Its main purpose was "to foster self-help and self-re- liance, to enable the needy to lift themselves beyond the need of an- other's assistance, to educate the poor in thrift and honesty, independence and self respect; to lend a helping hand to 'those who begin the struggle for existence handicapped by adverse circumstances. There existed, indeed a great need for such an institution on account of the thousands and thousands of Jewish emigrants from the most benighted and degraded sec- tions of Europe. The school was dedicated and opened on October 19th, 1890. It consisted from the beginning of three depart- ments kindergarten, primary and grammar departments. The schools received pupils of tooth sexes and all nationalities, between the ages of three to fifteen years, furnishing them free education, the course covering a period of eleven years. The institution is unsectarian. There are about 700 children enrolled in school and kinder- garden; admitted are only the children of the poor. The intention, however, is to estab- lish trade school for boys and girls after they have graduated from the school, and have shown and developed their innate faculties. One branch of trade school has been established al- ready a school for gold and sil"- engraving. The expense of maintaining this in- stitution are about $25,000.00 annually. The school is located at 199 West Twelfth place, right in the center of the Jewish settlement. The first meeting for the establish- ment of this school was held at Sinai Temple in 1888, and Sinai Congrega- tion is to a great extent the father of this institution. A number of tho tects, and is well adapted for its pur- pose. It is a four-story brick struc- ture, 60x110 feet in dimension. It has two entrances and stairways, and its twenty-two rooms, capable of seat- ing 800 pupils, are all light and airy, and furnished with the latest and most improved school apparatus. The ma- chine shop, in which thirty boys can work conveniently, is arranged in reg- ular workshop style, and is supplied with the lathes, benches, vises and an- vils necessary for wood and metal turning. The joining shop, in which thirty-five boys can work simultane- ously, is equipped with a complete outfit of the best tools and latest Im- proved vises. The molding, drawing, sewing and kindergarten rooms are furnished with the best of the neces- sary appurtenances. The laboratory is supplied with the apparatus and chem- icals commonly used in schools to il- lustrate the principles of elementary JEWISH TRAINING SCHOOL. members of Sinai Congregation and others have donated large sums of money to this institution. During the year 1888 to 1889 Mr. Leon Mandel gave $20,000.00, Emanuel Mandel $5,- 000.00, H. A. Kohn $5,000.00, Max A. Mayer $10,000.00, Charles H. Schwab $5,000.00. The Young Men's Hebrew Charity Association gave $9,500.00. The first officers were: President, Charles H. Schwab; vice-president, Mrs. Emanuel Mandel; treasurer, J. L. Gatzert; recording secretary, Rabbi Joseph Stolz; 'financial secretary, Mrs. J. Wedeles. Directors: Henry L. Frank, Henry Greenebaum, Dr. E. G. Hirscb, H. A. Kohn, Julius Rosenthal, Mrs. M. Loeb, Mrs. B. Loewenthal, Mrs. Harry Mayer, Mrs. Lee Mayer, Mrs. Joseph Spiegel, Mrs. M. Rosen- baum. The building located on Judd street Jefferson and Clinton streets, was de- signed by Adler & Sullivan, archi- physlcs and general chemistry. The large assemibly-room is fitted for ex- hibitions and gatherings, and the class-rooms contain the usual school appliances. There is an ample supply of wash and bath rooms. Pasteur fil- ters purify the drinking water, and a thirty-horse power horizontal engine drives the machinery and furnishes power for supplying the building with heat and ventilation. The school was opened October 20th, 1890, with a corps of twenty paid teachers and five volunteers, under the superintendence of Prof. Gabriel Bam- 'berger. At the opening of the school 1,600 children, ranging from three to fifteen years of age, applied for admission. Only 1,100 were accepted, though the seating capacity was but 800. The classes were, however, so overcrowded that it was found absolutely necessary to dismiss about 200 more and such 356 REFORM ADVOCATED were then chosen for dismissal and sent to the neighboring public schools as were, 'upon careful investigation, found to be generally in better circum- stances. Of these about 150 were re- cent arrivals from Russia, who had never before attended an English school. The aim of the school's instruction is to unite training in the industrial and mechanical arts with the very best methods of teaching the usual school studies, in order to develop har- moniously the mental, moral and phys- ical powers of the pupils, prepare them for the active duties of life and fit them for good citizenship. To re- alize this aim the course of study de- signed to cover twelve years is divided into three departments, namely: the Kindergarten, the Primary department and the Grammar department. The secretary, Dr. Joseph Stolz, fin- ishes the executive report of that year with the following words: "We need the best teachers we can get, and the 'best appliances to assist them, and these teachers and appliances cost money. The building stands. The school is thoroughly organized and in excellent working order. The pupils have shown a marked moral and in- tellectual progress. The girls have shown skill in dress-making, and those whose environment has not been such as to foster manual labor, have shown aptitude in the handling of tools. The difficult lesson of cleanliness has been learned and through mothers' meet- ings we have won the confidence and co-operation of the parents. The Night school, that, under the charge of our superintendent and in our building educates some 300 adults in the elements of our language and in the history of our country as well as In bookkeeping, has accomplished in- calculable good. Everything augurs well for the future. What has been done is but a pledge of what can be done and we appeal to your love of humanity to aid us. We need your co-operation. We need you to help us secure a sufficient number of patrons and members to put the institution on an independent footing. This is more than sentiment this Is duty. We owe it to the unhappy children of Russia that have found a home in our midst. We owe it to those most needy of all the needy, those of our co-religionists who are now groaning under the heartless tyranny of the Czar, many of whom will soon be with us. We owe It to that "New Education" whose cause we have espoused. We as Jews, pioneers in the cause of humanity, owe it to the world that when two years hence peo- ple will flock hither from every coun- try and clime, we shall be able to di- rect them to the model educational in- stitute of this city, the Jewish Train- ing School. What the Jewish Training School has accomplished during the twelve years of its existence among the children of the poor, what benefit and what bles- sing the work of the very able super- intendent, Prof. Bamberger and the efficient corps of teachers have been to thousands and thousands of the dwellers of the Ghetto district, can hardly be told In the limited space which we have at our disposal. Suf- fice it to say that it is the best institu- tion of the Jewish community and en- joys the moral and financial support of the very best and the most intelli- gent classes of the Chicago Jews. PROF. GABRIEL BAMBERGER. Superintendent of the Jewish Training School. Professor Gabriel Bamberger, one of the foremost educators of this coun- try, was born in the small village of Angerod in the Grand duchy of Hes- sen-Darmstadt, on June 3d, 1845. One of a large family of professional peo- ple, his father being a successful teach- er and his sisters and brothers in that or allied professions, the young lad PROF. G BAMBERGER. also was destined to a similar calling. The profession of Rabbi was chosen for him and for this purpose, after having received instruction in the ele- mentary schools of his home, he was early sent to Breslau to take prepara- tory work in the famous Rabbinical Seminary of that city. But the career of Rabbi was very shortly abandoned, as the 'boy showed other tastes. He entered the Gymnasium of Breslau, from which he was graduated. Prof. Bamberger enjoyed the privi- lege of being a pupil of the great edu- cator, Wilhelm Curtmann, in the Ped- agogical Seminary of Friedberg, Hes- sen. After graduating from there he continued his pedagogical work by taking a post-graduate course in the University of Giessen (Hesen). Im- mediately after finishing his prepara- tions as an educator, the professor be- came one in actuality. He entered the services of the German government and soon was made the principal of a. preparatory and business college in Hessen. In 1879 a call from across the ocean was sent to the rising young peda- gogue. He was asked to and did or- ganize and become principal of the Workingman's School of New York, which was maintained by the Society for Ethical Culture of that city. In doing so, Prof. Bamberger became the first pedagogue in this country to in- troduce Manual Training in the gram- mar and primary grades. He gave the first exhibit of Manual Training work of these grades at the annual meeting of the National Educational Associa- tion in Saratoga in 1883, and was en- couraged in his propaganda by but three men of the whole assembly. But those men were Col. F. Parker of Chi- cago, Dr. Woodworth of St. Louis, and Dr. H. H. Fick of Cincinnati. Whatever strides Manual Training has taken in the country at large since then owes its first impetus to Prof. Bamberger's pioneer work. In 1890, after being principal of the Workingman's School for eleven years, Chicago demanded the services of this exceptional educator. The Jewish Training School of Chicago, at whose head he now is, owes its whole suc- cess and its superior rank as a school almost wholly to Prof. Bamberger. What Prof. Bamberger has done for the school is another story and could not possibly be confined to the short space of this sketch. Suffice it to say that Prof. Bamberger has taken an active part in all the important educa- tional associations of the country as well as being a somewhat prolific writer of pedagogic literature. He has written and published many pam- phlets and 'brochures on subjects of Manual Training, as well as many other phases of education. A Phonetic Reader, the first of its kind in this country, was written and published by him, as also a course of Manual Train- ing now published in book form under the name, "Head, Heart and Hand." However, Prof. Bamberger's field of education has 'been even broader than his activity in the lines mentioned above. He has also 'been a power in the religious education of the Jewish youth of this city. Always a deep and scholarly student of the literature of his people, Prof. Bamberger is an au- thority upon the methods of imparting such knowledge. To this end he has written much, most notably a series of articles on the way to teach Bible History, which appeared in the pages- of the Reform Advocate some years ago, as well as many other articles in our American Jewish papers. But 'better than writing of the way to teach Prof. Bamberger has done the actual teaching and became a living example for all to follow. He has been a most valuable adjunct to Sinai Temple's well-conducted Sab- bath School and as a leader organized and was the president for many years of the Jewish Sabbath School Teachers' Association. It is to be hoped that the professor, who is admired and beloved by all who REFORM ADVOGATK. 357 have had the privilege of knowing him, will be spared for many years to help the community of Chicago in 4ts onward march toward the highest civ- ilization. XVII. A JOINED CONFERENCE. In the month of November, 1890, an unique conference of Jews and Gen- tiles was conducted in the main hall of the Methodist Episcopal church block, corner Clark and Washington streets. The instigator of that meeting was the Rev. Wm. E. Blackstone, a well-known missionary of the Christian church. We have before us a copy of the pro- gram of this conference, which con- sistd of four sessions, the first meet- ing taking place on Monday, November 24th, in the afternoon. The second session was held in the evening of the same day at 7:30 p. m. On Tuesday afternoon the third meeting took place, and the fourth and last session was held in the evening of that day at 7:30. Rev. Mr. Blackstone makes a state- ment in this program in explanation of the object of this conference in the following words: "The object of this conference is to give information and promote a spirit of inquiry therefor on the basis of mutual kindness between Jews and Christians. Admission free. Israelites and Christians cordially invited. (Signed) Wm. E. Blackstone, chairman of com- mittee. The writer attended all the sessions of this strange conference and could perhaps give a lengthy account of the proceedings and transactions, but pre- fers to give an exact copy of this pro- gram, as it is in his estimation a very rare document in the history of re- ligion. In course of time many meet- ings have taken place where disputes between Jews and Christians on re- ligious topics have been the main fea- tures. But none of these conferences of former days were anything like this one arranged by Rev. Blackstone. The following is a copy of the program: CONFERENCE on the Past, Present and Future of Israel, To be held in the MAIN HALL, OF THE M. E. CHURCH BLOCK, Corner Clark and Washington streets. Chicago, 111. MONDAY AND TUESDAY, NOV. 24TH AND 25TH, 1890. Jews and Christians to Participate. PROGRAMME. Monday, Nov. 24th. Chairman Wm. E. Blackstone. Afternoon Session. 2:00 Psalm 122. Prayer by Rev. Dr. C. Perren. 2:15 Address, Rev. E. P. Goodwin, D. D. "The Attitude^ of the Nation and of Christian People Toward the Jews." 3:00 Address, Rev. Dr. B. Felsenthal, Rabbi. "Why Israelites do not accept Jesus as their Messiah." Evening Session. 7:30 Psalm 25. Prayer by Rev. Lieb- man Adler. Rabbi. 7:45 Address, Rev. Dr. E. G. Hirsch, Rabbi. "The religious Condition of the Jews today and their attitude toward Christianity." Song, Mr. Joseph J. Schnadig. 8:30 Address, Rev. J. H. Barrows, D. D. "Israel as an evidence of the truth of the Christian reli- gion." Aaronic Benediction. Tuesday, Nov. 25th. . Afternoon Session. 2:00 Psalm 53. Prayer by Rev. Chas. M. Morton. 2:15 Address, Joseph Stolz, Rabbi. "Post Biblical History of Israel." 3:00 Address, Rev. J. M. Caldwell, D. D. "Jerusalem and Palestine as they are today, and the restoration of Israel." Song, "The Hebrew Captive." 3:45 Explanation of maps and charts. Communications. Evening Session. 7:30 Psalm 98. Prayer. 7:45 Address, Prof, David C. Marquis, D. D. "Israel's Messiah." 8:30 Address, by an Israelite. "The Anti-Semitism of Today." 9:00 Address, Prof. H. M. Scott, D. D. "Israelites and Christians. Their Mutual Relations and Welfare, or Lessons of this conference." BENEDICTION. The Lord bless thee, and keep thee. The Lord make His face shine upon thee, and be gracious unto thee; The Lord lift up His countenance upon thee, and give thee Peace. A selection of ten hymns from the church hymnals were printed with the programme and sung by the audi- ence. The address of Dr. B. Felsen- thal was afterwards published in pam- phlet form, reprinted from the Reform Advocate by the Publishers, Messrs. Bloch & Newman. The Doctor prefaces the printed address with the following remarks: "A few years ago, on No- vember 24th and 25th, 1890, a confer- ence of -Israelites and Christians was held in the First Methodist Church in the city of Chicago, and each of its four sessions was very largely attend- ed. It was mainly Mr. William E. Blackstone, by whose efforts this con- ference was brought about. Among us Jews it was not known at that time that Mr. Blackstone is actively en- gaged in missionary work among the Jews, and so he succeeded in persuad- ing some Chicago rabbis to take part in his conference. To me Mr. Black- stone has assigned the subject indi- cated in the question at the head of this discourse. Upon the request of some friends my discourse is here again published." A Hebrew paper, under the title of "B'akharith Hayamim" (in the last days, a dialogue between Father anclSon concerning Isreal's hopes), was pre- pared for the occasion by Rabbi A. I. G. Lesser, Rabbi of congregation B'eth Hamidrash Hagodol Ubnai Ja- cob. This paper was later translated at the request of the author by Her- man EJiassof and was published in book form, English and Hebrew, in 1897. The Rabbis who participated in this Conference learned with regret that it was more the missionary than the messenger of peace who arranged this conference. HOME FOR AGED JEWS. The Home for Aged Jews of Chicago was established in 1891. The first an- nual meeting of patrons and members was held May 8th, 1892. The Presi- dent, Mr. Morris Rosenbaum, read his report, from which we quote the fol- lowing: "To Abraham Slimmer is due the gratitude of the community for his munificence and liberality, for his lofty example and for the privilege of joining him in this noble work." And he was right, for it was Mr. Abraham Slimmer of Waverly, Iowa, who by his donation of $50,000.00 for a home for the aged Jews in Chicago on condition that the -Jews of Chicago raise an equal amount made it possible for this home to become a re- ality. Mr. Slimmer was an intimate friend of Mr. Rosenbaum, and when he one day confided to his friend, Ro- senbaum, his intention of donating a large amount of money to some insti- tution, for the purpose of erecting a home for aged Jews, Mr. Rosenbaum at once advised him to make the Chi- cago Jewish community the recipient of his bountiful gift. Mr. Slimmer took the advice of his friend and made the offer, on condition that the Chi- cago Jews raise an equal amount. Mr. Rosenbaum interested a num- ber of the rich members of the Jewish community and the necessary $50,000 were soon raised. Mrs. Elizah Frank donated $10,000, Nelson Morris, $5,000, H. A. Kohn, $5,000, Jacob Rosenberg and Mrs. Henrietta Roseu- feld each donated $5,000, Mr. M. Ro- senbaum and his brother Joseph Ro- senbaum each gave $1,000, and a num- ber of others smaller amounts. The Israelitische Altenheim Verein, a society of Jewish ladies, established some years previous for the purpose of aiding in the founding of a Home for Aged Jews, turned over $3,000 to the Board of the Home. On the 6th of April, 1891, the follow- ing officers and directors were elected: Mr. Morris Rosenbaum, President; Mr. E. Frankenthal, Vice-president; B. 358 THE REFORM ADVOCATE. Loewenthal, Treasurer; H. E. Greene- baum, Recording Secretary; Mrs. Irv- ing S. Bernheimer, Financial Secre- tary. DIRECTORS. (To serve one year.) Henry L. Frank, David A. Kohn, A. Loeb, Nelson Morris, Simon Mandel, May, 1897, there were 54 inmates, 26 men and 28 women, representing the following nationalities: Germany, 32; Hungary, 6; Russia, 5; Bohemia-Aus- tria, '4; Galicia- Austria, 3; Holland, 2; Poland, 1, and America 1. The expenditures of the fiscal year ending January, 1899, amounted to HOME FOR AGED JEWS. H. A. Kohn, Mrs. J. K. Frank, Mrs. Henry Kloffer, and Mrs. Aaron Stern. (To serve two years.) H. E. Greenebaum, Bernard Cahn, A. Kuh, B. Loewenthal, Joseph Rosen- baum, Mrs. I. S. Bernheimer, Mrs. Max Hart, and Mrs. M. A. Meyer. (To serve three years.) Morris Rosenbaum, Abram Slimmer, B. Kuppenheimer, Harry Hart, E. Frankenthal, Mrs. L. Newberger, Mrs. Chas. H. Schwab, and Mrs. B. J. Da- vid. The board secured the services of S. B. Eisendrath, architect, who sub- mitted plans for a building. The plans were adopted and the contracts let. The following (building committee was appointed: E. Frankenthal, Chair- man; Henry L. Frank, Bernard Kahn, Joseph Rosenbaum, and Harry Hart. The lot on which the building was to .be erected was bought on the north- west corner of Sixty-second street and Drexel avenue, having a frontage of 347 on Drexel avenue and 207 on Sixty- second street, with a 16-foot alley. The Home was dedicated on Sunday, April 30th, 1893, and seven applicants had been admitted to the home. During 1893 there were 44 inmates at the home. According to the Re- port of the Superintendent, Mrs. B. J. David, dated May 12th, 1895, donations to the Home had been numerous and liberal. The Women's Home Society were very zealous in their endeavors in behalf of the home during the year. The Young Men's Hebrew Charity As- sociation rendered generous material assistance. The largest number of in- mates at any time up to May, 1896, was 49. At the time of the annual meeting, J14.912.64. The number of inmates at the home was 71. The library of the home gained about 175 volumes of excellent literature. The officers elected at the last annu- al meeting, January, 1900, are the fol- lowing: M. Rosenbaum, president, re- elected; Mrs. Chas. H. Schwab, vice- president; Rabbi Abram Hirschberg, recording secretary; Herman Hefter, financial secretary; B. Loewenthal, treasurer. The Home for Aged Jews is a neces- sity in a community like Chicago. The MORRIS ROSENBAUM. Chicago Israelites know it, and have taken good care of this institution. The management is in good hands, and the future of the Home. is assured. THE PRESIDENT OF THE HOME. MORRIS ROSENBAUM. Morris Rosenbaum was born in Schwabach, Germany, January 20, 1837, being the son of Jacob and Ba- bette Rosenbaum. He received a lib- eral education. In the schools of Ger- many and being of a studious turn of mind made rapid progress in all his studies. At the age of thirteen he was obliged to leave school, and came to the United States in July, 1850, cross- Ing the Mississippi river at Dubuque, Iowa, in December, 1850, at which place he made his home until the year 185S. Obtaining a position in a large grocery store, he at once acquired the good will, confidence and respect of his em- ployer and his employer's family, by his energetic and attentive application to the interests of his employer. Dur- ing Mr. Rosenbaum's service in the grocery business he made the acquaint- ance of Mr. A. Mularky, from Cedar Falls, Iowa, whose confidence and friendship won for Mr. Rosenbaum the start of his business life, as Mr. Mu- larky sold to Mr. Rosenbaum in 1858 the entire stock of merchandise, of about ?3,600, and this all on credit and without any security. At this time Mr. Rosenbaum was a poor lad of but twenty-one years, but he possessed that untiring energy, push and modesty that go so far in making the successful man. With a determination and a will that knew not of failure, he started in this new enterprise by giving his brother Joseph (then not 20 years old) a third- interest in the business, and to his Dubuque benefactor (who had been swamped during the financial crisis of 1857), one-third interest, retaining for himself one-third interest. Such is the disposition of the subject of this sketch and these the sterling qualities that characterize his every action all through life. From Cedar Falls Mr. Rosenbaum moved to Nashua, Iowa, in the year 1867, and established himself in the banking business. In 1874 he came to Chicago and established the grain com- mission business which is now carried on under the firm name of Rosenbaum Bros., of which Mr. Morris Rosenbaum was at the head, and is to the present day. Mr. Rosenbaum is a Royal Arch Ma- son, a member and ex-director of Sinai Congregation and a member of the Standard Club. Mr. Rosenbaum has always been interested in all charities, giving liberally to anything that per- tained to the comfort and welfare of others. In the spring of 1891 Mr. Rosenbaum induced Mr. Abram Slimmer of Iowa to donate $50,000 for a home for Aged Jews in Chicago, this liberal donation being the start for others to follow, and thus was this worthy institution founded. Mr. Rosenbaum has been president of the home since its incep- tion, and through foresight and care- ful management the sinking fund has never lost a dollar of its principal, and through the personality of its presi- dent the Home for Aged Jews has a large following and today ranks among REFORM ADVOCATED 859 the best and most worthy institutions of Chicago. Mr. Rosenbaum married Miss Sophia Bloch, October 11, 1871. They have four daughters Etta (Mrs. Edward L. Glaser), Stella (Mrs. M. W. Kozmin- ski), Maude (Mrs. Dr. D. N. Eisen- drath), and Miss Alma. Mr. Rosenbaum has preached and practiced, in his home and elsewhere, the motto of "Plain living, and high thinking," of modesty and unostenta- tiousness. XVIII. THE RUSSIAN REFUGEE SOCIETY. The Society in Aid of Russian Refu- gees , was established in September, 1891. Officers of the Executive Com- mittee were as follows: Adolph Loeto, President; Jacob Rosenberg, First Vice-President; Henry Greenebaum, Second Vice-President; Oscar G. Fore- man, Treasurer; Rev. A. Norden, Sec- retary. Members of the Executive Committee: Dr. B. Felsenthal, Dr. E. G. Hirsch. Dr. I. S. Moses, Julius Ro- senthal H. A. Kohn, Nelson Morris, Abraham Hart, Jos. Beifeld, Abrahm Kuh, Adolph Kraus, Sam Nathan, Au- gust Gatzert, Advisory Board: Leo Schlossman, Chairman, Dr. B. Felsen- thal, Dr. Jos. Stolz, A. J. Frank, Is- rael Cowen, J. Lewis, J. Berkson, D. Godstein, Albert Weil, Adolph Bondy, L. Zolotkoff, A. Bernstein, Dr. A. Levy, Superintendent; H. Eliassol, Manager. On the 4th day of September of the above year an office was opened on Jefferson street, right in the heart of the Ghetto district and close to the Sheltering Home. The office was placed in charge of Supt. Dr. Levy and Manager H. Eliassof. From the very start it was understood that the offi- cers in charge of the office of the Ex- ecutive Committee should work hand in hand with the officers of the Shel- tering Home, which was established and maintained for some time before the Executive Committee organized, in that district. When the new ar- rivals had rested for a few days the Executive Committee was to attend to them. A short time after, the of- fice was removed from Jefferson street to 82 Wilson street. The work was carried on in such a manner that ev- ery cent disbursed, every move made, every order given, and every step taken in the interest of the Refugees was thoroughly accounted for. The manager had to present at each week- ly meeting of the Advisory Board and Executive Committee a written statis- tical report, which had to be approved by both bodies. During the first five and a half months of the existence of this Association the number of appli- cations received at the office was 309. These applications came from 150 fam- ilies, comprising 250 adults and 350 children, 85 married men who left their families in Russia, 67 single men, 7 unmarried women, and 12 widows, a total of 671 persons. Eighty-one per- sons were sent away to other cities, where they either had relatives who were willing to take care of them, or were given letters of recommendation to parties who had agreed to look out for their interests; 102 persons were provided with work. The children of the widows and some orphan children who came along with some of the families were provided with homes and their board paid out of the funds of the committee. Some of the men who had learned a trade were provided with tools, some with sewing machines, and others were sent to learn a trade, and the committee paid for the teach- ing and also for the board of the applicant for several weeks. Nearly all the families who remained in Chi- cago received the necessary furniture, stoves, and one, or in some instances, several months' rent. During the cold weather many of the families living here received coal. Hundreds of bun- dles of warm clothing for men, women and children were received at the of- fice of the Executive Committee from all parts of the city, and distributed among the needy applicants. Shoes were also given to a great many who were in need of them. The kind- hearted Jewish physicians of the neighborhood had volunteered their medical services, and the Executive Committee paid for medicine. Dr. Levy having resigned the office of Superintendent, Mr. H. Eliassof was appointed his successor. The writer could fill a large volume with the heart-rending stories told by the Russian Refugees of the inhuman treatment they had to undergo at their so-called homes in darkest Rus- sia. In most of the cases the state- ments of the Refugees were support- ed by documents and witnesses whose veracity could not be doubted. During the entire time of the existence of the Society, which was once reorganized, thousands of unfortunate Refugees were helped and aided to become self- sustaining. It was the aim of the en- tire committee, as well as the paid help, to exert a beneficial influence upon the Refugees, and to help them to become good American citizens. There were among them many good, honest, hard-working men, whose happiness knew no bounds when they were in the course of a few months able to pay back to the Society the money which they had received, even in small in- stallments. The sum expended by tho Society in this good work reached nearly $30,000, the greater part of which was collected from the good and benevolent Jews of Chicago. President Loeb in his final report says: "Glancing at these figures we have every reason to be proud of our Chi- cago Jewish community, who have re- sponded so magnificently to our call, and I may add that our resources were iby no means exhausted, and if the emergency would have been con- tinued I think the donations would have been duplicated by a great many, and those who have not been ap- proached at all would have come for- ward with their gifts." In regard to the services of the Su- perintendent, Mr. H. Eliassof, Presi- dent Loeb makes the following state- ment: "It is a well-known fact that criti- cal times produce the mea who can cope with them, and so in our case. The Society has been exceedingly for- tunate in finding a man like our su- perintendent, who was in every way fitted to this most responsible, and, I may say, awkward position. It took a man of nerve, tact, patience and en- durance, one who could understand the language of the exiles, and know their habits and their vices and their virtues. I am free, on this occasion, to say, and the Executive Committee will join me in it, that Mr. Eliassof has served the Society conscientiously and faithfully. He has sacrificed much personally, but when he accepted this position I knew that he did it more for the cause than for the remunera- tion that was attached to it. He is entitled to the gratitude of the com- munity whom he served so well." THE SISTERS OF AID. The Sisters of Aid was organized November 15th, 1891, with a member- ship of 15, and the following officers: Mrs. Hyman Rosenbaum, President; Mrs. Morris Ephraim, Vice-President; Mrs. Henry Rosenbaum, Secretary; Miss Anna Stiner, Treasurer. The So- ciety now numbers 80 members, with the following officers: Mrs. N. Mos- kovitz, President; Mrs. H. Stone, Vice- President; Anna Stiner, Secretary; Mrs. L. Levin, Treasurer. The Society was formed for the ob- ject of assisting the South Side He- brew Congregation and for general charity work. CHICAGO HOME FOR JEWISH OR- PHANS. One of the youngest beneficiaries of the Young Men's Hebrew Charity As- sociation was the Chicago Home for Jewish Orphans. It was during the latter part of 1892 that a number of Jewish women who constantly visited the office of the United Hebrew Chari- ties saw the necessity of establishing an Orphans' Home in this city, and not to continue to rely any longer upon the overtaxed home in Cleveland to take care of its orphan children. The late Mr. Kiss, superintendent of the Hebrew Charities, encouraged and urged these women to accomplish the work, and upon the advice of Mr. A. Slimmer of Waverly, Iowa, who has proven a true friend of the cause, they organized and applied for a charter in the spring of 1893. The charter mem- bers were: Mesdames: Radzinski, Newberger, Hamburger, and Yondorf. An enthusiastic meeting was held April 7th of that year, and the first do- nation of $100 was received from -Mr. Peabody of New York. The member- ship of the Orphans' Home Society 360 THE. REFORM ADVOCATED steadily increased, and at the end of the year 400 names were enrolled. It was then decided to rent a house, fur- nish it and take care of as many chil- dren as their means would permit. This was done, and the home was op- ened in the house No. 3601 Vernon ave- nue, October 7th, 1894. The Society made this .beginning free from debt, following: Directors' Room, Baron Hirsch Ladies' Aid Society; Study Room, Free Sons of Israel; Sewing Room, Orphans' Helpers; Parlors, the Deborah Verein; Assembly Room, North Side Ladies' Sewing Society; Gymnasium, Mr. Lowenberg; Manual Training Room, I. Baumgartl; Indus- trial Kitchen, Mrs. M. Hecht; Library, CHICAGO HOME FOR JEWISH ORPHANS. and with a cash balance in the treas- ury. Rev. A. Lowenheim and his good wife were engaged as superintendents. Soon 30 children were in their charge, and healthier and happier little ones were seldom seen. Two years later a piece of property was donated to the Home by Mr. Henry Siegel and others. Through the activity of its officers and Board of Directors the membership had stead- ily increased, and it then reached 700. Mrs. L. Newberger again sought the advice of our friend, Mr. A. Slimmer, who offered to donate $25,000, provid- ed a like sum be collected in Chicago. The energetic and indefatigable Presi- dent of the Association, Mrs. C. L. Strauss, and a very able committee, soon collected the stipulated amount, and the Home was built on the Drexel avenue site, and dedicated on Sunday afternoon, April 23d, 1899. Simeon B. Eisendrath was the suc- cessful architect. The present home consists of three dormitories, and cloths linen and mending rooms, etc. The attic contains a large Assembly Hall, with a seating capacity of 500; also necessary cloak, toilet and other accessory rooms. The Hospital Annex is equipped with the necessary nurses' rooms, phy- sician office and dispensary, diet kitchen and other essential accessories, includ- ing a separate small laundry for hos- pital use only. The rooms and the persons and so- cieties that have endowed them are the Mrs. C. L. Strauss; Office, Mrs. A. I. Radzinski; Reception Room, Mrs. F. W. Strauss; Physicians' Main Office, Mrs. H. Steele; Superintendent's Room, Mrs. E. C. Hamburgher and Wendell family; Dining Room, Mrs. Chas. Schwaib; Chapel, Sydney Mandel and Mrs. Solomon Klein; Care-takers' MRS. CARRIE LEOPOLD STRAUSS. Rooms, Mrs. Leo Strauss; Care-takers' Room, Mrs. Max L. Falk; Care-takers' Room, Mrs. Ignatz Stein; Care-takers' Room, Mrs. J. Hess; Physicians' Room, North Side Auxiliary; Diet Kitchen, Congregation Rodfay Emunah Diet Kitchen, Mrs. Leopold Loewensteln; Dispensary, Mrs. Tobias Newman; Nurses' Room, Mrs. Rose Steele; Nurses' Room, Mrs. E. Rheinstrom; Two Sick Wards, Mrs. Frank Vogel; Girls' Sick Ward, Miss Florence Lu- cile Siegel; Boys' Sick Ward, Mrs. Isaac Wedeles. A WORKER FOR THE ORPHANS' HOME. MRS. CARRIE LEOPOLD STRAUSS. Mrs. Strauss was born in Germany, May 11, 1847, and her maiden name was Meyer. She was two years old when her parents brought her to America, in 1849. She was reared and educated in Philadelphia. She retains the membership of her departed hus- band in Sinai Congregation and is also a member of the Deborah Verein. She has always found pleasure and satis- faction in charitable work, but since the death of her husband she has par- ticularly espoused the cause of the Jewish Orphans' Home, which she helped to organize and to carry to suc- cess. For four years she was its Pres- ident, and when she surrendered the reins of office to masculine hands she had the great gratification of seeing the Orphans' Home established on a sound and firm basis. She is still In- terested in its welfare, and her moth- erly influence is a blessing to the in- mates. Mrs. Strauss has six children Mil- ton, Albert, Leis, Dennie, Morris and Mrs. Edward Hillman. WORLD'S FAIR YEAR. The Jewish citizens of Chicago showed their liberality by substantial subscriptions to the stock of the World's Fair Company. The Jews were represented on the Directory by Mr. Adolph Nathan and A. M. Roths- child. A very Interesting feature of the many congresses, conferences, and gatherings, which took place during the time of the Exposition, was the Jewish Denominational Congress, which took place in the Memorial Art Palace, from August 27th to 30th, 1893. The joint committee of the World's Congress Auxiliary of the Jewish De- nominational Congress consisted of the following: B. Bettman, Cincinnati, President; Hon. Jacob H. Schift, New York, Vice-President; Adolph Moses, Chicago, Vice-President; Julius Frei- burg, Cincinnati, Vice-President; Isi- dore Busch, St. Louis, Vice-President; Hon. Solomon Hirsch, Portland, Ore., Vice-President; and Rabbi Joseph Stolz, Chicago, Vice-President; Judge Simon Rosendale, Albany, N. Y.; Hon. Oscar W. Strauss, New York; Hon. Simon Wolf, Washington, D. C.; Josl- ah Cohen, Pittsburg, Pa.; Mayer Sulz- berger, Philadelphia; Gen. Lewis Sea- songood, Cincinnati; Rabbi Isaac M. Wise, Cincinnati; Rabbi Joseph Sil- verman, New York; Rabbi Tobias Shanfarber, Baltimore; Rabbi Emil G, Hirsch, Chicago; Rabbi Isaac S. Moses, Chicago. The next grand feature was the World's Parliament of Religions, In which a good many of the Jewish Rab- THE REFORM ADVOCATED 361 bis of the country participated, and 'Chicago was well represented. THE MAXWELL STREET SETTLE- MENT. The Maxwell Street Settlement was opened November 18th, 1893. Jesse Loewenhaupt and 'Jacob J. Abt, two noble Jewish young men, were the first residents. They settled In the house, 185 Maxwell street, and were joined in February, 1894, by Moritz Rosenthal, of the law firm of Moses, Rosenthal and Kennedy. These were highly educated young men, fresh from college, and filled "with p. noble ambition to serve their fellowmen and to use their utmost endeavors to lift up the lowly and help wherever their aid was needed. The Settlement was neatly fitted up and it was made the social rendezvous for young people of the neighborhood. Evening classes were introduced for working boys and girls. Mr. Abt lived there until February, 1898, but Mr. Loenwenhaupt left December, 1896. Mr. Rosenthal stayed until April, 1897. Then Mr. Aaron E. Rosenthal, from Cincinnati, lived there for awhile with Joseph Weisenfoach. About 15 non-resident workers as- sisted the residents, led classes, and helped generally. A circulating li- brary was introduced, containing mostly books for children. Isaac Sol- omon Rothschild officiated as librari- an. From a paper written by Mrs. Abt we quote the following, which will give the reader a good insight in the nature of the work and the beneficial results of the same. Mrs. Abt says: "My ex- perience has 'been limited to the Max- well Street Settlement, which, as you Tcnow, lies well within the Ghetto. It is an indisputed fact that the Russian Jew has a highly developed intellectual sense, so you must understand that a great many young people who fre- quent the house are as well educated as we are, and almost all of them have a tremendous capacity for assimilat- ing knowledge. A number of our boys are University students. One has re- cently passed the civil service exami- nation and is now employed in the Postoffice. One young neighbor of ours teaches the sixth grade in Grammar School, teaches night school, and at- tends afternon classes at a Univer- sity as well. One young man who came to the house as a sign painter was urged and encouraged to develop a marked talent for art, and now holds a good position as illustrator on one of the New York newspapers. I think you will be interested In the history of a young man who has been closely associated with the Settlement for the past six years. One evening, in the second year of its existence, a boy twenty or twenty-one years old, came to the Settlement and asked in broken English whether he could learn medicine there. When told no, he -started to leave immediately, but was stopped by one of the residents and asked what foundation he had on which he could ibuild a study in medi- cine. A few questions showed that he had received nothing in the way of an education but the usual Russian boy's knowledge of the Talmud. He was at this time making a living by ped- dling rags and old iron, an occupa- tion thoroughly uncongenial to him. He was all alive with the desire and determination to learn and had chosen medicine as his profession. He was easily convinced that some prepara- tion was necessary, and consented to come to the house. A faithful, earnest worker and a regular evening atten- dant, he was, the first year, put through elementary mathematics, al- gebra and geometry, and given a fail- start in English grammar. At the end of this time he took his examinations for Lewis Institute and was admitted. His work was so satisfactory the first year that his tuition was remitted the second. At the end 1 of this time he grew restless and in spite of advice to the contrary he determined to try for admission to Rush Medical College, and to the surprise of his friends passed very creditably. His reports during the year were remarkable. In anato- my, which students consider the hard- est and dryest subject, his average was 99. The second year and at the begin- ning of this, his third year, he was permitted to work off $100 of his tui- tion. During all this time of study he supported himself by keeping books for a small ragdealer on Canal street, earning from $3 to }4 a week. Out of this he paid board to a poor brother, with whose numerous family he lived, clothed himself and bought his books. You can imagine how poorly clothed he was, yet he refused to accept any- thing that was not absolutely neces- sary to the continuance of his stud- ies. Until three months ago we were under the impression that he was do- ing some clerical work to pay his way through college, and it was only through some outside way that we learned that all this time he had been scrubbing four hours a day. It was impossible to let him continue for fear of his health breaking down. Recently a South Side physician has become In- terested in him and has given him enough employment in his office to per- mit him to give up the scrubbing. He still does his bookkeeping, travels ev- ery day to the West Side to college and works or studies most of the night. Who can doubt that such effort will meet with success? FIRST RESIDENT OF THE SET- TLEMENT. MR. JACOB J. ABT. Mr. Abt is a son of Lev! and Henri- etta Hart Abt and was born in Wil- mington, 111., Dec. 18, 1867. He re- ceived his early education in the pub- lic schools of Chicago, completing his course of study at Yale University. Mr. Abt has taken considerable inter- est in charitable work and was one of the instigators of the Maxwell Street Settlement. He lived at the settlement up to the time of his marriage, and his JACOB J. ABT. educational work among these poor people was of great value and assist- ance to them. He is a member Df Sinai Cong, and the Standard Club. Mr. Abt married Mildred Shire of this city and they have one child, Marlon Maxwell Abt. COUNCIL OF JEWISH WOMEN. This grand organization was estab- lished September, 1893. It has now 49 sections in 18 states of the Union, and one section In the Dominion of Canada. The membership has reached the number of 5,000. The aim and abject of the Society can be learned from the following Preamble to the Constitution: "Preamble. "We, Jewish women, sincerely be- lieving that a closer fellowship, a greater unity of thought and purpose, and a nobler accomplishment will re- sult from a widespread organization, do therefore -bind ourselves together in a union of workers to further the best and highest interests of humanity In fields religious, philanthropic, and edu- cational." Three of our Chicago Jewish women are main leaders in this great organi- zation. Mrs. Henry G. Solomon has been President for a number of years, and Miss Sadie American Is Recording Secretary, and Mrs. Leo Loeb, Audi- tor. The Chicago section of the Council of Jewish Women, of which Miss Julia Felsenthal is President, has a large membership, consisting of the best daughters of Israel in the community. Their meetings are well attended and their programs highly entertaining and instructive. They meet in the vestry rooms of Sinai Temple and Dr. Hirsch has frequently lectured before them on Hebrew Biblical topics, and other speakers have delivered address- es on economical and kindred ques- 362 THE REFORM ADVOCATE, tions. The Society Is becoming more influential and more prominent as the years roll by. They may yet prove a blessing to Judaism in America. PRESIDENT OP THE COUNCIL OF JEWISH WOMEN. HANNAH GREENEBAUM SOLOMON. Mrs. Solomon is a native Chicagoan. Her parents were Michael and Sarah (Spiegel) Greenebaum, two of the early Jewish residents of this city. Mrs. MRS. HANNAH GREENEBAUM SOLOMON. Pres. of the Council of Jewish Women. Solomon Is one of the best known women in Chicago and perhaps in the United States. She has been identified prominently with numerous literary and women's organizations in which she has always been considered a lead- er. She is a woman of considerable in- tellect, has an excellent flow of lan- guage and her words are always lis- tened to with interest. She was one of the founders of the Zion Literary So- ciety and has been a member and offi- cer of the Chicago Women's Club. She served as vice-president of the Illinois State Federation of Women's Clubs, and is now treasurer of the Women's Council of the United States. Mrs. Solomon is also one of the found- ers of the Council of Jewish Women of which she was the first president, con- tinuing in office up to the present day. She has exerted great influence in this organization and her efforts have ad- ded materially to the success of the council. She is vice-president of the Jewish Publication Society and a mem- ber of the executive board of the Civic Federation. She has also taken an ac- tive part in charitable societies and is today the only woman member on the board of the Associated Charities and of the Seventh Ward Bureau of Chari- ties. No woman is more deserving of public appreciation than Mrs. Solo- mon, and perhaps none is held in higher esteem by all who know her. THE SEVENTH WARD BUREAU was established by members of the Council of Jewish Women for the pur- pose of creating a center for the wom- en of the different organizations for charitable purposes. The money was first raised at a festival which netted about $1,200. The Council contributed $1,000 at one time and $427 at another beside sufficient for the work room for one season. The rest of the money was contributed directly, as well as were clothing, coal and groceries, or other necessities. It was not intended that this Bureau should be a Relief Office, as will be readily seen by the financial statement that no more than $2,000 was expended per year, out of which salaries were paid to two em- ployes, rent, fuel and other incidental office expenditures. The district, ac- cording to a census taken by the of- fice, contains about 19,000 Jews, and as the majority of these were very poor, much could be done without money. The Bureau finds its work in the following lines: Legal aid This included support cases, suits to recov- er damages against different compa- nies, lodges, children and women who had been deserted, criminal cases, jus- tice and police court cases, juvenile court cases. But little money was ex- pended for these directly, as our law work was always done for us free of charge, we paying costs, 'but in many instances emergency relief while cases were pending was necessary. The Ju- venile court work has during the last year grown so large that it requires the attention of three employes and a number of volunteers. From January, 1901, to May, 1901, more than 125 boys were placed under our guardianship. These are dependents or delinquents. Law investigations All cases for the Women's Loan are investigated by our Bureau. Their capital is $1,300 and the business large. Investigations for the School Chil- dren's Aid. After Christmas this organization will supply the needy children with clothing. We have five schools in our District for which we investigate. In addition the teachers are constantly seeking our assistance for the unruly boys and habitual truants. Investigations for the distribution in our district of coal given away by Mr. Lytton. Investigations for the Social Settle- ments, with which we co-operate Hull House and Henry Booth House. Summer outings Last year 125 out- ings were secured for our district at the Evanston camp. Securing relief through the proper agencies. We co-operated with the Association for Improved Housing, the Small Parks Commission and other organi- zations attempting improvement in the district. Personal Service A large part of our work consists in friendly visiting. Legislation We have endeavored to secure better laws and in enforcing those that exist to decrease need for charities. The Work Room connected with the- Bureau was an outlet lor many wha needed assistance. It was not a work- shop which gave a means of earning a living, but a charity, and was con- ducted as such. It was economical, because it utilized the waste of ona part of the community to supply the wants of another, bought the best at lowest prices, and did not give more work to anyone than would supply absolute necessities. This obliged the beneficiaries to seek work at other sources part of each week. THE PHOENIX CLUB. The Phoenix Club was incorporated by the sons of South Side Jews. The clubhouse was located first at Calu- met avenue and Thirty-first street. The membership gradually increased and larger quarters were sought. The mem- ' bers then rented a 'building on Michi- gan avenue, near Fortieth street, aft- erwards amalgamating with the Boule- vard Club under the name of the Phoenix-Boulevard Club. Some of the nicest affairs for young people in this city were given by the Phoenix Club, and for a long time it was considered the leading social club for young peo- ple. After its amalgamation with the Boulevard Club a number of married men were admitted, and talk of a down- town club was prevalent, and subse- quently the quarters of the Iroquois Club in the old Columbia Theater was rented for a clubhouse. The new venture was not as popular as was expected, and the Phoenix could not survive the heavy cost of maintaining down-town headquarters, and it was finally wound up after considerable difficulty, and nothing remains of the club but the memory of its early days, which often recurs to the younger gen- eration as the scene of many an en- joyable evening. THE WEST CHICAGO CLUB. The West Chicago Club was the first Jewish Club formed on the West Side and for years the clubhouse on Throop street was the scene of many an en- joyable social and literary function. Among the early members of the club were such well-known people as Judge Stein, Adolph Kraus, M. M. Hirsch, and many others. When the exodus to the South Side began, most of the founders and energetic workers of the club removed to that section of the city and the membership grew smaller as time passed. Many of the early resi- dents of the West Side will long re- member the West Chicago Club House, the many enjoyable evenings spent therein, the entertainments, amateur and professional, for the pleasure of its members, its convenience as a meet- ing place, and the cozy parlors and ballroom in which many of the West Siders were married. THE LESSING CLUB. While this club is no longer in ex- istence it at one time had a large mem- THE REFORM ADVOCATED 363 bership, comprised largely of the Jews living on the Southwest Side. Enter- tainments and hops were given at fre- mum amount was $10 and the mini- mum amount of loans was $3, but during the last year they have raised WEST CHICAGO CLUB 50 THROOP STREET. quent intervals, but like most of the West Side social institutions it also suffered from removals, and eventual- ly was obliged to wind up. WOMAN'S LOAN ASSOCIATION. The Woman's Aid Loan Association was organized in December, 1897, for the purpose of loaning money to needy deserving persons, thus assisting them to become self-supporting, and at the same time repay the loan in small weekly installments without interest. The association works in the district covered by the Seventh Ward Bureau of Associated Charities, who investi- gate all applications for loans, as well as the guarantors. With but few ex- ceptions the organizers of the loan so- ciety were residents of the West Side and had been connected with the Wom- an's Aid, a charity society which ex- isted for two years, as there were a great many charity organizations working independently of each other in the same district, they left the field and confined themselves to loaning money, with the result that in 1898 they loaned $748 without any loss, and in 1899 $1,020, with a loss of $7, and in 1900 $2,915, with a loss of $18. The money used was raised by several suc- cessful entertainments given by the as- sociation, and on October last they received $500 from the Associated Jew- ish Charities. During the first two years the maxi- the amount, and in exceptional cases they loan as much as $25. The officers in 1898 were: President, Miss Jennie H. Norden; vice-president, Miss Fannie Dattelbaum; correspond- ing secretary, Miss S. L. Berman; financial secretary, Mrs. D. J. Seilin; October last the association changed its name from the Woman's Aid Loan Association to the "Woman's Loan Association." The loan committee meet severy Monday evening from 7:30 to 10 o'clock in the Porges Building, 195 Maxwell street, where applications, loans and payments are made. Miss M. P. Low, who is one of the found- ers of the association and superintend- ent of the Seventh Ward District of Associated Charities, investigates both the borrower and guarantor, as loans are made on notes only, and must be signed by two people. Loans are pay- able in twenty weekly installments. The officers serving at present are: President, Mrs. B. Pirosh; vice-presi- dent, Miss Lena Barren; correspond- ing secretary, Miss Minnie Lippert; financial secretary, Mrs. D. J. Seilin; treasurer, Mrs. Joseph Werb; chair- man of loan committee, Mrs. I. J. Rob- in; secretary of loan committee, Miss Jennie H. Norden. It is pleasant to note the change that has taken place in the attitude toward the needy. When the Woman's Aid Loan Association was organized friends of the members insisted that the associ- ation would be bankrupt within a year, thinking they would not be able to col- lect the amount loaned. The figures quoted above show, that, given a chance, our Jewish poor will be able to get along and in time be self-support- ing, and that they appreciate aid given them in a way in which they are not robbed of their self-respect. ISAIAH CONGREGATION. Isaiah Congregation, the offshoot of Zion Congregation, was organized Oc- tober 24, 1895, and the following offlc'ers were elected: Joseph Stolz, rabbi; Hen- ry Greenebaum, president; E. Rubovits, vice-president; Simon L. Rubel, secre- TEMPLE OF ISAIAH CONGREGATION. treasurer, Mrs. A. I. Movitt. These, with Mrs. I. J. Robin as chairman, con- stituted the first loan committee. tary; Fred Oberndorf, financial secre- tary; M. Haber, treasurer; S. Daniels, Jacob Hart, L. Buxbaum, Mark Simon, 364 THE. RRFORM ADVOCATE. Jacob Dreyfus, A. Well, L. Wessel, Jr., S. M. Becker, directors. The first services were held Jan. 4, 1896, at the Oakland Club Hall, corner Ellis avenue and Thirty-ninth street, addresses being delivered by Rabbis Stolz and Hirsch and by Rev. Jenkin Lloyd Jones. For three years services were held in this hall on Saturdays and Sundays, and during a few months the congregation worshiped in the Oakland Methodist Church, corner Oakwood boulevard and Langley avenue. In May, 1898, the lot on the corner of Vincennes avenue and Forty-fifth street was purchased for |12,500 cash. Sept. 11, 1898, Dr. Isaac M. Wise laid the corner-stone of the temple designed by the architect, Dankmar Adler; Jan. 14, 1899, the schoolhouse was dedicated, and March 17, 1899, Dr. Wise of Cin- cinnati dedicated the handsome temple, which cost about $50,000. Rabbis Stolz, Felsenthal, Hirsch, Arnold, Mes- sing, Norden, Hirshberg, Moses, Rap- paport, Jacobson of Chicago, Berkowitz of Philadelphia, Heller of New Orleans and Revs. J. L. Jones, A. R. White, W. W. Fenn, S. J. McPherson and A. Mc- Intyre of Chicago participated in the dedicatory services, which spread over three days. The congregation now numbers 205 members; the Sabbath school has 320 children enrolled; the annual budget is $10,000. The present officers are: Dr. Joseph Stolz, rabbi; Adolf Kraus, president; E. Rubovits, vice-president; Rudolf Wolfner, secretary; Jacob Frank, financial secretary; S. M. Becker, treasurer; L. Buxbaum, J. Franks, D. May, A. Weil, M. Haber, S. G. Harris, Joseph M. Wile, J. Dreyfus, directors. The rapid growth and prosperity of the congregation are largely due to the active and zealous co-operation of the Isaiah Woman's Club, whose officers are: Mrs. Garson Meyers, president; Mrs. Bertha Powell, vice-president; Mrs. S. G. Harris, treasurer; Mrs. Jo- seph Stolz, secretary. DR. JOSEPH STOLTZ. Dr. Joseph Stolz, Rabbi of Isaiah Congregation, was born at Syracuse, N. Y., November 3, 1861. After campleting his studies at the Syracuse High School and receiving private Hebrew instruc- tions from Rabbi Birkenthal, he en- tered the Hebrew Union College in 1878. He received his degree from the University of Cincinnati in the class of '83, and in 1884 the title "Rabbi" was bestowed upon him by his Alma Mater, and in 1898 he was honored with the degree of "Doctor of Divinity." Three years he served the B'nai Israel Con- gregation of Little Rock, Ark., as Rab- bi, and in 1887 he was called to Chicago to succeed Dr. B. Felsenthal in Zion Congregation. Since January, 1896, he has been in charge of Isaiah Congrega- tion which was organized for him by his former West side members. Dr. Stolz Is vice president of the Jewish Publication Society, and Di- rector of the Jewish Chautauqua So- ciety, the Central Conference of Amer- ican Rabbis, the Sabbath School Union, the Liberal Congress of Religions, and the Home For Aged Jews. For ten L DR. JOSEPH STOLZ. years he was secretary of the Jewish Training School. In 1898 Mayor Har- rison appointed him a member of the Educational Commission, and in 1899 a member of the Board of Education to serve three years. MR ADOLPH KRAUS. Mr. Kraus was born in Blowitz, Bo- hemia, and at the age of 15 came to the United States. He began life in the new world as a farm hand and in Connecticut he worked as a factory hand, finally go- ing into a dry goods house as a clerk. In 1871 he came to Chicago, just when the great fire left it in chaos. Here he again worked as a clerk and saved his money. Studying at odd hours in his time as a salesman and then working in a law office he succeeded in passing the supreme court examination in 1877 and was admitted to the bar. He was then the only Bohemian lawyer in ADOLPH KRAUS, Pres. Isaiah Cong. Chicago. His first partner was William S. Brackett, now of Peoria. After Mr. Brackett left the firm Mr. Kraus first took in Lev! Mayer, then Philip Stein and then Thomas A. Moran and the law firm of Kraus, Mayer, Moran and Stein became one of the most promi- nent in the West. In January, 1900, Mr. Kraus withdrew from the firm and as- sociated himself with C. R. Holden. Last February he admitted into the firm Sam Alschuler of Aurora, the last Democratic candidate for governor of Illinois. In 1881 Mr. Kraus was appointed to the school board, where he served until 1887, being president of that body for two years. His services to the schools of Chicago were of great value, his judgment gaining in one instance an annual income of $42,000 for fifty years to the school fund. In 1893 Mr. Kraus was campaign manager for Mayor Car- ter H. Harrison, and when Mr. Harri- son was elected he appointed Mr. Kraus as corporation counsel. When the elder Carter H. Harrison decided to buy the Chicago Times in 1891, Mr. Kraus 'became financially in- terested. When Mr. Harrison was as- sassinated Mr. Kraus took editorial charge of the paper. In 1897 Mr. Kraus was appointed president of the Civil Service Commis- sion, but finding that the unsettled condition of the law prevented him from accomplishing all that which he set out to do, he resigned. Mr. Kraus is President of Isaiah Con- gregation, a member of a number of the most prominent clubs of Chicago, political as well as social, and a con- tributing member of nearly all the charity organizations. He was married in '1877. His wife was Miss Matilda Hirsch of Chicago, and they have four children, Paula, Albert, Harry and Mil- ton. CONG. TEMPLE -ISRAEL. Congregation Temple Israel was or- ganized Sunday after Yom Kippur, 1896, at Oakland Music Hall, same be- ing the outcome of divine services con- ducted by Rev. I. S. Moses on the pre- vious Rost Hashonah and Yom Kippur. At said meeting the following officers were elected: President, H. Kahn; vice-president, H. Hart; secretary, George Werthan; treasurer, A. L. Weil, and a board of fifteen directors, including the officers. At the same meeting by-laws and a constitution were adopted and applica- tion made for a charter, which was granted September, 1896. The dues for membership were made at $1 a month, and Rev. I. S. Moses was elected minister, and from that day divine services were held every Friday evening and Saturday morning and the holidays at the Oakland Music Hall. First directors' meeting took place Oct. 21, 1896. August 1, 1897, the Baptist Memorial Church was rented for a place of worship and same was continued there until the dedication of the temple. March, 1897, five acres of ground were purchased for cemetery at Dunning. General meeting, April 18, 1897, elected H. Salomon, president; H. Hart, vice-president; A. L. Well, treas- REFORM ADVOCATED 365 urer; Sam Gerstly, secretary; B. Zach- arias, finansial secretary. Three-year officers were elected April 10, 1898: Sam Schweitzer, president; H. Hart, vice-president; S. S. Jones, secretary; I. M. Solomon, financial secretary; S. Wise, treasurer. May 10, 1898, the congregation de- cided to purchase a lot for a temple and a proposition from the Bank of Commerce for the property at Forty- fourth street and St. Lawrence avenue was presented and finally accepted, the price being $12,500. June 22, 1S98, a choir and organ. Services are held every Friday evening at 8 and Satur- day morning at 10. Sabbath school every Sunday morning at 10, about 120 children attending. REV. EDWARD M. BAKER Was born at Erie, Pa., Aug. 18, 1875; graduated from Erie high school in 1893; came to University of Chicago in 1894; during college life he was the re- cipient of many honors; was president of the Junior College Council; presl- SYNAGOGUE OF TEMPLE ISRAEL. building committee was appointed, with Max L. Wolff as chairman, and the contract was let. Corner-stone W3S laid Sunday, July 3, 1898, and dedicated Friday before Rosh Hashannah, same year. The first congregation meeting in the temple was held Oct. 2, 1898, S. Schweitzer presiding, and the dues were raised from $1 to f2 a month. The annual meeting on April 2, 1899, elected the following officers: S. Wise, president; A. L. Weil, vice-presi- dent; I. M. Solomon, financial secre- tary; H. Wagner, recording secretary; Max L. Wolff, treasurer. April 15, 1900, new officers were elected as fol- lows: L. Lewinsohn, president; H. B. Stern, vice-president; M. Cohn. treas- urer; I. M. Solomon, financial secre- tary; H. Wagner, secretary. Dec. -16, 1900, Rev. I. M. Moses re- signed. Dec. 27, 1900, President Lew- insohn resigned. At a special congregation meeting, Feb. 10, Sam Schweitzer was elected president and Mr. E. M. Baker was elected minister. The congregation has 82 members; owes $10,000 on the temple, valued at $25,000; owes $1.500 on cemetery, worth $7,000. It has no other debts. Serv- ices are conducted according to the re- form ritual, the Union prayer-book being used. The congregation has a dent of the University Debating Club; twice in open competition won uni- versity prize in debating; represented university in two inter-collegiate de- bates; was chairman of executive com- mittee of senior class; was class orator and graduated in 1898 with honorable mention. Spent 1898 and 1899 in busi- REV. EDWARD M. BAKER. ness at Erie, during that time being also teacher of Sunday school and sec- retary of the congregation. Returned to Chicago in September, 1899, to pur- sue Semitic studies at the university and special work under Prof. Hlrsch. In April, 1900, was chosen to succeed Prof. Cohn on the Sinai Congregation teaching staff; assisted Dr. Hirsch at Sinai temple at holiday services; on Feb. 15, 1901, he was installed as Dr. Moses' successor at Temple Israel, Chi- cago. He is still pursuing post-gradu- ate work at the university. XIX. THE RUSSIAN JEWS. The Jews from the Slavic countries of Europe, who emigrated to America in great numbers since 1881, have set- tled in many towns in the state of Il- linois. Wherever they settle they soon establish their religious institutions, and in many a town even where they are in the minority in regard to their co-religionists who came from other countries, they are the first to have their little shul, their hazan and their shokhet. 'In Chicago they now form the majority of the Jewish population and they have a large number of in- stitutions and organizations which in regard to membership, financial stand- ing and usefulness will favorably com- pare with many of the institutions of the Jews of other nationalities. The best thing to prove our assertion Is, in our. estimation, to simply give a sum- mary of their institutions and organi- zations, and tell what we know about them. Facts are convincing and deeds speak louder than words. CONG. BETH HAMIDRASH HAGO- DOL UBNAI JACOB. Congregation Beth Hamidrash Hag- odol Ubnai Jacob. This congregation was started and a charter obtained in March, 1867, with the following offi- cers: President, Marks Simon; vice- president, B. Stern ; secretary and treas- urer, I. Weinberg; trustees, N. B. Et- telsohn, B. Oinsburg, S. Feldstein; rabbi, Todras Ticktin. The congregation is an amalgama- tion of the Chebra B'nai Jacob and Chebra Beth Hamedrash Hagodol. CONG. OHAVAI SHOLOM MARIAM- POL. Cong. Ohavai Sholom Mariampol. This cong. was established in 1870. The synagogue is. located corner Canal and Liberty streets, and their property is estimated to .be worth $30,000. They also own a large burial ground. In the synagogue is to be found an ex- tensive library of Hebrew books. A loan association is connected with the congregation, which is doing much good. The first president was Mr. Louis Levin, and the present is Mr. J. M. Berkson. They have also an en- dowment clause in their constitution, according to which the widow of a member is entitled to the sum of $300 from the treasury of the congregation. CONG. MISHNA UGMORO. Congregation Mlshna Ugmoro. A charter was granted to this congrega-- tlon in 1899. B. Sager was the first president. The congregation is com- posed of members who are learned in 366 THE ADVOGATS. the Mlshna and the Gemarah, which they study every evening under the leadership of their learned rabbi, H. S. Album. It is the most strictly Jew- ish orthodox congregation in Chicago. . A loan association is also connected with this congregation, which loans money to worthy Jews on their note without interest. They have a capital of $3.000. CONG. ANSHE KENESSETH IS- RAEL. Congregation Anshe Kenesseth Israel The place of worship of this con- gregation is in the synagogue corner Clinton and Judd streets. It was es- tablished in 1875. In 1896 it united with Congregation Suvalk. The latter turn- ed over to the first a burial ground in Ohavay Emunah. Tifereth Israel, Anshe Luknik. Anshe Kalwaria. Ahavath Achim. Bnai Yitzchok. Libowitz. Shomre Hadas. Bnai Israel Anshe Zitomir. Bais Joseph. Anshe Tels. Poalay Zedek. Agudas Achim Anshe Ungarn. B'nai Abraham Kehillas Sefardlm. Anshe Wilna. Bais Hakenesses Hagodol. Ezras Israel. B'nai David. Nussach Sforad. B'nai Moshe. SYNAGOGUE BETH HAMIDRASH HAGODOL UBUAI JACOB. Waldheim and several Sphorim. Con- gregation Kenesseth Israel has now over 200 good standing members. Four auxiliary societies are connected with the congregation. Their synagogue li- brary contains 16 complete sets of the Talmud and a great number of other valuable Hebrew books. The first pres- ident was Marks Swartz and the pres- ent is H. Kaplan. These are the main congregations and following is a list of the rest of the congregations and some of their char- ity institutions in the different divi- sions of the city. CONGREGATIONS. Anshe Kenesses Israel. Ohavoy Sholom Mariampol. Ohel Jacob Kowno. Anshe Drahitzin. Englewood Congregation. Ohev Zedek. B'nai Israel. Anshe Ernes. Ahavas Zion Anshe Tiktin. Tiferes Zion. Dorshey Tov. B'nai Abraham. Breighton Park Congregation. B'nai Jechezkel. Bais Israel. Bais Jacob. Rodfay Zedek. Anshe Shavel. CHARITIES. Gomlay Chessed Shel Ernes. Moses Montefiore Hebrew School. Lechem Lorealvlm. Rabbi Yitchok Elchanan. Gemllas Chassodim. Free BETH MOSHAB ZKENIM. The Beth Moshab Zkentm of Chi- cago was organized Sept. 7th, 1899, after a call issued by twelve public- spirited Jewish citizens of the West Side, who had previously met in the office of H. S. Wolf of the "Jewish Courier." The first officers were: President, Harris Conn; vice president, Jacob Berkson; treasurer, Joseph Phillip- son; recording secretary, Wm. Cohn; financial secretary, S. E. Newberger. The object of the association is to establish and maintain a home for po'or and helpless aged Jews, which shall be conducted according to the requirements of traditional or ortho- dox Judaism. This is primarily a movement of Russian-Polish Jews to assist those who would rather suffer great hard- ships than transgress the laws that they have adhered to throughout their lives. They desire to publicly contra- dict the assertion that they are only recipient of charity; they have enlisted the co-operation of some noble men and women of other nationalities. The membership increased rapidly and branch organizations were formed for the purpose of spreading a knowledge of the movement more effectually. In January, 1900, a northwest side branch was formed, and in May a south side branch was started, which did much ta popularize the movement. Two ladies' Societies, the Queen Es- ther Old Age Benevolent and the Malbish Arumim also assisted the movement materially. June 5th, 1900, a site was purchased corner of Albany and Ogden avenues, opposite Douglas Park, for $5,125. This was fully paid for before the stipulated time and Sept. 30th, 1900, the ground was dedicated, amid great, enthusiasm, to its noble purpose. The income up to Jan. 1st, 1901, when the annual re- port was issued amounted to $9,368.51, and consisted of donations from city and country, from orthodox congrega- tions, lodges and societies, of dues from members and offerings at the ded- ication and elsewhere. After paying for the site and other expenditures there remained in the treasury a cash balance of $1,351.86. A bazaar for the purpose of raising funds for the erection of a building took place from Dec. 22d to 31st, 1900. Strenuous exertions had been made by the Board of Managers to present something unique and the result was the "Streets of Jerusalem," in which the booths were located. The net pro- ceeds were over $11,000 and this grat- ifying result was largely due to the- untiring energy of Louis Ziv, chair- man; H. Agat, assistant; Mrs. Benj. Davis and H. S. Wolf, press and pub- lication; Dr. Kate Levy, corresponding and financial secretary; Moses Kreeger, donations; Mrs. M. E. Gordon, raf- fles; Miss R. Kanter, refreshments; J. Negrescon, reception; Myer Lesser, printing; S. Rosenthal, treasurer, and: Alex. L. Levy, architect. THE. REFORM ADVOCATED 367 SYNAGOGUE CONGREGATION A NSHE KENESSETH ISRAEL. The present year opened auspicious- ly for the B. M. Z. Association, with a new and excellent 'board of directors, with nearly $14,500 in the treasury and property valued at $5,500 and with a paying membership of about 1,500, which is continually increasing and will probably reach 3,000 as soon as building operations are begun. The officers for the current year: President, Harris Cohn; vice presi- dent, Rev. S. N. Deinard; treasurer, B. Baumgarden; secretary, H. Agat; corresponding secretary, Mrs. Benj. Davis; trustees, A. J. Frank, Moses Kreeger, Joseph Rothschild. UNITY CLUB. This club is toe outgrowth of the former Concord* Club, which, at its annual meeting in January, 1897, voted to disband. In the month of January, 1897, former members of the Concordia organized under the leadership of Joe Straus the present Unity Club, its first officers being: Joseph Straus, presi- dent; Dan Guthman, vice-president; H. J. Eliel, secretary, and G. L. Klein, treasurer. The present officers of the Unity Club are: B. B. Bonheim, presi- dent; D. Davis, vice-president; Louis E. Sostheim, secretary, and Max L. Wolff, treasurer. XX. CONCLUSION. The last chapters of the history of the Jews of Illinois were written by the author under tremendous pressure and in a great hurry. The publishers were very anxious to meet their con- tract obligations to issue this special number of the Reform Advocate in time, and they rushed the work with might and main. A number of sub- jects which we intended to treat more elaborately had to be abbreviated.many facts could not be stated at all. We will therefore mention here briefly a few items which should not be left en- tirely unnoticed. In the rush two pictures were Inad- vertently omitted. One Is the por- trait of Rabbi Henry Gersonl and the other of Mr. Isaac Wolf. Rabbi Ger- soni left a number of friends In Chi- cago who will be glad to behold an imprint of his intelligent countenance in the pages of this journal. Mr. Isaac Wolf is an old settler in this neighbor- hood, and it was upon our urgent re- quest that he had his picture taken, specially for this work. These half- tone pictures appear here In order to complete the articles written about these men in the main part of the book. In regard to Jewish papers published in Chicago, we will state that the first Jewish paper published In Chicago in the English language, was the "Occi- dent." It was started In the begin- ning of the seventies by Hoffman & Silversmith. Mr. Hoffman soon re- tired and Mr. Silversmith became the sole owner. For a number of years he was the publisher, editor, advertising agent, collector, and a good many other things, which we cannot now re- member, all in one person. He was surely entitled to use the pluralis majestatis of the mighty ruler of the editorial sanctum. In later years he was compelled to engage editors to write decent articles for his paper. Dr. E. Schreiber was editor of the Occident for a number of years, and so was the writer. When he could no longer In- SYNAGOGUE OHAVAY SHOLOM MANIAMPOL. 368 REFORM ADVOCATE! duce respectable writers to take charge of the editorial pages of his publica- tion, the "Occident" died a quiet and peaceful death. Nobody mourned and nobody wept over its death: silently it went to its grave, and no one ever missed it. About the same time the Occident was started, there appeared here an- "Jewish Advance" was a well-edited Jewish paper. Had Gersoni been left unmolested and unattacked, he would perhaps not have filled his pen with such bitterness, but be this as it may, the "Advance" could not exist and Gersoni had to quit. He tried it with the "Maccabean," a monthly magazine which he published for five or six UNITY CLUB, 3140 INDIANA AVE. other Jewish paper in the jargon, un- der the name and title of "Israelit- ische Presse." It was published on South Clark street by a Mr. N. D. Et- telsohn. Sometimes an article or two written in Biblical Hebrew would ap- pear in the pages of this little weekly. It was indeed a "weakly" paper. All we can remember about it is that it once contained a bitter and malicious attack on our esteemed Dr. B. Felsen- thal. The writer of this history sent an article, written in Hebrew, to the publishers, in which he defende.d Dr. Felsenthal against the brutal and un- called for attack. Well, our article was published in the "Israelitische Presse," a fact which caused us much regret for many years after. For in- stead of attacking one, this paper now attacked two, and all the invectives, curses, vulgar scolding and ugly names of the powerful jargon vocabulary were thrown with doubled force at the head of poor Dr. Felsenthal and our humble selves. We fully believe the paper died of its own venom a short time after. In 1878 Henry Gersoni issued the first number of his "Jewish Advance," a weekly paper of which Gersoni was the editor and Max Stern the pub- lisher. Gersoni wielded a pointed pen, his wit was keen, his sarcasm bitter and 'biting. He was always fighting someone. But his editorials were scholarly and -well written. In fact, it was the opinion of many that the months, and was then compelled to discontinue it for lack of support. Then came the "Chicago Israelite," issued by Leo Wise of Cincinnati, pub- lisher of the "American Israelite." Dr. Julius Wise, a son of the late Dr. Wise, has now charge of this paper. Dr. succeeded in keeping up the excellent standard and has attained a wide in- fluence. The "Reform Advocate" made its first appearance in February, 1891, and no other venture in the line of Jewish journalism was made since. The "Re- form Advocate" and the "Chicago Is- raelite" are the only two Jewish pa- pers in the English language published in Chicago. In the jargon there appear here "The Daily and Weekly Jewish Courier," "Der Blumengarten" and the "Jewish Press." The former was es- tablished here many years ago by Leon Zolotkoff, who subsequently sold it to Messrs. Sarahson & Son of New York. It is still owned by the New York pub- lishers and printed here under the management of Mr. H. S. Wolf. ' In 1889 the Hebrew Literary Asso- ciation of Chicago, a society organized by a number of Russo-Jewish "maski- lim," so-called reformers, in the inter- est of the Hebrew language and liter- ature, made an attempt to publish a monthly magazine in Hebrew. Two numbers of this magazine appeared un- der the name ot "Keren Or" (Ray of Light). These two numbers contained articles written by Dr. Felsenthal, Mr. Peretz Wiernik, H. Eliassof, and oth- ers. But it seems that no Hebrew pa- per can exist for any length of time in this country. Even in New York City not one of the many Hebrew journals and magazines reached the age of maturity. They all died young, some even in their infancy. In Chicago appeared for several years a Hebrew weekly by the name of "Hapisgah" (The Summit). This journal was ably edited by the well- known Hebrew writer, Mr. W. Schur, but this journal; too, had to succumb OLD PEOPLE'S HOME ORTHODOX. Julius Wise was formerly a promi- nent physician at Memphis, Tenn. The "Reform Advocate" is the lat- est addition to Jewish journalism of Chicago, and although it was th youngest paper, it at once assumed the dignified tone and the imposing posi- tion of a hoary-headed mentor. It has at last. It was discontinued last year and is no more. A new Jargon daily and weekly un- der the name of "The Jewish Call" was started here a few months ago in the Jewish settlement on the West Side. Morris Rosenfeld, the celebrated poet of the Ghetto, was engaged by THEI REFORM ADVOCATED 369 the publisher to assist in editing the new paper. Mr. Rosenfeld carne to Chicago, and here he wrote a number of good editorials, and some of his in- REV. HENRY GERSONI. imitable poems. The name of Rosen- feld and his poems gained for the pa- per a good circulation. But we hear that Mr. Rosenfeld had a disagree- ment with somebody connected with the paper and has left Chicago. GENERAL JEWISH PUBLICATIONS. Of general Jewish publications, be- sides those which have ibeen men- tioned before, appeared here the fol- lowing: Israelitlsche Tempel Gesaen- ge, Hymnen, Otto Loeb, in 1876; second edition In 1887. Mr. Loeb was for many years the organist of the Zlon Congregation. He returned to Europe about 12 years old. "L'ma-an Yilme- doo," a Hebrew Reader, Dr. B. Fel- senthal, In 1886. "Songs of Zlon," Souvenir of Jewish Women's Con- gress, Rev. Alois Kaiser and Rev. Wm. Sparger, In 1893; T. Rubovits, pub- lisher. Sabbath School Hymns, I. S. Moses, 1894. "Hebrew Primer," second edition, Aaron J. Messing. "Torath Emeth," Catechism for Instruction in the Mosaic Religion, Third Edition, Aaron J. Messing. "Souvenir of the Centennial Anniversary of the Birth of Sir Moses Montefiore," a Hebrew Poem, H. Eliassof. 1884. "In Memori- am." Address delivered at the memo- rial service held in Zion Temple, Feb. 25, 1894, in memory of Abraham Gott- lieb, Rabbi Joseph Stolz. "Mizrakh," an explanation of the mizrakh picture, H. Eliassof. There appeared besides a number of sermons of the Chicago ISAAC WOLF. Raibbis and sonre Hebrew works which are of great interest to scholars. We must not forget to mention Dr. Kohl- er's "Jewish Reader," for Sabbath schools, which appeared in 1876, In several parts. The J e f o_f Illinois. fart Second. Communities Outside o_f Chicago. PEORIA. I. The very early history of the Jews of Peoria cannot be ascertained. The earliest authentic Information that can be obtained is that in about the year 1847 Simon Lyon, Hart Ancker, Abraham Frank, A. Rosen- blatt; A. Ackerland and Arnold Good- heart came to Peoria, about in the or- der mentioned. At that time there had been several Jewish families here, but their names cannot be ascertained, and they took no prominent part in any Jewish af- fairs. In 1848 Jacob Liebenstein came to Peoria, and in 1849 rfenry Ullman and Leopold Rosenfeld arrived here. These were about all the Israelites in the city of Peoria at that time. In 1851 Abraham Schradski and Leopold Bal- lenberg arrived, and in 1852 the Ull- man brothers, consisting of Aaron, Harry and David Ullman came to the city of Peoria. Simon Lyon is supposed to be the first Israelite who arrived in 1847 in the city of Peoria, as far as is known. He did not engage in active business. His wife still lives here, and also his two sons, Louis and Henry Lyon; his two daughters, one now a widow, and the other the wife of Mr. Jacob Schwa- bacher, reside in Chicago. With Simon Lyon came his brothers- in-law, Sol Solomon, Wolf Solomon and Joe Solomon. Senator Solomon pf the Illinois legislature was born in Peoria and is a son of one of these brothers. His sons are engaged in the grocery business in this city, and are prosper- ous in business. The first Jewish firm in business was Myer & Ackerland in 1848. Myer died of cholera in 1849. A. Ackerland moved to Cincinnati soon afterward and became a prominent Jewish citi- zen of Cincinnati. Associated with them was Jacob Goodheart, who lived in Cincinnati. He sent to Peoria in 1847 his brother, Arnold Goodheart, who took charge of the business, and he and his brother, Wolf Goodheart, continued the business until about about 1857. John Warner, a Gentile, was associated with Meyer & Acker- land here. He became Interested in the Jews. Having made considerable money with Myer & Ackerland, he made it his business to help all the Jews he could. Any number of later set- tlers owe their start to John Warner. He either gave them goods or went se- curity for them for goods which he did not have. He was a great friend of the Jews. John Warner was elected mayor of Peoria at least ten different times, almost always through Jewish influence, and can at any time get the support of every Jew for his past as- sistance to them. Hart Ancker lived in this city for some twenty-two years, and died Jan. 10, 1871, leaving surviving him his widow and several children. His widow is still alive, and now resides with her daughter in St. Louis, Mo., and is about 87 years old. Her maiden name was Brinah De Young; they were married at Richmond, Va., In the year 1836, and subsequently moved to Shelbyville, Ky., and from thence to this city. Their oldest daughter, Vir- ginia, was born In Richmond, Va., Sept. 27, 1837, and was married in Pe- oria to Mr. Henry Schwabacher, one of the leading citizens of Peoria, on the 9th of September, 1859. He had quite a number of other children, none of whom now reside In Peoria. Mrs. Henry Schwabacher bears In her stat- ure the true English type of the beauty of her ancestors, although 64 years of age. She has been a true Jewess, reg- ular attendant at services, a member of all the Jewish charitable societies, and also a prominent member in all sectarian societies outside of the Jew- ish. She Is a good, true, loving mother of nine living children, and is a de- voted wife. Abraham Frank, one of the pioneers, remained in Peoria until about 1864. His family has become renowned in the commercial world, Frank Brothers of Chicago being among them; and the 370 REFORM ADVOCATED youngest, Nathan Frank, who has been elected as a representative in Congress from St. Louis, and a leading lawyer there, was among the first Jews born in this city. Jacob Liebenstein was married in the city of Cincinnati to Rebecca Berg- man in 1848. The result of that mar- riage was seven sons, all of whom oc- cupy first-class positions, and a num- ber of whom still reside in the city of Peoria. His widow, Rebecca Lieben- stein, now Rebecca Lowenthal, has been one of the most ardent workers in congregational affairs in the city of Peoria ever since her coming to Peoria, following the example of her husband, whose soul was imbued with the ideas of true Judaism. As he worked for its cause, so, during his life and after his holidays at various halls, which seiv- ices were conducted by various mem- bers of the commmunity; and this continued until 1859. During that year there arrived in the city of Peoria a "little giant" named Max Newmman; enthusiastic in the cause of Judaism, willing to serve that cause with his time and energy. He had been here but a few months when he aroused the minds of the Israelites residing here to the necessity of building a house of worship. Being a brother-in-law of the various Ullman brothers, he found in them ready assistants in calling that edifice into life. With the assistance of Leopold Rosenfeld, the Ullman brothers and Abraham Frank, he started out, and in one day raised $1,- 500 towards the erection or purchase the congregation and a very valued of- ficer. He has been connected with ev- ery Jewish charity and also every other charity, almost, in the city of Peoria. On the death of Henry Ull- man, his brother-in-law, a few years ago, he was appointed by the mayor of this city a director of the public li- brary. He and Harry Ullman, his brother-in-law, who have been co-part- ners since 1859, and are today the old- est original firm in the city of Peoria, without any change in the firm. He is an honored and respected citizen of this city. Stands high, not only in the Jewish community, but in the general community, and the appellation of "Lit- tle Giant" is still applied to him, be- cause of the soundness of his views and his indomitable will in carrying TEMPLE OF ANSHAI EMETH CONG., PEORIA. death, did she follow in his footsteps. In anything that was Jewish Mrs. Re- becca Lowenthal was the first, and by work and act encouraged and did ev- erything within her power to support and maintain the Jewish congrega- tions. He was the first to instigate the idea of a Jewish burying-ground in this city, and through his persuasion the first cemetery was purchased. In the year 1852, mainly through the efforts of Jacob Liebenstein and his brother, who came to this city after him, the first Jewish cemetery was purchased, and was deeded in trust to Leopold Rosenfeld, Hart Ancker -and Abraham Frank. This was the begin- ning of Jewish organization in the city, and all of the above-named persons were members of that society. After that time services were held during the of a temple. At that time the Jews of this city were very poor, and it re- quired the confidence of the Christians to assist them. In this task, our "Lit- tle Giant" came to the front, and be- fore he had been here one year, he had raised sufficient money to purchase a church building for $3,000 and had the same all paid for. This was known as Anshai Emeth Congregation. Max Newman was the son of Abra- ham Newman of Wurtemberg, Ger- many. He was born May 28, 1834, and was educated at Bamberg, Bavaria. He came to America the 17th day of June, 1856, and has ever since that time, up to the present, been engaged in mer- cantile pursuits. From 1859 until 1879 he was secretary of the congregation without compensation, and as such did noble work for the cause. Since that time he has always been a trustee of out whatever is good and noble, both for the community and for charities. After the organization of the congre- gation in 1859 the Rev. F. Rosenfeld was elected the Hahzen of the congre- gation. He was followed by Rev. Isaac Moses, who in turn was suc- ceeded by Rev. J. Block. Then Rev. Dr. David Stern and subsequently Rev. F. Becker officiated as the ministers of the congregation about the year 1871, and the congregation flourished in a way until 1880. Along about the year 1872 quite a number of orthodox Israelites had gathered in the city, largely from Rus- sia, Hungary and Poland, and, being dissatisfied with the reform ideas of congregation Anshai Emeth, held serv- ices in a hall, and in January, 1873, purchased a cemetery, the trustees REFORM 371 thereof being Israel Bennett, Jacob Conigisky, Levy Meiers, Lewis Brln and Aaron Mittenthal. These trustees continued to hold such cemetery for the orthodox Jews until about the second day of October, 1874, when congregation Beth Israel organized as an orthodox congregation, was formed, and the said trustees con- veyed said property to the trustees of said congregation. This cemetery is still used by the orthodox and is under the charge of I. Levinson as superin- tendent of the Peoria Hebrew Relief Society. They continued to worship in halls during holidays until about 1879, when some of the members of the Anshai Emeth congregation, dissenting from certain views of that congrega- tion, and especially from certain views maintained by the then minister, Rev. David Stern, left that congregation, and, together with a large portion of what was called the Beth Israel con- gregation, arranged to build a temple for themselves, which they did, at a cost of something like $4,000. Minag America formed the ritual, and Rev. Dr. I. M. Wise of Cincinnati was called to dedicate the temple. Rev. M. Mes- sing, now of Chicago, was its first min- ' ister. He was succeeded by his nephew, Rev. Henry Messing, now of St. Louis, and he, in turn, by Rev. P. Fisher. About the year 1879, congregation Anshai Emeth, having served in a lit- tle church for twenty years, seeing the need of advancement, became enthu- siastic in the establishment of a better house of worship, and they, too, started out for the purpose of building a new edifice. This was accomplished, through David Ullman and others, and in the year 1880 both congregation Anshai Emeth and Beth Israel dedi- cated their temples. Rev. David Stern presided over congregation Anshai Emeth and Rev. Fisher over Beth Israel. Dissensions arose then In Jewish ranks. The strictly orthodox wor- shiped in halls. Each of the other two congregations were pulling and at- tempting to extract members from the other. Dissensions grew further, until they entered the social life; so much so that the Israelites of the city were so divided as to .be at daggers' ends. Sev- eral attempts had been made to settle the difficulties. The dissensions then entered into the B'nai B'rith organiza- tion, which at that time was composed of the members of both congregations. The officers of the District Grand Lodge were called to Peoria for the pur- pose of settling the difficulties, but of no avail. While they quieted them for a time, it was impossible to create peace and harmony. Finally Rev. Fisher left Beth Israel congregation. For the holidays there was called here for the year 1886 a student of the He- brew Union College, young Ed. N. Cal- isch, and to the glory of the Jewish cause of this city, Edward N. Calisch was sent here. He became the peace- maker. Through his efforts, assisted by tact, Isaac J. Levinson, Henry Ull- man and Samuel Woolner, peace was restored in the Jewish community, and the following year, upon the consecra- tion of Edward N. Calisch as minister, and through his efforts, the two con- gregations united, and Rev. Edward N. Calisch was elected as minister of the joint congregation. Since then, peace and harmony have prevailed, both in congregational and social life. The temple of Beth Israel Congregation was sold, the proceeds turned over to the Congregation Anshai Emeth, and but one reformed congregation was in the city of Peoria. And so it has re- mained. In the year 1896 the temple of Anshai Emeth Congregation was destroyed by fire. For two years various Christian houses of worship were used by the congregation to hold its services. Finally, through the urgent persist- ency of Henry Ullman, who had for about twenty-five years been the president of Congregation Anshai Emeth, assisted by that noble philan- thropist, Samuel Woolner, and his brother, the noble-hearted Jacob Wool- ner, the present magnificent temple which is now occupied by the congre- gation was erected at a cost of upwards of $35,000. On March 2, 1898, the corner-stone of this new edifice was laid. It was at- tended by hundreds of Christian friends, besides the members of the congregation. Though a heavy snow was falling during the entire ceremony, the weather in no way interfered with the services nor (he audience. A canopy covered the platform, and the exercises proceeded as though the sun were shining. Worthy President Henry Ullman had just recovered from a sereve illness and was unable to act in that capacity. He, however, introduced Mr. Isaac J. Levinson, who delivered the historical address in behalf of the president as follows: "My friends: The honor of occupy- ing this sacred position upon such an occasion is one little dreamed of by me. To be delegated as the represent- ative of your worthy president, who for twenty-five years has presided over the destinies of this congregation, who, during that time has met every manner of the vicissitudes of congre- gational life, and has never swerved from the path of duty, is an honor that neith my labors for the congrega- tion nor the zeal for my religion has merited. "Unfortunately for you, the indispo- sition on the part of your worthy president throws the mantle of his of- fice, for today, upon me. Would to God that I possessed a heart so full of love and devotion to our congregation as he, so that it would inspire within me eloquence to speak to you as he would speak to you, in words of fire to kindle your hearts to renewed activity in completing this grand edifice so nobly begun, and place it when com- pleted, in the hands of the trustees, un- plastered with a mortgage. This is the burning heart's desire of our worthy president." "This congregation was organized in the year 1859, when but a handful of Israelites, inspired by the energy and zeal and work of our "Little Giant," Max Newman, they built and paid for the house of worship erected on Fulton street in this city, and occupied the same for a period of seventeen years. They worshiped there under the old orthodox doctrines, forms and cere- monies. Enlightened by the true light of liberty, they were soon transformed from the orthodox and became a part of American Judaism. They have kept up with the rapid stride, and when the new ritual and the Union prayer-book was presented it was immediately adopted by the congregation, being one of the first in this country to adopt the same. "Through the noble efforts of our ladies, particularly assisted by David Ullman, a magnificent temple was erected on Liberty and Jefferson streets, where the congregation wor- shiped for fourteen years. This build- ing was destroyed by fire Jan. 10, 1896. Since that time we have been homeless wanderers, beggars, for a house of worship. The zeal, energy and devotion of our venerable presi- dent, assisted by the noble Samuel Woolner and his brother, Jacob Wool- ner, and that Prince of Jews, William Wolfner, soon pushed the building of the temple to a completion. "And now, my friends, at the laying of the cornerstone of this edifice, erect- ed to the Most High, it behooves us, like all others about to enter upon new work, to lay out our plans. Let us do so by means of firm resolution engraft- ed into our hearts. Let us first, then, resolve that this edifice shall be the house of God. Let it be a house of prayer. Let it be a house of rest for suffering humanity, whether mentally or physically afflicted. All shall be welcomed under its roof and partake of its ever-flowing blessings. "Let it be a home of peace; within its walls let no discord enter. Let it be a house in which we will all con- gregate weekly and oftener, to offer our thanksgivings to Him, the Giver of all Good. Let it, above all, be a home, devoted and consecrated to the en- lightenment of the world, wherein shall be taught the one cardinal prin- ciple of Judaism one God, one Hu- manity; and until that day will Israel ever strive." The ceremony of the dedication and also the prayer were delivered by Rab- bi J. Thorner of Davenport, Iowa, in a most feeling address. But a short time afterwards, at the following meeting of the congregation, held in the month of April, President Henry Ullman, owing to ill health, was forced to decline a re-election as presi- dent, and Mr. Samuel Woolner, who had been vice-president since 1887, was elected in his stead. An appropriate solid silver water set was, on behalf of the congregation, presented by Mr. Samuel Woolner to the retiring presi- 372 REFORM ADVOGATB.. dent, and the following resolutions were adopted: Whereas, Our venerable president. Mr. Henry Ullman, has, owing to poor health, declined a re-election as presi- dent of the congregation, and Whereas, The said Henry Ullman for more than twenty-fire years guided the welfare of this congregation, and has sacrified his time, money and health for the congregation, and has with earnest zeal and with the utmost in- tegrity, midst the greatest of hard- ships, successfully devoted himself to its welfare; therefore, be It Resolved, That we, as a congrega- tion, recognize the sterling worth of onr worthy president, and of the many obligations that it owes to him for his self-sacrifice. Resolved, further, that this congre- gation extends to him its utmost sin- cere thanks and best wishes. May the all-wise Providence in his supreme mercy guide him in health and pros- perity throughout life. May his de- clining years be full of happiness, health and plenty. May his devotion to this congregation and the cause of Judaism never cease. And be it fur- ther Resolved, That a copy thereof be engrossed and presented to our es- teemed president, and that a copy thereof be spread upon the records of this congregation, and when the same are presented to him, the Board of Governors of this Congregation shall do so, together with a substantial and suitable token of the recognition of this congregation, and be it further Resolved, That a copy of these reso- lutions be printed in The American Israelite and The Jewish Guide. ISAAC J. LEVINSON, MAX RITZWOLLER. JOSEPH SZOLD, Committee. Elaborate preparations were made for the dedication services of the tem- ple, which occurred on Sept. 9, 1897; but a few days, however, before these services, the venerable ex-president of the congregation, Henry Ullman, was called to his last resting place. This created a deep mourning over the en- tire household of Israel in this city. His funeral sermon was preached by Rev. Dr. Edward N. Calisch of Rich- mond, Va., and Rev. Dr. Charles S. Levi of this city, who had just been elected the minister of the congrega- tion, the former having been the in- strument who, with the deceased and a few others, united the reformed Israelites into one congregation in this city. The obituary of his life will be found hereafter. Midst the deep sorrow of the con- gregation, the day having been set for Sept. 9 and the approaching holidays so close, it was decided that the dedi- cation services should be carried out, and the temple was dedicated with due solemnity. That venerable grand old rabbi, I. M. Wise, for the third time, appearing in the city of Peoria for the purpose of dedicating the Jewish temple. As he. in the eighteenth year of his age, towered before the public, though tot- tering and bent with years, yet. with a clear voice, gave the benediction to the congregation, it was a sight that will never be wiped out from the memory of those who heard it Dr. Wise was assisted in this Work of dedication by Rev. Dr. Edward X. Calisch and Rev. A. Messing. Montgomery. Ala., both of whom had been ministers of the congregation, and the Rev. Charles S. Levi, the newly elected minister of the congregation, participated. Rev. Edward N. Calisch was the first minister of the united congrega- tion, and served for four years, and al- though re-elected for a further term of three years, owing to illness and seek- ing a warmer climate, he determined to leave for Richmond, Va.. where he still remains at the .head of Congregation Beth A'Hava. His administration in the city of Peoria was a glorious one. Services were well attended, his eloquence drawing crowded audiences. and brought to the Jews of this city a name which the effect of time cannot efface. He was followed by Rev. S. Green- field, and he, in turn, by Rev. L. Isen- berg, each of whom served for two years. Rabbi A. Messing, ripe from the Union Hebrew College, was then elected, but owing to the fact that the congregation had no home, having been burned out, he, at the end of the first year, resigned and accepted the position at Montgomery, Ala. Rev. Charles S. Levi, the present minister, took charge of the congrega- tion at the completion of the temple. His term of office has been a very fruitful one for the congregation. When he entered the pulpit the con- gregation numbered about fifty, but since has a membership increased to ninety-four, consisting of almost every reformed Israelite in the city young and old. His Sabbath school has be- come a model one, and being a learned, conscientious, energetic and faithful rabbi, he has become beloved and en- deared to all the members, as well as the whole community. He is assisted in hi? Sabbath school work by five lady teachers anc Dr. Sandor Horwitz, who teaches Hebrew. The Sabbath school is attended by upwards or ninety chil- dren. All the children of the orthodox school attend his Sabbath school. Offi- cers of the Sabbath school: 1886-1896, L J. Levinson, president; 1896-1900, Henry Woolner, president; present of- ucers. W. B. Woolner, president; Mil- ton Newman, secretary; A. Raff man and Henry Wooiner. The congrega- tion maintains a paid choir, consisting of a quartette, at a t-o^t of $1,200 per annum; .md is composed of the best voices in the city. It hag a debt of about $7,000. which the Ladies' Auxil- iary Society is attempting to pay off, having paid during the past two years $1,000 yearly. The present officers of Congregation Anshai Emeth are as follows: Samuel Woolner. president: David Ullman, vice-president; A. Raff man, secretary; M. Salzenstein, treasurer; Jacob Wool- ner, William F. Wolfner and Jacob Heim, trustees. The Sabbath school library was founded in 1899 by tnp children of the school. The nam>b of the lady teach- ers of the Sabbath school are Mrs. I. L. Fraxer, Mr^. \V. B. Woolner, Mrs. M. Xevman an Building. Branch Offlco-187 South Clark Street. BEN BLOCK. Manager. TKI.KI'HONK CKNTKAL, 3583. The most delicious of all KINGSFORD'S OSWEGO CORN STARCH Absolutely pure and healthful. WE WILL CLEAN OUT THOSE and Roaches FOR YOU. WE NEVER FAIL. ESTIMATES FREE. LSOF US 1 POSTAL AND WE WILL CALL. W. R. MARTIN & CO. 8954 Cottage Grove Ave. BOWNAM DAIRYCO; BUTTER. Office^ South. Division E ROSENBAUM, Fell, Composition and Gravel ROOFER. 184 LA SALLE ST. BOOHS 317-313 WOMAN'S TEMPLE BLE3. Free Estimates on New and Old Work. Telephone Main 3582. EDWIN CHARLES ROWDON. Edwin Charles Rowdon has been pronounced by not a few competent musical authorities to be the greatest baritone in the country. His voice is remarkable for its range and quality, sincerity to all and any composer and conspicuous for artistic development. His efforts bear the stamp of musical loveliness. As a student he was a bril- liant ornament and as an artist has a stanch iband of personal admirers. Mr. Rowdon has been identified with Jew- ish choirs for several years; now holds the position of baritone soloist and choir director of the North Side Hebrew Temple. Under his faithful and zealous direction the most excel- lent results have been realized. Mr. Rowdon's repertoir covers all the standard oratorios, and to these must be added an exceeding large list of Ger- man, Irish, Italian, English and Amer- ican songs. He is most prominent among those lending distinction to Irish songs. From this incomplete list we are convinced of the truth of his industriousness and of his faithful de- votion to the highest and most en- nobling in art. THOMAS & SMITH. The season of building and renovat- ing having commenced, one of the thoughts uppermost in the minds of most persons connected with the build- ing public is to have their various building enterprises constructed right up to date and complete. In deciding your choice for a large and reliable heating and ventilating firm it would speak well for the judgment of -any builder who called on the well-known West Side, Chicago, firm of Thomas & Smith, 16 N. Canal street. This firm have installed and are proud of the fact, for various Jewish concerns. Being very 'broad-minded, they set. aside every year certain moneys for charitable purposes, Jew and non-Jew alike, and as long as said yearly appropriation is not exceeded they are ever willing contributors, as many charitable institutions well know. The firm has also installed and continues to install their apparatus for some of the best concerns in Chi- cago. For the benefit of our readers we understand they do very, and have for several years, fine work to the sat- isfaction of their customers as a whole. R. L. Wanger has introduced a sys- tem of acquiring health and strength which has been pronounced a positive and permanent cure for dyspepsia, in- digestion and insomnia. He has rec- ommendations from hundreds of our best known citizens and guarantees in fifteen minutes a day and steady prac- tice for one month, to give a pupil ab- solute control of his muscles. Call or send for his catalogue. Address suite 502 and 504 Grand Pacific Hotel. Mr. Wanger is considered one of the greatest instructors of scientific cul- ture. We Do Work of this kind: Tucking, Hemstitching, Pleating. SKIRTS made to order. Experience and finest nrk have won us our reputation. Mail orders promptly t- tended to. EDWARD C. STONE MFG. CO. 92-98 STATE STREET Stewart Building RoomKL Telephone, Central 22N. PLUMBING, Steam, Hot Water and Gas Fitting, Sewerage Estimates Furnished. Tel. Oak 891. _ 535 47th 8T. ACHE PARQUET FLOOR CO,, Hard Wax and Floor Material. Designs and estimates submitted on Hard' wood Floors and Grilles. OLD FLOORS RENOVATED. 4703 Cottage Grove Avenue. TEL. OAKLAND 1015. Furniture Storage LIGHT, DRY AND CLEAN. LOW PRICES. Cartage Free if goods are long in store. ARMORY WAREHOUSE Co. 237-245 E. Thirty-Ninth St. Telephone Oakland 639. JUDSON S. JACOBUS, Pharmacist. Goods delivered at all hours. Prescription Work a Specialty. 4TtH St. & Bills Ax e. Tel. Oakland 5O. Tel. Oakland 355. Hyde Faru Tel. No. dtt. F. E. WHITE Select Livery Special attention paid to /{onrdera. Commission Dealers In High-Class Ooach and Drlvlog Horses. 448 FOKTY-SKVETfTTI e For Style & Quality Have no Equal. PALMER HOUSE CHICAGO. Send for Haihlon Plate. THE. REFORM ADVOCATE. 403 To RENT IN BUSINESS DISTRICT. Special L/ist. 185-7 Wabash Ave., Stores and Floors 147 State St., 5 Floors, 30x145 148 State St., 2nd Floor, 24x90 214 State St., Fine Corner Basement 190-2 Dearborn St., Stores &Bank Floor 167-9Madison St. .Singleor Double Store 184 Madison St., 2 Floors, 25x100 211-13 Monroe St.,Bldg.5Floors.45xl80 126 Fifth Ave., Floors, 20x80 148 Fifth Ave., Floors, 20x85 148 So. Water St., Rooms $10.00 up Power Floors and Rooms 1807-9 Clark St., 10,000 Feet, $75.00 167-9 Madison St., 52 Room Hotel Offices in 19 Modern Buildings Send for Complete List of Stores, Buildings, Lofts, Offices, etc., in Central Business and Wholesale Districts. H.O.STONE&SO. 206 LA SALLE STREET, TELEPHONES, MAIN 339. L. MANASSE, OPTICIAN. We Hwe Moved To 46 Madison St. rel.phone. Main 883. atabllshed 1869. Incorporated U94 CEMENT WALKS Gtncrtti ComblaU Curb ind Bifflir, lnl Alplllt Flwrt ut Pivtnuts. Expert on Prescription Work. JOS. F. FORBRICH, S. B. Cor. Indiana Ave. and 35th St. TeL, Oakland 85 and 63. Open All Night. Finest Pharmacy on South Side. No system of shorthand has gone to the front as rapidly as that of the Gregg Shorthand School. Its success is due largely to a combination of sim- plicity and power which enables the writer to use speed and still have copy that is legible. The school has re- ceived testimonials from many educa- tors, teachers and reporters, all of which bear testimony to the excellence of this method. To anyone desiring to study shorthand for any purpose whatsoever, no better method could be found for practical purposes than is offered by the Gregg Shorthand School, located at 57 Washington street. A call is cordially invited or by dropping a postal a catalogue giv- ing full particulars will be sent. The school is open both day and evenings and an investigation is cordially in- vited. The Leonard Mandel Dry Goods Company, 218-226 Thirty-first street, near Indiana avenue, are displaying a full line of spring goods. Their win- dows are filled with the latest novel- ties in dry goods and ladles' and gents' furnishing goods, which gives one only a limited idea of the extensive stock they carry. Charge accounts are so- licited and a telephone is also at the disposal of patrons. South Side resi- dents will have no reason to take the long ride necessary to the shopping district, as their wants can be fully supplied at this store. The Chicago Fur Co. have removed to larger and more convenient quar- ters and are now located at 189 Wa- bash avenue. The new store is in the heart of the retail shopping district and is in every way adapted to the needs of an ever-increasing business. A full line of novelties is ready for inspection, In addition to which a spe- cial feature will be made of high-class millinery at moderate prices. Call and see the attractive display of trimmed hats. We desire to call the attention of our readers to the advertisement of E. W. Silsby. Mr. Silsby is the in- ventor and sole manufacturer of the Silsby pleating and button machines, also of pinking, tucking and cording machines. All of the machines rnacU by him are of the latest patterns and thoroughly up-to-date. They are in use in all parts of the world, and the high reputation attained for them pre- cludes any risk in buying. The ad- dresses of the various offices of Mr. Silsby are given in the advertisement on another page. Rev. Dr. A. J. Messing has removed from 3708 Wabash avenue to 3567 Forest avenue. MAnUFACTURERS. JOBBERS *<* LAYERS OF I55V&BASHAVE. CHICAGO Wn linn IIC HTGH dKADB i III MUUnCi ;,/i'iij#v~-~~- Tel. 8.532. ZOH1 Wabash Avvnue J. E. HANSON, High Class Livery and Boarding Stables. 3508-10-18-14-16 Indiana Ave., In rear TELEPHONE OAKLAND 1O32. Kozminski AND Yondorf MONEY Loaned on Real Estate At LOWEST RATES. for BUCK & EVANS CO. PHARMACISTS, Cor. 47th St. and Si. Lawrence Ave. Physicians' Prescriptions Accurately Filled. Telephone-Oakland 5. Free Special Messenger Service. A.B.RUSS&CO., \7ndertaKers. 161 Twenty-Second Street,, Telephone South 209. CHICAGO. 404 THE REFORM ADVOCATED A POOR MAN'S PARADISE. By James A, Davis, Industrial Com- missioner Atchlson, Topeka and Santa Fe Ry. To own a 'home, to control a means of livelihood and accumulation, to, in fact, acquire the independence of full proprietorship, is the ambition of the majority of mankind. Labor is never granted a greater reward. It is, and always will be, when granted, how- ever, a reward of degrees. The de- California have had enormous addi- tions to their agricultural population. Opportunities to secure moderately priced land, favorably situated, are growing less daily. But great progress has been and is being made in reclaim- . ing by means of irrigation great stretches of the arid west, notably in Colorado, New Mexico, Arizona, South- ern and Central California, where im- mense acreages of the most fertile soil with an assured and abundant supply of water have been wrested ~ KING RESERVOIR. sires of men differ as men differ. En- vironment, circumstances and expe- rience fix the point of view and hori- zon the ambition. Men may differ in their desires as to a home, one may require more for a livelihood than another, appreciations of fortune may not be the same, no two men agree as to the adequacy of estate, but the great majority would consider the home, the living, the possible accu- mulations and the acres in fee of a successful farmer all that anyone could or should desire. The real suc- cess as outlined in the opening of this article is oftener the reward of the farmer's toil and thrift than it is of the labor of the toiler in any other in- dustry. The farmer is the most suc- cessful and independent of all the world's army of workers. It is a fact that cannot be gainsaid that good agricultural land is rapidly advancing in value. The unprecedent- from the desert. It is a well-known and long-proven fact that such soil under irrigation is the most produc- on the marvelous. Its efficacy is fully established. It has been the means of transforming Southern California from a desert to a veritable Garden of Hes- perides. There were twenty thousand cars of oranges shipped from Califor- nia this year, and every orange was raised on irrigated land. Irrigation is a means by which not only insurance against failure through drought or ex- cessive rainfall is gained, but the land is continually refertilized as well by the silt which carry decayed vegetable matter and mineral ingredients is de- posited by the water on the soil as the Nile enriches its valley. Worn- out irrigated land is something un- known. It is a means by which in- tensive cultivation of the soil, some- thing comparatively unknown In this country, will reach Its highest devel- opment. It is the great boon of the small farmer. A man on ten acres can earn by this system of farming as good a living and surplus over, as he could on an eastern 80-acre farm. He can accomplish in agriculture and hor- ticulture all his ability and ambition inspire him to attempt. The advan- tages of irrigation are always supple- mented by a favorable and healthy climate. It is only employed in this country in the west where sunshine is HEADGATES FORT LYON CANAL. tive known. Such opportunities now await the man. Irrigation is not an experiment Its practice in Egypt began before writ- ten or traditional records. Its adop- tion with the American agriculturist ALFALFA. ed emigration to the west during the past two years has appreciably les- sened available low-priced farming land within the humid or rainbelt area. Oklahoma, Texas, Nebraska and began with the Mormons in Utah and Southern California. It was practiced by the Indians and early Spanish set- tlers many years before. What has been accomplished through it borders almost perpetual, and where the cli- matic conditions are not only con- ducive to out of door pursuits and health, but to a greater diversity of products as well. It is a principle ex- tremely simple in application. It re- quires only good judgment and an ap- preciation of the moisture necessities of the crop under cultivation, governed by economy and timeliness in distrib- uting it. The most typical, the richest, furth- est advanced, most productive and suc- cessful irrigated section of the west, outside of Californiai, is the Arkansas Valley of Colorado on the Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe Ry. Imagine a region where droughts and excessive rainfall are unknown, where out-door exercise is possible all the winter, where 340 days of the year are cloud- less, where the soil is from twenty to thirty feet deep and possible of cul- tivation in almost every farm product of this country. If it is possible to so imagine, some conception may be had of the Arkansas Valley of Colorado. THE REFORM ADVOCATE. 405 This valley once constituted a large portion of what was known as the Great Plains. It extends along the Ar- kansas river from Canon City to Holly, Colorado, on the Colorado-Kansas state line. In extent it is about two hundred miles long by fifteen miles wide. The altitude varies from 5,260 feet at Canon City to 3,450 feet at Hol- ly. The soil in character and quality is the same the entire extent. It is a rich, sandy loam, noted for its depth and productiveness. Irrigation of this valley began in the vicinity of Canon City many years ago and was followed by the building of irrigating ditches about the middle of the valley at Rocky Ford, the home of the famous canteloupe which bears its name. Af- ter the 'building of the Rocky Ford ditch irrigation systems were con- structed at Manzanola, Fowler, Las Animas, Lamar and other points in the valley, culminating in what is known as the Great Plains Water Sys- tem, now just completed in the east- TWO-TEAR-OLD APPLE TREE. ern end of the valley. This system is the largest in the United States, and there is only one larger in the world. In construction and completeness it has no superiors. It was not begun until the land "west of it had proven its possibilities under irrigation. Its completion creates an assured water supply for 125,000 acres. Its cost was over $1,500,000. The five water storage reservoirs of the system cover an area of 13,000 acres and store 11,525,702,948 cubic feet of water, or 264,827 acre feet that is to say, a capacity equal to flooding 264,827 acres one foot deep. There are in the system in addition to the reservoirs, 311 miles of canals. With a soil proven to be extraor- dinarily rich, a climate of almost con- tinual spring, with moisture at his command, a farmer ought never know a failure in crops, and the short rec- ord of actual results which follows fully justifies the statement that here is a wonderful opportunity for the man who would fight out the battle of life with the odds in his favor. In the spring of 1900 the American Beet Sugar Co., more generally known as the Oxnards, completed a thousand ton beet sugar factory at Rocky Ford. Its first campaign last year was the most successful for a first year ever known. The Mormons were the first cultivators of beets under irrigation. Their success at Lehi was, however, C. W. Fenlason reported that two acres netted him $72 per acre. D. V. Burrell says: My early beete paid me $50.00 per acre. The first ten acres delivered averaged 18 1-3 ton* per acre, three acres made thirty tons per acre, nineteen to twenty per cent sugar. Hail does not hurt the crop. Joseph Wycoff: Ten acres, fifteen ARKANSAS VALLEY SHEEP. surpassed at Rocky Ford, not only in the yield per acre but in the sugar ' contents and richness of the beets as well. The Rocky Ford factory con- tracts for beets at all points in the valley, paying the same for them at the railroad station as they do the farmers who deliver in wagons at their door. In other words, the fac- tory pays the freight. As it was the first year of the factory every en- deavor was made by the farmer to avoid the mistake of undertaking a greater acreage than he could handle. Their experience last season has en- abled them to increase their acreage threefold this. year. In addition to above 13 growers re- ceived more than $90.00 per acre, 26 above $80.00, 35 above $70.00, 67 above $50.00 and 80 above $40.00. To a dis- interested committee sent to Rocky Ford by another district in Colorado, tons per acre. I think next year can make one-half more by doing better work. A. P. Kouns: Five acres; yield thir- ty-two tons per acre, fourteen to eigh- teen per cent sugar, average sixteen per cent. Value of crop, 160 tons at $4.35 per ton $696.00 Cost of raising 295.50 Gave me net profit on 5 acres. .$400.50 Or on one acre $80.10' J. G. Lackey: Twenty acres, aver- age yield twenty-five tons to the acre, test eighteen per cent sugar, received $5.00 per ton. My beets will net me $90.00 per acre; cost of raising, $35.00 per acre. The culture of sugar beets as a prof- itable crop in this section can be stated as an unqualified success. The farmers of Rocky Ford origi- \ DAM HEADGATES, AMITY CANAL. the farmers of which wanted to en- gage in beet culture, the farmers of the Arkansas valley were a unit in reporting the sugar beet the most profitable of crops they ever cultivat- ed, particularly in view of the fact than an overproduction was impos- sible. Extracts from the statements of a few of the farmers follow: nated the famous canteloupe bearing its name. The profits from the culti- vation of that luscious melon are very great. Unlike the sugar beet it has its. limitations as to market and is a per- ishable product, but the profit from its cultivation will always be large. Some instances of individual profits are as follows: 406 REFORM ADVOCATED One farmer near Rocky Ford gath- ered from five acres in 1897 305 crates per acre, for which he received 76 cents per crate delivered at the station. This is an unusual instance, however, the average yield being nearer 90 crates per acre. There are many in- stances, however, of profits as high as ^150.00 per acre, and very few lower than |50 per acre. The growers are organized into associations for the purpose of avoiding overproduction, and to better market their output. There were 560 cars shipped from Rocky Ford last year, and about 250 from the other stations in the valley. The immense crops of alfalfa for which this valley is noted have caused it to become one of the foremost cat- tle and sheep feeding localities in the west. There are at this time over 300,000 lambs being fed there. The cat- tle and sheep industries when con- ducted under competent management have yielded large and sure profits to all engaged in them. Alfalfa grows profusely, yielding in four cuttings per season from 6% to 7 tons per acre. Another industry depending upon the alfalfa crop, and one that is com- ing into prominence in profit as well as volume, is the production of honey. The bee finds in the blossom of alfal- fa an exquisitely flavored ingredient which makes the honey produced from it not only the most delicious in taste, but the clearest in color of any pro- duced in this country, and superior to the Swiss product. Although a com- paratively new industry in the valley, there were ten cars shipped last year to the east. As to earnings from this Industry the following instances will serve to show that it pays handsomely: A. P. Kouns gives the following as his start in the industry: "In June, 1895, I hived nine colonies. These in- creased by August of that year to twenty-eight colonies. I sold twenty- one of these for $167.00, receiving for the honey $40.00 in addition, making my total receipts $207. The entire cost of bees, hives and handling amounted to $28.00, making the net re- turns on investment in a little more than two months $179.00, leaving me besides seven hives to begin on again. My bees earn an average of $7.50 per live per annum." Mr. Hales, who owns ninety stands of bees, sold from them last fall $525.00 'worth of honey at 11 cents per pound. He paid $50.00 for the care of them during the season. All vegetables do well. The soil is especially adapted to the production of the potato, both sweet and Irish. Irish potatoes give a profit of from $60.00 to $100.00 per acre. Records are at hand of a yield of potatoes at the rate Of 220 bushels per acre. Tomatoes yield gross from $90.00 to $150.00 per acre. Cabbages, celery, cucumbers, beans and peas all do well. , Among the fruits the most profitable are the apple, prune, peaches, cherries, pears and strawberries. The apple reaches its highest "and most perfect development in this valley. In eight years trees attain a size and bearing capacity equal to trees of nearly twice that age in the Mississippi valley. A single acre apple orchard six years old at Canon City yielded $520.00. An eight-year-old orchard of five acres produced $5,780.00. The climate of the Arkansas valley is nowhere exceeded in equability. In summer, though the sun is hot, the rapid evaporation of perspiration keeps the body at normal temperature. The unpleasant effects of humidity are never felt. The nights are always cool. Animals never evidence fatigue. Winters are mild. On an average there are not thirty days in the year when plowing cannot be done. Build- ing and general outdoor operations go on through the winter with no more than a week's intermission at one time. The prices of land vary in accord- ance with location; land in the older sections of the valley being highest. Good land, with an assured water sup- ply, can be had for $35.00 per acre, and from that it goes as high as $150.00 to $200.00 per acre, a number of sales having been made recently at this lat- ter price. Values are rapidly advanc- ing and it will not be long before it will be impossible to secure good land with a sure water supply at as low as $35.00 per acre. A book might be written on the ad- vantages of this particular section, and expanded into many volumes if the his- tories of the successful farmers who went there broken in health, and al- most destitute were included. The writer knows the history of many who today own their own farms, a good house, have a bank account and above all else perfect health; who when they located In the valley were almost ob- jects of charity, the change in their condition being brought about in a comparatively few years. It is in such a favored spot, made so by Irrigation, and wrested from the desert's grasp, that any man can make the start which will place him in a po- sition of absolute independence. The manufacture of fine varnishes is an art little known to the general public, and the base of this beautiful material still less so. Were our read- ers to visit the offices of the Chicago Varnish Co. they would there discover a collection of what would appear at first glance to be gems of rare form and beautiful appearance. On closer examination, however, these would prove to be specimens of "Fossil Gums" surpassing in number, size and beauty all the collections of the world. The most extensive museums of Eu- rope and England possess no such ex- hibit, and there are a number of speci- mens in the collection which have no known duplicates. Here one may see not only the delicate insect in amber, but the giant beetle of past ages pre- served for all time in a mantle of rarest beauty. But what connection have these rare gems with varnish, you ask? The most intimate, we answer; for truly fine varnishes are made of these fossil gums, the finest specimens of which are preserved in this splendid collection. But why are they called fossil gums? Because they are the resins of extinct forests which have lain buried for unknown ages in the earth, ripening for the superb and deli- cate coatings now applied so univer- sally to secure the most beautiful ef- fects in rare and costly woods, to pre- serve the delicate colors on coaches, to protect the handsome exteriors of rail- way cars and to beautify the interiors of our dwellings. The cheap and com- mon varnishes are made from "rosin," which is extracted from growing pines of the South, and which have little beauty and durability. The extensive works of Chicago Varnish Co. are de- voted to the manufacture of the finer and more durable goods. Their prep- arations for hard wood floors and other house woodwork, for fine cabinet work, for hospitals, asylums,public buildings, offices and other similar constructions are unsurpassed for beauty and dura- bility and hence appeal to the most advanced ideals on the side of econ- omy. BALATKA MUSICAL COLLEGE. The Reform Advocate recommends the Balatka Musical College to its readers. This well-known institution was founded in 1879 by the late Hans Balatka, whose fame is world-wide as a musical educator.- His son, Chris- tian F. Balatka, conducts the business and is assisted -by his sister Anna, and many eminent instructors from both sides of the Atlantic. This musical studio occupies two floors in Handel Hall. The American Laundry Machinery Company, whose advertisement ap- pears in this book, are furnishers of complete outfits of laundry machinery for public and private institutions and custom laundries. They furnished the plants for the Chicago Home for Jew- ish Orphans, also the one for the Michael Reese Hospital. Their refer- ences are Mr. S. B. Eisendrath, and a majority of the largest and best insti- tutions throughout the country. They will be pleased to mail their illustrated catalogue on application. REFORM 407 If 1 FROM JCVNE ITS TO -x tfL 408 THE REFORM ADVOCATED THE FAMOUS YAZOO VALLEY. MISS. A Fine Country Soil and Climate Unexcelled What a Traveler Saw There in June, 1900. We left A - 9:44 p. m., on the Illinois Central R. R. limited and ar- rived in Memphis, Tenn., about 8:30 a. m., changing there to the cars of the Yazoo & Mississippi Valley R. R. at 9 a. m. Just below Memphis, we entered the great Yazoo valley, the largest body of fertile, alluvial soil in the world. It embraces that part of the Mississip- pi valley bottom lands lying east of the Mississippi river between Memphis and Vicksburg as the extremis of the sector of an arc of a circle, the sector being two hundred miles in length and the hills from Memphis to Vicksburg making the arc. The widest part 100 miles south of Memphis is 50 miles from arc to sector, or from hills to Mis- sissippi river, where is located Cleve- land, a thriving village which was is beautifully located near the bank of the Sunflower, where the river's course for about two miles is directly east. The banks of the Sunflower are slightly higher than the land as you recede from the river. The perpendic- ular height of the banks above low water is about 30 feet, but the slope is at an angle of 45 degrees and over- grown with small trees, cane and vari- ous vegetation to the water's edge. I was surprised to see the extent of and the number of recently improved farms or plantations all along the rail- road on our way from Memphis. More than half of the land in cultivation was covered with heavy timber five or six years ago. Our friend came here four years ago last January, with two car loads of horses, cattle, hogs and farm imple- ments with little money and' has, un- aided, opened one of the prettiest little farms I ever saw. His cotton crop alone brought him ?1,500 for last year. He could retire and live fairly well on the rent of his land. Land rents last year voted to be one of the loca- tions for the Bolivar county dual court houses. It is on the Yazoo valley railroad, a branch of the Illinois Cen- tral, diverging from the main line at Fulton, Ky., thence south through Memphis to Vicksburg. The Illinois Central railroad has diverging from this main branch extending through the center of the valley, or as it is called, the Yazoo Delta, tributary to it. 800 miles of railroad. There is also a beautiful little river rising at the north extremity of the Delta and meandering nearly parallel in its general course with the railroad, emptying into the Yazoo near Vicka- burg. It is the prettiest river I ever saw, navigable for steamboats to Clarksdale, about 35 miles up the rail- road. Cleveland is half way between the Mississippi river and the hills, or 25 miles from each, 3 miles west from the Sunflower river. Our friend's residence on his farm readily at $7 per acre. Although more corn can be raised here per acre than in Illinois, the farmers prefer to buy corn at 50 cents per bushel to raising it, as cotton pays better. This is the banner region of the United States for cotton. My friend has raised two bales per acre or 1,000 pounds of clean cot- ton. He sold his crop at 10 cents per pound. One hand with one mule will put in, cultivate and pick 10 acres of cotton. The farm implements used here are crude and what you in Illinois would term primitive. But when the stumps are all removed, better facilities for farming will be brought into requisi- tion. At present, while there is so much unimproved land, the range is so good that no kinds of stock are fed anything except what and when they are worked. Cattle, horses and hogs keep fat all winter in the woods with- out other feed. The soil is not so tenacious when wet as Illinois prairie soil, it does not adhere to shoes nor wheels of vehicles. Any kind of a metal plow will scour in the soil at any time. The soil seems more porous, water does not stand long . on the surface. I doubt if there is anywhere outside of the Mississippi bottoms, that a man with a small capital -can so soon make a competence. My friend paid $6 per acre for his land five years ago and says he could not afford to take |50 per acre if he had to invest anywhere else to make the same per cent on the capital, as he can make here. Any- ~ thing that grows in Illinois does equal- ly as well here and many things grow more luxuriantly. He has potatoes as large as goose eggs and cabbage are heading up. Raspberries are ripe and peaches turning. Peaches never fail. I see no reason why any grasses that grow in Illinois, will not grow here as well. I saw yesterday a small plot of blue grass that looked as nice as Illinois blue grass. The abundance of outside forage for stock in this coun- try has obviated the necessity of en- closed pastures and none have been tried. I have taken more outdoor exercise since I have been here, five days, than I had taken in years for the length of time, and I have not slept so well in years. The temperature of the weather does not get so high here as farther north, seldom above 90 degrees, and never a time that a person cannot get cool in a shade. The days are not so long by nearly an hour and the nights being nearly an hour longer here, the air is cooled off, as the sun's heat in the day has not time to heat the atmos- phere so high as in the North. Hence, you seldom ever hear of a sunstroke in the South. There is no time a person cannot work in the sunshine. The short seasons of the North necessitate warm nights as well as warm days to mature crops before frost. The black soil of the North which absorbs more heat is also an advantage in facilitat- ing vegetable growth, but vegetation grows as fast here and as luxuriantly as in Illinois. This country is leveler than the prai- ries of Illinois, with draws or bayous nearly parallel with the river and about five feet lower than the land ad- jacent which will some day serve as outlets to tiles. It is not uncommon to see a cypress tree six feet in diam- eter and 100 feet to a limb. Timber is very tall and straight. Some oak trees are six feet in diameter. Gum, hickory, elm, sycamore and ash are the most common, next to oak, and there are some sassafras two feet in diameter. Here is the timber that cannot be excelled for the saw mill and lumber- man, and the land, soil and climate for the farmer who would grow rich in a few years, on a small capital that would not buy him a farm of 20 acres in Illinois. For full information re- garding these lands, address E. P. Skene, Land Commissioner, Central Station, Park Row, Room 450. Turn REFORM ADVOCATED 409 Balatka Musical College TBLIHED IN 17 BY HAN BALATKA. ** ESTABLISHED IN 1879 BY HANS BALATKA. gg] Christian F. Balatka, Director. Music, Elocution AND Dramatic Art,,, HANDEL HALL 40-44 RANDOLPH STREET, CHRISTIAN F. BALATKA, Director. A complete faculty of competent instruc- tors of international reputation. To those desiring a thorough education in all branches of Musical and Dramatic Art, we recommend the perusal of our catalogue, mailed free on application. PUPILS RECEIVED. ANY TIME. Thurber's Art Galleries 210 Wabash Avenue ...CHICAGO... IMPORTERS AND PUBLISHERS OF HIGH-CLASS WOR.KS OF AR.T We have an Expert Artist for Cleaning, Restoring and Backllnlng Valuable Painting*. ...ARTISTIC FRAMING TO ORDER... hine on! not only gi\et a high, glowlng.dur- tble poliih to all meUli.but the polish Bar Keepers Friend lasts-, It will ihlne onl It benefit* all metaU, mineral! o wood while cleaning them. -.""- 1 Ib box. For ule by drag giti and dealeri. Send '2c stamp fnr lamplo to Qeorgt William Hoffman, 295 L. \Vahington St .liidlanapolU, Ind Will be the popular route this summer to the Pan- American ...A position at Buf- falo. The excellence of its service is well recognized by the traveling public, and the reputation of its train employes in their uniform courtesy to passengers, is well known. No excess fares are charged on any of its fast express trains. No line offers lower rates. For full information, reserva- tion of sleeping car berths, etc., address JOHN Y. CALAHAN, Cen'l Agent III Adams Street Phone Cant. 2O57 REMINGTON TYPEWRITER BULLETIN OFFICIAL TYPEWRITER or the World's Columblin Exposi- tion si Chlcsgo. GRAND PRIX (highest swsri) st Brussels. DIPLOMA OF HONOR ( highest swsni) at Luxembourg. DIPLOMA OF. HONOR it Ghent. GRAND PRIX (outnnklnt ill medits) II Paris.' ADOPTED AS OFFICIAL TYPEWRITER o Pin- American ' Exposition, at ( Bulfilo. WVCKO. F, 8EAMAN8 & BENEDICT, 327 Broadway, New York. 410 THE. REFORM ADVOCATED THE WELLINGTON LIMITED. With the opening of the Illinois Theater, October 15th, 1900, came the initial opening of the "Wellington Limited," as illustrated above. It was not presumed by Mr. Gage when he conceived the idea of build- ing this train of three beautiful cars that they would become so popular and so much in demand. To use his language at that time: "I want a bright light to show opposite the theater more as an advertisement than for use. In fact, it cannot do business enough in five years to pay for itself." A recent call on Mr. Gage brought forth this information: "The Welling- ton Limited? Why, it's a wonder! We run it only for special parties, engaged in advance, either two, four, six seats, drawing rooms, single cars, or the en- fire train, and some of the most de- lightful social events in the history of this city have occurred here in the past few months, showing that the people of Chicago need something of merit only brought to their notice and they will appreciate and patronize it, as our great retail stores prove." The success of the Wellington is the pleasure of its patrons. Have your carpets cleaned by the new compressed air system introduced by the Pneumatic Carpet Cleaning Co., corner Lake and Carpenter streets, Chicago. Carpets and rugs go in one side of the machine soiled and dirty and come out on the other side thor- oughly cleansed and aired, nap raised and colors brightened and nothing Is frayed or torn. .Orders receive prompt attention. Tel, Monroe 1496. There is nothing of more importance to the residents of a great city like Chicago than the purity of its milk supply. For years Chicago was sup- plied with milk in cans gathered pro- miscuously wherever it could be found and left in pans, pitchers or cups with the housewife. The result of this can be readily imagined and the Innova- tion introduced by the Bordens in 1892 of delivering milk in clean, sterilized glass bottles is an improvement so ap- S. MUIR, GRBENHOUSESs 3530-3532 MICHIGAN AYE. TELEPHONE, OHUID 319. A choice selection at FRESH CUT FLOWERS con- stantly on band. Floral Designs of every desciption. PLANT DECORATION A SPECIALTY. QUINN BROTHERS, PLUMBING 2918 Cottage Grove Ave* l% * Telephone, south 346. 6as Fitting and Sewerage. parent that ' the method will become universally used. While the glass bottle is not in itself a guarantee of pure milk, it becomes essentially a guarantee when the milk itself comes from a reliable firm. A scientific study of food, environment, the cows and the method of handling them, has cost the Borden's Condensed Milk Co. both time and money, with the result that with the absolute supervision and practical control of the methods and utensils used in handling and in the delivery of the milk to them, they are prepared to furnish and guarantee an absolutely pure milk and cream In, bottles filled and sealed at their own bottling plants in the country. The company operates a number of plants in the best dairy sections of Illinois and Wisconsin, in which abound springs and streams of pure water, where the atmosphere is con- ' ducive to a healthy condition of the cows, where fhe soil is productive, and where the general surroundings are by nature particularly adapted to the production of the highest grade of milk. Visitors to these plants are impressed with the thorough sanitary methods employed and with the per- fect cleanliness in and around all of the buildings. All of the bottles are thoroughly cleansed and sterilized at a very high temperature. The milk intended to be delivered in its natural state in bottles is, after cleansing and aerating, taken to the bottling room. The sterilized bot- tles are placed on a long table, rapid- ly filled, covered with a specially pre- pared cardboard and hermetically sealed. From this table the bottles are packed in cases, covered with a bountiful supply of cracked ice, and loaded into refrigerator care for ship- ment into the city. This milk is delivered daily every- where throughout the city, and orders can be sent by mail or telephone to the Borden's Condensed Milk Co., 627 East Forty-seventh street Telephone Oakland 503, or 546 West Van Buren street, Telephone Monroe 856; 153 North Park avenue, Austin, Telephone Austin 21, 1085-1091 West Ravenswood Park, Telephone Lake View 524. There is no greater pest than vermin in one's home or place of business. If you are troubled, why not drop a line to W. P. Martin & Co., 2954 Cot- tage Grove avenue, Chicago, 111., and they will make a contract guaran- teeing to rid your premises of cock- roaches and waterbugs. The paste used by this firm is infallible and they give an absolute guarantee and are prepared to show testimonials from hundreds of well-known patrons. A trial is cordially invited and satisfac- tion is assured. Half-heartedness means whole fail- ure usually. THE REFORM ADVOCATE. 411 THE TRIBUNE Twentieth Cervtxiry Building The building wfll be twelve atoriea The approach to the building will be through a magnificent entrance of marble and mosaic, containing two broad, easy flights of stain to the second floor. The entire bonding wfll be finished in mahogany, the corridors will have mosaic floors and marble wainaeot- ing. Every room will bare outaida light and air, making it the best lighted building in the city. Seven Hydra, ullc Elv.tr of the best and most rapid type and equipped with the most approved form of safety devices wfll give access to the upper floor*. Large freight elevator will be placed in the rear with access from the alley. The first floor wfll be finished in stores. The second floor wffl be suit- able for financial institutions requir- ing large space and vaults, and wfll have mosaic floors. The third and fourth floors will be occupied entire- ly by The Tribune Company. The upper eight floors wfll be divided in- to offices, and. if applications for space are made in time, the rooms will be arranged to suit tjmnt Hot and cold water, vaults, and coat closets wfll be supplied with each suite of offices. Storage space can be had in the attic for the use of ten- ants. Further information can be obtained by applying to the agents, WILLIAM D. KERFOOT <& CO.. 85 W&sMngton Street. ITOTICE. Dnrtng the eonatraettaa at the newbatldlnz THE TBIBTJXE butBaaa office wffl be IB the premise* BOW occupied by the Chicago Nation*! Bank. Dearborn and Monroe ttreeta. The removal will take place on May 1. The editorial room* win alao be t the corner of Dearborn and Man- toe stoeeta. bat the osloe at the anaarbw ed- itor, Ike city editor, aW in the newa depnrt- meatt of the paper wffl heat m tol Market iliuel. where the meehasdael wart: of the : , mafflm, wm be . The New Tribune Building, to be erected on the site of the present building. Southeast corner Dearborn and Msxdison Streets, and to be ready for occupancy about April 1. 19O2. The Chiccvgo Tribune Lea.ds All CKicatgo Morning Newspapers In the Number of Agate Lines of Pa. id Advertising. Record for twelve months, ending December 31, 19OO. Compiled from measurements made by the Chicago Dady Newa. DAILY and SUNDAY 1900 GAIN 0er1899 LOSS DAILY ONLY 1900 GAIN Over 1899 LOSS TRIBUNE 6.3O8.15O 563,339 2,859.4.11 413,589 RECORD j.. ->.->.. -5 : (69,925 TIMES-HERALD 3,841,088 880,289 .181.0.17 13,926 INTER OCEAN 3,%6O,373 171,694 1,639,354 42,157 CHRONICLE 8,553, 118 14.908 1.354.563 84.199 Tne Svinda.y Tribvine Leads tKe World Record of advertising for the year ending December 31. 19OO. CHICAGO TRIBUNE. NEW YORK HERALD, NEW YORK WORLD. NEW YORK JOURNAL, 3,448,699 Agate Line* 3.301,427 S.O56.6O7 " 2,413,045 Complied from measurements made by a Nevr York and a ChlcaJCo Evening Newspaper. 412 Turn REFORM ADVOCATE. THE: RJENZI, Concert Afternoons and Evenings Cor. Evanston Ave. fSL Clark St.,1800Diversey Bo\jleva.rd.W Announcement Notice.... We will open a beauti- ful Summer Garden about May 20th. Refreshments of all kinds and lunches will be served. We cater only to the best class of trade and we are pleased to say that our patronage is composed of the better class of people only. Trusting you will give us a call, I remain, Yours truly, F. EMIL GASCH. Despres (&L Co. The readers of this issue of THE REFORM ADVOCATE are invited to send us their orders for anything they may need in the way of Pure Wines and Liquors for USP in their homes. Our personal attention will be given to such orders. Prices as low as consistent with PURE goods. We handle all kinds of Imported and Domestic Wines, Liquors and Cordials Sole agents for the sale of the Celebrated Rhine Wines of A. Guthmar, Darmstadt, Germany. Despres Co. 193-195 E. Van Buren Street. Chicago Telephone Harrison 344 TELEPHONE 'MAIN 705 HENRY KAU BINQER WEINSTUBE 163 E. Adams Street CHICAGO KELLEREI IN BUEDESHEIM AM SCHARLACHBERQ **!* +++++**++++!+*+***+*********** Turn REIFORM ADVOCATE. 413 The Wanger System is a. posi- tive and permanent cure for constipation, dyspepsia, indi- gestion and insomnia. not occasionally, b\it in every instance. ^ t- National Bank, is President, and R. E. Sackett Is the Secretary and General Manager. The company oc- cupies temporary of- fices at 119-121 La Salle St.. pending the completion of the new building. Anyone desiring insurance in a progressive and thoroughly relia- ble company will do well to correspond with the National. M. J. CLARK, President. N. J. OABT, Sec. & Treas Utica Cement Manufacturing Co. UTICA, ILLINOIS. J. P. BLAKESLEB, General Manager. M. J CLARK, President N. 3. CAR*. Sec. it Tress. Manufacturers of the Celebrated -BLACK BALL" BRAND OF Utica Hydraulic Cement C. UTICA, ILLINOIS Manufacturer* of Hydraulic Cement ESTABLISHED BY JAMES CLARK IN 1845. UTICA CEWENT This ha been In use throughout the United States for upward of forty years. Especially adapted for Tunnels, Gas Works, and works for the supply of water. and for sewerage and drainage. It has been exclusively used for thirty-five years In the construction of nearly 800 miles of sewers In the city of Chicago, and in all the celebrated water supply tunnels under Lake Michigan, and In the sev- eral Gas Works and the numerous office buildings In the same city. Also In the construction of the Locks on the Hennepln Canal during the years 1895-1900 In- clusive. Utica Cement Is universally acknowledged to be the best brand on the market. Capacity of mill, 1800 barrels dally. MEACHAM & WRIGHT. General Sales Agents, 308-9 Chamber of Commerce, CHICAGO, ILL. Manufacturers of the Celebrated CLARK BRAND of Utica Hydraulic Cement Capacity of nil), 2,000 Barrels Daily With superior facilities for the prompt and careful shipment of our cele- brated hran.l of Hydraulic Cement, we are enabled to meet every demand upon us promptly, and we believe to the entire satisfaction of the trade. Utica Cenicni Is extensively and satisfactorily used In all the principal S'.wera and public works of Chicago, St. Louis, St. Paul, Indianapolis and: throughout the Northwest. During the season of 1896, 1' 0.000 barrels of Utica Cement was used on tbt Drainage canal. Quality always guaranteed. Sales In 1900, 390,000 barrels. MEACHAM & WRIGHT General Sales Agents 308-9 Chamber of Commerce. CHICAGO REFORM American Trust CHICAGO 3 Per Cei\t on savings accounts 2 Per Cer\t oo checking accounts C*.I1 Che continental Rational Bank Statement of Condition at Close of Busioess April 16, 1901. r ~ : - - ^_ Commercial National Bank CHICAGO. ILLINOIS CAPITAL - SURPLUS $1,000,000.00 $1,000,000.00 Foreman Bros. Banking Co. ftreets CHICAGO, ILL. CAPITAL SURPLUS $500,000 500,000 OFFICERS: x " ,^r-'.- THE, REFORM ADYOOATK. 419 NATIONAL BANK OF THE REPUBLIC CHICAGO, ILLINOIS. Jem? A. LTSCH, PSES. W. T. FETTOS, VICE-FEES. AJTD CASHIEE J. H. CAMXBOS, Ant-Cashier B. M. McKrssir, Second Ast-Cashiei CAPITAL ONE BULLION DOLLARS THE HOME SAVINGS BANK WBI bore Its " T 'n r Tf "n Hi __ CHICAGO NATIONAL BANK BUILDING 148 to 154 MONROE STREET On or before May 1st. . SAVINGS BANK. EXCLUSIVELY. f +* IQREENEBAUM SONS? .Bankers. 83 and 85 Dearborn Street CHICAGO A General Banking Business Transacted. ; Loans on Real Estate and the Sale of First Mortgages a Specialty. Drafts and Letters of Credit avail- able everywhere. * The Bankers National Bank HURQUETTE BUILDING, CHICAGO, CAPITAL, 1,000,000 DEPOSITS. tttrcft 1st. 1896. Uircl 1st, 1897, Mirei 1st, 1898. Mirch 1st, 1899, Utrek 1st. 1900, March 1st, 1901, - - $3.034.563.38 - - 4.761,810.78 6.226.834.14 - - 1,040.416.64 9,522.574,70 12,522,677.98 EDWARD S. LACY, President GEO. S. LORD, Vice-President J. C. CRAFT, Cashier FRANK P. JUDSON, Asst. Cashier J. C. McN AUGHTON . Asst. Cashier Nei Business Desired aid Uieicelled Facilities Offered. 420 REFORM ADVOCATE. The New Building to be occupied by THE CHICAGO NATIONAL BANK on May 1, 1901. ADOLPH LOEB LEO A. LOEB ADOLPH LOEB & SON ESTABLISHED 1873 Fire Insurance Underwriters 205 La Salle Street. N. W. Corner cf Adams TELEPHONE MAIN 1353 Hamburg= Bremen Fire Ins. Co. OF HAMBURG, GERMANY WESTERN DEPARTMENT 174 LaSalle Street Chicago, III. W1TKOWSKY & AFFELD, General Agents REFORM ADVOCATE. 421 Western Bank Note Co, Madison Street and Michigan Avenue, CHICAGO C. C. CHENEY, President, C. A. CHAPHAN, Vice Pres. & TrCM. Steel Plate and Lithographic Engraving and Printing, For Railways, Towns and Cities; Real Estate Bonds; Bonds for Street Rail- ways, Water-Works, Gas Companies; Certificates of Stock, Drafts, Checks, Letter and Bill Headings, Etc., for Railways, Banks, Merchants and Cor- porations. Bank Checks and Drafts, Bonds and other Securities Engraved by this Company ac- cepted on the New York and Chicago Stock Exchange*. DUCAT & LYON Established 1865 2OI La Salle Street Insure everything insurable, writing FIRE POSTAL LIABILITY ELEVATOR TORNADO PLATE GLASS BOILER INSURANCE Representing THE HOME of New York THE LEADING AMERICAN COMPANY. NOVELS BY TI!E JEWISH AUTHOR MISS EMMA WOLF Other Things Being Equal fist- "The struggle between orthodox Ideas of marriage within the racial lines, and the charming love Btory which Is so complicated, Is as powerful an Incident as anything In modern novel writing." PutiHc Ledger, Philadelphia . Of Booksellers Generally or th.- Publishers, A. C. McCLURQ & CO., CHICAGO. The First National Bank ' hlc . ro Capital and Surplus, $8,000,000 OFFICERS James B. Forgan, President; David R. Forgan, Vice Pres't; Geo. D. Boulton, Vice Pres't; Richard J. Street, Cashier; Holmes Hoge, Ass't Cashier; August Blum, Ass't Cashier; Frank E. Brown, Ass't Cashier: Chas. N. (illicit, Ass't Cashier; Frank O. Wetmore, Auditor; Emlle K. Bolsot, Manager Bond and Foreign Kxrli. Dept. ; John K Gardln, Ass't Manager Bond and Foreign Exch. Dept. DIRECTORS Samuel \V. Allerton, William L. Brown, James B. Forgan, Samuel M. Niokerson, George T. Smith, John H. Barker, D. Mark. Cummings, David R. Forgan, Eugene S. Pike. John A. poor, Geo. D. Boulton, Chas. H. Conover, Nel- son Morris, Norman B. Beam, Otto Young. Established 1856 H. SCHULTZ COMPANY Incorporated Manufacturers of Taper Telephone Main 2423 117-123 Market St.. (Near MadUon) CHICAGO 422 THE REFORM ADVOCATED John M. Stiles Painter Decorator 269 35th Srreet Tel. Oakland 379 Fine.... Residence Work ....A Specialty Many of the finest residences in Chicago are specimens of his artistic skill. Also does large buildings, among which Ft. Dearborn Building. Mandel Bros.' New Building. Y. W. C. A. Building. The Federal Building. A. P. Little American Laundry Machinery Co. CHICAGO CINCINNATI NEW YORK - iV trSocT i TT-. ??; Complete Outfits for Public and Private Institutions Telephone t Harrison 3076 REMOVAL NOTICEv Manufacturer of Type- writer Supplies formerly at 161 La Salle Street, now at 100 Jackson Blvd. N. W. Cor. Monadnock Block, opposite new post office, Chicago. Largest dealer in New and Second-Hand Typewriters Typewriters, Rented, Bought eind Sold3 Turn REFORM ADVOCATE. 423 REDUCE YOUR COAL BILL THE POWERS Heat Regulator ASSURES AN EVEN TEMPERATURE. No coal wasted. FITS ANY FURNACE OLD OR NEW. HOT AIR. STEAM OR HOT WATER. EASILY ATTACHED. REGULATES ITSELF. BOOK ABOUT IT SENT FREE. THE POWERS REGULATOR CO.. 40 Dearborn Street, CHICAGO. KENNEDY ^^ E F KENNEDY, ^^^f L. H. MEYER, E. F. KENNEDY, President. Sec'y and Treas. KWALITY KOUNTS< COMPLETE HOUSE FURNISHERS . EVERYTHING FOR THE HOME . FURNlTUREc o. BETWEEH MADISON AND WASHINGTON STS. J/4&//6 WABASH AVE. CHICAGO. (lolit Bdlt ,l*d llr) Kills the germs of, and cures all Throat (A Lung Troubles and Catarrh also CONSUMPTION AND V V * V TUBERCULOSIS in the early stages and affords relief and rest in the more aggravated cases. ROYAL BUILDUP Builds up tKe we-ste tissues &.r\d gives strength. Try them and recover your health. Inhaler sufficient for 60 days $1.0O Extra Solution sufficient for 180 days. 1.00 Buildup sufficient for 30 days l.OO Or sent express paid any oSflce in United States for $1.25 each Sold by drug and supply houses and by the manufacturers. Roya.1 Inhaler Mfg. Co, 30-36 LaSalle St., CHICAGO, ILL. The Rrftirm Advocate reronmenda , thU H* ft meritorious rrtned* 70-72 SteLte St. CHICAGO E. BURNHAM, Hair Goods Mas8age ELECTROLYSIS LADIES' HAIR. DRESSING AND SHAMPOOING. LADIES' TURKISH AND RUSSIAN BATHS. Hair Dyes Cosmetics 6QOD AS mm PKKEIG mmmmM ' HICA60 TYPEWRITER AS 122 LA 5ALLE 5T. CHICA60C. 'Ballenberg Millinery 13+ Michigan B/orf. A VERY FUNNY BOOK THE ADVENTURES OF AS RELATED TO ONE OF THE ROUGH WRITERS The Most Humorous Book of the Times. Just Pub- lished. Price, $1.00. : : : "An amusing volume with flavor of mild and genial 'roast,' peppered with flings at existing conditions. Generally witty." Detroit Frtt Prest. "Vice-President Roosevelt will doubtless enjoj the funny book written at hl expense, entitled, The Adventures of Theodore.' "Chicago Timea-Uerata. "Full of very clever humor, and If boomed like 'David Uarum' and 'Eben Uolden* no reason why Its sales should nut reach their amazing figures. Chicago Chronicle. "This handsome little book Is what might be called a strenuous burlesque on the Vice-Presi- dent's recent trip." Chicago Pott. "Mark Twain and Artemn* Ward have been ucceeded by a new humorist come out of the west. Not a dull line from coyer to cover." Four O'clock. All Dealers. Sent Postpaid. H. J. Smith &Devereaux (o,, Publishers, 334 Dearborn St., Chicago, III. Lakeside and Cottages PEWAUKEE LAKE Hartland P. O., Wis. Miles from Waukesha. lend foi terms and circulars. 424 TKR REFORM ADVOCATE. H. B. Dodge & Co. 108 La Salle Street Suite 525 Tel. Main 2985 Rolling Partitions, Steel Coiling Shutters, Hygienic School Wardrobes, Vene^ tian Blinds, Sliding Blinds and Window Scccns. A.'A^ WILSON'S SELF-COILING STEEL SHUTTERS. Fitted to Store Fronts, Prt Tlew of itore front of Stem Bro., New York. Tbeie Shutters he been in constant uie for over yer. Why Use Poor Milk? ERFECTION AT IAST! OUo BEST IN THE WORLD ^-jS^ THE MELVILLE CLARK , PIANO CO. 401 W.MADISON ST. STRONG &LEIMERT PIANO WAREROOMS 257 WABASH AVE. WHAT IS LUSTRE? 1 IS the marvel of the age for preserving finish, keeping it from orazijag and checking. It stands to reason that finish checks, and ieu. .asacifiincr ir, na s no equal. It removes ny-specks. Ink stains and all kinds of dirt, and at the same time polishes with less work than any other article ever produced. It leaves no greasy, sticky substance, but leaves the finish in the same condition that it was left In at the factory. With LUSTRE there Is no trouble of keeping your furniture clean and glossy. When for the SABI UONE7 you can get it no, SWEET AND ttsuaaaxeu SICE; delivered in sealed bottles, by railing up Tel. South 817, or sending postal to 305 30TH ST. Sidney ALL EMPLOYKS In the operating department of the "Alton Road " are required to pass mental and physical examinations calculated to secure absolute safety to passengers and freight. Fidelity, promptness, and accuracy are re- arded by the merit system, the result being that one of the safest railways In the world 's "THE ONLY WAY** GEX). 7. CH A R TVTO If, ^ S. BERLINER ft Go. fITH YOUR 425 >LE rianufacturvri of monuments ...and... Rcadstoncs i nvnto In GRANITE, MARBLE and STONE. All Kinds of Cemetery Work. Desplaines Avenue and 12th Street, HARLEM. P. 0. OAK PARK, ILL. _ ;j LISTS fomii mums'- Of TRADES. MATTIR DISTRIBUTED. IMITATION \ TYPfWRITTfN IFTTERS REPRODUCED. 40 Dearborn St.] Witliifl W. DC Wees, Muaem. SEND FOR CATALOGUE. Standard of Excellence Made In 18 Beautiful Tints. Pure White and Black. Is DU R. ABLE. LUSTROUS AND ELASTIC. Specially prepared for use on Baih Rooms. Interior Decorations, Furniture, Iron Beds, Lawn Chairs, Store Fronts and all Decorative Work. Covers about as well as best yixi'd Faints and dries hard over night. Prices and sample card upon application. Co FMOMC. MAIN -f 1333 ' 128 FIFTH AVE. JL /Xejui /Mo/son Slows R)R EVERY BUSINESS AMD IN EVEKy STYLE ! . <'.' Before Treatment National Surgical Institute, Suite 908-909 Masonic Temple. WE GUARANTEE TO STRAIGHTEN FEET WITHOUT SUR- GICAL OPERATION. Club Feet, Lateral Curvatures, Hip Diseases, Spi- nal Diseases, Diseased Joints, Paralysis, Rectal Diseases, Crooked Limbs, Chronic Diseases. Send for- Booklet. After Treatment. E. VON HERMANN'S PHARMACY N, E. Cor, 31St St and INDIANA AVE., lelephon* 81O8. OPKN AIX NIGHT. 26 Turn REFORM ADVOCATED Any man choosing the Northwestern may feel confident of three things: first, that his money is safely and honestly in- vested; second, that he will receive fair and honorable treatment; and third, that no Life Company can do so much in reducing the cost of life insurance or making large returns on money invested as the North- western. Sincerely yours, PHILIP D. ABMOCB. Old Life Age Irvsuraoice " Whatntr poet, orator or taye may tati "fit, Old age it ttill old age." Longftllov, Yes, but how It mitigates the asperities it yon have been wise, and in earlier years provided yourself an annual Income during old age; thus saving yourself from being dependent on anyone. Refrains from the Poets) WITHOUT SrOH PKOVISIOM "My days are In the yellow leaf: The flowers and fruits of lore are gone: The worm, the canker and the grief Are mine alone!" Byron. "When he Is forsaken. Withered and shaken, What can an old man do bnt aiet" Hoot. WITH SOCK novuiov "But an old age serene and bright. And lovely as a Lapland night Shall lead the* to thy grave." Wordsworth. "The very staff of my age, My verr prop: and I will KM." Yes, It does make all the difference in the world whether you did or did not. Shakespeare's reference to his annuity Is touching. A most excellent provision and the best thing obtainable In those days. It takes however a large lump, some cash down to purchase an annuity, while the new Policy Contract of the fforthtueftern Life of Milwaukee, requires an annual premium equal only to a fair Interest on the principal sum. These new Contracts may be se- cured in amounts from Si. 000 to 1100,000, and secured by Cash Assets and Surplus, JKW.OO >,000. The one single contract combines in itself these advantages: Life Insurance for wife If you die 1 Endowment Insurance for yourself If you live I Annual Income till you die ! Then Annuixl Income to wife till she dies 1 TKen full face amount to children 1 It is in all respects a flexible, business-like, comprehensive contract, It Is what you need to-day, and twenty years from to- day. Send your exact age to A. W. KIMBALL. Genertxl Agent, C. D. NORTON. Associate General Agent. 8th Floor Chicago Stock Exchange. r I have been a trustee of the Northwestern Mutual Life Insurance Company for twenty years. I have several times made an examina- tion of its assets and investments, and know the manner in which the company transacts its business. There is not a more careful, conserva- tive or safe company in the country than that. I have two policies in it, and would take more if I could afford to carry them. Yours very truly, D. J. BREWER, Associate Justice U. S. Supreme Court. Was an excellent showing, and I congratulate your company on being able to do so well for its customers. No other company has done so well for me. Yours very truly, E. BUCKINGHAM, Prest. N. W. National Bank. Fifty-sixth Successful year of increasing strength aurid prosperity of the New York Life Insurance Company 346-348 BroaLdwecy. New York City. JOHN A. McCALL, President. The Great International Life Insurance Company Doing business in and under the immediate supervision of ALL THE CIVILIZED GOVERNMENTS of the world. Assets over $262,000,000 Consisting exclusively of the very highest class of BONDS and GILT EDGE SECURITIES, market value several mil- lions in excess of company's statement. Paid for business in force Dec. 31, 1900 $1,202,156,665 New insurance issued and paid for in 1900 232,388,255 Gain in new insurance in force in 1900 140,284,680 The only company in the world publishing "A Detailed Annual Statement" showing HOW and WHERE the Policy Holder's Moneys are invested. (A copy of detailed statement furnish.- 1 on application.) Other reasons why every mart should insure in the New York Life Insurance Co. BECAUSE It is supervised by K2 distinct governments to whom it must make sworn reports, and which governments endorse and certify officially to the absolute correctness of same. And BECAUSE The spirit of mutuality worked out in practice has made the New York Life Insurance Co. what it is today WITHOUT A PEER! A company of the people, for the people, and by the people, to whom all of the assets, surplus and earnings belong. And BECAUSE He who takes a policy in the New York Life Insurance Co. today virtually makes a bargain with all the civ- ilized governments of the world, thev in turn agree- ing to watch his every interest, safefrunrd his invest- ment, and protect him thoroughly. And BECAUSE It has over $31 .OOO.OOO held in trust as a liability with which to pay dividends on policies now in force, and in addition thereto over ?4,280,000 as an ad- ditional policy reserve, and over $10,000,000 additional reserved for all other contingencies. And BECAUSE Its policies are absolutely Incontestable from date of issue, non-forfeiting and free from all re- strictions, whether in time of war or in time of peace, and without conditions as to travel, occupa- tion, mode of living or manner of death, thereby guar- anteeing a legacy instead of a lawsuit. And BECAUSE It gives a grace of one month in paymi nt if premiums and lends you money on your policy if you wish it at 5 per cent per annum after your policy has been in force two years. And BECAUSE Your policy automatically endorses itself as paid np for the full amount in case of lapse and will pay the face of the policy without deducting the de- faulted premiums should death occur within the con- tended period. And BECAUSE It is the only large company having the right by charter to act as "TRUSTEE," thug enabling one to make absolute provision for his female dependants throughout a period of years, which fund being spe- cifically protected by the entire assets of the com- pany, is safe against all comers, and cannot be assessed, assigned, converted or levied upon by creditors, or disturbed by the beneficiaries themselves. And BECAUSE Of the foregoing unequaled facts to the public, it is the only co iipany qualified to meet tue condi- tions of the 2Oth century. And THEREFORE You should have the very best policy issued, with the fewest restrictions, the most privileges, and the strongest guarantees, and the New York Life's Investment accumulation policy furnishes it. CHICAGO VARNISH CO, 22 Vesey Street NEW YORK 35 Dearborn Av, CHICAGO 209^211 Pearl St BOSTON CHICAGO OFFICE, ERECTED 1895. MANUFACTURERS OF<*^ T 7 A 1^1 "K. TIY^T ~*** HIGH, GRADE VARNlbHhb For Architectural Purposes, Coach Builders, Railways, Etc-, Etc* Send for our book on Treatment of Floors, ESTABLISHED 1865 BK A'. SC2 ** i_ '! &**