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VERA M.BINKS, Director
I. — Electroviscosity and the
Flow of Reservoir Fluids
Norman Street
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I. — Electroviscosity and the Flow of Reservoir Fluids
Norman Street
Liquids flowing through narrow capillaries frequently exhibit a
viscosity that is higher than normal; usually it is high for low-conduct-
ivity liquids but is low for very conductive liquids or concentrated so-
lutions. This effect may have some influence on the flow of oil and
water through petroleum reservoirs, although little note has yet been
taken of the possibility.
The theory underlying this electroviscous effect is simply devel-
oped and some calculations as to its order of magnitude are presented.
An equation is given for the electroviscous effect in two-phase flow
through a "Yuster" model.
Experimental observations of an increase in the viscosity of a liquid flowing
through a narrow capillary have been reported by a number of workers (Reekie and
Aird, 1945; Terzaghi, 1931; Macauly, 1936; Henniker, 1952), and a recent worker
has published a theoretical analysis of the origin of such increase in viscosity
(Elton, 1948).
The electrical origin of the effect was early recognized. In fact, Smoluchow-
ski (1916) had given an equation for the "electroviscous" effect in suspension
flow; Bull (1932) gave a simple derivation of the effect for flow through capillaries;
and White, Monaghan, and Urban (1935) discussed the effect of electrical charges
on flow through cellophane membranes. More recently, Lorenz (1952), in a sophis-
ticated approach to electrokinetic phenomena, dealt with electroviscosity of liquid
flow through both capillaries and porous plugs.
The effect is apparent only for flow through very small capillaries when it is
controlled by the charge at the solid-liquid interface (perhaps more correctly the
zeta potential), the conductivity of the flowing liquid, and its dielectric constant.
We shall see that high interfacial potential and low liquid conductivity are the
factors that contribute most to high apparent viscosity.
If an aqueous solution is relatively concentrated its conductivity is high,
and even though the solid surface has a high charge, the interfacial or zeta poten-
tial nevertheless will be low because the double layer (vide infra) is compressed
and there will be no discernable electroviscous effect. If the aqueous solution is
dilute, however, conductivity is much lower, zeta potentials generally are high,
and a real electroviscous effect may exist. For example, Reekie and Aird (1945)
report five to ten times the normal bulk viscosity for water flowing through dia-
phragms of rouge, French chalk, and carborundum.
In non-aqueous systems we can expect that the conductivity normally will
be very low, but, on the other hand, the zeta potentials may also be low although
there is some evidence that this is not always true (van der Minne and Hermanie,
1953). If the zeta potentials have some reasonable value coupled with very low
conductivity, the electroviscous effect may be large.
Of course the flow of reservoir fluids is not generally a matter of simple
single-phase flow. But even if oil alone were flowing the effect would be compli-
cated because the mineral surfaces are usually water wet and therefore, the oil
would not be in direct contact with the solid surface.
An immobile water film may exist, thick enough and conductive enough to
provide a path for the back flow of any current generated, without such current
flow affecting the fluid flow of the hydrocarbon. Or it is possible for a water film
to be much thicker and to be flowing along with the oil. In either case the problem
is further complicated by the fact that there will be set up not only a solid-water
potential but also an oil-water potential which must be taken into account in con-
sidering the final effect.
In the following discussion some attempt is made to investigate these pos-
sibilities and to indicate the order of magnitude of the effects themselves. As the
concepts of zeta potential, streaming potential, and electro-osmosis may be some-
what unfamiliar, a small space is first devoted to a discussion of the origin of
surface charge and potential and to simple derivations of the equations for stream-
ing potential and electro-osmosis.
Surface Charge
Mineral surfaces in contact with aqueous solutions are almost invariably
charged. The most important charging mechanisms are dissociation of ionogenic
groups and the preferential adsorption of one ion from the solution (Mukherjee,
1920). The electrical potential resulting from these charges is called the zeta
potential .
Inasmuch as Coulomb attraction exists between the charged surface and any
oppositely charged ions in the solution, it may seem surprising that the surface
remains charged rather than being immediately neutralized by combination with op-
positely charged ions from the solution. In order to understand this, it is neces-
sary to consider the forces existing between simple dissolved ions.
Consider the case of two oppositely charged univalent ions, for example,
Na + and Cl~ in aqueous solution. The attractive force between them is
Dx 2
e = electronic charge (4.8 x 10" 10 e.s.u.)
D = dielectric constant (80 for water)
x = distance separating the centers of the ions
However, as is well known, such ions do not coalesce by the operation of
such a force because although the Coulomb attraction between unlike ions tends to
draw them together, thermal (Brownian) motions tend to distribute them throughout
the solution.
Let us compare the thermal energy of simple ions with the energy necessary
to separate them. The radii of hydrated Na + and CI" ions are 2.5 and 2.0 A,
respectively, so that at their closest distance of approach the charges are sepa-
rated by 4.5 A. So by equation (1)
(4.8 x lCT 10 ) 2 , . ... fi .
= -* r— = 1.4x10 D dyne
80(4.5 x 10" 8 ) 2
To obtain a value for the work necessary to separate these ions we must in-
tegrate force times distance from x = r to x = oo, that is
f e+e" e + e~ (4.8 x 10" 10 ) 2 _ . lf1 -i4
= J 7 dx = ~n7~ = ft "
x { r Dx z ur 80(4.5 x 10"°)
The thermal energy of a molecule or ion is given by kinetic theory and is
Kinetic energy = 3/2 kT
k = Boltzmann's constant (1.37 x 10 -1 erg/molec./deg.)
T = absolute temperature
Thus at 20°C
Kinetic energy = 6.10 x 10 erg
So we see that in water, the thermal energy of the separated ions and the
energy necessary to separate them are very nearly the same. In solvents with
dielectric constants smaller than it is in water, the force attracting the ions and
the energy necessary to separate them will be much greater, and such ions are
not dissociated in solution.
Similar considerations apply to the ions adsorbed on the mineral surfaces
and the oppositely charged ions in the solution surrounding the surface.
Electric Potential
The work necessary to bring together from infinity two ions of opposite sign
has the same magnitude as that necessary to separate them to infinity from their
distance of closest approach. It is convenient to define the electric potential as
the work required to bring unit charge from infinity to a charged point of like sign,
or alternatively, as the work released when a unit charge of unlike sign is brought
to this point from infinity.
The potential function is a property of the space surrounding electric charges,
every point in space has a potential due to the presence of the ion, and if there
are other ions in the space, the total potential at any point is given by the alge-
braic sum of the individual potentials at that point due to each ion. The work ne-
cessary to bring unit charge from infinity to a distance r from the center of an ion
is equal to e/Dr, and this is the potential at a distance r.
Zeta Potential and Double Layer Thickness
The charged particle surface attracts water dipoles and is covered by a layer
of strongly bound water molecules that become part of the kinetic unit. Trapped
among the water molecules are commonly some positive charges that also become
part of the kinetic unit and by their presence reduce the net charge on the particle
(fig. 1).
When there is relative
movement between the particle
and the liquid, the plane of shear
is at the outermost edge of the
solvated layer, and so it is the
net charge that is important in
electrokinetic phenomena . The
zeta potential then is determined
by the work necessary to bring
unit charge from infinity to the
surface of shear.
Surrounding the particle,
but relatively distant from it, is
an atmosphere of ions in constant
thermal movement. The number
of positive ions (assuming the
particle surface to be negative)
in this atmosphere is greater
than the number of negative ions,
and there are enough positive
ions, on a time average, to bal-
ance out the net negative charge
on the particle. The ions of the
ionic atmosphere form the "dif-
fuse double layer. " They are not immobilized by the Coulomb attraction of the
particle but constantly move in and out between the double layer and the main body
of the liquid. It is convenient to consider that the excess positive charges are
on a concentric shell at a fixed distance from the particle, the shell is the electri-
cal "center of gravity" of the ion cloud, and the distance from the surface of shear
to the shell is the thickness of the double layer.
If a suspended charged particle is subjected to an electric field it moves to
one or the other of the electrodes, at the same time the oppositely charged ionic
atmosphere tends to move in the opposite direction and consequently to retard the
motion of the particle. The distance from the surface of shear to the hypothetical
concentric shell of oppositely charged ions is chosen so that if the ions were ac-
tually on this shell they would have the same retarding effect as the ion atmosphere.
Thus, although we assume that the opposite charges are present only on the sur-
face of the shell, nevertheless we can feel confident that their effect is the same
as when they are scattered through the atmosphere.
With this model, a large, non-conducting particle, together with its double
layer, constitutes a parallel plate condenser with its plates separated by a dis-
tance X, the "thickness" of the double layer. In the next two sections we shall
examine (a) the effect on zeta of varying the distance of separation of two such
plates (at a fixed surface charge density), and (b) the effect of concentration and
type of electrolyte in solution, on the double layer thickness. The two taken to-
gether show the effect of concentration on zeta at constant surface charge density.
Fig. 1. - A charged spherical particle and its
bound water molecules.
Effect of Double Layer Thickness on the Zeta Potential
Consider a particle of radius r and charge Q surrounded by a concentric
shell of radius (r + X ) and charge -Q (fig. 2).
The potential at the surface of the
sphere is Q/Dr, this being the work ne-
cessary to bring unit charge of like sign
from infinity to a distance r from the
center of the sphere. The resultant po-
tential of a condenser consisting of two
such concentric spheres is the algebraic
sum of the potentials due to the inner
sphere at its surface and the outer
sphere at the surface of the inner sphere.
The potential on the surface of the
inner sphere in the absence of the outer
sphere would be Q/Dr; the potential due
to the outer sphere at any point inside
it is -Q/D(r + X ); therefore,
r + X
D(r + X)
and since X</kT_ e + e^/kT) ne =
-2ne sinh e^/kT
and if the potential is
small so that e//kT<< 1,
sinh e r/kT can be replaced
by e^/kl, and so
=> 400
p = -2ne 2 //kT
Pois son's equation
states that in every point
of the space charge
V 2 ^ = -4irp/D (4)
(V Laplace operator -
dx 2
a 2 a 2 ,
+ O
dy z dz 2
Fig. 3. - Double-layer thickness plotted against con-
centration for calcium chloride and sodium chloride
Combining equations (3) and (4) we get
V 2 t = 8Trne 2 /DkT • t
The expression v 8-rvne 2 nas tne dimensions of a length and is set equal to
\/k and can be shown (see appendix) to be equal to X .
For the general case of multivalent ions
1000D RT
8 e 2 N 2 u.
e = electronic charge
N = Avogadro's number
u. = ionic strength = 1/2 ^c^ 2
D = dielectric constant
c^ = cone, of ion i (mols/litre)
■*i - valence of ion i
At 25 °C in water
x = 0.327 x lO 8 ^
Figure 3 shows double-layer thickness plotted against normality for sodium
chloride and calcium chloride solutions.
When liquid is forced through a capillary tube, a potential difference (the
streaming potential) may be produced between its ends.
Consider a tube of radius a and length 1 through which a liquid is caused to
flow by a pressure difference P. The force causing the liquid to flow is -n-a^P in
the direction of flow. Let the velocity of the liquid at a distance r from the axis
be v; the velocity gradient will be dv/dr so that the viscous force tending to retard
the flow i s 77 -dv/dr- 2iral .
At equilibrium these two forces are equal so that
TTa 2 P =-77- dv/dr -2^1
Assume that the capillary wall is charged and that this surface charge has
associated with it a double layer of thickness X , very small in comparison with
the radius of the capillary. The velocity of liquid within the double layer varies
linearly with the distance x from the wall and is zero at x = 0; dv/dx = -dv/dr can
be replaced by v/X , hence
TTa 2 P = +77 -v/X -2Tral or v = +X Pa/2177
Inasmuch as the surface charge density is cr/cm , the current of convection I is
I Q = 2ira-0--v = TTa 2 PXcr/77l
This movement of charge is opposed by the streaming potential difference (E) be-
tween the ends of the capillary. The amount of charge carried back through the
area Tra2 by the liquid of conductivity K is
At equilibrium
I s = Krra 2 E/l
lo = I S
and therefore
E/P = XC/K77
Inasmuch as
C= D£/4rX
E = D£P/4ttKt7 (6)
In practical units, with water of viscosity 0.01 poise,
_ £d 13.6 x 981 x 80 x 300
E = — — volts
K 300 x 9 x 10 11 x 4 x 3.14 x 0.01
We have seen that fluid forced through a capillary tube gives rise to a stream-
ing potential. Conversely, if a potential difference is applied across the tube it
will give rise to an electro-osmotic flow of the fluid. A simple derivation of the
velocity of electro-osmosis flow follows (Perrin, 1904; Butler, 1940).
Assume that the charge density of the double layer, which is free to move,
is a" and that it is distant X from the surface. If the applied potential difference
has a strength E/unit length, an electrical force Eo'is imposed on the charge.
The frictional force retarding flow isrjv/k and at equilibrium
Ecr =77 v/X
and so
v = E a X/77
and if
3 = !/>!+ I// 5 2
and because
1//0J = tt(R 2 - r 2 )K 1 /L; l/p 2 = irr 2 K 2 /L; I//O3 = ttR 2 K 3 /L
K 3 = r 2 /R 2 • K 2 + (R 2 - r 2 )/R 2 • Kj
Now water saturation, S w = tt(R 2 - r 2 )L/VR 2 L =
and so K 3 = (1 - S W )K 2 + S w Kj
In terms of thickness of the water layer
K 3 - K 2 - 28/R • (K 2 - K x )
: 2 )/R 2
and if K„<< K,
K 3 - 28KJ/R
S w K l
Figure 6 is a plot of 77 a /77 against S w showing the rapid decrease of7^ a as
the wetting phase saturation increases. The tube considered has a radius of
0.5 x 10"" 4 cm and exhibits a zeta potential of 30 mv when filled with a hydro-
carbon of D = 2, K 2 = 10 -12 , K x - 10 -6 .
In considering flow of two phases through a capillary tube we will take the
model used by Yuster (1951) of "a single capillary with the non-wetting phase
flowing in a cylindrical portion of the capillary and concentric with it. The wet-
ting phase will flow in the annulus between the capillary wall and the non-wetting
phase" .
Assuming that both the capillary surface and the oil surface are negatively
charged, the charges at both surfaces are balanced by double layer charges car-
ried in the solution in a Helnholtz double layer at a distance X from the surfaces.
As the ionic concentration in the aqueous phase in contact with both solid and oil
is identical, X is the same for both surfaces.
By first deriving an equation for streaming potential, then for electro-osmosis,
and combining them as was done above, (Street, to be published) it is possible to
obtain expressions for the apparent viscosities in both the oil and the water phases.
These expressions are
1 f /w i \
D 2 (£i + S 2 £ 2 ) (£j - S [1 + 4X77 S 2]£ 2 )
= 1 + a - y — ^^^_ (16)
' W
1 S w
Z = (1 + S 2) (1 + s - -3)
in S "2
-^ = 1- - ^5o_
8ir 2 RXT7 w K S w
where £ ■, and £~ are tne zeta potentials at the mineral and oil surfaces, respec-
tively; K is the conductivity of the aqueous phase; rj is the viscosity of the aqueous
phase; and 77 that of the oil phase.
There are several points to be considered in the use of these expressions.
First it is assumed that X is small in relation to R-r, that is, the two double layers
in the water must not overlap. In fact, the double layers will affect each other
even at quite large distances of separation. In the simple case of two equal po-
tentials, ty , separated by a distance 2h, Elton and Hirschler (1949) show that
m cosh h/X
where \j/ m is the potential at a distance h from either surface.
The oil phase will have a dielectric constant much less than the aqueous
phase, most likely of the order of 2 rather than 80, and this affects the development
of potential, the thickness of X , and the concentration of dissolved substance in
the oil phase (Verwey and Overbeek, 1948).
It is perhaps easier to see the effect on X using the approach of Klinkenberg
and van der Minne (1958) who show that
where E Q = absolute dielectric constant of vacuum
A m = coefficient of molecular diffusion
Since A is approximately the same value for both water and a hydrocarbon, then
V^w = V8^ •
80 Ko
Thus the double layer thickness developed in the hydrocarbon phase is much
greater than that developed in the aqueous phase. The electroviscous effect is
apparent only when the capillary radius is small (1 x 10"^ cm or less) so normal-
ly the double layer thickness in the oil phase would be greater than its radius.
Under these conditions we can assume a homogeneous distribution of charge through-
out this phase and use Rutgers, de Smet, and de Moyer's expression (1957) in
calculating the contribution of this phase to the total streaming potential.
These considerations have been borne in mind in the development of equa-
tions (16) and (17), and these expressions should not be used when R-r approaches
X and certainly not if R-r< X . In terms of water saturation we can say that the
definite lower limit of applicability is
S w = 2X/R
Because the movement of the two liquids through a capillary moves positive
charges in the water phase and negative charges in the oil phase, the magnitude
and sign of the streaming potential set up depends on the relative sizes of these
charges, their sign, the viscosity ratios of the liquids, and their saturation in the
tube, that is, on £,, £ ?' ^ ' ^ o' anc ^ ^w* Since both positive and negative charges
are transported it is possible for the streaming potential to be either positive or
negative downstream, and the effect on liquid viscosity may be either to increase
it or to decrease it.
It is perhaps appropriate to point out that £ 2 is the zeta potential measured
in the water phase against the oil-water interface.
It has been shown in the foregoing that viscosity will be increased when an
interfacial charge exists, but the increase will be unimportant unless the charge
is high, the liquid conductivity low, and the flow channel narrow.
Although it could be expected that hydrocarbons would show a large effect
because of their low conductivity, this need not necessarily follow because thin
conducting films in narrow pores will increase the apparent conductivity so as to
considerably reduce the back pressure.
When both water and oil flow through a capillary the interaction of the various
factors may cause the apparent viscosity of either phase to be less than the bulk
viscosity instead of greater. Normally the high ionic concentration of an oil-field
brine will reduce X so as to give such low zeta potentials at both interfaces that
the effect will be negligible. It is possible, however, that the effect could be
significant in a fresh-water flood or, more important, that electrolytes could be
added to the flood water to alter £ ■, and £~ so as to g ive maximum recovery.
In the laboratory, core experiments are frequently conducted with both fresh
water and brine in order to determine their relative effects; any low permeability to
fresh water is ascribed to the presence of swelling clays. While admitting that
this is a potent factor in permeability reduction, it is also possible, especially
in relative permeability experiments, that the electroviscous effect is also oper-
ating. The presence of clays will in itself tend to increase the zeta at the water-
mineral interface (Street and Buchanan, 1956) and this may increase the viscosity
even though the clays are of the non-swelling variety.
If the predictions can be borne out experimentally, then we would expect to
find a dependence of relative permeability on ionic concentration in the aqueous
phase during the flow of oil and water through low permeability cores.
At constant surface charge density, increase of ionic concentration decreases
the zeta potential so that very little charge transport occurs in the water phase;
however, the balancing negative charges in the oil phase will still be carried with
the stream, and the tendency at higher concentrations should be for the oil phase
viscosity to increase while that of the water phase stays relatively constant. How-
ever, if the ionic concentration or S w increases beyond a certain point, back flow
of current through the solution annulus will cause the effect on the oil phase to
become negligible also.
It is hoped to initiate laboratory tests in the near future with the object of
correlating measured zeta potentials at oil-water and mineral-water surfaces with
apparent viscosities of the flowing oil and water phases.
The identity of \/k with the double layer thickness is by no means obvious
and although an understanding of it is not essential to the solution of the problems
involved here, nevertheless it would seem more complete to include it. The fol-
lowing is modeled closely on the treatment given by Abramson, Moyer, and Gorin
Let equation (5) be written as
y2^ =< 2^ ( 5a )
Because for a flat surface, or one of large radius of curvature, the potential ^ de-
pends only on the distance x from the surface, equation (5a) becomes
and a general solution of equation (5b) is
^r= A e-* x + Be + * x (5c)
and because y= when x -► coand ty = £ when x = 0, B = and A = £ , so
= ■£■ +*/' 1 (5e)
£4 _Q_ d±_
W " ' Dr2 + dr
and because anywhere inside the sphere and at its surfaced' is constant, thus
— , = and so
and because Q = 4ttt ,
dx/ x=r " Dr 2
which for a particle of any shape has the general form
- Ancf/D (5f)
■ dx /x=o
Differentiation of equation (5d) gives
dx ^
and substitution into equation (5f) at x=o gives
£ = 4tto/Dk (5g)
Comparison of equations (2) and (5g) shows that X = \/k. It should also be noted
that at any distance x from the surface, the potential \ff is given by
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