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S vu^ ^ OcJC^ (f) NEW DISCUSSION OF THE HYDRODYNAMICAL THEORY OF MAGNETISM. SY Phofessoh CHALLIS, M.A., LL.D.. E.E.S. A THEORY of Magnetism founded on propositions in Hy- drodynamics was originally proposed by me in the Num- bers of the Philosophical Magazine for January and February 1861. The same theory, considerably modified, is given in my work ^ On the Principles of Mathematics and Physics F and the Number of the Philosophical Magazine for July 1869 contains an article the purpose of which is to make the mathematical part of the theory more complete. In the present communication I propose to discuss anew the principles on which magnetic phe- nomena are explained according to this theory, with the view of correcting or extending the results previously obtained. The discussion will necessarily involve to a considerable extent the hydrodynamical theory of galvanic currents, I. I assume, as I have already done, (1) that all the active forces in nature are different inodes of pressure, under different circumstances, of a universal elastic aether, which may be mathe- matically treated as a continuous substance pressing always pro- portionally to its density ; (2) that all visible and tangible bodies consist of inert spherical atoms of constant magnitude, held, when undisturbed, in positions of equilibrium by attractive and repulsive forces, the laws of which result both from the active pressure of the aether and the passive resistance of the atoms due to the constancy of their form and magnitude. The aether at rest is accordingly assumed to be everywhere of the same den- A 2 Prof. Challis on the Hydro dynamical sity ; and it is, further^ supposed that the atoms are so small that even in dense bodies the space which they occupy is very small compared with the intervening spaces. 2. In general, when the atoms of any substance are in posi- tions of stable equilibrium, the attractive forces acting on any atom in the direction of any straight line drawn through its centre will just counteract each other ; and the same will be the case with respect to the repulsive forces. But it is also con- ceivable that the equilibrium of the atom may be maintained by the mutual counteraction of attractive and repulsive forces. For instance, let the substance be a long rectangular bar of steel, slightly increasing in density by regular gradations from one end to the other, and of uniform density in any transverse sec- tion. Then the direction of the resultant of the molecular attractive forces will be parallel to the length of the bar, as well as that of the resultant of the atomic repulsive forces ; and it is therefore supposable that by the former any atom may be as much attracted towards the denser end as by the latter it is re- pelled towards the rarer end. This, in fact, is assumed in the present theory to be the case in a permanently magnetized bar pf steel, the gradation of density being conceived to be originally generated by the usual processes of magnetization, and to be maintained exclusively by the proper atomic and molecular forces of the steel. In soft iron a like gradation of density, produced by the action of an extraneous magnet, or that of a galvanic current, continues only so long as the action lasts. In diamagnetic substances, such as bismuth, gradation of density is similarly produced and maintained by the action of a magnet, but the direction in which the density increases is opposite to that in soft iron under analogous circumstances. Also the ap- nlication of heat under certain conditions gives rise to magnetic or galvanic phenomena, which, according to this theory, are re- ferable to the production of gradations of atomic density by the dynamical action of the heat. 3. In all cases of the existence of such gradation of density, it can be shown on the above-stated hypotheses, by reasoning which will be presently indicated, that motions either of the sether within the body, or of the body relative to the sether, have the effect of producing accelerations of the sether. The secondary currents thus generated are considered to be the immediate cause of magnetic or galvanic attractions and repulsions. Also, in the Theory of Frictional Electricity which I proposed in the Philo- sophical Magazine for October 1860, electrical attractions and repulsions are accounted for in the same manner. Hence as the generation of secondary streams under the above-stated condi- tions is a fundamental proposition in the hydrodynamical theories Theory of Magnetism » of these three physical forces^ I shall now endeavour to give as exact a proof of it as may be possible. The mathematical rea- soning relating thereto under the head of the Theory of Electric Force in pages 545-547 of my work ^ On the Principles of Physics ^ is incomplete and inaccurate. 4. Suppose a current of the sether to traverse a substance con- sisting of atoms so arranged that their number in a given space increases regularly^ but by very small gradations, in a given di- rection, and conceive the whole of the space occupied by atoms to be very small compared with the intervening space. Also, the motion being (at first) assumed to be steady, let V be the ave- rage velocity, and p the average density of the sether at a certain position A, and let B be another position distant by from A in the direction in v/hich the atomic density increases. Then if D be the proportion of the space occupied by atoms to the whole of the given space, or, as it may be called, the contraction of channel, the quantity of fluid which passes a unit of area at A in the unit of time is Vp(l— D). But it has been proved (see Phil. Mag. for June 1864, p. 458) that when a stream is inci- dent on a small sphere, the mean flow in the original direction is not altered by the disturbance of the lines of motion caused by the reaction of the sphere; and the same is the case if there be many such spheres, provided the contraction of channel they produce is very small. Hefice, supposing the initial generation of the stream to have been such that the same quantity of fluid was made to pass each element of a given transverse section in a given small interval, according to the above reasoning this con- dition will be fulfilled at any subsequent epoch at each transverse section, notwithstanding the presence of the atoms ; so that the quantity of fluid which passes through an elementary space at B will be the same in the same interval as that which passes through an equal space at A. Consequently Hence, passing from small differences to differentials, the rea- soning being independent of the magnitude of Zz, we have dp JD pdz {\ — J))dz yaz {a) Now, the motion being steady, the fluid unlimited in extent, and no extraneous force acting, if pQ be the value of p where V = 0, the equation p=PqC> ‘ 2 a 2 is applicable at all points, even when the effect of the reaction of the atoms is taken into account. Con- A 3 4 Prof. Challis on ike Hydrodynamical dY sequently, by employing this equation to eliminate from (a), it will be found that a^p _ a^Y^ dJ) Y^dJ) nearly. pdz~d^-Y^ {l-\))dz' The force on the left-hand side of this equation, which is entirely due to the gradation of atomic density expressed by takes effect in producing the streams I have called secondary ] and the reasoning shows that the intensity of such streams is indepen- dent of the direction of the primary current. (See the Theory of Electricity in the Philosophical Magazine for October 1860, art. 18). 5. In the applications of the above views respecting the gene- ration of secondary streams to the Theories of Electricity, Gal- vanism, and Magnetism, I have assumed (Principles of Physics, pp. 547 & 548) that the 'primary stream, the velocity of which is V, might be one which relatively passes through all terrestrial substances in consequence of the earth^s motion about the sun, and that two other primary streams would similarly be due to the eartVs rotation about its axis, and the motion of the solar system in space. It was also argued that the resulting secondary stream would be the sum of those which the three primaries, supposed to be steady motions, would produce separately, and that it would consequently be quam proximo steady. But it has since appeared to me that this argument cannot be maintained, and that the generation of the secondary stream must be ascribed to the resultant at each instant of the three primary velocities. Since there is reason to conclude that the motion of the solar system is comparable with the earth’s orbital motion, that resultant would be subject to large variations, to which there is nothing corresponding in the observed intensity of magnetism. Hence the movements of the earth fail to ac- count for the primary velocity of the theoiy. 6. The formula (6) shows that the force which generates the secondary streams varies as the square of the primary velocity V, since the factor- - may be considered to be constant. Now, since no observed magnetic variations are attributable to varia- tions of the primary velocity such as those which the composi- tion of the earth^s velocity with that of the solar system might be supposed to produce, a fortiori the much smaller variations of the earth^s velocity in its orbit can have no perceptible effect. This inference agrees with a conclusion drawn by the Astronomer Royal from discussions of the Greenwich Magnetical Observa- Theory of Magnetism. 5 tions made in 1848-1857_, and in 1858-1863. In the volume for 1867^ p. ccxiv^ he says, “We are justified in stating that there is no certain evidence for Annual Inequality.^^ The same result is arrived at with respect to the Horizontal Force. The annual inequalities deduced from the theory in ^ The Principles of Phy- sics^ (pp. 657-660) were obtained by employing the ^argumcnt which is shown above to be untenable. It is true, however, that General Sir E. Sabine has deduced very small annual inequalities of Dip, Total Force, and Declina- tion by discussions of observations taken at Kew, Toronto, Ho- barton, St. Helena, and the Cape of Good Hope (see Phil. Trans, for 1863, p. 307). But it is possible that these may be due to a cause, distinct from the earth^s motions, which is adverted to in art. 36 of the communication on magnetic force in the Philo- sophical Magazine for February 1861, and will be more fully treated of in the sequel of the present communication. 7. It remains, therefore, to determine by what means the streams to which the theory ascribes the magnetism of a steel magnet are generated, the magnet being either a straight bar or in the form of a horseshoe. This question I shall endeavour to answer by taking account of the theories of atomic repulsion and molecular attraction proposed in the Numbers of the Philoso- phical Magazine for March and 'November 1859 and February 1860, and in ^The Principles of Physics^ (pp. 459-464). For this purpose the following general hydrodynamical theorem, which, as far as I am aware, has not hitherto been recognized, will be made use of : — Whenever the lines of motion in a given fluid element are normals to a continuous surface, so that the element is changing form by reason of the motion, the function udx-^vdy -\-wdz is an exact differential. In proof of this theo- rem it seems sufficient to say that the change of form of a given element in consequence of convergency or divergency of the lines of motion is a distinctive property of a fluid, whereby its motion is separated from that of a solid, and that the^ integra- bility of that differential function is the sole and necessary ana- lytical expression of this property. 8. This being understood, we have, as is known, for a fluid, defined by the relation between the pressure and density ex- pressed hy p^a^p, the general equation a'^Nap.logp+^ + ^'+/W=:0, where a' is put for ku [k being a known numerical factor, the theoretical determination of which I have discussed in previous communications), and {d^) =-udw-\-vdy-{-wdz. No extraneous force being supposed to act, this equation is applicable to all 6 Prof. Challis on the Hydrodynamical points of the fluid at all times ; and if the fluid be disturbed within a limited space and be of unlimited extent, there must be distant points at which or ^ vanishes together with V, and the density has a constant value pQ, Hence V2 p=:p^e a'‘^dt^2a^ (^c) This equation applies generally to unsteady motion. Now it is to be observed that, whether the motion be steady or unsteady, the investigation of the equation [a) is the same, because in both cases the mean quantity of fluid which passes a given transverse area in a given time is not sensibly altered by the reaction of one dY or more small spheres. Hence, eliminating from [a) by means of (c), the result is a!Hp_ WD pdz {I -J))dz (d) which equation difi’ers from that for steady motion by having an additional term on the right-hand side. If this equation be ap- plied in a case in which V represents the velocity in vibratory motion, the additional term will have as much positive as nega- tive value, so that the mean effect of the impulses it indicates will be zero. The other term is indicative of impulses towards the denser part of the substance, whether V be positive or nega- tive, just as when the motion is steady. 9. Recurring now to the before-mentioned theories of atomic repulsion and molecular attraction, according to which the repul- sion which keeps the atoms asunder is due to vibrations emana- ting from individual atoms, while the counteracting attractions result from composite vibrations emanating from a congeries of atoms Constituting a molecule, it will appear that the maximum velocity and breadth must be supposed to be much greater in the latter vibrations than in the others. Also it is presumable that the maximum velocity may very much exceed the velocity of the earth in its orbit, or that of the solar system in space, and yet be small compared with the value of a', which is about 190,000 miles per second. In the supposed case of the atoms being con- strained to take positions such as to produce a regular gradation of atomic density from one end to the other of a steel bar, at- traction-vibrations, propagated in the direction from the denser to the rarer end, will continually counteract the atomic repulsions urging the atoms towards the rarer end, without being neutra- lized by attraction-vibrations of the same order propagated in 7 Theory of Magnetma , the opposite direction. To the velocity (V) in these outstanding vibrations it is reasonable to attribute the generation, in the manner explained above, of the magnetic streams of the theory. In fact the generation of such streams may be regarded as a re- action arising from the state of constraint into which the sub- stance is put by the abnormal relative positions of its atoms. According to these views the magnetism of a steel bar is in no sensible degree due to the earth^s motions relative to the sether, but results from vibratory motions of the aether of the order of those by which, in previous researches, I have endeavoured to account theoretically for intrinsic molecular forces. This is an important correction of the principles I have hitherto adopted in the hydrodynamical theory of magnetism. 10. It is a general law of magnetic streams that they are re- entering. The streams, for instance, which issue from that which is assumed to be the denser end of a magnet are turned back, and, after flowing in the direction of the magnetos length, enter it at the other end. This general law admits of being accounted for theoretically as follows. It is evident that the acceleration of a mass of unlimited dimensions by the action of a finite pres- sure on a finite surface is an infinitesimal quantity of the third order, and that, consequently, if the mass be a fluid as nearly incompressible as the sether is assumed to be, such pressure pro- duces absolutely no movement of the whole mass in either a finite or an infinite interval of time. Hence the displacement, by the pressure, of any portion of the fluid in the direction of its action must immediately give rise to the displacement of an equal por- tion in the contrary direction. In other words, there can be no permanent flow of the fluid across any plane perpendicular to the direction of the impulses. To satisfy this condition the mo- tion must take place in reentering courses or circuits.* Thus the existence of complete circuits as a necessary condition of mag- netic, as also of galvanic phenomena, is accounted for by the hydrodynamical theory. I am not aware that any other a priori explanation of this very general and prominent characteristic of physical currents has been given. 11. Another general law relating to galvanic and magnetic circuits may be referred to the hydrodynamical fact that the currents of a fluid always take the easiest course — that is, the course in which the least resistance from the inertia of the fluid is to be overcome. In a bar magnet there is very little magne- tism about its middle part in directions transverse to its length, the magnetic action taking place chiefly about the two ends, as is shown by immersing the magnet in iron-filings. The hydro- dynamical explanation of these facts is as follows. About the middle of the magnet there is no transverse impulse capable of 8 Prof. Cliallis on the Hydrodijnmnical overcoming in any sensible degree the inertia of the circumja- cent fluid; while the impulses in the direction of the increase of density have the effect of causing a stream to flow out of the parts near the denser end in courses which^ by reason of the inertia of the fluid beyond^ are at first made divergent^ and eventually are turned completely backward : these return-currents are then op- posed by the inertia of the fluid beyond the other end of the magnet^ and are made to converge towards that end in such manner as to fulfil by the easiest courses the necessary condition of motion in circuits. According to this view the courses are determined by a law of least action. (See a mathematical theory of this kind of motion in the Philosophical Magazine for July 1869.) 12. Like considerations are applicable if the magnet has a form different from that of a straight bar ; for instance^ if it has the form of a horseshoe. In this case, as the two ends are brought near each other, the mean course of least resistance is along the axis of the magnet, and the stream passes out of one end immediately into the other. Also the tendency of the stream to escape from the curved part of the magnet by reason of centrifugal force is still opposed by the inertia of the external fluid. In order to make the insulation of the current more complete, that part is usually covered with sealing-wax, this substance not having the property of easily conducting setherial streams. The same hydrodynamical principles account for the flow^ of a galvanic current through conducting substances of very irregular forms. In consequence of the resistance to emergence arising from the inertia of the surrounding sether, the currents are con- fined within the boundaries of the conductors just as a stream of water is confined within channels, such as rigid pipes, or ves- sels of any form through which it is compelled to flow. Only^ in the case of the galvanic current, the condition of a complete circuit is required to be fulfilled in order that the flowing may take place. 13. It might be urged as an objection to the foregoing rea- soning, that if an unlimited mass of elastic fluid, such as the aether is conceived to be, were to receive, within certain limits of distance from a centre, impulses directed from the centre and equal in all directions, the effect of these impulses would not be neutralized by reaction from the inertia of the surrounding fluid. This objection admits of being answered by an appeal to hydro- dynamical principles which I proposed long since, and have re- peatedly insisted upon, although they have not hitherto received general recognition. I have pointed out that when an clastic fluid receives impulses equally in all directions from a centre, 9 Theory of Magnetism, either at a given distance during a limited interval of time; or at a given instant through a limited space^ the subsequent motion cannot be a solitary wave of condensation or of rarefaction ; for in such case the condensation would vary inversely as the square of the distance from the centre; whereas the mathematical solu- tion of the problem shows that it varies simply as the inverse of the distance. To meet this difficulty I now adhere to the argu- ments I adduced in an article in the Philosophical Magazine for January 1859; and in paragraph 10 of an article in the Philoso- phical Magazine for June 1862; although subsequently I adopted a different view. According to those arguments the law of the simple inverse of the distance holds good only in case the dis- turbance gives rise both to condensation and rarefaction and the resulting motion is consequently vibratory. It must therefore be admitted that, whether the original impulses are vibratory or not; alternations of condensation and rarefaction are actually produced; and it seems evident that this effect must be attri- buted to the obstacle opposed to the impulsive action by the inertia of the surrounding mass of fluid. This explanation is; I think; complete when it is supplemented by. the consideration that; according to the hydrodynamical principles above referred tO; vibratory motion; accompanied by alternate condensation and rarefaction; may be shown to be proper to an elastic fluid ante- cedently to any suppositions respecting particular modes of dis- turbance. (See the demonstration of Prop. X. in the Philoso- })hical Magazine for December 1854; and that of Prop. XL in the ^Principles of Mathematics;^ pp. 201-205.) 14. Again; when the motion of an elastic fluid is supposed to be in directions perpendicular to a given plane; the usual pro- eess for determining the velocity and condensation at any point conducts; as I long since remarked; to a contradictory result; in- dicative of faulty reasoning. (See ^ Principles of Mathematics;^ pp. 193-195.) As in the foregoing case of central motion; the contradiction is significant of an effect of the inertia of the fluid not taken into account by that process. By first proving; antecedently to the consideration of arbitrary modes of disturb- ance; that the fluid is susceptible; by reason of its inertia; of spontaneous vibratory motions partly parallel and partly trans- verse to an axiS; and thence arguing that arbitrarily impressed motions must be regarded as actually composed of such primary motions; I have shown that the above-mentioned contradiction disappears. (See Prop. XI. above cited.) The conclusions arrived at in this and the preceding paragraph respecting the generation of vibratory motions by impulses that are not vibra- tory; are of essential importance in accounting for a large class of phenomena of light on the hypothesis of undulations, Also 10 Prof. Challis on the Hydrodynamical certain effects of motions of the air — for instance,, the sounds of recognizable pitch resulting from the mutual collision of a&ial streams^ or from the diversion given to such streams by encoun- tering solid obstacles^ are explainable on the same principles. 15. I take occasion here to remark that the generation and propagation at the surface of water of a series of circular waves in forms which appear to be independent of the mode of dis- turbance, or shape of the disturbing body, are, I think, referable to dynamical reasons analogous to those adduced above. Also the series of small waves which are seen to precede a cylindrical rod when it is held vertically and moved horizontally through water in which it is partly dipped, may be similarly accounted for. (These ripples,^”^ together with the broader waves which follow the rod under the same circumstances, are described and discussed by Professor W. Thomson in an article in the Philo- sophical Magazine for November 1871.) Supposing the fluid to be one of perfect fluidity, the foregoing argument, which is based on that supposition, leads to the conclusion that the gene- ration of the ripples may be ascribed to the obstacle opposed to the motion of the rod by the inert mass of fluid in front, and that the waves behind are broader than those before by reason of the reluctance with which the mass behind, on account of its inertia, follows the rod. 16. The motions which have been thus far considered are all such that each element of the fluid is at each instant changing its form, and the lines of motion are normals to continuous sur- faces, so that udx-\-vdy + wdz is always and everywhere an exact differential. This may be true even supposing the motion to be in directions perpendicular to a given plane, because, as I have indicated above, the rectilinear motion may be composite, in which case the change of form of the fluid elements takes place with respect to each of the. component motions. There are, however, cases of the motion of a fluid in which each element maintains always the same form, either because the whole mass moves or rotates as if it were solid, or consists of an unlimited number of parts which individually so move. Such motions are distinguished by the analytical circumstance that for them udx + vdy -\-wdz is integrable by factor. To prove this is the object of the fol- lowing argument, in which, for the sake of brevity, the fluid is supposed to be incompressible. 17. For proving a proposition of this kind it is necessary to employ the general equations of hydrodynamics, in order that the reasoning may depend on the fundamental principles which these equations express. 1 shall therefore begin by drawing an inference from that which I call the equation of continuity, namely : — Theory of Magnetism, dy^r /dylr^ dyfr^ d\lr^\ — " +^( ' = dt \dx^ dy + dz^ J ' 0. 11 • (<^) Since which takes account only of space^ time^ and motion. it follows that the left-hand side ^ dylr ^ dyjr ^ d^lr dy dx dy ^ dz of this equation is the complete differential coefficient of ‘yfr with l'^)=0, md respect to the coordinates and the time ; so that \dtj' by integration = an arbitrary quantity not containing t, Hence^ since yjr does not change with the time, the equation — C = 0 shows that each surface of displacement maintains an invariable position. Now' there are only two ways in which this condition can be fulfilled when the forms of the elements are also invariable ; either the motion is in straight lines perpendicular to a fixed plane, or in circles about a fixed axis. 18. First, let the motion be in directions perpendicular to a plane, which w'e will suppose to be the plane of xy, and let the velocity along any line the coordinates of which are x and y be f{Xj y) . Then we have ^^ = 0, ?; = 0, w =f{oc, y) ; so that udx + vdy + wdz becomes f{xy y)dz, which is not integrable per se, but plainly may be made integrable by the factor 777^ - Then {d^y. W -d%—dz‘y and by integrating, 'v/r=^ + ^(/). ■j\x, y) ^ - — ■ it is showm above that is independent of if ; so that ^(^)=0. Hence, since y^ is equal to a constant C, C = 0 is the general equation of the surfaces of displacement, which, accordingly, are planes perpendicular to the axis of Also the motion will be the same at all points of a given filament of the fluid parallel to the axis of z\ but, since w=:f{x, y), it may be supposed to vary from one filament to another. The proposition is thus proved for this case, the result having been obtained by means of a factor. 19. Next let the motion be in circles about the axis of z. Then, V being the velocity at the distance r from the axis, w'e have at the point xyz \y z;= — , = and udx-\-vdy + wdz= — — {ydx~-xdij)y which is not an exact differential. It is evident that the factor ^ will make it such, \r 12 Prof. Cluillis on the Hydrodynamical and VvC shall thus have m-- ocdy-^ydx = f/. tau""^ -• X y . Hence by integrating^ i|r=tan“^-^ no arbitrary function of t X being added^ because it has already been shown that '\/r is equal to a constant C which is independent of the time. Consequently C^tan""^-, or y^xid^nC, C being an arbitrary arc. This general equation of the surfaces of displacement indicates that the motion is in circles about the axis of z. This result having been arrived at by means of a factor^ the proposition that udx + vdy -{-v:dz is integrable by a factor for this kind of motion is thereby demonstrated. 20. It is now to be observed that although the general equa- tion {e) is satisfied by the two supposed kinds of motion, the possibility of such motions is not pj'oved till the other general equations have been taken into account. Yet, according to the essential principles of applied calculation, the circumstance that that general equation has been satisfied cannot be without sig- nificance j and it is on this account necessary to inquire whether and under what conditions the other general equations are satis- fied by the same motions. 21. Taking, first, the motion in parallel straight lines, since u — Q, = and w^f{xyy)y it is evident that the general equa- tion of constancy of mass, du dv dw __ ^ dx dy \dz ^ if) is at once satisfied, and it only remains to take account of the dynamical equations !+(§)='>- equations By substituting there will result the values of u, v, and lo in these dp dz dy :=03 whence it follows that [dp)=0j and p is constant, last of the three equations is equivalent to Since the - + dz^ diu dw dw dw ^ — -f - =0, dt dx dy dz it may be remarked that the lorcgoin g reasoning, since 2 ^ — 0 13 Theory of Magnetism. and 2 ; = 0^ does not exclude finite values of ^ and and con- sequently it is possible that w may vary from one line of motion to a contiguous one. Thus it has been shown that the supposed motion in parallel lines satisfies all the general equations {e), (/), and [g). 22. Proceeding, now, to the case of rotatory motion about the axis of it will be found, on substituting in the equation (/) ^^ 2 / 07 for 2 /, Vj w the respective values 0, that the result is y dY ^ cc r dx r r dy = 0 . This is a partial difi’erential equation, the solution of which by the usual process is V = P(r). It is thus proved that the circular motion is a function of the distance from the axis and of arbi- trary value. It remains to ascertain under what dynamical con- ditions this kind of motion is possible. 23. Since = the equations to be used for this purpose are dp dx da da du ^ . + s+“s+'5;='''l dp dv dv dv ^ drj + di+"di+’’T)=°- V‘) By substituting in these equations the foregoing values of ii and Vj it will be found that [dp) = — dr — r—rr d . tan ^ -• ^ ^ ^ r dt X In order that the right-hand side of this equation may be an dY exact differential, we must have -^ = 0; so that V is a function of r without containing t, and the motion is thus sliown to be steady. Hence also [dp) __ V2 ^ dr r ^ that is, the centrifugal force is counteracted by variation of pres- sure with the distance. Since the right-hand side of this equa- tion is necessarily positive, the pressure p continually increases with the distance. 24. Suppose, in consequence of what has now been proved, that for the case of motion in parallel straight lines we have = and for the circular motion — and that the sum of the two equations gives y = C. Since this composite equation is of the same form as the components, it follows that, so far as 14 Prof. Challis on the Hydrodynamieal the principle of continuity is concerned^ the two motions might coexist. It may also be readily shown that this coexistence is compatible with the equation of constancy of mass. For if and ^2, ^2, represent respectively the components of the velocity for the two motions, and if + we have, as already proved. du^ dv^ ^ dn.\ dx dy dz : 0 , du ^ ^ ^^<2 dx dy dz = 0, ± 0 . and, by adding the two equations, du ^dv ^ dw dx dy dz Having by this result proved that the component motion fulfils the condition of constancy of mass, we have, further, to inquire whether udx '^-vdy + ivdz can be made integrable by a factor; and if so, by what factor. For this purpose we have \y Yx 2 /; = y), which values of u, v, and iv evidently show that udx + vdy + wdz is notan exact differential. In order that it may be made inte- grable by a factor, the following equation of condition, as is known, must be satisfied : /dv dw\ /d dw du\ dx dz) - tw [ f du \dy dv dx ;)= 0 . Putting, for shortness, /for /(.r, y), and for V its value F(r),the result of substituting the values ofw, w will be found to be ydf xdf rF{r) fdy'^fdx-^^i\r)' This equation makes it evident that the equation of condition cannot be satisfied unless / be a function of r. Putting there- fore /(r) for /, we have = 1 + rF-{r) W (i) and by integration, /w _ ^ F(r) b’ h being an arbitrary constant. This result establishes a relation between /(r) and F(r), by taking account of which it will be seen that udx + vdy + wdz =rF(r)( xdy-^ydx ^ dz “I 17 Theory of Magnetism, Hence the required factor is , and 15 X Thus the differential equation of any surface of displacement is , , xdy—ydx ds—~b . — — > and by integration the equation of the surface becomes ?=c — itan' -xl [k) These results give the means of defining exactly the character of the motion. According to the principle of easy divisibility, we may conceive the fluid to be divided into an unlimited num- ber of infinitely thin cylindrical shells having the axis of 5* for their common axis; and if Y(r) be the rotatory velocity of a given shell at the distance r from the axis, then will /(r), or rJF(r) — ^ , be the velocity of the same shell parallel to the axis. Con- sequently the motion of any given point of the shell will be in a spiral. The form and position of the spiral may . be inferred from the above equation of the surfaces of displacement when the values of the constants b and c are given. The spiral is left-handed or right-handed according to the sign of b, 25. We have still to determine the dynamical conditions of this motion. From what has been proved, the components of the velocity have the following values : v = ^F(r), M;=/(r)=^^F(r); and for determining the pressure, since v, w are independent of < 2 *, we have dp du du r. dp ^ dv ^ dv r. dp ^ dw dw ^ *+“*+•’5=“’ 5 ;+“*+'%='’' £+”s+V,='’' The last of these equations gives J = ” f W + f mf'{r)=0. Hence the equations for determining p are the same as for simple (dT)) rotation about the axis, and, just as for that case, = — ^ or the centrifugal force is counteracted by the increment of the pressure with the distance from the axis. (The foregoing investigation takes account of all the cases of 16 Prof. Challis^s on the Hydro dynamical motion for which iidx -Vvdy ■\-wdz is iiitegrable by a factor. When that differential is exacts the general equation (e) conducts to a unique result belonging to a different class of motions^ as I have elsewhere shown : Principles of Mathematics^ pp. 186-188. The equation is in that case satisfied by motion^ which, by reason of the other general equations, is restricted to motion along an axis of longitudinal and transverse vibrations. Mo- tions of the vibratory class are inapplicable to galvanic and mag- netic phenomena.) 26. The mathematical investigation concluded above gives the means of explaining in what manner a galvanic current flows to any distance along a fine cylindrical wire of copper. Together with the movement of a stream along the wire, both within it and outside, and symmetrical with respect to its axis, there must be transverse circular motion about the axis ; for otherwise, since by the contraction of channel the velocity is greater, and the pressure less, within the wire than in the circumjacent space, the fluid would flow from all sides towards the axis, and thus a stop would be put to the current. The spiral motion which re- sults from the composition of the longitudinal and transverse motions, being accompanied by centrifugal force due to the cir- cular motion, has the effect of maintaining the current. When the continuity of the wire, or of any other substance by which a current is conducted, is abruptly broken, at the first instant the stream issues from the terminal, and impinges on the surround- ing fluid j but since it ceases at the same instant to be main- tained by means of circular motion about an axis, the compound motion is immediately converted into the kind for which udx vdy wdz is an exact differential, and is consequently turned back by having to encounter the inertia of an unlimited mass of the fluid. The return course will be along the original conductor if this be the only, or the readiest, channel. If, how^- ever, another wire conductor should be in the neighbourhood of the first, there would seem to be no reason wdiy the revulsion due to the fluid^s inertia should not cause a partial return of the fluid along this wire also. In fact it has been proved experi- mentally by Faraday that such motion actually takes place. I venture here to express the opinion that no explanation of this induction of a galvanic current, other than one resting on hydro- dynamical principles, is likely ever to be discovered. 27. The inquiry as to the origination of the rectilinear and circular motions which combine to produce a galvanic current is distinct from the preceding investigation, inasmuch as it involves, together with deductions from hydrodynamical principles, con- siderations respecting the chemical action between dissimilar bodies, as also respecting the effect of the particular arrange- Theory of Magnetism. 17 merit of the atoms or molecules of the conducting substance. On these points it will now be proper to make some remarks. Galvanic currents may be conceived to be generated in the same manner as magnetic, so far as regards the condition of a gradation of atomic density, the gradation being in their case produced and maintained by chemical action in such manner as to exist permanently in the neighbourhood of the surfaces of contact of the substances between which the action takes place. The currents thus generated must, from what has already been argued, fulfil the condition of flowing in a complete circuit in order that they may be permanent ; for which reason it is neces- sary to connect the poles of a galvanic battery by some material (as copper wire) capable, in respect both to form and quality, of conducting galvanic currents. But from the foregoing mathe- matical argument it may be inferred that currents so conducted can proceed only in spiral courses. Now, supposing the course to be of this kind, it appears from experiment that the turn of the spiral is always in the same direction relative to the course of the current along the conductor. Hence it would seem that such courses are impressed by the wire itself or other conducting substance, because, as far as regards hydrodynamical conditions, the course might either be dextrorsum or sinistrorsum. Suppo- sing the mean direction of the current to be in the positive di- rection of the ordinates Zy if the arbitrary constant h in the fore- going equation (k) be positive, the value of z is greater as the arc tan”^- is less, and therefore the spiral course is dextrorsum ; X ^ that is, to a person looking along the axis in the positive direc- tion the turn of the spiral above the axis is from the left hand to the right. But hydrodynamically it is equally possible that y b may be negative, in which case z is greater as tan~^ - is greater, X and the turn of the spiral is sinistrorsum^ 28. Assuming, for the reasons above given, that the direction of the spiral course is determined by the atomic or molecular constitution of the conductor, it is conceivable that this effect may be attributable to a particular arrangement of the constituent atoms, causing the path of least resistance, instead of being rec- tilinear, to be continuously maintained in a spiral form. For instance, such a modification of the path might be produced if the mean retardation, due both to the reaction and the arrange- ment of the atoms, operated in a direction not exactly opposed to that of the stream. 29. The quantity of fluid which in a unit of time passes a plane perpendicular to the axis of the wire is proportional to the integral of f{r)dr between certain limits, and is therefore greater B 18 Prof. Challis on the Hydrodynamical as f[r) is greater; and since &/(r)=rF(r), for a given value of r f[r) is greater as the circular motion F{r) is greater. The latter function may be considered to be the exponent of the capacity of the substance for generating spiral motion, and thereby con- ducting galvanic currents. This property, which exists in very diflFerent degrees in diflPerent substances, seems to be possessed in an eminent degree by copper, wires of this metal being gene- rally used for conducting galvanic currents. I shall have occa- sion to advert again to the origination of spiral motion by the agency of copper. 30. The mathematical theory being incapable of determining by itself whether the spiral motion is dextrorsum or sinistrorsurn, it remains to inquire how far this question may be decided by combining experiment with the theory. Experiment, in the first place, may be taken to indicate that the direction of the theoretical circular motion about a rheophore is related in a constant manner to the direction of the current along the rheo- phore, so that when the latter is given the other should admit of being inferred. In order to determine that relation I make the provisional hypothesis that currents flow, or tend to flow, out 0 / the poles which experimenters positive, and into those which they call negative. That pole of a horizontal magnetic needle which is southward is called the positive pole. Hence, by the hypothesis, magnetic streams flow out of it, and enter into the pole which is northward ; whence it follows, by the hydro- dynamical theory of the magnetic needle (see infra, art. 33), that the horizontal components of the terrestrial streams flow south- ward both in the northern and southern magnetic hemispheres, and by consequence, as the dipping-needle shows, that the ver- tical components flow upwards. Thus the total terrestrial streams issue from the earth at and about the north magnetic pole, and enter into it at and about the south magnetic pole. 31. Again, that pole of a voltaic pile or galvanic battery which has the zinc terminal plate is called positive, and that which has the copper terminal plate negative. Hence, by the hypothesis, the galvanic current along the connecting rheophore outside the nile or battery flows from the zinc to the copper. [I have previously taken the current to be in the contrary di- rection, having had difficulty in deciding between the discordant indications of experimenters on this point. The direction shown by arrow^s and the signs + and — in the figure in art. 682 of Atkinson’s edition of ‘ Ganot ’ does not accord with the present hypothesis ; neither, in fact, is it consistent with directions simi- larly indicated in other cases in the same work.] 32. By referring to two experiments described in arts. 732 and 734 of Atkinson’s ‘ Ganot,’ it will be seen that the coexist- 19 Theory of Magnetism, ence of the horizontal terrestrial current with a vertical galvanic current produces an action on the rheophore tending westward or eastward according as the vertical current is ascending or de^ scending. Now on the hypotheses that the earth^s current is southward, and the galvanic current in the direction from the zinc terminal to the copper terminal, these facts are explainable only on the supposition that the spiral motion is dextrorsum, that term being taken in the sense defined in art. 27. For under these circumstances the magnetic current and the circular part of an ascending current are opposed to each other on the east side of the wire and concur on the west side, and consequently, by the hydrodynamics of steady motion, the result is an excess of pressure westward-, and similarly, the magnetic current and the circular part of a descending galvanic current are opposed on the west side of the wire and concur on the east side, and the consequent action is eastward. These inferences agree with the experimental facts ; and accordingly this argument is decisive as to the direction of the spiral motion on the above hypotheses respecting the directions of the currents. 33. Supposing, in accordance with this conclusion, that the spiral motion is always dextrorsum, we may proceed next to ac- count for the results of Oersted^s experiment on the same hypo- theses. The horizontal component of the earth^s current flowing southward, it will follow that the end into which the proper streams of a magnet flow in converging courses is that which, when the magnet is suspended horizontally, points northward-, for it is under these conditions that the terrestrial current gives that end a northward direction, as may be thus shown. Con- ceive the north end to deviate from the magnetic meridian through a certain angle westward, and let the earth^s current and the above-mentioned converging streams be both resolved perpendicularly to the axis of the needle. Then the resolved parts will be in opposite directions on the west side of the north end, and in the same direction on the east side, and thus the north end will be driven eastward. Similarly, since the needless streams are divergent from the south end, this end will be driven westward, J ust the opposite effects would take place if the de- viation of the north end were eastward. Accordingly the needle is in a position of stable equilibrium when it points northward and the marked end is in the magnetic meridian. This theory accounts for the directive action of the earth^s magnetism. 34. Now let a galvanic current be caused to pass/rom south to north along a conducting-wire placed over the needle in the magnetic meridian, as in one case of Oersted^s experiment. (See the figure in art. 627 of ‘ Ganot,^ which is the same as that in art. 698 of Atkinson^s edition.) Then supposing the con- 20 Prof. Challis on the Hydrodynamical verging streams of the magnet at the north end and the circular part of the galvanic current to be resolved in a horizontal plane passing through the axis of the needle and perpendicularly to that axis^ the two portions will concur on the east side of the needle and be opposed to each other on the west side, so that the needle will be urged eastward. Similarly at the south end the circular part of the galvanic stream and the resolved parts of the divergent magnetic streams concur in direction on the west side and are in opposite directions on the east side, and that end will thus be urged westward. Hence on both accounts the north end deviates towards the east. But according to Ganot and Atkinson the deviation in this case of the experiment is towards the west. What, then, is the explanation of this disagreement ? Simply that the experimental result, as given by Ganot, is incon- sistent with the course of the current from the zinc to the copper, as indicated by the signs -f and — and by arrows. The result for the same case of the experiment, as stated by M. de la Rive {Traite de Eiectricite, vol. i. p. 207), and by Mr. Airy (Trea- tise on Magnetism, top of p. 210), accords with the above deduc- tion from the theory in giving an eastward deviation. It is, further, to be remarked that Ganot^s statements (in art. 627) of the results of the experiment in the four cases, together with the indicated directions of the current, are in agreement with Am- pere^s well-known rule for determining the direction of the de- viation of the north end of the needle, and would also agree with the hypothesis of spiral motion, if that motion might be assumed to be sinistrorsum when the direction of the current is from the zinc to the copper. But this supposition is inadmissible, be- cause experiment taken in conjunction with the theory shows conclusively that either the eurrent is from the zinc to the cop- per and the spiral motion dextrorsum, or from the copper to the zinc and the spiral motion sinistrorsum; but neither theory nor experiment appears at present to be capable of deciding which of these laws is the true one. In any case the inconsistent statements of experimental results I have referred to, which have caused me a great deal of perplexity, require to be rectified. All the other cases of Oersted^s experiment may be similarly explained by the hydrodynamical theory on the same hypotheses. 35. One of the most remarkable phenomena relating to mag- netism is the eflPect which a mass of copper in the neighbourhood of a magnetic needle has upon the number and extent of its vi- brations. The hydrodynamical theory, combined with a simple magneto-galvanic law established experimentally by Faraday, offers the following explanation of this fact and of others of the same class. Faraday found that when a plate of copper (I| inch wide, ^ of an inch thick, and 12 inches long) was 21 Theory of Magnetism. placed with its faces at right angles to the line of junction of the poles of a powerful horseshoe magnet, and the terminals of a galvanometer were put in contact with the long edges, a galvanic current was developed as soon as the plate was caused to move transversely to the magnetic current (Phil. Trans. 1832, p. 151). Now, according to hydrodynamics, the displacement of the aether by the finite spherical atoms of the copper in motion would give rise to a stream of aether in the opposite direction, due to the reaction of the unlimited fluid mass. Hence, conceiving the plate to be held with its faces horizontal and the long edges parallel to the meridian, on moving it northward or southward a southward or northward current would be produced, which would coexist with the original magnetic current. The galvanometer, in fact, indicates that under these circumstances a galvanic cur- rent is generated, which flows from one of the long edges of the plate and completes the circuit by entering at the opposite edge. It follows from this fact, taken in conjunction with the theory, that the motions in rectangular directions of the two above- mentioned currents are partially converted into dextrorsum cir- cular motion parallel to the meridian, and that this effect is attributable to the molecular constitution or arrangement of the atoms of the copper, although theory is at present incapable of as- certaining the exact modus operandi. 36. It is also found by experiment that if the magnet be moved and the copper be stationary, a galvanic current is equally produced. This fact appears to admit of the following explana- tion. The magnetic current and its lines of motion neces- sarily partake of the motion of the magnet. Hence relatively to the stationary atoms of the copper the current is a composite one, the horizontal component of which flows in the direction of the motion of the magnet and with the same velocity. Now, by hydrodynamics, this horizontal stream generates, by reason of the contraction of channel by the atoms and the inertia of the fluid mass, a secondary stream flowing in the same direction as the stream itself. Thus, besides the vertical current, there is a horizontal current flowing in the direction of the magnetos actual motion, and, therefore, in the direction contrary to that of the virtual motion of the copper relative to the magnet. Conse- quently the conditions for generating galvanic currents are ex- actly the same in this case as when the copper was moved and the magnet was at rest. 37. On the principles thus established we may proceed to explain the whole of the class of phenomena which depend on the relative motion between a magnet and a mass of copper. But for this purpose it will be necessary to ascertain previously the direction of the flowing of the current in Faraday^s elemeii- 22 Prof. Challis on the Hydro dynamical tary experiment above described. This point is left in ambi- guity by the experiments, as not admitting probably of being decided except by the combination of experiment with a true theory. The present theory furnishes for deciding it the fol- lowing considerations. 38. In the description of the fundamental experiment Faraday states (referring to fig. 16 in plate iii. p. 131, of thfe Phil. Trans, for 1832) that when the galvanometer-needle was de- flected, its north or marked end passed eastward, indicating that the wire A received negative and the wire B positive electri- city.^^ As the wire A belongs to the terminal applied to the eastern edge of the plate and the wire B to that applied to the western edge (the two wires being in fact a single wire consti- tuting the circuit), I was led by the above statement to suppose that the current proceeded out of the plate on the west side and entered it on the east side (Principles of Physics, p. 636). But on the assumption that the spiral motion of the galvanic current has been correctly determined by the foregoing argu- ment to be dextrorsum, the truth of that supposition can be tested as follows by the observed direction of the displacement of the galvanometer-needle. The wire proceeding from the western edge was made to pass beneath the needle in the direc- tion from south to north. Hence the circular motion about the rheophore would conspire on the west side of the north end of the needle with the entering magnetic streams resolved perpen- dicularly to the axis of the needle, and be opposed to them on the east side. Thus there would be an excess of pressure on the east side, and the deflection would be westward. But Faraday says that the marked end passed eastward.^^ It must there- fore be concluded, in order to reconcile the theory with experi- ment, that the direction of the current is the reverse of that as- sumed, proceeding out of the east side and entering at the west side. It is true that the fact and theory would agree if the spiral motion might be assumed to be sinistrorsum ; but the previous argument is opposed to this supposition. There re- mains, therefore, only the inference that the current actually flows along the rheophore from the east to the west side of the plate. Moreover, as will presently be shown, the phenomena of the mutual action between a magnet and a mass of copper relatively in motion are explainable by the theory only in case the current has this direction, which will at least give evidence of the consistency of the theory with itself. 39. Let us take the case of a circular plate of copper placed under a magnetic needle and caused to rotate about an axis co- incident with that of the magnet, and let the direction of rota- tion be from west through north to east, or that of the move- 23 Theory of Magnetism. merit of the hands of a watch. Then conceiving at first the copper to be at rest, let the magnetic streams which pass through it, as well those of the magnet as the terrestrial streams, be re- solved into components parallel and perpendicular to the faces of the plate. It is clear that the vertical component of the terrestrial magnetism can have no rotational effect ; and the same is the case with respect to the horizontal components of both kinds, inasmuch as these only give rise to vertical galvanic currents, the effects of which, as regards rotation, neutralize each other. We have, therefore, only to consider the vertical components of the magnetos streams. Now as these streams enter the needle at the north end and the needle is above the copper, the vertical components will flow upwards at that end. Again, the copper being now supposed to rotate in the direction above stated, since the motion of the parts under the north end is eastward, the secondary or induced stream will flow westward. Comparing, therefore, these circumstances with the case of the elementary experiment in which, when the magnetic current flowed upwards and the induced current southward, the resulting galvanic current flowed eastward (see art. 38), it will appear, by imagining the horizontal directions to be turned through 90°, that in the actual case the galvanic current flows southward. With re- pect to what takes place at the south end, we have to consider that the vertical components of the magnetos issuing streams pass through the copper downwards, and that the direction of the in- duced streams is changed from westward to eastward. Each of these changes (as was shown by Faraday ^s experiments) causes a reversion of the direction of the galvanic current, and conse- quently the direction is southward at the south end as well as at the north end. After this determination we have only to inquire what effect a southward galvanic current has on a magnetic needle above it. The spiral motion being dextrorsum, the circular motion will conspire with the entering streams at the north end on the east side, and be opposed to them on the west side. Hence the north end will be driven eastward, that is, in the direction of the motion of the disk. So the circular motion will be opposed to the issu- ing streams at the south end on the east side and conspire with them on the west side, and the south end will consequently be urged westward — that is, again in the direction of the motion of the disk. These results agree with the known facts of the ex- periment ; and this agreement, it is to be noticed, depends upon the foregoing inference respecting the direction of the induced galvanic current. 40. All the other instances of the mutual action between a magnet and copper relativelj in motion may be referred to the 24 Prof. Chaliis on the Hydrodynamical same principles as those adopted and exemplified in the foregoing case ; and their phenomena may be similarly accounted for. 41. To complete this review of the Hydrodynamical Theory of Magnetism, it remains to discuss and correct the theoretical ex- planations I have proposed respeeting certain phenomenaof Terres- trial Magnetism. At the endof the article*^ On Atmospheric Tides^^ in the Number of the Philosophical Magazine for January 1872, I have intimated my abandonment of the hypothesis that the lunar* diurnal variation of terrestrial magnetism is attributable to gradations of density of the atmosphere produced by the moon^s gravitational attraction. Having in that article succeeded in sol- ving with sufficient generality the problem of the disturbance of the atmosphere by the moon, 1 found that neither the law nor the amount of the gradation of density due to the moon^s attraction could account for the facts of the lunar-diurnal variation. Being thus compelled to seek for another explanation, 1 reconsidered the views advanced in my first essay towards a theory of magnetism published in the Numbers of the Philosophical Magazine for January and Pebruary 1861, and have come to the conclusion that the gyratory motions of the sether there attributed to the rotations of the bodies of the sun, moon, and planets about axes are strictly deduced from the physical principles on which the theory is founded, and must accordingly be regarded as necessary conse- quences of the hypotheses of the theory. In fact 1 do not think that I could say on this part of the subject any thing dif- ferent from what is said in arts. 27-30 contained in the February Number, which, after giving this reference, 1 consider it unneces- cessary to reproduce here. 42. With respect to all magnetism which has a cosmical oxx^m, the view that 1 now take is that it is due to gyrations of the sether produced by the impulses it receives from the motions of the constituent atoms of the bodies of the solar system. The gyrations may either be immediately generated by the rotations of the bodies about their axes, or indirectly result from disturb- ances of the sether caused by their motions of translation. Ac- cording to hydrodynamics, the motion of translation of a mass constituted atomically (as stated in art. 1) will continually im- press on the sether motions whose mean direction is at the first instant directly contrary to that of the motion of the mass. This impressed motion will be subsequently converted into cir- culating or gyratory motion, because, according to the argument in art. 10, there can be no permanent transfer of any portion of the setherial fluid across any fixed unlimited plane. Such cir- culating motions will necessarily partake of the motions of trans- lation of the bodies which generate them, so as to have always the same geometrical relations to these bodies, provided their motions be uniform. 25 Theory of Magnetism. 43. Accordingly the moon, since it completes relatively to the sether at rest a revolution about its axis in a month, will gene- rate gyrations, the effect of which might possibly extend to the earth, and be perceived as a very small variation of terrestrial magnetism. But as these gyrations are in the direction of the moon^s revolution about her axis, it will be found on trial that the disturbances of the magnetic needle which they produce are not in accordance with the observed law of the lunar-diurnal variation of magnetism. When, however, the effect of the dis- turbance of the sether by the moon^s orbital motion is considered, it will be seen that as the impressed motion is tangential to the orbit and contrary in direction to that of the moon^s motion, the generated circulating motion that reaches the earth will be/rowe the 7'ight hand to the left of a spectator on the earth looking towards the moon, and therefore in the direction opposite to that of gyrations resulting from the moon^s rotation about her axis. Also their effect, it may be presumed, would be much greater than that of these gyrations. Now the circulating streams pro- duced as above stated by the moon^s orbital motion would dis- turb the magnetic needle in a manner conformable with the law of the kmar-diurnal variation ascertained by observation. For when the magnet is on the meridian and under the moon, these streams, flowing eastward^ would oppose the needle’s entering streams at its north end on t\i^east side, and the issuing streams at its south end on the west side, so that by both actions the western declination would be increased. The variation of the declination in any other position of the needle relative to the moon might on these principles be readily investigated ; and it is easy to see that according to this theory there would be two maxima and two minima of declination in the course of twenty- four lunar hours. These deductions agree with the results of observation given in p. (ccxliii) of the Greenwich Observations of 1867. 44. The solar-diumal variations of magnetism follow a differ- ent law, there being but one principal maximum in the course of twenty-four hours. This fact is accounted for by the circum- stance that the sun’s heat produces, crjeteris paribus, a gradual diminution of the density of the atmosphere in all directions converging to the position of greatest heat, it being assumed, conformably with the argument in article 4, that such grada- tion of density, in consequence of its extending over a large space, is capable of generating magnetic streams of sensible mag- nitude. So far as this cause operates, we might expect that there would be magnetic effects due to the rapid changes of tem- perature and of atmospheric density in the day-time of a more decided character than any due to the slower changes in the c 26 Prof. Challis on the Hydrodynamical night-time ; and this anticipation is confirmed by observation. Bat besides the magnetic variations due to changes of the tem- perature and density of the atmosphere^ we may suppose that effects are produced by solar gyrations analogous to those attri- buted above to lunar gyrations. This cause might modify the epoch of day-maximum (which, as observation shows, does not occur at the hottest time of the day), and might also account for what has been called the nocturnal episode. As to the reality of the solar gyrations, I consider that we have ocular evidence in the phenomenon of the zodiacal light ; for, according to the ar- gument maintained in arts. 13 and 14, the rays which render the zodiacal light visible might originate in a collision between the gyratory motion and vibrations of different orders propagated from the sun, without its being necessary to suppose that matter other than the aether exists at points from which the rays pro- ceed. It has been established by observation that the zodiacal light extends beyond the radius of the eartlPs orbit (see an article in the Phil. Mag. for February 1863). 45. The foregoing considerations enable me now to state the cause alluded to in art. 6, to which I conceive that minute an- nual inequalities of Dip, Total Force, and Declination might be attributed. Let it be admitted that the solar gyrations produce a sensible magnetic effect at the earth^s distance from the sun. Then on the supposition that the gyrations are in circles sym- metrically disposed relatively to the plane of the ecliptic (which must approximately be the case), it will follow that the magnetic effect varies with the earth^s varying distance from the sun, being less as the distance is greater. Inequalities thus produced wmuld be the same for the northern as for the southern hemisphere, agreeing in that respect wdth the small annual inequalities which, as stated in art. 6, General Sir E. Sabine has deduced from ob- servation. 46. On the hydrodynamical principles which have been ap- plied in the foregoing explanations, 1 make the following sug- gestion relative to the cause of the secular variations of ter- restrial magnetism. From what has been already argued (art. 42), the motions immediately impressed on the aether by the eartlPs constituent atoms in consequence of its rotatory and or- bital motions, result in circulating motions which, if the earth moved uniformly in a rectilinear course, would be steady motions having always the same geometrical relations to the position of the earth^s centre. But the earth moves with varying velocity in a curved path. Assuming, therefore, that the system of circulating motions always tends to be steady and to maintain a rectilinear course, it is conceivable that tlure may be continual minute shift- ings of the axis of the system in directioiis transverse to the 37 Theory of Magnetism, orbital motion and towards the tangential direction_, analogous in some degree to the shifting of the earth^s axis by precession and nutation. Such displacements of the axis of the setherial movements would cause it to take positions relative to the earth continually more westerly, 47. I take this opportunity for rectifying an opinion respect- ing ear th‘ currents which I have expressed in a note in p. 653 of my work on the ^Princi[)les of Physics.^ Since the note was written T have learnt from the Greenwich Observations that magnets and the galvanometers employed as indicators of earth- currents are simultaneously affected only by large magnetic dis- turbanceSj and that generally no correspondences exist between small magnetic variations and the indications of the galvanome- ters. It does not appear, therefore, that earth-currents and terrestrial magnetism have any special relation to each other, the effect of the large magnetic disturbances on the earth-current being only an instance of the ordinary mutual action between a galvanic current and a magnetic current. Having completed this review of the hydrodynamical theory of magnetism, I think I may say that it is now supported by arguments which should command the attention of physicists. Considering the number and variety of the explanations of phe- nomena it gives, which in fact might have been much ex- tended, I do not see bow the inference that the facts of mag- netism are. referable to hydrodynamical laws can be resisted. Cambridge, April 19, 1872. A I * I- ■ ‘ ft