ENGINEERS’ REPORT , FOR SUPPLYING THE CITY OF ROCHESTER WITH WATER FROM VARIOUS SOURCES, MADE TO THE BY STUART & MARSH, CIVIL ENGINEERS. NEW YORK, OCTOBER 1st, 1853. NEW YORK: BAKER, GODWIN & CO., BOOK AND JOB PRINTERS, CORNER NASSAU AND SPRUCE STREETS. 1853. W W\ St q e. REPORT. Sources of pure water, from which the City of Ro¬ chester can be abundantly supplied, are either so dis¬ tant as to render the works required to convey it, by the force of gravity, to the tops of the highest houses in the City, quite expensive, or else so low as to involve a large and constant expense to elevate it to the necessary height for proper distribution. At various times Hemlock, IIo- neoye, and Canadice lakes, and their outlets, Caledonia Springs, Allen’s Creek, the Genesee River, and Lake On¬ tario, have each been suggested as a source from which a supply, both suitable in quality and ample in quantity, could be drawn, for the present and future wants of your flourishing and beautiful city. It is proposed to show in this Report some consider¬ ations and facts as to the feasibility of adopting some one or more of these sources of supply for your present and future wants, the urgent demand for immediate action, and to examine the mode by which this great desidera¬ tum may be best attained. The long residence of the undersigned in your city in past years, and professional engagements in connection with 4 the State Works, have afforded ns very many opportuni¬ ties to become acquainted with localities in the city and surrounding country, and an intimate knowledge of the character and extent of the lakes, rivers, and other water courses that so plentifully abound in Western New York. It is quite fortunate that this is so, otherwise it would not have been possible for us to have presented the re¬ sults embodied in this hurried Report, within the six weeks’ time allowed, in which to make the surveys of the sev¬ eral proposed routes, and prepare the maps, plans, and report for the consideration of the Company. Remembering, as citizens, the lamentable deficiency, both in the quality and quantity of water for family and other necessary uses, we have entered upon this interest¬ ing investigation, deeply sensible of the important duties devolving upon us, and only anxious so to illustrate it as to secure the united and vigorous action of your intelli¬ gent citizens and energetic City Councils, in carrying out a plan that will give your city, for all future time, an am¬ ple supply of pure and wholesome water. SOURCE OF SUPPLY. With much truth has it been said, that u the varied practical purposes of domestic life to which puke water is alone applicable, and the intimate connection of many of these purposes with the health, life, and well-being of hu¬ manity, at once attest the high importance of an abun - dance and excellence of this vital liquid, for every congre¬ gation or community of human beings. The means, there¬ fore, of obtaining, treating, and economizing it, are among the most important objects of human art. The works of the engineer must be regulated by considerations of the available methods of securing ample water supply and efficient drainage ; and these considerations will present themselves with that imperative character which they de¬ rive from the public will, and which cannot be counter¬ vailed by any scruples of private economy, or any oppo¬ sition of corporate prejudice. u All water at our command for practical use, is more or less impure. Thus, rain-water contains ammonia, and sea-water a variety of salts; whilst the water from lakes rivers, springs, and wells, contains various kinds of impur¬ ities, and these impurities are dispelled only by a com¬ pound process, or rather a series of processes, by which such matters as are mechanically suspended in the water are allowed to subside, or are arrested by filtering media, and the chemical impurities are absorbed and withdrawn jl. by suitable agents.” As all the earthy, animal, and vege¬ table matters with which water becomes charged, are ex¬ tracted from the soil through which or the surfaces over which it passes, it follows that the nature of these mat¬ ters depends upon the constituents of the soil which is percolated, the amount of them will be in proportion to the time during which the water is maintained in commu¬ nication with the soil, modified, of course, by the degree in which they may be adapted for mutual action. “ Thus,” remarks Professor Silliman, u the geological character of a country will in a great measure determine the character of the stream flowing through it. It must be remembered 6 that water is one of the most powerful solvents known to chemists ; and that it cannot fall npon the surface of the earth without becoming impregnated, to some extent, with the soluble matters of the rocks and soils over which it runs. A careful analysis of the waters of a given region may enable an acute chemist to judge with considerable certainty of the mineral nature of the country, from what he finds in its waters. In a limestone region, we look principally for lime and magnesia in the natural waters, and liave little reason to expect the presence of many other ingredients which are found in the various minerals of a primitive country. The waters of a limestone region are generally hard , or at least, not so soft as those of a granite region. The quality of hardness is one of great importance to be known, and is owing usually, and I be¬ lieve I may say always, to the presence of soluble salts of lime and magnesia in the water. Soap forms an insol¬ uble lime compound—lime-soap—in hard waters, which fills the water with a white, curdy precipitate, harsh to the touch, and a serious impediment to the use of the water for many domestic purposes. Perhaps no single character is of more importance to be known than that of the hard¬ ness or the reverse of a natural water.” Rochester being located on a high table of carbonifer¬ ous, lime-rock formation, there are but few springs, and those are highly charged with the mineral through which they pass. The finding, therefore, of any considerable sup¬ ply of soft water is impossible; as those excellent springs having their sources in primitive mountains, cannot find their way to a high table of secondary rock. The well-water now used to supply mostly the city, is 7 not only hard, with a few unimportant exceptions, but also very impure and unfit for domestic use, as will appear from an examination of the analysis, given below, of sev¬ eral wells taken from different localities in the town. The Table also shows the amount of solid matter in one gallon of water , from the various sources mentioned, from wells, lakes, and rivers, at home and abroad. Grs, Solid Matter. LONDON . . \ Thames River, | New “ 28.000 19.200 PARIS . . . Artesian Well, 9.860 i NEW YORK . • t Croton, ■j Manhattan, Well, ( Avg. several City Wells, 6.998 125.000 58.000 ALBANY . . ’ f Lydius St. Well, j Old State House, \ At Exchange, | Capitol Park, . {_ Hudson River, 19.240 36.000 64.680 65.52(1 6.320 TROY . . . Mohawk “ 7.880 BROOKLYN . Avg. Long Island Ponds, . f Corner Gold & Nassau Streets, . High - Water Com. N. B. Doe, ) R. Gardner, ") H P Hyde, U ru9tees J. L. Perry, J. D. Briggs, J S. Chapman, W A S.AIgT;, [Late Trustees. William Cook, J “I certify that I was Chief Engineer, having the construction of the above work in charge, and fully concur in the foregoing statement. “ S. R. OSTRANDER, Civil Engineer.” Dec, 1849. ROCKVILLE WATER WORKS. For the information of those interested in Water Works, we make the fol¬ lowing statement: In the fall of 1847, J. Ball fectly tight; and we unhesitatingly say that we prefer them to cast iron, and are confident that they will be far more durable; and, from close examination where they have been opened for tapping and branching, we believe them to be truly “indestructible,” besides being clean and pure. Agents .— Geo. Kellogg, Rockville Manufacturing Company; Allen Ham¬ mond, New England Company. 3 J. N. STICKNEY. 34 Office of the Greenwood Cemetery , April 29, 1852. Messrs. J. Ball & Co., laid in the grounds of this institution, two years since, about 800 feet of 8 inch cement pipe, conveying water, forced by a steam pump, to an elevation of 110 feet. It has proved perfectly satisfactory t and is in my opinion preferable, for several reasons, to the best of iron pipes. Having both kinds in use, I do not hesitate from the experience thus far had, to express this opinion. J. A. PERRY, Comptroller. In addition to the above testimonials, we can state that, having had ex¬ perience and personal knowledge in regard to the excellent qualities and durability of the above pipe, we have no hesitation in recommending it to the public. Starr & Alberts, 122 Nassau street. Frederick Marquand, per H. G. M., Att’y, Janes, Beebe & Co. \ • H. W. Metcalf, 63 and 65 Centre street. Norman White, 111 Fulton street. John J. Merritt, 76 Columbia street, Brooklyn. Platt & Brother, 20 Maiden Lane. Geo. Griswold, South street. J. & J. W. Meeks, 14, 16 and 18 Yesey street. Wm. Gale, 116 Fulton street. J. C. Brown, Builder, 10 Dutch street. Wm. Colgate & Co. Thos. C. Smith. O. R. Burnham, 17 and 19 Broadway. G. B. Hartson, 58 and 60 Vesey street. Wm. W. Campbell, 77 St. Mark’s Place. Lorin Brooks, 240 Broadway. i Messrs. J. Ball & Co. Gents .—Articles have appeared in the Farmer and Mechanic, from Sara¬ toga and Cohoes, on the subject of your Water Pipes; I fully endorse their ■opinions. Your work for my son’s Water Cure, at South Orange, embracing a large amount of four and three-inch pipe, under a head of at least as great as the Croton of New York, shows not only certainty and efficiency, but what 35 is equally important, perfect purity, which for medical purposes is all-important, and should be considered so for drinking and other uses. Yours, SAM’L MEEKER. Newark , Jan. 11, 1850. In addition to the above, we certify that J. Ball & Co. have inserted pipes for us, of 10 inch bore and less, since the winter of 1844, and that last spriDg we had over 1,000 lbs. of lead pipe removed, and its place supplied with their pipe. We fully endorse the opinions expressed in the notices above. BEACH, BROTHERS, 1850. New York Sun Establishment. Having, for the past three years, laid many of Messrs. J. Ball & Co.’s Patent * Cement Pipes, for the Newark Aqueduct Co., I prefer them to any pipe that I have used, their cost being one-third less than iron pipe, and also being free from wear and rust, and can most cordially recommend them for all aqueduct purposes. SHELDON SMITH, Superintendent. Newark , Jan. 14, 1850. CERTIFICATE OF PROF. HORSFORD, HARVARD UNIVERSITY. Cambridge, Sept. 28, 1853. I have examined, somewhat in detail, the pipe manufactured by Ball & Co., for conveying and distributing water. I have repeatedly attended upon their manufacture, and the inspection preparatory to use. I have farther attended upon the laying down of the pipes, and observed the mode of imbedding in and costing with cement, the connection of sections of pipe, the piercing for lateral service pipes, and, I believe, all the various processes by which the pipes are fitted for use. I have witnessed their service under a pressure of a hundred and twenty feet. I have examined various specimens that have been in use for a period of seven } T ears; and, with one reservation, which is made because I have not had opportunity to examine with sufficient care this branch of the subject, I am prepared to say: That with strict fidelity on the part of the workmen and engineer, the above kind of pipe may be made and laid down so as satisfactorily to fulfill the general purposes of water distribution. Where the pipes are liable to displacement or jarring, or sudden shocks, such as are produced by the water-hammer action—when a cock is suddenly closed under considerable head—I am not prepared to say what will be the effect; but 36 I hope, at an early day, to report upon the result of an examination of the practical working of the pipes under the conditions named. The advantages of the pipes of Ball <& Co. are, that, after a few days of use, the water is transmitted entirely unchanged; the pipes do not corrode and encrust so as to diminish the service capacity; the strength increases with age ; and the cheapness will make it possible to introduce water into places where the cost of cast-iron pipes would leave it impossible. Signed, E. K HORSFORD, . Rumford Professor, Harvard University. The pipe manufactured by Ball & Co. is recommended for your use, not only on account of its economy , and the increased facilities for making the joints, taps, &c., but on account of its superiority over cast-iron pipe, in causing much less friction to the flow of water, which experi¬ ments have fully shown to be the case, and its freedom from the contingencies to which iron pipes are subject, by gradually filling up with tubercles, formed principally by oxydation of the pipe itself. The importance of this question will be more fully illustrated by the following extracts from various reports and statements on this point. E. S. Chesbrough, Esq., the City Engineer of Boston, in his Report to the Cochituate Water Board, in 1852, remarks, that— “ The rapidity with which the interior surfaces of some of the pipes have become covered with tubercles or rust, has excited a great deal of interest, and has been the subject of much observation; but the cause of such a wide difference in the growth of these tubercles in different pipes, and in different places, does not appear to be clearly understood. All the large pipes that have been opened, have been partially or entirely covered on their inner surfaces, some with detached tubercles, varying from a half to two and a half inches base, with a depth or thickness in the middle of from one quarter to three quarters of 37 an inch; and some entirely, to aD average depth of half an inch, with a rough coating, as if the bases of the tubercles had crowded together. The smaller pipes all exhibit some action of this kind, but generally to a less extent, as regards thickness, than the larger ones. In one case, however, a four-inch pipe was found covered to a thickness of about one inch. This was in that part of Myrtle street which was formerly called Zone street, where the entrance to a service pipe was entirely stopped by rust. Wrouglit-iron pipes fill much more rapidly than cast-iron ones; and in several instances, service pipes made of that metal have, during the last year, become so obstructed as to be almost or quite useless. “The Jamaica Aqueduct pipe, which was originally ten inches in diameter, has been, in some cases, reduced to eight by tubercles, which, however, are different in form from those in the Cochituate pipes. They appear to lap over each other in the direction of the current; this is very strikingly the case at the commencement of the pipe, as if their form was owing in some measure to the mechanical action of the current. “Knowing that this subject has occupied much of your attention, that you have consulted articles from various foreign journals that treat upon it, and that Prof. Horsford has it under consideration, no discussion upon the cause or causes of these tubercles will be attempted here.” The following extracts are taken from the last annual report of the “ Cochituate Water Board to the City Council of Boston,” to show the growing importance of this subject: “Among the variety of topics noticed in the Report of the Engineer which are well deserving the consideration of the City Council, there' is one, in particular, to which we would now call its attention, which we consider to be eminently so. We allude to the effects which are found to be produced on the inner surface of all the iron mains and pipes, by the action of the water. The attention of the Water Board was attracted to the subject, soon after its appointment; for although the pipes had then been in use less than three years, those effects are already quite obvious and striking, and in fact had been noticed some time previous. They have since then been carefully watched, and the valuable assistance of Professor Hors¬ ford has been engaged, for the purpose of ascertaining as far as is practica¬ ble, their origin, their probable progress for the future, and the means which 38 might be relied upon, for the purpose of preventing, arresting, or retard¬ ing them, and thus obviating the consequences which were likely to be the result. The two communications of Professor Horsford on the subject, which we beg leave to annex to this report, have described with so much minuteness and clearness the present appearance and state of the interior of the mains and pipes, as does also the report of the City Engineer, that it is rendered entirely unnecessary for the Board to repeat the description, and they would therefore refer the Council to those communications. It is presumed, also, that the members of the Council are generally acquainted with those facts. “ The effects to which we now allude, are the peculiar changes which have been produced on the iron itself; and they consist in “1. The absorption of the iron in certain places, and the formation in its stead of a substance resembling plumbago. “ 2. The gradual development of local accretions or tubercles, in the in¬ terior of the pipes, by which the flow of water is impeded, and their capa¬ city diminished, so that the object for which they were laid becomes im¬ perfectly accomplished, and an apprehension is excited that they may be so far closed up as to be useless hereafter. “This subject has received but little scientific investigation, till within a few years, notwithstanding its very obvious importance, and although the evils must have existed ever since cast iron has been used for such purposes. It is one, however, of no little importance to the city, as there is involved in it the question of the present and future capacity of all the iron pipes which have been or are to be laid, at no small expense, and of their conse¬ quent adaptation to the purpose for which they are used, and also of their ultimate durability. The Water Board have therefore thought that it would be interesting and useful to lay before the council somewhat in detail, not only the present condition of the pipes belonging to the Water Works of this city, in relation to the subject, but also the result of such inquiries as they have been able to make into the extent of the same evils in other places, and the efforts which have been made to ascertain their nature and origin, and to provide a remedy for them, and the success of those efforts. “The first notice taken of this subject which we have seen, appears in the transactions of the French Academy of Sciences, for the year 1836. ( Comptes Rendus, v. 3, p. 131.) It is a note by Mr. Vicat on the subject of a coating to prevent the development of tuberculous accretions in cast-iron pipes for conduct¬ ing water. He states that a report printed at Grenoble, November 22, 1833, 39 by order of the Municipal Council, called the attention of the public to the rapid, as well as unforeseen, filling up of the large cast-iron main, of the Chateau d'Eau , in that town. The formation of numerous tubercles of hydroxide of iron, began to show itself shortly after the water was let on, by a perceptible though slight diminution of the discharge. The develop¬ ment of the accretions, however, as was proved by many accurate measure¬ ments, soon increased so much, that the supply of the Chateau, which had been in 1826 about 1,400 litres (about 370 wine gallons) a minute, was grad¬ ually reduced in 1833 to 720 litres (about 190 wine gallons), showing a loss of nearly one half. A good deal of alarm was excited by it, and an attempt was immediately made, by eminent chemists, to ascertain the cause, and rec¬ oncile the phenomenon with various theories. A commission, consisting of engineers and others, was also appointed, which discussed, at Grenoble, the means of destroying this kind of ferruginous vegetation (as it is called in the report), or of arresting its progress. In the meantime new measurements indicated , that in less than Jive years the pipes would probably be so obstructed that the water would cease to Jlow through them. Two members of the Com¬ mission, Messrs. Guemard and Yicat, Engineers in chief, being persuaded that the tubercles were formed at the expense of the castings, applied them¬ selves to the discovery of some coating which would be, at the same time, cheap, indestructible, and capable of preventing oxydation. After two years of experiments, they considered it sufficiently proved, that hydraulic cement is of all compositions combining facility of application and cheapness, that which adheres the best to the casting, is the most indestructible, and pre¬ vents most effectually all oxydation and consequent formation of the tu¬ bercles.” “In 1837 the subject attracted the attention of the British Association for the Advancement of Science ; and under its auspices a very elaborate investigation of the action of air and water, whether fresh or salt, clear or foul, and at various temperatures, upon cast iron, wrought iron, and steel, was made by Mr. Robert Mallet. Mr. Mallet commenced in 1838, and continued until the year 1843, a very complete course of experiments on the subject.” “In his first Report, which is devoted to the consideration of the then existing state of chemical knowledge of the subject at large, he remarks, that notwithstanding the innumerable uses to which iron had been applied, for the purpose of supplying the social wants of man, during the preceding half- century, yet our information on the subject of its durability, and the causes likely to impair or promote it, was scarcely more advanced than it had been 40 twenty years previously; and that while the chemist was not precisely informed as the changes which air and water produce on it, the engineer was without data to determine what limits the corroding action sets to its durability. Nor was it known with certainty, what properties should be chosen, in wrought or cast iron, that its corrosion might be the least possible under given circum¬ stances. Neither was our actual knowledge more advanced as to the variable effects of corrosive action, on the same iron, of different waters, such as are commonly met with, containing their usual mineral ingredients in solution.” “ The investigation was, therefore, undertaken for the purpose of throwing light on these topics ; and there was of course involved in it a great extent of inquiry into the durability of the metal, the forces which were likely to impair it, the mode in which these forces would act, what would be their results, and the means of arresting their progress. “ The Board can merely state some of the general laws, regulating the action of fresh water on iron pipes, which Mr. Mallet considers as previously known, or established or confirmed by his experiments. “ He found that any sort of iron, cast or wrought, corrodes when exposed to the action of water holding air in combination, in one or other or some combination of the following forms, viz.: 1 . Uniformly, or when the whole surface of the iron is covered uniformly with a coat of rust, requiring to be scraped off, and leaving a smooth, red surface after it. 2. Uniformly with plumbago, where the surface, as before uniformly corroded, is found in some places covered with plumbagenous matter, leaving a piebald surface of red and black after it. 3. Locally, or only rusted in some places, and free from rust in others. 4. Locally pitted, where the surface is left as in the last case, but the metal is found unequally removed to a greater or less depth. 5. Tubercular, when the whole of the rust which has taken place at every point of the specimen has been transferred to one or more particular points of its surface, and has there formed large projecting tubercles leaving the rest bare.” “ Fresh water may hold so much combined air (not to speak of car* bonic acid), as to act more rapidly than sea water. Carbon, as it is known, exists in iron as diffused graphite in a crystalline form, and as combined carbon : the dark gray and softer irons contain more of the former; the lighter and harder irons more of the latter.” “ The rate of corrosion is a decreasing one, at least when the plumbago and rust first formed has been removed. When, however, this coating re¬ mains untouched, the rate is much more nearly uniform, and is nearly pro- 41 portional to the time of reaction, in given conditions. In some cases even where the coating had been removed, an increment in the rate had taken place. And it is observable that this almost uniformly occurred in those specimens which had the smallest amount of corrosion at their first immer¬ sion. Thus there was a tendency to a greater equality in the index of corrosion in all the varieties of iron at the second than the first immersion.” “ The size, and perhaps the form, of iron casting, forms one element in the rate of its corrosion in water. Because the thinner castings having cooled much faster and more irregularly than the thicker, are much less homogeneous, and contain veins and patches harder than the rest of their substance: hence the formation of voltaic couples and accelerated corrosion. “He estimates that from three-tenths to four-tenths of an inch in depth, of cast iron one inch thick, and about six-tenths of an inch of wrought iron, will be destroyed in a century , in clear water” “ As to the nature and origin of the peculiar change which takes place in the conversion of part of the metal into an entirely different substance, but little information, beyond what was already known, can be obtained from these reports. It is stated in the introductory one, before the result of the experi¬ ments was ascertained, as a fact first observed by Dr. Priestly, that cast iron being immersed in sea water for a length of time, has its metal wholly removed, and becomes changed into a substance analogous to plumbago, mixed with oxide of iron, which frequently, though not invariably, possesses the property of heating and inflaming spontaneously, on exposure to air; but that it is yet by no means clear how it is produced, what is its precise composition, and to what is owing its rise of temperature on exposure to air; that malleable iron, under circumstances but little understood, is also subject to this change; and also,from various statements of others, it would seem that both malleable and cast iron are affected in the same way, when immersed in water holding in solution alkaline or earthy salts or acids. “ The subsequent experiments throw no new light on the cause and nature of this singular phenomenon. They show, however, that the same effect is pro¬ duced by the action of air and fresh water ; and this is too well corroborated by our own experience.” “ The important problem of preventing the corrosive action of the water, by coating the interior surface of the pipe, was a principal object of Mr. Mallet’s experiments.” “ The various results of Mr. Mallet’s experiments are exhibited in a full series of tables, which present to the engineer, as he thinks, * sufficient data to 42 enable him to predict the term of durability, and allow for the loss by corrosion of iron in all conditions, when entering into his structures.’ “The last information to which we shall refer ,on this subject, is contained in a paper on Tubercles in Iron Pipes , by M. Gaudin, Engineer of Bridges and Roads, published in the Annales de$ Ponts et Chaussees, for November and December, 1851. He states that the iron conduit at Cherbourg, constructed between the years 1836 and 1838, of white casting, nearly 1^ miles long, had become everywhere coated with tubercles, which in some places had an elevation of from 1.575 to 1.968 inches, so that the orifice of the pipe, which was when laid about 7 inches in diameter, had been reduced to less than one-third its original section. The consequence of the diminution of the orifice, joined to the enormous loss of head occasioned by the additional friction, had deprived many of the workshops at the end of the conduit of a supply, prevented the simultaneous playing of the fountains, and made the supply of the grand reservoir impossible, or very feeble. “ The tubercles were very broad at their base, and very strongly adhering to the surface of the pipe, and could not be removed, except by heating the pipe to a red heat, or by a forcible action of an instrument. They were of a greenish brown color, and testaceous structure, and on exposure to the air, assumed the color of yellow ochre, a sure sign of the oxydation of part of the iron which entered into their composition. Their density was almost 3.362. A chemical analysis gave the following results:— “Peroxyd of iron, 96 to 98. “ Silex and Alumine (argel) 4 to 2. “ Chlorid of Sodium—traces. “Sulphate of Iron—traces. “They were, therefore, almost entirely free from (at least as far as regards the iron which they contained) the elementary matters contained in the water in solution— and, indeed, they were not derived from substances which it could hold in solution. The water was free from color, taste or smell, and its specific gravity nearly that of pure water. It showed on analysis by chemical tests, “A very small quantity of carbonic acid. “A small quantity of calcareous earth. “A small quantity of sulphate of soda. “A positive quantity of chlorid of soda. “Little or none of the metallic salts. “And little or no iron. 43 “A more recent analysis of the water, taken before its passage through the conduit, showed its density to be scarcely different from distilled water; to reagents it only showed chlorids, and those, chlorids of sodium; there was no trace of lime, nor sulphates, nor iron. “ He considered it certain, that the iron in the tubercles was to be attributed, exclusively, to an alteration which had taken place in the pipes themselves, no matter what the casting might be, whether white or gray. And as, notwithstanding this alteration, there could pot be seen in the pipe, even with a glass, after it had been well rubbed, any difference between its texture and that of new casting, he concludes, that the deterioration must have taken place over the whole surface indiscriminately, in the same way.” “ In reference to the obtaining some remedy for the evil, he observes, that waters the most pure and most proper for the ordinary necessities of life, afford no exemption, since it appears invariable, that the tubercles are in an especial manner developed by the presence of very small quantities of sea salt, which almost all waters contain. And that chemists and engineers have therefore recommended the forcing of linseed oil by great pressure into the metal, and also coatings of mortars and hydraulic cements and bituminous coverings.” “ The foregoing statement contains a very brief analysis of the investigations which have been made, in other places, of the nature, origin, and mode of remedying the evils now under consideration, as far as they have come to our knowledge. We annex to it the able and interesting communications of Pro¬ fessor Horsford, and refer to the report of the City Engineer, to show the ex¬ tent of our own experience in relation to them. It has been hoped that by bringing to the notice of the Council all the facts which we have been able to accumulate, and offering even an imperfect sketch of the researches hitherto made on the subject, we might enlist the attention not only of those who are similarly interested with ourselves, but also of men of science, and of those who are engaged in the production of the metal itself, or in the great variety of manufactures and constructions in which iron is employed. And that, if this object could be effected, it might be the means of ascertaining hereafter some mode, either of preventing the evil in its origin by improvements in the castings; or, of arresting or retarding its further progress, by the intervention of some preparation for covering and protecting the surface ; or, of obtaining a temporary remedy by providing a mode of removing the obstructions as they from time to time appear. “Undoubtedly the most important change which takes place on the inner surface of the pipes, as far as relates to any immediate results, is the production 44 of the accretions. The formation of plumbago or something like it, in the place of the iron which has been absorbed, does not, indeed, protect the metal beneath it, and the action continues, perhaps even with a slightly accelerated force; but, according to the French and English authorities, its progress is so slow that many years must elapse before any serious consequences from it alone, would be likely to happen. It is probable that the only way to prevent this action, will be found in coating the surface with some composition which will shield it.” “ But with regard to the accretions, their growth has been more rapid and im¬ portant , so much so that our 36 inch and 30 inch mains have become already , in consequence of the actual diminution of their area and also of the additional friction which has been occasioned, scarcely superior in capacity to those of 34 and 28 inches having a clean surface; and we have had sufficient experience on the subject to convince us of the impolicy of making use of wrought-iron service pipes at all, or of cast-iron ones of less than 4 inches in diameter .” “ Cambridge, Jan. 14, 1852. _ f “ Tnos. "Wetmore, Esq. “ President of the Cochituate Water Board. “ Dear Sir, —In reply to your favor of the 5th instant, in relation to the accretions in the Cochituate iron mains, I have to regret that my investiga¬ tions thus far have thrown but little light upon the question of most import¬ ance ; to wit, How far will these accretions extend? “A brief statement of the present condition of the pipes will show the bearing of this inquiry. “At the two points near Dover street, where one of the main iron pipes was taken up for repairs in the last autumn, there were found upon the in¬ terior surface of the pipe, nodules varying from half an inch to three inches in diameter , a,t the base, and having a height of from one quarter to a little more than half an inch. Some of them were of a reddish, others of a dirty yellow color, and those of each color invariably in a group by themselves. They presented concentric structure within, and rested in many cases upon slightly elevated portions of the surface of the pipe. These elevated portions were co-extensive with the inferior surface of the nodules, were of a dark brown color, and crumbled at once to powder upon being scratched with a knife. “ Portions of the surface of some sections of pipe were quite free from accre¬ tions. In some areas, the accretions were all small; in others most were 45 large. There seemed to he no tendency among them to gather upon the bottom rather than upon the top and sides. * * * * * “ The suggestion that the accretions might be due to the growth of some kind of vegetation in which were lodged particles of the ochreous matter in suspension in small quantity in the Cochituate water, and which gives to it its occasional faint wine color, which is found on the bottom of the tunnel, and which accumulates in the filters —was not sustained by microscopic examin¬ ation. ******** “There are reasons for believing the slight elevations of surface observed immediately beneath the accretions, to be due to changes in the texture of the iron arising from the growth of the accretion, and not to an original irregularity of the casting; and further for believing that the accretions are indebted for their iron to the surface upon which they rest, and not at all, or but very slightly, to the water which flows over them. “ I have wrought-iron pipes of 1 1-2 inches calibre, which are coated with accretions interiorly, and which in 12 months have been eaten through, from within outward , by the circulation of cold Cochituate water. I have others of the same diameter, which in 3 months have been eaten through by the circulation of hot Cochituate water. “/ have another pipe, 1 inch in diameter, which in 12 months was so nearly closed by accretions throughout its entire length, that it was removed because it ceased to serve water." “The solicitude lies in two directions. In the first place, the accretions diminish the serving capacity. Taking the present average thickness of the incrustation at 3-8 of an inch, the serving capacity of a pipe 36 inches in diameter is reduced by the amount of an area of 42 3-8 square inches, which is equal to a cylindrical pipe 7.3 inches in diameter. If we conceive the accretion to go uniformly forward at this rate of 14 1-8 square inches per annum, it would become a matter of immediate grave consideration. In the second place: the accretions are formed at the expense of the iron upon which they rest. With their increased thickness will come, at a remote period, diminished strength of the iron. ******* “ I am, very respectfully, Your obedient servant, “E. N. HORSFORD.” 46 The foregoing statements have been given somewhat at length because we are impressed with the importance of this subject to all present or prospective plans for supplies of water. Our own conclusions have been derived from careful examinations of this kind of pipe, which have satis¬ fied us of its value; and we would respectfully suggest to you the propriety of appointing a committee to examine the pipe now in use and in progress of construction in several parts of the country, before any system of distribution is finally adopted. RESERVOIRS. From the surveys made 'by the undersigned for the State in 1848, it was ascertained that the flow of the Hone- oye outlet did not exceed 4,000,000 gallons per day, in the dry seasons. It was also found that by lowering the sur¬ face of Hemlock lake 6 inches (using it as a storing Reser¬ voir) a daily supply of over 2,000,000 of gallons would be obtained for about five months. It is evident either that the whole supply of the outlet may be taken, by compensating the mill privileges on its banks ; or the lake itself used during the dry seasons as a storing Reservoir. We have, however, advised the plan of a storing Reservoir at Henrietta, on account of its proxi¬ mity to the distributing Reservoir, in case of accident to the line of conduit, and its purifying effect on the water before its immediate use. Such a Reservoir may be constructed in Henrietta, at moderate expense, several suitable locations being available. 47 THE DISTRIBUTING RESERVOIR Is proposed to be located on the high grounds south of the city and east of Mount Hope, covering an extent of four acres, with a surface elevation of 100 feet above the Erie Canal, the depth being 25 feet. If Plan Ho. 3 or 4 should be adopted, an additional cost for filtering arrangement will be neces¬ sary on account of the quality of the water proposed to be used under these Plans. The quantity contained will be # equivalent to four weeks’ supply at present and two weeks’ supply 12 years hence. The elevation of this Reservoir has been placed at 100 feet above the Canal, to provide for sufficient supply and head for domestic uses, and especially for protection in oase of fire. The loss of head through a connected system of mains and pipes is considerable; and, as the elevations of the streets in several parts of Rochester are about twenty-five feet above the Canal, no system can be recommended which does not pro¬ vide for every locality. Some idea of the loss of head by friction in distribution pipes may be obtained from the follow¬ ing extract from a report of G. R. Baldwin, Esq., Civil Engi¬ neer “ on supplying the city of Quebec with pure water,” made in 1848. “At Philadelphia the water will rise from a hose attached to a fire plug in the street, at the extreme point of delivery during the night, to the height of about forty-five or fifty feet; during the day, when the consumption of water is very great, twenty to thirty feet. Head of water in this case was probably not far from one hundred feet." . The location of this Reservoir has been adopted at the point named, although involving some additional expenditure for 48 V want of a suitable location as to size and elevation, nearer the Genesee River, or west of Mount Hope. DISTRIBUTION. The system of Distribution commences at the Distributing Reservoir with an 18 inch main, through St. Paul street to Erie Canal, and thence across the Canal and River to the corner of Exchange and Troup streets. A 16 inch main will be laid through Exchange to Buffalo streets, the continuation in St. Paul street north being a 12 inch main. Stop¬ cocks at the main branches have been included in the esti¬ mates, with hydrants every two blocks. The system of mains and pipes will provide for an eventual supply of 2,500,000 gallons, of which 1,500,000 will be used on the west side of the Genesee River. The first class, em¬ bracing 14 miles, and 11 miles of the second class, will supply the present wants of the city , the entire arrangement being shown in the following statement: Distributing Main, • • • 18 In. Diameter, . . 10,000 feet ii a • • • 16 “ tt • • 3/700 ii ii a • • • 12 “ U • • . 11,900 ii a Pipes, 1st class, 8 “ 4 . 10,450 << a <( ii 6 “ H . 32,580 ii a << ii 4 “ a . 18,100 ii a <( 2d class, 8 “ ii . 26,300 a a ii ii 6 “ a . 14,050 a a it ii 4 “ a . 63,260 a a ii 3d class, 8 “ a 1,700 a a ii u 6 “ a . 16,650 a a ii << 4 “ a . 80,250 a 49 Summary. 18 Tn. Main, . ■ 10,000 feet. 16 “ 8,700 “ 12 “ 11,900 “ 8 ‘‘ Pipe, 38,450 “ 6 “ 63,280 “ ^ u u 161,610 “ It is believed that the foregoing Report comprises the principal features of all the sources of supply available in the vicinity of Rochester. The time which has been occupied in making the necessary instrumental examinations, and arrang¬ ing the several plans of machinery, has been somewhat limited, and many of the details remain in manuscript, which can be more fully perfected hereafter, in case either of the proposed plans is adopted. These, with any other information on this subject, in our possession, are at your service. With regard to the estimates made, it is proper for us to say, that reliable and experienced parties have intimated their willingness to contract for the work at the prices named, investing a liberal proportion in the stock of the Company at par value. Respectfully, your obedient servants, CHARLES B. STUART, DANIEL MARSH, Firm of Stuart, Serrell & Co., Civil Engineers , New York. New York, Oct. 1,1858. 4 » . f - V