Ol(o.3Z0073 ? • D-4- U.S.--LI3RARY OF CON GRESS--GENERAL RE- FERENCE AMD BIBLIO- GRAPHY DIVISION / I BIOGRAPH ICAL SOURCES OR THE U. S. Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2011 with funding from University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign http://www.archive.org/details/biographicalsourOOIibr Biographical Sources for The United States * ^ ' * ° * r- o o * / s s 1 ft ft ^ Biographical Sources for The United States Compiled by Jane Kline © General Reference and Bibliography Division • Reference Department LIBRARY OF CONGRESS Washington : 1961 L.C. Card 61-60065 For sale by the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office Washington 25, D.C. - Price 40 cents CONTENTS Page PREFACE v GENERAL 1-7 REGIONS AND STATES 8-12 SPECIAL AND PROFESSIONAL GROUPS 12-51 INDEX 53-53 in HIEFACE This annotated bibliography is presented as a guide to current biographical information about living Americans, especially those who have made notable contributions to the arts and the professions, to business -and corporate enterprise, and to military and civilian affairs. The collective biographies herein listed date principally from 19^5 to I960* and have been gleaned from titles in the holdings of the Library of Congress. As its core, this publication has col- lective and contemporary biography rather than rosters and other volumes suitable chiefly for identification. It encompasses, how- ever, a few works that fall outside its particular scope but which are deemed indispensable as biographical reference tools. Among them are the Dictionary of American Biography , America's Young Men , The Art Index , and Daniel T. Mallett 1 s Index of Artists . The bibliography is arranged in three main sections: General, Regions and States, and Special and Professional Groups. The first includes general biographical dictionaries devoted wholly to Ameri- cans, as well as international dictionaries or directories in which living Americans are substantially represented. The second section includes both regional and local biography, although the latter is represented in lesser quantity; and the third comprises works con- cerned mainly with persons in business, government, and the professions. Typically, data are furnished in the publications cited regard- ing such matters as: the occupation of the individual, his or her birthplace and date, parentage, education, family, career history, honors, club and association memberships, and publications. Biogra- phies vary in number per volume from less than 100 to more than 250,000, and in length from brief notices to short articles or chapters. A large proportion of them convey their information in telegraphic style, making full use of abbreviations and symbols. The latest available edition or issue of each work has been described and annotated, and its Library of Congress call number provided. Diversified to some extent in length and detail, the annotations are designed to indicate the scope and contents of the cited publication if its title does not, to describe important sections, and to place it in proper perspective to similar or related studies of the same subject. Appended is an index of authors, broad subjects, and relatively distinctive titles, the intention of which is to cue the reader to the desired source or subject. References are made in it to item numbers rather than to pages. May 1961 Jane Kline BIOGRAPHICAL SOURCES FOR THE UNITED STATES GENERAL AMERICAN Jews: .their lives and achievements; a contemporary bio- graphical record. New York, American Jewish Literary Founda- tion, illus. E184.J5A36 Vol. 2, 1958 (989 p., double column), averages four or five biographical sketches to the page. Arrangement is by subject category: architecture, art, clergy, education, engineering, finance, foundations, government, law, medicine, national-- civic organizations, organizations in religious life, publi- cations and literary arts, science, and trade and industry. Information supplied includes the subject specialty or special- ties of each person, his position, professional experience, honors and awards, publications, professional association and board memberships, birthplace and date, education, family status, and home and office addresses. AMERICA'S young men. Los Angeles, Richard Blank Pub. Co. annual. E7V7.A72 Vol. 3) 19 38- 39 j "the latest, is still useful, particularly because it contains 6,532 biographies of men who were at the time under to years of age. Information provided for each individual comprises such matters as occupation, birthplace and date, family, education, previous positions, association memberships, publications, and home and business addresses. A statistical summary, and geographical and occupational indexes are also supplied. BIOGRAPHY index; a cumulative index to biographical material in books and magazines. [v.] 1+ Jan. 19^-6/ July 19^9+ New York, H. W. Wilson. Z5301.B5 Issued in quarterly numbers, in unnumbered annual cumula- tions, and in triennial cumulated volumes. Includes section: "Checklist of Composite Books Analyzed." Vol. h covers September 1955- -August 1958. Although all biographees are American unless otherwise indicated, many are no longer living. Entered under their alphabetically arranged names are works both by and about them. This bibliography examines about 1,500 periodicals as well as books for biograph- ical material. Appended is an index to the professions and occupations. Also useful within its self-imposed limitations is the Bulletin of the Public Affairs Information Service ( Z7163.P9), which lists collective biographical works chiefly in its section, "Directories, Biographical"; it is issued in weekly bulletins, and five cumulations a year. h CURRENT biography yearbook. 19*40+ New York, H. W. Wilson, illus. annual . CT100 . C8 Cumulated from monthly numbers. Vol. 21, i960 (5l8 P« * double column), contains biographical sketches of persons, including many Americans, who were promi- nent during the year in approximately kO fields. The profiles average more than one and one-half pages each, and, in this issue, an increased number of them have revised and updated. Written as short articles, the sketches in many instances in- clude quotations from the biographees as well as from critical journals and newspapers. There are, among others, the sections "Biographical References," p. Vf7-^78; "Classification by Pro- fession— i960, " p. h&l-kSk; and "Cumulated Index- -1951-60, " p. 1+85-518. 5 DICTIONARY of American biography, under the auspices of the Ameri- can Council of Learned Societies. New York, Scribner, I928-58. 22 v. E176.D56 This publication contains biographies of no living persons, but its lU,870 "scholarly [and] authoritative" biographical articles, with bibliographical notes appended, make it an in- dispensable basic reference tool. In general, only individuals who "made some significant contribution to American life" and culture are represented in this work. The sketches vary in length from single columns to as much as 18 pages of double columns. These articles not only state but appraise the cir- cumstances and influences which shaped the personalities, careers, and achievements of the people included. Insofar as space permitted, the contributors stressed such matters as ancestry, parentage, childhood experiences, educational advan- tages, and physical and social environment. Vol. 21, Supplement one, besides bringing the Dictionary to December 31> 1935* presents "a certain number of memoirs which failed to be included in the earlier volumes, although their inclusion would have been appropriate." Vol. 22, Supplement two, brings the work to December 31* 19^+0' Index: volumes I-XX. New York, Scribner, 1937. 613 p. EI76.D56 Index a 6 EMINENT Americans. 1936+ Palo Alto, Calif., C. W. Taylor, illus. E176.E55 The fourth ed., 1957 (846 p.), is composed of about 1+00 biog- raphies, each averaging somewhat more than a page. Attempt has 2 - EMINENT Americans. ( cont. ) been made to provide for every sketch, besides the usual data as to birthplace and date, education, family, and the like, "a personal success story and to avoid the usual pattern used in general run-of-the-mill biographical books." Geographical, buisness, and personal indexes accompany the profiles. THE INTERNATIONAL blue book; a biographical dictionary of the world' s notable living men and women. 1926+ London, New York, H. Ringrose. CT120.IU5 On cover, 1951-52 (807 p.): World notables. Americans predominate in representation here, particularly scientists and engineers. The biographies vary considerably in length but generally supply information as to the individ- ual 1 s occupation; birthplace and date; parentage; education; family; position or positions held, along with a statement of the work- -re search, inventions, distinguished scholarship, and the like--for which the person is noted; publications; affilia- tions; and address. INTERNATIONAL celebrity register. U. S. ed. 1959+ New York, Celebrity Register, illus. CT120.I^6 The first, 1959 (86U p., double column), attempts to repre- sent a fair cross section of the world' s celebrities, including for this American ed. the international personalities best known here. A celebrity is defined as an individual of "accom- plishment in the sense of popular, or highly publicized, tempo- rary success." Averaging two biographies to the page, this work covers a multitude of fields, "from baseball to big busi- ness-, from poetry to politics, from sculpture to science and from chess to choreography." There are many quotations from the biographees. Public personages of a given year are discussed in such annuals as The Americana Annual , Brittanica Book of the Year , and Collier's Encyclopedia Year Book . INTERNATIONAL world who' s who. 19^7+ New York, American Univer- sities Medical Research Publications. CT103.I55 The issue for 19^-7 (1175 P«> double column) averages six to< eight biographies per page. Included are the prominent men and a few women from the fields of science, business, literature, and the like. Among lawyers, bankers, board chairman, and officials — college deans, judges, Congressmen, and ambassadors-- Americans are fairly well represented. The editor mentions a special effort made to emphasize literature and art, but their representatives are relatively few and appear to be somewhat quixotically selected. - 3 - 10 ITALIAN- AMERICAN who's who; a biographical dictionary of Italian American leaders. New York, Vigo Press. El84.l8l7 Vol. 17, 1959-60 (38^ p., double column), averages approxi- mately four biographical sketches per page. Each of these supplies information about such matters as the person's occu- pation or profession, birthplace and date, parentage, family, education, career history and present position, association memberships, and home and business addresses. In many instances, statements are also made as to religion, political affiliation, and status as an American citizen. 11 THE NATIONAL cyclopaedia of American biography. Current volume A+ New York, J. T. White, 1927+ illus. E176.N27 Curr. vol. Current vol. I, 1953-59 (^6, 63 p. , double column), is con- posed of biographies of ranking members of the Executive Branch of the United States Government, Members of Congress, Governors, and other public officials, together with memoirs of several hundred people who have achieved eminence in such fields as science, education, religion, literature, the arts, law, medicine, engineering, industry, finance, and "other significant pursuits." Besides giving the usual record of birth, ancestry, education, and marriage, each sketch emphasizes its subject's noteworthy contributions to his own sphere of endeavor. Average length is one, to one and one-half pages. The main section is not arranged alphabetically, but there is an alphabetically arranged, sepa- rately paged name and subject index. 12 WEBSTER'S biographical dictionary; a dictionary of names of note- worthy persons with pronunciations and concise biographies. Springfield, Mass., G. & C. Merriam [1959] xxxvi, 1697 p. CT103.WU 1959 In this volume, which includes living persons, Americans and the British have been admitted on a generous scale, and in many instances have been accorded fuller treatment than their peers of other nationalities. More than 1*0,000 names appear, unrestric- ted by considerations of historical period, nationality, race, religion, or occupation, except that those of individuals promi- nent in sports, motion pictures, contemporary theater, and radio have been kept to a minimum. 13 WHO knows, and what, among authorities, experts, and the specially informed. Rev. ed. Chicago, A. N. Marquis [195M 907 p. CT220.W5 A companion volume to Wh o 1 s Who in America , this work has as its core an alphabetically arranged roster of more than 12,000 American specialists. In it are provided data for each person - k - WHO knows, and what. (cont. ) concerning such matters as his specialty, birth date, education, honors, career history, publications, present position, associa- tion memberships, and address. "The 'Keying' Locator Index," p. 87I-9OY, refers from 35*000 subjects back through key numbers to the biographical sketches in the main section. WHO'S who among Finnish- Americans; a biographical directory of persons of Finnish descent who have made noteworthy contribu- tions to the pattern of American life. Fitchburg, Mass., Raivaaja Pub. Co., I9U9. 173 p. E18U.F5W5 Lists first- and second-generation Finnish- Americans who ho.ve won recognition by contributions to science, industry, commerce, art, music, and education. Information concerning each person includes data about such matters as occupation, address, birth- place and date, education, military service, career history, honors, present position, and professional and club memberships. WHO'S who in America; a biographical dictionary of notable living men and women, v. [l]+ I899-I9OO+ Chicago, Marquis -Who 1 s Who. biennial. E663.W56 Indices to, and vocational analysis of, the living biog- raphees. Chicago, A. N. Marquis, 1952. 1 v. (various pagings) E663.W5612 Vol. 31* I96O-6I (3356 p., triple column), averaging five or six biographies per column, furnishes data in extreme telegraphic form about such matters as the person's education, occupation, birthplace and date, parentage, family, earlier positions, honors and association memberships, publications, and home and business addresses. Certain groups of people are included arbitrarily because of position — civil, military, religious, educational, corporate, or organizational. The others are selected as being not necessarily the best but the nationally best-known men and women in all lines of useful and creditable attainment who are so identified with American affairs as to be subject to wide inquiry or discussion. Serving the intervals between the edi- tions of this is a Monthly Supplement which is international in scope and which includes some persons who are, for one reason or another, currently in the news. The publisher has also issued companion volumes of obituaries, Who Was Who in America (Chicago, 19^2-50. 2 v. E663.W5I1). In Who ... the Story of "Who's Who in America " (New York, McDowell, Obolensky [1958] 389 p. E663.W57L3), an independent history of the "Big Red Book" based upon the A. N. Marquis files, Cedric Larson cites the current percent of selections for it as three in every 10,000 of the population. He notes, also, the fact that - 5 - 15 WHO'S who in America, (cont.) "a sprinkling" of foreigners is now listed because of their "reference interest to Americans." l6 WHO'S who in colored America; a biographical dictionary of notable living persons of Negro descent in America, v. 1+ 1927+ Yonkers-on-Hudson, N. Y. , C. E. Burckel. illus. El85.96.W5U The seventh ed. , 1950 (648 p., double column), averages five or six biographies to the page. The biographees fall into two categories: those whose levels of position--religious, aca- demic, judicial and legislative, financial, public, social, and military—would automatically entitle them to inclusion; and those whose personal achievements and learning, remarkable experiences or associations, public followings or benefactions, and leadership render them of interest to others. Information is supplied as to such matters as occupation, birthplace and date, family, education, military service, honors, previous positions, society memberships, publications, addresses, and religious and political affiliations. The Negro Year Book, for 1952 (EI85.5. Uhl) , edited by Jessie Parkhurst Guzman of Tuskegee Institute, offers fairly detailed but scattered biographical information concerning Negroes in such fields as the sciences, athletics, and the arts. 17 WHO'S who in the United Nations. 1951+ Yonkers-on-Hudson, N. Y. , C. E. Burckel. illus. JXL977.A1W5 The first ed. , 1951 ( 580 p., double column), includes nearly 1,700 biographies of key personnel, Americans among them, selec- ted either because of their positions in the United Nations and its specialized agencies, or because of the significance of the functions they are performing, or have discharged. A section devoted to the background and structure of the UN and a chronol- ogy of conferences and agreements leading to its formation ap- pear among other data in the Appendices. 18 WHO'S who in world Jewry. 1955+ New York. DS125.3.A2W5 The volume for 1955 presents 10,700 alphabetically arranged biographical sketches, more than half of which portray Americans. High officials in all branches of government, including the armed forces, and all academicians who rank as assistant pro- fessors or higher, were admitted as were those whose individual merits were attested by their colleagues. Data for each person are furnished regarding such matters as profession or occupation; birthplace and date; parentage; education and honorary degrees; family; present position; career history; military service; club and professional memberships; honors; publications; and home and office addresses. - b - 18 WHO'S who in world Jewry. (cont. ) A similar work, World Jewish Register, 1955/56 (New York, Monde Publishers. j6k p. DS115.W6 1955/56), listing more than 10,000 vignettes of a like pattern differs from its predecessor mainly in the arrangement of them within subject categories — commerce and industry, community affairs, educa- tion, finance, fine arts, law, literary arts, medicine, music and theatre arts, religion, and science — and in its supple- mentary materials. An earlier work, Who* s Who in American Jewry , 3d ed. (New York. National News Association [1938] 1177 p. El8if.J5W6 1938), offers 8,^77 "full biographies," with an additional listing of about 1,900 names. 19 WHO 1 S who of American women; a biographical dictionary of notable living American women, v. 1+ 1958-59+ Chicago, Marquis- Who's Who. biennial. CT3260.W5 Vol. 1, 1958-59 (1^38 p., triple column), averages 13 or more biographical sketches to the page. Persons listed include artists; association and business executives; club, civic, and religious leaders; designers; educators; engineers; entertainers and commentators; Federal, State, and local officials; home economists and dietitians; lawyers; librarians; musicians; physi- cal and biological scientists; physicians; social scientists; social workers; and writers. Information is supplied for each individual regarding such matters as: name, whether married or maiden, as indicated by the biographee herself; occupation; birthplace and date; parentage; education; honors; family; career history; association, board, and club memberships; polit- ical and religious affiliations; publications; and address. An earlier work, American Women (Los Angeles, Richard Blank Pub. Co. [19 35] -39. 3 v. E7V7.A69), issued by the publisher of America's Young Men , listed women prominent in civic life, art, education -Jid the other professions, and commerce and industry. 20 WORLD biography. Bethpage, N. Y. , Institute for Research in Biog- raphy, 19^)+ illus. CT120.W65 The fifth ed. , 195^ (1215 p., double column), records the histories of many notable living American artists, writers, scholars, scientists, physicians, jurists, lawyers, religious leaders, educators, philosophers, musicians, statesmen, busi- ness executives, and military figures. Offering the customary Who's who type information, these sketches average 12 to ik per page. All living Nobel Prize winners are listed, and com- prehensive r£sum£s are provided of their significant achievements. - 7 - REGIONS MID STATES orn States ;; presenting biographical sketches of men and women who have helped shape the character of New Hampshire and their communities. Concord, N. H. , Concord Press, 1955^ 211 p. (double column) illus. F33.N57 1955 Notices business and professional people, club leader . labor officials, artists, writers, industrial developer:;, sport: figures, and civic leaders. Averages two to four sketches per page. 22 PENNSYLVANIA who's who. 1957/58+ Pittsburgh. FlU8. P^9 The 1957/58 ed. [approximately 86 p. ] presents data concern- ing persons active in such fields as business, the professions, industry, religion, politics, the military, and civic affairs. 23 WHO'S who in New York (City and State). 1904+ New York, Lewis Historical Pub. Co. Fll8.Wo2 The 13th ed. , i960 (ikh'J p., double column), averages from five to nine biographies per page; representation is ''on the basis of prominence and usefulness" in private affairs, or of "notable official position." 2k WHO'S who in the East; a biographical dictionary of noteworthy men and women of the Middle Atlantic and Northeastern State . Chicago, Marquis-Who's Who, 19^3+ S7"~. The seventh ed. , 1959 (10 78 p., triple column), offers "bic - raphies-in-brief" of approximately 6,970 persons not previously represented in Marquis publications, besides data about more than 7 j 200 individuals earlier identified with the area. region comprises the states of: Connecticut, Delaware, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Mew Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Vermont, and West Virginia. Accord- ing to Cedric A. Larson's Who , this work absorbed another Marquis publication of somilar design, ',, r r.o'r V/ho in New Engl-.nu (F3-W6l), volume four of which was issued in 19^9 • Southern States 25 CROWELL, EVELYN (MILLER), ed. Men of achievement. Texas ed. 7 J. Mcranz Associates, 19^73. 238 p. Illus. F335. Sketches, averaging one-half to one page, of men who attainment in business, finance, agriculture, the prefer - 8 - 25 CROWELL, EVELYN ( MILLER), (cont.) petroleum, and public service. A number of memorial biographies are included. 26 FLORIDA who' s who. Jacksonville. F310.F5 The first issue, 1953-5^ [102 p.], lists "persons active in the business, professional, industrial, religious, 'political, military, civic and other distinguished fields." Data are supplied for each individual, in varying order and as applicable, concerning such matters as birth date, home address, family, college and graduate degrees, occupation, military service, career history, club and association memberships, and publica- tions. 27 SOUTHWEST Texan g. Publisher's ed. , rev. San .Antonio, Southwest Publications [1952] 1A-72A, 608 p. (triple column) illus. F385.S68 1952 A massive collection of biographical data concerning pro- fessional men and women, farmers, ranchers, and, in larger part, business and corporation executives. The quadruple column index is nearly 13 pages long. 28 WHO is who in Arkansas, v. 1+ Little Rock, Ark., 1959+ illus. F^-lO.Wl+7 Vol. 1, 1959 (2^9 P»)> averaging between one and two biog- raphies per page, provides some ancestral history. 29 WHO'S who in the South and Southwest. [1950]+ Chicago, Marquis -Who's 1*10. F208.W6U A limited first ed. was published in 19^7 by Larkin, Roose- velt & Larkin; issue for 1950 called second ed. but is first under Marquis editorship. The sixth ed. , 1959 (950 p., triple column), presents "biog- raphies-in-brief" of about 5; 390 persons not previously repre- sented in Marquis publications, besides data concerning the more than 8,260 biographees earlier identified with the region. This area comprises the states of: Alabama, Arkansas, District of Columbia, Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, Louisiana, Mississippi, North Carolina, Oklahoma, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas, and Virginia. Middle West 30 BUSINESS men of Iowa; a biographical cross section of commercial, financial, industrial, professional, agricultural, and public life. Des Moines, Midwest Publications, 1953* 808 p. (triple column) HC10 2. 5 . A2B8 Averages seven or eight biographies to the page. - 9 - 31 HEPBURN, WILLIAM M., ed. Who's who in Indiana; library of American lives. A reference edition recording the biographies of con- temporary leaders in Indiana with special emphasis on their achievements in making the Hoosier State one of America's great- est. Hopkinsville, Ky. , Historical Record Association [1957] 2kS p. (double column) illus. F525.H^ Averages about ID biographical sketches to a page. Data are supplied for each individual concerning such matters as occupa- tion, address, birthplace and date, parentage, family, education, career history, club and association memberships, publications, and military service. 32 WHO'S who for North Dakota. 1955+ Bismarck, H. L. White, illus. triennial. F635.W5 Published with the cooperation of the State Historical Society of North. Dakota. The 1955 issue contains a triple column biographical section, p. 71-182, which averages from Ik to 16 biographies to the page. These are placed as they were received, without alphabetization, but are indexed alphabetically as well as geographically. In- formation is supplied for each individual concerning such matters as present position or occupation, birthplace and date, parentage and family, education, career history, military service, associa- tion and club memberships, political and religious affiliations, and home and office addresses. 33 WHO'S who in the Midwest; a biographical dictionary of noteworthy men and women of the Central and Midwe stern States. [19^91+ Chicago, Marquis-Who's Who. E7^7.W63 Incorporates Who's Who in the Central States (Chicago, Larkin, Roosevelt & Larkin, 1947. 12.Sk p. E7V7.W57). The seventh ed. , i960 (1003 P» > triple column), furnishes "biographies- in-brief" of about 7*930 individuals not previously represented in Marquis publications, along with data concerning more than 7,670 persons earlier identified with the region. This area comprises the states of: Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, Nebraska, North Dakota, Ohio, South Dakota, and Wisconsin. According to Cedric A. Larson's Who, this work absorbed Who's Who in Chicago and Illinois , (F5^8.25.W63), another Marquis publication, the ninth volume of which was issued in 1950. The West 3h CAPITOL'S who's who for Oregon. Portland, Greg., Capitol Pub. Co. F875.C35 - 10 - 3^ CAPITOL'S who's who for Oregon. ( cont. ) The issue for 19^8-^9 (624 p., triple column) represents personalities "who have contributed in notable degree to the industrial, commercial, and financial success and progress of Oregon," and includes "several thousands" of biographical sketches. Information provided for each person concerns such matters as occupation, birthplace and date, parentage, educa- tion, club and association memberships, family, career history, military service, honors, political affiliation, and home and office addresses . o oC o • 35 EMINENT Californians. 1953+ Palo Alto, Calif., C. W. Taylor. illus. F860.E53 The issue for 1953 (592 p.) contains biographies, averaging one to the page, chiefly of business executives and lawyers. 36 EMINENT men of the Northwest. 1955+ Palo Alto, Calif. , C. W. Taylor, illus. F852.E48 The 1955 ed. ( 3&3 P» ) contains biographies, averaging one to the page, of men eminent in industry, commerce, finance, and the professions. The states represented are Oregon, Washington, and Idaho. 37 JEFFERY, EDMOND C. , ed. Alaska: who's here, what's doing, who's doing it, 1955. Anchorage, Alaska. 212 p. F903.J4 Contains biographical sketches of more than 500 prominent contemporary Alaskans, nine- tenths of whom were born and edu- cated in the United States. Tney were selected because of contributions to civic welfare, because of business achieve- ment, acknowledged community standing, personal recommendations, or membership in recognized organizations. 38 MEN and women of Hawaii. [Honolulu] Honolulu Business Consultants. illus. EU624.9.M38 The issue for 195^ (7^3 P« > double column), averaging a little more than two biographies per page, includes sketches of profes- sional people and community service workers as well as business executives and government officials. 39 WHO'S who in California. 1955/56+ [Los Angeles] illus. F860 . V/628 A deluxe second ed. , 1957 (282 p., double column), consists of 1,200 biographies of men o.nd women who are leaders in educa- tion, arts and sciences, commerce and industry, social and - 11 - 39 WHO'S who in California. ( cont. ) civic affairs, Government and public welfare. Some genealogical data are incorporated in Who's Who in Log Anr.eles County ( 1950- 51+ Log Angeles, Who's Who Historical Society. P'868.L8W5C) • 40 WHO'S vno in Coloi ado. Centennial anniversary ed. [Denver] Wno's Who in Colorado; distributed by Sage Books, 1958. 607 p. (double column) F775.W57 "A biographical record of Colorado' g outstanding civic, business, professional, religious, labor and government lenders. " Averages 12 to 1^ sketches per page. Information is provided about each person concerning such matters as occupation or present position, birthplace and date, education, family, mili- tary service, career history, professional association and club memberships, religious and political affiliations, and home and office addresses. +1 WHO'S who in the West; a biographical dictionary of noteworthy men and women of the Pacific Coast and the Western States. Chicago, Marqui s- Wno ' s Who [ 19^+9 ]+ F595 . V.Gk The seventh ed. , i960 (79^ P» > triple column), offers "biog- raphies-in-brief" of approximately 5>50^ persons not previously represented in Marquis publications, besides data concerning more than 6,563 individuals earlier identified with the region. Hiis area comprises the states of: Alacka, Arizona, California, Colorado, Hawaii, Idaho, Montana, Nevada, tfew Mexico, Oregon, Utah, V/ashington, and Wyoming. A closely related Marquis publi- cation, covering the same territory, is Who 1 s Who on the Pacific Coast , (F85I.W6). SPECIAL AND PROFESSIONAL GROUPS Aeronautics +2 WHO'S who in world aviation, v. 1+ 1955+ Washington, American Aviation Publications. TL539.W58 Vol. 2, 1958 (^97 p. double column), contains approximately 3,100 biographies chiefly of American officials and key employees of aircraft and engine companies, airlines and associated indus- tries; scientists in aeronautics and astronautics; officers of the air services of all countries who merit recognition because of rank or service; distinguished members of pioneer pilot organ- izations; Government officials, Federal, State, and local, who work with the industry; legislators who take a significant - 12 k2 WHO'S who in world aviation., (cont.) interest in aviation; and individuals who have won notice by- reason of contributions to the science, industry, commerce, literature, and development of aviation, astronautics, and allied fields. Anthr opologi s t s k-3 INTERNATIONAL directory of anthropologists. 3d ed. Melville J. Herskovits, editor. Washington [Division of Anthropology and Psychology, National Research Council] 1950* 210 p. GN20 . 15 1950 "Prepared under the auspices of the Committee on Interna- tional Relations in Anthropology of the Division of Anthro- pology and Psychology, National Research Council [and the] American Anthropological Association." Contains 2,123 "carefully selected biographies," including those of many Americans. Arranged alphabetically by name, the sketches provide information concerning such matters as the individual's birthplace and date, address, present position, education, former positions, honors, major anthropological interests, research in progress, and field research. Besides professional anthropologists, this work also enters a number of "devoted amateurs and friends of anthropology. " Armed Forces kk GENERALS of the Army and the Air Force and admirals of the Navy, v. 1-3; Feb. 1953-Jan. 1956. [Washington] 3 v. in 2. Edited by T. M. Dunleavy. U52.G4 Set in double columns and accompanied by portraits, these biographies of retired as well as active generals and admirals approximate one to the page of an average issue of about 30 pages. Besides the usual information offered, mention of honors, foreign decorations, and the like, is made in the rather detailed vignettes. The monthly issues were published as a cumulatively indexed series, of which v. 2, no. 6, July 195^-> is wanting in the Library of Congress holdings. ^5 U. S. ADJUTANT-GENERAL'S OFFICE. U. S. Army register. 1802+ Washington, U. S. Govt. Print. Off. annual. Ull.uU In 3 v. : v. 1, United States Army active and retired lists; v. 2, Army of the United States and other retired lists; v. 3 f Officers' honorary retired lists. - 13 - 1+5 U. S. ADJUTAM 1 - GENERAL'S OFFICE , (cont.) Jan. 1, I960* v. 1 (1366 p., double column), has title: United States Army Active and Retired Lists . The main sec- tion, consisting of the Active List, furnishes data concerning such matters as the individual's place and date of birth, place from which appointed, education, including military, military service, highest grade and date of rank, resignation or discharge from commissioned service, or transfer if a regular Army officer and date, and Promotion List number. Supplement, v. 9 (I9I+O-I950), to General George W. Cullum* s Biographical Register of the Officers and Graduates of the United States Military Academy (U1+10.H52) adds more than 5.700 entries to its preceding editions, and stresses the military histories of its biographees. Also stressing their military histories is the Register of Graduates and Former Cadets , United States Military Academy (U1+10.H35), issued by the West Point Alumni Foundation, which lists all men who have enrolled at the Academy except those currently of undergraduate status. k6 U. S. AIR FORCE . Air Force register. I9I+9+ Washington, U. S. Govt. Print. Off. annual. UG633.A3762 The register for I9I+8 was combined with the Official Army Register, under title: Official Army and Air Force Register . In 2 v. : v. 1, Active lists; v. 2, Retired lists. Jan. 1, i960, v. 1 (836 p.) > has title: Active Lists . Information is provided about the individual concerning such matters as Promotion List number, permanent grade and date secured, Promotion List service date, date of birth, temporary grade and date attained, education, and specialty. 1+7 U. S. BUREAU OF NAVAL PERSONNEL . History of the Chaplain Corps, United States Navy. v. h. United States Navy chaplains, I9U6-I952. Washington, U. S. Govt. Print. Off., 1953. 203 p. (double column) VG23.AU5 Compiled by the Chaplains Division of the Bureau of Naval Personnel, Navy Dept. "Biographical and service-record sketches of 1,830 chap- lains including corrections and amendments to 1,555 sketches which appeared in United States Navy chaplains 1778-19^5* and sketches of 273 chaplains who had active duty beginning after 1 January I9I+6. " kS Medal of Honor, I86I-I9I+9, the Navy. [Washington, 1950?] 327 p. illus. VB333.A532 - 14 - U8 U. S. BUREAU OF NAVAL PERSONNEL , (cont. ) Based largely upon material obtained from official naval histories, reports of the Secretary of the Navy, documents from the National Archives, ships* logs, war diaries, action reports, and bureau records, this is intended to serve as a complete record of Medals of Honor awarded to officers and men of the Navy and the United States Marine Corps from the Civil War through 19^9 • Information provided about each recipient includes rank, birthplace and date, state from which accredited or appointed, other awards, and the citation. Jane Blakeney 1 s Heroes, U. S. Marine Corns ? l86l-1955 ([Washington, 1957] xviii, 021 p. VE23.B^6) is derived from official Department of Defense, Army, Navy, and Marine Corps releases, reports, and memoranda as well as personal and gen- eral files, war diaries, muster rolls, action reports, and the like. This book lists Medals of Honor awarded to officers and men of the Marine Corps, from the Civil War through the Korean War. Data supplied include, in most instances, rank, birthplace and date, state from which accredited or appointed, and the citation. Information concerning Korean War recipients is slightly less full. I19 Register of commissioned and warrant officers of the United States Navy and Marine Corps and reserve officers on active duty. l8l*W- Washington, U. S. Govt. Print. Off. VTl.U^ Issued in the congressional series as House documents. Jan. 1, i960 (12^3 p.) enters, in three categories, all officers on active duty: lineal list of officers, officers of the Naval Reserve assigned active duty in connection with training, administration, and recruiting of the Naval Reserve, and women officers and nonlineal Women Reserve officers. Pre- sented by means of abbreviations and designator codes, the data concern such matters as the officer's source of entry into the service --Naval Academy, Officer Candidate School, and the like- -present rank, date of entry and seniority in it, medals and decorations, and education and special qualifica- tions. The Bureau also issues a Register of Commissioned and Warrant Officers of the United States Naval Reserve ( VA80.AU57), which is similar to the parent work except that it laks mention of special qualifications. The Register of Alumni: Graduates , and Former Naval Cadets and Midshipmen (v4l5.H5), published by the Alumni Association of the United States Naval Academy, Annapolis, lists each man who has enrolled there, and stresses his career history. - 15 - 50 U. S. COAST GUARD . Register of the commissioned and warrant officers and cadets of the United States Coast Guard in the order of pre- cedence. 1915+ Washington, U. S. Govt. Print. Off. annual. HJ66^5.A31 Oct. 1, 1958 (175 P* ) presents data by means of abbreviations and codes about such matters as the permanent rank of the indi- vidual, the date on which he secured it, present rank and date attained, birth date, year commissioned, and special training. 51 U. S. DEPT. OF THE ARMY . Public Information Division . The Medal of Honor of the United States Army. [Washington, U. 3. Govt. Print. Off., 19l*8] k6Q p. illus. UB^33-A52 I9U8 Information supplied concerning each recipient of the award, from its creation through World War II, includes rank and organi- zation, place and date of action, place of entry into service, and the citation for conspicuous gallantry. Less full are the data supplied for soldiers of conflicts earlier than World War I. A list of Army Medal of Honor recipients of World Wars I and II and the Korean War, together with dates and places of action, is furnished in The Army Almanac [2d ed. ] (Harrisburg, Pa., Stack- pole Co. [1959] 797 P- UA25.A78 1959). 52 U. S. MARINE CORPS . Combined lineal list of officers on active duty in the Marine Corps. [Washington] VE23.AU7 Presented by means of abbreviations and codes, the grades, dates of rank, and lineal precedence of officers appearing in the Jan. 1, 1958 (270 p.) list are the same as those furnished in the official Navy Register of the same date. The Combined Lineal List shows, in addition, however, the officer's specialty, the date and manner of entry into the service --U. 3. Naval, Mili- tary, Coast Guard Academies, or enlisted service, and the like-- and birth date. The Marine Corps also issues a Lineal List of Commissioned and Warrant Officers of the Marine Corps Reserve ( VE23.3* A55)j which provides much the same sort of information as does the primary volume. 53 U. S. NATIONAL GUARD BUREAU . Official Army National Guard register. 1922+ Washington, U. S. Govt. Print. Off. UA^2.Al6 i960 (1103 p., double column) lists all officers and warrant officers, active and inactive, as of Jan. 1, i960. Biographical data presented include such matters as rank, birth date and place, education, including military, military service, and 16 - 53 U. S. NATIONAL GUARD BUREAU , (cont.) decorations. A companion volume, the Air National Guard Register (UG633» AV78), presents somewhat similar information concerning federally recognized officers and warrant officers of the Air National Guard of the various states, territories, and the District of Columbia. 5^ "WHO'S who" in Army aviation. Westport, Conn., Army Aviation Pub- lications, illus. UG633.AIV/5 195^- (63 p. , double column) furnishes personal listings of 1,1^2 individuals, providing such information as addresses, ratings, promotions, and family. Army airfields are recorded by state and code. 55 WHO'S who in the Air Force. 195^+ Washington, Mr Force Associa- tion. UG633.W4 Supplement to Air Force Magazine . First ed. , 195^ (136 p., triple column), averaging 10 or 11 biographies per page, includes sketches of those individuals "considered by the Air Force as holding key jobs as of December 1953* " Information is provided concerning such matters as the officer's rank, birthplace and date, family, education, includ- ing military, decorations and other honors, career history, Air Force assignment in 1953* and permanent address. Artists 56 AMERICAN architects directory. 1956+ New York, Published under the sponsorship of American Institute of Architects by R. R. Bowker. NA53.A37 The first ed. , 1956 (723 p. , double column), lists all mem- bers of the American Institute of Architects, and provides biographical data concerning those who responded to a question- naire. Sketches of nonmember architects of established practice from whom information was secured are also offered. The biog- raphical notices total more than 7*250 and the whole complement of architects represented approximates 10,800. A geographical section, p. 635-699* is alphabetically arranged by state and city. 57 MCCALLUM, IAN R. M. Architecture U. S. A. New York, Reinhold Pub. Corp. [1959] 216 p. NA712.M27 A cross section of the best of our contemporary architecture presented in the form of many illustrations and captions with brief biographies of the architects, showing their backgrounds, - 17 - 57 MCCALLUM, IAN R. M. (cont.) training, careers, and principles. The selections, arranged in order of the seniority of the biographees, are admittedly personal, and to them William Wilson Atkin raises certain objections in his "Note to American Readers." 58 MALLETT, DANIEL T. Index of artists, international-biographical; including painters, sculptors, illustrators, engravers and etchers of the past and present. New York, P. Smith, l^kS [ c 1935] xxiv, i)-93 p. Nto.M3 19^ Supplement. New York, P. Smith, l^k& [ c 19*t0] 319 p. I&0.M3 19^8 Suppl. Each entry here records such matters as the person' s full name, pseudonym, maiden and married names for a woman, active period, and location of residence. The Index also guides the reader to more extended sources of biographical information through its use of a system of key letters and numbers. In the case of an artist for whom no reference was found in the sources used, the Supplement notes the art gallery, museum, library, publisher, and the like, from which informa- tion may be secured or his work may be viewed. 59 MILLER, BERTHA E. (llAHONY), and others, comps . Illustrators of children' s books, Yfkk-iyh 1 ? , compiled by Bertha E. Mahony, Louise P. Latimer [and] Beulah Folmsbee. Boston, Horn Book, 19^7. xvi, 527 p. illus. I.IC965.I-59 Supplement, 19^6-56, compiled by Ruth H. Viguers, Marcia Dalphin [and] Bertha M. Miller. Boston, Horn Book, 1958. xvi i, 299 p. illus. NC965.M59 Suppl. Part two of the parent volume consists of the sectior. : "Brief Biographies of Living Illustrators," p. 267-376. Part two of the .Supplement consists of the section: "Biographies of Illus- trators Active from 19^6 through 1956," p. 62-203. Averaging three to five per page in both volumes, the sketches were com- piled for the most part from materials sent by the artists themselves, their families, or their publisners. Data submitted, in many instances, include the illustrator's explanations of his artistic motivations and inspirations. 60 WHO' S who in American art; a biographical directory of contemporary artists, editors, critics, executives, etc. v. 1+ 1936-37+ Washington, American Federation of Arts. N6536.W5 Formerly published in the American Art Annual . - 18 - 60 WHO'S who in American art. (cont.) The 1959 ed -» (7l8 p., double column) contains biographical information about approximately 7*000 persons, among them sculptors, painters, graphic artists, art writers and histor- ians, and art critics. For the first time, the number includes artists of Alaska and Hawaii, and museum directors, associate and assistant directors, and heads of college and university- art departments. Works resulting from two exhibitions held at the Whitney- Museum of American Art, The New Decade ( New York, Macmillan, 1955. 96 p. ND212.W45) and Nature in Abstraction (New York, Macmillan, 1958. 85 p. N6512.W^9), deal respectively with American painters and sculptors who attained prominence in the decade, 19^5-55* and with 20th-century abstract painters and sculptors in the United States. Athletes 61 BASEBALL register. [St. Louis] C. C. Spink, illus. GV862.BU3 On cover: Published by The Sporting News (varies slightly). The 1958 ed. (336 p.) provides information concerning present- day players, managers and coaches, major league umpires, and former stars. It includes data about such matters as birthplace and date, height and weight, throwing and batting characteristics, family, education, and baseball record. The sketches average two or three to a page. The Official Encyclopedia of Baseball by Hy Turkin and S. C. Thompson. Rev. ed. (New York, Barnes [1956] xvii, 583 P* ) includes a section, "All-Time Register of Players and Managers, " p. 57-379* which provides information as to birthplace and date, death date where applicable, and baseball record. 62 FLEISCHER, NATHANIEL S. , ed. Nat Fleischer's ring record book. 19^1+ New York, Ring Book Shop. GVL133.F57 The i960 ed. (932 p.) includes "Biographical Sketches of Current and Recent World Champions," p. U-19. Generally averag- ing three to a page, the sketches provide data as to birthplace and date, height and weight, boxing record, and such other life events as marital status, family, war service, and business. Authors 63 BRENNI, VTTO J. West Virginia authors: a biobibliography. Morgan- town, West Virginia Library Association, 1957* 73 p. (West Virginia Library Association. Publication no. 2) Z13^9»B7 - 19 - 63 BRENNI, VI TO. J. (cont. ) Any writer appears here, whether engineer, educator, lawyer, businessman, novelist, short-story writer, or poet, who has lived in West Virginia at one time or another and has published more than one article or poem. Information is provided in most instances as to occupation, birthplace and date, and titles of publications. The work includes a brief section, "Sources of Biographical Information. " 6U HOEHN, MATTHEW, ed. Catholic authors; contemporary biographical sketches, 1930- [1952] Newark [N. J.] St. Mary's Abbey, 19*4-8-52. 2 v. illus. PI&85.H6 These volumes together form "an intimate introduction" to 99^- contemporary Catholic authors, not all of whom are American. Identified as practicing members of the Catholic Church, the writers have not necessarily expounded Catholic themes, nor does their thought literally reflect the mind of the Church. The biographies average one to two pages each. 65 JOINT Committee on North Carolina Literature and Bibliography of the North Carolina English Teachers Association and the North Carolina Library Association. North Carolina authors; a selective handbook. Chapel Hill, University of North Carolina Library, 1952. xv, 136 p. PS266.N8J6 1952 Biographical data concerning more than l60 authors thought to be most "significant in the North Carolina literary scene." The 82 living authors have contributed their own sketches, which have been left for the most part unedited. Many of the deceased were pioneers or the oe:n known of the time in their respective fields. Citations are made of some books by the writers and of certain standard reference works in which they appear. In Tar Heel Writers I Know (Winston- Salem [N. C. ] J. F. Blair, 1956. 215 p. PS2o6.n8h6), Bernadette Hoyle presents 35 short articles, both biographical and interpretative, based upon the author's interviews with writers personally known to her who work in such fields as fiction, history, biography, poetry, drama, and juvenile literature. 66 KUNITZ, STANLEY J., and Howard Haycraft, eds. The junior book of authors. 2d ed. , rev. New York, H. W, Wilson, 1951. 309 p. illus. (The Authors series) PNIDO9.AIK8 1951 This new edition contains biographical or autobiographical - 20 - 66 KUNITZ, STANLEY J. ( cont. ) sketches of 289 authors and illustrators of works for children and young people; of these 160 are repeated with revisions from the 193^ edition. The remaining 129 represent names of those who have come into prominence since 193^-» To make room for these latter, two principal categories of names were removed- - that of the "classics," such as Louisa May Alcott and Lewis Carroll, and border liners like Mark Twain and Booth Tarkington. 67 KUNITZ, STANLEY J., and Howard Haycraft, eds. Twentieth century authors; a biographical dictionary of modern literature. New York, H. W. Wilson, 19^2. 1577 p. illus. (The Authors series) PN771. K86 Supersedes Living Authors (1931) and Authors Today and Yes - terday (1933). — First supplement. New York, H. W. Wilson, 1955* 1123 p. illus. (The Authors series) PN771.K86s The First Supplement brings to date the biographies and bib- liographies of the approximately 1850 20th-century writers in- cluded in the foundation volume, and adds about 700 new sketches, chiefly of authors who have come into prominence since 19^-2. Due notations are made for persons whose main profiles, lists of earlier works, and references are located in the original volume. Although this book is devoted mainly to those who prac- tice in the fields of fiction, poetry, drama, history, philosophy, essays, biography, and criticism, some writers from such special disciplines as the natural and social sciences, psychology, psychoanalysis, and theology have been included because their writings have been of sufficient interest or influence to justify admission. Many of the sketches are in the words of their sub- jects; most include some critical analysis or evaluation. Far more limited biographical notice is accorded in The International Who* s Who in Poetry (London, Cranbrook Tower Press [1958] 201 p. PS324.I5) to a considerable number of American poets, many of whom are affiliated with the Poetry Society of America, the American Poetry League, and similar organizations. 68 MINNESOTA. Statehood Centennial Commission . Centennial Literature Group . A selected bio-bibliography: Minnesota authors. St. Paul, Minnesota Statehood Centennial Commission, 1958. 79 P« Z1299.M664 Biographical sketches, for the most part very brief, of approximately 700 writers of books. Primary emphasis is on creators of fiction, poetry, history, essays, criticism, and the humanities in general, although authors of works in the natu- ral and social sciences, and textbooks, of wide general interest are also included. - 21 - 68 MINNESOTA. (cont. ) Writers considered eligible for inclusion are those born in Minnesota, those resident there for six years or more, and those now living there. Citations are made of some publica- tions by the authors and of certain standard reference books in which they apnear. In Minnesota Writes (Minneapolis, Lund Press, 19^5* ^' } 2Qh p. PG;?83.M6R5), the editors, Carmen IT. Richards and Genevieve R. Breen, provide for each author a brief intro- duction to the wr iter's own life sketch, together with a list of his writings. Arrangement is within three groups, fiction, nonfiction, and juvenile. A supplemental bibliog- raphy, permitting only one title to an author, presents its material under the headings: biography and reminiscence, commentary and essay, fiction, local history, nonlocal history, hobby and special interest, juvenile, younger juvenile, legend and Indian life, play and pageant, and travel. 09 PACIFIC NORTHWEST LIBRARY ASSOCIATION. Reference Section . Who's who among Pacific Northwest authors. [Bozeman, Mont.] 1957. Hh 1. Z1251.N7P3 Comprises approximately 185 biographies, grouped by state— Idaho, Montana, Oregon, and Washington. 'Current" authors, here identified as living authors who have published one or more books since 1935; are entered if they have resided in the Pacific Ilorthwest for five years, if they are natives of the region, were reared and educated there, or began their writj careers in the area. Although most writers have been listed on the basis of the literary merit and general interest of their work, some have been included mainly because they have written about the Pacific Northwest or because they are pro- lific and have become well known as local authors. Also included are a few who have died since the inception of the project. Only identifying statements and biographical refer- ence.': are provided for those authors whose biographies appear in two or more of the following reference works: Curren t Biogranhy; Twentieth Century Authors: First Sun-piemen- , by Stanley J. Kunitz; American Novelists of Today , by Harry R. War f el; Who's Who in America ; and Wilson Library Bulletin (ZL217.W75JT 70 PEFAGALLO, OLGA. Italian- American authors and their contribu- tion to American literature. New York, 3. F. Vanni [l9-'°] 2kP. p. Z136l'. iQpkf These 59 sketches vary in length from one or two pages to four or more in length, and offer critical and analytical - 22 - 70 PERAGALLO, OLGA. (cont.) comment besides bibliographies of the authors' works and sources of information about them. Although most of the wr iters present- ed are first- or second- generation Italo- Americans, particularly the latter, a few are rather questionable third- generation fig- ures such as Hamilton Basso and Bernard De Voto. 71 WARFEL, HARRY R. American novelists of today. Hew York, American Book Co. [1951] ^78 p. illus. PS379-W3 Contains 575 sketches of the lives and writings of contempo- rary American novelists who have published two or more serious novels, one- of them since 19^1 > and who, in 1951; were each at work upon a long piece of fiction. Although a few authors of distinguished first novels have been included, all writers are omitted whose activities have been entirely in the fields of detective and western fiction, The sketches provide brief biog- raphies, lists of works other than fiction, the authors' pre- dominant themes or esthetic principles, and, finally, a brief summary of every novel. Businessmen and Executives 72 BUSINESS executives of America. l^kk+ Ifew York, Institute for Research in Biography, illus. HF53^3«b85 The second ed. , 1950 (75^ P»> double column), contains biog- raphies of approximately 10,000 prominent American and Canadian business executives, corporation heads, financiers, railroad officials, merchants, "and others of importance in the field of business. " A collection of Fortune articles, The Art of Success ( Fnila- delphia, Lippincott [1956] 302 p. HC102.5- ^2F63), reports at far greater length the successful business lives of 21 contempo- rary Americans. The profiles are grouped under the headings: "Corporation Men," "The Entrepreneurs," "Silver Spoon's," "Wall Streeters," and "The Builders." 73 CYCLOPEDIA of insurance in the United States. New York, Index Pub. Co. HG8523.A6 Volume for 1957-58 includes sections: "Biographical Sketches of Men Who Are Prominent in the Insurance Business," p. [787]- 120^- [i.e. 1202]; and "Index of Biographical Sketches Which Have Appeared in Earlier Volumes with Reference to Volume in Which They May Be Found," p. [1205] -1259* Averaging three or four to the page, these sketches furnish iruomation on such natters as present position, business address, birthplace and date, education, career data, directorships, trusteeships, and clubs. - 23 - r (h WHO'S who in commerce and industry. 1936+ Chicago, Marquis-Who' s Who. biennial. HF3023.A2W5 The 11th international ed. , 1959 (1207 p. , triple column), provides "biographies-in-brief" of approximately 3*^00 persons not previously represented in Marquis publications, besides career and familial data concerning more than 20,000 individuals previously listed. Biographees are included because of "profes- sional or vocational, commercial or industrial standing in func- tional or 'life-of-endeavor' callings." Among them are a number of "executives of representative and outstanding foreign busi- nesses. 75 WHO'S who in insurance. 1948+ New York, Underwriter Print, and Pub. Co. HG8523.W5 Formerly issued as a section of The Insurance Almanac . The i960 ed. (800 p.) averages six or seven biographies per page. Information provided about each person includes such matters as present position, business and home addresses, birth- place and date, education, memberships in business and profes- sional associations, past business experience, and board chair- manships. 76 WHO'S who in railroading in North America. New York, Simmons- Boar dman Pub. Corp. HE2723.W5 The l4th ed., 1959 (703 P»> double column), averages seven or eight biographies per page. In this volume are included railway officials, "leaders in the railway supply manufacturers' group, railroad labor leader s T members of regulatory bodies, transportation economists, specialists in railway finance, edu- cators concerned with railroad problems, I.C.C. practitioners, and a selected group of consultants, authors, and editors." Information is provided for each individual regarding such matters as: present position and business or professional address; birthplace and date; family; education; career history, especially as it pertains to "railroad service"; club and society memberships; and home address. A supplement, Errata and Addenda (New York, Simmons-Boardman Pub. Corp., i960. 26 p.) contains sketches received from the biographees too late for publication in the text of the lUth edition; it also incorpo- rates corrections of typographical and other errors. Economists 77 AMERICAN ECONOMIC ASSOCIATION. Handbook. [Menasha, Wis.] HBI.A585 - 24 - 77 AMERICAN ECONOMIC ASSOCIATION, (cont.) Issued irregularly as a supplement to, or number of, the American Economic Review . The fourth ed. , 1956, provides biographical sketches of 6,227 of the 8,387 economists who, at the time of publication, were members of the Association. Information is supplied for nearly every individual about such matters as: preferred mail- ing address; institution or firm, with rank or position, and function or nature of activity; year of birth; education, and honorary degrees; fields of specialization or major research interest; titles of doctoral dissertation and representative publications; research projects under way; memberships in pro- fessional associations; and listings in other biographical directories. Includes section: "Classification of Members by Fields of Specialization," p. [336] -362. Education 78 BRINTON, CLARENCE CRANE, ed. The Society of Fellows. Cambridge, Society of Fellows of Harvard University; distributed by Harvard University Press, 1959 . 268 p. LD2119.B7 A record of the Society of Fellows of Harvard University, founded in 1933 as an experiment in the higher education of the gifted. About two- thirds of the book is devoted to biographies of the 155 Junior Fellows who, at the time of publication, had gone through graduate training designed to be superior to the usual study for the Ph.D. degree. Information is provided for each as to present occupation, birthplace and date, family, degrees, positions held, awards, memberships in professional associations, and publications. 79 DIRECTORY of American scholars. 19*1-2+ New York, R. R. Bowker. Edited by Jaques Cattell. LA23H.C32 The third ed. , 1957 (836 p., double column), averages between 20 and 25 biographies to the page. A number of fields included in the first two editions of this work were transferred to American Men of Science as being more closely related to the social sciences than to the humanities. Among these disciplines are economics, sociology, geography, and political science. Presented in this volume are concise sketches of those working in philosophy, history, literature, languages, and related sub- jects. Information is provided for each scholar regarding such matters as title, address, general field of interest, birthplace and date, family, education and honors, career history, society memberships, specialties within the general field, and publica- tions. - 25 HOWELL, ALMONTE C. The Kenan professor ships. Chapel Hill, Univer- sity of North Carolina Press, 1956. xv> 3^3 p. illus. LD3935.H6 About two-thirds of this book consists of memorial biographies and briefer sketches of all living Kenan professors. The major- ity of the 53 scholars who had held Kenan professorships at the time of publication were drawn from the liberal arts fields: the humanities, the natural sciences, and the social sciences. In- formation provided for each individual includes data as to birth- place and date, education, family, past experience, publications, honors, and estimates of his contributions to his field. LEADERS in education; a biographical directory. Lancaster, Pa., Science Press, 1932+ Edited by Jaques Cattell and others. LA23H.LU The third ed. , 19^8 (1208 p., double column), averages 12 or more biographies per page. Ommitted are those scholars who should, in the opinion of the editors, more properly be included in American Men of Science or the Directory of American Scholars . The major specialties of the individuals are set forth in rather more detail than is customary to the so-called Who' s who type of biographical dictionary. 82 THE OFFICIAL who's who among students in American universities and colleges, v. 1+ 1935+ [University, Ala.] LB231O.04 On cover: Who's who among students in American universities and colleges. Vol. 25, 1958-59 (1211 p.), presents data concerning more than 10,500 students from 721 institutions. For the honor of appearing in the book, candidates must be graduate students, seniors, or juniors in recognized colleges or universities. Nominations are generally submitted by committees of faculty members, administrators, and students at the respective schools on the basis of "scholarship, citizenship, participation and leadership in extracurricular activities and general promise of future usefulness to the school and to others. " Information is provided for each individual as to school, home address, birth date, degree and date granted, significant facts from his college record, and employment experience. 83 SOCIAL SCIENCE RESEARCH COUNCIL. Fellows of the Social Science Research Council, 1925-1951. New York, 1951. 1+73 p. H57.S6 1951 Biographical sketches of the 1,028 persons who had held Council - 26 - SOCIAL SCIENCE RESEARCH COUNCIL, (cont.) fellowships by 1951* Biographies from the 1939 edition were brought up to date and 522 new profiles were added. Although seven of the ten categories of fellowships were specialized, the three main programs administered were: Research, Field, and Research Training Fellowships. The aim of all was to provide more advanced research training than that provided in the usual Ri.D curriculum. The information provided about each fellow includes data concerning such matters as class and years of fellowship, birthplace and date, family, education, military service, career history, publications, and research current as of 1951 • SPEECH ASSOCIATION OF AMERICA. Directory. Baton Rouge, La. PIA073.N253 The volume for i960 (55^ P«)> in as many as l4 or more sketches per page, reports nomes and addresses, educational data such as rank and degrees, and major professional interests of members. The listing of some persons by name and address only apparently reflects the Association' s policy of adding to its roster up to the Directory' s press deadline. TRUSTEES, presidents and deans of American colleges and universities, [v. 1]+ 1933/3^++ Nashville, Who' s Who in American Education. illus. LA2311.P7 Title varies: 19 33/3**- Presidents of American colleges and universities. Vol. h, 1958-59 (375 V' ) double column), presents Who's who type biographical sketches of one -third of the chairmen of boards of control, seven-eighths of the presidents, and "a share of the deans." Names only, "checked from non-copyrighted sources," have been supplied for those in these categories who have not provided the editor with original data. WHO* S who in American education; a biographical dictionary of eminent living educators of the United States, v. 1+ 1928+ Nashville, Who's Who in American Education, illus. LA2311.W^5 Seventh edition, 1935-36, issued also, with slight changes, under the title Presidents and Professors in American Colleges and Universities . The 19th ed. , 1959 -&0 (l621 p., double column), averages four to six Who's who type biographies to a page. This volume does not attempt to list scientists as a group since they are - 27 - 86 WHO'S who in American education, (cont.) represented in Leaders in American Science . Similarly, most college presidents and some college deans are accorded only- cross references because they appear in Trustees, Presidents and Deans of American Colleges and Universities . Faculty members have, however, been included as have a large number •of elementary and high school principals. There are also a number of other persons who are not directly connected with education, among them being public relations executives and public librarians. Engineers 87 IRE directory. A yearbook containing a radio engineers* directory, a list of firms and products. 191*H- New York, Institute of Radio Engineers, illus. annual. TK5700.I63 Directories not published for all years, and some issued as supplements to or parts of the Institute's Proceedings . The volume for 1958 (636 p.) includes section, "Biographies of Fellows (as of May 1, 1957)": p. 18-64. These short notes set forth such matters as the individual' s successive grades in the Institute, his position and business address, birthplace and date, education, committee assignments, memberships in pro- fessional associations, and awards. 88 WHO'S who in engineering. 1922/23+ New York, Lewis Historical Pub. Co. TA139.W*t The eighth ed. , 1959 (2899 P«> double column), averages about five biographies to the page. Persons represented in it include: engineers of at least K) years practice, 5 of which must have been spent in charge of important work; teachers of engineering in recognized institutions, who have taught such subjects for 10 years, 5 of which have been spent in the direc- tion of a major course; "top-level" engineers in the Government services; and members of national, state and local professional societies. Besides the customary data as to present position, birthplace and date, family, education, publications, affilia- tions with professional societies, and awards, rather detailed information is furnished concerning past technical experience. 89 WHO'S who in plastics in the United States and Canada. 1943/Uh- New York, Society of the Plastics Industry. TP986.AIW5 .V>'i-8-'V> volume presents short biographical notes, averag- ing more than 20 to a page, about representatives of the impor- tant molders, laminators, fabricators, extruders, vinyl film - 28 - 89 WHO'S who in plastics, (cont. ) processors, material and machinery manufacturers, and publishers. Insofar as was possible, information has been provided as to the individual's position or specialty, his company affiliation, education, business background, and, by means of symbols, his standing in the Society of the Plastics Industry. Entertainment 90 INTER NATIONAL motion picture almanac. I929+ New York, Quigley Publications, illus. PN1993.3.I55 Formerly the Motion Picture Almanac . The issue for I96I includes section: "Who' s Who in Motion Pictures and Television," p. 1-312. Averaging 20 or more to the page, the sketch generally indicates the individual' s position in the industry, his birthplace and date, education, war service, business experience, and, where relevant, his productions. 91 INTERNATIONAL television almanac. 1956+ New York [Quigley Pub. Co.] illus. annual. HE6698. 155 The fifth ed., i960, includes section: "Who's Who," p. 1- 306, which averages 19 or more biographical sketches per page. Where applicable, information is supplied for each person regard- ing occupation within the industry; birthplace and date; family; education, and honorary degrees; military service; successive positions; publications; professional honors; club and society memberships; and productions. Fuller details about performers' careers are provided in TV Personalities: Biographical Sketch Book (St. Louis. FN1992.U.A2T33). 92 WHO'S who in the theatre; a biographical record of the contemporary stage. London, I. Pitman, 1912+ illus. PN2012.W5 At head of title: The Dramatic list. Supersedes The Green Room Book . The 11th ed. , 1952 (2071, xi p., double column), is a biog- raphical and statistical compendium of data concerning well- known actors, composers, critics, dramatists, and managers, most of whom are English or American. It includes two lists of auto- biographies, biographies, recollections, reminiscences, and the like, the first arranged by subject, the second by title. Government Officials and Employees 93 CONGRESSIONAL staff directory. 1959+ Indianapolis, Bobbs-Merrill. JKL012.C65 - 29 - 93 CONGRESSIONAL staff directory, (cont.) "The second [i960 (U96 p.)] i n cur annual series of omnibus fact books about the key people on Capitol Hill ... the Members, their professional staffs and the staff members of the commit- tees and subcommittees." Information is also provided about staffs of offices associated with Congress, such as the Archi- tect of the Capitol and the Library of Congress. Includes sec- tion, "Staff Biographies": p. [32l]-458 (double column), which averages from five to nine sketches per page. The Congressional Quarterly Almanac, v. 15, 86th Congress, 1st session, 1959 (896 p., double column), is arranged by sub- ject. "Basic facts on the Members of Congress, texts of the President's messages to Congress, key achievements and votes of Congress are followed by detailed stories on the major legis- lation and investigations of the year. Sections on major nomi- nations, lobby activities and political developments conclude the book. " 9k GEORGIA. Dept. of Archives and History . Georgia's official register. [Atlanta? 1923?+ J1&330.A3 The issue for 1955-56 (1053 P« ) includes biographical sketches of State elective officers, their principal assistants, directors and assistant directors of the various boards and departments, justices and judges of the several courts, Members of Congress, and heads of units in the State educational system, on p. 26-^Q, with some pages of other information interspersed. 95 ILLINOIS blue book. [Springfield] biennial. JK5730.A25 Issued by the Secretary of State. The issue for 1953-5*+ includes biographies of State elective officers, Members of Congress, and justices of the several State courts, on p. 92-284, with four sketches to a page and correspond- ing portraits on the page opposite. Scattered elsewhere are brief biographies of the appointive heads of State departments. 96 MANUAL of the Legislature of New Jersey. Trenton, illus. JK3531 The volume for 1958 (815 p.) includes section: "Biographies," p. 268-^13, which presents sketches of State elective and appoin- tive officers, Members of Congress, and the judiciary. 97 MICHIGAN. Dept. of State . Michigan manual. [Lansing] illus. JK5831 - 30 - 97 MICHIGAN, (cont.) The issue for 1959-60 (703 P^ ) includes biographical sketches of: State officers, deputy State officers, United States Sena- tors, Representatives in Congress, justices of the Supreme Court, State Board of Education, Board of Trustees of the University of Michigan, Board of Trustees of Michigan State University, State senators, and State representatives, p. [I57J-215. 98 MISSISSIPPI official and statistical register. [Jackson] illus. J&l.Kfha The volume for 1952 {^07 p.) includes biographical sketches of Members of Congress, together with briefer notices of members and officers of the State Legislature. 99 NEBRASKA blue book. Lincoln, Neb. biennial. JK6630. Nil- Published by the Nebraska Legislative Council. The volume for 1958 (609 P« ) includes "Biographies and photo- graphs: United States senators from Nebraska, United States representatives from Nebraska, elected state executive officers, railway commissioners, members of State Board of Education, regents of University of Nebraska, Supreme Court justices, state legislators, 1959-19&1, photographs District Court judges." 100 THE NEW YORK red book. Albany, Williams Press, illus. JK3^30.N5 The issue for 1953 (935 P») includes brief biographies, com- prising about half of the volume, of State elective officers, judges, department heads and other executives, Members of Congress, and officials of State educational units. 101 NORTH CAROLINA manual. Raleigh, illus. biennial. JK4130.N6 The volume for 1957 (630 p.), part 7, "Biographical Sketches," p. [383] -5^-1 > incorporates data about State elective and appoin- tive officers, Members of Congress, and justices of the State Supreme Court, 102 RHODE ISLAND. Dent, of State . Manual. Providence, illus. JK3230.A25 The volume for 1959-60 (5l6 P«) includes section: "Biographi- cal Sketches," p. 466-516. Represented here are Members of Congress, justices of the Supreme and Superior Courts, and State elective officers. - 31 - 103 SOUTH DAKOTA. Legi slatur e . South Dakota legislative manual. [Pierre, State Pub. Co.] illus. JK653I The issue for 1959 (l8l p.) includes biographies of Members of Congress, elective officers including judges of the State, and members of the Legislature, p. 6-66. 10U TENNESSEE blue book. Nashville, illus. JK5230.T4 Issued by the Secretary of State. The issue for 1956 (^-57 p. ) includes biographies, which are scattered through pages 4-172, of Members of Congress, State elective officers, directors of State commissions, and heads of departments. 105 U. S. CONGRESS . Biographical directory of the American Congress, 177^-19^9, the Continental Congress, September k, 177*+, to October 21, 1788, and the Congress of the United States from the First to the Eightieth Congress, March k, 1789 , to January 3; 1949, inclusive. Washington, U. S. Govt. Print. Off., 1950. 2057 P» illus. (8lst Cong., 2d sess. House. Document no. 607) JK1010.A54 Besides presenting the alphabetically arranged section, "Biog- raphies" (p. 757-2057* double column), this volume lists offi- cers of the executive branch of the Government by administration, and Members of Congress in ascending order of the Congress. 106 U. S. CONGRESS . Official congressional directory. Washington, U. S. Govt. Print. Off. illus. JK1011 The issue covering the 86th Congress, 2d session, Jan. i960, includes a biographical section, p. l-l8l, arranged alphabeti- cally by State, with a final paragraph allotted to the Resident Commissioner of Puerto Rico to the United States. 1D7 U. S. DEPT. OF STATE . Biographic register. Washington, U. S. Govt. Print. Off. annual (irregular) JK851.A3 The volume for i960 (850 p., double column) averages Ik or more career sketches per page. These are given for employees of the Department of State, United States Mission to the United Nations, International Cooperation Administration, and the United States Information Agency in grades GS-12 and above and ES-12 and above. Biographies are included for Ambassadors, Ministers, Foreign Service officers, Foreign Service Reserve officers, and Foreign Service staff officers of class nine and above, chiefs of overseas missions and employees of comparable - 32 - 10? U. S. DEPT. OF STATE , (cont.) grades of the International Cooperation Administration, United States Information Agency, and the Foreign Agricultural Service of the Department of Agriculture. An earlier work, American Men in Government , edited by Jerome M. Rosow and others ( [Washington] Public Affairs Press [1949] xxiii, kj2 p. E7^7.A68), provides fuller biographical information about the 1570 executives who, at the time of pub- lication, occupied the highest administrative, diplomatic, military, professional, scientific, and technical positions in the Federal Government. 108 VERMONT. Secretary of State . Vermont legislative directory. Montpelier. illus. JK3031 The issue for 1957 (903 P» ) includes biographical sketches of Federal and State officials, and members and officials of the General Assembly, p. [599] -875. 109 TOST VIRGINIA blue book. Charleston, illus. annual. JKk)31 date b "Compiled and edited by . . . Clerk of the Senate." Vol. Ij-1, 1957 (912 p.), includes biographical sketches of State elective and appointive officers, the judiciary, the Mem- bers of Congress. 110 WHO'S who in United States politics and American political almanac. Chicago, Capitol House [1950]+ illus. E7VP.W65 Partial contents, I950.--Who' s who in the Democratic Party. -- Who's who in the Republican Party. --Who' s who in the minority parties. --Late listings. The people who receive biographical notice here are "the men and women who run our politics, and our federal, state and local governments." Information is provided for each individual concerning such matters as position, birthplace and date, parent- age, familial status, education, political record, business record, military service, publications, club and society member- ships, religious affiliation, and home and office addresses. 111 THE WISCONSIN blue book. [Madison] illus. biennial. JK6031 The 60th ed. , 195^ (792 p.)> furnishes brief biographical sketches of State elective officers, justices of the Supreme Court, and Members of Congress, p. [l]-68. - 33 - 112 THE WORLD diplomatic directory and world diplomatic biography. 1950+ London. JZ1684.V/6? The second ed. , 1951> includes a double-column biographical section for the United States, p. 828-9OO, averaging from 20 to 24 sketches per page. Information provided about each diplomat includes data concerning; such matters as birth date, education, career history, honors and awards, and present station. Journalists 113 HILL, ROY L. Who' s who in the American Negro press. Dallas, Royal Rib. Co. [i960] 80 p. p:y^888.iii+H5 The information provided in these 48 sketches includes data for each journalist concerning such matters as birthplace and date, parentage, present position, previous positions held, military service, education and honorary degrees, political and religious affiliations, club and association memberships, awards, publications, and home and office addresses. Hk WHO'S who in foreign correspondence. [New York] PN4871.W57 Published by the Overseas Press Club of America. In the 1956-57 ed. ( 10 9 p. , triple column) the sketches vary considerably in length. Some persons are represented by name and address only, others by fairly full biographies which average 12 or more to the page. Information about the individ- ual journalist includes data concerning such matters as address, present position, career history, military service, club and association memberships, and publications. Labor 115 WHO'S who in labor. 19^6+ New York, Dryden Press. HD8073.a45 The edition for 19^6 (4S0 p., triple column) averages from 9 to 11 biographies to the page. Based upon a uniform question- naire, the two main sections are: "Men and Women Who Lead Labor," p. 1-390; and "Men and Women Who Deal With Labor," P« [391] - ^3« Information supplied concerns such natters as labor, government, or professional affiliation, address, and telephone number; public activities; past record; family; educa- tion; writings; interests, hobbies, and sports; and home address. Law and Political Science 116 THE AMERICAN bar; the professional directory of leading lawyers 34 116 THE AMERICAN bar. ( cont. ) throughout the world. [1918]+ Minneapolis, James C. Fifield Co. illus. annual. Law The volume for 1959 contains section: "United States of America," p. 7-1538* arranged by state, city, firm, type of practice, and firm members. Information is supplied concern- ing each lawyer about such matters as birthplace and date, where and when admitted to the bar, courts before which admitted to practice, education, career history, professional memberships, honors, and war service. 117 AMERICAN POLITICAL SCIENCE ASSOCIATION. Directory. 19^5+ Washington. JA28.A56 The third ed. , 1953 (266 p., double column), averages l6 or more sketches per page. Information is provided about such matters as the individual' s birthplace and date, marital status, academic degrees, honors, career history, present position, publications, primary fields of interest, and address. 118 ASSOCIATION OF AMERICAN LAW SCHOOLS. Teachers' directory, 1922+ [St. Paul, West Pub. Co.] Law The 31st ed. , 1956, contains section: "Alphabetical List of Teachers, with Biographical Matter," p. Vf-288, averaging seven or more sketches to the page. Information is provided for each individual concerning such matters as present position, birth date, education, honors, career history, subject special- ties, professional association memberships, publications, and war service. 119 FISCH, EDITH L. Lawyers in industry, by New York, Oceana Pub- lications [1956] 222 p. HC102.5.A2F5 Contents. --1. Iron and steel. --2. Mining and metals. --3. Oil and petroleum. — h. Chemicals. --5. Public utilities. --6. Railroads. — 7» Aeronautics. — 8. Food and beverages. — 9» Bank- ing. — 10. Insurance. — 11. Mass media. Provides biographical information about lawyers who have become leaders in certain businesses and industries. Each sec- tion is preceded by a brief history of its class of business or industry, and each contains 11 to 13 or more biographical sketches. Data are provided concerning such matters as the lawyer's present title, birthplace and date, education, career, directorships, and memberships. - 35 - 120 THE LAWYERS directory ... an international selection of leading lawyers with biographical data. Cincinnati, annua].. Law Title varies. The 77th ed. , 1959 (p. 3-786, double column), lists under states and cities the principal American law firms, firm mem- bers, and associates, as well as individuals engaged in private practice. Information is provided about firm members and indi- vidual lawyers concerning such matters as birthplace and date, where and when admitted to the bar, education, courts before which admitted to practice, professional experience, and pro- fessional and other association memberships. Generally speak- ing, the associates of law firms are merely noted. 121 LIEBMAN, CHARLES, ed. Directory of American judges; with a table of the Federal and State courts. Chicago, American Directories, 1955* 1 v. (unpaged) Lav; Over three quarters of this massive volume are devoted to a section of biographical sketches of more than 7,000 American judges. The information provided varies from one or two lines giving merely the judicial position — whether elective or appoin- tive—and address, to fairly lengthy paragraphs. Each of the latter supplies, if relevant, data as to the incumbent 1 s posi- tion, where and when admitted to the bar, career history, member- ships, church affiliation, honors, political affiliation, war service, birthplace and date, parentage, education, publications, family, and office and home addresses. 122 MARTINDALE-HUBBELL law directory. Summit, N. J. Law Absorbed Hubbell's legal directory in 1931. The 92d ed. , i960, in 3 volumes, includes a roster of the Bar of the United States arranged geographically by State and city, and a corresponding biographical section which provides fairly detailed information about members of the promirtent law offices of the country. The Directory supplies various ratings and recommendations, as well as the particulars concerning birth- place and date of the individual, date and State in which admitted to the bar, date of admission to practice before cer- tain courts, college and law degrees, fraternities, career history, and bar memberships. 123 THOMASHOWER, DOROTHY ( FISCH) , ed. Women lawyers in the United S"fcates. Compiled and edited by Dorothy Thomas [pseud. ] New York, Scarecrow Press, 1957. xxx, "7^7 p. Law - 36 - 123 THOMASHOWER, DOROTHY (FISCH). (cont. ) These biographical sketches of some 6,000 lawyers vary- greatly in detail. In some instances, only the name, place of admittance to the bar, and an address are given. Gener- ally, however, the editor has attempted to provide for each person data concerning such matters as present position and type of practice, birthplace and date, parentage, family, education including honors, where and v/hen admitted to the bar, professional experience, professional and other associ- ation memberships, publications, and home and office addresses. Also included is a geographical index, arranged by state and name. /in earlier work, Digest of W omen Lawyers a nd Ju d&es , 19^9 ([Louisville, Ky] Dunne Press. 480 p. Law), offers similar information about both lawyers and judges; it averages from two to six profiles to the page, Librarians 124 WHO'S who in library service; a biographical directory of pro- fessional librarians of the United States and Canada. 3d ed. Dorothy Ethlyn Cole, editor. Prepared under the direction of tne Council on Who' s Who in Library Service for the School of Library Service, Columbia University. New York, Grolier Society, 1955. xxiii, 5U6 p. Z720.AUU58 1955 Contains more than 11,000 biographical sketches. "Although most of the biographees are persons currently engaged in pro- fessional work in libraries, the book also includes the follow- ing: l) persons active in such closely related fields as library school teaching, bibliographical and editorial work; 2) librarians who retired in the past year; 3) others who have retired, but are still well-known in the profession through writing, teaching, work in professional associations, or con- sultant service; k) foreign librarians employed in agencies of an international character who are in the United States on a more or less permanent basis." Medicine 125 ACADEMY- INTERNATIONAL OF MEDICINE AND DENTISTRY. Year book. v. 1+ 19H+ [Topeka, Kans.] RIO. 5. '^53 Vol. 10, 1953-5^ (p. MlOl-386, D101-192, double column), averaging 19 or more sketches to the page, consist.; of a biog- raphical directory of Fellows of the Academy, arranged by specialty and city. Americans predominate in representation. Provided in abbreviated form, the information concerning each person includes, in most instances, birth date, academic and 125 ACADEMY- INTERNATIONAL OF MEDICINE AND DENTISTRY, (cont.) medical or dental degrees, date of the latter and the school by which granted, professional fellowships, the character of his practice or principal occupation, postgraduate work, pro- fessional experience, certification by the approved exaninging board in his specialty, and office address. 126 AMERICAN COLLEGE OF CHEST PHYSICIANS. Membership roster. Chicago. illus. R711.A*J-6 The eighth volume, 1952, contains the names and biographical data, in geographical arrangement, of k,0l6 Fellows, Associate Fellows, Associate Members, Fellow Emeritus, and Honorary Fellows of the College. Although 69 countries are represented, the United States has by far the largest membership. Information is furnished concerning such matters as: address; practice, whether private, full, part time, or nonprivate; specialty; date of birth; medical institution and date of graduation; place and dates of internship; place and dates of residence; place and date of postgraduate work; professional experience; status if not in private practice; and rank in the College. 12? AMERICAN COLLEGE OF HOSPITAL ADMINISTRATORS. Directory. 19 38+ Chicago. RA977.A57 The issue for i960 includes 3>800 biographical listings of Honorary Fellows, Fellows, Members, and nominees of the Col- lege, together with a regional index, which is classified by type of membership. Membership in the College is open to administrators, assistant administrators, administrative assistants, or holders of equivalent positions in "acceptable" hospitals, and to members of faculties of approved courses in hospital administration. Information is presented about each person regarding such matters as present position, birthplace and date, education, marital status, career history, military service and decorations, professional and club memberships, religious affiliation, authorship of articles and professional papers, and home and office addresses. 128 AMERICAN COLLEGE OF PHYSICIANS. Directory. 1923-2*H- Philadelphia. biennial (irregular) R15.A4 The volume for 1953 includes the section: "Alphabetical Roster of Members," p. 231-912, which combines in one listing the names of «11 Masters, Fellows, and Associates of the College. Biographical data are supplied concerning such matters as the physician's specialty, degrees, office and home addresses, 38 - 128 AMERICAN COLLEGE OF PHYSICIANS, (cont.) date of birth, medical institution and date of graduation, important present appointments, and date of election to the College. The sketches average 10 or more to the page. 129 AMERICAN COLLEGE OF SURGEONS. Directory. Chicago, illus. R15.A*<-3 The issue for 1959 (806 p., double column) averages more than ^0 sketches per page. Data are supplied in most in- stances on such matters as office address, specialty, medi- cal school and date of degree, teaching and hospital staff positions, year in which Fellowship was conferred, member- ships in national or special societies, and certification by American Specialty Boards. 130 AMERICAN dental directory, 19^7+ [Chicago] American Dental Association, illus. RK37.A25 The 100th anniversary ed. , 1959 (93* 12l8 p.), is a compre- hensive directory of all known dental graduates in the United States. These are estimated by the president of the Associa- tion to number 100,000. Arranged geographically by state and city, the main list provides information by numerical code as to the individual 1 s birth date, membership or nonmembership in the Association, the character of his practice or principal occupation, and the school and year of graduation. The desig- nation of specialty is limited in accordance with a policy adopted by the Board of Trustees of the Association. Besides general practice, other dental occupations are noted such as staff work in a dental school, and internship or residency at an accredited hospital. Selection of biographees, all of whom are members of the American Dental Association, for volume one of Ame rica' s De ntal Leaders (Chicago. Distinction Press [1953] 296 p., double column. RK^1.A5*0 was based on meritorious and signi- ficant contributions made to "the science, art, literature, and organizations of dentistry." 131 AMERICAN directory of obstetricians and gynecologists. 195V55+ Knoxville, Tenn., Joe T. Smith, biennial. RG32. \5 The second ed. , 1956-57 (322 p., double column), arranged geographically, averages approximately 2k biographies per page. By means of abbreviations and symbols, the sketches convey data about each physician on such matters as: whether he is a Diploma te, American Board of Obstetrics and Gynecology; limita- tions of practice; year of birth; office address, hours, and - 39 - 131 AMlilRICAN. (cont.) telephone number; medical institution and year of cradnatior ; internships and years; residences and years; teac ; affilia- tions; hospital affiliations; and member en in:; and fellowshij in professional associations. 13'° A' I medical directory. [1906]+ Chicago, American F*?dical Association. Y(\.'. Al \C Arranged geographically in the main section, the 20th ed. , 1958, lists 250,621 physicians of the United Stater:, its j sessions, and Canada, providing for each information a:: to type of membership in the American Medical Association and/or the Canadian Medical Association. By means of abbreviations and symbols, data are also supplied as to birth date, medical school and date of degree, year of certification by the approved examining board in the candidate's specialty, full or part-time private practice in the specialty, and office address. Included, but listed in separate sections, are medical officers of Govern- ment service; the same treatment is accorded these with the exception that mention of licensures is omitted. Similar State and regional medical directories are available, such as the Membership Direc tory of the Medical SocieTsy of I'.cv Jersey ( Trenton. R712.A2N5; and the Medical Direct ory of Hew York, New Jersey and Connecticut , issued by the Medical Society of the State of New York (New York. R712. A1M52). The 1958 Membership Directory of the American Academy of General Practice (Kansas City, Mo. R712.A1A517) contains a membership list which was complete as of June 1, 1958. In the main geographical section, the year of birth is noted, the medical school is coded, and the year of graduation is furnished as is the date of enrollment in the Academy. Also, supplied is a key to the medical school code. 133 AMERICAN pediatric directory. 1935+ Knoxville, Term. , American Pediatric Directory Co. R712.A1A65 The eighth ed. , 1957-58 (3^7 p., double column), is geo- graphically arranged, and averages from 25 to 28 biographical sketches to the page. Information supplied for each pediatri- cian through the use of abbreviations and symbols concerns such matters as limitations of practice; whether he is a Licentiate, American Board of Pediatrics; year of birth; office address and hours; medical school and year of degree; internships, residences, hospital affiliations; teaching affiliations; and memberships and fellowships in pediatric associations. - k) - 13^ AMERICAN PSYCHIATRIC ASSOCIATION. Biographical directory of Fellows and Members, as of October 1, 1957. New York, R. R. Bowker, 1958. xxiii, *^88 p. RC326.A56 1958 A compendium of biographical data concerning approximately 10,000 psychiatrists which lists such matters as birthplace and date, medical school and date of graduation, internship and residence, professional and teaching experience, association memberships, military record, and address. The entries are presented in highly abbreviated form. 135 DIRECTORY of medical specialists holding certification by American boards, v. [l]+ 19*»0+ Chicago, Marquis-Who 1 s Who. R712.A1D5 Published for and compiled by the Advisiory Board for Medical Specialties. The official publication of the l8 American Boards certifying in the medical specialties, vol. 9> 1959 (1878 p., quadruple col- umn) lists approximately 63,902 specialists certified prior to July 1958. The specialties are: anesthesiology, dermatology, internal medicine, neurological surgery, obstetrics and gynecol- ogy, opthalmology, orthopedic surgery, otolaryngology, pathology, pediatrics, physical medicine and rehabilitation, plastic surgery, preventive medicine, proctology, psychiatry and neurology, radiol- ogy 3 surgery and thoracic surgery, and urology. The arrangement is by a separate grouping for each of the l8 Boards, with the sketches of the Diploma tes placed alphabetically under localities. Information provided for the physician includes date of certifica- tion; birthplace and date; medical school, degree, and date of graduation; internships; residences; fellowships, and further postgraduate work; hospital staff and teaching positions; govern- ment appointments; special society memberships; and office address. 136 WHO'S important in medicine. [19^5]+ Hicksville, N. Y. , Institute for Research in Biography, illus. R150.W5 The second ed. , 1952 (1059 P«)> contains more than 10,000 biog- raphical sketches of American and Canadian "living Nobel prize winners in medicine; the Surgeons General of the United States Army, Navy, Air Force and Public Health Service; medical educators serving as deans and professors of medical colleges; heads of national and state medical societies; editors, authors and impor- tant contributors to medical literature; leading general practi- tioners and specialists in all branches of medicine; hospital administrators and officials of Veterans Administration medical programs; commanding officers of Army, Navy and Air Force hospi- tals; eminent pathologists and distinguished medical researchers." Third ed. , I96I: American Men of Medicine . - in - Music and Musicians 137 AMERICAN SOCIETY OF COMPOSERS, AUTHORS AND PUBLISHERS. The ASCAP biographical dictionary of composers, authors, and publishers. 2d ed. New York, Crowell [1952] 636 p. ML106.U3A5 1952 Contains an entry for each of the 2,750 persons who were members of the Society in 1951* Of these, 2,297 were composers of music or authors of lyrics, and 453 were publishers. The sketches indicate, for the most part, each individual's profes- sional specialty; birthplace and date; education, including scholastic and other honors; war service; professional experience; compositions, productions, and publications; and address. 138 BAKER, THEODORE. Biographical dictionary of musicians. 5th ed. , completely rev. by Nicholas Slonimsky. New York, G. Schirmer [1958] 1855 p. ML105.B16 1958 Averages four to six biographies per page. These vary in length more in proportion to the availability of information about the musicians than to their relative importance. Many of the sketches are accompanied by bibliographies which are broken down by such subjects as biography; correspondence; and criticism, analysis, and appreciation. Entries for composers list the titles of major works with the dates of first perform- ances. Those for musicologists report most published books and significant contributions to the musical press. Those for per- formers and eminent music teachers bring out the most signal accomplishments, with dates of European and American debuts. Gilbert Chase's America' s Music (New York, McGraw-Hill [1955] xxiii, 733 P» ML2O0.C5) presents, within an historical context, a good deal of wide-ranging biographical material about American musicians, from Louis Armstrong to Virgil Thomson. Similarly, if from a different point of view, Our American Music , 3d. ed. , rev. (New York, Crowell [195*0 xxii, 8Ul,A77 p. ML200H8 195^). by John Tasker Howard, contains a substantial amount of biograpni- cal information relating to such fields as contemporary American composition, religious music, folk music, and popular music. 139 THE ENCYCLOPEDIA OF JAZZ. 1955+ New York, Horizon Press, illus. ML3561.J3NW The issue for i960 contains more than 2,000 biographical sketches and asserts that "no lastingly important artist of any jazz school who had made his mark by presstime has been omitted. " However, relatively more attention has been given to major than to minor figures. Information is provided con- cerning each as to professional specialty, birthplace and date, - k2 - 139 THE ENCYCLOPEDIA OF JAZZ, (cont.) parentage, education, professional experience including stage and film appearances, awards, and recordings. Critiques of their works accompany the sketches of the more important artists. 1*K) EWEN, DAVID, ed. American composers today, a biographical and critical guide. New York, H. W. Wilson, 19^9* 265 p. illus. ML390.E82 Although this book comprises profiles of composers whose creative periods in the United States and Latin America spanned the years 1900-19^9* it devotes major space and emphasis to the younger and lesser-known persons about whom information is not readily available. The composers themselves, in response to Mr. Ewen' s request, have provided the data for most of the sketches. Besides American and naturalized citizens, and the major figures of Latin America, the group includes refugees who fled Europe after 1933 to find new homes in this hemisphere. Information is supplied about such matters as the individual's birthplace and date, his education, professional experience, fellowships and other awards, and major performances. Some critical commentary is offered, and at the end of each biog- raphy are listed principal works, recordings if any, and bibliographical references. Brief biographies of more than 300 musicians active during approximately the same period, 1915-19^7* are presented in Mrs. Claire Reis' Composers in America, rev. and enl. ed. (New York, Macmillan, I9U7. xvi, 399 p. ML390.R38 19^7). The information furnished is similar except that it includes a record of their works. Composers selected for inclusion must have had at least one major performance and have written "major classical compositions" in the larger form- -orchestral, choral, stage, or film works--as well as chamber music. In her Modern Music-Makers, Contemporary American Composers (New York, Dutton, 1952. ^99 p. ML39O.G69), Mrs. Madeleine Goss offers fairly extended biographical articles about 37 American-born composers, all but one of whom she has talked to personally. She presents, in addition to the customary vital statistics, statements as to the individual's esthetic, his personal philosophy, and the influences which have played upon him, as well as critical analysis and evaluation. l4l Complete book of the American musical theater; a guide to more than 300 productions of the American musical theater . . . with plot, production history, stars, songs, composers, lib- rettists, and lyricists. Rev. New York, Holt [1959] xxvii, W7 p. illus ML1711.E9 1959 - k3 - l4l EWEN, DAVID. (cont.) The main body of this work offers in alphabetical order the biographies of 1+7 eminent stage composers. Memoirs of the notable librettists and lyricists are also included in this work. Information is supplied concerning such matters as pro- fessional specialty, birthplace and date, education, , business and professional experience including productions, and some synopses and critical evaluations. Handsomely produced and profusely illustrated, Sta.iley Green 1 s The World of Musical Comedy (New York, Ziff-Davis [i960] xvi, 391 P» ML17H.G7*0 sets forth the careers of the most signifi- cant composers and lyricists of the musical theater at greater length, and offers a good deal of critical and analytical com- mentary on their works. 1^2 Living musicians. New York, II. W. Wilson, 19k). 390 p. illus. ML105.295 Supplement. lst+ New York, H. W. Wilson, 1957+ ML105.E952 Emphasizing particularly American personages of the concert and opera world, the foundation volume of this work contains biographical sketches of 500 representative virtuosi. Informa- tion provided about each musician includes such matters as professional specialty, education, professional experience including notable performances, outside interests, recordi.:~c, and honors. Also furnished is a critical evaluation of the artist's importance. The First Supplement , following the pattern set in. the original work, adds sketches of 150 musicians who have come into prominence since publication of that volume, and presents supplementary material for about half of the origi- nal profiles. 1^3 THE IIJTZRIIATIONAL who is who in music. 1927+ Chicago, illus. ML1D5.I5 Title varies: 1927-^1, Who is who in music (varies slightly). Trie 1951 ed. (576 p., triple column) averages seven or more biographical sketches to the page. An effort has been made to present "the musical elect of the world," but, as the publisher's Foreword states there is here "a preponderance in the relative number of music educators and music teachers." formation is provided about each person concerning such matters as musical specialty, present occupation, birthplace and date, parentage, recordings, war service, publications, honors, family religious and political affiliations, clubs and professional associations, hobbies, and home and business addresses. - hh - ikh LAWLESS, RAY M. Folksingers and folksongs in America; a handbook of biography, bibliography, and discography. New York, Duell, Sloan and Psarce [i960] xvii, 662 p. illus. ML3550.L4 The term "Folksingers," as used here, means anyone who sings folksongs as a regular practice either for pleasure or profit. This book comprises short biographical sketches of about 225 singers, who form a representative but small sampling of the "many thousands" of their kind. The data are drawn from ques- tionnaires, letters, and interviews, and in many of the profiles the singers speak for themselves. In most instances, informa- tion is supplied about the individual' s birthplace and date, education, experience as a singer and collector, recordings and other performances, business experience, and familial status. 1^5 MJSIC and dance in California and the West. 1933+ Hollywood, Bureau of Musical Research, illus. ML200.7.C2M8 Title varies: 1st (1933) Who's Who in Music and dance in Southern California. The issue for 19*^8 includes section: " Iter sonali ties of Music & Dance," p. [l6l]-28l, which averages 10 or more biographies to the page. Among the music educators, musicologists, composers, and performers represented are many Hollywood and other well- known personalities. Data are provided for each concerning such matters as professional specialty, birthplace and date, educa- tion, family, professional experience including performances, honors, war service, compositions, memberships, publications, hobbies, and home address. Issued by the same publisher in similar format are a number of other regional dictionaries: Music and Dance in Texas , Oklahoma, and the Southwest (1950. ML200.W5 See p. 1*10-232); Music & Dance in New York State (1951. ML200.7.N7M8 1Q52 See P° [159] -385); Music and Dance in the Southeastern States (1952. ML200.7.S7M8 See p. [l5l]-29l); Music and Dance in the New England States (1953. ML200.7.N3M8 See p. [1571-309); and Music and Dance in Pennsylvania, New Jersey, and Delaware (195^* ML200.7.P3M8 See p. [l69]-305). Each provides like information about the musicians who have contributed to the cultural advance- ment of its section. 1^6 NORTH CAROLINA FEDERATION OF MUSIC CLUBS. North Carolina musicians; a selective handbook. Chapel Hill, University of North Carolina Library, 1956. • 82 p. (University of North Carolina. Library extension publication, v. 21, no. h) ML1^.N6 Listings of musicians are contained in p. 1-66; the average is one or two per page. Emphasis is on composers, but instru- mentalists, singers, and conductors are also represented. - ^5 - ikG NORTH CAROLINA FEDERATION OF MUSIC CLUBS. ( cont. ) Information, in most instances, is provided as to the individ- ual's birthplace and date, musical education, professional experience, bibliographical references and, in the case of composers, published works. Many of the sketches are presented in the words of the artists themselves. 1^7 THOMPSON, OSCAR, ed. The international cyclopedia of music and musicians. 8th ed. rev., edited by Nicholas Slonimsky. Ifew York, Dodd, Mead, 1958. 2397 p. MLIOO.TU7 1958 Bibliography: p. [22971-2380. Includes biographical sketches of musicians, composers, and musicologists. This work is notable both for the number of American composers listed in it and for its signed articles concerning the most important among them. Designed for reading rather than for reference, these articles present a record of the works of the composers. Bibliographies are appended to a considerable number. Sir George Grove's Dictionary of Music and Musicians , 5th ed. , edited by Eric Blom (London, Macmillan; New York, St. Martin's Press, 195^. 9 v. MLIDO.G885 195U), although primarily an English work, includes short articles about a number of American musicians. Information is supplied as to birthplace and date, professional specialty, musical education, fellowships and other awards, career experience, and publications. These facts are in some cases followed by a discussion of the subject's accomplishments. There are copious bibliographies. Psychologists lk& AMERICAN PSYCHOLOGICAL ASSOCIATION. Directory. 19*+8+ [Washington] annual . BF11 . A67 Supersedes its Yearbook. The issue for 1958 includes biographies of 90$ of the approxi- mately 16,500 members of the Association, and lists the remain- ing 1Q% by name and address only. Information is furnished about each psychologist concerning such matters as: birth date; earned degrees; employment history; present position; special fields of interest or research in psychology; Diplomate status, if granted by the American Board of Examiners in Professional Psychology, and certification by a state having such j2gislation; mailing address; and APA membership status. - k6 - 1^9 INTERNATIONAL directory of opinion and attitude research. Mexico, [D. F. ] 19hQ. 292 p. HM251.A1I5 Averaging two or three sketches to the page, this lists research workers and teachers in fields pertaining to opinion and attitude measurement, particularly those which utilize sampling techniques. Data are supplied for each individual as to birthplace and date; academic degrees; career history; association memberships; fields of interest, and research; major surveys or research projects directed; publications; and home and office addresses. A large majority of the scholars represented are American. Religion and Religious leaders 150 THE AMERICAN Catholic who's who. Grosse Pointe, Mich., W. Romig. E184.C3A6 Vol. 1*4-, I96O-6I (527 p., double column), adds 500 new biographies and includes sketches of both laymen and clergy. Information is provided concerning such matters as the individ- ual'. s occupation or profession, birthplace and date, parentage, education, family, career history, association and board member- ships, honors, political affiliation, and home and office addresses. A geographical index is appended. 151 THE CLERICAL directory of the Protestant Episcopal Church in the United States of America. New York, published by the Church Hymnal Corp. for the Church Pension Fund, illus. triennial. BX5830.38 Formerly Stowe's clerical directory of the Protestant Episco- pal Church in the United States of America. The 20th ed. , 1959 > contains sketches of the 8,800 clergy who form the leadership of the Church. Information is supplied for each clergyman concerning such matters as the diocese to which he canonically belongs, his address, his present position, birthplace and date, parentage, education, ordination, family, and previous charges. Also included is the section: "Biog- raphies of Deaconesses," p. [357] -360. 152 PETERSON, JOHN, Olaf Lysnes, and Gerald Giving. A biographical directory of pastors of the Evangelical Lutheran Church. Minneapolis, Augsburg Pub. House [1952] 651 p. illus. hi - 152 PETERSON, JOHN, (cont.) The sixth in a series, this work comprises about 2,600 biog- raphies of pastors, the majority of whom were living at the time of publication. Tnose who were still serving parishes in 1928, when the preceding volume, Who's Who among Pastors in All the Norwegian Lutheran Synods of America, 184.3-1927 , was issued, are included as are pastors who had been ordained after that date. Pastors who had ceased to serve in the ministry prior to 1923 are listed by names only, with references given to the earlier work. Information is provided concerning such matters as birthplace and date, family, education, publications, pastor- ates, church board and committee memberships, and honors. 153 SOUTHERN BAPTIST CONVENTION. Foreign Mission Board . Missionary album. Compiled by Genevieve Greer. [Rev. ed. ] Nashville, Convention Press [1959, c 1954] 210 p. illus. BV2520. S66 1959 Averages eight profiles to the page. Information is provided for each person as to: birthplace and date; education, career background, including pastorates and missions; family; and country of present station. The Index lists missionaries both by types of service and by geographical fields of service. 15^ WHO'S who in Methodism; edited under the auspices of the Associa- tion of Methodist Historical Societies, USA, and the Interna- tional Methodist Historical Society. Elmer T. Clark, editor- in-chief. Chicago, A. H. Marquis, 1952. 860 p. . o2 Most of the persons listed were, at the time of publication, bishops, district superintendents, pastors, general or "connex- ional" officers, members of cnurch boards, trustees and faculty members of institutions, lay leaders, delegates tc conferences, officers of youth and women 1 s organizations, and others whose selection was determined wholly by their positions within the church. Some, chosen because of merit rather than official position, include Methodists in important government posts, philanthropists, authors, and personages in the church not holding official relationships with it. Generally, data are supplied about the individual as to occupation outside the church, birthplace and date, education, family, professional or business background, history of church affiliation, and address. 155 WHO'S who in the Protestant clergy. Encino, Calif., IJygaard Associates [1957] 264 p. 48 - 155 WHO'S who in the Protestant clergy, (cont.) Averages 10 biographical sketches to the page. Data are furnished for each clergyman regarding such matters as present pastorate , "birthplace and date, family, education and academic degrees, past church affiliations, work experience other than in the field of church affairs, club and association member- ships, and address. Scientists 156 AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY. Committee on Professional Training . Directory of graduate research. 1953+ [Washington] Z5525-U5A6 Title varies: 1953.? Faculties, publications, and doctoral theses in chemistry and chemical engineering at United States universities. The issue for 1955 (^-^0 p., double column) is arranged in two parts, concerned respectively with the departments of chemistry and departments of chemical engineering in United States universities. Following the information provided as to degrees offered and fields in which the doctorate is granted by each institution is a list of the staff members who supervise the graduate work. Brief biographical statements indicate such matters as date of birth, position, education, major field of research, subjects of current research, and recent research publications. Among the more useful commercial directories is Consulting Services (New York, Association of Consulting Chemists and Chemical Engineers. TPI2.A83). The latest edition of this irregularly issued annual in the Library of Congress is that for 1957* Data presented concerning the individual include position, education, specialty, professional experience and memberships, as well as publications. AMERICAN men of science; a biographical directory. 1906+ Tempe, Ariz., Jaques Cattell Press. QXhl.kk'T Edited by Jaques Cattell. The 10th ed. is to be published in five volumes at separate intervals of about nine months, from i960 to 19^2, as v. 1-^, The Physical & Biological Sciences , and v. 5> The Social & Behavioral Sciences . The first volume, A-E, contains about 2^,000 biographies as will each of the others, bringing the expected total number in the 10th ed. to about 120,000. Data supplied for each scientist include information about such matters as address, scholarly field, birthplace and date, ^9 157 AMERICAN men of science, (cont.) familial status, education, positions held, present position, honors, professional association memberships, and areas of special interest or research. 158 ASSOCIATION OF AMERICAN GEOGRAPHERS. Handbook- directory. Wash- ington. G6U.A8 The issue for 1956 includes section, "Directory of Members," p. ^3-l64, which contains brief biographical notes about 1,32^- of the 1,922 members. In most instances, information is sup- plied concerning birthplace and date, education, honorary degrees, chief fields of research or professional interest, present position, and business and home addresses. 159 CHEMICAL who's who; biography in dictionary form of the leaders in chemical industry, research, and education. 1928+ New York, Lewis Historical Pub. Co. irregular. TP139.W4 Title varies: 1928, Who's Who in the chemical and drug industries. The fourth ed. , 1956 (1267 p., double column), averages from six to nine biographies per page. Information is pro- vided for each person concerning such matters as present posi- tion, address, professional specialty, birthplace and date, parentage, education, honors, family, career history, military service, publications, patents, and association and club member- ships. loO COHEN, HARRY, and Itzhak J. Carmin, eds. Jews in the world of science; a biographical dictionary of Jews eminent in the natural and social sciences. New York, Monde Publishers [1956] xxiv, 26h p. (double column) illus. QJ.28.C65 Averages 10 or more sketches to the page. Information pro- vided for each person listed includes data concerning such matters as nationality, scientific and other specialties, birth- place and date, parentage, education, family, present position, career history, honors, military service, publications, asso- ciation and board memberships, clubs, and home and office addresses. l6l LEADERS in American science, v. 1+ 1953/5*H- Nashville, Who's Who in American Education, illus. biennial. Ql4l.L43 Vol. 3> 1958-59 (*+01 p., double column), is a biographical directory of "eminent leaders in research,, industrial, govern- mental, and educational scientific fields in the United States - 50 - l6l LEADERS in American science. ( cont. ) and Canada. " Varying considerably in length, the biographies average four to six per page. Persons whose sketches appeared in volume one or two of this work are represented by notice of present positions and addresses, together with references to the appropriate preceding volumes. Certain other scientists receive mention by field, present position, and address; and a few are noted by discipline only. .The full sketch provides, where relevant, data as to the individual's present position, home address, general subject, birthplace and date, parentage, education, family, professional or business experience, honors, club and society memberships, publications , war record, and special profession! interests or areas of research. lo2 U. S. WEATHER BUREAU . The cooperative weather observer; who he is and where he serves. Washington, U. S. Govt. Print. Off., 1951. 201 p. illus. QC875-U7A^2 1951 Grouped in chapters according to the length of service of the biographees- -observers with 50 or more years of service, ^0-50 years, 30-^0 years, 20-30 years, and 10-20 years- -these sketches, averaging five or six to the page, are arranged by state and locality; data are provided in each concerning such matters as birthplace and date, service as a •weather observer, education, business or profession, family, association memberships, and hobbies. - I63 WHO'S who in atoms. 1959+ London, Vallancey Press. QC77^.A1W5 The second, i960 (9^3 P« ; double column), provides biographi- cal information about more than 12,500 persons, in all parts of the world, who are now engaged in nuclear research and develop- ment. For the most part, the data provided include date of birth, education, publications, affiliations with professional societies, business or professional connection, special profes- sional interest, and address. Many entire entries have been omitted for security reasons, however, and others are abridged because specific details have not been authorized for publication. - 51 - UBR m INDEX Academy- International of Medicine and Dentistry, 125 Actors, 91-92 Aeronautics, k-2 Air Force, k-2, kh, k6, 55 Alabama, 29 Alaska, 37, *1 Ambassadors, 9, 107 American Academy of General Practice, 132 The American Catholic Who* s Who , 150 American Chemical Society, 156 American College of Chest Physicians, 126 American College of Hospital Administrators, 127 American College of Physicians, 128 American College of Surgeons, 129 American Economic Association, 77 American Medical Directory , 132 American Men of Medicine , 136 American Men of Science , 157 American Novelists of Today , 71 American Political Science Association, 117 American Psychiatric Association, 13* American Psychological Associa- tion, 1*3 American Society of Composers, Author:: and Publishers, 137 Amer i ca ' s I- in sic , 138 America' s Younp; Men , 2 Anthropologists, *3 Architect of the Capitol, office of, 93 Architects, 1, 56-57 Architecture U. S. A. , 57 Arizona, *1 Arkansas, 28-29 Armed Forces, 15-l6, l8, 20, 22, 26, *2, **-55, 107 Army, hk-k^, 51 Artists, 1, 11, 1*, 16, 18-21, 39, 56-60 Association of American Geogra- phers, 158 Association of American Law Schools, ll8 Astronautics, k-2 Athletes, 16, 21, 61-62 Authors, 1, 9, 11, 18-21, 60, 63-71, 79, 92, 12*, 136-138, 1*1 Au triors Today and Yesterday , 67 Aviation, *2, 5* Baker, Theodore, 138 Bankers, 1, 9, 11, l6, 18, 25, 36, 72 3aseball, 6l Biography Index , 3 Boxing, 62 Breen, Genevieve R. , ed, , 68 Brerini, Vito J. , 63 Brinton, Clarence Crane, ed. , 78 Business Men of Iowa , 30 Businessmen and executives, 1, 9, 11, 1^-15, 18-22, 25-27, 30, 35-*0, 72-76, 119 California, 35, 39, *1 Capitol's Who's Who for Oregon , 3* Carmin, Itzhak J. , ed. , 160 Catholic Authors , 6k Catholics, 6h, 150 Cattell, Jaques, ed. , 79, 8l, 157 Central States, 33 Chase, Gilbert, 138 Chemical Who' s Who, 159 Chemists, 156, 159 Chest physicians, 126 Chicago, 33 Clergy, 1, 150-155 - 53 - The Clerical Directory of the Protectant Episcopal Church , 151 Coast Guard, 50 Cohen, Harry, ed. , l60 Colleges See Universities and colleges Colorado, ^-kl Commerce See Businessmen and executives Composers, 92, 137-138, lto-lkL, 145-1V7 Congress, Members of, 9, 11, 93- 106, 108-1O9, 111 Concessional Staff Director?/ - , 93 Connecticut, 2k Consulting Services, 156 Cooperative Weather Observer, 162 Crowell, evelyn (Miller), ed. , 25 Current Bio/yaphy Yearbook , k Cyclopedia of Insurance in the United States , 73 D Dancers, 1^-5 Delaware, 2k Dentists, 125, 130 Department of State, 107 Dictionary of American Bioryanhy , 5 Dietitians, 19 Diplomats, 9, 107, 112 Directory of American Scholars , 79 District of Columbia, 29 E Eastern States, 21-2^1- Econonists, 77 Education, 1, 11, lU-15, 19-20, 39, 78-36, 1^9 See also Universities and colleges Eminent Americans , 6 Eminent Calif omi'j.ns , 35 Eminent Men of t he Northwest , 36 Engineers, 1, 7", 11, 19, 87-89, 156 Engravers, 58 Entertainment, 18-19, 9O-92 Ewen, David, 1^-1^2 Farmers, 25, 27 Fellows of the Social Science Research Council , 83 Finnish-. Americans, ik Fisch, Edith L., 119 Fleischer, Nathaniel S. , .ad. , 62 Florida, 26, 29 Folksingers and Folkson-s in America , ikk Folmsbee, Beulah, comp . , 59 Foreign correspondents, ll4 Foreign Service, 107 G Generals of the Army and the Air Force and Admirals of the llavy , Geographers, 158 Georgia, 29, 9^ Giving, Gerald, 152 Government officials and employees, 1, 11, 15-16, 18-20, 23, 33-**0 k2, 88, 93-112, 132, 136, 161 Guzman, Jessie Parkhurst, ed. , 16 Gynecologists, 131, 135 H Harvard University. Fellows, 78 Hawaii, 38, kl Haycraft, Howard, ed. , 66-67 Hepburn, William M. , ed. , 31 Herskovits, Melville J., ed. , 4 3 Hill, Roy L., 113 Hoehn, Matthew, ed. , 6k Hospital administrators, 127, Howard, John lasher, 138 Howell, Almonte C. , 80 Hovle, Bcrnadette, 65 - 5^ IRE Directory , 87 Idaho, kl, 69 Illinois, 33, 95 Illustrators, 53-59, 66 Indiana, 31, 33 Industry Gee Businessmen and execu- tives Insurance agents, 73, 75 The Insurance Almanac , 75 International Directory of Opinion and Attitude Re search , 1^9 1!Lie International Who's Who in Poetry , 67 Iowa, 30, 33 Italian- American Authors , 70 Italian- American Who's Who , 10 Jazz, 139 Jeffery, Edmond C, ed. , 37 Jews, 1, 18, 160 Jews in the World of Science , 160 Joint Committee on North Caro- lina Literature and Bibliog- raphy ... 65 Journalists, 113-llU Judges, 9, 16, 9^-97, 99-103, 109, 111, 121, 123 The Junior Bool: of Authors , 66 K Kansas, 33 Tie Kenan Professorships , 80 Kentucky, 29 Kunitz, Stanley J., ed* , 66-67 Labor, 21, *iO, 115 Larson, Ccdric, 15 Latimer, Louise mp_. , 59 Law and political science, 1, 9, 11, 18-20, 35, 116-123 Lawless, Ray M. , ikk Lawyers See Law and political science The Lawyers Directory , 120 Lawyers in Industry , 119 Leaders in American Science , l6l Leaders in Education , 8l Librarians, 19, 93, 12U Library of Congress, 93 Liebman, Charles, ed. , 121 Living Authors , 67 Louisiana, 29 Lysnes, Olaf, 152 M McCallum, Ian R. M. , 57 Maine, 2k Mallett, Daniel T. , 58 Marine Corps, kS-k% 52 Martindale-Hubbell Law Directory . 122 Maryland, 2k Massachusetts, 2k Medal of Honor recipients, kQ, 51 Medicine, 11, 18-20, 125-136 Men and Women of Hawaii , 38 Men of Achievement. Te::as ed. , 25 Meteorologists, 162 Michigan, 33, 97 Middle West, 30-33 Military Academy, West Point, ky Militia, 53 Miller, Bertha E. (Mahony), camp . , 59 Minnesota, 33, 68 Minnesota. Statehood Centennial Commission, Centennial Litera - ture Group , 68 Mississippi, 29, 98 Missouri, 33 Montana, kl, 69 Motion pictures, 90 Music and Dance in California and the West , 1^5 - 55 - Music and musicians, ik, lQ-20, 137-3A7 N Nat Fleischer's Ring Record Book , 62 The National Cyclopaedia of American Biography . 11 National Guard, 53 Naval Academy, Annapolis, U9 Navy, kk, kj-ky Nebraska, 33, 99 The Negro Year Boole , 16 Negroes, 16, 113 Nevada, kl New England, 2k New Hampshire, 21, 2k New Jersey, 2^, 96 New Mexico, 4l New York (City and State), 23 New York (State), 2k, 100 North Carolina, 29, 101 North Carolina Authors , 65 North Carolina Federation of Music Clubs, lk6 North Dakota, 32-33 Northwest, 36 Obstetricians, 131, 135 The Official Who's Who among Students in American Univer - sities and Colleges , 82 Ohio, 33 Oklahoma, 29 Oregon, 3k, kl, 69 Our American "Music , 138 Pacific Coast, kl Pacific Northwest Library Asso- ciation, Reference Section , 69 Painters, 58, 60 Pathologists, 135-136 Pediatricians, 133; 135 Pennsylvania, 22, 2k Peragallo, Olga, 70 Peterson, John, 152 Physicians, 128, 132 Physicists, 163 Plastics, 89 Poets, 63, 65, 67-68 Political leaders, _110 Political science See Law and political science Professional groups, 21-22, 25-27, 36, 38, ko See also specific groups, e.g. Artists; Chemists Protestants, 151-155 Psychiatrists, 13^-135 Psychologists, 1^8- 1U9 Publishers, 137 Radio, 87 Railroad officials and employees, 72, 76 Regions and states, 21-41 Religion and religious leaders, 11, 15-16, 18-20, 22, 26, kO, 150- 155 Rhode Island, 2k, 102 Richards, Carmen N. , ed. , 68 Scientists, 1, 7, 9, 11, lk, 16, 18-20 39, 107, 156-163 Sculptors, 58, 60 A Selected Bio-Bibliography: Minnesota Authors , 68 Sloninsky, Nicholas, ed. , ikf Social Science Research Council, 83 The Society of Fellows , 78 South Carolina, 29 South Dakota, 33, 103 Southern States, 25-29 Southwest, 29 Southwest Texans , 27 Special and professional groups, 42-163 - 56 - Speech Association of America, 84 Students, 82 Surgeons, 129, 135 T TV Personalities , 91 Tar Heel Writers I Know , 65 Teachers See Education Television, 9O-9I Tennessee, 29, 104 Texas, 25, 27, 29 Theater, l8, 92, l4l-l42 Thomashower, Dorothy (Fisch), ed., 123 Thompson, Oscar, 147 Trustees, Presidents and Deans of American Colleges and Univer - sities , 85 Twentieth Century Authors , 67 U United Nations, 17, 107 U. S. Congress See Congress, Members of Universities and colleges, 9> 82, 85-86, 88, 118, 124, 136, 156, 159, 161 Utah, 4l Vermont, 24, 108 Virginia, 29 W War f el, Harry R., 71 Washington (State), 4l, 69 Weather Bureau, 162 Webster's Biographical Dictionary , 12 The West, 34-4l West Virginia, 24, 63, 109 West Virginia Authors , 63 Who ,.. the Story of "Who's Who in America , " 15 Who is Who in Arkansas , 28 Who Knows, and What , 13 Who Was Who in America , 15 Who Who 14 Who Authors , 69 Who Who Who Who Who "Who's Who" in Army Aviation , 54 Who Who Who 33 Who Who Who 74 Who Who Who Who Who Who Who Who Who Who Who Who s Important in Medicine , 136 s Who among Finnish -Americans , s Who among Pacific Northwest s Who for North Dakota , 32 s Who in America, 15 s Who in American Art , 60 s Who in American Education , 86 s Who in American Jewry , l8 s Who in Atoms , 163 s Who in California , 39 s Who in Chicago and Illinois , s Who in Colorado , ^+0 s Who in Colored America , 16 s Who in Commerce and Industry, s Who in Engineering , 88 s Who in Foreign Correspondence , 114 Who ' s Who in Indiana , 31 s Who in Insurance , 75 s Who in Labor , 115 s Who in Library Service , 124 s Who in Los Angeles County , 39 Who in New York ( City and State ), 23 Who in Plastics in che United States and Canada , 89 s Who in Railroading in North America , 76 s Who in the Air Force , 55 Who in the American Negro Press , 113 s Who in the Central States , 33 "Who's Who in the Democratic Party," 110 Wno's Who in the East , 24 - 57 - Who's Who in the Midwest , 33 "Who 1 s Who in the Republican Party/' 110 Who' s Who in the South and South- Ave; W5io' s ZTj , i Who 9 in the Theatre, 92 Who 1 's Who in the United Nations, 17 Who' s Who in the West, kl Who' 's Vflio in United States Politics and .American Political Almanac , 110 Who 1 g Who in World Aviation, k2 Who' s Who in World" Jewry, 18 Who 1 Who' s s Who Who of on /merican Women, 19 the Pacific Coast, kl Wisconsin, 33* 111 Women, ?, 15, 19, 21, 2k, 21, 33 38-39, ^1, 123 Women Lawyers in the United S tates , 123 World Biography , 20 The World Diplomatic Directory , 112 World Jewish Register , l8 Wyoming, kl - 58 - US COVCDNMCNT PDINTING OrFICC llil O-SIUII UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS URBANA 016 920073UN3B C004 BIOGRAPHICAL SOURCES FOR THE UNITED STAT 3 0112 025268845