1347.773021 P926 Presentation of the Portrait of the Honorable Edward F. Dunne to the Circuit Court of Cook County, Illinois. /?3 Vl T I ,amo»s wsTomcAi simvEVl , ■ I t, I li ■<] ii i| t I 77302 Presentation of Portrait of the Honorable Edward F. Dunne iiil to the Circuit Court of Cook Countjj Illinois THIRTEENTH DAY OF OCTOBER ONE THOUSAND NINE HUNDRED AND THIRTY-FOUR I LLI f ! O ! S ^. i^ J '-' "-• - "^^^ ^ ^ • ' " ^ • Paintino in Oil by Mrs. Paul Godehn Presentation of Portrait of the Honorable Edward F. Dunne THE EDWARD F. DUNNE PORTRAIT ASSOCIATION to the CIRCUIT COURT OF COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS Proceedings had on the Thirteenth Day of October, One Thousand Nine Hundred and Thirty-Four ' Qy±r A REGULAR TERM of the Circuit Court of Cook County, Illinois^ held in the Court Koofn of Honorable Joseph Burke, Chief Justice of said Court, in the County Building, in the City of Chicago, on the thirteenth day of October, 1934, of the September term, in the year of our Lord one thousand nine hundred and thirty- four and of our Independence the one hundred and fifty-ninth. On Saturday, October 13, 1934, the Court met pursuant to adjournment in the court room of Honorable Joseph Burke, Chief Justice of the Circuit Court of Cook County ^^g Qoyj^ji in the County Building, in the City of Chicago, and was and those opened by proclamation of crier. louh the Present: ^^"^""^ Hon. Joseph Burke, Chief Justice of the Circuit Court, Presiding. There were also present, among others, the following : Hon. Edward F. Dumie ; Hon. Charles S. Deneen; Hon. Samuel Alschuler, Judge of the United States Circuit Court of Appeals; Hon. John J. Sullivan, Judge of the Illinois Appellate Court; Hon. John M. O'Connor, Judge of the Illinois Appel- late Court; Hon. Ross C. Hall, Judge of the Illinois Appellate Court; Hon. William H. Sexton, Corporation Counsel, City of Chicago; Hon. Joseph B. David, Judge of the Superior Court of Cook County; 7 The Court Hon. Oscar F. Nelson, Alderman, Forty-Sixth Ward, TrtseT ^'^y ^f Chicago; with the Hon. William V. Brothers, Judge of the Circuit Court <^ourt Qj Cook County; Hon. Michael Feinberg, Judge of the Circuit Court of Cook County; Hon. Dennis J. Normoyle, Judge of the Circuit Court of Cook County; Hon. Frank H. Bicek, Judge of the Circuit Court of Cook County; Hon. Cornelius J. Harrington, Judge of the Circuit Court of Cook County; Hon. Michael L. McKinley, Judge of the Superior Court of Cook County; Hon. Peter H. Schwaba, Judge of the Superior Court of Cook County; Hon. Edmund K. Jarecki, Judge of the County Court of Cook County; Hon. John F. O'Connell, Judge of the Prohate Court of Cook County; Hon. John D. Black, former President of the Chicago Bar Association; Hon. Roy O. West, former Secretary of the Interior of the United States; Hon. John J. Sonsteby, Chief Justice of the Municipal Court of Chicago; Hon. Jay A. Schiller, Judge of the Municipal Court of Chicago; Hon. Michael G. Kasper, Judge of the Municipal Court of Chicago; Hon. Robert M. Sweitzer, County Clerk of Cook County; Hon. Samuel A. Ettelson, former Corporation Counsel, City of Chicago; Hon. James M. Breen, former First Assistant Corporation Counsel, City of Chicago; Hon. James J. McHermott, Alderman, Fourteenth Ward, City of Chicago. Proceedings upon the presentation of a portrait of Honorable Edward F. Dunne, former Mayor of the City of Chicago and former Governor of the State of Illinois, for thirteen years Judge of the Circuit Court of Cook County, Illinois, now the Commissioner of the United States to A Century of Progress, by the Edward F. Dumie Portrait Association composed of the following members of the Bar : Edward F. Dunne Portrait Association Officers of Association Honorary Presidents Judge Samuel Alschuler Charles S. Deneen Joseph "W. Fifer Judge Norman L. Jones Sen. James Hamilton Lewis Frank 0. Lowden Lawrence Y. Sherman Floyd E. Thompson Richard Yates Treasurer Judge William V. Brothers President William H. Sexton Vice Presidents Judge Joseph Burke Judge Michael L. McEanley Judge Philip L. SuUivan Aid. Jacob M. Arvey Aid. Oscar F. Nelson Secretary William L. Sullivan Executive Committee Senator Richard J. Barr Judge Joseph B. David Judge Michael Feinberg Judge Cornelius J. Harrington Judge Stanley H. Kllarkowski Judge Thomas J. Lynch Judge Dennis J. Normovle Judge John F, O'Conneh Judge John M. O'Connor Judge Joseph Sabath Judge Peter H. Schwaba Judge John J. Sullivan Aid. Berthold A. Cronson Roger J. Kiley John A. Massen James J. McDermott James R. Quinn Aid Aid Aid Aid Michael J. Ahern Edmund Henry L. Burman Francis S. Clamitz William T. Crilly Robert E. Crowe WiUiam H. Dillon Arthur M. Fitzgerald Richard S. Folsom Edward J. Hennessey Joseph B. Hermes Michael L. Igoe H. V. Johannsen Max Krauss George W. Lennan William McKinley IHysses S. Schwartz James M. Slatterv Milton D. Smith ' Albert Watson Burke Introdvt^tion hy Mr. Sullivan Presentation of Portrait hy Mr. Sexton The Clerk: "Motions" "Petition of the Edward F. Dunne Portrait Association, William L. Sullivan, Secretary." The Court: Mr. Sullivan Mr. Sullivan: May it please the Court: This is a petition on behalf of the Edward F. Dunne Portrait Association for leave to present to the Court a portrait of one of its former Judges, the Honorable Edward F. Dunne. It is the desire of the association that your Honor preside during the ceremonies that are to follow. The association also prays that your Honor enter an order directing that today's proceedings be spread upon the permanent records of the Court. The association has selected as its spokesman its President, the Honorable William H. Sexton, and it now asks your Honor to call upon Mr. Sexton. The Court: It will please me greatly to comply with the request, and it is now my distinguished pleasure and honor to call upon the President of the Edward F. Dunne Portrait Associa- tion, who is a former President of the Chicago Bar Association and is at present the Corporation Counsel of the City of Chicago, Honorable William H. Sexton. Honorable Wh^liam H. Sexton : Mr. Chief Justice, Governor Dunne, distinguished guests, ladies and gentlemen: Some two months ago when the Edward F. Dunne Portrait Association was formed, I regarded it as a signal honor to become its President. The association consists of fifty-two members of the Bar who are personal friends and admirers of Edward F. Dunne. The purpose of the association was to present to the Circuit Court of Cook County a portrait of Edward F. Dunne. The association did 10 not ask for contributions from the members of the Bar Presentation -.« ,1 P l^ A. -j^ ^ i. ^t Portrait generally to help defray the expense ot the portrait, but hy Mr. Sexton asked for contributions from less than one per cent of the members of the Bar who were kno\vn to be friends of Governor Dumie. The response to our request for con- tributions, even in these days of depression, was so very spontaneous and generous that no further contributions were requested or needed. A committee of the association selected an eminent Chicago artist, Mrs. Paul Godehn, the wife of a prominent member of the Chicago Bar, to execute the portrait. The association thought it fitting that a portrait of Edward F. Dunne should permanently embellish the wall of this Court, where he sat so long and with such a distinguished record, so that when the history of this Court is \^T:'itten the name of "Dunne" will appear side by side with the names of McAllister, Moran, Tuley and the other great Judges of this Court. Judge Dumie has those fine qualities of heart and mind which made a good Judge into a great Judge. As a young man I had the privilege of practicing in his court room, and I think that the outstanding characteristic of Judge Dunne's judicial career, which likewise had a great part in his distinguished record since he left the Bench, was the peace, contentment and satisfaction in practicing law in his court room. He was always patient, courteous, kindly and considerate. I take great pleasure in the fact that I have been selected by the Edward F. Dunne Portrait Association to move a resolution upon the occasion of this ceremony to present to the Circuit Court of Cook County a portrait of one of its beloved former Judges, the Honorable Edward F. Dunne. II Presentatifm of Portrait bu Mr. Sextan The resolution, yoi::- H:-::r. :- r- *:!l:'^s: "EESOLTEb, Z ' -' ' ^ ^ al characta' and disfinc ^ ^' z ^ i jldic cai ; Z" ' -'dF. Dunni. indud- ^ ^ ■ ■ ■^ ^ ' 'i.' L )'■:[/ '^ Court of Cook ~ " -"- -;:■ ':-■:,-_ . ^' :-^-v. ■. ' ' the a ', ' " i' ; >. /if has l'>€en ■: ~ '' -: Bar of tJ.^ '.:' / for ahout sixti/ ijtars, ■^ . J ''7£ fjf t} : ([" - (''- ..■' --,- (''."'-. (" ■ r.[^ I "T'l-- ';■-".:-" — " ', ' ^ "7'"' ■" '^ >:';:' ':'"':!,;/ rnani- f'-'-' '' "' '■ ^ - '/ - ''■:"'' ''-^ f/;t"('/' ^iV'r>r':'VaJ <:' / ^ ; - ''.'":. i\g i:.rii io tht '/'"'.-^^ oj" Mayor o^ CI - rht rtirn of 1905 to 19'j7 and G': ' ' -' '-- - -!"'■■ '^ ^''^- "■ l-'l": fn 2-''i:.n'jth '.' -" " /i a/rJ ':'/:'-::" ''_' - .ttnt. FmaJI/j. f.ttinglif <: ■ '. ./iO a !<:'■ -,^'- '''he service. President B:':-veU aj:. _.._:,,: ;. . ,. ;.;> eightieth year, the C: ,. ^^.'./f/" 0'^ the U'..'-:d States to A Centurii of Pi' ■■->-. "/ t '-'.ost notahJe enterprise of its kind in the ""nT;"/: ^ . - x /■:'.';. c^'^iO/j of the Yo.a.'n'j 'nierits o'^ his - ''/" a/(c/ ot his long and unself.sh devotion ". "/_: : .{'jiiC 'j: -_ '' :,.■..,' . -}, this resedution r : '~''oit to : -_ . Ci.^ L. /'.:.: Court of Cook C '- ^ . '.die re h- -^ '. such distinction and with so inU'd ■: ddt to the Court. We a.'^k vour Honor that this pt> ~ ' ' '/ '■•■-■ff T'-^- d oy the Court and. that the resolu- tioi , . _ '. the records i'